
Sample records for okislenie ko na

  1. Explosive hazards analysis of the eutectic solution NaK and KO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Commander, J.C.


    Planning, preparation, conductance, and evaluation of field tests are reported to determine the explosive hazards associated with the combining of the sodium-potassium eutectic alloy (NaK) with the superoxide of potassium (KO 2 ) under various conditions of state, contamination, and detonation initiation. The planning and preparation was conducted by Aerojet Nuclear Company (ANC) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, and the explosive hazards testing was done by Cook Associates, Inc., at IRECO Chemicals Pelican Point Research and Development facility in Utah. The test results showed that binary combinations of pure NaK and KO 2 could not be made to detonate, although the mixtures will spontaneously ignite and burn. However, tertiary combinations of NaK, KO 2 plus a water or hydrocarbon contaminant produced explosive hazards under a variety of conditions. The work was performed as part of the Decontamination and Decommissioning (D and D) of the first Experimental Breeder Reactor (EBR-I) and was funded by 189c I-215. (U.S.)

  2. Okoljski vplivi planinskih koč v visokogorju Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nejc Bobovnik


    Full Text Available Planinske koče so v neposeljenem gorskem svetu skoraj edini lokalni vir onesnaževanja. V raziskavi smo opredelili štiri okoljske vplive planinskih koč: oskrbovanje in ravnanje z odpadki, ogrevanje in pridobivanje električne energije, oskrba z vodo in ravnanje z odpadnimi vodami ter število in obnašanje obiskovalcev. S pomočjo ankete smo ocenili okoljske vplive izbranih planinskih koč. Najbolj problematična sta velika količina odpadkov in porabljene vode, kot dobro lahko označimo oskrbovanje, kot zelo dobro ogrevanje koč in pridobivanje električne energije.

  3. Ekološko oblikovana embalaža za naravno kozmetiko


    Šepec, Urša


    Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati področje ekološkega oblikovanja, zahteve in priporočila pri embaliranju na področju kozmetične industrije ter načrtovati in izdelati inovativno ekološko oblikovano funkcionalno embalažo za kolekcijo trdnih mil in šamponov, ki po odprtju služi kot podstavek za milo na umivalniku. Poleg embalaže smo izdelali tudi etikete za ostale kozmetične izdelke, kot so losjoni, kreme in mazila. V teoretičnem delu je opredeljeno ekološko oblikovanje embalaže ter s...

  4. Izlaganje na javni uvid podataka o nekretninama i utvrđivanje prava na zemljištu u funkciji uspostave jedinstvenog registra zemljišta i prava na zemljištu u Brčko distriktu BiH : Public presentation of data on real-estate and determination of rights in function of the establishment of a single registry of real-estate and real rights to real-estate in the Brcko district of B&H

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Faruk Latifović


    Full Text Available Zakon o registru zemljišta i prava na zemljištu Brčko distrikta Bosne i Hercegovine je propisao uspostavu jedinstvene evidencije nekretnina i stvarnih prava na nekretninama u Brčko distriktu Bosne i Hercegovine. Poslovi uspostave jedinstvene evidencije, u segmentu izlaganja na javni uvid podataka o nekretninama i utvrđivanje prava, su povjereni Vijeću za izlaganje podataka o nekretninama i utvrđivanje prava na zemljištu Brčko distrikta Bosne i Hercegovine. Autor se, u ovom radu, uz nezaobilazan kraći prikaz historijata javnih evidencija na nekretninama u Bosni i Hercegovini, bavi organizacijom, nadležnostima i načinom rada Vijeća za izlaganje podataka o nekretninama i utvrđivanje prava na zemljištu Brčko distrikta BIH. Nakon što bude uspješno okončan projekat izlaganje podataka o nekretninama i utvrđivanje prava na zemljištu u Brčko distriktu BiH, svi geodetsko – katastarski podaci o nepokretnostima kao i podaci o njihovom pravnom statusu će biti vođeni u Registru zemljišta i prava na zemljištu Osnovnog suda Brčko distrikta BiH. : The Law of Land Registry and Rights over Land of the Brčko District of B&H stipulated the establishment of a single registry of real-estate and real rights to real-estate in the Brčko District of B&H. Activities of the establishment of a single registry, in the segment of public presentation of data on real-estate and determination of rights, were entrusted to the Council for Presentation of Data on Real-estate and Establishment of Rights to Land of the Brčko District of B&H. In this paper, the author presents the inevitable short overview of the history of real-estate registries in Bosnia and Herzegovina and he also deals with organization, competencies and manner of work of the Council for Presentation of Data on Real-estate and Establishment of Rights to Land of the Brčko District of B&H. After a successful completion of the project of presentation of data on real-estate and

  5. Odprto ognjišče v planšarski koči na prehodnem alpsko-panonskem ozemlju:


    Cevc, Tone


    The article discusses the type of open fireplace dating from the first half of the 20th century in shepherd's huts on Velika planina in the Kamnik Alps. The fireplace is characteristic of the transitional region between the Alps and the Pannonian plain, where two different ways of cooking meet: on an open fireplace and in an oven. Avtor v svojem prispevku osvetljuje tip odprtega ognjišča iz konca prve polovice 20. stoletja v pastirskih kočah na Veliki planini v Kamniških Alpah. To ognjišče...

  6. Promjene na koži lica inducirane UV-zračenjem


    Bojčić, Zrinka


    Promjene inducirane UV zračenjem obuhvaćaju različite kliničke entitete. Zbog svoje biološke aktivnosti i sposobnosti da induciraju oštećenje DNK, UV-B zrake najvažniji su etiološki čimbenik u nastanku opeklina i karcinoma kože. Iako je UV-A zračenje glavna komponenta ultraljubičastog zračenja, manje je biološki aktivna od UV-B. UV-A zračenje ima posebno važnu ulogu u fotostarenju kože. Klinička slika akutnih promjena induciranih UV zračenjem ovisi o količini energije apsorbirane u jednoj ...

  7. Altered Na+ transport after an intracellular alpha-subunit deletion reveals strict external sequential release of Na+ from the Na/K pump. (United States)

    Yaragatupalli, Siddhartha; Olivera, J Fernando; Gatto, Craig; Artigas, Pablo


    The Na/K pump actively exports 3 Na(+) in exchange for 2 K(+) across the plasmalemma of animal cells. As in other P-type ATPases, pump function is more effective when the relative affinity for transported ions is altered as the ion binding sites alternate between opposite sides of the membrane. Deletion of the five C-terminal residues from the alpha-subunit diminishes internal Na(+) (Na(i)(+)) affinity approximately 25-fold [Morth et al. (2007) Nature 450:1043-1049]. Because external Na(+) (Na(o)(+)) binding is voltage-dependent, we studied the reactions involving this process by using two-electrode and inside-out patch voltage clamp in normal and truncated (DeltaKESYY) Xenopus-alpha1 pumps expressed in oocytes. We observed that DeltaKESYY (i) decreased both Na(o)(+) and Na(i)(+) apparent affinities in the absence of K(o)(+), and (ii) did not affect apparent Na(o)(+) affinity at high K(o)(+). These results support a model of strict sequential external release of Na(+) ions, where the Na(+)-exclusive site releases Na(+) before the sites shared with K(+) and the DeltaKESYY deletion only reduces Na(o)(+) affinity at the shared sites. Moreover, at nonsaturating K(o)(+), DeltaKESYY induced an inward flow of Na(+) through Na/K pumps at negative potentials. Guanidinium(+) can also permeate truncated pumps, whereas N-methyl-D-glucamine cannot. Because guanidinium(o)(+) can also traverse normal Na/K pumps in the absence of both Na(o)(+) and K(o)(+) and can also inhibit Na/K pump currents in a Na(+)-like voltage-dependent manner, we conclude that the normal pathway transited by the first externally released Na(+) is large enough to accommodate guanidinium(+).

  8. Utjecaj tretiranja različitim koncentracijama fitohormona na ožiljavanje reznica odabranih maslina Dubrovačko neretvanske županije (Velika sitnjaka, Sitnica, Uljarica, Kalamata)


    Marić, Mara; Marinović-Peričević, Marija; Mračić, Iva


    U radu su prikazani rezultati praćenja proizvodnje reznica sorti masline Velike sitnjake, Sitnice, Uljarice i Kalamate u 2016. godini pod utjecajem tretiranja različitim koncentracijama fitohormona IBA (2000, 3000, 4000 i 5000 ppm) te su uspoređeni s rezultatima dobivenim u 2015. godine za iste sorte. Istraživanja su dio projekta Identifikacija i gospodarenje genfondom maslina na području Dubrovačko neretvanske županije” i provedena su na Zavodu za mediteranske kulture Sveučilišta u Dubrovnik...

  9. Czynniki ryzyka upadków i złamań kości u pacjentów chorych na reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Krzysztof Tomaszewski


    Full Text Available Cel pracy: Ocena czynników ryzyka i częstości występowaniaupadków i złamań kości u chorych na reumatoidalne zapaleniestawów (RZS. Materiał i metody: Do badania kwalifikowano pacjentów chorychna RZS (spełniających kryteria ACR z 1984 r.. Dane na temat stanuzdrowia zebrano na podstawie ankiety zawierającej Kwestio -nariusz Oceny Stanu Zdrowia (HAQ, pytań dotyczących chorób,przyjmowanych leków, upadków i złamań kości w okresie ostatnich12 miesięcy. Wyniki: Przebadano 167 kobiet (89,8% i 19 mężczyzn (średni wiek± SD 58,5 ±13,8 roku. Średni czas trwania choroby wynosił14,4 ±10,7 roku. Średnia wartość HAQ 1,36 ±0,76. Z grupy 186 osóbupadek przydarzył się 80 badanym (43%. U 28 chorych (35%upadek zakończył się złamaniem bądź złamaniami obwodowymi.Liczba upadków dodatnio korelowała z wynikiem HAQ (r = 0,32;p < 0,05 oraz czasem trwania choroby (r = 0,31; p < 0,05.Głównymi czynnikami ryzyka upadków w badanej grupie byłyzawroty głowy [iloraz szans (OR = 2,68], stosowanie lekówhipotensyjnych (OR = 2,27 i przeciwdepresyjnych (OR = 2,56,deformacje stóp (OR = 3,14 oraz wysoki wskaźnik HAQ(OR = 2,08. Czas trwania RZS (OR = 1,05 i wiek (OR = 1,04 praktycznienie wpływały na ryzyko upadków. Głównymi czynnikamiryzyka złamań kości w badanej grupie były osteoporoza (t-score< –2,5 (OR = 4,70, stosowanie leków hipotensyjnych (OR = 4,98,deformacje stóp (OR = 4,82, zawroty głowy (OR = 3,30 orazwysoki wskaźnik HAQ (OR = 3,12. Wnioski: Upadki są poważnym problemem w przebiegu RZS.Głównymi czynnikami sprzyjającymi upadkom i złamaniomu chorych na RZS są deformacje stóp, zawroty głowy, zażywanieleków obniżających ciśnienie tętnicze oraz wysoka wartość HAQ.

  10. V labyrintech Holanovy pozdní lyriky : Nad knihou Zdeňka Kožmína


    Křivánek, Vladimír


    This essay on the late lyric verse of Vladimír Holan, inspired by Zdeněk Kožmín’s Existencionalita, also presents an overview of previous important interpretations of Holan’s work – apart from Kožmín, it mentions the work of Přemysl Blažíček and Jiří Opelík.

  11. Martwica kości szczęk związana ze stosowaniem bifosfonianów. Opis przypadków

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wojciech Leśniak


    Full Text Available Bifosfoniany należą do silnych inhibitorów osteoklastów. Znajdują szerokie zastosowanie w leczeniu chorób przebiegających ze wzmożoną resorpcją kości: osteoporozy, choroby Pageta i osteogenesis imperfecta. Leki te zmniejszają adhezję komórek nowotworowych do kości, ograniczają osteolizę wywołaną nowotworem i hiper‑ kalcemię. Zmniejszają dolegliwości bólowe w szpiczaku mnogim i w przerzutach do kości. Powszechnie panu‑ jące przekonanie o bezpieczeństwie spowodowało rozszerzenie wskazań do ich stosowania. Pacjenci onkolo‑ giczni przyjmujący bifosfoniany dożylnie, w wysokich dawkach są bardziej narażeni na działania niepożądane terapii niż pacjenci przyjmujący je doustnie. Jednym z najpoważniejszych powikłań jest martwica kości szczęk. W 2003 roku opisano po raz pierwszy związek pomiędzy terapią bifosfonianami a martwicą kości szczęk. W piśmiennictwie znajdujemy coraz więcej przykładów tego działania niepożądanego, także po stosowaniu leków doustnie. Mogą pojawiać się ból, obrzęk, owrzodzenie, odsłonięcie kości, przetoki, złamania patologiczne, uciążliwe dla pacjenta i obniżające jakość życia. Leczenie martwicy kości szczęk jest trudne i rzadko przynosi spodziewany efekt. Główną rolę odgrywa leczenie zachowawcze i redukcja objawów. Odstawienie bifosfonia‑ nów nie ma bezpośredniego wpływu na przebieg martwicy kości szczęk, ze względu na kumulację leku w kości. Istotne jest przygotowanie pacjenta przed rozpoczęciem podawania bifosfonianów, wymagające stałej współ‑ pracy pomiędzy lekarzami onkologami, ortopedami i chirurgami szczękowo-twarzowymi. Higiena jamy ustnej i leczenie chorób współistniejących stanowi ważny element postępowania. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie trzech przypadków martwicy kości szczęk u pacjentów poddanych leczeniu bifosfonianami.



    Krošel, Marina


    V času, ko gospodarstvu posel ne gre najbolje, ko se trgi spreminjajo mesečno, ko se letnih planov ne da z gotovostjo napovedovati, ko ne le, da se dobički manjšajo, ampak jih več sploh ni, je trg dela pomembna komponenta varčevanja v gospodarstvu. V tem času na trg dela vstopam tudi sama. Kakšno obliko zaposlitve naj pričakujem? Katera je za delodajalca najbolj sprejemljiva? Kakšna je zakonodaja na tem področju? Ali me varuje Zakon o delovnih razmerjih? Kolektivna pogodba? Sindikati? Kaj ...

  13. Paluch koślawy w stopie reumatycznej – leczenie operacyjne i rehabilitacja

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agnieszka Prusinowska


    Full Text Available Paluch koślawy jest deformacją stopy często występującą u chorychreumatycznych (ryc. 1. W znacznym stopniu zaburza funkcjępodporową w czasie chodu oraz czynności związane z większymdynamicznym obciążeniem stopy (bieganie, skakanie. Deformacjata nasila ból, który wynika również z niedopasowania obuwia.Usprawnianie chorych z rozpoznaniem reumatoidalnego zapaleniastawów (RZS zawsze jest uzależnione od aktualnego stanu funkcjonalnegopacjenta i przeprowadzonego zabiegu operacyjnego.W artykule opisano mechanizm powstawania typowych zniekształceńprzodostopia w przebiegu RZS oraz przegląd technikoperacyjnych stosowanych w leczeniu palucha koślawego (ryc. 2.Autorzy skoncentrowali się na przedstawieniu usprawniania pokorekcji palucha koślawego z wykorzystaniem zarówno metod stosowanychw celu zmniejszenia obrzęków pooperacyjnych, jak i stabilizacjiskorygowanego chirurgicznie stawu. Do metod tych zaliczasię zarówno zabiegi z zakresu fizykoterapii, jak i ćwiczenia czynneze wsparciem kinesiotapingu (ryc. 3.

  14. Fizičko-hemijske i detonacione karakteristike nitraminskih eksploziva - RDX, HMX i CL-20


    Anđelković-Lukić Mirjana


    U radu su prikazane fizičko-hemijske i detonacione karakteristike nitraminskih brizantnih eksploziva, heksogena i oktogena, uporedene sa osobinama novog cikličnog nitraminskog eksploziva CL-20. Novi visokobrizantni eksploziv CL-20 postoji u četiri kristalne forme, stabilne na različitim temepraturama. Ima bolje detonacione karakteristike od heksogena i oktogena veću gustinu i brzinu detonacije, all mnogo veću osetljivost na udar i trenje, reda PETN. Zbog toga se ovaj eksploziv flegmatizuje sa...

  15. Fokus na Elinor Goldschmied i Košara s blagom


    Jackson, Sonia


    Osvrt profesorice Sonia Jackson na život Elinor Goldschmied, jedne od prvih stručnjakinja na području ranog odgoja i obrazovanja, čiji rad i nakon njezine smrti nastavlja utjecati na teoriju i praksu današnjice.

  16. Na-K pump site density and ouabain binding affinity in cultured chick heart cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lobaugh, L.A.; Lieberman, M.


    The possible existence of multiple [ 3 H]ouabain binding sites and the relationship between ouabain binding and Na-K pump inhibition in cardiac muscle were studied using cultured embryonic chick heart cells. [ 3 H]ouabain bound to a single class of sites in 0.5 mM K (0.5 Ko) with an association rate constant (k+1) of 3.4 X 10(4) M-1.s-1 and a dissociation rate constant (k-1) of 0.0095 s. Maximal specific [ 3 H]ouabain binding RT to myocyte-enriched cultures is 11.7 pmol/mg protein and Kd is 0.43 microM in 0.5 Ko, whereas Kd,apparent is 6.6 microM in 5.4 Ko. The number of binding sites per myocyte was calculated by correcting for the contribution of fibroblasts in myocyte-enriched cultures using data from homogeneous fibroblast cultures (RT = 3.3 pmol/mg protein; Kd = 0.19 microM in 0.5 Ko). Equivalence of [ 3 H]ouabain binding sites and Na-K pumps was implied by agreement between maximal specific binding of [ 3 H]ouabain and 125 I-labeled monoclonal antibody directed against Na+-K+-ATPase (approximately 2 X 10(6) sites/cell). However, [ 3 H]ouabain binding occurred at lower concentrations than inhibition of ouabain-sensitive 42 K uptake in 0.5 Ko. Further studies in both 0.5 K and 5.4 Ko showed that ouabain caused cell Na content Nai to increase over the same range of concentrations that binding occurred, implying that increased Nai may stimulate unbound Na-K pumps and prevent a proportional decrease in 42 K uptake rate. The results show that Na-K pump inhibition occurs as a functional consequence of specific ouabain binding and indicate that the Na-K pump is the cardiac glycoside receptor in cultured heart cells

  17. Fra halt ko til taberko

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Peter


    En halt ko kan meget nemt ende som en taberko, hvis der ikke gribes ind i tide. Ubehandlede haltheder vil ofte være  starten på en ond cirkel, som ender med, at koen bliver en taberko. Udgivelsesdato: 2009......En halt ko kan meget nemt ende som en taberko, hvis der ikke gribes ind i tide. Ubehandlede haltheder vil ofte være  starten på en ond cirkel, som ender med, at koen bliver en taberko. Udgivelsesdato: 2009...

  18. Probna istraživanja na trasi buduće autoceste A5 Beli Manastir – Osijek – Svilaj, dionica Beli Manastir – Osijek, arheološko nalazište AN 8 Beli Manastir – Atar, Napuštene njive


    Buzov, Marija


    Institut za arheologiju proveo je probna arheološka istraživanja sustavom probnih rovova na trasi buduće autoceste A5 Beli Manastir – Osijek – Svilaj, dionica Beli Manastir – Osijek, arheološko nalazište AN 8 Beli Manastir – Atar, Napuštene njive.

  19. Knjiga in njen pomen v nemško govorečem pregnanstvu 1933–1945

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johann Georg Lughofer


    Full Text Available Članek skuša s pomočjo različnih literarnih odlomkov pokazati na pomembno mesto, ki ga je imela knjiga – kot objekt in subjekt – v literarni produkciji nemško govorečih pregnancev. Kot razloge za to obravnava funkcije literature kot so antifašistični boj, izobraževanje, dokumentiranje, terapija in samoterapija. Osredotoči se na sežiganja knjig v Nemčiji leta 1933 in pokaže, kako so ti zgodovinski dogodki iz knjige naredili simbol antifašističnega pregnanstva.

  20. Dyrtid (II): Hvordan vasker man bedst en ko?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjerløff, Anne Katrine


    bagsideartikel om danske landmænds problemer med effektive ko-vaskemidler i 1800-tallets sidste halvdel.......bagsideartikel om danske landmænds problemer med effektive ko-vaskemidler i 1800-tallets sidste halvdel....

  1. Pravna priroda obveza iz komercijalne djelatnosti prijevoznika - tumačenje Čl.III 2 Haško-Visbyjskih pravila : (prikaz presude

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    Ivana Oršulić


    Full Text Available Prema common law-u prijevoznik je prima facie dužan krcati, slagati i iskrcavati teret, ali je on ovlašten te svoje obveze prenijeti na drugu osobu. Odredba čl. III 2 Haško-Visbyskih pravila kojom se propisuje dužnost prijevoznika “uredno i brižljivo ukrcavati, rukovati, slagati, prevoziti, čuvati, brinuti se i iskrcavati robu” ne utvrđuje strogo osobnu, neprenosivu obvezu prijevoznika da izvrši navedene radnje već postavlja standard urednog i brižljivog postupanja koji je prijevoznik dužan poštovati ukoliko ugovorom uistinu preuzme obvezu izvođenja kargo operacija. Zbog toga se na ugovorne odredbe kojima se prijevoznik oslobađa odgovornosti za ukrcaj, slaganje i iskrcaj ne može primijeniti čl. III 8 Haško-Visbyskih pravila.

  2. Recikliranje plastenk na kreativen način


    Pavlin, Suzana


    Plastenke, poleg ostalih plastičnih izdelkov, v zadnjih letih predstavljajo pravo katastrofo za okolje. Domnevamo, da se le redko kdo vpraša, kaj se zgodi z njo po tem, ko je iz nje zaužil še zadnjo kapljico vode. Plastenka je lahko kot večina ostalih komunalnih odpadkov ponovno uporabljena, reciklirana, sežgana ali odložena na deponijo. V primeru nespoštovanja Zakona o varstvu okolja pa pristane v naravi, pogosto v morju, kjer prav počasi razpada in negativno vpliva na celoten ekosistem. V d...

  3. The first Koç Han: Pioneering modern architecture in Ankara

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oya Atalay Franck


    Full Text Available Koç Holding is the most established conglomerate in Turkey. Th e company’s beginnings date from the mid 1920s, when Ahmet Vehbi Koç, founder of Koç Holding, had his first own company registered with the Ankara Chamber of Commerce. In 1932, Koç moved his business from his father’s store on Anafartalar Street to a new building, the first Koç Han, erected the same year on Çankırı Street Nr.13 in Ulus. Th e building’s designer was Swiss-Austrian architect Ernst Arnold Egli, who had come to Turkey only five years earlier upon invitation by the government to work as chief architect of the Ministry of National Education. During his stay, which lasted from 1927 until 1940, Egli realized about 40 projects and worked on many more. Koç Han is the rare example of a commercial building by Egli. At a time when the urban aspect of the old town center of Ankara consisted mostly of one-or two-storeyed stone-and-wood houses, the first Koç Han represented an altogether new building type for the town, in being a multipurpose edifice with space for shops at street level, with large storage facilities below ground, and providing off ices and housing on the upper fl oors. Th e functional rigor of the plan and the sober modernism of the building’s facades contrasted strongly with the architecture of the time. In this respect, the first Koç Han was a strong statement regarding Ahmet Vehbi Koç’s belief in a modern Turkey and to the contribution of the building’s architect, Ernst Arnold Egli, to this project.

  4. Infection with koala retrovirus subgroup B (KoRV-B), but not KoRV-A, is associated with chlamydial disease in free-ranging koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus). (United States)

    Waugh, Courtney A; Hanger, Jonathan; Loader, Joanne; King, Andrew; Hobbs, Matthew; Johnson, Rebecca; Timms, Peter


    The virulence of chlamydial infection in wild koalas is highly variable between individuals. Some koalas can be infected (PCR positive) with Chlamydia for long periods but remain asymptomatic, whereas others develop clinical disease. Chlamydia in the koala has traditionally been studied without regard to coinfection with other pathogens, although koalas are usually subject to infection with koala retrovirus (KoRV). Retroviruses can be immunosuppressive, and there is evidence of an immunosuppressive effect of KoRV in vitro. Originally thought to be a single endogenous strain, a new, potentially more virulent exogenous variant (KoRV-B) was recently reported. We hypothesized that KoRV-B might significantly alter chlamydial disease outcomes in koalas, presumably via immunosuppression. By studying sub-groups of Chlamydia and KoRV infected koalas in the wild, we found that neither total KoRV load (either viraemia or proviral copies per genome), nor chlamydial infection level or strain type, was significantly associated with chlamydial disease risk. However, PCR positivity with KoRV-B was significantly associated with chlamydial disease in koalas (p = 0.02961). This represents an example of a recently evolved virus variant that may be predisposing its host (the koala) to overt clinical disease when co-infected with an otherwise asymptomatic bacterial pathogen (Chlamydia).

  5. Population trends of Goričko agricultural landscape birds

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    Denac Katarina


    Full Text Available Due to numerous bird surveys in the past 20 years, the avifauna of Goričko is relatively well known. For some species, the very first national ecological researches were conducted in this area. The article summarizes all bird surveys so far. It presents population trends of farmland species which is one of the most threatened bird groups in Europe. Most of the qualifying species of this habitat that are protected within the Natura 2000 network have suffered a decline at Goričko, specifically Quail Coturnix coturnix, Scops Owl Otus scops, Hoopoe Upupa epops, Woodlark Lullula arborea and White Stork Ciconia ciconia. The number of breeding pairs of the latter has not changed, but its fecundity has decreased. Furthermore, populations of other farmland bird species have decreased, for example Skylark Alauda arvensis, Stonechat Saxicola rubicola, Serin Serinus serinus and Common Linnet Linaria cannabina, as well as butterfly populations and tracts of grassland habitat types. National agricultural and nature conservation policies are evidently inefficient in protecting the biodiversity of Goričko. The most probable cause for bird population decline is agricultural intensification, which manifests itself at Goričko as disappearance and intensification of meadows, land consolidation, degradation of traditional orchards and use of pesticides. As a result of land consolidation hedges, uncultivated strips between fields, individual trees and bushes and minority habitat types are disappearing, whereas the surface of arable fields is increasing. Nature conservation measures performed by the Public Institute Goričko Nature Park with the support of DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia volunteers seem to be efficient, but are spatially and temporally constrained. For this reason, they cannot serve as a substitute for insufficient systemic financing which could be improved by substantive and financial reform of the agri-environmental scheme. Currently, a negligible

  6. Osigurateljev subrogacijski zahtjev prema prijevozniku : tumačenje Čl. III 6A Haško-Visbyjskih pravila : [prikaz presude

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    Vesna Skorupan


    Full Text Available Osigurateljev subrogacijski zahtjev prema prijevozniku nije zahtjev za naknadu prema trećoj osobi u smislu čl. III 6A Haško-Visbyjkih pravila. Prijevoznik je tužena strana u sporu s pošiljateljem stvari i činjenica da (subrogacijom osiguratelj zauzima mjesto pošiljatelja ne stavlja prijevoznika u poziciju treće osobe. Položaj prijevoznika se ne mijenja ako pravo osobe koja je s njim sklopila ugovor bude prenijeto na temelju subrogacije na osiguratelja. Zbog toga se i na osiguratelja odnose rokovi zastare koji se primjenjuju prema osiguraniku za tražbine prema prijevozniku.

  7. Od ciężkości astmy do kontroli astmy. Metody oceny kontroli astmy

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    Joanna Mikołajczyk


    Full Text Available Według pierwszych wytycznych dotyczących postępowania w astmie leczenie astmy zależy od stopnia jej cięż- kości, określonej na podstawie objawów klinicznych i wskaźników czynności płuc. Ponieważ astma jest chorobą o zmiennym przebiegu, duże znaczenie ma jej ciągła ocena kliniczna i dostosowana do niej modyfikacja leczenia. Niestety, stopień ciężkości nie dopasowuje się elastycznie do odpowiedzi na leczenie. Biorąc ten fakt pod uwagę, światowi eksperci zalecają zmianę w postępowaniu z astmą, przedkładając uzyskanie klinicznej kontroli astmy nad ustaleniem stopnia jej ciężkości, wyróżniając astmę kontrolowaną, częściowo kontrolowaną i niekontrolowaną. Uzyskanie stanu pełnej kontroli astmy formułuje się w raporcie GINA 2006 jako główny cel leczenia. Kontrola astmy odnosi się do stopnia opanowania objawów i byłoby najlepiej, gdyby dotyczyła też markerów zapalenia i patofizjologicznych wykładników choroby. Określenie stopnia kontroli choroby zgodnie z obecnymi założeniami stanowi podstawę wyboru i modyfikacji leczenia – właściwe ustalenie stopnia kontroli astmy wpływa na skuteczność leczenia. Obecnie dostępnych jest wiele metod oceny kontroli astmy, wtym ocena parametrów klinicznych (objawy w ciągu dnia, objawy nocne, stosowanie leków rozszerzających oskrzela, ocena czynności płuc (PEF i FEV1, określenie zaawansowania zapalenia w drogach oddechowych (nieswoista nadreaktywność oskrzeli, stężenie tlenku azotu w powietrzu wydechowym, liczba eozynofili w plwocinie indukowanej. Dostępne są także subiektywnie oceniające kontrolę astmy kwestionariusze badawcze oraz szybkie testy kontroli astmy (ACT, ACQ, ATAQ. Z drugiej strony wciąż nie wypracowano jednoznacznego stanowiska, który z parametrów lub jakie połączenia parametrów najbardziej wiarygodnie określają kontrolę astmy. Ze względu na wieloczynnikową patogenezę astmy wydaje się, iż uzyskanie pe

  8. Presoja notranjih kontrol pri obračunu davka na dodano vrednost na primeru "Podjetja x"


    Majcen, Borut


    Poslovanje podjetja si je ob odsotnosti notranjih kontrol nemogoče predstavljati. Podjetja so podvržena raznim tveganjem, še posebej v današnjih razmerah globalnega poslovanja, ko se podjetja soočajo z vedno novimi izzivi, kar prinaša tudi nova tveganja. Najučinkovitejši ukrep za obvladovanje tveganj predstavlja vzpostavitev sistema notranjih kontrol. Obvladovanje tveganj pa ne poteka samo na ravni podjetja kot celote, ampak je prisotno na vseh področjih delovanja podjetja, torej tudi na p...

  9. Sarcocystis neurona infection in gamma interferon gene knockout (KO) mice: comparative infectivity of sporocysts in two strains of KO mice, effect of trypsin digestion on merozoite viability, and infectivity of bradyzoites to KO mice and cell culture. (United States)

    Dubey, J P; Sundar, N; Kwok, O C H; Saville, W J A


    The protozoan Sarcocystis neurona is the primary cause of Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM). EPM or EPM-like illness has been reported in horses, sea otters, and several other mammals. The gamma interferon gene knockout (KO) mouse is often used as a model to study biology and discovery of new therapies against S. neurona because it is difficult to induce clinical EPM in other hosts, including horses. In the present study, infectivity of three life cycle stages (merozoites, bradyzoites, sporozoites) to KO mice and cell culture was studied. Two strains of KO mice (C57-black, and BALB/c-derived, referred here as black or white) were inoculated orally graded doses of S. neurona sporocysts; 12 sporocysts were infective to both strains of mice and all infected mice died or became ill within 70 days post-inoculation. Although there was no difference in infectivity of sporocysts to the two strains of KO mice, the disease was more severe in black mice. S. neurona bradyzoites were not infectious to KO mice and cell culture. S. neurona merozoites survived 120 min incubation in 0.25% trypsin, indicating that trypsin digestion can be used to recover S. neurona from tissues of acutely infected animals. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  10. Impaired memory of eyeblink conditioning in CaMKIV KO mice. (United States)

    Lee, Ka Hung; Chatila, Talal A; Ram, Rana A; Thompson, Richard F


    The calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IV (CaMKIV) is highly expressed in cerebellar cortical granule cells and deep nuclear neurons in the cerebellum. It mediates the phosphorylation and activation of the cAMP-dependent response element binding protein (CREB). In several paradigms CREB-dependent transcription is required for cellular events underlying long-term memory processes. Also, CaMKIV deficiency results in impaired long-term depression (LTD) induction in cerebellar cortex. To investigate the function of CaMKIV in the cerebellum, Wild-type (WT) and CaMKIV KO mice were tested with delay eyeblink conditioning. KO and WT mice did not differ in acquisition, but the KO mice showed a significantly lower conditioned response (CR) percentage than the WT mice in the retention testing and retraining period. The CR peak latencies for the two groups did not differ in acquisition but were shorter for the KO mice in the testing period. No significant differences were found between KO and WT mice in spontaneous eyeblink activity, auditory brainstem response (ABR) amplitudes, and tail-flick latency. The results suggest an important role for CaMKIV in long-term memory in the cerebellum. (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved.

  11. Kadrovske odločitve na muzikoloških katedrah po letu 1945: Ocenjevanje objav na primeru Karla Blessingerja in Wernerja Korteja

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    Michael Malkiewicz


    Full Text Available Skoraj vsi nosilci muzikoloških nazivov na univerzah in visokih šolah v Nemčiji so se po letu 1945 lahko vrnili na svoja mesta. Razlogi, zakaj je nekdo lahko ostal na svojem mestu v muzikologiji, zakaj so nekateri lahko nadaljevali svoje delo potem, ko jih je vojaška vlada za kratek čas odstavila in zakaj so bili drugi za stalno odstavljeni, so zelo različni.

  12. Characterization of the insulin sensitivity of ghrelin receptor KO mice using glycemic clamps

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    Morgan Kristen


    Full Text Available Abstract Background We and others have demonstrated previously that ghrelin receptor (GhrR knock out (KO mice fed a high fat diet (HFD have increased insulin sensitivity and metabolic flexibility relative to WT littermates. A striking feature of the HFD-fed GhrR KO mouse is the dramatic decrease in hepatic steatosis. To characterize further the underlying mechanisms of glucose homeostasis in GhrR KO mice, we conducted both hyperglycemic (HG and hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic (HI-E clamps. Additionally, we investigated tissue glucose uptake and specifically examined liver insulin sensitivity. Results Consistent with glucose tolerance-test data, in HG clamp experiments, GhrR KO mice showed a reduction in glucose-stimulated insulin release relative to WT littermates. Nevertheless, a robust 1st phase insulin secretion was still achieved, indicating that a healthy β-cell response is maintained. Additionally, GhrR KO mice demonstrated both a significantly increased glucose infusion rate and significantly reduced insulin requirement for maintenance of the HG clamp, consistent with their relative insulin sensitivity. In HI-E clamps, both LFD-fed and HFD-fed GhrR KO mice showed higher peripheral insulin sensitivity relative to WT littermates as indicated by a significant increase in insulin-stimulated glucose disposal (Rd, and decreased hepatic glucose production (HGP. HFD-fed GhrR KO mice showed a marked increase in peripheral tissue glucose uptake in a variety of tissues, including skeletal muscle, brown adipose tissue and white adipose tissue. GhrR KO mice fed a HFD also showed a modest, but significant decrease in conversion of pyruvate to glucose, as would be anticipated if these mice displayed increased liver insulin sensitivity. Additionally, the levels of UCP2 and UCP1 were reduced in the liver and BAT, respectively, in GhrR KO mice relative to WT mice. Conclusions These results indicate that improved glucose homeostasis of GhrR KO mice is

  13. Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi Düzce Ekolojik Koşulları Altında Bazı Ekmeklik Buğday Çeşitlerinin Yaprak Hastalıklarına Karşı Reaksiyonlarının Belirlenmesi

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    Nedim Altın


    Full Text Available Bu çalışma, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi Düzce ili ekolojik koşulları altında 19 adet ekmeklik buğday çeşidinin doğal enfeksiyon koşullarında yaprak hastalıklarına karşı reaksiyonlarının belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Deneme tesadüf blokları deneme desenine uygun olarak 4 tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuş ve ekim işlemi 17.11.2015 tarihinde yapılmıştır. Hastalık gözlemleri ile ilgili çalışmalar; Septoria tritici etmeninin neden olduğu septorya yaprak lekesi hastalığı için süt olum dönemi başlangıcında, Puccinia striiformis etmeninin neden olduğu Sarı Pas hastalığı için çiçeklenme dönemi sonunda, Puccinia recondita etmeninin neden olduğu Kahverengi Pas için süt olum dönemi başlangıcında yapılmıştır. Tarla koşullarında doğal bulaşıklığa göre yapılan değerlendirme sonucunda hastalık oranları belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen hastalık şiddetine göre, septorya yaprak lekesi hastalığına karşı en hassas çeşidin % 60 hastalık şiddeti ile “Bereket”, en tolerant çeşidin ise %14 ile “Aslı” olduğu, Sarı Pas hastalığına karşı en hassas çeşidin %45,4 ile “Tekirdağ”, en tolerant çeşidin %0,6 ile “Midas” olduğu ve Kahverengi Pas hastalığına karşı ise en hassas çeşidin %22 ile “Tahirova” en tolerant çeşidin ise %0,2 ile “Midas” olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen verilere göre septorya yaprak lekesi hastalığına karşı Aldane, Aslı, Konya 2002, Köprü, Masaccio ve Tosunbey, Sarı Pas hastalığına karşı Aslı, Esperia, Kate A1, Karasunya Odeska, Masaccio ve Midas, Kahverengi Pas hastalığına karşı ise Aldane, Aslı, Bereket, Köprü, Masaccio, Midas ve Tekirdağ çeşitlerinin ileride yapılacak ıslah çalışmaları için ümitvar olduğu görülmüştür.

  14. Superoxide Stabilization and a Universal KO2 Growth Mechanism in Potassium-Oxygen Batteries. (United States)

    Wang, Wanwan; Lai, Nien-Chu; Liang, Zhuojian; Wang, Yu; Lu, Yi-Chun


    Rechargeable potassium-oxygen (K-O 2 ) batteries promise to provide higher round-trip efficiency and cycle life than other alkali-oxygen batteries with satisfactory gravimetric energy density (935 Wh kg -1 ). Exploiting a strong electron-donating solvent, for example, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) strongly stabilizes the discharge product (KO 2 ), resulting in significant improvement in electrode kinetics and chemical/electrochemical reversibility. The first DMSO-based K-O 2 battery demonstrates a much higher energy efficiency and stability than the glyme-based electrolyte. A universal KO 2 growth model is developed and it is demonstrated that the ideal solvent for K-O 2 batteries should strongly stabilize superoxide (strong donor ability) to obtain high electrode kinetics and reversibility while providing fast oxygen diffusion to achieve high discharge capacity. This work elucidates key electrolyte properties that control the efficiency and reversibility of K-O 2 batteries. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Dejavniki psihološkega nasilja na delovnem mestu


    Ilc, Teja


    Raziskave na področju delovnih razmer kažejo, da je danes pereč problem ravno psihološko nasilje na delovnem mestu. Posebna oblika psihološkega nasilja na delovnem mestu je mobing, s katerim se v praksi srečujemo vsak dan, vendar se ga pogosto ne zavedamo. Namen magistrske naloge je pojasniti pojem in pomen mobinga v delovnih organizacijah, poiskati možne vzroke in posledice, ki vplivajo na ta pojav, ter predlagati rešitve. Poznavanje mehanizmov, ki povzročajo mobing, njegovih vzrokov in...

  16. Prevajanje športne terminologije v priročniku Osnove košarke NBA


    Kajič, Matic


    Pri prevajanju strokovnih besedil ne gre le za vestno opravljanje veščin, ampak za visoko intelektualno delovanje: reševanje vedno novih problemov. To velja tudi za košarkarsko terminologijo, saj obstaja veliko ameriških košarkarskih izrazov, za katere nimamo ustreznic v slovenskem jeziku. Posebnost priročnika Osnove košarke NBA avtorja Marka Vancila se kaže v velikem številu strokovnega košarkarskega izrazja, ki od prevajalca zahteva veliko mero strokovnega poznavanja področja. V diplomskem ...

  17. Usmerjanje urbanega razvoja na mestni ravni

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    Mojca Šašek Divjak


    Full Text Available Kot je poudarjeno v predstavljenem načrtu Kopenhagna, mestni načrt ne more rešiti vseh planskih problemov mesta. Predstavljal naj bi predvideni red, ki pa se pogosto sproti podira glede na nepredvidena dogajanja v prostoru. Probleme je velikokrat treba reševati šele, ko se pokažejo. Zato mora biti mestni načrt zastavljen dovolj prilagodljivo in fleksibilno, da dovoljuje potrebne spremembe. Vendar mora kljub temu dati mestu trdne glavne usmeritve in s tem omogočiti, da meščani lahko izkoristijo priložnosti, ki jih nudi nova doba in uveljavljajo nove kvalitete bivanja.

  18. Phospholemman is not required for the acute stimulation of Na+-K+-ATPase α2-activity during skeletal muscle fatigue (United States)

    Manoharan, Palanikumar; Radzyukevich, Tatiana L.; Hakim Javadi, Hesamedin; Stiner, Cory A.; Landero Figueroa, Julio A.; Lingrel, Jerry B


    The Na+-K+-ATPase α2-isoform in skeletal muscle is rapidly stimulated during muscle use and plays a critical role in fatigue resistance. The acute mechanisms that stimulate α2-activity are not completely known. This study examines whether phosphorylation of phospholemman (PLM/FXYD1), a regulatory subunit of Na+-K+-ATPase, plays a role in the acute stimulation of α2 in working muscles. Mice lacking PLM (PLM KO) have a normal content of the α2-subunit and show normal exercise capacity, in contrast to the greatly reduced exercise capacity of mice that lack α2 in the skeletal muscles. Nerve-evoked contractions in vivo did not induce a change in total PLM or PLM phosphorylated at Ser63 or Ser68, in either WT or PLM KO. Isolated muscles of PLM KO mice maintain contraction and resist fatigue as well as wild type (WT). Rb+ transport by the α2-Na+-K+-ATPase is stimulated to the same extent in contracting WT and contracting PLM KO muscles. Phosphorylation of sarcolemmal membranes prepared from WT but not PLM KO skeletal muscles stimulates the activity of both α1 and α2 in a PLM-dependent manner. The stimulation occurs by an increase in Na+ affinity without significant change in Vmax and is more effective for α1 than α2. These results demonstrate that phosphorylation of PLM is capable of stimulating the activity of both isozymes in skeletal muscle; however, contractile activity alone is not sufficient to induce PLM phosphorylation. Importantly, acute stimulation of α2, sufficient to support exercise and oppose fatigue, does not require PLM or its phosphorylation. PMID:26468207

  19. Studies of N ~ 40 Ni isotopes via neutron-knockout (nKO) and deep-inelastic (DI) reactions (United States)

    Chiara, C. J.; Recchia, F.; Gade, A.; Janssens, R. V. F.; Walters, W. B.


    V. BADER, T. BAUGHER, D. BAZIN, J.S. BERRYMAN, B.A. BROWN, C. LANGER, N. LARSON, S.N. LIDDICK, E. LUNDERBERG, S. NOJI, C. PROKOP, S.R. STROBERG, S. SUCHYTA, D. WEISSHAAR, S. WILLIAMS, NSCL/MSU, M. ALBERS, M. ALCORTA, P.F. BERTONE, M.P. CARPENTER, J. CHEN, C.R. HOFFMAN, F.G. KONDEV, T. LAURITSEN, A.M. ROGERS, D. SEWERYNIAK, S. ZHU, ANL, C.M. CAMPBELL, LBNL, H.M. DAVID, D.T. DOHERTY, U. of Edinburgh/ANL, A. KORICHI, CSNSM-IN2P3/ANL, C.J. LISTER, U. of Mass.-Lowell, K. WIMMER, Central Mich. U. -- Excited states in 68Ni were populated in 2nKO reactions at NSCL. Prompt γ rays were detected with the GRETINA array located in front of the S800 separator. A hodoscope at the S800 focal plane captured the 68Ni ions, where isomeric decays could be correlated with prompt γ rays. Decay of the first excited state, a 0+ isomer, was observed, confirming that its energy substantially differs from the literature value. Comparing the decay patterns of excited states with shell-model calculations provides insight into their underlying structure. Data from 70Zn + 208Pb DI reactions studied with Gammasphere provide results consistent with the 2nKO. Single-particle strengths are also under investigation in the odd- A Ni isotopes via 1nKO reactions. Supported in part by the DoE (DE-FG02-94ER40834, DE-AC02-06CH11357), NSF (PHY-1102511), and NNSA (DE-NA0000979).

  20. Overview of the KoRIA Facility for Rare Isotope Beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, S.W.; Bak, S.I.; Chai, J.S.; Ahn, J.K.; Blumenfeld, Y.; Cheon, B.-G.; Choi, C.I.; Cheoun, M.-K.; Cho, D.; Cho, Y.S.; Choi, B.H.; Choi, E.M.; And others


    The Korea Rare Isotope Accelerator, currently referred to as KoRIA, is briefly presented. The KoRIA facility is aimed to enable cutting-edge sciences in a wide range of fields. It consists of a 70 kW isotope separator on-line (ISOL) facility driven by a 70 MeV, 1 mA proton cyclotron and a 400 kW in-flight fragmentation (IFF) facility. The ISOL facility uses a superconducting (SC) linac for post-acceleration of rare isotopes up to about 18 MeV/u, while the SC linac of IFF facility is capable of accelerating uranium beams up to 200 MeV/u, 8 pμA and proton beams up to 600 MeV, 660 μA. Overall features of the KoRIA facility are presented with a focus on the accelerator design. (author)

  1. Oestrogen-deficient female aromatase knockout (ArKO) mice exhibit depressive-like symptomatology. (United States)

    Dalla, C; Antoniou, K; Papadopoulou-Daifoti, Z; Balthazart, J; Bakker, J


    We recently found that female aromatase knockout (ArKO) mice that are deficient in oestradiol due to a targeted mutation in the aromatase gene show deficits in sexual behaviour that cannot be corrected by adult treatment with oestrogens. We determined here whether these impairments are associated with changes in general levels of activity, anxiety or 'depressive-like' symptomatology due to chronic oestrogen deficiency. We also compared the neurochemical profile of ArKO and wild-type (WT) females, as oestrogens have been shown to modulate dopaminergic, serotonergic and noradrenergic brain activities. ArKO females did not differ from WT in spontaneous motor activity, exploration or anxiety. These findings are in line with the absence of major neurochemical alterations in hypothalamus, prefrontal cortex or striatum, which are involved in the expression of these behaviours. By contrast, ArKO females displayed decreased active behaviours, such as struggling and swimming, and increased passive behaviours, such as floating, in repeated sessions of the forced swim test, indicating that these females exhibit 'depressive-like' symptoms. Adult treatment with oestradiol did not reverse the behavioural deficits observed in the forced swim test, suggesting that they may be due to the absence of oestradiol during development. Accordingly, an increased serotonergic activity was observed in the hippocampus of ArKO females compared with WT, which was also not reversed by adult oestradiol treatment. The possible organizational role of oestradiol on the hippocampal serotonergic system and the 'depressive-like' profile of ArKO females provide new insights into the pathophysiology of depression and the increased vulnerability of women to depression.

  2. Interpretace je víc než interpretace. K reflexi hermeneutického pohybu u Zdeňka Kožmína

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kanda, Roman


    Roč. 2, č. 4 (2015), s. 20-25 Institutional support: RVO:68378068 Keywords : Kožmín, Zdeněk * hermeneutics * interpretation Subject RIV: AJ - Letters, Mass-media, Audiovision



    Štraus, Nataša


    Vloga nabavne funkcije se je od njenih začetkov pa do danes močno spremenila. V današnjem poslovnem okolju nabava ni več le podporna funkcija, ampak ima pomembno strateško vlogo v podjetju. Odgovorna je za nemoteno oskrbo materialov in storitev, upravljanje zalog, odnose z dobavitelji, za etično in družbeno odgovorno ravnanje podjetja. Tesno je povezana z logistiko in njenimi strategijami. Pomembno vpliva na stroške vhodnih materialov, na konkurenčnost podjetja in posledično tudi na dobiček ...

  4. Medetomidīna un detomidīna hidrogēnhlorīdu struktūra noteikšana


    Smuļko, Irina


    Medetomidīna un detomidīna hidrogēnhlorīdu struktūras noteikšana. Smuļko I., zinātniskais vadītājs Dr. ķīm., asoc. prof. Actiņš A. Maģistra darbs, 52 lappuses, 37 attēli, 6 tabulas, 29 literatūras avoti. Latviešu valodā. Maģistra darbā pētītas farmaceitiski aktīvās vielas – medetomidīna un detomidīna hidrogēnhlorīdi. Veikti mēģinājumi detomidīna bezūdens formas un monohidrāta struktūras noteikšanai, kā arī medetomidīna bezūdens formu A un B struktūras noteikšanai. Struktūras noteikšanai iz...

  5. Datengeleitetes Lernen im studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht am Beispiel des KoGloss-Ansatzes


    Dubova, Agnese; Proveja, Egita


    Der vorliegende Aufsatz stellt den sprachdidaktischen Ansatz KoGloss vor und beschreibt die Möglichkeiten seines Einsatzes im studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht. Als eine der Formen des datengeleiteten Lernens ermöglicht der KoGloss-Ansatz eine forschungsorientierte und lernerzentrierte Herangehensweise, die insbesondere im akademischen Sprachunterricht gefragt ist. Eine korpusbasierte Erschließung von (Fach-)Wörtern und komplexen sprachlichen Mustern, das learning by doing, die Kooperatio...

  6. Dose-Dependent Rescue of KO Amelogenin Enamel by Transgenes in Vivo

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    Felicitas B. Bidlack


    Full Text Available Mice lacking amelogenin (KO have hypoplastic enamel. Overexpression of the most abundant amelogenin splice variant M180 and LRAP transgenes can substantially improve KO enamel, but only ~40% of the incisor thickness is recovered and the prisms are not as tightly woven as in WT enamel. This implies that the compositional complexity of the enamel matrix is required for different aspects of enamel formation, such as organizational structure and thickness. The question arises, therefore, how important the ratio of different matrix components, and in particular amelogenin splice products, is in enamel formation. Can optimal expression levels of amelogenin transgenes representing both the most abundant splice variants and cleavage product at protein levels similar to that of WT improve the enamel phenotype of KO mice? Addressing this question, our objective was here to understand dosage effects of amelogenin transgenes (Tg representing the major splice variants M180 and LRAP and cleavage product CTRNC on enamel properties. Amelogenin KO mice were mated with M180Tg, CTRNCTg and LRAPTg mice to generate M180Tg and CTRNCTg double transgene and M180Tg, CTRNCTg, LRAPTg triple transgene mice with transgene hemizygosity (on one allelle or homozygosity (on both alleles. Transgene homo- vs. hemizygosity was determined by qPCR and relative transgene expression confirmed by Western blot. Enamel volume and mineral density were analyzed by microCT, thickness and structure by SEM, and mechanical properties by Vickers microhardness testing. There were no differences in incisor enamel thickness between amelogenin KO mice with three or two different transgenes, but mice homozygous for a given transgene had significantly thinner enamel than mice hemizygous for the transgene (p < 0.05. The presence of the LRAPTg did not improve the phenotype of M180Tg/CTRNCTg/KO enamel. In the absence of endogenous amelogenin, the addition of amelogenin transgenes representing the most

  7. Prispevek k verodostojnosti podatkov o ustanovitvi čitalnic na Slovenskem

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    Manica Špendal


    Full Text Available Mnenja o datumih ustanovitve čitalnic na Slovenskem so deljena. Zlasti velja to za mariborsko in ljubljansko čitalnico. Medtem ko nekateri muzikologi trdijo, da je za Narodno slovansko čitalnico v Trstu (29. januarja 1861 bila kot druga ustanovljena ljubljanska Narodna čitalnica (20. oktobra 1861 in nato kot tretja mariborska Narodna slovanska čitalnica (4. septembra oziroma 10. novembra 1861, meni večina raziskovalcev tega obdobja, da je treba upoštevati formalni datum ustanovitve, ko so ustanovitelji s podpisi potrdili ustanovitveni zapisnik, kar je bilo v Mariboru 17. julija 1861.

  8. Sodium and Proton Effects on Inward Proton Transport through Na/K Pumps (United States)

    Mitchell, Travis J.; Zugarramurdi, Camila; Olivera, J. Fernando; Gatto, Craig; Artigas, Pablo


    The Na/K pump hydrolyzes ATP to export three intracellular Na (Nai) as it imports two extracellular K (Ko) across animal plasma membranes. Within the protein, two ion-binding sites (sites I and II) can reciprocally bind Na or K, but a third site (site III) exclusively binds Na in a voltage-dependent fashion. In the absence of Nao and Ko, the pump passively imports protons, generating an inward current (IH). To elucidate the mechanisms of IH, we used voltage-clamp techniques to investigate the [H]o, [Na]o, and voltage dependence of IH in Na/K pumps from ventricular myocytes and in ouabain-resistant pumps expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Lowering pHo revealed that Ho both activates IH (in a voltage-dependent manner) and inhibits it (in a voltage-independent manner) by binding to different sites. Nao effects depend on pHo; at pHo where no Ho inhibition is observed, Nao inhibits IH at all concentrations, but when applied at pHo that inhibits pump-mediated current, low [Na]o activates IH and high [Na]o inhibits it. Our results demonstrate that IH is a property inherent to Na/K pumps, not linked to the oocyte expression environment, explains differences in the characteristics of IH previously reported in the literature, and supports a model in which 1), protons leak through site III; 2), binding of two Na or two protons to sites I and II inhibits proton transport; and 3), pumps with mixed Na/proton occupancy of sites I and II remain permeable to protons. PMID:24940773



    Duhanič, Ana Marija


    Vodenje. Močna beseda, zaradi katere skoraj vsak človek, ko jo sliši obstane in se zamisli. V vsakdanjem življenju imamo z vodenjem veliko opravka. Ni vsak človek dober vodja, med seboj se razlikujejo. Po stilu vodenja, načinu vodenja, osebnostnih lastnostih, načinih motiviranja, zadovoljstvu zaposlenih pod njegovim vodstvom, itd. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge raziskujemo ravno to. Kako različni stili vodenja vplivajo zadovoljstvo in motiviranost zaposlenih. V nadaljevanju naloge s...

  10. KoFlux: Korean Regional Flux Network in AsiaFlux (United States)

    Kim, J.


    AsiaFlux, the Asian arm of FLUXNET, held the Second International Workshop on Advanced Flux Network and Flux Evaluation in Jeju Island, Korea on 9-11 January 2002. In order to facilitate comprehensive Asia-wide studies of ecosystem fluxes, the meeting launched KoFlux, a new Korean regional network of long-term micrometeorological flux sites. For a successful assessment of carbon exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere, an accurate measurement of surface fluxes of energy and water is one of the prerequisites. During the 7th Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Asian Monsoon Experiment (GAME) held in Nagoya, Japan on 1-2 October 2001, the Implementation Committee of the Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) was established. One of the immediate tasks of CEOP was and is to identify the reference sites to monitor energy and water fluxes over the Asian continent. Subsequently, to advance the regional and global network of these reference sites in the context of both FLUXNET and CEOP, the Korean flux community has re-organized the available resources to establish a new regional network, KoFlux. We have built up domestic network sites (equipped with wind profiler and radiosonde measurements) over deciduous and coniferous forests, urban and rural rice paddies and coastal farmland. As an outreach through collaborations with research groups in Japan, China and Thailand, we also proposed international flux sites at ecologically and climatologically important locations such as a prairie on the Tibetan plateau, tropical forest with mixed and rapid land use change in northern Thailand. Several sites in KoFlux already begun to accumulate interesting data and some highlights are presented at the meeting. The sciences generated by flux networks in other continents have proven the worthiness of a global array of micrometeorological flux towers. It is our intent that the launch of KoFlux would encourage other scientists to initiate and

  11. The oxidation; Okislenie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nikitin, V I


    In this chapter of book author determine that alkylene tetra hydro-{gamma}-piron, oxidated by potassium permanganate in all cases of passed oxidation gave oxidation products, confirmatory their structure.

  12. Predicting Maps of Green Growth in Košice (United States)

    Poorova, Zuzana; Vranayova, Zuzana


    The paper deals with the changing of the traditional roofs in the city of Košice into green roofs. Possible areas of city housing estates, after taking into account the conditions of each of them (types of buildings, statics of buildings), are listed in the paper. The research is picturing the prediction maps of Košice city from 2017 to 2042 in 5-years interval. The paper is a segment of a dissertation work focusing on changing traditional roofs into green roofs with the aim to retain water, calculate the amount of retained water and show possibilities how to use this water.

  13. »Ko bom velik, bom umetnik.« Eksperimentalni peskovnik japonske avantgarde

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    Klara HRVATIN


    Full Text Available Umetniški center Sōgetsu, ki je eden od pomembnejših avantgardnih središč 60. let 20. stoletja, bi lahko opredelili kot umetniški »eksperimentalni peskovnik«. Japonski umetniki, ki so na svojih področjih danes že mednarodno priznani, so se prav v tem »peskovniku« imeli možnost preizkusiti v krogu interdisciplinarnih umetnikov in najti svoj umetniški slog. Dober primer takšnih ustvarjalcev so: filmski režiser Hiroshi Teshigahara (1927–2001, novelist Kōbō Abe (1924–1993 in glasbenik Tōru Takemitsu (1930–1996. V članku bomo orisali natančen pregled vseh umetniških združenj in njihovih dogodkov, ki so jih oblikovali umetniki v času delovanja Centra, od septembra 1958 (13. septembra je potekalo odprtje Centra do marca 1971, ko je Center prenehal delovati. V ospredje bodo postavljena glavna združenja oziroma aktivnosti, predvsem s področij jazzovske glasbe, sodobne glasbe, eksperimentalnih filmov in animacije. Poiskali bomo skupen imenovalec vseh aktivnosti v tem »peskovniku« ter poudarili novosti, ki so jih glavni akterji gibanja z deli, ki so nastala v Centru, vnesli na področji glasbe in filma.

  14. Cellular chloride and bicarbonate retention alters intracellular pH regulation in Cftr KO crypt epithelium. (United States)

    Walker, Nancy M; Liu, Jinghua; Stein, Sydney R; Stefanski, Casey D; Strubberg, Ashlee M; Clarke, Lane L


    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), an anion channel providing a major pathway for Cl(-) and HCO3 (-) efflux across the apical membrane of the epithelium. In the intestine, CF manifests as obstructive syndromes, dysbiosis, inflammation, and an increased risk for gastrointestinal cancer. Cftr knockout (KO) mice recapitulate CF intestinal disease, including intestinal hyperproliferation. Previous studies using Cftr KO intestinal organoids (enteroids) indicate that crypt epithelium maintains an alkaline intracellular pH (pHi). We hypothesized that Cftr has a cell-autonomous role in downregulating pHi that is incompletely compensated by acid-base regulation in its absence. Here, 2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein microfluorimetry of enteroids showed that Cftr KO crypt epithelium sustains an alkaline pHi and resistance to cell acidification relative to wild-type. Quantitative real-time PCR revealed that Cftr KO enteroids exhibit downregulated transcription of base (HCO3 (-))-loading proteins and upregulation of the basolateral membrane HCO3 (-)-unloader anion exchanger 2 (Ae2). Although Cftr KO crypt epithelium had increased Ae2 expression and Ae2-mediated Cl(-)/HCO3 (-) exchange with maximized gradients, it also had increased intracellular Cl(-) concentration relative to wild-type. Pharmacological reduction of intracellular Cl(-) concentration in Cftr KO crypt epithelium normalized pHi, which was largely Ae2-dependent. We conclude that Cftr KO crypt epithelium maintains an alkaline pHi as a consequence of losing both Cl(-) and HCO3 (-) efflux, which impairs pHi regulation by Ae2. Retention of Cl(-) and an alkaline pHi in crypt epithelium may alter several cellular processes in the proliferative compartment of Cftr KO intestine. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  15. Cellular chloride and bicarbonate retention alters intracellular pH regulation in Cftr KO crypt epithelium (United States)

    Walker, Nancy M.; Liu, Jinghua; Stein, Sydney R.; Stefanski, Casey D.; Strubberg, Ashlee M.


    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), an anion channel providing a major pathway for Cl− and HCO3− efflux across the apical membrane of the epithelium. In the intestine, CF manifests as obstructive syndromes, dysbiosis, inflammation, and an increased risk for gastrointestinal cancer. Cftr knockout (KO) mice recapitulate CF intestinal disease, including intestinal hyperproliferation. Previous studies using Cftr KO intestinal organoids (enteroids) indicate that crypt epithelium maintains an alkaline intracellular pH (pHi). We hypothesized that Cftr has a cell-autonomous role in downregulating pHi that is incompletely compensated by acid-base regulation in its absence. Here, 2′,7′-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein microfluorimetry of enteroids showed that Cftr KO crypt epithelium sustains an alkaline pHi and resistance to cell acidification relative to wild-type. Quantitative real-time PCR revealed that Cftr KO enteroids exhibit downregulated transcription of base (HCO3−)-loading proteins and upregulation of the basolateral membrane HCO3−-unloader anion exchanger 2 (Ae2). Although Cftr KO crypt epithelium had increased Ae2 expression and Ae2-mediated Cl−/HCO3− exchange with maximized gradients, it also had increased intracellular Cl− concentration relative to wild-type. Pharmacological reduction of intracellular Cl− concentration in Cftr KO crypt epithelium normalized pHi, which was largely Ae2-dependent. We conclude that Cftr KO crypt epithelium maintains an alkaline pHi as a consequence of losing both Cl− and HCO3− efflux, which impairs pHi regulation by Ae2. Retention of Cl− and an alkaline pHi in crypt epithelium may alter several cellular processes in the proliferative compartment of Cftr KO intestine. PMID:26542396

  16. Increased adiposity, dysregulated glucose metabolism and systemic inflammation in Galectin-3 KO mice.

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    Jingbo Pang

    Full Text Available Obesity and type 2 diabetes are associated with increased production of Galectin-3 (Gal-3, a protein that modulates inflammation and clearance of glucose adducts. We used Lean and Diet-induced Obese (DIO WT and Gal-3 KO mice to investigate the role of Gal-3 in modulation of adiposity, glucose metabolism and inflammation. Deficiency of Gal-3 lead to age-dependent development of excess adiposity and systemic inflammation, as indicated by elevated production of acute-phase proteins, number of circulating pro-inflammatory Ly6C(high monocytes and development of neutrophilia, microcytic anemia and thrombocytosis in 20-week-old Lean and DIO male Gal-3 KO mice. This was associated with impaired fasting glucose, heightened response to a glucose tolerance test and reduced adipose tissue expression of adiponectin, Gal-12, ATGL and PPARγ, in the presence of maintained insulin sensitivity and hepatic expression of gluconeogenic enzymes in 20-week-old Gal-3 KO mice compared to their diet-matched WT controls. Expression of PGC-1α and FGF-21 in the liver of Lean Gal-3 KO mice was comparable to that observed in DIO animals. Impaired fasting glucose and altered responsiveness to a glucose load preceded development of excess adiposity and systemic inflammation, as demonstrated in 12-week-old Gal-3 KO mice. Finally, a role for the microflora in mediating the fasting hyperglycemia, but not the excessive response to a glucose load, of 12-week-old Gal-3 KO mice was demonstrated by administration of antibiotics. In conclusion, Gal-3 is an important modulator of glucose metabolism, adiposity and inflammation.

  17. Primerjava gradnje predorov v Sloveniji in tujini s poudarkom na gradnji Baznega predora Gotthard


    Boršić, Lucia


    Projektna naloga temelji na primerjavi gradnje predorov v Sloveniji in predorov v tujini, s poudarkom na primerjavi gradnje Baznega predora Gotthard, ki predstavlja najdaljši in najgloblji predor na svetu, z gradnjo večjih predorov zgrajenih na območju Slovenije. Naloga prikazuje cilje posameznih projektov, idejne zasnove, probleme in izzive s katerimi so se srečevali inženirji in delavci pri sami gradnji, geološko raznolikost in zgodovino izgradnje predorov. Uporaba sodobnih tehnologij p...

  18. Dose-Dependent Rescue of KO Amelogenin Enamel by Transgenes in Vivo. (United States)

    Bidlack, Felicitas B; Xia, Yan; Pugach, Megan K


    Mice lacking amelogenin (KO) have hypoplastic enamel. Overexpression of the most abundant amelogenin splice variant M180 and LRAP transgenes can substantially improve KO enamel, but only ~40% of the incisor thickness is recovered and the prisms are not as tightly woven as in WT enamel. This implies that the compositional complexity of the enamel matrix is required for different aspects of enamel formation, such as organizational structure and thickness. The question arises, therefore, how important the ratio of different matrix components, and in particular amelogenin splice products, is in enamel formation. Can optimal expression levels of amelogenin transgenes representing both the most abundant splice variants and cleavage product at protein levels similar to that of WT improve the enamel phenotype of KO mice? Addressing this question, our objective was here to understand dosage effects of amelogenin transgenes ( Tg ) representing the major splice variants M180 and LRAP and cleavage product CTRNC on enamel properties. Amelogenin KO mice were mated with M180 Tg , CTRNC Tg and LRAP Tg mice to generate M180 Tg and CTRNC Tg double transgene and M180 Tg , CTRNC Tg , LRAP Tg triple transgene mice with transgene hemizygosity (on one allelle) or homozygosity (on both alleles). Transgene homo- vs. hemizygosity was determined by qPCR and relative transgene expression confirmed by Western blot. Enamel volume and mineral density were analyzed by microCT, thickness and structure by SEM, and mechanical properties by Vickers microhardness testing. There were no differences in incisor enamel thickness between amelogenin KO mice with three or two different transgenes, but mice homozygous for a given transgene had significantly thinner enamel than mice hemizygous for the transgene ( p structure, but only up to a maximum of ~80% that of molar and ~40% that of incisor wild-type enamel.

  19. The founder of the church of Saint George at Pološko

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    Pavlović Dragana


    Full Text Available The paper seeks to establish who was the founder of the church of Saint George at Pološko and revise the conclusions of previous researchers regarding this issue. According to the opinion commonly adopted in the scholarly literature, Jovan Dragušin, a cousin of King Dušan, had merely undertaken the construction of church at Pološko, whereas his mother was responsible for the completion of construction and painting of frescoes in the church. Through an analysis of written and visual sources the conclusion is reached that the sole person responsible for the construction and painting of the church at Pološko was the nun Maria, the mother of Jovan Dragušin. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 177036: Srpska srednjovekovna umetnost i njen evropski kontekst

  20. Altered Immune Cytokine Expression Associated with KoRV B Infection and Season in Captive Koalas (United States)

    Higgins, Damien P.


    Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations are increasingly vulnerable and one of the main threats is chlamydial infection. Koala retrovirus (KoRV) has been proposed as an underlying cause of the koala’s susceptibility to infection with Chlamydia and high rates of lymphoid neoplasia; however, the regionally ubiquitous, endogenous nature of this virus suggests that KoRV A infection is not sufficient for immune suppression to occur. A recently discovered exogenous variant of KoRV, KoRV B, has several structural elements that cause increased pathogenicity in related retroviruses and was associated with lymphoid neoplasia in one study. The present study assesses whether KoRV B infection is associated with alterations in immune function. Cytokine gene expression by mitogen stimulated lymphocytes of KoRV B positive (n = 5–6) and negative (n = 6–7) captive koalas was evaluated by qPCR four times (April 2014-February 2015) to control for seasonal variation. Key immune genes in the Th1 pathway (IFNγ, TNFα), Th2 pathway (IL 10, IL4, IL6) and Th17 pathway (IL17A), along with CD4:CD8 ratio, were assessed. KoRV B positive koalas showed significantly increased up-regulation of IL17A and IL10 in three out of four sampling periods and IFNγ, IL6, IL4 and TNFα in two out of four. IL17A is an immune marker for chlamydial pathogenesis in the koala; increased expression of IL17A in KoRV B positive koalas, and concurrent immune dysregulation, may explain the differences in susceptibility to chlamydial infection and severity of disease seen between individuals and populations. There was also marked seasonal variation in up-regulation for most of the cytokines and the CD4:CD8 ratio. The up-regulation in both Th1 and Th2 cytokines mirrors changes associated with immune dysregulation in humans and felids as a result of retroviral infections. This is the first report of altered immune expression in koalas infected by an exogenous variant of KoRV and also the first report of

  1. Region-Specific Defects of Respiratory Capacities in the Ndufs4(KO Mouse Brain.

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    Ernst-Bernhard Kayser

    Full Text Available Lack of NDUFS4, a subunit of mitochondrial complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, causes Leigh syndrome (LS, a progressive encephalomyopathy. Knocking out Ndufs4, either systemically or in brain only, elicits LS in mice. In patients as well as in KO mice distinct regions of the brain degenerate while surrounding tissue survives despite systemic complex I dysfunction. For the understanding of disease etiology and ultimately for the development of rationale treatments for LS, it appears important to uncover the mechanisms that govern focal neurodegeneration.Here we used the Ndufs4(KO mouse to investigate whether regional and temporal differences in respiratory capacity of the brain could be correlated with neurodegeneration. In the KO the respiratory capacity of synaptosomes from the degeneration prone regions olfactory bulb, brainstem and cerebellum was significantly decreased. The difference was measurable even before the onset of neurological symptoms. Furthermore, neither compensating nor exacerbating changes in glycolytic capacity of the synaptosomes were found. By contrast, the KO retained near normal levels of synaptosomal respiration in the degeneration-resistant/resilient "rest" of the brain. We also investigated non-synaptic mitochondria. The KO expectedly had diminished capacity for oxidative phosphorylation (state 3 respiration with complex I dependent substrate combinations pyruvate/malate and glutamate/malate but surprisingly had normal activity with α-ketoglutarate/malate. No correlation between oxidative phosphorylation (pyruvate/malate driven state 3 respiration and neurodegeneration was found: Notably, state 3 remained constant in the KO while in controls it tended to increase with time leading to significant differences between the genotypes in older mice in both vulnerable and resilient brain regions. Neither regional ROS damage, measured as HNE-modified protein, nor regional complex I stability, assessed by blue native

  2. Plant Defensins NaD1 and NaD2 Induce Different Stress Response Pathways in Fungi

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    Peter M. Dracatos


    Full Text Available Nicotiana alata defensins 1 and 2 (NaD1 and NaD2 are plant defensins from the ornamental tobacco that have antifungal activity against a variety of fungal pathogens. Some plant defensins interact with fungal cell wall O-glycosylated proteins. Therefore, we investigated if this was the case for NaD1 and NaD2, by assessing the sensitivity of the three Aspergillus nidulans (An O-mannosyltransferase (pmt knockout (KO mutants (An∆pmtA, An∆pmtB, and An∆pmtC. An∆pmtA was resistant to both defensins, while An∆pmtC was resistant to NaD2 only, suggesting NaD1 and NaD2 are unlikely to have a general interaction with O-linked side chains. Further evidence of this difference in the antifungal mechanism was provided by the dissimilarity of the NaD1 and NaD2 sensitivities of the Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol signalling knockout mutants from the cell wall integrity (CWI and high osmolarity glycerol (HOG mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK pathways. HOG pathway mutants were sensitive to both NaD1 and NaD2, while CWI pathway mutants only displayed sensitivity to NaD2.

  3. Pravna priroda obveza iz komercijalne djelatnosti prijevoznika - tumačenje Čl.III 2 Haško-Visbyjskih pravila : (prikaz presude)


    Oršulić, Ivana


    Prema common law-u prijevoznik je prima facie dužan krcati, slagati i iskrcavati teret, ali je on ovlašten te svoje obveze prenijeti na drugu osobu. Odredba čl. III 2 Haško-Visbyskih pravila kojom se propisuje dužnost prijevoznika “uredno i brižljivo ukrcavati, rukovati, slagati, prevoziti, čuvati, brinuti se i iskrcavati robu” ne utvrđuje strogo osobnu, neprenosivu obvezu prijevoznika da izvrši navedene radnje već postavlja standard urednog i brižljivog postupanja koji je ...

  4. Pristup uzurpacijama zemljišta na teritoriji općine Maglaj : Approach of land usurpation of municipality of Maglaj theritory

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    Faris Habibović


    Full Text Available Rad na temu „Pristup uzurpacijama zemljišta na teritoriji općine Maglaj“obrađuje postupak raspravljanja uzurpacija na teritoriji općine Maglaj uz korištenje odgovarajućih softverskih aplikacija. U okviru rada je opisan postupak povlačenja granične linije između šuma i šumskog zemljišta sa jedne strane i poljoprivrednog zemljišta sa druge strane, a potom su date karakteristike uzurpiranog zemljišta-parcela. Granična linija je na planovima povučena u AutoCAD programskom paketu, a baza podataka kao i pregledna skica za sve šumske komplekse izrađena koristeći softversku aplikaciju ArcGIS. U radu su obrađene tri katastarske općine (k.o. Ošve, k.o. Moševac i k.o. Ravna. : This paper deals with the process of discussing land usurpation in the territory of Maglaj municipality using appropriate software applications. Drawing procedure of the boundary line between the forest (forest land and farmland is described. Later are given characteristics of usurped land - lots. Boundary line is drawn on the plans in AutoCAD software, and the database and review drafts of all forest complexes have been made using ArcGIS software application. In this paper three cadastral municipalities are processed (cadastral municipality Ošve, cadastral municipality Moševac and cadastral municipality Ravna.

  5. Heat Flux Tests of the ITER FWQMs at KoHLT-1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bae, Young Dug; Kim, Suk Kwon; Shin, Hee Yun; Lee, Dong Won; Hong, Bong Guen


    As a party of the ITER, especially as a procurement party of the ITER blanket, we have designed the First Wall Qualification Mockup (FWQM) and fabricated five FWQMs. Two of them have been tested up to 12,690/12,020 cycles at a heat flux higher than 0.625 MW/m 2 at the KoHLT-1 facility established in the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). Two KO FWQMs successfully passed the normal heat flux tests, and there was no indication of defect in the Be-to-CuCrZr joints

  6. Function of brain α2B-adrenergic receptor characterized with subtype-selective α2B antagonist and KO mice. (United States)

    Luhrs, Lauren; Manlapaz, Cynthia; Kedzie, Karen; Rao, Sandhya; Cabrera-Ghayouri, Sara; Donello, John; Gil, Daniel


    Noradrenergic signaling, through the α 2A and α 2C adrenergic receptors modulates the cognitive and behavioral symptoms of disorders such as schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and addiction. However, it is unknown whether the α 2B receptor has any significant role in CNS function. The present study elucidates the potential role of the α 2B receptor in CNS function via the discovery and use of the first subtype-selective α 2B antagonist (AGN-209419), and behavioral analyses of α-receptor knockout (KO) mice. Using AGN-209419 as radioligand, α 2B receptor binding sites were identified within the olfactory bulb, cortex, thalamus, cerebellum, and striatum. Based on the observed expression patterns of α 2 subtypes in the brain, we compared α 2B KO, α 2A KO and α 2C KO mice behavioral phenotypes with their respective wild-type lines in anxiety (plus maze), compulsive (marble burying), and sensorimotor (prepulse inhibition) tasks. α 2B KO mice exhibited increased marble burying and α 2C KO mice exhibited an increased startle response to a pulse stimulus, but otherwise intact prepulse inhibition. To further explore compulsive behavior, we evaluated novelty-induced locomotor hyperactivity and found that α 2B KO and α 2C KO mice exhibited increased locomotion in the open field. Interestingly, when challenged with amphetamine, α 2C KO mice increased activity at lower doses relative to either α 2A KO or WT mice. However, α 2B KO mice exhibited stereotypy at doses of amphetamine that were only locomotor stimulatory to all other genotypes. Following co-administration of AGN-209419 with low-dose amphetamine in WT mice, stereotypy was observed, mimicking the α 2B KO phenotype. These findings suggest that the α 2B receptor is involved in CNS behaviors associated with sensorimotor gating and compulsivity, and may be therapeutically relevant for disorders such as schizophrenia, ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder, addiction, and

  7. Estrogen receptor-independent catechol estrogen binding activity: protein binding studies in wild-type, Estrogen receptor-alpha KO, and aromatase KO mice tissues. (United States)

    Philips, Brian J; Ansell, Pete J; Newton, Leslie G; Harada, Nobuhiro; Honda, Shin-Ichiro; Ganjam, Venkataseshu K; Rottinghaus, George E; Welshons, Wade V; Lubahn, Dennis B


    Primary evidence for novel estrogen signaling pathways is based upon well-documented estrogenic responses not inhibited by estrogen receptor antagonists. In addition to 17beta-E2, the catechol estrogen 4-hydroxyestradiol (4OHE2) has been shown to elicit biological responses independent of classical estrogen receptors in estrogen receptor-alpha knockout (ERalphaKO) mice. Consequently, our research was designed to biochemically characterize the protein(s) that could be mediating the biological effects of catechol estrogens using enzymatically synthesized, radiolabeled 4-hydroxyestrone (4OHE1) and 4OHE2. Scatchard analyses identified a single class of high-affinity (K(d) approximately 1.6 nM), saturable cytosolic binding sites in several ERalphaKO estrogen-responsive tissues. Specific catechol estrogen binding was competitively inhibited by unlabeled catechol estrogens, but not by 17beta-E2 or the estrogen receptor antagonist ICI 182,780. Tissue distribution studies indicated significant binding differences both within and among various tissues in wild-type, ERalphaKO, and aromatase knockout female mice. Ligand metabolism experiments revealed extensive metabolism of labeled catechol estrogen, suggesting that catechol estrogen metabolites were responsible for the specific binding. Collectively, our data provide compelling evidence for the interaction of catechol estrogen metabolites with a novel binding protein that exhibits high affinity, specificity, and selective tissue distribution. The extensive biochemical characterization of this binding protein indicates that this protein may be a receptor, and thus may mediate ERalpha/beta-independent effects of catechol estrogens and their metabolites.

  8. Mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment in Waste centre Spodnji Stari Grad, Krško


    Kortnik, Jože; Leskovar, Jože


    Review paper Received: October 25, 2013 Accepted: November 7, 2013 Mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment in Waste centre Spodnji Stari Grad, Krško Ravnanje z mešanimi komunalnimi odpadki v Zbirnem centru Spodnji Stari Grad, Krško Jože Kortnik1'*, Jože Leskovar2 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Mining and Geotechnology, Aškerčeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Kostak, d. d., Leskovška cesta 2a, 8270 Krško, Slovenia Correspo...

  9. Subunit composition of seed storage proteins in high-protein soybean genotypes Composição de subunidades de proteínas de reserva em genótipos de soja com alto teor de proteína

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ksenija Taski-Ajdukovic


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to quantify the accumulation of the major seed storage protein subunits, β-conglycinin and glycinin, and how they influence yield and protein and oil contents in high-protein soybean genotypes. The relative accumulation of subunits was calculated by scanning SDS-PAGE gels using densitometry. The protein content of the tested genotypes was higher than control cultivar in the same maturity group. Several genotypes with improved protein content and with unchanged yield or oil content were developed as a result of new breeding initiatives. This research confirmed that high-protein cultivars accumulate higher amounts of glycinin and β-conglycinin. Genotypes KO5427, KO5428, and KO5429, which accumulated lower quantities of all subunits of glycinin and β-conglycinin, were the only exceptions. Attention should be given to genotypes KO5314 and KO5317, which accumulated significantly higher amounts of both subunits of glycinin, and to genotypes KO5425, KO5319, KO539 and KO536, which accumulated significantly higher amounts of β-conglycinin subunits. These findings suggest that some of the tested genotypes could be beneficial in different breeding programs aimed at the production of agronomically viable plants, yielding high-protein seed with specific composition of storage proteins for specific food applications.O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o acúmulo das principais subunidades de proteínas de reserva da soja, β-conglicinina e glicinina, e como elas influenciam a produtividade e os conteúdos de proteína e de óleo em genótipos de soja com alto conteúdo de proteína. A acumulação relativa de subunidades foi calculada por escaneamento em géis SDS-PAGE, com uso de densitometria. O conteúdo de proteínas dos genótipos testados foi maior que o da cultivar controle dentro do mesmo grupo de maturação. Vários genótipos com conteúdo de proteína aumentado, mas com produtividade ou conteúdo de

  10. Spin-orbital superexchange physics emerging from interacting oxygen molecules in KO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solovyev, I V


    We propose that the spin-orbital-lattice coupled phenomena, widely known for the transition-metal oxides, can be realized in molecular solids, comprising of orbitally degenerate magnetic O 2 - ions. KO 2 is one such system. Using the first-principles electronic structure calculations, we set-up an effective spin-orbital superexchange model for the low-energy molecular bands and argue that many anomalous properties of KO 2 indeed replicate the status of its orbital system in different temperature regimes

  11. Pielāgojama norēķinu sistēma mākoņskaitļošanas pakalpojumiem


    Surženko, Dmitrijs


    Šajā darbā apskatīts mākoņskaitļošanas jēdziens un mākoņskaitļošanas mākoņu veidi un to funkcionālā klasifikācija. Apskatīti norēķinu sistēmas pamati balstoties uz telekomunikāciju norēķinu sistēmas pamatiem. Aprakstīta uzņēmuma N mākoņa pārvaldības infrastruktūra. Definētas mākoņskaitļošanas brokera prasības uz uzņēmuma N piemēra. Veikts vairāku mākoņskaitļošanas pakalpojumu norēķinu sistēmas apskats un aprakstīta to atbilstība pielāgojamai norēķinu sistēmai un mākoņskaitļošanas brokera pras...

  12. Model validation of GAMMA code with heat transfer experiment for KO TBM in ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yum, Soo Been; Lee, Eo Hwak; Lee, Dong Won; Park, Goon Cherl


    Highlights: ► In this study, helium supplying system was constructed. ► Preparation for heat transfer experiment in KO TBM condition using helium supplying system was progressed. ► To get more applicable results, test matrix was made to cover the condition for KO TBM. ► Using CFD code; CFX 11, validation and modification for system code GAMMA was performed. -- Abstract: By considering the requirements for a DEMO-relevant blanket concept, Korea (KO) has proposed a He cooled molten lithium (HCML) test blanket module (TBM) for testing in ITER. A performance analysis for the thermal–hydraulics and a safety analysis for the KO TBM have been carried out using a commercial CFD code, ANSYS-CFX, and a system code, GAMMA (GAs multicomponent mixture analysis), which was developed by the gas cooled reactor in Korea. To verify the codes, a preliminary study was performed by Lee using a single TBM first wall (FW) mock-up made from the same material as the KO TBM, ferritic martensitic steel, using a 6 MPa nitrogen gas loop. The test was performed at pressures of 1.1, 1.9 and 2.9 MPa, and under various ranges of flow rate from 0.0105 to 0.0407 kg/s with a constant wall temperature condition. In the present study, a thermal–hydraulic test was performed with the newly constructed helium supplying system, in which the design pressure and temperature were 9 MPa and 500 °C, respectively. In the experiment, the same mock-up was used, and the test was performed under the conditions of 3 MPa pressure, 30 °C inlet temperature and 70 m/s helium velocity, which are almost same conditions of the KO TBM FW. One side of the mock-up was heated with a constant heat flux of 0.3–0.5 MW/m 2 using a graphite heating system, KoHLT-2 (Korea heat load test facility-2). Because the comparison result between CFX 11 and GAMMA showed a difference tendency, the modification of heat transfer correlation included in GAMMA was performed. And the modified GAMMA showed the strong parity with CFX

  13. Gul'ko, descriptive, and Gruenhage compact spaces

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Fabian, Marián; Montesinos, V.; Zizler, Václav


    Roč. 104, č. 2 (2010), s. 201-220 ISSN 1578-7303 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA100190901; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA100190610 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10190503 Keywords : Gul'ko * descriptive * fragmentable compact spaces * network Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.400, year: 2010



    Ličen, Tomaž


    Pojem prevare je težko opredeljiv, saj je odvisen od tega, iz katerega zornega kota prevaro opazujemo. Po standardih jih delimo na poslovodske in zaposlenske. Motive za nastanek prevare smo predstavili s trikotnikom prevar, ki razlaga, da posamezniki zagrešijo prevaro, ko so prisotni trije dejavniki: pritisk, priložnost in racionalizacija. Glavno odgovornost za preprečevanje in odkrivanje prevar nosi poslovodstvo, ki mora skrbeti za usmeritve in postopke, ki pomagajo dosegati kolikor mogoče p...

  15. Interaction between Na+/K+-pump and Na+/Ca2+-exchanger modulates intercellular communication. (United States)

    Matchkov, Vladimir V; Gustafsson, Helena; Rahman, Awahan; Briggs Boedtkjer, Donna M; Gorintin, Sarah; Hansen, Anne Kirstine; Bouzinova, Elena V; Praetorius, Helle A; Aalkjaer, Christian; Nilsson, Holger


    Ouabain, a specific inhibitor of the Na(+)/K(+)-pump, has previously been shown to interfere with intercellular communication. Here we test the hypothesis that the communication between vascular smooth muscle cells is regulated through an interaction between the Na(+)/K(+)-pump and the Na(+)/Ca(2+)-exchanger leading to an increase in the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) in discrete areas near the plasma membrane. [Ca(2+)](i) in smooth muscle cells was imaged in cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cell pairs (A7r5) and in rat mesenteric small artery segments simultaneously with force. In A7r5 coupling between cells was estimated by measuring membrane capacitance. Smooth muscle cells were uncoupled when the Na(+)/K(+)-pump was inhibited either by a low concentration of ouabain, which also caused a localized increase of [Ca(2+)](i) near the membrane, or by ATP depletion. Reduction of Na(+)/K(+)-pump activity by removal of extracellular potassium ([K(+)](o)) also uncoupled cells, but only after inhibition of K(ATP) channels. Inhibition of the Na(+)/Ca(2+)-exchange activity by SEA0400 or by a reduction of the equilibrium potential (making it more negative) also uncoupled the cells. Depletion of intracellular Na(+) and clamping of [Ca(2+)](i) at low concentrations prevented the uncoupling. The experiments suggest that the Na(+)/K(+)-pump may affect gap junction conductivity via localized changes in [Ca(2+)](i) through modulation of Na(+)/Ca(2+)-exchanger activity.

  16. International Conference on the Conservation of the Lesser Spotted Eagle, Košická Belá, Slovakia, 2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guziová Zuzana


    Full Text Available Medzinárodná konferencia o ochrane orla kriklavého (Aquila pomarina sa konala 25. - 27. septembra 2014 v Penzióne Lesanka v Košickej Belej na Slovensku. Zorganizovala ju Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku (RPS v spolupráci s Východoslovenskou energetikou Holding a.s. Konferencia bola zameraná na prípravu podkladov pre aktualizáciu európskeho akcného plánu pre orla kriklavého, zdielanie informácií o biológii a ekológia druhu a na výmenu skúseností s osvedcenými alebo inovatívnymi opatreniami pre zachovanie orla kriklavého. Konferencie sa zúcastnilo celkom 59 úcastníkov zo 14 krajín. Na konferencii odznelo 17 príspevkov a bolo prezentovaných 7 posterov. Niektoré z týchto príspevkov sú publikované v casopise Slovak Raptor Journal 9 (2015, dalších 23 príspevkov sú publikované formou konferencných abstraktov. Program konferencie zahrnal aj 2 exkurzie, pocas ktorých mali úcastníci možnost vidiet ukážku inštalácie konzolových chrániciek na stlpoch 22 kV elektrického vedenia a typické biotopy orla kriklavého. Konferencia bola organizovaná v rámci projektu LIFE09NAT/SK/000396 Ochrana orla kriklavého na Slovensku, ktorý realizovala Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku, Východoslovenská energetika Holding a.s., Stredoslovenská energetika, a.s. a Stredoslovenská energetika-Distribúcia, a.s. Projekt bol spolufinancovaný Európskou úniou prostredníctvom financného nástroja LIFE a Ministerstvom životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky.

  17. Utjecaj izbora vinskog posuđa na polifenolni sastav vina


    Čirjak, Marina


    Kvaliteta vina u značajnoj mjeri je definira polifenolnim sastavom. Polifenoli definiraju boju, trpkoću, gorčinu i strukturu vina, a dokazano je da imaju i pozitivne učinke na zdravlje. Na sastav i udio polifenola vina utječe: sorta grožđa, primijenjena tehnologija prerade, maceracija te uvjeti tijekom dozrijevanja grožđa i vina. Pri izradi ovog rada koristila su se crvena vina, sorti Cabernet sauvignon, Pinot crni te Merlot, različitih godina berbe, trajanja maceracije, vremena i posuđa u ko...

  18. Perbandingan Ko-kultur 2D dan 3D dengan Metode Hanging Drop untuk Menghasilkan Micro-environment yang Lebih Relevan Secara Klinis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto


    Full Text Available Ko-kultur sel 2 dimensi (2D kurang menyerupai micro-environment seperti in vivo sedangkan ko-kultur 3 dimensi (3D membentuk mikromassa yang lebih mirip micro-environment in vivo sehingga bermanfaat dalam penelitian biologi dasar. Penelitian ini membandingkan ko-kultur 2D dan 3D sel punca serta sel stelata hepatik dengan metode hanging drop untuk menilai morfologi sel dan pembentukan sferoid dari mikromassa yang terbentuk. Studi in vitro ini dilakukan di Pusat Virologi dan Kanker Patobiologi (PRVKP UI dan laboratorium histologi FKUI pada bulan September 2015 sampai Oktober 2016 menggunakan sel punca yang diisolasi dari darah tali pusat manusia dan sel lestari LX2 (stelata hepatik manusia. Darah tali pusat disortir dengan MACS CD34 dan dianalisis flowcytometry. Ko-kultur sel punca sumsum tulang atau darah tali pusat dan LX2 dilakukan dengan metode hanging drop untuk ko-kultur 2D dan ko-kultur 3D. Triplikasi eksperimen dilakukan untuk tiap set ko-kultur. Hasilnya menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan morfologi ko-kultur 2D dan 3D hanging drop dibandingkan monokultur. Di ko-kultur 2D terdapat mikromassa dan di monokultur 2D tidak terbentuk mikromassa. Di ko-kultur 3D hanging drop, terdapat sferoid yang lebih kecil dibandingkan monokultur 3D hanging drop. Morfologi sel ko-kultur 2D dan 3D dengan metode hanging drop dibandingkan monokultur menunjukkan perubahan fenotip sel-sel yang tergabung dalam mikromassa. Normal 0 false false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE Normal 0 false false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE Heavy metals in the air between Krompachy and Košice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Slanèo Pavel


    Full Text Available The metallurgic activity of Kovohuty Krompachy (Non-ferrous Metal Works in Krompachy in the past left its visible devastation sign on the nature. It was evident that the dispersion of some elements, especially Cu, Pb, Sb and As, in the air was caused by the activity of metal works and their point sources. The properties of these metals may cause changes in health of biological objects as a result of long-term effect on the natural or communal spheres. After the treatment activities in ŽB Rudòany enterprise ended, Kovohuty Krompachy bought a treatment concentrate from ŽB Rudòany, which was freed from mercury. This concentrate still contained a lot of Cu, Sb, As, Bi and it should have been processed in Kovohuty to the so called black copper. The Municipality of the city of Košice, its department of the environment, expressed its apprehension of the possibility that this processing could cause that heavy metals may be spread in a direction of prevailing winds, i.e. south-east direction, where the city of Košice is situated. This was a reason for a task to monitor movement and occurrence of heavy metals on the route between Krompachy and Košice, as well as to monitor the share of individual sources of pollution on the quality of air in Košice urban agglomeration.Two methods applied were chosen for research purposes. The dust deposition was monitored, i.e. dust that sediments from air, its value is stated in g.m-2. 30 days-1. Another method used was the so called aspiration dust content, when air is sucked through a suitable filter and the value is stated in mg.m-3. In the given locality, there were 15 newly built or renovated sedimentation stations, where samples of sedimented dust were taken by the end of 1999 in six stages. They are marked by letters A to F. The samples of dust were analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The presented paper shows the results of phases A and D, or B and D.Aspiration method was used for fine

  19. Anti-Trichomonas vaginalis properties of the oil of Amomum tsao-ko and its major component, geraniol. (United States)

    Dai, Min; Peng, Cheng; Peng, Fu; Xie, Chengbin; Wang, Pinjia; Sun, Fenghui


    Trichomonosis, caused by the flagellate protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis, is the most common non-viral sexually transmitted disease (STD) and 5-nitroimidazole drugs are used for the treatment. However, a growing number of T. vaginalis isolates are resistant to these drugs, which make it becomes an urgent issue. The current study was designed to evaluate the anti-T. vaginalis activity of the essential oil from A. tsao-ko used in traditional Chinese medicine and as a spice and its main component, geraniol. The anti-T. vaginalis activities of A. tsao-ko essential oil and geraniol were evaluated by the minimum lethal concentration (MLC) and 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) in vitro. The morphological changes of T. vaginalis were observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Additionally, sub-MLC concentration treatment with sub-MLC A. tsao-ko essential oil and geraniol was also performed. This study shows that MLC/IC50 of A. tsao-ko essential oil was 44.97 µg/ml/22.49 µg/ml for T. vaginalis isolate Tv1, and 89.93 µg/ml/44.97 µg/ml for T. vaginalis isolate Tv2. Those of geraniol were 342.96 µg/ml/171.48 µg/ml, respectively. After A. tsao-ko essential oil or geraniol treatment, obvious similar morphological changes of T. vaginalis were observed by TEM: the nuclear membrane was damaged, nuclei were dissolved, and the chromatin was accumulated; in the cytoplasm, numerous vacuoles appeared, rough endoplasmic reticulum dilated, the number of ribosomes were reduced, organelles disintegrated, the cell membrane was partially damaged, with cytoplasmic leakage, and cell disintegration was observed. The action time did not increase the effect of A. tsao-ko essential oil or geraniol against T. vaginalis, as no significant difference was observed after sub-MLC concentration treatment for 1, 3, and 5 h with A. tsao-ko essential oil and geraniol. The study describes the first report on the activity and morphological changes of A. tsao-ko essential oil and

  1. Magnetic properties of the alkali metal ozonides KO3, RbO3, and CsO3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lueken, H.; Deussen, M.; Jansen, M.; Hesse, W.; Schnick, W.


    The magnetic susceptibilities of KO 3 , RbO 3 and CsO 3 have been determined between 3.6 and 250 K. Above 50 K Curie-Weiss behaviour is observed. Magnetic moments of 1.74 μ B (KO 3 , CsO 3 ) and 1.80 μ B (RbO 3 ) calculated from the Curie-Weiss straight lines correspond with spin-only moments expected for isolated O 3 - species with one unpaired electron. The Weiss constants Θ are -34 K (KO 3 ), -23 K (RbO 3 ) and -10 K (CsO 3 ). The low temperature behaviour of KO 3 and RbO 3 (broad maxima in susceptibility at 20 and 17 K, respectively, and minima at 6 K) is typical of systems which show with decreasing temperature low-dimensional antiferromagnetic and three-dimensional magnetic ordering. Inspecting the intermolecular distances between oxygen atoms the pathways of exchange interactions are discussed. (author)

  2. P2Y2 receptor knock-out mice display normal NaCl absorption in medullary thick ascending limb

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Delgado Marques


    Full Text Available Local purinergic signals modulate renal tubular transport. Acute activation of renal epithelial P2 receptors causes inhibition of epithelial transport and thus, should favor increased water and salt excretion by the kidney. So far only a few studies have addressed the effects of extracellular nucleotides on ion transport in the thick ascending limb. In the medullary thick ascending limb (mTAL, basolateral P2X receptors markedly (~25% inhibit NaCl absorption. Although this segment does express both apical and basolateral P2Y2 receptors, acute activation of the basolateral P2Y2 receptors had no apparent effect on transepithelial ion transport. Here we studied, if the absence of the P2Y2 receptor causes chronic alterations in mTAL NaCl absorption by comparing basal and AVP-stimulated transepithelial transport rates. We used perfused mouse mTALs to electrically measure NaCl absorption in juvenile (35 days male mice. Using microelectrodes, we determined the transepithelial voltage (Vte and the transepithelial resistance (Rte and thus, transepithelial NaCl absorption (equivalent short circuit current, I’sc.We find that mTALs from adult wild type (WT mice have significantly lower NaCl absorption rates when compared to mTALs from juvenile WT mice. This could be attributed to significantly higher Rte values in mTALs from adult WT mice. This pattern was not observed in mTALs from P2Y2 receptor knockout (KO mice. In addition, adult P2Y2 receptor KO mTALs have significantly lower Vte values compared to the juvenile. No difference in absolute I´sc was observed when comparing mTALs from WT and KO mice. AVP stimulated the mTALs to similar increases of NaCl absorption irrespective of the absence of the P2Y2 receptor. No difference was observed in the medullary expression level of NKCC2 in between the genotypes.These data indicate that the lack of P2Y2 receptors does not cause substantial differences in resting and AVP-stimulated NaCl absorption in

  3. Öko tähendab edu / Liis Kängsepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kängsepp, Liis, 1981-


    Kaubandusturul on populaarsust kogumas mahe- ja ausalt toodetud (fair trade) kaubad. Vt. samas: Mis on mahetoit; Fair Trade; Roheline liikumine: tarbi vähem!; Mätas: pane öko peale ja müüb!; Treener Kristel Tamm jõudis ökoni oma lapsele head pakkuda tahtes

  4. Differential Impact of miR-21 on Pain and Associated Affective and Cognitive Behavior after Spared Nerve Injury in B7-H1 ko Mouse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franziska Karl


    Full Text Available MicroRNAs (miRNAs are increasingly recognized as regulators of immune and neuronal gene expression and are potential master switches in neuropathic pain pathophysiology. miR-21 is a promising candidate that may link the immune and the pain system. To investigate the pathophysiological role of miR-21 in neuropathic pain, we assessed mice deficient of B7 homolog 1 (B7-H1, a major inhibitor of inflammatory responses. In previous studies, an upregulation of miR-21 had been shown in mouse lymphocytes. Young (8 weeks, middle-aged (6 months, and old (12 months B7-H1 ko mice and wildtype littermates (WT received a spared nerve injury (SNI. We assessed thermal withdrawal latencies and mechanical withdrawal thresholds. Further, we performed tests for anxiety-like and cognitive behavior. Quantitative real time PCR was used to determine miR-21 relative expression in peripheral nerves, and dorsal root ganglia (DRG at distinct time points after SNI. We found mechanical hyposensitivity with increasing age of naïve B7-H1 ko mice. Young and middle-aged B7-H1 ko mice were more sensitive to mechanical stimuli compared to WT mice (young: p < 0.01, middle-aged: p < 0.05. Both genotypes developed mechanical and heat hypersensitivity (p < 0.05 after SNI, without intergroup differences. No relevant differences were found after SNI in three tests for anxiety like behavior in B7-H1 ko and WT mice. Also, SNI had no effect on cognition. B7-H1 ko and WT mice showed a higher miR-21 expression (p < 0.05 and invasion of macrophages and T cells in the injured nerve 7 days after SNI without intergroup differences. Our study reveals that increased miR-21 expression in peripheral nerves after SNI is associated with reduced mechanical and heat withdrawal thresholds. These results point to a role of miR-21 in the pathophysiology of neuropathic pain, while affective behavior and cognition seem to be spared. Contrary to expectations, B7-H1 ko mice did not show higher miR-21



    Marhl, Anja


    Da bi se posameznik podal na podjetniško pot mora zaznati poslovno priložnost, hkrati pa mora imeti tudi ustrezno znanje oziroma sposobnosti. Odločitev za podjetništvo je vedno osebna odločitev. Posameznik se mora sam odločiti ali bo deloval kot podjetnik, ali pa se bo ukvarjal s čim drugim. Koroška regija je ena izmed najstarejših slovenskih industrijskih regij. Prevladujejo predelovalne dejavnosti (proizvodnja kovin in kovinskih izdelkov, proizvodnja iz gume in plastike ter proizvodnja ...

  6. Implementation of KoHLT-EB DAQ System using compact RIO with EPICS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chang, Dae-Sik; Kim, Suk-Kwon; Lee, Dong Won [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Cho, Seungyon [National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) is a collection of software tools collaboratively developed which can be integrated to provide a comprehensive and scalable control system. Currently there is an increase in use of such systems in large Physics experiments like KSTAR, ITER and DAIC (Daejeon Accelerator Ion Complex). The Korean heat load test facility (KoHLT-EB) was installed at KAERI. This facility is utilized for a qualification test of the plasma facing component (PFC) for the ITER first wall and DEMO divertor, and the thermo-hydraulic experiments. The existing data acquisition device was Agilent 34980A multifunction switch and measurement unit and controlled by Agilent VEE. In the present paper, we report the EPICS based newly upgraded KoHLT-EB DAQ system which is the advanced data acquisition system using FPGA-based reconfigurable DAQ devices like compact RIO. The operator interface of KoHLT-EB DAQ system is composed of Control-System Studio (CSS) and another server is able to archive the related data using the standalone archive tool and the archiveviewer can retrieve that data at any time in the infra-network.

  7. NCKX3 was compensated by calcium transporting genes and bone resorption in a NCKX3 KO mouse model. (United States)

    Yang, Hyun; Ahn, Changhwan; Shin, Eun-Kyeong; Lee, Ji-Sun; An, Beum-Soo; Jeung, Eui-Bae


    Gene knockout is the most powerful tool for determination of gene function or permanent modification of the phenotypic characteristics of an animal. Existing methods for gene disruption are limited by their efficiency, time required for completion and potential for confounding off-target effects. In this study, a rapid single-step approach to knockout of a targeted gene in mice using zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) was demonstrated for generation of mutant (knockout; KO) alleles. Specifically, ZFNs to target the sodium/calcium/potassium exchanger3 (NCKX3) gene in C57bl/6j were designed using the concept of this approach. NCKX3 KO mice were generated and the phenotypic characterization and molecular regulation of active calcium transporting genes was assessed when mice were fed different calcium diets during growth. General phenotypes such as body weight and plasma ion level showed no distinct abnormalities. Thus, the potassium/sodium/calcium exchanger of NCKX3 KO mice proceeded normally in this study. As a result, the compensatory molecular regulation of this mechanism was elucidated. Renal TRPV5 mRNA of NCKX3 KO mice increased in both male and female mice. Expression of TRPV6 mRNA was only down-regulated in the duodenum of male KO mice. Renal- and duodenal expression of PTHR and VDR were not changed; however, GR mRNA expression was increased in the kidney of NCKX3 KO mice. Depletion of the NCKX3 gene in a KO mouse model showed loss of bone mineral contents and increased plasma parathyroid hormone, suggesting that NCKX3 may play a role in regulating calcium homeostasis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Advanced RF-KO slow-extraction method for the reduction of spill ripple

    CERN Document Server

    Noda, K; Shibuya, S; Uesugi, T; Muramatsu, M; Kanazawa, M; Takada, E; Yamada, S


    Two advanced RF-knockout (RF-KO) slow-extraction methods have been developed at HIMAC in order to reduce the spill ripple for accurate heavy-ion cancer therapy: the dual frequency modulation (FM) method and the separated function method. As a result of simulations and experiments, it was verified that the spill ripple could be considerably reduced using these advanced methods, compared with the ordinary RF-KO method. The dual FM method and the separated function method bring about a low spill ripple within standard deviations of around 25% and of 15% during beam extraction within around 2 s, respectively, which are in good agreement with the simulation results.

  9. koņdatošanas izmantošana informātikas priekšmetā vidusskolā.


    Jēkabsone, Kristīne


    Izanalizējot informātikas standartu vidusskolā izpētīta mākoņdatošanas izmantošanas iespējas vidusskolā. Veikta aptauja vidusskolas klases skolēnu vidū. Aplūkots vidusskolas izglītojamo pieejamais tehnoloģiju klāsts. Meklēta atbilde uz pētniecisko jautājumu: kādas ir mākoņdatošanas izmantošanas iespējas informātikas priekšmeta apguvē vidusskolā? Sniegti ieteikumi skolotājiem strādājot ar mākoņdatošanu. Atslēgas vārdi: informātika, mākoņdatošana, Google Drive, Skydrive, Dropbox....

  10. Depressed nNOS expression during spine transition in the developing hippocampus of FMR1 KO mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Qin; Zhu, Zhiwei; Xu, Jialu; Gu, Weizhong; Zhao, Zhengyan


    Nitric oxide (NO), synthesized as needed by NO synthase (NOS), is involved in spinogenesis and synaptogenesis. Immature spine morphology is characteristic of fragile X syndrome (FXS). The objective of this research was to investigate and compare changes of postnatal neuronal NOS (nNOS) expression in the hippocampus of male fragile X mental retardation 1 gene knockout mice (FMR1 KO mice, the animal model of FXS) and male wild-type mice (WT) at postnatal day 7 (P7), P14, P21, and P28. nNOS mRNA levels were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR (N = 4-7) and nNOS protein was estimated by Western blot (N = 3) and immunohistochemistry (N = 1). In the PCR assessment, primers 5′-GTGGCCATCGTGTCCTACCATAC-3′ and 5′-GTTTCGAGGCAGGTGGAAGCTA-3′ were used for the detection of nNOS and primers 5′-CCGTTTCTCCTGGCTCAGTTTA-3′ and 5′-CCCCAATACCACATCATCCAT-3′ were used for the detection of β-actin. Compared to the WT group, nNOS mRNA expression was significantly decreased in FMR1 KO mice at P21 (KO: 0.2857 ± 0.0150, WT: 0.5646 ± 0.0657; P < 0.05). Consistently, nNOS immunoreactivity also revealed reduced staining intensity at P21 in the FMR1 KO group. Western blot analysis validated the immunostaining results by demonstrating a significant reduction in nNOS protein levels in the FMR1 KO group compared to the WT group at P21 (KO: 0.3015 ± 0.0897, WT: 1.7542 ± 0.5455; P < 0.05). These results suggest that nNOS was involved in the postnatal development of the hippocampus in FXS and impaired NO production may retard spine maturation in FXS

  11. Depressed nNOS expression during spine transition in the developing hippocampus of FMR1 KO mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Qin; Zhu, Zhiwei; Xu, Jialu [Department of Children' s Health Care, Children' s Hospital, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang (China); Gu, Weizhong [Department of Pathology, Children' s Hospital, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang (China); Zhao, Zhengyan [Department of Children' s Health Care, Children' s Hospital, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang (China)


    Nitric oxide (NO), synthesized as needed by NO synthase (NOS), is involved in spinogenesis and synaptogenesis. Immature spine morphology is characteristic of fragile X syndrome (FXS). The objective of this research was to investigate and compare changes of postnatal neuronal NOS (nNOS) expression in the hippocampus of male fragile X mental retardation 1 gene knockout mice (FMR1 KO mice, the animal model of FXS) and male wild-type mice (WT) at postnatal day 7 (P7), P14, P21, and P28. nNOS mRNA levels were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR (N = 4-7) and nNOS protein was estimated by Western blot (N = 3) and immunohistochemistry (N = 1). In the PCR assessment, primers 5′-GTGGCCATCGTGTCCTACCATAC-3′ and 5′-GTTTCGAGGCAGGTGGAAGCTA-3′ were used for the detection of nNOS and primers 5′-CCGTTTCTCCTGGCTCAGTTTA-3′ and 5′-CCCCAATACCACATCATCCAT-3′ were used for the detection of β-actin. Compared to the WT group, nNOS mRNA expression was significantly decreased in FMR1 KO mice at P21 (KO: 0.2857 ± 0.0150, WT: 0.5646 ± 0.0657; P < 0.05). Consistently, nNOS immunoreactivity also revealed reduced staining intensity at P21 in the FMR1 KO group. Western blot analysis validated the immunostaining results by demonstrating a significant reduction in nNOS protein levels in the FMR1 KO group compared to the WT group at P21 (KO: 0.3015 ± 0.0897, WT: 1.7542 ± 0.5455; P < 0.05). These results suggest that nNOS was involved in the postnatal development of the hippocampus in FXS and impaired NO production may retard spine maturation in FXS.

  12. Depressed nNOS expression during spine transition in the developing hippocampus of FMR1 KO mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qin Xu


    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO, synthesized as needed by NO synthase (NOS, is involved in spinogenesis and synaptogenesis. Immature spine morphology is characteristic of fragile X syndrome (FXS. The objective of this research was to investigate and compare changes of postnatal neuronal NOS (nNOS expression in the hippocampus of male fragile X mental retardation 1 gene knockout mice (FMR1 KO mice, the animal model of FXS and male wild-type mice (WT at postnatal day 7 (P7, P14, P21, and P28. nNOS mRNA levels were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR (N = 4-7 and nNOS protein was estimated by Western blot (N = 3 and immunohistochemistry (N = 1. In the PCR assessment, primers 5’-GTGGCCATCGTGTCCTACCATAC-3’ and 5’-GTTTCGAGGCAGGTGGAAGCTA-3’ were used for the detection of nNOS and primers 5’-CCGTTTCTCCTGGCTCAGTTTA-3’ and 5’-CCCCAATACCACATCATCCAT-3’ were used for the detection of β-actin. Compared to the WT group, nNOS mRNA expression was significantly decreased in FMR1 KO mice at P21 (KO: 0.2857 ± 0.0150, WT: 0.5646 ± 0.0657; P < 0.05. Consistently, nNOS immunoreactivity also revealed reduced staining intensity at P21 in the FMR1 KO group. Western blot analysis validated the immunostaining results by demonstrating a significant reduction in nNOS protein levels in the FMR1 KO group compared to the WT group at P21 (KO: 0.3015 ± 0.0897, WT: 1.7542 ± 0.5455; P < 0.05. These results suggest that nNOS was involved in the postnatal development of the hippocampus in FXS and impaired NO production may retard spine maturation in FXS.

  13. Rate constant and thermochemistry for K + O2 + N2 = KO2 + N2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sorvajärvi, Tapio; Viljanen, Jan; Toivonen, Juha


    in the form of double exponential decays of [K], which yielded both kR1 and the equilibrium constant for KO2 formation. kR1 can be summarized as 1.07 × 10-30(T/1000 K)-0.733 cm6 molecule-2 s-1. Combination with literature values leads to a recommended kR1 of 5.5 × 10-26T-1.55 exp(-10/T) cm6 molecule-2 s-1...... over 250-1320 K, with an error limit of a factor of 1.5. A vant Hoff analysis constrained to fit the computed ΔS298 yields a K-O2 bond dissociation enthalpy of 184.2 ± 4.0 kJ mol-1 at 298 K and ΔfH298(KO2) = -95.2 ± 4.1 kJ mol-1. The corresponding D0 is 181.5 ± 4.0 kJ mol-1. This value compares well...

  14. Złamanie zmęczeniowe bliższej części piszczeli związane ze zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi kolana u chorej na reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleksander Wielkopolski


    Full Text Available Zmęczeniowe złamania kości piszczelowej wtórne do zmian zwyrodnieniowychstawu kolanowego występują rzadko. Tego typuzłamania dotyczą głównie bliższego końca kości piszczelowej.Autorzy pracy opisują przypadek złamania zmęczeniowego piszczelize współistniejącymi zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi kolanau 57-letniej kobiety chorej na reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów.Chora była leczona operacyjnie z zastosowaniem tylnostabilizowanejendoprotezy stawu kolanowego z długim trzpieniem piszczelowym.To postępowanie pozwoliło osiągnąć redukcję dolegliwościbólowych, skorygować oś kończyny oraz uzyskać wygojeniezmęczeniowego złamania.

  15. The Growth Hormone Receptor Gene-Disrupted (GHR-KO) Mouse Fails to Respond to an Intermittent Fasting (IF) Diet (United States)

    Arum, Oge; Bonkowski, Michael S.; Rocha, Juliana S.; Bartke, Andrzej


    SUMMARY The interaction of longevity-conferring genes with longevity-conferring diets is poorly understood. The growth hormone receptor gene-disrupted (GHR-KO) mouse is long-lived; and this longevity is not responsive to 30% caloric restriction (CR), in contrast to wild-type animals from the same strain. To determine whether this may have been limited to a particular level of dietary restriction (DR), we subjected GHR-KO mice to a different dietary restriction regimen, an intermittent fasting (IF) diet. The IF diet increased the survivorship and improved insulin sensitivity of normal males, but failed to affect either parameter in GHR-KO mice. From the results of two paradigms of dietary restriction we postulate that GHR-KO mice would be resistant to any manner of DR; potentially due to their inability to further enhance insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity may be a mechanism and/or a marker of the lifespan-extending potential of an intervention. PMID:19747233

  16. Farklı stres koşullarında Rhodotorula glutinis’ten antioksidan üretimi için biyoproses koşullarının geliştirilmesi




       Çalışmada, antioksidan enzimler sınıfında yer alan süperoksit dismutaz (SOD) ve katalaz (KAT) enzimlerinin, Rhodotorula glutinis mayasından yüksek aktivite ile üretimi için biyoproses koşulları araştırılmıştır. Küçük ölçek (100 ml) ve kesikli işletimde sıcaklık, başlangıç ph değeri, karbon ve azot kaynaklarının etkisi incelendikten sonra, deney tasarımı yapılmıştır. SOD aktivitesinin optimum koşullarında küçük ...

  17. Source of spill ripple in the RF-KO slow-extraction method with FM and AM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noda, K.; Furukawa, T.; Shibuya, S.; Muramatsu, M.; Uesugi, T.; Kanazawa, M.; Torikoshi, M.; Takada, E.; Yamada, S.


    The RF-knockout (RF-KO) slow-extraction method with frequency modulation (FM) and amplitude modulation (AM) has brought high-accuracy irradiation to the treatment of a cancer tumor moving with respiration, because of a quick response to beam start/stop. However, a beam spill extracted from a synchrotron ring through RF-KO slow-extraction has a huge ripple with a frequency of around 1 kHz related to the FM. The spill ripple will disturb the lateral dose distribution in the beam scanning methods. Thus, the source of the spill ripple has been investigated through experiments and simulations. There are two tune regions for the extraction process through the RF-KO method: the extraction region and the diffusion region. The particles in the extraction region can be extracted due to amplitude growth through the transverse RF field, only when its frequency matches with the tune in the extraction region. For a large chromaticity, however, the particles in the extraction region can be extracted through the synchrotron oscillation, even when the frequency does not match with the tune in the extraction region. Thus, the spill structure during one period of the FM strongly depends on the horizontal chromaticity. They are repeated with the repetition frequency of the FM, which is the very source of the spill ripple in the RF-KO method

  18. Scyntygrafia kości w diagnostyce reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Witold Tłustochowicz


    Full Text Available Celem pracy była ocena przydatności trójfazowej dynamicznejscyntygrafii kości w diagnostyce reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów.Badaniem objęto 39 chorych hospitalizowanych i diagnozowanychz powodu dolegliwości stawowych. Przeprowadzono diagnostykęobejmującą: badanie podmiotowe, przedmiotowe, badania laboratoryjneoraz obrazowe, w tym trójfazową scyntygrafię kości z użyciemtechnetu 99m. Scyntygraficzne cechy zapalenia stawówstwierdzano, gdy obserwowano wzmożone gromadzenie znacznikawe wszystkich trzech fazach badania.Po ukończeniu diagnostyki rozpoznano u 13 chorych wczesne reumatoidalnezapalenie stawów, u 4 reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów(łącznie 17 pacjentów, a u 1 niezróżnicowane zapalenie stawów.Scyntygrafia kości wykazała cechy zapalenia stawów u 13spośród nich (72,2%, u 4 osób (22,2% wzmożone gromadzeniestwierdzono tylko w fazie statycznej, a u 1 pacjenta (5,6% uzyskanoprawidłowy wynik badania. U 21 chorych wykluczono chorobęzapalną stawów (u 19 rozpoznano fibromialgię, u 2 chorobęzwyrodnieniową. W grupie bez zapalenia stawów u 14 pacjentów(66,6% nie stwierdzono istotnych nieprawidłowości w obraziescyntygraficznym, u 6 (28,6% występowało wzmożone gromadzenieznacznika w badaniu statycznym, a u 1 chorego (4,8% opisanoscyntygraficzne cechy zapalenia stawów.Wbadanej grupie czułość scyntygrafii dynamicznej kości w wykrywaniuzapalenia stawów wynosiła 72,2% (95% CI: 57,5–76,8, a swoistość 95,2% (95% CI: 82,8–99,1. Dodatni wynik badaniadynamicznego wskazuje z dużym prawdopodobieństwem naobecność zapalenia stawów [PPV 92,9% (95% CI: 74,2–98,7].Mniej wiarygodny był ujemny wynik badania [NPV 80% (95% CI:69,5–83,3]. Wyniki niniejszej pracy wskazują, że trójfazowa scyntygrafia dynamicznakości może mieć zastosowanie w diagnostyce reumatoidalnegozapalenia stawów.

  19. A Note on Ko-Type O-Ending Syllables in Old Japanese (United States)

    Unger, J. Marshall


    Further evidence is offered to support the argument that ko-type o-ending syllables may have been secondary in nature in Old Japanese. Pre-Old Japanese indicates the */uwa/ sequence was manifested as /uwe/ and /uwu/ endings of o-ending syllable verbs. (SCC)

  20. Source of spill ripple in the RF-KO slow-extraction method with FM and AM

    CERN Document Server

    Noda, K; Shibuya, S; Muramatsu, M; Uesugi, T; Kanazawa, M; Torikoshi, M; Takada, E; Yamada, S


    The RF-knockout (RF-KO) slow-extraction method with frequency modulation (FM) and amplitude modulation (AM) has brought high-accuracy irradiation to the treatment of a cancer tumor moving with respiration, because of a quick response to beam start/stop. However, a beam spill extracted from a synchrotron ring through RF-KO slow-extraction has a huge ripple with a frequency of around 1 kHz related to the FM. The spill ripple will disturb the lateral dose distribution in the beam scanning methods. Thus, the source of the spill ripple has been investigated through experiments and simulations. There are two tune regions for the extraction process through the RF-KO method: the extraction region and the diffusion region. The particles in the extraction region can be extracted due to amplitude growth through the transverse RF field, only when its frequency matches with the tune in the extraction region. For a large chromaticity, however, the particles in the extraction region can be extracted through the synchrotron ...

  1. Ethanol production from marine algal hydrolysates using Escherichia coli KO11. (United States)

    Kim, Nag-Jong; Li, Hui; Jung, Kwonsu; Chang, Ho Nam; Lee, Pyung Cheon


    Algae biomass is a potential raw material for the production of biofuels and other chemicals. In this study, biomass of the marine algae, Ulva lactuca, Gelidium amansii,Laminaria japonica, and Sargassum fulvellum, was treated with acid and commercially available hydrolytic enzymes. The hydrolysates contained glucose, mannose, galactose, and mannitol, among other sugars, at different ratios. The Laminaria japonica hydrolysate contained up to 30.5% mannitol and 6.98% glucose in the hydrolysate solids. Ethanogenic recombinant Escherichia coli KO11 was able to utilize both mannitol and glucose and produced 0.4g ethanol per g of carbohydrate when cultured in L. japonica hydrolysate supplemented with Luria-Bertani medium and hydrolytic enzymes. The strategy of acid hydrolysis followed by simultaneous enzyme treatment and inoculation with E. coli KO11 could be a viable strategy to produce ethanol from marine alga biomass. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Key on demand (KoD) for software-defined optical networks secured by quantum key distribution (QKD). (United States)

    Cao, Yuan; Zhao, Yongli; Colman-Meixner, Carlos; Yu, Xiaosong; Zhang, Jie


    Software-defined optical networking (SDON) will become the next generation optical network architecture. However, the optical layer and control layer of SDON are vulnerable to cyberattacks. While, data encryption is an effective method to minimize the negative effects of cyberattacks, secure key interchange is its major challenge which can be addressed by the quantum key distribution (QKD) technique. Hence, in this paper we discuss the integration of QKD with WDM optical networks to secure the SDON architecture by introducing a novel key on demand (KoD) scheme which is enabled by a novel routing, wavelength and key assignment (RWKA) algorithm. The QKD over SDON with KoD model follows two steps to provide security: i) quantum key pools (QKPs) construction for securing the control channels (CChs) and data channels (DChs); ii) the KoD scheme uses RWKA algorithm to allocate and update secret keys for different security requirements. To test our model, we define a security probability index which measures the security gain in CChs and DChs. Simulation results indicate that the security performance of CChs and DChs can be enhanced by provisioning sufficient secret keys in QKPs and performing key-updating considering potential cyberattacks. Also, KoD is beneficial to achieve a positive balance between security requirements and key resource usage.

  3. „Nekad su mi znali reći da nisam bolja od svog sina“ - stigma obitelji temeljem intelektualnih teškoća člana obitelji


    Buljevac, Marko; Leutar, Zdravka


    Rad se bavi stigmom obitelji temeljem intelektualnih teškoća člana obitelji. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u perspektive članova uže obitelji osoba s različitim stupnjem intelektualnih teškoća o stigmi obitelji temeljem intelektualnih teškoća. Istraživačko pitanje bilo je: „Kako članovi obitelji osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama doživljavaju stigmu obitelji?“. Sudionici istraživanja bile se 22 osobe koje su članovi uže obitelji osoba s različitim stupnjem intelektualnih teškoća (10...

  4. Anion-coupled Na efflux mediated by the human red blood cell Na/K pump

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dissing, S.; Hoffman, J.F.


    The red cell Na/K pump is known to continue to extrude Na when both Na and K are removed from the external medium. Because this ouabain-sensitive flux occurs in the absence of an exchangeable cation, it is referred to as uncoupled Na efflux. This flux is also known to be inhibited by 5 mM Nao but to a lesser extent than that inhibitable by ouabain. Uncoupled Na efflux via the Na/K pump therefore can be divided into a Nao-sensitive and Nao-insensitive component. We used DIDS-treated, SO4-equilibrated human red blood cells suspended in HEPES-buffered (pHo 7.4) MgSO4 or (Tris)2SO4, in which we measured 22Na efflux, 35SO4 efflux, and changes in the membrane potential with the fluorescent dye, diS-C3 (5). A principal finding is that uncoupled Na efflux occurs electroneurally, in contrast to the pump's normal electrogenic operation when exchanging Nai for Ko. This electroneutral uncoupled efflux of Na was found to be balanced by an efflux of cellular anions. (We were unable to detect any ouabain-sensitive uptake of protons, measured in an unbuffered medium at pH 7.4 with a Radiometer pH-STAT.) The Nao-sensitive efflux of Nai was found to be 1.95 +/- 0.10 times the Nao-sensitive efflux of (SO4)i, indicating that the stoichiometry of this cotransport is two Na+ per SO4=, accounting for 60-80% of the electroneutral Na efflux. The remainder portion, that is, the ouabain-sensitive Nao-insensitive component, has been identified as PO4-coupled Na transport and is the subject of a separate paper. That uncoupled Na efflux occurs as a cotransport with anions is supported by the result, obtained with resealed ghosts, that when internal and external SO4 was substituted by the impermeant anion, tartrate i,o, the efflux of Na was inhibited 60-80%. This inhibition could be relieved by the inclusion, before DIDS treatment, of 5 mM Cli,o

  5. UTJELOVLJENJE I TEOLOGIJA RELIGIJA Kritički osvrt na neka novija tumačenja utjelovljenja


    Bižaca, Nikola


    U aktualnim diskusijama teologije religija jedna od središnjih tema je shvaćanje utjelovljenja Božje Riječi. U uvodnim razmišljanjima autor posvješćuje važnost utjelovljenja unutar jedne teologije religija koja želi biti kršćanska te stoga uvažava objavljenu kristocentričnost Božjeg stvaralačko-spasenjskog projekta, ali i dijaloški realistična te je otvorena za Božje djelovanje na prostorima drugih religijskih tradicija. Slijedi potom prikaz nekih vidova poimanja utjelovl...

  6. Cluster and principal component analysis based on SSR markers of Amomum tsao-ko in Jinping County of Yunnan Province (United States)

    Ma, Mengli; Lei, En; Meng, Hengling; Wang, Tiantao; Xie, Linyan; Shen, Dong; Xianwang, Zhou; Lu, Bingyue


    Amomum tsao-ko is a commercial plant that used for various purposes in medicinal and food industries. For the present investigation, 44 germplasm samples were collected from Jinping County of Yunnan Province. Clusters analysis and 2-dimensional principal component analysis (PCA) was used to represent the genetic relations among Amomum tsao-ko by using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Clustering analysis clearly distinguished the samples groups. Two major clusters were formed; first (Cluster I) consisted of 34 individuals, the second (Cluster II) consisted of 10 individuals, Cluster I as the main group contained multiple sub-clusters. PCA also showed 2 groups: PCA Group 1 included 29 individuals, PCA Group 2 included 12 individuals, consistent with the results of cluster analysis. The purpose of the present investigation was to provide information on genetic relationship of Amomum tsao-ko germplasm resources in main producing areas, also provide a theoretical basis for the protection and utilization of Amomum tsao-ko resources.

  7. Odrębność postępowania kinezyterapeutycznego u pacjentów po amputacjach naczyniowych w obrębie kończyn dolnych = Separation kinesiotherapeutic proceedings in patients with vascular amputations in the lower legs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agnieszka Radzimińska


    3.      Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy, Bydgoszcz, Polska     Słowa kluczowe: kinezyterapia, pacjent, amputacje naczyniowe, kończyny dolne. Key words: kinesiotherapy, patient, vascular amputations, lower limbs.   Streszczenie             Amputacja, czyli operacyjne odjęcie kończyny lub jej części, jest jednym z najstarszych zabiegów w historii medycyny. Obecnie, przeważająca część amputacji (ok. 80-90% odbywa się z powodu powikłań chorób naczyniowych. W zależności od obszaru dotkniętego zmianami tkanek oraz rozległości tego procesu, chirurg podejmuje decyzję o poziomie odjęcia kończyny. Po amputacji istnieje ryzyko wystąpienia wielu powikłań, zakażenie beztlenowcami, rozejście się rany, martwica skóry, obrzęk oraz przykurcze. W przypadku amputacji planowych ćwiczenia powinno się rozpocząć jeszcze przed operacją, aby przygotować organizm pacjenta do nadchodzących zmian. Kinezyterapia ma na celu wzmocnienie kończyn, zarówno tej, której część zostanie usunięta, a także zdrowej kończyn, która będzie  musiała  przejąć ciężar ciała do czasu zaprotezowania oraz nauczenia pacjenta posługiwania się protezą. Zaleca się ćwiczenia czynne oraz czynne z oporem kończyn górnych, dolnych oraz tułowia, a także ćwiczenia oddechowe. Niezwykle istotne jest przygotowanie psychiczne pacjenta do amputacji poprzez ukazania  możliwości funkcjonowania jak przed operacją. Jednym z jej elementów jest profilaktyka przeciwzakrzepowa, w której skład wchodzą: wysokie ułożenie kończyny, manualny drenaż limfatyczny oraz ćwiczenia bierne i czynne,  pobudzające pompę mięśniową. Przykurcze są jednym z najczęstszych problemów po amputacji, które wpływają negatywnie na proces protezowania. Działaniem zapobiegającym powstaniu przykurczy są pozycje ułożeniowe, które nie powodują patologicznego ustawienia kończyny. Innymi zabiegami, które wykonuje  fizjoterapeuta

  8. Experimental transmission of AA amyloidosis by injecting the AA amyloid protein into interleukin-1 receptor antagonist knockout (IL-1raKO) mice. (United States)

    Watanabe, K; Uchida, K; Chambers, J K; Tei, M; Shoji, A; Ushio, N; Nakayama, H


    The incidence of AA amyloidosis is high in humans with rheumatoid arthritis and several animal species, including cats and cattle with prolonged inflammation. AA amyloidosis can be experimentally induced in mice using severe inflammatory stimuli and a coinjection of AA amyloid; however, difficulties have been associated with transmitting AA amyloidosis to a different animal species, and this has been attributed to the "species barrier." The interleukin-1 receptor antagonist knockout (IL-1raKO) mouse, a rodent model of human rheumatoid arthritis, has been used in the transmission of AA amyloid. When IL-1raKO and BALB/c mice were intraperitoneally injected with mouse AA amyloid together with a subcutaneous pretreatment of 2% AgNO3, all mice from both strains that were injected with crude or purified murine AA amyloid developed AA amyloidosis. However, the amyloid index, which was determined by the intensity of AA amyloid deposition, was significantly higher in IL-1raKO mice than in BALB/c mice. When IL-1raKO and BALB/c mice were injected with crude or purified bovine AA amyloid together with the pretreatment, 83% (5/6 cases) and 38% (3/8 cases) of IL-1raKO mice and 17% (1/6 cases) and 0% (0/6 cases) of BALB/c mice, respectively, developed AA amyloidosis. Similarly, when IL-1raKO and BALB/c mice were injected with crude or purified feline AA amyloid, 33% (2/6 cases) and 88% (7/8 cases) of IL-1raKO mice and 0% (0/6 cases) and 29% (2/6 cases) of BALB/c mice, respectively, developed AA amyloidosis. These results indicated that IL-1raKO mice are a useful animal model for investigating AA amyloidogenesis. © The Author(s) 2014.

  9. Liver steatosis study_PFAA treated Wild type and PPAR KO mouse data (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Data set 1 consists of the experimental data for the Wild Type and PPAR KO animal study and includes data used to prepare Figures 1-4 and Table 1 of the Das et al,...



    Barnjak Vukas, Marina; Marić, Mara; Marinović-Peričević, Marija


    U radu su prikazani rezultati jednogodišnjeg proučavanja utjecaja različitih koncentracija fitohormona IBA (2 000, 3 000, 4 000 i 5 000 ppm) na ožiljavanje reznica dubrovačkih sorta maslina: Velika sitnjaka, Sitnica, Kalamata i Uljarica. Sva su istraživanja obavljena u stakleniku Zavoda za mediteranske kulture Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku, i dio su projekta ''Identifikacija i gospodarenje gen-fondom masline na području Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije'', za koje je planirano trajanje od tri godine...

  11. Staranje cevi uparjalnikov v Jedrski elektrarni Krško: Aging of tubes in the Krško nuclear power plant's steam generators:


    Androjna, Ferdo; Cizelj, Leon


    The paper reviews the domestic efforts devoted to the safe and reliable operation of the Krško nuclear power plant (NPP) at full power, close to the design limit of the steam generators (18% of plugged tubes) for a full decade. This includes an overview of the recent status and history of the degradation processes, discussion of repair criteria, defining the acceptable size of defects and selected results from safety analyses supporting the operation of degraded steam generator (SG) tubes. It...

  12. Żydzi w dyskursie Kościoła katolickiego

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marzena Makuchowska


    anti-Semitism. After 1989 in Poland anti-Jewish inclinations returned, especially in the circle of the so callled Catholicism of the Maryja Radio. Again Jews are accused of causing damage to Poles, and the language of those statements is very much like in the discourse before the Council.   Żydzi w dyskursie Kościoła katolickiego Artykuł opisuje ważne zmiany w dyskursie Kościoła katolickiego w odniesieniu do wyznawców judaizmu, które pojawiły się po Soborze Watykańskim II. Jedną z nich jest różnica pomiędzy stanem tekstów w dwóch różnych momentach: przed i po soborze. Dlatego pierwszą część artykułu autorka poświęca charakterystyce przedsoborowego (i w większości przedwojennego dyskursu na temat Żydów, a część drugą – głównym kierunkom zmian spowodowanym realizacją postulatów soboru. Część trzecia pokazuje objawy kontynuacji starych, głęboko zakorzenionych schematów. Analiza częściowo odnosi się do ogólnych tekstów Kościoła, a częściowo do tekstów Kościoła publikowanych w Polsce. Polski przedsoborowy dyskurs o Żydach był wyjątkowo negatywny. Liturgia katolicka przedstawiała Żydów jako tych, którzy torturowali i zabili Jezusa (mit bogobójcy. W kazaniach, listach duszpasterskich i katolickiej prasie Żydów pokazywano jako wrogów nie tylko chrześcijan, lecz szczególnie Polaków, ponieważ Kościół w Polsce zaangażował się w kreowanie narodowo i religijnie homogenicznego kraju pod sloganem „Polska dla Polaków”. Reprodukowano wszystkie tradycyjne mity (Żydzi jako szkodnicy, spiskowcy, rozpustnicy itd. Używano wiele środków lingwistycznych, by zdegradować Żydów, np. zdrobnienia, animalizację (czyli mówienie o Żydach jako o zwierzętach czy tak zwany kakofemizm (czyli używanie słów o pejoratywnym znaczeniu, aby sprowokować uczucie moralnego i fizycznego obrzydzenia. Po Vaticanum II treści reprodukujące przedstawienie Żydów jako bogobójców zostały usunięte z liturgii

  13. Zdeněk Kožmín a strukturalismus

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Sládek, Ondřej


    Roč. 19, č. 2 (2016), s. 32-48 ISSN 1213-2144 Institutional support: RVO:68378068 Keywords : Kožmín, Zdeněk * Mukařovský, Jan * Structural ism * Structural poetics and aesthetics * TheoryofInterpretation * Philosophy and Literature * Mukařovský, Jan * Structural ism * Structural poetics and aesthetics * Theory of Interpretation * Philosophy and Literature Subject RIV: AJ - Letters, Mass-media, Audiovision

  14. Model razmerij vrednosti lokacije nepremičnin na primeru Ljubljane.

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    Franc J. Zakrajšek


    Full Text Available Predlog modela je računalniško podprt sistem za ocenjevanje vrednosti prostorske lokacije nepremičnin, tako zdajšnjih razmerij kot tudi simuliranje prihodnjih na osnovi domnevnih smeri razvoja, strateških ali konkretnih prostorskih odločitev. Model izhaja iz klasičnih metod množičnega vrednotenja nepremičnin, podprtega z geografskim informacijskim modelom. Uvaja pa precejšnjo novost na tem področju: uporabo metode analitičnega hierarhičnega procesiranja za določitev tehničnih koeficientov ugodnosti lokacije. Model je bil razvit v raziskavi Razvoj in implementacija regionalnega simulacijskega modela za ljubljansko urbano regijo, ki jo je financirala Mestna občina Ljubljana.

  15. The experiences to improve plant performance and reliability of Ko-Ri nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Ho Weon


    This paper provides a discussion of the lessons learned from operational experience and the future plans to improve performance of the Ko-Ri plant. To operate nuclear power plants safely with good performance is the only way to mitigate the negative image of nuclear power generation to the public and to enhance the economical benefit compared to other electrical generation method. Therefore, in a continuous effort to overcome a negative challenge from outside, we have driven an aggressive 'OCTF' campaign as part of safety. As a result of our efforts, the following remarkable achievements have been accomplished. (1) 3 times of OCTF during recent three years (2) Selected twice as a top notch power plant on the list of NEI magazine in terms of plant capacity factor (3) No scram recorded in 1997 for all 4 units at Ko-Ri site. Ko-Ri is now undergoing the large scale plant betterment projects for retaking-off our operating performance to the level of new challenge target. Such improvement of critical components in the reactor coolant system and turbine system greatly contribute to increase the safety and reliability of the plant and to shortening of the planned outage period as well as to reduction of radiation exposure and radwaste. (Cho, G. S.). 5 tabs., 10 figs

  16. Simulação geoestatística na caracterização espacial de óxidos de ferro em diferentes pedoformas

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    João Fernandes da Silva Junior


    Full Text Available Os minerais da fração argila, goethita e hematita, são óxidos de ferro (Fe indicadores pedoambientais com grande influência nos atributos físicos e químicos do solo. O conhecimento dos padrões espaciais desses óxidos auxilia a compreensão das interrelações de causa e efeito com os atributos do solo. Nesse sentido, a qualidade das estimativas espaciais produzidas pode alterar os resultados obtidos e, por consequência, as interpretações dos padrões espaciais obtidos. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho dos métodos geoestatísticos de estimativas (KO e simulações sequenciais gaussianas (SSG na caracterização espacial de teores de óxidos de Fe, goethita (Gt e hematita (Hm, em uma pedoforma côncava e outra convexa. Foram coletadas 121 amostras de solos em cada pedoforma de um Argissolo em pontos com espaçamentos regulares de 10 m. Os teores de óxidos de Fe foram obtidos por meio de difração de raios-X. Os dados foram submetidos a análises geoestatísticas por meio da modelagem do variograma e posterior interpolação por KO e SSG. A KO não refletiu a verdadeira variabilidade dos óxidos de Fe, hematita e goethita, demonstrando ser inapropriada para a caracterização espacial dos teores dos óxidos de Fe. Assim, o uso da SSG é preferível à krigagem quando a manutenção dos altos e baixos valores nas estimativas espaciais é necessária. O desempenho dos métodos geoestatísticos foi influenciado pelas pedoformas. Os mapas E-type devem ser recomendados em vez de mapas de KO para os óxidos de Fe, por serem ricos em detalhes e práticos na definição de zonas homogêneas para o manejo localizado em frente de KO, sobretudo em pedoforma côncava.

  17. [Rehabilitation in the View of Small and Midsized Enterprises: Knowledge, Appreciation and Possibilities to Cooperate - Results of the KoRB-Project

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hesse, B.; Heuer, J.; Gebauer, E.


    The experiences of small and midsized enterprises (SME) with medical rehabilitation were investigated in the KoRB-Study (KoRB= KOoperation Rehabilitation und Betrieb) for the first time. Opportunities for a targeted cooperation between the statutory pension insurance and these enterprises were...

  18. Inner boundary reform in Košice: The most fragmented city in Slovakia

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    Csachová Stela


    Full Text Available In the first part of the paper the aim is to provide the reader with a theoretical insight into models of government structure at the local level and provide evidence from European countries that underwent reforms during the second half of the 20th century. In the Slovak Republic (Slovakia the renewal of local self-government in 1990 brought changes to the administrative boundary map with more than 200 municipalities reestablished bringing the current number to 2,929 local administrative units. This has resulted in some discussion regarding a reduction in the number of local government units in this country. The second part of the paper is focused on Košice; the second largest city in Slovakia with 234,000 in­habitants. The city is organised at two administrative levels; one covering the whole city, the other covering 22 wards. When compared to cities of a similar size, Košice has been criticised for its high number of city wards and councillors, with the concomitant financial inefficiency it can bring. There has been an ongoing debate on reducing their number since 2010. The paper reports on the search for an admin­istrative structure that would best tailor to the citizens' needs and provide effective management in Košice. It uses traditional methods of qualitative research (historical method, content analysis and syn­thesis accompanied by statistical data organised in tables and figures.

  19. [Andreeva, E. and Belobrovtseva, I. "Tol'ko Vy poimete sleduiushchii tekst..."] / Avril Pyman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pyman, Avril


    Arvustus: Andreeva, E. and Belobrovtseva, I. "Tol'ko Vy poimete sleduiushchii tekst...". Perepiska N. E. Andreeva i L. F. Zurova. Baltiiskii arkhiv: Russkaia kult'tura v Pribaltike, 13. Tallinna Ülikooli Slaavi Keelte ja Kultuuride Instituut, Tallinn, 2013

  20. Functional consequences of brain glycogen deficiency on the sleep-wake cycle regulation in PTG-KO mice

    KAUST Repository

    Burlet-Godinot, S.


    Introduction: In the CNS, glycogen is mainly localized in astrocytes where its levels are linked to neuronal activity. Astrocytic glycogen synthesis is regulated by glycogen synthase (GS) activity that is positively controlled by protein targeting to glycogen (PTG) expression levels. Although the role of glycogen in sleep/wake regulation is still poorly understood, we have previously demonstrated that, following a 6 hour gentle sleep deprivation (GSD), PTG mRNA expression and GS activity increased in the brain in mice while glycogen levels were paradoxically maintained and not affected. In order to gain further insight on the role of PTG in this process, we studied the sleep/wake cycle parameters in PTG knockout (PTG-KO) mice under baseline conditions and after a 6 hour GSD. Glycogen levels as well as mRNAs expression of genes related to energy metabolism were also determined in several brain areas. Materials and methods: Adult male C57BL/6J (WT) and PTG-KO mice were sleep-recorded under baseline conditions (24 h recordings, 12 h light/dark cycle) and following 6 hours GSD from ZT00 to ZT06. Vigilance states were visually scored (4 s temporal window). Spectral analysis of the EEG signal was performed using a discrete Fourier transformation. Glycogen measurements and gene expression analysis were assessed using a biochemical assay and quantitative RT-PCR respectively, on separate cohorts in WT vs PTG-KO mice at the end of the 6 hours GSD or in control animals (CTL) in different brain structures. Results: Quantitative analysis of the sleep/wake cycle under baseline conditions did not reveal major differences between the WT and the PTG-KO mice. However, during the dark period, the PTG-KO mice showed a significant increase in the number of wake and slow wave sleep episodes (respectively +26.5±8% and +26.1±8%; p< 0.05) together with a significant shortening in their duration (-21.6±7.2% and -14.3±2.8%; p< 0.01). No such quantitative changes were observed during

  1. Wizerunek ateisty i jego miejsce na konfesyjnej mapie świata na Śląsku Cieszyńskim

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    Zbigniew Greń


    Full Text Available The image of the atheist and his place on the confessional map of the world in Cieszyn Silesia The aim of this article is to create an image of the atheist based on historical and contemporary sources. The history of the concept of the atheist is described on the basis of the regional press, the contemporary picture of the concept – on the basis of the results of a questionnaire and discussions on religious topics on regional websites. The analysis showed that the concept of the atheist is treated as a term equivalent to the terms of members of different churches. The research shows not only the image of the atheist, but also its place in the system of perception of religious differences.   Wizerunek ateisty i jego miejsce na konfesyjnej mapie świata na Śląsku Cieszyńskim Celem niniejszego artykułu jest stworzenie obrazu ateisty na podstawie źródeł historycznych i współczesnych. Historia pojęcia ateisty została opisana na podstawie prasy regionalnej, współczesny obraz – na podstawie wyników ankiet i dyskusji na tematy religijne na regionalnych stronach internetowych. Analiza wykazała, że pojęcie ateisty jest traktowane jako pojęcie równorzędne z określeniami członków różnych Kościołów. W wyniku badań przedstawiono nie tylko wizerunek ateisty, lecz także jego miejsce w systemie postrzegania różnic wyznaniowych.

  2. Infection with koala retrovirus subgroup B (KoRV-B), but not KoRV-A, is associated with chlamydial disease in free-ranging koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus)


    Waugh, Courtney A.; Hanger, Jonathan; Loader, Joanne; King, Andrew; Hobbs, Matthew; Johnson, Rebecca; Timms, Peter


    The virulence of chlamydial infection in wild koalas is highly variable between individuals. Some koalas can be infected (PCR positive) with Chlamydia for long periods but remain asymptomatic, whereas others develop clinical disease. Chlamydia in the koala has traditionally been studied without regard to coinfection with other pathogens, although koalas are usually subject to infection with koala retrovirus (KoRV). Retroviruses can be immunosuppressive, and there is evidence of an immunosuppr...

  3. Transmural gradients in Na/K pump activity and [Na+]I in canine ventricle. (United States)

    Gao, J; Wang, W; Cohen, I S; Mathias, R T


    There are well-documented differences in ion channel activity and action potential shape between epicardial (EPI), midmyocardial (MID), and endocardial (ENDO) ventricular myocytes. The purpose of this study was to determine if differences exist in Na/K pump activity. The whole cell patch-clamp was used to measure Na/K pump current (I(P)) and inward background Na(+)-current (I(inb)) in cells isolated from canine left ventricle. All currents were normalized to membrane capacitance. I(P) was measured as the current blocked by a saturating concentration of dihydro-ouabain. [Na(+)](i) was measured using SBFI-AM. I(P)(ENDO) (0.34 +/- 0.04 pA/pF, n = 17) was smaller than I(P)(EPI) (0.68 +/- 0.09 pA/pF, n = 38); the ratio was 0.50 with I(P)(MID) being intermediate (0.53 +/- 0.13 pA/pF, n = 19). The dependence of I(P) on [Na(+)](i) or voltage was essentially identical in EPI and ENDO (half-maximal activation at 9-10 mM [Na(+)](i) or approximately -90 mV). Increasing [K(+)](o) from 5.4 to 15 mM caused both I(P)(ENDO) and I(P)(EPI) to increase, but the ratio remained approximately 0.5. I(inb) in EPI and ENDO were nearly identical ( approximately 0.6 pA/pF). Physiological [Na(+)](i) was lower in EPI (7 +/- 2 mM, n = 31) than ENDO (12 +/- 3 mM, n = 29), with MID being intermediate (9 +/- 3 mM, n = 22). When cells were paced at 2 Hz, [Na(+)](i) increased but the differences persisted (ENDO 14 +/- 3 mM, n = 10; EPI 9 +/- 2 mM, n = 10; and MID intermediate, 11 +/- 2 mM, n = 9). Based on these results, the larger I(P) in EPI appears to reflect a higher maximum turnover rate, which implies either a larger number of active pumps or a higher turnover rate per pump protein. The transmural gradient in [Na(+)](i) means physiological I(P) is approximately uniform across the ventricular wall, whereas transporters that utilize the transmembrane electrochemical gradient for Na(+), such as Na/Ca exchange, have a larger driving force in EPI than ENDO.

  4. The experiences to improve plant performance and reliability of Ko-Ri nuclear power plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Ho Weon [Korea Electric Power Corp. Ko-Ri nuclear power division, Ko-Ri (Korea, Republic of)


    This paper provides a discussion of the lessons learned from operational experience and the future plans to improve performance of the Ko-Ri plant. To operate nuclear power plants safely with good performance is the only way to mitigate the negative image of nuclear power generation to the public and to enhance the economical benefit compared to other electrical generation method. Therefore, in a continuous effort to overcome a negative challenge from outside, we have driven an aggressive 'OCTF' campaign as part of safety. As a result of our efforts, the following remarkable achievements have been accomplished. (1) 3 times of OCTF during recent three years (2) Selected twice as a top notch power plant on the list of NEI magazine in terms of plant capacity factor (3) No scram recorded in 1997 for all 4 units at Ko-Ri site. Ko-Ri is now undergoing the large scale plant betterment projects for retaking-off our operating performance to the level of new challenge target. Such improvement of critical components in the reactor coolant system and turbine system greatly contribute to increase the safety and reliability of the plant and to shortening of the planned outage period as well as to reduction of radiation exposure and radwaste. (Cho, G. S.). 5 tabs., 10 figs.



    Ivašković, Igor


    V obdobju 1. svetovne vojne stališča glede državne prihodnosti med južnimi Slovani niso bila poenotena. Medtem ko je del Slovencev in Hrvatov kljub smrti Franca Ferdinanda polagal velike upe v ohranitev habsburške monarhije in ustanovitev tretje (južnoslovanske) enote, ki bo enakopravna avstrijskemu in ogrskemu delu, so predvsem v Srbiji glavno oviro na poti do skupne južnoslovanske države videli ravno v državni tvorbi habsburške dinastije. Odraz razhajanj so predstavljali akti, ki so jih raz...

  6. Maria Avdjuško väntab Priimäest filmi / Verni Leivak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leivak, Verni, 1966-


    Näitlejanna debüteerib režissöörina, vändates lühimängufilmi, kus Linnar Priimägi peategelasena kehastab iseennast. Operaatoriks on Istvan Borbas Rootsist, näitlejateks veel M. Avdjuško ja Taavi Eelmaa

  7. Professor Krystyna Kotełko and her contribution to the study of Proteus endotoxin. (United States)

    Różalski, Antoni W


    Professor Krystyna Kotełko was working as a microbiologist at the University of Łódź (Poland). Her main object of study was the LPS (endotoxin) of opportunistic urinary pathogens from the genus Proteus. She demonstrated, for the first time, the presence of uronic acids and amino acids, as well as two heptoses (L- glycero-D- manno-heptose and D- glycero-D- manno-heptose) and hexosamines in Proteus LPS, and developed a classification scheme of the Proteus LPS into chemotypes. Prof Kotełko also initiated studies on the chemical structure of Proteus O-specific polysaccharide and investigations on the serological specificity of this part of LPS, as well its core region. She also analysed the virulence factors of these bacteria, such as haemolysin and invasiveness.

  8. The essential oil of Amomum tsao-ko Crevost et Lemarie from Vietnam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dung, N.X.; Bien, Le Kiem; Leclercq, P.A.


    The essential oil of the seeds of A. tsao-ko of Vietnamese origin was analyzed by a combination of gas chromatog. and gas chromatog./mass spectrometry. Twenty-one components were identified, of which the major ones were 1,8-cineole (30.6%), 2-decenal (17.3%), geranial (10.6%), and neural (7.0%)

  9. MicroRNA and Transcriptomic Profiling Showed miRNA-Dependent Impairment of Systemic Regulation and Synthesis of Biomolecules in Rag2 KO Mice. (United States)

    Reza, Abu Musa Md Talimur; Choi, Yun-Jung; Kim, Jin-Hoi


    The Rag2 knockout (KO) mouse is a well-established immune-compromised animal model for biomedical research. A comparative study identified the deregulated expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) and messenger RNAs (mRNAs) in Rag2 KO mice. However, the interaction between deregulated genes and miRNAs in the alteration of systemic (cardiac, renal, hepatic, nervous, and hematopoietic) regulations and the synthesis of biomolecules (such as l-tryptophan, serotonin, melatonin, dopamine, alcohol, noradrenaline, putrescine, and acetate) are unclear. In this study, we analyzed both miRNA and mRNA expression microarray data from Rag2 KO and wild type mice to investigate the possible role of miRNAs in systemic regulation and biomolecule synthesis. A notable finding obtained from this analysis is that the upregulation of several genes which are target molecules of the downregulated miRNAs in Rag2 KO mice, can potentially trigger the degradation of l-tryptophan, thereby leading to the systemic impairment and alteration of biomolecules synthesis as well as changes in behavioral patterns (such as stress and fear responses, and social recognition memory) in Rag2 gene-depleted mice. These findings were either not observed or not explicitly described in other published Rag2 KO transcriptome analyses. In conclusion, we have provided an indication of miRNA-dependent regulations of clinical and pathological conditions in cardiac, renal, hepatic, nervous, and hematopoietic systems in Rag2 KO mice. These results may significantly contribute to the prediction of clinical disease caused by Rag2 deficiency.

  10. MicroRNA and Transcriptomic Profiling Showed miRNA-Dependent Impairment of Systemic Regulation and Synthesis of Biomolecules in Rag2 KO Mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abu Musa Md Talimur Reza


    Full Text Available The Rag2 knockout (KO mouse is a well-established immune-compromised animal model for biomedical research. A comparative study identified the deregulated expression of microRNAs (miRNAs and messenger RNAs (mRNAs in Rag2 KO mice. However, the interaction between deregulated genes and miRNAs in the alteration of systemic (cardiac, renal, hepatic, nervous, and hematopoietic regulations and the synthesis of biomolecules (such as l-tryptophan, serotonin, melatonin, dopamine, alcohol, noradrenaline, putrescine, and acetate are unclear. In this study, we analyzed both miRNA and mRNA expression microarray data from Rag2 KO and wild type mice to investigate the possible role of miRNAs in systemic regulation and biomolecule synthesis. A notable finding obtained from this analysis is that the upregulation of several genes which are target molecules of the downregulated miRNAs in Rag2 KO mice, can potentially trigger the degradation of l-tryptophan, thereby leading to the systemic impairment and alteration of biomolecules synthesis as well as changes in behavioral patterns (such as stress and fear responses, and social recognition memory in Rag2 gene-depleted mice. These findings were either not observed or not explicitly described in other published Rag2 KO transcriptome analyses. In conclusion, we have provided an indication of miRNA-dependent regulations of clinical and pathological conditions in cardiac, renal, hepatic, nervous, and hematopoietic systems in Rag2 KO mice. These results may significantly contribute to the prediction of clinical disease caused by Rag2 deficiency.

  11. Kampen om den røde ko - dominerende temaer i dansk kvægavl i 1800-tallets slutning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjerløff, Anne Katrine


    En analyse af kvægavlslitteratur fra 1800-tallets anden halvdel viser spændingerne mellem avlernes ønske om profit og hensynene til racerenhed og national og regional identitet. Ideen om den perfekte ko var omdiskuteret og modsætningerne mellem koens udseende og dens ydelse er tydelige i periodens...... bedømmelser af "den gode ko". Artiklen komkluserer at et fokus på opfattelser og brug af dyr kan give nye vinkler på traditionelle historiske emnefelter. Udgivelsesdato: april...

  12. Transport systems of Ventricaria ventricosa: I/V analysis of both membranes in series as a function of [K(+)](o). (United States)

    Beilby, M J; Bisson, M A


    The current-voltage (I/V) profiles of Ventricaria (formerly Valonia) membranes were measured at a range of external potassium concentrations, [K(+)](o), from 0.1 to 100 mm. The conductance-voltage (G/V) characteristics were computed to facilitate better resolution of the profile change with time after exposure to different [K(+)](o). The resistance-voltage (R/V) characteristics were computed to attempt resolution of plasmalemma and tonoplast. Four basic electrophysiological stages emerged: (1) Uniform low resistance between -60 and +60 mV after the cell impalement. (2) High resistance between +50 and +150 for [K(+)](o) from 0.1 to 1.0 mm and hypotonic media. (3) High resistance between -150 and -20 mV for [K(+)](o) of 10 mm (close to natural seawater) and hypertonic media. (4) High resistance between -150 and +170 mV at [K(+)](o) of 100 mm. The changes between these states were slow, requiring minutes to hours and sometimes exhibiting spontaneous oscillations of the membrane p.d. (potential difference). Our analysis of the I/V data supports a previous hypothesis, that Ventricaria tonoplast is the more resistive membrane containing a pump, which transports K(+) into the vacuole to regulate turgor. We associate state (1) with the plasmalemma conductance being dominant and the K(+) pump at the tonoplast short-circuited probably by a K(+) channel, state (2) with the K(+) pump "off" or short-circuited at p.d.s more negative than +50 mV, state (3) with the K(+) pump "on, " and state (4) with the pump dominant, but affected by high K(+). A model for the Ventricaria membrane system is proposed.

  13. Citation analysis of The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine from KoMCI, Web of Science, and Scopus. (United States)

    Huh, Sun


    The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine (KJIM) is the international journal published in English by the Korean Association of Internal Medicine. To understand the position of the journal in three different databases, the citation indicators were elucidated. From databases such as Korean Medical Citation Index (KoMCI), Web of Science, and Scopus, citation indicators such as the impact factor, SCImago journal rank (SJR), or Hirsch Index were calculated according to the year and the results were drawn. The KJIM 2010 impact factor increased to 0.623 in Web of Science. That of year 2009 in KoMCI was a 0.149. The 2009 SJR in Scopus was 0.073, with a ranking of 27/72 (37.5%) in the category of internal medicine and 414/1,618 (25.6%) in the category of medicine, miscellaneous. The Hirsch Index from KoMCI, Web of Science and Scopus were 5, 14, and 16, respectively. The KJIM is now cited more by international researchers than Korean researchers, indicating that the content of the journal is now valued at the international level.

  14. PROTEKSI VAKSIN MONOVALEN DAN KOKTAIL SEL UTUH TERHADAP KO-INFEKSI Mycobacterium fortuitum DAN Aeromonas hydrophila PADA IKAN GURAME, Osphronemus gouramy Uni

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uni Purwaningsih


    serangan agen patogen. Pemberian vaksin diharapkan dapat merangsang respons imun spesifik dan non spesifik pada ikan. Keberhasilan vaksinasi dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi antigen, reaksi silang dan kompetisi di antara antigen yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis level proteksi vaksin monovalen dan koktail sel utuh terhadap ko-infeksi M. fortuitum dan A. hydrophila pada ikan gurame. Respons imun perlakuan vaksin monovalen maupun koktail pada gurame pasca ko-infeksi menunjukkan nilai parameter-parameter yaitu: hematokrit, hemoglobin, indeks fagositik, persentase fagositik, titer antibodi, uji respiratory burst (NBT, aktivitas komplemen, dan diferensial leukosit yang berbeda nyata (P<0,05 dibanding kontrol. Vaksin monovalen A. hydrophila menunjukkan nilai RPS sebesar 92,3% dan monovalen M. fortuitum sebesar 78,6% setelah ditantang dengan infeksi tunggal bakteri homolog namun menunjukkan proteksi yang rendah terhadap ko-infeksi. Vaksin koktail 50Mf :50Ah memberikan proteksi yang lebih baik dari vaksin monovalen pasca uji tantang dengan ko-infeksi bakteri M. fortuitum dan A. hydrophila.

  15. An unexpected oxidation: NaK5Cl2(S2O62 revisited

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William T. A. Harrison


    Full Text Available The title compound, NaK5Cl2(S2O62 [systematic name: sodium pentapotassium dichloride bis(dithionate], arose as an unexpected product from an organic synthesis that used dithionite (S2O42− ions as a reducing agent to destroy excess permanganate ions. Compared to the previous study [Stanley (1953. Acta Cryst. 6, 187–196], the present tetragonal structure exhibits a root 2a × root 2a × c super-cell due to subtle changes in the orientations of the dithionate anions. The structure can be visualized as a three-dimensional framework of [001] columns of alternating trans-NaO4Cl2 and KO4Cl2 octahedra cross-linked by the dithionate ions with the interstices occupied by KO6Cl2 polyhedra to generate a densely packed three-dimensional framework. The asymmetric unit comprises two sodium ions (site symmetries 4 and -4, four potassium ions (site symmetries = -4, 4, 1 and 1, three chloride ions (site symmetries = 4, 4 and 2 and two half-dithionate ions (all atoms on general positions. Both dithionate ions are completed by crystallographic inversion symmetry. The crystal chosen for data collection was found to be rotationally twinned by 180° about the [100] axis in reciprocal space with a 0.6298 (13:0.3702 (13 domain ratio.

  16. Genetic disruption of the pHi-regulating proteins Na+/H+ exchanger 1 (SLC9A1) and carbonic anhydrase 9 severely reduces growth of colon cancer cells. (United States)

    Parks, Scott K; Cormerais, Yann; Durivault, Jerome; Pouyssegur, Jacques


    Hypoxia and extracellular acidosis are pathophysiological hallmarks of aggressive solid tumors. Regulation of intracellular pH (pHi) is essential for the maintenance of tumor cell metabolism and proliferation in this microenvironment and key proteins involved in pHi regulation are of interest for therapeutic development. Carbonic anhydrase 9 (CA9) is one of the most robustly regulated proteins by the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) and contributes to pHi regulation. Here, we have investigated for the first time, the role of CA9 via complete genomic knockout (ko) and compared its impact on tumor cell physiology with the essential pHi regulator Na+/H+ exchanger 1 (NHE1). Initially, we established NHE1-ko LS174 cells with inducible CA9 knockdown. While increased sensitivity to acidosis for cell survival in 2-dimensions was not observed, clonogenic proliferation and 3-dimensional spheroid growth in particular were greatly reduced. To avoid potential confounding variables with use of tetracycline-inducible CA9 knockdown, we established CA9-ko and NHE1/CA9-dko cells. NHE1-ko abolished recovery from NH4Cl pre-pulse cellular acid loading while both NHE1 and CA9 knockout reduced resting pHi. NHE1-ko significantly reduced tumor cell proliferation both in normoxia and hypoxia while CA9-ko dramatically reduced growth in hypoxic conditions. Tumor xenografts revealed substantial reductions in tumor growth for both NHE1-ko and CA9-ko. A notable induction of CA12 occurred in NHE1/CA9-dko tumors indicating a potential means to compensate for loss of pH regulating proteins to maintain growth. Overall, these genomic knockout results strengthen the pursuit of targeting tumor cell pH regulation as an effective anti-cancer strategy.

  17. KoVariome: Korean National Standard Reference Variome database of whole genomes with comprehensive SNV, indel, CNV, and SV analyses. (United States)

    Kim, Jungeun; Weber, Jessica A; Jho, Sungwoong; Jang, Jinho; Jun, JeHoon; Cho, Yun Sung; Kim, Hak-Min; Kim, Hyunho; Kim, Yumi; Chung, OkSung; Kim, Chang Geun; Lee, HyeJin; Kim, Byung Chul; Han, Kyudong; Koh, InSong; Chae, Kyun Shik; Lee, Semin; Edwards, Jeremy S; Bhak, Jong


    High-coverage whole-genome sequencing data of a single ethnicity can provide a useful catalogue of population-specific genetic variations, and provides a critical resource that can be used to more accurately identify pathogenic genetic variants. We report a comprehensive analysis of the Korean population, and present the Korean National Standard Reference Variome (KoVariome). As a part of the Korean Personal Genome Project (KPGP), we constructed the KoVariome database using 5.5 terabases of whole genome sequence data from 50 healthy Korean individuals in order to characterize the benign ethnicity-relevant genetic variation present in the Korean population. In total, KoVariome includes 12.7M single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), 1.7M short insertions and deletions (indels), 4K structural variations (SVs), and 3.6K copy number variations (CNVs). Among them, 2.4M (19%) SNVs and 0.4M (24%) indels were identified as novel. We also discovered selective enrichment of 3.8M SNVs and 0.5M indels in Korean individuals, which were used to filter out 1,271 coding-SNVs not originally removed from the 1,000 Genomes Project when prioritizing disease-causing variants. KoVariome health records were used to identify novel disease-causing variants in the Korean population, demonstrating the value of high-quality ethnic variation databases for the accurate interpretation of individual genomes and the precise characterization of genetic variations.

  18. Both chronic treatments by epothilone D and fluoxetine increase the short-term memory and differentially alter the mood status of STOP/MAP6 KO mice. (United States)

    Fournet, Vincent; de Lavilléon, Gaetan; Schweitzer, Annie; Giros, Bruno; Andrieux, Annie; Martres, Marie-Pascale


    Recent evidence underlines the crucial role of neuronal cytoskeleton in the pathophysiology of psychiatric diseases. In this line, the deletion of STOP/MAP6 (Stable Tubule Only Polypeptide), a microtubule-stabilizing protein, triggers various neurotransmission and behavioral defects, suggesting that STOP knockout (KO) mice could be a relevant experimental model for schizoaffective symptoms. To establish the predictive validity of such a mouse line, in which the brain serotonergic tone is dramatically imbalanced, the effects of a chronic fluoxetine treatment on the mood status of STOP KO mice were characterized. Moreover, we determined the impact, on mood, of a chronic treatment by epothilone D, a taxol-like microtubule-stabilizing compound that has previously been shown to improve the synaptic plasticity deficits of STOP KO mice. We demonstrated that chronic fluoxetine was either antidepressive and anxiolytic, or pro-depressive and anxiogenic, depending on the paradigm used to test treated mutant mice. Furthermore, control-treated STOP KO mice exhibited paradoxical behaviors, compared with their clear-cut basal mood status. Paradoxical fluoxetine effects and control-treated STOP KO behaviors could be because of their hyper-reactivity to acute and chronic stress. Interestingly, both epothilone D and fluoxetine chronic treatments improved the short-term memory of STOP KO mice. Such treatments did not affect the serotonin and norepinephrine transporter densities in cerebral areas of mice. Altogether, these data demonstrated that STOP KO mice could represent a useful model to study the relationship between cytoskeleton, mood, and stress, and to test innovative mood treatments, such as microtubule-stabilizing compounds. © 2012 The Authors Journal of Neurochemistry © 2012 International Society for Neurochemistry.

  19. Provenience studies of the Ko-Kutani ware by neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawashima, Tatsuro.


    The instrumental neutron activation analysis has been applied to the multielemental analysis of eight samples of the Ko-Kutani ware including the Aote's that is one of semi-porcelain body. Each sample was compared with concentration of the useful index element, such as Ta, Sc, Ba, Hf, Th and rare earth, to discriminate the Arita group from the Kutani group. Eight samples were judged as products of the Arita, just as in previous paper. (author)

  20. Pracownia Badań i Konserwacji Tkanin Zabytkowych na Uniwersytecie Papieskim Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

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    Natalia Krupa


    Full Text Available Pracownia Badań i Konserwacji Tkanin Zabytkowych utworzona została w 2012 roku na Uniwersytecie Papieskim Jana Pawła II, jako jedna z jednostek Instytutu Historii Sztuki i Kultury na Wydziale Historii i Dziedzictwa Kulturowego. Z dniem podjęcia uchwały przez Senat Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II pracownia rozpoczęła działalność dydaktyczną, naukowo-badawczą i konserwatorską związaną z opieką nad zbiorami tekstyliów kościelnych z obszaru Krakowa i Małopolski.

  1. Genetic diversity analysis of Amomum tsao-ko in Jinping County of Yunnan Province using SSR markers (United States)

    Ma, Mengli; Wang, Tiantao; Lei, En; Meng, Hengling; Xie, Linyan; Zhu, Kunlong; Duan, Shaoze; Li, Wenqiang; Lu, Bingyue


    Genetic diversity analysis is very important for germplasm resources conservation and utilization. The objective of this study was to assess the genetic diversity among 44 individuals of Amomum tsao-ko from Jinping County of Yunnan Province using 5 selected SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers. A total of 23 polymorphic loci were detected among these germplasms, with an average of 4.6 polymorphic loci per SSR primer combination. The percentage of polymorphic loci was 100%, whereas the mean effective number of alleles (Ne), observed heterozygosity(Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), Shannon's information index (I), and the mean polymorphism information content (PIC) were 3. 410, 0. 491, 0. 679, 1.266 and 0. 672, respectively, indicating that the Amomum tsao-ko germplasms from Jinping County had high genetic diversity.

  2. Beta3 adrenoceptors substitute the role of M(2) muscarinic receptor in coping with cold stress in the heart: evidence from M(2)KO mice. (United States)

    Benes, Jan; Novakova, Martina; Rotkova, Jana; Farar, Vladimir; Kvetnansky, Richard; Riljak, Vladimir; Myslivecek, Jaromir


    We investigated the role of beta3-adrenoceptors (AR) in cold stress (1 or 7 days in cold) in animals lacking main cardioinhibitive receptors-M2 muscarinic receptors (M(2)KO). There was no change in receptor number in the right ventricles. In the left ventricles, there was decrease in binding to all cardiostimulative receptors (beta1-, and beta2-AR) and increase in cardiodepressive receptors (beta3-AR) in unstressed KO in comparison to WT. The cold stress in WT animals resulted in decrease in binding to beta1- and beta2-AR (to 37%/35% after 1 day in cold and to 27%/28% after 7 days in cold) while beta3-AR were increased (to 216% of control) when 7 days cold was applied. MR were reduced to 46% and 58%, respectively. Gene expression of M2 MR in WT was not changed due to stress, while M3 was changed. The reaction of beta1- and beta2-AR (binding) to cold was similar in KO and WT animals, and beta3-AR in stressed KO animals did not change. Adenylyl cyclase activity was affected by beta3-agonist CL316243 in cold stressed WT animals but CL316243 had almost no effects on adenylyl cyclase activity in stressed KO. Nitric oxide activity (NOS) was not affected by BRL37344 (beta3-agonist) both in WT and KO animals. Similarly, the stress had no effects on NOS activity in WT animals and in KO animals. We conclude that the function of M2 MR is substituted by beta3-AR and that these effects are mediated via adenylyl cyclase rather than NOS.



    Vehovar, Barbara


    V diplomskem delu smo predstavili ekološko oblikovanje embalaže, ki je vidno skozi grafično podobo in pomen le-tega za okolje. Najprej smo se posvetili embalaži in njenim značilnostim ter nadaljevali z ekološkim vidikom embalaže. Nato smo se osredotočili na ekološko oblikovanje ter elemente, ki asociirajo na ekološkost. Za konec smo analizirali nekaj embalaž kozmetičnih izdelkov ter oblikovali ekološko embalažo za enega od analiziranih, ki je po našem mnenju imel najmanj ekološko embalažo....

  4. Contemporary population and development challenges in the Municipality of Dubrovačko Primorje, Croatia

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    Helena Karlić Mujo


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to define the basic issues and opportunities challenging the modern development of the Municipality of Dubrovačko Primorje, their causes and effects. The processes of depopulation affected this poorly developed rural region since 1960s, which had been influenced by various factors: development polarisation caused by intensive development of tourism, the poor traffic infrastructure in the highland-area of the Municipality and the unsolved water supply issue. In 1990s a series of events intensified negative demographic trends as follows: aggression on Croatia, occupation during which residential, economic and infrastructural buildings were destroyed and burnt, as well as an earthquake which happened after the return of the refugees. The long-lasting rural emigration from this region towards Dubrovnik caused not only an instantaneous decrease of population but also a contraction of the renewing basis and an accelerated decrease of natural growth in the Municipality of Dubrovačko Primorje. In that way the emigrational depopulation as a consequence of a specific socioeconomic development, became the cause of the current biological depopulation. The intensity of the depopulation processes has been established by an analysis of a total population dynamics and the changes in biological and economic population structure. The conclusion of the study indicates activities which have promising development in the Municipality of Dubrovačko Primorje and which might partly stop the negative demographic trends. Those are mainly traditional activities in this region which are not commercially used enough. They should prevent any further emigration and perhaps even attract those who immigrated, back to their place of birth.

  5. Contemporary population and development challenges in the Municipality of Dubrovačko Primorje, Croatia

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    Helena Karlić Mujo


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to define the basic issues and opportunities challenging the modern development of the Municipality of Dubrovačko Primorje, their causes and effects. The processes of depopulation affected this poorly developed rural region since 1960s, which had been influenced by various factors: development polarisation caused by intensive development of tourism, the poor traffic infrastructure in the highland-area of the Municipality and the unsolved water supply issue. In 1990s a series of events intensified negative demographic trends as follows: aggression on Croatia, occupation during which residential, economic and infrastructural buildings were destroyed and burnt, as well as an earthquake which happened after the return of the refugees. The long-lasting rural emigration from this region towards Dubrovnik caused not only an instantaneous decrease of population but also a contraction of the renewing basis and an accelerated decrease of natural growth in the Municipality of Dubrovačko Primorje. In that way the emigrational depopulation as a consequence of a specific socioeconomic development, became the cause of the current biological depopulation. The intensity of the depopulation processes has been established by an analysis of a total population dynamics and the changes in biological and economic population structure. The conclusion of the study indicates activities which have promising development in the Municipality of Dubrovačko Primorje and which might partly stop the negative demographic trends. Those are mainly traditional activities in this region which are not commercially used enough. They should prevent any further emigration and perhaps even attract those who immigrated, back to their place of birth.

  6. Experience of Ko-Ri Unit 1 water chemistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tae Il Lee


    The main focus is placed on operational experience in secondary system water chemistry (especially the steam generator) of the Ko-Ri nuclear power plant Unit 1, Republic of Korea, but primary side chemistry is also discussed. The major concern of secondary water chemistry in a PWR is that the condition of the steam generator be well maintained. Full flow deep bed condensate polishers have recently been installed and operation started in July 1982. Boric acid treatment of the steam generator was stopped and only the all volatile treatment method was used thereafter. A review of steam generator integrity, the chemistry control programme, secondary water quality, etc. is considered to be of great value regarding the operation of Unit 1 and future units now under startup testing or construction in the Republic of Korea. (author)

  7. Phase analysis of Košice meteorite: Preliminary results (United States)

    Sitek, J.; Dekan, J.; Degmová, J.; Sedlačková, K.


    Meteorite fall was observed by the Košice town in Slovakia in February 2010 and it was classified as an ordinary chondrite H5. The samples were prepared in powder form scratched from the surface. Mossbauer spectra were measured at room temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature. Spectra consist of components related to iron-bearing phases with different content. Non-magnetic part was fitted with three quadrupole doublets. According to its parameters, we identified olivine, pyroxene, and traces of Fe3+ phases. Magnetic part consists of an iron-rich Fe-Ni alloy with hyperfine magnetic field similar to kamacite α-Fe(Ni,Co) and troilite. Main elements were also determined by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy.

  8. Adenovirus-mediated sphingomyelin synthase 2 increases atherosclerotic lesions in ApoE KO mice

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    Zhao Yarui


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Sphingomyelin synthase 2 (SMS2 contributes to de novo sphingomyelin (SM biosynthesis. Its activity is related to SM levels in the plasma and the cell membrane. In this study, we investigated the possibility of a direct relationship between SMS and atherosclerosis. Methods The Adenovirus containing SMS2 gene was given into 10-week ApoE KO C57BL/6J mice by femoral intravenous injection. In the control group, the Adenovirus containing GFP was given. To confirm this model, we took both mRNA level examination (RT-PCR and protein level examination (SMS activity assay. Result We generated recombinant adenovirus vectors containing either human SMS2 cDNA (AdV-SMS2 or GFP cDNA (AdV-GFP. On day six after intravenous infusion of 2 × 1011 particle numbers into ten-week-old apoE KO mice, AdV-SMS2 treatment significantly increased liver SMS2 mRNA levels and SMS activity (by 2.7-fold, 2.3-fold, p Conclusions Our results present direct morphological evidence for the pro-atherogenic capabilities of SMS2. SMS2 could be a potential target for treating atherosclerosis.

  9. Statistična ocena protipožarne varnosti večstanovanjskih zgradb v Sloveniji

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    Vojko Kilar


    Full Text Available Skoraj tretjina stanovanjskih enot v Sloveniji se nahaja v večstanovanjskih objektih. Večina tovrstnih zgradb je bila zgrajena po drugi svetovni vojni, ko je bila potreba po ustreznih nastavitvenih objektih največja. Narejeni so bili v okviru gradbenih možnosti in zahtev časa. Vsako leto v teh objektih izbruhne več kot 200 požarov s smrtnimi žrtvami in z veliko gmotno škodo. Zaradi velikih naporov v preteklih stoletjih, ki so bili usmerjeni predvsem v zamenjavo gorljivega gradbenega materiala z negorljivim in z razvojem gasilske službe, sta se število požarov in njihov obseg zmanjšala, vendar ne odpravila. Nov, večji napredek na področju požarne varnosti večstanovanjskih zgradb je tako očiten šele v zadnjih nekaj letih, ko veljajo tudi strožji predpisi za gradnjo tovrstnih objektov. Razvoj znanosti in stroke je tudi na tem področju prinesel več novih rešitev za izboljšanje stanja, kar potrjujejo izkušnje iz tujine. Žal je pri nas uveljavitev varnostnih principov še vedno odvisna predvsem od zavesti uporabnikov, finančnih sredstev, hkrati pa so določeni postopki izvedbe bistveno bolj zapleteni zaradi novih lastniških razmerij. S pomočjo statističnih rezultatov popisa 2002 in sodobnih zahtev varstva pred požarom se želi v članku prikazati današnje stanje tega problema na državni in občinski ravni ter nakazati možnosti izboljšanje stanja. Avtorja v članku ugotavljata, da sodobnim zahtevam ne ustreza pravzaprav nobena starejša večstanovanjska zgradba. K sreči izboljšuje stanje na tem področju dejstvo, da je večina objektov pri nas zgrajena iz negorljivih materialov (beton, opeka, ki omejujejo širjenje požara.

  10. Trzyetapowa korekcja deformacji tyłostopia u chorej na reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów

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    Iwona Słowińska


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono trzyetapowe leczenie operacyjne deformacjityłostopia u chorej na reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów (RZSw Klinice Reumoortopedii Instytutu Reumatologii w Warszawie.Z powodu znacznie zaawansowanych zmian destrukcyjnych wszystkichstawów na obu poziomach stawu skokowego konieczne byłowykonanie operacji przygotowującej do zaplanowanej endoprotezoplastykistawu skokowo-goleniowego. Wykonano potrójnąartrodezę tyłostopia, następnie reoperację usztywnienia z powodunadmiernej pierwotnej korekcji i ostatecznie aloplastykę stawuskokowego. Na rycinach 1–6 przedstawiono wyjściowy obraz zmiandestrukcyjnych stawów stopy pacjentki, kolejne etapy leczeniaoperacyjnego oraz zaistniałe powikłania. Pomimo powikłań dwóchpierwszych zabiegów chirurgicznych końcowy efekt był zadowa -lający. Obecnie pacjentka chodzi bez bólu w operowanej stopiei stawie skokowym, może nosić zwyczajne obuwie i jest zado wo -lona z wyglądu operowanej stopy.

  11. Abnormal type I collagen post-translational modification and crosslinking in a cyclophilin B KO mouse model of recessive osteogenesis imperfecta. (United States)

    Cabral, Wayne A; Perdivara, Irina; Weis, MaryAnn; Terajima, Masahiko; Blissett, Angela R; Chang, Weizhong; Perosky, Joseph E; Makareeva, Elena N; Mertz, Edward L; Leikin, Sergey; Tomer, Kenneth B; Kozloff, Kenneth M; Eyre, David R; Yamauchi, Mitsuo; Marini, Joan C


    Cyclophilin B (CyPB), encoded by PPIB, is an ER-resident peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) that functions independently and as a component of the collagen prolyl 3-hydroxylation complex. CyPB is proposed to be the major PPIase catalyzing the rate-limiting step in collagen folding. Mutations in PPIB cause recessively inherited osteogenesis imperfecta type IX, a moderately severe to lethal bone dysplasia. To investigate the role of CyPB in collagen folding and post-translational modifications, we generated Ppib-/- mice that recapitulate the OI phenotype. Knock-out (KO) mice are small, with reduced femoral areal bone mineral density (aBMD), bone volume per total volume (BV/TV) and mechanical properties, as well as increased femoral brittleness. Ppib transcripts are absent in skin, fibroblasts, femora and calvarial osteoblasts, and CyPB is absent from KO osteoblasts and fibroblasts on western blots. Only residual (2-11%) collagen prolyl 3-hydroxylation is detectable in KO cells and tissues. Collagen folds more slowly in the absence of CyPB, supporting its rate-limiting role in folding. However, treatment of KO cells with cyclosporine A causes further delay in folding, indicating the potential existence of another collagen PPIase. We confirmed and extended the reported role of CyPB in supporting collagen lysyl hydroxylase (LH1) activity. Ppib-/- fibroblast and osteoblast collagen has normal total lysyl hydroxylation, while increased collagen diglycosylation is observed. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) analysis of bone and osteoblast type I collagen revealed site-specific alterations of helical lysine hydroxylation, in particular, significantly reduced hydroxylation of helical crosslinking residue K87. Consequently, underhydroxylated forms of di- and trivalent crosslinks are strikingly increased in KO bone, leading to increased total crosslinks and decreased helical hydroxylysine- to lysine-derived crosslink ratios. The altered crosslink

  12. Fizičko-hemijske i detonacione karakteristike nitraminskih eksploziva - RDX, HMX i CL-20 / Physico-chemical and detonation properties of nitramine explosives: RDX, HMX and CL-20

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    Mirjana Anđelković-Lukić


    Full Text Available U radu su prikazane fizičko-hemijske i detonacione karakteristike nitraminskih brizantnih eksploziva, heksogena i oktogena, uporedene sa osobinama novog cikličnog nitraminskog eksploziva CL-20. Novi visokobrizantni eksploziv CL-20 postoji u četiri kristalne forme, stabilne na različitim temepraturama. Ima bolje detonacione karakteristike od heksogena i oktogena veću gustinu i brzinu detonacije, all mnogo veću osetljivost na udar i trenje, reda PETN. Zbog toga se ovaj eksploziv flegmatizuje sa polimerima etilenvinilacetatom (EVA i estanom. Da bi se povećale energetske performanse eksploziva i smanjila osetljivost na mehanička dejstva eksplozivu CL-20 dodaju se visokoenergetski materijali, fluoronitrojedinjenja (FEFO. / In this paper the physico-chemical and detonation properties of nitramine high explosives, hexogen and octogen, are presented and compared with a polycyclic nitramine high explosive CL-20. This new high explosive CL-20 exists in four crystalline forms, stable at different temperatures. CL-20 has better detonation properties than hexogen and octogen, higher density and detonation rate, but greater impact and friction sensitivity (of PETN class. So it is necessary to bond this explosive with polymers-ethylenvinil acetat (EVA and estane to reduce sensitivity to mechanical effects. CL-20 can be prepared by adding high energy materials-fluoro-nitro compounds (FEFO as regulators of energy performances.



    Bošnjak Terzić, Brankica


    Disleksiju definiramo kao specifičnu poteškoću u učenju čitanja i pisanja s posebnim naglaskom na poteškoće kodiranja i dekodiranja. U radu je riječ o poteškoćama koje učenici s disleksijom imaju pri učenju stranoga jezika. Navode se istraživanja koja su se bavila utjecajem materinskoga jezika na učenje stranoga jezika među učenicima s disleksijom te istraživanja o utjecaju ortografije na učenje stranoga jezika. Ortografska transparentnost odnosi se na predvidivost izgovora riječi s obzirom n...

  14. Humanized HLA-DR4.RagKO.IL2RγcKO.NOD (DRAG) mice sustain the complex vertebrate life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (United States)

    Wijayalath, Wathsala; Majji, Sai; Villasante, Eileen F; Brumeanu, Teodor D; Richie, Thomas L; Casares, Sofia


    Malaria is a deadly infectious disease affecting millions of people in tropical and sub-tropical countries. Among the five species of Plasmodium parasites that infect humans, Plasmodium falciparum accounts for the highest morbidity and mortality associated with malaria. Since humans are the only natural hosts for P. falciparum, the lack of convenient animal models has hindered the understanding of disease pathogenesis and prompted the need of testing anti-malarial drugs and vaccines directly in human trials. Humanized mice hosting human cells represent new pre-clinical models for infectious diseases that affect only humans. In this study, the ability of human-immune-system humanized HLA-DR4.RagKO.IL2RγcKO.NOD (DRAG) mice to sustain infection with P. falciparum was explored. Four week-old DRAG mice were infused with HLA-matched human haematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and examined for reconstitution of human liver cells and erythrocytes. Upon challenge with infectious P. falciparum sporozoites (NF54 strain) humanized DRAG mice were examined for liver stage infection, blood stage infection, and transmission to Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes. Humanized DRAG mice reconstituted human hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, liver endothelial cells, and erythrocytes. Upon intravenous challenge with P. falciparum sporozoites, DRAG mice sustained liver to blood stage infection (average 3-5 parasites/microlitre blood) and allowed transmission to An. stephensi mosquitoes. Infected DRAG mice elicited antibody and cellular responses to the blood stage parasites and self-cured the infection by day 45 post-challenge. DRAG mice represent the first human-immune-system humanized mouse model that sustains the complex vertebrate life cycle of P. falciparum without the need of exogenous injection of human hepatocytes/erythrocytes or P. falciparum parasite adaptation. The ability of DRAG mice to elicit specific human immune responses to P. falciparum parasites may help deciphering immune correlates

  15. Application of analytic hierarchy process in landscape management: Case study area Košutnjak park-forest

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    Lakićević Milena


    Full Text Available Proper management is one of key elements of the natural landscape protection strategy. Park-forests with protected and conserved natural elements represent attractive eco-tourism urban zones. Košutnjak is the most visited park-forest in Serbian capitol Belgrade, unfortunately with increasing number of degraded and devastated areas as a consequence of negative human impacts in the past. In order to conserve natural values in this popular forested city area, and to improve its tourism potential, we found that in achieving that goal, it is meaningful to asses possible management practices and identify the most desired one by applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP, scientifically sound multi-criteria decision making tool. Based on the obtained results, a recommended strategy is to renovate natural vegetation and to promote recreational and tourism offer in Košutnjak with respect of the sustainability principle.

  16. PF-KO system for single bunch mode operation of a storage ring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohgaki, H.; Sugiyama, S.; Mikado, T.; Chiwaki, M.; Yamada, K.; Suzuki, R.; Sei, N.; Noguchi, T.; Yamazaki, T.


    A new RF-KO (RF knockout) system for the single bunch mode operation of a storage ring has been developed. The knockout signal is modulated by the sum signal of the RF acceleration frequency of the storage ring and a bunch selection signal. We do not need any special device or a timing unit with this method. We obtain a high purity of bunch structure in a short knock out time. The single bunch impurity of 0.2% has been achieved. (author)

  17. Functional consequences of brain glycogen deficiency on the sleep-wake cycle regulation in PTG-KO mice

    KAUST Repository

    Burlet-Godinot, S.; Allaman, I.; Grenningloh, G.; Roach, P.J.; Depaoli-Roach, A.A.; Magistretti, Pierre J.; Petit, J.-M.


    in the brain in mice while glycogen levels were paradoxically maintained and not affected. In order to gain further insight on the role of PTG in this process, we studied the sleep/wake cycle parameters in PTG knockout (PTG-KO) mice under baseline conditions

  18. Czy koarktacja aorty nadal jest przyczyną nadciśnienia tętniczego u nastolatków?

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    Anna Półtorak-Krawczyk


    Full Text Available Koarktacja aorty stanowi około 5% wszystkich wrodzonych wad serca. W diagnostyce różnicowej nadciśnienia tętniczego (NT u nastoletnich pacjentów częstość występowania zwężenia cieśni aorty jako przyczyny NT szacuje się na około 3%. W naszym ośrodku na przełomie roku 2008/2009 (6 miesięcy wśród nastolatków diagnozowanych z powodu nadciśnienia tętniczego wykryto trzy przypadki koarktacji aorty (5,2%. Piętnastoletni chłopiec, B.J., został przyjęty do szpitala z powodu kłucia w okolicy serca i podwyższonych wartości ciśnienia tętniczego (maks. 170/90 mm Hg. Tętno na tętnicach udowych było wyczuwalne, ale słabiej niż na kończynach górnych. W badaniach dodatkowych – ciśnienie tętnicze (RR na kończynach dolnych: lewa (L – 112/51, prawa (P – 105/50 mm Hg; RR na kończynach górnych: L – 148/71, P – 144/65 mm Hg. Jedenastoletni chłopiec, R.C., został przyjęty do szpitala z powodu nieprawidłowych wartości ciśnienia tętniczego, którym towarzyszyły bóle głowy. Tętno na tętnicach udowych było słabo wyczuwalne. W badaniach dodatkowych – RR na kończynach dolnych: L – 84/44, P – 97/64 mm Hg; RR na kończynach górnych: L – 129/60, P – 139/61 mm Hg. Dwunastoletnią pacjentkę, P.D., przekazano ze szpitala powiatowego w trybie pilnym z powodu wysokiego ciśnienia tętniczego (190/105 mm Hg. Tętno na tętnicach udowych było bardzo słabo wyczuwalne. W badaniach dodatkowych – RR na kończynach dolnych: L – 93/55, P – 85/54 mm Hg; RR na kończynach górnych: L – 159/84, P – 162/86 mm Hg. Prezentowane przypadki mogły zostać zdiagnozowane znacznie wcześniej w oparciu o dokładne (np. bilansowe badanie fizykalne, które uwzględniałoby badanie tętna udowego w porównaniu z tętnem na kończynach górnych, a w przypadkach wątpliwych pomiar ciśnienia tętniczego na czterech kończynach. Chociaż koarktacja aorty jest rzadką przyczyną nadciśnienia tętniczego krwi w wieku m

  19. Dry Heathland Restoration in the Zlatnice Nature Reserve (Czech Republic: An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Grazing and Sod-Cutting

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    Dostálek Jiří


    Full Text Available Vegetacija nižinskih suhih vresav v srednji Evropi (Euphorbio cyparissiae-Callunion vulgaris je v upadanju zaradi opuščanja tradicionalnega gospodarjenja in to se kaže v postopnem zaraščanju z lesnatimi rastlinami in spremenjenem vnosu hranil. Za obnovitev sestojev z vreso, ki so izginili, smo uporabili pašo z nizko intenzivnostjo in košnjo, ki sta tradicionalno priporočena načina za obnavljanje vegetacije z vreso (Calluna vulgaris iz semenske banke. Raziskavo smo opravili v naravnem rezervatu Zlatnice, ki se nahaja v severozahodnem delu Prage (Češka republika. Vzpostavili smo sistem stalnih 1 m2 ploskev. Za obnovitev vegetacije z vrsto Calluna vulgaris sta bila uspešna tako paša kot košnja. Pokrovnost vrese se je povečala dve leti po začetku poskusa s pašo, na površinah s košnjo pa se je značilno povečala tretje leto in vrednosti so bile primerljive s pašenimi površinami. Redna paša je ovirala povečanje pokrovnosti zelišč, medtem ko se je njihova pokrovnost povečala po posamezni košnji. Košnja je tudi vplivala na povečanje pokrovnosti mahov. Poizkus je pokazal, da je slabo intenzivna paša ovac in koz verjetno najbolj primeren način obnove suhih vresav na plitvih, s hranili revnih tleh, po več kot 20 let od uničenja vresave. Košnja je bolj zahtevna, pojavlja pa se tudi možnost razraščanja nezaželjenih zelišč in lesnatih rastlin, kar zopet vodi v degradacijo vegetacije z vrsto Calluna vulgaris.

  20. Abnormal type I collagen post-translational modification and crosslinking in a cyclophilin B KO mouse model of recessive osteogenesis imperfecta.

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    Wayne A Cabral


    Full Text Available Cyclophilin B (CyPB, encoded by PPIB, is an ER-resident peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase that functions independently and as a component of the collagen prolyl 3-hydroxylation complex. CyPB is proposed to be the major PPIase catalyzing the rate-limiting step in collagen folding. Mutations in PPIB cause recessively inherited osteogenesis imperfecta type IX, a moderately severe to lethal bone dysplasia. To investigate the role of CyPB in collagen folding and post-translational modifications, we generated Ppib-/- mice that recapitulate the OI phenotype. Knock-out (KO mice are small, with reduced femoral areal bone mineral density (aBMD, bone volume per total volume (BV/TV and mechanical properties, as well as increased femoral brittleness. Ppib transcripts are absent in skin, fibroblasts, femora and calvarial osteoblasts, and CyPB is absent from KO osteoblasts and fibroblasts on western blots. Only residual (2-11% collagen prolyl 3-hydroxylation is detectable in KO cells and tissues. Collagen folds more slowly in the absence of CyPB, supporting its rate-limiting role in folding. However, treatment of KO cells with cyclosporine A causes further delay in folding, indicating the potential existence of another collagen PPIase. We confirmed and extended the reported role of CyPB in supporting collagen lysyl hydroxylase (LH1 activity. Ppib-/- fibroblast and osteoblast collagen has normal total lysyl hydroxylation, while increased collagen diglycosylation is observed. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS analysis of bone and osteoblast type I collagen revealed site-specific alterations of helical lysine hydroxylation, in particular, significantly reduced hydroxylation of helical crosslinking residue K87. Consequently, underhydroxylated forms of di- and trivalent crosslinks are strikingly increased in KO bone, leading to increased total crosslinks and decreased helical hydroxylysine- to lysine-derived crosslink ratios. The altered

  1. Abnormal Type I Collagen Post-translational Modification and Crosslinking in a Cyclophilin B KO Mouse Model of Recessive Osteogenesis Imperfecta (United States)

    Cabral, Wayne A.; Perdivara, Irina; Weis, MaryAnn; Terajima, Masahiko; Blissett, Angela R.; Chang, Weizhong; Perosky, Joseph E.; Makareeva, Elena N.; Mertz, Edward L.; Leikin, Sergey; Tomer, Kenneth B.; Kozloff, Kenneth M.; Eyre, David R.; Yamauchi, Mitsuo; Marini, Joan C.


    Cyclophilin B (CyPB), encoded by PPIB, is an ER-resident peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) that functions independently and as a component of the collagen prolyl 3-hydroxylation complex. CyPB is proposed to be the major PPIase catalyzing the rate-limiting step in collagen folding. Mutations in PPIB cause recessively inherited osteogenesis imperfecta type IX, a moderately severe to lethal bone dysplasia. To investigate the role of CyPB in collagen folding and post-translational modifications, we generated Ppib−/− mice that recapitulate the OI phenotype. Knock-out (KO) mice are small, with reduced femoral areal bone mineral density (aBMD), bone volume per total volume (BV/TV) and mechanical properties, as well as increased femoral brittleness. Ppib transcripts are absent in skin, fibroblasts, femora and calvarial osteoblasts, and CyPB is absent from KO osteoblasts and fibroblasts on western blots. Only residual (2–11%) collagen prolyl 3-hydroxylation is detectable in KO cells and tissues. Collagen folds more slowly in the absence of CyPB, supporting its rate-limiting role in folding. However, treatment of KO cells with cyclosporine A causes further delay in folding, indicating the potential existence of another collagen PPIase. We confirmed and extended the reported role of CyPB in supporting collagen lysyl hydroxylase (LH1) activity. Ppib−/− fibroblast and osteoblast collagen has normal total lysyl hydroxylation, while increased collagen diglycosylation is observed. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) analysis of bone and osteoblast type I collagen revealed site-specific alterations of helical lysine hydroxylation, in particular, significantly reduced hydroxylation of helical crosslinking residue K87. Consequently, underhydroxylated forms of di- and trivalent crosslinks are strikingly increased in KO bone, leading to increased total crosslinks and decreased helical hydroxylysine- to lysine-derived crosslink ratios. The altered

  2. Utjecaj imidža marke na odabir luksuznog kozmetičkog proizvoda


    Jurić, Monika


    Ponašanje potrošača je dinamička interakcija spoznaje i čimbenika okružja koji se reflektiraju na ponašanje i promjenu raznih aspekata života potrošača. Danas diljem svijeta postoje milijarde potrošača koji kupuju proizvode. Kozmetički proizvod je svaka tvar ili smjesa koja je namijenjena dodiru s vanjskim dijelovima tijela (koža, kosa, nokti) ili sa zubima i sluznicom usne šupljine isključivo radi njihova čišćenja, parfimiranja, zaštite i održavanja u dobrom stanju, mijenjanja njihova izgled...

  3. Digital technical map of Košice city

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    Štefan Kuzevič


    Full Text Available The digital map of a city is comprised complex of the map. Process of creation of the digital map of a city is time consuming and financially demanding. The digital map is created as co-operation of the local authority, technology network administrator, companies, and local government. The exact and current digital map of the city utilizable for multilateral applications is the result of this co-operation. The digital map of city catch all important phenomenon and objects which are needed for making decisions and planning to all grades controlling the local authority. The Geographic information systems tools make possible updating digital map, analyses and syntheses spatial phenomena and theirs relationships. The digital map of city is created step by step. The digital technical map of city is one of very important part of the digital map. Illustration of the part digital technical map of Košice is showed in the Fig. 1.

  4. Fus1 KO Mouse As a Model of Oxidative Stress-Mediated Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease: Circadian Disruption and Long-Term Spatial and Olfactory Memory Impairments. (United States)

    Coronas-Samano, Guillermo; Baker, Keeley L; Tan, Winston J T; Ivanova, Alla V; Verhagen, Justus V


    Insufficient advances in the development of effective therapeutic treatments of sporadic Alzheimer's Disease (sAD) to date are largely due to the lack of sAD-relevant animal models. While the vast majority of models do recapitulate AD's hallmarks of plaques and tangles by virtue of tau and/or beta amyloid overexpression, these models do not reflect the fact that in sAD (unlike familial AD) these genes are not risk factors per se and that other mechanisms like oxidative stress, metabolic dysregulation and inflammation play key roles in AD etiology. Here we characterize and propose the Fus1 KO mice that lack a mitochondrial protein Fus1/Tusc2 as a new sAD model. To establish sAD relevance, we assessed sAD related deficits in Fus1 KO and WT adult mice of 4-5 months old, the equivalent human age when the earliest cognitive and olfactory sAD symptoms arise. Fus1 KO mice showed oxidative stress (increased levels of ROS, decreased levels of PRDX1), disruption of metabolic homeostasis (decreased levels of ACC2, increased phosphorylation of AMPK), autophagy (decreased levels of LC3-II), PKC (decreased levels of RACK1) and calcium signaling (decreased levels of Calb2) in the olfactory bulb and/or hippocampus. Mice were behaviorally tested using objective and accurate video tracking (Noldus), in which Fus1 KO mice showed clear deficits in olfactory memory (decreased habituation/cross-habituation in the short and long term), olfactory guided navigation memory (inability to reduce their latency to find the hidden cookie), spatial memory (learning impairments on finding the platform in the Morris water maze) and showed more sleep time during the diurnal cycle. Fus1 KO mice did not show clear deficits in olfactory perception (cross-habituation), association memory (passive avoidance) or in species-typical behavior (nest building) and no increased anxiety (open field, light-dark box) or depression/anhedonia (sucrose preference) at this relatively young age. These neurobehavioral



    Markotić, Mladen


    U diplomskom radu analiziran je dinamički odziv pješačkog mosta na Građevinskom fakultetu Osijek uslijed različitih opterećenja pješaka. Za ukupnu ocjenu ponašanja pješačkog mosta provedena je eksperimentalna i numerička analiza pomoću računalnog programa. Dinamičko ispitivanje provedeno je u više faza ovisno o promatranom opterećenju. U prvoj fazi analizirana su ambijentalna ispitivanja, a u ostalim fazama, promatrano je ponašanje konstrukcije pješačkog mosta uslijed hodanja i skakanja pješa...

  6. Further Development of Ko Displacement Theory for Deformed Shape Predictions of Nonuniform Aerospace Structures (United States)

    Ko, William L.; Fleischer, Van Tran


    The Ko displacement theory previously formulated for deformed shape predictions of nonuniform beam structures is further developed mathematically. The further-developed displacement equations are expressed explicitly in terms of geometrical parameters of the beam and bending strains at equally spaced strain-sensing stations along the multiplexed fiber-optic sensor line installed on the bottom surface of the beam. The bending strain data can then be input into the displacement equations for calculations of local slopes, deflections, and cross-sectional twist angles for generating the overall deformed shapes of the nonuniform beam. The further-developed displacement theory can also be applied to the deformed shape predictions of nonuniform two-point supported beams, nonuniform panels, nonuniform aircraft wings and fuselages, and so forth. The high degree of accuracy of the further-developed displacement theory for nonuniform beams is validated by finite-element analysis of various nonuniform beam structures. Such structures include tapered tubular beams, depth-tapered unswept and swept wing boxes, width-tapered wing boxes, and double-tapered wing boxes, all under combined bending and torsional loads. The Ko displacement theory, combined with the fiber-optic strain-sensing system, provide a powerful tool for in-flight deformed shape monitoring of unmanned aerospace vehicles by ground-based pilots to maintain safe flights.

  7. Problematika trgovine z mladoletnimi osebami na območju Makedonije in sosednjih držav


    Stefanovski, Kristijan


    Človek lahko normalno živi le, če je svoboden, medtem ko »nesvoboda« iz človeka naredi sužnja. Trgovina z ljudmi ali t. i sodobno suženjstvo v 21. stoletju počasi in zanesljivo postaja pereč problem sodobnega življenja. Ljudje se zaradi želje po hitrem zaslužku pogosto znajdejo na življenjski poti, ki je izpolnjena s strahom, trpljenjem, z grožnjami, bolečinami, s škodo, z negotovostjo itd. Trgovina z ljudmi predstavlja eno izmed najhujših kršitev človekovih pravic. Žrtvam namreč odvzame ...

  8. Field measurement of the piping system vibration of Ko-Ri unit 4 during the load-following operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Tae-Young; Hong, Sung-Yull; Kim, Bum-Nyun.


    During the load-following operation of nuclear power plants, flow rate, temperature, and pressure in the piping system can be varied by changing the electric power output level, and these variations can cause different vibration phenomena in the piping system. The piping system vibration is important because it is directly related to the dynamic stress of the piping system and can affect the life of the piping system through structural fatigue. An assessment of vibration levels for the classes II and III piping systems of the Ko-Ri Unit 4950-MW nuclear power plant was performed according to the given pattern of the load-following operation to study its feasibility from the viewpoint of piping system vibration. The classes II and III piping system vibration of the Ko-Ri Unit 4 may not cause any potential problem under the given pattern of the load-following operation; however, it is recommended that long-term operation in the 85 to 95% power range be avoided as much as possible

  9. Generation and testing anti-influenza human monoclonal antibodies in a new humanized mouse model (DRAGA: HLA-A2. HLA-DR4. Rag1 KO. IL-2Rγc KO. NOD). (United States)

    Mendoza, Mirian; Ballesteros, Angela; Qiu, Qi; Pow Sang, Luis; Shashikumar, Soumya; Casares, Sofia; Brumeanu, Teodor-D


    Pandemic outbreaks of influenza type A viruses have resulted in numerous fatalities around the globe. Since the conventional influenza vaccines (CIV) provide less than 20% protection for individuals with weak immune system, it has been considered that broadly cross-neutralizing antibodies may provide a better protection. Herein, we showed that a recently generated humanized mouse (DRAGA mouse; HLA-A2. HLA-DR4. Rag1KO. IL-2Rgc KO. NOD) that lacks the murine immune system and expresses a functional human immune system can be used to generate cross-reactive, human anti-influenza monoclonal antibodies (hu-mAb). DRAGA mouse was also found to be suitable for influenza virus infection, as it can clear a sub-lethal infection and sustain a lethal infection with PR8/A/34 influenza virus. The hu-mAbs were designed for targeting a human B-cell epitope ( 180 WGIHHPPNSKEQ QNLY 195 ) of hemagglutinin (HA) envelope protein of PR8/A/34 (H1N1) virus with high homology among seven influenza type A viruses. A single administration of HA 180-195 specific hu-mAb in PR8-infected DRAGA mice significantly delayed the lethality by reducing the lung damage. The results demonstrated that DRAGA mouse is a suitable tool to (i) generate heterotype cross-reactive, anti-influenza human monoclonal antibodies, (ii) serve as a humanized mouse model for influenza infection, and (iii) assess the efficacy of anti-influenza antibody-based therapeutics for human use.

  10. Wpływ leptyny i adiponektyny na procesy chondrogenezy i osteoblastogenezy – znaczenie w patogenezie reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów

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    Urszula Skalska


    Full Text Available Leptyna i adiponektyna to klasyczne adipokiny produkowane przezbiałą tkankę tłuszczową. Mają one działanie plejotropowe; ich rolębada się w takich chorobach, jak reumatoidalne zapalenie stawówczy choroba zwyrodnieniowa stawów. Dotąd nie wiadomo, jakidokładnie wpływ wywierają one na procesy chondrogenezyi osteoblastogenezy. Te dwa procesy są bardzo istotne z punktuwidzenia reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów, gdyż w chorobie tejdochodzi do destrukcji chrząstki i kości stawowej. Istotne jestokreślenie, jaką rolę odgrywają adipokiny w reumatoidalnymzapaleniu stawów oraz w jaki sposób wpływają na różnicowaniekomórek mezenchymalnych. W niniejszej pracy przedstawionoobecną wiedzę na temat roli adiponektyny i leptyny w procesachosteogenezy i chondrogenezy (tab. I i II.

  11. Fus1 KO mouse as a model of oxidative stress-mediated sporadic Alzheimer’s disease: circadian disruption and long-term spatial and olfactory memory impairments.

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    Guillermo Coronas-Samano


    Full Text Available Insufficient advances in the development of effective therapeutic treatments of sporadic Alzheimer's Disease (sAD to date are largely due to the lack of sAD-relevant animal models. While the vast majority of models do recapitulate AD's hallmarks of plaques and tangles by virtue of tau and/or beta amyloid overexpression, these models do not reflect the fact that in sAD (unlike familial AD these genes are not risk factors per se and that other mechanisms like oxidative stress, metabolic dysregulation and inflammation play key roles in AD etiology. Here we characterize and propose the Fus1 KO mice that lack a mitochondrial protein Fus1/Tusc2 as a new sAD model. To establish sAD relevance, we assessed sAD related deficits in Fus1 KO and WT adult mice of 4-5 months old, the equivalent human age when the earliest cognitive and olfactory sAD symptoms arise. Fus1 KO mice showed oxidative stress (increased levels of ROS, decreased levels of PRDX1, disruption of metabolic homeostasis (decreased levels of ACC2, increased phosphorylation of AMPK, autophagy (decreased levels of LC3-II, PKC (decreased levels of RACK1 and calcium signaling (decreased levels of Calb2 in the olfactory bulb and/or hippocampus. Mice were behaviorally tested using objective and accurate video tracking (Noldus, in which Fus1 KO mice showed clear deficits in olfactory memory (decreased habituation/cross-habituation in the short and long term, olfactory guided navigation memory (inability to reduce their latency to find the hidden cookie, spatial memory (learning impairments on finding the platform in the Morris water maze and showed more sleep time during the diurnal cycle. Fus1 KO mice did not show clear deficits in olfactory perception (cross-habituation, association memory (passive avoidance or in species-typical behavior (nest building and no increased anxiety (open field, light-dark box or depression/anhedonia (sucrose preference at this relatively young age. These

  12. Habitat Characteristics of Bracken-Covered Areas Intended for Afforestation in Ličko Sredogorje

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    Zvonko Seletković


    Full Text Available Background and Purpose: Forest cultures in continental part of Croatia are mainly based on bracken-covered areas and moors on deserted agriculture soils and pastures. Successful afforestation i.e. establishment of forest cultures depends among other things on the understanding of habitats and ecology of forest trees. The choice of best species of forest trees for afforestation needs to be based on the research in soil and climate characteristics of target habitats. The aims of this research were to show mesoclimatic characteristics of Ličko sredogorje and microclimatic and pedological characteristics of Ličko polje. Also, based on habitat characteristics and ecology of forest trees, the aim was to determine species of forest trees suitable for afforestation of bracken-covered areas. Materials and Methods: Climate, microclimate, pedological and plant nutrition researches were done at the area of Lika highlands. Climate analysis was done according to air temperatures, amount of precipitation, relative air humidity and other climate elements and appearances. Composite soil samples were taken from the depth of 0-30 cm in order to determine plant nutrition potential. Samples were prepared for further analysis in the laboratory. Results: The highest average annual air temperature of 9.6 °C was found at weather station Gračac and the lowest at Korenica station (8.1 °C. Average amount of precipitation for this region was around 1500 mm. Monthly rain factors were ranging from arid to perhumid. Considering thermal character of the climate, the area has moderately warm climate. Average volumetric soil humidity is 14.2 %. Soil has strong acid reaction, is very humus, good to richly supplied with total nitrogen, content of physiologically active phosphorus and potassium is low, and C/N ration normal. Conclusions: According to habitat characteristics in the area of Ličko sredogorje and ecological demands of forest tree species, forest cultures of Common

  13. First case of human babesiosis in Korea: detection and characterization of a novel type of Babesia sp. (KO1) similar to ovine babesia. (United States)

    Kim, Jung-Yeon; Cho, Shin-Hyeong; Joo, Hyun-Na; Tsuji, Masayoshi; Cho, Sung-Ran; Park, Il-Joong; Chung, Gyung-Tae; Ju, Jung-Won; Cheun, Hyeng-Il; Lee, Hyeong-Woo; Lee, Young-Hee; Kim, Tong-Soo


    We report on the first case of human babesiosis in Korea. The intraerythrocytic parasite (KO1) in the patient's blood mainly appeared as paired pyriforms and ring forms; but Maltese cross forms were not seen, and the parasite showed morphological features consistent with those of the genus Babesia sensu stricto. The sequence of the 18S rRNA gene of KO1 was closely related to that of Babesia spp. isolated from sheep in China (similarity, 98%). The present study provides the first evidence of the presence of a hitherto unidentified, new type of Babesia parasite capable of infecting humans.

  14. Revisiting T2KK and T2KO physics potential and ν{sub μ}- anti ν{sub μ} beam ratio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hagiwara, Kaoru [Theory Center, KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Sokendai, Department of Accelerator Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Ko, Pyungwon [KIAS, School of Physics, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Okamura, Naotoshi [International University of Health and Welfare, Department of Radiological Sciences, Ohtawara, Tochigi (Japan); Takaesu, Yoshitaro [University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, Tokyo (Japan)


    We revisit the sensitivity study of the Tokai-to-Kamioka-and-Korea (T2KK) and Tokai-to-Kamioka-and-Oki (T2KO) proposals where a water Cerenkov detector with the 100 kton fiducial volume is placed in Korea (L = 1000 km) and Oki island (L = 653 km) in Japan, respectively, in addition to the Super-Kamiokande for determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy and leptonic CP phase (δ{sub CP}). We systematically study the running ratio of the ν{sub μ} and anti ν{sub μ} focusing beams with dedicated background estimation for the ν{sub e} appearance and ν{sub μ} disappearance signals, especially improving treatment of the neutral-current π{sup 0} backgrounds. Using a ν{sub μ}- anti ν{sub μ} beam ratio between 3:2 and 2.5:2.5 (in units of 10{sup 21}POT with the proton energy of 40 GeV), the mass-hierarchy determination with the median sensitivity of 3-5 σ by the T2KK and 1-4 σ by the T2KO experiment are expected when sin{sup 2}θ{sub 23} = 0.5, depending on the mass-hierarchy pattern and CP phase. These sensitivities are enhanced (reduced) by 30-40% in Δχ{sup 2} when sin{sup 2}θ{sub 23} = 0.6 (0.4). The CP phase is measured with the uncertainty of 20 {sup circle} -50 {sup circle} by the T2KK and T2KO using the ν{sub μ}- anti ν{sub μ} focusing beam ratio between 3.5:1.5 and 1.5:3.5. These findings indicate that inclusion of the anti ν{sub μ} focusing beam improves the sensitivities of the T2KK and T2KO experiments to both the mass-hierarchy determination and the leptonic CP phase measurement simultaneously with the preferred beam ratio being between 3:2-2.5:2.5 (x 10{sup 21}POT). (orig.)

  15. Analysis of Košice Meteorite by Mössbauer Spectroscopy (United States)

    Sitek, Jozef; Dekan, Július; Sedlačková, Katarína


    The 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy method was used to investigate iron-containing compounds in town Košice meteorite fallen on the territory of Slovakia in February 2010. The results showed that the Mössbauer spectra consisted of magnetic and non-magnetic components related to different iron-bearing phases. The non-magnetic phase includes olivine, pyroxene and traces of Fe3+ phase and the magnetic component comprises troilite (FeS) and iron-rich Fe-Ni alloy with hyperfine magnetic field typical for kamacite. Samples from meteorite were obtained in powder from different depths to inspect its heterogeneous composition. The content of kamacite increases to the detriment of troilite from the surface toward the centre of the sample. Measurements at liquid nitrogen temperature confirmed phase composition of investigated meteorite. Main constituent elements of studied samples were also determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis.

  16. Problematika slovenskega marketinškega izrazja


    Šesek, Lara; Golob, Urša


    Hiter razvoj v Sloveniji relativno mlade marketinške stroke je v zadnjih desetletjih v slovensko marketinško izrazje prinesel mnoge jezikovne težave. Cilj članka je opozoriti na te težave, ovrednotiti terminološko zmedo in ugotoviti, na kakšen način bi lahko prešli terminološka neskladja in pristopili k izdelavi slovenskega marketinškega terminološkega slovarja. Pregled trenutnega stanja na področju izrazja je pokazal, da sta problematični uporaba različnih izrazov za poimenovanje iste vsebin...

  17. Pemanfaatan Teknik Ko-Kristalisasi Untuk Produksi Serbuk Ekstrak Sirsak

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    Lukman Junaidi


    Full Text Available Research on application of co-crystallization technique on production of soursop extract powder conducted to diversify soursop product that could be used as industrial commodity. Treatment on this research was influence of: (1 anti-caking magnesium oxide (MO, magnesium carbonate (MC, and magnesium silicate (MS, and (2 storage period (0, 1, 2, and 3 months, on the characteristics of soursop powder quality. The results showed co-crystallization could be applied to produce soursop powder that met the requirements of SNI 01-4320-1996. Based on its quality characteristics, soursop powder oursop powder MC resulted a better quality compared to s MO and s MS. MC had a quality characteristics: oursop powder Soursop powder water content 1.89%, pH 4.17, sugar content 83.75%, vitamin C 42.7  total soluble solids 98.1%, TPC mg/100g, 55 colonies/g, soursop powder until coliform < 3 MPN, and contain no mold and yeast. Storage of 3 months increased water content, pH, and TPC, and contrarily decreased sugar content, vitamin C  total soluble solids.  Based on the quality characteristics, soursop powder that , and was stored for 3 months still met the SNI 01-4320-1996 requirements.ABSTRAK Penelitian pemanfaatan teknik ko-kristalisasi untuk produksi serbuk ekstrak sirsak dilakukan untuk diversifikasi produk olahan buah sirsak yang dapat dijadikan komoditas industri. Perlakuan yang diamati meliputi pengaruh: (1 penggunaan jenis anti-kempal magnesium oksida (MO, magnesium karbonat (MC, dan magnesium silikat (MS dan (2 masa simpan (0, 1, 2, dan 3 bulan terhadap karakteristik mutu serbuk sirsak. Hasil penelitian menunjuk-kan bahwa teknik ko-kristalisasi dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan serbuk sirsak yang memenuhi persyaratan mutu SNI 01-4320-1996. Berdasarkan karakteristik mutunya, serbuk sirsak MC memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan serbuk sirsak MS dan serbuk sirsak MO.  Serbuk sirsak MC memiliki karakteristik mutu: kadar air 1,89%, pH 4

  18. Amomum tsao-ko suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in RAW264.7 macrophages via Nrf2-dependent heme oxygenase-1 expression. (United States)

    Li, Bin; Choi, Hee-Jin; Lee, Dong-Sung; Oh, Hyuncheol; Kim, Youn-Chul; Moon, Jin-Young; Park, Won-Hwan; Park, Sun-Dong; Kim, Jai-Eun


    Amomum tsao-ko Crevost et Lemaire, used as a spice in Asia, is an important source of Chinese cuisine and traditional Chinese medicines. A. tsao-ko is reported to exert a variety of biological and pharmacological activities, including anti-proliferative, anti-oxidative and neuroprotective effects. In this study, NNMBS227, consisting of the ethanol extract of A. tsao-ko, exhibited potent anti-inflammatory activities in RAW264.7 macrophages. We investigated the effect of NNMBS227 in the suppression of pro-inflammatory mediators, including pro-inflammatory enzymes (inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2) and cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β) in LPS stimulated macrophages. NNMBS227 also inhibited the phosphorylation and degradation of IκB-α, as well as the nuclear translocation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) p65 caused by stimulation with LPS. In addition, NNMBS227 induced heme oxygenase (HO)-1 expression through the nuclear translocation of nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) in macrophages. Using tin protoporphyrin (SnPP), an HO activity inhibitor, we confirmed an association between the anti-inflammatory effects of NNMBS227 and the up-regulation of HO-1. These findings suggest that Nrf2-dependent increases in the expression of HO-1 induced by NNMBS227 conferred anti-inflammatory activities in LPS stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages.

  19. Quantification of Na+,K+ pumps and their transport rate in skeletal muscle: Functional significance (United States)


    During excitation, muscle cells gain Na+ and lose K+, leading to a rise in extracellular K+ ([K+]o), depolarization, and loss of excitability. Recent studies support the idea that these events are important causes of muscle fatigue and that full use of the Na+,K+-ATPase (also known as the Na+,K+ pump) is often essential for adequate clearance of extracellular K+. As a result of their electrogenic action, Na+,K+ pumps also help reverse depolarization arising during excitation, hyperkalemia, and anoxia, or from cell damage resulting from exercise, rhabdomyolysis, or muscle diseases. The ability to evaluate Na+,K+-pump function and the capacity of the Na+,K+ pumps to fill these needs require quantification of the total content of Na+,K+ pumps in skeletal muscle. Inhibition of Na+,K+-pump activity, or a decrease in their content, reduces muscle contractility. Conversely, stimulation of the Na+,K+-pump transport rate or increasing the content of Na+,K+ pumps enhances muscle excitability and contractility. Measurements of [3H]ouabain binding to skeletal muscle in vivo or in vitro have enabled the reproducible quantification of the total content of Na+,K+ pumps in molar units in various animal species, and in both healthy people and individuals with various diseases. In contrast, measurements of 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase activity associated with the Na+,K+-ATPase may show inconsistent results. Measurements of Na+ and K+ fluxes in intact isolated muscles show that, after Na+ loading or intense excitation, all the Na+,K+ pumps are functional, allowing calculation of the maximum Na+,K+-pumping capacity, expressed in molar units/g muscle/min. The activity and content of Na+,K+ pumps are regulated by exercise, inactivity, K+ deficiency, fasting, age, and several hormones and pharmaceuticals. Studies on the α-subunit isoforms of the Na+,K+-ATPase have detected a relative increase in their number in response to exercise and the glucocorticoid dexamethasone but have not

  20. Quantification of Na+,K+ pumps and their transport rate in skeletal muscle: functional significance. (United States)

    Clausen, Torben


    During excitation, muscle cells gain Na(+) and lose K(+), leading to a rise in extracellular K(+) ([K(+)]o), depolarization, and loss of excitability. Recent studies support the idea that these events are important causes of muscle fatigue and that full use of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase (also known as the Na(+),K(+) pump) is often essential for adequate clearance of extracellular K(+). As a result of their electrogenic action, Na(+),K(+) pumps also help reverse depolarization arising during excitation, hyperkalemia, and anoxia, or from cell damage resulting from exercise, rhabdomyolysis, or muscle diseases. The ability to evaluate Na(+),K(+)-pump function and the capacity of the Na(+),K(+) pumps to fill these needs require quantification of the total content of Na(+),K(+) pumps in skeletal muscle. Inhibition of Na(+),K(+)-pump activity, or a decrease in their content, reduces muscle contractility. Conversely, stimulation of the Na(+),K(+)-pump transport rate or increasing the content of Na(+),K(+) pumps enhances muscle excitability and contractility. Measurements of [(3)H]ouabain binding to skeletal muscle in vivo or in vitro have enabled the reproducible quantification of the total content of Na(+),K(+) pumps in molar units in various animal species, and in both healthy people and individuals with various diseases. In contrast, measurements of 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase activity associated with the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase may show inconsistent results. Measurements of Na(+) and K(+) fluxes in intact isolated muscles show that, after Na(+) loading or intense excitation, all the Na(+),K(+) pumps are functional, allowing calculation of the maximum Na(+),K(+)-pumping capacity, expressed in molar units/g muscle/min. The activity and content of Na(+),K(+) pumps are regulated by exercise, inactivity, K(+) deficiency, fasting, age, and several hormones and pharmaceuticals. Studies on the α-subunit isoforms of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase have detected a relative increase in their

  1. Long-term total solar radiation variability at the Polish Baltic coast in Kołobrzeg within the period 1964-2013

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kleniewska, M.; Chojnicki, B. H.; Acosta, Manuel


    Roč. 4, č. 2 (2016), s. 35-40 ISSN 2299-3835 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) LO1415 Institutional support: RVO:67179843 Keywords : total solar radiation * Kołobrzeg * dimming * brightening Subject RIV: EH - Ecology, Behaviour


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    Toke Jost Isaksen


    Full Text Available A functional Na+/K+-ATPase consists of a catalytic α subunit and a regulatory β subunit. Four α isoforms of the Na+/K+-ATPase are found in mammals, each with a unique expression pattern and catalytic activity. The α2 isoform, encoded by the ATP1A2 gene, is primarily found in the central nervous system (CNS and in heart-, skeletal- and smooth muscle tissues. In the CNS, the α2 isoform is mainly expressed in neuroglial cells. In particular, the α2 isoform is found in astrocytes, and is important for astrocytic K+ clearance and, consequently, the indirect uptake of neurotransmitters. Both processes are essential for proper brain activity, and autosomal dominantly mutations in the ATP1A2 gene cause the neurological disorder Familial hemiplegic migraine type 2 (FHM2. FHM2 is a severe subtype of migraine with aura that involving temporary numbness or weakness, and affecting only one side of the body. FHM2 patients often suffer from neurological comorbidities such as seizures, sensory disturbances, cognitive impairment and psychiatric manifestations. The functional consequences of FHM2 disease mutations leads to a partial or complete loss of function of pump activity; however a clear phenotype-genotype correlation has yet to be elucidated. Gene-modified mouse models targeting the Atp1a2 gene have proved instrumental in the understanding of the pathology of FHM2. Several Atp1a2 knockout (KO mice targeting different exons have been reported. Homozygous Atp1a2 KO mice die shortly after birth due to respiratory malfunction resulting from abnormal Cl- homeostasis in brainstem neurons. Heterozygous KO mice are viable, but display altered behavior and neurological deficits such as altered spatial learning, decreased motor activity and enhanced fear/anxiety compared to wild type mice. FHM2 knock-in (KI mouse models carrying the human in vivo disease mutations W887R and G301R have also been reported. Both models display altered cortical spreading



    Stopar, Ana


    V današnjem času, ko smo priča številnim podnebnim spremembam, moramo posvetiti večjo pozornost varstvu okolja. Desetletja smo z okoljem delali samo z ozirom na našo korist in »ugodje« ter s tem povzročili številne negativne vplive na našo okolico. Ekološko zavedanje se je v zadnjem času močno povečalo in tako prišlo v vse stroke, tudi v arhitekturo in v gradbeništvo. Trajnostna arhitektura je postala osnovna komponentna sonaravnega razoja. Posegi v prostor se omejujejo na najmanjšo možno mer...


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    Marek GOSZTYŁA

    Full Text Available Problematyka prowadzenia prac rewaloryzacyjnych drewnianych obiektów zabytkowych zaliczana jest do trudniejszych zadań konserwatorskich. Stosowane rozwiązania konstrukcyjne i ciesielskie w XV wieku i późniejszych latach zostały zapomniane przez współczesnych architektów - konserwatorów i brygady ciesielskie. Wykonane prace, które zaliczyć można do rekonstrukcyjnych, w kościele w Domaradzu, dowodzą, że przed przystąpieniem do prac konserwatorskich obiektów zabytkowych, należy wykonywać specjalistyczne badania mykologiczne i studia architektoniczno-konserwatorskie. Dopiero wyniki badań, dają podstawę do formułowania zaleceń konserwatorskich. Przyjęty tok postępowania w kościele, oparty został na metodzie zachowania nawarstwień kulturowych, oryginalnych struktur materiałowych i systemu połączeń ciesielskich. Kolejne etapy prac konserwatorskich, począwszy od wymiany belek podwalinowych, po wzmocnienie konstrukcyjne więźby dachowej, prowadzono po wykonaniu wnikliwych analiz stanu zachowania tychże elementów. W trakcie prac odsłonięto fragmenty wcześniejszych form konstrukcyjnych i polichromii. Odkryta belka, będąca pozostałością tzw. sobót została wyeksponowana, z myślą, ukazania śladów historycznych form architektonicznych obiektu. Metoda ta, jest powszechnie stosowana w postępowaniach konserwatorskich.

  5. [Evaluation of the Musical Concentration Training with Pepe (MusiKo mit Pepe) for children with attention deficits]. (United States)

    Rothmann, Kathrin; Hillmer, Jana-Mareike; Hosser, Daniela


    This study evaluates the Musical Concentration Training with Pepe ("MusiKo mit Pepe") for children aged 5 to 10 years with attention deficits. Using a pre-post-control design (N = 108), changes in attention capacity are measured by the Test of Attentional Performance for Children (KiTAP), whereas changes in the quality of life are assessed with the Children's Questionnaire (KINDL-R). Additionally, we utilized the Symptom Checklist for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (FBB-ADHS) and for Conduct Disorder (FBB-SSV) of the Diagnostic System of Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents II based on ICD-10 and DSM-IV as well as the Child Behavior Checklist and the Teacher's Report Form (CBCL, TRF). Significant pre-post effects were found in both attention and quality of life for children treated by the training compared to controls. Moreover, significant reductions were detected in ADHD symptomatology in parents' and teachers' ratings, and in internal problems in parents' ratings. The effectiveness of the intervention was not affected by age, sex, intelligence, or migration background. The music-based training "MusiKo mit Pepe" is an effective intervention for children with attention deficits, pending replication of these findings in future studies.

  6. Na+,K+-pump stimulation improves contractility in isolated muscles of mice with hyperkalemic periodic paralysis. (United States)

    Clausen, Torben; Nielsen, Ole Bækgaard; Clausen, Johannes D; Pedersen, Thomas Holm; Hayward, Lawrence J


    In patients with hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HyperKPP), attacks of muscle weakness or paralysis are triggered by K(+) ingestion or rest after exercise. Force can be restored by muscle work or treatment with β(2)-adrenoceptor agonists. A missense substitution corresponding to a mutation in the skeletal muscle voltage-gated Na(+) channel (Na(v)1.4, Met1592Val) causing human HyperKPP was targeted into the mouse SCN4A gene (mutants). In soleus muscles prepared from these mutant mice, twitch, tetanic force, and endurance were markedly reduced compared with soleus from wild type (WT), reflecting impaired excitability. In mutant soleus, contractility was considerably more sensitive than WT soleus to inhibition by elevated [K(+)](o). In resting mutant soleus, tetrodotoxin (TTX)-suppressible (22)Na uptake and [Na(+)](i) were increased by 470 and 58%, respectively, and membrane potential was depolarized (by 16 mV, P Na(+),K(+) pump-mediated (86)Rb uptake was 83% larger than in WT. Salbutamol stimulated (86)Rb uptake and reduced [Na(+)](i) both in mutant and WT soleus. Stimulating Na(+),K(+) pumps with salbutamol restored force in mutant soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL). Increasing [Na(+)](i) with monensin also restored force in soleus. In soleus, EDL, and tibialis anterior muscles of mutant mice, the content of Na(+),K(+) pumps was 28, 62, and 33% higher than in WT, respectively, possibly reflecting the stimulating effect of elevated [Na(+)](i) on the synthesis of Na(+),K(+) pumps. The results confirm that the functional disorders of skeletal muscles in HyperKPP are secondary to increased Na(+) influx and show that contractility can be restored by acute stimulation of the Na(+),K(+) pumps. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) restored force in mutant soleus but caused no detectable increase in (86)Rb uptake. Repeated excitation and capsaicin also restored contractility, possibly because of the release of endogenous CGRP from nerve endings in the isolated

  7. Vpliv albanske manjšine na notranjo varnost Republike Makedonije : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo


    Mladkovič, Karl


    Z razpadom SFRJ leta 1991 so na njenem območju nastale nove, samostojne in neodvisne države. Ena najmanj pripravljenih za samostojno pot je bila Republika Makedonija. Zaradi zgodovinskih dejstev in okoliščin je bila in je še vedno, ne tako vojaško, kot politično in ekonomsko ogrožena s strani svojih sosed Bolgarije, ki ne priznava Makedoncev kot narod in Makedonščine kot samostojnega jezika, Srbije, ki prav tako ne priznavala Makedonije kot samostojnega naroda in njene avtokefalne pravoslavne...

  8. The Idea of an Innovated Concept of the Košice Geothermal Project

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    Bujanská Alena


    Full Text Available Slovakia has very limited amounts of fossil resources. However, it has a relatively high potential of geothermal energy which use is far below its possibilities. The most abundant geothermal resource, not only in Slovakia but throughout the central Europe, is Košice basin. Since the publication of the first ideas about the ambitious goal to exploit the geothermal potential of this site, 20 years has passed and three geothermal wells has been made but without any progress. In the article the authors present the idea of a fundamental change in the approach to improve the energy and economic efficiency of the project.

  9. The Czech national long distances measuring standard Koštice - State of play

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    Ladislav Červinka


    Full Text Available This article gives information about new Czech national long distances measuring standard, which has been preparedat the distance base near the Koštice village. Submitter of the project is the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing.Research and document preparation for creation of the measuring standard were ensured by the Research Institute of Geodesy,Topography and Cartography. Interlaboratory comparisons were made by staff of the Bundeswehr University in Munich. The paperreports about works, which will be carried out on national standard in the second half of this year. Purpose of this works is to improvecharacteristics of accuracy of national etalon.

  10. Three dimensional visualisation chosen part of Košice city

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    Miroslav Šimčák


    Full Text Available With development of informatization and internetization in Slovakia go up interest cities and central villages to present themselves by way of web portal. Creation of the virtual cities is a modern trend in the foreign countries. This paper makes possible navigation potential visitors along the significant cultural and historical seightseens. It’s opening possibilities for creation of the virtual shopping centre. It could be interested for business in the city. In the first phase of solution it is creating the digital model of Main Street in Košice city, which is situated in the centre of city, and it is one of the most frequent place in the city. We use GIS tools for creation of 3D model. The basis is creation of the digital model of house buildings. Buildings are described by a simplification like 3D object regular shaped. We use an aerial photograph and photos buildings for creation complex of the digital model of the city.

  11. New updated results of paleomagnetic dating of cave deposits exposed in Za Hájovnou Cave, Javoříčko Karst

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kadlec, Jaroslav; Čížková, Kristýna; Šlechta, Stanislav


    Roč. 70, 1-2 (2014), s. 27-34 ISSN 0036-5343 Institutional support: RVO:67985530 ; RVO:67985831 Keywords : Javoříčko Karst * Za Hájovnou Cave * Early and Middle Pleistocene * paleomagnetic dating Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy

  12. Kahramanmaraş Koşullarında Farklı Ekim Zamanlarının Isatis tinctoria ve Isatis buschiana Türlerinin Verim ve Bazı Agronomik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri


    Çömlekcioğlu, N.; Efe, L.; Karaman, Ş.


    Bu çalışma, 2007-2008 ve 2008-2009 yetiştirme sezonunda Kahramanmaraş ekolojik koşullarında, farklı ekim zamanlarının (Ekim, Kasım, Şubat ve Mart) iki Isatis Isatis tinctoria ve Isatis buschiana türünün verim ve kalitesi üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada Isatis türlerinin Kahramanmaraş iklim şartlarına en uygun ekim zamanının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. İki yıllık sonuçlara göre, neredeyse incelenen bütün...

  13. Rapid extraction of Amomum tsao-ko essential oil and determination of its chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. (United States)

    Cui, Qi; Wang, Li-Tao; Liu, Ju-Zhao; Wang, Hui-Mei; Guo, Na; Gu, Cheng-Bo; Fu, Yu-Jie


    A simple, green and efficient extraction method named modified-solvent free microwave extraction (M-SFME) was employed for the extraction of essential oils (EOs) from Amomun tsao-ko. The process of M-SFME was optimized with the prominent preponderance of such higher extraction yield (1.13%) than those of solvent free microwave extraction (SFME, 0.91%) and hydrodistillation (HD, 0.84%) under the optimal parameters. Thirty-four volatile substances representing 95.4% were identified. The IC 50 values of EOs determined by DPPH radical scavenging activity and β-carotene/linoleic acid bleaching assay were 5.27 and 0.63mg/ml. Furthermore, the EOs exhibited moderate to potent broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against all tested strains including five gram-positive and two gram-negative bacteria (MIC: 2.94-5.86mg/ml). In general, M-SFME is a potential and desirable alternative for the extraction of EOs from aromatic herbs, and the EOs obtained from A. tsao-ko can be explored as a potent natural antimicrobial and antioxidant preservative ingredient in food industry from the technological and economical points of view. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. [Ecclesia et civitatis : kościoł i życie religije w mieście średniowiecznym] / Raimo Pullat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullat, Raimo, 1935-


    Arvustus: Ecclesia et civitatis : kościoł i życie religije w mieście średniowiecznym. Pod redakcją Haliny Manikowskiej i Hanny Zaremskiej. Colloquia Mediaevalia Varsoviensia III. Warszawa : Instytut Historii PAN, 2002. Kollokviumi materjalide publikatsioonis käsitletakse peamiselt Sileesia, Preisimaa ja Pommeri linnu, mis käsitletaval perioodil kuulusid Poola koosseisu. Usuelu uurimise metodoloogiast.

  15. Characterisation, repackaging and incineration of NaK and Na used for heat transfer experiences on LMFBR at the JRC-Ispra site

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazzuccato, M.; D' Alberti, F.; D' Amati, F. [European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Nuclear Decommissioning Unit, Via Fermi 210207 Ispra VA (Italy)


    The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is a service of the European Commission and its mission is to provide scientific and technical support to the EU policies. At the Italian JRC Ispra site is currently ongoing a nuclear decommissioning program aimed at dismantling and disposing facilities and materials no longer used for nuclear research purposes, e.g. alkali metals, whose radioactive content has to be checked prior the disposal as radioactive or conventional waste. This paper describes the project phases consisting in characterising, repackaging and disposing of {approx}607 kg of alkali metals, composed by {approx}397 kg of NaK liquid alloy and {approx}210 kg of Na metal. The material was used in the past for scientific experiences on heat transfer for liquid metal fast breeder reactors. The alkali metals are very reactive in presence of water leading to the formation of hydrogen; moreover the NaK had been stored for several years in a bunker inside drums unable to guarantee the needed confinement, with the consequent formation of oxygenated compounds in the outer layer of the alloy crust, as Na{sub 2}O{sub 2}, NaO{sub 2}, K{sub 2}O{sub 2} and KO{sub 2}, unstable if moved in presence of the liquid substrate. To perform the characterization and repackaging operations in a safe manner, avoiding any possible reaction between the liquid alloy and the solid surface of oxides, the alloy has been solidified reducing bunker temperature down to the alloy melting point (-15 deg. C). The sampling has been carried out by means of glove bag sealed on the top of each drum and filled in with inert gas to reduce the presence of humidity. Having characterization campaign proved that the alkali metals could not be classified as radioactive material, the NaK and Na containers were shipped to UK in a refrigerated truck. In order to allow a safe thermal destruction in a conventional incineration plant, additional repackaging has been performed in a UK plant to reduce the amount of alkali

  16. Analýza a návrh marketingové komunikace Koší


    Krupka, Radim


    This Masters thesis deals with the topic of marketing communication. The first part of this thesis is devoted to the theory of marketing, marketing tools, marketing and promotion mix, marketing communication, e-commerce and STDC framework. In the following part of thesis are used the tools and analysis described in the theoretical part and applied on online grocery store Koší At first there is the application of situation analysis, then application of analysis of marketing mix, current m...

  17. Srečko Kosovel and Rabindranath Tagore: Points of Departure and Identification

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    Ana Jelnikar


    Full Text Available In this paper I explore some of the connections the Slovene poet Srečko Kosovel (1904–1926 surmised between himself and the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941. I argue that what linked the two poets into a joint framework across the vastly different cultural and politico-geographic space was not just the fact that Kosovel read Tagore and took inspiration from the Bengali poet at the height of Tagore’s reputation in continental Europe, but that they shared a number of preoccupations, informed by their respective historical positioning. Both wrote from a profound awareness of their region’s subjugated status and endorsed an anti-imperialist stance that rejected nationalism as a viable means of liberation, embracing instead a creative universalist ideal.

  18. Keanakākoʻi Tephra produced by 300 years of explosive eruptions following collapse of Kīlauea's caldera in about 1500 CE (United States)

    Swanson, Donald A.; Rose, Timothy R.; Fiske, Richard S.; McGeehin, John P.


    The Keanakākoʻi Tephra at Kīlauea Volcano has previously been interpreted by some as the product of a caldera-forming eruption in 1790 CE. Our study, however, finds stratigraphic and 14C evidence that the tephra instead results from numerous eruptions throughout a 300-year period between about 1500 and 1800. The stratigraphic evidence includes: (1) as many as six pure lithic ash beds interleaved in sand dunes made of earlier Keanakākoʻi vitric ash, (2) three lava flows from Kīlauea and Mauna Loa interbedded with the tephra, (3) buried syneruptive cultural structures, (4) numerous intraformational water-cut gullies, and (5) abundant organic layers rich in charcoal within the tephra section. Interpretation of 97 new accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C ages and 4 previous conventional ages suggests that explosive eruptions began in 1470–1510 CE, and that explosive activity continued episodically until the early 1800s, probably with two periods of quiescence lasting several decades. Kīlauea's caldera, rather than forming in 1790, predates the first eruption of the Keanakākoʻi and collapsed in 1470–1510, immediately following, and perhaps causing, the end of the 60-year-long, 4–6 km3 ʻAilāʻau eruption from the east side of Kīlauea's summit area. The caldera was several hundred meters deep when the Keanakākoʻi began erupting, consistent with oral tradition, and probably had a volume of 4–6 km3. The caldera formed by collapse, but no eruption of lava coincided with its formation. A large volume of magma may have quickly drained from the summit reservoir and intruded into the east rift zone, perhaps in response to a major south-flank slip event, leading to summit collapse. Alternatively, magma may have slowly drained from the reservoir during the prolonged ʻAilāʻau eruption, causing episodic collapses before the final, largest downdrop took place. Two prolonged periods of episodic explosive eruptions are known at Kīlauea, the Keanakāko

  19. Keanakākoʻi Tephra produced by 300 years of explosive eruptions following collapse of Kīlauea's caldera in about 1500 CE (United States)

    Swanson, Donald A.; Rose, Timothy R.; Fiske, Richard S.; McGeehin, John P.


    The Keanakākoʻi Tephra at Kīlauea Volcano has previously been interpreted by some as the product of a caldera-forming eruption in 1790 CE. Our study, however, finds stratigraphic and 14C evidence that the tephra instead results from numerous eruptions throughout a 300-year period between about 1500 and 1800. The stratigraphic evidence includes: (1) as many as six pure lithic ash beds interleaved in sand dunes made of earlier Keanakākoʻi vitric ash, (2) three lava flows from Kīlauea and Mauna Loa interbedded with the tephra, (3) buried syneruptive cultural structures, (4) numerous intraformational water-cut gullies, and (5) abundant organic layers rich in charcoal within the tephra section. Interpretation of 97 new accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C ages and 4 previous conventional ages suggests that explosive eruptions began in 1470–1510 CE, and that explosive activity continued episodically until the early 1800s, probably with two periods of quiescence lasting several decades. Kīlauea's caldera, rather than forming in 1790, predates the first eruption of the Keanakākoʻi and collapsed in 1470–1510, immediately following, and perhaps causing, the end of the 60-year-long, 4–6 km3 ʻAilāʻau eruption from the east side of Kīlauea's summit area. The caldera was several hundred meters deep when the Keanakākoʻi began erupting, consistent with oral tradition, and probably had a volume of 4–6 km3. The caldera formed by collapse, but no eruption of lava coincided with its formation. A large volume of magma may have quickly drained from the summit reservoir and intruded into the east rift zone, perhaps in response to a major south-flank slip event, leading to summit collapse. Alternatively, magma may have slowly drained from the reservoir during the prolonged ʻAilāʻau eruption, causing episodic collapses before the final, largest downdrop took place. Two prolonged periods of episodic explosive eruptions are known at Kīlauea, the Keanakāko

  20. DRAGON and CORD-2 nuclear calculation of the NPP Krško fuel assembly

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kromar, Marjan; Kurinčič, Bojan


    Highlights: ▶ Comparison of the DRAGON 4 and CORD-2 calculation of the NPP Krško 16 × 16 fuel assembly has been performed. ▶ Two different enrichments (4.60% and 4.95%), three IFBA configurations (0, 64 and 116 IFBAs) and the burnup up to 60,000 MWd/tU were considered. ▶ Comparison shows that the agreement in the results of both codes is very good. ▶ Regarding efficiency, one CORD-2 assembly depletion calculation takes about 3 min of the CPU time on the typical PC, while the DRAGON calculation runs more than 25 h. - Abstract: The geometry of the reactor core is usually too complex to be solved in one step. Therefore, a solution for the whole core in 3-D geometry is sought in several steps, where some kind of homogenization procedure of neutron few-group cross sections is applied. Usually, assembly-homogenized effective two-group cross sections are determined, which are suitable for solving the diffusion equation for the whole core by a coarse mesh nodal methods. In this paper DRAGON 4 and CORD-2 codes are used for the calculation of NPP Krško 16 × 16 fuel assemblies without and with IFBA rods. DRAGON code was selected, since it can use the same cross-section library as the WIMS-D5 code employed in the CORD-2 system. Different results arise therefore solely from the different models used in the calculations. The heterogeneous depletion calculation was performed up to burnup of 60,000 MWd/tU. Results of both codes are compared for the infinite multiplication factor, fast to thermal spectral ratio and pin power distributions.

  1. Evidence that the Na+-K+ leak/pump ratio contributes to the difference in endurance between fast- and slow-twitch muscles. (United States)

    Clausen, T; Overgaard, K; Nielsen, O B


    Muscles containing predominantly fast-twitch (type II) fibres [ext. dig. longus (EDL)] show considerably lower contractile endurance than muscles containing mainly slow-twitch (type I) fibres (soleus). To assess whether differences in Na+-K+ fluxes and excitability might contribute to this phenomenon, we compared excitation-induced Na+-K+ leaks, Na+ channels, Na+-K+ pump capacity, force and compound action potentials (M-waves) in rat EDL and soleus muscles. Isolated muscles were mounted for isometric contractions in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer and exposed to direct or indirect continuous or intermittent electrical stimulation. The time-course of force decline and concomitant changes in Na+-K+ exchange and M-waves were recorded. During continuous stimulation at 60-120 Hz, EDL showed around fivefold faster rate of force decline than soleus. This was associated with a faster loss of excitability as estimated from the area and amplitude of the M-waves. The net uptake of Na+ and the release of K+ per action potential were respectively 6.5- and 6.6-fold larger in EDL than in soleus, which may in part be due to the larger content of Na+ channels in EDL. During intermittent stimulation with 1 s 60 Hz pulse trains, EDL showed eightfold faster rate of force decline than soleus. The considerably lower contractile endurance of fast-twitch compared with slow-twitch muscles reflects differences in the rate of excitation-induced loss of excitability. This is attributed to the much larger excitation-induced Na+ influx and K+ efflux, leading to a faster rise in [K+]o in fast-twitch muscles. This may only be partly compensated by the concomitant activation of the Na+-K+ pumps, in particular in fibres showing large passive Na+-K+ leaks or reduced content of Na+-K+ pumps. Thus, endurance depends on the leak/pump ratio for Na+ and K+.

  2. Mixed-Alkali Effect in Li2O-Na2O-K2O-B2O3 Glasses: Infrared and Optical Absorption Studies (United States)

    Samee, M. A.; Edukondalu, A.; Ahmmad, Shaik Kareem; Taqiullah, Sair Md.; Rahman, Syed


    The mixed-alkali effect (MAE) has been investigated in the glass system (40 - x)Li2O- xNa2O-10K2O-50B2O3 (0 mol% ≤ x ≤ 40 mol%) through density, modulated differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and optical absorption studies. From the absorption studies, the values of the optical band gap ( E opt) for direct transition and Urbach energy (Δ E) have been evaluated. The values of E opt and Δ E show nonlinear behavior with the compositional parameter. The density and glass-transition temperature of the present glasses also show nonlinear variation, supporting the existence of MAE. The infrared (IR) spectra of the glasses reveal the presence of three- and four-coordinated boron atoms. The specific vibrations of Li-O, Na-O, and K-O bonds were observed in the present IR study.

  3. Obiteljska kohezivnost i zadovoljstvo životom djevojaka i mladića iz sela i iz grada


    Bezinović, Petar; Manestar, Kristina; Ristić Dedić, Zrinka


    Predmet rada jest obiteljska kohezivnost u seoskim i gradskim obiteljima, analizirana temeljem rezultata pregledna istraživanja (survey research) provedena na proporcionalnom uzorku srednjoškolaca (4.865 adolescenata) u Primorsko-goranskoj, Ličko-senjskoj i Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj županiji. Ispitivanje je provedeno primjenom prilagođene ljestvice obiteljskih rituala i zajedničkih aktivnosti (Compan i sur., 2002). Rezultati upućuju na značajne razlike seoskih i gradskih obitelji u neki...

  4. Vseživljenjsko svetovanje. Življenjska zgodba in njen pomen v svetovanju odraslim

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    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Avtorica preucuje cas postmoderne, ko se nekdanja druzbena struktura preobrazi in drobi na manjse koscke, ko se paradigmna druzbenih sprememb siri. v tem casu srno prica vecanju praznega, vmesnega prostora. To nas vodi v negotovost, taka da potrebujemo vse vee svetovanja. Posledicno nastajajo tudi novi svetovalni poklici ali pa nekateri stari poklici dobivajo nove svetovalne razseznosti. Pri tern avtorica poudari, da je svetovanje potrebno skozi celo življenje in na vseh zivljenjskih podrocjih.

  5. K+-dependent paradoxical membrane depolarization and Na+ overload, major and reversible contributors to weakness by ion channel leaks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jurkat-Rott, Karin; Weber, Marc-André; Fauler, Michael


    Normal resting potential (P1) of myofibers follows the Nernst equation, exhibiting about -85 mV at a normal extracellular K(+) concentration ([K(+)](o)) of 4 mM. Hyperpolarization occurs with decreased [K(+)](o), although at [K(+)](o)

  6. Elementary analysis and energetic potential of the municipal sewage sludges from the Gdańsk and Kościerzyna WWTPs (United States)

    Ostojski, Arkadiusz


    This paper aims to present municipal sewage sludge (MSS) elementary analysis and energetic potential based on measurement of heat of combustion (higher heating value HHV) and calculation of calorific values (lower heating value LHV). The analysis takes into the consideration water content in sewage sludge, at different utilization stages, in wastewater treatment plants in Gdańsk Wschód and Kościerzyna - Pomeranian Voivodeship. The study yielded the following results (in % dry matter): ash 19÷31 %, C - 31÷36 %, H - 5÷6 %, N - 4÷6 %, O - 28÷32 %, S - 1 %. Calorific value of stabilized sludges in Gdańsk was on average 13.8÷15 MJ/kg. In case of sludges not undergoing digestion from Kościerzyna WWTP, the calorific value was at the level of 17.5 MJ/kg. Thus, sewage sludges are good energy carriers. High water content though is the problem, as it lowers the useful effect of heat. There is no alternative for thermal sewage sludge neutralization, which is in conformity with valid Polish National Waste Management Plan (KPGO 2022).

  7. Reversal of fragile X phenotypes by manipulation of AβPP/Aβ levels in Fmr1KO mice.

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    Cara J Westmark

    Full Text Available Fragile X syndrome (FXS is the most common form of inherited intellectual disability and the leading known genetic cause of autism. Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP, which is absent or expressed at substantially reduced levels in FXS, binds to and controls the postsynaptic translation of amyloid β-protein precursor (AβPP mRNA. Cleavage of AβPP can produce β-amyloid (Aβ, a 39-43 amino acid peptide mis-expressed in Alzheimer's disease (AD and Down syndrome (DS. Aβ is over-expressed in the brain of Fmr1(KO mice, suggesting a pathogenic role in FXS. To determine if genetic reduction of AβPP/Aβ rescues characteristic FXS phenotypes, we assessed audiogenic seizures (AGS, anxiety, the ratio of mature versus immature dendritic spines and metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR-mediated long-term depression (LTD in Fmr1(KO mice after removal of one App allele. All of these phenotypes were partially or completely reverted to normal. Plasma Aβ(1-42 was significantly reduced in full-mutation FXS males compared to age-matched controls while cortical and hippocampal levels were somewhat increased, suggesting that Aβ is sequestered in the brain. Evolving therapies directed at reducing Aβ in AD may be applicable to FXS and Aβ may serve as a plasma-based biomarker to facilitate disease diagnosis or assess therapeutic efficacy.

  8. Passage of radiation through inhomogeneous, moving media. XIII. Causality, analyticity, group speed, transparency, and allied phenomena with emphasis on some recent calculations by Ko and Chuang

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lerche, I.


    A critical examination is made of some recent calculations by Ko and Chuang. They seek to show that original work by ourselves, and others, concerning the behavior of light propagating through differentially moving media is in error and that the fundamental structure of the results is, in fact, very different from the results we obtained: not excluding reversal of sign of some of the effects. We demonstrate that the results reported by Ko and Chuang are a consequence of two basic kinds of errors in their analysis. The first, and paramount, error is their use of fundamental basic kinds of errors in their analysis. The first, and paramount error is their use of fundamental relations in physics (such as the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation) without due regard being given to the conditons imposed in arriving at the basic relationship in the first place, and thier use of particular relationships far outside their domains of validity as though they still held true.The second basic error is in a particular form of the refractive index, n, that Ko and Chuang use to illustrate their general points (which already suffer from the first basic error). The particular refractive index they use has the following unsatisfactory features: (i) it contains unstable modes in the upper half complex frequency plane: contrary to the conventional Kramers-Kronig relationship they invoke as a general principle; (ii) n 2 0 [n 2 (ω)-1]dω=0; (iii) the imaginary part of the dielectric positive (corresponding to absorption), yet the real part contains unstable modes, and the whole of the complex dielectric constant is nonanalytic in the upper half complex frequency plane; (iv) the form of n given by Ko and Chuang is purported to represent a warm, isotropic, Maxwellian plasma which is well known to be absolutely stable, so that no unstable modes can exist

  9. En könsstereotyp frivård : Frivårdsinspektörers beskrivningar av kvinnliga klienter


    Andersson, Josefin


    Tidigare forskning tyder på att det finns kunskapsluckor om och stereotypa bilder av kvinnliga klienter inom kriminalvården som dessutom påverkar hur arbetet med kvinnliga klienter ser ut. I denna studie ska därför frivårdsinspektörers beskrivningar av kvinnliga klienters problem, behov och resurser granskas. Det undersöks också huruvida dessa beskrivningar kan betraktas som könsstereotypa. För att ta reda på detta har semistrukturerade intervjuer gjorts med frivårdsinspektörer ...

  10. TWIK-1 two-pore domain potassium channels change ion selectivity and conduct inward leak sodium currents in hypokalemia. (United States)

    Ma, Liqun; Zhang, Xuexin; Chen, Haijun


    Background potassium (K+) channels, which are normally selectively permeable to K+, maintain the cardiac resting membrane potential at around -80 mV. In subphysiological extracellular K+ concentrations ([K+]o), which occur in pathological hypokalemia, the resting membrane potential of human cardiomyocytes can depolarize to around -50 mV, whereas rat and mouse cardiomyocytes become hyperpolarized, consistent with the Nernst equation for K+. This paradoxical depolarization of cardiomyocytes in subphysiological [K+]o, which may contribute to cardiac arrhythmias, is thought to involve an inward leak sodium (Na+) current. Here, we show that human cardiac TWIK-1 (also known as K2P1) two-pore domain K+ channels change ion selectivity, becoming permeable to external Na+, and conduct inward leak Na+ currents in subphysiological [K+]o. A specific threonine residue (Thr118) within the pore selectivity sequence TxGYG was required for this altered ion selectivity. Mouse cardiomyocyte-derived HL-1 cells exhibited paradoxical depolarization with ectopic expression of TWIK-1 channels, whereas TWIK-1 knockdown in human spherical primary cardiac myocytes eliminated paradoxical depolarization. These findings indicate that ion selectivity of TWIK-1 K+ channels changes during pathological hypokalemia, elucidate a molecular basis for inward leak Na+ currents that could trigger or contribute to cardiac paradoxical depolarization in lowered [K+]o, and identify a mechanism for regulating cardiac excitability.

  11. Wake-promoting effects of ONO-4127Na, a prostaglandin DP1 receptor antagonist, in hypocretin/orexin deficient narcoleptic mice. (United States)

    Sagawa, Yohei; Sato, Masatoshi; Sakai, Noriaki; Chikahisa, Sachiko; Chiba, Shintaro; Maruyama, Takashi; Yamamoto, Junki; Nishino, Seiji


    Prostaglandin (PG)D2 is an endogenous sleep substance, and a series of animal studies reported that PGD2 or PGD2 receptor (DP1) agonists promote sleep, while DP1 antagonists promote wakefulness. This suggests the possibility of use of PG DP1 antagonists as wake-promoting compounds. We therefore evaluated the wake-promoting effects of ONO-4127Na, a DP1 antagonist, in a mouse model of narcolepsy (i.e., orexin/ataxin-3 transgenic mice) and compared those to effects of modafinil. ONO-4127Na perfused in the basal forebrain (BF) area potently promoted wakefulness in both wild type and narcoleptic mice, and the wake-promoting effects of ONO-4127Na at 2.93 × 10(-4) M roughly corresponded to those of modafinil at 100 mg/kg (p.o.). The wake promoting effects of ONO-4127Na was observed both during light and dark periods, and much larger effects were seen during the light period when mice slept most of the time. ONO-4127Na, when perfused in the hypothalamic area, had no effects on sleep. We further demonstrated that wake-promoting effects of ONO-4127Na were abolished in DP1 KO mice, confirming that the wake-promoting effect of ONO-4127Na is mediated by blockade of the PG DP1 receptors located in the BF area. ONO-4127Na reduced DREM, an EEG/EMG assessment of behavioral cataplexy in narcoleptic mice, suggesting that ONO-4127Na is likely to have anticataplectic effects. DP1 antagonists may be a new class of compounds for the treatment of narcolepsy-cataplexy, and further studies are warranted. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Wpływ zmęczenia cieplnego żeliwa GJS(Ni1,5MoCu -bazowego do wytwarzania ADI - na strukturę i wytrzymałość

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    J. Wróbel


    Full Text Available W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań zmęczenia cieplnego żeliwa sferoidalnego GJS Ni1,5MoCu, bazowego przy wytwarzaniu ADI.Określono wpływ maksymalnej temperatury cyklu (Tmax na odporność na zmęczenie cieplne wyznaczane metodą L.F. Coffina. W pracyopisano przemiany struktury powodowane procesem zmęczenia cieplnego. Również w tym niskostopowym żeliwie obserwuje sięzjawisko ferrytyzacji osnowy i spadku wytrzymałości Rm w procesie narastania liczby cykli cieplno-naprężeniowych. Żeliwo w końcowejfazie zmęczenia zachowuje jedynie około 60% początkowej wytrzymałości Rm, a struktura wyjściowa czysto perlityczna ulega pełnejferrytyzacji. Dodatki stopowe podnoszą znacząco wytrzymałość na zmęczenie cieplne, jednak nie stabilizują struktury przy jej cyklicznym nagrzewaniu.

  13. Religia, z którą można zrobić, co się chce.

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    Michał Jędrzejek


    Full Text Available Celem tej recenzji jest analiza problemu wiary i historii w wybranych pismach Franza Overbecka. Overbeck (1837–1905, niemiecki teolog-agnostyk, historyk chrześcijaństwa, przyjaciel Fryderyka Nietzschego, opisuje w swoich pracach eschatologiczny i kontrkulturowy wymiar pierwotnego chrześcijaństwa. Dzieje Kościoła opierają się według niego na powolnym wypieraniu eschatologii oraz zastąpieniu jej konserwatywnym projektem podtrzymywania i stabilizowania zachodniej kultury i cywilizacji. Z tego powodu Overbeck – broniąc integralności chrześcijaństwa jako kulturowego fenomenu oraz jego uniwersalistycznego dziedzictwa – krytykuje zarówno współczesny mu protestantyzm kulturowy (A. Harnack jak i postchrześcijańskie i nacjonalistyczne alternatywy (D.F. Strauss, P. Lagarde. W artykule wskazuję na aktualność Overbeckowskich zastrzeżeń wobec wszelkiej – tradycjonalistycznej, liberalnej i lewicowej – teologii politycznej z punktu widzenia chrześcijaństwa zorientowanego na eschatologię. Analizuję również dwie ścieżki recepcji myśli Overbecka w dwudziestowiecznych Niemczech: próbę odnowienia protestantyzmu jako religii stanu wyjątkowego (K. Barth oraz krytykę teologii i sceptyczno-ironiczne pożegnanie z chrześcijaństwem (H. Blumenberg.

  14. Als2 mRNA splicing variants detected in KO mice rescue severe motor dysfunction phenotype in Als2 knock-down zebrafish. (United States)

    Gros-Louis, Francois; Kriz, Jasna; Kabashi, Edor; McDearmid, Jonathan; Millecamps, Stéphanie; Urushitani, Makoto; Lin, Li; Dion, Patrick; Zhu, Qinzhang; Drapeau, Pierre; Julien, Jean-Pierre; Rouleau, Guy A


    Recessive ALS2 mutations are linked to three related but slightly different neurodegenerative disorders: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, hereditary spastic paraplegia and primary lateral sclerosis. To investigate the function of the ALS2 encoded protein, we generated Als2 knock-out (KO) mice and zAls2 knock-down zebrafish. The Als2(-/-) mice lacking exon 2 and part of exon 3 developed mild signs of neurodegeneration compatible with axonal transport deficiency. In contrast, zAls2 knock-down zebrafish had severe developmental abnormalities, swimming deficits and motor neuron perturbation. We identified, by RT-PCR, northern and western blotting novel Als2 transcripts in mouse central nervous system. These Als2 transcripts were present in Als2 null mice as well as in wild-type littermates and some rescued the zebrafish phenotype. Thus, we speculate that the newly identified Als2 mRNA species prevent the Als2 KO mice from developing severe neurodegenerative disease and might also regulate the severity of the motor neurons phenotype observed in ALS2 patients.

  15. Srečevanje s suburbanizacijo na območju Bratislave. Mejno območje med Avstrijo in Republiko Slovaško.

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    Thomas Dillinger


    Full Text Available Širitev Evropske unije pomeni pomembno spremembo dosedanjega funkcionalnega teritorialne zgradbe Evrope. Globalne politične posledice so pretežno znane, težave, ki so hkrati priložnosti regionalnega in lokalnega razvoja, pa dobivajo stvarne razsežnosti. Predmet prispevka je podeželsko območje severovzhodne Avstrije, na katero vplivajo funkcijsko-gravitacijski suburbanizacijski učinki glavnega mesta sosednje države, kjer nastaja rastoča bratislavska aglomeracija.

  16. Elementary analysis and energetic potential of the municipal sewage sludges from the Gdańsk and Kościerzyna WWTPs

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    Ostojski Arkadiusz


    Full Text Available This paper aims to present municipal sewage sludge (MSS elementary analysis and energetic potential based on measurement of heat of combustion (higher heating value HHV and calculation of calorific values (lower heating value LHV. The analysis takes into the consideration water content in sewage sludge, at different utilization stages, in wastewater treatment plants in Gdańsk Wschód and Kościerzyna – Pomeranian Voivodeship. The study yielded the following results (in % dry matter: ash 19÷31 %, C - 31÷36 %, H - 5÷6 %, N - 4÷6 %, O - 28÷32 %, S – 1 %. Calorific value of stabilized sludges in Gdańsk was on average 13.8÷15 MJ/kg. In case of sludges not undergoing digestion from Kościerzyna WWTP, the calorific value was at the level of 17.5 MJ/kg. Thus, sewage sludges are good energy carriers. High water content though is the problem, as it lowers the useful effect of heat. There is no alternative for thermal sewage sludge neutralization, which is in conformity with valid Polish National Waste Management Plan (KPGO 2022.

  17. The collocated station Košetice - Kešín u Pacova, Czech Republic: an important research infrastructure in central Europe (United States)

    Dvorska, Alice; Milan, Váňa; Vlastimil, Hanuš; Marian, Pavelka


    The collocated station Košetice - Křešín u Pacova, central Czech Republic, is a major research and monitoring infrastructure in the Czech Republic and central Europe. It consists of two basic components: the observatory Košetice run since 1988 by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and the atmospheric station (AS) Křešín u Pacova starting operation in 2013. The AS is built and run by CzechGlobe - Global Change Research Centre, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and is situated 100 m far from the observatory. There are three research and monitoring activities at the collocated station providing data necessary for the research on climate and related changes. The AS Křešín u Pacova consists of a 250 m tall tower serving for ground-based and vertical gradient measurements of (i) concentrations of CO2, CO, CH4, total gaseous mercury and tropospheric ozone (continuously), (ii) elemental and organic carbon (semicontinuously), (iii) carbon and oxygen isotopes, radon, N2O, SF6 and other species (episodically), (iv) optical properties of atmospheric aerosols and (v) meteorological parameters and the boundary layer height. Further, eddy covariance measurements in the nearby agroecosystem provide data on CO2 and H2O fluxes between the atmosphere and the ecosystem. Finally, monitoring activities at the nearby small hydrological catchment Anenské povodí run under the GEOMON network enables studying local hydrological and biogeochemical cycles. These measurements are supported by the long-term monitoring of meteorological and air quality parameters at the observatory Košetice, that are representative for the central European background. The collocated station provides a big research opportunity and challenge due to (i) a broad spectra of monitored chemical species, meteorological, hydrological and other parameters, (ii) measurements in various environmental compartments and especially the atmosphere, (iii) provision of data suitable for conducting

  18. IL-4 deficiency is associated with mechanical hypersensitivity in mice.

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    Nurcan Üçeyler

    Full Text Available Interleukin-4 (IL-4 is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic cytokine that induces opioid receptor transcription. We investigated IL-4 knockout (ko mice to characterize their pain behavior before and after chronic constriction injury (CCI of the sciatic nerve as a model for neuropathic pain. We investigated opioid responsivity and measured cytokine and opioid receptor gene expression in the peripheral and central nervous system (PNS, CNS of IL-4 ko mice in comparison with wildtype (wt mice. Naïve IL-4 ko mice displayed tactile allodynia (wt: 0.45 g; ko: 0.18 g; p<0.001, while responses to heat and cold stimuli and to muscle pressure were not different. No compensatory changes in the gene expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF, IL-1β, IL-10, and IL-13 were found in the PNS and CNS of naïve IL-4 ko mice. However, IL-1β gene expression was stronger in the sciatic nerve of IL-4 ko mice (p<0.001 28 days after CCI and only IL-4 ko mice had elevated IL-10 gene expression (p = 0.014. Remarkably, CCI induced TNF (p<0.01, IL-1β (p<0.05, IL-10 (p<0.05, and IL-13 (p<0.001 gene expression exclusively in the ipsilateral spinal cord of IL-4 ko mice. The compensatory overexpression of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic cytokines IL-10 and IL-13 in the spinal cord of IL-4 ko mice may explain the lack of genotype differences for pain behavior after CCI. Additionally, CCI induced gene expression of μ, κ, and δ opioid receptors in the contralateral cortex and thalamus of IL-4 ko mice, paralleled by fast onset of morphine analgesia, but not in wt mice. We conclude that a lack of IL-4 leads to mechanical sensitivity; the compensatory hyperexpression of analgesic cytokines and opioid receptors after CCI, in turn, protects IL-4 ko mice from enhanced pain behavior after nerve lesion.

  19. Contribution of small conductance K+ channels to sinoatrial node pacemaker activity: insights from atrial-specific Na+ /Ca2+ exchange knockout mice. (United States)

    Torrente, Angelo G; Zhang, Rui; Wang, Heidi; Zaini, Audrey; Kim, Brian; Yue, Xin; Philipson, Kenneth D; Goldhaber, Joshua I


    Repolarizing currents through K + channels are essential for proper sinoatrial node (SAN) pacemaking, but the influence of intracellular Ca 2+ on repolarization in the SAN is uncertain. We identified all three isoforms of Ca 2+ -activated small conductance K + (SK) channels in the murine SAN. SK channel blockade slows repolarization and subsequent depolarization of SAN cells. In the atrial-specific Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger (NCX) knockout mouse, cellular Ca 2+ accumulation during spontaneous SAN pacemaker activity produces intermittent hyperactivation of SK channels, leading to arrhythmic pauses alternating with bursts of pacing. These findings suggest that Ca 2+ -sensitive SK channels can translate changes in cellular Ca 2+ into a repolarizing current capable of modulating pacemaking. SK channels are a potential pharmacological target for modulating SAN rate or treating SAN dysfunction, particularly under conditions characterized by abnormal increases in diastolic Ca 2+ . Small conductance K + (SK) channels have been implicated as modulators of spontaneous depolarization and electrical conduction that may be involved in cardiac arrhythmia. However, neither their presence nor their contribution to sinoatrial node (SAN) pacemaker activity has been investigated. Using quantitative PCR (q-PCR), immunostaining and patch clamp recordings of membrane current and voltage, we identified all three SK isoforms (SK1, SK2 and SK3) in mouse SAN. Inhibition of SK channels with the specific blocker apamin prolonged action potentials (APs) in isolated SAN cells. Apamin also slowed diastolic depolarization and reduced pacemaker rate in isolated SAN cells and intact tissue. We investigated whether the Ca 2+ -sensitive nature of SK channels could explain arrhythmic SAN pacemaker activity in the atrial-specific Na + /Ca 2+ exchange (NCX) knockout (KO) mouse, a model of cellular Ca 2+ overload. SAN cells isolated from the NCX KO exhibited higher SK current than wildtype (WT) and apamin

  20. Large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel β1-subunit knockout mice are not hypertensive (United States)

    Garver, Hannah; Galligan, James J.; Fink, Gregory D.


    Large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels are composed of pore-forming α-subunits and accessory β1-subunits that modulate Ca2+ sensitivity. BK channels regulate arterial myogenic tone and renal Na+ clearance/K+ reabsorption. Previous studies using indirect or short-term blood pressure measurements found that BK channel β1-subunit knockout (BK β1-KO) mice were hypertensive. We evaluated 24-h mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate in BK β1-KO mice using radiotelemetry. BK β1-KO mice did not have a higher 24-h average MAP when compared with wild-type (WT) mice, although MAP was ∼10 mmHg higher at night. The dose-dependent peak declines in MAP by nifedipine were only slightly larger in BK β1-KO mice. In BK β1-KO mice, giving 1% NaCl to mice to drink for 7 days caused a transient (5 days) elevation of MAP (∼5 mmHg); MAP returned to pre-saline levels by day 6. BK β1-KO mesenteric arteries in vitro demonstrated diminished contractile responses to paxilline, increased reactivity to Bay K 8644 and norepinephrine (NE), and maintained relaxation to isoproterenol. Paxilline and Bay K 8644 did not constrict WT or BK β1-KO mesenteric veins (MV). BK β1-subunits are not expressed in MV. The results indicate that BK β1-KO mice are not hypertensive on normal or high-salt intake. BK channel deficiency increases arterial reactivity to NE and L-type Ca2+ channel function in vitro, but the L-type Ca2+ channel modulation of MAP is not altered in BK β1-KO mice. BK and L-type Ca2+ channels do not modulate murine venous tone. It appears that selective loss of BK channel function in arteries only is not sufficient to cause sustained hypertension. PMID:21131476

  1. Modelagem e quantificação da incerteza espacial do potássio disponível no solo por simulações estocásticas

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    Ismênia Ribeiro de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho da simulação sequencial gaussiana (SSG e da simulação sequencial indicatriz (SSI na modelagem da incerteza das predições do K disponível em área de cana-de-açúcar, e comparar as simulações com o método já consagrado de krigagem ordinária (KO. Uma malha amostral com 626 pontos foi instalada em área de 200 ha, no Município de Tabapuã, em São Paulo. As simulações reproduziram a variabilidade dos dados amostrais de K disponível, enquanto a KO superestimou os baixos teores de K e subestimou os altos. O mapa de desvio-padrão obtido a partir da KO mostrou menor variação ao longo da área de estudo, quando comparado aos mapas obtidos a partir das simulações. A SSI obteve acurácia 22% superior à obtida pela SSG, na modelagem da função de distribuição condicional do K. As simulações apresentam maior eficiência que a KO para modelar incerteza na distribuição espacial do K. A SSI apresenta melhor desempenho que a SSG na estimativa dos teores de K disponível, em área de cana-de-açúcar.

  2. Selective effects of potassium elevations on glutamate signaling and action potential conduction in hippocampus. (United States)

    Meeks, Julian P; Mennerick, Steven


    High-frequency synaptic transmission is depressed by moderate rises in the extracellular potassium concentration ([K+]o). Previous reports have indicated that depression of action potential signaling may underlie the synaptic depression. Here, we investigated the specific contribution of K+-induced action potential changes to synaptic depression. We found that glutamatergic transmission in the hippocampal area CA1 was significantly depressed by 8-10 mM [K+]o, but that GABAergic transmission remained intact. Riluzole, a drug that slows recovery from inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels (NaChs), interacts with subthreshold [K+]o to depress afferent volleys and EPSCs strongly. Thus, elevated [K+]o likely depresses synapses by slowing NaCh recovery from inactivation. It is unclear from previous studies whether [K+]o-induced action potential depression is caused by changes in initiation, reliability, or waveform. We investigated these possibilities explicitly. [K+]o-induced afferent volley depression was independent of stimulus strength, suggesting that changes in action potential initiation do not explain [K+]o-induced depression. Measurements of action potentials from single axons revealed that 8 mM [K+]o increased conduction failures in a subpopulation of fibers and depressed action potential amplitude in all fibers. Together, these changes quantitatively account for the afferent volley depression. We estimate that conduction failure explains more than half of the synaptic depression observed at 8 mM [K+]o, with the remaining depression likely explained by waveform changes. These mechanisms of selective sensitivity of glutamate release to [K+]o accumulation represent a unique neuromodulatory mechanism and a brake on runaway excitation.


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    Bartosz CHWIEDUK

    Full Text Available W artykule przeanalizowano wpływ działania instalacji fotowoltaicznej zasilającej pompę ciepła na zapotrzebowanie budynku na energię końcową i pierwotną do ogrzewania. W pierwszym kroku na podstawie znanego zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną w rozpatrywanym budynku zwymiarowano system fotowoltaiczny. Na podstawie danych meteorologicznych zamieszczonych na stronie internetowej Ministerstwa Infrastruktury i Budownictwa oraz danych technicznych modułów fotowoltaicznych wyznaczono zyski energetyczne w kolejnych godzinach roku wynikające z pracy systemu fotowoltaicznego. Określono również czas trwania okresu grzewczego oraz ilość energii jaka musi zostać dostarczona do pompy ciepła w kolejnych dniach roku, aby utrzymać temperaturę wewnętrzną na stałym wymaganym poziomie. Uwzględniając moc pompy ciepła obliczono czas jej działania w kolejnych dniach roku. Porównując zyski energetyczne z instalacji fotowoltaicznej i zapotrzebowanie na energię do ogrzewania wyznaczono jaka część energii zasilającej pompę ciepła pochodzić będzie z systemu fotowoltaicznego, a jaka będzie pobrana z sieci elektroenergetycznej. Wyróżniono dwa przypadki. W pierwszym założono, że cała wyprodukowana przez system fotowoltaiczny energia może zostać wykorzystana do zasilania pompy ciepła. Jest to możliwe gdy w skład instalacji fotowoltaicznej wchodzą akumulatory. W drugim przypadku energia elektryczna wyprodukowana przez generator fotowoltaiczny nie jest magazynowana, a pompa ciepła działa w godzinach pracy systemu fotowoltaicznego. Posiadając wyniki tych obliczeń określono jaki wpływ na wskaźniki EK i EP obliczane w świadectwach charakterystyki energetycznej budynku ma wykorzystanie instalacji fotowoltaicznej.

  4. CTX Correlation to Disease Duration and Adiponectin in Egyptian Children with T1DM/ Korelacija između CTX-a i trajanja bolesti i adiponektina kod egipatske dece sa T1DM

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    Hashim Amel A.


    Full Text Available Uvod: U ovoj studiji istraživali smo odnos između adiponektina i markera koštanih promena kod egipatske dece i ado­lescenata sa T1DM, uticaj trajanja bolesti na ove markere, kao i potencijalne korelacije između adiponektina i ko­štanih markera kod ovih pacijenata.

  5. Slope Stability Estimation of the Kościuszko Mound in Cracow (United States)

    Wrana, Bogumił; Pietrzak, Natalia


    In the paper, the slope stability problem of the Kościuszko Mound in Cracow, Poland is considered. The slope stability analysis was performed using Plaxis FEM program. The outer surface of the mound has complex geometry. The slope of the cone is not uniform in all directions, on the surface of the cone are pedestrian paths. Due to its complicated geometry it was impossible to do computing by Plaxis input pre-procesor. The initial element mesh was generated using Autodesk Autocad 3D and next it was updated by Plaxis program. The soil parameters were adopted in accordance with the detailed geological soil testing performed in 2012. Calculating model includes geogrids. The upper part was covered by MacMat geogrid, while the lower part of the Mound was reinforced using Terramesh Matt geogrid. The slope analysis was performed by successives reduction of φ /c parameters. The total multiplayer ΣMsf is used to define the value of the soil strength parameters. The article presents the results of slope stability before and after the rainfall during 33 days of precipitation in flood of 2010.

  6. Farklı Durum Çeşitlerinden Mahalli ve Laboratuvar Koşullarında Yapılmış Bulguların Bazı Vitamin ve Mineral İçerikleri

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    Berrin Özkaya


    Full Text Available Araştırmada 5 farklı durum buğdayının, bunlardan mahalli ve laboratuvar koşullarında yapılan bulguların bazı kimyasal özellikleri ile tiamin, riboflavin ve mineral içerikleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Buğdayların yapımı sırasında buğdayların tiamin, özellikle de riboflavin miktarları azalmıştır. Mahalli koşullarda yapılan bulgurların tiamin ve riboflavin miktarları laboratuvarda yapılanlara kıyasla biraz düşük çıkmıştır. Bulgurların mineral içerikleri (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ca ve Mg miktarları yapıldıktan buğdaylara kıyasla daha düşük çıkmış, mahalli ve laboratuvar koşullarında yapılan bulgurların mineral madde miktarlarında önemli bir fark görülmemiştir.

  7. Contributions of the Na⁺/K⁺-ATPase, NKCC1, and Kir4.1 to hippocampal K⁺ clearance and volume responses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Brian Roland; Assentoft, Mette; Cotrina, Maria L


    (+)/K(+)-ATPase activity. Their individual contribution to [K(+)]o management has been of extended controversy. This study aimed, by several complementary approaches, to delineate the transport characteristics of Kir4.1, NKCC1, and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and to resolve their involvement in clearance of extracellular K......(+) transients. Primary cultures of rat astrocytes displayed robust NKCC1 activity with [K(+)]o increases above basal levels. Increased [K(+)]o produced NKCC1-mediated swelling of cultured astrocytes and NKCC1 could thereby potentially act as a mechanism of K(+) clearance while concomitantly mediate...

  8. From Velvary, Bohemia, to the court in Vienna. The life of the imperial Kapellmeister Leopold Koželuh and a new complete edition of his keyboard sonatas

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vytlačil, Lukáš


    Roč. 16, č. 2 (2016), s. 7-11 ISSN 1211-0264 Institutional support: RVO:68378076 Keywords : Leopold Koželuh * composers * classicism * history of music * piano sonatas * complete editions Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  9. Bulk modulus of basic sodalite, Na8[AlSiO4]6(OH)2·2H2O, a possible zeolitic precursor in coal-fly-ash-based geopolymers

    KAUST Repository

    Oh, Jae Eun


    Synthetic basic sodalite, Na8[AlSiO4] 6(OH)2•2H2O, cubic, P43n, (also known as hydroxysodalite hydrate) was prepared by the alkaline activation of amorphous aluminosilicate glass, obtained from the phase separation of Class F fly ash. The sample was subjected to a process similar to geopolymerization, using high concentrations of a NaOH solution at 90 °C for 24 hours. Basic sodalite was chosen as a representative analogue of the zeolite precursor existing in Na-based Class F fly ash geopolymers. To determine its bulk modulus, high-pressure synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction was applied using a diamond anvil cell (DAC) up to a pressure of 4.5 GPa. A curve-fit with a truncated third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state with a fixed K\\'o = 4 to pressure-normalized volume data yielded the isothermal bulk modulus, K o = 43 ± 4 GPa, indicating that basic sodalite is more compressible than sodalite, possibly due to a difference in interactions between the framework host and the guest molecules. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.

  10. Relational Resources As A Source Of Regional Competitive Advantage. Illustrated By The Examples Of The Lodzkie Voivodship And The Novosibirsk Oblast / Zasoby Relacyjne Jako Źródło Przewagi Konkurencyjnej Regionów Na Przykładzie Województwa Łódzkiego Oraz Obwodu Novosybirskiego

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    Rudolf Wawrzyniec


    Full Text Available Artykuł ma na celu pokazanie zasobów relacyjnych, jako nabierającego na znaczeniu czynnika konkurencyjności terytoriów. Autorzy starają się wykazać, że regiony chcące zwiększyć swoją przewagę konkurencyjną powinny podejmować działania, aby ułatwiać tworzenie bazy wiedzy oraz otoczenia instytucjonalnego. W artykule oparto się na teorii zależności od zasobów, wykorzystywanej zwłaszcza dla analizowania relacji pomiędzy organizacją a jej otoczeniem. Opracowanie ma charakter teoretyczny z wykorzystaniem metody desk research przy użyciu szerokiej, światowej literatury przedmiotu. Rozważania kończy prezentacja dwóch deskryptywnych studiów przypadku.

  11. CDKL5 Disorder: a Novel Therapeutic Strategy to Improve Brain Development in a Newly Generated CDKL5 ko Mouse Model


    De Franceschi, Marianna


    The cyclin-dependent kinase like-5 (CDKL5) disorder is a rare neurodevelopmental disease caused by mutations in the CDKL5 gene, located on the X-chromosome. The consequent unsuccessful CDKL5 protein expression in the nervous system leads to a severe encephalopathy, characterized by mental retardation, reduced motor abilities and early-onset intractable epilepsy. CDKL5 is highly expressed in the brain during the early postnatal stages of development and a recently developed Cdkl5 KO m...

  12. Bjelovar prije Bjelovara


    Jakovljević, Goran


    Problematika urbanizacije prostora na kojemu je danas smješten Bjelovar ne započinje njegovim formalnim ustrojem 1755. g., već u antičko doba, kada na tome prostoru nastaju naselja u zaleđu dravskog limesa bilo kao vojni logori koji su štitili važne komunikacijske pravce, bilo kao villae rusticae vojnih veterana koji su ovdje dobili zemlju. Arheološki nalazi s užeg područja grada svjedoče o postojanju naselja od 2. do 4. st. koje se nalazilo uz važnu longitudinalnu i transverzalnu cestovnu ko...

  13. Pojavnost pčelinjih virusa u pčelinjacima Koprivničko-križevačke županije u Hrvatskoj.


    Tlak Gajger, Ivana; Bičak, Jurica; Belužić, Robert


    Viral honey bee diseases are an increasing beekeeping problem throughout the world because they can cause great economic losses and a reduction in biodiversity in natural ecosystems. Therefore, it is important to promptly identify the causal pathogens of honey bee diseases in order to develop appropriate measures and procedures for their prevention and eradication. In this paper the prevalence and distribution were determined of the five economically most important honey bee viruses in the Ko...

  14. Deformation analyse of the high point field Košická Nová Ves

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    Sedlák Vladimír


    Full Text Available From the science point of view the deformation measurements serve to an objective determination of movements and from the technical point of view the deformation measurements serve to a determinantion of the building technologies and the construction procedures. Detrmined movements by means of using the geodetic terrestrial or satellite navigation technologies give informations about displacements in a concrete time information on the base of repeated geodetic measurements in the concrete time intervals (epochs.Level deformation investigation of the point of the monitoring station stabled in the fill slope territory Košická Nová Ves is the main task of the presented paper. Level measurements are realized in autumn 2000 (the epoch 200.9 - it is considered as the first epoch of the deformation measurement, and in spring 2001 (the epoch 2001.3 – it is considered as the second epoch of the deformation measurement.

  15. Stanowisko badawcze do oceny efektów utwardzania mas ze szkłem wodnym

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    M. Stachowicz


    Full Text Available W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad możliwością zastosowania nowego stanowiska badawczego do oceny, na podstawie końcowejzawartości wody, finalnego efektu utwardzania wybranymi metodami mas ze szkłem wodnym. Badania wykonano na innowacyjnym,mobilnym stanowisku mikrofalowej linii szczelinowej wykorzystującej zjawisko występowania fali stojącej w falowodzie. Badaniompoddano pięć mas sporządzonych z dostępnymi w handlu gatunkami szkła wodnego, które utwardzano trzema, wybranymi metodami:mikrofalową, klasyczną oraz w procesie CO2. Wykazano, na przykładzie mas ze szkłem wodnym, że prezentowane, mobilne stanowiskopomiarowe może, na podstawie określenia końcowej zawartości wody, służyć z powodzeniem do oceny ostatecznego efektu utwardzaniamas formierskich i rdzeniowych.

  16. Affective and cognitive behavior in the alpha-galactosidase A deficient mouse model of Fabry disease.

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    Lukas Hofmann

    Full Text Available Fabry disease is an X-linked inherited lysosomal storage disorder with intracellular accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3 due to α-galactosidase A (α-Gal A deficiency. Fabry patients frequently report of anxiety, depression, and impaired cognitive function. We characterized affective and cognitive phenotype of male mice with α-Gal A deficiency (Fabry KO and compared results with those of age-matched male wildtype (WT littermates. Young (3 months and old (≥ 18 months mice were tested in the naïve state and after injection of complete Freund`s adjuvant (CFA as an inflammatory pain model. We used the elevated plus maze (EPM, the light-dark box (LDB and the open field test (OF to investigate anxiety-like behavior. The forced swim test (FST and Morris water maze (MWM were applied to assess depressive-like and learning behavior. The EPM test revealed no intergroup difference for anxiety-like behavior in naïve young and old Fabry KO mice compared to WT littermates, except for longer time spent in open arms of the EPM for young WT mice compared to young Fabry KO mice (p<0.05. After CFA injection, young Fabry KO mice showed increased anxiety-like behavior compared to young WT littermates (p<0.05 and naïve young Fabry KO mice (p<0.05 in the EPM as reflected by shorter time spent in EPM open arms. There were no relevant differences in the LDB and the OF test, except for longer time spent in the center zone of the OF by young WT mice compared to young Fabry KO mice (p<0.05. Complementary to this, depression-like and learning behavior were not different between genotypes and age-groups, except for the expectedly lower memory performance in older age-groups compared to young mice. Our results indicate that genetic influences on affective and cognitive symptoms in FD may be of subordinate relevance, drawing attention to potential influences of environmental and epigenetic factors.

  17. mTOR regulates the expression of DNA damage response enzymes in long-lived Snell dwarf, GHRKO, and PAPPA-KO mice. (United States)

    Dominick, Graham; Bowman, Jacqueline; Li, Xinna; Miller, Richard A; Garcia, Gonzalo G


    Studies of the mTOR pathway have prompted speculation that diminished mTOR complex-1 (mTORC1) function may be involved in controlling the aging process. Our previous studies have shown diminished mTORC1 activity in tissues of three long-lived mutant mice: Snell dwarf mice, growth hormone receptor gene disrupted mice (GHRKO), and in this article, mice deficient in the pregnancy-associated protein-A (PAPPA-KO). The ways in which lower mTOR signals slow aging and age-related diseases are, however, not well characterized. Here, we show that Snell, GHKRO, and PAPPA-KO mice express high levels of two proteins involved in DNA repair, O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) and N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 (NDRG1). Furthermore, we report that lowering mTOR enhances MGMT and NDRG1 protein expression via post-transcriptional mechanisms. We show that the CCR4-NOT complex, a post-transcriptional regulator of gene expression, is downstream of the mTORC1 pathway and may be responsible for the upregulation of MGMT and NDRG1 in all three varieties of long-lived mice. Our data thus suggest a novel link between DNA repair and mTOR signaling via post-transcriptional regulation involving specific alteration in the CCR4-NOT complex, whose modulation could control multiple aspects of the aging process. © 2016 The Authors. Aging Cell published by the Anatomical Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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    Zvonimir Jelinić


    Full Text Available Teško je prisjetiti se kada je jedan zakonski tekst iznjedrio više kontroverzi od Zakona o fi nancijskom poslovanju i predstečajnoj nagodbi. Intencija zakonodavca je bila jasna; pomoći trgovačkim subjektima u problemima da revitaliziraju svoje poslovanje, njihovim vjerovnicima da naplatu svojih potraživanja ostvare u većim iznosima nego što bi to bilo moguće u klasičnom stečajnom postupku te u konačnici, smatralo se da će predstečajni postupci doprinijeti očuvanju radnih mjesta. U radu se analizira struktura postupka predstečajne nagodbe te se propituje je li rješenje iz kasnije dijelom anuliranog hrvatskog propisa, prema kojemu je u prvoj fazi postupak provodilo posebno tijelo s administrativnim ovlastima, a u drugoj nadležni trgovački sudovi, u skladu s tumačenjima jamstva prava na pravičan postupak iz prakse Europskog suda za ljudska prava.

  19. Mito e realtà della letteratura ebraica al femminile in Germania: Anna Seghers e Mascha Kaléko

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    Karin Birge Gilardoni-Büch


    Both of them succeed in emigrating and surviving the destruction of the European Jews. Anna Seghers comes back in 1947 to the Soviet occupied zone and will later hold significant offices inside East Germany's cultural life. Mascha Kaléko will however come back only now and then to the German Federal Republic. Did their writing change after the Shoah? And if so, to what extent? Moreover, do the texts mirror the situation in which their authors found themselves? Aren’t they linked to a specific social condition, that of a woman? To what extent do specific female and Jewish experiences take shape in their works?



    Zečević, Jure


    Čovjekov rad se kao viševrsna i višedimenzionalna stvarnost može cjelovitije sagledati tek objedinjavanjem različitih vidova pod kojima je proučavan i motren. Ovom radu nije prvenstveni cilj dati prikaz neke cjelovite i sustavne teologije i duhovnosti rada, nego teološki istražiti pojedina danas raspravljana i stoga relevantna pitanja biblijske i duhovne dimenzije rada, odnosa molitve i rada, među ostalim i pod vidom praktične primjene u okolnostima suvremenog načina živo...

  1. IT projekta pārcelšana uz Microsoft Azure mākoņa platformu


    Dzenis, Gvido


    Pēdējo gadu laikā, strauji pieaugot interneta ātrumam un izplatībai, palielinās uzņēmumu interese par projektu izstrādi un uzturēšanu mākonī. Microsoft piedāvā produktu Azure, kas nodrošina ērtu un elastīgu risinājumu projektu uzturēšanai un izstrādei apvienojumā ar iespējām mainīt nepieciešamos datu apstrādes un skaitļošanas resursus, saglabājot salīdzinoši mazas izmaksas. Microsoft Azure piemērots visa izmēra projektiem. Darbā aplūkotas galvenās lietas, par ko jāpadomā pirms sākt projekt...

  2. Aktualne poglądy na temat roli witaminy D w patogenezie stwardnienia rozsianego

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    Magdalena Antczak


    Full Text Available Witamina D jest powszechnie znana ze swojej roli w gospodarce wapniowo-fosforanowej, ale wzrastająca ilość danych wskazuje na jej działania plejotropowe. Zaobserwowano pozytywną korelację między niedoborem witaminy D a występowaniem chorób autoimmunologicznych, w tym stwardnienia rozsianego, reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów, tocznia rumieniowatego układowego itp. Receptory witaminy D są obecne w szeregu tkanek i narządów, w tym w kościach, mięśniach, narządach rozrodczych, sercu, mózgu oraz w obrębie układu odporno- ściowego. Coraz lepiej poznawane działanie immunomodulujące witaminy D obejmuje wpływ zarówno na mechanizmy odporności wrodzonej, jak i adaptacyjnej, poprzez hamowanie proliferacji i cytotoksyczności limfocytów T, promowanie różnicowania limfocytów T regulatorowych oraz modulowanie działania makrofagów i komórek dendrytycznych. Stwardnienie rozsiane (łac. sclerosis multiplex, SM jest chorobą autoimmunologiczną ośrodkowego układu nerwowego spowodowaną przez skomplikowane i w dużej mierze nieznane interakcje między predyspozycjami genetycznymi i czynnikami środowiskowymi. Badania epidemiologiczne wskazują, że ekspozycja na promieniowanie słoneczne i związany z nią poziom witaminy D są ważnymi czynnikami mogącymi wyjaśniać zróżnicowanie geograficzne częstości zachorowań na SM. Wyniki niektórych wstępnych obserwacji sugerują, że suplementacja witaminy D może zmniejszać ryzyko zachorowania na SM oraz modulować przebieg choroby i zmniejszać częstość jej nawrotów u pacjentów z rzutowo-remisyjną postacią SM. Wyniki te skłoniły do podjęcia prób włączenia witaminy D jako składnika wspomagającego terapię SM. Obserwacje te wymagają dalszego potwierdzenia i badań klinicznych.

  3. Produkta izvietošana kinofilmās kā reklāmas veids un tā efektivitāte; 2009. gada 10 skatītāko kinofilmu Latvijā analīze


    Goģe, Sandra


    Bakalaura darbs „PRODUKTA IZVIETOŠANA KINOFILMĀS KĀ REKLĀMAS VEIDS UN TĀ EFEKTIVITĀTE; 2009. GADA 10 SKATĪTĀKO KINOFILMU LATVIJĀ ANALĪZE” ir izstrādāts ar mērķi aplūkot produkta izvietošanu kinofilmās kā reklāmas veidu. Darba teorētiskajā daļā tiek apskatīta produkta izvietošanas teorija, kino un izklaides industrija, produkta izvietošanas process un atribūcijas teorijas. Darba pētnieciskajā daļā tiek veikta 2009. gada 10 skatītāko kinofilmu Latvijā kontentanalīze, ar eksperimenta palīdzību t...

  4. Parametri za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati

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    Liljana Ugrinova


    Full Text Available Napraven e pregled na parametrite za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati. Za procena na kvalitetot na ispituvaniot materijal bea izvrseni fizicki, hemiski i bioloski ispituvanja spored postapkite dadeni vo Ph. Eur., DIN i spored DIN ISO standardite. Baranjata za kvalitet na ovoj vid ambalaza propisani spored Ph. Eur., DIN i DIN ISO standardite se razlikuvaat vo odnos na predvidenite parametri za fizicki, za hemiski i za bioloski ispituvanja. Isto taka, propisani se i razlicni granici na dozvoleno otstapuvanje na oddelni parametri.

  5. Influence of organics and silica on Fe(II) oxidation rates and cell-mineral aggregate formation by the green-sulfur Fe(II)-oxidizing bacterium Chlorobium ferrooxidans KoFox - Implications for Fe(II) oxidation in ancient oceans (United States)

    Gauger, Tina; Byrne, James M.; Konhauser, Kurt O.; Obst, Martin; Crowe, Sean; Kappler, Andreas


    Most studies on microbial phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation (photoferrotrophy) have focused on purple bacteria, but recent evidence points to the importance of green-sulfur bacteria (GSB). Their recovery from modern ferruginous environments suggests that these photoferrotrophs can offer insights into how their ancient counterparts grew in Archean oceans at the time of banded iron formation (BIF) deposition. It is unknown, however, how Fe(II) oxidation rates, cell-mineral aggregate formation, and Fe-mineralogy vary under environmental conditions reminiscent of the geological past. To address this, we studied the Fe(II)-oxidizer Chlorobium ferrooxidans KoFox, a GSB living in co-culture with the heterotrophic Geospirillum strain KoFum. We investigated the mineralogy of Fe(III) metabolic products at low/high light intensity, and in the presence of dissolved silica and/or fumarate. Silica and fumarate influenced the crystallinity and particle size of the produced Fe(III) minerals. The presence of silica also enhanced Fe(II) oxidation rates, especially at high light intensities, potentially by lowering Fe(II)-toxicity to the cells. Electron microscopic imaging showed no encrustation of either KoFox or KoFum cells with Fe(III)-minerals, though weak associations were observed suggesting co-sedimentation of Fe(III) with at least some biomass via these aggregates, which could support diagenetic Fe(III)-reduction. Given that GSB are presumably one of the most ancient photosynthetic organisms, and pre-date cyanobacteria, our findings, on the one hand, strengthen arguments for photoferrotrophic activity as a likely mechanism for BIF deposition on a predominantly anoxic early Earth, but, on the other hand, also suggest that preservation of remnants of Fe(II)-oxidizing GSB as microfossils in the rock record is unlikely.

  6. Bazı çam türlerinden kraft kağıt hamuru elde etme sürecinde sodyum borhidrür ilavesinin etkileri

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    Full Text Available Bu araştırmada, kızılçam (Pinus brutia Ten. ve Monteri çamı (Pinus radiata D. Don. türlerinden toplam verim ve delignifikasyonu geliştirmek amacı ile alternatif bir Sodyum borhidrür (NaBH4-Kraft kâğıt hamuru elde etme yöntemi üzerinde çalışılmıştır. Delignifikasyon derecesi ve hamur verimi üzerinde reaksiyon koşullarının etkileri değerlendirilmiştir.Sonuçlar, sodyum borhidrür ilavesinin bilinen Kraft yöntemine göre her iki çam türünün hem verim hem de delignifikasyonunu geliştirmek için daha etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Sodyum borhidrür (NaBH4-Kraft yönteminin, geleneksel Kraft yönteminin tek başına verdiği kappa numarası ve yüksek verim açısından, daha hızlı ve daha seçici olduğu düşünülmektedir. Ancak, kızılçam için en iyi Sodyum borhidrür (NaBH4-Kraft kâğıt hamuru üretim koşulu Aktif Alkali: %16, Sülfidite: %28, NaBH4 oranı: %0.5 iken, Monteri çamı için en iyi Sodyum borhidrür (NaBH4-Kraft kâğıt hamuru üretim koşulunun ise Aktif Alkali: %20, Sülfidite: %26, NaBH4 Oranı: %0.7 olduğu bulunmuştur.

  7. Načrtovan porod na domu


    Todorović, Tamara; Takač, Iztok


    Izhodišča: Porod na domu je sicer star toliko kot človeštvo, pa vendar v veliki večini srednje in visoko razvitih držav prevladuje mnenje, da so zaradi nepredvidljivosti zapletov porodnišnice najbolj varno okolje za rojevanje. Kljub temu obstaja peščica držav, v katerih je porod na domu integriran v sistem zdravstvenega varstva (npr. Nizozemska, Velika Britanija, Kanada). Pri porodih na domu ločimo nenačrtovane in načrtovane porode na domu, slednje pa lahko nadalje razdelimo še na porode s sp...

  8. Utjecaj ultrazvuka visokog intenziteta na reološka i pastozna svojstva škroba pšenice

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    Ivana Ljubić Herceg


    Full Text Available Svrha ovog rada je ispitati utjecaj ultrazvuka visokog i niskog intenziteta na reološka i pastozna svojstva suspenzija škroba pšenice. Ispitivane suspenzije sadrže 10 % pšeničnog škroba te su neposredno nakon pripreme procesirane ultrazvukom. Sva ispitivanja provedena su prije i nakon ultrazvučne obrade u ultrazvučnoj kupelji frekvencije 22 kHz, nominalne snage 150 W te ultrazvučnom sondom frekvencije 24 kHz, nominalne snage 100, 300 i 400 W. Vrijeme ultrazvučne obrade svih uzoraka bilo je 15 i 30 minuta. Reološka svojstva određena su primjenom rotacionog reometra Rheometric Scientific RM-180 pri temperaturi od 20 ˚C, a pastozna svojstva škrobnih suspenzija određena su primjenom Micro Visco-Amylo-Graph, Brabender Ohg Duisburg, Njemačka po metodi ICC Standard 126/1. Ultrazvučna obrada uzrokuje mehaničko oštećenje škrobne granule čime njena unutrašnjost postaje dostupnija vodi tijekom zagrijavanja što ima za posljedicu značajne promjene reoloških i pastoznih svojstava škrobnih suspenzija. Reološki parametri pokazuju da sve suspenzije imaju ne-Newtonski karakter, a ultrazvučni tretmen uzrokovao je značajno povećanje koeficijenta konzistencije svih ispitivanih sustava. Ultrazvučnim procesiranjem došlo je do značajnog sniženja temperature želatinizacije kod svih škrobnih suspenzija. Značajno smanjenje početnih temperatura želatinizacije upućuje na raniji stupanj bubrenja granule tijekom zagrijavanja.

  9. Upravitelj dobara Salonitanske crkve


    Škegro, Ante


    Na izmaku antike Salonitanska nadbiskupija raspolagala je značajnim zemljišnim posjedima koji su bili pod kontrolom posebnog dužnosnika koji se nazivao prokuratorom (procurator Ecclesiae Salonitanae) . Prokuratori su na dalmatinskim prostorima u antičko doba u ime carske vlasti rukovodili vodećim gospodarskim granama poput eksploatacijom srebronosnog olova, željeza i dr. Na području Istre bili su na čelu carskih i drugih većih zemljišnih posjeda. Na izmaku antike na salonitanskom području pro...

  10. New possibilities and perspectives of building hotwater line from geothermal wells heat exchanger to TEKO Košice

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    Marína Sidorová


    Full Text Available Thank to favourable geological conditions, Slovakia is a country abundant in the occurrence of low-enthalpy sources. The government of the state sponsors new renewable of the sources ecological energy,including the geothermal energy. Geothermal water is utilized for recreation (swimming pools, spas, agriculture (heating of greenhouses, fishing and heating of houses. The effectivity of utilisation is about 30 % due to its seasonal use. That is why the annual house-heating and the hot water supply from geothermal sources are supported. Recently, the company Slovgeoterm has initiated heating of greenhouses in Podhajska and hospital and 1231 flats in the town Galanta. Nowadays, a research for the biggest geothermal project in the Middle Europe – construction in Košice basin has started.

  11. Downmodulation of Vaccine-Induced Immunity and Protection against the Intracellular Bacterium Francisella tularensis by the Inhibitory Receptor FcγRIIB

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    Brian J. Franz


    Full Text Available Fc gamma receptor IIB (FcγRIIB is the only Fc gamma receptor (FcγR which negatively regulates the immune response, when engaged by antigen- (Ag- antibody (Ab complexes. Thus, the generation of Ag-specific IgG in response to infection or immunization has the potential to downmodulate immune protection against infection. Therefore, we sought to determine the impact of FcγRIIB on immune protection against Francisella tularensis (Ft, a Category A biothreat agent. We utilized inactivated Ft (iFt as an immunogen. Naïve and iFt-immunized FcγRIIB knockout (KO or wildtype (WT mice were challenged with Ft-live vaccine strain (LVS. While no significant difference in survival between naïve FcγRIIB KO versus WT mice was observed, iFt-immunized FcγRIIB KO mice were significantly better protected than iFt-immunized WT mice. Ft-specific IgA in serum and bronchial alveolar lavage, as well as IFN-γ, IL-10, and TNF-α production by splenocytes harvested from iFt-immunized FcγRIIB KO, were also significantly elevated. In addition, iFt-immunized FcγRIIB KO mice exhibited a reduction in proinflammatory cytokine levels in vivo at 5 days after challenge, which correlates with increased survival following Ft-LVS challenge in published studies. Thus, these studies demonstrate for the first time the ability of FcγRIIB to regulate vaccine-induced IgA production and downmodulate immunity and protection. The immune mechanisms behind the above observations and their potential impact on vaccine development are discussed.

  12. Erich Fromm: ke kořenům etiky

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    Pavel Žďárský


    Full Text Available Článek je zaměřený na Frommovu nenáboženskou, psychologicky pojatou interpretaci židovsko-křesťanské tradice o dvou cestách člověka. Jde o upravenou verzi článku publikovaného v e-journalu PAIDEIA 2/2005,

  13. Domates Pulpu ve Salçasında Viskozite (Konsistens ve Renk Üzerine Proses Koşullarının Etkisi

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    Aziz Ekşi


    Full Text Available Kıvam ve renk, domates pulpu ve salçada kaliteyi belirleyen ve ticarette üzerinde en çok durulan iki önemli etkendir. Domates salçasında renk ve kıvam ile hammaddenin durumu arasında yakın bir ilişki bulunduğu bilinmektedir. Ancak her iki kalite öğesini ve özellikle kıvamı, hammadde olduğu kadar, proses koşulları da etkilemektedir.

  14. Genel Anestezi Altında Çocukta Diş Tedavisi


    Gülhan, A.; Sandallı, N.


    ÖZETBu makalede çocuklarda genel anestezi altında diş tedavisinin koşulları anlatıldı ve normal tedavi koşulları sağlanamadığı takdirde, genel anesteziye başvurmanın yararlarına ve sakıncalarına değinildi. Genel anestezi indikasyonları sıralanarak, bunlar arasında en sık rastladığımız «Güç çocuklarım" genci anesteziye başvurmadan Önce hangi yollara başvurularak normal tedavinin deneneceğinden bahsedildi.Bir hastane ortamında genel anestezi altında çalışmaya karar verildikten sonra, bir a...

  15. Izmaksu sistēmas integrācija Openstack mākoņu sistēmā


    Andruškeviča, Eleonora


    Izmaksu sistēma ir programma priekš OpenStack atvērta pirmkoda mākoņu sistēmai, kas ir uzrakstīta ar Python programmēšanās valodas palīdzību. Programmas izstrādes nolūks ir paplašināt OpenStack platformu ar precīzu izmaksu radītājiem. Sistēma ir domāta tikai OpenStack lietotājiem. Izmaksu programma dod iespēju lietotājam zināt, cik viņām būtu jāmaksā par patērētiem resursiem konkrētajos periodos, ja OpenStack būtu par maksu. Rezultātā tika iegūta programma, kas dabū virtuālu mašīnu st...

  16. Effect of Soil Moisture Content on Growth, Crude Drug "Cho-to-ko" Yield and Oxindole Alkaloid Content of Uncaria rhynchophylla (B. LIVING SCIENCE)


    川添, 禎浩; 小林, 茂樹; 水上, 元; 大橋, 裕; SADAHIRO, KAWAZOE; SHIGEKI, KOBAYASHI; HAJIME, MIZUKAMI; HIROMU, OHASHI; Laboratory of Environmetal Health and Toxicology, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Kyoto Prefectural University; Department of Medicinal Plant Research, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagasaki University; Department of Medicinal Plant Research, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagasaki University; Department of Medicinal Plant Research, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagasaki University


    Uncaria rhynchophylla was cultivated by using soil with various moisture contents (20,40,60,80 or 100% of the maximum moisture content retained by soil). Both growth and crude drug "Cho-to-ko" (dried stem with hooks of U. rhynchophylla) yield of the plant were in the following order : 60%> 80%> 40%> 100%> 20%, while oxindole alkaloid content of the stem was in the following order : 20%> 60%> 100%> 40%> 80%. It is concluded that moderately wet soil is suitable for cultivation of U. rhynchophyl...

  17. Pripoved v literaturi in filmu


    Mušič, Nika


    Magistrsko delo preučuje pripoved v literaturi in filmu, pri čemer se opira tako na dognanja strukturalistične naratologije kot tudi na raziskave postklasične naratologije, in sicer predvsem kognitivnih pristopov. Pripoved je v delu predstavljena glede na širšo terminološko opredelitev, torej kot semiotična reprezentacija oziroma fenomen onstran medija, pri tem pa so definirani tudi minimalni pogoji pripovednosti. Obenem je glede na ožjo določitev pripoved obravnavana kot komunikacijsko razme...

  18. mPGES-1-derived PGE2 mediates dehydration natriuresis (United States)

    Jia, Zhanjun; Liu, Gang; Sun, Ying; Kakizoe, Yutaka; Guan, Guangju; Zhang, Aihua; Zhou, Shu-Feng


    PGE2 is a natriuretic factor whose production is elevated after water deprivation (WD) but its role in dehydration natriuresis is not well-defined. The goal of the present study was to investigate the role of microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1) in dehydration natriuresis. After 24-h WD, wild-type (WT) mice exhibited a significant increase in 24-h urinary Na+ excretion accompanied with normal plasma Na+ concentration and osmolality. In contrast, WD-induced elevation of urinary Na+ excretion was completely abolished in mPGES-1 knockout (KO) mice in parallel with increased plasma Na+ concentration and a trend increase in plasma osmolality. WD induced a 1.8-fold increase in urinary PGE2 output and a 1.6-fold increase in PGE2 content in the renal medulla of WT mice, both of which were completely abolished by mPGES-1 deletion. Similar patterns of changes were observed for urinary nitrate/nitrite and cGMP. The natriuresis in dehydrated WT mice was associated with a significant downregulation of renal medullary epithelial Na channel-α mRNA and protein, contrasting to unaltered expressions in dehydrated KO mice. By quantitative RT-PCR, WD increased the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), inducible NOS, and neuronal NOS expressions in the renal medulla of WT mice by 3.9-, 1.48-, and 2.6-fold, respectively, all of which were significantly blocked in mPGES-1 KO mice. The regulation of eNOS expression was further confirmed by immunoblotting. Taken together, our results suggest that mPGES-1-derived PGE2 contributes to dehydration natriuresis likely via NO/cGMP. PMID:23171554

  19. Fermentation of sweet whey by recombinant Escherichia coli K011 Fermentação de soro de leite por Escherichia coli KO11 recombinante

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    Amarildo Ricardo Leite


    Full Text Available The production of ethanol from sweet whey using the recombinant Escherichia coli KO11, in batch fermentation, was tested. The maximum ethanol yield was reached after 96h, representing only 38% of the theoretical yield. The supplementation of whey with components of LB broth increased the maximum yield to 96% in 72h. The addition of 0.5% yeast extract to whey resulted in maximum yield of 74% at 36h and it increased to over 100% when yeast extract and trace metals solution (Fe++, Mn++ and Zn++ were added.A produção de etanol a partir de soro de leite empregando a cepa Escherichia coli KO11 recombinante, em fermentação de batelada, foi testada. O rendimento máximo de etanol foi obtido em 96h, representando apenas 38% do rendimento teórico. A suplementação do soro com os componentes do caldo LB aumentou o rendimento para 96% em 72h. A adição de 0,5% de extrato de levedura ao soro resultou em um rendimento máximo de 74% em 36h que aumentou para acima de 100% quando se adicionou extrato de levedura e uma solução de metais traço (Fe++, Mn++ e Zn++.



    Matija, Sabina


    Diplomska naloga obravnava mladoletniško prestopništvo. Osredotoča se na vzroke in ukrepe za preprečevanje oziroma zmanjševanje prestopništva mladih. Pozornost je posvečena še obravnavi tako mladoletnih storilcev kaznivih dejanj kot mladoletnih storilcev prekrškov. Mladoletniško prestopništvo obsega kazniva dejanja in druge oblike deviantnega, negativnega odklonskega vedenja otrok in mladoletnikov, vendar je pri nas sprejeto ožje pojmovanje omenjenega pojava. Po tem konceptu obravnava kaz...

  1. Krmiljenje in programiranje z uporabo programskega okolja GraphFruit v tehniškem izobraževanju


    Debeljak, Krištof


    Raziskan je bil problem uporabe in programiranja mini PLC krmilnikov v primeru, ko le-te uporabljajo uporabniki, ki nimajo dovolj znanja o programiranju oz. ko ga uporabljamo v šoli kot učni pripomoček. Krmilnike v osnovi razdelimo na tri različne nivoje: enostavne mini PLC-je, srednje zmogljive in razširljive krmilnike ter profesionalne krmilnike. Raziskava je obravnavala samo krmilnike prve in druge skupine, ker zahtevajo krmilniki tretje skupine bistveno višji nivo znanja in...

  2. Diel tuning of photosynthetic systems in ice algae at Saroma-ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan (United States)

    Aikawa, Shimpei; Hattori, Hiroshi; Gomi, Yasushi; Watanabe, Kentaro; Kudoh, Sakae; Kashino, Yasuhiro; Satoh, Kazuhiko

    Ice algae are the major primary producers in seasonally ice-covered oceans during the cold season. Diurnal change in solar radiation is inevitable for ice algae, even beneath seasonal sea ice in lower-latitude regions. In this work, we focused on the photosynthetic response of ice algae under diurnally changing irradiance in Saroma-ko Lagoon, Japan. Photosynthetic properties were assessed by pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry. The species composition remained almost the same throughout the investigation. The maximum electron transport rate ( rETRmax), which indicates the capacity of photosynthetic electron transport, increased from sunrise until around noon and decreased toward sunset, with no sign of the afternoon depression commonly observed in other photosynthetic organisms. The level of non-photochemical quenching, which indicates photoprotection activity by dissipating excess light energy via thermal processes, changed with diurnal variations in irradiance. The pigment composition appeared constant, except for xanthophyll cycle pigments, which changed irrespective of irradiance. These results indicate that ice algae tune their photosynthetic system harmonically to achieve efficient photosynthesis under diurnally changing irradiance, while avoiding damage to photosystems. This regulation system may be essential for productive photosynthesis in ice algae.

  3. Extension of Ko Straight-Beam Displacement Theory to Deformed Shape Predictions of Slender Curved Structures (United States)

    Ko, William L.; Fleischer, Van Tran


    The Ko displacement theory originally developed for shape predictions of straight beams is extended to shape predictions of curved beams. The surface strains needed for shape predictions were analytically generated from finite-element nodal stress outputs. With the aid of finite-element displacement outputs, mathematical functional forms for curvature-effect correction terms are established and incorporated into straight-beam deflection equations for shape predictions of both cantilever and two-point supported curved beams. The newly established deflection equations for cantilever curved beams could provide quite accurate shape predictions for different cantilever curved beams, including the quarter-circle cantilever beam. Furthermore, the newly formulated deflection equations for two-point supported curved beams could provide accurate shape predictions for a range of two-point supported curved beams, including the full-circular ring. Accuracy of the newly developed curved-beam deflection equations is validated through shape prediction analysis of curved beams embedded in the windward shallow spherical shell of a generic crew exploration vehicle. A single-point collocation method for optimization of shape predictions is discussed in detail

  4. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids (ICMF 11) (Košice, Slovakia, 23-27 July 2007). (United States)

    Kopčanský, Peter; Timko, Milan; Kováč, Josef; Václavíková, Miroslava; Odenbach, Stefan


    The 11th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids (ICMF 11) was held in Košice, Slovakia between 23-27 July 2007. Attendance at the conference was high and its motivation was in line with the ten previous ICMF conferences organized in Udine, Orlando, Bangor, Sendai-Tokyo, Riga, Paris, Bhavnagar, Timisoara, Bremen and Guarujá. The conference in Slovakia reflected the scientific community's enthusiasm and worldwide support, with 256 participants, from 30 countries attending.The main objective of ICMF 11 was to promote progress and knowledge in the field of magnetic fluids regarding their chemistry, physical and magnetic properties, heat and mass transfer, surface phenomena, as well as their technological and biomedical applications. As research on magnetic fluids is essentially interdisciplinary, experts from related areas were invited to present their contributions with a view to increasing knowledge in the field and highlighting new trends. Submitted communications were refereed by members of the Scientific Organizing Committee and abstracts were assembled in a book of abstracts. Participants presented 180 posters in two poster sessions and 56 oral presentations. All presentations contributed to a greater understanding of the area, and helped to bridge the gap between physics, chemistry, technology, biology and medical sciences. Contributions to this conference are presented in 115 scientific papers, with some published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter and the rest in Magnetohydrodynamics. The organization of the conference was made possible by generous support from the Institute of Experimental Physics and Institute of Geotechnics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik and the Slovak Physical Society. Financial support from Ferrotec, Cryosoft Ltd, Mikrochem, Liquids Research Ltd, Askony and US Steel Košice, is also gratefully acknowledged.

  5. Sestava pečenega piščančjega mesa različnih rej


    Korenčan, Nina


    Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kako način reje piščancev (intenzivna (kontrola), ekološka reja (Eko) in z dodanim selenom, vezanim na organske spojine (Se)) vpliva na različne kakovostne parametre presnega mesa in mesa po pečenju, in sicer na masno razmerje meso, kosti in koža, na osnovno kemijsko sestavo, na izgubo mase med pečenjem ter na instrumentalne parametre in senzorične lastnosti kosov (prsi in bedra) piščančjega mesa. V poskusu smo analizirali devet trupov piščancev brez d...



    Božič, Tanja


    V diplomskem delu smo oblikovali marketinški načrt romantičnega hotela Renesanse. V prvem delu diplomskega dela proučujemo teoretična izhodišča v povezavi z marketinškim načrtom. Pojasnili smo integralno vlogo marketinškega načrta v poslovnem načrtu podjetja. Opredelili smo ga kot pot, načine, možnosti za doseganje načrtovane prodaje podjetniških učinkov (izdelkov in/ali storitev). V drugem, praktičnem delu diplomskega dela predstavljamo celostno marketinško strategijo hotela Renesan...

  7. Possibilities of utilization of fly ash from the black coal Power Engineering of the U. S. Steel Košice

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    Františka Michalíková


    Full Text Available The paper presents modes of a direct utilization of the fly ash by-product of the combustion of black power coal in the slag - bottom boilers of the Division Plant Power Engineering ( DP PE of the U. S. Steel Košice ( next USSK . The properties of fly ash limit its use in metallurgy and foundry industry. The fly ash is directly utilizable in the metallurgical industry as a component of powder cover mixtures and insulation inserts, heat insulation parts and exothermical mixtures. The most important components in the mixtures are light micro spheres – cenospheres and heavy micro spheres – plerospheres. The micro spheres significantly improve properties of the powder cover mixtures.



    Kostanjevec, Mateja


    Splet je postal za večino že skoraj nepogrešljiv del vsakdana. Na spletu iščemo informacije, delimo informacije, se družimo. Ker ogromno časa preživimo na spletu, je postalo zelo pomembno za podjetja, da so prisotna na spletu. Svoje potencialne kupce lahko na spletu dosežejo s postavitvijo spletnega mesta in spletnim oglaševanjem. V diplomskem delu smo najprej opredelili marketinško komuniciranje, katera so orodja in kako le ta vplivajo na potencialne kupce. Opredelili smo tudi oglaševan...





    Artefaktni dermatitis relativno je česta psihodermatološka bolest kod koje bolesnik oštećuje vlastitu kožu. Promjene na koži mogu biti različitog izgleda i oblika, a vrlo često izgledaju poput atipične rane. Bolesnici uglavnom niječu oštećivanje kože, a direktno suočavanje bolesnika s dijagnozom dovodi do njegovog povlačenja i traženja pomoći kod drugog liječnika. Bolest se javlja u 0,2% do 0,5% dermatoloških bolesnika, a češća je u žena nego u muškaraca i to najviše u kasnoj adolescenciji i ...

  10. Izzivi in trendi pri vzpostavitvi managmenta destinacije Mirnska dolina


    Žibert, Maja


    Diplomska naloga z naslovom Izzivi in trendi pri vzpostavitvi managmenta destinacije Mirnska dolina v veliki meri preverja izvajanje vsebine dokumenta Strateško akcijski načrt pri vzpostavitvi destinacije Mirnska dolina na terenu. Vsebina dokumenta se dotika posameznih prioritet trajnostnega razvoja destinacije. Na terenu smo preko intervjujev s posameznimi deležniki vseh treh sektorjev, ki sestavljajo destinacijo želeli izvedeti, kako oni doživljajo prioritete razvoja. V diplomski nalogi je ...

  11. „(A nasze dusze smutne mają pyski.leżą na dywanie. wyją. nie dają żyć” (J. Mansztajn, O duszy – leksem dusza w najnowszej poezji polskiej

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    Karina Stempel-Gancarczyk


    Full Text Available “(Yet the faces of our souls are sad. lying on the carpet. howling. tormenting us.” (J. Mansztajn, O duszy – the lexeme dusza (soul in contemporary Polish poetry The article concerns the occurrences of the lexeme soul in contemporary Polish poetry. Due to the extensive amount of material available for analysis, it concentrates on volumes that were awarded or nominated in the selected Polish poetry contests in 2010–2015 (Wisława Szymborska Award, “Nike” Literary Award, “Silesius” Wrocław Poetry Award, Kościelscy Award, “Orfeusz” K. I. Gałczyński Poetry Award, “Gdynia” Literary Prize and “Złoty Środek Poezji” Award. The article presents the contexts of occurrence of the lexeme dusza (soul, as well as the related lexemes duch (spirit and duszyczka (small soul – animula, it characterizes the term in relation to its both religious and non-religious aspects, and shows what functions it serves in poetic texts.   „(A nasze dusze smutne mają pyski. leżą na dywanie. wyją. nie dają żyć” (J. Mansztajn, O duszy – leksem dusza w najnowszej poezji polskiej Artykuł dotyczy wystąpień leksemu dusza w najnowszej poezji polskiej. Z uwagi na zakres materiału dostępnego do analizy rozważania skupiają się na tomach nagrodzonych lub nominowanych do nagród w wybranych ogólnopolskich konkursach poetyckich w latach 2010–2015 (Nagroda im. Wisławy Szymborskiej, Nagroda Literacka „Nike”, Wrocławska Nagroda Poetycka „Silesius”, Nagroda Fundacji im. Kościelskich, Nagroda Poetycka im. K. I. Gałczyńskiego „Orfeusz”, Nagroda Literacka „Gdynia” oraz Nagroda „Złoty Środek Poezji”. W artykule przedstawione są konteksty pojawiania się leksemu dusza oraz leksemów pokrewnych: duch i duszyczka, charakterystyka tego pojęcia z uwzględnieniem aspektów religijnych i niereligijnych, a także funkcje, jakie zyskuje ono w tekstach poetyckich.

  12. Comments on "Determination and Analysis of the Theoretical Production of a Bucket Wheel Excavator" / Uwagi I Komentarze Do Pracy: "Określanie I Analiza Teoretycznej Wydajności Pracy Koparki Wielonaczyniowej Kołowej" (United States)

    Bošnjak, Srđan M.


    This paper comments on the recently published work dealing with the problem in the determination of the theoretical output of the bucket wheel excavator. It also includes remarks on the inadequacy in the problem approach and highlights the mistakes in the mathematical model. This work emphasizes the demand for a much wider and deeper approach to the problem of determining the output of the bucket wheel excavator. Opublikowany niedawno artykuł autorstwa Che i Chena (2014) poświecony jest ważnej kwestii jaką jest określenie teoretycznej wydajności koparki kołowej wielonaczyniowej. W załączonym przeglądzie literatury Che i Chen (2014) nie umieścili pozycji odnoszących się do metod urabiania, parametrów pracy koparki oraz teoretycznej wydajności wydobycia i być może to właśnie jest przyczyną pewnych niedokładności powstałych w trakcie rozwiązywania problemu. Intencją autora obecnej publikacji było: • Odniesienie się do krytycyzmu wyrażonego przez Che i Chena (2014) dotyczącego procedury obliczania prędkości w ruchu łukowym podanej w cytowanej literaturze przedmiotu (Pajer i in., 1971; Vetrov, 1971; Rasper, 1975; Durst i Vogt, 1988); • Zbadanie różnic pomiędzy procedurą określania teoretycznej wydajności zaproponowaną w pracy Che i Chena (2014) a odpowiednimi rozwiązaniami podanymi w literaturze; • Określenie prawidłowości i stosowalności teorii zaprezentowanej w pracy Che i Chena (2014) poprzez porównanie wyników uzyskanych z wykorzystaniem ich teorii oraz teorii podanych w wymienionych pozycjach literatury. W rozdziale 2 pracy (Che i Chen 2014) zatytułowanym " Uprzednio stosowane metody określania teoretycznej wydajności pracy koparki kołowej wielonaczyniowej" autorzy nie podali głównych odniesień literaturowych z których zaczerpnięte zostały równania (1)-(6)**. Ponadto, nie podali charakterystyki modelu działania koparki, na podstawie którego wyprowadzone zostały rzeczone równania, co stanowi powa

  13. Komuniciranje s potencialnimi odjemalci preko spletnih družbenih medijev


    Garmut, Urška


    Diplomski projekt je sestavljen iz dveh delov. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljeno marketinško komuniciranje in inštrumenti marketinškega komuniciranja. Inštrumenti marketinškega komuniciranja so oglaševanje, pospeševanje prodaje, osebna prodaja in odnosi z javnostjo. Podjetja vse več pozornosti polagajo na marketinško komuniciranje, saj z dobro komunikacijo obdržijo obstoječe in pridobijo nove odjemalce. Z marketinškim komuniciranjem podjetje odjemalcu predstavi izdelke in hkrati lahko to vo...

  14. Süpermarket sektöründeki mobil pazarlama uygulamalarının tüketici davranışlarına etkisi: Aydın örneği


    Eru, Oya


    Gelişen teknolojik koşullar iletişim teknolojilerinde de bir takım yeniliklerin yaşanmasını sağlamıştır. Günümüzde mobil teknolojiler ve mobil iletişim insanlar için vazgeçilmez hale gelmiştir. Özellikle İnternet-mobil cihaz birlikteliği, mobil teknolojilerin daha da gelişmesini ve sadece iletişim odaklılıktan çıkarak farklı boyutlarda kullanılmaya başlamasına neden olmuştur. Mobil cihazların her zaman kullanıcıları ile bir arada olduğu ve kimi tüketicilerin birden fazla mobil araca sahip ...

  15. Cabernet Sauvignon ve Merlot Şarapların Resveratrol Düzeyleri ve Ekolojik Koşulların Etkileri

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    Belkıs Çaylak Adıgüzel


    Full Text Available Fitoaleksinler bitkilerde patojen enfeksiyonuna bir reaksiyon olarak veya çeşitli biyotik ve abiyotik tetikleyicilerin etkisi sonucu oluşan fenolik madde karakterli, düşük molekül ağırlıklı antimikrobiyal bileşiklerdir. Resveratrol (trans–3,5,4’-trihidroksistilben de bir fitoaleksin olup, asma (Vitis vinifera, yer fıstığı (Arachis hypogaea ve diğer pek çok bitki türünde yaprak veya diğer organlarda yüksek miktarlarda bulunabilmektedir. Resveratrol asmada gövde, sürgün ve yapraklar yanında, özellikle renkli çeşitlerin tane kabuğunda bol miktarda sentezlenebilmekte ve şarap yapımı sırasında şıraya, şıradan da şaraba geçmektedir. Son yıllarda resveratrolün antikanserojen özelliği ve antioksidan karakteri nedeniyle sağlık yararları üzerine yoğun araştırmalar yapılmakta ve günlük diyette alımı önerilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Ege, Marmara ve Trakya Bölgeleri’nde üretilen kimi bağlardan sağlanan Cabernet sauvignon ve Merlot siyah üzümlerinden üretilmiş şaraplarda bulunan resveratrol miktarları Yüksek Performanslı Sıvı Kromatografisi yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar bölgelerin ekolojik koşulları açısından birbirleriyle karşılaştırılmış ve resveratrol miktarı ile bu parametreler arasındaki korelasyon araştırılmıştır. Resveratrol konsantrasyonunun üzüm çeşidi ve bölgelerin iklim şartlarına bağlı olarak farklılıklar gösterebileceği görülmüştür.

  16. Predgovor

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    Milica Antić Gaber


    Razdrobljenost intelektualnih horizontov pa je žal še veliko večja. Tudi znotraj same humanistike postaja drobljenje znanstvenega in raziskovalnega prostora na ozko specializirane stroke resna zavora v razvoju humanističnih ved. Ob vse večjem številu specializiranih, v pristopu teoretsko in diskurzivno strogo zamejenih znanstvenih publikacij, njihovih tvorcev in bralcev, je potrebno ponuditi več prostora za nove, interdisciplinarno zasnovane znanstvene revije. Ars & Humanitas hoče biti prav to – spodbuditi želi povezovanje družboslovnih in humanističnih strok, okrepiti dialog med različnimi teoretskimi orientacijami, odpirati izvirne pristope k obravnavi tem, opozarjati na aktualne vidike interferenc in skrbeti za promocijo humanistike tako v strokovnih krogih kot v širši javnosti. Zasnova revije je tridelna: v nosilnem tematskem bloku (študije bodo objavljene študije domačih in tujih strokovnjakov, ki bodo odražale različne pristope k izbrani temi, medtem ko bo odprti blok (varia namenjen prispevkom, ki so v določenem trenutku posebej aktualni ali ponujajo svež pogled na obravnavano temo. Tretji del bo namenjen recenzijam najnovejših in najaktualnejših znanstvenih publikacij s širšega humanistično družboslovnega področja. Posebno pozornost bo revija namenjala nacionalni in regionalni specifiki humanistike in družboslovja znotraj Evropske unije, pa tudi promociji nacionalnih kultur in umetnosti. Skladno s tem je eno od pomembnih poslanstev revije Ars & Humanitas krepitev zavesti o pomenu jezika v razvoju humanistike, saj jezik v humanističnih znanostih presega vlogo orodja sporočanja in je neločljivo povezan s samim razvojem humanističnih znanosti. Revija je zasnovana na večjezičnosti, posebno skrb pa bo posvečala slovenski humanistiki in razvoju strokovne terminologije v slovenskem jeziku. V trenutku, ko globalizacija nezadržno spodjeda same temelje kulturne in intelektualne različnosti, ko sodobni razvojni trendi sleherno

  17. Selection of foraging habitat and diet of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in the mosaic-like cultural landscape of Goričko (NE Slovenia

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    Podletnik Mojca


    Full Text Available In 2012 and 2013, the selection of foraging habitats and the diet of the Hoopoe Upupa epops were studied in the Goričko area, where a significant population decline of the species has been recorded in the past 15 years. Goričko is an area with a well-preserved traditional mosaic-like agricultural landscape very rich in biodiversity which, however, is disappearing. The diet was determined using automatic camera recordings of prey brought to chicks by parents. Mole crickets Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa were the most dominant prey (35.4% frequency and 81.3% biomass of prey, followed by Scarab beetles larvae Scarabaeidae, caterpillars Lepidoptera larvae and True flies Diptera. Feeding frequency was highest in the period of most intensive chick growth (between 8 and 21 days of age. Selection of foraging habitat was researched by observation of birds during foraging. Hoopoes foraged mostly in mown meadows and grassy courtyards and, to a lesser extent, on sandy cart tracks and road edges. These habitats were characterized by low vegetation and patches of bare ground that enabled Hoopoes to forage efficiently. Home range size was determined using minimum convex polygons. The maximum home range size was between 42.9 and 57.7 ha, while the percentage of foraging habitats within the home range did not exceed 18%. Based on our results, we propose the following measures for effective Hoopoe conservation in the area: maintaining the present range of existing unimproved meadows, stopping the conversion of meadows into fields, restoring fields to meadows, prohibiting the use of pesticides targeting Mole crickets.

  18. Na+-stimulated ATPase of alkaliphilic halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica translocates Na+ into proteoliposomes via Na+ uniport mechanism

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    Soontharapirakkul Kanteera


    Full Text Available Abstract Background When cells are exposed to high salinity conditions, they develop a mechanism to extrude excess Na+ from cells to maintain the cytoplasmic Na+ concentration. Until now, the ATPase involved in Na+ transport in cyanobacteria has not been characterized. Here, the characterization of ATPase and its role in Na+ transport of alkaliphilic halotolerant Aphanothece halophytica were investigated to understand the survival mechanism of A. halophytica under high salinity conditions. Results The purified enzyme catalyzed the hydrolysis of ATP in the presence of Na+ but not K+, Li+ and Ca2+. The apparent Km values for Na+ and ATP were 2.0 and 1.2 mM, respectively. The enzyme is likely the F1F0-ATPase based on the usual subunit pattern and the protection against N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide inhibition of ATPase activity by Na+ in a pH-dependent manner. Proteoliposomes reconstituted with the purified enzyme could take up Na+ upon the addition of ATP. The apparent Km values for this uptake were 3.3 and 0.5 mM for Na+ and ATP, respectively. The mechanism of Na+ transport mediated by Na+-stimulated ATPase in A. halophytica was revealed. Using acridine orange as a probe, alkalization of the lumen of proteoliposomes reconstituted with Na+-stimulated ATPase was observed upon the addition of ATP with Na+ but not with K+, Li+ and Ca2+. The Na+- and ATP-dependent alkalization of the proteoliposome lumen was stimulated by carbonyl cyanide m - chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP but was inhibited by a permeant anion nitrate. The proteoliposomes showed both ATPase activity and ATP-dependent Na+ uptake activity. The uptake of Na+ was enhanced by CCCP and nitrate. On the other hand, both CCCP and nitrate were shown to dissipate the preformed electric potential generated by Na+-stimulated ATPase of the proteoliposomes. Conclusion The data demonstrate that Na+-stimulated ATPase from A. halophytica, a likely member of F-type ATPase, functions as an electrogenic Na

  19. Zmiany czynności kory ruchowej mózgu po leczeniu botuliną u pacjentów ze stwardnieniem rozsianym i spazmem kończyn dolnych

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    Pavel Hok


    Full Text Available Miejscowe skurcze toniczne to powszechnie spotykany objaw stwardnienia rozsianego (łac. sclerosis multiplex, SM. Do ich zwalczania coraz częściej stosowany jest zastrzyk domięśniowy botuliny typu A. Do analizy statystycznej zaakceptowaliśmy 4 z 10 badanych pacjentów z SM i spastycznością kończyn dolnych oraz 5 zdrowych wolontariuszy. Pacjenci zostali poddani badaniu fMRI trzykrotnie: w tygodniu przed zastrzykiem botuliny A, a następnie w 4. i 12. tygodniu po iniekcji. Podczas badań fMRI probanci wykonywali zginanie i prostowanie stawu kolanowego według planu blokowego, przy czym faza czynna zamieniała się z fazą spoczynku w 15-sekundowych odstępach. Obraz przeciętnej aktywacji pacjentów podczas pierwszej sesji wskazywał, w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną, na istotny wzrost aktywacji obustronnej kory czuciowo-ruchowej płatu czołowego i ciemieniowego. Podczas drugiej sesji w 4. tygodniu aktywacja zmalała do tego stopnia, że statystycznie nie różniła się od zdrowej kontroli. Z kolei w obrazach trzeciej sesji po 12 tygodniach odnotowano w związku z wygaśnięciem efektu botuliny A ponowny wzrost aktywacji niemal do objętości pierwotnej. Wnioski: Stwierdzamy, że aktywacja kory ruchowej odzwierciedla zmiany w obwodowym układzie nerwowym zachodzące podczas leczenia za pomocą botuliny A, w czym prawdopodobnie pośredniczą zmiany w aferentacji. Jest to nowe odkrycie, aczkolwiek nie wykracza poza stwierdzenia podobnych badań przeprowadzonych innymi metodami.

  20. Koolipärimuse kogumisest Noarootsis ja Vormsis 2006. aasta kevadel : Rootsi-Eesti lastenaljade kogumik Det var en ko och det var poängen / Piret Voolaid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Voolaid, Piret, 1971-


    Autor käsitleb artiklis Ahvenamaa Põhjamaade Instituudi (Nordens Institut på Åland) eestvedamisel korraldatud lastepärimuse projekti, mille käigus koguti koolipärimust Soomest Ahvenamaalt ja Rootsist Gotlandilt ning Eestist endistelt rannarootsi aladelt. Kogutu põhjal ilmus rootsikeelne antoloogiline naljakogumik Det var en ko och det var poängen. Artiklis keskendutakse välitööde kogumismetoodikale ja tulemustele Eestis. Välitööd toimusid Noarootsi Koolis ja Vormsi Põhikoolis

  1. Preface: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids (ICMF 11) (Košice, Slovakia, 23 27 July 2007) (United States)

    Kopčanský, Peter; Timko, Milan; Kováč, Josef; Václavíková, Miroslava; Odenbach, Stefan


    The 11th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids (ICMF 11) was held in Košice, Slovakia between 23-27 July 2007. Attendance at the conference was high and its motivation was in line with the ten previous ICMF conferences organized in Udine, Orlando, Bangor, Sendai-Tokyo, Riga, Paris, Bhavnagar, Timisoara, Bremen and Guarujá. The conference in Slovakia reflected the scientific community's enthusiasm and worldwide support, with 256 participants, from 30 countries attending.The main objective of ICMF 11 was to promote progress and knowledge in the field of magnetic fluids regarding their chemistry, physical and magnetic properties, heat and mass transfer, surface phenomena, as well as their technological and biomedical applications. As research on magnetic fluids is essentially interdisciplinary, experts from related areas were invited to present their contributions with a view to increasing knowledge in the field and highlighting new trends. Submitted communications were refereed by members of the Scientific Organizing Committee and abstracts were assembled in a book of abstracts. Participants presented 180 posters in two poster sessions and 56 oral presentations. All presentations contributed to a greater understanding of the area, and helped to bridge the gap between physics, chemistry, technology, biology and medical sciences. Contributions to this conference are presented in 115 scientific papers, with some published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter and the rest in Magnetohydrodynamics. The organization of the conference was made possible by generous support from the Institute of Experimental Physics and Institute of Geotechnics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik and the Slovak Physical Society. Financial support from Ferrotec, Cryosoft Ltd, Mikrochem, Liquids Research Ltd, Askony and US Steel Košice, is also gratefully acknowledged.

  2. Doświadczalna analiza współczynników oporów lokalnych na kolankach w systemach przewodów wielowarstwowych

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    Natalia Krystyna Gietka


    Full Text Available Zastosowanie tworzyw sztucznych jako materiału do budowy instalacji wymusiło konieczność weryfikacji dostępnych obecnie informacji dotyczących wartości współczynników oporów lokalnych, które stanowią niezbędną wiedzę potrzebną do obliczania wartości strat energii mechanicznej, jakie powstają w trakcie przepływu. Współczynniki te mają duże znaczenie w obliczeniach hydraulicznych wymiarowanej instalacji. Wpływają one na końcowy wynik w istotny sposób, dlatego nieprawidłowe ich przyjęcie może prowadzić do poważnych w skutkach błędów. Niestety wartości podawane przez producentów, normy czy też literaturę są inne w porównaniu z wartościami uzyskiwanymi metodą doświadczalnych badań. W artykule zaprezentowane zostały wyniki badań doświadczalnych, mających na celu wyznaczenie wartości współczynników oporów lokalnych na kolankach 90° trzech określonych średnic, pochodzących od czterech wybranych producentów systemów instalacyjnych. Otrzymane wartości współczynników oporów lokalnych porównano z wartościami, jakie podawane są przez producenta złączek, wyznaczonymi według normy PN-76/M-34034: 1976 oraz dostępnymi w literaturze przedmiotu.

  3. Polarization dependence of Na* + Na* associative ionization revisited

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijer, H.A.J.; Meulen, H.P. v.d.; Morgenstern, R.; Hertel, I.V.; Meyer, E.; Witte, R.


    The dependence of the associative ionization process Na 3 2P3/2 + Na 3 2P3/2 → Na2+ + e- on the polarization of the laser light used for Na excitation was independently investigated in Utrecht and Berlin. The purpose of this paper is to clarify discrepancies between two other earlier experimental

  4. Kompleksnost vzvodov strategije prodajnih poti v izvoznem trženju


    Tominc, Polona; Jurše, Milan; Jager, Jerneja


    Distribucije v raziskavi ne obravnavamo zgolj kot ene od sestavin trženjskega spleta podjetja, temveč kot strateško razsežnost razvoja tržne pozicije na izbranih tujih trgih, katere cilj ni zagotoviti zgolj prodajo izdelkov podjetja, temveč ustvariti distribucijski sistem, ki bo podjetju zagotavljal rast prodaje in krepil konkurenčne prednosti na trgu. Na izbranem vzorcu slovenskih proizvodnih podjetij smo preverjali povezanost med izvozno tržno naravnanostjo podjetja, inovativnostjo, odnosi ...

  5. Beseda kot gibljiva tarča


    Strehovec, Janez


    Na medomrežju nastajajo nove oblike besedilnosti, ki temeljijo na posebnostih novega medija in z njim povezanih oblik komunikacije, med katere sodijo tudi spletni literarni objekti kot nova zvrst besedilnosti z literarnimi ambicijami, ki temelji na digitalnih, programiranih besedah in novih oblikah dekodiranja besedil. Srečujemo se z novo izkušnjo besede kot novomedijskega, s programsko opremo omogočenega objekta, ki spodbuja bralce k "branju z miško", torej h kompleksni aktivnosti, pri kater...

  6. Třeboňský list rytíře Karla staršího Kořenského z Terešova na Komařicích a Zborově z 18. června 1619 (Příspěvek k poznání politických postojů jihočeské nižší šlechty za stavovského povstání)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Sterneck, Tomáš


    Roč. 49, č. 1 (2012), s. 26-49 ISSN 1212-0596 Institutional support: RVO:67985963 Keywords : history * Revolt of the Bohemian Estates * Karel the Elder Kořenský of Terešov Subject RIV: AB - History



    Šebjan, Urban


    V doktorski disertaciji smo proučevali uporabo informacijskih rešitev analitičnega upravljanja odnosov (IR aCRM) s strankami, pri čemer smo poglobljeno proučevali analitična orodja in tehnike za analiziranje podatkov o strankah in poslovnih partnerjih IR aCRM. IR aCRM predstavlja perspektivno področje, ki je danes za organizacije izjemno zanimivo, a hkrati tudi strateško zahtevno področje, saj zahteva kompetenten kader in ustrezno tehnološko podporo. Čeprav je področje izjemno perspektivno, j...

  8. Stališča študentov razrednega pouka do učenja in poučevanja angleščine v prvem triletju


    Pratnemer, Manja


    Ko govorimo o primerni starosti za začetek učenja tujega jezika, se mnenja strokovnjakov nekoliko razlikujejo, načeloma pa navajajo starost nekje treh, štirih let pa vse tja do osmega leta (Marjanovič Umek, 2009). Za zgodnji začetek učenja prvega tujega jezika strokovnjaki navajajo različne argumente, eden izmed najbolj popularnih pa je vsekakor hipoteza o kritičnem obdobju, ko naj bi bil obstoj kritičnih obdobji pri usvajanju govora pogojen z dozorevanjem in plastičnostjo možganskih struktur...



    Ikanović, Azra


    Co-branding je po navadi kratkoročna do srednjeročna partnerska pogodba o partnerstvu na področju menedžmenta blagovnih znamk. Formira se, ko se iz finančnih razlogov ne splača ustanoviti novo podjetje, v obliki joint venture, ali novo blagovno znamko. Co-branding je vse bolj popularna strategija, ki jo tržniki uporabljajo z namenom prenosa pozitivnih asociacij partnerskih blagovnih znamk na novo oblikovani co-brandiran izdelek ali storitev. Empirične raziskave zavezništev blagovnih znamk kaž...



    Močnik, Andreja


    Živimo v času, ki ga zaznamujejo številne hitre spremembe na vseh področjih. Tako morajo posamezniki, gospodarske družbe, podjetniki idr. kar se da hitro te spremembe zaslediti in se nanje tudi korektno in uspešno odzvati. Vstopamo v obdobje, kjer se vse bolj intenzivneje, ljudje ukvarjajo z informacijskim načrtovanjem in uvajanjem elektronskega poslovanja na vse možne načine, pri vseh možnih panogah. Danes, si je življenje že zelo težko predstavljati brez računalnikov in elektronske tehnolog...

  11. Pseudo-ternary phase diagram in the Na2O-Na2O2-NaOH system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saito, Jun-ichi; Tendo, Masayuki; Aoto, Kazumi


    Generally, the phase diagrams are always used to understand the present state of compounds at certain temperature. In order to understand the corrosion behavior of structural material for FBR by main sodium compounds (Na 2 O, Na 2 O 2 and NaOH), it is very important to comprehend the phase diagrams of their compounds. However, only Na 2 O-NaOH pseudo-binary phase diagram had been investigated previously in this system. There is no study of other pseudo-binary or ternary phase diagrams in the Na 2 O-Na 2 O 2 -NaOH system. In this study, in order to clarify the present states of their compounds at certain temperatures, the pseudo-binary and ternary phase diagrams in the Na 2 O-Na 2 O 2 -NaOH system were prepared. A series of thermal analyses with binary and ternary component system has been carried out using the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The liquidus temperature and ternary eutectic temperatures were confirmed by these measurements. The beneficial indications for constructing phase diagrams were obtained from these experiments. On the basis of these results, the interaction parameters between compounds which were utilized for the Thermo-Calc calculation were optimized. Thermo-Calc is one of thermodynamic calculation software. Consequently the accurate pseudo-binary and ternary phase diagrams were indicated using the optimized parameters. (author)

  12. Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine functions in colitis via IL17A regulation in mucosal CD4+ T cells. (United States)

    Tanaka, Makoto; Takagi, Tomohisa; Naito, Yuji; Uchiyama, Kazuhiko; Hotta, Yuma; Toyokawa, Yuki; Ushiroda, Chihiro; Hirai, Yasuko; Aoi, Wataru; Higashimura, Yasuki; Mizushima, Katsura; Okayama, Tetsuya; Katada, Kazuhiro; Kamada, Kazuhiro; Ishikawa, Takeshi; Handa, Osamu; Itoh, Yoshito


    Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a matricellular glycol that regulates cell proliferation, tissue repair, and tumorigenesis. Despite evidence linking SPARC to inflammation, the mechanisms are unclear. Accordingly, the role of SPARC in intestinal inflammation was investigated. Colitis was induced in wild-type (WT) and SPARC knockout (KO) mice using trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS). Colons were assessed for damage; leukocyte infiltration; Tnf, Ifng, Il17a, and Il10 mRNA expression; and histology. Cytokine profiling of colonic lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMCs) was performed by flow cytometry. Naïve CD4 + T cells were isolated from WT and SPARC KO mouse spleens, and the effect of SPARC on Th17 cell differentiation was examined. Recombination activating gene 1 knockout (RAG1 KO) mice reconstituted with T cells from either WT or SPARC KO mice were investigated. Trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid exposure significantly reduced bodyweight and increased mucosal inflammation, leukocyte infiltration, and Il17a mRNA expression in WT relative to SPARC KO mice. The percentage of IL17A-producing CD4 + T cells among LPMCs from KO mice was lower than that in WT mice when both groups were exposed to TNBS. Th17 cell differentiation was suppressed in cells from SPARC KO mice. In the T cell transfer colitis model, RAG1 KO mice receiving T cells from WT mice were more severely affected than those reconstituted with cells from SPARC KO mice. Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine accelerates colonic mucosal inflammation via modulation of IL17A-producing CD4 + T cells. SPARC is a potential therapeutic target for conditions involving intestinal inflammation. © 2017 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  13. Elektrokoagülasyon Prosesi İle Gıda Endüstrisi Atıksuyunun Arıtımında Optimum Koşulların Belirlenmesi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sevil VELİ


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada bir gıda endüstrisi atıksuyunun alüminyum elektrot kullanılarak kesikli sistemde elektrokoagülasyon yöntemi ile arıtımı incelenmiştir. Anaerobik arıtma çıkışından alınan atıksuyun özellikleri 504 mg/L KOI, 100 mg/L TOK, 3.37 mS/cm iletkenlik ve 7.8 pH parametreleri ile karakterize edilmiştir. Elektrokoagülasyon prosesinin etkinliği KOİ parametresindeki değişim gözlenerek değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada pH, iletkenlik, akım yoğunluğu ve reaksiyon süresinin etkisi incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlardan optimum koşullar pH=7, iletkenlik=3.5 mS/cm, akım yoğunluğu =1.83 mA/cm2 ve süre=30 dak. olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu koşullarda %95 KOİ giderim verimi elde edilirken işletme maliyeti de 0.98 TL/m3 arıtılan atıksu olarak belirlenmiştir.

  14. Extracellular Na+ levels regulate formation and activity of the NaX/alpha1-Na+/K+-ATPase complex in neuronal cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emmanuelle eBerret


    Full Text Available MnPO neurons play a critical role in hydromineral homeostasis regulation by acting as sensors of extracellular sodium concentration ([Na+]out. The mechanism underlying Na+-sensing involves Na+-flow through the NaX channel, directly regulated by the Na+/K+-ATPase α1-isoform which controls Na+-influx by modulating channel permeability. Together, these two partners form a complex involved in the regulation of intracellular sodium ([Na+]in. Here we aim to determine whether environmental changes in Na+ could actively modulate the NaX/Na+/K+-ATPase complex activity.We investigated the complex activity using patch-clamp recordings from rat MnPO neurons and Neuro2a cells. When the rats were fed with a high-salt-diet, or the [Na+] in the culture medium was increased, the activity of the complex was up-regulated. In contrast, drop in environmental [Na+] decreased the activity of the complex. Interestingly under hypernatremic condition, the colocalization rate and protein level of both partners were up-regulated. Under hyponatremic condition, only NaX protein expression was increased and the level of NaX/Na+/K+-ATPase remained unaltered. This unbalance between NaX and Na+/K+-ATPase pump proportion would induce a bigger portion of Na+/K+-ATPase-control-free NaX channel. Thus we suggest that hypernatremic environment increases NaX/Na+/K+-ATPase α1-isoform activity by increasing the number of both partners and their colocalization rate, whereas hyponatremic environment down-regulates complex activity via a decrease in the relative number of NaX channels controlled by the pump.

  15. A Study of the Distribution of Sodium Cations in the Zeolites NaX, NaY and ZnNaY Using Carbon Monoxide Adsorption and 23Na NMR Techniques (United States)

    Seidel, A.; Boddenberg, B.


    The zeolites NaX, NaY, Zn(55)NaY, and Zn(74)NaY were investigated by means of carbon monoxide adsorption and with static and magic angle spinning (MAS) 23Na NMR spectroscopy. The Na+ distribution between the sodalite (ß)- and supercages of the fully hydrated zeolites NaX and NaY were found to agree with XRD results. In the hydrated zinc-exchanged zeolites the Na+ ions almost exclusively populate the ß-cages. The adsorption isotherms of CO in the dehydrated zeolites were analyzed quantitatively to yield the concentrations of Na+ residing in the supercages. The measured static and MAS 23Na NMR spectra were analyzed by comparing their widths and shapes with simulated central transition patterns and yield, inter alia, the concentrations of Na+ associated with the spectrum components. Arguments are put forward that 23Na NMR of dehydrated zeolites is well suited to distinguish Na+ cations in highly symmetric environments and mobile Na+ species from others located on general positions, but further resolution is hardly feasible.

  16. Promjene na oralnoj sluznici i koži u trudnoći


    Bukvić, Lana


    Trudnoća počinje usađivanjem oplođene jajne stanice u endometrij maternice. Traje deset lunarnih mjeseci ili 280 dana. Tijekom trudnoće nastaju brojne promjene u organizmu, kako fiziološke tako i patološke. Glavni razlog nastanka promjena je fluktuacija gestacijskih hormona. U usnoj šupljini je tijekom trudnoće čest nalaz gingivitisa s prevalencijom od 35 do 100%. Uz generaliziranu upalu, moguća je pojava i intenzivnije lokalne upale sluznice u obliku epulisa gravidaruma. Važno je zaustaviti ...

  17. HCO3(-)-coupled Na+ influx is a major determinant of Na+ turnover and Na+/K+ pump activity in rat hepatocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fitz, J.G.; Lidofsky, S.D.; Weisiger, R.A.; Xie, M.H.; Cochran, M.; Grotmol, T.; Scharschmidt, B.F.


    Recent studies in hepatocytes indicate that Na(+)-coupled HCO3- transport contributes importantly to regulation of intracellular pH and membrane HCO3- transport. However, the direction of net coupled Na+ and HCO3- movement and the effect of HCO3- on Na+ turnover and Na+/K+ pump activity are not known. In these studies, the effect of HCO3- on Na+ influx and turnover were measured in primary rat hepatocyte cultures with 22Na+, and [Na+]i was measured in single hepatocytes using the Na(+)-sensitive fluorochrome SBFI. Na+/K+ pump activity was measured in intact perfused rat liver and hepatocyte monolayers as Na(+)-dependent or ouabain-suppressible 86Rb uptake, and was measured in single hepatocytes as the effect of transient pump inhibition by removal of extracellular K+ on membrane potential difference (PD) and [Na+]i. In hepatocyte monolayers, HCO3- increased 22Na+ entry and turnover rates by 50-65%, without measurably altering 22Na+ pool size or cell volume, and HCO3- also increased Na+/K+ pump activity by 70%. In single cells, exposure to HCO3- produced an abrupt and sustained rise in [Na+]i from approximately 8 to 12 mM. Na+/K+ pump activity assessed in single cells by PD excursions during transient K+ removal increased congruent to 2.5-fold in the presence of HCO3-, and the rise in [Na+]i produced by inhibition of the Na+/K+ pump was similarly increased congruent to 2.5-fold in the presence of HCO3-. In intact perfused rat liver, HCO3- increased both Na+/K+ pump activity and O2 consumption. These findings indicate that, in hepatocytes, net coupled Na+ and HCO3- movement is inward and represents a major determinant of Na+ influx and Na+/K+ pump activity. About half of hepatic Na+/K+ pump activity appears dedicated to recycling Na+ entering in conjunction with HCO3- to maintain [Na+]i within the physiologic range

  18. I. Dünya Gıda Günü Münasebetiyle Ülkemizin Gıda ve Beslenme Sorunlarına bir Bakış

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Hilmi Pamir


    Full Text Available Gıdaların kontrolu ve mevzuatıyla tüketicinin sağlık ve ekonomik yönden korunması, toplumun daha iyi beslenmesi, gıdalarda işleme, depolama ve pazarlama sırasında meydana gelebilecek kayıpların önlenmesi, yasalardaki ve standartlardaki koşulların yerine getirilmesi amaç edilir. Bu tanımlama içinde kalarak. I. Dünya Gıda Günü münasebetiyle yalnız ulusla açıdan gıda kontrolu ve mevzuatına bakmak istiyorum. Buna göre bu konuda sorunlarımızı 3 başlık altında toplamak olasıdır: (1 Yasal kargaşalık, (2 Örgütsel kargaşalık ve (3 Kavram ve kapsam kargaşalığı.

  19. The effect of Na vapor on the Na content of chondrules (United States)

    Lewis, R. Dean; Lofgren, Gary E.; Franzen, Hugo F.; Windom, Kenneth E.


    Chondrules contain higher concentrations of volatiles (Na) than expected for melt droplets in the solar nebula. Recent studies have proposed that chondrules may have formed under non-canonical nebular conditions such as in particle/gas-rich clumps. Such chondrule formation areas may have contained significant Na vapor. To test the hypothesis of whether a Na-rich vapor would minimize Na volatilization reaction rates in a chondrule analog and maintain the Na value of the melt, experiments were designed where a Na-rich vapor could be maintained around the sample. A starting material with a melting point lower that typical chondrules was required to keep the logistics of working with Na volatilization from NaCl within the realm of feasibility. The Knippa basalt, a MgO-rich alkali olivine basalt with a melting temperature of 1325 +/- 5 C and a Na2O content of 3.05 wt%, was used as the chondrule analog. Experiments were conducted in a 1 atm, gas-mixing furnace with the fO2 controlled by a CO/CO2 gas mixture and fixed at the I-W buffer curve. To determine the extent of Na loss from the sample, initial experiments were conducted at high temperatures (1300 C - 1350 C) for duration of up to 72 h without a Na-rich vapor present. Almost all (up to 98%) Na was volatilized in runs of 72 h. Subsequent trials were conducted at 1330 C for 16 h in the presence of a Na-rich vapor, supplied by a NaCl-filled crucible placed in the bottom of the furnace. Succeeding Knudsen cell weight-loss mass-spectrometry analysis of NaCl determined the P(sub Na) for these experimental conditions to be in the 10(exp -6) atm range. This value is considered high for nebula conditions but is still plausible for non-canonical environments. In these trials the Na2O content of the glass was maintained or in some cases increased; Na2O values ranged from 2.62% wt to 4.37% wt. The Na content of chondrules may be controlled by the Na vapor pressure in the chondrule formation region. Most heating events capable

  20. Current Status and Performance Tests of Korea Heat Load Test Facility KoHLT-EB

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Sukkwon; Jin, Hyunggon; Shin, Kyuin; Choi, Boguen; Lee, Eohwak; Yoon, Jaesung; Lee, Dongwon [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Duckhoi; Cho, Seungyon [National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    A commissioning test has been scheduled to establish the installation and preliminary performance experiments of the copper hypervapotron mockups. And a qualification test will be performed to evaluate the CuCrZr duct liner in the ITER neutral beam injection facility and the ITER first wall small-scale mockups of the semi-prototype, at up to 1.5 and 5 MW/m{sup 2} high heat flux. Also, this system will be used to test other PFCs for ITER and materials for tokamak reactors. Korean high heat flux test facility(KoHLT-EB; Korea Heat Load Test facility - Electron Beam) by using an electron beam system has been constructed in KAERI to perform the qualification test for ITER blanket FW semi-prototype mockups, hypervapotron cooling devices in fusion devices, and other ITER plasma facing components. The commissioning and performance tests with the supplier of e-gun system have been performed on November 2012. The high heat flux test for hypervapotron cooling device and calorimetry were performed to measure the surface heat flux, the temperature profile and cooling performance. Korean high heat flux test facility for the plasma facing components of nuclear fusion machines will be constructed to evaluate the performance of each component. This facility for the plasma facing materials will be equipped with an electron beam system with a 60 kV acceleration gun.

  1. Heterozygous Che-1 KO mice show deficiencies in object recognition memory persistence. (United States)

    Zalcman, Gisela; Corbi, Nicoletta; Di Certo, Maria Grazia; Mattei, Elisabetta; Federman, Noel; Romano, Arturo


    Transcriptional regulation is a key process in the formation of long-term memories. Che-1 is a protein involved in the regulation of gene transcription that has recently been proved to bind the transcription factor NF-κB, which is known to be involved in many memory-related molecular events. This evidence prompted us to investigate the putative role of Che-1 in memory processes. For this study we newly generated a line of Che-1(+/-) heterozygous mice. Che-1 homozygous KO mouse is lethal during development, but Che-1(+/-) heterozygous mouse is normal in its general anatomical and physiological characteristics. We analyzed the behavioral characteristic and memory performance of Che-1(+/-) mice in two NF-κB dependent types of memory. We found that Che-1(+/-) mice show similar locomotor activity and thigmotactic behavior than wild type (WT) mice in an open field. In a similar way, no differences were found in anxiety-like behavior between Che-1(+/-) and WT mice in an elevated plus maze as well as in fear response in a contextual fear conditioning (CFC) and object exploration in a novel object recognition (NOR) task. No differences were found between WT and Che-1(+/-) mice performance in CFC training and when tested at 24h or 7days after training. Similar performance was found between groups in NOR task, both in training and 24h testing performance. However, we found that object recognition memory persistence at 7days was impaired in Che-1(+/-) heterozygous mice. This is the first evidence showing that Che-1 is involved in memory processes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Na/K pump inactivation, subsarcolemmal Na measurements, and cytoplasmic ion turnover kinetics contradict restricted Na spaces in murine cardiac myocytes. (United States)

    Lu, Fang-Min; Hilgemann, Donald W


    Decades ago, it was proposed that Na transport in cardiac myocytes is modulated by large changes in cytoplasmic Na concentration within restricted subsarcolemmal spaces. Here, we probe this hypothesis for Na/K pumps by generating constitutive transsarcolemmal Na flux with the Na channel opener veratridine in whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. Using 25 mM Na in the patch pipette, pump currents decay strongly during continuous activation by extracellular K (τ, ∼2 s). In contradiction to depletion hypotheses, the decay becomes stronger when pump currents are decreased by hyperpolarization. Na channel currents are nearly unchanged by pump activity in these conditions, and conversely, continuous Na currents up to 0.5 nA in magnitude have negligible effects on pump currents. These outcomes are even more pronounced using 50 mM Li as a cytoplasmic Na congener. Thus, the Na/K pump current decay reflects mostly an inactivation mechanism that immobilizes Na/K pump charge movements, not cytoplasmic Na depletion. When channel currents are increased beyond 1 nA, models with unrestricted subsarcolemmal diffusion accurately predict current decay (τ ∼15 s) and reversal potential shifts observed for Na, Li, and K currents through Na channels opened by veratridine, as well as for Na, K, Cs, Li, and Cl currents recorded in nystatin-permeabilized myocytes. Ion concentrations in the pipette tip (i.e., access conductance) track without appreciable delay the current changes caused by sarcolemmal ion flux. Importantly, cytoplasmic mixing volumes, calculated from current decay kinetics, increase and decrease as expected with osmolarity changes (τ >30 s). Na/K pump current run-down over 20 min reflects a failure of pumps to recover from inactivation. Simulations reveal that pump inactivation coupled with Na-activated recovery enhances the rapidity and effectivity of Na homeostasis in cardiac myocytes. In conclusion, an autoregulatory mechanism enhances cardiac Na/K pump activity when

  3. Na+/Ca2+ exchange and Na+/K+-ATPase in the heart (United States)

    Shattock, Michael J; Ottolia, Michela; Bers, Donald M; Blaustein, Mordecai P; Boguslavskyi, Andrii; Bossuyt, Julie; Bridge, John H B; Chen-Izu, Ye; Clancy, Colleen E; Edwards, Andrew; Goldhaber, Joshua; Kaplan, Jack; Lingrel, Jerry B; Pavlovic, Davor; Philipson, Kenneth; Sipido, Karin R; Xie, Zi-Jian


    This paper is the third in a series of reviews published in this issue resulting from the University of California Davis Cardiovascular Symposium 2014: Systems approach to understanding cardiac excitation–contraction coupling and arrhythmias: Na+ channel and Na+ transport. The goal of the symposium was to bring together experts in the field to discuss points of consensus and controversy on the topic of sodium in the heart. The present review focuses on cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchange (NCX) and Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA). While the relevance of Ca2+ homeostasis in cardiac function has been extensively investigated, the role of Na+ regulation in shaping heart function is often overlooked. Small changes in the cytoplasmic Na+ content have multiple effects on the heart by influencing intracellular Ca2+ and pH levels thereby modulating heart contractility. Therefore it is essential for heart cells to maintain Na+ homeostasis. Among the proteins that accomplish this task are the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) and the Na+/K+ pump (NKA). By transporting three Na+ ions into the cytoplasm in exchange for one Ca2+ moved out, NCX is one of the main Na+ influx mechanisms in cardiomyocytes. Acting in the opposite direction, NKA moves Na+ ions from the cytoplasm to the extracellular space against their gradient by utilizing the energy released from ATP hydrolysis. A fine balance between these two processes controls the net amount of intracellular Na+ and aberrations in either of these two systems can have a large impact on cardiac contractility. Due to the relevant role of these two proteins in Na+ homeostasis, the emphasis of this review is on recent developments regarding the cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1) and Na+/K+ pump and the controversies that still persist in the field. PMID:25772291

  4. Simulacija procesa in gospodarnosti izločanja ogljikovega dioksida iz dimnih plinov termoelektrarn


    Kekec, Primož


    V diplomskem delu je bil obravnavan proces za izločanje ogljikovega dioksida (CO2) iz dimnih plinov termoelektrarn, angleško imenovan »Calcium Looping« [7,21]. Ta proces je ena od možnih rešitev v sklopu tehnologij za tako imenovani CCS. Kar je angleška kratica za »Carbon Capture and Storage« in v prevodu pomeni zajem in shramba ogljika. Pri teh tehnologijah je CO2 izločen iz dimnih plinov, očiščen, utekočinjen, transportiran in shranjen na geološko primerni lokaciji. Cilj teh tehnologij je z...

  5. [Rehabilitation in the view of small and midsized enterprises: knowledge, appreciation and possibilities to cooperate - results of the KoRB-project]. (United States)

    Hesse, B; Heuer, J; Gebauer, E


    The experiences of small and midsized enterprises (SME) with medical rehabilitation were investigated in the KoRB-Study (KoRB= KOoperation Rehabilitation und Betrieb) for the first time. Opportunities for a targeted cooperation between the statutory pension insurance and these enterprises were explored. Based on explorative interviews, Westphalian employers, members of the works council, occupational health practitioners and employees were interrogated about the image of and their appreciation of medical rehabilitation in the work setting. Experience with rehabilitation and the level of information on rehabilitation were recorded as well as the compatibility of rehabilitation with operative processes in the working site. In addition rehab hospitals were asked about their experience in cooperating with enterprises. 697 employers of small and midsized enterprises, 458 members of the works councils, 73 occupational health practitioners, 47 rehab hospitals and 3 509 employees, who are members of the German Pension Fund of Westphalia, took part in the survey. Especially employers perceived rehabilitation positively and reported good experiences. Among the employees, those who had taken part in rehabilitation showed the highest appreciation. Occupational health practitioners were more restrained in their appraisal. Some of them complained about a lack of sustainability. The different target groups of the survey felt differently well informed about rehabilitation - best ratings came from the occupational health practitioners, worst ratings from the employees. All groups would welcome more accessible information in case of need. Medical rehabilitation in its standard form of "3 weeks full-time" often causes severe logistic problems in SME (e. g., replacement of employee, loss of experience). However the financial burden is perceived as less problematic. Employers favour alternative rehab models, which allow part-time working. Many employees, who expressed a need for



    Hafner, Primož


    Finančna kriza se je začela jeseni leta 2007 na ameriškem finančnem trgu, ko so cene hipotekarnih obveznic in izvedenih finančnih instrumentov močno padle. Največje izgube so imele investicijske banke ter hipotekarne banke in mnogo bank je šlo v stečaj. Globalna finančna kriza je zmanjšala stabilnost globalnega finančnega sistema in mnogo delničarjev ter lastnikov obveznic je doživelo veliko izgub. Kot odgovor na finančno krizo, so bili v Evropi po letu 2010 ustanovljeni novi mehanizmi, sk...



    Bogataj, Alenka


    Živimo v času, ko so pri nas delo, zaposlitev, poklic, kariera in delovni uspeh uvrščeni visoko na lestvici družbenih vrednot. Posledično postaja vse pomembnejše tudi dostojanstvo na delovnem mestu. Dostojanstvo na delovnem mestu pa je ključna sestavina obče človeške potrebe in pravice do dostojanstvenega življenja, je temeljna civilizacijska norma in nesporno dejstvo. Delovno mesto je kraj, ki nam omogoča dostojno preživetje. Je tudi kraj, kjer preživimo vsaj osem ur dnevno in kamor naj ...

  8. Stres pri delu v nujni medicinski pomoči - prehospitalna enota


    Ploder, Matej


    Izhodišča: V diplomskem delu smo se lotili vprašanja, kako stres vpliva na delo reševalcev v prehospitalni enoti nujne medicinske pomoči. Reševalci in zdravniki nujne medicinske pomoči se vsakodnevno srečujejo s situacijami, ki vplivajo na njihovo nadaljnjo delo, počutje in psihično stabilnost, predvsem pa na njihovo zdravje, od tragičnih nesreč, katerim so priča, do trenutkov, ko svojega poslanstva ne bi zamenjali za nič na svetu. Pri raziskavi smo ugotavljali, kaj reševalcem sploh predstavl...

  9. ABCG2-mediated suppression of chlorin e6 accumulation and photodynamic therapy efficiency in glioblastoma cell lines can be reversed by KO143. (United States)

    Abdel Gaber, Sara A; Müller, Patricia; Zimmermann, Wolfgang; Hüttenberger, Dirk; Wittig, Rainer; Abdel Kader, Mahmoud H; Stepp, Herbert


    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) of malignant brain tumors is a promising adjunct to standard treatment, especially if tumor stem cells thought to be responsible for tumor progression and therapy resistance were also susceptible to this kind of treatment. However, some photosensitizers have been reported to be substrates of ABCG2, one of the membrane transporters mediating resistance to chemotherapy. Here we investigate, whether inhibition of ABCG2 can restore sensitivity to photosensitizer chlorin e6-mediated PDT. Accumulation of chlorin e6 in wild type U87 and doxycycline-inducible U251 glioblastoma cells with or without induction of ABCG2 expression or ABCG2 inhibition by KO143 was analyzed using flow cytometry. In U251 cells, ABCG2 was inducible by doxycycline after stable transfection with a tet-on expression plasmid. Tumor sphere cultivation under low attachment conditions was used to enrich for cells with stem cell-like properties. PDT was done on monolayer cell cultures by irradiation with laser light at 665nm. Elevated levels of ABCG2 in U87 cells grown as tumor spheres or in U251 cells after ABCG2 induction led to a 6-fold lower accumulation of chlorin e6 and the light dose needed to reduce cell viability by 50% (LD50) was 2.5 to 4-fold higher. Both accumulation and PDT response can be restored by KO143, an efficient non-toxic inhibitor of ABCG2. Glioblastoma stem cells might escape phototoxic destruction by ABCG2-mediated reduction of photosensitizer accumulation. Inhibition of ABCG2 during photosensitizer accumulation and irradiation promises to restore full susceptibility of this crucial tumor cell population to photodynamic treatment. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Active transport of Na+ by reconstituted Na,K-ATPase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boldyrev, A.A.; Svinukhova, I.A.


    The ability of ATP, CTP, ITP, GTP, and UTP to support ouabain-sensitive accumulation of Na + by proteoliposomes with a reconstituted Na/K-pump was investigated. At a low [Na + ]/[K + ] ratio in the medium (20 mM/50 mM), a correlation is observed between the proton-accepting capacity of the nucleotide and its effectiveness as a substrate of active transport. To test the hypothesis of the importance of the presence of a negative charge in the 1-position of the purine (3-pyrimidine) base of the nucleotide for mutual transitions between the Na- and K-conformations of Na,K-ATPase they used two analogs of ATP: N 1 -hydroxy-ATP, possessing proton acceptor capacity, and N 1 -methoxy-ATP, in the molecule of which the negative charge is quenched by a methyl group. The first substrate supports active accumulation of Na + in proteoliposomes at the same rate as ATP, whereas the second substrate is relatively ineffective

  11. Investigation on U - O - Na, Pu - O - Na and U,Pu - O - Na phase diagrams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pillon, S.


    The thermochemical interaction between the nuclear fuel (uranium and plutonium mixed oxides) and the sodium has been investigated and particularly the three phase diagrams: U - O - Na; Pu - O - Na; U,Pu - O - Na. High temperature neutron diffraction, microcalorimetry and powder X-ray diffraction were used for the characterization of the compounds synthetized. This study allowed to complete the knowledge about each of these diagrams and to measure some physical and thermal properties on the compounds. The limits on the modelization of the fuel-sodium interaction are discussed from the results of the UO 2 - Na reaction [fr

  12. Measurement of exchangeable sodium: 22Na or 24Na

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, T.; Edmonds, C.J.


    A case is made for the use of 22 Na in low activities in preference to 24 Na for routine diagnostic estimation of exchangeable sodium, and is based chiefly on considerations of availability, cost and radiation dosimetry. A method in which only 37 kBq (1 μCi) 22 Na is administered orally is shown to be sufficiently accurate and to possess distinct advantages in terms of cost and convenience with a committed radiation dose no greater than that for a measurement using 24 Na. (author)

  13. Ultracold Polar Molecules (United States)


    done was that the Innsbruck experimental group (under Hanns-Christoph Nägerl and Rudi Grimm ) had measured a Feshbach resonance spec- trum for 87Rb + Cs...R. Rameshan, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm , H.-C. Nägerl, C. R. Le Sueur, J. M. Hutson, P. S. Julienne, S. Kotochigova, and E. Tiemann, Phys. Rev. A 85... Grimm , and H.-C. Nägerl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 205301 (2014). [4] P. K. Molony, P. D. Gregory, Z. Ji, B. Lu, M. P. Köppinger, C. R. Le Sueur, C. L

  14. Sistemi za neposredno komunikacijo




    V sodobnem času imamo na voljo več načinov neposredne komunikacije, ki jih tehnično poimenujemo s pojmom poenotene komunikacije. Poslovnega sveta si v prihodnosti skoraj ni mogoče zamisliti brez ene izmed rešitev poenotenih komunikacij, saj s funkcionalnostmi, ki so del le teh, podjetja izboljšujejo svojo produktivnost, obenem pa zmanjšujejo stroške. Cilj poenotenih komunikacij je zagotoviti dosledno uporabniško izkušnjo s katerekoli lokacije in na katerikoli napravi. Ena izmed rešitev poenot...



    Koželj, Marko


    Diplomski seminar predstavlja računalništvo v oblaku in velike količine podatkov. Ta dva pojma sta novi poslovni priložnosti za podjetja. Vsekakor bodo brez teh dveh inovacij podjetja težko preživela na mednarodnih trgih. V diplomskem seminarju smo obravnavali računalništvo v oblaku. Na kratko smo povedali osnovne značilnosti, razvoj skozi leta, arhitekturo, tipe in SWOT analizo računalništva v oblaku. Kasneje smo se osredotočili na velike količine podatkov, jih definirali, pojasnili zgod...

  16. Nekateri razmisleki ob preučevanju domačinskih razumevanj nacije v dolini zgornje Kolpe po vzpostavitvi slovenskohrvaške državne meje


    Knežević Hočevar, Duška


    Danes so v družboslovju vse bolj v ospredju teme, ki se nanašajo na specifično evropsko situacijo po »padcu Berlinskega zidu«, na nastanek novih mednarodnih meja. Tudi avtorica pričujočega prispevka poseže v tak prostor: v obmejni pas, ki ga obeležuje nova mednarodna meja med Slovenijo in Hrvaško (1991). Besedilo nas na kratko seznani z nekaterimi pomembnejšimi izsledki njenega terenskega raziskovanja, v katerem je v ospredju dolinsko (samo)razumevanje nacionalnih identitet in upravljanje s t...

  17. Pomen ustrezne podjetniške ekipe in njene motivacije za uspeh start-up podjetja


    Kumer, Špela


    V diplomskem projektu smo podrobneje preučevali vpliv podjetniške ekipe in njene motivacije na uspeh start-up podjetja. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej razložili osnovne pojme, povezane s start-up podjetji ter opisali načine dela, ki se v takih podjetjih uporabljajo. Na kratko smo opisali tudi podjetniški proces, katerega sestavni del je med drugim podjetniška ekipa. Podjetniško ekipo smo raziskovali podrobneje – navedli smo njeno optimalno sestavo, potrebne lastnosti ekipe in izkušnje...

  18. Vsakodnevni predatorji


    Čermelj, Katarina


    V diplomskem delu bomo govorili o spolnem nadlegovanju. V teoretičnem delu smo naredili pregled različnih zakonskih določil spolnega nadlegovanja in kako ga le ta definirajo. Odkrili smo, da v večini razvitih držav ni inkriminirano ter da se kazensko preganja le nadlegovanje na delovnem mestu. Predstavili smo tudi poglede družbe na spolno nadlegovanje ter kako se obnašajo prisotni, ko se zgodi. Na spolno nadlegovanje imajo velik vpliv mediji, še posebno, če spolno nadlegovanje in seks...



    Kovše, Laura


    Youtube je spletna stran, ki uporabnikom ne omogoča le predvajanja oziroma gledanja videoposnetkov, ampak nudi veliko večjo uporabniško izkušnjo, saj lahko lastniki kanalov komentiramo, všečkamo in delimo videoposnetke drugih uporabnikov. Obenem lahko na samo spletno stran nalagamo svoje posnetke in se naročimo na različne kanale. Youtube ne nudi le zabave, ampak lahko z njim ustvarjamo tudi prihodke – če na spletno stran nalagamo videposnetke, ki jih ustvarjamo sami, so v skladu s praviln...



    Novak, Klavdija


    Odjemalci in njihove navade se spreminjajo. Pričakovanja odjemalcev so vse višja, zahteve po enostavni uporabniški izkušnji postajajo splošno veljavne. Kakovost storitev in servisa pridobivata na pomenu. Podjetja morajo postati bolj hitra in agilna pri prilagajanju odjemalcem in trgu. Ko se podjetje usmerja na nove trge, mora pri tem upoštevati še posebnosti ciljnega trga in načrtovanje postane še bolj zahtevno. Globalizacija trga prinaša priložnosti za mnoga podjetja, ki morajo biti pred...

  1. Model angažovanja jedinica ABH službe prilikom hemijskog udesa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dejan R. Inđić


    Full Text Available Hemijski udesi kao neminovnost savremenog tehnološkog razvoja društva prouzrokuju brojne posledice na ljude, materijalna dobra i životnu sredinu. Jedinice atomsko-biološko-hemijske (ABH službe, kao specijalizovane jedinice Vojske Srbije, izvršavaju određene zadatke u okviru otklanjanja posledica hemijskih udesa. U radu je prikazano modeliranje efekata hemijskog udesa i jedan od načina za izbor jedinice ABH službe za angažovanje na otklanjanju posledica hemijskog udesa, korišćenjem metode analitičkih hijerarhijskih procesa.

  2. Suppression of Na interstitials in Na-F codoped ZnO (United States)

    Huo, Wenxing; Mei, Zengxia; Tang, Aihua; Liang, Huili; Du, Xiaolong


    Controlling the formation of interstitial Na (Nai) self-compensating defects has been a long-term physics problem for effective Na doping in ZnO. Herein, we present an experimental approach to the suppression of Nai defects in ZnO via Na and F codoping under an oxygen-rich condition during the molecular beam epitaxy growth process. It is found that the incorporation of such large numbers of Na and F dopants (˜1020 cm-3) does not cause an obvious influence on the lattice parameters. Hall-effect measurements demonstrate that F doping efficiently raises the Fermi level (EF) of ZnO films, which is expected to make the formation energy of Nai and NaZn increase and decrease, respectively. Most of the Na atoms occupy the substitutional Zn sites, and the formation of Nai is suppressed consequently. Secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements reveal that F and Na atoms are tightly bonded together due to their strong Coulomb interaction. The enhanced deep level emission (DLE) in ZnO:Na-F is ascribed to the considerable amount of isolated Zn vacancy (VZn) defects induced by the elevated EF and the formation of neutral (" separators="| FO + - Na Zn - ) 0 complexes. On the other hand, formation of (" separators="| FO + - VZn 2 - ) - complexes in ZnO:F exhausts most of the isolated Zn vacancies, leading to the disappearance of the DLE band.

  3. Neki aspekti poticanja marketinške učinkovitosti kod malih i srednjih poduzeća kroz implementaciju načela održivosti na području Koprivničko-križevačke županije


    Jerčinović, Silvije


    Održivi razvitak predstavlja pretpostavku za marketinšku djelotvornost poslovnih subjekata kao i pretpostavku uravnoteženog društva. Primjena održivosti u poslovnim modelima podrazumijeva integraciju njenih gospodarskih, ekoloških i socijalnih aspekata. Kao jedan od značajnijih upravljačkih instrumenata, marketing u današnje vrijeme može imati neosporan i izuzetno jak utjecaj na društvo i okoliš. Prednost i svrha nove marketinške paradigme jest u tome da se temeljem novonastalih uvjeta može p...

  4. Congenital Primary Pachydermoperiostosis and Striate Palmoplantar Keratoderma - a Case Report


    Stojanović Slobodan; Vučković Nada; Jovanović Marina; Petrović Kosta


    Uvod. Pahidermoperiostoza (PDP) predstavlja heterogeni sindrom za koji su karakteristične hipertrofi čne promene prvenstveno kože i kostiju ekstremiteta: pahidermija, klabing (clubbing) prstiju šaka i stopala i hipertrofi čna osteoartropatija. Primarna pahidermoperiostoza − sinonim Turen−Solent−Goleov sindrom (Touraine-Solente-Golé) (PPDP), ili primarna hipertrofi čna osteoartropatija (PHO), redak je nasledni poremećaj i predstavlja jedan od dva tipa hipertrofi čne osteoartropatije....

  5. Congenital Primary Pachydermoperiostosis and Striate Palmoplantar Keratoderma - a Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stojanović Slobodan


    Full Text Available Uvod. Pahidermoperiostoza (PDP predstavlja heterogeni sindrom za koji su karakteristične hipertrofi čne promene prvenstveno kože i kostiju ekstremiteta: pahidermija, klabing (clubbing prstiju šaka i stopala i hipertrofi čna osteoartropatija. Primarna pahidermoperiostoza − sinonim Turen−Solent−Goleov sindrom (Touraine-Solente-Golé (PPDP, ili primarna hipertrofi čna osteoartropatija (PHO, redak je nasledni poremećaj i predstavlja jedan od dva tipa hipertrofi čne osteoartropatije.



    Novak, Martina


    V diplomskem delu obravnavamo družbene medije kot novo priložnost za promocijo in oglaševanje podjetij. Spoznali smo družbena omrežja na splošno in nekaj teh, ki jih uporabljamo tudi v Sloveniji na kratko predstavili. Podrobneje smo se osredotočili na družbeno omrežje Facebook, predvsem na samo spletno stran, njen izgled in storitve, ki jih ponuja uporabnikom. V nalogi je podrobneje opisan Facebook kot orodje za uporabo oglaševanja. Spoznali smo brezplačne in plačljive načine promocije in ogl...

  7. Na+,K+-ATPase Na+ affinity in rat skeletal muscle fiber types

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Michael; Juel, Carsten


    Previous studies in expression systems have found different ion activation of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase isozymes, which suggest that different muscles have different ion affinities. The rate of ATP hydrolysis was used to quantify Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity, and the Na(+) affinity of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase...

  8. Adaptation Of Forgotten Buildings The Example Of The Ruins Of The Kościelec Protestant Church In Piaski (United States)

    Gleń, Piotr; Jarocka-Mikrut, Aleksandra


    Small towns in the Lublin Province are abundant with buildings possessed of outstanding historical and architectural values, representing the culture of past generations. Piaski, about 30 km east of Lublin, also boasts some of the remarkable characteristic of small towns. Not only does it feature post-Jewish tenements, but also a palace and complexes of religious buildings situated on its outskirts. This article focuses on the Kościelec - an unused, dilapidated former Protestant church. Now, works are being carried out that have inspired the Piaski town authorities to try to find a best-use scenario for the former church, in order to preserve its architectural values for future generations. The authors of this article aim to prove the necessity of research and analysis in finding the best new functions for properties whose function has already been imposed. The example of successfully completed revitalisation works at the palace and park complex in Gardzienice, located not far from the baroque Protestant church in Piaski, illustrates the advantages of some of the adaptation processes that can be employed in such buildings.

  9. An extremely high dietary iodide supply forestalls severe hypothyroidism in Na+/I- symporter (NIS) knockout mice. (United States)

    Ferrandino, Giuseppe; Kaspari, Rachel R; Reyna-Neyra, Andrea; Boutagy, Nabil E; Sinusas, Albert J; Carrasco, Nancy


    The sodium/iodide symporter (NIS) mediates active iodide (I - ) accumulation in the thyroid, the first step in thyroid hormone (TH) biosynthesis. Mutations in the SLC5A5 gene encoding NIS that result in a non-functional protein lead to congenital hypothyroidism due to I - transport defect (ITD). ITD is a rare autosomal disorder that, if not treated promptly in infancy, can cause mental retardation, as the TH decrease results in improper development of the nervous system. However, in some patients, hypothyroidism has been ameliorated by unusually large amounts of dietary I - . Here we report the first NIS knockout (KO) mouse model, obtained by targeting exons 6 and 7 of the Slc5a5 gene. In NIS KO mice, in the thyroid, stomach, and salivary gland, NIS is absent, and hence there is no active accumulation of the NIS substrate pertechnetate ( 99m TcO 4 - ). NIS KO mice showed undetectable serum T 4 and very low serum T 3 levels when fed a diet supplying the minimum I - requirement for rodents. These hypothyroid mice displayed oxidative stress in the thyroid, but not in the brown adipose tissue or liver. Feeding the mice a high-I - diet partially rescued TH biosynthesis, demonstrating that, at high I - concentrations, I - enters the thyroid through routes other than NIS.

  10. Crystal structure of Na+, K(+)-ATPase in the Na(+)-bound state. (United States)

    Nyblom, Maria; Poulsen, Hanne; Gourdon, Pontus; Reinhard, Linda; Andersson, Magnus; Lindahl, Erik; Fedosova, Natalya; Nissen, Poul


    The Na(+), K(+)-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) maintains the electrochemical gradients of Na(+) and K(+) across the plasma membrane--a prerequisite for electrical excitability and secondary transport. Hitherto, structural information has been limited to K(+)-bound or ouabain-blocked forms. We present the crystal structure of a Na(+)-bound Na(+), K(+)-ATPase as determined at 4.3 Å resolution. Compared with the K(+)-bound form, large conformational changes are observed in the α subunit whereas the β and γ subunit structures are maintained. The locations of the three Na(+) sites are indicated with the unique site III at the recently suggested IIIb, as further supported by electrophysiological studies on leak currents. Extracellular release of the third Na(+) from IIIb through IIIa, followed by exchange of Na(+) for K(+) at sites I and II, is suggested.

  11. Tehnološko projektovanje pretovarno-skladišnih procesa / Technological design of loading/unloading and warehousing processes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Momčilo Miljuš


    Full Text Available Tehnološko projektovanje logističkih sistema karakteriše veoma visok stepen kompleksnosti, a od njegovog kvaliteta u znatnoj meri zavisi i efikasnost i ekonomičnost realizacije logističkih procesa u praksi. Pretovarno-skladišne procese (PSP u okviru odgovarajućih logističkih podsistema, a posebno u okviru realizacije tokova materijala, karakteriše niz specifičnosti koje u znatnoj meri usložavaju tipične PSP. Da bi se ostvarili preduslovi za adekvatno realizovanje PSP, u ovom radu je dat pregled metodologije tehnološkog projektovanja ovih sistema. / Design of technological processes is one of the most complex tasks in the field of design in general. This type of design is also involved in logistic system design as these systems are typically very complex so that quality of design solution has a great influence on efficiency and economical level of logistic processes efficiency in practice. Loading/unloading and warehousing processes (LUWP within some logistics systems, especially in material flows require specific efforts which complicate typical LUWP. Aiming to consider adequate realization of LUWP, this paper shows the methodology of design of these systems.

  12. Skuteczność kompleksowej fizjoterapii ambulatoryjnej u chorych z rozpoznaniem zapalenia nadkłykcia bocznego kości ramiennej = The efficiency of complex outpatient physiotherapy in patients diagnosed with lateral epicondylitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Klaudia Pasiud


    3Indywidualna Praktyka Fizjoterapeutyczna w Szczecinie   A. przygotowanie projektu badawczego; B. zbieranie danych; C. analiza statystyczna; D. interpretacja danych; E. przygotowanie manuskryptu; F. opracowanie piśmiennictwa; G. pozyskanie funduszy.               Autor do korespondencji: dr n. o zdr. Wojciech Garczyński Indywidualna Praktyka Fizjoterapeutyczna ul. Biskupa Bandurskiego 71/17 71-685 Szczecin mail:     STRESZCZENIE WSTĘP. Zapalenie nadkłykcia bocznego kości ramiennej, zwane powszechnie „łokciem tenisisty” jest jedną z najczęściej rozpoznawanych dolegliwości w okolicy stawu łokciowego u osób między 30 a 65 rokiem życia. Schorzenie to występuje wśród 1-3% populacji, a jej główną przyczyną są przeciążenia mięśni prostowników przedramienia w wyniku długotrwałej pracy dynamicznej lub statycznej o niewielkim obciążeniu. Osoby, które zawodowo wykonują czynności manualne są szczególnie predysponowane do powstania tego schorzenia. CEL. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena skuteczności kompleksowej fizjoterapii u pacjentów z rozpoznaniem zapalenia nadkłycia bocznego kości ramiennej. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badanie przeprowadzono w grupie 40 osób (25 mężczyzn i 15 kobiet z rozpoznaniem zapalenia nadkłycia bocznego kości ramiennej, u których dolegliwości bólowe utrzymywały się od 4 do 6 miesięcy. Średni wiek grupy badanej to 44 lata ± 10,22. W badaniu wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego w oparciu o autorski kwestionariusz ankiety oraz standaryzowany kwestionariusz dotyczący niesprawności kończyny górnej DASH (Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand. Poziom dolegliwości bólowych oceniono za pomocą skali NRS (Numerical Rating Scale. Ponadto u badanych wykonano trzy testy funkcjonalne: test Thomsona, test Cozena i test Milla. Do analizy wyników wykorzystano arkusz kalkulacyjny Excel i program Statistica 12. WYNIKI. Najczęściej zlecanymi zabiegami

  13. Meltability in system of K2TaF7-NaF-NaCl-KCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kartsev, V.E.; Kovalev, F.V.; Korshunov, B.G.


    Thermographic and visual-polythermal techniques were used to study the meltability in K 2 TaF 7 -NaF-NaCl-KCl system. The tetrahedron-forming sections NaF-NaCl-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl and NaF-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl-2K 2 TaF 7 xNaCl divide the concentration tetrahedron into three particular tetrahedra: NaF-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl-2K 2 TaF 7 xNaCl-K 2 TaF 7 , NaF-NaCl-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl-2K 2 TaF 7 xaCl, and NaF-NaCl-KCl-K 2 TaF 7 xKCl. Non-variant equilibrium points in all of the particular four-component systems have been determined

  14. Što ispitujemo testovima pamćenja? Odnos metamemorije i objektivnih mjera pamćenja


    Vranić, Andrea; Tonković, Mirjana


    Metamemorija se odnosi na naše znanje o pamćenju općenito, poznavanje vlastitih procesa i pamćenja te zadovoljstvo svojim pamćenjem. Područje mjerenja metamemorije relativno je novo, a ovaj je rad prilog raspravi o važnosti uključivanja metamemorije u procjenu nečijeg pamćenja, te nedostacima zaključivanja o kvaliteti ili poteškoćama nečijeg pamćenja isključivo na osnovi uratka u objektivnim zadacima pamćenja. Na uzorku od 247 sudionika, raspona dobi od 13 do 78 godina, ispitivali smo odnos m...



    Mecanović, Ivan


    Informacija se sve više pojavljuje kao roba na tržištu. Bez obzira ima li ona status medijske vijesti, ili informacije, koja se dobiva iz informatičkog sistema, informacija se proizvodi; sortira, čuva i lansira, te na taj način postaje proizvod, koji ima svoju cijenu koštanja, kao i svoju prodajnu cijenu, svoje potrošače i svoje tržište. Zbog toga je potrebno stvarati i marketing informacija. No, informacija je specifična roba osobne potrošnje. Korištenjem, ili spoznajnošču informacije od poj...

  16. Graft-versus-host disease is enhanced by selective CD73 blockade in mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Long Wang

    Full Text Available CD73 functions as an ecto-5'-nucleotidase to produce extracellular adenosine that has anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive activity. We here demonstrate that CD73 helps control graft-versus-host disease (GVHD in mouse models. Survival of wild-type (WT recipients of either allogeneic donor naïve CD73 knock-out (KO or WT T cells was similar suggesting that donor naïve T cell CD73 did not contribute to GVHD. By contrast, donor CD73 KO CD4(+CD25(+ regulatory T cells (Treg had significantly impaired ability to mitigate GVHD mortality compared to WT Treg, suggesting that CD73 on Treg is critical for GVHD protection. However, compared to donor CD73, recipient CD73 is more effective in limiting GVHD. Pharmacological blockade of A2A receptor exacerbated GVHD in WT recipients, but not in CD73 KO recipients, suggesting that A2 receptor signaling is primarily implicated in CD73-mediated GVHD protection. Moreover, pharmacological blockade of CD73 enzymatic activity induced stronger alloreactive T cell activity, worsened GVHD and enhanced the graft-versus-leukemia (GVL effect. These findings suggest that both donor and recipient CD73 protects against GVHD but also limits GVL effects. Thus, either enhancing or blocking CD73 activity has great potential clinical application in allogeneic bone marrow transplants.

  17. Active transport of Na/sup +/ by reconstituted Na,K-ATPase

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boldyrev, A.A.; Svinukhova, I.A.


    The ability of ATP, CTP, ITP, GTP, and UTP to support ouabain-sensitive accumulation of Na/sup +/ by proteoliposomes with a reconstituted Na/K-pump was investigated. At a low (Na/sup +/)/(K/sup +/) ratio in the medium (20 mM/50 mM), a correlation is observed between the proton-accepting capacity of the nucleotide and its effectiveness as a substrate of active transport. To test the hypothesis of the importance of the presence of a negative charge in the 1-position of the purine (3-pyrimidine) base of the nucleotide for mutual transitions between the Na- and K-conformations of Na,K-ATPase they used two analogs of ATP: N/sub 1/-hydroxy-ATP, possessing proton acceptor capacity, and N/sub 1/-methoxy-ATP, in the molecule of which the negative charge is quenched by a methyl group. The first substrate supports active accumulation of Na/sup +/ in proteoliposomes at the same rate as ATP, whereas the second substrate is relatively ineffective.

  18. Relationship between intracellular Na+ concentration and reduced Na+ affinity in Na+,K+-ATPase mutants causing neurological disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toustrup-Jensen, Mads Schak; Einholm, Anja P.; Schack, Vivien

    The neurological disorders familial hemiplegic migraine type 2 (FHM2), alternating hemiplegia of childhood (AHC), and rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism (RDP) are caused by mutations of Na+,K+-ATPase α2 and α3 isoforms, expressed in glial and neuronal cells, respectively. Although these disorders......, addressing the question to what extent they cause a change of the intracellular Na+ and K+ concentrations ([Na+]i and [K+]i) in COS cells. C-terminal extension mutants generally showed dramatically reduced Na+ affinity without disturbance of K+ binding, as did other RDP mutants. No phosphorylation from ATP...

  19. Četrta industrijska revolucija


    Slekovec, Tadea


    Diplomski projekt obravnava pojem industrijske revolucije, natančneje zadnje, četrte industrijske revolucije. Četrta industrijska revolucija obravnava tako napredek v tehnologiji kot napredek v programskih opremah. Pojem zajema vsa področja našega življenja, tako osebno kot poslovno. V sodobni zgodovini obstaja več industrijskih revolucij, ki so druga na drugo vplivale posredno in tudi neposredno, sem vsako obdobje posebej opredelila časovno, prostorsko ter tehnološko. Poudarek sem dala četrt...



    Orličnik, Urša


    Danes pojavljanje podjetja samo na domačem trgu ni več dovolj. Spremembe okolja, naraščanje konkurence ter hiter tehnološki napredek, silijo podjetja k nenehnemu prilagajanju in iskanju novih priložnosti tako na domačem kot tudi na tujem trgu. Internacionalizacija podjetja tako postaja vedno bolj pomemembna za preživetje podjetja. Internacionalizacija se v najširšem smislu nanaša na vse oblike mednarodnega ekonomskega sodelovanja. Je dinamičen proces, kateremu nujno sledi sprememba stanja...

  1. Na/K pump inactivation, subsarcolemmal Na measurements, and cytoplasmic ion turnover kinetics contradict restricted Na spaces in murine cardiac myocytes


    Lu, Fang-Min; Hilgemann, Donald W.


    The Na/K pump exports cytoplasmic Na ions while importing K ions, and its activity is thought to be affected by restricted intracellular Na diffusion in cardiac myocytes. Lu and Hilgemann find instead that the pump can enter an inactivated state and that inactivation can be relieved by cytoplasmic Na.

  2. Protective immunity and safety of a genetically modified influenza virus vaccine.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Polidoro Alves Barbosa

    Full Text Available Recombinant influenza viruses are promising viral platforms to be used as antigen delivery vectors. To this aim, one of the most promising approaches consists of generating recombinant viruses harboring partially truncated neuraminidase (NA segments. To date, all studies have pointed to safety and usefulness of this viral platform. However, some aspects of the inflammatory and immune responses triggered by those recombinant viruses and their safety to immunocompromised hosts remained to be elucidated. In the present study, we generated a recombinant influenza virus harboring a truncated NA segment (vNA-Δ and evaluated the innate and inflammatory responses and the safety of this recombinant virus in wild type or knock-out (KO mice with impaired innate (Myd88 -/- or acquired (RAG -/- immune responses. Infection using truncated neuraminidase influenza virus was harmless regarding lung and systemic inflammatory response in wild type mice and was highly attenuated in KO mice. We also demonstrated that vNA-Δ infection does not induce unbalanced cytokine production that strongly contributes to lung damage in infected mice. In addition, the recombinant influenza virus was able to trigger both local and systemic virus-specific humoral and CD8+ T cellular immune responses which protected immunized mice against the challenge with a lethal dose of homologous A/PR8/34 influenza virus. Taken together, our findings suggest and reinforce the safety of using NA deleted influenza viruses as antigen delivery vectors against human or veterinary pathogens.

  3. Modelování námoku surových kůží


    Kolomazník, Karel; Janáčová, Dagmar; Prokopová, Zdenka


    Surová kůže je surovina pro výrobu přírodních usní. V práci byly stanoveny matematické platné pro prací procesy v koželužství. Navržené modely byly využity při optimalizaci první "mokré" koželužské operace - námoku surových kůží v koželužské výrobě, která se vyznačuje velkou spotřebou užitkové vody a chemikálií. Pro stanovení cílové funkce bylo zvoleno ekonomické hledisko, tj. nákladová funkce. Na základě těchto modelů byl navržen algoritmus řízení první fáze námoku tj. praní před námokem a n...

  4. Neutron Spectrum Parameters In Inner Irradiation Channel Of The Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) For Use In Absolute And KO-NAA Methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jonah, S.A; Balogun, G.I; Mayaki, M.C.


    In Nigeria, the first Nuclear Reactor achieved critically on February 03, 2004 at about 11:35 GMT and has been commissioned or training and research. It is a Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR), code-named Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1). NIRR-1 has a tan-in-pool structural configuration and a nominal thermal power rating of 30 Kw. With a built-in clean old core excess reactivity of 3.77 mk determined during the on-site zero and critically experimental, the reactor can operate for a .s-1 in the inner irradiation channels). Under these conditions, the reactor can operate with the same fuel loading for over ten years with a burn-up of <1%. A detailed description of operating characteristics for NIRR-1, measured during the on-site zero-power and criticality experiments has been given elsewhere. In order to extend its utilization to include absolute and ko-NAA methods, the neutron spectrum parameters in the irradiation channels: power and critically experiments has been given elsewhere. In order to extend it's the irradiation channels: thermal-to-epithermal flux ration, F; and epithermal flux shape factor, a in both the inner and outer irradiation channels must be determined experimentally. In this work, we have developed and experimental procedure for monitoring the neutron spectrum parameters in an inner irradiation channel based on irradiation and gamma-ray counting of detector foils via (n,y), (n,p) and (n,a) dosimetry reactions. Results obtained indicate that a thermal neutron flux of (5.14+-0.02) x 1011 n/c m2.s determined by foil activation method in the inner irradiation channel, B2, at a power level of 15.5 kw corresponds to the flux indicators on the control console and the micro-computer control system respectively. Other parameters of the neutron spectrum determined for inner irradiation channel B2, are: a -0.0502+0.003; 18.92+-0.14; F = 3.87=0.23. The method was validated through the comparison of our result with published neutron spectrum

  5. Posttraumatski stresni poremećaj


    Glavaš, Vlatko


    Ritam života današnjeg čovjeka ubrzan je i mnogi ne obraćaju pažnju na vlastito psihološko stanje. Posljedica toga je nakupljanje traumatskih ili stresnih događaja u ljudima. Stres ili trauma tumači se kao događaj izvan uobičajenog ljudskog iskustva. Jedan oblik bolesti koji se u vezi s time javlja je posttraumatski stresni poremećaj (PTSP). PTSP zahvaća oboljelu osobu u cjelini djelujući na sve aspekte razvoja osobe, odnosno biološke, psihološke i socijalne aspekte. Na biološkom p...

  6. Vgrajen sistem za kontrolo dostopa z modulom Bluetooth




    Vprašanje varnosti in zasebnosti je izziv že leta. Zaradi tega je pomembno imeti lasten system za nadzor dostopa, ki ga bo uporabnik nadzoroval ob vsakem trenutku, ko ima s seboj svojo mobilno napravo. V tem delu bomo predstavili vgrajen system za nadzor dostopa, temelječ na STM32F4 razvojni plošči. Razvojna plošča temelji na mikrokrmilniku STM32F407VGT6 z jedrom ARM® Cortex™-M4F in vgrajenim pomnilnikom Flash in SRAM. Na plošči so povezani Bluetooth modul HC-05, bralnik RFID in modul z ...

  7. Vpliv toplotnih mostov na porabo energije za ogrevanje na primeru osnovne šole


    Megušar, Primož


    Na primeru Osnovne šole Dobrova sem preveril, kakšen vpliv imajo dejanski toplotni mostovi na porabo energije za ogrevanje. Iz načrtov stavbe sem evidentiral vse toplotne mostove, kateri vplivajo na porabo energije. Tem toplotnim mostovom sem nato v standardu SIST EN ISO 14683 poiskal ustrezne približke. Nato sem s programom TOST izvedel tri simulacije. V prvem primeru toplotnih mostov nisem upošteval. V drugem primeru sem toplotne mostove upošteval na poenostavljen način, v zadnjem primeru p...

  8. Na and K dependence of the Na/K pump in cystic fibrosis fibroblasts.


    Reznik, V M; Schneider, J A; Mendoza, S A


    The Na and K dependence of the Na/K pump was measured in skin fibroblasts from patients with cystic fibrosis and age/sex-matched controls. Under basal conditions, there was no difference between control and cystic fibrosis cells in protein per cell, intracellular Na and K content, or Na/K pump activity (measured as ouabain-sensitive 86Rb uptake). There was no difference in the Na dependence of the Na/K pump between cystic fibrosis cells and control cells. In cells from patients with cystic fi...

  9. Vliv mikroflóry na senzorické vlastnosti vína


    Petrášová, Ludmila


    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vlivem mikroflóry na senzorické vlastnosti vína. Teoretická část informuje o botanickém popisu hroznů vína Veltlínské zelené, dále o jeho složení, o technologii zpracování bílého vína a o vlivu kvasinek na aromatický profil vína. V další části popisuje metodu stanovení aromaticky aktivních látek pomocí plynové chromatografie v kombinaci s mikroextrakcí tuhou fází (SPME-GC). Cílem experimentální části bylo proměřit vzorky 4 různých moštů odrůdy Veltlínské zelené...

  10. Sinteza i fizičko-hemijske karakteristike eksploziva hniw (cl-20)


    Mirjana Anđelković-Lukić


    Novo jedinjenje CL-20 je ciklični nitramin sa najvećom kristalnom gustinom (iznad 2,0 g/cm3) i najsnažniji nenuklearni eksploziv. Opisana je sinteza HNIW ili CL-20 u tri stepena. CL-20 ima najveću gustinu i brzinu detonacije među poznatim eksplozivima, kao i najveću energiju među energetskim dodacima koji se koriste kao dodaci za eksplozive, barute i kompozitna raketna goriva. Prikazani su neki sastavi na bazi CL-20, energetskih polimera, aluminijuma i amonijumperhlorata, ka...

  11. Analiza in uporaba vsebnikov Docker v arhitekturi mikrostoritev




    Za namene izvajanja spletnih aplikacij in storitev so vedno bolj priljubljene vsebniške tehnologije [9]. V tem diplomskem delu analiziramo najbolj razširjeno vsebniško tehnologijo Docker ter jo primerjamo z ostalimi vsebniškimi tehnologijami, ki delujejo na sistemih z jedrom Linux. Zaradi hitrega zagona in manjših obratovalnih stroškov so vsebniške tehnologije omogočile nov način zasnove zmogljivih spletnih aplikacij. Gre za arhitekturo mikrostoritev. Primerjamo jo z alternativami, pregledamo...

  12. Uloga depresivnosti roditelja i roditeljske samoefikasnosti u povezanosti ekonomske prilagodbe i depresivnosti adolescenata


    Anđelinović, Maja; Vrselja, Ivana; Merkaš, Marina


    Polazeći od teorijskih postavki modela obiteljskog stresa cilj je rada bio empirijski provjeriti ostvaruje li ekonomska prilagodba obitelji svoj učinak na izraženost depresivnost kod adolescenata izravno i/ili neizravno, učincima na depresivnost roditelja i osjećaj roditeljske samoefikasnosti. U radu su analizirani podatci prikupljeni od adolescenata (N=247) koji žive u dvoroditeljskim obiteljima te obaju njihovih roditelja, a u okviru projekta "Rad roditelja, ekonomske teškoće obitelji i dob...



    Jelušić, Damir


    Razvoj dentalne implantologije unaprijedio je različite kirurške metode regeneracije kosti, a jedna od njih jest i podizanje dna sinusa. Svrha ovoga rada bila je provedba kliničkog istraživanja u kojemu su se koristila dva različita sintetska koštana nadomjestka te analiza njihovih svojstava s obzirom na biokompatibilnost, uspješnost regeneracije kosti i utjecaj na stabilnost ugrađenih implantata. Zbog toga je obavljeno 60 zahvata podizanja dna sinusa kod 43 pacijenta podj...

  14. Model tržnega komuniciranja v zdravstvu z uporabo socialnih omrežij


    Puhek, Peter


    Magistrsko delo obravnava način komuniciranja v zdravstvu z uporabo socialnih omrežij. Tradicionalne metode iskanja zdravstvenih informacij v strokovni literaturi, s sodelovanjem na zdravniških kongresih in z informacijami, ki jih posredujejo farmacevtska podjetja, so časovno izjemno zamudne in zato neustrezne. V primerjavi s časovno potratnim iskanjem zdravstvenih informacij se v tujini že uporabljajo računalniško podprta zdravstvena socialna omrežja, ki omogočajo aktivno vključevanje in kom...

  15. Sensitivity to Chronic Methamphetamine Administration and Withdrawal in Mice with Relaxin-3/RXFP3 Deficiency. (United States)

    Haidar, Mouna; Lam, Monica; Chua, Berenice E; Smith, Craig M; Gundlach, Andrew L


    Methamphetamine (METH) is a highly addictive psychostimulant, and cessation of use is associated with reduced monoamine signalling, and increased anxiety/depressive states. Neurons expressing the neuropeptide, relaxin-3 (RLN3), and its cognate receptor, RXFP3, constitute a putative 'ascending arousal system', which shares neuroanatomical and functional similarities with serotonin (5-HT)/dorsal raphe and noradrenaline (NA)/locus coeruleus monoamine systems. In light of possible synergistic roles of RLN3 and 5-HT/NA, endogenous RLN3/RXFP3 signalling may compensate for the temporary reduction in monoamine signalling associated with chronic METH withdrawal, which could alter the profile of 'behavioural despair', bodyweight reductions, and increases in anhedonia and anxiety-like behaviours observed following chronic METH administration. In studies to test this theory, Rln3 and Rxfp3 knockout (KO) mice and their wildtype (WT) littermates were injected once daily with saline or escalating doses of METH (2 mg/kg, i.p. on day 1, 4 mg/kg, i.p. on day 2 and 6 mg/kg, i.p. on day 3-10). WT and Rln3 and Rxfp3 KO mice displayed an equivalent sensitivity to behavioural despair (Porsolt swim) during the 2-day METH withdrawal and similar bodyweight reductions on day 3 of METH treatment. Furthermore, during a 3-week period after the cessation of chronic METH exposure, Rln3 KO, Rxfp3 KO and corresponding WT mice displayed similar behavioural responses in paradigms that measured anxiety (light/dark box, elevated plus maze), anhedonia (saccharin preference), and social interaction. These findings indicate that a whole-of-life deficiency in endogenous RLN3/RXFP3 signalling does not markedly alter behavioural sensitivity to chronic METH treatment or withdrawal, but leave open the possibility of a more significant interaction with global or localised manipulations of this peptide system in the adult brain.

  16. Effect of Rurality and Human Capital Resources in the Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Process / Vpliv ruralnega okolja in človeškega kapitala v procesu zaznavanja podjetniških priložnosti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kedmenec Irena


    Full Text Available V prispevku, v katerem je predstavljena študija na primeru Slovenije, smo želeli odgovoriti na vprašanje, zakaj posamezniki iz ruralnih okolij v svojem okolju manj pogosto razpoznavajo poslovne priložnosti. Naši podatki kažejo, da ima povečanje virov človeškega kapitala, sestavljenega iz izobrazbe, znanja, izkušenj in sposobnosti za podjetništvo, pomemben in pozitiven vpliv na identificiranje poslovnih priložnosti. Za oblikovalce ukrepov ekonomske politike so naši rezultati pomembni, saj nakazujejo, da so politike, usmerjene v podjetniško izobraževanje (predvsem tisto, ki vključuje pridobivanje izkušenj in veščin v realnem podjetniškem okolju, koristne, in to predvsem na ruralnih območjih.

  17. „Skrwawione ziemie” Timothy Snydera. Krytyczne uwagi na temat konstrukcji krajobrazu historycznego

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jürgen Zarusky


    podejmując się analizy konkretnych ideologii. Chociaż wymienia różnice między nimi, jednak nie pyta o ich znaczenie dla obrazu wroga i praktyk eksterminacyjnych. Narracja Snydera nazbyt koncentruje się na Polsce jako jądrze „skrwawionych ziem”. Polaków przedstawia w końcowym rozdziale jako właściwych męczenników „skrwawionej ziemi”, tak w samej Polsce, jak na terenie Związku Radzieckiego. Tymczasem niektóre grupy muszą do dziś walczyć o uznanie swojego tragicznego losu prześladowanych, jak choćby Sinti i Romowie, którzy masowo byli mordowani przez nazistowskie władze. W Skrwawionych ziemiach nie pojawia się słowo na ich temat. W książce nie znajdują także odbicia ofiary wojen zaczepnych, szczególnie skierowanych przeciwko Związkowi Radzieckiemu. W pracy Snydera nie chodzi zatem o wszystkie ofiary totalitaryzmu i wojny, w tym także nie wszystkie z terenów „skrwawionych ziem”, lecz o ich wybór dokonany przez autora.

  18. Određivanje etike medija u tradicionalnim medijima: terminološke poteškoće


    Donev, Dejan


    U tradicionalnim medijima često ćemo pronaći suptilno pojavljivanje pogrešnog uvjerenja da su etika medija i etika novinarstva sinonimni, odnosno da između njih možemo staviti znak jednakosti. Nerazumijevanje proizlazi iz sužavanja relevantne moralno-etičke medijske komunikacije i prakse na područje novinarstva umjesto razumijevanja da se radi o primjeni filozofsko-etičkih promišljanja posebnog područja ljudske prakse vezane za masovnu komunikaciju. To upućuje na nastojanja da se odbija činje...

  19. Study of the Na-C-O and Na-H-O ternary systems in the sodium rich corner

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maupre, J.-P.


    The purpose of this study is to provide a contribution to the understanding of the sodium - carbon - oxygen and sodium - hydrogen - oxygen ternary systems in the sodium rich corner. In order to do this the Na-NaH-Na 2 O-NaOH phase diagram was completed and the Na-Na 2 O-Na 2 CO 3 -C phase diagram was outlined. This work is made up of two parts. The first is devoted to a critical literature survey essential to establish correct phase diagrams. The second is an experimental study followed by a discussion collating our finding to the literary data. The basic experimental technique used is differential thermal analysis (DTA) but it has been completed by quenching, X-ray and chemical analysis methods. The proposed phase diagrams imply that Na-NaH-Na 2 O-NaOH and Na-Na 2 O-Na 2 CO 3 -C systems are reciprocal ternary systems. Temperatures of stable pairs reversal are respectively 410 and 690 0 C. The stable pairs are Na-NaOH and Na-Na 2 CO 3 at elevated temperature, Na 2 O-NaH and Na 2 O-C at low temperature [fr

  20. Rodzinne występowanie zespołu Treachera Collinsa – opis 6 rodzin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Małgorzata Kot


    Full Text Available Zaliczany do żuchwowo-twarzowych dyzostoz zespół Treachera Collinsa (TCS jest autosomalnym dominującym zaburzeniem rozwoju czaszki twarzowej. Występuje w populacji ogólnej z częstością 1/50 000 żywych urodzeń. Zespół ten powstaje na skutek wczesnych zaburzeń embriogenezy pierwszego i drugiego łuku skrzelowego. W 40% przypadków stwierdzono rodzinne występowanie zaburzeń, natomiast w 60% choroba ta jest wynikiem mutacji de novo w genie TCOF1, na chromosomie 5q32-q33.1. Gen TCOF1 składa się z 26 eksonów i koduje białko zwane treacle, złożone z 1411 aminokwasów. Opisano około 116 różnych mutacji TCOF1, spośród których najczęstsze są delecje. Obraz kliniczny TCS obejmuje: antymongoloidalne ustawienie szpar powiekowych, rozszczep powiek dolnych, zmniejszenie liczby rzęs, „językowate” owłosienie na policzkach, podniebienie wysoko wysklepione lub rozszczepione, makrostomię, niedorozwój kości jarzmowej oraz żuchwy, niedorozwój ucha zewnętrznego, środkowego, rzadziej wewnętrznego. Pacjenci wymagają wieloetapowego leczenia chirurgicznego, na które składa się: plastyka kości twarzy, rekonstrukcja małżowin usznych, korekcja antymongoloidalnego ustawienia szpar powiekowych, plastyka rozszczepionego podniebienia, plastyka powiek. Poza leczeniem chirurgicznym chorzy wymagają leczenia wielospecjalistycznego z udziałem pediatrów, laryngologów, logopedów i ortodontów. Ponieważ zakres i stopień deformacji obserwowanych w TCS jest rozległy, plan postępowania terapeutycznego powinien być dostosowany do indywidualnych potrzeb pacjenta. W pracy przedstawiono analizę 6 rodzin, w których obserwowano TCS. Autorzy przeanalizowali płeć i stopień pokrewieństwa chorych oraz zmianę nasilenia zaburzeń rozwojowych w kolejnych pokoleniach.

  1. Response of saliva Na/K ratio to changing Na supply of lactating cows under tropical conditions. (United States)

    Thiangtum, Wandee; Schonewille, J Thomas; Verstegen, Martin Wa; Arsawakulsudhi, Supot; Rukkwamsuk, Theera; Hendriks, Wouter H


    Factorial determination of the sodium (Na) requirement of heat-stressed lactating cows is hindered by accurate estimates of the Na losses through sweat. Direct studies, therefore, may be needed requiring information on the time course of healthy animals to become Na depleted and the subsequent rate of repletion. The rate of Na depletion and subsequent rate of Na repletion with two levels of dietary Na to lactating dairy cows housed under tropical conditions were investigated using the salivary Na/K. The 12 lactating cows (salivary Na/K ratio 14.6) rapidly developed clinical signs of Na deficiency, including pica, polyuria and polydipsia, reduced body weight and reduced milk yield when fed a low-Na ration (0.33 g kg -1 dry matter (DM)) for 3 weeks. Deficiency symptoms were associated with a rapid decrease in salivary Na/K ratio to cows with NaCl to a ration concentration of 1.1 or 1.6 g Na kg -1 DM for 5 weeks did not restore salivary Na/K ratio to values of >6. A daily Na intake of heat-stressed lactating cows to a ration intake of 1.6 g Na kg -1 DM was insufficient to restore Na deficiency. One week was sufficient to deplete heat-stressed lactating cows of Na, allowing for rapid dose-response studies utilizing the salivary Na/K ratio as a parameter for Na status of cows under tropical conditions. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

  2. Theoretical studies of the local structure and electron paramagnetic resonance parameters for tetragonal VO{sup 2+} in C{sub 6}H{sub 7}KO{sub 7}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhou, Ping [Chongqing Jiaotong Univ. (China). School of Science; Li, Ling [Sichuan University of Arts and Science, Dazhou (China). Dept. of Maths and Finance-Economics


    The optical spectra, electron paramagnetic resonance parameters (i.e., the spin Hamiltonian parameters, including paramagnetic g factors and the hyperfine structure constants A{sub i}) and the local distortion structure for the tetragonal VO{sup 2+} in C{sub 6}H{sub 7}KO{sub 7} are theoretically studied based on the crystal-field theory and three-order perturbation formulas of a 3d{sup 1} centre in tetragonal site. The magnitude of orbital reduction factor, core polarisation constant κ, and local structure parameters are obtained by fitting the calculated optical spectra and electron paramagnetic resonance parameters to the experimental values. The theoretical results are in reasonable agreement with the experimental values.

  3. Proximal tubule-specific glutamine synthetase deletion alters basal and acidosis-stimulated ammonia metabolism (United States)

    Lee, Hyun-Wook; Osis, Gunars; Handlogten, Mary E.; Lamers, Wouter H.; Chaudhry, Farrukh A.; Verlander, Jill W.


    Glutamine synthetase (GS) catalyzes the recycling of NH4+ with glutamate to form glutamine. GS is highly expressed in the renal proximal tubule (PT), suggesting ammonia recycling via GS could decrease net ammoniagenesis and thereby limit ammonia available for net acid excretion. The purpose of the present study was to determine the role of PT GS in ammonia metabolism under basal conditions and during metabolic acidosis. We generated mice with PT-specific GS deletion (PT-GS-KO) using Cre-loxP techniques. Under basal conditions, PT-GS-KO increased urinary ammonia excretion significantly. Increased ammonia excretion occurred despite decreased expression of key proteins involved in renal ammonia generation. After the induction of metabolic acidosis, the ability to increase ammonia excretion was impaired significantly by PT-GS-KO. The blunted increase in ammonia excretion occurred despite greater expression of multiple components of ammonia generation, including SN1 (Slc38a3), phosphate-dependent glutaminase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, and Na+-coupled electrogenic bicarbonate cotransporter. We conclude that 1) GS-mediated ammonia recycling in the PT contributes to both basal and acidosis-stimulated ammonia metabolism and 2) adaptive changes in other proteins involved in ammonia metabolism occur in response to PT-GS-KO and cause an underestimation of the role of PT GS expression. PMID:27009341

  4. Glutathionylation-Dependence of Na+-K+-Pump Currents Can Mimic Reduced Subsarcolemmal Na+ Diffusion (United States)

    Garcia, Alvaro; Liu, Chia-Chi; Cornelius, Flemming; Clarke, Ronald J.; Rasmussen, Helge H.


    The existence of a subsarcolemmal space with restricted diffusion for Na+ in cardiac myocytes has been inferred from a transient peak electrogenic Na+-K+ pump current beyond steady state on reexposure of myocytes to K+ after a period of exposure to K+-free extracellular solution. The transient peak current is attributed to enhanced electrogenic pumping of Na+ that accumulated in the diffusion-restricted space during pump inhibition in K+-free extracellular solution. However, there are no known physical barriers that account for such restricted Na+ diffusion, and we examined if changes of activity of the Na+-K+ pump itself cause the transient peak current. Reexposure to K+ reproduced a transient current beyond steady state in voltage-clamped ventricular myocytes as reported by others. Persistence of it when the Na+ concentration in patch pipette solutions perfusing the intracellular compartment was high and elimination of it with K+-free pipette solution could not be reconciled with restricted subsarcolemmal Na+ diffusion. The pattern of the transient current early after pump activation was dependent on transmembrane Na+- and K+ concentration gradients suggesting the currents were related to the conformational poise imposed on the pump. We examined if the currents might be accounted for by changes in glutathionylation of the β1 Na+-K+ pump subunit, a reversible oxidative modification that inhibits the pump. Susceptibility of the β1 subunit to glutathionylation depends on the conformational poise of the Na+-K+ pump, and glutathionylation with the pump stabilized in conformations equivalent to those expected to be imposed on voltage-clamped myocytes supported this hypothesis. So did elimination of the transient K+-induced peak Na+-K+ pump current when we included glutaredoxin 1 in patch pipette solutions to reverse glutathionylation. We conclude that transient K+-induced peak Na+-K+ pump current reflects the effect of conformation-dependent β1 pump subunit

  5. Glutathionylation-Dependence of Na(+)-K(+)-Pump Currents Can Mimic Reduced Subsarcolemmal Na(+) Diffusion. (United States)

    Garcia, Alvaro; Liu, Chia-Chi; Cornelius, Flemming; Clarke, Ronald J; Rasmussen, Helge H


    The existence of a subsarcolemmal space with restricted diffusion for Na(+) in cardiac myocytes has been inferred from a transient peak electrogenic Na(+)-K(+) pump current beyond steady state on reexposure of myocytes to K(+) after a period of exposure to K(+)-free extracellular solution. The transient peak current is attributed to enhanced electrogenic pumping of Na(+) that accumulated in the diffusion-restricted space during pump inhibition in K(+)-free extracellular solution. However, there are no known physical barriers that account for such restricted Na(+) diffusion, and we examined if changes of activity of the Na(+)-K(+) pump itself cause the transient peak current. Reexposure to K(+) reproduced a transient current beyond steady state in voltage-clamped ventricular myocytes as reported by others. Persistence of it when the Na(+) concentration in patch pipette solutions perfusing the intracellular compartment was high and elimination of it with K(+)-free pipette solution could not be reconciled with restricted subsarcolemmal Na(+) diffusion. The pattern of the transient current early after pump activation was dependent on transmembrane Na(+)- and K(+) concentration gradients suggesting the currents were related to the conformational poise imposed on the pump. We examined if the currents might be accounted for by changes in glutathionylation of the β1 Na(+)-K(+) pump subunit, a reversible oxidative modification that inhibits the pump. Susceptibility of the β1 subunit to glutathionylation depends on the conformational poise of the Na(+)-K(+) pump, and glutathionylation with the pump stabilized in conformations equivalent to those expected to be imposed on voltage-clamped myocytes supported this hypothesis. So did elimination of the transient K(+)-induced peak Na(+)-K(+) pump current when we included glutaredoxin 1 in patch pipette solutions to reverse glutathionylation. We conclude that transient K(+)-induced peak Na(+)-K(+) pump current reflects the effect

  6. Funkcionalna nepismenost in kako jo rešujejo Francozi

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    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Dušana Findeisen piše o funkcionalni pismenosti in razpravlja o tem, kako je težko opredeljiva. Tako pravi, da se moramo zadovoljiti zgolj s tem, da opišemo značilne oblike te osebne in družbene disfunkcije, ki se spreminja s kulturnim okoljem in trenutkom družbenega razvoja. Ko omenja verbalnost, pove, da se funkcionalno nepismen človek tudi jezikovno in miselno oplaja le v svojem ozkem okolju in zato ni čudno, da se širših socialnih okolij boji. Izobraževanje in organizacija na tem področju sta povsem odvisna od ljudi, ki jih izobražujemo, in od tistih, ki so voljni takšno izobraževanje ponuditii. Tudi slednje je treba neprestano izobraževati, bodisi da gre za zaposlene strokovnjake, bodisi za prostovoljce. Vendarle pa to še ne pomeni, da jim lahko kar koli predpisujemo, jih kakor koli omejujemo ali nadzorujemo. Lahko jih zgolj spoštujemo. Podobno kot v Franciji pa bi bila potrebna politična volja na državni in lokalni ravni, da bi se dorekli mehanizmi izvajanja politike preprečevanja in zdravljenja tega velikega družbenega zla.

  7. B-lymphocytes as key players in chemical-induced asthma.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vanessa De Vooght

    Full Text Available T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes are key players in allergic asthma, with B-lymphocytes producing antigen-specific immunoglobulins E (IgE. We used a mouse model of chemical-induced asthma and transferred B-lymphocytes from sensitized animals into naïve wild type mice, B-lymphocyte knock-out (B-KO mice or severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID mice. On days 1 and 8, BALB/c mice were dermally sensitized with 0.3% toluene diisocyanate (TDI (20 µl/ear. On day 15, mice were euthanized and the auricular lymph nodes isolated. B-lymphocytes (CD19(+ were separated from the whole cell suspension and 175,000 cells were injected in the tail vein of naïve wild type, B-KO or SCID mice. Three days later, the mice received a single oropharyngeal challenge with 0.01% TDI (20 µl or vehicle (acetone/olive oil (AOO (controls. Airway reactivity to methacholine and total and differential cell counts in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL fluid were measured 24 hours after challenge. B-lymphocytes of AOO or TDI-sensitized mice were characterized for the expression of surface markers and production of cytokines. We found that transfer of B-cells obtained from mice dermally sensitized to toluene diisocyanate (TDI into naïve wild type mice, B-KO mice or SCID mice led, within three days, to an acute asthma-like phenotype after an airway challenge with TDI. This response was specific and independent of IgE. These B-lymphocytes showed antigen presenting capacities (CD80/CD86 and CD40 and consisted of B effector (Be2- (IL-4 and Be1-lymphocytes (IFN-γ. The transferred B-lymphocytes were visualized near large airways, 24 hours after TDI challenge. Thus, B-lymphocytes can provoke an asthmatic response without the action of T-lymphocytes and without major involvement of IgE.



    Šušterič, Petra


    Začetki enotne ureditve dokumentarnega akreditiva segajo v leto 1933, ko so bila na zasedanju Mednarodne trgovinske zbornice na Dunaju sprejeta prva Enotna pravila in običaji za dokumentarne akreditive, trenutno pa je v veljavi že njihova šesta revizija iz leta 2006 (EPO 600), ki se uporablja od 1. julija 2007. V mednarodnem poslovanju se za plačilo največkrat uporablja dokumentarni akreditiv. Definiramo ga kot nalog kupca oziroma nalogodajalca svoji banki (akreditivni banki), da naj ob p...



    Janči, Tibor; Kanski, Danijel; Dulić, Marina; Marušić, Nives; Medić, Helga; Petrak, Tomislav; Vidaček, Sanja


    Cilj ovog rada bio je određivanje kemijskog sastava fileta svježe i hladno dimljene kalifornijske pastrve (Oncorhynchus mykiss)uzgojene u Jadranskom moru mjerenjem udjela vode, masti, proteina, soli, pepela, sastava masnih kiselina s naglaskom na eikozapentaensku (EPA) i dokozaheksaensku (DHA) masnu kiselinu te fizikalnih karakteristika mjerenjem pH i određivanjem boje. Analize su izvršene na homogeniziranom mišićju nakon odvajanja kože i kostiju. Određivanje udjela vode, pepela, ukupne količ...

  10. Glukokortikoidima izazvana osteoporoza


    Anić, Branimir; Mayer, Miroslav


    Glukokortikoidi su najčešći uzrok sekundarne osteoporoze. Utječu na sve faze koštanog ciklusa, stvaranje i razgradnju kosti. Prije svega utječu na osteoblaste (smanjena aktivnost i pojačana apoptoza). Bolesnici liječeni glukokortikoidima imaju smanjenu mineralnu gustoću kosti i povećani rizik za prijelome. Prevencija nastanka osteoporoze prouzročene glukokortikoidima uključuje primjenu najmanje učinkovite doze glukortikoida, uzimanje primjerene količine kalcija i vitamina D, eventualno hormon...

  11. Pravna razmerja pri pogodbi o nepremičninskem posredovanju (primerjalno pravna ureditev po slovenskem in avstrijskem pravu)


    Koser Dolenc, Martina


    Magistrska naloga celovito analizira pravna razmerja pri pogodbi o nepremičniskem posredovanju po slovenskem in avstrijskem pravu. Poudarek je v podrobni predstavitvi in opisu pravic in obveznosti strank, ki izhajajo iz posredniške pogodbe. V Sloveniji je posredniška pogodba urejena v Obligacijskem zakoniku (OZ) in sicer v členih od 837. do 850. Posredniška pogodba je dvostranska obvezna, odplačna, neoblična pogodba. Pravna pravila v zvezi s posredniško pogodbo po OZ so večinoma dispoziti...

  12. Crystal structure of a Na+-bound Na+,K+-ATPase preceding the E1P state. (United States)

    Kanai, Ryuta; Ogawa, Haruo; Vilsen, Bente; Cornelius, Flemming; Toyoshima, Chikashi


    Na(+),K(+)-ATPase pumps three Na(+) ions out of cells in exchange for two K(+) taken up from the extracellular medium per ATP molecule hydrolysed, thereby establishing Na(+) and K(+) gradients across the membrane in all animal cells. These ion gradients are used in many fundamental processes, notably excitation of nerve cells. Here we describe 2.8 Å-resolution crystal structures of this ATPase from pig kidney with bound Na(+), ADP and aluminium fluoride, a stable phosphate analogue, with and without oligomycin that promotes Na(+) occlusion. These crystal structures represent a transition state preceding the phosphorylated intermediate (E1P) in which three Na(+) ions are occluded. Details of the Na(+)-binding sites show how this ATPase functions as a Na(+)-specific pump, rejecting K(+) and Ca(2+), even though its affinity for Na(+) is low (millimolar dissociation constant). A mechanism for sequential, cooperative Na(+) binding can now be formulated in atomic detail.

  13. Na+-H+ exchange and Na+-dependent transport systems in streptozotocin diabetic rat kidneys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Seifi, S.; Freiberg, J.M.; Kinsella, F.J.; Cheng, L.; Sacktor, B.


    The streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat was used to test the hypothesis that Na + -H + exchange activity in the proximal tubule luminal membrane would be increased in association with renal hypertrophy, altered glomerular hemodynamics, enhanced filtered load and tubular reabsorption of 22 Na + , and stimulated 22 Na= pump activity in the basolateral membrane, previously reported characteristics of this experimental animal model. Amiloride-sensitive H + gradient-dependent Na + uptake and Na + gradient-dependent H + flux were increased in brush-border membrane vesicles from the streptozotocin-treated animals. Na + gradient-dependent uptakes of phosphate, D-glucose, L-proline, and myoinositol were decreased in the drug-induced diabetic animals. These membrane transport alterations were not found when the streptozotocin-diabetic animals were treated with insulin

  14. The two C-terminal tyrosines stabilize occluded Na/K pump conformations containing Na or K ions. (United States)

    Vedovato, Natascia; Gadsby, David C


    Interactions of the three transported Na ions with the Na/K pump remain incompletely understood. Na/K pump crystal structures show that the extended C terminus of the Na,K-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) alpha subunit directly contacts transmembrane helices. Deletion of the last five residues (KETYY in almost all Na/K pumps) markedly lowered the apparent affinity for Na activation of pump phosphorylation from ATP, a reflection of cytoplasmic Na affinity for forming the occluded E1P(Na3) conformation. ATPase assays further suggested that C-terminal truncations also interfere with low affinity Na interactions, which are attributable to extracellular effects. Because extracellular Na ions traverse part of the membrane's electric field to reach their binding sites in the Na/K pump, their movements generate currents that can be monitored with high resolution. We report here electrical measurements to examine how Na/K pump interactions with extracellular Na ions are influenced by C-terminal truncations. We deleted the last two (YY) or five (KESYY) residues in Xenopus laevis alpha1 Na/K pumps made ouabain resistant by either of two kinds of point mutations and measured their currents as 10-mM ouabain-sensitive currents in Xenopus oocytes after silencing endogenous Xenopus Na/K pumps with 1 microM ouabain. We found the low affinity inhibitory influence of extracellular Na on outward Na/K pump current at negative voltages to be impaired in all of the C-terminally truncated pumps. Correspondingly, voltage jump-induced transient charge movements that reflect pump interactions with extracellular Na ions were strongly shifted to more negative potentials; this signals a several-fold reduction of the apparent affinity for extracellular Na in the truncated pumps. Parallel lowering of Na affinity on both sides of the membrane argues that the C-terminal contacts provide important stabilization of the occluded E1P(Na3) conformation, regardless of the route of Na ion entry into the

  15. Čimbenici utjecaja na etičnost poslovnog sustava


    Bogdanović, Mario


    Rad se bavi eksplikacijom i raspravom temeljnih etičkih pristupa menadžerskom izboru i odlučivanju u poslovnom sustavu (etike individualizma, etike utilitarizma, etike ljudskim pravima i etike pravednosti); nudi integralni etički protokol, eksplicira i raspravlja utjecajne čimbenike etičnosti poslovnog sustava (individualne, strukturne i kulturološko-klimatske) te menadžerskom primjenom istog. Rezimira se da je etička organizacija u izravnoj funkcij i znalačkog i etičkog menadžementa....

  16. Beleženje delovnega časa z uporabo tehnologije RFID




    Za beleženje delovnega časa zaposlenih se v podjetjih in ustanovah uporabljajo različne metode. Kljub razpoložljivim sodobnih tehnologijam še vedno ponekod najdemo beleženje delovnega časa z vpisovanjem prihodov in odhodov na list papirja ali v računalniške tabele. Takšni načini niso avtomatizirani in prinašajo več slabosti kot prednosti. Na trgu obstajajo računalniško avtomatizirani sistemi za beleženje časa, a ker so ti lahko zelo dragi, se zanje manjša podjetja in ustanove odločajo le redk...

  17. Na5NbO5 and Na5TaO5 phases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darriet, J.; Maazaz, A.; Bouloux, J.C.; Delmas, C.


    New ternary oxides of formulas Na 5 NbO 5 and Na 5 TaO 5 have been prepared. They crystallize in the monoclinic system (space group C2/c). The crystal structure of Na 5 NbO 5 has been determined. It derives from a NaCl-type structure by ordering of the cations and of the oxygen vacancies in the anionic sublattice, the corresponding formula being Nasub(5/6)Nbsub(1/6)Osub(5/6)vacant sub(1/6). Sodium and niobium have a distorted square-pyramidal surrounding. (author)

  18. Yanan orman alanlarının rehabilitasyonu ve yangına dirençli ormanlar tesisi projesi (YARDOP üzerine bir inceleme

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dr. Ersin YILMAZ


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada, Orman Genel Müdürlüğü (OGM tarafından yürütülen “Yanan Orman Alanlarının Rehabilitasyonu ve Yangına Dirençli Ormanlar Tesisi Projesi (YARDOP”, bazı bilimsel araştırmaların bulguları ve sonuçları ışığında incelenmiştir. YARDOP yoluyla, yanmış ve yangına hassas alanların farklı ilkelerle yangına karşı fiziksel direncinin arttırılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda YARDOP alanlarında Ulaşım Tesisleri, Yangın Durdurma (Müdahale Alanları ve Yangın Zayıflatma Alanları yanında, orman ile yerleşim yeri (YOAT ve ziraat arazisi (ZOAT ara yüzlerinde tesisler yapılmaktadır. Çalışmada ilk olarak YARDOP’daki Ulaşım Tesisleri ile orman yangını koşulları arasındaki ilişkiler ele alınmış, ardından Yangın Durdurma Alanlarındaki farklı vejetasyon yönetim yaklaşımlarının etkileri ortaya konmuştur. Daha sonra Yangın Zayıflatma Alanları; aralama, budama vb. silvikültürel işlemlere dayalı olarak incelenmiştir. Sonrasında YOAT ve ZOAT alanlarında orman yangınları sürecinde karşılaşılabilecek risklere değinilmiştir. Bunu takiben en fazla bilinen yanıcı madde azaltma teknikleri olarak ifade edilebilecek denetimli yakma, silvikültürel müdahaleler, vejetasyon kesme, hayvan otlatması ve kimyasal mücadele teknikleri açıklanmıştır. Çalışmanın son bölümünde ise konuyla ilgili mevcut bilgi boşluklarına, gelecekteki araştırma konularına ve genel önerilere yer verilmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Orman, yangın, yanıcı madde, YARDOP, yangın araştırmaları.

  19. Synthesis of Na-A and/or Na-X zeolite/porous carbon composites from carbonized rice husk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katsuki, Hiroaki; Komarneni, Sridhar


    Na-A and/or Na-X zeolite/porous carbon composites were prepared under hydrothermal conditions by NaOH dissolution of silica first from carbonized rice husk followed by addition of NaAlO 2 and in situ crystallization of zeolites i.e., using a two-step process. When a one-step process was used, both Na-A and Na-X zeolites crystallized on the surface of carbon. Na-A or Na-X zeolite crystals were prepared on the porous carbonized rice husk at 90 deg. C for 2-6 h by changing the SiO 2 /Al 2 O 3 , H 2 O/Na 2 O and Na 2 O/SiO 2 molar ratios of precursors in the two-step process. The surface area and NH 4 + -cation exchange capacity (CEC) of Na-A zeolite/porous carbon were found to be 171 m 2 /g and 506 meq/100 g, respectively, while those of Na-X zeolite/porous carbon composites were 676 m 2 /g and 317 meq/100 g, respectively. Na-A and Na-X zeolites are well-known microporous and hydrophilic materials while carbonized rice husk was found to be mesoporous (pores of ∼3.9 nm) and hydrophobic. These hybrid microporous-mesoporous and hydrophilic-hydrophobic composites are expected to be useful for decontamination of metal cations as well as organic contaminants simultaneously. - Graphical Abstract: Novel Na-X zeolite/porous carbon composite.

  20. Equilibrium chemical transformations in NaPO3 + NaCl melts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovarskaya, E.N.; Rodionov, Yu.I.


    Because of the problems of the burial of solidified radioactive wastes into different geological rock formations, in particular into massives of rock-salt, the state of molten polyphosphate-chloride mixtures (taking into account the chemical character of the interaction of their components) for a prolonged period of time. The equilibrium products of the reaction in the NaPO 3 -NaCl system were studied in melts in air in the composition range of 30-70 mole % NaCl. It was shown that with increase in the NaCl content in the mixtures, the polyphosphate gradually depolymerizes to sodium tri-, di-, and monophosphates, and the composition of the equilibrium melts is dependent only on the ratio between the components in the initial molten mixtures. The time until the equilibrium is attained is shorter, the higher is the experimental temperature

  1. Long-Range Effects of Na(+) Binding in Na,K-ATPase Reported by ATP. (United States)

    Middleton, David A; Fedosova, Natalya U; Esmann, Mikael


    This paper addresses the question of long-range interactions between the intramembranous cation binding sites and the cytoplasmic nucleotide binding site of the ubiquitous ion-transporting Na,K-ATPase using (13)C cross-polarization magic-angle spinning (CP-MAS) solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. High-affinity ATP binding is induced by the presence of Na(+) as well as of Na-like substances such as Tris(+), and these ions are equally efficient promoters of nucleotide binding. CP-MAS analysis of bound ATP with Na,K-ATPase purified from pig kidney membranes reveals subtle differences in the nucleotide interactions within the nucleotide site depending on whether Na(+) or Tris(+) is used to induce binding. Differences in chemical shifts for ATP atoms C1' and C5' observed in the presence of Na(+) or Tris(+) suggest alterations in the residues surrounding the bound nucleotide, hydrogen bonding, and/or conformation of the ribose ring. This is taken as evidence of a long-distance communication between the Na(+)-filled ion sites in the membrane interior and the nucleotide binding site in the cytoplasmic domain and reflects the first conformational change ultimately leading to phosphorylation of the enzyme. Stopped-flow fluorescence measurements with the nucleotide analogue eosin show that the dissociation rate constant for eosin is larger in Tris(+) than in Na(+), giving kinetic evidence of the difference in structural effects of Na(+) and Tris(+). According to the recent crystal structure of the E1·AlF4(-)·ADP·3Na(+) form, the coupling between the ion binding sites and the nucleotide side is mediated by, among others, the M5 helix.

  2. Determination of concentrations of minor and micro elements in ancient bronze drums artifacts samples by KO-standardization method of neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen Tac Anh; Ho Manh Dung; Diep Dinh Hoa; Cao Dong Vu


    The study aims to get a lot information about manufacturers of ancient bronze artifacts and ancient civilization. By KO-standardization method of neutron activation analysis developed in the Nuclear Research Institute, the concentrations of Au, Ag, As, Zn, Sb, Sn elements in ancient bronze alloy samples of 99 bronze artifacts from many excavated archaeological sites at the provinces in Vietnam were determined with uncertainties about ±10%. These elemental concentrations have been utilized in a statistical analysis procedure in order to determine similarities and correlation between the various samples. Th abnormal high of concentrations of noble metals as Au, Ag in ancient bronze indicates that the ancient metallurgists had been interested in role of these metals on sound quality of bronze artifacts. Especially, the concentrations of As in many samples are very high even at about 10%. This gives an evidence that in ancient time the humankind could use bronze As alloy in order to improve quality when they had produced bronze artifacts. (author)

  3. Journal of Earth System Science | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The Bijli Rhyolite can be recognized as a poorly sorted pyroclastic deposit, and comprises of phenocrystic K-feldspar + albite ± anorthoclase set in fine-grained micro-fragmental matrix of quartz-feldsparsericite- chlorite-iron-oxide ± calcite. The rocks are largely metaluminous with high SiO2, Na2O+ KO, Fe/Mg, Ga/Al, Zr, Ta, ...

  4. Untitled

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Figure 5. (SiO2+Al2O3)-(Na2O+KO)-Cafemics diagram (Kjarsgaard and Hamilton 1988) for the alkaline rocks of Samchampi. Explanations are the same as in table 2. In the system Diopside-Nepheline-Sanidine at 1 atm. pressure, Platt and Edgar (1971) had demonstrated that the field of leucites is related to the ...

  5. Intracellular Na(+) and metabolic modulation of Na/K pump and excitability in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons. (United States)

    Wang, Yi-Chi; Yang, Jyh-Jeen; Huang, Rong-Chi


    Na/K pump activity and metabolic rate are both higher during the day in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) that houses the circadian clock. Here we investigated the role of intracellular Na(+) and energy metabolism in regulating Na/K pump activity and neuronal excitability. Removal of extracellular K(+) to block the Na/K pump excited SCN neurons to fire at higher rates and return to normal K(+) to reactivate the pump produced rebound hyperpolarization to inhibit firing. In the presence of tetrodotoxin to block the action potentials, both zero K(+)-induced depolarization and rebound hyperpolarization were blocked by the cardiac glycoside strophanthidin. Ratiometric Na(+) imaging with a Na(+)-sensitive fluorescent dye indicated saturating accumulation of intracellular Na(+) in response to pump blockade with zero K(+). The Na(+) ionophore monensin also induced Na(+) loading and hyperpolarized the membrane potential, with the hyperpolarizing effect of monensin abolished in zero Na(+) or by pump blockade. Conversely, Na(+) depletion with Na(+)-free pipette solution depolarized membrane potential but retained residual Na/K pump activity. Cyanide inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation blocked the Na/K pump to depolarize resting potential and increase spontaneous firing in most cells, and to raise intracellular Na(+) levels in all cells. Nonetheless, the Na/K pump was incompletely blocked by cyanide but completely blocked by iodoacetate to inhibit glycolysis, indicating the involvement of both oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis in fueling the Na/K pump. Together, the results indicate the importance of intracellular Na(+) and energy metabolism in regulating Na/K pump activity as well as neuronal excitability in the SCN neurons.

  6. Synthesis of zeolites Na-A and Na-X from tablet compressed and calcinated coal fly ash (United States)

    Hu, Tao; Gao, Wenyan; Liu, Xin; Zhang, Yifu; Meng, Changgong


    Zeolites Na-A and Na-X are important synthetic zeolites widely used for separation and adsorption in industry. It is of great significance to develop energy-efficient routines that can synthesize zeolites Na-A and Na-X from low-cost raw materials. Coal fly ash (CFA) is the major residue from the combustion of coal and biomass containing more than 85% SiO2 and Al2O3, which can readily replace the conventionally used sodium silicate and aluminate for zeolite synthesis. We used Na2CO3 to replace the expensive NaOH used for the calcination of CFA and showed that tablet compression can enhance the contact with Na2CO3 for the activation of CFA through calcination for the synthesis of zeolites Na-A and Na-X under mild conditions. We optimized the control variables for zeolite synthesis and showed that phase-pure zeolite Na-A can be synthesized with CFA at reactant molar ratio, hydrothermal reaction temperature and reaction time of 1.3Na2O: 0.6Al2O3: 1SiO2: 38H2O at 80°C for 6 h, respectively, while phase-pure zeolite Na-X can be synthesized at 2.2Na2O: 0.2Al2O3: 1SiO2: 88H2O at 100°C for 8 h, respectively. The composition, morphology, specific surface area, vibration spectrum and thermogravimetry of synthesized Na-A and Na-X were further characterized.

  7. The CERES / NA45 experiment

    CERN Multimedia

    Laurent Guiraud


    Ceres is one of the second generation heavy ion experiments at CERN's SPS. It is dedicated to the study of electron-positron pairs in relativistic nuclear collisions. NA45 is one of the seven experiments (NA44, NA45, NA49, NA50, NA52, WA97/NA57 and WA98) involved in CERN's Heavy Ion programme which provided evidence for the existence of a new state of matter, the quark-gluon plasma. In this state, quarks, instead of being bound up into more complex particles such as protons and neutrons, are liberated and roam freely. Theory predicts that this state must have existed at about 10 microseconds after the Big Bang, before the formation of matter as we know it today.

  8. Avaliação da condutividade hidraulica do solo saturada utilizando dois métodos de laboratório numa topossequência com diferentes coberturas vegetais no Baixo Amazonas Evaluation of the saturated hydraulic conductivity using two laboratory methods in a topossequence with different vegetation cover in the lower Amazon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean Dalmo de Oliveira Marques


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar dois métodos de laboratório para a determinação da condutividade hidráulica do solo saturada (Ko conhecidos como Permeâmetro de carga constante (PCC e Permeâmetro de carga decrescente (PCD, com o intuito de verificar sua aplicabilidade e variabilidade em solos amazônicos. Coletaram-se 125 amostras de solo com estrutura indeformada, através de amostrador tipo Uhland, com anéis volumétricos, de 0,072 m de altura e 0,069 m de diâmetro, devido à variabilidade apresentada pelas determinações de tal parâmetro. Nos mesmos pontos de amostragens da Ko, procedeu-se coleta de anéis volumétricos para a determinação da porosidade do solo. Ainda nesses pontos foram coletadas amostras com estrutura deformada para análises físicas e químicas. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o método do PCC foi o mais apropriado para a classe dos Latossolos estudados, apresentando os menores coeficientes de variação e desvio padrão ao longo da topossequência. Os valores de Ko estiveram distribuídos entre P1(2,65 à 3,34 cm dia-1, P2(2,85 à 3,38 cm dia-1, P3(2,86 à 3,63 cm dia-1, P4(2,75 à 3,49 cm dia-1, P5(2,38 à 3,83 cm dia-1 e P6 (2,47 à 3,52 cm dia-1; havendo uma tendência para maiores valores de Ko na superficie. A utilização de Ko como parâmetro de análise hídrica em solos porosos na superfície e muito argilosos em profundidade, como os amazônicos, necessita ser realizada com precaução, evitando a interrupção da continuidade dos poros e compactação da amostra. Mudanças na condutividade hidráulica saturada estiveram mais relacionadas a alterações nas propriedades físicas do solo e posição no relevo do que nas alterações das coberturas vegetais ao longo da topossequência.The objective of this work was to evaluate two different laboratory methods for determining the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ko, namely, the constant head permeameter method (PCC and the falling

  9. Eskişehir koşullarında yetiştirilen Reyhan (Ocimum basilicum L.) bitkisinin bazı bitkisel özelliklerin ve diurnal varyabilitesinin belirlenmesi


    Kulan, Engin Gökhan


    Bu çalışma Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü deneme alanında 2010 yılında yürütülmüştür. Denemede Eskişehir ekolojik koşullarında yetiştirilen reyhan (Ocimum basilicum L.) bitkisinin verim ve verim özellikleri ile farklı biçim saatlerinin reyhanın uçucu yağı ve uçucu yağ bileşimi üzerine olan etkileri incelenmiştir. Tesadüf bloklarında bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre 3 tekerrürlü olarak kurulan denemede reyhan bitkileri çiçeklen...

  10. Remodeling of repolarization and arrhythmia susceptibility in a myosin-binding protein C knockout mouse model. (United States)

    Toib, Amir; Zhang, Chen; Borghetti, Giulia; Zhang, Xiaoxiao; Wallner, Markus; Yang, Yijun; Troupes, Constantine D; Kubo, Hajime; Sharp, Thomas E; Feldsott, Eric; Berretta, Remus M; Zalavadia, Neil; Trappanese, Danielle M; Harper, Shavonn; Gross, Polina; Chen, Xiongwen; Mohsin, Sadia; Houser, Steven R


    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is one of the most common genetic cardiac diseases and among the leading causes of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in the young. The cellular mechanisms leading to SCD in HCM are not well known. Prolongation of the action potential (AP) duration (APD) is a common feature predisposing hypertrophied hearts to SCD. Previous studies have explored the roles of inward Na + and Ca 2+ in the development of HCM, but the role of repolarizing K + currents has not been defined. The objective of this study was to characterize the arrhythmogenic phenotype and cellular electrophysiological properties of mice with HCM, induced by myosin-binding protein C (MyBPC) knockout (KO), and to test the hypothesis that remodeling of repolarizing K + currents causes APD prolongation in MyBPC KO myocytes. We demonstrated that MyBPC KO mice developed severe hypertrophy and cardiac dysfunction compared with wild-type (WT) control mice. Telemetric electrocardiographic recordings of awake mice revealed prolongation of the corrected QT interval in the KO compared with WT control mice, with overt ventricular arrhythmias. Whole cell current- and voltage-clamp experiments comparing KO with WT mice demonstrated ventricular myocyte hypertrophy, AP prolongation, and decreased repolarizing K + currents. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed decreased mRNA levels of several key K + channel subunits. In conclusion, decrease in repolarizing K + currents in MyBPC KO ventricular myocytes contributes to AP and corrected QT interval prolongation and could account for the arrhythmia susceptibility. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Ventricular myocytes isolated from the myosin-binding protein C knockout hypertrophic cardiomyopathy mouse model demonstrate decreased repolarizing K + currents and action potential and QT interval prolongation, linking cellular repolarization abnormalities with arrhythmia susceptibility and the risk for sudden cardiac death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Copyright © 2017

  11. The rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism mutation D923N of the Na+, K+-ATPase alpha3 isoform disrupts Na+ interaction at the third Na+ site. (United States)

    Einholm, Anja Pernille; Toustrup-Jensen, Mads S; Holm, Rikke; Andersen, Jens Peter; Vilsen, Bente


    Rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism (RDP), a rare neurological disorder, is caused by mutation of the neuron-specific alpha3-isoform of Na(+), K(+)-ATPase. Here, we present the functional consequences of RDP mutation D923N. Relative to the wild type, the mutant exhibits a remarkable approximately 200-fold reduction of Na(+) affinity for activation of phosphorylation from ATP, reflecting a defective interaction of the E(1) form with intracellular Na(+). This is the largest effect on Na(+) affinity reported so far for any Na(+), K(+)-ATPase mutant. D923N also affects the interaction with extracellular Na(+) normally driving the E(1)P to E(2)P conformational transition backward. However, no impairment of K(+) binding was observed for D923N, leading to the conclusion that Asp(923) is specifically associated with the third Na(+) site that is selective toward Na(+). The crystal structure of the Na(+), K(+)-ATPase in E(2) form shows that Asp(923) is located in the cytoplasmic half of transmembrane helix M8 inside a putative transport channel, which is lined by residues from the transmembrane helices M5, M7, M8, and M10 and capped by the C terminus, recently found involved in recognition of the third Na(+) ion. Structural modeling of the E(1) form of Na(+), K(+)-ATPase based on the Ca(2+)-ATPase crystal structure is consistent with the hypothesis that Asp(923) contributes to a site binding the third Na(+) ion. These results in conjunction with our previous findings with other RDP mutants suggest that a selective defect in the handling of Na(+) may be a general feature of the RDP disorder.



    Bavdaž, Aleksandra


    Dandanes je v svetu mnogo poznanih primerov podjetij, ki so delovala na podlagi laži, goljufij in prevar. Pri podjetjih, kot je Enron, ki ga v delu diplomskega seminarja obravnavam, se je dogajalo prav to. Že od ustanovitve, daljnega leta 1985, ko sta se združili dve energetski podjetji in je nastalo eno veliko podjetje, s Kenom Layem na čelu, so se v podjetju Enron dogajali sumljivi posli. V svojem šestnajst-letnem delovanju so se sicer pojavljali le sumi o tem, da se morda v podjetju ne d...

  13. Razvojni potenciali zavarovanih območij

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    Jernej Tiran


    Full Text Available Namen prispevka je osvetliti prepoznavanje razvojnih potencialov v izbranih zavarovanih območjih: Triglavski narodni park (TNP, Krajinski park Goričko (KPG in Krajinski park Logarska dolina (KPLD. Zaznavanje razvojnih potencialov se v izbranih parkih razlikuje, kar smo ugotovili s pomočjo anketiranja domačinov in obiskovalcev. Na podlagi njihovih odgovorov in analize stanja so bili določeni razvojni potenciali, ki so v skladu z naslednjimi načeli: izhajajo iz lokalnih virov, so v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo in so trajnostno usmer-jeni.



    Ambruš, Samanta


    Družba Kema Puconci, d.o.o. je izvozno naravnano podjetje, ki ima tehnološko najsodobnejšo organizirano proizvodnjo kremenovih peskov in materialov za zaključna dela v gradbeništvu. Z inovativno politiko, nenehnimi vlaganji ter odgovornim občutkom za prave priložnosti so se uspeli dvigniti iz povprečja naše panoge. Tako so danes prepoznavna družba v slovenskem in širšem gospodarskem prostoru s pozitivnimi trendi stalne rasti. Proizvodni program, ki zajema pester nabor izdelkov za celovite ...



    Hojnik, Mitja


    V današnjem času, ko se trgi dramatično spreminjajo in se konkurenti v poslovnem svetu dnevno soočajo z velikimi izzivi, kot so globalizacija, rastoča konkurenca, zasičen trg in visoka pričakovanja ter želje strank, je izrazito pomembno, da podjetje nameni veliko pozornosti kakovostnim odnosom s strankami. Z dobrimi odnosi lahko podjetje računa na dolgoročno sodelovanje, zadovoljno in lojalno stranko in konec koncev tudi na finančno korist. Posledično si lahko s tem ustvari veliko konkuren...



    Gomilšak, Marjeta


    Otroški avtizem danes strokovnjaki pojmujejo kot razvojno nevrološko motnjo, ki se kaže v verbalni in neverbalni komunikaciji, tipičnih vedenjskih motnjah ter nenormalni čustveni in socialni odzivnosti. Strokovnjaki lahko postavijo diagnozo glede na tipične psihične znake najkasneje v tretjem letu otrokove starosti. Tipičnih znakov pa je kar nekaj deset in se lahko med seboj različno kombinirajo. V času otrokovega razvoja nekateri izzvenijo, lahko se pojavijo novi ali drugačni. Na splošno še ...

  17. Glutathione-S-transferase-omega [MMA(V) reductase] knockout mice: Enzyme and arsenic species concentrations in tissues after arsenate administration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chowdhury, Uttam K.; Zakharyan, Robert A.; Hernandez, Alba; Avram, Mihaela D.; Kopplin, Michael J.; Aposhian, H. Vasken


    Inorganic arsenic is a human carcinogen to which millions of people are exposed via their naturally contaminated drinking water. Its molecular mechanisms of carcinogenicity have remained an enigma, perhaps because arsenate is biochemically transformed to at least five other arsenic-containing metabolites. In the biotransformation of inorganic arsenic, GSTO1 catalyzes the reduction of arsenate, MMA(V), and DMA(V) to the more toxic + 3 arsenic species. MMA(V) reductase and human (hGSTO1-1) are identical proteins. The hypothesis that GST-Omega knockout mice biotransformed inorganic arsenic differently than wild-type mice has been tested. The livers of male knockout (KO) mice, in which 222 bp of Exon 3 of the GSTO1 gene were eliminated, were analyzed by PCR for mRNA. The level of transcripts of the GSTO1 gene in KO mice was 3.3-fold less than in DBA/1lacJ wild-type (WT) mice. The GSTO2 transcripts were about two-fold less in the KO mouse. When KO and WT mice were injected intramuscularly with Na arsenate (4.16 mg As/kg body weight); tissues removed at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 h after arsenate injection; and the arsenic species measured by HPLC-ICP-MS, the results indicated that the highest concentration of the recently discovered and very toxic MMA(III), a key biotransformant, was in the kidneys of both KO and WT mice. The highest concentration of DMA(III) was in the urinary bladder tissue for both the KO and WT mice. The MMA(V) reducing activity of the liver cytosol of KO mice was only 20% of that found in wild-type mice. There appears to be another enzyme(s) other than GST-O able to reduce arsenic(V) species but to a lesser extent. This and other studies suggest that each step of the biotransformation of inorganic arsenic has an alternative enzyme to biotransform the arsenic substrate

  18. Oriental medicine Kyung-Ok-Ko prevents and alleviates dehydroepiandrosterone-induced polycystic ovarian syndrome in rats.

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    Minhee Jang

    Full Text Available Kyung-Ok-Ko (KOK, a traditional herbal prescription composed of Rehmannia glutinosa Liboschitz var. purpurae, Lycium chinense, Aquillaria agallocha, Poria cocos, Panax ginseng, and honey, has been widely used in traditional Oriental medicine as a vitalizing medicine or as the prescription for patients with age-associated disorders such as amnesia and stroke. However, the potential protective value of KOK for the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS is largely unknown. We investigated whether pre-administration (daily from 2 hours before PCOS induction and post-administration (daily after induction of PCOS of KOK (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 g/kg/day, p.o. could have a protective effect in a dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA, s.c.-induced PCOS rat model. Pre-administration of KOK significantly decreased the elevated body weight and ovary weight, elevated size and number of follicular cysts, elevated level of serum glucose, and estradiol after DHEA injection. KOK reduced the elevated percentage of CD8 (+ T lymphocytes in lymph nodes, the elevated mRNA expression of CD11b and CD3 in ovaries, and infiltration of macrophages in ovarian tissue with PCOS. KOK diminished the increased mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, chemokines (IL-8, MCP-1, and iNOS in the ovaries, and increased the reduced mRNA expression of growth factors (EGF, TGF-β by DHEA injection. Post-administration of KOK also improved the DHEA-induced PCOS-like symptoms, generally similar to those evident from pre-administration of KOK. KOK may effectively prevent and improve DHEA-induced PCOS via anti-inflammatory action, indicating its preventive and therapeutic potential for suppressing PCOS.

  19. Glutamate Water Gates in the Ion Binding Pocket of Na(+) Bound Na(+), K(+)-ATPase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Han, Minwoo; Kopec, Wojciech; Solov'yov, Ilia A


    III is always protonated. Glutamic acid residues in the three binding sites act as water gates, and their deprotonation triggers water entry to the binding sites. From DFT calculations of Na(+) binding energies, we conclude that three protons in the binding site are needed to effectively bind Na......The dynamically changing protonation states of the six acidic amino acid residues in the ion binding pocket of the Na(+), K(+) -ATPase (NKA) during the ion transport cycle are proposed to drive ion binding, release and possibly determine Na(+) or K(+) selectivity. We use molecular dynamics (MD......(+) from water and four are needed to release them in the next step. Protonation of Asp926 in site III will induce Na(+) release, and Glu327, Glu954 and Glu779 are all likely to be protonated in the Na(+) bound occluded conformation. Our data provides key insights into the role of protons in the Na...

  20. Dual AAV/IL-10 Plus STAT3 Anti-Inflammatory Gene Delivery Lowers Atherosclerosis in LDLR KO Mice, but without Increased Benefit

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    Maohua Cao


    Full Text Available Both IL-10 and STAT3 are in the same signal transduction pathway, with IL-10-bound IL10 receptor (R acting through STAT3 for anti-inflammatory effect. To investigate possible therapeutic synergism, we delivered both full-length wild-type human (h STAT3 and hIL-10 genes by separate adenoassociated virus type 8 (AAV8 tail vein injection into LDLR KO on HCD. Compared to control Neo gene-treated animals, individual hSTAT3 and hIL-10 delivery resulted in significant reduction in atherogenesis, as determined by larger aortic lumen size, thinner aortic wall thickness, and lower blood velocity (all statistically significant. However, dual hSTAT3/hIL-10 delivery offered no improvement in therapeutic effect. Plasma cholesterol levels in dual hSTAT3/hIL-10-treated animals were statistically higher compared to hIL-10 alone. While no advantage was seen in this case, we consider that the dual gene approach has intrinsic merit, but properly chosen partnered genes must be used.

  1. ''Socijalističko takmičenje'' na omladinskim radnim akcijama u Jugoslaviji 1946-1951.

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    Ivan Hofman


    Full Text Available The ideologist of the Yugoslav Communist Party, perceived the socialism as constant struggle and one of the crucial battles for building of the new society. The regulary organized Youth Working Actions were of the special importance as places where this struggle could be developed, organized and led. The main method was the “Socialist Competition”. It has the emphasized ideological dimension, since the hard physical labor was perceived as the main tool for building of the strong and conscious personalities of the socialist men and women. Inspiration for the established practice of the “Socialist Competition” was discovered in the theoretical works of the classics of the Marxism: Lenin and Stalin. The Competition propaganda was very aggressive. It was constantly announced in the news and the radio program which was listened in the Working Actions compounds. Those announcements were actually paroles fitted with the graphic images of the work statistics, coupled with the portrait of the Yugoslav Communist Party leaders and scenes of the youth in work. The authors reviles the “other” side of the Competitions, showing the young party cadres struggling for easy climbing within the hierarchy, problems of the quality of the works and buildings performed, as well as the injuries and some fatalities in this process, which remained hidden from the propaganda efforts. But besides such problems, in general, the Socialist Competition helped the mobilizing of the youth for public works, among many resulted in important building and infrastructure works.

  2. NA62 and NA48/2 results on search for Heavy Neutral Leptons

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    Lamanna Gianluca


    Full Text Available In this paper we present new results on upper limits for the search of Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNL with data collected by NA48/2 (2003-2004, NA62-RK (2007 and NA62 (2015 CERN experiments. The data collected with different trigger configuration allow to search for both long and short living heavy neutrinos in the mass range below the kaon mass. In addition the status of the search for K+ → π+vv with the NA62 detector will be briefly presented.

  3. Jałowe martwice kości, charakterystyka choroby i postępowanie fizykalne – przegląd literatury = Sterile necrosis of bone, the characteristics of the illness and physical examination - a literature review


    Radzimińska, Agnieszka; Zimmermann, Agnieszka Anna; Weber-Rajek, Magdalena; Strojek, Katarzyna; Bułatowicz, Irena; Goch, Aleksander; Zukow, Walery


    Radzimińska Agnieszka, Zimmermann Agnieszka Anna, Weber-Rajek Magdalena, Strojek Katarzyna, Bułatowicz Irena, Goch Aleksander, Zukow Walery. Jałowe martwice kości, charakterystyka choroby i postępowanie fizykalne – przegląd literatury = Sterile necrosis of bone, the characteristics of the illness and physical examination - a literature review. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(10):108-120. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI

  4. Reactions of metal oxides with molten NaPO3 + NaCl mixtures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovarskaya, E.N.; Mityakhina, V.S.; Rodionov, Yu.I.; Silin, M.Yu.


    We consider the dissolution mechanism for iron (III), europium(III), and tin(IV) oxides in molten NaPO 3 + NaCl that are responsible for the peak solubilities. We chose Fe 2 O 3 as the basic material since this occurs in large amounts around damaged metal structures in rock salt mines in a proposed zone for storing vitrified radioactive wastes. Solubility measurement and paper chromatography show that Fe 2 O 3 dissolves in molten NaPO 3 + NaCl in air by reaction with the solvent to give double iron and sodium diphosphates and monophosphates in accordance with the initial solution-in-the-melt composition, the degree of equilibration, and the temperature. The elevated solubilities for initial NaCl contents close to 30 mole % are due to sodium triphosphates and tricyclophosphates present in these melts. Moessbauer spectroscopy confirms that double iron, europium and tin diphosphates and monophosphates containing sodium occur in these chloride-polyphosphate melts

  5. Na(+),K (+)-ATPase as a docking station: protein-protein complexes of the Na(+),K (+)-ATPase. (United States)

    Reinhard, Linda; Tidow, Henning; Clausen, Michael J; Nissen, Poul


    The Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, or sodium pump, is well known for its role in ion transport across the plasma membrane of animal cells. It carries out the transport of Na(+) ions out of the cell and of K(+) ions into the cell and thus maintains electrolyte and fluid balance. In addition to the fundamental ion-pumping function of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, recent work has suggested additional roles for Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in signal transduction and biomembrane structure. Several signaling pathways have been found to involve Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, which serves as a docking station for a fast-growing number of protein interaction partners. In this review, we focus on Na(+),K(+)-ATPase as a signal transducer, but also briefly discuss other Na(+),K(+)-ATPase protein-protein interactions, providing a comprehensive overview of the diverse signaling functions ascribed to this well-known enzyme.

  6. Characterization of Na+-linked and Na+-independent Cl-/HCO3- exchange systems in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cassel, D.; Scharf, O.; Rotman, M.; Cragoe, E.J. Jr.; Katz, M.


    The PS120 variant of Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts which lacks Na + /H + exchange activity was used to investigate bicarbonate transport systems and their role in intracellular pH (pH/sub i/) regulation. When pH/sub i/ was decreased by acid load, bicarbonate caused pH/sub i/ increase and stimulated 36 Cl - efflux from the cells, both in a Na + -dependent manner. These results together with previous findings that bicarbonate stimulates 22 Na + uptake in PS120 cells demonstrate the presence of a Na + -linked Cl - /HCO 3 - exchange system. In cells with normal initial pH/sub i/, bicarbonate caused Na + -independent pH/sub i/ increase in Cl - -free solutions and stimulated Na + -independent 36 Cl - efflux, indicating that a Na + -independent Cl - /HCO 3 - exchanger is also present in the cell. Na + -linked and Na + -independent Cl - /HCO 3- exchange is apparently mediated by two distinct systems, since a [(tetrahydrofluorene-7-yl)oxy]acetic acid derivative selectively inhibits the Na + -independent exchanger. An additional distinctive features is a 10-fold lower affinity for chloride of the Na + -linked exchanger. The Na + -linked and Na + -independent Cl - /HCO 3 - exchange systems are likely to protect the cell from acid and alkaline load, respectively

  7. Na/K Pump and Beyond: Na/K-ATPase as a Modulator of Apoptosis and Autophagy

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    Cassiano Felippe Gonçalves-de-Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Lung cancer is a leading cause of global cancer deaths. Na/K-ATPase has been studied as a target for cancer treatment. Cardiotonic steroids (CS trigger intracellular signalling upon binding to Na/K-ATPase. Normal lung and tumour cells frequently express different pump isoforms. Thus, Na/K-ATPase is a powerful target for lung cancer treatment. Drugs targeting Na/K-ATPase may induce apoptosis and autophagy in transformed cells. We argue that Na/K-ATPase has a role as a potential target in chemotherapy in lung cancer treatment. We discuss the effects of Na/K-ATPase ligands and molecular pathways inducing deleterious effects on lung cancer cells, especially those leading to apoptosis and autophagy.

  8. Na/K Pump and Beyond: Na/K-ATPase as a Modulator of Apoptosis and Autophagy. (United States)

    Felippe Gonçalves-de-Albuquerque, Cassiano; Ribeiro Silva, Adriana; Ignácio da Silva, Camila; Caire Castro-Faria-Neto, Hugo; Burth, Patrícia


    Lung cancer is a leading cause of global cancer deaths. Na/K-ATPase has been studied as a target for cancer treatment. Cardiotonic steroids (CS) trigger intracellular signalling upon binding to Na/K-ATPase. Normal lung and tumour cells frequently express different pump isoforms. Thus, Na/K-ATPase is a powerful target for lung cancer treatment. Drugs targeting Na/K-ATPase may induce apoptosis and autophagy in transformed cells. We argue that Na/K-ATPase has a role as a potential target in chemotherapy in lung cancer treatment. We discuss the effects of Na/K-ATPase ligands and molecular pathways inducing deleterious effects on lung cancer cells, especially those leading to apoptosis and autophagy.

  9. Subnitride chemistry: A first-principles study of the NaBa3N, Na5Ba3N, and Na16Ba6N phases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliva, Josep M.


    An ab initio study on the electronic structure of the subnitrides NaBa 3 N, Na 5 Ba 3 N, and Na 16 Ba 6 N is performed for the first time. The NaBa 3 N and Na 5 Ba 3 N phases consist of infinite 1 ∞ [NBa 6/2 ] strands composed of face-sharing NBa 6 octahedra surrounded by a 'sea' of sodium atoms. The Na 16 Ba 6 N phase consist of discrete [NBa 6 ] octahedra arranged in a body-cubic fashion, surrounded by a 'sea' of sodium atoms. Our calculations suggest that the title subnitrides are metals. Analysis of the electronic structure shows partial interaction of N(2s) with Ba(5p) electrons in the lower energy region for NaBa 3 N and Na 5 Ba 3 N. However, no dispersion is observed for the N(2s) and Ba(5p) bands in the cubic phase Na 16 Ba 6 N. The metallic band below the Fermi level shows a strong mixing of N(2p), Ba(6s), Ba(5d), Ba(6p), Na(3s) and Na(3p) orbitals. The metallic character in these nitrides stems from delocalized electrons corresponding to hybridized 5d l 6s m 6p n barium orbitals which interact with hybridized 3s n 3p m sodium orbitals. Analysis of the electron density and electronic structure in these nitrides shows two different regions: a metallic matrix corresponding to the sodium atoms and the regions around them and heteropolar bonding between nitrogen and barium within the infinite 1 ∞ [NBa 6/2 ] strands of the NaBa 3 N and Na 5 Ba 3 N phases, and within the isolated [NBa 6 ] octahedra of the Na 16 Ba 6 N phase. The nitrogen atoms inside the strands and octahedra are negatively charged, the anionic character of nitrogens being larger in the isolated octahedra of the cubic phase Na 16 Ba 6 N, due to the lack of electron delocalization along one direction as opposed to the other phases. The sodium and barium atoms appear to be slightly negatively and positively charged, the latter to a larger extent. From the computed Ba-N overlap populations as well as the analysis of the contour maps of differences between total density and superposition of


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    Janusz KONKOL

    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wytrzymałości na ściskanie betonów modyfikowanych dodatkiem metakaolinitu po 2, 3, 7, 14, 28 i 56 dniach dojrzewania. Dodatek metakaolinitu użyto jako częściowy substytut cementu, dokonując wymiany 10% masy cementu na metakaolinit. Udział ten uznawany jest za optymalny z uwagi na inne niż wytrzymałość na ściskanie właściwości betonu, w tym trwałość betonu modyfikowanego metakaolinitem. Badania przeprowadzono także dla betonu tła, betonu bez dodatku metakaolinitu. Betony wykonano przy założeniu stałego stosunku woda/spoiwo, względnie woda/cement wynoszącego 0,45 oraz przy użyciu cementu portlandzkiego CEM I 32,5R, piasku kwarcowego frakcji do 2 mm oraz grysu bazaltowego frakcji do 16 mm. W celu uzyskania pożądanej konsystencji mieszanki betonowej zastosowano upłynniacz na bazie estrów polikarboksylowych. Uzyskane rezultaty badań potwierdziły wysoką aktywność pucolanową metakaolinitu już we wczesnym okresie dojrzewania betonu. W okresie między 3 a 7 dniem dojrzewania stwierdzono wolniejszy przyrost wytrzymałości na ściskanie w betonie niemodyfikowanym metakaolinitem, podczas gdy w betonie, w którym 10% masy cementu zastąpiono metakaolinitem uwidocznił się znaczący przyrost wytrzymałości na ściskanie. Po 2 dniach dojrzewania wytrzymałość na ściskanie betonu tła była nieznacznie wyższa od wytrzymałości na ściskanie betonu modyfikowanego. Korzystny wpływ dodatku metakaolinitu wynikający z jego wysokiej aktywności pucolanowej, jak również z uszczelniającego charakteru tego dodatku obserwowano jest zwłaszcza w okresie między 3 a 14 dniem dojrzewania. W tym okresie obserwowano znaczny przyrost wytrzymałości na ściskanie betonu modyfikowanego w porównaniu z wytrzymałością na ściskanie betonu tła. Po 7 i 14 dniach dojrzewania stwierdzono odpowiednio prawie 25% i 21% wzrost wytrzymałości na ściskanie na skutek użycia metakaolinitu.

  11. Teratological studies of DTPA-CaNa3, DTPA-ZnNa3 and quinamic acid in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo Meichu; Ruan Tianming; Tong Shungao


    DTPA-CaNa 3 , DTPA-ZnNa 3 and quinamic acid are effective chelating agents for removing actinide elements from the body. In this experiment, different doses of DTPA-CaNa 3 , DTPA-ZnNa 3 and quinamic acid were given to mice on gestation days 6-10. Eight groups of mice received 0.8 and 2.0 mM/kg of DTPA-CaNa 3 , 3.8, 7.6, and 11.4 mM/kg of DTPA-ZnNa 3 and 0.42, 2.1, and 4.2 mM/kg of quinamic acid. Hypetonic saline and isotonic saline were given to two control groups. DTPA-CaNa 3 and quinamidic acid were found to be much more toxic to fetus of mice than DTPA-ZnNa 3 . When the doses of DTPA-CaMa 3 and quinamidic acid were 20 times higher than the human dose, the number of resorbed fetus was increased and the number and weight of live fetus were reduced. The result of injection with 7.6 mM/kg (200 times of human dose)DTPA-ZnNa 3 and that of injection with isotonic saline are the same. Therefore, we suggest that the DTPA-CaNa 3 and quinamidic acid should not be given to pregnant woman, if chelation therapy is needed, while the much safer DTPA-ZnNa 3 could be used

  12. Effect of a Traditional Herbal Prescription, Kyung-Ok-Ko, on Male Mouse Spermatogenic Ability after Heat-Induced Damage

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    Deok-Sang Hwang


    Full Text Available Kyung-Ok-Ko (KOK, a well-known traditional Korean medicinal formula, has long been used to invigorate the essential qi. This use of KOK may be associated with reproductive ability as a more modern concept. The protective effect of KOK was evaluated against deterioration of testicular function induced by heat exposure in male mice. Male fertility was disrupted by scrotal heat stress at 43°C for 5 weeks. KOK (0.25, 0.50, and 2.00 g/kg/day was administered orally at 3 h after the stress. To evaluate the protective effect of KOK, body weight, testicular weight, sperm count, sperm motility, and histopathological changes in the testes were evaluated. KOK-treated mice significantly recovered their general health, as evidenced by body weight. KOK-treated mice also showed significantly higher testes weights, sperm counts, and sperm motility than did the heat stress group. KOK-treated mice significantly recovered the morphological appearance of the seminiferous tubules and seminiferous epithelium. Furthermore, KOK-treated mice significantly increased antioxidant enzyme activities and reduced the protein expressions of apoptosis in the testes. KOK significantly protects against heat-induced damage to testicular function in male mice by inhibiting oxidative stress and apoptosis, indicating that KOK may be an effective agent for treatment of heat-induced male infertility.

  13. Na-ion dynamics in Quasi-1D compound NaV2O4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Månsson, M; Umegaki, I; Nozaki, H; Higuchi, Y; Sugiyama, J; Kawasaki, I; Watanabe, I; Sakurai, H


    We have used the pulsed muon source at ISIS to study high-temperature Na-ion dynamics in the quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) metallic antiferromagnet NaV 2 O 4 . By performing systematic zero-field and longitudinal-field measurements as a function of temperature we clearly distinguish that the hopping rate increases exponentially above T diff ≈ 250 K. The data is well fitted to an Arrhenius type equation typical for a diffusion process, showing that the Na-ions starts to be mobile above T diff . Such results make this compound very interesting for the tuning of Q1D magnetism using atomic-scale ion-texturing through the periodic potential from ordered Na-vacancies. Further, it also opens the door to possible use of NaV 2 O 4 and related compounds in energy related applications

  14. O Passeio Público do Rio de Janeiro na Literatura, na Pintura e na Fotografia do Século XIX

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    Solange de Aragão


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo geral e mais amplo chamar a atenção dos pesquisadores para a importância da literatura, da pintura e da fotografia como fontes documentais para a construção da História do Paisagismo no Brasil por meio de um estudo de caso muito particular: o Passeio Público do Rio de Janeiro no século XIX. São objetivos específicos apresentar e analisar o modo como esse espaço livre público aparece na literatura, na pintura e na fotografia desse período, considerando suas transformações paisagísticas.

  15. Solubility of NaNd(CO3)2.6H2O(c) in concentrated Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, L.; Rai, D.; Felmy, A.R.; Fulton, R.W.; Novak, C.F.


    NaNd(CO 3 ) 2 x 6 H 2 O(c) was identified to be the final equilibrium solid phase in suspensions containing concentrated sodium carbonate (0.1 to 2.0 M) and sodium bicarbonate (0.1 to 1.0 M), with either NaNd(CO 3 ) 2 x 6 H 2 O(c) or Nd 2 (CO 3 ) 3 x xH 2 O(s) as initial solids. A thermodynamic model, based on Pitzer's specific into-interaction approach, was developed to interpret the solubility of NaNd(CO 3 ) 2 x 6 H 2 O(c) as functions of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate concentrations. In this model, the solubility data of NaNd(CO 3 ) 2 x 6 H 2 O(c) were explained by assuming the formation of NdCO 3 + , Nd(CO 3 ) 2 - and Nd(CO 3 ) 3 3- species and invoking the specific ion interactions between Na + and Nd(CO 3 ) 3 3- . Ion interaction parameters for Na + -Nd(CO 3 ) 3 3- were developed to fit the solubility data. Based on the model calculations, Nd(CO 3 ) 3 3- was the predominant aqueous neodymium species in 0.1 to 2 M sodium carbonate and 0.1 to 1 M sodium bicarbonate solutions. The logarithm of the NaNd(CO 3 ) 2 x 6 H 2 O solubility product (NaNd(CO 3 ) 2 x 6 H 2 O(c)=Na + +Nd 3+ +2 CO 3 2- +6 H 2 O) was calculated to be -21.39. This model also provided satisfactory interpretation of the solubility data of the analogous Am(III) system in less concentrated carbonate and bicarbonate solutions. (orig.)

  16. Mechanism of μ-conotoxin PIIIA binding to the voltage-gated Na+ channel NaV1.4.

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    Rong Chen

    Full Text Available Several subtypes of voltage-gated Na+ (NaV channels are important targets for pain management. μ-Conotoxins isolated from venoms of cone snails are potent and specific blockers of different NaV channel isoforms. The inhibitory effect of μ-conotoxins on NaV channels has been examined extensively, but the mechanism of toxin specificity has not been understood in detail. Here the known structure of μ-conotoxin PIIIA and a model of the skeletal muscle channel NaV1.4 are used to elucidate elements that contribute to the structural basis of μ-conotoxin binding and specificity. The model of NaV1.4 is constructed based on the crystal structure of the bacterial NaV channel, NaVAb. Six different binding modes, in which the side chain of each of the basic residues carried by the toxin protrudes into the selectivity filter of NaV1.4, are examined in atomic detail using molecular dynamics simulations with explicit solvent. The dissociation constants (Kd computed for two selected binding modes in which Lys9 or Arg14 from the toxin protrudes into the filter of the channel are within 2 fold; both values in close proximity to those determined from dose response data for the block of NaV currents. To explore the mechanism of PIIIA specificity, a double mutant of NaV1.4 mimicking NaV channels resistant to μ-conotoxins and tetrodotoxin is constructed and the binding of PIIIA to this mutant channel examined. The double mutation causes the affinity of PIIIA to reduce by two orders of magnitude.

  17. Muscle K+, Na+, and Cl- disturbances and Na+-K+ pump inactivation: implications for fatigue

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    McKenna, Michael J; Bangsbo, Jens; Renaud, Jean-Marc


    (+)-ATPase activity during exercise stabilizes Na(+) and K(+) concentration gradients and membrane excitability and thus protects against fatigue. However, during intense contraction some Na(+)-K(+) pumps are inactivated and together with further ionic disturbances, likely precipitate muscle fatigue.......Membrane excitability is a critical regulatory step in skeletal muscle contraction and is modulated by local ionic concentrations, conductances, ion transporter activities, temperature, and humoral factors. Intense fatiguing contractions induce cellular K(+) efflux and Na(+) and Cl(-) influx......, causing pronounced perturbations in extracellular (interstitial) and intracellular K(+) and Na(+) concentrations. Muscle interstitial K(+) concentration may increase 1- to 2-fold to 11-13 mM and intracellular K(+) concentration fall by 1.3- to 1.7-fold; interstitial Na(+) concentration may decline by 10 m...

  18. Tehnička služba Vojske Jugoslavije i pravci njenog razvoja / Technical Service of the Army of Yugoslavia and the directions of its development

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    Milun Kokanović


    Full Text Available Tehničko-tehnološki razvoj u naučno i ekonomski moćnim zemljama sveta poslednjih decenija najvećim delom je potenciran i iskorišćen za proizvodnju oružja i sredstava naoružanja i vojne opreme. Time je radikalno izmenjena osnova rata, tako da se sa nuklearne, strategijske koncepcije prelazi na informatičku koncepciju rata. Tehnička služba Vojske Jugoslavije (Tehnička služba KoV, Vazduhoplovno-tehnička služba i Mornaričko-tehnička služba shodno izmenjenim uslovima, pratila je i izučavala razvoj tehničko-tehnološkog faktora u svetu i njegov uticaj na oružanu borbu. Kadrovskim osposobljavanjem, racionalnom organizacijom sistema tehničkog obezbeđenja i materijalnom podrškom, uspešno je podržavala potrebe Vojske Jugoslavije u razvoju tehničkih sredstava naoružanja i vojne opreme njihovom snabdevanju i održavanju u čitavom životnom veku. / Technological and technological development in the scientifically and economically powerful countries of the world in the last decades has been mostly emphasized and used for the production of weapons and weapons and military equipment. This radically changed the basis of the war, so that from the nuclear, strategic conception it switched to the informational conception of war. The Technical Service of the Army of Yugoslavia (Technical Service of Land Army, Aircraft and Technical Service and Naval-Technical Service, in accordance with the changed conditions, monitored and developed the technical and technological factors in the world and its impact on the armed struggle. Through staff training, rational organization of the system of technical security and material support, it successfully supported the needs of the Army of Yugoslavia in the development of technical means of arms and military equipment to their supply and maintenance throughout the life-span.

  19. Route, mechanism, and implications of proton import during Na+/K+ exchange by native Na+/K+-ATPase pumps (United States)

    Vedovato, Natascia


    A single Na+/K+-ATPase pumps three Na+ outwards and two K+ inwards by alternately exposing ion-binding sites to opposite sides of the membrane in a conformational sequence coupled to pump autophosphorylation from ATP and auto-dephosphorylation. The larger flow of Na+ than K+ generates outward current across the cell membrane. Less well understood is the ability of Na+/K+ pumps to generate an inward current of protons. Originally noted in pumps deprived of external K+ and Na+ ions, as inward current at negative membrane potentials that becomes amplified when external pH is lowered, this proton current is generally viewed as an artifact of those unnatural conditions. We demonstrate here that this inward current also flows at physiological K+ and Na+ concentrations. We show that protons exploit ready reversibility of conformational changes associated with extracellular Na+ release from phosphorylated Na+/K+ pumps. Reversal of a subset of these transitions allows an extracellular proton to bind an acidic side chain and to be subsequently released to the cytoplasm. This back-step of phosphorylated Na+/K+ pumps that enables proton import is not required for completion of the 3 Na+/2 K+ transport cycle. However, the back-step occurs readily during Na+/K+ transport when external K+ ion binding and occlusion are delayed, and it occurs more frequently when lowered extracellular pH raises the probability of protonation of the externally accessible carboxylate side chain. The proton route passes through the Na+-selective binding site III and is distinct from the principal pathway traversed by the majority of transported Na+ and K+ ions that passes through binding site II. The inferred occurrence of Na+/K+ exchange and H+ import during the same conformational cycle of a single molecule identifies the Na+/K+ pump as a hybrid transporter. Whether Na+/K+ pump–mediated proton inflow may have any physiological or pathophysiological significance remains to be clarified. PMID

  20. Route, mechanism, and implications of proton import during Na+/K+ exchange by native Na+/K+-ATPase pumps. (United States)

    Vedovato, Natascia; Gadsby, David C


    A single Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase pumps three Na(+) outwards and two K(+) inwards by alternately exposing ion-binding sites to opposite sides of the membrane in a conformational sequence coupled to pump autophosphorylation from ATP and auto-dephosphorylation. The larger flow of Na(+) than K(+) generates outward current across the cell membrane. Less well understood is the ability of Na(+)/K(+) pumps to generate an inward current of protons. Originally noted in pumps deprived of external K(+) and Na(+) ions, as inward current at negative membrane potentials that becomes amplified when external pH is lowered, this proton current is generally viewed as an artifact of those unnatural conditions. We demonstrate here that this inward current also flows at physiological K(+) and Na(+) concentrations. We show that protons exploit ready reversibility of conformational changes associated with extracellular Na(+) release from phosphorylated Na(+)/K(+) pumps. Reversal of a subset of these transitions allows an extracellular proton to bind an acidic side chain and to be subsequently released to the cytoplasm. This back-step of phosphorylated Na(+)/K(+) pumps that enables proton import is not required for completion of the 3 Na(+)/2 K(+) transport cycle. However, the back-step occurs readily during Na(+)/K(+) transport when external K(+) ion binding and occlusion are delayed, and it occurs more frequently when lowered extracellular pH raises the probability of protonation of the externally accessible carboxylate side chain. The proton route passes through the Na(+)-selective binding site III and is distinct from the principal pathway traversed by the majority of transported Na(+) and K(+) ions that passes through binding site II. The inferred occurrence of Na(+)/K(+) exchange and H(+) import during the same conformational cycle of a single molecule identifies the Na(+)/K(+) pump as a hybrid transporter. Whether Na(+)/K(+) pump-mediated proton inflow may have any physiological or

  1. Growth mechanism of NaClO 3 and NaBrO 3 crystals from aqueous ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A study of growth rates of NaClO3 and NaBrO3 has been carried out using a small growth cell by in situ observation. Normal growth rates of {100} faces of NaClO3 and {111} faces of NaBrO3 along ⟨ 110 ⟩ direction are measured under relatively high supersaturation ranging from 3–8%. In the initial stages of growth, {100}, ...

  2. Modelagem geoestatística das incertezas da distribuição espacial do fósforo disponível no solo, em área de cana-de-açúcar

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    Ismênia Ribeiro de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O fósforo destaca-se como um dos nutrientes limitantes ao desenvolvimento da cultura da cana-de-açúcar em solos brasileiros. Esse elemento apresenta grande variabilidade espacial, coordenada pelos atributos que regem as reações de adsorção e dessorção. Estimativas espaciais são conduzidas por meio de interpolações geoestatísticas para a caracterização dessa variabilidade. No entanto, tais estimativas apresentam incertezas inerentes ao procedimento que estão associadas à estrutura de variabilidade do atributo em estudo e à configuração amostral da área. Dessa forma, avaliar a incerteza das predições associada à distribuição espacial do fósforo disponível (Plábil é importante para otimizar o uso dos fertilizantes fosfatados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho da simulação sequencial gaussiana (SSG e da krigagem ordinária (KO na modelagem da incerteza das predições do fósforo disponível. Uma malha amostral com 626 pontos foi instalada em uma área experimental de 200 hectares de cana-de-açúcar no município de Tabapuã, São Paulo. Foram geradas 200 realizações por meio do algoritmo da SSG. As realizações da SSG reproduziram as estatísticas e a distribuição dos dados amostrais. A estatística G (0,81 indicou boa proximidade entre as frações dos valores simulados e as dos observados. As realizações da SSG preservaram a variabilidade espacial do Plábil, sem o efeito de suavização obtido pelo mapa da KO. A acurácia na reprodução do variograma dos dados amostrais, obtida pelas realizações da SSG foi, em média, 240 vezes maior que obtida por meio da KO. O mapa de incertezas, obtido por meio da KO, apresentou menor variação na área de estudo do que por SSG. Dessa forma, a avaliação das incertezas, pela SSG, evidenciou-se mais informativa, podendo ser utilizada para definir e delimitar, de forma mais precisa, as áreas de manejo específico.

  3. Rescue of Na+ affinity in aspartate 928 mutants of Na+,K+-ATPase by secondary mutation of glutamate 314. (United States)

    Holm, Rikke; Einholm, Anja P; Andersen, Jens P; Vilsen, Bente


    The Na(+),K(+)-ATPase binds Na(+) at three transport sites denoted I, II, and III, of which site III is Na(+)-specific and suggested to be the first occupied in the cooperative binding process activating phosphorylation from ATP. Here we demonstrate that the asparagine substitution of the aspartate associated with site III found in patients with rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism or alternating hemiplegia of childhood causes a dramatic reduction of Na(+) affinity in the α1-, α2-, and α3-isoforms of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, whereas other substitutions of this aspartate are much less disruptive. This is likely due to interference by the amide function of the asparagine side chain with Na(+)-coordinating residues in site III. Remarkably, the Na(+) affinity of site III aspartate to asparagine and alanine mutants is rescued by second-site mutation of a glutamate in the extracellular part of the fourth transmembrane helix, distant to site III. This gain-of-function mutation works without recovery of the lost cooperativity and selectivity of Na(+) binding and does not affect the E1-E2 conformational equilibrium or the maximum phosphorylation rate. Hence, the rescue of Na(+) affinity is likely intrinsic to the Na(+) binding pocket, and the underlying mechanism could be a tightening of Na(+) binding at Na(+) site II, possibly via movement of transmembrane helix four. The second-site mutation also improves Na(+),K(+) pump function in intact cells. Rescue of Na(+) affinity and Na(+) and K(+) transport by second-site mutation is unique in the history of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase and points to new possibilities for treatment of neurological patients carrying Na(+),K(+)-ATPase mutations. © 2015 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  4. André Aciman: Lavanda / s engleskog prevela Željka Gorički


    André Aciman; Željka Gorički


    Život počinje mirisom lavande. Moj otac stoji ispred ogledala. Upravo se otuširao i obrijao te se sprema obući odijelo. Gledam ga kako pričvršćuje čvor na kravati, spušta ovratnik košulje i zakopčava najgornji gumb. I onda kao i obično: lavanda.Znam odakle miris dolazi. Na ormariću leži savršeno oblikovana bočica. Jednog dana dok me muči grozna migrena i ležim na kauču u dnevnoj sobi, moja majka, pokušavajući smisliti kako da mi olakša bol, poseže za bočicom, otvara je i kapne par kapi na mar...

  5. Hannah Arendt in aktivno državljanstvo: Izobraževanje odraslih kot osnova za polnopravno državljanstvo

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    Eva Cendon


    Full Text Available Živimo v obdobju tranzicije, na pragu novega tisočletja, ko se spoprijemamo s čedalje večjimi gospodarskimi, ekološkimi, političnimi in družbenimi problemi. Treba je odkriti nove oblike političnega ravnanja in sodelovanja. Ti problemi in radikalne spremembe zahtevajo novo obliko sobivanja (togetherness. Kljub temu se prepad med poklicnimi politiki, ki vladajo "na vrhu", in "navadno publiko "(prebivalstvom, ki misli, da ni mogoče ničesar storiti, od spodaj  navzgor nenehno poglablja. Tisti, ki so "na vrhu", ne želijo več prevzemati vse odgovornosti, tisti "na dnu" pa so frustrirani zaradi "pat" položaja v politiki.

  6. Search for B Decays into KO-anti-KO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aubert, B.


    We present preliminary results of a search for B{sup 0} {yields} K{sup 0}{bar K}{sup 0} decays in the K{sub s}{sup 0}K{sub s}{sup 0} final state using a sample of approximately 23 million B{bar B} pairs collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric B Factory at SLAC. We find no evidence for a signal and set an upper limit on the branching fraction of 7.3 x 10{sup -6} at the 90% confidence level.

  7. Anti-platelet and anti-thrombotic effect of a traditional herbal medicine Kyung-Ok-Ko. (United States)

    Kim, Tae-Ho; Lee, Kyoung Mee; Hong, Nam Doo; Jung, Yi-Sook


    Kyung-Ok-Ko (KOK), a traditional herbal prescription, contains six main ingredients; Rehmannia glutinosa var. purpurae, Lycium chinense, Aquillaria agallocha, Poria cocos, Panax ginseng, and honey. KOK has been widely taken as a traditional oriental medicine for improving blood circulation or age-related symptoms, such as dementia and stroke. However, the effect of KOK on platelet activity has not been clarified. To evaluate the effect of KOK on platelet function, we evaluated its effect on functional markers of platelet activation such as aggregation and shape change. As a mechanism study for the effect of KOK, we examined its effect on granule secretion, intracellular Ca(2+) increase, and PLCγ and Akt activation. To investigate the effect of orally administered KOK (0.5, 1, 2 g/kg), we examined its ex vivo effect on platelet aggregation in rat, and its in vivo anti-thrombotic effect in mice thromboembolism model. Furthermore, the effect of KOK on bleeding time was examined to estimate its potential side effect. KOK (0.3, 1, 3, 10 mg/ml) inhibited collagen-induced platelet aggregation and shape change in rat platelets in a concentration-dependent manner. The mechanism for the anti-platelet effect of KOK seems to involve the inhibition of ATP release, intracellular Ca(2+) elevation, and the phosphorylation of PLCγ and Akt. In rat ex vivo study, KOK (2 g/kg, p.o. for 1 day, and 0.5, 1, 2 g/kg, p.o. for 7 days) also had significant inhibitory effects on collagen-induced platelet aggregation. In addition, KOK showed a significant protective effect against thrombosis attack in mice. The prolongation of bleeding time by KOK was much less than that by ASA, suggesting a beneficial potential of KOK than ASA in view of side effect. These findings suggest that KOK elicits remarkable anti-platelet and anti-thrombotic effects with less side effect of bleeding, and therefore, it may have a therapeutic potential for the prevention of platelet-associated cardiovascular diseases

  8. The system NaVO3-Na2WO4-Na2W2O7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kazanbekov, V.R.; Gasanaliev, A.M.; Kazanbekov, R.G.


    Phase diagrams of sodium metavanadate-sodium ditungstate, sodium metavanadate-sodium tungstate systems and surface of primary crystallization of sodium metavabadate-sodium tungstate-sodium ditungstate system were studied. The system sodium metavanadate-sodium ditungstate is eutectic one. Compound NaVO 3 x2Na 2 WO 4 is formed in solid state in sodium metavanadate-sodium tungstate system. Liquidus surface of sodium metavanadate-sodium tungstate-sodium ditungstate is presented by three crystallization fields of initial components. Composition and melting point of ternary eutectics are determined

  9. 35Sulphate incorporation assay as a new tool for measuring early cartilage degradation following blood exposure in vitro and in vivo in f8 ko rats

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pulles, A. E.; Christensen, K. R.; Coeleveld, K.


    hours after euthanasia the cartilage of six healthy F8 KO rats was obtained by shaving off cartilage fragments of the tibia plateau by use of a scalpel. All cartilage explants were then cultured for four days; in addition to culture medium, half of the cartilage samples were cultured with 50% v/v whole...... blood. After four days proteoglycan synthesis rate was determined by adding 35SO42- to the cultures for four hours. The 35SO42- becomes incorporated in new synthesized proteoglycans. After digesting the cartilage pieces, cetylpyridinium chloride was added to the samples to precipitate the proteoglycans...

  10. Summer sudden Na number density enhancements measured with the ALOMAR Weber Na Lidar

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    D. Heinrich


    Full Text Available We present summer Na-densities and atmospheric temperatures measured 80 to 110 km above the Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research (ALOMAR. The Weber Na Lidar is part of ALOMAR, located at 69° N in Norway, 150 km north of the Arctic Circle. The sun does not set here during the summer months, and measurements require a narrowband Faraday Anomalous Dispersion Optical Filter (FADOF.

    We discuss an observed sudden enhancement in the Na number density around 22:00 UT on 1 to 2 June 2006. We compare this observation with previous summer measurements and find a frequent appearance of Na number density enhancements near local midnight. We describe the time of appearance, the altitude distribution, the duration and the strength of these enhancements and compare them to winter observations. We investigate possible formation mechanisms and, as others before, we find a strong link between these Na number density enhancements and sporadic E layers.

  11. Summer sudden Na number density enhancements measured with the ALOMAR Weber Na Lidar

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    D. Heinrich


    Full Text Available We present summer Na-densities and atmospheric temperatures measured 80 to 110 km above the Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research (ALOMAR. The Weber Na Lidar is part of ALOMAR, located at 69° N in Norway, 150 km north of the Arctic Circle. The sun does not set here during the summer months, and measurements require a narrowband Faraday Anomalous Dispersion Optical Filter (FADOF. We discuss an observed sudden enhancement in the Na number density around 22:00 UT on 1 to 2 June 2006. We compare this observation with previous summer measurements and find a frequent appearance of Na number density enhancements near local midnight. We describe the time of appearance, the altitude distribution, the duration and the strength of these enhancements and compare them to winter observations. We investigate possible formation mechanisms and, as others before, we find a strong link between these Na number density enhancements and sporadic E layers.

  12. Vibration Control of Mechanical Systems - introduction to the problem

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    Barcik Monika


    Full Text Available Príèiny vibrácií strojov sú rôznorodé a je ich ažko analyzova. Ich analýza je ve¾mi dôležitá, nako¾ko vibrácie majú negatívne úèinky nielen na životnos, prevádzkyschopnos strojov, ale i na obsluhu strojov a životné prostredie. V èlánku sú charakterizované základné postuláty pasívnych a aktívnych metód pre analýzu, syntézu a návrhu útlmu vibrácií s využitím princípu „riadených” vibrácií. Využitie matematického modelovania mechanického systému a riadenia je predmetom súèasného simulaèného výskumu vo svete. Uvedená teória je úspešne aplikovaná pre útlm, redukciu vibrácií strojov, rotorov zariadení, budov, komunikaèných prostriedkov.

  13. Sociokulturna animacija v bolnišnici in pravica do kulture

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    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Sociokulturna animacija ima v francoskih bolnišnicah dolgo tradicijo, ki se je najverjetneje začela v letih od 1800 do 1810 z Markizom de Sadom, ko je bil ta hospitaliziran v eni od pariških bolnišnic in je skupaj z bolniki pripravil gledališko predstavo, te pa se je udeležila domala vsa pariška družbena smetana. V letu 1999 so podpisali konvencijo »Kultura in zdravje« in kultura se je začela seliti v bolnišnice. Te so se začele spreminjati v ustanove, odprte v kraj, kjer delujejo, po drugi strani pa so bolniki in osebje tako pridobili drugačen pogled na telo in kulturo. Slovenska univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje že dalj časa izobražuje bolnišnične kulturne mediatorje (svoje študente, ki znanje in kulturo, ki ju pridobivajo s študijem na univerzi, posredujejo bolnikom, sorodnikom bolnikov in osebju, vse v okviru Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Ljubljana. V članku oblikujemo okvir za razmišljanje o pomenu in implikacijah temeljne pravice do kulture.

  14. Uticaj povećanja dometa na dinamičku stabilnost artiljerijskih raketa sa olučastim krilima / Influence of range extension on dynamic stability for artillery rockets with wrap around fins

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    Danilo Ćuk


    Full Text Available U radu su prikazani efekti povećanja dometa artiljerijske rakete sa olučastim krilima na njenu dinamičku stabilnost. Totalni impuls raketnog motora, uvećan za 50% i let rakete kroz slojeve atmosfere sa malom gustinom vazduha povećavaju domet rakete za više od 75% od nominalnog dometa. Međutim, let rakete kroz razređeni vazduh proizvodi teškoće koje se odnose na dinamičku stabilnost. Male promene bočnog momenta indukovanog napadnim uglom i Magnusovog momenta mogu proizvesti nestabilnost kretanja i nedozvoljeni rast napadnog ugla. Određene su tolerancije bočnog momenta za osnovnu i poboljšanu varijantu rakete radi sprečavanja nestabilnog leta. Analiziran je, takođe uticaj povećanja dometa na verovatna odstupanja rakete po dometu i pravcu. / This paper presents the effects of the range extension of an artillery rocket with wrap around fins on its dynamic stability. The increased total impulse of the rocket engine for 50% and flight through the atmosphere layers with low air density extend the range for more than 75% of the nominal range. However, the flight of the unguided rocket through the rarefied air produces difficulties related to the dynamic stability. The small changes in the side moment which is induced by the angle of attack and Magnus moment of the improved rocket can produce instabilities in flight and increasement the angle of attack. The tolerances of the side moment were determined for both basic and improved type of the rocket in order to prevent instable flight. The influence of the range extension on the probable errors in range and cross-range was analyzed as well.

  15. Influences of β-endorphins in Ethanol Consumption Patterns and Acquisition of a Conditioned Taste Aversion Mediated by the Drug

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    Juan Carlos Molina


    Full Text Available Rewarding effects of ethanol may be mediated in part by endogenous opioids. Ethanol alters β-endorphin synthesis and release. β-endorphin heterozygous (HT and knockout (KO mice consume higher levels of a low-concentrated alcohol solution and show heightened predisposition to self-administer ethanol in comparison with wild-type (WT mice (Grisel et al., 1999. This study was conducted in order to: i re-analyze and extend previous results in terms of ethanol consumption profiles of β-endorphin deficient mice; and ii analyze conditioned aversive learning mediated by ethanol postabsorptive effects as a function of genetic capabilities to synthesize β-endorphin. In Experiment 1, mice were evaluated in terms of consumption of a low (7% ethanol solution in a two-bottle free choice paradigm. Ethanol concentration was then increased to 10 % and voluntary intake consumption was tested. WT mice displayed significantly higher consumption levels and ethanol-preference scores than did KO mice, independently from ethanol concentration. HT mice drank more ethanol than did KO mice. In Experiment 2, mice (KO, HT and WT were tested in a conditioned taste aversion paradigm in which a sodium chloride (NaCl solution was paired with a 2-g/kg ethanol dose. Only HT and KO displayed a conditioned aversion when using 2-g/kg ethanol as unconditioned stimulus. The present results indicate that total or partial deficiency of β-endorphin synthesis reduces ethanol preference and consumption. Furthermore, this study indicates that the lack of β-endorphin synthesis exacerbates ethanol’s aversive postabsorptive effects which can in turn modulate self-administration patterns of the drug.

  16. Muziki wa Hip Hop na Haki Za Kijamii: Dhima, Changamoto na ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ni dhahiri kuwa haki za kijamii zinaweza kuwasilishwa kwa jamii pana kupitia sanaa ya hip hop. Makala haya basi, yanabainisha dhima na mchango wa muziki wa hip hop katika masuala ya haki za kijamii, yanafafanua changamoto za muziki huu katika kuwasilisha haki za kijamii na kutoa mapendekezo kwa makundi ...

  17. Sequential growth of sandwiched NaYF{sub 4}:Yb/Er@NaYF{sub 4}:Yb@NaNdF{sub 4}:Yb core–shell–shell nanoparticles for photodynamic therapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peng, Huang-Yong; Ding, Bin-Bin; Ma, Yin-Chu [Department of Medical Materials and Rehabilitation Engineering, School of Medical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009 (China); Sun, Shi-Qi [State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Etiological Biology and Key Laboratory of Animal Virology of Ministry of Agriculture, Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xujiaping 1, Lanzhou, Gansu 730046 (China); Tao, Wei [Department of Medical Materials and Rehabilitation Engineering, School of Medical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009 (China); Guo, Yan-Chuan [Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 (China); Guo, Hui-Chen, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Etiological Biology and Key Laboratory of Animal Virology of Ministry of Agriculture, Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xujiaping 1, Lanzhou, Gansu 730046 (China); Yang, Xian-Zhu, E-mail: [Department of Medical Materials and Rehabilitation Engineering, School of Medical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009 (China); Qian, Hai-Sheng, E-mail: [Department of Medical Materials and Rehabilitation Engineering, School of Medical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009 (China)


    Graphical abstract: The monodisperse elliptical NaYF{sub 4}:Yb/Er@NaYF{sub 4}:Yb@NaNdF{sub 4}:Yb core–shell–shell nanoparticles have been synthesized successfully by a facile sequential growth process, which can be used as transducer for photodynamic therapy of cancer cells. - Highlights: • The NaYF{sub 4}:Yb/Er@NaYF{sub 4}:Yb@NaNdF{sub 4}:Yb nanoparticles have been fabricated successfully. • The as-prepared nanoparticles show strong fluorescence excited at 980 or 808 nm. • The nanoparticles were transferred into the aqueous phase via a facile process. • Photosensitizers were loaded into the composites for photodynamic therapy. - Abstract: Upconversion (UC) nanostructures have attracted much interest for their extensive biological applications. In this work, we describe a sequential synthetic route to prepare sandwiched NaYF{sub 4}:Yb/Er@NaYF{sub 4}:Yb@NaNdF{sub 4}:Yb core–shell upconversion nanoparticles. The as-prepared products were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEM 2100F), respectively. The as-prepared core–shell nanoparticles of NaYF{sub 4}:Yb/Er@NaYF{sub 4}:Yb@NaNdF{sub 4}:Yb are composed of elliptical nanoparticles with a length of 80 nm and width of 42 nm, which show efficient upconversion fluorescence excited at 808 nm indicating the formation of core–shell–shell sandwiched nanostructures. In addition, the as-prepared sandwiched NaYF{sub 4}:Yb/Er@NaYF{sub 4}:Yb@NaNdF{sub 4}:Yb core–shell upconversion nanoparticles also show strong upconversion fluorescence excited at 980 nm. Amphiphilic mPEG{sub 2k}-b-PEBEP{sub 6K} copolymers (denoted as PPE) were chosen to transfer these hydrophobic UCNPs into the aqueous phase for biological application. In vitro photodynamic therapy of cancer cells show that the viability of cells incubated with the nanoparticles loaded with MC 540 was significantly lower as compared to the nanoparticles without photosensitizers exposed to NIR laser.

  18. Intracellular Na+ regulation of Na+ pump sites in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, J.C.; Navran, S.S.; Seidel, C.L.; Dennison, D.K.; Amann, J.M.; Jemelka, S.K.


    Enzymatically dispersed cells from canine saphenous vein and femoral artery were grown in fetal calf serum and studied at day 0 (freshly dispersed) through confluence in primary culture. Intracellular Na levels (Nai), but not intracellular K (Ki), were increased after 24 h in culture and then decreased to a steady state by 4 days. Na+ pump site number [( 3 H] ouabain binding) increased through day 3 and remained elevated. Nai was still elevated at 2 days when the Na+ pump site number began to increase. Total pump turnover (maximum ouabain-inhibited 86 Rb uptake) reflected the increase in Na+ pump site number. These key events precede the observed increases in both protein production and cellular proliferation. If the same cells are maintained in defined medium, without fetal calf serum, Nai, Ki, and the number of [ 3 H]ouabain binding sites do not change with time. These data are consistent with the suggestion that the initial mitogenic response of vascular smooth muscle cells to fetal calf serum involves an increased Na+ influx, and a Nai accumulation, caused by low Na+ pump density. The synthesis of new pump sites effects a decrease in the accumulated Nai, which may be related to cell proliferation

  19. On the Stability of NaO2 in Na-O2 Batteries. (United States)

    Liu, Chenjuan; Carboni, Marco; Brant, William R; Pan, Ruijun; Hedman, Jonas; Zhu, Jiefang; Gustafsson, Torbjörn; Younesi, Reza


    Na-O 2 batteries are regarded as promising candidates for energy storage. They have higher energy efficiency, rate capability, and chemical reversibility than Li-O 2 batteries; in addition, sodium is cheaper and more abundant compared to lithium. However, inconsistent observations and instability of discharge products have inhibited the understanding of the working mechanism of this technology. In this work, we have investigated a number of factors that influence the stability of the discharge products. By means of in operando powder X-ray diffraction study, the influence of oxygen, sodium anode, salt, solvent, and carbon cathode were investigated. The Na metal anode and an ether-based solvent are the main factors that lead to the instability and decomposition of NaO 2 in the cell environment. This fundamental insight brings new information on the working mechanism of Na-O 2 batteries.

  20. NaK handling and removal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desreumaux, J.; Rodriguez, G.; Guigon, A.; Verdelli, J.; Thomine, G.


    Sodium-potassium alloy is used in specific application in French Fast Breeder Reactors as: cold traps, NaK bubbler for argon purification, valves and also in experimental irradiation devices. lt has been preferred to sodium because it is liquid from + 7 deg. C for the most common peritectic alloy. After its use, NaK is considered as a hazardous waste (nuclear or not) due to its high reactivity with air and water. The most important risk remains in handling NaK systems which have not been operated for some time. The NaK will be covered with a crust of the superoxide K02 which is a strong oxidising agent. Thermodynamically, K02 will react with most organic material or metallic dust or swarfs and can also react with additional NaK to give sufficient heat to boil part of the NaK, resulting in a sudden increase in pressure and small explosions. We describe the formation given to experimenters in our Sodium School and the CEA's experience in treating specific devices for transportation, decanting of tanks, tank opening and NaK removal. (author)

  1. Angiotensin II-induced hypertension increases plasma membrane Na pump activity by enhancing Na entry in rat thick ascending limbs. (United States)

    Gonzalez-Vicente, Agustin; Garvin, Jeffrey L


    Thick ascending limbs (TAL) reabsorb 30% of the filtered NaCl load. Na enters the cells via apical Na-K-2Cl cotransporters and Na/H exchangers and exits via basolateral Na pumps. Chronic angiotensin II (ANG II) infusion increases net TAL Na transport and Na apical entry; however, little is known about its effects on the basolateral Na pump. We hypothesized that in rat TALs Na pump activity is enhanced by ANG II-infusion, a model of ANG II-induced hypertension. Rats were infused with 200 ng·kg(-1)·min(-1) ANG II or vehicle for 7 days, and TAL suspensions were obtained. We studied plasma membrane Na pump activity by measuring changes in 1) intracellular Na (Nai) induced by ouabain; and 2) ouabain-sensitive oxygen consumption (QO2). We found that the ouabain-sensitive rise in Nai in TALs from ANG II-infused rats was 12.8 ± 0.4 arbitrary fluorescent units (AFU)·mg(-1)·min(-1) compared with only 9.9 ± 1.1 AFU·mg(-1)·min(-1) in controls (P Na pump expression, the number of Na pumps in the plasma membrane, or the affinity for Na. When furosemide (1.1 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1)) was coinfused with ANG II, no increase in plasma membrane Na pump activity was observed. We concluded that in ANG II-induced hypertension Na pump activity is increased in the plasma membrane of TALs and that this increase is caused by the chronically enhanced Na entry occurring in this model.

  2. Menemen Ekolojik Koşullarında Lavanta (Lavandula spp.) Tür ve Çeşitlerinin Morfolojik, Verim ve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi


    Karık, Ünal; Çiçek, Fatih; Çınar, Orçun


    Bu çalışma Menemen ekolojik koşullarında lavanta (Lavandula spp.) tür ve çeşitlerininmorfolojik, verim ve kalite özelliklerini belirlemek amacı ile 2015-2016yılları arasında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada 2 farklı türe ait 8 farklı ticarilavanta çeşidi kullanılmıştır. 2 yıl sonucunda elde edilen veriler ışığında türve çeşitler arasında önemli farklılıklar bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Lavandintipi çeşitler, verim özellikleri açısından lavander tipi çeşitlerin önünegeçerken,  uçucu yağ oranı ve uçucu...

  3. Silicene for Na-ion battery applications

    KAUST Repository

    Zhu, Jiajie


    Na-ion batteries are promising candidates to replace Li-ion batteries in large scale applications because of the advantages in natural abundance and cost of Na. Silicene has potential as the anode in Li-ion batteries but so far has not received attention with respect to Na-ion batteries. In this context, freestanding silicene, a graphene-silicene-graphene heterostructure, and a graphene-silicene superlattice are investigated for possible application in Na-ion batteries, using first-principles calculations. The calculated Na capacities of 954mAh/g for freestanding silicene and 730mAh/g for the graphenesilicene superlattice (10% biaxial tensile strain) are highly competitive and potentials of >0.3 V against the Na/Na potential exceed the corresponding value of graphite. In addition, the diffusion barriers are predicted to be <0.3 eV.



    Goričan Podbrežnik, Sabina


    Za človeško družbo je značilno, da se v njej pojavljajo spori.Enega izmed načinov reševanja sporov predstavlja mediacija kot glavni in tipični predstavnik alternativnega reševanja sporov. S sprejetjem Zakona o mediaciji v civilnih in gospodarskih zadevah se je Slovenija pridružila državam, ki imajo zakonsko urejeno mediacijo. Na podlagi Zakona o alternativnem reševanju sodnih sporov pa je mediacija postala tudi del rednega poslovanja slovenskih sodišč. Sodišču pridružena mediacija je edini po...

  5. Korekcija temperature v tunelski peči




    Cilj diplomske naloge je bil programsko odpraviti problem preveč zapečenih izdelkov v serijski proizvodnji peke kruha. Ta problem nastane, ko se zaradi določenega razloga, kot je npr. menjava vrste izdelka, pojavi večja luknja na tekočem traku. Vnos testa v peč je v tem primeru močno zmanjšan in posledično prihaja do dviga temperature v območju in okolici luknje. Programska logika peči teče na programirljivem logičnem krmilniku. Program je večinoma izdelan v lestvičnem diagramu, določene ...

  6. Novootkrivena arheološka nalazišta uz rječicu Veliku kod mjesta Majur i Ladinec


    Tkalčec, Tatjana; Karavanić, Snježana; Šiljeg, Bartul; Jelinčić, Kristina


    U radu se objavljuju nova arheološka nalazišta, otkrivena uz rječicu Veliku, oko 5 kilometara istočno od Svetog Ivana Žabna. Nalazišta se opredjeljuju prema njihovom karakteru (naselja, utvrda) i smještaju u uži vremenski okvir na osnovi tipološko-kronološke analize keramičkih nalaza priku-pljenih prigodom rekognosciranja. Na lokalitetu Ladinec-Čatrnja ustanovljeno je veće naselje iz kasnog brončanoga doba. Položaj je bio nastanjen i u razdoblju mladeg zeljeznog doba, antike te u kasnom sredn...



    Sekavčnik, Marjeta


    Namen diplomskega seminarja je bil ugotoviti kakšne so razlike med podjetniki in podjetnicami v Sloveniji in zakaj do njih prihaja. Tega smo se lotili tako, da smo diplomski seminar razdelili na dva večja dela in sicer na teoretični in empirični del oz. študijo primera. Pri teoretičnem delu smo se najprej seznanili z osnovnimi pojmi podjetništva, spoznali kakšni so razlogi (motivi) podjetnikov in podjetnic, da se odločijo za podjetniško kariero, ugotovili kakšne so njihove osebnostne znači...

  8. Nastavna sredstva i pomagala u službi umjetnosti u nastavi glazbe


    Novosel, Darko


    Svrha rada je utvrditi jesu li nastavna sredstva i pomagala potrebna u nastavi glazbe. Dok je vokalnoj glazbi dovoljan „glasovni aparat“ koji imamo kao dio našeg tijela, u instrumentalnoj glazbi nužno je pomagalo, glazbalo. Glazbu je moguće stvarati i izvoditi i na računalu, no za njegovu uporabu nije potrebna vještina sviranja već glazbeno i informatičko znanje pa ga još uvijek ne smatramo pravim glazbalom. Pomagala su potrebna i da bismo napravili notni ili zvučni zapis glazbe te za estetsk...

  9. Povezanost barv in čustev pri učencih v 4. razredu osnovne šole


    Kolar, Rebeka


    V magistrski nalogi se dotikamo področja barv, ki imajo lahko močan učinek na človeško telo in emocije. Že kot otroci uporabljamo barve tako v domačem okolju kot šoli. Po mnenju strokovnjakov naj bi ravno uporaba posameznih barv razodevala otrokovo emocionalno življenje. Pri tem je pomembno poudariti, da se barvno izražanje otrok skozi njihov razvoj spreminja, nadgrajuje, spreminja se otrokova uporaba in odnos do barv. Raziskave, ki so bile opravljene na tem področju, kažejo, da lahko ravno n...

  10. Hydrolysis of Rice Straw Pretreated by Na2SO3 Over Fe-resin/NaCl

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    YANG Hui


    Full Text Available To increase the conversion of rice straw(RS and the yield of products, we employed three methods, which were ultrasonic wave, steam explosion and Na2SO3 pretreatment to pretreat RS(the treated RS noted as CS-RS, ZQ-RS and Na2SO3-RS, respectively and found that Na2SO3 treatment was the best pretreatment method based on XRD, SEM, elemental analysis and content of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The conversion of Na2SO3-RS and the yield of total reducing sugar(TRS and levulinic acid(LA were 97.3%, 29.6% and 13.5%, respectively by 10% Fe-resin in 3.3% NaCl solution under 200 ℃.



    Drobež, Rozalija


    Eden glavnih okoljevarstvenih problemov živilskopredelovalne industrije je nenehno naraščajoča proizvodnja odpadkov različnega izvora. Proizvodnja bioplina iz organskih in živalskih odpadkov z anaerobno fermentacijo je primeren način za predelavo teh odpadkov. Predelava prinaša mnoge okoljske, ekonomske in družbene koristi. Po drugi strani procesna sistemska tehnika s svojimi vrhunskimi orodji, ki temeljijo na matematičnem programiranju oz. optimizaciji, omogoča generiranje optimalnih in d...

  12. Na+/H+ and Na+/NH4+ exchange activities of zebrafish NHE3b expressed in Xenopus oocytes (United States)

    Ito, Yusuke; Kato, Akira; Hirata, Taku; Hirose, Shigehisa


    Zebrafish Na+/H+ exchanger 3b (zNHE3b) is highly expressed in the apical membrane of ionocytes where Na+ is absorbed from ion-poor fresh water against a concentration gradient. Much in vivo data indicated that zNHE3b is involved in Na+ absorption but not leakage. However, zNHE3b-mediated Na+ absorption has not been thermodynamically explained, and zNHE3b activity has not been measured. To address this issue, we overexpressed zNHE3b in Xenopus oocytes and characterized its activity by electrophysiology. Exposure of zNHE3b oocytes to Na+-free media resulted in significant decrease in intracellular pH (pHi) and intracellular Na+ activity (aNai). aNai increased significantly when the cytoplasm was acidified by media containing CO2-HCO3− or butyrate. Activity of zNHE3b was inhibited by amiloride or 5-ethylisopropyl amiloride (EIPA). Although the activity was accompanied by a large hyperpolarization of ∼50 mV, voltage-clamp experiments showed that Na+/H+ exchange activity of zNHE3b is electroneutral. Exposure of zNHE3b oocytes to medium containing NH3/NH4+ resulted in significant decreases in pHi and aNai and significant increase in intracellular NH4+ activity, indicating that zNHE3b mediates the Na+/NH4+ exchange. In low-Na+ (0.5 mM) media, zNHE3b oocytes maintained aNai of 1.3 mM, and Na+-influx was observed when pHi was decreased by media containing CO2-HCO3− or butyrate. These results provide thermodynamic evidence that zNHE3b mediates Na+ absorption from ion-poor fresh water by its Na+/H+ and Na+/NH4+ exchange activities. PMID:24401990

  13. The relation between aging, aortic NaF avidity and coronary artery NaF avidity: A NaF PET CT study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blomberg, Björn; Thomassen, Anders; Hildebrandt, Malene


    volunteers without traditional cardiovascular risk factors were prospectively assessed by Sodium 18-Fluoride (Na-18F) PET CT imaging. Global aortic uptake of Na-18F was determined by calculating the average aortic blood pool subtracted maximum standardized uptake value (cSUV) [maximum SUVaorta - mean...

  14. Rescue of Na+ and H+ binding in Na+,K+-ATPase M8 aspartate mutants by secondary mutation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Rikke; Einholm, Anja P.; Andersen, Jens Peter

    A mutation replacing the aspartate in transmembrane segment M8 in the a3-isoform of Na,K-ATPase with asparagine has been found in patients with rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism or alternating hemiplegia of childhood. This aspartate may be a critical Na+ coordinating residue, but the crystal......-isoforms of Na,K-ATPase, and much smaller effects were seen for other mutations to the M8 aspartate, which were less disruptive of Na+ binding than mutations to other residues related to Na+ site III. The D928 (rat a1 numbering) mutations strongly diminished the cooperativity of Na+ binding. Moreover the p......H optimum of Na,K-ATPase activity was left-shifted, again with D928N being most disruptive. The reduced affinity for activating Na+ and for inhibitory protons, caused by D928N and D928A mutations, could be rescued by introduction of an additional mutation of a glutamate located far away from D928....

  15. Salinity tolerance in barley (hordeum vulgare l.): effects of varying NaCl, K/sup +/ Na/sup +/ and NaHCO/sub 3/ levels on cultivars differing in tolerance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahmood, K.


    Although barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is regarded as salt tolerant among crop plants, its growth and plant development is severely affected by ionic and osmotic stresses in salt-affected soils. To elucidate the tolerance mechanism, growth and ion uptake of three barley cultivars, differing in salt tolerance, were examined under different levels of NaCl, K/sup +/ Na/sup +/ and NaHCO/sub 3/ in the root medium. The cultivars differed greatly in their responses to varying root medium conditions. Plant growth was more adversely affected by NaHCO/sub 3/ than NaCl. In general, biomass yields were comparable under control and 100 mM NaCl. However, growth of all three cultivars was significantly inhibited by NaHCO/sub 3/ even at low concentration (10 mM). Improved K/sup +/ supply in saline medium increased K/sup +/ uptake and growth of less tolerant cultivars. K/sup +/ uptake was more adversely affected by NaHCO/sub 3/ than NaCl salinity. Selective K/sup +/ uptake and lower Cl/sup -/ in shoots seemed to be associated with the growth responses. K application would help better growth of these cultivars on K-deficient saline-sodic soils and under irrigation with poor quality water having high Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC) and/or Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR). (author)

  16. Glutathionylation-Dependence of Na+-K+-Pump Currents Can Mimic Reduced Subsarcolemmal Na+ Diffusion


    Garcia, Alvaro; Liu, Chia-Chi; Cornelius, Flemming; Clarke, Ronald?J.; Rasmussen, Helge?H.


    The existence of a subsarcolemmal space with restricted diffusion for Na+ in cardiac myocytes has been inferred from a transient peak electrogenic Na+-K+ pump current beyond steady state on reexposure of myocytes to K+ after a period of exposure to K+-free extracellular solution. The transient peak current is attributed to enhanced electrogenic pumping of Na+ that accumulated in the diffusion-restricted space during pump inhibition in K+-free extracellular solution. However, there are no know...

  17. Myocardial Na,K-ATPase: Clinical aspects


    Kjeldsen, Keld


    The specific binding of digitalis glycosides to Na,K-ATPase is used as a tool for Na,K-ATPase quantification with high accuracy and precision. In myocardial biopsies from patients with heart failure, total Na,K-ATPase concentration is decreased by around 40%; a correlation exists between a decrease in heart function and a decrease in Na,K-ATPase concentration. During digitalization, around 30% of remaining pumps are occupied by digoxin. Myocardial Na,K-ATPase is also influenced by other drugs...

  18. Down-Regulation of the Na+-Coupled Phosphate Transporter NaPi-IIa by AMP-Activated Protein Kinase

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miribane Dërmaku-Sopjani


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: The Na+-coupled phosphate transporter NaPi-IIa is the main carrier accomplishing renal tubular phosphate reabsorption. It is driven by the electrochemical Na+ gradient across the apical cell membrane, which is maintained by Na+ extrusion across the basolateral cell membrane through the Na+/K+ ATPase. The operation of NaPi-IIa thus requires energy in order to avoid cellular Na+ accumulation and K+ loss with eventual decrease of cell membrane potential, Cl- entry and cell swelling. Upon energy depletion, early inhibition of Na+-coupled transport processes may delay cell swelling and thus foster cell survival. Energy depletion is sensed by the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK, a serine/threonine kinase stimulating several cellular mechanisms increasing energy production and limiting energy utilization. The present study explored whether AMPK influences the activity of NAPi-IIa. Methods: cRNA encoding NAPi-IIa was injected into Xenopus oocytes with or without additional expression of wild-type AMPK (AMPKα1-HA+AMPKβ1-Flag+AMPKγ1-HA, of inactive AMPKαK45R (AMPKα1K45R+AMPKβ1-Flag+AMPKγ1-HA or of constitutively active AMPKγR70Q (AMPKα1-HA+AMPKβ1-Flag+AMPKγ1R70Q. NaPi-IIa activity was estimated from phosphate-induced current in dual electrode voltage clamp experiments. Results: In NaPi-IIa-expressing, but not in water-injected Xenopus oocytes, the addition of phosphate (1 mM to the extracellular bath solution generated a current (Ip, which was significantly decreased by coexpression of wild-type AMPK and of AMPKγR70Q but not of AMPKαK45R. The phosphate-induced current in NaPi-IIa- and AMPK-expressing Xenopus ooocytes was significantly increased by AMPK inhibitor Compound C (20 µM. Kinetic analysis revealed that AMPK significantly decreased the maximal transport rate. Conclusion: The AMP-activated protein kinase AMPK is a powerful regulator of NaPi-IIa and thus of renal tubular phosphate transport.

  19. Thermodynamic study of NaFe complex oxides. High temperature properties of Na sub 5 FeO sub 4 and Na sub 3 FeO sub 3

    CERN Document Server

    Furukawa, T


    In order to contribute the investigation into corrosion mechanism of the structural materials by leakage sodium, thermodynamic study of Na-Fe complex oxides formed by the reactions was carried out. Na sub 5 FeO sub 4 and Na sub 3 FeO sub 3 were used as the sample. Its high temperature properties (i.e. melting, solidification and transformation) were observed by Differential Scanning Calorimetry, DSC. Moreover, the original test named 'melting point confirmation test' was performed for the observation of traces of melting and solidification after the tests. Following contents have been obtained by this study. (1) Na sub 5 FeO sub 4 was stably as the solid without phase transformation and melting until 800degC. However, the compound was showing a tendency to change into Na sub 4 FeO sub 3 with temperature increasing under the low oxygen potential. (2) The stability of Na sub 3 FeO sub 3 is the same as that of Na sub 5 FeO sub 4 until 700degC. Over the temperature, the compound was changed differential compound ...

  20. Motywacja i wpływ uprawiania jogi na stan zdrowia – badanie własne = Motivation and influence practicing yoga on health - own study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katarzyna Gwis


      Motywacja i wpływ uprawiania jogi na stan zdrowia – badanie własne Motivation and influence practicing yoga on health - own study   Katarzyna Gwis1, Dominik Olejniczak2, Joanna Skonieczna2   1 Absolwentka kierunku Zdrowie Publiczne Wydział Nauki o Zdrowiu Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny   2 Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego ul. Banacha 1a, 02-097 Warszawa   Słowa kluczowe: joga, zdrowie, zachowania zdrowotne Key words: yoga, health, health behavior   Streszczenie Wprowadzenie i cel pracy: Joga to jedna z form aktywności ruchowej. Joga oddziałuje na ciało i na umysł, dzięki czemu w prosty sposób pomaga zachować zdrowie. Celem badania była ocena wpływu uczestnictwa w zajęciach jogi na zdrowie. Materiał i metoda: Grupę badaną stanowiło 50 osób uczęszczających na zajęcia jogi. Udział w ankiecie był dobrowolny i poufny. Zastosowano autorski kwestionariusz. Wyniki: W grupie badanych, aż 48 osób (96% stwierdziło, że ćwiczenia jogi pozytywnie wpływają na kształtowanie nawyków ruchowych. Ponad połowa badanych - 26 osób (52% stwierdziła, że uczęszczanie na zajęcia jogi sprawiło, że wzrosło ich zainteresowanie zdrowym odżywianiem. Ponad połowa badanych – 26 osób (52% jako główną korzyść płynącą z ćwiczeń jogi wskazała wzrost sprawności fizycznej. Ponad połowa osób ankietowanych – 28 osób (56% zaobserwowała, że od kiedy ćwiczy jogę stany chorobowe występują rzadziej.  Wnioski: Analizując wyniki przeprowadzonego badania własnego oraz dyskusję można stwierdzić, iż w związku z udokumentowanym pozytywnym wpływem jogi na stan zdrowia warto jest propagować tą formę rekreacji ruchowej we wszystkich grupach wiekowych, poczynając od dzieci, a  kończąc na osobach w  podeszłym wieku.       Abstract   Introduction: Yoga is a form of physical activity. Yoga affects the body and the mind, making it an easy way to help maintain good health. The aim of this

  1. The importance of Arabidopsis glutathione peroxidase 8 for protecting Arabidopsis plant and E. coli cells against oxidative stress. (United States)

    Gaber, Ahmed


    Glutathione peroxidases (GPXs) are major family of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging enzymes. Recently, database analysis of the Arabidopsis genome revealed a new open-reading frame, thus increasing the total number of AtGPX gene family to eight (AtGPX1-8). The effect of plant hormones like; i. e. salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), abscisic acid (ABA), indoleacetic acid (IAA), and mannitol on the expression of the genes confirm that the AtGPX genes family is regulated by multiple signaling pathways. The survival rate of AtGPX8 knockout plants (KO8) was significantly decreased under heat stress compared with the wild type. Moreover, the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and protein oxidation was significantly increased in the KO8 plant cells under heat stress. Results indicating that the deficiency of AtGPX8 accelerates the progression of oxidative stress in KO8 plants. On the other hand, the overexpression of AtGPX8 in E. coli cells enhance the growth of the recombinant enzyme on media supplemented with 0.2 mM cumene hydroperoxide, 0.3 mM H 2O 2 or 600 mM NaCl.

  2. Metallic Na formation in NaCl crystals with irradiation of electron or vacuum ultraviolet photon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Owaki, Shigehiro [Osaka Prefecture Univ., Sakai, Osaka (Japan). Coll. of Integrated Arts and Sciences; Koyama, Shigeko; Takahashi, Masao; Kamada, Masao; Suzuki, Ryouichi


    Metallic Na was formed in NaCl single crystals with irradiation of a variety of radiation sources and analyzed the physical states with several methods. In the case of irradiation of 21 MeV electron pulses to the crystal blocks, the optical absorption and lifetime measurement of positron annihilation indicated appearance of Na clusters inside. Radiation effects of electron beam of 30 keV to the crystals in vacuum showed the appearance of not only metallic Na but atomic one during irradiation with Auger electron spectroscopy. Intense photon fluxes in vacuum ultraviolet region of synchrotron radiation were used as another source and an analyzing method of ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. The results showed the metallic Na layered so thick that bulk plasmon can exist. (author)

  3. From the Herľany geyser to prove sources of geothermal potential in the Košice basin

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    Juraj Ďurove


    Full Text Available Slovakia is a watering place known in the past. A little but very benefit spa lies near the village Herľany below the foothil of the western slopes of the Slanské vrchy Mts. When mineral springs were not able to cover the consumption of the mineral waters in 1870 a well resulting in nowadays unique „ Herľany geyser“ was drilled by Viliam Zsigmondy. In the second half of the 20th century a geological prospecting on oil and natural gas realised in the Košice basin and East Slovakian Neogene basin was. Based on the results, of prospecting structural boreholes, aimed at hydrocarbon prospection, geophysical inestigation and hydrogeological investigation a geothermal potential of this part of the area was confirmed. The geothermal boreholes (GTD-1, GTD-2 and GTD-3 were drilled after 30 years after it. The results from these wells were very positive because the discharge reached 150 litres per second and the temperature of water was 126 °C on the borehole mouth.The time flies and the heasty attested geothermal source in the meantime isn´t utilized enough. The history as well as the today story is known but the perspective of this spring in the future is not clear. Possibilities of its exploitation as an alternative energy source are great but a grand investor is needed. Maybe, the EU-founds will be the only objective future for a prosperity of our followers.

  4. Victor Davis Hansons, John Heath: Who killed Homer? The demise of classical education and the recovery of Greek wisdom (review

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    David Movrin


    Full Text Available Knjigo, o katerije govora, bi težko označili kot znanstveno. Ne zato, ker bi strokovnih kvalifikacij manjkalo kateremu od obeh avtorjev, saj je vsak od njiju habilitiran na svoji kalifornijski univerzi in to na oddelku, ki po ameriški kategorizaciji ustreza naši klasični filologiji. Ravno tu je kleč; ker sta oba avtorja po naravi in po stavi filologa, sta pri zgornjem naslovu po definiciji obsojena na pisanje de damo sua. In takoj na prvih straneh se pokaže, da je takšno pisanje vse kaj drugega kot pa neobremenjen in suh tekst, ki bi se ga avtorja lotila sine studio, kmalu potem pa postane jasno, da besedilo ni napisano niti sine ira. Ravno nasprotno; če že iščemo primerno vzporednico, je to kvečjemu Juvenal, ki mu facit indignatio versum.

  5. Selegiline Ameliorates Depression-Like Behavior in Mice Lacking the CD157/BST1 Gene, a Risk Factor for Parkinson’s Disease

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    Satoka Kasai


    Full Text Available Parkinson’s disease (PD, a neurodegenerative disorder, is accompanied by various non-motor symptoms including depression and anxiety, which may precede the onset of motor symptoms. Selegiline is an irreversible monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B inhibitor, and is widely used in the treatment of PD and major depression. However, there are few reports about the effects of selegiline on non-motor symptoms in PD. The aim of this study was to explore the antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of selegiline, using CD157/BST1 knockout (CD157 KO mouse, a PD-related genetic model displaying depression and anxiety, compared with other antiparkinsonian drugs and an antidepressant, and was to investigate the effects of selegiline on biochemical parameters in emotion-related brain regions. A single administration of selegiline (1–10 mg/kg dose-dependently reduced immobility time in the forced swimming test (FST in CD157 KO mice, but not C57BL/6N wild-type (WT mice. At 10 mg/kg, but not 3 mg/kg, selegiline significantly increased climbing time in CD157 KO mice. A single administration of the antiparkinsonian drugs pramipexole (a dopamine (DA D2/D3 receptor agonist or rasagiline (another MAO-B inhibitor, and repeated injections of a noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NaSSA, mirtazapine, also decreased immobility time, but did not increase climbing time, in CD157 KO mice. The antidepressant-like effects of 10 mg/kg selegiline were comparable to those of 10 mg/kg rasagiline, and tended to be stronger than those of 1 mg/kg rasagiline. After the FST, CD157 KO mice showed decreases in striatal and hippocampal serotonin (5-HT content, cortical norepinephrine (NE content, and plasma corticosterone concentration. A single administration of selegiline at 10 mg/kg returned striatal 5-HT, cortical NE, and plasma corticosterone levels to those observed in WT mice. In the open field test (OFT, repeated administration of mirtazapine had anxiolytic effects

  6. Scintillation efficiency measurement of Na recoils in NaI(Tl) below the DAMA/LIBRA energy threshold

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xu, Jingke; Shields, Emily; Calaprice, Frank; Westerdale, Shawn; Froborg, Francis; Suerfu, Burkhant; Alexander, Thomas; Aprahamian, Ani; Back, Henning O.; Casarella, Clark; Fang, Xiao; Gupta, Yogesh K.; Ianni, Aldo; Lamere, Edward; Lippincott, W. Hugh; Liu, Qian; Lyons, Stephanie; Siegl, Kevin; Smith, Mallory; Tan, Wanpeng; Kolk, Bryant Vande


    The dark matter interpretation of the DAMA modulation signal depends on the NaI(Tl) scintillation efficiency of nuclear recoils. Previous measurements for Na recoils have large discrepancies, especially in the DAMA/LIBRA modulation energy region. We report a quenching effect measurement of Na recoils in NaI(Tl) from 3 to 52 keVnr, covering the whole DAMA/LIBRA energy region for dark matter-Na scattering interpretations. By using a low-energy, pulsed neutron beam, a double time-of-flight technique, and pulse-shape discrimination methods, we obtained the most accurate measurement of this kind for NaI(Tl) to date. The results differ significantly from the DAMA reported values at low energies but fall between the other previous measurements. We present the implications of the new quenching results for the dark matter interpretation of the DAMA modulation signal.

  7. Synthesis of Ag or Pt Nanoparticles by Hydrolysis of Either Ag2Na or PtNa

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    Huabin Wang


    Full Text Available Ag and Pt nanoparticles have successfully been synthesized by hydrolysis of either Ag2Na or PtNa at room temperature. The oxidation of sodium in the Pt-Na pellets was much faster than that in the Ag-Na pellets since Pt is a catalyst for H2O formation reaction from hydrogen and oxygen at room temperature. The hydrolysis byproduct, NaOH, has a high solubility and easily is removed. This method offers a simple method of preparing transition metal nanoparticles. The Ag and Pt nanoparticles prepared by this method were crystalline in nature, and spherical in shape with a mean size of around 10 nm.

  8. Dynamic polarizabilities and Van der Waals coefficients for alkali atoms Li, Na and alkali dimer molecules Li2, Na2 and NaLi (United States)

    Mérawa, M.; Dargelos, A.


    The present paper gives an account of investigations of the polarizability of the alkali atoms Li, Na, diatomics homonuclear and heteronuclear Li2, Na2 and NaLi at SCF (Self Consistent Field) level of approximation and at correlated level, using a time Time-Dependent Gauge Invariant method (TDGI). Our static polarizability values agree with the best experimental and theoretical determinations. The Van der Waals C6 coefficients for the atom-atom, atom-dimer and dimer-dimer interactions have been evaluated. Les polarisabilités des atomes alcalins Li, Na, et des molécules diatomiques homonucléaires et hétéronucléaire Li2, Na2 et NaLi, ont été calculées au niveau SCF (Self Consistent Field) et au niveau corrélé à partir d'une méthode invariante de jauge dépendante du temps(TDGI). Nos valeurs des polarisabilités statiques sont en accord avec les meilleurs déterminations expérimentales et théoriques. Les coefficients C6 de Van de Waals pour les interactions atome-atome, atome-dimère et dimère-dimère ont également été évalués.

  9. Structure-function relationships of Na+, K+, ATP, or Mg2+ binding and energy transduction in Na,K-ATPase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jorgensen, Peter L.; Pedersen, Per Amstrup


    Na,K-ATPase; Mutagenesis; Na+ binding; K+ binding; Tl+ binding; Mg2+ binding; ATP binding; Cation binding site; Energy transduction......Na,K-ATPase; Mutagenesis; Na+ binding; K+ binding; Tl+ binding; Mg2+ binding; ATP binding; Cation binding site; Energy transduction...

  10. At NA2

    CERN Multimedia


    One of the NA2 calorimeter sections is moved in. The NA2 calorimeter was divided in two halves, to the left and the right of the beam, each half consisting of sheets of passive high Z material interleaved with blades of plastic scintillators. The photo shows on the right, the upstream 'electron' module with eleven lead plates for a total radiation length of 20.


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    Renata Biadacz


    Full Text Available Fragmenty artykułu: Włodzimierz Brzezin (1926–2008, profesor zwyczajny, doktor habilitowany, urodził się 1 lipca 1926 r. w Wieluniu, zmarł 29 grudnia 2008 r. w Częstochowie. (... Bilans działalności i osiągnięć Profesora Brzezina jest bardzo bogaty i trudno go przedstawić w skrócie. Należy jednak zaznaczyć, że jedną z cech charakteryzujących całokształt Jego zainteresowań naukowych jest szeroki krąg tematyczny. Obejmuje zagadnienia teoretyczne i praktyczne rachunkowości, zarówno sensu stricte, jak i sensu largo, jak również problematykę teorii pomiaru, analizy finansowej, controllingu, polityki bilansowej, wykorzystania rachunku kosztów przez kadrę inżynierską. Zdzisław Kołaczyk (1927–2008 docent doktor, urodził się 15 czerwca 1927 r. w Częstochowie, zmarł 9 lipca 2008 r. w Poznaniu. (... Działalność naukowa doc. dr Z. Kołaczyka skupiała się głównie na rachunkowości finansowej. Początkowo Jego zainteresowania naukowe koncentrowały się na rachunku kosztów przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych i budowlanych. Z tego zakresu opublikował kilka interesujących artykułów naukowych, zamieszczonych w Ruchu Prawniczym, Ekonomicznym i Socjologicznym oraz w Zeszytach Naukowych WSE w Poznaniu. W kolejnych latach doc. dra Z. Kołaczyka interesował rozwój rachunkowości jako nauki i działalności praktycznej

  12. Na+-K+ pump in chronic renal failure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deepak, K.; Kahn, T.


    This review summarizes the evidence for the defect in Na + -K + pump in chronic renal failure, considers the role of various factors in causing this defect, and discusses the clinical implications thereof. Intracellular Na is elevated in erythrocytes, leukocytes, and muscle cells from some patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). Recent evidence suggest that this elevation of cell Na may be, in large part, a consequence of decreased number of Na + -K + pump units per cell. Maintenance dialysis over a period of weeks ameliorates the defect in intracellular Na + , and this improvement is contemporaneous with an increase in the number of Na + -K + pump sites per cell. In erythrocytes with normal cell Na + , acute hemodialysis increases the rate of 22 Na + and 42 K + transport. Many factors such as the presence of retained toxic metabolite or circulating inhibitor in the uremic plasma, or biochemical changes produced by acute hemodialysis, may explain this finding. In cells with high cell Na + , the pump-mediated 42 K + transport is normalized at the expense of a raised cell Na + . The decreased muscle membrane potential in uremic subjects has been attributed to a decreased activity of Na + -K + pump. The authors discuss the role of hormonal abnormalities and circulating inhibitors, which may cause an acute inhibition of the pump and of other factors such as K + depletion, which may cause more chronic alterations. The implications of alteration of Na + and K + pump transport and raised cell Na + on other non-pump-mediated transport pathways are discussed. Raised cell Na + may be a marker for the adequacy of maintenance dialysis in patients with end-stage renal failure

  13. Pozitivni in negativni vplivi risank na otroke


    Povše, Nika


    V tej diplomski nalogi smo raziskovali pozitivne in negativne vplive risank na otroke. Začeli smo z zgodovino televizije, tako svetovno zgodovino kot zgodovino televizije na Slovenskem. Na isti način smo pregledali tudi zgodovino risank. Raziskovali smo otrokov razvoj, predvsem tiste vidike, ki so izpostavljeni vplivom risank, kot so morala, jezik, domišljija in učenje. Sledilo je raziskovanje negativnih in pozitivnih vplivov, ki jih imajo risanke na otroke, kar je tudi naš glavni problem te ...

  14. Vpliv konfucija na sodobno izobraževanje na Kitajskem

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    Katja Skitek


    Full Text Available Izobraževanje na Kitajskem je bilo vedno trdno povezano s Konfucijem in konfucianizmom, kar pa ni čudno, saj je bil Konfucij prvi, ki je poudarjal moč z nanja in izobraževanja. LR Kitajska je v zadnjih petdesetih letih počasi in postopoma začela uveljavljati določene spremembe v vzgojno-izobraževalni sistem. Kakšne so te spremembe in koliko nanje še vedno vpliva konfucianizem, bo osrednja tema pričujočega članka. Konfucianizem danes na Kitajskem ni preveč popularen, izobraženci pa so se razporedili v dve skupini: eni trdijo, da je njegov vpliv še vedno velik, drugi pa zatrjujejo, da nima več nobenega vpliva na sodobno življenje. Katera stran ima prav? Konfucij je v prvi vrsti poudarjal pomembnost moralnih vrednot vsakega človeka in prav moralne vrednote, za katere se je zavzemal, so še danes trdno zasidrane v kitajski kulturi. Ali je torej sploh mogoče popolnoma izriniti Konfucija iz sodobnega izobraževanja?

  15. Low-spin states of 23Na

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bakkum, E.L.


    A study of 23 Na via the 22 Ne(p,γ) 23 Na and 23 Na(γ,γ) 23 Na reactions is presented. Only a limited number of resonances has been studied, selected on the basis of strong excitation of the lowest levels of which the spin was unknown. As a result the spins are now known of all levels of 23 Na with excitation energies up to 7 MeV, except for a few high-spin states which are too weakly excited in the decay of the known 22 Ne(p,γ) resonances. The mean lifetimes of the 23 Na levels at 4.43 and 7.89 MeV were found to be 350±70 and 220±17 attoseconds (1 attosecond = 10 -18 seconds) respectively. 97 refs.; 22 figs.; 12 tabs

  16. Estudo de parâmetros físicos, químicos e hídricos de um Latossolo Amarelo, na região Amazônica Study of physical, chemical and hydric parameter of a xanthic ferralsol in the Amazon region

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    Jean Dalmo de Oliveira Marques


    Full Text Available Estudou-se os atributos físicos, hídricos e químicos de um Latossolo sob sistema de agroflorestal na região Amazônica. O solo foi descrito morfologicamente e amostras com estrutura deformada foram coletadas para caracterização física e química. A análise das propriedades hidráulicas foi realizada a partir de amostras indeformadas coletadas a cada camada de 0,10 m até 1,00 m de profundidade com 5 repetições para determinação da condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado (Ko pelo método do permeâmetro de carga decrescente e determinação das curvas de retenção (fim(teta, utilizando as tensões de 1, 2 e 4 kPa (funis de placa porosa e 10, 30, 50, 100, 500 e 1500 kPa (câmaras de pressão com placa porosa. As demais análises foram realizadas até 1,50 m de profundidade. Os valores de Ko nas camadas apresentaram grande homogeneidade estando compreendido entre 2,22 a 3,20 cm dia-1, sendo relacionados com variação da densidade do solo e porosidade. A retenção hídrica demonstra que o solo tem a capacidade de reter elevada quantidade de água, mesmo quando submetido a elevados potenciais, indicando uma baixa disponibilidade para as plantas. As curvas de retenção não apresentaram um bom ajuste pela equação de van Genuchten , sugerindo uma distribuição de poros bimodal.The study of physical, hydric and chemical attributes of a Oxisol under the policultivation system in the Amazon region were studied. The soil was described morphologicaly and deformed structure samples were collected for physical and chemical characterization. The analyses of hydraulic properties was made from underformed samples collected in each 0.10 m soil layer up to 1.00 m depth with 5 replicates for the determination of hydraulic conductivity of satured soil (Ko by the falling decreasing head permeameter method and determination of the retention curve (phim(theta, using the tensions of 1, 2 and 4 kPa (porous plate funnels and 10, 30, 50, 100, 500 and

  17. Response of saliva Na/K ratio to changing Na supply of lactating cows under tropical conditions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thiangtum, Wandee; Schonewille, J Thomas; Verstegen, Martin Wa; Arsawakulsudhi, Supot; Rukkwamsuk, Theera; Hendriks, Wouter H

    BACKGROUND: Factorial determination of the sodium (Na) requirement of heat-stressed lactating cows is hindered by accurate estimates of the Na losses through sweat. Direct studies, therefore, may be needed requiring information on the time course of healthy animals to become Na depleted and the

  18. Response of saliva Na/K ratio to changing Na supply of lactating cows under tropical conditions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thiangtum, Wandee; Schonewille, Thomas J.; Verstegen, Martin W.A.; Arsawakulsudhi, Supot; Rukkwamsuk, Theera; Hendriks, Wouter H.


    BACKGROUND: Factorial determination of the sodium (Na) requirement of heat-stressed lactating cows is hindered by accurate estimates of the Na losses through sweat. Direct studies, therefore, may be needed requiring information on the time course of healthy animals to become Na depleted and the

  19. Clues to NaCN formation (United States)

    Quintana-Lacaci, G.; Cernicharo, J.; Velilla Prieto, L.; Agúndez, M.; Castro-Carrizo, A.; Fonfría, J. P.; Massalkhi, S.; Pardo, J. R.


    Context. ALMA is providing us essential information on where certain molecules form. Observing where these molecules emission arises from, the physical conditions of the gas, and how this relates with the presence of other species allows us to understand the formation of many species, and to significantly improve our knowledge of the chemistry that occurs in the space. Aims: We studied the molecular distribution of NaCN around IRC +10216, a molecule detected previously, but whose origin is not clear. High angular resolution maps allow us to model the abundance distribution of this molecule and check suggested formation paths. Methods: We modeled the emission of NaCN assuming local thermal equilibrium (LTE) conditions. These profiles were fitted to azimuthal averaged intensity profiles to obtain an abundance distribution of NaCN. Results: We found that the presence of NaCN seems compatible with the presence of CN, probably as a result of the photodissociation of HCN, in the inner layers of the ejecta of IRC +10216. However, similar as for CH3CN, current photochemical models fail to reproduce this CN reservoir. We also found that the abundance peak of NaCN appears at a radius of 3 × 1015 cm, approximately where the abundance of NaCl, suggested to be the parent species, starts to decay. However, the abundance ratio shows that the NaCl abundance is lower than that obtained for NaCN. We expect that the LTE assumption might result in NaCN abundances higher than the real ones. Updated photochemical models, collisional rates, and reaction rates are essential to determine the possible paths of the NaCN formation. Based on observations carried out with ALMA and the IRAM 30 m Telescope. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada) and NSC and ASIAA (Taiwan), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. IRAM is supported by INSU/CNRS (France

  20. Changes in mental performance indicators (volume processing visual information girls junior grades of secondary schools

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    Mykola Prozar


    Zmiany wskaźników zdolności umysłowej (ilości przetwarzania informacji wizualnej uczennic szkoły podstawowej   Adnotacja. W artykule przedstawione wyniki badania poziomu kognitywnej funkcji (jak jednej ze składników zdolności umysłowej ilość przetwarzania informacji wizualnej 40 uczennic drugiego roku  szkół ogólnokształcących m. Kamieniec Podolski № № 5, 9. Do rozstrzygnięcia postawionych zadań wyznaczyły kompleks metod i środków badania. Wykorzystawszy metody psychodiagnostycznego testowania, wyznaczyły wskaźniki zdolności  umysłowej  (ilość przetwarzania informacji wizualnej  w ciągu roku cztery razy: na początku i pod końiec pierwszego i drugiego semestrów. Podczas badania ustalono, że umysłowa zdolność  uczennic drugiego roku nauczania za ilością przetwarzania informacji wizualnej charakteryzuje się podobnymi wskaźnikami na początku i w końcu odpowiednio pierwszego i drugiego semestrów roku szkolnego. Otrzymane dane charakteryzują się możliwością utrzymania zdolności  umysłowej  na odpowiednim poziomie bez negatywnych skutków dla zdrowia uczennic szkoły podstawowej pod warunkiem polepszania treści ich edukacji fizycznej.   Słowa kluczowe: zdolność  umysłowa, uczennice klasy drugiej, wychowanie fizyczne.

  1. Vreme reagovanja vojnika vozača / Reacting time of military solders

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    Radomir S. Gordić


    Full Text Available Bezbednost vojnog saobraćaja i upravljanje kretanjem zavise od vremena reagovanja vojnika vozača. Vojnici vozači su selekcionirana grupa vozača, pa se smatra daje njihovo vreme reagovanja kraće od vremena reagovanja generalne populacije vozača i od normativnog vremena reagovanja, koje se koristi u analizama. Zbog toga je izvršeno merenje vremena reagovanja vojnika vozača kočenjem, s ciljem da se sagleda njegov uticaj na bezbednost saobraćaja i na upravljanje saobraćajnim tokovima, kao i da se stručna javnost upozna sa dobijenim rezultatima. U radu su prikazani rezultati merenja vremena reagovanja vojnika vozača kočenjem, za slučajno odabranu grupu, u realnim uslovima. / Safety in military traffic and its management depends on the reaction time of military drivers. Military drivers are a selected group of soldiers, so it is considered that their reaction time is shorter than the reaction time of general drivers population and it is also shorter than the normative reaction time, which is used in the analyses. Therefore, the stopping time of military drivers was tested, in aider to see the influence on traffic safety and management of traffic courses, and to interest the professionals in the given results. In the essay results of stopping time in the real conditions for a random chosen group of military drivers are shown.

  2. The effect of Na+ and K+ on the thermal denaturation of Na+ and + K+-dependent ATPase. (United States)

    Fischer, T H


    To increase our understanding of the physical nature of the Na+ and K+ forms of the Na+ + K+-dependent ATPase, thermal-denaturation studies were conducted in different types of ionic media. Thermal-denaturation measurements were performed by measuring the regeneration of ATPase activity after slow pulse exposure to elevated temperatures. Two types of experiments were performed. First, the dependence of the thermal-denaturation rate on Na+ and K+ concentrations was examined. It was found that both cations stabilized the pump protein. Also, K+ was a more effective stabilizer of the native state than was Na+. Secondly, a set of thermodynamic parameters was obtained by measuring the temperature-dependence of the thermal-denaturation rate under three ionic conditions: 60 mM-K+, 150 mM-Na+ and no Na+ or K+. It was found that ion-mediated stabilization of the pump protein was accompanied by substantial increases in activation enthalpy and entropy, the net effect being a less-pronounced increase in activation free energy. PMID:6309139

  3. Financiranje projekata na pomorskom dobru

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    Zoran Tasić


    Full Text Available Koncesije otvaraju vrlo osjetljiva politička, ekonomska i pravna pitanja u mnogim državama svijeta. Samo definiranje pojma koncesije često je komplicirana i ne sasvim jasna zadaća. OECD je prihvatila definiciju koncesije kao: ’’davanje prava privatnom trgovačkom društvu da može gospodarski upravljati određenom infrastrukturnim uslugama i za to zarađivati naknadu. Koncesionar dobija u posjed određene objekte (ali vlasništvo na tim objektima ostaje u rukama države te ih koristi u svrhu obavljanja određene djelatnosti ili usluge sukladno odredbama ugovora’’. Hrvatsko pravo definira koncesije načelno kao pravo stečeno temeljem ugovora o koncesiji, a sukladno uvjetima sadržanim u odluci o davanju koncesije (koju je donijelo odgovarajuće upravno tijelo, a u odnosu na pomorsko dobro, specifično, kao pravo državne vlasti da može dio pomorskog dobra, koje je inače dobro izvan pravnog prometa (res extra commercium, isključiti iz opće uporabe bilo dijelom ili u cijelosti, i dati ga fizičkoj ili pravnoj osobi na gospodarsko korištenje sukladno određenim prostornim planovima. Građevine i drugi objekti izgrađeni na pomorskom dobru čine njegov sastavni dio. Zakonom je jasno određeno da nikakva stvarna prava nisu dopuštena na pomorskom dobru, uključivo i na objektima izgrađenima na njemu. Projekti na pomorskom dobru često uključuju velike infrastrukturne projekte, razvoje luka i marina, koji iziskuju značajna financijska sredstva. Banke koje financiraju takve projekte zahtijevaju organiziran i transparentan zakonski okvir koncesija, slobodu ugovaranja, pravnu zaštitu svih strana uključenih u projekt (uključivo i mogućnost međunarodne arbitraže. (...

  4. Mogućnosti unapređenja sistema ishrane na Vojnoj akademiji - ekonomski aspekt/Possibilities for improving the food system at the Military Academy: Economic aspects

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    Slaviša N. Arsić


    Full Text Available Proces profesionalizacije Vojske Srbije uslovio je kvalitativno-kvantitativne promene u kadrovskoj strukturi i doveo do smanjenja brojnog stanja njenih pripadnika. U kadetskom restoranu na Vojnoj akademiji došlo je do stvaranja infrastrukturnog i organizacionog balasta u kapacitetima za pripremu i podelu hrane koji sistem ishrane kadeta čini nerentabilnim. Izgrađeni kapaciteti projektovani su tako da omogućavaju pripremu i podelu 40% obroka više od realnih potreba, što u ekonomskom kontekstu sagledavanja finansijski bespotrebno opterećuje ograničeni iznos novčanih sredstava koja se za tu svrhu izdvajaju. U smislu zadovoljenja ekonomskih principa moguće je smanjiti ili sasvim eliminisati negativne efekte upošljavanjem viška kapaciteta ili pronalaženjem alternativnih načina kojima bi se funkcija ishrane u Vojnoj akademiji realizovala na racionalniji način. Rad predstavlja analizu 'za i protiv' koja u prvi plan ističe neke od relevantnih činjenica za pronalaženje celishodnijeg rešenja. Sistem ishrane u Vojnoj akademiji analiziran je kroz uzročno-posledične odnose faktora unutar i izvan sistema uz nastojanje da se njegovo funkcionisanje unapredi sa organizaciono-ekonomskog, tehničko-tehnološkog i nutritivno-bezbednosnog aspekta, a na osnovu savremenih naučnih saznanja i domaćih i stranih iskustava. / The process of professionalisation of the Serbian Army has caused qualitative and quantitative changes in the personnel structure and has led to the reduction in the numerical strength of its members. The restaurant at the Military Academy has faced infrastructural and organisational ballasts in its capacity for food preparation and distribution thus making the Military Academy food system uneconomic. The capacities of the restaurant are designed to allow for the preparation and distribution of 40% more meals than the actual needs, which, in the economic context, places unnecessary financial burden on the limited amount of funds

  5. Controlled phase stability of highly Na-active triclinic structure in nanoscale high-voltage Na2-2xCo1+xP2O7 cathode for Na-ion batteries (United States)

    Song, Hee Jo; Kim, Jae-Chan; Dar, Mushtaq Ahmad; Kim, Dong-Wan


    With the increasing demand for high energy density in energy-storage systems, a high-voltage cathode is essential in rechargeable Li-ion and Na-ion batteries. The operating voltage of a triclinic-polymorph Na2CoP2O7, also known as the rose form, is above 4.0 V (vs. Na/Na+), which is relatively high compared to that of other cathode materials. Thus, it can be employed as a potential high-voltage cathode material in Na-ion batteries. However, it is difficult to synthesize a pure rose phase because of its low phase stability, thus limiting its use in high-voltage applications. Herein, compositional-engineered, rose-phase Na2-2xCo1+xP2O7/C (x = 0, 0.1 and 0.2) nanopowder are prepared using a wet-chemical method. The Na2-2xCo1+xP2O7/C cathode shows high electrochemical reactivity with Na ions at 4.0 V, delivering high capacity and high energy density.

  6. Optimization of NaOH Molarity, LUSI Mud/Alkaline Activator, and Na2SiO3/NaOH Ratio to Produce Lightweight Aggregate-Based Geopolymer

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    Rafiza Abdul Razak


    Full Text Available This paper presents the mechanical function and characterization of an artificial lightweight geopolymer aggregate (ALGA using LUSI (Sidoarjo mud and alkaline activator as source materials. LUSI stands for LU-Lumpur and SI-Sidoarjo, meaning mud from Sidoarjo which erupted near the Banjarpanji-1 exploration well in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia on 27 May 2006. The effect of NaOH molarity, LUSI mud/Alkaline activator (LM/AA ratio, and Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio to the ALGA are investigated at a sintering temperature of 950 °C. The results show that the optimum NaOH molarity found in this study is 12 M due to the highest strength (lowest AIV value of 15.79% with lower water absorption and specific gravity. The optimum LUSI mud/Alkaline activator (LM/AA ratio of 1.7 and the Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio of 0.4 gives the highest strength with AIV value of 15.42% with specific gravity of 1.10 g/cm3 and water absorption of 4.7%. The major synthesized crystalline phases were identified as sodalite, quartz and albite. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM image showed more complete geopolymer matrix which contributes to highest strength of ALGA produced.

  7. Optimization of NaOH Molarity, LUSI Mud/Alkaline Activator, and Na2SiO3/NaOH Ratio to Produce Lightweight Aggregate-Based Geopolymer (United States)

    Abdul Razak, Rafiza; Abdullah, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri; Hussin, Kamarudin; Ismail, Khairul Nizar; Hardjito, Djwantoro; Yahya, Zarina


    This paper presents the mechanical function and characterization of an artificial lightweight geopolymer aggregate (ALGA) using LUSI (Sidoarjo mud) and alkaline activator as source materials. LUSI stands for LU-Lumpur and SI-Sidoarjo, meaning mud from Sidoarjo which erupted near the Banjarpanji-1 exploration well in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia on 27 May 2006. The effect of NaOH molarity, LUSI mud/Alkaline activator (LM/AA) ratio, and Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio to the ALGA are investigated at a sintering temperature of 950 °C. The results show that the optimum NaOH molarity found in this study is 12 M due to the highest strength (lowest AIV value) of 15.79% with lower water absorption and specific gravity. The optimum LUSI mud/Alkaline activator (LM/AA) ratio of 1.7 and the Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio of 0.4 gives the highest strength with AIV value of 15.42% with specific gravity of 1.10 g/cm3 and water absorption of 4.7%. The major synthesized crystalline phases were identified as sodalite, quartz and albite. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image showed more complete geopolymer matrix which contributes to highest strength of ALGA produced. PMID:26006238



    Dovranić, Dora; Katavić, Ivica


    U početku 21. stoljeća često se koristi pojam pozitivne (afirmativne) diskriminacije. Pozitivna diskriminacija mjera je koju poduzima vlada, neka organizacija ili korporacija s ciljem da se smanje nejednakosti u društvu nastale upravo diskriminacijom, na način da se pružaju određene povlastice onima koji su pretrpjeli neku vrstu diskriminacije. Nastala je u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama na inicijativu predsjednika Kennedyja, Johnsona i Nixona. Diskriminacija, nažalost, ima mnogo oblika, a ne...


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    Anica Nazor


    Full Text Available Literary historian Petar Kolendić (1882–1969 published two tributes to Šimun Kožičić: Zadranin Šimun Kožičić i njegova štamparija na Reci (Šimun Kožičić from Zadar and his Printing House in Rijeka and Najstariji naš bukvar (Our Oldest Elementary Reader. Both were published in: Južni pregled (Southern Review, year IX, Skoplje 1934, pp 61¬71; 198¬201. In the first tribute, the author presented in brief Kožičić’s life. He recorded that Kožičić, with many bishops “from our parts”, arrived to Rome in 1512, when the (ecumenical Fifth Council of the Lateran was held “with the main aim to create a frame of mind against the Turks”, with the intention to offer necessary information in person. In the first session held on 10 May 1512, Kožičić had the opportunity to hear Bernardin Zane, the Archbishop of Split, address this matter; consequently, he held his own first speech at the Council on 27 April 1513. He held his second speech – according to Kolendić’s words – “probably in agreement with Prince Bernardin Frankopan” in the autumn, on 5 November 1516, outside the Council session, before Pope Leo X and his cardinals. Kolendić states that no typographic note accompanied the publications of both Kožičić’s speeches, but that they took place “with surety in Rome”. Well¬known facts are that Kožičić was forced to leave Modruš, that he barely managed to escape from the Turks, that he stayed in Vinodol, and that, around 1529, he withdrew to Rijeka where he opened his Glagolitic Printing House. He travelled to Venice to acquire printing inventory for his Printing House. Kolendić establishes which xylographs and letters Kožičić acquired there, and shows that Kožičić’s letters differ from the Glagolitic letters produced by Andrea Torresani or the Printing House Francesco Bindoni et Maffeo Pasini, who had before Kožičić published the Glagolitic Breviary (1493, Elementary Reader (1527 and

  10. Grafting to Polymethylmethacrylate by the Radiation-Peroxidation Method; Greffage sur le polymethacrylate de methyle par la methode de la radioperoxydation radiochimique; Privivanie k polimetilmetakripatu po metodu radiatsionnogo peroksidirovaniya; Injertos en el polimetilmetacrilato por el metodo de peroxidacion radioinducida

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kircher, J. F.; Markle, R. A.; Lieberman, R.; Sleimers, F. A.; Leininger, R. I. [Batelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH (United States)


    e injerta con mayor facilidad que un polimero de peso molecular relativamente elevado. Se observa tambien que al elevar la temperatura hasta alcanzar al punto de transicion de la fase vidriosa aumenta el grado de peroxidacion y de injerto. Los autores proponen una explicacion de los resultados, basada en los efectos de la temperatura y del peso molecular sobre la movilidad del polimero y de los radicales. (author) [Russian] Issledovano radiatsionnoe okislenie polimetilmetakrilata (RMMA) v perekisnoe soedinenie v svyazi s posleduyushchim privivaniem pirrolidonvinila k perekisnomu polimeru. Peroksidirovanie issledovano v zavisimosti ot velichiny dozy, molekulyarnogo vesa RMMA i temperatury izlucheniya. Pokazano, chto RMMA s malym molekulyarnym vesom bolee ehffektivno okislyaetsya do perekisi i privivaetsya pri obluchenii dozami v neskol'ko megarad, chem polimer so sravnitel'no bol'shim molekulyarnym vesom. Otmecheno takzhe, chto povyshenie temperatury primerno do temperatury perekhoda stekla v zhidkoe sostoyanie intensifitsiruet protsessy okisleniya do perekisej i privivaniya. Rezul'taty ob{sup y}asneny, iskhodya iz vliyaniya temperatury i molekulyarnogo vesa na podvizhnost' polimera i oskolochnye radikaly. (author)

  11. Reaction of metal oxides with molten mixtures NaPO3+NaCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovarskaya, E.N.; Mityakhina, V.S.; Rodionov, Yu.I.; Silin, M.Yu.


    By methods of solubility determination and paper chromatography it is shown, that Fe 2 O 3 solution in NaPO 3 +NaCl melts in the air relizes due to its chemical interaction with solvent resulting in formation of iron and sodium binary di- and monophosphates depending on melt-solvent initial composition, its attainment of equilibrium state and experiment temperature. It is established, that oxides increased solubility in melts with NaCl initial content ∼30 mol.% is specified by sodium tri- and tricyclophosphates presence in the melts. On this basis of NGR-spectroscopy data the presence of iron, europium, tin and sodium binary di- and monophosphates in some chloride-polyphosphate melts is confirmed

  12. Crystal structure of polyphosphates NaCd(PO3)3 and NaMn(PO3)3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murashova, E.V.; Chudinova, N.N.


    Crystal structure of NaCd(PO 3 ) 3 (1) and NaMn(PO 3 ) 3 (2) isostructural polyphosphates was determined for twin samples. Rhombic lattice parameters of (1): a = 14.678, b = 14.669, c = 14.705 A, sp. gr. P2 1 2 1 2 1 , Z = 16. The structure of compounds is of frame type. Polyphosphate chain with repetition period of 24 PO 4 tetrahedrons contacts with NaO 6 and M 2 O 6 octahedrons by means of common oxygen vertices. Similarities and differences in structure of mentioned polyphosphates and earlier analyzed NaMg(PO 3 ) 3 polyphosphate are noted [ru

  13. Drug: D07921 [KEGG MEDICUS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available D07921 Drug Estriol sodium succinate (BAN); Estriol 16alpha, 17beta-di (sodium suc...cinate); Styptanon (TN) ... C26H30O9. 2Na D07921.gif ... Other ... DG01584 ... Estrogen receptor agonist ... DG01986 ... Estr...ogen ATC code: G03CA04 G03CC06 Chemical group: DG00463 ... Estrogen NR3A1 (ESR1) [HSA:2099] [KO:K08550]; NR3A

  14. Effect of growth in lithium on ouabain binding, Na-K-ATPase and Na and K transport in hela cells. (United States)

    Boardman, L J; Hume, S P; Lamb, J F; Polson, J


    1. HeLa cells were grown for 24 hr in growth medium in which part of the Na was replaced with Li. Ion contents, cell volumes and numbers, Na-K-ATPase and specific ouabain binding were measured. In some experiments the Na efflux and net Na transport was also measured. 2. Growth in Li caused a rise in the specific ouabain binding and membrane Na-K-ATPase of these cells. The Li concentrations in the cells necessary to produce this effect ranged up to 50 mM. 3. It is suggested that Li, like Na, acts on the genetic material of the cells to cause the production of more Na pumps within the membrane. PMID:124350

  15. Effects of EDTA-Na (Na ethylenediaminetetraacetate) upon the metabolism of radiostrontium and radioyttrium in mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kikuchi, T; Wakisaka, G; Kono, T; Hiroaki, A; Yamamasu, T; Sugawa, I


    The toxicity of EDTA-Na, inert Sr (NO/sub 3/)/sub 2/ and Ba (NO/sub 3/)/sub 2/ has been examined. Simultaneous injection of EDTA-Na showed no significant effect upon the distribution of radio-Sr in the bones of mice. The distribution of radio-Y in the bones of mice tended to decrease following the simultaneous subcutaneous injection of /sup 91/Y and EDTA-Na.

  16. Jaką teorią jest Marksowska teoria wartości opartej na pracy?

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    Krzysztof Nowak-Posadzy


    Full Text Available Tak zwana teoria wartości opartej na pracy (odtąd LTV, niegdyś powód do dumy całego środowiska marksistowskiego, stawała się z upływem lat przedmiotem jego zakłopotania. Jej odrzucenie w ramach tradycji lewicowej, zarówno przez część filozofów, jak i ekonomistów, wpisuje się w szersze zjawisko zwane „kryzysem marksizmu”. Wówczas to filozoficzna część środowiska marksistowskiego, chcąc uwolnić marksizm od wad „ekonomizmu”, odcięła go także od zalet mogących płynąć z przyjęcia perspektywy ekonomii teoretycznej. Natomiast część ekonomiczna przywołanego środowiska, chcąc uwolnić ekonomię marksistowską od niedociągnięć tkwiących w LTV, odcięła ją także od szczególnego statusu przypisywanego w tej tradycji intelektualnej pojęciu pracy. Chociaż uniewinniono później LTV od zarzutu o domniemaną logiczną sprzeczność, to jedynie po to, aby skazać ją następnie na zapomnienie za jej rzekomą zbyteczność. W niniejszym artykule omówiona zostanie specyfika Marksowskiej wersji LTV. We wstępie podane zostaną cztery jakościowe założenia, które, zdaniem autora, przesądzają o charakterze Marksowskiej wersji LTV, W pierwszej części zarysowane zostanie miejsce LTV w historii myśli ekonomicznej. Druga część dotyczyć będzie losów Marksowskiej wersji LTV w ramach samej tradycji marksistowskiej. W trzeciej części omówiony zostanie problem wartości i jej pomiaru. Czwarta część zostanie poświęcona analizie problemu pracy i wyboru jednostki jej pomiaru, a także próbie zrekonstruowania Marksowskiej teorii reprodukcji pracowników za pomocą pracy. W części piątej podjęta zostanie kwestia tego, jak interpretuje się współcześnie status metodologiczny marksowskiej wersji LTV. Artykuł kończy podsumowanie.

  17. Novel aspects of Na+,K+-ATPase


    Aizman, Oleg


    Na,K-ATPase, an integral membrane protein expressed in each eukaryotic cell, serves as the major determinant of intracellular ion composition. In the current study we investigated novel aspects of Na,K-ATPase function and regulation. It is well established that Na,K-ATPase activity is regulated by reversible phosphorylation. New findings in this study are: 1) the level of intracellular Ca 2. concentration determines the functional effects of PKA and PKC-mediated Na,K-ATP...

  18. High-Performance Na-O2 Batteries Enabled by Oriented NaO2 Nanowires as Discharge Products. (United States)

    Khajehbashi, S Mohammad B; Xu, Lin; Zhang, Guobin; Tan, Shuangshuang; Zhao, Yan; Wang, Lai-Sen; Li, Jiantao; Luo, Wen; Peng, Dong-Liang; Mai, Liqiang


    Na-O 2 batteries are emerging rechargeable batteries due to their high theoretical energy density and abundant resources, but they suffer from sluggish kinetics due to the formation of large-size discharge products with cubic or irregular particle shapes. Here, we report the unique growth of discharge products of NaO 2 nanowires inside Na-O 2 batteries that significantly boosts the performance of Na-O 2 batteries. For this purpose, a high-spin Co 3 O 4 electrocatalyst was synthesized via the high-temperature oxidation of pure cobalt nanoparticles in an external magnetic field. The discharge products of NaO 2 nanowires are 10-20 nm in diameter and ∼10 μm in length, characteristics that provide facile pathways for electron and ion transfer. With these nanowires, Na-O 2 batteries have surpassed 400 cycles with a fixed capacity of 1000 mA h g -1 , an ultra-low over-potential of ∼60 mV during charging, and near-zero over-potential during discharging. This strategy not only provides a unique way to control the morphology of discharge products to achieve high-performance Na-O 2 batteries but also opens up the opportunity to explore growing nanowires in novel conditions.

  19. Obraz kliniczny mielopatii szyjnej

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    Andrzej Klimek


    Full Text Available Mielopatia szyjna zaliczana jest do chorób cywilizacyjnych związanych z wiekiem. Choć jej objawy były znane od dawna, dopiero wprowadzenie badań neuroradiologicznych pozwoliło na potwierdzenie tego schorzenia. Od roku 1928, kiedy to Stookey ogłosił teorię wyjaśniającą powstanie mielopatii szyjnej, następni badacze proponowali własne lub modyfikowali dotychczasowe hipotezy. Obecnie uważa się, że mielopatia szyjna jest wynikiem: 1 bezpośredniego ucisku kości, wyrośli lub zwapnianych tkanek na rdzeń; 2 zmian niedokrwiennych spowodowanych przez ucisk na naczynia zaopatrujące rdzeń; 3 powtarzających się urazów w czasie ruchu prostowania lub zginania szyi. Uważa się, iż do rozwoju mielopatii szyjnej dochodzi, kiedy następuje zwężenie kanału kręgowego o 30%. Rdzeń zostaje wówczas spłaszczony w wymiarze przednio-tylnym. Nieliczne badania anatomopatologiczne prowadzone w tych przypadkach wykazały, że na wysokości uszkodzenia następuje glikoza i demielinizacja rdzenia. Kolumny boczne rdzenia kręgowego są bardziej podatne na ucisk niż przednie czy tylne. Zmiany zwyrodnieniowe o charakterze osteofitów stwierdza się u 90% populacji po 60. roku życia. Początkowymi objawami są bóle głowy i karku, następnie bóle promieniują do barków i ramion, kończyny górne stają się słabsze, chory odczuwa parestezje, głównie w dłoniach. Po pewnym czasie mniej sprawne stają się także kończyny dolne i chory odczuwa je jako sztywne. Chód staje się powolny i niezgrabny. Występują zaburzenia w utrzymaniu moczu. W przebiegu choroby są obserwowane zaniki mięśni, głównie rąk. Stwierdza się upośledzenie czucia głębokiego i wibracji. Charakterystyczne jest wygórowanie odruchów głębokich. Spotykany jest nawet klonus rzepki, a także objaw Lhermitte’a. W diagnostyce różnicowej należy brać pod uwagę szereg chorób, ale decydujące znaczenie mają wyniki badań neuroradiologicznych. Trzeba pami

  20. Insight to the Thermal Decomposition and Hydrogen Desorption Behaviors of NaNH2-NaBH4 Hydrogen Storage Composite. (United States)

    Pei, Ziwei; Bai, Ying; Wang, Yue; Wu, Feng; Wu, Chuan


    The lightweight compound material NaNH 2 -NaBH 4 is regarded as a promising hydrogen storage composite due to the high hydrogen density. Mechanical ball milling was employed to synthesize the composite NaNH 2 -NaBH 4 (2/1 molar ratio), and the samples were investigated utilizing thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis-mass spectroscopy (TG-DTA-MS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses. The full-spectrum test (range of the ratio of mass to charge: 0-200) shows that the released gaseous species contain H 2 , NH 3 , B 2 H 6 , and N 2 in the heating process from room temperature to 400 °C, and possibly the impurity gas B 6 H 12 also exists. The TG/DTA analyses show that the composite NaNH 2 -NaBH 4 (2/1 molar ratio) is conductive to generate hydrogen so that the dehydrogenation process can be finished before 400 °C. Moreover, the thermal decomposition process from 200 to 400 °C involves two-step dehydrogenation reactions: (1) Na 3 (NH 2 ) 2 BH 4 hydride decomposes into Na 3 BN 2 and H 2 (200-350 °C); (2) remaining Na 3 (NH 2 ) 2 BH 4 reacts with NaBH 4 and Na 3 BN 2 , generating Na, BN, NH 3 , N 2 , and H 2 (350-400 °C). The better mechanism understanding of the thermal decomposition pathway lays a foundation for tailoring the hydrogen storage performance of the composite complex hydrides system.