
Sample records for normales tercer trimestre

  1. Deseos, aptitudes y conocimientos sobre lactancia materna de gestantes en su tercer trimestre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Remigio Rafael Gorrita Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la lactancia materna es la única forma natural de alimentar al bebé, y una forma inigualable de facilitar el alimento ideal para su crecimiento y desarrollo. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, para evaluar deseos, aptitudes y conocimientos sobre lactancia materna en el tercer trimestre de 114 gestantes del Policlínico "Mártires del 9 de Abril", de San José de las Lajas. Entre marzo de 2010 y de 2011 se valoraron sus historias de salud individual y familiar, y se aplicó a tal efecto un cuestionario con 22 preguntas. Resultados: la información se incorporó a una base de datos y se utilizó para el análisis el estadígrafo chi cuadrado, que se consideró significativo con p< 0,05. La totalidad de las gestantes deseaban amamantar. Dos terceras partes se consideraron aptas o muy aptas para hacerlo, y que poseían los conocimientos necesarios para lograrlo, pero solo algo más de la quinta parte demostró que los poseía. La mayoría de las futuras madres se encontraban entre los 20 y 35 años, el nivel de escolaridad más frecuentemente alcanzado fue el técnico o preuniversitario (en 60 de ellas, para el 52,6 %, y el 46,5 % de las gestantes mantenían una unión consensuada, el 40,3 % eran casadas, y 15 solteras (13,2 %, aspectos que, indiscutiblemente influyen en los resultados. Conclusiones: además de otros resultados alcanzados, la investigación arrojó que aunque la totalidad de las gestantes en su tercer trimestre deseaban lactar a su futuro bebé y las dos terceras partes se consideraban aptas o muy aptas para hacerlo y con conocimientos suficientes al respecto, solo algo más de la quinta parte demostró efectivamente poseerlos.

  2. Caracterización de la anemia durante el embarazo y algunos factores de riesgo asociados, en gestantes del municipio regla

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    Clara Irania San Gil Suárez

    Full Text Available Introducción: la anemia como problema mundial constituye un indicador general de pobre salud. En Latinoamérica la anemia ferripriva afecta a los grupos vulnerables como las embarazadas. Cuba no está exenta de esta carencia nutricional y su prevalencia alcanza el 25 % de las embarazadas. Objetivo: caracterizar la anemia durante la gestación y su relación con posibles factores asociados. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y de corte transversal en 68 gestantes entre 28 y 32 semanas del Policlínico Lidia y Clodomiro, en el período de octubre a noviembre de 2010. Se aplicó una encuesta con datos sociodemográficos, antecedentes obstétricos y del embarazo actual y se determinó la hemoglobina. Resultados: se observó una disminución de los valores medios de hemoglobina entre el primer trimestre (112 g/L y el tercero (108 g/L. También se constató una alta frecuencia de anemia tanto en el primer trimestre (35,3 % como en el tercer trimestre del embarazo (56,0%, con una anemia moderada más alta. La anemia al inicio del embarazo resultó un factor de riesgo (ρ=0,02 de la existencia de anemia al tercer trimestre. Conclusiones: existió una alta frecuencia de anemia, siendo la anemia moderada la más frecuente, tanto en el primer trimestre como en el tercer trimestre de las embarazadas estudiadas. La anemia al inicio del embarazo resultó ser el factor de riesgo más importante encontrado en nuestro estudio a la existencia de anemia en el tercer trimestre, con independencia de otros posibles factores involucrados.

  3. Información sobre la lactancia materna de las gestantes en su tercer trimestre Information on breast feeding found in pregnant women in their third trimester of gestation

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    Remigio Rafael Gorrita Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: son universalmente reconocidas las virtudes de la lactancia materna -y es obvio que la mujer está dotada fisiológicamente para el amamantamiento y en un gran número de organizaciones internacionales de salud de diferentes países se han diseñado políticas con el objetivo de promover adecuadamente esta inigualable práctica- pero aún son múltiples los obstáculos que se presentan a su establecimiento exitoso, y los resultados, a largo plazo, no son satisfactorios. Objetivo: evaluar la información que, sobre lactancia materna, poseen las gestantes en el tercer trimestre de su embarazo, que pertenecen al Policlínico "Mártires del 9 de Abril", del municipio San José de las Lajas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, para conocer el nivel de información sobre lactancia materna, en el tercer trimestre, de 114 gestantes del Policlínico "Mártires del 9 de Abril", de San José de las Lajas. Se valoraron sus historias de salud individual y familiar, y se les aplicó un cuestionario con 22 preguntas que se evaluó cualitativa y cuantitativamente. Resultados: solo la quinta parte de las gestantes poseía la información suficiente sobre lactancia materna, aunque la mayoría había asumido que sí los tenía. Más de la mitad de los 17 aspectos explorados, eran deficientes en más del 50 % de las encuestadas. Los errores más frecuentes fueron: momento de dar agua al niño con lactancia materna exclusiva, cuándo brindar otro alimento, hasta cuándo mantener la lactancia materna, cómo debe ser la dieta de la madre, el alternamiento y el aseo de los pechos, y los impedimentos de la madre para la lactancia. Conclusiones: gran número de gestantes evidencian desconocimientos o actitudes equivocadas de diversa índole en relación con la lactancia materna exclusiva, aunque creen tener dominio del tema. Se deben explorar otros aspectos, además de los conocimientos sobre la lactancia, que, sin duda, atentan

  4. Enfermedad periodontal y embarazo. Revisión de la literatura


    B. María De Los Ángeles Herane, DRA.; DR. C. Carlos Godoy; DR. C. Patricio Herane


    La gingivitis del embarazo es una enfermedad inflamatoria producida por bacterias con una alta prevalencia, que va del 35 al 100%, según estudios. La severidad de la gingivitis aumentó gradualmente y alcanzó su peak en el tercer trimestre, seguido por una súbita disminución de la severidad en postparto, el cual se correlacionó con un aumento gradual en el nivel plasmático de progesterona y niveles de estrógenos que alcanzan su peak en el tercer trimestre y que sufren una repentina caída despu...

  5. Análisis de la marcha en mujeres embarazadas


    Gómez Estebaranz, Emma


    El embarazo se caracteriza por un conjunto de cambios en aspectos fisiológicos, psicológicos, emocionales y mecánicos que pueden afectar a la estructura corporal y a la marcha de las mujeres. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar la influencia de los cambios anatómicos en el patrón de la marcha durante el segundo y tercer trimestre de gestación. La muestra seleccionada consta de cinco mujeres gestantes en el segundo y tercer trimestre de embarazo. Los parámetros cinemáticos y espacio-te...

  6. Las Acciones Sistemáticas en Salud Mejoran el Control y Seguimiento Ponderal de las Embarazadas

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    Danay Hernández Díaz


    Full Text Available Introducción: El seguimiento sistemático y personalizado de la ganancia de peso gestacional puede constituir una herramienta útil a nivel primario de salud para el binomio madre-hijo para su salud presente y futura. Método: Estudio observacional analítico para determinar si existen diferencias en la evolución ponderal en dos grupos  según sistematicidad en intervención sobre estilos de vida y cultura alimentaria en 256 embarazadas del policlínico Chiqui Gómez en Santa Clara, Cuba desde octubre 2012 a septiembre 2014; las mismas fueron vistas en los tres trimestres de la gestación (190 o sólo en el primero y en el tercer trimestre (66, las que conformaron los dos grupos analizados de acuerdo por la sistematicidad en la asistencia a los encuentros presenciales (consultas. Se calcularon y compararon las ganancias de peso según grupo de pertenencia y estado nutricional pregestacional.  Se usaron métodos de estadística descriptiva y de comparación de grupos por estado nutricional. Resultados: Las gestantes con mayor asistencia a las consultas mostraron durante el segundo trimestre un mayor ajuste a  las ganancias de peso recomendadas, lo cual no pudo comprobarse estadísticamente en el tercer trimestre; no obstante la cuantía de ganancia de peso en las obesas y sobrepeso, en este trimestre, fue menor  que en aquellas que no asistieron regularmente a las consultas.  Conclusiones: La sistematicidad  y personalización de acciones ejecutadas en embarazadas, se asoció a mejor adherencia a la ganancia de peso recomendadas en el segundo trimestre; así como con una disminución de la cuantía de ganancia ponderal, en aquellas pacientes con sobrepeso y obesidad durante el tercer trimestre.

  7. Trimestre Dates Endroit Objet Transport Hébergement, repas et frais ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Chantal Taylor

    Transport. Hébergement, repas et frais divers. Accueil. Total des dépenses. Trimestre 1 les 23 et 24 avril 2012. Washington, États-Unis. Réunions du 5 au 9 juin 2012. Rome, Italie. Réunions. 16 308,20. 2 468,26. 18 776,46 du 15 au 23 juin 2012. Le Cap, Afrique du Sud. Réunions. Trimestre 2 les 5 et 6 septembre 2012.

  8. Ingesta de hierro y folatos durante el embarazo y su relación con indicadores bioquímicos maternos = Iron and folate intake during pregnancy and its relationship with maternal biochemical indicators

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    Restrepo Mesa, Sandra Lucía


    Full Text Available Introducción: la anemia en gestantes es un problema de salud pública en América Latina incluida Colombia.Objetivo: evaluar los indicadores bioquímicos del estado nutricional del hierro y el folato en un grupo de mujeres gestantes pobres vinculadas a un programa nutricional de la Gobernación de Antioquia (Colombia.Materiales y métodos: estudio cuasiexperimental en 26 gestantes, beneficiarias de un programa de educación nutricional, complemento alimentario fortificado con micronutrientes y suplemento de hierro, ácido fólico y vitamina C. Se evaluaron la ingesta dietética por recordatorio de 24 horas, y se midieron la ferritina sérica, la hemoglobina, el volumen corpuscular medio, la proteína C reactiva y el folato sérico; se hizo un coprológico para parásitos intestinales. Se aplicaron la prueba de Pearson para correlacionar la ingesta de folatos con la concentración sérica de los mismos, la prueba de Spearman para correlacionar la ingesta de hierro con la concentración sérica de ferritina, ANOVA de mediciones repetidas para comparación entre los trimestres de gestación y análisis de regresión simple y múltiple para establecer la dependencia de la ferritina, la hemoglobina y el folato sérico con las variables de interés. Se consideró significativo p < 0,05.Resultados: la anemia se previno en 84,6%; la variable más explicativa del cambio en la hemoglobina del tercer trimestre fue su valor en el segundo trimestre. Disminuyó la microcitosis (p = 0,02, pero las gestantes con menor ingesta de hierro tuvieron mayor prevalencia de esta en el tercer trimestre (p = 0,009. La ferropenia aumentó en el transcurso del embarazo (p < 0,001 y se halló correlación positiva entre la ingesta de hierro y la concentración de ferritina en el tercer trimestre (r = 0,64; p < 0,001. La concentración sérica de folato aumentó en el segundo y tercer trimestres (p = 0,018 y se observó una tendencia a la correlación positiva con la ingesta

  9. Deseos, aptitudes y conocimientos sobre lactancia materna de gestantes en su tercer trimestre Desires, aptitudes and knowledge about breastfeeding in women at their third trimester of pregnancy

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    Remigio Rafael Gorrita Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la lactancia materna es la única forma natural de alimentar al bebé, y una forma inigualable de facilitar el alimento ideal para su crecimiento y desarrollo. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, para evaluar deseos, aptitudes y conocimientos sobre lactancia materna en el tercer trimestre de 114 gestantes del Policlínico "Mártires del 9 de Abril", de San José de las Lajas. Entre marzo de 2010 y de 2011 se valoraron sus historias de salud individual y familiar, y se aplicó a tal efecto un cuestionario con 22 preguntas. Resultados: la información se incorporó a una base de datos y se utilizó para el análisis el estadígrafo chi cuadrado, que se consideró significativo con pIntroduction: breastfeeding is the only natural way of feeding the baby and an unparallel form of providing him with the ideal food for adequate growth and development. Methods: a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted to evaluate the desires, the aptitudes and the knowledge about breastfeeding of 114 women in their third trimester of pregnancy from "Martires del 9 de Abril" polyclinics in San José de las Lajas. From March 2010 to March 2011, their individual and family health histories were assessed through a 22-interrogation questionnaire. Results: data were introduced in a database and chi square statistic was used for statistical analysis, the level of significance was p< 0,05. All the participants expressed their desire to breastfeed their offspring. Two thirds were considered prepared or well-prepared to do so, with the required knowledge to attain this objective; but just over one fifth did prove that they had it. Most of the future mothers aged 20 to 35 years; the schooling was mostly technician or high school education (60 for 52.6 %; the marital status of 45.6 % was cohabitation, 40.3 % were married and 13.2 % (15 were singles. These are aspects that undoubtedly influence the results. Conclusions: in addition

  10. Echographie devant une metrorragie du premier trimestre de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Echographie devant une metrorragie du premier trimestre de grossesse sur uterus bicorne a issue favorable. Vaginal bleeding in a pregnant woman with a bicornuate uterus, ultrasound finding and favourable outcome.

  11. Estado nutricional del hierro en gestantes adolescentes, Medellín, Colombia / Nutritional status of iron in pregnant adolescents, Medellín, Colombia

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    Beatriz E. Parra S


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analizar el estado nutricional del hierro en gestantes adolescentes de tercer trimestre. Metodología: estudio analítico de corte transversal con 276 adolescentes entre 10 y 19 años, en tercer trimestre de gestación de la Empresa Social del Estado (ese Metrosalud (Medellín, 2011-2012, con datos de hemoglobina, volumen corpuscular medio, concentración de hemoglobina corpuscular media e ingesta de suplemento de hierro. La ferritina sérica se analizó en 178 gestantes, controlada por proteína C-reactiva. Se utilizaron medidas de tendencia central, dispersión, porcentajes y pruebas de Chi2 , anova, Kruskal-Wallis y U de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: la prevalencia de anemia fue 17,1% en el tercer trimestre de gestación y por deficiencia de hierro, 51%. La mediana de ferritina sérica fue 13,3 µg/L (RQ: 7,7 µg/L-17,9 µg/L; sólo el 5,6% (n = 9 presentó valores adecuados de ferritina. Las madres que tomaron suplemento de hierro diariamente presentaron mejores concentraciones de hemoglobina y ferritina, frente a aquellas que no lo hicieron, Hb 12,1g/dL vs. 11,7 g/dL (p = 0,019 y ferritina sérica 14,6 µg/L vs. 7,0 µg/L (p = 0,000. Discusión: hubo altas prevalencias de anemia y ferropenia en las gestantes, asociadas con la no adherencia al suplemento de hierro Objetivo: analizar el estado nutricional del hierro en gestantes adolescentes de tercer trimestre. Metodología: estudio analítico de corte transversal con 276 adolescentes entre 10 y 19 años, en tercer trimestre de gestación de la Empresa Social del Estado (ese Metrosalud (Medellín, 2011-2012, con datos de hemoglobina, volumen corpuscular medio, concentración de hemoglobina corpuscular media e ingesta de suplemento de hierro. La ferritina sérica se analizó en 178 gestantes, controlada por proteína C-reactiva. Se utilizaron medidas de tendencia central, dispersión, porcentajes y pruebas de Chi2 , anova, Kruskal-Wallis y U de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: la prevalencia

  12. Caries dental asociada a factores de riesgo durante el embarazo

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    Antonio Cecilio Pérez Oviedo


    Full Text Available El periodo gestacional se relaciona con una mayor incidencia de caries dental, aunque la asociación entre gestación e incremento de caries no ha podido aún ser científicamente demostrada. Se propuso realizar un estudio para determinar la presencia de caries dental y algunos factores de riesgo asociados en el primer y tercer trimestre del embarazo, para detectar la aparición de lesiones cariosas nuevas y cambios relacionados con los factores de riesgo entre ambos trimestres. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal desde diciembre de 2006 a febrero de 2008 en el municipio de Florida, Camagüey, Cuba. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por 38 embarazadas y la muestra por 21, que fueron interrogadas y examinadas en ambos trimestres con el objetivo de determinar la presencia de caries y los factores de riesgo asociados como: higiene bucal deficiente, dieta cariogénica, pH salival bajo, ocurrencia de vómitos y embarazo previo. La información necesaria fue recogida en un formulario confeccionado al efecto. En el primer trimestre el 80,95 % estaban afectadas por caries dental y se observó aparición de lesiones nuevas en 6 embarazadas, en el tercer trimestre. Los factores de riesgo presentados con mayor frecuencia en el primer trimestre fueron la dieta cariogénica en el 66,66 % y la higiene bucal deficiente en el 47,61 % de las pacientes. Ninguna embarazada modificó la dieta durante el embarazo, sin embargo la higiene bucal deficiente persistió en el 14,28 %. El 52,38 % de las embarazadas afectadas en el primer trimestre consumían dieta cariogénica y el 47,61 % habían tenido embarazo previo. Se concluyó que hubo afectación por nuevas caries durante el embarazo, los factores de riesgo que predominantes fueron la dieta cariogénica, la higiene bucal deficiente y el embarazo previo. Las pacientes no modificaron la dieta durante el embarazo, pero sí mejoraron la higiene bucal. Todas las que presentaban vómitos y pH salival

  13. Enfermedad periodontal y embarazo. Revisión de la literatura

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    B. María De Los Ángeles Herane, DRA.


    Full Text Available La gingivitis del embarazo es una enfermedad inflamatoria producida por bacterias con una alta prevalencia, que va del 35 al 100%, según estudios. La severidad de la gingivitis aumentó gradualmente y alcanzó su peak en el tercer trimestre, seguido por una súbita disminución de la severidad en postparto, el cual se correlacionó con un aumento gradual en el nivel plasmático de progesterona y niveles de estrógenos que alcanzan su peak en el tercer trimestre y que sufren una repentina caída después del postparto. La asociación entre gingivitis y aumento de los esteroides sexuales sistémicos ha sido extensamente reportada y los mecanismos biológicos detrás de este florido estado inflamatorio han sido estudiados por décadas. Este artículo muestra el rol de las hormonas sexuales femeninas en la gravedad de la gingivitis aunque la higiene bucal sea buena constantemente.

  14. Hemorragias obstétricas en el primer y segundo trimestre del embarazo


    García Rodríguez, Blanca


    Se aborda el tema de las hemorragias obstétricas en el primer y segundo trimestre del embarazo. Diagnóstico precoz de las mismas, la identificación de factores de riesgo, las causas y el tratamiento terapéutico

  15. Creación de dinero y demanda por dinero durante la alta inflación boliviana de 1982-1985


    Morales, Juan Antonio


    Las tasas de inflación mensual boliviana desde el segundo trimestre de 1984 asta el tercer trimestre de 1985 fueron las más altas del mundo en los últimos 35 años y solo comparables a aquellas sufridas en algunas naciones de Europa Central después de las dos guerras mundiales. Las altas tasas de crecimiento de los precios durante este periodo caracterizan un claro caso de hiperinflación. Aunque los síntomas más agudos se presentaron en el periodo mencionado, las altas tasas de inflación apare...

  16. Baseline levels and trimestral variation of triiodothyronine and thyroxine and their association with mortality in maintenance hemodialysis patients. (United States)

    Meuwese, Christiaan L; Dekker, Friedo W; Lindholm, Bengt; Qureshi, Abdul R; Heimburger, Olof; Barany, Peter; Stenvinkel, Peter; Carrero, Juan J


    Conflicting evidence exists with regard to the association of thyroid hormones and mortality in dialysis patients. This study assesses the association between basal and trimestral variation of thyroid stimulating hormone, triiodothyronine, and thyroxine and mortality. In 210 prevalent hemodialysis patients, serum triiodothyronine, thyroxine, thyroid stimulating hormone, and interleukin-6 were measured 3 months apart. Cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular deaths were registered during follow-up. Based on fluctuations along tertiles of distribution, four trimestral patterns were defined for each thyroid hormone: persistently low, decrease, increase, and persistently high. The association of baseline levels and trimestral variation with mortality was investigated with Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazard models. During follow-up, 103 deaths occurred. Thyroid stimulating hormone levels did not associate with mortality. Patients with relatively low basal triiodothyronine concentrations had higher hazards of dying than patients with high levels. Longitudinally, patients with persistently low levels of triiodothyronine during the 3-month period had higher mortality hazards than those having persistently high levels. These associations were mainly attributable to cardiovascular-related mortality. The association between thyroxine and mortality was not altered after adjustment for triiodothyronine. Hemodialysis patients with reduced triiodothyronine or thyroxine levels bear an increased mortality risk, especially due to cardiovascular causes. This was true when considering both baseline measurements and trimestral variation patterns. Our longitudinal design adds observational evidence supporting the hypothesis that the link may underlie a causal effect.

  17. pour le trimestre qui a pris fin le 30 septembre 2012

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    30 sept. 2012 ... recommande de lire ce rapport en parallèle avec les états financiers non audités (à la page 9). L'information et les .... développement ont augmenté de 56,9 % par rapport au même trimestre de l'exercice 2011-2012 ..... IFRS) telles que publiées par le Conseil des normes comptables internationales (CNCI).

  18. Anuncio de servicio público sobre la tosferina (:30) (Whooping Cough Public Service Announcement)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Este anuncio de servicio público, de 30 segundos, alienta a las mujeres embarazadas a ponerse la vacuna contra la tosferina llamada Tdap, durante el tercer trimestre de cada embarazo, para que le pasen anticuerpos a su bebé a fin de que este nazca con protección contra esta grave enfermedad.

  19. Gastrosquisis: resultados en una institución de tercer nivel

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    A.J. Machuca Vaca


    Conclusión: La gastrosquisis es un defecto de pared abdominal frecuente que debe tratarse por un equipo multidisciplinario en una hospital de tercer nivel de atención. Nuestros resultados son comparables con la literatura internacional.


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    Fernández, Rodrigo A.


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se estiman los rendimientos privados de la inversión en educación. Se estimaron las tasas anuales de rendimiento, para los aglomerados del Noreste Argentino (NEA, entre el tercer trimestre del 2003 y tercer trimestre de 2009, utilizando la base de micro-datos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH. En la estimación del rendimiento se propusieron modelos diferentes para los hombres y mujeres, de forma de corregir en estas últimas los problemas de sesgo muestral, evidenciados en su menor participación en la Población Económicamente Activa (PEA. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un rendimiento de la educación mayor para los hombres que para las mujeres, un rendimiento diferencial en el aglomerado Posadas superior a la media del NEA, una elevada penalización por desempeñarse en el sector informal de la economía (trabajo en negro y una relación directa entre el tamaño de la empresa y los rendimientos de los varones que a la vez reportaría una menor volatilidad en su evolución temporal.

  1. Haz que tu bebé nazca protegido contra la tosferina(Born with Protection against Whooping Cough)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Este podcast provee información acerca de la tosferina, una enfermedad que puede ser mortal para los bebés, y la recomendación de los CDC de que todas las mujeres reciban la vacuna Tdap durante el tercer trimestre de cada embarazo para que su bebé nazca con protección contra esta grave enfermedad.

  2. Ética y economía: el caso del tercer sector

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    Fernando Leal Carretero


    Full Text Available Hay tres sectores en la sociedad (el mercado, el gobierno y el “tercer sector” o la “sociedad civil”, cada uno de los cuales tiene su propio papel y función, así como también tiene su propio tipo de falla. Hasta ahora ha sido mérito de la economía descubrir y articular las teorías sobre “fallas de mercados” (sobre cuya base se ha construido el Estado de bienestar y sobre “fallas de gobierno” (que han mostrado los límites de las democracias y las constituciones. Podría ser ya hora de comenzar a pensar sobre las “fallas del tercer sector”, y eso especialmente porque los tres tipos de falla tienen una dimensión ética. La economía puede ayudar a mejorar la calidad del pensamiento ético en relación con la sociedad civil y el tercer sector mostrándonos que, a menudo, no bastan las buenas intenciones. En efecto, la teoría económica nos puede proporcionar las herramientas para analizar los efectos a largo plazo de nuestras decisiones éticas, y eso no solamente en relación con tal o cual grupo particular de presuntos benefi ciarios, sino con relación a todos los grupos de la sociedad.

  3. Rotura Uterina Espontánea en embarazo de segundo trimestre: presentación de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Airam Amoroso


    Full Text Available La rotura uterina se define como la solución de continuidad de la pared uterina. Es una complicación obstétrica poco frecuente y potencialmente letal para la madre y el feto, que ocurre generalmente durante el segundo o tercer trimestre de gestación, y que está asociada principalmente a la cirugía uterina previa, constituyendo así un desafío médico por su difícil diagnóstico diferencial y controversial manejo. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 26 años de edad, con rotura espontánea de útero grávido de 18 semanas de gestación y antecedente de cicatriz uterina. Se realiza laparotomía exploradora obteniendo como hallazgo placenta y cordón umbilical unido a feto sin vida en cavidad abdominal, lo que confirma diagnóstico intraoperatorio. Spontaneous Uterine Rupture in Second Trimester of Pregnancy: Case report and Literature review Abstract Uterine rupture is a solution of continuity of the uterine wall. It is an uncommon and potentially lethal obstetric complication, for both mother and fetus, that mainly occurs during the second or third trimester of pregnancy, and that is mainly associated to previous uterine surgery, thus forming a medical challenge for its difficult differential diagnosis and controversial management. We report the case of a 26 years old patient with a spontaneous gravid uterine rupture, 18 weeks of gestation and cesarean scar background. Laparotomy is conducted finding both placenta and umbilical cord attached to no-living fetus in the abdominal cavity, which confirms intraoperative diagnosis.

  4. Cuantificación de la importancia del Fondo Nacional de Garantías en la movilización de créditos a las pymes

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    José Augusto Castillo Bonilla


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo pretender establecer y medir el impacto que el aval proporcionado por el Fondo Nacional de Garantías tiene en el flujo de créditos hacia las pymes. Con base en la información proporcionada por Asobancaria, la Superintendencia Financiera y el Fondo Nacional de Garantías para el período comprendido entre el primer trimestre de 2003 y el tercer trimestre de 2010, se estimó un modelo econométrico utilizando mínimos cuadrados dinámicos. Los resultados empíricos muestran que el aval otorgado por el Fondo Nacional de Garantías influye en el volumen de créditos movilizados hacia las peque ̃ nas y medianas empresas. Sin embargo, su influencia económica es poco relevante.

  5. Cuantificación de la importancia del Fondo Nacional de Garantías en la movilización de créditos a las pymes

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    José Augusto Castillo Bonilla


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo pretender establecer y medir el impacto que el aval proporcionado por el Fondo Nacional de Garantías tiene en el flujo de créditos hacia las pymes. Con base en la información proporcionada por Asobancaria, la Superintendencia Financiera y el Fondo Nacional de Garantías para el período comprendido entre el primer trimestre de 2003 y el tercer trimestre de 2010, se estimó un modelo econométrico utilizando mínimos cuadrados dinámicos. Los resultados empíricos muestran que el aval otorgado por el Fondo Nacional de Garantías influye en el volumen de créditos movilizados hacia las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Sin embargo, su influencia económica es poco relevante.

  6. Normal development of fetal hepatic haematopoiesis during the second trimester of gestation is upregulated by fibronectin expression in the stromal cells of the portal triads El desarrollo normal de la hematopoyesis hepática fetal durante el segundo trimestre de embarazo está regulado al alza por la expresión de fibronectina en las células del estroma de las tríadas portales

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    D. Tamiolakis


    -renovación, la proliferación y el crecimiento de las células madre hematopoyéticas, al interactuar con las células progenitoras hematopoyéticas. Se sabe que las glucoproteínas de la MEC producidas por las células del estroma desempeñan un papel crítico en la regulación del crecimiento y la diferenciación celulares. Se han documentado numerosos factores solubles y de membrana que regulan directamente la hematopoyesis, pero se sabe poco de la actividad de las células del estroma hepático y de la proteína (fibronectina de la matriz extracelular en el feto en relación con la hematopoyesis hepática. La unión de las células eritroides tardías a la fibronectina está bien tipificada y se cree que es crítica para las etapas terminales de la diferenciación eritroide. La intención de este artículo es determinar el papel de la fibronectina en la proliferación y diferenciación hematopoyética del hígado fetal en las distintas etapas del desarrollo. Material y método: examinamos y comparamos la expresión inmunohistoquímica de fibronectina en los campos portales del estroma hepático durante los trimestres primero, segundo y tercero del embarazo en relación con la aparición de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas CD34, progenitoras del estroma y endoteliales vasculares, respectivamente. Resultados: nuestros resultados mostraron una diferencia cuantitativa en cuanto a expresión de fibronectina en el estroma del tejido conjuntivo de los campos portales en el segundo trimestre de embarazo respecto al primero (p < 0,0001, prueba de la t y respecto al tercero (p < 0,0001, prueba de la t. Se hallaron también cambios similares en cuanto a la expresión de CD34 respecto al primer (p < 0,0001, prueba de la t y el tercer trimestres (p < 0,0001, prueba de la t, lo que indica la participación directa de la fibronectina en el mantenimiento de la actividad hematopoyética. Conclusiones: nuestros datos aportan pruebas de que un componente de la glucoproteina de la MEC, la

  7. Violencia contra mujeres embarazadas entre las usuarias del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social: un estudio sobre determinantes, prevalencia y severidad


    Roberto Castro; Gregorio Agustín Ruiz; María de la Luz Arenas Monreal; Sergio Juárez Márquez; Nora Barrios Martínez Rojas


    Se presentan los resultados de una encuesta entre 446 mujeres usuarias de los servicios de salud del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) en Morelos, que se encontraban en su tercer trimestre de embarazo. El objetivo era indagar si la violencia contra mujeres se incrementa durante el embarazo o si, por el contrario, disminuye. Se encontró que la prevalencia no varió en ambos periodos (aproximadamente 15 por ciento, en general). En cambio, la severidad de l...

  8. [The work of Santiago Ramón y Cajal in the Revista Trimestral Micrográfica (Trabajos del Laboratorio de Investigaciones Biológicas)]. (United States)

    Gamundí, A; Timoner, G; Nicolau, M C; Rial, R V; Esteban, S; Langa, M A

    This paper is based on a study of Revista Trimestral Micrografica (Trabajos del Laboratorio de Investigaciones Biologicas) between its creation by Santiago Ramon y Cajal in 1896 and his death in 1934. The journal Revista Trimestral Micrografica was the main way in which Santiago Ramon y Cajal and his school published their work since its creation. Ramon y Cajal created the journal for two main reasons: first, he needed a rapid system to publish his own work; second, the journal could serve to encourage his pupils. The journal published many important reports defending the neuronal theory which expanded the cellular one to include the nervous system.

  9. El desarrollo de las Organizaciones del Tercer Sector en el proceso de modernización y más allá

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    Full Text Available la sociologia se encuentra ante la urgente necesidad de definir que es el tercer sector y que son las organizaciones del tercer sector (ots. la hipotesis de este articulo es que las ots son actores de modernizacion. dentro del marco de un cambio social mas general, las ots, en cuanto que "subjetividades sociales", estan llamadas a dar vida a una sociedad diferente de la primera modernidad y sus sucesivos desarrollos en una direccion antihumanista. estos sujetos son portadores de una cultura organizativa en la que los derechos de ciudadania adoptan un caracter relacional. en resumen: el tercer sector debe analizarse como el producto de la diferenciacion societal en condiciones de creciente complejidad social.

  10. Gestión del conocimiento en el tercer sector: de la competitividad a la eficiencia organizacional

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    Cristian Bedoya-Dorado


    Full Text Available El estudio tiene como objetivo presentar una reflexión sobre el aporte de la gestión del conocimiento (GC a la eficiencia en organizaciones del tercer sector. Para ello se llevó a cabo un análisis de contenido de una recopilación de 35 artículos de revistas indexadas JCR y SJR, y de revistas especializadas en GC. El análisis señala que aunque las organizaciones del tercer sector no están llamadas a competir como las organizaciones tradicionales, ni a generar estrategias de captación y fidelización de clientes, sí compiten por la financiación de otras organizaciones y realizan procesos misionales en donde la GC puede contribuir a su eficiencia, de modo que tengan una mejor atención y gestión de sus grupos de interés. Entre los resultados se destaca la importancia de los recursos humanos para lograr la eficiencia a través de la GC en las organizaciones del tercer sector. Este estudio sugiere, para futuras investigaciones, determinar empíricamente el efecto que tienen variables como la gestión de personal, el uso de las TIC, y la innovación en la GC y en la eficiencia de organizaciones del tercer sector, de gran importancia en los países en vía de desarrollo, debido a que atienden necesidades sociales y económicas en las que los Estados son ineficaces, por lo que la GC puede generar aportes para sus objetivos organizacionales.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este documento es determinar los canales de transmisión de la crisis europea hacia los países del Tercer Mundo. El trabajo examina la forma en que la crisis de la deuda soberana se propagó por el sector financiero, a través de la mayor volatilidad de la rentabilidad de los activos. Lo cual se debió a una mayor variación de sus precios, lo que tuvo efectos sobre el patrimonio neto de los agentes económicos, los ingresos, la demanda agregada y la asignación del crédito, así como también sobre la producción y el empleo. Para este documento se hizo búsqueda y selección de literatura especializada y se extrajeron estadísticas especializadas de la UNCTAD, CEPAL y OECD. Se concluye que la transmisión de la crisis europea al Tercer Mundo se dio por canales específicos conocidos, como el comercio internacional, la inversión extranjera directa, las remesas y la ayuda oficial para el desarrollo.

  12. La percolación cultural o cómo el mercado se institucionaliza en el tercer sector


    López Rey, José A.


    Proponemos el concepto de percolación cultural para describir y estudiar el fenómeno de la introducción en el tercer sector de los valores propios de las organizaciones del mercado. Para ello, se describe un marco teórico que incluye teorías sobre la cultura organizacional, el nuevo institucionalismo y la teoría relacional de la sociedad como mejor herramienta para conocer el tercer sector. Se explicitan las hipótesis que han guiado la investigación y la metodología que la hizo posible y se r...

  13. Actualización en marcadores genéticos ultrasonográficos del 1º trimestre del embarazo

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    Felicia Amaralis Trull Martínez


    Full Text Available Se aborda el tema de los marcadores ultrasonográficos del 1º trimestre del embarazo, brindando una actualización del tema. Se hace énfasis en los marcadores predictivos de las anomalías congénitas más frecuentes y se concluyó con importantes aspectos a tener en cuenta para una correcta interpretación de estos hallazgos.

  14. Proteína C reactiva plasmática en el segundo trimestre para predicción de parto pretérmino

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    I. Suarez-Torres


    Conclusión: Las concentraciones plasmáticas de proteína C reactiva en el segundo trimestre están elevadas en las embarazadas que posteriormente presentan parto pretérmino, pero no son útiles en la predicción de este.

  15. Disfunção sexual: Avaliação de mulheres durante o terceiro trimestre gestacional

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    Ana Eliza Rios de Araújo Mathias


    Full Text Available Introdução: Disfunção sexual (DS é caracterizada pela falta, excesso, desconforto e/ou dor no desenvolvimento do ciclo da resposta sexual, se manifestando de forma persistente ou recorrente. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência das disfunções sexuais femininas em gestantes de baixo risco no terceiro trimestre e verificar sua associação com fatores de risco. Métodos: É um estudo transversal composto por 102 gestantes de baixo risco durante o terceiro trimestre gestacional e com vida sexual ativa, que estiveram em acompanhamento nos postos de saúde das cidades de Petrolina (PE e Juazeiro (BA entre setembro de 2013 e março de 2014. Para isso, utilizou-se uma ficha de dados pessoais, com características sociodemográficas e clínicas e o questionário Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI. Foram calculadas prevalências e possíveis associações por meio do teste do χ2. Em todas as análises foi adotado o nível de significância de p˂0,05. Intervalos de confiança (IC95%, quando determinados, foram exatos. Resultados: Do total da amostra, 45,1% apresentaram disfunção sexual com taxa média de função sexual feminina de 26,15. Os menores escores de domínios foram em desejo e excitação. Ocorreu ainda associação de disfunção sexual com paridade. Conclusão: O presente estudo evidenciou uma taxa moderada de mulheres com disfunção sexual no terceiro trimestre gestacional, mostrando uma diminuição significativa em todos os domínios do FSFI. Além disso, constatou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa na associação de disfunção sexual com a variável paridade. Contudo, não foi encontrada diferença significativa na disfunção sexual com a variável idade, índice de massa corpórea, escolaridade e renda familiar.

  16. Comportamiento del desarrollo sicomotor en el menor de 1 año, en relación con el manejo y funcionamiento familiar

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    Gloria Robaina Suárez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo del desarrollo sicomotor (DSM hasta el año de edad, de una muestra de 51 recién nacidos sanos, relacionándolo con el manejo y funcionamiento familiar. El DSM se evaluó por la observación trimestral en la puericultura de las habilidades adquiridas y la aplicación al año de la prueba Brunet-Lezine. Para conocer el manejo familiar se utilizó una encuesta de preguntas cerradas, evaluando como adecuado o inadecuado, según parámetros previamente establecidos. Para el funcionamiento familiar aplicamos la prueba de Smilkstein, que mide el adgar familiar y expresa cualitativamente el funcionamiento como: funcional, moderadamente funcional y disfuncional. El 84,3 % de los niños presentó DSM normal al año, el 15,7 % retardo ligero a partir del tercer trimestre, siendo el lenguaje la esfera afectada; de ellos el 75 % vivía con familias disfuncionales y el 100 % con un manejo inadecuadoA descriptive and prospective study of the psychomotor development (SMD up to the first year of life in relation to family management and functioning was conducted in a sample of 51 sound newborn infants. The SMD was evaluated by the trimestral observation in child care of the adquired abilities and the application of the Brunet-Lezine test at one year of age. To know the family management it was used a survey of closed questions. Adequate and inadequate evaluations were given according to previously established parameters. In order to determine the family functioning we applied the Smilkstein´s test that measures the family Apgar and expresses qualitatively the functioning as: functional, moderately functional and dysfunctional. 84,3 % of the children had a normal SMD at one year of age, whereas 15,7% had mild retardation from the third trimester on, being speech the most affected sphere. Of them 75 % lived with dysfunctional families and 100 % with an inadequate management

  17. Glicanos de la vellosidad trofoblástica en la anemia ferropénica y la preeclampsia grave


    Gómez-Gutiérrez, Alejandra María; Parra-Sosa, Beatriz Elena; Bueno-Sánchez, Julio Cesar


    Introducción: Las glicoproteínas de la membrana del sincitiotrofoblasto (STB) se encuentran en contacto con la sangre materna, por lo que pueden participar en la comunicación en la interface materno-fetal. Objetivo: caracterizar patrones de glicanos de la vellosidad trofoblástica de mujeres sanas, anémicas por deficiencia de hierro y preeclámpticas graves de inicio temprano. Materiales y métodos: se obtuvieron extractos proteínicos de vellosidad placentaria de tercer trimestre y se determinó ...


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    Iñigo García-Odiaga


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El pequeño libro que contiene el Manifiesto del Tercer Paisaje de Gilles Clément, parece intentar ocultar en la sencillez de su edición la revolución teórica y práctica que va desgranando el texto. Teórica por que centra la mirada sobre unos territorios abandonados, inciertos y desdibujados que el autor es capaz de clasificar, determinar y analizar. Y práctica porque planteadas las virtudes de estos territorios ocultos, apuesta por su confirmación y mantenimiento de forma precisa. Finalmente sólo cabe preguntarse si estas mismas reflexiones que Clément centra en el paisaje, no son también un camino posible para entender algunos de los interrogantes que plantea la ciudad contemporánea.

  19. El juego popular como recurso didáctico en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de socialización de los niños de tercer año de educación básica de la escuela Francisco González de la ciudad de Sucúa durante el tercer trimestre del año lectivo 2008-2009


    Zambrano Salavarría, Marjorie Maritza; Oleas Parra, Segundo Marcelo


    El objetivo general de esta investigación fue relevar la importancia de los juegos populares como recurso didáctico en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de socialización de los niños de tercer año de educación básica de la escuela "Francisco González" de la ciudad de Sucúa. Los objetivos específicos fueron: analizar la incidencia del juego popular en la contribución de la enseñanza aprendizaje; proponer una gama de juegos populares y aplicar en las diferentes áreas de estudio; elaborar una ...

  20. Informe sobre el Tercer Congreso Sudamericano de Neurocirugía

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    Alejandro Jiménez Arango


    Full Text Available Bogotá, abril 16 de 1949. Señor Profesor Dr. Jorge Bejarano, Ministro de Higiene. E.S.D. Señor Ministro: De conformidad con el Decreto No 540 de 2 de marzo del presente año, por el cual tuve el honor de ser nombrado Delegado de Colombia ad honorem al tercer Congreso Sudamericano de Neurocirugía que se reumo en Buenos Aires del 2 al 9 de los presentes, me permito informar a S. S. sobre el origen, desarrollo y acuerdos de dicho congreso.

  1. Anuncio de servicio público sobre la tosferina (:30) (Whooping Cough Public Service Announcement)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este anuncio de servicio público, de 30 segundos, alienta a las mujeres embarazadas a ponerse la vacuna contra la tosferina llamada Tdap, durante el tercer trimestre de cada embarazo, para que le pasen anticuerpos a su bebé a fin de que este nazca con protección contra esta grave enfermedad.  Created: 4/13/2015 by National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Division of Bacterial Diseases (DBD), Meningitis and Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch (MVPDB).   Date Released: 4/13/2015.

  2. Prevalence and severity of domestic violence among pregnant women, Mexico


    Castro, Roberto; Ruíz, Agustín


    OBJETIVOS: Determinar si el embarazo es un factor de riesgo o un factor de protección frente a la violencia doméstica y comparar la prevalencia y severidad de la violencia que sufren las mujeres embarazadas antes y durante el embarazo. MÉTODOS: Encuesta realizada a una muestra de 468 mujeres atendidas en consulta prenatal en su tercer trimestre de embarazo por los servicios de la Secretaría de Salud del estado de Morelos (México). Se exploró violencia emocional, física y sexual. Se construyó ...

  3. Edición 2015 Volumen 17 Nro 03


    Escobar Mamani, Fortunato; Universidad Nacional del Altiplano Puno Peru; Collantes Menis, Nestor; Universidad Nacional del Altiplano


    Los editores de la Revista Investigaciones Altoandinas  (Journal of High Andean Research) de la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, a través de Vice Rectorado de Investigación se complacen en presentar la presente edición en su Vol- 17 N° 03 correspondiente al tercer trimestre del año 2015 (de tres publicaciones al año).  La Revista a consideración, es resultado de propuestas llegadas a nuestra oficina, los mismos que fueron sometidos a una revisión por pares (modalidad doble ciego) de confor...

  4. Comportamento de lactentes nascidos a termo pequenos para a idade gestacional no primeiro trimestre da vida


    Mello,Bernadete Balanin A.; Gonçalves,Vanda M. Gimenes; Souza,Elisabete Abib P.


    O objetivo foi comparar o comportamento de lactentes nascidos a termo com peso adequado (AIG) a lactantes pequenos para a idade gestacional (PIG), no primeiro trimestre de vida. A amostra foi de 20 lactentes, avaliados no 1º, 2º e 3º meses. Foram utilizadas as Escalas Bayley de Desenvolvimento Infantil - II, com ênfase na Escala de Classificação do Comportamento (ECC). Houve diferença significativa entre os grupos no 2º mês, com maior número de lactentes PIG classificados como alterados na EC...

  5. Physiological adaptation of maternal plasma volume during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    de Haas, S; Ghossein-Doha, C; van Kuijk, S M J; van Drongelen, J; Spaanderman, M E A


    embarazos complicados y fisiológicos. La literatura se obtuvo de las bases de datos PubMed (NCBI) y EMBASE (Ovid). Los estudios incluidos mencionaban tanto mediciones de referencia del volumen plasmático (no embarazada, antes del embarazo o después del parto) como mediciones tomadas a edades gestacionales predeterminadas. Se calcularon las medias de las diferencias entre las mediciones de referencia y las del embarazo para el volumen plasmático a intervalos predefinidos de la edad gestacional, utilizando un modelo de efectos aleatorios descrito por DerSimonian y Laird. En el metaanálisis se incluyeron treinta estudios con fechas de publicación entre 1934 y 2007. El volumen plasmático aumentó en las primeras semanas de embarazo y el mayor incremento se produjo durante el segundo trimestre. El volumen de plasma continuó aumentando en el tercer trimestre con un aumento combinado máximo de 1,13L (IC 95%, 1,7-1,19 L), lo que supone un aumento del 45,6% (IC 95%, 43,0-48,1%) en embarazos fisiológicas en comparación con el valor de referencia. El aumento del volumen plasmático en los embarazos con hipertensión y con crecimiento intrauterino restringido fue de 0,80L (IC 95%, 0,59-1,02 L), lo que supone un aumento del 32,3% (IC 95%, 23,6-41,1%) en el tercer trimestre, y un incremento menor que en los embarazos fisiológicos (P embarazo fisiológico el volumen de plasma aumenta, en promedio, más de 1L, en comparación con el de las no embarazadas. En los embarazos complicados por hipertensión gestacional, preeclampsia o restricción del crecimiento fetal, el aumento del volumen plasmático en el tercer trimestre es un 13,3% menor que en el embarazo normal. :meta : ,、。 : meta。PubMed(NCBI)EMBASE(Ovid)。(、)。DerSimonianLaird,。 : Meta30,19342007。,。,1.13 L(95% CI,1.07~1.19 L),,45.6%(95% CI,43.0%~48.1%)。0.80 L(95%CI,0.59~1.02 L),32.3%(95% CI,23.6%~41.1%),(P<0.0001)。 : ,,1 L。、,13.3%。. Copyright © 2016 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Somnolencia diurna excesiva en estudiantes de tercer semestre de medicina de la universidad nacional de Colombia.

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    Franklin Escobar Córdoba


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. Tradicionalmente los estudiantes de medicina duermen poco, estudian largas jornadas nocturnas y como consecuencia padecen somnolencia diurna excesiva que produce disminución en la atención y afecta su calidad de vida. En nuestro país se conoce poco sobre la prevalencia y gravedad de este síntoma en esta población, al igual que sus efectos en grupos de correturnos en general como vigilantes, personal de salud, pilotos, militares, entre otros. Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de somnolencia diurna excesiva en estudiantes de tercer semestre de medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Material y métodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal, realizado en 2006, en una muestra de estudiantes (79.2%, n=99/125 de tercer semestre de medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia que aceptaron participar en la investigación mediante consentimiento informado. Se aplicó la escala de somnolencia de Epworth validada localmente. Resultados. Los participantes evaluados fueron jóvenes, estudiantes universitarios de tercer semestre de medicina, en quienes se encontró somnolencia diurna excesiva en el 59.6% (n=59/99, siendo más frecuente en jóvenes de género masculino con promedio de edad de 21 años. Datos más elevados comparativamente con los informados en otros estudios para la población general. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de somnolencia diurna excesiva en la población estudiada es cuantitativamente importante y superior a la encontrada en otros estudios.

  7. Haz que tu bebé nazca protegido contra la tosferina (Born with Protection against Whooping Cough)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast provee información acerca de la tosferina, una enfermedad que puede ser mortal para los bebés, y la recomendación de los CDC de que todas las mujeres reciban la vacuna Tdap durante el tercer trimestre de cada embarazo para que su bebé nazca con protección contra esta grave enfermedad.  Created: 4/13/2015 by National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Division of Bacterial Diseases (DBD), Meningitis and Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch (MVPDB).   Date Released: 4/13/2015.





    El objetivo de este documento es determinar los canales de transmisión de la crisis europea hacia los países del Tercer Mundo. El trabajo examina la forma en que la crisis de la deuda soberana se propagó por el sector financiero, a través de la mayor volatilidad de la rentabilidad de los activos. Lo cual se debió a una mayor variación de sus precios, lo que tuvo efectos sobre el patrimonio neto de los agentes económicos, los ingresos, la demanda agregada y la asignación del crédito, así como ...

  9. Embarazo deseado y planificado, lactancia previa, aptitud para lactar y conocimientos de las madres sobre lactancia

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    Remigio Rafael Gorrita Pérez

    Full Text Available Introducción: la OMS y la Unicef recomiendan lactancia materna exclusiva durante los primeros 6 meses de vida, y complementada, al menos, hasta los 2 años; sin embargo, los resultados no son los esperados. Objetivo: evaluar la relación entre la planificación del embarazo, la lactancia en hijos anteriores, la aptitud referida para lactar y los conocimientos sobre lactancia materna de las gestantes en su tercer trimestre, de los Policlínicos "Luis Augusto Turcios Lima" y "Mártires del 9 de Abril", del municipio San José de las Lajas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio analítico y transversal, entre marzo de 2010 y marzo de 2011. De 192 gestantes en su tercer trimestre, y que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión, se estudiaron: hijos previos y si recibieron lactancia materna, planificación, deseos del embarazo, aptitudes referidas, así como conocimientos sobre la lactancia. Se aplicaron 22 preguntas y se estableció un sistema de puntaje. Resultados: algo más de la mitad de las madres se consideraron aptas para la lactancia, y asumieron que poseían los conocimientos necesarios para lograrlo, pero menos de la quinta parte mostró poseerlos. Las gestantes que obtuvieron valores superiores en el cuestionario fueron: las que tenían un hijo previo, las que ya habían ofrecido lactancia materna exclusiva de 4 a 6 meses, y las que deseaban y habían planificado su embarazo. Conclusiones: aunque la mayoría de las gestantes consideraron que estaban aptas para la lactancia materna, no demostraron tener los conocimientos necesarios para asumirla exitosamente.

  10. Caries dental asociada a factores de riesgo durante el embarazo The dental caries associated with risk factor during pregnancy

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    Antonio Cecilio Pérez Oviedo


    Full Text Available El periodo gestacional se relaciona con una mayor incidencia de caries dental, aunque la asociación entre gestación e incremento de caries no ha podido aún ser científicamente demostrada. Se propuso realizar un estudio para determinar la presencia de caries dental y algunos factores de riesgo asociados en el primer y tercer trimestre del embarazo, para detectar la aparición de lesiones cariosas nuevas y cambios relacionados con los factores de riesgo entre ambos trimestres. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal desde diciembre de 2006 a febrero de 2008 en el municipio de Florida, Camagüey, Cuba. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por 38 embarazadas y la muestra por 21, que fueron interrogadas y examinadas en ambos trimestres con el objetivo de determinar la presencia de caries y los factores de riesgo asociados como: higiene bucal deficiente, dieta cariogénica, pH salival bajo, ocurrencia de vómitos y embarazo previo. La información necesaria fue recogida en un formulario confeccionado al efecto. En el primer trimestre el 80,95 % estaban afectadas por caries dental y se observó aparición de lesiones nuevas en 6 embarazadas, en el tercer trimestre. Los factores de riesgo presentados con mayor frecuencia en el primer trimestre fueron la dieta cariogénica en el 66,66 % y la higiene bucal deficiente en el 47,61 % de las pacientes. Ninguna embarazada modificó la dieta durante el embarazo, sin embargo la higiene bucal deficiente persistió en el 14,28 %. El 52,38 % de las embarazadas afectadas en el primer trimestre consumían dieta cariogénica y el 47,61 % habían tenido embarazo previo. Se concluyó que hubo afectación por nuevas caries durante el embarazo, los factores de riesgo que predominantes fueron la dieta cariogénica, la higiene bucal deficiente y el embarazo previo. Las pacientes no modificaron la dieta durante el embarazo, pero sí mejoraron la higiene bucal. Todas las que presentaban vómitos y pH salival

  11. Los fundamentos sociales del tercer sector

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    de la Torre, Isabel


    Full Text Available The theory of the gift, and the explanatory possibilities that its conceptual meaning offer and its methodological application, is the starting point to analyse the pro-social behaviours, present in the organizations that integrate the Third Sector: associations, foundations, benefit societies, co-operatives and labour societies. In all of these organizations, an interchange of goods and services is exercised, that can not be explained neither by the rules of the market nor by the principles of redistribution of the state. Altruism, solidarity and mutual principles, that inspire the pro-social behaviours, are usually practice through the networks of organized solidarity, that are based on the generalised trust and favour the civil society.

    La teoría del don, y las posibilidades explicativas que brindan su acepción conceptual y su aplicación metodológica, es el punto de partida para analizar los comportamientos prosociales, presentes en las entidades que integran el Tercer Sector: asociaciones, fundaciones, mutualidades, cooperativas y sociedades laborales. En todas estas entidades se ejercita un intercambio de bienes y servicios, que no pueden ser explicados ni por las reglas del mercado ni por los principios de redistribución del Estado. Los principios de altruismo, solidaridad y ayuda mutua, que inspiran los comportamientos prosociales, suelen practicarse a través de las redes de solidaridad organizada y favorecen el desarrollo de la sociedad civil.

  12. Correlation between the Doppler velocimetry findings of the uterine arteries during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy Correlação entre os achados doppplervelocimétricos das artérias uterinas no primeiro e segundo trimestres da gestação

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    Adolfo Wenjaw Liao


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the feasibility of transvaginal uterine artery Doppler examination in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, establish reference ranges in a Brazilian population and examine the correlation between these Doppler findings. METHODS: Longitudinal prospective study at the antenatal clinic of a tertiary teaching hospital. Uterine artery Doppler examinations were carried out transvaginally at 11 to 14 weeks and 20 to 25 weeks of gestation. Uterine artery mean pulsatility index (PI distributions were determined and the presence or absence of an early diastolic notch was also noted. The degree of correlation between first and second trimester Doppler findings was examined. RESULTS: Three hundred and forty four women with live singleton pregnancies and normal outcome were first examined at a mean gestation of 12.7 weeks. The values corresponding to the 50th and 95th centiles of mean PI were 1.69 and 2.48. Bilateral notches were observed in 44% of cases and unilateral notches were present in 19%. Second trimester Doppler examinations were carried out at a mean gestation of 23.2 weeks and corresponding figures for the 50th and 95th centiles were 1.03 and 1.57. Bilateral notches were noted in 4.4% of the cases. First trimester impedance indices were significantly higher and positively correlated to second trimester findings (r = 0.42, pOBJETIVO: Avaliar a aplicabilidade de realizar exames dopplervelocimétricos endovaginais das artérias uterinas no primeiro e segundo trimestres da gestação, definir valores normais na população brasileira e examinar a correlação entre esses achados. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo longitudinal conduzido em Hospital Universitário Terciário. Os exames dopplervelocimétricos das artérias uterinas foram realizados pela via endovaginal, entre 11 a 14 semanas e 20 a 25 semanas de gestação. Em cada período gestacional estudado, a distribuição dos valores dos índices de pulsatilidade (IP m

  13. El empleo formal e informal en México: un análisis discriminante

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    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se aplica la metodología de análisis discriminante para explorar en qué variables se diferencian dos grupos de trabajadores, unos con empleo formal y otros con empleo informal. Se utilizan microdatos de la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo (enoe para estudiar a los jefes de hogar de la economía mexicana durante el tercer trimestre de 2005, 2009 y 2012. El interés por considerar un trimestre de estabilidad, uno de crisis y uno de recuperación, responde a la inquietud de conocer en qué magnitud cambia el peso relativo de las variables clasificadoras en las puntuaciones discriminantes estimadas por el modelo. Del conjunto de variables socioeconómicas que se abordan, se determina que el contrato laboral, la ocupación por tamaño de establecimiento, los años de escolaridad, el tipo de localidad y el proceso de búsqueda de un nuevo empleo, ayudan a discriminar entre ambos colectivos de trabajadores. También se encuentra que el cambio de entorno económico incide en la magnitud de los coeficientes estandarizados en forma moderada.

  14. Profesoras en el tercer ciclo universitario y en los postgrados sobre EEMM

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    Isabel de Torres Ramírez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analiza la presencia de las mujeres en la universidad española, dentro de la enseñanza y la investigación llevada a cabo en el tercer ciclo de los estudios universitarios y en los programas de postgrado que se llevan a cabo dentro del área de conocimiento Estudios de las Mujeres. El objetivo concreto que se persigue es estudiar la presencia de profesoras en los programas de doctorado, en la dirección y en los tribunales de tesis y también en los másters, programas expertos/as y de especialistas vigentes durante el curso 2005-2006.

  15. Tecnologías de computación y Tercer Mundo

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    Hans Dieter Klee


    Full Text Available Este número aborda la comunicación desde las tres interpretaciones más importantes: la tradicionalista, la militar y mercantilista y el arte popular tan inestable, cuestionado y cambiante. Canclini cuestiona la compartamentalización de cultura: popular y de medios y esboza los problemas que plantea la tradicional miopía de no reconocer la universalización : ¿Re-intelección de los medios? apuntes sobre un libro de los Mattelart, ¿"Ética" o "Deontología" de la comunicación social?, El lenguaje del vestido y de la fiesta,Talleres de cultura Popular en Santiago de Chile, El dilema del arte popular en Bolivia,¿Sobrevivirán las artesanías aborígenes argentinas?, Los tejedores de El Tintorero, Tecnologías de computación y Tercer Mundo, La cobertura del terremoto en México, La comunicación como quehacer y como problema, la comunicación planificada sirve al desarrollo

  16. Tendencias del Tercer Sector a partir del análisis de las relaciones de interdependencia


    Vélez Cuartas, Gabriel


    Este artículo presenta tres tipos de tendencias del Tercer Sector que pueden deducirse de un análisis de redes basado en teorías interorganizacionales y en teoría de dependencia de recursos. A través de dos estudios de caso realizados en la ciudad de Medellín en Colombia, se presentan algunas categorías que se constituyen en tendencias características del sector. This paper presents three different types of tendencies about third sector. This tendencies could be deduce in a network analysi...



    Schimpf-Herken, Ilse; Baumann, Till


    El arte ofrece nuevos caminos de sanación en el trabajo psicosocial. Elabora la experiencia en el denominado "tercer espacio", que genera un acercamiento paulatino a la experiencia dolorosa en el cual la situación de violencia no se sitúa en primer plano, la persona afectada es sujeto de su propio proceso de sanación. Igualmente «los lugares de la memoria» con un pasado violento se pueden transformar en "espacios de traspaso" (Winnicott) donde se puede experimentar confianza y empoderarse. A ...

  18. Programa de Inglés Enfocado en el Uso de Recursos Materiales Audiovisuales para Estudiantes de Tercer Grado de Primaria de Una Institución Educativa Particular del Distrito de Miraflores




    El objetivo principal de la siguiente investigación fue evaluar los efectos en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés en estudiantes de tercer grado de primaria de una escuela particular del distrito de Miraflores al aplicar un programa de ingles basado en el uso de recursos materiales audiovisuales. La muestra estuvo conformada por 32 niños y niñas de tercer grado de primaria; 16 estudiantes formaron parte del grupo control y 16 estudiantes del grupo experimental. El instrumento de evaluación f...

  19. Errores de escritura en español en niños de tercer grado de educación primaria

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    Dora Elizabeth Granados Ramos


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Describir los errores en las producciones escritas de niños de tercer grado de educación primaria de escuelas públicas, teniendo en cuenta su bajo rendimiento en pruebas del Estado. Método. Participaron 42 niños de tercer grado de educación primaria de escuelas oficiales de la ciudad de Xalapa (Veracruz, México, con una edad promedio de 8 años. Se aplicaron la Escala de Inteligencia Wechsler para niños WISCIV, estandarizada para población mexicana, y la Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI. Resultados. Se observaron diferencias significativas con la prueba Anova, al comparar el total de errores con la composición narrativa, con la coherencia narrativa y con la longitud de la producción narrativa; y al comparar la precisión de la escritura con los procesos de percepción y memoria auditiva. Predominaron los errores de tipo ortográfico, visual, espacial y auditivos. Conclusión. El análisis de las producciones escritas de los niños permitió describir sus características, los tipos de error y los procesos neuropsicológicos asociados con los errores en la escritura.

  20. Sexto Congreso Científico del Pacífico y Tercer Congreso Internacional de Microbiología

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    Luis Patiño Camargo


    Tengo el honor de rendir a Su Señoria informe de la misión con que me honró el Gobierno confiándome la representación de Colombia ante el Sexto Congreso Cientifico del Pacífico y ante el Tercer Congreso Internacional de Microbiología y la misión de visiter algunas de las instituciones de investigación médica en Centro América, Mejico y los Estados Unidos, según Decreto N° 1263, junio 15 de 1939, del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.

  1. Relación de tesis doctorales y trabajos de investigación de tercer ciclo y de máster (TIT. Curso 2009/2010

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    Cuadernos de Arte


    Full Text Available Relación de tesis doctorales y trabajos de investigación de tercer ciclo y de máster (TIT, defendidos en el departamento de Historia del Arte y Música de la Universidad de Granada, durante el curso académico 2009/2010

  2. Mortalidad perinatal en el Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins

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    Lizeth Diaz Ledesma


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Conocer la tasa de mortalidad perinatal en el Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins y sus características. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio comprendió la revisión de todas las historias clínicas de gestantes portadoras de óbito fetal (mayor de 28 semanas de gestación o mayor de 1000gramos, de recién nacidos que fallecieron dentro de los primeros 7 días de vida y de sus madres durante el año 2000. Resultados: La tasa de mortalidad perinatal fue de 10.5 por mil nacidos vivos. La edad promedio materna fue de 31.6 años, + 5.9 y un rango entre 14 y 44 años. El 30.1% de partos correspondió a nulíparas, el 61.6% a multíparas y el 8.3% a gran multíparas. El promedio de visitas al control prenatal fue de 4.8 + 2.7. El 53.4% de las madres tuvo algún antecedente relacionado a mala historia obstétrica, siendo los más frecuentes historia de aborto previo (27.4%, cesárea anterior (13.7% y pre eclampsia (12.3%. Las causas asociadas a mortalidad perinatal fueron madres con pre eclampsia severa (38.4% y hemorragia en el tercer trimestre (15.1% y fetos con malformaciones congénitas severas (27.4%. La vía de parto fue abdominal en 68.5% y vaginal en 31.5%. Se tuvo 83.6% de gestaciones únicas y 16.4% de gestaciones múltiples. El peso de los productos fue 1985.2 + 945.8 gramos. El 61.6% de muertes perinatales correspondieron a prematuros. Conclusiones:La tasa de mortalidad neonatal en el HNERM durante el año 2000 fue de 10.5 por mil nacidos vivos y los factores relacionados a mortalidad perinatal fueron pre-eclampsia severa, malformaciones congénitas severas y hemorragias del tercer trimestre. ( Rev Med Hered 2003; 14: 117-121.

  3. Contribución de la merienda al patrón alimentario de escolares con exceso de peso y estado nutricional normal, en Cartago, Costa Rica


    López, Marianela Ibarra; Llobet León, Laia; Fernández Rojas, Xinia


    Con el fin de identificar el aporte nutricional de las meriendas al patrón alimentario de los escolares con estado nutricional normal y con exceso de peso, se estudiaron 80 escolares (40 casos con sobrepeso/obesidad y 40 controles con estado nutricional normal) costarricenses de primer a tercer grado. Se tomó peso, talla y pliegue tricipital para la valoración antropométrica y se utilizó un registro dietético de tres días para la información de consumo. Las meriendas fueron analizadas de acue...

  4. Calidad de sueño y excesiva somnolencia diurna en estudiantes del tercer y cuarto año de Medicina

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    Michael Bill Barrenechea Loo


    Full Text Available Objetivo, Determinar el grado de somnolencia diurna y calidad del sueño en estudiantes del tercero y cuarto año de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres. Diseño, Descriptivo exploratorio transversal. Lugar, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de San Martin de Porres. Participantes, 195 y 199 estudiantes de medicina de tercer y cuarto año, respectivamente. Intervenciones, Cuestionarios de escala de somnolencia de Epworth e índice de calidad del sueño Pittsburgh Modificado con estudio probabilístico aleatorio simple de estudiantes de medicina del tercer y cuarto año. Principales medidas de resultados, Frecuencias de Somnolencia diurna y calidad del sueño Resultados, Edad promedio global de 21.08 años. El 64.5% tiene mala calidad del sueño y 26%, excesiva somnolencia diurna. Se encontró una media global de 5.6 horas de sueño. Conclusiones, Se encontró alta frecuencia de mala calidad del sueño y excesiva somnolencia diurna en los estudiantes de medicina encuestados, además de un valor porcentual considerable sobre el consumo de medicación hipnótica y una tendencia a dormir 6 horas o menos.


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    Derlisiret Rincón M.


    Full Text Available El punto de partida de este trabajo es exponer el nacimiento del nuevo entramado social; los lazos que se tejen en el denominado Tercer Entono que de una u otra forma han construido una cartografía radicalmente contrapuesta a la tradicionalmente establecida. Así pues, a través del método descriptivo, se reconocen las diversas formas de interacciones y contradicciones que surgen en el espacio telemático y desde donde se crea un ambiente con características propias. Se concluye, que en dicho espacio se origina un ambiente cuyo habitat induce a comportamientos ajenos a los reconocidos y caracterizados desde el cual se perfila y modela un sujeto denominado “Human Plugged”, es decir, un humano conectado al Cyberespacio y sus multitareas, y distante o desconectado del espacio tradicional.

  6. Incorporación de la asignatura de tercer ciclo "Técnicas y métodos de investigación jurídica comparada" al campus virtual


    Palomino Lozano, Rafael


    Mediante la herramienta informática «Campus Virtual» se dinamiza una asignatura de tercer ciclo que tiene por objeto analizar la metodología de trabajo y el desarrollo de estrategias en la investigación jurídica.

  7. Tendencias de la Comunicación del Tercer Sector en la web 2.0: Análisis retórico de los tropos

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    Isidoro Arroyo Almaraz


    Full Text Available Los grandes éxitos de determinados mensajes a través de las redes sociales han hecho que este nuevo “medio” se vea como un modelo muy interesante para el Tercer Sector. En este artículo llevamos a cabo el análisis de aspectos formales y de contenido de las comunicaciones del Tercer Sector en las redes sociales y se determinan las tendencias que se repiten  destacando, entre otros,  el uso retórico de los tropos. Se percibe una tendencia hacia la similitud de los mensajes estudiados en sus aspectos narrativos, expresivos, persuasivos y retóricos. Los mensajes de carácter social distribuidos a través de las redes sociales muestran, en su construcción, perfiles uniformes y homogéneos en sus aspectos formales. Se concluye que utilizan las mismas piezas ya usadas en otros medios por lo que se infiere que no piensan en las bondades de las redes sociales para aprovechar los recursos específicos de éstas.  



    Rios Bernardo, Cledy Ruperta


    Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la anemia gestacional en la altura detectado en el I trimestre y los resultados perinatales. Hospital Daniel Alcides Carrión – Pasco. Año 2015. Método de Estudio: Deductivo; diseño descriptivo de nivel relacional, tipo retrospectivo, de cohorte transversal; la población estudiada estuvo constituida por 44 gestantes. Resultados: 1. La edad más frecuente 18 años, el 86% procedente de la zonas distritales, con estudios de secundaria en el 64% y 73% co...

  9. Tendencias clave para el tercer gobierno del MAS, Bolivia 2015-2019

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    Xavier Albó


    Esta presentación tiene como trasfondo el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo y pretende resaltar algunos de los logros del presidente Evo Morales y los desafíos que enfrenta en su tercer gobierno (2015-2019. Comienza revisando información demográfica básica, según el Censo de 2012, para luego centrarse en la economía: los hidrocarburos, la minería, la producción agropecuaria y la ecología. El boom de la quinua, la expansión de la frontera agrícola y la suspensión de la construcción de una carretera que atraviese el TIPNIS son algunos de los temas que se discuten. Internacionalmente, hay motivos de optimismo con relación a la demanda marítima de Bolivia, mientras que, a nivel nacional, el MAS aseguró una victoria parlamentaria en el año 2014. Las reformas menos exitosas son las del órgano judicial. La presentación termina revisando los movimientos sociales que permitieron la formación la de Asamblea Constituyente y el asunto de la autonomía municipal, departamental e indígena.

  10. Sistemas agroecológicos y su papel en los países del Tercer Mundo

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    F. Funes-Aguilar


    Full Text Available El tercer milenio inicia en un mundo globalizado, unipolar: 6.3 mil millones de personas; de ellas, 850 millones hambrientas, 1,200 sin agua potable, 2,400 sin saneamiento, 850 millones analfabetos, 10 millones de niños mueren anualmente. Mientras tanto, 10% de la población disfruta del 70% de riquezas. Proliferan estallidos sociales, guerras, huracanes, terremotos, contaminación ambiental, inundaciones, calentamiento global, SIDA. Numerosas comunidades rurales se han colapsado económica y socialmente, el desempleo aumenta por tecnologías ahorradoras de fuerza laboral, persiste alta migración a las ciudades. La “Revolución Verde”, de especialización e industrialización agropecuaria de países desarrollados, ha generado conflictos ambientales y no ha sido una solución. La geofagia y sed de poder de países y políticos, generan distribución desequilibrada de riquezas. En nuestro planeta abundan resultados positivos con sistemas agroecológicos de producción que han demostrado poder resolver gran número de esos problemas. En América Latina y Cuba, existen experiencias del saber y tradiciones campesinas e indígenas, investigación y producción comercial con soluciones factibles para los problemas de este llamado “Tercer Mundo”, donde están los países más necesitados. Son evidentes los caminos posibles para alcanzar el anhelado desarrollo agropecuario. Este trabajo resume algunos ejemplos de los avances. El reto futuro es integrar los componentes de los agroecosistemas y lograr sinergias, consolidando sistemas agroecológicos holísticos, con eficiencia biológica, productiva, económica, energética y ambiental. Es esperanzador pensar que un futuro agroecológico unido a la voluntad política de desarrollo económico y social, puede contribuir en alto grado a liberar a nuestros países tercermundistas de la crítica situación actual

  11. Diseño de mobiliario escolar mediante el aprendizaje basado en proyectos programación trimestral para la materia de tecnología industrial para 1º Bachillerato


    Ortí Amela, Marta


    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi: SAP129. Curs: 2014/2015 planteamiento del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) de la asignatura de Tecnología Industrial I de 1º de Bachillerato, secuenciada en un trimestre, contextualizada en el centro donde realicé las prácticas, IES Penyagolosa de Castellón. Dado que el docente debe ser competente para ser capaz de organizar, pl...

  12. Hacer globalización desde Ecuador. El tercer espacio como utopía para el ecuatoriano en Timarán y Cuabú de Nelson Estupiñán Bass

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    Wilfried Mvondo


    Full Text Available Este ensayo estudia cómo Nelson Estupiñán Bass da cuenta de la dinámica de la creación del tercer espacio en Ecuador con relación a la utopía de progreso socioeconómico que esta arrastra. Contempla la articulación entre “tercer espacio” y “utopía”. Este trabajo, que se apoya en el enfoque sociocrítico, analiza el espacio en Timarán y Cuabú y las inscripciones ideológicas que en ello afloran. Culmina en los siguientes resultados: 1 el tercer espacio es un lugar de intereses y resistencia para el ecuatoriano;y 2 este espacio suscita cierta utopía de desarrollo en el ecuatoriano. This paper studies how Nelson Estupiñán Bass realizes the dynamics in the creation of the third space in Ecuador relative to the utopia of socio-economic progress dragged by the latter. The study focuses on the articulation of the “third space” and the “utopia”. As this work is based on the sociocritical approach, it analyses the space from Timarán y Cuabú and the ideologies that it outcrops. The study deals with the following findings: 1 the third space is a space of interests and resistance for the Ecuadorian and 2 that space create a utopia of development in the Ecuadorian.

  13. Fusión de un tercer molar mandibular con un cuarto molar supernumerario Fusion of mandibular third molar with supernumerary fourth molar

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    C. López Carriches


    Full Text Available La fusión dental es la unión de dos gérmenes dentales normalmente separados, mientras que la geminación se define como el intento de división de un único germen dental. La fusión y geminación de molares es poco frecuente en la dentición permanente. Describimos un caso clínico de un tercer molar inferior derecho fusionado a un cuarto molar supernumerario en un paciente varón de 36 años que ha presentado repetidos episodios de pericoronaritis. Tras el estudio radiológico se realiza la exodoncia del cordal semiincluido bajo anestesia local. Llevamos a cabo una revisión bibliográfica al respecto.Dental fusion is the union of two tooth buds that normally are separated, while gemination is defined as an attempt by a single tooth bud to divide. The fusion and gemination of molars is uncommon in permanent teeth. We report a clinical case of a right lower third molar fused to a supernumerary fourth molar in a 36-year-old male patient with repeated episodes of inflammation. After the radiologic study, the semi-impacted third molar was extracted under local anesthesia. The literature was reviewed.

  14. Argel, Buenos Aires, Montreal: el Comité de Cine del Tercer Mundo (1973 / 1974 / Algiers, Buenos Aires, Montreal: the Third World Cinema Committee (1973 / 1974

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    Mariano Mestman


    Full Text Available El encuentro de cineastas de Argel (Argelia en diciembre de 1973 es bien conocido en los estudios sobre el cine del Tercer Mundo. En cuanto oportunidad de intercambio y discusión, este encuentro permitió la organización del trabajo de los cineastas y focalizó el debate en tres ejes principales: la contribución del cine a los procesos de liberación nacional, la descolonización de las pantallas del Tercer Mundo y la lucha contra la «alienación cultural». El resultado más importante fue la creación del Comité de Cine del Tercer Mundo. Solo seis meses más tarde, un nuevo encuentro tuvo lugar en Buenos Aires (Argentina. Por un lado, el presente ensayo muestra cómo un proyecto político-cinematográfico (el «tercermundismo» fue tomando forma gradualmente durante esos años y destaca el rol de ambas reuniones en la promoción de esta nueva identidad político-cultural. Por otro, este trabajo también propone la necesidad de incorporar a esta historia otro evento decisivo: los Rencontres Internationales pour un Nouveau Cinema, realizados en Montreal en 1974. Poco considerado incluso por la bibliografía especializada, este encuentro puede considerarse el más importante del cine polí- tico mundial de los años sesenta y setenta. Dada la cantidad y diversidad de los participantes de Europa, Estados Unidos, África y América Latina, la conferencia de Montreal fue crucial en la constitución del diálogo entre los cineastas políticos del Primer Mundo y la tendencia tercermundista construida entre Argel y Buenos Aires.Palabras clave: Tercer Mundo, tercermundismo, Tercer Cine, Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, Federación Panafricana de CineastasAbstract:The filmmakers meeting held in Algiers (Algeria in December 1973 is a wellknown event among Third World Cinema´s studies. As an opportunity to exchange and discussion, this gathering organised the work of Third World filmmakers and focused the debate on three main issues: the contribution of

  15. Diagnóstico prenatal citogenético mediante amniocentesis durante los trimestres II y III de gestación en Costa Rica

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    Isabel Castro Volio


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar cromosomopatía fetal en voluntarias con embarazos de alto riesgo genético, brindar adecuada atención obstétrica y pediátrica y asesoramiento genético. En 842 embarazadas se obtuvo células fetales mediante amniocentesis, realizadas desde 1986 hasta 1999 inclusive. Las punciones se realizaron en hospitales del sistema de seguridad social y en la consulta privada. La indicación del 48 % de las amniocentesis fue el examen ultrasonográfico anormal y el 35 % de las punciones fue por edad materna avanzada. El 66 % de las veces el estudio se realizó en el II trimestre del embarazo y el 34 % en el III trimestre. Se utilizó el sistema cerrado de histocultivo y la cosecha por suspensión. El resultado final se obtuvo en 14 días (mediana. De las 842 muestras de líquido amniótico, en 217 no fue posible obtener resultados. Los 625 cariotipos fetales fueron anormales en 55 casos (9 %: 33 cariotipos trisómicos (incluyendo una trisomía 13 por translocación Robertsoniana de los cromosomas 13 y 14, ocho casos con síndrome de Turner (45,X, tres mosaicos cromosómicos (incluyendo una trisomía 22 en mosaico y 11 cariotipos anormales por otras causas. Al comparar la cantidad de defectos cromosómicos en relación a la indicación para efectuar la amniocentesis, se encontró un 17 % de cromosomopatía en los casos estudiados por ultrasonograma anormal y 2.5 % en los casos investigados por razón de la edad materna. En el seguimiento de 211 casos se encontró concordancia entre el cariotipo y el fenotipo del recién nacido, al igual que entre el diagnóstico ultrasonográfico fetal y la condición del neonato. El diagnóstico prenatal de cromosomopatía permitió el asesoramiento genético y el manejo obstétrico y pediátrico de los casos de manera adecuada. En los embarazos con cariotipo normal, esta información alivió la preocupación de muchos de los padresThe identification of fetal abnormal

  16. Frecuencia de trastornos mentales en alumnos del tercer año de la Facultad de Medicina de una universidad privada de Lima - 2006

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    Patricia Rodas Descalzi


    Full Text Available El estudiante de medicina está sometido a numerosas fuentes de estrés que lo hacen más susceptible a sufrir una gran variedad de trastornos mentales. Todo ello ha sido tema de múltiples estudios. La MINI (M: Mini I: International N: Neuropsychiatric I: Interview en formato escrito tiene 15 módulos que exploran diferentes diagnósticos y su versión peruana se ha validado recientemente. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de trastornos mentales en los estudiantes de tercer año de medicina de una universidad privada. Material y métodos: Se aplicó la MINI con una ficha de recolección de datos, previo consentimiento informado a los alumnos de tercer año. Se accedió luego a los resultados de MILLON aplicado en el examen médico anual. Resultados: La tasa de respuesta fue 68,1%. Se encontró una frecuencia de trastorno mental de 41,8%, sobresaliendo el Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada (27,84%. La frecuencia de probable trastorno de personalidad fue 80% destacando el Compulsivo (48,5%. Conclusiones: Se obtuvieron frecuencias elevadas de trastornos mentales, siendo el más frecuente el Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada y el probable Trastorno Compulsivo de personalidad; los mismos que deben ser confirmados con entrevistas psiquiátricas posteriores. (Rev Med Hered 2009;20:158-164.

  17. El docente de tercer nivel en las ciencias de la salud. Contexto ecuatoriano

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    Carlos Gafas González


    Full Text Available Resumen: Introducción: La superación permanente del graduado universitario constituye una dirección de trabajo de la educación superior ecuatoriana. En la misma concurren procesos formativos y de desarrollo, no solo de enseñanza aprendizaje, sino también de investigación, innovación, creación, transferencia y otros, articulados armónicamente en una propuesta docente-educativa pertinente a este nivel. Profundizar en el rol del profesor que imparte docencia en la enseñanza de tercer nivel constituyó el objetivo de este trabajo, para lo cual se realizó una investigación descriptiva, con un enfoque cualitativo, durante el período comprendido entre abril-agosto de 2015. La población estuvo constituida por los reglamentos y documentos rectores a tener en cuenta en la formación universitaria. Se emplearon métodos lógico-práctico, inductivo-deductivo y analítico-sintético. Resultados: El docente es concebido como promotor del análisis reflexivo, inductor de cambios, activador de la búsqueda del saber, suscitador de la discusión científica, generador de hipótesis, frente a un grupo estudiantil que piensa, crea, transforma, organiza y estructura conocimientos en un sistema personal, dinámico y contextual, cada vez más plural y diverso. Conclusiones: La preparación permanente e integral del docente universitario constituye un eje fundamental para la formación del estudiante y la transformación de la sociedad. Se sustenta en adquisición por estos de habilidades del lenguaje, la comunicación, el pensamiento crítico, ético y del conocimiento de un idioma extranjero y de las TIC, lo que les permitirá integrar las funciones sustantivas de la universidad, guiadas estas por la investigación. Deben ser poseedores de valores y cualidades humanas que contribuyan al alcance del buen vivir por la población ecuatoriana, del dominio disciplinar, profesional e investigador, en un marco donde la interculturalidad, el diálogo de

  18. La evaluación integral en la asignatura Sanidad Vegetal en el tercer año de la carrera Ingeniería Agrónoma

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    MSc. Caridad Terry Espinosa


    Full Text Available La didáctica tiene como objeto de estudio la dirección del proceso enseñanza- aprendizaje. Las concepciones sobre evaluación han estado marcadas por las teorías gnoseológicas que sirven de base metodológica a las concepciones pedagógicas, en especial a las teorías de aprendizajes que aportan los elementos esenciales acerca de cómo debe transcurrir el proceso de aprendizaje y en particular su evaluación. La asignatura Sanidad Vegetal, que se imparte en el tercer año, carente de una evaluación integradora. En reuniones de la disciplina se pudo conformar un trabajo que permita la orientación para la evaluación integral de los contenidos como componente del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Por lo que es objetivo de este trabajo Evaluar de forma integrada los contenidos de la asignatura Sanidad Vegetal en el tercer año de la carrera del Ingeniero Agrónomo. Los resultados en la práctica muestran el dominio por parte de los estudiantes del logro de las habilidades de la asignatura Sanidad Vegetal, la producción de materiales digitales e impresos.

  19. Efectividad del tratamiento con mufer preconcepcional en mujeres del área de salud del policlínico Gustavo Aldereguía, 2010-2011

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    Yurima Rodríguez Peña


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo-observacional, con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad del tratamiento con mufer preconcepcional, en mujeres atendidas en el área de salud del policlínico docente universitario Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía, durante los años 2010 y 2011; debido a que en la actualidad la profilaxis de la anemia desde el estado pre-gravídico es una prioridad para garantizar la adecuada salud materna-perinatal. El universo estuvo constituido por las 1296 féminas seguidas desde el riesgo pre-concepcional con el tratamiento con mufer, que planificaron embarazarse y se escogió una muestra aleatoria simple de 816 mujeres que se embarazaron en el último trimestre del año 2010 y dieron su consentimiento. Los datos obtenidos de formularios y la revisión de carné obstétrico reflejaron las variables: edad materna, captación, paridad, estado nutricional, enfermedades asociadas al embarazo, perfiles hematológicos, edad gestacional al parto y complicaciones post-parto presentadas. Predominó la edad entre los 20 y 35 años, la captación precoz en la totalidad de los casos, las nulíparas (74,8% y las normopeso (57,2%; no presentaron enfermedades asociadas el 56,8%. El perfil hematológico se comportó: en la captación, entre 12,6-13,9 g/L el 86,2%, en el segundo trimestre el 76,5% entre 12-12.6g/L y en el tercer trimestre el 67,0% entre 11-11,9 g/L. La edad gestacional predominante al parto fue entre 37 y 42 semanas (83,4% y no presentaron complicaciones post parto el 79,1%. El adecuado seguimiento de las mujeres en el riesgo preconcepcional con el suplemento nutricional con mufer repercutió favorablemente en la prevención de la anemia gestacional

  20. Complicaciones presentadas en pacientes mayores de 65 años ingresados por fractura de cadera en un hospital andaluz de tercer nivel


    López-Hurtado, Felipe; Miñarro del Moral, Rosa María; Arroyo Ruiz, Verónica; Rodríguez Borrego, Mª Aurora


    Objetivo: Conocer las complicaciones que se han producido en pacientes mayores de 65 años, ingresados en un hospital andaluz de tercer nivel durante el año 2012, con diagnóstico principal de fractura de cadera. Metodología: Diseño: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal. Ámbito, periodo y sujetos de estudio: Pacientes ingresados en el año 2012 mayores de 65 años con diagnóstico principal de fractura de cadera. Variables principales: Morbimortalidad recogida en el C...

  1. Análisis de los mensajes audiovisuales del Tercer Sector en YouTube

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    C Van-Wyck


    Full Text Available Introducción. Las redes de la web 2.0 se han convertido en uno de los medios más utilizados por las organizaciones del Tercer Sector. En esta investigación se analizan los aspectos formales, de contenido y de significación de los vídeos emitidos por estas organizaciones a través de YouTube. Metodología. Utilizando como herramienta metodológica el análisis cuantitativo de contenido, se lleva a cabo el estudio de 370 mensajes representativos de este tipo de comunicaciones, con el objetivo de definir los perfiles característicos de estos mensajes audiovisuales. Resultados. Se pone de manifiesto que los vídeos emitidos muestran bajos niveles de creatividad, incorporan mucha información transmitida de una forma clara, con predominio de contenidos explícitos y formatos muy similares. Conclusiones. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, concluimos que estas organizaciones generan una comunicación previsible que tiende a estructuras homogéneas y fácilmente identificables en dos perfiles: Perfil de carácter más informativo (PI y Perfil de carácter más persuasivo (PP.

  2. Estudio comparativo de las representaciones maternas durante el tercer trimestre de la gestación e incidencia de la ecografía en su establecimiento embarazos únicos normales, gemelares normales y únicos patológicos /


    Arteaga Manieu, Mauricio


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada El interés por los temas y situaciones que se abordan en este trabajo, vienen desde hace un tiempo, en especial el interés por el modo en que una madre logra lidiar, en lo real y en lo fantaseado, con sus bebés en el caso de que sean gemelos. En una investigación anterior (Arteaga y Mitjavila, 2001), también en el marco del Doctorado en Psicopatología Infantojuvenil del Departamento de Psicología de la Salud y Psicología...

  3. La radio como medio para la comunicación alternativa y la participación del Tercer Sector en España y Francia.


    Ortiz Sobrino, Miguel Ángel


    Los medios del Tercer Sector de la Comunicación constituyen una oferta informativa y de participación dirigida a colectivos sociales de proximidad. Estos medios están promovidos desde los diferentes estamentos de la sociedad y son considerados alternativos a los medios convencionales. En el caso de la radio, están representados por las denominadas radios comunitarias, por las radios libres, por las radios asociativas, así como por las radios culturales y universitarias. En el pres...

  4. Colestasis intrahepática del embarazo

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    Yanet Pérez González


    Full Text Available La colestasis intrahepática del embarazo tiene una incidencia de uno por cada mil o diez mil embarazos y se caracteriza por prurito que aparece en la segunda mitad del embarazo, sin asociarse a enfermedades sistémicas ni dermatológicas, existiendo una historia familiar en el 50 % de los casos y una asociación con los embarazos múltiples. El diagnóstico se confirma por el incremento de la bilirrubina, las enzimas hepáticas y los niveles séricos de los ácidos biliares. Se asocia a líquido amniótico meconial, parto pretérmino y muerte fetal. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 36 años con colestasis intrahepática del embarazo en el tercer trimestre de la gestación, la que presentó prurito generalizado en las noches. La interrupción del embarazo fue a las 36 semanas de gestación sin morbilidad perinatal.

  5. Violencia contra mujeres embarazadas entre las usuarias del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social: un estudio sobre determinantes, prevalencia y severidad

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    Roberto Castro


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de una encuesta entre 446 mujeres usuarias de los servicios de salud del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS en Morelos, que se encontraban en su tercer trimestre de embarazo. El objetivo era indagar si la violencia contra mujeres se incrementa durante el embarazo o si, por el contrario, disminuye. Se encontró que la prevalencia no varió en ambos periodos (aproximadamente 15 por ciento, en general. En cambio, la severidad de la violencia emocional se incrementó durante el embarazo, mientras que la de la violencia física y sexual se mantuvo constante. Un análisis de regresión logística mostró que las variables que mejor predicen la violencia durante el embarazo son el número de hijos, el consumo de alcohol por parte de la pareja, la historia de violencia en la infancia de la pareja y la existencia de violencia durante el año previo al embarazo.

  6. Individualidade e conjugalidade na relação de casal de adolescentes Individualidad y conjugalidad en la relación de parejas adolescentes Individuality and conjugality in adolescent couples

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    Daniela Centenaro Levandowski


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar as dimensões individualidade e conjugalidade na relação de casais de adolescentes, da gestação até o segundo ano de vida da criança. Participaram do estudo três casais adolescentes cujos membros tinham entre 14 e 18 anos de idade no início da coleta de dados. Foi utilizado um delineamento de estudo de caso coletivo, sendo cada casal entrevistado em quatro momentos: no terceiro trimestre de gestação, no terceiro mês, no primeiro e no segundo ano da criança. Análise de conteúdo qualitativa revelou que, de modo geral, a conjugalidade foi incrementada a partir da gravidez, ficando enfraquecida após o nascimento do bebê e sendo novamente enfatizada no segundo ano da criança.El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo investigar las dimensiones individualidad y conjugalidad en la relación de parejas adolescentes, de la gestación hasta el segundo año de vida del hijo. Participaron del estudio tres parejas de adolescentes cuyos miembros tenían entre 14 y 18 años de edad al inicio de la colecta de datos. Fue utilizado un delineamiento de estudio de caso colectivo; cada pareja fue entrevistada en cuatro momentos: tercer trimestre de la gestación, tercer mes, primero y segundo año de vida del hijo. El análisis del contenido cualitativo reveló que, en general, la conjugalidad fue incrementada a partir del embarazo, debilitándose posteriormente al nascimiento del bebé y mostrándose nuevamente enfatizada en el segundo año de vida del hijo.The present study aimed to investigate the dimensions of individuality and conjugality in adolescents' romantic relationship, from pregnancy to the child’s second year of life. Three adolescent couples whose members were between 14 and 18 years of age in the beginning of data collection took part in the study. A collective case study design was used. Each couple was interviewed in four moments: third quarter of pregnancy, third month, first year and


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    María Cristina Acosta


    Full Text Available Este trabajo indaga sobre la incidencia de las entidades representativas del cooperativismo argentino en las políticas públicas contemporáneas. Se presenta un estudio de caso de las dos más importantes cooperativas de tercer grado del país, se analizan sus metas y estrategias en las interacciones con las dependencias estatales. Los resultados de las acciones de los actores definen metas y estrategias que pueden ser convergentes y/o divergentes. Se concluye que los vínculos que han construido las confederaciones seleccionadas con el Estado presentan características de complementación y cooperación en términos generales. Asimismo, la facultad de las organizaciones estudiadas para incidir en la definición de las políticas públicas resulta no solamente de los recursos propios, sino, principalmente, de las oportunidades políticas y la capacidad de establecer alianzas inter-actorales mediante estrategias colectivas.

  8. El clima en el aula y el logro de competencias en el área de persona familia y relaciones humanas de los estudiantes del tercer grado de educación secundaria de la Institución Educativa Túpac Amaru, Villa María del Triunfo, 2012


    Paredes Flores, María de Lourdes


    El propósito de la presente investigación es establecer la relación entre el clima en el aula con el logro de competencias en el área de persona familia y relaciones humanas de los estudiantes del tercer grado de educación secundaria de la Institución Educativa Túpac Amaru, distrito de Villa María del Triunfo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 100 alumnos del tercer grado de educación secundaria, cuyas edades fluctúan entre los 13 y 15 años, y 6 docentes que enseñan el área de persona familia y...

  9. Caracterización molecular de aislamientos de enterobacter cloacae multirresistentes, productores ß-Lactamasas provenientes de pacientes de un hospital de tercer nivel de Bogotá

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    Ibonne Aydee García Romero


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. Las enterobacterias, antaño flora normal del tracto gastrointestinal, han cambiado su biología y emergido como agentes patógenos nosocomiales que se tornan resistentes los antibióticos conocidos. Objetivo. Realizar la caracterización epidemiológico-molecular de 20 aislamientos de Enterobacter cloacae resistentes a cefalosporinas de tercera generación; provenientes de un hospital de tercer nivel de Bogotá-Colombia. Material y métodos. Los aislamientos fueron identificados mediante sistemas automatizados Microscan y VITEK, se utilizó el Enterobacter asbureae como control externo inter-especie. La confirmación de resistencia se hizo por técnica de difusión en agar, y una vez establecida se realizó BLEE para comprobación. La determinación de puntos isoeléctricos se hizo, mediante lisis por ultrasonido y la genotipificación mediante la metodología para bacterias Gramnegativas propuesta por Versalovic. Resultados: Los aislamientos colectados durante un año fueron causantes de 15 casos de infección Intrahospitalaria y dos colonizaciones. Todos los aislamientos presentaron resistencia a cefotaxima, ceftazidima, ceftriaxona, aztreonam y ciprofloxacina, 95% a amikacina, gentamicina y cloranfenicol, 75% a trimetoprim/sulfametoxazol, 20% a cefepime y todos fueron sensibles a imipenem. Dos aislamientos fueron confirmados como productores de â-lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE por la técnica microbiológica de disco combinado. Por isoelectroenfoque presentaron dos â-lactamasas con puntos isoeléctricos (pI de 5,4 y 8,2. En los 18 aislamientos no inhibidos por ácido clavulánico, se detectaron entre 2 y 4 â-lactamasas con pI de 5,4; 6,0; 7,0; 8,2 y mayor que 8,2; la resistencia a cefalosporinas de tercera generación podría ser atribuida a la hiperproducción de AmpC; los valores de pI sugieren la producción simultánea de â-lactamasas tipo SHV y TEM. La genotipificación mediante tres metodologías de rep

  10. Análisis del comportamiento de la inflación trimestral en Colombia bajo cambios de régimen: Una evidencia a través del modelo "Switching" de Hamilton.

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    Luis Fernando Melo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como propósito estudiar la evolución de la inflación trimestral en Colombia, durante el período comprendido entre 1954 y 1996, a través de la metodología de Hamilton(1989 y segundo presentar algunos conceptos relacionados con dicha metodología, la cual introduce cambios de régimen en el análisis convencional de series de tiempo. En general, esta metodología permite estimar modelos ARIMA con parámetros o varianzas cambiantes en el tiempo. En este caso, tales cambios en el modelo de la inflación se suponen asociados a posibles regímenes distintos donde la inflación presenta cambios en su nivel o en su variabilidad. Esta modelación posibilita el reconocimiento de los distintos regímenes a través del tiempo (por ejemplo dos regímenes: inflación alta e inflación baja en lo referente a su tiempo promedio de duración y a la probabilidad asociada de cada uno de ellos, es decir, la probabilidad de estar en un régimen particular en un momento dado del tiempo. Las probabilidades de transición estimadas, permiten concluir, por ejemplo, que al estar en un régimen de inflación trimestral moderado, la probabilidad de permanecer en éste es muy alta (0.94, en tanto que pasar de éste a un régimen de inflación promedio alta tiene una probabilidad de (0.05, la cual es cinco veces mayor que la estimada para la transición de moderada a baja (0.01. Adicionalmente, se puede observar que la máxima probabilidad de permanecer en un mismo régimen se tiene en aquel caracterizado como de inflación y variabilidad moderadas.

  11. A cluster-randomized controlled trial of handrubs for prevention of infectious diseases among children in Colombia Ensayo controlado aleatorizado por conglomerados sobre el uso de antisépticos para las manos para la prevención de enfermedades infecciosas en los niños en Colombia

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    Juan C. Correa


    continuar llevando a cabo las prácticas de lavado de las manos habituales (grupo de referencia: 21 centros/933 niños. Los casos de enfermedades diarreicas agudas e infecciones respiratorias agudas fueron identificados mediante la notificación de los signos y síntomas de enfermedad por los maestros. Se efectuó un seguimiento de los acontecimientos adversos. Se obtuvieron las razones de riesgos instantáneos (HR usando modelos de regresión multivariante de riesgos proporcionales de Cox con fragilidad compartida. RESULTADOS: Se alcanzó un total de 336 038 niño-días de vigilancia. La pérdida de contacto durante el seguimiento fue de 14,5%. Durante el primer trimestre del estudio no hubo diferencias en las razones de riesgo para las enfermedades diarreicas agudas ni para las infecciones respiratorias agudas. En el segundo y tercer trimestres se encontraron disminuciones significativas del riesgo de enfermedades diarreicas agudas en el grupo de intervención en comparación con el grupo de referencia (HR = 0,55, P < 0,001 y HR = 0,44, P < 0,001, respectivamente. Para las infecciones respiratorias agudas se observaron disminuciones significativas del riesgo durante el segundo trimestre (HR = 0,80, P < 0,05 y el tercer trimestre (HR = 0,69, P < 0,001 del ensayo. No ocurrieron eventos adversos. CONCLUSIONES: Los antisépticos para las manos a base de alcohol son eficaces para prevenir las enfermedades diarreicas agudas y las infecciones respiratorias agudas y son seguros. Las políticas nacionales de salud pública de Colombia para la prevención de estas enfermedades deben incluir su uso, especialmente en los ámbitos donde el lavado de las manos con agua y jabón está limitado por la disponibilidad de agua

  12. A young woman with first-trimester metrorrhagia, fever and skin lesions Mujer joven con metrorragia del primer trimestre, fiebre y lesiones cutáneas

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    A. Lalueza Blanco


    Full Text Available Inflammatory bowel disease commonly affects women with child-bearing potential, and clinical activity extent is most relevant at the time of conception. Below, we report on the case of a 19-year-old woman who was admitted for first-trimester metrorrhagia and fever, with various extraintestinal manifestations, mainly including erythema nodosum and episcleritis during the course of disease. The differential diagnosis of these manifestations led to the diagnosis of Crohn's disease, which involved the whole colon.La enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal afecta frecuentemente a mujeres en edad fértil, siendo fundamental el grado de actividad clínica en el momento de la concepción. A continuación se presenta el caso de una mujer de 19 años que ingresa por metrorragia del primer trimestre y fiebre; destacando durante su evolución la aparición de diferentes manifestaciones extraintestinales, fundamentalmente eritema nodoso y epiescleritis. A través del diagnóstico diferencial de estas manifestaciones se llegó al diagnóstico de una enfermedad de Crohn que afectaba a todo el colon.

  13. El diagnóstico prenatal de defectos cromosómicos en Costa Rica

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    Isabel Castro Volio


    Full Text Available Esta es una breve reseña histórica del diagnóstico prenatal citogenético en Costa Rica. Se realiza únicamente en el Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud de la Universidad de Costa Rica desde el año 1984. Sirve a los hospitales de la seguridad social y a la medicina privada. Trabajamos con muestras de líquido amniótico y de sangre fetal enviadas por los perinatólogos, provenientes de embarazos de alto riesgo, ya sea por presentar alteraciones en el ultrasonograma, marcadores sonográficos de aneuploidía o edad materna avanzada, entre otras indicaciones menos frecuentes. El diagnóstico se realiza en el segundo y en el tercer trimestre de gestación. Como la interrupción del embarazo no es permitida, el personal médico y la familia se prepara con tiempo para recibir de la mejor manera al neonato afectado. En los casos de cariotipo normal, esta información alivia la preocupación de los padres.Prenatal diagnosis of chromosomic defects in Costa Rica. This is an historical overview of prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis in Costa Rica. It started in 1984 at the Institute for Health Research of the University of Costa Rica. This is the only fetal cytogenetic diagnosis facility in the country and serves social security as well as private patients. Perinatologists send amniotic fluid and fetal blood samples from high risk pregnancies, mainly due to abnormal ultrasound assessment, sonographic markers of aneuploidy and advanced maternal age. Second and third trimester diagnosis allows the development of coping strategies for the families of affected fetuses, since pregnancy interruption is not permitted. Normal fetal cytogenetic results provide reassurance to the parents. Rev. Biol. Trop. 52(3: 545-549. Epub 2004 Dic 15.

  14. Teenage pregnancy: use of drugs in the third trimester and prevalence of psychiatric disorders Gravidez na adolescência: uso de drogas no terceiro trimestre e prevalência de transtornos psiquiátricos

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    Sandro Sendin Mitsuhiro


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of psychiatric disorders during pregnancy, the prevalence of cocaine and marijuana use during the third trimester of gestation and the socio-demographic characteristics of a population of low-income teenagers. METHOD: One thousand pregnant teenagers were evaluated using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, and a socio-demographic and socio-economic questionnaire at the obstetric center of a public hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Hair sample was collected for analysis. RESULTS: Of the 1000 pregnant teenagers interviewed, 53.6% were poor, 90.4% were unemployed, 92.5% were financially dependant and 60.2% dropped out of school. Those using drugs during the third trimester of pregnancy were equal to 6% (marijuana: 4%, cocaine: 1.7%, both: 0.3%. Those having at least one psychiatric disorder equaled 27.6%. The most frequent diagnoses were depression (12.9%, posttraumatic stress disorder (10.0% and anxiety disorders (5.6%. DISCUSSION: Unstructured families, dropping out of school, unemployment and a low level of professional training are all contributing factors to the maintenance of an unfavorable socio-economic environment in which there is a high prevalence of cocaine and marijuana use during the third trimester of pregnancy and an abnormally high incidence of psychiatric disorders.OBJETIVO: Determinar, em adolescentes de baixa renda, a prevalência de transtornos psiquiátricos durante a gravidez, a prevalência de uso de cocaína e maconha no terceiro trimestre de gestação e descrever suas características sociodemográficas. MÉTODO: Mil adolescentes grávidas foram avaliadas por meio do Composite International Diagnostic Interview e de um questionário sociodemográfico e socioeconômico no centro obstétrico de um hospital público de São Paulo. Dessas, foi colhida amostra para análise de fios de cabelo. RESULTADOS: Das mil pacientes entrevistadas, 53,6% têm baixa renda, 60,2% abandonaram

  15. Caracterización de los accidentes de trabajo en los funcionarios de una clínica de tercer nivel de la ciudad de Bogotá 2010 a 2013.


    Rodriguez Rojas, Aida Bibiana; Coley Escorcia, Guillermo; Cárdenas Polanía, Natalia


    Objetivo: Caracterizar la accidentalidad laboral en una clínica de tercer nivel de la ciudad de Bogotá, en el periodo 2010 a 2013. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo corte transversal, utilizando una base de datos de accidentalidad en los trabajadores vinculados directamente con la institución. Resultados: Durante el periodo estudiado se generaron 191 accidentes, 57 casos en el año 2013, el personal de enfermería fue el grupo con mayor porcentaje de accidentes (70.2 %...

  16. Intervención educativa sobre infecciones de transmisión sexual en adolescentes del tercer año de secundaria del Colegio “Los Jazmines de Naranjal” de Lima, 2014


    Segura Zuloaga, Silvia E.; Hospital de Huaycán; Matzumura Kasano, Juan P.; Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Climaterio y Menopausia (FLASCYM).; Gutiérrez Crespo, Hugo; Sociedad Peruana de Obstetricia y Ginecología (SPOG).


    Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia de una intervención educativa para elevar los conocimientos sobre las Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual (ITS) en adolescentes del tercer año de educación Secundaria del colegio "Los Jazmines de Naranjal". Material y Métodos: Estudio pre experimental, prospectivo y longitudinal con una muestra de 95 adolescentes. Al inicio, se verificó con un pre-test un inadecuado nivel de conocimientos sobre Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual. Dicho instrumento estuvo dividido...

  17. O bebê imaginado na gestação: aspectos teóricos e empíricos El bebé imaginado en el embarazo: aspectos teóricos y empíricos The imagined baby during pregnancy: theoretical an empirical aspects

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    Andrea Gabriela Ferrari


    Full Text Available Com base na literatura, discute-se neste artigo a construção do bebê imaginado feita pela mãe durante a gestação. São apresentados relatos de quatro gestantes que no início do estudo se encontravam no terceiro trimestre gestacional. Elas foram entrevistadas, no final da gestação e no terceiro e oitavo mês de vida do bebê. Nestas entrevistas abordavam-se os sentimentos e expectativas sobre a maternidade e sobre o bebê. A partir da teorização psicanalítica analisaram-se os relatos das gestantes sobre o bebê imaginado no qual a mãe investe a sua libido no intuito de constituir espaço subjetivo para receber o bebê da realidade. A partir deste estudo sugere-se que o bebê imaginado tem um importante impacto para a futura interação mãe-bebê.Con base en la literatura, se discute en este artículo la construcción del bebé imaginado hecha por la madre durante el embarazo. Se presentan relatos de cuatro embarazadas que al inicio del estudio estaban en el tercer trimestre gestacional. Las entrevistas se hicieron al final del embarazo, en el tercer y octavo mes de vida del bebé. En estas entrevistas se abordaban los sentimientos y expectativas sobre la maternidad y sobre el bebé. A partir de la teoría psicoanalítica, se analizaron los relatos de las embarazadas sobre el bebé imaginado, en el que la madre invierte su libido con el objetivo de constituir un espacio subjetivo para recibir al bebé de la realidad. A partir de este estudio se sugiere que el bebé imaginado tiene un impacto importante para la futura interacción madre-bebé.Based on the literature, the mother's construction of the imagined baby during pregnancy is discussed. Reports of pregnant women who were in the third trimester of pregnancy at the beginning of the study are presented. They were interviewed at the end of pregnancy and in the baby's third and eighth month. In these interviews the feelings and expectations concerning motherhood and the baby were

  18. Resistencia y susceptibilidad de microorganismos aislados en pacientes atendidos en una institución hospitalaria de tercer nivel, Villavicencio-Colombia, 2012

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    Oscar Alexander Gutiérrez Lesmes


    Full Text Available Introducción: La resistencia bacteriana es problema significativo de salud pública y está asociada al uso indiscriminado e irracional de antibióticos, lo que afecta la eficacia de los tratamientos. Objetivo: Estimar la resistencia antimicrobiana a los antibióticos resultado de las pruebas invitro de susceptibilidad en una institución hospitalaria de tercer nivel de Villavicencio, Colombia. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo de tipo retrospectivo, análisis univariado, calculando medias de las variables susceptibilidad, resistencia, antibiótico, microorganismos, y tipo de muestra resultados de las pruebas de susceptibilidad realizadas mediante técnica de Kirby-Bauer de 485 pruebas de susceptibilidad de la institución hospitalaria. Resultados y Discusión: Los microorganismos más frecuentemente aislados, fueron: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae ss. Pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus ss. Aureus representando el 49% de total de microorganismos, los mayores reportes de resistencia en la pruebas invitro las presentaron Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus saprophyticus ss. Saprophytic, Enterobacter cloacae, presentan una resistencia media superior al 50%, y una susceptibilidad inferior 40%, la mayor resistencia media se presentó para los siguientes antibióticos, Cefalotina 72,2%, Cefazolina 59,9%, Nitrofurantoina 54,4%, Ceftriaxona 52,7%. Conclusiones: Antibióticos como la Cefalotina, Nitrofurantoina, Cefazolina y Ceftriaxona  pierden su utilidad terapéutica dada la elevada resistencia demostrada por los microorganismos aislados en las pruebas invitro, es necesario reforzar las medidas de uso adecuado de antibióticos para disminuir la posibilidad de adaptación y resistencia a los mismos,  el fenómeno de resistencia bacteriana ocurre fuera del ámbito hospitalario evidenciando la necesidad de iniciar también control y vigilancia en infecciones ocurridas en la comunidad.Cómo citar este



    Ministerio de Salud


    Accident: Analysis and Prevention. New York. Bimestral
    Acodal. Bogotá. Irregular
    Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica. Estocolmo. 8 números al año
    Acta Psiquiátrica y Psicológica de América Latina. Buenos Aires. Trimestral
    Age. Nebrasca. Trimestral
    Age and Ageing. Londres. Bimestral
    Ageing International. Washington. Trimestral
    Alcoholism. Zagreb. Semestral
    AMC.Acta Médica Colombiana. Trimestral &l...

  20. El Tercer Sector extremeño: un estudio descriptivo sobre su relación con las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación


    José Antonio López Rey


    Este trabajo es una investigación sobre las ONG’s en Extremadura (España) y su relación con las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. Analiza su presencia en Internet, su estructura y funcionamiento con el objetivo de comprobar si el denominado Tercer Sector se ha incorporado totalmente al tren de la Sociedad Telemática. El estudio, aunque de alcance local, es útil para observar la evolución y los cambios en estas organizaciones solidarias.

  1. Exiliados judíos del Tercer Reich en el cine español: 1933-1936 / Jews in Exile from the 3rd Reich in the Spanish Cinema: 1933-1936

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    Fernando González García


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende dar cuenta por extenso de la participación de judíos exiliados del Tercer Reich en el cine español entre 1933 y 1936, años en los que florece la industria cinematográfica española tras la crisis del sonoro. Se analizan aquí las estrategias de las empresas que estos exiliados forman o gestionan, y el papel de los técnicos y artistas en el conjunto de la cinematografía española, ofreciendo un listado pormenorizado de nombres y actividades, y su destino tras el inicio de la Guerra Civil en España.Palabras clave: capitales, empresarios, gestores, técnicos, artistas, productoras, películas, Tercer Reich, cine español, años treinta.AbstractThe aim of this paper is to fully inform the participation in the Spanish cinema between 1933and 1936 of Jews in exile from the Third Reich. It is in these years that the Spanish film industry flourishes after the ‘Sound Crisis’. Not only the strategies of the production companies that these exiled Jews created or managed will be analysed, but also the role of technicians and artists that participated in every aspect of the Spanish cinematography. Additionally, a detailed list of names and activities will be provided, with indication of their destiny after the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.Keywords: capital, businessmen, managers, technicians, artists, production companies, movies, Third Reich, Spanish cinema, Thirties.

  2. Exodoncia del tercer molar: Factores que determinan complejidad

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    Ivan Manotas Arevalo


    Full Text Available ResumenUno de los procedimientos más frecuentes en el campo de la Cirugía Oral es la exodoncia, o extracción dental. La prevención y la promoción de hábitos saludables dentro de los que se cuenta la práctica del cepillado dental, uso de dentífricos, hilo dental y enjuagatorios bucales, además de visitas periódicas de control a especialistas y odontólogos generales e higienistas bucales ha conllevado a una reducción en la perdida de estructuras dentarias por causa de la caries y las periodontopatìas. Sin embargo se mantiene alto el número de exodoncias indicadas por falta de espacio en la estructura de los maxilares para la erupción dental, así como alteraciones en la posición y angulacion de los órganos dentales sobre su eje que impide una adecuada ubicación logrando que se indique su extracción. Dentro de la serie dental los órganos dentarios más frecuentemente afectados por este tipo de alteraciones son los terceros molares. También se mencionan que son esos mismos dientes los que acusan mayor grado de complejidad para realizar el procedimiento de exodoncia, y los que causan mayor grado de morbilidad posquirúrgica en el paciente, con un número mayor de complicaciones y su severidad, descritas en la literatura. (Duazary 2008; 141-147. Este artículo pretende analizar los factores que determinan complejidad en la exodoncia del tercer molar a partir de una revisión bibliografía y comparación de ésta.AbstractOne of the most frequent procedure used in the field of Oral Surgery is extracted, or tooth extraction. The prevention and promoting healthy habits in mind that the practice of brushing teeth, use of toothpastes, mouthwashes and dental floss mouth, in addition to regular monitoring visits to specialists and general dentists and oral hygiene has led to a reduction in the loss of structures caused by tooth decay and periodontal pathology. However remains high number of extractions indicated by lack of space in the

  3. Pensamiento constructivo y variables sociodemográficas en estudiantes de primero a tercer semestre de la facultad de psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

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    Leonardo Yovany Álvarez Ramírez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la modalidad de pensamiento constructivo de acuerdo con algunas variables sociodemográficas en estudiantes de primero a tercer semestre del programa de Psicología de la UNAB. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 70 estudiantes. A dicha muestra se le aplicó el inventario de pensamiento constructivo y algunas preguntas sociodemográficas. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes varones presentan una mejor puntuación en pensamiento constructivo que las mujeres. Además, los estudiantes mayores presentan mayor puntuación en pensamiento constructivo que los jóvenes.

  4. Aplicación de un programa de educación en la castidad para los alumnos de tercer año de secundaria de los colegios parroquiales de Piura


    Murúa Villena, Lucía Marisela


    La presente investigación busca aplicar un programa de educación en la castidad para promover la vivencia de una recta sexualidad en los adolescentes del tercer año de secundaria; es decir, una adecuada educación sexual entendida en términos de promoción, de búsqueda por vivir la virtud, en este caso de promover la virtud de la castidad. El trabajo empieza delimitando el problema y los objetivos que busca alcanzar. Luego se desarrolla la fundamentación en la que se busca conocer la realidad d...

  5. Estudio de la prevalencia de un tercer conducto en primeros premolares superiores mediante diafanización

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    Katherine Stephanie De la Rosa Fernández


    Full Text Available Existen fracasos endodónticos que son relacionados por diferentes causas como: obturación incompleta, filtración coronal y fallos por parte del clínico en identificar o localizar los conductos radiculares y sus ramificaciones. Por este motivo, es básico la noción de la anatomía interna dental y sobre todo es importante tener en cuenta las variaciones que pueden existir en las distintas piezas dentales. Objetivo: El propósito del presente estudio es conocer la cantidad de conductos existentes en los primeros premolares superiores y saber si existe el tercer conducto en dichas piezas. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron 100 primeros premolares superiores donados por la Cátedra de Endodoncia de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, los cuales fueron divididos en tres grupos según la cantidad de raíces que presentaban y sometidos a diafanización para poder observar su morfología interna. Resultados: Se encontró en la muestra de dientes evaluados la presencia de tres conductos en el 7%, la presencia de dos conductos en el 72% y de un conducto en el 21%. Conclusiones: Los primeros premolares superiores presentan uno, dos y tres conductos. La presencia de tres conductos tiene una baja prevalencia.

  6. Huella de carbono en cinco establecimientos de salud del tercer nivel de atención de Perú, 2013

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    Celso Bambarén-Alatrista

    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio para calcular la huella de carbono generada por los establecimientos de salud del tercer nivel de atención ubicados en la ciudad de Lima, Perú, en el año 2013. Se obtuvieron los reportes del consumo de recursos energéticos y agua, así como la generación de residuos de cinco establecimientos, los cuales contribuyeron al cambio climático con la emisión de 14 462 teq CO2. El 46% de estas emisiones están asociadas al consumo de combustible para el funcionamiento de la casa de fuerza, generadores eléctricos y vehículos de transporte. Un 44% se relacionan con el consumo de energía eléctrica, y el restante 10% con la utilización de agua y generación de residuos sólidos hospitalarios. CO2, N2O y CH4 son los gases de efecto invernadero incluidos en la estimación de la huella de carbono. Los hospitales tienen un impacto ambiental negativo, principalmente debido al consumo de combustibles fósiles.

  7. Tercer molar ectópico a nivel de región infraorbitaria-seno maxilar Ectopic third molar of the maxillary sinus-infraorbital region

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    C. Moreno García


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los cordales ectópicos son aquellos incluidos en posiciones inusuales o desplazados a distancia de su normal localización anatómica. La erupción ectópica de un diente dentro de la cavidad oral es común pero en otros lugares es raro. La erupción ectópica puede ir asociada con alteraciones en el desarrollo, procesos patológicos o yatrogenia. Caso Clínico. Mujer de 56 años de edad con tercer molar superior derecho ectópico a nivel de región infraorbitaria-seno maxilar. Presentaba dolor e inflamación hemifacial derecha de larga evolución y resistente a tratamiento médico. Se realizó exéresis quirúrgica de dicho cordal mediante abordaje de Caldwell-Luc. Discusión. En muchos casos la etiología de un cordal ectópico no puede ser identificada. La mayor parte de las veces son asintomáticos y diagnosticados mediante estudios radiológicos. Conclusión. La indicación de la exodoncia en el caso de un diente ectópico en general viene determinada por la presencia de sintomatología o en prevención de futuras complicaciones.Introduction. Ectopic third molar teeth are those that are impacted in unusual positions, or that have been displaced and are at a distance from their normal anatomic location. Ectopic eruption of a tooth within the oral cavity is common, but rare in other sites. Ectopic eruption can be associated with developmental disturbances, pathologic processes or iatrogenic activity. Case Report. Female, fifty-six years old, with an upper right ectopic third molar located in the maxillary sinus-infraorbital region. She presented with pain and inflammation of the right side of her face that she had been experiencing for along time and which had been resistant to treatment. Surgical excision was carried out of the third molar tooth using the Caldwell-Luc approach. Discussion. In many cases the etiology of ectopic third molars cannot be identified. Generally they are asymptomatic and diagnosed by radiology

  8. Influencia del ejercicio físico aeróbico durante el embarazo en los niveles de hemoglobina y de hierro maternos. (Influence of the physical aerobic exercise during pregnancy in the maternal haemoglobin and iron levels.

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    James Stirling


    Full Text Available Resumen Son bien conocidos los efectos beneficiosos que el ejercicio físico tiene sobre la salud en general, aunque no se cuenta con la misma información cuando se desarrolla durante el embarazo. La mayor incertidumbre es saber si pueden coexistir ambos procesos, ejercicio y embarazo, sin conflictos materno-fetales y sin resultados del embarazo alterados. Especialmente cuando día a día, son más las mujeres que desean continuar ejercitándose de alguna forma, durante su embarazo. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la influencia del ejercicio físico aeróbico moderado desarrollado durante el segundo y tercer trimestres en los niveles de hemoglobina y de hierro maternos. Material y métodos: Se llevó acabo un estudio experimental que incluyó un total de 142 gestantes. Grupo casos: integrado por 72 mujeres. Grupo control: integrado por 70 mujeres. Los parámetros maternos estudiados fueron: niveles de hierro, nivel de hemoglobina previo al parto, edad gestacional, tipo de parto. Fetales: Peso de nacimiento, talla, perímetro craneal, test de Apgar (1´y 5´. Resultados: No se encontraron diferencias significativas a nivel estadístico entre ambos grupos (p menor que 0,05, el grupo de casos (ejercicio presento medias similares en los niveles de hemoglobina: 12.1 ± 0.8 y de hierro: 65.90 ± 7.1; que el grupo de control: hemoglobina: 12.3 ± 0.8 y hierro: 66.42 ± 8.4. El peso de nacimiento fue inferior en el grupo de casos dentro de valores normales (-142.1 grs.. Conclusión: El ejercicio aeróbico moderado desarrollado durante el segundo y tercer trimestre de embarazo parece no alterar los niveles de hierro y hemoglobina maternos. Abstract They are very well-known the beneficial effects that the physical exercise has about the health in general, although it is not had the same information when it refers to a pro- cess of remarkable importance: the pregnancy. The biggest uncertainty is to know if both processes, exercise and pregnancy can

  9. Estudio comparativo de las representaciones maternas durante el tercer trimestre de la gestación e incidencia de la ecografía en su establecimiento. Embarazos únicos normales, gemelares y únicos patológicos


    Arteaga Manieu, Mauricio


    El interés por los temas y situaciones que se abordan en este trabajo, vienen desde hace un tiempo, en especial el interés por el modo en que una madre logra lidiar, en lo real y en lo fantaseado, con sus bebés en el caso de que sean gemelos. En una investigación anterior (Arteaga y Mitjavila, 2001), también en el marco del Doctorado en Psicopatología Infantojuvenil del Departamento de Psicología de la Salud y Psicología Social de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, donde se inscribe el pre...

  10. en ocho cuentos utilizados en el tercer ciclo de la educación general básica del sistema educativo costarricense en el año 2005

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    Rodolfo Fernández Carballo


    Full Text Available En este artículo se realiza una enumeración de los diversos preceptos que la ideología patriarcal asigna a los géneros femenino y masculino, y se pretende demostrar, a partir de las concepciones teóricas de Bajtín sobre las relaciones texto-sociedad, el enunciado y las valoraciones sociales, cómo dichos preceptos se refractan en ocho cuentos de lectura obligatoria utilizados por los estudiantes del Tercer Ciclo de la Educación General Básica del Sistema Educativo Costarricense en el año 2005. Finalmente, se establecen, en la conclusión, algunas recomendaciones en torno al tema tratado por su incidencia en la formación de los estudiantes.

  11. Achados Ultra-Sonográficos em Pacientes com Ameaça de Abortamento no Primeiro Trimestre da Gestação Ultrasound Findings in First-trimester Threatened Abortion

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    Luiz Carlos Watanabe


    Full Text Available Objetivo: avaliar os achados ultra-sonográficos nas gestantes com ameaça de abortamento no primeiro trimestre da gestação. Métodos: exames de ultra-som obstétrico transabdominal e transvaginal foram realizados nas pacientes com sangramento vaginal e teste de gravidez positivo. Foram incluídas as gestantes entre 6 a 14 semanas de gestação pela data da última menstruação ou pelo exame ultra-sonográfico, que apresentavam colo do útero impérvio ao exame clínico. Foram excluídas as gestações múltiplas ou aquelas que realizaram tentativa de abortamento por meio de drogas ou manipulação. Resultados: em 132 dos 247 casos (53.4% foi diagnosticada gestação viável e em 46.6% (115/247, gestação inviável. Abortamento incompleto foi identificado em 19% (47/247, abortamento completo em 8,5% (21/247, abortamento retido em 7,7% (19/247, gestação anembrionada em 6,1% (15/247, gestação ectópica em 4,5% (11/247 e mola hidatiforme em 0,8% (2/247. Conclusão: aproximadamente metade (46,6% das gestações com ameaça de abortamento no primeiro trimestre apresentaram diagnóstico de inviabilidade da gestação. O exame ultra-sonográfico pode ajudar a definir esta condição e a conduta obstétrica.Objective: to evaluate ultrasound findings in pregnant women with threatened abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy. Methods: transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound scans were performed in patients with vaginal bleeding with previous positive pregnancy test. Patients with 6-14-week gestation (by the last menstrual period or ultrasound scan, with closed cervix on clinical evaluation were included. Multiple pregnancies and those patients who have tried abortion by using abortive drugs or manipulation were excluded. Results: in 132 of 247 (53.4% the pregnancy was viable and in 46.6% (115/247 the pregnancy was nonviable. Incomplete miscarriage was found in 19% (47/247, complete miscarriage in 8.5% (21/247, missed abortion in 7.7% (19

  12. Moderate aerobic exercise during pregnancy, its relation to the behavior of the maternal blood El ejercicio aeróbico moderado durante el embarazo su relación con el comportamiento de la tensión arterial materna

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    R. Barakat


    Full Text Available

    A case-control design was used. Between May 1 of 2000 and September 30, 2001, a total of 480 women were interviewed at the first medical prenatal visit obtaining data on social, medical, employment, daily physical activity circumstances and consent. Participants were recruited from the Hospital Severo Ochoa in Leganés, Madrid.A total of 72 pregnant women with uncomplicated pregnancies (singleton gestations randomly assigned to an exercise group (case and 70 pregnant women randomly assigned to a control group. The exercise program consisted of a series of 35 minute sessions, three times per week during the second and third trimester of pregnancy, conducted by a qualified instructor following the ACOG guidelines. Moderate exercise was defined as ≤1000 Kcal/wk of energy expenditure. For a statistical treatment, SPSS program was used.Multiple potential confounding variables were also assessed for a possible association with or influence on pregnancy outcome (age, parity, smoking, employment, standing posture, etc.Our results did not show any associations of the exercise during pregnancy with adverse or negative blood pressure outcome.
    KEY WORDS: Exercise, pregnancy, blood pressure


    A pesar de los innegables avances de la ciencia, cuando se habla de la relación entre la actividad física y el embarazo, existen aún una gran cantidad de cuestiones sin resolver. Un ejemplo de ello es saber qué sucede con el funcionamiento de ciertos órganos y sistemas cuando la mujer embarazada realiza ejercicio, más aún cuando hablamos de parámetros, como los cardiovasculares, que se modifican de manera importante durante la gestación. Este trabajo de investigación pretende conocer la influencia del ejercicio físico de carácter aeróbico, desarrollado durante el segundo y tercer trimestre de embarazo sobre el comportamiento de la Tensi

  13. Burnout, liderazgo y satisfacción laboral en el personal asistencial de un hospital de tercer nivel en Bogotá

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    Françoise Contreras Torres


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio fue identificar la presencia del Síndrome de Burnout, los estilos de liderazgo y la satisfacción laboral de los profesionales asistenciales de un hospital de tercer nivel y observar su relación, considerando variables sociodemográficas. Para ello, se utilizó el MBI, el TAP y el Test de Satisfacción Laboral S20/23, respectivamente. De acuerdo con los resultados, se encontró baja presencia de Burnout y altos niveles de realización personal, a pesar de las condiciones laborales adversas precursoras del síndrome. Contrario a lo reportado en la literatura, las personas con el síndrome o en riesgo de padecerlo presentan alta satisfacción laboral, sustentada en su motivación intrínseca, lo cual constituye un factor protector. No se encontró relación directa entre liderazgo y Burnout, pero el liderazgo sí se relaciona con la satisfacción laboral a través de la motivación intrínseca. Por último, se confirma el papel mediador de las variables sociodemográficas.

  14. Funcionamiento familiar y resiliencia en estudiantes con facultades sobresalientes del tercer año de secundaria de una institución educativa pública con altas exigencias académicas, durante el período 2013


    García Pérez, Teófilo Josué; Yupanqui Illacutipa, Zinia Karen; Puente Guedez, Katty


    Objetivo: Determinar la relación existente entre resiliencia y funcionamiento familiar en una muestra de 231 estudiantes del tercer año del nivel secundario de nueve secciones, en una institución educativa pública con altas exigencias académicas. Material y Métodos: Para evaluar la variable resiliencia se utilizó la Escala de Resiliencia de Young (1993) y para la variable funcionamiento familiar el Cuestionario de Evaluación de Funcionamiento Familiar (CEFF) elaborado por Atri (2006), que est...

  15. Using the Bologna Score to assess normal delivery healthcare. (United States)

    Carvalho, Isaiane da Silva; Brito, Rosineide Santana de


    Describing the obstetric care provided in public maternity hospitals during normal labour using the Bologna Score in the city of Natal, Northeastern Brazil. A quantitative cross-sectional study conducted with 314 puerperal women. Data collection was carried out consecutively during the months of March to July 2014. Prenatal care was provided to 95.9% of the mothers, beginning around the 1st trimester of pregnancy (72.3%) and having seven or more consultations (51%). Spontaneous vaginal delivery was planned for 88.2% women. All laboring women were assisted by a health professional, mostly by a physician (80.6%), and none of them obtained 5 points on the Bologna Score due to the small percentage of births in non-supine position (0.3%) and absence of a partogram (2.2%). A higher number of episiotomies were observed among primiparous women (75.5%). The score obtained using the Bologna Index was low. Thus, it is necessary to improve and readjust the existing obstetrical model. Descrever a assistência obstétrica prestada em maternidades públicas municipais durante o parto normal na cidade de Natal, Nordeste do Brasil, com uso do Índice de Bologna. Estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido com 314 puérperas. A coleta de dados processou-se de forma consecutiva durante os meses de março a julho de 2014. A assistência pré-natal foi prestada a 95,9% das puérperas, com início em torno do 1º trimestre de gestação (72,3%) e realização de sete ou mais consultas (51%). O parto vaginal espontâneo foi planejado para 88,2% mulheres. Todas as parturientes foram assistidas por um profissional de saúde, especialmente pelo médico (80,6%) e nenhuma obteve 5 pontos no Índice de Bologna em virtude dos baixos percentuais de partos em posição não supina (0,3%) e ausência do partograma (2,2%). Houve maior número de episiotomias em primíparas (75,5%). A pontuação obtida por meio do Índice de Bologna foi baixa. Desse modo, é preciso melhorar e

  16. Modulación Contextual en la Extinción: Recuperación de una Aversión Condicionada al Sabor en un Tercer Contexto

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    Rodolfo Bernal-Gamboa


    Full Text Available Este experimento se diseñó para evaluar la renovación ABC con un procedimiento de condicionamiento de aversión al sabor (CAS en tres fases: adquisición, extinción y prueba. Durante la adquisición, 15 ratas Wistar, asignadas a los grupos ABC y ABB, tuvieron acceso a una solución con sacarosa y posteriormente recibieron una inyección de cloruro de litio (LiCl en el Contexto A. En la extinción, ambos grupos bebieron la solución con sacarosa sin la administración del LiCl en el Contexto B. En la prueba, los grupos tuvieron acceso a la solución con sacarosa sin administrarles LiCl en el contexto de extinción para el grupo ABB, y en un tercer contexto para el grupo ABC. Los resultados mostraron la recuperación de la aversión condicionada al sabor únicamente en el grupo ABC.


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    Adriana Ramírez


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. La proporción de cirugías de terceros molares que se realizan de manera profiláctica es difícil de estimar de manera precisa y depende en muchos casos de la definición que se dé para éste término. Objetivo. Determinar entre pacientes y cirujanos cuál es la alternativa más útil para plantear la cirugía profiláctica de los terceros molares retenidos asintomáticos. Material y métodos. Un análisis de decisiones clínicas (modelo de árbol de decisiones se utilizó para definir el tratamiento del tercer molar retenido asintomático. Las probabilidades para los desenlaces fueron obtenidos de la literatura. Las utilidades o preferencia fueron asignadas independientemente por pacientes y cirujanos. Resultados. La alternativa más conveniente para los pacientes fue la No extracción, mientras que para los cirujanos, la Si extracción. La decisión de los cirujanos resultó inestable al efectuar el análisis de sensibilidad bivariado al modificarse algunos valores asignados en el modelo, mientras que se mantuvo entre los pacientes. Conclusión. Las diferencias en las utilidades asignadas por pacientes y cirujanos, podrían deberse a la falta de información ofrecida al grupo de pacientes y a la diferencia de intereses entre unos y otros, si esto se corrige, la discrepancia entre los dos grupos logrará cerrarse, y a lo mejor podrían llegar a encontrar que la misma decisión es verdaderamente la más conveniente para ambos.

  18. Impacto emocional da gestação materna para primogênitos em idade pré-escolar

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    Débora Silva de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Se investigó el impacto emocional de la gestación materna al primogénitos preesco - lar, evaluados por el Test de las Fábulas, comparándolos con los hijos únicos. Parti - ciparon 46 niños, entre dos y seis años (21 únicos y 25 primogénitos cuyas madres estaban en el tercer trimestre de gestación, de distintos niveles socioeconómicos y residentes en el región metropolitana de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. El instru - mento se aplicó individualmente, y los datos fueron analizados desde el sistema de clasificación propuesto por los autores del test. Los resultados muestran que los hijos de las madres embarazadas mostran una mayor frecuencia fantasías de privación, rechazo y abandono, defensas y expresiones de sentimientos. También muestran una mayor movilización delante de la separación en relación a la madre, en busca de otras figuras de apoyo. El Test de las Fábulas facilitó la expresión inconsciente, permi - tiendo la escucha del complejo proceso de convertirse en un hermano, que comienza incluso antes del nacimiento del primer hermano.

  19. Management of the third sector: a social practice? Gestión del tercer sector: ¿una práctica social? Gestão do terceiro setor: uma prática social?

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    Alexandra Carla Aguiar Antunes Soares


    Full Text Available Considering growth of the Third Sector in the Brazilian scenario and the changes and processes required in the management and activities of these institutions, it is believed that characterizing these management practices and the action of the managers as a social practice will lead to a better understanding of procedures and managerial roles through which the changes and professionalization of organizations in the Third Sector occur in society. The methodological procedures were qualitative in nature, using a structured interview to collect data. The approach adopted favored the area of management that emerges as one of the major challenges experienced by these organizations. The sample was composed of 20 managers, 12 women and 8 men, with at least 3 years of effective work responsibility in different areas of Third Sector organizations in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte. Results confirmed that in recent years aspects such as volunteers, partnership, stature and management itself are some of the transformations in the context of the Third Sector. But the highlight of these changes in the sector is management, which is in an accelerated advance searching for professionalism. For effectiveness and consolidation, it is essential that management be conceived and realized from a practical perspective, because the management field in the Third Sector was shown to be a consolidated social practice.Frente al crecimiento del Tercer Sector en el escenario brasileño y las transformaciones exigidas y ocurridas en los procesos gerenciales y en el ámbito de la actuación de esas instituciones, se cree que caracterizar sus prácticas de gestión y la realidad de los gerentes como una práctica social llevará a mejorar la comprensión de los procesos y de los roles gerenciales, por medio de los cuales ocurren las transformaciones y profesionalización de las organizaciones del Tercer Sector en la sociedad. Los procedimientos metodol

  20. Interés vocacional-profesional y rendimiento académico en los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, 2012

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    Félix Rodríguez Isidro


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la relación que existe entre el interés vocacional-profesional y el rendimiento académico en los cursos de especialidad de los estudiantes del primer y tercer ciclo de la Escuela Profesional de Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú - Huancayo 2012. Método: La investigación fue de nivel descriptivo correlacional. La muestra estuvo constituida por los estudiantes del primer y tercer ciclo de la Facultad de Educación de la UNCP durante el semestre 2012. La selección se realizó mediante muestreo aleatorio simple. Resultados: Con un nivel de significancia del 5 %, hay evidencia estadística suficiente para afirmar que existe correlación positiva entre el interés vocacional-profesional y el rendimiento académico en los cursos de especialidad de los estudiantes del primer y tercer ciclo de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú. Conclusiones: El interés vocacionalprofesional influye favorable y significativamente en el rendimiento académico en los cursos de especialidad que desarrollan los estudiantes del primer y tercer ciclo de la Facultad de Educación de la UNCP, semestre 2012. El rendimiento académico en los cursos de especialidad es de normal promedio (media de 13,43 en los estudiantes del primer y tercer ciclo de la Facultad de Educación de la UNCP - Huancayo.


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    Ministerio de Salud


    Full Text Available

    Accident: Analysis and Prevention. New York. Bimestral
    Acodal. Bogotá. Irregular
    Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica. Estocolmo. 8 números al año
    Acta Psiquiátrica y Psicológica de América Latina. Buenos Aires. Trimestral
    Age. Nebrasca. Trimestral
    Age and Ageing. Londres. Bimestral
    Ageing International. Washington. Trimestral
    Alcoholism. Zagreb. Semestral
    AMC.Acta Médica Colombiana. Trimestral
    American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. Ohio. Illinois. Mensual
    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. New York. Mensual
    American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. New York. Trimestral
    American Journal of Epidemiology. Maryland. Mensual
    American Journal of Nursing. New York. Mensual
    American Journal of obstetrics and Gynecology. St. Louis. Quincenal
    American Journal ofOrthodontics. St.Louis. Mensual
    American Journal of Psychiatry. Washington. Mensual
    American Journal of Public Health. Washington. Mensual
    American Journal of Sociology. Chicago. Bimestral
    American Journal of Tropical 'Medicine and Hygiene. Lawrence. Kansas. Bimestral
    ANEC. Irregular. Bogotá...

  2. Vigilancia de los niveles de uso de antibióticos y perfiles de resistencia bacteriana en hospitales de tercer nivel de la Ciudad de México Surveillance of antibiotic utilization and bacterial resistance profiles in tertiary level hospitals in Mexico City


    Lilia Benavides-Plascencia; Alejandro Leonardo Aldama-Ojeda; Héctor Javier Vázquez


    OBJETIVO: Determinar los niveles de uso de antibióticos y el perfil de resistencia de las bacterias nosocomiales, e identificar y proponer estrategias para disminuir la resistencia a los antibióticos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo, retrolectivo (1994-1995), hecho en seis hospitales de tercer nivel de la Ciudad de México. RESULTADOS: La resistencia del grupo hospitalario fue de 86%, mientras que el consumo total de antibióticos por institución varió entre 44 y 195 dosis diarias defin...

  3. Transmisión del Mal de Río Cuarto virus por ninfas de primer y tercer estadio de Delphacodes kuscheli Transmission of Mal de Río Cuarto virus by first and third-instar nymphs of Delphacodes kuscheli

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    Joel Arneodo


    Full Text Available Se comparó la capacidad de ninfas de primer y tercer estadío de Delphacodes kuscheli Fennah (Hemiptera: Delphacidae para adquirir y posteriormente transmitir el Mal de Río Cuarto virus (MRCV, bajo condiciones controladas. Ninfas I y III avirulíferas se alimentaron separadamente de plantas de trigo infectadas durante 48 horas, para luego ser colocadas en subgrupos de tres individuos sobre plantas de trigo sanas. Se realizaron transmisiones seriales utilizando períodos de inoculación de 24 horas. Ambos estadií os lograron adquirir y transmitir el MRCV, pero se evidenció una mayor cantidad de subgrupos infectivos cuando la adquisición se efectuó como ninfas I, así como una disminución significativa en la duración del período de latencia del virus respecto de los insectos que adquirieron el MRCV durante el tercer estadio ninfal.The ability of first and third-instar Delphacodes kuscheli Fennah (Hemiptera: Delphacidae nymphs to acquire and transmit Mal de Río Cuarto virus (MRCV, under controlled conditions, was investigated. First and third-instar nymphs were allowed acquisition feeding separately on infected wheat plants for 48 hours. The insects were then placed in groups of three for serial transmissions to healthy wheat plants, using inoculation periods of 24 hours. Both instars of D. kuscheli were demonstrated to acquire and subsequently transmit the virus. Nevertheless, transmission trials showed highest transmission efficiency and shortest latent period when MRCV was acquired by first-instar nymphs.

  4. Matrices biológicas y biomarcadores de exposición fetal a drogas de abuso durante el tercer trimestre de la gestación


    Ortigosa Gómez, Sandra


    Introducción El abuso de sustancias en los países occidentales ha acontecido un problema de salud pública. Estas sustancias también son consumidas por embarazadas, afectando al feto y recién nacido, especialmente vulnerables. Desde la década de los ochenta, la eventual presencia y disposición de una sustancia de abuso en el organismo y su correlación con efectos clínicos y/o subjetivos ha sido evaluada mediante el análisis de plasma u orina. Sin embargo, realizar estas determinaciones en flui...

  5. Dispositivo de seguridad para controlar mejor el tercer molar impactado durante exodoncia: Una nueva técnica Security device for a better control of impacted third molars during exodontia: A new technique

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    F. Hernández Altemir


    Full Text Available El desplazamiento accidental del tercer molar impactado es una complicación que ocurre de vez en cuando durante la exodoncia. La recuperación de estos dientes accidentalmente desplazados puede ser compleja debido a la mala visibilidad y el espacio limitado. Describimos una técnica fácil basada en un sistema de anclaje para controlar mejor los terceros molares impactados durante la exodoncia.Accidental displacement of impacted third molars is a complication that occasionally occurs during exodontia. The retrieval of these accidentally displaced third molars may be complex due to poor visibility and limited space. We describe an easy technique for a better control of impacted third molars during exodontia based on an anchoring system.

  6. Estudio transversal de consumo de tabaco en trabajadores de un hospital de tercer nivel

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    Luis Villalobos-Gallegos


    Full Text Available Introducción: el consumo de tabaco es la primera causa prevenible de muerte y morbilidad en el mundo; estudios previos en hospitales muestran que la población médica sirve como modelo positivo en la promoción de la abstinencia del tabaco, sin embargo, cuando el personal de salud lo usa, las probabilidades de abstinencia disminuyen. Objetivos: 1 conocer la prevalencia de tabaquismo, 2 comparar las distintas áreas de trabajo en función de variables relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco, 3 identificar los factores de riesgo. Método: a 1,004 trabajadores de un establecimiento hospitalario se les aplicó un cuestionario de autorreporte que contenía preguntas para evaluar el tabaquismo, así como el Fagerström Test of Nicotine Dependence (FTND y la Cigarette Dependence Scale (CSD-12 y CSD-5 para evaluar dependencia de nicotina. Resultados: 23.4% de los trabajadores consumió tabaco en el último año, 60.4% de los fumadores son del sexo masculino, 91.2% presentó dependencia baja. Entre los factores de riesgo se encontraron los siguientes: grupo de edad de 20 a 31 años (OR=2.62, IC del 95% [1.77-3.88], p<.001, ser hombre (OR=2.91, IC del 95% [1.82-4.68], p<.001, edad de inicio del consumo (OR=1.09, IC del 95% [.71-1.68], p<.001, estado civil (OR=4.51, IC del 95% [1.18-17.18], p=.027, y tener una escolaridad de secundaria (OR=3.51, IC del 95% [1.66-7.40], p=.001 o bachillerato (OR=3.11, IC del 95% [1.61-6.02], p=.001. Discusión y conclusiones: el presente estudio aporta información actual sobre el consumo de tabaco en trabajadores de planta de un hospital de tercer nivel; se encontró una baja prevalencia de médicos que consumen tabaco (16.3%, en comparación con el personal de otra áreas de labor. Las implicaciones relacionadas con los hallazgos se discuten en el estudio.

  7. Gestação na adolescência: descrição e análise da assistência recebida Embarazo en la adolescencia: descripción y análisis de la ayuda recibida Pregnancy in adolescence: description and analysis of care provided

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    Náira de Oliveira Caminha


    Full Text Available Objetiva-se descrever e analisar a assistência pré-natal às adolescentes, em relação ao Programa de Humanização no Pré-natal e Nascimento (PHPN, através de um estudo descritivo, transversal e quantitativo realizado entre março e julho de 2009, a partir de formulário e entrevista com 200 adolescentes, em maternidade de referência em obstetrícia do SUS. As jovens realizaram pré-natal em serviço público (96,4%, o iniciaram no primeiro trimestre (47,4%, não obtiveram o mínimo de consultas (52,6%, receberam suplemento de ferro (96,9%, imunização antitetânica (80,5% e foram pouco orientadas (46,0%. Quanto aos exames laboratoriais, foram realizados na primeira consulta (80,0%, sendo apenas um terço deles repetidos no terceiro trimestre gestacional. Conclui-se que o PHPN não está sendo realizado integralmente, conforme o Ministério da Saúde preconiza, e a assistência pré-natal deve ser melhorada, principalmente na captação precoce, continuidade da assistência, solicitação da segunda amostra dos exames e oferta de orientações.El objetivo es describir y analizar la atención prenatal a las adolescentes con relación al Programa de Humanización del Prenatal y Nacimiento (PHPN. Es un estudio descriptivo, transversal y cuantitativo llevado a cabo de marzo a julio de 2009 con forma y entrevista a 200 adolescentes después del parto en una maternidad de referencia. Las jóvenes recibieron atención prenatal en el servicio público (96,4%, esta atención se inició en el primer trimestre (47,4%, las mujeres no obtuvieron el mínimo de consultas (52,6%, aunque recibieron suplementos de hierro (96,9% y vacunas contra el tétanos (80,5%, y tuvieron pocas orientaciones (46,0%. Los exámenes se realizaron en la primera visita (80,0%, con una parte repetidos en el tercer trimestre. Se concluye que el PHPN no se está realizando en plena conformidad con lo que el Ministerio de Salud recomienda, y a pesar de haber sido satisfactoria

  8. Factores de riesgo para mortalidad en prematuros de 800 a 1.000 gramos, Hospital General de Medellín, Junio 1999- diciembre 2001

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    Juan Manuel Alfaro Velásquez


    Full Text Available

    Los recién nacidos prematuros y aquellos con bajo peso al nacer tienen mayor riesgo de mortalidad. Son de bajo peso si son menores de 2.500 gramos y de extremado bajo peso si son menores de 1.000 gramos. De acuerdo con la edad gestacional, es prematuro el recién nacido menor de 37 semanas y prematuro extremo el que tiene menos de 31 semanas. Los prematuros extremos generalmente pesan entre 800 y 1.200 gramos, y sus principales causas de muerte son: enfermedad de membrana hialina, infecciones, hipotermia, enterocolitis necrosante y trastornos metabólicos. Los factores de riesgo para un nacimiento prematuro y de bajo peso al nacer se relacionan con el matroambiente (cantidad de controles prenatales,
    escasez de nutrientes, enfermedades e infecciones maternas y drogadicción, el microambiente (anomalías uterinas, del cordón umbilical y del líquido amniótico, hemorragia del tercer trimestre y enfermedades fetales, el macroambiente (bajas condiciones socioeconómicas y el ambiente hospitalario (procedimientos
    invasivos e infección nosocomial.
    Estos neonatos tienen un pronóstico pobre: existe alta mortalidad
    neonatal, mayor morbimortalidad durante los dos primeros años de vida y minusvalía severa en algunos sobrevivientes.



  9. Programa de refuerzo para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en el tercer año de Educación General Básica de la escuela Tres de Noviembre del cantón Cuenca, en el periodo lectivo 2016-2017


    Chaca Reino, Rita Yolanda


    El presente trabajo desarrolla una propuesta metodológica a través de la elaboración de un programa de refuerzo para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en el tercer año de E.G.B., a través de técnicas activas, y actividades lúdicas; el mismo que se aplica a las destrezas con criterio de desempeño que presentan falencias en el diagnóstico realizado. The present work develops a methodological proposal through the elaboration of a program of reinforcement for the learning process of Math in th...

  10. Papel del endotelio en hipertensión inducida por el embarazo: ¿alteraciones comunes a las de la aterosclerosis?


    López-Jaramillo, Patricio; Sotomayor-Rubio, Katherine; Sotomayor-Rubio, Arístides; López-López, Cristina


    La hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, cuya forma proteinúrica es denominada preeclampsia (PE), es una alteración que ocurre en el segundo trimestre del embarazo, y se caracteriza por la presencia de hipertensión y proteinuria. Durante el embarazo normal ocurren cambios fisiológicos adaptativos que incluyen insulino-resistencia (IR), hiperlipidemia, hipercoagulabilidad, inflamación y un estado circulatorio hiperdinámico. Estos cambios se expresan de una forma exagerada en las mujeres que d...

  11. Prevalência da colonização vaginal e anorretal por estreptococo do grupo B em gestantes do terceiro trimestre Prevalence of vaginal and anorectal colonization by group B streptococcus in pregnant women in the last three months of gestation

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    Cláudio Beraldo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: estudar a prevalência da colonização por estreptococo do grupo B em gestantes do terceiro trimestre, atendidas em um hospital regional, e avaliar a associação da colonização com as variáveis maternas demográficas e clínicas. MÉTODOS: no período de 8 de outubro de 2002 a 26 de março de 2003, foi realizado um estudo transversal (de prevalência com 309 gestantes no terceiro trimestre. Amostras de secreção vaginal e anorretal foram coletadas e testadas para identificação presuntiva do estreptococo do grupo B. Foram incluídas as gestantes com gestação maior ou igual a 36 semanas datadas por ultra-sonografia e excluídas as que se recusaram a participar, as em uso de antibioticoterapia e as que haviam sido submetidas a exame ginecológico pelo período mínimo de 24 horas antes da coleta. As gestantes foram caracterizadas por variáveis demográficas (raça, idade, grau de escolaridade, renda familiar e número de gestações e clínicas (idade gestacional, ocorrência de infecção urinária durante a gestação atual, ruptura prematura de membranas e tempo de bolsa rota, febre materna intraparto, corioamnionite, líquido amniótico com mecônio, via de parto utilizada, febre materna pós-parto e endometrite. RESULTADOS: das gestantes, 46 estavam colonizadas pelo estreptococo do grupo B, sendo que 26 (56,5% tiveram a cultura vaginal positiva, 8 (17,4% a cultura anorretal positiva e 12 (26,5% tiveram tanto a cultura vaginal como a retal positivas. Nenhuma das variáveis analisadas neste estudo foi estatisticamente significativa quanto à colonização pelo estreptococo do grupo B. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise bivariada pelo teste do chi2 e teste exato de Fisher quando apropriado. CONCLUSÃO: a taxa de prevalência da colonização vaginal e anorretal pelo estreptococo do grupo B em gestantes no terceiro trimestre, foi de 14,9%. Não houve associação entre fatores de risco (primigestação, idade

  12. Procesos cognoscitivos implicados en la comprensión lectora en tercer grado de educación primaria

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    Patricia Torres Morales


    Full Text Available La comprensión lectora requiere de la interacción de diversos procesos cognoscitivos: atención, percepción, memoria y conciencia fonológica; estos procesos permiten detectar dificultades en el desarrollo cognoscitivo infantil. El objetivo de este artículo de investigación fue describir la relación entre el desempeño de la comprensión lectora y la precisión y velocidad de la lectura, así como con procesos cognoscitivos como la atención, percepción, memoria y conciencia fonológica en niños de tercer grado de educación primaria de Xalapa, Veracruz. Se evaluaron 26 niños (13 masculinos, 13 femeninos con edad promedio de 8 años y 8 meses (DE+ 8 meses a través de la Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI en las áreas de lectura, percepción visual/auditiva, atención visual/auditiva, memoria visual/auditiva y conciencia fonológica. La precisión y velocidad de la lectura así como la conciencia fonológica favorecen al buen rendimiento de la comprensión lectora. Abstract Reading comprehension requires the interaction of different cognitive processes: attention, perception, memory and phonological awareness; these processes allow detecting difficulties in child cognitive development. The objective of this research paper was to describe the relationship between the performance of reading comprehension and the precision and speed of reading, as well as cognitive processes like attention, perception, memory and phonological awareness in children from third grade of primary education of Xalapa, Veracruz. 26 children (13 male, 13 female with an average age of 8 years and 8 months (8 months were evaluated. The children neuropsychological assessment (ENI was aplicadad in the areas of reading, visual and auditory perception, visual and auditory attention, visual/auditory memory and phonological awareness. The accuracy and speed of reading and phonological awareness favor the good performance of reading comprehension.

  13. Conectividade: prós e contras da vida digital

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    Antonio Mendes Silva Filho


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    Normal" style="text-align: justify;">De acordo com dados da Internet World Stats disponível em, o mundo tem população de cerca de 6.845 bilhões de pessoas, sendo aproximadamente 1.966 bilhões de usuários da Internet. Dentro desse universo, aproximadamente 70 milhões são brasileiros, o que é uma maravilha. Adicionalmente, segundo dados do International Data Corporation (IDC, foram vendidos pouco mais de 60 milhões de smartphones no segundo trimestre de 2010 que somados aos cerca de 55 milhões vendidos no primeiro trimestre totaliza 115 milhões. Cabe destacar que há projeção de que as vendas de computadores portáteis do tipo tablets devem atingir um total de 20 milhões de unidades este ano. O que tudo isso indica? O que toda essa tecnologia que tem sido disponibilizada aos usuários proporciona? Pode sua produtividade se beneficiar do uso da tecnologia? Nesse sentido, o este artigo explora a importância das novas tecnologias sobre o cotidiano das pessoas e empresa.

  14. Prevalence of sexual dysfunction during pregnancy Prevalência da disfunção sexual na gravidez

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    Alessandra Plácido Lima Leite


    feminina, em cada trimestre gestacional. RESULTADOS: Existiu diferença significante para os escores médios dos domínios do FSFI ao longo da gestação, mais especificamente no terceiro trimestre, onde houve diminuição significativa dos escores de todos os domínios do FSFI quando comparado ao segundo trimestre (p<0,001. Quando a função sexual foi comparada de acordo com a idade da paciente, existiu diferença estatisticamente significante entre as gestantes adolescentes e adultas no terceiro trimestre (p=0,008. A disfunção sexual entre as gestantes adolescentes foi de 40,8% no primeiro trimestre, 31,2% no segundo e 63,2% no terceiro. Entre as grávidas adultas, foi de 46,6%, 34,2% e 73,3% no primeiro, segundo e terceiro trimestres, respectivamente. Não existiu diferença significativa na prevalência da disfunção sexual quando comparada por faixa etária; entretanto, ao comparar por trimestre gestacional, houve diferença significante entre o segundo e o terceiro trimestre (p<0,001. CONCLUSÃO: A função sexual é afetada durante a gravidez, com significativo declínio de todos os domínios do FSFI no terceiro trimestre, tanto nas adolescentes quanto nas adultas. A prevalência da disfunção sexual é elevada durante a gestação, atingindo níveis mais elevados no terceiro trimestre, em ambos os grupos etários, contudo as adolescentes apresentaram melhores índices de função sexual.

  15. Alta prevalência de inadequação da ingestão dietética de cálcio e vitamina D em duas coortes de gestantes

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    Caroline de Barros Gomes

    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou identificar a prevalência de inadequação da ingestão, por trimestre, de cálcio e vitamina D, em duas coortes de gestantes e fatores correlacionados a esta ingestão. Foram coletados dois recordatórios alimentares de 24 horas em cada trimestre, um relativo a final de semana. Variáveis com correlação significativa com a ingestão desses nutrientes foram incluídas em modelo de regressão linear multivariada, com ajuste por energia. A frequência de inadequação foi estimada pelo método do National Cancer Institute (Estados Unidos. Na coorte A, a inadequação da ingestão de vitamina D não diferiu entre os trimestres; na B, houve redução: 99,7% no 1º para 97,1% no 3º trimestre. Nas coortes A e B, a inadequação da ingestão de cálcio esteve acima de 70%, caindo discretamente do 1º (89,2% e 81,4% para o 2º (79,7 e 69,1% e 3º trimestres (82,7% e 72,6%. Não houve correlação entre as variáveis maternas e a ingestão desses micronutrientes. Conclui-se que há um quadro grave de inadequação da ingestão de vitamina D e cálcio, homogeneamente distribuído entre as gestantes assistidas na rede básica de saúde.

  16. Sylvain Dufour, vice-président, Ressources, et chef de la direction ...

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    Chantal Taylor

    12 mai 2013 ... Trimestre 3 du 6 au 13 octobre 2013. Orlando, États-Unis. Conférence. 1 843,35. 913,73. -. 2 757,08. Trimestre 4 du 16 au 26 janvier 2014. Nairobi, Kenya. Visite au BRAS. 12 443,88. 3 546,66. 15 990,54 le 2 février 2014. Ottawa, Canada. Renouvellement de passeport. Total de l'exercice 2013-2014.

  17. Jóvenes y tercer sector de medios en España: Formación en comunicación y cambio social

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    Full Text Available El siguiente trabajo tiene por objeto acercarse al papel de los medios comunitarios, libres y universitarios del Estado español como instrumentos para la alfabetización mediática y en tanto que espacios para la conformación de ciudadanía crítica y comunicativa. Tras el apartado conceptual, se analizan los procesos de aprendizaje que se implementan con respecto a la ciudadanía en general y a las comunidades de referencia en particular, prestando especial atención al rol y a la participación de la juventud. A partir de la triangulación de técnicas cuantitativas (encuesta y cualitativas (grupos de discusión, los resultados demuestran que los medios del tercer sector actúan como valiosas herramientas para la adquisición de habilidades y competencias críticas que pueden transferirse a la esfera profesional y vivencial de los jóvenes, dada la identificación de estos medios con los intereses, problemáticas y aspiraciones juveniles. En un sentido amplio, estas iniciativas contribuyen a la expansión del derecho a la comunicación en dos irecciones: por un lado, porque están abiertas a la participación ciudadana en las tareas de gestión y programación de los contenidos; y, por otro, porque sus prácticas descentralizadas constituyen un laboratorio de creatividad periodística que, a su vez, está vinculado al devenir de los movimientos sociales y otras formaciones de la ciudadanía organizada (ONG, asociaciones, etc..

  18. Análisis Comparativo de Datos de Desempleo en los Años 2001 y 2003: Aplicación de un Modelo Loglineal

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    Mª Carmen Sánchez Sellero


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se inicia haciendo un breve resumen de las cifras publicadas por el INE en lo que se refiere a la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA correspondiente al primer trimestre de 2001 y al primer trimestre de 2003, con la finalidad de poder encuadrar mejor el estudio de los datos de desempleo que se desarrollará a continuación. Posteriormente, utilizamos una tabla de múltiple entrada cuya fuente es la EPA (primer trimestre de 2001 y de 2003; las variables analizadas son tiempo de búsqueda de empleo, sexo y sector económico; el objetivo es encontrar posibles relaciones entre estas variables, utilizando para ello un modelo loglineal y realizando la comparativa de los resultados obtenidos en ambos periodos.

  19. Ser gestante soropositivo para o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana: uma leitura à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico Ser gestante seropositiva para el Virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana-HIV: una lectura bajo el marco teórico del Interaccionismo Simbólico Being pregnant seropositive and having acquired the human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV: a theoretical interpretation under the Symbolic Interactionism

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    Edilene Lins de Moura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever o contexto do cotidiano vivido por mulheres grávidas soropositivas para o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV, com enfoque na experiência de tornar-se grávida e assumir a gravidez. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista gravada, com 14 gestantes sabidamente soropositivas para o HIV, que vivenciavam o terceiro trimestre de gravidez. O estudo fez uma leitura de dados brutos sobre expectativas e ações de gestantes soropositivas para o HIV, à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico. RESULTADOS: um dos aspectos encontrados mostrou que as mulheres HIV positivo assumem a gravidez, ainda que esta seja inesperada. CONCLUSÕES: os dados são um alerta para os profissionais de enfermagem que devem promover ações educativas para atender às demandas dessa mulher.OBJETIVO: Describir el contexto cotidiano vivido por mujeres embarazadas y seropositivas para el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV, con enfoque en la experiencia de estar embarazada y aceptar ese estado. MÉTODOS: Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de entrevista grabada, con 14 gestantes sabidamente seropositivas para el HIV, que se encontraban en el tercer trimestre de embarazo. El estudio hizo una lectura de los datos brutos sobre expectativas y acciones de las gestantes seropositivas para el HIV, bajo el marco teórico del Interaccionismo Simbólico. RESULTADOS: Uno de los aspectos encontrados mostró que las mujeres infectadas con Sida aceptan el embarazo, inclusive cuando ocurre inesperadamente. CONCLUSIONES: Los datos sirven de para los profesionales de enfermería para que promuevan acciones educativas que atiendan las necesidades de esas mujeres.OBJECTIVE: To describe the context of everyday life experienced by pregnant women seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV, focusing on the experience of becoming pregnant and accepting that condition. METHODS: Data were collected recording interviews with 14 pregnant women known to

  20. Freqüência Cardíaca Fetal durante o Primeiro Trimestre da Gestação Fetal Heart Rate in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

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    Heverton Pettersen


    Full Text Available Objetivos: estabelecer curva de normalidade da freqüência cardíaca fetal (FCF entre a 10ª e a 14ª semana de gestação. Métodos: a FCF foi avaliada em 1078 fetos entre 10 e 14 semanas de gestação. Para uma melhor correlação da FCF com a idade gestacional, os fetos foram divididos em quatro grupos de acordo com a idade gestacional: Grupo I (10 semanas, Grupo II (11 semanas, Grupo III (12 semanas e Grupo IV (13 semanas. Por meio de corte sagital, o coração fetal foi visualizado e o registro da FCF foi realizado usando Modo-B e Modo-M em tempo real. Calculou-se a FCF média eletronicamente por meio da colocação dos cálipers que registravam 3 ciclos consecutivos. Resultados: a FCF variou entre 136 e 178 bpm entre os 1078 fetos estudados. Construiu-se uma curva de normalidade estabelecendo-se a mediana e os percentis 5 e 95 da FCF para cada grupo. No Grupo I a FCF variou de 158 a 184 bpm; no Grupo II, de 155 a 175 bpm; no Grupo III, de 152 a 172 bpm; no Grupo IV, de 149 a 168 bpm. Houve diminuição progressiva e significativa da FCF com o avanço da idade gestacional durante o período estudado. Conclusões: a avaliação da FCF no primeiro trimestre de gestação é um procedimento simples e que deve ser analisado não só na sua forma qualitativa (batimentos cardíacos fetais rítmicos mas também na sua forma quantitativa, já que trabalhos publicados mostram a sua relação com o prognóstico fetal.Purpose: to determine normal ranges for fetal heart rate (FHR between the 10th and 14th week of pregnancy. Methods: a total of 1078 fetuses within a crown-rump length (CRL from the 10th to the 14th week of pregnancy were evaluated. The fetuses were divided into 4 groups: Group I (10 weeks, Group II (11 weeks, Group III (12 weeks, Group IV (13 weeks. The fetal heart was seen using B-mode/M-mode at a sagital plane and FHR was recorded. FHR was electronically calculated using calipers within 3 consecutive cycles without fetal moveiments

  1. Restrição materna de polifenóis e dinâmica ductal fetal na gestação normal: um ensaio clínico aberto

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    Paulo Zielinsky


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: Recentemente demonstramos reversão da constrição ductal fetal após redução da ingesta materna de alimentos ricos em polifenóis (ARP, por sua ação inibidora da síntese das prostaglandinas. OBJETIVOS: Testar a hipótese de que fetos normais no 3º trimestre também melhoram a dinâmica ductal após restrição materna de polifenóis. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico aberto com 46 fetos com idade gestacional (IG > 28 semanas submetidos a dois estudos Dopplerecocardiográficos com intervalo de duas semanas, sendo os examinadores cegados para os hábitos alimentares maternos. Um questionário de frequência alimentar validado para esse objetivo foi aplicado e uma dieta com alimentos pobres em polifenóis (< 30 mg/100 mg foi orientada. Um grupo controle de 26 fetos no 3º trimestre foi submetido ao mesmo protocolo. Utilizou-se o teste-t para amostras independentes. RESULTADOS: A IG média foi 33 ± 2 semanas. A média do consumo materno diário de polifenóis (CMDP foi 1277 mg, caindo para 126 mg após orientação (p = 0,0001. Ocorreu diminuição significativa nas Velocidades Ductais Sistólica (VSD e Diastólica (VDD e na relação dos diâmetros ventriculares (VD/VE, assim como aumento do índice de pulsatilidade (IP [VSD = 1,2 ± 0,4 m/s (0,7-1,6 para 0,9 ± 0,3 m/s (0,6-1,3 (p = 0,018;VDD = 0,21 ± 0,09 m/s (0,15-0,32 para 0,18 ± 0,06 m/s (0,11-0,25 (p = 0,016; relação VD/VE = 1,3 ± 0,2 (0,9-1,4 para 1,1 ± 0,2 (0,8 - 1,3 (p = 0,004; IP do ducto = 2,2 ± 0,03 (2,0-2,7 para 2,4 ± 0,4 (2,2-2,9 (p = 0,04]. A IG média dos controles foi de 32 ± 4 semanas, não ocorrendo diferenças significativas no CMDP, nas velocidades ductais, no IP do ducto e na relação VD/VE. CONCLUSÃO: A restrição da ingesta de alimentos ricos em polifenóis no 3º trimestre por duas semanas melhora a dinâmica do fluxo no ducto arterioso fetal e as dimensões do VD.

  2. Algunas características del estado de la oclusión en niños de tercer grado Some characteristics of the occlusion state in third grade children

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    Raquel Alpízar Quintana


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y transversal para definir algunas características del estado de la oclusión en 257 niños de tercer grado del Centro Escolar “26 de Julio” de Santiago de Cuba desde septiembre del 2005 hasta julio del 2006. Entre los principales resultados sobresalieron los hábitos deformantes bucales, así como las maloclusiones ligeras y de la clase I de Angle, sobre todo en los varones. La alteración de la oclusión más frecuente fue el resalte aumentado y los tratamientos debieron ser aplicados por ortodoncistas en el nivel primario de atención.A descriptive and cross-sectional study was made to define some characteristics of the state of the occlusion in 257 third grade children of the "26 of Julio" School Center in Santiago de Cuba from September, 2005 to July, 2006. Among the main results the most outstanding were the deforming oral habits, as well as the mild malocclusions and those of the class I Angle, mainly in the males. The most frequent alteration of the occlusion was the increase prominence and the treatments should have been applied by orthodontists in the primary care level.

  3. El papel docente ante las emociones de niñas y niños de tercer grado

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    Mónica Calderón Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada durante los años 2011-2012, cuyo objetivo fue analizar el papel del personal docente ante las emociones que manifiestan en el aula las niñas y los niños de tercer grado de dos escuelas urbanas de la provincia de San José. La investigación se fundamenta en la identificación de los conocimientos, habilidades, estrategias y recursos utilizados por el personal docente ante las diferentes emociones que manifiesta el estudiantado en el aula. La metodología de la investigación se dio bajo un enfoque mixto, por lo que el trabajo se dividió en una fase cualitativa y otra cuantitativa; en cada una se aplicaron diferentes instrumentos con base en los objetivos de la investigación; posteriormente se realizó una integración de ambos enfoques, para ampliar la perspectiva de las respuestas del personal docente ante las emociones que experimentan las niñas y los niños en el aula. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se identifican elementos facilitadores y obstaculizadores del quehacer docente, sobre las emociones de sus estudiantes y se logra constatar una deficiencia en el profesional en educación en cuanto al conocimiento de la temática, la falta de estrategias aplicables a las emociones de sus estudiantes, la poca información y actualización que se tiene en cuanto a la educación emocional en las aulas. This article presents the results of a research conducted over the years 2011-2012, in which the role of teachers in the face of the emotions felt in the classroom by third graders in two urban schools of the province of San José was analyzed. The research was based on the identification of the knowledge, skills, strategies and resources used by teachers as a response to different emotions that children manifest in the classroom.. The research methodology was developed under a mixed approach, therefore it was divided in a qualitative and a quantitative phase. In

  4. Gerenciamento de Enfermagem e administração das organizações do Terceiro Setor Gerencia de Enfermería y la administración de las organizaciones del Tercer Sector Managment in Nursing and the administration of Third Sector organizations

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    Rosa Maria Ruthes


    Full Text Available Neste artigo de revisão bibliográfica procurou-se verificar a evolução do terceiro setor e as relações entre gerenciamento em enfermagem nestas organizações. Constata-se um crescimento deste setor na área de saúde, trazendo a ampliação do mercado de trabalho para enfermeiros. Assim, considera-se que é preciso alertar os enfermeiros a estarem preparados para a gestão nestas organizações, buscando seu desenvolvimento na gestão hospitalar. O terceiro setor vem sendo valorizado como forma de promoção social nos segmentos de saúde, educação, assistência social e outros, reunindo indivíduos e instituições de forma participativa.En este artículo de revisión bibliográfica se objectivó verificar la evolución del tercer sector y las relaciones entre gerenciamento en enfermería en estas organizacioneslas. Verificase un crescimiento de este sector en la area de salud, trayendo la ampliación en el mercado de trabajo para los enfermeros. Así, considerase que es necesario alertar a los enfermeros para supreparo para la gestión en estas organizaciones, buscando su desarrollo en la gestión hospitalaria. El tercer sector viene siendo valorado como forma de promoción social en la salud, educación, ayuda social y otros segmientos, juntando individuos y instituciones de una forma participativa.In this article of bibliographical revision it was aimed at verifying the evolution of the third sector and the relations between nursing management in that organizations. It is observed a growing of this sector in health area, bringing a market anplification in the work of the nurse. Thus, it is considered the need for warning the nurses to be prepared for the management in these organizations, seeking for development in hospital management. Third sector is being valued as a form of social promotion in the health, education, social assistance and others segments, congregating individuals and institutions in a participative form.

  5. Epidemiología de la encefalopatía neonatal en un hospital de tercer nivel en Cuba Epidemiology of neonatal encephalopathy in a tertiary level hospital in Cuba

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    Gerardo Rogelio Robaina Castellanos


    Full Text Available Introducción: los factores de riesgo asociados a la ocurrencia de encefalopatía neonatal han sido poco tratados en países del tercer mundo. De igual forma, se desconoce la incidencia de esta entidad en la mayoría de los centros de atención perinatal en Cuba. Objetivo: determinar la incidencia y factores de riesgo de encefalopatía neonatal en un hospital de tercer nivel de atención perinatal en Cuba. Métodos: se realizó un estudio analítico retrospectivo que incluyó los 35 neonatos con encefalopatía neonatal, provenientes de una cohorte de 19 577 neonatos nacidos vivos en el Hospital Provincial Ginecobstétrico Docente de Matanzas, en el período de 2005-2011. Para la determinación de factores de riesgo se realizó un estudio de caso-control, mediante análisis bivariado, con una relación caso-control de 1:3. Resultados: la incidencia de encefalopatía neonatal fue de 1,78 por 1 000 nacidos vivos. La encefalopatía neonatal posasfixia se presentó en 48,5 % de los casos. La hipertensión arterial materna durante el embarazo, el antecedente materno de hipertensión arterial crónica, la procedencia materna rural y el sexo masculino, constituyeron factores de riesgo antenatales. Los factores de riesgo intranatales encontrados fueron: la presencia de depresión severa al nacer, circulares apretadas al cuello, rotura prematura de membranas, corioamnionitis clínica, placenta previa, estado fetal no tranquilizante y líquido amniótico meconial. Conclusiones: en la población estudiada los factores de riesgo perinatales y algunos antenatales tienen importancia epidemiológica.Introduction: the risk factors related to the onset of neonatal encephalopathy have been poorly treated in the Third World countries. Likewise, the incidence of this disease in most of the Cuban perinatal care centers is unknown. Objective: to determine the incidence and risk factors of neonatal encephalopathy in a tertiary perinatal care hospital. Methods: a

  6. Determinantes de las dotaciones para los deterioros de las inversiones crediticias: ciclo contable, ciclo económico, morosidad


    Climent Serrano, Salvador


    Este trabajo estudia los determinantes de las dotaciones para provisiones del deterioro de créditos en las entidades de crédito españolas desde 1983 al segundo trimestre de 2013. Como determinantes resultan significativos, además de la morosidad, las provisiones genéricas, el margen de interés, la estacionalidad centrada en el cuarto trimestre y los periodos de crisis. Al ser un periodo extenso en el que la economía ha tenido hasta cuatro ciclos, se estudian cómo actúan los ...

  7. Un experimento de cooperación en Comunicación social digital entre la Universidad y el Tercer Sector de Acción Social

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    Isidoro Arroyo


    Full Text Available La solidaridad necesita un esfuerzo especial por conseguir eficacia en su comunicación estratégica. En el marco de investigación de la Comunicación y las Ciencias Sociales, esta cuestión es un objeto de estudio. Sin embargo, para el Tercer Sector de Acción Social (TSAS, surge la duda de si están funcionando correctamente las herramientas de la web 2.0 y 3.0. Para responder a esta pregunta, se fundó en 2007, un proyecto experimental de aprendizaje y servicio con la misión de dinamizar la comunicación digital de las causas sociales por medio de la creatividad publicitaria y la investigación en comunicación social digital. Es un espacio de encuentro entre las organizaciones del TSAS y los alumnos de Publicidad. El trabajo cuenta con una dinámica de colaboración de la Universidad con el TSAS para la realización de comunicación social digital. Se ha construido un soporte web multicanal consistente en una página web y en perfiles en diversas redes sociales; estas han ofrecido un buen rendimiento de audiencias en la comunicación de las campañas de comunicación de las ocho ediciones del Festival Universitario y las Jornadas de publicidad social. Se han hecho más de 150 campañas publicitarias para más de cincuenta organizaciones.

  8. Patrón de riesgo en la gestante adolescente primípara: un problema latente Risk pattern in primiparous pregnant adolescent: a latent problem

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    Viviana Pascual López


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar en la adolescente primípara y su hijo un eventual patrón de riesgo, considerando las características de atención médica integral que recibe esta población en el país. Se realizó un estudio transversal y retrospectivo, de tipo casos y controles, integrado por una muestra de 207 unidades de análisis (69 casos y 138 controles, de 1 290 embarazadas en total. Entre las variables evaluadas figuraron: abortos provocados previos (= 2; afecciones diagnosticadas, asociadas con el embarazo; eventos dependientes de la gestación y otras. En el análisis estadístico se aplicó la razón de productos cruzados (RPC u odds ratio (OR, con un intervalo de confianza (IC de 95 %, así como la prueba de Ji al cuadrado, con p = 0,05 o menor. Las variables de asociación significativa y carácter causal fueron: anemias deficitarias en segundo y tercer trimestres, infección genital en primer trimestre y amenaza de parto pretérmino, en tanto los abortos (= 2 y las enfermedades del feto mostraron significación en sus asociaciones y carácter protector. Se identificó un patrón de riesgo de limitada complejidad para su manejo, con amplias opciones de modificación antes y después de la concepción y sin impacto negativo sobre la mortalidad maternoperinatal.The objective of this research was to identify a possible risk pattern in the primiparous adolescent and her child, taking into account the characteristics of comprehensive health care that this population receives in the country. A cross-sectional and retrospective case-control study was conducted in a sample of 207 analysis units (69 cases and 138 controls, of 1 290 pregnant women in total. Among the evaluated variables were earlier induced abortions (± 2; diagnosed conditions associated with pregnancy; pregnancy-dependent events and others. In the statistical analysis the odds ratio (OR was used with a 95 % confidence interval (CI, as well as the chi

  9. Lactancia materna, destete y ablactación: una encuesta en comunidades rurales de México

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar las prevalencias de lactancia humana, uso de leches industrializadas y ablactación así como los factores asociados a la falta de alimentación al seno materno y al destete temprano. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal realizado por pasantes de medicina en Servicio Social en 222 localidades rurales de México, mediante entrevistas estructuradas en 5 409 familias con niños menores de un año. Resultados. Las proporciones de niños que nunca recibieron lactancia al seno materno fueron: en la zona norte (N de 21.4%; en la centro (C de 7.6% y la sur (S de 5.3%. Entre los niños que recibieron lactancia al seno materno, ésta continuó en forma exclusiva o mixta hasta el tercer trimestre de vida en 35.6% (N, 67.6% (C y 77.5% (S; en el segundo trimestre de vida ya habían sido ablactados 67.2% (N, 40.9% (C y 51.6% (S. En la región N se encontró que la falta de alimentación al seno materno se asoció con la atención médica del parto, madres con escolaridad mínima de primaria o con menos de cuatro hijos, casa con piso de material permanente, dos o más enseres domésticos mayores y que el sostén económico no fuera el padre. El destete temprano se asoció con los mismos factores, incluyendo que el niño estuviera al cuidado de una persona distinta a la madre, la lactancia artificial decidida por los padres o por recomendación médica, la ablactación temprana y el uso de servicios médicos de seguridad social y/o privados. Conclusiones. La alimentación con sucedáneos de la leche y el destete temprano son propios de familias pequeñas, con mayor educación materna, mejores condiciones de la vivienda y la influencia de los médicos, sobre todo en el norte del país. Además, la ablactación se efectúa antes del segundo semestre de vida, por lo que es recomendable elaborar programas que promuevan la alimentación al seno materno y la ablactación correcta en la población infantil de las comunidades rurales de México.

  10. Normalized modes at selected points without normalization (United States)

    Kausel, Eduardo


    As every textbook on linear algebra demonstrates, the eigenvectors for the general eigenvalue problem | K - λM | = 0 involving two real, symmetric, positive definite matrices K , M satisfy some well-defined orthogonality conditions. Equally well-known is the fact that those eigenvectors can be normalized so that their modal mass μ =ϕT Mϕ is unity: it suffices to divide each unscaled mode by the square root of the modal mass. Thus, the normalization is the result of an explicit calculation applied to the modes after they were obtained by some means. However, we show herein that the normalized modes are not merely convenient forms of scaling, but that they are actually intrinsic properties of the pair of matrices K , M, that is, the matrices already "know" about normalization even before the modes have been obtained. This means that we can obtain individual components of the normalized modes directly from the eigenvalue problem, and without needing to obtain either all of the modes or for that matter, any one complete mode. These results are achieved by means of the residue theorem of operational calculus, a finding that is rather remarkable inasmuch as the residues themselves do not make use of any orthogonality conditions or normalization in the first place. It appears that this obscure property connecting the general eigenvalue problem of modal analysis with the residue theorem of operational calculus may have been overlooked up until now, but which has in turn interesting theoretical implications.Á

  11. El mundo del libro: agosto de 1964

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: Sociología Política de Colombia - Por Eduardo Santa -Ediciones Tercer Mundo. Bogotá. Colombia. Crispin: Una Entrevista con Nerón - Por Crispín - Ediciones Tercer Mundo. La Sombra del Sayón - Por Augusto Angel -Novela - Editorial Kelly. Prosa - Por José Mar Simón Bolívar: Más allá del Mito -Por Guillermo Ruiz Rivas -Ediciones Tercer Mundo. Bogotá. Colombia.

  12. Clarifying Normalization (United States)

    Carpenter, Donald A.


    Confusion exists among database textbooks as to the goal of normalization as well as to which normal form a designer should aspire. This article discusses such discrepancies with the intention of simplifying normalization for both teacher and student. This author's industry and classroom experiences indicate such simplification yields quicker…

  13. A imunização contra a rubéola no primeiro trimestre de gestação pode levar à perda auditiva? Can the immunization against rubella take to the hearing loss in the first pregnancy quarter?

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    Ana L��cia Pereira de Andrade Dias


    Full Text Available TEMA: embora o risco da Síndrome da Rubéola Congênita após a imunização seja pequeno, é necessário assegurar a imunidade das mulheres em idade fértil, especialmente daquelas com risco mais alto de exposição, visando a prevenção. OBJETIVO: esclarecer o risco que a imunização da rubéola apresenta para a audição do recém nascido, no primeiro trimestre de gestação. CONCLUSÃO: os levantamentos realizados por este estudo permitiram concluir que ainda há um grande caminho a ser percorrido em prol da erradicação da rubéola no Brasil, bem como a diminuição dos riscos de surdez neurossensorial causados pela Síndrome da Rubéola Congênita.BACKGROUND: although congenital rubella syndrome risk after immunization is low, it is required to assert immunity of women in fertile age, especially those in higher risk of exposure aiming at prevention. PURPOSE: to elucidate the risk that rubella immunization in the first three months of gestation presents for the newborn hearing. CONCLUSION: investigations carried out by this study allow us to conclude that there is still a lot to be done in order to eradicate rubella in Brazil, as well as to reduce/decrease risks of neurosensorial deafness caused by CRS.

  14. Comportamento de lactentes nascidos a termo pequenos para a idade gestacional no primeiro trimestre da vida Behavior of full term infants small for gestational age in the first three months of life

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    Bernadete Balanin A. Mello


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi comparar o comportamento de lactentes nascidos a termo com peso adequado (AIG a lactantes pequenos para a idade gestacional (PIG, no primeiro trimestre de vida. A amostra foi de 20 lactentes, avaliados no 1º, 2º e 3º meses. Foram utilizadas as Escalas Bayley de Desenvolvimento Infantil - II, com ênfase na Escala de Classificação do Comportamento (ECC. Houve diferença significativa entre os grupos no 2º mês, com maior número de lactentes PIG classificados como alterados na ECC. O Fator Qualidade Motora demonstrou valores da mediana significativamente menores no grupo PIG, nos itens Motricidade Axial, Controle de Movimentos e Hipertonia Muscular. O Fator Atenção/Vigília não mostrou diferença entre os grupos. Entretanto, quando analisados os itens Exploração de Objetos e de Ambiente e Interação com o Examinador, houve diferença significativa no 2º mês, com valores da mediana menores no grupo PIG.The objective was to compare the behavior of full-term infants small-for-gestational age (SGA with full-term appropriate-for-gestational age (AGA. The sample considered 20 infants in the 1st, 2nd and in the 3rd months of life. The Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II were used, with attention to items related to Behavior Rate Scale (BRS. It was found that SGA infants showed lower average values in the BRS in the 2nd month. The Motor Quality Factor displayed significantly lower average values in SGA group, in the items Gross-motor Movement Required by Tasks, Control of Movements and Hypertonicity. The Attention/Arousal Factor in the items Exploration of Objects/Surroundings and Orientation to Examiner displayed significantly lower average values in the SGA group.

  15. Muerte fetal en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza durante el periodo agosto 2003-noviembre 2004.

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    Luis Miguel Milla Vera


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Identificar las causas de los casos de muerte fetal, así como sus características sociodemográficas, clínicas, patológicas, y la tasa. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo. Se buscaron los casos de muerte fetal en el libro de registros del servicio de obstetricia del Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza entre agosto 2003 y noviembre 2004. Se buscaron las historias clínicas e informes anatomopatológicos correspondientes recopilándose los hallazgos. Resultados: Se encontraron 61 casos de muerte fetal, 47 se incluyeron en el estudio. Se registraron 4 524 nacidos vivos. La tasa de muerte fetal fue 13,48 por 1 000 nacidos vivos. Edad gestacional promedio fue de 28,29 semanas y peso promedio de 1 277,86 g. La edad menor a 35 años (76,59%, ausencia de control prenatal o control prenatal inadecuado (66,66%, paridad menor a 4 (86,96%, antecedente de aborto (21,73%, pequeño para edad gestacional (PEG (28,26%, hemorragia del tercer trimestre (HTT (17,39%, preeclampsia (8,69% y hallazgos anormales placentarios (23,28% fueron las características sociodemográficas, clínicas y patológicas más frecuentes. El 59,27% de los casos presentaba informe de patología. No se logró inferir causa alguna en 36,2%. Conclusiones: Los casos de muerte fetal durante el periodo de estudio no contenían los datos tanto clínicos como patológicos suficientes para identificar claramente las causas de muerte fetal. (Rev Med Hered 2005;16:260-265.

  16. Utilización de las radiografías en los tratamientos de endodoncia en la embarazada

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    Edelys Raimundo Padrón


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura disponible sobre el uso de exámenes radiográficos en pacientes embarazadas necesitadas de tratamiento endodóntico, analizando los criterios existentes acerca del tema. Se revisaron textos y revistas comprendidas entre los años 1961 y 1997, se expusieron los efectos biológicos y las manifestaciones clínicas de las radiaciones ionizantes, la relación edad radiosensibilidad, las etapas embrionarias su susceptibilidad a las radiaciones, así como los criterios de algunos autores con respecto al uso de las radiografías en este tipo de paciennte. Se llegó a la conclusión de que los períodos más recomendables para el uso de las radiografías en el tratamiento endodóntico son el segundo y el tercer trimestre del embarazo y están totalmente contraindicadas en el primero.A bibliographic review of the literature available about the use of radiological examinations in pregnant patients needing endodontic treatment was made by analyzing the different criteria on this topic. Texts and journals from 1961 and 1997 were reviewed. The biological effects and the clinical manifestations of the ionizing radiations, the age-radiosensitivity relation, the embrionary stages and their susceptibility to radiations, as well as the criteria of some authors regarding the use of radiographs in this type of patient were approached. It was concluded that the most recommendable periods for the use of radiographs in the endodontic treatment are the second and the third trimester of pregnancy and that they are totally contraindicated during the first trimester.

  17. Estrés y ansiedad maternos y su relación con el éxito de la lactancia materna

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    Remigio Rafael Gorrita Pérez

    Full Text Available Introducción: la lactancia materna es la única forma natural de alimentar al bebé, e inigualable para su crecimiento y desarrollo. Múltiples son los factores que se han relacionado con el establecimiento o no de una lactancia materna exitosa. Objetivo: identificar en las madres, los niveles de vulnerabilidad al estrés y de ansiedad como estado, y su relación con el éxito de la lactancia materna. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo y descriptivo. Se estudiaron 101 madres y sus hijos de 13 consultorios del Policlínico "Luis Augusto Turcios Lima", de San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque, entre el 1ro. de febrero de 2012 y el 30 de enero de 2013. Resultados: el 76,2 % de madres estaba en el rango de 20 a 35 años, 89,8 % tenían pareja estable, el 50,5 % nivel preuniversitario y el 41,4 % de ellas padecían de asma bronquial. La vulnerabilidad al estrés y la ansiedad como estado se encontraban al final del tercer trimestre en el 46,5 y 56,4 % respectivamente. El 49,5 % de las madres ofreció lactancia materna exclusiva por 4 o 5 meses, y el 27,7 % hasta los 6 meses. Lograron mejores índices de lactancia materna exclusiva a los 4, 5 y 6 meses aquellas con menores niveles de vulnerabilidad al estrés y de estado de ansiedad. Conclusiones: se evidenció que existe una estrecha relación entre los niveles de estrés y ansiedad y el éxito de la lactancia materna.

  18. Correlated random sampling for multivariate normal and log-normal distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Žerovnik, Gašper; Trkov, Andrej; Kodeli, Ivan A.


    A method for correlated random sampling is presented. Representative samples for multivariate normal or log-normal distribution can be produced. Furthermore, any combination of normally and log-normally distributed correlated variables may be sampled to any requested accuracy. Possible applications of the method include sampling of resonance parameters which are used for reactor calculations.

  19. Anemia y depleción de las reservas de hierro en adolescentes gestantes de una zona urbana y rural del estado Zulia, Venezuela


    Ortega F, Pablo Antonio; Leal M, Jorymar Yoselyn; Chávez, Carlos Javier; Mejías C, Lidia; Chirinos Q, Noraima; Escalona V, Carolina del Pilar


    Objetivo: Analizar la prevalencia de anemia y depleción de las reservas corporales de hierro (DRFe) en adolescentes gestantes urbanas (U) y rurales (R). Metodología: Fueron estudiadas 214 adolescentes gestantes (U=100 y R=114), de baja condición socio-económica. Se realizó una evaluación clínica-obstétrica, nutricional y bioquímica. Según recomendaciones de la OMS y el Grupo Consultivo Internacional de Anemia se consideró anemia en gestantes, I y III trimestre Hb≤110g/L, y II trimestre Hb≤105...

  20. Locus de Controle e escolha do método anticoncepcional Locus de Control y método anticonceptivo elegido Locus of Control and choice of contraceptive method

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    Aline Salheb Alves


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a relação entre o Locus de Controle e o tipo de método contraceptivo escolhido. Foi utilizada a Escala Multidimensional de Locus de Controle de Levenson e entrevistadas 191 mulheres. As usuárias de preservativo masculino apresentaram maior Internalidade do que as usuárias de injetável mensal. Quanto ao locus Externalidade Outros Poderosos, as usuárias de implante apresentavam menor externalidade do que as usuárias de preservativo masculino, laqueadura, injetável trimestral e DIU. Considerando-se o locus Externalidade Acaso, as usuárias de implante apresentaram menores escores do que as mulheres que optaram pela laqueadura, injetável trimestral e DIU. Observou-se ainda, menor Externalidade Acaso entre as usuárias de injetável mensal em relação às mulheres que fizeram opção pelo injetável trimestral.El objetivo es validar la relación entre el Locus de Control y el tipo de método anticonceptivo elegido. Fue usada la Escala Multidimensional de Locus de Control de Levenson. Fueron entrevistadas 191 mujeres. Las usuarias de condón masculino presentaron Internalidad más grande que las usuarias de inyectable mensual. Considerado el Locus Externalidad - Otro poderoso, las usuarias de implante presentaron menor externalidad de que las usuarias de condón masculino, laqueadura, inyectable trimestral y DIU. Considerado el Locus Externalidad - Quizá, las usuarias del implante presentaron menores resultados que las mujeres que eligieron por la laqueadura, inyectable trimestral y DIU. Se observo que las mujeres usuarias de inyectable mensual presentaron menor Externalidad - Quizá que las mujeres usuarias de inyectable trimestral.The purpose was to assess the relationship between locus of control and the contraceptive method chosen. It was used the Levenson's Multidimensional Locus of Control Scale and 191 women was interviewed. Users of male condoms presented greater Internality than the monthly contraceptive

  1. Correlação entre Índice de massa Corporal (IMC pré-natal e peso ao nascer – um estudo longitudinal - doi: 10.5020/18061230.2012.p356

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    Saurabh Rambiharilal Shrivastava


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Estudar a correlação entre Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC no período pré-natal e o peso de nascimento da criança, bem como, os determinantes sócio-demográficos de peso ao nascer. Métodos: Um estudo longitudinal de um ano de duração, de junho 2010 a maio de 2011, foi realizado em uma favela urbana de Mumbai, Índia. O método de amostragem universal foi aplicado, incluindo como sujeitos todas as mulheres grávidas que realizaram pré-natal com, no mínimo, duas visitas, incluindo pelo menos uma no terceiro trimestre, registradas no centro urbano de saúde, de junho a agosto de 2010. Mulheres com qualquer estado mórbido pré-existente ou com histórico de gestações com nascimento de gêmeos ou de criança com qualquer má-formação congênita, ou inda, com ocorrência de natimorto ou parto em casa, foram excluídas do estudo. Estas mulheres foram acompanhadas durante os próximos meses até o parto. O peso materno foi medido em cada visita e calculado o IMC, ou o IMC médio, no caso de mais de uma visita em qualquer trimestre. O peso ao nascer foi registrado a partir de dados do hospital ou maternidade. Resultados: A prevalência de Baixo Peso ao Nascer (BPN foi de 26,7%. Correlação entre o IMCmaterno do terceiro trimestre e o peso ao nascer foi moderadamente positiva. 60,8% da variabilidade no peso ao nascer podem ser preditos pelo IMC materno no terceiro trimestre. Conclusão: O IMC materno no terceiro trimestre pode ser usado como um preditor de peso ao nascimento neonatal. Informação, Educação e Aconselhamento (IEC sobre a utilização do pré-natal podem ajudar na redução da incidência de Baixo Peso ao Nascer (BPN.

  2. Conducta sexual en féminas estudiantes de segundo y tercer años de medicina Sexual behavior in female medical students of second and third years

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    Josefina del Carmen Cano Reyes


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 40 estudiantes de segundo y tercer años de medicina pertenecientes al Policlínico Docente "Carlos Juan Finlay" de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero hasta marzo de 2010, con vistas a caracterizar la conducta sexual de dichas féminas. Entre las variables analizadas figuraron: edad de comienzo de las relaciones sexuales, motivación para estas, estabilidad de la pareja y uso del preservativo en la primera relación sexual. La información obtenida fue procesada a través de métodos computarizados y se utilizó el porcentaje como medida de resumen, de lo cual resultó que la mayoría de las encuestadas comenzaron sus relaciones sexuales entre los 14 y 15 años, sin pareja estable y desprotegidas, motivadas porque todas las amigas ya lo habían hecho.An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 40 medical students of second and third years, belonging to "Carlos Juan Finlay" Teaching Polyclinic of Santiago de Cuba, from January to March 2010, with the purpose of characterizing the sexual behavior of these women. Among the analyzed variates were age at onset of sex, motivation for this, couple stability and use of the condom in the first intercourse. The information obtained was processed through computerized methods and the percentage was used as summary measure, from which resulted that most of respondents began their sexual relations between 14 and 15 years, without a regular partner and with unprotected sex, motivated because all their friends had already sex.

  3. Strength of pelvic floor muscles and sexual function during pregnancy


    Franceschet, Joseli; Sacomori, Cinara; Cardoso, Fernando L.


    CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: O bem-estar sexual depende de músculos do assoalho pélvico (MAP) fortes o suficiente para manter a sua função. Durante a gestação, tanto a função sexual como a força dos MAP podem modificar-se. OBJETIVOS: Comparar o grau de força dos MAP e a função sexual em gestantes do segundo e terceiro trimestres. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa descritiva causal comparativa realizada com 37 gestantes de Florianópolis (18 do segundo e 19 do terceiro trimestre), com média de idade de 25,22 anos (±5,7 a...

  4. Normalization: A Preprocessing Stage


    Patro, S. Gopal Krishna; Sahu, Kishore Kumar


    As we know that the normalization is a pre-processing stage of any type problem statement. Especially normalization takes important role in the field of soft computing, cloud computing etc. for manipulation of data like scale down or scale up the range of data before it becomes used for further stage. There are so many normalization techniques are there namely Min-Max normalization, Z-score normalization and Decimal scaling normalization. So by referring these normalization techniques we are ...

  5. Aplicación Móvil de Realidad Aumentada para la Enseñanza de la Clasificación de los Seres Vivos a Niños de Tercer GradoA Mobile Augmented Reality Application for Teaching the Classification of Living Things to Primary School’s Children

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    Cesar Augusto Solano


    Full Text Available Las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC ha tenido un gran auge en lo los últimos años y es debido a este auge que se han ido introduciendo en el aula de clase con resultados prometedores. Por esta razón es indispensable crear herramientas innovadoras que fortalezcan los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los estudiantes, además de motivarlos a usar este tipo de herramientas tanto dentro como fuera del aula. El presente documento tiene como objetivo presentar al lector la problemática existente en la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales, específicamente en el tema de la clasificación de los seres vivos para los niños de tercer grado, así como la solución propuesta a partir de las TIC.

  6. Making nuclear 'normal'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haehlen, Peter; Elmiger, Bruno


    The mechanics of the Swiss NPPs' 'come and see' programme 1995-1999 were illustrated in our contributions to all PIME workshops since 1996. Now, after four annual 'waves', all the country has been covered by the NPPs' invitation to dialogue. This makes PIME 2000 the right time to shed some light on one particular objective of this initiative: making nuclear 'normal'. The principal aim of the 'come and see' programme, namely to give the Swiss NPPs 'a voice of their own' by the end of the nuclear moratorium 1990-2000, has clearly been attained and was commented on during earlier PIMEs. It is, however, equally important that Swiss nuclear energy not only made progress in terms of public 'presence', but also in terms of being perceived as a normal part of industry, as a normal branch of the economy. The message that Swiss nuclear energy is nothing but a normal business involving normal people, was stressed by several components of the multi-prong campaign: - The speakers in the TV ads were real - 'normal' - visitors' guides and not actors; - The testimonials in the print ads were all real NPP visitors - 'normal' people - and not models; - The mailings inviting a very large number of associations to 'come and see' activated a typical channel of 'normal' Swiss social life; - Spending money on ads (a new activity for Swiss NPPs) appears to have resulted in being perceived by the media as a normal branch of the economy. Today we feel that the 'normality' message has well been received by the media. In the controversy dealing with antinuclear arguments brought forward by environmental organisations journalists nowadays as a rule give nuclear energy a voice - a normal right to be heard. As in a 'normal' controversy, the media again actively ask themselves questions about specific antinuclear claims, much more than before 1990 when the moratorium started. The result is that in many cases such arguments are discarded by journalists, because they are, e.g., found to be

  7. Factores asociados a los accidentes por exposición percutánea en personal de enfermería en un hospital de tercer nivel

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    Gallardo López Mª Teresa


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Los accidentes por exposición percutánea suponen aproximadamente un tercio de los accidentes laborales del personal sanitario hospitalario. Su importancia estriba en las enfermedades causadas por patógenos transmisibles por esta vía (hepatitis B, hepatitis C, infección VIH. Objetivos: describir los accidentes de este tipo notificados en un hospital de tercer nivel; identificar factores asociados a estos accidentes en personal de enfermería; construir un modelo predictivo del riesgo individual de accidentarse. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo de una cohorte retrospectiva compuesta por todas las personas que notificaron un accidente entre el 1-1-93 y el 30-6-96. Estudio de casos y controles en el personal de enfermería durante el período 1-1-95 al 30-6-96, analizado mediante regresión logística múltiple. RESULTADOS: La incidencia acumulada de accidentes en un año fue de 0,078 para las/-os enfermeras/-os. En el 57,3% de los casos estuvieron implicadas agujas de jeringas desechables o precargadas. La incidencia acumulada en un año fue mayor para las agujas de cateterismo intravenoso (8,5 por 100.000. El riesgo de accidentabilidad, ajustado por variables confundentes, fue mayor para las/-os enfermeras/-os (OR=3,22; I.C.95%=1,96-5,27, para los trabajadores de la Unidad de Hemodiálisis (OR=35,21; I.C.95%=3,74-331,16 y para aquéllos con contrato eventual (OR=4,50; I.C.95%=2,24-9,04. CONCLUSIONES: Los accidentes por exposición percutánea en este hospital son más frecuentes entre el personal de enfermería y se producen, fundamentalmente, con algún tipo de aguja hueca. Se han identificado factores asociados a estos accidentes, lo que permite dirigir programas preventivos específicos sobre trabajadores con más riesgo. El modelo obtenido es válido para estimar el grado de accidentabilidad individual en los sujetos estudiados.

  8. Birkhoff normalization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Broer, H.; Hoveijn, I.; Lunter, G.; Vegter, G.


    The Birkhoff normal form procedure is a widely used tool for approximating a Hamiltonian systems by a simpler one. This chapter starts out with an introduction to Hamiltonian mechanics, followed by an explanation of the Birkhoff normal form procedure. Finally we discuss several algorithms for

  9. Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) (United States)

    ... local chapter Join our online community Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) Normal pressure hydrocephalus is a brain disorder ... Symptoms Diagnosis Causes & risks Treatments About Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Normal pressure hydrocephalus occurs when excess cerebrospinal fluid ...

  10. Los textos literarios que asigna el MEP para el tercer ciclo de la educación general básica en Costa Rica: algunas reflexiones al respecto

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    Arias Orozco, Grettel


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se detallan y analizan las principales modificaciones que presenta la lista de lecturas obligatorias propuesta en el año 2010 e implementada por el Ministerio de Educación Pública a partir del año 2011, en el Tercer Ciclo de la Educación General Básica costarricense. El estudio fue realizado a partir de la búsqueda bibliográfica de revistas especializadas, tesis de grado, libros, los Planes de Estudios de Español del 2005 y del año 2009, la lista de lecturas obligatorias implementada en el 2011, así como también gracias a entrevistas a especialistas en el área de la educación costarricense. Se concluye que las principales modificaciones responden a la dosificación, la categorización y la flexibilidad del listado de lecturas, pues la cantidad de textos y los géneros literarios que se estudian por nivel se modifican, así como también ahora se le brinda una gama de opciones al docente para que elija qué leer con su grupo estudiantil; no obstante, también se evidencia que ninguno de estos cambios ha sido debidamente fundamentado en la nueva propuesta. Finalmente, se destaca la incorporación de un corpus significativo de textos literarios que hacen referencia al personaje del presidente Juan Mora Porras, cuyo fin se vislumbra de carácter identitario e ideológico, pues su propósito es contrarrestar el desencanto político que ha aumentado en los últimos años e instaurarse como el nuevo referente del héroe nacional.

  11. Análise da pressão plantar e do equilíbrio postural em diferentes fases da gestação


    Ribas, SI; Guirro, ECO


    OBJETIVO: Analisar a pressão plantar e o equilíbrio postural nos três trimestres de gravidez, bem como a correlação com as características antropométricas. METODOLOGIA: 60 voluntárias com idade média de 23,3 ± 5,5 anos, sendo 15 mulheres em cada grupo: não-gestantes (C), primeiro (1T), segundo (2T) e terceiro trimestre (3T). A avaliação foi efetuada por meio de plataforma de pressão na posição bipodal com os olhos abertos. As variáveis analisadas nos pés direito e esquerdo foram: pico de pres...

  12. Factores nutricionales maternos y el bajo peso al nacer en un área de salud

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    Arley Rey Vilchez


    Full Text Available Fundamento: el bajo peso al nacer es multifactorial y se atribuye a causas maternas, fetales y ambientales. Los hábitos alimentarios inadecuados unidos a otros factores nutricionales maternos son determinantes. Objetivo: identificar los factores nutricionales maternos relacionados con el bajo peso al nacer en pacientes del Área I del municipio Cienfuegos. Métodos: se realizó un estudio analítico, retrospectivo, de casos y controles entre enero 2006 y diciembre 2008. Se estudiaron 50 madres de recién nacidos bajo peso (casos y 100 madres de niños normopesos (controles a razón de 2 por cada caso, seleccionadas del registro de nacimientos del área. Se revisaron las historias clínicas obstétricas y se entrevistó a cada paciente para evaluar sus hábitos alimentarios según frecuencia de comidas y grupos de alimentos consumidos. El procesamiento de la información se realizó utilizando el programa estadístico SPSS versión 15,0. Los resultados se presentaron en tablas con frecuencias absolutas, porcentajes y resultados de las técnicas estadísticas empleadas. Resultados: se comportaron como factores de riesgo: la edad materna, el estado nutricional al inicio del embarazo, la ganancia de peso durante la gestación y la hemoglobina del tercer trimestre. Las mujeres con hábitos alimentarios inestables e insuficientes tuvieron 33 veces más probabilidades de tener neonatos bajo peso y las que refirieron dietas no saludables según grupos de alimentos consumidos tuvieron 9 veces más riesgo. Conclusiones: los factores nutricionales maternos influyeron en la incidencia del bajo peso al nacer, fundamentalmente los hábitos alimentarios inadecuados.

  13. Prevalencia y severidad de la violencia contra mujeres embarazadas, México

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    Castro Roberto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar si el embarazo es un factor de riesgo o un factor de protección frente a la violencia doméstica y comparar la prevalencia y severidad de la violencia que sufren las mujeres embarazadas antes y durante el embarazo. MÉTODOS: Encuesta realizada a una muestra de 468 mujeres atendidas en consulta prenatal en su tercer trimestre de embarazo por los servicios de la Secretaría de Salud del estado de Morelos (México. Se exploró violencia emocional, física y sexual. Se construyó un índice para valorar la severidad. Se identificaron las variables más asociadas a la violencia durante el embarazo. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de violencia total no cambió significativamente antes y durante el embarazo (32%. La prevalencia de cada uno de los tres tipos de violencia se mantuvo asimismo sin cambios. El 27% de las mujeres que tuvieron violencia durante el embarazo no la tuvieron antes del mismo; una proporción equivalente tuvieron violencia antes del embarazo pero no durante el mismo. La severidad de la violencia emocional se incrementó significativamente durante el embarazo (en comparación con el año previo, mientras que la severidad de la violencia física disminuyó. Variables asociadas a la violencia durante el embarazo: violencia en la infancia de la pareja; ; que la mujer haya presenciado violencia en casa durante su infancia; y violencia en el año previo al embarazo. Se presentan diversos escenarios de riesgo útiles para los prestadores de servicios. CONCLUSIONES: La violencia emocional durante el embarazo predomina por encima de la violencia fisica y sexual. Diferenciarlas contribuye a esclarecer la complejidad del fenómeno.

  14. Prevalencia y severidad de la violencia contra mujeres embarazadas, México

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    Roberto Castro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar si el embarazo es un factor de riesgo o un factor de protección frente a la violencia doméstica y comparar la prevalencia y severidad de la violencia que sufren las mujeres embarazadas antes y durante el embarazo. MÉTODOS: Encuesta realizada a una muestra de 468 mujeres atendidas en consulta prenatal en su tercer trimestre de embarazo por los servicios de la Secretaría de Salud del estado de Morelos (México. Se exploró violencia emocional, física y sexual. Se construyó un índice para valorar la severidad. Se identificaron las variables más asociadas a la violencia durante el embarazo. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de violencia total no cambió significativamente antes y durante el embarazo (32%. La prevalencia de cada uno de los tres tipos de violencia se mantuvo asimismo sin cambios. El 27% de las mujeres que tuvieron violencia durante el embarazo no la tuvieron antes del mismo; una proporción equivalente tuvieron violencia antes del embarazo pero no durante el mismo. La severidad de la violencia emocional se incrementó significativamente durante el embarazo (en comparación con el año previo, mientras que la severidad de la violencia física disminuyó. Variables asociadas a la violencia durante el embarazo: violencia en la infancia de la pareja; ; que la mujer haya presenciado violencia en casa durante su infancia; y violencia en el año previo al embarazo. Se presentan diversos escenarios de riesgo útiles para los prestadores de servicios. CONCLUSIONES: La violencia emocional durante el embarazo predomina por encima de la violencia fisica y sexual. Diferenciarlas contribuye a esclarecer la complejidad del fenómeno.

  15. Adherencia de los profesionales al protocolo de manejo y red de apoyo familiar de sífilis gestacional y congénita

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    Luz Myriam Tobón-Borrero


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la adherencia de los profesionales médicos y de enfermería al protocolo de sífilis congénita y gestacional implementado por el Ministerio de la Protección Social. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo longitudinal con una población de 215 gestantes y una muestra de 11 gestantes diagnosticadas con sífilis gestacional en 10 municipios de un departamento en Colombia entre febrero y abril de 2013. Se utilizaron como instrumentos el Familiograma, Faces III (Olson, Lista de chequeo protocolo. Medidas de tendencia central. Participación voluntaria bajo consentimiento informado. Resultados: la media poblacional es de 20 años, baja escolaridad, amas de casa, en unión libre, todas afiliadas a seguridad social. El 60% corresponde a familias nucleares, faces III: 50% familias equilibradas, 30% moderadas y 20% extremas. Protocolo: Una gestante no tuvo control prenatal, el 54,5% no registran factores de riesgo, 60,3% diagnosticadas en tercer trimestre, 36,3% de recién nacidos con sífilis congénita, no se registra seguimiento serológico, no hay registro educativo a la paciente ni a la pareja, no hay valoración de genitales ni piel en examen físico de las gestantes, atención a RN incompleta, tratamiento suministrado adecuado. Conclusiones: Predominio de las familias nucleares y equilibradas, con capacidad de aprender de las crisis. No hay adherencia total al protocolo, no hay seguimiento por parte de los profesionales que brindan atención y cuidado a la usuaria. Se evidencia falta de educación continua en el tema al profesional de enfermería como líder del proceso en la región.

  16. La participación del tercer sector en las decisiones de vivienda: La integración del usuario en el proceso. Barrio 1 y 2 – Autoconstructores – Ensenada – Provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Jorge Lombardi


    Full Text Available La experiencia desarrollada recientemente en los Seminarios de posgrado, diseñados y coordinados por la UI 3, IDEHAB, FAU, UNLP, en el marco de los correspondientes Proyectos de Investigación, sumada a las actividades de grado y de extensión universitaria, facilita la verificación del rol protagónico que desempeña el usuario en el proceso de decisiones tendientes a lograr soluciones al problema habitacional. El sostenido crecimiento del Tercer Sector, sus complejidades y limitaciones, en el cambiante contexto actual, ha favorecido la incorporación del usuario de la vivienda desde el inicio del proceso como su gestor y generador de recursos, y a continuación, integrando distintas formas organizativas, aportando desde lo personal a las decisiones referidas a diseño y producción de la vivienda. La propuesta de la vivienda implica servicios, equipamiento y comunicaciones; es la respuesta a una necesidad sentida, donde el usuario construye directamente su propio crecimiento personal, acompañado por una mejor calidad de vida de su grupo familiar y acorde a su identidad y reconocimiento de lenguaje tectónico. Esta integración del usuario en el proceso decisorio, requiere la participación de profesionales universitarios con formación consciente y comprometida con la problemática social.

  17. Cambios y tendencias de la publicidad a nivel mediático. Más con menos

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    Beatriz Legeren Lago


    Full Text Available 0 0 1 199 1099 Interaccion & Uvigo 9 2 1296 14.0 96 Normal 0 21 false false false ES-TRAD JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman";} No son buenos tiempos para la publicidad. La crisis económica mundial que estamos padeciendo y los cambios en la forma de consumo que se están produciendo, están provocando la transición de una economía física a una economía digital. Los últimos tres años hemos asistido a un decrecimiento en la inversión publicitaria. Aunque las cifras del último trimestre del año 2010 se mostraron más positivas de las inicialmente previstas, el campeonato mundial de fútbol, las elecciones de medio mandato en los Estados Unidos y las Olimpiadas de invierno permitieron una ligera recuperación en la tendencia mantenida en trimestres anteriores. Pero no todos los medios, ni todos los países se han comportado de igual manera. Mientras la inversión en medios online ha subido y se estima que continué en esa línea; pequeñas economías emergentes y no tan pequeñas, como en el caso de China, que pronto se convertirá en el cuarto Mercado Mundial, se encuentran en fase de crecimiento. Por ello la búsqueda de la eficacia a corto plazo pero también el mantener a los consumidores cautivos, es más importante que nunca. Estamos asistiendo a cambios en los modelos de negocio imperantes hasta la fecha, pero todavía no se puede asegurar que los nuevos vayan a resultar rentables, a corto plazo, como se desearía. 

  18. Bicervical normal uterus with normal vagina | Okeke | Annals of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    To the best of our knowledge, only few cases of bicervical normal uterus with normal vagina exist in the literature; one of the cases had an anterior‑posterior disposition. This form of uterine abnormality is not explicable by the existing classical theory of mullerian anomalies and suggests that a complex interplay of events ...

  19. Smooth quantile normalization. (United States)

    Hicks, Stephanie C; Okrah, Kwame; Paulson, Joseph N; Quackenbush, John; Irizarry, Rafael A; Bravo, Héctor Corrada


    Between-sample normalization is a critical step in genomic data analysis to remove systematic bias and unwanted technical variation in high-throughput data. Global normalization methods are based on the assumption that observed variability in global properties is due to technical reasons and are unrelated to the biology of interest. For example, some methods correct for differences in sequencing read counts by scaling features to have similar median values across samples, but these fail to reduce other forms of unwanted technical variation. Methods such as quantile normalization transform the statistical distributions across samples to be the same and assume global differences in the distribution are induced by only technical variation. However, it remains unclear how to proceed with normalization if these assumptions are violated, for example, if there are global differences in the statistical distributions between biological conditions or groups, and external information, such as negative or control features, is not available. Here, we introduce a generalization of quantile normalization, referred to as smooth quantile normalization (qsmooth), which is based on the assumption that the statistical distribution of each sample should be the same (or have the same distributional shape) within biological groups or conditions, but allowing that they may differ between groups. We illustrate the advantages of our method on several high-throughput datasets with global differences in distributions corresponding to different biological conditions. We also perform a Monte Carlo simulation study to illustrate the bias-variance tradeoff and root mean squared error of qsmooth compared to other global normalization methods. A software implementation is available from

  20. Normal foot and ankle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weissman, S.D.


    The foot may be thought of as a bag of bones tied tightly together and functioning as a unit. The bones re expected to maintain their alignment without causing symptomatology to the patient. The author discusses a normal radiograph. The bones must have normal shape and normal alignment. The density of the soft tissues should be normal and there should be no fractures, tumors, or foreign bodies

  1. Cortical Thinning in Network-Associated Regions in Cognitively Normal and Below-Normal Range Schizophrenia

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    R. Walter Heinrichs


    Full Text Available This study assessed whether cortical thickness across the brain and regionally in terms of the default mode, salience, and central executive networks differentiates schizophrenia patients and healthy controls with normal range or below-normal range cognitive performance. Cognitive normality was defined using the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB composite score (T=50 ± 10 and structural magnetic resonance imaging was used to generate cortical thickness data. Whole brain analysis revealed that cognitively normal range controls (n=39 had greater cortical thickness than both cognitively normal (n=17 and below-normal range (n=49 patients. Cognitively normal controls also demonstrated greater thickness than patients in regions associated with the default mode and salience, but not central executive networks. No differences on any thickness measure were found between cognitively normal range and below-normal range controls (n=24 or between cognitively normal and below-normal range patients. In addition, structural covariance between network regions was high and similar across subgroups. Positive and negative symptom severity did not correlate with thickness values. Cortical thinning across the brain and regionally in relation to the default and salience networks may index shared aspects of the psychotic psychopathology that defines schizophrenia with no relation to cognitive impairment.

  2. Trad. Daniele Vitale, Arquitectos portugueses. Identidade, nacionalidade, modernidade


    Marnoto, Rita


    (2010. Trad.). Daniele Vitale, Arquitectos portugueses. Identidade, nacionalidade, modernidade, JA Jornal Arquitectos. Publicação Trimestral da Ordem dos Arquitectos Portugal, 237, 93-101. ISSN 0870 1504 Trad. Daniele Vitale

  3. Visual Memories Bypass Normalization. (United States)

    Bloem, Ilona M; Watanabe, Yurika L; Kibbe, Melissa M; Ling, Sam


    How distinct are visual memory representations from visual perception? Although evidence suggests that briefly remembered stimuli are represented within early visual cortices, the degree to which these memory traces resemble true visual representations remains something of a mystery. Here, we tested whether both visual memory and perception succumb to a seemingly ubiquitous neural computation: normalization. Observers were asked to remember the contrast of visual stimuli, which were pitted against each other to promote normalization either in perception or in visual memory. Our results revealed robust normalization between visual representations in perception, yet no signature of normalization occurring between working memory stores-neither between representations in memory nor between memory representations and visual inputs. These results provide unique insight into the nature of visual memory representations, illustrating that visual memory representations follow a different set of computational rules, bypassing normalization, a canonical visual computation.

  4. Group normalization for genomic data. (United States)

    Ghandi, Mahmoud; Beer, Michael A


    Data normalization is a crucial preliminary step in analyzing genomic datasets. The goal of normalization is to remove global variation to make readings across different experiments comparable. In addition, most genomic loci have non-uniform sensitivity to any given assay because of variation in local sequence properties. In microarray experiments, this non-uniform sensitivity is due to different DNA hybridization and cross-hybridization efficiencies, known as the probe effect. In this paper we introduce a new scheme, called Group Normalization (GN), to remove both global and local biases in one integrated step, whereby we determine the normalized probe signal by finding a set of reference probes with similar responses. Compared to conventional normalization methods such as Quantile normalization and physically motivated probe effect models, our proposed method is general in the sense that it does not require the assumption that the underlying signal distribution be identical for the treatment and control, and is flexible enough to correct for nonlinear and higher order probe effects. The Group Normalization algorithm is computationally efficient and easy to implement. We also describe a variant of the Group Normalization algorithm, called Cross Normalization, which efficiently amplifies biologically relevant differences between any two genomic datasets.

  5. Resultado de los embarazos complicados con rubéola, 1990-1997

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    Figueroa-Damián Ricardo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Describir la experiencia del manejo de embarazadas con rubéola, evaluando el resultado perinatal. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Del 1 de enero de 1990 al 31 de octubre de 1997 se incluyeron 67 embarazadas con diagnóstico de rubéola, corroborada con la determinación de anticuerpos séricos IgM. Se dio seguimiento hasta la resolución del embarazo en 66 de estas mujeres: en cuatro se realizó un aborto electivo y una tuvo un embarazo molar. En 61 pacientes se pudo evaluar el efecto de la rubéola sobre el producto y la gestación. A los productos con determinación positiva de IgM contra rubéola se les realizó ecocardiograma, estudio oftalmológico y potenciales provocados auditivos del tallo cerebral (PPATC. RESULTADOS. El promedio de edad de las embarazadas fue de 24.7±5.5 años; 28 pacientes cursaban su primer embarazo. Ninguna de las embarazadas presentó alguna complicación del episodio de rubéola. En 35 casos (52.2% la infección viral se presentó durante el primer trimestre de gestación; en 23 (34.5% sucedió durante el segundo trimestre, y en nueve (13.3% ocurrió en el último trimestre. De los casos de infección materna durante el primer trimestre gestacional, 71% de los productos se infectaron y 51.6% desarrollaron un síndrome de rubéola congénita. Las manifestaciones de rubéola congénita más frecuentes fueron prematurez, bajo peso al nacimiento y alteración de los PPATC. CONCLUSIONES. En México la rubéola continúa causando daño fetal, de tal manera que es necesario establecer medidas de prevención, como la vacunación universal, para evitar la infección por rubéola.

  6. Population study of depressive symptoms and risk factors in pregnant and parenting Mexican adolescents Estudio poblacional sobre los síntomas depresivos y los factores de riesgo en adolescentes mexicanas embarazadas o con hijos

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    María Asunción Lara


    Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale [CES-D] 16 a 23 y CES-D > 24 y la situación de embarazo o de crianza. RESULTADOS: Los síntomas depresivos (CES-D de 16 a 23 variaron de 2,3% en el primer semestre después del parto a 32,5% en el segundo trimestre del embarazo; los síntomas depresivos graves (CES-D > 24 fueron desde 3,0% en el segundo semestre posparto hasta 24,7% en las madres de un niño mayor de 1 año de edad. Se observaron diferencias significativas entre los grupos en las madres que se encontra-ban en el segundo trimestre de la gestación, que presentaron significativamente más síntomas que las mujeres que nunca habían estado embarazadas y que las que estaban en el primer semestre posparto. En las mujeres con síntomas graves, no se observaron diferencias significativas entre los grupos. Mediante un modelo de regresión logística polinómico usado para calcular la probabilidad de depresión se detectó un mayor riesgo de padecer síntomas depresivos (CES-D 16 a 23 en las mujeres sin una pareja que se encontraban en el primer, segundo o tercer trimestre del embarazo; en el segundo semestre después del parto; y en las mujeres con un niño mayor de 1 año. En las mujeres que no concurrían a la escuela y en aquellas con un niño mayor de 1 año se encontró un mayor riesgo de presentar síntomas graves (CES-D > 24. CONCLUSIONES: Los síntomas depresivos implican una carga de morbilidad impor-tante para la madre y riesgos para la salud mental del lactante; por lo tanto, las acciones de prevención y de intervención deben dirigirse a las madres.

  7. Group normalization for genomic data.

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    Mahmoud Ghandi

    Full Text Available Data normalization is a crucial preliminary step in analyzing genomic datasets. The goal of normalization is to remove global variation to make readings across different experiments comparable. In addition, most genomic loci have non-uniform sensitivity to any given assay because of variation in local sequence properties. In microarray experiments, this non-uniform sensitivity is due to different DNA hybridization and cross-hybridization efficiencies, known as the probe effect. In this paper we introduce a new scheme, called Group Normalization (GN, to remove both global and local biases in one integrated step, whereby we determine the normalized probe signal by finding a set of reference probes with similar responses. Compared to conventional normalization methods such as Quantile normalization and physically motivated probe effect models, our proposed method is general in the sense that it does not require the assumption that the underlying signal distribution be identical for the treatment and control, and is flexible enough to correct for nonlinear and higher order probe effects. The Group Normalization algorithm is computationally efficient and easy to implement. We also describe a variant of the Group Normalization algorithm, called Cross Normalization, which efficiently amplifies biologically relevant differences between any two genomic datasets.

  8. Is this the right normalization? A diagnostic tool for ChIP-seq normalization. (United States)

    Angelini, Claudia; Heller, Ruth; Volkinshtein, Rita; Yekutieli, Daniel


    Chip-seq experiments are becoming a standard approach for genome-wide profiling protein-DNA interactions, such as detecting transcription factor binding sites, histone modification marks and RNA Polymerase II occupancy. However, when comparing a ChIP sample versus a control sample, such as Input DNA, normalization procedures have to be applied in order to remove experimental source of biases. Despite the substantial impact that the choice of the normalization method can have on the results of a ChIP-seq data analysis, their assessment is not fully explored in the literature. In particular, there are no diagnostic tools that show whether the applied normalization is indeed appropriate for the data being analyzed. In this work we propose a novel diagnostic tool to examine the appropriateness of the estimated normalization procedure. By plotting the empirical densities of log relative risks in bins of equal read count, along with the estimated normalization constant, after logarithmic transformation, the researcher is able to assess the appropriateness of the estimated normalization constant. We use the diagnostic plot to evaluate the appropriateness of the estimates obtained by CisGenome, NCIS and CCAT on several real data examples. Moreover, we show the impact that the choice of the normalization constant can have on standard tools for peak calling such as MACS or SICER. Finally, we propose a novel procedure for controlling the FDR using sample swapping. This procedure makes use of the estimated normalization constant in order to gain power over the naive choice of constant (used in MACS and SICER), which is the ratio of the total number of reads in the ChIP and Input samples. Linear normalization approaches aim to estimate a scale factor, r, to adjust for different sequencing depths when comparing ChIP versus Input samples. The estimated scaling factor can easily be incorporated in many peak caller algorithms to improve the accuracy of the peak identification. The

  9. Quantitative thallium-201 myocardial exercise scintigraphy in normal subjects and patients with normal coronary arteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niemeyer, M.G.; St. Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein; Laarman, G.J.; Lelbach, S.; Cramer, M.J.; Ascoop, C.A.P.L.; Verzijlbergen, J.F.; Wall, E.E. van der; Zwinderman, A.H.; Pauwels, E.K.J.


    Quantitative thallium-201 myocardial exercise scintigraphy was tested in two patient populations representing alternative standards for cardiac normality: group I comprised 18 male uncatherized patients with a low likelihood of coronary artery disease (CAD); group II contained 41 patients with normal coronary arteriograms. Group I patients were younger, they achieved a higher rate-pressure product than group II patients; all had normal findings by phisical examination and electrocardiography at rest and exercise. Group II patients comprised 21 females, 11 patients showed abnormal electrocardiography at rest, and five patients showed ischemic ST depression during exercise. Twelve patients had sign of minimal CAD. Twelve patients revealed abnormal visual and quantitative thallium findings, three of these patients had minimal CAD. Profiles of uptake and washout of thallium-201 were derived from both patient groups, and compared with normal limits developed by Maddahi et al. Furthermore, low likelihood and angiographically normal patients may differ substantially, and both sets of normal patients should be considered when establishing criteria of abnormality in exercise thallium imaging. When commercial software containing normal limits for quantitative analysis of exercise thallium-201 imaging is used in clinical practice, it is mandatory to compare these with normal limits of uptake and washout of thallium-201, derived from the less heterogeneous group of low-likelihood subjects, which should be used in selecting a normal population to define normality. (author). 37 refs.; 3 figs; 1 tab

  10. Novas evidências empíricas sobre a dinâmica trimestral do consumo agregado das famílias brasileiras no período 1995-2009 New empirical evidence on the quarterly dynamics of Brazilian aggregate household consumption from 1995 to 2009

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    Bernardo Patta Schettini


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta especificações econométricas inéditas para o consumo agregado das famílias brasileiras em níveis trimestrais, no período 1995-2009. Argumenta-se, em particular, que a utilização de aproximações trimestrais da renda disponível do setor privado (a preços de 1995 encadeados, do crédito disponibilizado às famílias brasileiras (em % do PIB e (de uma proxy da taxa de juros real da economia como variáveis explicativas da dinâmica trimestral do consumo agregado dessas famílias gera modelos com elevado grau de ajuste "dentro da amostra" e "fora da amostra". Tais modelos sugerem, ainda, uma elasticidade-renda (privada, excluindo rendas líquidas de propriedade próxima de 0,4 e semielasticidades-crédito e taxa de juros da ordem de 2% e -2% para o consumo agregado das famílias brasileiras.This paper presents new econometric specifications for the quarterly behavior of aggregate consumption of Brazilian households from 1995 to 2009. It is argued, in particular, that the use of quarterly measures of both private disposable income (in chained 1995 prices, the credit granted to households (as a % of GDP and a proxy for real interest rates as explanatory variables for the level of quarterly household consumption lead to well adjusted models "within the sample" with good "out of sample" performance. Moreover, the models presented in this paper point to values of the (approximated private income elasticity around 0.4 and credit and interest (semi elasticities of household consumption around 2% and -2%, respectively.

  11. "Ser diferente é normal?"/"Being different: is it normal?"

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    Viviane Veras


    Full Text Available A pergunta título deste trabalho retoma o slogan “Ser diferente é normal”, que é parte da campanha criada para uma organização não-governamental que atende portadores de Síndrome de Down. O objetivo é a inclusão social da pessoa com deficiência e o primeiro passo foi propor a inclusão de um grupo de diferentes no grupo dito normal. No vídeo de lançamento da campanha, o diferente, identificado como normal, é mostrado por meio de exemplos – um negro com cabelo black-power, um skin-head, um corpo tatuado, um corpo feminino halterofílico, uma família hippie, uma garota com síndrome de Down. A visão da adolescente dançando reduz, de certo modo, o efeito imaginário que vai além da síndrome, uma vez que apenas o corpo com seus olhinhos puxados se destacam, e não se interrogam questões cognitivas. Minha proposta é refletir sobre o estatuto paradoxal do exemplo, tal como é trabalhado nesse vídeo: se, por definição, um exemplo mostra de fato seu pertencimento a uma classe, pode-se concluir que é exatamente por ser exemplar que ele se encontra fora dela, no exato momento em que a exibe e define. The question in the title of this paper refers to the slogan "ser diferente é normal" ("It´s normal to be different", which is part of a campaign created for a NGO that supports people with Down syndrome. The objective of the campaign is to promote the social inclusion of individuals with Down syndrome, and the first step was to propose the inclusion of a group of "differents" in the so-called normal group. The film launching the campaign shows the different identified as normal by means of examples: a black man exhibiting blackpower haircut, a skin-head, a tattooed body, an over-athletic female body, a hippie family and a girl with Down syndrome. The vision of the dancing teenager lessens the imaginary effect that surpasses the syndrome, since only her body and her little oriental eyes stand out and no cognitive issues are

  12. Marketing Contábil nos Escritórios de Contabilidade do Estado de São PauloAccounting Marketing by Accounting Offices in the State of Sao PauloMarketing Contable en los Oficinas de Contabilidad del Estado de São Paulo

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    SILVA, Dirceu da


    Full Text Available RESUMOEste artigo apresenta uma parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa realizada entre o último trimestre de 2004 e 1º. trimestre de 2005, para identificar como 259 escritórios de Contabilidade no Estado de São Paulo usam os instrumentos de Marketing. O trabalho combinou pesquisa empírica para identificar aspectos relevantes da realidade dos escritórios, revisão bibliográfica, e pesquisa de campo, na sua primeira etapa por meio de uma entrevista de profundidade com os sócios de cinco escritórios, e seguida do uso de um questionário com 49 assertivas, respondido pelos sócios de 259 escritórios. A revisão da literatura revelou experiências internacionais no uso do Marketing que podem contribuir para os escritórios melhorarem sua imagem perante os clientes, e para o desenvolvimento de seus negócios Os dados obtidos com os questionários foram tratados pela Estatística Descritiva e analisados com o uso da mediana, pois os dados não se mostraram aderentes à curva normal. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que o uso dos instrumentos de Marketing é intuitivo e embrionário no setor. A pesquisa fornece informações que poderão ajudar os empresários contábeis a adotar as ferramentas de Marketing como uma alternativa de valorizar seus serviços junto ao mercado, e mais um elemento de apoio ao seu negócio.ABSTRACTThis article presents a portion of the result of a research carried through between the last quarter of 2004 and the first quarter of 2005, to identify as 259 accounting services offices in the State of Sao Paulo use or not the Marketing tools. The study executed combined empirical research to identify excellent aspects about the reality of the offices, bibliographical revision, and field research, in its first stage by means of a depth interview with the partners of five offices, and later with the use of a questionnaire with 49 assertive, answered by the partners of the 259 accounting offices. The revision of literature

  13. nth roots of normal contractions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duggal, B.P.


    Given a complex separable Hilbert space H and a contraction A on H such that A n , n≥2 some integer, is normal it is shown that if the defect operator D A = (1 - A * A) 1/2 is of the Hilbert-Schmidt class, then A is similar to a normal contraction, either A or A 2 is normal, and if A 2 is normal (but A is not) then there is a normal contraction N and a positive definite contraction P of trace class such that parallel to A - N parallel to 1 = 1/2 parallel to P + P parallel to 1 (where parallel to · parallel to 1 denotes the trace norm). If T is a compact contraction such that its characteristics function admits a scalar factor, if T = A n for some integer n≥2 and contraction A with simple eigen-values, and if both T and A satisfy a ''reductive property'', then A is a compact normal contraction. (author). 16 refs


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    Satheesha Nayak B


    Full Text Available Knowledge of variations at and in the surroundings of cubital fossa is useful for the orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons and medical practitioners in general. During routine dissection, we observed arterial and muscular variations in and around the cubital fossa. The brachial artery terminated 2 inches above the base of the cubital fossa. The radial and ulnar arteries entered the cubital fossa by passing in front of the tendons of brachialis and biceps brachii respectively. The ulnar artery was surrounded by the third head of pronator teres which took its origin from the fascia covering the distal part of the brachialis muscle. This muscle joined pronator teres tendon distally and was supplied by a branch of median nerve. This muscle could alter the blood flow in the ulnar artery and may cause difficulties in recording the blood pressure.El conocimiento de las variaciones en los alrededores de la fosa cubital es útil para cirujanos ortopédicos, cirujanos plásticos y médicos en general. Observamos las variaciones arteriales y musculares en y alrededor de la fosa cubital. La arteria braquial terminó 2 pulgadas por encima de la base de la fosa cubital. Las arterias radiales y cubitales entraron en la fosa cubital pasando delante de los tendones de los músculos braquial y bíceps braquial respectivamente. La arteria cubital estaba rodeada por el tercer fascículo del pronador teres, que tuvo su origen en la fascia cubriendo la parte distal del músculo braquial. Este músculo se unió a tendón de pronador teres distalmente y fue suministrado por una rama del nervio mediano. Este músculo podría alterar el flujo sanguíneo en la arteria cubital y puede causar dificultades para el registro de la presión sanguínea.

  15. Baby Poop: What's Normal? (United States)

    ... I'm breast-feeding my newborn and her bowel movements are yellow and mushy. Is this normal for baby poop? Answers from Jay L. Hoecker, M.D. Yellow, mushy bowel movements are perfectly normal for breast-fed babies. Still, ...

  16. Normal people working in normal organizations with normal equipment: system safety and cognition in a mid-air collision. (United States)

    de Carvalho, Paulo Victor Rodrigues; Gomes, José Orlando; Huber, Gilbert Jacob; Vidal, Mario Cesar


    A fundamental challenge in improving the safety of complex systems is to understand how accidents emerge in normal working situations, with equipment functioning normally in normally structured organizations. We present a field study of the en route mid-air collision between a commercial carrier and an executive jet, in the clear afternoon Amazon sky in which 154 people lost their lives, that illustrates one response to this challenge. Our focus was on how and why the several safety barriers of a well structured air traffic system melted down enabling the occurrence of this tragedy, without any catastrophic component failure, and in a situation where everything was functioning normally. We identify strong consistencies and feedbacks regarding factors of system day-to-day functioning that made monitoring and awareness difficult, and the cognitive strategies that operators have developed to deal with overall system behavior. These findings emphasize the active problem-solving behavior needed in air traffic control work, and highlight how the day-to-day functioning of the system can jeopardize such behavior. An immediate consequence is that safety managers and engineers should review their traditional safety approach and accident models based on equipment failure probability, linear combinations of failures, rules and procedures, and human errors, to deal with complex patterns of coincidence possibilities, unexpected links, resonance among system functions and activities, and system cognition.

  17. Precariedad laboral de jóvenes asalariados en la ciudad de Toluca, 2005-2010

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    Yuliana Gabriela Román-Sánchez


    Full Text Available El nuevo contexto laboral está caracterizado por la precarización de la mano de obra, problema que afecta sobre todo a los jóvenes. Bajo este preámbulo, el objetivo del artículo es analizar las condiciones laborales de la población asalariada en la ciudad de Toluca desde una perspectiva de género. De manera precisa, se pretende estimar diferentes niveles de la precariedad laboral según grandes grupos de edad, así como de hombres y mujeres entre los 14 y 29 años de edad. Esto se realizó a través de la estimación del Índice de Precariedad Laboral con datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo (enoe del primer trimestre de 2005 y primer trimestre de 2010.

  18. Short proofs of strong normalization


    Wojdyga, Aleksander


    This paper presents simple, syntactic strong normalization proofs for the simply-typed lambda-calculus and the polymorphic lambda-calculus (system F) with the full set of logical connectives, and all the permutative reductions. The normalization proofs use translations of terms and types to systems, for which strong normalization property is known.

  19. Is My Penis Normal? (For Teens) (United States)

    ... Videos for Educators Search English Español Is My Penis Normal? KidsHealth / For Teens / Is My Penis Normal? Print en español ¿Es normal mi pene? ... any guy who's ever worried about whether his penis is a normal size. There's a fairly wide ...

  20. Is normal science good science?

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    Adrianna Kępińska


    Full Text Available “Normal science” is a concept introduced by Thomas Kuhn in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962. In Kuhn’s view, normal science means “puzzle solving”, solving problems within the paradigm—framework most successful in solving current major scientific problems—rather than producing major novelties. This paper examines Kuhnian and Popperian accounts of normal science and their criticisms to assess if normal science is good. The advantage of normal science according to Kuhn was “psychological”: subjective satisfaction from successful “puzzle solving”. Popper argues for an “intellectual” science, one that consistently refutes conjectures (hypotheses and offers new ideas rather than focus on personal advantages. His account is criticized as too impersonal and idealistic. Feyerabend’s perspective seems more balanced; he argues for a community that would introduce new ideas, defend old ones, and enable scientists to develop in line with their subjective preferences. The paper concludes that normal science has no one clear-cut set of criteria encompassing its meaning and enabling clear assessment.

  1. On the transition to the normal phase for superconductors surrounded by normal conductors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fournais, Søren; Kachmar, Ayman


    For a cylindrical superconductor surrounded by a normal material, we discuss transition to the normal phase of stable, locally stable and critical configurations. Associated with those phase transitions, we define critical magnetic fields and we provide a sufficient condition for which those...

  2. Normality in Analytical Psychology (United States)

    Myers, Steve


    Although C.G. Jung’s interest in normality wavered throughout his career, it was one of the areas he identified in later life as worthy of further research. He began his career using a definition of normality which would have been the target of Foucault’s criticism, had Foucault chosen to review Jung’s work. However, Jung then evolved his thinking to a standpoint that was more aligned to Foucault’s own. Thereafter, the post Jungian concept of normality has remained relatively undeveloped by comparison with psychoanalysis and mainstream psychology. Jung’s disjecta membra on the subject suggest that, in contemporary analytical psychology, too much focus is placed on the process of individuation to the neglect of applications that consider collective processes. Also, there is potential for useful research and development into the nature of conflict between individuals and societies, and how normal people typically develop in relation to the spectrum between individuation and collectivity. PMID:25379262

  3. Normality in Analytical Psychology

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    Steve Myers


    Full Text Available Although C.G. Jung’s interest in normality wavered throughout his career, it was one of the areas he identified in later life as worthy of further research. He began his career using a definition of normality which would have been the target of Foucault’s criticism, had Foucault chosen to review Jung’s work. However, Jung then evolved his thinking to a standpoint that was more aligned to Foucault’s own. Thereafter, the post Jungian concept of normality has remained relatively undeveloped by comparison with psychoanalysis and mainstream psychology. Jung’s disjecta membra on the subject suggest that, in contemporary analytical psychology, too much focus is placed on the process of individuation to the neglect of applications that consider collective processes. Also, there is potential for useful research and development into the nature of conflict between individuals and societies, and how normal people typically develop in relation to the spectrum between individuation and collectivity.

  4. A sazonalidade do tromboembolismo venoso no clima subtropical de São Paulo Seasonal variation of venous thromboembolism in the subtropical climate of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Daniela Kleinfelder


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: Os fatores desencadeantes da doença tromboembólica venosa vêm sendo cada vez melhor identificados. Causas externas podem influir na sua ocorrência, e algum destaque tem sido dado a fatores climáticos. Nada se sabe quanto a essa interferência em nossa latitude. OBJETIVOS: Analisar se há diferença na incidência do tromboembolismo venoso de acordo com as estações do ano, num hospital da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, cujo clima é categorizado como subtropical. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado trabalho retrospectivo de levantamento de dados a partir de prontuários de pacientes cujo diagnóstico de internação ou óbito foi de trombose venosa profunda ou tromboembolismo pulmonar, no período de janeiro de 1996 a outubro de 2003, no Hospital da Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo. Para comparação e estudo, os casos foram agrupados em trimestres (primeiro trimestre = janeiro, fevereiro e março; segundo trimestre = abril, maio e junho; terceiro trimestre = julho, agosto e setembro; e quarto trimestre = outubro, novembro e dezembro e conforme sua ocorrência nos chamados meses quentes e frios, de acordo com a média de temperatura mensal (meses quentes = outubro a abril; meses frios = maio a setembro. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 955 casos de tromboembolismo venoso no período analisado. Foi utilizado o teste ANOVA para análise, que não revelou diferença estatisticamente significativa na incidência do tromboembolismo venoso de acordo com os trimestres. Quando analisados separadamente, também não se evidenciou significância estatística em relação ao tromboembolismo pulmonar e à trombose venosa profunda. Quando comparados os meses quentes e frios, observou-se aumento da incidência de trombose venosa profunda nos meses quentes (p BACKGROUND: The triggering factors of venous thromboembolic disease have been increasingly clarified. External causes may influence its occurrence, and some climactic factors have stood out. Nothing

  5. Vigilancia de los niveles de uso de antibióticos y perfiles de resistencia bacteriana en hospitales de tercer nivel de la Ciudad de México Surveillance of antibiotic utilization and bacterial resistance profiles in tertiary level hospitals in Mexico City

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    Lilia Benavides-Plascencia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar los niveles de uso de antibióticos y el perfil de resistencia de las bacterias nosocomiales, e identificar y proponer estrategias para disminuir la resistencia a los antibióticos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo, retrolectivo (1994-1995, hecho en seis hospitales de tercer nivel de la Ciudad de México. RESULTADOS: La resistencia del grupo hospitalario fue de 86%, mientras que el consumo total de antibióticos por institución varió entre 44 y 195 dosis diarias definidas/100 camas-día. CONCLUSIONES: Se identificaron los elementos para instrumentar un sistema de vigilancia integral que mejore el uso de antibióticos y la valoración de la resistencia bacteriana.OBJECTIVE: To identify the levels of antibiotic utilization and the resistance profiles of nosocomial bacteria, as well as the strategies to diminish resistance to antibiotics. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A descriptive, retrospective (1994-1995 study was conducted in six tertiary level hospitals in Mexico City. RESULTS: A total of 86% antibiotic resistance was observed in these hospitals. The overall consumption of antibiotics per hospital ranged between 44 and 195 Defined Daily Doses/100 day-beds. CONCLUSIONS: We identified the components to frame an integral surveillance system aimed at improving the use of antibiotics and the quality of the bacterial resistance assessment in these hospitals.

  6. The N'ormal Distribution

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    An optimal way of choosing sample size in an opinion poll is indicated using the normal distribution. Introduction. In this article, the ubiquitous normal distribution is intro- duced as a convenient approximation for computing bino- mial probabilities for large values of n. Stirling's formula. • and DeMoivre-Laplace theorem ...

  7. Comparison of spectrum normalization techniques for univariate ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy; univariate study; normalization models; stainless steel; standard error of prediction. Abstract. Analytical performance of six different spectrum normalization techniques, namelyinternal normalization, normalization with total light, normalization with background along with their ...

  8. POSSIBLE ENTRAPMENT OF THE ULNAR ARTERY BY THE THIRD HEAD OF PRONATOR TERES MUSCLE. El posible atrapamiento de la arteria ulnar por el tercer fascículo del músculo pronador teres

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    Naveen Kumar


    Full Text Available El conocimiento de las variaciones en los alrededores de la fosa cubital es útil para cirujanos ortopédicos, cirujanos plásticos y médicos en general. Observamos las variaciones arteriales y musculares en y alrededor de la fosa cubital. La arteria braquial terminó 2 pulgadas por encima de la base de la fosa cubital. Las arterias radiales y cubitales entraron en la fosa cubital  pasando delante de los tendones de los músculos braquial y bíceps braquial respectivamente. La arteria cubital estaba rodeada por el tercer fascículo del pronador teres, que tuvo su origen en la fascia cubriendo la parte distal del músculo braquial. Este músculo se unió a tendón de pronador teres distalmente y fue suministrado por una rama del nervio mediano. Este músculo podría alterar el flujo sanguíneo en la arteria cubital y puede causar dificultades para el registro de la presión sanguínea. Knowledge of variations at and in the surroundings of cubital fossa is useful for the orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons and medical practitioners in general. During routine dissection, we observed arterial and muscular variations in and around the cubital fossa. The brachial artery terminated 2 inches above the base of the cubital fossa. The radial and ulnar arteries entered the cubital fossa by passing in front of the tendons of brachialis and biceps brachii respectively. The ulnar artery was surrounded by the third head of pronator teres which took its origin from the fascia covering the distal part of the brachialis muscle. This muscle joined pronator teres tendon distally and was supplied by a branch of median nerve. This muscle could alter the blood flow in the ulnar artery and may cause difficulties in recording the blood pressure.

  9. Evaluación auditiva neurosensorial en un grupo de prematuros del programa madre conguro Sensorineural auditory evaluation in a group of preterm neonates from the "Kangaroo mother" program

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    Gabriel Hernández


    Full Text Available Entre agosto de 1989 y diciembre de 1991 se buscó asociación entre algunos factores de riesgo comunes a los prematuros con peso menor de 1.500 g al nacer y el hecho de presentar disminución de la agudeza auditiva, medida con los potenciales evocados del tallo cerebral a los 4 meses y luego entre los 8 y los 14 meses. Los factores de riesgo tenidos en cuenta en 133 prematuros del ";Programa madre canguro"; del Instituto de los Seguros Sociales, en Medellín, fueron: Peso inferior a 1.500 g, hiperbilirrubinemia superior a 10 mg/ml, sufrimiento fetal, membranas hialinas, uso de aminoglicósidos, hipoglucemia, hemorragia del tercer trimestre e hipertensión arterial materna. Se halló pérdida de la agudeza auditiva en la evaluación inicial en 54 nifíos (40.6% mientras en la final sólo la presentaban 10 (7.5%; no pudo detectarse asociación entre los factores de riesgo y la disminución de la agudeza auditiva en la evaluación inicial ni en la final. La mejoría de resultados de agudeza auditiva entre las pruebas iniciales y las finales puede explicarse, entre otras razones, por la maduración cerebral del prematuro. Se debe investigar más la razón de los déficits finales y, ojalá, establecer programas de seguimiento con pruebas auditivas en este grupo de niños en riesgo. A study was carried out to investigate the association between risk factors commonly found in preterm neonates with very low birth-weight (Iess than 1.500 g and decreased auditory acuteness; the latter was measured according to brain stem evoked potentiaJs (BERA test In 133 preterm neonates belonging to the "Kangaroo mother program", in 'Medellín,Colombla. The following risk factors we~ evaluated: Hyperbilirrubinemia, hyaline membrane, birth weight lower than 1.500g, fetal distress, hypoglycemia, use of aminoglycosldes, thlrd trimester hemorrhage, and maternal high blood presssure. Abnormal results in BERA test were found in 54 cases (40.6% at 4 months and in only 10 (7

  10. Spinal cord normalization in multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Oh, Jiwon; Seigo, Michaela; Saidha, Shiv; Sotirchos, Elias; Zackowski, Kathy; Chen, Min; Prince, Jerry; Diener-West, Marie; Calabresi, Peter A; Reich, Daniel S


    Spinal cord (SC) pathology is common in multiple sclerosis (MS), and measures of SC-atrophy are increasingly utilized. Normalization reduces biological variation of structural measurements unrelated to disease, but optimal parameters for SC volume (SCV)-normalization remain unclear. Using a variety of normalization factors and clinical measures, we assessed the effect of SCV normalization on detecting group differences and clarifying clinical-radiological correlations in MS. 3T cervical SC-MRI was performed in 133 MS cases and 11 healthy controls (HC). Clinical assessment included expanded disability status scale (EDSS), MS functional composite (MSFC), quantitative hip-flexion strength ("strength"), and vibration sensation threshold ("vibration"). SCV between C3 and C4 was measured and normalized individually by subject height, SC-length, and intracranial volume (ICV). There were group differences in raw-SCV and after normalization by height and length (MS vs. HC; progressive vs. relapsing MS-subtypes, P normalization by length (EDSS:r = -.43; MSFC:r = .33; strength:r = .38; vibration:r = -.40), and height (EDSS:r = -.26; MSFC:r = .28; strength:r = .22; vibration:r = -.29), but diminished with normalization by ICV (EDSS:r = -.23; MSFC:r = -.10; strength:r = .23; vibration:r = -.35). In relapsing MS, normalization by length allowed statistical detection of correlations that were not apparent with raw-SCV. SCV-normalization by length improves the ability to detect group differences, strengthens clinical-radiological correlations, and is particularly relevant in settings of subtle disease-related SC-atrophy in MS. SCV-normalization by length may enhance the clinical utility of measures of SC-atrophy. Copyright © 2014 by the American Society of Neuroimaging.

  11. Doplervelocimetria das artérias oftálmica e central da retina em gestantes normais Dopplervelocimetry of ophthalmic and central retinal arteries in normal pregnancies

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    Angélica Lemos Debs Diniz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar os padrões dos índices doplervelocimétricos das artérias oftálmica e central da retina durante o segundo e terceiro trimestres da gestação normal e comparar os valores obtidos do olho direito e esquerdo das gestantes. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal no qual se avaliaram seis índices doplervelocimétricos das artérias central da retina e oftálmica em 51 gestantes normais, com idades gestacionais entre a 20ª e a 38ª semana. As variáveis analisadas foram os índices de resistência e pulsatilidade (IR, IP, os picos de velocidade sistólica e diastólica (PVS, PVD e a razão entre picos de velocidade (RPV. A análise dos índices doplervelocimétricos dos olhos direito e esquerdo foi realizada utilizando-se a mediana dos valores. Para a comparação dos valores dos índices entre os dois olhos das gestantes, utilizou-se o teste t de Student para dados pareados. A associação entre a idade gestacional e os índices foi testada empregando-se o coeficiente de correlação linear de Pearson. Adotou-se o nível de significância de 5% para os testes estatísticos. RESULTADOS: a mediana dos índices doplervelocimétricos das artérias oftálmica e central da retina foram, respectivamente: IP=1,83; IR=0,78; PVS=34,20; PVD=6,80; RPV=0,48 e IP=1,34; IR=0,70; PVS=7,40; PVD=2,10. Não houve diferenças na análise comparativa dos índices doplervelocimétricos entre os olhos direito e esquerdo das gestantes normais. O coeficiente de correlação linear entre a idade gestacional e os índices de ambas as artérias não mostrou diferença significante durante a gestação normal. CONCLUSÃO: é factível a análise unilateral dos índices doplervelocimétricos das artérias oftálmica e central da retina no estudo de doenças maternas sistêmicas. Não há mudança significativa dos índices doplervelocimétricos das artérias oftálmica e central da retina ao longo da gestação normal entre a 20ª e a 38ª semana.PURPOSE: to

  12. Imaging the corpus callosum, septum pellucidum and fornix in children: normal anatomy and variations of normality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffiths, Paul D.; Batty, Ruth; Connolly, Dan J.A.; Reeves, Michael J.


    The midline structures of the supra-tentorial brain are important landmarks for judging if the brain has formed correctly. In this article, we consider the normal appearances of the corpus callosum, septum pellucidum and fornix as shown on MR imaging in normal and near-normal states. (orig.)

  13. Le coût du crédit aux entreprises.




    La remontée des taux moyens des crédits aux entreprises amorcée au quatrième trimestre 2005 s’est poursuivie entre janvier et avril 2006 pour toutes les catégories de concours autres que l’escompte.

  14. Le dépistage des aneuploïdies en Tunisie: à quand la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le dépistage des aneuploïdies en Tunisie: à quand la généralisation du calcul de risque intégré au premier trimestre ? Kaouther Dimassi, Rim Sahnoun Moalla, Sami Abid, Bechir Zouari, Mohamed Faouzi Gara ...

  15. Prácticas para estimular el parto normal Practices to stimulate normal childbirth

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    Flora Maria Barbosa da Silva


    Full Text Available Este artículo lleva a una reflexión sobre las prácticas del estímulo al parto normal, con la fundamentación teórica de cada una de ellas. Las prácticas incluidas en este estudio fueron el ayuno, enemas, spray y baños de inmersión, caminatas, movimientos pélvicos y masaje. En un contexto de revalorización del parto normal, ofrecer a la mujer durante el parto opciones de comodidad basadas en evidencias puede ser una forma de preservar el curso fisiológico del parto.This article leads to a reflection about the practices of encouraging normal childbirth, with the theoretical foundation for each one of them. The practices included in this study were fasting, enema, shower and immersion baths, walking, pelvic movements and massage. In a context of revaluation of normal birth, providing evidence-based comfort options for women during childbirth can be a way to preserve the physiological course of labour.

  16. Understanding a Normal Distribution of Data. (United States)

    Maltenfort, Mitchell G


    Assuming data follow a normal distribution is essential for many common statistical tests. However, what are normal data and when can we assume that a data set follows this distribution? What can be done to analyze non-normal data?

  17. Análise de custo-efetividade de métodos preventivos para superfície oclusal de acordo com o risco de cárie: resultados de um ensaio clínico controlado

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    Elaine Pereira da Silva Tagliaferro


    Full Text Available Este estudo apresenta o resultado de uma avaliação de custo-efetividade conduzida ao longo de um ensaio clínico controlado para avaliar a efetividade do selamento com ionômero de vidro modificado por resina (Vitremer, 3M ESPE e da aplicação de verniz fluoretado (Duraphat, Col-gate em superfícies oclusais de primeiros molares permanentes, em crianças de 6 a 8 anos (N = 268, segundo o risco de cárie (alto risco; baixo risco. As crianças foram examinadas semestralmente, ao longo de 24 meses, pelo mesmo dentista calibrado, após alocação em seis grupos: controle alto risco e baixo risco (educação em saúde bucal trimestral; verniz alto risco e baixo risco (educação em saúde bucal trimestral + aplicação semestral de verniz; e selante alto risco e baixo risco (educação em saúde bucal trimestral + única aplicação do selante. A análise mostrou que o selamento de primeiros molares permanentes em crianças de alto risco apresentou razão de C/E de R$ 225,21(US$ 119,80 por superfície oclusal salva, e razão incremental de C/E de R$ 203,71(US$ 108,36 por superfície oclusal adicional salva. Conclui-se que uma única aplicação de selante, em escolares de alto risco, foi a intervenção mais custo-efetiva.

  18. Sífilis congénita en el Hospital Universitario de Santander, Bucaramanga (Colombia, 2006 - 2007

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    Cecilia del Carmen Matos Mareño


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. La sífilis congénita (SC aumenta en nuestro país a pesar de existir un programa diseñado para su control. Se requiere conocer las características de los afectados y sus padres, para implementar medidas de control. Objetivo. Caracterizar los casos de SC atendidos en el Hospital Universitario de Santander, Bucaramanga (Colombia, entre Junio/2006 y Septiembre/2007. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de corte transversal prospectivo. Se analizaron variables sociodemográficas y clínicas de los recién nacidos y sus padres. Resultados. Se presentaron 36 recién nacidos (RN con SC. Nueve sintomáticos (25%, 6 con compromiso del sistema nervioso central (16.7%; 2 murieron (5.6%. En 12 casos (33.3% las madres no hicieron control prenatal; 16 (44.4% no aparecen inscritas al sistema de seguridad social en salud. Tres madres (8.3% infectadas por VIH; 6 (16.7% con más de 9 compañeros sexuales y 10 (27.8% con un compañero sexual; 8 (22.2% usó drogas ilícitas. El diagnóstico de sífilis fue hecho en el tercer trimestre del embarazo en 15 casos (41.7% y 14 (38.9% en postparto. El 47.2% de las madres no recibió tratamiento durante el embarazo (17 casos; 25 padres (69.5% no lo recibieron. Conclusiones. Pese a que la SC es una enfermedad prevenible, en el Hospital Universitario de Santander se encontraron 36 casos entre junio de 2006 a septiembre 2007. Sobresalen factores inherentes a la madre, a su entorno y al acceso al servicio de salud que hacen que la SC aumente en nuestro medio. Para modificar la incidencia de la SC es mandatorio mejorar la calidad del control prenatal, garantizar el acceso y captación de las gestantes de manera oportuna, lograr adherencia a los protocolos de manejo por parte de las IPS para poder mejorar la calidad de vida de la infancia en Santander

  19. Factores de riesgo asociados a muerte materna por hemorragia posparto en el departamento de Antioquia en los años 2004-2006

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    John Jairo Zuleta Tobón


    Full Text Available La mortalidad materna en Antioquia se calculó para los años 2004 y 2005 en 63,2 y 48,1 por 100.000 nacidos vivos, respectivamente; la principal causa fue la hemorragia posparto con 44% y 28% en los mismos años. Por cada caso de muerte se calcula en 30 los casos de eventos obstétricos que implican riesgo de morir. Al analizar estos casos se han encontrado algunos factores que impactan el desenlace. OBJETIVOS: describir las características generales de las pacientes que presentaron hemorragia obstétrica en el departamento de Antioquia en los años 2004-2006, así como identificar los factores de riesgo asociados a muerte en estas pacientes. TIPO DE ESTUDIO: de casos y controles. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIONES: en el departamento de Antioquia para los años 2004-2006 se informaron 35 casos de muerte materna por hemorragia posparto, y en la ciudad de Medellín, 42 casos de hemorragia obstétrica grave del tercer trimestre en los años 2005 y 2006. En el 47,6% de las pacientes con hemorragia obstétrica y en el 34,3% de las pacientes fallecidas se hizo manejo activo del alumbramiento con oxitocina. Los retrasos I y II fueron más frecuentes en el grupo de mortalidad con 54,5% y 21,2%, respectivamente, y el retraso tipo III fue similar para ambos grupos: 86,8% vs. 90,9%. El manejo de líquidos y la utilización de hemoderivados fueron similares en ambos grupos, aunque no fueron administrados según las recomendaciones para el manejo del choque hipovolémico. La hemorragia posparto continúa siendo la principal causa de mortalidad materna y de morbilidad obstétrica grave en el departamento de Antioquia, sin que se logre evidenciar diferencias claras que condicionen uno u otro desenlace.

  20. The Normal Fetal Pancreas. (United States)

    Kivilevitch, Zvi; Achiron, Reuven; Perlman, Sharon; Gilboa, Yinon


    The aim of the study was to assess the sonographic feasibility of measuring the fetal pancreas and its normal development throughout pregnancy. We conducted a cross-sectional prospective study between 19 and 36 weeks' gestation. The study included singleton pregnancies with normal pregnancy follow-up. The pancreas circumference was measured. The first 90 cases were tested to assess feasibility. Two hundred ninety-seven fetuses of nondiabetic mothers were recruited during a 3-year period. The overall satisfactory visualization rate was 61.6%. The intraobserver and interobserver variability had high interclass correlation coefficients of of 0.964 and 0.967, respectively. A cubic polynomial regression described best the correlation of pancreas circumference with gestational age (r = 0.744; P pancreas circumference percentiles for each week of gestation were calculated. During the study period, we detected 2 cases with overgrowth syndrome and 1 case with an annular pancreas. In this study, we assessed the feasibility of sonography for measuring the fetal pancreas and established a normal reference range for the fetal pancreas circumference throughout pregnancy. This database can be helpful when investigating fetomaternal disorders that can involve its normal development. © 2017 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.

  1. Tercer sector y univocidad conceptual: necesidad y elementos configuradores Terceiro setor e univocidade conceitual: necessidade e elementos configuradores The third sector and conceptual univocality: necessity and essential elements

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    Julio Jiménez Escobar


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se destaca la importancia de que exista un concepto unívoco del tercer sector. En primer lugar se justifica esta relevancia conceptual desde un punto de vista epistemológico tanto para el estudio de los hechos sociales (objeto de conocimiento como para la propia configuración de las comunidades científicas (sujeto del conocimiento. En segundo lugar, también se argumenta esta necesidad de univocidad ya que condiciona las diferentes políticas públicas, y porque incide en la interacción de los agentes que contribuyen al cambio social. Por último se abordan los rasgos que pueden delimitar este espacio social propio, por un lado, y a caracterizar las particularidades de las entidades que operan en el mismo, por otro.No presente trabalho destaca-se a importância de que exista um conceito unívoco do Terceiro Setor. Em primeiro lugar, justifica-se esta relevância conceitual desde um ponto de vista epistemológico, tanto para o estudo dos fatos sociais (objeto de conhecimento, quanto para a própria configuração das comunidades científicas (sujeito do conhecimento. Em segundo lugar, argumenta-se também essa necessidade de univocidade já que condiciona as diferentes políticas públicas, e porque incide na integração dos agentes que contribuem para a mudança social. Por último, são abordados os rasgos que podem, por um lado, delimitar este espaço social próprio, e por outro, caracterizar as particularidades das entidades que operam em ele.This study emphasizes the importance of a univocal concept of the third sector. It first justifies the conceptual importance of univocality from a epistemological perspective and for the study of social facts (as an object of knowledge. Secondly, it argues the need for univocality since the concept is relevant to various public policies, and because it influences the integration of agents who contribute to social change. Finally, it looks at the divisions that can both

  2. CT of Normal Developmental and Variant Anatomy of the Pediatric Skull: Distinguishing Trauma from Normality. (United States)

    Idriz, Sanjin; Patel, Jaymin H; Ameli Renani, Seyed; Allan, Rosemary; Vlahos, Ioannis


    The use of computed tomography (CT) in clinical practice has been increasing rapidly, with the number of CT examinations performed in adults and children rising by 10% per year in England. Because the radiology community strives to reduce the radiation dose associated with pediatric examinations, external factors, including guidelines for pediatric head injury, are raising expectations for use of cranial CT in the pediatric population. Thus, radiologists are increasingly likely to encounter pediatric head CT examinations in daily practice. The variable appearance of cranial sutures at different ages can be confusing for inexperienced readers of radiologic images. The evolution of multidetector CT with thin-section acquisition increases the clarity of some of these sutures, which may be misinterpreted as fractures. Familiarity with the normal anatomy of the pediatric skull, how it changes with age, and normal variants can assist in translating the increased resolution of multidetector CT into more accurate detection of fractures and confident determination of normality, thereby reducing prolonged hospitalization of children with normal developmental structures that have been misinterpreted as fractures. More important, the potential morbidity and mortality related to false-negative interpretation of fractures as normal sutures may be avoided. The authors describe the normal anatomy of all standard pediatric sutures, common variants, and sutural mimics, thereby providing an accurate and safe framework for CT evaluation of skull trauma in pediatric patients. (©)RSNA, 2015.

  3. Precaval retropancreatic space: Normal anatomy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Yeon Hee; Kim, Ki Whang; Kim, Myung Jin; Yoo, Hyung Sik; Lee, Jong Tae [Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The authors defined precaval retropancreatic space as the space between pancreatic head with portal vein and IVC and analyzed the CT findings of this space to know the normal structures and size in this space. We evaluated 100 cases of normal abdominal CT scan to find out normal anatomic structures of precaval retropancreatic space retrospectively. We also measured the distance between these structures and calculated the minimum, maximum and mean values. At the splenoportal confluence level, normal structures between portal vein and IVC were vessel (21%), lymph node (19%), and caudate lobe of liver (2%) in order of frequency. The maximum AP diameter of portocaval lymph node was 4 mm. Common bile duct (CBD) was seen in 44% and the diameter was mean 3 mm and maximum 11 mm. CBD was located in extrapancreatic (75%) and lateral (60.6%) to pancreatic head. At IVC-left renal vein level, the maximum distance between CBD and IVC was 5 mm and the structure between posterior pancreatic surface and IVC was only fat tissue. Knowledge of these normal structures and measurement will be helpful in differentiating pancreatic mass with retropancreatic mass such as lymphadenopathy.

  4. Normal probability plots with confidence. (United States)

    Chantarangsi, Wanpen; Liu, Wei; Bretz, Frank; Kiatsupaibul, Seksan; Hayter, Anthony J; Wan, Fang


    Normal probability plots are widely used as a statistical tool for assessing whether an observed simple random sample is drawn from a normally distributed population. The users, however, have to judge subjectively, if no objective rule is provided, whether the plotted points fall close to a straight line. In this paper, we focus on how a normal probability plot can be augmented by intervals for all the points so that, if the population distribution is normal, then all the points should fall into the corresponding intervals simultaneously with probability 1-α. These simultaneous 1-α probability intervals provide therefore an objective mean to judge whether the plotted points fall close to the straight line: the plotted points fall close to the straight line if and only if all the points fall into the corresponding intervals. The powers of several normal probability plot based (graphical) tests and the most popular nongraphical Anderson-Darling and Shapiro-Wilk tests are compared by simulation. Based on this comparison, recommendations are given in Section 3 on which graphical tests should be used in what circumstances. An example is provided to illustrate the methods. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. A Contribuição do Contador para a Gestão das Empresas do Terceiro Setor: uma pesquisa de campo no Distrito Federal Accountant Contribution for the Third Sector Organizations Management: a research field in the Federal District - BrazilLa Contribución del Contador para la Gestión de las Empresas del Tercer Sector: un estudio de campo en el Distrito Federal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    JÚNIOR, Idalberto José das Neves


    accounting of what it is this sector, in special, of companies who integrates it, and the existence of a work field to be explored by the professional of the accounting.RESUMENEn todo el mundo, organizaciones del Tercer Sector surgen y adquieren importancia en el cómputo de las economías, sea para suplir las lagunas de la acción gubernamental o para concretizar objetivos de solidariedad que no encuentran espacio para su realización en otros lugares. La necesidad de obtener informaciones para una gestión más profesional de estas empresas hizo surgir un nuevo campo de trabajo para el profesional de contabilidad. El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar las percepciones de las empresas del Tercer Sector con relación a los servicios profesionales contables y la confrontación de éstos con la opinión de contabilistas, por medio de un estudio de campo realizado en el Distrito Federal. Los resultados evidenciaron que es muy bajo el grado de atención ofrecido por los servicios contables, frente a las necesidades de información de las empresas del Tercer Sector, que hay gran desconocimiento por parte de los profesionales de contabilidad sobre este sector, especialmente las empresas que lo integran y que hay un campo de trabajo disponible para que el profesional de la contabilidad pueda explorarlo.

  6. Monitoring the normal body

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nissen, Nina Konstantin; Holm, Lotte; Baarts, Charlotte


    of practices for monitoring their bodies based on different kinds of calculations of weight and body size, observations of body shape, and measurements of bodily firmness. Biometric measurements are familiar to them as are health authorities' recommendations. Despite not belonging to an extreme BMI category...... provides us with knowledge about how to prevent future overweight or obesity. This paper investigates body size ideals and monitoring practices among normal-weight and moderately overweight people. Methods : The study is based on in-depth interviews combined with observations. 24 participants were...... recruited by strategic sampling based on self-reported BMI 18.5-29.9 kg/m2 and socio-demographic factors. Inductive analysis was conducted. Results : Normal-weight and moderately overweight people have clear ideals for their body size. Despite being normal weight or close to this, they construct a variety...

  7. Data-driven intensity normalization of PET group comparison studies is superior to global mean normalization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borghammer, Per; Aanerud, Joel; Gjedde, Albert


    BACKGROUND: Global mean (GM) normalization is one of the most commonly used methods of normalization in PET and SPECT group comparison studies of neurodegenerative disorders. It requires that no between-group GM difference is present, which may be strongly violated in neurodegenerative disorders....... Importantly, such GM differences often elude detection due to the large intrinsic variance in absolute values of cerebral blood flow or glucose consumption. Alternative methods of normalization are needed for this type of data. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two types of simulation were performed using CBF images...

  8. A note on totally normal spaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zougdani, H.K.


    In this note we give the necessary and sufficient condition for a topological space X such that the product space X x Y is totally normal for any (non discrete) metric space Y, and we show that a totally normal p-space need not be a perfectly normal in general, which makes Theorem 2 doubtful. (author). 6 refs

  9. Quasiparticle transport properties of mesoscopic wires containing normal-metal/superconductor/normal-metal proximity junctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Nam; Kim, Kijoon; Lee, Hu Jong; Lee, Seongjae; Yuk, Jong Seol; Park, Kyoung Wan; Lee, El Hang


    We measured the differential resistance dV/dI of mesoscopic normal-metal/superconductor/normal-metal (N-S-N) junctions. At low temperatures (T PbIn /e, where Δ PbIn is the gap energy of superconducting Pb-In, and at a higher bias V c . The zero-bias dip is supposed to originate from Andreev reflections of quasiparticles and the peak near 2Δ PbIn /e from the formation of a standing-wave mode of quasiparticles inside the superconducting potential barrier. We attribute the peaks at V c to a transition of the superconducting region to the normal state as the current exceeds the critical current I c of S

  10. Comprehensive non-dimensional normalization of gait data. (United States)

    Pinzone, Ornella; Schwartz, Michael H; Baker, Richard


    Normalizing clinical gait analysis data is required to remove variability due to physical characteristics such as leg length and weight. This is particularly important for children where both are associated with age. In most clinical centres conventional normalization (by mass only) is used whereas there is a stronger biomechanical argument for non-dimensional normalization. This study used data from 82 typically developing children to compare how the two schemes performed over a wide range of temporal-spatial and kinetic parameters by calculating the coefficients of determination with leg length, weight and height. 81% of the conventionally normalized parameters had a coefficient of determination above the threshold for a statistical association (pnormalized non-dimensionally. All the conventionally normalized parameters exceeding this threshold showed a reduced association with non-dimensional normalization. In conclusion, non-dimensional normalization is more effective that conventional normalization in reducing the effects of height, weight and age in a comprehensive range of temporal-spatial and kinetic parameters. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Relating normalization to neuronal populations across cortical areas. (United States)

    Ruff, Douglas A; Alberts, Joshua J; Cohen, Marlene R


    Normalization, which divisively scales neuronal responses to multiple stimuli, is thought to underlie many sensory, motor, and cognitive processes. In every study where it has been investigated, neurons measured in the same brain area under identical conditions exhibit a range of normalization, ranging from suppression by nonpreferred stimuli (strong normalization) to additive responses to combinations of stimuli (no normalization). Normalization has been hypothesized to arise from interactions between neuronal populations, either in the same or different brain areas, but current models of normalization are not mechanistic and focus on trial-averaged responses. To gain insight into the mechanisms underlying normalization, we examined interactions between neurons that exhibit different degrees of normalization. We recorded from multiple neurons in three cortical areas while rhesus monkeys viewed superimposed drifting gratings. We found that neurons showing strong normalization shared less trial-to-trial variability with other neurons in the same cortical area and more variability with neurons in other cortical areas than did units with weak normalization. Furthermore, the cortical organization of normalization was not random: neurons recorded on nearby electrodes tended to exhibit similar amounts of normalization. Together, our results suggest that normalization reflects a neuron's role in its local network and that modulatory factors like normalization share the topographic organization typical of sensory tuning properties. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  12. Anomalous normal mode oscillations in semiconductor microcavities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, H. [Univ. of Oregon, Eugene, OR (United States). Dept. of Physics; Hou, H.Q.; Hammons, B.E. [Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    Semiconductor microcavities as a composite exciton-cavity system can be characterized by two normal modes. Under an impulsive excitation by a short laser pulse, optical polarizations associated with the two normal modes have a {pi} phase difference. The total induced optical polarization is then expected to exhibit a sin{sup 2}({Omega}t)-like oscillation where 2{Omega} is the normal mode splitting, reflecting a coherent energy exchange between the exciton and cavity. In this paper the authors present experimental studies of normal mode oscillations using three-pulse transient four wave mixing (FWM). The result reveals surprisingly that when the cavity is tuned far below the exciton resonance, normal mode oscillation in the polarization is cos{sup 2}({Omega}t)-like, in contrast to what is expected form the simple normal mode model. This anomalous normal mode oscillation reflects the important role of virtual excitation of electronic states in semiconductor microcavities.

  13. Complete Normal Ordering 1: Foundations

    CERN Document Server

    Ellis, John; Skliros, Dimitri P.


    We introduce a new prescription for quantising scalar field theories perturbatively around a true minimum of the full quantum effective action, which is to `complete normal order' the bare action of interest. When the true vacuum of the theory is located at zero field value, the key property of this prescription is the automatic cancellation, to any finite order in perturbation theory, of all tadpole and, more generally, all `cephalopod' Feynman diagrams. The latter are connected diagrams that can be disconnected into two pieces by cutting one internal vertex, with either one or both pieces free from external lines. In addition, this procedure of `complete normal ordering' (which is an extension of the standard field theory definition of normal ordering) reduces by a substantial factor the number of Feynman diagrams to be calculated at any given loop order. We illustrate explicitly the complete normal ordering procedure and the cancellation of cephalopod diagrams in scalar field theories with non-derivative i...

  14. Inheritance of Properties of Normal and Non-Normal Distributions after Transformation of Scores to Ranks (United States)

    Zimmerman, Donald W.


    This study investigated how population parameters representing heterogeneity of variance, skewness, kurtosis, bimodality, and outlier-proneness, drawn from normal and eleven non-normal distributions, also characterized the ranks corresponding to independent samples of scores. When the parameters of population distributions from which samples were…

  15. Spin-filtering effect and proximity effect in normal metal/ferromagnetic insulator/normal metal/superconductor junctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Hong; Yang Wei; Yang Xinjian; Qin Minghui; Xu Yihong


    Taking into account the thickness of the ferromagnetic insulator (FI), the spin-filtering effect and proximity effect in normal metal/ferromagnetic insulator/normal metal/superconductor (NM/FI/NM/SC) junctions are studied based on an extended Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk (BTK) theory. It is shown that a spin-dependent energy shift during the tunneling process induces splitting of the sub-energy gap conductance peaks and the spin polarization in the ferromagnetic insulator causes an imbalance of the peak heights. Different from the ferromagnet the spin-filtering effect of the FI cannot cause the reversion of the normalized conductance in NM/FI/NM/SC junctions

  16. Ultrasonographic features of normal lower ureters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Young Soon; Bae, M. Y.; Park, K. J.; Jeon, H. S.; Lee, J. H.


    Although ultrasonographic evaluation of the normal ureters is difficult due to bowel gas, the lower segment of the normal ureters can be visualized using the urinary bladder as an acoustic window. Authors prospetively performed ultrasonography with the standard suprapubic technique and analyzed the ultrasonographic features of normal lower ureters in 79 cases(77%). Length of visualized segment of the distal ureter ranged frp, 1.5cm to 7.2 cm and the visualized segment did not exceed 3.9mm in maximum diameter. Knowledge of sonographic features of the normal lower ureters can be helpful in the evaluation of pathologic or suspected pathologic conditions of the lower ureters

  17. Normal pressure hydrocephalus (United States)

    Hydrocephalus - occult; Hydrocephalus - idiopathic; Hydrocephalus - adult; Hydrocephalus - communicating; Dementia - hydrocephalus; NPH ... Ferri FF. Normal pressure hydrocephalus. In: Ferri FF, ed. ... Elsevier; 2016:chap 648. Rosenberg GA. Brain edema and disorders ...

  18. Normal form theory and spectral sequences


    Sanders, Jan A.


    The concept of unique normal form is formulated in terms of a spectral sequence. As an illustration of this technique some results of Baider and Churchill concerning the normal form of the anharmonic oscillator are reproduced. The aim of this paper is to show that spectral sequences give us a natural framework in which to formulate normal form theory. © 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

  19. MR guided spatial normalization of SPECT scans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crouch, B.; Barnden, L.R.; Kwiatek, R.


    Full text: In SPECT population studies where magnetic resonance (MR) scans are also available, the higher resolution of the MR scans allows for an improved spatial normalization of the SPECT scans. In this approach, the SPECT images are first coregistered to their corresponding MR images by a linear (affine) transformation which is calculated using SPM's mutual information maximization algorithm. Non-linear spatial normalization maps are then computed either directly from the MR scans using SPM's built in spatial normalization algorithm, or, from segmented TI MR images using DARTEL, an advanced diffeomorphism based spatial normalization algorithm. We compare these MR based methods to standard SPECT based spatial normalization for a population of 27 fibromyalgia patients and 25 healthy controls with spin echo T 1 scans. We identify significant perfusion deficits in prefrontal white matter in FM patients, with the DARTEL based spatial normalization procedure yielding stronger statistics than the standard SPECT based spatial normalization. (author)

  20. 3j Symbols: To Normalize or Not to Normalize? (United States)

    van Veenendaal, Michel


    The systematic use of alternative normalization constants for 3j symbols can lead to a more natural expression of quantities, such as vector products and spherical tensor operators. The redefined coupling constants directly equate tensor products to the inner and outer products without any additional square roots. The approach is extended to…

  1. Normal modified stable processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole Eiler; Shephard, N.


    Gaussian (NGIG) laws. The wider framework thus established provides, in particular, for added flexibility in the modelling of the dynamics of financial time series, of importance especially as regards OU based stochastic volatility models for equities. In the special case of the tempered stable OU process......This paper discusses two classes of distributions, and stochastic processes derived from them: modified stable (MS) laws and normal modified stable (NMS) laws. This extends corresponding results for the generalised inverse Gaussian (GIG) and generalised hyperbolic (GH) or normal generalised inverse...

  2. Uso de herramientas estadísticas para la predicción estacional del campo de precipitación en América Central como apoyo a los Foros Climáticos Regionales. 2: Análisis de Correlación Canónica.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Berny Fallas López


    Full Text Available Se elaboró un pronóstico climático estacional en América Central basado en el Análisis de Correlación Canónica (ACC. Como predictores se usaron las temperaturas superficiales del mar de los océanos circundantes al istmo y como predictante el campo de precipitación, de 146 estaciones meteorológicas en Mesoamérica con registros mensuales para el período 1971-2000. El área oceánica asociada en el campo de la temperatura superficial del mar fue 60 # N- 60 # S y 270-0 # O. En general, para cada uno de los períodos sobre los cuales se realizaron los pronósticos, se utilizaron las temperaturas superficiales del mar del trimestre anterior. El ACC, mostró los mejores resultados para el trimestre de ASO, trimestre de máxima precipitación anual en la vertiente del Pacífico. Algunos de los modos identificados en el análisis presentaron patrones espaciales asociados a fuentes de variabilidad conocidas como el ENOS, por lo que el ACC aparte de ser una herramienta útil para realizar pronósticos estacionales, también resultó útil para explicar predictores y asociaciones con otros índices climáticos. Los resultados de este trabajo mostraron que la introducción del ACC puede ayudar a los pronósticos estacionales de la región centroamericana, realizados en los foros de predicción climática de América Central, con análisis objetivos sobre las relaciones predictivas encontradas en el istmo.

  3. Quantiles for Finite Mixtures of Normal Distributions (United States)

    Rahman, Mezbahur; Rahman, Rumanur; Pearson, Larry M.


    Quantiles for finite mixtures of normal distributions are computed. The difference between a linear combination of independent normal random variables and a linear combination of independent normal densities is emphasized. (Contains 3 tables and 1 figure.)

  4. Normal matter storage of antiprotons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, L.J.


    Various simple issues connected with the possible storage of anti p in relative proximity to normal matter are discussed. Although equilibrium storage looks to be impossible, condensed matter systems are sufficiently rich and controllable that nonequilibrium storage is well worth pursuing. Experiments to elucidate the anti p interactions with normal matter are suggested. 32 refs

  5. Normal zone soliton in large composite superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kupferman, R.; Mints, R.G.; Ben-Jacob, E.


    The study of normal zone of finite size (normal domains) in superconductors, has been continuously a subject of interest in the field of applied superconductivity. It was shown that in homogeneous superconductors normal domains are always unstable, so that if a normal domain nucleates, it will either expand or shrink. While testing the stability of large cryostable composite superconductors, a new phenomena was found, the existence of stable propagating normal solitons. The formation of these propagating domains was shown to be a result of the high Joule power generated in the superconductor during the relatively long process of current redistribution between the superconductor and the stabilizer. Theoretical studies were performed in investigate the propagation of normal domains in large composite super conductors in the cryostable regime. Huang and Eyssa performed numerical calculations simulating the diffusion of heat and current redistribution in the conductor, and showed the existence of stable propagating normal domains. They compared the velocity of normal domain propagation with the experimental data, obtaining a reasonable agreement. Dresner presented an analytical method to solve this problem if the time dependence of the Joule power is given. He performed explicit calculations of normal domain velocity assuming that the Joule power decays exponentially during the process of current redistribution. In this paper, the authors propose a system of two one-dimensional diffusion equations describing the dynamics of the temperature and the current density distributions along the conductor. Numerical simulations of the equations reconfirm the existence of propagating domains in the cryostable regime, while an analytical investigation supplies an explicit formula for the velocity of the normal domain

  6. "Differently normal" and "normally different": negotiations of female embodiment in women's accounts of 'atypical' sex development. (United States)

    Guntram, Lisa


    During recent decades numerous feminist scholars have scrutinized the two-sex model and questioned its status in Western societies and medicine. Along the same line, increased attention has been paid to individuals' experiences of atypical sex development, also known as intersex or 'disorders of sex development' (DSD). Yet research on individuals' experiences of finding out about their atypical sex development in adolescence has been scarce. Against this backdrop, the present article analyses 23 in-depth interviews with women who in their teens found out about their atypical sex development. The interviews were conducted during 2009-2012 and the interviewees were all Swedish. Drawing on feminist research on female embodiment and social scientific studies on diagnosis, I examine how the women make sense of their bodies and situations. First, I aim to explore how the women construe normality as they negotiate female embodiment. Second, I aim to investigate how the divergent manners in which these negotiations are expressed can be further understood via the women's different access to a diagnosis. Through a thematic and interpretative analysis, I outline two negotiation strategies: the "differently normal" and the "normally different" strategy. In the former, the women present themselves as just slightly different from 'normal' women. In the latter, they stress that everyone is different in some manner and thereby claim normalcy. The analysis shows that access to diagnosis corresponds to the ways in which the women present themselves as "differently normal" and "normally different", thus shedding light on the complex role of diagnosis in their negotiations of female embodiment. It also reveals that the women make use of what they do have and how alignments with and work on norms interplay as normality is construed. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. An investigation on normal school students’ learning burnout – A case study of English normal students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Linjing Xu


    Full Text Available Learning burnout is a phenomenon in which students hold a negative attitude to curriculum learning, which manifests in aspects of physiology, psychology, behavior and interpersonal communication. China attaches great importance to higher education, colleges and universities shoulder the important task of training national modernization personnel. The problem of university students’ learning burnout has become a social phenomenon that cannot be ignored. Normal university students are one of the important groups of college students, and this phenomenon of learning burnout may also occur among them. English majors are the backbone of English teachers in primary and secondary schools in the future. The learning status of these groups affects the overall quality of teaching in normal colleges and universities and, more importantly, the quality of teachers in primary and secondary schools in the future. This paper first reviews the definition of learning burnout and the research methods of measurement. Subsequently, it investigates the learning burnout of English matriculation students by taking the first-year English majors of Jiangxi Normal University as an example. In this way, this research is hoped to promote the study on learning burnout not only among English normal students but also other normal students.

  8. Normal Weight Dyslipidemia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ipsen, David Hojland; Tveden-Nyborg, Pernille; Lykkesfeldt, Jens


    Objective: The liver coordinates lipid metabolism and may play a vital role in the development of dyslipidemia, even in the absence of obesity. Normal weight dyslipidemia (NWD) and patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) who do not have obesity constitute a unique subset...... of individuals characterized by dyslipidemia and metabolic deterioration. This review examined the available literature on the role of the liver in dyslipidemia and the metabolic characteristics of patients with NAFLD who do not have obesity. Methods: PubMed was searched using the following keywords: nonobese......, dyslipidemia, NAFLD, NWD, liver, and metabolically obese/unhealthy normal weight. Additionally, article bibliographies were screened, and relevant citations were retrieved. Studies were excluded if they had not measured relevant biomarkers of dyslipidemia. Results: NWD and NAFLD without obesity share a similar...

  9. Normalized cDNA libraries (United States)

    Soares, Marcelo B.; Efstratiadis, Argiris


    This invention provides a method to normalize a directional cDNA library constructed in a vector that allows propagation in single-stranded circle form comprising: (a) propagating the directional cDNA library in single-stranded circles; (b) generating fragments complementary to the 3' noncoding sequence of the single-stranded circles in the library to produce partial duplexes; (c) purifying the partial duplexes; (d) melting and reassociating the purified partial duplexes to moderate Cot; and (e) purifying the unassociated single-stranded circles, thereby generating a normalized cDNA library.

  10. Spin-filter effect in normal metal/ferromagnetic insulator/normal metal/superconductor structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Hong; Yang, Wei; Yang, Xinjian; Qin, Minghui; Guo, Jianqin


    Taking into account the thickness of the ferromagnetic insulator, the spin-filter effect in normal metal/ferromagnetic insulator/normal metal/superconductor (NM/FI/NM/SC) junctions is studied based on the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk (BTK) theory. It is shown that a spin-dependent energy shift during the tunneling process induces splitting of the subgap resonance peaks. The spin polarization due to the spin-filter effect of the FI causes an imbalance of the peaks heights and can enhance the Zeeman splitting of the gap peaks caused by an applied magnetic field. The spin-filter effect has no contribution to the proximity-effect-induced superconductivity in NM interlayer

  11. Normal Functioning Family (United States)

    ... Spread the Word Shop AAP Find a Pediatrician Family Life Medical Home Family Dynamics Adoption & Foster Care ... Español Text Size Email Print Share Normal Functioning Family Page Content Article Body Is there any way ...

  12. Libéralisation commerciale et pauvreté en Afrique

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Dépôt légal 2e trimestre 2010 ... LIBÉRALISATION DU COMMERCE EXTÉRIEUR ET PAUVRETÉ EN ... Du contexte général du commerce extérieur marocain. 175 ...... extrêmes alors que le second permet la définition des ménages pauvres.

  13. Parser Adaptation for Social Media by Integrating Normalization

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Goot, Rob; van Noord, Gerardus

    This work explores normalization for parser adaptation. Traditionally, normalization is used as separate pre-processing step. We show that integrating the normalization model into the parsing algorithm is beneficial. This way, multiple normalization candidates can be leveraged, which improves

  14. Neurodesarrollo de niños no infectados de madres VIH-1 positivas y de niños de madres VIH-1 negativas, menores de un año, de la ciudad de Medellín, 2005-2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José William Cornejo Ochoa


    Full Text Available

    Normal">OBJETIVO: comparar el neurodesarrollo de niños no infectados de madres VIH-1 positivas con el de niños no expuestos al VIH-1.


    Normal">MÉTODOS: estudio prospectivo observacional del neurodesarrollo de 23 niños no infectados, hijos de madres VIH-1 positivas, con el de un grupo de 20 niños no expuestos, usando la Bayley Scale of Infant Development–ll, Denver- ll, el examen neurológico y medidas antropométricas, durante el primer año de vida. Los hijos de madres VIH-1 positivas permanecieron no infectados y sanos y los del grupo control fueron niños sanos de diferentes estratos sociales y educacionales maternos. Para el análisis estadístico de los datos se usaron pruebas no paramétricas como la de Mann Whitney y el test exacto de Fisher.


    Normal">RESULTADOS: en el primer mes hubo diferencias en los dos grupos al evaluar la edad p = 0,000, la talla p = 0,002, el peso p = 0,000 y el perímetro cefálico p = 0,010; al tercer mes solo el peso p = 0,030 y la talla p = 0,049. El índice de desarrollo psicomotor no mostró diferencias, y el índice de desarrollo mental solo al sexto mes presentó p = 0,021. La escala Bayley de comportamiento al tercer mes presentó p = 0,041. La escala Denver y el examen neurológico presentaron un nivel de significancia p = 0,053 al sexto

  15. Ethics and "normal birth". (United States)

    Lyerly, Anne Drapkin


    The concept of "normal birth" has been promoted as ideal by several international organizations, although debate about its meaning is ongoing. In this article, I examine the concept of normalcy to explore its ethical implications and raise a trio of concerns. First, in its emphasis on nonuse of technology as a goal, the concept of normalcy may marginalize women for whom medical intervention is necessary or beneficial. Second, in its emphasis on birth as a socially meaningful event, the mantra of normalcy may unintentionally avert attention to meaning in medically complicated births. Third, the emphasis on birth as a normal and healthy event may be a contributor to the long-standing tolerance for the dearth of evidence guiding the treatment of illness during pregnancy and the failure to responsibly and productively engage pregnant women in health research. Given these concerns, it is worth debating not just what "normal birth" means, but whether the term as an ideal earns its keep. © 2012, Copyright the Authors Journal compilation © 2012, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (United States)

    ... improves the chance of a good recovery. Without treatment, symptoms may worsen and cause death. What research is being done? The NINDS conducts and supports research on neurological disorders, including normal pressure hydrocephalus. Research on disorders such ...

  17. Evaluating Transfer Entropy for Normal and y-Order Normal Distributions

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hlaváčková-Schindler, Kateřina; Toulias, T. L.; Kitsos, C. P.


    Roč. 17, č. 5 (2016), s. 1-20 ISSN 2231-0851 Institutional support: RVO:67985556 Keywords : Transfer entropy * time series * Kullback-Leibler divergence * causality * generalized normal distribution Subject RIV: BC - Control Systems Theory

  18. Smoking and spirometric values in third year medical students: cross-sectional study


    10.5867/medwave.2015.03.6124; Mariela Edith Beligoy; Yessica Vanesa Lima; Pablo Federico Barissi


    OBJETIVO El presente estudio tiene por objetivo conocer la frecuencia de tabaquismo y su relación con los indicadores de la función respiratoria, además de los hábitos y las actitudes respecto al consumo de cigarrillos en estudiantes de tercer año de la carrera de Medicina del Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Fundación Héctor A. Barceló, sede Santo Tomé, Corrientes, Argentina. MÉTODOS Estudio de corte transversal y analítico, con estudiantes de tercer año de la carre...

  19. El desarrollo humano en comunidades afrocolombianas: perspectivas del patrimonio cultural inmaterial en el marco de los ODM en San Basilio de Palenque. Periodo 2000-2012


    Martínez Descans, Juan Diego


    El objetivo de este estudio de caso es analizar la tensión provocada entre el enfoque de políticas públicas en San Basilio de Palenque para alcanzar el tercer Objetivo de Desarrollo del Milenio-ODM y la salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial-PCI. Esta investigación estudia cómo el enfoque de género está o no presente, tanto en políticas públicas de salvaguardia del PCI como en las encargadas del tercer ODM, y cómo esto dificulta o facilita la obtención de ambos propósitos. Por medio ...

  20. Parámetros genéticos para características reproductivas en una población de búfalos (bubalus bubalis artiodactyla, bovidae) en el magdalena medio colombiano.


    Bolívar Vergara, Diana María; Ramírez Toro, Edison Julián; Agudelo Gómez, Divier Antonio; Angulo Arroyave, Roberto Arturo; Cerón Muñoz, Mario Fernando


    La investigación se hizo para estimar los componentes de (co)varianza y parámetros genéticos para edad al primer parto (EPP) e intervalo entre partos (IEP) en una población bufalina en el Magdalena Medio Colombiano. Las características evaluadas fueron EPP, IEP entre primer y segundo parto (IEP1-2), IEP entre segundo y tercer parto (IEP2-3), e IEP entre tercer y cuarto parto (IEP3-4) en un modelo animal multicaracterístico. El IEP con todos los partos (IEPtotal) fue analizado en un modelo ani...

  1. Computerized three-dimensional normal atlas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mano, Isamu; Suto, Yasuzo; Suzuki, Masataka; Iio, Masahiro.


    This paper presents our ongoing project in which normal human anatomy and its quantitative data are systematically arranged in a computer. The final product, the Computerized Three-Dimensional Normal Atlas, will be able to supply tomographic images in any direction, 3-D images, and coded information on organs, e.g., anatomical names, CT numbers, and T 1 and T 2 values. (author)

  2. MR imaging of the ankle: Normal variants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noto, A.M.; Cheung, Y.; Rosenberg, Z.S.; Norman, A.; Leeds, N.E.


    Thirty asymptomatic ankles were studied with high-resolution surface coil MR imaging. The thirty ankles were reviewed for identification or normal structures. The MR appearance of the deltoid and posterior to talo-fibular ligaments, peroneous brevis and longus tendons, and posterior aspect of the tibial-talar joint demonstrated several normal variants not previously described. These should not be misinterpreted as pathologic processes. The specific findings included (1) cortical irregularity of the posterior tibial-talar joint in 27 of 30 cases which should not be mistaken for osteonecrois; (2) normal posterior talo-fibular ligament with irregular and frayed inhomogeneity, which represents a normal variant in seven of ten cases; and (3) fluid in the shared peroneal tendons sheath which may be confused for a longitudinal tendon tear in three of 30 cases. Ankle imaging with the use of MR is still a relatively new procedure. Further investigation is needed to better define normal anatomy as well as normal variants. The authors described several structures that normally present with variable MR imaging appearances. This is clinically significant in order to maintain a high sensitivity and specificity in MR imaging interpretation

  3. Quantum transport in graphene normal-metal superconductor- normal-metal structures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Mohammadpour


    Full Text Available  We study the transport of electrons in a graphene NSN structure in which two normal regions are connected by a superconducting strip of thickness d. Within Dirac-Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations we describe the transmission through the contact in terms of different scattering processes consisting of quasiparticle cotunneling, local and crossed Andreev reflections. Compared to a fully normal structure we show that the angular dependence of the transmission probability is significantly modified by the presence of superconducting correlations. This modifation can be explained in terms of the interplay between Andreev reflection and Klein tunneling of chiral quasiparticles. We further analyze the energy dependence of the resulting differential conductance of the structure. The subgap differential conductance shows features of Andreev reflection and cotunelling processes, which tends to the values of an NS structure for large ds. Above the gap, the differential conductance shows an oscillatory behavior with energy even at very large ds.

  4. Valuation of Normal Range of Ankle Systolic Blood Pressure in Subjects with Normal Arm Systolic Blood Pressure. (United States)

    Gong, Yi; Cao, Kai-wu; Xu, Jin-song; Li, Ju-xiang; Hong, Kui; Cheng, Xiao-shu; Su, Hai


    This study aimed to establish a normal range for ankle systolic blood pressure (SBP). A total of 948 subjects who had normal brachial SBP (90-139 mmHg) at investigation were enrolled. Supine BP of four limbs was simultaneously measured using four automatic BP measurement devices. The ankle-arm difference (An-a) on SBP of both sides was calculated. Two methods were used for establishing normal range of ankle SBP: the 99% method was decided on the 99% reference range of actual ankle BP, and the An-a method was the sum of An-a and the low or up limits of normal arm SBP (90-139 mmHg). Whether in the right or left side, the ankle SBP was significantly higher than the arm SBP (right: 137.1 ± 16.9 vs 119.7 ± 11.4 mmHg, P<0.05). Based on the 99% method, the normal range of ankle SBP was 94~181 mmHg for the total population, 84~166 mmHg for the young (18-44 y), 107~176 mmHg for the middle-aged(45-59 y) and 113~179 mmHg for the elderly (≥ 60 y) group. As the An-a on SBP was 13 mmHg in the young group and 20 mmHg in both middle-aged and elderly groups, the normal range of ankle SBP on the An-a method was 103-153 mmHg for young and 110-160 mmHg for middle-elderly subjects. A primary reference for normal ankle SBP was suggested as 100-165 mmHg in the young and 110-170 mmHg in the middle-elderly subjects.

  5. Manufacturing technology for practical Josephson voltage normals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kohlmann, Johannes; Kieler, Oliver


    In this contribution we present the manufacturing technology for the fabrication of integrated superconducting Josephson serial circuits for voltage normals. First we summarize some foundations for Josephson voltage normals and sketch the concept and the setup of the circuits, before we describe the manufacturing technology form modern practical Josephson voltage normals.

  6. Vaginal Discharge: What's Normal, What's Not (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Vaginal Discharge: What's Normal, What's Not KidsHealth / For Teens / ... Discharge: What's Normal, What's Not Print What Is Vaginal Discharge? Vaginal discharge is fluid that comes from ...

  7. Should Japan Become a Normal Country

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Yildiz, Ahmet


    This thesis evaluates Japanese geopolitical change in the post-Cold War era. It does so by analyzing Japan's history, its foreign policy since 1945, its reasons for becoming a normal country, and the impact of its normalization...

  8. Chest Pain with Normal Thallium-201 Myocardial Perfusion Image – Is It Really Normal? (United States)

    Liu, Pang-Yen; Lin, Wen-Yu; Lin, Li-Fan; Lin, Chin-Sheng; Lin, Wei-Shiang; Cheng, Shu-Meng; Yang, Shih-Ping; Liou, Jun-Ting


    Background Thallium-201 myocardial perfusion image (MPI) is commonly used to detect coronary artery disease in patients with chest pain. Although a normal thallium-201 MPI result is generally considered to be a good prognosis and further coronary angiogram is not recommended, there are still a few patients who suffer from unexpected acute coronary events. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical prognosis in patients with normal thallium-201 MPI. Methods From January 2006 to August 2012, a total 22,003 patients undergoing thallium-201 MPI in one tertiary center were screened. Of these, 8092 patients had normal results and were investigated retrospectively. During follow-up, 54 patients underwent coronary angiogram because of refractory typical angina pectoris or unexpected acute coronary events. These 54 patients were divided into 2 groups: group I consisted of 26 (48.1%) patients with angiography-proven significant coronary artery stenosis, and group II consisted of 28 (51.9%) patients without significant stenosis. Results Patients in group I had a higher prevalence of prior coronary stenting and electrocardiographic features of ST depression compared with patients in group II. The multivariate analysis demonstrated that both prior coronary stenting and ST depression were risk predictors of unexpected acute coronary events in the patients with normal thallium-201 MPI [odds ratio (OR), 5.93; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.03-34.06, p = 0.05 and OR, 7.10; 95% CI: 1.28-39.51, p = 0.03,respectively]. Conclusions Although there is a low incidence of unexpected acute coronary events in patients with chest pain and normal thallium-201 MPI, physicians should be aware of the potentials risk in certain patients in this specific population. PMID:27274174

  9. The construction of normal expectations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Quitzau, Maj-Britt; Røpke, Inge


    The gradual upward changes of standards in normal everyday life have significant environmental implications, and it is therefore important to study how these changes come about. The intention of the article is to analyze the social construction of normal expectations through a case study. The case...... concerns the present boom in bathroom renovations in Denmark, which offers an excellent opportunity to study the interplay between a wide variety of consumption drivers and social changes pointing toward long-term changes of normal expectations regarding bathroom standards. The study is problemoriented...... and transdisciplinary and draws on a wide range of sociological, anthropological, and economic theories. The empirical basis comprises a combination of statistics, a review of magazine and media coverage, visits to exhibitions, and qualitative interviews. A variety of consumption drivers are identified. Among...

  10. Strength of Gamma Rhythm Depends on Normalization (United States)

    Ray, Supratim; Ni, Amy M.; Maunsell, John H. R.


    Neuronal assemblies often exhibit stimulus-induced rhythmic activity in the gamma range (30–80 Hz), whose magnitude depends on the attentional load. This has led to the suggestion that gamma rhythms form dynamic communication channels across cortical areas processing the features of behaviorally relevant stimuli. Recently, attention has been linked to a normalization mechanism, in which the response of a neuron is suppressed (normalized) by the overall activity of a large pool of neighboring neurons. In this model, attention increases the excitatory drive received by the neuron, which in turn also increases the strength of normalization, thereby changing the balance of excitation and inhibition. Recent studies have shown that gamma power also depends on such excitatory–inhibitory interactions. Could modulation in gamma power during an attention task be a reflection of the changes in the underlying excitation–inhibition interactions? By manipulating the normalization strength independent of attentional load in macaque monkeys, we show that gamma power increases with increasing normalization, even when the attentional load is fixed. Further, manipulations of attention that increase normalization increase gamma power, even when they decrease the firing rate. Thus, gamma rhythms could be a reflection of changes in the relative strengths of excitation and normalization rather than playing a functional role in communication or control. PMID:23393427

  11. Nonlinear dynamics exploration through normal forms

    CERN Document Server

    Kahn, Peter B


    Geared toward advanced undergraduates and graduate students, this exposition covers the method of normal forms and its application to ordinary differential equations through perturbation analysis. In addition to its emphasis on the freedom inherent in the normal form expansion, the text features numerous examples of equations, the kind of which are encountered in many areas of science and engineering. The treatment begins with an introduction to the basic concepts underlying the normal forms. Coverage then shifts to an investigation of systems with one degree of freedom that model oscillations

  12. a Recursive Approach to Compute Normal Forms (United States)

    HSU, L.; MIN, L. J.; FAVRETTO, L.


    Normal forms are instrumental in the analysis of dynamical systems described by ordinary differential equations, particularly when singularities close to a bifurcation are to be characterized. However, the computation of a normal form up to an arbitrary order is numerically hard. This paper focuses on the computer programming of some recursive formulas developed earlier to compute higher order normal forms. A computer program to reduce the system to its normal form on a center manifold is developed using the Maple symbolic language. However, it should be stressed that the program relies essentially on recursive numerical computations, while symbolic calculations are used only for minor tasks. Some strategies are proposed to save computation time. Examples are presented to illustrate the application of the program to obtain high order normalization or to handle systems with large dimension.

  13. Escuela Normal de Costa Rica: Historia y legado


    Carvajal-Jiménez, Vivian; Ruiz-Badilla, Silvia


    On the centennial of the Escuela Normal (Normal School) of Costa Rica, this paper discusses its role and its legacy in teacher training. It is structured in three parts. Firstly, it presents a brief historical background of the origin and profile of normal schools in various parts of the world. Secondly, it describes the development of the Escuela Normal (Normal School) in Costa Rica, refers to various personalities and significant elements that have set the course and prestige of the institu...

  14. The normal and pathological language


    Espejo, Luis D.


    The extraordinary development of normal and pathological psychology has achieved in recent decades, thanks to the dual method of objective observation and oral survey enabled the researcher spirit of neuro-psychiatrist penetrate the intimate mechanism of the nervous system whose supreme manifestation is thought. It is normal psychology explaining the complicated game of perceptions: their methods of transmission, their centers of projection, its transformations and its synthesis to construct ...

  15. Costos directos y aspectos clínicos de las reacciones adversas a medicamentos en pacientes hospitalizados en el servicio de medicina interna de una institución de tercer nivel de Bogotá.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Tribiño


    Full Text Available Introducción. Las reacciones adversas a medicamentos constituyen un problema clínico frecuente en el ámbito hospitalario y aumentan los costos de la atención en salud. En Colombia son pocos los estudios realizados para evaluarlas desde el punto de vista clínico y económico. Objetivo. Determinar los costos generados por las reacciones adversas a medicamentos en pacientes hospitalizados en el servicio de medicina interna de una institución de tercer nivel e identificar sus principales características clínicas. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo seguimiento intensivo de los pacientes del servicio de medicina interna durante un período de cinco meses para detectar reacciones adversas. La información se recolectó mediante un formulario basado en el formato de reporte del INVIMA. La probabilidad de causalidad se generó mediante el algoritmo de Naranjo. Se calcularon los costos directos desde la perspectiva del pagador teniendo en cuenta la estancia adicional, los medicamentos, los exámenes paraclínicos, los procedimientos, los traslados a la unidad de cuidado intermedio o intensivo y los insumos. Resultados. Se detectaron 268 reacciones adversas en 208 de los 836 pacientes que ingresaron en el servicio (proporción de incidencia, 25,1%; razón de presencia, 0,32. El 74,3% se clasificó como probable; el 92,5% fue tipo A; el 81,3% correspondió a reacciones moderadas. El sistema más frecuentemente afectado fue el hematológico (33,9%. Los medicamentos que actúan en sangre fueron los más frecuentemente relacionados (37,6%. El costo generado por la atención de las reacciones adversas fluctuó entre $93'633.422 y $122'155.406. Conclusiones. Dado el impacto negativo de las reacciones adversas en el bienestar de los pacientes, los recursos que se emplean en su atención y la proporción importante de reacciones adversas prevenibles, se requieren programas operativos de farmacovigilancia institucional.

  16. Normal myogenic cells from newborn mice restore normal histology to degenerating muscles of the mdx mouse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morgan, J.E.; Hoffman, E.P.; Partridge, T.A.


    Dystrophin deficiency in skeletal muscle of the x-linked dystrophic (mdx) mouse can be partially remedied by implantation of normal muscle precursor cells (mpc). However, it is difficult to determine whether this biochemical rescue results in any improvement in the structure or function of the treated muscle, because the vigorous regeneration of mdx muscle more than compensates for the degeneration. By using x-ray irradiation to prevent mpc proliferation, it is possible to study loss of mdx muscle fibers without the complicating effect of simultaneous fiber regeneration. Thus, improvements in fiber survival resulting from any potential therapy can be detected easily. Here, we have implanted normal mpc, obtained from newborn mice, into such preirradiated mdx muscles, finding that it is far more extensively permeated and replaced by implanted mpc than is nonirradiated mdx muscle; this is evident both from analysis of glucose-6-phosphate isomerase isoenzyme markers and from immunoblots and immunostaining of dystrophin in the treated muscles. Incorporation of normal mpc markedly reduces the loss of muscle fibers and the deterioration of muscle structure which otherwise occurs in irradiated mdx muscles. Surprisingly, the regenerated fibers are largely peripherally nucleated, whereas regenerated mouse skeletal muscle fibers are normally centrally nucleated. We attribute this regeneration of apparently normal muscle to the tendency of newborn mouse mpc to recapitulate their neonatal ontogeny, even when grafted into 3-wk-old degenerating muscle

  17. Measurement of normal auditory ossicles by high-resolusion CT with application of normal criteria to disease cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hara, Jyoko


    The purposes of this study were to define criteria for the normal position of ossicles and to apply them in patients with rhinolaryngologically or pathologically confirmed diseases. Ossicles were measured on high-resolution CT images of 300 middle ears, including 241 normal ears and 59 diseased ears, in a total of 203 subjects. Angles A, B, and C to the baseline between the most lateral margins of bilateral internal auditory canals, and distance ratio b/a were defined as measurement items. Normal angles A, B, and C and distance ratio b/a ranged from 19 deg to 59 deg, 101 deg to 145 deg, 51 deg to 89 deg, and 0.49 to 0.51, respectively. Based on these criteria, all of these items were within the normal range in 30/34 (88.2 %) ears for otitis media and mastoiditis. One or more items showed far abnormal values (standard deviation; more than 3) in 5/7 (71.4 %) ears for cholesteatoma and 4/4 (100 %) ears for external ear anomaly. These normal measurements may aid in evaluating the position of auditory ossicles especially in the case of cholesteatoma and auditory ossicle abnormality. (Namekawa, K.)

  18. Measurement of normal auditory ossicles by high-resolusion CT with application of normal criteria to disease cases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hara, Jyoko


    The purposes of this study were to define criteria for the normal position of ossicles and to apply them in patients with rhinolaryngologically or pathologically confirmed diseases. Ossicles were measured on high-resolution CT images of 300 middle ears, including 241 normal ears and 59 diseased ears, in a total of 203 subjects. Angles A, B, and C to the baseline between the most lateral margins of bilateral internal auditory canals, and distance ratio b/a were defined as measurement items. Normal angles A, B, and C and distance ratio b/a ranged from 19 deg to 59 deg, 101 deg to 145 deg, 51 deg to 89 deg, and 0.49 to 0.51, respectively. Based on these criteria, all of these items were within the normal range in 30/34 (88.2 %) ears for otitis media and mastoiditis. One or more items showed far abnormal values (standard deviation; more than 3) in 5/7 (71.4 %) ears for cholesteatoma and 4/4 (100 %) ears for external ear anomaly. These normal measurements may aid in evaluating the position of auditory ossicles especially in the case of cholesteatoma and auditory ossicle abnormality. (Namekawa, K.).

  19. Muscular hypertrophy and atrophy in normal rats provoked by the administration of normal and denervated muscle extracts. (United States)

    Agüera, Eduardo; Castilla, Salvador; Luque, Evelio; Jimena, Ignacio; Leiva-Cepas, Fernando; Ruz-Caracuel, Ignacio; Peña, José


    This study was conducted to determine the effects of extracts obtained from both normal and denervated muscles on different muscle types. Wistar rats were used and were divided into a control group and four experimental groups. Each experimental group was treated intraperitoneally during 10 consecutive days with a different extract. These extracts were obtained from normal soleus muscle, denervated soleus, normal extensor digitorum longus, and denervated extensor digitorum longus. Following treatment, the soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles were obtained for study under optic and transmission electron microscope; morphometric parameters and myogenic responses were also analyzed. The results demonstrated that the treatment with normal soleus muscle and denervated soleus muscle extracts provoked hypertrophy and increased myogenic activity. In contrast, treatment with extracts from the normal and denervated EDL had a different effect depending on the muscle analyzed. In the soleus muscle it provoked hypertrophy of type I fibers and increased myogenic activity, while in the extensor digitorum longus atrophy of the type II fibers was observed without changes in myogenic activity. This suggests that the muscular responses of atrophy and hypertrophy may depend on different factors related to the muscle type which could be related to innervation.

  20. Normalization of satellite imagery (United States)

    Kim, Hongsuk H.; Elman, Gregory C.


    Sets of Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery taken over the Washington, DC metropolitan area during the months of November, March and May were converted into a form of ground reflectance imagery. This conversion was accomplished by adjusting the incident sunlight and view angles and by applying a pixel-by-pixel correction for atmospheric effects. Seasonal color changes of the area can be better observed when such normalization is applied to space imagery taken in time series. In normalized imagery, the grey scale depicts variations in surface reflectance and tonal signature of multi-band color imagery can be directly interpreted for quantitative information of the target.

  1. The normal holonomy group

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olmos, C.


    The restricted holonomy group of a Riemannian manifold is a compact Lie group and its representation on the tangent space is a product of irreducible representations and a trivial one. Each one of the non-trivial factors is either an orthogonal representation of a connected compact Lie group which acts transitively on the unit sphere or it is the isotropy representation of a single Riemannian symmetric space of rank ≥ 2. We prove that, all these properties are also true for the representation on the normal space of the restricted normal holonomy group of any submanifold of a space of constant curvature. 4 refs

  2. Fission cross-section normalization problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wagemans, C.; Ghent Rijksuniversiteit; Deruytter, A.J.


    The present measurements yield σsub(f)-data in the neutron energy from 20 MeV to 30 keV directly normalized in the thermal region. In the keV-region these data are consistent with the absolute σsub(f)-measurements of Szabo and Marquette. For the secondary normalization integral I 2 values have been obtained in agreement with those of Gwin et al. and Czirr et al. which were also directly normalized in the thermal region. For the I 1 integral, however, puzzling low values have been obtained. This was also the case for σsub(f)-bar in neutron energy intervals containing strong resonances. Three additional measurements are planned to further investigate these observations: (i) maintaining the actual approx.2π-geometry but using a 10 B-foil for the neutron flux detection (ii) using a low detection geometry with a 10 B- as well as a 6 Li-flux monitor. Only after these measurements definite conclusions on the I 1 and I 2 integrals can be formulated and final σsub(f)-bar-values can be released. The present study also gives some evidence for a correlation between the integral I 2 and the neutron flux monitor used. The influence of a normalization via I 1 or I 2 on the final cross-section has been shown. The magnitude of possible normalization errors is illustrated. Finally, since 235 U is expected to be an ''easy'' nucleus (low α-activity high σsub(f)-values), there are some indications that the important discrepancies still present in 235 U(n,f) cross-section measurements might partially be due to errors in the neutron flux determination

  3. Medically-enhanced normality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møldrup, Claus; Traulsen, Janine Morgall; Almarsdóttir, Anna Birna


    Objective: To consider public perspectives on the use of medicines for non-medical purposes, a usage called medically-enhanced normality (MEN). Method: Examples from the literature were combined with empirical data derived from two Danish research projects: a Delphi internet study and a Telebus...

  4. Establishing the proteome of normal human cerebrospinal fluid.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Steven E Schutzer


    Full Text Available Knowledge of the entire protein content, the proteome, of normal human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF would enable insights into neurologic and psychiatric disorders. Until now technologic hurdles and access to true normal samples hindered attaining this goal.We applied immunoaffinity separation and high sensitivity and resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to examine CSF from healthy normal individuals. 2630 proteins in CSF from normal subjects were identified, of which 56% were CSF-specific, not found in the much larger set of 3654 proteins we have identified in plasma. We also examined CSF from groups of subjects previously examined by others as surrogates for normals where neurologic symptoms warranted a lumbar puncture but where clinical laboratory were reported as normal. We found statistically significant differences between their CSF proteins and our non-neurological normals. We also examined CSF from 10 volunteer subjects who had lumbar punctures at least 4 weeks apart and found that there was little variability in CSF proteins in an individual as compared to subject to subject.Our results represent the most comprehensive characterization of true normal CSF to date. This normal CSF proteome establishes a comparative standard and basis for investigations into a variety of diseases with neurological and psychiatric features.

  5. Denotational Aspects of Untyped Normalization by Evaluation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Filinski, Andrzej; Rohde, Henning Korsholm


    of soundness (the output term, if any, is in normal form and ß-equivalent to the input term); identification (ß-equivalent terms are mapped to the same result); and completeness (the function is defined for all terms that do have normal forms). We also show how the semantic construction enables a simple yet...... formal correctness proof for the normalization algorithm, expressed as a functional program in an ML-like, call-by-value language. Finally, we generalize the construction to produce an infinitary variant of normal forms, namely Böhm trees. We show that the three-part characterization of correctness...

  6. CT and MRI normal findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moeller, T.B.; Reif, E.


    This book gives answers to questions frequently heard especially from trainees and doctors not specialising in the field of radiology: Is that a normal finding? How do I decide? What are the objective criteria? The information presented is three-fold. The normal findings of the usual CT and MRI examinations are shown with high-quality pictures serving as a reference, with inscribed important additional information on measures, angles and other criteria describing the normal conditions. These criteria are further explained and evaluated in accompanying texts which also teach the systematic approach for individual picture analysis, and include a check list of major aspects, as a didactic guide for learning. The book is primarily intended for students, radiographers, radiology trainees and doctors from other medical fields, but radiology specialists will also find useful details of help in special cases. (orig./CB) [de

  7. Malware Normalization


    Christodorescu, Mihai; Kinder, Johannes; Jha, Somesh; Katzenbeisser, Stefan; Veith, Helmut


    Malware is code designed for a malicious purpose, such as obtaining root privilege on a host. A malware detector identifies malware and thus prevents it from adversely affecting a host. In order to evade detection by malware detectors, malware writers use various obfuscation techniques to transform their malware. There is strong evidence that commercial malware detectors are susceptible to these evasion tactics. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of a malware normalizer ...

  8. Weak convergence and uniform normalization in infinitary rewriting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Jakob Grue


    the starkly surprising result that for any orthogonal system with finitely many rules, the system is weakly normalizing under weak convergence if{f} it is strongly normalizing under weak convergence if{f} it is weakly normalizing under strong convergence if{f} it is strongly normalizing under strong...... convergence. As further corollaries, we derive a number of new results for weakly convergent rewriting: Systems with finitely many rules enjoy unique normal forms, and acyclic orthogonal systems are confluent. Our results suggest that it may be possible to recover some of the positive results for strongly...

  9. Normalized Excited Squeezed Vacuum State and Its Applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meng Xiangguo; Wang Jisuo; Liang Baolong


    By using the intermediate coordinate-momentum representation in quantum optics and generating function for the normalization of the excited squeezed vacuum state (ESVS), the normalized ESVS is obtained. We find that its normalization constants obtained via two new methods are uniform and a new form which is different from the result obtained by Zhang and Fan [Phys. Lett. A 165 (1992) 14]. By virtue of the normalization constant of the ESVS and the intermediate coordinate-momentum representation, the tomogram of the normalized ESVS and some useful formulae are derived.

  10. ¿Sobrevivira taylor en el tercer milenio?

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    Bernardo Parra R.


    Full Text Available Los anteriores artículos recogen las exposiciones del debate sobre la vigencia del taylorismo, realizado en el primer semestre de 1997 en mesa redonda convocada por el Departamento de Gestión empresarial, el Programa Maestría en Administración y la revista innovar. Se conto con la participación de la profesora Anita Waiss del departamento de sociología de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, los profesores Carlos Martínez, Ricardo Romero y Bernardo Parra, del departamento de Gestión Empresarial de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. El debate también conto con la presencia del profesor Guillermo Camacho Caro, consultor y conferencista de las diferentes universidades del país, quien hizo una excelente comparecencia del taylorismo, la profesora Lilian M. Gilbreth quien se concentro en las formas de promover el bienestar del trabajador. Por ese entonces ella trabajaba en un proyecto de diseñar cocinas integrales.

  11. La traducción: un tercer dominio

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    María Laura Spoturno


    Full Text Available RESEÑA del libro: La Traductología. Miradas para comprender su complejidad, Beatriz Cagnolati (comp.. Buenos Aires, La Plata: Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (UNLP. Serie Estudios/ Investigaciones 42, 2012.

  12. Defecography: A study of normal volunteers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shorvon, P.; Stevenson, G.W.; McHugh, S.; Somers, P.


    This study of young volunteers was set up in an effort to establish true normal measurements for defecography with minimum selection bias. The results describe the mean (and the range) for the following: anorectal angle; anorectal junction position at rest; excursion on lift, strain, and evacuation; anal canal length and degree of closure; and the frequency and degree of features such as rectocele and intussusception which have previously been called abnormalities. The results indicate that there is a very wide range of normal appearances. Knowledge of these normal variations is important to avoid overreporting and unnecessary surgery

  13. Normal-dispersion microresonator Kerr frequency combs

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    Xue Xiaoxiao


    Full Text Available Optical microresonator-based Kerr frequency comb generation has developed into a hot research area in the past decade. Microresonator combs are promising for portable applications due to their potential for chip-level integration and low power consumption. According to the group velocity dispersion of the microresonator employed, research in this field may be classified into two categories: the anomalous dispersion regime and the normal dispersion regime. In this paper, we discuss the physics of Kerr comb generation in the normal dispersion regime and review recent experimental advances. The potential advantages and future directions of normal dispersion combs are also discussed.

  14. Linear regression and the normality assumption. (United States)

    Schmidt, Amand F; Finan, Chris


    Researchers often perform arbitrary outcome transformations to fulfill the normality assumption of a linear regression model. This commentary explains and illustrates that in large data settings, such transformations are often unnecessary, and worse may bias model estimates. Linear regression assumptions are illustrated using simulated data and an empirical example on the relation between time since type 2 diabetes diagnosis and glycated hemoglobin levels. Simulation results were evaluated on coverage; i.e., the number of times the 95% confidence interval included the true slope coefficient. Although outcome transformations bias point estimates, violations of the normality assumption in linear regression analyses do not. The normality assumption is necessary to unbiasedly estimate standard errors, and hence confidence intervals and P-values. However, in large sample sizes (e.g., where the number of observations per variable is >10) violations of this normality assumption often do not noticeably impact results. Contrary to this, assumptions on, the parametric model, absence of extreme observations, homoscedasticity, and independency of the errors, remain influential even in large sample size settings. Given that modern healthcare research typically includes thousands of subjects focusing on the normality assumption is often unnecessary, does not guarantee valid results, and worse may bias estimates due to the practice of outcome transformations. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Avaliação de água de poços tubulares para consumo humano no Município de Boa Vista, Paraíba

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    Débora Samara Cruz Rocha Farias


    Full Text Available Na Região do Semiárido nordestino a diminuição da disponibilidade dos recursos hídricos superficiais tem levado a população da zona rural a buscar, nos recursos hídricos subterrâneos, a solução de seus problemas de abastecimento, o que tem acarretado um crescimento no número de perfurações de poços tubulares profundos. O trabalho objetivou avaliar a qualidade de águas utilizadas para consumo humano em áreas rurais da região de Boa Vista, Paraíba. As amostras de água foram coletadas em poços tubulares, em dois períodos: 4º trimestre de 2014 e 2º trimestre de 2015. As variáveis avaliadas foram: pH, CE, Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3 -, Cl, alcalinidade e dureza total e SDT. Das águas analisadas 94,55% são consideradas salgadas nas duas amostragens. Em sua maioria os teores de dureza, alcalinidade, cloreto, magnésio, sódio e potássio estão fora do limite estabelecido pela Portaria vigente no país. Com relação ao pH, as amostras se encontram dentro do padrão normal.Water quality for human consumption in rural communities in the municipality of Boa Vista, state ParaíbaAbstract: In the semi-arid northeastern region of decreasing availability of surface water resources has led to population from the countryside to look for underground water resources to solve their supply problems, which has led to an increase in the number of deep wells drilling. The study aimed to assess the quality of water used for human consumption in rural areas of the region Boa Vista, Paraíba. Water samples were collected from wells in two periods: 4th quarter 2014 and 2nd quarter of 2015. The variables evaluated were: pH, EC, Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3-, Cl, alkalinity and total hardness and TDS. 94.55% of the analyzed waters are considered cured in the two sampling. Mostly hardness levels, alkalinity, chloride, magnesium, sodium, potassium are beyond the limit set by current Ordinance in the country. Regarding the pH samples are within the normal pattern.

  16. Prevalência de deficiência de ferro em gestantes de primeira consulta em centros de saúde de área metropolitana, Brasil: etiologia da anemia

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    Guerra Elvira Maria


    Full Text Available No período compreendido entre abril e outubro de 1988, foram estudadas 363 gestantes de primeira consulta , que estavam inscritas no Programa de Atendimento à Gestante em oito Centros de Saúde da Secretaria da Saúde do Estado de São Paulo (Brasil. Na ocasião da coleta de material estas gestantes não faziam uso de medicamentos que continham ferro, ácido fólico, vitamina B12 ou associações destes. A idade média das gestantes foi de 25 anos; 65,9% delas pertenciam a famílias com renda de até um SMPC (salário mínimo per capita e apenas 3,1% pertenciam a famílias com renda superior a 3 SMPC. Tomando-se a saturação da transferrina inferior a 15% como índice mínimo para definir a deficiência de ferro, a prevalência de deficiência de ferro no primeiro trimestre (4,6% foi significativamente menor do que a observada no segundo (17,3%, e esta foi menor do que no terceiro trimestre (42,8%. A prevalência de deficiência de ferro total agrupada nos três trimestres foi de 12,4%. Não houve diferença significativa entre as prevalências de deficiência de ferro segundo o número de partos. Esta prevalência foi maior no grupo das gestantes que pertenciam a famílias com renda de até 0,5 SMPC. Nas gestantes anêmicas, 46,7% eram deficientes de ferro, 44,4% de ácido fólico, 20,0% de ferro e ácido fólico e nenhuma delas eram deficientes de vitamina B12.

  17. Imagem corporal de gestantes: um estudo longitudinal

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    Juliana Fernandes Filgueiras Meireles

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivos Comparar atitudes corporais, atitudes alimentares, sintomas depressivos, autoestima, ansiedade e índice de massa corporal (IMC de gestantes em diferentes momentos ao longo da gestação, bem como verificar a influência que as variáveis estudadas exercem sobre as atitudes corporais no primeiro, segundo e terceiro trimestre gestacional. Métodos Foram incluídas 17 gestantes que frequentavam o exame pré-natal na cidade de Juiz de Fora-MG, entre 22 e 41 anos de idade (média de 30,76 ± 5,65 anos, excluindo-se aquelas com dados incompletos. Como instrumentos de avaliação utilizaram-se: Body Attitudes Questionnaire, Eating Attitudes Test-26, Beck Depression Inventory, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, a versão curta do Brazilian State-Trait Anxiety Inventory e o questionário sociodemográfico. Ademais, foram coletados dados antropométricos e obstétricos. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas, comparativas e correlacionais. Resultados O IMC, as atitudes corporais negativas e a subescala “sentimento de gordura” aumentaram progressivamente ao longo da gestação (p 0,05. Além disso, o IMC explicou 31% da variância das atitudes direcionadas ao corpo no primeiro trimestre, enquanto as atitudes alimentares foram responsáveis por 30% e 46% das atitudes corporais no segundo e terceiro trimestre, respectivamente. Conclusões As atitudes corporais, as atitudes alimentares, os sintomas depressivos, a autoestima e a ansiedade mantiveram-se constantes ao longo da gestação. O IMC e as atitudes alimentares influenciaram a imagem corporal em gestantes. Sugere-se a criação de instrumentos específicos a fim de um melhor entendimento das preocupações relacionadas ao corpo de gestantes.

  18. Visual attention and flexible normalization pools (United States)

    Schwartz, Odelia; Coen-Cagli, Ruben


    Attention to a spatial location or feature in a visual scene can modulate the responses of cortical neurons and affect perceptual biases in illusions. We add attention to a cortical model of spatial context based on a well-founded account of natural scene statistics. The cortical model amounts to a generalized form of divisive normalization, in which the surround is in the normalization pool of the center target only if they are considered statistically dependent. Here we propose that attention influences this computation by accentuating the neural unit activations at the attended location, and that the amount of attentional influence of the surround on the center thus depends on whether center and surround are deemed in the same normalization pool. The resulting form of model extends a recent divisive normalization model of attention (Reynolds & Heeger, 2009). We simulate cortical surround orientation experiments with attention and show that the flexible model is suitable for capturing additional data and makes nontrivial testable predictions. PMID:23345413

  19. Torsion d'annexe en cours de grossesse: à propos d'un cas à l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'analyse anatomopathologique de la masse chirurgicale a conclu à une apoplexie ovarienne. L'ablation chirurgicale du corps jaune au premier trimestre de la grossesse pose le problème du maintien de celle - ci et devrait être présente à l'esprit des praticiens avant toute chirurgie pelvienne pendant cette période.

  20. Phenotype of normal spirometry in an aging population. (United States)

    Vaz Fragoso, Carlos A; McAvay, Gail; Van Ness, Peter H; Casaburi, Richard; Jensen, Robert L; MacIntyre, Neil; Gill, Thomas M; Yaggi, H Klar; Concato, John


    In aging populations, the commonly used Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) may misclassify normal spirometry as respiratory impairment (airflow obstruction and restrictive pattern), including the presumption of respiratory disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]). To evaluate the phenotype of normal spirometry as defined by a new approach from the Global Lung Initiative (GLI), overall and across GOLD spirometric categories. Using data from COPDGene (n = 10,131; ages 45-81; smoking history, ≥10 pack-years), we evaluated spirometry and multiple phenotypes, including dyspnea severity (Modified Medical Research Council grade 0-4), health-related quality of life (St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire total score), 6-minute-walk distance, bronchodilator reversibility (FEV1 % change), computed tomography-measured percentage of lung with emphysema (% emphysema) and gas trapping (% gas trapping), and small airway dimensions (square root of the wall area for a standardized airway with an internal perimeter of 10 mm). Among 5,100 participants with GLI-defined normal spirometry, GOLD identified respiratory impairment in 1,146 (22.5%), including a restrictive pattern in 464 (9.1%), mild COPD in 380 (7.5%), moderate COPD in 302 (5.9%), and severe COPD in none. Overall, the phenotype of GLI-defined normal spirometry included normal adjusted mean values for dyspnea grade (0.8), St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (15.9), 6-minute-walk distance (1,424 ft [434 m]), bronchodilator reversibility (2.7%), % emphysema (0.9%), % gas trapping (10.7%), and square root of the wall area for a standardized airway with an internal perimeter of 10 mm (3.65 mm); corresponding 95% confidence intervals were similarly normal. These phenotypes remained normal for GLI-defined normal spirometry across GOLD spirometric categories. GLI-defined normal spirometry, even when classified as respiratory impairment by GOLD, included adjusted mean values in the

  1. CONTROLE CONSTITUCIONAL DA JORNADA DE TRABALHO: uma análise dos acórdãos proferidos pelo Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da Quarta Região e perspectivas para a implementação do e-social

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    Bibiane Machado da Silva


    Full Text Available Dentre os direitos trabalhistas e previdenciários, o presente trabalho se limitará ao preceito delimitado pelo artigo 7° inciso XIII da Constituição Federal. Tal dispositivo faz referência à limitação da jornada de trabalho. Assim, este estudo objetiva fazer uma análise das decisões colegiadas proferidas pelo TRT da 4ª Região nos três últimos trimestres de 2013 e nos dois primeiros trimestres de 2014.  Para tanto serão analisados os acórdãos ocorridos nesse período com a finalidade de verificar se houve aumento ou diminuição de demandas envolvendo o ponto eletrônico. Além disso, o estudo busca projetar o que poderá vir a ocorrer com a implantação da plataforma E-Social. Assim, há a necessidade de políticas informativas aos trabalhadores de seus direitos, bem como mudança cultural dos empresários que submetem seus empregados a jornadas exaustivas.

  2. Diferencias individuales como predictoras de la salud y calidad de vida percibida en embarazadas

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    Leticia Guarino


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar en qué medida ciertas diferencias individuales como el estilo emocional (rumiación e inhibición emocional, la sensibilidad egocéntrica negativa y los estilos de afrontamiento predicen la salud y calidad de vida percibida en mujeres embarazadas. Método. Un grupo de 94 mujeres embarazadas venezolanas, en el primer trimestre de gestación, completaron cuestionarios de estilo emocional, sensibilidad emocional, afrontamiento, salud percibida y calidad de vida. Resultados. Un estilo emocional negativo, conjuntamente con el uso de formas de afrontamiento disfuncionales durante el embarazo predicen un mayor deterioro en la salud y calidad de vida de estas mujeres durante su primer trimestre de gestación. Otros estilos de afrontamiento, como la interpretación positiva, funcionan más bien como factor protector de la salud. Conclusion. El estudio revela la importancia de evaluar las diferencias individuales de las embarazadas y desarrollar programas de intervención sobre estos aspectos, a fin de promover una mejor salud y calidad de vida durante este importante proceso en la mujer.

  3. Complete normal ordering 1: Foundations

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    John Ellis


    Full Text Available We introduce a new prescription for quantising scalar field theories (in generic spacetime dimension and background perturbatively around a true minimum of the full quantum effective action, which is to ‘complete normal order’ the bare action of interest. When the true vacuum of the theory is located at zero field value, the key property of this prescription is the automatic cancellation, to any finite order in perturbation theory, of all tadpole and, more generally, all ‘cephalopod’ Feynman diagrams. The latter are connected diagrams that can be disconnected into two pieces by cutting one internal vertex, with either one or both pieces free from external lines. In addition, this procedure of ‘complete normal ordering’ (which is an extension of the standard field theory definition of normal ordering reduces by a substantial factor the number of Feynman diagrams to be calculated at any given loop order. We illustrate explicitly the complete normal ordering procedure and the cancellation of cephalopod diagrams in scalar field theories with non-derivative interactions, and by using a point splitting ‘trick’ we extend this result to theories with derivative interactions, such as those appearing as non-linear σ-models in the world-sheet formulation of string theory. We focus here on theories with trivial vacua, generalising the discussion to non-trivial vacua in a follow-up paper.

  4. CNN-based ranking for biomedical entity normalization. (United States)

    Li, Haodi; Chen, Qingcai; Tang, Buzhou; Wang, Xiaolong; Xu, Hua; Wang, Baohua; Huang, Dong


    Most state-of-the-art biomedical entity normalization systems, such as rule-based systems, merely rely on morphological information of entity mentions, but rarely consider their semantic information. In this paper, we introduce a novel convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture that regards biomedical entity normalization as a ranking problem and benefits from semantic information of biomedical entities. The CNN-based ranking method first generates candidates using handcrafted rules, and then ranks the candidates according to their semantic information modeled by CNN as well as their morphological information. Experiments on two benchmark datasets for biomedical entity normalization show that our proposed CNN-based ranking method outperforms traditional rule-based method with state-of-the-art performance. We propose a CNN architecture that regards biomedical entity normalization as a ranking problem. Comparison results show that semantic information is beneficial to biomedical entity normalization and can be well combined with morphological information in our CNN architecture for further improvement.

  5. Normal radiographic findings. 4. act. ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moeller, T.B.


    This book can serve the reader in three ways: First, it presents normal findings for all radiographic techniques including KM. Important data which are criteria of normal findings are indicated directly in the pictures and are also explained in full text and in summary form. Secondly, it teaches the systematics of interpreting a picture - how to look at it, what structures to regard in what order, and for what to look in particular. Checklists are presented in each case. Thirdly, findings are formulated in accordance with the image analysis procedure. All criteria of normal findings are defined in these formulations, which make them an important didactic element. (orig.)

  6. Right thoracic curvature in the normal spine

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    Masuda Keigo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Trunk asymmetry and vertebral rotation, at times observed in the normal spine, resemble the characteristics of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS. Right thoracic curvature has also been reported in the normal spine. If it is determined that the features of right thoracic side curvature in the normal spine are the same as those observed in AIS, these findings might provide a basis for elucidating the etiology of this condition. For this reason, we investigated right thoracic curvature in the normal spine. Methods For normal spinal measurements, 1,200 patients who underwent a posteroanterior chest radiographs were evaluated. These consisted of 400 children (ages 4-9, 400 adolescents (ages 10-19 and 400 adults (ages 20-29, with each group comprised of both genders. The exclusion criteria were obvious chest and spinal diseases. As side curvature is minimal in normal spines and the range at which curvature is measured is difficult to ascertain, first the typical curvature range in scoliosis patients was determined and then the Cobb angle in normal spines was measured using the same range as the scoliosis curve, from T5 to T12. Right thoracic curvature was given a positive value. The curve pattern was organized in each collective three groups: neutral (from -1 degree to 1 degree, right (> +1 degree, and left ( Results In child group, Cobb angle in left was 120, in neutral was 125 and in right was 155. In adolescent group, Cobb angle in left was 70, in neutral was 114 and in right was 216. In adult group, Cobb angle in left was 46, in neutral was 102 and in right was 252. The curvature pattern shifts to the right side in the adolescent group (p Conclusions Based on standing chest radiographic measurements, a right thoracic curvature was observed in normal spines after adolescence.

  7. Random Generators and Normal Numbers


    Bailey, David H.; Crandall, Richard E.


    Pursuant to the authors' previous chaotic-dynamical model for random digits of fundamental constants, we investigate a complementary, statistical picture in which pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) are central. Some rigorous results are achieved: We establish b-normality for constants of the form $\\sum_i 1/(b^{m_i} c^{n_i})$ for certain sequences $(m_i), (n_i)$ of integers. This work unifies and extends previously known classes of explicit normals. We prove that for coprime $b,c>1$ the...

  8. Anomalías de circulación atmosférica en 500 y 1000 hpa asociada a la sequía producida en la Argentina durante enero de 2003 a marzo de 2004 Anomalies of the atmospheric circulation at 500 and 1000 hpa associated with the dry period in Argentina from january 2003 to march 2004

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    Adelia Perla Alessandro


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho se analisa e descreve a situação sinótica associada à precipitação e temperatura do território argentino durante o ano de 2003 e o primeiro trimestre de 2004. A escolha deste período obedece à falta de precipitações em pelo menos dez províncias argentinas, o que ocasionou grandes prejuízos econômicos no setor agropecuário. Com o intuito de determinar as causas deste déficit de precipitações foram analisados os campos médios de altura geopotencial nos níveis de 500 e 1000 hPa e suas anomalias. Em 2003, o déficit de precipitação se associa principalmente às anomalias de geopotencial no nível de 500 hPa, que mostram um fluxo dominante de SO que atravessa o país diagonalmente entre 45°S e 30°S. Em 1000 hPa o anticiclone subtropical do Atlântico se encontra enfraquecido, deslocado para o norte e afastado do continente, enquanto que o anticiclone subrtopical do Pacífico está mais intenso e deslocado para leste respeito da sua posição normal. No primeiro trimestre de 2004 a seca se deve principalmente à presença de uma crista no nível de 500 hPa posicionada no centro do país. As anomalias médias de temperatura do período considerado resultam positivas sobre toda a Argentina. Em 2003, essas anomalias se devem à contribuição do fluxo do N-NE desde o norte do país, à subsidência ocasionada pelo anticiclone do Pacífico mais deslocado para o interior do continente e a orografia. No primeiro trimestre de 2004 as anomalias se originam devido ao fluxo do norte e à freqüente circulação anticiclônica no Atlântico ao sul de 35°S.This paper analyzes and describes the synoptic situation associated with precipitation and temperature in Argentina during 2003 and the first quarter of 2004. The period was selected as during that time drought affected at least ten Argentine provinces, causing great agricultural and ranching losses. In order to find the causes of such rainfall deficit the mean and

  9. Normal families and isolated singularities of meromorphic functions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chee, P.S.; Subramaniam, A.


    Based on the criterion of Zalcman for normal families, a generalization of a well-known result relating normal families and isolated essential singularities of meromorphic functions is proved, using a theorem of Lehto and Virtanen on normal functions. (author)

  10. Evaluation of normalization methods in mammalian microRNA-Seq data (United States)

    Garmire, Lana Xia; Subramaniam, Shankar


    Simple total tag count normalization is inadequate for microRNA sequencing data generated from the next generation sequencing technology. However, so far systematic evaluation of normalization methods on microRNA sequencing data is lacking. We comprehensively evaluate seven commonly used normalization methods including global normalization, Lowess normalization, Trimmed Mean Method (TMM), quantile normalization, scaling normalization, variance stabilization, and invariant method. We assess these methods on two individual experimental data sets with the empirical statistical metrics of mean square error (MSE) and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) statistic. Additionally, we evaluate the methods with results from quantitative PCR validation. Our results consistently show that Lowess normalization and quantile normalization perform the best, whereas TMM, a method applied to the RNA-Sequencing normalization, performs the worst. The poor performance of TMM normalization is further evidenced by abnormal results from the test of differential expression (DE) of microRNA-Seq data. Comparing with the models used for DE, the choice of normalization method is the primary factor that affects the results of DE. In summary, Lowess normalization and quantile normalization are recommended for normalizing microRNA-Seq data, whereas the TMM method should be used with caution. PMID:22532701

  11. Lithium control during normal operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suryanarayan, S.; Jain, D.


    Periodic increases in lithium (Li) concentrations in the primary heat transport (PHT) system during normal operation are a generic problem at CANDU® stations. Lithiated mixed bed ion exchange resins are used at stations for pH control in the PHT system. Typically tight chemistry controls including Li concentrations are maintained in the PHT water. The reason for the Li increases during normal operation at CANDU stations such as Pickering was not fully understood. In order to address this issue a two pronged approach was employed. Firstly, PNGS-A data and information from other available sources was reviewed in an effort to identify possible factors that may contribute to the observed Li variations. Secondly, experimental studies were carried out to assess the importance of these factors in order to establish reasons for Li increases during normal operation. Based on the results of these studies, plausible mechanisms/reasons for Li increases have been identified and recommendations made for proactive control of Li concentrations in the PHT system. (author)

  12. Marrow transfusions into normal recipients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brecher, G.


    During the past several years we have explored the transfusion of bone marrow into normal nonirradiated mice. While transfused marrow proliferates readily in irradiated animals, only minimal proliferation takes place in nonirradiated recipients. It has generally been assumed that this was due to the lack of available proliferative sites in recipients with normal marrow. Last year we were able to report that the transfusion of 200 million bone marrow cells (about 2/3 of the total complement of marrow cells of a normal mouse) resulted in 20% to 25% of the recipient's marrow being replaced by donor marrow. Thus we can now study the behavior of animals that have been transfused (donor) and endogenous (recipient) marrow cells, although none of the tissues of either donor or recipient have been irradiated. With these animals we hope to investigate the nature of the peculiar phenomenon of serial exhaustion of marrow, also referred to as the limited self-replicability of stem cells

  13. Antitissue Transglutaminase Normalization Postdiagnosis in Children With Celiac Disease. (United States)

    Isaac, Daniela Migliarese; Rajani, Seema; Yaskina, Maryna; Huynh, Hien Q; Turner, Justine M


    Limited pediatric data exist examining the trend and predictors of antitissue transglutaminase (atTG) normalization over time in children with celiac disease (CD). We aimed to evaluate time to normalization of atTG in children after CD diagnosis, and to assess for independent predictors affecting this duration. A retrospective chart review was completed in pediatric patients with CD diagnosed from 2007 to 2014 at the Stollery Children's Hospital Celiac Clinic (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). The clinical predictors assessed for impact on time to atTG normalization were initial atTG, Marsh score at diagnosis, gluten-free diet compliance (GFDC), age at diagnosis, sex, ethnicity, medical comorbidities, and family history of CD. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was completed to assess time to atTG normalization, and Cox regression to assess for independent predictors of this time. A total of 487 patients met inclusion criteria. Approximately 80.5% of patients normalized atTG levels. Median normalization time was 407 days for all patients (95% confidence interval [CI: 361-453]), and 364 days for gluten-free diet compliant patients (95% CI [335-393]). Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients took significantly longer to normalize at 1204 days (95% CI [199-2209], P normalization time. GFDC was a significant predictor of earlier normalization (OR = 13.91 [7.86-24.62], P normalization. Patients with T1DM are less likely to normalize atTG levels, with longer normalization time. Additional research and education for higher-risk populations are needed.

  14. Comparison of SUVs normalized by lean body mass determined by CT with those normalized by lean body mass estimated by predictive equations in normal tissues

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Woo Hyoung; Kim, Chang Guhn; Kim, Dae Weung [Wonkwang Univ. School of Medicine, Iksan (Korea, Republic of)


    Standardized uptake values (SUVs)normalized by lean body mass (LBM)determined by CT were compared with those normalized by LBM estimated using predictive equations (PEs)in normal liver, spleen, and aorta using {sup 18}F FDG PET/CT. Fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose (F FDG)positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT)was conducted on 453 patients. LBM determined by CT was defined in 3 ways (LBM{sup CT1}-3). Five PEs were used for comparison (LBM{sup PE1}-5). Tissue SUV normalized by LBM (SUL) was calculated using LBM from each method (SUL{sup CT1}-3, SUL{sup PE1}-5). Agreement between methods was assessed by Bland Altman analysis. Percentage difference and percentage error were also calculated. For all liver SUL{sup CTS} vs. liver SUL{sup PES} except liver SUL{sup PE3}, the range of biases, SDs of percentage difference and percentage errors were -0.17-0.24 SUL, 6.15-10.17%, and 25.07-38.91%, respectively. For liver SUL{sup CTs} vs. liver SUL{sup PE3}, the corresponding figures were 0.47-0.69 SUL, 10.90-11.25%, and 50.85-51.55%, respectively, showing the largest percentage errors and positive biases. Irrespective of magnitudes of the biases, large percentage errors of 25.07-51.55% were observed between liver SUL{sup CT1}-3 and liver SUL{sup PE1}-5. The results of spleen and aorta SUL{sup CTs} and SUL{sup PEs} comparison were almost identical to those for liver. The present study demonstrated substantial errors in individual SUL{sup PEs} compared with SUL{sup CTs} as a reference value. Normalization of SUV by LBM determined by CT rather than PEs may be a useful approach to reduce errors in individual SUL{sup PEs}.

  15. Comparison of SUVs normalized by lean body mass determined by CT with those normalized by lean body mass estimated by predictive equations in normal tissues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Woo Hyoung; Kim, Chang Guhn; Kim, Dae Weung


    Standardized uptake values (SUVs)normalized by lean body mass (LBM)determined by CT were compared with those normalized by LBM estimated using predictive equations (PEs)in normal liver, spleen, and aorta using 18 F FDG PET/CT. Fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose (F FDG)positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT)was conducted on 453 patients. LBM determined by CT was defined in 3 ways (LBM CT1 -3). Five PEs were used for comparison (LBM PE1 -5). Tissue SUV normalized by LBM (SUL) was calculated using LBM from each method (SUL CT1 -3, SUL PE1 -5). Agreement between methods was assessed by Bland Altman analysis. Percentage difference and percentage error were also calculated. For all liver SUL CTS vs. liver SUL PES except liver SUL PE3 , the range of biases, SDs of percentage difference and percentage errors were -0.17-0.24 SUL, 6.15-10.17%, and 25.07-38.91%, respectively. For liver SUL CTs vs. liver SUL PE3 , the corresponding figures were 0.47-0.69 SUL, 10.90-11.25%, and 50.85-51.55%, respectively, showing the largest percentage errors and positive biases. Irrespective of magnitudes of the biases, large percentage errors of 25.07-51.55% were observed between liver SUL CT1 -3 and liver SUL PE1 -5. The results of spleen and aorta SUL CTs and SUL PEs comparison were almost identical to those for liver. The present study demonstrated substantial errors in individual SUL PEs compared with SUL CTs as a reference value. Normalization of SUV by LBM determined by CT rather than PEs may be a useful approach to reduce errors in individual SUL PEs

  16. Doppler ultrasound scan during normal gestation: umbilical circulation; Ecografia Doppler en la gestacion normal: circulacion umbilical

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruiz, T.; Sabate, J.; Martinez-Benavides, M. M.; Sanchez-Ramos, J. [Hospital Virgen Macarena. Sevilla (Spain)


    To determine normal umbilical circulation patterns by means of Doppler ultrasound scan in a healthy gestating population without risk factors and with normal perinatal results, and to evaluate any occurring modifications relative to gestational age by obtaining records kept during pregnancy. One hundred and sixteen pregnant women carrying a single fetus have been studied. These women had no risk factors, with both clinical and analytical controls, as well as ultrasound scans, all being normal. There were performed a total of 193 Doppler ultrasound scans between weeks 15 and 41 of gestation, with blood-flow analysis in the arteries and vein of the umbilical cord. The obtained information was correlated with parameters that evaluate fetal well-being (fetal monitoring and/or oxytocin test) and perinatal result (delivery type, birth weight, Apgar score). Statistical analysis was performed with the programs SPSS 6.0.1 for Windows and EPIINFO 6.0.4. With pulsed Doppler, the umbilical artery in all cases demonstrated a biphasic morphology with systolic and diastolic components and without retrograde blood flow. As the gestation period increased, there was observed a progressive decrease in resistance along with an increase in blood-flow velocity during the diastolic phase. The Doppler ultrasound scan is a non-invasive method that permits the hemodynamic study of umbilical blood circulation. A knowledge of normal blood-flow signal morphology, as well as of the normal values for Doppler indices in relation to gestational age would permit us to utilize this method in high-risk pregnancies. (Author) 30 refs.

  17. Metabolomics data normalization with EigenMS.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuliya V Karpievitch

    Full Text Available Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry has become one of the analytical platforms of choice for metabolomics studies. However, LC-MS metabolomics data can suffer from the effects of various systematic biases. These include batch effects, day-to-day variations in instrument performance, signal intensity loss due to time-dependent effects of the LC column performance, accumulation of contaminants in the MS ion source and MS sensitivity among others. In this study we aimed to test a singular value decomposition-based method, called EigenMS, for normalization of metabolomics data. We analyzed a clinical human dataset where LC-MS serum metabolomics data and physiological measurements were collected from thirty nine healthy subjects and forty with type 2 diabetes and applied EigenMS to detect and correct for any systematic bias. EigenMS works in several stages. First, EigenMS preserves the treatment group differences in the metabolomics data by estimating treatment effects with an ANOVA model (multiple fixed effects can be estimated. Singular value decomposition of the residuals matrix is then used to determine bias trends in the data. The number of bias trends is then estimated via a permutation test and the effects of the bias trends are eliminated. EigenMS removed bias of unknown complexity from the LC-MS metabolomics data, allowing for increased sensitivity in differential analysis. Moreover, normalized samples better correlated with both other normalized samples and corresponding physiological data, such as blood glucose level, glycated haemoglobin, exercise central augmentation pressure normalized to heart rate of 75, and total cholesterol. We were able to report 2578 discriminatory metabolite peaks in the normalized data (p<0.05 as compared to only 1840 metabolite signals in the raw data. Our results support the use of singular value decomposition-based normalization for metabolomics data.

  18. Univariate normalization of bispectrum using Hölder's inequality. (United States)

    Shahbazi, Forooz; Ewald, Arne; Nolte, Guido


    Considering that many biological systems including the brain are complex non-linear systems, suitable methods capable of detecting these non-linearities are required to study the dynamical properties of these systems. One of these tools is the third order cummulant or cross-bispectrum, which is a measure of interfrequency interactions between three signals. For convenient interpretation, interaction measures are most commonly normalized to be independent of constant scales of the signals such that its absolute values are bounded by one, with this limit reflecting perfect coupling. Although many different normalization factors for cross-bispectra were suggested in the literature these either do not lead to bounded measures or are themselves dependent on the coupling and not only on the scale of the signals. In this paper we suggest a normalization factor which is univariate, i.e., dependent only on the amplitude of each signal and not on the interactions between signals. Using a generalization of Hölder's inequality it is proven that the absolute value of this univariate bicoherence is bounded by zero and one. We compared three widely used normalizations to the univariate normalization concerning the significance of bicoherence values gained from resampling tests. Bicoherence values are calculated from real EEG data recorded in an eyes closed experiment from 10 subjects. The results show slightly more significant values for the univariate normalization but in general, the differences are very small or even vanishing in some subjects. Therefore, we conclude that the normalization factor does not play an important role in the bicoherence values with regard to statistical power, although a univariate normalization is the only normalization factor which fulfills all the required conditions of a proper normalization. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Toxoplasmose em gestantes de Araraquara/SP: análise da utilização do teste de avidez de IgG anti-Toxoplasma na rotina do pré-natal = Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women from Araraquara/SP: analysis of Toxoplasma-specific IgG avidity test utilization in the prenatal care routine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel, Thais F.


    Conclusões: O tratamento antiparasitário foi prescrito para algumas gestantes mesmo na presença de uma taxa de avidez de IgG anti-T. gondii alta no primeiro trimestre da gestação, mostrando que o teste de avidez não foi corretamente interpretado e utilizado na prática clínica

  20. Normal stresses in semiflexible polymer hydrogels (United States)

    Vahabi, M.; Vos, Bart E.; de Cagny, Henri C. G.; Bonn, Daniel; Koenderink, Gijsje H.; MacKintosh, F. C.


    Biopolymer gels such as fibrin and collagen networks are known to develop tensile axial stress when subject to torsion. This negative normal stress is opposite to the classical Poynting effect observed for most elastic solids including synthetic polymer gels, where torsion provokes a positive normal stress. As shown recently, this anomalous behavior in fibrin gels depends on the open, porous network structure of biopolymer gels, which facilitates interstitial fluid flow during shear and can be described by a phenomenological two-fluid model with viscous coupling between network and solvent. Here we extend this model and develop a microscopic model for the individual diagonal components of the stress tensor that determine the axial response of semiflexible polymer hydrogels. This microscopic model predicts that the magnitude of these stress components depends inversely on the characteristic strain for the onset of nonlinear shear stress, which we confirm experimentally by shear rheometry on fibrin gels. Moreover, our model predicts a transient behavior of the normal stress, which is in excellent agreement with the full time-dependent normal stress we measure.

  1. Normal forms of Hopf-zero singularity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gazor, Majid; Mokhtari, Fahimeh


    The Lie algebra generated by Hopf-zero classical normal forms is decomposed into two versal Lie subalgebras. Some dynamical properties for each subalgebra are described; one is the set of all volume-preserving conservative systems while the other is the maximal Lie algebra of nonconservative systems. This introduces a unique conservative–nonconservative decomposition for the normal form systems. There exists a Lie-subalgebra that is Lie-isomorphic to a large family of vector fields with Bogdanov–Takens singularity. This gives rise to a conclusion that the local dynamics of formal Hopf-zero singularities is well-understood by the study of Bogdanov–Takens singularities. Despite this, the normal form computations of Bogdanov–Takens and Hopf-zero singularities are independent. Thus, by assuming a quadratic nonzero condition, complete results on the simplest Hopf-zero normal forms are obtained in terms of the conservative–nonconservative decomposition. Some practical formulas are derived and the results implemented using Maple. The method has been applied on the Rössler and Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equations to demonstrate the applicability of our results. (paper)

  2. Normal forms of Hopf-zero singularity (United States)

    Gazor, Majid; Mokhtari, Fahimeh


    The Lie algebra generated by Hopf-zero classical normal forms is decomposed into two versal Lie subalgebras. Some dynamical properties for each subalgebra are described; one is the set of all volume-preserving conservative systems while the other is the maximal Lie algebra of nonconservative systems. This introduces a unique conservative-nonconservative decomposition for the normal form systems. There exists a Lie-subalgebra that is Lie-isomorphic to a large family of vector fields with Bogdanov-Takens singularity. This gives rise to a conclusion that the local dynamics of formal Hopf-zero singularities is well-understood by the study of Bogdanov-Takens singularities. Despite this, the normal form computations of Bogdanov-Takens and Hopf-zero singularities are independent. Thus, by assuming a quadratic nonzero condition, complete results on the simplest Hopf-zero normal forms are obtained in terms of the conservative-nonconservative decomposition. Some practical formulas are derived and the results implemented using Maple. The method has been applied on the Rössler and Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equations to demonstrate the applicability of our results.

  3. X-ray emssion from normal galaxies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Speybroeck, L. van; Bechtold, J.


    A summary of results obtained with the Einstein Observatory is presented. There are two general categories of normal galaxy investigation being pursued - detailed studies of nearby galaxies where individual sources can be detected and possibly correlated with galactic morphology, and shorter observations of many more distant objects to determine the total luminosity distribution of normal galaxies. The principal examples of the first type are the CFA study of M31 and the Columbia study of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The Columbia normal galaxy survey is the principal example of the second type, although there also are smaller CFA programs concentrating on early galaxies and peculiar galaxies, and MIT has observed some members of the local group. (Auth.)

  4. Quantum arrival times and operator normalization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hegerfeldt, Gerhard C.; Seidel, Dirk; Gonzalo Muga, J.


    A recent approach to arrival times used the fluorescence of an atom entering a laser illuminated region, and the resulting arrival-time distribution was close to the axiomatic distribution of Kijowski, but not exactly equal, neither in limiting cases nor after compensation of reflection losses by normalization on the level of expectation values. In this paper we employ a normalization on the level of operators, recently proposed in a slightly different context. We show that in this case the axiomatic arrival-time distribution of Kijowski is recovered as a limiting case. In addition, it is shown that Allcock's complex potential model is also a limit of the physically motivated fluorescence approach and connected to Kijowski's distribution through operator normalization

  5. An Algorithm for Higher Order Hopf Normal Forms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.Y.T. Leung


    Full Text Available Normal form theory is important for studying the qualitative behavior of nonlinear oscillators. In some cases, higher order normal forms are required to understand the dynamic behavior near an equilibrium or a periodic orbit. However, the computation of high-order normal forms is usually quite complicated. This article provides an explicit formula for the normalization of nonlinear differential equations. The higher order normal form is given explicitly. Illustrative examples include a cubic system, a quadratic system and a Duffing–Van der Pol system. We use exact arithmetic and find that the undamped Duffing equation can be represented by an exact polynomial differential amplitude equation in a finite number of terms.

  6. Forced Normalization: Antagonism Between Epilepsy and Psychosis. (United States)

    Kawakami, Yasuhiko; Itoh, Yasuhiko


    The antagonism between epilepsy and psychosis has been discussed for a long time. Landolt coined the term "forced normalization" in the 1950s to describe psychotic episodes associated with the remission of seizures and disappearance of epileptiform activity on electroencephalograms in individuals with epilepsy. Since then, neurologists and psychiatrists have been intrigued by this phenomenon. However, although collaborative clinical studies and basic experimental researches have been performed, the mechanism of forced normalization remains unknown. In this review article, we present a historical overview of the concept of forced normalization, and discuss potential pathogenic mechanisms and clinical diagnosis. We also discuss the role of dopamine, which appears to be a key factor in the mechanism of forced normalization. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Pseudo--Normals for Signed Distance Computation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aanæs, Henrik; Bærentzen, Jakob Andreas


    the relation of a point to a mesh. At the vertices and edges of a triangle mesh, the surface is not \\$C\\^1\\$ continuous. Hence, the normal is undefined at these loci. Thürmer and Wüthrich proposed the \\$\\backslash\\$emph{angle weighted pseudo--normal} as a way to deal with this problem. In this paper, we...

  8. Normalization vs. Social Role Valorization: Similar or Different? (United States)

    Kumar, Akhilesh; Singh, Rajani Ranjan; Thressiakutty, A. T.


    The radical changes towards services for persons with disabilities were brought by Principle of Normalization, originated in 1969. As a consequence of Normalization, disability as a whole, and intellectual disability in particular, received the attention of the masses and the intelligentsia began advocating normalization ideologies which became…

  9. High coronary artery calcium score affects clinical outcome despite normal stress myocardial perfusion imaging and normal left ventricular ejection fraction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Claus Juul; Andersen, Kim F; Zerahn, Bo


    Normal myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) indicates a low risk for cardiac death and new ischaemic events. However, the impact of normal MPI combined with a high coronary artery calcium score (CACS) is not clear. The aims of this study were to evaluate the risk of severely elevated CACS and to id......Normal myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) indicates a low risk for cardiac death and new ischaemic events. However, the impact of normal MPI combined with a high coronary artery calcium score (CACS) is not clear. The aims of this study were to evaluate the risk of severely elevated CACS...

  10. The clinical significance of normal mammograms and normal sonograms in patients with palpable abnormalities of the breast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jin Hwa; Yoon, Seong Kuk; Choi, Sun Seob; Nam, Kyung Jin; Cho, Se Heon; Kim, Dae Cheol; Kim, Jung Il; Kim, Eun Kyung


    We wanted to evaluate the clinical significance of normal mammograms and normal sonograms in patients with palpable abnormalities of the breast. From Apr 2003 to Feb 2005, 107 patients with 113 palpable abnormalities who had combined normal sonographic and normal mammographic findings were retrospectively studied. The evaluated parameters included age of the patients, the clinical referrals, the distribution of the locations of the palpable abnormalities, whether there was a past surgical history, the mammographic densities and the sonographic echo patterns (purely hyperechoic fibrous tissue, mixed fibroglandular breast tissue, predominantly isoechoic glandular tissue and isoechoic subcutaneous fat tissue) at the sites of clinical concern, whether there was a change in imaging and/or the physical examination results at follow-up, and whether there were biopsy results. This study period was chosen to allow a follow-up period of at least 12 months. The patients' ages ranged from 22 to 66 years (mean age: 48.8 years) and 62 (58%) of the 107 patients were between 41 and 50 years old (58%). The most common location of the palpable abnormalities was the upper outer portion of the breast (45%) and most of the mammographic densities were dense patterns (BI-RADS Type 3 or 4: 91%). Our cases showed similar distribution for all the types of sonographic echo patterns. 23 patients underwent biopsy; all the biopsy specimens were benign. For the 84 patients with 90 palpable abnormalities who were followed, there was no interval development of breast cancer in the areas of clinical concern. Our results suggest that we can follow up and prevent unnecessary biopsies in women with palpable abnormalities when both the mammography and ultrasonography show normal tissue, but this study was limited by its small sample size. Therefore, a larger study will be needed to better define the negative predictive value of combined normal sonographic and mammographic findings

  11. GC-Content Normalization for RNA-Seq Data (United States)


    Background Transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq) has become the assay of choice for high-throughput studies of gene expression. However, as is the case with microarrays, major technology-related artifacts and biases affect the resulting expression measures. Normalization is therefore essential to ensure accurate inference of expression levels and subsequent analyses thereof. Results We focus on biases related to GC-content and demonstrate the existence of strong sample-specific GC-content effects on RNA-Seq read counts, which can substantially bias differential expression analysis. We propose three simple within-lane gene-level GC-content normalization approaches and assess their performance on two different RNA-Seq datasets, involving different species and experimental designs. Our methods are compared to state-of-the-art normalization procedures in terms of bias and mean squared error for expression fold-change estimation and in terms of Type I error and p-value distributions for tests of differential expression. The exploratory data analysis and normalization methods proposed in this article are implemented in the open-source Bioconductor R package EDASeq. Conclusions Our within-lane normalization procedures, followed by between-lane normalization, reduce GC-content bias and lead to more accurate estimates of expression fold-changes and tests of differential expression. Such results are crucial for the biological interpretation of RNA-Seq experiments, where downstream analyses can be sensitive to the supplied lists of genes. PMID:22177264

  12. Normalization at the field level: fractional counting of citations


    Leydesdorff, Loet; Opthof, Tobias


    Van Raan et al. (2010; arXiv:1003.2113) have proposed a new indicator (MNCS) for field normalization. Since field normalization is also used in the Leiden Rankings of universities, we elaborate our critique of journal normalization in Opthof & Leydesdorff (2010; arXiv:1002.2769) in this rejoinder concerning field normalization. Fractional citation counting thoroughly solves the issue of normalization for differences in citation behavior among fields. This indicator can also be used to obtain ...

  13. U.S. Monthly Climate Normals (1971-2000) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — U.S. Monthly Climate Normals (1971-2000) (DSI-9641C) include climatological normals based on monthly maximum, minimum, and mean temperature and monthly total...

  14. Normal IQ is possible in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. (United States)

    Eroglu, Yasemen; Nguyen-Driver, Mina; Steiner, Robert D; Merkens, Louise; Merkens, Mark; Roullet, Jean-Baptiste; Elias, Ellen; Sarphare, Geeta; Porter, Forbes D; Li, Chumei; Tierney, Elaine; Nowaczyk, Małgorzata J; Freeman, Kurt A


    Children with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) are typically reported to have moderate to severe intellectual disability. This study aims to determine whether normal cognitive function is possible in this population and to describe clinical, biochemical and molecular characteristics of children with SLOS and normal intelligent quotient (IQ). The study included children with SLOS who underwent cognitive testing in four centers. All children with at least one IQ composite score above 80 were included in the study. Six girls, three boys with SLOS were found to have normal or low-normal IQ in a cohort of 145 children with SLOS. Major/multiple organ anomalies and low serum cholesterol levels were uncommon. No correlation with IQ and genotype was evident and no specific developmental profile were observed. Thus, normal or low-normal cognitive function is possible in SLOS. Further studies are needed to elucidate factors contributing to normal or low-normal cognitive function in children with SLOS. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Natalidad, soberanía y desarrollo: las medidas restrictivas a la planificación familiar en el tercer gobierno peronista (Argentina, 1973-1976 Birthrate, sovereignty and development: the restrictive regulations to family planning in the third peronist government (Argentina, 1973-1976

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karina Alejandra Felitti


    Full Text Available El acelerado crecimiento de la población mundial durante la segunda posguerra expandió el temor de un inminente agotamiento de los recursos naturales y la desestabilización del sistema capitalista. Mientras la "explosión demográfica" se convertía en una seria amenaza en tiempos de Guerra Fría, en Argentina se presentaba el problema inverso, una tasa de natalidad en permanente descenso. El tercer gobierno peronista (1973-1976 incluyó este tema entre sus prioridades y la originalidad de su plan de acción fue la implementación, por primera vez en el país, de medidas coercitivas sobre el libre acceso a la anticoncepción. En este artículo nos proponemos analizar estas políticas, las contradicciones al interior del gobierno respecto a las medidas a seguir, sus repercusiones y las resistencias que generaron.The intensive growth of the world population during the second postwar period expanded the fear of an imminent depletion of natural resources and the destabilization of the capitalist system. Meanwhile the "population bomb" became a threat in the Cold War context, in Argentina the situation was the opposite, with a persistent birth rate decline. The third Peronist government (1973-1976 included the problem of the demographic fall among its priorities and the originality of its plan of action was that, for the first time in this country, coercive regulations prevented the free access to contraception. In this article we propose to analyze these policies, the contradictions inside the government regarding the best way to proceed, its repercussions and the resistance they produced.

  16. Normal gravity field in relativistic geodesy (United States)

    Kopeikin, Sergei; Vlasov, Igor; Han, Wen-Biao


    Modern geodesy is subject to a dramatic change from the Newtonian paradigm to Einstein's theory of general relativity. This is motivated by the ongoing advance in development of quantum sensors for applications in geodesy including quantum gravimeters and gradientometers, atomic clocks and fiber optics for making ultra-precise measurements of the geoid and multipolar structure of the Earth's gravitational field. At the same time, very long baseline interferometry, satellite laser ranging, and global navigation satellite systems have achieved an unprecedented level of accuracy in measuring 3-d coordinates of the reference points of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame and the world height system. The main geodetic reference standard to which gravimetric measurements of the of Earth's gravitational field are referred is a normal gravity field represented in the Newtonian gravity by the field of a uniformly rotating, homogeneous Maclaurin ellipsoid of which mass and quadrupole momentum are equal to the total mass and (tide-free) quadrupole moment of Earth's gravitational field. The present paper extends the concept of the normal gravity field from the Newtonian theory to the realm of general relativity. We focus our attention on the calculation of the post-Newtonian approximation of the normal field that is sufficient for current and near-future practical applications. We show that in general relativity the level surface of homogeneous and uniformly rotating fluid is no longer described by the Maclaurin ellipsoid in the most general case but represents an axisymmetric spheroid of the fourth order with respect to the geodetic Cartesian coordinates. At the same time, admitting a post-Newtonian inhomogeneity of the mass density in the form of concentric elliptical shells allows one to preserve the level surface of the fluid as an exact ellipsoid of rotation. We parametrize the mass density distribution and the level surface with two parameters which are

  17. 20 CFR 336.2 - Duration of normal unemployment benefits. (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Duration of normal unemployment benefits. 336... UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACT DURATION OF NORMAL AND EXTENDED BENEFITS Normal Benefits § 336.2 Duration of normal unemployment benefits. (a) 130 compensable day limitation. A qualified employee who has satisfied the waiting...

  18. Nonischemic changes in right ventricular function on exercise. Do normal volunteers differ from patients with normal coronary arteries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caplin, J.L.; Maltz, M.B.; Flatman, W.D.; Dymond, D.S.


    Factors other than ischemia may alter right ventricular function both at rest and on exercise. Normal volunteers differ from cardiac patients with normal coronary arteries with regard to their left ventricular response to exercise. This study examined changes in right ventricular function on exercise in 21 normal volunteers and 13 patients with normal coronary arteries, using first-pass radionuclide angiography. There were large ranges of right ventricular ejection fraction in the two groups, both at rest and on exercise. Resting right ventricular ejection fraction was 40.2 +/- 10.6% (mean +/- SD) in the volunteers and 38.6 +/- 9.7% in the patients, p = not significant, and on exercise rose significantly in both groups to 46.1 +/- 9.9% and 45.8 +/- 9.7%, respectively. The difference between the groups was not significant. In both groups some subjects with high resting values showed large decreases in ejection fraction on exercise, and there were significant negative correlations between resting ejection fraction and the change on exercise, r = -0.59 (p less than 0.01) in volunteers, and r = -0.66 (p less than 0.05) in patients. Older volunteers tended to have lower rest and exercise ejection fractions, but there was no difference between normotensive and hypertensive patients in their rest or exercise values. In conclusion, changes in right ventricular function on exercise are similar in normal volunteers and in patients with normal coronary arteries. Some subjects show decreases in right ventricular ejection fraction on exercise which do not appear to be related to ischemia

  19. Normal growth and development (United States)

    ... page: // Normal growth and development To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. A child's growth and development can be divided into four periods: ...

  20. An atlas of normal skeletal scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flanagan, J.J.; Maisey, M.N.


    This atlas was compiled to provide the neophyte as well as the experienced radiologist and the nuclear medicine physician with a reference on normal skeletal scintigraphy as an aid in distinguishing normal variations in skeletal uptake from abnormal findings. Each skeletal scintigraph is labeled, and utilizing an identical scale, a relevant skeletal photograph and radiograph are placed adjacent to the scintigraph

  1. Corticocortical feedback increases the spatial extent of normalization. (United States)

    Nassi, Jonathan J; Gómez-Laberge, Camille; Kreiman, Gabriel; Born, Richard T


    Normalization has been proposed as a canonical computation operating across different brain regions, sensory modalities, and species. It provides a good phenomenological description of non-linear response properties in primary visual cortex (V1), including the contrast response function and surround suppression. Despite its widespread application throughout the visual system, the underlying neural mechanisms remain largely unknown. We recently observed that corticocortical feedback contributes to surround suppression in V1, raising the possibility that feedback acts through normalization. To test this idea, we characterized area summation and contrast response properties in V1 with and without feedback from V2 and V3 in alert macaques and applied a standard normalization model to the data. Area summation properties were well explained by a form of divisive normalization, which computes the ratio between a neuron's driving input and the spatially integrated activity of a "normalization pool." Feedback inactivation reduced surround suppression by shrinking the spatial extent of the normalization pool. This effect was independent of the gain modulation thought to mediate the influence of contrast on area summation, which remained intact during feedback inactivation. Contrast sensitivity within the receptive field center was also unaffected by feedback inactivation, providing further evidence that feedback participates in normalization independent of the circuit mechanisms involved in modulating contrast gain and saturation. These results suggest that corticocortical feedback contributes to surround suppression by increasing the visuotopic extent of normalization and, via this mechanism, feedback can play a critical role in contextual information processing.

  2. Spin-polarized transport in a normal/ferromagnetic/normal zigzag graphene nanoribbon junction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tian Hong-Yu; Wang Jun


    We investigate the spin-dependent electron transport in single and double normal/ferromagnetic/normal zigzag graphene nanoribbon (NG/FG/NG) junctions. The ferromagnetism in the FG region originates from the spontaneous magnetization of the zigzag graphene nanoribbon. It is shown that when the zigzag-chain number of the ribbon is even and only a single transverse mode is actived, the single NG/FG/NG junction can act as a spin polarizer and/or a spin analyzer because of the valley selection rule and the spin-exchange field in the FG, while the double NG/FG/NG/FG/NG junction exhibits a quantum switching effect, in which the on and the off states switch rapidly by varying the cross angle between two FG magnetizations. Our findings may shed light on the application of magnetized graphene nanoribbons to spintronics devices. (condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)

  3. Prevalência de anemia em gestantes de primeira consulta em centros de saúde de área metropolitana, Brasil The prevalence of anemia in first consultation pregnant women of health centers in a metropolitan area, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elvira Maria Guerra


    Full Text Available No período de abril a outubro de 1988, foram estudadas 363 gestantes de primeira consulta, as quais estavam inscritas no Programa de Atendimento à Gestante da Secretaria do Estado da Saúde de São Paulo, subdistrito do Butantã, Município de São Paulo, Brasil. Na ocasião da coleta do material biológico estas gestantes não faziam uso de medicamentos contendo ferro, ácido fólico, vitamina B12 ou associações destes. A idade média das gestantes foi de 25 anos, 65,9% delas pertenciam a famílias com renda até 1 SMPC (salário mínimo per capita e apenas 3,1% pertenciam a famílias com renda superior a 3 SMPC. A prevalência de anemia foi de 12,4%. A média da concentração de hemoglobina (g/dl no primeiro trimestre foi significativamente maior que as médias no segundo e terceiro trimestres gestacional. A prevalência de anemia no primeiro trimestre: (3,6% foi significativamente menor do que aquelas encontradas no segundo (20,9% e terceiro trimestre (32,1%. As gestantes que tiveram mais que três partos tiveram prevalência de anemia significativamente maior do que aquelas com até três partos. A prevalência de anemia foi maior no grupo das gestantes que pertenciam a famílias com renda até 0,5 SMPC.Three hundred and sixty-three pregnant women enrolled in the Pregnancy Medical Care Program of S. Paulo Health Department from the district of Butantan, S. Paulo city, Brazil, were studied at the first routine consultation. At the time they were examined they were not given any medicine containing iron, folie acid or vitamin B12. Their average age was 25 and 65.9% belonged to families with a monthly per capita income below US$ 50.00. Only 3.1% had a per capita income above U$$ 150.00. The prevalence of anemia was 12.4%. The hemoglobin concentration (grams/dl in the first trimester was significantly higher than in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The prevalence of anemia in the first trimesters (3.6% was significantly smaller

  4. Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Outcome of Myocardial Infarction with Angiographically Normal and Near-Normal Coronary Arteries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Samad Ghaffari


    Full Text Available Context: Coronary artery diseases are mostly detected using angiographic methods demonstrating arteries status. Nevertheless, Myocardial Infarction (MI may occur in the presence of angiographically normal coronary arteries. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the prevalence of MI with normal angiography and its possible etiologies in a systematic review. Evidence Acquisition: In this meta-analysis, the required data were collected from PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, Scopus, Magiran, Scientific Information Database, and Medlib databases using the following keywords: “coronary angiograph”, “normal coronary arteries”, “near-normal coronary arteries”, “heart diseases”, “coronary artery disease”, “coronary disease”, “cardiac troponin I”, “Myocardial infarction”, “risk factor”, “prevalence”, “outcome”, and their Persian equivalents. Then, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software, version 2 using randomized model was employed to determine the prevalence of each complication and perform the meta-analysis. P values less than 0.05 were considered to be statistically significant. Results: Totally, 20 studies including 139957 patients were entered into the analysis. The patients’ mean age was 47.62 ± 6.63 years and 64.4% of the patients were male. The prevalence of MI with normal or near-normal coronary arteries was 3.5% (CI = 95%, min = 2.2%, and max = 5.7%. Additionally, smoking and family history of cardiovascular diseases were the most important risk factors. The results showed no significant difference between MIs with normal angiography and 1- or 2-vessel involvement regarding the frequency of major adverse cardiac events (5.4% vs. 7.3%, P = 0.32. However, a significant difference was found between the patients with normal angiography and those with 3-vessel involvement in this regard (5.4% vs. 20.2%, P < 0.001. Conclusions: Although angiographic studies are required to assess the underlying

  5. Normalization of Gravitational Acceleration Models (United States)

    Eckman, Randy A.; Brown, Aaron J.; Adamo, Daniel R.


    Unlike the uniform density spherical shell approximations of Newton, the con- sequence of spaceflight in the real universe is that gravitational fields are sensitive to the nonsphericity of their generating central bodies. The gravitational potential of a nonspherical central body is typically resolved using spherical harmonic approximations. However, attempting to directly calculate the spherical harmonic approximations results in at least two singularities which must be removed in order to generalize the method and solve for any possible orbit, including polar orbits. Three unique algorithms have been developed to eliminate these singularities by Samuel Pines [1], Bill Lear [2], and Robert Gottlieb [3]. This paper documents the methodical normalization of two1 of the three known formulations for singularity-free gravitational acceleration (namely, the Lear [2] and Gottlieb [3] algorithms) and formulates a general method for defining normalization parameters used to generate normalized Legendre Polynomials and ALFs for any algorithm. A treatment of the conventional formulation of the gravitational potential and acceleration is also provided, in addition to a brief overview of the philosophical differences between the three known singularity-free algorithms.

  6. Normalization of energy-dependent gamma survey data. (United States)

    Whicker, Randy; Chambers, Douglas


    Instruments and methods for normalization of energy-dependent gamma radiation survey data to a less energy-dependent basis of measurement are evaluated based on relevant field data collected at 15 different sites across the western United States along with a site in Mongolia. Normalization performance is assessed relative to measurements with a high-pressure ionization chamber (HPIC) due to its "flat" energy response and accurate measurement of the true exposure rate from both cosmic and terrestrial radiation. While analytically ideal for normalization applications, cost and practicality disadvantages have increased demand for alternatives to the HPIC. Regression analysis on paired measurements between energy-dependent sodium iodide (NaI) scintillation detectors (5-cm by 5-cm crystal dimensions) and the HPIC revealed highly consistent relationships among sites not previously impacted by radiological contamination (natural sites). A resulting generalized data normalization factor based on the average sensitivity of NaI detectors to naturally occurring terrestrial radiation (0.56 nGy hHPIC per nGy hNaI), combined with the calculated site-specific estimate of cosmic radiation, produced reasonably accurate predictions of HPIC readings at natural sites. Normalization against two to potential alternative instruments (a tissue-equivalent plastic scintillator and energy-compensated NaI detector) did not perform better than the sensitivity adjustment approach at natural sites. Each approach produced unreliable estimates of HPIC readings at radiologically impacted sites, though normalization against the plastic scintillator or energy-compensated NaI detector can address incompatibilities between different energy-dependent instruments with respect to estimation of soil radionuclide levels. The appropriate data normalization method depends on the nature of the site, expected duration of the project, survey objectives, and considerations of cost and practicality.

  7. 10 CFR 71.71 - Normal conditions of transport. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Normal conditions of transport. 71.71 Section 71.71 Energy..., Special Form, and LSA-III Tests 2 § 71.71 Normal conditions of transport. (a) Evaluation. Evaluation of each package design under normal conditions of transport must include a determination of the effect on...

  8. Espondilitis tuberculosa en adultos: revisión de una serie de casos en un hospital de tercer nivel, Lima-Perú Tuberculous spondylitis in adults: a case series from a reference hospital in Lima, Peru

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Castillo-Angeles


    Full Text Available Describimos las características clínicas y demográficas en pacientes adultos con espondilitis tuberculosa así como un análisis exploratorio que buscó establecer características que contribuyeron al desarrollo de esta enfermedad, en un hospital de tercer nivel de Lima. Realizamos un estudio tipo serie de casos y describimos 33 casos recolectados entre 1999-2009. 18 pacientes (55% fueron varones, la media de edad fue 31 años (IQ 23 a 51 años y un tiempo de enfermedad de 3 meses (IQ 1 a 8 meses. El principal síntoma fue lumbalgia en 28 (85%. Los segmentos más comprometidos fueron el torácico en 28 (60% casos y lumbar en 13 (28%. Tuberculosis pulmonar se encontró en 14 (42% casos. Veinticuatro (73% recibieron esquema I. La duración de tratamiento fue 10,5 ± 4,2 meses . Las características clínicas, diagnósticas fueron similares a series nacionales previas e internacionales.We describe the demographic and clinical characteristics of adult patients with tuberculous spondylitis as well as an exploratory analysis that seeked to establish patient characteristics that contributed to the development of this disorder at a reference hospital in Lima. This is a case-series descriptive study where data collection from 33 medical records of patients from 1999 to 2009 was done. Eighteen (55% were male. Median age was 31 years (IQR 23 to 51 years. Median time of symptoms was 3 months (IQR 1 to 8 months. The most frequent symptom was back pain in 28 (85%. The most frequently affected areas were the thoracic spine involved in 28 (60% cases and lumbar spine in 13 (28%. Pulmonary tuberculosis was present in fourteen (42% cases. Twenty four (73% patients received first line treatment. Treatment duration was 10.5 ± 4.2 months. Clinical and diagnostic characteristics were similar to previous Peruvian case reports and current literature.

  9. Normalizations of High Taylor Reynolds Number Power Spectra (United States)

    Puga, Alejandro; Koster, Timothy; Larue, John C.


    The velocity power spectrum provides insight in how the turbulent kinetic energy is transferred from larger to smaller scales. Wind tunnel experiments are conducted where high intensity turbulence is generated by means of an active turbulence grid modeled after Makita's 1991 design (Makita, 1991) as implemented by Mydlarski and Warhaft (M&W, 1998). The goal of this study is to document the evolution of the scaling region and assess the relative collapse of several proposed normalizations over a range of Rλ from 185 to 997. As predicted by Kolmogorov (1963), an asymptotic approach of the slope (n) of the inertial subrange to - 5 / 3 with increasing Rλ is observed. There are three velocity power spectrum normalizations as presented by Kolmogorov (1963), Von Karman and Howarth (1938) and George (1992). Results show that the Von Karman and Howarth normalization does not collapse the velocity power spectrum as well as the Kolmogorov and George normalizations. The Kolmogorov normalization does a good job of collapsing the velocity power spectrum in the normalized high wavenumber range of 0 . 0002 University of California, Irvine Research Fund.

  10. Rhythm-based heartbeat duration normalization for atrial fibrillation detection. (United States)

    Islam, Md Saiful; Ammour, Nassim; Alajlan, Naif; Aboalsamh, Hatim


    Screening of atrial fibrillation (AF) for high-risk patients including all patients aged 65 years and older is important for prevention of risk of stroke. Different technologies such as modified blood pressure monitor, single lead ECG-based finger-probe, and smart phone using plethysmogram signal have been emerging for this purpose. All these technologies use irregularity of heartbeat duration as a feature for AF detection. We have investigated a normalization method of heartbeat duration for improved AF detection. AF is an arrhythmia in which heartbeat duration generally becomes irregularly irregular. From a window of heartbeat duration, we estimate the possible rhythm of the majority of heartbeats and normalize duration of all heartbeats in the window based on the rhythm so that we can measure the irregularity of heartbeats for both AF and non-AF rhythms in the same scale. Irregularity is measured by the entropy of distribution of the normalized duration. Then we classify a window of heartbeats as AF or non-AF by thresholding the measured irregularity. The effect of this normalization is evaluated by comparing AF detection performances using duration with the normalization, without normalization, and with other existing normalizations. Sensitivity and specificity of AF detection using normalized heartbeat duration were tested on two landmark databases available online and compared with results of other methods (with/without normalization) by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. ROC analysis showed that the normalization was able to improve the performance of AF detection and it was consistent for a wide range of sensitivity and specificity for use of different thresholds. Detection accuracy was also computed for equal rates of sensitivity and specificity for different methods. Using normalized heartbeat duration, we obtained 96.38% accuracy which is more than 4% improvement compared to AF detection without normalization. The proposed normalization

  11. Flora Normal, Probióticos y Salud Humana Flora Normal, Probióticos y Salud Humana

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    Fernando Anaya-Velázquez


    Full Text Available La microbiota es el conjunto de microorganismos que se localizan de manera normal en distintos sitios del cuerpo humano. Varios factores permiten que se mantenga el equilibrio necesario para conservar la salud. Se ha descrito que una de las funciones más importantes de la flora normal es la resistencia que confi ere a la invasión por agentes patógenos a través de diversos mecanismos como es la producción de bacteriocinas, ácido láctico o peróxido de hidrógeno entre otros. Destacan los lactobacilos (Lactobacillus casei, L. acidophilus y L. bifidus, habitantes del tracto gastrointestinal y vaginal, que inhiben el crecimiento de bacterias y virus como Salmonella y el VIH respectivamente. Los probióticos son microorganismos vivos, no patógenos, los cuales administrados en cantidades adecuadas confieren un beneficio sobre la salud del huésped. La investigación de diversas bacterias resulta alentadora debido a su uso potencial para mantener y restaurar la flora normal lo cual puede ser benéfico para la nutrición, la prevención de enfermedades y en un futuro ser parte de un tratamiento integral. The microbiota is the group of microorganisms that live normally in different parts of the human body. Several factors allow the maintenance of the required equilibrium to preserve health. It has been described that one of the most important functions of the normal flora is the resistance they confer to humans against invasion by pathogenic agents by different mechanisms such as production of bacteriocins, lactic acid or hydrogen peroxide. Among the most noticeable microorganisms are lactobacilli (Lactobacillus casei, L. acidophilus and L. bifidus, inhabitants of gastrointestinal and genital tract which inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and viruses such as Salmonella and VIH, respectively. Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Research conducted with several

  12. Normal modes of weak colloidal gels (United States)

    Varga, Zsigmond; Swan, James W.


    The normal modes and relaxation rates of weak colloidal gels are investigated in calculations using different models of the hydrodynamic interactions between suspended particles. The relaxation spectrum is computed for freely draining, Rotne-Prager-Yamakawa, and accelerated Stokesian dynamics approximations of the hydrodynamic mobility in a normal mode analysis of a harmonic network representing several colloidal gels. We find that the density of states and spatial structure of the normal modes are fundamentally altered by long-ranged hydrodynamic coupling among the particles. Short-ranged coupling due to hydrodynamic lubrication affects only the relaxation rates of short-wavelength modes. Hydrodynamic models accounting for long-ranged coupling exhibit a microscopic relaxation rate for each normal mode, λ that scales as l-2, where l is the spatial correlation length of the normal mode. For the freely draining approximation, which neglects long-ranged coupling, the microscopic relaxation rate scales as l-γ, where γ varies between three and two with increasing particle volume fraction. A simple phenomenological model of the internal elastic response to normal mode fluctuations is developed, which shows that long-ranged hydrodynamic interactions play a central role in the viscoelasticity of the gel network. Dynamic simulations of hard spheres that gel in response to short-ranged depletion attractions are used to test the applicability of the density of states predictions. For particle concentrations up to 30% by volume, the power law decay of the relaxation modulus in simulations accounting for long-ranged hydrodynamic interactions agrees with predictions generated by the density of states of the corresponding harmonic networks as well as experimental measurements. For higher volume fractions, excluded volume interactions dominate the stress response, and the prediction from the harmonic network density of states fails. Analogous to the Zimm model in polymer

  13. Corticocortical feedback increases the spatial extent of normalization (United States)

    Nassi, Jonathan J.; Gómez-Laberge, Camille; Kreiman, Gabriel; Born, Richard T.


    Normalization has been proposed as a canonical computation operating across different brain regions, sensory modalities, and species. It provides a good phenomenological description of non-linear response properties in primary visual cortex (V1), including the contrast response function and surround suppression. Despite its widespread application throughout the visual system, the underlying neural mechanisms remain largely unknown. We recently observed that corticocortical feedback contributes to surround suppression in V1, raising the possibility that feedback acts through normalization. To test this idea, we characterized area summation and contrast response properties in V1 with and without feedback from V2 and V3 in alert macaques and applied a standard normalization model to the data. Area summation properties were well explained by a form of divisive normalization, which computes the ratio between a neuron's driving input and the spatially integrated activity of a “normalization pool.” Feedback inactivation reduced surround suppression by shrinking the spatial extent of the normalization pool. This effect was independent of the gain modulation thought to mediate the influence of contrast on area summation, which remained intact during feedback inactivation. Contrast sensitivity within the receptive field center was also unaffected by feedback inactivation, providing further evidence that feedback participates in normalization independent of the circuit mechanisms involved in modulating contrast gain and saturation. These results suggest that corticocortical feedback contributes to surround suppression by increasing the visuotopic extent of normalization and, via this mechanism, feedback can play a critical role in contextual information processing. PMID:24910596

  14. Computed tomography of the normal sternum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goodman, L.R.; Teplick, S.K.; Kay, H.


    The normal CT anatomy of the sternum was studied in 35 patients. In addition to the normal appearance of the sternum, normal variants that may mimic desease were often noted. In the manubrium, part of the posterior cortical margin was unsharp and irregular in 34 of 35 patients. Part of the anterior cortical margin was indistinct in 20 of the 35 patients. Angulation of the CT gantry to a position more nearly perpendicular to the manubrium improved the definition of the cortical margins. The body of the sternum was ovoid to rectangular and usually had sharp cortical margins. Sections through the manubriosternal joint and xyphoid often demonstrated irregular mottled calcifications and indistinct margins again simulating bony lesions. The rib insertions, sternal clavicular joints, and adjacent soft-tissue appearance also were evaluated

  15. Congenital anomalies and normal skeletal variants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guebert, G.M.; Yochum, T.R.; Rowe, L.J.


    Congenital anomalies and normal skeletal variants are a common occurrence in clinical practice. In this chapter a large number of skeletal anomalies of the spine and pelvis are reviewed. Some of the more common skeletal anomalies of the extremities are also presented. The second section of this chapter deals with normal skeletal variants. Some of these variants may simulate certain disease processes. In some instances there are no clear-cut distinctions between skeletal variants and anomalies; therefore, there may be some overlap of material. The congenital anomalies are presented initially with accompanying text, photos, and references, beginning with the skull and proceeding caudally through the spine to then include the pelvis and extremities. The normal skeletal variants section is presented in an anatomical atlas format without text or references

  16. A Denotational Account of Untyped Normalization by Evaluation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Filinski, Andrzej; Rohde, Henning Korsholm


    Abstract. We show that the standard normalization-by-evaluation construction for the simply-typed λβη-calculus has a natural counterpart for the untyped λβ-calculus, with the central type-indexed logical relation replaced by a “recursively defined” invariant relation, in the style of Pitts. In fact......, the construction can be seen as generalizing a computational adequacy argument for an untyped, call-by-name language to normalization instead of evaluation. In the untyped setting, not all terms have normal forms, so the normalization function is necessarily partial. We establish its correctness in the senses...

  17. Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus

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    Basant R. Nassar BS


    Full Text Available Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH is a potentially reversible neurodegenerative disease commonly characterized by a triad of dementia, gait, and urinary disturbance. Advancements in diagnosis and treatment have aided in properly identifying and improving symptoms in patients. However, a large proportion of iNPH patients remain either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Using PubMed search engine of keywords “normal pressure hydrocephalus,” “diagnosis,” “shunt treatment,” “biomarkers,” “gait disturbances,” “cognitive function,” “neuropsychology,” “imaging,” and “pathogenesis,” articles were obtained for this review. The majority of the articles were retrieved from the past 10 years. The purpose of this review article is to aid general practitioners in further understanding current findings on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of iNPH.



    Juárez Azpilcueta, Arturo; Islas Domínguez, Luis; Durán Padilla, Marco Antonio


    La mola hidatidiforme es un embarazo que se caracteriza por una degeneración hidrópica de las vellosidades coriales y habitualmente la ausencia del feto. La mola parcial se caracteriza por ser resultado de una triploidía diándrica y por la presencia de cambios hidatiformes progresivos lentos con capilares vellosos funcionantes, que afectan solamente a algunas de las vellosidades; se asocia con un feto o embrión anormal identifcable (vivo o muerto), membranas o eritrocitos fetales. Se analiza ...

  19. Attention and normalization circuits in macaque V1 (United States)

    Sanayei, M; Herrero, J L; Distler, C; Thiele, A


    Attention affects neuronal processing and improves behavioural performance. In extrastriate visual cortex these effects have been explained by normalization models, which assume that attention influences the circuit that mediates surround suppression. While normalization models have been able to explain attentional effects, their validity has rarely been tested against alternative models. Here we investigate how attention and surround/mask stimuli affect neuronal firing rates and orientation tuning in macaque V1. Surround/mask stimuli provide an estimate to what extent V1 neurons are affected by normalization, which was compared against effects of spatial top down attention. For some attention/surround effect comparisons, the strength of attentional modulation was correlated with the strength of surround modulation, suggesting that attention and surround/mask stimulation (i.e. normalization) might use a common mechanism. To explore this in detail, we fitted multiplicative and additive models of attention to our data. In one class of models, attention contributed to normalization mechanisms, whereas in a different class of models it did not. Model selection based on Akaike's and on Bayesian information criteria demonstrated that in most cells the effects of attention were best described by models where attention did not contribute to normalization mechanisms. This demonstrates that attentional influences on neuronal responses in primary visual cortex often bypass normalization mechanisms. PMID:25757941

  20. Homofobia y/o ser enfermero. Primer evento científico de violencia. Segundo trimestre del año 2009. Pinar del Río Homophobia and/or to be a male nurse. 1st Scientific Event of Violence on the second quarter of 2009. Pinar del Rio

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    Marisol Rodríguez Lazo


    Full Text Available La homofobia significa un terror irracional e injustificado hacia a los homosexuales y la homosexualidad. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, a un grupo determinado de hombres del municipio de Pinar del Río con el objetivo de reflexionar sobre la homofobia en cuanto a los enfermeros homosexuales, durante el segundo trimestre del año 2009. El universo estuvo constituido por 147 hombres del municipio de Pinar del Río, a los cuales se le aplicó una encuesta, la muestra fue de 100 hombres seleccionados por el método estadístico al azar simple, lo que indica que se encuesto el 68,02%, obteniéndose los siguientes resultados, el 100% de los encuestados si conocen que es la homofobia, el 77% de los encuestados si sienten rechazo por los homosexuales, la totalidad de los encuestados no consideran que todos los enfermeros sean homosexuales, un 29% consideran que el trabajo de los enfermeros homosexuales es mejor, y el 70% de los encuestados opinan que la mayoría de los enfermeros que optan por su profesión tienen orientación por personas de su mismo sexo.Homophobia means an irrational and unjustified fear to homosexuals and homosexuality. A descriptive study was conducted to a determined group of men in Pinar del Rio municipality. This research was aimed at reflecting on homophobia regarding male homosexual nurses during the second quarter of 2009. The target group included 147 men in Pinar del Rio municipality, this group was polled. The sample was comprised of 100 men chosen at a simple random, which indicated that 68, 02% were surveyed, results showed that: 100% knew what homophobia was, 77% felt aversion to homosexuals, the totality of those polled did not consider all male nurses were homosexuals, 29% considered male homosexual nurses performed their job better, and 70% expressed the opinion that the majority of the male choosing nursing profession experience same-sex attraction.

  1. The lambda sigma calculus and strong normalization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schack-Nielsen, Anders; Schürmann, Carsten

    Explicit substitution calculi can be classified into several dis- tinct categories depending on whether they are confluent, meta-confluent, strong normalization preserving, strongly normalizing, simulating, fully compositional, and/or local. In this paper we present a variant of the λσ-calculus, ...

  2. Normal accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perrow, C.


    The author has chosen numerous concrete examples to illustrate the hazardousness inherent in high-risk technologies. Starting with the TMI reactor accident in 1979, he shows that it is not only the nuclear energy sector that bears the risk of 'normal accidents', but also quite a number of other technologies and industrial sectors, or research fields. The author refers to the petrochemical industry, shipping, air traffic, large dams, mining activities, and genetic engineering, showing that due to the complexity of the systems and their manifold, rapidly interacting processes, accidents happen that cannot be thoroughly calculated, and hence are unavoidable. (orig./HP) [de

  3. Spatial normalization of array-CGH data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brennetot Caroline


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH is a recently developed technique for analyzing changes in DNA copy number. As in all microarray analyses, normalization is required to correct for experimental artifacts while preserving the true biological signal. We investigated various sources of systematic variation in array-CGH data and identified two distinct types of spatial effect of no biological relevance as the predominant experimental artifacts: continuous spatial gradients and local spatial bias. Local spatial bias affects a large proportion of arrays, and has not previously been considered in array-CGH experiments. Results We show that existing normalization techniques do not correct these spatial effects properly. We therefore developed an automatic method for the spatial normalization of array-CGH data. This method makes it possible to delineate and to eliminate and/or correct areas affected by spatial bias. It is based on the combination of a spatial segmentation algorithm called NEM (Neighborhood Expectation Maximization and spatial trend estimation. We defined quality criteria for array-CGH data, demonstrating significant improvements in data quality with our method for three data sets coming from two different platforms (198, 175 and 26 BAC-arrays. Conclusion We have designed an automatic algorithm for the spatial normalization of BAC CGH-array data, preventing the misinterpretation of experimental artifacts as biologically relevant outliers in the genomic profile. This algorithm is implemented in the R package MANOR (Micro-Array NORmalization, which is described at and available from the Bioconductor site It can also be tested on the CAPweb bioinformatics platform at

  4. Spatially tuned normalization explains attention modulation variance within neurons. (United States)

    Ni, Amy M; Maunsell, John H R


    Spatial attention improves perception of attended parts of a scene, a behavioral enhancement accompanied by modulations of neuronal firing rates. These modulations vary in size across neurons in the same brain area. Models of normalization explain much of this variance in attention modulation with differences in tuned normalization across neurons (Lee J, Maunsell JHR. PLoS One 4: e4651, 2009; Ni AM, Ray S, Maunsell JHR. Neuron 73: 803-813, 2012). However, recent studies suggest that normalization tuning varies with spatial location both across and within neurons (Ruff DA, Alberts JJ, Cohen MR. J Neurophysiol 116: 1375-1386, 2016; Verhoef BE, Maunsell JHR. eLife 5: e17256, 2016). Here we show directly that attention modulation and normalization tuning do in fact covary within individual neurons, in addition to across neurons as previously demonstrated. We recorded the activity of isolated neurons in the middle temporal area of two rhesus monkeys as they performed a change-detection task that controlled the focus of spatial attention. Using the same two drifting Gabor stimuli and the same two receptive field locations for each neuron, we found that switching which stimulus was presented at which location affected both attention modulation and normalization in a correlated way within neurons. We present an equal-maximum-suppression spatially tuned normalization model that explains this covariance both across and within neurons: each stimulus generates equally strong suppression of its own excitatory drive, but its suppression of distant stimuli is typically less. This new model specifies how the tuned normalization associated with each stimulus location varies across space both within and across neurons, changing our understanding of the normalization mechanism and how attention modulations depend on this mechanism. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Tuned normalization studies have demonstrated that the variance in attention modulation size seen across neurons from the same cortical

  5. Predicating magnetorheological effect of magnetorheological elastomers under normal pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong, X; Qi, M; Ma, N; Ou, J


    Magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) present reversible change in shear modulus in an applied magnetic field. For applications and tests of MREs, a normal pressure must be applied on the materials. However, little research paid attention on the effect of the normal pressure on properties of MREs. In this study, a theoretical model is established based on the effective permeability rule and the consideration of the normal pressure. The results indicate that the normal pressure have great influence on magnetic field-induced shear modulus. The shear modulus of MREs increases with increasing normal pressure, such dependence is more significant at high magnetic field levels.

  6. Facial-Attractiveness Choices Are Predicted by Divisive Normalization. (United States)

    Furl, Nicholas


    Do people appear more attractive or less attractive depending on the company they keep? A divisive-normalization account-in which representation of stimulus intensity is normalized (divided) by concurrent stimulus intensities-predicts that choice preferences among options increase with the range of option values. In the first experiment reported here, I manipulated the range of attractiveness of the faces presented on each trial by varying the attractiveness of an undesirable distractor face that was presented simultaneously with two attractive targets, and participants were asked to choose the most attractive face. I used normalization models to predict the context dependence of preferences regarding facial attractiveness. The more unattractive the distractor, the more one of the targets was preferred over the other target, which suggests that divisive normalization (a potential canonical computation in the brain) influences social evaluations. I obtained the same result when I manipulated faces' averageness and participants chose the most average face. This finding suggests that divisive normalization is not restricted to value-based decisions (e.g., attractiveness). This new application to social evaluation of normalization, a classic theory, opens possibilities for predicting social decisions in naturalistic contexts such as advertising or dating.

  7. Case series

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    14 avr. 2016 ... Le dosage des marqueurs sériques du deuxième trimestre a permis le dépistage des .... Ailleurs, le geste n'a pas été réalisé suite au refus de la patiente (05 cas) ou devant la .... par le système de soin. Une telle stratégie de ...

  8. African Journal of Neurological Sciences 2013 - Vol. 32, No 2 http ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    mère aurait eu un syndrome infectieux traité comme paludisme au premier trimestre de la grossesse. Aucun bilan prénatal n'a .... cérébrale et rétinienne, une hydranencéphalie ou une hydrocéphalie, un syndrome d'immobilisme fœtal et .... Preservation of brainstem neurophysiological function in hydranencephaly. J Neurol.

  9. La fuerza normal: ¿una fuerza conservativa?


    Díaz-Solórzano, S.; González-Díaz, L.


    La fuerza normal es una fuerza de ligadura que surge del contacto entre un objeto y una superficie. Esta fuerza puede conservar la energía mecánica de un sistema o no. Se muestra que dicha fuerza es conservativa cuando la superficie no evoluciona en el tiempo, así como la tasa a la cual varía la energía mecánica cuando la fuerza normal es no conservativa. Para esta última situación, se propone la función energía pseudo-potencial asociada a la fuerza normal con la finalidad de obtener la ecuac...

  10. Normal mode analysis and applications in biological physics. (United States)

    Dykeman, Eric C; Sankey, Otto F


    Normal mode analysis has become a popular and often used theoretical tool in the study of functional motions in enzymes, viruses, and large protein assemblies. The use of normal modes in the study of these motions is often extremely fruitful since many of the functional motions of large proteins can be described using just a few normal modes which are intimately related to the overall structure of the protein. In this review, we present a broad overview of several popular methods used in the study of normal modes in biological physics including continuum elastic theory, the elastic network model, and a new all-atom method, recently developed, which is capable of computing a subset of the low frequency vibrational modes exactly. After a review of the various methods, we present several examples of applications of normal modes in the study of functional motions, with an emphasis on viral capsids.

  11. Asymptotic normalization coefficients and astrophysical factors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukhamedzhanov, A.M.; Azhari, A.; Clark, H.L.; Gagliardi, C.A.; Lui, Y.-W.; Sattarov, A.; Trache, L.; Tribble, R.E.; Burjan, V.; Kroha, V.; Carstoiu, F.


    The S factor for the direct capture reaction 7 Be(p,γ) 8 B can be found at astrophysical energies from the asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANC's) which provide the normalization of the tails of the overlap functions for 8 B → 7 Be + p. Peripheral transfer reactions offer a technique to determine these ANC's. Using this technique, the 10 B( 7 Be, 8 B) 9 Be and 14 N( 7 Be, 8 B) 13 C reactions have been used to measure the asymptotic normalization coefficient for 7 Be(p, γ) 8 B. These results provide an indirect determination of S 17 (0). Analysis of the existing 9 Be(p, γ) 10 B experimental data within the framework of the R-matrix method demonstrates that experimentally measured ANC's can provide a reasonable determination of direct radiative capture rates. (author)

  12. Helicon normal modes in Proto-MPEX (United States)

    Piotrowicz, P. A.; Caneses, J. F.; Green, D. L.; Goulding, R. H.; Lau, C.; Caughman, J. B. O.; Rapp, J.; Ruzic, D. N.


    The Proto-MPEX helicon source has been operating in a high electron density ‘helicon-mode’. Establishing plasma densities and magnetic field strengths under the antenna that allow for the formation of normal modes of the fast-wave are believed to be responsible for the ‘helicon-mode’. A 2D finite-element full-wave model of the helicon antenna on Proto-MPEX is used to identify the fast-wave normal modes responsible for the steady-state electron density profile produced by the source. We also show through the simulation that in the regions of operation in which core power deposition is maximum the slow-wave does not deposit significant power besides directly under the antenna. In the case of a simulation where a normal mode is not excited significant edge power is deposited in the mirror region. ).

  13. Clorhidrorrea congénita:: primer reporte en Cuba Congenital chlorhydria:: first report in Cuba

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    Carlos Ramírez Pérez


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se exponen los antecedentes prenatales, perinatales y posnatales de un lactante de 6 meses de edad, del sexo masculino, con clorhidrorrea congénita, así como el cuadro clínico, diagnóstico y tratamiento utilizado. Un elemento significativo lo constituyó la expulsión anal de abundante líquido no meconial desde las primeras horas de nacido, así como alcalosis metabólica grave y la presencia de desnutrición rápidamente progresiva. En los exámenes complementarios se constató hipocloremia de un 50 % con respecto a las cifras de referencia y un pH sanguíneo mayor de 7,50. El diagnóstico confirmatorio se obtuvo al comprobar concentraciones de cloro en heces fecales superiores a las de la suma de sodio y potasio. Se proponen indicadores diagnósticos prenatales entre los que tienen gran valor la consanguinidad, el polihidramnios y los resultados del ultrasonido en el tercer trimestre del embarazo. El diagnóstico precoz permitió establecer el tratamiento y evitó el frecuente desenlace fatal. Es el primer caso de esta enfermedad que se informa en el país.In present paper are showed the prenatal, perinatal and postnatal backgrounds from a male breast-fed baby aged 6 months presenting with congenital chlorhydria, as well as the clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment applied. A significant element was the anal expulsion of non-meconium abundant fluid from the first hours of born, as well as a severe metabolic alkalosis and the presence of a quickly progressive malnutrition. In complementary examinations was confirmed a 50% hypochloremia regarding the reference figures and a blood pH over 7,50. Confirmatory diagnosis was achieved verifying the chlorine concentrations in feces higher to that of the sum of sodium and potassium. Prenatal diagnostic indicators are proposed those with higher value including the consanguinity, polyhydramnios and the US results during the third trimester of pregnancy. Early diagnosis

  14. Associação entre o padrão de atividade física materna, ganho ponderal gestacional e peso ao nascer em uma coorte de 118 gestantes no município de Campina Grande, Nordeste do Brasil Association between maternal physical activity, gestational weight gain and birth weight in a cohort of 118 pregnant women in Campina Grande, Northeast of Brazil

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    Jousilene de Sales Tavares


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Esta pesquisa estudou o efeito da atividade física sobre o ganho ponderal e peso ao nascer em gestantes do Programa Saúde da Família no município de Campina Grande, (PB. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um estudo de coorte abrangendo 118 gestantes, entre 2005 e 2006. A avaliação do estado nutricional inicial seguiu os critérios de Atalah e o ganho ponderal materno foi avaliado de acordo com o Institute of Medicine. Analisou-se o padrão de atividade física de acordo com o medidor de estimativa de gasto calórico total (METs e sua associação com o ganho ponderal e o peso ao nascer. RESULTADOS: o padrão de atividade física predominante na 16ª semana foi o leve, alcançando 85,6% das gestantes. Observou-se uma redução importante do nível de atividade física com a evolução da gestação, com 98,3% das gestantes sendo consideradas sedentárias na 24ª semana e 100% na 32ª semana. No momento da captação, cerca de 50% das gestantes eram eutróficas, 23% com baixo peso e as demais com sobrepeso/obesidade. No segundo e no terceiro trimestres, aproximadamente 45% das gestantes ganharam peso excessivo. A distribuição do peso ao nascer mostrou um predomínio do peso adequado (85,6%, e uma alta prevalência de macrossomia (8,5%. Dentre os desfechos avaliados, foi observada associação apenas entre os valores de METs da 24ª.semana e o ganho ponderal materno no segundo trimestre gestacional (p=0,045. CONCLUSÃO: Todas as gestantes estavam sedentárias no terceiro trimestre; observou-se uma associação entre o padrão de atividade física e o ganho ponderal materno no segundo trimestre, mas não houve associação deste padrão com o peso ao nascer.OBJECTIVE: This survey evaluated the effects of physical activity on gestational weight gain and birth weight of pregnant women attended by the Family Health Program in Campina Grande, Northeast of Brazil. METHODS: A cohort study enrolling 118 pregnant women was conducted between 2005 and

  15. Normalization based K means Clustering Algorithm


    Virmani, Deepali; Taneja, Shweta; Malhotra, Geetika


    K-means is an effective clustering technique used to separate similar data into groups based on initial centroids of clusters. In this paper, Normalization based K-means clustering algorithm(N-K means) is proposed. Proposed N-K means clustering algorithm applies normalization prior to clustering on the available data as well as the proposed approach calculates initial centroids based on weights. Experimental results prove the betterment of proposed N-K means clustering algorithm over existing...

  16. The exp-normal distribution is infinitely divisible


    Pinelis, Iosif


    Let $Z$ be a standard normal random variable (r.v.). It is shown that the distribution of the r.v. $\\ln|Z|$ is infinitely divisible; equivalently, the standard normal distribution considered as the distribution on the multiplicative group over $\\mathbb{R}\\setminus\\{0\\}$ is infinitely divisible.

  17. On normal modes in classical Hamiltonian systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Groesen, Embrecht W.C.


    Normal modes of Hamittonian systems that are even and of classical type are characterized as the critical points of a normalized kinetic energy functional on level sets of the potential energy functional. With the aid of this constrained variational formulation the existence of at least one family

  18. Normal-superfluid interface for polarized fermion gases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Schaeybroeck, B.; Lazarides, A.


    Recent experiments on imbalanced fermion gases have proved the existence of a sharp interface between a superfluid and a normal phase. We show that, at the lowest experimental temperatures, a temperature difference between normal N and superfluid SF phases can appear as a consequence of the blocking

  19. Attention and normalization circuits in macaque V1. (United States)

    Sanayei, M; Herrero, J L; Distler, C; Thiele, A


    Attention affects neuronal processing and improves behavioural performance. In extrastriate visual cortex these effects have been explained by normalization models, which assume that attention influences the circuit that mediates surround suppression. While normalization models have been able to explain attentional effects, their validity has rarely been tested against alternative models. Here we investigate how attention and surround/mask stimuli affect neuronal firing rates and orientation tuning in macaque V1. Surround/mask stimuli provide an estimate to what extent V1 neurons are affected by normalization, which was compared against effects of spatial top down attention. For some attention/surround effect comparisons, the strength of attentional modulation was correlated with the strength of surround modulation, suggesting that attention and surround/mask stimulation (i.e. normalization) might use a common mechanism. To explore this in detail, we fitted multiplicative and additive models of attention to our data. In one class of models, attention contributed to normalization mechanisms, whereas in a different class of models it did not. Model selection based on Akaike's and on Bayesian information criteria demonstrated that in most cells the effects of attention were best described by models where attention did not contribute to normalization mechanisms. This demonstrates that attentional influences on neuronal responses in primary visual cortex often bypass normalization mechanisms. © 2015 The Authors. European Journal of Neuroscience published by Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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    Y. Bai


    Full Text Available The multivariate alteration detection (MAD algorithm is commonly used in relative radiometric normalization. This algorithm is based on linear canonical correlation analysis (CCA which can analyze only linear relationships among bands. Therefore, we first introduce a new version of MAD in this study based on the established method known as kernel canonical correlation analysis (KCCA. The proposed method effectively extracts the non-linear and complex relationships among variables. We then conduct relative radiometric normalization experiments on both the linear CCA and KCCA version of the MAD algorithm with the use of Landsat-8 data of Beijing, China, and Gaofen-1(GF-1 data derived from South China. Finally, we analyze the difference between the two methods. Results show that the KCCA-based MAD can be satisfactorily applied to relative radiometric normalization, this algorithm can well describe the nonlinear relationship between multi-temporal images. This work is the first attempt to apply a KCCA-based MAD algorithm to relative radiometric normalization.

  1. Compressed normalized block difference for object tracking (United States)

    Gao, Yun; Zhang, Dengzhuo; Cai, Donglan; Zhou, Hao; Lan, Ge


    Feature extraction is very important for robust and real-time tracking. Compressive sensing provided a technical support for real-time feature extraction. However, all existing compressive tracking were based on compressed Haar-like feature, and how to compress many more excellent high-dimensional features is worth researching. In this paper, a novel compressed normalized block difference feature (CNBD) was proposed. For resisting noise effectively in a highdimensional normalized pixel difference feature (NPD), a normalized block difference feature extends two pixels in the original formula of NPD to two blocks. A CNBD feature can be obtained by compressing a normalized block difference feature based on compressive sensing theory, with the sparse random Gaussian matrix as the measurement matrix. The comparative experiments of 7 trackers on 20 challenging sequences showed that the tracker based on CNBD feature can perform better than other trackers, especially than FCT tracker based on compressed Haar-like feature, in terms of AUC, SR and Precision.

  2. Gestação e a constituição da maternidade Gestación y la constitución de la maternidad Pregnancy and motherhood

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    Cesar Augusto Piccinini


    Full Text Available Na gravidez ocorrem mudanças biológicas, somáticas, psicológicas e sociais que influenciam a dinâmica psíquica individual e as demais relações sociais da gestante, e maneira como ela vive estas mudanças repercute intensamente na constituição da maternidade e na relação mãe-bebê. Assim sendo, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os sentimentos das gestantes sobre a maternidade, com destaque para a relação entre o período gestacional e a constituição da maternidade. Participaram do estudo 39 gestantes primíparas, entre 19 e 37 anos, no terceiro trimestre de gestação. A análise de conteúdo qualitativa das entrevistas mostrou que as gestantes passaram por importantes transformações corporais, pessoais e interpessoais durante a gestação e vivenciaram intensos sentimentos em relação ao tornar-se mãe. Os achados sugerem que na gestação o processo de constituição da maternidade está em intenso desenvolvimento, assim como o próprio exercício ativo do papel materno.En el embarazo ocurren cambios biológicos, somáticos, psicológicos y sociales que influyen en la dinámica psíquica individual y en las otras relaciones sociales de la gestante y la manera como ella vive esos cambios repercute intensamente en la constitución de la maternidad y en la relación madre-bebé. Así, el objetivo de esta investigación fue examinar los sentimientos de las mujeres embarazadas sobre la maternidad, con especial atención a la relación entre el período del embarazo y la constitución de la maternidad. Participaron del estudio 39 primíparas embarazadas, entre 19 y 37 años, en el tercer trimestre de gestación. El análisis de contenido cualitativo de las entrevistas mostró que las mujeres embarazadas pasaron por importantes transformaciones corporales, personales e interpersonales durante la gestación y experimentaron intensos sentimientos con respecto a volverse madre. Los resultados sugieren que en la gestación, el

  3. Tumor vessel normalization after aerobic exercise enhances chemotherapeutic efficacy. (United States)

    Schadler, Keri L; Thomas, Nicholas J; Galie, Peter A; Bhang, Dong Ha; Roby, Kerry C; Addai, Prince; Till, Jacob E; Sturgeon, Kathleen; Zaslavsky, Alexander; Chen, Christopher S; Ryeom, Sandra


    Targeted therapies aimed at tumor vasculature are utilized in combination with chemotherapy to improve drug delivery and efficacy after tumor vascular normalization. Tumor vessels are highly disorganized with disrupted blood flow impeding drug delivery to cancer cells. Although pharmacologic anti-angiogenic therapy can remodel and normalize tumor vessels, there is a limited window of efficacy and these drugs are associated with severe side effects necessitating alternatives for vascular normalization. Recently, moderate aerobic exercise has been shown to induce vascular normalization in mouse models. Here, we provide a mechanistic explanation for the tumor vascular normalization induced by exercise. Shear stress, the mechanical stimuli exerted on endothelial cells by blood flow, modulates vascular integrity. Increasing vascular shear stress through aerobic exercise can alter and remodel blood vessels in normal tissues. Our data in mouse models indicate that activation of calcineurin-NFAT-TSP1 signaling in endothelial cells plays a critical role in exercise-induced shear stress mediated tumor vessel remodeling. We show that moderate aerobic exercise with chemotherapy caused a significantly greater decrease in tumor growth than chemotherapy alone through improved chemotherapy delivery after tumor vascular normalization. Our work suggests that the vascular normalizing effects of aerobic exercise can be an effective chemotherapy adjuvant.

  4. Papel del endotelio en hipertensión inducida por el embarazo: ¿alteraciones comunes a las de la aterosclerosis?

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    Patricio López-Jaramillo


    Full Text Available La hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, cuya forma proteinúrica es denominada preeclampsia (PE, es una alteración que ocurre en el segundo trimestre del embarazo, y se caracteriza por la presencia de hipertensión y proteinuria. Durante el embarazo normal ocurren cambios fisiológicos adaptativos que incluyen insulino-resistencia (IR, hiperlipidemia, hipercoagulabilidad, inflamación y un estado circulatorio hiperdinámico. Estos cambios se expresan de una forma exagerada en las mujeres que desarrollan PE, alteraciones que están presentes también en el clúster de factores de riesgo que conforman el denominado síndrome metabólico (SM, el cual es un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2 y enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV. En la presente revisión proponemos que la disfunción endotelial es la alteración común que explica la presencia de estas dos enfermedades comunes en América Latina.

  5. Systemic sclerosis with normal or nonspecific nailfold capillaroscopy. (United States)

    Fichel, Fanny; Baudot, Nathalie; Gaitz, Jean-Pierre; Trad, Salim; Barbe, Coralie; Francès, Camille; Senet, Patricia


    In systemic sclerosis (SSc), a specific nailfold videocapillaroscopy (NVC) pattern is observed in 90% of cases and seems to be associated with severity and progression of the disease. To describe the characteristics of SSc patients with normal or nonspecific (normal/nonspecific) NVC. In a retrospective cohort study, clinical features and visceral involvements of 25 SSc cases with normal/nonspecific NVC were compared to 63 SSc controls with the SSc-specific NVC pattern. Normal/nonspecific NVC versus SSc-specific NVC pattern was significantly associated with absence of skin sclerosis (32 vs. 6.3%, p = 0.004), absence of telangiectasia (47.8 vs. 17.3%, p = 0.006) and absence of sclerodactyly (60 vs. 25.4%, p = 0.002), and less frequent severe pulmonary involvement (26.3 vs. 58.2%, p = 0.017). Normal/nonspecific NVC in SSc patients appears to be associated with less severe skin involvement and less frequent severe pulmonary involvement. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  6. DNA amplification is rare in normal human cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wright, J.A.; Watt, F.M.; Hudson, D.L.; Stark, G.R.; Smith, H.S.; Hancock, M.C.


    Three types of normal human cells were selected in tissue culture with three drugs without observing a single amplification event from a total of 5 x 10 8 cells. No drug-resistant colonies were observed when normal foreskin keratinocytes were selected with N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate or with hydroxyurea or when normal mammary epithelial cells were selected with methotrexate. Some slightly resistant colonies with limited potential for growth were obtained when normal diploid fibroblast cells derived from fetal lung were selected with methotrexate or hydroxyurea but careful copy-number analysis of the dihydrofolate reductase and ribonucleotide reductase genes revealed no evidence of amplification. The rarity of DNA amplification in normal human cells contrasts strongly with the situation in tumors and in established cell lines, where amplification of onogenes and of genes mediating drug resistance is frequent. The results suggest that tumors and cell lines have acquired the abnormal ability to amplify DNA with high frequency

  7. TumorBoost: Normalization of allele-specific tumor copy numbers from a single pair of tumor-normal genotyping microarrays

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    Neuvial Pierre


    Full Text Available Abstract Background High-throughput genotyping microarrays assess both total DNA copy number and allelic composition, which makes them a tool of choice for copy number studies in cancer, including total copy number and loss of heterozygosity (LOH analyses. Even after state of the art preprocessing methods, allelic signal estimates from genotyping arrays still suffer from systematic effects that make them difficult to use effectively for such downstream analyses. Results We propose a method, TumorBoost, for normalizing allelic estimates of one tumor sample based on estimates from a single matched normal. The method applies to any paired tumor-normal estimates from any microarray-based technology, combined with any preprocessing method. We demonstrate that it increases the signal-to-noise ratio of allelic signals, making it significantly easier to detect allelic imbalances. Conclusions TumorBoost increases the power to detect somatic copy-number events (including copy-neutral LOH in the tumor from allelic signals of Affymetrix or Illumina origin. We also conclude that high-precision allelic estimates can be obtained from a single pair of tumor-normal hybridizations, if TumorBoost is combined with single-array preprocessing methods such as (allele-specific CRMA v2 for Affymetrix or BeadStudio's (proprietary XY-normalization method for Illumina. A bounded-memory implementation is available in the open-source and cross-platform R package, which is part of the Aroma Project (

  8. Non-Normality and Testing that a Correlation Equals Zero (United States)

    Levy, Kenneth J.


    The importance of the assumption of normality for testing that a bivariate normal correlation equals zero is examined. Both empirical and theoretical evidence suggest that such tests are robust with respect to violation of the normality assumption. (Author/JKS)

  9. Deformation associated with continental normal faults (United States)

    Resor, Phillip G.

    Deformation associated with normal fault earthquakes and geologic structures provide insights into the seismic cycle as it unfolds over time scales from seconds to millions of years. Improved understanding of normal faulting will lead to more accurate seismic hazard assessments and prediction of associated structures. High-precision aftershock locations for the 1995 Kozani-Grevena earthquake (Mw 6.5), Greece image a segmented master fault and antithetic faults. This three-dimensional fault geometry is typical of normal fault systems mapped from outcrop or interpreted from reflection seismic data and illustrates the importance of incorporating three-dimensional fault geometry in mechanical models. Subsurface fault slip associated with the Kozani-Grevena and 1999 Hector Mine (Mw 7.1) earthquakes is modeled using a new method for slip inversion on three-dimensional fault surfaces. Incorporation of three-dimensional fault geometry improves the fit to the geodetic data while honoring aftershock distributions and surface ruptures. GPS Surveying of deformed bedding surfaces associated with normal faulting in the western Grand Canyon reveals patterns of deformation that are similar to those observed by interferometric satellite radar interferometry (InSAR) for the Kozani Grevena earthquake with a prominent down-warp in the hanging wall and a lesser up-warp in the footwall. However, deformation associated with the Kozani-Grevena earthquake extends ˜20 km from the fault surface trace, while the folds in the western Grand Canyon only extend 500 m into the footwall and 1500 m into the hanging wall. A comparison of mechanical and kinematic models illustrates advantages of mechanical models in exploring normal faulting processes including incorporation of both deformation and causative forces, and the opportunity to incorporate more complex fault geometry and constitutive properties. Elastic models with antithetic or synthetic faults or joints in association with a master

  10. Normal stress Sestamibi study: why re inject?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Unger, S.A.; Hughes, T.


    Full text: Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) is widely used for risk stratification of patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease. A normal MPI study predicts an annual cardiac event rate of 99 Tc m -Sestamibi (MIBI), omitting the rest study when the post-stress study is interpreted as normal. The safety of this approach has not been validated, all published reports utilising both rest and stress images to interpret a study as 'normal'. Between 1/1/98 and 30/8/98, 489 patients (patients) were referred to our department for stress MPI. Of these, 237 were interpreted as normal on the basis of their post-stress study, and did not undergo a rest study. 12 month clinical follow-up was available in 184 (78%) of these patients, representing the study group (82 males, 102 females; mean age 61±12 years). 156 of these patients were referred for assessment of chest pain, three for dyspnoea, six for abnormal ECGs, and 19 for pre-operative evaluation. At one year of follow-up, there were no myocardial infarcts or admissions for unstable angina, and no cardiac deaths. Three patients died of non-cardiac causes. Seven patients underwent coronary angiography: five were normal, one had a single 50% stenosis, and one had an 80% vein graft stenosis which was subsequently angioplastied. In conclusion, a normal stress MIBI image predicts an excellent prognosis and negates the need for a rest reinjection study, thus reducing patient camera time and radiation exposure, improving departmental throughput, and minimising public health expenditure. Copyright (2000) The Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine Inc

  11. Normalization as a canonical neural computation (United States)

    Carandini, Matteo; Heeger, David J.


    There is increasing evidence that the brain relies on a set of canonical neural computations, repeating them across brain regions and modalities to apply similar operations to different problems. A promising candidate for such a computation is normalization, in which the responses of neurons are divided by a common factor that typically includes the summed activity of a pool of neurons. Normalization was developed to explain responses in the primary visual cortex and is now thought to operate throughout the visual system, and in many other sensory modalities and brain regions. Normalization may underlie operations such as the representation of odours, the modulatory effects of visual attention, the encoding of value and the integration of multisensory information. Its presence in such a diversity of neural systems in multiple species, from invertebrates to mammals, suggests that it serves as a canonical neural computation. PMID:22108672

  12. Normal radiographic findings. 4. act. ed.; Roentgennormalbefunde

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moeller, T.B. [Gemeinschaftspraxis fuer Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Dillingen (Germany)


    This book can serve the reader in three ways: First, it presents normal findings for all radiographic techniques including KM. Important data which are criteria of normal findings are indicated directly in the pictures and are also explained in full text and in summary form. Secondly, it teaches the systematics of interpreting a picture - how to look at it, what structures to regard in what order, and for what to look in particular. Checklists are presented in each case. Thirdly, findings are formulated in accordance with the image analysis procedure. All criteria of normal findings are defined in these formulations, which make them an important didactic element. (orig.)

  13. Bulimia nervosa in overweight and normal-weight women. (United States)

    Masheb, Robin; White, Marney A


    The aim of the present study was to examine overweight bulimia nervosa (BN) in a community sample of women. Volunteers (n = 1964) completed self-report questionnaires of weight, binge eating, purging, and cognitive features. Participants were classified as overweight (body mass index ≥25) or normal weight (body mass index <25). Rates of BN within the overweight and normal-weight classes did not differ (6.4% vs 7.9%). Of the 131 participants identified as BN, 64% (n = 84) were classified as overweight BN and 36% (n = 47) as normal-weight BN. The overweight BN group had a greater proportion of ethnic minorities and reported significantly less restraint than the normal-weight BN group. Otherwise, the 2 groups reported similarly, even in terms of purging and depression. In summary, rates of BN did not differ between overweight and normal-weight women. Among BN participants, the majority (two thirds) were overweight. Differences in ethnicity and restraint, but little else, were found between overweight and normal-weight BN. Findings from the present study should serve to increase awareness of the weight range and ethnic diversity of BN, and highlight the need to address weight and cultural sensitivity in the identification and treatment of eating disorders. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. CHAND LC 4445 CAPITOL. EL TERCER VIAJE DE LE CORBUSIER A CHANDIGARH, MARZO-ABRIL 1952 / Chand LC 4445 Capitol. Third trip of Le Corbusier to Chandigarh, March-April 1952

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    Pere Fuertes Pérez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El tercer viaje de Le Corbusier a Chandigarh, un año después de su primer contacto con la India, está íntimamente ligado a la definición del Capitolio en tanto que plataforma activa, capaz de poner en tensión los palacios institucionales de la que forman parte, y en tanto que realidad aislada de la ciudad y únicamente vinculada a la experiencia de las vastas dimensiones del país, al llano que la sustenta, a su techo de cielo y a las montañas que ponen fin al terreno horizontal. Durante los veinticinco días que permanece en el lugar, Le Corbusier define el Capitolio como recinto y determina sus límites, introduce la física de los reflejos combinados, intensifica la topografía como tema arquitectónico que anima la plataforma del Capitolio y dibuja los jardines que preceden al palacio del Gobernador, como síntesis de todos los temas expuestos. Los resultados darán lugar, a su vuelta, al plano con número de atelier chand lc 4445 capitol. Más adelante, a medida que se definen los palacios, el Capitolio irá modificándose para alcanzar una nueva situación de equilibrio respecto a ellos, pero siempre en relación a aquello que sucedió durante esos días de 1952. SUMMARY. The third trip of Le Corbusier to Chandigarh, a year after his first contact with India, is closely bound to the definition of the Capitol as an active platform, capable of pulling together the institutional palaces of which it forms a part and as a reality isolated from the city and uniquely linked to the experience of the vast dimensions of the country, to the plain that supports it, to its ceiling of sky and to the mountains that end the horizontal land. During the twenty-five days he stayed there, Le Corbusier defined the Capitol as an area and determined its limits. He introduced the physics of the combined reflections, intensified the topography as an architectural theme that animates the platform of the Capitol and drew the gardens that lead to the

  15. Quantitative computed tomography determined regional lung mechanics in normal nonsmokers, normal smokers and metastatic sarcoma subjects.

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    Jiwoong Choi

    Full Text Available Extra-thoracic tumors send out pilot cells that attach to the pulmonary endothelium. We hypothesized that this could alter regional lung mechanics (tissue stiffening or accumulation of fluid and inflammatory cells through interactions with host cells. We explored this with serial inspiratory computed tomography (CT and image matching to assess regional changes in lung expansion.We retrospectively assessed 44 pairs of two serial CT scans on 21 sarcoma patients: 12 without lung metastases and 9 with lung metastases. For each subject, two or more serial inspiratory clinically-derived CT scans were retrospectively collected. Two research-derived control groups were included: 7 normal nonsmokers and 12 asymptomatic smokers with two inspiratory scans taken the same day or one year apart respectively. We performed image registration for local-to-local matching scans to baseline, and derived local expansion and density changes at an acinar scale. Welch two sample t test was used for comparison between groups. Statistical significance was determined with a p value < 0.05.Lung regions of metastatic sarcoma patients (but not the normal control group demonstrated an increased proportion of normalized lung expansion between the first and second CT. These hyper-expanded regions were associated with, but not limited to, visible metastatic lung lesions. Compared with the normal control group, the percent of increased normalized hyper-expanded lung in sarcoma subjects was significantly increased (p < 0.05. There was also evidence of increased lung "tissue" volume (non-air components in the hyper-expanded regions of the cancer subjects relative to non-hyper-expanded regions. "Tissue" volume increase was present in the hyper-expanded regions of metastatic and non-metastatic sarcoma subjects. This putatively could represent regional inflammation related to the presence of tumor pilot cell-host related interactions.This new quantitative CT (QCT method for linking

  16. The Normality of Labor, Normal Jobs and Working lives: Reasons to Work

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    Estela Grassi


    Full Text Available How do people work and live today and what are the reasons that motivate doing so? This paper presents a hypothesis, using as a reference formally instituted employment, as determined by labor legislation, a modality that does not exhaust the fact that most people “live to work,” regardless of the consideration that their abilities receive. It uses the idea of normality, distinguishing it from the level of the structural principals (work as an amalgam of society, from that which corresponds to legality, which in turn flows from the normalities of the lives of work. It looks at the “reasonable reasons” that people use when they make decisions about their concrete lives and work, in the context of the recent reconfigurations in the sphere of labor, highlighted by greater uncertainty and the demand for greater availability. In this situation, the interests and needs of the subject and the demands of that sphere are issues that people and families must resolve as “private issues”.

  17. About normal distribution on SO(3) group in texture analysis (United States)

    Savyolova, T. I.; Filatov, S. V.


    This article studies and compares different normal distributions (NDs) on SO(3) group, which are used in texture analysis. Those NDs are: Fisher normal distribution (FND), Bunge normal distribution (BND), central normal distribution (CND) and wrapped normal distribution (WND). All of the previously mentioned NDs are central functions on SO(3) group. CND is a subcase for normal CLT-motivated distributions on SO(3) (CLT here is Parthasarathy’s central limit theorem). WND is motivated by CLT in R 3 and mapped to SO(3) group. A Monte Carlo method for modeling normally distributed values was studied for both CND and WND. All of the NDs mentioned above are used for modeling different components of crystallites orientation distribution function in texture analysis.

  18. Drug Use Normalization: A Systematic and Critical Mixed-Methods Review. (United States)

    Sznitman, Sharon R; Taubman, Danielle S


    Drug use normalization, which is a process whereby drug use becomes less stigmatized and more accepted as normative behavior, provides a conceptual framework for understanding contemporary drug issues and changes in drug use trends. Through a mixed-methods systematic review of the normalization literature, this article seeks to (a) critically examine how the normalization framework has been applied in empirical research and (b) make recommendations for future research in this area. Twenty quantitative, 26 qualitative, and 4 mixed-methods studies were identified through five electronic databases and reference lists of published studies. Studies were assessed for relevance, study characteristics, quality, and aspects of normalization examined. None of the studies applied the most rigorous research design (experiments) or examined all of the originally proposed normalization dimensions. The most commonly assessed dimension of drug use normalization was "experimentation." In addition to the original dimensions, the review identified the following new normalization dimensions in the literature: (a) breakdown of demographic boundaries and other risk factors in relation to drug use; (b) de-normalization; (c) drug use as a means to achieve normal goals; and (d) two broad forms of micro-politics associated with managing the stigma of illicit drug use: assimilative and transformational normalization. Further development in normalization theory and methodology promises to provide researchers with a novel framework for improving our understanding of drug use in contemporary society. Specifically, quasi-experimental designs that are currently being made feasible by swift changes in cannabis policy provide researchers with new and improved opportunities to examine normalization processes.

  19. The Semiparametric Normal Variance-Mean Mixture Model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Korsholm, Lars


    We discuss the normal vairance-mean mixture model from a semi-parametric point of view, i.e. we let the mixing distribution belong to a non parametric family. The main results are consistency of the non parametric maximum likelihood estimat or in this case, and construction of an asymptotically...... normal and efficient estimator....

  20. Percepción en la salud bucal de adolescentes embarazadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Luiza da Matta Felisberto Fernandes


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Verificar la interferencia del embarazo en las percepciones en salud bucal de adolescentes embarazadas de 12 a 18 años, con baja condición socio-económica, residentes en Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo con las adolescentes (n=60 divididas en dos grupos: embarazada (n=30 o no embarazada (n=30. Entre las gestantes, diez estaban en el primer trimestre de gestación, trece en el segundo, y siete en el último trimestre de gestación. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas individuales. Se realizó el análisis del contenido. Resultados: Tres categorías de análisis surgieron a través del contenido manifestado en ambos grupos: consciencia de determinantes de la salud bucal (conocimientos y actitudes, reacciones emocionales relativas a la salud bucal (sentimientos positivos, pasividad y sentimientos negativos y valores en salud bucal (apariencia, función social de los padres. Conclusión: Entre las jóvenes se observó que la experiencia del embarazo no interfirió en las percepciones en salud bucal.

  1. Quantitative proteome profiling of normal human circulating microparticles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Ole; Nielsen, Christoffer T; Iversen, Line V


    Circulating microparticles (MPs) are produced as part of normal physiology. Their numbers, origin, and composition change in pathology. Despite this, the normal MP proteome has not yet been characterized with standardized high-resolution methods. We here quantitatively profile the normal MP...... proteome using nano-LC-MS/MS on an LTQ-Orbitrap with optimized sample collection, preparation, and analysis of 12 different normal samples. Analytical and procedural variation were estimated in triply processed samples analyzed in triplicate from two different donors. Label-free quantitation was validated...... by the correlation of cytoskeletal protein intensities with MP numbers obtained by flow cytometry. Finally, the validity of using pooled samples was evaluated using overlap protein identification numbers and multivariate data analysis. Using conservative parameters, 536 different unique proteins were quantitated...

  2. Influência da La Niña na estação chuvosa da região sudeste do Brasil Influence of La Niña in the rainy season of the southeast region of Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosandro Boligon Minuzzi


    Full Text Available Dados diários de 203 estações pluviométricas, localizadas na região Sudeste do Brasil (SEB, foram utilizados com o propósito de analisar estatisticamente a influência do fenômeno La Niña (LN, no comportamento trimestral da precipitação durante a estação chuvosa (EC. A série referente a data de início da estação chuvosa em anos de ocorrência do fenômeno climático, foi classificada, baseada no seu valor médio, máximo e mínimo. A análise das influências do LN no final da estação chuvosa, foi realizada mediante a adoção da técnica dos quantis, para nove áreas pré-definidas do SEB. A quantidade trimestral de precipitação, foi classificada e correlacionada com o Índice de Oscilação Sul (IOS e a temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM de quatro regiões do Pacífico Equatorial, com a aplicação dos desvios normalizados e correlações com 'defasagem', respectivamente. Concluiu-se que durante o LN, a estação chuvosa tende a se prolongar na área SP2. Porém, no contexto geral, o fenômeno climático não influenciou o início da estação chuvosa da região Sudeste do Brasil, enquanto, as anomalias expressivas de precipitação, observadas principalmente a partir do trimestre novembro-janeiro, pouco estiveram correlacionadas com o comportamento da TSM do Pacífico Equatorial e, ou, o IOS.Daily data from 203 pluviometric stations, located in the Southeast region of Brazil (SEB, were used in order to analyze, statistically, the influence of the La Niña (LN phenomenon, in the threemonthly rainfall regime during the rainy season (RS. The series related date at the beginning of the rainy station in years of occurrence of the climatic phenomenon, were classified, based on their medium, maximum and minimum value. The analysis of the influence of LN phenomena at the end of the rainy season was accomplished by using the quantis technique, for nine areas of SEB defined previously. The amount of threemonthly precipitation

  3. On normal modes and dispersive properties of plasma systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weiland, J.


    The description of nonlinear wave phenomena in terms of normal modes contra that of electric fields is discussed. The possibility of defining higher order normal modes is pointed out and the field energy is expressed in terms of the normal mode and the electric field. (Auth.)

  4. Normal and abnormal aging in bilinguals

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    Alfredo Ardila

    Full Text Available Abstract Bilinguals use two different language systems to mediate not only social communication, but also cognitive processes. Potential differences between bilinguals and monolinguals in task-solving strategies and patterns of cognitive decline during normal and abnormal aging have been suggested. Main contribution: A research review of the area suggests that normal aging is associated with increased interference between the two languages and tendency to retreat to a single language. General cognitive functioning has been found to be higher in demented bilingual patients if communication is carried out in L1 rather than in L2. Recent research has reported that bilingualism can have a protective effect during aging, attenuating the normal cognitive decline associated with aging, and delaying the onset of dementia. Conclusions: Regardless of the significant heterogeneity of bilingualism and the diversity of patterns in language use during life-span, current research suggests that bilingualism is associated with preserved cognitive test performance during aging, and potentially can have some protective effect in dementia.

  5. Current correlations in superconductor - normal metal mesoscopic structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bignon, Guillaume


    Thanks to the experimental progress in miniaturization and cryogenics over the last twenty years, it is now possible to build sufficiently small electric circuits where the wave like nature of electron becomes significant. In such electric circuit transport properties like current and noise are modified. It corresponds to the mesoscopic scale. Moreover, connecting a mesoscopic circuit to a superconductor enhances the effects due to interference between electrons since a superconductor is a macroscopic source of coherent electrons pairs: the Cooper pairs. In this thesis, we study current correlations in mesoscopic normal metal - superconductor structures. First, the energy dependence of current noise in a normal metal - superconductor tunnel junction is analysed taking into account weak disorder and interactions. We show that if the normal metal is out of equilibrium, current and noise become independent. Next, we consider the case of a superconductor connected to two normal metals by tunnel junctions. We show that it is possible to change the sign of current crossed correlation by tuning the voltages and that it can be used to probe the size of the Cooper pairs. Lastly, using Usadel's quasi-classic theory, we study the energy dependence of noise in a normal metal - normal metal - superconductor double junction. We show that barrier's transparencies modifies significantly both current and noise. (author) [fr

  6. Radiogenomics: predicting clinical normal tissue radiosensitivity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alsner, Jan


    Studies on the genetic basis of normal tissue radiosensitivity, or  'radiogenomics', aims at predicting clinical radiosensitivity and optimize treatment from individual genetic profiles. Several studies have now reported links between variations in certain genes related to the biological response...... to radiation injury and risk of normal tissue morbidity in cancer patients treated with radiotherapy. However, after these initial association studies including few genes, we are still far from being able to predict clinical radiosensitivity on an individual level. Recent data from our own studies on risk...

  7. On the projective normality of Artin-Schreier curves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Ravagnani


    Full Text Available In this paper we study the projective normality of certain Artin-Schreier curves Y_f defined over a field F of characteristic p by the equations y^q+y=f(x, q being a power of p and f in F[x] being a polynomial in x of degree m, with (m,p=1. Many Y_f curves are singular and so, to be precise, here we study the projective normality of appropriate projective models of their normalization.

  8. Normal-range verbal-declarative memory in schizophrenia. (United States)

    Heinrichs, R Walter; Parlar, Melissa; Pinnock, Farena


    Cognitive impairment is prevalent and related to functional outcome in schizophrenia, but a significant minority of the patient population overlaps with healthy controls on many performance measures, including declarative-verbal-memory tasks. In this study, we assessed the validity, clinical, and functional implications of normal-range (NR), verbal-declarative memory in schizophrenia. Performance normality was defined using normative data for 8 basic California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II; Delis, Kramer, Kaplan, & Ober, 2000) recall and recognition trials. Schizophrenia patients (n = 155) and healthy control participants (n = 74) were assessed for performance normality, defined as scores within 1 SD of the normative mean on all 8 trials, and assigned to normal- and below-NR memory groups. NR schizophrenia patients (n = 26) and control participants (n = 51) did not differ in general verbal ability, on a reading-based estimate of premorbid ability, across all 8 CVLT-II-score comparisons or in terms of intrusion and false-positive errors and auditory working memory. NR memory patients did not differ from memory-impaired patients (n = 129) in symptom severity, and both patient groups were significantly and similarly disabled in terms of functional status in the community. These results confirm a subpopulation of schizophrenia patients with normal, verbal-declarative-memory performance and no evidence of decline from higher premorbid ability levels. However, NR patients did not experience less severe psychopathology, nor did they show advantage in community adjustment relative to impaired patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  9. Normal Function of the Colon and Anorectal Area (United States)

    ... What is Constipation Introduction: What is Constipation? Normal Function Common Questions & Mistaken Beliefs Signs & Symptoms Symptoms Overview ... What is Constipation Introduction: What is Constipation? Normal Function Common Questions & Mistaken Beliefs Signs & Symptoms Symptoms Overview ...

  10. Effect of normalization on the neutron spectrum adjustment procedure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zsolnay, E.M.; Zijp, W.L.; Nolthenius, H.J.


    Various computer programs currently applied for neutron spectrum adjustment based on multifoil activation data, use different ways to determine the normalization factor to be applied to an unnormalized input spectrum. The influence is shown of the various definitions of the normalization factor on the adjusted results for the case of the ORR and YAYOI spectra considered in the international REAL-80 exercise. The actual expression for defining the normalization factor is more important than previously assumed. The theory of the generalized least squares principle provides an optimal definition for the normalization factor

  11. Estados inmaduros de Ancognatha ustulata (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini Immature stages of Ancognatha ustulata (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jhon César Neita-Moreno


    Full Text Available Se describen y se ilustran por primera vez la larva de tercer estadio y la pupa de Ancognatha ustulata Burmeister, 1847 (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini. Se aportan datos sobre la biología de la especie y su distribución en Colombia. Se proporciona una clave para la identificación de las larvas de tercer estadio conocidas de las especies del género Ancognatha Erichson.The third instar larva and pupa of Ancognatha ustulata Burmeister, 1847 (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini are described and illustrated for the first time. New data on larval biology and distribution of the species in Colombia are included. A key to the known third stage larvae of Ancognatha Erichson is provided.

  12. Role of the normal gut microbiota. (United States)

    Jandhyala, Sai Manasa; Talukdar, Rupjyoti; Subramanyam, Chivkula; Vuyyuru, Harish; Sasikala, Mitnala; Nageshwar Reddy, D


    Relation between the gut microbiota and human health is being increasingly recognised. It is now well established that a healthy gut flora is largely responsible for overall health of the host. The normal human gut microbiota comprises of two major phyla, namely Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Though the gut microbiota in an infant appears haphazard, it starts resembling the adult flora by the age of 3 years. Nevertheless, there exist temporal and spatial variations in the microbial distribution from esophagus to the rectum all along the individual's life span. Developments in genome sequencing technologies and bioinformatics have now enabled scientists to study these microorganisms and their function and microbe-host interactions in an elaborate manner both in health and disease. The normal gut microbiota imparts specific function in host nutrient metabolism, xenobiotic and drug metabolism, maintenance of structural integrity of the gut mucosal barrier, immunomodulation, and protection against pathogens. Several factors play a role in shaping the normal gut microbiota. They include (1) the mode of delivery (vaginal or caesarean); (2) diet during infancy (breast milk or formula feeds) and adulthood (vegan based or meat based); and (3) use of antibiotics or antibiotic like molecules that are derived from the environment or the gut commensal community. A major concern of antibiotic use is the long-term alteration of the normal healthy gut microbiota and horizontal transfer of resistance genes that could result in reservoir of organisms with a multidrug resistant gene pool.

  13. Sample normalization methods in quantitative metabolomics. (United States)

    Wu, Yiman; Li, Liang


    To reveal metabolomic changes caused by a biological event in quantitative metabolomics, it is critical to use an analytical tool that can perform accurate and precise quantification to examine the true concentration differences of individual metabolites found in different samples. A number of steps are involved in metabolomic analysis including pre-analytical work (e.g., sample collection and storage), analytical work (e.g., sample analysis) and data analysis (e.g., feature extraction and quantification). Each one of them can influence the quantitative results significantly and thus should be performed with great care. Among them, the total sample amount or concentration of metabolites can be significantly different from one sample to another. Thus, it is critical to reduce or eliminate the effect of total sample amount variation on quantification of individual metabolites. In this review, we describe the importance of sample normalization in the analytical workflow with a focus on mass spectrometry (MS)-based platforms, discuss a number of methods recently reported in the literature and comment on their applicability in real world metabolomics applications. Sample normalization has been sometimes ignored in metabolomics, partially due to the lack of a convenient means of performing sample normalization. We show that several methods are now available and sample normalization should be performed in quantitative metabolomics where the analyzed samples have significant variations in total sample amounts. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Factors Influencing Productivity Change in the Forest Products Industry, (United States)


    y Calificaciones. Una . Prueba De La Hipotesis de Hirschman Para La Industria 1 39 . * Lationoamericana. El Trimestre Economico XLVTI(3):613-650...Association federale des Syndicates de Producterus de Papiers, Cartons et Celluloses. 1958. Organization et Productivite dans les Industries du Papier, du...Carton et de la Cellulose. Summary in: - Productivity Measurement Review 13:41-46. Atkinson, R. C. 1980. Tax Incentives and Research. Science 208:449

  15. Outsourcing Strategic Services in the Colombian Defense Sector: Analysis of a Naval Aviation Case (United States)


    Management,” Harvard Business Review, Sept-Oct/83. 40 “Boletin Trimestral Empresas de Transporte Aereo signify rotary-wing aircraft capable of transporting more than 4 tons of payload. 8 “Secretaria del Senado – Republica de Colombia” (Secretary of... de Aviacion controls the civil non-regular air transportation in Colombia. According to Aerocivil statistics, the company’s helicopters moved 57.58

  16. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    9 janv. 2012 ... Après mesures de réanimation, le traitement chirurgical a été instauré, avec bonne évolution. Nous essayons à partir de ce cas .... une femme enceinte à cause du risque moins important de fausse couche (0 contre 12 % au premier trimestre) et d'accouchement prématuré (5 à8 % contre 30 % au troisième ...

  17. Characteristic functions of scale mixtures of multivariate skew-normal distributions

    KAUST Repository

    Kim, Hyoung-Moon


    We obtain the characteristic function of scale mixtures of skew-normal distributions both in the univariate and multivariate cases. The derivation uses the simple stochastic relationship between skew-normal distributions and scale mixtures of skew-normal distributions. In particular, we describe the characteristic function of skew-normal, skew-t, and other related distributions. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.

  18. A general approach to double-moment normalization of drop size distributions (United States)

    Lee, G. W.; Sempere-Torres, D.; Uijlenhoet, R.; Zawadzki, I.


    Normalization of drop size distributions (DSDs) is re-examined here. First, we present an extension of scaling normalization using one moment of the DSD as a parameter (as introduced by Sempere-Torres et al, 1994) to a scaling normalization using two moments as parameters of the normalization. It is shown that the normalization of Testud et al. (2001) is a particular case of the two-moment scaling normalization. Thus, a unified vision of the question of DSDs normalization and a good model representation of DSDs is given. Data analysis shows that from the point of view of moment estimation least square regression is slightly more effective than moment estimation from the normalized average DSD.

  19. General classification of a normally flat Ric- semi symmetric submanifolds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mirzoyan, V.A.


    It has been proved that a normally flat submanifold M in Euclidean space En satisfies the condition R(X,Y)Ricci =0 if and only if it is the open part of one of the following submanifolds: (1) normally flat two-dimensional submanifold, (2) normally flat Einstein submanifold (in particular Ricci-flat or locally Euclidean), (3) normally flat semi- Einstein submanifold, (4) normally flat interlacing product of semi-Einstein submanifolds and locally Euclidean submanifold (may be of zero dimension), (5) direct product of the above enumerated classes of submanifolds

  20. Identificação imuno-histoquímica de Listeria monocytogenes em placentas fixadas em formol e embebidas em parafina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Schwab Jussara Pires


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: identificar Listeria monocytogenes (Lm em placentas humanas pela técnica de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ e relacionar sua presença com as alterações histológicas encontradas com as alterações histológicas encontradas no exame convencional, com o trimestre gestacional, a idade das gestantes, casos de aborto e parto prematuro e a ocorrência de aborto habitual. MÉTODOS: um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado no setor de patologia de um hospital-escola de Porto Alegre no ano 2000. O material dos blocos de parafina de 254 placentas (exames anatomopatológicos, provenientes de aborto, de parto prematuro e de nascimento a termo, foi analisado pela técnica histológica convencional com a coloração de hematoxilina e eosina (HE. A técnica de IHQ foi realizada no material de 148 exames anatomopatológicos, que apresentaram alterações inflamatórias, hemorragia, necrose e trombose, utilizando anticorpo policlonal Rabbit A "Listeria monocytogenes" B65420R (Biodesign® na diluição 1:1000 e complexo avidina-biotina-estreptavidina. O teste c² foi aplicado para a análise estatística. RESULTADOS: a presença de Lm foi identificada em 33,7% das placentas analisadas pela técnica IHQ. Corioamnionite e vilite foram as alterações inflamatórias que estiverem associadas a diferença significativa nas placentas positivas. Lm esteve presente nas placentas de 1º, 2º e 3º trimestre gestacional. Não houve associação entre idade das gestantes, casos de aborto e/ou parto prematuro e a presença ou ausência de Lm nas placentas. Abortos habituais ocorreram em pacientes com ou sem Lm no tecido placentário. CONCLUSÃO: a técnica de IHQ pode ser utilizada para confirmar o diagnóstico histopatológico de listeriose em todos os trimestres gestacionais.

  1. Influência das Alterações Hemodinâmicas Maternas sobre o Desenvolvimento Fetal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Borges Vera Therezinha Medeiros


    Full Text Available Objetivo: avaliar as alterações hemodinâmicas e estruturais cardíacas maternas nos três trimestres da gestação e relacioná-las com a classificação do recém-nascido, de acordo com o peso/idade gestacional. Métodos: foi realizada avaliação ecocardiográfica em 22 gestantes, sem patologias, para estudo do débito cardíaco, pressão arterial média, diâmetro do átrio esquerdo e resistência periférica, em três períodos da gestação: antes da 12ª , na 26ª e na 36ª semanas de gestação. Dezessete gestantes deram à luz recém-nascidos com peso adequado, quatro, recém-nascidos pequenos, e uma gestante, recém-nascido grande para a idade gestacional. Resultados: nas mães que deram à luz recém-nascidos pequenos para a idade gestacional, o débito cardíaco e o diâmetro do átrio esquerdo mantiveram-se inalterados, com tendência de elevação da pressão arterial média e aumento de 28% da resistência periférica, durante a gestação. As mães que deram à luz recém-nascidos adequados para idade gestacional tiveram aumento médio do débito cardíaco de 19% entre o primeiro e segundo trimestres e de 8% entre o segundo e terceiro trimestres da gestação. O diâmetro do átrio esquerdo elevou-se próximo de 9% durante a gestação, com manutenção da pressão arterial média e tendência de queda da resistência periférica. Conclusões: os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho suportam a associação entre adaptação hemodinâmica e peso do RN

  2. Normalization for triple-target microarray experiments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Magniette Frederic


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Most microarray studies are made using labelling with one or two dyes which allows the hybridization of one or two samples on the same slide. In such experiments, the most frequently used dyes are Cy3 and Cy5. Recent improvements in the technology (dye-labelling, scanner and, image analysis allow hybridization up to four samples simultaneously. The two additional dyes are Alexa488 and Alexa494. The triple-target or four-target technology is very promising, since it allows more flexibility in the design of experiments, an increase in the statistical power when comparing gene expressions induced by different conditions and a scaled down number of slides. However, there have been few methods proposed for statistical analysis of such data. Moreover the lowess correction of the global dye effect is available for only two-color experiments, and even if its application can be derived, it does not allow simultaneous correction of the raw data. Results We propose a two-step normalization procedure for triple-target experiments. First the dye bleeding is evaluated and corrected if necessary. Then the signal in each channel is normalized using a generalized lowess procedure to correct a global dye bias. The normalization procedure is validated using triple-self experiments and by comparing the results of triple-target and two-color experiments. Although the focus is on triple-target microarrays, the proposed method can be used to normalize p differently labelled targets co-hybridized on a same array, for any value of p greater than 2. Conclusion The proposed normalization procedure is effective: the technical biases are reduced, the number of false positives is under control in the analysis of differentially expressed genes, and the triple-target experiments are more powerful than the corresponding two-color experiments. There is room for improving the microarray experiments by simultaneously hybridizing more than two samples.

  3. A systematic evaluation of normalization methods in quantitative label-free proteomics. (United States)

    Välikangas, Tommi; Suomi, Tomi; Elo, Laura L


    To date, mass spectrometry (MS) data remain inherently biased as a result of reasons ranging from sample handling to differences caused by the instrumentation. Normalization is the process that aims to account for the bias and make samples more comparable. The selection of a proper normalization method is a pivotal task for the reliability of the downstream analysis and results. Many normalization methods commonly used in proteomics have been adapted from the DNA microarray techniques. Previous studies comparing normalization methods in proteomics have focused mainly on intragroup variation. In this study, several popular and widely used normalization methods representing different strategies in normalization are evaluated using three spike-in and one experimental mouse label-free proteomic data sets. The normalization methods are evaluated in terms of their ability to reduce variation between technical replicates, their effect on differential expression analysis and their effect on the estimation of logarithmic fold changes. Additionally, we examined whether normalizing the whole data globally or in segments for the differential expression analysis has an effect on the performance of the normalization methods. We found that variance stabilization normalization (Vsn) reduced variation the most between technical replicates in all examined data sets. Vsn also performed consistently well in the differential expression analysis. Linear regression normalization and local regression normalization performed also systematically well. Finally, we discuss the choice of a normalization method and some qualities of a suitable normalization method in the light of the results of our evaluation. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.

  4. Verbal Processing Reaction Times in "Normal" and "Poor" Readers. (United States)

    Culbertson, Jack; And Others

    After it had been determined that reaction time (RT) was a sensitive measure of hemispheric dominance in a verbal task performed by normal adult readers, the reaction times of three groups of subjects (20 normal reading college students, 12 normal reading third graders and 11 poor reading grade school students) were compared. Ss were exposed to…

  5. Volume-preserving normal forms of Hopf-zero singularity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gazor, Majid; Mokhtari, Fahimeh


    A practical method is described for computing the unique generator of the algebra of first integrals associated with a large class of Hopf-zero singularity. The set of all volume-preserving classical normal forms of this singularity is introduced via a Lie algebra description. This is a maximal vector space of classical normal forms with first integral; this is whence our approach works. Systems with a nonzero condition on their quadratic parts are considered. The algebra of all first integrals for any such system has a unique (modulo scalar multiplication) generator. The infinite level volume-preserving parametric normal forms of any nondegenerate perturbation within the Lie algebra of any such system is computed, where it can have rich dynamics. The associated unique generator of the algebra of first integrals are derived. The symmetry group of the infinite level normal forms are also discussed. Some necessary formulas are derived and applied to appropriately modified Rössler and generalized Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equations to demonstrate the applicability of our theoretical results. An approach (introduced by Iooss and Lombardi) is applied to find an optimal truncation for the first level normal forms of these examples with exponentially small remainders. The numerically suggested radius of convergence (for the first integral) associated with a hypernormalization step is discussed for the truncated first level normal forms of the examples. This is achieved by an efficient implementation of the results using Maple. (paper)

  6. Volume-preserving normal forms of Hopf-zero singularity (United States)

    Gazor, Majid; Mokhtari, Fahimeh


    A practical method is described for computing the unique generator of the algebra of first integrals associated with a large class of Hopf-zero singularity. The set of all volume-preserving classical normal forms of this singularity is introduced via a Lie algebra description. This is a maximal vector space of classical normal forms with first integral; this is whence our approach works. Systems with a nonzero condition on their quadratic parts are considered. The algebra of all first integrals for any such system has a unique (modulo scalar multiplication) generator. The infinite level volume-preserving parametric normal forms of any nondegenerate perturbation within the Lie algebra of any such system is computed, where it can have rich dynamics. The associated unique generator of the algebra of first integrals are derived. The symmetry group of the infinite level normal forms are also discussed. Some necessary formulas are derived and applied to appropriately modified Rössler and generalized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equations to demonstrate the applicability of our theoretical results. An approach (introduced by Iooss and Lombardi) is applied to find an optimal truncation for the first level normal forms of these examples with exponentially small remainders. The numerically suggested radius of convergence (for the first integral) associated with a hypernormalization step is discussed for the truncated first level normal forms of the examples. This is achieved by an efficient implementation of the results using Maple.

  7. Cognition of normal pattern of myocardial polar map

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujisawa, Yasuo; Sasaki, Jiro; Kashima, Kenji; Matsumura, Yasushi; Yamamoto, Kazuhiro; Kodama, Kazuhisa


    When we diagnose the presence of ischemic heart disease by the diagrams of computer-generated polar map of exercised thallium images, the estimation of the presence of the deficit is not sufficient, because many normal subjects are considered as abnormal. The mean+2SD of defect severity index (DSI) of 118 normal subjects was 120, and we defined the patients with DSI≤120 as normal. But in 139 patients with their DSI≤120, 28 patients had significant coronary stenosis (>75%) and this means that false negative was 20%. We estimated the pattern of the deficit and found that in 109 of 111 subjects with normal coronary arteries, and 16 of 28 patients with ischemic heart disease, the patterns of the diagrams of polar map were patchy. This means that the diagram of the polar map show patchy pattern more frequently in normal subjects. In 125 patients whose diagrams of polar map were patchy, 16 patients with ischemic heart disease were included (false negative was 13%). We conclude that the estimation of DSI and the pattern of the diagram of polar map should be simultaneously considered and this makes the more accurate diagnosis possible. (author)

  8. An Integrated Approach for RNA-seq Data Normalization. (United States)

    Yang, Shengping; Mercante, Donald E; Zhang, Kun; Fang, Zhide


    DNA copy number alteration is common in many cancers. Studies have shown that insertion or deletion of DNA sequences can directly alter gene expression, and significant correlation exists between DNA copy number and gene expression. Data normalization is a critical step in the analysis of gene expression generated by RNA-seq technology. Successful normalization reduces/removes unwanted nonbiological variations in the data, while keeping meaningful information intact. However, as far as we know, no attempt has been made to adjust for the variation due to DNA copy number changes in RNA-seq data normalization. In this article, we propose an integrated approach for RNA-seq data normalization. Comparisons show that the proposed normalization can improve power for downstream differentially expressed gene detection and generate more biologically meaningful results in gene profiling. In addition, our findings show that due to the effects of copy number changes, some housekeeping genes are not always suitable internal controls for studying gene expression. Using information from DNA copy number, integrated approach is successful in reducing noises due to both biological and nonbiological causes in RNA-seq data, thus increasing the accuracy of gene profiling.

  9. Normal and Abnormal Behavior in Early Childhood


    Spinner, Miriam R.


    Evaluation of normal and abnormal behavior in the period to three years of age involves many variables. Parental attitudes, determined by many factors such as previous childrearing experience, the bonding process, parental psychological status and parental temperament, often influence the labeling of behavior as normal or abnormal. This article describes the forms of crying, sleep and wakefulness, and affective responses from infancy to three years of age.

  10. An individual urinary proteome analysis in normal human beings to define the minimal sample number to represent the normal urinary proteome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liu Xuejiao


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The urinary proteome has been widely used for biomarker discovery. A urinary proteome database from normal humans can provide a background for discovery proteomics and candidate proteins/peptides for targeted proteomics. Therefore, it is necessary to define the minimum number of individuals required for sampling to represent the normal urinary proteome. Methods In this study, inter-individual and inter-gender variations of urinary proteome were taken into consideration to achieve a representative database. An individual analysis was performed on overnight urine samples from 20 normal volunteers (10 males and 10 females by 1DLC/MS/MS. To obtain a representative result of each sample, a replicate 1DLCMS/MS analysis was performed. The minimal sample number was estimated by statistical analysis. Results For qualitative analysis, less than 5% of new proteins/peptides were identified in a male/female normal group by adding a new sample when the sample number exceeded nine. In addition, in a normal group, the percentage of newly identified proteins/peptides was less than 5% upon adding a new sample when the sample number reached 10. Furthermore, a statistical analysis indicated that urinary proteomes from normal males and females showed different patterns. For quantitative analysis, the variation of protein abundance was defined by spectrum count and western blotting methods. And then the minimal sample number for quantitative proteomic analysis was identified. Conclusions For qualitative analysis, when considering the inter-individual and inter-gender variations, the minimum sample number is 10 and requires a balanced number of males and females in order to obtain a representative normal human urinary proteome. For quantitative analysis, the minimal sample number is much greater than that for qualitative analysis and depends on the experimental methods used for quantification.

  11. Ureterocolonic anastomosis in clinically normal dogs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stone, E.A.; Walter, M.C.; Goldschmidt, M.H.; Biery, D.N.; Bovee, K.C.


    Ureterocolonic anastomosis was evaluated in 13 clinically normal dogs. Urinary continence was maintained after surgery, and the procedure was completed without technique errors in all but 2 dogs. Three dogs died within 5 weeks (2 of undetermined causes and 1 of aspiration pneumonia and neurologic disease), and 1 dog was euthanatized 4 months after surgery because of neurologic signs. Two healthy dogs were euthanatized 3 months after surgery for light microscopic evaluation of their kidneys. Five dogs were euthanatized 6 months after surgery for light microscopic evaluation of their kidneys. Gastrointestinal and neurologic disturbances developed in 4 dogs at various postoperative intervals. Plasma ammonia concentration measured in 2 dogs with neurologic signs was increased. Plasma ammonia concentration measured in 5 dogs without neurologic signs was within normal limits. All 5 dogs, in which metabolic acidosis was diagnosed, had high normal or above normal serum chloride concentration. Serum urea nitrogen values were increased after surgery because of colonic absorption of urea. Serum creatinine concentration was increased in 1 dog 6 months after surgery. Individual kidney glomerular filtration rate was reduced in 38% (3/8) of the kidneys from 4 other dogs at 6 months after surgery. Of 5 dogs euthanatized at 3 to 4 months after surgery, 4 had bilateral pyelitis, and 1 had unilateral pyelonephritis. Six months after surgery, pyelonephritis was diagnosed in 40% (4/10) of the kidneys from 5 dogs. The ureterocolonic anastomosis procedure is a salvage procedure that should allow complete cystectomy. However, variable degress of metabolic acidosis, hyperammonemia, and neurologic disease may result

  12. The electronic structure of normal metal-superconductor bilayers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Halterman, Klaus; Elson, J Merle [Sensor and Signal Sciences Division, Naval Air Warfare Center, China Lake, CA 93355 (United States)


    We study the electronic properties of ballistic thin normal metal-bulk superconductor heterojunctions by solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations in the quasiclassical and microscopic 'exact' regimes. In particular, the significance of the proximity effect is examined through a series of self-consistent calculations of the space-dependent pair potential {delta}(r). It is found that self-consistency cannot be neglected for normal metal layer widths smaller than the superconducting coherence length {xi}{sub 0}, revealing its importance through discernible features in the subgap density of states. Furthermore, the exact self-consistent treatment yields a proximity-induced gap in the normal metal spectrum, which vanishes monotonically when the normal metal length exceeds {xi}{sub 0}. Through a careful analysis of the excitation spectra, we find that quasiparticle trajectories with wavevectors oriented mainly along the interface play a critical role in the destruction of the energy gap.

  13. Normalization methods in time series of platelet function assays (United States)

    Van Poucke, Sven; Zhang, Zhongheng; Roest, Mark; Vukicevic, Milan; Beran, Maud; Lauwereins, Bart; Zheng, Ming-Hua; Henskens, Yvonne; Lancé, Marcus; Marcus, Abraham


    Abstract Platelet function can be quantitatively assessed by specific assays such as light-transmission aggregometry, multiple-electrode aggregometry measuring the response to adenosine diphosphate (ADP), arachidonic acid, collagen, and thrombin-receptor activating peptide and viscoelastic tests such as rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM). The task of extracting meaningful statistical and clinical information from high-dimensional data spaces in temporal multivariate clinical data represented in multivariate time series is complex. Building insightful visualizations for multivariate time series demands adequate usage of normalization techniques. In this article, various methods for data normalization (z-transformation, range transformation, proportion transformation, and interquartile range) are presented and visualized discussing the most suited approach for platelet function data series. Normalization was calculated per assay (test) for all time points and per time point for all tests. Interquartile range, range transformation, and z-transformation demonstrated the correlation as calculated by the Spearman correlation test, when normalized per assay (test) for all time points. When normalizing per time point for all tests, no correlation could be abstracted from the charts as was the case when using all data as 1 dataset for normalization. PMID:27428217

  14. Normal Language Skills and Normal Intelligence in a Child with de Lange Syndrome. (United States)

    Cameron, Thomas H.; Kelly, Desmond P.


    The subject of this case report is a two-year, seven-month-old girl with de Lange syndrome, normal intelligence, and age-appropriate language skills. She demonstrated initial delays in gross motor skills and in receptive and expressive language but responded well to intensive speech and language intervention, as well as to physical therapy.…

  15. The experience of weight management in normal weight adults. (United States)

    Hernandez, Cheri Ann; Hernandez, David A; Wellington, Christine M; Kidd, Art


    No prior research has been done with normal weight persons specific to their experience of weight management. The purpose of this research was to discover the experience of weight management in normal weight individuals. Glaserian grounded theory was used. Qualitative data (focus group) and quantitative data (food diary, study questionnaire, and anthropometric measures) were collected. Weight management was an ongoing process of trying to focus on living (family, work, and social), while maintaining their normal weight targets through five consciously and unconsciously used strategies. Despite maintaining normal weights, the nutritional composition of foods eaten was grossly inadequate. These five strategies can be used to develop new weight management strategies that could be integrated into existing weight management programs, or could be developed into novel weight management interventions. Surprisingly, normal weight individuals require dietary assessment and nutrition education to prevent future negative health consequences. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Anatomy, normal variants, and basic biomechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berquist, T.H.; Johnson, K.A.


    This paper reports on the anatomy and basic functions of the foot and ankle important to physicians involved in imaging procedures, clinical medicine, and surgery. New radiographic techniques especially magnetic resonance imaging, provide more diagnostic information owing to improved tissue contrast and the ability to obtain multiple image planes (axial, sagittal, coronal, oblique). Therefore, a thorough knowledge of skeletal and soft tissue anatomy is even more essential. Normal variants must also be understood in order to distinguish normal from pathologic changes in the foot and ankle. A basic understanding of biomechanics is also essential for selecting the proper diagnostic techniques

  17. Telomere length in normal and neoplastic canine tissues. (United States)

    Cadile, Casey D; Kitchell, Barbara E; Newman, Rebecca G; Biller, Barbara J; Hetler, Elizabeth R


    To determine the mean telomere restriction fragment (TRF) length in normal and neoplastic canine tissues. 57 solid-tissue tumor specimens collected from client-owned dogs, 40 samples of normal tissue collected from 12 clinically normal dogs, and blood samples collected from 4 healthy blood donor dogs. Tumor specimens were collected from client-owned dogs during diagnostic or therapeutic procedures at the University of Illinois Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, whereas 40 normal tissue samples were collected from 12 control dogs. Telomere restriction fragment length was determined by use of an assay kit. A histologic diagnosis was provided for each tumor by personnel at the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at the University of Illinois. Mean of the mean TRF length for 44 normal samples was 19.0 kilobases (kb; range, 15.4 to 21.4 kb), and the mean of the mean TRF length for 57 malignant tumors was 19.0 kb (range, 12.9 to 23.5 kb). Although the mean of the mean TRF length for tumors and normal tissues was identical, tumor samples had more variability in TRF length. Telomerase, which represents the main mechanism by which cancer cells achieve immortality, is an attractive therapeutic target. The ability to measure telomere length is crucial to monitoring the efficacy of telomerase inhibition. In contrast to many other mammalian species, the length of canine telomeres and the rate of telomeric DNA loss are similar to those reported in humans, making dogs a compelling choice for use in the study of human anti-telomerase strategies.

  18. Normal mode-guided transition pathway generation in proteins.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Byung Ho Lee

    Full Text Available The biological function of proteins is closely related to its structural motion. For instance, structurally misfolded proteins do not function properly. Although we are able to experimentally obtain structural information on proteins, it is still challenging to capture their dynamics, such as transition processes. Therefore, we need a simulation method to predict the transition pathways of a protein in order to understand and study large functional deformations. Here, we present a new simulation method called normal mode-guided elastic network interpolation (NGENI that performs normal modes analysis iteratively to predict transition pathways of proteins. To be more specific, NGENI obtains displacement vectors that determine intermediate structures by interpolating the distance between two end-point conformations, similar to a morphing method called elastic network interpolation. However, the displacement vector is regarded as a linear combination of the normal mode vectors of each intermediate structure, in order to enhance the physical sense of the proposed pathways. As a result, we can generate more reasonable transition pathways geometrically and thermodynamically. By using not only all normal modes, but also in part using only the lowest normal modes, NGENI can still generate reasonable pathways for large deformations in proteins. This study shows that global protein transitions are dominated by collective motion, which means that a few lowest normal modes play an important role in this process. NGENI has considerable merit in terms of computational cost because it is possible to generate transition pathways by partial degrees of freedom, while conventional methods are not capable of this.

  19. PV System Performance Evaluation by Clustering Production Data to Normal and Non-Normal Operation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tsafarakis, O.; Sinapis, K.; van Sark, W.G.J.H.M.


    The most common method for assessment of a photovoltaic (PV) system performance is by comparing its energy production to reference data (irradiance or neighboring PV system). Ideally, at normal operation, the compared sets of data tend to show a linear relationship. Deviations from this linearity

  20. Score Normalization using Logistic Regression with Expected Parameters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aly, Robin

    State-of-the-art score normalization methods use generative models that rely on sometimes unrealistic assumptions. We propose a novel parameter estimation method for score normalization based on logistic regression. Experiments on the Gov2 and CluewebA collection indicate that our method is

  1. Reference Priors For Non-Normal Two-Sample Problems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fernández, C.; Steel, M.F.J.


    The reference prior algorithm (Berger and Bernardo, 1992) is applied to locationscale models with any regular sampling density. A number of two-sample problems is analyzed in this general context, extending the dierence, ratio and product of Normal means problems outside Normality, while explicitly

  2. The Influence of Normalization Weight in Population Pharmacokinetic Covariate Models. (United States)

    Goulooze, Sebastiaan C; Völler, Swantje; Välitalo, Pyry A J; Calvier, Elisa A M; Aarons, Leon; Krekels, Elke H J; Knibbe, Catherijne A J


    In covariate (sub)models of population pharmacokinetic models, most covariates are normalized to the median value; however, for body weight, normalization to 70 kg or 1 kg is often applied. In this article, we illustrate the impact of normalization weight on the precision of population clearance (CL pop ) parameter estimates. The influence of normalization weight (70, 1 kg or median weight) on the precision of the CL pop estimate, expressed as relative standard error (RSE), was illustrated using data from a pharmacokinetic study in neonates with a median weight of 2.7 kg. In addition, a simulation study was performed to show the impact of normalization to 70 kg in pharmacokinetic studies with paediatric or obese patients. The RSE of the CL pop parameter estimate in the neonatal dataset was lowest with normalization to median weight (8.1%), compared with normalization to 1 kg (10.5%) or 70 kg (48.8%). Typical clearance (CL) predictions were independent of the normalization weight used. Simulations showed that the increase in RSE of the CL pop estimate with 70 kg normalization was highest in studies with a narrow weight range and a geometric mean weight away from 70 kg. When, instead of normalizing with median weight, a weight outside the observed range is used, the RSE of the CL pop estimate will be inflated, and should therefore not be used for model selection. Instead, established mathematical principles can be used to calculate the RSE of the typical CL (CL TV ) at a relevant weight to evaluate the precision of CL predictions.

  3. Advection-diffusion model for normal grain growth and the stagnation of normal grain growth in thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lou, C.


    An advection-diffusion model has been set up to describe normal grain growth. In this model grains are divided into different groups according to their topological classes (number of sides of a grain). Topological transformations are modelled by advective and diffusive flows governed by advective and diffusive coefficients respectively, which are assumed to be proportional to topological classes. The ordinary differential equations governing self-similar time-independent grain size distribution can be derived analytically from continuity equations. It is proved that the time-independent distributions obtained by solving the ordinary differential equations have the same form as the time-dependent distributions obtained by solving the continuity equations. The advection-diffusion model is extended to describe the stagnation of normal grain growth in thin films. Grain boundary grooving prevents grain boundaries from moving, and the correlation between neighbouring grains accelerates the stagnation of normal grain growth. After introducing grain boundary grooving and the correlation between neighbouring grains into the model, the grain size distribution is close to a lognormal distribution, which is usually found in experiments. A vertex computer simulation of normal grain growth has also been carried out to make a cross comparison with the advection-diffusion model. The result from the simulation did not verify the assumption that the advective and diffusive coefficients are proportional to topological classes. Instead, we have observed that topological transformations usually occur on certain topological classes. This suggests that the advection-diffusion model can be improved by making a more realistic assumption on topological transformations. (author)

  4. The Normalization of Cannabis Use Among Bangladeshi and Pakistani Youth: A New Frontier for the Normalization Thesis? (United States)

    Williams, Lisa; Ralphs, Rob; Gray, Paul


    The Asian population in Britain has grown, representing the second largest ethnic group; Bangladeshi, Pakistani, and Indian nationalities are prevalent (Jivraj, 2012 ; Office for National Statistics, 2013 ). Yet, we know relatively little about the nature and extent of their substance use. Jayakody et al. ( 2006 ) argue ethnic minority groups may be influenced by the norms and values of the dominant culture. Given recreational drug use has undergone a process of normalization in Britain (Aldridge et al., 2011 ; Parker et al., 1998 , 2002 ), we explore the degree to which this is occurring in a Bangladeshi and Pakistani community of Muslim faith in Northern England; a group typically assumed to reject substance use because of robust religious and cultural values. To examine the extent, frequency, and nature of substance use, and associated attitudes. A cross-sectional study collecting qualitative data from a sample (N = 43) of adolescents accessing a drug service and a range of professionals working with them during 2014. We also present analyses of routinely collected quantitative client data. Adolescent interviewees reported extensive personal experience smoking skunk cannabis, and professionals working in the community confirmed many young Asians smoked it. Its consumption appeared to be accommodated into the daily lives of young people and the supply of it also showed signs of acceptance. Skunk cannabis may be undergoing a process of normalization within some Asian communities in Britain. Our study has significant implications for the normalization thesis, finding evidence for normalization within a subpopulation that is typically perceived to resist this trend.

  5. In vitro fertilisation when normal sperm morphology is less than ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Aug 18, 1990 ... couples where the husband's normal sperm morphology was less than 15% ... gonadotrophin (HCG) 5000 ID was given when the average size of three ... have a normal sperm count and motility but have lower than normal ...

  6. A study of the normal interpedicular distance of the spine in Korean teenagers (Estimation of normal range by roentgenographic measurement)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Myung Uk


    The radiological measurement of the interpedicular disease using a routine antero-posterior view of the spine gives important clinical criteria in evaluation of the intraspinal tumor and stenosis of the spinal canal, and aids for diagnosis of the lesions. In 1934 Elsberg and Dyke reported values of interpedicular distance as determined on roentgenograms for spine of white adult, and in 1968 Song prepared normal values of interpedicular distance for Korean adult. The present investigation was undertaken to provide normal interpedicular distance of Korean teenagers. The author observed the antero-posterior films of the spine of 200 normal teenagers which were composed of 100 male and 100 female. The normal values of the interpedicular distance of Korean teenagers were obtained, as well as 90% tolerance range for clinical use. In this statistical analysis, there were noted significant differences between male and female, and each age groups. It was observed that average male measurement were consistently larger than female by about 1 mm and the growth of the spinal canal appeared to be continued.

  7. A study of normal and defective colour vision

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bouman, M.A.; Walraven, P.L.


    MEASUREMENTS were made of saturation discrimination of normal and colour defective subjects with illuminant A as reference colour. The colorimeter used in the experiments was of a special design developed for easy use by untrained persons. The results for normals are not quite in agreement with the

  8. Measurements of normal joint angles by goniometry in calves. (United States)

    Sengöz Şirin, O; Timuçin Celik, M; Ozmen, A; Avki, S


    The aim of this study was to establish normal reference values of the forelimb and hindlimb joint angles in normal Holstein calves. Thirty clinically normal Holstein calves that were free of any detectable musculoskeletal abnormalities were included in the study. A standard transparent plastic goniometer was used to measure maximum flexion, maximum extension, and range-of-motion of the shoulder, elbow, carpal, hip, stifle, and tarsal joints. The goniometric measurements were done on awake calves that were positioned in lateral recumbency. The goniometric values were measured and recorded by two independent investigators. As a result of the study it was concluded that goniometric values obtained from awake calves in lateral recumbency were found to be highly consistent and accurate between investigators (p <0.05). The data of this study acquired objective and useful information on the normal forelimb and hindlimb joint angles in normal Holstein calves. Further studies can be done to predict detailed goniometric values from different diseases and compare them.

  9. Effects of normalization on quantitative traits in association test (United States)


    Background Quantitative trait loci analysis assumes that the trait is normally distributed. In reality, this is often not observed and one strategy is to transform the trait. However, it is not clear how much normality is required and which transformation works best in association studies. Results We performed simulations on four types of common quantitative traits to evaluate the effects of normalization using the logarithm, Box-Cox, and rank-based transformations. The impact of sample size and genetic effects on normalization is also investigated. Our results show that rank-based transformation gives generally the best and consistent performance in identifying the causal polymorphism and ranking it highly in association tests, with a slight increase in false positive rate. Conclusion For small sample size or genetic effects, the improvement in sensitivity for rank transformation outweighs the slight increase in false positive rate. However, for large sample size and genetic effects, normalization may not be necessary since the increase in sensitivity is relatively modest. PMID:20003414

  10. Effects of normalization on quantitative traits in association test

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yap Von Bing


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Quantitative trait loci analysis assumes that the trait is normally distributed. In reality, this is often not observed and one strategy is to transform the trait. However, it is not clear how much normality is required and which transformation works best in association studies. Results We performed simulations on four types of common quantitative traits to evaluate the effects of normalization using the logarithm, Box-Cox, and rank-based transformations. The impact of sample size and genetic effects on normalization is also investigated. Our results show that rank-based transformation gives generally the best and consistent performance in identifying the causal polymorphism and ranking it highly in association tests, with a slight increase in false positive rate. Conclusion For small sample size or genetic effects, the improvement in sensitivity for rank transformation outweighs the slight increase in false positive rate. However, for large sample size and genetic effects, normalization may not be necessary since the increase in sensitivity is relatively modest.

  11. Masturbation, sexuality, and adaptation: normalization in adolescence. (United States)

    Shapiro, Theodore


    During adolescence the central masturbation fantasy that is formulated during childhood takes its final form and paradoxically must now be directed outward for appropriate object finding and pair matching in the service of procreative aims. This is a step in adaptation that requires a further developmental landmark that I have called normalization. The path toward airing these private fantasies is facilitated by chumship relationships as a step toward further exposure to the social surround. Hartmann's structuring application of adaptation within psychoanalysis is used as a framework for understanding the process that simultaneously serves intrapsychic and social demands and permits goals that follow evolutionary principles. Variations in the normalization process from masturbatory isolation to a variety of forms of sexual socialization are examined in sociological data concerning current adolescent sexual behavior and in case examples that indicate some routes to normalized experience and practice.

  12. Are cancer cells really softer than normal cells? (United States)

    Alibert, Charlotte; Goud, Bruno; Manneville, Jean-Baptiste


    Solid tumours are often first diagnosed by palpation, suggesting that the tumour is more rigid than its surrounding environment. Paradoxically, individual cancer cells appear to be softer than their healthy counterparts. In this review, we first list the physiological reasons indicating that cancer cells may be more deformable than normal cells. Next, we describe the biophysical tools that have been developed in recent years to characterise and model cancer cell mechanics. By reviewing the experimental studies that compared the mechanics of individual normal and cancer cells, we argue that cancer cells can indeed be considered as softer than normal cells. We then focus on the intracellular elements that could be responsible for the softening of cancer cells. Finally, we ask whether the mechanical differences between normal and cancer cells can be used as diagnostic or prognostic markers of cancer progression. © 2017 Société Française des Microscopies and Société de Biologie Cellulaire de France. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. New Riemannian Priors on the Univariate Normal Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salem Said


    Full Text Available The current paper introduces new prior distributions on the univariate normal model, with the aim of applying them to the classification of univariate normal populations. These new prior distributions are entirely based on the Riemannian geometry of the univariate normal model, so that they can be thought of as “Riemannian priors”. Precisely, if {pθ ; θ ∈ Θ} is any parametrization of the univariate normal model, the paper considers prior distributions G( θ - , γ with hyperparameters θ - ∈ Θ and γ > 0, whose density with respect to Riemannian volume is proportional to exp(−d2(θ, θ - /2γ2, where d2(θ, θ - is the square of Rao’s Riemannian distance. The distributions G( θ - , γ are termed Gaussian distributions on the univariate normal model. The motivation for considering a distribution G( θ - , γ is that this distribution gives a geometric representation of a class or cluster of univariate normal populations. Indeed, G( θ - , γ has a unique mode θ - (precisely, θ - is the unique Riemannian center of mass of G( θ - , γ, as shown in the paper, and its dispersion away from θ - is given by γ.  Therefore, one thinks of members of the class represented by G( θ - , γ as being centered around θ - and  lying within a typical  distance determined by γ. The paper defines rigorously the Gaussian distributions G( θ - , γ and describes an algorithm for computing maximum likelihood estimates of their hyperparameters. Based on this algorithm and on the Laplace approximation, it describes how the distributions G( θ - , γ can be used as prior distributions for Bayesian classification of large univariate normal populations. In a concrete application to texture image classification, it is shown that  this  leads  to  an  improvement  in  performance  over  the  use  of  conjugate  priors.

  14. Normal form and synchronization of strict-feedback chaotic systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Feng; Chen, Shihua; Yu Minghai; Wang Changping


    This study concerns the normal form and synchronization of strict-feedback chaotic systems. We prove that, any strict-feedback chaotic system can be rendered into a normal form with a invertible transform and then a design procedure to synchronize the normal form of a non-autonomous strict-feedback chaotic system is presented. This approach needs only a scalar driving signal to realize synchronization no matter how many dimensions the chaotic system contains. Furthermore, the Roessler chaotic system is taken as a concrete example to illustrate the procedure of designing without transforming a strict-feedback chaotic system into its normal form. Numerical simulations are also provided to show the effectiveness and feasibility of the developed methods

  15. Ultrasonic off-normal imaging techniques for under sodium viewing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michaels, T.E.; Horn, J.E.


    Advanced imaging methods have been evaluated for the purpose of constructing images of objects from ultrasonic data. Feasibility of imaging surfaces which are off-normal to the sound beam has been established. Laboratory results are presented which show a complete image of a typical core component. Using the previous system developed for under sodium viewing (USV), only normal surfaces of this object could be imaged. Using advanced methods, surfaces up to 60 degrees off-normal have been imaged. Details of equipment and procedures used for this image construction are described. Additional work on high temperature transducers, electronics, and signal analysis is required in order to adapt the off-normal viewing process described here to an eventual USV application

  16. Bias in normalization : Causes, consequences, detection and remedies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heijungs, Reinout; Guinée, Jeroen B.; Kleijn, René; Rovers, Vera


    Introduction. Normalization is an optional step in LCIA that is used to better understand the relative importance and magnitude of the impact category indicator results. It is used for error checking, as a first step in weighting, and for standalone presentation of results. A normalized score for a

  17. Proteoglycans in Leiomyoma and Normal Myometrium (United States)

    Barker, Nichole M.; Carrino, David A.; Caplan, Arnold I.; Hurd, William W.; Liu, James H.; Tan, Huiqing; Mesiano, Sam


    Uterine leiomyoma are a common benign pelvic tumors composed of modified smooth muscle cells and a large amount of extracellular matrix (ECM). The proteoglycan composition of the leiomyoma ECM is thought to affect pathophysiology of the disease. To test this hypothesis, we examined the abundance (by immunoblotting) and expression (by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction) of the proteoglycans biglycan, decorin, and versican in leiomyoma and normal myometrium and determined whether expression is affected by steroid hormones and menstrual phase. Leiomyoma and normal myometrium were collected from women (n = 17) undergoing hysterectomy or myomectomy. In vitro studies were performed on immortalized leiomyoma (UtLM) and normal myometrial (hTERT-HM) cells with and without exposure to estradiol and progesterone. In leiomyoma tissue, abundance of decorin messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein were 2.6-fold and 1.4-fold lower, respectively, compared with normal myometrium. Abundance of versican mRNA was not different between matched samples, whereas versican protein was increased 1.8-fold in leiomyoma compared with myometrium. Decorin mRNA was 2.4-fold lower in secretory phase leiomyoma compared with proliferative phase tissue. In UtLM cells, progesterone decreased the abundance of decorin mRNA by 1.3-fold. Lower decorin expression in leiomyoma compared with myometrium may contribute to disease growth and progression. As decorin inhibits the activity of specific growth factors, its reduced level in the leiomyoma cell microenvironment may promote cell proliferation and ECM deposition. Our data suggest that decorin expression in leiomyoma is inhibited by progesterone, which may be a mechanism by which the ovarian steroids affect leiomyoma growth and disease progression. PMID:26423601

  18. The classification of normal screening mammograms (United States)

    Ang, Zoey Z. Y.; Rawashdeh, Mohammad A.; Heard, Robert; Brennan, Patrick C.; Lee, Warwick; Lewis, Sarah J.


    Rationale and objectives: To understand how breast screen readers classify the difficulty of normal screening mammograms using common lexicon describing normal appearances. Cases were also assessed on their suitability for a single reader strategy. Materials and Methods: 15 breast readers were asked to interpret a test set of 29 normal screening mammogram cases and classify them by rating the difficulty of the case on a five-point Likert scale, identifying the salient features and assessing their suitability for single reading. Using the False Positive Fractions from a previous study, the 29 cases were classified into 10 "low", 10 "medium" and nine "high" difficulties. Data was analyzed with descriptive statistics. Spearman's correlation was used to test the strength of association between the difficulty of the cases and the readers' recommendation for single reading strategy. Results: The ratings from readers in this study corresponded to the known difficulty level of cases for the 'low' and 'high' difficulty cases. Uniform ductal pattern and density, symmetrical mammographic features and the absence of micro-calcifications were the main reasons associated with 'low' difficulty cases. The 'high' difficulty cases were described as having `dense breasts'. There was a statistically significant negative correlation between the difficulty of the cases and readers' recommendation for single reading (r = -0.475, P = 0.009). Conclusion: The findings demonstrated potential relationships between certain mammographic features and the difficulty for readers to classify mammograms as 'normal'. The standard Australian practice of double reading was deemed more suitable for most cases. There was an inverse moderate association between the difficulty of the cases and the recommendations for single reading.

  19. Parietal podocytes in normal human glomeruli. (United States)

    Bariety, Jean; Mandet, Chantal; Hill, Gary S; Bruneval, Patrick


    Although parietal podocytes along the Bowman's capsule have been described by electron microscopy in the normal human kidney, their molecular composition remains unknown. Ten human normal kidneys that were removed for cancer were assessed for the presence and the extent of parietal podocytes along the Bowman's capsule. The expression of podocyte-specific proteins (podocalyxin, glomerular epithelial protein-1, podocin, nephrin, synaptopodin, and alpha-actinin-4), podocyte synthesized proteins (vascular endothelial growth factor and novH), transcription factors (WT1 and PAX2), cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57, and intermediate filaments (cytokeratins and vimentin) was tested. In addition, six normal fetal kidneys were studied to track the ontogeny of parietal podocytes. The podocyte protein labeling detected parietal podocytes in all of the kidneys, was found in 76.6% on average of Bowman's capsule sections, and was prominent at the vascular pole. WT1 and p57 were expressed in some parietal cells, whereas PAX2 was present in all or most of them, so some parietal cells coexpressed WT1 and PAX2. Furthermore, parietal podocytes coexpressed WT1 and podocyte proteins. Cytokeratin-positive cells covered a variable part of the capsule and did not express podocyte proteins. Tuft-capsular podocyte bridges were present in 15.5 +/- 3.7% of the glomerular sections. Parietal podocytes often covered the juxtaglomerular arterioles and were present within the extraglomerular mesangium. Parietal podocytes were present in fetal kidneys. Parietal podocytes that express the same epitopes as visceral podocytes do exist along Bowman's capsule in the normal adult kidney. They are a constitutive cell type of the Bowman's capsule. Therefore, their role in physiology and pathology should be investigated.

  20. A general approach to double-moment normalization of drop size distributions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lee, G.W.; Zawadzki, I.; Szyrmer, W.; Sempere Torres, D.; Uijlenhoet, R.


    Normalization of drop size distributions (DSDs) is reexamined here. First, an extension of the scaling normalization that uses one moment of the DSD as a scaling parameter to a more general scaling normalization that uses two moments as scaling parameters of the normalization is presented. In

  1. The COBE normalization for standard cold dark matter (United States)

    Bunn, Emory F.; Scott, Douglas; White, Martin


    The Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite (COBE) detection of microwave anisotropies provides the best way of fixing the amplitude of cosmological fluctuations on the largest scales. This normalization is usually given for an n = 1 spectrum, including only the anisotropy caused by the Sachs-Wolfe effect. This is certainly not a good approximation for a model containing any reasonable amount of baryonic matter. In fact, even tilted Sachs-Wolfe spectra are not a good fit to models like cold dark matter (CDM). Here, we normalize standard CDM (sCDM) to the two-year COBE data and quote the best amplitude in terms of the conventionally used measures of power. We also give normalizations for some specific variants of this standard model, and we indicate how the normalization depends on the assumed values on n, Omega(sub B) and H(sub 0). For sCDM we find the mean value of Q = 19.9 +/- 1.5 micro-K, corresponding to sigma(sub 8) = 1.34 +/- 0.10, with the normalization at large scales being B = (8.16 +/- 1.04) x 10(exp 5)(Mpc/h)(exp 4), and other numbers given in the table. The measured rms temperature fluctuation smoothed on 10 deg is a little low relative to this normalization. This is mainly due to the low quadrupole in the data: when the quadrupole is removed, the measured value of sigma(10 deg) is quite consistent with the best-fitting the mean value of Q. The use of the mean value of Q should be preferred over sigma(10 deg), when its value can be determined for a particular theory, since it makes full use of the data.

  2. Radiation-induced normal tissue damage: implications for radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prasanna, Pataje G.


    Radiotherapy is an important treatment modality for many malignancies, either alone or as a part of combined modality treatment. However, despite technological advances in physical treatment delivery, patients suffer adverse effects from radiation therapy due to normal tissue damage. These side effects may be acute, occurring during or within weeks after therapy, or intermediate to late, occurring months to years after therapy. Minimizing normal tissue damage from radiotherapy will allow enhancement of tumor killing and improve tumor control and patients quality of life. Understanding mechanisms through which radiation toxicity develops in normal tissue will facilitate the development of next generation radiation effect modulators. Translation of these agents to the clinic will also require an understanding of the impact of these protectors and mitigators on tumor radiation response. In addition, normal tissues vary in radiobiologically important ways, including organ sensitivity to radiation, cellular turnover rate, and differences in mechanisms of injury manifestation and damage response. Therefore, successful development of radiation modulators may require multiple approaches to address organ/site-specific needs. These may include treatments that modify cellular damage and death processes, inflammation, alteration of normal flora, wound healing, tissue regeneration and others, specifically to counter cancer site-specific adverse effects. Further, an understanding of mechanisms of normal tissue damage will allow development of predictive biomarkers; however harmonization of such assays is critical. This is a necessary step towards patient-specific treatment customization. Examples of important adverse effects of radiotherapy either alone or in conjunction with chemotherapy, and important limitations in the current approaches of using radioprotectors for improving therapeutic outcome will be highlighted. (author)

  3. Hilar height ratio in normal Korea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoo, Kyung Ho; Lee, Nam Joon; Seol, Hae Young; Chung, Kyoo Byung


    Hilar displacement is one of the significant sign of pulmonary volume change. The hilar height ratio (HHR) is a value that express the normal position of hilum in its hemithorax, and it is calculated by dividing the distance from the hilum to the lung apex by the distance from the hilum to the diaphragm. Displacement of one hilum is usually easy to detect but both are displaced in the same direction especially, recognition is more difficult. Knowledge of normal HHR allows evaluation of hilar positional change even when the relative hilar position are not altered. Normal chest PA views of 275 cases taken at Korea University Hospital during the period of April 1978 to Jun 1979 were analyzed. The right hilum is positioned in lower half of the right hemithorax, while the left hilum is situated in the upper half of left hemithorax. The difference of hilar ratio according to age group is slight, but there is significant difference between right-HHR and left-HHR. The value of right-HHR is 1.28 ± 0.14, the value of left-HHR is 0.88 ± 0.09.

  4. Glymphatic MRI in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. (United States)

    Ringstad, Geir; Vatnehol, Svein Are Sirirud; Eide, Per Kristian


    The glymphatic system has in previous studies been shown as fundamental to clearance of waste metabolites from the brain interstitial space, and is proposed to be instrumental in normal ageing and brain pathology such as Alzheimer's disease and brain trauma. Assessment of glymphatic function using magnetic resonance imaging with intrathecal contrast agent as a cerebrospinal fluid tracer has so far been limited to rodents. We aimed to image cerebrospinal fluid flow characteristics and glymphatic function in humans, and applied the methodology in a prospective study of 15 idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus patients (mean age 71.3 ± 8.1 years, three female and 12 male) and eight reference subjects (mean age 41.1 + 13.0 years, six female and two male) with suspected cerebrospinal fluid leakage (seven) and intracranial cyst (one). The imaging protocol included T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging with equal sequence parameters before and at multiple time points through 24 h after intrathecal injection of the contrast agent gadobutrol at the lumbar level. All study subjects were kept in the supine position between examinations during the first day. Gadobutrol enhancement was measured at all imaging time points from regions of interest placed at predefined locations in brain parenchyma, the subarachnoid and intraventricular space, and inside the sagittal sinus. Parameters demonstrating gadobutrol enhancement and clearance in different locations were compared between idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus and reference subjects. A characteristic flow pattern in idiopathic normal hydrocephalus was ventricular reflux of gadobutrol from the subarachnoid space followed by transependymal gadobutrol migration. At the brain surfaces, gadobutrol propagated antegradely along large leptomeningeal arteries in all study subjects, and preceded glymphatic enhancement in adjacent brain tissue, indicating a pivotal role of intracranial pulsations for glymphatic function. In

  5. Deriving the Normalized Min-Sum Algorithm from Cooperative Optimization


    Huang, Xiaofei


    The normalized min-sum algorithm can achieve near-optimal performance at decoding LDPC codes. However, it is a critical question to understand the mathematical principle underlying the algorithm. Traditionally, people thought that the normalized min-sum algorithm is a good approximation to the sum-product algorithm, the best known algorithm for decoding LDPC codes and Turbo codes. This paper offers an alternative approach to understand the normalized min-sum algorithm. The algorithm is derive...

  6. Ritorno, nostos, nostalgia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luigi Ghezzi


    Full Text Available L’ufficio studi immobiliari Ubh nel primo trimestre del 2007 e un’indagine de Il Sole 24 Ore del 2006: il tema è la “fuga dalla città” e “le province che spiazzano i capoluoghi”; un fenomeno di decentramento abitativo, come viene definito in gergo. Ci troviamo quindi di fronte a una reale fuga dalla città o piuttosto a un ritorno alla provincia?

  7. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    19 févr. 2013 ... trimestre, diagnostiqué à un stade tardif ainsi que les limites de la prise en charge en milieu sous équipé. Patient et observation. Il s'agit d'une gestante âgée de ... L'accouchement peut entraîner un risque d'emboles vasculaires et de dissémination. Après une vulvéctomie, un accouchement par voie basse ...

  8. Pursuing Normality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Louise Sofia; Handberg, Charlotte


    implying an influence on whether to participate in cancer survivorship care programs. Because of "pursuing normality," 8 of 9 participants opted out of cancer survivorship care programming due to prospects of "being cured" and perceptions of cancer survivorship care as "a continuation of the disease......BACKGROUND: The present study explored the reflections on cancer survivorship care of lymphoma survivors in active treatment. Lymphoma survivors have survivorship care needs, yet their participation in cancer survivorship care programs is still reported as low. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study...... was to understand the reflections on cancer survivorship care of lymphoma survivors to aid the future planning of cancer survivorship care and overcome barriers to participation. METHODS: Data were generated in a hematological ward during 4 months of ethnographic fieldwork, including participant observation and 46...

  9. Method for construction of normalized cDNA libraries (United States)

    Soares, Marcelo B.; Efstratiadis, Argiris


    This invention provides a method to normalize a directional cDNA library constructed in a vector that allows propagation in single-stranded circle form comprising: (a) propagating the directional cDNA library in single-stranded circles; (b) generating fragments complementary to the 3' noncoding sequence of the single-stranded circles in the library to produce partial duplexes; (c) purifying the partial duplexes; (d) melting and reassociating the purified partial duplexes to appropriate Cot; and (e) purifying the unassociated single-stranded circles, thereby generating a normalized cDNA library. This invention also provides normalized cDNA libraries generated by the above-described method and uses of the generated libraries.

  10. Perbandingan Inklinasi dan Ukuran Rahang antara Orang Jawa Buta dan Normal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Christnawati


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang. Penglihatan merupakan salah satu faktor yang diperlukan untuk mengontrol postur kepala. Postur kepala berhubungan dengan kompleks kraniofasial. Maksila dan mandibula merupakan bagian dari kompleks kraniofasial. Pada orang buta terjadi penyimpangan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan daerah orbita karena tidak adanya rangsang. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mempelajari perbandingan inklinasi dan ukuran rahang berdasarkan jenis kelamin antara orang Jawa buta dan normal. Metode Penelitian. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 53 subjek, terdiri dari 25 orang buta ( 12 orang laki-laki dan 13 orang perempuan dan 28 orang normal (14 orang laki-laki dan 14 orang perempuan. Setiap subjek penelitian dilakukan pengambilan sefalogram lateral pada posisi alamiah kepala, kemudian dilakukan penapakan pada kertas kalkir di atas iluminator. Pengukuran sembilan parameter inklinasi dan ukuran maksila dan mandibula dilakukan pada hasil penapakan. Data dianalisis dengan uji Anava dua jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang tidak bermakna (p<0,05. Panjang mandibula dan panjang basis mandibula laki-laki normal lebih besar daripada perempuan normal dan kelompok buta, serta perempuan normal lebih besar daripada perempuan buta (p<0,05. Kesimpulan Ukuran maksila laki-laki buta lebih besar daripada perempuan normal. Panjang mandibula dan panjang basis mandibula laki-laki normal lebih besar daripada perempuan normal lebih besar daripada perempuan normal, laki-laki buta, dan perempuan buta, serta perempuan normal lebih besar daripada perempuan buta.   Background Vision is one of the factors involved in the control of head posture. The posture of the head is related to craniofacial complex. Maxilla and mandible are part of craniofacial complex. In the blind there are deviations of growth and development of the orbital region in the absence of stimuli. The purpose of this study was to compare the inclinations and sizes of maxilla and mandible

  11. On normal modes of gas sheets and discs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drury, L.O'C.


    A method is described for calculating the reflection and transmission coefficients characterizing normal modes of the Goldreich-Lynden-Bell gas sheet. Two families of gas discs without self-gravity for which the normal modes can be found analytically are given and used to illustrate the validity of the sheet approximation. (author)

  12. Physics of collisionless scrape-off-layer plasma during normal and off-normal Tokamak operating conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassanein, A.; Konkashbaev, I.


    The structure of a collisionless scrape-off-layer (SOL) plasma in tokamak reactors is being studied to define the electron distribution function and the corresponding sheath potential between the divertor plate and the edge plasma. The collisionless model is shown to be valid during the thermal phase of a plasma disruption, as well as during the newly desired low-recycling normal phase of operation with low-density, high-temperature, edge plasma conditions. An analytical solution is developed by solving the Fokker-Planck equation for electron distribution and balance in the SOL. The solution is in good agreement with numerical studies using Monte-Carlo methods. The analytical solutions provide an insight to the role of different physical and geometrical processes in a collisionless SOL during disruptions and during the enhanced phase of normal operation over a wide range of parameters

  13. Cataplexy with Normal Sleep Studies and Normal CSF Hypocretin: An Explanation? (United States)

    Drakatos, Panagis; Leschziner, Guy


    Patients with narcolepsy usually develop excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) before or coincide with the occurrence of cataplexy, with the latter most commonly associated with low cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) hypocretin-1 levels. Cataplexy preceding the development of other features of narcolepsy is a rare phenomenon. We describe a case of isolated cataplexy in the context of two non-diagnostic multiple sleep latency tests and normal CSF-hypocretin-1 levels (217 pg/mL) who gradually developed EDS and low CSF-hypocretin-1 (< 110 pg/mL). © 2016 American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

  14. Dlk1 in normal and abnormal hematopoiesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sakajiri, S; O'kelly, J; Yin, D


    normals. Also, Dlk1 mRNA was elevated in mononuclear, low density bone marrow cells from 11/38 MDS patients, 5/11 AML M6 and 2/4 AML M7 samples. Furthermore, 5/6 erythroleukemia and 2/2 megakaryocytic leukemia cell lines highly expressed Dlk1 mRNA. Levels of Dlk1 mRNA markedly increased during...... (particularly M6, M7), and it appears to be associated with normal development of megakaryocytes and B cells....

  15. Advancing Normal Birth: Organizations, Goals, and Research


    Hotelling, Barbara A.; Humenick, Sharron S.


    In this column, the support for advancing normal birth is summarized, based on a comparison of the goals of Healthy People 2010, Lamaze International, the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services, and the midwifery model of care. Research abstracts are presented to provide evidence that the midwifery model of care safely and economically advances normal birth. Rates of intervention experienced, as reported in the Listening to Mothers survey, are compared to the forms of care recommended by ...

  16. Fusion and normalization to enhance anomaly detection (United States)

    Mayer, R.; Atkinson, G.; Antoniades, J.; Baumback, M.; Chester, D.; Edwards, J.; Goldstein, A.; Haas, D.; Henderson, S.; Liu, L.


    This study examines normalizing the imagery and the optimization metrics to enhance anomaly and change detection, respectively. The RX algorithm, the standard anomaly detector for hyperspectral imagery, more successfully extracts bright rather than dark man-made objects when applied to visible hyperspectral imagery. However, normalizing the imagery prior to applying the anomaly detector can help detect some of the problematic dark objects, but can also miss some bright objects. This study jointly fuses images of RX applied to normalized and unnormalized imagery and has a single decision surface. The technique was tested using imagery of commercial vehicles in urban environment gathered by a hyperspectral visible/near IR sensor mounted in an airborne platform. Combining detections first requires converting the detector output to a target probability. The observed anomaly detections were fitted with a linear combination of chi square distributions and these weights were used to help compute the target probability. Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) quantitatively assessed the target detection performance. The target detection performance is highly variable depending on the relative number of candidate bright and dark targets and false alarms and controlled in this study by using vegetation and street line masks. The joint Boolean OR and AND operations also generate variable performance depending on the scene. The joint SUM operation provides a reasonable compromise between OR and AND operations and has good target detection performance. In addition, new transforms based on normalizing correlation coefficient and least squares generate new transforms related to canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and a normalized image regression (NIR). Transforms based on CCA and NIR performed better than the standard approaches. Only RX detection of the unnormalized of the difference imagery in change detection provides adequate change detection performance.

  17. Mixed normal inference on multicointegration

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boswijk, H.P.


    Asymptotic likelihood analysis of cointegration in I(2) models, see Johansen (1997, 2006), Boswijk (2000) and Paruolo (2000), has shown that inference on most parameters is mixed normal, implying hypothesis test statistics with an asymptotic 2 null distribution. The asymptotic distribution of the

  18. Is My Child's Appetite Normal? (United States)

    Is My Child’s Appetite Normal? Cayla, who is 4 years old, did not finish her lunch. But she is ready to play. Her ... snack for later. That is okay! Your child’s appetite changes. Children do not grow as fast in ...

  19. Transforming Normal Programs by Replacement

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bossi, Annalisa; Pettorossi, A.; Cocco, Nicoletta; Etalle, Sandro


    The replacement transformation operation, already defined in [28], is studied wrt normal programs. We give applicability conditions able to ensure the correctness of the operation wrt Fitting's and Kunen's semantics. We show how replacement can mimic other transformation operations such as thinning,

  20. Current transfer between superconductor and normal layer in coated conductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takacs, S


    The current transfer between superconducting stripes coated with normal layer is examined in detail. It is shown that, in present YBCO coated conductors with striations, a considerable amount of the current flowing in the normal layer is not transferred into the superconducting stripes. This effect also influences the eddy currents and the coupling currents between the stripes. The effective resistance for the coupling currents is calculated. The maximum allowable twist length of such a striated structure is given, which ensures lower losses than in the corresponding normal conductor of the same volume as the total YBCO cable (including substrate, buffer layer, superconductor and normal coating). In addition, a new simple method for determining the transfer resistance between superconducting and normal parts is proposed

  1. Annual rainfall statistics for stations in the Top End of Australia: normal and log-normal distribution analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vardavas, I.M.


    A simple procedure is presented for the statistical analysis of measurement data where the primary concern is the determination of the value corresponding to a specified average exceedance probability. The analysis employs the normal and log-normal frequency distributions together with a χ 2 -test and an error analysis. The error analysis introduces the concept of a counting error criterion, or ζ-test, to test whether the data are sufficient to make the Z 2 -test reliable. The procedure is applied to the analysis of annual rainfall data recorded at stations in the tropical Top End of Australia where the Ranger uranium deposit is situated. 9 refs., 12 tabs., 9 figs

  2. Hemoglobin levels in normal Filipino pregnant women. (United States)

    Kuizon, M D; Natera, M G; Ancheta, L P; Platon, T P; Reyes, G D; Macapinlac, M P


    The hemoglobin concentrations during pregnancy in Filipinos belonging to the upper income group, who were prescribed 105 mg elemental iron daily, and who had acceptable levels of transferrin saturation, were examined in an attempt to define normal levels. The hemoglobin concentrations for each trimester followed a Gaussian distribution. The hemoglobin values equal to the mean minus one standard deviation were 11.4 gm/dl for the first trimester and 10.4 gm/dl for the second and third trimesters. Using these values as the lower limits of normal, in one group of pregnant women the prevalence of anemia during the last two trimesters was found lower than that obtained when WHO levels for normal were used. Groups of women with hemoglobin of 10.4 to 10.9 gm/dl (classified anemic by WHO criteria but normal in the present study) and those with 11.0 gm/dl and above could not be distinguished on the basis of their serum ferritin levels nor on the degree of decrease in their hemoglobin concentration during pregnancy. Many subjects in both groups, however, had serum ferritin levels less than 12 ng/ml which indicate poor iron stores. It might be desirable in future studies to determine the hemoglobin cut-off point that will delineate subjects who are both non-anemic and adequate in iron stores using serum ferritin levels as criterion for the latter.

  3. Hypervascular liver lesions in radiologically normal liver

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amico, Enio Campos; Alves, Jose Roberto; Souza, Dyego Leandro Bezerra de; Salviano, Fellipe Alexandre Macena; Joao, Samir Assi; Liguori, Adriano de Araujo Lima, E-mail: [Hospital Universitario Onofre Lopes (HUOL/UFRN), Natal, RN (Brazil). Clinica Gastrocentro e Ambulatorios de Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo e de Cirurgia Hepatobiliopancreatica


    Background: The hypervascular liver lesions represent a diagnostic challenge. Aim: To identify risk factors for cancer in patients with non-hemangiomatous hypervascular hepatic lesions in radiologically normal liver. Method: This prospective study included patients with hypervascular liver lesions in radiologically normal liver. The diagnosis was made by biopsy or was presumed on the basis of radiologic stability in follow-up period of one year. Cirrhosis or patients with typical imaging characteristics of haemangioma were excluded. Results: Eighty eight patients were included. The average age was 42.4. The lesions were unique and were between 2-5 cm in size in most cases. Liver biopsy was performed in approximately 1/3 of cases. The lesions were benign or most likely benign in 81.8%, while cancer was diagnosed in 12.5% of cases. Univariate analysis showed that age >45 years (p< 0.001), personal history of cancer (p=0.020), presence of >3 nodules (p=0.003) and elevated alkaline phosphatase (p=0.013) were significant risk factors for cancer. Conclusion: It is safe to observe hypervascular liver lesions in normal liver in patients up to 45 years, normal alanine amino transaminase, up to three nodules and no personal history of cancer. Lesion biopsies are safe in patients with atypical lesions and define the treatment to be established for most of these patients. (author)

  4. Model-based normalization for iterative 3D PET image

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai, B.; Li, Q.; Asma, E.; Leahy, R.M.; Holdsworth, C.H.; Chatziioannou, A.; Tai, Y.C.


    We describe a method for normalization in 3D PET for use with maximum a posteriori (MAP) or other iterative model-based image reconstruction methods. This approach is an extension of previous factored normalization methods in which we include separate factors for detector sensitivity, geometric response, block effects and deadtime. Since our MAP reconstruction approach already models some of the geometric factors in the forward projection, the normalization factors must be modified to account only for effects not already included in the model. We describe a maximum likelihood approach to joint estimation of the count-rate independent normalization factors, which we apply to data from a uniform cylindrical source. We then compute block-wise and block-profile deadtime correction factors using singles and coincidence data, respectively, from a multiframe cylindrical source. We have applied this method for reconstruction of data from the Concorde microPET P4 scanner. Quantitative evaluation of this method using well-counter measurements of activity in a multicompartment phantom compares favourably with normalization based directly on cylindrical source measurements. (author)

  5. Notes on power of normality tests of error terms in regression models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Střelec, Luboš


    Normality is one of the basic assumptions in applying statistical procedures. For example in linear regression most of the inferential procedures are based on the assumption of normality, i.e. the disturbance vector is assumed to be normally distributed. Failure to assess non-normality of the error terms may lead to incorrect results of usual statistical inference techniques such as t-test or F-test. Thus, error terms should be normally distributed in order to allow us to make exact inferences. As a consequence, normally distributed stochastic errors are necessary in order to make a not misleading inferences which explains a necessity and importance of robust tests of normality. Therefore, the aim of this contribution is to discuss normality testing of error terms in regression models. In this contribution, we introduce the general RT class of robust tests for normality, and present and discuss the trade-off between power and robustness of selected classical and robust normality tests of error terms in regression models

  6. Notes on power of normality tests of error terms in regression models

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Střelec, Luboš [Department of Statistics and Operation Analysis, Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, Zemědělská 1, Brno, 61300 (Czech Republic)


    Normality is one of the basic assumptions in applying statistical procedures. For example in linear regression most of the inferential procedures are based on the assumption of normality, i.e. the disturbance vector is assumed to be normally distributed. Failure to assess non-normality of the error terms may lead to incorrect results of usual statistical inference techniques such as t-test or F-test. Thus, error terms should be normally distributed in order to allow us to make exact inferences. As a consequence, normally distributed stochastic errors are necessary in order to make a not misleading inferences which explains a necessity and importance of robust tests of normality. Therefore, the aim of this contribution is to discuss normality testing of error terms in regression models. In this contribution, we introduce the general RT class of robust tests for normality, and present and discuss the trade-off between power and robustness of selected classical and robust normality tests of error terms in regression models.

  7. Obesidad y Esperanza de Vida en México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monteverde, Malena


    Full Text Available La alta y creciente prevalencia de personas obesas y con sobrepeso en los países de América Latina y el Caribe y los mayores riesgos asociados con el padecimiento de ciertas enfermedades crónicas, podrían estar modificando los patrones de mortalidad así como la esperanza de vida de dichas poblaciones. El principal objetivo de nuestro estudio es medir el efecto del sobrepeso y la obesidad sobre la mortalidad en México centrándonos en la población de edades mayores (60 y más años de edad. Nuestro estudio utiliza la información que brinda el Estudio Nacional sobre Salud y Envejecimiento en México (ENASEM, 2001 y 2003. El ENASEM es un estudio de panel con representatividad nacional de las personas de 50 y más años en México. Nuestros resultados indican que el exceso de peso (definido por los dos quintiles superiores del Índice de Masa Corporal –IMC- incrementa el riesgo de mortalidad a los 60 años de edad y más en México. Hasta un 11% de las muertes registradas durante el período 2001-2003 en México dentro del grupo de edad de 60 y más años habrían sido evitables si las personas con exceso de peso (pertenecientes a los dos quintiles superiores de IMC hubiesen tenido el peso ideal (quintil medio o tercer quintil de IMC. A nivel individual se estima que las personas de 60 años con exceso de peso (cuarto y quinto quintiles de IMC viven cuatro años menos, en promedio, que las personas con peso normal (tercer quintil de IMC.

  8. Obesidad y Esperanza de Vida en México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malena Monteverde


    Full Text Available La alta y creciente prevalencia de personas obesas y con sobrepeso en los países de América Latina y el Caribe y los mayores riesgos asociados con el padecimiento de ciertas enfermedades crónicas, podrían estar modificando los patrones de mortalidad así como la esperanza de vida de dichas poblaciones. El principal objetivo de nuestro estudio es medir el efecto del sobrepeso y la obesidad sobre la mortalidad en México centrándonos en la población de edades mayores (60 y más años de edad. Nuestro estudio utiliza la información que brinda el Estudio Nacional sobre Salud y Envejecimiento en México (ENASEM, 2001 y 2003. El ENASEM es un estudio de panel con representatividad nacional de las personas de 50 y más años en México. Nuestros resultados indican que el exceso de peso (definido por los dos quintiles superiores del Índice de Masa Corporal –IMC- incrementa el riesgo de mortalidad a los 60 años de edad y más en México. Hasta un 11% de las muertes registradas durante el período 2001-2003 en México dentro del grupo de edad de 60 y más años habrían sido evitables si las personas con exceso de peso (pertenecientes a los dos quintiles superiores de IMC hubiesen tenido el peso ideal (quintil medio o tercer quintil de IMC. A nivel individual se estima que las personas de 60 años con exceso de peso (cuarto y quinto quintiles de IMC viven cuatro años menos, en promedio, que las personas con peso normal (tercer quintil de IMC.

  9. In vitro fertilisation when normal sperm morphology is less than ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The outcome of in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer in 90 couples where the husband's normal sperm morphology was less than 15% were analysed. Based on the percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa the patients were divided into three groups: group A - normal morphological features 0 - 5%; group B - 6 ...

  10. Gang Youth, Substance Use Patterns, and Drug Normalization (United States)

    Sanders, Bill


    Gang membership is an indicator of chronic illicit substance use and such patterns of use may have a normalized character. Using epidemiological and qualitative data collected between 2006 and 2007, this manuscript examines the drug normalization thesis among a small sample (n=60) of gang youth aged 16-25 years from Los Angeles. Overall, while…

  11. Prognostic implications of normal exercise thallium 201 images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wahl, J.M.; Hakki, A.H.; Iskandrian, A.S.


    A study was made of 455 patients (mean age, 51 years) in whom exercise thallium 201 scintigrams performed for suspected coronary artery disease were normal. Of those, 322 (71%) had typical or atypical angina pectoris and 68% achieved 85% or more maximal predicted heart rate. The exercise ECGs were abnormal in 68 patients (15%), normal in 229 (50%), and inconclusive in 158 (35%). Ventricular arrhythmias occurred during exercise in 194 patients (43%). After a mean follow-up period of 14 months, four patients had had cardiac events, sudden cardiac death in one and nonfatal myocardial infarctions in three. None of the four patients had abnormal exercise ECGs. Two had typical and two had atypical angina pectoris. Normal exercise thallium 201 images identify patients at a low risk for future cardiac events (0.8% per year), patients with abnormal exercise ECGs but normal thallium images have good prognoses, and exercise thallium 201 imaging is a better prognostic predictor than treadmill exercise testing alone, because of the high incidence of inconclusive exercise ECGs and the good prognosis in patients with abnormal exercise ECGs

  12. Distinguishing hyperhidrosis and normal physiological sweat production

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorlacius, Linnea; Gyldenløve, Mette; Zachariae, Claus


    of this study was to establish reference intervals for normal physiological axillary and palmar sweat production. METHODS: Gravimetric testing was performed in 75 healthy control subjects. Subsequently, these results were compared with findings in a cohort of patients with hyperhidrosis and with the results...... 100 mg/5 min. CONCLUSIONS: A sweat production rate of 100 mg/5 min as measured by gravimetric testing may be a reasonable cut-off value for distinguishing axillary and palmar hyperhidrosis from normal physiological sweat production....

  13. Sampling from the normal and exponential distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaplin, K.R.; Wills, C.A.


    Methods for generating random numbers from the normal and exponential distributions are described. These involve dividing each function into subregions, and for each of these developing a method of sampling usually based on an acceptance rejection technique. When sampling from the normal or exponential distribution, each subregion provides the required random value with probability equal to the ratio of its area to the total area. Procedures written in FORTRAN for the CYBER 175/CDC 6600 system are provided to implement the two algorithms

  14. Semigroups of data normalization functions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Warrens, Matthijs J.


    Variable centering and scaling are functions that are typically used in data normalization. Various properties of centering and scaling functions are presented. It is shown that if we use two centering functions (or scaling functions) successively, the result depends on the order in which the

  15. Normalization and experimental design for ChIP-chip data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alekseyenko Artyom A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Chromatin immunoprecipitation on tiling arrays (ChIP-chip has been widely used to investigate the DNA binding sites for a variety of proteins on a genome-wide scale. However, several issues in the processing and analysis of ChIP-chip data have not been resolved fully, including the effect of background (mock control subtraction and normalization within and across arrays. Results The binding profiles of Drosophila male-specific lethal (MSL complex on a tiling array provide a unique opportunity for investigating these topics, as it is known to bind on the X chromosome but not on the autosomes. These large bound and control regions on the same array allow clear evaluation of analytical methods. We introduce a novel normalization scheme specifically designed for ChIP-chip data from dual-channel arrays and demonstrate that this step is critical for correcting systematic dye-bias that may exist in the data. Subtraction of the mock (non-specific antibody or no antibody control data is generally needed to eliminate the bias, but appropriate normalization obviates the need for mock experiments and increases the correlation among replicates. The idea underlying the normalization can be used subsequently to estimate the background noise level in each array for normalization across arrays. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the methods with the MSL complex binding data and other publicly available data. Conclusion Proper normalization is essential for ChIP-chip experiments. The proposed normalization technique can correct systematic errors and compensate for the lack of mock control data, thus reducing the experimental cost and producing more accurate results.

  16. Empirical evaluation of data normalization methods for molecular classification. (United States)

    Huang, Huei-Chung; Qin, Li-Xuan


    Data artifacts due to variations in experimental handling are ubiquitous in microarray studies, and they can lead to biased and irreproducible findings. A popular approach to correct for such artifacts is through post hoc data adjustment such as data normalization. Statistical methods for data normalization have been developed and evaluated primarily for the discovery of individual molecular biomarkers. Their performance has rarely been studied for the development of multi-marker molecular classifiers-an increasingly important application of microarrays in the era of personalized medicine. In this study, we set out to evaluate the performance of three commonly used methods for data normalization in the context of molecular classification, using extensive simulations based on re-sampling from a unique pair of microRNA microarray datasets for the same set of samples. The data and code for our simulations are freely available as R packages at GitHub. In the presence of confounding handling effects, all three normalization methods tended to improve the accuracy of the classifier when evaluated in an independent test data. The level of improvement and the relative performance among the normalization methods depended on the relative level of molecular signal, the distributional pattern of handling effects (e.g., location shift vs scale change), and the statistical method used for building the classifier. In addition, cross-validation was associated with biased estimation of classification accuracy in the over-optimistic direction for all three normalization methods. Normalization may improve the accuracy of molecular classification for data with confounding handling effects; however, it cannot circumvent the over-optimistic findings associated with cross-validation for assessing classification accuracy.

  17. The effects of shear and normal stress paths on rock friction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olsson, W.A.


    The effect of variable normal stress on the coefficient of friction of smooth artificial surfaces in welded tuff was studied. The shear stress response to changes in normal stress during constant-velocity sliding suggests that friction depends on the history of the normal stress; or, more generally, the path in shear/normal stress space. 6 refs., 5 figs

  18. Indentation stiffness does not discriminate between normal and degraded articular cartilage. (United States)

    Brown, Cameron P; Crawford, Ross W; Oloyede, Adekunle


    Relative indentation characteristics are commonly used for distinguishing between normal healthy and degraded cartilage. The application of this parameter in surgical decision making and an appreciation of articular cartilage biomechanics has prompted us to hypothesise that it is difficult to define a reference stiffness to characterise normal articular cartilage. This hypothesis is tested for validity by carrying out biomechanical indentation of articular cartilage samples that are characterised as visually normal and degraded relative to proteoglycan depletion and collagen disruption. Compressive loading was applied at known strain rates to visually normal, artificially degraded and naturally osteoarthritic articular cartilage and observing the trends of their stress-strain and stiffness characteristics. While our results demonstrated a 25% depreciation in the stiffness of individual samples after proteoglycan depletion, they also showed that when compared to the stiffness of normal samples only 17% lie outside the range of the stress-strain behaviour of normal samples. We conclude that the extent of the variability in the properties of normal samples, and the degree of overlap (81%) of the biomechanical properties of normal and degraded matrices demonstrate that indentation data cannot form an accurate basis for distinguishing normal from abnormal articular cartilage samples with consequences for the application of this mechanical process in the clinical environment.

  19. Quasi-normal modes from non-commutative matrix dynamics (United States)

    Aprile, Francesco; Sanfilippo, Francesco


    We explore similarities between the process of relaxation in the BMN matrix model and the physics of black holes in AdS/CFT. Focusing on Dyson-fluid solutions of the matrix model, we perform numerical simulations of the real time dynamics of the system. By quenching the equilibrium distribution we study quasi-normal oscillations of scalar single trace observables, we isolate the lowest quasi-normal mode, and we determine its frequencies as function of the energy. Considering the BMN matrix model as a truncation of N=4 SYM, we also compute the frequencies of the quasi-normal modes of the dual scalar fields in the AdS5-Schwarzschild background. We compare the results, and we finda surprising similarity.

  20. Investigation of normal organ development with fetal MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prayer, Daniela; Brugger, Peter C.


    The understanding of the presentation of normal organ development on fetal MRI forms the basis for recognition of pathological states. During the second and third trimesters, maturational processes include changes in size, shape and signal intensities of organs. Visualization of these developmental processes requires tailored MR protocols. Further prerequisites for recognition of normal maturational states are unequivocal intrauterine orientation with respect to left and right body halves, fetal proportions, and knowledge about the MR presentation of extrafetal/intrauterine organs. Emphasis is laid on the demonstration of normal MR appearance of organs that are frequently involved in malformation syndromes. In addition, examples of time-dependent contrast enhancement of intrauterine structures are given. (orig.)