
Sample records for nos tecidos vasculares

  1. Fracionamento de manganês acumulado nos tecidos de mudas de caramboleira

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    Amanda Hernandes


    Full Text Available A caramboleira (Averrhoa carambola tende a acumular grande quantidade de Mn nos seus tecidos, mas são escassas as informações sobre a forma como o excesso desse nutriente permanece na planta. Com o objetivo de contribuir para o esclarecimento desse aspecto, neste trabalho foram cultivadas mudas de caramboleira em solução nutritiva de Furlani (1999 com concentrações crescentes de Mn (0; 0,5; 25; e 50 mg L-1 de Mn, e aos 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias os tecidos de caule, folha e raiz foram colhidos e submetidos a uma sequência de soluções extratoras: água, DTPA (ácido dietilenotriaminopentacético e HCl (ácido clorídrico 1 mol L-1, com posterior determinação da quantidade de Mn nos extratos e nos tecidos remanescentes. Foram encontrados teores crescentes de Mn nos extratos de água, DTPA e HCl 1 mol L-1. A maior parte (cerca de 50 % do Mn permaneceu no tecido vegetal, mesmo após subsequentes extrações com as diferentes soluções extratoras, indicando que essa parte está fortemente ligada aos tecidos. Os maiores teores de Mn foram encontrados nas raízes e, os menores, no caule e nas folhas, sugerindo que a caramboleira tende a fixar o Mn nas raízes, possivelmente como mecanismo para limitar o transporte para a parte área, evitando a intoxicação da planta.

  2. Cinética do P nos tecidos de suínos em crescimento alimentados com dietas formuladas de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal e suplementadas com enzima fitase

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    J.A. Moreira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar os efeitos da enzima fitase sobre a cinética do P nos tecidos de suínos, alimentados com dietas formuladas de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal e suplementadas com enzima fitase. Foram utilizados 20 suínos machos castrados, distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os animais foram alojados em gaiolas metabólicas durante 17 dias, sendo 10 dias para adaptação e sete dias para coletas de fezes e urina. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas por cinco dias. No primeiro dia da fase experimental, cada animal recebeu, por via endovenosa, uma solução radioativa com 7,4MBq de 32P. No final do período experimental, os animais foram sacrificados, e amostras de tecidos do músculo (lombo, coração, fígado, rins e ossos foram coletadas. A enzima fitase interferiu na cinética do 32P, levando a uma menor incorporação nos tecidos dos ossos.

  3. Nova técnica para treinamento em acessos vasculares guiados por ultrassom utilizando modelo de tecido animal New technique for ultrasound-guided vascular access training using an animal tissue model

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    Robson Barbosa de Miranda


    Full Text Available A ultrassonografia Doppler deixou de ter seu uso apenas como método diagnóstico e vem galgando espaço nos procedimentos terapêuticos. Com maior aplicabilidade e uso de cateteres venosos centrais e procedimentos guiados por ultrassom, há preocupação com a melhora da eficácia e segurança durante o procedimento, assim como com a diminuição das potenciais complicações. Para isso, o treinamento da técnica em modelos (phantoms é desejável. Os modelos industrializados para treinamento em acesso vascular guiado por ultrassom são caros e não reproduzem adequadamente a ecotextura e a densidade dos tecidos humanos. Na tentativa de treinar e aprimorar os profissionais para o uso do ultrassom em procedimentos de acessos vasculares, desenvolveu-se um modelo animal de baixo custo, fácil confecção e excelente aplicabilidade.Duplex ultrasonography has not been used only as a noninvasive diagnostic method. Recently it has been applied for therapeutic procedures. Due to the increasing use and applicability of central venous catheters and eco-guided vascular procedures, there are concerns about improving results regarding accuracy and safety, reducing complication rates during those procedures. It would be desirable that training was accomplished using phantoms before actual procedures in human subjects. Industrialized phantoms are expensive and they do not reproduce human's ecographic density and texture. In order to train and improve ultrasound guided vascular access, we have developed a cheap animal tissue model, which is of easy preparation and applicability.

  4. Comportamento à Fractura em Modo II do Tecido Ósseo Cortical


    Costa, Jorge Teixeira da


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica A Mecânica da Fractura surge como uma ferramenta essencial para avaliar a “qualidade do tecido ósseo”, tendo esta Dissertação como objectivo contribuir para o conhecimento sobre o comportamento à fractura do tecido ósseo cortical de fémur de bovino, nas condições de carga em modo II e para o sistema de propagação TL. A ênfase foi colocada nos métodos de ensaio mais adequados para o tecido ósseo cortical. Para o efeito, foram analisados os segu...

  5. Obesity, inflammation, and exercise training: relative contribution of iNOS and eNOS in the modulation of vascular function in the mouse aorta

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    Josiane Fernandes da Silva


    Full Text Available Background - The understanding of obsesity-related vascular dysfunction remains controversial mainly because of the diseases associated with vascular injury. Exercise training is known to prevent vascular dysfunction. Using an obesity model without comorbidities, we aimed at investigating the underlying mechanism of vascular dysfunction and how exercise interferes with this process.Methods - High-sugar diet was used to induce obesity in mice. Exercise training was performed 5 days/week. Body weight, energy intake, and adipose tissues were assessed; blood metabolic and hormonal parameters were determined; and serum TNFα was measured. Blood pressure and heart rate were assessed by plethysmography. Changes in aortic isometric tension were recorded on myograph. Western blot was used to analyze protein expression. Nitric oxide (NO was evaluated using fluorescence microscopy. Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides were used for inducible nitric oxide synthase isoform (iNOS knockdown.Results - Body weight, fat mass, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol fraction, insulin, and leptin were higher in the sedentary obese group (SD than in the sedentary control animals (SS. Exercise training prevented these changes. No difference in glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and heart rate was found. Decreased vascular relaxation and reduced endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS functioning in the SD group were prevented by exercise. Contractile response to phenylephrine was decreased in the aortas of the wild SD mice, compared with that of the SS group; however, no alteration was noted in the SD iNOS-/- animals. The decreased contractility was endothelium-dependent, and was reverted by iNOS inhibition or iNOS silencing. The aortas from the SD group showed increased basal NO production, serum TNFα, TNF receptor-1, and phospho-IκB. Exercise training attenuated iNOS-dependent reduction in contractile response in high-sugar diet

  6. Vascular nitric oxide: Beyond eNOS

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    Yingzi Zhao


    Full Text Available As the first discovered gaseous signaling molecule, nitric oxide (NO affects a number of cellular processes, including those involving vascular cells. This brief review summarizes the contribution of NO to the regulation of vascular tone and its sources in the blood vessel wall. NO regulates the degree of contraction of vascular smooth muscle cells mainly by stimulating soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC to produce cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP, although cGMP-independent signaling [S-nitrosylation of target proteins, activation of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA or production of cyclic inosine monophosphate (cIMP] also can be involved. In the blood vessel wall, NO is produced mainly from l-arginine by the enzyme endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS but it can also be released non-enzymatically from S-nitrosothiols or from nitrate/nitrite. Dysfunction in the production and/or the bioavailability of NO characterizes endothelial dysfunction, which is associated with cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and atherosclerosis.

  7. O carvedilol no tecido conjuntivo cardíaco de ratos durante o desenvolvimento da hipertrofia miocárdica concêntrica

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    Leomil Neto Moacir


    Full Text Available A estimulação catecolaminérgica precoce e excessiva do coração, que ocorre na insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, acentua a sobrecarga de pressão e o volume nos ventrículos, agravando, conseqüentemente, a isquemia miocárdica, causando morte de miócitos com deposição de tecido conjuntivo e progressiva redução do débito cardíaco. O carvedilol, um b e alfa1-bloqueador não cardio-seletivo, vem sendo associado a melhorias na função miocárdica e à regressão da hipertrofia ventricular esquerda. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a ação do carvedilol em ratos submetidos a um modelo experimental de hipertrofia miocárdica por sobrecarga de pressão, por meio da coartação da aorta subdiafragmática. Ratos Wistar (65 animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: não coartados/tratados com placebo, coartados/tratados com placebo, coartados/tratados com 0,1mg kg-1 de carvedilol e coartados/tratados com 1mg kg-1 de carvedilol. Após o procedimento cirúrgico e 20 dias de tratamento, os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia e coletados fragmentos que, depois de fixados em formol a 10% e processados pela técnica histológica convencional utilizando coloração picrossirius, permitiram contagem de tecido conjuntivo nos ventrículos esquerdo e direito. Resultados: nos animais coartados/tratados com placebo, houve aumento na porcentagem de tecido conjuntivo nos ventrículos esquerdo e direito; nos coartados/tratados com 0,1mg kg-1 de carvedilol, houve uma redução parcial da quantidade de tecido colágeno do ventrículo esquerdo e direito, e, nos coartados/tratados com 1mg kg-1 de carvedilol, houve uma redução significativa na quantidade de tecido colágeno do ventrículo esquerdo.

  8. Turnover de carbono nos tecidos de frangos de corte em diferentes fases de crescimento

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    Carlos Ducatti


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou determinar o turnover do carbono no Pectoralis major, quilha, tíbia e fígado de frangos de corte em seus diferentes períodos de crescimento, utilizando a técnica dos isótopos estáveis. Foram utilizados 216 pintos de corte, machos, Cobb. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado e consistiu de sete tratamentos com dias de substituição das dietas distintos: 0; 7; 14; 21; 28; 35; 42 dias de idade. Para mensurar o turnover do carbono nos tecidos em determinado intervalo de tempo, foi utilizado o modelo sigmoidal de regressão de Boltzmann ou função exponencial do tempo. Os valores de meias-vidas foram: 2,5; 2,8; 2,9; 4,9; 5,1; 5,5 e 6,0 dias para músculo peitoral; 2,7; 2,9; 3,1; 4,6; 5,3; 4,1 e 8,0 dias para quilha; 4,4; 3,6; 5,4; 5,8; 4,3; 5,2 e 6,3 dias para tíbia e 1,3; 1,9; 1,4; 1,5; 1,9; 1,7 e 2,1 dias para fígado, nos tratamentos T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 e T7, respectivamente. Pode-se concluir que a tíbia possui metabolismo lento e pode indicar o sinal isotópico das dietas iniciais da criação dos frangos de corte; e o fígado, metabolismo rápido, indicado para refletir a dieta próxima da fase de avaliação.

  9. Evaluation of the potential of Pontederia parviflora Alexander in the absorption of copper (Cu and its effects on tissues = Avaliação do potencial de pontederia parviflora Alexander na absorção de cobre (Cu e efeitos nos tecidos

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    Graziela Custodio Balassa


    Full Text Available The study sought to evaluate the potential of the aquatic macrophytePontederia parviflora Alexander in the absorption of copper (Cu and possible variations in its tissues after 21 days of exposure to this metal. The concentration of Cu was analyzed in the solution and in the vegetal tissues (stem, root and leaves. The experiment was set up in triplicates with weekly measurements of pH, temperature and DO. The results indicated that P. parviflora reduced 96% of Cu in the solution and the root was the vegetal tissue, which accumulated more Cu. Values of pH, DO and temperature were in accordance with the metabolic activities of the plants. In the anatomic analyses, dark spots were identified in the vascular bundles and in the epidermis of the aerial parts, highlighting the variation resulting from the presence of this substance. However, these variations were not sufficient to damage the development of the individuals. P. parviflora showed high capacity of extraction and storage of the metal, being a good alternative to aquatic environments with high concentrations of Cu. O estudo avaliou o potencial da macrófita aquática Pontederia parviflora Alexander na absorção de cobre (Cu e possíveis alterações nos tecidos, após 21 dias de exposição. O teor do metal foi analisado na solução e nos tecidos vegetais (caule, raiz e folhas. O experimento foi montado em triplicatas com medidas semanais dopH, temperatura e OD. Os resultados mostraram que P. parviflora reduziu 96% do Cu na solução e a porção vegetal que acumulou mais o metal foi a radicular. O pH, OD e temperatura apresentaram valores condizentes com as atividades metabólicas das plantas. Nas análises anatômicas, foram identificadas manchas escuras nos feixes vasculares e na epiderme das partes aéreas, evidenciando a alteração provocada pela presença da substância. No entanto essas alterações não foram suficientes para prejudicar o desenvolvimento dos indivíduos. P

  10. Viabilidade celular da fração mononuclear da medula óssea e fração vascular estromal do tecido adiposo de equinos após o processo de congelamento e descongelamento Viability of equine bone marrow mononuclear fraction and adipose tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction after freezing and thawing process

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    Gesiane Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Cinco cavalos adultos foram submetidos à coleta de medula óssea do esterno e de tecido adiposo da região glútea. As amostras foram processadas para obtenção da fração mononuclear da medula óssea e fração vascular estromal do tecido adiposo, o número de células obtidas e a viabilidade celular foram determinados. Em seguida, realizou-se o congelamento das amostras em solução contendo 20% de soro fetal bovino e 10% de dimetilsulfóxido. Depois de um mês, realizou-se o descongelamento das amostras e a viabilidade celular foi novamente mensurada. Os resultados revelaram que as técnicas utilizadas tanto para coleta de medula óssea quanto de tecido adiposo em equinos são simples, rápidas e seguras. As metodologias adotadas para o processamento das amostras foram eficientes, obtendo-se aproximadamente 95% de viabilidade celular. Após o descongelamento, a viabilidade média das amostras de células mononucleares da medula óssea foi de 86% e da fração vascular estromal do tecido adiposo de 64%. Frente à importância da terapia celular na clínica médica de equinos, concluiu-se que é necessária a realização de mais estudos, visando padronizar uma técnica de criopreservação que mantenha a integridade das células da fração mononuclear da medula óssea e da fração vascular estromal do tecido adiposo de equinos.In five adult horses, bone marrow was aspirated from the sternum and adipose tissue extracted from the gluteal region. The samples were processed to obtain the mononuclear fraction of bone marrow and stromal vascular fraction of adipose tissue, and the number of cells obtained and cell viability were determined. Next, the cell samples were frozen in medium containing 20% fetal bovine serum and 10% dimethylsulfoxide. After one month, the cells were thawed and cell viability was again determined. The results revealed that the techniques for collecting both bone marrow and adipose tissue in horses are simple, rapid and

  11. Morfometria do tecido conjuntivo do coração de equinos PSI

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    Eduardo Pecorali Leite


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, estudar a proporção de tecido conjuntivo existente na fração ventricular direita e esquerda do músculo cardíaco de eqüinos da raça puro sangue inglês, buscando, através da morfometria, dados referentes à inter-relação entre o tecido conjuntivo e o tecido muscular cardíaco. Utilizaram-se corações eqüinos, machos, com idade entre 20 e 120 meses, sem alterações cardíacas. Preparou-se o material oriundo da região média do terço médio dos ventrículos, tanto da face direita quanto da esquerda, segundo as técnicas histológicas convencionais e corados com Picrosirius red, Fucsina-Paraldeido associada ao Tricromo de Gomori e Tricromo de Masson, para evidenciação das fibras conjuntivas. As lâminas foram analisadas com auxílio do Axioscópio Zeiss® acoplado ao programa de análise de imagens KS-400 Zeiss. A quantidade de tecido conjuntivo no Ventrículo Esquerdo variou de 0,008 a 24,695%; no Ventrículo Direito variou de 0,029 a 20,921%; nos corações de eqüinos da raça puro sangue inglês. Os resultados obtidos mostram que há uma complexa rede de fibras conjuntivas envolvendo as fibras do tecido muscular cardíaco e que sua quantidade e disposição é muito variada, dependendo da região estudada, animais mais jovens exibem baixa quantidade de tecido conjuntivo, também dependendo de sua atividade física.

  12. Experimental model for composite tissue allotransplantations Modelo experimental para alotransplantes de tecido composto

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    Lydia Masako Ferreira


    Full Text Available In homologous transplantation or allotranplantation of limbs, the great tissue diversity causes variability in the rejection process and, consequently, its immunology is very complex. Thus, limb transplantation is the most used prototype of compound tissue transplantation among the protocols of experimental studies. Composite tissue allotransplantation represents the experimental model to study the homologous transplantation (from an individual to another of vascularized, innervated musclecutaneous units, joints, bone or even the whole member. Groups of rats were undergone allogeneic hindlimb transplantation. The receptors were randomized and control groups were established as: Control Group A: Autograft controls (F344 rats had its limbs reimplanted and no immunosuppressive therapy. Control Group B: Allograft controls (BN rats limbs were transplanted to F344. Composite tissue homotransplantation allows the inclusion of innervated muscle-cutaneous units, joint and bone or even the hole limb, is considerably applicable in cases of congenital absence or deformity, trauma or greater resection due to malignant tumor. For many complex deformities, these transplantations would allow a more precise reconstruction than the current reconstruction techniques.Nos transplantes alógenos de membro a grande variabilidade de tecidos (pele, subcutâneo, músculo, osso, medula óssea, gânglios linfáticos, cartilagem, nervo, vasos, tendão, articulação leva a grande variação dentro do processo de rejeição e consequentemente a sua imunologia é bastante complexa. Os transplantes alógenos de tecido composto representam o modelo experimental para se estudar o transplante homólogo (de um indivíduo para outro de unidades músculo cutâneas inervadas, vascularizadas, articulações, osso ou mesmo de todo o membro. Os receptores foram randomizados e os grupos controle foram estabelecidos como: grupo controle A: transplante autógeno de membro em que ratos F344

  13. Vascular endothelial dysfunction in β-thalassemia occurs despite increased eNOS expression and preserved vascular smooth muscle cell reactivity to NO.

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    Ekatherina Stoyanova

    Full Text Available The hereditary β-thalassemia major condition requires regular lifelong blood transfusions. Transfusion-related iron overloading has been associated with the onset of cardiovascular complications, including cardiac dysfunction and vascular anomalies. By using an untransfused murine model of β-thalassemia major, we tested the hypothesis that vascular endothelial dysfunction, alterations of arterial structure and of its mechanical properties would occur despite the absence of treatments.Vascular function and structure were evaluated ex vivo. Compared to the controls, endothelium-dependent vasodilation with acetylcholine was blunted in mesenteric resistance arteries of β-thalassemic mice while the endothelium-independent vasodilator (sodium nitroprusside produced comparable vessel dilation, indicating endothelial cell impairment with preserved smooth muscle cell reactivity to nitric oxide (NO. While these findings suggest a decrease in NO bioavailability, Western blotting showed heightened expression of aortic endothelial NO synthase (eNOS in β-thalassemia. Vascular remodeling of the common carotid arteries revealed increased medial elastin content. Under isobaric conditions, the carotid arteries of β-thalassemic mice exhibited decreased wall stress and softening due to structural changes of the vessel wall.A complex vasculopathy was identified in untransfused β-thalassemic mice characterized by altered carotid artery structure and endothelial dysfunction of resistance arterioles, likely attributable to reduced NO bioavailability despite enhanced vascular eNOS expression.

  14. Glycolipids from spinach suppress LPS-induced vascular inflammation through eNOS and NK-κB signaling. (United States)

    Ishii, Masakazu; Nakahara, Tatsuo; Araho, Daisuke; Murakami, Juri; Nishimura, Masahiro


    Glycolipids are the major constituent of the thylakoid membrane of higher plants and have a variety of biological and pharmacological activities. However, anti-inflammatory effects of glycolipids on vascular endothelial cells have not been elucidated. Here, we investigated the effect of glycolipids extracted from spinach on lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-induced endothelial inflammation and evaluated the underlying molecular mechanisms. Treatment with glycolipids from spinach had no cytotoxic effects on cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and significantly blocked the expression of LPS-induced interleukin (IL)-6, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in them. Glycolipids treatment also effectively suppressed monocyte adhesion to HUVECs. Treatment with glycolipids inhibited LPS-induced NF-κB phosphorylation and nuclear translocation. In addition, glycolipids treatment significantly promoted endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activation and nitric oxide (NO) production in HUVECs. Furthermore, glycolipids treatment blocked LPS-induced inducible NOS (iNOS) expression in HUVECs. Pretreatment with a NOS inhibitor attenuated glycolipids-induced suppression of NF-κB activation and adhesion molecule expression, and abolished the glycolipids-mediated suppression of monocyte adhesion to HUVECs. These results indicate that glycolipids suppress LPS-induced vascular inflammation through attenuation of the NF-κB pathway by increasing NO production in endothelial cells. These findings suggest that glycolipids from spinach may have a potential therapeutic use for inflammatory vascular diseases. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



    BRITO, FABIANA PEREIRA GUIMARÃES; Universidade Tiradentes; CARVALHO, TAYNÁRA BEZERRA; UNIVERSIDADE TIRADENTES; Silva, Herbert Carvalho; UNIVERSIDADE TIRADENTES; Nogueira, Emília Cervino; UNIVERSIDADE TIRADENTES; Fernandez, Benito Oliveira; Aguiar, Rafaella Rocha de Souza; UNIVERSIDADE TIRADENTES; Santana, Kamilla Ismerim Santos Pereira de; UNIVERSIDADE TIRADENTES


    As ações educativas podem contribuir para a melhoria do processo de doação de órgãos e tecidos. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as ações educativas voltadas para doações de órgãos e tecidos na sociedade. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e bibliográfica com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, apoiada nos artigos publicados em português entre os anos de 2010 a 2014, sobre as ações educativas em saúde voltadas para doações de órgãos e tecidos, através do portal da BVS Brasil. Des...

  16. Avaliação das alterações em tecidos moles e duros de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ortognática combinada utilizando cefalometria computadorizada


    Becker, Otávio Emmel


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar as diferenças e verificar a correlação existente entre pontos de tecido mole e pontos de tecido duro do perfil facial e entre medidas em vias aéreas faríngeas e os movimentos nos ossos gnáticos, nos períodos pré operatório e pós operatórios, a curto e médio prazo, em pacientes com padrão facial Classe III, submetidos à cirurgia ortognática (CO) bimaxilar (combinada-avanço de maxila e recuo de mandíbula).MATERIAL E METODOS: Tele radiografias pré-operatórias (T1), pós-operatór...

  17. Disruption of COX-2 and eNOS does not confer protection from cardiovascular failure in lipopolysaccharide-treated conscious mice and isolated vascular rings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stæhr, Mette; Madsen, Kirsten; Vanhoutte, Paul M


    (NS 398), disruption of COX-2, endothelium removal, or eNOS deletion (eNOS(-/-)) did not improve vascular reactivity after LPS, while the NO synthase blockers 1400W and N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester prevented loss of tone. COX-2 and eNOS activities are not necessary for LPS-induced decreases...... in blood pressure, heart rate, and vascular reactivity. Inducible NOS activity appears crucial. COX-2 and eNOS are not obvious therapeutic targets for cardiovascular rescue during gram-negative endotoxemic shock....

  18. Prunella vulgaris Suppresses HG-Induced Vascular Inflammation via Nrf2/HO-1/eNOS Activation

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    Ho Sub Lee


    Full Text Available Vascular inflammation is an important factor which can promote diabetic complications. In this study, the inhibitory effects of aqueous extract from Prunella vulgaris (APV on high glucose (HG-induced expression of cell adhesion molecules in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC are reported. APV decreased HG-induced expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1, and E-selectin. APV also dose-dependently inhibited HG-induced adhesion of HL-60 monocytic cells. APV suppressed p65 NF-κB activation in HG-treated cells. APV significantly inhibited the formation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS. HG-stimulated HUVEC secreted gelatinases, however, APV inhibited it. APV induced Akt phosphorylation as well as activation of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1, eNOS, and nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2, which may protect vascular inflammation caused by HG. In conclusion, APV exerts anti-inflammatory effect via inhibition of ROS/NF-κB pathway by inducing HO-1 and eNOS expression mediated by Nrf2, thereby suggesting that Prunella vulgaris may be a possible therapeutic approach to the inhibition of diabetic vascular diseases.

  19. Expressão eficiente do gene reporter beta-glucuronidase nos tecidos vasculares de batata (Solanum tuberosum L. utilizando de um promotor específico (BRA3 de Agrobacterium rhizogenes Efficient expression of beta-glucuronidase reporter gene in vascular tissue of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. utilizing a specific promoter (BRA3 from Agrobacterium rhizogenes

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    Antonio Carlos Torres


    Full Text Available Promotores tecido-específico controlam a transcrição de genes em diferentes tecidos vegetais bem como em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento da planta, levando à indução de distintos níveis de atividade transiente e/ou estável do gene. Tais promotores podem ser empregados para a expressão seletiva de genes de interesse. O promotor rol A de Agrobacterium rhizogenes, por exemplo, é floema-específico, sugerindo que possa ser empregado em estratégias de defesa de plantas que são infectadas por vírus com replicação restrita ao floema. A expressão do gene marcador da ß-glucuronidase (gus dirigido pelo promotor rol A (pBRA3 foi observada em plantas transgênicas de batata (cvs. Macaca e Baronesa. Entrenós e secções de folhas foram submetidos ao cocultivo com A. tumefaciens. A atividade do gene gus avaliada em brotações resistentes à canamicina não se restringiu ao floema (alto nível de expressão do gene, mas também se manifestou no xilema dos caules. As expressões transiente e estável são, no entanto, tecido-específicas, localizadas sobretudo no sistema vascular de entrenós e ausente em raízes e folhas. As plantas gus positivas foram micropropagadas, plantadas em casa de vegetação e avaliadas por PCR, utilizando-se 'primers' específicos para o gene npt II. Nenhuma alteração fenotípica foi observada em plantas transgênicas, em relação às não transformadas.Tissue-especific promoters allow the modulation of gene transcription in different tissue types as well as in different stages of plant development, leading different levels of transient and stable activity of the gene product. These promoters have been employed for selective gene expression. The Agrobacterium rhizogenes rol A gene promoter (BRA3 controls phloem-specific expression indicating that this promoter might have an important role in plant defense strategies against virus which replicated only in the phloem. The expression of

  20. Avaliação da expressão do gene MGMT nos tecidos normal e neoplásico de doentes com câncer colorretal

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    Adriana Teixeira Cordeiro

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a expressão tecidual do gene de reparo MGMT comparando a mucosa cólica normal e neoplásica em doentes com câncer colorretal. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 44 portadores de adenocarcinoma colorretal confirmado por estudo histopatológico. Foram excluídos doentes suspeitos de pertencerem a famílias com câncer colorretal hereditário (HNPCC e PAF e os portadores de câncer do reto médio e inferior submetidos a tratamento quimioradioterápico neoadjuvante. A expressão do gene MGMT foi avaliada pela técnica da reação de polimerase em cadeia em tempo real (RT-PCR. A comparação dos resultados encontrados para expressão do gene MGMT entre tecidos normais e neoplásicos foi feita pelo teste t de Student pareado, adotando-se nível de significância de 5% (p <0,05. RESULTADOS: A expressão tecidual do gene MGMT em todos os doentes foi menor no tecido neoplásico quando comparada a do tecido normal (p=0,002. CONCLUSÃO: O gene de reparo MGMT encontra-se menos expresso no tecido neoplásico quando comparados aos tecidos normais em portadores de CCR esporádico.

  1. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the trigeminal vascular system and other brain structures related to pain in rats

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramachandran, Roshni; Ploug, Kenneth Beri; Hay-Schmidt, Anders


    to measure the respective levels of mRNA and protein for nNOS and eNOS in peripheral and central tissues involved in migraine pain: dura mater, pial arteries, trigeminal ganglion (TG) trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC), periaqueductal grey (PAG), thalamus, hypothalamus, cortex, pituitary gland, hippocampus...... and cerebellum. iNOS was excluded from the present study because it was not induced. In the trigeminal vascular system we found the highest expression of nNOS mRNA in pial arteries. However, protein expression of nNOS was maximum in TNC. Among other brain structures, nNOS mRNA and protein expression...... was remarkably higher in the cerebellum than in any other tissues. Regarding eNOS in the trigeminovascular system, the highest mRNA expression was found in pial arteries. In the other brain structures, eNOS mRNA expression was similar but with lowest mRNA concentration in the pituitary gland and the highest...

  2. Estudo histológico do tecido conjuntivo areolar perifascial implantado em pregas vocais de coelhos


    Adriana Hachiya


    Apesar do grande avanço da laringologia nas últimas décadas, o tratamento da rigidez da prega vocal continua sendo um desafio. A rigidez da prega vocal pode estar associada a alterações estruturais mínimas como no sulco vocal profundo ou decorrente da fibrose cicatricial como nos casos de cicatriz pós-operatória. Em ambos os casos, há perda dos elementos da matriz extracelular da camada superficial da lâmina própria (Espaço de Reinke) que se encontra substituída por tecido cicatricial. O obje...

  3. Identificação do circovírus suíno tipo 2 por reação em cadeia da polimerase e por imunoistoquímica em tecidos suínos arquivados desde 1988 no Brasil

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    Ciacci-Zanella Janice Reis


    Full Text Available A síndrome multissistêmica do definhamento dos suínos (SMDS é uma doença de importância econômica causada pelo circovírus suíno tipo 2 (PCV2. Uma pesquisa retrospectiva foi realizada em amostras de órgãos de suínos fixados em blocos de parafina arquivados, que haviam sido submetidos à Embrapa Suínos e Aves entre 1985 e 1998 para o diagnóstico histopatológico. Vinte e cinco casos foram selecionados com base nas lesões histológicas características da SMDS, tais como linfoadenopatia, pneumonia intersticial, hepatite e nefrite intersticial. A presença de PCV2 nos cortes histológicos foi pesquisada por reação em cadeia da polimerase interna (nested-PCR, na qual utilizou-se primers específicos para a seqüência da ORF2 do PCV2 e também por imunoistoquímica, utilizando um anticorpo monoclonal específico para o capsídeo do PCV2. O DNA viral e os antígenos específicos do PCV2 foram detectados em amostras de tecidos de dois dos 25 casos analisados, sendo um desses datado de 1988. Esses resultados indicam que o PCV2 já estava presente no Brasil desde 1988.

  4. Progranulin protects vascular endothelium against atherosclerotic inflammatory reaction via Akt/eNOS and nuclear factor-κB pathways. (United States)

    Hwang, Hwan-Jin; Jung, Tae Woo; Hong, Ho Cheol; Choi, Hae Yoon; Seo, Ji-A; Kim, Sin Gon; Kim, Nan Hee; Choi, Kyung Mook; Choi, Dong Seop; Baik, Sei Hyun; Yoo, Hye Jin


    Atherosclerosis is considered a chronic inflammatory disease, initiated by activation and dysfunction of the endothelium. Recently, progranulin has been regarded as an important modulator of inflammatory processes; however, the role for prgranulin in regulating inflammation in vascular endothelial cells has not been described. Signaling pathways mediated by progranulin were analyzed in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) treated with progranulin. Progranulin significantly induced Akt and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) phosphorylation in HUVECs, an effect that was blocked with Akt inhibitor. Furthermore, nitric oxide (NO) level, the end product of Akt/eNOS pathway, was significantly upregulated after progranulin treatment. Next, we showed that progranulin efficiently inhibited lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-mediated pro-inflammatory signaling. LPS-induced phosphorylation of IκB and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) levels decreased after progranulin treatment. Also, progranulin blocked translocation of NF-κB from the cytosol to the nucleus. In addition, progranulin significantly reduced the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) by inhibiting binding of NF- κB to their promoter regions and blocked attachment of monocytes to HUVECs. Progranulin also significantly reduced the expression of tumor necrosis factor receptor-α (TNF-α) and monocyte chemo-attractant protein-1 (MCP-1), the crucial inflammatory molecules known to aggravate atherosclerosis. Progranulin efficiently inhibited LPS-mediated pro-inflammatory signaling in endothelial cells through activation of the Akt/eNOS pathway and attenuation of the NF-κB pathway, suggesting its protective roles in vascular endothelium against inflammatory reaction underlying atherosclerosis.

  5. Progranulin protects vascular endothelium against atherosclerotic inflammatory reaction via Akt/eNOS and nuclear factor-κB pathways.

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    Hwan-Jin Hwang

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Atherosclerosis is considered a chronic inflammatory disease, initiated by activation and dysfunction of the endothelium. Recently, progranulin has been regarded as an important modulator of inflammatory processes; however, the role for prgranulin in regulating inflammation in vascular endothelial cells has not been described. METHOD AND RESULTS: Signaling pathways mediated by progranulin were analyzed in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs treated with progranulin. Progranulin significantly induced Akt and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS phosphorylation in HUVECs, an effect that was blocked with Akt inhibitor. Furthermore, nitric oxide (NO level, the end product of Akt/eNOS pathway, was significantly upregulated after progranulin treatment. Next, we showed that progranulin efficiently inhibited lipopolysaccharide (LPS-mediated pro-inflammatory signaling. LPS-induced phosphorylation of IκB and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB levels decreased after progranulin treatment. Also, progranulin blocked translocation of NF-κB from the cytosol to the nucleus. In addition, progranulin significantly reduced the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1 by inhibiting binding of NF- κB to their promoter regions and blocked attachment of monocytes to HUVECs. Progranulin also significantly reduced the expression of tumor necrosis factor receptor-α (TNF-α and monocyte chemo-attractant protein-1 (MCP-1, the crucial inflammatory molecules known to aggravate atherosclerosis. CONCLUSION: Progranulin efficiently inhibited LPS-mediated pro-inflammatory signaling in endothelial cells through activation of the Akt/eNOS pathway and attenuation of the NF-κB pathway, suggesting its protective roles in vascular endothelium against inflammatory reaction underlying atherosclerosis.

  6. Low shear stress induces vascular eNOS uncoupling via autophagy-mediated eNOS phosphorylation. (United States)

    Zhang, Jun-Xia; Qu, Xin-Liang; Chu, Peng; Xie, Du-Jiang; Zhu, Lin-Lin; Chao, Yue-Lin; Li, Li; Zhang, Jun-Jie; Chen, Shao-Liang


    Uncoupled endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) produces O 2 - instead of nitric oxide (NO). Earlier, we reported rapamycin, an autophagy inducer and inhibitor of cellular proliferation, attenuated low shear stress (SS) induced O 2 - production. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether autophagy plays a critical role in the regulation of eNOS uncoupling. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the modulation of autophagy on eNOS uncoupling induced by low SS exposure. We found that low SS induced endothelial O 2 - burst, which was accompanied by reduced NO release. Furthermore, inhibition of eNOS by L-NAME conspicuously attenuated low SS-induced O 2 - releasing, indicating eNOS uncoupling. Autophagy markers such as LC3 II/I ratio, amount of Beclin1, as well as ULK1/Atg1 were increased during low SS exposure, whereas autophagic degradation of p62/SQSTM1 was markedly reduced, implying impaired autophagic flux. Interestingly, low SS-induced NO reduction could be reversed by rapamycin, WYE-354 or ATG5 overexpression vector via restoration of autophagic flux, but not by N-acetylcysteine or apocynin. eNOS uncoupling might be ascribed to autophagic flux blockade because phosphorylation of eNOS Thr495 by low SS or PMA stimulation was also regulated by autophagy. In contrast, eNOS acetylation was not found to be regulated by low SS and autophagy. Notably, although low SS had no influence on eNOS Ser1177 phosphorylation, whereas boosted eNOS Ser1177 phosphorylation by rapamycin were in favor of the eNOS recoupling through restoration of autophagic flux. Taken together, we reported a novel mechanism for regulation of eNOS uncoupling by low SS via autophagy-mediated eNOS phosphorylation, which is implicated in geometrical nature of atherogenesis. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Desenvolvimento de recobrimento retardante de chama em tecido de algodão utilizando bentonita sódica


    Zottis, Ricardo


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química Os acabamentos retardantes de chama são substâncias aplicadas nos substratos têxteis com intuito de dificultar a ignição e tornar demorada a propagação da chama, reduzindo os riscos de incêndios. Neste trabalho foi investigada a incorporação de argila no tratamento retardante de chama em tecido de algodão utilizando bentonita sódica juntamente com aditivos fo...

  8. Microscopia electrônica de microrganismos do tipo micoplasma nos tecidos de milho afetado pelo enfezamento e nos órgãos da cigarrinha vectora portadora Electron microscopy of mycoplasma-like organisms in corn stunt - Infected plant tissues and in the organs of the leafhopper vector

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    E. W. Kitajima


    Full Text Available Exames electrono-microscópicos de tecido foliar ou radicular de milho (Zea maysL. afetado pelo enfezamento do milho, tanto a forma vermelha como a pálida, e de órgãos da cigarrinha vectora, Dalbulus maidisDe L. & W., portadora, demonstraram a ocorrência de corpúsculos pleomórficos, do tipo micoplasma, consistentemente associados a essa anomalia. Não se notou diferença na morfologia entre os microrganismos do tipo micoplasma associados às duas formas do enfezamento da planta nem tampouco entre estes e os presentes no inseto vector. Verificou-se também que na planta esses corpúsculos do tipo micoplasma ocorriam somente nos vasos crivados, e que no inseto eles se achavam presentes em diversos tipos de tecidos de diferentes órgãos - tubo digestivo, músculo, túbulos de Malphigi, epiderme, gânglio nervoso, glândula salivar, tecido adiposo. Nas células do inseto, os corpúsculos ocorriam dispersos no citoplasma ou em cavidades limitadas por membrana.Corn stunt in São Paulo State is usually of minor importance during normal summer crops but might induce significant losses if corn is planted late in the season. It is transmitted by leaf - hopper Dalbulus maidisDe L. & W. and two different forms of this disease have been recognized the chlorotic, similar to the Rio Grande type of the U.S., and the red, resembling the Mesa Central type of Mexico. Electron microscopic examination of tissues from both affected plants or leafhopper reared on diseased plants, demonstrated the presence of pleomorphic, mycoplasma-like bodies, consistently associated with the corn stunt, which probably represent the causal agent the latter. No significant difference could be observed in the morphology of these mycoplasma-like bodies associated with the two disease types or with the insect vector. In the affected plants, these corpuscles were only found in the sieve tubes; in the insect body they were detected in several types of tissues of different organs

  9. Enhancing eNOS activity with simultaneous inhibition of IKKβ restores vascular function in Ins2(Akita+/-) type-1 diabetic mice. (United States)

    Krishnan, Manickam; Janardhanan, Preethi; Roman, Linda; Reddick, Robert L; Natarajan, Mohan; van Haperen, Rien; Habib, Samy L; de Crom, Rini; Mohan, Sumathy


    The balance of nitric oxide (NO) versus superoxide generation has a major role in the initiation and progression of endothelial dysfunction. Under conditions of high glucose, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) functions as a chief source of superoxide rather than NO. In order to improve NO bioavailability within the vessel wall in type-1 diabetes, we investigated treatment strategies that improve eNOS phosphorylation and NO-dependent vasorelaxation. We evaluated methods to increase the eNOS activity by (1) feeding Ins2(Akita) spontaneously diabetic (type-1) mice with l-arginine in the presence of sepiapterin, a precursor of tetrahydrobiopterin; (2) preventing eNOS/NO deregulation by the inclusion of inhibitor kappa B kinase beta (IKKβ) inhibitor, salsalate, in the diet regimen in combination with l-arginine and sepiapterin; and (3) independently increasing eNOS expression to improve eNOS activity and associated NO production through generating Ins2(Akita) diabetic mice that overexpress human eNOS predominantly in vascular endothelial cells. Our results clearly demonstrated that diet supplementation with l-arginine, sepiapterin along with salsalate improved phosphorylation of eNOS and enhanced vasorelaxation of thoracic/abdominal aorta in type-1 diabetic mice. More interestingly, despite the overexpression of eNOS, the in-house generated transgenic eNOS-GFP (TgeNOS-GFP)-Ins2(Akita) cross mice showed an unanticipated effect of reduced eNOS phosphorylation and enhanced superoxide production. Our results demonstrate that enhancement of endogenous eNOS activity by nutritional modulation is more beneficial than increasing the endogenous expression of eNOS by gene therapy modalities.

  10. Seasonal variation of phenolic content in galled and non-galled tissues of Calliandra brevipes Benth (Fabaceae: Mimosoidae Variação sazonal do conteúdo fenólico em tecidos galhados e não-galhados de Calliandra brevipes Benth (Fabaceae: Mimosoidae

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    Michelle de Lima Detoni


    Full Text Available Two species, Tanaostigmodes ringueleti and T. mecanga, induce distinct galls on Calliandra brevipes Benth (Fabaceae: Mimosoidae, a globose and a fusiform gall morphotype. Seasonal changes of phenolic content in the tissues of the two distinct galls were compared to those of non-galled leaves and stems of the host plants over one year. The variation in the phenolic content profiles was similar in both non-galled and galled tissues, and was primarily associated with changes in the levels of rainfall, indicating a direct response to hydric stress. In periods of drastic changes in water precipitation, the alterations were significantly higher in non-galled than in galled tissues suggesting that the gall inducers might limit the variation in the phenolic concentration for their own benefit.Duas espécies, Tanaostigmodes ringueleti e T. mecanga, induzem galhas distintas em Calliandra brevipes Benth (Fabaceae: Mimosoidae, um morfotipo globoso e um fusiforme. Mudanças sazonais no conteúdo fenólico nos tecidos das duas galhas foram comparadas àquelas de folha e caule não galhados das plantas hospedeiras por um ano. A variação no perfil de conteúdo fenólico foi similar em tecidos galhados e não galhados, sendo associada primariamente às mudanças nos níveis de chuva, constituindo uma resposta direta ao estresse hídrico. Nos períodos de mudanças drásticas na precipitação de água, as alterações foram significativamente maiores em tecido não galhados do que em tecidos galhados, sugerindo que os galhadores estariam limitando a variação do conteúdo fenólico em seu próprio benefício.

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    Full Text Available Galling sap-feeding insects are presumed to cause only minor changes in host plant tissues, because they usually do not require development of nutritive tissues for their own use. This premise was examined through comparison of the histometry, cytometry and anatomical development of non-galled leaves and galls of Calophya duvauae (Scott (Hemiptera: Calophyidae on Schinus polygamus (Cav. Cabrera (Anacardiaceae. Cell fates changed from non-galled leaves to galls during the course of tissue differentiation. C. duvauae caused changes in dermal, ground, and vascular systems of the leaves of S. polygamus. Its feeding activity induced the homogenization of the parenchyma, and the neoformation of vascular bundles and trichomes. The histometric and cytometric data revealed compensatory effects of hyperplasia and cell hypertrophy in the epidermis, with hyperplasia predominating in the adaxial epidermis. There was a balance between these processes in the other tissues. Thus, we found major differences between the developmental pathways of non-galled leaves and galls. These changes were associated with phenotypic alterations related to shelter and appropriate microenvironmental conditions for the gall inducer. The nondifferentiation of a typical nutritive tissue in this case was compared to other non-phylogenetically related arthropod gall systems, and is suggested to result from convergence associated with the piercing feeding apparatus of the corresponding gall-inducer.Supõe-se que insetos galhadores de hábito sugador causam menos alterações nos tecidos vegetais, já que eles usualmente não necessitam de um tecido nutritivo diferenciado para sua alimentação. Essa premissa foi examinada pelo uso da histometria, citometria e comparação do desenvolvimento de folhas não galhadas e galhas de Calophya duvauae (Scott (Hemiptera: Calophyidae em Schinus polygamus (Cav. Cabrera (Anacardiaceae. As galhas demonstraram alterações nos tipos celulares

  12. Exercise Training Could Improve Age-Related Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow and Capillary Vascularity through the Upregulation of VEGF and eNOS

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    Sheepsumon Viboolvorakul


    Full Text Available This study aimed to investigate the effect of exercise training on age-induced microvascular alterations in the brain. Additionally, the association with the protein levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS was also assessed. Male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: sedentary-young (SE-Young, n=5, sedentary aged (SE-Aged, n=8, immersed-aged (IM-Aged, n=5, and exercise trained-aged (ET-Aged, 60 minutes/day and 5 days/week for 8 weeks, n=8 rats. The MAPs of all aged groups, SE-Aged, IM-Aged, and ET-Aged, were significantly higher than that of the SE-Young group. The regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF in the SE-Aged and IM-Aged was significantly decreased as compared to SE-Young groups. However, rCBF of ET-Aged group was significantly higher than that in the IM-Aged group (P<0.05. Moreover, the percentage of capillary vascularity (%CV and the levels of VEGF and eNOS in the ET-Aged group were significantly increased compared to the IM-Aged group (P<0.05. These results imply that exercise training could improve age-induced microvascular changes and hypoperfusion closely associated with the upregulation of VEGF and eNOS.

  13. Aspectos da distribuição de tecidos músculo-esqueléticos de um banco de tecidos Aspects of the distribution of musculoskeletal tissues by a tissue bank

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    Roney Campos Granjeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características da distribuição desses por um Banco de Tecidos no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Base de dados do Banco de Tecidos entre setembro de 2006 e junho de 2008. Características dos receptores foram tabuladas. Os tipos de tecidos processados foram: cabeças femorais, osso metafisio-epifisário, osso cortical, ossos curtos ou chatos e tendões. O destino dos enxertos foi analisado. Frequências das distribuições foram obtidas e analisadas. RESULTADOS: Foram distribuídas 734 unidades tecidos fresco-congelados, transplantadas em 683 receptores. Doadores de múltiplos órgãos originaram 97,9% dos tecidos e doadores vivos os demais. Foram transplantados 489 unidades de osso córtico-esponjoso, 137 de osso metafisio-epifisário, 44 de osso chato ou curto, 3 de tendão, 29 de osso particulado e 32 de cabeças femorais. A média de idade dos receptores foi 50,3 anos, sendo 59,5% do sexo feminino e 40,5% do masculino. Os tecidos foram destinados para uso ortopédico em 21,1% dos casos e buco-maxilo-facial, em 78,9%. CONCLUSÃO: O Banco de Tecidos aumentou o número de distribuições em resposta à demanda crescente de tecidos, principalmente para uso em cirurgia buco-maxilo-facial.OBJECTIVE: Is to evaluate the characteristics of the distribution of these grafts by a Tissue Bank in Brazil. METHODS: Tissue Bank database from September 2006 to June 2008. The characteristics of the recipients were drawn up in the table form. The types of tissue processed were: femoral heads, metaphyseal-epiphyseal bone, cortical bone, flat or short bones and tendons. The intended purpose of the grafts was analyzed, and distribution frequencies were also obtained and analyzed. RESULTS: Altogether, 734 units of fresh-frozen tissue were distributed and transplanted into 683 recipients. In terms of origin of the tissues, 97.9% came from multiple organ donors, and the remainder from living donors. A total of 489 units of cortical bone were transplanted

  14. Complicação vascular de osteocondroma: relato de caso Vascular complication of osteochondroma: case report

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    Fábio André Tornquist


    Full Text Available Osteocondromas ou exostoses são os tumores benignos mais comuns do tecido ósseo. Eles surgem durante o período de crescimento e, raramente, são responsáveis por complicações vasculares. No presente relato, reportamos um caso de paciente com osteocondroma no membro inferior e complicação vascular provocada pela compressão da artéria poplítea. O paciente apresentava queixas de dor em membro inferior direito quando foi investigado com angiografia e radiografia, que identificaram a lesão vascular e a tumoração óssea. Os tratamentos cirúrgicos simultâneos de ambas as lesões foram realizados com boa evolução pós-operatória.Osteochondromas or exostoses are the most common benign tumors of the bone. They occur during the growth period and are rarely responsible for vascular complications. We report a case of a patient with osteochondroma in the lower limb and vascular complication caused by compression of the popliteal artery. The patient complained of pain at the right lower limb during angiography and radiography screening, which identified the vascular lesion and the bone tumor. A simultaneous surgical treatment of both lesions was performed with good postoperative evolution.

  15. Estimação de teores de componentes fibrosos em alimentos para ruminantes em sacos de diferentes tecidos


    Casali,André Oliveira; Detmann,Edenio; Valadares Filho,Sebastião de Campos; Pereira,José Carlos; Cunha,Maura da; Detmann,Kelly da Silva Coutinho; Paulino,Mário Fonseca


    Objetivou-se avaliar os teores de fibra em detergente neutro indigestível (FDNi) obtidos por procedimento in situ e a perda de partículas fibrosas em meio aquoso de alguns alimentos para ruminantes, utilizando sacos de diferentes tecidos. Observou-se, concomitantemente, a estrutura física dos tecidos utilizados. Os alimentos avaliados foram: farelo de trigo (FT), casca de soja (CS), silagem de milho (SM) e feno de capim-braquiária (FB); e os tecidos: náilon (50 µm); F57 (Ankom®); e tecido não...

  16. Is type 2 diabetes mellitus a vascular disease (atheroscleropathy with hyperglycemia a late manifestation? The role of NOS, NO, and redox stress.

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    Tyagi Suresh C


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Cardiovascular disease accounts for at least 85 percent of deaths for those patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM. Additionally, 75 percent of these deaths are due to ischemic heart disease. Hypothesis Is type 2 diabetes mellitus a vascular disease (atheroscleropathy with hyperglycemia a late manifestation? The role of NOS, NO, and redox stress. Testing of the hypothesis The vulnerable three arms of the eNOS reaction responsible for the generation of eNO is discussed in relation to the hypothesis: (1. The L-arginine substrate. (2. The eNOS enzyme. (3. The BH4 cofactor. Implications of the hypothesis If we view T2DM as a vascular disease initially with a later manifestation of hyperglycemia, we may be able to better understand and modify the multiple toxicities associated with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, overt T2DM, and accelerated atherosclerosis (atheroscleropathy. The importance of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, endothelial nitric oxide, tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4, L-arginine, and redox stress are discussed in relation to endothelial cell dysfunction and the development and progression of atheroscleropathy and T2DM. In addition to the standard therapies to restore endothelial cell dysfunction and stabilization of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques, this article will discuss the importance of folic acid (5MTHF supplementation in this complex devastating disease process. Atheroscleropathy and hyperglycemia could be early and late manifestations, respectively, in the natural progressive history of T2DM.

  17. Tecidos moles (não resistentes: como se fossilizam?

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    Silvia Regina Gobbo


    Full Text Available A preservação de tecidos moles (não resistentes desperta atenção pela qualidade dos fósseis preservados, e pela raridade. Este trabalho faz ampla revisão do assunto, desfaz alguns dos mitos correntes sobre fossilização destes materiais, como anaerobiose e soterramento rápido, bem como assinala a relevância do papel da replicagem de estruturas morfológicas por colônias microbianas. No âmbito dos fatores que influenciam a preservação de tecidos não resistentes estão pH, processos de decomposição, soterramento rápido e mineralização rápida por meio de carbonatos ou fosfatos. É possível citar exemplos de fácies sedimentares nas quais há preservação de tecidos não resistentes, como os folhelhos pirobetuminosos, calcários litográficos, folhelhos e diatomitos. Destaca-se o papel das colônias microbianas, tanto na forma de microesferas, como aquelas não-esferulíticas. Os três mitos principais que se procurou desfazer no artigo são: (1 a presença de oxigênio; (2 o soterramento rápido e (3 as colônias microbianas.

  18. Detecção de Brucella abortus em tecidos bovinos utilizando ensaios de PCR e qPCR¹

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    Marrielen A.B. Caitano


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se no presente estudo avaliar as técnicas reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR e PCR em Tempo Real (qPCR para detectar Brucella abortus, a partir de tecidos bovinos com lesões sugestivas de brucelose. Para isto, 21 fragmentos de tecidos bovinos coletados em abatedouros de Mato Grosso do Sul foram processados e submetidos ao cultivo microbiológico e extração do DNA genômico para realização das reações de PCR e qPCR. No cultivo microbiológico, oito amostras apresentaram crescimento bacteriano e cinco foram confirmadas como B. abortus por PCR. Diretamente das amostras de tecido, DNA do gênero Brucella (oligonucleotídeos IS711 foi detectado em 13 (61,9% amostras de tecido e 17 (81% amostras de homogeneizado. Já com os oligonucleotídeos espécie-específicos BruAb2_0168F e BruAb2_0168R, 14 (66% amostras de tecido e 18 (85,7% amostras de homogeneizado foram amplificadas. Seis amostras positivas na PCR espécie-específica foram sequenciadas e o best hit na análise BLASTn foi B. abortus. Na qPCR, 21 (100% amostras de tecidos e 19 (90,5% amostras de homogeneizado foram positivas para B. abortus. Dez amostras de DNA de sangue bovino de rebanho certificado livre foram utilizadas como controle negativo nas análises de PCR e qPCR utilizando-se os oligonucleotídeos BruAb2_0168F e BruAb2_0168R. Na PCR nenhuma amostra amplificou, enquanto que na qPCR 2 (20% amplificaram. Conclui-se que as duas técnicas detectam a presença de B. abortus diretamente de tecidos e homogeneizados, porém a qPCR apresentou maior sensibilidade. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a qPCR pode representar uma alternativa rápida e precisa para a detecção de B. abortus diretamente de tecidos, e ser utilizada em programas de vigilância sanitária, por apresentar sensibilidade e especificidade satisfatórias.

  19. Angiotensin II blockade causes acute renal failure in eNOS-deficient mice

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    Jürgen Schnermann


    Full Text Available Compared with wild-type mice, adult endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS knockout mice (eight months of age have increased blood pressure (BP (126±9 mmHg vs. 100±4 mmHg, and an increased renal vascular resistance (155±16 vs. 65±4 mmHg.min/ml. Renal vascular resistance responses to i.v. administration of noradrenaline were markedly enhanced in eNOS knockout mice. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR of anaesthetised eNOS -/- mice was 324±57 µl/min gKW, significantly lower than the GFR of 761±126 µl/min.gKW in wild-type mice. AT1-receptor blockade with i.v. candesartan (1—1.5 mg/kg reduced arterial blood pressure and renal vascular resistance, and increased renal blood flow (RBF to about the same extent in wild-type and eNOS -/- mice. Candesartan did not alter GFR in wild-type mice (761±126 vs. 720±95 µl/min.gKW, but caused a marked decrease in GFR in eNOS -/- mice (324.5±75.2 vs. 77±18 µl/min.gKW. A similar reduction in GFR of eNOS deficient mice was also caused by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE inhibition. Afferent arteriolar granularity, a measure of renal renin expression, was found to be reduced in eNOS -/- compared with wild-type mice. In chronically eNOS-deficient mice, angiotensin II (Ang II is critical for maintaining glomerular filtration pressure and GFR, presumably through its effect on efferent arteriolar tone.

  20. Endothelium derived nitric oxide synthase negatively regulates the PDGF-survivin pathway during flow-dependent vascular remodeling.

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    Jun Yu

    Full Text Available Chronic alterations in blood flow initiate structural changes in vessel lumen caliber to normalize shear stress. The loss of endothelial derived nitric oxide synthase (eNOS in mice promotes abnormal flow dependent vascular remodeling, thus uncoupling mechanotransduction from adaptive vascular remodeling. However, the mechanisms of how the loss of eNOS promotes abnormal remodeling are not known. Here we show that abnormal flow-dependent remodeling in eNOS knockout mice (eNOS (-/- is associated with activation of the platelet derived growth factor (PDGF signaling pathway leading to the induction of the inhibitor of apoptosis, survivin. Interfering with PDGF signaling or survivin function corrects the abnormal remodeling seen in eNOS (-/- mice. Moreover, nitric oxide (NO negatively regulates PDGF driven survivin expression and cellular proliferation in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. Collectively, our data suggests that eNOS negatively regulates the PDGF-survivin axis to maintain proportional flow-dependent luminal remodeling and vascular quiescence.

  1. Modulation of NO and ROS production by AdiNOS transduced vascular cells through supplementation with L-Arg and BH4: implications for gene therapy of restenosis. (United States)

    Forbes, Scott P; Alferiev, Ivan S; Chorny, Michael; Adamo, Richard F; Levy, Robert J; Fishbein, Ilia


    Gene therapy with viral vectors encoding for NOS enzymes has been recognized as a potential therapeutic approach for the prevention of restenosis. Optimal activity of iNOS is dependent on the intracellular availability of L-Arg and BH4 via prevention of NOS decoupling and subsequent ROS formation. Herein, we investigated the effects of separate and combined L-Arg and BH4 supplementation on the production of NO and ROS in cultured rat arterial smooth muscle and endothelial cells transduced with AdiNOS, and their impact on the antirestenotic effectiveness of AdiNOS delivery to balloon-injured rat carotid arteries. Supplementation of AdiNOS transduced endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells with L-Arg (3.0 mM), BH4 (10 μM) and especially their combination resulted in a significant increase in NO production as measured by nitrite formation in media. Formation of ROS was dose-dependently increased following transduction with increasing MOIs of AdiNOS. Exposure of RASMC to AdiNOS tethered to meshes via a hydrolyzable cross-linker, modeling viral delivery from stents, resulted in increased ROS production, which was decreased by supplementation with BH4 but not L-Arg or L-Arg/BH4. Enhanced cell death, caused by AdiNOS transduction, was also preventable with BH4 supplementation. In the rat carotid model of balloon injury, intraluminal delivery of AdiNOS in BH4-, L-Arg-, and especially in BH4 and L-Arg supplemented animals was found to significantly enhance the antirestenotic effects of AdiNOS-mediated gene therapy. Fine-tuning of iNOS function by L-Arg and BH4 supplementation in the transduced vasculature augments the therapeutic potential of gene therapy with iNOS for the prevention of restenosis. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Macrophages activate iNOS signaling in adventitial fibroblasts and contribute to adventitia fibrosis. (United States)

    Zhang, Guannan; Li, Xiaodong; Sheng, Chengyu; Chen, Xiaohui; Chen, Yu; Zhu, Dingliang; Gao, Pingjin


    A large amount of NO is generated through the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) pathway from the vascular adventitia in various vascular diseases. However, it is currently not fully understood how the iNOS signaling pathway is activated. In the present study, this question was addressed in the context of adventitial cellular interactions. A rat model of acute hypertension in the contralateral carotid arteries was established through transverse aortic constriction (TAC) surgery. In this model, activated macrophages were found surrounded by a large quantity of iNOS-expressing adventitial fibroblasts (AFs), suggesting a possible causal relationship between macrophages and iNOS activation of the neighboring AFs. In an in vitro model, a macrophage-like cell line RAW 264.7 was first activated by LPS treatment. The supernatant was then harvested and applied to treat primary rat AFs. iNOS in AFs was activated robustly by the supernatant treatment but not by LPS itself. Treating AFs with interleukin-1β (IL-1β) also activated iNOS signaling, suggesting that the IL-1β pathway might be a possible mediator. As a consequence of the iNOS activation, total protein nitration and S-nitrosylation significantly increased in those AFs. Additionally, increased deposition of type I and type III collagens was observed in both in vitro and in vivo models. The collagen deposition was partially restored by an iNOS inhibitor, 1400 W. These findings highlight the importance of iNOS signaling during vascular inflammation, and advance our understanding of its activation through a cellular interaction perspective. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Avaliação hormonal indireta e estudo da preservação folicular em tecido ovariano autólogo transplantado para região inguinal em ratos

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    Ceschin Álvaro Pigatto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O transplante autólogo de tecido ovariano tem sido objeto de estudo de diversos pesquisadores pela perspectiva de manter a funcionalidade deste órgão, mesmo não localizado em seu sítio habitual, sendo daí removido, a fim de minimizar os efeitos causados, por exemplo, pela radioterapia. Este trabalho visa a analisar a efetividade da técnica de autotransplante subcutâneo de tecido ovariano bisseccionado em região inguinal de ratas albinas, próximo aos vasos femorais, através do estudo indireto da produção hormonal, feita pela avaliação da citologia de esfregaços vaginais e do estudo direto da viabilidade tecidual, realizado por meio da análise histológica. MÉTODOS: Analisaram-se 30 ratas, que sofreram ooforectomia bilateral, sendo 15 delas destinadas ao controle e 15 submetidas ao transplante ovariano. Decorridos 28 dias, recuperaram-se e avaliaram-se os enxertos. As análises da citologia dos esfregaços vaginais efetuaram-se no momento 0, ou seja, pré-transplante, e no momento 1, pós-transplante, para os animais de ambos os grupos e a avaliação histológica realizou-se no momento 0 para os dois grupos e no momento 1 para os animais transplantados. RESULTADOS: Os resultados do experimento demonstraram a viabilidade e funcionalidade dos enxertos em 100% das lâminas analisadas, isso verificado através da obtenção de esfregaços em fase de estro para todas as ratas do grupo experimento e da presença de folículos em vários estágios de desenvolvimento, observados nos enxertos recuperados, indicando diretamente a viabilidade do tecido ovariano. CONCLUSÃO: o transplante de tecido ovariano é uma alternativa viável, nas condições do experimento, para a preservação hormonal e folicular, em ratas.

  4. Estimação de teores de componentes fibrosos em alimentos para ruminantes em sacos de diferentes tecidos Estimation of fibrous compounds contents in ruminant feeds with bags made from different textiles

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    André Oliveira Casali


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar os teores de fibra em detergente neutro indigestível (FDNi obtidos por procedimento in situ e a perda de partículas fibrosas em meio aquoso de alguns alimentos para ruminantes, utilizando sacos de diferentes tecidos. Observou-se, concomitantemente, a estrutura física dos tecidos utilizados. Os alimentos avaliados foram: farelo de trigo (FT, casca de soja (CS, silagem de milho (SM e feno de capim-braquiária (FB; e os tecidos: náilon (50 µm; F57 (Ankom®; e tecido não-tecido (TNT - 100 g/m². Os alimentos foram moídos (1 mm e acondicionados em sacos de 4 × 5 cm (seis amostras de cada alimento/tecido, obedecendo à relação de 20 mg de matéria seca/cm² de superfície. Os sacos foram incubados por 144 horas no rúmen de uma vaca alimentada com silagem de milho (70% e concentrado (30% e, posteriormente, foram retirados, lavados com água corrente até o total clareamento desta, e tratados com detergente neutro (o resíduo foi considerado FDNi. Verificou-se similaridade entre os teores de FDNi obtidos com TNT e F57, que foram superiores aos obtidos com náilon para os alimentos farelo de trigo, casca de soja e silagem de milho. Para as amostras de PB, os teores diferiram entre todos os tecidos: foram maiores quando estimados utilizando-se F57, menores quando utilizado náilon e intermediários quando utilizado TNT. A perda de partículas fibrosas em meio aquoso foi avaliada por meio de lavagem em água (39ºC dos sacos contendo os alimentos (10 amostras/tecido. Houve perda de partículas fibrosas quando empregado o náilon como tecido para avaliação das amostras, o que justifica os menores teores de FDNi obtidos com este tecido. A perda de partículas para o náilon está relacionada à estrutura do tecido, uma vez que, em análise por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, não foram observados danos nos tecidos durante os processos de incubação e extração com detergente.The aim of this work was to evaluate the

  5. Asiatic Acid Alleviates Hemodynamic and Metabolic Alterations via Restoring eNOS/iNOS Expression, Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome Rats

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    Poungrat Pakdeechote


    Full Text Available Asiatic acid is a triterpenoid isolated from Centella asiatica. The present study aimed to investigate whether asiatic acid could lessen the metabolic, cardiovascular complications in rats with metabolic syndrome (MS induced by a high-carbohydrate, high-fat (HCHF diet. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed with HCHF diet with 15% fructose in drinking water for 12 weeks to induce MS. MS rats were treated with asiatic acid (10 or 20 mg/kg/day or vehicle for a further three weeks. MS rats had an impairment of oral glucose tolerance, increases in fasting blood glucose, serum insulin, total cholesterol, triglycerides, mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and hindlimb vascular resistance; these were related to the augmentation of vascular superoxide anion production, plasma malondialdehyde and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α levels (p < 0.05. Plasma nitrate and nitrite (NOx were markedly high with upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS expression, but dowregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS expression (p < 0.05. Asiatic acid significantly improved insulin sensitivity, lipid profiles, hemodynamic parameters, oxidative stress markers, plasma TNF-α, NOx, and recovered abnormality of eNOS/iNOS expressions in MS rats (p < 0.05. In conclusion, asiatic acid improved metabolic, hemodynamic abnormalities in MS rats that could be associated with its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects and recovering regulation of eNOS/iNOS expression.

  6. Hidrogéis a base de ácido hialurônico e quitosana para engenharia de tecido cartilaginoso

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    Mônica Helena Monteiro do Nascimento

    Full Text Available Resumo A Engenharia de Tecidos envolve o desenvolvimento de novos materiais ou dispositivos capazes de interações específicas com os tecidos biológicos, buscando a utilização de materiais biocompatíveis que devem servir como arcabouço para o crescimento de células in vitro, organizando e desenvolvendo o tecido que posteriormente será implantado no paciente. Uma variedade de arcabouços como hidrogéis poliméricos, sintéticos e naturais, têm sido investigados para a expansão de condrócitos in vitro, visando o reparo da cartilagem lesionada. Um hidrogel de interesse particular na regeneração de cartilagem é o ácido hialurónico (AH. Trata-se de um biopolímero atraente para a fabricação de arcabouços artificiais para Engenharia de Tecidos por ser biocompatível e biodegradável. A biocompatibilidade do AH deve-se ao fato de estar presente na matriz extracelular nativa, deste modo, cria-se um ambiente propício que facilita a adesão, proliferação e diferenciação celular, além da existência de sinalização celular específica, o que contribui para a regeneração do tecido. O uso de hidrogel composto de ácido hialurónico e quitosana (QUI também tem sido investigado em aplicações de Engenharia de Tecidos de cartilagem, com resultados promissores. Baseando-se nestas informações, o objetivo este trabalho foi investigar as alternativas disponíveis para regeneração tecidual da cartilagem e conhecer mais detalhadamente as relações entre células e biomateriais.

  7. Determinação de coliformes na água e no tecido mole das ostras extraídas em Cananéia, São Paulo, Brasil

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    Sonia Assami Doi


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou avaliar a qualidade microbiológica da água de várias localidades em que são produzidas ostras Crassostrea sp. no estuário de Cananéia, tanto como nos bivalves, por meio dos valores de coliformes baseados na Técnica dos Tubos Múltiplos. Foram realizadas coletas de água em dez localidades durante os anos de 2005 a 2011. A análise da água apresentou média geométrica de coliformes termotolerantes de 24,67 NMP 100 mL-1 e, nos tecidos das ostras, de 15,53 NMP g-1. Verificou-se uma diferença significativa entre as localidades analisadas quanto à densidade de coliformes totais e termotolerantes na água. Analisaram-se as variações das contagens bacterianas em relação à sazonalidade, verificando-se que o outono apresentou a maior média de coliformes nas ostras, sendo os maiores dados coletados em abril. Houve correlação positiva entre coliformes na água e na ostra.

  8. Akita spontaneously type 1 diabetic mice exhibit elevated vascular arginase and impaired vascular endothelial and nitrergic function. (United States)

    Toque, Haroldo A; Nunes, Kenia P; Yao, Lin; Xu, Zhimin; Kondrikov, Dmitry; Su, Yunchao; Webb, R Clinton; Caldwell, Ruth B; Caldwell, R William


    Elevated arginase (Arg) activity is reported to be involved in diabetes-induced vascular endothelial dysfunction. It can reduce L-arginine availability to nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS) and NO production. Akita mice, a genetic non-obese type 1 diabetes model, recapitulate human diabetes. We determined the role of Arg in a time-course of diabetes-associated endothelial dysfunction in aorta and corpora cavernosa (CC) from Akita mice. Endothelium-dependent relaxation, Arg and NOS activity, and protein expression levels of Arg and constitutive NOS were assessed in aortas and CC from Akita and non-diabetic wild type (WT) mice at 4, 12 and 24 wks of age. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was assessed by tail cuff. In aorta and CC, Akita mice exhibited a progressive impairment of vascular endothelial and nitrergic function increased Arg activity and expression (Arg1 in aorta and both Arg1 and Arg2 in CC) compared with that of age-matched WT mice. Treatment of aorta and CC from Akita mice with an Arg inhibitor (BEC or ABH) reduced diabetes-induced elevation of Arg activity and restored endothelial and nitrergic function. Reduced levels of phospho-eNOS at Ser(1177) (in aorta and CC) and nNOS expression (in CC) were observed in Akita mice at 12 and 24 wks. Akita mice also had decreased NOS activity in aorta and CC at 12 and 24 wks that was restored by BEC treatment. Further, Akita mice exhibited moderately increased SBP at 24 wks and increased sensitivity to PE-induced contractions in aorta and sympathetic nerve stimulation in CC at 12 and 24 wks. Over 24 wks of diabetes in Akita mice, both aortic and cavernosal tissues exhibited increased Arg activity/expression, contributing to impaired endothelial and nitrergic function and reduced NO production. Our findings demonstrate involvement of Arg activity in diabetes-induced impairment of vascular function in Akita mouse.

  9. Akita spontaneously type 1 diabetic mice exhibit elevated vascular arginase and impaired vascular endothelial and nitrergic function.

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    Haroldo A Toque

    Full Text Available Elevated arginase (Arg activity is reported to be involved in diabetes-induced vascular endothelial dysfunction. It can reduce L-arginine availability to nitric oxide (NO synthase (NOS and NO production. Akita mice, a genetic non-obese type 1 diabetes model, recapitulate human diabetes. We determined the role of Arg in a time-course of diabetes-associated endothelial dysfunction in aorta and corpora cavernosa (CC from Akita mice.Endothelium-dependent relaxation, Arg and NOS activity, and protein expression levels of Arg and constitutive NOS were assessed in aortas and CC from Akita and non-diabetic wild type (WT mice at 4, 12 and 24 wks of age. Systolic blood pressure (SBP was assessed by tail cuff. In aorta and CC, Akita mice exhibited a progressive impairment of vascular endothelial and nitrergic function increased Arg activity and expression (Arg1 in aorta and both Arg1 and Arg2 in CC compared with that of age-matched WT mice. Treatment of aorta and CC from Akita mice with an Arg inhibitor (BEC or ABH reduced diabetes-induced elevation of Arg activity and restored endothelial and nitrergic function. Reduced levels of phospho-eNOS at Ser(1177 (in aorta and CC and nNOS expression (in CC were observed in Akita mice at 12 and 24 wks. Akita mice also had decreased NOS activity in aorta and CC at 12 and 24 wks that was restored by BEC treatment. Further, Akita mice exhibited moderately increased SBP at 24 wks and increased sensitivity to PE-induced contractions in aorta and sympathetic nerve stimulation in CC at 12 and 24 wks.Over 24 wks of diabetes in Akita mice, both aortic and cavernosal tissues exhibited increased Arg activity/expression, contributing to impaired endothelial and nitrergic function and reduced NO production. Our findings demonstrate involvement of Arg activity in diabetes-induced impairment of vascular function in Akita mouse.

  10. Exposure to diesel exhaust up-regulates iNOS expression in ApoE knockout mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai Ni; Kido, Takashi; Kavanagh, Terrance J.; Kaufman, Joel D.; Rosenfeld, Michael E.; Breemen, Cornelis van; Eeden, Stephan F. van


    Traffic related particulate matter air pollution is a risk factor for cardiovascular events; however, the biological mechanisms are unclear. We hypothesize that diesel exhaust (DE) inhalation induces up-regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), which is known to contribute to vascular dysfunction, progression of atherosclerosis and ultimately cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Methods: ApoE knockout mice (30-week) were exposed to DE (at 200 μg/m 3 of particulate matter) or filtered-air (control) for 7 weeks (6 h/day, 5 days/week). iNOS expression in the blood vessels and heart was evaluated by immunohistochemistry and western blotting analysis. To examine iNOS activity, thoracic aortae were mounted in a wire myograph, and vasoconstriction stimulated by phenylephrine (PE) was measured with and without the presence of the specific inhibitor for iNOS (1400 W). NF-κB (p65) activity was examined by ELISA. The mRNA expression of iNOS and NF-κB (p65) was determined by real-time PCR. Results: DE exposure significantly enhanced iNOS expression in the thoracic aorta (4-fold) and heart (1.5 fold). DE exposure significantly attenuated PE-stimulated vasoconstriction by ∼ 20%, which was partly reversed by 1400 W. The mRNA expression of iNOS and NF-κB was significantly augmented after DE exposure. NF-κB activity was enhanced 2-fold after DE inhalation, and the augmented NF-κB activity was positively correlated with iNOS expression (R 2 = 0.5998). Conclusions: We show that exposure to DE increases iNOS expression and activity possibly via NF-κB-mediated pathway. We suspect that DE exposure-caused up-regulation of iNOS contributes to vascular dysfunction and atherogenesis, which could ultimately lead to urban air pollution-associated cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. - Highlights: → Exposed ApoE knockout mice (30-week) to diesel exhaust (DE) for 7 weeks. → Examine iNOS expression and activity in the blood vessels and heart. → DE exposure

  11. Lipoinjerto laminar: un tratamiento prometedor con factores vasculares estromales para las vulvo-vaginitis crónicas Lipoenxertia laminar: um tratamento promissor com factores vasculares estromais para as vulvo-vaginetes crônicas Lamellar fatgrafting: a promissing treatment with stromal vascular fraction in recurrent vulvo-vaginitis

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    Ithamar N. Stocchero


    Full Text Available Una de las situaciones más problemáticas para la vida íntima de una mujer, sobre todo si es joven, son las vulvo-vaginitis de repetición. Junto al herpes genital recidivante, suele ser causa de disarmonía en la relación de pareja por la situación en sí y por la frecuente presencia de dolor. Presentamos un caso exitoso en el que se aplicó un nuevo tratamiento consistente en la utilización de liponinjerto laminar submucoso, con preservación de la fracción vascular estromal (FVE, rica en células tronco derivadas de ese tejido (ADSCs, capaces de inducir neoangiogénesis que promoverá la defensa inmunológica normal de la mucosa de la vagina. De esta forma evitamos el uso de antibióticos y de otras terapias más costosas y, sobre todo, favoreciendo una vida sexual normal. Describimos en el presente artículo la técnica empleada.Uma das situações mais inconvenientes para a vida íntima de uma mulher, mormente jovem, é a vulvo-vaginite de repetição. Se acompanhada de herpes genital recidivante, não raro estabelece a desarmonia entre o casal dada à inconveniência da situação, além da dor, freqüentemente presente. Buscar o tratamento adequado, não prescrevendo apenas a antibióticoterapia, mas visando aumentar a resistência imunológica local da paciente, tem sido o objetivo de pesquisas nos últimos anos. Com o conhecimento da ação inflamatória induzida pelo tecido adiposo, associada à transferência de fatores vasculares estromais (FVE, grande fonte de células-tronco derivadas daquele tecido (ADSCs - Adipose- Derived Stromal/Stem Cells,bem como de indutores da angiogênese, facilitadora do acesso de células de defesa, foi idealizada uma nova e promissora linha de tratamento para estas pacientes: a lipoenxertia laminar. Relata-se a técnica bem sucedida, utilizada neste caso.One of the most inconvenient situations for a woman, mostly if young, is the recurrent vulvo-vaginitis. With the presence of a returning genital

  12. Hepatopulmonary syndrome induced by common bile duct ligation in a rabbit model: correlation between pulmonary vascular dilatation on thin-section CT and angiography and serum nitrite concentration or endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)1 expression

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Ki Nam; Yoon, Seong Kuk; Lee, Jin Wha; Kim, Ki Nam; Park, Byung Ho; Kwak, Jong Young; Jeong, Jin Sook; Kim, Young Hoon


    To investigate the correlation between radiologic vascular dilatation and serum nitrite concentration and eNOS expression in the endothelial cell and pneumocyte in a rabbit model of hepatopulmonary syndrome induced by common bile duct ligation (CBDL). Thin-section CT scans of the lung and pulmonary angiography were obtained 3 weeks after CBDL (n=6), or a sham operation (n=4), and intrapulmonary vasodilatation was assessed. The diameter and tortuosity of peripheral vessels in the right lower lobe by thin-section CT and angiography at the same level of the right lower lobe in all subjects were correlated to serum nitrite concentration and eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase) expression as determined by immunostaining. The diameters of pulmonary vessels on thin-section CT were well correlated with nitrite concentrations in serum (r=0.92, ρ < 0.001). Dilated pulmonary vessels were significantly correlated with an increased eNOS expression (r=0.94, ρ < 0.0001), and the severity of pulmonary vessel tortuosity was found to be well correlated with serum nitrite concentration (r=0.90, ρ < 0.001). The peripheral pulmonary vasculature in hepatopulmonary syndrome induced by CBLD was dilated on thin-section CT and on angiographs. Our findings suggest that peripheral pulmonary vascular dilatations are correlated with serum nitrite concentrations and pulmonary eNOS expression

  13. Role of Dietary Antioxidants in the Preservation of Vascular Function and the Modulation of Health and Disease

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    Saradhadevi Varadharaj


    Full Text Available In vascular diseases, including hypertension and atherosclerosis, vascular endothelial dysfunction (VED occurs secondary to altered function of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS. A novel redox regulated pathway was identified through which eNOS is uncoupled due to S-glutathionylation of critical cysteine residues, resulting in superoxide free radical formation instead of the vasodilator molecule, nitric oxide. In addition, the redox sensitive cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin, BH4, is also essential for eNOS coupling. Antioxidants, either individually or combined, can modulate eNOS uncoupling by scavenging free radicals or impairing specific radical generating pathways, thus preventing oxidative stress and ameliorating VED. Epidemiological evidence and dietary guidelines suggest that diets high in antioxidants, or antioxidant supplementation, could preserve vascular health and prevent cardiovascular diseases (CVDs. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to highlight the possible role of dietary antioxidants in regulating eNOS function and uncoupling which is critical for maintenance of vascular health with normal blood flow/circulation and prevention of VED. We hypothesize that a conditioned dietary approach with suitable antioxidants may limit systemic oxidation, maintain a beneficial ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione, and other redox markers, and minimize eNOS uncoupling serving to prevent CVD and possibly other chronic diseases.

  14. O papel de imunoglobulinas na nefropatia da leptospirose em suínos

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    Larissa M.F. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A leptospirose é uma antropozoonose endêmica em todo o mundo, que afeta o homem e várias espécies de animais domésticos e silvestres. No início da infecção há produção de IgM para o controle da infecção e após alguns dias, IgG são produzidas e provocam lise das leptospiras circulantes. Objetivou-se neste estudo identificar depósitos de antígeno de leptospiras e imunoglobulinas no tecido renal, para avaliar o papel de imunoglobulinas na patogênese da nefropatia da leptospirose em suínos. Foram colhidas 139 amostras de sangue e rim de suínos das cidades de Teresina/PI e Timon/MA, que foram avaliadas pela SAM, imunoistoquímica e PCR. Nefrite intersticial, fibrose, vasculite, tumefação do tufo glomerular e hipercelularidade difusa foram as principais alterações histopatológicas encontradas. A imunoistoquímica detectou antígeno de leptospira em 60 suínos. Depósitos de IgG, IgM e IgA foram observados no endotélio de capilares glomerulares, dos capilares intertubulares e na cápsula de Bowman, com marcação focal, difusa, global e segmentar. A deposição de IgM e IgA foi significantemente maior nos suínos infectados. Estranhamente depósitos de IgG foi significantemente maior nos suínos não infectados, onde não havia presença de antígeno de leptospiras e nem lesão túbulo-intersticial. Concluímos que antígeno de leptospiras no rim de suínos está relacionado a depósitos de IgM e IgA mas não a depósitos de IgG.

  15. Resveratrol Increases Serum BDNF Concentrations and Reduces Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Contractility via a NOS-3-Independent Mechanism

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    Michał Wiciński


    Full Text Available Resveratrol is a polyphenol that presents both antineuroinflammatory properties and the ability to interact with NOS-3, what contributes to vasorelaxation. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BNDF, a molecule associated with neuroprotection in many neurodegenerative disorders, is considered as an important element of maintaining stable cerebral blood flow. Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs are considered to be an important element in the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration and a potential preventative target by agents which reduce the contractility of the vessels. Our main objectives were to define the relationship between serum and long-term oral resveratrol administration in the rat model, as well as to assess the effect of resveratrol on phenylephrine- (PHE- induced contraction of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs. Moreover, we attempt to define the dependence of contraction mechanisms on endothelial NO synthase. Experiments were performed on Wistar rats (n=17 pretreated with resveratrol (4 weeks; 10 mg/kg p.o. or placebo. Serum BDNF levels were quantified after 2 and 4 weeks of treatment with ELISA. Contraction force was measured on isolated and perfused tail arteries as the increase of perfusion pressure with a constant flow. Values of serum BNDF in week 0 were 1.18±0.12 ng/mL (treated and 1.17±0.13 ng/mL (control (p = ns. After 2 weeks of treatment, BDNF in the treatment group was higher than in controls, 1.52±0.23 ng/mL and 1.24±0.13 ng/mL, respectively. (p=0.02 Following 4 weeks of treatment, BDNF values were higher in the resveratrol group compared to control 1.64±0.31 ng/mL and 1.32±0.26 ng/mL, respectively (p=0.031. EC50 values obtained for PHE in resveratrol pretreated arteries were significantly higher than controls (5.33±1.7 × 10−7 M/L versus 4.53±1.2 × 10−8 M/L, p<0.05. These results show a significant increase in BDNF concentration in the resveratrol pretreated group. The reactivity of resistant

  16. Circulating Blood eNOS Contributes to the Regulation of Systemic Blood Pressure and Nitrite Homeostasis (United States)

    Wood, Katherine C.; Cortese-Krott, Miriam M.; Kovacic, Jason C.; Noguchi, Audrey; Liu, Virginia B.; Wang, Xunde; Raghavachari, Nalini; Boehm, Manfred; Kato, Gregory J.; Kelm, Malte; Gladwin, Mark T.


    Objective Mice genetically deficient in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS−/−) are hypertensive with lower circulating nitrite levels, indicating the importance of constitutively produced nitric oxide (NO•) to blood pressure regulation and vascular homeostasis. While the current paradigm holds that this bioactivity derives specifically from expression of eNOS in endothelium, circulating blood cells also express eNOS protein. A functional red cell eNOS that modulates vascular NO• signaling has been proposed. Approach and Results To test the hypothesis that blood cells contribute to mammalian blood pressure regulation via eNOS-dependent NO• generation, we cross-transplanted WT and eNOS−/− mice, producing chimeras competent or deficient for eNOS expression in circulating blood cells. Surprisingly, we observed a significant contribution of both endothelial and circulating blood cell eNOS to blood pressure and systemic nitrite levels, the latter being a major component of the circulating NO• reservoir. These effects were abolished by the NOS inhibitor L-NAME and repristinated by the NOS substrate L-Arginine, and were independent of platelet or leukocyte depletion. Mouse erythrocytes were also found to carry an eNOS protein and convert 14C-Arginine into 14C-Citrulline in a NOS-dependent fashion. Conclusions These are the first studies to definitively establish a role for a blood borne eNOS, using cross transplant chimera models, that contributes to the regulation of blood pressure and nitrite homeostasis. This work provides evidence suggesting that erythrocyte eNOS may mediate this effect. PMID:23702660


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    Camila Cruz da Silva


    Full Text Available A utilização das fibras naturais (lignocelulosicas como reforço, em materiais compósitos polimérico, é algo que vem crescendo significativamente dia, após dia. Devido ao fato desses materiais serem biodegradáveis, provém de fontes renováveis, desenvolvendo assim as regiões onde são extraídas possibilitando dessa forma a permanência do homem no campo, fazendo parte assim de um modelo ecologicamente correto. Dentre essas fibras dá um destaque a fibra de sisal,onde esta está sendo bastante estudada e utilizada na indústria automobilística. A fibra é extraída da folha do agave sisalina, e que foi introduzida no Brasil em meados de 1900, tendo como maiores produtores os estados da Bahia, Paraíba e Rio Grande do Norte. O objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de dois tecidos de sisal para a utilização em materiais compósitos poliméricos, já que estes não são encontrados na indústria. Dessa forma foram fabricados dois tecidos sendo um do tipo plano e o outro do tipo plano basket, onde estes foram obtidos em teares manuais. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Materiais Compósitos, Sisal e Tecidos.

  18. Telmisartan activates endothelial nitric oxide synthase via Ser1177 phosphorylation in vascular endothelial cells.

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    Masahiro Myojo

    Full Text Available Because endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS has anti-inflammatory and anti-arteriosclerotic functions, it has been recognized as one of the key molecules essential for the homeostatic control of blood vessels other than relaxation of vascular tone. Here, we examined whether telmisartan modulates eNOS function through its pleiotropic effect. Administration of telmisartan to mice significantly increased the phosphorylation level of eNOS (Ser1177 in the aortic endothelium, but administration of valsartan had no effect. Similarly, telmisartan treatment of human umbilical vein endothelial cells significantly increased the phosphorylation levels of AMP-activated protein kinase (Thr172 and eNOS and the concentration of intracellular guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP. Furthermore, pretreatment with a p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK inhibitor suppressed the increased phosphorylation level of eNOS and intracellular cGMP concentration. These data show that telmisartan increases eNOS activity through Ser1177 phosphorylation in vascular endothelial cells mainly via p38 MAPK signaling.

  19. Quantificação de tecido conjuntivo do músculo cardíaco de cães

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    Hildebrando Gomes Benedicto


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, estudar a proporção de tecido conjuntivo existente na fração ventricular direita e esquerda do músculo cardíaco de cães, buscando, através da morfometria, dados referentes a inter-relação entre o tecido conjuntivo e o tecido muscular cardíaco, para o conhecimento das relações anátomo-funcionais da estrutura cardíaca, característica de determinados processos ligados a diminuição do trabalho do órgão. Utilizou-se 6 corações de cães SRD, machos e fêmeas, com idade entre 48 e 150 meses, pesando entre 18 e 30 Kg, sem alterações cardíacas, confirmado mediante exames eletrocardiográfico e ecocardiográfico. Preparou-se o material oriundo de três regiões ventriculares em relação a sua base, proximal, média e distal, tanto da face direita quanto da esquerda, segundo as técnicas histológicas convencionais e corados com Picrosirius red, Fucsina-Paraldeido e Tricromo de Gomori, para evidenciação das fibras conjuntivas. As lâminas foram analisadas com auxílio do Axioscópio Zeiss acoplado ao programa de análise de imagens KS-400 Zeiss. A quantidade de tecido conjuntivo no Ventrículo Esquerdo variou de 0,44 a 26,26%; no Ventrículo Direito variou de 0,97 a 21,18%; no ápice variou de 1,32 a 29,24% e no septo interventricular variou de 5,41 a 11,24%. Os resultados obtidos mostram que há uma complexa rede de fibras conjuntivas envolvendo as fibras do tecido muscular cardíaco e que sua quantidade e disposição é muito variada, dependendo da região estudada.

  20. Análise da resposta tecidual ao redor de hidrogéis injetáveis no tecido subcutâneo de ratos Wistar

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    Khatharine Suheyhuky Aoki


    Full Text Available A engenharia de tecidos representa uma alternativa à recuperação de tecidos e órgãos.1 Dessa forma, o uso de polímeros como biomateriais tem aumentado, sendo os hidrogéis uma opção. Estes polímeros têm característica hidrofílica, ao ponto que intumescem após entrarem em contato com a água.2 Além disso, podem apresentar-se na forma sólida ou líquida sendo que, na apresentação líquida, o hidrogel pode ser injetável.3 Essa via é de grande utilidade para a liberação de drogas ou células viáveis, desde que o material - inicialmente de baixa viscosidade – se gelifique após sua aplicação.4 O fato de o material possuir a característica de ser injetável permite que o mesmo se apresente como uma alternativa pouco invasiva para pequenos procedimentos, o que pode levar a inúmeros benefícios.5 O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a aplicação do hidrogel de Poli(NIPAAm-co-AAc-co-HEMAPLDLA-co-TMC in vivo, acompanhando as reações teciduais desencadeadas ao redor. Para isso, foram realizados implantes desse polímero - por via injetável - no tecido subcutâneo do dorso posterior de 21 ratos Wistar. Após o período de 5, 7, 10, 15, 21 e 30 dias ocorreu o sacrifício dos animais para posterior análise histológica. Como resultado, verificou-se a ausência de reação inflamatória nos locais de implante, além da presença de espaçamentos deixados devido à presença do material implantado (que foi removido em decorrência do processamento. Os resultados apresentados no estudo sugerem que o hidrogel Poli(NIPAAm-co-AAc-co-HEMAPLDLA-co-TMC apresenta biocompatibilidade e potencial como material de preenchimento.

  1. Involvement of inducible nitric oxide synthase in radiation-induced vascular endothelial damage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, Chang-Won; Lee, Joon-Ho; Kim, Suwan; Noh, Jae Myoung; Kim, Young-Mee; Pyo, Hongryull; Lee, Sunyoung


    The use of radiation therapy has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. To understand the mechanisms underlying radiation-induced vascular dysfunction, we employed two models. First, we examined the effect of X-ray irradiation on vasodilation in rabbit carotid arteries. Carotid arterial rings were irradiated with 8 or 16 Gy using in vivo and ex vivo methods. We measured the effect of acetylcholine-induced relaxation after phenylephrine-induced contraction on the rings. In irradiated carotid arteries, vasodilation was significantly attenuated by both irradiation methods. The relaxation response was completely blocked by 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one, a potent inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase. Residual relaxation persisted after treatment with L-N ω -nitroarginine (L-NA), a non-specific inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), but disappeared following the addition of aminoguanidine (AG), a selective inhibitor of inducible NOS (iNOS). The relaxation response was also affected by tetraethylammonium, an inhibitor of endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor activity. In the second model, we investigated the biochemical events of nitrosative stress in human umbilical-vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). We measured iNOS and nitrotyrosine expression in HUVECs exposed to a dose of 4 Gy. The expression of iNOS and nitrotyrosine was greater in irradiated HUVECs than in untreated controls. Pretreatment with AG, L-N 6 -(1-iminoethyl) lysine hydrochloride (a selective inhibitor of iNOS), and L-NA attenuated nitrosative stress. While a selective target of radiation-induced vascular endothelial damage was not definitely determined, these results suggest that NO generated from iNOS could contribute to vasorelaxation. These studies highlight a potential role of iNOS inhibitors in ameliorating radiation-induced vascular endothelial damage. (author)

  2. Morus alba extract modulates blood pressure homeostasis through eNOS signaling. (United States)

    Carrizzo, Albino; Ambrosio, Mariateresa; Damato, Antonio; Madonna, Michele; Storto, Marianna; Capocci, Luca; Campiglia, Pietro; Sommella, Eduardo; Trimarco, Valentina; Rozza, Francesco; Izzo, Raffaele; Puca, Annibale A; Vecchione, Carmine


    Morus alba is a promising phytomedicine cultivated in oriental countries that is extensively used to prevent and treat various cardiovascular problems. To date, despite its beneficial effects, the molecular mechanisms involved remain unclear. Thus, we investigate the vascular and haemodynamic effects of Morus alba extract in an experimental model focusing our attention on the molecular mechanisms involved. Through vascular reactivity studies, we demonstrate that Morus alba extract evokes endothelial vasorelaxation through a nitric oxide-dependent pathway. Our molecular analysis highlights an increase in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) phosphorylation. In vivo administration of Morus alba extract reduces blood pressure levels exclusively in wild-type mice, whereas it fails to evoke any haemodynamic effects in eNOS-deficient mice. Molecular analyses revealed that its beneficial action on vasculature is mediated by the activation of two important proteins that act as stress sensors and chaperones: PERK and heat shock protein 90. Finally, Morus alba extract exerts antihypertensive action in an experimental model of arterial hypertension. Through its action on eNOS signaling, Morus alba extract could act as a food supplement for the regulation of cardiovascular system, mainly in clinical conditions characterized by eNOS dysfunction, such as arterial hypertension. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Radioisótopo e modelagem matemática na avaliação da suplementação de fitase em dietas para suínos em crescimento

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    L.C. Mota


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de níveis crescentes de enzima fitase em dietas para suínos em fase de crescimento, por meio do uso de modelagem matemática. Foram utilizados dados de 20 leitões mestiços, machos castrados, pesando em média, 26,8kg. Os animais ficaram alojados em gaiolas metabólicas individuais para a coleta de fezes e urina, onde permaneceram por um período de 17 dias. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. A dieta experimental fornecida aos leitões foi à base de milho e farelo de soja, suplementada com cinco níveis crescentes de enzima fitase (0, 250, 500, 750 e 1000UF/kg, correspondendo a 0; 0,01; 0,02; 0,03 e 0,04%, respectivamente. As variáveis avaliadas foram: ingestão, excreção, fluxo e refluxo do P nos compartimentos (trato digestivo, corrente sanguínea, tecidos moles e ossos. A enzima fitase não interferiu no P consumido (P>0,05 (F10, no P excretado na urina (F02, no fluxo e refluxo do P nos ossos (F32 e F23 e nos tecidos moles (F42 e F24, entretanto observou-se redução no P excretado nas fezes (F01 em 8,92%; 26,76%; 22,53% e 28,64% para os níveis 0, 250, 500, 750 e 1000UF/kg, respectivamente, e efeito linear positivo para o P endógeno (F12. Pode-se utilizar dietas à base de milho e farelo de soja com 50% de P por fosfato bicálcico, adicionando-se 250UF/kg de dieta para suínos em crescimento, o que reduz em 27% as excreções de P nas fezes.

  4. iNOS-dependent sweating and eNOS-dependent cutaneous vasodilation are evident in younger adults, but are diminished in older adults exercising in the heat. (United States)

    Fujii, Naoto; Meade, Robert D; Alexander, Lacy M; Akbari, Pegah; Foudil-Bey, Imane; Louie, Jeffrey C; Boulay, Pierre; Kenny, Glen P


    Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) contributes to sweating and cutaneous vasodilation during exercise in younger adults. We hypothesized that endothelial NOS (eNOS) and neuronal NOS (nNOS) mediate NOS-dependent sweating, whereas eNOS induces NOS-dependent cutaneous vasodilation in younger adults exercising in the heat. Further, aging may upregulate inducible NOS (iNOS), which may attenuate sweating and cutaneous vasodilator responses. We hypothesized that iNOS inhibition would augment sweating and cutaneous vasodilation in exercising older adults. Physically active younger (n = 12, 23 ± 4 yr) and older (n = 12, 60 ± 6 yr) adults performed two 30-min bouts of cycling at a fixed rate of metabolic heat production (400 W) in the heat (35°C). Sweat rate and cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) were evaluated at four intradermal microdialysis sites with: 1) lactated Ringer (control), 2) nNOS inhibitor (nNOS-I, NPLA), 3) iNOS inhibitor (iNOS-I, 1400W), or 4) eNOS inhibitor (eNOS-I, LNAA). In younger adults during both exercise bouts, all inhibitors decreased sweating relative to control, albeit a lower sweat rate was observed at iNOS-I compared with eNOS-I and nNOS-I sites (all P exercise protocol (all P exercise bouts (all P > 0.05). We show that iNOS and eNOS are the main contributors to NOS-dependent sweating and cutaneous vasodilation, respectively, in physically active younger adults exercising in the heat, and that iNOS inhibition does not alter sweating or cutaneous vasodilation in exercising physically active older adults. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  5. A NOS3 polymorphism determines endothelial response to folate in children with type 1 diabetes or obesity. (United States)

    Wiltshire, Esko J; Peña, Alexia S; MacKenzie, Karen; Bose-Sundernathan, Tulika; Gent, Roger; Couper, Jennifer J


    To determine the effect of polymorphisms in NOS3 and folate pathway enzymes on vascular function and folate status and endothelial response to folate in children with diabetes or obesity. A total of 244 subjects (age 13.8 ± 2.8 years, 125 males) were studied for NOS3 and/or folate pathway polymorphisms using polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism, including at baseline: 139 with type 1 diabetes; 58 with obesity; and 47 controls. The effect of NOS3 genotype on endothelial response to folate (5 mg) was assessed in 85 subjects with diabetes and 28 obese subjects who received active treatment during intervention trials. Vascular function (flow-mediated dilatation [FMD] and glyceryl trinitrate-mediated dilatation), clinical, and biochemical measurements were assessed at baseline and 8 weeks in folate intervention studies. Folate pathway enzyme and NOS3 polymorphisms did not significantly affect baseline vascular function. The polymorphism in intron 4 of endothelial nitric oxide synthase altered endothelial response to folate significantly: in subjects with diabetes FMD improved by 6.4 ± 5% (insertion carriers) vs 2.3 ± 6.6% (deletion carriers), P = .01; in obese subjects FMD improved by 1.8 ± 5.4% (insertion carriers) and deteriorated by -3.2 ± 7.2% (deletion carriers), P = .05. More subjects carrying the insertion normalized FMD after folate supplementation (insertion 64% vs deletion 28%, χ(2) = 10.14, P = .001). A NOS3 polymorphism predicts endothelial response to folate in children with diabetes or obesity, with implications for vascular risk and folate intervention studies. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Myositis in mixed connective tissue disease: a unique syndrome characterized by immunohistopathologic elements of both polymyositis and dermatomyositis Miosite na doença mista do tecido conectivo: achados imunopatológicos de polimiosite e dermatomiosite

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    Maria Angela A.G. Vianna


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To characterize the inflammatory cells, the expression pattern of adhesion molecules (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, membrane attack complex (C5b-9, and major histocompatibility complex (MHC antigens in muscle biopsy of mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD. METHOD: We studied 14 patients with MCTD, and compared to 8 polimyositis (PM patients, 5 dermatomyositis (DM and 4 dystrophies. Inflammatory cells were examined for CD4+, CD8+, memory and naïve T cells, natural killer cells, and macrophages. Expression of MHC-I and -II, ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and C5b -9 were characterized on muscle fibers and vessels. RESULTS: Morphological analysis displayed a pattern of PM. Immunohistochemical study revealed a decreased number of capillaries, predominance of CD4+ and B cells in perivascular regions and predominance of CD8+ and CD45RO+ in endomysial regions. The expression of MHC-I on vessels and on degenerated muscle fibers, MHC-II expression on vessels and perifascicular muscle fibers, and the expression of ICAM-1 / VCAM-1 on endothelial cells indicated both vascular and cellular-immune mediated processes causing the muscular lesion. CONCLUSION:Our findings revealed a mixed mechanism in MCTD, both vascular involvement as DM, and cell-mediated like PM.OBJETIVO: Caracterizar as células do infiltrado inflamatório, o padrão de expressão das moléculas de adesão (ICAM-1 e VCAM-1, complexo de ataque à membrana (C5b-9 e antígenos de histocompatibilidade maior (MHC em biópsias musculares de patientes com doença mista do tecido conectivo (DMTC. MÉTODO: Foram estudados14 pacientes com DMTC e comparadas com 8 pacientes com polimiosite (PM, 5 com dermatomiosite (DM e 4 com distrofias. As células inflamatórias foram caracterizadas como CD4+, CD8+, células T de memória (CD45RO+ e virgens, células "natural killer" e macrófagos. As expressões de MHC-I e -II, ICAM-1, VCAM-1 e C5b-9 foram caracterizadas em fibras musculares e vasos. RESULTADOS:A análise morfol

  7. Modelo do fluxo biológico do fósforo de fontes de fosfato em suínos, usando o 32P como marcador Model of the biological flow of phosphorus from phosphate sources in pig, using 32P as marker

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    João Batista Lopes


    Full Text Available A pesquisa destinou-se a simular modelos matemáticos relacionados ao fluxo de fósforo (P, partindo-se das hipóteses de que o P endógeno do trato digestivo foi absorvido na mesma proporção do P alimentar e o fluxo de entrada e de saída desse mineral nos compartimentos foi constante. Foram avaliadas as variáveis absorção, retenção, P endógeno que retorna ao trato gastrintestinal, P dietético absorvido, incorporação, reabsorção e balanço de P no osso e nos tecidos moles e P proveniente do osso, dos tecidos moles e do total absorvido, que retorna ao trato gastrintestinal, em suínos em crescimento, alimentados com dietas contendo P de diferentes fontes de fosfato. O modelo usado foi determinístico e compartimental, em que o trato gastrintestinal (C1, os ossos (C2 e os tecidos moles, fígado, coração, rim e músculo, estudados em conjunto (C3, representaram os compartimentos. Foram utilizadas informações sobre metabolismo e cinética do fósforo em tecidos, obtidas pela técnica da diluição isotópica. Constatou-se que as hipóteses estabelecidas no modelo estão coerentes e os valores obtidos se ajustam ao fluxo do fósforo em suínos; as variáveis P consumido, P endógeno, que retorna ao trato gastrintestinal, P absorvido de origem dietética, retenção de P, incorporação, reabsorção e balanço de P do osso e dos demais tecidos e fração de P do total absorvido que retorna ao trato gastrintestinal não foram influenciadas pelas fontes suplementares de fósforo; a origem do fósforo dietético pode interferir na distribuição do P nos tecidos, após o processo de absorção desse mineral; e o P proveniente do absorvido que retorna ao trato gastrintestinal foi proporcional ao P consumido.The experiment was designed to simulate the mathematical models that relate to the phophorus (P flow, considering the hypotheses that the endogenous phosphorus from digestive tract was absorbed in the same proportion of the dietary

  8. North Carolina Seagrass Submersed Rooted Vasculars 1990 Geoform (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — A GIS data set of polygon data interpreted from aerial photography taken by NOAA/NOS Photogrammetry Branch depicting areas of Aquatic Beds of Rooted Vascular Plants...

  9. North Carolina Seagrass Submersed Rooted Vasculars 1990 Substrate (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — A GIS data set of polygon data interpreted from aerial photography taken by NOAA/NOS Photogrammetry Branch depicting areas of Aquatic Beds of Rooted Vascular Plants...

  10. North Carolina Seagrass Submersed Rooted Vasculars 1990 Biotic (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — A GIS data set of polygon data interpreted from aerial photography taken by NOAA/NOS Photogrammetry Branch depicting areas of Aquatic Beds of Rooted Vascular Plants...

  11. Vasoinhibins Prevent Bradykinin-Stimulated Endothelial Cell Proliferation by Inactivating eNOS via Reduction of both Intracellular Ca2+ Levels and eNOS Phosphorylation at Ser1179

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    Carmen Clapp


    Full Text Available Vasoinhibins, a family of antiangiogenic peptides derived from prolactin proteolysis, inhibit the vascular effects of several proangiogenic factors, including bradykinin (BK. Here, we report that vasoinhibins block the BK-induced proliferation of bovine umbilical vein endothelial cells. This effect is mediated by the inactivation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS, as the NO donor DETA-NONOate reverted vasoinhibin action. It is an experimentally proven fact that the elevation of intracellular Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i upon BK stimulation activates eNOS, and vasoinhibins blocked the BK-mediated activation of phospholipase C and the formation of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate leading to a reduced release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. The [Ca2+]i rise evoked by BK also involves the influx of extracellular Ca2+ via canonical transient receptor potential (TRPC channels. Vasoinhibins likely interfere with TRPC-mediated Ca2+ entry since La3+, which is an enhancer of TRPC4 and TRPC5 channel activity, prevented vasoinhibins from blocking the stimulation by BK of endothelial cell NO production and proliferation, and vasoinhibins reduced the BK-induced increase of TRPC5 mRNA expression. Finally, vasoinhibins prevented the BK-induced phosphorylation of eNOS at Ser1179, a post-translational modification that facilitates Ca2+-calmodulin activation of eNOS. Together, our data show that vasoinhibins, by lowering NO production through the inhibition of both [Ca2+]i mobilization and eNOS phosphorylation, prevent the BK-induced stimulation of endothelial cell proliferation. Thus, vasoinhibins help to regulate BK effects on angiogenesis and vascular homeostasis.

  12. Expressão relativa de fator semelhante a insulina (IGFI e receptor do homômonio folículo estimulante (FSHR em folículos e tecido ovariano de Bos primigenius (Nelore

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    Jorge Luís Ferreira


    Full Text Available O aperfeiçoamento das técnicas que objetivam a exploração do potencial reprodutivo das fêmeas requer a compreensão mais ampla dos mecanismos de controle de desenvolvimento folicular. Uma alternativa de estudo nesta esfera, é a quantificação da expressão relativa de genes envolvidos nos processos de recrutamento, seleção e desenvolvimento folicular, pelo emprego da técnica de transcrição - reversa associado a reação em cadeia pela polimerase (RT - PCR. O presente trabalho objetivou quantificar a expressão relativa dos genes insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I e do receptor do hormônio folículo estimulante (FSHR, tendo como controle interno o gene da gliceraldeído 3-fosfato desidrogenase (GAPDH. Foram utilizados ovários bovinos de animais de matadouro em diferentes fases do ciclo estral. O RNA total dos folículos e tecido ovarianos foi purificado por TRIZOL. As reações de RT-PCR foram realizadas com o "kit" SuperScriptTM First-Strand. Os produtos de PCR foram analisados em gel de agarose e as bandas submetidas à análise densitométrica. Todos os genes foram amplificados observando-se a curva exponencial de amplificação, a validação do método foi realizada através de análise de regressão, sendo estabelecido o coeficiente de amplificação (E. A expressão relativa de mRNA para cada gene de interesse foi calculada pela fórmula estabelecida por Prelle et al.12. Em todos os tecidos analisados, todos os genes foram expressos, sobressaltando-se diferenças nos diferentes ciclos estudados. Com relação os dados referentes ao coeficiente de amplificação (E, observou-se tanto para gene controle (GAPDH, como para o gene IGF-I concordância nos valores encontrados para as diferentes classes analisadas. Quanto ao gene IGF-I, a interpretação dos achados para a expressão relativa de mRNA pode está relacionada ao caráter constitutivo dessa proteína ou devido os transcritos não serem dependentes dos níveis de FSH

  13. Zinc regulates iNOS-derived nitric oxide formation in endothelial cells (United States)

    Cortese-Krott, Miriam M.; Kulakov, Larissa; Opländer, Christian; Kolb-Bachofen, Victoria; Kröncke, Klaus-D.; Suschek, Christoph V.


    Aberrant production of nitric oxide (NO) by inducible NO synthase (iNOS) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease. Mechanisms responsible for the fine-tuning of iNOS activity in inflammation are still not fully understood. Zinc is an important structural element of NOS enzymes and is known to inhibit its catalytical activity. In this study we aimed to investigate the effects of zinc on iNOS activity and expression in endothelial cells. We found that zinc down-regulated the expression of iNOS (mRNA+protein) and decreased cytokine-mediated activation of the iNOS promoter. Zinc-mediated regulation of iNOS expression was due to inhibition of NF-κB transactivation activity, as determined by a decrease in both NF-κB-driven luciferase reporter activity and expression of NF-κB target genes, including cyclooxygenase 2 and IL-1β. However, zinc did not affect NF-κB translocation into the nucleus, as assessed by Western blot analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. Taken together our results demonstrate that zinc limits iNOS-derived high output NO production in endothelial cells by inhibiting NF-κB-dependent iNOS expression, pointing to a role of zinc as a regulator of iNOS activity in inflammation. PMID:25180171

  14. Angiografia por ressonância magnética: aspectos técnicos de um método de estudo vascular não-invasivo

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    Caldana Rogério Pedreschi


    Full Text Available As primeiras técnicas de angiografia por ressonância magnética (angio-RM utilizavam seqüências sensíveis ao fluxo sanguíneo para estabelecimento do contraste vascular. Há três técnicas fundamentadas neste princípio: contraste de fase ("phase-contrast", TOF ("time-of-flight" e as técnicas de sangue escuro ("black blood". Estas seqüências, de aquisição demorada, são mais suscetíveis a artefatos de movimento, perda de sinal em áreas de estenoses ou turbilhonamento de fluxo, e apresentam ainda baixa sensibilidade à detecção do fluxo lento. O uso do contraste paramagnético para estudos angiográficos pela ressonância magnética ofereceu um método simples, rápido e de excelente detalhamento vascular, baseando o contraste da imagem no realce do sinal vascular em oposição à supressão dos demais tecidos. Metodologias modernas que priorizam a obtenção do espaço k central, responsável pelo contraste da imagem, e o aperfeiçoamento das técnicas de planejamento do intervalo temporal para aquisição dos dados foram fatores fundamentais para o aprimoramento técnico da angio-RM. O papel atual da angio-RM como ferramenta diagnóstica merece destaque na avaliação de anomalias anatômicas, estenoses, oclusões e complicações vasculares pós-cirúrgicas, principalmente nos casos de transplantes de órgãos. Suas principais vantagens estão na não utilização do contraste iodado ou radiação ionizante, rapidez e fácil execução, mínima invasividade e possibilidade de avaliar complementarmente o parênquima de órgãos adjacentes de interesse diagnóstico.

  15. A influência do controle da tensão do elastano durante o processo produtivo nas propriedades elásticas dos tecidos com elastano para fitness


    Marcelo Romani


    O objetivo deste estudo é verificar qual é a efetiva contribuição prática que o monitoramento da tensão do elastano durante o processo produtivo de tecidos destinados à moda esportiva, terá sobre as características de gramatura e elasticidade, esta última traduzida como força de recuperação do tecido, na tentativa de tornar o processo mais eficiente no atendimento dos anseios dos clientes em ter o \\"handle\\" ou \\"mão\\" do tecido apresentando elevado \\"power\\" ou resistência ao alongamento, av...

  16. Fatores associados à efetividade da doação de órgãos e tecidos para transplantes


    Freire, Izaura Luzia Silverio


    O transplante de órgãos e tecidos apresenta-se como importante opção terapêutica, tanto do ponto de vista médico, quanto social ou econômico. Assim, a identificação das variáveis que podem interferir na efetividade da doação de órgãos e tecidos para transplante precisa ser investigada de maneira adequada, pois se está diante de crescente índice de doenças crônicas e degenerativas na população, que faz com que a lista de espera para transplante aumente desproporcionalmente e os pacientes chega...

  17. Estimação de teores de componentes fibrosos em alimentos para ruminantes em sacos de diferentes tecidos Estimation of fibrous compounds contents in ruminant feeds with bags made from different textiles


    André Oliveira Casali; Edenio Detmann; Sebastião de Campos Valadares Filho; José Carlos Pereira; Maura da Cunha; Kelly da Silva Coutinho Detmann; Mário Fonseca Paulino


    Objetivou-se avaliar os teores de fibra em detergente neutro indigestível (FDNi) obtidos por procedimento in situ e a perda de partículas fibrosas em meio aquoso de alguns alimentos para ruminantes, utilizando sacos de diferentes tecidos. Observou-se, concomitantemente, a estrutura física dos tecidos utilizados. Os alimentos avaliados foram: farelo de trigo (FT), casca de soja (CS), silagem de milho (SM) e feno de capim-braquiária (FB); e os tecidos: náilon (50 µm); F57 (Ankom®); e tecido não...

  18. Zinc regulates iNOS-derived nitric oxide formation in endothelial cells

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    Miriam M. Cortese-Krott


    Full Text Available Aberrant production of nitric oxide (NO by inducible NO synthase (iNOS has been implicated in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease. Mechanisms responsible for the fine-tuning of iNOS activity in inflammation are still not fully understood. Zinc is an important structural element of NOS enzymes and is known to inhibit its catalytical activity. In this study we aimed to investigate the effects of zinc on iNOS activity and expression in endothelial cells. We found that zinc down-regulated the expression of iNOS (mRNA+protein and decreased cytokine-mediated activation of the iNOS promoter. Zinc-mediated regulation of iNOS expression was due to inhibition of NF-κB transactivation activity, as determined by a decrease in both NF-κB-driven luciferase reporter activity and expression of NF-κB target genes, including cyclooxygenase 2 and IL-1β. However, zinc did not affect NF-κB translocation into the nucleus, as assessed by Western blot analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. Taken together our results demonstrate that zinc limits iNOS-derived high output NO production in endothelial cells by inhibiting NF-κB-dependent iNOS expression, pointing to a role of zinc as a regulator of iNOS activity in inflammation.

  19. Partial deletion of eNOS gene causes hyperinsulinemic state, unbalance of cardiac insulin signaling pathways and coronary dysfunction independently of high fat diet.

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    Cecilia Vecoli

    Full Text Available Abnormalities in eNOS gene, possibly interacting with high fat diet (HFD, affect peripheral vascular function and glucose metabolism. The relative role of eNOS gene, HFD and metabolic derangement on coronary function has not been fully elucidated. We test whether eNOS gene deficiency per se or in association with HFD modulates coronary function through mechanisms involving molecular pathways related to insulin signaling. Wild type (WT, eNOS-/- and eNOS+/- mice were studied. WT and eNOS+/- mice were fed with either standard or HF diet for 16 weeks and compared with standard diet fed eNOS-/-. Glucose and insulin tolerance tests were performed during the last week of diet. Coronary resistance (CR was measured at baseline and during infusions of acetylcholine (Ach or sodium-nitroprusside (SNP to evaluate endothelium-dependent or independent vasodilation, in the Langendorff isolated hearts. Cardiac expression of Akt and ERK genes as evaluation of two major insulin-regulated signaling pathways involved in the control of vascular tone were assessed by western blot. HFD-fed mice developed an overt diabetic state. Conversely, chow-fed genetically modified mice (in particular eNOS-/- showed a metabolic pattern characterized by normoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia with a limited degree of insulin resistance. CR was significantly higher in animals with eNOS gene deletions than in WT, independently of diet. Percent decrease in CR, during Ach infusion, was significantly lower in both eNOS-/- and eNOS+/- mice than in WT, independently of diet. SNP reduced CR in all groups except eNOS-/-. The cardiac ERK1-2/Akt ratio, increased in animals with eNOS gene deletions compared with WT, independently of diet. These results suggest that the eNOS genetic deficiency, associated or not with HFD, has a relevant effect on coronary vascular function, possibly mediated by increase in blood insulin levels and unbalance in insulin-dependent signaling in coronary vessels

  20. Desenvolvimento do tecido adiposo e muscular em suínos de raça Alentejana Development of adipose and muscular tissues in Alentejano pig breed

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    A. Freitas


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho, pretendeu estudar o efeito do peso de abate sobre a evolução do tecido adiposo e muscular de porcos Alentejanos destinados à produção de carne para consumo em fresco. Utilizaram-se 30 suínos de raça alentejana (sexos neutralizados alojados e alimentados individualmente com um alimento composto comercial equilibrado (3100 Kcal ED e 150g de Proteína Bruta por Kg, fornecido a 85% do Ad Libitum. Efectuaram-se abates sucessivos de 5 animais aos 40, 70, 80, 90, 100 e 110 kg de peso vivo. As carcaças foram refrigeradas a 4 ºC durante 24 horas e seguidamente procedeu-se à pesagem da gordura perirenal (banha e à medição da gordura subcutânea dorsal e da área do músculo Longissimus dorsi entre a décima e décima primeira costela, ao nível da última costela e entre a terceira e quarta vértebra lombar. O aumento do peso de abate influenciou significativamente (PTo study the effects of slaughter weight on adipose and muscular tissues development of Alentejano hogs thirty animals were used. With an average live weight of 35 kg, pigs were allocated in individual pens at outdoor and fed a commercial diet (15% CP and 3100 Kcal ED/kg offered at 85% Ad Libitum. Pigs were sequentially slaughtered in groups (n=5 with an average live weight of 40, 70,80, 90, 100 and 110 kg. After carcass chilling at 5º C for 24 h flare fat was weighed and subcutaneous backfat thickness and loin eye area were recorded at 1011 ribs, last rib and 3-4 lombar vertebras. Flare fat increased significantly (P<0,01 with the increase of slaughter weight: 1,26, 2,08, 3,22, 3,36, 3,68 e 4,02 Kg, respectively at 40, 70, 80, 90, 100 e 110 Kg. Subcutaneous back fat thickness also increased strongly with the increase of slaughter weight: 1,56, 3,21, 4,12, 5,10, 5,41 e 5,38 cm, respectively at 40, 70, 80, 90, 100 e 110 Kg. Between 90 and 110 kg averages were similar. The area of Longissimus dorsi increased slightly (15,49 to 20,36 cm² with the increase of

  1. Irrigação do nó sinoatrial em suínos da raça Piètrain

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    Renato Souto Severino


    Full Text Available Estudou-se, em 30 (trinta corações de suínos da raça Piètrain, adultos e de ambos os sexos, a irrigação do nó sinoatrial, visando conhecer a origem, trajeto e distribuição dos vasos responsáveis pela nutrição deste tecido, bem como eventuais anastomoses que pudessem ocorrer entre estes colaterais. Para tanto, os corações tiveram seus sistemas coronarianos canulados e injetados com uma solução corada de Neoprene látex 450, fixados em solução aquosa de formol a 10% e dissecados os ramos atriais das artérias coronárias esquerda e direita. Constatou-se que em 27 (90% ± 5,47 corações o tecido nodal é irrigado por colaterais provenientes da A. coronária direita, mais precisamente pelo ramo atrial proximal direito, isoladamente em 18 (60% ± 8,94 órgãos ou associado: ao ramo atrial intermédio direito em 7 (23,33% ± 7,72 ou ao ramo atrial distal direito em 2 (6,66% ± 4,55. Em 3 (10% ± 5,47 órgãos, o nó sinoatrial é vascularizado por colaterais provenientes das Aa. coronárias direita e esquerda, sempre por meio do ramo atrial proximal direito, associado ao ramo atrial proximal esquerdo em 2 (6,66% ± 4,55 ou aos ramos atriais intermédio direito e proximal esquerdo em 1 (3,33% ± 3,27 órgão. Evidenciaram-se, ainda, anastomoses travadas entre os diferentes vasos que participam da irrigação do nó sinoatrial em suínos da raça Piètrain.

  2. Prevention of vascular dysfunction and arterial hypertension in mice generated by assisted reproductive technologies by addition of melatonin to culture media. (United States)

    Rexhaj, Emrush; Pireva, Agim; Paoloni-Giacobino, Ariane; Allemann, Yves; Cerny, David; Dessen, Pierre; Sartori, Claudio; Scherrer, Urs; Rimoldi, Stefano F


    Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) induce vascular dysfunction in humans and mice. In mice, ART-induced vascular dysfunction is related to epigenetic alteration of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene, resulting in decreased vascular eNOS expression and nitrite/nitrate synthesis. Melatonin is involved in epigenetic regulation, and its administration to sterile women improves the success rate of ART. We hypothesized that addition of melatonin to culture media may prevent ART-induced epigenetic and cardiovascular alterations in mice. We, therefore, assessed mesenteric-artery responses to acetylcholine and arterial blood pressure, together with DNA methylation of the eNOS gene promoter in vascular tissue and nitric oxide plasma concentration in 12-wk-old ART mice generated with and without addition of melatonin to culture media and in control mice. As expected, acetylcholine-induced mesenteric-artery dilation was impaired (P = 0.008 vs. control) and mean arterial blood pressure increased (109.5 ± 3.8 vs. 104.0 ± 4.7 mmHg, P = 0.002, ART vs. control) in ART compared with control mice. These alterations were associated with altered DNA methylation of the eNOS gene promoter (P culture media prevented eNOS dysmethylation (P = 0.005, vs. ART + vehicle), normalized nitric oxide plasma concentration (23.1 ± 14.6 μM, P = 0.002 vs. ART + vehicle) and mesentery-artery responsiveness to acetylcholine (P culture media prevents ART-induced vascular dysfunction. We speculate that this approach will also allow preventing ART-induced premature atherosclerosis in humans. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.

  3. Resveratrol prevents high-fructose corn syrup-induced vascular insulin resistance and dysfunction in rats. (United States)

    Babacanoglu, C; Yildirim, N; Sadi, G; Pektas, M B; Akar, F


    Dietary intake of fructose and sucrose can cause development of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. The consequences of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), a commonly consumed form of fructose and glucose, have poorly been examined. Therefore, in this study, we investigated whether HFCS intake (10% and 20% beverages for 12 weeks) impacts vascular reactivity to insulin and endothelin-1 in conjunction with insulin receptor substrate-1(IRS-1), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and inducible NOS (iNOS) mRNA/proteins levels in aorta of rats. At challenge, we tested the effectiveness of resveratrol (28-30 mg/kg body weight/day) on outcomes of HFCS feeding. HFCS (20%) diet feeding increased plasma triglyceride, VLDL, cholesterol, insulin and glucose levels, but not body weights of rats. Impaired nitric oxide-mediated relaxation to insulin (10⁻⁹ to 3×10⁻⁶ M), and enhanced contraction to endothelin-1 (10⁻¹¹ to 10⁻⁸ M) were associated with decreased expression of IRS-1 and eNOS mRNA and protein, but increased expression of iNOS, in aortas of rats fed with HFCS. Resveratrol supplementation restored many features of HFCS-induced disturbances, probably by regulating eNOS and iNOS production. In conclusion, dietary HFCS causes vascular insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction through attenuating IRS-1 and eNOS expressions as well as increasing iNOS in rats. Resveratrol has capability to recover HFCS-induced disturbances. Crown Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Beer elicits vasculoprotective effects through Akt/eNOS activation. (United States)

    Vilahur, Gemma; Casani, Laura; Mendieta, Guiomar; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M; Estruch, Ramon; Badimon, Lina


    There is controversy regarding the effect of alcohol beverage intake in vascular vasodilatory function in peripheral arteries. The effects of beer intake in coronary vasodilation remain unknown. We investigated whether regular beer intake (alcohol and alcohol-free) protects against hypercholesterolaemia-induced coronary endothelial dysfunction and the mechanisms behind this effect. Pigs were fed 10 days: (i) a Western-type hypercholesterolaemic diet (WD); (ii) WD+low-dose beer (12·5 g alcohol/day); (iii) WD+moderate-dose beer (25 g alcohol/day); or (iv) WD+moderate-dose alcohol-free-beer (0·0 g alcohol/day). Coronary responses to endothelium-dependent vasoactive drugs (acetylcholine: receptor mediated; calcium ionophore-A23189: nonreceptor mediated), endothelium-independent vasoactive drug (SNP) and L-NMMA (NOS-antagonist) were evaluated in the LAD coronary artery by flow Doppler. Coronary Akt/eNOS activation, MCP-1 expression, oxidative DNA damage and superoxide production were assessed. Lipid profile, lipoproteins resistance to oxidation and urinary isoxanthohumol concentration were evaluated. Alcoholic and nonalcoholic beer intake prevented WD-induced impairment of receptor- and non-receptor-operated endothelial-dependent coronary vasodilation. All animals displayed a similar vasodilatory response to SNP and L-NMMA blunted all endothelial-dependent vasorelaxation responses. Haemodynamic parameters remained unchanged. Coronary arteries showed lower DNA damage and increased Akt/eNOS axis activation in beer-fed animals. Animals taking beer showed HDL with higher antioxidant capacity, higher LDL resistance to oxidation and increased isoxanthohumol levels. Weight, lipids levels, liver enzymes and MCP-1 expression were not affected by beer intake. Non-alcoholic-related beer components protect against hyperlipemia-induced coronary endothelial dysfunction by counteracting vascular oxidative damage and preserving the Akt/eNOS pathway. Light-to-moderate beer

  5. Atorvastatin restores arsenic-induced vascular dysfunction in rats: Modulation of nitric oxide signaling and inflammatory mediators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kesavan, Manickam; Sarath, Thengumpallil Sasindran; Kannan, Kandasamy; Suresh, Subramaniyam; Gupta, Priyanka; Vijayakaran, Karunakaran; Sankar, Palanisamy; Kurade, Nitin Pandurang; Mishra, Santosh Kumar; Sarkar, Souvendra Nath


    We evaluated whether atorvastatin, an extensively prescribed statin for reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases, can reduce the risk of arsenic-induced vascular dysfunction and inflammation in rats and whether the modulation could be linked to improvement in vascular NO signaling. Rats were exposed to sodium arsenite (100 ppm) through drinking water for 90 consecutive days. Atorvastatin (10 mg/kg bw, orally) was administered once daily during the last 30 days of arsenic exposure. On the 91 st day, blood was collected for measuring serum C-reactive protein. Thoracic aorta was isolated for assessing reactivity to phenylephrine, sodium nitroprusside and acetylcholine; evaluating eNOS and iNOS mRNA expression and measuring NO production, while abdominal aorta was used for ELISA of cytokines, chemokine and vascular cell adhesion molecules. Histopathology was done in aortic arches. Arsenic did not alter phenylephrine-elicited contraction. Atorvastatin inhibited E max of phenylephrine, but it augmented the contractile response in aortic rings from arsenic-exposed animals. Sodium nitroprusside-induced relaxation was not altered with any treatment. However, arsenic reduced acetylcholine-induced relaxation and affected aortic eNOS at the levels of mRNA expression, protein concentration, phosphorylation and NO production. Further, it increased aortic iNOS mRNA expression, iNOS-derived NO synthesis, production of pro-inflammatory mediators (IL-1β, IL-6, MCP-1, VCAM, sICAM) and serum C-reactive protein and aortic vasculopathic lesions. Atorvastatin attenuated these arsenic-mediated functional, biochemical and structural alterations. Results show that atorvastatin has the potential to ameliorate arsenic-induced vascular dysfunction and inflammation by restoring endothelial function with improvement in NO signaling and attenuating production of pro-inflammatory mediators and cell adhesion molecules. - Highlights: • We evaluated if atorvastatin reduce arsenic

  6. Atorvastatin restores arsenic-induced vascular dysfunction in rats: Modulation of nitric oxide signaling and inflammatory mediators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kesavan, Manickam; Sarath, Thengumpallil Sasindran; Kannan, Kandasamy; Suresh, Subramaniyam; Gupta, Priyanka; Vijayakaran, Karunakaran; Sankar, Palanisamy; Kurade, Nitin Pandurang; Mishra, Santosh Kumar; Sarkar, Souvendra Nath, E-mail:


    We evaluated whether atorvastatin, an extensively prescribed statin for reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases, can reduce the risk of arsenic-induced vascular dysfunction and inflammation in rats and whether the modulation could be linked to improvement in vascular NO signaling. Rats were exposed to sodium arsenite (100 ppm) through drinking water for 90 consecutive days. Atorvastatin (10 mg/kg bw, orally) was administered once daily during the last 30 days of arsenic exposure. On the 91{sup st} day, blood was collected for measuring serum C-reactive protein. Thoracic aorta was isolated for assessing reactivity to phenylephrine, sodium nitroprusside and acetylcholine; evaluating eNOS and iNOS mRNA expression and measuring NO production, while abdominal aorta was used for ELISA of cytokines, chemokine and vascular cell adhesion molecules. Histopathology was done in aortic arches. Arsenic did not alter phenylephrine-elicited contraction. Atorvastatin inhibited E{sub max} of phenylephrine, but it augmented the contractile response in aortic rings from arsenic-exposed animals. Sodium nitroprusside-induced relaxation was not altered with any treatment. However, arsenic reduced acetylcholine-induced relaxation and affected aortic eNOS at the levels of mRNA expression, protein concentration, phosphorylation and NO production. Further, it increased aortic iNOS mRNA expression, iNOS-derived NO synthesis, production of pro-inflammatory mediators (IL-1β, IL-6, MCP-1, VCAM, sICAM) and serum C-reactive protein and aortic vasculopathic lesions. Atorvastatin attenuated these arsenic-mediated functional, biochemical and structural alterations. Results show that atorvastatin has the potential to ameliorate arsenic-induced vascular dysfunction and inflammation by restoring endothelial function with improvement in NO signaling and attenuating production of pro-inflammatory mediators and cell adhesion molecules. - Highlights: • We evaluated if atorvastatin reduce arsenic

  7. Turnover isotópico do carbono em tecidos corporais de suínos: músculos, fígado, gordura abdominal, plasma, casco e costela


    Augusto, Regina Maria Nascimento [UNESP


    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o turnover e o comportamento da incorporação do carbono nos músculos reto do abdome e semitendinoso de suínos em diferentes períodos de desenvolvimento. Foram utilizados 132 leitões (machos castrados e fêmeas) híbridos comerciais, desmamados com idade média de 21 dias, distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado em quatro tratamentos com dias distintos de substituição do milho (grão de planta do ciclo fotossintético C4) das dietas ...

  8. WNT5A-JNK regulation of vascular insulin resistance in human obesity. (United States)

    Farb, Melissa G; Karki, Shakun; Park, Song-Young; Saggese, Samantha M; Carmine, Brian; Hess, Donald T; Apovian, Caroline; Fetterman, Jessica L; Bretón-Romero, Rosa; Hamburg, Naomi M; Fuster, José J; Zuriaga, María A; Walsh, Kenneth; Gokce, Noyan


    Obesity is associated with the development of vascular insulin resistance; however, pathophysiological mechanisms are poorly understood. We sought to investigate the role of WNT5A-JNK in the regulation of insulin-mediated vasodilator responses in human adipose tissue arterioles prone to endothelial dysfunction. In 43 severely obese (BMI 44±11 kg/m 2 ) and five metabolically normal non-obese (BMI 26±2 kg/m 2 ) subjects, we isolated arterioles from subcutaneous and visceral fat during planned surgeries. Using videomicroscopy, we examined insulin-mediated, endothelium-dependent vasodilator responses and characterized adipose tissue gene and protein expression using real-time polymerase chain reaction and Western blot analyses. Immunofluorescence was used to quantify endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) phosphorylation. Insulin-mediated vasodilation was markedly impaired in visceral compared to subcutaneous vessels from obese subjects (p<0.001), but preserved in non-obese individuals. Visceral adiposity was associated with increased JNK activation and elevated expression of WNT5A and its non-canonical receptors, which correlated negatively with insulin signaling. Pharmacological JNK antagonism with SP600125 markedly improved insulin-mediated vasodilation by sixfold (p<0.001), while endothelial cells exposed to recombinant WNT5A developed insulin resistance and impaired eNOS phosphorylation (p<0.05). We observed profound vascular insulin resistance in the visceral adipose tissue arterioles of obese subjects that was associated with up-regulated WNT5A-JNK signaling and impaired endothelial eNOS activation. Pharmacological JNK antagonism markedly improved vascular endothelial function, and may represent a potential therapeutic target in obesity-related vascular disease. © The Author(s) 2016.

  9. Patogenicidade e virulência de Toxoplasma gondii isolado de suínos de criação artesanal no sul do Brasil

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    Plínio Aguiar de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Estudos com Toxoplasma gondii em suínos são relevantes porque seus produtos e subprodutos fazem parte da cadeia alimentar do ser humano. As principais vias de transmissão deste agente são o carnivorismo, fecal-oral e congênita. Seis isolados de Toxoplasma gondii de suínos de criação artesanal foram avaliados quanto à patogenicidade e virulência em camundongos suíços albinos. A suspensão de taquizoítos utilizada nos testes foi obtida através da punção ou lavagem da cavidade peritoneal de camundongos que apresentaram ascite. Cada amostra foi inoculada em grupos de cinco camundongos, com inóculo de 10¹, 10², 10³, 10(4, 10(5 e 10(6 taquizoítos vivos, via intraperitoneal. Dos isolados, 50% (3/6 foram letais e causaram sinais clínicos nos camundongos. A dose mínima letal foi de 10³ taquizoítos. A morte dos animais que apresentaram infecção aguda ocorreu entre 12 e 26 dias após a inoculação. Todos os isolados da região estudada apresentam alta capacidade de formar cistos, o que pode aumentar o risco de infecção pela ingestão de tecidos dos animais infectados pelos mesmos.

  10. Quercetin Attenuates Vascular Calcification through Suppressed Oxidative Stress in Adenine-Induced Chronic Renal Failure Rats

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    Xue-ying Chang


    Full Text Available Background. This study investigated whether quercetin could alleviate vascular calcification in experimental chronic renal failure rats induced by adenine. Methods. 32 adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups fed normal diet, normal diet with quercetin supplementation (25 mg/kg·BW/d, 0.75% adenine diet, or adenine diet with quercetin supplementation. All rats were sacrificed after 6 weeks of intervention. Serum renal functions biomarkers and oxidative stress biomarkers were measured and status of vascular calcification in aorta was assessed. Furthermore, the induced nitric oxide synthase (iNOS/p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (p38MAPK pathway was determined to explore the potential mechanism. Results. Adenine successfully induced renal failure and vascular calcification in rat model. Quercetin supplementation reversed unfavorable changes of phosphorous, uric acid (UA and creatinine levels, malonaldehyde (MDA content, and superoxide dismutase (SOD activity in serum and the increases of calcium and alkaline phosphatase (ALP activity in the aorta (P<0.05 and attenuated calcification and calcium accumulation in the medial layer of vasculature in histopathology. Western blot analysis showed that iNOS/p38MAPK pathway was normalized by the quercetin supplementation. Conclusions. Quercetin exerted a protective effect on vascular calcification in adenine-induced chronic renal failure rats, possibly through the modulation of oxidative stress and iNOs/p38MAPK pathway.

  11. Developmental programming of vascular dysfunction by prenatal and postnatal zinc deficiency in male and female rats. (United States)

    Mendes Garrido Abregú, Facundo; Gobetto, María Natalia; Juriol, Lorena Vanesa; Caniffi, Carolina; Elesgaray, Rosana; Tomat, Analía Lorena; Arranz, Cristina


    Micronutrient malnutrition during intrauterine and postnatal growth may program cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. We examined whether moderate zinc restriction in male and female rats throughout fetal life, lactation and/or postweaning growth induces alterations that can predispose to the onset of vascular dysfunction in adulthood. Female Wistar rats were fed low- or control zinc diets from pregnancy to offspring weaning. After weaning, offspring were fed either a low- or a control zinc diet until 81 days. We evaluated systolic blood pressure (SBP), thoracic aorta morphology, nitric oxide (NO) system and vascular reactivity in 6- and/or 81-day-old offspring. At day 6, zinc-deficient male and female offspring showed a decrease in aortic NO synthase (NOS) activity accompanied by an increase in oxidative stress. Zinc-deficient 81-day-old male rats exhibited an increase in collagen deposition in tunica media, as well as lower activity of endothelial NOS (eNOS) that could not be reversed with an adequate zinc diet during postweaning life. Zinc deficiency programmed a reduction in eNOS protein expression and higher SBP only in males. Adult zinc-deficient rats of both sexes showed reduced vasodilator response dependent on eNOS activity and impaired aortic vasoconstrictor response to angiotensin-II associated with alterations in intracellular calcium mobilization. Female rats were less sensitive to the effects of zinc deficiency and exhibited higher eNOS activity and/or expression than males, without alterations in SBP or aortic histology. This work strengthens the importance of a balanced intake of micronutrients during perinatal growth to ensure adequate vascular function in adult life. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Recusa de doação de órgãos e tecidos para transplante relatados por familiares de potenciais doadores


    Moraes,Edvaldo Leal de; Massarollo,Maria Cristina Komatsu Braga


    OBJETIVO: Conhecer a percepção de familiares de potenciais doadores sobre os motivos de recusa para doação de órgãos e tecidos para transplante. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, na vertente fenomenológica, modalidade "estrutura do fenômeno situado". Participaram do estudo oito familiares que recusaram a doação dos órgãos e tecidos. RESULTADOS: Após análise das entrevistas, foram revelados dez motivos de recusa, considerados pelos familiares. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: As proposições ...

  13. A neurotoxicidade da Cannabis sativa e suas repercussões sobre a morfologia do tecido cerebral

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    Bárbara da Silva Santos


    Full Text Available Para a compreensão das repercussões psicológicas e comportamentais verificadas em usuários de Cannabis sativa, experimentos têm sido desenvolvidos analisando a relação entre a intensidade do uso da droga e biomarcadores de lesão e inflamação. Dessa forma, este estudo teve como objetivo realizar pesquisa bibliográfica, relacionando marcadores bioquímicos de neurotoxicidade e suas repercussões sobre a morfologia do tecido cerebral em usuários de Cannabis sativa, durante a exposição ao ∆9-THC por via intravenosa e em pesquisas in vitro. Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa cuja pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada nos bancos de dados PubMed, SciELO e Google Acadêmico, utilizando-se como critério de inclusão os seguintes termos: “Cannabis sativa”, “marijuana”, “maconha”, “Δ9-THC”, “neurotrophins”, “neurotrofinas”, “prostaglandins”, “prostaglandinas”, “BDNF” e “NGF”. Dessa forma, foram selecionados 40 artigos para integrar a presente revisão, datados de 1987 a 2013. O período de realização da pesquisa bibliográfica foi de agosto de 2011 a maio de 2013. Foi possível identificar os tipos e a magnitude das alterações morfológicas e bioquímicas decorrentes do uso de Cannabis sativa ou da exposição ao ∆9-THC. De uma forma geral, foi constatada a diminuição das massas cinzenta e branca do cérebro, da densidade do hipocampo, do volume das células neurais, entre outros. Foram constatadas também alterações nos níveis séricos de neurotrofinas e na biossíntese de prostaglandinas, de acordo com a metodologia utilizada ou região avaliada. Esses achados poderiam estar relacionados às mudanças comportamentais observadas em usuários de Cannabis sativa, esclarecendo, por exemplo, diversos sintomas psíquicos relatados na literatura.

  14. Circulating NOS3 modulates left ventricular remodeling following reperfused myocardial infarction.

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    Simone Gorressen

    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO is constitutively produced and released from the endothelium and several blood cell types by the isoform 3 of the NO synthase (NOS3. We have shown that NO protects against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R injury and that depletion of circulating NOS3 increases within 24 h of ischemia/reperfusion the size of myocardial infarction (MI in chimeric mice devoid of circulating NOS3. In the current study we hypothesized that circulating NOS3 also affects remodeling of the left ventricle following reperfused MI.To analyze the role of circulating NOS3 we transplanted bone marrow of NOS3-/- and wild type (WT mice into WT mice, producing chimerae expressing NOS3 only in vascular endothelium (BC-/EC+ or in both, blood cells and vascular endothelium (BC+/EC+. Both groups underwent 60 min of coronary occlusion in a closed-chest model of reperfused MI. During the 3 weeks post MI, structural and functional LV remodeling was serially assessed (24 h, 4 d, 1 w, 2 w and 3 w by echocardiography. At 72 hours post MI, gene expression of several extracellular matrix (ECM modifying molecules was determined by quantitative RT-PCR analysis. At 3 weeks post MI, hemodynamics were obtained by pressure catheter, scar size and collagen content were quantified post mortem by Gomori's One-step trichrome staining.Three weeks post MI, LV end-systolic (53.2±5.9 μl; ***p≤0.001; n = 5 and end-diastolic volumes (82.7±5.6 μl; *p<0.05; n = 5 were significantly increased in BC-/EC+, along with decreased LV developed pressure (67.5±1.8 mm Hg; n = 18; ***p≤0.001 and increased scar size/left ventricle (19.5±1.5%; n = 13; **p≤0.01 compared to BC+/EC+ (ESV: 35.6±2.2 μl; EDV: 69.1±2.6 μl n = 8; LVDP: 83.2±3.2 mm Hg; n = 24; scar size/LV13.8±0.7%; n = 16. Myocardial scar of BC-/EC+ was characterized by increased total collagen content (20.2±0.8%; n = 13; ***p≤0.001 compared to BC+/EC+ (15.9±0.5; n = 16, and increased collagen type I and III subtypes

  15. Expression of matrix metalloproteases-2 and -9 in horse hoof laminae after intestinal obstruction, with or without Hydrocortisone treatment Expressão de metaloproteinases 2 e 9 no tecido laminar do casco de equinos após obstrução intestinal e tratamento com hidrocortisona

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    Luciane Maria Laskoski


    Full Text Available Twenty horses were used in the experiment, for composed control group, (Cg instrumented group, (Ig;without intestinal obstruction, treated group (Tg;submitted to intestinal obstruction and hydrocortisone treatment and non-treated group (Ntg;submitted to intestinal obstruction without treatment. Immunohistochemistry and zymography techniques were used for researches on MMPs 2 and 9 in horse hoof laminae. There was an increase in the expression of MMP-2 in animals of Tg and Ntg. MMP-9 increased on animals from groups Ntg and Ig, however there was no rise of this MMP on the Tg when compared to the other groups in the immunohistochemistry analysis. Based on the results, it was observed that the intestinal injury caused by enterotomy and intestinal obstruction raise the quantities of MMPs in the hoof laminae.Vinte cavalos foram usados no experimento: para compor o grupo controle (Cg, grupo instrumentado, Ig (sem obstrução intestinal, grupo tratado, Tg (submetidos à obstrução intestinal e tratamento com hidrocortisona e grupo não tratado, Ntg (submetidos à obstrução intestinal, sem tratamento. Técnicas de zimografia e imunoistoquímica foram utilizadas para pesquisa de MMP-2 e MMP-9 no tecido laminar do casco dos equinos. Houve um aumento na expressão de MMP-2 nos animais dos grupos Tg e Ntg. A MMP-9 aumentou nos animais dos grupos Ig e Ntg. Houve aumento desta MMP no Tg quando comparado aos demais grupos na análise por zimografia. Observou-se que a injúria intestinal, causada pela enterotomia e obstrução intestinal, eleva a quantidade de MMPs no tecido laminar do casco.

  16. Glutamina: Metabolismo, Destinos, Funções E. Relação Com O Exercício Físico


    Francisco, Tatyane Dias; Curi, Tânia Cristina Pithon-; Curi, Rui; Júnior, Jair Rodrigues Garcia


    A glutamina é o aminoácido mais abundante no plasma e nos tecidos, especialmente nos músculos. Ela desempenha muitas funções, dentre as quais o transporte de amônia dos tecidos produtores (músculos, por exemplo) para os órgãos que a eliminam (fígado e rins), a doação de esqueletos de carbono para a gliconeogênese, a manutenção do equilíbrio ácido-básico com a libera&cced...

  17. Caracterização morfo-anatômica dos órgãos vegetativos de Cattleya walkeriana Gardner (Orchidaceae - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v26i1.1664 Morpho-anatomic characterization of vegetative organs of Cattleya walkeriana Gardner (Orchidaceae - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v26i1.1664

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    Cláudia Inês da Silva


    Full Text Available As espécies de orquídeas epífitas possuem adaptações morfo-anatômicas singulares e que as tornam aptas a ocuparem ambientes onde a escassez de água e de nutrientes é freqüente, como os ramos e troncos das árvores. Nelas são comuns os tecidos especializados para a reserva de água, tanto nas folhas quanto nas raízes e nos pseudobulbos, tendo este estudo o objetivo de caracterizar morfo-anatomicamente os órgãos vegetativos de Cattleya walkeriana Gardner. As folhas são coriáceo-carnosas, revestidas com espessa cutícula, hipostomáticas e com mesofilo tendendo para a dorsi-ventralidade. Nos pseudobulbos, a cutícula e algumas camadas de células subjacentes impermeabilizam o parênquima fundamental, formado por grandes células que reservam água e carboidratos na forma de grãos de amido. Os feixes vasculares são colaterais, tendo os maiores, calotas de fibras em ambos os polos de tecidos condutores. Nas raízes o velame e o tecido cortical estão formados por várias camadas de células, embora tanto a exoderme quanto a endoderme mostrem-se pouco espessadasThe epiphytic orchids species have singular morpho-anatomic adaptations, which enable them to stay in places where water and nutrients scarcity are frequent, such as trees branch and trunk. The tissues specialized in water reservation are common in these species, as much as in leaves, roots and pseudobulbs. This study aimed to distinguish morpho-anatomically the vegetative organs of ,em>Cattleya walkeriana Gardner. Their leaves are coriaceous-fleshy in texture, covered by thick cuticle, hypostomatic and their mesophyll tends to the dorsal-ventral. In the pseudobulbs, the cuticle and some underlying cell layers waterproof the fundamental parenchyma, formed by big cells that reserve water and grains of starch. The vascular bundles are collateral, and the longest ones have sclerenchyma cap in both conductor tissue poles. In the roots, the velamen and the cortical tissue are formed

  18. Aortic VCAM-1: an early marker of vascular inflammation in collagen-induced arthritis. (United States)

    Denys, Anne; Clavel, Gaëlle; Lemeiter, Delphine; Schischmanoff, Olivier; Boissier, Marie-Christophe; Semerano, Luca


    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). There are limited experimental data on vascular involvement in arthritis models. To study the link between CVD and inflammation in RA, we developed a model of vascular dysfunction and articular inflammation by collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in C57Bl/6 (B6) mice. We studied the expression of vascular inflammatory markers in CIA with and without concomitant hyperlipidic diet (HD). Collagen-induced arthritis was induced with intradermal injection of chicken type-II collagen followed by a boost 21 days later. Mice with and without CIA were fed a standard diet or an HD for 12 weeks starting from the day of the boost. Arthritis severity was evaluated with a validated clinical score. Aortic mRNA levels of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and interleukin-17 were analysed by quantitative RT-PCR. Vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 localization in the aortic sinus was determined by immunohistochemistry. Atherosclerotic plaque presence was assessed in aortas. Collagen-induced arthritis was associated with increased expression of VCAM-1, independent of diet. VCAM-1 overexpression was detectable as early as 4 weeks after collagen immunization and persisted after 15 weeks. The HD induced atheroma plaque formation and aortic iNOS expression regardless of CIA. Concomitant CIA and HD had no additive effect on atheroma or VCAM-1 or iNOS expression. CIA and an HD diet induced a distinct and independent expression of large-vessel inflammation markers in B6 mice. This model may be relevant for the study of CVD in RA. © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine.

  19. Determination of metallothionein levels in tissues of young rats fed zinc-enriched diets Determinação dos níveis de metalotioneínas em tecidos de ratos jovens alimentados com dietas enriquecidas com zinco

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    Gilberto Simeone HENRIQUES


    metalotioneínas (MT's em tecidos de ratos alimentados com diferentes concentrações de zinco, a fim de observar a resposta dos animais ao metal em relação a diferentes tipos de ração e checar se esta medida poderia ser utilizada como parâmetro para avaliar o estado nutricional relativo ao zinco. Trinta e dois ratos machos Wistar, recém desmamados, foram distribuídos em 4 grupos experimentais, acondicionados em gaiolas individuais, com livre acesso à água desmineralizada e às rações com diferentes concentrações de zinco, chamadas RC (dieta semelhante à AIN93 e RH (dieta habitual do restaurante universitário, ambas não suplementadas, e RCS e RHS, seus pares suplementados. Após 4 semanas, os animais foram sacrificados e o fígado, os rins, os fêmures e os testículos foram isolados para determinar-se as concentrações de metalotioneínas por meio de um ensaio de afinidade Cd/Hb. O conteúdo de zinco foi determinado por espectroscopia de absorção atômica de chama. Os resultados mostraram que a suplementação com zinco não produziu mudanças no perfil de metalotioneínas dos tecidos a partir das doses administradas. As concentrações médias mais elevadas foram encontradas no fígado, 36,21 ± 0,88 µg/g (média para os grupos RC e RCS e 28,92 ± 5,32 µg/g (média para os grupos RH e RHS. As concentrações de metalotioneína nos testículos foram significativamente altas, considerando o pequeno volume do órgão - 19,29 ± 0,54 µg/g (média para os grupos RC e RCS e 17,22 ± 1,07 µg/g (média para os grupos RH e RHS. Aumentos significativos nas concentrações de zinco foram observados nos fígados de animais jovens suplementados com o metal, 38,94 ± 3,43 µg/g de tecido para RCS e 42,83 ± 2,78 µg/g de tecido para RHS, e nos fêmures, 140,04 ± 6,03 µg/g de tecido para RCS e 86,57 ± 6,95 mg/g de tecido para RHS. As diferentes matrizes alimentares pelas quais o zinco foi veiculado não provocaram mudanças na resposta metabólica adaptativa de

  20. Aplicações da cultura de tecidos em plantas medicinais Applications of tissue culture in medicinal plants

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    T.P. Morais


    Full Text Available Esta revisão tem por objetivo levantar dados de literatura sobre o histórico e a situação atual das técnicas de cultura de tecidos em plantas medicinais. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão de publicações do período de 1976 a 2009. A cultura de tecidos é muito utilizada em pesquisas envolvendo plantas medicinais, com destaque para a técnica de micropropagação. A aplicação das técnicas de cultura de tecidos em plantas medicinais tem como perspectivas a obtenção de germoplasma competitivo e adaptado a diversos métodos de cultivo, escolha de novas espécies que servirão como fonte de compostos biologicamente ativos e aprimoramento da produção de fitofármacos, a fim de assegurar exploração sustentável destas espécies.The aim of this literature review is to conduct a survey concerning the history and current situation of tissue culture techniques in medicinal plants. Therefore, a review was done considering the period from 1976 to 2009. Tissue culture is widely applied in medicinal plants researches, especially micropropagation. The perspectives of tissue culture techniques in medicinal plants are related to the development of competitive germoplasm adapted to diverse methods of cultivation, the election of new species that will serve as source of biological active composts, and the improvement of phytochemicals production, in order to assure sustainable exploration of these species.

  1. Substance P ameliorates tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced endothelial cell dysfunction by regulating eNOS expression in vitro. (United States)

    Piao, Jiyuan; Hong, Hyun Sook; Son, Youngsook


    The aim of this study was to explore the beneficial effects of SP on NO production and inflammation-induced vascular endothelium cell death. To mimic the inflammatory environment, TNF-α was treated with HUVECs, and SP was added prior to TNF-α to determine its protective effect. WST-1 assay was performed to detect cell viability. NO level in conditioned medium was measured by Griess Reagent System. The protein level of cleaved caspase-3, eNOS, and phosphorylated Akt was detected by Western blot analysis. TNF-α declined endothelial cell viability by downregulating Akt and NO production. TNF-α-induced cell death was reliably restored by NO, confirming the requirement of NO for cell survival. By contrast, pretreatment of SP attenuated TNF-α-induced cellular apoptosis, accompanied by an increase in the phosphorylation of Akt, eNOS expression, and NO production. Blockage of NK-1R, phosphorylated Akt or eNOS by CP-96345, A6730, or L-NAME entirely eliminated the effect of SP. SP can protect the vascular endothelium against inflammation-induced damage through modulation of the Akt/eNOS/NO signaling pathway. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Alterações morfológicas de tecido laminar do casco e parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais de equinos com síndrome cólica letal Morphologic alterations of the hoof lamellar tissue, and clinic and laboratorial analyses of horses with lethal colic syndrome

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    Luciane M. Laskoski


    Full Text Available As afecções gastrintestinais dos cavalos são agravadas por complicações como a laminite, cuja etiopatogenia está relacionada à degradação da membrana basal do tecido laminar por metaloproteinases (MMPs. A ativação das MMPs pode ocorrer devido à liberação local de citocinas inflamatórias ou enzimas provenientes de leucócitos infiltrados no tecido laminar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações morfológicas do tecido laminar de equinos com síndrome cólica letal e sua provável associação com parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais. Observou-se intensa destruição da arquitetura laminar, principalmente nos animais com alterações físicas e laboratoriais mais acentuadas, como tempo de preenchimento capilar prolongado (TPC, membranas mucosas congestas, taquicardia, hemoconcentração e redução nas contagens de plaquetas e leucócitos. Os resultados sinalizam o provável momento do desenvolvimento de lesões do tecido laminar em equinos com síndrome cólica, no qual é possível adotar medidas preventivas contra a laminite.The gastrointestinal diseases of horses are aggravated by complications such as laminitis. The laminitis etiopathogeny are connected with lamellar basement membrane degradation by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs. Inflammatory cytokines and leukocytes enzymes can active MMPs. The object of this study was to evaluate morphological changes on lamellar tissue of horses with colic syndrome and its association with clinical and laboratorial parameters. It was observed intensive destruction of lamellar architecture, mainly on animals with severe physical and laboratorial alterations, such as delayed capillary refill time, congested mucous membrane, tachycardia, hemoconcentration and low count of platelet and leukocytes. The results sign to the most likely moment of development of lamellar tissue injuries in horses with colic syndrome, which can be adopted preventive measures against laminitis.

  3. N-Acetylcysteine, a glutathione precursor, reverts vascular dysfunction and endothelial epigenetic programming in intrauterine growth restricted guinea pigs. (United States)

    Herrera, Emilio A; Cifuentes-Zúñiga, Francisca; Figueroa, Esteban; Villanueva, Cristian; Hernández, Cherie; Alegría, René; Arroyo-Jousse, Viviana; Peñaloza, Estefania; Farías, Marcelo; Uauy, Ricardo; Casanello, Paola; Krause, Bernardo J


    Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with vascular dysfunction, oxidative stress and signs of endothelial epigenetic programming of the umbilical vessels. There is no evidence that this epigenetic programming is occurring on systemic fetal arteries. In IUGR guinea pigs we studied the functional and epigenetic programming of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) (Nos3 gene) in umbilical and systemic fetal arteries, addressing the role of oxidative stress in this process by maternal treatment with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) during the second half of gestation. The present study suggests that IUGR endothelial cells have common molecular markers of programming in umbilical and systemic arteries. Notably, maternal treatment with NAC restores fetal growth by increasing placental efficiency and reverting the functional and epigenetic programming of eNOS in arterial endothelium in IUGR guinea pigs. In humans, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with vascular dysfunction, oxidative stress and signs of endothelial programming in umbilical vessels. We aimed to determine the effects of maternal antioxidant treatment with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on fetal endothelial function and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) programming in IUGR guinea pigs. IUGR was induced by implanting ameroid constrictors on uterine arteries of pregnant guinea pigs at mid gestation, half of the sows receiving NAC in the drinking water (from day 34 until term). Fetal biometry and placental vascular resistance were followed by ultrasound throughout gestation. At term, umbilical arteries and fetal aortae were isolated to assess endothelial function by wire-myography. Primary cultures of endothelial cells (ECs) from fetal aorta, femoral and umbilical arteries were used to determine eNOS mRNA levels by quantitative PCR and analyse DNA methylation in the Nos3 promoter by pyrosequencing. Doppler ultrasound measurements showed that NAC reduced placental vascular resistance

  4. Avaliação dos glicosaminoglicanos do tecido periuretral de pacientes com e sem prolapso genital Evaluation of glycosaminoglycans of periurethral tissue in patients with and without pelvic organ prolapse

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    Paulo Cezar Feldner Jr


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar e quantificar os subtipos de glicosaminoglicanos sulfatados (GAGs existentes no tecido peri-uretral de pacientes com e sem prolapso genital. METODOS: Foram incluídas 35 pacientes que se submeteram a cirurgia vaginal para correção de distopias genitais e/ou incontinência urinária de esforço ou por outra condição benigna. As pacientes foram avaliadas por anamnese padronizada, exame físico e urodinâmico e agrupadas segundo a existência do prolapso genital. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico, amostras de aproximadamente 1,0 x 1,0 cm do tecido periuretral foram retiradas para avaliação. Os GAGs foram extraídos do tecido por proteólise e precipitação por ácido tricloroacético e caracterizados por eletroforese em gel de agarose. A quantificação foi feita por meio de densitometria a 525 nm do gel corado com azul de toluidina. Compararam-se os dados pela análise de variância (ANOVA. RESULTADOS: Nos grupos estudados, houve maior predomínio de dermatam sulfato (DS, em torno de 85% do total de GAGs, seguido do condroitim sulfato (CS e do heparam sulfato (HS. Observou-se aumento significativo dos GAGs totais, do DS e do HS em mulheres com prolapso genital. Não se observou diferença significante com relação ao CS. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo demonstrou diferenças na matriz extracelular do tecido periuretral com aumento de GAGs totais, DS e HS nas mulheres com prolapso genital.OBJECTIVE: To characterize and quantify periurethral tissue sulphated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs in women with and without pelvic organ prolapse. STUDY DESIGN: Periurethral tissue was obtained from 35 women who underwent surgery for pelvic organ prolapse, for stress urinary incontinence, or for other gynecological benign conditions. Patients were submitted to a clinical history, physical and urodynamic examination and were divided in two groups according to genital prolapse. The standard biopsy with 1.0 x 1.0 cm was taken from periurethral

  5. A novel adipocytokine, chemerin exerts anti-inflammatory roles in human vascular endothelial cells

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    Yamawaki, Hideyuki, E-mail: [Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University, Aomori 034-8628 (Japan); Kameshima, Satoshi; Usui, Tatsuya; Okada, Muneyoshi; Hara, Yukio [Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University, Aomori 034-8628 (Japan)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Chemerin is a novel adipocytokine with almost unknown function in vasculature. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Chemerin activates Akt/eNOS/NO pathways in endothelial cells. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Chemerin inhibits TNF-{alpha}-induced monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Chemerin inhibits TNF-induced VCAM-1 via suppressing NF-{kappa}B and p38 signal. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Chemerin is anti-inflammatory through producing NO in vascular endothelium. -- Abstract: Chemerin is a recently identified adipocytokine which plays a role on inflammation and adipocytes metabolism. However, its function in vasculature is largely unknown. We examined the effects of chemerin on vascular endothelial inflammatory states. Treatment of human umbilical vein endothelial cells with chemerin (300 ng/ml, 20 min) induced phosphorylation of Akt (Ser473) and endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase (eNOS) (Ser1177). Consistently, chemerin increased intracellular cyclic GMP content. Pretreatment with chemerin (1-300 ng/ml, 24 h) significantly inhibited phosphorylation of nuclear factor (NF)-{kappa}B p65 (Ser536) and p38 as well as vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1 expression induced by tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-{alpha} (5 ng/ml, 20 min-6 h). Inhibitor of NF-{kappa}B or p38 significantly inhibited the TNF-{alpha}-induced VCAM-1 expression. Chemerin also inhibited TNF-{alpha}-induced VCAM-1 expression in rat isolated aorta. Moreover, chemerin significantly inhibited monocytes adhesion to TNF-{alpha}-stimulated endothelial cells. The inhibitory effect of chemerin on TNF-{alpha}-induced VCAM-1 was reversed by a NOS inhibitor. Conversely, an NO donor, sodium nitroprusside significantly inhibited TNF-{alpha}-induced VCAM-1. The present results for the first time demonstrate that chemerin plays anti-inflammatory roles by preventing TNF-{alpha}-induced VCAM-1 expression and monocytes adhesion in vascular

  6. Preservação da proteína verde fluorescente no tecido ósseo descalcificado Preservation of the green fluorescent protein on decalcified bone tissue

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    Jankerle Neves Boeloni


    Full Text Available A proteína verde fluorescente (GFP foi originalmente descoberta no cnidário Aequorea victoria. Células-tronco GFP positivas podem ser rastreadas in vivo quando usadas na terapia de doenças. No entanto, no osso, a fluorescência gerada pela GFP pode ser perdida durante o processo de descalcificação, dificultando o rastreamento das células-tronco usadas no tratamento de doenças ou defeitos ósseos. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar diferentes técnicas de preservação da GFP no tecido ósseo descalcificado. Foram utilizados fêmures de ratas GFP Lewis distribuídos em quatro grupos: 1 descalcificado em ácido fórmico e incluído em parafina; 2 descalcificado em ácido fórmico e submetido à criomicrotomia; 3 descalcificado em EDTA e incluído em parafina; e 4 descalcificado em EDTA com criomicrotomia. Secções de tecido ósseo de todos os grupos foram analisadas para identificação da fluorescência natural e posteriormente submetidas à imunofluorescência, sendo utilizados anti-GFP e Alexa Flúor 555. As imagens foram obtidas por microscopia confocal. Osteócitos, osteoblastos e células da medula óssea de ratos GFP somente tiveram sua fluorescência natural preservada no tecido ósseo descalcificado em EDTA e submetido à microtomia por congelação. Nos demais grupos, houve perda da fluorescência natural, e as células GFP somente puderam ser identificadas com o uso da reação de imunofluorescência com anti-GFP. Conclui-se que a descalcificação em EDTA e a criomicrotomia são as melhores técnicas para preservar a fluorescência natural das células GFP no tecido ósseo e que a visualização de células GFP em tecido ósseo descalcificado em ácido fórmico e incluído em parafina somente pode ser realizada com o uso da técnica de imunofluorescência.Green fluorescent protein (GFP was originally derived from the cnidarians Aequorea victoria. GFP-positive stem cells can be tracked in vivo when used in the therapy of

  7. Vascular ATP-sensitive potassium channels are over-expressed and partially regulated by nitric oxide in experimental septic shock. (United States)

    Collin, Solène; Sennoun, Nacira; Dron, Anne-Gaëlle; de la Bourdonnaye, Mathilde; Montemont, Chantal; Asfar, Pierre; Lacolley, Patrick; Meziani, Ferhat; Levy, Bruno


    To study the activation and expression of vascular (aorta and small mesenteric arteries) potassium channels during septic shock with or without modulation of the NO pathway. Septic shock was induced in rats by peritonitis. Selective inhibitors of vascular K(ATP) (PNU-37883A) or BK(Ca) [iberiotoxin (IbTX)] channels were used to demonstrate their involvement in vascular hyporeactivity. Vascular response to phenylephrine was measured on aorta and small mesenteric arteries mounted on a wire myograph. Vascular expression of potassium channels was studied by PCR and Western blot, in the presence or absence of 1400W, an inducible NO synthase (iNOS) inhibitor. Aortic activation of the transcriptional factor nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB) was assessed by electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Arterial pressure as well as in vivo and ex vivo vascular reactivity were reduced by sepsis and improved by PNU-37883A but not by IbTX. Sepsis was associated with an up-regulation of mRNA and protein expression of vascular K(ATP) channels, while expression of vascular BK(Ca) channels remained unchanged. Selective iNOS inhibition blunted the sepsis-induced increase in aortic NO, decreased NF-κB activation, and down-regulated vascular K(ATP) channel expression. Vascular K(ATP) but not BK(Ca) channels are activated, over-expressed, and partially regulated by NO via NF-κB activation during septic shock. Their selective inhibition restores arterial pressure and vascular reactivity and decreases lactate concentration. The present data suggest that selective vascular K(ATP) channel inhibitors offer potential therapeutic perspectives for septic shock.

  8. Crosstalk entre osso e tecido adiposo na doença renal crônica

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    Sandra Mara Silva de Azevedo Marinho


    Full Text Available Dentro do conceito de que os hormônios são regulados por um ciclo de reciprocidade, o fato de osteoblastos e adipócitos serem desenvolvidos a partir de células-tronco mesenquimais e da remodelação óssea ser regulada pela leptina, traz a ideia de possíveis participações do osso no metabolismo energético e vice-versa. Estudos recentes têm demonstrado que a diferenciação e as funções das células ósseas são reguladas pela leptina, que parece desencadear uma resposta bimodal central, via sistema nervoso simpático, e uma local, na qual a leptina agiria sobre o osso. De fato, estudos têm revelado complexa interação entre osso, tecido adiposo e cérebro; no entanto, existem poucos estudos sobre esse crosstalk em pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC. Como tais pacientes têm tendência à diminuição da densidade mineral óssea e elevados níveis de leptina, o presente artigo apresentou uma revisão sobre o possível envolvimento entre tecido adiposo e massa óssea, em pacientes com DRC.

  9. Transplantation of endothelial progenitor cells ameliorates vascular dysfunction and portal hypertension in carbon tetrachloride-induced rat liver cirrhotic model. (United States)

    Sakamoto, Masaharu; Nakamura, Toru; Torimura, Takuji; Iwamoto, Hideki; Masuda, Hiroshi; Koga, Hironori; Abe, Mitsuhiko; Hashimoto, Osamu; Ueno, Takato; Sata, Michio


    In cirrhosis, sinusoidal endothelial cell injury results in increased endothelin-1 (ET-1) and decreased nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity, leading to portal hypertension. However, the effects of transplanted endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) on the cirrhotic liver have not yet been clarified. We investigated whether EPC transplantation reduces portal hypertension. Cirrhotic rats were created by the administration of carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4) ) twice weekly for 10 weeks. From week 7, rat bone marrow-derived EPCs were injected via the tail vein in this model once a week for 4 weeks. Endothelial NOS (eNOS), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and caveolin expressions were examined by Western blots. Hepatic tissue ET-1 was measured by a radioimmunoassay (RIA). Portal venous pressure, mean aortic pressure, and hepatic blood flow were measured. Endothelial progenitor cell transplantation reduced liver fibrosis, α-smooth muscle actin-positive cells, caveolin expression, ET-1 concentration and portal venous pressure. EPC transplantation increased hepatic blood flow, protein levels of eNOS and VEGF. Immunohistochemical analyses of eNOS and isolectin B4 demonstrated that the livers of EPC-transplanted animals had markedly increased vascular density, suggesting reconstitution of sinusoidal blood vessels with endothelium. Transplantation of EPCs ameliorates vascular dysfunction and portal hypertension, suggesting this treatment may provide a new approach in the therapy of portal hypertension with liver cirrhosis. © 2012 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  10. Modelos matemáticos para o estudo do fluxo biológico do fósforo em suínos alimentados com dietas suplementadas com níveis crescentes de fitase Mathematical models for the study of the biological flow of phosphorus in pigs fed with diets containing increasing levels of phytase

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    J.A. Moreira


    Full Text Available A pesquisa foi realizada para avaliar o fluxo biológico do fósforo entre os compartimentos, fisiológicos ou anatômicos, de suínos mantidos em dietas que continham níveis crescentes de fitase, usando o P-32 como traçador. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, sendo os tratamentos constituídos por níveis de enzima fitase, 253, 759, 1265 e 1748 UF/kg, nas dietas. As variáveis avaliadas foram: ingestão, excreção, atividades específicas e fluxo de P nos compartimentos (trato digestivo, corrente sanguínea, tecidos moles e ossos. A enzima fitase não interferiu nas excreções fecais e urinárias, nas atividades específicas, na incorporação e na reabsorção de P nos ossos e nos tecidos moles e no fluxo bidirecional do trato digestivo e na corrente sanguínea, mas afetou linearmente a absorção e a retenção nos ossos. As respostas mais evidentes dos efeitos da adição da fitase são observadas nos níveis mais baixos.The biological flow of P was evaluated among the physiologic or the anatomical compartments of pigs fed diets with increasing phytase levels, using P-32 as tracer. The experimental design was completely randomized. Treatments consisted of phytase levels in diets (253, 759, 1265, and 1748UF/kg. The evaluated variables were: feed intake, excretion, specific activities and flow of P in the compartments (gut, blood, bone, and soft tissus. Phytase level did not interfere with fecal and urinary excretion, specific activities, incorporation and resorption of bone, and soft tissue P and in the bidirectional flow of gut and blood, but linearly affected P absorption and bone P retention. The best response was observed with the lowest phytase levels.

  11. Doação de órgãos e tecidos: relação com o corpo em nossa sociedade


    Roza,Bartira De Aguiar; Garcia,Valter Duro; Barbosa,Sayonara de Fátima Faria; Mendes,Karina Dal Sasso; Schirmer,Janine


    Este estudo, de revisão bibliográfica, objetivou tecer considerações teóricas sobre doação de órgãos e tecidos e sua relação com o corpo em nossa sociedade. O aumento da taxa de doação depende de um olhar ampliado além das questões técnicas do processo de doação de órgãos e tecidos. Vários países, com larga experiência temporal e, que trabalham sistematicamente nesse processo, incorporaram a abordagem social e a perspectiva ética, baseadas no voluntarismo das famílias e no respeito ao direito...

  12. Ocorrência de genes tad associados à formação de biofilme em isolados de Pasteurella multocida de pulmões de suínos com pneumonia


    Moraes, Danny Franciele da S.D.; Brandão, Laila Natasha S.; Pitchenin, Leticia C.; O. Filho, João Xavier; Morés, Nelson; Nakazato, Luciano; Dutra, Valéria


    Os atuais sistemas de criação intensiva de suínos aumentam a pressão de seleção microbiana propiciando a disseminação de doenças respiratórias. A bactéria Pasteurella multocida é associada a diversas patologias respiratórias em animais submetidos a esse tipo de criação, causando grandes perdas econômicas. A formação de biofilme foi descrita in vitro em P. multocida e fatores analisados indicaram a facilitação na colonização dos tecidos, aumentando a resistência às defesas do hospedeiro e aos ...

  13. Histopatologia da leishmaniose tegumentar por Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis. 3. Reação celular nos tecidos

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    Albino Verçosa de Magalhães


    Full Text Available Os A.A. analisam as alterações histopatológicas observadas em 378 casos de Leishmaniose Tegumentar da localidade de Três Braços Estado da Bahia, dos quais 307 eram de portadores de lesões exclusivamente cutâneas, 54 de portadores de lesões exclusivamnte mucosas e 17 de portadores de lesões cutâneo-mucosas. A infiltração histiolinfoplasmocitária, na maioria dos casos, parece desempenhar o papel de resposta celular inespecífica à presença de um irritante tecidual, porém, nos casos de forma mucosa, não se pode afastar a possibilidade de que esse infiltrado esteja participando de uma reação de tipo autoagressivo. O plasmócito constitui um elemento quase constante nas lesões desenvolvidas, mas não tem sido observado nas lesões residuais, quer em via de cura ou já cicatrizadas; sua presença nestes casos denota, quase sempre, tendência à recidiva. Os mastdcitos foram observados em lesões tanto da forma cutânea como da forma mucosa, mas predominavam nas primeiras. Seu número foi significantemente maior no padrão de Reação Exsudativa e Neerótico Granulomatosa, onde os fenômenos necróticos são bem desenvolvidos. Os eosinófilos apresentaram associação significativa com os mastócitos, confirmando a existência de um eixo bidirecional entre estás duas células, o qual deve participar da modulação inflamatória, na Leishmaniose Tegumentar. Dois tipos de reação granulomatosa foram observados: um desorganizado, em relação, muitas vezes, com a necrose tissular, e outro organizado, mais raro, do tipo tuberculóide. O primeiro foi interpretado como de origem pós-necrótica, surgindo com a redução da carga parasitária, propiciada pelos fenômenos necróticos: eliminado o antígeno e mantidos os níveis de anticorpos, surgem as condições necessárias ao estabelecimento do granuloma, semelhante àquele observado nas lesões por imunocomplexo em excesso de anticorpos. O outro tipo de reação foi o granuloma de c

  14. Angiotensin II modulates interleukin-1β-induced inflammatory gene expression in vascular smooth muscle cells via interfering with ERK-NF-κB crosstalk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Shanqin; Zhi, Hui; Hou, Xiuyun; Jiang, Bingbing


    Highlights: → We examine how angiotensin II modulates ERK-NF-κB crosstalk and gene expression. → Angiotensin II suppresses IL-1β-induced prolonged ERK and NF-κB activation. → ERK-RSK1 signaling is required for IL-1β-induced prolonged NF-κB activation. → Angiotensin II modulates NF-κB responsive genes via regulating ERK-NF-κB crosstalk. → ERK-NF-κB crosstalk is a novel mechanism regulating inflammatory gene expression. -- Abstract: Angiotensin II is implicated in cardiovascular diseases, which is associated with a role in increasing vascular inflammation. The present study investigated how angiotensin II modulates vascular inflammatory signaling and expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1. In cultured rat aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), angiotensin II suppressed interleukin-1β-induced prolonged phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK)-1, and nuclear translocation of nuclear factor (NF)-κB, leading to decreased iNOS but enhanced VCAM-1 expression, associated with an up-regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 expression. Knock-down of RSK1 selectively down regulated interleukin-1β-induced iNOS expression without influencing VCAM-1 expression. In vivo experiments showed that interleukin-1β, iNOS, and VCAM-1 expression were detectable in the aortic arches of both wild-type and apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE -/- ) mice. VCAM-1 and iNOS expression were higher in ApoE -/- than in wild type mouse aortic arches. Angiotensin II infusion (3.2 mg/kg/day, for 6 days, via subcutaneous osmotic pump) in ApoE -/- mice enhanced endothelial and adventitial VCAM-1 and iNOS expression, but reduced medial smooth muscle iNOS expression associated with reduced phosphorylation of ERK and RSK-1. These results indicate that angiotensin II can differentially modulate inflammatory gene expression in aortic smooth muscle cells

  15. Fructose intake exacerbates the contractile response elicited by norepinephrine in mesenteric vascular bed of rats via increased endothelial prostanoids. (United States)

    Sousa, Glauciene J; Oliveira, Phablo Wendell C; Nogueira, Breno V; Melo, Antônio F; Faria, Thaís de Oliveira; Meira, Eduardo Frizera; Mill, José G; Bissoli, Nazaré S; Baldo, Marcelo P


    Chronic fructose intake induces major cardiovascular and metabolic disturbances and is associated with the development of hypertension due to changes in vascular function. We hypothesized that high fructose intake for 6 weeks would cause metabolic syndrome and lead to initial vascular dysfunction. Male Wistar rats were assigned to receive fructose (FRU, 10%) or drinking water (CON) for 6 weeks. Systolic blood pressure was evaluated by tail plethysmography. Fasting glucose, insulin and glucose tolerance were measured at the end of the follow-up. Mesenteric vascular bed reactivity was tested before and after pharmacological blockade. Western blot analysis was performed for iNOS, eNOS, Nox2 and COX-2. DHE staining was used for vascular superoxide anion detection. Vessel structure was evaluated by optical and electronic microscopy. Fructose intake did not alter blood pressure, but did increase visceral fat deposition and fasting glucose as well as impair insulin and glucose tolerance. Fructose increased NE-induced vasoconstriction compared with CON, and this difference was abrogated by indomethacin perfusion as well as endothelium removal. ACh-induced relaxation was preserved, and the NO modulation tested after L-NAME perfusion was similar between groups. SNP-induced relaxation was not altered. Inducible NOS was increased; however, there were no changes in eNOS, Nox2 or COX-2 protein expression. Basal or stimulated superoxide anion production was not changed by fructose intake. In conclusion, high fructose intake increased NE-induced vasoconstriction through the endothelial prostanoids even in the presence of a preserved endothelium-mediated relaxation. No major changes in vessel structure were detected. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Alcido Kirst


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar a fertilidade dos solos do município de Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil, em relação aos micronutrientes zinco, ferro, manganês, cobre e boro, baseado nos laudos técnicos de análise de solo realizados pelo Laboratório de Solos da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, no período de 2001 a 2005. Ao todo, 3548 laudos de solo foram interpretados. As técnicas analíticas para a determinação destas variáveis seguiram a metodologia utilizada pela Rede Oficial de Laboratórios de Análises de Solos e Tecido Vegetal do Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina (ROLAS. Os resultados indicaram que a avaliação da fertilidade dos solos do município apresentou altas concentrações  dos micronutrientes zinco, cobre, manganês e ferro e concentrações médias de boro, indicando adequadas condições de fertilidade para as culturas predominantes na região.

  17. Morte encefálica e cuidados na manutenção do potencial doador de órgãos e tecidos para transplante

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    Izaura Luzia Silvério Freire


    Full Text Available Este trabalho trata-se de estudo exploratório-descritivo com abordagem quantitativa e dados prospectivos que objetivou verificar o conhecimento dos profissionais de enfermagem sobre a Morte Encefálica (ME e a manutenção do Potencial Doador (PD. A população constou de 55 profissionais de enfermagem. Destes, a maioria eram técnicos em enfermagem (74,5%; 78,2% informaram já ter trabalhado com PDs e 50,9% afirmaram estar preparados para cuidar desses pacientes. Das condições indispensáveis para a abertura do protocolo de ME, 49,1% afirmaram erroneamente a temperatura superior a 36ºC. No manejo dos distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos, 50,9% optaram incorretamente sobre a reposição de sódio, potássio e magnésio. Nos cuidados com córneas, 58,2% optaram erradamente sobre a proteção com gaze. E 52,7% afirmaram corretamente que o PD pode ser reanimado. O conhecimento sobre o diagnóstico de ME e manutenção ao PD era insuficiente entre os pesquisados, necessitando de educação sobre o tema a fim de aumentar a oferta de órgãos/tecidos para transplantes.

  18. Crataegus Special Extract WS 1442 Effects on eNOS and microRNA 155. (United States)

    Wang, Xinwen; Liang, Yan; Shi, Jian; Zhu, Hao-Jie; Bleske, Barry E


    Increased expression of microRNA 155 (miR-155) results in a decrease in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression and impaired endothelial function. Factors that have been shown to increase expression of miR-155 may be mitigated by WS 1442, an extract of hawthorn leaves and flowers ( Crataegus special extract) that contains a range of pharmacologically active substances including oligomeric proanthocyanidins and flavonoids. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of WS 1442 on the expression of miR-155 and eNOS in the presence of tumor necrosis factor (TNF- α ). Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were studied after the exposure to TNF- α , with or without simvastatin (positive control) and WS 1442. The expression levels of eNOS, phosphorylated eNOS, and miR-155 in the different HUVEC treatment groups were determined by western blot and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, respectively. To evaluate the effect of WS 1442 on the eNOS activity, the medium and intracellular nitrate/nitrite (NO) concentrations were also analyzed using a colorimetric Griess assay kit. The results demonstrated that TNF- α upregulated miR-155 expression and decreased eNOS expression and NO concentrations. WS 1442 also increased miR-155 expression and decreased eNOS expression but, unlike TNF- α , increased phosphorylated eNOS expression and NO concentrations. Surprisingly, WS 1442 increased miR-155 expression; however, WS 1442 mitigated the overall negative effect of miR-155 on decreasing eNOS expression by increasing expression of phosphorylated eNOS and resulting in an increase in NO concentrations. In the setting where miR-155 may be expressed, WS 1442 may offer vascular protection by increasing the expression of phosphorylated eNOS. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  19. Quercetin Attenuates Vascular Calcification through Suppressed Oxidative Stress in Adenine-Induced Chronic Renal Failure Rats. (United States)

    Chang, Xue-Ying; Cui, Lei; Wang, Xing-Zhi; Zhang, Lei; Zhu, Dan; Zhou, Xiao-Rong; Hao, Li-Rong


    This study investigated whether quercetin could alleviate vascular calcification in experimental chronic renal failure rats induced by adenine. 32 adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups fed normal diet, normal diet with quercetin supplementation (25 mg/kg·BW/d), 0.75% adenine diet, or adenine diet with quercetin supplementation. All rats were sacrificed after 6 weeks of intervention. Serum renal functions biomarkers and oxidative stress biomarkers were measured and status of vascular calcification in aorta was assessed. Furthermore, the induced nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)/p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) pathway was determined to explore the potential mechanism. Adenine successfully induced renal failure and vascular calcification in rat model. Quercetin supplementation reversed unfavorable changes of phosphorous, uric acid (UA) and creatinine levels, malonaldehyde (MDA) content, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in serum and the increases of calcium and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in the aorta ( P chronic renal failure rats, possibly through the modulation of oxidative stress and iNOs/p38MAPK pathway.

  20. Quercetin Attenuates Vascular Calcification through Suppressed Oxidative Stress in Adenine-Induced Chronic Renal Failure Rats (United States)

    Chang, Xue-ying; Cui, Lei; Wang, Xing-zhi; Zhang, Lei; Zhu, Dan


    Background This study investigated whether quercetin could alleviate vascular calcification in experimental chronic renal failure rats induced by adenine. Methods 32 adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups fed normal diet, normal diet with quercetin supplementation (25 mg/kg·BW/d), 0.75% adenine diet, or adenine diet with quercetin supplementation. All rats were sacrificed after 6 weeks of intervention. Serum renal functions biomarkers and oxidative stress biomarkers were measured and status of vascular calcification in aorta was assessed. Furthermore, the induced nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)/p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) pathway was determined to explore the potential mechanism. Results Adenine successfully induced renal failure and vascular calcification in rat model. Quercetin supplementation reversed unfavorable changes of phosphorous, uric acid (UA) and creatinine levels, malonaldehyde (MDA) content, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in serum and the increases of calcium and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in the aorta (P chronic renal failure rats, possibly through the modulation of oxidative stress and iNOs/p38MAPK pathway. PMID:28691026

  1. AT1-receptor mediated vascular damage in myocardium, kidneys and liver in rats Lesão vascular mediada pelo receptor AT1 esses efeitos em miocárdio, rins e fígado de ratos

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    Maria do Carmo Fernandez Vailati


    Full Text Available The systemic aspect of vascular damage induced by angiotensin II (ANG II has been poorly explored in the literature. Considering the presence of ANG II and its specific receptor AT1, in several organs, all tissues might be potentially affected by its effects. The aims of this study were: To evaluate the early histological changes in the heart, liver and kidneys, produced by ANG II infusion, to evaluate the protective effect of losartan. Wistar rats were distributed into three groups: control (no treatment, treated with ANG II, and treated with ANG II + losartan. ANG II was continuously infused over 72 hours by subcutaneous osmotic pumps. Histological sections of the myocardium, kidneys and liver were stained and observed for the presence of necrosis. There were ANG II-induced perivascular inflammation and necrosis of the arteriolar wall in the myocardium, kidney, and liver by, which were partially prevented by losartan. There was no significant correlation between heart and kidney damage. Tissue lesion severity was lower than that of vascular lesions, without statistical difference between groups. ANG II causes vascular injury in the heart, kidneys and liver, indicating a systemic vasculotoxic effect; the mechanisms of damage/protection vary depending on the target organ; perivascular lesions may occur even when anti-hypertensive doses of losartan are used.O aspecto sistêmico da lesão vascular induzida pela angiotensina II (ANG II tem sido pouco explorada na literatura. Considerando a presença de ANG II e de seu receptor AT1 em diversos órgãos, todos os tecidos poderiam ser potencialmente afetados por esses efeitos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar as alterações histológicas iniciais no coração, fígado e rins, produzidas pela infusão de ANG II, e avaliar o efeito protetor do losartan. Ratos Wistar foram divididos em três grupos: controle (sem tratamento, tratados com ANG II, e tratados com ANG II + losartan. A ANG II foi

  2. Controle dos vasos renais usando clips vasculares e fio cirúrgico em nefrectomias vídeo-assistidas de doadores vivos

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    Alcides José Branco Filho

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A nefrectomia laparoscópica em doadores vivos para transplante renal vem assumindo um papel importante na era das cirurgias minimamente invasivas, acarretando menor morbidade aos doadores, e resultados semelhantes à técnica aberta no que se refere ao enxerto renal. O objetivo do presente artigo é relatar a experiência do nosso serviço utilizando a técnica de controle dos vasos renais usando fio cirúrgico e clips vasculares. MÉTODO: Foram realizadas 45 nefrectomias utilizando a técnica vídeo-assistida, com ligadura dos vasos renais com clips de titânio (LT-300 e fio cirúrgico. As variáveis analisadas foram tempo cirúrgico, perda sangüínea, tempo de isquemia quente, permanência hospitalar, necessidade de conversão e complicações. RESULTADOS: O procedimento foi realizado com sucesso em todos os casos. O tempo cirúrgico médio foi de 118 minutos, com perda sangüínea estimada em 84ml e tempo de isquemia quente de 4,3 minutos. Dois casos de íleo prolongado, uma lesão de veia gonadal, um escape de artéria renal e uma necrose de ureter foram observados. A permanência hospitalar média foi de 3,7 dias. O uso de clips vasculares e fio cirúrgico reduziu a perda de tecido venoso comparado à técnica com staplers e gerou redução de custos. CONCLUSÕES: A nefrectomia vídeo-assistida com a técnica descrita é factível e mostrou ser efetiva na contenção de gastos e na redução de tecido venoso perdido.

  3. Nutritional improvement of the endothelial control of vascular tone by polyphenols: role of NO and EDHF. (United States)

    Schini-Kerth, Valérie B; Auger, Cyril; Kim, Jong-Hun; Etienne-Selloum, Nelly; Chataigneau, Thierry


    Numerous studies indicate that regular intake of polyphenol-rich beverages (red wine and tea) and foods (chocolate, fruit, and vegetables) is associated with a protective effect on the cardiovascular system in humans and animals. Beyond the well-known antioxidant properties of polyphenols, several other mechanisms have been shown to contribute to their beneficial cardiovascular effects. Indeed, both experimental and clinical studies indicate that polyphenols improve the ability of endothelial cells to control vascular tone. Experiments with isolated arteries have shown that polyphenols cause nitric oxide (NO)-mediated endothelium-dependent relaxations and increase the endothelial formation of NO. The polyphenol-induced NO formation is due to the redox-sensitive activation of the phosphatidylinositol3-kinase/Akt pathway leading to endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) activation subsequent to its phosphorylation on Ser 1177. Besides the phosphatidylinositol3-kinase/Akt pathway, polyphenols have also been shown to activate eNOS by increasing the intracellular free calcium concentration and by activating estrogen receptors in endothelial cells. In addition to causing a rapid and sustained activation of eNOS by phosphorylation, polyphenols can increase the expression level of eNOS in endothelial cells leading to an increased formation of NO. Moreover, the polyphenol-induced endothelium-dependent relaxation also involves endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor, besides NO, in several types of arteries. Altogether, polyphenols have the capacity to improve the endothelial control of vascular tone not only in several experimental models of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension but also in healthy and diseased humans. Thus, these experimental and clinical studies highlight the potential of polyphenol-rich sources to provide vascular protection in health and disease.

  4. Efeito do porta-enxerto no teor de nutrientes em tecidos da videira "cabernet sauvignon"


    Miele,Alberto; Rizzon,Luiz Antenor; Giovannini,Eduardo


    A nutrição mineral da videira constitui-se em importante fator para a qualidade dos vinhos. Devido a isso, avaliou-se o efeito de porta-enxertos no teor de nutrientes em diferentes tecidos da videira 'Cabernet Sauvignon' (Vitis vinifera L.) na Serra Gaúcha. o experimento foi conduzido durante o ciclo vegetativo de 2004/2005, com os porta-enxertos Rupestris du lot, 101-14, 3309, 420A, Kober 5BB, 161-49, So4 e Paulsen 1103, enxertados em 1993 com a cv. 'Cabernet Sauvignon'. o delineamento exper...

  5. Changes in vascular reactivity induced by acute hyperthyroidism in isolated rat aortae. (United States)

    Honda, H; Iwata, T; Mochizuki, T; Kogo, H


    Hyperthyroidism was induced by subcutaneous injections of L-thyroxine (T(4)) (500 mg/kg/day) for 3 days in order to study whether adrenergic and muscarinic receptor-mediated vascular responses alter at an early stage of the disease. T(4) treatment was sufficient to induce a significant degree of thyroid weight loss, tachycardia, cardiac hypertrophy, and an elevation in serum T(4) levels. The tension of aortic ring preparations isolated from rats was measured isometrically to investigate the influence of acute hyperthyroidism. The contractions induced by norepinephrine (NE) were significantly suppressed in aortic rings from rats treated with T(4) compared with control rats. N(G)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NOARG), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), significantly enhanced NE-induced contraction in aortic rings from both control and T(4)-treated rats, and the enhancement was greater in rats treated with T(4) than control rats. The relaxations induced by either acetylcholine (ACh) or sodium nitroprusside (SNP) were also significantly enhanced by T(4) treatment. L-NOARG abolished the relaxation induced by ACh in aortic rings from both control and T(4)-treated rats. L-NOARG shifted SNP-induced relaxation curves of aortic rings from those of control rats to the left, but not with rats treated with T(4). T(4) treatment showed no influence on the amount of endothelial NOS (eNOS) protein. These results suggest that vascular responses alter at an early stage of hyperthyroidism and that it may be due to a modification in the NO system which is independent from the amount of eNOS protein.

  6. O tecido adiposo como órgão endócrino: da teoria à prática Adipose tissue as an endocrine organ: from theory to practice

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    Miriam Helena Fonseca-Alaniz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS Mostrar os avanços na pesquisa sobre o papel fisiológico do tecido adiposo branco, ressaltando o seu papel endócrino em processos inflamatórios, no comportamento alimentar, na sensibilização à insulina e na modulação do processo de aterogênese. Abordar o potencial papel do tecido adiposo como fonte de células-tronco para regeneração de tecidos, com especial ênfase para a adipogênese e suas conseqüências para a geração de obesidade. FONTES DE DADOS: Informações importantes constantes da literatura científica foram compiladas de modo a que esta leitura contenha uma síntese esclarecedora dos aspectos mencionados acima. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS:O tecido adiposo possui, além das suas funções clássicas como principal estoque de energia metabólica, suprindo as necessidades energéticas em períodos de carência mediante a lipólise, a capacidade de sintetizar e secretar vários hormônios, as adipocinas. Estas agem em diversos processos, como o controle da ingestão alimentar (leptina e o controle da sensibilidade à insulina e de processos inflamatórios (TNF-alfa, IL-6, resistina, visfatina, adiponectina. Além disso, como o tecido adiposo contém também células indiferenciadas, tem a habilidade de gerar novos adipócitos, regenerando o próprio tecido (adipogênese, bem como originar outras células (mioblastos, condroblastos, osteoblastos, fato este que tem grande potencial terapêutico em futuro não muito distante. CONCLUSÃO: Amplia-se o leque de possibilidades funcionais do tecido adiposo. A compreensão dessas potencialidades pode fazer deste tecido o grande aliado no combate de moléstias que atualmente vêm assumindo proporções epidêmicas (obesidade, diabetes melito, hipertensão arterial e arteriosclerose, nas quais o tecido adiposo ainda é tido como um grande vilão.OBJECTIVES: To describe the advances in research into the physiological role of white adipose tissue, with emphasis on its endocrinal role

  7. Estudo histologico dos efeitos de drogas antiinflamatorias (Betametasona, Papaina e Prioxicam) sobre a evolução do tecido de granulação em ratos


    Maria Esperança Rabello Junqueira


    Resumo: A final idade do presente trabalho foi o acompanhamento da síntese do colágeno no tecido de, granulação induzidoartificialmente em ratos desde uma fase precoce até sua maturaçao. Objetivou-se também o estudo dos diversos efeitos de drogas anti inflamatórias com princípios ativos diferentes na evolução deste mesmo tecido tomparando-a com aquIa observada em animais sob condições normais. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a betametasona na dose de 0)0428 mg/kg é uma potente inibidor...

  8. Fluxo biológico do fósforo no metabolismo de suínos alimentados com dietas contendo fitase Biological P flow on metabolism of pigs fed diets containg phytase

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    José Aparecido Moreira


    Full Text Available A pesquisa foi conduzida para avaliar o fluxo biológico do P em suínos, na fase de crescimento, alimentados com dietas à base de milho, farelo de soja, farelo de arroz desengordurado e óleo de soja, isentas de P inorgânico e suplementadas com níveis crescentes de fitase (253, 759, 1.265 e 1.748 UF/kg de dieta, e destacar o melhor nível de utilização da enzima, usando modelos matemáticos. O modelo utilizado foi determinístico e compartimental, em que o trato gastrintestinal (C1, o plasma C2, os ossos (C3 e os tecidos moles (ossos, coração, figado, rins e músculos, estudados em conjunto (C4, representaram os compartimentos. Foram utilizados dados de metabolismo e cinética do P nos tecidos, obtidos pela técnica de diluição isotópica. Os parâmetros estimados foram: absorção, retenção, P endógeno que retorna ao trato gastrintestinal, P dietético absorvido, incorporação, reabsorção, balanço de P, P proveniente do osso, dos tecidos moles e do total absorvido que retorna ao trato gastrintestinal. o modelo biomatemático utilizado mostrou-se eficiente em explicar o fluxo do fósforo no organismo de suínos em crescimento. A fitase interferiu no fluxo biológico do P do compartimento C1 para o C3 e no refluxo dos compartimentos C3 e C4 para o C1. O nível 759 UF/kg de ração disponibilizou mais eficientemente o fósforo orgânico para o metabolismo dos suínos.The study was conducted to evaluate the biological flow of P in pigs fed diets based on corn, soybean meal, defatted rice bran (DRB and soybean oil, with increasing phytase levels (253, 759, 1265 and 1748 PU/kg of diet, using mathematics models. The model was deterministic and compartimental, in which the gastrintestinal tract (GIT (C1, the plasma C2, the bones (C3 and the soft tissues (liver, heart, kidney and muscle (C4 represented the compartments. Metabolism data and kinetics of P in tissues were used in the model, obtained by the isotopic dilution technique. The

  9. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic fractionation between diet and swine tissues Fracionamento isotópico de carbono e nitrogênio entre a dieta e tecidos de porcos

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    Gabriela Bielefeld Nardoto


    Full Text Available Naturally occurring stable isotope ratios can be a powerful tool in studies of animal nutrition, provided that the assumptions required for dietary reconstruction are validated by studies such as the one presented here. The objective of this study was to document the magnitude of isotopic fractionation between swine diet and their different tissues. For this, the isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen of the diet and selected tissues (hair, nail, liver, muscle, fat and cartilage were determined. The delta13C and delta15N of the diet were -15.9‰ and 1.3‰, respectively, and all delta15N of swine tissues were 2.2 to 3.0‰ enriched in 15N in relation to the diet. Little variation in delta15N occurred among tissues, with exception to liver that was less enriched in 15N than the nail. Nail and hair presented no 13C enrichment relative to diet. Cartilage was ~1.0‰ enriched in 13C as compared to diet. Liver and muscle were on average 2.1‰ more depleted in 13C in relation to diet as well as fat tissues. Some of the C and N isotope ratios of swine tissues differed in organs, but the isotopic fractionation trends among tissues appears to be similar to other mammals. Therefore our data provide a good baseline to interpret stable isotope patterns in domestic mammals (such as swine in controlled or semi-controlled experiments.O uso da abundância natural de isótopos estáveis pode ser uma ferramenta útil em estudos de nutrição animal, de forma que a base necessária para a reconstrução da dieta alimentar pode ser validada a partir de estudos como o apresentado aqui. O objetivo deste estudo foi documentar a magnitude do fracionamento isotópico entre a dieta e os tecidos de porcos domésticos. Para tanto, foram determinadas as razões isotópicas de carbono e nitrogênio de alguns tecidos selecionados (pêlo, unha, fígado, músculo, gordura e cartilagem. Os valores de delta13C e delta15N da ração fornecida foram -15,9‰ e 1,3

  10. Activation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide (eNOS Occurs through Different Membrane Domains in Endothelial Cells.

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    Jason Tran

    Full Text Available Endothelial cells respond to a large range of stimuli including circulating lipoproteins, growth factors and changes in haemodynamic mechanical forces to regulate the activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS and maintain blood pressure. While many signalling pathways have been mapped, the identities of membrane domains through which these signals are transmitted are less well characterized. Here, we manipulated bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC with cholesterol and the oxysterol 7-ketocholesterol (7KC. Using a range of microscopy techniques including confocal, 2-photon, super-resolution and electron microscopy, we found that sterol enrichment had differential effects on eNOS and caveolin-1 (Cav1 colocalisation, membrane order of the plasma membrane, caveolae numbers and Cav1 clustering. We found a correlation between cholesterol-induced condensation of the plasma membrane and enhanced high density lipoprotein (HDL-induced eNOS activity and phosphorylation suggesting that cholesterol domains, but not individual caveolae, mediate HDL stimulation of eNOS. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-induced and shear stress-induced eNOS activity was relatively independent of membrane order and may be predominantly controlled by the number of caveolae on the cell surface. Taken together, our data suggest that signals that activate and phosphorylate eNOS are transmitted through distinct membrane domains in endothelial cells.

  11. Expressão gênica de adipocinas em ovelhas alimentadas com resíduos da indústria do biodiesel da mamona

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    S.S. Duarte


    Full Text Available A expressão de RNAm para leptina, receptor de leptina (obRb, adiponectina, receptor de adiponectina (AdipoR1 e resistina foi avaliada por meio da técnica de PCR em tempo real, em tecidos ovariano, hipofisário, adiposo do omento e da região perirrenal, em ovelhas alimentadas sem farelo de mamona ou com farelo de mamona detoxificada durante 14 meses. O tipo de dieta não afetou os níveis de RNAm para leptina, obRb, adiponectina, AdipoR1 e resistina nos diferentes tecidos avaliados (P>0,05. Nos tecidos ovariano e hipofisário, não foi verificada a expressão da adiponecina e da resistina, respectivamente. Como consequência, pode-se concluir que o farelo de mamona detoxificada pode ser utilizado como fonte proteica na dieta de ovelhas, sem afetar a expressão do gene resistina e dos genes leptina e adiponectina, bem como de seus receptores.

  12. Nitric oxide signaling and the cross talk with prostanoids pathways in vascular system. (United States)

    Silva, Bruno R; Paula, Tiago D; Paulo, Michele; Bendhack, Lusiane M


    This review provides an overview of the cellular signaling of nitric oxide (NO) and prostanoids in vascular cells and the possible cross talk between their pathways, mainly in hypertension, since the imbalance of these two systems has been attributed to development of some cardiovascular diseases. It also deals with the modulation of vasodilation induced by NO donors. NO is a well-known second messenger involved in many cellular functions. In the vascular system, the NO produced by endothelial NO-synthase (eNOS) or released by NO donors acts in vascular smooth muscle cells, the binding of NO to Fe2+-heme of soluble guanylyl-cyclase (sGC) activates sGC and the production of cyclic guanosine-3-5-monophosphate (cGMP). The second messenger (cGMP) activates protein kinase G and the signaling cascade, including K+ channels. Activation of K+ channels leads to cell membrane hyperpolarization and Ca2+ channels blockade, which induce vascular relaxation. Moreover, the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) is also an important regulator of the vascular function by prostanoids production such as thromboxane A2 (TXA2) and prostacyclin (PGI2), which classically induce contraction and relaxation, respectively. Additionaly, studies indicate that the activity of both enzymes can be modulated by their products and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension. The interaction of NO with cellular molecules, particularly the reaction of NO with ROS, determines the biological mechanisms of action and short half-life of NO. We have been working on the vascular effects of ruthenium-derived complexes that release NO. Our research group has published works on the vasodilating effects of ruthenium-derived NO donors and the mechanisms of vascular cells involved in the relaxation of the vascular smooth muscle in health and hypertensive rats. In our previous studies, we have compared the new NO donors synthesized by our group to SNP. It shows the cellular signaling of NO

  13. Endothelial dysfunction in children with obstructive sleep apnea is associated with epigenetic changes in the eNOS gene. (United States)

    Kheirandish-Gozal, Leila; Khalyfa, Abdelnaby; Gozal, David; Bhattacharjee, Rakesh; Wang, Yang


    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a highly prevalent disorder that has been associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular morbidity, even in children. However, not all children with OSA manifest alterations in endothelial postocclusive hyperemia, an endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)-dependent response. Since expression of the eNOS gene is regulated by epigenetic mechanisms and OSA may cause epigenetic modifications such as DNA hypermethylation, we hypothesized that epigenetic modifications in the eNOS gene may underlie the differential vascular phenotypes in pediatric OSA. Age-, sex-, ethnicity-, and BMI-matched prepubertal children with polysomnographically confirmed OSA and either normal (OSAn) or abnormal (OSAab) postocclusive hyperemic responses, assessed as the time to attain peak reperfusion flow (Tmax) by laser Doppler flowmetry, were recruited. Blood genomic DNA was assessed for epigenetic modifications in the eNOS gene using pyrosequencing. Children with no evidence of OSA or endothelial dysfunction served as a control group. The study comprised 36 children with OSA (11 with OSAab and 25 with OSAn) and 35 children in the control group. Overall, the mean age was 7.5 ± 2.4 years, 65% were boys, and 30% were obese; mean apnea-hypopnea index was 18 ± 8.6/h of sleep for the children with OSA. Tmax was 66.7 ± 8.8 s in the OSAab group and 30.1 ± 8.3 s in the OSAn group (P < .001). Pyrosequencing of the proximal promoter region of the eNOS gene revealed no significant differences in six of the seven CpG sites. However, a CpG site located at position -171 (relative to transcription start site), approximating important transcriptional elements, displayed significantly higher methylation levels in the OSAab group as compared with the OSAn or control groups (81.5% ± 3.5%, 74.8% ± 1.4%, and 74.5% ± 1.7%, respectively; P < .001). eNOS mRNA expression levels were assessed in a separate group of children and were significantly reduced in the OSAab

  14. Pregnancy induced changes in Cox-1, Cox-2 and NOSIII vascular and renal expression. (United States)

    Bobadilla, Rosa A; Bracho, Ismael; Alvarez, Victor M Pérez; Anguiano, Liliana; López, Pedro


    In order to establish if there is a mutual regulation between COX and NOS in vascular and renal tissue during pregnancy, we measured the protein expression of COX-1, COX-2 and NOSIII by Western blot comparing the thoracic and abdominal aorta and the renal cortex and medulla of non pregnant and pregnant (21st day) Wistar rats. We found there was no difference in the quantity of protein of any of the two isoforms of COX between the two segments of the aorta of non pregnant animals while an increased expression of both COX-1 And COX-2 was found in the abdominal compared to the thoracic segment of the pregnant rats. An increased expression of NOS III was found in the abdominal segment of the aorta form pregnant rats. No changes were found between pregnant and no pregnant animals in the expression of COX-1 and COX-2 in the renal cortex or medulla while an increased expression of NOS III was found in the cortex from pregnant compared to non pregnant animals. These results suggest the influence of pregnancy is not homogeneous along the aorta and also that a balance between prostaglandins and nitric oxide is responsible of the blunted vascular reactivity during pregnancy in the rat.

  15. Prophylactic effects of elastin peptide derived from the bulbus arteriosus of fish on vascular dysfunction in spontaneously hypertensive rats. (United States)

    Takemori, Kumiko; Yamamoto, Ei; Ito, Hiroyuki; Kometani, Takashi


    To determine the prophylactic effects of an elastin peptide derived from the bulbus arteriosus of bonitos and prolylglycine (PG), a degradation product of elastin peptide, on vascular dysfunction in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). Male 15-week-old SHR/Izm rats were fed without (control group) or with elastin peptide (1 g/kg body weight) for 5 weeks (EP group), or were infused via an osmotic mini-pump for 4 weeks with PG (PG group) or saline (control group). Using thoracic aortas, we assessed endothelial changes by scanning electron microscopy. Vascular reactivity (contraction and relaxation) and pressure-induced distension was compared. mRNA production levels of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) were investigated by real-time-polymerase chain reaction. Aortas of the EP group displayed limited endothelial damage compared with that in the control group. Under treatment of SHRs with elastin peptide, the effect of phenylephrine returned closer to the normal level observed in normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY/Izm) rats. mRNA production of eNOS (but not ICAM-1) was greater in the EP group than in the control group. Endothelial damage was suppressed and pressure-induced vascular distension was greater in the PG group than in the corresponding control group. These results suggest that elastin peptide from bonitos elicits prophylactic affects hypertension-associated vascular dysfunction by targeting the eNOS signaling pathway. PG may be a key mediator of the beneficial effects of elastin peptide. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Traumatismos vasculares revisão de 5 anos Vascular Trauma a five year review

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    Luís F. Antunes


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho pretende avaliar a casuística dos traumatismos vasculares agudos admitidos no Serviço de Cirurgia Vascular dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra (HUC durante o período de 5 anos, compreendido entre Julho de 2004 e Junho de 2009. Foram avaliados 97 doentes, sendo a principal causa de traumatismo as lesões iatrogénicas, seguida dos acidentes de viação. No grupo de doentes não relacionados com procedimentos coronários percutâneos verificou-se que no membro superior as artérias umeral e radial foram as mais afectadas, enquanto no membro inferior foram as artérias femoral superficial e poplítea. A isquémia aguda foi a principal forma de apresentação. Relativamente ao tratamento deste grupo de doentes, a RATT (ressecção e anastomose topo-topo e o enxerto foram os mais utlizados no membro superior, enquanto a trombectomia e o bypass foram as técnicas mais aplicadas a nível do membro inferior. Não houve mortalidade mas a morbilidade foi elevada, predominando as lesões neurológicas nos traumatismos do membro superior, e a amputação nos do membro inferior. Os resultados deste trabalho foram concordantes com o que está publicado na literatura em que se demonstra um aumento progressivo dos traumatismos de origem iatrogénica.This review intended to evaluate the series of acute vascular trauma in the Vascular Surgery Service of the Coimbra University Hospital in the period between July 2004 and June 2009. A total of 97 patients were evaluated with iatrogenic lesions being the main cause of trauma injuries, followed by traffic accidents. In group of patients not related with percutaneous coronary angioplasty, it was found that brachial and radial arteries were the most affected in upper limb, while in the lower limb were the superficial femoral and popliteal arteries. The main clinical manifestation was acute ischemic limb. In this group, resection with end-to-end anastomosis and grafts were the main treatment

  17. Efeito do porta-enxerto no teor de nutrientes em tecidos da videira "cabernet sauvignon" Effect of rootstock on nutrient content of 'cabernet sauvignon' grapevine tissues

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    Alberto Miele


    Full Text Available A nutrição mineral da videira constitui-se em importante fator para a qualidade dos vinhos. Devido a isso, avaliou-se o efeito de porta-enxertos no teor de nutrientes em diferentes tecidos da videira 'Cabernet Sauvignon' (Vitis vinifera L. na Serra Gaúcha. o experimento foi conduzido durante o ciclo vegetativo de 2004/2005, com os porta-enxertos Rupestris du lot, 101-14, 3309, 420A, Kober 5BB, 161-49, So4 e Paulsen 1103, enxertados em 1993 com a cv. 'Cabernet Sauvignon'. o delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com oito tratamentos e três repetições, sendo quatro plantas/parcela. Coletaram-se folhas - separando-se os pecíolos dos limbos -, cachos - separando-se as bagas das ráquis - e ramos, os quais foram posteriormente secados em estufa e pesados. Analisaram-se os nutrientes n, P, K, Ca e Mg. os resultados mostram que houve efeito significativo do porta-enxerto nos teores de N, P, K, Ca e Mg no limbo, pecíolo, ráquis e baga da videira 'Cabernet Sauvignon' e que este efeito variou em função do nutriente e do tecido considerado. Entretanto, não houve efeito significativo do porta-enxerto no teor desses nutrientes no ramo da videira. Além disso, a ordem de grandeza do teor dos nutrientes variou em função do tecido avaliado. Assim, os teores de n e de Ca foram maiores no limbo; os de P e K, na ráquis; e o de Mg, no pecíolo.Grapevine mineral nutrition is an important factor influencing wine quality. For this, the effect of rootstocks on the nutrient content in different tissues of 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grapevines (Vitis vinifera L. grown in the Serra Gaúcha region was evaluated. The experiment was carried out during the 2004/2005 vegetative cycle with the rootstocks Rupestris du Lot, 101-14, 3309, 420A, Kober 5BB, 161-49, SO4, and Paulsen 1103. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with eight treatments, three replicates, four plants/plot. leaves - petioles were separated from the limbs -, clusters - berries

  18. Fisioterapia vascular no tratamento da doença venosa crônica

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    Flávia de Jesus Leal


    Full Text Available ResumoContextoA aplicação da fisioterapia vascular através dos exercícios terapêuticos e da drenagem linfática manual (DLM na Doença Venosa Crônica (DVC contribui para a minimização das alterações vasculares, com melhora do retorno venoso, diminuindo a estase sanguínea e contribuindo para a melhora do quadro clínico.ObjetivoVerificar a eficácia da fisioterapia vascular no tratamento da DVC.MétodosEstudo-piloto prospectivo longitudinal, que avaliou dez pacientes com DVC, com classificação CEAP (1-5, que responderam aos questionários de qualidade de vida (QV SF-36 e AVVQ, sendo submetidos a pletismografia a água e goniometria dos membros inferiores. Finalizada a avaliação inicial, receberam tratamento fisioterapêutico vascular, com exercícios terapêuticos e DLM, em dez sessões de 60 minutos. Após tratamento, foram novamente avaliadas pela aplicação dos questionários iniciais e realização dos métodos de mensuração volumétrica e de amplitude de movimento articular (ADM.ResultadosPacientes do gênero feminino, com idade média de 43,1 anos. Nas atividades de vida prática (AVPs, a posição predominante foi ortostatismo prolongado. Na classificação CEAP, a maioria das pacientes apresentou C3 e apenas 10% delas eram C2. Nos questionamentos sobre suas principais queixas, relataram sensação de peso e cansaço nos membros, dor nas pernas, prurido e edema. Após as sessões de fisioterapia vascular, todas as pacientes encontravam-se sem queixas. A ADM e a QV apresentaram melhora significativa após intervenção da fisioterapia vascular.ConclusãoA fisioterapia vascular contribui para o controle do quadro clínico da DVC, melhorando edema e ADM, e favorecendo a melhora da QV dos acometidos pela doença.

  19. Enhanced estradiol-induced vasorelaxation in aortas from type 2 diabetic mice may reflect a compensatory role of p38 MAPK-mediated eNOS activation. (United States)

    Taguchi, Kumiko; Morishige, Akitaka; Matsumoto, Takayuki; Kamata, Katsuo; Kobayashi, Tsuneo


    Cardiovascular problems are a major cause of morbidity and mortality, mainly due to coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis, in type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, female gender is a protective factor in the development of, for example, atherosclerosis and hypertension. One of the female hormones, 17β-estradiol (E2), is known to protect against the cardiovascular injury resulting from endothelial dysfunction, but the mechanism by which it does so remains unknown. Our hypothesis was that E2-mediated activation of Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and the subsequent endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) phosphorylation, might protect the aorta in diabetic mellitus. The experimental type 2 diabetic model we employed to test that hypothesis (female mice given streptozotocin and nicotinamide) is here termed fDM. In fDM aortas, we examined the E2-induced relaxation response and the associated protein activities. In control (age-matched, nondiabetic) aortas, E2 induced a vascular relaxation response that was mediated via Akt/eNOS and mitogen-activated/ERK-activating kinase (MEK)/eNOS pathways. In fDM aortas (vs. control aortas), (a) the E2-induced relaxation was enhanced, (b) the mediation of the response was different (via Akt/eNOS and p38 MAPK/eNOS pathways), and (c) E2 stimulation increased p38 MAPK and eNOS phosphorylations, decreased MEK phosphorylation, but did not alter estrogen receptor activity. We infer that at least in fDM aortas, E2 has beneficial effects (enhanced vascular relaxation and protection) that are mediated through Akt activation and (compensating for reduced MEK activation) p38 MAPK activation, leading to enhanced eNOS phosphorylation.


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    Luiz Fernando de Oliveira e Silva Carvalho


    Full Text Available RESUMO O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de qualificar e quantificar possíveis diferenças entre a produtividade de suínos convencionais e suínos SPF (Specific Pathogen Free. Foram mensurados e comparados, para tanto, a idade aos 100 quilos (IA, o ganho de peso diário (GPD, a conversão alimentar (CA e a espessura de toucinho (ET de um grupo com 42 machos, provenientes de granjas convencionais (grupo SC e outro com 113 machos, oriundos de granja SPF (grupo SPF. A média de peso corporal dos animais de ambos os grupos era de aproximadamente 30 quilos, ao início do experimento. A comparação entre as médias obtidas, para cada um dos parâmetros estudados, revelou produtividade estatisticamente significativa e superior em favor do grupo SPF. Assim, as IAs, os G PDs, as CAs e as ETs, obtidas para os grupos SPF e SC foram de, respectivamente, 150,49 e 156,4 dias, 897,78 e 955,19 gramas, 2,17:1 e 2,39:1 e 16,13 e 13,95mm. No grupo SPF, conforme evidenciado, observou-se um maior acúmulo de tecido adiposo, fato que sugere um menor dispêndio de energia para o combate a enfermidades crônicas, neste grupo de animais. Com base em projeção econômica dos resultados obtidos, os autores sugerem que a criação de animais SPF, embora possa exigir algum trabalho para sua implantação, é extremamente vantajosa, representando alternativa viável para a suinocultura brasileira.

  1. Interaction in endothelium of non-muscular myosin light-chain kinase and the NF-κB pathway is critical to lipopolysaccharide-induced vascular hyporeactivity. (United States)

    Recoquillon, Sylvain; Carusio, Nunzia; Lagrue-Lakhal, Anne-Hélène; Tual-Chalot, Simon; Filippelli, Amelia; Andriantsitohaina, Ramaroson; Martinez, M Carmen


    During sepsis, endothelial barrier dysfunction contributes to cardiovascular failure, mainly through the release of oxidative metabolites by penetrant leukocytes. We reported the non-muscular isoform of myosin light chain kinase (nmMLCK) playing a pivotal role in endotoxin shock injury associated with oxidative and nitrative stresses, and vascular hyporeactivity. The present study was aimed at understanding the molecular mechanism of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced vascular alterations as well as studying a probable functional association of nmMLCK with nuclear factor κ-light-chain enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB). Aortic rings from mice were exposed in vitro to LPS and, then, vascular reactivity was measured. Human aortic endothelial cells (HAoECs) were incubated with LPS, and interaction of nmMLCK with NF-κB was analysed. We provide evidence that nmMLCK deletion prevents vascular hyporeactivity induced by in vitro LPS treatment but not endothelial dysfunction in the aorta. Deletion of nmMLCK inhibits LPS-induced NF-κB activation and increases nitric oxide (NO) release via induction of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) within the vascular wall. Also, removal of endothelium prevented both NF-κB and iNOS expression in aortic rings. Among the proinflammatory factors released by LPS-treated endothelial cells, interleukin-6 accounts for the induction of iNOS on smooth muscle cells in response to LPS. Of particular interest is the demonstration that, in HAoECs, LPS-induced NF-κB activation occurs via increased MLCK activity sensitive to the MLCK inhibitor, ML-7, and physical interactions between nmMLCK and NF-κB. We report for the first time on NF-κB as a novel partner of nmMLCK within endothelial cells. The present study demonstrates a pivotal role of nmMLCK in vascular inflammatory pathologies. © 2015 Authors; published by Portland Press Limited.

  2. MGE-derived nNOS+ interneurons promote fear acquisition in nNOS-/- mice. (United States)

    Zhang, Lin; Yuan, Hong-Jin; Cao, Bo; Kong, Cheng-Cheng; Yuan, Fang; Li, Jun; Ni, Huan-Yu; Wu, Hai-Yin; Chang, Lei; Liu, Yan; Luo, Chun-Xia


    Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) 1 , mainly responsible for NO release in central nervous system (CNS) 2 , plays a significant role in multiple physiological functions. However, the function of nNOS + interneurons in fear learning has not been much explored. Here we focused on the medial ganglionic eminences (MGE) 3 -derived nNOS + interneurons in fear learning. To determine the origin of nNOS + interneurons, we cultured neurons in vitro from MGE, cortex, lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE) 4 , caudal ganglionic eminences (CGE) 5 and preoptic area (POA) 6 . The results showed that MGE contained the most abundant precursors of nNOS + interneurons. Moreover, donor cells from E12.5 embryos demonstrated the highest positive rate of nNOS + interneurons compared with other embryonic periods (E11.5, E12, E13, E13.5 and E14). Additionally, these cells from E12.5 embryos showed long axonal and abundant dendritic arbors after 10 days culture, indicating the capability to disperse and integrate in host neural circuits after transplantation. To investigate the role of MGE-derived nNOS + interneurons in fear learning, donor MGE cells were transplanted into dentate gyrus (DG) 7 of nNOS knock-out (nNOS -/- ) or wild-type mice. Results showed that the transplantation of MGE cells promoted the acquisition of nNOS -/- but not the wild-type mice, suggesting the importance of nNOS + neurons in fear acquisition. Moreover, we transplanted MGE cells from nNOS -/- mice or wild-type mice into DG of the nNOS -/- mice and found that only MGE cells from wild-type mice but not the nNOS -/- mice rescued the deficit in acquisition of the nNOS -/- mice, further confirming the positive role of nNOS + neurons in fear learning. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Colletrotrichum gloeosporioides causando antracnose em frutos de pupunheira nos estados de Minas Gerais e Paraná Colletrotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnosis on peach palm fruits in Minas Gerais and Paraná States, Brazil

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    João Batista Vida


    Full Text Available O cultivo de pupunha (Bactris gasipaes para palmito tem-se expandido para algumas regiões do Sudeste e Sul do Brasil, ocupando áreas abandonadas pela agricultura no espaço territorial de domínio da Mata Atlântica. Em plantas adultas de pupunheira, cultivadas para a produção de sementes nos estados de Minas Gerais e Paraná, verificou-se ocorrência de antracnose nos frutos, causando severa podridão. O fungo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides foi isolado de tecidos doentes e a sua patogenicidade aos frutos da pupunheira foi confirmada em condições controladas. Essa foi a primeira constatação da doença em frutos nos estados de Minas Gerais e Paraná.The cultivation of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes for production of palm heart has increased in Southeast and Southern Brazil, in areas of domain of Atlantic Forest. Adult peach palm plants kept for seed production have suffered severe rot damages on fruits, resulting from coalescence of spots. The fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was isolated from the damaged tissues and its pathogenicity to peach palm fruits was confirmed under controlled conditions. This is the first report of this disease damaging peach palm fruits in the Minas Gerais and Parana States.

  4. Leiomioma vascular bucal: relato de dois casos, revisão da literatura e estudo imuno-histoquímico Oral vascular leiomyoma: report of two cases, review of literature and immunohistochemistry study

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    Vanessa Ávila Sarmento Silveira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Os leiomiomas são neoplasias benignas do músculo liso que ocorrem mais comumente nos tratos geniturinário e gastrintestinal, entretanto são raros na cavidade bucal, na qual provavelmente a maioria desses tumores tem sua origem a partir de músculo liso vascular. OBJETIVOS: Relatar dois casos com história clínica semelhante, confrontando seus aspectos com aqueles encontrados na literatura. RELATO DOS CASOS: Dois casos de mulheres na quinta e sexta décadas de vida apresentando nódulo submucoso em ventre lingual. Após exame microscópico que revelou numerosos vasos sangüíneos entremeados a células fusiformes, com núcleos ovalados ou alongados, e exame imuno-histoquímico com positividade para actina de músculo liso nos dois casos, o diagnóstico final foi leiomioma vascular. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo do leiomioma vascular bucal é de extrema importância devido à raridade e semelhança desse com outras lesões da cavidade bucal. A análise imuno-histoquímica é importante para o diagnóstico final do leiomioma.INTRODUCTION: The leiomyomas are benign tumors of smooth muscle origin, which are more frequently found in genitourinary and gastrointestinal tracts. However, leiomyomas rarely arise in the oral cavity, and when it happens, the majority of them is originated by smooth muscle of blood vessels. AIMS: Report two cases of oral vascular leiomyoma with similar clinical characteristics, and discuss their aspects with the literature. CASE REPORT: Two cases of vascular leiomyoma in women that presented a nodular mass in the tongue ventral surface were described. The microscopic analysis revealed numerous blood vessels surrounded by spindle cells with ovoid or elongated nuclei. The two cases presented immunopositivity for smooth muscle actin, confirming the diagnosis. CONCLUSION: The study of vascular leiomyoma is required due to its rarity and similar aspects with other oral common lesions. The immunohistochemical analysis is

  5. Influência da decorticação vertebral na neoformação dos tecidos da interface do enxerto ósseo Influence of vertebral decortication on tissue neoformation at bone graft interface

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    Fabiano Ricardo Tavares Canto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a influência da decorticação dos elementos posteriores da coluna vertebral na integração do enxerto ósseo, considerando a avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa dos tecidos (ósseo, cartilaginoso e fibroso da interface entre o leito receptor e o enxerto ósseo. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 24 ratos Wistar, divididos em dois grupos de acordo com a realização da decorticação do leito receptor do enxerto. Foi utilizado enxerto autólogo derivado dos processos espinhosos das duas primeiras vértebras lombares. A neoformação tecidual na interface entre o leito receptor e seu enxerto ósseo foi avaliada após três semanas por meio de análise histomorfométrica. RESULTADOS: No grupo de animais com o leito receptor decorticado a média da porcentagem de osso neoformado foi de 40%±6,1, e 7,7%± 3,5 no grupo não decorticado (p=0,0001. A média da porcentagem de formação do tecido cartilaginoso no grupo decorticado foi de 7,2%±3,5, no não decorticado de 10,9%±5,6 (p=0,1123. A formação de tecido fibroso no grupo decorticado apresentou média de 8,6%±3,9 e no não decorticado e 24%±10,1, (p=0,0002. CONCLUSÕES: A decorticação acelerou o processo histológico da integração do enxerto ósseo. Ocorrendo maior produção de tecido ósseo neoformado e predomínio da ossificação do tipo intramembranosa no grupo de animais nos quais a decorticação foi realizada.OBJECTIVE: To determine the influence of vertebral posterior elements decortication in bone graft integration, considering a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the (bone, cartilaginous, and fibrous tissues in the interface between the receptor bed and the bone graft. METHODS: Twenty-four Wistar rats were divided into two groups according to the decortication of the bone graft receptor bed. Autologous bone graft from the first and second lumbar vertebrae were used. The new tissue formation in the interface between the receptor bed and its bone graft

  6. Vascularização arterial da região do nó sinoatrial em corações suínos: origem, distribuição e quantificação Arterial vascularization of the sinoatrial node in swine hearts: origin, distribution and quantification

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    Ana P. Vidotti


    Full Text Available O nó sinoatrial, por se encontrar topograficamente instalado como componente inicial do sistema de condução, é responsável pela geração dos impulsos nervosos determinantes da contração cardíaca. Estudos relacionados à morfologia do nó, visando conhecer a origem, trajeto e distribuição dos vasos neste tecido são conhecidos, contudo, no que diz respeito a estes aspectos e aos dados quantitativos da irrigação nodal, no que se refere ao comportamento vascular arterial e a densidade vascular arterial desta região, a literatura é escassa. Com este objetivo foram utilizados 30 corações de suínos SRD, sendo 27 injetados com resina vinílica corada, para análise da origem e trajeto da ANSA (artéria do nó sinoatrial e 3 corações injetados com solução aquosa de carvão coloidal (tinta nanquim para proceder à análise estereológica. As artérias atriais originaram-se tanto da artéria coronária direita quanto da esquerda, com predominância da primeira (66,66% e 33,33%, respectivamente. Quando originada da coronária direita, a irrigação ocorreu pelo ramo AADAM (artéria atrial direita cranial medial em 14 casos e pelos ramos AADAI (artéria atrial direita cranial medial em 2 casos e AADAL (artéria atrial direita cranial lateral em 2 casos. Em 9 casos (33,33% originou-se pela artéria coronária esquerda: quatro pelo ramo AASPL (artéria atrial esquerda caudal lateral, dois pelo ramo AASAI (artéria atrial esquerda cranial intermédia e três pelo ramo AASAM (artéria atrial esquerda cranial medial. Anastomoses interarteriais, com participação dos vasos responsáveis pela irrigação do território do nó sinoatrial foram observadas na maioria dos casos (25 corações. O Volume do órgão ou Volume Referência (V(ref foi de 35,32x10(4µm³. Para as variáveis estereológicas analisadas, a estimação da densidade de comprimento do vaso (Lv foi de 766; o comprimento do vaso (L - mm - foi de 27,06x10(5µm; a densidade de

  7. Preservação da proteína verde fluorescente no tecido ósseo descalcificado


    Boeloni,Jankerle Neves; Ocarino,Natália de Melo; Hell,Rafaela Chitarra Rodrigues; Silva,Guilherme Resende da; Goes,Alfredo Miranda; Gomes,Dawidson Assis; Serakides,Rogéria


    A proteína verde fluorescente (GFP) foi originalmente descoberta no cnidário Aequorea victoria. Células-tronco GFP positivas podem ser rastreadas in vivo quando usadas na terapia de doenças. No entanto, no osso, a fluorescência gerada pela GFP pode ser perdida durante o processo de descalcificação, dificultando o rastreamento das células-tronco usadas no tratamento de doenças ou defeitos ósseos. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar diferentes técnicas de preservação da GFP no tecido ósseo des...

  8. Variações nos níveis de adiponectina nos pacientes com doença renal crônica: um estudo prospectivo de 12 meses

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    Maria Ayako Kamimura


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As complicações cardiovasculares permanecem como a principal causa de mortalidade nos pacientes portadores de doença renal crônica (DRC. A adiponectina é uma proteína produzida pelo tecido adiposo que apresenta importante propriedade cardioprotetora. O nosso objetivo foi investigar os determinantes dos níveis de adiponectina nos pacientes com DRC. MÉTODOS: Este estudo prospectivo observacional incluiu 98 pacientes [taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG 36,1+-14,4 ml/min; 56,5+-10,4 anos; 63% homens; 31% diabéticos e índice de massa corporal (IMC 27,1+-5,2 kg/m²]. A avaliação da adiponectina (teste imunoenzimático, dos parâmetros laboratoriais, do estado nutricional (avaliação global subjetiva, da gordura corporal total (absortometria de raios-x de dupla energia e da gordura abdominal visceral e subcutânea (tomografia computadorizada foi realizada no início e após 12 meses. RESULTADOS: A adiponectina correlacionou-se com a TFG (r = -0,45; p < 0,001, a proteinúria (r = 0,21; p = 0,04, o IMC (r = -0,33; p < 0,01 e a gordura visceral (r = -0,49; p < 0,001. Na análise de regressão múltipla, os determinantes das concentrações de adiponectina foram o sexo (feminino β = 3,8; p < 0,01, a idade (β = 0,14; p = 0,03, a TFG (β = -0,15; p < 0,01 e a gordura visceral (β = -0,04; p < 0,001 (R² = 0,41. Após 12 meses, a progressão da DRC foi evidenciada pela diminuição da TFG (-1,6+-6,3 ml/min; p = 0,01 e aumento da proteinúria (0,3+-0,8 g/d; p < 0,01. Houve um aumento da gordura visceral de 97+-73 cm² para 111+-82 cm² (p < 0,001 e concomitante redução dos níveis de adiponectina, de 27,6+-7,5 mg/l para 22,2+-11,6 mg/l (p < 0,001. O peso corporal, o IMC, a gordura corporal total e a gordura abdominal subcutânea não se alteraram neste período. Ajustando pelos fatores associados à adiponectina, observamos que somente o acúmulo de gordura visceral ao longo do tempo determinou a redução nos níveis de

  9. Avaliação do crescimento de tecidos e órgãos de novilhos mestiços Holandês-Gir durante o ganho compensatório. 1. Carcaça

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    Almeida Maria Izabel Vieira de


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os efeitos da restrição alimentar anterior ao confinamento sobre o crescimento e a composição química da carcaça e seus componentes em bovinos. Foram utilizados vinte e quatro novilhos mestiços Holandês-Gir com idade de 19,3 ± 5,1 meses e peso vivo de 202,1 ± 49,1 kg, ao início do experimento. Quinze animais foram confinados após um período de restrição de pasto (grupo ganho compensatório, enquanto nove deles tiveram livre acesso ao pasto (grupo ganho contínuo. Foram abatidos três animais de cada grupo, no início, aos 28 e aos 112 dias do confinamento e, aos 56 e 84 dias de confinamento, foram abatidos três animais do grupo de ganho compensatório. Durante o confinamento, os animais do grupo de ganho compensatório e do grupo de ganho contínuo receberam alimentação ad libitum, composta por silagem de milho e 26% de concentrado, na matéria seca. As taxas de crescimento relativo foram avaliadas por meio de equações alométricas. As taxas de deposição de proteína, gordura e energia na carcaça, em relação ao ganho de peso de corpo vazio, não diferiram entre os tratamentos. A deposição de proteína na carcaça, em relação ao ganho de peso vivo, foi maior nos animais em ganho compensatório que nos de ganho contínuo. O ganho de peso compensatório causou redução na deposição de proteína no tecido adiposo e aumento na deposição de gordura nos ossos da carcaça.

  10. Gallic Acid Enriched Fraction of Phyllanthus emblica Potentiates Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Ulcer Healing via e-NOS-Dependent Pathway

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    Ananya Chatterjee


    Full Text Available The healing activity of gallic acid enriched ethanolic extract (GAE of Phyllanthus emblica fruits (amla against the indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration in mice was investigated. The activity was correlated with the ability of GAE to alter the cyclooxygenase- (COX- dependent healing pathways. Histology of the stomach tissues revealed maximum ulceration on the 3rd day after indomethacin (18 mg/kg, single dose administration that was associated with significant increase in inflammatory factors, namely, mucosal myeloperoxidase (MPO activity and inducible nitric oxide synthase (i-NOS expression. Proangiogenic parameters such as the levels of prostaglandin (PG E2, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, von Willebrand Factor VIII, and endothelial NOS (e-NOS were downregulated by indomethacin. Treatment with GAE (5 mg/kg/day and omeprazole (3 mg/kg/day for 3 days led to effective healing of the acute ulceration, while GAE could reverse the indomethacin-induced proinflammatory changes of the designated biochemical parameters. The ulcer healing activity of GAE was, however, compromised by coadministration of the nonspecific NOS inhibitor, N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, but not the i-NOS-specific inhibitor, L-N6-(1-iminoethyl lysine hydrochloride (L-NIL. Taken together, these results suggested that the GAE treatment accelerates ulcer healing by inducing PGE2 synthesis and augmenting e-NOS/i-NOS ratio.

  11. Nucleotide Excision DNA Repair is Associated with Age-Related Vascular Dysfunction (United States)

    Durik, Matej; Kavousi, Maryam; van der Pluijm, Ingrid; Isaacs, Aaron; Cheng, Caroline; Verdonk, Koen; Loot, Annemarieke E.; Oeseburg, Hisko; Musterd-Bhaggoe, Usha; Leijten, Frank; van Veghel, Richard; de Vries, Rene; Rudez, Goran; Brandt, Renata; Ridwan, Yanto R.; van Deel, Elza D.; de Boer, Martine; Tempel, Dennie; Fleming, Ingrid; Mitchell, Gary F.; Verwoert, Germaine C.; Tarasov, Kirill V.; Uitterlinden, Andre G.; Hofman, Albert; Duckers, Henricus J.; van Duijn, Cornelia M.; Oostra, Ben A.; Witteman, Jacqueline C.M.; Duncker, Dirk J.; Danser, A.H. Jan; Hoeijmakers, Jan H.; Roks, Anton J.M.


    Background Vascular dysfunction in atherosclerosis and diabetes, as observed in the aging population of developed societies, is associated with vascular DNA damage and cell senescence. We hypothesized that cumulative DNA damage during aging contributes to vascular dysfunction. Methods and Results In mice with genomic instability due to the defective nucleotide excision repair genes ERCC1 and XPD (Ercc1d/− and XpdTTD mice), we explored age-dependent vascular function as compared to wild-type mice. Ercc1d/− mice showed increased vascular cell senescence, accelerated development of vasodilator dysfunction, increased vascular stiffness and elevated blood pressure at very young age. The vasodilator dysfunction was due to decreased endothelial eNOS levels as well as impaired smooth muscle cell function, which involved phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity. Similar to Ercc1d/− mice, age-related endothelium-dependent vasodilator dysfunction in XpdTTD animals was increased. To investigate the implications for human vascular disease, we explored associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of selected nucleotide excision repair genes and arterial stiffness within the AortaGen Consortium, and found a significant association of a SNP (rs2029298) in the putative promoter region of DDB2 gene with carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity. Conclusions Mice with genomic instability recapitulate age-dependent vascular dysfunction as observed in animal models and in humans, but with an accelerated progression, as compared to wild type mice. In addition, we found associations between variations in human DNA repair genes and markers for vascular stiffness which is associated with aging. Our study supports the concept that genomic instability contributes importantly to the development of cardiovascular disease. PMID:22705887

  12. Vascular effects of the Mangifera indica L. extract (Vimang). (United States)

    Beltrán, Amada E; Alvarez, Yolanda; Xavier, Fabiano E; Hernanz, Raquel; Rodriguez, Janet; Núñez, Alberto J; Alonso, María J; Salaices, Mercedes


    The effects of the Mangiferia indica L. (Vimang) extract, and mangiferin (a C-glucosylxanthone of Vimang) on the inducible isoforms of cyclooxygenase (cyclooxygenase-2) and nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and on vasoconstrictor responses were investigated in vascular smooth muscle cells and mesenteric resistance arteries, respectively, from Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats. Vimang (0.5-0.1 mg/ml) and mangiferin (0.025 mg/ml) inhibited the interleukin-1beta (1 ng/ml)-induced iNOS expression more in SHR than in WKY, and cyclooxygenase-2 expression more in WKY than in SHR. Vimang (0.25-1 mg/ml) reduced noradrenaline (0.1-30 microM)- and U46619 (1 nM-30 microM)- but not KCl (15-70 mM)-induced contractions. Mangiferin (0.05 mg/ml) did not affect noradrenaline-induced contraction. In conclusion, the antiinflammatory action of Vimang would be related with the inhibition of iNOS and cyclooxygenase-2 expression, but not with its effect on vasoconstrictor responses. Alterations in the regulation of both enzymes in hypertension would explain the differences observed in the Vimang effect.

  13. Brain tissue aspiration neural tube defect Aspiração de tecido cerebral em casos de defeitos de fechamento do tubo neural

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    Luiz Cesar Peres


    Full Text Available The study aimed to find out how frequent is brain tissue aspiration and if brain tissue heterotopia could be found in the lung of human neural tube defect cases. Histological sections of each lobe of both lungs of 22 fetuses and newborn with neural tube defect were immunostained for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP. There were 15 (68.2% females and 7 (31.8% males. Age ranged from 18 to 40 weeks of gestation (mean= 31.8. Ten (45.5% were stillborn, the same newborn, and 2 (9.1% were abortuses. Diagnosis were: craniorrhachischisis (9 cases, 40.9%, anencephaly (8 cases, 36,4%, ruptured occipital encephalocele and rachischisis (2 cases, 9.1% each, and early amniotic band disruption sequence (1 case, 4.5%. Only one case (4.5% exhibited GFAP positive cells inside bronchioles and alveoli admixed to epithelial amniotic squames. No heterotopic tissue was observed in the lung interstitium. We concluded that aspiration of brain tissue from the amniotic fluid in neural tube defect cases may happen but it is infrequent and heterotopia was not observed.O objetivo do estudo foi identificar qual a freqüência de aspiração de tecido cerebral e a existência de heterotopia nos pulmões de casos humanos de defeito de fechamento do tubo neural através da reação imuno-histoquímica para proteína fibrilar glial ácida (GFAP em cortes histológicos de todos os lobos de ambos os pulmões de 22 casos de fetos e neonatos com defeito de fechamento do tubo neural. Havia 15 casos femininos (68,2% e 7 masculinos (31,8%, com idade gestacional variando de 18 a 40 semanas (média= 31,8, sendo natimortos e neomortos 10 (45,5% cada e 2 (9,1% abortos. Os diagnósticos foram: Craniorraquisquise (9 casos, 40,9%, anencefalia (8 casos, 36,4%, encefalocele occipital rota e raquisquise (2 casos, 9,1% e 1 (4,5%caso de seqüência de disruptura amniótica precoce. Somente 1 caso (4,5% apresentou células positivas dentro de bronquíolos e alvéolos em meio a células epiteliais

  14. Síndrome de Berardinelli-Seip: Menino com Baixo Peso e Tecido Subcutâneo Ausente

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    Mauro Antônio Czepielewski


    Full Text Available Paciente de 6 anos, masculino, tem história de baixo peso desde a infância, apesar de adequada ingestão calórica. No exame físico, foi constatada a total ausência de tecido adiposo subcutâneo, musculatura hipertrófica e acantose nigricante em axila direita. Na avaliação laboratorial, foi evidenciado colesterol total de 207 mg/dl, triglicerídeos 349 mg/dl, HDL 29 mg/dl, glicemia 83 mg/dl, TGO 78 mg/dl e TGP 111 mg/dl. Foi firmado o diagnóstico clínico de lipodistrofia de Berardinelli-Seip.

  15. Confiabilidade de escalas de comprometimento neurológico em pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral

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    Caneda Marco Aurélio Gralha de


    Full Text Available Escalas de comprometimento neurológico são utilizadas na avaliação de novos tratamentos, no acompanhamento da evolução clínica e em decisões terapêuticas. Estudamos a confiabilidade de três escalas: a Escala de Rankin (ER, o Índice de Barthel (IB e a National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS versadas em português, em 51 indivíduos com acidente vascular cerebral, estimando a concordância entre resultados de diferentes examinadores. Utilizamos os coeficientes de concordância Kappa e Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse. A ER teve coeficientes moderados, substanciais ou excelentes. No IB estes foram substanciais ou excelentes nos totais e nos itens, assim como quando foi estratificado em agrupamentos prognósticos e funcionais. A NIHSS apresentou coeficientes excelentes nos totais, substanciais nos itens e moderados e excelentes nas estratificações em grupos de pontos e de itens afins. Estes resultados indicam que as versões em português da ER, o IB e a NIHSS apresentam adequada confiabilidade.

  16. Influence of soft tissues on mandibular gray scale levels Influência dos tecidos moles sobre os níveis de cinza mandibulares

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    Paulo Henrique Couto Souza


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to analyze the gray levels, expressed in pixels, of the mandibular retromolar region, with regard to the influence of muscular and fat soft tissues near this region. Fifteen dry mandibles were X-rayed with the presence of soft tissue simulators. The radiographs were digitized and evaluated by Digora® software. A one cm thick layer of wax was used as a simulator of the muscular soft tissue. Animal fat samples of different thicknesses - 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 cm - were used as a simulator of the fat soft tissue. Results showed that the fat soft tissue simulator influenced the gray level values in pixels of the mandibular retromolar region when analyzed in different thicknesses using the Digora® digitized image software.O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de analisar os níveis de cinza, expressos em "pixels", da região retromolar mandibular, considerando a influência dos tecidos moles muscular e, principalmente, adiposo adjacentes a essa região. Para o estudo, 15 mandíbulas secas foram tecnicamente radiografadas, sendo que as radiografias obtidas foram escaneadas e avaliadas pelo programa de imagens digitalizadas Digora®. Como simuladores dos tecidos muscular e adiposo, foram utilizadas cera utilidade na espessura de 1,0 cm e amostras de gordura animal em espessuras diferentes de 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 cm. Os resultados mostraram que o tecido adiposo foi capaz de influenciar a análise dos valores de níveis de cinza em "pixels" da região retromolar mandibular quando estudado em espessuras diferentes pelo programa de imagens digitalizadas Digora®.

  17. The vascular effects of sodium tanshinone IIA sulphonate in rodent and human pregnancy.

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    Jude S Morton

    Full Text Available Danshen, in particular its derivative tanshinone IIA (TS, is a promising compound in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and has been used for many years in traditional Chinese medicine. Although many actions of TS have been researched, its vasodilator effects in pregnancy remain unknown. There have been a few studies that have shown the ability of TS to reduce blood pressure in women with hypertensive pregnancies; however, there are no studies which have examined the vascular effects of TS in the pregnant state in either normal or complicated pregnancies. Our aim was to determine the vasoactive role of TS in multiple arteries during pregnancy including: rat resistance (mesenteric and uterine and conduit (carotid arteries. Further, we aimed to assess the ability of TS to improve uterine blood flow in a rodent model of intrauterine growth restriction. Wire myography was used to assess vascular responses to the water-soluble derivative, sodium tanshinone IIA sulphonate (STS or to the endothelium-dependent vasodilator, methylcholine. At mid-pregnancy, STS caused direct vasodilation of rat resistance (pEC50 mesenteric: 4.47±0.05 and uterine: 3.65±0.10 but not conduit (carotid arteries. In late pregnancy, human myometrial arteries responded with a similar sensitivity to STS (pEC50 myometrial: 3.26±0.13. STS treatment for the last third of pregnancy in eNOS-/- mice increased uterine artery responses to methylcholine (Emax eNOS-/-: 55.2±9.2% vs. eNOS-/- treated: 75.7±8.9%, p<0.0001. The promising vascular effects, however, did not lead to improved uterine or umbilical blood flow in vivo, nor to improved fetal biometrics; body weight and crown-rump length. Further, STS treatment increased the uterine artery resistance index and decreased offspring body weight in control mice. Further research would be required to determine the safety and efficacy of use of STS in pregnancy.

  18. Isolamento e caracterização do vírus da influenza pandêmico H1N1 em suínos no Brasil

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    Rejane Schaefer


    Full Text Available A infecção causada pelo vírus Influenza A (IAV é endêmica em suínos no mundo inteiro. O surgimento da pandemia de influenza humana pelo vírus A/H1N1 (pH1N1 em 2009 levantou dúvidas sobre a ocorrência deste vírus em suínos no Brasil. Durante o desenvolvimento de um projeto de pesquisa do vírus de influenza suína em 2009-2010, na Embrapa Suínos e Aves (CNPSA, foi detectado em um rebanho de suínos em Santa Catarina, Brasil, um surto de influenza altamente transmissível causado pelo subtipo viral H1N1. Este vírus causou uma doença leve em suínos em crescimento e em fêmeas adultas, sem mortalidade. Tres leitões clinicamente afetados foram eutanasiados. As lesões macroscópicas incluiam consolidação leve a moderada das áreas cranioventrais do pulmão. Microscopicamente, as lesões foram caracterizadas por bronquiolite necrosante obliterativa e pneumonia broncointersticial. A imunohistoquímica, utilizando um anticorpo monoclonal contra a nucleoproteína do vírus influenza A, revelou marcação positiva no núcleo das células epiteliais bronquiolares. O tecido pulmonar de três leitões e os suabes nasais de cinco fêmeas e quatro leitões foram positivos para influenza A pela RT-PCR. O vírus influenza foi isolado de um pulmão, mais tarde sendo confirmado pelo teste de hemaglutinação (título HA 1:128 e por RT-PCR. A análise das seqüências de nucleotídeos dos genes da hemaglutinina (HA e proteína da matriz (M revelou que o vírus isolado foi consistente com o vírus pandêmico A/H1N1/2009 que circulou em humanos no mesmo período. Este é o primeiro relato de um surto de influenza causado pelo vírus pandêmico A/H1N1 em suínos no Brasil.

  19. Curcumin Protects against Cadmium-Induced Vascular Dysfunction, Hypertension and Tissue Cadmium Accumulation in Mice

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    Upa Kukongviriyapan


    Full Text Available Curcumin from turmeric is commonly used worldwide as a spice and has been demonstrated to possess various biological activities. This study investigated the protective effect of curcumin on a mouse model of cadmium (Cd—induced hypertension, vascular dysfunction and oxidative stress. Male ICR mice were exposed to Cd (100 mg/L in drinking water for eight weeks. Curcumin (50 or 100 mg/kg was intragastrically administered in mice every other day concurrently with Cd. Cd induced hypertension and impaired vascular responses to phenylephrine, acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside. Curcumin reduced the toxic effects of Cd and protected vascular dysfunction by increasing vascular responsiveness and normalizing the blood pressure levels. The vascular protective effect of curcumin in Cd exposed mice is associated with up-regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS protein, restoration of glutathione redox ratio and alleviation of oxidative stress as indicated by decreasing superoxide production in the aortic tissues and reducing plasma malondialdehyde, plasma protein carbonyls, and urinary nitrate/nitrite levels. Curcumin also decreased Cd accumulation in the blood and various organs of Cd-intoxicated mice. These findings suggest that curcumin, due to its antioxidant and chelating properties, is a promising protective agent against hypertension and vascular dysfunction induced by Cd.

  20. Vascular relaxation induced by C-type natriuretic peptide involves the ca2+/NO-synthase/NO pathway.

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    Fernanda A Andrade

    Full Text Available AIMS: C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP and nitric oxide (NO are endothelium-derived factors that play important roles in the regulation of vascular tone and arterial blood pressure. We hypothesized that NO produced by the endothelial NO-synthase (NOS-3 contributes to the relaxation induced by CNP in isolated rat aorta via activation of endothelial NPR-C receptor. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the putative contribution of NO through NPR-C activation in the CNP induced relaxation in isolated conductance artery. MAIN METHODS: Concentration-effect curves for CNP were constructed in aortic rings isolated from rats. Confocal microscopy was used to analyze the cytosolic calcium mobilization induced by CNP. The phosphorylation of the residue Ser1177 of NOS was analyzed by Western blot and the expression and localization of NPR-C receptors was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. KEY FINDINGS: CNP was less potent in inducing relaxation in denuded endothelium aortic rings than in intact ones. L-NAME attenuated the potency of CNP and similar results were obtained in the presence of hydroxocobalamin, an intracellular NO0 scavenger. CNP did not change the phosphorylation of Ser1177, the activation site of NOS-3, when compared with control. The addition of CNP produced an increase in [Ca2+]c in endothelial cells and a decrease in [Ca2+]c in vascular smooth muscle cells. The NPR-C-receptors are expressed in endothelial and adventitial rat aortas. SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that CNP-induced relaxation in intact aorta isolated from rats involves NO production due to [Ca2+]c increase in endothelial cells possibly through NPR-C activation expressed in these cells. The present study provides a breakthrough in the understanding of the close relationship between the vascular actions of nitric oxide and CNP.


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    Rogério Brittes W. Pires

    Full Text Available Resumo O artigo trata dos businenge (maroons, quilombolas saamaka do Alto Suriname. Parto de um tema clássico da antropologia - a separação nem sempre clara entre dádivas e mercadorias - e um aspecto particular da vida econômica nesta localidade - a rejeição do uso de dinheiro em determinadas esferas de circulação de objetos, serviços e palavras - como problemas. A ideia é compreender os motivos pelos quais, mesmo num contexto econômico crescentemente monetizado e integrado à economia capitalista global, há certos tipos de trocas nas quais o papel-moeda não deve circular de forma explícita, e nas quais fazem o papel de “moeda” objetos cuja fabricação é estrangeira. Busco compreender como é traçada, em Saamaka, a exterioridade e a interioridade, e de que forma o dinheiro é marcado como externa, enquanto certas “dádivas”, como rum e tecido, são feitas internas.

  2. Attenuated flow‐induced dilatation of middle cerebral arteries is related to increased vascular oxidative stress in rats on a short‐term high salt diet (United States)

    Cosic, Anita; Jukic, Ivana; Stupin, Ana; Mihalj, Martina; Mihaljevic, Zrinka; Novak, Sanja; Vukovic, Rosemary


    Key points Recent studies have shown that high salt (HS) intake leads to endothelial dysfunction and impaired vascular reactivity in different vascular beds in both animal and human models, due to increased oxidative stress.The objective of this study was to assess vascular response to flow‐induced dilatation (FID) and to elucidate the role of vascular oxidative stress/antioxidative capacity in middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) of HS‐fed rats in vitro.The novelty of this study is in demonstrating impaired flow‐induced dilatation of MCAs and down‐regulation of vascular antioxidant genes with HS intake, leading to increased levels of oxidative stress in blood vessels and peripheral lymph organs, which together contribute to impaired FID.In addition, results show increased oxidative stress in leukocytes of peripheral lymph organs, suggesting the occurrence of inflammatory processes due to HS intake.Recirculation of leukocytes might additionally increase vascular oxidative stress in vivo. Abstract The aim of this study was to determine flow‐induced dilatation (FID) and the role of oxidative stress/antioxidative capacity in isolated, pressurized middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) of high salt (HS)‐fed rats. Healthy male Sprague‐Dawley rats (11 weeks old) were fed low salt (0.4% NaCl; LS group) or high salt (4% NaCl; HS group) diets for 1 week. Reactivity of MCAs in response to stepwise increases in pressure gradient (Δ10–Δ100 mmHg) was determined in the absence or presence of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimetic TEMPOL and/or the nitric oxide synthases (NOS) inhibitor N ω‐nitro‐l‐arginine methyl ester (l‐name). mRNA levels of antioxidative enzymes, NAPDH‐oxidase components, inducible (iNOS) and endothelial nitric oxide synthases (eNOS) were determined by quantitative real‐time PCR. Blood pressure (BP), antioxidant enzymes activity, oxidative stress in peripheral leukocytes, lipid peroxidation products and the antioxidant capacity of plasma

  3. Efeitos sobre o tecido ósseo e cartilagem articular provocados pela imobilização e remobilização em ratos Wistar Effects of immobilization and remobilization on bone tissue and cartilage in Wistar rats

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    Danielle Portinho


    Full Text Available Longos períodos de imobilização conduzem à perda óssea e de propriedades do osso, e sua recuperação depende de vários fatores; além disso, a imobilização pode causar ulcerações no tecido cartilaginoso articular devido a alterações como perda de proteoglicanas, de massa e volume totais da cartilagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar alterações histológicas, do tecido ósseo periarticular e da cartilagem articular, provocadas pela imobilização e remobilização de membros posteriores de ratos Wistar. Foram utilizados 12 ratos Wistar, divididos em dois grupos: GI - (n = 6: 15 dias com o membro posterior esquerdo imobilizado em plantiflexão, sendo o membro direito o controle; GR - (n = 6: período de 15 dias de remobilização livre na gaiola, associado a três séries diárias de alongamento do músculo sóleo esquerdo por 30 segundos. Foram avaliados no tecido ósseo as medidas de espessura do osso cortical, diâmetro do canal medular e número de osteócitos; no tecido cartilaginoso, foram mensurados a espessura média da cartilagem e o número de condrócitos. Como resultado, observou-se que para GI não houve alterações significativas na espessura do osso (p = 0,1156 nem no diâmetro do canal medular (p = 0,5698, mas diminuição significativa dos osteócitos em relação ao contralateral (p = 0,0005; em GR também houve decréscimo no número de osteócitos (p = 0,0001, mas as diferenças na espessura (p = 0,1343 e diâmetro do canal medular (p = 0,6456 mantiveram-se não significantes. Para os dados de cartilagem articular não houve diferenças significativas para as amostras, tanto na espessura da cartilagem para GI (p = 0,6640 e GR (p = 0,1633, quanto no número de condrócitos em GI (p = 0,9429 e GR (p = 0,1634. Conclui-se que duas semanas de imobilização e remobilização produziram apenas diminuição significativa no número de osteócitos nos ratos imobilizados; esse número continuou a diminuir mesmo nos

  4. Vasoactive and radioprotective properties of isothiourea derivatives having NOS-inhibitory activity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Filimonova, Marina V.; Shevchenko, Ludmila I.; Ulyanenko, Stepan E.; Makarchuk, Victorya M.; Kuznetsova, Mary N.; Shevchuk, Aza S.; Lushnikova, Galina A.; Chesnakova, Ekaterina A. [Medical Radiological Research Center Health Ministry of Russia, 4, Korolev street, Obninsk, 249036, Kaluga region (Russian Federation)


    We studied vasoactive and radioprotective properties of new original N-acyl, S-alkyl isothiourea derivatives which are potent inhibitors of nitric oxide synthases (preferably eNOS and iNOS). These compounds have a moderate toxicity (LD50 - 400-550 mg/kg), and are stable in aqueous solutions. In hemodynamic studies, these compounds exhibited high vasotropic activity. The use of these compounds in doses of 5-15 mg/kg (0,01-0,03 LD{sub 50}) in the experimental animals in a state of the severe hemorrhagic or endo-toxic shock causes a potent vasopressor effect, accompanied by a significant and continuous rise in blood pressure. The increasing of vascular tone developed over 2-5 min after injection and persisted for at least 60-90 minutes, excelling at least 3-5 times the duration of α1-adreno-mimetic vasopressor action. The rapid increase in vascular tone under the influence of these compounds in normo-tonic animals caused protective baroreflex to prevent high blood pressure. At doses of 10-15 mg/kg the reflex reaction was mild, but at higher doses (30-40 mg/kg) the reaction was fierce and prolonged, and was accompanied by severe bradycardia, decreasing of the cardiac output and a significant weakening of the peripheral blood flow. In all cases, the hemodynamic response was reflexive and easily eliminated by atropine. The ability of these compounds to induce circulatory hypoxia was the basis for the study of their radioprotective properties. The study of radioprotective effect on the survival of animals exposed to lethal doses of γ-radiation (10 Gy) and on the survival of hematopoietic clonogenic cells showed that these compounds in doses of 80-150 mg/kg (0,2-0,3 LD50) have considerable radioprotective action, which is comparable with the protective effect of the maximum tolerated dose of cystamine. The factor of change in dose for γ-radiation, estimated by the LD{sub 50}, was 1,42-1,58. We also investigated the ability of the test compounds, due to their hypoxic

  5. Estudo morfológico do tecido hepático de Leporinus macrocephalus = Morphological study of the hepatic tissue of Leporinus macrocephalus

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    Maria Terezinha Siqueira Bombonato


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou análise macroscópica e histológica do fígado de Leporinus macrocephalus para avaliar a estrutura do tecido hepático. Os peixes provenientes de um pesqueiro da região de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo, foram anestesiados, mortos, e os fígados foram retirados e encaminhados à rotina histológica, com inclusão em paraplast. A macroscopia mostrou um figado de estrutura homogênea, de coloração marron-avermelhada, localizado na região medial do corpo, caudalmente ao coração e posterior às brânquias, apresentando três lóbos de forma piramidal, sendo um central e dois laterais direito eesquerdo. A análise histológica revelou o tecido hepático constituído por cordões duplos de hepatócitos circundados por sinusóides, denominado de “muralha dupla”. Revelou, ainda, um sistema biliar disperso pelo parênquima hepático mostrando ductos com epitélio cúbicosimples, circundado por fibras musculares e tecido conjuntivo. Células do tecido pancreático exócrino foram observadas, margeando vasos sangüíneos, organizando-se em ácinos apresentando grânulos de zimogênio. Além disso, existem centros melanomacrófagos distribuídos ao longo de todo parênquima, preferencialmente próximos aos vasos sanguíneos, formados por células que acumulam materiais como melanina e lipofucsina, podendo sua presença estar relacionada com o estado nutricional do peixe.The objective of this work was to analyze the liver of Leporinus macrocephalus at the macroscopic and histologic level by evaluating the characteristics of the hepatic tissue. The fishes from a fishery in Bauru, S.P., were collected and sacrificed by destroying the spinalcord; afterwards the collected hepatic tissue was fixed and followed by histological routine. Macroscopic analysis of L. macrocephalus liver showed an organ of homogeneous structure, with red-brown color, located in the medial region of the body, caudal to heart and after the gills. It

  6. Breast cancer drugs dampen vascular functions by interfering with nitric oxide signaling in endothelium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gajalakshmi, Palanivel; Priya, Mani Krishna; Pradeep, Thangaraj; Behera, Jyotirmaya; Muthumani, Kandasamy; Madhuwanti, Srinivasan; Saran, Uttara; Chatterjee, Suvro


    Widely used chemotherapeutic breast cancer drugs such as Tamoxifen citrate (TC), Capecitabine (CP) and Epirubicin (EP) are known to cause various cardiovascular side-effects among long term cancer survivors. Vascular modulation warrants nitric oxide (NO) signal transduction, which targets the vascular endothelium. We hypothesize that TC, CP and EP interference with the nitric oxide downstream signaling specifically, could lead to cardiovascular dysfunctions. The results demonstrate that while all three drugs attenuate NO and cyclic guanosine mono-phosphate (cGMP) production in endothelial cells, they caused elevated levels of NO in the plasma and RBC. However, PBMC and platelets did not show any significant changes under treatment. This implies that the drug effects are specific to the endothelium. Altered eNOS and phosphorylated eNOS (Ser-1177) localization patterns in endothelial cells were observed following drug treatments. Similarly, the expression of phosphorylated eNOS (Ser-1177) protein was decreased under the treatment of drugs. Altered actin polymerization was also observed following drug treatment, while addition of SpNO and 8Br-cGMP reversed this effect. Incubation with the drugs decreased endothelial cell migration whereas addition of YC-1, SC and 8Br-cGMP recovered the effect. Additionally molecular docking studies showed that all three drugs exhibited a strong binding affinity with the catalytic domain of human sGC. In conclusion, results indicate that TC, CP and EP cause endothelial dysfunctions via the NO–sGC–cGMP pathway and these effects could be recovered using pharmaceutical agonists of NO signaling pathway. Further, the study proposes a combination therapy of chemotherapeutic drugs and cGMP analogs, which would confer protection against chemotherapy mediated vascular dysfunctions in cancer patients. - Highlights: • NO production is reduced in endothelial cells under breast cancer drug treatment. • Cellular cGMP level is decreased under

  7. Breast cancer drugs dampen vascular functions by interfering with nitric oxide signaling in endothelium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gajalakshmi, Palanivel; Priya, Mani Krishna; Pradeep, Thangaraj; Behera, Jyotirmaya; Muthumani, Kandasamy; Madhuwanti, Srinivasan; Saran, Uttara; Chatterjee, Suvro, E-mail:


    Widely used chemotherapeutic breast cancer drugs such as Tamoxifen citrate (TC), Capecitabine (CP) and Epirubicin (EP) are known to cause various cardiovascular side-effects among long term cancer survivors. Vascular modulation warrants nitric oxide (NO) signal transduction, which targets the vascular endothelium. We hypothesize that TC, CP and EP interference with the nitric oxide downstream signaling specifically, could lead to cardiovascular dysfunctions. The results demonstrate that while all three drugs attenuate NO and cyclic guanosine mono-phosphate (cGMP) production in endothelial cells, they caused elevated levels of NO in the plasma and RBC. However, PBMC and platelets did not show any significant changes under treatment. This implies that the drug effects are specific to the endothelium. Altered eNOS and phosphorylated eNOS (Ser-1177) localization patterns in endothelial cells were observed following drug treatments. Similarly, the expression of phosphorylated eNOS (Ser-1177) protein was decreased under the treatment of drugs. Altered actin polymerization was also observed following drug treatment, while addition of SpNO and 8Br-cGMP reversed this effect. Incubation with the drugs decreased endothelial cell migration whereas addition of YC-1, SC and 8Br-cGMP recovered the effect. Additionally molecular docking studies showed that all three drugs exhibited a strong binding affinity with the catalytic domain of human sGC. In conclusion, results indicate that TC, CP and EP cause endothelial dysfunctions via the NO–sGC–cGMP pathway and these effects could be recovered using pharmaceutical agonists of NO signaling pathway. Further, the study proposes a combination therapy of chemotherapeutic drugs and cGMP analogs, which would confer protection against chemotherapy mediated vascular dysfunctions in cancer patients. - Highlights: • NO production is reduced in endothelial cells under breast cancer drug treatment. • Cellular cGMP level is decreased under

  8. Role of Nitric Oxide Synthase on Blood Pressure Regulation and Vascular Function in Pregnant Rats on a High-Fat Diet. (United States)

    Palei, Ana C; Spradley, Frank T; Granger, Joey P


    While obesity is a leading risk factor for preeclampsia, the mechanisms whereby obese women are more susceptible to pregnancy-induced hypertension are unclear. As high-fat diet (HFD) is an important contributor to the development of obesity, we tested the hypothesis that pregnant rats on HFD have hypertension and endothelial dysfunction due to reduced nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Twelve-week-old Sprague-Dawley female rats were fed normal diet (ND, 13% fat kcal) or HFD (40% fat kcal) for 9 weeks. Timed-pregnant rats were then generated and the effect of HFD on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and vascular function was assessed on gestational day (GD) 19. MAP was not different between HFD and ND pregnant rats. Intriguingly, sensitivity to acetylcholine-induced endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation was enhanced in small mesenteric arteries of HFD dams compared to ND controls (logEC50 -7.9 ± 0.3 vs. -6.7 ± 0.3 M; P hydrochloride (100 mg/l, drinking water) from GD 14 to 19. It was found that NOS inhibition increased MAP equally in HFD and ND groups. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, HFD dams were normotensive and presented increased endothelial function and NO/NOS3 levels. This enhanced NOS-mediated vascular function does not appear to have a major impact on blood pressure regulation of HFD-fed pregnant rats. © American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd 2017. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  9. Arginase up-regulation and eNOS uncoupling contribute to impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation in a rat model of intrauterine growth restriction. (United States)

    Grandvuillemin, Isabelle; Buffat, Christophe; Boubred, Farid; Lamy, Edouard; Fromonot, Julien; Charpiot, Philippe; Simoncini, Stephanie; Sabatier, Florence; Dignat-George, Françoise; Peyter, Anne-Christine; Simeoni, Umberto; Yzydorczyk, Catherine


    Individuals born after intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in adulthood, notably hypertension (HTN). Alterations in the vascular system, particularly impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation, may play an important role in long-term effects of IUGR. Whether such vascular dysfunction precedes HTN has not been fully established in individuals born after IUGR. Moreover, the intimate mechanisms of altered endothelium-dependent vasodilation remain incompletely elucidated. We therefore investigated, using a rat model of IUGR, whether impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation precedes the development of HTN and whether key components of the L-Arginine-nitric oxide (NO) pathway are involved in its pathogenesis. Pregnant rats were fed with a control (CTRL, 23% casein) or low-protein diet (LP, 9% casein) to induce IUGR. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was measured by tail-cuff plethysmography in 5- and 8-week-old male offspring. Aortic rings were isolated to investigate relaxation to acetylcholine, NO production, eNOS protein content, arginase activity, and superoxide anion production. SBP was not different at 5 weeks, but significantly increased in 8-week-old LP vs. CRTL offspring. In 5-week-old LP vs. CRTL males, endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation was significantly impaired, but restored by pre-incubation with L-Arginine or the arginase inhibitor BEC; NO production was significantly reduced, but restored by L-Arginine pretreatment; total eNOS protein, dimer/monomer ratio, and arginase activity were significantly increased; superoxide anion production was significantly enhanced, but normalized by pretreatment with the NOS inhibitor L-NNA. In this model, IUGR leads to early-impaired endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation, resulting from arginase up-regulation and eNOS uncoupling, which precedes the development of HTN.

  10. Lipocalina associada à gelatinase de neutrófilos (NGAL e calprotectina no tecido laminar de equinos após obstrução jejunal, tratados ou não com hidrocortisona

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    Luciane M. Laskoski


    Full Text Available A laminite é uma doença podal grave que acomete os equídeos, sendo responsável por intenso sofrimento. Neste estudo foram pesquisadas a presença de calprotectina por meio da imunoistoquímica, e de lipocalina associada à gelatinase de neutrófilos (NGAL, por zimografia, no tecido laminar do casco de equinos após obstrução intestinal. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: Grupo controle (Gc, contendo sete animais normais, sem procedimento cirúrgico; Grupo Instrumentado (Gi, contendo cinco animais, os quais passaram por todo o procedimento cirúrgico sem sofrerem obstrução intestinal; Grupo Não Tratado (Gnt, contendo quatro equinos submetidos a obstrução intestinal do jejuno por distensão de balão intraluminal, sem tratamento; e Grupo Tratado (Gt, contendo quatro equinos submetidos a obstrução intestinal, e tratados preventivamente com hidrocortisona. Houve imunomarcação de calprotectina em todos os grupos experimentais, com aumento nos equinos do grupo distendido em relação ao Gc. Com relação ao NGAL, houve aumento também do Gnt e do Gi em relação ao Gc. O Gt não diferiu dos demais. Conclui-se que a distensão do intestino delgado pode promover acúmulos de leucócitos nos cascos de equinos e que o NGAL é um método viável para se detectar infiltração neutrofílica em equinos. Novos estudos deverão ser realizados para se verificar possível benefício anti-inflamatório da hidrocortisona no casco de equinos com obstrução intestinal.

  11. The angiotensin-(1-7/Mas axis counteracts angiotensin II-dependent and –independent pro-inflammatory signaling in human vascular smooth muscle cells

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    Laura A Villalobos


    Full Text Available Background and aims: Targeting inflammation is nowadays considered as a challenging pharmacological strategy to prevent or delay the development of vascular diseases. Angiotensin-(1-7 is a member of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS that binds Mas receptors and has gained growing attention in the last years as a regulator of vascular homeostasis. Here, we explored the capacity of Ang-(1-7 to counteract human aortic smooth muscle cell (HASMC inflammation triggered by RAS-dependent and –independent stimuli, such as Ang II or interleukin (IL-1.Methods and Results: In cultured HASMC, the expression of iNOS and the release of nitric oxide were stimulated by both Ang II and IL-1, as determined by Western blot and indirect immunofluorescence or the Griess method, respectively. iNOS induction was inhibited by Ang-(1-7 in a concentration-dependent manner. This effect was equally blocked by two different Mas receptor antagonists, A779 and D-Pro7-Ang-(1-7, suggesting the participation of a unique Mas receptor subtype. Using pharmacological inhibitors, the induction of iNOS was proven to rely on the consecutive upstream activation of NADPH oxidase and NF-B. Indeed, Ang-(1-7 markedly inhibited the activation of the NADPH oxidase and subsequently of NF-B, as determined by lucigenin-derived chemiluminiscence and electromobility shift assay, respectively.Conclusion: Ang-(1-7 can act as a counter-regulator of the inflammation of vascular smooth muscle cells triggered by Ang II, but also by other stimuli beyond the RAS. Activating or mimicking the Ang-(1-7/Mas axis may represent a pharmacological opportunity to attenuate the pro-inflammatory environment that promotes and sustains the development of vascular diseases.

  12. Platelet activating factor-induced ceramide micro-domains drive endothelial NOS activation and contribute to barrier dysfunction.

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    Sanda Predescu

    Full Text Available The spatial and functional relationship between platelet activating factor-receptor (PAF-R and nitric oxide synthase (eNOS in the lateral plane of the endothelial plasma membrane is poorly characterized. In this study, we used intact mouse pulmonary endothelial cells (ECs as well as endothelial plasma membrane patches and subcellular fractions to define a new microdomain of plasmalemma proper where the two proteins colocalize and to demonstrate how PAF-mediated nitric oxide (NO production fine-tunes ECs function as gatekeepers of vascular permeability. Using fluorescence microscopy and immunogold labeling electron microscopy (EM on membrane patches we demonstrate that PAF-R is organized as clusters and colocalizes with a subcellular pool of eNOS, outside recognizable vesicular profiles. Moreover, PAF-induced acid sphingomyelinase activation generates a ceramide-based microdomain on the external leaflet of plasma membrane, inside of which a signalosome containing eNOS shapes PAF-stimulated NO production. Real-time measurements of NO after PAF-R ligation indicated a rapid (5 to 15 min increase in NO production followed by a > 45 min period of reduction to basal levels. Moreover, at the level of this new microdomain, PAF induces a dynamic phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of Ser, Thr and Tyr residues of eNOS that correlates with NO production. Altogether, our findings establish the existence of a functional partnership PAF-R/eNOS on EC plasma membrane, at the level of PAF-induced ceramide plasma membrane microdomains, outside recognized vesicular profiles.

  13. Determinação de resíduos de nitrofurazona, furazolidona e nicarbazina em tecidos de origem animal Determination of nitrofurazone, furazolidone and nicarbazin residues in animal tissues

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    Scheilla V. C. SOUZA


    Full Text Available Foi padronizado e validado um método analítico para determinação de resíduos de nitrofurazona, furazolidona e nicarbazina em tecido muscular empregando-se extração com acetonitrila, purificação com cartuchos de sílica e C18 e detecção e quantificação por CLAE/UV. Nos ensaios com amostras fortificadas entre 5 e 200mg/kg as recuperações médias obtidas variaram de 73,6 a 95,6% com valores de C.V. entre 4,8 e 26,4%. O limite de detecção e quantificação do método foi de 5mg/kg, para cada um dos três resíduos estudados.A method for determination of nitrofurazone, furazolidone and nicarbazin residues in muscle tissues was standardized and validated using acetonitrile extraction, clean-up with silica and C18 cartridges and detection and quantification by HPLC/UV. In the assays using spiked samples in levels varying from 5 to 200mg/kg the average recovery values ranged from 73.6 to 95.6% with C.V. values between 4.8 and 26.4%. The limits of detection and quantification of this method was 5mg/kg for each studied residue.

  14. CONSIDERAÇÕES SOBRE A OXIDAÇÃO LIPÍDICA E SUAS LIMITAÇÕES: o possível papel do fracionamento de carboidratos


    Smolarek, André de Camargo; Gomes, Fernanda dos Santos; Souza Junior, Tácito Pessoa de


    Os ácidos graxos estocados principalmente na forma de triacilglicerois no tecido adiposo ou em reduzidas quantidades no tecido muscular representam uma fundamental via energética em exercícios de intensidade leve a moderada. Caracterizam-se pela alta disponibilidade de trifosfato de adenosina (ATP) possuindo relevância em termos quantitativos nos exercícios de longa duração (aeróbios). De forma simplificada, a oxidação lipídica divide-se em mobilização e transporte dos ácidos graxos, β-oxida...

  15. A combination of genistein and magnesium enhances the vasodilatory effect via an eNOS pathway and BK(Ca) current amplification. (United States)

    Sun, Lina; Hou, Yunlong; Zhao, Tingting; Zhou, Shanshan; Wang, Xiaoran; Zhang, Liming; Yu, Guichun


    The phytoestrogen genistein (GST) and magnesium have been independently shown to regulate vascular tone; however, their individual vasodilatory effects are limited. The aim of this study was to examine the combined effects of GST plus magnesium on vascular tone in mesenteric arteries. The effects of pretreatment with GST (0-200 μmol/L), MgCl2 (0-4.8 mmol/L) and GST plus MgCl2 on 10 μmol/L phenylephrine (PE) precontracted mesenteric arteries in rats were assessed by measuring isometric force. BK(Ca) currents were detected by the patch clamp method. GST caused concentration- and partial endothelium-dependent relaxation. Magnesium resulted in dual adjustment of vascular tone. Magnesium-free solution eliminated the vasodilatation of GST in both endothelium-intact and denuded rings. GST (50 μmol/L) plus magnesium (4.8 mmol/L) caused stronger relaxation in both endothelium-intact and denuded rings. Pretreatment with the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor L-N-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 100 μmol/L) significantly inhibited the effects of GST, high magnesium, and the combination of GST and magnesium. BK(Ca) currents were amplified to a greater extent when GST (50 μmol/L) was combined with 4.8 versus 1.2 mmol/L Mg(2+). Our data suggest that GST plus magnesium provides enhanced vasodilatory effects in rat mesenteric arteries compared with that observed when either is used separately, which was related to an eNOS pathway and BK(Ca) current amplification.

  16. Dietary sodium restriction reverses vascular endothelial dysfunction in middle-aged/older adults with moderately elevated systolic blood pressure (United States)

    Jablonski, Kristen L.; Racine, Matthew L.; Geolfos, Candace J.; Gates, Phillip E.; Chonchol, Michel; McQueen, Matthew B.; Seals, Douglas R.


    Objectives We determined the efficacy of dietary sodium restriction (DSR) for improving vascular endothelial dysfunction in middle-aged/older adults with moderately elevated systolic blood pressure (SBP; 130–159 mmHg) and the associated physiological mechanisms. Background Vascular endothelial dysfunction develops with advancing age and elevated SBP, contributing to increased cardiovascular risk. DSR lowers BP, but its effect on vascular endothelial function and mechanisms involved are unknown. Methods Seventeen subjects (11M/6F; 62±7 yrs, mean±S.D.) completed a randomized, crossover study of 4 weeks of both low and normal sodium intake. Vascular endothelial function (endothelium-dependent dilation; EDD), nitric oxide (NO)/tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) bioavailability and oxidative stress-associated mechanisms were assessed following each condition. Results Urinary sodium excretion was reduced by ~50% (to 70±30 mmol/day), and conduit (brachial artery flow-mediated dilation [FMDBA]) and resistance (forearm blood flow responses to acetylcholine [FBFACh]) artery EDD were 68% and 42% (peak FBFACh) higher following the low sodium diet (psodium markedly enhanced NO- mediated EDD (greater ΔFBFACh with endothelial NO synthase [eNOS] inhibition) without changing eNOS expression/activation (Ser1177 phosphorylation), restored BH4 bioactivity (less ΔFMDBA with acute BH4), abolished tonic superoxide suppression of EDD (less ΔFMDBA and ΔFBFACh with ascorbic acid infusion), and increased circulating superoxide dismutase activity (p<0.05). These effects were independent of ΔSBP. Other subject characteristics/dietary factors and endothelium-independent dilation were unchanged. Conclusions DSR largely reverses both macro- and microvascular endothelial dysfunction by enhancing NO and BH4 bioavailability and reducing oxidative stress. Our findings support the emerging concept that DSR induces “vascular protection” beyond that attributable to its BP-lowering effects. PMID

  17. Kallistatin reduces vascular senescence and aging by regulating microRNA-34a-SIRT1 pathway. (United States)

    Guo, Youming; Li, Pengfei; Gao, Lin; Zhang, Jingmei; Yang, Zhirong; Bledsoe, Grant; Chang, Eugene; Chao, Lee; Chao, Julie


    Kallistatin, an endogenous protein, protects against vascular injury by inhibiting oxidative stress and inflammation in hypertensive rats and enhancing the mobility and function of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). We aimed to determine the role and mechanism of kallistatin in vascular senescence and aging using cultured EPCs, streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice, and Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). Human kallistatin significantly decreased TNF-α-induced cellular senescence in EPCs, as indicated by reduced senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression, and elevated telomerase activity. Kallistatin blocked TNF-α-induced superoxide levels, NADPH oxidase activity, and microRNA-21 (miR-21) and p16 INK 4a synthesis. Kallistatin prevented TNF-α-mediated inhibition of SIRT1, eNOS, and catalase, and directly stimulated the expression of these antioxidant enzymes. Moreover, kallistatin inhibited miR-34a synthesis, whereas miR-34a overexpression abolished kallistatin-induced antioxidant gene expression and antisenescence activity. Kallistatin via its active site inhibited miR-34a, and stimulated SIRT1 and eNOS synthesis in EPCs, which was abolished by genistein, indicating an event mediated by tyrosine kinase. Moreover, kallistatin administration attenuated STZ-induced aortic senescence, oxidative stress, and miR-34a and miR-21 synthesis, and increased SIRT1, eNOS, and catalase levels in diabetic mice. Furthermore, kallistatin treatment reduced superoxide formation and prolonged wild-type C. elegans lifespan under oxidative or heat stress, although kallistatin's protective effect was abolished in miR-34 or sir-2.1 (SIRT1 homolog) mutant C. elegans. Kallistatin inhibited miR-34, but stimulated sir-2.1 and sod-3 synthesis in C. elegans. These in vitro and in vivo studies provide significant insights into the role and mechanism of kallistatin in vascular senescence and aging by regulating miR-34a-SIRT1

  18. Combined treatment with atorvastatin and imipenem improves survival and vascular functions in mouse model of sepsis. (United States)

    Choudhury, Soumen; Kannan, Kandasamy; Pule Addison, M; Darzi, Sazad A; Singh, Vishakha; Singh, Thakur Uttam; Thangamalai, Ramasamy; Dash, Jeevan Ranjan; Parida, Subhashree; Debroy, Biplab; Paul, Avishek; Mishra, Santosh Kumar


    We have recently reported that pre-treatment, but not the post-treatment with atorvastatin showed survival benefit and improved hemodynamic functions in cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model of sepsis in mice. Here we examined whether combined treatment with atorvastatin and imipenem after onset of sepsis can prolong survival and improve vascular functions. At 6 and 18h after sepsis induction, treatment with atorvastatin plus imipenem, atorvastatin or imipenem alone or placebo was initiated. Ex vivo experiments were done on mouse aorta to examine the vascular reactivity to nor-adrenaline and acetylcholine and mRNA expressions of α1D AR, GRK2 and eNOS. Atorvastatin plus imipenem extended the survival time to 56.00±4.62h from 20.00±1.66h observed in CLP mice. The survival time with atorvastatin or imipenem alone was 20.50±1.89h and 27.00±4.09h, respectively. The combined treatment reversed the hyporeactivity to nor-adrenaline through preservation of α1D AR mRNA/protein expression and reversal of α1D AR desensitization mediated by GRK2/Gβγ pathway. The treatment also restored endothelium-dependent relaxation to ACh through restoration of aortic eNOS mRNA expression and NO availability. In conclusion, combined treatment with atorvastatin and imipenem exhibited survival benefit and improved vascular functions in septic mice. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Adubação química e cobertura morta em alho proveniente de cultura de tecidos

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    Correa Tiago M.


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se diferentes épocas de parcelamento da adubação de cobertura com nitrogênio e potássio e o uso de cobertura morta em um clone da cultivar Gravatá proveniente de cultura de tecidos. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 2 x 3 com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por solo com e sem cobertura morta e pela adubação de cobertura com N e K parcelada em três períodos de aplicação 45 e 65; 60 e 80; 75 e 95 dias após o plantio. A altura das plantas, número de folhas/planta, diâmetro do bulbo e a taxa de bulbificação foram avaliados 105 dias após o plantio. O parcelamento da adubação com nitrogênio e potássio em cobertura na cultura do alho aos 45 e 65 dias ou aos 60 e 80 dias após o plantio resultaram em bulbos com maior diâmetro, independente do uso de cobertura morta. As demais características avaliadas não foram influenciadas pelas épocas de parcelamento da adubação nitrogenada e potássica. A cobertura morta mostrou-se vantajosa em relação ao solo descoberto para cultura do alho oriundo de cultura de tecidos, permitindo aumentos significativos no crescimento e produtividade, que alcançou 16,76 t/ha com cobertura e 13,44 t/ha sem cobertura.

  20. Leptin Inhibits the Proliferation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Induced by Angiotensin II through Nitric Oxide-Dependent Mechanisms

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    Amaia Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Objective. This study was designed to investigate whether leptin modifies angiotensin (Ang II-induced proliferation of aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs from 10-week-old male Wistar and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR, and the possible role of nitric oxide (NO. Methods. NO and NO synthase (NOS activity were assessed by the Griess and 3H-arginine/citrulline conversion assays, respectively. Inducible NOS (iNOS and NADPH oxidase subutnit Nox2 expression was determined by Western-blot. The proliferative responses to Ang II were evaluated through enzymatic methods. Results. Leptin inhibited the Ang II-induced proliferative response of VSMCs from control rats. This inhibitory effect of leptin was abolished by NOS inhibitor, NMMA, and iNOS selective inhibitor, L-NIL, and was not observed in leptin receptor-deficient fa/fa rats. SHR showed increased serum leptin concentrations and lipid peroxidation. Despite a similar leptin-induced iNOS up-regulation, VSMCs from SHR showed an impaired NOS activity and NO production induced by leptin, and an increased basal Nox2 expression. The inhibitory effect of leptin on Ang II-induced VSMC proliferation was attenuated. Conclusion. Leptin blocks the proliferative response to Ang II through NO-dependent mechanisms. The attenuation of this inhibitory effect of leptin in spontaneous hypertension appears to be due to a reduced NO bioavailability in VSMCs.

  1. Prominent Vascularization Capacity of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Collagen-Gold Nanocomposites. (United States)

    Hsieh, Shu-Chen; Chen, Hui-Jye; Hsu, Shan-Hui; Yang, Yi-Chin; Tang, Cheng-Ming; Chu, Mei-Yun; Lin, Pei-Ying; Fu, Ru-Huei; Kung, Mei-Lang; Chen, Yun-Wen; Yeh, Bi-Wen; Hung, Huey-Shan


    The ideal characteristics of surface modification on the vascular graft for clinical application would be with excellent hemocompatibility, endothelialization capacity, and antirestenosis ability. Here, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle (θ) measurement, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to evaluate the chemical and mechanical properties of collagen-gold nanocomposites (collagen+Au) with 17.4, 43.5, and 174 ppm of Au and suggested that the collagen+Au with 43.5 ppm of Au had better biomechanical properties and thermal stability than pure collagen. Besides, stromal-derived factor-1α (SDF-1α) at 50 ng/mL promoted the migration of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) on collagen+Au material through the α5β3 integrin/endothelial oxide synthase (eNOS)/metalloproteinase (MMP) signaling pathway which can be abolished by the knockdown of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The potentiality of collagen+Au with MSCs for vascular regeneration was evaluated by our in vivo rat model system. Artery tissues isolated from an implanted collagen+Au-coated catheter with MSCs expressed substantial CD-31 and α-SMA, displayed higher antifibrotic ability, antithrombotic activity, as well as anti-inflammatory response than all other materials. Our results indicated that the implantation of collagen+Au-coated catheters with MSCs could be a promising strategy for vascular regeneration.

  2. A aplicação de plasma rico em plaquetas na regeneração dos tecidos periodontais


    Silva, Ana Luísa Azevedo


    O periodonto é uma unidade biológica e funcional, constituída pela gengiva, pelo cemento, pelo ligamento periodontal e pelo osso alveolar. O seu processo de cicatrização envolve mecanismos fisiológicos complexos que requerem a ação dos fatores de crescimento, péptidos oriundos da desgranulação das plaquetas. Neste sentido surge o Plasma Rico em Plaquetas como um produto autólogo, obtido a partir da centrifugação do sangue do próprio paciente e que visa melhorar a cicatrização dos tecidos após...

  3. Meristematic activity of the Endodermis and the Pericycle in the primary thickening in monocotyledons: considerations on the "PTM"

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    Nanuza L. de Menezes


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a new interpretation for primary thickening in monocotyledons. The anatomy of the vegetative organs of the following species was examined: Cephalostemon riedelianus (Rapataceae, Cyperus papyrus (Cyperaceae, Lagenocarpus rigidus, L. junciformis (Cyperaceae, Echinodorus paniculatus (Alismataceae and Zingiber officinale (Zingiberaceae. The endodermis with meristematic activity was observed in the root of all the species, in the stem of Cyperus, Cephalostemum and Lagenocarpus rigidus, and in the leaf trace of Cyperus and leaf of Echinodorus. Considering the continuity of tissues through the root, stem and leaf, the authors conclude that in the stem the pericycle remains active throughout the life of the plant as the generator of the vascular tissue. The "Primary Thickening Meristem" is in fact the pericycle plus the endodermis and its derivatives (or only the pericycle. Close to the stem apex, the assemblage of seems to be a unique meristem, giving rise to the inner cortex and vascular tissues.A proposta deste trabalho é mostrar uma nova interpretação do meristema de espessamento primário em monocotiledôneas. Anatomia dos órgãos vegetativos das seguintes espécies foi examinada: Cephalostemon riedelianus (Rapataceae, Cyperus papyrus (Cyperaceae, Lagenocarpus rigidus, L. Junciformis (Cyperaceae, Echinodorus paniculatus (Alismataceae and Zingiberofficinale (Zingiberaceae. A atividade meristemática da endoderme foi observada nas raizes de todas as espécies, no caule de Cyperus, Cephalostemum e Lagenocarpus rigidus, e no traço foliar de Cyperus e folha de Echinodorus. Considerando a continuidade dos tecidos através da raiz, caule e folha, as autoras concluem que no caule o periciclo permanece ativo durante a vida da planta, como um gerador de tecidos vasculares. O "Meristema de Espessamento Primário" é o periciclo em fase meristemática, juntamente com a endoderme e suas derivadas (ou apenas o periciclo. Próximo ao

  4. Cellular function and signaling pathways of vascular smooth muscle cells modulated by sphingosine 1-phosphate

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    Takuji Machida


    Full Text Available Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P plays important roles in cardiovascular pathophysiology. S1P1 and/or S1P3, rather than S1P2 receptors, seem to be predominantly expressed in vascular endothelial cells, while S1P2 and/or S1P3, rather than S1P1 receptors, seem to be predominantly expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs. S1P has multiple actions, such as proliferation, inhibition or stimulation of migration, and vasoconstriction or release of vasoactive mediators. S1P induces an increase of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in many cell types, including VSMCs. Activation of S1P3 seems to play an important role in Ca2+ mobilization. S1P induces cyclooxygenase-2 expression in VSMCs via both S1P2 and S1P3 receptors. S1P2 receptor activation in VSMCs inhibits inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS expression. At the local site of vascular injury, vasoactive mediators such as prostaglandins and NO produced by VSMCs are considered primarily as a defensive and compensatory mechanism for the lack of endothelial function to prevent further pathology. Therefore, selective S1P2 receptor antagonists may have the potential to be therapeutic agents, in view of their antagonism of iNOS inhibition by S1P. Further progress in studies of the precise mechanisms of S1P may provide useful knowledge for the development of new S1P-related drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

  5. Anatomia e cinética de degradação do feno de Manihot glaziovii = Anatomy and kinetics of degradation of Manihot glaziovii Hay

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    Andrezza Araújo de França


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se a composição química, o teor de compostos secundários, adegradabilidade in situ, a anatomia e a degradabilidade dos tecidos do feno de maniçoba, a partir de plantas em início de frutificação, oriundas de uma vegetação de caatinga em Ibimirim, Estado do Pernambuco. O caule apresentou células com variados graus de lignificação, destacando-se a presença de fibras gelatinosas, parênquima medular lignificado e espessas paredes celulares no xilema. As folhas se destacam pela presença da estrutura girder, caracterizam-se pela grande quantidade de mesofilo, constituído por células com paredes delgadas, contribuindo para a degradabilidade de matéria seca. Idioblastos contendo drusas de oxalato foram encontrados nos tecidos vasculares, na nervura principal da folha. Eles funcionam como mecanismos de defesa do vegetal contra herbívoros e podem afetar a disponibilidade de minerais para o animal. O feno demaniçoba, apesar de obtido de planta em avançado estágio de maturidade (início da frutificação, possui adequada composição química e baixos teores de ácido cianídrico e taninos. Os principaislimitantes à degradabilidade são o espessamento e a lignificação das paredes celulares, especialmente nos tecidos do caule. Adicionalmente, os diversos aspectos aqui relatados induzem à continuidade de pesquisas em diversos focos e visam ao melhoramento e à utilização desta espécie como forrageira.This study the structural components of cell wall with its degradability, chemical composition, secondary compounds, in situ degradability, anatomy and tissue degradability of the hay of “maniçoba” (wild cassava from plants in early fruiting, from savanna vegetation in Ibimirim, Pernambuco. The stem showed cells with varied degrees of lignification, highlighting the presence of gelatinousfibers, lignified pith parenchyma and thick cell walls inside the xylem. The leaves were highlighted by the presence of a girder

  6. Vasorelaxation induced by common edible tropical plant extracts in isolated rat aorta and mesenteric vascular bed. (United States)

    Runnie, I; Salleh, M N; Mohamed, S; Head, R J; Abeywardena, M Y


    In this study, the vasodilatory actions of nine edible tropical plant extracts were investigated. Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato leaf), Piper betle (betel leaf), Anacardium occidentale (cashew leaf), Gynandropsis gynandra (maman leaf), Carica papaya (papaya leaf), and Mentha arvensis (mint leaf) extracts exhibited more than 50% relaxing effect on aortic ring preparations, while Piper betle and Cymbopogon citratus (lemongrass stalk) showed comparable vasorelaxation on isolated perfused mesenteric artery preparation. The vascular effect on the aortic ring preparations were mainly endothelium-dependent, and mediated by nitric oxide (NO) as supported by the inhibition of action in the presence of N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine (NOLA), an nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor, or by the removal of endothelium. In contrast, vasodilatory actions in resistance vessels (perfused mesenteric vascular beds) appear to involve several biochemical mediators, including NO, prostanoids, and endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizing factors (EDHFs). Total phenolic contents and antioxidant capacities varied among different extracts and found to be independent of vascular relaxation effects. This study demonstrates that many edible plants common in Asian diets to possess potential health benefits, affording protection at the vascular endothelium level.

  7. Leishmaniose Visceral Americana: (Relatorio dos trabalhos realisados pela commissão encarregada do estudo da Leishmaniose Visceral Americana em 1937

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    E. Chagas


    Full Text Available A Leishmania chagasi localisa-se principalmente nas cellulas reticulo-endotheliaaes dos tecidos. No sangue peripherico, o protozoario é visto com maior facilidade nos periodos iniciaes da infecção, quando pode ser observado livre, mais frequentemente no plasma de polynucleares e raramente no interior de macrophagos. Nas phases ulteriores, o parasito é raro no sangue peripherico e, quando encontrado, acha-se localisado no plasma de cellulas mononucleares. No interior dos leucocytos polynucleares apresentam as leishmanias signaes evidentes de degeneração, emquanto que nos macrophagos manteem o aspecto morphologico normal e as formas de multiplicação ocorrem com frequencia. Nos periodos agudos predominam os aspectos histo-pathologicos que traduzem intensa actividade do systema reticulo-endothelial e, nos periodos chronicos, a proliferação do tecido intesticial. O quadro hematologico é o de uma anemia sem signaes periphericos de regeneração. Os orgãos hematopoieticos demonstram signaes de perturbação funccional traduzida pelo exaggero da actividade que, entretanto, não leva á elaboração completa de globulos vermelhos, e á formação de granulocytos em número sufficiente. O quadro evolutivo da doença é o de uma anemia progressiva accompanhada de cachexia.

  8. Reciprocal Effects of Oxidative Stress on Heme Oxygenase Expression and Activity Contributes to Reno-Vascular Abnormalities in EC-SOD Knockout Mice

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    Tomoko Kawakami


    although, HO activity was significantly (P<0.05 attenuated along with attenuation of serum adiponectin and vascular epoxide levels (P<0.05. CoPP, in EC-SOD(−/− mice, enhanced HO activity (P<0.05 and reversed aforementioned pathophysiological abnormalities along with restoration of vascular EET, p-eNOS, p-AKT and serum adiponectin levels in these animals. Taken together our results implicate a causative role of insufficient activation of heme-HO-adiponectin system in pathophysiological abnormalities observed in animal models of chronic oxidative stress such as EC-SOD(−/− mice.

  9. Nitric Oxide Synthase Enzymes in the Airways of Mice Exposed to Ovalbumin: NOS2 Expression Is NOS3 Dependent

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    Jennifer M. Bratt


    Full Text Available Objectives and Design. The function of the airway nitric oxide synthase (NOS isoforms and the lung cell types responsible for its production are not fully understood. We hypothesized that NO homeostasis in the airway is important to control inflammation, which requires upregulation, of NOS2 protein expression by an NOS3-dependent mechanism. Materials or Subjects. Mice from a C57BL/6 wild-type, NOS1−/−, NOS2−/−, and NOS3−/− genotypes were used. All mice strains were systemically sensitized and exposed to filtered air or ovalbumin (OVA aerosol for two weeks to create a subchronic model of allergen-induced airway inflammation. Methods. We measured lung function, lung lavage inflammatory and airway epithelial goblet cell count, exhaled NO, nitrate and nitrite concentration, and airway NOS1, NOS2, and NOS3 protein content. Results. Deletion of NOS1 or NOS3 increases NOS2 protein present in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle of air-exposed animals. Exposure to allergen significantly reduced the expression of NOS2 protein in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle of the NOS3−/− strain only. This reduction in NOS2 expression was not due to the replacement of epithelial cells with goblet cells as remaining epithelial cells did not express NOS2. NOS1−/− animals had significantly reduced goblet cell metaplasia compared to C57Bl/6 wt, NOS2−/−, and NOS3−/− allergen-exposed mice. Conclusion. The airway epithelial and smooth muscle cells maintain a stable airway NO concentration under noninflammatory conditions. This “homeostatic” mechanism is unable to distinguish between NOS derived from the different constitutive NOS isoforms. NOS3 is essential for the expression of NOS2 under inflammatory conditions, while NOS1 expression contributes to allergen-induced goblet cell metaplasia.

  10. Nitric Oxide Synthase Enzymes in the Airways of Mice Exposed to Ovalbumin: NOS2 Expression Is NOS3 Dependent (United States)

    Bratt, Jennifer M.; Williams, Keisha; Rabowsky, Michelle F.; Last, Michael S.; Franzi, Lisa M.; Last, Jerold A.; Kenyon, Nicholas J.


    Objectives and Design. The function of the airway nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms and the lung cell types responsible for its production are not fully understood. We hypothesized that NO homeostasis in the airway is important to control inflammation, which requires upregulation, of NOS2 protein expression by an NOS3-dependent mechanism. Materials or Subjects. Mice from a C57BL/6 wild-type, NOS1−/−, NOS2−/−, and NOS3−/− genotypes were used. All mice strains were systemically sensitized and exposed to filtered air or ovalbumin (OVA) aerosol for two weeks to create a subchronic model of allergen-induced airway inflammation. Methods. We measured lung function, lung lavage inflammatory and airway epithelial goblet cell count, exhaled NO, nitrate and nitrite concentration, and airway NOS1, NOS2, and NOS3 protein content. Results. Deletion of NOS1 or NOS3 increases NOS2 protein present in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle of air-exposed animals. Exposure to allergen significantly reduced the expression of NOS2 protein in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle of the NOS3−/− strain only. This reduction in NOS2 expression was not due to the replacement of epithelial cells with goblet cells as remaining epithelial cells did not express NOS2. NOS1−/− animals had significantly reduced goblet cell metaplasia compared to C57Bl/6 wt, NOS2−/−, and NOS3−/− allergen-exposed mice. Conclusion. The airway epithelial and smooth muscle cells maintain a stable airway NO concentration under noninflammatory conditions. This “homeostatic” mechanism is unable to distinguish between NOS derived from the different constitutive NOS isoforms. NOS3 is essential for the expression of NOS2 under inflammatory conditions, while NOS1 expression contributes to allergen-induced goblet cell metaplasia. PMID:20953358

  11. Bioprinting for vascular and vascularized tissue biofabrication. (United States)

    Datta, Pallab; Ayan, Bugra; Ozbolat, Ibrahim T


    Bioprinting is a promising technology to fabricate design-specific tissue constructs due to its ability to create complex, heterocellular structures with anatomical precision. Bioprinting enables the deposition of various biologics including growth factors, cells, genes, neo-tissues and extra-cellular matrix-like hydrogels. Benefits of bioprinting have started to make a mark in the fields of tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and pharmaceutics. Specifically, in the field of tissue engineering, the creation of vascularized tissue constructs has remained a principal challenge till date. However, given the myriad advantages over other biofabrication methods, it becomes organic to expect that bioprinting can provide a viable solution for the vascularization problem, and facilitate the clinical translation of tissue engineered constructs. This article provides a comprehensive account of bioprinting of vascular and vascularized tissue constructs. The review is structured as introducing the scope of bioprinting in tissue engineering applications, key vascular anatomical features and then a thorough coverage of 3D bioprinting using extrusion-, droplet- and laser-based bioprinting for fabrication of vascular tissue constructs. The review then provides the reader with the use of bioprinting for obtaining thick vascularized tissues using sacrificial bioink materials. Current challenges are discussed, a comparative evaluation of different bioprinting modalities is presented and future prospects are provided to the reader. Biofabrication of living tissues and organs at the clinically-relevant volumes vitally depends on the integration of vascular network. Despite the great progress in traditional biofabrication approaches, building perfusable hierarchical vascular network is a major challenge. Bioprinting is an emerging technology to fabricate design-specific tissue constructs due to its ability to create complex, heterocellular structures with anatomical precision

  12. Orthodontic force stimulates eNOS and iNOS in rat osteocytes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tan, S.D.; Xie, R.; Klein Nulend, J.; van Rheden, R.E.; Bronckers, A.L.J.J.; Kuijpers-Jagtman, A.M.; Von den Hoff, J.W.; Maltha, J.C.


    Mechanosensitive osteocytes are essential for bone remodeling. Nitric oxide, an important regulator of bone remodeling, is produced by osteocytes through the activity of constitutive endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) or inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). We hypothesized that these

  13. Orthodontic force stimulates eNOS and iNOS in rat osteocytes.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tan, S.D.; Xie, R.; Klein-Nulend, J.; Rheden, R.E.M. van; Bronckers, A.L.; Kuijpers-Jagtman, A.M.; Hoff, J.W. Von den; Maltha, J.C.


    Mechanosensitive osteocytes are essential for bone remodeling. Nitric oxide, an important regulator of bone remodeling, is produced by osteocytes through the activity of constitutive endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) or inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). We hypothesized that these

  14. Effects of a selective iNOS inhibitor versus norepinephrine in the treatment of septic shock. (United States)

    Su, Fuhong; Huang, Hongchuan; Akieda, Kazuki; Occhipinti, Giovanna; Donadello, Katia; Piagnerelli, Michael; De Backer, Daniel; Vincent, Jean-Louis


    Inhibition of NOS is not beneficial in septic shock; selective inhibition of the inducible form (iNOS) may represent a better option. We compared the effects of the selective iNOS inhibitor BYK191023 with those of norepinephrine (NE) in a sheep model of septic shock. Twenty-four anesthetized, mechanically ventilated ewes received 1.5 g/kg body weight of feces into the abdominal cavity to induce sepsis. Animals were randomized into three groups (each n = 8): NE-only, BYK-only, and NE + BYK. The sublingual microcirculation was evaluated with sidestream dark-field videomicroscopy. MAP was higher in the NE + BYK group than in the other groups, but there were no significant differences in cardiac index or systemic vascular resistance. Mean pulmonary arterial pressure was lower in BYK-treated animals than in the NE-only group. PaO2/FiO2 was higher and lactate concentration lower in the BYK groups than in the NE-only group. Mesenteric blood flow was higher in BYK groups than in the NE-only group. Renal blood flow was higher in the NE + BYK group than in the other groups. Functional capillary density and proportion of perfused vessels were higher in the BYK groups than in the NE-only group 18 h after induction of peritonitis. Survival times were similar in the three groups. In this model of peritonitis, selective iNOS inhibition had more beneficial effects than NE on pulmonary artery pressures, gas exchange, mesenteric blood flow, microcirculation, and lactate concentration. Combination of this selective iNOS inhibitor with NE allowed a higher arterial pressure and renal blood flow to be maintained.

  15. A variant of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene (NOS3) associated with AMS susceptibility is less common in the Quechua, a high altitude Native population. (United States)

    Wang, Pei; Ha, Alice Y N; Kidd, Kenneth K; Koehle, Michael S; Rupert, Jim L


    Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is a vascular enzyme that produces nitric oxide, a transient signaling molecule that by vasodilatation regulates blood flow and pressure. Nitric oxide is believed to play roles in both short-term acclimatization and long-term evolutionary adaptation to environmental hypoxia. Several laboratories, including ours, have shown that variants in NOS3 (the gene encoding eNOS) are overrepresented in individuals with altitude-related illnesses such as high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and acute mountain sickness (AMS), suggesting that NOS3 genotypes contribute to altitude tolerance. To further test our hypothesis that the G allele at the G894T polymorphism in NOS3 (dbSNP number: rs1799983; protein polymorphism Glu298Asp) is beneficial in hypoxic environments, we compared frequencies of this allele in an altitude-adapted Amerindian population, Quechua of the Andean altiplano, with those in a lowland Amerindian population, Maya of the Yucatan Peninsula. While common in both populations, the G allele was significantly more frequent in the highlanders. Taken together, our data suggest that this variant in NOS3, which has been previously associated with higher levels of nitric oxide, contributes to both acclimatization and adaptation to altitude.

  16. Endothelial function and vascular oxidative stress in long-lived GH/IGF-deficient Ames dwarf mice. (United States)

    Csiszar, Anna; Labinskyy, Nazar; Perez, Viviana; Recchia, Fabio A; Podlutsky, Andrej; Mukhopadhyay, Partha; Losonczy, Gyorgy; Pacher, Pal; Austad, Steven N; Bartke, Andrzej; Ungvari, Zoltan


    Hypopituitary Ames dwarf mice have low circulating growth hormone (GH)/IGF-I levels, and they have extended longevity and exhibit many symptoms of delayed aging. To elucidate the vascular consequences of Ames dwarfism we compared endothelial O2(-) and H2O2 production, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, expression of antioxidant enzymes, and nitric oxide (NO) production in aortas of Ames dwarf and wild-type control mice. In Ames dwarf aortas endothelial O2(-) and H2O2 production and ROS generation by mitochondria were enhanced compared with those in vessels of wild-type mice. In Ames dwarf aortas there was a less abundant expression of Mn-SOD, Cu,Zn-SOD, glutathione peroxidase (GPx)-1, and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). NO production and acetylcholine-induced relaxation were also decreased in aortas of Ames dwarf mice. In cultured wild-type mouse aortas and in human coronary arterial endothelial cells treatment with GH and IGF significantly reduced cellular O2(-) and H2O2 production and ROS generation by mitochondria and upregulated expression of Mn-SOD, Cu,Zn-SOD, GPx-1, and eNOS. Thus GH and IGF-I promote antioxidant phenotypic changes in the endothelial cells, whereas Ames dwarfism leads to vascular oxidative stress.

  17. Nitric oxide and TNFα are critical regulators of reversible lymph node vascular remodeling and adaptive immune response.

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    Stephanie L Sellers

    Full Text Available Lymph node (LN vascular growth, at the level of the main arteriole, was recently characterized for the first time during infection. Arteriole diameter was shown to increase for at least seven days and to occur via a CD4(+ T cell dependent mechanism, with vascular expansion playing a critical role in regulating induction of adaptive immune response. Here, using intravital microscopy of the inguinal LN during herpes simplex type II (HSV-2 infection, the data provides the first studies that demonstrate arteriole expansion during infection is a reversible vascular event that occurs via eutrophic outward remodeling. Furthermore, using genetic ablation models, and pharmacological blockade, we reveal arteriole remodeling and LN hypertrophy to be dependent upon both endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS and TNFα expression. Additionally, we reveal transient changes in nitric oxide (NO levels to be a notable feature of response to viral infection and LN vascular remodeling and provide evidence that mast cells are the critical source of TNFα required to drive arteriole remodeling. Overall, this study is the first to fully characterize LN arteriole vascular changes throughout the course of infection. It effectively reveals a novel role for NO and TNFα in LN cellularity and changes in LN vascularity, which represent key advances in understanding LN vascular physiology and adaptive immune response.

  18. Perfil lipídico tecidual de ratos alimentados com diferentes fontes lipídicas


    Almeida,Martha Elisa Ferreira de; Queiroz,José Humberto de; Queiroz,Maria Eliana Lopes Ribeiro de; Costa,Neuza Maria Brunoro; Matta,Sérgio Luis Pinto


    OBJETIVO:Determinar se fontes lipídicas com diferentes razões de ácidos graxos insaturados e saturados (PUFA+MUFA)/SFA na dieta altera o perfil lipídico tecidual, a concentração de lipídios (mg/g) dos tecidos hepáticos e mesentérico e a digestibilidade lipídica. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada cromatografia gasosa para determinar o perfil de ácidos graxos nos tecidos hepático e adiposo de ratos alimentados com diferentes fontes lipídicas. O coeficiente de digestibilidade foi determinado a partir da re...

  19. Caracterização das manifestações oftálmicas odontogênicas em cães e gatos


    Paiva, Sávia Calline Carneiro Santos


    Resumo: Os sinais clínicos oftálmicos não necessariamente correspondem à doença exclusivamente do bulbo ocular ou anexos. Sabe-se que existem manifestações oftálmicas decorrentes de doenças metabólicas, parasitárias, infecciosas, neoplásicas, traumas e anomalias. Doenças que provoquem bacteremia ou septicemia também podem desencadear sinais clínicos oftálmicos. O aparelho estomatognático nos carnívoros é composto por tecidos moles como músculos, mucosa, gengiva e língua, e por tecidos duros c...

  20. Características biológicas das células-tronco mesenquimais


    Bydlowski,Sergio P.; Debes,Adriana A.; Maselli,Luciana M. F.; Janz,Felipe L.


    Células-tronco são células indiferenciadas. Como tal, apresentam uma série de características que as tornam candidatas à utilização terapêutica. As principais características das células-tronco são a capacidade de autorrenovação e de se diferenciarem em diversos tipos celulares. Desta forma, acredita-se que células-tronco presentes nos diferentes tecidos tenham papel regenerativo quando estes sofrem uma lesão ou injúria. Entre os tecidos conhecidos por apresentarem células-tronco após a vida ...


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    J. B. Libânio


    Full Text Available A Instrução sobre a Teologia da Libertação (TdL é texto emanado da Sagrada Congregação para a Doutrina da Fé. Todo texto é um tecido, como a própria origem etimológica sugere. Tanto mais nos debruçamos sobre um tecido quanto mais elementos podemos investigar e descobrir. Não é a mesma coisa uma peça, produzida em série por alguma corporação transnacional de tecido, e um tapete do séc. XVI, que orna um castelo, trabalhado artisticamente a mão. Para apreciar esse tecido teríamos que conhecer a sua localização histórica. Chamamos de pré-texto os dados sócio-culturais, que situam um texto na sua produção. Quando se trata de um texto sagrado, entra em questão também a comunidade de fé que o produz e recebe: O contexto.

  2. Propriedades mecânicas de tração de compósitos poliéster/tecidos híbridos sisal/vidro Properties of polyester/hibrid sisal-glass fabrics

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    Laura H. de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O desempenho e o custo de compósitos podem ser alterados por hibridização e, neste sentido, é relativamente comum o uso combinado de fibras e reforços minerais no desenvolvimento destes materiais. No presente trabalho o desempenho mecânico de compósitos poliéster insaturado/ tecidos híbridos sisal-vidro foram investigados em função do teor de fibra e direção do teste. Foram confeccionados três tecidos híbridos (com 30, 40 e 50% em peso de vidro com fios de sisal no urdume e fibras de vidro na trama. Os compósitos foram moldados por compressão à temperatura ambiente com os tecidos alinhados. Os resultados indicam que houve um aumento nas propriedades mecânicas de tração de todos os compósitos com o aumento do teor de fibras. Para os compósitos reforçados por tecidos com baixo teor de fibra de vidro, as propriedades tenderam a ser mais elevadas quando os testes foram conduzidos na direção do sisal, enquanto que para os tecidos com elevado teor de vidro, o oposto foi observado. Estes comportamentos foram associados ao teor de fibra de vidro na direção do teste e ao diâmetro das fibras de sisal. Em baixos teores de fibra o sisal agiria como inclusão ou defeito, prejudicando as propriedades mecânicas; em elevados teores as propriedades do vidro suplantariam os defeitos provocados pelo sisal.Hybridization can alter both mechanical performance and cost of polymer composites, and novel composite materials can be obtained by the combination of both fibrous and mineral reinforcements. In the present work the mechanical performance of unsaturated polyester/hybrid sisal-glass fabrics was determined as a function of fibre content and test direction. Three different hybrid fabrics (30, 40 and 50% w/w glass content with sisal strings in the warp and glass roving in the weft were hand weaved. Aligned fabric compression moulded composites were obtained at room temperature. The results showed enhanced properties with fibre content

  3. Epífitas vasculares do Parque Estadual de Porto Ferreira, São Paulo, Brasil. Vascular epiphytes from Porto Ferreira State Park, São Paulo, Brazil.

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    Gabriel Mendes MARCUSSO


    Full Text Available O Parque Estadual de Porto Ferreira – PEPF já foi alvo de diversos estudos florísticos, contudo, nenhum deles inventariou exclusivamente a flora epifítica vascular. Neste estudo realizamos o levantamento florístico das epífitas vasculares nos diferentes tipos de vegetação desta Unidade de Conservação e comparamos a similaridade florística com outras localidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo, em Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, Cerradão e florestas ribeirinhas. Na área, foram inventariadas as epífitas vasculares nos três tipos de vegetação: Floresta Estacional Semidecidual Aluvial – FESA, Floresta Estacional Semidecidual – FES e Cerradão – CER, através de observações e coletas durante o período de um ano. Foram registradas 66 espécies, 32 gêneros e oito famílias, sendo a FESA (46 espécies o tipo de vegetação que apresentou a maior riqueza, seguido da FES (44 e CER (18. Orchidaceae foi a família mais rica na FESA e FES, enquanto no CER foi Bromeliaceae. A categoria ecológica mais abundante em ambas as áreas foi a das holoepífitas obrigatórias. As comparações da similaridade demonstraram que o CER do PEPF tem maior similaridade florística com o CER de Luís Antônio, situada na mesma bacia hidrográfica, enquanto as áreas de CER a oeste formaram outro grupo, e a FESA e FES demonstraram ter maior similaridade com as florestas de Botucatu. O presente estudo registrou um incremento de 42 espécies de epífitas vasculares para o PEPF, demonstrando a importância de inventários direcionados a determinados hábitos. In Porto Ferreira State Park – PEPF some floristic studies were carried out, although none of them aimed exclusively to the vascular epiphytes. In this study, we carried out the floristic survey of vascular epiphytes in three vegetational types of the PFSP: Seasonal Semideciduous Alluvial Forest – FESA, Seasonal Semideciduous Forest – FES and “Cerradão” – CE, during one year. We

  4. Avaliação do Borato de Sódio como conservante de amostra de tecido com lesão tuberculosa.


    Flávia Morato


    Avaliou-se a atividade conservante do Borato de Sódio para amostras de tecidos com lesão tuberculosa. Inicialmente, foi feito um teste de inoculação experimental em hamsters. A partir dos resultados observados neste estudo, foram selecionadas as variáveis para a segunda etapa do experimento, com lesões de abatedouro de bovinos. Noventa hamsters foram inoculados experimentalmente com Mycobacterium bovis e foram eutanasiados 40 dias após a inoculação, quando foi feita a colheita dos baços. Esse...

  5. Expression of vasoactive proteins in gastric antral mucosa reflects vascular dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension. (United States)

    Trebicka, Jonel; Wix, Cyrus; von Heydebrand, Matthias; Hittatiya, Kanishka; Reiberger, Thomas; Klein, Sabine; Schierwagen, Robert; Kristiansen, Glen; Peck-Radosavljevic, Markus; Fischer, Hans-Peter; Møller, Søren; Bendtsen, Flemming; Krag, Aleksander; Sauerbruch, Tilman


    Patients with cirrhosis display hypocontractility of splanchnic vessels because of dysregulation of vasoactive proteins, such as decreased effect of RhoA/ROCK and increased activity of β-Arrestin-2 and eNOS. However, it is unknown whether the dysregulation of vasoactive proteins is displayed in other vessels. We investigated whether expression of vasoactive proteins can be evaluated in gastric mucosa vessels. Biopsies from the gastric mucosa of 111 patients with cirrhosis were collected at three different centres and from 13 controls. Forty-nine patients had received TIPS. Portal pressure gradient was measured in 49 patients with TIPS and in 16 patients without TIPS. Biopsies from the antrum were conserved in formaldehyde for immunohistochemistry or shock-frozen for PCR and Western blot. The mucosal transcription of vascular markers (αSMA, CD31) was higher in cirrhotic patients than controls, which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. On average, relative mucosal levels of RhoA and ROCK were lower, while β-Arrestin-2 levels were higher in cirrhotic patients compared to controls. Transcriptional levels of eNOS increased with presence of ascites and grade of oesophageal varices. Patients with TIPS showed less pronounced markers of vascular dysfunction in gastric mucosa. This is the first evidence that the expression of vasoactive proteins in mucosa from the gastric antrum of patients with cirrhosis reflects their vascular dysfunction and possibly changes after therapeutic interventions. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. The prosurvival protein BAG3: a new participant in vascular homeostasis. (United States)

    Carrizzo, Albino; Damato, Antonio; Ambrosio, Mariateresa; Falco, Antonia; Rosati, Alessandra; Capunzo, Mario; Madonna, Michele; Turco, Maria C; Januzzi, James L; De Laurenzi, Vincenzo; Vecchione, Carmine


    Bcl2-associated athanogene 3 (BAG3), is constitutively expressed in a few normal cell types, including myocytes, peripheral nerves and in the brain, and is also expressed in certain tumors. To date, the main studies about the role of BAG3 are focused on its pro-survival effect in tumors through various mechanisms that vary according to cellular type. Recently, elevated concentrations of a soluble form of BAG3 were described in patients affected by advanced stage of heart failure (HF), identifying BAG3 as a potentially useful biomarker in monitoring HF progression. Despite the finding of high levels of BAG3 in the sera of HF patients, there are no data on its possible role on the modulation of vascular tone and blood pressure levels. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible hemodynamic effects of BAG3 performing both in vitro and in vivo experiments. Through vascular reactivity studies, we demonstrate that BAG3 is capable of evoking dose-dependent vasorelaxation. Of note, BAG3 exerts its vasorelaxant effect on resistance vessels, typically involved in the blood pressure regulation. Our data further show that the molecular mechanism through which BAG3 exerts this effect is the activation of the PI3K/Akt signalling pathway leading to nitric oxide release by endothelial cells. Finally, we show that in vivo BAG3 administration is capable of regulating blood pressure and that this is dependent on eNOS regulation since this ability is lost in eNOS KO animals.

  7. Improvement of vascular function by acute and chronic treatment with the GPR30 agonist G1 in experimental diabetes mellitus.

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    Zi-lin Li

    Full Text Available The G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 30 (GPR30 is a seven-transmembrane domain receptor that mediates rapid estrogen responses in a wide variety of cell types. This receptor is highly expressed in the cardiovascular system, and exerts vasodilatory effects. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of GPR30 on vascular responsiveness in diabetic ovariectomized (OVX rats and elucidate the possible mechanism involved. The roles of GPR30 were evaluated in the thoracic aorta and cultured endothelial cells. The GPR30 agonist G1 induced a dose-dependent vasodilation in the thoracic aorta of the diabetic OVX rats, which was partially attenuated by the nitric oxide synthase (NOS inhibitor, nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NAME and the GPR30-selective antagonist G15. Dose-dependent vasoconstrictive responses to phenylephrine were attenuated significantly in the rings of the thoracic aorta following the acute G1 administration in the diabetic OVX rats. This effect of G1 was abolished partially by L-NAME and G15. The acute administration of G1 increased significantly the eNOS activity and the concentration of NO in the endothelial cells exposed to high glucose. G1 treatment induced an enhanced endothelium-dependent relaxation to acetylcholine (Ach in the diabetic OVX rats. Further examination revealed that G1 induced vasodilation in the diabetic OVX rats by increasing the phosphorylation of eNOS. These findings provide preliminary evidence that GPR30 activation leads to eNOS activation, as well as vasodilation, to a certain degree and has beneficial effects on vascular function in diabetic OVX rats.

  8. ACE gene in pregnancy complications: Insights into future vascular risk. (United States)

    Fatini, Cinzia; Romagnuolo, Ilaria; Sticchi, Elena; Rossi, Lorenza; Cellai, Anna Paola; Rogolino, Angela; Abbate, Rosanna


    A history of placenta-mediated pregnancy complications (PMPCs) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease later in life, possibly related to the persistence of endothelial dysfunction. We performed this study in order to search for a common genetic background shared by women with a history of PMPC and vascular disorders, due to their common pathophysiologic pathway of endothelial dysfunction. We analyzed the prevalence of seven polymorphisms in ACE, AGTR1, AGT, and eNOS genes, endothelial-function related, in 290 women with a history of premature cardiovascular events (CVDs), and in 367 women with a history of PMPC (preeclampsia (PE), stillbirth (SB), and small for gestational age (SGA)), compared with 300 healthy women (HW) who delivered after uneventful pregnancy (HW). ACE D allele frequency was similar between women with history of CVD and PMPC, and significantly higher than that observed in HW [OR (95% CI) 1.91, p = 0.002, and OR (95% CI) 2.18, p ACE-240T or eNOS-786C allele, a two-fold increase in SB susceptibility was evidenced (p = 0.004 and p = 0.005, respectively). Women with a history of SB and premature CVD exhibited a significantly higher unfavorable allelic burden ≥ 3 in comparison to that observed in HW (p < 0.0001 and p = 0.002, respectively). Our findings demonstrate a common genetic background shared by women with a history of vascular disorders and PMPCs; pregnancy may be considered a window to future cardiovascular risk; therefore, "non-classic" genetic biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction might allow one to identify women who could have a greater benefit for an early cardiovascular screening and prevention.

  9. The complex contribution of NOS interneurons in the physiology of cerebrovascular regulation

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    Sonia eDuchemin


    Full Text Available Following the discovery of the vasorelaxant properties of nitric oxide (NO by Furchgott and Ignarro, the finding by Bredt and coll. of a constitutively expressed NO synthase in neurons (nNOS led to the presumption that neuronal NO may control cerebrovascular functions. Consequently, numerous studies have sought to determine whether neuraly-derived NO is involved in the regulation of cerebral blood flow. Anatomically, axons, dendrites or somata of NO neurons have been found to contact the basement membrane of blood vessels or perivascular astrocytes in all segments of the cortical microcirculation. Functionally, various experimental approaches support a role of neuronal NO in the maintenance of resting cerebral blood flow as well as in the vascular response to neuronal activity. Since decades, it has been assumed that neuronal NO simply diffuses to the local blood vessels and produce vasodilation through a cGMP-PKG dependent mechanism. However, NO is not the sole mediator of vasodilation in the cerebral microcirculation and is known to interact with a myriad of signaling pathways also involved in vascular control. In addition, cerebrovascular regulation is the result of a complex orchestration between all components of the neurovascular unit (i.e. neuronal, glial and vascular cells also known to produce NO. In this review article, the role of NO interneuron in the regulation of cortical microcirculation will be discussed in the context of the neurovascular unit.

  10. Atividade das fosfodiesterases em tecido de granulação submetido a irradiação de elétrons - estudo experimental em ratos Activity of phosphodiesterases in granulation tissue submitted to electron irradiation - experimental study in rats

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    Frab Norberto BÓSCOLO


    Full Text Available Os autores estudaram o efeito de baixas doses de radiação de elétrons na atividade de fosfodiesterases presentes no tecido de granulação, induzido por esponja de PVC, subcutaneamente, na região dorsal de 84 ratos Wistar, divididos em dois grupos, controle e irradiado. A atividade enzimática foi avaliada segundo a evolução do tecido de granulação aos 5, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20 e 24 dias. Os animais foram irradiados com um feixe de elétrons de 6 MeV, dose de 1 Gy, 3 dias após a implantação da esponja, sendo que no momento da irradiação, foram protegidos por uma lâmina de 4 mm de chumbo, tendo sido irradiada somente a área correspondente ao local onde encontrava-se a esponja. Considerando-se a dose e o tipo de radiação empregada, pode-se concluir que houve influência direta da radiação na atividade da enzima 5’-nucleotidase e da ATPase no início do processo de reparação tecidual, aos 5 e 7 dias. Já a enzima fosfatase alcalina não sofreu a ação direta da radiação. É possível que o principal fator tenha sido danos nos constituintes celulares que são responsáveis pela formação do tecido de granulação, determinando a produção enzimática conforme a necessidade.The present study evaluated the effect of low doses of electron radiation on the activity of phosphodiesterases in granulation tissue. In order to induce growth of granulation tissue, a PVC sponge disk was introduced under the dorsal skin of 84 Wistar rats. The rats were divided in two groups, control and irradiated. The enzymatic activity was evaluated according to the evolution of the granulation tissue after 5, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20 and 24 days. Irradiation was carried out 3 days after the implantation of the sponge, by means of a linear accelerator, with energy of 6 MeV, and dose of 1.0 Gy. The results of this study showed that 5’-nucleotidase and ATPase had their activity directly affected by irradiation only in the beginning of the tissue repairing

  11. Perfil lipídico tecidual de ratos alimentados com diferentes fontes lipídicas Tissue lipid profile of rats fed with different lipid sources

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    Martha Elisa Ferreira de Almeida


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:Determinar se fontes lipídicas com diferentes razões de ácidos graxos insaturados e saturados (PUFA+MUFA/SFA na dieta altera o perfil lipídico tecidual, a concentração de lipídios (mg/g dos tecidos hepáticos e mesentérico e a digestibilidade lipídica. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada cromatografia gasosa para determinar o perfil de ácidos graxos nos tecidos hepático e adiposo de ratos alimentados com diferentes fontes lipídicas. O coeficiente de digestibilidade foi determinado a partir da relação entre a quantidade de lipídios consumidos e a quantidade fecal excretada. RESULTADOS:Diferentes fontes lipídicas (óleo de soja, manteiga, margarina e gorduras de porco e de peixe não alteraram o coeficiente de digestibilidade e o peso hepático, mas alteraram a deposição de lipídios em todos os tecidos adiposos estudados. Não foi possível fazer a correlação direta entre o perfil dietário dos ácidos graxos não essenciais e sua deposição nos tecidos estudados, visto que a lipogênese de novo impede a identificação dos ácidos graxos dietários. CONCLUSÃO:Não foi constatada uma relação direta entre o perfil dietário dos ácidos graxos e sua deposição nos tecidos estudados, exceto para os ácidos graxos trans e linoléico (C18:2 que não são sintetizados no rato. Esses ácidos graxos apresentaram uma concentração tecidual diretamente proporcional àquela das fontes dietárias. Quanto à razão (PUFA+MUFA/SFA, encontrada no tecido hepático dos diferentes grupos, observa-se que esta foi diretamente proporcional aos valores apresentados pelas fontes lipídicas dietárias. Entretanto, essa associação não foi observada nos tecidos adiposos analisados.OBJECTIVE:To determine if lipid sources with different unsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratios, (PUFA+MUFA/SFA in the diet alter the lipid profile of tissues, the lipid concentration (mg/g of the hepatic and mesenteric tissues and the lipid digestibility. METHODS

  12. Síndrome icterícia em gatos: revisão de literatura e estudo retrospectivo


    OLIVEIRA, Roberta Alencar de; DANIEL, Alexandre Gonçalves Teixeira; RECHE JUNIOR, Archivaldo


    Icterícia é uma alteração clínica comumente encontrada nos felinos, causada por níveis excessivos de bilirrubina na circulação e nos tecidos, indicando hemólise grave ou doença hepatobiliar. Este trabalho é composto por uma revisão da literatura e um estudo retrospectivo sobre a síndrome icterícia em felinos e suas principais causas: lipidose hepática, colângio-hepatite, tríade felina e micoplasmose felina. O estudo retrospectivo foi realizado utilizando-se das informações contidas nos prontu...

  13. Modelo teórico e experimental da reciclagem do Carbono-13 em tecidos de mamíferos e aves Theorical and experimental model for Carbon-13 turnover in mammalian and avian tissues

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    Carlos Ducatti


    Full Text Available A diferença entre fontes alimentares da ordem de 14‰, originárias de plantas com ciclos fotossintéticos Carbono-3 (C3 e Carbono-4 (C4 e seus subprodutos, abre novas perspectivas para o estudo do metabolismo do carbono em aves e animais de pequeno porte. Os autores propõem um modelo teórico e experimental capaz de exprimir os resultados de enriquecimento relativo, delta per mil (delta‰ da razão 13C/12C versus tempo em diferentes tecidos. Utilizou-se a equação y(t = (y0 -- q/k e-kt + q/k onde, y(t é a concentração isotópica no tempo desejado, y0 a concentração isotópica inicial existente no tecido, k é uma constante de troca isotópica com unidade 1/tempo, t é unidade de tempo e q é a taxa de entrada de metabólitos que contém carbono, com valores de delta‰/tempo. Para fígado de galinhas que tiveram a ração de ciclo fotossintético C4 substituída por dieta C3 obteve-se a equação delta13C = -24,74‰ + 12,37‰ e-0.237(nT, com meia-vida (T de 2,9 dias. O patamar de equilíbrio de substituição do carbono foi alcançado em --24,48‰, de modo que praticamente 98,4% do conteúdo isotópico do C4 no fígado foi substituído por C3 após 5,6 meias-vidas. O modelo foi adequado para determinar o tempo de reciclagem total ou parcial da concentração de carbono nos tecidos em estudo.Food source differences of about 14‰ from plants with carbon-3 (C3 and carbon-4 (C4 photosynthetic cycles and their derived products make carbon metabolism studies possible in birds and small mammals. The authors suggest a theorical and experimental model for determining the relative enrichment results, delta per thousand (delta‰ of the 13C/12C ratio as a function of time for different tissues. The following equation was used: y(t = (y0 -- q/k e-kt + q/k where, y(t is the isotopic concentration at time t, y0 is the initial isotopic concentration in the tissue, k is the turnover constant expressed in 1/time, and q is the input of metabolites

  14. Estudo comparativo do comportamento da costura em tecido que retarda a chama submetida ao calor e à chama


    Sandra Monteiro de Albuquerque


    A necessária atenção que se dá à seleção do tecido base da vestimenta de proteção ao calor e ao fogo é, algumas vezes, negligenciada no momento da confecção do produto. Fatores como a terceirização do processo de costura pelas empresas e a inspeção de qualidade somente no seu final, podem dificultar tanto o acompanhamento do processo de confecção, quanto a observação das especificações das normas regulamentadoras, possibilitando produção de vestimentas ineficazes na sua função protetora. A in...

  15. Análise do perfil facial esquelético e de tecidos moles pré e pós-cirurgia ortognática em pacientes Classe II e III, e sua relação com a proporção áurea

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    Leticia Ângelo WALEWSKI

    Full Text Available Resumo Introdução A proporção áurea, representada pela razão matemática 1:1.618, tem sido investigada na especialidade Ortodontia e no procedimento de Cirurgia Ortognática, a fim de ser estabelecida como um guia de sucesso clínico relacionado à estética facial. Objetivo Verificar a estética dos perfis faciais de pacientes Classes II e III de Angle, antes e após tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico, além de correlacionar 13 razões dentoesqueléticas e cinco razões de tecidos moles à proporção áurea. Material e método Um total de 94 radiografias cefalométricas laterais foram analisadas, em que 13 razões dentoesqueléticas e cinco razões em tecidos moles foram medidas e comparadas ao número áureo. Adicionalmente, uma análise subjetiva da estética facial pré e pós-tratamento foi realizada por 270 examinadores. Resultado As razões dentoesqueléticas 1, 3, 6, 7, 8 e 9 aproximaram-se do número áureo após a cirurgia ortognática, nos pacientes Classe III. Para o perfil mole, apenas a razão 4 se aproximou ao número áureo, em ambos os pacientes Classe II e III. Em relação à avaliação subjetiva da estética, 91,49% dos perfis faciais foram considerados mais harmônicos após o tratamento. Conclusão Frente à metodologia usada, pode-se concluir que a proporção áurea exerce pouca influência na avaliação da estética facial, não servindo como um guia para o planejamento e o tratamento ortodôntico-ortognático.

  16. Diferenciação de células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas do tecido adiposo em cardiomiócitos

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    Pablo Herthel Carvalho


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O potencial de renovação e proliferação dos cardiomiócitos, in vivo, é pequeno, e por isso, o músculo cardíaco apresenta limitada capacidade de repor células perdidas. Na tentativa de minimizar os danos oriundos de lesões hipóxico-isquêmicas e daquelas que acometem o sistema de condução do coração, a terapia celular com células-tronco mesenquimais (MSC vem sendo utilizada, inclusive com cardiomiócitos diferenciados a partir de MSC. OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho comparou três protocolos distintos de indução de diferenciação objetivando a sugestão de um método viável para a diferenciação de maior número de células funcionais que expressem fenótipo cardiomiogênico. MÉTODOS: Culturas de MSC obtidas de tecido adiposo de ratos jovens da linhagem Lewis transgênicos para proteína verde fluorescente (GFP foram submetidos a três diferentes meios de diferenciação cardiogênica: Planat-Bérnard, 5-azacitidina e meio Planat-Bérnard + 5-azacitidina e observadas quanto a expressão de marcadores celulares cardíacos. RESULTADOS: Nos três protolocos utilizados observou-se formação da proteína alfa-actinina sarcomérica no citoesqueleto das células submetidas à diferenciação, expressão de conexina 43 na membrana nuclear e citoplasmática e formação de gap junctions, necessárias para a propagação do impulso elétrico no miocárdio, contudo, em nenhum protocolo foi observada contração espontânea das células submetidas à diferenciação cardiogênica. CONCLUSÃO: A indução com 5-azacitidina proporcionou diferenciação celular cadiomiogênica efetiva e similar à encontrada com o meio Planat-Bénard e, por ser um protocolo mais simples, rápido e com menor custo torna-se o método de eleição.

  17. Respostas de pupunheiras (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) jovens ao alagamento


    Carvalho Cláudio José Reis de; Ishida Françoise Yoko


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos do encharcamento do solo sobre a condutância estomática, o conteúdo relativo de água, o teor de clorofila e a concentração de N, P, K e de açúcares solúveis nos tecidos das folhas, bulbos e raízes de pupunheiras (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) jovens. Plantas com seis meses de idade foram submetidas ao alagamento das raízes por períodos contínuos de sete, 14 e 21 dias. O alagamento induziu o fechamento dos estômatos, apesar de os tecidos das folhas te...



    Paola Emanuele Bragato; Lorena Pohl Fornazari; Keila Cristiane Deon


    As rugas são sulcos ou pregas cutâneas que se apresentam de forma progressiva pelo declínio da junção dermoepidérmica, em que ocorre um distúrbio nos componentes do tecido conjuntivo. O colágeno torna-se mais rígido e a elastina perde a sua elasticidade natural com a redução do número de fibras elásticas e de outros componentes do tecido. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar osefeitos da aplicação de eletrolifting em rugas. É um relato de caso, com uma participante do sexo feminino, de 54 anos,...

  19. Major Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder: A Reappraisal to Vascular Dementia

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    Emre Kumral


    Full Text Available Major vascular neurocognitive disorder (NCD is the second leading form of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease, accounting for 17-20% of all dementias. Vascular NCD is a progressive disease caused by reduced cerebral blood flow related to multiple large volume or lacunar infarcts that induce a sudden onset and stepwise decline in cognitive abilities. Despite its prevalence and clinical importance, there is still controversy in the terminology of vascular NCD. Only after the release of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 (DSM-5 (2013 did the American Psychiatric Association define vascular dementia as “major vascular NCD”. This review includes an overview of risk factors, pathophysiology, types, diagnostic and clinical features of major vascular NCD, and current treatment options of vascular NCD regarding to DSM-5 criteria

  20. Aneurisma intracraniano na síndrome de Marfan: a case report Intracranial aneurysm in Marfan's syndrome

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    José Geraldo Speciali


    Full Text Available Citam-se as várias alterações vasculares nas moléstias hereditárias do tecido coinjuntivo. É relatado um caso de síndrome de Marfan associado a aneurisma intracavernoso da artéria carótida interna.Vascular malformations in hereditary connective tissue diseases are reviewed. Intracavernous aneurysm of the internal carotid artery in a patient with Marfan's syndrome is reported.

  1. [Association between pulmonary vascular remodeling and expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α, endothelin-1 and inducible nitric oxide synthase in pulmonary vessels in neonatal rats with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension]. (United States)

    Wang, Jian-Rong; Zhou, Ying; Sang, Kui; Li, Ming-Xia


    To investigate the association between pulmonary vascular remodeling and expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), endothelin-1 (ET-1) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in pulmonary vessels in neonatal rats with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension (HPH). A neonatal rat model of HPH was established as an HPH group, and normal neonatal rats were enrolled as a control group. The mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) was measured. The percentage of medial thickness to outer diameter of the small pulmonary arteries (MT%) and the percentage of medial cross-section area to total cross-section area of the pulmonary small arteries (MA%) were measured as the indicators for pulmonary vascular remodeling. The immunohistochemical reaction intensities for HIF-1α, ET-1 and iNOS and their mRNA expression in lung tissues of neonatal rats were measured. Correlation analysis was performed to determine the relationship between pulmonary vascular remodeling and mRNA expression of HIF-1α, ET-1 and iNOS. The mPAP of the HPH group kept increasing on days 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 21 of hypoxia, with a significant difference compared with the control group (P<0.05). The HPH group had significantly higher MT% and MA% than the control group from day 7 of hypoxia (P<0.05). HIF-1α protein expression increased significantly on days 3, 5, 7 and 10 days of hypoxia, and HIF-1α mRNA expression increased significantly on days 3, 5 and 7 days of hypoxia in the HPH group compared with the control group (P<0.05). ET-1 protein expression increased significantly on days 3, 5 and 7 days of hypoxia and ET-1 mRNA expression increased significantly on day 3 of hypoxia in the HPH group compared with the control group (P<0.05). Both iNOS protein and mRNA expression were significantly higher on days 3, 5 and 7 days of hypoxia than the control group (P<0.05). Both MT% and MA% were positively correlated with HIF-1α mRNA expression (r=0.835 and 0.850 respectively; P<0.05). Pulmonary vascular

  2. Conhecimento dos cirurgiões dentistas sobre manifestações orais em pacientes portadores de transtornos alimentares


    Nathalia Luersen Maciel; Larissa Cunha Cé


    Os transtornos alimentares podem repercutir nos dentes e nos tecidos bucais. O tratamento destes transtornos demanda de uma abordagem interdisciplinar e o cirurgião-dentista representa um importante papel na equipe multiprofissional. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar e analisar o conhecimento dos cirurgiões-dentistas a respeito da Anorexia Nervosa e Bulimia Nervosa e suas manifestações orais. A pesquisa, de natureza quantitativa transversal, foi realizada através da aplicação de questioná...

  3. Dimethylfumarate attenuates restenosis after acute vascular injury by cell-specific and Nrf2-dependent mechanisms

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    Chang Joo Oh


    Full Text Available Excessive proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs and incomplete re-endothelialization is a major clinical problem limiting the long-term efficacy of percutaneous coronary angioplasty. We tested if dimethylfumarate (DMF, an anti-psoriasis drug, could inhibit abnormal vascular remodeling via NF−E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2-NAD(PH quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1 activity. DMF significantly attenuated neointimal hyperplasia induced by balloon injury in rat carotid arteries via suppression of the G1 to S phase transition resulting from induction of p21 protein in VSMCs. Initially, DMF increased p21 protein stability through an enhancement in Nrf2 activity without an increase in p21 mRNA. Later on, DMF stimulated p21 mRNA expression through a process dependent on p53 activity. However, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1 or NQO1 activity, well-known target genes induced by Nrf2, were dispensable for the DMF induction of p21 protein and the effect on the VSMC proliferation. Likewise, DMF protected endothelial cells from TNF-α-induced apoptosis and the dysfunction characterized by decreased eNOS expression. With knock-down of Nrf2 or NQO1, DMF failed to prevent TNF-α-induced cell apoptosis and decreased eNOS expression. Also, CD31 expression, an endothelial specific marker, was restored in vivo by DMF. In conclusion, DMF prevented abnormal proliferation in VSMCs by G1 cell cycle arrest via p21 upregulation driven by Nrf2 and p53 activity, and had a beneficial effect on TNF-α-induced apoptosis and dysfunction in endothelial cells through Nrf2–NQO1 activity suggesting that DMF might be a therapeutic drug for patients with vascular disease.

  4. Reflexões sobre a ceratite fúngica por meio dos achados de exames histopatológicos

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    Fernando Queiroz Monte


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudo de botões corneanos por meio do exame histopatológico para verificar as alterações ocorridas nos tecidos corneanos numa infecção fúngica e tirar desses achados orientações para o diagnóstico e o tratamento. MÉTODOS: Trabalho retrospectivo, realizado num Banco de Olhos (BOO entre janeiro de 2006 e junho de 2011, usando dados de prontuários a partir das informações enviadas pelos cirurgiões e sendo examinado material recebido de ceratoplastia penetrante com o exame de 38 peças de 35 pacientes, sendo processadas e feitas de uma a três colorações de acordo com as dificuldades diagnósticas. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes eram na maioria homens, 57% (n=35, a faixa etária acima de 60 anos a mais numerosa com 1/3 dos pacientes. Os casos de ceratite fúngica correspondiam à média de 6,4% (n=597 do material recebido no BOO e 1,65% (n=2310 dos transplantes ocorrido com o material fornecido nos últimos 5 anos. Pelas informações dos cirurgiões 39,5% (n=38 dos casos deviam-se a perfuração corneana. Usando as datas dos transplantes foi feita uma Tábua de Observação. Em 11 (n=38 casos, a córnea procedia de transplante anterior. As formas leveduriformes nos tecidos corneanos eram de 63% (n=38. Em 50% (n=38 dos casos o infiltrado inflamatório era pequeno ou inexistente. A camada de Descemet estava íntegra em 13% (n=38, enquanto eram encontrados fungos na superfície corneana de 45% (n=38 dos casos. CONCLUSÃO: A coleta do material poderá ser feita com sucesso mesmo depois de instalado o tratamento, entretanto, nas úlceras de córnea deve ser feito preferentemente a coleta de material com espátula para exame laboratorial e a microscopia confocal in vivo. A predominância das leveduras poderá ser devido a alterações morfológicas do fungo sofridas no tecido corneano. A penetração intraocular é facilitada por alterações da Camada de Descemet e pela própria capacidade do fungo de penetrar nos tecidos

  5. Aspectos histoquímicos e imunoistoquímicos nos neoplasmas do sistema nervoso periférico Histochemical and immunohistochemical features of peripheral nerve neoplasms

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    A.M. Viott


    Full Text Available Doze casos de tumores do sistema nervoso periférico, sete schwannomas e cinco neurofibromas foram diagnosticados entre 1964 e 2004, em caninos e bovinos. Histologicamente, as células predominantes nos schwannomas eram fusiformes organizavam-se em paliçada ou em feixes aleatórios. Nos neurofibromas as células neoplásicas eram fusiformes e se originavam da periferia dos nervos formando ninhos e feixes. O tecido conjuntivo era mais abundante nos neurofibromas e os colágenos dos tipos I e III eram os principais constituintes desses neoplasmas. Os neurofibromas foram caracterizados por uma concentração alta e difusa de mastócitos, provavelmente devido à origem das células neoplásicas do perineuro e epineuro. A coloração de AgNOR não se mostrou eficiente como indicador de prognóstico nos neoplasmas analisados. Imunoistoquímicamente houve forte marcação para vimentina (100% e S100 (100% em ambos os tipos de tumor. A maioria dos schwannomas (75% foi positiva para a proteína ácida fibrilar glial; os neurofibromas só apresentaram marcação nas células de Schwann dos fascículos nervosos.A retrospective study of peripheral nerve tumors was made from 1964 to 2004. The tumors summed up 12, being seven schwannomas and five neurofibromas. Schwannomas were composed of spindle-shaped cells either in a palisading pattern or random bundles loosely textured and neurofibromas by spindle cells. The connective tissue components were more prevalent in neurofibromas with a characteristic deployment of collagens type I and III. In AgNOR techniques, both benign and malignant schwannomas and neurofibromas did not show differences. Mast cells stained by toluidine blue were more prevalent in neurofibromas which are rich in reactive endoneurium. Schwannomas (100% and neurofibromas (100% were positive for vimentin and S100 protein, so they prove to be reliable for the diagnosis of peripheral nerve tumors. GFAP marked cells were found in three

  6. Dual-Specificity Phosphatase 4 Overexpression in Cells Prevents Hypoxia/Reoxygenation-Induced Apoptosis via the Upregulation of eNOS (United States)

    Dougherty, Julie A.; Kilbane Myers, Joanna; Khan, Mahmood; Angelos, Mark G.; Chen, Chun-An


    Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) signaling cascades regulate several cellular functions, including differentiation, proliferation, survival, and apoptosis. The duration and magnitude of phosphorylation of these MAPKs are decisive determinants of their physiological functions. Dual-specificity phosphatases exert kinetic control over these signaling cascades. Previously, we demonstrated that DUSP4−/− hearts sustain a larger infarct and have poor functional recovery, when isolated hearts were subjected to ischemia/reperfusion. Uncontrolled p38 activation and upregulation of Nox4 expression are the main effectors for this functional alteration. Here, dual-specificity phosphatase 4 (DUSP4) overexpression in endothelial cells was used to investigate the role of DUSP4 on the modulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and vascular function, when cells were subjected to hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R) insult. Immunostaining with cleaved caspase-3 revealed that DUSP4 overexpression prevents caspase-3 activation and apoptosis after H/R. The beneficial effects occur via modulating p38 activity, increased NO bioavailability, and reduced oxidative stress. More importantly, DUSP4 overexpression upregulates eNOS protein expression (1.62 ± 0.33 versus 0.65 ± 0.16) during H/R-induced stress. NO is a critical small molecule involved in regulating vascular tone, vascular growth, platelet aggregation, and modulation of inflammation. The level of NO generation determined using DAF-2 fluorescence demonstrated that DUSP4 overexpression augments NO production and thus improves vascular function. The level of superoxide generated from cells after being subjected to H/R was determined using dihydroethidium-HPLC method. The results suggested that DUSP4 overexpression in cells decreases H/R-induced superoxide generation (1.56 ± 0.14 versus 1.19 ± 0.05) and thus reduces oxidant stress. This also correlates with the reduction in the total protein S

  7. Effects of Chinese yellow wine on nitric oxide synthase and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expressions in rat vascular endothelial cells. (United States)

    Zhao, Fei; Ji, Zheng; Chi, Jufang; Tang, Weiliang; Zhai, Xiaoya; Meng, Liping; Guo, Hangyuan


    The objective of this study was to determine similarities in the effect of yellow wine as compared to statin and the possibility that yellow wine inhibits tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)-induced nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in cultured rat vascular endothelial cells (VECs). We isolated VECs, and cultivated and purified Sprague Dawley (SD) rat thoracic aortas in vitro. We selected the optimal wine concentration using clonogenic and MTT assays to measure cell survival. Next, we divided the cells into 9 groups: (1) control, (2) TNF-α, (3) TNF-α + rosuvastatin (10 μmol/L), (4) TNF-α + ethanol 0.5%, (5) TNF-α + yellow wine 0.5%, (6) TNF-α + ethanol 1.0%, (7) TNF-α + yellow wine 1.0%, (8) TNF-α + ethanol 1.5%, and (9) TNF-α + yellow wine 1.5% and they were given the corresponding treatment for 24 h. We determined NO production with nitrate reductase. We then measured eNOS activity, and detected eNOS, iNOS, and ICAM-1 protein levels by Western blotting. Compared with the TNF-α group, NO production, eNOS activity, and eNOS protein expression in the rosuvastatin, and yellow wine 1.0%, and 1.5% groups were significantly increased. Protein expression of iNOS and ICAM-1 in the rosuvastatin, yellow wine 1.0%, and 1.5% groups were significantly decreased. Compared with the rosuvastatin group, eNOS, iNOS, and ICAM-1 protein expression in the yellow wine (0.5% -1.5%) groups were significantly different. Treatment with yellow wine increased NO production, eNOS activity, and eNOS protein expression, which decreases iNOS and ICAM-1 protein expression. We conclude that yellow wine may have similar beneficial effects as rosuvastatin on the cardiovascular system. These effects may be attributed to their anti-atherosclerotic actions.

  8. Additive Manufacturing of Vascular Grafts and Vascularized Tissue Constructs. (United States)

    Elomaa, Laura; Yang, Yunzhi Peter


    There is a great need for engineered vascular grafts among patients with cardiovascular diseases who are in need of bypass therapy and lack autologous healthy blood vessels. In addition, because of the severe worldwide shortage of organ donors, there is an increasing need for engineered vascularized tissue constructs as an alternative to organ transplants. Additive manufacturing (AM) offers great advantages and flexibility of fabrication of cell-laden, multimaterial, and anatomically shaped vascular grafts and vascularized tissue constructs. Various inkjet-, extrusion-, and photocrosslinking-based AM techniques have been applied to the fabrication of both self-standing vascular grafts and porous, vascularized tissue constructs. This review discusses the state-of-the-art research on the use of AM for vascular applications and the key criteria for biomaterials in the AM of both acellular and cellular constructs. We envision that new smart printing materials that can adapt to their environment and encourage rapid endothelialization and remodeling will be the key factor in the future for the successful AM of personalized and dynamic vascular tissue applications.

  9. Intestinal lesions in pigs affected with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome Lesões entéricas em suínos afetados por síndrome multissistêmica do definhamento dos suínos

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    Priscila Zlotowski


    fossem semelhantes aos descritos em enterite associada com PCV2, marcação imuno-histoquímica anti-PCV2 foi associada com depleção de células caliciformes (24 suínos, atrofia e fusão de vilosidades do íleo (18 suínos e dilatação de vasos linfáticos (11 suínos combinada ou não com linfangite. Antígenos de PCV2 foram demonstrados por imuno-histoquímica no citoplasma e núcleo de células epiteliais intralesionais, histiócitos e células tipo endotelial em tecidos intestinais. Em conjunto, esses resultados sugerem que as lesões estavam associadas com PCV2. A presença de co-infecções por Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira spp., Mycobacterium spp., Salmonella spp., rotavírus, parvovírus, coronavírus e calicivírus entérico com PCV2 nas lesões intestinais foi investigada.

  10. Tu nos aposte protege

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Britta Olrik


    Aspirationen af p, t og k i dansk er stedmoderligt behandlet af den gren af den historiske sprogforskning der bygger på skriftligt kildemateriale. Skrivemåden tu nos aposte protege for tu nos ab hoste protege 'bekyt du os mod fjenden' i en tilskrift fra anden halvdel af 1300-tallet i...

  11. Efeito do gene receptor de prolactina sobre características quantitativas de interesse econômico em suínos

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    Vivian Alonso


    Full Text Available O aumento da produtividade e qualidade dos produtos animais vem se tornando de grande interesse econômico. A prolactina (PRL é um hormônio essencial para o sucesso reprodutivo e seu receptor (RPRL tem sido detectado em vários tecidos². O gene RPRL foi recentemente mapeado em suínos no cromossomo 16(6. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a frequência genotípica do RPRL em três diferentes raças de suíno, Landrace, Large White e Pietrain e correlacionar os genótipos com características de interesse. Foram analisados um total de 124 animais. O DNA foi extraído de sangue total suíno e submetido a técnica de PCR-RFLP, para determinação do genótipo do gene do receptor da prolactina. As análises estatísticas mostraram que o genótipo RPRL teve efeito sobre peso médio diário na raça Landrace (p<0,0135. As médias de DEPGMD na raça Landrace também foram diferentes em relação ao genótipo (p< 0,0610, confirmando a análise dos dados reais de Ganho de Peso Médio Diário. Métodos de seleção assistida por marcadores, juntamente com métodos de seleção tradicional poderão ser utilizados para potencializar e acelerar o melhoramento de características de interesse econômico em suínos, onde o gene do receptor de prolactina (RPRL poderá ser utilizado como um marcador molecular para o ganho de peso médio diário real e sua DEP.

  12. Neuronal NOS localises to human airway cilia. (United States)

    Jackson, Claire L; Lucas, Jane S; Walker, Woolf T; Owen, Holly; Premadeva, Irnthu; Lackie, Peter M


    Airway NO synthase (NOS) isoenzymes are responsible for rapid and localised nitric oxide (NO) production and are expressed in airway epithelium. We sought to determine the localisation of neuronal NOS (nNOS) in airway epithelium due to the paucity of evidence. Sections of healthy human bronchial tissue in glycol methacrylate resin and human nasal polyps in paraffin wax were immunohistochemically labelled and reproducibly demonstrated nNOS immunoreactivity, particularly at the proximal portion of cilia; this immunoreactivity was blocked by a specific nNOS peptide fragment. Healthy human epithelial cells differentiated at an air-liquid interface (ALI) confirmed the presence of all three NOS isoenzymes by immunofluorescence labelling. Only nNOS immunoreactivity was specific to the ciliary axonemeand co-localised with the cilia marker β-tubulin in the proximal part of the ciliary axoneme. We report a novel localisation of nNOS at the proximal portion of cilia in airway epithelium and conclude that its independent and local regulation of NO levels is crucial for normal cilia function. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Estudo alométrico dos tecidos da carcaça de cordeiros Santa Inês puros ou mestiços com Texel, Ile de France e Bergamácia Allometric study on carcass tissues from purebred Santa Inês lambs or crossbred with Texel, Ile de France and Bergamácia

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    Iraides Ferreira Furusho Garcia


    Full Text Available Utilizaram-se 103 cordeiros, machos e fêmeas, Santa Inês puros (SS e mestiços com Texel (TS, Ile de France (FS e Bergamácia (BS confinados individualmente e abatidos aos 15, 25, 35 ou 45 kg de peso vivo. Após abate e resfriamento da carcaça, foram separados os cortes comerciais pescoço, costela/fralda, costeleta, lombo, paleta e perna, os quais foram dissecados em músculo, osso e gordura. O crescimento alométrico de cada tecido da meia-carcaça foi avaliado em relação ao peso da carcaça fria e os tecidos da perna, do lombo e da paleta em relação ao peso do corte. O desenvolvimento do músculo na meia-carcaça nos machos Santa Inês, Santa Inês × Texel e Santa Inês × Ile de France e nas fêmeas Santa Inês e Santa Inês × Texel foi semelhante ao do peso vivo vazio (coeficiente alométrico (b = 1, enquanto, nos machos Bergamácia e nas fêmeas Ile de France e Bergamácia, foi precoce (b1 em todos os grupos, com exceção da gordura da paleta nos machos BS, cujo desenvolvimento foi semelhante ao do corte (b=1.This study was conducted using 103 male and female lambs from the following genetic groups: Santa Inês (SS purebred and Santa Inês × Texel (TS, Santa Inês × Ile de France (FS, and Santa Inês × Bergamacia (BS crossbred. The animals were slaughtered at the following body weights: 15, 25, 35 or 45 kg. After slaughter and cooling of the carcasses, the following cuts were made: neck, rib/flank, short ribs, loin, blade, and hind limb. The composition in muscle, bone and fat of cuts and ½ carcass were evaluated. The alometric growth of each tissue of the loin, shoulder and leg in relation to the cut weight, and of each tissue of the ½ carcass in relation to the cold carcass weight, was measured. The allometric growth of muscles in the ½ carcass, for BS males and FS and BS females, was early (b1, except shoulder fat in BS males, with isogonic growth (b=1. The growth rate of shoulder muscles in SS and FS males, SS and TS

  14. Activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome induces vascular dysfunction in obese OLETF rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Penghao; Xie, Qihai; Wei, Tong; Chen, Yichen; Chen, Hong; Shen, Weili


    Objective: Obesity-induced vascular dysfunction is related to chronic low-grade systemic inflammation. Recent studies indicate that NLRP3, a multiprotein complex formed by NOD-like receptor (NLR) family members, is a key component mediating internal sterile inflammation, but the role in obesity-related vascular dysfunction is largely unknown. In the present study, we investigate whether NLRP3 activation is involved in vascular inflammation in obese Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty rats (OLETF). Methods and results: Male OLETF with their control Long-Evans Tokushima Otsuka rats (LETO) were studied at 3 and 12 months of age. Aortic relaxation in response to acetylcholine decreased gradually with age in both strains, with early and persistent endothelium dysfunction in obese OLETF compared with age-matched LETO controls. These changes are associated with parallel changes of aortic endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) content, macrophage accumulation and intimal thickening. NLRP3 increased in OLETF rats compared to LETO. Consistent with inflammasome activation, the conversion of procaspase-1 to cleaved and activated forms as well as IL-1β markedly increased in OLETF rats. Additionally, we observed increased expression of dynamin-related protein-1 (Drp1) and decreased fusion-relative protein optic atropy-1(OPA1). Altered mitochondrial dynamics was associated with elevated oxidative stress level in OLETF aortas. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that obesity seems to accelerate endothelial dysfunction in OLETFs via the activation of NLRP3 and mitochondrial dysfunction. - Highlights: • NLRP3 is involved in obesity-induced vascular dysfunction. • Impaired mitochondrial dynamics may have been linked to mitochondrial defect and inflammasome activation. • Obesity seems to accelerate vascular dysfunction via NLRP3 activation and mitochondrial dysfunction.

  15. Activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome induces vascular dysfunction in obese OLETF rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Penghao [State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Hypertension and Department of Hypertension, Rui Jin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai (China); Xie, Qihai [Department of Cardiology, Shanghai Jiading District Central Hospital, Shanghai (China); Wei, Tong [State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Hypertension and Department of Hypertension, Rui Jin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai (China); Chen, Yichen [Department of Pharmacology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai (China); Chen, Hong, E-mail: [Department of Pharmacology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai (China); Shen, Weili, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Hypertension and Department of Hypertension, Rui Jin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai (China)


    Objective: Obesity-induced vascular dysfunction is related to chronic low-grade systemic inflammation. Recent studies indicate that NLRP3, a multiprotein complex formed by NOD-like receptor (NLR) family members, is a key component mediating internal sterile inflammation, but the role in obesity-related vascular dysfunction is largely unknown. In the present study, we investigate whether NLRP3 activation is involved in vascular inflammation in obese Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty rats (OLETF). Methods and results: Male OLETF with their control Long-Evans Tokushima Otsuka rats (LETO) were studied at 3 and 12 months of age. Aortic relaxation in response to acetylcholine decreased gradually with age in both strains, with early and persistent endothelium dysfunction in obese OLETF compared with age-matched LETO controls. These changes are associated with parallel changes of aortic endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) content, macrophage accumulation and intimal thickening. NLRP3 increased in OLETF rats compared to LETO. Consistent with inflammasome activation, the conversion of procaspase-1 to cleaved and activated forms as well as IL-1β markedly increased in OLETF rats. Additionally, we observed increased expression of dynamin-related protein-1 (Drp1) and decreased fusion-relative protein optic atropy-1(OPA1). Altered mitochondrial dynamics was associated with elevated oxidative stress level in OLETF aortas. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that obesity seems to accelerate endothelial dysfunction in OLETFs via the activation of NLRP3 and mitochondrial dysfunction. - Highlights: • NLRP3 is involved in obesity-induced vascular dysfunction. • Impaired mitochondrial dynamics may have been linked to mitochondrial defect and inflammasome activation. • Obesity seems to accelerate vascular dysfunction via NLRP3 activation and mitochondrial dysfunction.

  16. Anatomy of pneumatophore of Mauritia vinifera mart

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    Luiz Alfredo Rodrigues Pereira


    meses de idade são semelhantes aos com 20 dias de idade, sendo a única exceção a ausência da epiderme nos mais velhos. A epiderme é substituída por um tecido protetor lignificado cujas células são suberizadas e se projetaram fora dando um aspecto filamentoso a esse tecido. Não foi verificado acúmulo de taninos ou amido nos pneumatóforos, com exceção da presença de estólitos na coifa da raiz. Não houve formação de lenticelas nos pneumatóforos de M. vinifera estudados. A principal função dos pneumatóforos de M. vinifera é permitir trocas gasosas e ajudar no suprimento de oxigênio às porções subemersas da raiz.

  17. Screening of the NOS3 gene identifies the variants 894G/T, 1998C/G and 2479G/A to be associated with acute onset ischemic stroke in young Asian Indians. (United States)

    Akhter, Mohd Suhail; Biswas, Arijit; Rashid, Hina; Devi, Luxmi; Behari, Madhuri; Saxena, Renu


    Nitric oxide levels and NOS3 gene variants play a pivotal role in the development of vascular diseases/stroke. We attempted to determine the role of NOS3 gene variants and plasma NO levels towards the development of ischemic stroke in young Asian-Indians. One hundred ischemic stroke patients and 200 age and sex matched control study subjects were screened for NOS3 gene variants using SSCP [single stranded confirmation polymorphism] and PCR based techniques. Plasma NO metabolites [NOx] were evaluated for the investigated population. Significantly higher NOx levels were observed in controls [controls 56.63±25.92 μmol/L, patients 34.73±19.88 μmol/L, pischemic stroke in young Asian Indians. These NOS3 SNPs might represent genetic risk factors for ischemic stroke in young Asian Indians. However these observations need to be confirmed by larger replicate/cross-sectional studies. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Non-invasive vascular imaging: assessing tumour vascularity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delorme, S.; Knopp, M.V.


    Non-invasive assessment of vascularity is a new diagnostic approach to characterise tumours. Vascular assessment is based on the pathophysiology of tumour angiogenesis and its diagnostic implications for tumour biology, prognosis and therapy response. Two current techniques investigating vascular features in addition to morphology are Doppler ultrasonography and contrast-enhanced MRI. Diagnostic differentiation has been shown to be possible with Doppler, and a high degree of observed vascularity could be linked to an aggressive course of the disease. Dynamic MRI using gadolinium chelates is already used clinically to detect and differentiate tumours. The histological correlation shows that capillary permeability is increased in malignant tumours and is the best criterion for differentiation from benign processes. Permeability and perfusion factors seem to be more diagnostic than overall vessel density. New clinical applications are currently being established for therapy monitoring. Further instrumental developments will bring harmonic imaging in Doppler, and faster imaging techniques, higher spatial resolution and novel pharmacokinetic concepts in MRI. Upcoming contrast agents for both Doppler and MRI will further improve estimation of intratumoural blood volume and vascular permeability. (orig.)

  19. The influence of authentic scientific research experiences on teachers' conceptions of the nature of science (NOS) and their NOS teaching practices (United States)

    Moriarty, Meghan A.

    This study explored the influence of teachers' authentic scientific research experiences (ASREs) on teachers' conceptions of the nature of science (NOS) and teachers' NOS instruction. Twelve high school biology teachers participated in this study. Six of the participants had authentic scientific research experience (ASRE) and six had not participated in authentic scientific research. Data included background surveys, modified Views of the Nature of Science (VNOS) questionnaires, interviews, and teaching observations. Data was coded based on the eight NOS understandings outlined in 2013 in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Evidence from this study indicates participating in authentic scientific research as a member of a scientific community has dual benefits of enabling high school science teachers with informed understandings of the NOS and positioning them to teach with the NOS. However, these benefits do not always result from an ASRE. If the nature of the ASRE is limited, then it may limit teachers' NOS understandings and their NOS teaching practices. The results of this study suggest that participation in ASREs may be one way to improve teachers' NOS understandings and teaching practices if the experiences themselves offer a comprehensive view of the NOS. Because ASREs and other science learning experiences do not always offer such experiences, pre-service teacher education and professional development opportunities may engage science teachers in two ways: (1) becoming part of a scientific community may enable them to teach with NOS and (2) being reflective about what being a scientist means may improve teachers' NOS understandings and better position them to teach about NOS.. Keywords: nature of science, authentic scientific research experiences, Next Generation Science Standards, teaching about NOS, teaching with NOS.

  20. Ethanol extract of seeds of Oenothera odorata induces vasorelaxation via endothelium-dependent NO-cGMP signaling through activation of Akt-eNOS-sGC pathway. (United States)

    Kim, Hye Yoom; Oh, Hyuncheol; Li, Xiang; Cho, Kyung Woo; Kang, Dae Gill; Lee, Ho Sub


    The vasorelaxant effect of ethanol extract of seeds of Oenothera odorata (Onagraceae) (one species of evening primroses) (ESOO) and its mechanisms involved were defined. Changes in vascular tension, guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) levels, and Akt expression were measured in carotid arterial rings from rats. Seeds of Oenothera odorata were extracted with ethanol (94%) and the extract was filtered, concentrated and stored at -70°C. ESOO relaxed endothelium-intact, but not endothelium-denuded, carotid arterial rings in a concentration-dependent manner. Similarly, ESOO increased cGMP levels of the carotid arterial rings. Pretreatment of endothelium-intact arterial rings with L-NAME, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), or ODQ, an inhibitor of soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC), blocked the ESOO-induced vasorelaxation and increase in cGMP levels. Nominally Ca(2+)-free but not L-typed Ca(2+) channel inhibition attenuated the ESOO-induced vasorelaxation. Thapsigargin, Gd(3+), and 2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate, modulators of store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE), significantly attenuated the ESOO-induced vasorelaxation and increase in cGMP levels. Further, wortmannin, an inhibitor of Akt, attenuated the ESOO-induced vasorelaxation and increases in cGMP levels and phosphorylated Akt2 expression. K(+) channel blockade with TEA, 4-aminopyridine, and glibenclamide attenuated the ESOO-induced vascular relaxation. Taken together, the present study demonstrates that ESOO relaxes vascular smooth muscle via endothelium-dependent NO-cGMP signaling through activation of the Akt-eNOS-sGC pathway. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Vascular-targeted therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (United States)


    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common muscular dystrophy and an X-linked recessive, progressive muscle wasting disease caused by the absence of a functional dystrophin protein. Dystrophin has a structural role as a cytoskeletal stabilization protein and protects cells against contraction-induced damage. Dystrophin also serves a signaling role through mechanotransduction of forces and localization of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), which produces nitric oxide (NO) to facilitate vasorelaxation. In DMD, the signaling defects produce inadequate tissue perfusion caused by functional ischemia due to a diminished ability to respond to shear stress induced endothelium-dependent dilation. Additionally, the structural defects seen in DMD render myocytes with an increased susceptibility to mechanical stress. The combination of both defects is necessary to generate myocyte damage, which induces successive rounds of myofiber degeneration and regeneration, loss of calcium homeostasis, chronic inflammatory response, fibrosis, and myonecrosis. In individuals with DMD, these processes inevitably cause loss of ambulation shortly after the first decade and an abbreviated life with death in the third or fourth decade due to cardio-respiratory anomalies. There is no known cure for DMD, and although the culpable gene has been identified for more than twenty years, research on treatments has produced few clinically relevant results. Several recent studies on novel DMD therapeutics are vascular targeted and focused on attenuating the inherent functional ischemia. One approach improves vasorelaxation capacity through pharmaceutical inhibition of either phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) or angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Another approach increases the density of the underlying vascular network by inducing angiogenesis, and this has been accomplished through either direct delivery of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) or by downregulating the VEGF decoy

  2. Ratos tratados com dieta cetogênica apresentam aumento de tecido adiposo mediado pela elevação da atividade da fosfoenolpiruvato carboxicinase


    Leticia Carina Ribeiro


    A Dieta Cetogênica é caracterizada pelo alto teor de gordura e baixo teor de carboidratos e proteínas, e tem sido proposta como benéfica em crianças com desordens epiléticas que não respondem ao tratamento convencional de drogas anti-epiléticas. O retardo de crescimento é um importante inconveniente desta dieta e as causas metabólicas ainda não estão bem caracterizadas. O objetivo desse estudo é examinar a variação de peso corporal e de tecido adiposo de ratos Wistar tratados com a dieta ceto...

  3. Caracterização histológica e imuno-histoquímica das lesões de tuberculose em bovinos e de linfadenite granulomatosa em suínos

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    Daniele Andreazza


    Full Text Available Mycobacterium sp. induz inflamação granuloma-tosa em diferentes espécies animais. Mycobacterium bovis e o complexo Mycobacterium avium são importantes patógenos de bovinos e suínos e podem causar infecção em humanos, principalmente imunossuprimidos. Perdas na produção, barreiras comerciais e prejuízos por condenação de carcaças em abatedouro/frigorífico estão atrelados à ocorrência dessas infecções, com prejuízos econômicos significativos. Foi realizado um estudo de casos diagnosticados como tuberculose em bovinos e linfadenite granulomatosa em suínos no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS no período de janeiro de 2007 a dezembro de 2011. Dados referentes à raça, ao sexo, à idade e ao histórico clínico foram compilados dos livros de registro e analisados. As características histológicas das lesões em linfonodos e pulmões foram avaliadas em Hematoxilina-Eosina, com predomínio de células gigantes nas lesões de tuberculose bovina e de macrófagos epitelioides em suínos. As técnicas histoquímicas de Ziehl-Neelsen e Tricrômico de Masson foram utilizadas para evidenciar, respectivamente, bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes e tecido conjuntivo fibroso nas lesões. A técnica de imuno-histoquímica foi utilizada em aproximadamente 30% dos casos estudados de cada espécie, selecionados aleatoriamente, para a caracterização do infiltrado linfocítico. Foram utilizados os anticorpos anti-CD3 para a marcação de linfócitos T e anti-CD79αcy para a marcação de linfócitos B. Linfócitos T predominaram nas lesões em ambas as espécies, com diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as médias dos linfócitos T e linfócitos B. Foi usado o teste t pareado, com t=5,501 (p<0,001 nas lesões dos bovinos e t=5,826 (p<0,001 para as lesões de linfadenite dos suínos. Adicionalmente foram marcados macrófagos com o uso do anticorpo anti-CD68 para bovinos e anti

  4. Exercício físico, receptores β-adrenérgicos e resposta vascular


    Silva,Alexandre Sérgio; Zanesco,Angelina


    O exercício aeróbio promove efeitos benéficos na prevenção e tratamento de doenças como hipertensão arterial, aterosclerose, insuficiência venosa e doença arterial periférica. Os receptores β-adrenérgicos estão presentes em várias células. No sistema cardiovascular, promovem inotropismo e cronotropismo positivo cardíaco e relaxamento vascular. Embora os efeitos do exercício tenham sido investigados em receptores cardíacos, estudos focados nos vasos são escassos e controversos. Esta revis...

  5. Rate dependency and role of nitric oxide in the vascular response to direct cooling in human skin. (United States)

    Yamazaki, Fumio; Sone, Ryoko; Zhao, Kun; Alvarez, Guy E; Kosiba, Wojciech A; Johnson, John M


    Local cooling of nonglabrous skin without functional sympathetic nerves causes an initial vasodilation followed by vasoconstriction. To further characterize these responses to local cooling, we examined the importance of the rate of local cooling and the effect of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition in intact skin and in skin with vasoconstrictor function inhibited. Release of norepinephrine was blocked locally (iontophoresis) with bretylium tosylate (BT). Skin blood flow was monitored from the forearm by laser-Doppler flowmetry (LDF). Cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) was calculated as the ratio of LDF to blood pressure. Local temperature was controlled over 6.3 cm2 around the sites of LDF measurement. Local cooling was applied at -0.33 or -4 degrees C/min. At -4 degrees C/min, CVC increased (P cooling (-4 degrees C/min) to 24 degrees C decreased (P cooling, CVC decreased at BT + saline sites relative to the precooling levels (P cooling, but not functional NOS, is an important determinant of the early non-adrenergic vasodilator response to local cooling and that functional NOS, adrenergic nerves, as well as other mechanisms play roles in vasoconstriction during prolonged local cooling of skin.

  6. Ellagic Acid Prevents L-NAME-Induced Hypertension via Restoration of eNOS and p47phox Expression in Rats

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    Thewarid Berkban


    Full Text Available The effect of ellagic acid on oxidative stress and hypertension induced by Nω-Nitro-l-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (L-NAME was investigated. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were administrated with L-NAME (40 mg/kg/day for five weeks. L-NAME induced high systolic blood pressure (SBP and increased heart rate (HR, hindlimb vascular resistance (HVR and oxidative stress. Concurrent treatment with ellagic acid (7.5 or 15 mg/kg prevented these alterations. Co-treatment with ellagic acid was associated with up-regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS protein production and alleviation of oxidative stress as indicated by decreased superoxide production in the vascular tissue, reduced plasma malondialdehyde levels, reduced NADPH oxidase subunit p47phox expression and increased plasma nitrate/nitrite levels. Our results indicate that ellagic acid attenuates hypertension by reducing NADPH oxidase subunit p47phox expression, which prevents oxidative stress and restores NO bioavailability.

  7. Spironolactone treatment attenuates vascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetic mice by decreasing oxidative stress and restoring NO/GC signaling

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    Marcondes Alves Barbosa Da Silva


    Full Text Available Type 2 diabetes (DM2 increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Aldosterone, which has pro-oxidative and pro-inflammatory effects in the cardiovascular system, is positively regulated in DM2. We assessed whether blockade of mineralocorticoid receptors (MR with spironolactone decreases ROS-associated vascular dysfunction and improves vascular NO signaling in diabetes. Leptin receptor knockout [LepRdb/LepRdb (db/db] mice, a model of DM2, and their counterpart controls [LepRdb/LepR+, (db/+ mice] received spironolactone (50 mg/kg body weight/day or vehicle (ethanol 1% via oral per gavage for 6 weeks. Spironolactone treatment abolished the endothelial dysfunction and increased endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS phosphorylation (Ser1177, determined by acetylcholine-induced relaxation and Western Blot analysis, respectively. MR antagonist therapy also abrogated augmented ROS-generation in aorta from diabetic mice, determined by lucigenin luminescence assay. Spironolactone treatment increased superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1 and catalase expression, improved sodium nitroprusside (SNP and BAY 41-2272-induced relaxation, as well as increased soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC subunit β protein expression in arteries from db/db mice. Our results demonstrate that spironolactone decreases diabetes-associated vascular oxidative stress and prevents vascular dysfunction through processes involving increased expression of antioxidant enzymes and sGC. These findings further elucidate redox-sensitive mechanisms whereby spironolactone protects against vascular injury in diabetes.

  8. Differential modulation of nitric oxide synthases in aging: therapeutic opportunities

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    Stêfany Bruno De Assis Cau


    Full Text Available Vascular aging is the term that describes the structural and functional disturbances of the vasculature with advancing aging. The molecular mechanisms of aging-associated endothelial dysfunction are complex, but reduced nitric oxide (NO bioavailability and altered vascular expression and activity of NO synthase (NOS enzymes have been implicated as major players. Impaired vascular relaxation in aging has been attributed to reduced endothelial NOS (eNOS-derived NO, while increased inducible NOS (iNOS expression seems to account for nitrosative stress and disrupted vascular homeostasis. Although eNOS is considered the main source of NO in the vascular endothelium, neuronal NOS (nNOS also contributes to endothelial cells-derived NO, a mechanism that is reduced in aging. Pharmacological modulation of NO generation and expression/activity of NOS isoforms may represent a therapeutic alternative to prevent the progression of cardiovascular diseases. Accordingly, this review will focus on drugs that modulate NO bioavailability, such as nitrite anions and NO-releasing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones (dehydroepiandrosterone and estrogen, statins, resveratrol and folic acid, since they may be useful to treat/to prevent aging-associated vascular dysfunction. The impact of these therapies on life quality in elderly and longevity will be discussed.

  9. Vascular endothelial growth factor up-regulates the expression of intracellular adhesion molecule-1 in retinal endothelial cells via reactive oxygen species, but not nitric oxide

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    ZHANG Xiao-ling; WEN Liang; CHEN Yan-jiong; ZHU Yi


    Background The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is involved in the initiation of retinal vascular leakage and nonperfusion in diabetes. The intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is the key mediator of the effect of VEGFs on retinal leukostasis. Although the VEGF is expressed in an early-stage diabetic retina, whether it directly up-regulates ICAM-1 in retinal endothelial cells (ECs) is unknown. In this study, we provided a new mechanism to explain that VEGF does up-regulate the expression of ICAM-1 in retinal ECs.Methods Bovine retinal ECs (BRECs) were isolated and cultured. Immunohistochemical staining was performed to identify BRECs. The cultured cells were divided into corresponding groups. Then, VEGF (100 ng/ml) and other inhibitors were used to treat the cells. Cell lysate and the cultured supernatant were collected, and then, the protein level of ICAM-1 and phosphorylation of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) were detected using Western blotting. Griess reaction was used to detect nitric oxide (NO).Results Western blotting showed that the VEGF up-regulated the expression of ICAM-1 protein and increased phosphorylation of the eNOS in retinal ECs. Neither the block of NO nor protein kinase C (PKC) altered the expression of ICAM-1 or the phosphorylation of eNOS. The result of the Western blotting also showed that inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) or reactive oxygen species (ROS) significantly reduced the expression of ICAM-1. Inhibition of PI3K also reduced phosphorylation of eNOS. Griess reaction showed that VEGF significantly increased during NO production. When eNOS was blocked by L-NAME or PI3K was blocked by LY294002, the basal level of NO production and the increment of NO caused by VEGF could be significantly decreased.Conclusion ROS-NO coupling in the retinal endothelium may be a new mechanism that could help to explain why VEGF induces ICAM-1 expression and the resulting leukostasis in diabetic retinopathy.

  10. Nicorandil attenuates monocrotaline-induced vascular endothelial damage and pulmonary arterial hypertension.

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    Makoto Sahara

    pathways in HUVECs, accompanied with the upregulation of both eNOS and Bcl-2 expression. CONCLUSIONS: Nicorandil attenuated MCT-induced vascular endothelial damage and PAH through production of eNOS and anti-apoptotic factors, suggesting that nicorandil might have a promising therapeutic potential for PAH.

  11. Aplicações da cultura de tecidos vegetais em fruteiras do Cerrado Applications of tissue culture techniques in Brazilian Cerrado fruit trees

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    Hernane Fernandes Pinhal


    Full Text Available Atualmente, percebe-se uma preocupação em relação às plantas do cerrado, com grande enfoque nas fruteiras em função de suas características e usos. Apesar de ser uma área ainda pouco explorada, é crescente o número de estudos dessas espécies nativas, dentre eles, os que abrangem as técnicas de cultura de tecidos. Isso se deve uma vez que essa ferramenta biotecnológica permite a propagação de espécies com dificuldade de germinação, minimiza o problema de sementes recalcitrantes, promove a produção de mudas em larga escala, complementa bancos de germoplasma e facilita as trocas de materiais genéticos. Dessa maneira, esta revisão visa a sumarizar o histórico e panorama atual das aplicações da cultura de tecidos em fruteiras do cerrado, proporcionando sustentação para novos estudos.Currently, it's been given a huge concern to the cerrado plants, focusing on fruit trees due to their characteristics and uses. Despite being a fairly unexplored area, the number of studies on these native species has increased, especially those involving tissue culture techniques. That's because this biotechnological tool provides the propagation of species with germination difficulty, reduces problems of recalcitrant seeds, promotes large scale seedling production, complements germplasm banks and facilitates the exchange of genetic materials. Therefore, this review summarizes the history and current situation of tissue culture techniques applied to Brazilian Cerrado fruit trees, providing support to further studies.

  12. Neuropsychological performance in patients with subcortical stroke Perfil neuropsicológico em pacientes com lesões vasculares subcorticais

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    Silviane Pinheiro Campos de Andrade


    ável demonstrou desempenho prejudicado na memória, velocidade de processamento e produção verbal, enquanto o grupo CCVSD apresentou déficit de atenção. CONCLUSÃO: Prejuízos nas funções executivas e dificuldades em AVDs permitem diferenciar os níveis de comprometimento nos grupos de doença vascular subcortical.

  13. Metformin inhibits inflammatory response via AMPK–PTEN pathway in vascular smooth muscle cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Sun Ae; Choi, Hyoung Chul


    Highlights: ► PTEN was induced by metformin and inhibited by compound C and AMPK siRNA. ► Metformin suppressed TNF-α-induced COX-2 and iNOS mRNA expression. ► Compound C and bpv (pic) increased iNOS and COX-2 protein expression. ► NF-κB activation was restored by inhibiting AMPK and PTEN. ► AMPK and PTEN regulated TNF-α-induced ROS production in VSMCs. -- Abstract: Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammation of the coronary arteries. Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) stimulated by cytokines and chemokines accelerate the inflammatory response and migrate to the injured endothelium during the progression of atherosclerosis. Activation of AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK), a key sensor maintaining metabolic homeostasis, suppresses the inflammatory response. However, how AMPK regulates the inflammatory response is poorly understood. To identify the mechanism of this response, we focused on phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), which is a negative regulator of inflammation. We investigated that activation of AMPK-induced PTEN expression and suppression of the inflammatory response through the AMPK–PTEN pathway in VSMCs. We treated with the well-known AMPK activator metformin to induce PTEN expression. PTEN was induced by metformin (2 mM) and inhibited by compound C (10 μM) and AMPK siRNA. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) was used to induce inflammation. The inflammatory response was confirmed by cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, and activation of nuclear factor (NF)-κB. Metformin suppressed COX-2 and iNOS mRNA and protein expression dose dependently. Treatment with compound C and bpv (pic) in the presence of metformin, iNOS and COX-2 protein expression increased. NF-κB activation decreased in response to metformin and was restored by inhibiting AMPK and PTEN. Inhibiting AMPK and PTEN restored ROS levels stimulated with TNF-α. Taken together, PTEN could be a possible downstream regulator of AMPK, and the

  14. Sildenafil Ameliorates Gentamicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats: Role of iNOS and eNOS

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    Mohamed A. Morsy


    Full Text Available Gentamicin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic, is used for the treatment of serious Gram-negative infections. However, its usefulness is limited by its nephrotoxicity. Sildenafil, a selective phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, was reported to prevent or decrease tissue injury. The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential protective effects of sildenafil on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Male Wistar rats were injected with gentamicin (100 mg/kg/day, i.p. for 6 days with and without sildenafil. Sildenafil administration resulted in nephroprotective effect in gentamicin-intoxicated rats as it significantly decreased serum creatinine and urea, urinary albumin, and renal malondialdehyde and nitrite/nitrate levels, with a concomitant increase in renal catalase and superoxide dismutase activities compared to gentamicin-treated rats. Moreover, immunohistochemical examination revealed that sildenafil treatment markedly reduced inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS expression, while expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS was markedly enhanced. The protective effects of sildenafil were verified histopathologically. In conclusion, sildenafil protects rats against gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity possibly, in part, through its antioxidant activity, inhibition of iNOS expression, and induction of eNOS production.

  15. Triiodothyronine Potentiates Vasorelaxation via PKG/VASP Signaling in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

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    Sherin Samuel


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: Vascular relaxation caused by Triiodothyronine (T3 involves direct activation of endothelial cells (EC and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC. Activation of protein kinase G (PKG has risen as a novel contributor to the vasorelaxation mechanism triggered by numerous stimuli. We hypothesize that T3-induced vasorelaxation involves PKG/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP signaling pathway in VSMC. Methods: Human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC and VSMC were treated with T3 for short (2 to 60 minutes and long term (24 hours. Nitric oxide (NO production was measured using DAF-FM. Expression of protein targets was determined using western blot. For functional studies, rat aortas were isolated and treated with T3 for 20 minutes and mounted in a wire myograph. Relaxation was measured by a concentration-dependent response to acetylcholine (ACh and sodium nitroprusside (SNP. Results: Aortas stimulated with T3 exhibited augmented sensitivity to ACh and SNP-induced relaxation, endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent responses, respectively. T3 directly increased vasorelaxation, which was abolished in the presence of a PKG inhibitor. T3 markedly induced phosphorylation of Akt, eNOS and consequently increased NO production in EC. Likewise, T3 induced phosphorylation of VASP at serine 239 via the PKG pathway in VSMC. Conclusion: Our findings have uncovered a PKG/VASP signaling pathway in VSMC as a key molecular mechanism underlying T3-induced vascular relaxation.

  16. Triiodothyronine Potentiates Vasorelaxation via PKG/VASP Signaling in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. (United States)

    Samuel, Sherin; Zhang, Kuo; Tang, Yi-Da; Gerdes, A Martin; Carrillo-Sepulveda, Maria Alicia


    Vascular relaxation caused by Triiodothyronine (T3) involves direct activation of endothelial cells (EC) and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Activation of protein kinase G (PKG) has risen as a novel contributor to the vasorelaxation mechanism triggered by numerous stimuli. We hypothesize that T3-induced vasorelaxation involves PKG/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) signaling pathway in VSMC. Human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC) and VSMC were treated with T3 for short (2 to 60 minutes) and long term (24 hours). Nitric oxide (NO) production was measured using DAF-FM. Expression of protein targets was determined using western blot. For functional studies, rat aortas were isolated and treated with T3 for 20 minutes and mounted in a wire myograph. Relaxation was measured by a concentration-dependent response to acetylcholine (ACh) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP). Aortas stimulated with T3 exhibited augmented sensitivity to ACh and SNP-induced relaxation, endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent responses, respectively. T3 directly increased vasorelaxation, which was abolished in the presence of a PKG inhibitor. T3 markedly induced phosphorylation of Akt, eNOS and consequently increased NO production in EC. Likewise, T3 induced phosphorylation of VASP at serine 239 via the PKG pathway in VSMC. Our findings have uncovered a PKG/VASP signaling pathway in VSMC as a key molecular mechanism underlying T3-induced vascular relaxation. © 2017 The Author(s)Published by S. Karger AG, Basel.

  17. Fraturas: origem e tratamentos - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v3i2.561

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    Gustavo Rocha Velloso


    Full Text Available As fraturas representam uma fadiga de estrutura óssea. O estudo dos conceitos básicos sobre a organização do tecido ósseo, o mecanismo indutor das fraturas e o processo de consolidação são temas importantes da moderna traumatologia. Alterações estruturais nos ossos ocorrem em decorrência de complexo sistema de forças deformadoras. As lesões podem ocasionar alterações em diferentes tecidos ósseos. O tratamento das fraturas é usualmente realizado pela fixação interna e externa, mas experimentos modernos apontam para que o processo biológico de reparação das fraturas seja melhor do que a fixação metálica.

  18. Conhecimento das propriedades físicas e da interação do laser com os tecidos biológicos na odontologia Knowledge of the physical properties and interaction of laser with biological tissue in dentistry

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    Thiago Maciel Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available A tendência da odontologia é a incorporação de métodos menos invasivos com a finalidade de minimizar a dor e o desconforto durante e após as intervenções odontológicas. Por isso, acredita-se que a laserterapia seja uma excelente opção de tratamento, já que apresenta efeitos benéficos para os tecidos irradiados, como ativação da microcirculação, produção de novos capilares, efeitos anti-inflamatórios e analgésicos, além de estímulo ao crescimento e à regeneração celular. O entendimento da interação entre os lasers e os tecidos baseia-se principalmente no entendimento das reações que podem ser induzidas nesses tecidos pela luz laser. Este trabalho se propõe a mostrar a relevância do conhecimento das propriedades físicas do laser, bem como sua interação com os tecidos biológicos, considerando que os efeitos e os mecanismos de ação da luz laser são complexos e alvos de inúmeras pesquisas com vistas a um melhor delineamento de suas formas de aplicação e indicações.The trend in dentistry is to incorporate less invasive methods to minimize pain and discomfort during and after dental intervention. Therefore, it is believed that laser therapy is an excellent treatment option, since it has beneficial effects for the irradiated tissues, such as activation of microcirculation, production of new capillaries, inflammatory and analgesic effects, in addition to stimulation of growth and cell regeneration. The comprehension of the interaction between lasers and tissue is based mainly on understanding the reactions that can be induced in those tissues by laser. This work intends to show how important it is to know the physical properties of laser as well as its interactions with biological tissues, since its effects and mechanisms of action are complex and are the object of various studies to better understand its forms of application and indications.

  19. Effect of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester on Vascular Damage Caused by Consumption of High Fructose Corn Syrup in Rats. (United States)

    Gun, Aburrahman; Ozer, Mehmet Kaya; Bilgic, Sedat; Kocaman, Nevin; Ozan, Gonca


    Fructose corn syrup is cheap sweetener and prolongs the shelf life of products, but fructose intake causes hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hypertension. All of them are referred to as metabolic syndrome and they are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Hence, the harmful effects of increased fructose intake on health and their prevention should take greater consideration. Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) has beneficial effects on metabolic syndrome and vascular function which is important in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. However, there are no known studies about the effect of CAPE on fructose-induced vascular dysfunction. In this study, we examined the effect of CAPE on vascular dysfunction due to high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). HFCS (6 weeks, 30% fed with drinking water) caused vascular dysfunction, but treatment with CAPE (50 micromol/kg i.p. for the last two weeks) effectively restored this problem. Additionally, hypertension in HFCS-fed rats was also decreased in CAPE supplemented rats. CAPE supplements lowered HFCS consumption-induced raise in blood glucose, homocysteine, and cholesterol levels. The aorta tissue endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) production was decreased in rats given HFCS and in contrast CAPE supplementation efficiently increased its production. The presented results showed that HFCS-induced cardiovascular abnormalities could be prevented by CAPE treatment.

  20. Effect of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester on Vascular Damage Caused by Consumption of High Fructose Corn Syrup in Rats

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    Aburrahman Gun


    Full Text Available Fructose corn syrup is cheap sweetener and prolongs the shelf life of products, but fructose intake causes hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hypertension. All of them are referred to as metabolic syndrome and they are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Hence, the harmful effects of increased fructose intake on health and their prevention should take greater consideration. Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE has beneficial effects on metabolic syndrome and vascular function which is important in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. However, there are no known studies about the effect of CAPE on fructose-induced vascular dysfunction. In this study, we examined the effect of CAPE on vascular dysfunction due to high fructose corn syrup (HFCS. HFCS (6 weeks, 30% fed with drinking water caused vascular dysfunction, but treatment with CAPE (50 micromol/kg i.p. for the last two weeks effectively restored this problem. Additionally, hypertension in HFCS-fed rats was also decreased in CAPE supplemented rats. CAPE supplements lowered HFCS consumption-induced raise in blood glucose, homocysteine, and cholesterol levels. The aorta tissue endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS production was decreased in rats given HFCS and in contrast CAPE supplementation efficiently increased its production. The presented results showed that HFCS-induced cardiovascular abnormalities could be prevented by CAPE treatment.

  1. Osseointegração clínica-radiológica do compósito hidroxiapatita-lignina entre implante metálico e tecido ósseo em coelho Clinical-radiographic osseointegration of hydroxyapatite-lignin composite between metallic implant and bone tissue in rabbit

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    M.M. Martinez


    Full Text Available Para avaliar o compósito hidroxiapatita-lignina na osseointegração entre implante metálico e o tecido ósseo, foram utilizados 20 coelhos adultos, nos quais foi realizada uma falha óssea na face lateral proximal de ambas as tíbias. Na tíbia esquerda, introduziu-se, no canal medular, um pino intramedular de Schanz revestido com o compósito em sua parte rosqueada, após o preenchimento daquele com 1000mg do compósito. A falha cortical foi preenchida com o compósito. O mesmo foi feito na tíbia direita, porém sem a utilização do compósito, servindo como controle. A avaliação clínica baseou-se na deiscência, claudicação, sensibilidade dolorosa e circunferência tibial. Foram realizadas radiografias imediatamente após a cirurgia e aos oito, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias do pós-operatório. A maioria dos animais apresentou evolução clínica normal. Nas radiografias do grupo tratado, houve decréscimo da radiopacidade no defeito e no espaço medular até tornar-se semelhante à do osso circunvizinho, quadro inverso ao do grupo-controle. Conclui-se que o compósito hidroxiapatita-lignina não mostrou indícios clínicos de rejeição e que o tecido visualizado na altura da falha óssea e ao redor do pino intramedular tinha radiopacidade semelhante à do osso circunvizinho, o que sugere que o material promoveu a integração com o tecido ósseo.This study evaluated a sinthetic hydroxyapatite-lignin composite for osseoingration between metallic implant and bone tissue. Twenty New Zealand rabbits were used. A defect was made a the proximal region of lateral surfaces of both tibias. An intramedullary pin was inserted in the medullary cavity of the left tibia after filling the cavity with 1,000mg of the composite and covering the thread part of the pin with the composite. The same procedure was made in control tibias without the composite. Clinical evaluation was based on inflammatory reaction, dehiscence, lameness, pain, and tibial

  2. Calcium channel blockers, more than diuretics, enhance vascular protective effects of angiotensin receptor blockers in salt-loaded hypertensive rats.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eiichiro Yamamoto

    Full Text Available The combination therapy of an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB with a calcium channel blocker (CCB or with a diuretic is favorably recommended for the treatment of hypertension. However, the difference between these two combination therapies is unclear. The present work was undertaken to examine the possible difference between the two combination therapies in vascular protection. Salt-loaded stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP were divided into 6 groups, and they were orally administered (1 vehicle, (2 olmesartan, an ARB, (3 azelnidipine, a CCB, (4 hydrochlorothiazide, a diuretic, (5 olmesartan combined with azelnidipine, or (6 olmesartan combined with hydrochlorothiazide. Olmesartan combined with either azelnidipine or hydrochlorothiazide ameliorated vascular endothelial dysfunction and remodeling in SHRSP more than did monotherapy with either agent. However, despite a comparable blood pressure lowering effect between the two treatments, azelnidipine enhanced the amelioration of vascular endothelial dysfunction and remodeling by olmesartan to a greater extent than did hydrochlorothiazide in salt-loaded SHRSP. The increased enhancement by azelnidipine of olmesartan-induced vascular protection than by hydrochlorothiazide was associated with a greater amelioration of vascular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH oxidase activation, superoxide, mitogen-activated protein kinase activation, and with a greater activation of the Akt/endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS pathway. These results provided the first evidence that a CCB potentiates the vascular protective effects of an ARB in salt-sensitive hypertension, compared with a diuretic, and provided a novel rationale explaining the benefit of the combination therapy with an ARB and a CCB.

  3. Atorvastatin ameliorates arsenic-induced hypertension and enhancement of vascular redox signaling in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarath, Thengumpallil Sasindran; Waghe, Prashantkumar; Gupta, Priyanka; Choudhury, Soumen; Kannan, Kandasamy; Pillai, Ayyappan Harikrishna; Harikumar, Sankaran Kutty; Mishra, Santosh Kumar; Sarkar, Souvendra Nath


    Chronic arsenic exposure has been linked to elevated blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, while statins reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease predominantly by their low density lipoprotein-lowering effect. Besides, statins have other beneficial effects, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. We evaluated whether atorvastatin, a widely used statin, can ameliorate arsenic-induced increase in blood pressure and alteration in lipid profile and also whether the amelioration could relate to altered NO and ROS signaling. Rats were exposed to sodium arsenite (100 ppm) through drinking water for 90 consecutive days. Atorvastatin (10 mg/kg bw, orally) was administered once daily during the last 30 days of arsenic exposure. On the 91st day, blood was collected for lipid profile. Western blot of iNOS and eNOS protein, NO and 3-nitrotyrosine production, Nox-4 and p22Phox mRNA expression, Nox activity, ROS generation, lipid peroxidation and antioxidants were evaluated in thoracic aorta. Arsenic increased systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure, while it decreased HDL-C and increased LDL-C, total cholesterol and triglycerides in serum. Arsenic down-regulated eNOS and up-regulated iNOS protein expression and increased basal NO and 3-nitrotyrosine level. Arsenic increased aortic Nox-4 and p22Phox mRNA expression, Nox activity, ROS generation and lipid peroxidation. Further, arsenic decreased the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase and depleted aortic GSH content. Atorvastatin regularized blood pressure, improved lipid profile and attenuated arsenic-mediated redox alterations. The results demonstrate that atorvastatin has the potential to ameliorate arsenic-induced hypertension by improving lipid profile, aortic NO signaling and restoring vascular redox homeostasis. - Highlights: • Arsenic increased systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure and caused dyslipidemia. • Arsenic increased

  4. Atorvastatin ameliorates arsenic-induced hypertension and enhancement of vascular redox signaling in rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarath, Thengumpallil Sasindran; Waghe, Prashantkumar; Gupta, Priyanka; Choudhury, Soumen; Kannan, Kandasamy [Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, 243122 Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh (India); Pillai, Ayyappan Harikrishna [Division of Animal Biochemistry, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, 243122 Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh (India); Harikumar, Sankaran Kutty; Mishra, Santosh Kumar [Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, 243122 Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh (India); Sarkar, Souvendra Nath, E-mail: [Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, 243122 Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh (India)


    Chronic arsenic exposure has been linked to elevated blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, while statins reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease predominantly by their low density lipoprotein-lowering effect. Besides, statins have other beneficial effects, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. We evaluated whether atorvastatin, a widely used statin, can ameliorate arsenic-induced increase in blood pressure and alteration in lipid profile and also whether the amelioration could relate to altered NO and ROS signaling. Rats were exposed to sodium arsenite (100 ppm) through drinking water for 90 consecutive days. Atorvastatin (10 mg/kg bw, orally) was administered once daily during the last 30 days of arsenic exposure. On the 91st day, blood was collected for lipid profile. Western blot of iNOS and eNOS protein, NO and 3-nitrotyrosine production, Nox-4 and p22Phox mRNA expression, Nox activity, ROS generation, lipid peroxidation and antioxidants were evaluated in thoracic aorta. Arsenic increased systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure, while it decreased HDL-C and increased LDL-C, total cholesterol and triglycerides in serum. Arsenic down-regulated eNOS and up-regulated iNOS protein expression and increased basal NO and 3-nitrotyrosine level. Arsenic increased aortic Nox-4 and p22Phox mRNA expression, Nox activity, ROS generation and lipid peroxidation. Further, arsenic decreased the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase and depleted aortic GSH content. Atorvastatin regularized blood pressure, improved lipid profile and attenuated arsenic-mediated redox alterations. The results demonstrate that atorvastatin has the potential to ameliorate arsenic-induced hypertension by improving lipid profile, aortic NO signaling and restoring vascular redox homeostasis. - Highlights: • Arsenic increased systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure and caused dyslipidemia. • Arsenic increased

  5. Protein kinase Cα phosphorylates a novel argininosuccinate synthase site at serine 328 during calcium-dependent stimulation of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase in vascular endothelial cells. (United States)

    Haines, Ricci J; Corbin, Karen D; Pendleton, Laura C; Eichler, Duane C


    Endothelial nitric-oxide synthase (eNOS) utilizes l-arginine as its principal substrate, converting it to l-citrulline and nitric oxide (NO). l-Citrulline is recycled to l-arginine by two enzymes, argininosuccinate synthase (AS) and argininosuccinate lyase, providing the substrate arginine for eNOS and NO production in endothelial cells. Together, these three enzymes, eNOS, AS, and argininosuccinate lyase, make up the citrulline-NO cycle. Although AS catalyzes the rate-limiting step in NO production, little is known about the regulation of AS in endothelial cells beyond the level of transcription. In this study, we showed that AS Ser-328 phosphorylation was coordinately regulated with eNOS Ser-1179 phosphorylation when bovine aortic endothelial cells were stimulated by either a calcium ionophore or thapsigargin to produce NO. Furthermore, using in vitro kinase assay, kinase inhibition studies, as well as protein kinase Cα (PKCα) knockdown experiments, we demonstrate that the calcium-dependent phosphorylation of AS Ser-328 is mediated by PKCα. Collectively, these findings suggest that phosphorylation of AS at Ser-328 is regulated in accordance with the calcium-dependent regulation of eNOS under conditions that promote NO production and are in keeping with the rate-limiting role of AS in the citrulline-NO cycle of vascular endothelial cells.

  6. The defensive effect of benfotiamine in sodium arsenite-induced experimental vascular endothelial dysfunction. (United States)

    Verma, Sanjali; Reddy, Krishna; Balakumar, Pitchai


    The present study has been designed to investigate the effect of benfotiamine, a thiamine derivative, in sodium arsenite-induced vascular endothelial dysfunction (VED) in rats. Sodium arsenite (1.5 mg(-1) kg(-1) day(-1) i.p., 2 weeks) was administered in rats to produce VED. The development of VED was assessed by employing isolated aortic ring preparation and estimating the serum and aortic concentrations of nitrite/nitrate. Further, the integrity of vascular endothelium in thoracic aorta was assessed by scanning electron microscopy. Moreover, the oxidative stress was assessed by estimating serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and aortic superoxide anion generation. The administration of sodium arsenite markedly produced VED by attenuating acetylcholine-induced endothelium-dependent relaxation, decreasing serum and aortic concentrations of nitrite/nitrate, and impairing the integrity of vascular endothelium. Further, sodium arsenite produced oxidative stress by increasing serum TBARS and aortic superoxide generation. The treatment with benfotiamine (25, 50, and 100 mg(-1) kg(-1) day(-1) p.o.) or atorvastatin (30 mg(-1) kg(-1) day(-1) p.o., a standard agent) prevented sodium arsenite-induced VED and oxidative stress. However, the beneficial effects of benfotiamine in preventing the sodium arsenite-induced VED were attenuated by co-administration with N-omega-nitro-L: -arginine methyl ester (L: -NAME) (25 mg(-1) kg(-1) day(-1), i.p.), an inhibitor of NOS. Thus, it may be concluded that benfotiamine reduces oxidative stress and activates endothelial nitric oxide synthase to enhance the generation and bioavailability of NO and subsequently improves the integrity of vascular endothelium to prevent sodium arsenite-induced experimental VED.

  7. Aerobic exercise reduces oxidative stress and improves vascular changes of small mesenteric and coronary arteries in hypertension. (United States)

    Roque, Fernanda R; Briones, Ana M; García-Redondo, Ana B; Galán, María; Martínez-Revelles, Sonia; Avendaño, Maria S; Cachofeiro, Victoria; Fernandes, Tiago; Vassallo, Dalton V; Oliveira, Edilamar M; Salaices, Mercedes


    Regular physical activity is an effective non-pharmacological therapy for prevention and control of hypertension. We investigated the effects of aerobic exercise training in vascular remodelling and in the mechanical and functional alterations of coronary and small mesenteric arteries from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY), SHR and SHR trained on a treadmill for 12 weeks were used to evaluate vascular structural, mechanical and functional properties. Exercise did not affect lumen diameter, wall thickness and wall/lumen ratio but reduced vascular stiffness of coronary and mesenteric arteries from SHR. Exercise also reduced collagen deposition and normalized altered internal elastic lamina organization and expression of MMP-9 in mesenteric arteries from SHR. Exercise did not affect contractile responses of coronary arteries but improved the endothelium-dependent relaxation in SHR. In mesenteric arteries, training normalized the increased contractile responses induced by U46619 and by high concentrations of acetylcholine. In vessels from SHR, exercise normalized the effects of the NADPH oxidase inhibitor apocynin and the NOS inhibitor l-NAME in vasodilator or vasoconstrictor responses, normalized the increased O(2) (-) production and the reduced Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase expression and increased NO production. Exercise training of SHR improves endothelial function and vascular stiffness in coronary and small mesenteric arteries. This might be related to the concomitant decrease of oxidative stress and increase of NO bioavailability. Such effects demonstrate the beneficial effects of exercise on the vascular system and could contribute to a reduction in blood pressure. © 2012 The Authors. British Journal of Pharmacology © 2012 The British Pharmacological Society.

  8. Aerobic exercise reduces oxidative stress and improves vascular changes of small mesenteric and coronary arteries in hypertension (United States)

    Roque, Fernanda R; Briones, Ana M; García-Redondo, Ana B; Galán, María; Martínez-Revelles, Sonia; Avendaño, Maria S; Cachofeiro, Victoria; Fernandes, Tiago; Vassallo, Dalton V; Oliveira, Edilamar M; Salaices, Mercedes


    Background and Purpose Regular physical activity is an effective non-pharmacological therapy for prevention and control of hypertension. We investigated the effects of aerobic exercise training in vascular remodelling and in the mechanical and functional alterations of coronary and small mesenteric arteries from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Experimental Approach Normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY), SHR and SHR trained on a treadmill for 12 weeks were used to evaluate vascular structural, mechanical and functional properties. Key Results Exercise did not affect lumen diameter, wall thickness and wall/lumen ratio but reduced vascular stiffness of coronary and mesenteric arteries from SHR. Exercise also reduced collagen deposition and normalized altered internal elastic lamina organization and expression of MMP-9 in mesenteric arteries from SHR. Exercise did not affect contractile responses of coronary arteries but improved the endothelium-dependent relaxation in SHR. In mesenteric arteries, training normalized the increased contractile responses induced by U46619 and by high concentrations of acetylcholine. In vessels from SHR, exercise normalized the effects of the NADPH oxidase inhibitor apocynin and the NOS inhibitor l-NAME in vasodilator or vasoconstrictor responses, normalized the increased O2− production and the reduced Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase expression and increased NO production. Conclusions and Implications Exercise training of SHR improves endothelial function and vascular stiffness in coronary and small mesenteric arteries. This might be related to the concomitant decrease of oxidative stress and increase of NO bioavailability. Such effects demonstrate the beneficial effects of exercise on the vascular system and could contribute to a reduction in blood pressure. PMID:22994554

  9. Aspectos morfológicos e funcionais do implante de tecido esplênico autógeno previamente conservado em solução de Ringer-lactato


    Argos Soares de Matos Filho


    Para interromper sangramentos em traumas esplênicos graves com pacientes instáveis, a operação mais adotada é a esplenectomia total. Esse procedimento pode salvar a vida, porém acompanha-se dos riscos do estado asplênico, incluindo sepse fulminante, tromboembolismo e óbito precoce. A conscientização da importância do baço na defesa orgânica vem estimulando o desenvolvimento de operações conservadoras, como a esplenectomia parcial, a esplenectomia subtotal e os implantes autógenos de tecido...

  10. Beta2-adrenergic activity modulates vascular tone regulation in lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase knockout mice (United States)

    Manzini, S.; Pinna, C.; Busnelli, M.; Cinquanta, P.; Rigamonti, E.; Ganzetti, G.S.; Dellera, F.; Sala, A.; Calabresi, L.; Franceschini, G.; Parolini, C.; Chiesa, G.


    Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency is associated with hypoalphalipoproteinemia, generally a predisposing factor for premature coronary heart disease. The evidence of accelerated atherosclerosis in LCAT-deficient subjects is however controversial. In this study, the effect of LCAT deficiency on vascular tone and endothelial function was investigated in LCAT knockout mice, which reproduce the human lipoprotein phenotype. Aortas from wild-type (Lcatwt) and LCAT knockout (LcatKO) mice exposed to noradrenaline showed reduced contractility in LcatKO mice (P < 0.005), whereas acetylcholine exposure showed a lower NO-dependent relaxation in LcatKO mice (P < 0.05). Quantitative PCR and Western blotting analyses suggested an adequate eNOS expression in LcatKO mouse aortas. Real-time PCR analysis indicated increased expression of β2-adrenergic receptors vs wild-type mice. Aorta stimulation with noradrenaline in the presence of propranolol, to abolish the β-mediated relaxation, showed the same contractile response in the two mouse lines. Furthermore, propranolol pretreatment of mouse aortas exposed to L-NAME prevented the difference in responses between Lcatwt and LcatKO mice. The results indicate that LCAT deficiency leads to increased β2-adrenergic relaxation and to a consequently decreased NO-mediated vasodilation that can be reversed to guarantee a correct vascular tone. The present study suggests that LCAT deficiency is not associated with an impaired vascular reactivity. PMID:26254103

  11. Beta2-adrenergic activity modulates vascular tone regulation in lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase knockout mice. (United States)

    Manzini, S; Pinna, C; Busnelli, M; Cinquanta, P; Rigamonti, E; Ganzetti, G S; Dellera, F; Sala, A; Calabresi, L; Franceschini, G; Parolini, C; Chiesa, G


    Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency is associated with hypoalphalipoproteinemia, generally a predisposing factor for premature coronary heart disease. The evidence of accelerated atherosclerosis in LCAT-deficient subjects is however controversial. In this study, the effect of LCAT deficiency on vascular tone and endothelial function was investigated in LCAT knockout mice, which reproduce the human lipoprotein phenotype. Aortas from wild-type (Lcat(wt)) and LCAT knockout (Lcat(KO)) mice exposed to noradrenaline showed reduced contractility in Lcat(KO) mice (P<0.005), whereas acetylcholine exposure showed a lower NO-dependent relaxation in Lcat(KO) mice (P<0.05). Quantitative PCR and Western blotting analyses suggested an adequate eNOS expression in Lcat(KO) mouse aortas. Real-time PCR analysis indicated increased expression of β2-adrenergic receptors vs wild-type mice. Aorta stimulation with noradrenaline in the presence of propranolol, to abolish the β-mediated relaxation, showed the same contractile response in the two mouse lines. Furthermore, propranolol pretreatment of mouse aortas exposed to L-NAME prevented the difference in responses between Lcat(wt) and Lcat(KO) mice. The results indicate that LCAT deficiency leads to increased β2-adrenergic relaxation and to a consequently decreased NO-mediated vasodilation that can be reversed to guarantee a correct vascular tone. The present study suggests that LCAT deficiency is not associated with an impaired vascular reactivity. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  12. Ação do resveratrol sobre proteoglicanos de membrana presentes no músculo cardíaco em modelo animal de cardiomiopatia diabética


    Paula Lazara Cruz


    Introdução: Ratos com diabetes induzido por estreptozotocina (STZ) apresentam alterações nos proteoglicanos Sindecan-4 e Glipican-1 no tecido cardíaco concomitantes à instalação da disfunção diastólica, evento precoce que culmina na cardiomiopatia diabética. O uso de resveratrol (RSV) em modelos animais foi capaz de melhorar a função cardíaca e o controle autonômico. Espera-se que o tratamento com esse flavonoide atue nos níveis alterados dos proteoglicanos em animais diabéticos. Objetivo: Av...

  13. Avaliação molecular e fenotípica da superexpressão e do silenciamento de MEF2C em miócitos cardíacos


    Ana Helena Macedo Pereira


    Resumo: Os fatores MEF2 (Myocyte Enhancer Factor 2) pertencem à família MADS Box (MCM1-Agamous-Deficiens-Serum response factor) e foram descritos pela primeira vez como fatores de transcrição que se ligam a sequencias de DNA ricas em A/T nos promotores de vários genes músculo específicos. Existem 4 genes da família MEF2 que foram identificados em vertebrados: MEF2A, B, C e D que são expressos de forma distinta durante a embriogênese e nos tecidos adultos. Estudos anteriores do nosso laboratór...

  14. Estudo morfológico do tecido hepático de Leporinus macrocephalus - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i1.157 Morphological study of the hepatic tissue of Leporinus macrocephalus

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    Irene Bastos Franceschini Vicentini


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou análise macroscópica e histológica do fígado de Leporinus macrocephalus para avaliar a estrutura do tecido hepático. Os peixes provenientes de um pesqueiro da região de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo, foram anestesiados, mortos, e os fígados foram retirados e encaminhados à rotina histológica, com inclusão em paraplast. A macroscopia mostrou um figado de estrutura homogênea, de coloração marron-avermelhada, localizado na região medial do corpo, caudalmente ao coração e posterior às brânquias, apresentando três lóbos de forma piramidal, sendo um central e dois laterais direito e esquerdo. A análise histológica revelou o tecido hepático constituído por cordões duplos de hepatócitos circundados por sinusóides, denominado de “muralha dupla”. Revelou, ainda, um sistema biliar disperso pelo parênquima hepático mostrando ductos com epitélio cúbico simples, circundado por fibras musculares e tecido conjuntivo. Células do tecido pancreático exócrino foram observadas, margeando vasos sangüíneos, organizando-se em ácinos apresentando grânulos de zimogênio. Além disso, existem centros melanomacrófagos distribuídos ao longo de todo parênquima, preferencialmente próximos aos vasos sanguíneos, formados por células que acumulam materiais como melanina e lipofucsina, podendo sua presença estar relacionada com o estado nutricional do peixeThe objective of this work was to analyze the liver of Leporinus macrocephalus at the macroscopic and histologic level by evaluating the characteristics of the hepatic tissue. The fishes from a fishery in Bauru, S.P., were collected and sacrificed by destroying the spinal cord; afterwards the collected hepatic tissue was fixed and followed by histological routine. Macroscopic analysis of L. macrocephalus liver showed an organ of homogeneous structure, with red-brown color, located in the medial region of the body, caudal to heart and after the gills

  15. Pediatric vascular access

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Donaldson, James S.


    Pediatric interventional radiologists are ideally suited to provide vascular access services to children because of inherent safety advantages and higher success from using image-guided techniques. The performance of vascular access procedures has become routine at many adult interventional radiology practices, but this service is not as widely developed at pediatric institutions. Although interventional radiologists at some children's hospitals offer full-service vascular access, there is little or none at others. Developing and maintaining a pediatric vascular access service is a challenge. Interventionalists skilled in performing such procedures are limited at pediatric institutions, and institutional support from clerical staff, nursing staff, and technologists might not be sufficiently available to fulfill the needs of such a service. There must also be a strong commitment by all members of the team to support such a demanding service. There is a slippery slope of expected services that becomes steeper and steeper as the vascular access service grows. This review is intended primarily as general education for pediatric radiologists learning vascular access techniques. Additionally, the pediatric or adult interventional radiologist seeking to expand services might find helpful tips. The article also provides education for the diagnostic radiologist who routinely interprets radiographs containing vascular access devices. (orig.)

  16. Vivendo o acidente vascular encefálico agudo: significados da doença para pessoas hospitalizadas

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    Samia Jardelle Costa de Freitas Maniva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se compreender o significado da experiência vivenciada pela pessoa adoecida por acidente vascular encefálico agudo. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, fundamentado nos pressupostos teóricos do interacionismo simbólico, realizado em uma unidade especializada no tratamento de acidente vascular encefálico de um hospital terciário, situado na cidade de Fortaleza, CE. Participaram do estudo 10 pacientes. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevista aberta e os dados foram organizados e analisados segundo a técnica de enunciação. Cumpriram-se todos os aspectos éticos. O significado da experiência de adoecimento foi construído com base na percepção dos sentimentos surgidos durante a hospitalização, caracterizados por medo da morte e das sequelas da doença; tristeza pelo distanciamento do lar; alívio, ao evidenciar-se melhora do quadro clínico, e desejo de mudança dos hábitos de vida. Apreendeu-se que a experiência de adoecimento por acidente vascular encefálico é complexa, e nela os significados são elaborados com base em sentimentos, ações e comportamentos dos sujeitos.

  17. Vivendo o acidente vascular encefálico agudo: significados da doença para pessoas hospitalizadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samia Jardelle Costa de Freitas Maniva

    Full Text Available Objetivou-se compreender o significado da experiência vivenciada pela pessoa adoecida por acidente vascular encefálico agudo. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, fundamentado nos pressupostos teóricos do interacionismo simbólico, realizado em uma unidade especializada no tratamento de acidente vascular encefálico de um hospital terciário, situado na cidade de Fortaleza, CE. Participaram do estudo 10 pacientes. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevista aberta e os dados foram organizados e analisados segundo a técnica de enunciação. Cumpriram-se todos os aspectos éticos. O significado da experiência de adoecimento foi construído com base na percepção dos sentimentos surgidos durante a hospitalização, caracterizados por medo da morte e das sequelas da doença; tristeza pelo distanciamento do lar; alívio, ao evidenciar-se melhora do quadro clínico, e desejo de mudança dos hábitos de vida. Apreendeu-se que a experiência de adoecimento por acidente vascular encefálico é complexa, e nela os significados são elaborados com base em sentimentos, ações e comportamentos dos sujeitos.

  18. Reduction Levels and the Effects of High-Molecular-Weight Adiponectin via AMPK/eNOS in Chinese Type 2 Diabetes. (United States)

    Lian, K; Guo, X; Huang, Q; Tan, Z; Xia, C; Wang, R; Yi, F; Li, W; Liu, J; Li, Y; Guo, S; Wang, H; Ji, Q; Tao, L


    Aim: This study was to investigate the change of high-molecula-weight (HMW) adiponectin (APN) isoform, the association between type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and HMW APN isoform, the variation of Disulfide-bond A oxidoreductase-like protein (DsbA-L), the effect of HMW APN isoform on AMP-dependent protein kinase (AMPK) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in Chinese T2DM. Method: 169 patients aged at (48.7±9.4) years and 107 healthy control subjects aged at (42.6±7.8) years took part in this study. Anthropometric measures of the characters were assayed and different APN isoforms, DsbA-L, AMPK and eNOS levels were determined. Results: Ln(sRAGE) and Ln(Adiponectin) were significantly lower and significantly higher for the other characteristics in T2DM. Ln(Adiponectin) was negatively and significantly correlated with WHR, Ln(triglycerides), fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c (%) in control subjects and T2DM patients. Plasma and adipose tissue total APN and HMW APN were significantly reduced in newly diagnosed T2DM patients. DsbA-L was markedly down-regulated in diabetic adipose tissue. HMW APN caused significant decreases in AMPK and eNOS phosphorylation levels of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Conclusions: Our results demonstrated that total APN levels was closely related to the risk of T2DM and HMW APN reduction was involved in the diabetic vascular AMPK/eNOS signal pathway. The findings will provide insight into novel therapeutic approaches for reducing the elevated cardiovascular risk associated with T2DM. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  19. Influência da relação estequiométrica resina/endurecedor em propriedades mecânicas de compósitos ternários hierárquicos resina - epóxi/tecido de fibra de carbono/nanotubos de carbono

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    Kássio André Lacerda


    Full Text Available A produção de materiais que apresentem alto desempenho em suas aplicações exige avanços tecnológicos e científicos. Os elevados valores de resistência à tração e módulo de elasticidade, aliados à flexibilidade, baixa densidade e alta razão de aspecto, fazem dos nanotubos de carbono excepcionais candidatos para reforçar compósitos poliméricos. Preparamos por laminação sistemas compósitos ternários à base de resina epóxi/tecidos de fibra de carbono (para os binários, acrescendo nanotubos de carbono para os sistemas ternários. Os parâmetros estequiométricos do sistema epoxídico (valor de Phr e concentração de nanotubos de carbono empregado nos sistemas compósitos tiveram avaliadas suas morfologias (MEV, propriedades térmicas (TG e mecânicas (ASTM D790. Embora o sistema epoxídico com Phr 10,0 tenha apresentado uma maior estabilidade térmica, os compósitos ternários produzidos a partir do sistema com Phr 26,6 mostraram valores de tensão máxima e módulo de elasticidade até 8 vezes maiores que aqueles produzidos com o sistema Phr 10. A adição de nanotubos de carbono aos compósitos com Phr 26,6 resultou em ganhos adicionais de aproximadamente 38 e 15% na tensão máxima e no módulo de elasticidade, respectivamente. Esses resultados revelaram a limitação nos métodos de integralização de nanoestruturas a sistemas compósitos, onde as dispersões estão limitadas a uma série de fatores inerentes a interação química e/ou física durante a fabricação dos compósitos nanoestruturados.

  20. Vascular Access in Children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krishnamurthy, Ganesh; Keller, Marc S.


    Establishment of stable vascular access is one of the essential and most challenging procedures in a pediatric hospital. Many clinical specialties provide vascular service in a pediatric hospital. At the top of the “expert procedural pyramid” is the pediatric interventional radiologist, who is best suited and trained to deliver this service. Growing awareness regarding the safety and high success rate of vascular access using image guidance has led to increased demand from clinicians to provide around-the-clock vascular access service by pediatric interventional radiologists. Hence, the success of a vascular access program, with the pediatric interventional radiologist as the key provider, is challenging, and a coordinated multidisciplinary team effort is essential for success. However, there are few dedicated pediatric interventional radiologists across the globe, and also only a couple of training programs exist for pediatric interventions. This article gives an overview of the technical aspects of pediatric vascular access and provides useful tips for obtaining vascular access in children safely and successfully using image guidance.

  1. Telmisartan protects against diabetic vascular complications in a mouse model of obesity and type 2 diabetes, partially through peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ-dependent activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toyama, Kensuke; Nakamura, Taishi; Kataoka, Keiichiro; Yasuda, Osamu; Fukuda, Masaya; Tokutomi, Yoshiko; Dong, Yi-Fei; Ogawa, Hisao; Kim-Mitsuyama, Shokei


    Highlights: → Telmisartan, an angiotensin receptor blocker, acts as a partial PPARγ agonist. → The protective effects of telmisartan against diabetic vascular injury were associated with attenuation of vascular NFκB activation and TNF α. → PPARγ activity of telmisartan was involved in the normalization of vascular PPARγ downregulation in diabetic mice. → We provided the first evidence indicating that PPARγ activity of telmisartan contributed to the protective effects of telmisartan against diabetic vascular complication. -- Abstract: Experimental and clinical data support the notion that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) activation is associated with anti-atherosclerosis as well as anti-diabetic effect. Telmisartan, an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB), acts as a partial PPARγ agonist. We hypothesized that telmisartan protects against diabetic vascular complications, through PPARγ activation. We compared the effects of telmisartan, telmisartan combined with GW9662 (a PPARγ antagonist), and losartan with no PPARγ activity on vascular injury in obese type 2 diabetic db/db mice. Compared to losartan, telmisartan significantly ameliorated vascular endothelial dysfunction, downregulation of phospho-eNOS, and coronary arterial remodeling in db/db mice. More vascular protective effects of telmisartan than losartan were associated with greater anti-inflammatory effects of telmisartan, as shown by attenuation of vascular nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB) activation and tumor necrosis factor α. Coadministration of GW9662 with telmisartan abolished the above mentioned greater protective effects of telmisartan against vascular injury than losartan in db/db mice. Thus, PPARγ activity appears to be involved in the vascular protective effects of telmisartan in db/db mice. Moreover, telmisartan, but not losartan, prevented the downregulation of vascular PPARγ in db/db mice and this effect of telmisartan was cancelled by the coadministration

  2. Oscillation of Angiogenesis and Vascular Dropout in Progressive Human Vascular Disease. [Vascular Pattern as Useful Read-Out of Complex Molecular Signaling (United States)

    Parsons-Wingerter, Patricia


    When analyzed by VESsel GENeration Analysis (VESGEN) software, vascular patterns provide useful integrative read-outs of complex, interacting molecular signaling pathways. Using VESGEN, we recently discovered and published our innovative, surprising findings that angiogenesis oscillated with vascular dropout throughout progression of diabetic retinopathy, a blinding vascular disease. Our findings provide a potential paradigm shift in the current prevailing view on progression and treatment of this disease, and a new early-stage window of regenerative therapeutic opportunities. The findings also suggest that angiogenesis may oscillate with vascular disease in a homeostatic-like manner during early stages of other inflammatory progressive diseases such as cancer and coronary vascular disease.

  3. XXXI LIAC Meeting on Vascular Research - Proceedings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Monteiro Rodrigues et al.


    Full Text Available LIAC MEETING ON VASCULAR RESEARCH 9 a 12 September | 9 a 12 Setembro Lisbon U. Lusofona's | Lisboa - Universidade Lusófona Scientific Commitee /Comissão Científica Luís Monteiro Rodrigues Philippe Charpiot, Brigida Bochicchio Alain-Pierre Gadeau Jacques Bonnet Julia Bujan Colette Lacabanne Fulvia Ortolani Organizing Commitee /Comissão Organizadora Luis Monteiro Rodrigues, CBIOS - ULHT Ana Sofia Fernandes, CBIOS - ULHT Catarina Pinto Reis, CBIOS - ULHT Henrique Silva, CBIOS - ULHT Hugo Ferreira, IBEB - FCUL Escola de Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde (ECTS da U. Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias ALIES – Associação Lusófona para o Desenvolvimento do Ensino e Investigação das Ciências da Saúde CBIOS – Centro de Investigação em Biociências e Tecnologias da Saúde Program /Programa 9 September | 9 de Setembro Open Session | Sessão de abertura António Tamburro Conference Lisboa's Wine & Cheese battle 10 September | 10 de Setembro 1st Session |Sessão 1 Molecular and Supramolecular Structure | Estrutura Molecular e Supramolecular Charmain | Moderador - Alain Pierre Gadeau Keynote lecture 1 | 1ª Conferência Keynote Speaker | Prelector Sylvie Ricard-Blum Free Comunications | Comunicações livres Speakers | Prelectores Brigida Bochicchio Vicenta Llorente-Cortés Zeinab El Dirani J Leal Monedero Keynote lecture 2 | 2ª Conferência Keynote Speaker | Prelector Valerie Samouillan Program /Programa (cont. 2st Session |Sessão 2 Cell Biology and Signaling | Biologia Celular e Sinalização Charmain | Moderador - Michel Spina Keynote lecture 3 | 3ª Conferência Keynote Speaker | Prelector Vicente Andrés Free Comunications | Comunicações livres Speakers | Prelectores Alain Gadeau Cristina Sena Filipe Paula Pascal Maurice 11 September | 11 de Setembro 3st Session |Sessão 3 Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering | Biomateriais e Engenharia de Tecidos Charmain | Moderador - Brigida Bochicchio Keynote lecture 4 | 4ª Confer

  4. [Vascular Calcification - Pathological Mechanism and Clinical Application - . Role of vascular smooth muscle cells in vascular calcification]. (United States)

    Kurabayashi, Masahiko


    Vascular calcification is commonly seen with aging, chronic kidney disese (CKD), diabetes, and atherosclerosis, and is closely associated with cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Vascular calcification has long been regarded as the final stage of degeneration and necrosis of arterial wall and a passive, unregulated process. However, it is now known to be an active and tightly regulated process involved with phenotypic transition of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) that resembles bone mineralization. Briefly, calcium deposits of atherosclerotic plaque consist of hydroxyapatite and may appear identical to fully formed lamellar bone. By using a genetic fate mapping strategy, VSMC of the vascular media give rise to the majority of the osteochondrogenic precursor- and chondrocyte-like cells observed in the calcified arterial media of MGP (- / -) mice. Osteogenic differentiation of VSMC is characterized by the expression of bone-related molecules including bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) -2, Msx2 and osteopontin, which are produced by osteoblasts and chondrocytes. Our recent findings are that (i) Runx2 and Notch1 induce osteogenic differentiation, and (ii) advanced glycation end-product (AGE) /receptor for AGE (RAGE) and palmitic acid promote osteogenic differentiation of VSMC. To understand of the molecular mechanisms of vascular calcification is now under intensive research area.

  5. Novos conceitos em retinopatia diabética: dano neurológico versus dano vascular New concepts on diabetic retinopathy: neural versus vascular damage

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    Pedro Durães Serrarbassa


    Full Text Available A retinopatia diabética é a principal causa de cegueira legal irreversível em adultos na idade produtiva. Estima-se que o número de pessoas com risco de desenvolver perda de visão decorrente do diabetes dobre nos próximos 30 anos. Alguns estudos sugerem que alterações neurodegenerativas ocorram antes do comprometimento vascular. Essas alterações incluem aumento da apoptose neural, reatividade de células gliais, ativação microglial e metabolismo alterado do glutamato, e podem explicar algumas das deficiências funcionais que ocorrem logo após o início do diabetes, como alterações precoces no eletrorretinograma. O presente artigo de revisão visa apresentar evidências atuais que apontem a neurodegeneração como possível evento inicial da retinopatia diabética.Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of irreversible legal blindness in working-age adults. The number of people worldwide at risk of developing vision loss from diabetes is predicted to double over the next 30 years. Some elements suggest that neurodegenerative changes occur beyond vascular damage. These changes include increased apoptosis, glial cell reactivity, microglial activation, and altered glutamate metabolism, and could explain some of the functional abnormalities that begin soon after the onset of diabetes, as early changes in electroretinogram. This review article will present some evidences that point out neurodegeneration as a possible initial event in diabetic retinopathy.

  6. Metformin inhibits inflammatory response via AMPK-PTEN pathway in vascular smooth muscle cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Sun Ae [Department of Pharmacology, Aging-Associated Vascular Disease Research Center, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Daegu 705-717 (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Hyoung Chul, E-mail: [Department of Pharmacology, Aging-Associated Vascular Disease Research Center, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Daegu 705-717 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer PTEN was induced by metformin and inhibited by compound C and AMPK siRNA. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Metformin suppressed TNF-{alpha}-induced COX-2 and iNOS mRNA expression. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Compound C and bpv (pic) increased iNOS and COX-2 protein expression. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer NF-{kappa}B activation was restored by inhibiting AMPK and PTEN. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer AMPK and PTEN regulated TNF-{alpha}-induced ROS production in VSMCs. -- Abstract: Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammation of the coronary arteries. Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) stimulated by cytokines and chemokines accelerate the inflammatory response and migrate to the injured endothelium during the progression of atherosclerosis. Activation of AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK), a key sensor maintaining metabolic homeostasis, suppresses the inflammatory response. However, how AMPK regulates the inflammatory response is poorly understood. To identify the mechanism of this response, we focused on phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), which is a negative regulator of inflammation. We investigated that activation of AMPK-induced PTEN expression and suppression of the inflammatory response through the AMPK-PTEN pathway in VSMCs. We treated with the well-known AMPK activator metformin to induce PTEN expression. PTEN was induced by metformin (2 mM) and inhibited by compound C (10 {mu}M) and AMPK siRNA. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-{alpha}) was used to induce inflammation. The inflammatory response was confirmed by cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, and activation of nuclear factor (NF)-{kappa}B. Metformin suppressed COX-2 and iNOS mRNA and protein expression dose dependently. Treatment with compound C and bpv (pic) in the presence of metformin, iNOS and COX-2 protein expression increased. NF-{kappa}B activation decreased in response to metformin and was restored by inhibiting AMPK

  7. Glucose Tolerance, MTHFR C677T and NOS3 G894T Polymorphisms, and Global DNA Methylation in Mixed Ancestry African Individuals

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    Tandi E. Matsha


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to quantify global DNA methylation and investigate the relationship with diabetes status and polymorphisms in MTHFR C677T and NOS3 G894T genes in mixed ancestry subjects from South Africa. Global DNA methylation was measured, and MTHFR rs1801133 and NOS3 rs1799983 polymorphisms were genotyped using high throughput real-time polymerase chain reaction and direct DNA sequencing. Of the 564 participants, 158 (28% individuals had T2DM of which 97 (17.2% were screen-detected cases. Another 119 (21.1% had prediabetes, that is, impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or the combination of both, and the remainder 287 (50.9% had normal glucose tolerance. Global DNA methylation was significantly higher in prediabetes and screen-detected diabetes than in normal glucose tolerance (both p≤0.033 and in screen-detected diabetes compared to known diabetes on treatment (p=0.019. There was no difference in global DNA methylation between known diabetes on treatment and normal glucose tolerance (p>0.999. In multivariable linear regression analysis, only NOS3 was associated with increasing global DNA methylation (β=0.943; 95% CI: 0.286 to 1.560. The association of global DNA methylation with screen-detected diabetes but not treated diabetes suggests that glucose control agents to some extent may be reversing DNA methylation. The association between NOS3 rs1799983 polymorphisms and DNA methylation suggests gene-epigenetic mechanisms through which vascular diabetes complications develop despite adequate metabolic control.

  8. Glucose Tolerance, MTHFR C677T and NOS3 G894T Polymorphisms, and Global DNA Methylation in Mixed Ancestry African Individuals (United States)

    Mutize, Tinashe; Erasmus, Rajiv T.


    The aim of this study is to quantify global DNA methylation and investigate the relationship with diabetes status and polymorphisms in MTHFR C677T and NOS3 G894T genes in mixed ancestry subjects from South Africa. Global DNA methylation was measured, and MTHFR rs1801133 and NOS3 rs1799983 polymorphisms were genotyped using high throughput real-time polymerase chain reaction and direct DNA sequencing. Of the 564 participants, 158 (28%) individuals had T2DM of which 97 (17.2%) were screen-detected cases. Another 119 (21.1%) had prediabetes, that is, impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or the combination of both, and the remainder 287 (50.9%) had normal glucose tolerance. Global DNA methylation was significantly higher in prediabetes and screen-detected diabetes than in normal glucose tolerance (both p ≤ 0.033) and in screen-detected diabetes compared to known diabetes on treatment (p = 0.019). There was no difference in global DNA methylation between known diabetes on treatment and normal glucose tolerance (p > 0.999). In multivariable linear regression analysis, only NOS3 was associated with increasing global DNA methylation (β = 0.943; 95% CI: 0.286 to 1.560). The association of global DNA methylation with screen-detected diabetes but not treated diabetes suggests that glucose control agents to some extent may be reversing DNA methylation. The association between NOS3 rs1799983 polymorphisms and DNA methylation suggests gene-epigenetic mechanisms through which vascular diabetes complications develop despite adequate metabolic control. PMID:27990443

  9. Expression of p53, inducible nitric oxide synthase and vascular endothelial growth factor in gastric precancerous and cancerous lesions: correlation with clinical features

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng, Chang Wei; Wang, Li Dong; Jiao, Lian Hua; Liu, Bin; Zheng, Shu; Xie, Xin Ji


    The growth and metastasis of tumors depend on the development of an adequate blood supply via angiogenesis. Recent studies indicate that the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and the tumor suppressor p53 are fundamental play-markers of the angiogenic process. Overexpression of iNOS and VEGF has been shown to induce angiogenesis in tumors. P53 suppresses angiogenesis by down-regulating VEGF and iNOS. The correlation of expression of p53, VEGF and iNOS and clinical features in gastric carcinogenesis, however, has not been well characterized. The expression of p53, iNOS and VEGF in gastric precancerous and cancerous lesions and its relation with the clinical features was determined with immunohistochemistry (avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method) on 55 randomly selected GC patients and 60 symptom-free subjects from the mass survey in the high-incidence area for GC in Henan, northern China. The positive immunostainig rates for p53, iNOS and VEGF in gastric carcinomas were 51%, 44% and 51%, respectively, and correlated well with TNM stages, but did not show significant difference among the groups with different degrees of gastric wall invasion depth by GC. A positive immunostaining reaction for the iNOS protein was significantly correlated with lymph node metastasis (p = 0.019; Spearman correlation coefficient). P53 protein accumulation was higher in the poorly-differentiated gastric carcinoma than in well-differentiated one. In gastric biopsies, no positive immunosatining was observed for p53, iNOS and VEGF in the histologically normal tissue and chronic superficial gastritis (CSG). However, p53, iNOS and VEGF positive immunostaining was observed in the tissues with different severities of lesions of chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG), intestinal metaplasia (IM) and dysplasia (DYS), and the positive rates increased with the lesion progression from CAG to IM to DYS. A high coincidental positive and negative immunostaining



    Souza, Djenifer Queiroz de; Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; Mendes, Izabela dos Santos; Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; Borges, Ana Carolina Lacerda; Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; Freitas, Sérgio Takeshi Tatsukawa de; Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; Lima, Fernanda Pupio Silva; Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; Lima, Mário Oliveira; Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; Lucareli, Paulo Roberto Garcia; Universidade Nove de Julho


    O quadro clínico predominante nos pacientes com sequelas de lesão de motoneurônio superior após Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE) é a hemiplegia espástica, levando a limitações funcionais e incapacidades contralaterais ao hemisfério lesado. As pesquisas em neurorreabilitação vêm avançando contribuindo, assim, com os parâmetros ideais a serem utilizados nos recursos terapêuticos, visando à diminuição da hipertonia espástica e o aumento da força muscular dos pacientes hemiplégicos. Entre estes...

  11. Prevalence of soft tissue calcifications in cone beam computed tomography images of the mandible = Prevalência de calcificações em tecido mole na região mandibular avaliadas por dois sistemas de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nunes, Leiliane Ferreira da Silva


    Conclusão: Os sistemas de TCFC avaliados mostraram-se ferramentas valiosas na identificação de calcificações em tecido mole, embora as imagens não permitam exata localização destas calcificações

  12. Uterine Vascular Lesions (United States)

    Vijayakumar, Abhishek; Srinivas, Amruthashree; Chandrashekar, Babitha Moogali; Vijayakumar, Avinash


    Vascular lesions of the uterus are rare; most reported in the literature are arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Uterine AVMs can be congenital or acquired. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of reports of acquired vascular lesions of the uterus following pregnancy, abortion, cesarean delivery, and curettage. It can be seen from these reports that there is confusion concerning the terminology of uterine vascular lesions. There is also a lack of diagnostic criteria and management guidelines, which has led to an increased number of unnecessary invasive procedures (eg, angiography, uterine artery embolization, hysterectomy for abnormal vaginal bleeding). This article familiarizes readers with various vascular lesions of the uterus and their management. PMID:24340126

  13. Multifaceted NOS Instruction: Contextualizing Nature of Science with Documentary Films (United States)

    Bloom, Mark; Binns, Ian C.; Koehler, Catherine


    This research focuses on inservice science teachers' conceptions of nature of science (NOS) before and after a two-week intensive summer professional development (PD). The PD combined traditional explicit NOS instruction, numerous interactive interventions that highlighted NOS aspects, along with documentary films that portrayed NOS in context of…

  14. Estrogen, vascular estrogen receptor and hormone therapy in postmenopausal vascular disease. (United States)

    Khalil, Raouf A


    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is less common in premenopausal women than men of the same age or postmenopausal women, suggesting vascular benefits of estrogen. Estrogen activates estrogen receptors ERα, ERβ and GPR30 in endothelium and vascular smooth muscle (VSM), which trigger downstream signaling pathways and lead to genomic and non-genomic vascular effects such as vasodilation, decreased VSM contraction and growth and reduced vascular remodeling. However, randomized clinical trials (RCTs), such as the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) and Heart and Estrogen/progestin Replacement Study (HERS), have shown little vascular benefits and even adverse events with menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), likely due to factors related to the MHT used, ER profile, and RCT design. Some MHT forms, dose, combinations or route of administration may have inadequate vascular effects. Age-related changes in ER amount, distribution, integrity and post-ER signaling could alter the vascular response to MHT. The subject's age, preexisting CVD, and hormone environment could also reduce the effects of MHT. Further evaluation of natural and synthetic estrogens, phytoestrogens, and selective estrogen-receptor modulators (SERMs), and the design of appropriate MHT combinations, dose, route and 'timing' could improve the effectiveness of conventional MHT and provide alternative therapies in the peri-menopausal period. Targeting ER using specific ER agonists, localized MHT delivery, and activation of specific post-ER signaling pathways could counter age-related changes in ER. Examination of the hormone environment and conditions associated with hormone imbalance such as polycystic ovary syndrome may reveal the causes of abnormal hormone-receptor interactions. Consideration of these factors in new RCTs such as the Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study (KEEPS) could enhance the vascular benefits of estrogen in postmenopausal CVD. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. The vascular surgery workforce: a survey of consultant vascular surgeons in the UK, 2014. (United States)

    Harkin, D W; Beard, J D; Shearman, C P; Wyatt, M G


    The purpose of this study was to describe the demographics, training, and practice characteristics of consultant vascular surgeons across the UK to provide an assessment of current, and inform future prediction of workforce needs. A questionnaire was developed using a modified Delphi process to generate questionnaire items. The questionnaire was emailed to all consultant vascular surgeons (n = 450) in the UK who were members of the Vascular Society of Great Britain & Ireland. 352 consultant vascular surgeons from 95 hospital trusts across the UK completed the survey (78% response rate). The mean age was 50.6 years old, the majority (62%) were mid-career, but 24% were above the age of 55. Currently, 92% are men and only 8% women. 93% work full-time, with 60% working >50 hours, and 21% working >60 hours per week. The average team was 5 to 6 (range 2-10) vascular surgeons, with 23% working in a large team of ≥8. 17% still work in small teams of ≤3. Over 90% of consultant vascular surgeons perform the major index vascular surgery procedures (aneurysm repair, carotid endarterectomy, infra-inguinal bypass, amputation). While 84% perform standard endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR), <50% perform more complex endovascular aortic therapy. The majority of vascular surgeons "like their job" (85%) and are "satisfied" (69%) with their job. 34% of consultant vascular surgeons indicated they were "extremely likely" to retire within the next 10 years. This study provides the first detailed analysis of the new specialty of vascular surgery as practiced in the UK. There is a need to plan for a significant expansion in the consultant vascular surgeon workforce in the UK over the next 10 years to maintain the status quo. Copyright © 2014 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Identification of hamster inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) promoter sequences that influence basal and inducible iNOS expression (United States)

    Saldarriaga, Omar A.; Travi, Bruno L.; Choudhury, Goutam Ghosh; Melby, Peter C.


    IFN-γ/LPS-activated hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) macrophages express significantly less iNOS (NOS2) than activated mouse macrophages, which contributes to the hamster's susceptibility to intracellular pathogens. We determined a mechanism responsible for differences in iNOS promoter activity in hamsters and mice. The HtPP (1.2 kb) showed low basal and inducible promoter activity when compared with the mouse, and sequences within a 100-bp region (−233 to −133) of the mouse and hamster promoters influenced this activity. Moreover, within this 100 bp, we identified a smaller region (44 bp) in the mouse promoter, which recovered basal promoter activity when swapped into the hamster promoter. The mouse homolog (100-bp region) contained a cis-element for NF-IL-6 (−153/−142), which was absent in the hamster counterpart. EMSA and supershift assays revealed that the hamster sequence did not support the binding of NF-IL-6. Introduction of a functional NF-IL-6 binding sequence into the hamster promoter or its alteration in the mouse promoter revealed the critical importance of this transcription factor for full iNOS promoter activity. Furthermore, the binding of NF-IL-6 to the iNOS promoter (−153/−142) in vivo was increased in mouse cells but was reduced in hamster cells after IFN-γ/LPS stimulation. Differences in the activity of the iNOS promoters were evident in mouse and hamster cells, so they were not merely a result of species-specific differences in transcription factors. Thus, we have identified unique DNA sequences and a critical transcription factor, NF-IL-6, which contribute to the overall basal and inducible expression of hamster iNOS. PMID:22517919

  17. VEGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor II (VRI) induced vascular insufficiency in zebrafish as a model for studying vascular toxicity and vascular preservation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Shang; Dang, Yuan Ye; Oi Lam Che, Ginny; Kwan, Yiu Wa; Chan, Shun Wan; Leung, George Pak Heng; Lee, Simon Ming Yuen; Hoi, Maggie Pui Man


    In ischemic disorders such as chronic wounds and myocardial ischemia, there is inadequate tissue perfusion due to vascular insufficiency. Besides, it has been observed that prolonged use of anti-angiogenic agents in cancer therapy produces cardiovascular toxicity caused by impaired vessel integrity and regeneration. In the present study, we used VEGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor II (VRI) to chemically induce vascular insufficiency in zebrafish in vivo and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) in vitro to further study the mechanisms of vascular morphogenesis in these pathological conditions. We also explored the possibility of treating vascular insufficiency by enhancing vascular regeneration and repair with pharmacological intervention. We observed that pretreatment of VRI induced blood vessel loss in developing zebrafish by inhibiting angiogenesis and increasing endothelial cell apoptosis, accompanied by down-regulation of kdr, kdrl and flt-1 genes expression. The VRI-induced blood vessel loss in zebrafish could be restored by post-treatment of calycosin, a cardiovascular protective isoflavone. Similarly, VRI induced cytotoxicity and apoptosis in HUVEC which could be rescued by calycosin post-treatment. Further investigation of the underlying mechanisms showed that the PI3K/AKT/Bad cell survival pathway was a main contributor of the vascular regenerative effect of calycosin. These findings indicated that the cardiovascular toxicity in anti-angiogenic therapy was mainly caused by insufficient endothelial cell survival, suggesting its essential role in vascular integrity, repair and regeneration. In addition, we showed that VRI-induced blood vessel loss in zebrafish represented a simple and effective in vivo model for studying vascular insufficiency and evaluating cancer drug vascular toxicities. - Highlights: • In vivo VRI model • Rescue effects of calycosin • Calycosin EC survival pathways

  18. Redistribution of Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase Causes Neonatal Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling and PH but Protects Against Experimental Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laurie G. Sherlock


    Full Text Available Background: A naturally occurring single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP, (R213G, in extracellular superoxide dismutase (SOD3, decreases SOD3 matrix binding affinity. Humans and mature mice expressing the R213G SNP exhibit increased cardiovascular disease but decreased lung disease. The impact of this SNP on the neonatal lung at baseline or with injury is unknown. Methods: Wild type and homozygous R213G mice were injected with intraperitoneal bleomycin or phosphate buffered saline (PBS three times weekly for three weeks and tissue harvested at 22 days of life. Vascular and alveolar development were evaluated by morphometric analysis and immunostaining of lung sections. Pulmonary hypertension (PH was assessed by right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH. Lung protein expression for superoxide dismutase (SOD isoforms, catalase, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS and guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase-1 (GTPCH-1 was evaluated by western blot. SOD activity and SOD3 expression were measured in serum. Results: In R213G mice, SOD3 lung protein expression decreased, serum SOD3 protein expression and SOD serum activity increased compared to wild type (WT mice. Under control conditions, R213G mice developed pulmonary vascular remodeling (decreased vessel density and increased medial wall thickness and PH; alveolar development was similar between strains. After bleomycin injury, in contrast to WT, R213G mice were protected from impaired alveolar development and their vascular abnormalities and PH did not worsen. Bleomycin decreased VEGFR2 and GTPCH-1 only in WT mice. Conclusion: R213G neonatal mice demonstrate impaired vascular development and PH at baseline without alveolar simplification, yet are protected from bleomycin induced lung injury and worsening of pulmonary vascular remodeling and PH. These results show that vessel bound SOD3 is essential in normal pulmonary vascular development, and

  19. Clinical and epidemiological study of 27 poisonings caused by ingesting puffer fish (Tetrodontidae in the states of Santa Catarina and Bahia, Brazil Estudo clinico-epidemiológico de 27 envenenamentos causados pela ingestão de baiacus (Tetrodontidae nos estados de Santa Catarina e Bahia, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Carvalho Pestana Silva


    Full Text Available Puffer fish can be poisonous due to the presence of the potent neurotoxins such as Tetrodotoxin (TTX and Saxitoxin (STX found in its tissues. The authors report 27 human poisonings from ingestion of puffer fish in patients treated at Toxicology Centers in the states of Santa Catarina and Bahia, Brazil, between 1984 and January 2009. Poisonings were classified as moderate (52% and severe (33%, two deaths were observed. Early diagnosis is very important to ensure respiratory support.Os baiacus ou peixes-bola podem ser venenosos devido à presença em seus tecidos corporais de Tetrodotoxina e/ou Saxitoxina, ambas potentes neurotoxinas. Os autores relatam 27 envenenamentos por ingestão da carne de baiacus. Os pacientes foram atendidos nos Centros de Toxicologia de Santa Catarina e da Bahia de 1984 a 2009. Os acidentes foram classificados em moderados (52% e graves (33%, havendo dois óbitos. O diagnóstico precoce é fundamental no sentido de garantir suporte ventilatório aos pacientes.

  20. Vascular pattern formation in plants. (United States)

    Scarpella, Enrico; Helariutta, Ykä


    Reticulate tissue systems exist in most multicellular organisms, and the principles underlying the formation of cellular networks have fascinated philosophers, mathematicians, and biologists for centuries. In particular, the beautiful and varied arrangements of vascular tissues in plants have intrigued mankind since antiquity, yet the organizing signals have remained elusive. Plant vascular tissues form systems of interconnected cell files throughout the plant body. Vascular cells are aligned with one another along continuous lines, and vascular tissues differentiate at reproducible positions within organ environments. However, neither the precise path of vascular differentiation nor the exact geometry of vascular networks is fixed or immutable. Several recent advances converge to reconcile the seemingly conflicting predictability and plasticity of vascular tissue patterns. A control mechanism in which an apical-basal flow of signal establishes a basic coordinate system for body axis formation and vascular strand differentiation, and in which a superimposed level of radial organizing cues elaborates cell patterns, would generate a reproducible tissue configuration in the context of an underlying robust, self-organizing structure, and account for the simultaneous regularity and flexibility of vascular tissue patterns. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Contribuição ao estudo do funículo espermático em eqüinos sem raça definida (Equus caballus, L.

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    André Luiz Quagliatto Santos


    Full Text Available Utilizando 35 pares de funículos esperméticos de eqüinos sem raça definida, estudaram-se os aspectos histológicos dos envoltórios funiculares, dos vasos arteriais e venosos e dos tecidos intervasculares, assim como o seu arranjo vascular e o comprimento do segmento da artéria testicular nele contido.

  2. St36 electroacupuncture activates nNOS, iNOS and ATP-sensitive potassium channels to promote orofacial antinociception in rats. (United States)

    Almeida, R T; Galdino, G; Perez, A C; Silva, G; Romero, T R; Duarte, I D


    Orofacial pain is pain perceived in the face and/or oral cavity, generally caused by diseases or disorders of regional structures, by dysfunction of the nervous system, or through referral from distant sources. Treatment of orofacial pain is mainly pharmacological, but it has increased the number of reports demonstrating great clinical results with the use of non-pharmacological therapies, among them electroacupuncture. However, the mechanisms involved in the electroacupuncture are not well elucidated. Thus, the present study investigate the involvement of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and ATP sensitive K + channels (KATP) in the antinociception induced by electroacupuncture (EA) at acupoint St36. Thermal nociception was applied in the vibrissae region of rats, and latency time for face withdrawal was measured. Electrical stimulation of acupoint St36 for 20 minutes reversed the thermal withdrawal latency and this effect was maintained for 150 min. Intraperitoneal administration of specific inhibitors of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and a KATP channels blocker reversed the antinociception induced by EA. Furthermore, nitrite concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma, increased 4 and 3-fold higher, respectively, after EA. This study suggests that NO participates of antinociception induced by EA by nNOS, iNOS and ATP-sensitive K + channels activation.

  3. Vascular grading of angiogenesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, S; Grabau, D A; Sørensen, Flemming Brandt


    The study aimed to evaluate the prognostic value of angiogenesis by vascular grading of primary breast tumours, and to evaluate the prognostic impact of adding the vascular grade to the Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI). The investigation included 836 patients. The median follow-up time was 11...... years and 4 months. The microvessels were immunohistochemically stained by antibodies against CD34. Angiogenesis was graded semiquantitatively by subjective scoring into three groups according to the expected number of microvessels in the most vascular tumour area. The vascular grading between observers...... for 24% of the patients, who had a shift in prognostic group, as compared to NPI, and implied a better prognostic dissemination. We concluded that the angiogenesis determined by vascular grading has independent prognostic value of clinical relevance for patients with breast cancer....

  4. Vascular grading of angiogenesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, S; Grabau, D A; Sørensen, Flemming Brandt


    The study aimed to evaluate the prognostic value of angiogenesis by vascular grading of primary breast tumours, and to evaluate the prognostic impact of adding the vascular grade to the Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI). The investigation included 836 patients. The median follow-up time was 11...... years and 4 months. The microvessels were immunohistochemically stained by antibodies against CD34. Angiogenesis was graded semiquantitatively by subjective scoring into three groups according to the expected number of microvessels in the most vascular tumour area. The vascular grading between observers...... impact for 24% of the patients, who had a shift in prognostic group, as compared to NPI, and implied a better prognostic dissemination. We concluded that the angiogenesis determined by vascular grading has independent prognostic value of clinical relevance for patients with breast cancer....

  5. Increased expression of pro-angiogenic factors and vascularization in thyroid hyperfunctioning adenomas with and without TSH receptor activating mutations. (United States)

    Celano, Marilena; Sponziello, Marialuisa; Tallini, Giovanni; Maggisano, Valentina; Bruno, Rocco; Dima, Mariavittoria; Di Oto, Enrico; Redler, Adriano; Durante, Cosimo; Sacco, Rosario; Filetti, Sebastiano; Russo, Diego


    Autonomously functioning thyroid nodules (AFTN) are known to receive an increased blood influx necessary to sustain their high rate of growth and hormone production. Here, we investigated the expression of hematic and lymphatic vases in a series of 20 AFTN compared with the contralateral non-tumor tissues of the same patients, and the transcript levels of proteins involved in the control of vascular proliferation, including the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet-derived growth factors (PDGF) and their receptors and the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). In parallel, the expression of the differentiation markers sodium/iodide symporter (NIS), thyroperoxidase (TPO), thyroglobulin (Tg), and TSH receptor (TSHR) was also investigated. The data were further analyzed comparing subgroups of tumors with or without mutations in the TSHR gene. Analysis by means of CD31 and D2-40 immunostaining showed in AFTN an increased number of hematic, but not lymphatic, vessels in parallel with an enhanced proliferation rate shown by increased Ki67 staining. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed an increase of VEGF, VEGFR1 and 2, PDGF-A, PDGF-B, and eNOS expression in tumor versus normal tissues. Also, higher transcript levels of NIS, TPO, and Tg were detected. Comparison of the two subgroups of samples revealed only few differences in the expression of the genes examined. In conclusion, these data demonstrate an increased expression of angiogenesis-related factors associated with an enhanced proliferation of hematic, but not lymphatic, vessels in AFTNs. In this context, the presence of TSHR mutations may only slightly influence the expression of pro-angiogenic growth factors.

  6. Diagnóstico pós-morte de Aelurostrongylus abstrusus e caracterização morfométrica de ovos e mórulas por meio de histologia e impressão de tecido

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    Scofield Alessandra


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram diagnosticar Aelurostrongylus abstrusus por meio das técnicas de histologia e impressão de tecido pulmonar de gato doméstico e realizar a caracterização morfométrica de ovos e mórulas desse nematódeo. Pela histologia, os ovos (n=100 mediram, em média, 83,4 x 65,5mim, índice morfométrico (IM 0,8 e as mórulas (n=100 mediram, em média, 45,4 x 31,8mim, IM 0,7. Pela impressão de pulmão, os ovos (n=100 mediram, em média, 105,3 x 93,6mim, IM 0,9, e as mórulas (n=100 mediram, em média, 43,1 x 36,5mim, IM 0,8. A utilização da técnica de impressão de tecido permitiu a observação das mesmas formas parasitárias visualizadas histologicamente. Os resultados sugerem a viabilidade da utilização dessa técnica no diagnóstico pós-morte de A. abstrusus.

  7. Synergistic Antihypertensive Effect of Carthamus tinctorius L. Extract and Captopril in l-NAME-Induced Hypertensive Rats via Restoration of eNOS and AT1R Expression

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    Putcharawipa Maneesai


    Full Text Available This study examined the effect of Carthamus tinctorius (CT extract plus captopril treatment on blood pressure, vascular function, nitric oxide (NO bioavailability, oxidative stress and renin-angiotensin system (RAS in Nω-Nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME-induced hypertension. Rats were treated with l-NAME (40 mg/kg/day for five weeks and given CT extract (75 or 150 or 300 or 500 mg/kg/day: captopril (5 mg/kg/day or CT extract (300 mg/kg/day plus captopril (5 mg/kg/day for two consecutive weeks. CT extract reduced blood pressure dose-dependently, and the most effective dose was 300 mg/kg/day. l-NAME-induced hypertensive rats showed abnormalities including high blood pressure, high vascular resistance, impairment of acetylcholine-induced vasorelaxation in isolated aortic rings and mesenteric vascular beds, increased vascular superoxide production and plasma malondialdehyde levels, downregulation of eNOS, low level of plasma nitric oxide metabolites, upregulation of angiotensin II type 1 receptor and increased plasma angiotensin II. These abnormalities were alleviated by treatment with either CT extract or captopril. Combination treatment of CT extract and captopril normalized all the abnormalities found in hypertensive rats except endothelial dysfunction. These data indicate that there are synergistic antihypertensive effects of CT extract and captopril. These effects are likely mediated by their anti-oxidative properties and their inhibition of RAS.

  8. Telmisartan protects against diabetic vascular complications in a mouse model of obesity and type 2 diabetes, partially through peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-{gamma}-dependent activity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toyama, Kensuke; Nakamura, Taishi; Kataoka, Keiichiro [Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Therapeutics, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto (Japan); Yasuda, Osamu [Department of Cardiovascular Clinical and Translational Research, Kumamoto University Hospital, Kumamoto (Japan); Fukuda, Masaya; Tokutomi, Yoshiko; Dong, Yi-Fei [Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Therapeutics, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto (Japan); Ogawa, Hisao [Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto (Japan); Kim-Mitsuyama, Shokei, E-mail: [Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Therapeutics, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto (Japan)


    Highlights: {yields} Telmisartan, an angiotensin receptor blocker, acts as a partial PPAR{gamma} agonist. {yields} The protective effects of telmisartan against diabetic vascular injury were associated with attenuation of vascular NF{kappa}B activation and TNF {alpha}. {yields} PPAR{gamma} activity of telmisartan was involved in the normalization of vascular PPAR{gamma} downregulation in diabetic mice. {yields} We provided the first evidence indicating that PPAR{gamma} activity of telmisartan contributed to the protective effects of telmisartan against diabetic vascular complication. -- Abstract: Experimental and clinical data support the notion that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor {gamma} (PPAR{gamma}) activation is associated with anti-atherosclerosis as well as anti-diabetic effect. Telmisartan, an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB), acts as a partial PPAR{gamma} agonist. We hypothesized that telmisartan protects against diabetic vascular complications, through PPAR{gamma} activation. We compared the effects of telmisartan, telmisartan combined with GW9662 (a PPAR{gamma} antagonist), and losartan with no PPAR{gamma} activity on vascular injury in obese type 2 diabetic db/db mice. Compared to losartan, telmisartan significantly ameliorated vascular endothelial dysfunction, downregulation of phospho-eNOS, and coronary arterial remodeling in db/db mice. More vascular protective effects of telmisartan than losartan were associated with greater anti-inflammatory effects of telmisartan, as shown by attenuation of vascular nuclear factor kappa B (NF{kappa}B) activation and tumor necrosis factor {alpha}. Coadministration of GW9662 with telmisartan abolished the above mentioned greater protective effects of telmisartan against vascular injury than losartan in db/db mice. Thus, PPAR{gamma} activity appears to be involved in the vascular protective effects of telmisartan in db/db mice. Moreover, telmisartan, but not losartan, prevented the downregulation of

  9. Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue in individuals with AIDS Tecido linfoide associado à mucosa em indivíduos com AIDS

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    Janainna Grazielle Pacheco Olegario


    Full Text Available Vestibular folds (VF protect upper airways, but contain fewer immune cells in AIDS patients, which affects the structure of lymphoid follicles (LF. OBJECTIVE: To characterize fibrosis and immunoglobulin production in vestibular fold lymphoid tissues of AIDS patients with or with no infection and malnutrition. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study of 71 adult vestibular fold autopsy specimens. The morphological analysis was done using the picrosirius staining method. Immunohistochemical methods consisted of anti-IgA, anti IgG, and anti IgM antibodies. RESULTS: Fibrosis was less intense in AIDS patients compared to subjects without AIDS; the same applied to patients with infection or malnutrition. IgA and IgG titers were higher in AIDS patients; IgM titers were higher in cases with infection. CONCLUSION: This study helps understand variations in lymphoid follicle components of AIDS patients; it also shows the influence of architectural changes and the effect of associated respiratory infection and malnutrition on lymphoid follicle function.Pregas vestibulares (PV são responsáveis pela proteção das vias aéreas superiores e, nos indivíduos com AIDS, apresenta diminuição das células imunes, o que influencia na estrutura dos folículos linfoides (FL. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar a fibrose e a produção de imunoglobulinas nos FL das PV nos indivíduos com AIDS, com e sem infecções e subnutrição associadas. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo transversal em 71 PV de adultos autopsiados. Para a análise morfológica foi usada a coloração picro-sirius. A imuno-histoquímica foi realizada com os anticorpos: anti-IgA, anti-IgG, anti-IgM. RESULTADOS: Nos pacientes com AIDS, a quantidade de fibrose foi menor quando comparados com aqueles que não possuíam AIDS, o mesmo sendo encontrado nos pacientes com infecções ou subnutrição. As quantidades de IgA e IgG foram maiores nos indivíduos com AIDS, e os valores de Ig

  10. Preparation and features of polycaprolactone vascular grafts with the incorporated vascular endothelial growth factor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sevostyanova, V. V., E-mail:; Khodyrevskaya, Y. I.; Glushkova, T. V.; Antonova, L. V.; Kudryavtseva, Y. A.; Barbarash, O. L.; Barbarash, L. S. [Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases, Kemerovo (Russian Federation)


    The development of tissue-engineered small-diameter vascular grafts is an urgent issue in cardiovascular surgery. In this study, we assessed how the incorporation of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) affects morphological and mechanical properties of polycaprolactone (PCL) vascular grafts along with its release kinetics. Vascular grafts were prepared using two-phase electrospinning. In pursuing our aims, we performed scanning electron microscopy, mechanical testing, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Our results demonstrated the preservation of a highly porous structure and improvement of PCL/VEGF scaffold mechanical properties as compared to PCL grafts. A prolonged VEGF release testifies the use of this construct as a scaffold for tissue-engineered vascular grafts.

  11. Relationship between endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and natural history of intracranial aneurysms: meta-analysis. (United States)

    Paschoal, Eric Homero Albuquerque; Yamaki, Vitor Nagai; Teixeira, Renan Kleber Costa; Paschoal Junior, Fernando Mendes; Jong-A-Liem, Glaucia Suzanna; Teixeira, Manoel Jacobsen; Yamada, Elizabeth Sumi; Ribeiro-Dos-Santos, Ândrea; Bor-Seng-Shu, Edson


    The aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage is a major public health problem described as a sudden drastic event with no warning symptoms and high morbidity and mortality rates. The role of the endothelial isoform of nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphism in intracranial aneurysms (IAs) is still a matter of controversy with divergent findings among European, American, and Asian populations. Our study purposed to test the association between intracranial aneurysms formation and nitric oxide gene polymorphisms through a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic search on Medline, Lilacs, and EMBASE was performed. The primary search resulted in 139 papers, out of which 9 met our inclusion criteria after a full text analysis. The dominant T786C model found a significant association with IA (OR 1.22, 95 % CI 1.04-1.44, p = 0.01), so did studies of the recessive T786C model (OR 0.37, 95 % CI 0.30-0.45, p < 0.0001) but with opposite effect. Our findings support the presence of the T786C polymorphism as a predictor for the development of intracranial aneurysm in the cerebral vascular system. More studies are necessary in order to elucidate the pathways of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in cerebrovascular diseases and in defining how different allelic combinations of the eNOS gene single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) could favor this pathological process.

  12. High BMI levels associate with reduced mRNA expression of IL10 and increased mRNA expression of iNOS (NOS2) in human frontal cortex

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, J K; Olesen, R H; Vendelbo, J


    analysis was performed with BMI as variable on data on IL10, IL1β, IL6, PTGS2 (COX2) and NOS2 (iNOS). Increasing BMI is associated with a decrease in the mRNA expression of IL10 (P=0.014) and an increase in the expression of NOS2 (iNOS; P=0.040). Expressions of IL10 and NOS2 (iNOS) were negatively...... correlated (PIL10 was mostly affected by individuals with BMI ⩾40. Multiple linear regression analyses with BMI, age, sex and race as variables were performed in order to identify potential confounders. In conclusion, increasing BMI could affect the IL10-mediated anti...

  13. Double-filter identification of vascular-expressed genes using Arabidopsis plants with vascular hypertrophy and hypotrophy. (United States)

    Ckurshumova, Wenzislava; Scarpella, Enrico; Goldstein, Rochelle S; Berleth, Thomas


    Genes expressed in vascular tissues have been identified by several strategies, usually with a focus on mature vascular cells. In this study, we explored the possibility of using two opposite types of altered tissue compositions in combination with a double-filter selection to identify genes with a high probability of vascular expression in early organ primordia. Specifically, we generated full-transcriptome microarray profiles of plants with (a) genetically strongly reduced and (b) pharmacologically vastly increased vascular tissues and identified a reproducible cohort of 158 transcripts that fulfilled the dual requirement of being underrepresented in (a) and overrepresented in (b). In order to assess the predictive value of our identification scheme for vascular gene expression, we determined the expression patterns of genes in two unbiased subsamples. First, we assessed the expression patterns of all twenty annotated transcription factor genes from the cohort of 158 genes and found that seventeen of the twenty genes were preferentially expressed in leaf vascular cells. Remarkably, fifteen of these seventeen vascular genes were clearly expressed already very early in leaf vein development. Twelve genes with published leaf expression patterns served as a second subsample to monitor the representation of vascular genes in our cohort. Of those twelve genes, eleven were preferentially expressed in leaf vascular tissues. Based on these results we propose that our compendium of 158 genes represents a sample that is highly enriched for genes expressed in vascular tissues and that our approach is particularly suited to detect genes expressed in vascular cell lineages at early stages of their inception. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Flora vascular de açudes de uma região do semi-árido da Bahia, Brasil Pond vascular flora in the semi-arid region of Bahia State, Brazil

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    Flávio França


    Full Text Available Foram selecionados seis açudes que margeiam a Estrada do Feijão (BA 052, nos municípios de Feira de Santana e Angüera, entre as coordenadas 39º30'-39º00'W e 12º00'-12º30'S. Com a finalidade de se conhecer a flora vascular dos mesmos, esses tipos de plantas foram coletadas de agosto/1996 a dezembro/1997. Registraram-se 121 espécies distribuídas em 46 famílias. As famílias mais representativas foram: Cyperaceae, com 18 espécies (14,9%, Poaceae, com 13 (10,7%, Asteraceae, com 10 (8,3%, Scrophulariaceae e Fabaceae, com 6 (5,0%. As espécies que ocorreram em todos os açudes foram Pistia stratiotes L. (Araceae, Echinochloa colona (L. Link (Poaceae, Nymphaea ampla (Salisb. DC. (Nymphaeaceae e Oxycarium cubense (Poepp. & Kunth. Lye (Cyperaceae.Six ponds were studied between August/1996 and December/1997 at the edge of State Highway BA 052, in the municipalities of Feira de Santana and Angüera, 39º30'-39º00'W and 12º00'-12º30'S.With the aim to know their vascular flora, one hundred and twenty-one species of vascular plants were collected, representing 46 families. The most frequent families were: Cyperaceae with 18 species (14.9%, Poaceae with 13 (10.7%, Asteraceae with 10 (8.3%, Scrophulariaceae and Fabaceae with 6 (5.0%. The species which were recorded in all lakes were: Pistia stratiotes L. (Araceae, Echinochloa colona (L. Link (Poaceae, Nymphaea ampla (Salisb. DC. (Nymphaeaceae and Oxycarium cubense (Poepp. & Kunth. Lye (Cyperaceae.


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    Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Júnior


    Full Text Available

    Hemangiomas primários do fígado são neoplasias benignas que podem comprometer a sobrevivência do animal, em virtude da compressão de vasos, ductos e hepatócitos adjacentes, especialmente pela possibilidade de rupturas e morte por hipovolemia. Por serem raros em felinos, objetiva-se relatar o caso de uma gata Persa, com 10 anos de idade, cujos sinais clínicos eram: aumento de volume abdominal, vômitos intermitentes, apatia e anorexia, além de cios irregulares. No exame radiográfico se observou massa tecidual radiopaca no fígado. Na ultra-sonografia hepática, percebiam-se contornos irregulares, parênquima heterogêneo, hiperecogênico, com áreas cavitárias, sugestivo de neoplasia e cistos. No exame macroscópico, visibilizaram-se ascite sanguinolenta, esteatose hepática e massa neoplásica única com 12 cm de comprimento por 8 cm de largura e diversos cistos. Os ovários e rins se apresentavam policísticos e havia hiperplasia endometrial cística. Microscopicamente foram diagnosticadas no fígado formações císticas limitadas por endotélio e delgada cápsula de tecido conjuntivo, esteatose e hepatite periportal mononuclear-linfocitária com proliferação de ductos bilíferos. A massa tumoral originava-se a partir do tecido conjuntivo da cápsula hepática e se caracterizava pela presença de brotos vasculares oriundos de células endoteliais, com dilatação e anastomose de vasos nas áreas mais superficiais. Os achados observados são compatíveis com o diagnóstico de hemangioma hepático primário do tipo capilar-cavernoso. Nos ovários, no útero, nos rins e fígado, constatou-se doença policística.


    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Fígado, gato, neoplasia vascular.

    Primaries hepatics hemangiomas are benign tumors that may compel limitations to animal survival owing to the compression of blood vessels, ducts and contiguous hepatocytes, especially due a

  16. Proatherogenic pathways leading to vascular calcification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazzini, Michael J.; Schulze, P. Christian


    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world and atherosclerosis is the major common underlying disease. The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis involves local vascular injury, inflammation and oxidative stress as well as vascular calcification. Vascular calcification has long been regarded as a degenerative process leading to mineral deposition in the vascular wall characteristic for late stages of atherosclerosis. However, recent studies identified vascular calcification in early stages of atherosclerosis and its occurrence has been linked to clinical events in patients with cardiovascular disease. Its degree correlates with local vascular inflammation and with the overall impact and the progression of atherosclerosis. Over the last decade, diverse and highly regulated molecular signaling cascades controlling vascular calcification have been described. Local and circulating molecules such as osteopontin, osteoprogerin, leptin and matrix Gla protein were identified as critical regulators of vascular calcification. We here review the current knowledge on molecular pathways of vascular calcification and their relevance for the progression of cardiovascular disease

  17. Dopamine induces growth inhibition and vascular normalization through reprogramming M2-polarized macrophages in rat C6 glioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qin, Tian; Wang, Chenlong; Chen, Xuewei; Duan, Chenfan; Zhang, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Jing; Chai, Hongyan; Tang, Tian; Chen, Honglei; Yue, Jiang; Li, Ying; Yang, Jing


    Dopamine (DA), a monoamine catecholamine neurotransmitter with antiangiogenic activity, stabilizes tumor vessels in colon, prostate and ovarian cancers, thus increases chemotherapeutic efficacy. Here, in the rat C6 glioma models, we investigated the vascular normalization effects of DA and its mechanisms of action. DA (25, 50 mg/kg) inhibited tumor growth, while a precursor of DA (levodopa) prolonged the survival time of rats bearing orthotopic C6 glioma. DA improved tumor perfusion, with significant effects from day 3, and a higher level at days 5 to 7. In addition, DA decreased microvessel density and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α expression in tumor tissues, while increasing the coverage of pericyte. Conversely, an antagonist of dopamine receptor 2 (DR2) (eticlopride) but not DR1 (butaclamol) abrogated DA-induced tumor regression and vascular normalization. Furthermore, DA improved the delivery and efficacy of temozolomide therapy. Importantly, DA increased representative M1 markers (iNOS, CXCL9, etc.), while decreasing M2 markers (CD206, arginase-1, etc.). Depletion of macrophages by clodronate or zoledronic acid attenuated the effects of DA. Notably, DA treatment induced M2-to-M1 polarization in RAW264.7 cells and mouse peritoneal macrophages, and enhanced the migration of pericyte-like cells (10T1/2), which was reversed by eticlopride or DR2-siRNA. Such changes were accompanied by the downregulation of VEGF/VEGFR2 signaling. In summary, DA induces growth inhibition and vascular normalization through reprogramming M2-polarized macrophages. Thus, targeting the tumor microvasculature by DA represents a promising strategy for human glioma therapy. - Highlights: • Dopamine induces tumor growth inhibition and vascular normalization in rat C6 glioma. • Dopamine switches macrophage phenotype from M2 to M1. • Dopamine-induced vascular normalization is mediated by macrophage polarization. • Dopamine is a promising agent targeting the microvasculature in tumor

  18. Dopamine induces growth inhibition and vascular normalization through reprogramming M2-polarized macrophages in rat C6 glioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qin, Tian; Wang, Chenlong; Chen, Xuewei; Duan, Chenfan; Zhang, Xiaoyan [Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071 (China); Zhang, Jing [Animal Experimental Center of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071 (China); Chai, Hongyan [Center for Gene Diagnosis, Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071 (China); Tang, Tian [Department of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060 (China); Chen, Honglei [Department of Pathology and Pathophysiology, School of Medicine, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071 (China); Yue, Jiang [Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071 (China); Li, Ying, E-mail: [Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071 (China); Yang, Jing, E-mail: [Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071 (China)


    Dopamine (DA), a monoamine catecholamine neurotransmitter with antiangiogenic activity, stabilizes tumor vessels in colon, prostate and ovarian cancers, thus increases chemotherapeutic efficacy. Here, in the rat C6 glioma models, we investigated the vascular normalization effects of DA and its mechanisms of action. DA (25, 50 mg/kg) inhibited tumor growth, while a precursor of DA (levodopa) prolonged the survival time of rats bearing orthotopic C6 glioma. DA improved tumor perfusion, with significant effects from day 3, and a higher level at days 5 to 7. In addition, DA decreased microvessel density and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α expression in tumor tissues, while increasing the coverage of pericyte. Conversely, an antagonist of dopamine receptor 2 (DR2) (eticlopride) but not DR1 (butaclamol) abrogated DA-induced tumor regression and vascular normalization. Furthermore, DA improved the delivery and efficacy of temozolomide therapy. Importantly, DA increased representative M1 markers (iNOS, CXCL9, etc.), while decreasing M2 markers (CD206, arginase-1, etc.). Depletion of macrophages by clodronate or zoledronic acid attenuated the effects of DA. Notably, DA treatment induced M2-to-M1 polarization in RAW264.7 cells and mouse peritoneal macrophages, and enhanced the migration of pericyte-like cells (10T1/2), which was reversed by eticlopride or DR2-siRNA. Such changes were accompanied by the downregulation of VEGF/VEGFR2 signaling. In summary, DA induces growth inhibition and vascular normalization through reprogramming M2-polarized macrophages. Thus, targeting the tumor microvasculature by DA represents a promising strategy for human glioma therapy. - Highlights: • Dopamine induces tumor growth inhibition and vascular normalization in rat C6 glioma. • Dopamine switches macrophage phenotype from M2 to M1. • Dopamine-induced vascular normalization is mediated by macrophage polarization. • Dopamine is a promising agent targeting the microvasculature in tumor

  19. Ontogênese, anatomia e ultra-estrutura dos nectários extraflorais de Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne (Fabaceae - Caesalpinioideae Ontogenesis, anatomy, and ultrastructure of Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne (Fabaceae - Caesalpinioideae extrafloral nectaries

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    Élder Antônio Sousa Paiva


    Full Text Available O jatobá-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne apresenta nectários extraflorais (NEFs, os quais são descritos pela primeira vez no gênero. Neste trabalho foram estudadas a distribuição, ontogênese, estrutura e ultra-estrutura dos nectários extraflorais (NEFs. Amostras de folhas em várias fases de desenvolvimento foram coletadas, fixadas e processadas para estudos em microscopia de luz e eletrônica de transmissão e varredura, segundo técnicas convencionais. Testes histoquímicos foram empregados para determinar a natureza química da secreção. Os NEFs estão distribuídos por todo o limbo, sendo mais concentrados nos terços basal e médio de cada folíolo. Estes nectários são embutidos no mesofilo, apresentam tecido secretor envolvido por uma endoderme e são vascularizados por xilema e floema. A atividade secretora dos NEFs é limitada à fase juvenil da folha. Nas folhas mais velhas, os NEFs tornam-se não funcionais. O tecido secretor dos NEFs é formado a partir da protoderme, enquanto a endoderme tem origem no meristema fundamental. No tecido secretor de nectários funcionais as células apresentam citoplasma denso, núcleo volumoso, mitocôndrias, plastídios com sistema de membranas pouco desenvolvido, gotas de óleo dispersas no citosol, dictiossomos e segmentos de retículo endoplasmático liso. A secreção é liberada por meio de rupturas cuticulares e apresenta polissacarídeos e lipídios.Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne, known as "jatobá-do-cerrado" has extrafloral nectaries (EFNs, which are reported for the first time in Hymenaea genus. In this research the origin, distribution, structure, and ultrastructure of the EFNs were studied. Samples of leaflets at different developmental stages were collected, fixed and processed by standard methods for analyses at light and electronic microscopes; histochemical tests were employed to determine the nature of secretion products. EFNs are distributed all over

  20. Melanoma NOS1 expression promotes dysfunctional IFN signaling. (United States)

    Liu, Qiuzhen; Tomei, Sara; Ascierto, Maria Libera; De Giorgi, Valeria; Bedognetti, Davide; Dai, Cuilian; Uccellini, Lorenzo; Spivey, Tara; Pos, Zoltan; Thomas, Jaime; Reinboth, Jennifer; Murtas, Daniela; Zhang, Qianbing; Chouchane, Lotfi; Weiss, Geoffrey R; Slingluff, Craig L; Lee, Peter P; Rosenberg, Steven A; Alter, Harvey; Yao, Kaitai; Wang, Ena; Marincola, Francesco M


    In multiple forms of cancer, constitutive activation of type I IFN signaling is a critical consequence of immune surveillance against cancer; however, PBMCs isolated from cancer patients exhibit depressed STAT1 phosphorylation in response to IFN-α, suggesting IFN signaling dysfunction. Here, we demonstrated in a coculture system that melanoma cells differentially impairs the IFN-α response in PBMCs and that the inhibitory potential of a particular melanoma cell correlates with NOS1 expression. Comparison of gene transcription and array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) between melanoma cells from different patients indicated that suppression of IFN-α signaling correlates with an amplification of the NOS1 locus within segment 12q22-24. Evaluation of NOS1 levels in melanomas and IFN responsiveness of purified PBMCs from patients indicated a negative correlation between NOS1 expression in melanomas and the responsiveness of PBMCs to IFN-α. Furthermore, in an explorative study, NOS1 expression in melanoma metastases was negatively associated with patient response to adoptive T cell therapy. This study provides a link between cancer cell phenotype and IFN signal dysfunction in circulating immune cells.

  1. Vascular Remodeling in Experimental Hypertension

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    Norma R. Risler


    Full Text Available The basic hemodynamic abnormality in hypertension is an increased peripheral resistance that is due mainly to a decreased vascular lumen derived from structural changes in the small arteries wall, named (as a whole vascular remodeling. The vascular wall is an active, flexible, and integrated organ made up of cellular (endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, adventitia cells, and fibroblasts and noncellular (extracellular matrix components, which in a dynamic way change shape or number, or reorganize in response to physiological and pathological stimuli, maintaining the integrity of the vessel wall in physiological conditions or participating in the vascular changes in cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension. Research focused on new signaling pathways and molecules that can participate in the mechanisms of vascular remodeling has provided evidence showing that vascular structure is not only affected by blood pressure, but also by mechanisms that are independent of the increased pressure. This review will provide an overview of the evidence, explaining some of the pathophysiologic mechanisms participating in the development of the vascular remodeling, in experimental models of hypertension, with special reference to the findings in spontaneously hypertensive rats as a model of essential hypertension, and in fructose-fed rats as a model of secondary hypertension, in the context of the metabolic syndrome. The understanding of the mechanisms producing the vascular alterations will allow the development of novel pharmacological tools for vascular protection in hypertensive disease.

  2. Avaliação do crescimento de tecidos e órgãos de novilhos mestiços Holandês-Gir durante o ganho compensatório. 2. Tecidos e órgãos Evaluation of growth of tissues and organs of crossbreed Holstein-Gyr steers during compensatory growth. 2. Tissues and organs

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    Maria Izabel Vieira de Almeida


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os efeitos da restrição alimentar anterior ao confinamento sobre o crescimento e a composição química de tecidos e órgãos corporais em bovinos. Foram utilizados 24 novilhos mestiços Holandês-Gir com idade de 19,3±5,1 meses e peso vivo de 202,1±49,1 kg, ao início do experimento. Quinze animais foram confinados após um período de restrição de pasto (grupo ganho compensatório, enquanto nove deles tiveram livre acesso ao pasto (grupo ganho contínuo. Foram abatidos três animais de cada grupo, no início, aos 28 e 112 dias do confinamento e, aos 56 e 84 dias de confinamento, foram abatidos três animais do grupo de ganho compensatório. Durante o confinamento, os animais do grupo de ganho compensatório e do grupo de ganho contínuo receberam alimentação ad libitum, composta por silagem de milho e 26% de concentrado, na matéria seca. As taxas de crescimento relativo foram avaliadas por meio de equações alométricas. As taxas de deposição de proteína, gordura e energia na carcaça, em relação ao ganho de peso de corpo vazio (PCVZ, não diferiram entre os tratamentos. A deposição de proteína nos órgãos, em relação ao aumento do PCVZ, foi mais elevada nos animais do grupo ganho compensatório do que nos animais de ganho contínuo, tendo os valores mais elevados sido observados em todas as partes corporais. O crescimento dos músculos Biceps femoris e Tensor fascia latea, o peso e os teores de proteína, cálcio e fósforo do fêmur e da oitava costela não foram afetados pela restrição alimentar anterior ao confinamento.The research aimed to analyze the effects of feed restriction prior to the confinement on growth and chemical composition of the tissues and organs in cattle. Twenty-four Holstein-Gyr crossbred steers, with 19,3 ± 5,1 months of age and 202,1 ± 49,1 kg LW, at beginning of the trial were used. Fifteen of the animals were confined after a 104-day period of forage

  3. Hydrogen sulfide potentiates interleukin-1β-induced nitric oxide production via enhancement of extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation in rat vascular smooth muscle cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Sun-Oh; Pae, Hyun-Ock; Oh, Gi-Su; Jeong, Gil-Saeng; Lee, Bok-Soo; Lee, Seoul; Kim, Du Yong; Rhew, Hyun Yul; Lee, Kang-Min; Chung, Hun-Taeg


    Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) and nitric oxide (NO) are endogenously synthesized from L-cysteine and L-arginine, respectively. They might constitute a cooperative network to regulate their effects. In this study, we investigated whether H 2 S could affect NO production in rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) stimulated with interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Although H 2 S by itself showed no effect on NO production, it augmented IL-β-induced NO production and this effect was associated with increased expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) and activation of nuclear factor (NF)-κB. IL-1β activated the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2), and this activation was also enhanced by H 2 S. Inhibition of ERK1/2 activation by the selective inhibitor U0126 inhibited IL-1β-induced NF-κB activation, iNOS expression, and NO production either in the absence or presence of H 2 S. Our findings suggest that H 2 S enhances NO production and iNOS expression by potentiating IL-1β-induced NF-κB activation through a mechanism involving ERK1/2 signaling cascade in rat VSMCs

  4. Aspectos raciais dos "megas" e da cardiopatia na doença de Chagas crônica

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    Lineu José Miziara


    Full Text Available O estudo de 724 pacientes chagásicos crônicos mostrou que a insuficiência cardíaca congestiva é mais freqüente e de aparecimento mais precoce nos pacientes de raça negra do que nos brancos. A ocorrência de "megas" foi ligeiramente inferior nos chagásicos negros não sendo estatisticamente significativa a diferença observada. A maior freqüência de insuficiência cardíaca nos pretos parece estar relacionada a características biológicas do tecido conjuntivo que condicionam uma resposta fibrosante mais acentuada no miocârdio agredido pela Tripanossomose. Estas observações estariam de acordo com outros estudos sobre a doença de Chagas que admitem ser a denervação o fator mais importante para o aparecimento dos "megas" e a inflamação com fibrose miocârdica acentuada um elemento básico para explicar a insuficiência cardíaca.

  5. Progesterone increases nitric oxide synthesis in human vascular endothelial cells through activation of membrane progesterone receptor-α. (United States)

    Pang, Yefei; Dong, Jing; Thomas, Peter


    Progesterone exerts beneficial effects on the human cardiovascular system by inducing rapid increases in nitric oxide (NO) production in vascular endothelial cells, but the receptors mediating these nongenomic progesterone actions remain unclear. Using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) as a model, we show that progesterone binds to plasma membranes of HUVECs with the characteristics of membrane progesterone receptors (mPRs). The selective mPR agonist Org OD 02-0 had high binding affinity for the progesterone receptor on HUVEC membranes, whereas nuclear PR (nPR) agonists R5020 and medroxyprogesterone acetate displayed low binding affinities. Immunocytochemical and Western blot analyses confirmed that mPRs are expressed in HUVECs and are localized on their plasma membranes. NO levels increased rapidly after treatment with 20 nM progesterone, Org OD 02-0, and a progesterone-BSA conjugate but not with R5020, suggesting that this progesterone action is at the cell surface and initiated through mPRs. Progesterone and Org OD 02-0 (20 nM) also significantly increased endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity and eNOS phosphorylation. Knockdown of mPRα expression by treatment with small-interfering RNA (siRNA) blocked the stimulatory effects of 20 nM progesterone on NO production and eNOS phosphorylation, whereas knockdown of nPR was ineffective. Treatment with PI3K/Akt and MAP kinase inhibitors blocked the stimulatory effects of progesterone, Org OD 02-0, and progesterone-BSA on NO production and eNOS phosphorylation and also prevented progesterone- and Org OD 02-0-induced increases in Akt and ERK phosphorylation. The results suggest that progesterone stimulation of NO production in HUVECs is mediated by mPRα and involves signaling through PI3K/Akt and MAP kinase pathways. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.

  6. Vascular injuries of the upper extremity Lesões vasculares de membros superiores

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    Raafat Shalabi


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This study analyzes the causes of injuries, presentations, surgical approaches, outcome and complications of vascular trauma of the upper limbs, in spite of limited hospital resources. METHODS: A 5-year retrospective analysis. From 01/01/2001 to 31/12/2005, 165 patients were operated for vascular injuries at King Fahd Hospital, Medina, Saudi Arabia. Of all peripheral vascular trauma patients (115, upper limb trauma was present in 58. Diagnosis was made by physical examination and hand-held Doppler alone or in combination with Doppler scan/angiography. Primary vascular repair was performed whenever possible; otherwise, the interposition vein graft was used. Fasciotomy was considered when required. Patients with unsalvageable lower extremity injury requiring primary amputation were excluded from the study. RESULTS: Fifty patients were male (86% and eight were female (14%, aged between 2.5-55 years (mean 23 years. Mean duration of presentation was 8 h after the injury. The most common etiological factor was road traffic accidents, accounting for 50.5% in the blunt trauma group and 33% among all penetrating and stab wound injuries. Incidence of concomitant orthopedic injuries was very high in our study (51%. The brachial artery was the most affected (51%. Interposition vein grafts were used in 53% of the cases. Limb salvage rate was 100%. CONCLUSION: Patients who suffer vascular injuries of the upper extremities should be transferred to vascular surgery centers as soon as possible. Decisive management of peripheral vascular trauma will maximize patient survival and limb salvage. Priorities must be established in the management of associated injuries, and delay must be avoided when ischemic changes are present.OBJETIVO: Este estudo analisa as causas de lesões, apresentação, abordagens cirúrgicas, desfechos e complicações do trauma vascular de membros superiores, apesar de recursos hospitalares limitados. MÉTODOS: An

  7. Supplementation with 0.1% and 2% vitamin e in diabetic rats: analysis of myenteric neurons immunostained for myosin-V and nNOS in the jejunum Suplementação com vitamina E 0,1% e 2% em ratos diabéticos: análise de neurônios mioentéricos imunomarcados para miosina-V e nNOS no jejuno

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    Eleandro Aparecido Tronchini


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by hyperglycemia that, when allowed to progress long-term untreated, develops vascular and neurological complications, which are responsible for the development of alterations in the enteric nervous system in diabetic patients. In the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus promotes motor and sensory changes, and in the reflex function of this system, causing gastroparesis, diarrhea, constipation, megacolon, slow gastrointestinal transit, gastric stasis and dilation with decreased or increased peristaltic contractions. Several studies have shown that oxidative stress is the main responsible for the vascular and neurological complications affecting the enteric nervous system of diabetics. OBJECTIVE: The effects of 0.1% and 2% vitamin E on myosin-V- and nNOS-immunoreactive neurons in the jejunum of diabetic rats were investigated. METHODS: Thirty rats were divided into the groups: normoglycemic, normoglycemic treated with 0.1% vitamin E, normoglycemic treated with 2% vitamin E, diabetic, diabetic treated with 0.1% vitamin E, and diabetic treated with 2% vitamin E. The neuronal density and areas of neuron cell bodies were determined. RESULTS: Diabetes (diabetic group significantly reduced the number of myosin-V-immunoreactive neurons compared with the normoglycemic group. The diabetic treated with 0.1% vitamin E and diabetic treated with 2% vitamin E groups did not exhibit a greater density than the D group (P>0.05. Nitrergic density did not change with diabetes (P>0.05. The areas of myosin-V- and nNOS-immunoreactive neurons significantly increased in the normoglycemic treated with 2% vitamin E and diabetic groups compared with the normoglycemic group. CONCLUSION: Supplementation with 2% vitamin E had a neurotrophic effect only in the area of myosin-V-immunoreactive neurons compared with the diabetic group.CONTEXTO: O diabetes mellitus (DM é uma doença caracterizada pela hiperglicemia que a

  8. Expression of beta-catenin, COX-2 and iNOS in colorectal cancer: relevance of COX-2 adn iNOS inhibitors for treatment in Malaysia. (United States)

    Hong, Seok Kwan; Gul, Yunus A; Ithnin, Hairuszah; Talib, Arni; Seow, Heng Fong


    Promising new pharmacological agents and gene therapy targeting cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) could modulate treatment of colorectal cancer in the future. The aim of this study was to elucidate the expression fo beta-catenin and teh presence of COX-2 and iNOS in colorectal cancer specimens in Malaysia. This is a useful prelude to future studies investigating interventions directed towards COX-2 adn iNOS. A cross-section study using retrospective data over a 2-year period (1999-2000) involved 101 archival, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples of colorectal cancers that were surgically resected in a tertiary referral. COX-2 production was detected in adjacent normal tissue in 34 sample (33.7%) and in tumour tissue in 60 samples (59.4%). More tumours expressed iNOS (82/101, 81.2%) than COX-2. No iNOS expression was detected in adjacent normal tissue. Intense beta-catenin immunoreactivity at the cell-to-cell border. Poorly differentiated tumours had significantly lower total beta-catenin (p = 0.009) and COX-2 scores (p = 0.031). No significant relationships were established between pathological stage and beta-catenin, COX-2 and iNOS scores. the accumulation of beta-catenin does not seem to be sufficient to activate pathways that lead to increased COX-2 and iNOS expression. A high proportion of colorectal cancers were found to express COX-2 and a significant number produced iNOS, suggesting that their inhibitors may be potentially useful as chemotherapeutic agents in the management of colorectal cancer.

  9. Phenylephrine Decreases Vascular Tension in Goat Arteries in Specific Circumstances.

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    Renu R Raj

    Full Text Available Phenylephrine (PE causes vasoconstriction through alpha adrenergic receptors. PE-induced vasodilatation has also been reported earlier in pre-constricted vessels. Here we demonstrate in spiral strips of goat arteries that addition of PE can decrease tone even from base-line levels (i.e. not pre-constricted and show that this process requires nitric oxide (NO and alpha adrenergic stimulation, but is cGMP-independent. Under control conditions, PE caused vasoconstriction, but under conditions where NO levels are higher, as with L-Arginine or sodium nitroprusside, PE decreased vessel tension. L-Arginine/PE combination was not able to decrease tension when alpha adrenoceptors were blocked with Phentolamine or endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS was blocked with Nω-Nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA. Propranolol, a beta blocker, was unable to prevent the reduction in tension by the L-Arginine/PE combination. Adrenaline and noradrenaline (and not isoproterenol also reduced vessel tension in the presence of L-Arginine. Even when NO levels were not enhanced, relieving NO from having to stimulate the enzyme soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC (either by using sGC blockers, namely ODQ or methylene blue, or by enhancing cGMP levels (with sildenafil which by negative feedback probably inhibits sGC led to PE-induced reduction of vascular tension. PMA-phorbol myristate acetate-an agonist which stimulates Protein Kinase C was able to prevent the ability of PE to reduce vascular tension in a high NO environment. Our conclusion is that PE reduces vascular tension through alpha adrenoceptors if there is excess NO availability to activate a putative pathway. Though the reduction of vessel tone by PE is dependent on NO, it is independent of cGMP. Prior treatment with PMA or PE itself can prevent further PE-induced reduction of tension in a high NO environment. The results here suggest, counter-intuitively, that alpha blockers may be of help in the treatment of septic shock

  10. Tributyltin chloride increases phenylephrine-induced contraction and vascular stiffness in mesenteric resistance arteries from female rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ribeiro Júnior, Rogério Faustino; Marques, Vinicius Bermond; Nunes, Dieli Oliveira; Ronconi, Karoline de Sousa; Araújo, Julia F.P. de; Rodrigues, Paula Lopes; Padilha, Alessandra Simão; Vassallo, Dalton Valentim; Graceli, Jones B.; Stefanon, Ivanita


    Tributyltin chloride (TBT) is an organotin compound that reduces estrogen levels in female rats. We aimed to investigate the effects of TBT exposure on vascular tonus and vascular remodelling in the resistance arteries of female rats. Rats were treated daily with TBT (500 ng/kg) for 15 days. TBT did not change arterial blood pressure but did modify some morpho-physiological parameters of third-order mesenteric resistance arteries in the following ways: (1) decreased lumen and external diameters; (2) increased wall/lm ratio and wall thickness; (3) decreased distensibility and increased stiffness; (4) increased collagen deposition; and (5) increased pulse wave velocity. TBT exposure increased the phenylephrine-induced contractile response in mesenteric resistance arteries. However, vasodilatation responses induced by acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside were not modified by TBT. It is suggested that TBT exposure reduces vascular nitric oxide (NO) production, because:(1) L-NAME incubation did not cause a leftward shift in the concentration–response curve for phenylephrine; (2) both eNOS protein expression; (3) in situ NO production were reduced. Incubation with L-NAME; and (4) SOD shifted the phenylephrine response curve to the left in TBT rats. Tiron, catalase, ML-171 and VAS2870 decreased vascular reactivity to phenylephrine only in TBT rats. Moreover, increased superoxide anion production was observed in the mesenteric resistance arteries of TBT rats accompanied by an increase in gp91phox, catalase, AT 1 receptor and total ERK1/2 protein expression. In conclusion, these findings show that TBT induced alterations are most likely due to a reduction of NO production combined with increased O 2 − production derived from NADPH oxidase and ERK1/2 activation. These findings offer further evidence that TBT is an environmental risk factor for cardiovascular disease. - Highlights: • Tributyltin chloride reduces estrogen levels in female rats. • Treatment with TBT

  11. Tributyltin chloride increases phenylephrine-induced contraction and vascular stiffness in mesenteric resistance arteries from female rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribeiro Júnior, Rogério Faustino, E-mail: [Department of Physiological Sciences, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Vitoria, ES (Brazil); Marques, Vinicius Bermond; Nunes, Dieli Oliveira; Ronconi, Karoline de Sousa [Department of Physiological Sciences, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Vitoria, ES (Brazil); Araújo, Julia F.P. de [Department of Morphology, Federal University of Espírito Santo (Brazil); Rodrigues, Paula Lopes; Padilha, Alessandra Simão; Vassallo, Dalton Valentim [Department of Physiological Sciences, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Vitoria, ES (Brazil); Graceli, Jones B. [Department of Morphology, Federal University of Espírito Santo (Brazil); Stefanon, Ivanita [Department of Physiological Sciences, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Vitoria, ES (Brazil)


    Tributyltin chloride (TBT) is an organotin compound that reduces estrogen levels in female rats. We aimed to investigate the effects of TBT exposure on vascular tonus and vascular remodelling in the resistance arteries of female rats. Rats were treated daily with TBT (500 ng/kg) for 15 days. TBT did not change arterial blood pressure but did modify some morpho-physiological parameters of third-order mesenteric resistance arteries in the following ways: (1) decreased lumen and external diameters; (2) increased wall/lm ratio and wall thickness; (3) decreased distensibility and increased stiffness; (4) increased collagen deposition; and (5) increased pulse wave velocity. TBT exposure increased the phenylephrine-induced contractile response in mesenteric resistance arteries. However, vasodilatation responses induced by acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside were not modified by TBT. It is suggested that TBT exposure reduces vascular nitric oxide (NO) production, because:(1) L-NAME incubation did not cause a leftward shift in the concentration–response curve for phenylephrine; (2) both eNOS protein expression; (3) in situ NO production were reduced. Incubation with L-NAME; and (4) SOD shifted the phenylephrine response curve to the left in TBT rats. Tiron, catalase, ML-171 and VAS2870 decreased vascular reactivity to phenylephrine only in TBT rats. Moreover, increased superoxide anion production was observed in the mesenteric resistance arteries of TBT rats accompanied by an increase in gp91phox, catalase, AT{sub 1} receptor and total ERK1/2 protein expression. In conclusion, these findings show that TBT induced alterations are most likely due to a reduction of NO production combined with increased O{sub 2}{sup −} production derived from NADPH oxidase and ERK1/2 activation. These findings offer further evidence that TBT is an environmental risk factor for cardiovascular disease. - Highlights: • Tributyltin chloride reduces estrogen levels in female rats.

  12. Pediatric central nervous system vascular malformations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burch, Ezra A. [Brigham and Women' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Boston, MA (United States); Orbach, Darren B. [Boston Children' s Hospital, Neurointerventional Radiology, Boston, MA (United States)


    Pediatric central nervous system (CNS) vascular anomalies include lesions found only in the pediatric population and also the full gamut of vascular lesions found in adults. Pediatric-specific lesions discussed here include infantile hemangioma, vein of Galen malformation and dural sinus malformation. Some CNS vascular lesions that occur in adults, such as arteriovenous malformation, have somewhat distinct manifestations in children, and those are also discussed. Additionally, children with CNS vascular malformations often have associated broader vascular conditions, e.g., PHACES (posterior fossa anomalies, hemangioma, arterial anomalies, cardiac anomalies, eye anomalies and sternal anomalies), hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, and capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation syndrome (related to the RASA1 mutation). The treatment of pediatric CNS vascular malformations has greatly benefited from advances in endovascular therapy, including technical advances in adult interventional neuroradiology. Dramatic advances in therapy are expected to stem from increased understanding of the genetics and vascular biology that underlie pediatric CNS vascular malformations. (orig.)

  13. Pediatric central nervous system vascular malformations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burch, Ezra A.; Orbach, Darren B.


    Pediatric central nervous system (CNS) vascular anomalies include lesions found only in the pediatric population and also the full gamut of vascular lesions found in adults. Pediatric-specific lesions discussed here include infantile hemangioma, vein of Galen malformation and dural sinus malformation. Some CNS vascular lesions that occur in adults, such as arteriovenous malformation, have somewhat distinct manifestations in children, and those are also discussed. Additionally, children with CNS vascular malformations often have associated broader vascular conditions, e.g., PHACES (posterior fossa anomalies, hemangioma, arterial anomalies, cardiac anomalies, eye anomalies and sternal anomalies), hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, and capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation syndrome (related to the RASA1 mutation). The treatment of pediatric CNS vascular malformations has greatly benefited from advances in endovascular therapy, including technical advances in adult interventional neuroradiology. Dramatic advances in therapy are expected to stem from increased understanding of the genetics and vascular biology that underlie pediatric CNS vascular malformations. (orig.)

  14. High BMI levels associate with reduced mRNA expression of IL10 and increased mRNA expression of iNOS (NOS2) in human frontal cortex

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, J K; Olesen, R H; Vendelbo, J


    unknown. Therefore we aim to examine the relationship between BMI and gene expression of central inflammatory markers in the human frontal cortex. Microarray data of 141 neurologically and psychiatrically healthy individuals were obtained through the BrainCloud database. A simple linear regression...... correlated (Plinear regression analyses with BMI, age, sex and race as variables were performed in order to identify potential confounders. In conclusion, increasing BMI could affect the IL10-mediated anti...... analysis was performed with BMI as variable on data on IL10, IL1β, IL6, PTGS2 (COX2) and NOS2 (iNOS). Increasing BMI is associated with a decrease in the mRNA expression of IL10 (P=0.014) and an increase in the expression of NOS2 (iNOS; P=0.040). Expressions of IL10 and NOS2 (iNOS) were negatively...

  15. Effects of cyclooxygenase inhibitor pretreatment on nitric oxide production, nNOS and iNOS expression in rat cerebellum. (United States)

    Di Girolamo, G; Farina, M; Riberio, M L; Ogando, D; Aisemberg, J; de los Santos, A R; Martí, M L; Franchi, A M


    1. The therapeutic effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is thought to be due mainly to its inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, but there is a growing body of research that now demonstrates a variety of NSAIDs effects on cellular signal transduction pathways other than those involving prostaglandins. 2. Nitric oxide (NO) as a free radical and an agent that gives rise to highly toxic oxidants (peroxynitrile, nitric dioxide, nitron ion), becomes a cause of neuronal damage and death in some brain lesions such as Parkinson and Alzheimer disease, and Huntington's chorea. 3. In the present study, the in vivo effect of three NSAIDs (lysine clonixinate (LC), indomethacine (INDO) and meloxicam (MELO)) on NO production and nitric oxide synthase expression in rat cerebellar slices was analysed. Rats were treated with (a) saline, (b) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (5 mg kg(-1), i.p.), (c) saline in combination with different doses of NSAIDs and (d) LPS in combination with different doses of NSAIDs and then killed 6 h after treatment. 4. NO synthesis, evaluated by Bred and Snyder technique, was increased by LPS. This augmentation was inhibited by coadministration of the three NSAIDs assayed. None of the NSAIDs tested was able to modify control NO synthesis. 5. Expression of iNOS and neural NOS (nNOS) was detected by Western blotting in control and LPS-treated rats. LC and INDO, but not MELO, were able to inhibit the expression of these enzymes. 6. Therefore, reduction of iNOS and nNOS levels in cerebellum may explain, in part, the anti-inflammatory effect of these NSAIDs and may also have importance in the prevention of NO-mediated neuronal injury.

  16. Manifestações destrutivas da córnea e esclera associadas a doenças do tecido conectivo: relato de 9 casos Corneal and scleral destructive involvement associated with connective tissue disease: report of 9 cases

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    Namir Clementino Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar as características clínicas, tratamento e evolução de pacientes com acometimento da córnea e esclera associados a doenças do tecido conectivo. MÉTODO: Descrição das alterações de segmento anterior em nove pacientes com doenças do tecido conectivo, previamente diagnosticada (5 casos ou no qual o acometimento ocular foi sua primeira manifestação (4 casos. Todos os pacientes foram atendidos no setor de Doenças Externas Oculares e Córnea da Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Escola Paulista de Medicina (UNIFESP-EPM, acompanhados no ambulatório no período de julho/1999-dezembro/2000 e submetidos a exame oftalmológico completo, avaliação sistêmica e investigação laboratorial. Tratamento clínico e/ou cirúrgico foi proposto de acordo com a gravidade e evolução das manifestações oculares. RESULTADOS: Os diagnósticos sistêmicos observados nos portadores de doença inflamatória do segmento anterior foram de artrite reumatóide em sete pacientes (77,8%, esclerose sistêmica e granulomatose de Wegener em um paciente cada (22,2%. As manifestações oculares mais freqüentes foram esclerite (66,6%, ceratite ulcerativa periférica (55,5% e ceratoconjuntivite seca (44,4%. Oitenta e nove por cento dos pacientes necessitaram de terapia imunossupressora sistêmica para o controle da inflamação ocular. A remissão da inflamação observou-se no período de três meses após o início do imunos-supressor (metotrexato, ciclofosfamida e/ou ciclosporina A. Em 55,5% dos pacientes uma abordagem cirúrgica (ressecção da conjuntiva do limbo, adesivo tecidual com lente de contato terapêutica, enxerto de esclera, transplante de córnea se fez necessária. CONCLUSÃO: O envolvimento da córnea e da esclera associado à doença do tecido conectivo é sinal de atividade da doença e geralmente necessita de terapia imunossupressora para o seu controle. O oftalmologista deve estar alerta para detecção precoce e tratamento

  17. Injuries to the vascular endothelium: vascular wall and endothelial dysfunction. (United States)

    Fisher, Mark


    Vascular endothelial injury has multiple elements, and this article focuses on ischemia-related processes that have particular relevance to ischemic stroke. Distinctions between necrotic and apoptotic cell death provide a basic science context in which to better understand the significance of classical core and penumbra concepts of acute stroke, with apoptotic processes particularly prominent in the penumbra. The mitochondria are understood to serve as a reservoir of proteins that mediate apoptosis. Oxidative stress pathways generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) are prominent in endothelial injury, both ischemic and nonischemic, with prominent roles of enzyme- and nonenzymemediated pathways; mitochondria once again have a critical role, particularly in the nonenzymatic pathways generating ROS. Inflammation also contributes to vascular endothelial injury, and endothelial cells have the capacity to rapidly increase expression of inflammatory mediators following ischemic challenge; this leads to enhanced leukocyte-endothelial interactions mediated by selectins and adhesion molecules. Preconditioning consists of a minor version of an injurious event, which in turn may protect vascular endothelium from injury following a more substantial event. Presence of the blood-brain barrier creates unique responses to endothelial injury, with permeability changes due to impairment of endothelial-matrix interactions compounding altered vasomotor tone and tissue perfusion mediated by nitric oxide. Pharmacological protection against vascular endothelial injury can be provided by several of the phosphodiesterases (cilostazol and dipyridamole), along with statins. Optimal clinical responses for protection of brain vascular endothelium may use preconditioning as a model, and will likely require combined protection against apoptosis, ROS, and inflammation.

  18. The SYNERGY biodegradable polymer everolimus eluting coronary stent: Porcine vascular compatibility and polymer safety study. (United States)

    Wilson, Gregory J; Marks, Angela; Berg, Kimberly J; Eppihimer, Michael; Sushkova, Natalia; Hawley, Steve P; Robertson, Kimberly A; Knapp, David; Pennington, Douglas E; Chen, Yen-Lane; Foss, Aaron; Huibregtse, Barbara; Dawkins, Keith D


    SYNERGY is a novel platinum chromium alloy stent that delivers abluminal everolimus from an ultrathin poly-lactide-co-glycide (PLGA) biodegradable polymer. This study evaluated the in vivo degradation of the polymer coating, everolimus release time course, and vascular compatibility of the SYNERGY stent. SYNERGY stents were implanted in arteries of domestic swine. Devices were explanted at predetermined time points (up to 120 days) and the extent of PLGA coating or everolimus remaining on the stents was quantified. Everolimus levels in the arterial tissue were also evaluated. A pathological analysis on coronary arteries of single and overlapping stents was performed at time points between 5 and 270 days. PLGA bioabsorption began immediately after implantation, and drug release was essentially complete by 90 days; PLGA absorption was substantially complete by 120 days (>90% of polymer was absorbed) leaving a bare metal SYNERGY stent. Vascular response was similar among SYNERGY and control stents (bare metal, polymer-only, and 3× polymer-only). Mild increases in para-strut fibrin were seen for SYNERGY at an early time point with no significant differences in all other morphological and morphometric parameters through 270 days or endothelial function (eNOS immunostaining) at 90 or 180 days. Inflammation was predominantly minimal to mild for all device types. In a swine model, everolimus was released by 90 days and PLGA bioabsorption was complete shortly thereafter. The SYNERGY stent and its biodegradable polymer, even at a 3× safety margin, demonstrated vascular compatibility similar to bare metal stent controls. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Tributyltin chloride increases phenylephrine-induced contraction and vascular stiffness in mesenteric resistance arteries from female rats. (United States)

    Ribeiro Júnior, Rogério Faustino; Marques, Vinicius Bermond; Nunes, Dieli Oliveira; Ronconi, Karoline de Sousa; de Araújo, Julia F P; Rodrigues, Paula Lopes; Padilha, Alessandra Simão; Vassallo, Dalton Valentim; Graceli, Jones B; Stefanon, Ivanita


    Tributyltin chloride (TBT) is an organotin compound that reduces estrogen levels in female rats. We aimed to investigate the effects of TBT exposure on vascular tonus and vascular remodelling in the resistance arteries of female rats. Rats were treated daily with TBT (500 ng/kg) for 15 days. TBT did not change arterial blood pressure but did modify some morpho-physiological parameters of third-order mesenteric resistance arteries in the following ways: (1) decreased lumen and external diameters; (2) increased wall/lm ratio and wall thickness; (3) decreased distensibility and increased stiffness; (4) increased collagen deposition; and (5) increased pulse wave velocity. TBT exposure increased the phenylephrine-induced contractile response in mesenteric resistance arteries. However, vasodilatation responses induced by acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside were not modified by TBT. It is suggested that TBT exposure reduces vascular nitric oxide (NO) production, because:(1) L-NAME incubation did not cause a leftward shift in the concentration-response curve for phenylephrine; (2) both eNOS protein expression; (3) in situ NO production were reduced. Incubation with L-NAME; and (4) SOD shifted the phenylephrine response curve to the left in TBT rats. Tiron, catalase, ML-171 and VAS2870 decreased vascular reactivity to phenylephrine only in TBT rats. Moreover, increased superoxide anion production was observed in the mesenteric resistance arteries of TBT rats accompanied by an increase in gp91phox, catalase, AT1 receptor and total ERK1/2 protein expression. In conclusion, these findings show that TBT induced alterations are most likely due to a reduction of NO production combined with increased O2(-) production derived from NADPH oxidase and ERK1/2 activation. These findings offer further evidence that TBT is an environmental risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Ação da l-arginina na evolução de retalhos cutâneos de ratos sob exposição à nicotina

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    Marcus Vinicius Thomé Nora Guimarães

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar se o tratamento com L-arginina influencia a cicatrização de retalhos cutâneos em ratos expostos à nicotina. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 40 ratos Wistar pesando 142,4±10,1g separados em quatro grupos: GC- tratamento com solução tampão fosfatos pH 7,4, confecção de retalho cutâneo, observação por 10 dias; GN- exposição à nicotina por quatro semanas, confecção de retalho cutâneo, observação por dez dias; GA- tratamento com solução tampão fosfatos pH 7,4 por quatro semanas, confecção de retalho cutâneo, tratamento com arginina por dez dias; GAN- exposição à nicotina por quatro semanas, confecção de retalho cutâneo, tratamento com arginina por dez dias. Foram avaliadas as áreas de necrose, re-epitelização, reação inflamatória e formação de tecido de granulação, pela coloração HE, a área de deposição total e a diferenciação de colágenos I e III por histometria com a coloração de picrosirius, e, através da marcação imunoistoquímica com anticorpo monoclonal anti-CD34, a densidade vascular cicatricial. RESULTADOS: As porcentagens de áreas de necrose de GN e GNA foram maiores (p0,05 e maiores (p<0,001 do que em GA e em GNA e, nas densidades vasculares, GN e GAN foram menores (p<0,001 do que em GC e em GA. CONCLUSÃO: A exposição à nicotina inibiu os efeitos da arginina, e nos ratos não expostos, induziu melhora na angiogênese e na deposição de colágeno total nos retalhos cutâneos.

  1. Phenotype commitment in vascular smooth muscle cells derived from coronary atherosclerotic plaques: differential gene expression of endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase

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    ML Rossi


    Full Text Available Unstable angina and myocardial infarction are the clinical manifestations of the abrupt thrombotic occlusion of an epicardial coronary artery as a result of spontaneous atherosclerotic plaque rupture or fissuring, and the exposure of highly thrombogenic material to blood. It has been demonstrated that the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs and impaired bioavailabilty of nitric oxide (NO are among the most important mechanisms involved in the progression of atherosclerosis. It has also been suggested that a NO imbalance in coronary arteries may be involved in myocardial ischemia as a result of vasomotor dysfunction triggering plaque rupture and the thrombotic response. We used 5’ nuclease assays (TaqMan™ PCRs to study gene expression in coronary plaques collected by means of therapeutic directional coronary atherectomy from 15 patients with stable angina (SA and 15 with acute coronary syndromes (ACS without ST elevation. Total RNA was extracted from the 30 plaques and the cDNA was amplified in order to determine endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS gene expression. Analysis of the results showed that the expression of eNOS was significantly higher (p<0.001 in the plaques from the ACS patients. Furthermore, isolated VSMCs from ACS and SA plaques confirmed the above pattern even after 25 plating passages. In situ RT-PCR was also carried out to co-localize the eNOS messengers and the VSMC phenotype.

  2. Vascular malformations in pediatrics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reith, W.; Shamdeen, M.G.


    Vascular malformations are the cause of nearly all non-traumatic intracranial hemorrhage in children beyond the neonatal stage. Therefore, any child presenting with spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage should be evaluated for child abuse and for vascular malformations. Intracerebral malformations of the cerebral vasculature include vein of Galen malformations, arteriovenous malformation (AVM), cavernomas, dural arteriovenous fistulas, venous anomalies (DVA), and capillary teleangiectasies. Although a few familial vascular malformation have been reported, the majority are sporadic. Clinical symptoms, diagnostic and therapeutic options are discussed. (orig.) [de

  3. The protein inhibitor of nNOS (PIN/DLC1/LC8) binding does not inhibit the NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, a key step in NO synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parhad, Swapnil S.; Jaiswal, Deepa; Ray, Krishanu; Mazumdar, Shyamalava


    The neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is an essential enzyme involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a potent neurotransmitter. Although previous studies have indicated that the dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) binding to nNOS could inhibit the NO synthesis, the claim is challenged by contradicting reports. Thus, the mechanism of nNOS regulation remained unclear. nNOS has a heme-bearing, Cytochrome P450 core, and the functional enzyme is a dimer. The electron flow from NADPH to Flavin, and finally to the heme of the paired nNOS subunit within a dimer, is facilitated upon calmodulin (CaM) binding. Here, we show that DLC1 binding to nNOS-CaM complex does not affect the electron transport from the reductase to the oxygenase domain. Therefore, it cannot inhibit the rate of NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, which results in L-Arginine oxidation. Also, the NO release activity does not decrease with increasing DLC1 concentration in the reaction mix, which further confirmed that DLC1 does not inhibit nNOS activity. These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell. - Highlights: • The effect of interaction of nNOS with DLC1 has been debatable with contradicting reports in literature. • Purified DLC1 has no effect on electron transport between reductase and oxygenase domain of purified nNOS-CaM. • The NO release activity of nNOS was not altered by DLC1, supporting that DLC1 does not inhibit the enzyme. • These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell.

  4. The protein inhibitor of nNOS (PIN/DLC1/LC8) binding does not inhibit the NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, a key step in NO synthesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parhad, Swapnil S. [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005 (India); Jaiswal, Deepa [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005 (India); TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, 21 Brundavan Colony, Narsingi, Hyderabad 500075 (India); Ray, Krishanu, E-mail: [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005 (India); Mazumdar, Shyamalava, E-mail: [Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005 (India)


    The neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is an essential enzyme involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a potent neurotransmitter. Although previous studies have indicated that the dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) binding to nNOS could inhibit the NO synthesis, the claim is challenged by contradicting reports. Thus, the mechanism of nNOS regulation remained unclear. nNOS has a heme-bearing, Cytochrome P450 core, and the functional enzyme is a dimer. The electron flow from NADPH to Flavin, and finally to the heme of the paired nNOS subunit within a dimer, is facilitated upon calmodulin (CaM) binding. Here, we show that DLC1 binding to nNOS-CaM complex does not affect the electron transport from the reductase to the oxygenase domain. Therefore, it cannot inhibit the rate of NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, which results in L-Arginine oxidation. Also, the NO release activity does not decrease with increasing DLC1 concentration in the reaction mix, which further confirmed that DLC1 does not inhibit nNOS activity. These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell. - Highlights: • The effect of interaction of nNOS with DLC1 has been debatable with contradicting reports in literature. • Purified DLC1 has no effect on electron transport between reductase and oxygenase domain of purified nNOS-CaM. • The NO release activity of nNOS was not altered by DLC1, supporting that DLC1 does not inhibit the enzyme. • These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell.

  5. iNOS inhibits hair regeneration in obese diabetic (ob/ob) mice. (United States)

    Sasaki, Mari; Shinozaki, Shohei; Morinaga, Hironobu; Kaneki, Masao; Nishimura, Emi; Shimokado, Kentaro


    Previous studies have shown that androgenic alopecia is associated with metabolic syndrome and diabetes. However, the detailed mechanism whereby diabetes causes alopecia still remains unclear. We focused on the inflammatory response that is caused by diabetes or obesity, given that inflammation is a risk factor for hair loss. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is known to be upregulated under conditions of acute or chronic inflammation. To clarify the potential role of iNOS in diabetes-related alopecia, we generated obese diabetic iNOS-deficient (ob/ob; iNOS-KO mice). We observed that ob/ob; iNOS-KO mice were potentiated for the transition from telogen (rest phase) to anagen (growth phase) in the hair cycle compared with iNOS-proficient ob/ob mice. To determine the effect of nitric oxide (NO) on the hair cycle, we administered an iNOS inhibitor intraperitoneally (compound 1400 W, 10 mg/kg) or topically (10% aminoguanidine) in ob/ob mice. We observed that iNOS inhibitors promoted anagen transition in ob/ob mice. Next, we administered an NO donor (S-nitrosoglutathione, GSNO), to test whether NO has the telogen elongation effects. The NO donor was sufficient to induce telogen elongation in wild-type mice. Together, our data indicate that iNOS-derived NO plays a role in telogen elongation under the inflammatory conditions associated with diabetes in mice. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Contemporary vascular smartphone medical applications. (United States)

    Carter, Thomas; O'Neill, Stephen; Johns, Neil; Brady, Richard R W


    Use of smartphones and medical mHealth applications (apps) within the clinical environment provides a potential means for delivering elements of vascular care. This article reviews the contemporary availability of apps specifically themed to major vascular diseases and the opportunities and concerns regarding their integration into practice. Smartphone apps relating to major vascular diseases were identified from the app stores for the 6 most popular smartphone platforms, including iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows, and Samsung. Search terms included peripheral artery (arterial) disease, varicose veins, aortic aneurysm, carotid artery disease, amputation, ulcers, hyperhydrosis, thoracic outlet syndrome, vascular malformation, and lymphatic disorders. Forty-nine vascular-themed apps were identified. Sixteen (33%) were free of charge. Fifteen apps (31%) had customer satisfaction ratings, but only 3 (6%) had greater than 100. Only 13 apps (27%) had documented medical professional involvement in their design or content. The integration of apps into the delivery of care has the potential to benefit vascular health care workers and patients. However, high-quality apps designed by clinicians with vascular expertise are currently lacking and represent an area of concern in the mHealth market. Improvement in the quality and reliability of these apps will require the development of robust regulation. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Polyamine patterns in haploid and diploid tobacco tissues and in vitro cultures

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    Sílvia Bicudo Carone


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to determine PAs levels in pith tissues and callus cultures from haploid and diploid tobacco plants, explanted from the apical and basal regions of the stem. These explants were cultured in an RM-64 medium supplied with IAA and kinetin, under light or in the dark, during successive subcultures. PAs levels followed a basipetal decrease in diploid and an increase in haploid, pith tissues. A similar pattern of total PAs (free + conjugated was observed for the callus of diploid and haploid plants maintained in the light, and for the haploid callus in the dark, whereas the diploid callus in the dark showed a constant increase in total PAs levels until the end of culture. The PA increase in the diploid callus in the dark was related to free Put levels increase. The ploidy status of the plants could express different PA gradients together with the plant pith and in vitro callus cultures.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os níveis de PAs em tecidos de medula e cultura de calos de plantas haplóides e diplóides de tabaco, obtidas da região apical e basal do caule. Estes explantes foram cultivados em meio RM-64 suplementado com AIA e cinetina, na luz e no escuro, durante vários subcultivos. Nos tecidos medulares, os níveis de PAs apresentam um decréscimo basípeto em diplóides e um aumento em haplóides.Um padrão similar nos níveis de PAs totais (livres+ conjugadas foi observado em calos haplóides e diplóides mantidos na luz, e haplóides no escuro, enquanto os diplóides cultivados no escuro mostraram um aumento constante até o final do cultivo. O aumento no conteúdo de PAs nos calos diplóides no escuro, foi devido ao aumento do conteúdo de Put livre. Foi observado que a ploidia da planta pode expressar diferentes gradientes de PA ao longo do tecido medular e nas culturas de calos in vitro.

  8. Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptors in Benign Vascular Lesions of the Orbit: A Case Series. (United States)

    Atchison, Elizabeth A; Garrity, James A; Castillo, Francisco; Engman, Steven J; Couch, Steven M; Salomão, Diva R


    Vascular lesions of the orbit, although not malignant, can cause morbidity because of their location near critical structures in the orbit. For the same reason, they can be challenging to remove surgically. Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs are increasingly being used to treat diseases with prominent angiogenesis. Our study aimed to determine to what extent VEGF receptors and their subtypes are expressed on selected vascular lesions of the orbit. Retrospective case series of all orbital vascular lesions removed by one of the authors (JAG) at the Mayo Clinic. A total of 52 patients who underwent removal of vascular orbital lesions. The pathology specimens from the patients were retrieved, their pathologic diagnosis was confirmed, demographic and clinical information were gathered, and sections from vascular tumors were stained with vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR), vascular endothelial growth factor receptor type 1 (VEGFR1), vascular endothelial growth factor receptor type 2 (VEGFR2), and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor type 3 (VEGFR3). The existence and pattern of staining with VEGF and its subtypes on these lesions. There were 28 specimens of venous malformations, 4 capillary hemangiomas, 7 lymphatic malformations, and 6 lymphaticovenous malformations. All samples stained with VEGF, 55% stained with VEGFR1, 98% stained with VEGFR2, and 96% stained with VEGFR3. Most (94%) of the VEGFR2 staining was diffuse. Most orbital vascular lesions express VEGF receptors, which may suggest a future target for nonsurgical treatment. Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Ophthalmology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. NOX4-dependent Hydrogen peroxide promotes shear stress-induced SHP2 sulfenylation and eNOS activation. (United States)

    Sánchez-Gómez, Francisco J; Calvo, Enrique; Bretón-Romero, Rosa; Fierro-Fernández, Marta; Anilkumar, Narayana; Shah, Ajay M; Schröder, Katrin; Brandes, Ralf P; Vázquez, Jesús; Lamas, Santiago


    Laminar shear stress (LSS) triggers signals that ultimately result in atheroprotection and vasodilatation. Early responses are related to the activation of specific signaling cascades. We investigated the participation of redox-mediated modifications and in particular the role of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the sulfenylation of redox-sensitive phosphatases. Exposure of vascular endothelial cells to short periods of LSS (12 dyn/cm(2)) resulted in the generation of superoxide radical anion as detected by the formation of 2-hydroxyethidium by HPLC and its subsequent conversion to H2O2, which was corroborated by the increase in the fluorescence of the specific peroxide sensor HyPer. By using biotinylated dimedone we detected increased total protein sulfenylation in the bovine proteome, which was dependent on NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4)-mediated generation of peroxide. Mass spectrometry analysis allowed us to identify the phosphatase SHP2 as a protein susceptible to sulfenylation under LSS. Given the dependence of FAK activity on SHP2 function, we explored the role of FAK under LSS conditions. FAK activation and subsequent endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) phosphorylation were promoted by LSS and both processes were dependent on NOX4, as demonstrated in lung endothelial cells isolated from NOX4-null mice. These results support the idea that LSS elicits redox-sensitive signal transduction responses involving NOX4-dependent generation of hydrogen peroxide, SHP2 sulfenylation, and ulterior FAK-mediated eNOS activation. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Deficiency of superoxide dismutase promotes cerebral vascular hypertrophy and vascular dysfunction in hyperhomocysteinemia.

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    Sanjana Dayal

    Full Text Available There is an emerging consensus that hyperhomocysteinemia is an independent risk factor for cerebral vascular disease and that homocysteine-lowering therapy protects from ischemic stroke. However, the mechanisms by which hyperhomocysteinemia produces abnormalities of cerebral vascular structure and function remain largely undefined. Our objective in this study was to define the mechanistic role of superoxide in hyperhomocysteinemia-induced cerebral vascular dysfunction and hypertrophy. Unlike previous studies, our experimental design included a genetic approach to alter superoxide levels by using superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1-deficient mice fed a high methionine/low folate diet to produce hyperhomocysteinemia. In wild-type mice, the hyperhomocysteinemic diet caused elevated superoxide levels and impaired responses to endothelium-dependent vasodilators in cerebral arterioles, and SOD1 deficiency compounded the severity of these effects. The cross-sectional area of the pial arteriolar wall was markedly increased in mice with SOD1 deficiency, and the hyperhomocysteinemic diet sensitized SOD1-deficient mice to this hypertrophic effect. Analysis of individual components of the vascular wall demonstrated a significant increase in the content of smooth muscle and elastin. We conclude that superoxide is a key driver of both cerebral vascular hypertrophy and vasomotor dysfunction in this model of dietary hyperhomocysteinemia. These findings provide insight into the mechanisms by which hyperhomocysteinemia promotes cerebral vascular disease and ischemic stroke.

  11. Estrogen-induced DNA synthesis in vascular endothelial cells is mediated by ROS signaling

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    Felty Quentin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Since estrogen is known to increase vascular endothelial cell growth, elevated estrogen exposure from hormone replacement therapy or oral contraceptives has the potential to contribute in the development of abnormal proliferative vascular lesions and subsequent thickening of the vasculature. How estrogen may support or promote vascular lesions is not clear. We have examined in this study whether estrogen exposure to vascular endothelial cells increase the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS, and estrogen-induced ROS is involved in the growth of endothelial cells. Methods The effect of estrogen on the production of intracellular oxidants and the role of estrogen-induced ROS on cell growth was studied in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. ROS were measured by monitoring the oxidation of 2'7'-dichlorofluorescin by spectrofluorometry. Endothelial cell growth was measured by a colorimetric immunoassay based on BrdU incorporation into DNA. Results Physiological concentrations of estrogen (367 fmol and 3.67 pmol triggered a rapid 2-fold increase in intracellular oxidants in endothelial cells. E2-induced ROS formation was inhibited to basal levels by cotreatment with the mitochondrial inhibitor rotenone (2 μM and xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol (50 μM. Inhibitors of NAD(PH oxidase, apocynin and DPI, did not block E2-induced ROS formation. Furthermore, the NOS inhibitor, L-NAME, did not prevent the increase in E2-induced ROS. These findings indicate both mitochondria and xanthine oxidase are the source of ROS in estrogen treated vascular endothelial cells. E2 treated cells showed a 2-fold induction of BrdU incorporation at 18 h which was not observed in cells exposed to vehicle alone. Cotreatment with ebselen (20 μM and NAC (1 mM inhibited E2-induced BrdU incorporation without affecting the basal levels of DNA synthesis. The observed inhibitory effect of NAC and ebselen on E2-induced DNA synthesis was also shown

  12. Nilai Rerata Vascular Pedicle Width, Vascular Pedicle-Cardiac Ratio Vascular Pedicle-Thoracic Ratio Orang Dewasa Normal Indonesia Studi di RS dr. Cipto Mangunkusomo

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    Rommy Zunera


    Full Text Available Vascular pedicle width (VPW adalah jarak tepi luar vena kava superior ke tepi luar arteri subklavia kiri. Pemeriksaan VPW di foto toraks bersifat non-invasif, cepat dan mudah untuk memprediksi hipervolemia.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rerata nilai VPW orang dewasa normal Indonesia. VPW diukurdengan dua metode: pertama pengukuran VPW tunggal yang akurasinya terbatas di foto toraks digital karenarelatif tidak dipengaruhi faktor magnifikasi. Metode kedua untuk foto toraks nondigital yaitu pengukuranrasio:vascular pedicle-cardiac ratio (VPCR dan vascular pedicle-thoracic ratio (VPTR. Pengukuran serupadilakukan terhadap  topogram CT scan toraks AP terlentang dan CT scan toraks lalu dibandingkan akurasipengukuran di topogram dengan CT scan  toraks sebagai standar baku. Sampel terdiri atas 104 foto toraksPA subyek normal dan 103 CT scan  toraks subyek terpilih. Pada pemeriksaan toraks PA didapatkan rerata VPW 48,0±5,5mm, rerata VPCR 40,3±4,6%, dan rerata VPTR 17,2±1,7%. Pada pemeriksaan topogram CTscan didapatkan rerata VPW 50,3±6,2mm, rerata VPTR 45±5,1%, dan rerata VPTR 19,8±2,5%. Rerata VPWpada CT scan toraks 50,4±6,1mm. Pengukuran di foto toraks AP 10% lebih besar dibandingkan pada fototoraks PA dan pengukuranVPW di foto toraks terbukti memiliki akurasi  tinggi. Kata kunci: fototoraks, vascular pedicle width, vascular pedicle-cardiac ratio, vascular pedicle-thoracic ratio, hipervolemia.   The Mean Value of Vascular Pedicle Width, Vascular Pedicle-Cardiac Ratio,Vascular Pedicle-Thoracic Ratio of Normal Indonesian Adult Study In dr. Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital Abstract Vascular pedicle width (VPW is the distance, from a perpendicular line at the takeoff point of the left subclavian artery off the aorta to the point at which the superior vena cava. Measurement of VPW on chestx-ray is relatively non-invasive, fast and easy technique as  hypervolemia predictor. The purpose of thisstudy is to know the mean VPW value of normal

  13. Determinação e análise de parâmetros para o desenvolvimento de um processo de decoração de peças plásticas através da injeção sobre tecido

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    Cristiano Linck


    Full Text Available O processo de injeção sobre tecidos, utilizado na indústria automotiva, é caracterizado por modificações no processo de injeção convencional e possibilita o desenvolvimento de novos produtos com características diferenciadas. Devido às dificuldades de processamento, e tendo em vista as necessidades de adaptação dos parâmetros de injeção quando essa é feita sobre tecidos, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de determinação e análise de parâmetros de processo que possibilitaram o desenvolvimento desta técnica. Os testes foram realizados inicialmente em uma indústria produtora de peças automotivas e a metodologia adotada foi repetida em uma instituição de ensino. Verificou-se, então, que controlando os parâmetros de injeção e fechamento do molde, foi possível obter, em ambos os casos, peças conforme as especificações de qualidade requeridas.

  14. Calcium dynamics in vascular smooth muscle


    Amberg, Gregory C.; Navedo, Manuel F.


    Smooth muscle cells are ultimately responsible for determining vascular luminal diameter and blood flow. Dynamic changes in intracellular calcium are a critical mechanism regulating vascular smooth muscle contractility. Processes influencing intracellular calcium are therefore important regulators of vascular function with physiological and pathophysiological consequences. In this review we discuss the major dynamic calcium signals identified and characterized in vascular smooth muscle cells....

  15. Componente epifítico vascular de um fragmento florestal urbano, município de Criciúma, Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Vanilde Citadini-Zanette


    Full Text Available   Este estudo teve por objetivo realizar um levantamento florístico e fitossociológico, bem como analisar a distribuição espacial do componente epifítico vascular em um fragmento florestal em área urbana pertencente à floresta ombrófila densa submontana no município de Criciúma-SC. Adicionalmente, informações sobre os grupos ecológicos das espécies epifíticas e as estratégias de polinização e de dispersão também foram apresentadas. Foram amostradas 60 árvores como forófitos com DAP ≥ 10 cm, pelo método de pontos quadrantes centrados, e foi utilizado o método expedito por caminhamento para registrar as espécies epifíticas não amostradas nos forófitos pelo método fitossociológico. A frequência foi avaliada com base na ocorrência dos epífitos nos forófitos e nos segmentos fuste e copa. Foi registrada a presença dos epífitos nos forófitos nos segmentos fuste e copa. Foram encontradas 65 espécies distribuídas em 39 gêneros e em 14 famílias, das quais 49 foram amostradas no levantamento fitossociológico e as demais no levantamento por caminhamento. Bromeliaceae apresentou a maior riqueza, seguida de Orchidaceae e Cactaceae. Tillandsia recurvata (L. L. foi citada pela primeira vez no sul do estado. A diversidade específica foi estimada em H’ = 3,33 e a equabilidade (E foi igual a 0,86. O grupo ecológico dos holoepífitos foi o mais representativo na área de estudo. Entomofilia e anemocoria foram as estratégias predominantes para polinização e dispersão, respectivamente. No levantamento fitossociológico, o número de espécies epifíticas nos forófitos variou de 0 a 21. Os maiores valores de importância foram os relativos à Rhipsalis teres (Vell. Steud. e Microgramma vacciniifolia (Langsd. & Fisch. Copel.

  16. Open and endovascular aneurysm repair in the Society for Vascular Surgery Vascular Quality Initiative. (United States)

    Spangler, Emily L; Beck, Adam W


    The Society for Vascular Surgery Vascular Quality Initiative is a patient safety organization and a collection of procedure-based registries that can be utilized for quality improvement initiatives and clinical outcomes research. The Vascular Quality Initiative consists of voluntary participation by centers to collect data prospectively on all consecutive cases within specific registries which physicians and centers elect to participate. The data capture extends from preoperative demographics and risk factors (including indications for operation), through the perioperative period, to outcomes data at up to 1-year of follow-up. Additionally, longer-term follow-up can be achieved by matching with Medicare claims data, providing long-term longitudinal follow-up for a majority of patients within the Vascular Quality Initiative registries. We present the unique characteristics of the Vascular Quality Initiative registries and highlight important insights gained specific to open and endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Comentários neurocirúrgicos e fisiológicos sobre a secção da haste pituitária em seres humanos (miscotomia

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    J. Le Beau


    Full Text Available Nossa primeira hipofisectomia para tratamento de carcinoma metastático do seio foi feita em novembro de 1951 e a secção da haste pituitária (miscotomia para o mesmo fim foi iniciada em novembro de 1956. Quando se consegue impedir a regeneração vascular hipotálamo-hipofisária os resultados gerais da miscotomia são pouco diferentes daqueles obtidos com a hipofisectomia. Empregamos a miscotomia sempre que, por condições locais ou gerais, a remoção total da hipófise parece constituir grande risco cirúrgico. Temos publicado estudos anatomo-fisiológicos desde 1958 mostrando: (a as variações da necrose do lobo anterior da hipófise que não são totais nem definitivas (regeneração pituitária e a importância das artérias trabeculares a este respeito; b a grande capacidade de regeneração vascular a partir do hipctálamo e dirigindo-se para a parte restante do lobo anterior da hipófise, o que constitui um novo sistema anatomo-funcional portal; c após isolamento permanente da pituitária ocorre proliferação das células de prolactina (células orangeófilas e hipertrofia compensadora da pars tuberalis. A remoção cirúrgica de tecido hipofisário normal nos permitiu descrever, pela primeira vez no ser humano, as células ACTH (1964 e as células FSH (1966.

  18. PanVascular medicine. 2. ed.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lanzer, Peter (ed.) [Health Care Center Bitterfeld (Germany). Division of Cardiovascular Disease


    Vascular management and care has become a truly multidisciplinary enterprise as the number of specialists involved in the treatment of patients with vascular diseases has steadily increased. While in the past, treatments were delivered by individual specialists, in the twenty-first century a team approach is without doubt the most effective strategy. In order to promote professional excellence in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field, a shared knowledge base and interdisciplinary standards need to be established. Pan Vascular Medicine, 2nd edition has been designed to offer such an interdisciplinary platform, providing vascular specialists with state-of-the art descriptive and procedural knowledge. Basic science, diagnostics, and therapy are all comprehensively covered. In a series of succinct, clearly written chapters, renowned specialists introduce and comment on the current international guidelines and present up-to-date reviews of all aspects of vascular care.

  19. PanVascular medicine. 2. ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lanzer, Peter


    Vascular management and care has become a truly multidisciplinary enterprise as the number of specialists involved in the treatment of patients with vascular diseases has steadily increased. While in the past, treatments were delivered by individual specialists, in the twenty-first century a team approach is without doubt the most effective strategy. In order to promote professional excellence in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field, a shared knowledge base and interdisciplinary standards need to be established. Pan Vascular Medicine, 2nd edition has been designed to offer such an interdisciplinary platform, providing vascular specialists with state-of-the art descriptive and procedural knowledge. Basic science, diagnostics, and therapy are all comprehensively covered. In a series of succinct, clearly written chapters, renowned specialists introduce and comment on the current international guidelines and present up-to-date reviews of all aspects of vascular care.

  20. [The future of vascular medicine]. (United States)

    Kroeger, K; Luther, B


    In the future vascular medicine will still have a great impact on health of people. It should be noted that the aging of the population does not lead to a dramatic increase in patient numbers, but will be associated with a changing spectrum of co-morbidities. In addition, vascular medical research has to include the intensive care special features of vascular patients, the involvement of vascular medicine in a holistic concept of fast-track surgery, a geriatric-oriented intensive monitoring and early geriatric rehabilitation. For the future acceptance of vascular medicine as a separate subject area under delimitation of cardiology and radiology is important. On the other hand, the subject is so complex and will become more complex in future specialisations that mixing of surgery and angiology is desirable, with the aim to preserve the vascular surgical knowledge and skills on par with the medical and interventional measures and further develop them. Only large, interdisciplinary guided vascular centres will be able to provide timely diagnosis and therapy, to deal with the growing multi-morbidity of the patient, to perform complex therapies even in an acute emergency and due to sufficient number of cases to present with well-trained and experienced teams. These requirements are mandatory to decrease patients' mortality step by step. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  1. Perfil de ácidos graxos e composição centesimal de carpas (Cyprinus carpio alimentadas com ração e com dejetos suínos Fatty acid profile and proximate composition of carp (Cyprinus carpio feed artificial food and pig manure

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    Janice Izabel Druzian


    Full Text Available Este estudo investigou o efeito da alimentação com dejetos suínos na composição centesimal e no perfil de ácidos graxos do músculo de carpas. Amostras de carpas com 4-10 meses de idade, recolhidas em Santa Catarina, foram filetadas, trituradas e acondicionadas em atmosfera de nitrogênio (-18°C. Os valores (% de umidade, proteína e cinzas foram: 72,24; 14,85; e 2,16, respectivamente, para carpas alimentados com ração; e 83,33; 14,48; e 3,49 para carpas alimentadas com dejetos suínos. Os valores de sódio e potássio foram: 0,491% e 1,20% carpas/ração; e 2,28% e 0,367% carpas/dejetos suínos, respectivamente. Os teores de lipídios totais também apresentaram diferenças significativas: 9,88% carpas/ração e 1,69% carpas/dejetos suínos. O perfil de ácidos graxos mostrou tendências similares nos dois músculos. Portanto, verificou-se um efeito significativo da alteração da dieta sobre a composição do tecido muscular de carpas alimentadas com dejetos suínos, principalmente no conteúdo de minerais e de lipídios totais, embora a variação observada no conteúdo de lipídios totais não tenha se refletido na composição de ácidos graxos.This study investigated the proximate composition and fatty acid profile of the carp muscle fed with pig manure. Carp with 4-10 months of age were collected in Santa Catarina. Muscle samples were sliced and then triturated in a multiprocessor and stored under gaseous nitrogen atmosphere (-18°C. The moisture, protein, and ash contents (% were as follows: 72.24; 14.85; e 2.16, respectively, for carp feed artificial food; and 83.33; 14.48; e 3.49 for carp feed pig manure. The contents of sodium and potassium were: 0.491% and 1.20% carp/artificial food; 2.28% and 0.367% carp/pig manure. The total lipids contents also presented significant differences: 9.88% carp/artificial food, and 1.69% carp/pig manure. Fatty acid profile showed similar tends in both muscles. Therefore, a significant

  2. Vascular neurocognitive disorders and the vascular risk factors

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    Carmen V. Albu


    Full Text Available Dementias are clinical neurodegenerative diseases characterized by permanent and progressive transformation of cognitive functions such as memory, learning capacity, attention, thinking, language, passing judgments, calculation or orientation. Dementias represent a relatively frequent pathology, encountered at about 10% of the population of 65-year olds and 20% of the population of 80-year olds. This review presents the main etiological forms of dementia, which include Alzheimer form of dementia, vascular dementia, dementia associated with alpha-synucleionopathies, and mixed forms. Regarding vascular dementia, the risk factors are similar to those for an ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident: arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, smoking, obesity, age, alcohol consumption, cerebral atherosclerosis/ arteriosclerosis. Several studies show that efficient management of the vascular risk factors can prevent the expression and/ or progression of dementia. Thus, lifestyle changes such as stress reduction, regular physical exercise, decreasing dietary fat, multivitamin supplementation, adequate control of blood pressure and serum cholesterol, and social integration and mental stimulation in the elderly population are important factors in preventing or limiting the symptoms of dementia, a disease with significant individual, social, and economic implications.

  3. Disponibilidade dos metais pesados tóxicos cádmio, chumbo e cromo no solo e tecido foliar da soja adubada com diferentes fontes de NPK+Zn Availability of cadmium, lead and chromium toxic heavy metals in soil and soybean leaf tissue fertilized with different sources of NPK+Zn

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    Ivair André Nava


    Full Text Available Os fertilizantes utilizados para suprir micronutrientes podem apresentar metais pesados tóxicos em sua composição que podem proporcionar severas consequências ao meio ambiente. Plantas cultivadas na presença de determinadas concentrações de elementos tóxicos podem oferecer risco de contaminação, pois os acumulam em seus tecidos. Desse forma, neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar a disponibilização dos metais pesados tóxicos Cd, Pb, e Cr para o solo e tecido foliar da cultura da soja, cultivada a campo e fertilizada com um formulado N:P2O5:K2O e diferentes fontes de Zn. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial [(5+1x2], com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de cinco diferentes fertilizantes NPK+Zn (quatro fontes com Zn e uma sem Zn, um tratamento sem adubação e duas doses de adubação (uma vez e o seu dobro. Com base nos resultados obtidos foi concluído que a aplicação dos tratamentos disponibilizou Cd, Pb e Cr para as plantas de soja e para o solo do experimento nas duas doses de adubação utilizadas.Fertilizers used to supply micronutrients may have toxic heavy metals in their composition, which can have severe consequences for the environment. Plants grown in the presence of certain concentrations of toxic elements may present a risk of contamination because the toxins accumulate in their tissues. This study aimed to measure the presence of the toxic heavy metals Cd, Pb and Cr in the soil and leaf tissue of field-grown soybean plants, fertilized with a formulated N:P2O5:K2O and different sources of Zn. The experimental design utilized randomized blocks in a factorial scheme [(5+1x2], with three replications. The treatments consisted of five different fertilizers NPK + Zn (four sources with Zn and one without Zn, a treatment without fertilizer and two fertilizer levels (a single and double application. Based on obtained results it was concluded that the double

  4. Hyperhomocysteinemia potentiates diabetes-impaired EDHF-induced vascular relaxation: Role of insufficient hydrogen sulfide

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    Zhongjian Cheng


    Full Text Available Insufficient hydrogen sulfide (H2S has been implicated in Type 2 diabetic mellitus (T2DM and hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy-related cardiovascular complications. We investigated the role of H2S in T2DM and HHcy-induced endothelial dysfunction in small mesenteric artery (SMA of db/db mice fed a high methionine (HM diet. HM diet (8 weeks induced HHcy in both T2DM db/db mice and non-diabetic db/+ mice (total plasma Hcy: 48.4 and 31.3 µM, respectively, and aggravated the impaired endothelium-derived hyperpolarization factor (EDHF-induced endothelium-dependent relaxation to acetylcholine (ACh, determined by the presence of eNOS inhibitor N(ω-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME and prostacyclin (PGI2 inhibitor indomethacin (INDO, in SMA from db/db mice but not that from db/+ mice. A non-selective Ca2+-active potassium channel (KCa opener NS309 rescued T2DM/HHcy-impaired EDHF-mediated vascular relaxation to ACh. EDHF-induced relaxation to ACh was inhibited by a non-selective KCa blocker TEA and intermediate-conductance KCa blocker (IKCa Tram-34, but not by small-conductance KCa (SKCa blocker Apamin. HHcy potentiated the reduction of free sulfide, H2S and cystathionine γ-lyase protein, which converts L-cysteine to H2S, in SMA of db/db mice. Importantly, a stable H2S donor DATS diminished the enhanced O2- production in SMAs and lung endothelial cells of T2DM/HHcy mice. Antioxidant PEG-SOD and DATS improved T2DM/HHcy impaired relaxation to ACh. Moreover, HHcy increased hyperglycemia-induced IKCa tyrosine nitration in human micro-vascular endothelial cells. EDHF-induced vascular relaxation to L-cysteine was not altered, whereas such relaxation to NaHS was potentiated by HHcy in SMA of db/db mice which was abolished by ATP-sensitive potassium channel blocker Glycolamide but not by KCa blockers. Conclusions: Intermediate HHcy potentiated H2S reduction via CSE-downregulation in microvasculature of T2DM mice. H2S is justified as an EDHF. Insufficient H2S

  5. Extracellular histones disarrange vasoactive mediators release through a COX-NOS interaction in human endothelial cells. (United States)

    Pérez-Cremades, Daniel; Bueno-Betí, Carlos; García-Giménez, José Luis; Ibañez-Cabellos, José Santiago; Hermenegildo, Carlos; Pallardó, Federico V; Novella, Susana


    Extracellular histones are mediators of inflammation, tissue injury and organ dysfunction. Interactions between circulating histones and vascular endothelial cells are key events in histone-mediated pathologies. Our aim was to investigate the implication of extracellular histones in the production of the major vasoactive compounds released by human endothelial cells (HUVECs), prostanoids and nitric oxide (NO). HUVEC exposed to increasing concentrations of histones (0.001 to 100 μg/ml) for 4 hrs induced prostacyclin (PGI2) production in a dose-dependent manner and decreased thromboxane A2 (TXA2) release at 100 μg/ml. Extracellular histones raised cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and prostacyclin synthase (PGIS) mRNA and protein expression, decreased COX-1 mRNA levels and did not change thromboxane A2 synthase (TXAS) expression. Moreover, extracellular histones decreased both, eNOS expression and NO production in HUVEC. The impaired NO production was related to COX-2 activity and superoxide production since was reversed after celecoxib (10 μmol/l) and tempol (100 μmol/l) treatments, respectively. In conclusion, our findings suggest that extracellular histones stimulate the release of endothelial-dependent mediators through an up-regulation in COX-2-PGIS-PGI2 pathway which involves a COX-2-dependent superoxide production that decreases the activity of eNOS and the NO production. These effects may contribute to the endothelial cell dysfunction observed in histone-mediated pathologies. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine.

  6. The protein inhibitor of nNOS (PIN/DLC1/LC8) binding does not inhibit the NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, a key step in NO synthesis. (United States)

    Parhad, Swapnil S; Jaiswal, Deepa; Ray, Krishanu; Mazumdar, Shyamalava


    The neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is an essential enzyme involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a potent neurotransmitter. Although previous studies have indicated that the dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) binding to nNOS could inhibit the NO synthesis, the claim is challenged by contradicting reports. Thus, the mechanism of nNOS regulation remained unclear. nNOS has a heme-bearing, Cytochrome P450 core, and the functional enzyme is a dimer. The electron flow from NADPH to Flavin, and finally to the heme of the paired nNOS subunit within a dimer, is facilitated upon calmodulin (CaM) binding. Here, we show that DLC1 binding to nNOS-CaM complex does not affect the electron transport from the reductase to the oxygenase domain. Therefore, it cannot inhibit the rate of NADPH-dependent heme reduction in nNOS, which results in l-Arginine oxidation. Also, the NO release activity does not decrease with increasing DLC1 concentration in the reaction mix, which further confirmed that DLC1 does not inhibit nNOS activity. These findings suggest that the DLC1 binding may have other implications for the nNOS function in the cell. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Acceleration of vascularized bone tissue-engineered constructs in a large animal model combining intrinsic and extrinsic vascularization. (United States)

    Weigand, Annika; Beier, Justus P; Hess, Andreas; Gerber, Thomas; Arkudas, Andreas; Horch, Raymund E; Boos, Anja M


    During the last decades, a range of excellent and promising strategies in Bone Tissue Engineering have been developed. However, the remaining major problem is the lack of vascularization. In this study, extrinsic and intrinsic vascularization strategies were combined for acceleration of vascularization. For optimal biomechanical stability of the defect site and simplifying future transition into clinical application, a primary stable and approved nanostructured bone substitute in clinically relevant size was used. An arteriovenous (AV) loop was microsurgically created in sheep and implanted, together with the bone substitute, in either perforated titanium chambers (intrinsic/extrinsic) for different time intervals of up to 18 weeks or isolated Teflon(®) chambers (intrinsic) for 18 weeks. Over time, magnetic resonance imaging and micro-computed tomography (CT) analyses illustrate the dense vascularization arising from the AV loop. The bone substitute was completely interspersed with newly formed tissue after 12 weeks of intrinsic/extrinsic vascularization and after 18 weeks of intrinsic/extrinsic and intrinsic vascularization. Successful matrix change from an inorganic to an organic scaffold could be demonstrated in vascularized areas with scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Using the intrinsic vascularization method only, the degradation of the scaffold and osteoclastic activity was significantly lower after 18 weeks, compared with 12 and 18 weeks in the combined intrinsic-extrinsic model. Immunohistochemical staining revealed an increase in bone tissue formation over time, without a difference between intrinsic/extrinsic and intrinsic vascularization after 18 weeks. This study presents the combination of extrinsic and intrinsic vascularization strategies for the generation of an axially vascularized bone substitute in clinically relevant size using a large animal model. The additional extrinsic vascularization promotes tissue

  8. Social media in vascular surgery. (United States)

    Indes, Jeffrey E; Gates, Lindsay; Mitchell, Erica L; Muhs, Bart E


    There has been a tremendous growth in the use of social media to expand the visibility of various specialties in medicine. The purpose of this paper is to describe the latest updates on some current applications of social media in the practice of vascular surgery as well as existing limitations of use. This investigation demonstrates that the use of social networking sites appears to have a positive impact on vascular practice, as is evident through the incorporation of this technology at the Cleveland Clinic and by the Society for Vascular Surgery into their approach to patient care and physician communication. Overall, integration of social networking technology has current and future potential to be used to promote goals, patient awareness, recruitment for clinical trials, and professionalism within the specialty of vascular surgery. Copyright © 2013 Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Endogenous angiotensin II modulates nNOS expression in renovascular hypertension

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    T.M.C. Pereira


    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO influences renal blood flow mainly as a result of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS. Nevertheless, it is unclear how nNOS expression is modulated by endogenous angiotensin II, an inhibitor of NO function. We tested the hypothesis that the angiotensin II AT1 receptor and oxidative stress mediated by NADPH oxidase contribute to the modulation of renal nNOS expression in two-kidney, one-clip (2K1C hypertensive rats. Experiments were performed on male Wistar rats (150 to 170 g body weight divided into 2K1C (N = 19 and sham-operated (N = 19 groups. nNOS expression in kidneys of 2K1C hypertensive rats (N = 9 was compared by Western blotting to that of 2K1C rats treated with low doses of the AT1 antagonist losartan (10 mg·kg-1·day-1; N = 5 or the superoxide scavenger tempol (0.2 mmol·kg-1·day-1; N = 5, which still remain hypertensive. After 28 days, nNOS expression was significantly increased by 1.7-fold in the clipped kidneys of 2K1C rats and by 3-fold in the non-clipped kidneys of 2K1C rats compared with sham rats, but was normalized by losartan. With tempol treatment, nNOS expression increased 2-fold in the clipped kidneys and 1.4-fold in the non-clipped kidneys compared with sham rats. The changes in nNOS expression were not followed by changes in the enzyme activity, as measured indirectly by the cGMP method. In conclusion, AT1 receptors and oxidative stress seem to be primary stimuli for increased nNOS expression, but this up-regulation does not result in higher enzyme activity.

  10. Vascular elastic photoacoustic tomography in humans (United States)

    Hai, Pengfei; Zhou, Yong; Liang, Jinyang; Li, Chiye; Wang, Lihong V.


    Quantification of vascular elasticity can help detect thrombosis and prevent life-threatening conditions such as acute myocardial infarction or stroke. Here, we propose vascular elastic photoacoustic tomography (VE-PAT) to measure vascular elasticity in humans. VE-PAT was developed by incorporating a linear-array-based photoacoustic computed tomography system with a customized compression stage. By measuring the deformation of blood vessels under uniaxial loading, VE-PAT was able to quantify the vascular compliance. We first demonstrated the feasibility of VE-PAT in blood vessel phantoms. In large vessel phantoms, VE-PAT detected a decrease in vascular compliance due to simulated thrombosis, which was validated by a standard compression test. In small blood vessel phantoms embedded 3 mm deep in gelatin, VE-PAT detected elasticity changes at depths that are difficult to image using other elasticity imaging techniques. We then applied VE-PAT to assess vascular compliance in a human subject and detected a decrease in vascular compliance when an occlusion occurred downstream from the measurement point, demonstrating the potential of VE-PAT in clinical applications such as detection of deep venous thrombosis.

  11. Diagnosis and management of vascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan Xindong; Zheng Lianzhou


    Vascular disorders mainly include hemangiomas and vascular malformations, and constitute some of the most difficult diagnostic and therapeutic enigmas that can be encountered in the clinical practice. The clinical presentations are extremely variable and can range from an asymptomatic birthmark to life-threatening congestive heart failure. Attributing any of these extremely varied symptoms that a patients may present with to a vascular malformation may be a challenge to the most experienced clinical. This problem is compounded by the extreme rarity of these vascular lesions. If a clinician meets such a patient once every few years, it will be extremely difficult for the physicians to gain a steep learning curve. In such circumstances, it is difficult to formulate a standard of diagnosis and treatment for these vascular disorders. This paper aims to make a comprehensive and detailed description of the classification and diagnosis of the vascular disorders, the common used embolization agents, the concepts of interventional diagnosis and management and the therapies of various hemangiomas and vascular malformations. (authors)

  12. Vascular disease in cocaine addiction. (United States)

    Bachi, Keren; Mani, Venkatesh; Jeyachandran, Devi; Fayad, Zahi A; Goldstein, Rita Z; Alia-Klein, Nelly


    Cocaine, a powerful vasoconstrictor, induces immune responses including cytokine elevations. Chronic cocaine use is associated with functional brain impairments potentially mediated by vascular pathology. Although the Crack-Cocaine epidemic has declined, its vascular consequences are increasingly becoming evident among individuals with cocaine use disorder of that period, now aging. Paradoxically, during the period when prevention efforts could make a difference, this population receives psychosocial treatment at best. We review major postmortem and in vitro studies documenting cocaine-induced vascular toxicity. PubMed and Academic Search Complete were used with relevant terms. Findings consist of the major mechanisms of cocaine-induced vasoconstriction, endothelial dysfunction, and accelerated atherosclerosis, emphasizing acute, chronic, and secondary effects of cocaine. The etiology underlying cocaine's acute and chronic vascular effects is multifactorial, spanning hypertension, impaired homeostasis and platelet function, thrombosis, thromboembolism, and alterations in blood flow. Early detection of vascular disease in cocaine addiction by multimodality imaging is discussed. Treatment may be similar to indications in patients with traditional risk-factors, with few exceptions such as enhanced supportive care and use of benzodiazepines and phentolamine for sedation, and avoiding β-blockers. Given the vascular toxicity cocaine induces, further compounded by smoking and alcohol comorbidity, and interacting with aging of the crack generation, there is a public health imperative to identify pre-symptomatic markers of vascular impairments in cocaine addiction and employ preventive treatment to reduce silent disease progression. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. The vascular pattern in the flower of some Mesembryanthemaceae: Aptenia cordifolia and Dorotheanthus bellidiformis. The effect of an ontogenetical shifting on the vascular pattern and vascular conservatism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meulen-Bruijns, van der C.


    1. The vascular pattern in the flower at various stages of maturity of Aptenia cordifolia and Dorotheanthus bellidiformis is examined. 2. The vascular pattern of Dorotheanthus has been compared with that of Aptenia: typologically, Dorotheanthus is derived from Aptenia. 3. The vascular pattern of

  14. ¿Las emociones nos distraen?

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    Antonia Pilar Pacheco-Unguetti


    Full Text Available ¿Leerás este artículo hasta el final sin interrupciones? Puede que, mientras lo intentas, recibas algún mensaje de whatsapp, se abra una ventana emergente en tu ordenador con una oferta de viajes al Caribe o el cartero llame dos veces a tu puerta. También puede ser que simplemente no tengas un buen día y te resulte especialmente difícil concentrarte. Vivimos expuestos a multitud de estímulos distractores externos, algunos tan inesperados o extraños que entorpecen irremediablemente nuestra concentración en una tarea (distracción por novedad. Pero la distracción también puede tener una causa interna y cómo nos sentimos puede influir en cuánto nos distraemos.

  15. Accelerated Vascular Aging as a Paradigm for Hypertensive Vascular Disease: Prevention and Therapy. (United States)

    Barton, Matthias; Husmann, Marc; Meyer, Matthias R


    Aging is considered the most important nonmodifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease and death after age 28 years. Because of demographic changes the world population is expected to increase to 9 billion by the year 2050 and up to 12 billion by 2100, with several-fold increases among those 65 years of age and older. Healthy aging and prevention of aging-related diseases and associated health costs have become part of political agendas of governments around the world. Atherosclerotic vascular burden increases with age; accordingly, patients with progeria (premature aging) syndromes die from myocardial infarctions or stroke as teenagers or young adults. The incidence and prevalence of arterial hypertension also increases with age. Arterial hypertension-like diabetes and chronic renal failure-shares numerous pathologies and underlying mechanisms with the vascular aging process. In this article, we review how arterial hypertension resembles premature vascular aging, including the mechanisms by which arterial hypertension (as well as other risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, or chronic renal failure) accelerates the vascular aging process. We will also address the importance of cardiovascular risk factor control-including antihypertensive therapy-as a powerful intervention to interfere with premature vascular aging to reduce the age-associated prevalence of diseases such as myocardial infarction, heart failure, hypertensive nephropathy, and vascular dementia due to cerebrovascular disease. Finally, we will discuss the implementation of endothelial therapy, which aims at active patient participation to improve primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Copyright © 2016 Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Contribution of the nos-pdt operon to virulence phenotypes in methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus.

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    April M Sapp

    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO is emerging as an important regulator of bacterial stress resistance, biofilm development, and virulence. One potential source of endogenous NO production in the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus is its NO-synthase (saNOS enzyme, encoded by the nos gene. Although a role for saNOS in oxidative stress resistance, antibiotic resistance, and virulence has been recently-described, insights into the regulation of nos expression and saNOS enzyme activity remain elusive. To this end, transcriptional analysis of the nos gene in S. aureus strain UAMS-1 was performed, which revealed that nos expression increases during low-oxygen growth and is growth-phase dependent. Furthermore, nos is co-transcribed with a downstream gene, designated pdt, which encodes a prephenate dehydratase (PDT enzyme involved in phenylalanine biosynthesis. Deletion of pdt significantly impaired the ability of UAMS-1 to grow in chemically-defined media lacking phenylalanine, confirming the function of this enzyme. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that the operon organization of nos-pdt appears to be unique to the staphylococci. As described for other S. aureus nos mutants, inactivation of nos in UAMS-1 conferred sensitivity to oxidative stress, while deletion of pdt did not affect this phenotype. The nos mutant also displayed reduced virulence in a murine sepsis infection model, and increased carotenoid pigmentation when cultured on agar plates, both previously-undescribed nos mutant phenotypes. Utilizing the fluorescent stain 4-Amino-5-Methylamino-2',7'-Difluorofluorescein (DAF-FM diacetate, decreased levels of intracellular NO/reactive nitrogen species (RNS were detected in the nos mutant on agar plates. These results reinforce the important role of saNOS in S. aureus physiology and virulence, and have identified an in vitro growth condition under which saNOS activity appears to be upregulated. However, the significance of the operon organization of nos-pdt and

  17. Expression profiles of eNOS, iNOS and microRNA-27b in the corpus cavernosum of rats submitted to chronic alcoholism and Diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    Cunha, Joao Paulo da; Lizarte, Fermino Sanches; Novais, Paulo Cezar; Gattas, Daniela; Carvalho, Camila Albuquerque Mello de; Tirapelli, Daniela Pretti da Cunha; Molina, Carlos Augusto Fernandes; Tirapelli, Luis Fernando; Tucci, Silvio


    To evaluate the expression of endothelial and inducible NOS in addition to the miRNA-27b in the corpus cavernosum and peripheral blood of healthy rats, diabetic rats, alcoholic rats and rats with both pathologies. Forty eight Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control (C), alcoholic (A), diabetic (D) and alcoholic-diabetic (AD). Samples of the corpus cavernosum were prepared to study protein expressions of eNOS and iNOS by immunohistochemistry and expression of miRNA-27b in the corpus cavernosum and peripheral blood. Immunohistochemistry for eNOS and iNOS showed an increase in cavernosal smooth muscle cells in the alcoholic, diabetic and alcoholic-diabetic groups when compared with the control group. Similarly, the mRNA levels for eNOS were increased in cavernosal smooth muscle (CSM) in the alcoholic, diabetic and alcoholic-diabetic groups and miRNA-27b were decreased in CSM in the alcoholic, diabetic and alcoholic-diabetic groups. The major new finding of our study was an impairment of relaxation of cavernosal smooth muscle in alcoholic, diabetic, and alcoholic-diabetic rats that involved a decrease in the nitric oxide pathway by endothelium-dependent mechanisms accompanied by a change in the corpus cavernosum contractile sensitivity.

  18. Marketing plan NOS: introducing pay per view


    Pereira, Pedro Azeredo


    NOS, NOS Comunicações S.A., is a private telecommunications company of the portuguese market which is proud of being the “best communications and entertainment company in the market”. The company was born from a fusion between two of the biggest communications corporations in the country: on the fixed service (TV, fixed phone, fixed internet, etc.) from ZON; and on the mobile service (mobile phone, internet, etc.) from Optimus. It is a leader in all the sectors it operates. Bes...

  19. Esclerodermia: A Propósito de um Caso Clínico

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    Ana Filipa Sousa Lima


    Full Text Available A esclerodermia é uma doença autoimune rara. Caracteriza-se por inflamação e aumento da reatividade vascular, associada à deposição excessiva de colagénio nos tecidos, incluindo a pele e os órgãos internos. Apresentamos o caso de uma mulher, de 41 anos, frequentadora consecutiva de várias consultas no Médico de Família por queixas de ansiedade e poliartralgias. Inicialmente, o quadro clínico foi interpretado como patologia osteoarticular. Posteriormente, surgiu dificuldade na ingestão de líquidos, atribuída a ansiedade e, adicionalmente, parestesias nas mãos. Após excluída patologia ortopédica, foi observada em consulta de Reumatologia onde, na sequência de  múltiplos exames foi feito o diagnóstico de esclerodermia sistémica forma cutânea limitada. Pretende-se recordar as principais manifestações clínicas da esclerodermia. Apesar de rara, esta é uma hipótese a considerar em mulheres entre os 30-40 anos, com poliartralgias, disfagia e queixas cutâneas que por vezes são desvalorizadas. Recebido: 11/09/2016 - Aceite: 04/11/2016

  20. Propriedades morfológicas do peritônio da paca (Cuniculus paca, L. 1766 a fresco e conservados em glicerina 98%

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    Angela Daniele De Camargo


    Full Text Available   Objetivou-se, com este estudo, descrever as características morfológicas de amostras de peritônio a fresco e conservadas em glicerina a 98%, por períodos de 30, 60 e 90 dias, de quatro pacas adultas. As amostras foram analisadas por meio da microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Verificou-se um evidente arranjo entre o tecido conjuntivo denso modelado e o tecido conjuntivo denso não modelado, além de insignificante modificação na integridade tecidual do peritônio da paca, quando submetida a ação da glicerina nos diferentes períodos. Conclui-se que o peritônio da paca pode ser utilizado como mais uma opção de material biológico.

  1. Changes of serum NO/iNOS after whole abdominal irradiation in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin Hong; Wu Wei; Zhang Kunhe; Chen Jiang; Wang Yang; Luo Hui; Huang Xiaoqing


    Objective: To observe the changes of serum NO/NOS concentrations in rats after whole abdominal irradiation and their relationships with intestinal radiation injury. Methods: Thirty health rats were randomly divided into three groups: normal control group, irradiation control group, and IgY protection group. The sera of rats were collected and the NO and iNOS were assayed. Results: NO and iNOS levels increased evidently in the irradiation control group in contrast with those of the normal control group (P<0.01). NO and iNOS levels increased slightly in the IgY protection group in contrast with the irradiation control group (P<0.01) and were close to the levels of the normal control group. The changes of NO and NOS concentrations were synchronous. Conclusion: NO and iNOS are good indices for detecting intestinal radiation injury. (authors)

  2. Aspectos ético-legais da retirada e transplante de tecidos, órgãos e partes do corpo humano Aspectos ético-legales de la retirada y transplante de tejidos, organos y partes del cuerpo humano Legal-ethical aspects of the removal and transplantation of tissues, organs and parts of the human body

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    Elenice Dias Ribeiro de Paula Lima


    Full Text Available As autoras fazem uma análise crítica da legislação em vigor relativa aos transplantes de órgãos, tecidos e partes do corpo humano, e tecem comentários sobre os artigos pertinentes a eles nos respectivos códigos de ética médica e da enfermagem, alertando os profissionais de enfermagem para a necessidade de registrarem as infrações cometidas contra o cliente, à luz desses códigos.Las autoras hacen un analisis crítico de la legislación en vigor referente a los transplantes de órganos, tejidos y partes del cuerpo humano y hacen comentarios sobre los artículos pertinentes a ellos en los respectivos códigos de ética médica y de enfermería, alertando a los profesionales de enfermería sobre la necesidad de registrar las transgresiones hechas contra el cliente, a la luz de esos códigos.The authors analise critically the current legislation related to the transplantation of organs, tissues and parts of the human body, as well as they comment the articles which refer to this topic and which are found in medical and nursing ethical codes, advising nursing professionals to the need of registration of legal infractions attempted against the clients.

  3. Análise da freqüência de eritrócitos policromáticos micronucleados em camundongos (Mus domesticus domesticus), tratados com enzicoba (COBAMAMIDA)


    Pereira, Érica Valentini Pepeliascov; Kroll, Benedito Lúcio; Souza, Edislane Barreiros de


    O anabolizante Enzicoba possui como princípio ativo a Cobamamida ou Coenzima da Vitamina B12 que é umcofator presente, em condições fi siológicas, nos tecidos de várias espécies animais (inclusive no homem), que pode interferirnos processos metabólicos da síntese protéica, essencial para o crescimento corpóreo e para o eutrofi smo do parênquimahepático. Tal composto estimula o anabolismo celular em todos...

  4. Expression analysis of NOS family and HSP genes during thermal stress in goat ( Capra hircus) (United States)

    Yadav, Vijay Pratap; Dangi, Satyaveer Singh; Chouhan, Vikrant Singh; Gupta, Mahesh; Dangi, Saroj K.; Singh, Gyanendra; Maurya, Vijay Prakash; Kumar, Puneet; Sarkar, Mihir


    Approximately 50 genes other than heat shock protein (HSP) expression changes during thermal stress. These genes like nitric oxide synthase (NOS) need proper attention and investigation to find out their possible role in the adaptation to thermal stress in animals. So, the present study was undertaken to demonstrate the expressions of inducible form type II NOS (iNOS), endothelial type III NOS (eNOS), constitutively expressed enzyme NOS (cNOS), HSP70, and HSP90 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) during different seasons in Barbari goats. Real-time polymerase chain reaction, western blot, and immunocytochemistry were applied to investigate messenger RNA (mRNA) expression, protein expression, and immunolocalization of examined factors. The mRNA and protein expressions of iNOS, eNOS, cNOS, HSP70, and HSP90 were significantly higher ( P goats.

  5. Using biplanar fluoroscopy to guide radiopaque vascular injections: a new method for vascular imaging.

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    Haley D O'Brien

    Full Text Available Studying vascular anatomy, especially in the context of relationships with hard tissues, is of great interest to biologists. Vascular studies have provided significant insight into physiology, function, phylogenetic relationships, and evolutionary patterns. Injection of resin or latex into the vascular system has been a standard technique for decades. There has been a recent surge in popularity of more modern methods, especially radiopaque latex vascular injection followed by CT scanning and digital "dissection." This technique best displays both blood vessels and bone, and allows injections to be performed on cadaveric specimens. Vascular injection is risky, however, because it is not a standardizable technique, as each specimen is variable with regard to injection pressure and timing. Moreover, it is not possible to view the perfusion of injection medium throughout the vascular system of interest. Both data and rare specimens can therefore be lost due to poor or excessive perfusion. Here, we use biplanar video fluoroscopy as a technique to guide craniovascular radiopaque latex injection. Cadaveric domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domestica and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus were injected with radiopaque latex under guidance of fluoroscopy. This method was found to enable adjustments, in real-time, to the rate, location, and pressure at which latex is injected in order to avoid data and specimen loss. In addition to visualizing the injection process, this technique can be used to determine flow patterns, and has facilitated the development of consistent markers for complete perfusion.

  6. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL - Currents (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have currents data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use...

  7. Engineering the mechanical and biological properties of nanofibrous vascular grafts for in situ vascular tissue engineering. (United States)

    Henry, Jeffrey J D; Yu, Jian; Wang, Aijun; Lee, Randall; Fang, Jun; Li, Song


    Synthetic small diameter vascular grafts have a high failure rate, and endothelialization is critical for preventing thrombosis and graft occlusion. A promising approach is in situ tissue engineering, whereby an acellular scaffold is implanted and provides stimulatory cues to guide the in situ remodeling into a functional blood vessel. An ideal scaffold should have sufficient binding sites for biomolecule immobilization and a mechanical property similar to native tissue. Here we developed a novel method to blend low molecular weight (LMW) elastic polymer during electrospinning process to increase conjugation sites and to improve the mechanical property of vascular grafts. LMW elastic polymer improved the elasticity of the scaffolds, and significantly increased the amount of heparin conjugated to the micro/nanofibrous scaffolds, which in turn increased the loading capacity of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and prolonged the release of VEGF. Vascular grafts were implanted into the carotid artery of rats to evaluate the in vivo performance. VEGF treatment significantly enhanced endothelium formation and the overall patency of vascular grafts. Heparin coating also increased cell infiltration into the electrospun grafts, thus increasing the production of collagen and elastin within the graft wall. This work demonstrates that LMW elastic polymer blending is an approach to engineer the mechanical and biological property of micro/nanofibrous vascular grafts for in situ vascular tissue engineering.

  8. Improved vascularization of planar membrane diffusion devices following continuous infusion of vascular endothelial growth factor. (United States)

    Trivedi, N; Steil, G M; Colton, C K; Bonner-Weir, S; Weir, G C


    Improving blood vessel formation around an immunobarrier device should improve the survival of the encapsulated tissue. In the present study we investigated the formation of new blood vessels around a planar membrane diffusion device (the Baxter Theracyte System) undergoing a continuous infusion of vascular endothelial growth factor through the membranes and into the surrounding tissue. Each device (20 microl) had both an inner immunoisolation membrane and an outer vascularizing membrane. Human recombinant vascular endothelial growth factor-165 was infused at 100 ng/day (low dose: n = 6) and 500 ng/day (high dose: n = 7) for 10 days into devices implanted s.c. in Sprague-Dawley rats; noninfused devices transplanted for an identical period were used as controls (n = 5). Two days following the termination of VEGF infusion, devices were loaded with 20 microl of Lispro insulin (1 U/kg) and the kinetics of insulin release from the lumen of the device was assessed. Devices were then explanted and the number of blood vessels (capillary and noncapillary) was quantified using morphometry. High-dose vascular endothelial growth factor infusion resulted in two- to threefold more blood vessels around the device than that obtained with the noninfused devices and devices infused with low-dose vascular endothelial growth factor. This increase in the number of blood vessels was accompanied by a modest increase in insulin diffusion from the device in the high-dose vascular endothelial growth factor infusion group. We conclude that vascular endothelial growth factor can be used to improve blood vessel formation adjacent to planar membrane diffusion devices.

  9. Motivo de "escolha" de diálise peritoneal: exaustão de acesso vascular para hemodiálise? Reason for "choosing" peritoneal dialysis: exhaustion of vascular access for hemodialysis?

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    Paulo Novis Rocha


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Pouco se conhece sobre a evolução de pacientes que iniciam DP como única alternativa. OBJETIVOS: Descrever o perfil clínico-demográfico e a ocorrência de peritonite em uma amostra de pacientes convertidos de HD para DP por exaustão de acesso vascular. MÉTODOS: Revisão dos prontuários de todos os pacientes do programa de DP do HGRS. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 22 pacientes com idade mediana de 47,9 anos, 54,5% de homens, 84,2% de negros ou mulatos, 68,2% procedentes do interior da Bahia. DP foi a modalidade inicial de TRS em apenas quatro pacientes. Os 18 pacientes restantes iniciaram TRS através de HD; neste grupo, predominou o início de HD de forma emergencial e através de cateter duplo-lúmen (CDL. Em uma mediana de 7,7 meses em HD, a maioria dos pacientes (64,7% usou mais de quatro CDL. Em apenas 7/18 (39% pacientes, a conversão de HD para DP foi feita por escolha do paciente; na maioria dos casos, 11/18 (61%, o motivo de conversão foi exaustão de acesso vascular para HD. Peritonite foi mais frequente nos pacientes que entraram em HD por exaustão de acesso vascular que no restante do grupo. CONCLUSÕES: O início de TRS de forma emergencial através de HD utilizando CDL pode levar a uma rápida exaustão de acesso vascular, deixando a DP como única alternativa viável. Este modo inadequado de "seleção" de pacientes para DP está associado a maiores chances de ocorrência de peritonite.INTRODUCTION: Little is known about the prognosis of patients beginnig peritoneal dialysis (PD as their last alternative. OBJECTIVES: To describe the clinical-demographic profile of patients switching from hemodialysis (HD to PD, due to exhaustion of the HD vascular access, and the occurrence of peritonitis among them. METHODS: Review of the medical records of all patients in the PD program of the Hospital Roberto Santos in the city of Salvador, state of Bahia, Brazil. RESULTS: The study comprised 22 patients (median age, 47

  10. Biomarkers of drug-induced vascular injury

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brott, D.; Gould, S.; Jones, H.; Schofield, J.; Prior, H.; Valentin, J.P; Bjurstrom, S.; Kenne, K.; Schuppe-Koistinen, I.; Katein, A.; Foster-Brown, L.; Betton, G.; Richardson, R.; Evans, G.; Louden, C.


    In pre-clinical safety studies, drug-induced vascular injury is an issue of concern because there are no obvious diagnostic markers for pre-clinical or clinical monitoring and there is an intellectual gap in our understanding of the pathogenesis of this lesion. While vasodilatation and increased shear stress appear to play a role, the exact mechanism(s) of injury to the primary targets, smooth muscle and endothelial cells are unknown. However, evaluation of novel markers for potential clinical monitoring with a mechanistic underpinning would add value in risk assessment and management. This mini review focuses on the progress to identify diagnostic markers of drug-induced vascular injury. Von Willebrand factor (vWF), released upon perturbation of endothelial cells, is transiently increased in plasma prior to morphological evidence of damage in dogs or rats treated with vascular toxicants. Therefore, vWF might be a predictive biomarker of vascular injury. However, vWF is not an appropriate biomarker of lesion progression or severity since levels return to baseline values when there is morphological evidence of injury. A potential mechanistically linked biomarker of vascular injury is caveolin-1. Expression of this protein, localized primarily to smooth muscle and endothelial cells, decreases with the onset of vascular damage. Since vascular injury involves multiple mediators and cell types, evaluation of a panel rather than a single biomarker may be more useful in monitoring early and severe progressive vascular injury

  11. Effect of the period of extrinsic mechanical compression following sclerotherapy in veins in rabbit ears Efeito do tempo da compressão mecânica extrínseca após escleroterapia em veias de orelhas de coelhos

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    Cláudio Santana Ivo


    suficiente para evitar reperfusão nas veias tratadas; se há relação entre a intensidade inflamatória na parede venosa e tecidos adjacentes e o tamanho do trombo venoso; se a intensidade da inflamação pós-escleroterapia varia com o tempo de compressão; se há relação entre a presença de hemossiderina nos tecidos adjacentes ao vaso esclerosado e coágulo venoso. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se 28 coelhos, machos, distribuídos em quatro grupos (0, 24, 72 e 120. Em todos os animais foram administrados 0,25 ml de solução de polidocanol 1% e, como controle, 0,25 ml de solução de cloreto de sódio 0,9% na veia marginal dorsal das orelhas direita e esquerda, respectivamente. Realizou-se compressão mecânica em trecho da veia perfundida, exceto nos animais do grupo 0. O tempo de compressão variou de 0 a 120 horas nos grupos. Realizou-se exame anatomopatológico de trecho das veias marginais dorsais direita e esquerda de todos os animais. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas nos diversos tempos de compressão, tanto no grau de trombose venosa como na intensidade inflamatória, em ambas as orelhas, nos diversos grupos. Observou-se correlação positiva e significativa entre intensidade inflamatória e tamanho do trombo e na ocorrência de trombos e hemossiderina. CONCLUSÕES: O tempo de até 120 horas de compressão não é suficiente para evitar reperfusão nos vasos esclerosados. A intensidade da inflamação nos tecidos tem relação com o tamanho do trombo, mas não com o tempo de compressão. A presença de hemossiderina nos tecidos adjacentes ao vaso submetido à esclerose está relacionada com a presença de coágulo venoso.

  12. Pediatric interventional radiology: vascular interventions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kandasamy, Devasenathipathy; Gamanagatti, Shivanand; Gupta, Arun Kumar


    Pediatric interventional radiology (PIR) comprises a range of minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that are performed using image guidance. PIR has emerged as an essential adjunct to various surgical and medical conditions. Over the years, technology has undergone dramatic and continuous evolution, making this speciality grow. In this review, the authors will discuss various vascular interventional procedures undertaken in pediatric patients. It is challenging for the interventional radiologist to accomplish a successful interventional procedure. There are many vascular interventional radiology procedures which are being performed and have changed the way the diseases are managed. Some of the procedures are life saving and have become the treatment of choice in those patients. The future is indeed bright for the practice and practitioners of pediatric vascular and non-vascular interventions. As more and more of the procedures that are currently being performed in adults get gradually adapted for use in the pediatric population, it may be possible to perform safe and successful interventions in many of the pediatric vascular lesions that are otherwise being referred for surgery. (author)

  13. NOAA NOS SOS, EXPERIMENTAL - Wind (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The NOAA NOS SOS server is part of the IOOS DIF SOS Project. The stations in this dataset have wind data. *These services are for testing and evaluation use only*...

  14. Angiogenesis, Cancer, and Vascular Aging

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    Junji Moriya


    Full Text Available Several lines of evidence have revealed that the angiogenic response to ischemic injury declines with age, which might account for the increased morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease (CVD among the elderly. While impairment of angiogenesis with aging leads to delayed wound healing or exacerbation of atherosclerotic ischemic diseases, it also inhibits the progression of cancer. Age-related changes of angiogenesis have been considered to at least partly result from vascular aging or endothelial cell senescence. There is considerable evidence supporting the hypothesis that vascular cell senescence contributes to the pathogenesis of age-related CVD, suggesting that vascular aging could be an important therapeutic target. Since therapeutic angiogenesis is now regarded as a promising concept for patients with ischemic CVD, it has become even more important to understand the detailed molecular mechanisms underlying impairment of angiogenesis in older patients. To improve the usefulness of therapeutic angiogenesis, approaches are needed that can compensate for impaired angiogenic capacity in the elderly while not promoting the development or progression of malignancy. In this review, we briefly outline the mechanisms of angiogenesis and vascular aging, followed by a description of how vascular aging leads to impairment of angiogenesis. We also examine potential therapeutic approaches that could enhance angiogenesis and/or vascular function in the elderly, as well as discussing the possibility of anti-senescence therapy or reversal of endothelial cell senescence.

  15. Renal posttransplant's vascular complications

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    Bašić Dragoslav


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION Despite high graft and recipient survival figures worldwide today, a variety of technical complications can threaten the transplant in the postoperative period. Vascular complications are commonly related to technical problems in establishing vascular continuity or to damage that occurs during donor nephrectomy or preservation [13]. AIM The aim of the presenting study is to evaluate counts and rates of vascular complications after renal transplantation and to compare the outcome by donor type. MATERIAL AND METHODS A total of 463 kidneys (319 from living related donor LD and 144 from cadaveric donor - CD were transplanted during the period between June 1975 and December 1998 at the Urology & Nephrology Institute of Clinical Centre of Serbia in Belgrade. Average recipients' age was 33.7 years (15-54 in LD group and 39.8 (19-62 in CD group. Retrospectively, we analyzed medical records of all recipients. Statistical analysis is estimated using Hi-squared test and Fischer's test of exact probability. RESULTS Major vascular complications including vascular anastomosis thrombosis, internal iliac artery stenosis, internal iliac artery rupture obliterant vasculitis and external iliac vein rupture were analyzed. In 25 recipients (5.4% some of major vascular complications were detected. Among these cases, 22 of them were from CD group vs. three from LD group. Relative rate of these complications was higher in CD group vs. LD group (p<0.0001. Among these complications dominant one was vascular anastomosis thrombosis which occurred in 18 recipients (17 from CD vs. one from LD. Of these recipients 16 from CD lost the graft, while the rest of two (one from each group had lethal outcome. DISCUSSION Thrombosis of renal allograft vascular anastomosis site is the most severe complication following renal transplantation. In the literature, renal allograft thrombosis is reported with different incidence rates, from 0.5-4% [14, 15, 16]. Data from the

  16. Rice bran protein hydrolysates reduce arterial stiffening, vascular remodeling and oxidative stress in rats fed a high-carbohydrate and high-fat diet. (United States)

    Senaphan, Ketmanee; Sangartit, Weerapon; Pakdeechote, Poungrat; Kukongviriyapan, Veerapol; Pannangpetch, Patchareewan; Thawornchinsombut, Supawan; Greenwald, Stephen E; Kukongviriyapan, Upa


    Rice bran protein hydrolysates (RBPH) contain highly nutritional proteins and antioxidant compounds which show benefits against metabolic syndrome (MetS). Increased arterial stiffness and the components of MetS have been shown to be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This study aimed to investigate whether RBPH could alleviate the metabolic disorders, arterial stiffening, vascular remodeling, and oxidative stress in rats fed a high-carbohydrate and high-fat (HCHF) diet. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed either a standard chow and tap water or a HCHF diet and 15 % fructose solution for 16 weeks. HCHF rats were treated orally with RBPH (250 or 500 mg/kg/day) for the final 6 weeks of the experimental period. Rats fed with HCHF diet had hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, increased aortic pulse wave velocity, aortic wall hypertrophy and vascular remodeling with increased MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression. RBPH supplementation significantly alleviated these alterations (P stress was also alleviated after RBPH treatment by decreasing plasma malondialdehyde, reducing superoxide production and suppressing p47 phox NADPH oxidase expression in the vascular tissues of HCHF rats. RBPH increased plasma nitrate/nitrite level and up-regulated eNOS expression in the aortas of HCHF-diet-fed rats, indicating that RBPH increased NO production. RBPH mitigate the deleterious effects of HCHF through potential mechanisms involving enhanced NO bioavailability, anti-ACE, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. RBPH could be used as dietary supplements to minimize oxidative stress and vascular alterations triggered by MetS.

  17. COX-2–prostacyclin signaling through endothelial nitric oxide is not necessary for lipopolysaccharide-induced hypotension and bradycardia in conscious unrestrained mice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stæhr, Mette

    Cardiovascular collapse with fatal drop in arterial blood pressure is a hallmark of gram-negative septic chock. In the present study we hypothesized a serial induction of cyclooxygenase-2 and activation of eNOS as responsible for the decrease in blood pressure, cardiac performance and vascular re......NOS is not necessary for LPS-induced systemic decrease in blood pressure and heart rate and suppression of vascular reactivity in mice whereas iNOS appears to be of central importance. COX-2 and eNOS do not appear as attractive therapeutic cardiovascular targets....

  18. Overview of vascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bisset, G.S. III


    Vascular disease in the pediatric population is a poorly understood process which is often underestimated in its incidence. The common beginnings of such ubiquitous diseases as atherosclerosis manifest themselves at a cellular level shortly after birth. Other common systemic disorders, including congestive heart failure and sepsis, are also intricately associated with dysfunctional vasculature. Progress in the understanding of normal and pathophysiologic processes within the vascular system begins with the 'control center' - the endothelial cell. The purpose of this review is to consolidate a body of knowledge on the processes that occur at the cellular level within the blood vessel wall, and to simplify the understanding of how imbalances in these physiologic parameters result in vascular disease. (orig.)

  19. Estudo das propriedades mecânicas e dos mecanismos de fratura de fibras sintéticas do tipo náilon  e poliéster  em tecidos de engenharia


    Sérgio Gomes Cardoso


    Fibras são definidas como o conjunto formado de filamentos orientados na direção da cadeia molecular e são parte fundamental na vida diária do ser humano, encontradas de várias formas, tais como filamentos, fios, feixes, cordas, tecidos, compósitos, revestimentos, entre outras. Elas abrangem diversas áreas, tais como civil, mecânica, elétrica, eletrônica, militar, naval, náutica, aeronáutica, saúde, medicina, ambiental, comunicação, segurança, espacial, entre outras. A fibras são divididas em...

  20. A novel role for small molecule glycomimetics in the protection against lipid-induced endothelial dysfunction: Involvement of Akt/eNOS and Nrf2/ARE signaling. (United States)

    Mahmoud, Ayman M; Wilkinson, Fiona L; Jones, Alan M; Wilkinson, James A; Romero, Miguel; Duarte, Juan; Alexander, M Yvonne


    Glycomimetics are a diverse array of saccharide-inspired compounds, designed to mimic the bioactive functions of glycosaminoglycans. Therefore, glycomimetics represent a unique source of novel therapies to target aberrant signaling and protein interactions in a wide range of diseases. We investigated the protective effects of four newly synthesized small molecule glycomimetics against lipid-induced endothelial dysfunction, with an emphasis on nitric oxide (NO) and oxidative stress. Four aromatic sugar mimetics were synthesized by the stepwise transformation of 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid to derivatives (C1-C4) incorporating sulfate groups to mimic the structure of heparan sulfate. Glycomimetic-treated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were exposed to palmitic acid to model lipid-induced oxidative stress. Palmitate-induced impairment of NO production was restored by the glycomimetics, through activation of Akt/eNOS signaling. Furthermore, C1-C4 significantly inhibited palmitate-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, lipid peroxidation, and activity and expression of NADPH oxidase. These effects were attributed to activation of the Nrf2/ARE pathway and downstream activation of cellular antioxidant and cytoprotective proteins. In ex vivo vascular reactivity studies, the glycomimetics (C1-C4) also demonstrated a significant improvement in endothelium-dependent relaxation and decreased ROS production and NADPH oxidase activity in isolated mouse thoracic aortic rings exposed to palmitate. The small molecule glycomimetics, C1-C4, protect against lipid-induced endothelial dysfunction through up-regulation of Akt/eNOS and Nrf2/ARE signaling pathways. Thus, carbohydrate-derived therapeutics are a new class of glycomimetic drugs targeting endothelial dysfunction, regarded as the first line of defense against vascular complications in cardiovascular disease. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Supplementation with 0.1% and 2% vitamin e in diabetic rats: analysis of myenteric neurons immunostained for myosin-V and nNOS in the jejunum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eleandro Aparecido Tronchini


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by hyperglycemia that, when allowed to progress long-term untreated, develops vascular and neurological complications, which are responsible for the development of alterations in the enteric nervous system in diabetic patients. In the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus promotes motor and sensory changes, and in the reflex function of this system, causing gastroparesis, diarrhea, constipation, megacolon, slow gastrointestinal transit, gastric stasis and dilation with decreased or increased peristaltic contractions. Several studies have shown that oxidative stress is the main responsible for the vascular and neurological complications affecting the enteric nervous system of diabetics. OBJECTIVE: The effects of 0.1% and 2% vitamin E on myosin-V- and nNOS-immunoreactive neurons in the jejunum of diabetic rats were investigated. METHODS: Thirty rats were divided into the groups: normoglycemic, normoglycemic treated with 0.1% vitamin E, normoglycemic treated with 2% vitamin E, diabetic, diabetic treated with 0.1% vitamin E, and diabetic treated with 2% vitamin E. The neuronal density and areas of neuron cell bodies were determined. RESULTS: Diabetes (diabetic group significantly reduced the number of myosin-V-immunoreactive neurons compared with the normoglycemic group. The diabetic treated with 0.1% vitamin E and diabetic treated with 2% vitamin E groups did not exhibit a greater density than the D group (P>0.05. Nitrergic density did not change with diabetes (P>0.05. The areas of myosin-V- and nNOS-immunoreactive neurons significantly increased in the normoglycemic treated with 2% vitamin E and diabetic groups compared with the normoglycemic group. CONCLUSION: Supplementation with 2% vitamin E had a neurotrophic effect only in the area of myosin-V-immunoreactive neurons compared with the diabetic group.

  2. Redox-sensitive up-regulation of eNOS by purple grape juice in endothelial cells: role of PI3-kinase/Akt, p38 MAPK, JNK, FoxO1 and FoxO3a.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mahmoud Alhosin

    Full Text Available The vascular protective effect of grape-derived polyphenols has been attributable, in part, to their direct action on blood vessels by stimulating the endothelial formation of nitric oxide (NO. The aim of the present study was to determine whether Concord grape juice (CGJ, which contains high levels of polyphenols, stimulates the expression of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS in porcine coronary artery endothelial cells and, if so, to determine the signaling pathway involved. CGJ dose- and time-dependently increased eNOS mRNA and protein levels and this effect is associated with an increased formation of NO in endothelial cells. The stimulatory effect of CGJ on eNOS mRNA is not associated with an increased eNOS mRNA stability and inhibited by antioxidants such as MnTMPyP, PEG-catalase, and catalase, and by wortmannin (an inhibitor of PI3-kinase, SB 203580 (an inhibitor of p38 MAPK, and SP 600125 (an inhibitor of JNK. Moreover, CGJ induced the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS in endothelial cells and this effect is inhibited by MnTMPyP, PEG-catalase, and catalase. The CGJ-induced the phosphorylation of p38 MAPK and JNK kinases is abolished by MnTMPyP. CGJ induced phosphorylation of transcription factors FoxO1 and FoxO3a, which regulate negatively eNOS expression, and this effect is prevented by MnTMPyP, PEG-catalase, wortmannin, SB203580 and SP600125. Moreover, chromatin immunoprecipitation assay indicated that the FoxO3a protein is associated with the eNOS promoter in control cells and that CGJ induced its dissociation. Thus, the present study indicates that CGJ up-regulates the expression of eNOS mRNA and protein leading to an increased formation of NO in endothelial cells. The stimulatory effect of CGJ is a redox-sensitive event involving PI3-kinase/Akt, p38 MAPK and JNK pathways, and the inactivation of the FoxO transcription factors, FoxO1 and FoxO3a, thereby preventing their repression of the eNOS gene.

  3. Effects of Electroacupuncture on Learning, Memory and Formation System of Free Radicals in Brain Tissues of Vascular Dementia Model Rats

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    王黎; 唐纯志; 赖新生


    In order to observe the regulative effect of electro-acupuncture on the formation system of free radicals in the brain tissues and learning and memory in vascular dementia (VD) model rats, the Morris's water labyrinth was used for testing the learning ability and memory in VD model rats made by 4-vessel occlusion method, and the activities or contents of nitric oxide (NO), NO synthase (NOS), superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were determined. Results showed that the mean escape latency in the electro-acupuncture group was markedly reduced in place test, and the times swam the place of the plate-form in the original plate-form quadrant were significantly more than those in the rest three quadrants in spatia1 probe test as compared with the model group. In the electro-acupuncture group and the nimodipine group the contents of NO and MDA and the activity of NOS were decreased, while the activities of SOD and GSH-Px were increased. It is indicated that electro-acupuncture can modulate the production and clearance of free radicals, and improve the ability of learning and memory of the VD model rats.

  4. Doença encéfalo-vascular como primeira manifestação de arterite temporal: relato de dois casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ferri-de-Barros João Eliezer


    Full Text Available É raro doença encéfalo-vascular como primeira manifestação de arterite temporal. Relatamos dois casos, nos quais o diagnóstico emergiu da anamnese. Mulher de 55 anos havia apresentado enfarto em hemisfério cerebral esquerdo há 3 meses. Vinha com melhora progressiva quando teve perda visual completa e a família nos procurou para uma segunda opinião. A paciente havia tido hemiplegia direita, afasia e distúrbio visual à esquerda no primeiro episódio; o quadro atual era de perda visual completa bilateral. Com suspeita de arterite temporal a paciente foi internada; a VHS era de 97 mm e a fundoscopia mostrava intensa neurite óptica isquêmica. Homem de 75 anos apresentou síndrome de Wallemberg. Na revisão da anamnese destacou-se cefaléia temporal e no exame, processo inflamatório na região da artéria temporal; a VHS era de 70 mm e a biópsia confirmou diagnóstico. A "tecnolatria" tem contaminado o exercício da medicina; convém que relembremos a soberania dos dados clínicos.

  5. A benzoxazine derivative induces vascular endothelial cell apoptosis in the presence of fibroblast growth factor-2 by elevating NADPH oxidase activity and reactive oxygen species levels. (United States)

    Zhao, Jing; He, Qiuxia; Cheng, Yizhe; Zhao, Baoxiang; Zhang, Yun; Zhang, Shangli; Miao, Junying


    Previously, we found that 6,8-dichloro-2,3-dihydro-3-hydroxymethyl-1,4-benzoxazine (DBO) promoted apoptosis of human umbilical vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs) deprived of growth factors. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of DBO and its mechanism of action on angiogenesis and apoptosis of HUVECs in the presence of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), which promotes angiogenesis and inhibits apoptosis in vivo and in vitro. DBO significantly inhibited capillary-like tube formation by promoting apoptosis of HUVECs in the presence of FGF-2 in vitro. Furthermore, DBO elevated the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) and increased the activity of NADPH oxidase and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in promoting apoptosis under this condition. Moreover, when NADPH oxidase was inhibited by its specific inhibitor, dibenziodolium chloride (DPI), DBO could not elevate ROS and NO levels in HUVECs. The data suggest that DBO is a new modulator of apoptosis in vitro, and it might function by increasing the activity of NADPH oxidase and iNOS, subsequently elevating the levels of ROS and NO in HUVECs. The findings of this study provide a new small molecule for investigating the FGF-2/NADPH oxidase/iNOS signaling pathway in apoptosis.

  6. iNOS Activity Modulates Inflammation, Angiogenesis, and Tissue Fibrosis in Polyether-Polyurethane Synthetic Implants. (United States)

    Cassini-Vieira, Puebla; Araújo, Fernanda Assis; da Costa Dias, Filipi Leles; Russo, Remo Castro; Andrade, Silvia Passos; Teixeira, Mauro Martins; Barcelos, Luciola Silva


    There is considerable interest in implantation techniques and scaffolds for tissue engineering and, for safety and biocompatibility reasons, inflammation, angiogenesis, and fibrosis need to be determined. The contribution of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the regulation of the foreign body reaction induced by subcutaneous implantation of a synthetic matrix was never investigated. Here, we examined the role of iNOS in angiogenesis, inflammation, and collagen deposition induced by polyether-polyurethane synthetic implants, using mice with targeted disruption of the iNOS gene (iNOS(-/-)) and wild-type (WT) mice. The hemoglobin content and number of vessels were decreased in the implants of iNOS(-/-) mice compared to WT mice 14 days after implantation. VEGF levels were also reduced in the implants of iNOS(-/-) mice. In contrast, the iNOS(-/-) implants exhibited an increased neutrophil and macrophage infiltration. However, no alterations were observed in levels of CXCL1 and CCL2, chemokines related to neutrophil and macrophage migration, respectively. Furthermore, the implants of iNOS(-/-) mice showed boosted collagen deposition. These data suggest that iNOS activity controls inflammation, angiogenesis, and fibrogenesis in polyether-polyurethane synthetic implants and that lack of iNOS expression increases foreign body reaction to implants in mice.

  7. eNOS-uncoupling in age-related erectile dysfunction


    Johnson, JM; Bivalacqua, TJ; Lagoda, GA; Burnett, AL; Musicki, B


    Aging is associated with ED. Although age-related ED is attributed largely to increased oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in the penis, the molecular mechanisms underlying this effect are not fully defined. We evaluated whether endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) uncoupling in the aged rat penis is a contributing mechanism. Correlatively, we evaluated the effect of replacement with eNOS cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) on erectile function in the aged rats. Male Fischer 344 ...

  8. Penser Système : Découvrir nos modèles d'organisation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bryan, B.; Goodman, M.; Schaveling, J.


    Pourquoi le travail s’accumule-t-il sur nos bureaux alors que nous travaillons de plus en plus? Parfois « nos solutions » aggravent nos problèmes. Comment pouvons-nous éviter ces paradoxes ? Penser système donne de nouvelles perspectives dans des situations complexes. Cela vous permettra de

  9. Avaliação do uso de pomada à base de sementes de jaqueira (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam na terapêutica tópica de feridas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. N.L. Vitorino Filho


    Full Text Available As propriedades cicatrizantes da jaqueira (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam são atribuídas a uma proteína encontrada na semente de sua fruta que, em casos de queimaduras de pele, proporciona a regeneração do tecido danificado em vez da substituição por tecido conjuntivo fibroso. Objetivando avaliar macro e microscopicamente o efeito da pomada formulada com o pó obtido a partir de sementes de jaca na cicatrização, por segunda intenção, de feridas cutâneas em camundongos, limpas e infectadas experimentalmente por Staphylococcus aureus, realizou-se o estudo em 96 camundongos nos quais foram feitas feridas experimentais na região dorso-lateral. Cada grupo, com 12 animais, recebeu um tipo de tratamento. O grupo GI serviu como controle para feridas limpas, o grupo GII foi o controle para feridas infectadas e os demais foram tratados topicamente com pomada à base de semente de jaca em diferentes esquemas de administração. Os animais foram avaliados diariamente e sacrificados cinco, 10 e 13 dias após a cirurgia, sendo removido o tecido cicatricial e circunjacente para avaliação histológica. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os tratamentos. Palavras-chave: camundongos; cicatrização; feridas; jaca; Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam; lectina.

  10. Small GTP-Binding Protein Rac Is an Essential Mediator of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-Induced Endothelial Fenestrations and Vascular Permeability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksson, A.; Cao, R.; Tritsaris, K.


    fenestrated endothelium, a feature linked with increased vascular permeability. A cell-permeable Rac antagonist (TAT-RacN17) converted VEGF-induced, leaky vascular plexuses into well-defined vascular networks. In addition, this Rac mutant blocked formation of VEGF-induced endothelial fenestrations...... in mediation of VEGF-induced vascular permeability but less so in neovascularization. This may have conceptual implications for applying Rac antagonists in treatment and prevention of VEGF-induced vascular leakage and edema in connection with ischemic disorders....

  11. The effect of high protein diet and exercise on irisin, eNOS, and iNOS expressions in kidney. (United States)

    Tastekin, Ebru; Palabiyik, Orkide; Ulucam, Enis; Uzgur, Selda; Karaca, Aziz; Vardar, Selma Arzu; Yilmaz, Ali; Aydogdu, Nurettin


    Long-term effects of high protein diets (HPDs) on kidneys are still not sufficiently studied. Irisin which increases oxygen consumption and thermogenesis in white fat cells was shown in skeletal muscles and many tissues. Nitric oxide synthases (NOS) are a family of enzymes catalyzing the production of nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine. We aimed to investigate the effects of HPD, irisin and NO expression in kidney and relation of them with exercise and among themselves. Animals were grouped as control, exercise, HPD and exercise combined with HPD (exercise-HPD). Rats were kept on a HPD for 5 weeks and an exercise program was given them as 5 exercise and 2 rest days per week exercising on a treadmill with increasing speed and angle. In our study, while HPD group had similar total antioxidant capacity (TAC) levels with control group, exercise and exercise-HPD groups had lower levels (p highly selective and quite clear in this study. Effects of exercise and HPD on kidney should be evaluated with different exercise protocols and contents of the diet. İrisin, eNOS, and iNOS staining localizations should be supported with various research studies.

  12. Recuperação em órgãos e tecidos de Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, inoculada no íleo terminal de ratos com obstrução biliar prolongada


    Rocha, Sergio Luiz, 1958-


    Resumo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a atividade do sistema retículoendotelial em ratos com obstrução biliar de 21 dias , através da recuperação em órgãos e tecidos de bactérias viáveis, previamente injetadas na luz do íleo terminal. Foram utilizados 45 ratos Wistar, machos, com peso médio de 287g, colocados em 3 grupos. Os ratos foram anestesiados por via inalatória com éter etílico em todos os procedimentos cirúrgicos. O grupo I constituiu-se de 14 ratos hígidos, que através...

  13. Effects of emissions from sugar cane burning on the trachea and lungs of Wistar rats. (United States)

    Matos, Verena Sampaio Barbosa; Gomes, Felipe da Silva; Oliveira, Tarcio Macena; Schulz, Renata da Silva; Ribeiro, Lídia Cristina Villela; Gonzales, Astria Dias Ferrão; Lima, Januário Mourão; Guerreiro, Marcos Lázaro da Silva


    To evaluate the effects of exposure to emissions from sugar cane burning on inflammatory mechanisms in tissues of the trachea and lung parenchyma in Wistar rats after different periods of exposure. This was an experimental open randomized study. The animals were divided into four groups: a control group (CG) underwent standard laboratory conditions, and three experimental groups were exposed to emissions from sugar cane burning over different periods of time, in days-1 (EG1), 7 (EG7), and 21 (EG21). After euthanasia with 200 mg/kg of ketamine/xylazine, fragments of trachea and lung were collected and fixed in 10% formalin. Histological analyses were performed with H&E and picrosirius red staining. No inflammatory infiltrates were found in the tissues of CG rats. The histological examination of tissues of the trachea and lung parenchyma revealed that the inflammatory process was significantly more intense in EG7 than in the CG (p edema, together with polymorphonuclear cell infiltrates. Avaliar os efeitos da exposição à fumaça da queima da cana-de-açúcar sobre mecanismos inflamatórios em tecidos de traqueia e de parênquima pulmonar de ratos Wistar após diferentes períodos de exposição. Estudo experimental, randomizado, não cego. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: controle (GC), sob condições padrão de laboratório e os demais expostos à fumaça da queima da cana-de-açúcar por diferentes períodos: em 1 (GE1), 7 (GE7) e 21 (GE21) dias. Após a eutanásia com 200 mg/kg de ketamina/xilazina, foram coletados fragmentos de traqueia e pulmão e fixadas em formol 10%. Análises histológicas foram realizadas com coloração com H&E e picrosírius. Não houve infiltrado inflamatório nos tecidos no GC. O processo inflamatório na análise histológica de tecidos de traqueia e de parênquima pulmonar foi significativamente mais intenso no GE7 quando comparado ao GC (p pulmonar e aumento significativo de depósitos de colágeno em tecido de

  14. Diabetes Impairs the Vascular Recruitment of Normal Stem Cells by Oxidant Damage, Reversed by Increases in pAMPK, Heme Oxygenase-1, and Adiponectin (United States)

    Sambuceti, Gianmario; Morbelli, Silvia; Vanella, Luca; Kusmic, Claudia; Marini, Cecilia; Massollo, Michela; Augeri, Carla; Corselli, Mirko; Ghersi, Chiara; Chiavarina, Barbara; Rodella, Luigi F; L'Abbate, Antonio; Drummond, George; Abraham, Nader G; Frassoni, Francesco


    Background Atherosclerosis progression is accelerated in diabetes mellitus (DM) by either direct endothelial damage or reduced availability and function of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). Both alterations are related to increased oxidant damage. Aim We examined if DM specifically impairs vascular signaling, thereby reducing the recruitment of normal EPCs, and if increases in antioxidant levels by induction of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) can reverse this condition. Methods Control and diabetic rats were treated with the HO-1 inducer cobalt protoporphyrin (CoPP) once a week for 3 weeks. Eight weeks after the development of diabetes, EPCs harvested from the aorta of syngenic inbred normal rats and labeled with technetium-99m-exametazime were infused via the femoral vein to estimate their blood clearance and aortic recruitment. Circulating endothelial cells (CECs) and the aortic expression of thrombomodulin (TM), CD31, and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) were used to measure endothelial damage. Results DM reduced blood clearance and aortic recruitment of EPCs. Both parameters were returned to control levels by CoPP treatment without affecting EPC kinetics in normal animals. These abnormalities of EPCs in DM were paralleled by reduced serum adiponectin levels, increased numbers of CECs, reduced endothelial expression of phosphorylated eNOS, and reduced levels of TM, CD31, and phosphorylated AMP-activated protein kinase (pAMPK). CoPP treatment restored all of these parameters to normal levels. Conclusion Type II DM and its related oxidant damage hamper the interaction between the vascular wall and normal EPCs by mechanisms that are, at least partially, reversed by the induction of HO-1 gene expression, adiponectin, and pAMPK levels. PMID:19038792

  15. Vascular retraction driven by matrix softening (United States)

    Valentine, Megan

    We recently discovered we can directly apply physical forces and monitor the downstream responses in a living organism in real time through manipulation of the blood vessels of a marine organism called, Botryllus schlosseri. The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a key role in regulating vascular growth and homeostasis in Botryllus,a basal chordate which has a large, transparent extracorporeal vascular network that can encompass areas >100 cm2. We have determined that lysyl oxidase 1 (LOX1), which is responsible for cross-linking collagen, is expressed in all vascular cells and is critically important for vascular maintenance. Inhibition of LOX1 activity in vivo by the addition of a specific inhibitor, ß-aminopropionitrile (BAPN), caused a rapid, global regression of the entire vascular bed, with some vessels regressing >10 mm within 16 hrs. In this talk, I will discuss the molecular and cellular origins of this systemic remodeling event, which hinges upon the ability of the vascular cells to sense and respond to mechanical signals, while introducing this exciting new model system for studies of biological physics and mechanobiology. Collaborators: Anthony DeTomaso, Delany Rodriguez, Aimal Khankhel (UCSB).

  16. Effects of ouabain on vascular reactivity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vassallo D.V.


    Full Text Available Ouabain is an endogenous substance occurring in the plasma in the nanomolar range, that has been proposed to increase vascular resistance and induce hypertension. This substance acts on the a-subunit of Na+,K+-ATPase inhibiting the Na+-pump activity. In the vascular smooth muscle this effect leads to intracellular Na+ accumulation that reduces the activity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and to an increased vascular tone. It was also suggested that circulating ouabain, even in the nanomolar range, sensitizes the vascular smooth muscle to vasopressor substances. We tested the latter hypothesis by studying the effects of ouabain in the micromolar and nanomolar range on phenylephrine (PE-evoked pressor responses. The experiments were performed in normotensive and hypertensive rats in vivo, under anesthesia, and in perfused rat tail vascular beds. The results showed that ouabain pretreatment increased the vasopressor responses to PE in vitro and in vivo. This sensitization after ouabain treatment was also observed in hypertensive animals which presented an enhanced vasopressor response to PE in comparison to normotensive animals. It is suggested that ouabain at nanomolar concentrations can sensitize vascular smooth muscle to vasopressor stimuli possibly contributing to increased tone in hypertension

  17. Avaliação comparativa da citotoxicidade dos cimentos MTA Fillapex e AH Plus: revisão integrativa


    Marinho, Jéssica Cristina Soares; Cunha, Ludmila de Almeida; Lacerda, Mariane Floriano Lopes Santos; Lacerda, Gabriel Pinheiro; Coelho, Renato Girelli; Girelli, Caroline Felipe Magalhães


    Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão integrativa comparando a citotoxicidade dos cimentos MTA Fillapex e AH Plus aos tecidos periapicais. Métodos: Foram utilizados artigos na íntegra, nos idiomas português e inglês, publicados durante os períodos de 2010 a 2017, selecionados na base de dados Scielo e Pubmed, utilizando os seguintes descritores: AH Plus, MTA Fillapex e citotoxicidade. Foram excluídos, os trabalhos no idioma não inglês, artigos sem resumo, trabalhos realiz...

  18. Perfil de expressão das metaloproteinases de matriz (MMPs) e seus inibidores (TIMPs e RECK) em tumores odontogênicos benignos


    Fábio César Prosdócimi


    Os tumores odontogênicos benignos compreendem um grupo de neoplasias originárias dos tecidos dentários. Pesquisas vêm buscando identificar moléculas envolvidas nos mecanismos moleculares que regulam a remodelação da matriz extracelular (MEC) e como isto influencia no comportamento localmente invasivo presente em alguns destes tumores. A Transição Epitélio-Mesenquimal (TEM conversão do fenótipo epitelial em mesenquimal) é bem caracterizada em diversos carcinomas, culminando em mestástase. MMP...

  19. Vascular Response of the Segments Adjacent to the Proximal and Distal Edges of the ABSORB Everolimus-Eluting Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gogas, Bill D; Serruys, Patrick W; Diletti, Roberto


    This study sought to investigate in vivo the vascular response at the proximal and distal edges of the second-generation ABSORB everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS).......This study sought to investigate in vivo the vascular response at the proximal and distal edges of the second-generation ABSORB everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS)....

  20. Phenotyping of nNOS neurons in the postnatal and adult female mouse hypothalamus. (United States)

    Chachlaki, Konstantina; Malone, Samuel A; Qualls-Creekmore, Emily; Hrabovszky, Erik; Münzberg, Heike; Giacobini, Paolo; Ango, Fabrice; Prevot, Vincent


    Neurons expressing nitric oxide (NO) synthase (nNOS) and thus capable of synthesizing NO play major roles in many aspects of brain function. While the heterogeneity of nNOS-expressing neurons has been studied in various brain regions, their phenotype in the hypothalamus remains largely unknown. Here we examined the distribution of cells expressing nNOS in the postnatal and adult female mouse hypothalamus using immunohistochemistry. In both adults and neonates, nNOS was largely restricted to regions of the hypothalamus involved in the control of bodily functions, such as energy balance and reproduction. Labeled cells were found in the paraventricular, ventromedial, and dorsomedial nuclei as well as in the lateral area of the hypothalamus. Intriguingly, nNOS was seen only after the second week of life in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARH). The most dense and heavily labeled population of cells was found in the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis (OV) and the median preoptic nucleus (MEPO), where most of the somata of the neuroendocrine neurons releasing GnRH and controlling reproduction are located. A great proportion of nNOS-immunoreactive neurons in the OV/MEPO and ARH were seen to express estrogen receptor (ER) α. Notably, almost all ERα-immunoreactive cells of the OV/MEPO also expressed nNOS. Moreover, the use of EYFP Vglut2 , EYFP Vgat , and GFP Gad67 transgenic mouse lines revealed that, like GnRH neurons, most hypothalamic nNOS neurons have a glutamatergic phenotype, except for nNOS neurons of the ARH, which are GABAergic. Altogether, these observations are consistent with the proposed role of nNOS neurons in physiological processes. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. CIRSE Vascular Closure Device Registry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reekers, Jim A.; Müller-Hülsbeck, Stefan; Libicher, Martin; Atar, Eli; Trentmann, Jens; Goffette, Pierre; Borggrefe, Jan; Zeleňák, Kamil; Hooijboer, Pieter; Belli, Anna-Maria


    Vascular closure devices are routinely used after many vascular interventional radiology procedures. However, there have been no major multicenter studies to assess the safety and effectiveness of the routine use of closure devices in interventional radiology. The CIRSE registry of closure devices

  2. The vascular secret of Klotho

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lewin, Ewa; Olgaard, Klaus


    Klotho is an evolutionarily highly conserved protein related to longevity. Increasing evidence of a vascular protecting effect of the Klotho protein has emerged and might be important for future treatments of uremic vascular calcification. It is still disputed whether Klotho is locally expressed ...

  3. O uso do peritônio de paca conservado em solução supersaturada de açúcar a 300% ou glicerina a 98% implantados na parede abdominal de ratos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.M. Leal


    Full Text Available Na busca de material biológico alternativo para a realização de implantes, objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar comparativamente a implantação do peritônio de paca, uma nova opção de biomaterial, conservado em solução supersaturada de açúcar a 300% e conservado em glicerina a 98% na parede abdominal de ratos Wistar. Foram utilizados 60 ratos, machos, da linhagem Wistar, pesando entre 150 e 200 gramas, organizados nos seguintes grupos experimentais: grupo controle (GI, grupo peritônio conservado em solução supersaturada de açúcar a 300% (GII e grupo peritônio conservado em glicerina a 98% (GIII, cada um com 20 animais. Os grupos GII e GIII receberam o enxerto de peritônio da paca conservado em solução de açúcar 300% e glicerina 98%, respectivamente, e o grupo GI não recebeu a membrana. Cinco ratos de cada grupo foram submetidos à eutanásia em quatro momentos distintos: sete, 15, 30 e 60 dias de pós-operatório para avaliações macroscópicas e microscópicas da interface implante-tecido nativo. Apesar de reações adversas observadas em 57,5% dos animais do grupo GII e GIII, em 95% dos animais desses grupos houve boa cicatrização da membrana. Na análise histológica, verificou-se a presença de grande infiltrado inflamatório nos períodos iniciais (sete e 15 dias e grande presença de tecido conjuntivo nos momentos finais (30 e 60 dias. Concluiu-se que o peritônio da paca como membrana biológica conservado nos meios estudados pode ser utilizado com segurança na parede abdominal de ratos; ainda, que sua conservação em solução supersaturada de açúcar a 300% permitiu melhor maleabilidade no ato cirúrgico.

  4. Outcome after BCG treatment for urinary bladder cancer may be influenced by polymorphisms in the NOS2 and NOS3 genes. (United States)

    Ryk, Charlotta; Koskela, Lotta Renström; Thiel, Tomas; Wiklund, N Peter; Steineck, Gunnar; Schumacher, Martin C; de Verdier, Petra J


    Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)-treatment is an established treatment for bladder cancer, but its mechanisms of action are not fully understood. High-risk non-muscle invasive bladder-cancer (NMIBC)-patients failing to respond to BCG-treatment have worse prognosis than those undergoing immediate radical cystectomy and identification of patients at risk for BCG-failure is of high priority. Several studies indicate a role for nitric oxide (NO) in the cytotoxic effect that BCG exerts on bladder cancer cells. In this study we investigated whether NO-synthase (NOS)-gene polymorphisms, NOS2-promoter microsatellite (CCTTT)n, and the NOS3-polymorphisms-786T>C (rs2070744) and Glu298Asp (rs1799983), can serve as possible molecular markers for outcome after BCG-treatment for NMIBC. All NMIBC-patients from a well-characterized population based cohort were analyzed (n=88). Polymorphism data were combined with information from 15-years of clinical follow-up. The effect of BCG-treatment on cancer-specific death (CSD), recurrence and progression in patients with varying NOS-genotypes were studied using Cox proportional hazard-models and log rank tests. BCG-treatment resulted in significantly better survival in patients without (Log rank: p=0.006; HR: 0.12, p=0.048), but not in patients with a long version ((CCTTT)n ≧13 repeats) of the NOS2-promoter microsatellite. The NOS3-rs2070744(TT) and rs1799983(GG)-genotypes showed decreased risk for CSD (Log rank(TT): p=0.001; Log rank(GG): p=0.010, HR(GG): 0.16, p=0.030) and progression (Log rank(TT): p<0.001, HR(TT): 0.05, p=0.005; Log rank(GG): p<0.001, HR(GG): 0.10, p=0.003) after BCG-therapy compared to the other genotypes. There was also a reduction in recurrence in BCG-treated patients that was mostly genotype independent. Analysis of combined genotypes identified a subgroup of 30% of the BCG-treated patients that did not benefit from BCG-treatment. Our results suggest that the investigated polymorphisms influence patient response

  5. Intervenções de enfermagem aos pacientes com acidente vascular encefálico: uma revisão integrativa de literatura

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    Tahissa Frota Cavalcante


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o conhecimento sobre as intervenções de enfermagem aos pacientes hospitalizados por acidente vascular encefálico. Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa da literatura a partir de acesso on-line a cinco bases de dados, no mês de setembro de 2009. Utilizou-se os descritores Cuidados de Enfermagem e Acidente Cerebral Vascular nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola. Foram encontrados 223 artigos e selecionados 12. Identificou-se nos artigos um maior número de intervenções de enfermagem assistenciais, seguidas das educacionais, gerenciais e de pesquisa. As do domínio assistencial estão mais relacionadas aos aspectos biológicos dos pacientes. Em relação às educativas, os artigos apontam o papel fundamental do enfermeiro, bem como dos familiares e dos cuidadores. A principal intervenção gerencial foi a coordenação dos cuidados. Quanto às intervenções de pesquisa foi identificada apenas uma descrita como o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento da prática de cuidados por meio de evidências clínicas.

  6. Data on the effects of losartan on protein expression, vascular reactivity and antioxidant capacity in the aorta of ethanol-treated rats

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    Carla S. Ceron


    Full Text Available We describe the effects of losartan, a selective AT1 receptor antagonist on the alterations induced by treatment with ethanol in the rat aorta. The data shown here are related to the article entitled “Angiotensin type 1 receptor mediates chronic ethanol consumption-induced hypertension and vascular oxidative stress” (P. Passaglia, C.S. Ceron, A.S. Mecawi, J. Antunes-Rodrigues, E.B. Coelho, C.R. Tirapelli, 2015 [1]. Here we include new data on the protective effect of losartan against ethanol-induced oxidative stress. Male Wistar rats treated for 2 weeks with ethanol (20%, vol./vol. exhibited increased aortic production of reactive oxygen species (ROS and losartan (10 mg/kg/day; p.o. gavage prevented this response. Ethanol did not alter the expression of eNOS in the rat aorta. Losartan prevented ethanol-induced increase in the aortic expression of nNOS. Neither ethanol nor losartan affected superoxide dismutase (SOD or catalase (CAT activities in the rat aorta. Treatment with ethanol increased the contraction induced by phenylephrine in both endothelium-intact and endothelium-denuded aortas and these responses were prevented by losartan. Conversely, neither ethanol nor losartan affected the endothelium-dependent relaxation induced by acetylcholine.

  7. Vascular Gene Expression: A Hypothesis

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    Angélica Concepción eMartínez-Navarro


    Full Text Available The phloem is the conduit through which photoassimilates are distributed from autotrophic to heterotrophic tissues and is involved in the distribution of signaling molecules that coordinate plant growth and responses to the environment. Phloem function depends on the coordinate expression of a large array of genes. We have previously identified conserved motifs in upstream regions of the Arabidopsis genes, encoding the homologs of pumpkin phloem sap mRNAs, displaying expression in vascular tissues. This tissue-specific expression in Arabidopsis is predicted by the overrepresentation of GA/CT-rich motifs in gene promoters. In this work we have searched for common motifs in upstream regions of the homologous genes from plants considered to possess a primitive vascular tissue (a lycophyte, as well as from others that lack a true vascular tissue (a bryophyte, and finally from chlorophytes. Both lycophyte and bryophyte display motifs similar to those found in Arabidopsis with a significantly low E-value, while the chlorophytes showed either a different conserved motif or no conserved motif at all. These results suggest that these same genes are expressed coordinately in non- vascular plants; this coordinate expression may have been one of the prerequisites for the development of conducting tissues in plants. We have also analyzed the phylogeny of conserved proteins that may be involved in phloem function and development. The presence of CmPP16, APL, FT and YDA in chlorophytes suggests the recruitment of ancient regulatory networks for the development of the vascular tissue during evolution while OPS is a novel protein specific to vascular plants.

  8. Inter-arm systolic blood pressure differences, relations with future vascular events and mortality in patients with and without manifest vascular disease. (United States)

    Kranenburg, Guido; Spiering, Wilko; de Jong, Pim A; Kappelle, L Jaap; de Borst, Gert Jan; Cramer, Maarten J; Visseren, Frank L J; Aboyans, Victor; Westerink, Jan


    Inter-arm systolic blood pressure difference (SBPD) is an easily obtained patient characteristic which relates to vascular disease. We aimed to identify determinants of large inter-arm SBPD and to investigate the relation between inter-arm SBPD and vascular events in patients with and without manifest vascular disease. In a cohort of 7344 patients with manifest vascular disease or vascular risk factors alone enrolled in the Second Manifestations of ARTerial disease (SMART) study, single bilateral non-simultaneous blood pressure measurements were performed. Logistic and Cox regression was used to identify determinants of large inter-arm SBPD (≥15mmHg) and to investigate the relation between inter-arm SBPD and vascular events (composite of non-fatal myocardial infarction, stroke, and vascular mortality) and all-cause mortality. In all patients the median inter-arm SBPD was 7mmHg (IQR 3-11) and 1182 (16%) patients had inter-arm SBPD ≥15mmHg. Higher age, higher systolic blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, peripheral artery disease, carotid artery stenosis, higher carotid intima-media thickness, and lower ankle-brachial indices were related to large inter-arm SBPD (≥15mmHg). Each 5mmHg increase in inter-arm SBPD was related to a 12% higher risk of vascular events in patients without manifest vascular disease (HR 1.12; 95% CI 1.00-1.27), whereas no relation was apparent in patients with manifest vascular disease (HR 0.98; 95% CI 0.93-1.04, interaction p-value 0.036). Inter-arm SBPD was not related to all-cause mortality (HR 1.05; 95% CI 0.93-1.19). Inter-arm SBPD relates to a higher risk of vascular events in patients without manifest vascular disease, whereas this relation is not apparent in patients with manifest vascular disease. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Adiposity, adipocytokines & microvesicles in the etiology of vascular disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kanhai, D.A.N.I.S.


    Vascular disease, in this thesis the terms vascular and cardiovascular are used interchangeably, is the number 1 cause of death worldwide. In 2008, 30% of all mortality had a vascular origin. Vascular mortality rates after a first manifestation of vascular disease are decreasing in Western society,

  10. Envolvimento nos direitos humanos e sistemas de valores


    Pereira,Cícero; Ribeiro,Ana Raquel Correia; Cardoso,Sandro José


    Com base no modelo da análise quantitativa das representações sociais, o estudo (N = 300) tratou do posicionamento de estudantes universitários em relação aos Direitos Humanos (DHs) e à ancoragem social desse posicionamento nos sistemas de valores dos estudantes. Os resultados mostram que as representações dos estudantes sobre o envolvimento nos DHs envolvem quatro princípios organizadores: pessoal-abstrato; pessoal-concreto; governamental-abstrato; governamental-concreto. Em relação à ancora...

  11. Intoxicação em suínos pela ingestão de sementes de Aeschynomene indica (Leg.Papilionoideae Poisoning in swine from the ingestion of Aeschynomene indica (Leg.Papilionoideae seeds

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    Fabiano N. Oliveira


    avermelhamento transmural da parede do intestino e conteúdo intestinal sanguinolento nos Suínos C-E. Um hematoma foi observado no pulmão do Suíno C. Os achados histopatológicos no encéfalo dos suínos alimentados com as maiores concentrações (20% de sementes de A. indica (C-E consistiram em áreas focais e simétricas de congestão, edema, hemorragia e tumefação do endotélio vascular em diversos núcleos e no córtex telencefálico. Nos Suínos A e B, que receberam menores concentrações das sementes de A. indica, e no Suíno F, caso espontâneo da doença, as alterações histológicas no encéfalo consistiam de áreas bem definidas de malacia focal simétrica; nessas áreas a neurópila normal era obliterada por numerosos macrófagos espumosos dispostos em estreita aposição, astrocitose e capilares com endotélios tumefeitos. Os focos de malacia focal simétrica em suínos intoxicados com sementes de A. indica afetavam os núcleos cerebelares e vestibulares, a substância negra, o putâmen e os núcleos mesencefálicos, oculomotor e núcleo vermelho. Esses dados indicam que a ingestão de sementes de A. indica é responsável por essa condição neurológica, que a doença pode ser fatal e que parece afetar igualmente suínos jovens e adultos. O desenlace clínico e as alterações patológicas são dependentes da dose e as lesões encefálicas progridem de danos vasculares a edema vasogênico, hemorragia e malacia.A spontaneous outbreak of a neurological disease in swine caused by the ingestion of Aeschynomene indica seeds and the reproduction of the disease in the same animal species are reported. The natural outbreak occurred in a pig-raising facility in the central region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. On the premises there were 100 pigs (20 breeding sows and 80 young weaned pigs from several categories that were fed a ration made by mixing 50% of corn bran, 25% of soybean bran, 5% of a commercial mix of vitamins and minerals, and 20% of broken

  12. Nem tudo que parece ser, é lesão: aspectos anatômicos, não lesões, artefatos, lesões sem significado clínico e alterações post mortem encontrados na necropsia de suínos domésticos e selvagens (Sus scrofa

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    Raquel R. Rech


    Full Text Available A interpretação das alterações encontradas na necropsia é uma etapa importante para o sucesso do diagnóstico final. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e ilustrar os aspectos anatômicos, não lesões, artefatos, lesões sem significado clínico e alterações post mortem encontradas em suínos domésticos e selvagens. Além disso, também se recomenda técnicas de colheita de tecidos para o diagnóstico de doenças que acometem essa espécie. Os principais aspectos anatômicos e não lesões descritos são fímbrias linguais, quadrilátero esofágico, toro pilórico e demarcação do padrão lobular do fígado (sistema gastrintestinal; tonsilas do palato mole, tecido linfoide associado ao estômago, placas de Peyer do intestino delgado e dobras da margem do baço (sistema hematopoiético; mediastino proeminente do testículo e aréolas da placenta (sistema reprodutor; atelectasia pulmonar e apêndice decidual (feto; e glândulas carpais (sistema tegumentar. Os artefatos de eutanásia abordados são petéquias na superfície do pulmão e rim, falsa anemia por sangria, hemorragia subdural por concussão cerebral, pseudo-infartos do baço e aspecto cerebriforme do intestino delgado. As lesões de pouco significado clínico descritas são cistos renais, linfonodos com pigmento de ferro, papilomas e hemangiomas no escroto, ossos no mesentério e hiperemia da mucosa gástrica. As alterações post mortem comumente encontradas são livor mortis, músculos pálidos, pseudomelanose e líquido serosanguinolento nas cavidades torácica e abdominal em fetos.

  13. Extracellular Matrix Molecules Facilitating Vascular Biointegration

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    Martin K.C. Ng


    Full Text Available All vascular implants, including stents, heart valves and graft materials exhibit suboptimal biocompatibility that significantly reduces their clinical efficacy. A range of biomolecules in the subendothelial space have been shown to play critical roles in local regulation of thrombosis, endothelial growth and smooth muscle cell proliferation, making these attractive candidates for modulation of vascular device biointegration. However, classically used biomaterial coatings, such as fibronectin and laminin, modulate only one of these components; enhancing endothelial cell attachment, but also activating platelets and triggering thrombosis. This review examines a subset of extracellular matrix molecules that have demonstrated multi-faceted vascular compatibility and accordingly are promising candidates to improve the biointegration of vascular biomaterials.

  14. Características de carcaça de bovinos Nelore e Caracu selecionados para peso aos 378 dias de idade recebendo alimentação restrita ou à vontade

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    Gesualdi Júnior Antonio


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se as características de carcaça de bovinos machos não-castrados de três grupos genéticos submetidos a dois planos de alimentação, em confinamento. Utilizaram-se 56 bovinos com idade média de 18 meses. Doze animais foram abatidos no início do experimento e os demais (16 Nelore selecionados, 12 Nelore não-selecionados e 16 Caracu selecionados, com peso vivo médio inicial de 404, 345 e 434 kg, respectivamente, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 3, composto por dois níveis de alimentação (restrição alimentar: fornecimento de 65 g de MS/kgPV0,75 por dia e ad libitum: oferta do alimento duas vezes ao dia e três grupos genéticos. A dieta foi formulada com silagem de milho como volumoso e apresentou relação volumoso:concentrado 50:50. O abate foi realizado quando os animais atingiram 4 mm de gordura subcutânea, medida por ultra-som. Observou-se efeito da interação nível de alimentação x grupo genético somente sobre a porcentagem de tecido ósseo. O peso e a profundidade da carcaça e os pesos dos cortes dianteiro e traseiro não diferiram entre os grupos selecionados e foram superiores aos dos animais Nelore não-selecionados. O plano ad libitum proporcionou maior rendimento do traseiro. O rendimento de carcaça não sofreu influência da alimentação e, juntamente com a porcentagem do traseiro, foram maiores para os zebuínos. A espessura de gordura subcutânea real e a porcentagem de tecido adiposo foram maiores para os Nelore não-selecionados, enquanto a área de olho-de-lombo e a porcentagem de tecido muscular foram maiores nos bovinos Caracu.

  15. Oogram studies in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni and treated with dexamethasone Oograma em camundongos infectados com Schistosoma mansoni e tratados com dexametasona

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    Marco Victor Hermeto


    Full Text Available Mice infected with about 90 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni (LE strain were treated during five consecutive days with dexamethasone (50 mg/Kg, subcutaneously, starting on the 42th day of infection. Groups of five mice were then daily sacrificed from the first day after onset of treatment until the first day after. The perfusion of the portal system was performed and a piece of the intestine was processed for qualitative and quantitative oograms. This treatment carries to larger numbers of eggs in the tissues of treated mice, when compared with untreated groups. No changes were observed in the kinetics of oviposition, as all stages of viable eggs were observed in the tissues of treated and control mice. These data reinforce the hypothesis of a partial blockade of the egg excretion in immunossupressed mice.Camundongos infectados com cerca de 90 cercárias da cepa LE de Schistosoma mansoni foram tratados durante 5 dias consecutivos com dexametasona (50mg/ Kg, subcutaneamente a partir do 42º dia de infecção. Grupos de cinco camundongos foram sacrificados diariamente após o primeiro dia do início do tratamento até o primeiro dia após o término. A perfusão do sistema porta foi feita e fragmentos do intestino foram processados para a realização de oogramas qualitativos e quantitativos. O tratamento leva a um maior número de ovos nos tecidos dos camundongos tratados, se comparado com os grupos não tratados. Nenhuma mudança foi observada na cinética de oviposição, e ovos viáveis em todos os estádios evolutivos foram observados nos tecidos de camundongos tratados e controles. Estes dados reforçam a hipótese de um bloqueio parcial na saída de ovos dos tecidos do intestino para o lúmem intestinal em camundongos imunossuprimidos.

  16. Effects of age and caloric restriction in the vascular response of renal arteries to endothelin-1 in rats. (United States)

    Amor, Sara; García-Villalón, Angel Luis; Rubio, Carmen; Carrascosa, Jose Ma; Monge, Luis; Fernández, Nuria; Martín-Carro, Beatriz; Granado, Miriam


    Cardiovascular alterations are the most prevalent cause of impaired physiological function in aged individuals with kidney being one the most affected organs. Aging-induced alterations in renal circulation are associated with a decrease in endothelium-derived relaxing factors such as nitric oxide (NO) and with an increase in contracting factors such as endothelin-1(ET-1). As caloric restriction (CR) exerts beneficial effects preventing some of the aging-induced alterations in cardiovascular system, the aim of this study was to analyze the effects of age and caloric restriction in the vascular response of renal arteries to ET-1 in aged rats. Vascular function was studied in renal arteries from 3-month-old Wistar rats fed ad libitum (3m) and in renal arteries from 8-and 24-month-old Wistar rats fed ad libitum (8m and 24m), or subjected to 20% caloric restriction during their three last months of life (8m-CR and 24m-CR). The contractile response to ET-1 was increased in renal arteries from 8m and 24m compared to 3m rats. ET-1-induced contraction was mediated by ET-A receptors in all experimental groups and also by ET-B receptors in 24m rats. Caloric restriction attenuated the increased contraction to ET-1 in renal arteries from 8m but not from 24m rats possibly through NO release proceeding from ET-B endothelial receptors. In 24m rats, CR did not attenuate the aging-increased response of renal arteries to ET-1, but it prevented the aging-induced increase in iNOS mRNA levels and the aging-induced decrease in eNOS mRNA levels in arterial tissue. In conclusion, aging is associated with an increased response to ET-1 in renal arteries that is prevented by CR in 8m but not in 24m rats. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Avaliação da linguagem após acidente vascular cerebral em adultos no estado de Sergipe

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    João Sigefredo Arruda


    Full Text Available Objetivo analisar a ocorrência de distúrbios de linguagem nos indivíduos que sofreram Acidente Vascular Cerebral. Métodos foi avaliada a linguagem de todos os pacientes acometidos por Acidente Vascular Cerebral, atendidos de fevereiro a agosto de 2012, no setor de fisioterapia de centro de referência em educação e saúde do Estado de Sergipe. A avaliação foi baseada no Teste do Rio de Janeiro (2005. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de estatística descritiva e probabilística através da distribuição de frequência, cálculos da média, desvio padrão e percentis, do Teste U de Mann-Whitney e Qui-Quadrado. Resultado foram encontrados 31 indivíduos, de ambos os gêneros, com idade variando de 30 a 94 anos. Foi evidenciado que as variáveis: gênero, escolaridade e idade, influenciam no desempenho do teste, verificando-se que o gênero masculino, sujeitos abaixo de 65 anos e os com escolaridade acima de fundamental incompleto pontuam mais. Conclusão maior percentual da amostra apresenta mais alteração na compreensão do que na expressão.

  18. Dynamic adaption of vascular morphology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Okkels, Fridolin; Jacobsen, Jens Christian Brings


    The structure of vascular networks adapts continuously to meet changes in demand of the surrounding tissue. Most of the known vascular adaptation mechanisms are based on local reactions to local stimuli such as pressure and flow, which in turn reflects influence from the surrounding tissue. Here ...

  19. Dynamics of nephron-vascular network

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Postnov, Dmitry; Postnov, D E; Marsh, D J


    The paper presents a modeling study of the spatial dynamics of a nephro-vascular network consisting of individual nephrons connected via a tree-like vascular branching structure. We focus on the effects of nonlinear mechanisms that are responsible for the formation of synchronous patterns in order...

  20. Diagnostic criteria for vascular dementia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scheltens, P.; Hijdra, A. H.


    The term vascular dementia implies the presence of a clinical syndrome (dementia) caused by, or at least assumed to be caused by, a specific disorder (cerebrovascular disease). In this review, the various sets of criteria used to define vascular dementia are outlined. The various sets of criteria

  1. 3D bioprinting for vascularized tissue fabrication (United States)

    Richards, Dylan; Jia, Jia; Yost, Michael; Markwald, Roger; Mei, Ying


    3D bioprinting holds remarkable promise for rapid fabrication of 3D tissue engineering constructs. Given its scalability, reproducibility, and precise multi-dimensional control that traditional fabrication methods do not provide, 3D bioprinting provides a powerful means to address one of the major challenges in tissue engineering: vascularization. Moderate success of current tissue engineering strategies have been attributed to the current inability to fabricate thick tissue engineering constructs that contain endogenous, engineered vasculature or nutrient channels that can integrate with the host tissue. Successful fabrication of a vascularized tissue construct requires synergy between high throughput, high-resolution bioprinting of larger perfusable channels and instructive bioink that promotes angiogenic sprouting and neovascularization. This review aims to cover the recent progress in the field of 3D bioprinting of vascularized tissues. It will cover the methods of bioprinting vascularized constructs, bioink for vascularization, and perspectives on recent innovations in 3D printing and biomaterials for the next generation of 3D bioprinting for vascularized tissue fabrication. PMID:27230253

  2. Diabetes and Retinal Vascular Dysfunction

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    Eui Seok Shin


    Full Text Available Diabetes predominantly affects the microvascular circulation of the retina resulting in a range of structural changes unique to this tissue. These changes ultimately lead to altered permeability, hyperproliferation of endothelial cells and edema, and abnormal vascularization of the retina with resulting loss of vision. Enhanced production of inflammatory mediators and oxidative stress are primary insults with significant contribution to the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy (DR. We have determined the identity of the retinal vascular cells affected by hyperglycemia, and have delineated the cell autonomous impact of high glucose on function of these cells. We discuss some of the high glucose specific changes in retinal vascular cells and their contribution to retinal vascular dysfunction. This knowledge provides novel insight into the molecular and cellular defects contributing to the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy, and will aid in the development of innovative, as well as target specific therapeutic approaches for prevention and treatment of DR.

  3. Image Quality in Vascular Radiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vanhavere, F.; Struelens, L.


    In vascular radiology, the radiologists use the radiological image to diagnose or treat a specific vascular structure. From literature, we know that related doses are high and that large dose variability exists between different hospitals. The application of the optimization principle is therefore necessary and is obliged by the new legislation. So far, very little fieldwork has been performed and no practical instructions are available to do the necessary work. It's indisputable that obtaining quantitative data is of great interest for optimization purposes. In order to gain insight into these doses and the possible measures for dose reduction, we performed a comparative study in 7 hospitals. Patient doses will be measured and calculated for specific procedures in vascular radiology and evaluated against their most influencing parameters. In view of optimization purposes, a protocol for dose audit will be set-up. From the results and conclusions in this study, experimentally based guidelines will be proposed, in order to improve clinical practice in vascular radiology

  4. Avaliação do suprimento sangüíneo vascular pulmonar nos portadores de atresia pulmonar com comunicação interventricular e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares Assessment of the pulmonary vascular blood supply in patients with pulmonary atresia, ventricular septal defect, and aortopulmonary collateral arteries

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    Ulisses Alexandre Croti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as características morfométricas das artérias pulmonares centrais e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares, avaliando a morfologia do suprimento sangüíneo vascular pulmonar, procurando estabelecer suas implicações no tratamento cirúrgico. MÉTODO: Entre janeiro/1990 e junho/2001, foram estudados 40 pacientes, incluíndo-se os que apresentavam estudo cineangiocardiográfico completo e prévio à primeira intervenção cirúrgica. Analisaram-se as características morfométricas das artérias pulmonares centrais e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares, assim como a distribuição da irrigação sangüínea nos pulmões. Calcularam-se os índices arterial pulmonar (IAAPP, arterial colateral sistêmico-pulmonar (IACSP e arterial neopulmonar total (IANPT = IAAPP + IACSP. O tratamento cirúrgico foi considerado paliativo (TP, paliativo definitivo (TPD e definitivo (TD. RESULTADOS: O TP foi predominante. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os pacientes com TP, TPD e TD, em relação ao IAAPP, IACSP e IANPT. Comparando o IAAPP e o IACSP, não houve diferença entre os índices para o TD (p=0,4309, o IACSP foi maior que o IAAPP para o TP (p=0,0176 e descritivamente também maior para o TPD. O IANPT dos pacientes em TD foi maior que os em TP (p=0,0959. Foram identificados cinco subgrupos morfologicamente semelhantes, denominados: B1, B2, B3, B4 e B5. A mortalidade total foi de 17,5%. CONCLUSÃO: A morfologia do suprimento sangüíneo vascular pulmonar das artérias pulmonares centrais e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares mostrou-se soberana na orientação do tratamento cirúrgico. Independentemente da divisão didática em subgrupos, o TP foi predominante. A mortalidade não apresentou correlação com as características morfométricas.OBJECTIVE: To study the morphometric characteristics of the central pulmonary arteries and aortopulmonary collateral arteries by assessing the morphology

  5. Progenitor cells in pulmonary vascular remodeling (United States)

    Yeager, Michael E.; Frid, Maria G.; Stenmark, Kurt R.


    Pulmonary hypertension is characterized by cellular and structural changes in the walls of pulmonary arteries. Intimal thickening and fibrosis, medial hypertrophy and fibroproliferative changes in the adventitia are commonly observed, as is the extension of smooth muscle into the previously non-muscularized vessels. A majority of these changes are associated with the enhanced presence of α-SM-actin+ cells and inflammatory cells. Atypical abundances of functionally distinct endothelial cells, particularly in the intima (plexiform lesions), and also in the perivascular regions, are also described. At present, neither the origin(s) of these cells nor the molecular mechanisms responsible for their accumulation, in any of the three compartments of the vessel wall, have been fully elucidated. The possibility that they arise from either resident vascular progenitors or bone marrow–derived progenitor cells is now well established. Resident vascular progenitor cells have been demonstrated to exist within the vessel wall, and in response to certain stimuli, to expand and express myofibroblastic, endothelial or even hematopoietic markers. Bone marrow–derived or circulating progenitor cells have also been shown to be recruited to sites of vascular injury and to assume both endothelial and SM-like phenotypes. Here, we review the data supporting the contributory role of vascular progenitors (including endothelial progenitor cells, smooth muscle progenitor cells, pericytes, and fibrocytes) in vascular remodeling. A more complete understanding of the processes by which progenitor cells modulate pulmonary vascular remodeling will undoubtedly herald a renaissance of therapies extending beyond the control of vascular tonicity and reduction of pulmonary artery pressure. PMID:22034593

  6. Congenital vascular malformations in scintigraphic evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pilecki, Stanisław; Gierach, Marcin; Gierach, Joanna; Świętaszczyk, Cyprian; Junik, Roman; Lasek, Władysław


    Congenital vascular malformations are tumour-like, non-neoplastic lesions caused by disorders of vascular tissue morphogenesis. They are characterised by a normal cell replacement cycle throughout all growth phases and do not undergo spontaneous involution. Here we present a scintigraphic image of familial congenital vascular malformations in two sisters. A 17-years-old young woman with a history of multiple hospitalisations for foci of vascular anomalies appearing progressively in the upper and lower right limbs, chest wall and spleen. A Parkes Weber syndrome was diagnosed based on the clinical picture. Due to the occurrence of new foci of malformations, a whole-body scintigraphic examination was performed. A 12-years-old girl reported a lump in the right lower limb present for approximately 2 years, which was clinically identified as a vascular lesion in the area of calcaneus and talus. Phleboscintigraphy visualized normal radiomarker outflow from the feet via the deep venous system, also observed in the superficial venous system once the tourniquets were released. In static and whole-body examinations vascular malformations were visualised in the area of the medial cuneiform, navicular and talus bones of the left foot, as well as in the projection of right calcaneus and above the right talocrural joint. People with undiagnosed disorders related to the presence of vascular malformations should undergo periodic follow-up to identify lesions that may be the cause of potentially serious complications and to assess the results of treatment. Presented scintigraphic methods may be used for both diagnosing and monitoring of disease progression

  7. Seqüestro pulmonar extralobar: análise anatomopatológica de dois casos em natimortos e revisão da literatura Extralobar pulmonary sequestration: anatomical analysis of two cases in stillbirths and review of literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ítalo Martins de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O seqüestro pulmonar é definido como uma massa anormal de tecido pulmonar sem comunicação com a árvore brônquica. É anomalia rara, responsável por 0,15-6,45% das malformações pulmonares congênitas. Quando possui revestimento pleural próprio, chama-se seqüestro pulmonar extralobar (SPE. Este trabalho descreve dois casos de SPE em natimortos (NM com 32 (1 e 34 (2 semanas de gestação com diagnóstico clínico de hipoxia intra-uterina e adenomatose cística, respectivamente, e faz revisão da literatura. O diagnóstico envolveu análise ultra-sonográfica, sindrômica, macroscópica e microscópica dos NM. Foi observada massa supradiafragmática no hemitórax esquerdo ligada à aorta torácica (1 e ao diafragma (2. As MFs associadas foram agenesia tímica (2, hipoplasia pulmonar (2, pé torto congênito (1 e acondroplasia de membros (2. A microscopia evidenciou, nos dois casos, tecido pulmonar imaturo e pedículo vascularizado e inervado.Pulmonary sequestration represents an abnormal pulmonary mass that does not communicate with the tracheobronchial tree. It is a rare malformation (MF, accountable for 0.15%-6.45% of pulmonary congenital MFs. When it has its own pleural covering, it is called extralobar (EBPS. This work describes two cases of EBPS in stillbirths (SB, at 32 (1 and 34 (2 weeks' gestation, with clinical diagnosis of intrauterine hypoxia and cystic adenomatosis, respectively. It also reviews the literature on the subject. The diagnosis involved ultrasonographic, syndromic, macroscopic and microscopic analysis. The macroscopy showed a supradiaphragmatic mass in the left hemithorax linked to thoracic aorta (1 and diaphragm (2. The associated MFs were: thymic agenesis (2, pulmonary hypoplasia (2, clubfoot (1 and achondroplasia (2. Microscopy demonstrated, in both cases, immature pulmonary tissue and vascularized and innervated pedicle.

  8. Vascular associated gene variants in patients with preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lykke, Jacob A; Bare, Lance A; Olsen, Jørn


    Preeclampsia has been linked to subsequent vascular disease with many shared predisposing factors. We investigated the association between severe preeclampsia, and its subtypes, and specific vascular-related polymorphisms.......Preeclampsia has been linked to subsequent vascular disease with many shared predisposing factors. We investigated the association between severe preeclampsia, and its subtypes, and specific vascular-related polymorphisms....

  9. Protein Kinase C Inhibitors as Modulators of Vascular Function and Their Application in Vascular Disease

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    Raouf A. Khalil


    Full Text Available Blood pressure (BP is regulated by multiple neuronal, hormonal, renal and vascular control mechanisms. Changes in signaling mechanisms in the endothelium, vascular smooth muscle (VSM and extracellular matrix cause alterations in vascular tone and blood vessel remodeling and may lead to persistent increases in vascular resistance and hypertension (HTN. In VSM, activation of surface receptors by vasoconstrictor stimuli causes an increase in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i, which forms a complex with calmodulin, activates myosin light chain (MLC kinase and leads to MLC phosphorylation, actin-myosin interaction and VSM contraction. Vasoconstrictor agonists could also increase the production of diacylglycerol which activates protein kinase C (PKC. PKC is a family of Ca2+-dependent and Ca2+-independent isozymes that have different distributions in various blood vessels, and undergo translocation from the cytosol to the plasma membrane, cytoskeleton or the nucleus during cell activation. In VSM, PKC translocation to the cell surface may trigger a cascade of biochemical events leading to activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK and MAPK kinase (MEK, a pathway that ultimately increases the myofilament force sensitivity to [Ca2+]i, and enhances actin-myosin interaction and VSM contraction. PKC translocation to the nucleus may induce transactivation of various genes and promote VSM growth and proliferation. PKC could also affect endothelium-derived relaxing and contracting factors as well as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs in the extracellular matrix further affecting vascular reactivity and remodeling. In addition to vasoactive factors, reactive oxygen species, inflammatory cytokines and other metabolic factors could affect PKC activity. Increased PKC expression and activity have been observed in vascular disease and in certain forms of experimental and human HTN. Targeting of vascular PKC using PKC inhibitors may function in

  10. Association between nucleotide mutation of eNOS gene and serum ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Various mutation on endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOs) gene cause reduced production of NO, the expansion factor (VEF) and may accelerate the process of atherosclerosis. The study was designed to investigate the frequency of T-786C polymorphism of the gene or nucleotide mutation of eNOS gene in patients ...

  11. Insulin resistance: vascular function and exercise

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    Moon-Hyon Hwang


    Full Text Available Insulin resistance associated with metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes mellitus is an epidemic metabolic disorder, which increases the risk of cardiovascular complications. Impaired vascular endothelial function is an early marker for atherosclerosis, which causes cardiovascular complications. Both experimental and clinical studies indicate that endothelial dysfunction in vasculatures occurs with insulin resistance. The associated physiological mechanisms are not fully appreciated yet, however, it seems that augmented oxidative stress, a physiological imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants, in vascular cells is a possible mechanism involved in various vascular beds with insulin resistance and hyperglycemia. Regardless of the inclusion of resistance exercise, aerobic exercise seems to be beneficial for vascular endothelial function in both large conduit and small resistance vessels in both clinical and experimental studies with insulin resistance. In clinical cases, aerobic exercise over 8 weeks with higher intensity seems more beneficial than the cases with shorter duration and lower intensity. However, more studies are needed in the future to elucidate the physiological mechanisms by which vascular endothelial function is impaired in insulin resistance and improved with aerobic exercise.

  12. Leg vascular and skeletal muscle mitochondrial adaptations to aerobic high-intensity exercise training are enhanced in the early postmenopausal phase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nyberg, Michael Permin; Egelund, Jon; Mandrup Jensen, Camilla Maria


    the haemodynamic response to acute exercise in matched pre- and postmenopausal women before and after 12 weeks of aerobic high intensity exercise training. Twenty premenopausal and 16 early postmenopausal (3.1 ± 0.5 [mean ± SEM] years after final menstrual period) women only separated by 4 (50 ± 0 versus 54 ± 1...... receptor α (ERRα) were increased (P training in the postmenopausal women whereas only the levels of mitochondrial complex V, eNOS, and COX-2 were increased (P aerobic......Exercise training leads to favourable adaptations within skeletal muscle; however, this effect of exercise training may be blunted in postmenopausal women due to the loss of oestrogens. Furthermore, postmenopausal women may have an impaired vascular response to acute exercise. We examined...

  13. Retinal vascular segmentation using superpixel-based line operator and its application to vascular topology estimation. (United States)

    Na, Tong; Xie, Jianyang; Zhao, Yitian; Zhao, Yifan; Liu, Yue; Wang, Yongtian; Liu, Jiang


    Automatic methods of analyzing of retinal vascular networks, such as retinal blood vessel detection, vascular network topology estimation, and arteries/veins classification are of great assistance to the ophthalmologist in terms of diagnosis and treatment of a wide spectrum of diseases. We propose a new framework for precisely segmenting retinal vasculatures, constructing retinal vascular network topology, and separating the arteries and veins. A nonlocal total variation inspired Retinex model is employed to remove the image intensity inhomogeneities and relatively poor contrast. For better generalizability and segmentation performance, a superpixel-based line operator is proposed as to distinguish between lines and the edges, thus allowing more tolerance in the position of the respective contours. The concept of dominant sets clustering is adopted to estimate retinal vessel topology and classify the vessel network into arteries and veins. The proposed segmentation method yields competitive results on three public data sets (STARE, DRIVE, and IOSTAR), and it has superior performance when compared with unsupervised segmentation methods, with accuracy of 0.954, 0.957, and 0.964, respectively. The topology estimation approach has been applied to five public databases (DRIVE,STARE, INSPIRE, IOSTAR, and VICAVR) and achieved high accuracy of 0.830, 0.910, 0.915, 0.928, and 0.889, respectively. The accuracies of arteries/veins classification based on the estimated vascular topology on three public databases (INSPIRE, DRIVE and VICAVR) are 0.90.9, 0.910, and 0.907, respectively. The experimental results show that the proposed framework has effectively addressed crossover problem, a bottleneck issue in segmentation and vascular topology reconstruction. The vascular topology information significantly improves the accuracy on arteries/veins classification. © 2018 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

  14. Postoperative radiographic evaluation of vascularized fibular grafts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manaster, B.J.; Coleman, D.A.; Bell, D.A.


    This paper reports on thirty-five patients with free vascularized fibular grafts examined postoperatively with plain radiography. Early graft incorporation is seen as a fuzziness of the cortex at the site of its insertion into the host bone. Causes of failure in grafting for bone defects include graft fracture, hardware failure, and infection. A high percentage of complications or at least delayed unions occurred when vascularized fibular grafts were used to fill defects in the lower extremity. Conversely, upper extremity defects bridged by vascularized grafts heal quickly and hypertrophy. Vascularized grafts placed in the femoral head and neck for a vascular necrosis incorporate early on their superior aspect. The osseous tunnel in which they are placed is normally wider than the graft and often becomes sclerotic; this appearance does not represent nonunion

  15. Antioxidant mechanism of heme oxygenase-1 involves an increase in superoxide dismutase and catalase in experimental diabetes. (United States)

    Turkseven, Saadet; Kruger, Adam; Mingone, Christopher J; Kaminski, Pawel; Inaba, Muneo; Rodella, Luigi F; Ikehara, Susumu; Wolin, Michael S; Abraham, Nader G


    Increased heme oxygenase (HO)-1 activity attenuates endothelial cell apoptosis and decreases superoxide anion (O2-) formation in experimental diabetes by unknown mechanisms. We examined the effect of HO-1 protein and HO activity on extracellular SOD (EC-SOD), catalase, O2-, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) levels and vascular responses to ACh in control and diabetic rats. Vascular EC-SOD and plasma catalase activities were significantly reduced in diabetic compared with nondiabetic rats (P inhibitor of HO-1 activity, decreased EC-SOD protein. Increased HO-1 activity in diabetic rats was associated with a decrease in iNOS but increases in eNOS and plasma catalase activity. On the other hand, aortic ring segments from diabetic rats exhibited a significant reduction in vascular relaxation to ACh, which was reversed with cobalt protoporphyrin treatment. These data demonstrate that an increase in HO-1 protein and activity, i.e., CO and bilirubin production, in diabetic rats brings about a robust increase in EC-SOD, catalase, and eNOS with a concomitant increase in endothelial relaxation and a decrease in O2-. These observations in experimental diabetes suggest that the vascular cytoprotective mechanism of HO-1 against oxidative stress requires an increase in EC-SOD and catalase.

  16. Influência do treinamento aeróbio nos mecanismos fisiopatológicos da hipertensão arterial sistêmica

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    Francisco Luciano Pontes Júnior


    Full Text Available O objetivo da presente revisão foi discutir as principais influências do exercício aeróbio nos mecanismos fisiopatológicos da hipertensão sistêmica. A hipotensão pós-exercício (HPE resulta de uma redução persistente na resistência vascular periférica (RVP, mediada pelo sistema nervoso autônomo e por substâncias vasodilatadoras. A diminuição da pressão arterial com o treinamento crônico ocorre pela diminuição da RVP e do débito cardíaco em repouso, por meio da redução da atividade neural simpática e do aumento da sensibilidade barorreflexa. Além disso, o exercício crônico pode promover redução da concentração de catecolaminas, melhora do perfil metabólico, afetar a atividade funcional do endotélio vascular e promover mudanças positivas na composição corporal. Desse modo, a inclusão do exercício físico aeróbio é fortemente recomendada como estratégia não farmacológica para o tratamento da hipertensão, não apenas pelo efeito benéfico na pressão arterial, bem como na redução de fatores de risco cardiovasculares.

  17. A ancestralidade no centro da narrativa, em Lueji de Pepetela


    Ana Claudia Duarte Mendes


    No presente trabalho analisamos o romance Lueji, de Pepetela, a partir dos estudos sobre a cultura banto, destacando a religiosidade africana e o culto aos ancestrais. Buscamos entender como a ancestralidade está presente no mundo imaginário e no tecido textual do romance. Para tanto, dividimos o trabalho em dois momentos, o primeiro voltado para a análise da constituição do mundo imaginário, as ideias e o enredo. Essa leitura foi desenvolvida nos dois primeiros capítulos, privilegiando a tra...

  18. Sensibilidade de indivíduos e progênies de bidens pilosa e conyza sumatrensis ao amônio glufosinate


    Brito, Ivana Paula Ferraz Santos de [UNESP


    A sensibilidade de plantas daninhas a herbicidas frequentemente se apresenta variável, em função de diversos fatores. O herbicida amônio glufosinate tem ação de contato e inibe a atividade da enzima glutamina sintetase, causando dentre outros efeitos, o acúmulo de amônia nos tecidos foliares, sendo esse um bom indicativo da intoxicação das plantas. Desse modo, o objetivo desse trabalho foi identificar a resposta de plantas de Bidens pilosa e Conyza sumatrensis a diferentes doses do herbicida ...

  19. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva


    Tonholo-Silva, Edward R.; Adachi, Elza Aquimi; Tafner, Maria Salete; Yoshinaga, Lucia


    Fibrodisplasia (miosite) ossificante progressiva (FOP) é doença rara, de herança autossômica dominante, na qual ocorre ossificação ectópica progressiva e malformação esquelética, principalmente no tecido conectivo dos músculos. O diagnóstico é baseado nos achados clínicos e demonstração radiologica das malformações esqueléticas. Relatamos o caso de uma menina de 5 anos de idade com FOP. Fibrodysplasia (myositis) ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder in which th...

  20. Electroacupuncture Delays Hypertension Development through Enhancing NO/NOS Activity in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

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    Hye Suk Hwang


    Full Text Available Using spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR, this study investigated whether electroacupuncture (EA could reduce early stage hypertension by examining nitric oxide (NO levels in plasma and nitric oxide synthase (NOS levels in the mesenteric resistance artery. EA was applied to the acupuncture point Governor Vessel 20 (GV20 or to a non-acupuncture point in the tail twice weekly for 3 weeks under anesthesia. In conscious SHR and normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY rats, blood pressure was determined the day after EA treatment by the tail-cuff method. We measured plasma NO concentration, and evaluated endothelial NO syntheses (eNOS and neuronal NOS (nNOS protein expression in the mesenteric artery. Systolic blood pressure (SBP and diastolic blood pressure (DBP were lower after 3 weeks of GV20 treatment than EA at non-acupuncture point and no treatment control in SHR. nNOS expression by EA was significantly different between both WKY and no treatment SHR control, and EA at GV20 in SHR. eNOS expression was significantly high in EA at GV 20 compared with no treatment control. In conclusion, EA could attenuate the blood pressure elevation of SHR, along with enhancing NO/NOS activity in the mesenteric artery in SHR.

  1. Sirtuins, Cell Senescence, and Vascular Aging. (United States)

    Kida, Yujiro; Goligorsky, Michael S


    The sirtuins (SIRTs) constitute a class of proteins with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent deacetylase or adenosine diphosphate-ribosyltransferase activity. Seven SIRT family members have been identified in mammals, from SIRT1, the best studied for its role in vascular aging, to SIRT7. SIRT1 and SIRT2 are localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm. SIRT3, SIRT4, and SIRT5 are mitochondrial, and SIRT6 and SIRT7 are nuclear. Extensive studies have clearly revealed that SIRT proteins regulate diverse cell functions and responses to stressors. Vascular aging involves the aging process (senescence) of endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells. Two types of cell senescence have been identified: (1) replicative senescence with telomere attrition; and (2) stress-induced premature senescence without telomere involvement. Both types of senescence induce vascular cell growth arrest and loss of vascular homeostasis, and contribute to the initiation and progression of cardiovascular diseases. Previous mechanistic studies have revealed in detail that SIRT1, SIRT3, and SIRT6 show protective functions against vascular aging, and definite vascular function of other SIRTs is under investigation. Thus, direct SIRT modulation and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide stimulation of SIRT are promising candidates for cardiovascular disease therapy. A small number of pilot studies have been conducted to assess SIRT modulation in humans. These clinical studies have not yet provided convincing evidence that SIRT proteins alleviate morbidity and mortality in patients with cardiovascular diseases. The outcomes of multiple ongoing clinical trials are awaited to define the efficacy of SIRT modulators and SIRT activators in cardiovascular diseases, along with the potential adverse effects of chronic SIRT modulation. Copyright © 2016 Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. [Vascular aging, arterial hypertension and physical activity]. (United States)

    Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Weisser, B


    The present review delineates the significance of intima-media-thickness, arterial stiffness and endothelial function for vascular aging. There is profound evidence for an increase in intima-media-thickness and vascular stiffness not only during healthy aging but induced also by cardiovascular risk factors. There is a central role of arterial hypertension for this progression in both structural factors. In addition, both parameters are strongly associated with cardiovascular risk. Endothelial function measured as postischemic flow-mediated vasodilatation is a functional parameter which is decreased both in healthy aging and by cardiovascular risk factors. Physical activity modifies the influence of aging and risk factors on endothelial function. A positive influence of endurance exercise on vascular stiffness and endothelial function has been demonstrated in numerous studies. In long-term studies, regular physical activity has been shown to reduce the progression of intima-media-thickness. Thus, arterial hypertension accelerates vascular aging, while physical activity has a positive influence on a variety of vascular parameters associated with vascular aging. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  3. Pulmonary vascular imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fedullo, P.F.; Shure, D.


    A wide range of pulmonary vascular imaging techniques are available for the diagnostic evaluation of patients with suspected pulmonary vascular disease. The characteristics of any ideal technique would include high sensitivity and specificity, safety, simplicity, and sequential applicability. To date, no single technique meets these ideal characteristics. Conventional pulmonary angiography remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of acute thromboembolic disease despite the introduction of newer techniques such as digital subtraction angiography and magnetic resonance imaging. Improved noninvasive lower extremity venous testing methods, particularly impedance plethysmography, and ventilation-perfusion scanning can play significant roles in the noninvasive diagnosis of acute pulmonary emboli when properly applied. Ventilation-perfusion scanning may also be useful as a screening test to differentiate possible primary pulmonary hypertension from chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. And, finally, angioscopy may be a useful adjunctive technique to detect chronic thromboembolic disease and determine operability. Optimal clinical decision-making, however, will continue to require the proper interpretation of adjunctive information obtained from the less-invasive techniques, applied with an understanding of the natural history of the various forms of pulmonary vascular disease and with a knowledge of the capabilities and shortcomings of the individual techniques

  4. Vascular lumen formation. (United States)

    Lammert, Eckhard; Axnick, Jennifer


    The vascular system developed early in evolution. It is required in large multicellular organisms for the transport of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products to and from tissues. The vascular system is composed of hollow tubes, which have a high level of complexity in vertebrates. Vasculogenesis describes the de novo formation of blood vessels, e.g., aorta formation in vertebrate embryogenesis. In contrast, angiogenesis is the formation of blood vessels from preexisting ones, e.g., sprouting of intersomitic blood vessels from the aorta. Importantly, the lumen of all blood vessels in vertebrates is lined and formed by endothelial cells. In both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, lumen formation takes place in a cord of endothelial cells. It involves a complex molecular mechanism composed of endothelial cell repulsion at the cell-cell contacts within the endothelial cell cords, junctional rearrangement, and endothelial cell shape change. As the vascular system also participates in the course of many diseases, such as cancer, stroke, and myocardial infarction, it is important to understand and make use of the molecular mechanisms of blood vessel formation to better understand and manipulate the pathomechanisms involved.

  5. Expression of Beta-catenin, COX-2 and iNOS in Colorectal Cancer: Relevance of COX-2 and iNOS Inhibitors for Treatment in Malaysia

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    Seok Kwan Hong


    Conclusions: The accumulation of β-catenin does not seem to be sufficient to activate pathways that lead to increased COX-2 and iNOS expression. A high proportion of colorectal cancers were found to express COX-2 and a significant number produced iNOS, suggesting that their inhibitors may be potentially useful as chemotherapeutic agents in the management of colorectal cancer.

  6. A epilepsia nos tumores cerebrais

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    Luís Marques-Assis


    Full Text Available De 411 casos de tumores cerebrais foram estudados 86 (19,4% que apresentaram manifestações epilépticas. A epilepsia foi estudada quanto à duração, ao tipo de manifestação e à severidade, em relação à natureza e à localização dos tumores cerebrais. A análise dos resultados permitiu aos autores chegarem às seguintes conclusões: 1 a epilepsia incidiu em 19,4% dos casos; 2 o oligodendroglioma, as metástases carcinomatosas e o glioblastoma multiforme foram, pela ordem, os tumores mais epileptogênicos; 3 as áreas frontal, parietal e temporal foram, nessa ordem, as localizações mais epileptogênicas; 4 os carcinomas metastáticos predominaram nos casos com epilepsia com menos de um ano de evolução, enquanto que os astrocitomas predominaram nos casos com mais de três anos; quanto à topografia, predominou a região frontal no primeiro grupo e a temporal, no segundo; 5 nas formas mais severas de epilepsia predominaram os oligodendrogliomas e os meningeomas, quanto à natureza, e a região frontotemporal e a foice, quanto à localização; 6 os craniofaringeomas e os meduloblastomas foram os tumores que mais freqüentemente determinaram o aparecimento de convulsões puras; nesses casos, a sela túrsica e a fossa posterior foram as sedes mais freqüentes; 7 os carcinomas metastáticos e os meningeomas, quanto à natureza, e as regiões frontoparietal e parietal, quanto à localização, foram os mais freqüentemente encontrados nos casos com crises de tipo bravais-jacksoniano.

  7. Lipidomics in vascular health: current perspectives. (United States)

    Kolovou, Genovefa; Kolovou, Vana; Mavrogeni, Sophie


    Identifying the mechanisms that convert a healthy vascular wall to an atherosclerotic wall is of major importance since the consequences may lead to a shortened lifespan. Classical risk factors (age, smoking, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and dyslipidemia) may result in the progression of atherosclerotic lesions by processes including inflammation and lipid accumulation. Thus, the evaluation of blood lipids and the full lipid complement produced by cells, organisms, or tissues (lipidomics) is an issue of importance. In this review, we shall describe the recent progress in vascular health research using lipidomic advances. We will begin with an overview of vascular wall biology and lipids, followed by a short analysis of lipidomics. Finally, we shall focus on the clinical implications of lipidomics and studies that have examined lipidomic approaches and vascular health.

  8. A Internet que nos protege

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    Luana Negrelly Saraiva


    Full Text Available A partir de uma análise das relações interpessoais nos canais de chat, pretende-se mostrar a Internet como um espaço de proteção da mesma sociedade repressora que a criou, abrindo portas para o desenvolvimento e o resgate dos valores humanos.

  9. [Vascular access guidelines for hemodialysis]. (United States)

    Rodríguez Hernández, J A; González Parra, E; Julián Gutiérrez, J M; Segarra Medrano, A; Almirante, B; Martínez, M T; Arrieta, J; Fernández Rivera, C; Galera, A; Gallego Beuter, J; Górriz, J L; Herrero, J A; López Menchero, R; Ochando, A; Pérez Bañasco, V; Polo, J R; Pueyo, J; Ruiz, Camps I; Segura Iglesias, R


    Quality of vascular access (VA) has a remarkable influence in hemodialysis patients outcomes. Dysfunction of VA represents a capital cause of morbi-mortality of these patients as well an increase in economical. Spanish Society of Neprhology, aware of the problem, has decided to carry out a revision of the issue with the aim of providing help in comprehensión and treatment related with VA problems, and achieving an homogenization of practices in three mayor aspects: to increase arteriovenous fistula utilization as first vascular access, to increment vascular access monitoring practice and rationalise central catheters use. We present a consensus document elaborated by a multidisciplinar group composed by nephrologists, vascular surgeons, interventional radiologysts, infectious diseases specialists and nephrological nurses. Along six chapters that cover patient education, creation of VA, care, monitoring, complications and central catheters, we present the state of the art and propose guidelines for the best practice, according different evidence based degrees, with the intention to provide help at the professionals in order to make aproppiate decissions. Several quality standars are also included.

  10. Imaging after vascular gene therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manninen, Hannu I.; Yang, Xiaoming


    Targets for cardiovascular gene therapy currently include limiting restenosis after balloon angioplasty and stent placement, inhibiting vein bypass graft intimal hyperplasia/stenosis, therapeutic angiogenesis for cardiac and lower-limb ischemia, and prevention of thrombus formation. While catheter angiography is still standard method to follow-up vascular gene transfer, other modern imaging techniques, especially intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), magnetic resonance (MR), and positron emission tomography (PET) imaging provide complementary information about the therapeutic effect of vascular gene transfer in humans. Although molecular imaging of therapeutic gene expression in the vasculatures is still in its technical development phase, it has already offered basic medical science an extremely useful in vivo evaluation tool for non- or minimally invasive imaging of vascular gene therapy

  11. Histochemical observations of fluorescent biogenic amines in cryostat sections of peripheral and central nervous tissue Verificação histoquímica de aminas biogênicas fluorescentes em secções criostáticas de tecido nervoso central e periférico

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    O. Duarte-Escalante


    Full Text Available Relato de modificação da técnica criostático-histoquímica para a verificação da fluorescência das catecolaminas e da serotonina em secções de tecido nervoso central e periférico. São discutidas as vantagens desta modificação técnica em relação a outras propostas para a mesma finalidade.

  12. Revascularization of diaphyseal bone segments by vascular bundle implantation. (United States)

    Nagi, O N


    Vascularized bone transfer is an effective, established treatment for avascular necrosis and atrophic or infected nonunions. However, limited donor sites and technical difficulty limit its application. Vascular bundle transplantation may provide an alternative. However, even if vascular ingrowth is presumed to occur in such situations, its extent in aiding revascularization for ultimate graft incorporation is not well understood. A rabbit tibia model was used to study and compare vascularized, segmental, diaphyseal, nonvascularized conventional, and vascular bundle-implanted grafts with a combination of angiographic, radiographic, histopathologic, and bone scanning techniques. Complete graft incorporation in conventional grafts was observed at 6 months, whereas it was 8 to 12 weeks with either of the vascularized grafts. The pattern of radionuclide uptake and the duration of graft incorporation between vascular segmental bone grafts (with intact endosteal blood supply) and vascular bundle-implanted segmental grafts were similar. A vascular bundle implanted in the recipient bone was found to anastomose extensively with the intraosseous circulation at 6 weeks. Effective revascularization of bone could be seen when a simple vascular bundle was introduced into a segment of bone deprived of its normal blood supply. This simple technique offers promise for improvement of bone graft survival in clinical circumstances.

  13. Intoxicação experimental de suínos por fumonisinas

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    Dilkin Paulo


    Full Text Available Os efeitos da exposição oral prolongada (28 dias à fumonisina foram estudados em suínos jovens. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos experimentais e alimentados com ração ad libitum contendo: A 0mg de (controle; B 10mg de; C 30mg de Os suínos foram observados duas vezes por dia; seus pesos e consumo alimentar foram registrados semanalmente. Entre o 20º e 24º dia de intoxicação, os suínos do tratamentos C apresentaram diminuição do consumo de ração e ganho de peso, sinais característicos de edema pulmonar, razão pela qual um animal foi levado a óbito aos 23 dias de intoxicação. Após 28 dias, os animais foram necropsiados e os órgãos submetidos a análises macroscópica, histopatológica e ao estudo da morfologia e histologia intestinal. Nos suínos que apresentaram sinais clínicos de intoxicação, observaram-se lesões pulmonares, hepáticas e diminuição de altura das vilosidades e profundidade das criptas e hiperplasia glandular em segmentos intestinais. Conclui-se, portanto, que substanciais perdas de produtividade podem ser induzidas em suínos alimentados com ração contaminada com baixos níveis de fumonisinas.

  14. iNOS-dependent increase in colonic mucus thickness in DSS-colitic rats.

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    Olof Schreiber

    Full Text Available AIM: To investigate colonic mucus thickness in vivo in health and during experimental inflammatory bowel disease. METHODS: Colitis was induced with 5% DSS in drinking water for 8 days prior to experiment, when the descending colonic mucosa of anesthetized rats was studied using intravital microscopy. Mucus thickness was measured with micropipettes attached to a micromanipulator. To assess the contributions of NOS and prostaglandins in the regulation of colonic mucus thickness, the non-selective NOS-inhibitor L-NNA (10 mg/kg bolus followed by 3 mg/kg/h, the selective iNOS-inhibitor L-NIL (10 mg/kg bolus followed by 3 mg/kg/h and the non-selective COX-inhibitor diclofenac (5 mg/kg were administered intravenously prior to experiment. To further investigate the role of iNOS in the regulation of colonic mucus thickness, iNOS -/- mice were used. RESULTS: Colitic rats had a thicker firmly adherent mucus layer following 8 days of DSS treatment than untreated rats (88±2 µm vs 76±1 µm. During induction of colitis, the thickness of the colonic mucus layer initially decreased but was from day 3 significantly thicker than in untreated rats. Diclofenac reduced the mucus thickness similarly in colitic and untreated rats (-16±5 µm vs -14±2 µm. While L-NNA had no effect on colonic mucus thickness in DSS or untreated controls (+3±2 µm vs +3±1 µm, L-NIL reduced the mucus thickness significantly more in colitic rats than in controls (-33±4 µm vs -10±3 µm. The importance of iNOS in regulating the colonic mucus thickness was confirmed in iNOS-/- mice, which had thinner colonic mucus than wild-type mice (35±3 µm vs 50±2 µm, respectively. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry revealed increased levels of iNOS in the colonic surface epithelium following DSS treatment. CONCLUSION: Both prostaglandins and nitric oxide regulate basal colonic mucus thickness. During onset of colitis, the thickness of the mucus layer is initially reduced followed by an iNOS

  15. Adiposity, adipocytokines & microvesicles in the etiology of vascular disease


    Kanhai, D.A.N.I.S.


    Vascular disease, in this thesis the terms vascular and cardiovascular are used interchangeably, is the number 1 cause of death worldwide. In 2008, 30% of all mortality had a vascular origin. Vascular mortality rates after a first manifestation of vascular disease are decreasing in Western society, which is attributable to better disease awareness, better preventive strategies and better healthcare systems. As mortality rates are decreasing, the number of patients surviving their first vascul...

  16. Isoproterenol induces vascular oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction via a Giα-coupled β2-adrenoceptor signaling pathway.

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    Ana P Davel

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Sustained β-adrenergic stimulation is a hallmark of sympathetic hyperactivity in cardiovascular diseases. It is associated with oxidative stress and altered vasoconstrictor tone. This study investigated the β-adrenoceptor subtype and the signaling pathways implicated in the vascular effects of β-adrenoceptor overactivation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Mice lacking the β1- or β2-adrenoceptor subtype (β1KO, β2KO and wild-type (WT were treated with isoproterenol (ISO, 15 μg.g(-1 x day(-1, 7 days. ISO significantly enhanced the maximal vasoconstrictor response (Emax of the aorta to phenylephrine in WT (+34% and β1KO mice (+35% but not in β2KO mice. The nitric oxide synthase (NOS inhibitor L-NAME abolished the differences in phenylephrine response between the groups, suggesting that ISO impaired basal NO availability in the aorta of WT and β1KO mice. Superoxide dismutase (SOD, pertussis toxin (PTx or PD 98,059 (p-ERK 1/2 inhibitor incubation reversed the hypercontractility of aortic rings from ISO-treated WT mice; aortic contraction of ISO-treated β2KO mice was not altered. Immunoblotting revealed increased aortic expression of Giα-3 protein (+50% and phosphorylated ERK1/2 (+90% and decreased eNOS dimer/monomer ratio in ISO-treated WT mice. ISO enhanced the fluorescence response to dihydroethidium (+100% in aortas from WT mice, indicating oxidative stress that was normalized by SOD, PTx and L-NAME. The ISO effects were abolished in β2KO mice. CONCLUSIONS: The β2-adrenoceptor/Giα signaling pathway is implicated in the enhanced vasoconstrictor response and eNOS uncoupling-mediated oxidative stress due to ISO treatment. Thus, long-term β2-AR activation might results in endothelial dysfunction.

  17. Cryptotanshinone exhibits therapeutical effects on cerebral stroke through the PI3K/AKT‑eNOS signaling pathway. (United States)

    Zhu, Weixin; Qiu, Weihong; Lu, Ailan


    Cerebral stroke is a kind of acute cerebrovascular disease with high incidence, morbidity and disability. Treatments against various types of cerebral stroke are limited at preventive measurements due to the lack of effective therapeutic method. The present study aimed to investigate the protective effect of cryptotanshinone (CPT) on cerebral stroke, and investigate the possible mechanism involved in order to develop a novel therapy against stoke. The phosphoinositide 3‑kinase membrane translocation of cerebral stroke rats pretreated with CPT at various concentrations were measured, as well as the phosphorylation of protein kinase B (AKT) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Additionally, the expression level of B‑cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl‑2), Bcl‑2‑associated X protein (Bax) and vascular endothelial growth factor were also assessed using western blotting and reverse transcription‑quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Furthermore, biochemical tests were used to measure the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) in both the cerebral cortex and peripheral blood. As a result, CPT‑pretreated rats presented declined phosphoinositide 3‑kinase (PI3K) and AKT expression levels, indicating that the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway was inhibited. Increased Bcl‑2 and NO levels in both the cerebral cortex and peripheral blood demonstrated the anti‑apoptosis and blood vessel protection effect of CPT. Furthermore, increased SOD activity and declined MDA levels demonstrated suppressed lipid peroxidation. In conclusion, CPT exhibited a protective effect against cerebral stroke through inhibition of the PI3K/AKT‑eNOS signaling pathway. These results suggested the potential of CPT as a promising agent in the treatment of cerebral stroke.

  18. Subclinical hypothyroidism after vascular complicated pregnancy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zanden, M. van der; Hop-de Groot, R.J.; Sweep, F.C.; Ross, H.A.; Heijer, M. den; Spaanderman, M.E.A.


    OBJECTIVE: Women with a history of vascular complicated pregnancy are at risk for developing remote cardiovascular disease. It is associated with underlying cardiovascular risk factors both jeopardizing trophoblast and vascular function. Subclinical hypothyroidism may relate to both conditions.

  19. Self-Replenishing Vascularized Fouling-Release Surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Howell, C; Vu, TL; Lin, JJ; Kolle, S; Juthani, N; Watson, E; Weaver, JC; Alvarenga, J; Aizenberg, J


    Inspired by the long-term effectiveness of living antifouling materials, we have developed a method for the self-replenishment of synthetic biofouling-release surfaces. These surfaces are created by either molding or directly embedding 3D vascular systems into polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and filling them with a silicone oil to generate a nontoxic oil-infused material. When replenished with silicone oil from an outside source, these materials are capable of self-lubrication and continuous renewal of the interfacial fouling-release layer. Under accelerated lubricant loss conditions, fully infused vascularized samples retained significantly more lubricant than equivalent nonvascularized controls. Tests of lubricant-infused PDMS in static cultures of the infectious bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli as well as the green microalgae Botryococcus braunii, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Dunaliella sauna, and Nannochloropsis oculata showed a significant reduction in biofilm adhesion compared to PDMS and glass controls containing no lubricant. Further experiments on vascularized versus nonvascularized samples that had been subjected to accelerated lubricant evaporation conditions for up to 48 h showed significantly less biofilm adherence on the vascularized surfaces. These results demonstrate the ability of an embedded lubricant-filled vascular network to improve the longevity of fouling-release surfaces.

  20. Participação nos Lucros ou Resultados

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    Luiz Felipe Ferreira


    Full Text Available A participação nos lucros ou resultados é uma forma de remuneração variável, pela qual não há incidência de encargos sociais, além de incentivar o aumento da produtividade, podendo assim ser utilizada pelas empresas como estratégia, para enfrentarem os desafios dinâmicos e competitivos em que atuam. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como sendo exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa e tem como objetivo conceituar e explanar as formas pela quais são praticadas a participação nos lucros ou resultados em empresas do setor alimentício em Santa Catarina, que foram escolhidas por meio do critério de acessibilidade e disponibilidade. Dos dados coletados, pode-se verificar que as empresas: COC Alimentos, Moinho Catarinense e Pepsico do Brasil utilizam a participação nos resultados e a Perdigão utiliza a participação mista. A Moinho Catarinense distribui para todos os empregados um salário nominal, como a CDC Alimentos, exceto para os gerentes. A Perdigão beneficia todos os empregados, sendo que 60% da distribuição é pelo lucro líquido e 40% por indicadores de desempenho. A Pepsico do Brasil distribui aos empregados operacionais 50% de um salário nominal e para os empregados da administração central um salário nominal, atrelado ao cumprimento de metas, especificadas no programa de participação nos lucros ou resultados.

  1. Down-regulation of vascular PPAR-γ contributes to endothelial dysfunction in high-fat diet-induced obese mice exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia. (United States)

    Zhang, Yanan; Zhang, Chunlian; Li, Haiou; Hou, Jingdong


    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), characterized by chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH), is associated with endothelial dysfunction. The prevalence of OSA is linked to an epidemic of obesity. CIH has recently been reported to cause endothelial dysfunction in diet-induced obese animals by exaggerating oxidative stress and inflammation, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. PPAR-γ, a ligand-inducible transcription factor that exerts anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, is down-regulated in the peripheral tissues in diet-induce obesity. We tested the hypothesis that down-regulation of vascular PPAR-γ in diet-induced obesity enhances inflammation and oxidative stress in response to CIH, resulting in endothelial dysfunction. Male C57BL/6 mice were fed either a high-fat diet (HFD) or a low-fat diet (LFD) and simultaneously exposed to CIH or intermittent air for 6 weeks. An additional HFD group received a combination of CIH and PPAR-γ agonist pioglitazone for 6 weeks. Endothelial-dependent vasodilation was impaired only in HFD group exposed to CIH, compared with other groups, but was restored by concomitant pioglitazone treatment. Molecular studies revealed that vascular PPAR-γ expression and activity were reduced in HFD groups, compared with LFD groups, but were reversed by pioglitazone treatment. In addition, CIH elevated vascular expression of NADPH oxidase 4 and dihydroethidium fluorescence, and increased expression of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β in both LFD and HFD groups, but these increases was significantly greater in HFD group, along with decreased vascular eNOS activity. Pioglitazone treatment of HFD group prevented CIH-induced changes in above molecular markers. The results suggest that HFD-induced obesity down-regulates vascular PPAR-γ, which results in exaggerated oxidative stress and inflammation in response to CIH, contributing to endothelial dysfunction. This finding may provide new insights into the mechanisms by which OSA

  2. Religião e patriotismo: o anticomunismo católico nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil nos anos da Guerra Fria

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    Carla Simone Rodeghero


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa e compara o anticomunismo católico no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos no período da Guerra Fria. Depois de situar o campo de estudos constituído no Brasil sobre o tema, discute as relações entre americanismo e anticomunismo, procurando situar o catolicismo norte-americano neste meio. Utiliza-se de uma produção recente sobre cultura da Guerra Fria nos Estados Unidos. Levanta, finalmente, uma série de elementos de comparação sobre a forma que o anticomunismo católico assumiu nos dois países.This article analyses and compares the Catholic anticommunism in the Brazil and in United States during the Cold War years. After showing the recent studies produced in Brazil about the fight against communism, it discusses the relationship between Americanism, anticommunism and Catholicism. This step is based on recent historical research about the Cold War culture in the United States. Finally, it makes comparisons between the forms that anticommunism assumed in each country.

  3. Vascular lesions following radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fajardo, L.F.; Berthrong, M.


    The special radiation sensitivity of the vascular system is mainly linked to that of endothelial cells, which are perhaps the most radiation-vulnerable elements of mesenchymal tissues. Within the vascular tree, radiation injures most often capillaries, sinusoids, and small arteries, in that order. Lesions of veins are observed less often, but in certain tissues the veins are regularly damaged (e.g., intestine) or are the most affected structures (i.e., liver). Large arteries do suffer the least; however, when significant damage does occur in an elastic artery (e.g., thrombosis or rupture), it tends to be clinically significant and even fatal. Although not always demonstrable in human tissues, radiation vasculopathy generally is dose and time dependent. Like other radiation-induced lesions, the morphology in the vessels is not specific, but it is characteristic enough to be often recognizable. Vascular injury, especially by therapeutic radiation is not just a morphologic marker. It is a mediator of tissue damage; perhaps the most consistent pathogenetic mechanism in delayed radiation injury

  4. Vascular Disorders (United States)

    ... All Topics A-Z Videos Infographics Symptom Picker Anatomy Bones Joints Muscles Nerves Vessels Tendons About Hand Surgery What is a Hand Surgeon? What is a Hand Therapist? Media Find a Hand Surgeon Home Anatomy Vascular Disorders Email to a friend * required fields ...

  5. Crescimento alométrico dos tecidos ósseo, muscular e adiposo na carcaça de cordeiros Santa Inês e Bergamácia Allometric growth of bone, muscular and fat tissues in carcass of Santa Ines and Bergamacia lambs

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    Cristiane Leal dos Santos


    Full Text Available O trabalho foi realizado com objetivo de realizar um estudo alométrico dos tecidos ósseo, muscular e adiposo na meia carcaça esquerda de cordeiros em crescimento. Foram utilizados 36 cordeiros machos inteiros, sendo 24 Santa Inês e 12 Bergamácia. Os animais foram confinados em gaiolas individuais e alimentados ad libitum. O abate ocorreu quando os animais atingiram os pesos vivos de 15, 25, 35 e 45 kg. Após a carcaça ter sido limpa e resfriada, foram obtidos os cortes comerciais a partir da meia carcaça esquerda. A quantidade dos diferentes tecidos foi obtida a partir da dissecação da perna, do lombo, da costeleta, costela/fralda e paleta. A quantidade total dos tecidos ósseo, muscular e adiposo foi obtida pela adição das quantidades de cada corte comercial. O estudo do desenvolvimento relativo da composição tecidual foi feito por meio do modelo de HUXLEY (1932. Constatou-se crescimento heterogônico negativo (b 1 para a gordura, em relação ao peso da ½ carcaça.The work was conducted with the objective to study the allometric growth of the bone, muscular and fat tissues in the left side of growing lamb carcasses. Thirty-six, twenty-four Santa Ines and twelve Bergamacia lambs were used. The animals were kept in individual pens and fed ad libitum diets. The slaughtering was done when the animals reached the live weight of 15, 25, 35 and 45 kg. The amount of the different tissues was obtained through the dissection of the left half of the carcass. The amount of the different tissues was obtained through the dissection of the leg, longissimus muscle, rib, breast and shoulder. The total amount of bone, muscle and fat tissues were obtained by the sum of each amount of commercial cut. The study of the relative tissue composition development was carried out using the model developed by HUXLEY (1932. A negative heterogonic (b 1 for the fat tissue in relation to the half side of the carcass was observed.

  6. Amphetamine and environmentally induced hyperthermia differentially alter the expression of genes regulating vascular tone and angiogenesis in the meninges and associated vasculature. (United States)

    Thomas, Monzy; George, Nysia I; Patterson, Tucker A; Bowyer, John F


    An amphetamine (AMPH) regimen that does not produce a prominent blood-brain barrier breakdown was shown to significantly alter the expression of genes regulating vascular tone, immune function, and angiogenesis in vasculature associated with arachnoid and pia membranes of the forebrain. Adult-male Sprague-Dawley rats were given either saline injections during environmentally-induced hyperthermia (EIH) or four doses of AMPH with 2 h between each dose (5, 7.5, 10, and 10 mg/kg d-AMPH, s.c.) that produced hyperthermia. Rats were sacrificed either 3 h or 1 day after dosing, and total RNA and protein was isolated from the meninges, arachnoid and pia membranes, and associated vasculature (MAV) that surround the forebrain. Vip, eNos, Drd1a, and Edn1 (genes regulating vascular tone) were increased by either EIH or AMPH to varying degrees in MAV, indicating that EIH and AMPH produce differential responses to enhance vasodilatation. AMPH, and EIH to a lesser extent, elicited a significant inflammatory response at 3 h as indicated by an increased MAV expression of cytokines Il1b, Il6, Ccl-2, Cxcl1, and Cxcl2. Also, genes related to heat shock/stress and disruption of vascular homeostasis such as Icam1 and Hsp72 were also observed. The increased expression of Ctgf and Timp1 and the decreased expression of Akt1, Anpep, and Mmp2 and Tek (genes involved in stimulating angiogenesis) from AMPH exposure suggest that angiogenesis was arrested or disrupted in MAV to a greater extent by AMPH compared to EIH. Alterations in vascular-related gene expression in the parietal cortex and striatum after AMPH were less in magnitude than in MAV, indicating less of a disruption of vascular homeostasis in these two regions. Changes in the levels of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins Igfbp1, 2, and 5 in MAV, compared to those in striatum and parietal cortex, imply an interaction between these regions to regulate the levels of insulin-like growth factor after AMPH damage. Thus, the

  7. Using Polymeric Scaffolds for Vascular Tissue Engineering

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    Alida Abruzzo


    Full Text Available With the high occurrence of cardiovascular disease and increasing numbers of patients requiring vascular access, there is a significant need for small-diameter (<6 mm inner diameter vascular graft that can provide long-term patency. Despite the technological improvements, restenosis and graft thrombosis continue to hamper the success of the implants. Vascular tissue engineering is a new field that has undergone enormous growth over the last decade and has proposed valid solutions for blood vessels repair. The goal of vascular tissue engineering is to produce neovessels and neoorgan tissue from autologous cells using a biodegradable polymer as a scaffold. The most important advantage of tissue-engineered implants is that these tissues can grow, remodel, rebuild, and respond to injury. This review describes the development of polymeric materials over the years and current tissue engineering strategies for the improvement of vascular conduits.

  8. Patterns of peripheral vascular diseases at Muhimbili National hospital

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    diseases) and HIV- vasculitis. A total of 97 patients (63%) were surgically treated. Conclusion: Shortage of vascular surgeons and facilities in our. Country needs to be sorted out to save life to these patients with vascular disorders. Key Words: Peripheral Vascular Diseases, and Shortage of Vascular Services in Tanzania.

  9. World Federation of Vascular Societies: presidential address

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sillesen, Henrik Hegaard


    The presidential address describes briefly the history of the World Federation for Vascular Societies (WFVS) and its objectives. Vascular Surgery today includes interventional procedures (open surgical and endovascular) in addition to risk factor reduction and medical treatment. It is equally imp...... throughout the world. In addition, for introduction of new treatments, training issues and dissemination of science a global organisation like the WFVS is needed.......The presidential address describes briefly the history of the World Federation for Vascular Societies (WFVS) and its objectives. Vascular Surgery today includes interventional procedures (open surgical and endovascular) in addition to risk factor reduction and medical treatment. It is equally...

  10. Management of vascular anomalies: Review of institutional management algorithm

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    Lalit K Makhija


    Full Text Available Introduction: Vascular anomalies are congenital lesions broadly categorised into vascular tumour (haemangiomas and vascular dysmorphogenesis (vascular malformation. The management of these difficult problems has lately been simplified by the biological classification and multidisciplinary approach. To standardise the treatment protocol, an algorithm has been devised. The study aims to validate the algorithm in terms of its utility and presents our experience in managing vascular anomalies. Materials and Methods: The biological classification of Mulliken and Glowacki was followed. A detailed algorithm for management of vascular anomalies has been devised in the department. The protocol is being practiced by us since the past two decades. The data regarding the types of lesions and treatment modality used were maintained. Results and Conclusion: This study was conducted from 2002 to 2012. A total of 784 cases of vascular anomalies were included in the study of which 196 were haemangiomas and 588 were vascular malformations. The algorithmic approach has brought an element of much-needed objectivity in the management of vascular anomalies. This has helped us to define the management of particular lesion considering its pathology, extent and aesthetic and functional consequences of ablation to a certain extent.

  11. 269. Veinte años de experiencia con homoinjertos vasculares criopreservados en la infección vascular

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    E. Quintana


    Conclusiones: Este estudio a largo plazo contribuye a mantener la indicación para el implante de homoinjertos vasculares criopreservados en las infecciones vasculares. Los resultados demuestran un comportamiento satisfactorio en esta población multimórbida.

  12. Processamento tecidual para análise imunoistoquímica de receptores hormonais em carcinoma mamário: dois momentos em um laboratório de anatomia patológica; correlação dos resultados com método bioquímico

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    Arias Victor


    Full Text Available A reação imunoistoquímica é altamente dependente da fixação e da preparação histológica do tecido. Nós comparamos os resultados da pesquisa de receptores de estrógeno e de progesterona no câncer mamário utilizando um método bioquímico e um método imunoistoquímico em relação ao tipo de processamento histológico, no forno de microondas ou na estufa. O grupo de casos cujos tecidos foram processados no forno de microondas não apresentou correlação entre os dois métodos (p = 0,098 para o receptor de estrógeno; p = 0,5 para o receptor de progesterona. Houve boa correlação entre os métodos nos tecidos processados na estufa (p = 0,0447 e Q = 0,76 para o receptor de estrógeno; p = 0,0472 e Q = 0,764 para o receptor de progesterona. Concluímos que a pesquisa de receptores hormonais por reação imunoistoquímica no câncer mamário é uma realidade, apresentando bons resultados desde que sejam tomados cuidados na fixação e no processamento e que sempre sejam utilizados controles externos adequados à realidade de cada laboratório.

  13. [A new specialty is born: Vascular medicine]. (United States)

    Laroche, J-P


    On the 4th of December 2015, the French authorities officially recognized the birth of a specialty in vascular medicine entitled CO-DES cardiology-vascular/vascular Medicine. France is the 7th country to obtain this specialty after Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia, six countries in the EEC. It has taken years to achieve a long but exciting experience: we went from hopes to disappointments, sometimes with the blues, but lobbying helping… with sustained confidence. This article tells the story of 30 years of struggle to achieve this vascular medicine specialty. Gaston Bachelard wrote: "Nothing is obvious, nothing is given, all is built." For the construction of vascular medicine, we had to overcome many obstacles, nothing was given to us, everything was conquered. Beware "The specialist is one who knows more and more things about an increasingly restricted field, up to 'knowing everything about nothing"' recalled Ralph Barton Ferry, philosopher; so there is room for modesty and humility but also convictions. The physical examination will remain the basis of our exercise. But let us recall the contributions of all those vascular physicians who practiced in the past, together with those currently active, who built day after day, year after year, a vascular medicine of quality. It is because of the trust of our colleagues and our patients that we can occupy the place that is ours today. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  14. New aspects of vascular remodelling: the involvement of all vascular cell types. (United States)

    McGrath, John C; Deighan, Clare; Briones, Ana M; Shafaroudi, Majid Malekzadeh; McBride, Melissa; Adler, Jeremy; Arribas, Silvia M; Vila, Elisabet; Daly, Craig J


    Conventionally, the architecture of arteries is based around the close-packed smooth muscle cells and extracellular matrix. However, the adventitia and endothelium are now viewed as key players in vascular growth and repair. A new dynamic picture has emerged of blood vessels in a constant state of self-maintenance. Recent work raises fundamental questions about the cellular heterogeneity of arteries and the time course and triggering of normal and pathological remodelling. A common denominator emerging in hypertensive remodelling is an early increase in adventitial cell density suggesting that adventitial cells drive remodelling and may initiate subsequent changes such as re-arrangement of smooth muscle cells and extracellular matrix. The organization of vascular smooth muscle cells follows regular arrangements that can be modelled mathematically. In hypertension, new patterns can be quantified in these terms and give insights to how structure affects function. As with smooth muscle, little is known about the organization of the vascular endothelium, or its role in vascular remodelling. Current observations suggest that there may be a close relationship between the helical organization of smooth muscle cells and the underlying pattern of endothelial cells. The function of myoendothelial connections is a topic of great current interest and may relate to the structure of the internal elastic lamina through which the connections must pass. In hypertensive remodelling this must present an organizational challenge. The objective of this paper is to show how the functions of blood vessels depend on their architecture and a continuous interaction of different cell types and extracellular proteins.


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    M. Karbakhsh M. R. Zarei


    Full Text Available Abstract- Studies of the epidemiology of civilian vascular trauma in developing countries are rather few. This is a prospective study of our experience with vascular trauma in a referral university hospital in Tehran, Iran. The aim was to study the etiology, pattern of injuries and the mortality and morbidity rates due to vascular trauma in our population. In this cross-sectional study, all trauma patients suspicious of having vascular injuries who were admitted to Sina Hospital between March 2002 and May 2003 were included. Among 123 studied cases, there were 109 males and 14 females.Blunt injuries were more common than penetrating ones (56.1% vs. 43.9%. The most common anatomical site of vascular injuries had been knee and lower leg. In fact, cases with lower extremities vascular trauma were twice as common as those with vascular trauma in upper limbs (59.1% vs. 27.3%. The commonest injured vessels were popliteal artery followed by femoral artery. Arterial repair with graft interposition was done in 23 cases and bypass graft in 13 cases. Procedures on veins were performed in 24 cases. Five patients (4.06% died and in 3 cases the patients died because of non-vascular reasons. The present study allows an understanding of the epidemiology of vascular trauma in the one of the major trauma centers in the metropolitan city of Tehran. The majority of our cases were young males sustaining vascular injuries due to road traffic accidents or being stabbed with knives. It also has important implications for vascular injury prevention in our community.

  16. Incorporating simulation in vascular surgery education. (United States)

    Bismuth, Jean; Donovan, Michael A; O'Malley, Marcia K; El Sayed, Hosam F; Naoum, Joseph J; Peden, Eric K; Davies, Mark G; Lumsden, Alan B


    The traditional apprenticeship model introduced by Halsted of "learning by doing" may just not be valid in the modern practice of vascular surgery. The model is often criticized for being somewhat unstructured because a resident's experience is based on what comes through the "door." In an attempt to promote uniformity of training, multiple national organizations are currently delineating standard curricula for each trainee to govern the knowledge and cases required in a vascular residency. However, the outcomes are anything but uniform. This means that we graduate vascular specialists with a surprisingly wide spectrum of abilities. Use of simulation may benefit trainees in attaining a level of technical expertise that will benefit themselves and their patients. Furthermore, there is likely a need to establish a simulation-based certification process for graduating trainees to further ascertain minimum technical abilities. Copyright © 2010 Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Morfoanatomia vegetativa de Opuntia brasiliensis (Willd Haw / Vegetative morphology and anatomy of Opuntia brasiliensis (Willd Haw

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    Camila Firmino de Azevedo


    Full Text Available Opuntia brasiliensis (Willd Haw. é uma Cactaceae nativa do Brasil utilizada como ornamental, que apresenta caracteres morfológicos semelhantes a outras espécies do gênero, o que dificulta sua identificação. Dessa forma, foi realizado uma descrição morfoanatômica de O. brasiliensis com o objetivo de ampliar o conhecimento sobre a organização estrutural do gênero e fornecer subsídios para a identificação da espécie, bem como observar caracteres importantes na adaptação a ambientes xerófilos. Foram feitas secções transversais e paradérmicas da raiz, caule principal e cladódios com espécimes coletados na zona rural da cidade de Serra Branca (PB, localizada na região do cariri ocidental. O. brasiliensis apresenta raiz ramificada e caule clorofilado formando um eixo principal de onde partem inúmeros cladódios delgados. Observamse pelos e epiderme unisseriada irregular na raiz, que possui córtex formado por parênquima, seguido de endoderme multisseriada e periciclo. No cilindro central da raiz, ocorrem tecidos vasculares formando cinco pólos seguidos de medula. O caule e o cladódio apresentam epiderme com paredes sinuosas, em que encontram-se estômatos paralelocíticos que apresentam câmara subestomática; e na camada subsequente, hipoderme com grande quantidade de drusas de oxalato de cálcio. O córtex é formado por parênquimas clorofiliano e aquífero, onde observam-se feixes vasculares, com raios de floema voltados para o lado externo, seguido de xilema helicoidal. Porém, nos cladódios, o parênquima clorofiliano é bem mais denso e os feixes vasculares são dispostos irregularmente, enquanto no caule estão distribuídos no sentido radial. O. brasiliensis apresenta várias características importantes na sua identificação, bem como adaptações estruturais a ambientes xerófilos

  18. Observações anatômicas em plantas de Coffea arabica L. obtidas por enraizamento de estacas

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    Adriana Madeira Santos Jesus


    Full Text Available Uma forma para se obter diminuição significativa de tempo e recursos despendidos nos programas de melhoramento de Coffea arabica L. é a clonagem de híbridos F1 por meio de estacas caulinares. Alguns estudos, em diferentes instituições, foram realizados buscando-se definir um método eficiente para esse tipo de clonagem. Com o objetivo de verificar-se a presença de barreiras anatômicas ao enraizamento de estacas caulinares do cafeeiro e a origem das raízes adventícias, bem como compara-las às raízes provenientes de plantas obtidas por semeadura, foram realizadas análises anatômicas no Departamento de Biologia da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA, Lavras, MG. Utilizaram-se estacas caulinares de cafeeiro dos cultivares Acaiá e Rubi e mudas obtidas por semeadura direta e por estaquia. Os cortes realizados nas estacas caulinares mostraram não existirem barreiras anatômicas ao enraizamento adventício. Nas estacas enraizadas, a origem do primórdio radicular foi próxima aos tecidos vasculares. Cortes histológicos nas raízes formadas nas estacas e nas raízes de mudas obtidas por semeadura confirmaram que elas apresentam as mesmas estruturas primárias.

  19. Three-dimensional vascular mapping of the breast by using contrast-enhanced MRI: association of unilateral increased vascularity with ipsilateral breast cancer. (United States)

    Orgüç, Şebnem; Başara, Işıl; Coşkun, Teoman; Pekindil, Gökhan


    We aimed to retrospectively compare three-dimensional vascular maps of both breasts obtained by dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and determine the association of one-sided vascular prominence with ipsilateral breast cancer. MRI was performed using gadolinium in 194 cases. Two readers scored vascular density using maximum intensity projections (MIPs). Dynamic fat-saturated T1-weighted gradientecho MIPs were acquired. Two readers evaluated the MIPs, and vessels greater than 2 mm in diameter and longer than 3 cm were counted. The difference in vessel numbers detected in the two breasts determined the score. A total of 54 patients had malignant lesions (prevalence, 28%), including invasive ductal carcinoma (n=40), invasive mixed ductal-lobular carcinoma (n=5), invasive lobular carcinoma (n=3), ductal carcinoma in situ (n=3), mucinous carcinoma (n=1), medullary carcinoma (n=1), and leukemic metastasis (n=1). In 62 patients, there were benign lesions (fibroadenomas, fibrocysts), and four patients had inflammation (granulomatous mastitis in two patients, breast tuberculosis in two patients). There were 78 normal cases. When a difference of at least two vessels was scored as vascular asymmetry, the sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio (+LR), and negative (-LR) of unilaterally increased vascularity associated with ipsilateral malignancy were 69%, 92%, 8.72, and 0.34, respectively. When four infection and three post-operative cases with vascular asymmetry were excluded; prevalence, specificity, and +LR increased to 29%, 97%, and 22.8, respectively, with the same sensitivity and -LR. Differences in mean vascularity scores were evaluated with regard to tumor size. T1 and T2 tumors were not significantly different from each other. The mean score of T3 tumors differed significantly from T1 and T2 tumors. MRI vascular mapping is an effective method for determining breast tissue vascularization. Ipsilateral increased vascularity was commonly associated with

  20. 3D-Printed Biodegradable Polymeric Vascular Grafts. (United States)

    Melchiorri, A J; Hibino, N; Best, C A; Yi, T; Lee, Y U; Kraynak, C A; Kimerer, L K; Krieger, A; Kim, P; Breuer, C K; Fisher, J P


    Congenital heart defect interventions may benefit from the fabrication of patient-specific vascular grafts because of the wide array of anatomies present in children with cardiovascular defects. 3D printing is used to establish a platform for the production of custom vascular grafts, which are biodegradable, mechanically compatible with vascular tissues, and support neotissue formation and growth. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.