
Sample records for nosocomiales por klebsiella

  1. Efecto del uso de alcohol en gel sobre las infecciones nosocomiales por Klebsiella pneumoniae multirresistente

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    J. Bermejo


    Full Text Available El lavado de manos es la medida de control más efectiva para interrumpir la transmisión de microorganismos patógenos nosocomiales. Sin embargo, la adherencia por parte del personal de salud es baja. Una nueva modalidad para la higiene de las manos, el frotado con alcohol-gel (AG, permite reducir el tiempo requerido y ofrece mayor comodidad. Con la finalidad de evaluar el efecto de la introducción del AG sobre las tasas de infecciones debidas a los tres agentes nosocomiales multirresistentes (Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae y Pseudomonas aeruginosa más frecuentes en nuestro hospital, se realizó un estudio observacional, comparando la incidencia de infecciones en los 12 meses previos y posteriores a la intervención. Luego de la introducción del AG se redujo de manera significativa la incidencia de infecciones debidas a Klebsiella pneumoniae BLEE (RR: 0.38, especialmente las bacteriemias (RR:0.10. El uso de AG ofrece condiciones que probablemente mejoren la adherencia del personal a la higiene de manos. Sin embargo, sobre la base de este estudio, no podemos concluir que el resultado observado se deba al AG en sí mismo o a una mayor adherencia a la práctica higiénica.Handwashing is considered the most important and effective infection control measure to prevent transmission of nosocomial pathogens. However, compliance with handwashing by health care workers is low. A new modality for hand hygiene is alcohol gel rub, which reduces time required, does not damage the skin and increases health care workers compliance. An observational study was conducted to assess the effect of alcohol-gel hand antiseptic on infection rates due to the 3 more frequent multi-resistant bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae y Pseudomonas aeruginosa in our hospital. Two periods were compared, 12 months before and 12 months after starting alcohol gel use. The second period (AG use showed a significant reduction on incidence rates of

  2. Epidemiología molecular de infección nosocomial por Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de beta-lactamasas de espectro extendido.

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    Paula Andrea Espinal


    Full Text Available La epidemiología molecular aplicada al estudio de las infecciones nosocomiales ha sido fundamental para la formulación y la evaluación de las medidas de control; con este fin, se caracterizaron microbiológica y molecularmente aislamientos de Klebsiella pneumoniae productores de beta-lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE obtenidos de pacientes en un hospital de tercer nivel de Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Se tipificaron quince aislamientos por electroforesis en gel de campo pulsado (PFGE y por amplificación de secuencias de ADN repetidas (REP-PCR. La susceptibilidad antimicrobiana y la producción de BLEE se determinaron de acuerdo con las normas de NCCLS. Las beta-lactamasas se evaluaron por isoelectroenfoque y PCR. El 80% de estos aislamientos se asociaron con infección nosocomial y de éstos, el 91,7% provenía de unidades de cuidado intensivo. La susceptibilidad antibiótica mostró 13 patrones de resistencia; 87% de los aislamientos presentó corresistencia a amikacina, 53% a gentamicina, 33,3% a ciprofloxacina, 40% a cefepime, 66,7% a piperacilina/tazobactam, 60% trimetoprim/sulfametoxazol y 46,7% a cloranfenicol. Todos fueron sensibles a imipenem. En la mayoría de los aislamientos se detectó producción simultánea de beta-lactamasas del tipo TEM y SHV y el 93,3% produjo ceftazidimasa de pI 8.2 del tipo SHV-5. Los 15 aislamientos fueron agrupados por PFGE y REP-PCR en 11 y 12 patrones electroforéticos, respectivamente. Esta variabilidad genética está relacionada con infecciones nosocomiales de origen endógeno más que por infecciones cruzadas.

  3. Epidemiología de las infecciones nosocomiales en un hospital de segundo nivel

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer la incidencia, tasas específicas, áreas de mayor riesgo y los agentes causales de infecciones nosocomiales en el Hospital General de Durango, México, de la Secretaría de Salud. Material y métodos. Estudio prospectivo de vigilancia de infecciones nosocomiales, a lo largo de un año, que incluyó a todos los pacientes egresados durante ese periodo. Resultados. Se encontró una tasa cruda de nueve infecciones por 100 egresos, las tasas específicas más altas correspondieron a la unidad de terapia intensiva pediátrica y neonatología y las más bajas a cirugía, pediatría y ginecobstetricia. Las infecciones de vías urinarias, neumonía y de heridas quirúrgicas fueron las más frecuentes en los servicios de adultos, mientras que las bacteremias mostraron una alta incidencia en las áreas pediátricas en donde se observó un brote epidémico donde predominó el germen Serratia marscecens. La mayoría de los pacientes presentaron un sólo proceso infeccioso y E. coli, Klebsiella y Enterobacter spp. fueron los microorganismos más frecuentemente aislados. Conclusiones. La tasa de infecciones nosocomiales observada en este estudio es más alta que la informada en instituciones similares en México, y las áreas más afectadas fueron las de atención a pacientes en estado crítico y las de atención a recién nacidos, predominando la infección de vías urinarias, neumonía y de heridas quirúrgicas y como agentes causales los bacilos entéricos gram negativos. Los hallazgos anteriores sugieren pautas para el diseño e instrumentación de un programa de control de infecciones nosocomiales, ajustado a las características de este tipo de instituciones.

  4. Procedimientos de asepsia en la prevención de infecciones nosocomiales

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    Blanca Pallango


    Full Text Available Las infecciones nosocomiales son aquellas que se desarrollan en el paciente hospitalario es por ello que se pretende visualizar los problemas que se presentan en el Hospital IESS determinando el uso de procedimientos de asepsia para evitar contraer infecciones nosocomiales. Metodología el estudio es no experimental con diseño descriptivo de corte transversal, se relacionan con las variables involucradas, además es de corta duración por lo que fue desarrollada en el periodo de Abril – Agosto 2015, el instrumento utilizado fue la encuesta a 30 profesionales enfermeros del IESS que corresponden al grado de líderes de los servicios de toda la institución. Resultados y discusión los datos obtenidos de la encuesta realizada la mayoría de profesionales aciertan que conocen y aplican los procedimientos de asepsia así como la norma que aplican durante su turno de trabajo por la cantidad de pacientes y el tiempo influyen para que no exista una realización correcta de los procedimientos. Conclusiones, el nivel de desconocimiento existente y la necesidad de promover a los profesionales para actualizar sus conocimientos en cuanto a los procedimientos de asepsia y su prevención en las infecciones nosocomiales se considera imperante en este estudio.

  5. Miasis nosocomiales en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿una realidad ignorada?

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    Rocío Sánchez-Sánchez

    Full Text Available Las miasis nosocomiales son infestaciones por larvas de mosca que se producen después de la hospitalización del paciente. Para analizar la información disponible sobre miasis nosocomiales en América Latina y el Caribe, se realizó una búsqueda de casos publicados en los últimos 52 años. Se encontraron nueve casos clínicos en Brasil, Costa Rica, Guayana Francesa, Honduras y Jamaica. También existen dos publicaciones con datos agregados que mencionan 139 casos en El Salvador y alrededor de 32 en Colombia. Los pacientes y el entorno descritos en los casos presentaron condiciones que predisponen a este tipo de infestaciones. Las miasis nosocomiales en América Latina y el Caribe no suelen ser de declaración obligatoria, por lo que es probable que exista un importante subregistro. Es necesario crear conciencia y mejorar el registro de estas miasis en la región para tomar las medidas más adecuadas de prevención, que beneficien el cuidado del paciente durante su hospitalización.

  6. Epidemiología de las infecciones nosocomiales en un hospital de segundo nivel

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer la incidencia, tasas específicas, áreas de mayor riesgo y los agentes causales de infecciones nosocomiales en el Hospital General de Durango, México, de la Secretaría de Salud. Material y métodos. Estudio prospectivo de vigilancia de infecciones nosocomiales, a lo largo de un año, que incluyó a todos los pacientes egresados durante ese periodo. Resultados. Se encontró una tasa cruda de nueve infecciones por 100 egresos, las tasas específicas más altas correspondieron a la unidad de terapia intensiva pediátrica y neonatología y las más bajas a cirugía, pediatría y ginecobstetricia. Las infecciones de vías urinarias, neumonía y de heridas quirúrgicas fueron las más frecuentes en los servicios de adultos, mientras que las bacteremias mostraron una alta incidencia en las áreas pediátricas en donde se observó un brote epidémico donde predominó el germen Serratia marscecens. La mayoría de los pacientes presentaron un sólo proceso infeccioso y E. coli, Klebsiella y Enterobacter spp. fueron los microorganismos más frecuentemente aislados. Conclusiones. La tasa de infecciones nosocomiales observada en este estudio es más alta que la informada en instituciones similares en México, y las áreas más afectadas fueron las de atención a pacientes en estado crítico y las de atención a recién nacidos, predominando la infección de vías urinarias, neumonía y de heridas quirúrgicas y como agentes causales los bacilos entéricos gram negativos. Los hallazgos anteriores sugieren pautas para el diseño e instrumentación de un programa de control de infecciones nosocomiales, ajustado a las características de este tipo de instituciones.Objective. To determine the incidence, specific rates, areas of greatest risk and causal agents of nosocomial infections at the Hospital General de Durango, of the Secretaria de Salud, Mexico. Material and methods. Prospective study of nosocomial infection vigilance during one year

  7. Peracute bovine mastitis caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae Mastite bovina hiperaguda causada por Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    M.G. Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Relata-se a ocorrência de graves sintomas de mastite hiperaguda em vaca, causada por Klebsiella pneumoniae, na terceira semana de lactação. Descrevem-se aspectos epidemiológicos, sintomas clínicos, procedimentos de diagnóstico microbiológico, conduta terapêutica e medidas de controle.

  8. Absceso hepático por Klebsiella pneumoniae, asociado con bacteriemia y meningitis: Reporte de un caso


    Yucumá-Gutiérrez, Samuel; Duran-Gutiérrez, Luis F; Osorio-Pinzón, Johanna V; Álzate-Carvajal, Verónica; Mondragón-Cardona, Álvaro


    El absceso hepático, continúa siendo un importante problema de salud pública. El causado por Klebsiella pneumoniae, se ha descrito en un 29% de los casos en algunas series. Con una mortalidad hasta del 11,3%, se presenta con mayor frecuencia en pacientes con diabetes mellitus, relacionándose con complicaciones a distancia, como meningitis, absceso cerebral y afección pulmonar. Se presenta el caso de un hombre sin factores de riesgo, con síndrome de absceso hepático por Klebsiella pneumoniae c...

  9. L'Infection Nosocomiale en Reanimation des Brules (United States)

    Siah, S.; Belefqih, R.; Elouennass, M.; Fouadi, F.E.; Ihrai, I.


    Summary L'infection nosocomiale bactérienne étant l'une des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité chez le brûlé, nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective portant sur 84 patients hospitalisés au sein du service de réanimation des brûlés de l'Hôpital Militaire d'Instruction Mohammed V de Rabat, sur une période de 3 ans, du premier janvier 2001 au 31 décembre 2003. Les critères d'infection nosocomiale étaient ceux du Center for Disease Control d'Atlanta de 1988. Les taux d'incidence ont été calculés. La population infectée a été comparée à celle non infectée. L'écologie bactérienne du service a été décrite comme aussi l'antibiotype. Il ressort de cette étude la survenue de 87 infections nosocomiales chez 27 patients. L'incidence cumulative était de 103 infections pour 1000 jours de traitement. Pour ce qui est des caractéristiques des infections bactériennes, les sites infectés étaient la peau (77%), le sang (13,8%), les voies urinaires (8%) et les poumons (1,1%). Les principaux germes étaient: Staphylococcus sp. (33,3%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (23%), Enterococcus faecalis et Acinetobacter (8%). Les staphylocoques étaient méticillo-résistants dans 22,2% des cas. Le Pseudomonas et l'Acinetobacter étaient multirésistants (60%). Dans notre étude les facteurs prédictifs de survenue des infections nosocomiales que nous avons retenus après l'étude comparative des populations infectées et non infectées ont été l'âge, le body mass index, l'abbreviated burn severity index et le remplissage initial. En isolant ces paramètres, nous avons pu établir une équation à valeur prédictive de survenue d'infection nosocomiale chez le patient brûlé. PMID:21991158

  10. Caracterización de las infecciones nosocomiales Characterization of nosocomial infections

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    Lucía López Méndez


    Full Text Available Introducción: las infecciones nosocomiales constituyen un importante problema de salud relacionado con la calidad de la atención y la eficacia del trabajo. Objetivo: caracterizar las infecciones nosocomiales en el Hospital Pediátrico Provincial Docente "Pepe Portilla" durante el período 2010-2011. Material y método: se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva, transversal y aplicada. El universo estuvo conformado por los 22652 egresados y la muestra por los 516 casos. Para la obtención de la información se revisaron los registros del departamento de estadística y las historias clínicas, utilizándose para su análisis las frecuencias absolutas, relativas porcentuales y la prueba de X² al 95 % de certeza. Resultados: el sistema respiratorio es el sitio de mayor localización, donde predominaron los hemocultivos negativos. Los gérmenes más aislados fueron: el Staphylococcus epidermidis, la Pseudomonas sp y el Acinetobacter, entre otros. Conclusiones: las infecciones nosocomiales en pediatría constituyen una problema de salud que requiere el fortalecimiento de las actividades de prevención y control, con especial énfasis en su vigilancia sistemática.Introduction: nosocomial infections constitute an important problem related to the quality and efficiency of the health services. Objective: to characterize nosocomial infections at “Pepe Portilla” Provincial Children Hospital during 2010-2011. Material and method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and applied research was conducted, which target group was comprised of 22652 patients discharged from the hospital and the sample included 516 patients. To collect the information, the records of the statistics department and the clinical histories were reviewed; where absolute frequencies and relative percentages plus chi square test up to 95% of certainty were used to complete its analysis. Results: respiratory tract was the most affected site, where negative

  11. Infecciones nosocomiales: tendencias seculares de un programa de control en México

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    Ponce de León Samuel


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Determinar la frecuencia de infecciones nosocomiales en el Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición Salvador Zubirán (INNSZ desde la instauración del programa de vigilancia hasta la actualidad y conocer su impacto en estancia hospitalaria y mortalidad. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y retrolectivo en un hospital de referencia de tercer nivel de atención. Se obtuvieron las frecuencias, el tipo y la distribución de infecciones nosocomiales de la base de datos del Departamento de Epidemiología Hospitalaria entre 1991 y 1996. Se determinó en cada paciente el grado de gravedad de su enfermedad mediante la escala de McCabe-Jackson, así como la edad promedio y el tiempo de estancia hospitaria. Se aplicó la prueba de ji² para tendencias de los diferentes parámetros evaluados. El estudio se dividió en tres etapas: prerremodelación (1991-1993, remodelación (1994-1995 y posremodelación (1996. Se compararon los periodos prerremodelación contra posremodelación. RESULTADOS. Durante este periodo (1991-1996 la tasa de infecciones nosocomiales fue de 8.6 por 100 egresos en promedio, con una disminución de 20% en su frecuencia a lo largo del mismo (p< 0.01, comparando las tasas que se observaron durante la prerremodelación con las de la posrremodelación. El área hospitalaria con mayor frecuencia de infecciones es la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva (26.9 infecciones por 100 egresos, seguida de áreas de hospitalización con cuartos compartidos (9.47% y con cuartos privados (7.5%. El sitio de infección más frecuente fue el de vías urinarias (26.6% del total de episodios, seguido por infección de herida quirúrgica (24.4%, neumonía nosocomial (12.1% y bacteriemia primaria (9.5%. Se observó una disminución estadísticamente significativa en la frecuencia de infecciones de vías urinarias y bacteriemias primarias (p< 0.05 y p< 0.00001, respectivamente, mientras que las infecciones de herida quir

  12. Les infections nosocomiales des chevaux : synthèse bibliographique


    Grand, François-Xavier


    L'hospitalisation des chevaux peut être problématique lorsqu elle génère elle-même des maladies, contagieuses de surcroît et qui étaient absentes à l'admission. La première partie s'attache à définir les principales infections nosocomiales dans les hôpitaux équins. De nombreux sérovars de Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica tout comme Clostridium perfringens type A et C et Clostridium difficile peuvent causer des diarrhées nosocomiales sévères. Staphylococcus aureus méthicilline résistants so...

  13. Costos secundarios por infecciones nosocomiales en dos unidades pediátricas de cuidados intensivos

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    Navarrete-Navarro Susana


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Estimar los costos asociados a infecciones nosocomiales en niños tratados en dos unidades de terapia intensiva. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio parcial de costos en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (UCIN y en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (UTIP de un hospital infantil de tercer nivel de atención médica. Se investigaron los costos de las pruebas diagnósticas y de los recursos terapéuticos empleados, así como el exceso de estancia hospitalaria debida a la presencia de una infección nosocomial. RESULTADOS. Se detectaron 102 infecciones, 46 en UCIN y 56 en UTIP, en el lapso de un año, tiempo que duró el estudio. El costo promedio por infección fue de 91 698 pesos y el gasto global fue de 9.3 millones de pesos. Neumonía, flebitis y septicemia abarcaron 65% de los costos. En los niños infectados se registró una estancia hospitalaria extra de 9.6 días, 13.7 exámenes de laboratorio y 3.3 cultivos en promedio, debido a la presencia de una infección intrahospitalaria. La estancia hospitalaria representó 97% del gasto total. CONCLUSIONES. Esta evaluación representa una estimación de costos directos de infección. Los resultados justifican el establecimiento de programas preventivos agresivos para reducir las complicaciones dentro de los hospitales.

  14. Profil de l'infection urinaire nosocomiale dans un service de nephrology (United States)

    Lazrak, Mohamed Amine; El Bardai, Ghita; Jaafour, Soumia; Kabbali, Nadia; Arrayhani, Mohamed; Houssaini, Tarik Sqalli


    L'infection urinaire est l'infection nosocomiale la plus fréquente. Elle constitue un véritable problème de santé publique par la surmortalité et le surcoût qu'elle entraîne. L'objectif de notre étude est de déterminer l'incidence et le profil des IU nosocomiales dans un service de Néphrologie. Etude rétrospective sur dossier de tous les patients hospitalisés dans notre service durant l'année 2011, ayant bénéficié d'un examen cytobactériologique des urines. Ont été exclus, tous les patients admis avec une IU connue ou active. 325 dossiers ont été retenus. L'incidence de l'IU nosocomiale était de l'ordre de 16,9%. La durée moyenne d'hospitalisation était de 14,1±10,15 jours. 30% de nos patients ont été transférés du service des urgences. 80% des IU nosocomiales étaient compliquées. Le germe responsable était E.Coli dans 2/3 des cas dont 14,5% était à E.Coli sécrétrice de bétalactamases à spectre étendu. L’évolution après traitement était favorable chez 90,7%. En analyse multivariée, les facteurs de risque pour contracter une IU nosocomiale étaient le sexe féminin; le sondage urinaire et l'antécédent d'IU à répétition. Nos résultats rejoignent ceux de la littérature concernant les facteurs de risque liés à la survenue de l'IU nosocomiale, la fréquence des infections à entérobactéries, et l’émergence de souches résistantes. Une Surveillance microbiologique et une évaluation de la résistance aux antibiotiques constituent une ligne de défense pour faire face à l'accentuation de nouvelles souches bactériennes de plus en plus résistantes aux antibiotiques rendant les options thérapeutiques très limitées. PMID:25667721

  15. Contribution a l'étude des infections nosocomiales "service de chirurgie A "C.H.UTlemcen




    Les infections nosocomiales (fl%) posent un véritable problème de santé publique du fait de leur fréquence, leur gravité, et Idur cout socio-économique, notre travail réalisé dans le cadre de «Contribution à l'étude des infections nosocomiales au niveau chirurgie A » qui s'est déroulée en centre Hospitalo- Universitaire Tlemcen en 2012. Qui avait pour objectifs de déterminer la fréquence globale des infections nosocomiales dans le service de chirurgie A et d'évçquer les princip...

  16. Caracterización de Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de la beta-lactamasa SHV-5, en una unidad de cuidados intensivos Characterization of SHV-5 beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in an intensive care unit

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    Verónica Andrade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Caracterizar molecularmente los aislamientos de Klebsiella pneumoniae obtenidos de pacientes pediátricos y del personal de salud en la unidad de cuidados intensivos de un hospital de tercer nivel de atención en la Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se analizaron 15 aislamientos de Klebsiella pneumoniae colectadas de un brote durante el mes de junio de 1996, ocho de pacientes y siete de personal del Hospital Infantil de México. Los aislamientos fueron caracterizados por electroforesis en gel de campos pulsados (EGCP, amplificación azarosa del polimorfismo de ADN por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (AAPD-PCR, y serotipificación, isoelectroenfoque de beta-lactamasas y secuenciación nucleotídica de productos de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa. RESULTADOS: El serotipo predominante fue el 61 y correlacionó con los perfiles de AAPD-PCR y EGCP en 11 de los 15 aislamientos. Se identificó una clona predominante productora de SHV-5 con una alta letalidad. CONCLUSIONES: Las técnicas de biología molecular fueron herramientas muy útiles en la caracterización de la clona de K. pneumoniae identificada en pacientes y el personal hospitalario, que sugirieron una posible transmisión cruzada. Estos resultados ilustran que se debe apoyar el fortalecimiento de los programas de control para evitar la diseminación de infecciones nosocomiales en esa unidad en estudio.OBJECTIVE: To perform the molecular characterization of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from pediatric patients and health care workers at the intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital in Mexico City. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifteen Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates collected during an outbreak in June 1996 were analyzed; eight were from patients and seven from health care workers of Mexico's Children's Hospital. Characterization of isolates was carried out by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE, random amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase

  17. Validación de un programa de vigilancia de infecciones nosocomiales

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    Rangel-Frausto M. Sigfrido


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Validar el programa de vigilancia de infecciones nosocomiales y conocer la morbilidad y la mortalidad. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Un médico especialmente capacitado, realizó vigilancia intensiva de todos los pacientes admitidos en el hospital. Los casos de infección fueron discutidos con otros dos médicos y el resultado se comparó con la vigilancia rutinaria. Se incluyó a todos los pacientes hospitalizados del 11 de julio al 12 de agosto de 1995, que no tenían un proceso infeccioso activo o que no manifestaban un periodo de incubación a su ingreso. Se siguieron diariamente y se registraron datos de: edad, sexo y padecimiento de ingreso. Se recabó información sobre tratamiento antimicrobiano, microrganismo aislado y susceptibilidad. Se evaluó el estado clínico final y se estimó el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria. RESULTADOS. De 429 pacientes, 45 desarrollaron infección nosocomial (casos y 384 no lo hicieron (controles. La incidencia de infecciones nosocomiales fue de 10.48/100. La sensibilidad y la especificidad del programa fueron de 93.3 y 98.7%, respectivamente. La mortalidad en los infectados fue de 11.11%, y en el grupo de los no infectados, de 2.4%. El promedio de estancia hospitalaria fue de 20 y 11 días, para infectados y no infectados, respectivamente (p< 0.01. Las infecciones más frecuentes fueron: infección de vías urinarias (IVU (42%, bacteriemia secundaria (14.8%, neumonía (11.11% y absceso abdominal (9.25%. Los pacientes con McCabe-Jackson rápidamente mortal tuvieron una mayor frecuencia de infecciones nosocomiales. Los agentes etiológicos más frecuentes fueron Escherichia coli (28%, Staphylococcus aureus (11.11% y Pseudomonas aeruginosa (8.6%. La resistencia in vitro varió según el agente causal y, en promedio, fue de 43%. CONCLUSIONES. La sensibilidad y la especificidad del programa fueron excelentes. Las infecciones nosocomiales producen mayor mortalidad y estancia hospitalaria comparadas con aquellos

  18. Les infections nosocomiales d’origine bactérienne, ce que doit savoir le pharmacien d’officine


    Albrecht , Amélie


    Non disponible / Not available; Chaque année en France, on dénombre 700 000 cas d’infections nosocomiales pour 15millions d’hospitalisations. Les infections nosocomiales constituent la principalepréoccupation des patients lors de leurs admissions. La prévention de ces infections repose sur des principes d’hygiène simples. Bien qu’il ne soit pas au coeur de leur prise en charge, le pharmacien d’officine reste un interlocuteur privilégié par les patients. Néanmoins nos connaissances sur ce suje...

  19. Mise en place d'un programme de surveillance des infections nosocomiales en réanimation chirurgicale


    Kayembe , Freddy


    Non disponible / Not available; A l'heure les infections nosocomiales sont de plus en plus mal acceptées par le grand public, nous nous sommes intéressés aux différentes étapes de la mise en place d'un programme de surveillance de ces infections nosocomiales dans l'unité de réanimation chirurgicale du service d'anesthésie réanimation. Matériel et méthodes : Il s'agit d'une part, d'une enquête de pratiques et d'autre part d'une enquête rétrospective (période 1996 - 1998) puis prospective (anné...

  20. Les pneumopathies nosocomiales en réanimation de CHU Hassan II de Fès (United States)

    Shimi, Abdelkarim; Touzani, Soumaya; Elbakouri, Nabil; Bechri, Brahim; Derkaoui, Ali; Khatouf, Mohammed


    L'objectif principal de notre étude était d'identifier les bactéries incriminées dans la pneumopathie nosocomiale (PN) au service de réanimation A1 du CHU Hassan II de Fès, en vue d'en améliorer la prise en charge et de diminuer la morbi-mortalité associée. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective et descriptive, menée du 1er janvier 2012 au 31 décembre 2013. Seules les infections pulmonaires survenant au-delà de 48 heures de l'admission du patient au service de réanimation ont été incluses. L'incidence de la PN était de 11,2%. Les Bacilles à Gram négatif (BGN) étaient retrouvés dans 48,5% des cas, le Staphylocoque Aureus dans 21,21% des cas et le Klebsiella Pneumoniae était dans 10,7% des cas. Le taux de mortalité était de 48,33%. L’âge, la gravité de la pathologie sous jacente et le retard de l'instauration d'une antibiothérapie adaptée étaient considérées comme facteurs de mauvais pronostic. L’étude de la résistance aux antibiotiques, montre une multirésistance surtout pour les BGN, dont il faut tenir compte en mettant en place une stratégie de prévention active. PMID:26966481

  1. Uso nasal de la mupirocina para Staphylococcus aureus: efecto en portadores y en infecciones nosocomiales.

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    Ana María García


    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus es agente causal de infecciones intrahospitalarias y adquiridas en la comunidad. Entre 20% y 35% de la población adulta lo porta en el vestíbulo nasal y orofaringe de manera permanente y 50% de manera transitoria. La mupirocina de calcio tópica es un agente bactericida contra S. aureus que se recomienda para erradicar la colonización nasal y de manos en pacientes y personal hospitalario. Este trabajo se propuso determinar la prevalencia de S. aureus nasal en pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardiovascular y observar el efecto de la mupirocina nasal en la prevalencia de portadores nasales y en las infecciones nosocomiales. Se realizó un estudio experimental prospectivo para comparar los pacientes tratados con mupirocina nasal (n=96 y los no tratados (n=95. En todos se buscó la presencia de S. aureus nasal y la aparición de infección nosocomial. Se encontró una prevalencia general de portadores de 34%, una disminución de la prevalencia de 86,6% en el grupo tratado y una disminución de 33,3% en el grupo control, lo que mostró la mupirocina como factor protector. La proporción de infección nosocomial total fue de 17,3%, que se distribuyó en forma homogénea entre los dos grupos, pero las infecciones por S. aureus se presentaron en su mayoría en los pacientes control (6 de 7. Se demostró la eficiencia de la mupirocina en la eliminación de portadores nasales de S. aureus. Adicionalmente, el trabajo sugiere que el uso de este antibiótico no disminuye el número total de infecciones nosocomiales.

  2. Resistencia bacteriana de cultivos de orina en un hospital oncológico:seguimiento a diez años

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    Consuelo Velázquez-Acosta


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Describir los patrones de resistencia bacteriana en cultivos de orina de pacientes de un hospital oncológico en la Ciudad de México, de 2004 a 2013. Material y métodos. Se obtuvo el porcentaje de susceptibilidad para diferentes antibióticos, describiendo por separado las bacterias multidrogorresistentes (MDR. Se analizaron por separado las cepas obtenidas de pacientes hospitalizados de las de la comunidad. Resultados. Se realizaron 51 202 cultivos, de los cuales se identificaron 14 480 bacterias (28.3%. De éstas, se reportaron 11 427 Gram negativos (78.9%; 2 080 Gram positivos (14.4%; y 973 (6.6% levaduras. Escherichia coli fue el principal microorganismo aislado (56.1%; 24% de las cepas de la comunidad y 66% de las nosocomiales fueron productoras de beta-lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE. Klebsiella pneumoniae se identificó en 705 cultivos (4.8%, 115 de los cuales fueron BLEE (16%: 13.1% de la comunidad y 29.8% nosocomiales. Pseudomonas aeruginosa se identificó en 593 cultivos (4.1%: 9% de la comunidad y 51% nosocomiales. Conclusiones. Las cepas MDR son mucho más frecuentes en muestras de origen nosocomial. Es prioritario intensificar el uso racional de antibióticos en la comunidad y el programa de desescalamiento de antimicrobianos en el hospital.   DOI:

  3. Factores relacionados con el control exitoso de un brote por Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de KPC-2 en una unidad de cuidado intensivo en Bogotá, Colombia

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    Gisell Bustos-Moya

    Full Text Available La resistencia a carbapenémicos en Klebsiella pneumoniae ha aumentado de manera considerable, incrementando las tasas de morbimortalidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir las características epidemiológicas, microbiológicas y las medidas de intervención que permitieron el control exitoso de un brote de Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de KPC-2. Métodos: El estudio se realizó en 2 periodos: el primero durante el brote, con instauración de un protocolo de medidas de intervención; y el segundo, de seguimiento posbrote. Se realizaron pruebas de identificación y susceptibilidad por sistema automatizado, tamización de carbapenemasas por test de Hodge modificado, PCR para detección de los genes bla KPC , bla KPC-2 , NDM-1 y estudio de clonalidad por electroforesis de campos pulsados. Resultados: Durante el brote, se identificaron 18 aislamientos de Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de KPC en 11 pacientes. Tres casos fueron confirmados como infección intrahospitalaria. La técnica de PCR reveló la presencia del gen bla KPC en 21 de 22 aislamientos (pacientes y medio ambiente y se identificó la presencia de un clon con una similitud superior al 75%. En el periodo posbrote los cultivos ambientales y de búsqueda de colonizados fueron negativos. Discusión: Se evidenció un control exitoso del brote producido por un clon. La implementación de un protocolo de intervención y la monitorización de su cumplimiento, la comunicación efectiva y el trabajo en equipo fueron indispensables para evitar su propagación y evitar un comportamiento endémico posbrote.

  4. Frecuencia y resistencia bacteriana de Staphylococcus aureus en infecciones nosocomiales en el Hospital Universitario de Caracas, años 2004 y 2007

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    Guillermo Borga Hernández


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de infecciones nosocomiales y resistencia a meticiclina de S. aureus en el Hospital Universitario de Caracas, primer semestre de años 2004 y 2007. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo para determinar frecuencia de infecciones intrahospitalarias (IN y resistencia a meticiclina de S. aureus, se analizaron los informes de los Boletines de la Sub Comisión de Infecciones Hospitalarias del Hospital Universitario de Caracas correspondientes al primer semestre de los años 2004 y 2007 Resultados: En el año 2004 se registraron 1.608 casos de IN, 6,84% ocasionadas por S. aureus y 2.311 en el año 2007, 10,42% causadas por dicho microorganismo. La resistencia a la meticilina en el año 2004 fue 14% de las 110 cepas aisladas y en el 2007 fue de 68% de las 241 cepas aisladas. Conclusiones: Existe diferencia en la frecuencia de infecciones hospitalarias producidas por S. aureus y en la resistencia a meticiclina de las cepas en el HUC, mayor en el 2007 en comparación al 2004.

  5. Whole-Genome Sequencing of Human Clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates Reveals Misidentification and Misunderstandings of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella variicola, and Klebsiella quasipneumoniae (United States)

    Linson, Sarah E.; Ojeda Saavedra, Matthew; Cantu, Concepcion; Davis, James J.; Brettin, Thomas; Olsen, Randall J.


    ABSTRACT Klebsiella pneumoniae is a major threat to public health, causing significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The emergence of highly drug-resistant strains is particularly concerning. There has been a recognition and division of Klebsiella pneumoniae into three distinct phylogenetic groups: Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella variicola, and Klebsiella quasipneumoniae. K. variicola and K. quasipneumoniae have often been described as opportunistic pathogens that have less virulence in humans than K. pneumoniae does. We recently sequenced the genomes of 1,777 extended-spectrum-beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing K. pneumoniae isolates recovered from human infections and discovered that 28 strains were phylogenetically related to K. variicola and K. quasipneumoniae. Whole-genome sequencing of 95 additional non-ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae isolates recovered from patients found 12 K. quasipneumoniae strains. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) analysis initially identified all patient isolates as K. pneumoniae, suggesting a potential pitfall in conventional clinical microbiology laboratory identification methods. Whole-genome sequence analysis revealed extensive sharing of core gene content and plasmid replicons among the Klebsiella species. For the first time, strains of both K. variicola and K. quasipneumoniae were found to carry the Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) gene, while another K. variicola strain was found to carry the New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1 (NDM-1) gene. K. variicola and K. quasipneumoniae infections were not less virulent than K. pneumoniae infections, as assessed by in-hospital mortality and infection type. We also discovered evidence of homologous recombination in one K. variicola strain, as well as one strain from a novel Klebsiella species, which challenge the current understanding of interrelationships between clades of Klebsiella. IMPORTANCE Klebsiella

  6. Etude de la prévalence des infections nosocomiales et des facteurs associes dans les deux hopitaux universitaires de Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo: cas des Cliniques Universitaires de Lubumbashi et l’Hôpital Janson Sendwe (United States)

    Kakupa, Danny Kasongo; Muenze, Prosper Kalenga; Byl, Baudouin; Wilmet, Michèle Dramaix


    Introduction Estimer la prévalence « un jour donné » des infections nosocomiales et déterminer leurs facteurs associés, ensuite estimer la prévalence des micro-organismes responsables des infections nosocomiales de Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo. Méthodes Une étude transversale descriptive a été menée dans les deux hôpitaux de Lubumbashi au sein de cinq services d’hospitalisation (Chirurgie, Gynéco-Obstétrique, Médecine interne, Pédiatrie et Réanimation). L’échantillon était constitué de 171 patients hospitalisés et qui ont été interrogés à l’aide d’un questionnaire standardisé. La fiche médicale nous a permit de connaitre le type d’antibiotique administré au patient 48 heures après d’admission. Notre étude s’est déroulée durant le mois de février 2010 dans le cadre de la première enquête locale de prévalence des infections nosocomiales. Résultats Notre étude a permis de recenser 59 patients atteints d’une infection nosocomiale. La prévalence globale est de 34,5% (dont 17,0% pour une infection nosocomiale acquise et 17,5% pour une infection importée). L’infection nosocomiale a été définie selon l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé comme toute infection acquise pendant un séjour à l’hôpital et qui n’était ni présente ni en incubation au moment de l’admission du patient. Les facteurs de risque suivants ont été associés aux infections nosocomiales acquises: durée d’hospitalisation (les patients admis en long séjour, séjour de plus de sept jours d’hospitalisation avaient un risque plus élevé que ceux admis en séjour court, séjour inférieur ou égal à sept jours d’hospitalisation (Ratio de prévalence: RP =3,6 [IC a 95% 1,4-8,9]). Parmi les infections nosocomiales, les infections du site opératoire étaient les plus fréquentes (27,1%), suivies des infections pulmonaires (22,0%) et des infections urinaires (17,0%). L’examen microbiologique a permis de mettre

  7. Impacto económico de las nuevas formas de tratamiento antimicrobiano para neumonías nosocomiales en terapia intensiva cardiovascular / Economic impact of new forms of antimicrobial treatment for nosocomial pneumonia in cardiovascular intensive care units

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    Andrés M. Rodríguez Acosta


    Full Text Available Señor Editor:Las neumonías nosocomiales (NN son las que aparecen 48 horas después del ingreso hospitalario, constituyen la segunda causa de infección en salas generales y la primera, en las unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI en todo el mundo. Su incidencia se ha informado entre 10 - 20 %, la cual puede llegar hasta un 20 % en aquellos pacientes que reciben ventilación artificial mecánica, y su mortalidad supera el 50 %; por eso son consideradas enfermedades de elevadas morbilidad, mortalidad y repercusión socioeconómica.

  8. Clinical and CT findings of Klebsiella liver abscess: comparison with non-Klebsiella liver abscess

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woo, Young Geun; Kim, Man Deuk; Yoon, Sang Wook; Kim, Hee Jin; Kim, Hyun; Lee, Kang Mun; Lee, Eun Ja


    To analyse the clinical features and CT findings of pyogenic liver abscess due to Klebsiella pneumoniae, and to compare the findings with those of cases in which abscesses were caused by other pathogens. Twenty-one cases of pyogenic liver abscess were assigned to either the Klebsiella or the non-Klebsiella group, and the patients' past medical history and intra-abdominal abnormalities such as calculus or malignancy were reviewed. Laboratory data such as alkaline phosphatase (ALT), SGOT and SGPT levels were analyzed, and on the basis of the CT findings, decisions were reached as to (a) whether abscesses were single or multiple contiguous or discontiguous, uniloculated or multiloculated; and (b) the presence or absence of gas, hepatic parenchymal enhancement, peripheral rim enhancement, and extrahepatic abnormality. For statistical analysis, fisher's exact test was used. Among 21 abscesses, Klebsiella pneumoniae was the most common pathogen (n=11). The others were Pseudomonas (n=3), E.coli (n=2), Enterococcus (n=2), G. (+) cocci (n=2) and polymicrobial (n=1). Diabetes mellitus was more common among patients in the Klebsiella group, among whom a multiloculated single cavity was a frequent finding. Five patients in the non-Klebsiella group experienced biliary tract obstruction, which was not demonstrated in the Klebsiella group. Hepatic parenchymal enhancement was more common in the non-Klebsiella group. In case of pyogenic liver disease, especially where diabates mellitus is involved, Klebsiella pneumoniae is a major pathogen. Significant CT findings of Klebsiella liver abscess included a multiloculated single cavity, rare biliary tract obstruction, and little hepatic parenchymal enhancement

  9. Le cuivre sur les surfaces en milieux de santé pour lutter contre les infections nosocomiales


    Masson , Julien-Luc


    Non disponible / Not available; Les infections nosocomiales sont devenues un enjeu de Santé Publiqueprimordial. Les antibiotiques et les mesures d’hygiène deviennent insuffisantspour éradiquer ces infections.D’autres méthodes doivent être mises en oeuvre afin de permettre unemeilleure prévention. Parmi celles-ci, nous pouvons agir sur la diminution durisque de contact aux microorganismes.Au niveau des surfaces environnementales, il faudrait un matériau deremplacement à ceux utilisés habituell...

  10. Les infections nosocomiales néonatales: quand l'infirmière a une place centrale dans la prévention


    Hayoz, Mathilde; Moser, Olivia; Thévoz, Anne-Laure


    L’objectif de cette revue de littérature est de répondre au questionnement clinique suivant : quelles sont les mesures de prévention que l’infirmière peut mettre en place afin de diminuer le taux d’infections nosocomiales lors de procédures invasives auprès des nouveau-nés dans un service de soins intensifs de néonatologie ?

  11. Prevalence, characterization and clinical significance of Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC producing Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    : Sarita Nayak, Suman Singh, Soeb Jankhwala, Riddhi Pradhan


    Full Text Available Klebsiella peumoniae, a capsulated gram negative bacillus is responsible for causing life threatening infections in humans. Carbapenems are the drug of choice for serious infection caused by multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. The emergence of carbapenem resistance has made it extremely difficult to treat such infections resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. Aims: To study the prevalence of carbapenem resistance using ertapenem as a marker and to detect Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase (KPC producing Klebsiella pneumoniae as a mechanism of resistance. Material and Methods: The study included 102 patients from which Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated. Identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing of Klebsiella pneumoniae was performed on miniAPI (Analytical Profile Index, Semiautomated bacterial identification system according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI guidelines of 2011. The modified Hodge test was performed for detection of Carbapenemase production. Patient’s clinical and demographic details along with risk factors and co-morbid conditions, type of response to antimicrobial therapy and mortality were collected. Results: The prevalence of carbapenem resistance was found to be 30.41% with 16.6% KPC producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. The co-morbid conditions like immunocompromised state (p =0.042, prior antibiotics therapy (p=0.047, previous hospitalization (p =0.021, intensive care unit stay (p=0.047 and use of indwelling devices (p =0.013 were found to be significantly associated with carbapenem resistance. Adverse clinical outcomes (death or worsening among patients infected with ertapenem resistant patients was found to be statistically significant than ertapenem sensitive strains (p =0.008. Conclusions: A high degree of carbapenem resistance in present study is alarming and poses therapeutic dilemmas for clinicians. Initiating timely and appropriate infection control measures along with a

  12. Epidémiologie des infections nosocomiales dues aux bactéries à Gram négatifs à l’unité de néonatologie de l’EHS de Tlemcen du 14 mai au 22 juin 2012


    Yadi, Salima Nesma


    Résumé Introduction : Les infections nosocomiales posent un véritable problème de santé publique du fait de leur fréquence, leur gravité et leur coût socioéconomique. A part les pays développés, peu de pays disposent de statistiques nationales fiables en matière d’infection nosocomiale ; des discordances importantes peuvent s’observer d’une série à l’autre en fonction du pays et du type d’établissement. Objectif : Le but de notre étude est de déterminer l’incidence et ...

  13. L’incidence des infections nosocomiales urinaires et des sites opératoires dans la maternité de l’Hôpital Général de Référence de Katuba à Lubumbashi en République Démocratique du Congo (United States)

    Lukuke, Hendrick Mbutshu; Kasamba, Eric; Mahuridi, Abdulu; Nlandu, Roger Ngatu; Narufumi, Suganuma; Mukengeshayi, Abel Ntambue; Malou, Vicky; Makoutode, Michel; Kaj, Françoise Malonga


    Introduction Les patients hospitalisés en Afrique intertropicale sont exposés à un risque des infections nosocomiales. La rareté des données publiées sur le sujet limite l’analyse descriptive de la situation. L’objectif de ce travail était de déterminer l’incidence, les germes en cause et les facteurs de risque des infections nosocomiales urinaires et des sites opératoires à la maternité de l’HGR Katuba de Lubumbashi en République Démocratique du Congo(DRC). Méthodes Nous avons réalisé une étude descriptive longitudinale de la période allant du 1er octobre 2014 au 1er Janvier 2015. Notre population d’étude était constituée de 207 femmes ayant séjourné dans cette maternité. La collecte de données était réalisée d’une manière exhaustive. Résultats L’incidence de ces infections nosocomiales était de 15,5%. Les parturientes ayant passé plus de trois jours à l'hôpital avaient trois fois plus de risque de développer une infection nosocomiale (p = 0,003) tandis que celles qui ont eu un accouchement avec complication avaient quatre fois plus de risque de contracter une infection nosocomiale (p = 0,000). Escherichia coli était l'agent causal le plus isole (38,1%), suivi de Citrobacter freundii (23,8%), Acinobacter baumannii (18, 2%), Staphylococcus aureus (18,2%), Enterococcus feacalis (14,3%) et Pseudomonas aeruginosa (9,1%). L'ampicilline était l'antibiotique le plus prescrit auquel tous les microbes isoles ont été résistants. Conclusion Il faut améliorer des conditions d’hygiène hospitalière; mais aussi une étude ultérieure pour étudier la ressemblance entre les souches des germes de l’environnement et celles trouvés dans les liquides biologiques. PMID:29230259

  14. Resistencia antimicrobiana en aislamientos clínicos de Klebsiella spp. y producción de B-lactamasas de espectro extendido en hospitales de Cuba


    Quiñones Pérez, Dianelys; Carmona Cartaya, Yenisel; Zayas Illas, Arnaldo; Abreu Capote, Miriam; Salazar Rodriguez, Daniel; García Giro, Sandra; Torres Tamayo, Dalia; Kobayashi, Nobumichi; Valverde de Francisco, Aránzazu; del Campo Moreno, Rosa


    Introducción: el género Klebsiella causa brotes hospitalarios, por cepas multidrogorresistentes en diferentes continentes y conlleva a un aumento en la morbimortalidad. Objetivos: identificar las especies de Klebsiella causantes de infecciones en hospitales cubanos, determinar la procedencia de los aislamientos según el servicio, y la susceptibilidad antimicrobiana, conocer la prevalencia de aislamientos productores de ß-lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE), y tipos, así como la susceptibi...

  15. Radiologic discussion on Klebsiella pneumonia in 89 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Chunsheng; Li Xuejun; Tai Hanzhen; Wang Guohua; Qi Shi


    Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of radiology and CT scanning in Klebsiella pneumoniae. Methods: The clinical, radiologic data and CT films of 89 patients with Klebsiella pneumoniae were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Three types of chest X-ray and computed tomography (CT) findings for Klebsiella pneumonia were found. (1)Increased pulmonary markings occured in 31 cases. (2)35 cases with single lesions showed frequently involvement in the upper or lower lobe of right lung. When lesion was involved in the upper lobe, it developed oblique fissure shift down in radiology films and represent stalactitic symptom in CT imagining. (3)In 23 cases with Klebsiella pneumonia showed typical cavitary lung abscesses. Conclusion: The radiologic findings of Klebsiella pneumoniae were complicated and hard to make a good diagnosis. Combined the imaging features with the clinic data, sometimes, we can get the right diagnosis in some cases with typical Klebsiella pneumoniae. (authors)

  16. Control de bacteriemia nosocomial pediátrica mediante un programa de cultivo de soluciones parenterales en uso

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    Muñoz Juan M.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Dado que Klebsiella, Enterobacter y Serratia se multiplican en soluciones parenterales y son responsables de una elevada proporción de bacteriemias en los hospitales de México, se propone una estrategia de control mediante la vigilancia microbiológica de las soluciones en uso. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Hospital de enseñanza de segundo nivel con 193 camas. Atiende principalmente pacientes de escasos recursos. En 1992 se inició la vigilancia de la esterilidad de las soluciones parenterales en los servicios pediátricos mediante cuatro estrategias: durante la primera etapa se cultivó el total de soluciones en uso. Durante la segunda se cultivaron muestras aleatoriamente elegidas. Tercera y cuarta etapas con muestreo controlado y dirigido, respectivamente. RESULTADOS. Se han cultivado 1940 infusiones. Se ha observado una reducción de la tasa de contaminación (de 29.6% en 1992 a 12.9% en 1997, p< 0.001. Asimismo se redujo la proporción de bacilos gramnegativos aislados en sangre (72.7% vs 40.85%, p< 0.001 y las bacteriemias nosocomiales primarias (BNP (3.12 vs 1.54 por 100 egresos, p< 0.0001. CONCLUSIONES. La detección de contaminantes señala posibles fallas en el manejo parenteral, áreas de riesgo y pacientes potencialmente afectados. El programa permite estudiar el nivel endémico de contaminación de infusiones y limitar los brotes de bacteriemias nosocomiales primarias a un costo bajo.

  17. Costos secundarios por infecciones nosocomiales en dos unidades pediátricas de cuidados intensivos Secondary costs due to nosocomial infections in two pediatric intensive care units

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    Susana Navarrete-Navarro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Estimar los costos asociados a infecciones nosocomiales en niños tratados en dos unidades de terapia intensiva. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio parcial de costos en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (UCIN y en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (UTIP de un hospital infantil de tercer nivel de atención médica. Se investigaron los costos de las pruebas diagnósticas y de los recursos terapéuticos empleados, así como el exceso de estancia hospitalaria debida a la presencia de una infección nosocomial. RESULTADOS. Se detectaron 102 infecciones, 46 en UCIN y 56 en UTIP, en el lapso de un año, tiempo que duró el estudio. El costo promedio por infección fue de 91 698 pesos y el gasto global fue de 9.3 millones de pesos. Neumonía, flebitis y septicemia abarcaron 65% de los costos. En los niños infectados se registró una estancia hospitalaria extra de 9.6 días, 13.7 exámenes de laboratorio y 3.3 cultivos en promedio, debido a la presencia de una infección intrahospitalaria. La estancia hospitalaria representó 97% del gasto total. CONCLUSIONES. Esta evaluación representa una estimación de costos directos de infección. Los resultados justifican el establecimiento de programas preventivos agresivos para reducir las complicaciones dentro de los hospitales.OBJECTIVES. We estimated associated costs to nosocomial infections in two pediatric intensive care units in Mexico City. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A transversal study in the neonatal (NICU and pediatric (PICU intensive care units, was done. We reviewed use and cost of diagnostic procedures, medications, and excess of hospital stay. RESULTS. There were 102 infections, 46 in the NICU and 56 in the PICU. The average cost per infection was $11,682 USD and the overall expense was 1,184.71 USD. Infected children had an excess of hospital stay of 9.6 days, 13.7 more laboratory tests and 3.3 more cultures. Hospital stay represented 97% of the overall cost

  18. Prevalencia de infecciones nosocomiales en niños: encuesta de 21 hospitales en México Nosocomial infections in children: Prevalence survey in 21 public hospitals in Mexico

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    Carlos Avila-Figueroa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Determinar la prevalencia de infecciones nosocomiales, los factores de riesgo, su microbiología, la prevalencia de uso de antibióticos y la mortalidad asociada en niños hospitalizados. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio transversal en 21 hospitales públicos que atienden a niños. Se incluyeron pacientes desde recién nacidos hasta de 17 años de edad. Los riesgos ajustados se estimaron mediante regresión logística múltiple. RESULTADOS. En 1 183 niños estudiados se identificaron 116 pacientes con infección nosocomial, con una prevalencia de 9.8% (IC95% 8.1-11.6. Los sitios de infección más frecuentes fueron: neumonía (25%, sepsis/bacteriemia (19% e infección del tracto urinario (5%. El principal microrganismo identificado en hemocultivo fue Klebsiella pneumoniae (31%. La prevalencia de uso de antibióticos fue de 49% con una variación de entre 3 y 83%. Mediante regresión logística múltiple se encontraron cuatro factores independientemente asociados con el desarrollo de infección nosocomial: exposición a catéteres intravenosos (RM 3.3, IC95% 1.9-5.9, alimentación parenteral (RM 2.1, IC95% 1.0-4.5, ventilación mecánica (RM 2.3, IC95% 1.2-4.1 y ser recién nacido de bajo peso (RM 2.6, IC95% 1.0-6.8. La mortalidad general fue de 4.8%; sin embargo, el riesgo de morir en pacientes con infección nosocomial fue del doble comparado con los no infectados (RM 2.6, IC95% 1.3-5.1. CONCLUSIONES. Esta evaluación rápida, usando una metodología estándar, ha permitido caracterizar la epidemiología de las infecciones nosocomiales en niños. Los resultados dieron lugar a programas preventivos dirigidos específicamente al cuidado de catéteres intravasculares y al uso de ventilación asistida, a fin de reducir la ocurrencia de sepsis/bacteriemia y neumonías, infecciones nosocomiales de alta prevalencia y mortalidad.OBJECTIVES. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of nosocomial infections

  19. Klebsiella pneumoniae inoculants for enhancing plant growth (United States)

    Triplett, Eric W [Middleton, WI; Kaeppler, Shawn M [Oregon, WI; Chelius, Marisa K [Greeley, CO


    A biological inoculant for enhancing the growth of plants is disclosed. The inoculant includes the bacterial strains Herbaspirillum seropedicae 2A, Pantoea agglomerans P101, Pantoea agglomerans P102, Klebsiella pneumoniae 342, Klebsiella pneumoniae zmvsy, Herbaspirillum seropedicae Z152, Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PA15, with or without a carrier. The inoculant also includes strains of the bacterium Pantoea agglomerans and K. pneumoniae which are able to enhance the growth of cereal grasses. Also disclosed are the novel bacterial strains Herbaspirillum seropedicae 2A, Pantoea agglomerans P101 and P102, and Klebsiella pneumoniae 342 and zmvsy.

  20. Resistencia a los antibióticos beta-lactámicos Carbapenems mediada por el gen blaKPC en Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    Aura Dayana del Carmen Falco Restrepo


    Full Text Available  Los carbapenems son antibióticos â-lactamicos de amplio espectro que se utilizan como terapia de primera línea para tratar pacientes con infecciones graves. Actualmente, la resistencia a carbapenems se asocia con la presencia de â-lactamasas capaces de hidrolizar estos antibióticos. La carbapenemasa de clase A más común es KPC, la cual es codificada por el gen blaKPC que generalmente, se encuentra ubicado en plásmidos. La selección y la rápida propagación de aislados de Klebsiella pneumoniae portadores de estas carbapenemasas se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. Esta mini-revision describe uno de los mecanismos más frecuentes de resistencia a carbapenems como lo son las enzimas carbapenemasas tipo KPC. Además se describen las variantes del gen blaKPC asi como el elemento genético móvil, el transposon Tn4401, el principal responsable de su diseminación entre géneros y especies bacterianas diferentes. Finalmente se hace una pequeña revisión cronológica de los reportes de la enzima KPC a nivel mundial.

  1. Klebsiella pneumoniae Invasive Syndrome

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    Vasco Evangelista


    Full Text Available Klebsiella pneumoniae invasive syndrome (KPIS is a rare clinical condition characterized by primary liver abscess associated with metastatic infection. Most case reports are from Southeast Asia, with only one case described in Portugal. The Authors present the case of a 44-year-old man with a history of fever, dry cough and cervicalgia. A thoracic computed tomography (CT scan showed multiple pulmonary and hepatic nodules, suggestive of metastatic malignancy. Both blood cultures and bronchoalveolar lavage were positive for Klebsiella pneumoniae. Imaging studies were repeated during his hospital stay, showing a reduction in both number and volume of identified lesions, thus revealing their infectious nature. This case illustrates how much this entity can mimic other illnesses.

  2. Infecciones nosocomiales. Experiencia en un hospital pediátrico de tercer nivel Nosocomial infections. An experience in a high-specialty pediatric hospital

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    Rita Delia Díaz-Ramos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Se describen los resultados de la vigilancia epidemiológica en un nuevo hospital pediátrico de alta especialidad, de 1990 al primer semestre de 1997, y se comparan con resultados previos del mismo. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se analizaron el número total y el tipo de infecciones, para obtener la tasa de incidencia y la densidad de incidencia de acuerdo con el servicio, la división médica o quirúrgica para los diferentes grupos de edad y el estado inmunológico. RESULTADOS. La incidencia global de infecciones nosocomiales durante este periodo fue de 25.7 por 100 egresos, con una disminución progresiva durante los últimos tres años. Aunque los pacientes inmunocomprometidos se infectaron más que los inmunocompetentes, la diferencia no fue significativa. Las tres infecciones más frecuentes fueron las neumonías, las infecciones relacionadas con líneas vasculares y las infecciones respiratorias altas. Es posible que estas últimas contribuyan a la elevación de las tasas globales de incidencia de infecciones nosocomiales. CONCLUSIONES. El cambio en la epidemiología de las infecciones respecto a experiencias propias previas, ha creado la necesidad de implantar programas para prevenir los problemas más frecuentes. Es necesario intensificar los diferentes programas de prevención y fomentar su difusión para abatir estas infecciones a corto plazo.OBJECTIVES. To describe the results of an epidemiologic surveillance program, from 1990 to the first semester of 1997, in a new high-specialty pediatric hospital and perform a comparison with previous reports.MATERIAL AND METHODS The total number and type of nosocomial infections, the incidence rate and density incidence for department and division, for different age groups and according to immune statues were registered. RESULTS. The global incidence of nosocomial infections during the period was 25.7 per 100 discharges, with a progressive decrease during the last three years. Although

  3. due to Klebsiella spp.

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Primary acute conununity-acquired pneumonia was unconunon. ... organisms such as Klebsiella spp. are frequent causes of nosocomial infections."o The larrer ... Accepted 11 Sep 1992. recognised cause of community-acquired Gram-nega-.

  4. Características de las infecciones nosocomiales en el servicio de cuidados intensivos pediátricos del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso, Cuenca 2014 -2015


    Salcedo González, Rosa Karina


    Objetivo: Determinar las características de las infecciones nosocomiales en el servicio de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso durante el año 2014 al 2015. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo llevado a cabo en 32 pacientes diagnosticados de infección nosocomial en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso; los datos fueron recogidos en un formulario; se tabularon en el programa SPSS versión 15 y para el análisis ...

  5. Carbapenemase producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Peru: a case report and antimicrobial resistance discussion

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    Jhosef Franck Quispe Pari


    Full Text Available Resumen Las carbapenemasas son uno de los mecanismos enzimáticos de resistencia antimicrobiana, que compromete la mayor parte de los antibióticos betalactámicos. Por lo general, su producción se debe al uso indiscriminado de antimicrobianos. A nivel mundial, la expansión de este mecanismo de resistencia es inminente y las medidas de control son limitadas. Con el objeto de discutir los problemas relacionados a este mecanismo emergente de resistencia, reportamos un caso de Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de carbapenemasas en Huancayo, la Región de la Sierra Central de Perú.

  6. Glucosyltransferase production by Klebsiella sp. K18 and conversion of sucrose to palatinose using immobilized cells Produção de glicosiltransferase por Klebsiella sp. K18 e conversão de sacarose em palatinose utilizando células imobilizadas

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    Daniela C. Orsi


    Full Text Available The strain Klebsiella sp. K18 produces the enzyme glucosyltransferase and catalyses the conversion of sucrose to palatinose, an alternative sugar that presents low cariogenicity. Response Surface Methodology was successfully employed to determine the optimal concentration of culture medium components. Maximum glucosyltransferase production (21.78 U mL-1 was achieved using the optimized medium composed by sugar cane molasses (80 g L-1, bacteriological peptone (7 g L-1 and yeast extract (20 g L-1, after 8 hours of fermentation at 28°C. The conversion of sucrose to palatinose was studied utilizing immobilized cells in calcium alginate. The effects of the alginate concentration (2-4%, cell mass concentration (20-40% and substrate concentration (25-45% were evaluated and the yield of palatinose was approximately 62.5%.A linhagem Klebsiella sp. K18 produz a enzima glicosiltransferase que catalisa a conversão de sacarose em palatinose, um açúcar alternativo que apresenta baixa cariogenicidade. Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta foi empregada com sucesso para determinar a concentração ótima dos componentes do meio de cultivo. A máxima produção de glicosiltransferase (21,78 U mL-1 foi obtida utilizando o meio de cultivo otimizado composto por melaço de cana de açúcar (80 g L-1, peptona bacteriológica (7 g L-1 e extrato de levedura (20 g L-1, após 8 horas de fermentação a 28°C. A conversão de sacarose em palatinose foi estudada utilizando células imobilizadas em alginato de cálcio. Os efeitos da concentração de alginato (2-4%, concentração de massa celular (20-40% e concentração de substrato (25-45% foram avaliados e a porcentagem de palatinose foi de aproximadamente 62,5%.

  7. ANTIBIOFILM EFFECTS of Citrus limonum and Zingiber officinale Oils on BIOFILM FORMATION of Klebsiella ornithinolytica, Klebsiella oxytoca and Klebsiella terrigena SPECIES. (United States)

    Avcioglu, Nermin Hande; Sahal, Gulcan; Bilkay, Isil Seyis


    Microbial cells growing in biofilms, play a huge role in the spread of antimicrobial resistance. In this study, biofilm formation of Klebsiella strains belonging to 3 different Klebsiella species ( K. ornithinolytica , K. oxytoca and K. terrigena ), cooccurences' effect on biofilm formation amount and anti-biofilm effects of Citrus limon and Zingiber officinale essential oils on biofilm formations of highest biofilm forming K. ornithinolytica , K. oxytoca and K. terrigena strains were determined. Anti-biofilm effects of Citrus limon and Zingiber officinale essential oils on biofilm formations of highest biofilm forming K. ornithinolytica , K. oxytoca and K. terrigena strains were investigated. 57% of K. ornithinolytica strains and 50% of K. oxytoca strains were found as Strong Biofilm Forming (SBF), there wasn't any SBF strain in K. terrigena species. In addition to this, clinical materials of urine and sperm were found as the most frequent clinical materials for strong biofilm forming K. ornithinolytica and K. oxytoca isolations respectively (63%; 100%) Secondly, all K. ornithinolytica strains isolated from surgical intensive care unit and all K. oxytoca strains isolated from service units of urology were found as SBF. Apart from these, although the amount of biofilm, formed by co-occurence of K. ornithinolytica - K. oxytoca and K. oxytoca - K. terrigena were more than the amount ofbiofilm formed by themselves separately, biofilm formation amount of co-occurrence of K. ornitholytica - K. terrigena strains was lower than biofilm formation amount of K. ornithinolytica but higher than biofilm formation amount of K. terrigena . The antibiofilm effects of Citrus limonum and Zingiber officinale essential oils could be used against biofilm Klebsiella aquired infections.

  8. Comportamiento de infecciones nosocomiales en un período de doce años Behavior of nosocomial infections in a 12-year period

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    Mercedes Ravelo González


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. Son objetivos de esta presentación determinar el comportamiento de las infecciones nosocomiales en el Servicio de Neonatología del Hospital General Provincial Docente de Morón y describir los tipos de infecciones, los factores predisponentes, los microorganismos aislados y la resistencia de dichos gérmenes a los antibióticos de uso habitual en nuestro medio. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo en el período de marzo de 1995 a diciembre de 2006. La obtención de los datos fue por revisión documental (historias clínicas y estos se presentan en tablas de distribución de frecuencia. Se realizaron medidas de tendencia central (media aritmética y mediana. RESULTADOS. La tasa de infección observada fue de 12,3. La sepsis generalizada fue el tipo de infección que más se presentó, y sus factores de riesgo más importantes fueron el bajo peso al nacer y la prematuridad. El estafilococo coagulasa-negativo fue el microorganismo más aislado en estudios microbiológicos. En todos los tubos endotraqueales estudiados se obtuvo crecimiento de gérmenes, así como también en catéteres venosos. Los gérmenes grampositivos presentaron elevada resistencia a las penicilinas y cefalosporinas de primera generación. CONCLUSIONES. Las infecciones nosocomiales constituyen un importante problema en nuestro servicio, y se debe trabajar para optimizar la intervención intensiva a nuestros pacientes y actuar sobre sus factores de riesgo.INTRODUCTION. This paper is aimed at determining the behavior of nosocomial infections in the Neonatology Service of the Provincial General Hospital of Morón and at describing the types of infections, the predisposing factors, the isolated microorganisms and the resistance of these germs to the usual antibiotics in our environment. METHODS. An observational descriptive study was carried out from March 1995 to December 2006. Data were obtained by documentary review (medical histories and

  9. Assessment of genetic relationship between Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxytoca samples isolated from a dental office

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    MV Pimenta-Rodrigues


    Full Text Available The present study aimed to analyze the genetic similarity between genomic profiles of thirteen Klebsiella oxytoca and seven Klebsiella pneumoniae samples isolated from two different collections carried out in different places of dental offices. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD technique and similarity coefficients (calculated by Sorensen-Dice and simple matching were applied to determine their genetic profile of randomic DNA sequences. The majority of the isolates of K. pneumoniae and K. oxytoca presented similar coefficient values (e" 0.80. Thus, it was possible to identify that strain dissemination occurred mainly via the hands of the surgeon-dentists and, finally, to determine the genetic similarity of the strains from dental office environments.

  10. Écologie bactérienne de l'infection nosocomiale au service de réanimation de l'hôpital Laquintinie de Douala, Cameroun (United States)

    Njall, Clotilde; Adiogo, Dieudonné; Bita, André; Ateba, Noel; Sume, Gérald; Kollo, Basile; Binam, Fidèle; Tchoua, Romain


    Introduction L'objectif principal de notre étude était d'identifier les bactéries associées à l'infection nosocomiale, dans le service de réanimation, de l'hôpital Laquintinie de Douala en vue d'améliorer la prise en charge et diminuer la létalité. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale et descriptive, menée du 1er mars au 31 mai 2011.Tous les patients hospitalisés depuis au moins 48 h étaient inclus dans l’étude et ceux présentant une infection documentée à l'admission étaient exclus. L'analyse des donnés a été faite par le logiciel SPSS 16.Les tests de Khi deux pour la signification. Résultats La prévalence de l'infection nosocomiale était de 12%, elle concernait des personnes âgées de plus de 60 ans et présentant une infection urinaire dans 79% des cas. La létalité était de 72% pour une durée moyenne de séjour de 11,7 ± 12,1 jours. Les bactéries responsables étaient en majorité des bactéries gram positifs (BGN), dont E coli dans 23,1% et les cocci gram positifs(CGP), dans 15,4% des cas. Conclusion L’étude de la résistance aux antibiotiques, montre une multi résistance, dont il faut tenir compte en mettant en place une stratégie de prévention active. PMID:23785545

  11. Frequência e perfil de resistência de Klebsiella spp. em um hospital universitário de Natal/RN durante 10 anos Frequence and resistance profile of Klebsiella spp. isolates in a university hospital in Natal/RN during a ten-year period

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    Claudio Bruno Silva de Oliveira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As espécies de Klebsiella spp. podem causar vários tipos de infecções, principalmente hospitalares, e têm merecido destaque pelos seus variados e emergentes mecanismos de resistência. OBJETIVOS: Determinar a frequência de isolamento e a caracterização do perfil de resistência de Klebsiella spp. em um hospital universitário durante um período de 10 anos e, ainda, avaliar a tendência para o crescimento dessa resistência. Material e método: Fez-se um estudo descritivo e retrospectivo a partir de dados coletados nos livros de registro do Laboratório de Microbiologia Clínica do hospital investigado, correspondentes ao período de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2008. RESULTADO: A frequência de isolamento de Klebsiella spp. foi de 13,4% com predominância em uroculturas (56,4%. Houve aumento significativo na resistência para a maioria dos antimicrobianos testados ao longo do período analisado com tendência para o crescimento da mesma. Nesse período, isolou-se 23% de Klebsiella spp. com fenótipo produtor de betalactamases de amplo espectro (ESBL. DISCUSSÃO: O isolamento de Klebsiella spp. resistente a antimicrobianos em amostras de origem clínica e a detecção da tendência do crescimento da resistência, inclusive às drogas de reserva terapêutica, são motivos de grande preocupação. Nesse hospital, a implantação de métodos de triagem e de confirmatórios para os mecanismos de resistência de Klebsiella spp. poderiam auxiliar no diagnóstico e no tratamento das infecções causadas por esse microrganismo. CONCLUSÃO: A tendência de crescimento na resistência aos antibióticos detectada neste estudo reforça a importância de monitoramentos contínuos. Estes elucidam características locais, orientando para melhores medidas de controle.INTRODUCTION: Klebsiella spp. species can cause several infections, particularly nosocomial ones. Furthermore, its multiple emerging resistance mechanisms have been widely

  12. Les facteurs de motivation infirmière assurant la pérennité d'un soin de qualité afin de prévenir les infections nosocomiales en mileur hospitalier: une revue de littérature étoffée


    Repond, Tracy; Rossier, Jean-Michel; Scrima, Katia


    Le but de cette revue de littérature est de relever les facteurs de motivation infirmière qui garantissent la pérennisation d’un comportement d’observance en ce qui concerne les mesures d’hygiène hospitalière afin de diminuer le taux d’infections nosocomiales.

  13. Potential virulence of Klebsiella sp. isolates from enteral diets

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    S.C.L. Pereira


    Full Text Available We aimed to evaluate the potential virulence of Klebsiella isolates from enteral diets in hospitals, to support nosocomial infection control measures, especially among critical-care patients. Phenotypic determination of virulence factors, such as capsular expression on the external membrane, production of aerobactin siderophore, synthesis of capsular polysaccharide, hemolytic and phospholipase activity, and resistance to antibiotics, which are used therapeutically, were investigated in strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae and K. oxytoca. Modular industrialized enteral diets (30 samples as used in two public hospitals were analyzed, and Klebsiella isolates were obtained from six (20% of them. The hypermucoviscous phenotype was observed in one of the K. pneumoniae isolates (6.7%. Capsular serotypes K1 to K6 were present, namely K5 and K4. Under the conditions of this study, no aerobactin production, hemolytic activity or lecithinase activity was observed in the isolates. All isolates were resistant to amoxicillin and ampicillin and sensitive to cefetamet, imipenem, chloramphenicol, gentamicin and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. Most K. pneumoniae isolates (6/7, 85.7% from hospital B presented with a higher frequency of resistance to the antibiotics tested in this study, and multiple resistance to at least four antibiotics (3/8; 37.5% compared with isolates from Hospital A. The variations observed in the antibiotic resistance profiles allowed us to classify the Klebsiella isolates as eight antibiotypes. No production of broad-spectrum β-lactamases was observed among the isolates. Our data favor the hypothesis that Klebsiella isolates from enteral diets are potential pathogens for nosocomial infections.

  14. Translocation of Klebsiella sp. in mice fed an enteral diet containing prebiotics Translocação de Klebsiella sp. em camundongos alimentados com dieta enteral contendo prebióticos

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    Daniele Ferreira da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This work aimed to evaluate the effect of fructooligosaccharide and inulin added to an enteral diet on the translocation of Klebsiella sp. in mice. METHODS: Four- to six-week-old Swiss albino mice were divided into nine groups and fed enteral diets containing different combinations of fructooligosaccharide, inulin, antibiotic and corticoid, inoculated or not with Klebsiella pneumoniae. On day 5, the animals of four groups were fed an enteral diet contaminated with approximately 10(10CFU/g of K. pneumoniae. At defined times, two animals of each group were sacrificed and their organs (spleen, heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys were aseptically collected, weighed, and analyzed for the presence of typical Klebsiella sp. colonies. RESULTS: A higher number of CFU/g of Klebsiella was detected in the organs of the animals in the immune-suppressed group fed the diet contaminated with K. pneumoniae and without prebiotics. Animals fed the diet enriched with fructooligosaccharide and inulin, at a concentration of 15.3mg/g of body weight, had a shorter period of Klebsiella sp. translocation, compared with those not fed prebiotics in the diet. CONCLUSION: The addition of fructooligosacharide and inulin in enterais diets at a concentration of 15.3mg/g of body weight resulted in the reduction of translocation of Klebsiella for spleen, heart, liver, lung and kidneys of mice that had received the diet contaminated associated or not with antibiotic and imunodepressor drug.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da administração de frutooligossacarídeo e inulina, adicionados à dieta enteral, na translocação de Klebsiella sp. em camundongos. MÉTODOS: Camundongos albinos suíços, com quatro a seis semanas de vida, foram divididos em nove grupos e tratados com dietas enterais contendo diferentes combinações de frutooligossacarídeos, inulina, antibiótico e corticóide, inoculadas ou não com Klebsiella pneumoniae. No quinto dia de experimento, os animais dos

  15. Estudio clínico y epidemiológico de un brote nosocomial producido por klebsiella oxytoca productora de IMP-8


    Vergara López, Salvador


    Falta resumen Klebsiella oxytoca, al igual que K. pneumoniae, son dos patógenos humanos asociados a múltiples cuadros clínicos, pero fundamentalmente importantes como patógenos oportunistas. El progresivo aumento de las enfermedades crónicas, la inmunodepresión y los procedimientos agresivos, la capacidad de este género de bacterias para adaptarse al ambiente nosocomial, adquirir determinantes de resistencia frente a distintos antimicrobianos y diseminarse explican esta situación. Específi...

  16. Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae colonization in pediatric and neonatal intensive care units: risk factors for progression to infection. (United States)

    Akturk, Hacer; Sutcu, Murat; Somer, Ayper; Aydın, Derya; Cihan, Rukiye; Ozdemir, Aslı; Coban, Asuman; Ince, Zeynep; Citak, Agop; Salman, Nuran


    Little is known about factors associated with carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infections in pediatric patients, who are initally colonized with carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. A retrospective case-control study was conducted involving pediatric and neonatal intensive care units throughout a five-year period (January 2010-December 2014). Clinical and microbiological data were extracted from Hospital Infection Control Committee reports and patients' medical records. Risk factors were assessed in carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae colonized patients who developed subsequent systemic infection (cases) and compared to carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae colonized patients who did not develop infection (controls). Throughout the study period, 2.6% of patients admitted to neonatal intensive care units and 3.6% of patients admitted to pediatric intensive care units had become colonized with carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. After a mean of 10.6±1.9 days (median: 7 days, range: 2-38 days) following detection of colonization, 39.0% of the carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae colonized patients in pediatric intensive care units and 18.1% of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae colonized patients in neonatal intensive care units developed systemic carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infection. Types of systemic carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infections included bacteremia (n=15, 62.5%), ventilator-associated pneumonia (n=4, 16.6%), ventriculitis (n=2, 8.3%), intraabdominal infections (n=2, 8.3%), and urinary tract infection (n=1, 4.1%). A logistic regression model including parameters found significant in univariate analysis of carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae colonization and carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infection groups revealed underlying metabolic disease (OR: 10.1; 95% CI: 2.7-37.2), previous carbapenem use (OR: 10.1; 95% CI: 2.2-40.1), neutropenia (OR: 13.8; 95% CI: 3

  17. Treatment strategy for a multidrug-resistant Klebsiella UTI. (United States)

    Fleming, Erin; Heil, Emily L; Hynicka, Lauren M


    To describe the management strategy for a multidrug-resistant (MDR) Klebsiella urinary tract infection (UTI). A 69-year-old Caucasian woman with a past medical history of recurrent UTIs and a right-lung transplant presented with fever to 101.4°F, chills, malaise, and cloudy, foul-smelling urine for approximately 1 week. She was found to have a MDR Klebsiella UTI that was sensitive to tigecycline and cefepime. To further evaluate the degree of resistance Etest minimum inhibitory concentrations were requested for cefepime, amikacin, meropenem, and ertapenem. The patient received a 14-day course of amikacin, which resulted in resolution of her symptoms. One month later, the patient's UTI symptoms returned. The urine culture again grew MDR Klebsiella, sensitive only to tigecycline. Fosfomycin was initiated and resulted in limited resolution of her symptoms. Colistin was started, however, therapy was discontinued on day 5 secondary to the development of acute kidney injury. Despite the short course of therapy, the patient's symptoms resolved. The case presented lends itself well to numerous discussion items that are important to consider when determining optimal treatment for MDR Gram-negative bacilli (GNBs). Susceptibility testing is an important tool for optimizing antibiotic therapy, however, automated systems may overestimate the susceptibility profile for a MDR GNB. Treatment strategies evaluated to treat MDR GNB, include combination therapy with a carbepenem and synergy using polymyxin. We have described the management strategy for a MDR Klebsiella UTI, the consequences of the initial management strategy, and potential strategies to manage these types of infections in future patients.

  18. Antibacterial Efficacy of Lytic Bacteriophages against Antibiotic-Resistant Klebsiella Species

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    M. Khajeh Karamoddini


    Full Text Available Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a leading and highly prevalent problem in the treatment of infectious diseases. Bacteriophages (phages appear to be effective and safe alternatives for the treatment of resistant infections because of their specificity for bacterial species and lack of infectivity in eukaryotic cells. The present study aimed to isolate bacteriophages against Klebsiella spp. and evaluate their efficacy against antibiotic-resistant species. Seventy-two antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella spp. were isolated from samples of patients who referred to the Ghaem Hospital (Mashhad, Iran. Lytic bacteriophages against Klebsiella spp. were isolated from wastewater of the septic tank of the same hospital. Bactericidal activity of phages against resistant Klebsiella spp. was tested in both liquid (tube method; after 1 and 24 h of incubation and solid (double-layer agar plate method; after 24 h of incubation phases. In each method, three different concentrations of bacteriophages (low: 107 PFU/mL were used. Bacteriophages showed promising bactericidal activity at all assessed concentrations, regardless of the test method and duration of incubation. Overall, bactericidal effects were augmented at higher concentrations. In the tube method, higher activity was observed after 24 h of incubation compared to the 1-h incubation. The bactericidal effects were also higher in the tube method compared to the double-layer agar plate method after 24 h of incubation. The findings of the present study suggest that bacteriophages possess effective bactericidal activity against resistant Klebsiella spp. These bactericidal activities are influenced by phage concentration, duration of incubation, and test method.

  19. Device-associated infection rates and mortality in intensive care units of Peruvian hospitals: findings of the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium Tasas de infección asociadas a aparatos y mortalidad en unidades de cuidados intensivos de hospitales peruanos: datos del Consorcio Internacional para el Control de las Infecciones Nosocomiales

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    Luis E. Cuellar


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To measure device-associated infection (DAI rates, microbiological profiles, bacterial resistance, and attributable mortality in intensive care units (ICUs in hospitals in Peru that are members of the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC. METHODS: Prospective cohort surveillance of DAIs was conducted in ICUs in four hospitals applying the definitions for nosocomial infections of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System (CDC-NNIS and National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN. RESULTS: From September 2003 to October 2007 1 920 patients hospitalized in ICUs for an aggregate of 9 997 days acquired 249 DAIs, accounting for a rate of 13.0% and 24.9 DAIs per 1 000 ICU-days. The ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP rate was 31.3 per 1 000 ventilator-days; the central venous catheter-associated bloodstream infections (CVC-BSI rate was 7.7 cases per 1 000 catheter-days; and the rate for catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI was 5.1 cases per 1 000 catheter-days. Extra mortality for VAP was 24.5% (RR 2.07, P OBJETIVOS: Determinar las tasas de infecciones asociadas a aparatos (IAA, sus perfiles microbiológicos y la resistencia bacteriana, así como la mortalidad atribuible a estas infecciones en unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI de hospitales de Perú, miembros del Consorcio Internacional para el Control de las Infecciones Nosocomiales (INICC. MÉTODOS: Se hizo un seguimiento retrospectivo de cohorte de las IAA en las UCI de cuatro hospitales, según las definiciones de infección nosocomial del Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia de Infecciones Nosocomiales de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC-NNIS y de la Red Nacional de Seguridad Sanitaria (NHSN, de los Estados Unidos de América. RESULTADOS: De septiembre de 2003 a octubre de 2007, 1 920 pacientes hospitalizados en las UCI, con un total de 9 997 días, adquirieron

  20. Análisis epidemiológico: profilaxis y multirresistencia en cirugía

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Solís-Téllez


    Conclusiones: No existe un adecuado apego a las guías de profilaxis en nuestro medio. Existe una asociación significativa entre el desarrollo de infecciones nosocomiales por gérmenes multirresistentes y el ingreso a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos.

  1. Clinical and pulmonary thin-section CT findings in acute Klebsiella Pneumoniae pneumonia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okada, Fumito; Ando, Yumiko; Honda, Koichi; Nakayama, Tomoko; Kiyonaga, Maki; Ono, Asami; Tanoue, Shuichi; Maeda, Toru; Mori, Hiromu


    The aim of this study was to assess the clinical and pulmonary thin-section CT findings in patients with acute Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia. We retrospectively evaluated thin-section CT examinations performed between January 1991 and December 2007 from 962 patients with acute Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia. Seven hundred and sixty-four cases with concurrent infectious diseases were excluded. Thus, our study group comprised 198 patients (118 male, 80 female; age range 18-97 years, mean age 61.5). Underlying diseases and clinical findings were assessed. Parenchymal abnormalities were evaluated along with the presence of enlarged lymph nodes and pleural effusion. CT findings in patients with acute Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia consisted mainly of ground-glass attenuation (100%), consolidation (91.4%), and intralobular reticular opacity (85.9%), which were found in the periphery (96%) of both sides of the lungs (72.2%) and were often associated with pleural effusion (53%). The underlying conditions in patients with Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia were alcoholism or smoking habit. (orig.)

  2. Clinical and pulmonary thin-section CT findings in acute Klebsiella Pneumoniae pneumonia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Okada, Fumito [Oita University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Oita (Japan); Oita University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Oita (Japan); Ando, Yumiko; Honda, Koichi; Nakayama, Tomoko; Kiyonaga, Maki; Ono, Asami; Tanoue, Shuichi; Maeda, Toru; Mori, Hiromu [Oita University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Oita (Japan)


    The aim of this study was to assess the clinical and pulmonary thin-section CT findings in patients with acute Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia. We retrospectively evaluated thin-section CT examinations performed between January 1991 and December 2007 from 962 patients with acute Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia. Seven hundred and sixty-four cases with concurrent infectious diseases were excluded. Thus, our study group comprised 198 patients (118 male, 80 female; age range 18-97 years, mean age 61.5). Underlying diseases and clinical findings were assessed. Parenchymal abnormalities were evaluated along with the presence of enlarged lymph nodes and pleural effusion. CT findings in patients with acute Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia consisted mainly of ground-glass attenuation (100%), consolidation (91.4%), and intralobular reticular opacity (85.9%), which were found in the periphery (96%) of both sides of the lungs (72.2%) and were often associated with pleural effusion (53%). The underlying conditions in patients with Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia were alcoholism or smoking habit. (orig.)

  3. (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 21, 2011 ... the most common serious bacterial infections in infants ... UTI is a common cause of morbidity .... of ESBL and non-ESBL producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia. ... in hospital and community acquired infections.

  4. Comparative analysis of CRISPR-Cas systems in Klebsiella genomes. (United States)

    Shen, Juntao; Lv, Li; Wang, Xudong; Xiu, Zhilong; Chen, Guoqiang


    Prokaryotic CRISPR-Cas system provides adaptive immunity against invasive genetic elements. Bacteria of the genus Klebsiella are important nosocomial opportunistic pathogens. However, information of CRISPR-Cas system in Klebsiella remains largely unknown. Here, we analyzed the CRISPR-Cas systems of 68 complete genomes of Klebsiella representing four species. All the elements for CRISPR-Cas system (cas genes, repeats, leader sequences, and PAMs) were characterized. Besides the typical Type I-E and I-F CRISPR-Cas systems, a new Subtype I system located in the ABC transport system-glyoxalase region was found. The conservation of the new subtype CRISPR system between different species showed new evidence for CRISPR horizontal transfer. CRISPR polymorphism was strongly correlated both with species and multilocus sequence types. Some results indicated the function of adaptive immunity: most spacers (112 of 124) matched to prophages and plasmids and no matching housekeeping genes; new spacer acquisition was observed within the same sequence type (ST) and same clonal complex; the identical spacers were observed only in the ancient position (far from the leader) between different STs and clonal complexes. Interestingly, a high ratio of self-targeting spacers (7.5%, 31 of 416) was found in CRISPR-bearing Klebsiella pneumoniae (61%, 11 of 18). In some strains, there even were multiple full matching self-targeting spacers. Some self-targeting spacers were conserved even between different STs. These results indicated that some unknown mechanisms existed to compromise the function of self-targets of CRISPR-Cas systems in K. pneumoniae. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. 21 CFR 866.3340 - Klebsiella spp. serological reagents. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Serological Reagents § 866.3340 Klebsiella... from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by bacteria...

  6. The prevalence of ESBL-producing E-coli and Klebsiella strains in the Copenhagen area of Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjerulf, A.; Hansen, D.S.; Sandvang, D.


    The main purpose of the study was to investigate the frequency of ESBL-producing E. coli and Klebsiella strains in the Greater Copenhagen area. Four collections of strains were investigated: A) 380 consecutive E. coli and Klebsiella isolates primarily from urine, B) 200 gentamicin-resistant E. coli...... and Klebsiella isolates primarily from urine, C) 210 consecutive E. coli isolates from blood cultures, and D) 68 cefuroxime-resistant E. coli and Klebsiella isolates primarily from urine. Only one strain per patient was included. Strains with a zone diameter for cefpodoxime ...). In conclusion, the frequency of ESBL-producing E. coli and Klebsiella isolates was low in the Copenhagen area of Denmark (0.8 %). The most common ESBL genes found in our study were ctx-m and shv genes Udgivelsesdato: 2008/2...

  7. "Klebsiella Pneumonia" Liver Abscess Syndrome: Case Presentation to a College Student Health Clinic (United States)

    Woll, Christopher; Spotts, P. Hunter


    The authors describe a case of "Klebsiella pneumoniae" liver abscess (KPLA) in a student presenting to a university student health center. The authors also provide a review of KPLA and invasive "Klebsiella pneumoniae" liver abscess syndrome (IKPLAS), including epidemiology, common clinical manifestations, standard diagnostic…

  8. Hospital-acquired Klebsiella pneumoniae infections in a paediatric ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    is an important preventable cause of increased ... between July 2003 and December 2010, who developed a hospital-acquired Klebsiella pneumoniae infection, was undertaken to describe the trend in ..... Bacterial nosocomial pneumonia in.

  9. (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Emerging antibiotic resistance due to extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) production limited the use of β-lactam antibiotics against Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. This observational study was conducted at the Microbiology department of the Children's Hospital, Lahore Pakistan, from June, 2009 to ...

  10. Intermingled Klebsiella pneumoniae Populations Between Retail Meats and Human Urinary Tract Infections


    Davis, Gregg S.; Waits, Kara; Nordstrom, Lora; Weaver, Brett; Aziz, Maliha; Gauld, Lori; Grande, Heidi; Bigler, Rick; Horwinski, Joseph; Porter, Stephen; Stegger, Marc; Johnson, James R.; Liu, Cindy M.; Price, Lance B.


    Background. ?Klebsiella pneumoniae is a common colonizer of the gastrointestinal tract of humans, companion animals, and livestock. To better understand potential contributions of foodborne K. pneumoniae to human clinical infections, we compared K. pneumoniae isolates from retail meat products and human clinical specimens to assess their similarity based on antibiotic resistance, genetic relatedness, and virulence. Methods. ?Klebsiella pneumoniae was isolated from retail meats from Flagstaff ...

  11. Klebsiella Typing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, D S; Skov, R; Benedí, J.V.


    OBJECTIVE: To compare pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) typing and O:K-serotyping of Klebsiella in two different epidemiological settings. METHODS: One hundred and four bacteremia isolates without known epidemiological relation and 47 isolates from an outbreak in a neonatal intensive care...... unit (NICU) were K-typed by countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis (CCIE), O-typed by an inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method, and typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using the restriction enzyme XbaI. RESULTS: Typing data for the 104 bacteremia isolates were compared...... with regard to typability, number of types, maximum number of isolates per type, and the Discriminative Index (DI). O-typing combined with K-typing (DI 0.98) as O:K-serotyping (DI 0.99) gave a very discriminative typing system, whereas O-typing alone was not very discriminative (DI 0.76). PFGE (DI 1...

  12. Molecular Characteristics and Antibiotic Resistance Profiles of Klebsiella Isolates in Mthatha, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandeep Vasaikar


    Full Text Available The increase in the incidence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase- (ESBL- producing Klebsiella species has become a serious problem worldwide, because of their incrimination in antibiotic resistance. The objective of this study is to investigate the resistance genes responsible for ESBL-producing Klebsiella species and carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella (CRE isolated in Mthatha and to study their epidemiology. A prospective, descriptive study of 202 nonrepetitive samples from patients was obtained from Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital. The cultured Klebsiella isolates were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility tests and the polymerase chain reaction of blaCTX-M, blaTEM, blaSHV, blaKPC, and blaNDM genes. Overall K. pneumoniae were the majority with 169 (83.7% species isolates, followed by K. oxytoca with 29 (14.4%, while K. ozaenae and Raoultella ornithinolytica were 2 (0.9% each. The prevalence of ESBL production in all Klebsiella species was 117 (57.9%. ESBL-genotypic resistance is driven in Mthatha by blaSHV 121 (77.1% followed by blaTEM 105 (66.9% and blaCTX-M at 89 (56.7%. The most common ESBL genotype combination among the Klebsiella was blaTEM+blaSHV + blaCTX-M at 79 (50.3%. There is a steady increase in the rate of ESBL genes in the last five years.

  13. Molecular Characteristics and Antibiotic Resistance Profiles of Klebsiella Isolates in Mthatha, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. (United States)

    Vasaikar, Sandeep; Obi, Larry; Morobe, Isaac; Bisi-Johnson, Mary


    The increase in the incidence of extended-spectrum β -lactamase- (ESBL-) producing Klebsiella species has become a serious problem worldwide, because of their incrimination in antibiotic resistance. The objective of this study is to investigate the resistance genes responsible for ESBL-producing Klebsiella species and carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella (CRE) isolated in Mthatha and to study their epidemiology. A prospective, descriptive study of 202 nonrepetitive samples from patients was obtained from Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital. The cultured Klebsiella isolates were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility tests and the polymerase chain reaction of bla CTX-M , bla TEM , bla SHV , bla KPC , and bla NDM genes. Overall K. pneumoniae were the majority with 169 (83.7%) species isolates, followed by K. oxytoca with 29 (14.4%), while K. ozaenae and Raoultella ornithinolytica were 2 (0.9%) each. The prevalence of ESBL production in all Klebsiella species was 117 (57.9%). ESBL-genotypic resistance is driven in Mthatha by bla SHV 121 (77.1%) followed by bla TEM 105 (66.9%) and bla CTX-M at 89 (56.7%). The most common ESBL genotype combination among the Klebsiella was bla TEM + bla SHV + bla CTX-M at 79 (50.3%). There is a steady increase in the rate of ESBL genes in the last five years.

  14. Study of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains resistant to carbapenems isolated from blood in eastern Liguria

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    Giulia Carnesecchi


    Full Text Available Objectives. Study of multi-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains isolated from blood cultures collected from in-patients of hospitals located in eastern Liguria, and evaluation of the susceptibility to carbapenems and other antibiotics by E-test and automated methods. Methods. At the Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology, of Lavagna Hospital in eastern Liguria, 397 Klebsiella pneumoniae strains were collected from in-patients from different wards of hospitals sites, during the year 2011. They included 115 isolates from blood cultures (aerobic and anaerobic and various biological materials. All strains were tested in the laboratory for their susceptibility to antibiotics. Results. Of the 115 strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae collected from blood cultures 59.1% showed resistance to imipenem, ertapenem, meropenem. Conclusions. The data show a high incidence of resistance to carbapenems in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from blood cultures.This is important to implement surveillance programs for control and prevention, but also reduce the intake of antibiotics when they are not strictly necessary.

  15. Device-associated infection rates in intensive care units of Brazilian hospitals: datos de la Comunidad Científica Internacional de Control de Infecciones Nosocomiales Tasa de infecciones asociadas a aparatos en unidades de cuidados intensivos de hospitales brasileños

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reinaldo Salomao


    guidelines. These actions should become a priority in every country.OBJETIVOS: Determinar las tasas de infección asociadas a aparatos (IAA, los perfiles microbiológicos, la resistencia bacteriana, la estancia hospitalaria adicional y la mortalidad atribuible en las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI de tres hospitales brasileños miembros de la Comunidad Científica Internacional de Control de Infecciones Nosocomiales (INICC. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una vigilancia prospectiva de cohorte de las IAA en cinco UCI de tres hospitales urbanos de Brasil, según las definiciones del Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia de Infecciones Nosocomiales de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC-NNIS de los Estados Unidos de América. RESULTADOS: Entre abril de 2003 y febrero de 2006 se hospitalizaron 1 031 pacientes en las cinco UCI estudiadas, con un total de 10 293 días en los que se adquirieron 307 IAA, para una tasa de 29,8% (29,8 IAA por 1 000 días-UCI. Las tasas fueron: de 20,9 casos por 1 000 días-ventilador en neumonía asociada a respiradores (NAR; de 9,1 por 1 000 días-catéter en infecciones circulatorias asociadas con cateterismo venoso central (IC-CVC; y de 9,6 por 1 000 días-catéter en infecciones urinarias asociadas con el uso de catéteres (IUAC. De las IAA causadas por Staphylococcus aureus, 95% se debieron a cepas resistentes a la meticilina. De las infecciones causadas por Enterobacteriaceae, 96,7% fueron resistentes a la ceftriaxona, 79,3% a la ceftazidima y 85,7% a la combinación piperacilina-tazobactam. De las IAA causadas por Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 71,3% resultaron resistentes a la ciprofloxacina, 75,5% a la ceftazidima y 27,7% al imipenem. Los pacientes con IAA en las UCI estudiadas presentaron tasas de mortalidad adicional de 15,3% (riesgo relativo [RR] = 1,79; P = 0,0149 por NAR, 27,8% (RR = 2,44; P = 0,0004 por IC-CVC y 10,7% (RR = 1,56; P = 0,2875 por IUAC. CONCLUSIONES: Las tasas de IAA en las UCI de los hospitales brasile

  16. Phage types, antibiograms and R-plasmids of Klebsiella and Enterobacter isolated from hospital environment and food. (United States)

    Horváth, J; Lantos, J; Fekete, J; Marjai, E


    Four-hundred and twenty-two Klebsiella strains and 294 Enterobacter strains were isolated from direct or indirect environment of hospitalized patients, from foodstuffs, foods, culinary utensils and staff in hospital and in catering establishments. Of Klebsiella, the species K. aerogenes (76.5%) of Enterobacter, the species E. cloacae (77.6%) occurred the most frequently in all specimens. Klebsiella strains were typable in 68.5%; 53.1% of the Enterobacter strains were sensitive to phage. Most of the untypable Klebsiella and Enterobacter strains and the multiresistant strains originated from screening in hospitals. Sensitive bacteria as well as those resistant to one or two antibiotics may be potentially dangerous for the patient consuming them, since they may become multiresistant due to R-plasmid transfer.

  17. Case report 558: Multicentric Klebsiella pneumoniae (Friedlaenders bacillus) osteomyelitis in sickle cell anemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malpani, A.R.; Sundaram, M.; Ramani, S.K.


    This patient represents a unique combination of multicentric osteomyelitis due to Klebsiella pneumoniae, lesions in the skull, pathological fracture of a long bone and no evidence of pulmonary disease. That Klebsiella pneumoniae osteomyelitis can occur in sickle cell anemia should be considered when such bone changes are seen. The remarkable resolution on conservative management also needs to be noted. (orig./GDG)

  18. Alcohol-associated intestinal dysbiosis impairs pulmonary host defense against Klebsiella pneumoniae.

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    Derrick R Samuelson


    Full Text Available Chronic alcohol consumption perturbs the normal intestinal microbial communities (dysbiosis. To investigate the relationship between alcohol-mediated dysbiosis and pulmonary host defense we developed a fecal adoptive transfer model, which allows us to investigate the impact of alcohol-induced gut dysbiosis on host immune response to an infectious challenge at a distal organ, independent of prevailing alcohol use. Male C57BL/6 mice were treated with a cocktail of antibiotics (ampicillin, gentamicin, neomycin, vancomycin, and metronidazole via daily gavage for two weeks. A separate group of animals was fed a chronic alcohol (or isocaloric dextrose pair-fed controls liquid diet for 10 days. Microbiota-depleted mice were recolonized with intestinal microbiota from alcohol-fed or pair-fed (control animals. Following recolonization groups of mice were sacrificed prior to and 48 hrs. post respiratory infection with Klebsiella pneumoniae. Klebsiella lung burden, lung immunology and inflammation, as well as intestinal immunology, inflammation, and barrier damage were examined. Results showed that alcohol-associated susceptibility to K. pneumoniae is, in part, mediated by gut dysbiosis, as alcohol-naïve animals recolonized with a microbiota isolated from alcohol-fed mice had an increased respiratory burden of K. pneumoniae compared to mice recolonized with a control microbiota. The increased susceptibility in alcohol-dysbiosis recolonized animals was associated with an increase in pulmonary inflammatory cytokines, and a decrease in the number of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells in the lung following Klebsiella infection but an increase in T-cell counts in the intestinal tract following Klebsiella infection, suggesting intestinal T-cell sequestration as a factor in impaired lung host defense. Mice recolonized with an alcohol-dysbiotic microbiota also had increased intestinal damage as measured by increased levels of serum intestinal fatty acid binding protein

  19. Acute Placental Infection Due to Klebsiella pneumoniae: Report of a Unique Case

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    Janice M. Lage


    Full Text Available A 40-year-old woman, gravida 9, with seven healthy children and a history of one abortion (p 7 + 1 , presented at 18 weeks of gestation with fever and malodorous vaginal discharge. Ultrasound revealed a macerated fetus. The placenta showed acute chorioamnionitis and acute villitis with microabscess formation. Blood and vaginal cultures both grew Klebsiella pneumoniae. This is the first reported case in English literature of Klebsiella pneumoniae causing suppurative placentitis leading to fetal demise.

  20. Etiología de la infección del sitio quirúrgico en pacientes egresados del Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Joaquín Albarrán" Enero a marzo del 2000

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    Linet Alemán Mondeja


    Full Text Available Se reporta que las infecciones del sitio quirúrgico (ISQ constituyen formas frecuentes de infecciones nosocomiales, las cuales se originan por múltiples gérmenes (bacterias, virus, hongos. Se pretende mostrar la etiología de la ISQ de pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Joaquín Albarrán" en el período de enero a marzo del 2000, cuando se observó una elevación de estas infecciones. Se realiza un estudio de serie de casos de ISQ, reportados por el sistema local de vigilancia de infecciones nosocomiales, del cual se obtuvieron sus características generales, de los procederes quirúrgicos realizados y la causa de dichas infecciones. De los casos presentados se les realizaron estudios microbiológicos a 31 pacientes y 61 aislamientos de gérmenes. El 9,6 % de ellos falleció y el 61,9 % tuvo que ser reintervenido por complicaciones quirúrgicas. Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes en los pacientes fueron la ancianidad (42,8 % y el hábito de fumar (47,6 %, anemia y alcoholismo en el 19 % de los casos respectivamente. Klebsiella pneumoniae (26,2 %, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (21,3 %, Escherichia coli (19,7 %, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (9,8 % y Staphylococcus aureus (8,2 %, fueron los gérmenes más detectados; todos mostraron niveles elevados de resistencia a los antibióticos disponibles. Se evidenció que los casos reportados fueron pacientes con alto riesgo de adquirir ISQ, y éstas fueron producidas básicamente por gérmenes gramnegativos multirresistentes a los antibióticos. Se requiere una evaluación preoperatoria del riesgo de adquirir ISQ, y la implementación de medidas de prevención y control de eficacia demostrada para estas infecciones.It is reported that surgical site infections (SSI are frequent forms of nosocomial infections, which are originated by multiple germs (bacteria, viruses, fungi. It is intended to show the etiology of SSI among patients attended at "Joaquin Albarrán" Clinical and

  1. Acute renal failure caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae pyelonephritis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Creyghton, W. M.; Lobatto, S.; Weening, J. J.


    We report a 34-year-old male patient without prior medical history who presented with acute renal failure due to acute bacterial pyelonephritis. Both blood and urine cultures grew Klebsiella pneumoniae. Although a kidney biopsy revealed extensive necrosis and no viable glomeruli, renal function

  2. Medidas de aislamiento en enfermedades transmisibles dentro del ámbito hospitalario


    Villanueva Rábano, Raúl


    En el ámbito hospitalario, son un problema frecuente las infecciones nosocomiales, causadas por las enfermedades transmisibles que pasan de unos pacientes a otros. Estas infecciones son potencialmente prevenibles, a través de medidas de aislamiento llevadas a cabo por el personal sanitario y no sanitario encargado de atender al paciente. En este aspecto, el papel del personal de enfermería es de fundamental importancia dado que mantienen un estrecho contacto con el paciente como cuidadores pr...

  3. JST Thesaurus Headwords and Synonyms: Klebsiella pneumoniae [MeCab user dictionary for science technology term[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available MeCab user dictionary for science technology term Klebsiella pneumoniae 名詞 一般 * * *... * 肺炎桿菌 ハイエンカンキン ハイエンカンキン Thesaurus2015 200906081834698320 C LS07 UNKNOWN_2 Klebsiella pneumoniae

  4. Infecciones respiratorias agudas en los niños. Posibles medidas de control


    Mohs Villalta, Edgar


    Artículo científico -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud, 1985 Las infecciones respiratorias agudas que representan el 50% aproximadamente, de los casos de enfermedades que deben notificarse a las autoridades y de las consultas pediátricas de pacientes ambulatorios en los países en desarrollo, son también una de las principales causas de las enfermedades contraídas en los hospitales y de mortalidad por enfermedades nosocomiales. En 1982, por *mph:), fueron la...

  5. The Link between Ankylosing Spondylitis, Crohn’s Disease, Klebsiella, and Starch Consumption

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taha Rashid


    Full Text Available Both ankylosing spondylitis (AS and Crohn’s disease (CD are chronic and potentially disabling interrelated conditions, which have been included under the group of spondyloarthropathies. The results of a large number of studies support the idea that an enteropathic pathogen, Klebsiella pneumoniae, is the most likely triggering factor involved in the initiation and development of these diseases. Increased starch consumptions by genetically susceptible individuals such as those possessing HLA-B27 allelotypes could trigger the disease in both AS and CD by enhancing the growth and perpetuation of the Klebsiella microbes in the bowel. Exposure to increased levels of these microbes will lead to the production of elevated levels of anti-Klebsiella antibodies as well as autoantibodies against cross-reactive self-antigens with resultant pathological lesions in the bowel and joints. Hence, a decrease of starch-containing products in the daily dietary intake could have a beneficial therapeutic effect on the disease especially when used in conjunction with the currently available medical therapies in the treatment of patients with AS and CD.

  6. Regions on plasmid pCU1 required for the killing of Klebsiella pneumoniae.


    Thatte, V; Gill, S; Iyer, V N


    Plasmid pCU1 was Kik+ (promotes killing of Klebsiella pneumoniae). All Tn5 insertions within the tra region of pCU1 were Kik-. Two other regions, kikA and kikB, were needed. They may be separated on different plasmids, but both must be mobilized into Klebsiella pneumoniae. Establishment of one kik region in K. pneumoniae followed by receipt of the second did not lead to killing. Kik was therefore intracellular and required concerted and transient action of both regions.

  7. Klebsiella species associated with bovine mastitis in Newfoundland.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milka P Podder

    Full Text Available Klebsiella spp. is a common cause of bovine mastitis, but information regarding its molecular epidemiology is lacking from many parts of the world. On using mass spectrometry and partial sequencing of the rpoB gene, it was found that over a one year study, K. variicola and Enterobacter cloacae were misidentified as K. pneumoniae in a small number of clinical mastitis (CM cases from Newfoundland. Results suggest that the currently used standard biochemical/phenotypic tests lack the sensitivity required to accurately discriminate among the three mentioned Gram negative bacteria. In addition, a single strain of K. variicola was associated with CM from one farm in the study as demonstrated by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD PCR. To the best of our knowledge, K. variicola, which is normally found in the environment, has not been isolated previously from milk obtained from cows with CM. Therefore, it is possible that K. variicola was not detected in milk samples in the past due to the inability of standard tests to discriminate it from other Klebsiella species.

  8. Community-acquired Klebsiella pneumoniae liver abscess: an emerging infection in Ireland and Europe.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Moore, R


    INTRODUCTION: Klebsiella pneumoniae has emerged as a predominant cause of community-acquired mono-microbial pyogenic liver abscess. This was first described in Taiwan and has been widely reported in Asia. This infectious entity has been described in Europe, with single case reports predominating. METHODS: We present three cases in one year from our institution in Ireland and review the European literature to date. RESULTS\\/CONCLUSION: Klebsiella pneumoniae invasive liver abscess syndrome is now emerging in Europe and notably is not restricted to individuals of Asian descent.

  9. Klebsiella Pneumoniae Liver Abscess: A Case Series of Six Asian Patients. (United States)

    Oikonomou, Katerina G; Aye, Myint


    BACKGROUND Liver abscesses represent a serious infection of hepatic parenchyma and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The emergence of a new hypervirulent variant of Klebsiella pneumoniae, which can cause serious infections in the Asian population, is under investigation. We report a case series of six Asian patients hospitalized at our institution from January 2013 to November 2015 for liver abscess due to Klebsiella pneumoniae. CASE REPORT Charts of six Asian patients were retrospectively reviewed. Four patients were male and two were female. The mean age was 53 years (range: 35-64 years). All patients had no known past medical history of immunodeficiency. Three patients had multiple liver abscesses at the time of initial presentation. In five patients, the source of entry of the pathogenic microorganism was unknown and in one patient the suspected source of entry was the gastrointestinal tract. In three patients there was also concomitant Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia. The mean duration of antibiotic treatment was seven weeks and the mean duration of hospital stay was 13.5 days. CONCLUSIONS Liver abscess should always be included in the differential diagnosis in cases of sepsis without obvious source and/or in the clinical scenarios of fever, abdominal pain, and liver lesions.

  10. [Effect of acetic acid, furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural on production of 2,3-butanediol by Klebsiella oxytoca]. (United States)

    Wu, Jing; Cheng, Keke; Li, Wenying; Feng, Jie; Zhang, Jian'an


    To get the tolerability and consumption of Klebsiella oxytoca on major inhibitors in lignocelluloses hydrolysate, we studied the effect of acetic acid, furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural on production of 2,3-butanediol by Klebsiella oxytoca. The metabolites of furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural were measured. The results show that when acetic acid, furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural was individually added, tolerance threshold for Klebsiella oxytoca was 30 g/L, 4 g/L and 5 g/L, respectively. Acetic acid was likely used as substrate to produce 2,3-butanediol. The yield of 2,3-butanediol increased when acetic acid concentration was lower than 30 g/L. In the fermentation, more than 70% 5-hydroxymethylfurfural was converted to 2,5-furandimethanol. All furfural and the rest of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural were metabolized by Klebsiella oxytoca. It showed that in the detoxification process of 2,3-butanediol production using lignocelluloses hydrolysate, furfural should be given priority to remove and a certain concentration of acetic acid is not need to removal.

  11. Fatal Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis in a patient with diabetes mellitus and Hansen′s disease


    Vani Gopal; T Mangaiyarkarasi; R Gopal


    Klebsiella is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes different types of health care-associated infections including pneumonia, bloodstream infections, surgical site infections and meningitis. We report here a case of Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis in a patient with diabetes mellitus and Hansen′s disease. A middle-aged man with a known case of diabetes mellitus and Hansen′s disease presented with the complaints of blurred vision in the left eye and the patient was found to have cataract. Pati...

  12. First identification of class A carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in the Republic of Ireland.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Roche, C


    The Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) was detected in a carbapenem-resistant respiratory isolate of Klebsiella pneumoniae in an Irish hospital. This is the first report of a KPC-producing isolate in the Republic of Ireland. The isolate was resistant to all beta-lactams. Furthermore, it had reduced susceptibility to three other classes of non-beta-lactam antibiotics. The isolate was not associated with travel abroad. Detection of KPC-producing bacteria has important infection control and public health implications.

  13. Fermentation of polysaccharides by Klebsiella and other facultative bacilli

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ochuba, G.U.; Von Riesen, V.L.


    Fermentations of 10 polysaccharides by species of the family Enterobacteriaceae were examined. Algin, guar, karaya, xanthan, and xylan were not fermented by any of the strains tested. Most of the activity was found in the tribe Klebsielleae. Klebseilla oxytoca fermented amylopectin (97% of the strains studied), carrageenan (100%), inulin (68%), polypectate (100%), and tragacanth (100%). Klebsiella pneumoniae fermented amylopectin (91%), carrageenan (100%), and tragacanth (86%). Carraggeenan was also fermented by Enterobacter aerogenes (100%), Enterobacter agglomerans (63%), Enterobacter cloacae (95%), and pectobacterium (38%). pectobacterium shared polypectate fermentation (100%) with K. oxytoca. With one exception, Serratia strains were negative on all polysaccharides. These results, along with other evidence, indicate that (i) the genus Klebsiella is biochemically the most versatile genus of the tribe, (ii) because of its distinct characteristics, K. oxytoca warrants species designation separate from K. pneumoniae, and (iii) some food additives generally considered indigestible can be metabolized by a few species of facultative bacilli, whereas others appear to be resistant.

  14. Frequency of Extended-Spectrum Beta-lactamases (ESBLs) in strains of Klebsiella and E. coli isolated from patients hospitalized in Yazd. (United States)

    Zandi, Hengameh; Tabatabaei, Seyed Mostafa; Ehsani, Fatemeh; Zarch, Mojtaba Babaei; Doosthosseini, Samira


    Frequency of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) and its variants may vary in different geographical areas, as reports indicate their spread in some certain communities. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of ESBLs in strains of Klebsiella and E. coli , isolated from patients hospitalized in teaching hospitals of Yazd. This cross-sectional study was carried out on samples including E. coli and Klebsiella strains collected from laboratories of Shahid Sadoughi and Shahid Rahnemoun hospitals in Yazd, Iran in the period of 2011-2012. The colonies which were positive in lactose Eosin methylene-blue (EMB) medium were identified by biochemical methods, and 270 strains of Klebsiella and E. coli were isolated. Collected data and information were analyzed using Fisher's exact test and descriptive statistics such as mean in SPSS software, version 15, at a significant level of 0.05. In this study, 270 samples were examined, including 152 samples of E. coli (56.3%) and 118 samples of Klebsiella pneumonia (43.7%). Among the 152 samples of E. coli , 45 strains (30%) were producers of ESBLs. In addition, among the 118 samples of Klebsiella pneumonia , 44 strains (37.3%) were producers of ESBLs. E. coli strains showed the most resistance to Cefotaxime (100%), Ceftazidime (97.7%), and Cefepime (75.5%) respectively and Klebsiella strains showed the most resistance to Cefotaxime (100%), Ceftazidime (100%) and Cefepime (79.5%), respectively. Frequency of ESBLs in Klebsiella strains was higher than E. coli strains. No significant relationship was found between frequency of ESBLs and age or gender. In addition, E. coli strains showed the highest sensitivity to Imipenem, Amoxicillin/clavulanate, and Ciprofloxacin, while the highest antibiotic sensitivity of Klebsiella strains was shown to be to Piperacillin, Imipenem, and Amoxicillin/clavulanate.

  15. The Growing Resistance of Klebsiella pneumonia ; the Need to ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    During the course of her treatment she acquired various infections that led to her exposure to antimicrobials from almost all classes at various times; including bacteremia due to a pan-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae and multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. She was successfully treated with a combination of ...

  16. AÇÃO DA TERAPIA FOTODINÂMICA EM Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 4352 UTILIZANDO MODELO DE INFECÇÃO Galleria mellonella

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raquel Teles de Menezes


    Full Text Available Klebsiella pneumoniae é um dos patógenos que possui grande resistência a vários antimicrobianos. A Terapia Fotodinâmica Antimicrobiana (PDT vem sendo estudada como novo recurso no combate à resistência bacteriana. Objetivo: Avaliar a ação antimicrobiana da PDT em K. pneumoniae utilizando como modelo de infecção in vivo Galleria mellonella. Métodos: Foram inoculados 10µL da suspensão padronizada de K. pneumoniae ATCC 4352 na última proleg esquerda de cada larva selecionada de G. mellonella. Decorridos 30 minutos, as larvas foram submetidas a PDT, com o uso do fotossensibilizador Azul de metileno e Laser de Arseneto de Gálio Alumínio. Passadas 24h, por sete dias o número de lagartas mortas foi anotado para a realização da curva de sobrevivência. Resultados: A PDT contribuiu para melhora da sobrevida das larvas, porém sem apresentar diferença estatística significante. Conclusão: A PDT apresentou atividade antimicrobiana contra a cepa de K. pneumoniae ATCC 4352.

  17. Antimicrobial-resistant Klebsiella species isolated from free-range chicken samples in an informal settlement. (United States)

    Fielding, Burtram C; Mnabisa, Amanda; Gouws, Pieter A; Morris, Thureyah


    Sub-therapeutic doses of antimicrobial agents are administered routinely to poultry to aid growth and to prevent disease, with prolonged exposure often resulting in bacterial resistance. Crossover of antibiotic resistant bacteria from poultry to humans poses a risk to human health. In this study, 17 chicken samples collected from a vendor operating in an informal settlement in the Cape Town Metropolitan area, South Africa were screened for antimicrobial-resistant Gram-negative bacilli using the Kirby Bauer disk diffusion assay. IN TOTAL, SIX ANTIBIOTICS WERE SCREENED: ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, nalidixic acid, tetracycline and trimethoprim. Surprisingly, Klebsiella ozaenae was identified in 96 and K. rhinoscleromatis in 6 (n=102) of the samples tested. Interestingly, ∼40% of the isolated Klebsiella spp. showed multiple resistance to at least three of the six antibiotics tested. Klebsiella ozaenae and K. rhinoscleromatis cause clinical chronic rhinitis and are almost exclusively associated with people living in areas of poor hygiene.

  18. Identification of KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in clinical samples in Iran

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    fereshte sadat Hashemizadeh


    Results: In this study of 202 isolates of Klebsiella, 180 isolates (89.1% of K. pneumoniae and 22 isolates (10.9% of Klebsiella oxytoca were isolated from patients. More than 55% of isolates showed multiple-drug resistance and also above 40% resistance to imipeneme and meropeneme was recorded. The MIC of isolates which were resistant to carbapenemes was above 32µg/ml.The PCR results showed that 22 cases (11.9% of isolates had blakpc gene which most of them had been isolated from urine and blood samples of patients who were hospitalized in the ICU and pediatrics. Conclusion: Regarding the existence of blakpc gene in K. pneumoniae and possibility of transformation of these genes to the other bacteria, reconsideration in antibiotics consumption patterns and more attention to nosocomial infections control criteria are inevitable.

  19. Validación de un programa de vigilancia de infecciones nosocomiales Validation of a nosocomial infections surveillance program

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    M. Sigfrido Rangel-Frausto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Validar el programa de vigilancia de infecciones nosocomiales y conocer la morbilidad y la mortalidad. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Un médico especialmente capacitado, realizó vigilancia intensiva de todos los pacientes admitidos en el hospital. Los casos de infección fueron discutidos con otros dos médicos y el resultado se comparó con la vigilancia rutinaria. Se incluyó a todos los pacientes hospitalizados del 11 de julio al 12 de agosto de 1995, que no tenían un proceso infeccioso activo o que no manifestaban un periodo de incubación a su ingreso. Se siguieron diariamente y se registraron datos de: edad, sexo y padecimiento de ingreso. Se recabó información sobre tratamiento antimicrobiano, microrganismo aislado y susceptibilidad. Se evaluó el estado clínico final y se estimó el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria. RESULTADOS. De 429 pacientes, 45 desarrollaron infección nosocomial (casos y 384 no lo hicieron (controles. La incidencia de infecciones nosocomiales fue de 10.48/100. La sensibilidad y la especificidad del programa fueron de 93.3 y 98.7%, respectivamente. La mortalidad en los infectados fue de 11.11%, y en el grupo de los no infectados, de 2.4%. El promedio de estancia hospitalaria fue de 20 y 11 días, para infectados y no infectados, respectivamente (pOBJECTIVES. To validate the nosocomial infections surveillance system, establish its impact in morbi-mortality. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Surveillance of every single patient admited during a one month period was done by one of us (DMG. Each posibile case was discussed with two other hospital epidemiologists (SPLR, MSRF. This intensive surveillance was compared against the routinely surveillance performed by the nurses. We included all hospitalized patients between 11th July and 12th of August according to CDC (Atlanta, GA nosocomial infections definitions. Patients were followed everyday and information about age, gender, underlying diagnosis, microorganisms responsible

  20. Structural studies on some capsular antigens from Escherichia Coli and Klebsiella

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, A N


    A review of the structural studies of bacterial capsular polysaccharides (K-antigens) from Escherichia coli (E.coli) and Klebsiella is presented. There is a general trend in the structural elucidation of polysaccharides towards the analysis of higher oligosaccharides. This trend has been facilitated by advances in modern instrumental techniques for the analysis of oligosaccharides, for example, high-performance liquid chromatography, mass spectometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The structural elucidations of the capsular polysaccharides from E. Coli K37 and K55, and Klebsiella K39 are reported. This elucidation of K-antigens provides an insight into the response of mammalian immune systems to antigenic stimuli. The usefulness of bacteriophage degradation as a technique for the structural elucidation of polysaccharides containing repeating unit structures is emphasized. The bacteriophage degradation of E. coli K55 polysaccharide illustrates that bacteriophage-borne enzymes may be used to degrade chemically related carbohydrate materials. The bacteriophage technique for the structural elucidation of the Klebsiella K39 polysaccharide also illustrates the advantages of this technique where the polysaccharide contains labile glycosidic bonds which are readily cleaved during standard chemical analysis. The enzymatic degradation of polysaccharides allows high yields of specific oligosaccharides to be recovered. The feasibility of analysing small amounts of carbohydrate material has become realistic due to improved instrumental capabilities. At the same time, more detailed information concerning the fine structure of known carbohydrate materials can be elucidated. 421 refs., 56 figs., 16 tabs.

  1. Prevalence of bla SHV genes in clinical isolates of Klebsiella ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Five bacterial strains (4 Klebsiella pneumoniae and 1 Escherichia coli) representative of pathogenic species and resistant to β-lactam antibiotics are investigated to isolate the genes responsible of β--lactamase activity. The use of engineering techniques enables us to show the widespread of blaSHV genes particularly in ...

  2. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Klebsiella pneumonia recovered from nonhuman primates (United States)

    Klebsiella pneumoniae is a zoonotic, Gram-negative member of the family Enterobacteriaceae and is the causative agent of nosocomial septicemic, pneumonic, and urinary tract infections. Recently, pathogenic strains of K. pneumoniae sharing a hypermucoviscosity (HMV) phenotype have been attributed to ...

  3. Development of a new trend conjugate vaccine for the prevention of Klebsiella pneumoniae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tarek A. Ahmad


    Full Text Available Klebsiella pneumoniae is a major cause of nosocomial pneumonia, septicemia and urinary tract infections, especially in newborns, blood cancer patients, and other immunocompromised candidates. The control of K. pneumoniae is a complicated issue due to its tight pathogenesis. Immuno-prophylactic preparations, especially those directed toward the bacterium O-antigen, showed to be the most successful way to prevent the infection incidence. However, all previously proposed preparations were either of limited spectrum or non-maternal, and hence not targeting the main Klebsiella patients. Moreover, all preparations were directed only to prevent the respiratory diseases due to that pathogen. This article addresses the development of a method originally used to purify the non-capsular bacterial- endotoxins, as a new and easy method for vaccine production against K. pneumoniae. The application of this method was preceded by a biotechnological control of capsular polysaccharide production in K. pneumoniae. The new produced natural conjugate between the bacterial O-antigen and its outer membrane proteins was evaluated by physicochemical and immunological methods to investigate its purity, integrity, safety and immunogenicity. It showed to be pure, stable, safe for use, and able to elicit a protective immunoglobulin titer against different Klebsiella infections. This immune-response proved to be transferable to the offspring of the vaccinated experimental rabbits via placenta.

  4. Polysaccharide capsule-mediated resistance to opsonophagocytosis in Klebsiella pneumoniae.


    Domenico, P; Salo, R J; Cross, A S; Cunha, B A


    The polysaccharide capsule of Klebsiella pneumoniae is an important virulence factor that confers resistance to phagocytosis. The treatment of encapsulated bacteria with salicylate to inhibit capsule expression was found to enhance the phagocytosis of encapsulated bacteria by human neutrophils only in the presence of cell surface-specific antibodies. Both type-specific rabbit antisera and anticapsular human hyperimmune globulin were employed as opsonins. Salicylate significantly enhanced phag...

  5. Clonal spread of highly successful ST15-CTX-M-15 Klebsiella pneumoniae in companion animals and horses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ewers, Christa; Stamm, Ivonne; Pfeifer, Yvonne


    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the clinical relevance and molecular epidemiology of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Klebsiella species in animals. METHODS: Antimicrobial susceptibilities and presence of ESBLs were examined among Klebsiella spp. (n = 1519) from clinical samples (>1200...... senders from Germany and other European countries) mainly from companion animals and horses from October 2008 to March 2010. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and PFGE were performed including human isolates for comparative purposes. RESULTS: The overall ESBL rate was 8% for Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp....... pneumoniae. Most K. pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae ESBL producers were isolated from soft tissue infections (29.3%) and urinary tract infections (14.9%). The major ESBL type was CTX-M-15 (85.4%), located on different plasmid scaffolds (HI2, I1, FIA, FIB, FII, A/C, R and N). Other ESBL genes, such as bla...

  6. Competitive adsorption of heavy metals by extracellular polymeric substances extracted from Klebsiella sp. J1. (United States)

    Yang, Jixian; Wei, Wei; Pi, Shanshan; Ma, Fang; Li, Ang; Wu, Dan; Xing, Jie


    The adsorption of Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from Klebsiella sp. J1 and competitive adsorption mechanism were investigated. Equilibrium adsorption capacities of Cu(2+) (1.77mMg(-1)) on Klebsiella sp. J1 EPS were higher than those of Zn(2+) (1.36mMg(-1)) in single systems. The competitive Langmuir and Langmuir-Freundlich isotherm models were proven to be effective in describing the experimental data of binary component system. The three dimensional sorption surfaces of binary component system demonstrated that the presence of Cu(2+) more significantly decreased the sorption of Zn(2+), but the sorption of Cu(2+) was not disturbed by the presence of Zn(2+). FTIR and EEM results revealed the adsorption sites of Cu(2+) entirely overlapped with those of Zn(2+). Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) showed competitive adsorption in binary systems, and Cu(2+) was preferentially adsorbed because of the stronger complexation ability of the protein-like substances in Klebsiella sp. J1 EPS. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. An outbreak of colistin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in the Netherlands (July to December 2013), with inter-institutional spread. (United States)

    Weterings, V; Zhou, K; Rossen, J W; van Stenis, D; Thewessen, E; Kluytmans, J; Veenemans, J


    We describe an outbreak of Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC-KP) ST258 that occurred in two institutions (a hospital and a nursing home) in the Netherlands between July and December 2013. In total, six patients were found to be positive for KPC-KP. All isolates were resistant to colistin and exhibited reduced susceptibility to gentamicin and tigecycline. In all settings, extensive environmental contamination was found. Whole genome sequencing revealed the presence of bla KPC-2 and bla SHV-12 genes, as well as the close relatedness of patient and environmental isolates. In the hospital setting, one transmission was detected, despite contact precautions. After upgrading to strict isolation, no further spread was found. After the transfer of the index patient to a nursing home in the same region, four further transmissions occurred. The outbreak in the nursing home was controlled by transferring all KPC-KP-positive residents to a separate location outside the nursing home, where a dedicated nursing team cared for patients. This outbreak illustrates that the spread of pan-resistant Enterobacteriaceae can be controlled, but may be difficult, particularly in long-term care facilities. It, therefore, poses a major threat to patient safety. Clear guidelines to control reservoirs in and outside the hospitals are urgently needed.

  8. Intrinsic Klebsiella pneumoniae contamination of liquid germicidal hand soap containing chlorhexidine. (United States)

    Brooks, Steven E; Walczak, Mary A; Malcolm, Sharon; Hameed, Rizwanullah


    We describe intrinsic contamination with Klebsiella pneumoniae occurring during the manufacture of germicidal hand soap, labeled as containing 2% chlorhexidine, used throughout a 350-bed community medical center. A 3-year retrospective study failed to find evidence of increased incidence of clinical isolates of this strain.

  9. Alterations in Outer Membrane Permeability Favor Drug-Resistant Phenotype of Klebsiella pneumoniae

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pulzová, L.; Navrátilová, Lucie; Comor, L.


    Roč. 23, č. 4 (2017), s. 413-420 ISSN 1076-6294 Institutional support: RVO:61389030 Keywords : drug resistance * efflux pumps * influx * Klebsiella * porin Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology OBOR OECD: Microbiology Impact factor: 2.306, year: 2016

  10. Fatal Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis and concomitant disseminated intravascular coagulation in a patient with diabetes mellitus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ho Min-Po


    Full Text Available Bacterial meningitis remains a major cause of death and long-term neurologic sequelae worldwide. We present a case of fatal Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis and concomitant disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC in a 72-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus (DM. Both blood and cerebrospinal fluid cultures grew Klebsiella pneumoniae . Due to advanced age, newly recognized DM, K. pneumoniae bacteremia, and DIC, the prognosis of our patient was poor. Eight hours after arrival to the emergency department, cardiopulmonary resuscitation was necessary in this patient, but she died despite an early diagnosis and appropriate antibiotic therapy.

  11. Tigecycline Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolated from Austrian River Water

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander Hladicz


    Full Text Available Abstract: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are spreading worldwide in medical settings but also in the environment. These resistant bacteria illustrate a major health problem in our times, and last-line antibiotics such as tigecycline represent an ultimate therapy option. Reports on tigecycline non-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae are presented with regard to medical settings but are rare with that for the environment. The aim of this study was to characterize two tigecycline non-susceptible Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from the river Mur, and to question the resistance mechanism. The screening for chromosomal mutations revealed a deletion and a silent point mutation in one isolate and a point mutation in the other isolate all within the ramR allele. RamR acts as repressor and prevents overexpression of ramA. These mutations are likely to cause a resistant phenotype due to the overexpression of AcrAB-TolC. MLST revealed that the isolates belonged to two unrelated MLST types (ST2392 and ST2394. Both isolates only revealed resistance to tigecycline and tetracycline. This is one of the rare reports of tigecycline-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae from surface water. The presence of two genetically different isolates suggests that the river water may bear substances that favor mutations that can lead to this efflux pump-driven resistance.

  12. Infección diseminada por Penicillium marneffei en un paciente HIV-positivo: Primera observación en la República Argentina Disseminated infection due to Penicillium marneffei related to HIV infection: First observation in Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Se presenta el primer caso humano de peniciliosis por Penicillium marneffei observado en la República Argentina. El paciente era un joven de 16 años, HIV-positivo, procedente de un área rural del sur de China. El paciente fue internado en el Hospital "F. J. Muñiz" por padecer una neumonía grave con insufciencia respiratoria aguda. El agente causal fue aislado de un lavado broncoalveolar y se lo observó en un citodiagnóstico de piel. La identifcación de P. marneffei fue confrmada por las características fenotípicas del aislamiento y la amplifcación del ADNr. El enfermo padecía una infección muy avanzada por HIV que condujo a la aparición simultánea de infecciones por citomegalovirus, Pneumocystis jirovecii y procesos bacterianos nosocomiales. Este complejo cuadro derivó en una evolución fatal.The frst case observed in Argentina of AIDS-related human penicillosis is herein presented. The patient was a six- teen year-old young man coming from a rural area of southern China. He was admitted at the F. J. Muñiz Hospital of Buenos Aires city with severe pneumonia and adult respiratory distress. Penicillium marneffei was isolated from bronchoalveolar lavage fuid and was microscopically observed in a skin cytodiagnosis. P. marneffei identifcation was confrmed by rRNA amplifcation and its phenotypic characteristics. The patient suffered an advanced HIV infection and also presented several AIDS-related diseases due to CMV, nosocomial bacterial infections and Pneumocystis jirovecii which led to a fatal outcome.

  13. Dichotomy between Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Klebsiella pneumoniae on dendritic cell phenotype and function

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Braat, Henri; de Jong, Esther C.; van den Brande, Jan M. H.; Kapsenberg, Martien L.; Peppelenbosch, Maikel P.; van Tol, Eric A. F.; van Deventer, Sander J. H.


    The reaction of the intestinal immune system to intestinal bacteria shows striking differences between various bacterial strains. Whereas Klebsiella pneumoniae induces a fierce proinflammatory reaction, the probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus has clear anti-inflammatory effect in

  14. Phenotypic and molecular detection of BLACTX-M gene extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in escherichia coli and klebsiella pneumoniae of north sumatera isolates (United States)

    Hasibuan, Mirzan; Suryanto, Dwi; Lia Kusumawati, R.


    The application of antibiotics expanded-spectrum third-generation cephalosporin for the treatment of infectious diseases in hospitals is known contribute to increasing resistance due to the presence of the blaCTX-M gene in the bacteria producing ESBLs. This study was aimed to detect ESBLs, isolate phenotype and blaCTX-M genes on Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae collected from H. Adam Malik Central Hospital. Phenotypes of the bacterial were detection using Vitek two compact, while the blaCTX-M genes were detection using polymerase chain reaction technique. The results showed that 85 (100%) isolates were ESBLs consisted of 41(48%) of Escherichia coli, and 44 (52%) of Klebsiella pneumoniae, respectively. blaCTX-M genes were detection in 62 (72.94%) of the isolates which 31 (36.47%) were Escherichia coli, and 31 (36.47%) of the isolates were Klebsiella pneumoniae, respectively. This study indicates the high prevalence of blaCTX-M genes in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniea causing bacterial antibiotic resistance.


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    G. R. Sadrtdinova


    Full Text Available The article acknowledges the formation of bacterial biofilms in strains of bacteria species Klebsiella oxytoca and Klebsiella pneumoniae when grown in liquid media under the influence of negative factors (chemical factor — containing agents. Biofilms, as a community of microorganisms cause many chronic infections (meningitis, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, urogenital infections and create problems in the industry (fouling of processing equipment, ship hulls, oil platforms, biocorrosion metal products. Ordinary disinfectants, such as chlorine and sodium chlorite, can not remove the biofilm, so finding an effective means of dealing with them is enough actual problem. Various antibacterial agents are ineffective in combating biofilms, since bacteria produce large amounts of polysaccharides — substances that help the colony stay without disintegration. Polysaccharide serves as a barrier layer for substances in water, including for biocides. This is the main reason for the survival of microorganisms even in the heavily chlorinated water. In the study the latest data took into account on the subject, especially concerning adverse effects of oxygen on the growth of bacterial cells and directs action as a factor in the formation of biofilms. In our study we analyzed the latest generation disinfectant as an influencing factor. Working concentrations were shown in three embodiments. The number of strains studied was 6 (3 strains of each species. All strains were obtained from the Department of Museum MVE and VSE Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy n.a. P.A. Stolypin. In our research the biofilm community formation phenomenon has been confirmed, marked differences in biofilm formation, depending on the intensity (in this case, concentration of the promoter and bacteria species. In vivo biofilm is easily destroyed by mechanical action (shaking test tubes with the medium. Biofilm recovery after this manipulation was not observed. The results

  16. Kaptive Web: User-Friendly Capsule and Lipopolysaccharide Serotype Prediction for Klebsiella Genomes. (United States)

    Wick, Ryan R; Heinz, Eva; Holt, Kathryn E; Wyres, Kelly L


    As whole-genome sequencing becomes an established component of the microbiologist's toolbox, it is imperative that researchers, clinical microbiologists, and public health professionals have access to genomic analysis tools for the rapid extraction of epidemiologically and clinically relevant information. For the Gram-negative hospital pathogens such as Klebsiella pneumoniae , initial efforts have focused on the detection and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance genes and clones. However, with the resurgence of interest in alternative infection control strategies targeting Klebsiella surface polysaccharides, the ability to extract information about these antigens is increasingly important. Here we present Kaptive Web, an online tool for the rapid typing of Klebsiella K and O loci, which encode the polysaccharide capsule and lipopolysaccharide O antigen, respectively. Kaptive Web enables users to upload and analyze genome assemblies in a web browser. The results can be downloaded in tabular format or explored in detail via the graphical interface, making it accessible for users at all levels of computational expertise. We demonstrate Kaptive Web's utility by analyzing >500 K. pneumoniae genomes. We identify extensive K and O locus diversity among 201 genomes belonging to the carbapenemase-associated clonal group 258 (25 K and 6 O loci). The characterization of a further 309 genomes indicated that such diversity is common among the multidrug-resistant clones and that these loci represent useful epidemiological markers for strain subtyping. These findings reinforce the need for rapid, reliable, and accessible typing methods such as Kaptive Web. Kaptive Web is available for use at, and the source code is available at Copyright © 2018 Wick et al.

  17. Oxygen sensitivity of the nifLA promoter of Klebsiella pneumoniae.


    Kong, Q T; Wu, Q L; Ma, Z F; Shen, S C


    Oxygen sensitivity of the nifLA promoter of Klebsiella pneumoniae has been demonstrated. Studies on the oxygen regulation of nifB-lacZ and nifH-lacZ fusions in the presence of the nifLA operon, which contains either an intact or a deleted nifL gene, indicate that possibly both the nifL promoter and the nifL product are responsible for nif repression by oxygen.

  18. Factors Associated with Klebsiella Bacteremia and Its Outcome in Under-Five Children Admitted with Diarrhea

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    Shamima Akhter


    Full Text Available Although Klebsiella bacteremia in children is perceived to be associated with fatal consequences, data are scarce on those children presenting with diarrhea. We evaluated the factors associated with Klebsiella bacteremia in such children. In this retrospective chart analysis, data of all diarrheal children was retrieved from electronic medical record system (named as SHEBA of Dhaka Hospital of International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b, from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2012, who had their blood culture done. This was a study having a case-control design where comparison of clinical and laboratory characteristics was done among children with Klebsiella bacteremia (cases = 30 and those without any bacteraemia (controls = 90. Controls were selected randomly. The cases more often had fatal outcome (p<0.001. In logistic regression analysis, after adjusting for potential confounders such as young age, severe dehydration, severe wasting, abnormal mentation, hypotension, and fast breathing, the cases were independently associated with hospital-acquired infection and positive stool growth (for all, p<0.05. The study highlights the importance of obtaining blood cultures in hospitalized children under five years old with diarrheal illness in the presence of either hospital-acquired infection or positive stool culture to have better outcome.

  19. Update of incidence and antimicrobial susceptibility trends of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from Chinese intra-abdominal infection patients. (United States)

    Zhang, Hui; Yang, Qiwen; Liao, Kang; Ni, Yuxing; Yu, Yunsong; Hu, Bijie; Sun, Ziyong; Huang, Wenxiang; Wang, Yong; Wu, Anhua; Feng, Xianju; Luo, Yanping; Chu, Yunzhuo; Chen, Shulan; Cao, Bin; Su, Jianrong; Duan, Qiong; Zhang, Shufang; Shao, Haifeng; Kong, Haishen; Gui, Bingdong; Hu, Zhidong; Badal, Robert; Xu, Yingchun


    To evaluate in vitro susceptibilities of aerobic and facultative Gram-negative bacterial (GNB) isolates from intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) to 12 selected antimicrobials in Chinese hospitals from 2012 to 2014. Hospital acquired (HA) and community acquired (CA) IAIs were collected from 21 centers in 16 Chinese cities. Extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) status and antimicrobial susceptibilities were determined at a central laboratory using CLSI broth microdilution and interpretive standards. From all isolated strains the Enterobacteriaceae (81.1%) Escherichia coli accounted for 45.4% and Klebsiella pneumoniae for 20.1%, followed by Enterobacter cloacae (5.2%), Proteus mirabilis (2.1%), Citrobacter freundii (1.8%), Enterobacter aerogenes (1.8%), Klebsiella oxytoca (1.4%), Morganella morganii (1.2%), Serratia marcescens (0.7%), Citrobacter koseri (0.3%), Proteus vulgaris (0.3%) and others (1.0%). Non- Enterobacteriaceae (18.9%) included Pseudomonas aeruginosa (9.8%), Acinetobacter baumannii (6.7%), Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (0.9%), Aeromonas hydrophila (0.4%) and others (1.1%). ESBL-screen positive Escherichia coli isolates (ESBL+) showed a decreasing trend from 67.5% in 2012 to 58.9% in 2014 of all Escherichia coli isolates and the percentage of ESBL+ Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates also decreased from 2012 through 2014 (40.4% to 26.6%), which was due to reduced percentages of ESBL+ isolates in HA IAIs for both bacteria. The overall susceptibilities of all 5160 IAI isolates were 87.53% to amikacin (AMK), 78.12% to piperacillin-tazobactam (TZP) 81.41% to imipenem (IMP) and 73.12% to ertapenem (ETP). The susceptibility of ESBL-screen positive Escherichia coli strains was 96.77%-98.8% to IPM, 91.26%-93.16% to ETP, 89.48%-92.75% to AMK and 84.86%-89.34% to TZP, while ESBL-screen positive Klebsiella pneumoniae strains were 70.56%-80.15% susceptible to ETP, 80.0%-87.5% to IPM, 83.82%-87.06% to AMK and 63.53%-68.38% to TZP within the three year study

  20. Characterization and genome analysis of novel bacteriophages infecting the opportunistic human pathogens Klebsiella oxytoca and K. pneumoniae. (United States)

    Park, Eun-Ah; Kim, You-Tae; Cho, Jae-Hyun; Ryu, Sangryeol; Lee, Ju-Hoon


    Klebsiella is a genus of well-known opportunistic human pathogens that are associated with diabetes mellitus and chronic pulmonary obstruction; however, this pathogen is often resistant to multiple drugs. To control this pathogen, two Klebsiella-infecting phages, K. oxytoca phage PKO111 and K. pneumoniae phage PKP126, were isolated from a sewage sample. Analysis of their host range revealed that they infect K. pneumoniae and K. oxytoca, suggesting host specificity for members of the genus Klebsiella. Stability tests confirmed that the phages are stable under various temperature (4 to 60 °C) and pH (3 to 11) conditions. A challenge assay showed that PKO111 and PKP126 inhibit growth of their host strains by 2 log and 4 log, respectively. Complete genome sequencing of the phages revealed that their genome sizes are quite different (168,758 bp for PKO111 and 50,934 bp for PKP126). Their genome annotation results showed that they have no human virulence-related genes, an important safety consideration. In addition, no lysogen-formation gene cluster was detected in either phage genome, suggesting that they are both virulent phages in their bacterial hosts. Based on these results, PKO111 and PKP126 may be good candidates for development of biocontrol agents against members of the genus Klebsiella for therapeutic purposes. A comparative analysis of tail-associated gene clusters of PKO111 and PKP126 revealed relatively low homology, suggesting that they might differ in the way they recognize and infect their specific hosts.

  1. Bilateral scrotal abscesses caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae in a newborn. (United States)

    Di Renzo, Dacia; Pappalepore, Nicola; Colangelo, Maurizia; Chiesa, Pierluigi Lelli


    The management of acute scrotal swelling can be challenging in neonatal age, with scrotal infections being great mimickers of testicular torsion. Only a few unilateral cases of scrotal abscess have been previously reported, mostly caused by Staphylococcus and Salmonella. We describe the case of a newborn who developed bilateral scrotal abscesses caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae and discuss the rarity of the case, regarding both the bilaterality and the pathogen, never reported before.

  2. Diseminación de Klebsiella pneumoniae productoras de KPC-3 en hospitales de Bogotá durante un periodo de tres años

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    Edna Catering Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción. Uno de los principales problemas de salud pública a nivel mundial son las infecciones producidas por enterobacterias resistentes a los carbapenémicos, entre las cuales Klebsiella pneumoniae es uno de los patógenos que con mayor frecuencia causa infecciones en el ámbito hospitalario. Objetivo. El objetivo del estudio fue describir la diseminación de aislamientos clínicos de K. pneumoniae productores de la enzima KPC-3 recuperados en hospitales de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron 82 aislamientos de K. pneumoniae resistentes a antibióticos carbapenémicos recuperados entre el 2008 y el 2010 en 10 hospitales, a los cuales se les realizaron pruebas de detección fenotípica de enzimas por difusión de disco y microdilución, y de detección genotípica por PCR. La determinación de perfiles de sensibilidad frente a 13 antimicrobianos se realizó por métodos automatizados y manuales. La relación genética de los aislamientos se obtuvo por la técnica de PFGE. Resultados. Este estudio presenta el panorama del comportamiento de las enterobacterias resistentes a los carbapenémicos diseminadas en el curso de tres años en 10 hospitales de la ciudad, con características de resistencia a múltiples familias de antibióticos y pertenecientes a varios grupos de clones, cada uno con diferentes subtipos. Conclusiones. La diseminación de aislamientos clínicos de K. pneumoniae productores de enzima KPC-3 en Bogotá plantea la necesidad de fortalecer las acciones de vigilancia epidemiológica frente a este tipo de microorganismos y el desarrollo prioritario de actividades específicas de prevención y control de infecciones.

  3. Phenotypic and molecular characterization of Klebsiella spp. isolates causing community-acquired infections

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    U. Garza-Ramos


    Full Text Available Klebsiella spp. isolates from community-acquired infections were characterized. A total of 39 Klebsiella spp. isolates were obtained from outpatients at four rural hospitals in Mexico (2013–2014. The biochemical tests identified all as being K. pneumoniae. The molecular multiplex-PCR test identified 36 (92.4% K. pneumoniae isolates and one (2.5% K. variicola isolate, and phylogenetic analysis of the rpoB gene identified two isolates (5.1% belonging to K. quasipneumoniae subsp. quasipneumoniae and K. quasivariicola. The last one was confirmed by phylogenetic analysis of six-loci concatenated genes. Mostly the isolates were multidrug resistant; however, a minority were extended-spectrum β-lactamase producing (10.2%. The extended-spectrum β-lactamase CTX-M-15 gene was identified in these isolates. Analysis of biofilm production and the hypermucoviscosity phenotype showed a total of 35 (92.3% and seven (17.9% of the isolates were positive for these phenotypes respectively. The K2 (4/39, 10.2%, K5 (2/39, 5.1% and K54 (1/39, 2.5% serotypes were identified in seven (17.9% of the isolates, and only 28.5% (2/7 hypermucoviscous isolates were positive for the K2 and K5 serotypes. In general, the sequence type (ST analysis and phylogenetic analysis of seven multilocus sequence typing loci were heterogeneous; however, ST29 was the most prevalent ST in the analysed isolates, accounting for 19% (4/21 of the total isolates. Two of the four ST29 isolates had the hypermucoviscosity phenotype. The virulence factors for fimbriae were the most prevalent, followed by siderophores. Community-acquired infections are caused by various species from Klebsiella genus, with different profiles of antibiotic resistance and heterogeneous virulence factors. Keywords: Antimicrobial susceptibility, Bacterial resistance, Cephalosporin resistance, Community infection, ESBL, Hypermucoviscosity

  4. Fatal Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis in a patient with diabetes mellitus and Hansen's disease. (United States)

    Gopal, Vani; Mangaiyarkarasi, T; Gopal, R


    Klebsiella is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes different types of health care-associated infections including pneumonia, bloodstream infections, surgical site infections and meningitis. We report here a case of Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis in a patient with diabetes mellitus and Hansen's disease. A middle-aged man with a known case of diabetes mellitus and Hansen's disease presented with the complaints of blurred vision in the left eye and the patient was found to have cataract. Patient was operated for cataract and Intraocular lens implanted. Patient developed headache and vomiting on the 4th post-operative day. Lumbar puncture was carried out and gram stain of cerebrospinal fluid showed Gram-negative bacilli in the direct smear and culture yielded a heavy growth of K. pneumoniae. The patient was treated with antimicrobials according to the susceptibility pattern. He initially showed improvement but later on developed altered sensorium and hypotension. Patient succumbed to infection in spite of all medical attention.

  5. On the evolution of the sexually transmitted bacteria Haemophilus ducreyi and Klebsiella granulomatis. (United States)

    Lagergård, Teresa; Bölin, Ingrid; Lindholm, Leif


    Haemophilus ducreyi and Klebsiella (Calymmatobacterium) granulomatis are sexually transmitted bacteria that cause characteristic, persisting ulceration on external genitals called chancroid and granuloma inguinale, respectively. Those ulcers are endemic in developing countries or exist, as does granuloma inguinale, only in some geographic "hot spots."H. ducreyi is placed in the genus Haemophilus (family Pasteurellacae); however, this phylogenetic position is not obvious. The multiple ways in which the bacterium may be adapted to its econiche through specialized nutrient acquisitions; defenses against the immune system; and virulence factors that increase attachment, fitness, and persistence within genital tissue are discussed below. The analysis of K. granulomatis phylogeny demonstrated a high degree of identity with other Klebsiella species, and the name K. granulomatis comb. nov. was proposed. Because of the difficulty in growing this bacterium on artificial media, its characteristics have not been sufficiently defined. More studies are needed to understand bacterial genetics related to the pathogenesis and evolution of K. granulomatis. © 2011 New York Academy of Sciences.

  6. Caracterización de infecciones por bacterias productoras de BLEE en un hospital de referencia nacional

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    Paul J Tejada-Llacsa


    Full Text Available Introducción: La resistencia mediante la producción de betalactamasa de espectro extendido (BLEE es la resistencia microbiana más común y de importancia en salud pública. Objetivos: Describir las características de las infecciones por bacterias productoras de BLEE en un hospital de referencia nacional. Diseño: Estudio transversal descriptivo. Lugar: Hospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión, Callao, Perú. Materiales: Registros de los cultivos de secreciones realizados en el Laboratorio de Microbiología del HNDAC en el año 2012. Métodos: Se analizó datos del paciente (edad, sexo y servicio del cual se recibió la muestra y datos de la muestra (fecha de obtención, el tipo de muestra, el microrganismo encontrado, el antibiograma detallado y su calificación como bacteria productora de BLEE. Principales medidas de resultados: Características de las infecciones por bacterias productoras de BLEE. Resultados: Se recolectó 3 149 muestras, 70,9% (2 235 fueron de mujeres; 29,4% fueron cultivos positivos para bacterias productoras de BLEE. Los servicios críticos obtuvieron la mayor prevalencia, y los meses donde se encontró mayor presencia fueron abril (34,7% y julio (34,7%. Tanto E. coli (72,4% como Klebsiella sp. (20% fueron las prevalentes. No se encontró resistencia para imipinem, tanto para E. coli como para Klebsiella sp. Conclusiones: La prevalencia fue similar a la de América Latina (34,6%. Se presenta más evidencias de una alta presencia en consulta externa y en mayores de 46 años; siendo así un problema de salud pública.

  7. Biotipagem e resistotipagem para o traçado epidemiológico da origem fecal de Klebsiella pneumoniae em infecções urinárias Biotyping and resistotyping for epidemiological tracing of the fecal origin of Klebsiella pneumoniae in urinary infections

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    José Augusto Adler Pereira


    Full Text Available Em 24 (82,7% de 29 pacientes com infecção urinária por Klebsiella pneumoniae isolamos a mesma espécie a partir de amostras fecais. Estudamos 24 cepas urinárias e 219 cepas fecais encontrando 50 biótipos distintos (em média quatro biótipos por amostra fecal. Em dez (34,4% dos 29 pacientes o biótipo de uma ou mais cepas fecais corresponderam ao biotipo da cepa urinária - sem encontrarmos associação entre a simultaneidade e a prévia cateterização vesical (p>0,05. Na resistotipagem - utilizando quatro substâncias químicas previamente escolhidas entre 34 produtos testados (verde brilhante, verde malaquita, telurito de potássio e cloreto mercúrico encontramos 16 resistotipos distintos. Em 14 (58,3%, dos 24 casos houve detecção do mesmo resistotipo em cepa(s fecal(is e urinária do mesmo paciente, entretanto, só em cinco (20,9% dos casos houve concordância com a biotipagem na indicação de simultaneidade. A concordância de resultados quanto à ausência ou presença de biotipos ou resistotipos simultâneos, na urina e nas fezes, foi de somente 54,2%. A presença de resistência aos íons telurito e mercúrio, entre cepas fecais e cepas urinárias, no mesmo paciente, estava significativamente associada (pTwenty-four (82.7% out of 29 patients suffering from hospital acquired urinary infections by Klebsiella pneumoniae had the same species in their faeces. Biotyping of 24 urinary and 219 fecal strains of K. pneumoniae resulted in 50 different biotypes - an average of four biotypes per fecal sample. Ten patients (34.4% had the same biotype in urine and faeces without any correlation with previous vesical catheterization (p>0.05. Using resistotyping to four chemical compounds selected among 34 tested substances (brilliant green, malachite green, potassium tellurite and mercuric chloride 16 different resistotypes were found. Fourteen patients (58.3% presented the same resistotype in urine and faeces but only in five patients was

  8. Klebsiella pneumoniae triggers a cytotoxic effect on airway epithelial cells

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    Llobet-Brossa Enrique


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Klebsiella pneumoniae is a capsulated Gram negative bacterial pathogen and a frequent cause of nosocomial infections. Despite its clinical relevance, little is known about the features of the interaction between K. pneumoniae and lung epithelial cells on a cellular level, neither about the role of capsule polysaccharide, one of its best characterised virulence factors, in this interaction. Results The interaction between Klebsiella pneumoniae and cultured airway epithelial cells was analysed. K. pneumoniae infection triggered cytotoxicity, evident by cell rounding and detachment from the substrate. This effect required the presence of live bacteria and of capsule polysaccharide, since it was observed with isolates expressing different amounts of capsule and/or different serotypes but not with non-capsulated bacteria. Cytotoxicity was analysed by lactate dehydrogenase and formazan measurements, ethidium bromide uptake and analysis of DNA integrity, obtaining consistent and complementary results. Moreover, cytotoxicity of non-capsulated strains was restored by addition of purified capsule during infection. While a non-capsulated strain was avirulent in a mouse infection model, capsulated K. pneumoniae isolates displayed different degrees of virulence. Conclusion Our observations allocate a novel role to K. pneumoniae capsule in promotion of cytotoxicity. Although this effect is likely to be associated with virulence, strains expressing different capsule levels were not equally virulent. This fact suggests the existence of other bacterial requirements for virulence, together with capsule polysaccharide.

  9. Capsule-Targeting Depolymerase, Derived from Klebsiella KP36 Phage, as a Tool for the Development of Anti-Virulent Strategy

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    Grażyna Majkowska-Skrobek


    Full Text Available The rise of antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae, a leading nosocomial pathogen, prompts the need for alternative therapies. We have identified and characterized a novel depolymerase enzyme encoded by Klebsiella phage KP36 (depoKP36, from the Siphoviridae family. To gain insights into the catalytic and structural features of depoKP36, we have recombinantly produced this protein of 93.4 kDa and showed that it is able to hydrolyze a crude exopolysaccharide of a K. pneumoniae host. Using in vitro and in vivo assays, we found that depoKP36 was also effective against a native capsule of clinical K. pneumoniae strains, representing the K63 type, and significantly inhibited Klebsiella-induced mortality of Galleria mellonella larvae in a time-dependent manner. DepoKP36 did not affect the antibiotic susceptibility of Klebsiella strains. The activity of this enzyme was retained in a broad range of pH values (4.0–7.0 and temperatures (up to 45 °C. Consistently, the circular dichroism (CD spectroscopy revealed a highly stability with melting transition temperature (Tm = 65 °C. In contrast to other phage tailspike proteins, this enzyme was susceptible to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS denaturation and proteolytic cleavage. The structural studies in solution showed a trimeric arrangement with a high β-sheet content. Our findings identify depoKP36 as a suitable candidate for the development of new treatments for K. pneumoniae infections.

  10. Isolation and characterization of kikA, a region on IncN group plasmids that determines killing of Klebsiella oxytoca.


    Hengen, P N; Denicourt, D; Iyer, V N


    Transfer of the IncN group plasmid pCU1 from Escherichia coli to Klebsiella oxytoca by conjugation kills a large proportion (90 to 95%) of the recipients of plasmid DNA, whereas transfer to E. coli or even to the closely related Enterobacter aerogenes does not. Two regions, kikA and kikB, have been identified on pCU1 that contribute to the Kik (killing in klebsiellas) phenotype. We have localized the kikA region to 500 bp by deletion analysis and show by DNA-DNA hybridization that kikA is hig...

  11. Vigilancia de los niveles de uso de antibióticos y perfiles de resistencia bacteriana en hospitales de tercer nivel de la Ciudad de México Surveillance of antibiotic utilization and bacterial resistance profiles in tertiary level hospitals in Mexico City


    Lilia Benavides-Plascencia; Alejandro Leonardo Aldama-Ojeda; Héctor Javier Vázquez


    OBJETIVO: Determinar los niveles de uso de antibióticos y el perfil de resistencia de las bacterias nosocomiales, e identificar y proponer estrategias para disminuir la resistencia a los antibióticos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo, retrolectivo (1994-1995), hecho en seis hospitales de tercer nivel de la Ciudad de México. RESULTADOS: La resistencia del grupo hospitalario fue de 86%, mientras que el consumo total de antibióticos por institución varió entre 44 y 195 dosis diarias defin...

  12. Adult Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis in Qatar:clinical pattern of ten cases

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Fahmi Yousef Khan; Mohammed Abukhattab; Mohammed AbuKamar; Deshmukh Anand


    Objective: To describe the clinical presentation, underlying diseases, antimicrobial susceptibility, treatment and outcome of Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis patients. Methods:This retrospective study involved all patients with 15 years of age or older who admitted to Hamad General Hospital with culture proven Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2012. Results: A total of ten cases were identified (nine males and one female). Their mean age was (43.3±12.8) years. Eight patients (80%) had nosocomial meningitis with neurosurgery being the most frequent associated condition. Fever and altered consciousness were the most frequent symptom. Cerebrospinal fluid showed elevated protein and glucose levels. Gram stain showed Gram-negative rods in 50%of cases, while positive cerebrospinal fluid culture results were found in all patients. Multidrug resistance was observed in two cases, and all patients had received appropriate empirical and definitive antibiotic treatments. The mean duration of intravenous antimicrobial treatment was (19.3±7.0) d and all patients with external ventricular drains underwent removal of the device, while in-hospital mortality was 50%. Conclusions: The number of cases was too small to come up with therapeutic and prognostic conclusions. Further large-scale prospective study is needed.

  13. Adult Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis in Qatar:clinical pattern of ten cases

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Fahmi; Yousef; Khan; Mohammed; Abukhattab; Mohanuned; Abukamar; Deshmukh; Anand


    Objective:To describe the clinical presentation,underlying diseases,antimicrobial susceptibility,treatment and outcome of Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis patients.Methods:This retrospective study involved all patients with 15 years of age or older who admit ted to Hamad General Hospital with culture proven Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis from January 1,2007 to December 31,2012.Results:A total of ten cases were identified mine males and one female).Their mean age was i43.3±12.8) years.Eight patients(80%) had nosocomial meningitis with neurosurgery being the most frequent associated condition.Fever and altered consciousness were the most frequent symptom.Cerebrospinal fluid showed elevated protein and glucose levels.Oram slain showed Gram—negative rods in 50%of cases,while positive cerebrospinal fluid culture results were found in all patients.Multidrug resistance was observed in two cases,and all patients had received appropriate empirical and definitive antibiotic treatments.The mean duration of intravenous antimicrobial treatment was(19.3±7.0) d and all patients with external ventricular drains underwent removal of the device,while in—hospital mortality was 50%.Conclusions:The number of cases was too small to come up with therapeutic and prognostic conclusions.Further large-scale prospective study is needed.

  14. An outbreak of acute bovine mastitis caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae in a dairy herd

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    Silva N.


    Full Text Available An outbreak of coliform mastitis is described in a dairy herd from the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During a four-month period 14 fatal cases of Klebsiella pneumoniae-related mastitis were observed in a herd of 104 lactating cows. The symptoms included peracute enterotoxemia in which the cows died 6 to 12 h after the detection of mastitis by CMT. Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae Streptococcus agalactiae were also isolated although could not be associated with cases of acute fatal mastitis. Milking practices were also evaluated. The milking machine was being used correctly and adequate precautions for hygiene and pre-milking and post-milking teat dipping were used. The organism was sensitive to gentamicin. Therapy for acute toxic mastitis required early action for the treatment of infections, involving corticosteroids and fluid therapy. The use of a Klebsiella vaccine produced from the microorganisms isolated from the herd, associated with hygiene measures, resulted in the control of the outbreak.

  15. Fatal Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis in a patient with diabetes mellitus and Hansen′s disease

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    Vani Gopal


    Full Text Available Klebsiella is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes different types of health care-associated infections including pneumonia, bloodstream infections, surgical site infections and meningitis. We report here a case of Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis in a patient with diabetes mellitus and Hansen′s disease. A middle-aged man with a known case of diabetes mellitus and Hansen′s disease presented with the complaints of blurred vision in the left eye and the patient was found to have cataract. Patient was operated for cataract and Intraocular lens implanted. Patient developed headache and vomiting on the 4 th post-operative day. Lumbar puncture was carried out and gram stain of cerebrospinal fluid showed Gram-negative bacilli in the direct smear and culture yielded a heavy growth of K. pneumoniae. The patient was treated with antimicrobials according to the susceptibility pattern. He initially showed improvement but later on developed altered sensorium and hypotension. Patient succumbed to infection in spite of all medical attention.

  16. Purulent pericarditis caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae in a Nigerian Child

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    Igoche David Peter


    Full Text Available In the Western world, cases of purulent pericarditis have become almost nonexistent with progress and advent of new immunizations against many causative organisms. We report Klebsiella pneumoniae pericarditis, a rare cause of this uncommon disease, hitherto unreported in Nigeria. K. pneumoniae, which is a rod-shaped, Gram-negative, facultative anaerobe, produces extended-spectrum beta-lactamases; hence, it is usually resistant to a lot of antibiotics and is associated with a significant case fatality rate. Our 13-year-old male patient had septic arthritis of the right hip joint came with a 3 weeks complaint of difficulty with breathing. He had respiratory distress, tachypnea, and tachycardia. Although blood pressure was normal, he had pulsus paradoxus, elevated jugular venous pressure, diffuse apex beat, and heart sounds were distant. Chest radiograph revealed an increased cardiothoracic ratio (0.86 with “water bottle” appearance. Transthoracic echocardiography confirmed pericardial effusion with cardiac tamponade. Echo-guided pericardiocentesis was done, and 340 ml of foul-smelling and creamy pus with greenish tinge was aspirated and this grew K. pneumoniae sensitive to ciprofloxacin and gentamycin but resistant to other conventional antibiotics. Recovery was complete after a week of pericardial tube drainage and 3 weeks of treatment. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of Klebsiella - induced pyopericardium and with successful management in a Nigerian child. Pyopericardium may follow rare causes such as K. pneumoniae infection with its unique antibiogram.

  17. Global survey of Klebsiella pneumoniae major porins from ertapenem non-susceptible isolates lacking carbapenemases. (United States)

    Wise, Mark G; Horvath, Elizabeth; Young, Katherine; Sahm, Daniel F; Kazmierczak, Krystyna M


    To understand the diversity of porin disruption in Klebsiella pneumoniae, the major outer membrane protein (OMP) porins, OmpK35 and OmpK36, were examined in a set of isolates that did not harbour traditional carbapenem-hydrolysing enzymes, but nevertheless tested non-susceptible to ertapenem. A world-wide collection of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates that were part of the Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends (SMART) surveillance project over the years 2008-2014 were characterised with regard to their β-lactamase gene carriage and potential permeability defects. Four hundred and eighty-seven isolates that did not carry carbapenemase genes, but were non-susceptible to ertapenem, were investigated by sequence analysis of the genes encoding OmpK35 and OmpK36. Isolates without obvious genetic lesions in either major porin gene were further examined by outer membrane protein SDS-PAGE. The majority of isolates, 83.0 % (404/487), exhibited clear genetic disruption in either or both of the ompK35 and ompK36 genes. Among the proportion of the collection with the highest ertapenem MIC value (>4 mg l -1 ), 60.5 % (115/190) showed mutation in both porin genes. Isolates without obvious genetic mutations were examined by SDS-PAGE, and 90.4 % (75/83) were found to lack or show altered expression of at least one of the major OMPs when compared to an ertapenem sensitive control strain. This study illustrates that porin deficiency in Klebsiella pneumoniae is a widespread phenomenon, and in combination with ESBLs and/or AmpC enzymes, likely accounts for the elevated ertapenem MICs observed in this study.

  18. High frequency of silver resistance genes in invasive isolates of Enterobacter and Klebsiella species. (United States)

    Sütterlin, S; Dahlö, M; Tellgren-Roth, C; Schaal, W; Melhus, Å


    Silver-based products have been marketed as an alternative to antibiotics, and their consumption has increased. Bacteria may, however, develop resistance to silver. To study the presence of genes encoding silver resistance (silE, silP, silS) over time in three clinically important Enterobacteriaceae genera. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 752 bloodstream isolates from the years 1990-2010 were investigated. Age, gender, and ward of patients were registered, and the susceptibility to antibiotics and silver nitrate was tested. Clonality and single nucleotide polymorphism were assessed with repetitive element sequence-based PCR, multi-locus sequence typing, and whole-genome sequencing. Genes encoding silver resistance were detected most frequently in Enterobacter spp. (48%), followed by Klebsiella spp. (41%) and Escherichia coli 4%. Phenotypical resistance to silver nitrate was found in Enterobacter (13%) and Klebsiella (3%) isolates. The lowest carriage rate of sil genes was observed in blood isolates from the neonatology ward (24%), and the highest in blood isolates from the oncology/haematology wards (66%). Presence of sil genes was observed in international high-risk clones. Sequences of the sil and pco clusters indicated that a single mutational event in the silS gene could have caused the phenotypic resistance. Despite a restricted consumption of silver-based products in Swedish health care, silver resistance genes are widely represented in clinical isolates of Enterobacter and Klebsiella species. To avoid further selection and spread of silver-resistant bacteria with a high potential for healthcare-associated infections, the use of silver-based products needs to be controlled and the silver resistance monitored. Copyright © 2017 The Healthcare Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. The potential of methylethylpiridinol in treatment of bacterial infections caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae (experimental study

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    V. M. Brykhanov


    Full Text Available Aim. Investigated the activity of methylethylpiridinol (6-methyl-2-ethyl-pyridin-3-ol hydrochloride in the comprehensive treatment of the experimental bacterial infection caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae.Materials and methods. The study was conducted on clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae. At the first stage of the study (in vitro studied the effect of methylethylpiridinol in concentrations 0,25–4 mM on the growth of the strain and the activity of the sublethal concentrations of antibiotics – gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, ceftazidime. In the second stage of the study (in vivo in rats Wistar simulated bacterial peritonitis by intraperitoneal injection of a suspension of Klebsiella pneumoniae and investigated the effect of methylethylpiridinol (80 mg/kg on the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy with gentamicin (30 mg/kg, ciprofloxacin (50 mg/kg, ceftazidime (120 mg/kg or tetracycline (80 mg/kg. The animal blood plasma was determined ceruloplasmin concentration (marker of the intensity of infectious-inflammatory process and thiobarbiturate-jet products, erythrocytes – the concentration of reduced glutathione, catalase and glutathione peroxidase.Results. It is found that a methylethylpiridinol inhibits the development of periodic bacterial cultures, but exhibits a pronounced antagonism with respect to gentamicin. Antioxidant slightly increases the activity of ciprofloxacin and tetracycline. The bacteriostatic effect of antioxidant reduces the action of ceftazidime in vitro. In conditions of chemotherapy by using of gentamicin and ciprofloxacin additional injection of methylethylpiridinol leads to the preservation of ceruloplasmin level to the level of non-treated animals without showing the antioxidant effect. Ceftazidime exhibits antioxidant effect, reduces the introduction of methylethylpiridinol. The antioxidant properties of methylethylpiridinol did not appear in the application of

  20. Análisis de elementos genéticos móviles en "Enterococcus faecium": coste biológico e impacto en la diversificación clonal


    Santos Tedim Sousa Pedrosa, Ana Sofía


    La prevalencia de infecciones hospitalarias causadas por especies del género Enterococcus ha sido baja desde su descripción como patógenos oportunistas al inicio del siglo XX, hasta finales de los años 70s, coincidiendo con la aparición de las primeras cepas resistentes a antibióticos. La especie Enterococcus faecium es actualmente uno de los principales patógenos nosocomiales debido en parte a la alta prevalencia de cepas resistentes a ampicilina y vancomicina. La estructura poblacional de E...

  1. Extended-Spectrum-Beta-Lactamases, AmpC Beta-Lactamases and Plasmid Mediated Quinolone Resistance in Klebsiella spp. from Companion Animals in Italy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Donati, Valentina; Feltrin, Fabiola; Hendriksen, Rene S.


    also for the aac(6')-Ib-cr gene. All Klebsiella isolates showed multiresistance towards aminoglycosides, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, trimethoprim and amphenicols, mediated by strA/B, aadA2, aadB, ant (2")-Ia, aac(6')-Ib, sul, tet, dfr and cat genes in various combinations. The emergence in pets...... of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella with ESBL, AmpC and PMQR determinants, poses further and serious challenges in companion animal therapy and raise concerns for possible bidirectional transmission between pets and humans, especially at household level....

  2. Cloning and construction of recombinant palI gene from Klebsiella oxytoca on pET-32b into E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS for production of isomaltulose, a new generation of sugar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moeis, Maelita R., E-mail:; Berlian, Liska, E-mail:; Suhandono, Sony, E-mail:; Prima, Alex, E-mail:; Komalawati, Eli, E-mail:; Kristianti, Tati, E-mail:


    Klebsiella oxytoca produces sucrose isomerase which catalyses the conversion of sucrose to isomaltulose, a new generation of sugar. From the previous study, palI gene from Klebsiella oxytoca was succesfully isolated from sapodilla fruit (Manilkara zapota). The full-length palI gene sequence of Klebsiella oxytoca was cloned in E. coli DH5α. The deduced amino acid sequence shows 498 residues which includes conserved motif for sucrose isomerisation {sup 325}RLDRD{sup 329} and 97% identical to palI gene from Klebsiella sp. LX3 (GenBank:AAK82938.1). This fragment was succesfullly ligated into the expression vector pET-32b using overlap-extension PCR and cloned in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS. DNA sequencing result shows that palI gene of Klebsiella oxytoca was inserted in-frame in pET-32b. This is the first report on cloning of palI gene from Klebsiella oxytoca.

  3. Isolation of NDM-1-producing Klebsiella pnemoniae in Ireland, July 2011.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McDermott, H


    We report the identification of New Delhi metallo-betalactamase 1 (NDM-1)-producing Klebsiella pnemoniae in Ireland. The organism was resistant to multiple antibiotic classes, including carbapenems, and PCR and sequencing confirmed the presence of the blaNDM-1 gene, carried on a 98 kb plasmid. The organism was isolated from an infant, who was born in India and moved to Ireland at the age of four months. This is the first reported isolation of an NDM-1-producing Enterobacteriaceae strain in Ireland.

  4. Outbreak of Ampicillin/Piperacillin-Resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU: Investigation and Control Measures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrizia Farruggia


    Full Text Available Klebsiella pneumoniae is a frequent cause of infectious outbreaks in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs. The aim of this paper is to describe an outbreak occurred in a 13-bed NICU and the control measures adopted in order to interrupt the chain of transmission. We described the microbiological investigations, the NICU staff compliance to the infection control measures by means of a specifically designed check-list and the control measures adopted. Six cases of primary bloodstream infections sustained by ampicillin/piperacillin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae were observed over a two-month period. One culture obtained from a 12% saccarose multiple-dose solution allowed the growth of Klebsiella pneumoniae. During the inspections performed by the Hospital Infection Control Team, using the check-list for the evaluation of the NICU staff compliance to the infection control measures, several breaches in the infection control policy were identified and control measures were adopted. In our case the definition of a specific check-list led to the adoption of the correct control measures. Further studies would be helpful in order to develop a standard check-list able to identify critical flows in the adhesion to the guidelines. It could be used in different NICUs and allow to obtain reproducible levels of infection control.

  5. Outbreak of ampicillin/piperacillin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU): investigation and control measures. (United States)

    Fabbri, Giuliana; Panico, Manuela; Dallolio, Laura; Suzzi, Roberta; Ciccia, Matilde; Sandri, Fabrizio; Farruggia, Patrizia


    Klebsiella pneumoniae is a frequent cause of infectious outbreaks in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). The aim of this paper is to describe an outbreak occurred in a 13-bed NICU and the control measures adopted in order to interrupt the chain of transmission. We described the microbiological investigations, the NICU staff compliance to the infection control measures by means of a specifically designed check-list and the control measures adopted. Six cases of primary bloodstream infections sustained by ampicillin/piperacillin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae were observed over a two-month period. One culture obtained from a 12% saccarose multiple-dose solution allowed the growth of Klebsiella pneumoniae. During the inspections performed by the Hospital Infection Control Team, using the check-list for the evaluation of the NICU staff compliance to the infection control measures, several breaches in the infection control policy were identified and control measures were adopted. In our case the definition of a specific check-list led to the adoption of the correct control measures. Further studies would be helpful in order to develop a standard check-list able to identify critical flows in the adhesion to the guidelines. It could be used in different NICUs and allow to obtain reproducible levels of infection control.

  6. A retrospective study of risk factors for carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae acquisition among ICU patients. (United States)

    Hu, Yangmin; Ping, Yanting; Li, Leiqing; Xu, Huimin; Yan, Xiaofeng; Dai, Haibin


    Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) is rapidly emerging as a life-threatening nosocomial infection. In this study, we aim to identify risk factors, especially antibiotic use, for CRKP infection among intensive care unit (ICU) patients. This was a matched case-control study of a 67-bed ICU in a tertiary care teaching hospital from 1 January 2011 through 30 June 2013. The control cases were selected among the patients with carbapenem-susceptible Klebsiella pneumoniae (CSKP) and were matched with CRKP cases for year of ICU admission and site of infection. The clinical outcomes and antibiotic treatments were analyzed. One hundred and thirty patients were included in the study (65 cases and 65 controls). Bivariable analysis showed that age of patients (p = 0.044), number of antibiotic groups (p = 0.001), and exposure to carbapenems (p carbapenems, previous carbapenem exposure (p carbapenems is an independent risk factor for CRKP infection. Patients with this clinical factor should be targeted for interventions to reduce the subsequent risk of infection.

  7. A structural investigation of the capsular antigens of some Klebsiella and E. coli serotypes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parolis, L.A.S.


    The work described in this thesis forms part of a program concerned with the study of exocellular capsular polysaccharides of some Enterobacteriaceae. 1 H- and 13 C-n.m.r. spectroscopy have been used in this study. Klebsiella and Escherichia coli are of interest because they are often pathogenic to man; E. coli are commensal bacteria as well as opportunistic pathogens. The bacterial capsule is the first line of defence of the bacterial cell against attack by the host's immunological defences and administered antibiotics, and thus knowledge of its composition and characteristics is of importance in devising ways of combating infection by these organisms. The structure of the capsular polysaccharide has been investigated employing a combination of chemical and spectroscopic methods. Several oligo-saccharides were isolated and characterized by high resolution 1 H-n.m.r. spectroscopy and methylation analysis. The E. coli group of bacteria possesses seventy-four recognized polysaccharide capsules and the structures of approximately twenty percent of these have been reported. The emphasis of this research group is centered on the elucidation of the structures of E. coli capsules. The acidic capsular polysaccharide isolated from E. coli K9 has been investigated using the techniques of methylation analysis periodate oxidation, bacteriophage degradation and n.m.r. spectroscopy. This thesis however represents a transition period in the study of Enterobacteriaceae capsular polysaccharides and so includes the structure elucidation of two Klebsiella polysaccharides, that of the K14 and K68 serotypes, and one E. coli polysaccharide, that of the K9 serotype. Bacteriophage-borne enzyme degradations of Klebsiella K14 and E. coli K9 polysaccharides have been performed and are presented. The thesis also includes a comparative study of the 0-specific side-chains of the lipo-polysaccharides of E. coli 09 and 09a serogroups

  8. A managed multidisciplinary programme on multi-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in a Danish university hospital

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Stig Ejdrup; Knudsen, Inge Jenny Dahl


    BACKGROUND: Bacteria-producing extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) enzymes are resistant to commonly used antimicrobials. In 2008, routine monitoring revealed a clonal hospital outbreak of ESBL-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (ESBL-KP). METHODS: At a 510-bed Danish university hospital...... the application of a managed, multi-faceted intervention that does not require ongoing antibiotic stewardship....

  9. Monomicrobial necrotizing fasciitis in a white male caused by hypermucoviscous Klebsiella pneumoniae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gunnarsson, Gudjon L; Brandt, Pernille B; Gad, Dorte


    We report a case of monomicrobial necrotizing fasciitis caused by hypermucoviscous Klebsiella pneumoniae in an immunocompromised white male after travel to China. The K. pneumoniae isolate belonged to the K2 serotype, and carried the virulence factors RmpA and aerobactin. To the best of our...... knowledge this is the first report of necrotizing fasciitis caused by hypermucoviscous K. pneumoniae resembling the highly virulent K. pneumoniae isolates associated with liver abscess syndrome in Asia....

  10. Presencia de B-lactamasas de espectro extendido en enterobacterias aisladas de casos de infección nosocomial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Pavón Romero


    Full Text Available Las enterobacterias son los microorganismos etiologicos mas frecuentemente asociados a las infecciones nosocomiales (in, caracterizandose por su alta resistencia a los antibioticos B-lactamicos, mediada por la produccion de B-lactamasas de Espectro Extendido (blee. Su uso excesivo aumenta la seleccion de cepas multirresistentes, favoreciendo su propagacion e incremento de las complicaciones de casos de in. En algunos casos las cepas productoras de blee presentan resistencia adicional a aminoglucosidos, quinolonas, tetraciclinas y trimetoprim-sulfametoxazol, reduciendo las opciones terapeuticas de las in. Con la finalidad de conocer localmente la magnitud de este problema, se estudiaron 87 cepas de enterobacterias aisladas de casos de in, encontrandose que el 26.43% son productoras de blee y en este caso fenotipicamente multirresistentes.

  11. Klebsiella pneumoniae: Going on the Offense with a Strong Defense (United States)

    Paczosa, Michelle K.


    SUMMARY Klebsiella pneumoniae causes a wide range of infections, including pneumonias, urinary tract infections, bacteremias, and liver abscesses. Historically, K. pneumoniae has caused serious infection primarily in immunocompromised individuals, but the recent emergence and spread of hypervirulent strains have broadened the number of people susceptible to infections to include those who are healthy and immunosufficient. Furthermore, K. pneumoniae strains have become increasingly resistant to antibiotics, rendering infection by these strains very challenging to treat. The emergence of hypervirulent and antibiotic-resistant strains has driven a number of recent studies. Work has described the worldwide spread of one drug-resistant strain and a host defense axis, interleukin-17 (IL-17), that is important for controlling infection. Four factors, capsule, lipopolysaccharide, fimbriae, and siderophores, have been well studied and are important for virulence in at least one infection model. Several other factors have been less well characterized but are also important in at least one infection model. However, there is a significant amount of heterogeneity in K. pneumoniae strains, and not every factor plays the same critical role in all virulent Klebsiella strains. Recent studies have identified additional K. pneumoniae virulence factors and led to more insights about factors important for the growth of this pathogen at a variety of tissue sites. Many of these genes encode proteins that function in metabolism and the regulation of transcription. However, much work is left to be done in characterizing these newly discovered factors, understanding how infections differ between healthy and immunocompromised patients, and identifying attractive bacterial or host targets for treating these infections. PMID:27307579

  12. Anti-biofilm activity: a function of Klebsiella pneumoniae capsular polysaccharide.

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    Marina Dos Santos Goncalves

    Full Text Available Competition and cooperation phenomena occur within highly interactive biofilm communities and several non-biocides molecules produced by microorganisms have been described as impairing biofilm formation. In this study, we investigated the anti-biofilm capacities of an ubiquitous and biofilm producing bacterium, Klebsiella pneumoniae. Cell-free supernatant from K. pneumoniae planktonic cultures showed anti-biofilm effects on most Gram positive bacteria tested but also encompassed some Gram negative bacilli. The anti-biofilm non-bactericidal activity was further investigated on Staphylococcus epidermidis, by determining the biofilm biomass, microscopic observations and agglutination measurement through a magnetic bead-mediated agglutination test. Cell-free extracts from K. pneumoniae biofilm (supernatant and acellular matrix also showed an influence, although to a lesser extend. Chemical analyses indicated that the active molecule was a high molecular weight polysaccharide composed of five monosaccharides: galactose, glucose, rhamnose, glucuronic acid and glucosamine and the main following sugar linkage residues [→ 2-α-L-Rhap-(1 →]; [→ 4-α-L-Rhap-(1 →]; [α-D-Galp-(1 →]; [→ 2,3-α-D-Galp-(1 →]; [→ 3-β-D-Galp-(1 →] and, [→ 4-β-D-GlcAp-(1 →]. Characterization of this molecule indicated that this component was more likely capsular polysaccharide (CPS and precoating of abiotic surfaces with CPS extracts from different serotypes impaired the bacteria-surface interactions. Thus the CPS of Klebsiella would exhibit a pleiotropic activity during biofilm formation, both stimulating the initial adhesion and maturation steps as previously described, but also repelling potential competitors.

  13. Suppurative peritonitis by Klebsiella pneumoniae in captive gold-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas midas). (United States)

    Guerra, Maria F L; Teixeira, Rodrigo H F; Ribeiro, Vanessa L; Cunha, Marcos P V; Oliveira, Maria G X; Davies, Yamê M; Silva, Ketrin C; Silva, Ana P S; Lincopan, Nilton; Moreno, Andrea M; Knöbl, Terezinha


    This report describes an outbreak of suppurative peritonitis caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae in an adult female of captive golden-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas midas). Two virulent and multidrug-resistant strains were isolated and classified through MLST as ST60 and ST1263. The microbiological diagnosis works as a support tool for preventive measures. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Patrones de resistencia bacteriana en urocultivos en un hospital oncológico Antimicrobial resistance patterns of isolates from urine cultures at an oncological center

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Cornejo-Juárez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Describir los patrones de resistencia bacteriana en cultivos de orina en un hospital oncológico. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se incluyeron las cepas obtenidas de cultivos de orina de 1998 a 2005. Se obtuvo el porcentaje de sensibilidad para diferentes antibióticos, tras analizar por separado cepas nosocomiales y compararlas con las de la comunidad. RESULTADOS: Se detectaron 9 232 cultivos positivos (20.7% de 44 447 muestras: gramnegativos, 78.8%; grampositivos, 13.8%; y levaduras, 7.4 por ciento. Escherichia coli fue el principal microorganismo identificado (41.3%; la resistencia en aislados nosocomiales fue mayor que en la comunidad para amikacina (92.4 y 97%, ceftazidima (83.1 y 95.1% y ciprofloxacina (46.2 y 58.6%. De igual manera, Pseudomonas aeruginosa presentó mayor resistencia para amikacina y ceftazidima en las cepas nosocomiales (55.7 y 66.6%; y 65.5 y 84.8%, respectivamente. Enterococcus resistente a vancomicina se encontró sólo en 2.5% (3/119 aislados de E. faecium. CONCLUSIONES: Existe una mayor resistencia bacteriana en las cepas de origen nosocomial en comparación con las cepas comunitarias. Se encontró un incremento progresivo de la resistencia para E. coli, el patógeno aislado con más frecuencia de infecciones nosocomiales y comunitarias. Es prioritario intensificar una campaña educativa para el control y uso racional de los antibióticos.OBJECTIVE: To describe the patterns of antimicrobial resistance of organisms isolated from urine cultures at a teaching oncological hospital for adult patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All strains obtained from urine cultures from 1998 to 2005 were included. Mean susceptibilities were obtained for each antimicrobial tested; nosocomial and community-acquired isolates were analyzed separately. RESULTS: A total of 9 232 positive urine cultures were obtained (20.7% from 44 447 samples taken. Gram negative bacteria were reported in 78.8%, Gram-positive in 13.8% and yeasts in 7

  15. Whole genome analysis of Klebsiella pneumoniae T2-1-1 from human oral cavity

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    Kok-Gan Chan


    Full Text Available Klebsiella pneumoniae T2-1-1 was isolated from the human tongue debris and subjected to whole genome sequencing on HiSeq platform and annotated on RAST. The nucleotide sequence of this genome was deposited into DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession JAQL00000000. Keywords: Human tongue surface, Oral cavity, Oral bacteria, Virulence

  16. Phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system components positively regulate Klebsiella biofilm formation

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    Yu-Tze Horng


    Full Text Available Background/Purpose: Klebsiella pneumoniae is one of the leading causes of device-related infections (DRIs, which are associated with attachment of bacteria to these devices to form a biofilm. The latter is composed of not only bacteria but also extracellular polymeric substances (EPSes consisting of extracellular DNAs, polysaccharides, and other macromolecules. The phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS regulates diverse processes of bacterial physiology. In the genome of K. pneumoniae MGH 78578, we found an uncharacterized enzyme II complex homolog of PTS: KPN00353 (EIIA homolog, KPN00352 (EIIB homolog, and KPN00351 (EIIC homolog. The aim of this study was to characterize the potential physiological role of KPN00353, KPN00352, and KPN00351 in biofilm formation by K. pneumoniae. Methods/Results: We constructed the PTS mutants and recombinant strains carrying the gene(s of PTS. The recombinant K. pneumoniae strain overexpressing KPN00353–KPN00352–KPN00351 produced more extracellular matrix than did the vector control according to transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Judging by quantification of biofilm formation, of extracellular DNA (eDNA, and of capsular polysaccharide, the recombinant strain overexpressing KPN00353-KPN00352-KPN00351 produced more biofilm and capsular polysaccharide after overnight culture and more eDNA in the log phase as compared to the vector control. Conclusion: The genes, KPN00353–KPN00352–KPN00351, encode a putative enzyme II complex in PTS and positively regulate biofilm formation by enhancing production of eDNA and capsular polysaccharide in K. pneumoniae. Five proteins related to chaperones, to the citric acid cycle, and to quorum sensing are upregulated by the KPN00353–KPN00352–KPN00351 system. Keywords: Klebsiella, PTS, Biofilm, eDNA, Polysaccharide

  17. Spectroscopic analysis of the oligosaccharides produced by bacteriophage-borne enzyme action on Klebsiella K36 polysaccharide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ravenscroft, N; Jackson, G E; Joao, H; Stephen, A M


    Mass spectral analysis of the permethylated oligossacharides obtained by bacteriophage degradation of Klebsiella K36 polysaccharide has enabled the sequence of sugar residues to be determined. 2D N.m.r. studies confirmed the inter-sugar linkages and established the anomeric configurations.

  18. Trends in Resistance to Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporins and Carbapenems among Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. Isolates in a District in Western India during 2004–2014

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    Ingvild Odsbu


    Full Text Available Surveillance data on the level of resistant bacteria is needed to inform strategies to reduce the development and spread of antibiotic resistance. The aim of this study was to determine the non-susceptibility trends to extended-spectrum cephalosporins and carbapenems among Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. isolates from the district of Nashik in Western India during the period 2004–2014. Antibacterial susceptibility testing of clinical isolates was performed using Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method to determine inhibitory zone diameters. The change in proportions of non-susceptible bacteria over calendar time was investigated with spline transformations in a logistic regression model. For the extended-spectrum cephalosporins, the proportions of non-susceptible E. coli and Klebsiella spp. isolates were above 78.4% and 84.9% throughout the study period, respectively. E. coli and Klebsiella spp. isolates exhibited carbapenem non-susceptibility levels as high as 76.9% and 84.1% respectively. The proportions of extended-spectrum betalactamase (ESBL-producing isolates ranged from 38.3–85.9% in E. coli and from 45.1–93.1% in Klebsiella spp. Significantly higher proportions of non-susceptible and ESBL-producing isolates were found among isolates from inpatients compared to isolates from outpatients for both E. coli and Klebsiella spp. (p < 0.050. The high proportions of non-susceptible isolates observed show that there is great need to focus on optimal use of antibiotics to reduce the development of antibiotic resistance.

  19. Effect of radiation processing in elimination of Klebsiella pneumoniae from food

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gautam, Raj Kamal; Nagar, Vandan; Shashidhar, Ravindranath


    Klebsiella pneumoniae has been considered as an important foodborne pathogen which causes severe infections that include meningitis, bronchitis, bacteremia, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections in humans and animals. It is well known to most clinicians as a cause of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia. Klebsiella is an opportunistic pathogen, that primarily attacks neonates, infants, elderly and immuno-compromised patients and therefore impose a serious, emerging public health hazard globally. Contaminated sprouts, vegetables, seafood and other animal meat products are considered as main sources of Klebsiella infection. In the current study, radiation sensitivity of K. pneumoniae MTCC 109 was determined in different food samples. The decimal reduction dose (D 10 ) values of K. pneumoniae MTCC 109 in saline and nutrient broth at 0–4 °C were 0.116±0.009, 0.136±0.005 kGy, respectively. The mixed sprouts, fish and poultry samples were inoculated with K. pneumoniae MTCC 109 and exposed to gamma radiation to evaluate the effectiveness of radiation treatment in the elimination of K. pneumoniae. D 10 values of K. pneumoniae in mixed sprouts, poultry and fish samples were found to be 0.142±0.009, 0.125±0.0004 and 0.277±0.012 kGy, respectively. Radiation treatment with a 1.5 kGy dose resulted in the complete elimination of 3.1±1.8×10 5 CFU/g of K. pneumoniae from these food samples. No recovery of K. pneumoniae was observed in the 1.5 kGy treated samples stored at 4 °C up to 12 days, even after enrichment and selective plating. This study shows that a 1.5 kGy dose of irradiation treatment could lead to the complete elimination of 3.1±1.8×10 5 CFU/g of K. pneumoniae from mixed sprouts, poultry and fish samples. - Highlights: • K. pneumoniae MTCC 109 is sensitive to gamma radiation. • D 10 values is in the range of 0.116–0.277 kGy. • Dose of 1.5 kGy reduced K. pneumonia from 3.1±1.8×10 5 CFU/g to undetectable. • No recovery of K. pneumoniae

  20. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in Klebsiella spp and Escherichia coli obtained in a Brazilian teaching hospital: detection, prevalence and molecular typing beta-lactamases de espectro ampliado em Klebsiella spp e em Escherichia coli obtidas em um hospital escola brasileiro: detecção, prevalência e tipagem molecular

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    Ana Lúcia Peixoto de Freitas


    Full Text Available His study was performed to compare the methods of detection and to estimate the prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL among Klebsiella spp and E.coli in a university hospital in southern Brazil. We also used a molecular typing method to evaluate the genetic correlation between isolates of ESBL K.pneumoniae. Production of ESBL was investigated in 95 clinical isolates of Klebsiella spp and Escherichia coli from Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, using Kirby-Bauer zone diameter (KB, double-disk diffusion (DD, breakpoint for ceftazidime (MIC CAZ, increased zone diameter with clavulanate (CAZ/CAC and ratio of ceftazidime MIC/ceftazidime-clavulanate MIC (MIC CAZ/CAC. Molecular typing was performed by DNA macrorestriction analysis followed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The KB method displayed the highest rates of ESBL (up to 70% of Klebsiella and 59% of E.coli, contrasting with all the other methods (p Este estudo foi desenvolvido para comparar métodos de detecção e para estimar a prevalência de Klebsiella spp e E.coli produtoras de beta-lactamases de espetro ampliado (ESBL em um Hospital Universitário no sul do Brasil. A correlação genética, determinada através de método molecular de tipagem, entre as amostras de K. pneumoniae também foi determinada. A produção de ESBL foi investigada em 95 amostras de Klebsiella spp e E.coli obtidas de pacientes no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre usando-se: medida do diâmetro a zona de inibição (KB, dupla-difusão de disco (DD, valores de concentração inibitória mínima da ceftazidima (MIC CAZ, aumento do diâmetro da zona de inibição com adição de clavulanato (CAZ/CAC e a relação entre o MIC da ceftazidima/MIC ceftazidima com clavulanato (MIC CAZ/CAC. A tipagem molecular foi realizada utilizando-se o método de macrorestrição de DNA e eletroforese em campo pulsado (PFGE. O método KB apresentou as maiores taxas de produção de ESBL (> 70% para Klebsiella e

  1. Intragenic complementation by the nifJ-coded protein of Klebsiella pneumoniae.


    Stacey, G; Zhu, J; Shah, V K; Shen, S C; Brill, W J


    A single mutation, nifC1005 (Jin et al. Sci. Sin. 23:108-118, 1980), located between nifH and nifJ in the nif cluster of Klebsiella pneumoniae, genetically complemented mutations in each of the 17 known nif genes. This suggested that the mutation is located in a new nif gene. We showed by complementation analyses that only 3 of 12 nifJ mutations tested were complemented by nifC1005. Nitrogenase activity in cell extracts of the mutant with nifC1005 as well as NifJ- mutants was stimulated by th...

  2. Labelling of Klebsiella pneumoniae with technetium-99m: a preliminary communication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bernardo Filho, M.; Pereira, J.A.A.; Boasquevisque, E.M.


    The labeling of Klebsiella pneumoniae with technetium-99m (Tc-99m) seems to depend on the stannous ion (Sn ++ ) concentration. Starting at 3μg/ml of this ion is the suspension fluid an uptake of Tc-99m close to 90% was observed. The labeling is apparently strong, since the eluation of Tc-99m, after incubation of the tagged culture, in a water-bath at 37 0 C for several hours, was very weak. The viability of the culture was unaltered after treatment with tin and Tc-99m. (Author) [pt

  3. Annual Surveillance Summary: Klebsiella Species Infections in the Military Health System (MHS), 2016 (United States)


    Shortliffe LM, McCue JD. Urinary tract infection at the age extremes: pediatrics and geriatrics. Am J Med. 2002;113(1a)55S-66S. 7. U.S. Centers for...options are still present for Klebsiella species. However, for mild to moderate community- acquired infections (uncomplicated urinary tract infection ...Corps, which saw a percent decrease of 1.3%. Assessment of clinical and demographic characteristics found that urinary tract infections (UTIs

  4. ¿Cómo están modificando los análisis de secuencias de genes la taxonomía bacteriana?: El caso de Klebsiella


    Martínez, Julio; Martínez, Lucía; Rosenblueth, Mónica; Silva, Jesús; Martínez-Romero, Esperanza


    Continuamente se cambian los nombres de las bacterias para describir más adecuadamente los grupos naturales (unidades de diversidad microbiana) y sus relaciones. Los problemas en la taxonomía de Klebsiella son ilustrativos y comunes a otros géneros bacterianos. Al igual que otras bacterias, las especies de Klebsiella fueron descritas hace mucho tiempo, cuando los métodos para identificar y clasificar bacterias eran limitados. Diferentes enfoques moleculares, desarrollados sólo recientemente, ...

  5. Klebsiella pneumoniae nueva Delhi metalo-betalactamasa en el Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo: Lima, Perú

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    Cristhian Resurrección-Delgado

    Full Text Available La emergencia de enterobacterias productoras de carbapenemasas de tipo Nueva Delhi Metalo beta-lactamasas (NDM, representan, hoy en día, un verdadero problema de salud pública mundial. La presencia de este mecanismo de resistencia limita o anula las opciones terapéuticas para combatir a estas bacterias. En Latinoamérica, las cifras son cada vez más elevadas, pues se reportan en Guatemala, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, entre otros. Perú no ha descrito, hasta la fecha, la presencia de este patrón de resistencia; sin embargo, desde hace varios años se presume de su existencia. Se describen nueve casos de Klebsiella pneumoniae NDM, como agentes infecciosos o colonizantes, en pacientes críticamente enfermos, en su mayoría con patología neuroquirúrgica, del Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo, en Lima - Perú. Los pacientes de la serie descrita a continuación, representan los primeros reportes de Klebsiella pneumoniae NDM en el Perú.

  6. Genome Sequence of Klebsiella pneumoniae KpQ3, a DHA-1 β-Lactamase-Producing Nosocomial Isolate (United States)

    Tobes, Raquel; Codoñer, Francisco M.; López-Camacho, Elena; Salanueva, Iñigo J.; Manrique, Marina; Brozynska, Marta; Gómez-Gil, Rosa; Martínez-Blanch, Juan F.; Álvarez-Tejado, Miguel; Pareja, Eduardo


    Klebsiella pneumoniae KpQ3 is a multidrug-resistant isolate obtained from a blood culture of a patient in a burn unit in the Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid, Spain) in 2008. The genome contains multiple antibiotic resistance genes, including a plasmid-mediated DHA-1 cephalosporinase gene. PMID:23469341

  7. Enhanced Peroxide Resistance of In Vitro Mutagenized Fluorideresistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Ureases for Catalytic Buffering of Agent Decontamination Reactions

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Fry, Ilona J; DeFrank, Joseph J


    .... Fluoride-resistant (FR) ureases developed previously in our laboratory were >95% inhibited by 1% hydrogen peroxide. To overcome this problem, the FR mutant urease structural genes of Klebsiella pneumoniae were mutagenized in vitro in an E...

  8. Kadar Protein Klebsiella pneumoniae Hasil Pemanasan 65 Derajat Celcius

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    Irawan Sugoro


    Full Text Available Klebsiella pneumoniae is one of a coliform bacteria that causing mastitis. This disease were founded in dairy cows and can be prevented by vaccination. The research has been conducted to determine the inactive times, the protein concentration and profile of K. pneumoniae which inactivated by heating of 65oC as material of mastitis vaccine. The cells culture inactivated by the different times, i.e. 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes. The inactive times was determined by the drop test method, whereas the protein concentration of cells were determined by Lowry method. The results showed that the inactive times occured after 30 minute, and has a significant different on the protein concentration of bacteria cells that inactivated by the different times.

  9. Nosocomial klebsiella infection in neonates in a tertiary care hospital: Protein profile by SDS-page and klebocin typing as epidemiological markers

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    Malik A


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To find out the prevalence of Klebsiella in hospital acquired neonatal infections in a tertiary care set up and to evaluate the role of klebocin typing and protein profile by SDS-PAGE in epidemiological typing of the isolates. METHODS: Hospital born neonates transferred to the neonatal unit after birth and available in the unit 48 hours later comprised the study group. Two hundred and three neonates were found eligible for inclusion in the study. Repeated blood cultures, other relevant clinical specimens and environmental samples were collected and identified according to the standard techniques. Isolated clinical and environmental Klebsiella pneumoniae strains were subjected to klebocin typing and protein profiling by SDS-PAGE at regular intervals. RESULTS: Multi drug resistant K. pneumoniae were the commonest organism isolated in 30 neonates leading to the incidence of Klebsiella nosocomial infection to be 14.7%. Klebocin typing of the K. pneumoniae isolates showed four patterns with type 312 being the commonest (43.4%. Whole cell protein analysis by SDS-PAGE of K. pneumoniae isolates revealed four types of banding pattern. Analysis of the typing method showed that the typeability and reproducibility of klebocin was 83.3% and 73.3% respectively whereas typeability and reproducibility of SDS-PAGE was 100%. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the present study it is concluded that SDS-PAGE typing method is better than klebocin typing in neonatal nosocomial infection. It is also suggested that protein profile by SDS-PAGE may be used as a tool for epidemiological typing of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in laboratories where genomic based molecular typing technique is not available.

  10. Klebsiella pneumoniae as a nosocomial pathogen: epidemiology and drug resistance Klebsiella pneumoniae como patógeno intrahospitalario: epidemiología y resistencia

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    Juan Carlos Cataño Correa


    Full Text Available

    Worldwide, bacterial resistance is an increasingly serious problem, especially in hospital environments. Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli are the most frequently isolated microorganisms in patients with nosocomial infections. In Medellín, Colombia, however, Klebsiella pneumoniae has become increasingly important in this kind of infection, for which reason this review was carried out.

    It includes the following aspects: microbiology, epidemiology, dissemination, resistance to betalactamic antibiotics and its mechanisms, clinical impact and importance of the problem in this city.


    La resistencia bacteriana es un problema serio, de magnitud creciente y presentación universal, que reviste gran importancia, especialmente en los ambientes hospitalarios; los microorganismos más frecuentemente aislados de pacientes con infecciones intrahospitalarias son Staphylococcus aureus y Escherichia coli. En Medellín, sin embargo, Klebsiella pneumoniae ha cobrado gran importancia en años recientes debido a su gran incremento como agente causal de ese tipo de infecciones, lo que motiva esta revisión. Se incluyen los siguientes aspectos: microbiología, epidemiología, diseminación, resistencia a los beta-lactámicos y sus mecanismos, impacto clínico e importancia del problema

  11. Liver abscess and sepsis caused by Clostridium perfringens and Klebsiella oxytoca

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    Christoph Paasch

    Full Text Available Introduction: Clostridium (C perfringens and Klebsiella (K oxytoca are pathogenous human bacteria. Due to the production of several toxins C. perfringens is virulent by causing i.a. the necrotizing fasciitis, gas gangrene and hepatic abscess. K. oxytoca mostly causes infections of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. Presentation of case: We are presenting the case of a male patient at the age of 64, who suffered from nausea and progressive pain in the right upper abdomen. A computer tomography of the abdomen revealed a 7 × 5,6 cm sized entrapped air in liver segment VII. Later the patient developed a multiorgan failure. We then performed an explorative laparotomy. Intraoperatively it became clear that the liver was destructed presenting an open liver abscess (LA cavity of segment VII. The gallbladder was found inflamed. We successfully conducted the consistent debridement of segment VII and removed the gallbladder. Microbiological examination isolated C. perfringens and K. oxytoca. The patient survived undergoing antimicrobial and multimodal sepsis therapy. Discussion: The LA is a severe disease in surgery. In literature an overall mortality of 6–14% is described. Mostly bacterial infections of the biliary tract and the gallbladder are responsible for a LA. Abscesses with sepsis caused by both, C. perfringens and K. oxytoca, are highly perilous but rarely described in literature. Conclusion: When diagnosing an LA caused by C. perfringens an immediate surgical debridement and antimicrobial treatment is mandatory for the patient’s survival. Keywords: Liver abscess, Sepsis, Clostridium perfringens, Klebsiella oxytoca, Gas gangrene

  12. Exploring the Genome and Phenotype of Multi-Drug Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae of Clinical Origin


    João Anes; Daniel Hurley; Marta Martins; Séamus Fanning; Séamus Fanning


    Klebsiella pneumoniae is an important nosocomial pathogen with an extraordinary resistant phenotype due to a combination of acquired resistant-elements and efflux mechanisms. In this study a detailed molecular characterization of 11 K. pneumoniae isolates of clinical origin was carried out. Eleven clinical isolates were tested for their susceptibilities, by disk diffusion and broth microdilution and interpreted according to CLSI guidelines. Efflux activity was determined by measuring the extr...

  13. Extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) in Danish clinical isolates of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Dennis Schrøder; Schumacher, Helga; Hansen, Frank


    Most Gram-negative community-acquired and nosocomial infections are caused by Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, among which increasing resistance due to extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) is a major problem. We present data from the first Danish nationwide prevalence study on ESBL-pro......-producing E. coli, K. pneumoniae, and Proteus mirabilis in blood and urine cultures from hospitals and the community....

  14. Cefoxitin resistance mediated by loss of a porin in clinical strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli

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    Ananthan S


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Porins are outer membrane protein (OMP that form water filled channels that permit the diffusion of small hydrophilic solutes like -lactam antibiotics across the outer membrane. Two major porins that facilitate diffusion of antimicrobials have been described in Klebsiella spp. and Escherichia coli. The present study was carried out to examine the role of porins among Extended Spectrum -Lactamase (ESBL and AmpC -Lactamase positive strains of Klebsiella spp. and E.coli. METHODS: Preparation of OMP from phenotypically characterized clinical isolates K.pneumoniae and E.coli and the separation of the proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were performed as per a previously described procedure. RESULTS: OMP analysis revealed that cefoxitin and ceftazidime resistance was mediated by loss of a porin Omp K35 in the isolates of K.pneumoniae and E.coli. CONCLUSIONS: Loss of porin mediated resistance mechanism against cefoxitin was observed among the multidrug resistant K.pneumoniae and E.coli.

  15. Effects of prevalent freshwater chemical contaminants on in vitro growth of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Higgins, James [USDA-ARS, Bldg 173, 10300 Baltimore Ave., Beltsville, MD 20705 (United States)], E-mail:; Hohn, Christina [NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh, NC 27606 (United States)


    Many surface and ground waters in the continental US are contaminated with a variety of chemical pollutants, which are usually present in concentrations in the ppm and ppb range. The effects of these pollutants on coliform bacteria, which are prominent members of the aquatic flora, are poorly understood. Using a microtiter plate assay, isolates of Escherichia coli (from chicken intestine and fresh water), and an isolate of Klebsiella pneumoniae (from bovine milk) were exposed to varying concentrations of common pollutants over a 24 h period. The herbicides/pesticides simazine, atrazine, and diazinon; the VOCs trichloroethene and MTBE; the estrogens estradiol and estrone; and caffeine, all failed to inhibit bacterial growth at ppm levels. Only ethylene glycol, and the herbicide 2,4-D, significantly inhibited bacterial growth compared to controls. These results suggest that the replication of coliform bacteria in fresh waters is not adversely impacted by many common pollutants. - Using a microtiter plate assay, E. coli and Klebsiella bacteria were exposed to a panel of common chemical pollutants of fresh water; only ethylene glycol and 2,4-D inhibited bacterial replication.

  16. [Aspects of the antimicrobial resistence profile in infections with Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in diabetic patients]. (United States)

    Petrovici, Cristina G; Dorobăţ, Carmen; Matei, Mioara; Teodor, Andra; Luca, V; Miftode, Egidia


    Infections in diabetic patient remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality, triggering and maintaining a prolonged metabolic imbalance. Emergence of extented spectrum beta-lactmase (ESBL) in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae is a major concern, because of the atypical manner infection acts in this group of imunodepressed patients and also for the limited therapeutic solutions. For this reason we have evaluated the profile of antimicrobial resistance of these pathogens in both diabetic and non diabetic patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in a retrospective case control study, the antibiotic susceptibility pattern in isolates of E. coli and Klebsiella spp. from different biological products in 49 diabetics and 150 non-diabetics admitted in The Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases Iaşi over a period of two years. Most of strains of E. coli and Klebsiella spp. ESBL positive were found in uroculture. Significant differences in E. coli resistance rate between diabetics and nondiabetics were noted for amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and ciprofloxacin (31,4% vs.13,98%, p=0,04, respectively 52,9% vs. 24,46%, p=0,004). More isolates of ESBL positive K. pneumoniae were found in diabetic patients (50% vs. 24%). Ciprofloxacin resistance of K. pneumoniae was significantly higher in diabetics (75% vs 39%; p=0,05). There was no resistance in E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates to imipenem in the diabetic group. The high resistance rate to quinolones and 3rd generation cefalosporins limits their use for the treatment of Escherichia coli and K. pneumoniae infections. Other alternatives for empiric therapy in community and nosocomial-acquired infections in diabetic patient remains carbapenems, aminoglycosides and colimycin.

  17. [Isolation of a carbapenem-resistant K1 serotype Klebsiella pneumonia strain and the study of resistance mechanism]. (United States)

    Zhang, Rong; Wang, Xuan; Lü, Jianxin


    To study the virulence and mechanism of carbapenem resistance of a clinical isolate of carbapenem-resistant K1 serotype Klebsiella pneumonia strain. Identification of isolate was carried out with VITEK-2 compact system. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by E-test; Metallo β-lactamases and carbapenemases screening were conducted by imipenem-EDTA double disc synergy test and modified Hodge test, respectively.Specific polymerehse chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing were preformed to detect the virulence genes including K1, K2, K5, K20, K54, K57, magA, rmpA, wcaG and a series of β-lactamase resistence genes. Conjunction experiment was also performed. The plasmids of transconjugants were submitted to PCR-based replicon typing (PBRT) method. Molecular typing was performed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing revealed that the Klebsiella pneumonia strain was resistant to most of the antibiotics used in clinic. Phynotype confirmary rest revealed the production of carbapanemases, while Metallo β-lactamases were negative; PCR and DNA sequencing confirmed the isolate was positive for blaKPC-2, blaCTX-M-15, blaTEM-1, blaSHV-1 and virulence genes K1, magA, rmpA, wcaG simultaneously; blaKPC-2 was transferred from donor to Escherichia EC600 by conjunction experiment, while no virulence genes were found in the transconjugants. PBRT revealed that Frep plasmid was found in transconjugants. MLST analysis revealed that this strain belonged to ST23. K1 serotype Klebsiella pneumonia strain carries virulence genes and carbapenem resistance gene blaKPC-2, noteworthily the carbapenem resistance genes can be transferred through horizontal transmission on plasmids.

  18. CTX-M extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Klebsiella spp, Salmonella spp, Shigella spp and Escherichia coli isolates in Iranian hospitals. (United States)

    Bialvaei, Abed Zahedi; Kafil, Hossein Samadi; Asgharzadeh, Mohammad; Aghazadeh, Mohammad; Yousefi, Mehdi


    This study was conducted in Iran in order to assess the distribution of CTX-M type ESBLs producing Enterobacteriaceae. From January 2012 to December 2013, totally 198 E. coli, 139 Klebsiella spp, 54 Salmonella spp and 52 Shigella spp from seven hospitals of six provinces in Iran were screened for resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins. After identification and susceptibility testing, isolates presenting multiple-drug resistance (MDR) were evaluated for ESBL production by the disk combination method and by Etest using (cefotaxime and cefotaxime plus clavulanic acid). All isolates were also screened for blaCTX-M using conventional PCR. A total of 42.92%, 33.81%, 14.81% and 7.69% of the E. coli, Klebsiella spp, Salmonella spp and Shigella spp isolates were MDR, respectively. The presence of CTX-M enzyme among ESBL-producing isolates was 85.18%, 77.7%, 50%, and 66.7%, in E. coli, Klebsiella spp, Salmonella spp and Shigella spp respectively. The overall presence of CTX-M genes in Enterobacteriaceae was 15.4% and among the resistant isolates was 47.6%. This study indicated that resistance to β-lactams mediated by CTX-M enzymes in Iran had similar pattern as in other parts of the world. In order to control the spread of resistance, comprehensive studies and programs are needed. Copyright © 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  19. Metabolic Characterization of Peripheral Host Responses to Drainage-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Liver Abscesses by Serum 1H-NMR Spectroscopy

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    Zhihui Chang


    Full Text Available Purpose: To explore the metabolic characterization of host responses to drainage-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae liver abscesses (DRKPLAs with serum 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR spectroscopy.Materials and Methods: The hospital records of all patients with a diagnosis of a liver abscess between June 2015 and December 2016 were retrieved from an electronic hospital database. Eighty-six patients with Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae liver abscesses who underwent percutaneous drainage were identified. Twenty patients with confirmed DRKPLAs were studied. Moreover, we identified 20 consecutive patients with drainage-sensitive Klebsiella pneumoniae liver abscesses (DSKPLAs as controls. Serum samples from the two groups were analyzed with 1H NMR spectroscopy. Partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA was used to perform 1H NMR metabolic profiling. Metabolites were identified using the Human Metabolome Database, and pathway analysis was performed with MetaboAnalyst 3.0.Results: The PLS-DA test was able to discriminate between the two groups. Five key metabolites that contributed to their discrimination were identified. Glucose, lactate, and 3-hydroxybutyrate were found to be upregulated in DRKPLAs, whereas glutamine and alanine were downregulated compared with the DSKPLAs. Pathway analysis indicated that amino acid metabolisms were significantly different between the DRKPLAs and the DSKPLAs. The D-glutamine and D-glutamate metabolisms exhibited the greatest influences.Conclusions: The five key metabolites identified in our study may be potential targets for guiding novel therapeutics of DRKPLAs and are worthy of additional investigation.

  20. Necrotizing Fasciitis Caused by Hypermucoviscous Klebsiella pneumoniae in a Filipino Female in North America

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    Ng, Daniel


    Full Text Available Necrotizing fasciitis caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae has been described in Southeast Asia, but has only recently begun to emerge in North America. The hypermucoviscous strain of K. pneumoniae is a particularly virulent strain known to cause devastatingly invasive infections, including necrotizing fasciitis. Here we present the first known case of necrotizing fasciitis caused by hypermucoviscous K. pneumoniae in North America. [West J Emerg Med. 2015;16(1:165–168.

  1. Draft Genome Sequences of Klebsiella oxytoca Isolates Originating from a Highly Contaminated Liquid Hand Soap Product


    Hammerl, J. A.; Lasch, P.; Nitsche, A.; Dabrowski, P. W.; Hahmann, H.; Wicke, A.; Kleta, S.; Dahouk, S. Al; Dieckmann, R.


    In 2013, contaminated liquid soap was detected by routine microbiological monitoring of consumer products through state health authorities. Because of its high load of Klebsiella oxytoca, the liquid soap was notified via the European Union Rapid Alert System for Dangerous Non-Food Products (EU-RAPEX) and recalled. Here, we present two draft genome sequences and a summary of their general features.

  2. Complete genome sequence of Klebsiella pneumoniae J1, a protein-based microbial flocculant-producing bacterium. (United States)

    Pang, Changlong; Li, Ang; Cui, Di; Yang, Jixian; Ma, Fang; Guo, Haijuan


    Klebsiella pneumoniae J1 is a Gram-negative strain, which belongs to a protein-based microbial flocculant-producing bacterium. However, little genetic information is known about this species. Here we carried out a whole-genome sequence analysis of this strain and report the complete genome sequence of this organism and its genetic basis for carbohydrate metabolism, capsule biosynthesis and transport system. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Trends in Expanded-Spectrum Cephalosporin-Resistant Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae among Dutch Clinical Isolates, from 2008 to 2012

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Steen, Matthijs; Leenstra, Tjalling; Kluytmans, Jan A J W; van der Bij, Akke K


    We investigated time trends in extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from different patient settings in The Netherlands from 2008-2012. E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates from blood and urine samples of patients > = 18 years were selected from

  4. Global forecast of antimicrobial resistance in invasive isolates of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Alvarez-Uria, Gerardo; Gandra, Sumanth; Mandal, Siddhartha; Laxminarayan, Ramanan


    To project future antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Mixed linear models were constructed from a sample of countries with AMR data in the ResistanceMap database. Inverse probability weighting methods were used to account for countries without AMR data. The estimated prevalence of AMR in 2015 was 64.5% (95% confidence interval (CI) 42-87%) for third-generation cephalosporin-resistant (3GCR) Escherichia coli, 5.8% (95% CI 1.8-9.7%) for carbapenem-resistant (CR) E. coli, 66.9% (95% CI 47.1-86.8%) for 3GCR Klebsiella pneumoniae, and 23.4% (95% CI 7.4-39.4%) for CR K. pneumoniae. The projected AMR prevalence in 2030 was 77% (95% CI 55-99.1%) for 3GCR E. coli, 11.8% (95% CI 3.7-19.9%) for CR E. coli, 58.2% (95% CI 50.2-66.1%) for 3GCR K. pneumoniae, and 52.8% (95% CI 16.3-89.3%) for CR K. pneumoniae. The models suggest that third-generation cephalosporins and carbapenems could be ineffective against a sizeable proportion of infections by E. coli and K. pneumoniae in most parts of the world by 2030, supporting both the need to enhance stewardship efforts and to prioritize research and development of new antibiotics for resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  5. Virulence, resistance, and genetic relatedness of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella sp. isolated from mule foals

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    V.C. Carneiro

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Respiratory diseases are common in young horses but little is known about such infections in mule foals. This study aimed to characterize Escherichia coli and Klebsiella sp. isolated from tracheal wash (TW and fecal samples (FS of mule foals, with or without cytological evidence of respiratory disease. Strains were analyzed against 13 antimicrobials, for presence of Extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL, and virulence genes. Phylogrouping and Randomic (RAPD-PCR profiles were used to evaluate their genetic relatedness. E. coli strains from TW and FS showed greatest resistance to tetracycline, while Klebsiella strains were mainly resistant to ampicillin; multidrug resistance and ESBL production were also detected. The blaCTX gene prevailed among the E. coli isolates, while the blaSHV gene was more frequently found in K. pneumoniae. The fimH gene was detected in most of the isolates and multiple virulence factors were identified in three E. coli isolates. Most of the E. coli isolates belonged to the B1 phylogroup, but B2 strains displayed more virulence genes. The RAPD assay revealed genetic diversity among strains and was able to distinguish FS isolates from TW isolates. Knowledge of the bacteria associated with the respiratory tract of mule foals is important in the treatment of sick animals.

  6. Dusuqing granules (DSQ) suppress inflammation in Klebsiella pneumonia rat via NF-κB/MAPK signaling. (United States)

    Mei, Xue; Wang, Hao-Xun; Li, Jian-Sheng; Liu, Xiao-Hui; Lu, Xiao-Fan; Li, Ya; Zhang, Wei-Yu; Tian, Yan-Ge


    Dusuqing granules (DSQ) have been used in the treatment of bacterial pneumonia clinically, with remarkable benefits. This study was initiated to explore the effects of DSQ on pulmonary inflammation by regulating nuclear factor (NF)-κB/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling in bacterial pneumonia rats. Rat model was duplicated with Klebsiella pneumonia by a one-time intratracheal injection. Rats were randomized into control, model, DSQ and levofloxacin (LVX) groups. After administrated with appropriate medicines for 7 days, lung tissues were harvested and prepared for pathological analysis, and interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2 detections. NF-κB mRNA was measured by real-time qPCR, and the phosphorylation and total proteins of P38MAPK, JNK46/54, ERK42/44 were determined by Western blotting. Marked pathological impairments were observed in model rats, whereas were improved in DSQ group. The cytokines levels, NF-κB mRNA expression and the phosphorylation of P38MAPK, JNK46/54 and ERK42/44 proteins were significantly higher in model group, and were significantly depressed in DSQ group. The protective effects of DSQ on Klebsiella pneumonia might be attributed to its inactivative effects of NF-κB/ MAPK pathway.

  7. Draft Genome Sequences of Klebsiella oxytoca Isolates Originating from a Highly Contaminated Liquid Hand Soap Product. (United States)

    Hammerl, J A; Lasch, P; Nitsche, A; Dabrowski, P W; Hahmann, H; Wicke, A; Kleta, S; Al Dahouk, S; Dieckmann, R


    In 2013, contaminated liquid soap was detected by routine microbiological monitoring of consumer products through state health authorities. Because of its high load of Klebsiella oxytoca, the liquid soap was notified via the European Union Rapid Alert System for Dangerous Non-Food Products (EU-RAPEX) and recalled. Here, we present two draft genome sequences and a summary of their general features. Copyright © 2015 Hammerl et al.

  8. Effect of treatment duration on pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic indices correlating with therapeutic efficacy of ceftazidime in experimental Klebsiella pneumoniae lung infection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    I.A.J.M. Bakker-Woudenberg (Irma); M.T. ten Kate (Marian); W.H.F. Goessens (Wil); J.W. Mouton (Johan)


    textabstractThe pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) indices that define the therapeutic effect of the betalactam ceftazidime in a rat model of Klebsiella pneumoniae lung infection were investigated in relation to treatment duration and treatment endpoint. Treatment was started 24 h after

  9. Intermingled Klebsiella pneumoniae Populations Between Retail Meats and Human Urinary Tract Infections (United States)

    Davis, Gregg S.; Waits, Kara; Nordstrom, Lora; Weaver, Brett; Aziz, Maliha; Gauld, Lori; Grande, Heidi; Bigler, Rick; Horwinski, Joseph; Porter, Stephen; Stegger, Marc; Johnson, James R.; Liu, Cindy M.; Price, Lance B.


    Background. Klebsiella pneumoniae is a common colonizer of the gastrointestinal tract of humans, companion animals, and livestock. To better understand potential contributions of foodborne K. pneumoniae to human clinical infections, we compared K. pneumoniae isolates from retail meat products and human clinical specimens to assess their similarity based on antibiotic resistance, genetic relatedness, and virulence. Methods. Klebsiella pneumoniae was isolated from retail meats from Flagstaff grocery stores in 2012 and from urine and blood specimens from Flagstaff Medical Center in 2011–2012. Isolates underwent antibiotic susceptibility testing and whole-genome sequencing. Genetic relatedness of the isolates was assessed using multilocus sequence typing and phylogenetic analyses. Extraintestinal virulence of several closely related meat-source and urine isolates was assessed using a murine sepsis model. Results. Meat-source isolates were significantly more likely to be multidrug resistant and resistant to tetracycline and gentamicin than clinical isolates. Four sequence types occurred among both meat-source and clinical isolates. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed close relationships among meat-source and clinical isolates. Isolates from both sources showed similar virulence in the mouse sepsis model. Conclusions. Meat-source K. pneumoniae isolates were more likely than clinical isolates to be antibiotic resistant, which could reflect selective pressures from antibiotic use in food-animal production. The close genetic relatedness of meat-source and clinical isolates, coupled with similarities in virulence, suggest that the barriers to transmission between these 2 sources are low. Taken together, our results suggest that retail meat is a potential vehicle for transmitting virulent, antibiotic-resistant K. pneumoniae from food animals to humans. PMID:26206847

  10. Studies on the roles of GlnK and GlnB in regulating Klebsiella pneumoniae NifL-dependent nitrogen control.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arcondeguy, T.; van Heeswijk, W.C.; Merrick, M.


    In Klebsiella pneumoniae, nitrogen fixation (nif) genes are regulated in response to fixed nitrogen and oxygen. The activity of the nif-specific transcriptional activator NifA is modulated by NifL, which mediates both oxygen and nitrogen control. The signal transduction protein GlnK is required to

  11. First isolate of KPC-2-producing Klebsiella pneumonaie sequence type 23 from the Americas. (United States)

    Cejas, Daniela; Fernández Canigia, Liliana; Rincón Cruz, Giovanna; Elena, Alan X; Maldonado, Ivana; Gutkind, Gabriel O; Radice, Marcela A


    KPC-2-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates mainly correspond to clonal complex 258 (CC258); however, we describe KPC-2-producing K. pneumoniae isolates belonging to invasive sequence type 23 (ST23). KPC-2 has scarcely been reported to occur in ST23, and this report describes the first isolation of this pathogen in the Americas. Acquisition of resistant markers in virulent clones could mark an evolutionary step toward the establishment of these clones as major nosocomial pathogens. Copyright © 2014, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  12. Environmental persistence of OXA-48-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a French intensive care unit. (United States)

    Pantel, Alix; Richaud-Morel, Brigitte; Cazaban, Michel; Bouziges, Nicole; Sotto, Albert; Lavigne, Jean-Philippe


    The spread of carbapenemase-producing Gram-negative rods is an emerging global problem. This study describes the epidemiologic features of an outbreak caused by an environmental reservoir of OXA-48-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae caused by persistence of the bacteria during 20 months in an intensive care unit in France. This report emphasizes the importance of early environmental screening to interrupt the transmission of carbapenemase-producingEnterobacteriaceae. Copyright © 2016 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Investigation of next-generation sequencing data of Klebsiella pneumoniae using web-based tools. (United States)

    Brhelova, Eva; Antonova, Mariya; Pardy, Filip; Kocmanova, Iva; Mayer, Jiri; Racil, Zdenek; Lengerova, Martina


    Rapid identification and characterization of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains is necessary due to the increasing frequency of severe infections in patients. The decreasing cost of next-generation sequencing enables us to obtain a comprehensive overview of genetic information in one step. The aim of this study is to demonstrate and evaluate the utility and scope of the application of web-based databases to next-generation sequenced (NGS) data. The whole genomes of 11 clinical Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates were sequenced using Illumina MiSeq. Selected web-based tools were used to identify a variety of genetic characteristics, such as acquired antimicrobial resistance genes, multilocus sequence types, plasmid replicons, and identify virulence factors, such as virulence genes, cps clusters, urease-nickel clusters and efflux systems. Using web-based tools hosted by the Center for Genomic Epidemiology, we detected resistance to 8 main antimicrobial groups with at least 11 acquired resistance genes. The isolates were divided into eight sequence types (ST11, 23, 37, 323, 433, 495 and 562, and a new one, ST1646). All of the isolates carried replicons of large plasmids. Capsular types, virulence factors and genes coding AcrAB and OqxAB efflux pumps were detected using BIGSdb-Kp, whereas the selected virulence genes, identified in almost all of the isolates, were detected using CLC Genomic Workbench software. Applying appropriate web-based online tools to NGS data enables the rapid extraction of comprehensive information that can be used for more efficient diagnosis and treatment of patients, while data processing is free of charge, easy and time-efficient.

  14. Phylogeny, resistome and mobile genetic elements of emergent OXA-48 and OXA-245 Klebsiella pneumoniae clones circulating in Spain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Perez-Vazquez, Maria; Oteo, Jesus; Garcia-Cobos, Silvia; Aracil, Belen; Harris, Simon R.; Ortega, Adriana; Fontanals, Dionisia; Manuel Hernandez, Juan; Solis, Sonia; Campos, Jose; Dougan, Gordon; Kingsley, Robert A.

    The global emergence of OXA-48-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae clones is a significant threat to public health. We used WGS and phylogenetic analysis of Spanish isolates to investigate the population structure of bla(OXA-48-like)-expressing K. pneumoniae ST11 and ST405 and to determine the

  15. Klebsiella pneumonia strains moderately resistant to ampicillin and carbenicillin: characterization of a new β-lactamase


    Labia, Roger; Fabre, Christian; Masson, Jean-Michel; Barthelemy, Michel; Heitz, Madeleine; Pitton, Jean-S


    Klebsiella pneumoniae strain 11-03, moderately resistant to ampicillin and carbenicillin, produces one constitutive β-lactamase with an isoelectric point of 7.10 and a molecular weight of 20,000±500. The enzymatic activity is directed primarily against the penicillins, ampicillin being the best substrate. Some cephalosporins are also hydrolyzed to some extent but the affinity of the enzyme for these antibiotics is low (high Km values). It has not been possible to determine whether the biogene...

  16. A structural study of the capsular antigens of Escherichia coli K36 and Klebsiella K68

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stanley, S.M.R.


    This thesis discusses the structural study of the capsular antigens of the bacteria, Escherichia coli K36 and Klebsiella K68. In the elucidation of bacterial polysaccharides chemically based analytical procedures and instrumental analytical techniques were used. Nuclear magnetic resonance is a powerful tool for obtaining structural information on poly-, oligo- and di-saccharides and a detailed discussion of this technique, and the results obtained in this study, is given

  17. Nonclonal Emergence of Colistin-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates from Blood Samples in South Korea ▿ (United States)

    Suh, Ji-Yoeun; Son, Jun Seong; Chung, Doo Ryeon; Peck, Kyong Ran; Ko, Kwan Soo; Song, Jae-Hoon


    In vitro activities of colistin and other drugs were tested against 221 Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates that were collected between 2006 and 2007 in nine tertiary care South Korean hospitals from patients with bacteremia. The clonality of colistin-resistant K. pneumoniae (CRKP) isolates was assessed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST). We found that 15 isolates (6.8%) were resistant to colistin. MLST showed that CRKP isolates were nonclonal, with colistin resistance in K. pneumoniae occurring independently and not by clonal spreading. PMID:19752282

  18. A case of acute postoperative keratitis after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty by multidrug resistant Klebsiella

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leena Bajracharya


    Full Text Available A healthy lady of 42 years underwent deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty for granular dystrophy. The very next day, it was complicated by development of infectious keratitis. The organism was identified as multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. Donor corneal button may be implicated in the transmission of infection in an otherwise uneventful surgery and follow-up. Nosocomial infections are usually severe, rapidly progressive and difficult to treat. Finally, the lady had to undergo therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty for complete resolution of infection.

  19. Hospital Outcomes of Adult Respiratory Tract Infections with Extended-Spectrum B-Lactamase (ESBL) Producing Klebsiella Pneumoniae


    Loh, Li-Cher; Nor Izran Hanim bt Abdul Samad,; Rosdara Masayuni bt Mohd Sani,; Raman, Sree; Thayaparan, Tarmizi; Kumar, Shalini


    Klebsiella pneumoniae ranks high as a cause of adult pneumonia requiring hospitalization in Malaysia. To study whether extended-spectrum b-lactamase (ESBL) producing K. pneumoniae was linked to hospital outcomes, we retrospectively studied 441 cases of adult respiratory tract infections with microbial proven K. pneumoniae from an urban-based university teaching hospital between 2003 and 2004. 47 (10.6%) cases had ESBL. Requirement for ventilation and median length of hospital stay, were great...

  20. La infección nosocomial. Un reto en las unidades de cuidados intensivos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edwin Javier Gordon Zamora


    Full Text Available El estudio de la infección nosocomial en las unidades de cuidados intensivos deviene eje central de la asistencia médica y, un pilar del control de su calidad. Estas unidades asumen un elevado número de pacientes críticamente enfermos con comorbilidad, compromiso inmunológico y en contacto con dispositivos invasivos, factores estos que condicionan la diseminación de bacterias multirresistentes, por lo cual se requiere vigilancia e implementación eficiente de las medidas de prevención y control. En este trabajo se intenta abrir el debate en torno a un reto en las unidades de cuidados intensivos: las infecciones nosocomiales.

  1. Whole-Genome Sequences of Two Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella quasipneumoniae Strains Isolated from a Tertiary Hospital in Johor, Malaysia. (United States)

    Gan, Han Ming; Rajasekaram, Ganeswrie; Eng, Wilhelm Wei Han; Kaniappan, Priyatharisni; Dhanoa, Amreeta


    We report the whole-genome sequences of two carbapenem-resistant clinical isolates of Klebsiella quasipneumoniae subsp. similipneumoniae obtained from two different patients. Both strains contained three different extended-spectrum β-lactamase genes and showed strikingly high pairwise average nucleotide identity of 99.99% despite being isolated 3 years apart from the same hospital. Copyright © 2017 Gan et al.

  2. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains with reduced susceptibiliy to carbapenems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simone Ambretti


    Full Text Available Reduced susceptibility to carbapenems in Gram-negative pathogens is an emerging feature of the antibiotic-resistance phenomenom Reports about strains resistant to this class of antibiotics among Enterobacteriaceae, particularly in Klebsiella pneumoniae, are increasing.The aims of this study were to assess the incidence of Klebsiella pneumoniae with reduced susceptibility to carbapenems in Bologna area and to carry out the characterization of these strains.The study included isolates of K. pneumoniae that showed reduced susceptibility to carbapenems, as detected by an automated system (Vitek2, bioMérieux. Between January and May 2009, 26 strains were collected (mainly isolated from urinary samples.These isolates were tested for susceptibility to carbapenems by E-test, to define MIC values for meropenem and ertapenem. Moreover, to detect the production of metallo-beta lactamases (MBL and carbapenemases (KPC were respectively performed the Etest with imipenem and imipenem/EDTA (IPM-IPM/EDTA and the modified Hodge test. Susceptibility assays performed by E-test showed that 25/26 strains were susceptible to meropenem, while for ertapenem 20/26 strains resulted resistant.The modified Hodge test was positive for 1 strain, while all the isolates were negative to the IPM-IPM/EDTA E-test.These results show that, as recently reported, the majority of strains of K. pneumoniae exhibiting reduced susceptibility to carbapenems, especially to ertapenem, are characterized by the production of ESBLs, which likely is associated with the loss of porins. On the other side, one strain was found to produce KPC and this finding confirms that the diffusion of carbapenemases producing K. pneumoniae has also to be considered in this geographic area.

  3. Improvements In Ethanologenic Escherichia Coli and Klebsiella Oxytoca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dr. David Nunn


    The current Verenium cellulosic ethanol process is based on the dilute-acid pretreatment of a biomass feedstock, followed by a two-stage fermentation of the pentose sugar-containing hydrolysate by a genetically modified ethanologenic Escherichia coli strain and a separate simultaneous saccharification-fermentation (SSF) of the cellulosic fraction by a genetically modified ethanologenic Klebsiella oxytoca strain and a fungal enzyme cocktail. In order to reduce unit operations and produce a fermentation beer with higher ethanol concentrations to reduce distillation costs, we have proposed to develop a simultaneous saccharification co-fermentation (SScF) process, where the fermentation of the pentose-containing hydrolysate and cellulosic fraction occurs within the same fermentation vessel. In order to accomplish this goal, improvements in the ethanologens must be made to address a number of issues that arise, including improved hydrolysate tolerance, co-fermentation of the pentose and hexose sugars and increased ethanol tolerance. Using a variety of approaches, including transcriptomics, strain adaptation, metagenomics and directed evolution, this work describes the efforts of a team of scientists from Verenium, University of Florida, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Genomatica to improve the E. coli and K. oxytoca ethanologens to meet these requirements.

  4. Draft Genome Sequence of a Multidrug-Resistant Klebsiella quasipneumoniae subsp. similipneumoniae Isolate from a Clinical Source

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ozer, Egon A.; Morris, Andrew R.; Krapp, Fiorella; Henry, Christopher S.; Tyo, Keith E.; Lathem, Wyndham W.; Hauser, Alan R.


    We report here the draft genome sequence of a multidrug-resistant clinical isolate ofKlebsiella quasipneumoniaesubsp.similipneumoniae, KP_Z4175. This strain, isolated as part of a hospital infection-control screening program, is resistant to multiple β-lactam antibiotics, aminoglycosides, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.

  5. [An automated registry program for nosocomial infections]. (United States)

    Castañón-González, Jorge Alberto; Polanco-González, Carlos; Samaniego-Mendoza, José Lino; Buhse, Thomas


    Las infecciones nosocomiales presentan un gran reto para la medicina hospitalaria, en general, y para las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, en particular. Su elevada prevalencia, la gran morbilidad y mortalidad asociadas, el incremento de la estancia hospitalaria y, en consecuencia, los costos de la atención médica han hecho que los programas de vigilancia, control y prevención de infecciones nosocomiales sean una parte toral de los protocolos de seguridad para el paciente y un indicador de calidad de la atención médica.

  6. Involvement of T cells in enhanced resistance to Klebsiella pneumoniae septicemia in mice treated with liposome-encapsulated muramyl tripeptide phosphatidylethanolamine or gamma interferon

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hagen, ten T.L.; Vianen, van W.; Savelkoul, H.F.J.; Heremans, H.; Buurman, W.A.; Bakker-Woudenberg, I.A.


    We have previously shown that prophylactic administration of the liposome-encapsulated immunomodulating agents muramyl tripeptide phosphatidylethanolamine (MTPPE) and gamma interferon (IFN-) results in strongly increased survival of mice from a normally lethal septicemia with Klebsiella pneumoniae.

  7. Caracterización molecular de Klebsiella pneumoniae y Enterobacter cloacae productoras de ß-lactamasas de espectro extendido tipo SHV-5 en una unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatal de Lima

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    Róger Calderón E


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar los mecanismos implicados en la transmisión y resistencia antimicrobiana de aislamientos hospitalarios de Klebsiella pneumoniae y Enterobacter cloacae. Materiales y métodos: Se determinó la diversidad genética de 10 aislamientos bacterianos provenientes de pacientes hospitalizados y muestras ambientales procedentes de una unidad de cuidados intensivos de neonatos de un hospital de Lima utilizando el patrón de banda de ADN ribosomal y plasmídico. Posteriormente, se caracterizó la resistencia antimicrobiana y sus principales factores utilizando electroforesis de punto isoeléctrico, Southern Blotting y PCR. Finalmente se evaluó la capacidad de transferencia de la resistencia mediante ensayos de conjugación bacteriana. Resultados: Todos los aislamientos de K. pneumoniae y E. cloacae presentaron el mismo perfil plasmídico. Los aislamientos de E. cloacae presentaron un mismo patrón genético, por el contrario se encontraron cuatro genotipos distintos de K. pneumoniae altamente relacionados. Todos los aislamientos produjeron ß-lactamasa de especto extendido Tipo SHV-5 transferible a otras especies. Conclusiones: El estudio sugiere que la diseminación de estas bacterias en los neonatos pudo haber sido favorecida por un inadecuado manejo asistencial, una defectuosa conservación de leche para el consumo neonatal y el indiscriminado uso de antibióticos, el cual generó una activa transmisión de genes responsables de la resistencia antimicrobiana.

  8. Three Dimensional Checkerboard Synergy Analysis of Colistin, Meropenem, Tigecycline against Multidrug-Resistant Clinical Klebsiella pneumonia Isolates.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Stein

    Full Text Available The spread of carbapenem-non-susceptible Klebsiella pneumoniae strains bearing different resistance determinants is a rising problem worldwide. Especially infections with KPC (Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase - producers are associated with high mortality rates due to limited treatment options. Recent clinical studies of KPC-blood stream infections revealed that colistin-based combination therapy with a carbapenem and/or tigecycline was associated with significantly decreased mortality rates when compared to colistin monotherapy. However, it remains unclear if these observations can be transferred to K. pneumoniae harboring other mechanisms of carbapenem resistance. A three-dimensional synergy analysis was performed to evaluate the benefits of a triple combination with meropenem, tigecycline and colistin against 20 K. pneumoniae isolates harboring different β-lactamases. To examine the mechanism behind the clinically observed synergistic effect, efflux properties and outer membrane porin (Omp genes (ompK35 and ompK36 were also analyzed. Synergism was found for colistin-based double combinations for strains exhibiting high minimal inhibition concentrations against all of the three antibiotics. Adding a third antibiotic did not result in further increased synergistic effect in these strains. Antagonism did not occur. These results support the idea that colistin-based double combinations might be sufficient and the most effective combination partner for colistin should be chosen according to its MIC.

  9. Biological Treatment of Cyanide by Using Klebsiella pneumoniae Species

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    Isil Seyis Bilkay


    Full Text Available In this study, optimization conditions for cyanide biodegradation by Klebsiella pneumoniae strain were determined to be 25 °C, pH=7 and 150 rpm at the concentration of 0.5 mM potassium cyanide in the medium. Additionally, it was found that K. pneumoniae strain is not only able to degrade potassium cyanide, but also to degrade potassium hexacyanoferrate(II trihydrate and sodium ferrocyanide decahydrate with the efficiencies of 85 and 87.5 %, respectively. Furthermore, this strain degraded potassium cyanide in the presence of different ions such as magnesium, nickel, cobalt, iron, chromium, arsenic and zinc, in variable concentrations (0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 mM and as a result the amount of the bacteria in the biodegradation media decreased with the increase of ion concentration. Lastly, it was also observed that sterile crude extract of K. pneumoniae strain degraded potassium cyanide on the fifth day of incubation. Based on these results, it is concluded that both culture and sterile crude extract of K. pnemoniae will be used in cyanide removal from different wastes.

  10. Genetic control of nitrate assimilation in Klebsiella oxytoca. Final technical report; FINAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stewart, Valley J.


    Some microorganisms can use nitrate as the sole source of nitrogen for biosynthesis. This project focused on the bacterium Klebsiella oxytoca, an enterobacterium found in soil and water. Mutagenesis and molecular cloning identified the nasFEDCBA operon encoding enzymes for the uptake and reduction of nitrate and nitrite to ammonium, and the adjacent nasR regulatory gene. Analysis of nasF operon expression revealed that transcription is activated by the Ntr (general nitrogen regulation ) system in response to nitrogen limitation. Transcription antitermination control in response to nitrate and nitrite is mediated by the NasR protein. Additional work established that the NasR protein is an RNA-binding protein that interacts with nasF operon leader RNA to control transcription readthrough

  11. Caracterização da comunidade bacteriana endofítica de citros por isolamento, PCR específico e DGGE Characterization of the endophytic bacterial community from citrus by isolation, specific PCR and DGGE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Teixeira Lacava


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a comunidade bacteriana endofítica de plantas assintomáticas (escapes e afetadas pela clorose variegada dos citros (CVC por meio de isolamento em meio de cultura, técnica de gradiente desnaturante em gel de eletroforese (DGGE e detecção de Methylobacterium mesophilicum e Xyllela fastidiosa por meio de PCR específico, para estudar esta comunidade e sua relação com a ocorrência da CVC. A análise da comunidade bacteriana via DGGE permitiu a detecção de X. fastidiosa, bem como Klebsiella sp. e Acinetobacter sp. como endófitos de citros. Foram observados também Curtobacterium sp., Pseudomonas sp., Enterobacter sp. e Bacillus spp. Utilizando primers específicos, Methylobacterium mesophilicum e X. fastidiosa também foram observadas, reforçando hipóteses de que estas bactérias podem estar interagindo no interior da planta hospedeira.The aim of this work was to characterize endophytic bacterial community of assintomatic (escape and Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC-affected citrus plants using isolation in culture medium, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE technique and Methylobacterium mesophilicum as well as Xylella fastidiosa specific PCR, allowing to assess this community and its interactions with CVC. The study of bacterial community by DGGE analysis allowed the detection of X. fastidiosa, as well as Klebsiella sp. e Acinetobacter sp., which were not detected previously. Curtobacterium sp., Pseudomonas sp., Enterobacter sp. and Bacillus spp. were also observed as endophyte in citrus plants. Using specific primers Methylobacterium mesophilicum and X. fastidiosa were observed, reinforcing that these bacteria could interact inside the host plant.

  12. A 12 year (1998-2009) antibiotic resistance surveillance of Klebsiella pneumoniae collected from intensive care and urology patients in 14 Dutch hospitals.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Donk, C.F. van der; Beisser, P.S.; Hoogkamp-Korstanje, J.A.A.; Bruggeman, C.A.; Stobberingh, E.E.; Waar, K.; Vogels, W.H.; Bloembergen, P.; Beunders, A.J.; Rietra, P.; Hendrix, M.G.; Bijlmer, H.A.; Jongh, B.M. de; Hendriks, W.D.; Sturm, P.D.J.; Buiting, A.G.M.; Sabbe, L.J.; Trienekens, T.A.; Dessel, H. van


    OBJECTIVES: We evaluated the changes in antibiotic resistance from 1998 to 2009 of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from the intensive care units (ICUs) and urology services of 14 Dutch hospitals and the consequences for empirical therapy. METHODS: Quantitative antibiotic susceptibility testing of K.

  13. Emergence of KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae ST512 isolated from cerebrospinal fluid of a child in Algeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Bakour


    Full Text Available We report class A carbapenemase (KPC-3-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis in a 6-month-old child in Algeria. Multilocus sequence typing showed that the sequence type obtained corresponded to ST512, an allelic single-locus variant of the pandemic ST258 widely distributed in KPC producers from Europe. To our knowledge, this is the first report of KPC-3-producing K. pneumoniae ST512 in a North African country.

  14. Enterobacter and Klebsiella species isolated from fresh vegetables marketed in Valencia (Spain) and their clinically relevant resistances to chemotherapeutic agents. (United States)

    Falomir, María Pilar; Rico, Hortensia; Gozalbo, Daniel


    Occurrence of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic or commensal enterobacteria in marketed agricultural foodstuffs may contribute to their incorporation into the food chain and constitutes an additional food safety concern. In this work, we have determined the clinically relevant resistances to 11 common chemotherapeutic agents in Enterobacter and Klebsiella isolates from fresh vegetables from various sources (supermarkets and greengrocers' shops in Valencia, Spain). A total of 96 isolates were obtained from 160 vegetables analyzed (50% positive samples): 68 Enterobacter isolates (59 E. cloacae, two E. aerogenes, two E. cancerogenus, one E. gergoviae, and four E. sakazakii, currently Cronobacter spp.), and 28 Klebsiella isolates (19 K. oxytoca and 9 K. pneumoniae). Only seven isolates were susceptible to all agents tested, and no resistances to ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, and chloramphenicol were detected. Most isolates were resistant to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (74 [58 Enterobacter and 16 Klebsiella]) or to ampicillin (80 [55/25]). Other resistances were less frequent: nitrofurantoin (13 isolates [12/1]), tetracycline (6 [5/1]), co-trimoxazole (3 [3/0]), cefotaxime (1 [1/0]), and streptomycin (2 [1/1]). Multiresistant isolates to two (56 [41/15]), three (10 E. cloacae isolates), four (one E. cloacae and one K. pneumoniae isolate), and five (two E. cloacae isolates) chemotherapeutic agents were also detected. The presence of potential pathogens points to marketed fresh produce, which often is eaten raw, as a risk factor for consumer health. In addition, these results support the usefulness of these bacterial species as indicators of the spreading of antibiotic resistances into the environment, particularly in the food chain, and suggest their role as carriers of resistance determinants from farms to consumers, which may constitute an additional "silent" food safety concern. Therefore, there is a need to improve the hygienic quality of marketed fresh

  15. First isolation and outbreak of OXA-48-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in an Irish hospital, March to June 2011.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Brien, D J


    Five OXA-48-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae were detected in a tertiary referral hospital in Ireland between March and June 2011. They were found in the clinical isolates of five cases that were inpatients on general surgical wards. None of the cases had received healthcare at a facility outside of Ireland in the previous 12 months. This is the first report of OXA-48-producing K. pneumoniae in Ireland.

  16. A Literature Review of the Bacterium Klebsiella spp.: Grays Harbor and Chehalis River Improvements to Navigation Environmental Studies, (United States)


    Protection Agency. Braman, S. K., R. J. Eberhart, M. A. Asbury, and G. J. Hermann. 1973. Capsular types of Klebsiella pneumonias associated with bovine ... mastitis . American Veterinary Mcdical Association, 162: 109-111. Brock, T. D. Principles of Microbial Ecology. Prentice-Hall, Inc, New Jersey, 1966...isolates. Applied Microbiology, 28: 672-678. McDonald, T. J., J. S. McDonald, and Rose, D. L. 1970. Aerobic gram-negative rods isolated from bovine

  17. Two cases of monomicrobial intraabdominal abscesses due to KPC - 3 Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 clone

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    Madonia Simona


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Knowledge of the etiology of pyogenic liver and pancreatic abscesses is an important factor in determining the success of combined surgical and antibiotic treatment. Literature shows geographical variations in the prevalence and distribution of causative organisms, and the spread of Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing bacteria is an emerging cause of abdominal infections. Case presentation We herein describe two cases of intra-abdominal abscesses due to monomicrobial infection by Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 258 producing K. pneumoniae carbapenemase 3 (KPC-Kp. In case 1, a 50-year-old HIV-negative Italian woman with chronic pancreatitis showed infection of a pancreatic pseudocystic lesion caused by KPC-Kp. In case 2, a 64-year-old HIV- negative Italian woman with pancreatic neoplasm and liver metastases developed a liver abscess due to KPC after surgery. Both women were admitted to our hospital but to different surgical units. The clonal relationship between the two isolates was investigated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE. In case 2, the patient was already colonized at admission and inter-hospital transmission of the pathogen was presumed. A long-term combination regimen of colistin with tigecycline and percutaneous drainage resulted in full recovery and clearance of the multidrug-resistant (MDR pathogen. Conclusions Timely microbiological diagnosis, the combined use of new and old antibiotics and radiological intervention appeared to be valuable in managing these serious conditions. The emergence and dissemination of MDR organisms is posing an increasing challenge for physicians to develop new therapeutic strategies and control and prevention frameworks.

  18. No diagnostic utility of antibody patterns against Klebsiella pneumoniae capsular serotypes in patients with axial spondyloarthritis vs. patients with non-specific low back pain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, L T; Loft, A G; Christiansen, A A


    OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether antibody response patterns against Klebsiella pneumoniae capsular serotypes can discriminate patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) from patients with non-specific low back pain (LBP). METHOD: Immunoglobulin (Ig)G and IgA antibodies against K. pneumoniae...... capsular serotypes K2, K26, K36, and K50 were measured, and antibody seropositivity compared between groups and analysed for patient correlation in five different groups: (a) 96 patients fulfilling the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS) classification criteria for axSpA; (b) 38...... ankylosing spondylitis (AS) served as the negative and positive control groups. RESULTS: There was no difference in IgG and IgA seropositivity against all serotypes between the axSpA, non-axSpA, and LBP groups. No significant correlations were found between anti-Klebsiella antibodies and age, gender, HLA-B27...

  19. The diversity of Klebsiella pneumoniae surface polysaccharides. (United States)

    Follador, Rainer; Heinz, Eva; Wyres, Kelly L; Ellington, Matthew J; Kowarik, Michael; Holt, Kathryn E; Thomson, Nicholas R


    Klebsiella pneumoniae is considered an urgent health concern due to the emergence of multi-drug-resistant strains for which vaccination offers a potential remedy. Vaccines based on surface polysaccharides are highly promising but need to address the high diversity of surface-exposed polysaccharides, synthesized as O-antigens (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) and K-antigens (capsule polysaccharide, CPS), present in K. pneumoniae . We present a comprehensive and clinically relevant study of the diversity of O- and K-antigen biosynthesis gene clusters across a global collection of over 500 K. pneumoniae whole-genome sequences and the seroepidemiology of human isolates from different infection types. Our study defines the genetic diversity of O- and K-antigen biosynthesis cluster sequences across this collection, identifying sequences for known serotypes as well as identifying novel LPS and CPS gene clusters found in circulating contemporary isolates. Serotypes O1, O2 and O3 were most prevalent in our sample set, accounting for approximately 80 % of all infections. In contrast, K serotypes showed an order of magnitude higher diversity and differ among infection types. In addition we investigated a potential association of O or K serotypes with phylogenetic lineage, infection type and the presence of known virulence genes. K1 and K2 serotypes, which are associated with hypervirulent K. pneumoniae , were associated with a higher abundance of virulence genes and more diverse O serotypes compared to other common K serotypes.

  20. Plasmid-Mediated Antibiotic Resistance and Virulence in Gram-negatives: the Klebsiella pneumoniae Paradigm. (United States)

    Ramirez, Maria S; Traglia, German M; Lin, David L; Tran, Tung; Tolmasky, Marcelo E

    Plasmids harbor genes coding for specific functions including virulence factors and antibiotic resistance that permit bacteria to survive the hostile environment found in the host and resist treatment. Together with other genetic elements such as integrons and transposons, and using a variety of mechanisms, plasmids participate in the dissemination of these traits resulting in the virtual elimination of barriers among different kinds of bacteria. In this article we review the current information about physiology and role in virulence and antibiotic resistance of plasmids from the gram-negative opportunistic pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae . This bacterium has acquired multidrug resistance and is the causative agent of serious communityand hospital-acquired infections. It is also included in the recently defined ESKAPE group of bacteria that cause most of US hospital infections.

  1. Klebsiella pneumonia, a Microorganism that Approves the Non-linear Responses to Antibiotics and Window Theory after Exposure to Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz Electromagnetic Radiofrequency Radiation

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    Taheri M.


    Full Text Available Background: Drug resistance is widely believed to be an increasingly serious threat to global public health. We have previously reported that short term exposure of microorganisms to diagnostic ultrasound waves could significantly alter their sensitivity to antibiotics. In our previous studies, Klebsiella pneumoniae showed major differences in the sensitivity to antibiotics in exposed and non-exposed samples. This study was aimed at investigating the alteration of antibiotic resistance of Klebsiella pneumonia, after exposure to Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation. Materials and Methods: In this in vitro study, three replicate agar plates were used for each test. The antibiotic susceptibility test was carried out using disc diffusion method on Mueller Hinton agar plates and the inhibition zones in both control and exposed groups were measured. A common Wi-Fi router was used in this study as the radiofrequency exposure source. Irradiated samples were exposed to Wi-Fi radiofrequency radiation for 3, 4.5 and 8 hours. Results: Statistically significant variations of sensitivity to antibiotics were found for all studied antibiotics after 4.5 hours of RF exposure, compared to non-exposed bacteria. Interestingly, the mean diameters of the inhibition zones after 3 hours of exposure were less than those exposed for 4.5 hours. Following this rise in the sensitivity to antibiotics, a fall was observed in the bacteria exposed for 8 hours for all studied antibiotics. Conclusion: The findings of this study show a statistically significant rise in the sensitivity of Klebsiella pneumoniae to different antibiotics after 4.5 hours of exposure to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi radiation, followed by a fall after 8 hours of exposure. These observations can be interpreted by the concept of non-linearity in the responses of Klebsiella pneumoniae to different antibiotics after exposure to electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation. As in this study a minimum level of

  2. Avaliação fenotípica da enzima Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC em Enterobacteriaceae de ambiente hospitalar Phenotypic research on Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC enzyme in Enterobacteriaceae from hospitals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosabel Dienstmann


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVO: A resistência bacteriana é problema frequente e importante no ambiente nosocomial. Nesse contexto, várias bactérias apresentam habilidade de desenvolver mecanismos de resistência enzimáticos, destacando-se as Enterobacteriaceae. Nesta família de microrganismos, a produção de Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC é um mecanismo emergente, o que justifica sua vigilância constante. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Este trabalho pesquisou o fenótipo de KPC em 30 isolados clínicos de enterobactérias resistentes a cefalosporinas de terceira geração e sensibilidade diminuída a carbapenem oriundas de dois hospitais (em Porto Alegre e na Grande Porto Alegre, RS. Realizou-se discodifusão com imipenem, meropenem e ertapenem, e 14 cepas com halo INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Bacterial resistance is a frequent and important problem in the nosocomial environment. In this context, several bacteria have the ability to develop mechanisms of enzymatic resistance, mainly Enterobacteriaceae. In this family of microorganisms, the production of Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC is an emerging mechanism, which should be under constant observation. MATERIAL AND METHOD: This study investigated the phenotype of KPC in 30 clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae resistant to third generation cephalosporin and carbapenem from two hospitals (Porto Alegre city and Porto Alegre, RS. It was performed disk diffusion method with imipenem, meropenem and ertapenem. Additionally, 14 strains with halo < 22 mm for the last antimicrobial agent underwent modified Hodge test. RESULTS: No sample showed carbapenemase (Hodge negative. DISCUSSION: Despite the fact there was no carbapenemase, resistance to carbapenems is possibly attributed to the presence of beta-lactamases AmpC and/or ESBL associated with changes in the permeability of porin channels. CONCLUSION: Given the emerging nature of KPC, it is important to trace it in Enterobacteriaceae

  3. Outbreak of Ampicillin/Piperacillin-Resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU): Investigation and Control Measures


    Fabbri, Giuliana; Panico, Manuela; Dallolio, Laura; Suzzi, Roberta; Ciccia, Matilde; Sandri, Fabrizio; Farruggia, Patrizia


    Klebsiella pneumoniae is a frequent cause of infectious outbreaks in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). The aim of this paper is to describe an outbreak occurred in a 13-bed NICU and the control measures adopted in order to interrupt the chain of transmission. We described the microbiological investigations, the NICU staff compliance to the infection control measures by means of a specifically designed check-list and the control measures adopted. Six cases of primary bloodstream infection...

  4. Reduction of molybdate to molybdenum blue by Klebsiella sp. strain hkeem. (United States)

    Lim, H K; Syed, M A; Shukor, M Y


    A novel molybdate-reducing bacterium, tentatively identified as Klebsiella sp. strain hkeem and based on partial 16s rDNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, has been isolated. Strain hkeem produced 3 times more molybdenum blue than Serratia sp. strain Dr.Y8; the most potent Mo-reducing bacterium isolated to date. Molybdate was optimally reduced to molybdenum blue using 4.5 mM phosphate, 80 mM molybdate and using 1% (w/v) fructose as a carbon source. Molybdate reduction was optimum at 30 °C and at pH 7.3. The molybdenum blue produced from cellular reduction exhibited absorption spectrum with a maximum peak at 865 nm and a shoulder at 700 nm. Inhibitors of electron transport system such as antimycin A, rotenone, sodium azide, and potassium cyanide did not inhibit the molybdenum-reducing enzyme. Mercury, silver, and copper at 1 ppm inhibited molybdenum blue formation in whole cells of strain hkeem. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. A Semi-Synthetic Glycoconjugate Vaccine Candidate for Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Seeberger, Peter H; Pereira, Claney L; Khan, Naeem; Xiao, Guozhi; Diago-Navarro, Elizabeth; Reppe, Katrin; Opitz, Bastian; Fries, Bettina C; Witzenrath, Martin


    Hospital-acquired infections are an increasingly serious health concern. Infections caused by carpabenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CR-Kp) are especially problematic, with a 50 % average survival rate. CR-Kp are isolated from patients with ever greater frequency, 7 % within the EU but 62 % in Greece. At a time when antibiotics are becoming less effective, no vaccines to protect from this severe bacterial infection exist. Herein, we describe the convergent [3+3] synthesis of the hexasaccharide repeating unit from its capsular polysaccharide and related sequences. Immunization with the synthetic hexasaccharide 1 glycoconjugate resulted in high titers of cross-reactive antibodies against CR-Kp CPS in mice and rabbits. Whole-cell ELISA was used to establish the surface staining of CR-Kp strains. The antibodies raised were found to promote phagocytosis. Thus, this semi-synthetic glycoconjugate is a lead for the development of a vaccine against a rapidly progressing, deadly bacterium. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils of cultivated oregano (Origanum vulgare), sage (Salvia officinalis), and thyme (Thymus vulgaris) against clinical isolates of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Fournomiti, Maria; Kimbaris, Athanasios; Mantzourani, Ioanna; Plessas, Stavros; Theodoridou, Irene; Papaemmanouil, Virginia; Kapsiotis, Ioannis; Panopoulou, Maria; Stavropoulou, Elisavet; Bezirtzoglou, Eugenia E; Alexopoulos, Athanasios


    Oregano (Origanum vulgare), sage (Salvia officinalis), and thyme (Thymus vulgaris) are aromatic plants with ornamental, culinary, and phytotherapeutic use all over the world. In Europe, they are traditionally used in the southern countries, particularly in the Mediterranean region. The antimicrobial activities of the essential oils (EOs) derived from those plants have captured the attention of scientists as they could be used as alternatives to the increasing resistance of traditional antibiotics against pathogen infections. Therefore, significant interest in the cultivation of various aromatic and medicinal plants is recorded during the last years. However, to gain a proper and marketable chemotype various factors during the cultivation should be considered as the geographical morphology, climatic, and farming conditions. In this frame, we have studied the antimicrobial efficiency of the EOs from oregano, sage, and thyme cultivated under different conditions in a region of NE Greece in comparison to the data available in literature. Plants were purchased from a certified supplier, planted, and cultivated in an experimental field under different conditions and harvested after 9 months. EOs were extracted by using a Clevenger apparatus and tested for their antibacterial properties (Minimum inhibitory concentration - MIC) against clinical isolates of multidrug resistant Escherichia coli (n=27), Klebsiella oxytoca (n=7), and Klebsiella pneumoniae (n=16) strains by using the broth microdilution assay. Our results showed that the most sensitive organism was K. oxytoca with a mean value of MIC of 0.9 µg/mL for oregano EOs and 8.1 µg/mL for thyme. The second most sensitive strain was K. pneumoniae with mean MIC values of 9.5 µg/mL for thyme and 73.5 µg/mL for oregano EOs. E. coli strains were among the most resistant to EOs antimicrobial action as the observed MICs were 24.8-28.6 µg/mL for thyme and above 125 µg/mL for thyme and sage. Most efficient were the EOs

  7. The secondary resistome of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Jana, Bimal; Cain, Amy K; Doerrler, William T; Boinett, Christine J; Fookes, Maria C; Parkhill, Julian; Guardabassi, Luca


    Klebsiella pneumoniae causes severe lung and bloodstream infections that are difficult to treat due to multidrug resistance. We hypothesized that antimicrobial resistance can be reversed by targeting chromosomal non-essential genes that are not responsible for acquired resistance but essential for resistant bacteria under therapeutic concentrations of antimicrobials. Conditional essentiality of individual genes to antimicrobial resistance was evaluated in an epidemic multidrug-resistant clone of K. pneumoniae (ST258). We constructed a high-density transposon mutant library of >430,000 unique Tn5 insertions and measured mutant depletion upon exposure to three clinically relevant antimicrobials (colistin, imipenem or ciprofloxacin) by Transposon Directed Insertion-site Sequencing (TraDIS). Using this high-throughput approach, we defined three sets of chromosomal non-essential genes essential for growth during exposure to colistin (n = 35), imipenem (n = 1) or ciprofloxacin (n = 1) in addition to known resistance determinants, collectively termed the "secondary resistome". As proof of principle, we demonstrated that inactivation of a non-essential gene not previously found linked to colistin resistance (dedA) restored colistin susceptibility by reducing the minimum inhibitory concentration from 8 to 0.5 μg/ml, 4-fold below the susceptibility breakpoint (S ≤ 2 μg/ml). This finding suggests that the secondary resistome is a potential target for developing antimicrobial "helper" drugs that restore the efficacy of existing antimicrobials.

  8. [Not Available]. (United States)

    Siah, S; Belefqih, R; Elouennass, M; Fouadi, F E; Ihrai, I


    L'infection nosocomiale bactérienne étant l'une des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité chez le brûlé, nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective portant sur 84 patients hospitalisés au sein du service de réanimation des brûlés de l'Hôpital Militaire d'Instruction Mohammed V de Rabat, sur une période de 3 ans, du premier janvier 2001 au 31 décembre 2003. Les critères d'infection nosocomiale étaient ceux du Center for Disease Control d'Atlanta de 1988. Les taux d'incidence ont été calculés. La population infectée a été comparée à celle non infectée. L'écologie bactérienne du service a été décrite comme aussi l'antibiotype. Il ressort de cette étude la survenue de 87 infections nosocomiales chez 27 patients. L'incidence cumulative était de 103 infections pour 1000 jours de traitement. Pour ce qui est des caractéristiques des infections bactériennes, les sites infectés étaient la peau (77%), le sang (13,8%), les voies urinaires (8%) et les poumons (1,1%). Les principaux germes étaient: Staphylococcus sp. (33,3%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (23%), Enterococcus faecalis et Acinetobacter (8%). Les staphylocoques étaient méticillo-résistants dans 22,2% des cas. Le Pseudomonas et l'Acinetobacter étaient multirésistants (60%). Dans notre étude les facteurs prédictifs de survenue des infections nosocomiales que nous avons retenus après l'étude comparative des populations infectées et non infectées ont été l'âge, le body mass index, l'abbreviated burn severity index et le remplissage initial. En isolant ces paramètres, nous avons pu établir une équation à valeur prédictive de survenue d'infection nosocomiale chez le patient brûlé.

  9. First Identification of a Patient Colonized With Klebsiella pneumoniae Carrying blaNDM-1 in Taiwan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hua-Shin Wu


    Full Text Available New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase 1 (NDM-1 is a novel type of metallo-β-lactamase (MBL. Enterobacteriaceae carrying this NDM-1 encoding gene, blaNDM-1, have been identified worldwide. Bacteria carrying blaNDM-1 are not only resistant to carbapenem, but also highly resistant to many classes of antibiotics, which indicate the importance of prompt identification of these bacteria and implementation of strict infection control measures to prevent their transmission. Here, we report the first identification and management of a patient colonized with Klebsiella pneumoniae carrying blaNDM-1 in Taiwan, who returned from New Delhi where he had been hospitalized for a gun-shot injury.

  10. Genomic Analysis of a Pan-Resistant Isolate of Klebsiella pneumoniae, United States 2016. (United States)

    de Man, Tom J B; Lutgring, Joseph D; Lonsway, David R; Anderson, Karen F; Kiehlbauch, Julia A; Chen, Lei; Walters, Maroya Spalding; Sjölund-Karlsson, Maria; Rasheed, J Kamile; Kallen, Alexander; Halpin, Alison Laufer


    Antimicrobial resistance is a threat to public health globally and leads to an estimated 23,000 deaths annually in the United States alone. Here, we report the genomic characterization of an unusual Klebsiella pneumoniae , nonsusceptible to all 26 antibiotics tested, that was isolated from a U.S. The isolate harbored four known beta-lactamase genes, including plasmid-mediated bla NDM-1 and bla CMY-6 , as well as chromosomal bla CTX-M-15 and bla SHV-28 , which accounted for resistance to all beta-lactams tested. In addition, sequence analysis identified mechanisms that could explain all other reported nonsusceptibility results, including nonsusceptibility to colistin, tigecycline, and chloramphenicol. Two plasmids, IncA/C2 and IncFIB, were closely related to mobile elements described previously and isolated from Gram-negative bacteria from China, Nepal, India, the United States, and Kenya, suggesting possible origins of the isolate and plasmids. This is one of the first K. pneumoniae isolates in the United States to have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as nonsusceptible to all drugs tested, including all beta-lactams, colistin, and tigecycline. IMPORTANCE Antimicrobial resistance is a major public health threat worldwide. Bacteria that are nonsusceptible or resistant to all antimicrobials available are of major concern to patients and the public because of lack of treatment options and potential for spread. A Klebsiella pneumoniae strain that was nonsusceptible to all tested antibiotics was isolated from a U.S. Mechanisms that could explain all observed phenotypic antimicrobial resistance phenotypes, including resistance to colistin and beta-lactams, were identified through whole-genome sequencing. The large variety of resistance determinants identified demonstrates the usefulness of whole-genome sequencing for detecting these genes in an outbreak response. Sequencing of isolates with rare and unusual phenotypes can provide

  11. Antibacterial activity of local herbs collected from Murree (Pakistan) against multi-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumonae, E. coli and methyciline resistant Staphylococcus aureus. (United States)

    Mansoor, Qaisar; Shaheen, Saira; Javed, Uzma; Shaheen, Uzma; Iqrar, Irum; Ismail, Muhammad


    Exploring healing power in plants emerged in prehistory of human civilization. Sustaining good health has been achieved over the millions of years by use of plant products in various traditional sockets. A major contribution of medicinal plants to health care systems is their limitless possession of bioactive components that stimulate explicit physiological actions. Luckily Pakistan is blessed with huge reservoir of plants with medicinal potential and some of them; we focused in this study for their medicinal importance.In this study we checked the antibacterial activity inherent in Ricinus communis, Solanum nigrum, Dodonaea viscose and Berberis lyceum extracts for multidrug resistance bacterial strains Klebsiella pneumonae, E. coli and methyciline resistant Staphylococcus aureus. MRSA showed sensitivity for Ricinus communis. Multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumonae was sensitive with Pine roxburgii and Ricinus communis but weakly susceptible for Solanum nigrum. Multidrug resistant E. coli was resistant to all plant extracts. Treatment of severe infections caused by the bacterial strains used in this study with Ricinus communis, Pine roxburgii and Solanum nigrum can lower the undesired side effects of synthetic medicine and also reduce the economic burden.

  12. Management of KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae infections. (United States)

    Bassetti, M; Giacobbe, D R; Giamarellou, H; Viscoli, C; Daikos, G L; Dimopoulos, G; De Rosa, F G; Giamarellos-Bourboulis, E J; Rossolini, G M; Righi, E; Karaiskos, I; Tumbarello, M; Nicolau, D P; Viale, P L; Poulakou, G


    Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-producing K. pneumoniae (KPC-KP) has become one of the most important contemporary pathogens, especially in endemic areas. To provide practical suggestion for physicians dealing with the management of KPC-KP infections in critically ill patients, based on expert opinions. PubMed search for relevant publications related to the management of KPC-KP infections. A panel of experts developed a list of 12 questions to be addressed. In view of the current lack of high-level evidence, they were asked to provide answers on the bases of their knowledge and experience in the field. The panel identified several key aspects to be addressed when dealing with KPC-KP in critically ill patients (preventing colonization in the patient, preventing infection in the colonized patient and colonization of his or her contacts, reducing mortality in the infected patient by rapidly diagnosing the causative agent and promptly adopting the best therapeutic strategy) and provided related suggestions that were based on the available observational literature and the experience of panel members. Diagnostic technologies could speed up the diagnosis of KPC-KP infections. Combination treatment should be preferred to monotherapy in cases of severe infections. For non-critically ill patients without severe infections, results from randomized clinical trials are needed for ultimately weighing benefits and costs of using combinations rather than monotherapy. Multifaceted infection control interventions are needed to decrease the rates of colonization and cross-transmission of KPC-KP. Copyright © 2017 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Virulence of a Klebsiella pneumoniae strain carrying the New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1 (NDM-1)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fuursted, Kurt; Schøler, Lone; Hansen, Frank


    , and in vitro virulence by assessing various virulence factors. The NDM-1 carrying K. pneumoniae isolate was the most virulent in the murine sepsis model but there was no clear cut correlation to in vitro virulence factors or killing in C. elegans. It is concluded that K. pneumoniae carrying NDM-1 have......The aim of the study was to compare and evaluate virulence in five strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae, including an isolate carrying New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1 (NDM-1). In vivo virulence was assessed using a murine sepsis model and using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans killing model...

  14. Changes in qnr Prevalence and Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter spp. Collected from 1990 to 2005▿ (United States)

    Strahilevitz, Jacob; Engelstein, Dalia; Adler, Amos; Temper, Violeta; Moses, Allon E.; Block, Colin; Robicsek, Ari


    Clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter spp. collected from 1990 through 2005 at a tertiary care center were studied for qnr genes. Isolates bearing these genes emerged in the mid-1990s, coinciding with the time of a rapid increase in fluoroquinolone resistance. Sixty percent of these isolates were ciprofloxacin susceptible by CLSI breakpoints. PMID:17526754

  15. Complete genome sequence of N2-fixing model strain Klebsiella sp. nov. M5al, which produces plant cell wall-degrading enzymes and siderophores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhili Yu


    Full Text Available The bacterial strain M5al is a model strain for studying the molecular genetics of N2-fixation and molecular engineering of microbial production of platform chemicals 1,3-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol. Here, we present the complete genome sequence of the strain M5al, which belongs to a novel species closely related to Klebsiella michiganensis. M5al secretes plant cell wall-degrading enzymes and colonizes rice roots but does not cause soft rot disease. M5al also produces siderophores and contains the gene clusters for synthesis and transport of yersiniabactin which is a critical virulence factor for Klebsiella pathogens in causing human disease. We propose that the model strain M5al can be genetically modified to study bacterial N2-fixation in association with non-legume plants and production of 1,3-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol through degradation of plant cell wall biomass.

  16. In Vitro Inhibition of Klebsiella pneumoniae by Lactobacillus delbrueckii Subsp. delbrueckii LDD01 (DSM 22106): An Innovative Strategy to Possibly Counteract Such Infections in Humans? (United States)

    Mogna, Luca; Deidda, Francesca; Nicola, Stefania; Amoruso, Angela; Del Piano, Mario; Mogna, Giovanni

    To determine the in vitro antimicrobial activity of selected Lactobacillus strains isolated from the feces of healthy humans against Klebsiella pneumoniae. Klebsiella is ubiquitous in nature and may colonize the skin, the pharynx, or the gastrointestinal tract of humans. Despite the widespread use of antibiotic molecules with a broad spectrum in hospitalized patients, an increased overall load of klebsiellae as well as the subsequent development of multidrug-resistant strains able to synthesize extended-spectrum beta-lactamase have been registered. These strains are particularly virulent, express capsular-type K55, and have a considerable ability to propagate. The 4 strains Lactobacillus paracasei LPC01 (CNCM I-1390), Lactobacillus rhamnosus LR04 (DSM 16605), Bifidobacterium longum B2274 (DSM 24707), and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii LDD01 (DSM 22106) were tested. The analysis was performed using both a disc-diffusion assay and the broth-dilution procedure, also including an evaluation of the supernatants obtained from a fresh broth culture of each bacterium. L. delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii LDD01 demonstrated the best inhibitory results among all the tested strains. The antibacterial activity of the supernatant was retained even after treatment with α-amylase and neutralization with NaOH 1N, thus suggesting the protein structure of the inhibitory molecule. In contrast, it was completely lost after treatment with proteinase K. Overall results suggest that the inhibitory effect of L. delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii LDD01 should be attributed to the production of a bacteriocin. This strain may be prospectively useful for strengthening probiotic formulations and possibly counteract infections by K. pneumoniae in humans.

  17. Dynamics of human complement-mediated killing of Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Nypaver, Christina M; Thornton, Margaret M; Yin, Suellen M; Bracho, David O; Nelson, Patrick W; Jones, Alan E; Bortz, David M; Younger, John G


    With an in vitro system that used a luminescent strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae to assess bacterial metabolic activity in near-real-time, we investigated the dynamics of complement-mediated attack in healthy individuals and in patients presenting to the emergency department with community-acquired severe sepsis. A novel mathematical/statistical model was developed to simplify light output trajectories over time into two fitted parameters, the rate of complement activation and the delay from activation to the onset of killing. Using Factor B-depleted serum, the alternative pathway was found to be the primary bactericidal effector: In the absence of B, C3 opsonization as measured by flow cytometry did not progress and bacteria proliferated near exponentially. Defects in bacterial killing were easily demonstrable in patients with severe sepsis compared with healthy volunteers. In most patients with sepsis, the rate of activation was higher than in normal subjects but was associated with a prolonged delay between activation and bacterial killing (P < 0.05 for both). Theoretical modeling suggested that this combination of accentuated but delayed function should allow successful bacterial killing but with significantly greater complement activation. The use of luminescent bacteria allowed for the development of a novel and powerful tool for assessing complement immunology for the purposes of mechanistic study and patient evaluation.

  18. First case of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase in Klebsiella pneumoniae from Ecuador: An update for South America


    Daniel Romero-Alvarez; Jorge Reyes; Viviana Quezada; Carolina Satán; Nelson Cevallos; Sofía Barrera; Gabriel Trueba; Luis E. Escobar; José E. Villacís


    Objectives: To describe a clinical case of Klebsiella pneumoniae harboring a New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM) plasmid in Ecuador and to present a map of reports of NDM isolates in South America. Methods: The modified Hodge test, carbapenem inactivation method, imipenemâEDTA disk method (synergy), and Rapidec Carba NP test were used to identify antibiotic resistance mechanisms. The presence of resistance genes was explored with a conjugation assay, and molecular confirmation of NDM was per...

  19. Transposons and integrons in colistin-resistant clones of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumannii with epidemic or sporadic behaviour. (United States)

    Arduino, Sonia M; Quiroga, María Paula; Ramírez, María Soledad; Merkier, Andrea Karina; Errecalde, Laura; Di Martino, Ana; Smayevsky, Jorgelina; Kaufman, Sara; Centrón, Daniela


    Multiple transposons, integrons and carbapenemases were found in Klebsiella pneumoniae colistin-resistant isolates as well as a genomic resistance island of the AbaR type in Acinetobacter baumannii colistin-resistant isolates from different hospitals from Buenos Aires City. PFGE analysis showed a polyclonal dissemination of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms among K. pneumoniae isolates, while in A. baumannii isolates the epidemic clone 1 from South America was found. Resistance determinants associated with horizontal gene transfer are contributing to the evolution to pandrug resistance in both epidemic and sporadic clones.

  20. Experimental infection with Klebsiella pneumoniae and its gentamicin therapy in guinea pigs 60Co irradiated with 4 Gy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kallay, Z.; Trnovec, T.; Durisova, M.; Mazurova, E.; Navarova, J.; Plskova, M.; Kettner, M.


    Sublethal irradiation was used to suppress the immunity response of the organism. Following the development of infection with Klebsiella pneumoniae the therapeutical effect was compared of intramuscular administration and of inhalation of gentamicin. Intramuscular administration was statistically significant for reducing the mortality of infected guinea pigs as against non-treated animals at days 7 to 10 after irradiation. Administration by inhalation had the same effect between days 12 and 25 after irradiation. The weight and blood counts of the animals were observed during the experiment. (M.D.)

  1. Evaluation of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute phenotypic confirmatory test to detect the presence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases from 4005 Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis isolates. (United States)

    Morrissey, Ian; Bouchillon, Samuel K; Hackel, Meredith; Biedenbach, Douglas J; Hawser, Stephen; Hoban, Daryl; Badal, Robert E


    A subset of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis isolates collected for the Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends that were positive for the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) phenotypic confirmatory test (n = 3245) or had an ertapenem MIC of ≥0.5 µg ml(-1) (n = 293), or both (n = 467), were analysed for ESBL genes. Most ESBL phenotype E. coli or K. pneumoniae possessed an ESBL gene (95.8 and 88.4 %, respectively), and this was 93.1 % if carbapenem-non-susceptible K. pneumoniae were removed. This rate was lower for P. mirabilis (73.4 %) and K. oxytoca (62.5 %). Virtually all ESBL-positive isolates (99.5 %) were cefotaxime non-susceptible [CLSI or European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) breakpoints)]. Fewer isolates (82 %) were ceftazidime non-susceptible (CLSI breakpoints). In addition, 21.1 % of E. coli, 25 % of K. oxytoca and 78.7 % of P. mirabilis isolates were ceftazidime susceptible but ESBL positive. This suggests that CLSI breakpoints for ceftazidime are too high to detect ESBLs. The lower EUCAST breakpoints detected ESBLs in E. coli and K. oxytoca better, but 59.6 % of ESBL-positive isolates of P. mirabilis were ceftazidime susceptible. For isolates with ertapenem MICs ≥0.5 µg ml(-1), more accurate ESBL phenotype analysis was observed for E. coli and K. pneumoniae (sensitivity >95 % for both, specificity 94.4 and 54.1 %, respectively). If carbapenemase-positive K. pneumoniae were excluded, the specificity increased to 78 %. The positive predictive values for the ESBL phenotypic test with E. coli and K. pneumoniae were 97.6 and 81.8 %, respectively, and negative predictive values were 75.9 and 95.2 %, respectively. We therefore suggest that it would be prudent to confirm phenotypic ESBL-positive P. mirabilis, K. pneumoniae and K. oxytoca with molecular analysis.

  2. Outbreak of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae: two-year epidemiologic follow-up in a tertiary hospital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Graziella Hanna Pereira


    Full Text Available This study describes a carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP outbreak that occurred from October 2008-December 2010. Polymerase chain reaction assays were performed to detect the blaKPC gene and molecular typing was performed using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE. There were 33 CRKP infections; PFGE revealed five genotypes: genotype A in five (15%, B in 18 (55%, C in eight (24% and two unique profiles. Genotype B was disseminated in all hospital units and belonged to the same clone identified in 11 different hospitals in the state of São Paulo. Sixteen (48% patients died. Seven isolates (21% were resistant to polymyxin B and 45% were resistant to tigecycline and amikacin.

  3. Portable exhausters POR-004 SKID B, POR-005 SKID C, POR-006 SKID D storage plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, O.D.; Keller, G.M.


    This document provides a storage plan for portable exhausters POR-004 SKID B, POR-005 SKID C, AND POR-006 SKID D. The exhausters will be stored until they are needed by the TWRS (Tank Waste Remediation Systems) Saltwell Pumping Program. The storage plan provides criteria for portable exhauster storage, periodic inspections during storage, and retrieval from storage

  4. Impact of carbapenem resistance on the outcome of patients' hospital-acquired bacteraemia caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Hussein, K; Raz-Pasteur, A; Finkelstein, R; Neuberger, A; Shachor-Meyouhas, Y; Oren, I; Kassis, I


    Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, especially Klebsiella spp., have become a major health problem recently worldwide. Since 2006 the incidence of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) infections has increased substantially in Israel. Bloodstream infections (BSIs) caused by these strains have been associated with high rates of treatment failure and mortality. This study was designed to identify risk factors for carbapenem resistance among patients with healthcare-related (HCR) K. pneumoniae bacteraemia and predictors of mortality associated with HCR-CRKP bacteraemia compared with carbapenem-susceptible K. pneumoniae (CSKP). In this retrospective case-control study, all cases of K. pneumoniae bacteraemia during 2006-2008 were identified. Resistance patterns, underlying morbidities, risk factors for drug resistance and mortality rates were compared for patients with CRKP and CSKP bacteraemia. Two hundred and fourteen patients with CSKP bacteraemia were compared with 103 patients with CRKP bacteraemia. Severe, chronic comorbidities and prior antibiotic use were more frequent among patients with CRKP bacteraemia. On multivariate analysis prior use of macrolides and antibiotic exposure for ≥14 days remained the only independent factors associated with CRKP bacteraemia. Mortality rates of CRKP patients were significantly higher than those of CSKP patients. On multivariate analyses: bedridden status, chronic liver disease, Charlson comorbidity index ≥5, mechanical ventilation, and haemodialysis remained independently associated with mortality among patients with K. pneumoniae bacteraemia. Carbapenem resistance was not a risk factor for mortality. Previous antibiotic exposure is a risk factor for CRKP-BSI. Mortality among patients with K. pneumoniae bacteraemia is associated with serious comorbidities, but not with carbapenem resistance. Copyright © 2012 The Healthcare Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Emergence of KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Italy

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    Bossa Maria C


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The emergence of KPC-producing K. pneumoniae has now become a global concern. KPC beta-lactamases are plasmid-borne and, like extended spectrum beta lactamases (ESBLs, can accumulate and transfer resistance determinants to other classes of antibiotics. Therefore, infection control guidelines on early identification and control of the spread of organisms carrying these resistant determinants are needed. Findings Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC was detected in two isolates of carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae obtained from patients at an Italian teaching hospital. The first strain was isolated from a culture drawn from a central venous device (CVC in a patient with Crohn's disease who was admitted to a gastroenterology ward. The second was isolated from a urine sample collected from an indwelling urinary catheter in an intensive care unit (ICU patient with a subdural haematoma. The patients had not travelled abroad. Both isolates were resistant to all β-lactams and were susceptible to imipenem and meropenem but resistant to ertapenem. Isolates also showed resistance to other classes of non-β-lactam antibiotics, such as quinolones, aminoglycosides (with the exception for amikacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX and nitrofurantoin. They were determined to contain the plasmid encoding the carbapenemase gene bla-KPC and were also positive in the Hodge test. Conclusions This is the second report of KPC-producing isolates in Italy, but the first concerning KPC type 2 gene, and it may have important implications for controlling the transmission of microorganisms resistant to antibiotics.

  6. Regulation of expression of Na+ -translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase genes in Vibrio harveyi and Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Fadeeva, Maria S; Yakovtseva, Evgenia A; Belevich, Galina A; Bertsova, Yulia V; Bogachev, Alexander V


    The expression of genes encoding sodium-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (Na(+)-NQR) was studied in the marine bacterium Vibrio harveyi and in the enterobacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae. It has been shown that such parameters as NaCl concentration, pH value, and presence of an uncoupler in the growth media do not influence significantly the level of nqr expression. However, nqr expression depends on the growth substrates used by these bacteria. Na(+)-NQR is highly repressed in V. harveyi during anaerobic growth, and nqr expression is modulated by electron acceptors and values of their redox potentials. The latter effect was shown to be independent of the ArcAB regulatory system.

  7. Susceptibility of chemostat-grown Yersinia enterocolitica and Klebsiella pneumoniae to chlorine dioxide. (United States)

    Harakeh, M S; Berg, J D; Hoff, J C; Matin, A


    The resistance of bacteria to antimicrobial agents could be influenced by growth environment. The susceptibility of two enteric bacteria, Yersinia enterocolitica and Klebsiella pneumoniae, to chlorine dioxide was investigated. These organisms were grown in a defined medium in a chemostat and the influence of growth rate, temperature, and cell density on the susceptibility was studied. All inactivation experiments were conducted with a dose of 0.25 mg of chlorine dioxide per liter in phosphate-buffered saline at pH 7.0 and 23 degrees C. The results indicated that populations grown under conditions that more closely approximate natural aquatic environments, e.g., low temperatures and growth at submaximal rates caused by nutrient limitation, were most resistant. The conclusion from this study is that antecedent growth conditions have a profound effect on the susceptibility of bacteria to disinfectants, and it is more appropriate to use the chemostat-grown bacteria as test organisms to evaluate the efficacy of a certain disinfectant.

  8. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils of cultivated oregano (Origanum vulgare, sage (Salvia officinalis, and thyme (Thymus vulgaris against clinical isolates of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca, and Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    Maria Fournomiti


    Full Text Available Background: Oregano (Origanum vulgare, sage (Salvia officinalis, and thyme (Thymus vulgaris are aromatic plants with ornamental, culinary, and phytotherapeutic use all over the world. In Europe, they are traditionally used in the southern countries, particularly in the Mediterranean region. The antimicrobial activities of the essential oils (EOs derived from those plants have captured the attention of scientists as they could be used as alternatives to the increasing resistance of traditional antibiotics against pathogen infections. Therefore, significant interest in the cultivation of various aromatic and medicinal plants is recorded during the last years. However, to gain a proper and marketable chemotype various factors during the cultivation should be considered as the geographical morphology, climatic, and farming conditions. In this frame, we have studied the antimicrobial efficiency of the EOs from oregano, sage, and thyme cultivated under different conditions in a region of NE Greece in comparison to the data available in literature. Methods: Plants were purchased from a certified supplier, planted, and cultivated in an experimental field under different conditions and harvested after 9 months. EOs were extracted by using a Clevenger apparatus and tested for their antibacterial properties (Minimum inhibitory concentration – MIC against clinical isolates of multidrug resistant Escherichia coli (n=27, Klebsiella oxytoca (n=7, and Klebsiella pneumoniae (n=16 strains by using the broth microdilution assay. Results: Our results showed that the most sensitive organism was K. oxytoca with a mean value of MIC of 0.9 µg/mL for oregano EOs and 8.1 µg/mL for thyme. The second most sensitive strain was K. pneumoniae with mean MIC values of 9.5 µg/mL for thyme and 73.5 µg/mL for oregano EOs. E. coli strains were among the most resistant to EOs antimicrobial action as the observed MICs were 24.8–28.6 µg/mL for thyme and above 125 µg/mL for

  9. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils of cultivated oregano (Origanum vulgare), sage (Salvia officinalis), and thyme (Thymus vulgaris) against clinical isolates of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca, and Klebsiella pneumoniae (United States)

    Fournomiti, Maria; Kimbaris, Athanasios; Mantzourani, Ioanna; Plessas, Stavros; Theodoridou, Irene; Papaemmanouil, Virginia; Kapsiotis, Ioannis; Panopoulou, Maria; Stavropoulou, Elisavet; Bezirtzoglou, Eugenia E.; Alexopoulos, Athanasios


    Background Oregano (Origanum vulgare), sage (Salvia officinalis), and thyme (Thymus vulgaris) are aromatic plants with ornamental, culinary, and phytotherapeutic use all over the world. In Europe, they are traditionally used in the southern countries, particularly in the Mediterranean region. The antimicrobial activities of the essential oils (EOs) derived from those plants have captured the attention of scientists as they could be used as alternatives to the increasing resistance of traditional antibiotics against pathogen infections. Therefore, significant interest in the cultivation of various aromatic and medicinal plants is recorded during the last years. However, to gain a proper and marketable chemotype various factors during the cultivation should be considered as the geographical morphology, climatic, and farming conditions. In this frame, we have studied the antimicrobial efficiency of the EOs from oregano, sage, and thyme cultivated under different conditions in a region of NE Greece in comparison to the data available in literature. Methods Plants were purchased from a certified supplier, planted, and cultivated in an experimental field under different conditions and harvested after 9 months. EOs were extracted by using a Clevenger apparatus and tested for their antibacterial properties (Minimum inhibitory concentration – MIC) against clinical isolates of multidrug resistant Escherichia coli (n=27), Klebsiella oxytoca (n=7), and Klebsiella pneumoniae (n=16) strains by using the broth microdilution assay. Results Our results showed that the most sensitive organism was K. oxytoca with a mean value of MIC of 0.9 µg/mL for oregano EOs and 8.1 µg/mL for thyme. The second most sensitive strain was K. pneumoniae with mean MIC values of 9.5 µg/mL for thyme and 73.5 µg/mL for oregano EOs. E. coli strains were among the most resistant to EOs antimicrobial action as the observed MICs were 24.8–28.6 µg/mL for thyme and above 125 µg/mL for thyme and sage

  10. Outbreak of NDM-1-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a Dutch Hospital, with Interspecies Transfer of the Resistance Plasmid and Unexpected Occurrence in Unrelated Health Care Centers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bosch, Thijs; Lutgens, Suzanne P M; Hermans, Mirjam H A; Wever, Peter C; Schneeberger, Peter M.; Renders, Nicole H M; Leenders, Alexander C. A. P.; Kluytmans, Jan A. J. W.; Schoffelen, Annelot F; Notermans, Daan; Witteveen, Sandra; Bathoorn, Erik; Schouls, Leo M.

    In the Netherlands, the number of cases of infection with New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase (NDM)-positive Enterobacteriaceae is low. Here, we report an outbreak of NDM-1-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in a Dutch hospital with interspecies transfer of the resistance plasmid and unexpected

  11. Outbreak of NDM-1-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a Dutch Hospital, with Interspecies Transfer of the Resistance Plasmid and Unexpected Occurrence in Unrelated Health Care Centers.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bosch, Thijs; Lutgens, Suzanne P M; Hermans, Mirjam H A; Wever, Peter C; Schneeberger, Peter M; Renders, Nicole H M; Leenders, Alexander C A P; Kluytmans, Jan A J W; Schoffelen, Annelot; Notermans, Daan; Witteveen, Sandra; Bathoorn, Erik; Schouls, Leo M

    In the Netherlands, the number of cases of infection with New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase (NDM)-positive Enterobacteriaceae is low. Here, we report an outbreak of NDM-1-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in a Dutch hospital with interspecies transfer of the resistance plasmid and unexpected

  12. Dynamics of Human Complement–Mediated Killing of Klebsiella pneumoniae (United States)

    Nypaver, Christina M.; Thornton, Margaret M.; Yin, Suellen M.; Bracho, David O.; Nelson, Patrick W.; Jones, Alan E.; Bortz, David M.; Younger, John G.


    With an in vitro system that used a luminescent strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae to assess bacterial metabolic activity in near-real-time, we investigated the dynamics of complement-mediated attack in healthy individuals and in patients presenting to the emergency department with community-acquired severe sepsis. A novel mathematical/statistical model was developed to simplify light output trajectories over time into two fitted parameters, the rate of complement activation and the delay from activation to the onset of killing. Using Factor B–depleted serum, the alternative pathway was found to be the primary bactericidal effector: In the absence of B, C3 opsonization as measured by flow cytometry did not progress and bacteria proliferated near exponentially. Defects in bacterial killing were easily demonstrable in patients with severe sepsis compared with healthy volunteers. In most patients with sepsis, the rate of activation was higher than in normal subjects but was associated with a prolonged delay between activation and bacterial killing (P < 0.05 for both). Theoretical modeling suggested that this combination of accentuated but delayed function should allow successful bacterial killing but with significantly greater complement activation. The use of luminescent bacteria allowed for the development of a novel and powerful tool for assessing complement immunology for the purposes of mechanistic study and patient evaluation. PMID:20008281

  13. Klebsiella pneumoniae necrotizing fasciitis of the leg in an elderly French woman

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    Monié M


    Full Text Available Marguerite Monié,1 Laurence Drieux,2–4 Bernadette Nzili,1 Michèle Dicko,5 Catherine Goursot,1 Sandrine Greffard,6 Dominique Decré,3,4,7 Anthony Mézière1 1Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP, GHU Pitié Salpêtrière-Charles Foix, site Charles Foix, Service de Soins de Suite et Réadaptation orthogériatrique et polyvalent, Fondation d’Heur et Chemin Delatour, Ivry s/Seine, 2Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Charles-Foix, Bactériologie-Hygiène, Paris, 3Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CR7, Centre d’Immunologie et des Maladies Infectieuses, CIMI, team E13 (Bacteriology, Paris, 4INSERM, U1135, Centre d’Immunologie et des Maladies Infectieuses, CIMI, team E13 (Bacteriology, Paris, 5AP-HP, GHU Henri Mondor, Département de Médecine Interne et Gériatrie, Créteil, 6AP-HP, GHU Pitié Salpêtrière-Charles Foix, site Pitié Salpêtrière, Service de Médecine Gériatrique, Paris, 7AP-HP, Hôpital Saint-Antoine, Bactériologie-Hygiène, Paris, France Abstract: Klebsiella pneumoniae necrotizing fasciitis is a rare infection in regions outside of Asia. Here, we present a case of necrotizing fasciitis of the leg caused by K. pneumoniae in a 92-year-old French woman hospitalized in a geriatric rehabilitation unit. The patient initially presented with dermohypodermitis of the leg that developed from a dirty wound following a fall. A few hours later, this painful injury extended to the entire lower limb, with purplish discoloration of the skin, bullae, and necrosis. Septic shock rapidly appeared and the patient died 9 hours after the onset of symptoms. The patient was Caucasian, with no history of travel to Asia or any underlying disease. Computed tomography revealed no infectious metastatic loci. Blood cultures showed growth of capsular serotype K2 K. pneumoniae strains with virulence factors RmpA, yersiniabactin and aerobactin. This rare and fatal case of necrotizing fasciitis caused by a virulent strain

  14. The emergence of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates producing OXA-48 and NDM in the Southern (Asir) province, Saudi Arabia. (United States)

    Al-Zahrani, Ibrahim A; Alsiri, Bander A


    To identify the prevalence of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) and the most common types of cabapenemases among CRKP in the Southern (Asir) province hospitals, Saudi Arabia. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted between late April and September in 2015. A total of 54 Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) isolates with reduced sensitivity to carbapenems were obtained from various clinical specimens of the 2 largest hospitals in the Southern province. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of carbapenems were confirmed using E-test. Molecular detection of the most common carbapenemase genes (blaIMP, bla-carbapenem-hydrolyzing oxacillinase [OXA-48], blaVIM, bla-New Delhi metallo-ß-lactamas [NDM], and blaKPC) was performed using multiplex-polymerase chain reaction. Results: The current study found that increasing age and intensive care unit admission were associated with CRKP isolation. The major type of carbapenemases was OXA-48 with 81.5% (n=44) and it seems to reach an endemic level. New Delhi metallo-ß-lactamas (NDM) was the second most frequent carbapenemase by 7.4% (n=4) of isolates while Verona integron-encoded metallo-ß-lactamase (VIM) was reported only in one isolate. Conclusion: Saudi Arabia receives large numbers of visitors and migrant workers from OXA-48 and NDM endemic countries such as Turkey, India, and Pakistan every year.

  15. The emergence of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates producing OXA-48 and NDM in the Southern (Asir province, Saudi Arabia

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    Ibrahim A. Al-Zahrani


    Full Text Available Objectives: To identify the prevalence of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP and the most common types of cabapenemases among CRKP in the Southern (Asir province hospitals, Saudi Arabia. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted between late April and September in 2015. A total of 54 Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae isolates with reduced sensitivity to carbapenems were obtained from various clinical specimens of the 2 largest hospitals in the Southern province. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs of carbapenems were confirmed using E-test. Molecular detection of the most common carbapenemase genes (blaIMP, bla-carbapenem-hydrolyzing oxacillinase [OXA-48], blaVIM, bla-New Delhi metallo-ß-lactamas [NDM], and blaKPC was performed using multiplex-polymerase chain reaction. Results: The current study found that increasing age and intensive care unit admission were associated with CRKP isolation. The major type of carbapenemases was OXA-48 with 81.5% (n=44 and it seems to reach an endemic level. New Delhi metallo-ß-lactamas (NDM was the second most frequent carbapenemase by 7.4% (n=4 of isolates while Verona integron-encoded metallo-ß-lactamase (VIM was reported only in one isolate. Conclusion: Saudi Arabia receives large numbers of visitors and migrant workers from OXA-48 and NDM endemic countries such as Turkey, India, and Pakistan every year.

  16. Evaluating Different Virulence Traits of Klebsiella pneumoniae Using Dictyostelium discoideum and Zebrafish Larvae as Host Models

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    Andrés E. Marcoleta


    Full Text Available Multiresistant and invasive hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae strains have become one of the most urgent bacterial pathogen threats. Recent analyses revealed a high genomic plasticity of this species, harboring a variety of mobile genetic elements associated with virulent strains, encoding proteins of unknown function whose possible role in pathogenesis have not been addressed. K. pneumoniae virulence has been studied mainly in animal models such as mice and pigs, however, practical, financial, ethical and methodological issues limit the use of mammal hosts. Consequently, the development of simple and cost-effective experimental approaches with alternative host models is needed. In this work we described the use of both, the social amoeba and professional phagocyte Dictyostelium discoideum and the fish Danio rerio (zebrafish as surrogate host models to study K. pneumoniae virulence. We compared three K. pneumoniae clinical isolates evaluating their resistance to phagocytosis, intracellular survival, lethality, intestinal colonization, and innate immune cells recruitment. Optical transparency of both host models permitted studying the infective process in vivo, following the Klebsiella-host interactions through live-cell imaging. We demonstrated that K. pneumoniae RYC492, but not the multiresistant strains 700603 and BAA-1705, is virulent to both host models and elicits a strong immune response. Moreover, this strain showed a high resistance to phagocytosis by D. discoideum, an increased ability to form biofilms and a more prominent and irregular capsule. Besides, the strain 700603 showed the unique ability to replicate inside amoeba cells. Genomic comparison of the K. pneumoniae strains showed that the RYC492 strain has a higher overall content of virulence factors although no specific genes could be linked to its phagocytosis resistance, nor to the intracellular survival observed for the 700603 strain. Our results indicate that both zebrafish

  17. Inactivation of dhaD and dhaK abolishes by-product accumulation during 1,3-propanediol production in Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Horng, Yu-Tze; Chang, Kai-Chih; Chou, Ta-Chung; Yu, Chung-Jen; Chien, Chih-Ching; Wei, Yu-Hong; Soo, Po-Chi


    1,3-Propanediol (1,3-PD) can be used for the industrial synthesis of a variety of compounds, including polyesters, polyethers, and polyurethanes. 1,3-PD is generated from petrochemical and microbial sources. 1,3-Propanediol is a typical product of glycerol fermentation, while acetate, lactate, 2,3-butanediol, and ethanol also accumulate during the process. Substrate and product inhibition limit the final concentration of 1,3-propanediol in the fermentation broth. It is impossible to increase the yield of 1,3-propanediol by using the traditional whole-cell fermentation process. In this study, dhaD and dhaK, the genes for glycerol dehydrogenase and dihydroxyacetone kinase, respectively, were inactivated by homologous recombination in Klebsiella pneumoniae. The dhaD/dhaK double mutant (designated TC100), selected from 5,000 single or double cross homologous recombination mutants, was confirmed as a double cross by using polymerase chain reaction. Analysis of the cell-free supernatant with high-performance liquid chromatography revealed elimination of lactate and 2,3-butanediol, as well as ethanol accumulation in TC100, compared with the wild-type strain. Furthermore, 1,3-propanediol productivity was increased in the TC100 strain expressing glycerol dehydratase and 1,3-PDO dehydrogenase regulated by the arabinose P(BAD) promoter. The genetic engineering and medium formulation approaches used here should aid in the separation of 1,3-propanediol from lactate, 2,3-butanediol, and ethanol and lead to increased production of 1,3-propanediol in Klebsiella pneumoniae.

  18. First case of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase in Klebsiella pneumoniae from Ecuador: An update for South America

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    Daniel Romero-Alvarez


    Full Text Available Objectives: To describe a clinical case of Klebsiella pneumoniae harboring a New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM plasmid in Ecuador and to present a map of reports of NDM isolates in South America. Methods: The modified Hodge test, carbapenem inactivation method, imipenem–EDTA disk method (synergy, and Rapidec Carba NP test were used to identify antibiotic resistance mechanisms. The presence of resistance genes was explored with a conjugation assay, and molecular confirmation of NDM was performed by PCR and DNA sequencing. Plasmid characterization was conducted by PCR-based replicon typing. A literature review was performed in Google Scholar and PubMed to identify reports from South America. Results: An HIV-infected patient, who had never traveled abroad, developed a bloodstream infection caused by K. pneumoniae ST147 harboring the NDM-1 resistance gene in a plasmid from the IncA/C group. Local circulation of NDM has also been described in other South American countries, in particular in Colombia and Brazil, although published scientific records were not found for other countries. Conclusions: This report presents the first evidence of autochthonous circulation of the NDM-1 resistance gene harbored by an IncA/C plasmid isolated from a K. pneumoniae ST147 in Ecuador. Efforts should be implemented to monitor and characterize the spatial and temporal distribution of NDM in Ecuador and other countries of South America. Keywords: NDM, South America, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Antibiotic resistance, Plasmid

  19. Cross-class resistance to non-beta-lactam antimicrobials in extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Procop, Gary W; Tuohy, Marion J; Wilson, Deborah A; Williams, Delisa; Hadziyannis, Emilia; Hall, Gerri S


    Extended spectrum beta-lactamases are modified beta-lactamase enzymes that impart resistance to third-generation cephalosporins and make all beta-lactam antibiotics and cephalosporins useless for therapy. We compared the antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing and non-ESBL-producing isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae. The ESBL producers had significantly diminished susceptibility compared with the non-ESBL producers for gentamicin (P < .001), tobramycin (P < .001), amikacin (P < .005), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (P < .01), ciprofloxacin (P < .001), and nitrofurantoin (P < .001). All isolates were susceptible to imipenem. ESBL-producing K pneumoniae may also be resistant to non-beta-lactam antibiotics. Therefore, susceptibility testing of these isolates is critical for guiding therapy.

  20. Emergence and Evolution of Multidrug-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae with both blaKPC and blaCTX-M Integrated in the Chromosome


    Huang, Weihua; Wang, Guiqing; Sebra, Robert; Zhuge, Jian; Yin, Changhong; Aguero-Rosenfeld, Maria E.; Schuetz, Audrey N.; Dimitrova, Nevenka; Fallon, John T.


    The extended-spectrum-β-lactamase (ESBL)- and Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-producing Enterobacteriaceae represent serious and urgent threats to public health. In a retrospective study of multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae, we identified three clinical isolates, CN1, CR14, and NY9, carrying both blaCTX-M and blaKPC genes. The complete genomes of these three K. pneumoniae isolates were de novo assembled by using both short- and long-read whole-genome sequencing. In CR14 and NY9, bla...

  1. Erster Bericht über Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase-bildende Pseudomonas aeruginosa-Stämme, isoliert von Verbrennungspatienten im Iran: phenotypische und genotypische Methoden


    Lari, AR; Azimi, L; Rahbar, M; Alaghehbandan, R; Sattarzadeh-Tabrizi, M


    Wound infection associated with carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in burn patients is a growing problem. One of the main mechanisms of resistance to carbapenem antibiotics is the ability of P. aeruginosa to produce carbapenemase enzymes. Klebsiella pneumonia carbapemenase (KPC) is an important type of carbapenemase which can hydrolyze carbapenem antibiotics. The Modified Hodge Test (MHT) and boronic acid as a KPC inhibitor are two phenotypic methods used for detection of carbapen...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baig, M.; Brown, A.; Eswaramoorthy, S.; Swaminathan, S.


    Klebsiella pneumoniae, a gram-negative enteric bacterium, is found in nosocomial infections which are acquired during hospital stays for about 10% of hospital patients in the United States. The crystal structure of a putative oxidoreductase from K. pneumoniae has been determined. The structural information of this K. pneumoniae protein was used to understand its function. Crystals of the putative oxidoreductase enzyme were obtained by the sitting drop vapor diffusion method using Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350, Bis-Tris buffer, pH 5.5 as precipitant. These crystals were used to collect X-ray data at beam line X12C of the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). The crystal structure was determined using the SHELX program and refi ned with CNS 1.1. This protein, which is involved in the catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction, has an alpha/beta structure. It utilizes nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) or nicotine adenine dinucleotide (NAD) to perform its function. This structure could be used to determine the active and co-factor binding sites of the protein, information that could help pharmaceutical companies in drug design and in determining the protein’s relationship to disease treatment such as that for pneumonia and other related pathologies.

  3. Profiles of phenotype resistance to antibiotic other than β-lactams in Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBLs-producers, carrying blaSHV genes

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    Pawel Sacha


    Full Text Available Extended spectrum β-lactamases production is one of the most common mechanism of resistance to extendedspectrum β-lactam antibiotics is increasing worldwide. Twenty five strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from clinicalspecimens were tested. Based on the phenotypic confirmatory test all these strains were defined as ESBL producers namedESBL(+. The plasmid DNA from each strains was used to investigate the presence of blaSHV genes responsible for extendedspectrum β-lactamases production. Moreover, susceptibility of these strains to antibiotic other than β-lactams in was tested.

  4. Infecção ou colonização por micro-organismos resistentes: identificação de preditores Infection or colonization with resistant microorganisms: identification of predictors

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    Graciana Maria de Moraes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar os fatores preditores de infecção ou colonização por micro-organismos resistentes. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo quantitativo de coorte prospectivo. Foram realizadas a análise descritiva, para conhecimento da população do estudo, e a análise discriminante, para identificação dos fatores preditores. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 85 pacientes com infecções por micro-organismos resistentes: Pseudomonas aeruginosas resistente aos carbapenêmicos (24,7%, Acinetobacter resistente aos carbapenêmicos (21,2%, Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (25,9%, Enterococcus spp. resistente à vancomicina (17,6% e Klebsiella pneumoniae resistente aos carbapenêmicos (10,6%. A análise discriminante identificou transferências de outros hospitais e internação na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva como fatores preditores para ocorrência de infecção pelos grupos S. aureus resistente à meticilina, Acinetobacter resistente aos carbapenêmicos e K. pneumoniae resistente aos carbapenêmicos. Nenhuma das variáveis estudadas foi discriminante para Enterococcus spp. resistente à vancomicina e P. aeruginosas resistente aos carbapenêmico. CONCLUSÃO: Os fatores preditores encontrados foram: internação na UTI e a transferências de outros hospitais.OBJECTIVE: Identifying predictors of infection or colonization with resistant microorganisms. METHODS: A quantitative study of prospective cohort was carried out. A descriptive analysis was performed in order to know the population of the study and a discriminant analysis was performed to identify the predictors. RESULTS: In this study were included 85 patients with infections caused by resistant microorganisms: carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosas (24.7%; carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter (21.2%; methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (25.9%, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp (17.6% and carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumonia (10.6%. The discriminant analysis

  5. Celulitis por citomegalovirus

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    A. Ruiz Lascano


    Full Text Available Las lesiones cutáneas por citomegalovirus (CMV son infrecuentes y a menudo una manifestación tardía de una enfermedad sistémica, que generalmente anuncia un curso fatal. Comunicamos un caso de celulitis por CMV: una mujer de 70 años con trasplante renal efectuado 1 mes antes de la consulta, terapia inmunosupresora con ciclosporina A y metilprednisona. La paciente ingresó por fiebre, dolor e impotencia funcional en pierna derecha. Comprobamos la existencia de una placa de 8 por 4 cm eritematoedematosa. La tratamos con antibióticos sin mejoría, por lo que realizamos un estudio histopatológico de piel que mostró cambios citopáticos compatibles con infección por CMV. Los cultivos bacteriológicos y micológicos fueron negativos. La inmunohistoquímica específica para CMV y el estudio de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR de la biopsia de piel fueron positivas, al igual que la antigenemia. El tratamiento con ganciclovir produjo la mejoría del cuadro clínico. En la literatura revisada no hemos encontrado la celulitis como manifestación de enfermedad cutánea por CMV.

  6. A Novel Approach for Combating Klebsiella pneumoniae Biofilm Using Histidine Functionalized Silver Nanoparticles

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    Sanjay Chhibber


    Full Text Available Treating pathogens is becoming challenging because of multidrug resistance and availability of limited alternative therapies which has further confounded this problem. The situation becomes more alarming when multidrug resistant pathogens form a 3D structure known as biofilm. Biofilms are formed in most of the infections especially in chronic infections where it is difficult to eradicate them by conventional antibiotic therapy. Chemically synthesized nanoparticles are known to have antibiofilm activity but in the present study, an attempt was made to use amino acid functionalized silver nanoparticles alone and in combination with gentamicin to eradicate Klebsiella pneumoniae biofilm. Amino acid functionalized silver nanoparticles were not only able to disrupt biofilm in vitro but also led to the lowering of gentamicin dose when used in combination. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating the application of amino acid functionalized silver nanoparticles in the eradication of young and old K. pneumoniae biofilm.

  7. Molecular epidemiology of Klebsiella pneumoniae K1 and K2 isolates in Japan. (United States)

    Harada, Sohei; Ishii, Yoshikazu; Saga, Tomoo; Aoki, Kotaro; Tateda, Kazuhiro


    Although severe infections caused by hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates, such as K1 isolates belonging to sequence type (ST) 23, have been a significant problem in Asian countries, epidemiology of these isolates in Japan remains unclear. We performed a nationwide molecular epidemiological study of K. pneumoniae K1 and K2 isolates in Japan. Of the 259K. pneumoniae isolates collected, 14 and 16 isolates were identified as capsular genotypes K1 and K2, respectively. All K1 isolates were ST23 or its closely related clones and showed high genetic similarity by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and the DiversiLab system (DL). K2 isolates, belonging to ST14, ST25, ST65, ST86, and ST110, were more genetically diverse than K1 isolates. Isolates belonging to a specific ST showed identical virulence gene profiles with a few exceptions. PFGE and DL results using K1 and K2 isolates were generally in agreement. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  8. Surgical site infection incidence after a clean-contaminated surgery in Yasuj Shahid Beheshti hospital, Iran Incidencia de infección de herida por cirugía limpia contaminada en el hospital Yasuj Shahid Beheshti, Irán Incidência de infecção de ferida depois de cirurgia limpa-contaminada em hospital Yasuj Shahid Beheshti, Irã

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    Mohebbi Nobandegani Zinat


    Full Text Available Objective. To determine the incidence rate of infection after a clean-contaminated surgery and its relationship with some risk factors. Methodology. Cross sectional study, in a convenience sample of 300 patients who underwent surgery classified as clean-contaminated in a hospital of Yasuj, Iran. Samples were taken directly from the wound at the first dressing change to all the patients. They were studied to determine bacteria growth. Results. The rate of infection after a clean-contaminated surgery was 53%. The most common gram positive microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus (22%, and among gram negative: Escherichia coli (26%, Klebsiella sp (26% and Pseudomonas sp (25%. Significant correlation between the type of surgery and surgical site infection was found, it was not seen with the variables sex and surgical procedure. Conclusion. This study shows important problems regarding patient’s safety. Protocols should be reviewed to control infections.Objetivo. Determinar la tasa de incidencia por infección de herida por cirugía limpia-contaminada y su relación con algunos factores de riesgo. Metodología. Estudio de corte transversal en una muestra por conveniencia de 300 pacientes sometidos a cirugía clasificada como limpia-contaminada. A todos los pacientes les tomaron una muestra para cultivo directamente de la herida en el primer cambio del apósito, la cual se estudió para determinar el crecimiento de bacterias. Resultados. La tasa de infección en heridas quirúrgicas limpias-contaminadas fue del 53%. El microorganismo gram positivo más frecuente fue Staphylococcus aureus (22%, y dentro de los gram negatives fueron: Escherichia coli (26%, Klebsiella sp (26% y Pseudomonas sp (25%. Se encontró asociación significativa entre el tipo de cirugía y la infección de la herida quirúrgica, lo que no se observó con las variables sexo y el procedimiento quirúrgico. Conclusión. Este estudio muestra problemas importantes en el aseguramiento

  9. Plasmid transferability of KPC into a virulent K2 serotype Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Siu, Leung-Kei Kristopher; Huang, David B; Chiang, Tom


    KPC-producing carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) infections are associated with high mortality; however, their virulence determinants are not well defined. We investigated the virulence and plasmid transferability among KPC-containing K. pneumoniae isolates. KPC-2 and -3 were successfully conjugated and retained by a virulent K2 K. pneumoniae recipient isolate. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing showed KPC-2 and -3 donor strains were resistant to more than four classes of antibiotics while the K2 isolate was only initially resistant to ampicillin. After conjugation of KPC-2 and -3, the K2 K. pneumoniae transconjugants became resistant to all beta-lactams. Additionally, the KPC K2 K. pneumoniae transconjugants continued to retain its high serum resistance and murine lethality. Conjugation and retainment of KPC by virulent K2 K. pneumoniae and the ability of the tranconjugants to maintain its high serum resistance and murine lethality after conjugation was demonstrated in this study. These findings are concerning for the potential of KPC-like genes to disseminate among virulent K. pneumoniae isolates.

  10. Ruptura espontánea de la vía urinaria superior: A propósito de un caso

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    Nixcela Ares Valdés


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de ruptura espontánea del uréter que clínicamente se manifestó con dolor abdominal intenso y en el que se encontró infección urinaria por Klebsiella. Se revisan los posibles factores causales, el diagnóstico clínico y el tratamientoIt is presented a case of spontaneous rupture of the ureter, manifesting acute abdominal pain and with a urinary infection caused by Klebsiella. The possible causes, the clinical diagnosis and the treatment are review

  11. Untitled

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Keytvords: Nosocomial infections, epidemiology, multi-drug resistance, medicinal plant preparations. ... Mots clés : Infections nosocomiales, épidémiologie, Résistance aux antibiotiques, plantes médicinales. ..... (1987)- Statistique non.

  12. A trial with IgY chicken antibodies to eradicate faecal carriage of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases


    Jonsson, Anna-Karin; Larsson, Anders; Tängdén, Thomas; Melhus, Åsa; Lannergård, Anders


    Background: Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae is an emerging therapeutic challenge, especially in the treatment of urinary tract infections. Following an outbreak of CTX-M-15 Klebsiella pneumoniae in Uppsala, Sweden, an orphan drug trial on IgY chicken antibodies was undertaken in an attempt to eradicate faecal carriage of ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae and Escherichia coli.Methods: Hens were immunised with epitopes from freeze-dried, whole-cell bacteria (ESBL...

  13. Structural studies of some bacterial capsular polysaccharides from the family enterobacteriaceae: Klebsiella serotypes K79 and K35 and Escherichia coli serotype K44

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lim, A.V.S.


    The techniques of sugar analysis, methylation, chromic acid oxidation, deamination, base-catalyzed uronic acid degradation, Smith degradation and partial hydrolysis were used in the structural elucidation of bacterial capsular polysaccharides. Methods such as gas-liquid chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, gel permeation, ion-exchange and paper-chromatography were used to isolate and characterize oligosaccharides obtained from degradative procedures. N.m.r. spectroscopy (/sup 1/H and /sup 13/C) was widely used in the characterization of the polysaccharides and of derived poly- and oligo-saccharides. In a few instances, n.m.r. spectroscopy and mass spectrometry were used to delineate the sequence of the sugars in the structure of the poly- and oligo-saccharides. The bacteriophage-induced depolymerizations of the capsular polysaccharides of Klebsiella K79 and E. coli K44 are also reported in this thesis. The sum of these experiments demonstrated that the endoglycanase associated with Klebsiella Phi 79 had ..beta..-galactosidase activity. The endoglycanase from E. coli Phi 44 exhibited ..beta..-N-acetyl-galactosaminidase activity which is novel, in that it is the first reported action of this nature in the bacteriophages isolated for the species E. coli.

  14. Comportamiento de casos de Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de carbapenemasas en pacientes con cáncer de un hospital de tercer nivel de Bogotá, D.C.

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    Sonia Isabel Cuervo


    Full Text Available Introducción. La presencia en los hospitales de enterobacterias productoras de carbapenemasas es cada vez más frecuente. Los pacientes con cáncer en estado avanzado requieren medios invasivos para el diagnóstico, el tratamiento o los cuidados paliativos, así como el uso de antimicrobianos de amplio espectro para tratar infecciones secundarias, lo cual aumenta su propensión a las infecciones causadas por estas bacterias. Objetivo. Informar el comportamiento de Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de carbapenemasas de tipo KPC en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Bogotá, entre enero de 2010 y diciembre de 2012. Materiales y métodos. Mediante el análisis de la base de datos y de los registros de los pacientes con aislamientos de K. pneumoniae productores de carbapenemasas de tipo KPC, a cargo del comité de infecciones de la institución, se identificaron y describieron las características epidemiológicas de los casos detectados. La determinación de brotes se efectuó con herramientas de control estadístico de calidad. Resultados. Entre enero de 2010 y diciembre de 2012 se identificaron 45 pacientes con aislamiento de K. pneumoniae productor de carbapenemasas de tipo KPC en alguna muestra. Hubo más aislamientos en pacientes de cáncer con tumores sólidos. La identificación se logró más frecuentemente en muestras de orina; el 17,7 % de los casos correspondió a colonización y el 82,3 %, a infección; 35,5 % (16/45 de los pacientes sobrevivió. Durante este periodo se identificaron dos brotes que se controlaron aplicando una estrategia multimodal. Conclusiones. Se encontró que la presencia de KPC fue más frecuente en infecciones que en colonizaciones. Durante estos dos años ocurrieron dos brotes que fueron controlados limitando la transmisión cruzada de bacterias multirresistentes por medio de estrategias de control convencionales.

  15. Outbreak of OXA-48-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae Involving a Sequence Type 101 Clone in Batna University Hospital, Algeria. (United States)

    Loucif, Lotfi; Kassah-Laouar, Ahmed; Saidi, Mahdia; Messala, Amina; Chelaghma, Widad; Rolain, Jean-Marc


    Seven nonredundant ertapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates were collected between May 2014 and 19 January 2015 in the nephrology and hematology units of Batna University Hospital in Algeria. All strains coproduced the bla OXA-48 , bla CTX-M-15 , bla SHV-1 , and bla TEM-1D genes. Six of these isolates belonged to the pandemic clone sequence type 101 (ST101). The bla OXA-48 gene was located on a conjugative IncL/M-type plasmid. This is the first known outbreak of OXA-48-producing K. pneumoniae isolates involving an ST101 clone in Batna University Hospital. Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  16. Portable exhauster POR-007/Skid E and POR-008/Skid F storage plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, O.D.


    This document provides storage requirements for 1,000 CFM portable exhausters POR-O07/Skid E and POR-008/Skid F. These requirements are presented in three parts: preparation for storage, storage maintenance and testing, and retrieval from storage. The exhauster component identification numbers listed in this document contain the prefix POR-007 or POR-008 depending on which exhauster is being used


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN Mediante pruebas in vitro se determinó la capacidad antibacteriana, de 37 mieles de la especie Tetragonisca angustula de siete regiones de Colombia, con la técnica de Concentración Mínima Inhibitoria (CMI frente a tres especies de bacterias Gram positivas y tres Gram negativas. La técnica CMI se evaluó en microdiluciones (v/v al 90%, 45%, 22,5%, 12,3%, 5,6% de miel, contra las cepas Gram negativas Salmonella enterica sp. enterica serovar Typhimurium, ATCC 14028; Escherichia coli, ATCC 31617 y Klebsiella pneumoniae sp. pneumoniae, ATCC 700603 y Gram positivas Bacillus subtilis sp. spizizenii, ATCC 6633; Staphylococcus aureus sp. aureus Rosenbach, ATCC 6538 y Micrococcus luteus Kocuria rhizophila, ATCC 9341. Las muestras de miel correspondieron a los departamentos de Antioquia, Cauca, Cundinamarca, Magdalena, Santander, Tolima y Valle del Cauca. Las mieles analizadas por prueba binomial presentaron efecto bactericida contra todas las cepas bacterianas del ensayo con mayor efectividad para E. coli, M. luteus y S. enterica, con una probabilidad de p(x=1 a una dilución de 90%; al ser diluidas el mayor efecto se evidenció frente a M. luteus donde aún en dilución 5,6% presentaban probabilidades de p(x=0,62 de actividad inhibitoria por parte de las mieles. En dilución de miel al 90%, el efecto fue solo cercano a p(x=0,5 para K. pneumoniae, B. subtilis y S. aureus. La región de Antioquia, la cual hace parte de las mieles con mayor número de muestras dentro del ensayo, exhibe la mayor acción bactericida. Palabras clave: miel, Tetragonisca angustula, CMI.; ABSTRACT The in vitro antibacterial capacity was determined for 37 honeys of Tetragonisca angustula from seven regions of Colombia, by minimum inhibitory concentration (CMI against three positive Gram bacteria and three negative Gram bacteria. The CMI technique was evaluated by microdilutions (v/v to 90%, 45%, 22.5%, 12.3%, 5.6% of honey against the negative Gram bacteria

  18. ST37 Klebsiella pneumoniae: development of carbapenem resistance in vivo during antimicrobial therapy in neonates. (United States)

    Li, Pengling; Wang, Min; Li, Xianping; Hu, Feihu; Yang, Min; Xie, Yixin; Cao, Wei; Xia, Xiaomeng; Zheng, Rong; Tian, Jingjing; Zhang, Kan; Chen, Fang; Tang, Aiguo


    To investigate the mechanism leading to in vivo carbapenem resistance development in Klebsiella pneumoniae. Carbapenemase was detected using the modified carbapenem inactivation method. β-lactamases resistant genes were identified by PCR and sequencing. Clonal relatedness was evaluated by random amplified polymorphic DNA and multiple locus sequence typing. The relationship between sequence typing and resistant genes was analyzed by using the chi-squared test. All ST37 carbapenem-resistant isolates were bla OXA-1 positive and all ST37 carbapenem-sensitive isolates were bla OXA-1 negative at Stage I. A significant relationship between carbapenem resistance and bla OXA-1 was observed. The bla OXA-1 -positive rate was significantly higher in ST37 K. pneumoniae than others. This is the first study about the development of carbapenem resistance in vivo potentially mediated by bla OXA-1 in ST37 K. pneumoniae among neonates.

  19. Metabolic response to Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in an experimental rat model.

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    Fangcong Dong

    Full Text Available Bacteremia, the presence of viable bacteria in the blood stream, is often associated with several clinical conditions. Bacteremia can lead to multiple organ failure if managed incorrectly, which makes providing suitable nutritional support vital for reducing bacteremia-associated mortality. In order to provide such information, we investigated the metabolic consequences of a Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae infection in vivo by employing a combination of (1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis. K. pneumoniae was intravenously infused in rats; urine and plasma samples were collected at different time intervals. We found that K. pneumoniae-induced bacteremia stimulated glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle and also promoted oxidation of fatty acids and creatine phosphate to facilitate the energy-demanding host response. In addition, K. pneumoniae bacteremia also induced anti-endotoxin, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidization responses in the host. Furthermore, bacteremia could cause a disturbance in the gut microbiotal functions as suggested by alterations in a range of amines and bacteria-host co-metabolites. Our results suggest that supplementation with glucose and a high-fat and choline-rich diet could ameliorate the burdens associated with bacteremia. Our research provides underlying pathological processes of bacteremia and a better understanding of the clinical and biochemical manifestations of bacteremia.

  20. Extended spectrum β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae: critical tools for antibiotic resistance pattern. (United States)

    Padmini, Nagarajan; Ajilda, Antony Alex Kennedy; Sivakumar, Natesan; Selvakumar, Gopal


    Drug resistance is a phenomenon where by an organism becomes fully or partially resistant to drugs or antibiotics being used against it. Antibiotic resistance poses an exacting intimidation for people with underlying medical immune conditions or weakened immune systems. Infections caused by the enzyme extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) producing multi drug resistance (MDR) Enterobacteriaceae especially Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae are resistant to a broad range of beta lactams, including third generation cephalosporins. Among all the pathogens, these two MDR E. coli and K. pneumoniae have emerged as one of the world's greatest health threats in past two decades. The nosocomial infections caused by these ESBL producing MDR E. coli and K. pneumoniae complicated the therapy and limit treatment options. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Nitrofurantoin and Fosfomycin for Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamases Producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    Neeraj Kumar Tulara


    Full Text Available Urinary tract infection (UTI is a common and painful human illness that, unfortunately not responsive to commonly used antibiotics in current practice. The role of fosfomycin and nitrofurantoin in the era of growing bacteria resistance has been widely discussed. In this study, we aimed to know the local antimicrobial susceptibilities, fosfomycin and nitrofurantoin susceptibility in particular, for urinary extended-spectrum-beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and Escherichia pneumoniae (ESBL-EC and ESBL-KP isolates in our hospital. We collected 464 urine isolates, including 384 ESBL-EC and 80 ESBL-KP isolates. Of 464 urine isolates culture positive ESBL-UTIs, EC caused 384 (82.75%, followed by Klebsiella in 80 (17.24%. Carbapenems and Colistin seems to remain as the first line therapy for the majority of ESBL-UTIs in the local setting. Colistin and fosfomycin remains the most sensitive antibiotic while nitrofurantoin still preserves the good sensitivity against ESBL and found to be an only oral sensitive antibiotic.


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    Maribel Castillo Caicedo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aporta una perspectiva del fenómeno de la sobreeducación, entendida como un desajuste por exceso, entre el nivel educativo alcanzado por el individuo y el exigido por el puesto de trabajo en el cual se desempeña; esto se debe a que existe una demanda laboral estrecha de puestos de trabajo para personas calificadas en Colombia. Se analizan las contribuciones empíricas existentes y el debate sobre las mismas; se examinan las teorías que permiten explicar la existencia de un desajuste educativo y se realiza una revisión de la literatura internacional y nacional sobre el tema. Adicionalmente, se plantean una serie de hipótesis para desarrollar un esquema que permita determinar el comportamiento del individuo en el fenómeno de la sobreeducación.

  3. Simultaneous production of 2,3-butanediol, ethanol and hydrogen with a Klebsiella sp. strain isolated from sewage sludge. (United States)

    Wu, Ken-Jer; Saratale, Ganesh D; Lo, Yung-Chung; Chen, Wen-Ming; Tseng, Ze-Jing; Chang, Ming-Ching; Tsai, Ben-Ching; Su, Ay; Chang, Jo-Shu


    A Klebsiella sp. HE1 strain isolated from hydrogen-producing sewage sludge was examined for its ability to produce H2 and other valuable soluble metabolites (e.g., ethanol and 2,3-butanediol) from sucrose-based medium. The effect of pH and carbon substrate concentration on the production of soluble and gaseous products was investigated. The major soluble metabolite produced from Klebsiella sp. HE1 was 2,3-butanediol, accounting for over 42-58% of soluble microbial products (SMP) and its production efficiency enhanced after increasing the initial culture pH to 7.3 (without pH control). The HE1 strain also produced ethanol (contributing to 29-42% of total SMP) and a small amount of lactic acid and acetic acid. The gaseous products consisted of H2 (25-36%) and CO2 (64-75%). The optimal cumulative hydrogen production (2.7 l) and hydrogen yield (0.92mol H2 mol sucrose(-1)) were obtained at an initial sucrose concentration of 30g CODl(-1) (i.e., 26.7gl(-1)), which also led to the highest production rate for H2 (3.26mmol h(-1)l(-1)), ethanol (6.75mmol h(-1)l(-1)) and 2,3-butanediol (7.14mmol h(-1)l(-1)). The highest yield for H2, ethanol and 2,3-butanediol was 0.92, 0.81 and 0.59molmol-sucrose(-1), respectively. As for the overall energy production performance, the highest energy generation rate was 27.7kJ h(-1)l(-1) and the best energy yield was 2.45kJmolsucrose(-1), which was obtained at a sucrose concentration of 30 and 20g CODl(-1), respectively.

  4. Antibiofilm efficacy of silver nanoparticles against biofilm of extended spectrum β-lactamase isolates of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae (United States)

    Ansari, Mohammad Azam; Khan, Haris M.; Khan, Aijaz A.; Cameotra, Swaranjit Singh; Pal, Ruchita


    The ability of bacteria to develop antibiotic resistance and colonize abiotic surfaces by forming biofilms is a major cause of medical implant-associated infections and results in prolonged hospitalization periods and patient mortality. Different approaches have been used for preventing biofilm-related infections in health care settings. Many of these methods have their own demerits that include chemical-based complications; emergent antibiotic-resistant strains, and so on. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are renowned for their influential antimicrobial activity. We demonstrate the biofilm formation by extended spectrum β-lactamases-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. by direct visualization applying tissue culture plate, tube, and Congo red agar methods. Double fluorescent staining for confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) consisted of propidium iodide staining to detect bacterial cells and concanavalin A-fluorescein isothiocyanate staining to detect the exopolysaccharides matrix were used. Scanning electron microscopy observations clearly indicate that AgNPs reduced the surface coverage by E. coli and Klebsiella spp. thus prevent the biofilm formations. Double-staining technique using CLSM provides the visual evidence that AgNPs arrested the bacterial growth and prevent the exopolysaccharides formation. The AgNPs-coated surfaces effectively restricted biofilm formation of the tested bacteria. In our study, we could demonstrate the complete antibiofilm activity AgNPs at a concentration as low as 50 μg/ml. Our findings suggested that AgNPs can be exploited towards the development of potential antibacterial coatings for various biomedical and environmental applications. These formulations can be used for the treatment of drug-resistant bacterial infections caused by biofilms, at much lower nanosilver loading with higher efficiency.

  5. Endosulfan induced alteration in bacterial protein profile and RNA yield of Klebsiella sp. M3, Achromobacter sp. M6, and Rhodococcus sp. M2. (United States)

    Singh, Madhu; Singh, Dileep Kumar


    Three bacterial strains identified as Klebsiella sp. M3, Achromobacter sp. M6 and Rhodococcus sp. M2 were isolated by soil enrichment with endosulfan followed by shake flask enrichment technique. They were efficiently degrading endosulfan in the NSM (non sulfur medium) broth. Degradation of endosulfan was faster with the cell free extract of bacterial cells grown in the sulfur deficient medium (NSM) supplemented with endosulfan than that of nutrient rich medium (Luria Bertani). In the cell free extract of NSM supplemented with endosulfan as sole sulfur source, a unique band was visualized on SDS-PAGE but not with magnesium sulfate as the sole sulfur source in NSM and LB with endosulfan. Expression of a unique polypeptide band was speculated to be induced by endosulfan under sulfur starved condition. These unique polypeptide bands were identified as OmpK35 protein, sulfate binding protein and outer membrane porin protein, respectively, in Klebsiella sp. M3, Achromobacter sp. M6 and Rhodococcus sp. M2. Endosulfan showed dose dependent negative effect on total RNA yield of bacterial strains in nutrient rich medium. Absence of plasmid DNA indicated the presence of endosulfan metabolizing gene on genomic DNA. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Klebsiella pneumoniae capsule expression is necessary for colonization of large intestines of streptomycin-treated mice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Favre-Bonte, S.; Licht, Tine Rask; Forestier, C.


    The role of the Klebsiella pneumoniae capsular polysaccharide (K antigen) during colonization of the mouse large intestine was assessed with mild-type K. pneumoniae LM21 and its isogenic capsule-defective mutant. When bacterial strains were fed alone to mice, the capsulated bacteria persisted...... in the intestinal tract at levels of 10(8) CFU/g of feces while the capsule-defective strain colonized at low levels, 10(4) CFU/g of feces. In mixed-infection experiments, the mutant was rapidly outcompeted by the wild type. In situ hybridization on colonic sections revealed that bacterial cells of both strains...... were evenly distributed in the mucus layer at day 1 after infection, while at day 20 the wild type remained dispersed and the capsule-defective strain was seen in clusters in the mucus layer. These results suggest that capsular polysaccharide plays an important role in the gut colonization ability of K...

  7. Desajuste educativo por regiones en Colombia: ¿competencia por salarios o por puestos de trabajo?

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    Castillo Caicedo Maribel


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aporta una perspectiva del fenómeno de la sobreeducación,
    entendida como un desajuste por exceso, entre el nivel educativo alcanzado
    por el individuo y el exigido por el puesto de trabajo en el cual se
    desempeña; esto se debe a que existe una demanda laboral estrecha de
    puestos de trabajo para personas calificadas en Colombia. Se analizan las
    contribuciones empíricas existentes y el debate sobre las mismas; se
    examinan las teorías que permiten explicar la existencia de un desajuste
    educativo y se realiza una revisión de la literatura internacional y
    nacional sobre el tema. Adicionalmente, se plantean una serie de hipótesis
    para desarrollar un esquema que permita determinar el comportamiento
    del individuo en el fenómeno de la sobreeducación.

  8. Structural Insights into the PorK and PorN Components of the Porphyromonas gingivalis Type IX Secretion System.

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    Dhana G Gorasia


    Full Text Available The type IX secretion system (T9SS has been recently discovered and is specific to Bacteroidetes species. Porphyromonas gingivalis, a keystone pathogen for periodontitis, utilizes the T9SS to transport many proteins including the gingipain virulence factors across the outer membrane and attach them to the cell surface via a sortase-like mechanism. At least 11 proteins have been identified as components of the T9SS including PorK, PorL, PorM, PorN and PorP, however the precise roles of most of these proteins have not been elucidated and the structural organization of these components is unknown. In this study, we purified PorK and PorN complexes from P. gingivalis and using electron microscopy we have shown that PorN and the PorK lipoprotein interact to form a 50 nm diameter ring-shaped structure containing approximately 32-36 subunits of each protein. The formation of these rings was dependent on both PorK and PorN, but was independent of PorL, PorM and PorP. PorL and PorM were found to form a separate stable complex. PorK and PorN were protected from proteinase K cleavage when present in undisrupted cells, but were rapidly degraded when the cells were lysed, which together with bioinformatic analyses suggests that these proteins are exposed in the periplasm and anchored to the outer membrane via the PorK lipid. Chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry analyses confirmed the interaction between PorK and PorN and further revealed that they interact with the PG0189 outer membrane protein. Furthermore, we established that PorN was required for the stable expression of PorK, PorL and PorM. Collectively, these results suggest that the ring-shaped PorK/N complex may form part of the secretion channel of the T9SS. This is the first report showing the structural organization of any T9SS component.

  9. Structural Insights into the PorK and PorN Components of the Porphyromonas gingivalis Type IX Secretion System. (United States)

    Gorasia, Dhana G; Veith, Paul D; Hanssen, Eric G; Glew, Michelle D; Sato, Keiko; Yukitake, Hideharu; Nakayama, Koji; Reynolds, Eric C


    The type IX secretion system (T9SS) has been recently discovered and is specific to Bacteroidetes species. Porphyromonas gingivalis, a keystone pathogen for periodontitis, utilizes the T9SS to transport many proteins including the gingipain virulence factors across the outer membrane and attach them to the cell surface via a sortase-like mechanism. At least 11 proteins have been identified as components of the T9SS including PorK, PorL, PorM, PorN and PorP, however the precise roles of most of these proteins have not been elucidated and the structural organization of these components is unknown. In this study, we purified PorK and PorN complexes from P. gingivalis and using electron microscopy we have shown that PorN and the PorK lipoprotein interact to form a 50 nm diameter ring-shaped structure containing approximately 32-36 subunits of each protein. The formation of these rings was dependent on both PorK and PorN, but was independent of PorL, PorM and PorP. PorL and PorM were found to form a separate stable complex. PorK and PorN were protected from proteinase K cleavage when present in undisrupted cells, but were rapidly degraded when the cells were lysed, which together with bioinformatic analyses suggests that these proteins are exposed in the periplasm and anchored to the outer membrane via the PorK lipid. Chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry analyses confirmed the interaction between PorK and PorN and further revealed that they interact with the PG0189 outer membrane protein. Furthermore, we established that PorN was required for the stable expression of PorK, PorL and PorM. Collectively, these results suggest that the ring-shaped PorK/N complex may form part of the secretion channel of the T9SS. This is the first report showing the structural organization of any T9SS component.

  10. Evaluación clínica temprana del tratamiento de neumonías y bronconeumonías en Terapia Intensiva Cardiovascular / Early clinical assessment of pneumonia and bronchopneumonia treatment in a Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit

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    Andrés M. Rodríguez Acosta


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las infecciones nosocomiales son frecuentes. La neumonía nosocomial es la segunda más común entre este tipo de infecciones y es la primera en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva, donde alcanza una incidencia de 10 a 20 %.Objetivo: Determinar el efecto de la evaluación clínica evolutiva desde 48 - 72 horas de iniciado el tratamiento antimicrobiano.Método: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva, prospectiva de corte longitudinal, en 57 pacientes (muestreo incidental con diagnóstico de cardiopatía isquémica dolo-rosa, que desarrollaron neumonía o bronconeumonía nosocomial e ingresaron en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Cardiovascular del hospital “Dr. Celestino Hernández Ro-bau”, desde el 3 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2013.Resultados: La categorización clínica inicial favoreció el diagnóstico de 50 neumonías y bronconeumonías precoces y 7 graves. La evaluación evolutiva desde las 48 - 72 ho-ras identificó la evolución no satisfactoria en 6 (12 % de las neumonías nosocomiales precoces y en 4 (57,1 % de las graves.Conclusiones: La evaluación clínica evolutiva temprana es útil para detectar la res-puesta al tratamiento antimicrobiano de las neumonías nosocomiales y actuar en consecuencia.

  11. The PorX response regulator of the Porphyromonas gingivalis PorXY two-component system does not directly regulate the Type IX secretion genes but binds the PorL subunit.

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    Maxence S Vincent


    Full Text Available The Type IX secretion system (T9SS is a versatile multi-protein complex restricted to bacteria of the Bacteriodetes phylum and responsible for the secretion of surface attachment of diverse proteins that participate to S-layer formation, gliding motility or pathogenesis. The T9SS is poorly characterized but a number of proteins involved in the assembly of the secretion apparatus in the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis have been identified based on genome substractive analyses. Among these proteins, PorY and PorX encode typical two-component system (TCS sensor and CheY-like response regulator respectively. Although the porX and porY genes do not localize at the same genetic locus, it has been proposed that PorXY form a bona fide TCS. Deletion of the porX in P. gingivalis causes a slight decrease of the expression of a number of other T9SS genes, including sov, porT, porP, porK, porL, porM, porN and porY. Here, we show that PorX and the soluble cytoplasmic domain of PorY interact. Using electrophoretic mobility shift, DNA-protein co-purification and heterologous host expression assays, we showed that PorX does not bind and does not directly regulate expression of the T9SS genes. Finally, we show that PorX interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of PorL, a component of the T9SS membrane core complex and propose that the CheY-like PorX protein might be involved in the dynamics of the T9SS.

  12. The PorX Response Regulator of the Porphyromonas gingivalis PorXY Two-Component System Does Not Directly Regulate the Type IX Secretion Genes but Binds the PorL Subunit (United States)

    Vincent, Maxence S.; Durand, Eric; Cascales, Eric


    The Type IX secretion system (T9SS) is a versatile multi-protein complex restricted to bacteria of the Bacteriodetes phylum and responsible for the secretion or cell surface exposition of diverse proteins that participate to S-layer formation, gliding motility or pathogenesis. The T9SS is poorly characterized but a number of proteins involved in the assembly of the secretion apparatus in the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis have been identified based on genome substractive analyses. Among these proteins, PorY, and PorX encode typical two-component system (TCS) sensor and CheY-like response regulator respectively. Although the porX and porY genes do not localize at the same genetic locus, it has been proposed that PorXY form a bona fide TCS. Deletion of porX in P. gingivalis causes a slight decrease of the expression of a number of other T9SS genes, including sov, porT, porP, porK, porL, porM, porN, and porY. Here, we show that PorX and the soluble cytoplasmic domain of PorY interact. Using electrophoretic mobility shift, DNA-protein co-purification and heterologous host expression assays, we demonstrate that PorX does not bind T9SS gene promoters and does not directly regulate expression of the T9SS genes. Finally, we show that PorX interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of PorL, a component of the T9SS membrane core complex and propose that the CheY-like PorX protein might be involved in the dynamics of the T9SS. PMID:27630829

  13. A Good Short-term Outcome in Delayed Decompression of Cauda Equina Syndrome in Klebsiella pneumoniae Spinal Epidural Abscess: A Case Report

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    Hanifah J


    Full Text Available Spinal epidural abscess is a severe, generally pyogenic, infection of the epidural space of spinal cord or cauda equina. The swelling caused by the abscess leads to compression or vascular disruption of neurological structures that requires urgent surgical decompression to avoid significant permanent disability. We share a rare case of Klebsiella pneumoniae spinal epidural abscess secondary to haematogenous spread of previous lung infection that presented late at our centre with cauda equina syndrome that showed good short-term outcome in delayed decompression. A 50-year old female presented with one-week history of persistent low back pain with progressively worsening bilateral lower limb weakness for seven days and urinary retention associated with saddle anesthesia of 2-day duration. Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast of the lumbo-sacral region showed an intramuscular collection of abscess at left gluteus maximus and left multifidus muscle with a L3-L5 posteriorly placed extradural lesion enhancing peripherally on contrast, suggestive of epidural abscess that compressed the cauda equina. The pus was drained using the posterior lumbar approach. Tissue and pus culture revealed Klebsiella pneumoniae, suggestive of bacterial infection. The patient made immediate improvement of muscle power over bilateral lower limbs postoperative followed by ability to control micturition and defecation in the 4th post-operative day. A good short-term outcome in delayed decompression of cauda equine syndrome is extremely rare. Aggressive surgical decompression combined with antibiotic therapy led to good short-term outcome in this patient despite delayed decompression of more than 48 hours.

  14. Changes in antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus over the past decade

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barfod, Toke Seierøe; Wibroe, Elisabeth Arnberg; Braüner, Julie Vestergaard


    in resistance patterns were noted up to 2014. CONCLUSIONS: A comprehensive and manageable inventory of the resistance patterns of the major bacteria covering the 2004-2008 period is presented. Clinicians are encouraged to use the pocket-size table as guidance when choosing antibiotic treatment. FUNDING: none......INTRODUCTION: Development of antimicrobial resistance is an ongoing and increasing problem. To provide the best possible treatment for patients it is crucial that clinicians are aware of the local antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. The aim of this study was to present an overview...... susceptibility at Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark, from 2004 to 2008. Due to a suspected rise in resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae after this period, updated data for these bacteria are shown for selected antibiotics until 2014. The department receives samples from...

  15. Modificacion de conductas de riesgo biologico y profesional para la neumonia nosocomial en las unidades de cuidados intensivos

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    Rhina Maria Ramos Mejía


    Full Text Available Uno de los problemas que actualmente se está presentando en el ámbito hospitalario, especialmente en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI es la neumonía nosocomial, entendida como una infección aguda del tracto respiratorio bajo, que aparece en los enfermos que ingresan al hospital. Una de las causas de estas infecciones es atribuida a conductas inadecuadas que realiza el personal de salud al atender pacientes infectados sin los elementos adecuados. Estudios epidemiológicos realizados en las UCI indican que uno de los principales mecanismos de transmisión de los agentes patógenos es el contacto, ya sea a través de las manos o de gotitas que se forman en el aire al comunicarse, por estornudo o por la tos; otro mecanismo es a través del aire, el cual tiene especial importancia en la contaminación de elementos y aparatos de uso exclusivo para pacientes. En los programas de prevención de infecciones nosocomiales se hace necesaria la intervención del psicólogo especializado en salud, cuyo objetivo primordial es la promoción de conductas tendientes a disminuir el riesgo de infección intrahospitalaria, por medio de la modificación comportamental de los profesionales de la salud y del paciente mismo. 

  16. Biofilms from Klebsiella pneumoniae: Matrix Polysaccharide Structure and Interactions with Antimicrobial Peptides. (United States)

    Benincasa, Monica; Lagatolla, Cristina; Dolzani, Lucilla; Milan, Annalisa; Pacor, Sabrina; Liut, Gianfranco; Tossi, Alessandro; Cescutti, Paola; Rizzo, Roberto


    Biofilm matrices of two Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates, KpTs101 and KpTs113, were investigated for their polysaccharide composition and protective effects against antimicrobial peptides. Both strains were good biofilm producers, with KpTs113 forming flocs with very low adhesive properties to supports. Matrix exopolysaccharides were isolated and their monosaccharide composition and glycosidic linkage types were defined. KpTs101 polysaccharide is neutral and composed only of galactose, in both pyranose and furanose ring configurations. Conversely, KpTs113 polysaccharide is anionic due to glucuronic acid units, and also contains glucose and mannose residues. The susceptibility of the two strains to two bovine cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides, BMAP-27 and Bac7(1-35), was assessed using both planktonic cultures and biofilms. Biofilm matrices exerted a relevant protection against both antimicrobials, which act with quite different mechanisms. Similar protection was also detected when antimicrobial peptides were tested against planktonic bacteria in the presence of the polysaccharides extracted from KpTs101 and KpTs113 biofilms, suggesting sequestering adduct formation with antimicrobials. Circular dichroism experiments on BMAP-27 in the presence of increasing amounts of either polysaccharide confirmed their ability to interact with the peptide and induce an α-helical conformation.

  17. Klebsiella pneumoniae Infection Leads to a Poor Visual Outcome in Endogenous Endophthalmitis: A 12-year Experience in Southern Taiwan. (United States)

    Chen, Shih-Chou; Lee, Ying-Yen; Chen, Ya-Hsin; Lin, Huey-Shyan; Wu, Tsung-Tien; Sheu, Shwu-Jiuan


    To compare the characteristics, visual outcome, and prognostic factors of patients with endogenous endophthalmitis and to determine the association of endophthalmitis with Klebsiella pneumoniae infection. We retrospectively analyzed records of patients diagnosed with endogenous endophthalmitis from January 2002 to August 2013. A total of 86 patients were diagnosed with endogenous endophthalmitis; 48 patients were infected with K. pneumoniae, 28 patients were infected with other pathogens, and 10 were culture-negative. Diabetes mellitus was more prevalent among patients infected with K. pneumoniae. Liver abscess and urinary tract infection were the leading sources of infection in patients with and without a K. pneumoniae infection, respectively. In patients with endogenous endophthalmitis, poor initial vision (pendogenous endophthalmitis.

  18. Detection of an Ambler class D OXA-48-type β-lactamase in a Klebsiella pneumoniae strain in The Netherlands. (United States)

    Kalpoe, Jayant S; Al Naiemi, Nashwan; Poirel, Laurent; Nordmann, Patrice


    Traditionally, bacteria in The Netherlands have low levels of resistance to antibiotics. This report describes what is believed to be the first carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae producing an OXA-48 type β-lactamase in The Netherlands. The isolate co-produced a CTX-M-15 type β-lactamase and was recovered from a patient who was transferred from a hospital in India to an intensive care unit in The Netherlands. His recovery in The Netherlands was complicated by pneumonia due to the carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae to which he eventually succumbed. Pre-emptive screening for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in selected patients could be imperative to maintain the low prevalence of these highly resistant bacteria in Dutch hospitals.

  19. Risk factors for infections due to carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae after open heart surgery. (United States)

    Salsano, Antonio; Giacobbe, Daniele Roberto; Sportelli, Elena; Olivieri, Guido Maria; Brega, Carlotta; Di Biase, Carlo; Coppo, Erika; Marchese, Anna; Del Bono, Valerio; Viscoli, Claudio; Santini, Francesco


    Patients undergoing major surgery are at increased risk of developing infections due to resistant organisms, including carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CR-Kp). In this study, we assessed risk factors for CR-Kp infections after open heart surgery in a teaching hospital in northern Italy. A retrospective study was conducted from January to December 2014. The primary outcome measure was postoperative CR-Kp infection, defined as a time-to-event end-point. The effect of potentially related variables was assessed by univariable and multivariable analyses. Secondary end-points were in-hospital mortality and 180-day postoperative mortality. Among 553 patients undergoing open heart surgery, 32 developed CR-Kp infections (6%). In the final multivariable model, CR-Kp colonization [hazard ratio (HR) 227.45, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 67.13-1225.20, P open heart surgery. CR-Kp infection after surgery significantly affected survival. Preventing colonization is conceivably the most effective current strategy to reduce the impact of CR-Kp. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  20. Response surface optimization for ethanol production from Pennisetum Alopecoider by Klebsiella oxytoca THLC0409

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lin, Chi-Wen; I, Yet-Pole [Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin 64002 (China); Tran, Dang-Thuan [Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan City 701 (China); Lai, Chi-Yung [Department of Biology, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua (China); Wu, Chih-Hung [Graduate School of Engineering Science and Technology, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin 64002 (China)


    The strain Klebsiella oxytoca THLC0409 was isolated from a lignocellulose-degrading microflora and used in the direct conversion of Napiergrass powder to ethanol. Central Composite Design (CCD), part of the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was adopted to study the effects of the fermentation time, the initial pH of the liquid medium, the cultivation temperature, and the yeast extract (YE) concentration on ethanol production. A second-order model that relates the ethanol concentration to four basic factors was developed. Regression analysis revealed that the maximum ethanol concentration of 472 ppm could be reached at a fermentation time of about 11 days, an initial pH of 7.04, a cultivating temperature of 31 C, and a YE concentration of 7.0 g l{sup -1}. The adjusted R-square of the regression model was 0.996, indicating a good fit at 99.6% confidence level. The highest ethanol yield and productivity were estimated to be 82 g kg{sup -1} and 360 mg kg{sup -1} h{sup -1}, respectively. (author)

  1. Biodegradation of thermally treated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) by Klebsiella pneumoniae CH001. (United States)

    Awasthi, Shraddha; Srivastava, Pratap; Singh, Pardeep; Tiwary, D; Mishra, Pradeep Kumar


    Biodegradation of plastics, which are the potential source of environmental pollution, has received a great deal of attention in the recent years. We aim to screen, identify, and characterize a bacterial strain capable of degrading high-density polyethylene (HDPE). In the present study, we studied HDPE biodegradation using a laboratory isolate, which was identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae CH001 (Accession No MF399051). The HDPE film was characterized by Universal Tensile Machine (UTM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) before and after microbial incubation. We observed that this strain was capable of adhering strongly on HDPE surface and form a thick biofilm, when incubated in nutrient broth at 30 °C on 120 rpm for 60 days. UTM analysis showed a significant decrease in weight (18.4%) and reduction in tensile strength (60%) of HDPE film. Furthermore, SEM analysis showed the cracks on the HDPE surface, whereas AFM results showed an increase in surface roughness after bacterial incubation. Overall, these results indicate that K. pneumoniae CH001 can be used as potential candidate for HDPE degradation in eco-friendly and sustainable manner in the environment.

  2. Molecular characterization of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates

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    Xiang-hua Hou


    Full Text Available Klebsiella pneumoniae is an important cause of healthcare-associated infections worldwide. Selective pressure, the extensive use of antibiotics, and the conjugational transmission of antibiotic resistance genes across bacterial species and genera facilitate the emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR K. pneumoniae. Here, we examined the occurrence, phenotypes and genetic features of MDR K. pneumoniae isolated from patients in intensive care units (ICUs at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University in Xiamen, China, from January to December 2011. Thirty-eight MDR K. pneumoniae strains were collected. These MDR K. pneumoniae isolates possessed at least seven antibiotic resistance determinants, which contribute to the high-level resistance of these bacteria to aminoglycosides, macrolides, quinolones and β-lactams. Among these isolates, 24 strains were extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL producers, 2 strains were AmpC producers, and 12 strains were both ESBL and AmpC producers. The 38 MDR isolates also contained class I (28/38 and class II integrons (10/38. All 28 class I-positive isolates contained aacC1, aacC4, orfX, orfX’ and aadA1 genes. β-lactam resistance was conferred through blaSHV (22/38, blaTEM (10/38, and blaCTX-M (7/38. The highly conserved blaKPC-2 (37/38 and blaOXA-23(1/38 alleles were responsible for carbapenem resistance, and a gyrAsite mutation (27/38 and the plasmid-mediated qnrB gene (13/38 were responsible for quinolone resistance. Repetitive-sequence-based PCR (REP-PCR fingerprinting of these MDR strains revealed the presence of five groups and sixteen patterns. The MDR strains from unrelated groups showed different drug resistance patterns; however, some homologous strains also showed different drug resistance profiles. Therefore, REP-PCR-based analyses can provide information to evaluate the epidemic status of nosocomial infection caused by MDR K. pneumoniae; however, this test lacks the power to discriminate some

  3. Stability of tris-1,10-phenanthroline iron (II) complex in biomineral particles produced by Klebsiella oxytoca

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anghel, L.V.; Balasoiu, M.; Lazar, D.M.; Ishchenko, L.A.


    The composition of composites has a huge impact on the stability of tris-1,10-phenanthroline iron (II) complex during the determination of total iron content. The subject of this work is the determination of the stability of tris-1,10-phenanthroline iron (II) complex in samples of biominerals produced by bacteria Klebsiella oxytoca. The stability of this complex was monitored in the time period of 0-60 min. The aim of this work is to determine the concentration of the biogenic ferrihydrite in the samples and the time interval in which the absorbance of the complex is highest. The UV-Vis spectrophotometric method was used for the determination. Obtained results indicate that for more exact estimations of the concentration of biogenic ferrihydrite, absorbance of tris-1,10-phenanthroline iron (II) complex should be measured within 25 min from the moment ortho-phenanthroline was added

  4. Occurrence of qnr-positive clinical isolates in Klebsiella pneumoniae producing ESBL or AmpC-type beta-lactamase from five pediatric hospitals in China. (United States)

    Wang, Aihua; Yang, Yonghong; Lu, Quan; Wang, Yi; Chen, Yuan; Deng, Li; Ding, Hui; Deng, Qiulian; Wang, Li; Shen, Xuzhuang


    The plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance qnr genes in clinical isolates in adults have been described in different countries; however, the frequency of their occurrence has not been detected in pediatric patients. A total of 410 clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae, identified as producers of an extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL), or AmpC beta-lactamase, were collected from five children's hospitals in China during 2005-2006. The isolates were screened for the presence of the qnrA, qnrB, and qnrS genes, and then the harboring qnr gene isolates were detected for a bla gene coding for the TEM, SHV, CTX-M, and plasmid-mediated ampC gene by a PCR experiment. Ninety-two isolates (22.7%) were positive for the qnr gene, including 10 of qnrA (2.4%), 25 of qnrB (6.1%), and 62 of qnrS (15.1%). Eighty-one of the 92 (88.0%) qnr-positive isolates carried at least one bla gene for TEM, SHV, CTX-M, or DHA-1. The ciprofloxacin resistance increased 16-256-fold and oflaxacin resistance increased 2-32-fold in transconjugants, respectively. These results indicated that the plasmid-mediated qnr quinolone resistance gene was qnrS, followed by qnrB and qnrA. Most of the isolates also carried a bla gene coding ESBL or ampC gene coding DHA-1 among Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from Chinese pediatric patients.

  5. Encefalopatía por priones

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    Carlos Colegial


    Full Text Available Las encefalopatías espongiformes por priones son enfermedades neurodegenerativas que pueden ser esporádicas o transmisibles, ya sea por mecanismos infecciosos o hereditarios. Su investigación ha planteado enormes retos y en el recorrido histórico en busca de su causa dos médicos han recibido el premio Nobel de Medicina: Carleton Gajdusek, por sus trabajos en Nueva Guinea donde describió la transmisión infecciosa por ritos canibalísticos, que llevó a estudios de transmisión experimental en chimpancés y a su teoría de los "virus lentos" (por el largo período de incubación de la enfermedad.

  6. Changes in antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus over the past decade

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barfod, Toke Seierøe; Wibroe, Elisabeth Arnberg; Braüner, Julie Vestergaard


    of the percentage of bacterial isolates that are covered by the most commonly used antibiotics in the area of Copenhagen and to provide clinicians with a practical tool to help chose the right antimicrobial treatment for their patients. METHODS: We conducted a study of all bacteria isolates tested for antimicrobial...... susceptibility at Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark, from 2004 to 2008. Due to a suspected rise in resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae after this period, updated data for these bacteria are shown for selected antibiotics until 2014. The department receives samples from...... in resistance patterns were noted up to 2014. CONCLUSIONS: A comprehensive and manageable inventory of the resistance patterns of the major bacteria covering the 2004-2008 period is presented. Clinicians are encouraged to use the pocket-size table as guidance when choosing antibiotic treatment. FUNDING: none...

  7. Biochemical and structural characterization of Klebsiella pneumoniae oxamate amidohydrolase in the uric acid degradation pathway

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hicks, Katherine A.; Ealick, Steven E.


    HpxW from the ubiquitous pathogenKlebsiella pneumoniaeis involved in a novel uric acid degradation pathway downstream from the formation of oxalurate. Specifically, HpxW is an oxamate amidohydrolase which catalyzes the conversion of oxamate to oxalate and is a member of the Ntn-hydrolase superfamily. HpxW is autoprocessed from an inactive precursor to form a heterodimer, resulting in a 35.5 kDa α subunit and a 20 kDa β subunit. Here, the structure of HpxW is presented and the substrate complex is modeled. In addition, the steady-state kinetics of this enzyme and two active-site variants were characterized. These structural and biochemical studies provide further insight into this class of enzymes and allow a mechanism for catalysis consistent with other members of the Ntn-hydrolase superfamily to be proposed.

  8. Casipoemas por Navidad : (1969-2010)


    Sena Medina, Guillermo


    PRESENTACIÓN AL AIRE DE LA POESÍA RELIGIOSA Y NAVIDEÑA DE GUILLERMO SENA MEDINA Constituye un gran honor hacer la presentación de Guillermo Sena Medina por un doble motivo; por la larga y sincera amistad que nos une desde hace muchos años al socaire de nuestra común afición por la Historia, como cronistas oficiales de nuestros municipios; y, sobre todo y particularmente, por su rica y profunda personalidad como hombre de letras, nacida de su aún más rica y profunda personalidad humana. A...

  9. Nano Polyamidoamine-G7 (NPAMAM-G7 Dendrimer Synthesis and Assessment the Effect of its antibacterial on Escherichia Coli, Klebsiella Oxytoca, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa , Proteus Mirabilis and Staphylococcus Aureus from aqueous solution

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    mitra Gholami


    Full Text Available Background: Nano scale dendrimers are macromolecules synthetic which frequently used in medical and health field. This study was aimed to examine synthesis and the antibacterial effect of NanoPolyamidoamine-G7 (NPAMAM-G7 dendrimer on Escherichia Coli, Klebsiella Oxytoca, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa , Proteus Mirabilis and Staphylococcus Aureus from aqueous solution. Material and methods: In this experimental study, initially dilution of 103 CFU/ml were prepared from each strain of bacteria. Then different concentrations of dendrimer (0.025, 0.25, 2.5 and 25 µg/ml in the laboratory temperature (23-25 °C was added to water. In order to determine the efficiency of dendrimers in removal of bacteria, samples were taken at different times (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 min and were cultured on nutrient agar medium. Samples were incubated for 24 hours at 37 °C and then number of colonies were counted. Results: Antibacterial properties of dendrimers in aqueous solution by increasing the dendrimer concentration and contact time is directly related. At a concentration of 25 μg/ml at 60 minutes all bacteria except Staphylococcus Aureus, and at 30 minutes, Escherichia Coli and Klebsiella Oxytoca bacteria for 100% excluded. The concentration of 2.5 μg/ml at 60 minutes of bacteria, Escherichia Coli, Klebsiella Oxytoca and Proteus Mirabilis are 100% excluded. All concentrations of dendrimers at different times were reduced bacteria in the PAMAM- G7 dendrimer effect on gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria was better. Conclusion: The NPAMAM-G7 dendrimer with end amine groups exhibited a positive impact on the removal of standard strains, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Therefore, it is possible to use these nanodendrimers as antibacterial in the future.

  10. Fermentation of starch by Klebsiella oxytoca P2, containing plasmids with {alpha}-amylase and pullulanase genes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, V.L. dos; Araujo, E.F.; Barros, E.G. de; Guimaraes, W.V.


    Klebsiella oxytoca P2(pC46), an ethanol-producing recombinant, has been evaluated in fermentation of maltose and starch. The maximum ethanol produced by P2(pC46) was 0.34 g ethanol/g maltose and 0.38, 0.40, or 0.36 g ethanol/g starch in fermentation of 1, 2, or 4% starch, representing 68, 71, and 64% the theoretical yield. The pC46 plasmid transformed to cells of K. oxytoca P2 reduced the ethanol production from maltose and starch. In fermentation of starch after its digestion at 60 C for 24 h, in two-step fermentation, the time for maximum ethanol production was reduced to 12--24 h and the theoretical yield was around 90%. The increase in starch concentration resulted in lower {alpha}-amylase activity but in higher pullulanase activity. The high activity and thermostability of the amylolytic enzymes from this transformant suggest that it has a potential for amylolytic enzymes source.

  11. Hospital Outcomes of Adult Respiratory Tract Infections with Extended-Spectrum B-Lactamase (ESBL) Producing Klebsiella Pneumoniae (United States)

    Loh, Li-Cher; Nor Izran Hanim bt Abdul Samad; Rosdara Masayuni bt Mohd Sani; Raman, Sree; Thayaparan, Tarmizi; Kumar, Shalini


    Klebsiella pneumoniae ranks high as a cause of adult pneumonia requiring hospitalization in Malaysia. To study whether extended-spectrum b-lactamase (ESBL) producing K. pneumoniae was linked to hospital outcomes, we retrospectively studied 441 cases of adult respiratory tract infections with microbial proven K. pneumoniae from an urban-based university teaching hospital between 2003 and 2004. 47 (10.6%) cases had ESBL. Requirement for ventilation and median length of hospital stay, were greater in ‘ESBL’ than in ‘non-ESBL’ group [34% vs. 7.4%, p<0.001; 14 days vs. 5 days, p<0.001 respectively] but not crude hospital mortality rate [21.3% vs. 12.4%, p=0.092]. There was a four-fold increased risk of requiring ventilation [4.61 (2.72–7.85)] when ESBL was present. Our findings support the association of ESBL producing K. pneumoniae with adversed hospital outcomes and reiterate the need for vigilance on the part of treating clinicians. PMID:22993489

  12. Tendencia del perfil de sensibilidad antimicrobiana de los aislamientos de sangre en un hospital oncológico (1998-2003 Trend of antimicrobial drug-susceptibility of blood isolates at an oncological center (1998-2003

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Cornejo-Juárez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir la frecuencia de la resistencia en microrganismos aislados en cultivos de sangre en pacientes de un hospital oncológico de tercer nivel. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: De enero de 1998 a diciembre de 2003, en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología se desarrolló un estudio retrospectivo en el cual se obtuvieron cepas de cultivos de sangre que fueron incluidas y procesadas por sistema Bactec y Microscan, para determinar identificación y sensibilidad antimicrobiana. Se determinó la tendencia anual de la resistencia de cada organismo especificado a los diferentes antibióticos. Se obtuvo la diferencia porcentual (incremento o decremento comparando la frecuencia de resistencia al inicio y al final del estudio. RESULTADOS: Se detectaron 2 071 cultivos positivos. Se recuperaron Gram negativos en 59.7% de las muestras, Gram positivos en 35.7% y levaduras en 4.6%. Escherichia coli fue el principal germen identificado (18.6%, seguido de S. epidermidis (12.7% y Klebsiella spp (9%. Durante el periodo de estudio la sensibilidad se mantuvo estable y por arriba de 88% (excepto para Pseudomonas aeruginosa. La sensibilidad de ciprofloxacina para E. coli se encontró alrededor de 50%. Amikacina presentó mayor sensibilidad que gentamicina. Staphylococcus aureus presentó una sensibilidad a oxacilina de 96% y a vancomicina de 100%. S.epidermidis de 14% a oxacilina y de 98.6% a vancomicina. No se encontraron cepas de enterococo resistente a vancomicina. Todas las cepas de S. pneumoniae fueron sensibles a penicilina. CONCLUSIONES: Se considera que los patrones de resistencia encontrados en este hospital son el resultado del control en el uso de antimicrobianos, del programa de vigilancia de infecciones nosocomiales y de la utilización de terapia combinada en todos los pacientes con bacteremia.OBJECTIVE: To describe the patterns of antimicrobial resistance organisms isolated in blood cultures from patients detected in a tertiary level of care, teaching

  13. Two distinct sensing pathways allow recognition of Klebsiella pneumoniae by Dictyostelium amoebae. (United States)

    Lima, Wanessa C; Balestrino, Damien; Forestier, Christiane; Cosson, Pierre


    Recognition of bacteria by metazoans is mediated by receptors that recognize different types of microorganisms and elicit specific cellular responses. The soil amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum feeds upon a variable mixture of environmental bacteria, and it is expected to recognize and adapt to various food sources. To date, however, no bacteria-sensing mechanisms have been described. In this study, we isolated a Dictyostelium mutant (fspA KO) unable to grow in the presence of non-capsulated Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria, but growing as efficiently as wild-type cells in the presence of other bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis. fspA KO cells were also unable to respond to K. pneumoniae and more specifically to bacterially secreted folate in a chemokinetic assay, while they responded readily to B. subtilis. Remarkably, both WT and fspA KO cells were able to grow in the presence of capsulated LM21 K. pneumoniae, and responded to purified capsule, indicating that capsule recognition may represent an alternative, FspA-independent mechanism for K. pneumoniae sensing. When LM21 capsule synthesis genes were deleted, growth and chemokinetic response were lost for fspA KO cells, but not for WT cells. Altogether, these results indicate that Dictyostelium amoebae use specific recognition mechanisms to respond to different K. pneumoniae elements. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Risk factors and outcomes of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infections

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    Eleonora Pistella


    Full Text Available In the nosocomial setting, antimicrobial-resistant Enterobacteriaceae are a growing challenge, and alarming trends in resistance are currently reported all over the world. Isolates of Enterobacteriaceae producing ampC β-lactamases and extended spectrum β-lactamases are endemic in many hospitals, and are frequently resistant also to other classes of antibiotics, such as fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides. The risk of infections due to multi-drug resistant strains should be considered also for outpatients who have had recent contact with the health system. Both nosocomial and health-care associated infections should be treated with a combination of antibiotics active against multi-drug resistant Gram negative and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. In the absence of effective antimicrobial stewardship programs, this aggressive therapeutic approach might lead to abuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics, with consequent increase in resistances. To contain the possible antibiotic overuse, several decisional strategies, often based on risk-score systems supporting the clinical decisions, have been proposed. In this context of high antibiotic selection pressure, carbapenem-resistant pathogens recently began to spread in many hospitals. Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae, as well as carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and P. aeruginosa, represent the new major challenges to patient safety. Against these organisms the initial empiric treatment is generally ineffective. The poor clinical outcome associated with carbapenem- resistant K. pneumoniae infections is probably due to the delete in the beginning of an appropriate antibiotic treatment, rather than to the increased virulence of pathogens. Only few therapeutic options are available, including colistin, tigecycline, aminoglycosides and carbapenems in selected cases. Several combinations of these antibiotics have been used, but no ideal regimen has been currently established.

  15. Evolution of NADPH-cytochrome P450 oxidoreductases (POR) in Apiales - POR 1 is missing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Trine Bundgaard; Hansen, Niels Bjørn; Laursen, Tomas


    The NADPH-dependent cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) is the obligate electron donor to eukaryotic microsomal cytochromes P450 enzymes. The number of PORs within plant species is limited to one to four isoforms, with the most common being two PORs per plant. These enzymes provide electrons to ...... (available from the SRA at NCBI). All three genes were shown to be functional upon reconstitution into nanodiscs, confirming that none of the isoforms are pseudogenes....

  16. Optimization of tannase production by a novel Klebsiella pneumoniae KP715242 using central composite design

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    Mukesh Kumar


    Full Text Available A novel tannase producing bacterial strain was isolated from rhizospheric soil of Acacia species and identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae KP715242. A 3.25-fold increase in tannase production was achieved upon optimization with central composite design using response surface methodology. Four variables namely pH, temperature, incubation period, and agitation speed were used to optimize significant correlation between the effects of these variables on tannase production. A second-order polynomial was fitted to data and validated by ANOVA. The results showed a complex relationship between variables and response given that all factors were significant and could explain 99.6% of the total variation. The maximum production was obtained at 5.2 pH, 34.97 °C temperature, 103.34 rpm agitation speed and 91.34 h of incubation time. The experimental values were in good agreement with the predicted ones and the models were highly significant with a correlation coefficient (R2 of 0.99 and a highly significant F-value of 319.37.

  17. Generation and Validation of the iKp1289 Metabolic Model for Klebsiella pneumoniae KPPR1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Henry, Christopher S.; Rotman, Ella; Lathem, Wyndham W.; Tyo, Keith E. J.; Hauser, Alan R.; Mandel, Mark J.


    Klebsiella pneumoniae has a reputation for causing a wide range of infectious conditions, with numerous highly virulent and antibiotic-resistant strains. Metabolic models have the potential to provide insights into the growth behavior, nutrient requirements, essential genes, and candidate drug targets in these strains. Here we develop a metabolic model for KPPR1, a highly virulent strain of K. pneumoniae. We apply a combination of Biolog phenotype data and fitness data to validate and refine our KPPR1 model. The final model displays a predictive accuracy of 75% in identifying potential carbon and nitrogen sources for K. pneumoniae and of 99% in predicting nonessential genes in rich media. We demonstrate how this model is useful in studying the differences in the metabolic capabilities of the low-virulence MGH 78578 strain and the highly virulent KPPR1 strain. For example, we demonstrate that these strains differ in carbohydrate metabolism, including the ability to metabolize dulcitol as a primary carbon source. Our model makes numerous other predictions for follow-up verification and analysis.

  18. Antimicrobial Resistance of Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae: Epidemiology, Hypervirulence-Associated Determinants, and Resistance Mechanisms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chang-Ro Lee


    Full Text Available Klebsiella pneumoniae is one of the most clinically relevant species in immunocompromised individuals responsible for community-acquired and nosocomial infections, including pneumonias, urinary tract infections, bacteremias, and liver abscesses. Since the mid-1980s, hypervirulent K. pneumoniae, generally associated with the hypermucoviscosity phenotype, has emerged as a clinically significant pathogen responsible for serious disseminated infections, such as pyogenic liver abscesses, osteomyelitis, and endophthalmitis, in a generally younger and healthier population. Hypervirulent K. pneumoniae infections were primarily found in East Asia and now are increasingly being reported worldwide. Although most hypervirulent K. pneumoniae isolates are antibiotic-susceptible, some isolates with combined virulence and resistance, such as the carbapenem-resistant hypervirulent K. pneumoniae isolates, are increasingly being detected. The combination of multidrug resistance and enhanced virulence has the potential to cause the next clinical crisis. To better understand the basic biology of hypervirulent K. pneumoniae, this review will provide a summarization and discussion focused on epidemiology, hypervirulence-associated factors, and antibiotic resistance mechanisms of such hypervirulent strains. Epidemiological analysis of recent clinical isolates in China warns the global dissemination of hypervirulent K. pneumoniae strains with extensive antibiotic resistance in the near future. Therefore, an immediate response to recognize the global dissemination of this hypervirulent strain with resistance determinants is an urgent priority.

  19. Comparative genomics of an IncA/C multidrug resistance plasmid from Escherichia coli and Klebsiella isolates from intensive care unit patients and the utility of whole-genome sequencing in health care settings. (United States)

    Hazen, Tracy H; Zhao, LiCheng; Boutin, Mallory A; Stancil, Angela; Robinson, Gwen; Harris, Anthony D; Rasko, David A; Johnson, J Kristie


    The IncA/C plasmids have been implicated for their role in the dissemination of β-lactamases, including gene variants that confer resistance to expanded-spectrum cephalosporins, which are often the treatment of last resort against multidrug-resistant, hospital-associated pathogens. A bla(FOX-5) gene was detected in 14 Escherichia coli and 16 Klebsiella isolates that were cultured from perianal swabs of patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) of the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) in Baltimore, MD, over a span of 3 years. Four of the FOX-encoding isolates were obtained from subsequent samples of patients that were initially negative for an AmpC β-lactamase upon admission to the ICU, suggesting that the AmpC β-lactamase-encoding plasmid was acquired while the patient was in the ICU. The genomes of five E. coli isolates and six Klebsiella isolates containing bla(FOX-5) were selected for sequencing based on their plasmid profiles. An ∼ 167-kb IncA/C plasmid encoding the FOX-5 β-lactamase, a CARB-2 β-lactamase, additional antimicrobial resistance genes, and heavy metal resistance genes was identified. Another FOX-5-encoding IncA/C plasmid that was nearly identical except for a variable region associated with the resistance genes was also identified. To our knowledge, these plasmids represent the first FOX-5-encoding plasmids sequenced. We used comparative genomics to describe the genetic diversity of a plasmid encoding a FOX-5 β-lactamase relative to the whole-genome diversity of 11 E. coli and Klebsiella isolates that carry this plasmid. Our findings demonstrate the utility of whole-genome sequencing for tracking of plasmid and antibiotic resistance gene distribution in health care settings. Copyright © 2014, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  20. Desarrollo y evaluación de una prueba de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR, utilizando la secuencia del gen hilA para diagnóstico de fiebre entérica por Salmonella spp.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miryan Margot Sánchez


    Full Text Available El diagnóstico de fiebre entérica por Salmonella spp. se basa en el aislamiento de la bacteria en hemocultivos el cual consume tiempo, no siempre está disponible y tiene poca utilidad en pacientes con tratamiento antibiótico previo. Por consiguiente, se hace necesario el desarrollo de una prueba rápida, sensible y específica para el diagnóstico de fiebre entérica. Salmonella spp. utiliza el gen hilA (componente de la isla de patogenicidad I para invadir células epiteliales y producir infección. Al usar la secuencia de este gen se diseñó una prueba de PCR para detectar la bacteria en sangre y se evaluó su sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y valor predictivo negativo, utilizando la metodología prueba de una prueba. La prueba de oro fue el hemocultivo. Se estudiaron 34 individuos con sintomatología de fiebre entérica con aislamiento de Salmonella serotipo Typhi en hemocultivos; 35 individuos con sepsis por otros bacilos Gram negativos aislados de hemocultivo (Klebsiella pneumoniae, 9; Serratia marcescens, 5; Escherichia coli, 4; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 9; Providencia alcalifaciens, 4, y Enterobacter cloacae, 4 y 150 muestras de sangre de voluntarios asintomáticos. La sensibilidad, especificidad, valor pronóstico positivo y valor pronóstico negativo de la PCR fue del 100%. El número mínimo de UFC/ml que la PCR detecta en sangre es de 10.

  1. Isolation of a bacteriophage specific for a new capsular type of Klebsiella pneumoniae and characterization of its polysaccharide depolymerase.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chun-Ru Hsu

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Klebsiella pneumoniae is one of the major pathogens causing hospital-acquired multidrug-resistant infections. The capsular polysaccharide (CPS is an important virulence factor of K. pneumoniae. With 78 capsular types discovered thus far, an association between capsular type and the pathogenicity of K. pneumoniae has been observed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To investigate an initially non-typeable K. pneumoniae UTI isolate NTUH-K1790N, the cps gene region was sequenced. By NTUH-K1790N cps-PCR genotyping, serotyping and determination using a newly isolated capsular type-specific bacteriophage, we found that NTUH-K1790N and three other isolates Ca0507, Ca0421 and C1975 possessed a new capsular type, which we named KN2. Analysis of a KN2 CPS(- mutant confirmed the role of capsule as the target recognized by the antiserum and the phage. A newly described lytic phage specific for KN2 K. pneumoniae, named 0507-KN2-1, was isolated and characterized using transmission electron microscopy. Whole-genome sequencing of 0507-KN2-1 revealed a 159 991 bp double-stranded DNA genome with a G+C content of 46.7% and at least 154 open reading frames. Based on its morphological and genomic characteristics, 0507-KN2-1 was classified as a member of the Myoviridae phage family. Further analysis of this phage revealed a 3738-bp gene encoding a putative polysaccharide depolymerase. A recombinant form of this protein was produced and assayed to confirm its enzymatic activity and specificity to KN2 capsular polysaccharides. KN2 K. pneumoniae strains exhibited greater sensitivity to this depolymerase than these did to the cognate phage, as determined by spot analysis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Here we report that a group of clinical strains possess a novel Klebsiella capsular type. We identified a KN2-specific phage and its polysaccharide depolymerase, which could be used for efficient capsular typing. The lytic phage and depolymerase also have potential as

  2. Carbapenem MICs in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella Species Producing Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamases in Critical Care Patients from 2001 to 2009. (United States)

    Johnson, J Kristie; Robinson, Gwen L; Pineles, Lisa L; Ajao, Adebola O; Zhao, LiCheng; Albrecht, Jennifer S; Harris, Anthony D; Thom, Kerri A; Furuno, Jon P


    Extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae strains are increasing in prevalence worldwide. Carbapenem antibiotics are used as a first line of therapy against ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae We examined a cohort of critical care patients for gastrointestinal colonization with carbapenem-resistant ESBL-producing strains (CR-ESBL strains). We cultured samples from this cohort of patients for ESBL-producing Klebsiella spp. and Escherichia coli and then tested the first isolate from each patient for susceptibility to imipenem, doripenem, meropenem, and ertapenem. Multilocus sequence typing was performed on isolates that produced an ESBL and that were carbapenem resistant. Among all patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU), 4% were positive for an ESBL-producing isolate and 0.64% were positive for a CR-ESBL strain on surveillance culture. Among the first ESBL-producing E. coli and Klebsiella isolates from the patients' surveillance cultures, 11.2% were carbapenem resistant. Sequence type 14 (ST14), ST15, ST42, and ST258 were the dominant sequence types detected in this cohort of patients, with ST15 and ST258 steadily increasing in prevalence from 2006 to 2009. Patients colonized by a CR-ESBL strain were significantly more likely to receive antipseudomonal and anti-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (anti-MRSA) therapy prior to ICU admission than patients colonized by carbapenem-susceptible ESBL-producing strains. They were also significantly more likely to have received a cephalosporin or a carbapenem antibiotic than patients colonized by carbapenem-susceptible ESBL-producing strains. In conclusion, in a cohort of patients residing in intensive care units within the United States, we found that 10% of the isolates were resistant to at least one carbapenem antibiotic. The continued emergence of carbapenem-resistant ESBL-producing strains is of significant concern, as infections due to these organisms are notoriously difficult to

  3. Osteomalacia inducida por tumor: hemangiopericitoma rinosinusal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enriqueta M. Serafini


    Full Text Available La osteomalacia inducida por tumor es una rara enfermedad del metabolismo óseo caracterizada por el aumento en la excreción de fosfato a nivel renal seguido de hipofosfatemia. Es causada por agentes fosfatúricos producidos por determinados tumores. La resección total del tumor resulta en la completa reversión de las anormalidades bioquímicas, la desaparición de las manifestaciones clínicas y los hallazgos en los estudios por imágenes. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 61 años con cuadro clínico y laboratorio compatibles con osteomalacia oncogénica inducida por tumor mesenquimático de localización rinosinusal. En nuestro caso el diagnóstico histológico correspondió a una neoplasia de tipo vascular: hemangiopericitoma.

  4. Preparation and characterization of vanadia-titania mixed oxide for immobilization of Serratia rubidaea CCT 5732 and Klebsiella marcescens bacteria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saragiotto Colpini, Leda Maria; Correia Goncalves, Regina A.; Goncalves, Jose Eduardo; Maieru Macedo Costa, Creusa


    Vanadia-titania mixed oxide was synthesized by sol-gel method and characterized by several techniques. Texturally, it is formed by mesopores and presents high-specific surface area and controlled porosity. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that vanadium is homogeneously distributed in the material. Structurally, it was possible to identify characteristic V=O stretching bands by IR. The analysis of X-ray diffraction showed that the material, particularly vanadium, is highly dispersed. Application experiments were carried out through the immobilization of Serratia rubidae CCT 5732 and Klebsiella marcescens bacteria by adsorption on the surface of mixed oxide. The micrographies revealed that the bacteria were adsorbed on the entire support, with average surface densities of 8.55 x 10 11 cells/m 2 (Serratia rubidae CCT 5732) and 3.40 x 10 11 cells/m 2 (K. marcescens)

  5. First report of a multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae of sequence type 11 causing sepsis in a free-ranging beaver (Castor fiber). (United States)

    Pilo, Paola; Vogt, Debora; Origgi, Francesco C; Endimiani, Andrea; Peterson, Susanne; Perreten, Vincent


    Klebsiella pneumoniae of sequence type (ST) 11 is a hyper-epidemic nosocomial clone spreading worldwide among humans and also emerging in pets. In this report, we describe a clinical case of fatal sepsis due to this multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogen in a Eurasian beaver. The isolate showed resistance to six different classes of antimicrobials including third generation cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones. This is the first report describing the detection of a MDR K. pneumoniae ST11 in a free-ranging animal. Our finding highlights the potential for environmental dissemination of hyper-epidemic clones of K. pneumoniae and possible spread in wildlife and cause epizootics. © 2014 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Clinical utility from the determination of serico galactomannan in the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in hematological patients of the Hospital San Juan de Dios, between January 2009 and December 2012; Utilidad clinica de la determinacion de galactomanano serico en el diagnostico de aspergilosis invasiva en pacientes hematologicos del Hospital San Juan de Dios, entre enero 2009 y diciembre 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Sandi, Silvia


    Nosocomial infections have become more important to the health system by the high costs of these, but are little data available about them in recent years. The clinical utility of the determination of serum galactomannan (GMS) in patients with high risk of contracting the infection by Aspergillus spp, was assessed, between January 2009 and December 2012 at the Hospital San Juan de Dios. Several existing studies in the scientific literature have already evaluated the clinical usefulness, specific data have been inexistent for Costa Rica or for Central America and the Caribbean; so it is important to have known whether the conduct of the test has been similar to the other populations or have specific variations [Spanish] Las enfermedades nosocomiales han cobrado mayor importancia para el sistema de salud por el gasto elevado que han representado, pero son pocos los datos disponibles respecto a ellas en los ultimos anos. La utilidad clinica de la determinacion de galactomanano serico (GMS) en pacientes con alto riesgo a contraer la infeccion por Aspergillus spp, fue evaluada, entre enero del 2009 y diciembre del 2012 en el Hospital San Juan de Dios. Varios estudios existentes en la literatura cientifica ya han evaluado esta utilidad clinica, datos especificos han sido inexistentes para Costa Rica, o para la region Centroamericana y el Caribe, por lo que es importante haber conocido si el comportamiento de la prueba ha sido similar a las otras poblaciones o tiene variaciones.

  7. A Refined Model for the Structure of Acireductone Dioxygenase from Klebsiella ATCC 8724 Incorporating Residual Dipolar Couplings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pochapsky, Thomas C., E-mail:; Pochapsky, Susan S.; Ju Tingting [Brandeis University, Department of Chemistry (United States); Hoefler, Chris [Brandeis University, Department of Biochemistry (United States); Liang Jue [Brandeis University, Department of Chemistry (United States)


    Acireductone dioxygenase (ARD) from Klebsiella ATCC 8724 is a metalloenzyme that is capable of catalyzing different reactions with the same substrates (acireductone and O{sub 2}) depending upon the metal bound in the active site. A model for the solution structure of the paramagnetic Ni{sup 2+}-containing ARD has been refined using residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) measured in two media. Additional dihedral restraints based on chemical shift (TALOS) were included in the refinement, and backbone structure in the vicinity of the active site was modeled from a crystallographic structure of the mouse homolog of ARD. The incorporation of residual dipolar couplings into the structural refinement alters the relative orientations of several structural features significantly, and improves local secondary structure determination. Comparisons between the solution structures obtained with and without RDCs are made, and structural similarities and differences between mouse and bacterial enzymes are described. Finally, the biological significance of these differences is considered.

  8. Cooccurrence of Multiple AmpC β-Lactamases in Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus mirabilis in Tunisia. (United States)

    Chérif, Thouraya; Saidani, Mabrouka; Decré, Dominique; Boutiba-Ben Boubaker, Ilhem; Arlet, Guillaume


    Over a period of 40 months, plasmid-mediated AmpC β-lactamases were detected in Tunis, Tunisia, in 78 isolates (0.59%) of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus mirabilis. In 67 isolates, only one ampC gene was detected, i.e., blaCMY-2-type (n = 33), blaACC (n = 23), blaDHA (n = 6) or blaEBC (n = 5). Multiple ampC genes were detected in 11 isolates, with the following distribution: blaMOX-2, blaFOX-3, and blaCMY-4/16 (n = 6), blaFOX-3 and blaMOX-2 (n = 3), and blaCMY-4 and blaMOX-2 (n = 2). A great variety of plasmids carrying these genes was found, independently of the species and the bla gene. If the genetic context of blaCMY-2-type is variable, that of blaMOX-2, reported in part previously, is unique and that of blaFOX-3 is unique and new. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  9. Type 3 fimbriae and biofilm formation are regulated by the transcriptional regulators MrkHI in Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Johnson, Jeremiah G; Murphy, Caitlin N; Sippy, Jean; Johnson, Tylor J; Clegg, Steven


    Klebsiella pneumoniae is an opportunistic pathogen which frequently causes hospital-acquired urinary and respiratory tract infections. K. pneumoniae may establish these infections in vivo following adherence, using the type 3 fimbriae, to indwelling devices coated with extracellular matrix components. Using a colony immunoblot screen, we identified transposon insertion mutants which were deficient for type 3 fimbrial surface production. One of these mutants possessed a transposon insertion within a gene, designated mrkI, encoding a putative transcriptional regulator. A site-directed mutant of this gene was constructed and shown to be deficient for fimbrial surface expression under aerobic conditions. MrkI mutants have a significantly decreased ability to form biofilms on both abiotic and extracellular matrix-coated surfaces. This gene was found to be cotranscribed with a gene predicted to encode a PilZ domain-containing protein, designated MrkH. This protein was found to bind cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP) and regulate type 3 fimbrial expression.

  10. Type 3 Fimbriae and Biofilm Formation Are Regulated by the Transcriptional Regulators MrkHI in Klebsiella pneumoniae▿ (United States)

    Johnson, Jeremiah G.; Murphy, Caitlin N.; Sippy, Jean; Johnson, Tylor J.; Clegg, Steven


    Klebsiella pneumoniae is an opportunistic pathogen which frequently causes hospital-acquired urinary and respiratory tract infections. K. pneumoniae may establish these infections in vivo following adherence, using the type 3 fimbriae, to indwelling devices coated with extracellular matrix components. Using a colony immunoblot screen, we identified transposon insertion mutants which were deficient for type 3 fimbrial surface production. One of these mutants possessed a transposon insertion within a gene, designated mrkI, encoding a putative transcriptional regulator. A site-directed mutant of this gene was constructed and shown to be deficient for fimbrial surface expression under aerobic conditions. MrkI mutants have a significantly decreased ability to form biofilms on both abiotic and extracellular matrix-coated surfaces. This gene was found to be cotranscribed with a gene predicted to encode a PilZ domain-containing protein, designated MrkH. This protein was found to bind cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP) and regulate type 3 fimbrial expression. PMID:21571997

  11. Comparative whole genome transcriptome and metabolome analyses of five Klebsiella pneumonia strains. (United States)

    Lee, Soojin; Kim, Borim; Yang, Jeongmo; Jeong, Daun; Park, Soohyun; Shin, Sang Heum; Kook, Jun Ho; Yang, Kap-Seok; Lee, Jinwon


    The integration of transcriptomics and metabolomics can provide precise information on gene-to-metabolite networks for identifying the function of novel genes. The goal of this study was to identify novel gene functions involved in 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BDO) biosynthesis by a comprehensive analysis of the transcriptome and metabolome of five mutated Klebsiella pneumonia strains (∆wabG = SGSB100, ∆wabG∆budA = SGSB106, ∆wabG∆budB = SGSB107, ∆wabG∆budC = SGSB108, ∆wabG∆budABC = SGSB109). First, the transcriptomes of all five mutants were analyzed and the genes exhibiting reproducible changes in expression were determined. The transcriptome was well conserved among the five strains, and differences in gene expression occurred mainly in genes coding for 2,3-BDO biosynthesis (budA, budB, and budC) and the genes involved in the degradation of reactive oxygen, biosynthesis and transport of arginine, cysteine biosynthesis, sulfur metabolism, oxidoreductase reaction, and formate dehydrogenase reaction. Second, differences in the metabolome (estimated by carbon distribution, CO2 emission, and redox balance) among the five mutant strains due to gene alteration of the 2,3-BDO operon were detected. The functional genomics approach integrating metabolomics and transcriptomics in K. Pneumonia presented here provides an innovative means of identifying novel gene functions involved in 2,3-BDO biosynthesis metabolism and whole cell metabolism.

  12. Porøse materialer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place


    Dette undervisningsnotat er en samling af noter, der refererer til den indledende del af kurset Materialmekanik og Porøse materailer på Insitut for Bærende Konstruktiner og Materialer (BKM).......Dette undervisningsnotat er en samling af noter, der refererer til den indledende del af kurset Materialmekanik og Porøse materailer på Insitut for Bærende Konstruktiner og Materialer (BKM)....

  13. Characterization of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri) pups during and after the epidemics on Enderby Island, Auckland Islands. (United States)

    Castinel, Aurélie; Grinberg, Alex; Pattison, Rebecca; Duignan, Pádraig; Pomroy, Bill; Rogers, Lynn; Wilkinson, Ian


    The 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 breeding seasons of New Zealand sea lions (NZSLs) on the Auckland Islands were marked by a high pup mortality caused by acute bacterial infections. As part of a health survey from 1998/1999 to 2004/2005, tissues and swabs of lesions had been collected at necropsy to identify the bacteria associated with pup mortality. Klebsiella pneumoniae was grown in pure culture from 83% of various organs and lesions in 2001/2002 and 76% in 2002/2003, and less frequently in the following seasons (56% in 2003/2004 and 49% in 2004/2005). Pup isolates of K. pneumoniae showed identical minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of cefuroxime, neomycin, cephalotin, cephalexin and dihydrostreptomycin, suggesting clonal aetiology of the pathogen. Isolates also tested negative for production of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs), which was not in favour of an anthropogenetic origin of the epidemic strain. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of XbaI DNA macrorestriction fragments was performed on isolates of K. pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxytoca from 35 pups, thee NZSL adult females, and from three human patients for comparison. PFGE showed that pup isolates of K. pneumoniae were genetically indistinguishable but were neither related to K. pneumoniae from humans and from NZSL adults, nor to K. oxytoca from NZSLs. It is concluded that the 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 epidemics at Sandy Bay rookery were caused by a single K. pneumoniae clonal lineage, genetically different from the strain carried by adult NZSLs. An anthropogenic origin of the K. pneumoniae clone could not be confirmed, but further investigations are required to rule-out such occurrence.

  14. Klebsiella sp. FIRD 2, a TBT-resistant bacterium isolated from contaminated surface sediment along Strait of Johor Malaysia. (United States)

    Abubakar, Abdussamad; Mustafa, Muskhazli B; Johari, Wan Lutfi Wan; Zulkifli, Syaizwan Zahmir; Ismail, Ahmad; Mohamat-Yusuff, Ferdaus Binti


    A possible tributyltin (TBT)-degrading bacterium isolated from contaminated surface sediment was successfully identified as Klebsiella sp. FIRD 2. It was found to be the best isolate capable of resisting TBT at a concentration of 1000 μg L(-1). This was a concentration above the reported contaminated level at the sampling station, 790 μg L(-1). Further studies revealed that the isolate was Gram negative and resisted TBT concentrations of up to 1500 μg L(-1) in a Minimal Salt Broth without the addition of any carbon source within the first 48 h of incubation. It is expected that additional work could be conducted to check the degradation activity of this new isolate and possibly improve the degradation capacity in order to contribute to finding a safe and sustainable remediation solution of TBT contamination. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. The structure of KPN03535 (gi|152972051), a novel putative lipoprotein from Klebsiella pneumoniae, reveals an OB-fold

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Das, Debanu; Kozbial, Piotr; Han, Gye Won; Carlton, Dennis; Jaroszewski, Lukasz; Abdubek, Polat; Astakhova, Tamara; Axelrod, Herbert L.; Bakolitsa, Constantina; Chen, Connie; Chiu, Hsiu-Ju; Chiu, Michelle; Clayton, Thomas; Deller, Marc C.; Duan, Lian; Ellrott, Kyle; Elsliger, Marc-André; Ernst, Dustin; Farr, Carol L.; Feuerhelm, Julie; Grzechnik, Anna; Grant, Joanna C.; Jin, Kevin K.; Johnson, Hope A.; Klock, Heath E.; Knuth, Mark W.; Krishna, S. Sri; Kumar, Abhinav; Marciano, David; McMullan, Daniel; Miller, Mitchell D.; Morse, Andrew T.; Nigoghossian, Edward; Nopakun, Amanda; Okach, Linda; Oommachen, Silvya; Paulsen, Jessica; Puckett, Christina; Reyes, Ron; Rife, Christopher L.; Sefcovic, Natasha; Tien, Henry J.; Trame, Christine B.; Bedem, Henry van den; Weekes, Dana; Wooten, Tiffany; Xu, Qingping; Hodgson, Keith O.; Wooley, John; Deacon, Ashley M.; Godzik, Adam; Lesley, Scott A.; Wilson, Ian A.


    KPN03535 is a protein unique to K. pneumoniae. The crystal structure reveals that KPN03535 represents a novel variant of the OB-fold and is likely to be a DNA-binding lipoprotein. KPN03535 (gi|152972051) is a putative lipoprotein of unknown function that is secreted by Klebsiella pneumoniae MGH 78578. The crystal structure reveals that despite a lack of any detectable sequence similarity to known structures, it is a novel variant of the OB-fold and structurally similar to the bacterial Cpx-pathway protein NlpE, single-stranded DNA-binding (SSB) proteins and toxins. K. pneumoniae MGH 78578 forms part of the normal human skin, mouth and gut flora and is an opportunistic pathogen that is linked to about 8% of all hospital-acquired infections in the USA. This structure provides the foundation for further investigations into this divergent member of the OB-fold family

  16. Application of zwitterionic detergent to the solubilization of Klebsiella pneumoniae outer membrane proteins for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. (United States)

    Bednarz-Misa, I; Serek, P; Dudek, B; Pawlak, A; Bugla-Płoskońska, G; Gamian, A


    Klebsiella pneumoniae is a frequent cause of nosocomial respiratory, urinary and gastrointestinal tract infections and septicemia with the multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae being a major public health concern. Outer membrane proteins (OMPs) are important virulence factors responsible for the appropriate adaptation to the host environment. They constitute of the antigens being the first in contact with infected organism. However, K. pneumoniae strains are heavily capsulated and it is important to establish the OMPs isolation procedure prior to proteomics extensive studies. In this study we used Zwittergent Z 3-14® as a detergent to isolate the OMPs from K. pneumoniae cells and resolve them using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). As a result we identified 134 protein spots. The OMPs identified in this study are possible candidates for the development of a protein-based vaccine against K. pneumoniae infections. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Butanediol production from cellulose and hemicellulose by Klebsiella pneumoniae grown in sequential coculture with Trichoderma harzianum

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, E.K.C.; Deschatelets, L.; Louis-Seize, G.; Saddler, J.N.


    The bioconverison of cellulose and hemicellulose substrates to 2,3-butanediol by a sequential coculture approach was investigated with the cellulolytic fungus Trichoderma harzianum E58 and the fermentative bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae. Vogel medium optimal for the production of the cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzymes of the fungus was found to be inhibitory to butanediol fermentation. This inhibition appeared to be due to a synergistic effect of various ingredients, particularly the salts, present in the fungal medium. The removal or replacement of such ingredients from Vogel medium led to the relief of fermentation inhibition, but the treatments also resulted in a significant decrease in fungal enzyme production. Resting cells of K. pneumoniae could be used for butanediol production in the fungal medium, indicating that the inhibitory effect on solvent production under such conditions was due to the indirect result of growing inhibition of the bacterial cells. The resting-cell approach could be combined with a fed-batch system for the direct conversion of 8 to 10% (wt/vol) of Solka-Floc or aspenwood xylan to butanediol at over 30% of the theoretical conversion efficiencies.

  18. Klebsiella pneumoniae Planktonic and Biofilm Reduction by Different Plant Extracts: In Vitro Study

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    Lucas De Paula Ramos


    Full Text Available This study evaluated the action of Pfaffia paniculata K., Juglans regia L., and Rosmarius officinalis L. extracts against planktonic form and biofilm of Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 4352. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC and minimum microbicidal concentration (MMC values were determined for each extract by microdilution broth method, according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Next, antimicrobial activity of the extracts on biofilm was analyzed. For this, standardized suspension at 107 UFC/mL of K. pneumoniae was distributed into 96-well microplates (n=10 and after 48 h at 37°C and biofilm was subjected to treatment for 5 min with the extracts at a concentration of 200 mg/mL. ANOVA and Tukey tests (5% were used to verify statistical significant reduction (p<0.05 of planktonic form and biofilm. P paniculata K., R. officinalis L., and J. regia L. showed reductions in biomass of 55.6, 58.1, and 18.65% and cell viability reduction of 72.4, 65.1, and 31.5%, respectively. The reduction obtained with P. paniculata and R. officinalis extracts was similar to the reduction obtained with chlorhexidine digluconate 2%. In conclusion, all extracts have microbicidal action on the planktonic form but only P. paniculata K. and R. officinalis L. were effective against biofilm.

  19. Response of Differentiated Human Airway Epithelia to Alcohol Exposure and Klebsiella pneumoniae Challenge

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    Sammeta V. Raju


    Full Text Available Alcohol abuse has been associated with increased susceptibility to pulmonary infection. It is not fully defined how alcohol contributes to the host defense compromise. Here primary human airway epithelial cells were cultured at an air-liquid interface to form a differentiated and polarized epithelium. This unique culture model allowed us to closely mimic lung infection in the context of alcohol abuse by basolateral alcohol exposure and apical live bacterial challenge. Application of clinically relevant concentrations of alcohol for 24 h did not significantly alter epithelial integrity or barrier function. When apically challenged with viable Klebsiella pneumoniae, the cultured epithelia had an enhanced tightness which was unaffected by alcohol. Further, alcohol enhanced apical bacterial growth, but not bacterial binding to the cells. The cultured epithelium in the absence of any treatment or stimulation had a base-level IL-6 and IL-8 secretion. Apical bacterial challenge significantly elevated the basolateral secretion of inflammatory cytokines including IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IFN-γ, GM-CSF, and TNF-α. However, alcohol suppressed the observed cytokine burst in response to infection. Addition of adenosine receptor agonists negated the suppression of IL-6 and TNF-α. Thus, acute alcohol alters the epithelial cytokine response to infection, which can be partially mitigated by adenosine receptor agonists.

  20. Klebsiella pneumoniae yfiRNB operon affects biofilm formation, polysaccharide production and drug susceptibility. (United States)

    Huertas, Mónica G; Zárate, Lina; Acosta, Iván C; Posada, Leonardo; Cruz, Diana P; Lozano, Marcela; Zambrano, María M


    Klebsiella pneumoniae is an opportunistic pathogen important in hospital-acquired infections, which are complicated by the rise of drug-resistant strains and the capacity of cells to adhere to surfaces and form biofilms. In this work, we carried out an analysis of the genes in the K. pneumoniae yfiRNB operon, previously implicated in biofilm formation. The results indicated that in addition to the previously reported effect on type 3 fimbriae expression, this operon also affected biofilm formation due to changes in cellulose as part of the extracellular matrix. Deletion of yfiR resulted in enhanced biofilm formation and an altered colony phenotype indicative of cellulose overproduction when grown on solid indicator media. Extraction of polysaccharides and treatment with cellulase were consistent with the presence of cellulose in biofilms. The enhanced cellulose production did not, however, correlate with virulence as assessed using a Caenorhabditis elegans assay. In addition, cells bearing mutations in genes of the yfiRNB operon varied with respect to the WT control in terms of susceptibility to the antibiotics amikacin, ciprofloxacin, imipenem and meropenem. These results indicated that the yfiRNB operon is implicated in the production of exopolysaccharides that alter cell surface characteristics and the capacity to form biofilms--a phenotype that does not necessarily correlate with properties related with survival, such as resistance to antibiotics. © 2014 The Authors.

  1. Characterization of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Citrobacter obtained in environmental samples of a Tunisian hospital. (United States)

    Dziri, Raoudha; Klibi, Naouel; Alonso, Carla Andrea; Said, Leila Ben; Bellaaj, Ridha; Slama, Karim Ben; Boudabous, Abdellatif; Torres, Carmen


    The assessment of the hospital environment as a reservoir of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Tunisian hospitals is scarcely analyzed, except for Escherichia coli. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of ESBL-producing non-E. coli Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-EbNoEc) in 300 samples of abiotic surfaces and the hands of patients and staff of a Tunisian Hospital, and to characterize the ESBL genes of the recovered isolates. ESBL-EbNoEc were recovered in 28 of 300 (9.3%) analyzed samples and were identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae (n= 11), Enterobacter cloacae (n=11), Citrobacter freundii (n=4) and Klebsiella oxytoca (n=2). The bla genes identified by PCR and sequencing among the strains were as follows: 11 K.pneumoniae strains [blaCTX-M-15+ blaTEM-1+ blaSHV-11 (n=6); blaCTX-M-15+ blaTEM-1+ blaSHV-28 (n=3); blaCTX-M-15+ blaTEM-1+ blaSHV-1 (n=2)], 11 E. cloacae strains [blaCTX-M-15 (n=6); blaCTX-M-15+ blaTEM-1b (n=2); blaCTX-M-15+ blaTEM-1b+ blaOXA-1 (n=1);blaCTX-M-15+ blaOXA-1 (n=1);blaSHV-12 (n=1)], 4 C. freundii strains [blaCTX-M-15] and 2 K. oxytoca strains [blaCTX-M-15 (n=1); blaSHV-12 (n=1)]. The ISEcp1 and orf477 sequences were identified upstream and downstream of the blaCTX-M-15 gene, respectively, in 3 K. pneumoniae and 3 E. cloacae isolates. The PFGE analysis demonstrated three unrelated pulsotypes in K. pneumoniae strains and five pulsotypes in E. cloacae. The uncontrolled dissemination of ESBL-producing bacteria, even in the hospital environment, has become a real problem and new strategies and hygienic rules are needed to stop this bacterial dissemination. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Verdad por definición


    Garrido Garrido, Julián


    Not available.La verdad por definición es un tipo peculiar de verdad científica, distinguible de las verdades lógicas, matemáticas y empíricas. La definición, por su parte, designa diversos procedimientos de asignación de significado, cuyas diferencias exigen una adjetivación cuidadosa: definiciones ostensivas y operacionales, definiciones de diccionario y definiciones teóricas. Pero sólo las del último tipo son verdaderas por definición. En el presente artículo se precisa el concepto formal ...

  3. Imipenem represses CRISPR-Cas interference of DNA acquisition through H-NS stimulation in Klebsiella pneumoniae (United States)

    Lin, Tzu-Lung; Pan, Yi-Jiun; Hsieh, Pei-Fang; Hsu, Chun-Ru; Wu, Meng-Chuan; Wang, Jin-Town


    Analysis of the genome of Klebsiella pneumoniae NTUH-K2044 strain revealed the presence of two clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) arrays separated with CRISPR-associated (cas) genes. Carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae isolates were observed to be less likely to have CRISPR-Cas than sensitive strains (5/85 vs. 22/132). Removal of the transcriptional repressor, H-NS, was shown to prevent the transformation of plasmids carrying a spacer and putative proto-spacer adjacent motif (PAM). The CRISPR-Cas system also decreased pUC-4K plasmid stability, resulting in plasmid loss from the bacteria with acquisition of new spacers. Analysis of the acquired proto-spacers in pUC-4K indicated that 5′-TTN-3′ was the preferred PAM in K. pneumoniae. Treatment of cells by imipenem induced hns expression, thereby decreasing cas3 expression and consequently repressed CRISPR-Cas activity resulted in increase of plasmid stability. In conclusion, NTUH-K2044 CRISPR-Cas contributes to decrease of plasmid transformation and stability. Through repression of CRISPR-Cas activity by induced H-NS, bacteria might be more able to acquire DNA to confront the challenge of imipenem. PMID:27531594

  4. Colistin resistance associated with outer membrane protein change in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter asburiae. (United States)

    Kádár, Béla; Kocsis, Béla; Tóth, Ákos; Kristóf, Katalin; Felső, Péter; Kocsis, Béla; Böddi, Katalin; Szabó, Dóra


    In this study, outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of colistin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter asburiae were analyzed. One colistin-susceptible and three colistin-resistant K. pneumoniae sequence type 258 strains as well as one colistin-susceptible E. asburiae and its colistin-heteroresistant counterpart strain were involved in the study. OMP analysis of each strain was performed by microchip method. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight/mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS) investigation was carried out after separation of OMPs by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and in-gel digestion. The MALDI-TOF/MS analysis of OMPs in the colistin-susceptible K. pneumoniae found 16 kDa proteins belonging to the LysM domain/BON superfamily, as well as DNA starvation proteins, whereas OmpX and OmpW were detected in the colistin-resistant counterpart strains. OmpC and OmpW were detected in the colistin-susceptible E. asburiae, whereas OmpA and OmpX were identified in the colistin-resistant counterpart. This study demonstrated that OMP differences were between colistin-susceptible and -resistant counterpart strains. The altered Gram-negative cell wall may contribute to acquired colistin resistance in Enterobacteriaceae.

  5. Imipenem represses CRISPR-Cas interference of DNA acquisition through H-NS stimulation in Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Lin, Tzu-Lung; Pan, Yi-Jiun; Hsieh, Pei-Fang; Hsu, Chun-Ru; Wu, Meng-Chuan; Wang, Jin-Town


    Analysis of the genome of Klebsiella pneumoniae NTUH-K2044 strain revealed the presence of two clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) arrays separated with CRISPR-associated (cas) genes. Carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae isolates were observed to be less likely to have CRISPR-Cas than sensitive strains (5/85 vs. 22/132). Removal of the transcriptional repressor, H-NS, was shown to prevent the transformation of plasmids carrying a spacer and putative proto-spacer adjacent motif (PAM). The CRISPR-Cas system also decreased pUC-4K plasmid stability, resulting in plasmid loss from the bacteria with acquisition of new spacers. Analysis of the acquired proto-spacers in pUC-4K indicated that 5'-TTN-3' was the preferred PAM in K. pneumoniae. Treatment of cells by imipenem induced hns expression, thereby decreasing cas3 expression and consequently repressed CRISPR-Cas activity resulted in increase of plasmid stability. In conclusion, NTUH-K2044 CRISPR-Cas contributes to decrease of plasmid transformation and stability. Through repression of CRISPR-Cas activity by induced H-NS, bacteria might be more able to acquire DNA to confront the challenge of imipenem.

  6. Phylogenetic groups among Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from Brazil: relationship with antimicrobial resistance and origin. (United States)

    de Melo, Maíra Espíndola Silva; Cabral, Adriane Borges; Maciel, Maria Amélia Vieira; da Silveira, Vera Magalhães; de Souza Lopes, Ana Catarina


    The objectives of this study were to determine the distribution of phylogenetic groups among Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from Recife, Brazil and to assess the relationship between the groups and the isolation sites and resistance profile. Ninety four isolates of K. pneumoniae from hospital or community infections and from normal microbiota were analyzed by gyrA PCR-RFLP, antibiotic susceptibility, and adonitol fermentation. The results revealed the distinction of three phylogenetic groups, as it has also been reported in Europe, showing that these clusters are highly conserved within K. pneumoniae. Group KpI was dominantly represented by hospital and community isolates while groups KpII and KpIII displayed mainly normal microbiota isolates. The resistance to third generation cephalosporins, aztreonam, imipenem, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, and streptomycin was only observed in KpI. The percentage of resistance was higher in KpI, followed by KpII and KpIII. The differences in the distribution of K. pneumoniae phylogenetic groups observed in this study suggest distinctive clinical and epidemiological characteristics among the three groups, which is important to understand the epidemiology of infections caused by this organism. This is the first study in Brazil on K. pneumoniae isolates from normal microbiota and community infections regarding the distribution of phylogenetic groups based on the gyrA gene.

  7. Presence of quinolone resistance to qnrB1 genes and blaOXA-48 carbapenemase in clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae in Spain. (United States)

    Rodríguez Martínez, J M; Díaz-de Alba, P; Lopez-Cerero; Ruiz-Carrascoso, G; Gomez-Gil, R; Pascual, A


    A study is presented on the presence of quinolone resistance qnrB1 genes in clinical isolates belonging to the largest series of infections caused by OXA-48-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a single-centre outbreak in Spain. Evidence is also provided, according to in vitro results, that there is a possibility of co-transfer of plasmid harbouring blaOXA-48 with an other plasmid harbouring qnrB1 in presence of low antibiotic concentrations of fluoroquinolones, showing the risk of multi-resistance screening. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. All rights reserved.

  8. Electrocardiografo por computadora


    Tinoco Hernandez, Rosanna; Paredes Bejarano, Margarita; Romero Chaglia, Norman; Yapur Auad, Miguel Eduardo


    El presente trabajo trata sobrees el diseño y la implementación de un graficador de señales cardiacas por computadora, para lo cual diseñamos un circuito electrónico capaz de recibir la senal analógica proveniente de la actividad electrica del corazón , amplificarla, y luego convertirla en una señal digital para ser procesada por software y finalmente ser graficada, siendo posible así observar la señal cardiaca en el monitor de un computador como un tren de pulsos. Cabe destacar que par...

  9. Biofilm inhibitory effect of chlorhexidine conjugated gold nanoparticles against Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Ahmed, Ayaz; Khan, Anum Khalid; Anwar, Ayaz; Ali, Syed Abid; Shah, Muhammad Raza


    Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) is one of the major pathogen associated with nosocomial infections, especially catheter associated urinary tract infections which involved biofilm formation. This study was designed to evaluate the antibiofilm efficacy of gold nanoparticle conjugated with chlorhexidine (Au-CHX) against K. pneumoniae isolates. Au-CHX was synthesized and analyzed for stability by using UV-Visible spectrophotometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy (ESI-MS). Biofilm inhibition and eradication was performed by crystal violet, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assays and further confirmed by florescence and AFM microscopy. Au-CHX showed the maxima surface plasmon resonance (SPR) band at 535 nm, spherical morphology and polydispersity with size in the range of 20-100 nm. The micro molar concentrations (i.e. 25 and 100 μM) of Au-CHX completely inhibited the biofilm formation and metabolic activity within biofilms of K. pneumoniae reference and three tested clinical isolates, respectively. Time dependant biofilm inhibition assay showed that Au-CHX inhibited the early stage of biofilm formation. While at 75 and 100 μM concentrations, it also eradicated the established biofilms of K. pneumoniae isolates as compared to 2 mM chlorhexidine. Reduced florescence signals and surface roughness during microscopic analysis further confirms the antibiofilm activity of Au-CHX against K. pneumoniae ATCC13882 and clinical isolates. Thus it is concluded that chlorhexidine coated gold nanoparticle not only inhibits the biofilm formation of K. pneumoniae ATCC and clinical isolates but also eradicated the preformed biofilm. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Risk factors for KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae: watch out for surgery. (United States)

    da Silva, Kesia Esther; Maciel, Wirlaine Glauce; Sacchi, Flávia Patussi Correia; Carvalhaes, Cecilia Godoy; Rodrigues-Costa, Fernanda; da Silva, Ana Carolina Ramos; Croda, Mariana Garcia; Negrão, Fábio Juliano; Croda, Julio; Gales, Ana Cristina; Simionatto, Simone


    This study describes the molecular characteristics and risk factors associated with carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains. Risk factors associated with KPC-producing K. pneumoniae strains were investigated in this case-control study from May 2011 to May 2013. Bacterial identification was performed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by broth microdilution. Carbapenemase production was assessed by both modified Hodge test (MHT) and ertapenem hydrolysis using MALDI-TOF MS. The presence of β-lactamase-encoding genes was evaluated by PCR and DNA sequencing. Alterations in genes encoding K. pneumoniae outer membrane proteins were analysed by PCR and DNA sequencing as well as SDS-PAGE. Genetic relatedness among strains was determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This study included 94 patients. Longer hospitalisation, mechanical ventilation, catheters, and previous surgery were associated with KPC-producing K. pneumoniae. Sixty-eight strains showed resistance to carbapenems. Carbapenemase production was detected by MHT in 67 K. pneumoniae strains and by MALDI-TOF MS in 57. The presence of the blaKPC-2 gene was identified in 57 strains. The blaKPC-2 gene was not found in 11 carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae; instead, the blaCTX-M-1-like, blaCTX-M-2-like, blaCTX-M-8 like, blaCTX-M-14-like and blaSHV- like genes associated with OmpK35 and OmpK36 alterations were observed. Thirty-three KPC-producing K. pneumoniae strains were clonally related, and patients infected with these strains had a higher mortality rate (78.78 %). Our results show that KPC-producing K. pneumoniae was associated with several healthcare-related risk factors, including recent surgery.

  11. Multicenter evaluation of resistance patterns of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp and Shigella spp isolated from clinical specimens in Brazil: RESISTNET surveillance program

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    Carmen Paz Oplustil

    Full Text Available Surveillance programs are essential to detect the increase of antimicrobial resistance, and several different programs are being conducted in many countries. The RESISTNET is a surveillance program for bacterial resistance against several antimicrobial agents initiated in 1998 among Latin American countries. In Brazil, several centers were invited to join this surveillance and a total of 11 centers (6 from São Paulo and 5 from other states participated in the study. All results were analyzed using the WHONET program. A total of 894 Escherichia coli, 386 Klebsiella pneumoniae, 70 Shigella spp and 57 Salmonella spp strains were analyzed in this study from April, 1998, to April, 1999. Susceptibility testing was performed by the disk diffusion method using NCCLS 1998 guidelines for several different drugs. For all strains, imipenem was the most effective drug (100% of the strains were susceptible. Klebsiella pneumoniae presented a high resistance rate to ampicillin (96.4%. The rate of probable ESBL producers among K. pneumoniae strains was 36.3%, most of them being isolated from catheters (58.8%. Among all Escherichia coli strains analyzed, the highest resistance rate was found for trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (46.9% and the majority of the resistant strains were isolated from urine samples (47.8%. Among Salmonella spp, the resistance rates were low for all antibiotics tested. For Shigella spp strains there was a high resistance to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (80.0%. No resistance to ceftriaxone was observed in these strains. Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance is critical for the successful management of infectious diseases. The results of this survey show significant resistance rates among these bacteria which are responsible for several types of human infections.

  12. The effects of U.V light on mrkA, mrkD genes in local isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    Ali Hussein Alwan


    Full Text Available Klebsiella pneumoniae is dangerous pathogens that can cause severe diseases. This study included isolation of 50 isolates of K.pneumoniaefrom different clinical sources from different hospitals in Baghdad city, the number and percentage of isolates according to the sources (urine, blood, sputum, burns, ear swabs, pus, wounds and stool were 22(44%, 11(22%, 4(8%, 4(8%, 3(6%, 3(6%, 2(4% and 1(2% respectively. The ability to form biofilm was carried out using Tissue culture plate methods (-TCP-. The results showed that 80% of the isolates were producer biofilm; the genetic study was used to detect the presence of mrkA, mrkD genes that are believed to be responsible of biofilm production. The ratio was mrkA 87.5% and mrkD 50% before exposure to U.V.light to reduce to 43.7% mrkA and 18.7% mrkD in isolates after exposure to U.V.light source.

  13. Celulitis por citomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus cellulitis

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    A. Ruiz Lascano


    Full Text Available Las lesiones cutáneas por citomegalovirus (CMV son infrecuentes y a menudo una manifestación tardía de una enfermedad sistémica, que generalmente anuncia un curso fatal. Comunicamos un caso de celulitis por CMV: una mujer de 70 años con trasplante renal efectuado 1 mes antes de la consulta, terapia inmunosupresora con ciclosporina A y metilprednisona. La paciente ingresó por fiebre, dolor e impotencia funcional en pierna derecha. Comprobamos la existencia de una placa de 8 por 4 cm eritematoedematosa. La tratamos con antibióticos sin mejoría, por lo que realizamos un estudio histopatológico de piel que mostró cambios citopáticos compatibles con infección por CMV. Los cultivos bacteriológicos y micológicos fueron negativos. La inmunohistoquímica específica para CMV y el estudio de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR de la biopsia de piel fueron positivas, al igual que la antigenemia. El tratamiento con ganciclovir produjo la mejoría del cuadro clínico. En la literatura revisada no hemos encontrado la celulitis como manifestación de enfermedad cutánea por CMV.Cutaneous lesions in CMV infection are rare, often a late manifestation of systemic infection, and usually herald a fatal course. A 70 year-old woman received a kidney transplantation one month before consulting and immunosuppressive therapy that included cyclosporine A and methylprednisone. She complained of fever, local pain in her right leg, and an erythematous and swelling plaque. She was treated with intravenous antibiotics without improvement. A skin biopsy was performed and the tissue obtained was sent for bacterial and fungal cultures as well as for histological examination. Cultures were negative. The biopsy showed CMV cytopathic changes. Immunoperoxidase staining was positive for CMV and polymerase chain reaction (PCR testing revealed CMV DNA. She was treated with ganciclovir with resolution of the lesion. CMV cellulitis is a rare cutaneous manifestation

  14. A multiple antibiotic and serum resistant oligotrophic strain, Klebsiella pneumoniae MB45 having novel dfrA30, is sensitive to ZnO QDs

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    Chakrabarti Pinak


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The aim of this study was to describe a novel trimethoprim resistance gene cassette, designated dfrA30, within a class 1 integron in a facultatively oligotrophic, multiple antibiotic and human serum resistant test strain, MB45, in a population of oligotrophic bacteria isolated from the river Mahananda; and to test the efficiency of surface bound acetate on zinc oxide quantum dots (ZnO QDs as bactericidal agent on MB45. Methods Diluted Luria broth/Agar (10-3 media was used to cultivate the oligotrophic bacteria from water sample. Multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria were selected by employing replica plate method. A rapid assay was performed to determine the sensitivity/resistance of the test strain to human serum. Variable region of class 1 integron was cloned, sequenced and the expression of gene coding for antibiotic resistance was done in Escherichia coli JM 109. Identity of culture was determined by biochemical phenotyping and 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses. A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on representative trimethoprim resistance-mediating DfrA proteins retrieved from GenBank. Growth kinetic studies for the strain MB45 were performed in presence of varied concentrations of ZnO QDs. Results and conclusions The facultatively oligotrophic strain, MB45, resistant to human serum and ten antibiotics trimethoprim, cotrimoxazole, ampicillin, gentamycin, netilmicin, tobramycin, chloramphenicol, cefotaxime, kanamycin and streptomycin, has been identified as a new strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae. A novel dfr gene, designated as dfrA30, found integrated in class 1 integron was responsible for resistance to trimethoprim in Klebsiella pneumoniae strain MB45. The growth of wild strain MB45 was 100% arrested at 500 mg/L concentration of ZnO QDs. To our knowledge this is the first report on application of ZnO quantum dots to kill multiple antibiotics and serum resistant K. pneumoniae strain.

  15. Double Copies of bla(KPC-3)::Tn4401a on an IncX3 Plasmid in Klebsiella pneumoniae Successful Clone ST512 from Italy. (United States)

    Fortini, Daniela; Villa, Laura; Feudi, Claudia; Pires, João; Bonura, Celestino; Mammina, Caterina; Endimiani, Andrea; Carattoli, Alessandra


    A carbapenem-resistant sequence type 512 (ST512) Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase 3 (KPC-3)-producing K. pneumoniae strain showing a novel variant plasmid content was isolated in Palermo, Italy, in 2014. ST512 is a worldwide successful clone associated with the spread of bla(KPC) genes located on the IncFIIk pKpQIL plasmid. In our ST512 strain, the bla(KPC-3) gene was unusually located on an IncX3 plasmid, whose complete sequence was determined. Two copies of bla(KPC-3)::Tn4401a caused by intramolecular transposition events were detected in the plasmid. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  16. Tendencia de la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile según diferencias por nivel educacional, 2000-2010

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    Cristian A. Herrera Riquelme


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Caracterizar la tendencia de la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile según diferencias por nivel educacional en el período 2000-2010 en la población mayor de 20 años. Métodos. Cálculo de las tasas de mortalidad específica por cáncer ajustadas por edad para diferentes niveles educacionales (NE, para el período 2000-2010. Las tasas obtenidas se analizaron con un modelo de regresión de Poisson, calculando el índice de desigualdad relativa (IDR y el índice de desigualdad de la pendiente (IDP para cada año. Resultados. Se registraron 232 541 muertes por cáncer en el período 2000-2010. Los tipos de cáncer más frecuentes fueron de mama, estómago y vesícula biliar en mujeres; y estómago, próstata y pulmón en hombres. Las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer estandarizadas por edad fueron mayores en los NE más bajos, excepto para el de mama en mujer y el de pulmón en hombres. Las mayores diferencias se encontraron en el de vesícula biliar en mujeres y el de estómago en hombres, con mayores tasas de mortalidad específica de hasta 49 y 63 veces respectivamente, para NE bajo respecto al NE alto. Entre 2000 y 2010, las diferencias en mortalidad por NE se redujeron para todos los cánceres combinados en ambos géneros, mama en mujeres, y pulmón y estómago en hombres. Conclusiones. Durante el período estudiado, la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile estuvo fuertemente asociada al NE de la población. Esta información debe ser considerada al definir estrategias nacionales para reducir la mortalidad específica por cáncer en los grupos más desprotegidos.

  17. Influence of Asellus aquaticus on Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Campylobacter jejuni and naturally occurring heterotrophic bacteria in drinking water

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Sarah Christine; Nissen, Erling; Arvin, Erik


    . aquaticus on microbial water quality in non-chlorinated drinking water in controlled laboratory experiments. Pure cultures of the indicator organisms Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae and the pathogen Campylobacter jejuni as well as naturally occurring heterotrophic drinking water bacteria...... decreased over time, following a first order decay with half lives of 5.3, 18.4 and 1.3 days, respectively. A. aquaticus did not affect survival of indicators and pathogens substantially whereas HPC were influenced by presence of dead A. aquaticus. Growth rates increased with an average of 48% for bacteria...... grown on R-2A agar and an average of 83% for bacteria grown on yeast extract agar when dead A. aquaticus were present compared to no and living A. aquaticus present. A. aquaticus associated E. coli, K. pneumoniae and C. jejuni were measured (up to 25 per living and 500 per dead A. aquaticus) and so were...

  18. Development of a semi-continuous two-stage simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process for enhanced 2,3-butanediol production by Klebsiella oxytoca. (United States)

    Moon, S-K; Kim, D-K; Park, J M; Min, J; Song, H


    Klebsiella oxytoca naturally produces a large amount of 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BD), a promising chemical with wide industrial applications, along with various by-products. Previously, we have developed a metabolically engineered K. oxytoca ΔldhA ΔpflB strain to reduce the formation of by-products. To improve 2,3-BD productivity and examine the stability of K. oxytoca ΔldhA ΔpflB strain for industrial application, a semi-continuous two-stage simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (STSSF) process was developed. The STSSF with the K. oxytoca ΔldhA ΔpflB mutant using cassava as a carbon source could produce 108 ± 3·73 g (2,3- BD )  l -1 with a yield of 0·45 g (2,3- BD )  g (glucose) -1 and a productivity of 3·00 g (2,3- BD ) l -1  h -1 . No apparent changes in the final titre, yield and productivity of 2,3-BD were observed for up to 20 cycles of STSSF. Also, microbial contamination and spontaneous mutation of the host strain with potential detrimental effects on fermentation efficiency did not occur during the whole fermentation period. These results strongly underpin that the K. oxytoca ΔldhA ΔpflB mutant is stable and that the STSSF process is commercially exploitable. There is growing interest in the production of 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BD) from renewable resources by microbial fermentation because of its wide applications to specialty and commodity chemical industries. Klebsiella oxytoca usually produces 2,3-BD as a major end product during the fermentation of carbohydrates. This is the first study to provide a high-efficiency simultaneous saccharification and 2,3-BD fermentation process. Also, this study proves the stability of a metabolically engineered 2,3-BD overproducing K. oxytoca strain for industrial application. © 2018 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  19. Molecular detection and PCR-RFLP analysis using Pst1 and Alu1 of multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae causing urinary tract infection in women in the eastern part of Bangladesh

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    Golam Mahmudunnabi


    Full Text Available Klebsiella pneumoniae is the second leading causative agent of UTI. In this study, a rapid combined polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis was developed to identify K. pneumoniae in women, infected with urinary tract infection in the Sylhet city of Bangladesh. Analysis of 11 isolates from women at the age range of 20–55 from three different hospitals were done firstly by amplification with K. pneumoniae specific ITS primers. All of the 11 collected isolates were amplified in PCR and showed the expected 136 bp products. Then, restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 11 isolates were conducted after PCR amplification by 16s rRNA universal primers, followed by subsequent digestion and incubation with two restriction enzymes, Pst1 and Alu1. Seven out of 11 isolates were digested by Pst1 restriction enzymes, six isolates digested by Alu1, and while others were negative for both enzymes. Data results reveal that, women at age between 25 and 50 were digested by both enzymes. A woman aged over than 50 was negative while bellow 20 was digested by only Pst1. The results could pave the tactic for further research in the detection of K. pneumoniae from UTI infected women. Keywords: Klebsiella pneumoniae, ITS-primer, MDR isolates, PCR-RFLP analysis

  20. Novel consortium of Klebsiella variicola and Lactobacillus species enhances the functional potential of fermented dairy products by increasing the availability of branched-chain amino acids and the amount of distinctive volatiles. (United States)

    Rosales-Bravo, H; Morales-Torres, H C; Vázquez-Martínez, J; Molina-Torres, J; Olalde-Portugal, V; Partida-Martínez, L P


    Identify novel bacterial taxa that could increase the availability of branched-chain amino acids and the amount of distinctive volatiles during skim milk fermentation. We recovered 344 bacterial isolates from stool samples of healthy and breastfed infants. Five were selected based on their ability to produce branched-chain amino acids. Three strains were identified as Escherichia coli, one as Klebsiella pneumoniae and other as Klebsiella variicola by molecular and biochemical methods. HPLC and solid-phase microextraction with GC-MS were used for the determination of free amino acids and volatile compounds respectively. The consortium formed by K. variicola and four Lactobacillus species showed the highest production of Leu and Ile in skim milk fermentation. In addition, the production of volatile compounds, such as acetoin, ethanol, 2-nonanone, and acetic, hexanoic and octanoic acids, increased in comparison to commercial yogurt, Emmental and Gouda cheese. Also, distinctive volatiles, such as 2,3-butanediol, 4-methyl-2- hexanone and octanol, were identified. The use of K. variicola in combination with probiotic Lactobacillus species enhances the availability of Leu and Ile and the amount of distinctive volatiles during skim milk fermentation. The identified consortium increases the functional potential of fermented dairy products. © 2017 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  1. The Function of UreB in Klebsiella aerogenes Urease† (United States)

    Carter, Eric L.; Boer, Jodi L.; Farrugia, Mark A.; Flugga, Nicholas; Towns, Christopher L.; Hausinger, Robert P.


    Urease from Klebsiella aerogenes is composed of three subunits (UreA, UreB, and UreC) which assemble into a (UreABC)3 quaternary structure. UreC harbors the dinuclear nickel active site, whereas the functions of UreA and UreB remain unknown. UreD and UreF accessory proteins previously were suggested to reposition UreB and increase exposure of the nascent urease active site, thus facilitating metallocenter assembly. In this study, cells were engineered to separately produce (UreAC)3 or UreB, and the purified proteins were characterized. Monomeric UreB spontaneously binds to the trimeric heterodimer of UreA plus UreC to form (UreABC*)3 apoprotein, as shown by gel filtration chromatography, integration of electrophoretic gel band intensities, and mass spectrometry. Similar to authentic urease apoprotein, active enzyme is produced by incubation of (UreABC*)3 with Ni2+ and bicarbonate. Conversely, UreBΔ1-19, lacking the 19 residue potential hinge and tether to UreC, does not form a complex with (UreAC)3 and yields negligible levels of active enzyme when incubated under activation conditions with (UreAC)3. Comparison of activities and nickel contents for (UreAC)3, (UreABC*)3, and (UreABC)3 samples treated with Ni2+ and bicarbonate and then desalted indicates that UreB facilitates efficient incorporation of the metal into the active site and protects the bound metal from chelation. Amylose resin pull-down studies reveal that MBP-UreD (a fusion of maltose binding protein with UreD) forms complexes with (UreABC)3, (UreAC)3, and UreB in vivo, but not in vitro. By contrast, MBP-UreD does not form an in vivo complex with UreBΔ1-19. The soluble MBP-UreD:UreF:UreG complex binds in vitro to (UreABC)3, but not to (UreAC)3 or UreB. Together these data demonstrate that UreB facilitates the interaction of urease with accessory proteins during metallocenter assembly, with the N-terminal hinge and tether region being specifically required for this process. In addition to its role in

  2. Muerte materna por malaria grave por Plasmodium vivax

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    Nancy Arróspide

    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 19 años con 29 semanas de gestación, procedente de Llumpe (Ancash con antecedentes de viajes a las localidades de Chanchamayo (Junín y Rinconada (Ancash. Ingresó al Hospital de Chacas (Ancash por presentar mal estado general, deshidratación, dificultad respiratoria, ictericia, sensación de alza térmica y dolor abdominal, tuvo reporte de: hemoparásitos 60% en frotis sanguíneo. Fue transferida al Hospital Ramos Guardia (Huaraz donde presentó mayor dificultad respiratoria, coluria, hematuria, disminución del débito urinario y reporte de Plasmodium (+, luego fue transferida al Hospital Cayetano Heredia (Lima donde ingresó a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI, con evolución a falla multiorgánica, óbito fetal y muerte materna. Se confirmó infección por Plasmodium vivax. Destacamos la importancia de mejorar nuestras capacidades de diagnóstico y manejo para brindar un tratamiento adecuado y oportuno.

  3. Development and validation of a single-tube multiple-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis for Klebsiella pneumoniae.

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    Antoinette A T P Brink

    Full Text Available Genotyping of Klebsiella pneumoniae is indispensable for management of nosocomial infections, monitoring of emerging strains--including extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL producers-, and general epidemiology. Such objectives require a high-resolution genotyping method with a fixed scheme that allows (1 long-term retrospective and prospective assessment, (2 objective result readout and (3 library storage for database development and exchangeable results. We have developed a multiple-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA using a single-tube fluorescently primed multiplex PCR for 8 Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTRs and automated fragment size analysis. The type allocation scheme was optimized using 224 K. pneumoniae clinical isolates, which yielded 101 MLVA types. The method was compared to the gold standard multilocus sequence typing (MLST using a subset of these clinical isolates (n = 95 and found to be highly concordant, with at least as high a resolution but with considerably less hands-on time. Our results position this MLVA scheme as an appropriate, high-throughput and relatively low-cost tool for K. pneumoniae epidemiology.

  4. Identification of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Blood Cultures: a Multicenter Performance Evaluation of a Three-Color Peptide Nucleic Acid Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Assay▿ (United States)

    Della-Latta, Phyllis; Salimnia, Hossein; Painter, Theresa; Wu, Fann; Procop, Gary W.; Wilson, Deborah A.; Gillespie, Wendy; Mender, Alayna; Crystal, Benjamin S.


    A multicenter evaluation was undertaken to evaluate the performance of a new three-color peptide nucleic acid fluorescence in situ hybridization assay that identifies isolates directly from blood cultures positive for Gram-negative bacilli (GNB). The assay correctly identified 100% (186/186) of the Escherichia coli isolates, 99.1% (109/110) of the Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates, and 95.8% (46/48) of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates in this study. Negative assay results were correctly obtained for 162 of 165 other GNB (specificity, 98.2%). PMID:21490185

  5. Desenvolvimento de um kit de irrigação por microtubos com moto-bomba propulsionada por energia solar


    Luiz Ricardo Sobenko


    O bombeamento de água por meio da energia solar vem se mostrando uma alternativa para localidades onde outras fontes de energia não estão disponíveis ou são limitadas. Torna-se interessante aliar essa alternativa a um sistema de irrigação que opera com vazão e pressão relativamente baixas, como a irrigação localizada por microtubos, possibilitando assim a obtenção de alta eficiência. No presente trabalho teve-se por objetivo dimensionar e avaliar um kit de irrigação por microtubos, alimentado...

  6. Tendencia de la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile según diferencias por nivel educacional, 2000-2010


    Cristian A. Herrera Riquelme; Lucy Kuhn-Barrientos; Roberto Rosso Astorga; Jorge Jiménez de la Jara


    Objetivo. Caracterizar la tendencia de la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile según diferencias por nivel educacional en el período 2000-2010 en la población mayor de 20 años. Métodos. Cálculo de las tasas de mortalidad específica por cáncer ajustadas por edad para diferentes niveles educacionales (NE), para el período 2000-2010. Las tasas obtenidas se analizaron con un modelo de regresión de Poisson, calculando el índice de desigualdad relativa (IDR) y el índice de desigualdad de la pendiente (ID...

  7. Prevalence of Acquired Carbapenemase Genes in Klebsiella Pneumoniae by Multiplex PCR in Isfahan

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    Farzin Khorvash


    Full Text Available Background: Multi-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae has been considered as a serious global threat. This study was done to investigate carbapenemase producing genomes among K. pneumoniae isolates in Isfahan, Central Iran. Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study from 2011 to 2012, 29 carbapenem resistant (according to disc diffusion method carbapenemase producing (according to modified Hodge test K. pneumoniae strains were collected from Intensive Care Unit (ICUs of Al-Zahra referral Hospital. In the strains with the lack of sensitivity to one or several carbapenems, beta-lactams, or beta-lactamases, there has been performed modified Hodge test to investigate carbapenmase and then only strains producing carbapenmases were selected for molecular methods. Results: In this study, there have been 29 cases of K. pneumoniae isolated from hospitalized patients in the (ICU. Three cases (10.3% contained blaVIM, 1 case (3.4% contained blaIMP, and 1 case (3.4% contained blaOXA. The genes blaNDM and blaKPC were not detected. Then, 16 cases (55.2% from positive cases of K. pneumoniae were related to the chip, 4 cases (13.8% to catheter, 6 cases (20.7% to urine, and 3 cases (10.3% to wound. Conclusion: It is necessary to monitor the epidemiologic changes of these carbapenemase genes in K. pneumoniae in our Hospital. More attention should be paid to nosocomial infection control measures. Other carbapenemase producing genes should be investigated.

  8. Asian sand dust enhances murine lung inflammation caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He, Miao; Ichinose, Takamichi; Yoshida, Seiichi; Yamamoto, Shoji; Inoue, Ken-ichiro; Takano, Hirohisa; Yanagisawa, Rie; Nishikawa, Masataka; Mori, Ikuko; Sun, Guifan; Shibamoto, Takayuki


    Inhaling concomitants from Asian sand dust (ASD) may result in exacerbation of pneumonia by the pathogen. The exacerbating effect of ASD on pneumonia induced by Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) was investigated in ICR mice. The organic substances adsorbed onto ASD collected from the atmosphere of Iki-island in Japan were excluded by heat treatment at 360 °C for 30 min. ICR mice were instilled intratracheally with ASD at doses of 0.05 mg or 0.2 mg/mouse four times at 2-week intervals (total dose of 0.2 mg or 0.8 mg/mouse) and were administrated with ASD in the presence or absence of KP at the last intratracheal instillation. Pathologically, ASD caused exacerbation of pneumonia by KP as shown by increased inflammatory cells within the bronchiolar and the alveolar compartments. ASD enhanced the neutrophil number dose dependently as well as the expression of cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12, IFN-γ, TNF-α) and chemokines (KC, MCP-1, MIP-1α) related to KP in BALF. In an in vitro study using RAW264.7 cells, combined treatment of ASD and KP increased gene expression of IL-1β, IL-6, IFN-β, KC, MCP-1, and MIP-1α. The same treatment tended to increase the protein level of IL-1β, TNF-α and MCP-1 in a culture medium compared to each treatment alone. The combined treatment tended to increase the gene expression of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), and NALP3, ASC and caspase-1 compared with KP alone. These results suggest that the exacerbation of pneumonia by ASD + KP was due to the enhanced production of pro-inflammatory mediators via activation of TLR2 and NALP3 inflammasome pathways in alveolar macrophages.

  9. Asian sand dust enhances murine lung inflammation caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    He, Miao [Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, College of Public Health, China Medical University, 11001, Shenyang (China); Ichinose, Takamichi; Yoshida, Seiichi [Department of Health Sciences, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences, 870-1201, Oita (Japan); Yamamoto, Shoji; Inoue, Ken-ichiro; Takano, Hirohisa; Yanagisawa, Rie [Pathophysiology Research Team, National Institute for Environmental Studies, 305-8506, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Nishikawa, Masataka; Mori, Ikuko [Environmental Chemistry Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies, 305-8506, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Sun, Guifan [Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, College of Public Health, China Medical University, 11001, Shenyang (China); Shibamoto, Takayuki, E-mail: [Department of Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 (United States)


    Inhaling concomitants from Asian sand dust (ASD) may result in exacerbation of pneumonia by the pathogen. The exacerbating effect of ASD on pneumonia induced by Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) was investigated in ICR mice. The organic substances adsorbed onto ASD collected from the atmosphere of Iki-island in Japan were excluded by heat treatment at 360 °C for 30 min. ICR mice were instilled intratracheally with ASD at doses of 0.05 mg or 0.2 mg/mouse four times at 2-week intervals (total dose of 0.2 mg or 0.8 mg/mouse) and were administrated with ASD in the presence or absence of KP at the last intratracheal instillation. Pathologically, ASD caused exacerbation of pneumonia by KP as shown by increased inflammatory cells within the bronchiolar and the alveolar compartments. ASD enhanced the neutrophil number dose dependently as well as the expression of cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12, IFN-γ, TNF-α) and chemokines (KC, MCP-1, MIP-1α) related to KP in BALF. In an in vitro study using RAW264.7 cells, combined treatment of ASD and KP increased gene expression of IL-1β, IL-6, IFN-β, KC, MCP-1, and MIP-1α. The same treatment tended to increase the protein level of IL-1β, TNF-α and MCP-1 in a culture medium compared to each treatment alone. The combined treatment tended to increase the gene expression of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), and NALP3, ASC and caspase-1 compared with KP alone. These results suggest that the exacerbation of pneumonia by ASD + KP was due to the enhanced production of pro-inflammatory mediators via activation of TLR2 and NALP3 inflammasome pathways in alveolar macrophages.

  10. Polución por material particulado fino (PM 2,5) incrementa las hospitalizaciones por insuficiencia cardiaca


    Castro, Pablo; Vera, Jeanette; Cifuentes, Luis; Wellenius, Gregory; Verdejo, Hugo; Sepúlveda, Luis; Vukasovic, José Luis; Llevaneras, Silvana


    Antecedentes: Estudios recientes han reportado una asociación entre la contaminación ambiental por material particulado (PM) y el riesgo de hospitalizaciones de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC). La región metropolitana de nuestro país constituye un área geográfica en la cual la contaminación es especialmente relevante, asociándose a incrementos periódicos en la morbimortalidad por causa respiratoria. Sin embargo el efecto de la polución por PM en la morbilidad de pacientes con IC no ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusion: In addition to the economic burden for antibiotic treatment, such infections for multi-resistant organisms are a serious threat to our ... résistance aux antibiotiques de germes associés aux infections nosocomiales devient aussi un défi thérapeutique majeur pour .... fascia and muscle layer) of the incision, (c) Organ.

  12. Causes et mesures de prévention de l'infection uro-génitale basse ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    génital inférieur à la suite de l'accouchement à la maternité du CHU-TOKOIN a toujours mis en doute la qualité des soins dans ce service. Plusieurs travaux antérieurs ont confirmé la fréquence à la hausse de cette infection nosocomiale. Une étude ...

  13. Increased constituent ratios of Klebsiella sp., Acinetobacter sp., and Streptococcus sp. and a decrease in microflora diversity may be indicators of ventilator-associated pneumonia: a prospective study in the respiratory tracts of neonates.

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    Wei Lu

    Full Text Available Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP is a common complication and cause of death in neonates on mechanical ventilation. However, it is difficult to define the causes of VAP. To understand the causes of VAP, we undertook a prospective study based on the diversity of the microflora in VAP. The experimental group consisted of newborns who suffered from respiratory distress syndrome (RDS and VAP, while the control group suffered from RDS without VAP. Sputa were collected within 1, 3, and 5 days of ventilation and were divided into six groups. DNA was extracted from the samples, and the 16S rDNA was PCR amplified, separated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE, cloned and sequenced. The resulting sequences were compared using BLAST. The DGGE pictures were measured, and the richness, Shannon-Wiener index, and cluster maps were analyzed. No differences were found regarding the constituent ratio of any genus between the Non-VAP and VAP group within 1 day after intubation. After 1 to 3 days, the constituent ratios of Klebsiella sp., Acinetobacter sp., and Streptococcus sp. in the VAP group were higher than those in the Non-VAP group, and the ratios of Serratia sp. and Achromobacter sp. were lower. After 3 to 5 days, the ratios of Klebsiella sp., Acinetobacter sp., Serratia sp., and Achromobacter sp. were lower than those in the Non-VAP group. The richness and Shannon-Wiener index of the Non-VAP group were higher than those of the VAP group from 1 to 3 days after intubation, while no differences were found within 1 day and from 3 to 5 days. We conclude that during the first three days of intubation, the microflora diversity in the lower respiratory tract was reduced due to VAP, and the greater constituent ratios of Klebsiella sp., Acinetobacter sp., and Streptococcus sp. in the sputum may be indicators of VAP.

  14. Síndrome de Munchausen por mandato


    Esteban, Miguel A.; Pérez, Miriam R.; Bracco, Anahí


    El Síndrome de Munchausen por mandato, "un trastorno ficticio, por el cual la enfermedad del niño es inducida, promovida o provocada por la persona más próxima a él, generalmente su madre", es todavía mal conocido y su génesis imperfectamente comprendida. Esta comunicación está destinada a esclarecer al pediatra esta patología, con elevada morbilidad y secuelas, como así también de altísima mo...

  15. Development of an optimized random amplified polymorphic DNA protocol for fingerprinting of Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Ashayeri-Panah, M; Eftekhar, F; Feizabadi, M M


    To develop an optimized random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) protocol for fingerprinting clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae. Employing factorial design of experiments, repeatable amplification patterns were obtained for 54 nosocomial isolates using 1 μmol 1(-1) primer, 4 mmol 1(-1) MgCl(2), 0·4 mmol 1(-1) dNTPs, 2·5 U Taq DNA polymerase and 90 ng DNA template in a total volume of 25 μl. The optimum thermocycling program was: initial denaturation at 94°C for 4 min followed by 50 cycles of 1 min at 94°C, 2 min at 34°C, 2 min at 72°C and a final extension at 72°C for 10 min. The optimized RAPD protocol was highly discriminatory (Simpson's diversity index, 0·982), and all isolates were typable with repeatable patterns (Pearson's similarity coefficient ≈ 100%). Seven main clusters were obtained on a similarity level of 70% and 32 distinct clusters on a similarity level of 85%, reflecting the heterogeneity of the isolates. Systematic optimization of RAPD generated reliable DNA fingerprints for nosocomial isolates of K. pneumoniae. This is the first report on RAPD optimization based on factorial design of experiments for discrimination of K. pneumoniae. © 2012 The Authors. Letters in Applied Microbiology © 2012 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  16. Characterization of ST258 Colistin-Resistant, blaKPC-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a Greek Hospital. (United States)

    Mavroidi, Angeliki; Katsiari, Maria; Likousi, Sofia; Palla, Eleftheria; Roussou, Zoi; Nikolaou, Charikleia; Maguina, Asimina; Platsouka, Evangelia D


    The emergence of colistin resistance may further contribute to treatment failure of infection caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) Klebsiella pneumoniae. The colistin resistance rates were determined and colistin-resistant carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae (COL-R CP-Kp) were characterized over an 18-month period in a Greek hospital. Out of 135 carbapenemase producers, 19 isolates (14%) were categorized as resistant to colistin. Phenotypic and molecular characterization of the COL-R CP-Kp isolates revealed that all were MDR blaKPC producers and, excluding one isolate of MLST ST383, belonged to the international clonal lineage ST258. Furthermore, PCR amplification and sequencing of the mgrB locus revealed nucleotide sequences of different sizes and insertions of IS1- and IS5-like mobile elements. The majority (63%) of the COL-R blaKPC producers was recovered from patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) and clinical data indicated that all patients should have acquired these isolates in the ICU. The findings of the present study underscore a concerning evolution of colistin resistance in a setting of high K. pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-Kp endemicity, such as Greece. Thus, continuous surveillance, molecular characterization, prudent use of antibiotics, and implementation of infection control measures for K. pneumoniae are urgent.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar y caracterizar el comportamiento mecánico en desgaste del acero API 5L X65, revestido con niobio en comparación al desempeño del revestimiento de la aleación de inconel 625 empleados en la industria de petróleo y gas. El revestimiento de niobio fue obtenido por el proceso de aspersión térmica a plasma de arco no transferido y el revestimiento inconel 625 por soldadura con electrodo revestido. La resistencia al desgaste por abrasión fue evaluada según la norma Petrobras N-2568, en un tribómetro CTER, la rugosidad y el volumen de material desgastado se determinó a través de perfilometría y la dureza de los revestimientos por microscopia Vickers. Los revestimientos obtenidos fueron caracterizados respecto a su morfología por microscopia electrónica de barrido (MEB y microscopía óptica (MO. La mayor dureza del revestimiento con niobio obtenido puede haber contribuido a reducir la tasa de desgaste en comparación con el revestimiento de inconel 625.





    En Brasil, las estadísticas de la violencia sexual contra niños están lejos de reflejar la verdadera realidad actual debido a la baja notificación de los casos. La finalidad de este estudio fue caracterizar el abuso sexual sufrido por niños asistidos por el Programa Sentinela y el perfil del agresor, en Sobral-Ceará, en el periodo que va del 2002 al 2006. La muestra no probabilística intencional fue compuesta por 50 víctimas de abuso sexual y de las mismas, el 66% es del sexo femenino, con pr...

  19. Abdome agudo por obstrução por ileobiliar

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    Márcia Cristina de Alencastro

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: descrever a experiência na abordagem dos doentes com abdome agudo por obstrução por IB, desde o diagnóstico até o tratamento definitivo. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo incluindo todos os casos de IB tratados em um período de 23 anos. De acordo com a abordagem cirúrgica realizada, os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos (1 enterolitotomia com colecistectomia no segundo momento; e (2 enterolitotomia, colecistectomia e abordagem da fístula. RESULTADOS: Doze pacientes foram incluídos, sendo 11 mulheres (91,6%, com média de idade de 72,2 anos. Todos os pacientes apresentavam doenças associadas, principalmente hipertensão arterial sistêmica (75%. Dois pacientes não apresentavam sintomas significativos de obstrução intestinal. O diagnóstico de IB foi realizado em seis pacientes (50% antes da laparotomia. O grupo 1 foi constituído de oito pacientes e o grupo 2 de quatro, e a morbidade foi, respectivamente, 33,3% e 8,3%. A mortalidade foi 16,6% (um paciente de cada grupo. CONCLUSÃO: O manejo do IB deve ser individualizado. O tratamento da obstrução mediante remoção do cálculo biliar por enterotomia proximal é a escolha inicial para o tratamento do IB. A colecistectomia e a correção da fístula bilioentérica podem ser realizadas juntamente com a remoção do cálculo, no entanto, em pacientes com comorbidades significativas, esses procedimentos devem ser realizados posteriormente.

  20. KPC-mediated resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae in two hospitals in Padua, Italy, June 2009-December 2011: massive spreading of a KPC-3-encoding plasmid and involvement of non-intensive care units

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    Richter Sara N


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemases (KPCs producing bacteria have emerged as a cause of multidrug-resistant nosocomial infections worldwide. KPCs are plasmid-encoded enzymes capable of hydrolysing a broad spectrum of beta-lactams, including carbapenems and monobactams, therefore worryingly limiting antimicrobial treatment options. Analysis of circulating bacterial strains and KPC alleles may help understanding the route of KPC dissemination and therefore help containing the infection. Methods KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae dissemination in two 1580- and 300- bed hospitals in Padua, Italy, from initial outbreak in 2009 to late 2011 was analysed. Molecular and clinical epidemiology, including bacterial strains, KPC-encoding plasmid sequences and associated resistance genes, involved hospital wards and relocation of patients were described. Routine antimicrobial susceptibility testing and MIC of carbapenems on clinical isolates were performed. Detection of resistance genes was obtained by PCR and sequencing. MLST, PFGE and ERIC were used for molecular genotyping. Plasmid analysis was obtained by digestion with restriction enzymes and deep sequencing. Results KPC-positive clinical samples were isolated from nearly 200 patients. In the initial outbreak intensive care units were almost exclusively involved, while medical, surgical and long-term wards were successively massively concerned. Analysis of KPC alleles, plasmids and bacterial sequence types (STs indicated that during the initial outbreak KPC-3 in ST258 and KPC-2 in ST147 were each confined in one of the two surveilled hospitals. While KPC-2 dissemination was effectively contained, KPC-3 in ST258 cross-spreading was observed. The simultaneous presence of two carbapenemases, VIM-1 and KPC-2, in the same isolate was also observed in three patients. Total sequencing of plasmid content of two KPC-3 strains showed novel association of resistance plasmids. Conclusions The

  1. Uso das diretrizes para tratamento da úlcera por pressão por enfermeiros de um hospital geral

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    Elaine Maria Leite Rangel


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou identificar a freqüência do uso das diretrizes para o tratamento da úlcera por pressão(UP por enfermeiros de um hospital geral no interior do estado de São Paulo. É transversal de caráterdescritivo com análise quantitativa de dados. Amostra de 25 enfermeiros. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se uminstrumento, construído a partir das diretrizes para o tratamento da UP. As questões foram relacionadas aostipos de intervenções usadas pelos enfermeiros para o tratamento da UP em estágio I, II, com necrose e comtecido de granulação. Para UP em estágio I, 24 (96% enfermeiros sempre realizavam a mudança de decúbito.Nas úlceras em estágio II a utilização de óleos vegetais na ferida era realizada sempre por 10 (40%enfermeiros e o curativo de hidrocolóide nunca era utilizado por 12 (57,1% enfermeiros. Em UP com necrose alimpeza com povidine era realizada por 4 (17,4% enfermeiros às vezes. Para o desbridamento, 16 (64% àsvezes utilizavam papaína e 15 (71,4% às vezes utilizavam colagenase. Em úlceras com tecido de granulaçãosempre era utilizado o soro fisiológico por 25 (100% enfermeiros. Houve variação nas práticas para otratamento da UP e falta de adesão às diretrizes.

  2. Mortalidad por causas externas en Medellín, 1999-2006

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    Doris Cardona Arango


    Full Text Available Caracterizar el comportamiento de la mortalidad por causas externas en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, entre 1999-2006, según sexo, edad y causa básica de muerte fue el objetivo de este estudio descriptivo longitudinal, con fuente de información secundaria de 22 128 registros de defunción por causas externas. El análisis realizado es univariado y bivariado por sexo, grupos de edad y causa de muerte. Las causas externas registradas en el periodo fueron: 72.9 por ciento por homicidio; 15.3 por ciento, accidente de transporte; 7.3 por ciento, traumatismos; 4.2 por ciento, por suicidio, y por otras causas, 0.4 por ciento. La mayor tasa de mortalidad se presentó en el grupo de edad de 20 a 24 años (27.6 por cien mil habitantes, hecho que merece especial consideración por las implicaciones sociales, familiares y laborales que representa el fallecimiento de una persona en su etapa productiva.

  3. Rinoscleroma. Descripción de un caso

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    Luis Enrique SANCHEZ-SIERRA


    Full Text Available Introducción: El rinoscleroma es una patología crónica rara descrita en 1870 por Von Hebra ocasionada por Klebsiella pneumoniae subespecie rhinoscleromatis. Descripción: Paciente varón de 24 años con tumor en ambas fosas nasales de cuatro años de evolución. Discusión: El rinoscleroma es una enfermedad lentamente progresiva que se presenta en tres etapas: atrófica, granulomatosa y fibrótica. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico adecuado permite un manejo clínico y tratamiento médico oportuno.

  4. Klebsiella pneumoniae KPC: first isolations in Italy

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    Carla Fontana


    Full Text Available Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC was detected in two isolates of carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae in an italian teaching hospital. This is the first report of a KPC-producing isolates in our country. The first strain was isolated from a urine sample collected from a indwelling urinary catheter in a ICU-patient with subdural haematoma, while the second was from the culture of the central venous catheter (CVC in a patient affected by Crohn’s disease admitted in gastroenterology ward. Both were resistant to all ß-lactams, susceptible to imipenem and meropenem and resistant to ertapenem.They were resistant to other classes of non-ß-lactams antibiotics such as quinolones, aminoglycosides (with the exception of amikacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX as well as to nitrofurantoin.The isolates were not associated with travel abroad.They were found to contain the plasmid encoded carbapenemase gene blaKPC and were also positive to the Hodge’s test.The detection of KPC-producing bacteria has important implications in infection control and public health. The K. pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC belong to class A ß-lactamases of the functional group 2f. Reported for the first time in U.S. in 2001, these agents were subsequently identified in Europe. KPC strains are typically resistant to penicillins, extended-spectrum cephalosporin and aztreonam and present a peculiar behavior against carbapenems in that MIC is close to the susceptibility value or is borderline (except for ertapenem.This pattern is often associated with resistance to quinolones.The information is conveyed by the resistance plasmids, thus explaining their diffusion and implication in outbreaks of KPC. Despite this, to date there are few reports concerning the isolation of this phenotype in Italy.The purpose of this paper is to present two clinical cases related to the isolation of KPC in our hospital. The KPC-producing strains have been respectively isolated: the first

  5. K. pneumoniae: ¿The new “superbacteria”? Pathogenicity, epidemiology and resistance mechanisms K. pneumoniae: ¿la nueva

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    Lina María Echeverri Toro


    Full Text Available The antimicrobial resistance is an increasing problem of public health. Klebsiella pneumoniae has become one of the most important pathogens because it is a frequent cause of nosocomial and community acquired infections and it has pathogenicity mechanisms like capsules, adhesive properties mediated by specialized estructures (pillis and siderophores that are capable of taking up iron, an essential factor in bacterial growth. The increase in bacterial resistance to antibiotics has evolved with the use of these in patients treatments, being increasingly wide the spectrum that they include, happening from the resistance to ampicillin by the production of betalactamase SHV-1 to carbapenems resistance by diverse mechanisms, from the production of extendedspectrum betalactamases (ESBL that are associated with hydrolysis of extended-spectrum cephalosporins and aztreonam. Microbiology laboratory should follow international recommendations to detect and confirm the presence of this resistance mechanism in bacteria and the clinicians should make a suitable interpretation of the results to make the better choice of the antibiotic therapy. ----- La resistencia de los microorganismos a los antibióticos es un problema cada vez creciente en salud pública. Entre estos, Klebsiella pneumoniae es un representante importante no sólo por su frecuencia como causa de infecciones asociadas al cuidado de la salud y de la comunidad, sino por los mecanismos patogénicos que posee, como la capacidad de producir cápsula, la presencia de estructuras especializadas que le permiten adherirse a las células del hospedero (pilis, y de sideróforos que le permiten obtener el hierro necesario para su desarrollo. La resistencia de Klebsiella pneumoniae a los antimicrobianos ha evolucionado de acuerdo con la aparición y uso de estas moléculas en el tratamiento de los pacientes, siendo cada vez más amplio el espectro que abarcan, el cual va desde la resistencia a la ampicilina

  6. Apendicitis por Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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    Full Text Available La paracoccidioidomicosis es la micosis más prevalente en Sudamérica. La forma aguda afecta el sistema fagocítico mononuclear de niños y personas inmunocomprometidas. El compromiso gastrointestinal es frecuente y su patogenia implica diseminación hematógena y linfática. La linfadenomegalia abdominal causa obstrucción intestinal y abdomen agudo. En este artículo damos a conocer el caso de un niño con compromiso gastrointestinal por apendicitis. Este es el primer caso reportado de apendicitis por esta patología. (Rev Med Hered 2006;17:58-60.

  7. Antimicrobial activity evaluation and comparison of methods of susceptibility for Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-producing Enterobacter spp. isolates. (United States)

    Rechenchoski, Daniele Zendrini; Dambrozio, Angélica Marim Lopes; Vivan, Ana Carolina Polano; Schuroff, Paulo Alfonso; Burgos, Tatiane das Neves; Pelisson, Marsileni; Perugini, Marcia Regina Eches; Vespero, Eliana Carolina

    The production of KPC (Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase) is the major mechanism of resistance to carbapenem agents in enterobacterias. In this context, forty KPC-producing Enterobacter spp. clinical isolates were studied. It was evaluated the activity of antimicrobial agents: polymyxin B, tigecycline, ertapenem, imipenem and meropenem, and was performed a comparison of the methodologies used to determine the susceptibility: broth microdilution, Etest ® (bioMérieux), Vitek 2 ® automated system (bioMérieux) and disc diffusion. It was calculated the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for each antimicrobial and polymyxin B showed the lowest concentrations for broth microdilution. Errors also were calculated among the techniques, tigecycline and ertapenem were the antibiotics with the largest and the lower number of discrepancies, respectively. Moreover, Vitek 2 ® automated system was the method most similar compared to the broth microdilution. Therefore, is important to evaluate the performance of new methods in comparison to the reference method, broth microdilution. Copyright © 2017 Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  8. Non-thiolate ligation of nickel by nucleotide-free UreG of Klebsiella aerogenes

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    Martin-Diaconescu, Vlad; Joseph, Crisjoe A.; Boer, Jodi L.; Mulrooney, Scott B.; Hausinger, Robert P.; Maroney, Michael J.


    Nickel-dependent ureases are activated by a multiprotein complex that includes the GTPase UreG. Prior studies showed that nucleotide-free UreG from Klebsiella aerogenes is monomeric and binds one nickel or zinc ion with near-equivalent affinity using an undefined binding site, whereas nucleotide-free UreG from Helicobacter pylori selectively binds one zinc ion per dimer via a universally conserved Cys-Pro-His motif in each protomer. Iodoacetamide-treated K. aerogenes UreG was nearly unaffected in nickel binding compared to non-treated sample, suggesting the absence of thiolate ligands to the metal. X-ray absorption spectroscopy of nickel-bound UreG showed the metal possessed four-coordinate geometry with all O/N donor ligands including one imidazole, thus confirming the absence of thiolate ligation. The nickel site in Strep-tag II-modified protein possessed six-coordinate geometry, again with all O/N donor ligands, but now including two or three imidazoles. An identical site was noted for the Strep-tag II-modified H74A variant, substituted in the Cys-Pro-His motif, ruling out coordination by this His residue. These results are consistent with metal binding to both His6 and a His residue of the fusion peptide in Strep-tagged K. aerogenes UreG. We conclude that the nickel- and zinc-binding site in nucleotide-free K. aerogenes UreG is distinct from that of nucleotide-free H. pylori UreG and does not involve the Cys-Pro-His motif. Further, we show the Strep-tag II can perturb metal coordination of this protein.

  9. Tatuaje por amalgama. Reporte de un caso

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    Luis Fang Mercado


    Full Text Available El tatuaje por amalgama se origina por el depósito en el tejido conectivo subepitelial de fragmentos de amalgama resultado de procedimientos iatrogénicos por parte del operador. La profundidad a la que se encuentren albergados los residuos de este material influye en la presentación clínica de las lesiones. Radiográficamente se pueden identificar los fragmentos mientras tengan diámetros razonables; histológicamente se pueden observar las partículas de amalgama como gránulos oscuros, sólidos e irregulares dispuesto entre los haces de colágeno y vasos sanguíneos. Este artículo refiere el caso clínico de un paciente que presentó pigmentación por amalgama en mucosa vestibular, originada por una porción de amalgama usada como material obturador en una apicectomía del 11 realizada con anterioridad. Teniendo en cuenta las consideraciones clínicas y radiográficas se optó por realizar una segunda apicectomía con obturación retrógrada con MTA del 11. Durante el procedimiento quirúrgico se cureteó y adelgazó la cara interna del colgajo mucoperióstico para tratar de disminuir el grado de pigmentación.

  10. Duodenoscope-Related Outbreak of a Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Identified Using Advanced Molecular Diagnostics. (United States)

    Humphries, Romney M; Yang, Shuan; Kim, Stephen; Muthusamy, Venkatara Raman; Russell, Dana; Trout, Alisa M; Zaroda, Teresa; Cheng, Quen J; Aldrovandi, Grace; Uslan, Daniel Zachary; Hemarajata, Peera; Rubin, Zachary Aaron


    Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infections are increasingly prevalent in North American hospitals. We describe an outbreak of carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae containing the blaOXA-232 gene transmitted by contaminated duodenoscopes during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedures. An outbreak investigation was performed when 9 patients with blaOXA-232 carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae infections were identified at a tertiary care hospital. The investigation included 2 case-control studies, review of duodenoscope reprocessing procedures, and culture of devices. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriacieae (CRE) isolates were evaluated with polymerase chain reaction analysis for carbapenemase genes, and isolates with the blaOXA-232 gene were subjected to whole-genome sequencing and chromosome single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis. On recognition of ERCP as a key risk factor for infection, targeted patient notification and CRE screening cultures were performed. Molecular testing ultimately identified 17 patients with blaOxa-232 carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae isolates, including 9 with infections, 7 asymptomatic carriers who had undergone ERCP, and 1 additional patient who had been hospitalized in India and was probably the initial carrier. Two case-control studies established a point-source outbreak associated with 2 specific duodenoscopes. A field investigation of the use, reprocessing, and storage of deuodenoscopes did not identify deviations from US Food and Drug Administration or manufacturer recommendations for reprocessing. This outbreak demonstrated the previously underappreciated potential for duodenoscopes to transmit disease, even after undergoing high-level disinfection according to manufacturers' guidelines.

  11. Clonal Dissemination of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase (ESBL)-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates in a Korean Hospital (United States)

    Ko, Kwan Soo; Yeom, Joon-Sup; Lee, Mi Young; Peck, Kyong Ran


    In this study, we investigated the molecular characteristics of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates that were recovered from an outbreak in a Korean hospital. A new multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for K. pneumoniae based on five housekeeping genes was developed and was evaluated for 43 ESBL-producing isolates from an outbreak as well as 38 surveillance isolates from Korea and also a reference strain. Overall, a total of 37 sequence types (STs) and six clonal complexes (CCs) were identified among the 82 K. pneumoniae isolates. The result of MLST analysis was concordant with that of pulsedfield gel electrophoresis. Most of the outbreak isolates belonged to a certain clone (ST2), and they produced SHV-1 and CTX-M14 enzymes, which was a different feature from that of the K. pneumoniae isolates from other Korean hospitals (ST20 and SHV-12). We also found a different distribution of CCs between ESBL-producing and -nonproducing K. pneumoniae isolates. The MLST method we developed in this study could provide unambiguous and well-resolved data for the epidemiologic study of K. pneumoniae. The outbreak isolates showed different molecular characteristics from the other K. pneumoniae isolates from other Korean hospitals. PMID:18303199

  12. Virulence of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates harboring bla KPC-2 carbapenemase gene in a Caenorhabditis elegans model.

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    Jean-Philippe Lavigne

    Full Text Available Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC is a carbapenemase increasingly reported worldwide in Enterobacteriaceae. The aim of this study was to analyze the virulence of several KPC-2-producing K. pneumoniae isolates. The studied strains were (i five KPC-2 clinical strains from different geographical origins, belonging to different ST-types and possessing plasmids of different incompatibility groups; (ii seven transformants obtained after electroporation of either these natural KPC plasmids or a recombinant plasmid harboring only the bla KPC-2 gene into reference strains K. pneumoniae ATCC10031/CIP53153; and (iii five clinical strains cured of plasmids. The virulence of K. pneumoniae isolates was evaluated in the Caenorhabditis elegans model. The clinical KPC producers and transformants were significantly less virulent (LT50: 5.5 days than K. pneumoniae reference strain (LT50: 4.3 days (p<0.01. However, the worldwide spread KPC-2 positive K. pneumoniae ST258 strains and reference strains containing plasmids extracted from K. pneumoniae ST258 strains had a higher virulence than KPC-2 strains belonging to other ST types (LT50: 5 days vs. 6 days, p<0.01. The increased virulence observed in cured strains confirmed this trend. The bla KPC-2 gene itself was not associated to increased virulence.

  13. Control of infectious mortality due to carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. (United States)

    Forcina, A; Baldan, R; Marasco, V; Cichero, P; Bondanza, A; Noviello, M; Piemontese, S; Soliman, C; Greco, R; Lorentino, F; Giglio, F; Messina, C; Carrabba, M; Bernardi, M; Peccatori, J; Moro, M; Biancardi, A; Nizzero, P; Scarpellini, P; Cirillo, D M; Mancini, N; Corti, C; Clementi, M; Ciceri, F


    Carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC-Kp) infections are an emerging cause of death after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). In allogeneic transplants, mortality rate may rise up to 60%. We retrospectively evaluated 540 patients receiving a transplant from an auto- or an allogeneic source between January 2011 and October 2015. After an Institutional increase in the prevalence of KPC-Kp bloodstream infections (BSI) in June 2012, from July 2012, 366 consecutive patients received the following preventive measures: (i) weekly rectal swabs for surveillance; (ii) contact precautions in carriers (iii) early-targeted therapy in neutropenic febrile carriers. Molecular typing identified KPC-Kp clone ST512 as the main clone responsible for colonization, BSI and outbreaks. After the introduction of these preventive measures, the cumulative incidence of KPC-Kp BSI (P=0.01) and septic shocks (P=0.01) at 1 year after HSCT was significantly reduced. KPC-Kp infection-mortality dropped from 62.5% (pre-intervention) to 16.6% (post-intervention). Day 100 transplant-related mortality and KPC-Kp infection-related mortality after allogeneic HSCT were reduced from 22% to 10% (P=0.001) and from 4% to 1% (P=0.04), respectively. None of the pre-HSCT carriers was excluded from transplant. These results suggest that active surveillance, contact precautions and early-targeted therapies, may efficiently control KPC-Kp spread and related mortality even after allogeneic HSCT.

  14. Diversity of genotypes in CTX-M-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated in different hospitals in Brazil

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    Thiago Pavoni Gomes Chagas

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The present study was undertaken to characterize CTX-M ESBL-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae collected from hospitals in different cities of Brazil. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eighty-five K. pneumoniae strains isolated from hospitalized patients in six different hospitals of three cities of Brazil were analyzed. ESBL production was confirmed by the standard double-disk synergy test and the Etest®. The MIC50 and MIC90 for ESBL-producing isolates were determined by the Etest® method. The antimicrobial susceptibilities of bacterial isolates were determined using the agar diffusion method according to the CLSI. Screening for blaTEM, blaSHV, blaCTX-M genes and class 1 integron was performed by PCR amplification. To determine the genomic diversity of CTX-M-producers, isolates were analyzed by macrorestriction profile analysis following PFGE. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Seventy-one K. pneumoniae isolates were ESBL-producing. PCR and sequencing experiments detected 38 CTX-M-producing K. pneumoniae belonged to groups CTX-M 1, CTX-M 2, CTX-M 8 and CTX-M 9. The association of different types ESBL (CTX-M, SHV and TEM was frequent. All K. pneumoniae isolates carried class 1 integron. PFGE analysis revealed thirty-one clonal types among CTX-M-producing isolates. The data presented herein illustrate the diversity of genotypes of CTX-M producing K. pneumoniae among Brazilians hospitals.

  15. Prolonged delay for controlling KPC-2-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae outbreak: the role of clinical management. (United States)

    Delory, T; Seringe, E; Antoniotti, G; Novakova, I; Goulenok, C; Paysant, I; Boyer, S; Carbonne, A; Naas, T; Astagneau, P


    Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) are becoming of immediate concern for infection control policies. Prompt detection of CPE on health care setting admission is crucial to halt the spread of an outbreak. We report a cluster of 13 Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-2-producing K pneumoniae cases in a tertiary care hospital.The objective of this study was to identify contributing factors originating the outbreak. An outbreak investigation was conducted using descriptive epidemiology, observation of health care practices, and interviews of management staff. A root cause analysis was performed to identify patent and latent failures of infection control measures using the association of litigation and risk management method. The main patent failure was the delay in identifying KPC-2-producing K pneumoniae carriers. Contributing factors were work and environmental factors: understaffing, lack of predefined protocols, staff members' characteristics, and underlying patients' characteristics. Latent failures were as follows: no promotion of the national guidelines for prevention of CPE transmission, no clear procedure for the management of patients hospitalized abroad, no clear initiative for promoting a culture of quality in the hospital, biologic activity recently outsourced to a private laboratory, and poor communication among hospital members. Clinical management should be better promoted to control hospital outbreaks and should include team work and safety culture. Copyright © 2015 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Infections by carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in SCT recipients: a nationwide retrospective survey from Italy. (United States)

    Girmenia, C; Rossolini, G M; Piciocchi, A; Bertaina, A; Pisapia, G; Pastore, D; Sica, S; Severino, A; Cudillo, L; Ciceri, F; Scimè, R; Lombardini, L; Viscoli, C; Rambaldi, A


    Infections by carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKp) represent a challenging problem after SCT. A retrospective survey (January 2010 to July 2013) involving 52 Italian centers was performed to assess the epidemiology and the prognostic factors of CRKp infections in auto- and allo-SCT. Cases of CRKp infection were reported in 53.4% of centers. CRKp infections were documented in 25 auto-SCTs and 87 allo-SCTs, with an incidence of 0.4% (from 0.1% in 2010 to 0.7% in 2013) and 2% (from 0.4% in 2010 to 2.9% in 2013), respectively. A CRKp colonization documented before or after transplant was followed by an infection in 25.8% of auto-SCT and 39.2% of allo-SCT patients. The infection-related mortality rates were 16% and 64.4%, respectively. A pre-transplant CRKp infection (hazard ratio (HR) 0.33, 95% confidence intervals (CIs) 0.15-0.74; P=0.007) and a not CRKp-targeted first-line treatment (HR 2.67, 95% CI 1.43-4.99; P=0.002) were independent factors associated with an increased mortality in allo-SCT patients who developed a CRKp infection. Our study shows challenging findings of CRKp infections in SCT patients in Italy particularly after allo-SCT. The detection of carriers and the definition of early therapeutic strategies represent critical aspects of the management of CRKp infections after SCT.

  17. La pintura vista por un pintor joven

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    Fuentes Pozo, Pedro


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    El pintor se define a lo largo del tiempo como un artista en mutación influenciado por la sociedad de su momento y por su propio mundo interior Esto ha contribuido a la creación de distintos estilos pictóricos y a una evolución que conlleva la despreocupación por el aspecto formal en aras de una introspección al mundo interior En el cambio constante se refleja la búsqueda del artista que valida la intemporalidad del arte. Así, el verdadero artista sobrevive al aplauso o rechazo de la crítica, convirtiéndose en un verdadero hombre renancentista preocupado por el hallazgo del conocimiento universal.

  18. Experiência inicial com terapia por pressão negativa por instilação em feridas complexas

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    Dimas André Milcheski

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: relatar a experiência inicial com a terapia por pressão negativa por instilação em feridas complexas infectadas ou contaminadas. Métodos: a terapia por pressão negativa por instilação utilizada foi o V.A.C. Ulta com instilação Veraflo (Kinetic Concepts, Inc. O modo de operação foi contínuo com pressão sub-atmosférica ajustada em 125 mmHg por duas horas e instilação entre as pausas. O tempo de instilação foi de 20 minutos (tempo de contato do agente tópico com a ferida e a substância instilada foi solução salina padrão a 0,9%. Após obtenção de preparo adequado da ferida, ela foi coberta com enxerto ou retalho. Resultados: foram operados dez pacientes com feridas complexas contaminadas ou infectadas. O número médio de trocas da TPNi foi 1,4, o número médio total de cirurgias foi de 2,4, o intervalo até a cobertura da ferida foi de 6,3 dias e o intervalo até a alta foi de 11,4 dias. Conclusão: a comparação da terapia por pressão negativa por instilação com dois estudos prévios (controle histórico evidenciou um tempo de internação menor, favorecendo a TPNi. Este estudo teve um caráter inicial, fazendo-se necessário conduzir um trabalho randomizado e controlado para confirmar a eficácia desta terapia e verificar a sua custo-efetividade.

  19. Neuropatia experimental por DDT: análise de nervo por microdissecção de fibras

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    Edison Matos Nóvak


    Full Text Available Estudou-se o nervo gênito-femural do rato albino submetido a intoxicação crônica por DDT, administrado por 180 dias na dose de 5 mg/kg de peso via oral. Os resultados mostraram proporção anormal de fibras tipo C, sendo sugerido ocorrer degeneração tipo axonal determinada pelo DDT.

  20. Ptose palpebral causada por Paquidermoperiostose

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    Patricia Regina de Pinho Tavares


    Full Text Available A paquidermoperiostose é uma síndrome caracterizada por acometimento cutâneo e ósseo, e em alguns casos ocorre comprometimento palpebral leve. É uma síndrome rara, idiopática ou hereditária, com provável herança autossômica dominante de penetrância variável. Descreve-se o caso de um paciente com ptose grave por paquidermoperiostose elucidando sua fisiopatologia e conduta cirúrgica aplicada.

  1. Engineering CRISPR interference system in Klebsiella pneumoniae for attenuating lactic acid synthesis. (United States)

    Wang, Jingxuan; Zhao, Peng; Li, Ying; Xu, Lida; Tian, Pingfang


    Klebsiella pneumoniae is a promising industrial species for bioproduction of bulk chemicals such as 1,3-propanediol, 2,3-butanediol and 3-hydroxypropionic acid (3-HP). However, lactic acid is a troublesome by-product when optimizing for 3-HP production. Therefore, it is highly desirable to minimize lactic acid. Here, we show that lactic acid synthesis can be largely blocked by an engineered CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) system in K. pneumoniae. EGFP was recruited as a reporter of this CRISPRi system. Fluorescence assay of this CRISPRi system showed that enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) expression level was repressed by 85-90%. To further test this CRISPRi system, guide RNAs were designed to individually or simultaneously target four lactate-producing enzyme genes. Results showed that all lactate-producing enzyme genes were significantly repressed. Notably, D-lactate dehydrogenase (ldhA) was shown to be the most influential enzyme for lactic acid formation in micro-aerobic conditions, as inhibiting ldhA alone led to lactic acid level similar to simultaneously repressing four genes. In shake flask cultivation, the strain coexpressing puuC (an aldehyde dehydrogenase catalyzing 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde to 3-HP) and dCas9-sgRNA inhibiting ldhA produced 1.37-fold 3-HP relative to the reference strain. Furthermore, in bioreactor cultivation, this CRISPRi strain inhibiting ldhA produced 36.7 g/L 3-HP, but only generated 1 g/L lactic acid. Clearly, this engineered CRISPRi system largely simplified downstream separation of 3-HP from its isomer lactic acid, an extreme challenge for 3-HP bioprocess. This study offers a deep understanding of lactic acid metabolism in diverse species, and we believe that this CRISPRi system will facilitate biomanufacturing and functional genome studies of K. pneumoniae or beyond.

  2. Suppression of cytochrome P450 reductase (POR) expression in hepatoma cells replicates the hepatic lipidosis observed in hepatic POR-null mice. (United States)

    Porter, Todd D; Banerjee, Subhashis; Stolarczyk, Elzbieta I; Zou, Ling


    Cytochrome P450 reductase (POR) is a microsomal electron transport protein essential to cytochrome P450-mediated drug metabolism and sterol and bile acid synthesis. The conditional deletion of hepatic POR gene expression in mice results in a marked decrease in plasma cholesterol levels counterbalanced by the accumulation of triglycerides in lipid droplets in hepatocytes. To evaluate the role of cholesterol and bile acid synthesis in this hepatic lipidosis, as well as the possible role of lipid transport from peripheral tissues, we developed a stable, small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated cell culture model for the suppression of POR. POR mRNA and protein expression were decreased by greater than 50% in McArdle-RH7777 rat hepatoma cells 10 days after transfection with a POR-siRNA expression plasmid, and POR expression was nearly completely extinguished by day 20. Immunofluorescent analysis revealed a marked accumulation of lipid droplets in cells by day 15, accompanied by a nearly 2-fold increase in cellular triglyceride content, replicating the lipidosis seen in hepatic POR-null mouse liver. In contrast, suppression of CYP51A1 (lanosterol demethylase) did not result in lipid accumulation, indicating that loss of cholesterol synthesis is not the basis for this lipidosis. Indeed, addition of cholesterol to the medium appeared to augment the lipidosis in POR-suppressed cells, whereas removal of lipids from the medium reversed the lipidosis. Oxysterols did not accumulate in POR-suppressed cells, discounting a role for liver X receptor in stimulating triglyceride synthesis, but addition of chenodeoxycholate significantly repressed lipid accumulation, suggesting that the absence of bile acids and loss of farnesoid X receptor stimulation lead to excessive triglyceride synthesis.

  3. Consanguinidad por isonimia en Salta

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    Albeza, María V.


    Full Text Available Se estimó el coeficiente de parentesco por isonimia para localidades de la Puna, Valle Calchaquí y Valle de Lerma, a fin de evaluar diferentes factores evolutivos que podrían estar afectando la composición genética de la población. A partir de los apellidos de las parejas consignadas en fuentes primarias de información, se estimó la isonimia conyugal o marital, el coeficiente total Ft y sus componentes Fr (inbreeding azaroso y Fn (inbreeding no azaroso. De las localidades estudiadas, en la Puna se ha detectado sólo una pareja isónima en una de ellas, en el Valle Calchaquí, tres y ninguna en el Valle de Lerma. Tanto en el Valle Calchaquí como en el de Lerma, se han estimado valores negativos de Ft, y en la Puna se registran los valores más elevados. En las localidades estudiadas no se cumple el supuesto de transmisión patrilineal de apellidos por lo que los valores de Fr y por ende de Ft podrían estar subestimados. Es por ello que sería necesario contar con información desde otras vertientes metodológicas para corroborar, complementar y manejar cuidadosamente el análisis de los datos y las conclusiones que se obtienen.

  4. Nefrectomía simple por puerto único (LESS) asistida por robot (da Vinci)




    Introducción: La cirugía mínimamente invasiva en urología avanza rápidamente y la cirugía laparo-endoscópica a través de puerto único (LESS) no es la excepción. Esta técnica por vía laparoscópica presenta mucha dificultad y requiere de un cirujano laparoscópico experimentado debido a la falta de triangulación y el cruce de los instrumentos. Los beneficios del sistema quirúrgico da Vinci® han sido introducidos recientemente en LESS. Presentamos dos casos de nefrectomía LESS asistida por robot....

  5. Nitrogen starvation affects bacterial adhesion to soil Adesão de bactérias desnutridas por nitrogênio a solo

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    Maria Tereza Borges


    Full Text Available One of the main factors limiting the bioremediation of subsoil environments based on bioaugmentation is the transport of selected microorganisms to the contaminated zones. The characterization of the physiological responses of the inoculated microorganisms to starvation, especially the evaluation of characteristics that affect the adhesion of the cells to soil particles, is fundamental to anticipate the success or failure of bioaugmentation. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of nitrogen starvation on cell surface hydrophobicity and cell adhesion to soil particles by bacterial strains previously characterized as able to use benzene, toluene or xilenes as carbon and energy sources. The strains LBBMA 18-T (non-identified, Arthrobacter aurescens LBBMA 98, Arthrobacter oxydans LBBMA 201, and Klebsiella sp. LBBMA 204-1 were used in the experiments. Cultivation of the cells in nitrogen-deficient medium caused a significant reduction of the adhesion to soil particles by all the four strains. Nitrogen starvation also reduced significantly the strength of cell adhesion to the soil particles, except for Klebsiella sp. LBBMA 204-1. Two of the four strains showed significant reduction in cell surface hydrophobicity. It is inferred that the efficiency of bacterial transport through soils might be potentially increased by nitrogen starvation.Um dos principais fatores limitantes da biorremediação in situ de solos subterrâneos, baseada na bioaumentação, é o transporte dos microrganismos selecionados até o local contaminado. A caracterização das respostas fisiológicas dos microrganismos introduzidos no subsolo a condições de escassez nutricional, notadamente a avaliação de características que afetam a adesão celular ao solo, é fundamental para se prever o sucesso da bioaumentação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito da desnutrição em meio com escassez de nitrogênio sobre a hidrofobicidade celular e a

  6. Factores de riesgo asociados al aislamiento de Escherichia coli o Klebsiella pneumoniae productoras de betalactamasas de espectro extendido en un hospital de cuarto nivel en Colombia

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    Adriana Jiménez


    Full Text Available Introducción. Las betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE son un fenómeno de resistencia emergente de particular incidencia en América Latina. En Colombia existe poca información sobre los factores de riesgo asociados con su adquisición. Objetivo. Determinar los factores de riesgo que están asociados a la infección o colonización por Escherichia coli o Klebsiella pneumoniae productoras de BLEE en pacientes mayores de 18 años. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de casos y controles con relación 1:1 en pacientes con aislamientos de E. coli o K. pneumoniae productoras de BLEE en cualquier tipo de muestra durante el periodo de enero de 2009 a noviembre de 2011 en el Hospital Universitario de San José. Resultados. Se estudiaron 110 casos y 110 controles; 62,7 % correspondió a E. coli y 37,3 %, a K. pneumoniae. Como factores de riesgo independiente en el análisis multivariado se encontraron la insuficiencia renal crónica (OR=2,99; IC95%, 1,10-8,11; p=0,031, la cirugía urológica (OR=4,78; IC95%, 1,35-16,87; p=0,015, el antecedente de uso de antibióticos en los tres meses anteriores (OR=2,24; IC95%, 1,09-4,60; p=0,028, el origen hospitalario de la infección (OR=2,92; IC95%, 1,39-6,13; p=0,004 y la hospitalización previa (OR=1,59; IC95%, 1,03-2,46; p=0,036. Conclusión. Anticiparse al patrón de resistencia del microorganismo que infecta a un paciente con base en los factores de riesgo asociados permitiría la elección de un tratamiento antibiótico empírico apropiado, con el fin de lograr la disminución de la morbimortalidad de los pacientes.

  7. Cytotoxic and pathogenic properties of Klebsiella oxytoca isolated from laboratory animals.

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    Alison Darby

    Full Text Available Klebsiella oxytoca is an opportunistic pathogen implicated in various clinical diseases in animals and humans. Studies suggest that in humans K. oxytoca exerts its pathogenicity in part through a cytotoxin. However, cytotoxin production in animal isolates of K. oxytoca and its pathogenic properties have not been characterized. Furthermore, neither the identity of the toxin nor a complete repertoire of genes involved in K. oxytoca pathogenesis have been fully elucidated. Here, we showed that several animal isolates of K. oxytoca, including the clinical isolates, produced secreted products in bacterial culture supernatant that display cytotoxicity on HEp-2 and HeLa cells, indicating the ability to produce cytotoxin. Cytotoxin production appears to be regulated by the environment, and soy based product was found to have a strong toxin induction property. The toxin was identified, by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy, as low molecular weight heat labile benzodiazepine, tilivalline, previously shown to cause cytotoxicity in several cell lines, including mouse L1210 leukemic cells. Genome sequencing and analyses of a cytotoxin positive K. oxytoca strain isolated from an abscess of a mouse, identified genes previously shown to promote pathogenesis in other enteric bacterial pathogens including ecotin, several genes encoding for type IV and type VI secretion systems, and proteins that show sequence similarity to known bacterial toxins including cholera toxin. To our knowledge, these results demonstrate for the first time, that animal isolates of K. oxytoca, produces a cytotoxin, and that cytotoxin production is under strict environmental regulation. We also confirmed tilivalline as the cytotoxin present in animal K. oxytoca strains. These findings, along with the discovery of a repertoire of genes with virulence potential, provide important insights into the pathogenesis of K. oxytoca. As a novel diagnostic tool, tilivalline

  8. Análisis de costos por ausentismo laboral atribuibles a licencias médicas por enfermedad. Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza 2015


    Jave Escalante, Gladys Lizeth


    Determina el costo generado por el ausentismo laboral atribuible a licencias médicas por enfermedad en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza 2015. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio no experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 118 médicos asistenciales y personal de enfermería. Para el análisis de los costos se utilizó el costo de tiempo perdido del paciente, ingresos dejados de percibir por el hospital y descuento económico al trabajador. Además se realizó un análisis económico y de sensibilidad. ...

  9. Indice por Materias

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    Montoya H Luz Marina


    Full Text Available Un índice es una lista de palabras o frases indicadores asociados que permite la ubicación de material al interior de un libro o una publicación, en este caso será por el nombre de la materia.

  10. Mortalidad intrahospitalaria por accidente cerebrovascular


    Federico Rodríguez Lucci; Virginia Pujol Lereis; Sebastián Ameriso; Guillermo Povedano; María F. Díaz; Alejandro Hlavnicka; Néstor A. Wainsztein; Sebastián F. Ameriso


    La mortalidad global por accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) ha disminuido en las últimas tres décadas, probablemente debido a un mejor control de los factores de riesgo vascular. La mortalidad hospitalaria por ACV ha sido tradicionalmente estimada entre 6 y 14% en la mayoría de las series comunicadas. Sin embargo, los datos de ensayos clínicos recientes sugieren que esta cifra sería sustancialmente menor. Se revisaron datos de pacientes internados con diagnóstico de ACV del Banco de Datos de Str...


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    Full Text Available En Brasil, las estadísticas de la violencia sexual contra niños están lejos de reflejar la verdadera realidad actual debido a la baja notificación de los casos. La finalidad de este estudio fue caracterizar el abuso sexual sufrido por niños asistidos por el Programa Sentinela y el perfil del agresor, en Sobral-Ceará, en el periodo que va del 2002 al 2006. La muestra no probabilística intencional fue compuesta por 50 víctimas de abuso sexual y de las mismas, el 66% es del sexo femenino, con predominio de rango de edad entre 8-12 años incompletos, (58%; en el 36% de los casos los padres están separados, siendo la madre la principal responsable por la familia (62%. La mayoría de los agresores es del sexo masculino (78%. En el ambiente fuera de la familia los agresores son conocidos o amigos de la familia (14%; dentro del seno familiar el padrastro es identificado como siendo el agresor más frecuente (18%. Los datos destacan características similares a las de otros estudios, definiendo una cierta igualdad en este tipo de violencia.

  12. Klebsiella variicola is a frequent cause of bloodstream infection in the stockholm area, and associated with higher mortality compared to K. pneumoniae.

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    Makaoui Maatallah

    Full Text Available Clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae are divided into three phylogroups and differ in their virulence factor contents. The aim of this study was to determine an association between phylogroup, virulence factors and mortality following bloodstream infection (BSI caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae. Isolates from all adult patients with BSI caused by K. pneumoniae admitted to Karolinska University Hospital, Solna between 2007 and 2009 (n = 139 were included in the study. Phylogenetic analysis was performed based on multilocus sequence typing (MLST data. Testing for mucoid phenotype, multiplex PCR determining serotypes K1, K2, K5, K20, K54 and K57, and testing for virulence factors connected to more severe disease in previous studies, was also performed. Data was retrieved from medical records including age, sex, comorbidity, central and urinary catheters, time to adequate treatment, hospital-acquired infection, and mortality, to identify risk factors. The primary end-point was 30- day mortality. The three K. pneumoniae phylogroups were represented: KpI (n = 96, KpII (corresponding to K. quasipneumoniae, n = 9 and KpIII (corresponding to K. variicola, n = 34. Phylogroups were not significantly different in baseline characteristics. Overall, the 30-day mortality was 24/139 (17.3%. Isolates belonging to KpIII were associated with the highest 30-day mortality (10/34 cases, 29.4%, whereas KpI isolates were associated with mortality in 13/96 cases (13.5%. This difference was significant both in univariate statistical analysis (P = 0.037 and in multivariate analysis adjusting for age and comorbidity (OR 3.03 (95% CI: 1.10-8.36. Only three of the isolates causing mortality within 30 days belonged to any of the virulent serotypes (K54, n = 1, had a mucoid phenotype (n = 1 and/or contained virulence genes (wcaG n = 1 and wcaG/allS n = 1. In conclusion, the results indicate higher mortality among patients infected with

  13. Klebsiella variicola Is a Frequent Cause of Bloodstream Infection in the Stockholm Area, and Associated with Higher Mortality Compared to K. pneumoniae (United States)

    Kabir, Muhammad Humaun; Bakhrouf, Amina; Kalin, Mats; Nauclér, Pontus; Brisse, Sylvain; Giske, Christian G.


    Clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae are divided into three phylogroups and differ in their virulence factor contents. The aim of this study was to determine an association between phylogroup, virulence factors and mortality following bloodstream infection (BSI) caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae. Isolates from all adult patients with BSI caused by K. pneumoniae admitted to Karolinska University Hospital, Solna between 2007 and 2009 (n = 139) were included in the study. Phylogenetic analysis was performed based on multilocus sequence typing (MLST) data. Testing for mucoid phenotype, multiplex PCR determining serotypes K1, K2, K5, K20, K54 and K57, and testing for virulence factors connected to more severe disease in previous studies, was also performed. Data was retrieved from medical records including age, sex, comorbidity, central and urinary catheters, time to adequate treatment, hospital-acquired infection, and mortality, to identify risk factors. The primary end-point was 30- day mortality. The three K. pneumoniae phylogroups were represented: KpI (n = 96), KpII (corresponding to K. quasipneumoniae, n = 9) and KpIII (corresponding to K. variicola, n = 34). Phylogroups were not significantly different in baseline characteristics. Overall, the 30-day mortality was 24/139 (17.3%). Isolates belonging to KpIII were associated with the highest 30-day mortality (10/34 cases, 29.4%), whereas KpI isolates were associated with mortality in 13/96 cases (13.5%). This difference was significant both in univariate statistical analysis (P = 0.037) and in multivariate analysis adjusting for age and comorbidity (OR 3.03 (95% CI: 1.10–8.36). Only three of the isolates causing mortality within 30 days belonged to any of the virulent serotypes (K54, n = 1), had a mucoid phenotype (n = 1) and/or contained virulence genes (wcaG n = 1 and wcaG/allS n = 1). In conclusion, the results indicate higher mortality among patients infected with

  14. Rapid characterisation of Klebsiella oxytoca isolates from contaminated liquid hand soap using mass spectrometry, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. (United States)

    Dieckmann, Ralf; Hammerl, Jens Andre; Hahmann, Hartmut; Wicke, Amal; Kleta, Sylvia; Dabrowski, Piotr Wojciech; Nitsche, Andreas; Stämmler, Maren; Al Dahouk, Sascha; Lasch, Peter


    Microbiological monitoring of consumer products and the efficiency of early warning systems and outbreak investigations depend on the rapid identification and strain characterisation of pathogens posing risks to the health and safety of consumers. This study evaluates the potential of three rapid analytical techniques for identification and subtyping of bacterial isolates obtained from a liquid hand soap product, which has been recalled and reported through the EU RAPEX system due to its severe bacterial contamination. Ten isolates recovered from two bottles of the product were identified as Klebsiella oxytoca and subtyped using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI TOF MS), near-infrared Fourier transform (NIR FT) Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Comparison of the classification results obtained by these phenotype-based techniques with outcomes of the DNA-based methods pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data revealed a high level of concordance. In conclusion, a set of analytical techniques might be useful for rapid, reliable and cost-effective microbial typing to ensure safe consumer products and allow source tracking.

  15. Invasive infection caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae is a disease affecting patients with high comorbidity and associated with high long-term mortality (United States)

    Nauclér, P.; Kalin, M.; Giske, C. G.


    Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) is after Escherichia coli (EC) the most common gram-negative species causing invasive infections. Herein, we analyzed risk factors and prognosis in invasive infections caused by KP versus EC, in an area with low antimicrobial resistance. Moreover, we compared antimicrobial resistance and relative prevalence of KP and EC (KP/EC-ratio) in different European countries, using EARS-Net data. Adult patients admitted to Karolinska University Hospital 2006–2012 with invasive infection caused by KP (n = 599) were matched regarding sex and age with patients infected by EC. The medical records were retrospectively reviewed. Comorbidity was adjusted for with multivariable analysis. European data were retrieved from the EARS-Net database. No differences were observed in 7- and 30-day mortality between the groups. The 90-day mortality was significantly higher in the KP cohort (26% versus 17%, pKarolinska University Hospital compared to aggregate data from 20 EARS-Net countries could be related to absence of clonal spread of multidrug-resistant KP. PMID:29624618

  16. Vivencias psicosociales reveladas por niños que reciben tratamiento con quimioterapia por cáncer

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    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio cualitativo con el propósito de descubrir las vivencias psicosociales de niños y niñas de 9 a 12 años que recibían tratamiento con quimioterapia por cáncer. La recolección de la información se hizo mediante encuentros lúdicos con el apoyo de algunas preguntas básicas que facilitaron las revelaciones narrativas. Tres aspectos se destacan en los hallazgos del estudio: vivencias desfavorables, vivencias relacionadas con la autoestima y vivencias favorables; las dos primeras, de diversa manera, afectan en estos niños su vida personal, familiar, escolar y, en general, todo su entorno. Es de resaltar que, como consecuencia de la caída del cabello, con frecuencia han sido objeto de burla y de rechazo por sus compañeros de estudio, lo que produce el más notorio efecto sobre su autoimagen; por otra parte, el ausentismo escolar conlleva dificultades académicas y sentimientos de tristeza en estos niños, situación que empeora cuando, por motivos de tratamiento, su lugar de residencia está alejado de la ciudad, viéndose sometidos a largos periodos de separación, no solo de su familia sino de sus pares. Se concluye que la mayor parte de las revelaciones son impactantes por su gran contenido de sufrimiento y dolor para estos niños, lo que demuestra la urgencia de retomar los hallazgos del estudio para orientar el cuidado de enfermería de manera más integral y apoyar para que se haga lo propio en el hogar y en las instituciones educativas.

  17. Genomic Analysis of the Emergence and Rapid Global Dissemination of the Clonal Group 258 Klebsiella pneumoniae Pandemic.

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    Jolene R Bowers

    Full Text Available Multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae producing the KPC carbapenemase have rapidly spread throughout the world, causing severe healthcare-associated infections with limited antimicrobial treatment options. Dissemination of KPC-producing K. pneumoniae is largely attributed to expansion of a single dominant strain, ST258. In this study, we explore phylogenetic relationships and evolution within ST258 and its clonal group, CG258, using whole genome sequence analysis of 167 isolates from 20 countries collected over 17 years. Our results show a common ST258 ancestor emerged from its diverse parental clonal group around 1995 and likely acquired blaKPC prior to dissemination. Over the past two decades, ST258 has remained highly clonal despite diversity in accessory elements and divergence in the capsule polysaccharide synthesis locus. Apart from the large recombination event that gave rise to ST258, few mutations set it apart from its clonal group. However, one mutation occurs in a global transcription regulator. Characterization of outer membrane protein sequences revealed a profile in ST258 that includes a truncated OmpK35 and modified OmpK37. Our work illuminates potential genomic contributors to the pathogenic success of ST258, helps us better understand the global dissemination of this strain, and identifies genetic markers unique to ST258.

  18. Single or in Combination Antimicrobial Resistance Mechanisms of Klebsiella pneumoniae Contribute to Varied Susceptibility to Different Carbapenems (United States)

    Tsai, Yu-Kuo; Liou, Ci-Hong; Fung, Chang-Phone; Lin, Jung-Chung; Siu, L. Kristopher


    Resistance to carbapenems has been documented by the production of carbapenemase or the loss of porins combined with extended-spectrum β-lactamases or AmpC β-lactamases. However, no complete comparisons have been made regarding the contributions of each resistance mechanism towards carbapenem resistance. In this study, we genetically engineered mutants of Klebsiella pneumoniae with individual and combined resistance mechanisms, and then compared each resistance mechanism in response to ertapenem, imipenem, meropenem, doripenem and other antibiotics. Among the four studied carbapenems, ertapenem was the least active against the loss of porins, cephalosporinases and carbapenemases. In addition to the production of KPC-2 or NDM-1 alone, resistance to all four carbapenems could also be conferred by the loss of two major porins, OmpK35 and OmpK36, combined with CTX-M-15 or DHA-1 with its regulator AmpR. Because the loss of OmpK35/36 alone or the loss of a single porin combined with bla CTX-M-15 or bla DHA-1-ampR expression was only sufficient for ertapenem resistance, our results suggest that carbapenems other than ertapenem should still be effective against these strains and laboratory testing for non-susceptibility to other carbapenems should improve the accurate identification of these isolates. PMID:24265784

  19. Prevention of colonization and infection by Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing enterobacteriaceae in long-term acute-care hospitals. (United States)

    Hayden, Mary K; Lin, Michael Y; Lolans, Karen; Weiner, Shayna; Blom, Donald; Moore, Nicholas M; Fogg, Louis; Henry, David; Lyles, Rosie; Thurlow, Caroline; Sikka, Monica; Hines, David; Weinstein, Robert A


    Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (hereafter "KPC") are an increasing threat to healthcare institutions. Long-term acute-care hospitals (LTACHs) have especially high prevalence of KPC. Using a stepped-wedge design, we tested whether a bundled intervention (screening patients for KPC rectal colonization upon admission and every other week; contact isolation and geographic separation of KPC-positive patients in ward cohorts or single rooms; bathing all patients daily with chlorhexidine gluconate; and healthcare-worker education and adherence monitoring) would reduce colonization and infection due to KPC in 4 LTACHs with high endemic KPC prevalence. The study was conducted between 1 February 2010 and 30 June 2013; 3894 patients were enrolled during the preintervention period (lasting from 16 to 29 months), and 2951 patients were enrolled during the intervention period (lasting from 12 to 19 months). KPC colonization prevalence was stable during preintervention (average, 45.8%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 42.1%-49.5%), declined early during intervention, then reached a plateau (34.3%; 95% CI, 32.4%-36.2%; Pinfection, all-cause bacteremia, and blood culture contamination in a high-risk LTACH population. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  20. Molecular epidemiology and extended-spectrum β-lactamases production of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from three dairy herds

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    Diego B. Nóbrega


    Full Text Available The objectives of this study were to isolate Klebsiella pneumoniae from different sources in three dairy cattle herds, to use the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE to measure genotypic similarities between isolates within a dairy herd, to verify the production of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs by the double-disk synergy test (DDST, and to use the PCR to detect the main ESBLs subgroups genes. Three dairy farms were selected based on previous mastitis outbreaks caused by K. pneumoniae. Milk samples were collected from lactating cows and from the bulk tank. Swabs were performed in different locations, including milking parlors, waiting room, soil, animal's hind limbs and rectum. K. pneumoniae was isolated from 27 cases of intramammary infections (IMI and from 41 swabs. For farm A isolates from IMI and bulk tank were considered of the same PGFE subtype. One isolate from a bulk tank, three from IMI cases and four from environmental samples were positive in the DDST test. All eight DDST positive isolates harbored the bla shv gene, one harbored the bla tem gene, and three harbored the bla ctx-m gene, including the bulk tank isolate. Our study confirms that ESBL producing bacteria is present in different locations in dairy farms, and may be responsible for IMI. The detection of ESBLs on dairy herds could be a major concern for both public and animal health.

  1. Pedro Teixeira y su viaje por Mesopotamia

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    Fuente del Pilar, José Javier


    Full Text Available Pedro Teixeira es un integrante notable de la ilustre nómina de los viajeros portugueses que, a finales del s, XVI y principios del XVII, ensancharon para Occidente las fronteras del mundo. Su conocimiento en España se debe a la publicación en 1994 de su obra «Relaciones del Origen, Descendencia y Sucesión de los Reyes de Persia, y de Harmuz, y de un viaje hecho por el autor dende la India hasta Italia por tierra», en edición realizada por el profesor Eduardo Barajas Sala, lamentablemente fallecido en 1997. En este artículo se ofrece una reseña biográfica de Pedro Teixeira, y un análisis del viaje narrado por el autor en la última parte de sus «Relaciones »: el que desde Ormuz le conducirá, a través de Mesopotamia, hasta la costa del Mediterráneo.…

  2. Violência e mortes por causas externas

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    Graciete Oliveira Vieira


    Full Text Available Através de um estudo ecológico caracterizou-se a violência e as mortes por causas externas em Salvador e Bahia utilizando-se dados da Fundação Nacional de Saúde-Ministério da Saúde, dos registros de mortalidade e das estimativas populacionais do IBGE. O risco de morrer por homicídio no Brasil é 3 vezes o do Estados Unidos, chegando a ser 40 vezes superior ao do Japão. Homicídio foi a primeira causa de anos potenciais de vidas perdidos (13,4% no Brasil (1997, seguido por acidentes de trânsito (10,6%. Causas externas foi a segunda causa de morte em Salvador e Bahia (1996. A violência tem raízes sócio-culturais e político-ideológicas e pode ser prevenida por ações intersetoriais e multidisciplinares.

  3. Associação entre violência por parceiro íntimo contra a mulher e infecção por HIV

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    Claudia Barros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre a violência por parceiro íntimo contra mulheres e a infecção ou suspeita de infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com base em dados de questionários aplicados face-a-face e de prontuários médicos de 2.780 mulheres de 15 a 49 anos, atendidas em unidades do sistema único de saúde da Grande São Paulo, SP, em 2001-2002. As mulheres foram categorizadas em: usuárias em tratamento por serem "soropositivas para o HIV", com "suspeita de HIV" e aquelas que procuraram os serviços por outros motivos. A violência por parceiro íntimo contra mulheres na vida foi categorizada por gravidade e recorrência dos episódios de violência. A associação com o desfecho foi testada pelo modelo de Poisson com variância robusta e ajustada por variáveis sociodemográficas, sexuais e reprodutivas. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de violência foi de 59,8%. Sofrer violência reiterada e grave apresentou maior associação de infecção confirmada pelo HIV (RP = 1,91. A violência independente da gravidade e da recorrência dos episódios apresentou maior associação para a suspeita de infecção por HIV (RP = 1,29. CONCLUSÕES: A violência por parceiro íntimo contra mulheres tem papel relevante nas situações de suspeita e confirmação da infecção pelo HIV, sendo essencial incluir sua detecção, controle e prevenção como parte da atenção integral à saúde das mulheres.

  4. Predominant porB1A and porB1B genotypes and correlation of gene mutations with drug resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates in Eastern China

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    Tang Renxian


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Variations of porB1A and porB1B genes and their serotypes exist in Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates from different geographical areas, and some site mutations in the porB1B gene correlate with drug resistance. Methods The β-lactamase production of N. gonorrhoeae isolates was determined by paper acidometric test and nitrocefin discs. The porB1A and porB1B genes of 315 non-penicillinase-producting N. gonorrhoeae (non-PPNG strains were amplified by PCR for sequencing to determine serotypes and site mutations. A duplex PCR was designed to simultaneously detect both porB1A and porB1B genes. Penicillin and tetracycline resistance was assessed by an in vitro drug sensitivity test. Results Of the N. gonorrhoeae isolates, 31.1% tested positive for porB1A and 68.9% for porB1B genes. All the 98 porB1A+ isolates belonging to IA6 serotype with either no mutation at the 120 and 121 sites (88.8% or a D120G (11.2% mutation and were no resistance to both penicillin and tetracycline. Among the 217 porB1B+ isolates, 26.7%, 22.6% and 11.5% belonged to IB3, IB3/6 and IB4 serotypes, respectively. Particularly, two novel chimeric serotypes, IB3/6-IB2 and IB2-IB4-IB2, were found in 77 and 8 porB1B+ isolates. Two hundred and twelve (97.7% of the porB1B+ isolates were presented G120 and/or A121 mutations with 163 (76.9% at both sites. Interestingly, within the 77 porB1B+ isolates belonging to IB3/6-IB2 serotype, 15 were discovered to possess novel deletions at both A121 and N122 sites. All the replacement mutations at these sites in PorB1B were correlated with resistance and the deletion mutation showed the highest resistance. Conclusion N. gonorrhoeae isolates circulating in Eastern China include a sole PorB1A serotype (IA6 and five PorB1B serotypes. Multiple mutations in porB1B genes, including novel A121 and N122 deletions, are correlated with high levels of penicillin and tetracycline resistance.

  5. Conservación por calor


    Cobos García, Angel; Díaz Rubio, Olga


    Esta unidade didáctica denominada Conservación por calor forma parte da materia «Tecnoloxía do procesado de alimentos» que se impartirá no primeiro semestre do 2º curso do Grao en Nutrición Humana e Dietética. A materia estrutúrase en diferentes unidades didácticas, tratando cada unha delas as diferentes tecnoloxías de procesado dos alimentos, tanto de conservación coma de transformación. A presente unidade didáctica aborda a conservación dos alimentos por calor. Este método permite destruír ...

  6. Las cosas por su nombre


    Storani, Emilia


    El artículo propone indagar sobre los modos y diferentes formatos que se utilizan tanto en la escritura como en la lectura, para articular con las luchas por la identidad de género. La Ley de Identidad de Género ha sido un puntapié clave para pensarnos a nosotros mismos culturalmente y para pensar a los demás. Pero, ¿cómo mencionamos, escribimos y leemos las diferentes identidades? La escritura, también es un mundo transformador para quienes bregan por una sociedad más libre y sin prejuicios....

  7. Diverticulitis yeyunal perforada por enterolito.


    Marenco De la Cuadra, Beatriz; Gomez-Rosado, Juan-Carlos; Capitan-Morales, Luis-Cristobal; Valdés Hernández, Javier; Reyes-lopera, N.J. De los


    La diverticulosis yeyunal es una enfermedad adquirida rara. Casi el 60-70% keeps asymptomátic or Con síntomas crónicos inespecíficos, aunque puede presentarse como un abdomen agudo. La perforación debida a enterolitos es una causa extremadamente rara do complicación, y puede producirse por la impactación de ésta contra la pared intestinal. Presentamos caso de un varón de 82 años que acude a urgencias por un dolor súbito abdominal, difuso, con irritación peritoneal, leucocitosis con neutro...

  8. Por y para en los manuales de ELE

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    Sidoti, Rossana


    Full Text Available La oposición por / para es una de las cuestiones gramaticales que comportan mayor dificultad a la hora de acercarse al estudio del español como L2 sobre todo cuando remiten a conceptos lingüísticos difíciles de entender por no tener ésta referente alguno en el mundo extralingüístico. Si, por un lado, nos resulta fácil entender lo que tiene un referente en el mundo concreto; por otro, no podemos advertir el referente extralingüístico de preposiciones como por / para, si este no existe. Si las preposiciones son elementos abstractos, difíciles de aferrar de por sí, podemos sólo examinar los elementos que éstas ponen en relación y en qué contextos esta relación se determina. Para poder utilizar con precisión las dos preposiciones, es importante no reducirlas a una sola preposición como ocurre en otros idiomas, y sobre todo no relacionarlas sólo a los conceptos de causa y finalidad. Este trabajo se propone individualizar los manuales de español como lengua extranjera más utilizados en las universidades italianas para luego comparar las distintas fuentes de información sobre por / para y exponer comentarios, reflexiones y sugerencias sobre el tema con el fin de precisar en qué medida se puede mejorar lo que los manuales reducen o generalizan, puesto que para los estudiantes de ELE estos representan una herramienta valiosa a la que acudir.

  9. The yiaKLX1X2PQRS and ulaABCDEFG Gene Systems Are Required for the Aerobic Utilization of l-Ascorbate in Klebsiella pneumoniae Strain 13882 with l-Ascorbate-6-Phosphate as the Inducer▿


    Campos, Evangelina; de la Riva, Lucia; Garces, Fernando; Giménez, Rosa; Aguilar, Juan; Baldoma, Laura; Badia, Josefa


    The capacity to both ferment and oxidize l-ascorbate has been widely documented for a number of enteric bacteria. Here we present evidence that all the strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae tested in this study ferment l-ascorbate using the ula regulon-encoded proteins. Under aerobic conditions, several phenotypes were observed for the strains. Our results showed that the yiaK-S system is required for this aerobic metabolic process. Gel shift experiments performed with UlaR and YiaJ and probes cor...

  10. Functions of some capsular polysaccharide biosynthetic genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae NTUH K-2044.

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    Jin-Yuan Ho

    Full Text Available The growing number of Klebsiella pneumoniae infections, commonly acquired in hospitals, has drawn great concern. It has been shown that the K1 and K2 capsular serotypes are the most detrimental strains, particularly to those with diabetes. The K1 cps (capsular polysaccharide locus in the NTUH-2044 strain of the pyogenic liver abscess (PLA K. pneumoniae has been identified recently, but little is known about the functions of the genes therein. Here we report characterization of a group of cps genes and their roles in the pathogenesis of K1 K. pneumoniae. By sequential gene deletion, the cps gene cluster was first re-delimited between genes galF and ugd, which serve as up- and down-stream ends, respectively. Eight gene products were characterized in vitro and in vivo to be involved in the syntheses of UDP-glucose, UDP-glucuronic acid and GDP-fucose building units. Twelve genes were identified as virulence factors based on the observation that their deletion mutants became avirulent or lost K1 antigenicity. Furthermore, deletion of kp3706, kp3709 or kp3712 (ΔwcaI, ΔwcaG or Δatf, respectively, which are all involved in fucose biosynthesis, led to a broad range of transcriptional suppression for 52 upstream genes. The genes suppressed include those coding for unknown regulatory membrane proteins and six multidrug efflux system proteins, as well as proteins required for the K1 CPS biosynthesis. In support of the suppression of multidrug efflux genes, we showed that these three mutants became more sensitive to antibiotics. Taken together, the results suggest that kp3706, kp3709 or kp3712 genes are strongly related to the pathogenesis of K. pneumoniae K1.

  11. Towards understanding the nitrogen signal transduction for nif gene expression in Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Glöer, Jens; Thummer, Robert; Ullrich, Heike; Schmitz, Ruth A


    In the diazotroph Klebsiella pneumoniae, the nitrogen sensory protein GlnK mediates the cellular nitrogen status towards the NifL/NifA system that regulates transcription of the nitrogen fixation genes in response to ammonium and molecular oxygen. To identify amino acids of GlnK essential for this signal transduction by protein-protein interaction, we performed random point mutagenesis by PCR amplification under conditions of reduced Taq polymerase fidelity. Three thousand two hundred mutated glnK genes were screened to identify those that would no longer complement a K. pneumoniaeDeltaglnK strain for growth under nitrogen fixing conditions. Twenty-four candidates resulting in a Nif(-) phenotype were identified, carrying 1-11 amino acid changes in GlnK. Based on these findings, as well as structural data, several single mutations were introduced into glnK by site-directed mutagenesis, and the Nif phenotype and the respective effects on NifA-mediated nif gene induction was monitored in K. pneumoniae using a chromosomal nifK'-'lacZ fusion. Single amino acid changes resulting in significant nif gene inhibition under nitrogen limiting conditions were located within the highly conserved T-loop (A43G, A49T and N54D), the body of the protein (G87V and K79E) and in the C-terminal region (I100M, R103S, E106Q and D108G). Complex formation analyses between GlnK (wild-type or derivatives) and NifL or NifA in response to 2-oxoglutarate indicated that: (a) besides the T-loop, the C-terminal region of GlnK is essential for the interaction with NifL and NifA and (b) GlnK binds both proteins in the absence of 2-oxoglutarate, whereas, in the presence of 2-oxoglutarate, NifA is released but NifL remains bound to GlnK.

  12. Development of a Colloidal Gold-Based Immunochromatographic Strip for Rapid Detection of Klebsiella pneumoniae Serotypes K1 and K2. (United States)

    Siu, L Kristopher; Tsai, Yu-Kuo; Lin, Jung-Chung; Chen, Te-Li; Fung, Chang-Phone; Chang, Feng-Yee


    In this study, a novel colloidal gold-based immunochromatographic strip (ICS) containing anti-Klebsiella pneumoniae capsular polysaccharide polyclonal antibodies was developed to specifically detect K. pneumoniae serotypes K1 and K2. Capsular polysaccharide K1 and K2 antigens were first used to produce polyclonal anti-K1 and anti-K2 antibodies. Reference strains with different serotypes, nontypeable K. pneumoniae strains, and other bacterial species were then used to assess the sensitivity and specificity of these test strips. The detection limit was found to be 10 5 CFU, and the ICSs were stable for 6 months when stored at room temperature. No false-positive or false-negative results were observed, and equivalent results were obtained compared to those of more conventional test methods, such as PCR or serum agglutination. In conclusion, the ICS developed here requires no technical expertise and allows for the specific, rapid, and simultaneous detection of K. pneumoniae serotypes K1 and K2. Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  13. An accelerated method for the detection of Extended-Spectrum B- Lactamases in urinary isolates of Escherichia Coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kader, Abdulrahman A.; Kumar, A.; Krishna, A.; Zaman, M.N.


    We prospectively studied an accelerated phenotypic method by incorporating the double disk synergy test in the standard Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion susceptibility testing, to evaluate a protocol for the rapid detection of extended of extended-spectrum B-lactamases (ESBL) in urinary isolates of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Klebsiella, pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae). All ESBL-positive isolates were confirmed by the standard Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) confirmatory disk diffusion method. Between November 2004 and December 2005, a total of 6988 urine specimens were analyzed of which 776 (11%) showed significant growth. They included E. coli in 577 cases (74%) and K. pneumoniae in 199 (25.6%). Of these, 63 E. coli (8%) and 15 K. pneumoniae (7.5%) were positive for ESBL by the accelerated and CLSI methods. Compared to the standard CLSI method, the accelerated method reduced the ESBL detection time from two days to one day. We conclude that the accelerated ESBL detection technique used by us in this study is a reliable and rapid method for detecting ESBL in urinary isolates of E. coli and K. pneumoniae. (author)

  14. Comparison of multilocus sequence typing, RAPD, and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for typing of β-lactam-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains. (United States)

    Sachse, Svea; Bresan, Stephanie; Erhard, Marcel; Edel, Birgit; Pfister, Wolfgang; Saupe, Angela; Rödel, Jürgen


    Extended spectrum of β-lactam (ESBL) resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae has become an increasing problem in hospital infections. Typing of isolates is important to establish the intrahospital surveillance of resistant clones. In this study, the discriminatory potential of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) analyses were compared with multilocus sequence typing (MLST) by using 17 β-lactam-resistant K. pneumoniae isolates of different genotypes. MLST alleles were distributed in 8 sequence types (STs). Among ESBL strains of the same ST, the presence of different β-lactamase genes was common. RAPD band patterns also revealed 8 types that corresponded to MLST-defined genotypes in 15 out of 17 cases. MALDI-TOF analysis could differentiate 5 clusters of strains. The results of this work show that RAPD may be usable as a rapid screening method for the intrahospital surveillance of K. pneumoniae, allowing a discrimination of clonally related strains. MALDI-TOF-based typing was not strongly corresponding to genotyping and warrants further investigation. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Molecular typing and virulence analysis of serotype K1 Klebsiella pneumoniae strains isolated from liver abscess patients and stool samples from noninfectious subjects in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. (United States)

    Siu, L Kristopher; Fung, Chang-Phone; Chang, Feng-Yee; Lee, Nelson; Yeh, Kuo-Ming; Koh, Tse Hsien; Ip, Margaret


    Serotype K1 Klebsiella pneumoniae with multilocus sequence type 23 (ST23) has been strongly associated with liver abscess in Taiwan. Few data regarding the strain types and virulence of this serotype from other Asian countries are available. Serotype K1 K. pneumoniae strains isolated from liver abscess and stool samples from subjects hospitalized in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan hospitals were examined. Forty-seven serotype K1 isolates were identified: 26 from liver abscess samples and 21 from stool samples. MLST revealed 7 sequence types: 85.1% (40 of 47 isolates) belonged to ST23, 1 isolate belonged to ST163 (a single-locus variant of ST23), and 2 isolates were ST249 (a 3-locus variant of ST23). New STs, namely, ST367, ST425, and ST426, were allocated to 3 of 4 isolates from stool samples. The virulence of these strains was determined by neutrophil phagocytosis and mouse infection models. Except for two ST23 isolates, all Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates were resistant to phagocytosis. Resistance to serum killing varied in isolates of ST23, while all non-ST23 strains were susceptible to serum killing except one with ST249 from a liver abscess. All hypervirulent isolates with a 50% lethal dose of serum killing, and also carried both virulence-associated genes, rmpA and aerobactin. Multilocus sequence typing genotype 23 was the most prevalent sequence type among serotype K1 K. pneumoniae isolates from both liver abscess and stool samples in the Asia Pacific region. Serotype K1 K. pneumoniae isolates with capsule expression leading to phagocytic resistance and with the aerobactin gene were associated with hypervirulence.

  16. Pronóstico de la diarrea por rotavirus

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    Mota-Hernández Felipe


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Comparar la gravedad de la diarrea por rotavirus (RV y por no rotavirus. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal en 520 lactantes con diarrea aguda, efectuado entre octubre de 1994 y marzo de 1995 en siete centros del primer nivel de atención en cinco estados de México. El diagnóstico de RV se realizó con ensayo inmunoenzimático o por electroforesis. El análisis se hizo a través de medidas de tendencia central. Los resultados se presentan como promedio y desviación estándar o mediana o variación. Resultados. Se aisló RV en 264 lactantes (50.7% con predominio en varones de 6 meses a un año. Las manifestaciones clínicas fueron significativamente diferentes entre el grupo rotavirus positivo y el grupo rotavirus negativo en mediana de evacuaciones por 24 horas, frecuencia de vómitos, temperatura > 38° C, deshidratación y calificación de gravedad, respectivamente. Conclusiones. Estos resultados mostraron peor pronóstico por mayor gravedad de la diarrea por RV en lactantes, con relación a otra etiología. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en:

  17. Miasis cutanea por cordylobia anthropophaga

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    Alkorta Gurrutxaga Miriam


    Full Text Available El incremento progresivo en el número de personas que viajan a países tropicales ha hecho que las enfermedades importadas adquieran una relevancia cada vez mayor. Las miasis (o infestaciones por larvas de moscas cutáneas se encuentran entre este tipo de enfermedades siendo especialmente frecuentes en países tropicales. A propósito de la observación de un caso de miasis cutánea masiva por Cordylobia antropophaga, que ocurrió en una mujer de 34 años de edad al volver de un viaje a Senegal, se ha efectuado una revisión de los casos de miasis cutáneas forunculoides importadas publicados en España, así como de la biología, patología, tratamiento y prevención de la miasis humana por Cordylobia anthropophaga. El caso referido, se caracterizó por la infestación con un número inusualmente elevado de larvas, no sospechándose su etiología hasta la fase final de la enfermedad. La emergencia continuada de larvas (se recogieron 91 generó en la paciente un estado de ansiedad importante. Finalmente, la eliminación de las larvas provocó una rápida mejoría de la paciente. Aunque los casos de miasis cutánea no tienen la gravedad de otras enfermedades importadas, su conocimiento es necesario desde el punto de vista preventivo, diagnóstico y terapeútico. Es importante proceder a la identificación morfológica de las larvas diferenciándolas de otro tipo de miasis con implicaciones terapéuticas diferentes.

  18. Associação entre violência por parceiro íntimo contra a mulher e infecção por HIV Asociación entre violencia contra la mujer por pareja íntima e infección por VIH Association between intimate partner violence against women and HIV infection

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    Claudia Barros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre a violência por parceiro íntimo contra mulheres e a infecção ou suspeita de infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com base em dados de questionários aplicados face-a-face e de prontuários médicos de 2.780 mulheres de 15 a 49 anos, atendidas em unidades do sistema único de saúde da Grande São Paulo, SP, em 2001-2002. As mulheres foram categorizadas em: usuárias em tratamento por serem "soropositivas para o HIV", com "suspeita de HIV" e aquelas que procuraram os serviços por outros motivos. A violência por parceiro íntimo contra mulheres na vida foi categorizada por gravidade e recorrência dos episódios de violência. A associação com o desfecho foi testada pelo modelo de Poisson com variância robusta e ajustada por variáveis sociodemográficas, sexuais e reprodutivas. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de violência foi de 59,8%. Sofrer violência reiterada e grave apresentou maior associação de infecção confirmada pelo HIV (RP = 1,91. A violência independente da gravidade e da recorrência dos episódios apresentou maior associação para a suspeita de infecção por HIV (RP = 1,29. CONCLUSÕES: A violência por parceiro íntimo contra mulheres tem papel relevante nas situações de suspeita e confirmação da infecção pelo HIV, sendo essencial incluir sua detecção, controle e prevenção como parte da atenção integral à saúde das mulheres.OBJETIVO: Analizar la asociación entre la violencia contra mujeres por pareja íntima y la infección o sospecha de infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con base en datos de cuestionarios aplicados cara-a cara y de prontuarios médicos de 2.780 mujeres de 15 a 49 años, atendidas en unidades del sistema único de salud de la Gran Sao Paulo, Sureste de Brasil, en 2001-2002. Las mujeres fueron categorizadas en: usuarias en tratamiento por ser

  19. Comparative analysis of diguanylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Cruz, Diana P; Huertas, Mónica G; Lozano, Marcela; Zárate, Lina; Zambrano, María Mercedes


    Klebsiella pneumoniae can be found in environmental habitats as well as in hospital settings where it is commonly associated with nosocomial infections. One of the factors that contribute to virulence is its capacity to form biofilms on diverse biotic and abiotic surfaces. The second messenger Bis-(3'-5')-cyclic dimeric GMP (c-di-GMP) is a ubiquitous signal in bacteria that controls biofilm formation as well as several other cellular processes. The cellular levels of this messenger are controlled by c-di-GMP synthesis and degradation catalyzed by diguanylate cyclase (DGC) and phophodiesterase (PDE) enzymes, respectively. Many bacteria contain multiple copies of these proteins with diverse organizational structure that highlight the complex regulatory mechanisms of this signaling network. This work was undertaken to identify DGCs and PDEs and analyze the domain structure of these proteins in K. pneumoniae. A search for conserved GGDEF and EAL domains in three sequenced K. pneumoniae genomes showed that there were multiple copies of GGDEF and EAL containing proteins. Both single domain and hybrid GGDEF proteins were identified: 21 in K. pneumoniae Kp342, 18 in K. pneumoniae MGH 78578 and 17 in K. pneumoniae NTUH-K2044. The majority had only the GGDEF domain, most with the GGEEF motif, and hybrid proteins containing both GGDEF and EAL domains were also found. The I site for allosteric control was identified only in single GGDEF domain proteins and not in hybrid proteins. EAL-only proteins, containing either intact or degenerate domains, were also identified: 15 in Kp342, 15 in MGH 78578 and 10 in NTUH-K2044. Several input sensory domains and transmembrane segments were identified, which together indicate complex regulatory circuits that in many cases can be membrane associated. The comparative analysis of proteins containing GGDEF/EAL domains in K. pneumoniae showed that most copies were shared among the three strains and that some were unique to a particular strain

  20. Comparative analysis of diguanylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    Cruz Diana P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Klebsiella pneumoniae can be found in environmental habitats as well as in hospital settings where it is commonly associated with nosocomial infections. One of the factors that contribute to virulence is its capacity to form biofilms on diverse biotic and abiotic surfaces. The second messenger Bis-(3’-5’-cyclic dimeric GMP (c-di-GMP is a ubiquitous signal in bacteria that controls biofilm formation as well as several other cellular processes. The cellular levels of this messenger are controlled by c-di-GMP synthesis and degradation catalyzed by diguanylate cyclase (DGC and phophodiesterase (PDE enzymes, respectively. Many bacteria contain multiple copies of these proteins with diverse organizational structure that highlight the complex regulatory mechanisms of this signaling network. This work was undertaken to identify DGCs and PDEs and analyze the domain structure of these proteins in K. pneumoniae. Results A search for conserved GGDEF and EAL domains in three sequenced K. pneumoniae genomes showed that there were multiple copies of GGDEF and EAL containing proteins. Both single domain and hybrid GGDEF proteins were identified: 21 in K. pneumoniae Kp342, 18 in K. pneumoniae MGH 78578 and 17 in K. pneumoniae NTUH-K2044. The majority had only the GGDEF domain, most with the GGEEF motif, and hybrid proteins containing both GGDEF and EAL domains were also found. The I site for allosteric control was identified only in single GGDEF domain proteins and not in hybrid proteins. EAL-only proteins, containing either intact or degenerate domains, were also identified: 15 in Kp342, 15 in MGH 78578 and 10 in NTUH-K2044. Several input sensory domains and transmembrane segments were identified, which together indicate complex regulatory circuits that in many cases can be membrane associated. Conclusions The comparative analysis of proteins containing GGDEF/EAL domains in K. pneumoniae showed that most copies were shared among the

  1. Two unusual cases of successful treatment of hypermucoviscous Klebsiella pneumoniae invasive syndrome

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    Hiroki Namikawa


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A few Japanese cases of hypermucoviscous Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae invasive syndrome have recently been reported. Although extrahepatic complications from bacteremic dissemination have been observed, infected aneurysms are rare. Furthermore, the primary source of infection is generally a liver abscess, and is rarely the prostate. Therefore, we report two atypical cases of hypermucoviscous K. pneumoniae invasive syndrome. Case presentation The first case was an 81-year-old Japanese man with no significant medical history, who was referred to our hospital for vision loss in his right eye. Contrast-enhanced whole-body computed tomography revealed abscesses in the liver and the prostate, and an infected left internal iliac artery aneurysm. Contrast-enhanced head magnetic resonance imaging revealed brain abscesses. Cultures of the liver abscess specimen and aqueous humor revealed K. pneumoniae with the hypermucoviscosity phenotype, which carried the magA gene (mucoviscosity-associated gene A and the rmpA gene (regulator of mucoid phenotype A. We performed enucleation of the right eyeball, percutaneous transhepatic drainage, coil embolization of the aneurysm, and administered a 6-week course of antibiotic treatment. The second case was a 69-year-old Japanese man with diabetes mellitus, who was referred to our hospital with fever, pollakiuria, and pain on urination. Contrast-enhanced whole-body computed tomography revealed lung and prostate abscesses, but no liver abscesses. Contrast-enhanced head magnetic resonance imaging revealed brain abscesses. The sputum, urine, prostate abscess specimen, and aqueous humor cultures revealed K. pneumoniae with the hypermucoviscosity phenotype, which carried magA and rmpA. We performed enucleation of the left eyeball, percutaneous drainage of the prostate abscess, and administered a 5-week course of antibiotic treatment. Conclusions Hypermucoviscous K. pneumoniae can cause infected

  2. Itinerarios Didácticos por la isla de Lanzarote


    Becerra-Ramírez, Rafael; González Cárdenas, Elena; Gosálvez, Rafael U.; Escobar Lahoz, Estela; Dóniz-Páez, Javier


    Con la confección de esta guía de itinerarios didácticos por la isla de Lanzarote pretendemos contribuir a un mayor conocimiento de las características geográficas de este espacio dominado por las formas volcánicas que caracterizan un paisaje modificado por la mano del hombre que convive con los volcanes y los usa, tradicionalmente como soporte de sus cultivos, y modernamente como base de la industria turística. Los itinerarios didácticos por la isla de Lanzarote son la adaptación de los t...

  3. Signos Vitales de los CDC-Muertes por intoxicación por alcohol (Alcohol Poisoning Deaths)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en la edición de enero del 2015 del informe Signos Vitales de los CDC. En los Estados Unidos, mueren en promedio seis personas cada día debido a la intoxicación por alcohol. Infórmese sobre lo que puede hacer para prevenir los atracones de alcohol y las intoxicaciones por alcohol.  Created: 1/6/2015 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 1/6/2015.

  4. Topoplastia de Cvintal assistida por laser de femtossegundo

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    Alexandre Takayoshi Ishizaki


    Full Text Available Apresentamos um relato de astigmatismo tardio progressivo pós-transplante de córnea para ceratocone, associado à afinamento periférico na junção doador-receptor, o que presumidamente pode ser considerado como recorrência da ectasia. O caso foi tratado por meio de Topoplastia de Cvintal assistida por laser de femtossegundo para a confecção da incisão com geometria "top hat", seguido de sutura com ajuste per-operatório guiado por ceratoscopia.

  5. Micetoma por Nocardia brasiliensis: reporte de caso

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    Miriam Guevara R


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente peruano, agricultor, con una infección cutánea de origen traumático causada por Nocardia brasiliensis, que evolucionó hacia la amputación del miembro inferior afectado. El diagnóstico se realizó por examen directo y cultivo del espécimen.

  6. Mortalidad por envenenamiento en niños

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    Híjar Martha


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer el panorama de las muertes por envenenamiento en niños de 0-14 años ocurridas en la República mexicana, entre 1979 y 1994. Material y métodos. Se utilizaron fuentes secundarias. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, sexo, año, causa externa de traumatismos y envenenamientos, de la IX Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades: E850-E858, E860-E869 y E905. Mediante un modelo de regresión Poisson se analizaron tendencias por causa específica y se obtuvieron riesgos relativos según edad, sexo y entidad federativa. Resultados. Hubo un total de 11 272 defunciones en menores de 15 años; las principales causas fueron el envenenamiento y las reacciones tóxicas causadas por plantas y animales venenosos (E905, el envenenamiento accidental por gas de uso doméstico y por monóxido de carbono (E868 y el envenenamiento accidental por otras drogas (E858. El grupo de edad que presentó los mayores riesgos, para las causas mencionadas, fue el de menores de un año con un riesgo relativo (RR de 29.6, IC95% 29.2-33.4; RR 3.47, IC95% 2.86-4.22, y RR 31.86, IC95% 24.8-40.9. El riesgo fue similar en ambos sexos, salvo para la causa E905. El estado de Aguascalientes se situó sistemáticamente entre los de mayor riesgo para todas las causas analizadas, mientras que Nuevo León siempre se ubicó entre los de riesgo más bajo. Conclusiones. El envenenamiento constituye una importante causa de muerte en los niños; el riesgo se incrementa al disminuir la edad. Considerando que esas muertes son potencialmente evitables y que la mayor parte de los envenenamientos ocurren en el hogar, para prevenirlos, se recomienda a los familiares vigilar y mantener fuera de peligro al niño. Por otra parte, la multicausalidad del fenómeno requiere que su prevención se realice desde una perspectiva multidisciplinaria que genere una cultura y un ambiente de seguridad en la sociedad.

  7. Detection of plasmid-mediated AmpC β-lactamase in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    N O Yilmaz


    Full Text Available Background: Detecting plasmid-mediated AmpC (pAmpC β-lactamase-producing organism is important for optimal infection control and providing accurate and effective treatment option for physicians. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pAmpC β-lactamase and compare the results of boronic acid (BA disk test with other phenotypic tests detecting AmpC positive isolates. Materials and Methods: A total of 273 clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae (n: 82 and Escherichia coli (n: 191 were analysed. The presence of pAmpC β-lactamase was determined by BA disk test, cefoxitin (FOX screening test, modified three dimensional test (M3DT, and multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was performed to evaluate the genetic similarities between isolates. To detect extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL in the presence of AmpC β-lactamase, ESBL confirmation test was carried out with and without BA solution. Results: Of the 273 strains tested, 127 strains were found FOX resistant, 114 were positive by M3DT, 108 were positive in BA disk test, and the multiplex PCR detected 24 pAmpC β-lactamase-positive isolate. The prevalence of AmpC-producing strains was 10.9% in E. coli and 3.6% in K. pneumoniae in the tested population by PCR. CIT and MOX group genes were predominant type in these strains. Conclusion: These results emphasize that clinical laboratories should consider testing the presence of pAmpC enzymes particularly in FOX-resistant isolates, and BA disk test will improve detection of this emerging resistance phenotype.

  8. Sublethal Concentrations of Carbapenems Alter Cell Morphology and Genomic Expression of Klebsiella pneumoniae Biofilms (United States)

    Van Laar, Tricia A.; Chen, Tsute; You, Tao


    Klebsiella pneumoniae, a Gram-negative bacterium, is normally associated with pneumonia in patients with weakened immune systems. However, it is also a prevalent nosocomial infectious agent that can be found in infected surgical sites and combat wounds. Many of these clinical strains display multidrug resistance. We have worked with a clinical strain of K. pneumoniae that was initially isolated from a wound of an injured soldier. This strain demonstrated resistance to many commonly used antibiotics but sensitivity to carbapenems. This isolate was capable of forming biofilms in vitro, contributing to its increased antibiotic resistance and impaired clearance. We were interested in determining how sublethal concentrations of carbapenem treatment specifically affect K. pneumoniae biofilms both in morphology and in genomic expression. Scanning electron microscopy showed striking morphological differences between untreated and treated biofilms, including rounding, blebbing, and dimpling of treated cells. Comparative transcriptome analysis using RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) technology identified a large number of open reading frames (ORFs) differentially regulated in response to carbapenem treatment at 2 and 24 h. ORFs upregulated with carbapenem treatment included genes involved in resistance, as well as those coding for antiporters and autoinducers. ORFs downregulated included those coding for metal transporters, membrane biosynthesis proteins, and motility proteins. Quantitative real-time PCR validated the general trend of some of these differentially regulated ORFs. Treatment of K. pneumoniae biofilms with sublethal concentrations of carbapenems induced a wide range of phenotypic and gene expression changes. This study reveals some of the mechanisms underlying how sublethal amounts of carbapenems could affect the overall fitness and pathogenic potential of K. pneumoniae biofilm cells. PMID:25583711

  9. Deletion of the budBAC operon in Klebsiella pneumoniae to understand the physiological role of 2,3-butanediol biosynthesis. (United States)

    Jeong, Daun; Yang, Jeongmo; Lee, Soojin; Kim, Borim; Um, Youngsoon; Kim, Youngrok; Ha, Kyoung-Su; Lee, Jinwon


    Klebsiella pneumoniae is known to produce 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BDO), a valuable chemical. In K. pneumoniae, the 2,3-BDO operon (budBAC) is involved in the production of 2,3-BDO. To observe the physiological role of the 2,3-BDO operon in a mixed acid fermentation, we constructed a budBAC-deleted strain (SGSB109). The production of extracellular metabolites, CO2 emission, carbon distribution, and NADH/NAD(+) balance of SGSB109 were compared with the parent strain (SGSB100). When comparing the carbon distribution at 15 hr, four significant differences were observed: in 2,3-BDO biosynthesis, lactate and acetate production (lactate and acetate production increased 2.3-fold and 4.1-fold in SGSB109 compared to SGSB100), CO2 emission (higher in SGSB100), and carbon substrate uptake (higher in SGSB100). Previous studies on the inactivation of the 2,3-BDO operon were focused on the increase of 1,3-propanediol production. Few studies have been done observing the role of 2,3-BDO biosynthesis. This study provides a prime insight into the role of 2,3-BDO biosynthesis of K. pneumoniae.

  10. Selección de Recursos Humanos por Competencias


    Sánchez Domingo, Cristina


    Los objetivos de este trabajo son, por un lado conocer en qué consisten los procesos de valoración y selección de personas desde el enfoque de las competencias laborales. Para ello, ha sido preciso profundizar en el estudio del concepto de “competencia laboral”, y comprender qué es la Gestión de Recursos Humanos por Competencias, en cuyo seno se encuentra la propia Selección de Recursos Humanos. Por otra parte, un segundo objetivo del trabajo es conocer el grado de implantación de la Selecció...

  11. Tallado de hélices por el método de copiado por proyección

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    José Vicente Fierro Vasco


    Full Text Available Este dispositivo fue diseñado como parte de la investigación sobre Aerogeneradores que se está llevando a cabo en el Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, cuyo investigador principal es el Ing. Julio Mario Rodríguez Devis. Como parte inicial de la investigación se adecuó un túnel situado en el Laboratorio de Hidráulica para hacer las pruebas de modelos. En la construcción de dichos modelos se requiere una buena precisión en la hechura de las aspas del molino, en especial por el tamaño reducido de liste. Se debe garantizar que el perfil aerodinámico se conserve a lo largo del aspa, por lo que se requiere de un dispositivo capaz de tallar los álabes con la precisión y rapidez necesarias. Los resultados del trabajo fueron presentados al concurso del premio Worthington de la Ingeniería Colombiana 1982 (Categoría estudiantes, por los estudiantes que trabajaron en el proyecto, siendo acreedores al primer puesto.

  12. Prevalence and characterization of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in Klebsiella pneumoniae in Algiers hospitals (Algeria). (United States)

    Messai, Y; Iabadene, H; Benhassine, T; Alouache, S; Tazir, M; Gautier, V; Arlet, G; Bakour, R


    To determine the prevalence and the diversity of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) in 196 Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates collected from three hospitals in Algiers. Antibiograms were done on Mueller-Hinton agar plates with the disc-diffusion method and MICs were determined by agar-dilution method. Mating experiments were performed in agar medium. Plasmid DNA was extracted by the alcalin-lysis method. Total DNA was extracted with a Qiagen mini kit and screened for bla(TEM) and bla(CTX-M) genes by PCR. Linkage of bla(CTX-M) genes with insertion sequence ISEcp1B and class 1 integrons was investigated by PCR. PCR products were sequenced by the Sanger method. The epidemiological relationships between ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae isolates were analyzed by ERIC-PCR. Thirty-nine (19.9%) isolates were found to produce ESBLs belonging to CTX-M-1 group and TEM penicillinases (CTX-M-3, CTX-M-15 and TEM-1). ERIC-PCR analysis showed that the isolates are genetically unrelated. The bla(TEM) and bla(CTX-M) genes as well as aminoglycosides and sulfonamides resistance determinants were found located in self-transferable plasmids of approximately 85 kb. The class 1 integrons and the insertion sequence ISEcp1B were present in the isolates and in their transconjugants. ISEcp1B was found genetically linked to the bla(CTX-M) genes and located 127bp upstream, with the presence of the V and W sequences. The study revealed a high rate of ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae in Algerian hospitals, resulting from horizontal dissemination of mobile bla(CTX-M) genes.


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    George Deroco Martins

    Full Text Available O cultivo da cana-de-açúcar no Brasil, embora assistido por técnicas modernas de plantio, é alvo constante de parasitas do sistema radicular. Por registrar seletivamente o fluxo espectral da radiação eletromagnética refletida pela vegetação, o sensoriamento remoto tornou-se uma poderosa ferramenta na detecção das plantas infectadas por patógenos do solo. Com o objetivo de caracterizar espectralmente a cana-de-açúcar sadia e infectada por nematoides e pela larva do besouro Migdolus fryanus, foram tomadas medidas radiométricas in situ e geradas curvas hiperespectrais de plantas sadias e infectadas. Técnicas específicas de análise espectral, como a determinação da posição da borda do vermelho limítrofe (Red Edge Position Determination - REPD e diferentes índices espectrais foram avaliados para discriminar as três ocorrências. As curvas de reflectância mostraram diferenças em magnitude principalmente nos comprimentos de onda do vermelho e infravermelho próximo e, assim como a determinação do REP e os índices de clorofila b, NDVI, MCARI e TCARI, permitiram distinguir apenas entre plantas sadias e infectadas. As razões espectrais sensíveis aos pigmentos clorofila a e carotenoides, porém, discriminaram as três ocorrências, inclusive plantas infectadas por nematoides e Migdolus fryanus. A melhor discriminação foi obtida com o índice de carotenoides, um pigmento fortemente relacionado com estresse da planta

  14. S-thanatin functionalized liposome potentially targeting on Klebsiella pneumoniae and its application in sepsis mouse model

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    Xiaobo eFan


    Full Text Available S-thanatin (Ts was a short antimicrobial peptide with selective antibacterial activity. In this study, we aimed to design a drug carrier with specific bacterial targeting potential. The positively charged Ts was modified onto the liposome surface by linking Ts to the constituent lipids via a PEG linker. The benefits of this design were evaluated by preparing a series of liposomes and comparing their biological effects in vitro and in vivo. The particle size and Zeta potential of the constructed liposomes were measured with a Zetasizer Nano ZS system and a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM. The in vitro drug delivery potential was evaluated by measuring the cellular uptake of encapsulated levofloxacin using HPLC. Ts-linked liposome or its conjugates with quantum dots favored bacterial cells, and increased the bacterial uptake of levofloxacin. In antimicrobial assays, the Ts and levofloxacin combination showed a synergistic effect, and Ts-LPs-LEV exhibited excellent activity against the quality control stain Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 700603 and restored the susceptibility of multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae clinical isolates to levofloxacin in vitro. Furthermore, Ts-LPs-LEV markedly reduced the lethality rate of the septic shock and resulted in rapid bacterial clearance in mouse models receiving clinical MDR isolates. These results suggest that the Ts-functionalized liposome may be a promising antibiotic delivery system for clinical infectious disorders caused by MDR bacteria, in particular the sepsis related diseases.

  15. Molecular epidemiology of Klebsiella pneumoniae invasive infections over a decade at Kilifi County Hospital in Kenya. (United States)

    Henson, Sonal P; Boinett, Christine J; Ellington, Matthew J; Kagia, Ngure; Mwarumba, Salim; Nyongesa, Sammy; Mturi, Neema; Kariuki, Samuel; Scott, J Anthony G; Thomson, Nicholas R; Morpeth, Susan C


    Multidrug resistant (MDR) Klebsiella pneumoniae is a common cause of nosocomial infections worldwide. Recent years have seen an explosion of resistance to extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) and emergence of carbapenem resistance. Here, we examine 198 invasive K. pneumoniae isolates collected from over a decade in Kilifi County Hospital (KCH) in Kenya. We observe a significant increase in MDR K. pneumoniae isolates, particularly to third generation cephalosporins conferred by ESBLs. Using whole-genome sequences, we describe the population structure and the distribution of antimicrobial resistance genes within it. More than half of the isolates examined in this study were ESBL-positive, encoding CTX-M-15, SHV-2, SHV-12 and SHV-27, and 79% were MDR conferring resistance to at least three antimicrobial classes. Although no isolates in our dataset were found to be resistant to carbapenems we did find a plasmid with the genetic architecture of a known New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase-1 (NDM)-carrying plasmid in 25 isolates. In the absence of carbapenem use in KCH and because of the instability of the NDM-1 gene in the plasmid, the NDM-1 gene has been lost in these isolates. Our data suggests that isolates that encode NDM-1 could be present in the population; should carbapenems be introduced as treatment in public hospitals in Kenya, resistance is likely to ensue rapidly. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH.. All rights reserved.

  16. Osteoporosis secundaria y Osteoporosis inducida por glucocorticoides (OIG

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    Elías Forero Illera


    Full Text Available La osteoporosis es un problema de salud pública importante a nivel mundial, y su prevalencia está aumentando. La osteoporosis secundaria se puede producir por varias patologías y el uso de ciertos medicamentos. Los glucocorticoides son un grupo de fármacos usados extensamente en la práctica médica debido a su indiscutible utilidad. La osteoporosis inducida por glucocorticoides es un problema de salud pública. Aunque la patogénesis de la pérdida producida por los glucocorticoides en el hueso no se conoce totalmente, investigaciones recientes han proporcionado nuevas conocimientos en los mecanismos de estos fármacos a nivel celular y molecular. Diversas guías han sido propuestas por diversos grupos para el tratamiento de la OIG; desafortunadamente, las guías del tratamiento no se utilizan adecuadamente en los pacientes.

  17. Principais gestos esportivos executados por jogadores de handebol

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    Luiz Carlos Hespanhol Junior


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo quantificar os principais gestos esportivos executados por jogadores profissionais de handebol. Para a mensuração quantitativa dos principais movimentos executados por cada jogador de handebol avaliado foram realizadas gravações de vídeo em todos os jogos. Foram realizados em média 1288,0 (DP = 190,7 gestos esportivos por jogo. Os armadores centrais realizaram em média 375,0 (DP = 83,7 gestos esportivos, e a posição de pivô 63,3 (DP = 21,2 gestos por jogo. As recepções e os passes foram os gestos mais executados, e a posição que mais realizou gestos esportivos na equipe de handebol avaliada foi o armador central, seguido do armador esquerdo e direito. O pivô foi a posição que menos realizou gestos esportivos.

  18. Higiene mental: conferencia dictada por la Radiodifusora Nacional

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    Francisco Gómez Pinzón


    tiene extraordinaria trascendencia para el país por sus vastas repercusiones sobre el futuro de nuestro pueblo, y que, sin embargo ha sido negligentemente olvidado por las autoridades y deliberadamente ignorado por los sectores cultos e ilustrados de nuestra sociedad. Me refería entonces a la curva ascendente que, no sólo entre nosotros sino en todos los países civilizados, han seguido en su propagación las enfermedades nerviosas y mentales, y que hace contraste con la disminución progresiva de las demás afecciones y en especial de las infecto-contagiosas, que están a punto de ser dominadas por la técnica cada día más perfecta de la medicina preventiva. Hoy quiero ocuparme de algunos aspectos de este mismo tema que apenas alcanzaron a ser esbozados en mi conferencia anterior.

  19. La mortalidad por enfermedades del corazón y por reumatismo en la ciudad de bogotá


    Bejarano, Jorge


    La alta cifra de mortalidad por enfermedades cardio-vasculares está indicando la urgencia de una campana para contener sus avances. De todas las adquisiciones sanitarias, ninguna ha tenido el alcance y los resultados admirables de los centros o dispensarios destinados al tratamiento de una enfermedad y a la educación del enfermo. Nadie podrá pues, dudar que los dispensarios o consultorios de enfermedades cardio-vasculares, sea una de las armas más eficaces en la lucha contra la mortalidad por...

  20. Levantamiento del proceso de registros contables por causación de las cuentas por cobrar a clientes


    Mayele-Rodríguez, Luz


    De igual forma el Proyecto de Mejora de Procesos a elaborar, desarrollar e implementar en el Área Administrativa y Financiera del Centro de Pinturas Automotriz “LMS”, es realizar el levantamiento del Proceso de Registros Contables por Causación de las cuentas por cobrar a clientes. Lo anterior se puede desarrollar a partir de un poder de negociación con proveedores que incluye entre otros los siguientes factores : El plazo alcanzado en la negociación de compras de insumos, materias primas, co...

  1. Alarma activada por control remoto selectivo.


    Eguíluz Morán, Luis Ignacio; Lara Santillán, Pedro María; Mañana Canteli, Mario


    La finalidad de esta invención consiste en disponer de una alarma que bien evite el robo de objetos ligeros y portátiles por el procedimiento que se conoce como "del tirón" --es decir, arrebatar algo y salir corriendo--, bien permita identificar un equipaje entre otros. La originalidad del dispositivo reside en la activación/desactivación del dispositivo de sonido por control remoto, así como la posibilidad de seleccionar el sonido de salida dependiendo de su finalidad. Se reivindica como de ...

  2. San Sebastian, vista por Paret y Alcázar

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    María Castilla Albisu


    Full Text Available Luis Paret y Alcázar pintó una serie de vistas panorámicas de puertos del litoral Cantábrico, por encargo del rey Carlos III. El objetivo de este trabajo es ahondar en la vida de este pintor para así comprender mejor su obra. A pesar de los estudios realizados por algunos historiadores quedan todavía incógnitas por descubrir relativas a la vida y al trabajo de este artista. Al acercarse a la figura de Paret y Alcázar hay que preguntarse por qué habiendo sido uno de los pintores más prometedores de su tiempo, su figura ha caído en un triste olvido.

  3. Lactobacillus casei triggers a TLR mediated RACK-1 dependent p38 MAPK pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans to resist Klebsiella pneumoniae infection. (United States)

    Kamaladevi, Arumugam; Balamurugan, Krishnaswamy


    In the present study, the effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) was investigated at the molecular level using the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans against Klebsiella pneumoniae. Out of the 13 LAB screened, Lactobacillus casei displayed excellent protective efficacy by prolonging the survival of K. pneumoniae-infected nematodes. Pretreatment with L. casei significantly decreased bacterial colonization and rescued K. pneumoniae-infected C. elegans from various physiological impairments. The concomitant upregulation of key immune genes that regulate the TLR, RACK-1 as well as the p38 MAPK pathway rather than the IIS and ERK pathway suggested that the plausible immunomodulatory mechanism of L. casei could be by triggering the TLR, RACK-1 and p38 MAPK pathway. Furthermore, the hyper-susceptibility of L. casei treated loss-of-function mutants of the tol-1, RACK-1 and p38 MAPK pathway (sek-1 and pmk-1) to K. pneumoniae infection and gene expression analysis suggested that L. casei triggered a TLR mediated RACK-1 dependent p38 MAPK pathway to increase host resistance and protect nematodes against K. pneumoniae infection.

  4. Prostatic Abscess after Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy Caused by ESBL Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae: An Additional Challenge to Postoperative Sepsis

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    Asem Saleh


    Full Text Available Postoperative septic complications of hemorrhoids surgical interventions are rare, but very serious with high mortality rate. Early diagnosis and prompt therapy are essential to save patient’s life. There are a good number of articles and case reports about these septic complications. We are presenting a case report of a prostatic abscess caused by extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL producing Klebsiella pneumoniae after hemorrhoidopexy. Our patient was a healthy middle aged Saudi male who has no significant medical history apart from morbid obesity and recurrent urinary tract infections. ESBL producing K. pneumoniae could be detected only after aspiration of the prostatic abscess, but proper antibiotic was introduced intravenously on admission before culture of aspirate of the abscess was available. Antibiotic was continued for 30 days and abscess resolved completely. In our electronic search, we could not find any case report of prostatic abscess after stapled hemorrhoidopexy caused by ESBL producing organism. This is an additional challenge for treating physicians as these organisms are sensitive only to one group of antibiotics (carbapenem group.

  5. Population Genomic Analysis of 1,777 Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates, Houston, Texas: Unexpected Abundance of Clonal Group 307. (United States)

    Long, S Wesley; Olsen, Randall J; Eagar, Todd N; Beres, Stephen B; Zhao, Picheng; Davis, James J; Brettin, Thomas; Xia, Fangfang; Musser, James M


    Klebsiella pneumoniae is a major human pathogen responsible for high morbidity and mortality rates. The emergence and spread of strains resistant to multiple antimicrobial agents and documented large nosocomial outbreaks are especially concerning. To develop new therapeutic strategies for K. pneumoniae , it is imperative to understand the population genomic structure of strains causing human infections. To address this knowledge gap, we sequenced the genomes of 1,777 extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing K. pneumoniae strains cultured from patients in the 2,000-bed Houston Methodist Hospital system between September 2011 and May 2015, representing a comprehensive, population-based strain sample. Strains of largely uncharacterized clonal group 307 (CG307) caused more infections than those of well-studied epidemic CG258. Strains varied markedly in gene content and had an extensive array of small and very large plasmids, often containing antimicrobial resistance genes. Some patients with multiple strains cultured over time were infected with genetically distinct clones. We identified 15 strains expressing the New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1 (NDM-1) enzyme that confers broad resistance to nearly all beta-lactam antibiotics. Transcriptome sequencing analysis of 10 phylogenetically diverse strains showed that the global transcriptome of each strain was unique and highly variable. Experimental mouse infection provided new information about immunological parameters of host-pathogen interaction. We exploited the large data set to develop whole-genome sequence-based classifiers that accurately predict clinical antimicrobial resistance for 12 of the 16 antibiotics tested. We conclude that analysis of large, comprehensive, population-based strain samples can assist understanding of the molecular diversity of these organisms and contribute to enhanced translational research. IMPORTANCE Klebsiella pneumoniae causes human infections that are increasingly difficult to

  6. Antibacterial effect evaluation of moxalactam against extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae with in vitro pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics simulation

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    Huang C


    Full Text Available Chen Huang,1,* Beiwen Zheng,1,* Wei Yu,2 Tianshui Niu,1 Tingting Xiao,1 Jing Zhang,1 Yonghong Xiao1 1State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Collaborative Innovation Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; 2Department of Infectious Diseases, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital, Hangzhou, China *These authors contributed equally to this work Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the bactericidal effects of moxalactam (MOX, cefotaxime (CTX, and cefoperazone/sulbactam (CFZ/SBT against extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, using an in vitro pharmacokinetics (PK/pharmacodynamics model.Methods: Two clinical ESBL-producing strains (blaCTX-M-15 positive E. coli 3376 and blaCTX-M-14 positive K. pneumoniae 2689 and E. coli American Type Culture Collection (ATCC25922 were used in the study. The PK Auto Simulation System 400 was used to simulate the human PK procedures after intravenous administration of different doses of MOX, CTX, and CFZ/SBT. Bacterial growth recovery time (RT and the area between the control growth curve and bactericidal curves (IE were employed to assess the antibacterial efficacies of all the agents.Results: The minimum inhibitory concentrations of MOX, CTX, and CFZ/SBT against E. coli ATCC25922, 3376, and 2689 strains were 0.5, 0.5, 0.25; 0.06, >256, 256; and 0.5/0.5, 16/16, 32/32 mg/L. All the agents demonstrated outstanding bactericidal effects against E. coli ATCC25922 (RT >24 h and IE >120 log10 CFU/mL·h−1 with simulating PK procedures, especially in the multiple dose administration models. Against ESBL producers, CTX and CFZ/SBT displayed only weak bactericidal effects, and subsequent regrowth was evident. MOX exhibited potent antibacterial activity against all the strains tested. The values of effective parameters of

  7. Trisegmentectomia hepática direita por videolaparoscopia

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    Marcel Autran C. Machado

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Em 2007 os autores descreveram a primeira hepatectomia direita por videolaparoscopia realizada no Brasil. Hepatectomia direita ampliada, também conhecida como trisegmentectomia direita, é procedimento altamente complexo e implica em grande retirada do volume hepático. Os autores descrevem a primeira trisegmentectomia direita por videolaparoscopia realizada no Brasil. TÉCNICA: O paciente é colocado em posição supina em decúbito lateral esquerdo. O cirurgião se coloca entre as pernas da paciente. Utilizamos cinco trocartes, três de 12 mm e dois de 5 mm. Devido à embolização prévia da veia porta direita, o hilo hepático não é dissecado. O pedículo portal direito é seccionado com grampeador laparoscópico de carga vascular por meio de acesso intra-hepático, segundo técnica previamente descrita pelos autores. A seguir procede-se a mobilização do fígado direito seguido de dissecção da veia cava retro-hepática e secção da veia hepática direita. Estes passos são realizados sem manobra de Pringle. O fígado é seccionado com combinação de bisturi harmônico e grampeador endoscópico. O pedículo do segmento 4 é seccionado dentro do fígado. O espécime é retirado por meio de incisão supra-púbica e a área cruenta é revista para verificar hemostasia. O procedimento é encerrado e dreno de sistema fechado é posicionado junto à área cruenta. CONCLUSÃO: Trisegmentectomia hepática direita por videolaparoscopia é procedimento factível e seguro e deve ser considerado para pacientes selecionados. Este procedimento deve ser realizado em centros especializados e por cirurgiões com experiência tanto em cirurgia hepática como cirurgia laparoscópica avançada.

  8. Análisis Competitivo por parte de los talleres de servicio automotriz, mediante el uso del valor percibido por el cliente

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    Jaime Baby Moreno


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata del uso del Valor Percibido por el Cliente (VPC como herramienta para el análisis competitivo por parte de talleres de reparación y mantenimiento automotriz. Se muestra cómo se determinan tanto la importancia relativa de los atributos que los compradores tienen en cuenta para evaluar el desempeño de un taller automotriz, como la evaluación de desempeño, realizada por los compradores de los "Talleres de los concesionarios" y de aquellos que son propiedad de individuos. Posteriormente, se ilustra la manera como unos y otros visualizan su posición competitiva. También muestra la brecha entre los valores ideales esperados y los percibidos por el mercado, la cual se constituye en una especie de "mapa" de oportunidades para las firmas actualmente presentes en el mercado y para nuevos participantes.

  9. [Rapid test for detection of susceptibility to cefotaxime in Enterobacteriaceae]. (United States)

    Jiménez-Guerra, Gemma; Hoyos-Mallecot, Yannik; Rodríguez-Granger, Javier; Navarro-Marí, José María; Gutiérrez-Fernández, José

    In this work an "in house" rapid test based on the change in pH that is due to hydrolysis for detecting Enterobacteriaceae susceptible to cefotaxime is evaluated. The strains of Enterobacteriaceae from 1947 urine cultures were assessed using MicroScan panels and the "in house" test. This rapid test includes red phenol solution and cefotaxime. Using MicroScan panels, 499 Enterobacteriaceae isolates were evaluated, which included 27 isolates of Escherichia coli producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL), 16 isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBL and 1 isolate of Klebsiella oxytoca ESBL. The "in house" test offers the following values: sensitivity 98% and specificity 97%, with negative predictive value 100% and positive predictive value 78%. The "in house" test based on the change of pH is useful in our area for detecting presumptively cefotaxime-resistant Enterobacteriaceae strains. Copyright © 2016 Asociación Argentina de Microbiología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  10. Bacteriocin production by Lactobacillus pentosus ST712BZ isolated from boza Bacteriocina produzida por Lactobacillus pentosus ST712BZ isolad de boza

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    Svetoslav D. Todorov


    Full Text Available Bacteriocin ST712BZ (14.0kDa in size inhibits the growth of Lactobacillus casei,Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Lactobacillus curvatus. Growth of strain ST712BZ in BHI, M17, soy milk and molasses was similar to growth in MRS, with optimal bacteriocin production (12800AU/mL recorded in MRS after 24h. The same level of bacteriocin production (12800AU/mL was recorded in MRS broth with an initial pH of 6.5, 6.0 and 5.5. However, MRS broth (pH 6.5 supplemented with 1mM EDTA, yielded only 6400AU/mL. Low levels of bacteriocin activity were recorded in MRS broth with an initial pH of 5.0 and 4.5. Of all media compositions tested, MRS supplemented with tryptone (20.0g/L, glucose (20.0 to 40.0g/L, mannose (20.0g/L, vitamin B12, or vitamin C yielded 12800AU/mL. Glycerol concentrations of 1.0g/L and higher repressed bacteriocin production. Maximal bacteriocin activity (25600AU/mL was recorded in MRS supplemented with Vit. B1 or DL-6,8-thioctic acid.A bacteriocina ST712BZ produzida par Lactobacillus pentosus (peso molecular de 14,0kDa inibe o crescimento de Lactobacillus casei,Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Lactobacillus curvatus. O crescimento de L. pentosus ST712BZ em BHI, M17, leite de soja e melaços foi semelhante ao observado em MRS, registando-se a produção máxima de bacteriocina (12800UA/mL em MRS após 24 h. Observou-se o mesmo nível de produção de bacteriocina (12800UA/mL em caldo MRS com pH inicial de 6,5, 6,0 e 5,5. No entanto, em caldo MRS (pH 6,5 suplementado com 1 mM de EDTA a produção apenas atingiu 6400UA/mL. Os níveis de atividade bacteriocinogênica detectados em caldo MRS com um pH inicial de 5,0 e 4,5 foram baixos. De todas as fórmulas de meios de cultura testadas a que apresentou a atividade máxima 12800UA/mL foi MRS suplemento de triptona (20,0g/L, glicose (20,0 e 40,0 g/L, manose (20.0 g/L, vitamina B12 e

  11. Malnutrición por defecto de un recién nacido por psicosis puerperal materna: presentación de un caso


    Gavilla González, Bárbara; Díaz Cabrera, Leticia


    En el siguiente trabajo se realizó el seguimiento de un niño desde la etapa de recién nacido hasta el año de edad por malnutrición por defecto, de causa materna por psicosis puerperal. En este caso, la madre rechazaba a su hijo, negándose a alimentarlo, privando al bebé de algo tan importante en esta etapa de la vida como la lactancia materna exclusiva, requiriendo de alimentación complementaria en edad temprana para lograr un aumento de peso adecuado y un desarrollo psicomotor que se igualar...

  12. Malnutrición por defecto de un recién nacido por psicosis puerperal materna: presentación de un caso


    Gavilla González, Bárbara; Díaz Cabrera, Leticia


    En el siguiente trabajo se realizó el seguimiento de un niño desde la etapa de recién nacido hasta el año de edad, por malnutrición por defecto, de causa materna por psicosis puerperal. En este caso, la madre rechazaba a su hijo, negándose a alimentarlo, privando al bebé de algo tan importante en esta etapa de la vida como la lactancia materna exclusiva, requiriendo de alimentación complementaria en edad temprana para lograr un aumento de peso adecuado y un desarrollo psicomotor que se iguala...

  13. Transmisión de Anaplasma marginale por garrapatas

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    Kelly A. Brayton


    Full Text Available Anaplasma marginale, patógeno de distribución mundial, es transmitido por garrapatas Ixódidas. Comprender su complejo desarrollo dentro de la garrapata vector, permitirá la predicción de brotes y ofrecerá oportunidades para controlar su transmisión. En este trabajo se revisa su ciclo básico de desarrollo junto con los estudios recientes acerca de las diferencias de transmisión entre cepas, que delinean aspectos de la interacción patógeno - vector. Bacterias, virus o protozoarios transmitidos por artrópodos causan enfermedades severas, tanto en humanos como en animales. Las enfermedades infecciosas transmitidas por garrapatas, entre las que incluimos a la Anaplasmosis (A. marginale, babesiosis (Babesia bigemina, B. bovis, B. divergens y Theileriosis (Theileria annulata, T. parva, se encuentran entre las más importantes en el ámbito mundial, con pérdidas cercanas a los siete mil millones de dólares anualmente; y, a pesar de su impacto, permanecen escasamente bajo control, basado primordialmente en la aplicación de acaricidas, para interrumpir su transmisión. La aparición de garrapatas resistentes a múltiples sustancias acaricidas, representa una amenaza en este tipo de control y, como resultado, hay un resurgimiento de la investigación para el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias para su control. Nuevas opciones para prevenir la transmisión de patógenos de animales por garrapatas, será el resultado de entender las interacciones garrapata patógeno; proceso que culmina con el desarrollo de la infección y transmisión exitosa. En todos los casos de patógenos transmitidos por garrapatas, el desarrollo de la infección se realiza coordinamente a los momentos de adhesión y alimentación del vector sobre el animal. Esto sucede por la interdependencia en la señalización entre el patógeno y el vector al alimentarse y, por ello, será susceptible de intervención.

  14. Del significado responsabilidad de los socios en las compañías mercantiles por acciones y por cuotas.

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    Jorge Payome Suárez


    Full Text Available El comentario presentado, además de constituir una guía útil para los socios de compañías mercantiles por acciones y por cuotas, en un aspecto de indudable importancia para ellos, cual es el de su eventual responsabilidad, se erige como una herramienta provechosa para estudiantes y profesionales interesados en el tema. La experiencia académica y docente del autor del ensayo aseguran un análisis autorizado de la materia.

  15. Consumo Voluntario de Forraje por Rumiantes en Pastoreo Consumo Voluntario de Forraje por Rumiantes en Pastoreo

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    José Mejía Haro


    Full Text Available The variation in voluntary forage intake is undoubtedly the major dietary factor determining level and efficiency of ruminant production. This variation is bigger and least predictable for grazing ruminants. Range ruminant productivity and efficiency is relatively low due, partly, to intake limitations; productivity could probably be increased most by increasing intake. Distension of the reticulo-rumen wall is the primary intake regulation mechanism of low-quality roughages in range ruminants, digestibility and rate of ingest passage also affect voluntary intake. Body size and metabolic bodysize as well affect intake of grazing animals. Kind and amount of supplementation, forage availability, and grazing intensity have been related to voluntary forage intake. La variación en el consumo voluntario de forraje es indudablemente el principal factor dietario que determina el nivel y eficiencia de producción en un rumiante. Esta variación es mayor y muy difícil de predecir bajo condiciones de pastoreo. La productividad y eficiencia de rumiantes en pastoreo es relativamente baja debido, en parte, a las limitaciones en el consumo; la productividad probablemente se podrá incrementar si se incrementa el consumo. La distensión de la pared del rumenretículo es el principal mecanismo de regulación del consumo de forrajes de baja calidad en rumiantes en pastoreo, aunque la digestibilidad y la tasa de pasaje también afectan el consumo voluntario. Igualmente, el consumo se ve afectado por el tamaño corporal y peso metabólico del animal, por la cantidad y tipo de suplemento ofrecido, por la disponibilidad de forraje y por la intensidad del pastoreo.

  16. Capacidad de los laboratorios nacionales de referencia en Latinoamérica para detectar mecanismos de resistencia emergentes Capability of national reference laboratories in Latin America to detect emerging resistance mechanisms

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    Alejandra Corso


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar la capacidad de 17 laboratorios nacionales de referencia que participan en el Programa Latinoamericano de Control de Calidad en Bacteriología y Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos (LA-EQAS para detectar mecanismos de resistencia emergentes, a saber: resistencia de enterobacterias a carbapenemes por presencia de Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemasa (KPC; resistencia de enterobacterias a carbapenemes por presencia de metalobetalactamasas (MBL tipo IMP, y resistencia intermedia a vancomicina de aislamientos de Staphylococcus aureus (VISA. MÉTODOS: Se enviaron los siguientes tres aislamientos a los 17 laboratorios participantes del LA-EQAS: Klebsiella pneumoniae OPS-161 productor de KPC, Enterobacter cloacae OPS-166 productor de IMP y S. aureus OPS-165 con resistencia intermedia a vancomicina. Se evaluó la interpretación de las pruebas de sensibilidad y detección del mecanismo de resistencia y el tamaño de los halos de inhibición (método de difusión por discos o valor de la concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM. RESULTADOS: La concordancia en la detección de los mecanismos de resistencia fue de 76,4%, 73,3% y 66,7% con respecto a la cepas K. pneumoniae OPS-161, E. cloacae OPS-166 y S. aureus OPS-165, respectivamente. La concordancia entre las zonas de inhibición obtenidas por los laboratorios participantes y los rangos establecidos por el laboratorio coordinador fue aceptable en los tres aislamientos, ya que alcanzó 90,8%, 92,8% y 88,9%, respectivamente, para cada cepa. CONCLUSIONES: La concordancia global en la detección de los mecanismos de resistencia KPC, MBL y VISA fue de 72,1%. Consideramos que los laboratorios nacionales de referencia de América Latina son capaces de reconocer estos mecanismos de resistencia emergentes y se espera que en el futuro la concordancia alcance su nivel máximo.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the capability of 17 national reference laboratories participating in the Latin American Quality

  17. Evaluación del riesgo ambiental por metales pesados, generados por la actividad minera artesanal en los ríos Quiroz y Chira – Piura por el método de especiación secuencial


    Loaiza Choque, Leonardo Edwin


    Determina el riesgo ambiental que representan los metales pesados dispuestos en los sedimentos de los ríos Quiroz y Chira ubicados en el departamento de Piura generados por la minería artesanal. Determina las formas químicas en las que se dispersan los metales pesados ambos ríos. Demuestra que el estudio por extracción secuencial puede ser usado como componente de herramienta de gestión ambiental. Realiza el análisis de extracción secuencial por el método BCR el mismo que permite determinar l...

  18. Retinitis por citomegalovirus en un paciente con VIH

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    Alena de los Ángeles Vejerano Duany

    Full Text Available La retinitis por citomegalovirus es la infección ocular más frecuente en pacientes con un recuento de linfocitos CD4 inferior a 200 por µL. El aspecto oftalmoscópico de las lesiones se caracteriza, en la mayoría de los casos, por infiltrados retinianos resultados de la necrosis retiniana producida por citomegalovirus y el edema en asociación con hemorragias. Estas lesiones se disponen, por lo general, siguiendo las arcadas vasculares temporales con invasión hacia la mácula. Se presentó una paciente de 24 años de edad, femenina, blanca, ama de casa, con antecedentes patológicos personales oculares sin datos de interés, y antecedentes patológicos personales generales de ser diagnosticadas con VIH. Hace cuatro años que comenzó con tratamiento antirretroviral, y tuvo cambios de tratamiento en dos ocasiones. El último fue impuesto en mayo del año 2011, con el cual presentó mala adherencia terapéutica, y comenzó desde entonces a presentar disminución de su peso corporal de forma marcada en breve período de tiempo. Refiere que desde hace unos meses comenzó a presentar una disminución progresiva de la agudeza visual en el ojo derecho, acompañado de visión borrosa. Adquiere gran importancia este caso, ya que ante la supervivencia de los pacientes con sida, va a ser cada vez más frecuente la aparición de las afecciones oculares relacionadas con esta enfermedad. Dentro de ellas se encuentran las infecciones oportunistas mayores como la retinitis por citomegalovirus.

  19. Efflux pump, the masked side of beta-lactam resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates.

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    Jean-Marie Pages

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Beta-lactamase production and porin decrease are the well-recognized mechanisms of acquired beta-lactam resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates. However, such mechanisms proved to be absent in K. pneumoniae isolates that are non susceptible to cefoxitin (FOX and susceptible to amoxicillin+clavulanic acid in our hospital. Assessing the role of efflux pumps in this beta-lactam phenotype was the aim of this study. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: MICs of 9 beta-lactams, including cloxacillin (CLX, and other antibiotic families were tested alone and with an efflux pump inhibitor (EPI, then with both CLX (subinhibitory concentrations and EPI against 11 unique bacteremia K. pneumoniae isolates displaying the unusual phenotype, and 2 ATCC strains. CLX and EPI-dose dependent effects were studied on 4 representatives strains. CLX MICs significantly decreased when tested with EPI. A similar phenomenon was observed with piperacillin+tazobactam whereas MICs of the other beta-lactams significantly decreased only in the presence of both EPI and CLX. Thus, FOX MICs decreased 128 fold in the K. pneumoniae isolates but also 16 fold in ATCC strain. Restoration of FOX activity was CLX dose-dependent suggesting a competitive relationship between CLX and the other beta-lactams with regard to their efflux. For chloramphenicol, erythromycin and nalidixic acid whose resistance was also due to efflux, adding CLX to EPI did not increase their activity suggesting differences between the efflux process of these molecules and that of beta-lactams. CONCLUSION: This is the first study demonstrating that efflux mechanism plays a key role in the beta-lactam susceptibility of clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae. Such data clearly evidence that the involvement of efflux pumps in beta-lactam resistance is specially underestimated in clinical isolates.

  20. Synthetic Klebsiella pneumoniae-Shewanella oneidensis Consortium Enables Glycerol-Fed High-Performance Microbial Fuel Cells. (United States)

    Li, Feng; Yin, Changji; Sun, Liming; Li, Yuanxiu; Guo, Xuewu; Song, Hao


    Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is an eco-friendly bio-electrochemical sys-tem that uses microorganism as biocatalyst to convert biomass into electricity. Glycerol, as a waste in the biodiesel refinery processes, is an appealing substrate for MFC. Nevertheless, glycerol cannot be utilized as carbon source by well-known exoelectrogens such as Shewanella oneidensis. Herein, to generate electricity by rapidly harnessing glycerol, the authors rationally constructed a Klebsiella pneumoniae-Shewanella oneidensis microbial consortium to efficiently harvest electricity from glyc-erol, in which K. pneumoniae converted glycerol into lactate, fed to S. oneidensis as carbon source and electron donor. To improve electricity output, the authors systematically engineered the consortium in terms of carbon flux distribution and efficiency of extracellular electron transfer (EET). To direct more carbon flux to lactate biosynthesis in K. pneumoniae, the authors eliminated the ethanol pathway by knocking out the alcohol dehydrogenase gene (adhE), and enhanced lactate biosynthesis by heterologously expressing a lactate dehydrogen-ase gene (ldhD) from Lactobacillus bulgaricus and a lactate transporter gene (lldP) from Escherichia coli. To facilitate EET between S. oneidensis and anode surfaces, a biosynthetic flavins pathway from Bacillus subtilis is introduced into S. oneidensis. The author further optimized the glycerol concentration, thus S. oneidensis could be continuously fed with lactate synthesized from K. pneumoniae at a constant rate. Our glycerol-fed MFC generated a maximum power density of 19.9 mW/m 2 , significantly higher than that of the wild-type consor-tium. This work suggested that engineering microbial consortia is an effi-cient strategy to expand the spectrum of usable carbon sources and promote electricity power production in MFCs. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Pharmacodynamics of colistin and fosfomycin: a 'treasure trove' combination combats KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Zhao, Miao; Bulman, Zackery P; Lenhard, Justin R; Satlin, Michael J; Kreiswirth, Barry N; Walsh, Thomas J; Marrocco, Amanda; Bergen, Phillip J; Nation, Roger L; Li, Jian; Zhang, Jing; Tsuji, Brian T


    KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae are an emerging public health problem around the globe. We defined the combinatorial pharmacodynamics and ability to suppress resistance of two 'old' antibiotics, fosfomycin and colistin, in time-kill experiments and hollow-fibre infection models (HFIM). Two KPC-2-producing K. pneumoniae isolates were used: one susceptible to both colistin and fosfomycin (KPC 9A: MIC colistin 0.25 mg/L and MIC fosfomycin ≤8 mg/L) and the other resistant to colistin and susceptible to fosfomycin (KPC 5A: MIC colistin 64 mg/L and MIC fosfomycin 32 mg/L). Time-kill experiments assessed an array of colistin and fosfomycin concentrations against both isolates. Colistin and fosfomycin pharmacokinetics from critically ill patients were simulated in the HFIM to define the pharmacodynamic activity of humanized regimens over 5 days against KPC 9A. In time-kill experiments, synergy was demonstrated for all colistin/fosfomycin combinations containing >8 mg/L fosfomycin against the double-susceptible KPC strain, 9A. Synergy versus KPC strain 5A was only achieved at the highest concentrations of colistin (4 mg/L) and fosfomycin (512 mg/L) at 48 h. In the HFIM, colistin or fosfomycin monotherapies resulted in rapid proliferation of resistant subpopulations; KPC 9A regrew by 24 h. In contrast to the monotherapies, the colistin/fosfomycin combination resulted in a rapid 6.15 log 10  cfu/mL reduction of KPC 9A by 6 h and complete suppression of resistant subpopulations until 120 h. Colistin and fosfomycin may represent an important treatment option for KPC-producing K. pneumoniae otherwise resistant to traditional antibiotics. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  2. Diferenciales salariales por género y región en Colombia: Una aproximación con regresión por cuantiles

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    Luis Armando Galvis


    Full Text Available La existencia de brechas salariales por género es un fenómeno que, al igual que en muchos otros países, está presente en el mercado laboral colombiano.Esas brechas no son homogéneas en todo el territorio, lo que justifica un análisis detallado de lo que ocurre en cada una de las regiones del país. Los resultados muestran diferenciales de salarios positivos en favor de los hombres en la mayoría de las ciudades principales. Sin embargo, no todo este fenómeno puede ser atribuido a la existencia de discriminación, por cuanto existen variados factores que explican parte de la brecha salarial. Para identificarlos se emplea la descomposición de Blinder-Oaxaca (BO en el contexto de regresión por cuantiles. Los resultadosde la aplicación de esta metodología sugieren que las brechas salariales no están explicadas por los atributos observables de los individuos. Dichas disparidades son en su mayoría explicadas por el efecto de las diferencias en la remuneración de atributos tales como la educación, además de elementos no observados. Por ciudades,el estudio muestra patrones que revelan una mayor brecha salarial en las regiones periféricas en comparación con Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, Manizales y Pereira.Dado que el efecto remuneración comprende, entre otros, la posible existencia de discriminación por género, es importante que se le otorgue la debida atención a este resultado para efectos de formular políticas en este sentido.

  3. Mortalidad por meningitis por Pasteurella canis. Oportunidades de aprendizaje

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    Ana Rosa Ropero Vera


    Full Text Available La meningitis bacteriana es una enfermedad importante de distribución mundial, causa mayor y sustancial de mortalidad y morbilidad en países en desarrollo. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS sostiene que la meningitis es una de las diez afecciones principales del ser humano y debe ser considerada como una emergencia infectológica; por eso es fundamental reconocer que esta enfermedad es causa de muerte en niños de todo el mundo, sin distinción de raza, nivel económico o sociocultural. Se realizó una investigación de caso en menor de 53 días de nacido, que cumplía con los criterios clínicos y de laboratorio compatible con meningitis bacteriana, con el propósito de analizar y fortalecer la toma de decisiones en salud pública por parte de la secretaría local de salud del municipio de Valledupar (Colombia. Entre los hallazgos se encontró antecedentes infecciosos en el menor, coloración de Gram y cultivo de LCR, en el que se identificó cocobacilos Gram negativos, que fueron aislados como agente causal Pasteurella canis. Este estudio pretende sensibilizar a los prestadores de salud para que cuenten con personal altamente capacitado para brindar tratamientos adecuados y prevenir complicaciones en la meningitis bacteriana en niños, y así disminuir la posibilidad de secuelas o muerte, tanto en pacientes con compromiso inmunológico o sin este.

  4. Por un humor ético

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    Victor Paramo Valero


    Full Text Available Ética del humor es una obra original, abundantemente documentada, de contenido científico y filosófico, que aborda un problema de gran importancia en los actuales estudios de éticas aplicadas. La ética del humor es una nueva ética aplicada que pretende comprender el fenómeno del humor a la luz de sus implicaciones éticas. Como señala el autor, Juan Carlos Siurana, reputado experto en el ámbito de la filosofía práctica, el interés por el humor es un interés por la ética. En la obra no presenta una nueva teoría filosófica del humor –las cuales se han venido sucediendo, al menos, desde los Diálogos de Platón–, sino una nueva teoría ética, que toma al humor como objeto principal de análisis. Por tanto, la finalidad es realizar una aportación dentro del ámbito de la ética. Para ello se nutre de distintos estudios psicológicos, biológicos, fisiológicos y neurológicos sobre el humor, así como de clásicas obras de filosofía que han abordado esta cuestión.

  5. Escolhas Associadas ao Automóvel por Homens e por Mulheres: confluência ou divergência? Choices associated with automobiles for Men and Women: convergence or divergence? Opciones relacionadas con el Automóvil por Hombres y por Mujeres: ¿convergencia o divergencia?

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    LICHT, René Henrique Götz


    Full Text Available RESUMOO aumento do poder de compra das mulheres tem levado empresas a adotarem estratégias de diferenciação de produtos e a produzirem produtos específicos para o público feminino. A indústria automobilística não está imune a este fenômeno, uma vez que as mulheres representam aproximadamente metade das vendas de automóvel no país. Considerando as diferenças de consumo e de comportamento entre mulheres e homens é colocada a seguinte questão: há diferenças entre escolhas associadas ao automóvel por homens e mulheres? Foram apresentados aos participantes itens presentes no dia-a-dia das pessoas, e que são por elas valorizados; e foi solicitado aos participantes que escolhessem e associassem estes itens ao automóvel. A análise dos resultados revelou haver mais semelhanças do que diferenças entre escolhas associadas ao automóvel por homens e escolhas associadas ao automóvel por mulheres. A semelhança entre as escolhas sugere que as representações, os significados e valores atribuídos ao automóvel por homens e por mulheres são similares e, desta forma, a estratégia de diferenciação de produtos não se aplica à indústria automobilística.ABSTRACTThe increase of the women purchase power has led some companies to adopt strategies of products differentiation as well as to produce specific products to the female public. The auto industry is not immune to this phenomenon, once the women represent, approximately, half of the automobile sales in the country. Considering the consumption and the behavior differences between women and men, it has set the following question: are there differences between the choices associated to the automobile by men and the choices associated to the automobile by women? It has been presented to the participants items found in the people’s day-by-day, which are valorized by them, and the participants have been asked to choose and associate these items to the automobile. The results analysis

  6. Acuerdo por la discreción

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    Yeny Serrano


    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone un análisis del texto del Acuerdo por la discreción firmado en 1999 por 32 directores de medios de comunicación para “elevar el nivel de calidad y responsabilidad en el cubrimiento y difusión de hechos violentos”. Se analizan los factores que impiden que este Acuerdo produzca cambios efectivos en la práctica profesional informativa y se presenta un modelo (Lemieux, 2000 que tiene en cuenta las variables que influyen en la producción del discurso informativo mediático.

  7. Clonación humana: las preguntas «por qué no» y «por qué sí»

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    Velayos Castelo, Carmen


    Full Text Available Why not cloning us is a relevant question for contemporary ethics. The question why not, when it refers to a technology (or to some of its applications, is the question for its moral limits. In other words, it is the question for the universal dangers that a technology entails or could entail in some of its applications. The sphere of the moral evaluation of a technology has to do with the public elimination of the possible harms that are inherent or supervenient to its utilisation. If we focus on the relevant normative questions of the justice sphere, it couldn´t be relevant to answer the question why, that is, why a person or a group of them would wish the technology was applied The question why is related to vital options and ways of create ourselves that needn´t be binding on someone nor are characteristic of the moral point of view. However, the suspicion of this article is the following: the specific character of contemporary technological innovation (of which cloning is a paradigmatic case stimulates and makes relevant the debate about the good (given the collective or global implications of the answers.

    Por qué no clonarnos es una pregunta relevante para la ética actual. El por qué no de una técnica -o de determinadas aplicaciones de la misma- es la pregunta por los límites morales. O, de otro modo, es la pregunta por los daños objetivos que ésta supone, o supondría en una determinada aplicación. El marco de evaluación moral de una técnica tiene que ver, pues, con la desestimación pública y universal de posibles daños inherentes o sobrevenibles a su uso. Circunscritas las cuestiones normativas relevantes al ámbito de la justicia, no parecería relevante clarificar cuál sea el por qué -o el por qué sí- un individuo o un conjunto de ellos buscarían la aplicación o puesta en marcha de una técnica. Ésta es la pregunta por opciones vitales y

  8. Orlando Castellanos. La pasión por la radio


    Castellanos Molina, Orlando, 1930-1998


    Documento sonoro en el que se recogen entrevistas realizadas a Orlando Castellanos por Miguel Ángel de la Guardia, Miladys Ochoa, Fernando Rodríguez Sánchez (Ciego de Ávila), Ángel Ferrera, Boshmonar, Jaime Almiral, Radio Umbral de Santiago de Chile, Franco Carbón, Luis Toledo Sande y Estrella Díaz. Esta grabación pertenece a la colección Palabra Viva, desarrollada por el Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau, a partir de las entrevistas realizadas por el periodista Orlando Castellanos. ...

  9. Emergence and outbreak of carbapenemase-producing KPC-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae in Spain, September 2009 to February 2010: control measures. (United States)

    Robustillo Rodela, A; Díaz-Agero Pérez, C; Sanchez Sagrado, T; Ruiz-Garbajosa, P; Pita López, M J; Monge, V


    This report describes the epidemiological features of the first outbreak caused by KPC3 carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC-3-KP) in Spain and how it was effectively controlled. From 16 September 2009 to the end of February 2010, seven patients infected or colonised with KPC-3-KP were detected. Stool surveillance cultures were recovered from patients, doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, cleaners and hospital porters working in the affected units. Hand swabs were taken from workers and patients’ relatives for culturing. Environmental samples were also taken. Patients infected or colonised with KPC-3-KP were placed in single rooms under contact precautions and 4% chlorhexidine soap was used for their daily hygiene. Staff attended educational seminars and workshops on hand hygiene and isolation of patients. An alcohol-based disinfectant was used for surface cleaning and disinfecting. The floor was cleaned with a disinfectant containing benzalkonium chloride and didecyldimethylammonium. All samples collected were negative for KPC-3-KP. After implementing the control measures, no further cases were reported in the affected units. All cases had comorbidities, long hospital stay and aggressive/intensive antimicrobial treatment. This study emphasises the importance of early intensification of infection control to interrupt the transmission of KPC-producing organisms.

  10. Occurrence of false positive results for the detection of carbapenemases in carbapenemase-negative Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates.

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    Peng Wang

    Full Text Available Adequate detection of the production of carbapenemase in Enterobacteriaceae isolates is crucial for infection control measures and the appropriate choice of antimicrobial therapy. In this study, we investigated the frequency of false positive results for the detection of carbapenemases in carbapenemase-negative Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates by the modified Hodge test (MHT. Three hundred and one E. coli and K. pneumoniae clinical isolates were investigated. All produced extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs but were susceptible to carbapenems. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by the disk diffusion and agar dilution methods. The MHT was performed using the standard inoculum of test organisms recommended by the CLSI. Genes that encoded ESBLs and carbapenemases were identified by PCR and DNA sequencing. Among the 301 clinical isolates, none of the isolates conformed to the criteria for carbapenemase screening recommended by the CLSI. The susceptibility rates for imipenem, meropenem, and ertapenem all were 100.0%, 100.0%, and 100.0%, respectively. Of the 301 E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates, none produced carbapenemase. The MHT gave a positive result for 3.3% (10/301 of the isolates. False positive results can occur when the MHT is used to detect carbapenemase in ESBL-producing isolates and clinical laboratories must be aware of this fact.


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    M.K. Sabullah


    Full Text Available Bioremediation of pollutants including heavy metals and xenobiotics is an economic and environmentally friendly process. A novel molybdenum-reducing bacterium with the ability to utilize the pesticide glyphosate as a carbon source is reported. The characterization works were carried out utilizing bacterial resting cells in a microplate format. The bacterium reduces molybdate to Mo-blue optimally between pH 6.3 and 6.8 and at 34oC. Glucose was the best electron donor for supporting molybdate reduction followed by lactose, maltose, melibiose, raffinose, d-mannitol, d-xylose, l-rhamnose, l-arabinose, dulcitol, myo-inositol and glycerol in descending order. Other requirements include a phosphate concentration at 5.0 mM and a molybdate concentration between 20 and 30 mM. The molybdenum blue exhibited an absorption spectrum resembling a reduced phosphomolybdate. Molybdenum reduction was inhibited by mercury, silver, cadmium and copper at 2 ppm by 45.5, 26.0, 18.5 and 16.3%, respectively. Biochemical analysis identified the bacterium as Klebsiella oxytoca strain Saw-5. To conclude, the capacity of this bacterium to reduce molybdenum into a less toxic form and to grow on glyphosate is novel and makes the bacterium an important instrument for bioremediation of these pollutants.

  12. Secular trends in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated in a tertiary-care hospital: increasing prevalence and accelerated decline in antimicrobial susceptibility

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    Rodrigo de Carvalho Santana


    Full Text Available Abstract: INTRODUCTION Klebsiella pneumoniae has become an increasingly important etiologic agent of nosocomial infections in recent years. This is mainly due to the expression of virulence factors and development of resistance to several antimicrobial drugs. METHODS This retrospective study examines data obtained from the microbiology laboratory of a Brazilian tertiary-care hospital. To assess temporal trends in prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility, K. pneumoniae isolates were analyzed from 2000 to 2013. The relative frequencies of K. pneumoniae isolation were calculated among all Gram-negative bacilli isolated in each period analyzed. Susceptibility tests were performed using automated systems. RESULTS: From 2000-2006, K. pneumonia isolates comprised 10.7% of isolated Gram-negative bacilli (455/4260. From 2007-2013, this percentage was 18.1% (965/5331. Strictly considering isolates from bloodstream infections, the relative annual prevalence of K. pneumoniae increased from 14-17% to 27-32% during the same periods. A progressive decrease in K. pneumoniae susceptibility to all antimicrobial agents assessed was detected. Partial resistance was also observed to antimicrobial drugs that have been used more recently, such as colistin and tigecycline. CONCLUSIONS Our study indicates that K. pneumoniae has become a major pathogen among hospitalized patients and confirms its recent trend of increasing antimicrobial resistance.

  13. Septicaemia and meningitis caused by infection of New Zealand sea lion pups with a hypermucoviscous strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae. (United States)

    Roe, W D; Rogers, L; Pinpimai, K; Dittmer, K; Marshall, J; Chilvers, B L


    This study describes a syndrome of neonatal septicemia and meningitis in New Zealand sea lions, caused by a strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae that is phenotypically similar to strains causing environmentally-acquired septicemia and neuro-invasive disease in humans. Between late 2006 and early 2010, 123 pups from the Enderby Island breeding colony died of K. pneumoniae infection, with lesions including fibrinous to fibrinosuppurative meningitis, subdural hemorrhage, septic arthritis, herniation and hemorrhage of the cerebellar vermis, lymphadenitis and cellulitis. This infection was responsible for 58% of observed pup mortality over this time period, with most deaths occurring in the latter part of the breeding season (mid February onwards). The results of this study suggest that the pattern of this disease has changed since it was first described in 2002, when most deaths occurred early in the season (early to mid-January), and that it is an important and consistent cause of pup mortality in this population. In addition, a similar disease syndrome and bacterial strain was diagnosed in a single pup in a fragile recolonizing New Zealand sea lion population on mainland New Zealand, and the potential effect on this population is unknown but could have a negative impact on recolonisation at this site. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Frequency, Antimicrobial Resistance and Genetic Diversity of Klebsiella pneumoniae in Food Samples.

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    Yumei Guo

    Full Text Available This study aimed to assess the frequency of Klebsiella pneumoniae in food samples and to detect antibiotic resistance phenotypes, antimicrobial resistance genes and the molecular subtypes of the recovered isolates. A total of 998 food samples were collected, and 99 (9.9% K. pneumoniae strains were isolated; the frequencies were 8.2% (4/49 in fresh raw seafood, 13.8% (26/188 in fresh raw chicken, 11.4% (34/297 in frozen raw food and 7.5% (35/464 in cooked food samples. Antimicrobial resistance was observed against 16 antimicrobials. The highest resistance rate was observed for ampicillin (92.3%, followed by tetracycline (31.3%, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (18.2%, and chloramphenicol (10.1%. Two K. pneumoniae strains were identified as extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL-one strain had three beta-lactamases genes (blaSHV, blaCTX-M-1, and blaCTX-M-10 and one had only the blaSHV gene. Nineteen multidrug-resistant (MDR strains were detected; the percentage of MDR strains in fresh raw chicken samples was significantly higher than in other sample types (P<0.05. Six of the 18 trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole-resistant strains carried the folate pathway inhibitor gene (dhfr. Four isolates were screened by PCR for quinolone resistance genes; aac(6'-Ib-cr, qnrB, qnrA and qnrS were detected. In addition, gyrA gene mutations such as T247A (Ser83Ile, C248T (Ser83Phe, and A260C (Asp87Ala and a parC C240T (Ser80Ile mutation were identified. Five isolates were screened for aminoglycosides resistance genes; aacA4, aacC2, and aadA1 were detected. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis-based subtyping identified 91 different patterns. Our results indicate that food, especially fresh raw chicken, is a reservoir of antimicrobial-resistant K. pneumoniae, and the potential health risks posed by such strains should not be underestimated. Our results demonstrated high prevalence, antibiotic resistance rate and genetic diversity of K. pneumoniae in food in China. Improved


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    Miriam Alkorta Gurrutxaga


    Full Text Available El incremento progresivo en el número de personas que viajan a países tropicales ha hecho que las enfermedades importadas adquieran una relevancia cada vez mayor. Las miasis (o infestaciones por larvas de moscas cutáneas se encuentran entre este tipo de enfermedades siendo especialmente frecuentes en países tropicales. A propósito de la observación de un caso de miasis cutánea masiva por Cordylobia antropophaga, que ocurrió en una mujer de 34 años de edad al volver de un viaje a Senegal, se ha efectuado una revisión de los casos de miasis cutáneas forunculoides importadas publicados en España, así como de la biología, patología, tratamiento y prevención de la miasis humana por Cordylobia anthropophaga. El caso referido, se caracterizó por la infestación con un número inusualmente elevado de larvas, no sospechándose su etiología hasta la fase final de la enfermedad. La emergencia continuada de larvas (se recogieron 91 generó en la paciente un estado de ansiedad importante. Finalmente, la eliminación de las larvas provocó una rápida mejoría de la paciente. Aunque los casos de miasis cutánea no tienen la gravedad de otras enfermedades importadas, su conocimiento es necesario desde el punto de vista preventivo, diagnóstico y terapeútico. Es importante proceder a la identificación morfológica de las larvas diferenciándolas de otro tipo de miasis con implicaciones terapéuticas diferentes.

  16. Mortalidade por leucemias relacionada à industrialização

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    Leal Carmen Helena Seoane


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a distribuição espacial da mortalidade por leucemia na população, buscando identificar agregados e estabelecer sua relação com os níveis de industrialização. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado nas 43 regiões de governo do Estado de São Paulo, no qüinqüênio 1991-1995. Foi construído um "índice de industrialização relativo à leucemia" (IIRL baseado no número de indústrias e empregos industriais por 100.000 habitantes, valor adicionado fiscal, variedade de ramos industriais e indústrias com potenciais exposições de risco para a leucemia. O IIRL foi distribuído em cinco categorias. Verificaram-se os coeficientes padronizados de mortalidade por leucemia em cada uma das regiões, também distribuídos em cinco categorias e comparados ao mapa IIRL. RESULTADOS: As regiões mais industrializadas em ordem decrescente foram Campinas, Piracicaba, Jundiaí, Sorocaba e São Paulo. Não foi encontrada associação entre mortalidade, por nenhum tipo de leucemia, e industrialização. A região de Jales foi a que apresentou o mais alto coeficiente padronizado de mortalidade por leucemia. CONCLUSÕES: A distribuição da mortalidade por leucemia ocorreu de forma homogênea no Estado de São Paulo, não apresentando correlação com o nível de industrialização. Entretanto, aspectos relacionados ao método epidemiológico adotado -- estudo ecológico -- e ao uso do parâmetro "mortalidade por leucemia", doença cujo prognóstico tem mudado muito nas últimas décadas, limitaram a interpretação dos resultados.

  17. Perspectivas mecanisticas de reações organicas catalisadas por paladio : Heck, oxa-Heck e acoplamento de Buchwald-Hartwig por ESI-MS/MS


    Boniek Gontijo Vaz


    Resumo: A espectrometria de Massas por eletronspray (ESI-MS) tornou-se um método prático para o estudo de mecanismos reacionais em solução. Neste trabalho importantes reações catalisadas por paládio: reação de Heck-Mizoroki, oxa-Heck e o acoplamento de Buchwald-Hartwig foram monitoradas por ESI-MS visando interceptar espécies que comprovam as atuais propostas mecanísticas ou que abram caminho para novas propostas para estas reações. O monitoramento das reações foi realizado no modo off-line, ...


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    Sebastián Gómez Lende


    Full Text Available Omnipresente, la acumulación por desposesión es uno de los elementos centrales del orden global contemporáneo. Observados desde una perspectiva crítica, los usos extractivos del territorio constituyen una de las principales expresiones de ese proceso. A la luz de ese sistema de ideas, este artículo procura demostrar que el modelo sojero actualmente vigente en la Argentina es una de las formas más completas, exhaustivas, actuales y sofisticadas, de acumulación por desposesión en el país. En ese sentido, el artículo analiza el boom de la soja transgénica y sus vínculos con las formas tanto seculares (endeudamiento financiero, concentración de la propiedad rural, usurpación de la tierra y actuales de desposesión (degradación de la naturaleza, despojo del derecho a la salud, pillaje de recursos genéticos efectuadas por los grandes agricultores, el capital financiero, las agroindustrias y las corporaciones biotecnológicas, en detrimento de los pequeños productores, los campesinos, los pueblos aborígenes y la población en general.

  19. La compra por impulso de productos de alimentación

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Luna-Arocas, Roberto; Bech-Larsen, Tino


    El consumo de productos de alimentación muestra una serie de matices diferenciales en su análisis si lo comparamos con otros productos de compra por impulso. En este sentido, se relaciona la compra por impulso de productos de alimentación con una baja importancia de la imagen fisica, y con las de...... descrepancias personales entre lo que un individuo es y quiere ser. Como resultado en una mestra de estudisantes, la compra por impulso de productes de alimentación se relaciona con imagen fisica pero no con las discrepanacias personales.......El consumo de productos de alimentación muestra una serie de matices diferenciales en su análisis si lo comparamos con otros productos de compra por impulso. En este sentido, se relaciona la compra por impulso de productos de alimentación con una baja importancia de la imagen fisica, y con las...

  20. Itinerarios didácticos por la isla de Tenerife


    Becerra Ramírez, María Carmen; Javier Dóniz-Páez; González Cárdenas, Elena; Gosálvez, Rafael U.; Becerra-Ramírez, Rafael; Escobar Lahoz, Estela


    Con la elaboración de esta guía de Itinerarios Didácticos por la isla de Tenerife pretendemos contribuir a un mayor conocimiento de las características geográficas de un espacio dominado por las formas y formaciones volcánicas que caracterizan un paisaje fuertemente modificado por la actividad humana. El hombre convive y usa lo que los volcanes le ofrecen, tradicionalmente como soporte de sus cultivos o de su actividad ganadera,y modernamente como base de la industria turística. Los itiner...