
Sample records for neutrons rapidos filtrados

  1. Filtrado digital compuesto

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    José de Jesús Medel Juárez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se describen las características de operación de un Filtro Digital Compuesto, el cual está formado por dos estimadores que intervienen en el filtro de Kalman; el primero de ellos corresponde al gradiente estocástico para obtener la función de transición y el segundo, ajusta la ganancia del proceso de innovación por medio de la lógica difusa. En el proceso de filtrado se cuenta con restricciones de tiempo para que su respuesta ocurra antes de que el sistema de referencia cambie a otro estado. Los resultados obtenidos están desarrollados formalmente a lo largo del documento. Se propone un Modelo Auto-regresivo de Promedios Móviles (MARPM (1,1 como sistema de referencia. El algoritmo de filtrado fue desarrollado con el programa MatLab® obteniendo las gráficas de su operación, convergencia y respuesta. Concluyendo con un pequeño análisis de los resultados.

  2. The determination of sulphur in materials of high neutron absorption cross-section by fast-neutron activation analysis; Determination du soufre dans les matieres de forte section efficace d'absorption neutronique, au moyen d'une analyse par activation avec des neutrons rapides; Opredelenie sery v materialakh s bol'shim secheniem pogloshcheniya nejtronov metodom aktivatsionnogo analiza bystrykh nejtronov; Determinacion del azufre en sustancias de elevada seccion eficaz de absorcion neutronica mediante analisis por activacion con neutrones rapidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gibbons, D; Simpson, H [Wantage Research Laboratory (A.E.R.E.), Wantage, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    The production of radiophosphorus by the fast neutron (n, p) reaction on sulphur is used for the determination of sulphur by activation analysis. Using this technique it is possible to determine sulphur in materials of high thermal-neutron absorption cross-section because the absorption cross-sections for fast neutrons are, in general, much lower than those for slow neutrons, so that self-shielding errors are considerably reduced. Interference due to the slow neutron (n, {gamma}) reaction on neutral phosphorus is eliminated by a double irradiation technique involving irradiation in regions of differing slow/fast flux-ratios. The method has been applied to the determination of sulphur in chromium and arsenic. (author) [French] La production de radiophosphore par reaction (n, p) de neutrons rapides sur le soufre est utilisee pour la determination du soufre au moyen d'une analyse par activation. Cette methode permet la determination du soufre dans les matieres de forte section efficace d'absorption des neutrons thermiques; en effet, les sections efficaces d'absorption des neutrons rapides sont, d'une maniere generale, beaucoup plus faibles que pour les neutrons lents, de sorte que les erreurs d'autoprotection se trouvent considerablement reduites. L'interference due a la reaction (n, {gamma}) des neutrons lents sur le phosphore naturel est eliminee par une double irradiation, qui implique une irradiation dans les regions ou le rapport du flux de neutrons lents au flux de neutrons rapides a des valeurs differentes. La methode a ete appliquee a la determination du soufre dans le chrome et l'arsenic. (author) [Spanish] La formacion de fosforo radiactivo por la accion de los neutrones rapidos sobre el azufre, reaccion (n, p), puede servir para determinar este elemento mediante analisis por activacion. El empleo de esta tecnica permite efectuar determinaciones de azufre en materiales de elevada seccion eficaz de absorcion de neutrones termicos porque, en general, las

  3. A critical summary of microscopic fast-neutron interactions with reactor structural, fissile and fertile materials; Apercu critique des interactions microscopiques des neutrons rapides avec les materiaux de construction et les matieres fissiles et fertiles utilisees dans les reacteurs; Kriticheskij obzor mikroskopicheskog o vzaimodejstviya bystrykh nejtronov s konstruktsionnymi, rasshcheplyayushchimis ya i vosproizvodyashchim i reaktornymi materialami; Resumen critico de las interacciones microscopicas de los neutrones rapidos con los materiales estructurales fisionables y fertiles utilizados en los reactores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, A B [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    reactions provoquees par des neutrons rapides, en insistant sur les conditions que doivent remplir, dans les reacteurs, les donnees nucleaires fondamentales. (author) [Spanish] El autor examina el estado actual de los conocimientos acerca de las reacciones inducidas por los neutrones rapidos que se utilizan en el proyecto de reactores nucleares. Estudia con particular atencion los metodos experimentales microscopicos, sus resultados y la precision de los mismos. Considera con detalle la dispersion de los neutrones rapidos, y da los resultados de mediciones experimentales de la dispersion en el caso del oxigeno, hierro, zirconio, niobio, wolframio, torio y uranio. Expone los resultados mas significativos de los estudios experimentales de la captura de neutrones rapidos y de la fision inducida por los mismos. Las mediciones estudiadas no solo conducen a resultados de gran utilidad practica, sino que sirven como ejemplos de la aplicacion de las tecnicas nucleares experimentales mas modernas. El autor indica los terrenos en que la informacion experimental es limitada, contradictoria o inexistente. Por ultimo, formula previsiones sobre el desarrollo de los conocimientos relativos a las reacciones de los neutrones rapidos, subrayando lo referente al cumplimiento de las condiciones necesarias para que el reactor proporcione datos nucleares basicos. (author) [Russian] V doklade rassmatrivaetsya primenenie shiroko rasprostranenny kh znanij o reaktsiyakh, vyzyvaemykh bystrymi nejtronami v yadernykh proektakh reaktornykh sistem. Osnovnoe znachenie pridaetsya mikroskopicheski m ehksperimental'ny m metodam, rezul'tatam i tochnosti. Podrobno rassmatrivaetsya rasseyanie bystrykh nejtronov, vklyuchaya rezul'taty ehksperimental'nogo opredeleniya rasseyaniya na kislorode, zheleze, tsirkonii, niobii, vol'frame, torii i urane. Privodyatsya dannye, poluchennye v rezul'tate ehksperimental'ny kh issledovanij zakhvata bystrykh nejtronov i deleniya, vyzvannogo nejtronami. Izmereniya, privedennye v

  4. The Biological Effect of Fast Neutrons and High-Energy Protons; Effets Biologiques des Neutrons Rapides et des Protons de Haute Energie; Biologicheskoe dejstvie bystrykh nejtronov i protonov vysokikh ehnergii; Efectos Biologicos de los Neutrones Rapidos y de los Protones de Elevada Energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moskalev, Ju. I.; Petrovich, I. K.; Strel' cova, V. N.


    peut subir des variations sensibles en fonction du temps pour un seul et meme indice. Longtemps apres une irradiation par des neutrons rapides ou par des protons, on constate chez le rat l'apparition de tumeurs benignes et malignes dans divers tissus, notamment dans le tissu hematopoie tique, les glandes mammaires, l'hypophyse, l'uterus, les ovaires, la prostate, les testicules, la thyroide, la glande cervicale, le pancreas, les glandes surrenales, le foie, les reins, les poumons, le tractus gastro-intestinal, le tissu cellulaire sous-cutane, les ganglions lymphatiques, la vessie, etc. La frequence globale des tumeurs et le nombre des apparitions simultanees de neoplasmes en plusieurs endroits ont ete deux a trois fois plus eleves chez les femelles que chez les males. La dose minimum de neutrons necessaire pour provoquer une tumeur des glandes mammaires semble legerement inferieure a 42,5rad. La frequence des tumeurs de l'hypophyse est la plus elevee lorsque la dose est de 42,5 rad. A cette meme dose,. on constate l'apparition de leucoses et de tumeurs de la thyroide. Lors d'une irradiation par des protons, la dose minimum necessaire pour provoquer une tumeur est de l'ordre de 250 rad pour le tissu hematopoietique et la thyroide, de 300 rad pour les testicules et de 100 rad pour la prostate et le tissu cellulaire sous-cutane. Lors d'une irradiation par les neutrons rapides, les tumeurs des testicules, du gros intestin, des reins et du foie sont plus frequentes pour 42,5 a 85 rad et les tumeurs de la peau et du tissu cellulaire sous-cutane pour 85 rad. Dans le cas d'une irradiation par neutrons rapides, les tumeurs se produisent a des doses inferieures (d'environ 3 a 5 fois) aux doses de protons. (author) [Spanish] Los autores presentan los resultados de experimentos efectuados con miras a comparar el efecto de los neutrones rapidos y el de los protones de elevada energia (500 MeV) sobre la duracion de la vida, las caracteristicas de la sangre periferica, asi como la

  5. RBE of Monoenergetic Fast Neutrons: Cytogenetic Effects in Maize; EBR des Neutrons Rapides Monoenergeniques: Effets Cytogenetiques sur le Mais; Obeh monoehnergeticheskikh bystrykh nejtronov: tsitogeneticheskie izmeneniya u kukuruzy; EBR de los Neutrones Rapidos Monoenergeticos: Efectos Citogeneticos en el Maiz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, H. H.; Bateman, J. L.; Quastler, H.; Rossi, H. H. [Biology and Medical Departments, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States)


    secteurs mutants g{sub 2}. (author) [Spanish] La variedad de maiz utilizada en los experimentos descritos presenta la ventaja, desde el punto de vista del estudio de la EBR, de proporcionar una curva dosis-respuesta que es basicamente de primer grado, tanto para las radiaciones de TLE elevada como para las de TLE baja. Los autores emplearon un aparato de exposicion que produce intensidades de dosis esencialmente iguales en cinco anillos de semillas colocadas de modo que intercepten a los neutrones de 0,43, 0,65, 1,00 1,50 y 1,80 MeV. Se supone que los sectores mutantes producidos en las hojas se deben en su mayor parte a una simple ruptura y eliminacion de cromosomas. Se realizaron experimentos con dosis adecuadas para obtener respuestas lineales, inferiores al valor de saturacion, y tales que los intervalos correspondientes a los neutrones rapidos monoenergeticos y a los rayos X de 250 kVp se superpongan parcialmente. Los valores de la EBR calculados a base de las pendientes comparadas de las curvas de regresion de primer grado para los neutrones y los rayos X respectivamente, varian entre 42 y 135, con una media global del orden'de 70. De todos los neutrones rapidos utilizados en los experimentos, los mas eficaces para producir sectores mutantes g{sub 2} fueron los de 0,43 MeV. (author) [Russian] Kukuruza, ispol'zovannaja v jetih jeksperimentah, obladaet preimushhestvom dlja izuchenija OBJe pri poluchenii krivoj pervogo porjadka zavisimosti reakcii ot dozy dlja izuchenij s nizkim i vysokim LPJe. Primenjalas' ustanovka dlja obluchenija, kotoraja obespechivala po sushhestvu ravnye moshhnosti doz dlja raspolozhennyh v kol'cevom porjadke pjati rjadov semjan pri obluchenii nejtronami s jenergiej 0,43, 0,65, 1,00, 1,50 i 1,80 Mjev. Sektory mutantov, poluchaemye v list'jah, kak polagajut, dolzhny, glavnym obrazom, uproshhat' razryv i uterju hromosom. Byli provedeny jeksperimenty pri urovnjah doz, kotorye vyzyvali otvetnye reakcii s linejnoj zavisimost'ju nizhe urovnja

  6. Angular distributions of fast neutrons scattered by Al, Si, P, S and Zn; Distributions angulaires des neutrons rapides diffuses par Al, Si, P, S et Zn; Usloviya raspredeleniya bystrykh nejtronov, rasseyannykh alyuminiem, kremniem, fosforom i tsinkom; Distribuciones angulares de neutrones rapidos dispersados por Al, Si, P, S y Zn

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tstjkaija, K; Tanaka, S; Maeuyama, M; Tomita, Y [Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-Mtjea (Japan)


    Differential scattering cross-sections of Al, Si, P, S and Zn for fast neutrons have been measured in an energy range of 3.4 to 4.6 MeV by using the time-of-flight method. Angular distributions of the inelastically scattered neutrons are nearly isotropic in all cases. These results are discussed on the basis of the Hauser-Feshbach theory. (author) [French] Les sections efficaces differentielles de diffusion de Al, Si, P, S et Zn pour des neutrons rapides ont ete mesurees dans la gamme d'energies de 3,4 a 4,6 MeV, en employant la methode du temps de vol. Les distributions angulaires des neutrons diffuses inelastiquement sont presque isotropes dans tous les cas. Les auteurs analysent ces resultats en se fondant sur la theorie de Hauser-Feshbach. (author) [Spanish] Los autores han medido por el metodo del tiempo de vuelo las secciones eficaces diferenciales de dispersion del Al, Si, P, S y Zn para neutrones rapidos de energia comprendida entre 3,4 y 4,6 MeV. Las distribuciones angulares de los neutrones dispersados inelasticamente son casi isotropicas en todos los casos. Los autores analizan los resultados obtenidos basandose en la teoria de Hauser-Feshbach . (author) [Russian] Differentsial'no e sechenie rasseyaniya alyuminiya, kremniya, fosfora, sery i tsinka dlya bystrykh nejtronov izmereno v diapazone ehnergii ot 3,4 do 4,6 Megaehlektronvol't ispol'zovanie m metoda vremeni proleta. Uglovye raspredeleniya neuprugo rasseyannykh nejtronov yavlyayutsya pochti vo vsekh sluchayakh izotropnymi. Jeti rezul'taty obsuzhdayutsya na osnove teorii Hauzera-Feshbakha. (author)

  7. Filtrado Adaptativo de Componentes Involuntarias en Marcha Asistida por Andador para Detección de Intenciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Frizera


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo, se presenta un método de filtrado adaptativo para la eliminación de las componentes involuntarias de las fuerzas de interacción entre el usuario y el andador por el apoyo de sus miembros superiores. Este proceso se basa en la atenuación selectiva de componentes relacionadas con las oscilaciones del tronco del sujeto durante la marcha. Para ello, se hace la estimación de la cadencia de marcha en tiempo real procesando las señales de distancia obtenidas por un subsistema ultrasónico mediante el algoritmo Weighted-Frequency Fourier Linear Combiner (WFLC. Este subsistema suministra la distancia entre los pies del usuario y el andador en tiempo real. La cadencia a su vez es usada para el ajuste de un filtro notch adaptativo construido a partir del algoritmo Fourier Linear Combiner (FLC que realiza el filtrado en tiempo real de las señales obtenidas del subsistema de medición de fuerzas de apoyo de antebrazos. El método propuesto ofrece una cancelación robusta y en tiempo real de cerca del 80% de la amplitud de las componentes indeseadas de frecuencia. La salida del algoritmo de filtrado propuesto permite así evidenciar componentes de fuerzas de bajo nivel pero muy importantes ya que están generadas por acciones intencionales y naturales asociadas a las intenciones de guiado del andador. Estas componentes serán utilizadas en el control de los motores del andador basándose en una arquitectura de control clásico que será desarrollada posteriormente. Palabras clave: Robótica de rehabilitación, interfaz hombre-máquina, filtrado adaptativo, detección de intenciones, marcha humana

  8. Evaluation of Dose: Comparative Effect of Fast Neutrons and other Types of Radiation on the Survival of E. Coli and S. Cerevisiae; Evaluation de la Dose Delivree et Actions Comparees des Neutrons Rapides et d'Autres Radiations sur la Survie de E. Coli et S. Cerevisiae; Otsenka dozy i sravnitel'noe vliyanie bystrykh nejtronov i drugikh vidov izlucheniya na vyzhivaemost' E. Coli i S. Cerevisiae; Evaluacion de la Dosis Suministrada y Comparacion de la Accion de los Neutrones Rapidos sobre la Supervivencia del E. Coli y del S. Cerevisiae con la de Otras Radiaciones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arnaud, Y.; Bocquet, C. [Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay (France)


    diverses radiations dependent de l'organisme vivant etudie, du critere biologique choisi, mais aussi de la dose d'irradiation avec laquelle on fait la comparaison. L'efficacite biologique relative apparait dans ces experiences comme etant egalement une fonction de la dose. L'action des neutrons rapides et des rayons X releve souvent de processus radiobiologique differents. Il est arbitraire de relier entre elles les doses de ces diverses radiations par des relations lineaires. (author) [Spanish] Junto al reactor EL3 se encuentra un convertidor de uranio que permite obtener neutrones rapidos. Con una bateria de camaras de fision se mide el flujo y la distribucion espectral de los neutrones rapidos. Estos micro- detectores estan colocados en diversos puntos del volumen que se ha de irradiar y permiten evaluar experimentalmente la dosis absorbida en los tejidos. Gracias a este dispositivo y a este sistema de dosimetria, los autores han podido comparar la accion de los neutrones rapidos con las de otras radiaciones ionizantes (rayos X, rayos y) sobre organismos unicelulares. En este trabajo, estudian el porcentaje de supervivencia y la frecuencia de una mutacion morfologica en el Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Tambien han trazado la curva de supervivencia del Escherichia coli, expuesto a rayos X y a neutrones. La observacion de los resultados indica que los efectos biologicos relativos de estas diversas radiaciones dependen del organismo vivo estudiado, del criterio biologico elegido y, ademas, de la dosis de irradiacion con que se realiza la comparacion. Tambien se deduce de estos experimentos que la eficacia biologica relativa es funcion de la dosis. A menudo, la accion de los neutrones rapidos y de los rayos X depende de diferentes procesos radiobiologicos. Seria arbitrario establecer relaciones lineales entre las dosis de dichas radiaciones. (author) [Russian] Na reaktore EL-3 imeetsja uranovyj preobrazovatel, pozvoljajushhij poluchat' bystrye nejtrony. Batareja kamer delenija

  9. The Pulsed Neutron Technique Applied to Fast Non-Multiplying Assemblies; Application de la Methode des Neutrons Pulses aux Assemblages Non Multiplicateurs a Neutrons Rapides; Primenenie metoda impul'snykh nejtronov pri izuchenii povedeniya bystrykh nejtronov v nerazmnozhayushchikh sborkakh; Aplicacion de la Tecnica de los Neutrones Pulsados a Conjuntos Rapidos de Materiales No Multiplicadores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beghian, L. E.; Wilensky, S. [Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (United States)


    Boltzmann qui est fonction du temps (c'est-a-dire une dimension, une vitesse). Les constantes de decroissance ont ete mesurees pour des plaques de plomb de 70 cm x 80 cm et de 5, 10, 15 et 20 cm d'epaisseur. Apres correction pour tenir compte de la degradation en energie et des dimensions finies de l'assemblage, les resultats sont compares aux solutions approchees de l'equation de transport de Boltzmann. (author) [Spanish] Los autores han empleado un acelerador Van de Graafi, que emitia rafagas de neutrones pulsados del orden del nanosegundo, para estudiar el comportamiento de los neutrones rapidos en conjuntos de metales no multiplicadores. Emplearon esta tecnica de la fuente de neutrones pulsados a fin de medir las secciones eficaces de dispersion inelastica de los neutrones rapidos en el Fe. El metodo empleado es analogo al utilizado para medir las secciones eficaces de absorcion en conjuntos termicos, salvo el hecho de que los tiempos de decrecimiento de los neutrones rapidos son del orden del nanosegundo mas bien que del microsegundo. En estos experimentos, se inyectaron rafagas de neutrones monoenergeticos, del orden del nanosegundo, en conjuntos de Fe de diversas dimensiones. Se observo que, en esos conjuntos, el flujo neutronico decrece exponencialmente con una constante caracteristica. Esta constante de decrecimiento esta constituida por una suma de terminos que representan la perdida de neutrones debidos al escape y a la degradacion energetica. Esta ultima representa una perdida de neutrones toda vez que se emplea un detector neutronico polarizado. El termino de eliminacion correspondiente a la dispersion elastica e inelastica puede determinarse midiendo la constante de decrecimiento en funcion de las dimensiones del conjunto de que se trate. Los autores exponen un procedimiento teorico que permite calcular la medida en que la dispersion elastica contribuye al termino de eliminacion, con lo que puede calcularse subsiguientemente la seccion eficaz de dispersion

  10. The Control of Fast Reactors: Current Methods and Future Prospects; Controle des Reacteurs a Neutrons Rapides. Methodes Actuelles et Perspectives d'Avenir; Upravlenie reaktorami na bystrykh nejtronakh. sushchestvuyushchie metody i dal'nejshie perspektivy; Control de Reactores Rapidos: Metodos Actuales y Perspectivas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loewenstein, W. B. [Argonne National Laboratory, IL (United States)


    pour determiner leurs effets sur la quantite de reactivite qu'il faut donner aux barres de controle. Les methodes utilisees pour la prevision de l'efficacite des mecanismes de controle ont evolue: au debut, il s'agissait d'evaluations approximatives; on fait maintenant des calculs tout a fait surs que peuvent confirmer les donnees experimentales obtenues grace aux assemblages critiques. L'auteur indique dans ce memoire certains resultats experimentaux et expose les methodes analytiques sflres que l'on emploie couramment. Les experiences critiques portant sur la generation actuelle de reacteurs a neutrons rapides ont comporte de nombreuses recherches concernant l'efficacite de leur mecanisme de commande, ainsi que des experiences a la peripherie du coeur pour l'etude de reacteurs perfectionnes ayant un coeur d'un plus grand volume. L'auteur mentionne des etudes analytiques preliminaires qui montrent qu'il ne faudra peut-etre pas proceder dans l'avenir a des recherches experimentales detaillees sur maquette. (author) [Spanish] El autor examina los aspectos practicos del problema consistente en obtener una reactividad suficiente para el control de los reactores de neutrones rapidos, control que es muy diferente del utilizado en los sistemas de neutrones termicos. Las diferencias se deben en primer lugar a los valores relativamente pequenos de las secciones eficaces para los neutrones rapidos. En un sistema de neutrones rapidos no hay venenos fuertes. Como consecuencia, los fuertes venenos de fision (por ejemplo, el Xe y el Sm) en los reactores termicos exigen un exceso de reactividad mucho menor que la perdida de reactividad causada por la destruccion del material fisionable por fision y captura. Como las secciones eficaces del espectro de neutrones rapidos son relativamente pequenas comparadas con las correspondientes a los neutrones termicos, la densidad atomica del material desempena un papel importante al elegir los materiales de las barras de control. El autor

  11. The RAPIDOS project—European and Chinese collaborative research on biomaterials

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    David Eglin


    Full Text Available The research project entitled “rapid prototyping of custom-made bone-forming tissue engineering constructs” (RAPIDOS is one of the three unique projects that are the result of the first coordinated call for research proposals in biomaterials launched by the European Union Commission and the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2013 for facilitating bilateral translational research. We formed the RAPIDOS European and Chinese consortium with the aim of applying technologies creating custom-made tissue engineered constructs made of resorbable polymer and calcium phosphate ceramic composites specifically designed by integrating the following: (1 imaging and information technologies, (2 biomaterials and process engineering, and (3 biological and biomedical engineering for novel and truly translational bone repair solutions. Advanced solid free form fabrication technologies, precise stereolithography, and low-temperature rapid prototyping provide the necessary control to create innovative high-resolution medical implants. The use of Chinese medicine extracts, such as the bone anabolic factor icaritin, which has been shown to promote osteogenic differentiation of stem cells and enhance bone healing in vivo, is a safe and technologically relevant alternative to the intensely debated growth factors delivery strategies. This unique initiative driven by a global consortium is expected to accelerate scientific progress in the important field of biomaterials and to foster strong scientific cooperation between China and Europe.

  12. Fluorescent lighting system of modified fast starting system; Sistema de alumbrado fluorescente de arranque rapido modificado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mendoza E, Ernesto J [Manufacturera De Reactores, S. A., Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper puts into perspective the possible energy saving in using hybrid ballasts for the operation of fast starting lamps. It presents in summarized form some fundamentals of the fluorescent lamps operation, as well as the fast starting modified systems. Also the results of field operation are shown, as well as the effects on the useful life of the lamp T12 as well as the T8. [Espanol] Este trabajo pone en perspectiva el ahorro de energia posible, al emplear balastros hibridos para operar lamparas de arranque rapido. Presenta en forma resumida algunos fundamentos de la operacion de lamparas fluorescentes, asi como de los sistemas de arranque rapido modificado. Se muestran tambien resultados de operacion de campo, asi como los efectos sobre la vida util de las lamparas, tanto T12 como T8.

  13. Fluorescent lighting system of modified fast starting system; Sistema de alumbrado fluorescente de arranque rapido modificado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mendoza E, Ernesto J. [Manufacturera De Reactores, S. A., Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper puts into perspective the possible energy saving in using hybrid ballasts for the operation of fast starting lamps. It presents in summarized form some fundamentals of the fluorescent lamps operation, as well as the fast starting modified systems. Also the results of field operation are shown, as well as the effects on the useful life of the lamp T12 as well as the T8. [Espanol] Este trabajo pone en perspectiva el ahorro de energia posible, al emplear balastros hibridos para operar lamparas de arranque rapido. Presenta en forma resumida algunos fundamentos de la operacion de lamparas fluorescentes, asi como de los sistemas de arranque rapido modificado. Se muestran tambien resultados de operacion de campo, asi como los efectos sobre la vida util de las lamparas, tanto T12 como T8.

  14. Design and construction of a fast critical facility; Etude et construction d'un ensemble critique a neutrons rapides; Proektirovanie i sooruzhenie kriticheskoj sborki na bystrykh nejtronakh; Proyecto u construccion de un conjunto critico de neutrones rapidos

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    Kato, W Y; Dates, L R [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    criteres qui ont servi a mettre au point ses elements du point de vue de la physique des reacteurs. Ils presentent egalement des considerations sur le mode d'exploitation et de fonctionnement, sur les risques de manipulation, sur les methodes d'experiences qu'il convient d'utiliser et sur le cout de la construction. (author) [Spanish] Los conjuntos criticos constituyen auxiliares sumamente valiosos en los programas de perfeccionamiento de los reactores rapidos de potencia. Con ellos se pueden comprobar tecnicas de calculo y series de secciones eficaces neutronicas, y se obtienen los parametros fisicos necesarios para el proyecto de reactores de potencia. Como se trata primordialmente de un instrumento de fisica, el diseno del propio conjunto critico de neutrones rapidos implica la solucion de problemas que difieren radicalmente de los que se plantean en el diseno de los reactores de potencia. Ademas de las cuestiones habituales de emplazamiento, confinamiento, proyecto del cuerpo y del instrumental, se plantean problemas como el de alcanzar un elevado grado de flexibilidad en la aplicacion sin detrimento de la seguridad, hallar las dimensiones y el tipo de conjunto mas adecuado para satisfacer las necesidades de la fisica experimental, determinar el numero y la posicion de las barras de control y de seguridad para reducir a un minimo los efectos perturbadores y asegurar la reproducibilidad en el empleo de las barras de control y otros elementos moviles para lograr la precision requerida en la medicion de la reactividad. La memoria discute estos y otros problemas basandose en la experiencia adquirida en el Argonne National Laboratory, que en su centro de Lemont, Illinois, esta construyendo un conjunto critico de neutrones rapidos, el ZPR-VI, destinado a la realizacion de estudios sobre la fisica de los reactores rapidos. El ZPR-VI es del tipo de cuerpo dividido, como el ZPR-III. El volumen de su matriz es 2,5 veces superior al de la matriz del modelo anterior y servira para

  15. A pulsed fast reactor; Un reacteur pulse a neutrons rapides; Impul'snyj reaktor na bystrykh nejtronakh; Reactor rapido pulsado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blokhin, G. E.; Blokhintsev, D. I.; Blyumkina, Yu. A.; Bondarenko, I. I.; Deryagin, B. N.; Zajmovskij, A. S.; Zinov' ev, V. P.; Kazachkovskij, O. D.; Krasnoyarov, N. V.; Lejpunskij, A. I.; Malykh, V. A.; Nazarov, P. M.; Nikolaev, S. K.; Stavisskij, Yu. Ya.; Ukraintsev, F. I.; Frank, I. M.; Shapiro, F. Ji.; Yazvitskij, Yu. S. [Akademiya Nauk, Moscow, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    temperature de la reactivite. (author) [Spanish] Desde diciembre de 1960, el reactor de impulsos de neutrones rapidos IBR viene funcionando a su potencia nominal en el Instituto Central de Investigaciones Nucleares. Dicho reactor se utiliza como fuente pulsante de neutrones para realizar experimentos de fisica por el metodo del tiempo de vuelo. Se llevan a cabo determinacione s de las secciones eficaces totales, de las secciones eficaces de captura de neutrones intermedios, estudios de las interacciones de los neutrones lentos con los solidos y los liquidos y mediciones de los espectros neutronicos en distintos medios. Los autores describen las principales caracteristicas constructivas del reactor y los resultados de los estudios realizados mediante el mismo. Este reactor trabaja con arreglo a un regimen de impulsos periodicos. Los impulsos de potencia se originan cuando la parte movil del cuerpo, fijada a un disco giratorio, atraviesa la parte estacionaria con una velocidad del orden de los 230 m/s. Gracias a la presencia de una zona movible auxiliar, es posible variar la frecuencia de los impulsos de potencia entre 2,3 y 88 impulsos por segundo. La potencia media del reactor es de 1 kW y la duracion media de los impulsos, de 36 {mu}s. El reactor esta provisto de un sistema de mando y de seguridad que vela por el mantenimiento automatico de la potencia del reactor en su valor medio, asi como por su rapida detencion en caso de perturbacion del funcionamiento. Tambien posee el reactor conductores neutronicos de vacio, que se utilizan en los experimentos de tiempo de vuelo. El conducto principal tiene 1000 m de longitud. En el proceso de puesta en marcha y durante las investigaciones fisicas realizadas con el reactor, se estudio el efecto del desplazamiento de los organos de regulacion y de las partes moviles del cuerpo sobre la reactividad, se determino la duracion de los impulsos a distintos regimenes de trabajo del reactor y se estudiaron las fluctuaciones de la amplitud de

  16. Lens Opacification in Mice Exposed to Monoenergetic Fast Neutrons; Opacite du Cristallin chez la Souris Exposee aux Neutrons Rapides; Katarakty u myshej, obluchennykh monoehnergeticheskimi bystrymi nejtronami; Opacidad del Cristalino en los Ratones Expuestos a los Neutrones Rapidos Monoenergeticos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bateman, J. L.; Bond, V. P.; Rossi, H. H. [Medical Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States); Radiological Research Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Columbia University, New York, NY (United States)


    apres exposition a des doses relativement faibles de rayonnements. On a etudie les mecanismes de guerison dans plusieurs systemes cellulaires, avec des neutrons rapides monoenergetiques, et avec des rayons X ou des rayons gamma. On etudie maintenent les dommages chromosomiques, d'apres la frequence des anaphases anormales dans la regeneration du foie qui surviennent trois mois apres l'irradiation, chez des souris exposees aux rayons gamma avec des debits de doses variant de 0,2 a 100 rad /min. (author) [Spanish] Son muy numerosos los estudios de las reacciones radiologicas de los mamiferos pequefios, desde el nivel infracelular hasta el del organismo entero, llevados a cabo con radiaciones de baja TLE, tales como los rayos X o gamma. En cambio, son menos amplias las investigaciones efectuadas con radiacones de TLE mas elevada, como los neutrones rapidos. Y aun, en estas ultimas, la irradiacion se realizo con neutrones de una extensa gama energetica, y por lo tanto, de muy variada TLE. Ciertas reacciones entre un haz cargado y un blanco dan origen a neutrones cuyas energias dependen directamente del angulo que forman el eje de emision con el eje haz-blanco. Los autores emplearon una de aquellas reacciones en sus estudios de laboratorio, a saber, la reaccion proton/tritio. Por medio de la reduccion de peso del bazo y del timo en el raton, se ha comprobado que la eficacia biologica relativa (referidas a rayos X de 250 kVp)es del orden de 4 para una energia neutronica de 0,43 MeV, y se reduce hasta 3 para 1,80 MeV. El estudio del agotamiento de los espermatogonios da valores algo mayores de la EBR, pero su disminucion al aumentar la energia neutronica es similar. Dentro del mismo intervalo de energias neutronicas, se examino la inhibicion del metabolismo del acido nucleico en el intestino y la medula osea (mediante precursores de dicho acido nucleico marcados con radioisotopos) y los valores de la EBR obtenidos son generalmente menores. Se comprobo que la eficacia de los

  17. Integral physics data for fast-reactor design; Donnees de physique integrale intervenant dans les etudes de reacteur a neutrons rapides; Integral'nye fizicheskie dannye dlya raschetov reaktorov na bystrykh nejtronakh; Datos fisicos integrales para el diseno de reactores rapidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loewenstein, W B; Meneghetti, D [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    examinent ces donnees et decrivent leurs domaines d'application. Ils montrent que dans certaines analyses de spectre et d'etat critique, les resultats experimentaux et analytiques sont limites. Ils font des suggestions sur l'orientation des recherches experimentales et analytiques a venir. Elles combleraient le fosse entre la theorie et l'experience qui existe dans les systemes 'connus'. Ces propositions comprennent egalement des suggestions en vue de 'consolider' la physique de modeles theoriques de grands reacteurs surgenerateurs a neutrons rapides. (author) [Spanish] La preparacion del capitulo dedicado a la fisica de los reactores rapidos, en la segunda edicion de la publicacion 'Reactor Physics Constants' que aparecera en breve, exigio la recopilacion de los datos disponibles sobre experimentos integrales. La eleccion de los datos integrales de fisica de los reactores rapidos que se ha de incluir en esa seccion se baso en los dos criterios siguientes: a) que los datos provengan de sistemas relativamente simples que se presten para un analisis teorico sencillo; y b) que se trate de sistemas complejos que representan prototipos o maquetas que ofrecen interes general para el estudio de los reactores de potencia rapidos. Se fijo el primer criterio con la intencion de registrar los datos integrales de aquellos sistemas que tienen una utilidad mas general en la verificacion de los parametros y los procedimientos de calculo de las secciones eficaces. El segundo criterio se basa en la presentacion de los datos corrientes sobre sistemas reales de reactores de potencia reproductores rapidos. Estos son demasiado complicados para permitir un analisis teorico sencillo. Constituyen una demostracion de la complejidad del reactor real si se compara con la instalacion critica de experimentacio n mas esquematica y mas facil de analizar. Los datos fisicos integrales que intrevienen en el diseno de reactores constituyen el resultado de mediciones efectuadas en conjuntos criticos o

  18. Una revisión crítica de las técnicas de filtrado para la teoría de los ciclos económicos reales

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    Lopera Sierra John Fernando


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una revisión de diferentes investigaciones con respecto a dos elementos básicos de la teoría de los ciclos económicos reales: los factores que determinan los ciclos económicos y las técnicas de filtrado (estadísticas o económicas que permiten estimarlos. El trabajo concluye, al igual que otros estudios, que cuando se utilizan diferentes técnicas de filtrado es posible encontrar distintos hechos estilizados, lo cual condiciona las interpretaciones sobre los factores que determinan los ciclos.

  19. Herbicidal Potential of Drechslera spp. Culture Filtrates Against Parthenium hysterophorus L. Potencial Herbicida de Filtrados de Cultivo de Drechslera spp. Contra Parthenium hysterophorus L.

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    Arshad Javaid


    Full Text Available Herbicidal activity of culture filtrates of four Drechslera spp., namely D. australiensis (Bugnic. Subram. & B.L. Jain, D. biseptata (Sacc. & Roum. M.J. Richardson & E.M. Fraser, D. hawaiiensis Bugnic. ex M.B. Ellis, and D. holmii (Luttr. Subram. & P.C. Jain, prepared in malt extract broth was investigated against parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L. in both laboratory bioassays and pots. In laboratory bioassays, the effect of original (100% and diluted (50% culture filtrates of the four Drechslera spp. was studied on parthenium germination and seedling growth in 90 mm diameter Petri plates. Original culture filtrate of all the four Drechslera species significantly reduced germination, shoot length, shoot fresh biomass, root length, and root fresh biomass of parthenium seedlings by 43 to 77%, 77 to 82%, 69 to 82%, 90 to 92%, and 67 to 83%, respectively, as compared to the control. In pot trials, foliar application of original fungal culture filtrates was carried out on 1-wk and 2-wk old parthenium seedlings. Culture filtrates of all the four Drechslera spp., except D. holmii, markedly reduced parthenium shoot dry weight. Two-week-old plants were more susceptible to foliar spray than the 1-wk old plants. There was a 13 to 55% and 28 to 65% reduction in shoot dry weight of 1-wk and 2-wk old parthenium plants, respectively, due to culture filtrates of various Drechslera spp. The present study concludes that Drechslera spp. culture filtrates can be used as alternative herbicides for parthenium weed management.Se investigó la actividad herbicida de filtrados de cultivos de cuatro especies de Drechslera spp., i.e. D. australiensis (Bugnic. Subram. & B.L. Jain, D. biseptata (Sacc. & Roum. M.J. Richardson & E.M. Fraser, D. hawaiiensis Bugnic. ex M.B. Ellis, and D. holmii (Luttr. Subram. & PC. Jain, preparados en caldo de extracto de malta contra la maleza Parthenium hysterophorus L. en bioensayos de laboratorio y en macetas. En los bioensayos

  20. Implicaciones del filtrado de calidad del índice de vegetación EVI para el seguimiento funcional de ecosistemas

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    A. Reyes-Díez


    Full Text Available El seguimiento de los ecosistemas con imágenes procedentes del sensor MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, espectroradiómetro de imágenes de resolución media está actualmente muy extendido tanto en tareas de investigación como de gestión. Los índices de vegetación NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, índice de vegetación de la diferencia normalizada y EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index, índice de vegetación mejorado son ampliamente usados para la caracterización del funcionamiento ecosistémico. Ambos índices se emplean como estimadores lineales de la fracción de radiación fotosintéticamente activa interceptada por la vegetación (fAPAR, el principal control de la producción primaria. A pesar de sus ventajas, las imágenes de índices de vegetación no están libres de errores. El producto índices de vegetación MOD13Q1 proporciona una capa QA (Quality assessment,evaluación de la calidad que informa sobre la calidad asociada a cada píxel. Esta información representa una gran ventaja para el usuario, al permitir filtrar aquellos datos que puedan inducir a errores al verse alterados por la presencia de aerosoles, nubes, nieve o sombras. Sin embargo, la realización de un filtrado homogéneo a lo largo de una gran región puede ocasionar la pérdida sistemática de información en determinadas zonas o épocas del año, introduciendo así un sesgo espacial o en la serie temporal. Esta situación puede ser especialmente crítica en regiones con alta heterogeneidad ambiental, como el Sureste Ibérico. En este trabajo evaluamos el efecto que el filtrado de calidad tiene sobre la información espacial y temporal de la base de datos del EVI en el periodo 2001-2010. Los esultados, expresados en porcentaje de información perdida (filtrada y como efecto de estas pérdidas sobre los valores del EVI, indican que mientras que las áreas de menor altitud no se ven afectadas por el filtrado, las regiones de alta

  1. MASURCA, a Fast-Neutron Critical Mock-Up: Operation and Uses; MASURCA. Maquette Critique a Neutrons Rapides. Description Fonctionnelle et Obiectifs; ''MAZURKA'' - kriticheskaya model' na bystrykh nejtronakh. funktsional'noe opisanie i tseli; Descripcion Funcional y Objetivos de la Maqueta Critica de Neutrones Rapidos 'MASURCA '

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    Schmitt, A. P.; Storrer, F.; Vendryes, G. [Association CEA-EURATOM, Cadarache (France); Tavernier, G.; Van Dievoet, J. [Societe Belgo-Nucleaire, Bruxelles (Belgium)


    . En particulier les moyens experimentaux mis en oeuvre comprennent un reacteur source ' Harmonie ' destine a la mise au point des techniques de mesure et a l'alimentation d'experiences exponentielles, et des accelerateurs fonctionnant comme source de neutrons statique et dynamique pour alimenter des experiences sous-critiques a neutrons rapides. (author) [Spanish] El EURATOM y el Commissariat a l'energie atomique estan construyendo actualmente en el Centre d'etudes nucleaires de Cadarache, una maqueta critica de neutrones rapidos denominada <>. Esta instalacion, de gran flexibilidad de aplicacion se destina esencialmente a la realizacion de estudios sobre conjuntos criticos de plutonio, de gran volumen, sin moderador, cuyo espectro neutronico es, pues, relativamente blando. Los autores exponen en la memoria el proposito de taies estudios. A fin de asegurar su exito, la instalacion debe reunir ciertas condiciones: en esencia, ademas de su gran capacidad de adaptacion, debe ofrecer una seguridad de funcionamiento practicamente absoluta. Este problema de la seguridad se resolvio por los siguientes medios: 1. Estudio de las condiciones de seguridad inulhseca; los elementos de simulacion del combustible permiten obtener a) un coeficiente de reactividad negativo, debido a la dilatacion longitudinal acumulativa de estos elementos y b) un coeficiente Doppler negativo. 2. Empleo de un juego de barras de control de seguridad y de compensacion. Estas barras pueden colocarse en forma de reticulado cuadrado con un espaciamiento de unos 30 cm. 3. Un iecinto hermetico que contiene una reserva de argon contra incendios. 4. Un estricto control administrative. La adopcion de una aleacion metalica U-Pu-Fe para la simulacion del combustible obliga a asegurar la refrigeiacion de los conjuntos criticos de gran volumen construidos en la instalacion. El sodio, llquido refrigerante de los reactores simulados, estara representado por varillas de sodio revestidas de acero inoxidable

  2. Efectos de la circulación extracorpórea sobre el filtrado glomerular en la cirugía cardiovascular pediátrica Effects of extracorporeal circulation on glomerular filtration in pediatric cardiovascular surgery


    Abel Facenda; Antolín Romero; Junior M Lima; Cruz M Contreras; Heilyn del Valle Montero; Manuel G Lima Montero


    Objetivo: conocer como afecta la circulación extracorpórea la función renal tomando como marcador la alteración del filtrado glomerular. Material y método: se realizó un estudio prospectivo, analítico y observacional en 63 pacientes pediátricos sometidos a cirugía cardiaca electiva con circulación extracorpórea en el Cardiocentro Pediátrico «William Soler» entre octubre de 2009 y abril de 2010. Se calcularon las variaciones del filtrado glomerular durante la circulación extracorpórea por el m...

  3. Retention in Solid KIO{sub 3} Activated with Fast and Slow Neutrons; Retention dans KIO{sub 3} Solide Active par des Neutrons Rapides et des Neutrons Lents; 0423 0414 0415 0420 0416 0410 041d 0418 0415 0412 0422 0412 0415 0420 0414 041e 041c KIO{sub 3}, 0410 041a 0422 0418 0412 0418 0420 041e 0412 0410 041d 041d 041e 041c 0411 042b 0421 0422 0420 042b 041c 0418 0418 041c 0415 0414 041b 0415 041d 041d 042b 041c 0418 041d 0415 0418 0422 0420 041e 041d 0410 041c 0418 ; Retencion en KIO{sub 3} Solido Activado con Neutrones Rapidos y Lentos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aten, A.H.W. Jr.; Lindner-Groen, M.; Lindner, L. [Instituut voor Kernphysisch Onderzoek, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    cristal, y presentar caracteristicas identicas para los diferentes isotopos. Para comprobar estas hipotesis se ha realizado una serie de experimentos en los que se activo KIO{sub 3} solido con neutrones rapidos y termicos. En el caso de los neutrones rapidos, la retencion de {sup 128}I fue sensiblemente mayor que la de {sup 126}I, pero la retencion de {sup 128}I alcanzada con los neutrones termicos fue aun mas elevada que la obtenida con los neutrones rapidos. Este hecho indica que, aparte del esquema de desintegracion, la energia de retroceso tambien puede constituir un factor determinante de la retencion. Tambien difieren los efectos del recocido en el {sup 128}I y en el {sup 126}I (obtenidos ambos con neutrones rapidos). Por tratamiento postirradiatorio a temperaturas de hasta 100 Degree-Sign C, la retencion de ambos isotopos referida a la actividad total aumento en la misma proporcion, esto es, la diferencia de retencion permanecio constante. Por tanto, la parte de la fraccion de {sup 126}I reducida por el proceso de retroceso que excede de la fraccion de {sup 128}I reducida, resulta mucho menos afectada por el calentamiento que la fraccion reducida de ambos isotopos. Es evidente que solo un modelo bastante detallado permite explicar ese comportamiento quimico tan complicado del atomo radiactivo de retroceso. (author) [Russian] Prostaja model' vzaimodejstvij jader otdachi v tverdom tele predpolagaet, chto osnovnoe (neotozhzhennoe) uderzhanie dolzhno pokazat' izotopnye jeffekty (kotorye, verojatno, byli by svjazany so sposobom poteri jadrom produkta svoej izbytochnoj jadernoj jenergii) i chto jeto kolichestvo dolzhno byt' nechuvstvitel'nym k usloviju kristallicheskoj reshetki. S drugoj storony, otzhig v jetoj prostoj modeli dolzhen zaviset' ot uslovija (i predvaritel'noj obrabotki) kristalla, no pokazyvat' to zhe samoe povedenie dlja razlichnyh izotopov . Proverka jetih argumentov daetsja posredstvom provedenija serii opytov, v kotoryh tverdyj KJO{sub 3} aktivirovalsja

  4. Effect of the plutonium isotopic composition on the performance of fast reactors; Effet de la composition isotopique du plutonium sur le rendement de reacteurs a neutrons rapides; Vliyanie izotopnogo sostava plutoniya na rabotu reaktorov na bystrykh nejtronakh; Efectos de la composicion isotopica del plutonio sobre el funcionamiento de los reactores rapidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yiftah, S [Israel Atomic Energy Commission (Israel)


    constate egalement que dans le plutonium utilise comme combustible sous forme de metal, d'oxyde ou de carbure, les variations de la reactivite, apres enlevement de 40% du sodium initialement present dans le coeur, sont plus negatives (ou moins positives) si le plutonium a une plus forte teneur en isotopes superieurs. (author) [Spanish] La composicion isotopica del plutonio empleado como combustible en los reactores de neutrones rapidos depende de su procedencia. En principio, existen tres fuentes posibles, a saber: a) los reactores generadores de plutonio; b) los reactores de potencia termicos (alimentados con uranio natural o enriquecido); c) las envolturas fertiles de los reactores de neutrones rapidos. La fuente a), y hasta cierto punto la fuente c), proporcionan plutonio-239 relativamente puro, mientras que el plutonio de la fuente b) es rico en {sup 240}Pu, {sup 241}Pu y {sup 242}Pu. La cantidad de impurezas depende, del tipo de reactor empleado, del grado de combustion y, en general, de las condiciones de irradiacion del combustible. Cabe preguntarse, entonces, si es posible emplear cualquier clase de plutonio como combustible en los reactores de neutrones rapidos. Con el proposito de estudiar los efectos que ejerce sobre el funcionamiento de los reactores la composicion isotopica del combustible de plutonio, en forma de metal, oxido o carburo, se realizo una serie de calculos de geometria segun una teoria de difusion de 16 grupos, utilizando el conjunto de secciones eficaces de 16 grupos recientemente establecido por Yiftah, Okrent y Moldauer; esos calculos se aplicaron a plutonio de tres composiciones isotopicas diferentes, empezando por {sup 239}Pu puro y aumentando la concentracion de los isotopos de numero masico mas elevado. Se han estudiado sistemas con cuerpos de 800, 1500 y 2500 litros de volumen, que son los tipicos de los reactores generadores rapidos de grandes dimensiones. Se llega a la conclusion de que, si solo se tienen en cuenta los isotopos

  5. Algoritmo de filtrado multi-termino para la obtención de relaciones jerárquicas en la construcción automática de un tesauro de descriptores

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    Velasco, M.


    Full Text Available The new techniques of domain analysis (thematic, etc. supply methods to create repositories or sets of structured information. A specific methodology to automatically generate domains (thematic, etc. uses as repository a structure based on documental thesauri. One of the stages described in this methodology to generate a thesaurus is the acquisition of concepts using statistical techniques to filter information. This paper presents modifications to these filtering techniques to obtain composite terms.

    Las nuevas técnicas de análisis de dominios (temáticos, etc. proporcionan métodos para la construcción de repositorios o conjuntos de información estructurada. Existe una metodología específica para generar automáticamente dominios (temáticos, etc. que utiliza como repositorio una estructura basada en los tesauros documentales. Una de las fases indicadas en esta metodología para la generación del tesauro es la adquisición de conceptos, que utiliza técnicas de filtrado de información estadísticas. En este trabajo se presentan modificaciones a estas técnicas de filtrado para proporcionar términos compuestos.

  6. Determination of the fast neutrons spectra by the Elastic scattering method (n, p); Determinacion del espectro de neutrones rapidos por el metodo de la dispersion elastica (n, p)

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    Elizalde D, J


    This work consists in determining the fast neutron spectra emitted by a Pu-Be isotopic source. The implemented technique is based in the spectrometry (n, p). This consists in making to fall on a fast neutrons beams (polyenergetic) over a thin film of hydrogenated material, detecting the spectra of emitted protons at a fix angle. The polyethylene film and the used solid state detector are inside of a vacuum chamber. The detector is placed at 30 degree with respect to direction of the incident neutrons beam. The protons spectra is stored in a multichannel. the energy is obtained with the prior calibration of the system. The data processing involves the transformation of the protons spectra observed at the falling on neutrons spectra over the film. The energy of the neutrons is related with that of the protons, according to the collision kinematical equations. The cross section of elastic collision of the neutrons with the hydrogen atoms is obtained from literature. Applying these relations to the observed spectra it is obtained the falling on neutron spectra over the film. (Author)

  7. Measurement of resonance parameters of cross-sections affecting fast-neutron propagation in various media; Mesure des parametres de resonance de sections efficaces lies a la propagation des neutrons dans differents milieux; Izmerenie parametrov rezonansnoj struktury sechenij, vliyayushchikh na rasprostranenie bystrykh nejtronov v sredakh; Medicion de los parametros de resonancia de las secciones eficaces que afectan a la propagacion de los neutrones rapidos en distintos medios

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    Nikolaev, M N; Filippov, V V; Bondarenko, I I [Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russian Federation)


    une grande influence sur la propagation des neutrons dans la matiere va de plusieurs dizaines de keV, pour les noyaux lourds, a plusieurs dizaines de MeV pour les noyaux intermediaires. Pour evaluer les effets de resonance lors du calcul des parametres de groupes, il faut connaitre non seulement les sections efficaces d'interaction moyenne entre les neutrons et la matiere, mais aussi certaines valeurs telles que (1/{Sigma}{sub t}), (1/{Sigma}{sub t}{sup 2}), etc. - les signes () signifiant que l'on prend la moyenne du groupe d'energie. Actuellement, les donnees dont on dispose sur les parametres de resonance dans le domaine des neutrons rapides ne sont pas suffisantes pour calculer ces moyennes avec la precision necessaire. A cet egard il est interessant de mesurer directement les moyennes (1/{Sigma}{sub t}), (1/{Sigma}{sub t}{sup 2}) et d'autres caracteristique s analogues. Les auteurs decrivent les resultats obtenus par la mesure d'un certain nombre de parametres tels que ({Sigma}{sub t}), ({Sigma}{sub t}{sup 2}), (1/{Sigma}{sub t}), (1/{Sigma}{sub t}{sup 2}), (1/{Sigma}{sub t}{sup 3}), etc. qui caracterisent la structure de la section efficace de divers noyaux intermediaires dans une gamme d'energie allant de 300 keV a 3 MeV. On est parvenu a mesurer ces moyennes par une analyse des courbes de transmission obtenues grace a une bonne configuration geometrique pour des taux de transmission allant jusqu'a {approx}10{sup -2}. Les donnee recueillies montrent que les effets de resonance influent fortement sur les caracteristiques de diffusion de la matiere. (author) [Spanish] En el planteo de los sistemas de constantes que intervienen en la teoria de los multigrupos para el calculo de reactores de neutrones rapidos y de neutrones intermedios, es preciso considerar en muchos casos los efectos de autoblindaje relacionados con la estructura resonante de las secciones eficaces. El intervalo energetico dentro del cual la resonancia ejerce una influencia decisiva sobre la

  8. Estudio de la combinación de los procesos de afinamiento de grano de colada y filtrado en latones

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    Bustos, O.


    Full Text Available This work considered the evaluation of different parameters and properties of binary brasses 70/30 and 63/37. These materials were previously characterized and then submitted to grain refinement (by mean of chemical additions and/or filtered. Additionally, SEM observations were carried out to identify the grain refinement mechanisms involved in this process. The results obtained from the grain refinement and especially from the combination of both processes show an important grain size decrease and better mechanical properties. Due to the complexity of the Cu-based alloys, it can be concluded that it is necessary to take into account many factors to understand the mechanisms of the grain refinement-filtered process. The present work shows that probably zirconium (in presence of phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen could be an effective grain refiner to produce grain refínenme in brasses.

    Se consideró la evaluación de diferentes parámetros y propiedades en latones binarios 70/30 y 63/37 previamente caracterizados y sometidos posteriormente a un afinamiento de grano (por medio de adiciones químicas y/o filtrado. Adicionalmente, se realizaron estudios de microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB tendentes a esclarecer el mecanismo de afinamiento de grano, presente en este proceso. Los resultados obtenidos a partir del afinamiento de grano, y especialmente del acoplamiento de los procesos en cuestión, muestran una disminución importante del tamaño de grano y una mejora en las propiedades mecánicas de ambas aleaciones. Debido a la complejidad de las aleaciones base cobre es necesario considerar una serie de factores para esclarecer el mecanismo de afinamiento de grano y filtrado conjunto. El presente trabajo muestra que existe una alta probabilidad de que el zirconio, en presencia de fósforo, magnesio, hierro, azufre, nitrógeno y oxígeno, sea efectivo para producir afinamiento de grano en latones.

  9. Thermal and fast neutron distribution determination in the IPR-R1 reactor core; Levantamento das distribuicoes dos fluxos de neutrons termicos e rapidos no nucleo do reator IPR-R1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guimaraes, R R.R.


    The work is aimed at obtaining a physical method for neutron flux distribution determination within the reactor core, in order to analyze the project of power increase in the TRIGA IPR-R1 reactor at the Nuclebras Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN), located in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The experimental process utilizes the neutron activation technique in impurities of stainless steel welding rods 700 mm long, set in acrylic supports. These rods provide simultaneous information on the thermal and fast neutron fluxes through capture and threshold reactions. The process of detection and counting of activation products utilizes a high resolution Ge (Li) detector and a mechanical scanning device, designed and manufactured at CDTN for burn-up measurements of irradiated fuel elements. Besides its simplicity, the method presents the advantage of substituting high purity imported materials by one easily obtained that also furnishes simultaneous information on the thermal and fast neutron fluxes. Furthermore, values for the absolute thermal neutron flux a long the whole core height are obtained. The procedure consists of the assessment of the thermal neutron flux in a fixed point by means of a conventional detector, and then establishing the correspondence of this measurement with the response of the stainless steel rods. (author). 30 refs, 39 figs, 9 tabs.

  10. The effective lifetime and temperature coefficient in a coupled fast-thermal reactor; Temps de vie effectif et coefficient de temperature dans un reacteur a couplage neutrons rapides-neutrons thermiques; Ehffektivnyj srok zhizni i temperaturnyj koehffitsient nejtronov v dvoyakom reaktore na bystrykh i teplovykh nejtronakh; Vida efectiva y coeficiente de temperatura en un reactor con acoplamiento rapido-termico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haefele, W. [Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (Germany)


    thermique. Le probleme est etudie avec un groupe de neutrons retardes (au sens habituel). Un formalisme exprime le temps de vie effectif et le coefficient de temperature aux differents stades de la saute de puissance. L'auteur indique les sautes de puissance pour differentes valeurs de {alpha}{sub 0} jusqu'a ce que soit atteinte la limite de la cinetique du reacteur a neutrons rapides. (author) [Spanish] La teoria de los sistemas acoplados fue ampliamente desarrollada por Avery y sus colaboradores en el Argonne National Laboratory. Una de las caracteristicas mas interesantes de los sistemas acoplados es la prolongacion de la vida efectiva de los neutrones. La componente termica actua como una especie de retardador neutronico. Como en la teoria de los neutrones retardados, el efecto retardador desaparece cuando la reactividad adquiere un valor suficientemente elevado para que la componente rapida alcance la criticidad independientemente . El autor examina un reactor con acoplamiento en el que la componente rapida sufre un salto instantaneo de reactividad {alpha}{sub 0}. La temperatura aumenta como consecuencia del incremento del nivel de potencia y comienzan a actuar dos coeficiente termicos: el que corresponde a la componente rapida y el coeficiente de temperatura de la componente termica. El problema se estudia en relacion con un grupo de neutrones retardados (en el sentido corriente del termino). El autor presenta una serie de formulas que expresan la vida efectiva de los neutrones y el coeficiente de temperatura en las diferentes etapas del salto de reactividad. El autor indica esos saltos para distintos valores de {alpha}{sub 0}, basta alcanzar el limite correspondiente a la cinetica de los reactores de neutrones rapidos. (author) [Russian] Teoriya dvoyakikh sistem byla podrobno razrabotana R. Ehjveri i sotrudnikami v Argonskoj natsional'noj laboratorii. Odnim iz osnovnykh interesnykh momentov v sparennoj sisteme yavlyaetsya bol'shij ehffektivnyj srok zhizni nejtronov


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    Carlos Patiño Torres


    Full Text Available Se utilizaron filtrados de cultivo de Colletotrichum acutatum, agente causal de la antracnosis del tomate de árbol, para la selección in vitro de variantes somaclonales de ésta planta con resistencia potencial a la enfermedad. El filtrado, utilizado a varias concentraciones, demostró ser un agente de selección efectivo cuando se integró al medio de cultivo, pues causó niveles elevados de mortalidad de los explantes comparado con los tratamientos sin filtrado. Igualmente, se estudió el efecto de la benziladenina (BA ó BAP sobre la respuesta organogénica de explantes de tejido foliar de tomate de árbol.Culture filtrates of Colletotrichum acutatum, causal agent of the anthracnose disease in tree tomato, were used for the in vitro selection of somaclonal variants with potential resistance to this disease. Culture filtrates used at different concentrations, showed to be an effective agent of selection when they were mixed with the growth media. The findings indicated a high level of mortality for the explants growing on the ammended media as compared with these growing on non ammended one. The effect of the benziladenina (BA ó BAP on the organogenic response of leaf explants of tomato tree was also studied.

  12. Status of computational and experimental correlations for Los Alamos fast-neutron critical assemblies; Correlation entre les calculs et les experiences sur les ensembles critiques a neutrons rapides de Los Alamos; Sostoyanie vychislitel'nykh i ehksperimental'nykh korrelyatsij dlya Los-Alamosskoj kriticheskoj sistemy na bystrykh nejtronakh; Conjuntos criticos de neutrones rapidos de Los Alamos; correlacion entre resultados calculados y experimentales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hansen, G E [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    les reacteurs ainsi qu'a celle des methodes de calcul, permettent de connaitre de mieux en mieux les caracteristique s d'une classe d'ensembles critiques a neutrons rapides. Cette classe comprend maintenant des montages a {sup 233}U, en geometrie spherique, sans reflecteur ou avec un reflecteur constitue d'une couche epaisse d'uranium. L'auteur presente des correlations directes parmi les donnees experimentales , pour montrer qu'il existe a priori la possibilite de bonnes correlations avec les resultats des calculs. La sensibilite des spectres calcules et des dimensions critiques aux modeles de transport neutronique (approximations du transport et hypothese de linearite) et aux approximations arithmetiques (hypothese de la segmentation angulaire et representations multigroupes) est presentee pour divers ensembles critiques afin d'aider a etablir les details des calculs indispensables. La comparaison entre l'experience et les previsions porte sur les indices spectraux et les dimensions critiques, les durees de vie des neutrons et les rapports relatifs aux neutrons retardes. (author) [Spanish] La puesta en servicio de nuevos conjuntos criticos y el perfeccionamiento de los metodos de medicion exigen una revision periodica de la correlacion entre los resultados calculados y los experimentales. Dados los problemas particularmente delicados que plantea la medicion de indices espectrales absolutos y dada tambien la necesidad de comprobar los calculos mas alla de las simples dimensiones criticas, conviene hacer hincapie en las caracterizaciones de los espectros neutronicos. El continuo perfeccionamient o ds las mediciones de indices espectrales, unido a la creciente precision de los datos microscopicos relativos a los materiales utilizados en los conjuntos criticos y en los detectores asi como la de los metodos de calculo contribuyen a un mejor conocimiento de las caracteristicas de un grupo de conjuntos criticos de neutrones rapidos. Este grupo compiende actualmente los

  13. Nondestructive analysis of the natural uranium mass through the measurement of delayed neutrons using the technique of pulsed neutron source; Analise nao destrutiva da massa de uranio natural atraves da medida de neutrons atrasados com o uso da tecnica de fonte pulsada de neutrons rapidos

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    Coelho, Paulo Rogerio Pinto


    This work presents results of non destructive mass analysis of natural uranium by the pulsed source technique. Fissioning is produced by irradiating the test sample with pulses of 14 MeV neutrons and the uranium mass is calculated on a relative scale from the measured emission of delayed neutrons. Individual measurements were normalised against the integral counts of a scintillation detector measuring the 14 MeV neutron intensity. Delayed neutrons were measured using a specially constructed slab detector operated in anti synchronism with the fast pulsed source. The 14 MeV neutrons were produced via the T(d,n) {sup 4}He reaction using a 400 kV Van de Graaff accelerated operated at 200 kV in the pulsed source mode. Three types of sample were analysed, namely: discs of metallic uranium, pellets of sintered uranium oxide and plates of uranium aluminium alloy sandwiched between aluminium. These plates simulated those of Material Testing Reactor fuel elements. Results of measurements were reproducible to within an overall error in the range 1.6 to 3.9%; the specific error depending on the shape, size and mass of the sample. (author)

  14. Installation for Studying the Scattering of Cold Neutrons; Installation pour l'etude de la diffusion des neutrons thermiques; Ustanovka dlya izucheniya rasseyaniya kholodnykh nejtronov; Instalacion para estudiar la dispersion de neutrones frios

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    Golikov, V V; Shapiro, F L; Shkatula, A; Yanik, E A [Ob' edinennyj institut yadernykh issledovanij, Dubna, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russian Federation)


    {sup 3} ayant des surfaces de 300 et 2 000 cm{sup 2} et dont l'efficacite a l'egard des neutrons thermique: est d'environ 60%. (author) [Spanish] En el reactor rapido pulsante del Instituto Central de Investigaciones Nucleares se instalo un espectrometro para neutrones frios. El moderador, contiguo al reflector del reactor, y el filtro de berilio se mantienen a la temperatura del nitrogeno liquido. El difusor, situado a unos 0,6 m del moderador, se irradia con rafagas de neutrones frios, cuya duracion se determina em funcion de la vida de los neutrones en el moderador y de la dispersion de los tiempos de vuelo en una distancia de 0,6 m. La frecuencia de las rafagas es de 8 por segundo. Para la espectrometria en la region cuasielastica, se utiliza la variacion brusca del espectro del berilio, que es de unos 200 {mu}s. La enetgia de los neutrones dispersados se determina por el tiempo de vuelo en la distancia que media entre el difusor y el detector, a saber, 10 a 40 m. Los autores utilizan detectores de centelleo a base de ZnS + 10{sub 2}{sup 10} O{sub 3} de una superficie comprendida entre 300 y 2000 cm{sup 2}, y cuya eficacia respecto de los neutrones termicos, es del orden de 60%. (author)

  15. Fast Plasma from a Coaxial Gun; Plasma Rapide Produit par un Canon Coaxial; Bystraya plazma iz koaksial'nogo inzhektora; Produccion de Plasma Rapido Mediante un Inyector Coaxial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marshall, J.; Henins, I. [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    produce constituyen el objeto de los experimentos descritos en la memoria. El mecanismo de aceleracion es complicado y no se conoce perfectamente, pero se han adquirido unas nociones considerables mediante un gran numero de experimentos, utilizando para el diagnostico: circuitos externos de captacion diamagnetica, circuitos de Rogowsky en el vacio, sondas electricas, electrodos externos de captacion capacitiva, analisis de la deflexion magnetica y electrostatica de las particulas, espectroscopia, fotografia de la luz emitida por el blanco, medicion del tiempo de vuelo con y sin campo guia, determinacion de los neutrones emitidos en el volumen del plasma a raiz de la reaccion d-d y otros metodos. Como resultado se aprecia que se produce un proceso magneto-electrico complejo delante de la boca del inyector. El proceso de aceleracion depende de la diferencia de densidades del gas entre dicha region (baja) y dentro del inyector (elevada). El plasma rapido procede en gran parte del gas adsorbido en los electrodos, lo que obliga a obtener un vacio limpio para evitar la contaminacion por iones rapidos de impurezas fuertemente ionizadas (C{sup 5+}, 10{sup 8} cm/s). El material del electrodo se evapora, pero parece que no es un contaminante grave porque se forma tarde. La alta tension que en realidad acelera los iones esta ligada a la rapida expansion, en el vacio, de un volumen de flujo magnetico alrededor del chorro. El plasma rapido es emitido en forma de cono estrecho con el centro abierto. La alta tension que acelera los deuterones rapidos acelera tambien iones del material de la pared cuando el plasma rapido bonbardea una pared de vidrio, provocando su evaporacion. (author) [Russian] Koaksial'nyj plazmennyj inzhektor, ispol'zuemyj v dannom jeksperimente, javljaetsja istochnikom dvuh razlichnyh tipov plazmy, obrazovannyh razlichnymi mehanizmami. Plotnaja medlennaja ( Tilde-Operator 10{sup 7} sm/sek) dejte- rievaja plazma obrazuetsja neposredstvenno v rezul'tate ] HV

  16. A review of calculation methods for fast and intermediate reactors; Expose des methodes pour le calcul de reacteurs a neutrons rapides et intermediaires; Obzor metodov rascheta reaktorov na promezhutochnykh i bystrykh nejtronakh; Estudio panoramico de los metodos de calculo de los reactores rapidos e intermedios

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    Marchuk, G I [Akademiya Nauk, Moskva, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russian Federation)


    This paper discusses the development of methods for calculating intermediate and fast reactors. It deals with various approaches to the problems of physical calculation. The calculation of resonance effects is discussed. Consideration is given to multi-group systems of fundamental and conjugate equations, various applications of perturbation theory to the problems of physical reactor calculation, and numerical methods of solving fundamental and conjugate reactor equations, which approximate the method of spherical harmonics. The paper describes an application of the response method to the solution of critical-mass problems, and methods of calculating reactors with hydrogeneous moderators. The fundamental features of an effective one-group reactor model are described. (author) [French] L'auteur examine la mise au point de methodes pour le calcul de reacteurs a neutrons rapides et intermediaires . Il decrit diverses manieres d'aborder les problemes des calculs sur la physique des reacteurs, notamment le calcul des effets de resonance. Il s'attache particulierement aux points suivants: systemes d'equations fondamentales et conjuguees a plusieurs groupes; diverses applications de la theorie des perturbations aux problemes de calculs sur la physique des reacteurs; methodes numeriques pour resoudre les equations fondamentales et conjuguees, voisines de la methode des harmoniques spheriques. L'auteur decrit ensuite une maniere d'appliquer la methode de la reponse aux problemes de la masse critique ainsi que des methodes pour le calcul de reacteurs ralentis a l'hydrogene. Il decrit les caracteristique s fondamentale s d'un modele de reacteur a un groupe effectif. (author) [Spanish] El autor analiza el desarrollo de los metodos de calculo de los reactores nucleares que trabajan con neutrones rapidos y con neutrones intermedios. Examina diversos planteos de los problemas del calculo fisico. Indica la forma de tomar en cuenta los efectos de resonancia y menciona los sistemas

  17. Estimation of fast neutron fluence in steel specimens type Laguna Verde in TRIGA Mark III reactor; Estimacion de la fluencia de neutrones rapidos en probetas de acero tipo Laguna Verde en el reactor Triga Mark III

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galicia A, J.; Francois L, J. L. [UNAM, Facultad de Ingenieria, Departamento de Sistemas Energeticos, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico); Aguilar H, F., E-mail: [ININ, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    The main purpose of this work is to obtain the fluence of fast neutrons recorded within four specimens of carbon steel, similar to the material having the vessels of the BWR reactors of the nuclear power plant of Laguna Verde when subjected to neutron flux in a experimental facility of the TRIGA Mark III reactor, calculating an irradiation time to age the material so accelerated. For the calculation of the neutron flux in the specimens was used the Monte Carlo code MCNP5. In an initial stage, three sheets of natural molybdenum and molybdenum trioxide (MoO{sub 3}) were incorporated into a model developed of the TRIGA reactor operating at 1 M Wth, to calculate the resulting activity by setting a certain time of irradiation. The results obtained were compared with experimentally measured activities in these same materials to validate the calculated neutron flux in the model used. Subsequently, the fast neutron flux received by the steel specimens to incorporate them in the experimental facility E-16 of the reactor core model operating at nominal maximum power in steady-state was calculated, already from these calculations the irradiation time required was obtained for values of the neutron flux in the range of 10{sup 18} n/cm{sup 2}, which is estimated for the case of Laguna Verde after 32 years of effective operation at maximum power. (Author)

  18. Analyser for fast single events; Analyseur d'evenements rapides simples; Analizator bystrykh odnokratnykh yavlenij; Analizador de sucesos rapidos no recurrentes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sedlmeyer, J W; Patten, R B; Fussell, L Jr [Edgerton, Germeshausen And Grier, Inc., Las Vegas, NV (United States)


    registro de baja frecuencia; se puede darles forma digital para facilitar un rapido tratamiento de los datos con el empleo de los dispositivos corrientes; y pueden tambien presentarse visualmente. Comparado con los oscilografos rapidos, el analizador es mas ventajoso cuando se trata de analizar individualmente grandes cantidades de fenomenos transitorios distintos y no recurrentes; tal es el caso del estudio de las fluctuaciones en la respuesta de sistemas o el ensayo de componentes producidos en serie. Tambien es preferible el analizador cuando el analisis de los datos debe efectuarse en seguida de ocurrir el fenomeno ''senal'', puesto que no es preciso revelar peliculas ni interpretarlas. Asimismo presenta ventajas cuando el centro de computo del analisis esta situado lejos del lugar del suceso. Tiene multiples aplicaciones en el campo de la energia nuclear. Facilita el rapido estudio de las fluctuaciones en los reactores y conjuntos subcriticos mediante la tecnica de las fuentes pulsantes de neutrones. Permite determinar las caracteristicas de formacion y descenso del impulso en los detectores y hacer analisis de estadisticas y fluctuaciones. Es posible registrar con el la forma del impulso de la onda de radiacion de los aceleradores nucleares. Facilita la espectrometria neutronica por el metodo del tiempo de vuelo. Permite efectuar con rapidez y exactitud estudios isomericos en que intervienen periodos de semidesintegracion entre limites de 10 y 1000 ns, juntamente con investigaciones sobre dispersion. La Comision de Energia Atomica de los Estados Unidos presto su apoyo a este estudio. (author) [Russian] Byl skonstruirovan i postroen ehlektronnyj analizator dlya ispol'zovaniya s odnokratnykh nepovtoryayushchikhsya perekhodyashchikh signalakh. Vo vremya prokhoda signala vdol' koaksial'noj linii mgnovenno v tselom ryade tochek proiskhodit otbor, chto delaetsya pri pomoshchi odnokratnogo korotkogo vremennogo selektornogo impul'sa. Razbivka vremeni na mnogochislennye

  19. Atividade alelopática do filtrado de cultura produzido por Fusarium solani Allelopathic activity of culture filtrate produced by Fusarium solani

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    A.P.S. Souza Filho


    Full Text Available As plantas daninhas se constituem no principal problema a impor limitação à exploração da agropecuária nas áreas tropicais. Entretanto, o controle químico dessas plantas tem gerado insatisfações de ordem social, quer porque contaminam as fontes de recursos naturais ou por comprometerem a qualidade dos alimentos da dieta dos animais, em geral, e dos humanos, em particular. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar e caracterizar a atividade alelopática do filtrado de cultura produzido pelo fungo Fusarium solani f. sp. pipers. Foram avaliados os efeitos das toxinas, nas concentrações de 1,0 e 4,0%, sobre a germinação de sementes e o desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo das plantas daninhas malícia (Mimosa pudica e mata-pasto (Senna obtusifolia. Os resultados mostraram presença de atividade alelopática inibitória, com variações de acordo com a concentração e a planta receptora. A intensidade dos efeitos inibitórios induzidos pelo extrato esteve positivamente associada à concentração, com efeitos mais intensos verificados a 4,0%. Independentemente da concentração e do bioensaio, a espécie malícia se mostrou mais sensível aos efeitos do filtrado da cultura. O desenvolvimento da radícula foi o fator da planta mais intensamente inibido. Os resultados indicam a existência de potencial de utilização da toxina produzida pelo fungo, como fonte alternativa no controle de plantas daninhas, o que justifica estudos mais avançados.Weeds are a major problem limiting agriculture and cattle raising activities in the tropics. Current chemical control measures have raised environmental concerns due to their potential of contaminating natural resources and compromising the quality of animal feed. The objective of this paper was to identify and characterize the potential allelopathic activity of Fusarium solani f. sp. pipers culture filtrate. The effects of the toxin were analyzed at 1% and 4% concentration, on seed

  20. Operating Experience with the VERA Zero-Energy Fast Reactor; Fonctionnement du Reacteur VERA a Neutrons Rapides, de Puissance Zero; Opyt ehkspluatatsii reaktora VERA na bystrykh nejtronakh nulevoj moshchnosti; Experiencia Adquirida con el Reactor Rapido VERA de Potencia Nula

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weale, J. W.; McTaggart, M. H.; Goodfellow, H.; Paterson, W. J. [Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston (United Kingdom)


    elements combustibles; incidences des irregularites des faces et de l'heterogeneite de la structure sur l'exactitude avec laquelle on determine la masse critique d'un assemblage equivalent 'ideal'; possibilite de reproduire l'etat critique apres avoir demonte l'assemblage ou separe les deux moities; variation de la reactivite lors de la separation des deux moities, et effets d'un chargement asymetrique; sensibilite de divers compteurs, intensite de la source de neutrons, utilisation d'un accelerateur comme source de neutrons; vitesse de reponse des circuits de securite et restrictions qu'elle peut entrainer pour la vitesse d'assemblage des deux moities; precautions supplementaires qu'il faut prendre pour utiliser le plutonium comme combustible; notes sur l'exactitude des mesures de la reactivite et sur les limitations d'ordre pratique imposees a diverses autres mesures en physique des reacteurs. (author) [Spanish] Los autores describen brevemente las caracteristicas de un reactor rapido de potencia nula de dos mitades, en especial las que determinan la posibilidad de efectuar mediciones de precisidn en la esfera de la fisica de los reactores. Examinan las ventajas e inconvenientes de este tipo de reactor, basandose en la experiencia adquirida durante dos anos de funcionamiento. Exam in an los siguientes temas: ventajas, desde el punto de vista experimental, de la disposicion y de la construccidn en dos mitades; dimensiones y tolerancias de los elementos combustibles, y precisian con la que se puede determinar la posicion de dichos elementos; influencia de las irregularidades marginales y de heterogeneidad estructural sobre la exactitud con la que se determine la masa critica de un conjunto 'ideal' equivalente; posibilidad de reproducir las condiciones criticas despues de desmontar el conjunto o de separar las dos mitades; variaciones de la reactividad cuando se separan las dos mitades, en especial los efectos de una carga asimetrica; sensibilidad de varios contadores

  1. Rapid Estimation of Fast-Neutron Doses following Radiation Exposure in Criticality Accidents: The S{sup 32}(n, p)P{sup 32} Reaction in Body Hair; Prompte Evaluation des Doses de Neutrons Rapides apres une Exposition au Rayonnement a la Suite d'Accidents de Criticite: Reaction {sup 32}S(n, p){sup 32}P dans le Systeme Pileux; 0411 042b 0421 0414 ; Evaluacion Acelerada de Dosis de Neutrones Rapidos Despues de una Irradiacion Consecutiva a un Accidente de Criticidad: La Reaccion {sup 32}S(n, p){sup 32}P en el Pelo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Petersen, D. F. [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    de fission exige environ six heures pour une evaluation preliminaire. Des experiences a l'aide du spectre de fission bien defini provenant d'un assemblage critique non blinde fournissent constamment des evaluations de dose de neutrons ne s'ecartant pas plus de 10% en plus et en moins des mesures dosimetriques de reference. En outre, du fait de la position anatomique fixe des echantillons pileux, on. peut connaitre l'orientation et le parametre d'asymetrie de l'exposition en comparant les activites specifiques d'echantillons provenant de differentes regions du corps. On a constate a l'occasion de trois emballements critiques qui ont fait des victimes que, dans chaque cas, les expositions etaient nettement dissymetriques. Ainsi, le dosage du {sup 32}P sur le systeme pileux fournit des renseignements complementaires de grande valeur que l'on peut comparer avec les evaluations de l'exposition totale du corps aux neutrons par la mesure de la teneur du sang en {sup 24}Na. Des estimations du rendement de fission, fondees sur les geometries deduites dans chaque cas, concordent bien avec les evaluations independantes des fissions totales obtenues par des methodes analytiques plus classiques. Pour la determination approximative rapide de la dose des neutrons rapides, il suffit de multiplier par 0,49 l'activite du {sup 32}P dans le cheveu ou dans le poil, exprimee en desintegrations par minute et par gramme, a la temperature O, obtenue avec tout ensemble de comptage d'une sensibilite connue,- pour obtenir la dose en rad des neutrons dits de la 'bande du soufre'. (author) [Spanish] Dada su composicion quimica constante, su situacion anatomica fija y la facilidad con que pueden sacarse muestras, el pelo humano constituye un material muy util para determinar en poco tiempo las dosis de neutrones rapidos recibidas por el personal afectado por accidentes de criticidad. El contenido en azufre del cabello y del pelo humano es notablemente uniforme y no depende del sexo, del color o de

  2. Determination of the neutron spectrum at different locations in the Argentine RA-1 Reactor; Determinacion del espectro neutronico en distintas posiciones del reactor RA-1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lerner, A M; Madariaga, M R [Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    Radiodosimetria de la Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear (ARN) utiliza la columna rapida del reactor para el disenio, calibracion y puesta a punto de dosimetros de criticidad asi como de los metodos de evaluacion rapida de las dosis absorbida por el personal en el caso de accidentes. Con este objeto se irradiaron hojuelas de Au(1), Au bajo Cd e In(2), para estimar los flujos neutronicos absolutos termico, epitermico y rapido respectivamente en la posicion de irradiacion. Esta estimacion es tanto mas precisa cuanto mejor se conocen las respuestas de los distintos materiales de los detectores al espectro de neutrones presente. Esto a su vez requiere el conocimiento previo de dicho espectro (dependencia detallada del flujo neutronico con la energia) en la posicion que se analiza. En este trabajo se presenta el calculo neutronico que fue oportunamente requerido al Grupo de Reactores de Investigacion y Conjuntos Criticos de la ARN, con el objeto de determinar el espectro neutronico en la posicion de irradiacion rapida del RA-1. Se ha evaluado el espectro neutronico en diferentes posiciones del reactor, utilizando dos lineas de calculo diferentes y considerando, a los fines de este analisis, una potencia de 40 kW. Se ha representado al reactor y al recinto que lo aloja con un modelo simplificado, unidimensional, como un conjunto de regiones circulares concentricas. Se muestran los graficos de los flujos rapido y termico (con corte en 0,4 eV) en funcion de la distancia al centro del reactor. Se muestra asimismo el grafico del flujo neutronico (en n/cm{sup 2}.seg.eV) en funcion de la energia en la posicion de irradiacion rapida. Se consignan tambien los valores del flujo (en n/cm{sup 2}.seg.eV) en funcion de la energia en otras posiciones tipicas, asi como los valores equivalentes de los flujos integrados (en n/cm{sup 2}.seg). ((1) De acuerdo con la reaccion Au{sup 197}(n, {gamma})Au{sup 198}, con una seccion eficaz de {sigma}{sub 0}=98.8b para neutrones termicos. (2) De acuerdo con la

  3. Determination of nitrogen in wheat flour through Activation analysis using Fast neutron flux of a Thermal nuclear reactor; Determinacion de nitrogeno en harina de trigo mediante analisis por activacion empleando el flujo de neutrones rapidos de un reactor nuclear termico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramirez G, T


    In this work is done a technical study for determining Nitrogen (protein) and other elements in wheat flour Activation analysis, with Fast neutrons from a Thermal nuclear reactor. Initially it is given an introduction about the basic principles of the methods of analysis. Equipment used in Activation analysis and a brief description of the neutron source (Thermal nuclear reactor). The realized experiments for determining the flux form in the irradiation site, the half life of N-13 and the interferences due to the sample composition are included too. Finally, the obtained results by Activation and the Kjeldahl method are tabulated. (Author)

  4. Calculations of neutron spectra after neutron-neutron scattering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crawford, B E [Gettysburg College, Box 405, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (United States); Stephenson, S L [Gettysburg College, Box 405, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (United States); Howell, C R [Duke University and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708-0308 (United States); Mitchell, G E [North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8202 (United States); Tornow, W [Duke University and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708-0308 (United States); Furman, W I [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Lychagin, E V [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Muzichka, A Yu [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Nekhaev, G V [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Strelkov, A V [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Sharapov, E I [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Shvetsov, V N [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation)


    A direct neutron-neutron scattering length, a{sub nn}, measurement with the goal of 3% accuracy (0.5 fm) is under preparation at the aperiodic pulsed reactor YAGUAR. A direct measurement of a{sub nn} will not only help resolve conflicting results of a{sub nn} by indirect means, but also in comparison to the proton-proton scattering length, a{sub pp}, shed light on the charge-symmetry of the nuclear force. We discuss in detail the analysis of the nn-scattering data in terms of a simple analytical expression. We also discuss calibration measurements using the time-of-flight spectra of neutrons scattered on He and Ar gases and the neutron activation technique. In particular, we calculate the neutron velocity and time-of-flight spectra after scattering neutrons on neutrons and after scattering neutrons on He and Ar atoms for the proposed experimental geometry, using a realistic neutron flux spectrum-Maxwellian plus epithermal tail. The shape of the neutron spectrum after scattering is appreciably different from the initial spectrum, due to collisions between thermal-thermal and thermal-epithermal neutrons. At the same time, the integral over the Maxwellian part of the realistic scattering spectrum differs by only about 6 per cent from that of a pure Maxwellian nn-scattering spectrum.

  5. The epithermal critical experiments; Experiences critiques avec des neutrons epitliermiques; Nadteplovye kriticheskie ehksperimenty; Experimentos criticos con neutrones epitermicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morewitz, H A; Carpenter, S O [Atomics International, Canoga Park, CA (United States)


    rapport entre les quantites de graphite et de combustible. Une experience a l'aide d'un oscillateur a ondes carrees definit les valeurs de la reactivite centrale de quarante petits echantillons de differents materiaux, jusqu'a 10{sup -8} {Delta}k pour chaque ensemble. De plus, on fait osciller des sources artificielles de neutrons, etalonnees entre elles, pour determiner les differentes fonctions neutroniques importantes au centre du montage. On obtient les spectres en procedant a des mesures a l'aide de compteurs a fission comportant des feuilles etalonnees de seuils differents et d'un spectrometre a compteur au {sup 6}Li. Une methode de traitement numerique permettra de grouper toutes les mesures en un fichier autonome de sections efficaces moyennes par spectre. (author) [Spanish] La fase actual del programa del reactor epitermico de tipo avanzado, alimentado con torio, comprende una serie de experimentos integrales sobre fisica de los reactores, cuyo objeto es reunir datos sobre las secciones eficaces neutronicas en el intervalo 1 keV a 10 MeV. Se esta estudiando una serie de nueve conjuntos criticos de varias regiones, con acoplamiento termico-rapido, de forma pseudoesferica, del tipo alveolar de cuerpo dividido. Hasta ahora se han puesto en servicio tres conjuntos de esa indole. La region externa de conexion-desconexio n acciona una region de ensayo interna de forma esferica alimentada con {sup 233}U-Th, cuyo espectro neutronico se degrada progresivament e aumentando la razon grafito-combustible . Un experimento efectuado con un oscilador de onda cuadrada define los valores de la reactividad central de cuarenta pequenas muestras de diferentes materiales, hasta 10{sup -8} {Delta}k; para cada conjunto. Ademas, se hacen oscilar fuentes artificiales de neutrones intercalibradas para determinar las diferentes funciones neutronicas que revisten importancia en el centro del conjunto. Los espectros se obtienen procediendo a mediciones con contadores de fision

  6. Carcinogenesis by Fast Neutrons Relative to X-Rays in Mice; Carcinogenese chez les Souris sous l'Effet des Neutrons Rapides et des Rayons X; Sravnitel'naya chastota vozniknoveniya rakovykh opukholej u myshej pri obluchenii bystrymi nejtronami i rentgenovskimi luchami; Accion Carcinogenica Comparada de los Neutrones Rapidos y de los Rayos X en el Raton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cole, L. J.; Nowell, P. C. [Division of Biological and Medical Sciences, U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco, CA (United States); Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (United States)


    Young adult LAF{sub 1} mice received a single sublethal exposure to fission-spectrum neutrons, and were treated as follows: Group 1 - 195 to 199 rad, followed by a single subcutaneous injection of CCI{sub 4} one month later; Group II - CCl{sub 4} injected one day prior to neutron irradiation (280 - 329 rad); Group III - CCI{sub 4} only; no irradiation; Group IV - unilateral nephrectomy carried out one day before neutron irradiation (320 - 328 rad); Group V - neutron irradiation only (200 - 320 rad> In the Group I-mice, sacrificed 12-16 months post-irradiation, 75% exhibited hepatomas, while 92% of the mice in Group II showed hepatomas. By contrast, liver tumours appeared in 14% of mice receiving neutron irradiation only (Group V), and in 2.4% of mice exposed to a single dose (500 rad) of 250 kVp X-rays. The incidence of kidney neoplasms approached 100% in the uninephrectomized irradiated mice (Group IV), whereas such lesions were infrequent in control mice. The induction of these neoplasms is discussed in terms of initiation by the neutron radiation, and promotion by the specific proliferative stimuli exployed. The data indicate a potency factor of approximately 2 for fission neutrons relative to 250 kVp X-rays for initiation of kidney neoplasms in mice. With respect to the occurrence of lymphoma in this strain, the neutron-irradiated mice showed a reduced incidence (11 %) as compared with the X-irradiated animals (29%). (author) [French] On a expose a une dose sub letale unique de neutrons de fission des jeunes sujets adultes de souche LAF, que l'on a traites de la facon suivante: Groupe 1 - injection souscutanee de CCl{sub 4} un mois apres l 'exposition(195 a 199rad); Groupe II - injection de CCl{sub 4} un jour avant l'exposition aux neutrons (280 a 329 rad); Groupe III - CCl{sub 4} seulement, pas d'exposition; Groupe IV - nephrectomie unilaterale un jour avant l'exposition aux neutrons (320 a 328 rad); Groupe V - exposition aux mettrons seulement (200 a 320 rad

  7. Neutron--neutron logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, L.S.


    A borehole logging tool includes a steady-state source of fast neutrons, two epithermal neutron detectors, and two thermal neutron detectors. A count rate meter is connected to each neutron detector. A first ratio detector provides an indication of the porosity of the formation surrounding the borehole by determining the ratio of the outputs of the two count rate meters connected to the two epithermal neutron detectors. A second ratio detector provides an indication of both porosity and macroscopic absorption cross section of the formation surrounding the borehole by determining the ratio of the outputs of the two count rate meters connected to the two thermal neutron detectors. By comparing the signals of the two ratio detectors, oil bearing zones and salt water bearing zones within the formation being logged can be distinguished and the amount of oil saturation can be determined. 6 claims, 2 figures

  8. Transient Analysis of Generation IV quick reactors; Analisis de Transitorios en Reactores Rapidos de Generacion IV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vazquez, M.; Martin-Fuertes, F.


    As a complement to the attached code 3D neutron-CIEMAT thermohydraulic added a module to simulate transient. Temporary kinetics is resolved by factoring flow in a spatial part and another storm. MCNP provides the reactivity and updated spatial function and COBRA-IV calculates the temperature distribution. Temporary dependence of amplitude is calculated using time delayed neutron Kinetic equations. As an example of application, examines a transient loss of flow in MYRRHA, a lead-cooled experimental reactor.

  9. Neutronics of pulsed spallation neutron sources

    CERN Document Server

    Watanabe, N


    Various topics and issues on the neutronics of pulsed spallation neutron sources, mainly for neutron scattering experiments, are reviewed to give a wide circle of readers a better understanding of these sources in order to achieve a high neutronic performance. Starting from what neutrons are needed, what the spallation reaction is and how to produce slow-neutrons more efficiently, the outline of the target and moderator neutronics are explained. Various efforts with some new concepts or ideas have already been devoted to obtaining the highest possible slow-neutron intensity with desired pulse characteristics. This paper also reviews the recent progress of such efforts, mainly focused on moderator neutronics, since moderators are the final devices of a neutron source, which determine the source performance. Various governing parameters for neutron-pulse characteristics such as material issues, geometrical parameters (shape and dimensions), the target-moderator coupling scheme, the ortho-para-hydrogen ratio, po...

  10. Relative Biological Effectiveness of 14-MeV Fast Neutrons to Co{sup 60} Gamma-Rays in Einkorn Wheat; Efficacite Biologique Relative des Neutrons Rapides de 14 MeV par Rapport aux Rayons Gamma de {sup 60}Co sur l'Engrain; Otnositel'naya biologicheskaya ehffektivnost' bystrykh nejtronov s ehnergiej 14 MeV i gamma-luchej CO{sup 60} pri ikh dejstvii na pshenitsu odnozernyanku; EBR de los Neutrones Rapidos de 14 MeV y de los Rayos Gamma del {sup 60}Co en el Trigo Escanda Menor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujii, T. [National Institute of Genetics, Misima (Japan)


    de rayonnements. E a observe des talles mutants dans pres de 15% des plantes qui ont survecu a la plus faible dose de neutrons et a constate que la frequence e ta it la meme pour les plantes qui avaient recu la dose la plus elevee des rayons gamma. L'EBR des neutrons de 14 MeV par rapport aux rayons gamma de {sup 60}Co semble etre d'au moins 20 pour la mutation somatique. (author) [Spanish] El autor estudio la EBR de los neutrones de 14 MeV con respecto a los rayos gamma del {sup 60}Co por el metodo del locus especifico en el trigo escanda menor. Empleo semillas Fi obtenidas por cruza entre la cepa original y el mutante chlorina (este ultimo se obtuvo como mutante recesivo unico por exposicion a los rayos X; conserva un color verde palido desde que germina hasta que alcanza la madurez, con indices de supervivencia y fertilidad relativamente elevados). Las plantas Fj presentan el color verde normal y tambien es normal la modalidad de desarrollo. El autor irradio las semillas de Fx latentes con neutrones rapidos (en dosis de 0,5 - 1,0 y 1,4 krad) y con rayos gamma (4 ,3 - 8,6 y 12,9 krad). Ambas radiaciones provocaron mutaciones del verde normal dominante al tono chlorina, que aparecio en las hojas y tallos de las plantas heterocigoticas en forma de rayas longitudinales. Alrededor del 80% de las semillas germino en el grupo testigo y en los grupos expuestos a los neutrones y rayos gamma en dosis bajas, pero el porcentaje de semillas germinadas fue decreciendo gradualmente a medida que aumentaba la dosis de ambos tipos de radiacion. Ademas, se observo una tendencia similar en la primera fase d el desarrollo de la plantula, que se inhibe paulatinamente al aumentar la dosis. De acuerdo con estos resultados, la irradiacion neutronica Inverted-Question-Mark s unas 13 veces mas eficaz que los rayos gamma. El in d ic e de supervivencia en el grupo testigo, no irradiado, fue del orden de 90%; en los grupos expuestos a los neutrones a razon de dosis de 0,5 y 1,0 krad

  11. Group cross-sections for fast reactors; Sections efficaces de groupes pour les reacteurs a neutrons rapides; Gruppovye secheniya reaktorov na bystrykh nejtronakh; Secciones eficaces de grupos para reactores rapidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zweifel, P P [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); Ball, G L [Atomic Power Development Associates, Inc., Detroit, MI (United States)


    Group cross-sections for fast reactors. A general discussion of the multi-group-diffusion equations is given, and the correct form of the group cross-sections discussed. In particular, it is shown that the average transport cross-section may be written to a certain approximation in terms of an average mean free path. The calculation of this quantity is lengthy because it is not amenable to expression in terms of elemental averages; however, several inequalities are proved which simplify the averaging procedure required. Three further aspects of group cross-sections which are frequently ignored, but may be important in detailed design study, are discussed: (a) The use of the same set of group-averaged cross-sections for all fast reactors is invalid if the spectra in different reactors are dissimilar and if the cross-sections vary rapidly over the group, conditions which frequently hold. An iteration procedure is described by which the correct averages are found; it is then used to determine the sensitivity of reactor calculations to spectral effects. (b) In transport calculations such as S{sub n}, averages must be made over both angle and energy. Since the flux is non-separable in angle and energy, extreme care is necessary to avoid erroneous results. The S{sub n} equation is studied in terms of a simple model, and a criterion is derived which may prove useful in determining the importance of angular non-separability in reactor calculations. (c) A consistency relation among group-diffusion coefficients, slowing-down power and absorption cross-sections is derived from neutron-conservation arguments. It is shown that a frequently used definition of group absorption cross-section in terms of effective resonance integrals is not correct, but must be modified according to the type of multi-group scheme being used. (author) [French] Les auteurs procedent a une etude generale des equations de diffusion a plusieurs groupes et de la forme exacte des sections efficaces de

  12. Neutronics of pulsed spallation neutron sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Noboru


    Various topics and issues on the neutronics of pulsed spallation neutron sources, mainly for neutron scattering experiments, are reviewed to give a wide circle of readers a better understanding of these sources in order to achieve a high neutronic performance. Starting from what neutrons are needed, what the spallation reaction is and how to produce slow-neutrons more efficiently, the outline of the target and moderator neutronics are explained. Various efforts with some new concepts or ideas have already been devoted to obtaining the highest possible slow-neutron intensity with desired pulse characteristics. This paper also reviews the recent progress of such efforts, mainly focused on moderator neutronics, since moderators are the final devices of a neutron source, which determine the source performance. Various governing parameters for neutron-pulse characteristics such as material issues, geometrical parameters (shape and dimensions), the target-moderator coupling scheme, the ortho-para-hydrogen ratio, poisoning, etc are discussed, aiming at a high performance pulsed spallation source

  13. Neutron radiography with ultracold neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bates, J.C.


    The neutron transmission factor of very thin films may be low if the neutron energy is comparable to the pseudo-potential of the film material. Surprisingly, perhaps, it is relatively easy to obtain neutrons with such low energies in sufficient numbers to produce neutron radiographs. (orig.)

  14. Neutron Skins and Neutron Stars


    Piekarewicz, J.


    The neutron-skin thickness of heavy nuclei provides a fundamental link to the equation of state of neutron-rich matter, and hence to the properties of neutron stars. The Lead Radius Experiment ("PREX") at Jefferson Laboratory has recently provided the first model-independence evidence on the existence of a neutron-rich skin in 208Pb. In this contribution we examine how the increased accuracy in the determination of neutron skins expected from the commissioning of intense polarized electron be...



    Patiño Torres, Carlos; Hoyos Sánchez, Rodrigo; Afanador Kafuri, Lucía


    Se utilizaron filtrados de cultivo de Colletotrichum acutatum, agente causal de la antracnosis del tomate de árbol, para la selección in vitro de variantes somaclonales de ésta planta con resistencia potencial a la enfermedad. El filtrado, utilizado a varias concentraciones, demostró ser un agente de selección efectivo cuando se integró al medio de cultivo, pues causó niveles elevados de mortalidad de los explantes comparado con los tratamientos sin filtrado. Igualmente, se estudió el efecto ...

  16. Improved Techniques for Low-Flux Measurement of Prompt Neutron Lifetime, Conversion Ratio and Fast Spectra; Methodes Perfectionnees de Mesure de la Duree de Vie des Neutrons Instantanes, du Rapport de Conversion et des Spectres de Neutrons Rapides, dans un Reacteur a Bas Flux; Usovershenstvovannye metody izmereniya vremeni zhizni mgnovennykh nejtronov, koehffitsienta konversii i spektra bystrykh nejtronov pri slabykh potokakh nejtronov; Tecnicas Perfeccionadas para la Determinacion del Periodo de los Neutrones Inmediatos, la Razon de Conversion y los Espectros de Neutrones Rapidos, con Flujos Reducidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Armani, R. J.; Bennett, E. F.; Brenner, M. W.; Bretscher, M. M.; Cohn, C. E.; Huber, R. J.; Kaufmann, S. G.; Redman, W. C. [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (United States)


    medir este valor en un reactor de flujo reducido, pero se estan estudiando algunos que pueden servir a ese fin. Los autores resefian tres de las tecnicas que ofrecen mejores perspectivas. Los estudios realizados con el proposito de construit un espectrometro pequeflo para neutrones rapidos con buenas caracteristicas de estabilidad, poder de resolucion y sensibilidad, destinado a la medicion de espectros neutronicos dentro del reactor, en el intervalo energetico de las decenas o centenares de kilovoltios, se han concentrado en el empleo del analisis de la forma de los impulsos (con el fin de rechazar los sucesos iniciados por los rayos gamma en los contadores proporcionales de retroceso de hidtogeno) y el empleo de la colimacion en los detectores tipo sandwich, a base de {sup 6}LiF en un material solido, a fin de aumentar el poder de resolucion. Se ha construido cierto ndmero de instrumentes de este tipo y se esta estudiando la forma en que se comportan frente a los neutrones monocineticos y los neutrones de un reactor. Recurriendo a la tecnica de rechazo de los rayos gamma, se ha podido reducir varios cientos de veces la sensibilidad del contador de retroceso frente a dichos rayos y de esta manera, el limite inferior de aplicacion del instrumente se ha extendido por lo menos hasta los 30 keV. En cuanto a los instrumentes de semiconductors a base de {sup 6}Li, se han observado poderes de resolucion de hasta 70 keV de amplitud total en correspondencia con la mitad del maximo (1,5%) para la suma de los impulsos, en la irradiaeion con neutrones termicos. (author) [Russian] Pri osushhestvlenii programmy issledovanija reak- tora nulevoj moshhnosti (ZPR) primenjalis' razlichnye statisticheskie metody izmerenija ot- noshenija vremeni zhizni mgnovennyh nejtronov k doze zapazdyvajushhih nejtronov. Odin metod, a imenno analiz ''shuma'' reaktora s pomoshh'ju polosovogo fil'tra byl razrabotan v laboratorii, a drugie, naprimer izmerenie chastoty zapazdyvajushhih sovpadenij impul

  17. Neutron-neutron probe for uranium exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, R.C.


    A neutron activation probe for assaying the amount of fissionable isotopes in an ore body is described which comprises a casing which is movable through a borehole in the ore body, a neutron source and a number of delayed neutron detectors arranged colinearly in the casing below the neutron source for detecting delayed neutrons

  18. Cambios en la presión arterial en un grupo de voluntarios normotensos después del consumo de diferentes dosis de café filtrado Changes in blood pressure in a group of normotense volunteers after consumption or different doses of filtered coffee

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria M Agudelo


    Full Text Available No es clara la asociación entre el consumo de café y los cambios en los niveles de presión arterial; si bien algunos estudios muestran una correlación positiva, otros no logran confirmarla. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el cambio en los niveles de presión arterial en un grupo de voluntarios normotensos sometidos al consumo de diferentes dosis de café filtrado. Se trata de un estudio prospectivo, clínico controlado, en el cual se conformaron cuatro grupos y se sometieron por un período de seis semanas al consumo de diferentes cantidades de café filtrado: el grupo uno no consumió café, el grupo dos consumió 200 mL, el tres 400 mL y el cuatro 600 mL. Antes y al final de la intervención, en cada sujeto se midieron los niveles de presión arterial; en el grupo control se midió la concentración de cafeína antes, durante y al final de la intervención. Los resultados mostraron grupos comparables por género, edad e índice de masa corporal, sin diferencias significativas en las condiciones basales. Después de la intervención, la presión arterial sistólica y diastólica no mostró diferencia intragrupos, excepto en el grupo cuatro en el cual disminuyó significativamente (p=0,006 la presión arterial diastólica. Entre grupos los cambios en los niveles de presión sistólica y diastólica no fueron significativos (p=0,510 y 0,430 respectivamente. En conclusión, el consumo de diferentes dosis de café filtrado no ocasionó en sujetos normotensos cambios significativos en los niveles de presión arterial; el grupo que se abstuvo de tomar café no mostró disminución significativa de la presión arterial.The association between coffee consumption and changes in blood pressure values is not clear yet. Although some studies show a positive correlation, others fail to confirm it. The aim of this study was to determine changes in blood pressure values in a group of normotense volunteers submitted to consumption of different

  19. Quantitative neutron radiography using neutron absorbing honeycomb

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tamaki, Masayoshi; Oda, Masahiro; Takahashi, Kenji; Ohkubo, Kohei; Tasaka, Kanji; Tsuruno, Akira; Matsubayashi, Masahito.


    This investigation concerns quantitative neutron radiography and computed tomography by using a neutron absorbing honeycomb collimator. By setting the neutron absorbing honeycomb collimator between object and imaging system, neutrons scattered in the object were absorbed by the honeycomb material and eliminated before coming to the imaging system, but the neutrons which were transmitted the object without interaction could reach the imaging system. The image by purely transmitted neutrons gives the quantitative information. Two honeycombs were prepared with coating of boron nitride and gadolinium oxide and evaluated for the quantitative application. The relation between the neutron total cross section and the attenuation coefficient confirmed that they were in a fairly good agreement. Application to quantitative computed tomography was also successfully conducted. The new neutron radiography method using the neutron-absorbing honeycomb collimator for the elimination of the scattered neutrons improved remarkably the quantitativeness of the neutron radiography and computed tomography. (author)

  20. Neutron dosimetry; Dosimetria de neutrons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fratin, Luciano


    A neutron irradiation facility was designed and built in order to establish a procedure for calibrating neutron monitors and dosemeters. A 185 GBq {sup 241} Am Be source of known is used as a reference source. The irradiation facility using this source in the air provides neutron dose rates between 9 nSv s{sup -1} and 0,5 {sup {mu}}Sv s{sup -1}. A calibrated 50 nSv s{sup -1} thermal neutron field is obtained by using a specially designed paraffin block in conjunction with the {sup 241} Am Be source. A Bonner multisphere spectrometer was calibrated, using a procedure based on three methods proposed by international standards. The unfold {sup 241} Am Be neutron spectrum was determined from the Bonner spheres data and resulted in a good agreement with expected values for fluence rate, dose rate and mean energy. A dosimetric system based on the electrochemical etching of CR-39 was developed for personal dosimetry. The dosemeter badge using a (n,{alpha}) converter, the etching chamber and high frequency power supply were designed and built specially for this project. The electrochemical etching (ECE) parameters used were: a 6N KOH solution, 59 deg C, 20 kV{sub pp} cm{sup -1}, 2,0 kHz, 3 hours of ECE for thermal and intermediate neutrons and 6 hours for fast neutrons. The calibration factors for thermal, intermediate and fast neutrons were determined for this personal dosemeter. The sensitivities determined for the developed dosimetric system were (1,46{+-} 0,09) 10{sup 4} tracks cm{sup -2} mSv{sup -1} for thermal neutrons, (9{+-}3) 10{sup 2} tracks cm{sup -2} mSV{sup -1} for intermediate neutrons and (26{+-}4) tracks cm{sup -2} mSv{sup -1} for fast neutrons. The lower and upper limits of detection were respectively 0,002 mSv and 0,6 mSv for thermal neutrons, 0,04 mSv and 8 mSv for intermediate neutrons and 1 mSv and 12 mSv for fast neutrons. In view of the 1990`s ICRP recommendations, it is possible to conclude that the personal dosemeter described in this work is

  1. Neutron dosimetry; Dosimetria de neutrons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fratin, Luciano


    A neutron irradiation facility was designed and built in order to establish a procedure for calibrating neutron monitors and dosemeters. A 185 GBq {sup 241} Am Be source of known is used as a reference source. The irradiation facility using this source in the air provides neutron dose rates between 9 nSv s{sup -1} and 0,5 {sup {mu}}Sv s{sup -1}. A calibrated 50 nSv s{sup -1} thermal neutron field is obtained by using a specially designed paraffin block in conjunction with the {sup 241} Am Be source. A Bonner multisphere spectrometer was calibrated, using a procedure based on three methods proposed by international standards. The unfold {sup 241} Am Be neutron spectrum was determined from the Bonner spheres data and resulted in a good agreement with expected values for fluence rate, dose rate and mean energy. A dosimetric system based on the electrochemical etching of CR-39 was developed for personal dosimetry. The dosemeter badge using a (n,{alpha}) converter, the etching chamber and high frequency power supply were designed and built specially for this project. The electrochemical etching (ECE) parameters used were: a 6N KOH solution, 59 deg C, 20 kV{sub pp} cm{sup -1}, 2,0 kHz, 3 hours of ECE for thermal and intermediate neutrons and 6 hours for fast neutrons. The calibration factors for thermal, intermediate and fast neutrons were determined for this personal dosemeter. The sensitivities determined for the developed dosimetric system were (1,46{+-} 0,09) 10{sup 4} tracks cm{sup -2} mSv{sup -1} for thermal neutrons, (9{+-}3) 10{sup 2} tracks cm{sup -2} mSV{sup -1} for intermediate neutrons and (26{+-}4) tracks cm{sup -2} mSv{sup -1} for fast neutrons. The lower and upper limits of detection were respectively 0,002 mSv and 0,6 mSv for thermal neutrons, 0,04 mSv and 8 mSv for intermediate neutrons and 1 mSv and 12 mSv for fast neutrons. In view of the 1990`s ICRP recommendations, it is possible to conclude that the personal dosemeter described in this work is

  2. Neutron detection efficiency determinations for the TUNL neutron-neutron and neutron-proton scattering-length measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trotter, D.E. Gonzalez; Meneses, F. Salinas; Tornow, W.; Crowell, A.S.; Howell, C.R.; Schmidt, D.; Walter, R.L.


    The methods employed and the results obtained from measurements and calculations of the detection efficiency for the neutron detectors used at Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) in the simultaneous determination of the 1 S 0 neutron-neutron and neutron-proton scattering lengths a nn and a np , respectively, are described. Typical values for the detector efficiency were 0.3. Very good agreement between the different experimental methods and between data and calculation has been obtained in the neutron energy range below E n =13MeV.

  3. Neutron detection efficiency determinations for the TUNL neutron-neutron and neutron-proton scattering-length measurements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trotter, D.E. Gonzalez [Department of Physics, Duke University and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708-0308 (United States)], E-mail:; Meneses, F. Salinas [Department of Physics, Duke University and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708-0308 (United States); Tornow, W. [Department of Physics, Duke University and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708-0308 (United States)], E-mail:; Crowell, A.S.; Howell, C.R. [Department of Physics, Duke University and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708-0308 (United States); Schmidt, D. [Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, D-38116, Braunschweig (Germany); Walter, R.L. [Department of Physics, Duke University and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708-0308 (United States)


    The methods employed and the results obtained from measurements and calculations of the detection efficiency for the neutron detectors used at Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) in the simultaneous determination of the {sup 1}S{sub 0} neutron-neutron and neutron-proton scattering lengths a{sub nn} and a{sub np}, respectively, are described. Typical values for the detector efficiency were 0.3. Very good agreement between the different experimental methods and between data and calculation has been obtained in the neutron energy range below E{sub n}=13MeV.

  4. Neutron stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irvine, J.M.


    The subject is covered in chapters entitled: introduction (resume of stellar evolution, gross characteristics of neutron stars); pulsars (pulsar characteristics, pulsars as neutron stars); neutron star temperatures (neutron star cooling, superfluidity and superconductivity in neutron stars); the exterior of neutron stars (the magnetosphere, the neutron star 'atmosphere', pulses); neutron star structure; neutron star equations of state. (U.K.)

  5. Pulsed neutron sources for epithermal neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Windsor, C.G.


    It is shown how accelerator based neutron sources, giving a fast neutron pulse of short duration compared to the neutron moderation time, promise to open up a new field of epithermal neutron scattering. The three principal methods of fast neutron production: electrons, protons and fission boosters will be compared. Pulsed reactors are less suitable for epithermal neutrons and will only be briefly mentioned. The design principle of the target producing fast neutrons, the moderator and reflector to slow them down to epithermal energies, and the cell with its beam tubes and shielding will all be described with examples taken from the new Harwell electron linac to be commissioned in 1978. A general comparison of pulsed neutron performance with reactors is fraught with difficulties but has been attempted. Calculation of the new pulsed source fluxes and pulse widths is now being performed but we have taken the practical course of basing all comparisons on extrapolations from measurements on the old 1958 Harwell electron linac. Comparisons for time-of-flight and crystal monochromator experiments show reactors to be at their best at long wavelengths, at coarse resolution, and for experiments needing a specific incident wavelength. Even existing pulsed sources are shown to compete with the high flux reactors in experiments where the hot neutron flux and the time-of-flight methods can be best exploited. The sources under construction can open a new field of inelastic neutron scattering based on energy transfer up to an electron volt and beyond

  6. Neutron radiography using neutron imaging plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chankow, Nares; Wonglee, Sarinrat


    Full text: The aims of this research are to study properties of neutron imaging plate, to obtain a suitable condition for neutron radiography and to use the neutron imaging plate for testing of materials nondestructively. The experiments were carried out by using a neutron beam from the Thai Research Reactor TRR-1/M1 at a power of 1.2 MW. A BAS-ND 2040 FUJI neutron imaging plate and a MX125 Kodak X-ray film/Gadolinium neutron converter screen combination were tested for comparison. It was found that the photostimulated light (PSL) read out of the imaging plate was directly proportional to the exposure time. It was also found that radiography with neutron using the imaging plate was approximately 40 times faster than the conventional neutron radiography using x-ray film/Gd converter screen combination. The sensitivity of the imaging plate to gamma-rays was investigated by using gamma-rays from an 192 Ir and a 60 Co radiographic sources. The imaging plate was found to be 5-6 times less sensitive to gamma-rays than a FUJI BAS-MS 2040 gamma-ray imaging plate. Finally, some specimens were selected to be radiographed with neutrons using the imaging plate and the x-ray film/Gd converter screen combination in comparison to x-rays. Parts containing light elements could be clearly observed by the two neutron radiographic techniques. It could be concluded that the image quality from the neutron imaging plate was comparable to the conventional x-ray film/Gd converter screen combination but the exposure time could be approximately reduced by a factor of 40

  7. Ultracold neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steenstrup, S.

    Briefly surveys recent developments in research work with ultracold neutrons (neutrons of very low velocity, up to 10 m/s at up to 10 -7 eV and 10 -3 K). Slow neutrons can be detected in an ionisation chamber filled with B 10 F 3 . Very slow neutrons can be used for investigations into the dipole moment of neutrons. Neutrons of large wave length have properties similar to those of light. The limit angle for total reflection is governed by the wave length and by the material. Total reflection can be used to filter ultracold neutrons out of the moderator material of a reactor. Total reflection can also be used to store ultracold neutrons but certain problems with storage have not yet been clarified. Slow neutrons can be made to lose speed in a neutron turbine, and come out as ultracold neutrons. A beam of ultracold neutrons could be used in a neutron microscope. (J.S.)

  8. Basic research of neutron radiography using cold neutron beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oda, Masahiro; Tamaki, Masayoshi; Tasaka, Kanji


    As the result of demanding high quality images, now the nuclear reactors which can supply stably intense neutron beam have become the most general neutron source for radiography. For the purpose, mostly thermal neutrons have been used, but it is indispensable to use other neutrons than thermal neutrons for advancing neutron radiography technology and expanding the application fields. The radiography using cold neutrons is most behind in the development because the suitable neutron source was not available in Japan. The neutron sources for exclusively obtaining intense cold neutron beam were installed in the Kyoto University reactor in 1986 and in the JRR-3M of Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute in 1991. Basically as neutron energy lowers, the cross section of substances increases. In certain crystalline substances, the Bragg cutoff arises. The removal of scattered neutrons, the measurement of parallelism of beam and the relation of the thickness of objects with the transmissivity of cold neutrons are described. The imaging by TV method and the cold neutron CT in the CNRF and the simplified neutron CT by film method are reported. (K.I.)

  9. Neutron stars as cosmic neutron matter laboratories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pines, D.


    Recent developments which have radically changed our understanding of the dynamics of neutron star superfluids and the free precession of neutron stars are summarized, and the extent to which neutron stars are cosmic neutron matter laboratories is discussed. 17 refs., 1 tab

  10. Polarized neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, W.G.


    The book on 'polarized neutrons' is intended to inform researchers in condensed matter physics and chemistry of the diversity of scientific problems that can be investigated using polarized neutron beams. The contents include chapters on:- neutron polarizers and instrumentation, polarized neutron scattering, neutron polarization analysis experiments and precessing neutron polarization. (U.K.)

  11. Neutron spectra produced by moderating an isotopic neutron source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carrillo Nunnez, Aureliano; Vega Carrillo, Hector Rene


    A Monte Carlo study has been carried out to determine the neutron spectra produced by an isotopic neutron source inserted in moderating media. Most devices used for radiation protection have a response strongly dependent on neutron energy. ISO recommends several neutron sources and monoenergetic neutron radiations, but actual working situations have broad spectral neutron distributions extending from thermal to MeV energies, for instance, near nuclear power plants, medical applications accelerators and cosmic neutrons. To improve the evaluation of the dosimetric quantities, is recommended to calibrate the radiation protection devices in neutron spectra which are nearly like those met in practice. In order to complete the range of neutron calibrating sources, it seems useful to develop several wide spectral distributions representative of typical spectra down to thermal energies. The aim of this investigation was to use an isotopic neutron source in different moderating media to reproduce some of the neutron fields found in practice. MCNP code has been used during calculations, in these a 239PuBe neutron source was inserted in H2O, D2O and polyethylene moderators. Moderators were modeled as spheres and cylinders of different sizes. In the case of cylindrical geometry the anisotropy of resulting neutron spectra was calculated from 0 to 2 . From neutron spectra dosimetric features were calculated. MCNP calculations were validated by measuring the neutron spectra of a 239PuBe neutron source inserted in a H2O cylindrical moderator. The measurements were carried out with a multisphere neutron spectrometer with a 6LiI(Eu) scintillator. From the measurements the neutron spectrum was unfolded using the BUNKIUT code and the UTA4 response matrix. Some of the moderators with the source produce a neutron spectrum close to spectra found in actual applications, then can be used during the calibration of radiation protection devices

  12. Neutron beam design for low intensity neutron and gamma-ray radioscopy using small neutron sources

    CERN Document Server

    Matsumoto, T


    Two small neutron sources of sup 2 sup 5 sup 2 Cf and sup 2 sup 4 sup 1 Am-Be radioisotopes were used for design of neutron beams applicable to low intensity neutron and gamma ray radioscopy (LINGR). In the design, Monte Carlo code (MCNP) was employed to generate neutron and gamma ray beams suited to LINGR. With a view to variable neutron spectrum and neutron intensity, various arrangements were first examined, and neutron-filter, gamma-ray shield and beam collimator were verified. Monte Carlo calculations indicated that with a suitable filter-shield-collimator arrangement, thermal neutron beam of 3,900 ncm sup - sup 2 s sup - sup 1 with neutron/gamma ratio of 7x10 sup 7 , and 25 ncm sup - sup 2 s sup - sup 1 with very large neutron/gamma ratio, respectively, could be produced by using sup 2 sup 5 sup 2 Cf(122 mu g) and a sup 2 sup 4 sup 1 Am-Be(37GBq)radioisotopes at the irradiation port of 35 cm from the neutron sources.

  13. Application of COMSOL in the solution of the neutron diffusion equations for fast nuclear reactors in stationary state; Aplicacion de COMSOL en la solucion de las ecuaciones de difusion de neutrones para reactores nucleares rapidos en estado estacionario

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva A, L.; Del Valle G, E., E-mail: [IPN, Escuela Superior de Fisica y Matematicas, Av. IPN s/n, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, 07738 Mexico D. F. (Mexico)


    This work shows an application of the program COMSOL Multi physics Ver. 4.2a in the solution of the neutron diffusion equations for several energy groups in nuclear reactors whose core is formed by assemblies of hexagonal transversal cut as is the cas of fast reactors. A reference problem of 4 energy groups is described of which takes the cross sections which are processed by means of a program that prepares the definition of the constants utilized in COMSOL for the generic partial differential equations that this uses. The considered solution domain is the sixth part of the core which is applied frontier conditions of reflection and incoming flux zero. The discretization mesh is elaborated in automatic way by COMSOL and the solution method is one of finite elements of Lagrange grade two. The reference problem is known as the Knk with and without control rod which led to propose the calculation of the effective multiplication factor in function of the control rod fraction from a value 0 (completely inserted control rod) until the value 1 (completely extracted control rod). Besides this the reactivity was determined as well as the change of this in function of control rod fraction. The neutrons scalar flux for each energy group with and without control rod is proportioned. The reported results show a behavior similar to the one reported in other works but using the discreet ordinates S{sub 2} approximation. (Author)

  14. Neutron cooling and cold-neutron sources (1962); Refroidissement des neutrons et sources de neutrons froids (1962)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jacrot, B [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Intense cold-neutron sources are useful in studying solids by the inelastic scattering of neutrons. The paper presents a general survey covering the following aspects: a) theoretical considerations put forward by various authors regarding thermalization processes at very low temperatures; b) the experiments that have been carried out in numerous laboratories with a view to comparing the different moderators that can be used; c) the cold neutron sources that have actually been produced in reactors up to the present time, and the results obtained with them. (author) [French] Des sources intenses de neutrons froids sont utiles pour l'etude des solides par diffusion inelastique des neutrons. On presente une revue d'ensemble: a) des considerations theoriques faites par divers auteurs sur les processus de thermalisation a tres basse temperature; b) des experiences faites dans de nombreux laboratoires pour comparer les divers moderateurs possibles; c) des sources de neutrons froids effectivement realisees dans des piles a ce jour, et des resultats obtenus avec ces sources. (auteur)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoel Abreu-Lee


    Full Text Available La vigilancia tecnológica en centros de investigación y universidades está enfocada a realizar un seguimiento sistemático sobre el desarrollo de líneas de investigación, investigadores líderes, posibilidades de colaboración científico-tecnológica y también al conocimiento de las tendencias actuales desde la investigación. Todo lo anteriormente expresado permite guiar las investigaciones y apoyar la estrategia científico-tecnológica. El presente trabajo propone un modelo de vigilancia tecnológica apoyado de un sistema de recomendaciones, como una aplicación que está centrada en las preferencias de los investigadores en universidades y centros de investigación. Para proponer las recomendaciones se emplea el filtrado colaborativo, técnica que utiliza información del comportamiento pasado de los investigadores y de las opiniones o valoraciones de la comunidad científica a la que pertenecen. Este nuevo enfoque permite realizar propuestas de colaboración y temas de interés que se discuten en la comunidad científica en la que tiene lugar, de manera automática y proactiva.AbstractTechnology surveillance has a special place nowadays, in the success and development of R+D+i process, in research centers and academic environment. Technology surveillance in universities and research centers is focused in the constant analysis of the research lines, research leaders, collaborations chances and current trends in specific research fields. This paper presents a technology surveillance model supported by recommendations by an application that takes into account the preferences of the researchers in the academic environment. The recommender system uses the collaborative filtering technique in order to compute the behavior and past user interactions and infer the recommendations. This approach allows recommending useful, automatic and proactive collaboration possibilities and topics of interest which are discussed within the scientific

  16. Neutron radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hrdlicka, Z.


    Neutron radiography is a radiographic method using a neutron beam of a defined geometry. The neutron source usually consists of a research reactor, a specialized neutron radiography reactor or the 252 Cf radioisotope source. There are two types of the neutron radiography display system, viz., a system producing neutron radiography images by a photographic process or a system allowing a visual display, eg., using a television monitor. The method can be used wherever X-ray radiography is used except applications in the radiography of humans. The neutron radiography unit at UJV uses the WWR-S reactor as the neutron source and both types of the above mentioned display system. (J.P.)

  17. Neutron matter, neutron pairing, and neutron drops based on chiral effective field theory interactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krueger, Thomas


    The physics of neutron-rich systems is of great interest in nuclear and astrophysics. Precise knowledge of the properties of neutron-rich nuclei is crucial for understanding the synthesis of heavy elements. Infinite neutron matter determines properties of neutron stars, a final stage of heavy stars after a core-collapse supernova. It also provides a unique theoretical laboratory for nuclear forces. Strong interactions are determined by quantum chromodynamics (QCD). However, QCD is non-perturbative at low energies and one presently cannot directly calculate nuclear forces from it. Chiral effective field theory circumvents these problems and connects the symmetries of QCD to nuclear interactions. It naturally and systematically includes many-nucleon forces and gives access to uncertainty estimates. We use chiral interactions throughout all calculation in this thesis. Neutron stars are very extreme objects. The densities in their interior greatly exceed those in nuclei. The exact composition and properties of neutron stars is still unclear but they consist mainly of neutrons. One can explore neutron stars theoretically with calculations of neutron matter. In the inner core of neutron stars exist very high densities and thus maybe exotic phases of matter. To investigate whether there exists a phase transition to such phases even at moderate densities we study the chiral condensate in neutron matter, the order parameter of chiral symmetry breaking, and find no evidence for a phase transition at nuclear densities. We also calculate the more extreme system of spin-polarised neutron matter. With this we address the question whether there exists such a polarised phase in neutron stars and also provide a benchmark system for lattice QCD. We find spin-polarised neutron matter to be an almost non-interacting Fermi gas. To understand the cooling of neutron stars neutron pairing is of great importance. Due to the high densities especially triplet pairing is of interest. We

  18. The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center Spallation Neutron Sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nowicki, Suzanne F.; Wender, Stephen A.; Mocko, Michael


    The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) provides the scientific community with intense sources of neutrons, which can be used to perform experiments supporting civilian and national security research. These measurements include nuclear physics experiments for the defense program, basic science, and the radiation effect programs. This paper focuses on the radiation effects program, which involves mostly accelerated testing of semiconductor parts. When cosmic rays strike the earth's atmosphere, they cause nuclear reactions with elements in the air and produce a wide range of energetic particles. Because neutrons are uncharged, they can reach aircraft altitudes and sea level. These neutrons are thought to be the most important threat to semiconductor devices and integrated circuits. The best way to determine the failure rate due to these neutrons is to measure the failure rate in a neutron source that has the same spectrum as those produced by cosmic rays. Los Alamos has a high-energy and a low-energy neutron source for semiconductor testing. Both are driven by the 800-MeV proton beam from the LANSCE accelerator. The high-energy neutron source at the Weapons Neutron Research (WNR) facility uses a bare target that is designed to produce fast neutrons with energies from 100 keV to almost 800 MeV. The measured neutron energy distribution from WNR is very similar to that of the cosmic-ray-induced neutrons in the atmosphere. However, the flux provided at the WNR facility is typically 5×107 times more intense than the flux of the cosmic-ray-induced neutrons. This intense neutron flux allows testing at greatly accelerated rates. An irradiation test of less than an hour is equivalent to many years of neutron exposure due to cosmic-ray neutrons. The low-energy neutron source is located at the Lujan Neutron Scattering Center. It is based on a moderated source that provides useful neutrons from subthermal energies to ~100 keV. The characteristics of these sources

  19. The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center Spallation Neutron Sources (United States)

    Nowicki, Suzanne F.; Wender, Stephen A.; Mocko, Michael

    The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) provides the scientific community with intense sources of neutrons, which can be used to perform experiments supporting civilian and national security research. These measurements include nuclear physics experiments for the defense program, basic science, and the radiation effect programs. This paper focuses on the radiation effects program, which involves mostly accelerated testing of semiconductor parts. When cosmic rays strike the earth's atmosphere, they cause nuclear reactions with elements in the air and produce a wide range of energetic particles. Because neutrons are uncharged, they can reach aircraft altitudes and sea level. These neutrons are thought to be the most important threat to semiconductor devices and integrated circuits. The best way to determine the failure rate due to these neutrons is to measure the failure rate in a neutron source that has the same spectrum as those produced by cosmic rays. Los Alamos has a high-energy and a low-energy neutron source for semiconductor testing. Both are driven by the 800-MeV proton beam from the LANSCE accelerator. The high-energy neutron source at the Weapons Neutron Research (WNR) facility uses a bare target that is designed to produce fast neutrons with energies from 100 keV to almost 800 MeV. The measured neutron energy distribution from WNR is very similar to that of the cosmic-ray-induced neutrons in the atmosphere. However, the flux provided at the WNR facility is typically 5×107 times more intense than the flux of the cosmic-ray-induced neutrons. This intense neutron flux allows testing at greatly accelerated rates. An irradiation test of less than an hour is equivalent to many years of neutron exposure due to cosmic-ray neutrons. The low-energy neutron source is located at the Lujan Neutron Scattering Center. It is based on a moderated source that provides useful neutrons from subthermal energies to ∼100 keV. The characteristics of these sources, and

  20. Workshop on polarized neutron filters and polarized pulsed neutron experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, Shinichi


    The workshop was held in KEK by thirty-three participants on April 26, 2004. The polarized neutron filter method was only discussed. It consists of three parts; the first part was discussed on the polarized neutron methods, the second part on the polarized neutron experiments and the third on the pulse neutron spectrometer and polarized neutron experiments. The six papers were presented such as the polarized 3 He neutron spin filter, neutron polarization by proton polarized filter, soft master and neutron scattering, polarized neutron in solid physics, polarization experiments by chopper spectroscope and neutron polarization system in superHRPD. (S.Y.)

  1. Neutron matter, symmetry energy and neutron stars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stefano, Gandolfi [Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL); Steiner, Andrew W [ORNL


    Recent progress in quantum Monte Carlo with modern nucleon-nucleon interactions have enabled the successful description of properties of light nuclei and neutron-rich matter. Of particular interest is the nuclear symmetry energy, the energy cost of creating an isospin asymmetry, and its connection to the structure of neutron stars. Combining these advances with recent observations of neutron star masses and radii gives insight into the equation of state of neutron-rich matter near and above the saturation density. In particular, neutron star radius measurements constrain the derivative of the symmetry energy.

  2. Fail-safe neutron shutter used for thermal neutron radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sachs, R.D.; Morris, R.A.


    A fail-safe, reliable, easy-to-use neutron shutter was designed, built, and put into operation at the Omega West Reactor, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. The neutron shutter will be used primarily to perform thermal neutron radiography, but is also available for a highly collimated source of thermal neutrons [neutron flux = 3.876 x 10 6 (neutrons)/(cm 2 .s)]. Neutron collimator sizes of either 10.16 by 10.16 cm or 10.16 by 30.48 cm are available

  3. Extraction of the neutron-neutron scattering length ann from kinematically complete neutron-deuteron breakup experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Witala, H.; Hueber, D.; Gloeckle, W.; Tornow, W.; Gonzalez Trotter, D.E.


    Data for the neutron-neutron final-state-interaction cross section obtained recently in a kinematically complete neutron-deuteron breakup experiment have been reanalyzed using rigorous solutions of the three-nucleon Faddeev equations with realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions. A discrepancy was found with respect to a recent analysis based on the W-matrix approximation to the Paris potential. We also estimate theoretical uncertainties in extracting the neutron-neutron scattering length resulting from the use of different nucleon-nucleon interactions and the possible action of the two pion-exchange three-nucleon force. We find that there exists a certain production angle for the interacting neutron-neutron pair where the uncertainties become minimal. (author)

  4. Neutron Absorbing Ability Variation in Neutron Absorbing Material Caused by the Neutron Irradiation in Spent Fuel Storage Facility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sohn, Hee Dong; Han, Seul Gi; Lee, Sang Dong; Kim, Ki Hong; Ryu, Eag Hyang; Park, Hwa Gyu [Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction, Changwon (Korea, Republic of)


    In spent fuel storage facility like high density spent fuel storage racks and dry storage casks, spent fuels are stored with neutron absorbing materials installed as a part of those facilities, and they are used for absorbing neutrons emitted from spent fuels. Usually structural material with neutron absorbing material of racks and casks are located around spent fuels, so it is irradiated by neutrons for long time. Neutron absorbing ability could be changed by the variation of nuclide composition in neutron absorbing material caused by the irradiation of neutrons. So, neutron absorbing materials are continuously faced with spent fuels with boric acid solution or inert gas environment. Major nuclides in neutron absorbing material are Al{sup 27}, C{sup 12}, B{sup 11}, B{sup 10} and they are changed to numerous other ones as radioactive decay or neutron absorption reaction. The B{sup 10} content in neutron absorbing material dominates the neutron absorbing ability, so, the variation of nuclide composition including the decrease of B{sup 10} content is the critical factor on neutron absorbing ability. In this study, neutron flux in spent fuel, the activation of neutron absorbing material and the variation of nuclide composition are calculated. And, the minimum neutron flux causing the decrease of B{sup 10} content is calculated in spent fuel storage facility. Finally, the variation of neutron multiplication factor is identified according to the one of B{sup 10} content in neutron absorbing material. The minimum neutron flux to impact the neutron absorbing ability is 10{sup 10} order, however, usual neutron flux from spent fuel is 10{sup 8} order. Therefore, even though neutron absorbing material is irradiated for over 40 years, B{sup 10} content is little decreased, so, initial neutron absorbing ability could be kept continuously.

  5. Neutron optics using transverse field neutron spin echo method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Achiwa, Norio; Hino, Masahiro; Yamauchi, Yoshihiro; Takakura, Hiroyuki; Tasaki, Seiji; Akiyoshi, Tsunekazu; Ebisawa, Toru.


    A neutron spin echo (NSE) spectrometer with perpendicular magnetic field to the neutron scattering plane, using an iron yoke type electro-magnet has been developed. A combination of cold neutron guider, supermirror neutron polarizer of double reflection type and supermirror neutron analyser was adopted for the spectrometer. The first application of the NSE spectrometer to neutron optics by passing Larmor precessing neutrons through gas, solid and liquid materials of several different lengths which are inserted in one of the precession field have been examined. Preliminary NSE spectra of this sample geometry are discussed. (author)

  6. Neutron radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiraoka, Eiichi


    The thermal neutron absorption coefficient is essentially different from the X-ray absorption coefficient. Each substance has a characteristic absorption coefficient regardless of its density. Neutron deams have the following features: (1) neutrons are not transmitted efficiently by low molecular weight substances, (2) they are transmitted efficiently by heavy metals, and (3) the transmittance differs among isotopes. Thus, neutron beams are suitable for cheking for foreign matters in heavy metals and testing of composites consisting of both heavy and light materials. A neutron source generates fast neutrons, which should be converted into thermal neutrons by reducing their energy. Major neutron souces include nuclear reactors, radioisotopes and particle accelerators. Photographic films and television systems are mainly used to observe neutron transmission images. Computers are employed for image processing, computerized tomography and three-dimensional analysis. The major applications of neutron radiography include inspection of neclear fuel; evaluation of material for airplane; observation of fuel in the engine and oil in the hydraulic systems in airplanes; testing of composite materials; etc. (Nogami, K.)

  7. Neutron Dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vanhavere, F.


    The objective of SCK-CEN's R and D programme on neutron dosimetry is to improve the determination of neutron doses by studying neutron spectra, neutron dosemeters and shielding adaptations. In 2000, R and D focused on the contiued investigation of the bubble detectors type BD-PND and BDT, in particular their sensitivity and temperature dependence; the updating of SCK-CEN's criticality dosemeter, the investigation of the characteristics of new thermoluminescent materials and their use in neutron dosemetry; and the investigation of neutron shielding

  8. Common sole in the northern and central Adriatic Sea: Spatial management scenarios to rebuild the stock (United States)

    Scarcella, Giuseppe; Grati, Fabio; Raicevich, Saša; Russo, Tommaso; Gramolini, Roberto; Scott, Robert D.; Polidori, Piero; Domenichetti, Filippo; Bolognini, Luca; Giovanardi, Otello; Celić, Igor; Sabatini, Laura; Vrgoč, Nedo; Isajlović, Igor; Marčeta, Bojan; Fabi, Gianna


    The northern and central Adriatic Sea represents an important spawning and aggregation area for common sole (Solea solea) and provides for around 20% of the Mediterranean landings. In this area, this resource is mainly exploited with rapido trawl and set nets. The stock is not yet depleted and faces a situation of growth overfishing. The comparison between the spatial distribution by age of S. solea and the geographic patterns of the rapido trawl fishing effort evidenced an overlapping of this fishing activity with the area where juveniles concentrate (age groups 0-2). The majority of spawners inhabits specific offshore areas, here defined as ‘sole sanctuaries', where high concentrations of debris and benthic communities make difficult trawling with rapido. The aim of this study was to evaluate existing spatial management regimes and potential new spatial and temporal closures in the northern and central Adriatic Sea using a simple modelling tool. Two spatial simulations were carried out in order to verify the effectiveness of complementary methods for the management of fisheries: the ban of rapido trawling from October to December within 6 nautical miles and 9 nautical miles of the Italian coast. The focus of the simulation is that the effort of the rapido trawl is moved far from the coast during key sole recruitment periods, when the juveniles are moving from the inshore nursery area toward the offshore feeding grounds. The management scenarios showed that a change in selectivity would lead to a clear increase in the spawning stock biomass and an increase in landings of S. solea in the medium-term. The rapido trawl activity could be managed by using a different logic, bearing in mind that catches and incomes would increase with small changes in the spatial pattern of the fishing effort. The present study highlights the importance of taking into account spatial dimensions of fishing fleets and the possible interactions that can occur between fleets and target

  9. Neutron Dosimetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vanhavere, F


    The objective of SCK-CEN's R and D programme on neutron dosimetry is to improve the determination of neutron doses by studying neutron spectra, neutron dosemeters and shielding adaptations. In 2000, R and D focused on the contiued investigation of the bubble detectors type BD-PND and BDT, in particular their sensitivity and temperature dependence; the updating of SCK-CEN's criticality dosemeter, the investigation of the characteristics of new thermoluminescent materials and their use in neutron dosemetry; and the investigation of neutron shielding.

  10. Neutronic analysis of JET external neutron monitor response

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Snoj, Luka, E-mail: [Reactor Physics Division, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); Lengar, Igor; Čufar, Aljaž [Reactor Physics Division, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); Syme, Brian; Popovichev, Sergey [Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB, United Kingdom (United Kingdom); Batistoni, Paola [ENEA C. R. Frascati, via E. Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati, Roma (Italy); Conroy, Sean [VR Association, Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, PO Box 516, SE-75120 Uppsala (Sweden)


    Highlights: • We model JET tokamak containing JET remote handling system. • We investigate effect of remote handling system on external neutron monitor response. • Remote handling system correction factors are calculated. • Integral correction factors are relatively small, i.e up to 8%. - Abstract: The power output of fusion devices is measured in terms of the neutron yield which relates directly to the fusion yield. JET made a transition from Carbon wall to ITER-Like Wall (Beryllium/Tungsten/Carbon) during 2010–11. Absolutely calibrated measurement of the neutron yield by JET neutron monitors was ensured by direct measurements using a calibrated {sup 252}Cf neutron source (NS) deployed by the in-vessel remote handling system (RHS) inside the JET vacuum vessel. Neutronic calculations were required in order to understand the neutron transport from the source in the vacuum vessel to the fission chamber detectors mounted outside the vessel on the transformer limbs of the tokamak. We developed a simplified computational model of JET and the JET RHS in Monte Carlo neutron transport code MCNP and analyzed the paths and structures through which neutrons reach the detectors and the effect of the JET RHS on the neutron monitor response. In addition we performed several sensitivity studies of the effect of substantial massive structures blocking the ports on the external neutron monitor response. As the simplified model provided a qualitative picture of the process only, some calculations were repeated using a more detailed full 3D model of the JET tokamak.

  11. Investigation of Response of Several Neutron Surveymeters by a DT Neutron Generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Sang In; Jang, In Su; Kim, Jang Lyul; Lee, Jung IL; Kim, Bong Hwan


    Several neutron measuring devices were tested under the neutron fields characterized with two distinct kinds of thermal and fast neutron spectrum. These neutron fields were constructed by the mixing of both thermal neutron fields and fast neutron fields. The thermal neutron field was constructed using by a graphite pile with eight AmBe neutron sources. The fast neutron field of 14 MeV was made by a DT neutron generator. In order to change the fraction of fast neutron fluence rate in each neutron fields, a neutron generator was placed in the thermal neutron field at 50 cm and 150 cm from the reference position. The polyethylene neutron collimator was used to make moderated 14 MeV neutron field. These neutron spectra were measured by using a Bonner sphere system with an LiI scintillator, and dosimetric quantities delivered to neutron surveymeters were determined from these measurement results.

  12. Neutron Imaging at Compact Accelerator-Driven Neutron Sources in Japan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yoshiaki Kiyanagi


    Full Text Available Neutron imaging has been recognized to be very useful to investigate inside of materials and products that cannot be seen by X-ray. New imaging methods using the pulsed structure of neutron sources based on accelerators has been developed also at compact accelerator-driven neutron sources and opened new application fields in neutron imaging. The world’s first dedicated imaging instrument at pulsed neutron sources was constructed at J-PARC in Japan owing to the development of such new methods. Then, usefulness of the compact accelerator-driven neutron sources in neutron science was recognized and such facilities were newly constructed in Japan. Now, existing and new sources have been used for neutron imaging. Traditional imaging and newly developed pulsed neutron imaging such as Bragg edge transmission have been applied to various fields by using compact and large neutron facilities. Here, compact accelerator-driven neutron sources used for imaging in Japan are introduced and some of their activities are presented.

  13. Accelerator based neutron source for neutron capture therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salimov, R.; Bayanov, B.; Belchenko, Yu.; Belov, V.; Davydenko, V.; Donin, A.; Dranichnikov, A.; Ivanov, A.; Kandaurov, I; Kraynov, G.; Krivenko, A.; Kudryavtsev, A.; Kursanov, N.; Savkin, V.; Shirokov, V.; Sorokin, I.; Taskaev, S.; Tiunov, M.


    Full text: The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk) and the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (Obninsk) have proposed an accelerator based neutron source for neutron capture and fast neutron therapy for hospital. Innovative approach is based upon vacuum insulation tandem accelerator (VITA) and near threshold 7 Li(p,n) 7 Be neutron generation. Pilot accelerator based neutron source for neutron capture therapy is under construction now at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia. In the present report, the pilot facility design is presented and discussed. Design features of facility components are discussed. Results of experiments and simulations are presented. Complete experimental tests are planned by the end of the year 2005

  14. Design of hyper-thermal neutron irradiation fields for neutron capture therapy in KUR-heavy water neutron irradiation facility. Mounting of hyper-thermal neutron converter in therapeutic collimator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakurai, Y.; Kobayashi, T.


    Neutron capture therapy (NCP) using thermal neutron needs to improve of depth dose distribution in a living body. Epi-thermal neutron following moderation of fast neutron is usually used for improving of the depth dose distribution. The moderation method of fast neutron, however, gets mixed some of high energy neutron which give some of serious effects to a living body, and involves the difficulty for collimation of thermal neutron to the diseased part. Hyper-thermal neutrons, which are in an energy range of 0.1-3 eV at high temperature side of thermal neutron, are under consideration for application to the NCP. The hyper-thermal neutrons can be produced by up-scattering of thermal neutron in a high temperature material. Fast neutron components in collimator for the NCP reduce on application of the up-scattering method. Graphite at high temperature (>1000k) is used as a hyper-thermal neutron converter. The hyper-thermal neutron converter is planted to mount on therapeutic collimator which is located at the nearest side of patient for the NCP. Total neutron flux, ratio of hyper-thermal neutron to total neutron, and ratio of gamma-ray dose to neutron flux are calculated as a function of thickness of the graphite converter using monte carlo code MCNP-V4B. (M. Suetake)

  15. The secondary neutron sources for generation of particular neutron fluxes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tracz, G.


    The foregoing paper presents the doctor's thesis entitled '' The secondary neutron sources for generation of particular neutron fluxes ''. Two secondary neutron sources have been designed, which exploit already existing primary sources emitting neutrons of energies different from the desired ones. The first source is devoted to boron-neutron capture therapy (BNCT). The research reactor MARIA at the Institute of Atomic Energy in Swierk (Poland) is the primary source of the reactor thermal neutrons, while the secondary source should supply epithermal neutrons. The other secondary source is the pulsed source of thermal neutrons that uses fast 14 MeV neutrons from a pulsed generator at the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN in Krakow (Poland). The physical problems to be solved in the two mentioned cases are different. Namely, in order to devise the BNCT source the initial energy of particles ought to be increased, whilst in the other case the fast neutrons have to be moderated. Slowing down of neutrons is relatively easy since these particles lose energy when they scatter in media; the most effective moderators are the materials which contain light elements (mostly hydrogen). In order to increase the energy of neutrons from thermal to epithermal (the BNCT case) the so-called neutron converter should be exploited. It contains a fissile material, 235 U. The thermal neutrons from the reactor cause fission of uranium and fast neutrons are emitted from the converter. Then fissile neutrons of energy of a few MeV are slowed down to the required epithermal energy range. The design of both secondary sources have been conducted by means of Monte Carlo simulations, which have been carried out using the MCNP code. In the case of the secondary pulsed thermal neutron source, some of the calculated results have been verified experimentally. (author)

  16. Calculations to support JET neutron yield calibration: Modelling of neutron emission from a compact DT neutron generator (United States)

    Čufar, Aljaž; Batistoni, Paola; Conroy, Sean; Ghani, Zamir; Lengar, Igor; Milocco, Alberto; Packer, Lee; Pillon, Mario; Popovichev, Sergey; Snoj, Luka; JET Contributors


    At the Joint European Torus (JET) the ex-vessel fission chambers and in-vessel activation detectors are used as the neutron production rate and neutron yield monitors respectively. In order to ensure that these detectors produce accurate measurements they need to be experimentally calibrated. A new calibration of neutron detectors to 14 MeV neutrons, resulting from deuterium-tritium (DT) plasmas, is planned at JET using a compact accelerator based neutron generator (NG) in which a D/T beam impinges on a solid target containing T/D, producing neutrons by DT fusion reactions. This paper presents the analysis that was performed to model the neutron source characteristics in terms of energy spectrum, angle-energy distribution and the effect of the neutron generator geometry. Different codes capable of simulating the accelerator based DT neutron sources are compared and sensitivities to uncertainties in the generator's internal structure analysed. The analysis was performed to support preparation to the experimental measurements performed to characterize the NG as a calibration source. Further extensive neutronics analyses, performed with this model of the NG, will be needed to support the neutron calibration experiments and take into account various differences between the calibration experiment and experiments using the plasma as a source of neutrons.

  17. Calculations to support JET neutron yield calibration: Modelling of neutron emission from a compact DT neutron generator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Čufar, Aljaž, E-mail: [Reactor Physics Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); EUROfusion Consortium, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); Batistoni, Paola [ENEA, Department of Fusion and Nuclear Safety Technology, I-00044 Frascati, Rome (Italy); EUROfusion Consortium, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); Conroy, Sean [Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, PO Box 516, SE-75120 Uppsala (Sweden); EUROfusion Consortium, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); Ghani, Zamir [Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); EUROfusion Consortium, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); Lengar, Igor [Reactor Physics Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); EUROfusion Consortium, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); Milocco, Alberto; Packer, Lee [Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); EUROfusion Consortium, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); Pillon, Mario [ENEA, Department of Fusion and Nuclear Safety Technology, I-00044 Frascati, Rome (Italy); EUROfusion Consortium, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); Popovichev, Sergey [Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); EUROfusion Consortium, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); Snoj, Luka [Reactor Physics Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia); EUROfusion Consortium, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB (United Kingdom)


    At the Joint European Torus (JET) the ex-vessel fission chambers and in-vessel activation detectors are used as the neutron production rate and neutron yield monitors respectively. In order to ensure that these detectors produce accurate measurements they need to be experimentally calibrated. A new calibration of neutron detectors to 14 MeV neutrons, resulting from deuterium–tritium (DT) plasmas, is planned at JET using a compact accelerator based neutron generator (NG) in which a D/T beam impinges on a solid target containing T/D, producing neutrons by DT fusion reactions. This paper presents the analysis that was performed to model the neutron source characteristics in terms of energy spectrum, angle–energy distribution and the effect of the neutron generator geometry. Different codes capable of simulating the accelerator based DT neutron sources are compared and sensitivities to uncertainties in the generator's internal structure analysed. The analysis was performed to support preparation to the experimental measurements performed to characterize the NG as a calibration source. Further extensive neutronics analyses, performed with this model of the NG, will be needed to support the neutron calibration experiments and take into account various differences between the calibration experiment and experiments using the plasma as a source of neutrons.

  18. Study of neutron fields around an intense neutron generator. (United States)

    Kicka, L; Machrafi, R; Miller, A


    Neutron fields in the vicinity of the newly built neutron facility, at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), have been investigated in a series of Monte Carlo simulations and measurements. The facility hosts a P-385 neutron generator based on a deuterium-deuterium fusion reaction. The neutron fluence at different locations around the neutron generator facility has been simulated using MCNPX 2.7E Monte Carlo particle transport program. To characterize neutron fields, three neutron sources were modeled with distributions corresponding to different incident deuteron energies of 90kV, 110kV, and 130kV. Measurements have been carried out to determine the dose rate at locations adjacent to the generator using bubble detectors (BDs). The neutron intensity was evaluated and the total dose rates corresponding to different applied acceleration potentials were estimated at various locations. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Miscellaneous neutron techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iddings, F.A.


    Attention is brought to the less often uses of neutrons in the areas of neutron radiography, well logging, and neutron gaging. Emphasis on neutron radiography points toward the isotopic sensitivity of the method versus the classical bulk applications. Also recognized is the ability of neutron radiography to produce image changes that correspond to thickness and density changes obtained in photon radiography. Similarly, neutron gaging applications center on the measurement of radiography. Similarly, neutron gaging applications center on the measurement of water, oil, or plastics in industrial samples. Well logging extends the neutron gaging to encompass many neutron properties and reactions besides thermalization and capture. Neutron gaging also gives information on organic structure and concentrations of a variety of elements or specific compounds in selected matrices

  20. Discovery of the neutron (to the fiftieth anniversary of neutron discovery)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pasechnik, M.V.


    Development of neutron physics in the USSR for the recent 50 years from the moment of neutron discovery is considered. History of neutron discovery is presented in brief. Neutron properties and fundamental problems of physics: electric dipole neutron moment, neutron β-decay, neutron interaction with nuclei and potential of nucleon interaction not conserving spatial parity are discussed. Main aspects of neutron physics application in power engineering, nuclear technology and other branches of science and technique are set forth

  1. Neutron rich matter, neutron stars, and their crusts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horowitz, C J


    Neutron rich matter is at the heart of many fundamental questions in Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics. What are the high density phases of QCD? Where did the chemical elements come from? What is the structure of many compact and energetic objects in the heavens, and what determines their electromagnetic, neutrino, and gravitational-wave radiations? Moreover, neutron rich matter is being studied with an extraordinary variety of new tools such as Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) and the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO). We describe the Lead Radius Experiment (PREX) that is using parity violation to measure the neutron radius in 208Pb. This has important implications for neutron stars and their crusts. Using large scale molecular dynamics, we model the formation of solids in both white dwarfs and neutron stars. We find neutron star crust to be the strongest material known, some 10 billion times stronger than steel. It can support mountains on rotating neutron stars large enough to generate detectable gravitational waves. Finally, we describe a new equation of state for supernova and neutron star merger simulations based on the Virial expansion at low densities, and large scale relativistic mean field calculations.

  2. Neutron Beam Filters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adib, M.


    The purpose of filters is to transmit neutrons with selected energy, while remove unwanted ones from the incident neutron beam. This reduces the background, and the number of spurious. The types of commonly used now-a-day neutron filters and their properties are discussed in the present work. There are three major types of neutron filters. The first type is filter of selective thermal neutron. It transmits the main reflected neutrons from a crystal monochromate, while reject the higher order contaminations accompanying the main one. Beams coming from the moderator always contain unwanted radiation like fast neutrons and gamma-rays which contribute to experimental background and to the biological hazard potential. Such filter type is called filter of whole thermal neutron spectrum. The third filter type is it transmits neutrons with energies in the resonance energy range (En . 1 KeV). The main idea of such neutron filter technique is the use of large quantities of a certain material which have the deep interference minima in its total neutron cross-section. By transmitting reactor neutrons through bulk layer of such material, one can obtain the quasimonochromatic neutron lines instead of white reactor spectrum.

  3. Neutron stochastic transport theory with delayed neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Munoz-Cobo, J.L.; Verdu, G.


    From the stochastic transport theory with delayed neutrons, the Boltzmann transport equation with delayed neutrons for the average flux emerges in a natural way without recourse to any approximation. From this theory a general expression is obtained for the Feynman Y-function when delayed neutrons are included. The single mode approximation for the particular case of a subcritical assembly is developed, and it is shown that Y-function reduces to the familiar expression quoted in many books, when delayed neutrons are not considered, and spatial and source effects are not included. (author)

  4. Fundamental of neutron radiography and the present of neutron radiography in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sekita, Junichiro


    Neutron radiography refers to the application of transmitted neutrons to analysis. In general, thermal neutron is used for neutron radiography. Thermal neutron is easily absorbed by light atoms, including hydrogen, boron and lithium, while it is not easily absorbed by such heavy atoms as tungsten, lead and uranium, permitting detection of impurities in heavy metals. Other neutrons than thermal neutron can also be applied. Cold neutron is produced from fast neutron using a moderator to reduce its energy down to below that of thermal neutron. Cold neutron is usefull for analysis of thick material. Epithermal neutron can induce resonance characteristic of each substance. With a relatively small reaction area, fast neutron permits observation of thick samples. Being electrically neutral, neutrons are difficult to detect by direct means. Thus a substance that releases charged particles is put in the path of neutrons for indirect measurement. X-ray film combined with converter screen for conversion of neutrons to charge particles is placed behind the sample. Photographing is carried out by a procedure similar to X-ray photography. Major institues and laboratories in Japan provided with neutron radiography facilities are listed. (Nogami, K.)

  5. Review of Non-Neutron and Neutron Nuclear Data, 2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holden, Norman E.


    Review articles are in preparation for the 2004 edition of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics dealing with the evaluation of both non-neutron and neutron nuclear data. Data on the discovery of element 110, Darmstadtium, and element 111 have been officially accepted, while data on element 118 have been withdrawn. Data to be presented include revised values for very short-lived nuclides, long-lived nuclides, and beta-beta decay measurements. There has been a reassessment of the spontaneous fission (sf) half-lives, which distinguishes between sf decay half-lives and cluster decay half-lives, and with cluster-fission decay. New measurements of isotopic abundance values for many elements will be discussed with an emphasis on the minor isotopes of interest for use in neutron activation analysis measurements. Neutron resonance integrals will be discussed emphasizing the differences between the calculated values obtained from the analytical integration over neutron resonances and the measured values in a neutron reactor-spectrum, which does not quite conform to the assumed 1/E neutron energy spectrum. The method used to determine the neutron resonance integral from measurement, using neutron activation analysis, will be discussed

  6. Observation of Neutron Skyshine from an Accelerator Based Neutron Source

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Franklyn, C. B. [Radiation Science Department, Necsa, PO Box 582, Pretoria 0001 (South Africa)


    A key feature of neutron based interrogation systems is the need for adequate provision of shielding around the facility. Accelerator facilities adapted for fast neutron generation are not necessarily suitably equipped to ensure complete containment of the vast quantity of neutrons generated, typically >10{sup 11} n{center_dot}s{sup -1}. Simulating the neutron leakage from a facility is not a simple exercise since the energy and directional distribution can only be approximated. Although adequate horizontal, planar shielding provision is made for a neutron generator facility, it is sometimes the case that vertical shielding is minimized, due to structural and economic constraints. It is further justified by assuming the atmosphere above a facility functions as an adequate radiation shield. It has become apparent that multiple neutron scattering within the atmosphere can result in a measurable dose of neutrons reaching ground level some distance from a facility, an effect commonly known as skyshine. This paper describes a neutron detection system developed to monitor neutrons detected several hundred metres from a neutron source due to the effect of skyshine.

  7. Pulsed neutron uranium borehole logging with prompt fission neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bivens, H.M.; Smith, G.W.; Jensen, D.H.


    The gross count natural gamma log normally used for uranium borehole logging is seriously affected by disequilibrium. Methods for the direct measurement of uranium, such as neutron logging, which are not affected by disequilibrium have been the object of considerable effort in recent years. This paper describes a logging system for uranium which uses a small accelerator to generate pulses of 14 MeV neutrons to detect and assay uranium by the measurement of prompt fission neutrons in the epithermal energy range. After an initial feasibility study, a prototype logging probe was built for field evaluation which began in January 1976. Physical and operational characteristics of the prototype probe, the neutron tube-transformer assembly, and the neutron tube are described. In logging operations, only the epithermal prompt fission neutrons detected between 250 microseconds to 2500 microseconds following the excitation neutron pulse are counted. Comparison of corrected neutron logs with the conventional gross count natural gamma logs and the chemical assays of cores from boreholes are shown. The results obtained with this neutron probe clearly demonstrate its advantages over the gross count natural gamma log, although at this time the accuracy of the neutron log assay is not satisfactory under some conditions. The necessary correction factors for various borehole and formation parameters are being determined and, when applied, should improve the assay accuracy

  8. Neutron reflectometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Well, A.A.


    Neutron research where reflection, refraction, and interference play an essential role is generally referred to as 'neutron optics'. The neutron wavelength, the scattering length density and the magnetic properties of the material determine the critical angle for total reflection. The theoretical background of neutron reflection, experimental methods and the interpretation of reflection data are presented. (K.A.)

  9. Pulsed neutron generator for use with pulsed neutron activation techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rochau, G.E.


    A high-output, transportable, pulsed neutron generator has been developed by Sandia National Laboratories for use with Pulsed Neutron Activation (PNA) techniques. The PNA neutron generator generates > 10 10 14 MeV D-T neutrons in a 1.2 millisecond pulse. Each operation of the unit will produce a nominal total neutron output of 1.2 x 10 10 neutrons. The generator has been designed to be easily repaired and modified. The unit requires no additional equipment for operation or measurement of output

  10. Neutron nuclear physics under the neutron science project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chiba, Satoshi [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    The concept of fast neutron physics facility in the Neutron Science Research project is described. This facility makes use of an ultra-short proton pulse (width < 1 ns) for fast neutron time-of-flight works. The current design is based on an assumption of the maximum proton current of 100 {mu}A. Available neutron fluence and energy resolution are explained. Some of the research subjects to be performed at this facility are discussed. (author)

  11. Development of highly effective neutron shields and neutron absorbing materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuda, K.; Matsuda, F.; Taniuchi, H.; Yuhara, T.; Iida, T.


    A wide range of materials, including polymers and hydrogen-occluded alloys that might be usable as the neutron shielding material were examined. And a wide range of materials, including aluminum alloys that might be usable as the neutron-absorbing material were examined. After screening, the candidate material was determined on the basis of evaluation regarding its adaptabilities as a high-performance neutron-shielding and neutron-absorbing material. This candidate material was manufactured for trial, after which material properties tests, neutron-shielding tests and neutron-absorbing tests were carried out on it. The specifications of this material were thus determined. This research has resulted in materials of good performance; a neutron-shielding material based on ethylene propylene rubber and titanium hydride, and a neutron-absorbing material based on aluminum and titanium hydride. (author)

  12. Methods for absorbing neutrons (United States)

    Guillen, Donna P [Idaho Falls, ID; Longhurst, Glen R [Idaho Falls, ID; Porter, Douglas L [Idaho Falls, ID; Parry, James R [Idaho Falls, ID


    A conduction cooled neutron absorber may include a metal matrix composite that comprises a metal having a thermal neutron cross-section of at least about 50 barns and a metal having a thermal conductivity of at least about 1 W/cmK. Apparatus for providing a neutron flux having a high fast-to-thermal neutron ratio may include a source of neutrons that produces fast neutrons and thermal neutrons. A neutron absorber positioned adjacent the neutron source absorbs at least some of the thermal neutrons so that a region adjacent the neutron absorber has a fast-to-thermal neutron ratio of at least about 15. A coolant in thermal contact with the neutron absorber removes heat from the neutron absorber.

  13. Neutron scattering. Lectures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brueckel, Thomas; Heger, Gernot; Richter, Dieter; Roth, Georg; Zorn, Reiner


    The following topics are dealt with: Neutron sources, symmetry of crystals, nanostructures investigated by small-angle neutron scattering, structure of macromolecules, spin dependent and magnetic scattering, structural analysis, neutron reflectometry, magnetic nanostructures, inelastic neutron scattering, strongly correlated electrons, polymer dynamics, applications of neutron scattering. (HSI)

  14. Development of Cold Neutron Activation Station at HANARO Cold Neutron Source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, G. M.; Hoang, S. M. T.; Moon, J. H.; Chung, Y. S.; Cho, S. J.; Lee, K. H.; Park, B. G.; Choi, H. D.


    A new cold neutron source at the HANARO Research Reactor had been constructed in the framework of a five-year project, and ended in 2009. It has seven neutron guides, among which five guides were already allocated for a number of neutron scattering instruments. A new two-year project to develop a Cold Neutron Activation Station (CONAS) was carried out at the two neutron guides since May 2010, which was supported by the program of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Korea. Fig. 1 shows the location of CONAS. CONAS is a complex facility including several radioanalytical instruments utilizing neutron capture reaction to analyze elements in a sample. It was designed to include three instruments like a CN-PGAA (Cold Neutron - Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis), a CN-NIPS (Cold Neutron - Neutron Induced Pair Spectrometer), and a CN-NDP (Cold Neutron - Neutron-induced prompt charged particle Depth Profiling). Fig. 2 shows the conceptual configuration of the CONAS concrete bioshield and the instruments. CN-PGAA and CN-NIPS measure the gamma-rays promptly emitted from the sample after neutron capture, whereas CN-NDP is a probe to measure the charged particles emitted from the sample surface after neutron capture. For this, we constructed two cold neutron guides called CG1 and CG2B guides from the CNS

  15. The magnetic diffusion of neutrons; La diffusion magnetique des neutrons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koehler, W C [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The purpose of this report is to examine briefly the diffusion of neutrons by substances, particularly by crystals containing permanent atomic or ionic magnetic moments. In other words we shall deal with ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic or paramagnetic crystals, but first it is necessary to touch on nuclear diffusion of neutrons. We shall start with the interaction of the neutron with a single diffusion centre; the results will then be applied to the magnetic interactions of the neutron with the satellite electrons of the atom; finally we shall discuss the diffusion of neutrons by crystals. (author) [French] Le but de ce rapport est d'examiner, brievement, la diffusion des neutrons par les substances, et surtout, par des cristaux qui contiennent des moments magnetiques atomiques ou ioniques permanents. C'est-a-dire que nous nous interesserons aux cristaux ferromagnetiques, antiferromagnetiques, ferrimagnetiques ou paramagnetiques; il nous faut cependant rappeler d'abord la diffusion nucleaire des neutrons. Nous commencerons par l'interaction du neutron avec un seul centre diffuseur; puis les resultats seront appliques aux interactions magnetiques du neutron avec les electrons satellites de l'atome; enfin nous discuterons la diffusion des neutrons par les cristaux. (auteur)

  16. Neutron scattering. Lectures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brueckel, Thomas; Heger, Gernot; Richter, Dieter; Roth, Georg; Zorn, Reiner (eds.)


    The following topics are dealt with: Neutron sources, neutron properties and elastic scattering, correlation functions measured by scattering experiments, symmetry of crystals, applications of neutron scattering, polarized-neutron scattering and polarization analysis, structural analysis, magnetic and lattice excitation studied by inelastic neutron scattering, macromolecules and self-assembly, dynamics of macromolecules, correlated electrons in complex transition-metal oxides, surfaces, interfaces, and thin films investigated by neutron reflectometry, nanomagnetism. (HSI)

  17. Neutron scattering. Lectures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brueckel, Thomas; Heger, Gernot; Richter, Dieter; Roth, Georg; Zorn, Reiner


    The following topics are dealt with: Neutron sources, neutron properties and elastic scattering, correlation functions measured by scattering experiments, symmetry of crystals, applications of neutron scattering, polarized-neutron scattering and polarization analysis, structural analysis, magnetic and lattice excitation studied by inelastic neutron scattering, macromolecules and self-assembly, dynamics of macromolecules, correlated electrons in complex transition-metal oxides, surfaces, interfaces, and thin films investigated by neutron reflectometry, nanomagnetism. (HSI)

  18. Neutron polarization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Firk, F.W.K.


    Some recent experiments involving polarized neutrons are discussed; they demonstrate how polarization studies provide information on fundamental aspects of nuclear structure that cannot be obtained from more traditional neutron studies. Until recently, neutron polarization studies tended to be limited either to very low energies or to restricted regions at higher energies, determined by the kinematics of favorable (p, vector n) and (d, vector n) reactions. With the advent of high intensity pulsed electron and proton accelerators and of beams of vector polarized deuterons, this is no longer the case. One has entered an era in which neutron polarization experiments are now being carried out, in a routine way, throughout the entire range from thermal energies to tens-of-MeV. The significance of neutron polarization studies is illustrated in discussions of a wide variety of experiments that include the measurement of T-invariance in the β-decay of polarized neutrons, a search for the effects of meson exchange currents in the photo-disintegration of the deuteron, the determination of quantum numbers of states in the fission of aligned 235 U and 237 Np induced by polarized neutrons, and the double- and triple-scattering of fast neutrons by light nuclei

  19. Neutron imaging integrated circuit and method for detecting neutrons (United States)

    Nagarkar, Vivek V.; More, Mitali J.


    The present disclosure provides a neutron imaging detector and a method for detecting neutrons. In one example, a method includes providing a neutron imaging detector including plurality of memory cells and a conversion layer on the memory cells, setting one or more of the memory cells to a first charge state, positioning the neutron imaging detector in a neutron environment for a predetermined time period, and reading a state change at one of the memory cells, and measuring a charge state change at one of the plurality of memory cells from the first charge state to a second charge state less than the first charge state, where the charge state change indicates detection of neutrons at said one of the memory cells.

  20. Neutron reflector design with Californium 252 neutron for Boron neutron chapter therapy facility using MCNP5 simulation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muhammad Fakhrurreza; Kusminanto; Y Sardjono


    In this research has made a reflector design to provide beams of Neutron for BNCT with Californium-252 radioactive source. This collimator is useful to obtain optimum epithermal neutron flux with the smallest impurity radiation (thermal neutron, fast neutron, and gamma). The design process is done using Monte Carlo N-Particle simulation version 5 (MCNP5) code to calculate the neutron flux tally form. The chosen reflector design is the reflectors which use material such as BeO ceramic with 13 cm thick. Moderator use sulfur material with the slope angle of the cone is 30°. From the calculation result, it is obtained that Reflector with 1 gram Californium-252 source can produce a neutron output thermal which has thermal neutron specification 2.23189 x 10 9 n/ 2 , epithermal neutron 3.51548 x 10 9 n/ 2 , and fast neutron 4.82241 x 10 9 n/ 2 From the result, it needs additional collimator because the BNCT requirement. (author)

  1. Neutron spectometers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poortmans, F.


    Experimental work in the field of low-energy neutron physics can be subdivided into two classes: 1)Study of the decay process of the compound-nucleus state as for example the study of the capture gamma rays and of the neutron induced fission process; 2)Study of the reaction mechanism, mainly by measuring the reaction cross-sections and resonance parameters. These neutron cross-sections and resonance parameters are also important data required for many technological applications especially for reactor development programmes. In general, the second class of experiments impose other requirements on the neutron spectrometer than the first class. In most cases, a better neutron energy resolution and a broader neutron energy range are required for the study of the reaction mechanism than for the study of various aspects of the decay process. (author)

  2. Neutron scattering. Lectures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brueckel, Thomas; Heger, Gernot; Richter, Dieter; Roth, Georg; Zorn, Reiner


    The following topics are dealt with: Neutron scattering in contemporary research, neutron sources, symmetry of crystals, diffraction, nanostructures investigated by small-angle neutron scattering, the structure of macromolecules, spin dependent and magnetic scattering, structural analysis, neutron reflectometry, magnetic nanostructures, inelastic scattering, strongly correlated electrons, dynamics of macromolecules, applications of neutron scattering. (HSI)

  3. Aerial Neutron Detection: Neutron Signatures for Nonproliferation and Emergency Response Applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maurer, Richard J.; Stampahar, Thomas G.; Smith, Ethan X.; Mukhopadhyay, Sanjoy; Wolff, Ronald S.; Rourke, Timothy J.; LeDonne, Jeffrey P.; Avaro, Emanuele; Butler, D. Andre; Borders, Kevin L.; Stampahar, Jezabel; Schuck, William H.; Selfridge, Thomas L.; McKissack, Thomas M.; Duncan, William W.; Hendricks, Thane J.


    From 2007 to the present, the Remote Sensing Laboratory has been conducting a series of studies designed to expand our fundamental understanding of aerial neutron detection with the goal of designing an enhanced sensitivity detection system for long range neutron detection. Over 35 hours of aerial measurements in a helicopter were conducted for a variety of neutron emitters such as neutron point sources, a commercial nuclear power reactor, nuclear reactor spent fuel in dry cask storage, depleted uranium hexafluoride and depleted uranium metal. The goals of the project were to increase the detection sensitivity of our instruments such that a 5.4 × 104 neutron/second source could be detected at 100 feet above ground level at a speed of 70 knots and to enhance the long-range detection sensitivity for larger neutron sources, i.e., detection ranges above 1000 feet. In order to increase the sensitivity of aerial neutron detection instruments, it is important to understand the dynamics of the neutron background as a function of altitude. For aerial neutron detection, studies have shown that the neutron background primarily originates from above the aircraft, being produced in the upper atmosphere by galactic cosmic-ray interactions with air molecules. These interactions produce energetic neutrons and charged particles that cascade to the earth’s surface, producing additional neutrons in secondary collisions. Hence, the neutron background increases as a function of altitude which is an impediment to long-range neutron detection. In order to increase the sensitivity for long range detection, it is necessary to maintain a low neutron background as a function of altitude. Initial investigations show the variation in the neutron background can be decreased with the application of a cosmic-ray shield. The results of the studies along with a representative data set are presented.

  4. Synovectomy by Neutron capture; Sinovectomia por captura de neutrones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vega C, H.R.; Torres M, C. [Centro Regional de Estudios Nucleares, Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, C. Cipres 10, Fracc. La Penuela, 98000 Zacatecas (Mexico)


    The Synovectomy by Neutron capture has as purpose the treatment of the rheumatoid arthritis, illness which at present does not have a definitive curing. This therapy requires a neutron source for irradiating the articulation affected. The energy spectra and the intensity of these neutrons are fundamental since these neutrons induce nuclear reactions of capture with Boron-10 inside the articulation and the freely energy of these reactions is transferred at the productive tissue of synovial liquid, annihilating it. In this work it is presented the neutron spectra results obtained with moderator packings of spherical geometry which contains in its center a Pu{sup 239} Be source. The calculations were realized through Monte Carlo method. The moderators assayed were light water, heavy water base and the both combination of them. The spectra obtained, the average energy, the neutron total number by neutron emitted by source, the thermal neutron percentage and the dose equivalent allow us to suggest that the moderator packing more adequate is what has a light water thickness 0.5 cm (radius 2 cm) and 24.5 cm heavy water (radius 26.5 cm). (Author)

  5. Assessing neutron generator output using neutron activation of silicon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kehayias, Pauli M.; Kehayias, Joseph J.


    D-T neutron generators are used for elemental composition analysis and medical applications. Often composition is determined by examining elemental ratios in which the knowledge of the neutron flux is unnecessary. However, the absolute value of the neutron flux is required when the generator is used for neutron activation analysis, to study radiation damage to materials, to monitor the operation of the generator, and to measure radiation exposure. We describe a method for absolute neutron output and flux measurements of low output D-T neutron generators using delayed activation of silicon. We irradiated a series of silicon oxide samples with 14.1 MeV neutrons and counted the resulting gamma rays of the 28 Al nucleus with an efficiency-calibrated detector. To minimize the photon self-absorption effects within the samples, we used a zero-thickness extrapolation technique by repeating the measurement with samples of different thicknesses. The neutron flux measured 26 cm away from the tritium target of a Thermo Electron A-325 D-T generator (Thermo Electron Corporation, Colorado Springs, CO) was 6.2 x 10 3 n/s/cm 2 ± 5%, which is consistent with the manufacturer's specifications

  6. Assessing neutron generator output using neutron activation of silicon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kehayias, Pauli M. [Body Composition Laboratory, Jean Mayer United States Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, Boston, MA 02111 (United States); Kehayias, Joseph J. [Body Composition Laboratory, Jean Mayer United States Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, Boston, MA 02111 (United States)]. E-mail:


    D-T neutron generators are used for elemental composition analysis and medical applications. Often composition is determined by examining elemental ratios in which the knowledge of the neutron flux is unnecessary. However, the absolute value of the neutron flux is required when the generator is used for neutron activation analysis, to study radiation damage to materials, to monitor the operation of the generator, and to measure radiation exposure. We describe a method for absolute neutron output and flux measurements of low output D-T neutron generators using delayed activation of silicon. We irradiated a series of silicon oxide samples with 14.1 MeV neutrons and counted the resulting gamma rays of the {sup 28}Al nucleus with an efficiency-calibrated detector. To minimize the photon self-absorption effects within the samples, we used a zero-thickness extrapolation technique by repeating the measurement with samples of different thicknesses. The neutron flux measured 26 cm away from the tritium target of a Thermo Electron A-325 D-T generator (Thermo Electron Corporation, Colorado Springs, CO) was 6.2 x 10{sup 3} n/s/cm{sup 2} {+-} 5%, which is consistent with the manufacturer's specifications.

  7. Hyper-thermal neutron irradiation field for neutron capture therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakurai, Yoshinori; Kobayashi, Tooru; Kanda, Keiji


    The utilization of hyper-thermal neutrons, which have an energy spectrum of a Maxwell distribution higher than the room temperature of 300 K, has been studied in order to improve the thermal neutron flux distribution in a living body for a deep-seated tumor in neutron capture therapy (NCT). Simulation calculations using MCNP-V3 were carried out in order to investigate the characteristics of the hyper-thermal neutron irradiation field. From the results of simulation calculations, the following were confirmed: (i) The irradiation field of the hyper-thermal neutrons is feasible by using some scattering materials with high temperature, such as Be, BeO, C, SiC and ZrH 1.7 . Especially, ZrH 1.7 is thought to be the best material because of good characteristics of up-scattering for thermal neutrons. (ii) The ZrH 1.7 of 1200 K yields the hyper-thermal neutrons of a Maxwell-like distribution at about 2000 K and the treatable depth is about 1.5 cm larger comparing with the irradiation of the thermal neutrons of 300 K. (iii) The contamination by the secondary gamma-rays from the scattering materials can be sufficiently eliminated to the tolerance level for NCT through the bismuth layer, without the larger change of the energy spectrum of hyper-thermal neutrons. ((orig.))

  8. Effects of neutron spectrum and external neutron source on neutron multiplication parameters in accelerator-driven system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shahbunder, Hesham; Pyeon, Cheol Ho; Misawa, Tsuyoshi; Lim, Jae-Yong; Shiroya, Seiji


    The neutron multiplication parameters: neutron multiplication M, subcritical multiplication factor k s , external source efficiency φ*, play an important role for numerical assessment and reactor power evaluation of an accelerator-driven system (ADS). Those parameters can be evaluated by using the measured reaction rate distribution in the subcritical system. In this study, the experimental verification of this methodology is performed in various ADS cores; with high-energy (100 MeV) proton-tungsten source in hard and soft neutron spectra cores and 14 MeV D-T neutron source in soft spectrum core. The comparison between measured and calculated multiplication parameters reveals a maximum relative difference in the range of 6.6-13.7% that is attributed to the calculation nuclear libraries uncertainty and accuracy for energies higher than 20 MeV and also dependent on the reaction rate distribution position and count rates. The effects of different core neutron spectra and external neutron sources on the neutron multiplication parameters are discussed.

  9. Neutron dosimetry at SLAC: Neutron sources and instrumentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, J.C.; Jenkins, T.M.; McCall, R.C.; Ipe, N.E.


    This report summarizes in detail the dosimetric characteristics of the five radioisotopic type neutron sources ( 238 PuBe, 252 Cf, 238 PuB, 238 PuF 4 , and 238 PuLi) and the neutron instrumentation (moderated BF 3 detector, Anderson-Braun (AB) detector, AB remmeter, Victoreen 488 Neutron Survey Meter, Beam Shut-Off Ionization Chamber, 12 C plastic scintillator detector, moderated indium foil detector, and moderated and bare TLDs) that are commonly used for neutron dosimetry at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). 36 refs,. 19 figs

  10. Production of 14 MeV neutrons from D-D neutron generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cecil, F.E.; Nieschmidt, E.B.


    The production of 14 MeV neutrons from a D-D neutron generator resulting from tritium buildup from the d(d,p)t reaction in the target is discussed. The effect of the 14 MeV neutrons on fast neutron activation analysis with D-D neutron generators is evaluated. (orig.)

  11. Pulsed neutron generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bespalov, D.F.; Bykovskii, Yu.A.; Vergun, I.I.; Kozlovskii, K.I.; Kozyrev, Yu.P.; Leonov, R.K.; Simagin, B.I.; Tsybin, A.S.; Shikanov, A.Ie.


    The paper describes a new device for generating pulsed neutron fields, utilized in nuclear geophysics for carrying out pulsed neutron logging and activation analysis under field conditions. The invention employs a sealed-off neutron tube with a laser ion source which increases neutron yield to the level of 10 neutrons per second or higher. 2 refs., 1 fig

  12. Neutron PSDs for the next generation of spallation neutron sources

    CERN Document Server

    Eijk, C W


    A review of R and D for neutron PSDs to be used at anticipated new spallation neutron sources: the Time-of-Flight system facility, European Spallation Source, Spallation Neutron Source and Neutron Arena, is presented. The gas-filled detectors, scintillation detectors and hybrid systems are emphasized.

  13. New neutron imaging using pulsed sources. Characteristics of a pulsed neutron source and principle of pulsed neutron imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki


    Neutron beam is one of important tools to obtain the transmission image of an object. Until now, steady state neutron sources such as reactors are mainly used for this imaging purpose. Recently, it has been demonstrated that pulsed neutron imaging based on accelerator neutron sources can provide a real-space distribution of physical information of materials such as crystallographic structure, element, temperature, hydrogen bound state, magnetic field and so on, by analyzing wavelength dependent transmission spectrum, which information cannot be observed or difficult to obtain with a traditional imaging method using steady state neutrons. Here, characteristics of the pulsed neutron source and principle of the pulsed neutron imaging are explained as a basic concept of the new method. (author)

  14. Neutron guides and scientific neutron equipment at CILAS/GMI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gautier-Picard, P.


    CILAS company is the world's leading supplier of complete neutron guides systems. The neutron optics with multilayer coatings produced by CILAS have become an international standard for neutron beam transportation in the modern research institutes. During the last 30 years, CILAS designed, produced and installed more than 5000 meters of guides in many European, American and Asian countries. To reinforce its leadership and presence in neutron research, CILAS acquired the company Grenoble Modular Instruments (GMI), a leading company in high precision mechanics, engineering and manufacturing of spectrometers and scientific equipment for neutron and synchrotron research. (author)

  15. Neutron detector (United States)

    Stephan, Andrew C [Knoxville, TN; Jardret,; Vincent, D [Powell, TN


    A neutron detector has a volume of neutron moderating material and a plurality of individual neutron sensing elements dispersed at selected locations throughout the moderator, and particularly arranged so that some of the detecting elements are closer to the surface of the moderator assembly and others are more deeply embedded. The arrangement captures some thermalized neutrons that might otherwise be scattered away from a single, centrally located detector element. Different geometrical arrangements may be used while preserving its fundamental characteristics. Different types of neutron sensing elements may be used, which may operate on any of a number of physical principles to perform the function of sensing a neutron, either by a capture or a scattering reaction, and converting that reaction to a detectable signal. High detection efficiency, an ability to acquire spectral information, and directional sensitivity may be obtained.

  16. Development of fast neutron radiography system based on portable neutron generator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yi, Chia Jia, E-mail:; Nilsuwankosit, Sunchai, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Phayathai Rd., Patumwan, Bangkok, THAILAND 10330 (Thailand)


    Due to the high installation cost, the safety concern and the immobility of the research reactors, the neutron radiography system based on portable neutron generator is proposed. Since the neutrons generated from a portable neutron generator are mostly the fast neutrons, the system is emphasized on using the fast neutrons for the purpose of conducting the radiography. In order to suppress the influence of X-ray produced by the neutron generator, a combination of a shielding material sandwiched between two identical imaging plates is used. A binary XOR operation is then applied for combining the information from the imaging plates. The raw images obtained confirm that the X-ray really has a large effect and that XOR operation can help enhance the effect of the neutrons.

  17. Neutron dosimetry at SLAC: Neutron sources and instrumentation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, J.C.; Jenkins, T.M.; McCall, R.C.; Ipe, N.E.


    This report summarizes in detail the dosimetric characteristics of the five radioisotopic type neutron sources ({sup 238}PuBe, {sup 252}Cf, {sup 238}PuB, {sup 238}PuF{sub 4}, and {sup 238}PuLi) and the neutron instrumentation (moderated BF{sub 3} detector, Anderson-Braun (AB) detector, AB remmeter, Victoreen 488 Neutron Survey Meter, Beam Shut-Off Ionization Chamber, {sup 12}C plastic scintillator detector, moderated indium foil detector, and moderated and bare TLDs) that are commonly used for neutron dosimetry at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). 36 refs,. 19 figs.

  18. Directional epithermal neutron detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Givens, W.W.; Mills, W.R. Jr.


    A borehole tool for epithermal neutron die-away logging of subterranean formations surrounding a borehole is described which consists of: (a) a pulsed source of fast neutrons for irradiating the formations surrounding a borehole, (b) at least one neutron counter for counting epithermal neutrons returning to the borehole from the irradiated formations, (c) a neutron moderating material, (d) an outer thermal neutron shield providing a housing for the counter and the moderating material, (e) an inner thermal neutron shield dividing the housing so as to provide a first compartment bounded by the inner thermal neutron shield and a first portion of the outer thermal neutron shield and a second compartment bounded by the inner thermal neutron shield and a second portion of the outer thermal neutron shield, the counter being positioned within the first compartment and the moderating material being positioned within the second compartment, and (f) means for positioning the borehole tool against one side of the borehole wall and azimuthally orienting the borehole tool such that the first chamber is in juxtaposition with the borehole wall, the formation epithermal neutrons penetrating into the first chamber through the first portion of the outer thermal neutron shield are detected by the neutron counter for die-away measurement, thereby maximizing the directional sensitivty of the neutron counter to formation epithermal neutrons, the borehole fluid epithermal neutrons penetrating into the second chamber through the second chamber through the second portion of the outer thermal neutron shield are largely slowed down and lowered in energy by the moderating material and absorbed by the inner thermal neutron shield before penetrating into the first chamber, thereby minimizing the directional sensitivity of the neutron counter to borehole fluid epithermal neutrons

  19. Neutron Optics: Towards Applications for Hot Neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schanzer, C; Schneider, M; Böni, P


    Supermirrors with large critical angles of reflection, i.e. large index m are an essential ingredient to transport, focus and polarise neutrons over a wide range of energy. Here we summarise the recent developments of supermirror with very large critical angles of reflection and high reflectivity that were conducted at SwissNeutronics as well as their implementation in devices. Approaching critical angles m = 8 times the critical angle of natural nickel makes new applications possible and extends the use of reflection optics towards the regime of hot and epithermal neutrons. Based on comparisons of simulations with experiment we demonstrate future possibilities of applications of large-m supermirrors towards devices for neutrons with short wavelength. (paper)

  20. Neutron transportation simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uenohara, Yuzo.


    In the present invention, problems in an existent parallelized monte carlo method is solved, and behaviors of neutrons in a large scaled system are accurately simulated at a high speed. Namely, a neutron transportation simulator according to the monte carlo method simulates movement of each of neutrons by using a parallel computer. In this case, the system to be processed is divided based on a space region and an energy region to which neutrons belong. Simulation of neutrons in the divided regions is allotted to each of performing devices of the parallel computer. Tarry data and nuclear data of the neutrons in each of the regions are memorized dispersedly to memories of each of the performing devices. A transmission means for simulating the behaviors of the neutrons in the region by each of the performing devices, as well as transmitting the information of the neutrons, when the neutrons are moved to other region, to the performing device in a transported portion are disposed to each of the performing devices. With such procedures, simulation for the neutrons in the allotted region can be conducted with small capacity of memories. (I.S.)

  1. Neutronics of the IFMIF neutron source: development and analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, P.P.H.


    The accurate analysis of this system required the development of a code system and methodology capable of modelling the various physical processes. A generic code system for the neutronics analysis of neutron sources has been created by loosely integrating existing components with new developments: the data processing code NJOY, the Monte Carlo neutron transport code MCNP, and the activation code ALARA were supplemented by a damage data processing program, damChar, and integrated with a number of flexible and extensible modules for the Perl scripting language. Specific advances were required to apply this code system to IFMIF. Based on the ENDF-6 data format requirements of this system, new data evaluations have been implemented for neutron transport and activation. Extensive analysis of the Li(d, xn) reaction has led to a new MCNP source function module, M c DeLi, based on physical reaction models and capable of accurate and flexible modelling of the IFMIF neutron source term. In depth analyses of the neutron flux spectra and spatial distribution throughout the high flux test region permitted a basic validation of the tools and data. The understanding of the features of the neutron flux provided a foundation for the analyses of the other neutron responses. (orig./DGE) [de

  2. Neutron spectra and dosimetric features of isotopic neutron sources: a review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vega C, H. R.; Martinez O, S. A.


    A convenient way to produce neutrons is the isotopic neutron source, where the production is through (α, n), (γ, n), and spontaneous fission reactions. Isotopic neutron sources are small, easy to handle, and have a relative low cost. On the other hand the neutron yield is small and mostly of them produces neutrons with a wide energy distribution. In this work, a review is carried out about the the main features of 24 NaBe, 24 NaD 2 O, 116 InBe, 140 LaBe, 238 PuLi, 239 PuBe, 241 AmB, 241 AmBe, 241 AmF, 241 AmLi, 242 CmBe, 210 PoBe, 226 RaBe, 252 Cf and 252 Cf/D 2 O isotopic neutron source. Also, using Monte Carlo methods, the neutron spectra in 31 energy groups, the neutron mean energy; the Ambient dose equivalent, the Personal dose equivalent and the Effective dose were calculated for these isotopic neutron sources. (Author)

  3. A neutron detector for measurement of total neutron production cross sections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sekharan, K.K.; Laumer, H.; Kern, B.D.; Gabbard, F.


    A neutron detector has been constructed and calibrated for the accurate measurement of total neutron production cross sections. The detector consists of a polyethylene sphere of 60 cm diameter in which eight 10 BF 3 counters have been installed radially. The relative efficiency of this detector has been determined for average neutron energies from 30 keV to 1.5 MeV by counting neutrons from 7 Li(p, n) 7 Be. By adjusting the radial positions of the BF 3 counters in the polyethylene sphere the efficiency for neutron detection was made nearly constant for this energy range. Measurement of absolute efficiency for the same neutron energy range has been done by counting the neutrons from 51 V(p, n) 51 Cr and 57 Fe(p, n) 57 Co reactions and determining the absolute number of residual nuclei produced during the measurement of neutron yield. Details of absolute efficiency measurements and the use of the detector for determination of neutron production cross sections are given. (Auth.)

  4. Fusion neutronics

    CERN Document Server

    Wu, Yican


    This book provides a systematic and comprehensive introduction to fusion neutronics, covering all key topics from the fundamental theories and methodologies, as well as a wide range of fusion system designs and experiments. It is the first-ever book focusing on the subject of fusion neutronics research. Compared with other nuclear devices such as fission reactors and accelerators, fusion systems are normally characterized by their complex geometry and nuclear physics, which entail new challenges for neutronics such as complicated modeling, deep penetration, low simulation efficiency, multi-physics coupling, etc. The book focuses on the neutronics characteristics of fusion systems and introduces a series of theories and methodologies that were developed to address the challenges of fusion neutronics, and which have since been widely applied all over the world. Further, it introduces readers to neutronics design’s unique principles and procedures, experimental methodologies and technologies for fusion systems...

  5. Neutron-induced peaks in Ge detectors from evaporation neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gete, E.; Measday, D.F.; Moftah, B.A.; Saliba, M.A.; Stocki, T.J.


    We have studied the peak shapes at 596 and 691 keV resulting from fast neutron interactions inside germanium detectors. We have used neutrons from a 252 Cf source, as well as from the 28 Si(μ - , nν), and 209 Bi(π - , xn) reactions to compare the peaks and to check for a dependence of peak shape on the incoming neutron energy. In our investigation, no difference between these three measurements has been observed. In a comparison of these peak shapes with other studies, we found similar results to ours except for those measurements using monoenergetic neutrons in which a significant variation with neutron energy has been observed. (orig.)

  6. Development of high flux thermal neutron generator for neutron activation analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vainionpaa, Jaakko H., E-mail: [Adelphi Technology, 2003 E Bayshore Rd, Redwood City, CA 94063 (United States); Chen, Allan X.; Piestrup, Melvin A.; Gary, Charles K. [Adelphi Technology, 2003 E Bayshore Rd, Redwood City, CA 94063 (United States); Jones, Glenn [G& J Jones Enterprice, 7486 Brighton Ct, Dublin, CA 94568 (United States); Pantell, Richard H. [Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (United States)


    The new model DD110MB neutron generator from Adelphi Technology produces thermal (<0.5 eV) neutron flux that is normally achieved in a nuclear reactor or larger accelerator based systems. Thermal neutron fluxes of 3–5 · 10{sup 7} n/cm{sup 2}/s are measured. This flux is achieved using four ion beams arranged concentrically around a target chamber containing a compact moderator with a central sample cylinder. Fast neutron yield of ∼2 · 10{sup 10} n/s is created at the titanium surface of the target chamber. The thickness and material of the moderator is selected to maximize the thermal neutron flux at the center. The 2.5 MeV neutrons are quickly thermalized to energies below 0.5 eV and concentrated at the sample cylinder. The maximum flux of thermal neutrons at the target is achieved when approximately half of the neutrons at the sample area are thermalized. In this paper we present simulation results used to characterize performance of the neutron generator. The neutron flux can be used for neutron activation analysis (NAA) prompt gamma neutron activation analysis (PGNAA) for determining the concentrations of elements in many materials. Another envisioned use of the generator is production of radioactive isotopes. DD110MB is small enough for modest-sized laboratories and universities. Compared to nuclear reactors the DD110MB produces comparable thermal flux but provides reduced administrative and safety requirements and it can be run in pulsed mode, which is beneficial in many neutron activation techniques.

  7. Fast neutron activation analysis by means of low voltage neutron generator

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.E. Medhat

    Full Text Available A description of D-T neutron generator (NG is presented. This machine can be used for fast neutron activation analysis applied to determine some selected elements, especially light elements, in different materials. Procedure of neutron flux determination and efficiency calculation is described. Examples of testing some Egyptian natural cosmetics are given. Keywords: Neutron generator, Fast neutron activation analysis, Elemental analysis

  8. Research of accelerator-based neutron source for boron neutron capture therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Changkai; Ma Yingjie; Tang Xiaobin; Xie Qin; Geng Changran; Chen Da


    Background: 7 Li (p, n) reaction of high neutron yield and low threshold energy has become one of the most important neutron generating reactions for Accelerator-based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT). Purpose Focuses on neutron yield and spectrum characteristics of this kind of neutron generating reaction which serves as an accelerator-based neutron source and moderates the high energy neutron beams to meet BNCT requirements. Methods: The yield and energy spectrum of neutrons generated by accelerator-based 7 Li(p, n) reaction with incident proton energy from 1.9 MeV to 3.0 MeV are researched using the Monte Carlo code-MCNPX2.5.0. And the energy and angular distribution of differential neutron yield by 2.5-MeV incident proton are also given in this part. In the following part, the character of epithermal neutron beam generated by 2.5-MeV incident protons is moderated by a new-designed moderator. Results: Energy spectra of neutrons generated by accelerator-based 7 Li(p, n) reaction with incident proton energy from 1.9 MeV to 3.0 MeV are got through the simulation and calculation. The best moderator thickness is got through comparison. Conclusions: Neutron beam produced by accelerator-based 7 Li(p, n) reaction, with the bombarding beam of 10 mA and the energy of 2.5 MeV, can meet the requirement of BNCT well after being moderated. (authors)

  9. A polarizing neutron periscope for neutron imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schulz, Michael; Boeni, Peter; Calzada, Elbio; Muehlbauer, Martin; Neubauer, Andreas; Schillinger, Burkhard


    Optical neutron polarizers like guides or benders destroy the collimation of a neutron beam due to multiple reflections or scattering. This makes them unsuitable for their use in polarized neutron radiography, because the beam collimation is essential to obtain high spatial resolution. We have developed a neutron polarizer based on the principle of an optical periscope with a zigzag double reflection on two parallel high-m supermirror polarizers. If the supermirrors are perfectly parallel and flat, the beam collimation is left unchanged by such a device. A first proof of concept version of this type of polarizer was built and tested. We expect to achieve a beam polarization of up to 99% with an improved version yet to be built.

  10. Neutron detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Endo, Hiroshi.


    The device of the present invention detects neutrons in a reactor container under a high temperature and reduces the noise level in an FBR type reactor. That is, the detection section comprises a high heat resistant vessel containing a scintillator therein for detecting neutrons. Neutron signals sent from the detection section are inputted to a neutron measuring section by way of a signal transmission section. The detection section is disposed at the inside of the reactor container. Further, the signal transmission section is connected optically to the detection section. With such a constitution, since the detection section comprising the high temperature resistant vessel is disposed at the inside of the reactor container, neutron fluxes can be detected and measured at high sensitivity even under a high temperature circumstance. Since the signal transmission section is optically connected to the detection section, influence of radiation rays upon transmission of the neutron detection signals can be reduced. Accordingly, the noise level can be kept low. (I.S.)

  11. Very slow neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frank, A.


    The history is briefly presented of the research so far of very slow neutrons and their basic properties are explained. The methods are described of obtaining very slow neutrons and the problems of their preservation are discussed. The existence of very slow neutrons makes it possible to perform experiments which may deepen the knowledge of the fundamental properties of neutrons. Their wavelength approximates that of visible radiation. The possibilities and use are discussed of neutron optical systems (neutron microscope) which could be an effective instrument for the study of the detailed arrangement, especially of organic substances. (B.S.)

  12. Neutron in biology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niimura, Nobuo


    Neutron in biology can provide an experimental method of directly locating relationship of proteins and DNA. However, there are relatively few experimental study of such objects since it takes a lot of time to collect a sufficient number of Bragg reflections and inelastic spectra due to the low flux of neutron illuminating the sample. Since a next generation neutron source of JAERI will be 5MW spallation neutron source and its effective neutron flux will be 10 2 to 10 3 times higher than the one of JRR-3M, neutron in biology will open a completely new world for structural biology. (author)

  13. Experiment of Neutron Generation by Using Prototype D-D Neutron Generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, In Jung; Kim, Suk Kwon; Park, Chang Su; Jung, Nam Suk; Jung, Hwa Dong; Park, Ji Young; Hwang, Yong Seok; Choi, H.D.


    Experiment of neutron generation was performed by using a prototype D-D neutron generator. The characteristics of D-D neutron generation in drive-in target was studied. The increment of neutron yield by increasing ion beam energy was investigated, too

  14. Analysis of the neutron generation from a D-Li neutron source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomes, I.


    The study of the neutron generation from the D-Li reaction is an important issue to define the optimum combination of the intervening parameters during the design phase of a D-Li neutron source irradiation facility. The major players in defining the neutron yield from the D-Li reaction are the deuteron incident energy and the beam current, provided that the lithium target is thick enough to stop all incident deuterons. The incident deuteron energy also plays a role on the angular distribution of the generated neutrons, on the energy distribution of the generated neutrons, and on the maximum possible energy of the neutrons. The D-Li reaction produces neutrons with energies ranging from eV's to several MeV's. The angular distribution of these neutrons is dependent on the energy of both, incident deuterons and generated neutrons. The deuterons lose energy interacting with the lithium target material in such a way that the energy of the deuterons inside the lithium target varies from the incident deuteron energy to essentially zero. The first part of this study focuses in analyzing the neutron generation rate from the D-Li reaction as a function of the intervening parameters, in defining the source term, in terms of the energy and angular distributions of the generated neutrons, and finally in providing some insights of the impact of varying input parameters on the generation rate and correlated distributions. In the second part an analytical description of the Monte Carlo sampling procedure of the neutron from the D-Li reaction is provided with the aim at further Monte Carlo transport of the D-Li neutrons

  15. Neutron techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charlton, J.S.


    The way in which neutrons interact with matter such as slowing-down, diffusion, neutron absorption and moderation are described. The use of neutron techniques in industry, in moisture gages, level and interface measurements, the detection of blockages, boron analysis in ore feedstock and industrial radiography are discussed. (author)

  16. Neutron scattering. Lectures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brueckel, Thomas; Heger, Gernot; Richter, Dieter; Roth, Georg; Zorn, Reiner [eds.


    The following topics are dealt with: Neutron sources, symmetry of crystals, diffraction, nanostructures investigated by small-angle neutron scattering, the structure of macromolecules, spin dependent and magnetic scattering, structural analysis, neutron reflectometry, magnetic nanostructures, inelastic scattering, strongly correlated electrons, dynamics of macromolecules, applications of neutron scattering. (HSI)

  17. Neutron scattering. Lectures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brueckel, Thomas; Heger, Gernot; Richter, Dieter; Roth, Georg; Zorn, Reiner


    The following topics are dealt with: Neutron sources, symmetry of crystals, diffraction, nanostructures investigated by small-angle neutron scattering, the structure of macromolecules, spin dependent and magnetic scattering, structural analysis, neutron reflectometry, magnetic nanostructures, inelastic scattering, strongly correlated electrons, dynamics of macromolecules, applications of neutron scattering. (HSI)

  18. Neutron spectra and dosimetric features of isotopic neutron sources: a review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vega C, H. R. [Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Unidad Academica de Estudios Nucleares, Cipres No. 10, Fracc. La Penuela, 98060 Zacatecas, Zac. (Mexico); Martinez O, S. A., E-mail: [Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica de Colombia, Grupo de Fisica Nuclear Aplicada y Simulacion, Av. Central del Norte 39-115, 150003 Tunja, Boyaca (Colombia)


    A convenient way to produce neutrons is the isotopic neutron source, where the production is through (α, n), (γ, n), and spontaneous fission reactions. Isotopic neutron sources are small, easy to handle, and have a relative low cost. On the other hand the neutron yield is small and mostly of them produces neutrons with a wide energy distribution. In this work, a review is carried out about the the main features of {sup 24}NaBe, {sup 24}NaD{sub 2}O, {sup 116}InBe, {sup 140}LaBe, {sup 238}PuLi, {sup 239}PuBe, {sup 241}AmB, {sup 241}AmBe, {sup 241}AmF, {sup 241}AmLi, {sup 242}CmBe, {sup 210}PoBe, {sup 226}RaBe, {sup 252}Cf and {sup 252}Cf/D{sub 2}O isotopic neutron source. Also, using Monte Carlo methods, the neutron spectra in 31 energy groups, the neutron mean energy; the Ambient dose equivalent, the Personal dose equivalent and the Effective dose were calculated for these isotopic neutron sources. (Author)

  19. A neutron detector for measurement of total neutron production cross sections

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sekharan, K K; Laumer, H; Kern, B D; Gabbard, F [Kentucky Univ., Lexington (USA). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy


    A neutron detector has been constructed and calibrated for the accurate measurement of total neutron production cross sections. The detector consists of a polyethylene sphere of 60 cm diameter in which eight /sup 10/BF/sub 3/ counters have been installed radially. The relative efficiency of this detector has been determined for average neutron energies from 30 keV to 1.5 MeV by counting neutrons from /sup 7/Li(p, n)/sup 7/Be. By adjusting the radial positions of the BF/sub 3/ counters in the polyethylene sphere the efficiency for neutron detection was made nearly constant for this energy range. Measurement of absolute efficiency for the same neutron energy range has been done by counting the neutrons from /sup 51/V(p, n)/sup 51/Cr and /sup 57/Fe(p, n)/sup 57/Co reactions and determining the absolute number of residual nuclei produced during the measurement of neutron yield. Details of absolute efficiency measurements and the use of the detector for determination of neutron production cross sections are given.

  20. Neutron radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alaa eldin, M.T.


    The digital processing of the neutron radiography images gives the possibility for data quantification. In this case an exact relation between the measured neutron attenuation and the real macroscopic attenuation coefficient for every point of the sample is required. The assumption that the attenuation of the neutron beam through the sample is exponential is valid only in an ideal case where a monochromatic beam, non scattering sample and non background contribution are assumed. In the real case these conditions are not fulfilled and in dependence on the sample material we have more or less deviation from the exponential attenuation law. Because of the high scattering cross-sections of hydrogen (σs=80.26 barn) for thermal neutrons, the problem with the scattered neutrons at quantitative radiography investigations of hydrogenous materials (as PE, Oil, H 2 O, etc) is not trivial. For these strong scattering materials the neutron beam attenuation is no longer exponential and a dependence of the macroscopic attenuation coefficient on the material thickness and on the distance between the sample and the detector appears. When quantitative radiography (2 D) or tomography investigations (3 D) are performed, some image correction procedures for a description of the scattering effect are required. This thesis presents a method that can be used to enhance the neutron radiography image for objects with high scattering materials like hydrogen, carbon and other light materials. This method uses the Monte Carlo code, MCNP5, to simulate the neutron radiography process and get the flux distribution for each pixel of the image and determine the scattered neutrons distribution that causes the image blur and then subtract it from the initial image to improve its quality.

  1. Comparación entre las ecuaciones CKD-EPI y MDRD para la estimación del filtrado glomerular en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo J. Rosa-Diez


    Full Text Available La ecuación MDRD para la estimación del índice de filtrado glomerular (IFG, es la estrategia más utilizada para evaluar pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC. Sin embargo, puede subestimar el IFG con el riesgo de asignar al paciente a estadios más avanzados de ERC. La nueva ecuación CKD-EPI, mejoraría la exactitud y precisión de las estimaciones. Sus autores sugieren que reemplace a la anterior. No habiendo comparaciones de estas ecuaciones aplicadas en un gran número de pacientes en nuestro país, nuestro objetivo fue realizarla en una amplia cohorte de pacientes. Se evaluó la concordancia de asignación en estadios de ERC entre ambas ecuaciones, tomando como referencia los datos surgidos de MDRD. Se calculó la media de las diferencias de los IFG obtenidos empleando ambas ecuaciones y se aplicó el análisis estadístico de Bland-Altman. Se estudió una cohorte de 9 319 pacientes con una media de creatinina sérica de 1.60 ± 1.03 mg/dl, 67% de sexo femenino y edad media 58 ± 20 años. En el grupo total, CKD-EPI presentó una media de IFG 0.61 ml/min/1.73 m² mayor que MDRD (p: NS. En los estadios 2 y 3A las medias del IFG fueron respectivamente 6.95 ± 4.76 y 3.21 ± 3.31, y la concordancia de 81 y 74%. El porcentaje de pacientes con un IFG menor de 60 ml/min/1.73 m², se redujo de 76.3% (MDRD a 70.1% (CKD-EPI. Por lo tanto, la nueva ecuación CKD-EPI disminuye el número de pacientes con IFG debajo de 60 ml/min/1.73 m² y asigna estadios de IFG más elevado a un número mayor de pacientes.

  2. A search for solar neutron response in neutron monitor data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kudela, K.


    The search for an impulsive increase corresponding to a solar neutron response on high-mountain neutron monitors requires control of the stability of the measurement and elimination of other sources of short-time increases of different kinds which are involved in fluctuations of cosmic-ray intensity. For the solar flare of June 3, 1982 the excess of counting rate on the Lomnicky stit neutron monitor is, within a factor or 1.8, equal to that expected from solar neutrons. Superposed epoch analysis of 17 flares with gamma-ray or hard X-ray production gives a slight tendency of an occurring signal in cases of high heliocentric angles, indicating anisotropic production of neutrons on the sun. The low statistical significance of the result indicates that higher temporal resolution, better evaluation of multiplicity, better knowledge of the power spectra of short-term intensity fluctuations on neutron monitors, as well as coordinated measurements of solar gamma-rays and neutrons on satellites, are required. 21 refs

  3. Delayed neutron yield from fast neutron induced fission of 238U

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piksaikin, V.M.; Kazakov, L.E.; Isaev, S.G.; Roshchenko, V.A.; Goverdovski, A.A.; Tertytchnyi, R.G.


    The measurements of the total delayed neutron yield from fast neutron induced fission of 238 U were made. The experimental method based on the periodic irradiation of the fissionable sample by neutrons from a suitable nuclear reaction had been employed. The preliminary results on the energy dependence of the total delayed neutron yield from fission of 238 U are obtained. According to the comparison of experimental data with our prediction based on correlation properties of delayed neutron characteristics, it is concluded that the value of the total delayed neutron yield near the threshold of (n,f) reaction is not a constant. (author)

  4. Neutron flux stabilization in the NG-150 neutron generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuz'min, L.E.; Makarov, S.A.; Pronman, I.M.


    Problem of metal tritium target lifetime increase and neutron flux stabilization in the NG-150 neutron generators is studied. Possibility on neutron flux stabilization using the mass analyzer for low-angle (4 deg and 41 deg) mass separation of a beam in thre components, which fall on a target simultaneously, is confirmed experimentally. Basic generator parameters are: accelerating voltage of 150 kV, total beam current on a target of 1.5 mA, beam current density of 0.3-1.6 mA/cm 2 , beam diameter of 8 mm. The initial neutron flux on the targets of 0.73 mg/cm 2 thick constituted 1.1x10 11 ssup(-1). The neutron flux monitoring was accomplished from recoil proton recording by a plastic scintillator. Flux decrease by more than 5% served as a signel for measuring mass analyzer magnetic field providing beam displacement on a target and restoration of the given flux. The NG-150 generator neutron flux stabilization was attained during 2h

  5. Neutron detection technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oblath, N.S.; Poon, A.W.P.


    The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) has the ability to measure the total flux of all active flavors of neutrinos using the neutral current reaction, whose signature is a neutron. By comparing the rates of the neutral current reaction to the charged current reaction, which only detects electron neutrinos, one can test the neutrino oscillation hypothesis independent of solar models. It is necessary to understand the neutron detection efficiency of the detector to make use of the neutral current reaction. This report demonstrates a coincidence technique to identify neutrons emitted from the 252 Cf neutron calibration source. The source releases on average four neutrons when a 252 Cf nucleus spontaneously fissions. Each neutron is detected as a separate event when the neutron is captured by a deuteron, releasing a gamma ray of approximately 6.25 MeV. This gamma ray is in turn detected by the photomultiplier tube (PMT) array. By investigating the time and spatial separation between neutron-like events, it is possible to obtain a pure sample of neutrons for calibration study. Preliminary results of the technique applied to two calibration runs are presented

  6. Neutron in biology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Niimura, Nobuo [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    Neutron in biology can provide an experimental method of directly locating relationship of proteins and DNA. However, there are relatively few experimental study of such objects since it takes a lot of time to collect a sufficient number of Bragg reflections and inelastic spectra due to the low flux of neutron illuminating the sample. Since a next generation neutron source of JAERI will be 5MW spallation neutron source and its effective neutron flux will be 10{sup 2} to 10{sup 3} times higher than the one of JRR-3M, neutron in biology will open a completely new world for structural biology. (author)

  7. Reactor neutron dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Najzer, M.; Pauko, M.; Glumac, B.; Acquah, I.N.; Moskon, F.


    An analysis of requirements and possibilities for experimental neutron spectrum determination during the reactor pressure vessel surveil lance programme is given. Fast neutron spectrum and neutron dose rate were measured in the Fast neutron irradiation facility of our TRIGA reactor. It was shown that the facility can be used for calibration of neutron dosimeters and for irradiation of samples sensitive to neutron radiation. The investigation of the unfolding algorithm ITER was continued. Based on this investigations are two specialized unfolding program packages ITERAD and ITERGS written this year. They are able to unfold data from activation detectors and NaI(T1) gamma spectrometer respectively

  8. Neutron spectrum for neutron capture therapy in boron; Espectro de neutrones para terapia por captura de neutrones en boro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medina C, D.; Soto B, T. G. [Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Unidad Academica de Estudios Nucleares, Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Basicas, 98068 Zacatecas, Zac. (Mexico); Baltazar R, A. [Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Unidad Academica de Ingenieria Electrica, Programa de Doctorado en Ingenieria y Tecnologia Aplicada, 98068 Zacatecas, Zac. (Mexico); Vega C, H. R., E-mail: [Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Unidad Academica de Estudios Nucleares, Cipres No. 10, Fracc. La Penuela, 98068 Zacatecas, Zac. (Mexico)


    Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common and aggressive of brain tumors and is difficult to treat by surgery, chemotherapy or conventional radiation therapy. One treatment alternative is the Neutron Capture Therapy in Boron, which requires a beam modulated in neutron energy and a drug with {sup 10}B able to be fixed in the tumor. When the patients head is exposed to the neutron beam, they are captured by the {sup 10}B and produce a nucleus of {sup 7}Li and an alpha particle whose energy is deposited in the cancer cells causing it to be destroyed without damaging the normal tissue. One of the problems associated with this therapy is to have an epithermal neutrons flux of the order of 10{sup 9} n/cm{sup 2}-sec, whereby irradiation channels of a nuclear research reactor are used. In this work using Monte Carlo methods, the neutron spectra obtained in the radial irradiation channel of the TRIGA Mark III reactor are calculated when inserting filters whose position and thickness have been modified. From the arrangements studied, we found that the Fe-Cd-Al-Cd polyethylene filter yielded a ratio between thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes of 0.006 that exceeded the recommended value (<0.05), and the dose due to the capture gamma rays is lower than the dose obtained with the other arrangements studied. (Author)

  9. Characteristics of Fabricated SiC Neutron Detectors for Neutron Flux Monitoring

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Han Soo; Ha, Jang Ho; Park, Se Hwan; Lee, Kyu Hong [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Cheol Ho [Hanyang University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    An SPND (Self-powered Neutron Detector) is commonly used for neutron detection in NPP (Nuclear Power Plant) by virtue of un-reactivity for gamma-rays. But it has a drawback, which is that it cannot detect neutrons in real time due to beta emissions (about > 48 s) after reactions between neutrons and {sup 103}Rh in an SPND. And Generation IV reactors such as MSR (Molten-salt reactor), SFR (Sodium-cooled fast reactor), and GFR (Gas-cooled fast reactor) are designed to compact size and integration type. For GEN IV reactor, neutron monitor also must be compact-sized to apply such reactor easily and much more reliable. The wide band-gap semiconductors such as SiC, AlN, and diamond make them an attractive alternative in applications in harsh environments by virtue of the lower operating voltage, faster charge-collection times compared with gas-filled detectors, and compact size.1) In this study, two PIN-type SiC semiconductor neutron detectors, which are for fast neutron detection by elastic and inelastic scattering SiC atoms and for thermal neutron detection by charged particle emissions of 6LiF reaction, were designed and fabricated for NPP-related applications. Preliminary tests such as I-V and alpha response were performed and neutron responses at ENF in HANARO research reactor were also addressed. The application feasibility of the fabricated SiC neutron detector as an in-core neutron monitor was discussed

  10. Measuring neutron spectra in radiotherapy using the nested neutron spectrometer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maglieri, Robert, E-mail:; Evans, Michael; Seuntjens, Jan; Kildea, John [Medical Physics Unit, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H4A 3J1 (Canada); Licea, Angel [Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5S9 (Canada)


    Purpose: Out-of-field neutron doses resulting from photonuclear interactions in the head of a linear accelerator pose an iatrogenic risk to patients and an occupational risk to personnel during radiotherapy. To quantify neutron production, in-room measurements have traditionally been carried out using Bonner sphere systems (BSS) with activation foils and TLDs. In this work, a recently developed active detector, the nested neutron spectrometer (NNS), was tested in radiotherapy bunkers. Methods: The NNS is designed for easy handling and is more practical than the traditional BSS. Operated in current-mode, the problem of pulse pileup due to high dose-rates is overcome by measuring current, similar to an ionization chamber. In a bunker housing a Varian Clinac 21EX, the performance of the NNS was evaluated in terms of reproducibility, linearity, and dose-rate effects. Using a custom maximum-likelihood expectation–maximization algorithm, measured neutron spectra at various locations inside the bunker were then compared to Monte Carlo simulations of an identical setup. In terms of dose, neutron ambient dose equivalents were calculated from the measured spectra and compared to bubble detector neutron dose equivalent measurements. Results: The NNS-measured spectra for neutrons at various locations in a treatment room were found to be consistent with expectations for both relative shape and absolute magnitude. Neutron fluence-rate decreased with distance from the source and the shape of the spectrum changed from a dominant fast neutron peak near the Linac head to a dominant thermal neutron peak in the moderating conditions of the maze. Monte Carlo data and NNS-measured spectra agreed within 30% at all locations except in the maze where the deviation was a maximum of 40%. Neutron ambient dose equivalents calculated from the authors’ measured spectra were consistent (one standard deviation) with bubble detector measurements in the treatment room. Conclusions: The NNS may

  11. Neutron recognition in the LAND detector for large neutron multiplicity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pawlowski, P., E-mail: [Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAN, Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Krakow (Poland); Brzychczyk, J. [Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Reymonta 4, 30-059 Krakow (Poland); Leifels, Y.; Trautmann, W. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, D-64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Adrich, P. [National Centre for Nuclear Research, PL-00681 Warsaw (Poland); GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, D-64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Aumann, T. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, D-64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Bacri, C.O. [Institut de Physique Nucleaire, IN2P3-CNRS et Universite, F-91406 Orsay (France); Barczyk, T. [Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Reymonta 4, 30-059 Krakow (Poland); Bassini, R. [Istituto di Scienze Fisiche, Universita degli Studi and INFN, I-20133 Milano (Italy); Bianchin, S. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, D-64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Boiano, C. [Istituto di Scienze Fisiche, Universita degli Studi and INFN, I-20133 Milano (Italy); Boretzky, K. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, D-64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Boudard, A. [IRFU/SPhN, CEA/Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Chbihi, A. [GANIL, CEA et IN2P3-CNRS, F-14076 Caen (France); Cibor, J.; Czech, B. [Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAN, Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Krakow (Poland); De Napoli, M. [Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia-Universita and INFN-CT and LNS, I-95123 Catania (Italy); and others


    The performance of the LAND neutron detector is studied. Using an event-mixing technique based on one-neutron data obtained in the S107 experiment at the GSI laboratory, we test the efficiency of various analytic tools used to determine the multiplicity and kinematic properties of detected neutrons. A new algorithm developed recently for recognizing neutron showers from spectator decays in the ALADIN experiment S254 is described in detail. Its performance is assessed in comparison with other methods. The properties of the observed neutron events are used to estimate the detection efficiency of LAND in this experiment.

  12. Nanosecond neutron generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lobov, S.I.; Pavlovskaya, N.G.; Pukhov, S.P.


    High-voltage nanosecond neutron generator for obtaining neutrons in D-T reaction is described. Yield of 6x10 6 neutron/pulse was generated in a sealed gas-filled diode with a target on the cathode by accelerating pulse voltage of approximately 0.5 MV and length at half-height of 0.5 ns and deuterium pressure of 6x10 -2 Torr. Ways of increasing neutron yield and possibilities of creating generators of nanosecond neutron pulses with great service life are considered

  13. Neutron transport

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berthoud, Georges; Ducros, Gerard; Feron, Damien; Guerin, Yannick; Latge, Christian; Limoge, Yves; Santarini, Gerard; Seiler, Jean-Marie; Vernaz, Etienne; Coste-Delclaux, Mireille; M'Backe Diop, Cheikh; Nicolas, Anne; Andrieux, Catherine; Archier, Pascal; Baudron, Anne-Marie; Bernard, David; Biaise, Patrick; Blanc-Tranchant, Patrick; Bonin, Bernard; Bouland, Olivier; Bourganel, Stephane; Calvin, Christophe; Chiron, Maurice; Damian, Frederic; Dumonteil, Eric; Fausser, Clement; Fougeras, Philippe; Gabriel, Franck; Gagnier, Emmanuel; Gallo, Daniele; Hudelot, Jean-Pascal; Hugot, Francois-Xavier; Dat Huynh, Tan; Jouanne, Cedric; Lautard, Jean-Jacques; Laye, Frederic; Lee, Yi-Kang; Lenain, Richard; Leray, Sylvie; Litaize, Olivier; Magnaud, Christine; Malvagi, Fausto; Mijuin, Dominique; Mounier, Claude; Naury, Sylvie; Nicolas, Anne; Noguere, Gilles; Palau, Jean-Marc; Le Pallec, Jean-Charles; Peneliau, Yannick; Petit, Odile; Poinot-Salanon, Christine; Raepsaet, Xavier; Reuss, Paul; Richebois, Edwige; Roque, Benedicte; Royer, Eric; Saint-Jean, Cyrille de; Santamarina, Alain; Serot, Olivier; Soldevila, Michel; Tommasi, Jean; Trama, Jean-Christophe; Tsilanizara, Aime; Behar, Christophe; Provitina, Olivier; Lecomte, Michael; Forestier, Alain; Bender, Alexandra; Parisot, Jean-Francois; Finot, Pierre


    This bibliographical note presents a reference book which addresses the study of neutron transport in matter, the study of conditions for a chain reaction and the study of modifications of matter composition due to nuclear reactions. This book presents the main nuclear data, their measurement, assessment and processing, and the spallation. It proposes an overview of methods applied for the study of neutron transport: basic equations and their derived forms, deterministic methods and Monte Carlo method of resolution of the Boltzmann equation, methods of resolution of generalized Bateman equations, methods of time resolution of space kinetics coupled equations. It presents the main calculation codes, discusses the qualification and experimental aspects, and gives an overview of neutron transport applications: neutron transport calculation of reactors, neutron transport coupled with other disciplines, physics of fuel cycle, criticality

  14. Dynamically Polarized Sample for Neutron Scattering At the Spallation Neutron Source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pierce, Josh; Zhao, J. K.; Crabb, Don


    The recently constructed Spallation Neutron Source at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is quickly becoming the world's leader in neutron scattering sciences. In addition to the world's most intense pulsed neutron source, we are continuously constructing state of the art neutron scattering instruments as well as sample environments to address today and tomorrow's challenges in materials research. The Dynamically Polarized Sample project at the SNS is aimed at taking maximum advantage of polarized neutron scattering from polarized samples, especially biological samples that are abundant in hydrogen. Polarized neutron scattering will allow us drastically increase the signal to noise ratio in experiments such as neutron protein crystallography. The DPS project is near completion and all key components have been tested. Here we report the current status of the project.

  15. Neutron response study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Endres, G.W.R.; Fix, J.J.; Thorson, M.R.; Nichols, L.L.


    Neutron response of the albedo type dosimeter is strongly dependent on the energy of the incident neutrons as well as the moderating material on the backside of the dosimeter. This study characterizes the response of the Hanford dosimeter for a variety of neutron energies for both a water and Rando phantom (a simulated human body consisting of an actual human skeleton with plastic for body muscles and certain organs). The Hanford dosimeter response to neutrons of different energies is typical of albedo type dosimeters. An approximate two orders of magnitude difference in response is observed between neutron energies of 100 keV and 10 MeV. Methods were described to compensate for the difference in dosimeter response between a laboratory neutron spectrum and the different spectra encountered at various facilities in the field. Generally, substantial field support is necessary for accurate neutron dosimetry

  16. Basic of Neutron NDA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trahan, Alexis Chanel [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    The objectives of this presentation are to introduce the basic physics of neutron production, interactions and detection; identify the processes that generate neutrons; explain the most common neutron mechanism, spontaneous and induced fission and (a,n) reactions; describe the properties of neutron from different sources; recognize advantages of neutron measurements techniques; recognize common neutrons interactions; explain neutron cross section measurements; describe the fundamental of 3He detector function and designs; and differentiate between passive and active assay techniques.

  17. A study on the utilization of hyper-thermal neutrons for neutron capture therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakurai, Yoshinori; Kobayashi, Tooru; Kanda, Keiji


    The utilization of hyper-thermal neutrons, which have an energy spectrum of a Maxwellian distribution of a higher temperature than the room temperature of 300 K, was studied in order to improve the thermal neutron flux distribution at the deeper part in a living body for neutron capture therapy. Simulation calculations were carried out using MCNP-V3 in order to confirm the characteristics of hyper-thermal neutrons, i.e., (1) depth dependence of neutron energy spectrum, and (2) depth distribution of the reaction rate in a water phantom for materials with 1/v neutron absorption. It is confirmed that the hyper-thermal neutron irradiation can improve the thermal neutron flux distribution in the deeper and wider area in a living body compared with the thermal neutron irradiation. Practically, by the incidence of the hyper-thermal neutrons with a 3000 K Maxwellian distribution, the thermal neutron flux at 5 cm depth can be given about four times larger than by the incidence of the thermal neutrons of 300 K. (author)

  18. Glomerular filtration rate, cardiovascular risk factors and insulin resistance Filtrado glomerular, riesgo cardiovascular y resistencia a la insulina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martín R. Salazar


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper was to study the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR, its changes with age, and its association with systolic blood pressure (SBP and diastolic BP (DBP, indicators of obesity, dyslipemia, insulin resistance and inflammation on a random population sample. BP, weight, size and waist circumference (WC were recorded at home. Fasting morning blood samples were analysed. The eGFR was calculated with MDRD (eGFR-MDRD, Cockroft-Gault (eGFR-CG adjusted to 1.73 m² and reciprocal of serum creatinine (100/serum cretinine. A total of 1016 individuals, 722 females (41.97 ± 0.66 years old and 294 males (42.06 ± 0.99 years old, completed the laboratory tests. The mean of 100/Scr was 115.13 ± 0.60 (dl/mg, the mean eGFR-CG was 98.48 ± 0.82 ml/min/1.73 m²; the mean eGFR-MDRD was 85.15 ± 0.58 ml/min/1.73 m². The eGFR-MDRD decreased with age and with the number of risk factors in both sexes. The eGFR-MDRD El objetivo fue evaluar en una muestra poblacional aleatoria el filtrado glomerular estimado (FGe, sus cambios con la edad y su asociación con presión arterial sistólica (PAS y diastólica (PAD, indicadores de obesidad, dislipemia, resistencia a la insulina e inflamación. En cada domicilio fueron medidos presión arterial, peso y talla y perímetro de la cintura (PC. Se analizaron muestras de sangre en ayunas y fue calculado el FGe usando las fórmulas de MDRD (FGe-MDRD y Cockroft-Gault (FGe-CG ajustado a 1.73 m², y la inversa de la creatinina sérica (100/CrS. Completaron el protocolo de laboratorio 1016 sujetos, 722 mujeres (41.97 ± 0.66 años y 294 varones (42.06 ± 0.99 años. La media de 100/Crs fue 115.13 ± 0.60 (dl/mg, la del FGe-CG 98.48 ± 0.82 ml/min/1.73 m² y la del FGe-MDRD 85.15 ± 0.58 ml/min/1.73 m² (CI 95% 84.00-86.29. El FGe-MDRD disminuyó con la edad y con el número de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en ambos sexos. La prevalecencia ajustada de FGe-MDRD < 60 ml/min/1.73 m² fue 6.2 por 100

  19. Steel research using neutron beam techniques. In-situ neutron diffraction, small-angle neutron scattering and residual stress analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sueyoshi, Hitoshi; Ishikawa, Nobuyuki; Yamada, Katsumi; Sato, Kaoru; Nakagaito, Tatsuya; Matsuda, Hiroshi; Arakaki, Yu; Tomota, Yo


    Recently, the neutron beam techniques have been applied for steel researches and industrial applications. In particular, the neutron diffraction is a powerful non-destructive method that can analyze phase transformation and residual stress inside the steel. The small-angle neutron scattering is also an effective method for the quantitative evaluation of microstructures inside the steel. In this study, in-situ neutron diffraction measurements during tensile test and heat treatment were conducted in order to investigate the deformation and transformation behaviors of TRIP steels. The small-angle neutron scattering measurements of TRIP steels were also conducted. Then, the neutron diffraction analysis was conducted on the high strength steel weld joint in order to investigate the effect of the residual stress distribution on the weld cracking. (author)

  20. First results of micro-neutron tomography by use of a focussing neutron lens

    CERN Document Server

    Masschaele, B; Cauwels, P; Dierick, M; Jolie, J; Mondelaers, W


    Since the appearance of high flux neutron beams, scientists experimented with neutron radiography. This high beam flux combined with modern neutron to visible light converters leads to the possibility of performing fast neutron micro-tomography. The first results of cold neutron tomography with a neutron lens are presented in this article. Samples are rotated in the beam and the projections are recorded with a neutron camera. The 3D reconstruction is performed with cone beam reconstruction software.

  1. Gamma/neutron competition above the neutron separation energy in delayed neutron emitters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valencia E.


    Full Text Available To study the β-decay properties of some well known delayed neutron emitters an experiment was performed in 2009 at the IGISOL facility (University of Jyväskylä in Finland using Total Absorption γ-ray Spectroscopy (TAGS technique. The aim of these measurements is to obtain the full β-strength distribution below the neutron separation energy (Sn and the γ/neutron competition above. This information is a key parameter in nuclear technology applications as well as in nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure. Preliminary results of the analysis show a significant γ-branching ratio above Sn.

  2. Nuclear reactor neutron shielding (United States)

    Speaker, Daniel P; Neeley, Gary W; Inman, James B


    A nuclear reactor includes a reactor pressure vessel and a nuclear reactor core comprising fissile material disposed in a lower portion of the reactor pressure vessel. The lower portion of the reactor pressure vessel is disposed in a reactor cavity. An annular neutron stop is located at an elevation above the uppermost elevation of the nuclear reactor core. The annular neutron stop comprises neutron absorbing material filling an annular gap between the reactor pressure vessel and the wall of the reactor cavity. The annular neutron stop may comprise an outer neutron stop ring attached to the wall of the reactor cavity, and an inner neutron stop ring attached to the reactor pressure vessel. An excore instrument guide tube penetrates through the annular neutron stop, and a neutron plug comprising neutron absorbing material is disposed in the tube at the penetration through the neutron stop.

  3. Development of neutron detectors for neutron scattering experiments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moon, Myungkook; Kim, Jongyul; Kim, Jeong ho; Lee, Suhyun [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Changhwy [Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Various kinds of detectors are used in accordance with the experimental purpose, such as zero dimensional detector, 1-D or 2-D position-sensitive detectors. Most of neutron detectors use He-3 gas because of its high neutron sensitivity. Since the He-3 supply shortage took place in early 2010, various He-3 alternative detectors have been developed even for the other neutron application. We have developed a new type alternative detector on the basis of He-3 detector technology. Although B- 10 has less neutron detection efficiency compared with He-3, it can be covered by the use of multiple B-10 layers. In this presentation, we would like to introduce the neutron detectors under development and developed detectors. Various types of detector were successfully developed and result of the technical test performance is promising. Even though the detection efficiency of the B-10 detector lower than He-3 one, the continuous research and development is needed for currently not available He-3.

  4. Fundamental neutron physics at a 1 MW long pulse spallation neutron source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greene, G.L.


    Modern neutron sources and modern neutron science share a common origin in mid twentieth century scientific investigations concerned with the study of the fundamental interactions between elementary particles. Since the time of that common origin, neutron science and the study of elementary particles have evolved into quite disparate disciplines. The neutron became recognized as a powerful tool for the study of condensed matter with modern neutron sources being primarily used (and primarily justified) as tools for condensed matter research. The study of elementary particles has, of course, led to the development of rather different tools and is now dominated by activities carried out at extremely high energies. Notwithstanding this trend, the study of fundamental interactions using neutrons has continued and remains a vigorous activity at many contemporary neutron sources. This research, like neutron scattering research, has benefited enormously by the development of modern high flux neutron facilities. Future sources, particularly high power spallation sources, offer exciting possibilities for the continuation of this program of research

  5. Powder neutron diffractometers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adib, M.


    Basic properties and applications of powder neutron Diffractometers are described for optimum use of the continuous neutron beams. These instruments are equipped with position sensitive detectors, neutron guide tubes, and both high intensity and high resolution modes of operation are possible .The principles of both direct and Fourier reverse time-of-flight neutron Diffractometers are also given

  6. Polycapillary neutron lenses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mildner, D.F.R.


    The principle of multiple mirror reflection from smooth surfaces at small grazing angles enables the transport and guiding of high intensity slow neutron beams to locations of low background for neutron scattering and absorption experiments and to provide facilities for multiple instruments. Curved guides have been widely used at cold neutron facilities to remove the unwanted radiation (fast neutrons and gamma rays) from the beam without the use of filters. A typical guide has transverse dimensions of 50 mm and, with a radius of curvature of 1 km, transmits wavelengths longer than 5 A. Much tighter curves requires narrower transverse dimensions, otherwise there is little transmission. Typical neutron benders have a number of slots with transverse dimensions of ∼5 mm. Based on the same principle but using a different technology, recent developments in glass polycapillary fibers have produced miniature versions of neutron guides. Fibers with many thousands of channels having sizes of ∼ 10 μm enable beams of long wavelength neutrons (λ > 4 A) to be transmitted efficiently in a radius of curvature as small as a fraction of 1 m. A large collection of these miniature versions of neutron guides can be used to bend the neutron trajectories such that the incident beam can be focused. (author)

  7. Neutron structural biology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Niimura, Nobuo [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    Neutron diffraction provides an experimental method of directly locating hydrogen atoms in protein which play important roles in physiological functions. However, there are relatively few examples of neutron crystallography in biology since it takes a lot of time to collect a sufficient number of Bragg reflections due to the low flux of neutrons illuminating the sample. In order to overcome the flux problem, we have successfully developed the neutron IP, where the neutron converter, {sup 6}Li or Gd, was mixed with a photostimulated luminescence material on flexible plastic support. Neutron Laue diffraction 2A data from tetragonal lysozyme were collected for 10 days with neutron imaging plates, and 960 hydrogen atoms in the molecule and 157 bound water molecules were identified. These results explain the proposed hydrolysis mechanism of the sugar by the lysozyme molecule and that lysozyme is less active at pH7.0. (author)

  8. Neutron exposure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prillinger, G.; Konynenburg, R.A. van


    As a result of the popularity of the Agencies report 'Neutron Irradiation Embrittlement of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels' of 1975, it was decided that another report on this broad subject would be of use. In this report, background and contemporary views on specially identified areas of the subject are considered as self-contained chapters, written by experts. In chapter 6, LWR-PV neutron transport calculations and dosimetry methods and how they are combined to evaluate the neutron exposure of the steel of pressure vessels are discussed. An effort to correlate neutron exposure parameters with damage is made

  9. Atmospheric neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preszler, A.M.; Moon, S.; White, R.S.


    Additional calibrations of the University of California double-scatter neutron and additional analysis corrections lead to the slightly changed neutron fluxes reported here. The theoretical angular distributions of Merker (1975) are in general agreement with our experimental fluxes but do not give the peaks for vertical upward and downward moving neutrons. The theoretical neutron escape current J 2 /sub pi/ (Merker, 1972; Armstrong et al., 1973) is in agreement with the experimental values from 10 to 100 MeV. Our experimental fluxes agree with those of the Kanbach et al. (1974) in the overlap region from 70 to 100 MeV

  10. Study on neutron irradiation behavior of beryllium as neutron multiplier

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ishitsuka, Etsuo [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Oarai, Ibaraki (Japan). Oarai Research Establishment


    More than 300 tons beryllium is expected to be used as a neutron multiplier in ITER, and study on the neutron irradiation behavior of beryllium as the neutron multiplier with Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) were performed to get the engineering data for fusion blanket design. This study started as the study on the tritium behavior in beryllium neutron reflector in order to make clear the generation mechanism on tritium of JMTR primary coolant since 1985. These experiences were handed over to beryllium studies for fusion study, and overall studies such as production technology of beryllium pebbles, irradiation behavior evaluation and reprocessing technology have been started since 1990. In this presentation, study on the neutron irradiation behavior of beryllium as the neutron multiplier with JMTR was reviewed from the point of tritium release, thermal properties, mechanical properties and reprocessing technology. (author)

  11. Neutron source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cason, J.L. Jr.; Shaw, C.B.


    A neutron source which is particularly useful for neutron radiography consists of a vessel containing a moderating media of relatively low moderating ratio, a flux trap including a moderating media of relatively high moderating ratio at the center of the vessel, a shell of depleted uranium dioxide surrounding the moderating media of relatively high moderating ratio, a plurality of guide tubes each containing a movable source of neutrons surrounding the flux trap, a neutron shield surrounding one part of each guide tube, and at least one collimator extending from the flux trap to the exterior of the neutron source. The shell of depleted uranium dioxide has a window provided with depleted uranium dioxide shutters for each collimator. Reflectors are provided above and below the flux trap and on the guide tubes away from the flux trap

  12. Neutron cooling and cold-neutron sources (1962)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacrot, B.


    Intense cold-neutron sources are useful in studying solids by the inelastic scattering of neutrons. The paper presents a general survey covering the following aspects: a) theoretical considerations put forward by various authors regarding thermalization processes at very low temperatures; b) the experiments that have been carried out in numerous laboratories with a view to comparing the different moderators that can be used; c) the cold neutron sources that have actually been produced in reactors up to the present time, and the results obtained with them. (author) [fr

  13. High energy neutron radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gavron, A.; Morley, K.; Morris, C.; Seestrom, S.; Ullmann, J.; Yates, G.; Zumbro, J.


    High-energy spallation neutron sources are now being considered in the US and elsewhere as a replacement for neutron beams produced by reactors. High-energy and high intensity neutron beams, produced by unmoderated spallation sources, open potential new vistas of neutron radiography. The authors discuss the basic advantages and disadvantages of high-energy neutron radiography, and consider some experimental results obtained at the Weapons Neutron Research (WNR) facility at Los Alamos

  14. Intense fusion neutron sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuteev, B. V.; Goncharov, P. R.; Sergeev, V. Yu.; Khripunov, V. I.


    The review describes physical principles underlying efficient production of free neutrons, up-to-date possibilities and prospects of creating fission and fusion neutron sources with intensities of 10 15 -10 21 neutrons/s, and schemes of production and application of neutrons in fusion-fission hybrid systems. The physical processes and parameters of high-temperature plasmas are considered at which optimal conditions for producing the largest number of fusion neutrons in systems with magnetic and inertial plasma confinement are achieved. The proposed plasma methods for neutron production are compared with other methods based on fusion reactions in nonplasma media, fission reactions, spallation, and muon catalysis. At present, intense neutron fluxes are mainly used in nanotechnology, biotechnology, material science, and military and fundamental research. In the near future (10-20 years), it will be possible to apply high-power neutron sources in fusion-fission hybrid systems for producing hydrogen, electric power, and technological heat, as well as for manufacturing synthetic nuclear fuel and closing the nuclear fuel cycle. Neutron sources with intensities approaching 10 20 neutrons/s may radically change the structure of power industry and considerably influence the fundamental and applied science and innovation technologies. Along with utilizing the energy produced in fusion reactions, the achievement of such high neutron intensities may stimulate wide application of subcritical fast nuclear reactors controlled by neutron sources. Superpower neutron sources will allow one to solve many problems of neutron diagnostics, monitor nano-and biological objects, and carry out radiation testing and modification of volumetric properties of materials at the industrial level. Such sources will considerably (up to 100 times) improve the accuracy of neutron physics experiments and will provide a better understanding of the structure of matter, including that of the neutron itself.

  15. Intense fusion neutron sources (United States)

    Kuteev, B. V.; Goncharov, P. R.; Sergeev, V. Yu.; Khripunov, V. I.


    The review describes physical principles underlying efficient production of free neutrons, up-to-date possibilities and prospects of creating fission and fusion neutron sources with intensities of 1015-1021 neutrons/s, and schemes of production and application of neutrons in fusion-fission hybrid systems. The physical processes and parameters of high-temperature plasmas are considered at which optimal conditions for producing the largest number of fusion neutrons in systems with magnetic and inertial plasma confinement are achieved. The proposed plasma methods for neutron production are compared with other methods based on fusion reactions in nonplasma media, fission reactions, spallation, and muon catalysis. At present, intense neutron fluxes are mainly used in nanotechnology, biotechnology, material science, and military and fundamental research. In the near future (10-20 years), it will be possible to apply high-power neutron sources in fusion-fission hybrid systems for producing hydrogen, electric power, and technological heat, as well as for manufacturing synthetic nuclear fuel and closing the nuclear fuel cycle. Neutron sources with intensities approaching 1020 neutrons/s may radically change the structure of power industry and considerably influence the fundamental and applied science and innovation technologies. Along with utilizing the energy produced in fusion reactions, the achievement of such high neutron intensities may stimulate wide application of subcritical fast nuclear reactors controlled by neutron sources. Superpower neutron sources will allow one to solve many problems of neutron diagnostics, monitor nano-and biological objects, and carry out radiation testing and modification of volumetric properties of materials at the industrial level. Such sources will considerably (up to 100 times) improve the accuracy of neutron physics experiments and will provide a better understanding of the structure of matter, including that of the neutron itself.

  16. Thermal neutron flux measurements using neutron-electron converters; Mesure de flux de neutrons thermiques avec des convertisseurs neutrons electrons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Meur, R; Lecomte, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The operation of neutron-electron converters designed for measuring thermal neutron fluxes is examined. The principle is to produce short lived isotopes emitting beta particles, by activation, and to measure their activity not by extracting them from the reactor, but directly in the reactor using the emitted electrons to deflect the needle of a galvanometer placed outside the flux. After a theoretical study, the results of the measurements are presented; particular attention is paid to a new type of converter characterized by a layer structure. The converters are very useful for obtaining flux distributions with more than 10{sup 7} neutrons cm{sup -2}*sec{sup -1}. They work satisfactorily in pressurized carbon dioxide at 400 Celsius degrees. Some points still have to be cleared up however concerning interfering currents in the detectors and the behaviour of the dielectrics under irradiation. (authors) [French] On examine le fonctionnement de convertisseurs neutrons electrons destines a des mesures de flux de neutrons thermiques. Le principe est de former par activation des isotopes a periodes courtes et a emission beta et de mesurer leur activite non pas en les sortant du reacteur, mais directement en pile, utilisant les electrons emis pour faire devier l'aiguille d'un galvanometre place hors flux. Apres une etude theorique, on indique des resultats de mesures obtenus, en insistant particulierement sur un nouveau type de convertisseur, caracterise par sa structure stratifiee. Les convertisseurs sont tres interessants pour tracer, des cartes de flux a partir de 10{sup 7} neutrons cm{sup -2}*s{sup -1}. Ils sont utilisables pour des flux de 10{sup 14} neutrons cm{sup -2}*s{sup -1}. Ils fonctionnent correctement dans du gaz carbonique sous pression a 400 C. Des points restent cependant a eclaircir concernant les courants parasites dans les detecteurs et le comportement des dielectriques pendant leur irradiation. (auteur)

  17. Application of MSS-neutron spin echo spectrometer to pulsed neutron sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tasaki, S.; Ebisawa, T.; Hino, M.; Kawai, T.


    A multilayer spin splitter (MSS) is a neutron device that gives phase difference between field-parallel and -antiparallel spin component of a superposing state. Since the phase difference is equivalent to the Larmor precession angle, MSS enables us to construct a new type of neutron spin echo (NSE) spectrometer. The new NSE spectrometer has its properties that 1. since the phase shift is neutron flight path length, the spectrometer can be drastically small, 2. the neutron spin echo time is proportional to the neutron wavelength. (author)

  18. Neutron Research in HANARO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hark Rho


    HANARO (High-flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor), which was designed and constructed by indigenous technology, is a world-class multi-purpose research reactor with a design thermal power of 30 MW, providing high neutron flux for various applications in Korea. HANARO has been operated since its first criticality in February 1995, and is now successfully utilized in such areas as neutron beam research, fuel and materials tests, radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals production, neutron activation analysis, and neutron transmutation doping, etc. A number of experimental facilities have been developed and installed since the beginning of reactor operation, and R and D activities for installing more facilities are actively under progress. Three flux traps in the core (CT, IR1, IR2), providing a high fast neutron flux, can be used for materials and fuel irradiation tests. They are also proper for production of high specific activity radioisotopes. Four vertical holes in the outer core region, abundant in epithermal neutrons, are used for fuel or material tests and radioisotope production. In the heavy water reflector region, 25 vertical holes with high quality thermal neutrons are located for radioisotope production, neutron activation analysis, neutron transmutation doping and cold neutron source installation. The two largest holes named NTD1 and NTD2 are for neutron transmutation doping, CNS for the cold neutron source installation, and LH for the irradiation of large targets. The high resolution powder diffractometer (HRPD) became operational in 1998, followed by the four circle diffractometer (FCD) in 1999, the residual stress instrument (RSI) in 2000, and the small angle neutron spectrometer (SANS) in 2001, respectively. HRPD and SANS became the most popular instruments these days, attracting wide range of users from academia, institutes and industries. We have made a lot of efforts during the last 10 years to develop some key components such as

  19. Neutron capture therapy with thermal neutrons at IRT MIFI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zajtsev, K.N.; Portnov, A.A.; Savkin, V.A.; Kulakov, V.N.; Khokhlov, V.F.; Shejno, I.N.; Vajnson, A.A.; Kozlovskaya, N.G.; Meshcherikova, V.V.; Mitin, V.N.; Yarmonenko, S.P.


    Combined preclinical investigations into neutron capture therapy are conducted. Malignant melanoma was adopted as the line of investigation; boron-containing and gadolinium-containing preparations were used during the neutron capture therapy working off. Preparations produce secondary varying radiations when used in tumor. Dogs with spontaneous melanoma were used for the experiments. Procedures for the irradiation of dogs by neutron beam as the stage before use for the treatment of oncology patients were finished off; efficiency of neutron beam influence on normal tissues during the irradiation of dogs with melanoma (and without it) in antitumor and side effect sense was estimated [ru

  20. Compact neutron generator (United States)

    Leung, Ka-Ngo; Lou, Tak Pui


    A compact neutron generator has at its outer circumference a toroidal shaped plasma chamber in which a tritium (or other) plasma is generated. A RF antenna is wrapped around the plasma chamber. A plurality of tritium ion beamlets are extracted through spaced extraction apertures of a plasma electrode on the inner surface of the toroidal plasma chamber and directed inwardly toward the center of neutron generator. The beamlets pass through spaced acceleration and focusing electrodes to a neutron generating target at the center of neutron generator. The target is typically made of titanium tubing. Water is flowed through the tubing for cooling. The beam can be pulsed rapidly to achieve ultrashort neutron bursts. The target may be moved rapidly up and down so that the average power deposited on the surface of the target may be kept at a reasonable level. The neutron generator can produce fast neutrons from a T-T reaction which can be used for luggage and cargo interrogation applications. A luggage or cargo inspection system has a pulsed T-T neutron generator or source at the center, surrounded by associated gamma detectors and other components for identifying explosives or other contraband.

  1. Thermal neutron moderating device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takigami, Hiroyuki.


    In a thermal neutron moderating device, superconductive coils for generating magnetic fields capable of applying magnetic fields vertical to the longitudinal direction of a thermal neutron passing tube, and superconductive coils for magnetic field gradient for causing magnetic field gradient in the longitudinal direction of the thermal neutron passing tube are disposed being stacked at the outside of the thermal neutron passing tube. When magnetic field gradient is present vertically to the direction of a magnetic moment, thermal neutrons undergo forces in the direction of the magnetic field gradient in proportion to the magnetic moment. Then, the magnetic moment of the thermal neutrons is aligned with the direction vertical to the passing direction of the thermal neutrons, to cause the magnetic field gradient in the passing direction of the thermal neutrons. The speed of the thermal neutrons can be optionally selected and the wavelength can freely be changed by applying forces to the thermal neutrons and changing the extent and direction of the magnetic field gradient. Superconductive coils are used as the coils for generating magnetic fields and the magnetic field gradient in order to change extremely high energy of the thermal neutrons. (N.H.)

  2. Reactor Neutron Sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aksenov, V.L.


    The present status and the prospects for development of reactor neutron sources for neutron scattering research in the world are considered. The fields of application of neutron scattering relative to synchrotron radiation, the creation stages of reactors (steady state and pulsed) and their position in comparison with spallation neutron sources at present and in the foreseen future are discussed. (author). 15 refs.; 8 figs.; 3 tabs

  3. Neutron Albedo

    CERN Document Server

    Ignatovich, V K


    A new, algebraic, method is applied to calculation of neutron albedo from substance to check the claim that use of ultradispersive fuel and moderator of an active core can help to gain in size and mass of the reactor. In a model of isotropic distribution of incident and reflected neutrons it is shown that coherent scattering on separate grains in the case of thermal neutrons increases transport cross section negligibly, however it decreases albedo from a wall of finite thickness because of decrease of substance density. A visible increase of albedo takes place only for neutrons with wave length of the order of the size of a single grain.

  4. Progress report: determinations of the neutron-neutron scattering length ann from kinematically incomplete neutron-deuteron breakup data revisited

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tornow, W.; Braun, R.T.; Witala, H.


    We review published analyses of the final-state-interaction enhancement observed in proton energy distributions obtained from kinematically incomplete neutron-deuteron breakup experiments. We compare the results derived from these analyses for the neutron-neutron scattering length, a nn with our results based on a rigorous treatment of the three-nucleon Faddeev equations in conjunction with the use of realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials. Our values for a nn deviate outside the quoted uncertainties from the ones obtained in the previous analyses where simplified nucleon-nucleon interaction models were employed. In contrast to the previous determinations, the present results for a nn are in clear disagreement with the values for a nn based on π - -deuteron capture experiments. Unless inconsistencies in the experimental neutron-deuteron breakup data at low energies can be resolved and the influence of possible three-nucleon-force effects can be reliably determined, we recommend that one not resort to the kinematically incomplete neutron-deuteron breakup reaction as a tool for determining a quantity as important for nuclear and particle physics as is the neutron-neutron scattering length a nn . (author)

  5. Neutron Flux Distribution on Neutron Radiography Facility After Fixing the Collimator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Supandi; Parikin; Mohtar; Sunardi; Roestam, S


    The Radiography Neutron Facility consists of an inner collimator, outer collimator, main shutter, second shutter and the sample chamber with 300 mm in diameter. Neutron beam quality depends on the neutron flux intensities distribution, L/D ratio Cd ratio, neutron/gamma ratio. The results show that the neutron flux intensity was 2.83 x 107 n cm-2.s-1, with deviation of + 7.8 % and it was distributed homogeneously at the sample position of 200 mm diameter. The beam characteristics were L/D ratio 98 and Rod 8, and neutron gamma ratio 3.08 x and Reactor Power was 20 MW. This technique can be used to examine sample with diameter of < 200 mm

  6. Refractive neutron lens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrov, P.V.; Kolchevsky, N.N.


    Model of the refractive neutron lens is proposed. System of N lenses acts as one thin lens with a complex refraction index n*. The maximum number N max of individual lenses for 'thick' neutron lens is calculated. Refractive neutron lens properties (resolution, focal depth) as function of resolution factor F 0 =ρbc/μ and depth of field factor dF 0 =λF 0 =λρbc/μ are calculated. It is shown that micro resolution of the refractive neutron optics is far from the wavelength in size and its open possibilities for progress in refractive neutron optics. (authors)

  7. The neutron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kredov, B.M.


    The history of the neutron is displayed on the basis of contributions by scientists who produced outstanding results in neutron research (part 1), of summarizing discoveries and theories which led to the discovery of the neutron and the resulting development of nuclear physics (part 2), and of fundamental papers written by Rutherford, Chadwick, Iwanenko, and others (appendix). Of interest to physicists, historians, and students

  8. Prototype Neutron Energy Spectrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitchell, Stephen; Mukhopadhyay, Sanjoy; Maurer, Richard; Wolff, Ronald


    The project goals are: (1) Use three to five pressurized helium tubes with varying polyethylene moderators to build a neutron energy spectrometer that is most sensitive to the incident neutron energy of interest. Neutron energies that are of particular interest are those from the fission neutrons (typically around 1-2 MeV); (2) Neutron Source Identification - Use the neutron energy 'selectivity' property as a tool to discriminate against other competing processes by which neutrons are generated (viz. Cosmic ray induced neutron production (ship effect), (a, n) reactions); (3) Determine the efficiency as a function of neutron energy (response function) of each of the detectors, and thereby obtain the composite neutron energy spectrum from the detector count rates; and (4) Far-field data characterization and effectively discerning shielded fission source. Summary of the presentation is: (1) A light weight simple form factor compact neutron energy spectrometer ready to be used in maritime missions has been built; (2) Under laboratory conditions, individual Single Neutron Source Identification is possible within 30 minutes. (3) Sources belonging to the same type of origin viz., (a, n), fission, cosmic cluster in the same place in the 2-D plot shown; and (4) Isotopes belonging to the same source origin like Cm-Be, Am-Be (a, n) or Pu-239, U-235 (fission) do have some overlap in the 2-D plot.

  9. Prototype Neutron Energy Spectrometer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stephen Mitchell, Sanjoy Mukhopadhyay, Richard Maurer, Ronald Wolff


    The project goals are: (1) Use three to five pressurized helium tubes with varying polyethylene moderators to build a neutron energy spectrometer that is most sensitive to the incident neutron energy of interest. Neutron energies that are of particular interest are those from the fission neutrons (typically around 1-2 MeV); (2) Neutron Source Identification - Use the neutron energy 'selectivity' property as a tool to discriminate against other competing processes by which neutrons are generated (viz. Cosmic ray induced neutron production [ship effect], [a, n] reactions); (3) Determine the efficiency as a function of neutron energy (response function) of each of the detectors, and thereby obtain the composite neutron energy spectrum from the detector count rates; and (4) Far-field data characterization and effectively discerning shielded fission source. Summary of the presentation is: (1) A light weight simple form factor compact neutron energy spectrometer ready to be used in maritime missions has been built; (2) Under laboratory conditions, individual Single Neutron Source Identification is possible within 30 minutes. (3) Sources belonging to the same type of origin viz., (a, n), fission, cosmic cluster in the same place in the 2-D plot shown; and (4) Isotopes belonging to the same source origin like Cm-Be, Am-Be (a, n) or Pu-239, U-235 (fission) do have some overlap in the 2-D plot.

  10. Ramsauer effect in triplet neutron-neutron scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pupyshev, V.V.; Solovtsova, O.P.


    As we show, due to interplay of pure nuclear and magnetic moment interactions, the total cross section of triplet neutron-neutron scattering should possess a non-zero limit at E cm = 0 and a local minimum at ∼ 20 keV. 17 refs., 1 fig

  11. Spectral correction factors for conventional neutron dosemeters used in high-energy neutron environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, K.W.; Sheu, R.J.


    High-energy neutrons (>10 MeV) contribute substantially to the dose fraction but result in only a small or negligible response in most conventional moderated-type neutron detectors. Neutron dosemeters used for radiation protection purpose are commonly calibrated with 252 Cf neutron sources and are used in various workplace. A workplace-specific correction factor is suggested. In this study, the effect of the neutron spectrum on the accuracy of dose measurements was investigated. A set of neutron spectra representing various neutron environments was selected to study the dose responses of a series of Bonner spheres, including standard and extended-range spheres. By comparing 252 Cf-calibrated dose responses with reference values based on fluence-to-dose conversion coefficients, this paper presents recommendations for neutron field characterisation and appropriate correction factors for responses of conventional neutron dosemeters used in environments with high-energy neutrons. The correction depends on the estimated percentage of high-energy neutrons in the spectrum or the ratio between the measured responses of two Bonner spheres (the 4P6-8 extended-range sphere versus the 6'' standard sphere). (authors)

  12. Neutron activation analysis at the Californium User Facility for Neutron Science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, R.C.; Smith, E.H.; Glasgow, D.C.; Jerde, E.A.; Marsh, D.L.; Zhao, L.


    The Californium User Facility (CUF) for Neutron Science has been established to provide 252 Cf-based neutron irradiation services and research capabilities including neutron activation analysis (NAA). A major advantage of the CUF is its accessibility and controlled experimental conditions compared with those of a reactor environment The CUF maintains the world's largest inventory of compact 252 Cf neutron sources. Neutron source intensities of ≤ 10 11 neutrons/s are available for irradiations within a contamination-free hot cell, capable of providing thermal and fast neutron fluxes exceeding 10 8 cm -2 s -1 at the sample. Total flux of ≥10 9 cm -2 s -1 is feasible for large-volume irradiation rabbits within the 252 Cf storage pool. Neutron and gamma transport calculations have been performed using the Monte Carlo transport code MCNP to estimate irradiation fluxes available for sample activation within the hot cell and storage pool and to design and optimize a prompt gamma NAA (PGNAA) configuration for large sample volumes. Confirmatory NAA irradiations have been performed within the pool. Gamma spectroscopy capabilities including PGNAA are being established within the CUF for sample analysis

  13. A proposed experiment for studying the direct neutron-neutron interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan Fikry, A.R.; Maayouf, R.M.A.


    An experiment for studying the direct neutron-neutron interaction is suggested. The experiment is based on the combined use of an accelerator, e.g., an electron linear accelerator, together with a mobile pulsed reactor; or using a pulsed beam reactor together with a mobile neutron generator

  14. Neutron spectrum for neutron capture therapy in boron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Medina C, D.; Soto B, T. G.; Baltazar R, A.; Vega C, H. R.


    Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common and aggressive of brain tumors and is difficult to treat by surgery, chemotherapy or conventional radiation therapy. One treatment alternative is the Neutron Capture Therapy in Boron, which requires a beam modulated in neutron energy and a drug with 10 B able to be fixed in the tumor. When the patients head is exposed to the neutron beam, they are captured by the 10 B and produce a nucleus of 7 Li and an alpha particle whose energy is deposited in the cancer cells causing it to be destroyed without damaging the normal tissue. One of the problems associated with this therapy is to have an epithermal neutrons flux of the order of 10 9 n/cm 2 -sec, whereby irradiation channels of a nuclear research reactor are used. In this work using Monte Carlo methods, the neutron spectra obtained in the radial irradiation channel of the TRIGA Mark III reactor are calculated when inserting filters whose position and thickness have been modified. From the arrangements studied, we found that the Fe-Cd-Al-Cd polyethylene filter yielded a ratio between thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes of 0.006 that exceeded the recommended value (<0.05), and the dose due to the capture gamma rays is lower than the dose obtained with the other arrangements studied. (Author)

  15. Polarized neutron spectrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abov, Yu.G.; Novitskij, V.V.; Alfimenkov, V.P.; Galinskij, E.M.; Mareev, Yu.D.; Pikel'ner, L.B.; Chernikov, A.N.; Lason', L.; Tsulaya, V.M.; Tsulaya, M.I.


    The polarized neutron spectrometer, intended for studying the interaction of polarized neutrons with nuclei and condensed media in the area of energies from thermal up to several electron-volt, is developed at the IBR-2 reactor (JINR, Dubna). Diffraction on the Co(92%)-Fe(8%) magnetized monocrystals is used for the neutron polarization and polarization analysis. The neutron polarization within the whole energy range equals ∼ 95% [ru

  16. Evaluation of room-scattered neutrons at the JNC Tokai neutron reference field

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoshida, Tadayoshi; Tsujimura, Norio [Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Works; Oyanagi, Katsumi [Japan Radiation Engineering Co., Ltd., Hitachi, Ibaraki (Japan)


    Neutron reference fields for calibrating neutron-measuring devices in JNC Tokai Works are produced by using radionuclide neutron sources, {sup 241}Am-Be and {sup 252}Cf sources. The reference field for calibration includes scattered neutrons from the material surrounding sources, wall, floor and ceiling of the irradiation room. It is, therefore, necessary to evaluate the scattered neutrons contribution and their energy spectra at reference points. Spectral measurements were performed with a set of Bonner multi-sphere spectrometers and the reference fields were characterized in terms of spectral composition and the fractions of room-scattered neutrons. In addition, two techniques stated in ISO 10647, the shadow-cone method and the polynomial fit method, for correcting the contributions from the room-scattered neutrons to the readings of neutron survey instruments were compared. It was found that the two methods gave an equivalent result within a deviation of 3.3% at a source-to-detector distance from 50cm to 500cm. (author)

  17. Evaluation of room-scattered neutrons at the JNC Tokai neutron reference field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshida, Tadayoshi; Tsujimura, Norio


    Neutron reference fields for calibrating neutron-measuring devices in JNC Tokai Works are produced by using radionuclide neutron sources, 241 Am-Be and 252 Cf sources. The reference field for calibration includes scattered neutrons from the material surrounding sources, wall, floor and ceiling of the irradiation room. It is, therefore, necessary to evaluate the scattered neutrons contribution and their energy spectra at reference points. Spectral measurements were performed with a set of Bonner multi-sphere spectrometers and the reference fields were characterized in terms of spectral composition and the fractions of room-scattered neutrons. In addition, two techniques stated in ISO 10647, the shadow-cone method and the polynomial fit method, for correcting the contributions from the room-scattered neutrons to the readings of neutron survey instruments were compared. It was found that the two methods gave an equivalent result within a deviation of 3.3% at a source-to-detector distance from 50cm to 500cm. (author)

  18. Utilization of low voltage D-T neutron generators in neutron physics studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singkarat, S.


    In a small nuclear laboratory of a developing country a low voltage D-T neutron generator can be a very useful scientific apparatus. Such machines have been used successfully for more than 40 years in teaching and scientific research. The original continuous mode 150-kV D-T neutron generator has been modified to have also a capability of producing 2-ns pulsed neutrons. Together with a carefully designed 10 m long flight path collimator and shielding of a 25 cm diameter · 10 cm thick BC-501 neutron detector, the pulsing system was successfully used for measuring the double differential cross-section (DDX) of natural iron for 14.1-MeV neutron from the angle of 30 deg to 150 deg in 10 deg steps. In order to extend the utility of the generator, two methods for converting the almost monoenergetic 14-MeV neutrons to monoenergetic neutrons of lower energy were proposed and tested. Both designs used the neutron-proton interaction at a circular surface-of-revolution made of hydrocarbon materials. The first design is for a pulsed neutron generator and the second design is for an ordinary continuous mode generator. The latter method was successfully used to measure the scintillation light output of a 1.4 cm diameter spherical NE-213 scintillation detector. The neutron generator has also been used in the continuous search for improved neutron detection techniques. There is a proposal, based on Monte Carlo calculations, of using a scintillation fiber for a fast neutron spectrometer. Due to the slender shape of the fiber, the pattern of produced light gives a peak in the pulse height spectrum instead of the well-known rectangular-like distribution, when the fiber is bombarded end-on by a beam of 14-MeV neutrons. Experimental investigations were undertaken. Detailed investigations on the light transportation property of a short fiber were performed. The predicted peak has not yet been found but the fiber detector may be developed as a directional discrimination fast neutron

  19. Pulsed neutron porosity logging system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, H.D. Jr.; Smith, M.P.; Schultz, W.E.


    An improved pulsed neutron porosity logging system is provided in the present invention. A logging tool provided with a 14 MeV pulsed neutron source, an epithermal neutron detector, and a fast neutron detector is moved through a borehole. Repetitive bursts of neutrons irradiate the earth formations and, during the bursts, the fast neutron population is sampled. During the interval between bursts the epithermal neutron population is sampled along with background gamma radiation due to lingering thermal neutrons. The fast and epithermal neutron population measurements are combined to provide a measurement of formation porosity

  20. Application of imaging plate neutron detector to neutron radiography

    CERN Document Server

    Fujine, S; Kamata, M; Etoh, M


    As an imaging plate neutron detector (IP-ND) has been available for thermal neutron radiography (TNR) which has high resolution, high sensitivity and wide range, some basic characteristics of the IP-ND system were measured at the E-2 facility of the KUR. After basic performances of the IP were studied, images with high quality were obtained at a neutron fluence of 2 to 7x10 sup 8 n cm sup - sup 2. It was found that the IP-ND system with Gd sub 2 O sub 3 as a neutron converter material has a higher sensitivity to gamma-ray than that of a conventional film method. As a successful example, clear radiographs of the flat view for the fuel side plates with boron burnable poison were obtained. An application of the IP-ND system to neutron radiography (NR) is presented in this paper.


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    V. A. Lisin


    Full Text Available The relative biological effectiveness (RBE of fast neutrons is an important factor influencing the quality of neutron therapy therefore, the assessment of RBE is of great importance. Experimental and clinical studies as well as different mathematical and radiobiological models are used for assessing RBE. Research is conducted for neutron sources differing in the method of producing particles, energy and energy spectrum. Purpose: to find and analyze the dose-dependence of fast neutron RBE in neutron therapy using the U-120 cyclotron and NG-12I generator. Material and methods: The optimal method for assessing the relative biological effectiveness of neutrons for neutron therapy was described. To analyze the dependence of the RBE on neutron dose, the multi-target model of cell survival was applied. Results: The dependence of the RBE of neutrons produced from the U-120 cyclotron and NG-120 generator on the dose level was found for a single irradiation of biological objects. It was shown that the function of neutron dose was consistent with similar dependencies found by other authors in the experimental and clinical studies.

  2. The “neutron channel design”—A method for gaining the desired neutrons

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Hu


    Full Text Available The neutrons with desired parameters can be obtained after initial neutrons penetrating various structure and component of the material. A novel method, the “neutron channel design”, is proposed in this investigation for gaining the desired neutrons. It is established by employing genetic algorithm (GA combining with Monte Carlo software. This method is verified by obtaining 0.01eV to 1.0eV neutrons from the Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Source (CANS. One layer polyethylene (PE moderator was designed and installed behind the beryllium target in CANS. The simulations and the experiment for detection the neutrons were carried out. The neutron spectrum at 500cm from the PE moderator was simulated by MCNP and PHITS software. The counts of 0.01eV to 1.0eV neutrons were simulated by MCNP and detected by the thermal neutron detector in the experiment. These data were compared and analyzed. Then this method is researched on designing the complex structure of PE and the composite material consisting of PE, lead and zirconium dioxide.

  3. Applications of image plates in neutron radiography and neutron diffraction at BARC, Trombay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaikh, A.M.


    Neutron radiography techniques based on Gd, Dy and In metallic foils and X-ray film have been used at this centre since early seventies for various NDT and R and D work in nuclear, defence and aerospace industries. In recent years use of photostimulated luminescence based phosphor imaging plate has been introduced in our work. This has enabled to achieve higher sensitivities and dynamic ranges of recording radiographs with acceptable spatial resolution. It also provides digital image information which is more convenient for quantitative evaluations. Neutron image plates have been used in variety of radiography techniques such as conventional neutron radiography (NR), neutron induced beta radiography (NIBR), hydrogen sensitive epithermal neutron radiography (HYSEN) and for neutron powder diffractometry using Apsara, CIRUS and Dhruva reactors as neutron sources. Recently the image plates have also been used for characterization of thermalized neutron beam from a plasma focus neutron source and recording neutron radiographs. Prior to the utilization image plates have been characterised for their performance. Details of the measurements and applications will be presented. (author)

  4. Neutrons in biology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Funahashi, Satoru; Niimura, Nobuo.


    The start of JRR-3M in 1990 was a great epoch to the neutron scattering research in Japan. Abundant neutron beam generated by the JRR-3M made it possible to widen the research field of neutron scattering in Japan. In the early days of neutron scattering, biological materials were too difficult object to be studied by neutrons not only because of their complexity but also because of the strong incoherent scattering by hydrogen. However, the remarkable development of the recent neutron scattering and its related sciences, as well as the availability of higher flux, has made the biological materials one of the most attractive subjects to be studied by neutrons. In early September 1992, an intensive workshop titled 'Neutrons in Biology' was held in Hitachi City by making use of the opportunity of the 4th International Conference on Biophysics and Synchrotron Radiation (BSR92) held in Tsukuba. The workshop was organized by volunteers who are eager to develop the researches in this field in Japan. Numbers of outstanding neutron scattering biologists from U.S., Europe and Asian countries met together and enthusiastic discussions were held all day long. The editors believe that the presentations at the workshop were so invaluable that it is absolutely adequate to put them on record as an issue of JAERI-M and to make them available for scientists to refer to in order to further promote the research in the future. (author)

  5. Study on neutron beam probe. Study on the focused neutron beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kotajima, Kyuya; Suzuki, K.; Fujisawa, M.; Takahashi, T.; Sakamoto, I. [Tohoku Univ., Sendai (Japan). Faculty of Engineering; Wakabayashi, T.


    A monoenergetic focused neutron beam has been produced by utilizing the endoenergetic heavy ion reactions on hydrogen. To realize this, the projectile heavy ion energy should be taken slightly above the threshold energy, so that the excess energy converted to the neutron energy should be very small. In order to improve the capability of the focused neutron beam, some hydrogen stored metal targets have also been tested. Separating the secondary heavy ions (associated particles) from the primary ions (accelerated particles) by using a dipole magnet, a rf separator, and a particle identification system, we could directly count the produced neutrons. This will leads us to the possibility of realizing the standard neutron field which had been the empty dream of many neutron-related researchers in the world. (author)

  6. Neutron flux monitor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oda, Naotaka.


    The device of the present invention greatly saves an analog processing section such as an analog filter and an analog processing circuit. That is, the device of the present invention comprises (1) a neutron flux detection means for detecting neutron fluxed in the reactor, (2) a digital filter means for dividing signals corresponding to the detected neutron fluxes into predetermined frequency band regions, (3) a calculation processing means for applying a calculation processing corresponding to the frequency band regions to the neutron flux detection signals divided by the digital filter means. With such a constitution, since the neutron detection signals are processed by the digital filter means, the accuracy is improved and the change for the property of the filter is facilitated. Further, when a neutron flux level is obtained, a calculation processing corresponding to the frequency band region can be conducted without the analog processing circuit. Accordingly, maintenance and accuracy are improved by greatly decreasing the number of parts. Further, since problems inherent to the analog circuit are solved, neutron fluxes are monitored at high reliability. (I.S.)

  7. A long neutron optical horn for the ILL neutron-antineutron oscillation experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bitter, T.; Eisert, F.; El-Muzeini, P.; Kessler, M.; Klemt, E.; Lippert, W.; Meienburg, W.; Dubbers, D.


    In the neutron-antineutron oscillation experiment at ILL the divergence of the free flying cold neutron beam was strongly reduced without loss of intensity by the use of a 34 m long neutron-optical horn system. The divergence reduction was accurately studied in order to maintain the total width of the neutron beam below 1.1 m after a neutron free flight distance of about 80 m. The fabrication and performance of this system are described. (orig.)

  8. Activation neutron detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ambardanishvili, T.S.; Kolomiitsev, M.A.; Zakharina, T.Y.; Dundua, V.J.; Chikhladze, N.V.


    An activation neutron detector made as a moulded and cured composition of a material capable of being neutron-activated is described. The material is selected from a group consisting of at least two chemical elements, a compound of at least two chemical elements and their mixture, each of the chemical elements and their mixture, each of the chemical elements being capable of interacting with neutrons to form radioactive isotopes having different radiation energies when disintegrating. The material capable of being neutron-activated is distributed throughout the volume of a polycondensation resin inert with respect to neutrons and capable of curing. 17 Claims, No Drawings

  9. Neutron fluence measurement in nuclear facilities.; Medicion de flujos de neutrones en instalaciones nucleares.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Camacho L, M E


    The objective of present work is to determine the fluence of neutrons in nuclear facilities using two neutron detectors designed and built at Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ), Mexico. The two neutron detectors are of the passive type, based on solid state nuclear tracks detectors (SSNTD). One of the two neutron detectors was used to determine the fluence distribution of the ports at the nuclear research reactor TRIGA Mark III, which belongs to ININ. In these facilities is important to know the neutron fluence distribution characteristic to carried out diverse kind of research activities. The second neutron detector was employed in order to carry out environmental neutron surveillance. The detector has the property to separate the thermal, intermediate and fast components of the neutron fluence. This detector was used to measure the neutron fluence at hundred points around the primary container of the first Mexican Nuclear Power plant `Laguna Verde`. This last detector was also used to determine the neutron fluence in some points of interest, around and inside a low scattering neutron room at the `Centro de Metrologia de Radiaciones Ionizantes` of the ININ, to know the background neutron field produced by the neutron sources used there. The design of the two neutron detector and the results obtained for each of the surveying facilities, are described in this work. (Author).

  10. Methods of neutron spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doerschel, B.


    The different methods of neutron spectrometry are based on the direct measurement of neutron velocity or on the use of suitable energy-dependent interaction processes. In the latter case the measuring effect of a detector is connected with the searched neutron spectrum by an integral equation. The solution needs suitable unfolding procedures. The most important methods of neutron spectrometry are the time-of-flight method, the crystal spectrometry, the neutron spectrometry by use of elastic collisions with hydrogen nuclei, and neutron spectrometry with the aid of nuclear reactions, especially of the neutron-induced activation. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods are contrasted considering the resolution, the measurable energy range, the sensitivity, and the experimental and computational efforts. (author)

  11. Extraction of neutron-neutron scattering length from nn coincidence-geometry nd breakup data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. S. Konobeevski


    Full Text Available We report preliminary results of a kinematically complete experiment on measurement of nd breakup reaction yield at neutron beam RADEX of Institute for Nuclear Research (Moscow, Russia. In the experiment two secondary neutrons are detected in geometry of neutron-neutron final-state interaction. Data are obtained at energy of incident neutrons En = 40 - 60 MeV for various divergence angles of two neutrons ΔΘ = 4, 6, 8º. 1S0 neutron-neutron scattering length ann were determined by comparison of the experimental dependence of reaction yield on the relative energy of two secondary neutrons with results of simulation depending on ann. For En = 40 MeV and ΔΘ = 6º (the highest statistics in the experiment the value ann = -17.9 ± 1.0 fm is obtained. The further improving of accuracy of the experiment and more rigorous theoretical analysis will allow one to remove the existing difference in ann values obtained in different experiments.

  12. Subcritical Neutron Multiplication Measurements of HEU Using Delayed Neutrons as the Driving Source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hollas, C.L.; Goulding, C.A.; Myers, W.L.


    A new method for the determination of the multiplication of highly enriched uranium systems is presented. The method uses delayed neutrons to drive the HEU system. These delayed neutrons are from fission events induced by a pulsed 14-MeV neutron source. Between pulses, neutrons are detected within a medium efficiency neutron detector using 3 He ionization tubes within polyethylene enclosures. The neutron detection times are recorded relative to the initiation of the 14-MeV neutron pulse, and subsequently analyzed with the Feynman reduced variance method to extract singles, doubles and triples neutron counting rates. Measurements have been made on a set of nested hollow spheres of 93% enriched uranium, with mass values from 3.86 kg to 21.48 kg. The singles, doubles and triples counting rates for each uranium system are compared to calculations from point kinetics models of neutron multiplicity to assign multiplication values. These multiplication values are compared to those from MC NP K-Code calculations

  13. A neutron activation detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ambardanishvili, T.S.; Kolomiitsev, M.A.; Zakharina, T.Y.; Dundua, V.J.; Chikhladze, N.V.


    The present invention concerns a neutron activation detector made from a moulded and hardened composition. According to the invention, that composition contains an activable substance constituted by at least two chemical elements and/or compounds of at least two chemical elements. Each of these chemical elements is capable of reacting with the neutrons forming radio-active isotopes with vatious levels of energy during desintegration. This neutron detector is mainly suitable for measuring integral thermal neutron and fast neutron fluxes during irradiation of the sample, and also for measuring the intensities of neutron fields [fr

  14. Layered semiconductor neutron detectors (United States)

    Mao, Samuel S; Perry, Dale L


    Room temperature operating solid state hand held neutron detectors integrate one or more relatively thin layers of a high neutron interaction cross-section element or materials with semiconductor detectors. The high neutron interaction cross-section element (e.g., Gd, B or Li) or materials comprising at least one high neutron interaction cross-section element can be in the form of unstructured layers or micro- or nano-structured arrays. Such architecture provides high efficiency neutron detector devices by capturing substantially more carriers produced from high energy .alpha.-particles or .gamma.-photons generated by neutron interaction.

  15. Neutron Scattering Software (United States)

    Home Page | Facilities | Reference | Software | Conferences | Announcements | Mailing Lists Neutron Scattering Banner Neutron Scattering Software A new portal for neutron scattering has just been established sets KUPLOT: data plotting and fitting software ILL/TAS: Matlab probrams for analyzing triple axis data

  16. A Wide Spectrum Neutron Polarizer for a Pulsed Neutron Source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikitenko, Yu.V.


    A wide spectrum neutron polarizer for a pulsed neutron source is considered. The polarizer is made in a form of a set of magnetized mirrors placed on a drum. Homogeneous rotation of the polarizer is synchronized with the power pulses of the neutron source. The polarizer may be utilized in a collimated neutron beam with cross section of the order of magnitude of 100 cm 2 within a wavelength from 2 up to 20 A on sources with a pulse repetition frequency up to 50 Hz. (author). 5 refs.; 3 figs

  17. Neutron activation system for spectral measurements of pulsed ion diode neutron production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanson, D.L.; Kruse, L.W.


    A neutron energy spectrometer has been developed to study intense ion beam-target interactions in the harsh radiation environment of a relativistic electron beam source. The main component is a neutron threshold activation system employing two multiplexed high efficiency Ge(Li) detectors, an annihilation gamma coincidence system, and a pneumatic sample transport. Additional constraints on the neutron spectrum are provided by total neutron yield and time-of-flight measurements. A practical lower limit on the total neutron yield into 4π required for a spectral measurement with this system is approx. 10 10 n where the neutron yield is predominantly below 4 MeV and approx. 10 8 n when a significant fraction of the yield is above 4 MeV. Applications of this system to pulsed ion diode neutron production experiments on Hermes II are described

  18. Neutron spectra characteristics for the intense neutron source, INS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Battat, M.; Dierckx, R.; Emigh, C.R.


    The Intense Neutron Source, INS, facility is presently under construction at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Its purpose is to provide a broad base for research work related to the radiation effects produced by 14-MeV neutrons from a D-T burn of a fusion reactor. The INS facility produces a D-T burn-like reaction from the collision of an intense tritium-ion beam with a supersonic jet target of deuterium gas. The reaction produces a typical D-T 14-MeV neutron spectrum. By adding a fission blanket surrounding the D-T ''burn,'' the neutron spectral shape may be tailored to match almost perfectly the anticipated first-wall spectra from presently proposed fusion reactors. With a blanket in place, the total production of neutrons can be as large as 3 x 10 16 n/s and experimental volumes of the order of 1000 cm 3 can be available at flux levels greater than 0.6 x 10 14 n/cm 2 s

  19. Basics of Neutrons for First Responders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rees, Brian G. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    These are slides from a presentation on the basics of neutrons. A few topics covered are: common origins of terrestrial neutron radiation, neutron sources, neutron energy, interactions, detecting neutrons, gammas from neutron interactions, neutron signatures in gamma-ray spectra, neutrons and NaI, neutron fluence to dose (msV), instruments' response to neutrons.

  20. Pobrecito hablador. Conflictos por la libre participación en una comunidad colaborativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adolfo Estalella Fernández


    Full Text Available El presente estudio es el resultado de la investigación etnográfica de un weblog colaborativo. Un entorno abierto a la participación y libre expresión de cualquier usuario. La comunidad tiene como objetivo la producción de noticias significativas, para lo cual recurre a un sistema colectivo de filtrado de la información que sirve para jerarquizar las contribuciones de los usuarios. A través de este sistema de filtrado y mediante el mecanismo de registro (por el que los usuarios crean una identidad permanente la comunidad segmenta la visibilidad y credibilidad de las informaciones según procedan de usuarios registrados o anónimos. El estudio demuestra que los procesos de selección y filtrado no sólo jerarquizan la información, sino que organizan y estructuran socialmente a la comunidad.

  1. Real time neutron flux monitoring using Rh self powered neutron detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Juna, Byung Jin; Lee, Byung Chul; Park, Sang Jun; Jung, Hoan Sung [KAERI, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Rhodium (Rh) self powered neutron detectors (SPNDs) are widely used for on line monitoring of local neutron flux. Its signal is slower than the actual variation of neutron flux owing to a delayed {beta} decay of the Rh activation product, but real time monitoring is possible by solving equations between the neutron reaction rate in the detector and its signal. While the measuring system is highly reliable, the accuracy depends on the method solving the equations and accuracy of the parameters in the equations. The uncertain parameters are the contribution of gamma rays to the signal, and the branching ratios of Rh 104 and Rh 104m after the neutron absorption of Rh 103. Real time neutron flux monitoring using Rh SPNDs has been quite successful for neutron transmutation doping (NTD) at HANARO. We revisited the initial data used for the verification of a real time monitoring system, to refine algorithm for a better solution and to check the parameters for correctness. As a result, we suggest an effective way to determine the prompt parameter.

  2. Real time neutron flux monitoring using Rh self powered neutron detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Juna, Byung Jin; Lee, Byung Chul; Park, Sang Jun; Jung, Hoan Sung


    Rhodium (Rh) self powered neutron detectors (SPNDs) are widely used for on line monitoring of local neutron flux. Its signal is slower than the actual variation of neutron flux owing to a delayed β decay of the Rh activation product, but real time monitoring is possible by solving equations between the neutron reaction rate in the detector and its signal. While the measuring system is highly reliable, the accuracy depends on the method solving the equations and accuracy of the parameters in the equations. The uncertain parameters are the contribution of gamma rays to the signal, and the branching ratios of Rh 104 and Rh 104m after the neutron absorption of Rh 103. Real time neutron flux monitoring using Rh SPNDs has been quite successful for neutron transmutation doping (NTD) at HANARO. We revisited the initial data used for the verification of a real time monitoring system, to refine algorithm for a better solution and to check the parameters for correctness. As a result, we suggest an effective way to determine the prompt parameter

  3. Neutron therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riesler, Rudi


    Standard radiotherapy uses Xrays or electrons which have low LET (linear energy transfer); in contrast, particles such as neutrons with high LET have different radiobiological responses. In the late 1960s, clinical trials by Mary Catterall at the Hammersmith Hospital in London indicated that fast neutron radiation had clinical advantages for certain malignant tumours. Following these early clinical trials, several cyclotron facilities were built in the 1980s for fast neutron therapy, for example at the University of Washington, Seattle, and at UCLA. Most of these newer machines use extracted cyclotron proton beams in the range 42 to 66 MeV with beam intensities of 15 to 60 microamps. The proton beams are transported to dedicated therapy rooms, where neutrons are produced from beryllium targets. Second-generation clinical trials showed that accurate neutron beam delivery to the tumour site is more critical than for photon therapy. In order to achieve precise beam geometries, the extracted proton beams have to be transported through a gantry which can rotate around the patient and deliver beams from any angle; also the neutron beam outline (''field shape'') must be adjusted to extremely irregular shapes using a flexible collimation system. A therapy procedure has to be appropriately organized, with physicians, radiotherapists, nurses, medical physicists and other staff in attendance; other specialized equipment, such as CT or MRI scanners and radiation simulators must be made available. Neutron therapy is usually performed only in radiation oncology departments of major medical centres

  4. Polarimetric neutron scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tasset, F.


    Polarimetric Neutron Scattering in introduced, both by, explaining methodological issues and the corresponding instrumental developments. After a short overview of neutron spin polarization and the neutron polarization 3d-vector a pictorial approach of the microscopic theory is used to show how a polarized beam interacts with lattice and magnetic Fourier components in a crystal. Examples are given of using Spherical Neutron Polarimetry (SNP) and the corresponding Cryopad polarimeter for the investigation of non-collinear magnetic structures. (R.P.)

  5. Neutron kinetics in moderators and SNM detection through epithermal-neutron-induced fissions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gozani, Tsahi, E-mail: [1050 Harriet St., Palo Alto, CA 94301 (United States); King, Michael J. [Rapiscan Laboratories Inc., 520 Almanor Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085 (United States)


    Extension of the well-established Differential Die Away Analysis (DDAA) into a faster time domain, where more penetrating epithermal neutrons induce fissions, is proposed and demonstrated via simulations and experiments. In the proposed method the fissions stimulated by thermal, epithermal and even higher-energy neutrons are measured after injection of a narrow pulse of high-energy 14 MeV (d,T) or 2.5 MeV (d,D) source neutrons, appropriately moderated. The ability to measure these fissions stems from the inherent correlation of neutron energy and time (“E–T” correlation) during the process of slowing down of high-energy source neutrons in common moderating materials such as hydrogenous compounds (e.g., polyethylene), heavy water, beryllium and graphite. The kinetic behavior following injection of a delta-function-shaped pulse (in time) of 14 MeV neutrons into such moderators is studied employing MCNPX simulations and, when applicable, some simple “one-group” models. These calculations served as a guide for the design of a source moderator which was used in experiments. Qualitative relationships between slowing-down time after the pulse and the prevailing neutron energy are discussed. A laboratory system consisting of a 14 MeV neutron generator, a polyethylene-reflected Be moderator, a liquid scintillator with pulse-shape discrimination (PSD) and a two-parameter E–T data acquisition system was set up to measure prompt neutron and delayed gamma-ray fission signatures in a 19.5% enriched LEU sample. The measured time behavior of thermal and epithermal neutron fission signals agreed well with the detailed simulations. The laboratory system can readily be redesigned and deployed as a mobile inspection system for SNM in, e.g., cars and vans. A strong pulsed neutron generator with narrow pulse (<75 ns) at a reasonably high pulse frequency could make the high-energy neutron induced fission modality a realizable SNM detection technique.

  6. Generation of neutron standing waves at total reflection of polarized neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aksenov, V.L.; Nikitenko, Yu.V.; Kozhevnikov, S.V.; Radu, F.; Kruijs, R.; Rekveldt, M.Th.


    The regime of neutron standing waves at reflection of polarized thermal neutrons from the structure glass/Cu (1000 A Angstrom)/Ti (2000 A Angstrom)/Co (60 A Angstrom)/Ti (300 A Angstrom) in a magnetic field directed at an angle to the sample plane is realized. The intensity of neutrons with a particular spin projection on the external magnetic field direction appears to be a periodic function of the neutron wavelength and the glancing angle of the reflected beam. It is shown that the neutron standing wave regime can be a very sensitive method for the determination of changes in the spatial position of magnetic noncollinear layers. (author)

  7. A neutron calibration technique for detectors with low neutron/high photon sensitivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jahr, R.; Guldbakke, S.; Cosack, M.; Dietze, G.; Klein, H.


    The neutron response of a detector with low neutron-/high photon sensitivity is given by the difference of two terms: the response to the mixed neutron-photon field, measured directly, and the response to the photons, deduced from additional measurements with a photon spectrometer. The technique is particularly suited for use in connection with targets which consist of a thick backing and thin layer of neutron producing material such as T, D, Li nuclei. Then the photon component of the mixed field is very nearly the same as the pure photon field from a 'phantom target', being identical with the neutron producing target except for the missing neutron producing material. Using this technique in connection with a T target (Ti-T-layer on silver backing) and the corresponding phantom target (Ti-layer on silver backing), a GM counter was calibrated at a neutron energy of 2.5 MeV. Possibilities are discussed to subsequently calibrate the GM counter at other neutron energies without the use of the photon spectrometer. (orig./HP) [de

  8. Neutron protection material and neutron protection devices made of such material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ries, W.


    This is concerned with a neutron protection material made of thermoplastic or thermosetting plastic from high molecule hydrocarbon compounds with particularly high hydrogen and carbon contents as braking or shielding material (moderator) for fast neutrons. The plastic can contain boron for absorbing low energy neutrons. The material is used to manufacture foil, plates, pipes, shielding walls, components, bodies for radiation protection equipment, devices and plant and for neutron protection clothes. (orig./HP) [de

  9. Neutron radiography of thick hydrogenous materials with use of an imaging plate neutron detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kato, K.; Matsumoto, G.; Karasawa, Y.; Niimura, N.; Matsubayashi, M.; Tsuruno, A.


    The value of the neutron mass attenuation coefficient of hydrogen being very high, it is extremely difficult to image normal size, living animals with neutron radiography. However, the authors suggest the possibility of applying neutron radiography for biomedical specimens. The organs in the breast, bones and cartilages in the extremities, and the tail of mice and rats were clearly imaged by neutron radiography with Gd foils as neutron converters and X-ray films. However, no contours of the organs in the mouse abdomen were visible with neutron radiography with an exposure time of 200 s. By adding Gd or Li compounds as neutron converters to imaging X-ray plates, imaging plates have been developed for neutron detectors. A trial using these imaging plates for neutron radiography of water-filled containers and the abdomen of mice was completed. The roundness of a 100 ml-beaker was imaged with a neutron exposure of 180 s. Obscure contours of the liver and kidneys of the mouse were imaged with a neutron exposure of 100 s. (orig.)

  10. Pulsed thermal neutron source at the fast neutron generator. (United States)

    Tracz, Grzegorz; Drozdowicz, Krzysztof; Gabańska, Barbara; Krynicka, Ewa


    A small pulsed thermal neutron source has been designed based on results of the MCNP simulations of the thermalization of 14 MeV neutrons in a cluster-moderator which consists of small moderating cells decoupled by an absorber. Optimum dimensions of the single cell and of the whole cluster have been selected, considering the thermal neutron intensity and the short decay time of the thermal neutron flux. The source has been built and the test experiments have been performed. To ensure the response is not due to the choice of target for the experiments, calculations have been done to demonstrate the response is valid regardless of the thermalization properties of the target.

  11. Utilization of low voltage D-T neutron generators in neutron physics studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singkarat, S.


    In a small nuclear laboratory of a developing country a low voltage D-T neutron generator can be a very useful scientific apparatus. Such machines have been used successfully for more than 40 years in teaching and scientific research. The original continuous mode 150-kV D-T neutron generator has been modified to have also a capability of producing 2-ns pulsed neutrons. Together with a carefully designed 10 m long flight path collimator and shielding of a 25 cm diameter {center_dot} 10 cm thick BC-501 neutron detector, the pulsing system was successfully used for measuring the double differential cross-section (DDX) of natural iron for 14.1-MeV neutron from the angle of 30 deg to 150 deg in 10 deg steps. In order to extend the utility of the generator, two methods for converting the almost monoenergetic 14-MeV neutrons to monoenergetic neutrons of lower energy were proposed and tested. The first method uses a pulsed neutron generator and the second method uses an ordinary continuous mode generator. The latter method was successfully used to measure the scintillation light output of a 1.4 cm diameter spherical NE-213 scintillation detector. The neutron generator has also been used in the continuous search for improved neutron detection techniques. There is a proposal, based on Monte Carlo calculations, of using a scintillation fiber for a fast neutron spectrometer. Due to the slender shape of the fiber, the pattern of produced light gives a peak in the pulse height spectrum instead of the well-known rectangular-like distribution, when the fiber is bombarded end-on by a beam of 14-MeV neutrons. Experimental investigations were undertaken. Detailed investigations on the light transportation property of a short fiber were performed. The predicted peak has not yet been found but the fiber detector may be developed as a directional discrimination fast neutron detector. 18 refs.

  12. Fusion neutron detector calibration using a table-top laser generated plasma neutron source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartke, R.; Symes, D.R.; Buersgens, F.; Ruggles, L.E.; Porter, J.L.; Ditmire, T.


    Using a high intensity, femtosecond laser driven neutron source, a high-sensitivity neutron detector was calibrated. This detector is designed for observing fusion neutrons at the Z accelerator in Sandia National Laboratories. Nuclear fusion from laser driven deuterium cluster explosions was used to generate a clean source of nearly monoenergetic 2.45 MeV neutrons at a well-defined time. This source can run at 10 Hz and was used to build up a clean pulse-height spectrum on scintillating neutron detectors giving a very accurate calibration for neutron yields at 2.45 MeV

  13. Neutron image intensifier tubes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verat, M.; Rougeot, H.; Driard, B.


    The most frequently used techniques in neutron radiography employ a neutron converter consisting of either a scintillator or a thin metal sheet. The radiation created by the neutrons exposes a photographic film that is in contact with the converter: in the direct method, the film is exposed during the time that the object is irradiated with neutrons; in the transfer method, the film is exposed after the irradiation of the object with neutrons. In industrial non-destructive testing, when many identical objects have to be checked, these techniques have several disadvantages. Non-destructive testing systems without these disadvantages can be constructed around neutron-image intensifier tubes. A description and the operating characteristics of neutron-image intensifier tubes are given. (Auth.)

  14. Neutron multiplicity measurements with 3He alternative: Straw neutron detectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mukhopadhyay, Sanjoy [Arnold Avenue Andrews AFB, Joint Base Andrews, MD (United States); Wolff, Ronald [Arnold Avenue Andrews AFB, Joint Base Andrews, MD (United States); Detwiler, Ryan [Arnold Avenue Andrews AFB, Joint Base Andrews, MD (United States); Maurer, Richard [Arnold Avenue Andrews AFB, Joint Base Andrews, MD (United States); Mitchell, Stephen [National Security Technologies, LLC, Las Vegas, NV (United States); Guss, Paul [Remote Sensing Lab. - Nellis, Las Vegas, NV (United States); Lacy, Jeffrey L. [Proportional Technologies, Inc., Houston, TX (United States); Sun, Liang [Proportional Technologies, Inc., Houston, TX (United States); Athanasiades, Athanasios [Proportional Technologies, Inc., Houston, TX (United States)


    Counting neutrons emitted by special nuclear material (SNM) and differentiating them from the background neutrons of various origins is the most effective passive means of detecting SNM. Unfortunately, neutron detection, counting, and partitioning in a maritime environment are complex due to the presence of high-multiplicity spallation neutrons (commonly known as ‘‘ship effect ’’) and to the complicated nature of the neutron scattering in that environment. A prototype neutron detector was built using 10B as the converter in a special form factor called ‘‘straws’’ that would address the above problems by looking into the details of multiplicity distributions of neutrons originating from a fissioning source. This paper describes the straw neutron multiplicity counter (NMC) and assesses the performance with those of a commercially available fission meter. The prototype straw neutron detector provides a large-area, efficient, lightweight, more granular (than fission meter) neutron-responsive detection surface (to facilitate imaging) to enhance the ease of application of fission meters. Presented here are the results of preliminary investigations, modeling, and engineering considerations leading to the construction of this prototype. This design is capable of multiplicity and Feynman variance measurements. This prototype may lead to a near-term solution to the crisis that has arisen from the global scarcity of 3He by offering a viable alternative to fission meters. This paper describes the work performed during a 2-year site-directed research and development (SDRD) project that incorporated straw detectors for neutron multiplicity counting. The NMC is a two-panel detector system. We used 10B (in the form of enriched boron carbide: 10B4C) for neutron detection instead of 3He. In the first year, the project worked with a panel of straw neutron detectors, investigated its characteristics, and

  15. Neutron dosimeters and survey meters in accelerators, reactors and other neutron environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Neutron fields in occupationally accessible areas around nuclear reactors, radioisotope sources and medical and high energy accelerators have been characterized using currently available information. Neutron, rem meters, such as the Leake detector, are the most suitable instruments available for conducting neutron dose rate surveys in the vicinity of radioisotope neutron sources, nuclear reactors and medical accelerators. However, these instruments have been shown to be deficient in that they overrespond by a factor of four to neutrons in the 0.1 to 1 MeV range and are insensitive to neutrons from about 1 eV up to about 10 keV. Also, they are insensitive to neutrons above 20 MeV and their use must be restricted near high energy accelerators where significant numbers of neutrons above 20 MeV are known to be present. The most suitable instrument of measure dose from neutrons above 20 MeV is the 12 C(n,2n) 11 C scintillation chamber. Commercially available rem meters frequently use BF 3 counters in the pulse mode to detect thermal neutrons. Therefore, measurements around pulsed accelerators must be made with caution to ensure that the detector is not saturated during each pulse and that the accelerator pulse period is greater than the response time of the detector. The personal neutron dosimeters currently available either are known to be insensitive to neutrons above 20 MeV or have not been tested. Also, all except the albedo dosimeter are insensitive to or have not been tested for neutron energies in the range 1 eV to 10 keV. Several dosimeter types respond reasonably well to neutrons in the energy range 0.1 to 15 MeV, for example, CR-39, bubble and superheated drop detectors. However, the first gas a lower limit of sensitivity of about 0.3 mSv. The bubble detector can be designed to measure doses as small as 1μSv and offers the additional benefit of direct-reading capability. The superheated drop detector is not suitable for use around pulsed accelerators because

  16. Neutron resonance spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gunsing, F.


    The present document has been written in order to obtain the diploma 'Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches'. Since this diploma is indispensable to supervise thesis students, I had the intention to write a document that can be useful for someone starting in the field of neutron resonance spectroscopy. Although the here described topics are already described elsewhere, and often in more detail, it seemed useful to have most of the relevant information in a single document. A general introduction places the topic of neutron-nucleus interaction in a nuclear physics context. The large variations of several orders of magnitude in neutron-induced reaction cross sections are explained in terms of nuclear level excitations. The random character of the resonances make nuclear model calculation predictions impossible. Then several fields in physics where neutron-induced reactions are important and to which I have contributed in some way or another, are mentioned in a first synthetic chapter. They concern topics like parity nonconservation in certain neutron resonances, stellar nucleosynthesis by neutron capture, and data for nuclear energy applications. The latter item is especially important for the transmutation of nuclear waste and for alternative fuel cycles. Nuclear data libraries are also briefly mentioned. A second chapter details the R-matrix theory. This formalism is the foundation of the description of the neutron-nucleus interaction and is present in all fields of neutron resonance spectroscopy. (author)

  17. Neutron dosimetry - A review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baum, J W


    This review summarizes information on the following subjects: (1) physical processes of importance in neutron dosimetry; (2) biological effects of neutrons; (3) neutron sources; and (4) instruments and methods used in neutron dosimetry. Also, possible improvements in dosimetry instrumentation are outlined and discussed. (author)

  18. Response of six neutron survey meters in mixed fields of fast and thermal neutrons. (United States)

    Kim, S I; Kim, B H; Chang, I; Lee, J I; Kim, J L; Pradhan, A S


    Calibration neutron fields have been developed at KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) to study the responses of commonly used neutron survey meters in the presence of fast neutrons of energy around 10 MeV. The neutron fields were produced by using neutrons from the (241)Am-Be sources held in a graphite pile and a DT neutron generator. The spectral details and the ambient dose equivalent rates of the calibration fields were established, and the responses of six neutron survey meters were evaluated. Four single-moderator-based survey meters exhibited an under-responses ranging from ∼9 to 55 %. DINEUTRUN, commonly used in fields around nuclear reactors, exhibited an over-response by a factor of three in the thermal neutron field and an under-response of ∼85 % in the mixed fields. REM-500 (tissue-equivalent proportional counter) exhibited a response close to 1.0 in the fast neutron fields and an under-response of ∼50 % in the thermal neutron field.

  19. Instrumentation with polarized neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boeni, P.; Muenzer, W.; Ostermann, A.


    Neutron scattering with polarization analysis is an indispensable tool for the investigation of novel materials exhibiting electronic, magnetic, and orbital degrees of freedom. In addition, polarized neutrons are necessary for neutron spin precession techniques that path the way to obtain extremely high resolution in space and time. Last but not least, polarized neutrons are being used for fundamental studies as well as very recently for neutron imaging. Many years ago, neutron beam lines were simply adapted for polarized beam applications by adding polarizing elements leading usually to unacceptable losses in neutron intensity. Recently, an increasing number of beam lines are designed such that an optimum use of polarized neutrons is facilitated. In addition, marked progress has been obtained in the technology of 3 He polarizers and the reflectivity of large-m supermirrors. Therefore, if properly designed, only factors of approximately 2-3 in neutron intensity are lost. It is shown that S-benders provide neutron beams with an almost wavelength independent polarization. Using twin cavities, polarized beams with a homogeneous phase space and P>0.99 can be produced without significantly sacrificing intensity. It is argued that elliptic guides, which are coated with large m polarizing supermirrors, provide the highest flux.

  20. Neutron producing reactions in PuBe neutron sources

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bagi, János [European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) (Germany); Lakosi, László; Nguyen, Cong Tam [Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (Hungary)


    There are a plenty of out-of-use plutonium–beryllium neutron sources in Eastern Europe presenting both nuclear safeguards and security issues. Typically, their actual Pu content is not known. In the last couple of years different non-destructive methods were developed for their characterization. For such methods detailed knowledge of the nuclear reactions taking place within the source is necessary. In this paper we investigate the role of the neutron producing reactions, their contribution to the neutron yield and their dependence on the properties of the source.

  1. Neutrons at COSY

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Filges, D.; Freiesleben, H.


    For many years neutrons were considered important both as a useful probe in nuclear physics research and as an initiator and catalyst for fission, fusion and other applications. As a result knowledge about neutrons, especially below 20 MeV, received organized world-wide attention. Research with neutrons at medium energies, say 50 MeV to several GeV, has not consistently received attention and no systematic evaluations exist. But there is a large and considerable interest today because medium energy neutrons are very important in basic science and technology. The aim of this workshop was to provide an overview of the present status and the research which should be carried out in this field in future and which kind of experiments should be performed at the COSY facility: State-of-the-art about medium energy neutron experiments and existing facilities; planned experiments; needs for experiments doing research with neutrons at COSY (detectors, accelerator requirements, time structure etc.); what will be a first experiment to measure neutrons at COSY. The interest in this workshop is documented by a large number of participants. Copies of the viewgraphs of the talks are provided. (orig./HP)

  2. Neutronic performance issues for the Spallation Neutron Source moderators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iverson, E.B.; Murphy, B.D.


    We continue to develop the neutronic models of the Spallation Neutron Source target station and moderators in order to better predict the neutronic performance of the system as a whole and in order to better optimize that performance. While we are not able to say that every model change leads to more intense neutron beams being predicted, we do feel that such changes are advantageous in either performance or in the accuracy of the prediction of performance. We have computationally and experimentally studied the neutronics of hydrogen-water composite moderators such as are proposed for the SNS Project. In performing these studies, we find that the composite moderator, at least in the configuration we have examined, does not provide performance characteristics desirable for the instruments proposed and being designed for this neutron scattering facility. The pulse width as a function of energy is significantly broader than for other moderators, limiting attainable resolution-bandwidth combinations. Furthermore, there is reason to expect that higher-energy (0.1-1 eV) applications will be significantly impacted by bimodal pulse shapes requiring enormous effort to parameterize. As a result of these studies, we have changed the SNS design, and will not use a composite moderator at this time. We have analyzed the depletion of a gadolinium poison plate in a hydrogen moderator at the Spallation Neutron Source, and found that conventional poison thicknesses will be completely unable to last the desired component lifetime of three operational years. A poison plate 300-600 μm thick will survive for the required length of time, but will somewhat degrade the intensity (by as much as 15% depending on neutron energy) and the consistency of the neutron source performance. Our results should scale fairly easily to other moderators on this or any other spallation source. While depletion will be important for all highly-absorbing materials in high-flux regions, we feel it likely that

  3. Isotopic neutron sources for neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoste, J.


    This User's Manual is an attempt to provide for teaching and training purposes, a series of well thought out demonstrative experiments in neutron activation analysis based on the utilization of an isotopic neutron source. In some cases, these ideas can be applied to solve practical analytical problems. 19 refs, figs and tabs

  4. New opportunities in neutron capture research using advanced pulsed neutron sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bowman, C.D.


    The extraordinary neutron intensities available from the new spallation pulsed neutron sources open up exciting opportunities for basic and applied research in neutron nuclear physics. Prospective experiments are reviewed with particular attention to those with a strong connection to capture gamma-ray spectroscopy

  5. Use of a neutron guide in industrial neutron radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaccheo, M.; Berthon, J.; Uzureau, G.; Laporte, A.


    This paper describes the neutron radiography facility associated with the Orphee high flux reactor at the Saclay Nuclear Research Centre. Following a brief background review, the paper deals with: the presentation of the facility, with emphasis on all the mechanical systems involved; description of the control and monitoring console; a non-exhaustive list of the facility's potentialities; the advantages and drawbacks of the use of a neutron guide to carry out industrial neutron radiography. (Auth.)

  6. Neutron Detector Signal Processing to Calculate the Effective Neutron Multiplication Factor of Subcritical Assemblies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Talamo, Alberto; Gohar, Yousry


    This report describes different methodologies to calculate the effective neutron multiplication factor of subcritical assemblies by processing the neutron detector signals using MATLAB scripts. The subcritical assembly can be driven either by a spontaneous fission neutron source (e.g. californium) or by a neutron source generated from the interactions of accelerated particles with target materials. In the latter case, when the particle accelerator operates in a pulsed mode, the signals are typically stored into two files. One file contains the time when neutron reactions occur and the other contains the times when the neutron pulses start. In both files, the time is given by an integer representing the number of time bins since the start of the counting. These signal files are used to construct the neutron count distribution from a single neutron pulse. The built-in functions of MATLAB are used to calculate the effective neutron multiplication factor through the application of the prompt decay fitting or the area method to the neutron count distribution. If the subcritical assembly is driven by a spontaneous fission neutron source, then the effective multiplication factor can be evaluated either using the prompt neutron decay constant obtained from Rossi or Feynman distributions or the Modified Source Multiplication (MSM) method.

  7. Neutron Detector Signal Processing to Calculate the Effective Neutron Multiplication Factor of Subcritical Assemblies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Talamo, Alberto [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States). Nuclear Engineering Division; Gohar, Yousry [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States). Nuclear Engineering Division


    This report describes different methodologies to calculate the effective neutron multiplication factor of subcritical assemblies by processing the neutron detector signals using MATLAB scripts. The subcritical assembly can be driven either by a spontaneous fission neutron source (e.g. californium) or by a neutron source generated from the interactions of accelerated particles with target materials. In the latter case, when the particle accelerator operates in a pulsed mode, the signals are typically stored into two files. One file contains the time when neutron reactions occur and the other contains the times when the neutron pulses start. In both files, the time is given by an integer representing the number of time bins since the start of the counting. These signal files are used to construct the neutron count distribution from a single neutron pulse. The built-in functions of MATLAB are used to calculate the effective neutron multiplication factor through the application of the prompt decay fitting or the area method to the neutron count distribution. If the subcritical assembly is driven by a spontaneous fission neutron source, then the effective multiplication factor can be evaluated either using the prompt neutron decay constant obtained from Rossi or Feynman distributions or the Modified Source Multiplication (MSM) method.

  8. New generation non-stationary portable neutron generators for biophysical applications of Neutron Activation Analysis. (United States)

    Marchese, N; Cannuli, A; Caccamo, M T; Pace, C


    Neutron sources are increasingly employed in a wide range of research fields. For some specific purposes an alternative to existing large-scale neutron scattering facilities, can be offered by the new generation of portable neutron devices. This review reports an overview for such recently available neutron generators mainly addressed to biophysics applications with specific reference to portable non-stationary neutron generators applied in Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). The review reports a description of a typical portable neutron generator set-up addressed to biophysics applications. New generation portable neutron devices, for some specific applications, can constitute an alternative to existing large-scale neutron scattering facilities. Deuterium-Deuterium pulsed neutron sources able to generate 2.5MeV neutrons, with a neutron yield of 1.0×10 6 n/s, a pulse rate of 250Hz to 20kHz and a duty factor varying from 5% to 100%, when combined with solid-state photon detectors, show that this kind of compact devices allow rapid and user-friendly elemental analysis. "This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Science for Life" Guest Editor: Dr. Austen Angell, Dr. Salvatore Magazù and Dr. Federica Migliardo". Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. LANSA: A large neutron scintillator array for neutron spectroscopy at Nova

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, M.B.; Cable, M.D.; Bennett, C.K.; Mant, G.


    A very sensitive neutron time-of-flight spectrometer is now in use at Nova. LANSA consists of 960 channels of a neutron sensitive liquid scintillator (10 x lO x lO cm) coupled to a photomultiplier tube followed by a discriminator, TDC and ADC to allow the measurement of neutron arrival time as well as pulse size. LANSA is capable of measuring yields as low as 2.3 x 10 5 DT neutrons (100 detected hits) with resolution of 2.3 ns (170 key for 14 MeV neutrons with 20 m flight path). Shielding and collimation provide background levels low enough to allow measurement of secondary and tertiary reaction neutrons. Details of design, testing, calibration and experimental results will be presented. This work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-ENG-48

  10. Neutron guides and scientific neutron equipment at CILAS/GMI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gautier-Picard, P.


    The French company CILAS is the world's leading supplier of complete neutron guide systems. The neutron optics with multilayer coatings produced by CILAS has become an international standard for neutron beam transportation at modern research institutes. During the last 30 years, CILAS designed, produced and installed more than 5000 meters of guides in many European, American and Asian countries. By these projects the company has acquired a very strong experience with: conception, design, manufacturing, setting up of Neutron Guides. In most cases, CILAS was in charge of the design, as well as the manufacturing of the whole system, comprising optical and mechanical components, vacuum system, shutter and shielding definition. By our long experience we have also acquired good knowledge of the materials used in this specific nuclear environment and their behavior under radiation such as glass, borated or not, coatings, glue or metal. To reinforce its leadership and presence in neutron research, CILAS acquired the company Grenoble Modular Instruments (GMI) a leading company in high precision mechanics, engineering and manufacturing of spectrometers and scientific equipment for neutron and synchrotron research. This merger allows us to design and to supply a complete range of high precision optical and mechanical eqipment for neutron research. CILAS and GMI have designed, manufactured and installed a High Resolution Powder Diffractometer for the 30MW Korean Hanaro Reactor. This project included the calculation, design and supply of the complete biological shielding of the instrument as well as for the primary beam shutter on the thermal beamport. (author)

  11. Neutron-neutron quasifree scattering in nd breakup at 10 MeV (United States)

    Malone, R. C.; Crowe, B.; Crowell, A. S.; Cumberbatch, L. C.; Esterline, J. H.; Fallin, B. A.; Friesen, F. Q. L.; Han, Z.; Howell, C. R.; Markoff, D.; Ticehurst, D.; Tornow, W.; Witała, H.


    The neutron-deuteron (nd) breakup reaction provides a rich environment for testing theoretical models of the neutron-neutron (nn) interaction. Current theoretical predictions based on rigorous ab-initio calculations agree well with most experimental data for this system, but there remain a few notable discrepancies. The cross section for nn quasifree (QFS) scattering is one such anomaly. Two recent experiments reported cross sections for this particular nd breakup configuration that exceed theoretical calculations by almost 20% at incident neutron energies of 26 and 25 MeV [1, 2]. The theoretical values can be brought into agreement with these results by increasing the strength of the 1S0 nn potential matrix element by roughly 10%. However, this modification of the nn effective range parameter and/or the 1S0 scattering length causes substantial charge-symmetry breaking in the nucleon-nucleon force and suggests the possibility of a weakly bound di-neutron state [3]. We are conducting new measurements of the cross section for nn QFS in nd breakup. The measurements are performed at incident neutron beam energies below 20 MeV. The neutron beam is produced via the 2H(d, n)3He reaction. The target is a deuterated plastic cylinder. Our measurements utilize time-of-flight techniques with a pulsed neutron beam and detection of the two emitted neutrons in coincidence. A description of our initial measurements at 10 MeV for a single scattering angle will be presented along with preliminary results. Also, plans for measurements at other energies with broad angular coverage will be discussed.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Much of our understanding of the atomic-scale magnetic structure and the dynamical properties of solids and liquids was gained from neutron-scattering studies. Elastic and inelastic neutron spectroscopy provided physicists with an unprecedented, detailed access to spin structures, magnetic-excitation spectra, soft-modes and critical dynamics at magnetic-phase transitions, which is unrivaled by other experimental techniques. Because the neutron has no electric charge, it is an ideal weakly interacting and highly penetrating probe of matter's inner structure and dynamics. Unlike techniques using photon electric fields or charged particles (e.g., electrons, muons) that significantly modify the local electronic environment, neutron spectroscopy allows determination of a material's intrinsic, unperturbed physical properties. The method is not sensitive to extraneous charges, electric fields, and the imperfection of surface layers. Because the neutron is a highly penetrating and non-destructive probe, neutron spectroscopy can probe the microscopic properties of bulk materials (not just their surface layers) and study samples embedded in complex environments, such as cryostats, magnets, and pressure cells, which are essential for understanding the physical origins of magnetic phenomena. Neutron scattering is arguably the most powerful and versatile experimental tool for studying the microscopic properties of the magnetic materials. The magnitude of the cross-section of the neutron magnetic scattering is similar to the cross-section of nuclear scattering by short-range nuclear forces, and is large enough to provide measurable scattering by the ordered magnetic structures and electron spin fluctuations. In the half-a-century or so that has passed since neutron beams with sufficient intensity for scattering applications became available with the advent of the nuclear reactors, they have became indispensable tools for studying a variety of important areas of modern

  13. Neutron Scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fayer, Michael J.; Gee, Glendon W.


    The neutron probe is a standard tool for measuring soil water content. This article provides an overview of the underlying theory, describes the methodology for its calibration and use, discusses example applications, and identifies the safety issues. Soil water makes land-based life possible by satisfying plant water requirements, serving as a medium for nutrient movement to plant roots and nutrient cycling, and controlling the fate and transport of contaminants in the soil environment. Therefore, a successful understanding of the dynamics of plant growth, nutrient cycling, and contaminant behavior in the soil requires knowledge of the soil water content as well as its spatial and temporal variability. After more than 50 years, neutron probes remain the most reliable tool available for field monitoring of soil water content. Neutron probes provide integrated measurements over relatively large volumes of soil and, with proper access, allow for repeated sampling of the subsurface at the same locations. The limitations of neutron probes include costly and time-consuming manual operation, lack of data automation, and costly regulatory requirements. As more non-radioactive systems for soil water monitoring are developed to provide automated profiling capabilities, neutron-probe usage will likely decrease. Until then, neutron probes will continue to be a standard for reliable measurements of field water contents in soils around the globe

  14. A neutron beam polarizer for study of parity violation in neutron-nucleus interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Penttilae, S.I.; Bowman, J.D.; Frankle, C.M.; Seestrom, S.J.; Yen, Yi-Fen; Delheij, P.P.J.; Haase, D.G.; Postma, H.


    A dynamically-polarized proton target operating at 5 Tesla and 1 K has been built to, neutron beam for studies of parity violation in compound-nuclear resonances. Nearly 0.9 proton polarization was obtained in an electron-beam irradiated ammonia target. This was used to produce a neutron beam polarization of 0.7 at epithermal energies. The combination of the polarized proton target and the LANSCE spallation neutron source produces the most intense pulsed polarized epithermal neutron beam in the world. The neutron-beam polarizer is described and methods to determine neutron beam polarization are presented

  15. Online monitoring of fast neutron (DT/DD) at Purnima neutron generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bishnoi, S.; Patel, T.; Shukla, M.; Adhikari, P.S.; Sinha, A.


    A neutron generator (NG) at Purnima Labs, BARC has been developed for DT accelerator driven zero power subcritical (ADSS) system. Subcritical core of ADSS will be coupled to the NG for benchmarking experiments. Kinetic parameters of ADSS such as K-source, flux, power etc depends on this external neutron source strength injected to the core. However the neutron emission rate of NG does not remain stable throughout its operation. In view of this a reliable, precise and online monitoring of NG's neutron emission rate is required. An online neutron monitoring system based on associated particle method has been designed, developed and installed at NG. The monitoring unit consists of an ion implanted planar silicon detector, placed inside the drift tube of NG at an angle with respect to D + beam direction. A series of experiments were carried out with increasing neutron yield to optimize the position of detector such that it has sufficient counting statistics and minimum pileup. A complementary calibration procedure for validating these results based on activation technique was also carried out with standard Cu foil. The reaction rate monitored with online monitor and foil activation technique were compared, their variations with the predicted (theoretical) results were within 16%. This paper deals with the development and performance of online neutron monitoring system for DT and DD neutrons

  16. Neutrons and Nuclear Engineering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ekkebus, Allen E.


    Oak Ridge National Laboratory hosted two workshops in April 2007 relevant to nuclear engineering education. In the Neutron Stress, Texture, and Phase Transformation for Industry workshop (, several invited speakers gave examples of neutron stress mapping for nuclear engineering applications. These included John Root of National Research Council of Canada, Mike Fitzpatrick of the UK's Open University, and Yan Gao of GE Global Research on their experiences with industrial and academic uses of neutron diffraction. Xun-Li Wang and Camden Hubbard described the new instruments at ORNL that can be used for such studies. This was preceded by the Neutrons for Materials Science and Engineering educational symposium ( It was directed to the broad materials science and engineering community based in universities, industry and laboratories who wish to learn what the neutron sources in the US can provide for enhancing the understanding of materials behavior, processing and joining. Of particular interest was the presentation of Donald Brown of Los Alamos about using 'Neutron diffraction measurements of strain and texture to study mechanical behavior of structural materials.' At both workshops, the ORNL neutron scattering instruments relevant to nuclear engineering studies were described. The Neutron Residual Stress Mapping Facility (NRSF2) is currently in operation at the High Flux Isotope Reactor; the VULCAN Engineering Materials Diffractometer will begin commissioning in 2008 at the Spallation Neutron Source. For characteristics of these instruments, as well as details of other workshops, meetings, capabilities, and research proposal submissions, please visit To submit user proposals for time on NRSF2 contact Hubbard at

  17. Introduction to neutron stars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lattimer, James M. [Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800 (United States)


    Neutron stars contain the densest form of matter in the present universe. General relativity and causality set important constraints to their compactness. In addition, analytic GR solutions are useful in understanding the relationships that exist among the maximum mass, radii, moments of inertia, and tidal Love numbers of neutron stars, all of which are accessible to observation. Some of these relations are independent of the underlying dense matter equation of state, while others are very sensitive to the equation of state. Recent observations of neutron stars from pulsar timing, quiescent X-ray emission from binaries, and Type I X-ray bursts can set important constraints on the structure of neutron stars and the underlying equation of state. In addition, measurements of thermal radiation from neutron stars has uncovered the possible existence of neutron and proton superfluidity/superconductivity in the core of a neutron star, as well as offering powerful evidence that typical neutron stars have significant crusts. These observations impose constraints on the existence of strange quark matter stars, and limit the possibility that abundant deconfined quark matter or hyperons exist in the cores of neutron stars.

  18. Study of neutron focusing at the Texas Cold Neutron Source. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wehring, B.W.; Uenlue, K.


    Funds were received for the first year of a three year DOE Nuclear Engineering Research Grant, ''Study of Neutron Focusing at the Texas Cold Neutron Source'' (FGO2-92ER75711). The purpose of this three year study was to develop a neutron focusing system to be used with the Texas Cold Neutron Source (TCNS) to produce an intense beam of neutrons. A prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) facility was also to be designed, setup, and tested under the three year project. During the first year of the DOE grant, a new procedure was developed and used to design a focusing converging guide consisting of truncated rectangular cone sections. Detailed calculations were performed using a 3-D Monte Carlo code which we wrote to trace neutrons through the curved guide of the TCNS into the proposed converging guide. Using realistic reflectivities for Ni-Ti supermirrors, we obtained gains of 3 to 5 for the neutron flux averaged over an area of 1 x 1 cm

  19. Microdosimetry of intermediate energy neutrons in fast neutron fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saion, E.B.; Watt, D.E.


    A coaxial double cylindrical proportional counter has been constructed for microdosimetry of intermediate energy neutrons in mixed fields. Details are given of the measured gas gain and resolution characteristics of the counter for a wide range of anode voltages. Event spectra due to intermediate neutrons in any desired energy band is achieved by an appropriate choice of thickness of the common dividing wall in the counter and by appropriate use of the coincidence, anticoincidence pulse counting arrangements. Calculated estimates indicate that the dose contribution by fast neutrons to the energy deposition events in the intermediate neutron range may be as large as 25%. Empirical procedures being investigated aim to determine the necessary corrections to be applied to the microdose distributions, with a precision of 10%. (author)

  20. Neutron capture studies of {sup 206}Pb at a cold neutron beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schillebeeckx, P.; Kopecky, S.; Quetel, C.R.; Tresl, I.; Wynants, R. [Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Geel (Belgium); Belgya, T.; Szentmiklosi, L. [Institute for Energy Security and Environmental Safety, Centre for Energy Research, Budapest (Hungary); Borella, A. [Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Geel (Belgium); SCK CEN, Mol (Belgium); Mengoni, A. [Nuclear Data Section, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Wagramerstrasse 5, PO Box 100, Vienna (Austria); Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l' Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (ENEA), Bologna (Italy)


    Gamma-ray transitions following neutron capture in {sup 206}Pb have been studied at the cold neutron beam facility of the Budapest Neutron Centre using a metallic sample enriched in {sup 206}Pb and a natural lead nitrate powder pellet. The measurements were performed using a coaxial HPGe detector with Compton suppression. The observed {gamma} -rays have been incorporated into a decay scheme for neutron capture in {sup 206}Pb. Partial capture cross sections for {sup 206}Pb(n, {gamma}) at thermal energy have been derived relative to the cross section for the 1884 keV transition after neutron capture in {sup 14}N. From the average crossing sum a total thermal neutron capture cross section of 29{sup +2}{sub -1} mb was derived for the {sup 206}Pb(n, {gamma}) reaction. The thermal neutron capture cross section for {sup 206}Pb has been compared with contributions due to both direct capture and distant unbound s-wave resonances. From the same measurements a thermal neutron-induced capture cross section of (649 {+-} 14) mb was determined for the {sup 207}Pb(n, {gamma}) reaction. (orig.)

  1. Neutron filters for producing monoenergetic neutron beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harvey, J.A.; Hill, N.W.; Harvey, J.R.


    Neutron transmission measurements have been made on high-purity, highly-enriched samples of 58 Ni (99.9%), 60 Ni (99.7%), 64 Zn (97.9%) and 184 W (94.5%) to measure their neutron windows and to assess their potential usefulness for producing monoenergetic beams of intermediate energies from a reactor. Transmission measurements on the Los Alamos Sc filter (44.26 cm Sc and 1.0 cm Ti) have been made to determine the characteristics of the transmitted neutron beam and to measure the total cross section of Sc at the 2.0 keV minimum. When corrected for the Ti and impurities, a value of 0.35 +- 0.03 b was obtained for this minimum

  2. Latest developments of neutron scattering instrumentation at the Juelich Centre for Neutron Science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ioffe, Alexander


    Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) is operating a number of world-class neutron scattering instruments situated at the most powerful and advanced neutron sources (FRM II, ILL and SNS) and is continuously undertaking significant efforts in the development and upgrades to keep this instrumentation in line with the continuously changing scientific request. These developments are mostly based upon the latest progress in neutron optics and polarized neutron techniques. For example, the low-Q limit of the suite of small angle-scattering instruments has been extended to 4·10 -5 Å -1 by the successful use of focusing optics. A new generation of correction elements for the neutron spin-echo spectrometer has allowed for the use of the full field integral available, thus pushing further the instrument resolution. A significant progress has been achieved in the developments of 3 He neutron spin filters for purposes of the wide-angle polarization analysis for off-specular reflectometry and (grazing incidence) small-angle neutron scattering, e.g. the on-beam polarization of 3 He in large cells is allowing to achieve a high neutron beam polarization without any degradation in time. The wide Q-range polarization analysis using 3 He neutron spin filters has been implemented for small-angle neutron scattering that lead to the reduction up to 100 times of the intrinsic incoherent background from non-deuterated biological molecules. Also the work on wide-angle XYZ magnetic cavities (Magic PASTIS) will be presented. (author)

  3. Effect of neutrons scattered from boundary of neutron field on shielding experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogawa, Tatsuhiko; Abe, Takuya; Kosako, Toshiso; Iimoto, Takeshi


    Neutron shielding experiment with 49 cm-thick ordinary concrete was carried out at the reactor 'Yayoi' The University of Tokyo. System of this experiment is enclosed by heavy concrete where neutrons backscattered from heavy concrete likely affected neutron flux on the back surface of shielding concrete. Reaction rate of 197 Au(n, γ), cadmium covered 197 Au(n, γ) and 115 In(n, n') in the shielding concrete was measured using foil activation method. Neutron transport calculation was carried out in order to simulate reaction rate by calculating neutron spectra and convoluting with neutron capture cross-section in neutron shielding concrete. Comparison was made between calculated reaction rate and experimental one, and almost satisfactory agreement was found except for the back surface of shielding. To compose adequate simulation model, description of heavy concrete behind the shielding was thought to be of importance. For example, disregarding neutrons backscattered from heavy concrete, calculation underestimated reaction rate by the factor of 10. In another example, assuming that chemical composition of heavy concrete is equal to the composition adopted from a literature, the reaction rate was overestimated by factor of 5. By making the composition of heavy concrete equal to that based on facility design, overestimation was found to be the factor of 2. Therefore, adequate description of chemical composition of heavy concrete is found to be of importance in order to simulate neutron induced reaction rate on the back surface of neutron shielding concrete in shielding experiment performed in a system enclosed by heavy concrete. (author)

  4. Neutron resonance spectroscopy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gunsing, F


    The present document has been written in order to obtain the diploma 'Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches'. Since this diploma is indispensable to supervise thesis students, I had the intention to write a document that can be useful for someone starting in the field of neutron resonance spectroscopy. Although the here described topics are already described elsewhere, and often in more detail, it seemed useful to have most of the relevant information in a single document. A general introduction places the topic of neutron-nucleus interaction in a nuclear physics context. The large variations of several orders of magnitude in neutron-induced reaction cross sections are explained in terms of nuclear level excitations. The random character of the resonances make nuclear model calculation predictions impossible. Then several fields in physics where neutron-induced reactions are important and to which I have contributed in some way or another, are mentioned in a first synthetic chapter. They concern topics like parity nonconservation in certain neutron resonances, stellar nucleosynthesis by neutron capture, and data for nuclear energy applications. The latter item is especially important for the transmutation of nuclear waste and for alternative fuel cycles. Nuclear data libraries are also briefly mentioned. A second chapter details the R-matrix theory. This formalism is the foundation of the description of the neutron-nucleus interaction and is present in all fields of neutron resonance spectroscopy. (author)

  5. Double-layer neutron shield design as neutron shielding application (United States)

    Sariyer, Demet; Küçer, Rahmi


    The shield design in particle accelerators and other high energy facilities are mainly connected to the high-energy neutrons. The deep penetration of neutrons through massive shield has become a very serious problem. For shielding to be efficient, most of these neutrons should be confined to the shielding volume. If the interior space will become limited, the sufficient thickness of multilayer shield must be used. Concrete and iron are widely used as a multilayer shield material. Two layers shield material was selected to guarantee radiation safety outside of the shield against neutrons generated in the interaction of the different proton energies. One of them was one meter of concrete, the other was iron-contained material (FeB, Fe2B and stainless-steel) to be determined shield thicknesses. FLUKA Monte Carlo code was used for shield design geometry and required neutron dose distributions. The resulting two layered shields are shown better performance than single used concrete, thus the shield design could leave more space in the interior shielded areas.

  6. Pulsed neutron generator for mass flow measurement using the pulsed neutron activation technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rochau, G.E.; Hornsby, D.R.; Mareda, J.F.; Riggan, W.C.


    A high-output, transportable neutron generator has been developed to measure mass flow velocities in reactor safety tests using the Pulsed Neutron Activation (PNA) Technique. The PNA generator produces >10 10 14 MeV D-T neutrons in a 1.2 millisecond pulse. The Millisecond Pulse (MSP) Neutron Tube, developed for this application, has an expected operational life of 1000 pulses, and it limits the generator pulse repetition rate to 12 pulses/minute. A semiconductor neutron detector is included in the generator package to monitor the neutron output. The control unit, which can be operated manually or remotely, also contains a digital display with a BCD output for the neutron monitor information. The digital logic of the unit controls the safety interlocks and rejects transient signals which could accidently fire the generator

  7. Neutron techniques in Safeguards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zucker, M.S.


    An essential part of Safeguards is the ability to quantitatively and nondestructively assay those materials with special neutron-interactive properties involved in nuclear industrial or military technology. Neutron techniques have furnished most of the important ways of assaying such materials, which is no surprise since the neutronic properties are what characterizes them. The techniques employed rely on a wide selection of the many methods of neutron generation, detection, and data analysis that have been developed for neutron physics and nuclear science in general

  8. Neutron scattering. Experiment manuals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brueckel, Thomas; Heger, Gernot; Richter, Dieter; Roth, Georg; Zorn, Reiner


    The following topics are dealt with: The thermal triple-axis spectrometer PUMA, the high-resolution powder diffractometer SPODI, the hot single-crystal diffractometer HEiDi for structure analysis with neutrons, the backscattering spectrometer SPHERES, the neutron polarization analyzer DNS, the neutron spin-echo spectrometer J-NSE, the small-angle neutron diffractometers KWS-1/-2, the very-small-angle neutron diffractometer with focusing mirror KWS-3, the resonance spin-echo spectrometer RESEDA, the reflectometer TREFF, the time-of-flight spectrometer TOFTOF. (HSI)

  9. Neutron monitoring for radiological protection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gibson, J.A.B.


    Neutron monitoring is a subject of increasing general interest and considerable attention is being paid to the development of improved techniques and methods for neutron monitoring. The Agency, therefore, considered it important to prepare a guide on the subject of neutron monitoring for radiation protection purposes. The present Manual is intended for those persons or authorities in Member States, particularly developing countries, who are responsible for the organization of neutron monitoring programmes and practical neutron monitoring. This Manual consequently, deals with topics such as neutron dosimetry, sources of neutrons and neutron detection as well as field instruments and operational systems used in this context

  10. Particle physics with cold neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubbers, D.


    Slow neutrons are used in a large number of experiments to study the physics of particles and their fundamental interactions. Some of these experiments search for manifestations of ''new physics'' like baryon- or lepton-number nonconservation, time reversal nonconservation, new particles, right-handed currents, nonzero neutron charge, nonlinear terms in the Schrodinger equation, exotic e + e - states, and others. Other slow neutron experiments test the present Standard Model. The parity nonconserving weak neutron-nucleon interaction is studied in a variety of experiments. Free neutron beta decay gives precise values for the weak vector and axialvector coupling constants, which allow precise tests of basic symmetries like the conservation of the weak vector current, the unitarity of the weak quark mixing matrix, SU(3) flavour symmetry, and right-handed currents. Neutron beta decay data are further needed to calculate weak cross-sections, for applications, in big bang cosmology, in astrophysics, in solar physics and the solar neutrino problem, and in such mundane things as neutrino detection efficiencies in neutrino oscillation or proton decay experiments. Neutron-nucleon, neutron-nucleus and neutron-electron scattering lengths are determined in high precision experiments, which use methods like neutron interferometry or neutron gravity spectrometry. The experiments give information on quantities like the neutron charge radius or the neutron electric polarizability. Precision measurements of other fundamental constants lead to a better, model-independent value of the fine structure constant. Finally, the fundamental experiments on quantum mechanics, like spinor 4π -rotation, Berry's phase, dressed neutrons, Aharanov - Casher effect, or gravitational effects on the neutron's phase will be briefly discussed. (author)

  11. Wide range neutron detection system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Todt, W.H. Sr.


    A neutron detection system for reactor control is described which is operable over a wide range of neutron flux levels. The system includes a fission type ionization chamber neutron detector, means for gamma and alpha signal compensation, and means for operating the neutron detector in the pulse counting mode for low neutron flux levels, and in the direct current mode for high neutron flux levels

  12. Experiments on neutron-proton and neutron-electron interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koester, L.


    The paper reports on zero-energy experiments with neutrons, protons and electrons with a wavelength that is considerably longer than the particle expansion. Scattering amplitudes are measured for the reactions n + p and n + e. A neutron gravity refractometer is used. (WL/AK) [de

  13. Measurement of neutron sensitivity of self powered neutron detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahant, A.K.; Yeshuraja, V.; Ghodke, Shobha


    Self powered neutron detectors (SPNDs ) will form the part of Reactor Instrumentation in the upcoming 500 MWe power reactors. ECIL has developed Vanadium and Cobalt SPNDs for NPCIL to be used in regulation and protection channels. Experimental determination of neutron sensitivity of the vanadium and cobalt Self Powered Neutron Detectors (SPNDs) was carried out in A-l location of Apsara reactor at BARC. The measurements involved determination of total detector signal, its various components and the thermal neutron flux at the detector location. The paper describes the experimental techniques used to measure various parameters required to evaluate the neutron sensitivity of the SPNDs and also the parameters required to ascertain the integrity of SPNDs. Neutron flux measurement was done by gold foil irradiation technique. The predominant signal component from the vanadium SPND is Ib the current due to activation of the vanadium emitter, it forms about 85% of the total signal. The other components I n,γ due to the capture gamma rays of 52 V and I externalγ produced by the external reactor gamma rays contribute about 10% and 5% respectively to the total signal. Whereas in the cobalt SPND the main signal component is due to the capture gamma rays of 60 Co and accounts for about the 95% of the total signal. Remaining 5% signal is due to external reactor gamma rays. (author)

  14. Neutron-deuteron breakup experiment at En=13 MeV: Determination of the 1S0 neutron-neutron scattering length ann

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez Trotter, D.E.; Meneses, F. Salinas; Tornow, W.; Howell, C.R.; Chen, Q.; Crowell, A.S.; Roper, C.D.; Walter, R.L.; Schmidt, D.; Witala, H.; Gloeckle, W.; Tang, H.; Zhou, Z.; Slaus, I.


    We report on results of a kinematically complete neutron-deuteron breakup experiment performed at Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory using an E n =13 MeV incident neutron beam. The 1 S 0 neutron-neutron scattering length a nn has been determined for four production angles of the neutron-neutron final-state interaction configuration. The absolute cross-section data were analyzed with rigorous three-nucleon calculations. Our average value of a nn =-18.7±0.7 fm is in excellent agreement with a nn =-18.6±0.4 fm obtained from capture experiments of negative pions on deuterons. We also performed a shape analysis of the final-state interaction cross-section enhancements by allowing the normalization of the data to float. From these relative data, we obtained an average value of a nn =-18.8±0.5 fm, in agreement with the result obtained from the absolute cross-section measurements. Our result deviates from the world average of a nn =-16.7±0.5 fm determined from previous kinematically complete neutron-deuteron breakup experiments, including the most recent one carried out at Bonn. However, this low value for a nn is at variance with theoretical expectation and other experimental information about the sign of charge-symmetry breaking of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. In agreement with theoretical predictions, no evidence was found of significant three-nucleon force effects on the neutron-neutron final-state interaction cross sections


    Metwally, Walid A; Taqatqa, Osama A; Ballaith, Mohammed M; Chen, Allan X; Piestrup, Melvin A


    Neutron generators are an excellent tool that can be effectively utilized in educational institutions for applications such as neutron activation analysis, neutron radiography, and profiling and irradiation effects. For safety purposes, it is imperative that appropriate measures are taken in order to minimize the radiation dose from such devices to the operators, students and the public. This work presents the simulation and measurement results for the neutron and photon dose rates in the vicinity of the neutron generator installed at the University of Sharjah. A very good agreement is found between the simulated and measured dose rates. All of the public dose constraints were found to be met. The occupational dose constraint was also met after imposing a 200 cm no entry zone around the generator room. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  16. An empirical formula for scattered neutron components in fast neutron radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dou Haifeng; Tang Bin


    Scattering neutrons are one of the key factors that may affect the images of fast neutron radiography. In this paper, a mathematical model for scattered neutrons is developed on a cylinder sample, and an empirical formula for scattered neutrons is obtained. According to the results given by Monte Carlo methods, the parameters in the empirical formula are obtained with curve fitting, which confirms the logicality of the empirical formula. The curve-fitted parameters of common materials such as 6 LiD are given. (authors)

  17. Neutron Science 21

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Sung Il; Choi, Yong Nam; Ahn, Geun Young; Lee, Hee Joo; Hong, Ji Sun; Kim, Hyo Sun


    The project aims to make the HANARO neutron beam facility a neutron research hub in the Asia-Pacific. This is a part of the effort to make the facility as productive as other neutron beam facilities in America and Europe which already operate as a hub that attracts thousands of users and produces hundreds of publications annually. The projects promotes 1) collaborative research between HANARO personnel and users, 2) internationally collaboration on various fronts of neutron science related activities. To achieve the above in an effective manner, its direction is adjusted by a series of meetings and the activities of the project are advertised to the public media. 3 domestic and 1 international collaborative research was carried out successfully in 2008 by using the HRPD. The 1st Asia-Oceania Neutron Summer School was successfully hosted in Korea. The annual report of the HANARO neutron beam facility was published. 3 advisory meetings and 6 internal meetings to promote the hub were held. Users were surveyed on their needs. The media was contacted twice in an effort to advertise the project activities. All of the above achievements are directly applicable to determining the national policy on neutron science. It is advised that the KAERI management take notice of the results to manage the facility effectively

  18. The world’s first pelletized cold neutron moderator at a neutron scattering facility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ananiev, V.; Belyakov, A.; Bulavin, M.; Kulagin, E.; Kulikov, S.; Mukhin, K.; Petukhova, T.; Sirotin, A.; Shabalin, D.; Shabalin, E.; Shirokov, V.; Verhoglyadov, A., E-mail:


    In July 10, 2012 cold neutrons were generated for the first time with the unique pelletized cold neutron moderator CM-202 at the IBR-2M reactor. This new moderator system uses small spherical beads of a solid mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene derivatives) as the moderating material. Aromatic hydrocarbons are known as the most radiation-resistant hydrogenous substances and have properties to moderate slow neutrons effectively. Since the new moderator was put into routine operation in September 2013, the IBR-2 research reactor of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics has consolidated its position among the world’s leading pulsed neutron sources for investigation of matter with neutron scattering methods.

  19. Non-destructive diagnostics of irradiated materials using neutron scattering from pulsed neutron sources

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Korenev, Sergey E-mail:; Sikolenko, Vadim


    The advantage of neutron-scattering studies as compared to the standard X-ray technique is the high penetration of neutrons that allow us to study volume effects. The high resolution of instrumentation on the basis neutron scattering allows measurement of the parameters of lattice structure with high precision. We suggest the use of neutron scattering from pulsed neutron sources for analysis of materials irradiated with pulsed high current electron and ion beams. The results of preliminary tests using this method for Ni foils that have been studied by neutron diffraction at the IBR-2 (Pulsed Fast Reactor at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) are presented.

  20. Non-destructive diagnostics of irradiated materials using neutron scattering from pulsed neutron sources (United States)

    Korenev, Sergey; Sikolenko, Vadim


    The advantage of neutron-scattering studies as compared to the standard X-ray technique is the high penetration of neutrons that allow us to study volume effects. The high resolution of instrumentation on the basis neutron scattering allows measurement of the parameters of lattice structure with high precision. We suggest the use of neutron scattering from pulsed neutron sources for analysis of materials irradiated with pulsed high current electron and ion beams. The results of preliminary tests using this method for Ni foils that have been studied by neutron diffraction at the IBR-2 (Pulsed Fast Reactor at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) are presented.

  1. A neutron beam polarizer for study of parity violation in neutron-nucleus interactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Penttilae, S.I.; Bowman, J.D.; Delheij, P.P.; Frankle, C.M.; Haase, D.G.; Postma, H.; Seestrom, S.J.; Yen, Y.


    A dynamically-polarized proton target operating at 5 Tesla and 1 K has been built to polarize an epithermal neutron beam for studies of parity violation in compound-nuclear resonances. Nearly 0.9 proton polarization was obtained in an electron-beam irradiated ammonia target. This was used to produce a neutron beam polarization of 0.7 at epithermal energies. The combination of the polarized proton target and the LANSCE spallation neutron source produces the most intense pulsed polarized epithermal neutron beam in the world. The neutron-beam polarizer is described and methods to determine neutron beam polarization are presented. copyright 1995 American Institute of Physics

  2. Neutronic Design Calculations on Moderators for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murphy, D.B.


    The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) to be built at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory will provide an intense source of neutrons for a large variety of experiments. It consists of a high-energy (1-GeV) and high-power (∼1-MW) proton accelerator, an accumulator ring, together with a target station and an experimental area. In the target itself, the proton beam will produce neutrons via the spallation process and these will be converted to low-energy ( 2 O moderators. Extensive engineering design work has been conducted on the moderator vessels. For our studies we have produced realistic neutronic representations of these moderators. We report on neutronic studies conducted on these representations of the moderators using Monte Carlo simulation techniques

  3. Biomedical neutron research at the Californium User Facility for neutron science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, R.C.; Byrne, T.E.; Miller, L.F.


    The Californium User Facility for Neutron Science has been established at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The Californium User Facility (CUF) is a part of the larger Californium Facility, which fabricates and stores compact 252 Cf neutron sources for worldwide distribution. The CUF can provide a cost-effective option for research with 252 Cf sources. Three projects at the CUF that demonstrate the versatility of 252 Cf for biological and biomedical neutron-based research are described: future establishment of a 252 Cf-based neutron activation analysis system, ongoing work to produce miniature high-intensity, remotely afterloaded 252 Cf sources for tumor therapy, and a recent experiment that irradiated living human lung cancer cells impregnated with experimental boron compounds to test their effectiveness for boron neutron capture therapy

  4. ATR neutron spectral characterization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rogers, J.W.; Anderl, R.A.


    The Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at INEL provides intense neutron fields for irradiation-effects testing of reactor material samples, for production of radionuclides used in industrial and medical applications, and for scientific research. Characterization of the neutron environments in the irradiation locations of the ATR has been done by means of neutronics calculations and by means of neutron dosimetry based on the use of neutron activation monitors that are placed in the various irradiation locations. The primary purpose of this report is to present the results of an extensive characterization of several ATR irradiation locations based on neutron dosimetry measurements and on least-squares-adjustment analyses that utilize both neutron dosimetry measurements and neutronics calculations. This report builds upon the previous publications, especially the reference 4 paper. Section 2 provides a brief description of the ATR and it tabulates neutron spectral information for typical irradiation locations, as derived from the more historical neutron dosimetry measurements. Relevant details that pertain to the multigroup neutron spectral characterization are covered in section 3. This discussion includes a presentation on the dosimeter irradiation and analyses and a development of the least-squares adjustment methodology, along with a summary of the results of these analyses. Spectrum-averaged cross sections for neutron monitoring and for displacement-damage prediction in Fe, Cr, and Ni are given in section 4. In addition, section4 includes estimates of damage generation rates for these materials in selected ATR irradiation locations. In section 5, the authors present a brief discussion of the most significant conclusions of this work and comment on its relevance to the present ATR core configuration. Finally, detailed numerical and graphical results for the spectrum-characterization analyses in each irradiation location are provided in the Appendix.

  5. Genetic effect of neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luchnik, N.V.; Sevan'kaev, A.V.; Fesenko, Eh.V.


    Gene mutations resulting from neutron effect are considered, but attention is focused on chromosome mutations. Dose curves for different energy of neutrons obtained at different objects are obtained which makes it possible to consider RBE of neutrons depending on their energy and radiation dose and to get some information on the neutron effect on heredity

  6. Lunar neutron source function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kornblum, J.J.


    The search for a quantitative neutron source function for the lunar surface region is justified because it contributes to our understanding of the history of the lunar surface and of nuclear process occurring on the moon since its formation. A knowledge of the neutron source function and neutron flux distribution is important for the interpretation of many experimental measurements. This dissertation uses the available pertinent experimental measurements together with theoretical calculations to obtain an estimate of the lunar neutron source function below 15 MeV. Based upon reasonable assumptions a lunar neutron source function having adjustable parameters is assumed for neutrons below 15 MeV. The lunar neutron source function is composed of several components resulting from the action of cosmic rays with lunar material. A comparison with previous neutron calculations is made and significant differences are discussed. Application of the results to the problem of lunar soil histories is examined using the statistical model for soil development proposed by Fireman. The conclusion is drawn that the moon is losing mass

  7. Bouncing neutrons and the neutron centrifuge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watson, P J S


    The recent observation of the quantum state of the neutron bouncing freely under gravity allows some novel experiments. A possible method of purifying the ground state is given. We investigate two possible applications. It appears that the state could not be used to set better limits on the electric dipole moment of the neutron. However, it would be possible to use the state to set limits on modifications of gravity at short distances

  8. Grazing Incidence Neutron Optics (United States)

    Gubarev, Mikhail V. (Inventor); Ramsey, Brian D. (Inventor); Engelhaupt, Darell E. (Inventor)


    Neutron optics based on the two-reflection geometries are capable of controlling beams of long wavelength neutrons with low angular divergence. The preferred mirror fabrication technique is a replication process with electroform nickel replication process being preferable. In the preliminary demonstration test an electroform nickel optics gave the neutron current density gain at the focal spot of the mirror at least 8 for neutron wavelengths in the range from 6 to 20.ANG.. The replication techniques can be also be used to fabricate neutron beam controlling guides.

  9. A proposal on evaluation method of neutron absorption performance to substitute conventional neutron attenuation test

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Je Hyun; Shim, Chang Ho; Kim, Sung Hyun; Choe, Jung Hun; Cho, In Hak; Park, Hwan Seo; Park, Hyun Seo; Kim, Jung Ho; Kim, Yoon Ho


    For a verification of newly-developed neutron absorbers, one of guidelines on the qualification and acceptance of neutron absorbers is the neutron attenuation test. However, this approach can cause a problem for the qualifications that it cannot distinguish how the neutron attenuates from materials. In this study, an estimation method of neutron absorption performances for materials is proposed to detect both direct penetration and back-scattering neutrons. For the verification of the proposed method, MCNP simulations with the experimental system designed in this study were pursued using the polyethylene, iron, normal glass and the vitrified form. The results show that it can easily test neutron absorption ability using single absorber model. Also, from simulation results of single absorber and double absorbers model, it is verified that the proposed method can evaluate not only the direct thermal neutrons passing through materials, but also the scattered neutrons reflected to the materials. Therefore, the neutron absorption performances can be accurately estimated using the proposed method comparing with the conventional neutron attenuation test. It is expected that the proposed method can contribute to increase the reliability of the performance of neutron absorbers

  10. A proposal on evaluation method of neutron absorption performance to substitute conventional neutron attenuation test

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Je Hyun; Shim, Chang Ho [Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Sung Hyun [Nuclear Fuel Cycle Waste Treatment Research Division, Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Osaka (Japan); Choe, Jung Hun; Cho, In Hak; Park, Hwan Seo [Ionizing Radiation Center, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Waste Treatment Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Park, Hyun Seo; Kim, Jung Ho; Kim, Yoon Ho [Ionizing Radiation Center, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    For a verification of newly-developed neutron absorbers, one of guidelines on the qualification and acceptance of neutron absorbers is the neutron attenuation test. However, this approach can cause a problem for the qualifications that it cannot distinguish how the neutron attenuates from materials. In this study, an estimation method of neutron absorption performances for materials is proposed to detect both direct penetration and back-scattering neutrons. For the verification of the proposed method, MCNP simulations with the experimental system designed in this study were pursued using the polyethylene, iron, normal glass and the vitrified form. The results show that it can easily test neutron absorption ability using single absorber model. Also, from simulation results of single absorber and double absorbers model, it is verified that the proposed method can evaluate not only the direct thermal neutrons passing through materials, but also the scattered neutrons reflected to the materials. Therefore, the neutron absorption performances can be accurately estimated using the proposed method comparing with the conventional neutron attenuation test. It is expected that the proposed method can contribute to increase the reliability of the performance of neutron absorbers.

  11. Fundamental neutron physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deslattes, R.; Dombeck, T.; Greene, G.; Ramsey, N.; Rauch, H.; Werner, S.


    Fundamental physics experiments of merit can be conducted at the proposed intense neutron sources. Areas of interest include: neutron particle properties, neutron wave properties, and fundamental physics utilizing reactor produced γ-rays. Such experiments require intense, full-time utilization of a beam station for periods ranging from several months to a year or more

  12. Spallation neutron sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fraser, J.S.; Bartholomew, G.A.


    The principles and theory of spallation neutron sources are outlined and a comparison is given with other types of neutron source. A summary of the available accelerator types for spallation neutron sources and their advantages and disadvantages is presented. Suitable target materials are discussed for specific applications, and typical target assemblies shown. (U.K.)

  13. Extension of the AUS reactor neutronics system for application to fusion blanket neutronics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, G.S.


    The AUS modular code scheme for reactor neutronics computations has been extended to apply to fusion blanket neutronics. A new group cross-section library with 200 neutron groups, 37 photon groups and kerma factor data has been generated from ENDF/B-IV. The library includes neutron resonance subgroup parameters and temperature-dependent data for thermal neutron scattering matrices. The validity of the overall calculation system for fusion applications has been checked by comparison with a number of published conceptual design studies

  14. Neutron measuring device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hatayama, Akiyoshi; Seki, Eiji; Kita, Yoshio; Nishitani, Takeo.


    The device of the present invention concerns measurement for neutrons in a tokamak type thermonuclear device and it can measure total amount of generated neutrons accurately throughout the operation period even if an error is caused in counted values by plasma disruption. That is, the device comprises (1) a means for detecting presence or absence of occurrence of plasma disruption and the time for the initiation of the occurrence, (2) a first data processing means for processing detection signals, (3) a means for detecting neutrons generated in plasmas and (4) a second data processing means for calculating integrated values for the number of neutrons generated from the start to the completion of electric discharge when no disruption occurs and calculating integrated values for the number of generated neutrons from the start of electric discharge to the time at the initiation of occurrence of the disruption when disruption is present. In the thus constituted device, even if an error is caused by frequent occurrence of plasma disruption, total time integrated amount of neutrons generated in the plasmas can be measured accurately. (I.S.)

  15. Neutrons as a probe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iizumi, Masashi


    As an introduction to the symposium a brief overview will be given about the features of neutrons as a probe. First it will be pointed out that the utilization of neutrons as a probe for investigating the structural and dynamical properties of condensed matters is a benign gift eventuated from the release of atomic energy initiated by Enrico Fermi exactly half century ago. Features of neutrons as a probe are discussed in accordance with the four basic physical properties of neutrons as an elementary particle; (1) no electric charge (the interaction with matter is nuclear), (2) the mass of neutron is 1 amu, (3) spin is 1/2 and (4) neutrons have magnetic dipole moment. Overview will be given on the uniqueness of neutrons as a probe and on the variety in the way they are used in the wide research area from the pure science to the industrial applications. (author)

  16. Direct Fast-Neutron Detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DC Stromswold; AJ Peurrung; RR Hansen; PL Reeder


    Direct fast-neutron detection is the detection of fast neutrons before they are moderated to thermal energy. We have investigated two approaches for using proton-recoil in plastic scintillators to detect fast neutrons and distinguish them from gamma-ray interactions. Both approaches use the difference in travel speed between neutrons and gamma rays as the basis for separating the types of events. In the first method, we examined the pulses generated during scattering in a plastic scintillator to see if they provide a means for distinguishing fast-neutron events from gamma-ray events. The slower speed of neutrons compared to gamma rays results in the production of broader pulses when neutrons scatter several times within a plastic scintillator. In contrast, gamma-ray interactions should produce narrow pulses, even if multiple scattering takes place, because the time between successive scattering is small. Experiments using a fast scintillator confirmed the presence of broader pulses from neutrons than from gamma rays. However, the difference in pulse widths between neutrons and gamma rays using the best commercially available scintillators was not sufficiently large to provide a practical means for distinguishing fast neutrons and gamma rays on a pulse-by-pulse basis. A faster scintillator is needed, and that scintillator might become available in the literature. Results of the pulse-width studies were presented in a previous report (peurrung et al. 1998), and they are only summarized here

  17. Neutron spin echo: A new concept in polarized thermal neutron techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mezei, F.


    A simple method to change and keep track of neutron beam polarization non-parallel to the magnetic field is described. It makes possible the establishment of a new focusing effect we call neutron spin echo. The technique developed and tested experimentally can be applied in several novel ways, e.g. for neutron spin flipper of superior characteristics, for a very high resolution spectrometer for direct determination of the Fourier transform of the scattering function, for generalised polarization analysis and for the measurement of neutron particle properties with significantly improved precision. (orig.)

  18. Prospects for a new cold neutron beam measurement of the neutron lifetime

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dewey, M., E-mail: mdewey@nist.go [National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (United States); Coakley, K., E-mail: kevin.coakley@nist.go [National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80305 (United States); Gilliam, D., E-mail: david.gilliam@nist.go [National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (United States); Greene, G., E-mail: greenegl@ornl.go [Department of Physics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 (United States); Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Lab, Building 6010, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (United States); Laptev, A., E-mail: alaptev@nist.go [Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 (United States); Nico, J., E-mail: jnico@nist.go [National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (United States); Snow, W., E-mail: wsnow@indiana.ed [Indiana University/IUCF, Bloomington, IN 47408 (United States); Wietfeldt, F., E-mail: few@tulane.ed [Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 (United States); Yue, A., E-mail: ayue@nist.go [Department of Physics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 (United States)


    In the most accurate cold neutron beam determination of the neutron lifetime based on the absolute counting of decay protons, the largest uncertainty was attributed to the absolute determination of the capture flux of the cold neutron beam. Currently an experimental effort is underway at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that will significantly reduce this contribution to the uncertainty in the lifetime determination. The next largest source of uncertainty is the determination of the absolute count rate of decay protons, which contributes to the experimental uncertainty approximately at the 1 s level. Experience with the recent neutron radiative decay experiment, which used the neutron lifetime apparatus, has provided valuable insights into ways to reduce other uncertainties. In addition, the cold neutron fluence rate at NIST is presently 1.5 times greater than in the 2003 measurement, and there is the prospect for a significantly higher rate with the new guide hall expansion. This paper discusses an approach for achieving a determination of the neutron lifetime with an accuracy of approximately 1 s.

  19. Fast neutron flux and intracranial dose distribution at a neutron irradiation facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Tetsuo; Aizawa, Otohiko; Nozaki, Tetsuya


    A head phantom filled with water was used to measure the fast neutron flux using 115 In(n, n')sup(115m)In and 103 Rh(n, n')sup(103m)Rh reactions. γ-ray from sup(115m)In and x-ray from sup(103m)Rh were detected by a Ge(Li) and a Na(Tl)I counter, respectively. TLD was used to investigate the γ-dose rate distribution inside the phantom. Flux of fast neutron inside the phantom was about 1 x 10 6 n/cm 2 sec, which was 3 order smaller than that of thermal neutron. The fast neutron flux decreased to 1/10 at 15 cm depth, and γ-dose rate was about 200 R/h at 100 kW inside the phantom. Total dose at the surface was 350 rad/h, to which, fast neutrons contributed more than γ-rays. The rate of fast neutron dose was about 10% of thermal neutron's in Kerma dose unit (rad), however, the rate was highly dependent on RBE value. (Nakanishi, T.)

  20. Neutron reflectometry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klösgen-Buchkremer, Beate Maria


    of desired information. In the course, an introduction into the method and an overview on selected instruments at large scale facilities will be presented. Examples will be given that illustrate the potential of the method, mostly based on organic films. Results from the investigation of layered films......Neutron (and X-ray) reflectometry constitute complementary interfacially sensitive techniques that open access to studying the structure within thin films of both soft and hard condensed matter. Film thickness starts oxide surfaces on bulk substrates, proceeding to (pauci-)molecular layers and up...... films or films with magnetic properties. The reason is the peculiar property of neutron light since the mass of a neutron is close to the one of a proton, and since it bears a magnetic moment. The optical properties of matter, when interacting with neutrons, are described by a refractive index...

  1. Neutron scattering. Experiment manuals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brueckel, Thomas; Heger, Gernot; Richter, Dieter; Roth, Georg; Zorn, Reiner (eds.)


    The following topics are dealt with: The thermal triple axis spectrometer PUMA, the high-resolution powder diffractometer SPODI, the hot single-crystal diffractometer HEiDi for structure analysis with neutrons, the backscattering spectrometer SPHERES, neutron polarization analysis with tht time-of-flight spectrometer DNS, the neutron spin-echo spectrometer J-NSE, small-angle neutron scattering with the KWS-1 and KWS-2 diffractometers, the very-small-angle neutron scattering diffractrometer with focusing mirror KWS-3, the resonance spin-echo spectrometer RESEDA, the reflectometer TREFF, the time-of-flight spectrometer TOFTOF. (HSI)

  2. Principles of neutron reflection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Felcher, G.P.


    Neutron reflection is perhaps the most developed branch of slow neutrons optics, which in itself is a direct consequence of the undulatory nature of the neutron. After reviewing the basic types of interactions (nuclear and magnetic) between neutrons and matter, the formalism is introduced to calculate the reflectivity from a sample composed of stacked flat layers and, inversely, to calculate the stacking from reflectivity measurements. Finally, a brief survey of the applications of neutron reflection is given, both in technology and in fundamental research. 32 refs., 6 figs

  3. Neutron scattering. Experiment manuals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brueckel, Thomas; Heger, Gernot; Richter, Dieter; Roth, Georg; Zorn, Reiner


    The following topics are dealt with: The thermal triple axis spectrometer PUMA, the high-resolution powder diffractometer SPODI, the hot single-crystal diffractometer HEiDi for structure analysis with neutrons, the backscattering spectrometer SPHERES, neutron polarization analysis with tht time-of-flight spectrometer DNS, the neutron spin-echo spectrometer J-NSE, small-angle neutron scattering with the KWS-1 and KWS-2 diffractometers, the very-small-angle neutron scattering diffractrometer with focusing mirror KWS-3, the resonance spin-echo spectrometer RESEDA, the reflectometer TREFF, the time-of-flight spectrometer TOFTOF. (HSI)

  4. A large angle cold neutron bender using sequential garland reflections for pulsed neutron source

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ebisawa, T.; Tasaki, S. [Kyoto Univ., Kumatori, Osaka (Japan). Research Reactor Inst; Soyama, K.; Suzuki, J. [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    We discuss a basic structure and performance of a new cold neutron bender using sequential garland reflections, in order to bend a neutron beam with large divergence by large angle. Using this bender for a pulsed neutron source we could not only avoid the frame overlap for cold neutrons but also install a plural spectrometers at a cold guide and obtain polarized neutron beams if necessary. (author)

  5. A large angle cold neutron bender using sequential garland reflections for pulsed neutron source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebisawa, T.; Tasaki, S.; Soyama, K.; Suzuki, J.


    We discuss a basic structure and performance of a new cold neutron bender using sequential garland reflections, in order to bend a neutron beam with large divergence by large angle. Using this bender for a pulsed neutron source we could not only avoid the frame overlap for cold neutrons but also install a plural spectrometers at a cold guide and obtain polarized neutron beams if necessary. (author)

  6. Reactor-moderated intermediate-energy neutron beams for neutron-capture therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Less, T.J.


    One approach to producing an intermediate energy beam is moderating fission neutrons escaping from a reactor core. The objective of this research is to evaluate materials that might produce an intermediate beam for NCT via moderation of fission neutrons. A second objective is to use the more promising moderator material in a preliminary design of an NCT facility at a research reactor. The evaluations showed that several materials or combinations of materials could produce a moderator source for an intermediate beam for NCT. The best neutron spectrum for use in NCT is produced by Al 2 O 3 , but mixtures of Al metal and D 2 O are also attractive. Using the best moderator materials, results were applied to the design of an NCT moderator at the Georgia Institute of Technology Research Reactor's bio-medical facility. The amount of photon shielding and thermal neutron absorber were optimized with respect to the desired photon dose rate and intermediate neutron flux at the patient position

  7. Thermal neutron filter design for the neutron radiography facility at the LVR-15 reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soltes, Jaroslav [Research Centre Rez Ltd., Husinec - Rez 130, 250 68 Rez, (Czech Republic); Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU in Prague, (Czech Republic); Viererbl, Ladislav; Lahodova, Zdena; Koleska, Michal; Vins, Miroslav [Research Centre Rez Ltd., Husinec - Rez 130, 250 68 Rez, (Czech Republic)


    In 2011 a decision was made to build a neutron radiography facility at one of the unused horizontal channels of the LVR-15 research reactor in Rez, Czech Republic. One of the key conditions for operating an effective radiography facility is the delivery of a high intensity, homogeneous and collimated thermal neutron beam at the sample location. Additionally the intensity of fast neutrons has to be kept as low as possible as the fast neutrons may damage the detectors used for neutron imaging. As the spectrum in the empty horizontal channel roughly copies the spectrum in the reactor core, which has a high ratio of fast neutrons, neutron filter components have to be installed inside the channel in order to achieve desired beam parameters. As the channel design does not allow the instalment of complex filters and collimators, an optimal solution represent neutron filters made of large single-crystal ingots of proper material composition. Single-crystal silicon was chosen as a favorable filter material for its wide availability in sufficient dimensions. Besides its ability to reasonably lower the ratio of fast neutrons while still keeping high intensities of thermal neutrons, due to its large dimensions, it suits as a shielding against gamma radiation from the reactor core. For designing the necessary filter dimensions the Monte-Carlo MCNP transport code was used. As the code does not provide neutron cross-section libraries for thermal neutron transport through single-crystalline silicon, these had to be created by approximating the theory of thermal neutron scattering and modifying the original cross-section data which are provided with the code. Carrying out a series of calculations the filter thickness of 1 m proved good for gaining a beam with desired parameters and a low gamma background. After mounting the filter inside the channel several measurements of the neutron field were realized at the beam exit. The results have justified the expected calculated values

  8. A New Measurement of the 1S0 Neutron-Neutron Scattering Length using the Neutron-Proton Scattering Length as a Standard


    Trotter, D. E. Gonzalez; Salinas, F.; Chen, Q.; Crowell, A. S.; Gloeckle, W.; Howell, C. R.; Roper, C. D.; Schmidt, D.; Slaus, I.; Tang, H.; Tornow, W.; Walter, R. L.; Witala, H.; Zhou, Z.


    The present paper reports high-accuracy cross-section data for the 2H(n,nnp) reaction in the neutron-proton (np) and neutron-neutron (nn) final-state-interaction (FSI) regions at an incident mean neutron energy of 13.0 MeV. These data were analyzed with rigorous three-nucleon calculations to determine the 1S0 np and nn scattering lengths, a_np and a_nn. Our results are a_nn = -18.7 +/- 0.6 fm and a_np = -23.5 +/- 0.8 fm. Since our value for a_np obtained from neutron-deuteron (nd) breakup agr...

  9. Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The SNS at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a next-generation spallation neutron source for neutron scattering that is currently the most powerful neutron source in...

  10. Biomedical neutron research at the Californium User Facility for Neutron Science

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, R.C.; Byrne, T.E.; Miller, L.F.


    The Californium User Facility for Neutron Science has been established at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The Californium User Facility (CUF) is a part of the larger Californium Facility, which fabricates and stores compact 252 Cf neutron sources for worldwide distribution. The CUF can provide a cost-effective option for research with 252 Cf sources. Three projects at the CUF that demonstrate the versatility of 252 Cf for biological and biomedical neutron-based research are described: future establishment of a 252 Cf-based neutron activation analysis system, ongoing work to produce miniature high-intensity, remotely afterloaded 252 Cf sources for tumor therapy, and a recent experiment that irradiated living human lung cancer cells impregnated with experimental boron compounds to test their effectiveness for boron neutron capture therapy. (author)

  11. Neutron beams for therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuplenikov, Eh.L.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Telegin, Yu.N.; Tsymbal, V.A.; Kandybej, S.S.


    It was given the analysis and generalization of the study results carried out during some decades in many world countries on application of thermal, epithermal and fast neutrons for neutron, gamma-neutron and neutron-capture therapy. The main attention is focused on the practical application possibility of the accumulated experience for the base creation for medical research and the cancer patients effective treatment.

  12. Neutron generator control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peelman, H.E.; Bridges, J.R.


    A method is described of controlling the neutron output of a neutron generator tube used in neutron well logging. The system operates by monitoring the target beam current and comparing a function of this current with a reference voltage level to develop a control signal used in a series regulator to control the replenisher current of the neutron generator tube. (U.K.)

  13. Double beam neutron radiography facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Domanus, J.C.


    The DR1 reactor at Risoe is used as a neutron source for neutron radiography. In the double-beam neutron radiography facility a neutron flux of an intensity of 1.4 and 1.8 x 10 6 n. cm -2 . s -1 reaches the object to be radiographed. The transport and exposure container used for neutron radiography of irradiated nuclear fuel rods is described, and the exposure technique and procedure are reviewed. The mode by which single neutron radiographs are assembled and assessed is described. This report will be published in the ''Neutron Radiography Newsletter''. (author)

  14. Problems and prospects of neutron imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, Hisao


    Technical problems and future prospects of neutron imaging and neutron radiography are reviewed and discussed for further development. For technical problems, neutron sources together with cold neutron, ultra-cold neutron, epithermal and fast-neutron beams, energy converters, and the intensity of neutron beam, dynamic range associated with imaging procedure, etc, are reviewed. As standardization, such indicators as beam purity, sensitivity, image quality, and beam quality are discussed and limitation of neutron radiography is also presented. As neutron imaging has developed as a nondestructive testing technique in industrial applications, further problems and prospects of quality control and qualification to perform neutron radiography, standardization and international cooperation of neutron imaging are discussed. (S. Ohno)

  15. Design of a boron neutron capture enhanced fast neutron therapy assembly

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Zhonglu [Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta, GA (United States)


    The use of boron neutron capture to boost tumor dose in fast neutron therapy has been investigated at several fast neutron therapy centers worldwide. This treatment is termed boron neutron capture enhanced fast neutron therapy (BNCEFNT). It is a combination of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) and fast neutron therapy (FNT). It is believed that BNCEFNT may be useful in the treatment of some radioresistant brain tumors, such as glioblastoma multiform (GBM). A boron neutron capture enhanced fast neutron therapy assembly has been designed for the Fermilab Neutron Therapy Facility (NTF). This assembly uses a tungsten filter and collimator near the patient's head, with a graphite reflector surrounding the head to significantly increase the dose due to boron neutron capture reactions. The assembly was designed using Monte Carlo radiation transport code MCNP version 5 for a standard 20x20 cm2 treatment beam. The calculated boron dose enhancement at 5.7-cm depth in a water-filled head phantom in the assembly with a 5x5 cm2 collimation was 21.9% per 100-ppm 10B for a 5.0-cm tungsten filter and 29.8% for a 8.5-cm tungsten filter. The corresponding dose rate for the 5.0-cm and 8.5-cm thick filters were 0.221 and 0.127 Gy/min, respectively; about 48.5% and 27.9% of the dose rate of the standard 10x10 cm2 fast neutron treatment beam. To validate the design calculations, a simplified BNCEFNT assembly was built using four lead bricks to form a 5x5 cm2 collimator. Five 1.0-cm thick 20x20 cm2 tungsten plates were used to obtain different filter thicknesses and graphite bricks/blocks were used to form a reflector. Measurements of the dose enhancement of the simplified assembly in a water-filled head phantom were performed using a pair of tissue-equivalent ion chambers. One of the ion chambers is loaded with 1000-ppm natural boron (184-ppm 10B) to measure dose due to boron neutron capture. The

  16. Beam neutron energy optimization for boron neutron capture therapy using monte Carlo method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pazirandeh, A.; Shekarian, E.


    In last two decades the optimal neutron energy for the treatment of deep seated tumors in boron neutron capture therapy in view of neutron physics and chemical compounds of boron carrier has been under thorough study. Although neutron absorption cross section of boron is high (3836b), the treatment of deep seated tumors such as glioblastoma multiform requires beam of neutrons of higher energy that can penetrate deeply into the brain and thermalized in the proximity of the tumor. Dosage from recoil proton associated with fast neutrons however poses some constraints on maximum neutron energy that can be used in the treatment. For this reason neutrons in the epithermal energy range of 10eV-10keV are generally to be the most appropriate. The simulation carried out by Monte Carlo methods using MCBNCT and MCNP4C codes along with the cross section library in 290 groups extracted from ENDF/B6 main library. The ptimal neutron energy for deep seated tumors depends on the sue and depth of tumor. Our estimated optimized energy for the tumor of 5cm wide and 1-2cm thick stands at 5cm depth is in the range of 3-5keV

  17. Neutron structural biology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niimura, Nobuo


    Neutron structural biology will be one of the most important fields in the life sciences which will interest human beings in the 21st century because neutrons can provide not only the position of hydrogen atoms in biological macromolecules but also the dynamic molecular motion of hydrogen atoms and water molecules. However, there are only a few examples experimentally determined at present because of the lack of neutron source intensity. Next generation neutron source scheduled in JAERI (Performance of which is 100 times better than that of JRR-3M) opens the life science of the 21st century. (author)

  18. Neutron sources and applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Price, D.L. [ed.] [Argonne National Lab., IL (United States); Rush, J.J. [ed.] [National Inst. of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD (United States)


    Review of Neutron Sources and Applications was held at Oak Brook, Illinois, during September 8--10, 1992. This review involved some 70 national and international experts in different areas of neutron research, sources, and applications. Separate working groups were asked to (1) review the current status of advanced research reactors and spallation sources; and (2) provide an update on scientific, technological, and medical applications, including neutron scattering research in a number of disciplines, isotope production, materials irradiation, and other important uses of neutron sources such as materials analysis and fundamental neutron physics. This report summarizes the findings and conclusions of the different working groups involved in the review, and contains some of the best current expertise on neutron sources and applications.

  19. Neutron sources and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Price, D.L.; Rush, J.J.


    Review of Neutron Sources and Applications was held at Oak Brook, Illinois, during September 8--10, 1992. This review involved some 70 national and international experts in different areas of neutron research, sources, and applications. Separate working groups were asked to (1) review the current status of advanced research reactors and spallation sources; and (2) provide an update on scientific, technological, and medical applications, including neutron scattering research in a number of disciplines, isotope production, materials irradiation, and other important uses of neutron sources such as materials analysis and fundamental neutron physics. This report summarizes the findings and conclusions of the different working groups involved in the review, and contains some of the best current expertise on neutron sources and applications

  20. Radiography using californium-252 neutron sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ray, J.W.


    The current status in the technology of neutron radiography using californium-252 neutron sources is summarized. Major emphasis is on thermal neutron radiography since it has the widest potential applicability at the present time. Attention is given to four major factors which affect the quality and useability of thermal neutron radiography: source neutron thermalization, neutron beam extraction geometry, neutron collimator dimensions, and neutron imaging methods. Each of these factors has a major effect on the quality of the radiographs which are obtained from a californium source neutron radiography system and the exposure times required to obtain the radiographs; radiograph quality and exposure time in turn affect the practicality of neutron radiography for specific nondestructive inspection applications. A brief discussion of fast neutron radiography using californium-252 neutron sources is also included. (U.S.)

  1. Neutron multiplicity for neutron induced fission of 235U, 238U, and 239Pu as a function of neutron energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zucker, M.S.; Holden, N.E.


    Recent development in the theory and practice of neutron correlation (''coincidence'') counting require knowledge of the higher factorial moments of the P/sub ν/ distribution (the probability that (ν) neutrons are emitted in a fission) for the case where the fission is induced by bombarding neutrons of more than thermal energies. In contrast to the situation with spontaneous and thermal neutron induced fission, where with a few exceptions the P/sub ν/ is reasonably well known, in the fast neutron energy region, almost no information is available concerning the multiplicity beyond the average value, [ν], even for the most important nuclides. The reason for this is the difficulty of such experiments, with consequent statistically poor and physically inconsistent results

  2. Development of self-powered neutron detectors for neutron flux monitoring in HCLL and HCPB ITER-TBM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Angelone, M.; Klix, A.; Pillon, M.; Batistoni, P.; Fischer, U.; Santagata, A.


    Highlights: •Self powered neutron detector (SPND) is attractive neutron monitor for TBM in ITER. •In hard neutron spectra (e.g. TBM) there is the need to optimize their response. •Three state-of-the-art SPNDs were tested using fast and 14 MeV neutrons. •The response of SPNDs is much lower than in thermal neutron flux. •FISPACT calculations performed to find out candidate materials in hard spectra. -- Abstract: Self powered neutron detectors (SPND) have a number of interesting properties (e.g. small dimensions, capability to operate in harsh environments, absence of external bias), so they are attractive neutron monitors for TBM in ITER. However, commercially available SPNDs are optimized for operation in a thermal nuclear reactor where the neutron spectrum is much softer than that expected in a TBM. This fact can limit the use of SPND in a TBM since the effective cross sections for the production of beta emitters are much lower in a fast neutron spectrum. This work represents the first attempt to study SPNDs as neutron flux monitors for TBM. Three state-of-the-art SPND available on the market were bought and tested using fast neutrons at TAPIRO fast neutron source of ENEA Casaccia and with 14 MeV neutrons at the Frascati neutron generator (FNG). The results clearly indicate that in fast neutron spectra, the response of SPNDs is much lower than in thermal neutron flux. Activation calculations were performed using the FISPACT code to find out possible material candidates for SPND suitable for operation in TBM neutron spectra

  3. Development of self-powered neutron detectors for neutron flux monitoring in HCLL and HCPB ITER-TBM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Angelone, M., E-mail: [Associazione ENEA-EURATOM sulla FusioneENEA C.R. Frascati, Via E. Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati (Italy); Klix, A. [Association KIT-EURATOM, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany); Pillon, M.; Batistoni, P. [Associazione ENEA-EURATOM sulla FusioneENEA C.R. Frascati, Via E. Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati (Italy); Fischer, U. [Association KIT-EURATOM, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (Germany); Santagata, A. [ENEA C.R. Casaccia, via Anguillarese Km. 1,300, 00100 Roma (Italy)


    Highlights: •Self powered neutron detector (SPND) is attractive neutron monitor for TBM in ITER. •In hard neutron spectra (e.g. TBM) there is the need to optimize their response. •Three state-of-the-art SPNDs were tested using fast and 14 MeV neutrons. •The response of SPNDs is much lower than in thermal neutron flux. •FISPACT calculations performed to find out candidate materials in hard spectra. -- Abstract: Self powered neutron detectors (SPND) have a number of interesting properties (e.g. small dimensions, capability to operate in harsh environments, absence of external bias), so they are attractive neutron monitors for TBM in ITER. However, commercially available SPNDs are optimized for operation in a thermal nuclear reactor where the neutron spectrum is much softer than that expected in a TBM. This fact can limit the use of SPND in a TBM since the effective cross sections for the production of beta emitters are much lower in a fast neutron spectrum. This work represents the first attempt to study SPNDs as neutron flux monitors for TBM. Three state-of-the-art SPND available on the market were bought and tested using fast neutrons at TAPIRO fast neutron source of ENEA Casaccia and with 14 MeV neutrons at the Frascati neutron generator (FNG). The results clearly indicate that in fast neutron spectra, the response of SPNDs is much lower than in thermal neutron flux. Activation calculations were performed using the FISPACT code to find out possible material candidates for SPND suitable for operation in TBM neutron spectra.

  4. Limitations for qualitative and quantitative neutron activation analysis using reactor neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Abbady, W.H.; El-Tanahy, Z.H.; El-Hagg, A.A.; Hassan, A.M.


    In this work, the most important limitations for qualitative and quantitative analysis using reactor neutrons for activation are reviewed. Each limitation is discussed using different examples of activated samples. Photopeak estimation, nuclear reactions interference and neutron flux measurements are taken into consideration. Solutions for high accuracy evaluation in neutron activation analysis applications are given. (author)

  5. Level gauge using neutron radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mathew, P.J.


    Apparatus for determining the level of a solid or liquid material in a container comprises: a vertical guide within or alongside the container; a sensor positioned within the guide; means for moving the sensor along the guide; and means for monitoring the position of the sensor. The sensor comprises a source of fast neutrons, a detector for thermal neutrons, and a body of a neutron moderating material in close proximity to the detector. Thermal neutrons produced by fast neutron irradiation of the solid or liquid material, or thermal neutrons produced by irradiation of the neutron-moderating material by fast or epithermal neutrons reflected by the solid or liquid material, are detected when the sensor is positioned at or below the level of the material in the container

  6. Fast neutrons dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rzyski, B.M.


    A proton recoil technique has been developed for inducing thermoluminescence with incident fast neutrons. CaF 2 was used as the TL phosphor, and cane sugar and polyethylene were used as proton radiators. The phosphor and the hydrogeneous material powders were well mixed, encapsulated in glass tubes and exposed to Am-Be sources, resulting in recoils from incident fast neutrons of energy between 0,25 and 11,25 MeV. The intrinsic response of pure CaF 2 to fast neutrons without a hydrogeneous radiator was checked by using LiF (TLD-700). Glow curves were recorded from room temperature up to 350 0 C after different doses of neutrons and gamma rays of 60 Co. First collision dose due to fast neutrons in tissue like materials such as cane sugar and polyethylene was also calculated [pt

  7. Correlation properties of delayed neutrons from fast neutron induced fission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piksaikin, V.M.; Isaev, S.G.


    The experimental studies of the energy dependence of the delayed neutron parameters for various fissioning systems has shown that the behavior of a some combination of delayed neutron parameters (group relative abundances a i and half lives T i ) has a similar features. On the basis of this findings the systematics of delayed neutron experimental data for thorium, uranium, plutonium and americium isotopes have been investigated with the purpose to find a correlation of DN parameters with characteristics of fissioning system as well as a correlation between the delayed neutron parameters themselves. Below we will present the preliminary results which were obtained during this study omitting the physics interpretation of the results. (author)

  8. Proposal for the Simultaneous Measurement of the Neutron-Neutron and Neutron-Proton Quasi-Free Scattering Cross Section via the Neutron-Deuteron Breakup Reaction at E n = 19 MeV (United States)

    Tornow, W.; Howell, C. R.; Crowell, A. S.


    In order to confirm or refute the present discrepancy between data and calculation for the neutron-neutron quasi-free scattering cross section in the neutron-deuteron breakup reaction, we describe a new experimental approach currently being pursued at TUNL.

  9. Atlas of neutron resonances

    CERN Document Server

    Mughabghab, Said


    Atlas of Neutron Resonances: Resonance Properties and Thermal Cross Sections Z= 1-60, Sixth Edition, contains an extensive list of detailed individual neutron resonance parameters for Z=1-60, as well as thermal cross sections, capture resonance integrals, average resonance parameters and a short survey of the physics of thermal and resonance neutrons. The long introduction contains: nuclear physics formulas aimed at neutron physicists; topics of special interest such as valence neutron capture, nuclear level density parameters, and s-, p-, and d-wave neutron strength functions; and various comparisons of measured quantities with the predictions of nuclear models, such as the optical model. As in the last edition, additional features have been added to appeal to a wider spectrum of users. These include: spin-dependent scattering lengths that are of interest to solid-state physicists, nuclear physicists and neutron evaluators; calculated and measured Maxwellian average 5-keV and 30-keV capture cross sections o...

  10. The advanced neutron source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayter, J.B.


    The Advanced Neutron Source (ANS), slated for construction start in 1994, will be a multipurpose neutron research laboratory serving academic and industrial users in chemistry, biology, condensed matter physics, nuclear and fundamental physics, materials science and engineering, and many other fields. It will be centered on the world's highest flux neutron beam reactor, operating at 330 MW, with careful design integration between the neutron source and the experiment systems. Many instruments will be situated in low backgrounds at distances up to 80 m from the reactor, using neutron guides with tailored neutron optical coatings for beam transport. Apart from the many stations for neutron scattering research, specialized stations will also be provided for isotope separation on-line, experiments with liquid hydrogen targets, neutron optical techniques such as interferometry, activation analysis, depth profiling, and positron production. Careful consideration has been given to providing a good research environment for visiting scientists, including easy access to the experimental areas, while maintaining a highly secure nuclear facility. This paper will describe the reactor and experimental facilities and give some examples of the types of research for which ANS has been designed

  11. Synovectomy by Neutron capture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vega C, H.R.; Torres M, C.


    The Synovectomy by Neutron capture has as purpose the treatment of the rheumatoid arthritis, illness which at present does not have a definitive curing. This therapy requires a neutron source for irradiating the articulation affected. The energy spectra and the intensity of these neutrons are fundamental since these neutrons induce nuclear reactions of capture with Boron-10 inside the articulation and the freely energy of these reactions is transferred at the productive tissue of synovial liquid, annihilating it. In this work it is presented the neutron spectra results obtained with moderator packings of spherical geometry which contains in its center a Pu 239 Be source. The calculations were realized through Monte Carlo method. The moderators assayed were light water, heavy water base and the both combination of them. The spectra obtained, the average energy, the neutron total number by neutron emitted by source, the thermal neutron percentage and the dose equivalent allow us to suggest that the moderator packing more adequate is what has a light water thickness 0.5 cm (radius 2 cm) and 24.5 cm heavy water (radius 26.5 cm). (Author)

  12. Calibration of the JET neutron yield monitors using the delayed neutron counting technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    van Belle, P.; Jarvis, O.N.; Sadler, G.; de Leeuw, S.; D'Hondt, P.; Pillon, M.


    The time-resolved neutron yield is routinely measured on the JET tokamak using a set of fission chambers. At present, the preferred technique is to employ activation reactions to determine the neutron fluence at a well-chosen position and to relate the measured fluence to the total neutron emission by means of neutron transport calculations. The delayed neutron counting method is a particularly convenient method of performing the activation measurement and the fission cross sections are accurately known. This paper outlines the measurement technique as used on JET

  13. Neutrons detection by scintillation; Detection de neutrons par scintillations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giraudon, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The absence of charge of neutrons and their elevated penetration power make difficult their detection. Techniques vary otherwise with the energy of the particle. The author proposes the realization of a scintillation detector with a big volume of liquid scintillator and containing boron for the detection of slowing-down neutrons in the domain of intermediate energies from 1 to 10{sup 5} eV about. (M.B.) [French] L'absence de charge du neutron et son pouvoir de penetration eleve rendent difficile sa detection. Les techniques par ailleurs varient avec l'energie de cette particule. L'auteur propose la realisation d'un detecteur a scintillations comprenant un grand volume de scintillateur liquide et contenant du bore pour la detection des neutrons en ralentissement dans le domaine des energies intermediaires de 1 a 10{sup 5} eV environ. (M.B.)

  14. Development of resonant detectors for epithermal neutron spectroscopy at pulsed neutron sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tardocchi, M.; Pietropaolo, A.; Senesi, R.; Andreani, C.; Gorini, G.


    New perspectives for epithermal neutron spectroscopy are opened by the development of new detectors for inverse geometry time of flight spectrometers at pulsed neutron sources. One example is the Very Low Angle Detector (VLAD) bank planned to be delivered, within the next 4 years, within the eVERDI project, on the neutron spectrometer VESUVIO, at the ISIS pulsed neutron source (UK). VLAD will extend the (q,ω) kinematical region for neutron scattering to low wavefactor transfer (q -1 ) still keeping energy transfer >1 eV, thus allowing the investigations of new experimental studies in condensed matter systems. The technique being developed for detection of epithermal neutrons, within this low q and high-energy transfer region, is the Resonance Detection Technique. In this work, the state of the detector development will be presented with special focus on the results obtained with some prototype detectors, namely YAP scintillators and cadmium-zinc-telluride semiconductors

  15. The tokamak as a neutron source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hendel, H.W.; Jassby, D.L.


    This paper describes the tokamak in its role as a neutron source, with emphasis on experimental results for D-D neutron production. The sections summarize tokamak operation, sources of fusion and non-fusion neutrons, principal neutron detection methods and their calibration, neutron energy spectra and fluxes outside the tokamak plasma chamber, history of neutron production in tokamaks, neutron emission and fusion power gain from JET and TFTR (the largest present-day tokamaks), and D-T neutron production from burnup of D-D tritons. This paper also discusses the prospects for future tokamak neutron production and potential applications of tokamak neutron sources. 100 refs., 16 figs., 4 tabs

  16. Thermal neutron polarisation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Satya Murthy, N.S.; Madhava Rao, L.


    The basic principle for the production of polarised thermal neutrons is discussed and the choice of various crystal monochromators surveyed. Brief mention of broad-spectrum polarisers is made. The application of polarised neutrons to the study of magnetisation density distributions in magnetic crystals, the dynamic concept of polarisation, principle and use of polarisation analysis, the neutron spin-echo technique are discussed. (author)

  17. Polarized Neutron Scattering


    Roessli, B.; Böni, P.


    The technique of polarized neutron scattering is reviewed with emphasis on applications. Many examples of the usefulness of the method in various fields of physics are given like the determination of spin density maps, measurement of complex magnetic structures with spherical neutron polarimetry, inelastic neutron scattering and separation of coherent and incoherent scattering with help of the generalized XYZ method.

  18. Thermoluminescence albedo-neutron dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strand, T.; Storruste, A.


    The report discusses neutron detection with respect to dosimetry and compares different thermoluminescent dosimetry materials for neutron dosimetry. Construction and calibration of a thermoluminescence albedo neutron dosemeter, developed by the authors, is described

  19. Status of spallation neutron source

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oyama, Yukio [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    Existing and planned facilities using proton accelerator driven spallation neutron source are reviewed. These include new project of neutron science proposed from Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. The present status of facility requirement and accelerator technology leads us to new era of neutron science such as neutron scattering research and nuclear transmutation study using very intense neutron source. (author)

  20. Properties of neutron sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Conference presentations were divided into sessions devoted to the following topics: white neutron sources, primarily pulsed (6 papers); fast neutron fields (5 papers); Californium-252 prompt fission neutron spectra (14 papers); monoenergetic sources and filtered beams (11 papers); 14 MeV neutron sources (10 papers); selected special application (one paper); and a general interest session (4 papers). Individual abstracts were prepared separately for the papers

  1. Support for cold neutron utilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Kye Hong; Han, Young Soo; Choi, Sungmin; Choi, Yong; Kwon, Hoon; Lee, Kwang Hee


    - Support for experiments by users of cold neutron scattering instrument - Short-term training of current and potential users of cold neutron scattering instrument for their effective use of the instrument - International collaboration for advanced utilization of cold neutron scattering instruments - Selection and training of qualified instrument scientists for vigorous research endeavors and outstanding achievements in experiments with cold neutron - Research on nano/bio materials using cold neutron scattering instruments - Bulk nano structure measurement using small angle neutron scattering and development of analysis technique

  2. Means and method for controlling the neutron output of a neutron generator tube

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Langford, O.M.; Peelman, H.E.


    A gas filled neutron tube in a nuclear well logging tool has a target an ion source voltage and a replenisher connected to ground. A negative high voltage is applied to the target by a power supply also providing a target current corresponding to the neutron output of the neutron generator tube. A constant current source provides a constant current. A network receiving the target current and the constant current provides a portion of the constant current as a replenisher current which is applied to the replenisher in a neutron generating tube. The network controls the magnitude of the replenisher current in accordance with the target current so as to control the neutron output of the neutron generating tube. (auth)

  3. Design considerations for neutron activation and neutron source strength monitors for ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnes, C.W.; Jassby, D.L.; LeMunyan, G.; Roquemore, A.L.


    The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor will require highly accurate measurements of fusion power production in time, space, and energy. Spectrometers in the neutron camera could do it all, but experience has taught us that multiple methods with redundancy and complementary uncertainties are needed. Previously, conceptual designs have been presented for time-integrated neutron activation and time-dependent neutron source strength monitors, both of which will be important parts of the integrated suite of neutron diagnostics for this purpose. The primary goals of the neutron activation system are: to maintain a robust relative measure of fusion energy production with stability and wide dynamic range; to enable an accurate absolute calibration of fusion power using neutronic techniques as successfully demonstrated on JET and TFTR; and to provide a flexible system for materials testing. The greatest difficulty is that the irradiation locations need to be close to plasma with a wide field of view. The routing of the pneumatic system is difficult because of minimum radius of curvature requirements and because of the careful need for containment of the tritium and activated air. The neutron source strength system needs to provide real-time source strength vs. time with ∼1 ms resolution and wide dynamic range in a robust and reliable manner with the capability to be absolutely calibrated by in-situ neutron sources as done on TFTR, JT-60U, and JET. In this paper a more detailed look at the expected neutron flux field around ITER is folded into a more complete design of the fission chamber system

  4. High energy neutron dosimeter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rai, K.S.F.


    A device for measuring dose equivalents in neutron radiation fields is described. The device includes nested symmetrical hemispheres (forming spheres) of different neutron moderating materials that allow the measurement of dose equivalents from 0.025 eV to past 1 GeV. The layers of moderating material surround a spherical neutron counter. The neutron counter is connected by an electrical cable to an electrical sensing means which interprets the signal from the neutron counter in the center of the moderating spheres. The spherical shape of the device allows for accurate measurement of dose equivalents regardless of its positioning. 2 figures

  5. Nuclear fusion and neutron processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orlov, V.V.; Shatalov, G.E.; Sherstnev, K.E.


    Problems of providing development of the design of an experimental fusion reactor with necessary neutron-physical data are discussed. Isotope composition of spent fuel in the blanket of a hybride fusion reactor (HFR) is given. Neutron balance of the reactor with Li-blanket and neutron balance of the reactor with Pb-multiplier are disclosed. A simplified scheme of neutron and energy balance in the HFR blanket is given. Development and construction of the experimental power reactor is shown to become the nearest problem of the UTS program. Alongside with other complex physical and technical problems solution of this problem requires realization of a wide program of neutron-physical investigations including measurements with required accuracy of neutron cross sections, development of methodical, program and constant basis of neutron calculations and macroscopic experiments on neutron sources

  6. Analytical applications for delayed neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eccleston, G.W.


    Analytical formulations that describe the time dependence of neutron populations in nuclear materials contain delayed-neutron dependent terms. These terms are important because the delayed neutrons, even though their yields in fission are small, permit control of the fission chain reaction process. Analytical applications that use delayed neutrons range from simple problems that can be solved with the point reactor kinetics equations to complex problems that can only be solved with large codes that couple fluid calculations with the neutron dynamics. Reactor safety codes, such as SIMMER, model transients of the entire reactor core using coupled space-time neutronics and comprehensive thermal-fluid dynamics. Nondestructive delayed-neutron assay instruments are designed and modeled using a three-dimensional continuous-energy Monte Carlo code. Calculations on high-burnup spent fuels and other materials that contain a mix of uranium and plutonium isotopes require accurate and complete information on the delayed-neutron periods, yields, and energy spectra. A continuing need exists for delayed-neutron parameters for all the fissioning isotopes

  7. Accelerator based continuous neutron source.

    CERN Document Server

    Shapiro, S M; Ruggiero, A G


    Until the last decade, most neutron experiments have been performed at steady-state, reactor-based sources. Recently, however, pulsed spallation sources have been shown to be very useful in a wide range of neutron studies. A major review of neutron sources in the US was conducted by a committee chaired by Nobel laureate Prof. W. Kohn: ''Neutron Sources for America's Future-BESAC Panel on Neutron Sources 1/93''. This distinguished panel concluded that steady state and pulsed sources are complementary and that the nation has need for both to maintain a balanced neutron research program. The report recommended that both a new reactor and a spallation source be built. This complementarity is recognized worldwide. The conclusion of this report is that a new continuous neutron source is needed for the second decade of the 20 year plan to replace aging US research reactors and close the US neutron gap. it is based on spallation production of neutrons using a high power continuous superconducting linac to generate pr...

  8. Development of a Fresnel lens for cold neutrons based on neutron refractive optics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oku, T.; Morita, S.; Moriyasu, S.; Yamagata, Y.; Ohmori, H.; Takizawa, Y.; Shimizu, H.M.; Hirota, T.; Kiyanagi, Y.; Ino, T.; Furusaka, M.; Suzuki, J.


    We have developed compound refractive lenses (CRLs) for cold neutrons, which are made of vitreous silica and have an effective potential of (90.1-2.7x10 -4 i) neV. In the case of compound refractive optics, neutron absorption by the material deteriorates lens performance. Thus, to prevent an increase in neutron absorption with increasing beam size, we have developed Fresnel lenses using the electrolytic in-process dressing grinding technique. The lens characteristics were carefully investigated with experimental and numerical simulation studies. The lenses functioned as a neutron focusing lens, and the focal length of 14 m was obtained with a 44-element series of the Fresnel lenses for 10 A neutrons. Moreover, good neutron transmission of 0.65 for 15 A neutrons was obtained due to the shape effect. According to comprehensive analysis of the obtained results, it is possible to realize a CRL for practical use by choosing a suitable lens shape and material

  9. Development of a Fresnel lens for cold neutrons based on neutron refractive optics

    CERN Document Server

    Oku, T; Moriyasu, S; Yamagata, Y; Ohmori, H; Takizawa, Y; Shimizu, H M; Hirota, T; Kiyanagi, Y; Ino, T; Furusaka, M; Suzuki, J


    We have developed compound refractive lenses (CRLs) for cold neutrons, which are made of vitreous silica and have an effective potential of (90.1-2.7x10 sup - sup 4 i) neV. In the case of compound refractive optics, neutron absorption by the material deteriorates lens performance. Thus, to prevent an increase in neutron absorption with increasing beam size, we have developed Fresnel lenses using the electrolytic in-process dressing grinding technique. The lens characteristics were carefully investigated with experimental and numerical simulation studies. The lenses functioned as a neutron focusing lens, and the focal length of 14 m was obtained with a 44-element series of the Fresnel lenses for 10 A neutrons. Moreover, good neutron transmission of 0.65 for 15 A neutrons was obtained due to the shape effect. According to comprehensive analysis of the obtained results, it is possible to realize a CRL for practical use by choosing a suitable lens shape and material.

  10. Neutrons and fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maynard, C.W.


    The production of energy from fusion reactions does not require neutrons in the fundamental sense that they are required in a fission reactor. Nevertheless, the dominant fusion reaction, that between deuterium and tritium, yields a 14 MeV neutron. To contrast a fusion reactor based on this reaction with the fission case, 3 x 10 20 such neutrons produced per gigawatt of power. This is four times as many neutrons as in an equivalent fission reactor and they carry seven times the energy of the fission neutrons. Thus, they dominate the energy recovery problem and create technological problems comparable to the original plasma confinement problem as far as a practical power producing device is concerned. Further contrasts of the fusion and fission cases are presented to establish the general role of neutrons in fusion devices. Details of the energy deposition processes are discussed and those reactions necessary for producing additional tritium are outlined. The relatively high energy flux with its large intensity will activate almost any materials of which the reactor may be composed. This activation is examined from the point of view of decay heat, radiological safety, and long-term storage. In addition, a discussion of the deleterious effects of neutron interactions on materials is given in some detail; this includes the helium and hydrogen producing reactions and displacement rate of the lattice atoms. The various materials that have been proposed for structural purposes, for breeding, reflecting, and moderating neutrons, and for radiation shielding are reviewed from the nuclear standpoint. The specific reactions of interest are taken up for various materials and finally a report is given on the status and prospects of data for fusion studies

  11. Method and apparatus for determination of temperature, neutron absorption cross section and neutron moderating power (United States)

    Vagelatos, Nicholas; Steinman, Donald K.; John, Joseph; Young, Jack C.


    A nuclear method and apparatus determines the temperature of a medium by injecting fast neutrons into the medium and detecting returning slow neutrons in three first energy ranges by producing three respective detection signals. The detection signals are combined to produce three derived indicia each systematically related to the population of slow neutrons returning from the medium in a respective one of three second energy ranges, specifically exclusively epithermal neutrons, exclusively substantially all thermal neutrons and exclusively a portion of the thermal neutron spectrum. The derived indicia are compared with calibration indicia similarly systematically related to the population of slow neutrons in the same three second energy ranges returning from similarly irradiated calibration media for which the relationships temperature, neutron absorption cross section and neutron moderating power to such calibration indicia are known. The comparison indicates the temperature at which the calibration indicia correspond to the derived indicia and consequently the temperature of the medium. The neutron absorption cross section and moderating power of the medium can be identified at the same time.

  12. Outline of spallation neutron source engineering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watanabe, Noboru [Center for Neutron Science, Tokai Research Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan)


    Slow neutrons such as cold and thermal neutrons are unique probes which can determine structures and dynamics of condensed matter in atomic scale. The neutron scattering technique is indispensable not only for basic sciences such as condensed matter research and life science, but also for basic industrial technology in 21 century. It is believed that to survive in the science-technology competition in 21 century would be almost impossible without neutron scattering. However, the intensity of neutrons presently available is much lower than synchrotron radiation sources, etc. Thus, R and D of intense neutron sources become most important. The High-Intensity Proton Accelerator Project is now being promoted jointly by Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, but there has so far been no good text which covers all the aspects of pulsed spallation neutron sources. The present review was prepare aiming at giving a better understanding on pulsed spallation neutron sources not only to neutron source researchers but also more widely to neutron scattering researchers and accelerator scientists in this field. The contents involve, starting from what is neutron scattering and what neutrons are necessary for neutron scattering, what is the spallation reaction, how to produce neutrons required for neutron scattering more efficiently, target-moderator-reflector neutronics and its engineering, shielding, target station, material issues, etc. The author have engaged in R and D of pulsed apallation neutron sources and neutron scattering research using them over 30 years. The present review is prepared based on the author's experiences with useful information obtained through ICANS collaboration and recent data from the JSNS (Japanese Spallation Neutron Source) design team. (author)

  13. YAP scintillators for resonant detection of epithermal neutrons at pulsed neutron sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tardocchi, M.; Gorini, G.; Pietropaolo, A.; Andreani, C.; Senesi, R.; Rhodes, N.; Schooneveld, E. M.


    Recent studies indicate the resonance detector (RD) technique as an interesting approach for neutron spectroscopy in the electron volt energy region. This work summarizes the results of a series of experiments where RD consisting of YAlO 3 (YAP) scintillators were used to detect scattered neutrons with energy in the range 1-200 eV. The response of YAP scintillators to radiative capture γ emission from a 238 U analyzer foil was characterized in a series of experiments performed on the VESUVIO spectrometer at the ISIS pulsed neutron source. In these experiments a biparametric data acquisition allowed the simultaneous measurements of both neutron time-of-flight and γ pulse height (energy) spectra. The analysis of the γ pulse height and neutron time of flight spectra permitted to identify and distinguish the signal and background components. These measurements showed that a significant improvement in the signal-to-background ratio can be achieved by setting a lower level discrimination on the pulse height at about 600 keV equivalent photon energy. Present results strongly indicate YAP scintillators as the ideal candidate for neutron scattering studies with epithermal neutrons at both very low (<5 deg.) and intermediate scattering angles

  14. Dynamically polarized samples for neutron protein crystallography at the Spallation Neutron Source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Jinkui; Pierce, Josh; Robertson, J. L.; Herwig, Kenneth W.; Myles, Dean; Cuneo, Matt; Li, Le; Meilleur, Flora; Standaert, Bob


    To prepare for the next generation neutron scattering instruments for the planned second target station at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and to broaden the scientific impact of neutron protein crystallography at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, we have recently ramped up our efforts to develop a dynamically polarized target for neutron protein crystallography at the SNS. Proteins contain a large amount of hydrogen which contributes to incoherent diffraction background and limits the sensitivity of neutron protein crystallography. This incoherent background can be suppressed by using polarized neutron diffraction, which in the same time also improves the coherent diffraction signal. Our plan is to develop a custom Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) setup tailored to neutron protein diffraction instruments. Protein crystals will be polarized at a magnetic field of 5 T and temperatures of below 1 K. After the dynamic polarization process, the sample will be brought to a frozen-spin mode in a 0.5 T holding field and at temperatures below 100 mK. In a parallel effort, we are also investigating various ways of incorporating polarization agents needed for DNP, such as site specific spin labels, into protein crystals. (paper)

  15. Neutron holography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beynon, T.D.


    the paper concerns neutron holography, which allows an image to be constructed of the surfaces, as well as the interiors, of objects. The technique of neutron holography and its applications are described. Present and future use of the method is briefly outlined. (U.K.)

  16. Neutron-neutron angular correlations in spontaneous fission of 252Cf and 240Pu (United States)

    Verbeke, J. M.; Nakae, L. F.; Vogt, R.


    Background: Angular anisotropy has been observed between prompt neutrons emitted during the fission process. Such an anisotropy arises because the emitted neutrons are boosted along the direction of the parent fragment. Purpose: To measure the neutron-neutron angular correlations from the spontaneous fission of 252Cf and 240Pu oxide samples using a liquid scintillator array capable of pulse-shape discrimination. To compare these correlations to simulations combining the Monte Carlo radiation transport code MCNPX with the fission event generator FREYA. Method: Two different analysis methods were used to study the neutron-neutron correlations with varying energy thresholds. The first is based on setting a light output threshold while the second imposes a time-of-flight cutoff. The second method has the advantage of being truly detector independent. Results: The neutron-neutron correlation modeled by FREYA depends strongly on the sharing of the excitation energy between the two fragments. The measured asymmetry enabled us to adjust the FREYA parameter x in 240Pu, which controls the energy partition between the fragments and is so far inaccessible in other measurements. The 240Pu data in this analysis was the first available to quantify the energy partition for this isotope. The agreement between data and simulation is overall very good for 252Cf(sf ) and 240Pu(sf ) . Conclusions: The asymmetry in the measured neutron-neutron angular distributions can be predicted by FREYA. The shape of the correlation function depends on how the excitation energy is partitioned between the two fission fragments. Experimental data suggest that the lighter fragment is disproportionately excited.

  17. Applications of neutron irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Yasuo


    The present state of art of applications of neutron irradiation is overviewed taking neutron activation analysis, prompt gamma-ray analysis, fission/alpha track methods, boron neutron capture therapy as examples. What is common among them is that the technologies are nearly matured for wide use by non- nuclear scientists. But the environment around research reactors is not prospective. These applications should be encouraged by incorporating in the neutron science society. (author)

  18. Neutronics codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buckel, G.


    The objectives are the development, testing and cultivation of reliable, efficient and user-optimized neutron-physical calculation methods and conformity with users' requirements concerning design of power reactors, planning and analysis of experiments necessary for their protection as well as research on physical key problems. A short outline of available computing programmes for the following objectives is given: - Provision of macroscopic group constants, - Calculation of neutron flux distribution in transport theory and diffusion approximation, - Evaluation of neutron flux-distribution, - Execution of disturbance calculations for the determination reactivity coefficients, and - graphical representation of results. (orig./RW) [de

  19. Next generation neutron scattering at Neutron Science Center project in JAERI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamada, Yasusada; Watanabe, Noboru; Niimura, Nobuo; Morii, Yukio; Katano, Susumu; Aizawa, Kazuya; Suzuki, Jun-ichi; Koizumi, Satoshi; Osakabe, Toyotaka.


    Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) has promoted neutron scattering researches by means of research reactors in Tokai Research Establishment, and proposes 'Neutron Science Research Center' to develop the future prospect of the Tokai Research Establishment. The scientific fields which will be expected to progress by the neutron scattering experiments carried out at the proposed facility in the Center are surveyed. (author)

  20. Quasiparticle Interactions in Neutron Matter for Applications in Neutron Stars (United States)

    Wambach, J.; Anisworth, T. L.; Pines, D.


    A microscopic model for the quaisiparticle interaction in neutron matter is presented. Both particle-particle (pp) and particle-hole (ph) correlation are are included. The pp correlations are treated in semi-empirical way, while ph correlations are incorporated by solving coupled two-body equations for the particle hole interaction and the scattering amplitude on the Fermi sphere. The resulting integral equations self-consistently sum the ph reducible diagrams. Antisymmetry is kept at all stages and hence the forward-scattering sum rules are obeyed. Results for Landau parameters and transport coefficients in a density regime representing the crust of a neutron star are presented. We also estimate the S-1 gap parameter for neutron superfluidity and comment briefly on neutron-star implications.

  1. A test-type hyper-thermal neutron generator for neutron capture therapy - estimation of neutron energy spectrum by simulation calculations and TOF experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakurai, Yoshinori; Kobayashi, Tooru; Kobayashi, Katsuhei


    In order to clarify the irradiation characteristics of hyper-thermal neutrons and the feasibility of a hyper-thermal neutron irradiation field for neutron capture therapy, a 'test-type' hyper-thermal neutron generator was designed and made. Graphite of 6 cm thickness and 21 cm diameter was selected as the high temperature scatterer. The scatterer is heated up to 1200 deg. C maximum using molybdenum heaters. The radiation heat is shielded by reflectors of molybdenum and stainless steel. The temperature is measured using three R-type thermo-couples and controlled by a program controller. The total thickness of the generator is designed to be as thin as possible, 20 cm in maximum, in the standing point of the neutron beam intensity. The thermal stability, controllability and safety of the generator at high temperature employment were confirmed by the heating tests. As one of the experiments for the characteristics estimation, the neutron energy spectrum dependent on the scatterer temperature was measured by the TOF (time of flight) method using the LINAC neutron generator. The estimations by simulation calculations were also performed. From the experiment and calculation results, it was confirmed that the neutron temperature shifted higher as the scatterer temperature was higher. The prospect of the feasibility of the 'hyper-thermal neutron irradiation field for NCT' was opened from the estimation results of the generator characteristics by the simulation calculations and experiments

  2. Status of ITER neutron diagnostic development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasao, M.; Krasilnikov, A.V.; Kaschuck, Yu.A.; Nishitani, T.; Batistoni, P.; Zaveryaev, V.S.; Popovichev, S.; Jarvis, O.N.; Iguchi, T.; Kaellne, J.; Fiore, C.L.; Roquemore, A.L.; Heidbrink, W.W.; Fisher, R.; Gorini, G.; Donne, A.J.H.; Costley, A.E.; Walker, C.I.


    Due to the high neutron yield and the large plasma size many ITER plasma parameters such as fusion power, power density, ion temperature, fast ion energy and their spatial distributions in the plasma core can be well measured by various neutron diagnostics. Neutron diagnostic systems under consideration and development for ITER include: radial and vertical neutron cameras (RNC and VNC), internal and external neutron flux monitors, neutron activation systems and neutron spectrometers. The two-dimensional neutron source strength and spectral measurements can be provided by the combined RNC and VNC. The neutron flux monitors need to meet the ITER requirement of time-resolved measurements of the neutron source strength and can provide the signals necessary for real-time control of the ITER fusion power. Compact and high throughput neutron spectrometers are under development. A concept for the absolute calibration of neutron diagnostic systems is proposed. The development, testing in existing experiments and the engineering integration of all neutron diagnostic systems into ITER are in progress and the main results are presented. (author)

  3. Earth formation pulsed neutron porosity logging system utilizing epithermal neutron and inelastic scattering gamma ray detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, H.D. Jr.; Smith, M.P.; Schultz, W.E.


    An improved pulsed neutron porosity logging system is provided in the present invention. A logging tool provided with a 14 MeV pulsed neutron source, an epithermal neutron detector and an inelastic scattering gamma ray detector is moved through a borehole. The detection of inelastic gamma rays provides a measure of the fast neutron population in the vicinity of the detector. repetitive bursts of neutrons irradiate the earth formation and, during the busts, inelastic gamma rays representative of the fast neutron population is sampled. During the interval between bursts the epithermal neutron population is sampled along with background gamma radiation due to lingering thermal neutrons. the fast and epithermal neutron population measurements are combined to provide a measurement of formation porosity

  4. New techniques in neutron scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayter, J.B.


    New neutron sources being planned, such as the Advanced Neutron Source (ANS) or the European Spallation Source (ESS), will provide an order of magnitude flux increase over what is available today, but neutron scattering will still remain a signal-limited technique. At the same time, the development of new materials, such as polymer and ceramic composites or a variety of complex fluids, will increasingly require neutron-based research. This paper will discuss some of the new techniques which will allow us to make better use of the available neutrons, either through improved instrumentation or through sample manipulation. Discussion will center primarily on unpolarized neutron techniques since polarized neutrons will be the subject of the next paper. (author)

  5. Cold neutron interferometry and its application. 2. Coherency and cold neutron spin interferometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Achiwa, Norio; Ebisawa, Toru


    The second workshop entitled 'Interference studies and cold neutron spin interferometry' was held on 10 and 11 March 1998 at KUR (Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute, Kumatori). Cold neutron spin interferometry is a new field. So it is very important for its development to learn the studies of X-ray and neutron optics which are rapidly developing with long history. In the workshop, the issues related to interference were reviewed such as experimental studies on cold neutron spin interferometry, theoretical and experimental approach on tunneling time, interference experiments by neutrons and its application, interference studies using synchrotron radiation, topics on silicon interferometry and quantum measurement problem and cold neutron interference experiment related to quantum measurement problem. The 8 of the presented papers are indexed individually. (J.P.N.)

  6. Fast and epithermal neutron radiography using neutron irradiator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Karol A.M. de; Crispim, Verginia R.; Ferreira, Francisco J.O.


    The neutron radiography technique (NR) with neutrons in the energy range fast to epithermal is a powerful tool used in no-destructive inspection of bulky objects of diverse materials, including those rich in hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen ad carbon. Thus, it can be used to identify, inclusions, voids and thickness differences in materials such as explosive artifacts and narcotics. Aiming at using NR with fast and epithermal neutrons, an Irradiator was constructed by: a 241 Am-Be source, with 5 Ci activity, a collimator with adjustable collimation rate, L/D; and a shield device composed by plates of borated paraffin and iron. The test specimens chosen were a Beam Purity Indicator (BPI) and an Indicator of Visual Resolution (IVR). The neutron radiography images obtained had a resolution of 444.4 μm and 363.6 μm respectively when registered in: 1) the sheet of the nuclear track solid detector, CR-39 type, through X (n,p) Y nuclear reaction; and 2) Kodak Industrex M radiographic film plate in close contact with a boron converter screen, both stored in a Kodak radiographic cassette. (author)

  7. Neutrons detection by scintillation; Detection de neutrons par scintillations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giraudon, J. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The absence of charge of neutrons and their elevated penetration power make difficult their detection. Techniques vary otherwise with the energy of the particle. The author proposes the realization of a scintillation detector with a big volume of liquid scintillator and containing boron for the detection of slowing-down neutrons in the domain of intermediate energies from 1 to 10{sup 5} eV about. (M.B.) [French] L'absence de charge du neutron et son pouvoir de penetration eleve rendent difficile sa detection. Les techniques par ailleurs varient avec l'energie de cette particule. L'auteur propose la realisation d'un detecteur a scintillations comprenant un grand volume de scintillateur liquide et contenant du bore pour la detection des neutrons en ralentissement dans le domaine des energies intermediaires de 1 a 10{sup 5} eV environ. (M.B.)

  8. Applications of polarized neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mezei, F.


    The additional spin degree of freedom of the neutron can be made use of in neutron scattering work in two fundamental ways: (a) directly for the identification of magnetic scattering effects and (b) indirectly as a spectroscopic tool for modulating and analysing beams. Although strong magnetic scattering contributions can often be studied by unpolarized neutrons, a fully unambiguous separation of nuclear and magnetic phenomena can only be achieved by the additional information provided by polarized neutrons, especially if one of the two kinds of contributions is weak compared to the other. In the most general case a sample with both magnetic and nuclear features can be characterized by as many as 16 independent dynamic correlation functions instead of the single well known S(q, ω) for non-magnetic nuclear scattering only. Polarization analysis in principle allows one to determine all these 16 functions. The indirect applications of polarized neutrons are also steadily gaining importance. The most widely used method of this kind, the application of Larmor precessions for high resolution energy analysis in Neutron Spin Echo spectroscopy opened up a whole new domain in inelastic neutron scattering which was not accessible to any other spectroscopic method with or without neutrons before. (author)

  9. Development of Neutron Spectrometer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Chang Hee; Lee, J. S.; Seong, B. S. (and others)


    Neutron spectrometers which are used in the basic researches such as physics, chemistry and materials science and applied in the industry were developed at the horizontal beam port of HANARO reactor. In addition, the development of core components for neutron scattering and the upgrade of existing facilities are also performed. The vertical neutron reflectometer was fabricated and installed at ST3 beam port. The performance test of the reflectometer was completed and the reflectometer was opened to users. The several core parts and options were added in the polarized neutron spectrometer. The horizontal neutron reflectometer from Brookhaven National Laboratory was moved to HANARO and installed, and the performance of the reflectometer was examined. The HIPD was developed and the performance test was completed. The base shielding for TAS was fabricated. The soller collimator, Cu mosaic monochromator, Si BPC monochromator and position sensitive detector were developed and applied in the neutron spectrometer as part of core component development activities. In addition, the sputtering machine for mirror device are fabricated and the neutron mirror is made using the sputtering machine. The FCD was upgraded and the performance of the FCD are improved over the factor of 10. The integration and upgrade of the neutron detection system were also performed.

  10. Prototype Stilbene Neutron Collar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prasad, M. K. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Shumaker, D. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Snyderman, N. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Verbeke, J. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Wong, J. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    A neutron collar using stilbene organic scintillator cells for fast neutron counting is described for the assay of fresh low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel assemblies. The prototype stilbene collar has a form factor similar to standard He-3 based collars and uses an AmLi interrogation neutron source. This report describes the simulation of list mode neutron correlation data on various fuel assemblies including some with neutron absorbers (burnable Gd poisons). Calibration curves (doubles vs 235U linear mass density) are presented for both thermal and fast (with Cd lining) modes of operation. It is shown that the stilbene collar meets or exceeds the current capabilities of He-3 based neutron collars. A self-consistent assay methodology, uniquely suited to the stilbene collar, using triples is described which complements traditional assay based on doubles calibration curves.

  11. Fission-neutrons source with fast neutron-emission timing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rusev, G., E-mail:; Baramsai, B.; Bond, E.M.; Jandel, M.


    A neutron source with fast timing has been built to help with detector-response measurements. The source is based on the neutron emission from the spontaneous fission of {sup 252}Cf. The time is provided by registering the fission fragments in a layer of a thin scintillation film with a signal rise time of 1 ns. The scintillation light output is measured by two silicon photomultipliers with rise time of 0.5 ns. Overall time resolution of the source is 0.3 ns. Design of the source and test measurements using it are described. An example application of the source for determining the neutron/gamma pulse-shape discrimination by a stilbene crystal is given.

  12. The neutron silicon lens. An update of the thermal neutron lens results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, M.W.; Daymond, M.R.


    This paper introduces the concept of the Neutron Silicon Lens (NSL) and provides and update on the experimental results achieved to date. The NSL design is a cylindrical neutron lens based on the use of multiple neutron mirrors supported and separated by silicon wafers. Such lenses would have many applications in both the primary and scattered beams on neutron instruments, and would lead to immediate improvements where the sample to be illuminated is small, as in high pressure or engineering strain scanning instruments. (author)

  13. The neutron silicon lens. An update of the thermal neutron lens results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johnson, M.W.; Daymond, M.R. [Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire (United Kingdom)


    This paper introduces the concept of the Neutron Silicon Lens (NSL) and provides and update on the experimental results achieved to date. The NSL design is a cylindrical neutron lens based on the use of multiple neutron mirrors supported and separated by silicon wafers. Such lenses would have many applications in both the primary and scattered beams on neutron instruments, and would lead to immediate improvements where the sample to be illuminated is small, as in high pressure or engineering strain scanning instruments. (author)

  14. Thermal Neutron Capture and Thermal Neutron Burn-up of K isomeric state of 177mLu: a way to the Neutron Super-Elastic Scattering cross section

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roig, O.; Belier, G.; Meot, V.; Daugas, J.-M.; Romain, P.; Aupiais, J.; Jutier, Ch.; Le Petit, G.; Letourneau, A.; Marie, F.; Veyssiere, Ch.


    Thermal neutron radiative capture and burn-up measurements of the K isomeric state in 177Lu form part of an original method to indirectly obtain the neutron super-elastic scattering cross section at thermal energy. Neutron super-elastic scattering, also called neutron inelastic acceleration, occurs during the neutron collisions with an excited nuclear level. In this reaction, the nucleus could partly transfer its excitation energy to the scattered neutron

  15. Pulse neutron logging technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bespalov, D.F.; Dylyuk, A.A.


    A new method of neutron-burst logging is proposed, residing in irradiating rocks with fast neutron bursts and registering the integrated flux burst of thermal and/or epithermal neutrons, from the moment of its initiation to that of full absorption. The obtaained value is representative of the rock properties (porosity, hydrogen content). The integrated flux in a burst of thermal and epithermal neutrons can be measured both by way of activation of a reference sample of a known chemical composition during the neutron burst and by recording the radiation of induced activity of the sample within an interval between two bursts. The proposed method features high informative value, accuracy and efficiency

  16. Neutron reflectivity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cousin Fabrice


    Full Text Available The specular neutron reflectivity is a technique enabling the measurement of neutron scattering length density profile perpendicular to the plane of a surface or an interface, and thereby the profile of chemical composition. The characteristic sizes that are probed range from around 5 Å up 5000 Å. It is a scattering technique that averages information on the entire surface and it is therefore not possible to obtain information within the plane of the interface. The specific properties of neutrons (possibility of tuning the contrast by isotopic substitution, sensitivity to magnetism, negligible absorption, low energy of the incident neutrons makes it particularly interesting in the fields of soft matter, biophysics and magnetic thin films. This course is a basic introduction to the technique and does not address the magnetic reflectivity. It is composed of three parts describing respectively its principle and its formalism, the experimental aspects of the method (spectrometers, samples and two examples related to the materials for energy.

  17. Neutron-neutron quasifree scattering in nd breakup at 10 MeV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malone R.C.


    We are conducting new measurements of the cross section for nn QFS in nd breakup. The measurements are performed at incident neutron beam energies below 20 MeV. The neutron beam is produced via the 2H(d, n3He reaction. The target is a deuterated plastic cylinder. Our measurements utilize time-of-flight techniques with a pulsed neutron beam and detection of the two emitted neutrons in coincidence. A description of our initial measurements at 10 MeV for a single scattering angle will be presented along with preliminary results. Also, plans for measurements at other energies with broad angular coverage will be discussed.

  18. Fast neutron dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeLuca, P.M. Jr.; Pearson, D.W.


    During 1988--1990 the magnetic resonance dosimetry project was completed, as were the 250 MeV proton shielding measurements. The first cellular experiment using human cells in vitro at the 1 GeV electron storage ring was also accomplished. More detail may be found in DOE Report number-sign DOE/EV/60417-002 and the open literature cited in the individual progress subsections. We report Kinetic Energy Released in Matter (KERMA), factor measurements in several elements of critical importance to neutron radiation therapy and radiation protection for space habitation and exploration for neutron energies below 30 MeV. The results of this effort provide the only direct measurements of the oxygen and magnesium kerma factors above 20 MeV neutron energy, and the only measurements of the iron kerma factor above 15 MeV. They provide data of immediate relevance to neutron radiotherapy and impose strict criteria for normalizing and testing nuclear models used to calculate kerma factors at higher neutron energies

  19. Neutron shielding material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nodaka, M.; Iida, T.; Taniuchi, H.; Yosimura, K.; Nagahama, H.


    From among the neutron shielding materials of the 'kobesh' series developed by Kobe Steel, Ltd. for transport and storage packagings, silicon rubber base type material has been tested for several items with a view to practical application and official authorization, and in order to determine its adaptability to actual vessels. Silicon rubber base type 'kobesh SR-T01' is a material in which, from among the silicone rubber based neutron shielding materials, the hydrogen content is highest and the boron content is most optimized. Its neutron shielding capability has been already described in the previous report (Taniuchi, 1986). The following tests were carried out to determine suitability for practical application; 1) Long-term thermal stability test 2) Pouring test on an actual-scale model 3) Fire test The experimental results showed that the silicone rubber based neutron shielding material has good neutron shielding capability and high long-term fire resistance, and that it can be applied to the advanced transport packaging. (author)

  20. Computerized tomography using fast neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maier-Schuler, P.


    The equipment is transportable and can be used at different neutron sources. CT-images are presented showing that it is possible to get good results by using CT with fast neutrons in non destructive testing. Small defects with high contrasts can be detected as well as larger defects with small differences in material density. Since the neutrons interact with the nuclei and not with the electron density the CT-images contain different information compared with X-ray or γ images. As neutron sources always emit γ-radiation too, this radiation can be detected simultaneously with the neutrons. Therefore one can get a γ CT-image along with the neutron image. For the examination of small samples or objects containing materials with great differences in the linear attenuation coefficients like Al and H 2 thermal neutrons have been used for CT-measurements too. A spatial resolution and a density resolution of 0.1 mm and about 5% respectively could be achieved in the CT-images with fast neutrons and 0.04 mm with thermal neutrons. (orig./HP) [de

  1. Neutron generators at Purnima Lab

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patel, Tarun; Sinha, Amar


    Neutron sources are in a great demand in many area like research, nuclear waste management, industrial process control, medical and also security. Major sources of neutrons are nuclear reactors, radioisotopes and accelerator based neutron generators. For many field applications, reactors cannot be used due to its large size, complicated system, high cost and also safety issues. Radioisotopes like Pu-Be, Am-Be, Cf, are extensively used for many industrial applications. But they are limited in their use due to their low source strength and also handling difficulties due to radioactivity. They are also not suitable for pulsed neutron applications. In contrast, compact size, pulsed operation, on/off operation etc.of accelerator based neutron generators make them very popular for many applications. Particle accelerators based on different types of neutron generators have been developed around the world. Among these deuteron accelerator based D-D and D-T neutron generators are widely used as they produce mono-energetic fast neutrons and in particular high yield of D-T neutron can be obtained with less than 300 KV of accelerating voltage

  2. Neutron scattering instruments for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crawford, R.K.; Fornek, T.; Herwig, K.W.


    The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is a 1 MW pulsed spallation source for neutron scattering planned for construction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This facility is being designed as a 5-laboratory collaboration project. This paper addresses the proposed facility layout, the process for selection and construction of neutron scattering instruments at the SNS, the initial planning done on the basis of a reference set of ten instruments, and the plans for research and development (R and D) to support construction of the first ten instruments and to establish the infrastructure to support later development and construction of additional instruments

  3. Recent advances in neutron tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McFarland, E.; Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Cambridge, MA; Lanza, R.


    Neutron imaging has been shown to be an excellent imaging tool for many nondestructive evaluation applications. Significantly improved contrast over X-ray images is possible for materials commonly found in engineering assemblies. The major limitations have been the neutron source and detection. A low cost, position sensitive neutron tomography detector system has been designed and built based on an electro-optical detector system using a LiF-ZnS scintillator screen and a cooled charge coupled device. This detector system can be used for neutron radiography as well as two and three-dimensional neutron tomography. Calculated performance of the system predicted near-quantum efficiency for position sensitive neutron detection. Experimental data was recently taken using this system at McClellan Air Force Base, Air Logistics Center, Sacramento, CA. With increased availability of low cost neutron sources and advanced image processing, neutron tomography will become an increasingly important nondestructive imaging method

  4. Neutron radiography with the cyclotron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tazawa, Shuichi; Asada, Yorihisa; Yano, Munehiko; Nakanii, Takehiko.


    Neutron radiography is well recognized as a powerful tool in nondestructive testing, but not widely used yet owing to lack of high intense thermal neutron source convenient for practical use. This article presents a new neutron radiograph facility, utilizing a sub-compact cyclotron as neutron source and is equipped with vertical and horizontal irradiation ports. The article describes a series of experiments, we conducted using beams of a variable energy cyclotron at Tohoku University to investigate the characteristics of thermal neutron obtained from 9 Be(p, n) reaction and thermalized by elastic scattering process. The article also describes a computer simulation of neutron moderator to analyze conditions getting maximal thermal neutron flux. Further, some of practical neutron radiograph examinations of aero-space components and museum art objects of classic bronze mirror and an attempt realizing real time imaging technique, are introduced in the article. (author)

  5. Feasibility study on using imaging plates to estimate thermal neutron fluence in neutron-gamma mixed fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujibuchi, T.; Tanabe, Y.; Sakae, T.; Terunuma, T.; Isobe, T.; Kawamura, H.; Yasuoka, K.; Matsumoto, T.; Harano, H.; Nishiyama, J.; Masuda, A.; Nohtomi, A.


    In current radiotherapy, neutrons are produced in a photonuclear reaction when incident photon energy is higher than the threshold. In the present study, a method of discriminating the neutron component was investigated using an imaging plate (IP) in the neutron-gamma-ray mixed field. Two types of IP were used: a conventional IP for beta- and gamma rays, and an IP doped with Gd for detecting neutrons. IPs were irradiated in the mixed field, and the photo-stimulated luminescence (PSL) intensity of the thermal neutron component was discriminated using an expression proposed herein. The PSL intensity of the thermal neutron component was proportional to thermal neutron fluence. When additional irradiation of photons was added to constant neutron irradiation, the PSL intensity of the thermal neutron component was not affected. The uncertainty of PSL intensities was approximately 11.4 %. This method provides a simple and effective means of discriminating the neutron component in a mixed field. (authors)

  6. Comparison study on in-core neutron detector for online neutron flux mapping of research and power reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zareen Khan Abdul Jalil Khan; Mohd Idris Taib; Izhar Abu Husin; Nurfarhana Ayuni


    This paper presents the comparison study on In-Core neutron detector using for online flux mapping of Research and Power reactor. Technical description of in-core neutron also taken into consideration to identify the different characterization of neutron detector and describe on Self Power neutron detector (SPND) for online neutron flux mapping. Able to provide information on the neutron flux distribution and understand how in-core neutron detector are being used in nuclear power plant including to enable to state the principles of neutron detector. (author)

  7. A high-sensitivity neutron counter and waste-drum counting with the high-sensitivity neutron instrument

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hankins, D.E.; Thorngate, J.H.


    At Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), a highly sensitive neutron counter was developed that can detect and accurately measure the neutrons from small quantities of plutonium or from other low-level neutron sources. This neutron counter was originally designed to survey waste containers leaving the Plutonium Facility. However, it has proven to be useful in other research applications requiring a high-sensitivity neutron instrument

  8. Pulsed neutron intensity from rectangular shaped light water moderator with fast-neutron reflector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki; Iwasa, Hirokatsu


    With a view to enhancing the thermal-neutron intensity obtained from a pulsed neutron source, an experimental study has been made to determine the optimum size of a rectangular shaped light water moderator provided with fast neutron reflector of beryllium oxide or graphite, and decoupled thermal-neutronically by means of Cd sheet. The optimum dimensions for the moderator are derived for the neutron emission surface and the thickn ess, for the cases in which the neutron-producing target is placed beneath the moderator (''wing geometry'') or immediately behind the moderator (''slab geometry''). The major conclusions drawn from the experimental results are as follows. The presence of the Cd decoupler inserted between the moderator and reflector prevent the enhancement of thermal-neutron emission time gained by the provision of reflector. With a graphite reflector about 14 cm thick, (a) the optimum area of emission surface would be 25 x 25 cm 2 for wing geometry and still larger for slab geometry, and (b) the optimum moderator thickness would be 5.5 cm for slab geometry and 8.5 cm for wing geometry. It is thus concluded that a higher neutron emission intensity can be obtained with slab than with wing geometry provided that a large emission surface can be adopted for the moderator. (author)

  9. Neutron excess generation by fusion neutron source for self-consistency of nuclear energy system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saito, Masaki; Artisyuk, V.; Chmelev, A.


    The present day fission energy technology faces with the problem of transmutation of dangerous radionuclides that requires neutron excess generation. Nuclear energy system based on fission reactors needs fuel breeding and, therefore, suffers from lack of neutron excess to apply large-scale transmutation option including elimination of fission products. Fusion neutron source (FNS) was proposed to improve neutron balance in the nuclear energy system. Energy associated with the performance of FNS should be small enough to keep the position of neutron excess generator, thus, leaving the role of dominant energy producers to fission reactors. The present paper deals with development of general methodology to estimate the effect of neutron excess generation by FNS on the performance of nuclear energy system as a whole. Multiplication of fusion neutrons in both non-fissionable and fissionable multipliers was considered. Based on the present methodology it was concluded that neutron self-consistency with respect to fuel breeding and transmutation of fission products can be attained with small fraction of energy associated with innovated fusion facilities. (author)

  10. Measurement of neutron spectra through composed material block bombarded with D-T neutrons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhu, T.H. [Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Engineering Physics, P.O. BOX 919-213, Mian yang 621900 (China)], E-mail:; Liu, R.; Lu, X.X.; Jiang, L.; Wen, Z.W.; Wang, M.; Lin, J.F. [Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Engineering Physics, P.O. BOX 919-213, Mian yang 621900 (China)


    A 2-dimensional composed material assembly made of the iron and hydric block has been established. The neutron spectra from the assembly bombarded with 14-MeV neutrons at neutron generator have been obtained using the proton recoil technique with a stillbene detector. The detector positions were selected at the 60 deg., 120 deg., 180 deg. on the surface of the iron spherical shell. The background neutron spectra consisted of background and room return radiation were subtracted with combination of methods of experimental shielding and MCNP calculation. The uncertainty of results was 6.3-7.4%. The experiment results were analyzed and simulated by MCNP code and two data library. The difference is integral neutron flux (background neutron subtracted) of measured results greater than calculations with maximum of 21.2% in the range of 1-16 MeV.

  11. Status of ITER neutron diagnostic development (United States)

    Krasilnikov, A. V.; Sasao, M.; Kaschuck, Yu. A.; Nishitani, T.; Batistoni, P.; Zaveryaev, V. S.; Popovichev, S.; Iguchi, T.; Jarvis, O. N.; Källne, J.; Fiore, C. L.; Roquemore, A. L.; Heidbrink, W. W.; Fisher, R.; Gorini, G.; Prosvirin, D. V.; Tsutskikh, A. Yu.; Donné, A. J. H.; Costley, A. E.; Walker, C. I.


    Due to the high neutron yield and the large plasma size many ITER plasma parameters such as fusion power, power density, ion temperature, fast ion energy and their spatial distributions in the plasma core can be measured well by various neutron diagnostics. Neutron diagnostic systems under consideration and development for ITER include radial and vertical neutron cameras (RNC and VNC), internal and external neutron flux monitors (NFMs), neutron activation systems and neutron spectrometers. The two-dimensional neutron source strength and spectral measurements can be provided by the combined RNC and VNC. The NFMs need to meet the ITER requirement of time-resolved measurements of the neutron source strength and can provide the signals necessary for real-time control of the ITER fusion power. Compact and high throughput neutron spectrometers are under development. A concept for the absolute calibration of neutron diagnostic systems is proposed. The development, testing in existing experiments and the engineering integration of all neutron diagnostic systems into ITER are in progress and the main results are presented.

  12. Status of ITER neutron diagnostic development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krasilnikov, A.V.; Sasao, M.; Kaschuck, Yu.A.; Nishitani, T.; Batistoni, P.; Zaveryaev, V.S.; Popovichev, S.; Iguchi, T.; Jarvis, O.N.; Kaellne, J.; Fiore, C.L.; Roquemore, A.L.; Heidbrink, W.W.; Fisher, R.; Gorini, G.; Prosvirin, D.V.; Tsutskikh, A.Yu.; Donne, A.J.H.; Costley, A.E.; Walker, C.I.


    Due to the high neutron yield and the large plasma size many ITER plasma parameters such as fusion power, power density, ion temperature, fast ion energy and their spatial distributions in the plasma core can be measured well by various neutron diagnostics. Neutron diagnostic systems under consideration and development for ITER include radial and vertical neutron cameras (RNC and VNC), internal and external neutron flux monitors (NFMs), neutron activation systems and neutron spectrometers. The two-dimensional neutron source strength and spectral measurements can be provided by the combined RNC and VNC. The NFMs need to meet the ITER requirement of time-resolved measurements of the neutron source strength and can provide the signals necessary for real-time control of the ITER fusion power. Compact and high throughput neutron spectrometers are under development. A concept for the absolute calibration of neutron diagnostic systems is proposed. The development, testing in existing experiments and the engineering integration of all neutron diagnostic systems into ITER are in progress and the main results are presented

  13. Characterization of hybrid self-powered neutron detector under neutron irradiation

    CERN Document Server

    Nakamichi, M; Yamamura, C; Nakazawa, M; Kawamura, H


    To evaluate the irradiation behaviour of a blanket mock-up on in-pile functional test, it is necessary to measure the neutron flux change in the in-pile mock-up by a neutron detector, such as the self-powered neutron detector (SPND). With its small-sized emitter, which has high sensitivity and fast response time, SPND is an indispensable tool in order to measure the local neutron flux change. In the case of an in-pile functional test, it is necessary that response time is less than 1s and ratio of SPND output current is more than 0.3 of output current of SPND with Rh emitter. Therefore, a hybrid SPND with high sensitivity and fast response time was developed. This hybrid SPND used a hybrid emitter, i.e. Co cladded Pt-13%Rh.

  14. Investigating The Neutron Flux Distribution Of The Miniature Neutron Source Reactor MNSR Type

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen Hoang Hai; Do Quang Binh


    Neutron flux distribution is the important characteristic of nuclear reactor. In this article, four energy group neutron flux distributions of the miniature neutron source reactor MNSR type versus radial and axial directions are investigated in case the control rod is fully withdrawn. In addition, the effect of control rod positions on the thermal neutron flux distribution is also studied. The group constants for all reactor components are generated by the WIMSD code, and the neutron flux distributions are calculated by the CITATION code. The results show that the control rod positions only affect in the planning area for distribution in the region around the control rod. (author)

  15. Neutron scattering. Experiment manuals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brueckel, Thomas; Heger, Gernot; Richter, Dieter; Roth, Georg; Zorn, Reiner


    The following topics are dealt with: The thermal triple-axis spectrometer PUMA, the high-resolution powder diffractometer SPODI, the hot-single-crystal diffractometer HEiDi, the three-axis spectrometer PANDA, the backscattering spectrometer SPHERES, the DNS neutron-polarization analysis, the neutron spin-echo spectrometer J-NSE, small-angle neutron scattering at KWS-1 and KWS-2, a very-small-angle neutron scattering diffractometer with focusing mirror, the reflectometer TREFF, the time-of-flight spectrometer TOFTOF. (HSI)

  16. Measurement for skyshine of neutron generated by the K-600 neutron generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhen Huazhi; Li Guisheng; Wu Jingmin; Li Jianping


    The attenuation low of neutron scattering in atmosphere that generated by K-600 neutron generator at IMP was measured in order to evaluate the effect of the neutron generator to surroundings. The attenuation lenth λ = 396m was obtained and this result is in aggreement with the measured data at some laboratories abroad

  17. Biological effects of neutrons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ogiu, Toshiaki; Ohmachi, Yasushi; Ishida, Yuka [National Inst. of Radiological Sciences, Chiba (JP)] [and others


    Although the occasion to be exposed to neutrons is rare in our life, except for nuclear accidents like in the critical accident at Tokai-mura in 1999, countermeasures against accident should be always prepared. In the Tokai-mura accident, residents received less than 21 mSv of neutrons and gamma rays. The cancer risks and fetal effects of low doses of neutrons were matters of concern among residents. The purpose of this program is to investigate the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for leukemias, and thereby to assess risks of neutrons. Animal experiments are planed to obtain the following RBEs: (1) RBE for the induction of leukemias in mice and (2) RBE for effects on fetuses. Cyclotron fast neutrons (10 MeV) and electrostatic accelerator-derived neutrons (2 MeV) are used for exposure in this program. Furthermore, cytological and cytogenetic analyses will be performed. (author)

  18. LHD neutron diagnostics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isobe, M.; Ogawa, K.; Kobuchi, T.


    The Large Helical Device (LHD) project will step into a next stage, i.e. experiment by using deuterium gases after two years of preparation. A comprehensive set of neutron and γ-ray diagnostics is going to be installed on the LHD towards extension of energetic-particle (EP) physics research in heliotron plasmas. Conceptual design of fusion products diagnostics for the LHD was made in late 1990s. After conclusion of agreements for the LHD deuterium experiment with local government bodies, development of FPs diagnostics has begun lately. Because there are a lot of tasks to do, all Japan fusion neutron and γ-ray diagnostics team has been organized in the collaboration framework of National Institute for Fusion Science. FPs diagnostics system on the LHD will consist of 1) wide dynamic range neutron flux monitor (NFM), 2) neutron activation system (NAS), 3) vertical neutron camera (VNC). In addition to these, we are developing a directional scintillating fiber detector, an artificial diamond detector and a γ-ray scintillation detector for confinement study of MeV ions. A neutron energy spectrometer prototype is also being developed and tested in KSTAR. In this paper, roles of NFM, NAS and VNC and current status of implementation onto the LHD are briefly described. (author)

  19. 14 MeV calibration of JET neutron detectors—phase 1: calibration and characterization of the neutron source (United States)

    Batistoni, P.; Popovichev, S.; Cufar, A.; Ghani, Z.; Giacomelli, L.; Jednorog, S.; Klix, A.; Lilley, S.; Laszynska, E.; Loreti, S.; Packer, L.; Peacock, A.; Pillon, M.; Price, R.; Rebai, M.; Rigamonti, D.; Roberts, N.; Tardocchi, M.; Thomas, D.; Contributors, JET


    In view of the planned DT operations at JET, a calibration of the JET neutron monitors at 14 MeV neutron energy is needed using a 14 MeV neutron generator deployed inside the vacuum vessel by the JET remote handling system. The target accuracy of this calibration is  ±10% as also required by ITER, where a precise neutron yield measurement is important, e.g. for tritium accountancy. To achieve this accuracy, the 14 MeV neutron generator selected as the calibration source has been fully characterised and calibrated prior to the in-vessel calibration of the JET monitors. This paper describes the measurements performed using different types of neutron detectors, spectrometers, calibrated long counters and activation foils which allowed us to obtain the neutron emission rate and the anisotropy of the neutron generator, i.e. the neutron flux and energy spectrum dependence on emission angle, and to derive the absolute emission rate in 4π sr. The use of high resolution diamond spectrometers made it possible to resolve the complex features of the neutron energy spectra resulting from the mixed D/T beam ions reacting with the D/T nuclei present in the neutron generator target. As the neutron generator is not a stable neutron source, several monitoring detectors were attached to it by means of an ad hoc mechanical structure to continuously monitor the neutron emission rate during the in-vessel calibration. These monitoring detectors, two diamond diodes and activation foils, have been calibrated in terms of neutrons/counts within  ±5% total uncertainty. A neutron source routine has been developed, able to produce the neutron spectra resulting from all possible reactions occurring with the D/T ions in the beam impinging on the Ti D/T target. The neutron energy spectra calculated by combining the source routine with a MCNP model of the neutron generator have been validated by the measurements. These numerical tools will be key in analysing the results from the in

  20. Neutron transport equation - indications on homogenization and neutron diffusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Argaud, J.P.


    In PWR nuclear reactor, the practical study of the neutrons in the core uses diffusion equation to describe the problem. On the other hand, the most correct method to describe these neutrons is to use the Boltzmann equation, or neutron transport equation. In this paper, we give some theoretical indications to obtain a diffusion equation from the general transport equation, with some simplifying hypothesis. The work is organised as follows: (a) the most general formulations of the transport equation are presented: integro-differential equation and integral equation; (b) the theoretical approximation of this Boltzmann equation by a diffusion equation is introduced, by the way of asymptotic developments; (c) practical homogenization methods of transport equation is then presented. In particular, the relationships with some general and useful methods in neutronic are shown, and some homogenization methods in energy and space are indicated. A lot of other points of view or complements are detailed in the text or the remarks

  1. PREFACE: Fundamental Neutron Physics: Introduction and Overview Fundamental Neutron Physics: Introduction and Overview (United States)

    Holstein, Barry R.


    In the 77 years since its discovery by Chadwick in 1932, the neutron has come to play an increasingly important role in contemporary physics. As the next to lightest baryon, it is, of course, one of the two primary components of the atomic nucleus and studies of isotopes (nuclei with varying numbers of neutrons but the same proton number) and of the neutron drip line are one of the important focuses of the recently approved radioactive beam machine to be built at Michigan State University. Precise knowledge of its ~900 second lifetime is crucial to determination of the time at which nucleosynthesis occurs in the early universe. Because it is electrically neutral, the neutron can penetrate the atomic cloud and neutron scattering has become a powerful tool in the study of the structure of materials in condensed matter and biophysics. These are all important issues, but will not be addressed in the articles presented below. Rather, in the set of manuscripts published herein, we show various ways in which the neutron has come to probe fundamental questions in physics. We present six such articles: Because of its simple structure, neutron beta decay has served as a laboratory for the study of possible symmetry violations, including search for possible Script T-violation via measurement of the D coefficient, search for second class currents and/or possible CVC violation via examination of recoil terms, search for right-handed currents via examination of correlations, search for S, T couplings via measurement of the b parameter, etc. The study of neutron decay is reviewed in the article by Jeff Nico. The use of the neutron as a probe of possible Script T-violation via the existence of a non-zero electric dipole moment is discussed in the article by Steve Lamoreaux. The neutron is a prime player in the experimental study of hadronic parity violation, via experiments involving radiative capture and spin rotation, as examined in the article by Barry Holstein. Because of its

  2. Conceptual design, neutronic and radioprotection study of a fast neutron irradiation station at SINQ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zanini, L.; Baluc, N.; Simone, A. De; Eichler, R.; Joray, S.; Manfrin, E.; Pouchon, M.; Rabaioli, S.; Schumann, D.; Welte, J.; Zhernosekov, K.


    This comprehensive, illustrated report by the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland documents the proposals concerning the conceptual design, neutronic and radioprotection study of a fast neutron irradiation station at the PSI's Swiss Spallation Neutron Source SINQ facility. The need for fast neutron irradiation is discussed and the possibility of using SINQ as a fast neutron irradiation facility is considered. The production of isotopes, tracers and medical isotopes is discussed, as are fission and fusion reactor technologies. The characteristics of the neutron spectrum in SINQ are discussed. The neutronic and radioprotection calculations for an irradiation station at SINQ are looked at in detail and extensive examples of work done and results obtained are presented and discussed. Radioprotection issues are also looked at. Further contributions in the report cover the hot/cold irradiation station in the SINQ target. An appendix provides detailed drawings of the facility's pneumatic delivery system

  3. Background determination for the neutron-neutron scattering experiment at the reactor YAGUAR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muzichka, A.Yu. [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Furman, W.I. [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Lychagin, E.V. [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Krylov, A.R. [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Nekhaev, G.V. [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Sharapov, E.I. [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Shvetsov, V.N. [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Strelkov, A.V. [Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna (Russian Federation); Levakov, B.G. [Russian Federal Nuclear Center-All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics, PO Box 245, 456770 Snezhinsk (Russian Federation); Lyzhin, A.E. [Russian Federal Nuclear Center-All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics, PO Box 245, 456770 Snezhinsk (Russian Federation); Chernukhin, Yu.I. [Russian Federal Nuclear Center-All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics, PO Box 245, 456770 Snezhinsk (Russian Federation); Kandiev, Ya.Z. [Russian Federal Nuclear Center-All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics, PO Box 245, 456770 Snezhinsk (Russian Federation); Howell, C.R. [Duke University and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708-0308 (United States); Mitchell, G.E. [North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8202 (United States); Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708-0308 (United States); Crawford, B.E. [Gettysburg College, Box 405, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (United States); Stephenson, S.L. [Gettysburg College, Box 405, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (United States)]. E-mail:; Tornow, W. [Duke University and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham, NC 27708-0308 (United States)


    The motivation and design is outlined for the experiment to measure the neutron-neutron singlet scattering length directly with thermal neutrons at the pulsed reactor YAGUAR. A statistical accuracy of 3% can be reached, though achieving the goal of an overall accuracy of 3-5% for the nn-scattering length depends on the background level. Possible sources of background are discussed in depth and the results of extensive modeling of the background are presented. Measurements performed at YAGUAR to test these background calculations are described. The experimental results indicate an anticipated background level up to 30% relative to the expected nn effect at the maximal energy burst of the reactor. The conclusion is made that the nn experiment at YAGUAR is feasible to produce the first directly measured value for the neutron-neutron scattering length.

  4. Diffuse scattering of neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novion, C.H. de.


    The use of neutron scattering to study atomic disorder in metals and alloys is described. The diffuse elastic scattering of neutrons by a perfect crystal lattice leads to a diffraction spectrum with only Bragg spreads. the existence of disorder in the crystal results in intensity and position modifications to these spreads, and above all, to the appearance of a low intensity scatter between Bragg peaks. The elastic scattering of neutrons is treated in this text, i.e. by measuring the number of scattered neutrons having the same energy as the incident neutrons. Such measurements yield information on the static disorder in the crystal and time average fluctuations in composition and atomic displacements [fr

  5. Neutron therapy coupling brachytherapy and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaves, Iara Ferreira.


    In the present dissertation, neutron radiation techniques applied into organs of the human body are investigated as oncologic radiation therapy. The proposal treatment consists on connecting two distinct techniques: Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) and irradiation by discrete sources of neutrons, through the brachytherapy conception. Biological and radio-dosimetrical aspects of the two techniques are considered. Nuclear aspects are discussed, presenting the nuclear reactions occurred in tumoral region, and describing the forms of evaluating the dose curves. Methods for estimating radiation transmission are reviewed through the solution of the neutron transport equation, Monte Carlo methodology, and simplified analytical calculation based on diffusion equation and numerical integration. The last is computational developed and presented as a quickly way to neutron transport evaluation in homogeneous medium. The computational evaluation of the doses for distinct hypothetical situations is presented, applying the coupled techniques BNTC and brachytherapy as an possible oncologic treatment. (author). 78 refs., 61 figs., 21 tabs

  6. Neutron Therapy Facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Neutron Therapy Facility provides a moderate intensity, broad energy spectrum neutron beam that can be used for short term irradiations for radiobiology (cells)...

  7. International Neutron Radiography Newsletter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Domanus, Joseph Czeslaw


    At the First World Conference on Neutron Radiography i t was decided to continue the "Neutron Radiography Newsletter", published previously by J.P. Barton, as the "International Neutron Radiography Newsletter" (INRNL), with J.C. Doraanus as editor. The British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing...

  8. Individual neutron dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mauricio, C.L.P.


    The most important concepts and development in individual neutron dosimetry are presented, especially the dosimetric properties of the albedo technique. The main problem in albedo dosimetry is to calibrate the dosemeter in the environs of each neutron source. Some of the most used calibration techniques are discussed. The IRD albedo dosemeter used in the routine neutron individual monitoring is described in detail. Its dosimetric properties and calibration methods are discussed. (Author) [pt

  9. Development of beryllium-based neutron target system with three-layer structure for accelerator-based neutron source for boron neutron capture therapy. (United States)

    Kumada, Hiroaki; Kurihara, Toshikazu; Yoshioka, Masakazu; Kobayashi, Hitoshi; Matsumoto, Hiroshi; Sugano, Tomei; Sakurai, Hideyuki; Sakae, Takeji; Matsumura, Akira


    The iBNCT project team with University of Tsukuba is developing an accelerator-based neutron source. Regarding neutron target material, our project has applied beryllium. To deal with large heat load and blistering of the target system, we developed a three-layer structure for the target system that includes a blistering mitigation material between the beryllium used as the neutron generator and the copper heat sink. The three materials were bonded through diffusion bonding using a hot isostatic pressing method. Based on several verifications, our project chose palladium as the intermediate layer. A prototype of the neutron target system was produced. We will verify that sufficient neutrons for BNCT treatment are generated by the device in the near future. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Neutron fluence measurement in nuclear facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camacho L, M.E.


    The objective of present work is to determine the fluence of neutrons in nuclear facilities using two neutron detectors designed and built at Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ), Mexico. The two neutron detectors are of the passive type, based on solid state nuclear tracks detectors (SSNTD). One of the two neutron detectors was used to determine the fluence distribution of the ports at the nuclear research reactor TRIGA Mark III, which belongs to ININ. In these facilities is important to know the neutron fluence distribution characteristic to carried out diverse kind of research activities. The second neutron detector was employed in order to carry out environmental neutron surveillance. The detector has the property to separate the thermal, intermediate and fast components of the neutron fluence. This detector was used to measure the neutron fluence at hundred points around the primary container of the first Mexican Nuclear Power plant 'Laguna Verde'. This last detector was also used to determine the neutron fluence in some points of interest, around and inside a low scattering neutron room at the 'Centro de Metrologia de Radiaciones Ionizantes' of the ININ, to know the background neutron field produced by the neutron sources used there. The design of the two neutron detector and the results obtained for each of the surveying facilities, are described in this work. (Author)

  11. Facility for fast neutron irradiation tests of electronics at the ISIS spallation neutron source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andreani, C.; Pietropaolo, A.; Salsano, A.; Gorini, G.; Tardocchi, M.; Paccagnella, A.; Gerardin, S.; Frost, C. D.; Ansell, S.; Platt, S. P.


    The VESUVIO beam line at the ISIS spallation neutron source was set up for neutron irradiation tests in the neutron energy range above 10 MeV. The neutron flux and energy spectrum were shown, in benchmark activation measurements, to provide a neutron spectrum similar to the ambient one at sea level, but with an enhancement in intensity of a factor of 10 7 . Such conditions are suitable for accelerated testing of electronic components, as was demonstrated here by measurements of soft error rates in recent technology field programable gate arrays

  12. A neutron well logging system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A pulsed neutron well logging system using a sealed off neutron generator tube is provided with a programmable digital neutron output control system. The control system monitors the target beam current and compares a function of this current with a pre-programmed control function to develop a control signal for the neutron generator. The control signal is used in a series regulator to control the average replenisher current of the neutron generator tube. The programmable digital control system of the invention also provides digital control signals as a function of time to provide ion source voltages. This arrangement may be utilized to control neutron pulses durations and repetition rates or to produce other modulated wave forms for intensity modulating the output of the neutron generator as a function of time. (Auth.)

  13. Thermal neutron equivalent doses assessment around KFUPM neutron source storage area using NTDs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abu-Jarad, F.; Fazal-ur-Rehman; Al-Haddad, M.N.; Al-Jarrallah, M.I.; Nassar, R


    Area passive neutron dosemeters based on nuclear track detectors (NTDs) have been used for 13 days to assess accumulated low doses of thermal neutrons around neutron source storage area of the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). Moreover, the aim of this study is to check the effectiveness of shielding of the storage area. NTDs were mounted with the boron converter on their surface as one compressed unit. The converter is a lithium tetraborate (Li{sub 2}B{sub 4}O{sub 7}) layer for thermal neutron detection via {sup 10}B(N,{alpha}){sup 7}Li and {sup 6}Li(n,{alpha}){sup 3}H nuclear reactions. The area passive dosemeters were installed on 26 different locations around the source storage area and adjacent rooms. The calibration factor for NTD-based area passive neutron dosemeters was found to be 8.3 alpha{sup -2}.{mu}Sv{sup -1} using active snoopy neutron dosemeters in the KFUPM neutron irradiation facility. The results show the variation of accumulated dose with locations around the storage area. The range of dose rates varied from as low as 40 nSv.h{sup -1} up to 11 {mu}Sv.h{sup -1}. The study indicates that the area passive neutron dosemeter was able to detect accumulated doses as low as 40 nSv.h{sup -1}, which could not be detected with the available active neutron dosemeters. The results of the study also indicate that an additional shielding is required to bring the dose rates down to background level. The present investigation suggests extending this study to find the contribution of doses from fast neutrons around the neutron source storage area using NTDs through proton recoil. The significance of this passive technique is that it is highly sensitive and does not require any electronics or power supplies, as is the case in active systems. (author)

  14. Prospect for application of compact accelerator-based neutron source to neutron engineering diffraction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikeda, Yoshimasa, E-mail: [Center for Advanced Photonics, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-0198 (Japan); Taketani, Atsushi; Takamura, Masato; Sunaga, Hideyuki [Center for Advanced Photonics, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-0198 (Japan); Kumagai, Masayoshi [Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo City University, Setagaya, Tokyo 158-8857 (Japan); Oba, Yojiro [Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Kumatori, Osaka 590-0494 (Japan); Otake, Yoshie [Center for Advanced Photonics, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-0198 (Japan); Suzuki, Hiroshi [Materials Sciences Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-1195 (Japan)


    A compact accelerator-based neutron source has been lately discussed on engineering applications such as transmission imaging and small angle scattering as well as reflectometry. However, nobody considers using it for neutron diffraction experiment because of its low neutron flux. In this study, therefore, the neutron diffraction experiments are carried out using Riken Accelerator-driven Compact Neutron Source (RANS), to clarify the capability of the compact neutron source for neutron engineering diffraction. The diffraction pattern from a ferritic steel was successfully measured by suitable arrangement of the optical system to reduce the background noise, and it was confirmed that the recognizable diffraction pattern can be measured by a large sampling volume with 10 mm in cubic for an acceptable measurement time, i.e. 10 min. The minimum resolution of the 110 reflection for RANS is approximately 2.5% at 8 μs of the proton pulse width, which is insufficient to perform the strain measurement by neutron diffraction. The moderation time width at the wavelength corresponding to the 110 reflection is estimated to be approximately 30 μs, which is the most dominant factor to determine the resolution. Therefore, refinements of the moderator system to decrease the moderation time by decreasing a thickness of the moderator or by applying the decoupler system or application of the angular dispersive neutron diffraction technique are important to improve the resolution of the diffraction experiment using the compact neutron source. In contrast, the texture evolution due to plastic deformation was successfully observed by measuring a change in the diffraction peak intensity by RANS. Furthermore, the volume fraction of the austenitic phase in the dual phase mock specimen was also successfully evaluated by fitting the diffraction pattern using a Rietveld code. Consequently, RANS has been proved to be capable for neutron engineering diffraction aiming for the easy access

  15. Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). Recent aspect, a change from thermal neutron to epithermal neutron beam and a new protocol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakagawa, Yoshinobu


    Since 1968, One-hundred seventy three patients with glioblastoma (n=81), anaplastic astrocytoma (n=44), low grade astrocytoma (n=16) or other types of tumor (n=32) were treated by boron-neutron capture therapy (BNCT) using a combination of thermal neutron and BSH in 5 reactors (HTR n=13, JRR-3 n=1, MuITR n=98, KUR n=28, JRR-2 n=33). Out of 101 patients with glioma treated by BNCT under the recent protocol, 33 (10 glioblastoma, 14 anaplastic astrocytoma, 9 low grade astrocytoma) patients lived or have lived longer than 3 years. Nine of these 33 lived or have lived longer than 10 years. According to the retrospective analysis, the important factors related to the clinical results were tumor dose radiation dose and maximum radiation dose in thermal brain cortex. The result was not satisfied as it was expected. Then, we decided to introduce mixed beams which contain thermal neutron and epithermal neutron beams. KUR was reconstructed in 1996 and developed to be available to use mixed beams. Following the shutdown of the JRR-2, JRR-4 was renewed for medical use in 1998. Both reactors have capacity to yield thermal neutron beam, epithermal neutron beam and mixed beams. The development of the neutron source lead us to make a new protocol. (author)

  16. Improvement of neutron collimator design for thermal neutron radiography using Monte Carlo N-particle transport code version 5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thiagu Supramaniam


    The aim of this research was to propose a new neutron collimator design for thermal neutron radiography facility using tangential beam port of PUSPATI TRIGA Mark II reactor, Malaysia Institute of Nuclear Technology Research (MINT). Best geometry and materials for neutron collimator were chosen in order to obtain a uniform beam with maximum thermal neutron flux, high L/ D ratio, high neutron to gamma ratio and low beam divergence with high resolution. Monte Carlo N-particle Transport Code version 5 (MCNP 5) was used to optimize six neutron collimator components such as beam port medium, neutron scatterer, neutron moderator, gamma filter, aperture and collimator wall. The reactor and tangential beam port setup in MCNP5 was plotted according to its actual sizes. A homogeneous reactor core was assumed and population control method of variance reduction technique was applied by using cell importance. The comparison between experimental results and simulated results of the thermal neutron flux measurement of the bare tangential beam port, shows that both graph obtained had similar pattern. This directly suggests the reliability of MCNP5 in order to obtained optimal neutron collimator parameters. The simulated results of the optimal neutron medium, shows that vacuum was the best medium to transport neutrons followed by helium gas and air. The optimized aperture component was boral with 3 cm thickness. The optimal aperture center hole diameter was 2 cm which produces 88 L/ D ratio. Simulation also shows that graphite neutron scatterer improves thermal neutron flux while reducing fast neutron flux. Neutron moderator was used to moderate fast and epithermal neutrons in the beam port. Paraffin wax with 90 cm thick was bound to be the best neutron moderator material which produces the highest thermal neutron flux at the image plane. Cylindrical shape high density polyethylene neutron collimator produces the highest thermal neutron flux at the image plane rather than divergent

  17. Feasibility of sealed D-T neutron generator as neutron source for liver BNCT and its beam shaping assembly. (United States)

    Liu, Zheng; Li, Gang; Liu, Linmao


    This paper involves the feasibility of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for liver tumor with four sealed neutron generators as neutron source. Two generators are placed on each side of the liver. The high energy of these emitted neutrons should be reduced by designing a beam shaping assembly (BSA) to make them useable for BNCT. However, the neutron flux decreases as neutrons pass through different materials of BSA. Therefore, it is essential to find ways to increase the neutron flux. In this paper, the feasibility of using low enrichment uranium as a neutron multiplier is investigated to increase the number of neutrons emitted from D-T neutron generators. The neutron spectrum related to our system has a proper epithermal flux, and the fast and thermal neutron fluxes comply with the IAEA recommended values. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Characterization of weak, fair and strong neutron absorbing materials by means of neutron transmission: Beam hardening effect (United States)

    Kharfi, F.; Bastuerk, M.; Boucenna, A.


    The characterization of neutron absorbing materials as well as quantification of neutron attenuation through matter is very essential in various fields, namely in shielding calculation. The objective of this work is to describe an experimental procedure to be used for the determination of neutron transmission through different materials. The proposed method is based on the relation between the gray value measured on neutron radiography image and the corresponding inducing neutron beam. For such a purpose, three kinds of materials (in shape of plate) were investigated using thermal neutrons: (1) boron-alloyed stainless steel as strong absorber; (2) copper and steel as fair absorbers and (3) aluminum as weak absorber. This work is not limited to the determination of neutron transmission through matters; it is also spread out to the measure of the surface density of the neutron absorbing elements (ρs) as a function of thickness of neutron absorbing material such as boron-alloyed stainless steel. The beam hardening effect depending on material thickness was also studied using the neutron transmission measurements. A theoretical approach was used to interpret the experimental results. The neutron transmission measurements were performed at the Neutron Radiography and Tomography facility of the Atomic Institute of the Austrian Universities in Vienna. Finally, a Maxwellian neutron distribution of incident neutron beam was used in the theoretical calculations of neutron energy shift in order to compare with experiments results. The obtained experimental results are in a good agreement with the developed theoretical approach.

  19. Neutron radiography, techniques and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Domanus, J.C.


    After describing the principles of the ''in pool'' and ''dry'' installations, techniques used in neutron radiography are reviewed. Use of converter foils with silver halide films for the direct and transfer methods is described. Advantages of the use of nitrocellulose film for radiographying radioactive objects are discussed. Dynamic imaging is shortly reviewed. Standardization in the field of neutron radiography (ASTM and Euratom Neutron Radiography Working Group) is described. The paper reviews main fields of use of neutron radiography. Possibilities of use of neutron radiography at research reactors in various scientific, industrial and other fields are mentioned. Examples are given of application of neutron radiography in industry and the nuclear field. (author)

  20. Neutron activation studies on JET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loughlin, M.J.; Forrest, R.A.; Edwards, J.E.G.


    Extensive neutron transport calculations have been performed to determine the neutron spectrum at a number of points throughout the JET torus hall. The model has been bench-marked against a set of foil activation measurements which were activated during an experimental campaign with deuterium/tritium plasmas. The model can predict the neutron activation of the foils on the torus hall walls to within a factor of three for reactions with little sensitivity to thermal neutrons. The use of scandium foils with and without a cadmium thermal neutron absorber was a useful monitor of the thermal neutron flux. Conclusions regarding the usefulness of other foils for benchmarking the calculations are also given

  1. Cold neutron radiographic apparatus and method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larsen, J.E.


    Cold neutron radiography may be improved by matching neutron temperature to the specific material to be analyzed. It is possible to bombard the material with neutrons having the precise average temperature necessary to realize the minimum attenuation coefficient, or to choose a neutron temperature that would increase the attenuation by inclusions, defects, etc., or to choose a neutron temperature that provides a good balance between sample transmission and defect attenuation. Other neutron temperatures might also be chosen for other reasons. This may be done by having a source of neutrons embedded in a moderator material, such as solid methane, and cooling the moderator material to the desired temperature by a cryogenic refrigerator. In another embodiment, neutrons from a nuclear reactor are passed through a moderator cooled by a cryogenic refrigerator. Since the neutron temperature is matched to the material being radiographically inspected, improved contrast and resolution can be obtained through thicker materials than it has heretofore been possible to analyze by cold neutron radiography. More optimum filtering of a neutron beam is also achieved by using a cryogenic refrigerator to cool the neutron beam filter. (auth)

  2. New experimental research stand SVICKA neutron field analysis using neutron activation detector technique (United States)

    Varmuza, Jan; Katovsky, Karel; Zeman, Miroslav; Stastny, Ondrej; Haysak, Ivan; Holomb, Robert


    Knowledge of neutron energy spectra is very important because neutrons with various energies have a different material impact or a biological tissue impact. This paper presents basic results of the neutron flux distribution inside the new experimental research stand SVICKA which is located at Brno University of Technology in Brno, Czech Republic. The experiment also focused on the investigation of the sandwich biological shielding quality that protects staff against radiation effects. The set of indium activation detectors was used to the investigation of neutron flux distribution. The results of the measurement provide basic information about the neutron flux distribution inside all irradiation channels and no damage or cracks are present in the experimental research stand biological shielding.

  3. Neutron spectrum measurements from a neutron guide tube facility at the ETRR-1 reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maayouf, R M.A.; El-Sayed, L A.A.; El-Kady, A S.I. [Reactor and Neutron Physics Dept., NRC, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt)


    The present work deals with measurements of the neutron spectrum emitted from a neutron guide tube (NGT) recently installed at one of the ETRR-1 reactor horizontal channels designed to deliver thermal neutrons, free from fast neutrons and gamma ray background, to a fourier reverse-time-of-flight (RTOF) diffractometer. The measurements were performed using a {sup 6} Li glass scintillation detector combined with a multichannel analyzer set at channel width 4 M sec and installed at 3.4 m from a disc Fermi chopper. Also a theoretical model was specially developed for the neutron spectrum calculations. According to the model developed, the spectrum calculated was found to be in good agreement with the measured one. It was found, both from measurements and calculations, that the spectrum emitted from the NGT covers, after transmission through a fourier chopper, neutron wavelengths from 1-4 A adequate for neutron diffraction measurements at D values between 0.71-2.9 A respectively. 6 FIGS.

  4. The measurement of neutron and neutron induced photon spectra in fusion reactor related assemblies

    CERN Document Server

    Unholzer, S; Klein, H; Seidel, K


    The spectral neutron and photon fluence (or flux) measured outside and inside of assemblies related to fusion reactor constructions are basic quantities of fusion neutronics. The comparison of measured spectra with the results of MCNP neutron and photon transport calculations allows a crucial test of evaluated nuclear data as generally used in fusion applications to be carried out. The experiments concern mixed neutron/photon fields with about the same intensity of the two components. An NE-213 scintillation spectrometer, well described by response matrices for both neutrons and photons, is used as proton-recoil and Compton spectrometer. The experiments described here in more detail address the background problematic of two applications, an iron benchmark experiment with an ns-pulsed neutron source and a deep penetration mock-up experiment for the investigation of the ITER in-board shield system. The measured spectral neutron and photon fluences are compared with spectra calculated with the MCNP code on the b...

  5. CARNAC, Neutron Flux and Neutron Spectra in Criticality Accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bessis, J.


    Nature of physical problem solved: Calculation of flux and neutron spectra in the case of a criticality accident. The method is unsophisticated but fast. The program is divided into two parts: (1) The code CRITIC is based on the Fermi age equation and evaluates the neutron number per fission emitted from a moderate critical system and its energy spectrum. (2) The code NARCISSE uses concrete current albedo, evaluates the product of neutron reflection on walls of the source containment and calculates the resulting flux at any point, and its energy distribution into 21 groups. The results obtained seem satisfactory, if compared with a Monte Carlo program

  6. Magnetic field devices for neutron spin transport and manipulation in precise neutron spin rotation measurements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maldonado-Velázquez, M. [Posgrado en Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510 (Mexico); Barrón-Palos, L., E-mail: [Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 20-364, 01000 (Mexico); Crawford, C. [University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506 (United States); Snow, W.M. [Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405 (United States)


    The neutron spin is a critical degree of freedom for many precision measurements using low-energy neutrons. Fundamental symmetries and interactions can be studied using polarized neutrons. Parity-violation (PV) in the hadronic weak interaction and the search for exotic forces that depend on the relative spin and velocity, are two questions of fundamental physics that can be studied via the neutron spin rotations that arise from the interaction of polarized cold neutrons and unpolarized matter. The Neutron Spin Rotation (NSR) collaboration developed a neutron polarimeter, capable of determining neutron spin rotations of the order of 10{sup −7} rad per meter of traversed material. This paper describes two key components of the NSR apparatus, responsible for the transport and manipulation of the spin of the neutrons before and after the target region, which is surrounded by magnetic shielding and where residual magnetic fields need to be below 100 μG. These magnetic field devices, called input and output coils, provide the magnetic field for adiabatic transport of the neutron spin in the regions outside the magnetic shielding while producing a sharp nonadiabatic transition of the neutron spin when entering/exiting the low-magnetic-field region. In addition, the coils are self contained, forcing the return magnetic flux into a compact region of space to minimize fringe fields outside. The design of the input and output coils is based on the magnetic scalar potential method.

  7. A Detector for 2-D Neutron Imaging for the Spallation Neutron Source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Britton, Charles L. Jr.; Bryan, W.L.; Wintenberg, Alan Lee; Clonts, Lloyd G.; Warmack, Robert J. Bruce; McKnight, Timothy E.; Frank, Steven Shane; Cooper, Ronald G.; Dudney, Nancy J.; Veith, Gabriel M.


    We have designed, built, and tested a 2-D pixellated thermal neutron detector. The detector is modeled after the MicroMegas-type structure previously published for collider-type experiments. The detector consists of a 4X4 square array of 1 cm 2 pixels each of which is connected to an individual preamplifier-shaper-data acquisition system. The neutron converter is a 10B film on an aluminum substrate. We describe the construction of the detector and the test results utilizing 252Cf sources in Lucite to thermalize the neutrons. Drift electrode (Aluminum) Converter (10B) 3 mm Conversion gap neutron (-900 V)

  8. First delayed neutron emission measurements at ALTO with the neutron detector TETRA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Testov, D.; Ancelin, S.; Bettane, J.; Ibrahim, F.; Kolos, K.; Mavilla, G.; Niikura, M.; Verney, D.; Wilson, J.; Kuznetsova, E.; Penionzhkevich, Yu.; Smirnov, V.; Sokol, E.


    Beta-decay properties are among the easiest and, therefore, the first ones to be measured to study new neutron-rich isotopes. Eventually, a very small number of nuclei could be sufficient to estimate their lifetime and neutron emission probability. With the new radioactive beam facilities which have been commissioned recently (or will be constructed shortly) new areas of neutron-rich isotopes will become reachable. To study beta-decay properties of such nuclei at IPN (Orsay) in the framework of collaboration with JINR (Dubna), a new experimental setup including the neutron detector of high efficiency TETRA was developed and commissioned

  9. Characterization of hybrid self-powered neutron detector under neutron irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakamichi, M. E-mail:; Nagao, Y.; Yamamura, C.; Nakazawa, M.; Kawamura, H


    To evaluate the irradiation behaviour of a blanket mock-up on in-pile functional test, it is necessary to measure the neutron flux change in the in-pile mock-up by a neutron detector, such as the self-powered neutron detector (SPND). With its small-sized emitter, which has high sensitivity and fast response time, SPND is an indispensable tool in order to measure the local neutron flux change. In the case of an in-pile functional test, it is necessary that response time is less than 1s and ratio of SPND output current is more than 0.3 of output current of SPND with Rh emitter. Therefore, a hybrid SPND with high sensitivity and fast response time was developed. This hybrid SPND used a hybrid emitter, i.e. Co cladded Pt-13%R000.

  10. A simple neutron-gamma discriminating system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Zhongming; Xing Shilin; Wang Zhongmin


    A simple neutron-gamma discriminating system is described. A detector and a pulse shape discriminator are suitable for the neutron-gamma discriminating system. The influence of the constant fraction discriminator threshold energy on the neutron-gamma resolution properties is shown. The neutron-gamma timing distributions from an 241 Am-Be source, 2.5 MeV neutron beam and 14 MeV neutron beam are presented

  11. Monitoring of the Irradiated Neutron Fluence in the Neutron Transmutation Doping Process of Hanaro (United States)

    Kim, Myong-Seop; Park, Sang-Jun


    Neutron transmutation doping (NTD) for silicon is a process of the creation of phosphorus impurities in intrinsic or extrinsic silicon by neutron irradiation to obtain silicon semiconductors with extremely uniform dopant distribution. HANARO has two vertical holes for the NTD, and the irradiation for 5 and 6 inch silicon ingots has been going on at one hole. In order to achieve the accurate neutron fluence corresponding to the target resistivity, the real time neutron flux is monitored by self-powered neutron detectors. After irradiation, the total irradiation fluence is confirmed by measuring the absolute activity of activation detectors. In this work, a neutron fluence monitoring method using zirconium foils with the mass of 10 ~ 50 mg was applied to the NTD process of HANARO. We determined the proportional constant of the relationship between the resistivity of the irradiated silicon and the neutron fluence determined by using zirconium foils. The determined constant for the initially n-type silicon was 3.126 × 1019 n·Ω/cm. It was confirmed that the difference between this empirical value and the theoretical one was only 0.5%. Conclusively, the practical methodology to perform the neutron transmutation doping of silicon was established.

  12. Neutrons from Antiproton Irradiation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bassler, Niels; Holzscheiter, Michael; Petersen, Jørgen B.B.

    the neutron spectrum. Additionally, we used a cylindrical polystyrene loaded with several pairs of thermoluminescent detectors containing Lithium-6 and Lithium-7, which effectively detects thermalized neutrons. The obtained results are compared with FLUKA imulations. Results: The results obtained...... spectrum is very low, and does not pose a problem for radiation therapy. However, the contribution from fast neutrons is much more significant. The dose equivalent contribution from neutrons originate from the patient alone and reaches levels which are found in passive moderated proton therapy. The exact...

  13. Personnel neutron dose assessment upgrade: Volume 1, Personnel neutron dosimetry assessment: [Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hadlock, D.E.; Brackenbush, L.W.; Griffith, R.V.; Hankins, D.E.; Parkhurst, M.A.; Stroud, C.M.; Faust, L.G.; Vallario, E.J.


    This report provides guidance on the characteristics, use, and calibration criteria for personnel neutron dosimeters. The report is applicable for neutrons with energies ranging from thermal to less than 20 MeV. Background for general neutron dosimetry requirements is provided, as is relevant federal regulations and other standards. The characteristics of personnel neutron dosimeters are discussed, with particular attention paid to passive neutron dosimetry systems. Two of the systems discussed are used at DOE and DOE-contractor facilities (nuclear track emulsion and thermoluminescent-albedo) and another (the combination TLD/TED) was recently developed. Topics discussed in the field applications of these dosimeters include their theory of operation, their processing, readout, and interpretation, and their advantages and disadvantages for field use. The procedures required for occupational neutron dosimetry are discussed, including radiation monitoring and the wearing of dosimeters, their exchange periods, dose equivalent evaluations, and the documenting of neutron exposures. The coverage of dosimeter testing, maintenance, and calibration includes guidance on the selection of calibration sources, the effects of irradiation geometries, lower limits of detectability, fading, frequency of calibration, spectrometry, and quality control. 49 refs., 6 figs., 8 tabs

  14. Neutron generation in lightning bolts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shah, G.N.; Razdan, H.; Bhat, C.L.; Ali, Q.M.


    To ascertain neutron generation in lightning bolts, the authors have searched for neutrons from individual lightning strokes, for a time-interval comparable with the duration of the lightning stroke. 10 7 -10 10 neutrons per stroke were found, thus providing the first experimental evidence that neutrons are generated in lightning discharges. (U.K.)

  15. Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Experiments


    Peng, Jen-Chieh


    The neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) provides unique information on CP violation and physics beyond the Standard Model. We first review the history of experimental searches for neutron electric dipole moment. The status of future neutron EDM experiments, including experiments using ultra-cold neutrons produced in superfluid helium, will then be presented.

  16. Neutrons for sale

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daviss, B.


    A fusion machine, in the form of a sphere small enough to fit on a desktop, is described. It can be switched on and off at will and produces virtually no radioactive waste. The fusion sphere creates an electric potential which forms deuterium ions into beams and accelerates them towards the centre. Nuclei of deuterium inside a central spherical wire grid fuse to create neutrons, helium -3 and traces of hydrogen and tritium. The rudimentary device is expected to go on sale in a commercial form in 1998. The immediate applications are those which require a yield of neutrons falling in the range 10 7 to 10 10 neutrons per second. This is expected to be well within the capability of the sphere and would allow neutron activation analysis to be carried out for the detection of hidden high explosives in airport baggage checks, or impurities in ores as they are mined for example. With higher neutron yields other applications such as the treatment of tumours could become viable but the technical problems are likely to multiply with the increasing yields. (UK)

  17. Thermal neutron converter for irradiations with fission neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wagner, F.M.; Kampfer, S.; Kastenmuller, A.; Waschkowski, W.; Bucherl, Th.; Kampfer, S.


    The new research reactor FRM II at Garching started operation in March 2004. The compact core is cooled by light water, and moderated by heavy water. Two fuel plates mounted in the heavy water tank convert thermal to fast neutrons. The fast neutron flux in the connected beam tube is up to 7 centre dot 10 8 s -1 cm -2 (depending on filters and collimation); the mean neutron energy is about 1.6 MeV. There are two irradiation rooms along the beam. The first is mainly used for medical therapy (MEDAPP facility), the second for materials characterization (NECTAR facility). At the former therapy facility RENT at the old research reactor FRM, the same beam quality was available until July 2000. Therefore, only a small program is run for the determination of the biological effectiveness of the new beam. The neutron and gamma dose rates in the medical beam are 0.54 and 0.20 Gy/min, respectively. The therapy facility MEDAPP is still under examination according to European regulations for medical devices. Full medical operation will start in 2007. The radiography and tomography facility NECTAR is in operation and aims at non-destructive inspection of objects up to 400 kg mass and 80 centre dot 80 centre dot 80 cm 3 in size. As for fission neutrons the macroscopic cross section of hydrogen is much higher than for other materials (e. g. Fe and Pb), one special application is the detection of hydrogen-containing materials (e. g. oil) in dense materials

  18. Characterization of the neutron sources storage pool of the Neutron Standards Laboratory, using Montecarlo Techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campo Blanco, X.


    The development of irradiation damage resistant materials is one of the most important open fields in the design of experimental facilities and conceptual nucleoelectric fusion plants. The Neutron Standards Laboratory aims to contribute to this development by allowing the neutron irradiation of materials in its calibration neutron sources storage pool. For this purposes, it is essential to characterize the pool itself in terms of neutron fluence and spectra due to the calibration neutron sources. In this work, the main features of this facility are presented and the characterization of the storage pool is carried out. Finally, an application is shown of the obtained results to the neutron irradiation of material.

  19. Discussions in symposium 'neutron dosimetry in neutron fields - from detection techniques to medical applications'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanimura, Y.; Sato, T.; Kumada, H.; Terunuma, T.; Sakae, T.; Harano, H.; Matsumoto, T.; Suzuki, T.; Matsufuji, N.


    Recently the traceability system (JCSS) of neutron standard based on the Japanese law 'Measurement Act' has been instituted. In addition, importance of the neutron dose evaluation has been increasing in not only the neutron capture medical treatment but also the proton or heavy particle therapy. Against such a background, a symposium 'Neutron dosimetry in neutron fields - From detection techniques to medical applications-' was held on March 29, 2008 and recent topics on the measuring instruments and their calibration, the traceability system, the simulation technique and the medical applications were introduced. This article summarizes the key points in the discussion at the symposium. (author)

  20. Neutron detection and radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bollen, R.H.; Van Esch, R.F.


    An improved method of recording neutron images is described which comprises imagewise irradiating with neutrons an intensifying screen containing a gadolinium compound that fluoresces when struck by x-rays and subjecting the fluorescent light pattern resulting from the impact of the neutrons on the screen onto a photographic material. (auth)

  1. Neutron beam applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Chang Hee; Lee, J. S.; Seong, B. S.


    For the materials science by neutron technique, the development of the various complementary neutron beam facilities at horizontal beam port of HANARO and the techniques for measurement and analysis has been performed. High resolution powder diffractometer, after the installation and performance test, has been opened and used actively for crystal structure analysis, magnetic structure analysis, phase transition study, etc., since January 1998. The main components for four circle diffractometer were developed and, after performance test, it has been opened for crystal structure analysis and texture measurement since the end of 1999. For the small angle neutron spectrometer, the main component development and test, beam characterization, and the preliminary experiment for the structure study of polymer have been carried out. Neutron radiography facility, after the precise performance test, has been used for the non-destructive test of industrial component. Addition to the development of main instruments, for the effective utilization of those facilities, the scattering techniques relating to quantitative phase analysis, magnetic structure analysis, texture measurement, residual stress measurement, polymer study, etc, were developed. For the neutron radiography, photographing and printing technique on direct and indirect method was stabilized and the development for the real time image processing technique by neutron TV was carried out. The sample environment facilities for low and high temperature, magnetic field were also developed

  2. A Double Slow Neutron Spectrometer; Spectrometre double pour neutrons lents; Dvojnoj spektrometr medlennykh nejtronov; Espectrometro doble para neutrones lentos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bondarenko, I I; Liforov, V G; Nikolaev, M N; Orlov, V V; Parfenov, V A; Semenov, V A; Smirnov, V I; Turchin, V F [Fehi, Moscow, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    The neutron spectrometer described in the paper is intended for measurements of the angular and energy distribution of monochromatic slow neutrons, inelasticaily scattered by liquid and solid bodies. Experiments of this type permit detailed information to be obtained concerning the dynamics of the atoms in various aggregate states of a substance. The spectromeeter is based on the time-of-flight method. The pulse source of neutrons is the IBR (1) reactor. A mechanical interrupter, rotating synchronously with the disc of the IBR and having a prescribed phase shift, serves as the monochromator. A special phasing system ensures a phasee stability better than 0.5{sup o}. The neutrons scattered by the sample are recorded by a scintillation detector set at a given angle to the neutron beam. The resolving power of the spectrometer is - 15 {mu}s/m. The paper gives a detailed description of the construction of the spectroscope and its characteristics. (author) [French] Le spectrometre neutronique decrit dans le memoire est destine a mesurer la distribution en energie, la distribution angulaire et la diffusion inelastique des neutrons lents monochromatiques dans des liquides et des solides. Les experiences de ce genre permettent d'obtenir des renseignements detailles sur la dynamique des atomes dans de divers etats de la matiere. Le spectrometre est fonde sur la mesure du temps de vol. Comme source puisee de neutrons on a utilise le reacteur IBR-1. Le systeme monochromateur etait constitue par un interrupteur mecanique en rotation synchronisee avec celle du disque du reacteur IBR, avec un dephasage determine. Un dispositif special de dephasage assure la stabilite de la phase a 0,5{sup o} pres. La diffusion des neutrons par l'echantillon est enregistree a l'aide d'un detecteur a scintillations dispose sous un angle determine par rapport au faisceau de neutrons. Le pouvoir de resolution du spectrometre est d'environ 15 {mu}s/m. Les auteurs decrivent en detail la construction du

  3. Euratom Neutron Radiography Working Group

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Domanus, Joseph Czeslaw


    reactor fuel as well as establish standards for radiographic image quality of neutron radiographs. The NRWG meets once a year in each of the neutron radiography centers to review the progress made and draw plans for the future. Besides, ad-hoc sub-groups or. different topics within the field of neutron......In 1979 a Neutron Radiography Working Group (NRWG) was constituted within Buratom with the participation of all centers within the European Community at which neutron facilities were available. The main purpose of NRWG was to standardize methods and procedures used in neutron radiography of nuclear...... radiography are constituted. This paper reviews the activities and achievements of the NRWG and its sub-groups....

  4. A review on neutron reflectometry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Jeong Soo; Lee, Chang Hee; Shim, Hae Seop; Seong, Baek Seok


    This report contains principle and characteristic of neutron reflectometry. Therefore, in case of operating neutron reflectometer at HANARO in future, it will be a reference to the user who wishes to use the instrument effectively. Also, the current situation of neutron reflectometer operating in the world was examined. The detail of neutron reflectometer such as GANS(MURR), ADAM(ILL), POSY II(ANL), ROG(IRI) was described. The recent research situation on neutron reflectometry was also examined and it helps us to determine research field. (author)

  5. Scintillating fibre tracking neutron detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karlsson, Joakim.


    A detector for measurements of collimated fluxes of neutrons in the energy range 2-20 MeV is proposed. It utilizes (n.p) elastic scattering in scintillating optical fibres placed in successive orthogonal layers perpendicular to the neutron flux. A test module has been designed, constructed and tested with respect to separation of neutron and gamma events. The pulse height measurements show the feasibility to discriminate between neutron, gamma and background events. Application to measurements of fusion neutrons is considered. 18 refs, 22 figs, 4 tabs

  6. The representation of neutron polarization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Byrne, J.


    Neutron beam polarization representation is discussed under the headings; transfer matrices, coherent parity violation for neutrons, neutron spin rotation in helical magnetic fields, polarization and interference. (UK)

  7. An overview of REARA reference design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menezes, A.


    In an effort to keep fast reactors as an option for an eventual future utilization in Brazil, the Advanced Studies Institute (IEAv) is coordinating a research project (called REARA, from the Portuguese REAtores RApidos (Fast Reactors)) which aims to establish a basic know-how in important aspects of fast reactor technology. A reference design for the primary circuit of a 60 MWt experimental fast reactor has been completed. Fuel pin dimensions and other data were taken mostly from PRISM and EBR-II and were used for calculations which lead to a general core configuration. The reference design is presently being used for testing our calculational tools, for checking different methodologies for core calculations, etc. The REARA reference design is presented, with emphasis in the main results and also in the contribution given by the project team in areas such as neutronics, thermohydraulics, etc. (author). 6 refs, 1 fig., 7 tabs

  8. Semiconductor Thermal Neutron Detector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Toru Aoki


    Full Text Available The  CdTe  and  GaN  detector  with  a  Gd  converter  have  been developed  and  investigated  as  a  neutron  detector  for neutron  imaging.  The  fabricated  Gd/CdTe  detector  with  the  25  mm  thick  Gd  was  designed  on  the  basis  of  simulation results  of  thermal  neutron  detection  efficiency  and  spatial  resolution.  The  Gd/CdTe  detector  shows  the  detection  of neutron  capture  gamma  ray  emission  in  the  155Gd(n,  g156Gd,  157Gd(n,  g158Gd  and  113Cd(n,  g114Cd  reactions  and characteristic X-ray emissions due to conversion-electrons generated inside the Gd film. The observed efficient thermal neutron detection with the Gd/CdTe detector shows its promise in neutron radiography application. Moreover, a BGaN detector has also investigated to separate neutron signal from gamma-ray clearly. 

  9. Accelerator-based epithermal neutron sources for boron neutron capture therapy of brain tumors. (United States)

    Blue, Thomas E; Yanch, Jacquelyn C


    This paper reviews the development of low-energy light ion accelerator-based neutron sources (ABNSs) for the treatment of brain tumors through an intact scalp and skull using boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). A major advantage of an ABNS for BNCT over reactor-based neutron sources is the potential for siting within a hospital. Consequently, light-ion accelerators that are injectors to larger machines in high-energy physics facilities are not considered. An ABNS for BNCT is composed of: (1) the accelerator hardware for producing a high current charged particle beam, (2) an appropriate neutron-producing target and target heat removal system (HRS), and (3) a moderator/reflector assembly to render the flux energy spectrum of neutrons produced in the target suitable for patient irradiation. As a consequence of the efforts of researchers throughout the world, progress has been made on the design, manufacture, and testing of these three major components. Although an ABNS facility has not yet been built that has optimally assembled these three components, the feasibility of clinically useful ABNSs has been clearly established. Both electrostatic and radio frequency linear accelerators of reasonable cost (approximately 1.5 M dollars) appear to be capable of producing charged particle beams, with combinations of accelerated particle energy (a few MeV) and beam currents (approximately 10 mA) that are suitable for a hospital-based ABNS for BNCT. The specific accelerator performance requirements depend upon the charged particle reaction by which neutrons are produced in the target and the clinical requirements for neutron field quality and intensity. The accelerator performance requirements are more demanding for beryllium than for lithium as a target. However, beryllium targets are more easily cooled. The accelerator performance requirements are also more demanding for greater neutron field quality and intensity. Target HRSs that are based on submerged-jet impingement and

  10. Neutron resonance spins of 159Tb from experiments with polarized neutrons and polarized nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alfimenkov, V.P.; Ivanenko, A.I.; Lason', L.; Mareev, Yu.D.; Ovchinnikov, O.N.; Pikel'ner, L.B.; Sharapov, Eh.I.


    Spins of 27 neutron resonances of 159 Tb with energies up to 114 eV have been measured using polarized neutrons and nuclei beams in the modernized time-of-flight spectrometer of the IBR-30 pulse reator. The direct measurements of the terbium resonances spins performed using polarized neutrons reaffirm the conclusion that there are no unstationary effects in the behaviour of 159 Tb neutron resonances in the energy range

  11. Long-Range Neutron Detection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peurrung, A.J.; Stromswold, D.C.; Hansen, R.R.; Reeder, P.L.; Barnett, D.S.


    A neutron detector designed for detecting neutron sources at distances of 50 to 100 m has been constructed and tested. This detector has a large surface area (1 m 2 ) to enhance detection efficiency, and it contains a collimator and shielding to achieve direction sensitivity and reduce background. An unusual feature of the detector is that it contains no added moderator, such as polyethylene, to moderate fast neutrons before they reach the 3 He detector. As a result, the detector is sensitive mainly to thermal neutrons. The moderator-free design reduces the weight of the detector, making it more portable, and it also aids in achieving directional sensitivity and background reduction. Test results show that moderated fission-neutron sources of strength about 3 x 10 5 n/s can be detected at a distance out to 70 m in a counting time of 1000 s. The best angular resolution of the detector is obtained at distances of 30 m or less. As the separation .distance between the source and detector increases, the contribution of scattered neutrons to the measured signal increases with a resultant decrease in the ability to detect the direction to a distant source. Applications for which the long-range detector appears to be suitable include detecting remote neutron sources (including sources in moving vehicles) and monitoring neutron storage vaults for the intrusion of humans and the effects they make on the detected neutron signal. Also, the detector can be used to measure waste for the presence of transuranic material in the presence of high gamma-ray background. A test with a neutron source (3 x 10 5 n/s) in a vehicle showed that the detector could readily measure an increase in count rate at a distance of 10 m for vehicle speeds up to 35 mph (the highest speed tested). These results. indicate that the source should be detectable at this distance at speeds up to 55 mph

  12. Clinical application of fast neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Battermann, J.J.


    The results of treatments and clinical experiments with neutrons (from a medical d+T neutron generator with an output of 10 12 neutrons per second) are reported and discussed. Data on RBE values are presented after single doses and multiple fractions of neutrons and 60 Co-gamma rays on pulmonary metastases. The results of pilot studies on head and neck tumours, brain tumours and pelvic tumours are discussed. The accuracy of the calculated dose is tested with some in-vivo experiments during neutron irradiation of the pelvis. Estimations of RBE values for tumour control, skin damage and intestinal damage after fractionated neutron therapy are dealt with and the results obtained in treatment of sarcomas are discussed. The preliminary results are given of some clinical trials in Amsterdam. Also some data from other centres are reviewed. From these data some remarks about the future of neutron therapy are made. (Auth.)

  13. Neutron spectral modulation as a new thermal neutron scattering technique. Pt. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Y.; Nishi, M.; Motoya, K.


    A thermal neutron scattering technique is presented based on a new idea of labelling each neutron in its spectral position as well as in time through the scattering process. The method makes possible the simultaneous determination of both the accurate dispersion relation and its broadening by utilizing the resolution cancellation property of zero-crossing points in the cross-correlated time spectrum together with the Fourier transform scheme of the neutron spin echo without resorting to the echoing. The channel Fourier transform applied to the present method also makes possible the determination of the accurate direct energy scan profile of the scattering function with a rather broad incident neutron wavelength distribution. Therefore the intensity sacrifice for attaining high accurarcy is minimized. The technique is used with either a polarized or unpolarized beam at the sample position with no precautions against beam depolarization at the sample for the latter case. Relative time accurarcy of the order of 10 -3 to 10 -4 may be obtained for the general dispersion relation and for the quasi-elastic energy transfers using correspondingly the relative incident neutron wavelength spread of 10 to 1% around an incident neutron energy of a few meV. (orig.)

  14. Magnetic particles studied with neutron depolarization and small-angle neutron scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosman, R.


    Materials containing magnetic single-domain particles, referred to as 'particulate media', have been studied using neutron depolarization (ND) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). In a ND experiment the polarization vector of a polarized neutron beam is analyzed after transmission through a magnetic medium. Such an analysis in general yields the correlation length of variations in magnetic induction along the neutron path (denoted 'magnetic correlation length'), mean orientation of these variations and mean magnetic induction. In a SANS experiment, information about nuclear and magnetic inhomogeneities in the medium is derived from the broadening of a generally unpolarized neutron beam due to scattering by these inhomogeneities. Spatial and magnetic microstructure of a variety of particulate media have been studied using ND and/or SANS, by determination of the magnetic or nuclear correlation length in these media in various magnetic states. This thesis deals with the ND theory and its application to particulate media. ND and SANS experiments on a variety of particulate media are discussed. (author). 178 refs., 97 figs., 8 tabs

  15. Neutron scattering instrumentation for biology at spallation neutron sources

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pynn, R. [Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM (United States)


    Conventional wisdom holds that since biological entities are large, they must be studied with cold neutrons, a domain in which reactor sources of neutrons are often supposed to be pre-eminent. In fact, the current generation of pulsed spallation neutron sources, such as LANSCE at Los Alamos and ISIS in the United Kingdom, has demonstrated a capability for small angle scattering (SANS) - a typical cold- neutron application - that was not anticipated five years ago. Although no one has yet built a Laue diffractometer at a pulsed spallation source, calculations show that such an instrument would provide an exceptional capability for protein crystallography at one of the existing high-power spoliation sources. Even more exciting is the prospect of installing such spectrometers either at a next-generation, short-pulse spallation source or at a long-pulse spallation source. A recent Los Alamos study has shown that a one-megawatt, short-pulse source, which is an order of magnitude more powerful than LANSCE, could be built with today`s technology. In Europe, a preconceptual design study for a five-megawatt source is under way. Although such short-pulse sources are likely to be the wave of the future, they may not be necessary for some applications - such as Laue diffraction - which can be performed very well at a long-pulse spoliation source. Recently, it has been argued by Mezei that a facility that combines a short-pulse spallation source similar to LANSCE, with a one-megawatt, long-pulse spallation source would provide a cost-effective solution to the global shortage of neutrons for research. The basis for this assertion as well as the performance of some existing neutron spectrometers at short-pulse sources will be examined in this presentation.

  16. neutron transmission through crystalline materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El Mesiry, M.S.


    The aim of the present work is to study the neutron transmission through crystalline materials. Therefore a study of pyrolytic graphite (PG) as a highly efficient selective thermal neutron filter and Iron single crystal as a whole one, as well as the applicability of using their polycrystalline powders as a selective cold neutron filters is given. Moreover, the use of PG and iron single crystal as an efficient neutron monochromator is also investigated. An additive formula is given which allows calculating the contribution of the total neutron cross-section including the Bragg scattering from different )(hkl planes to the neutron transmission through crystalline iron and graphite. The formula takes into account their crystalline form. A computer CFe program was developed in order to provide the required calculations for both poly- and single-crystalline iron. The validity of the CFe program was approved from the comparison of the calculated iron cross-section data with the available experimental ones. The CFe program was also adapted to calculate the reflectivity from iron single crystal when it used as a neutron monochromator The computer package GRAPHITE, developed in Neutron Physics laboratory, Nuclear Research Center, has been used in order to provide the required calculations for crystalline graphite in the neutron energy range from 0.1 meV to 10 eV. A Mono-PG code was added to the computer package GRAPHITE in order to calculate the reflectivity from PG crystal when it used as a neutron monochromator.

  17. Source characterization of Purnima Neutron Generator (PNG)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bishnoi, Saroj; Patel, T.; Paul, Ram K.; Sarkar, P.S.; Adhikari, P.S.; Sinha, Amar


    The use of 14.1 MeV neutron generators for the applications such as elemental analysis, Accelerated Driven System (ADS) study, fast neutron radiography requires the characterization of neutron source i.e neutron yield (emission rate in n/sec), neutron dose, beam spot size and energy spectrum. In this paper, a series of experiments carried out to characterize this neutron source. The neutron source has been quantified with neutron emission rate, neutron dose at various source strength and beam spot size at target position

  18. Science in neutron-arena of JHP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furusaka, Michihiro; Endoh, Yasuo


    The necessity of reconsidering the Neutron Arena of Japan Hadron Project has arisen. It is the main purpose of this report to summarize the data for confirming the necessity of JHP construction by all researcher groups who receive the favor of neutrons and obtaining the support of general researchers. The Neutron Arena of JHP is the project that has the very clear aim of further expanding pulsed neutron sources and constructing the research facilities of highest class in the world. At present, the research facilities for neutron scattering in Japan do not have the scale and operation system as an international center. The utilization of pulse spallation neutrons is regarded as most promising because of the expansion of energy and phase regions and the new observation method by high efficiency data collection, and the neutron scattering facilities planned in the Neutron Arena of JHP are the project to be realized by all means. In this book, the sciences that JHP neutron scattering aims at, the basic idea and concept of the new facilities, joint utilization system, international cooperation, the constitution of neutron scattering facilities and the future perspective of neutrons are described. (K.I.)

  19. Simulated workplace neutron fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lacoste, V.; Taylor, G.; Rottger, S.


    The use of simulated workplace neutron fields, which aim at replicating radiation fields at practical workplaces, is an alternative solution for the calibration of neutron dosemeters. They offer more appropriate calibration coefficients when the mean fluence-to-dose equivalent conversion coefficients of the simulated and practical fields are comparable. Intensive Monte Carlo modelling work has become quite indispensable for the design and/or the characterization of the produced mixed neutron/photon fields, and the use of Bonner sphere systems and proton recoil spectrometers is also mandatory for a reliable experimental determination of the neutron fluence energy distribution over the whole energy range. The establishment of a calibration capability with a simulated workplace neutron field is not an easy task; to date only few facilities are available as standard calibration fields. (authors)

  20. Safeguards and Physics Measurements: Neutron Dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vanhavere, F.


    The objective of SCK-CEN's R and D programme on neutron dosimetry is to improve the determination of neutron doses by studying neutron spectra, neutron dosemeters and shielding adaptations as well as to investigate the charcteristics of bubble detectors in order to be able to use them as direct-readiong neutron dosemeters

  1. Future neutron data activity on the neutron source IREN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janeva, N.B.; Koyumdjieva, N.T.; Grigoriev, Y.V.; Gundorin, N.A.; Mareev, Y.D.; Kopatch, Y.N.; Pikelner, L.B.; Shvetsov, V.N.; Sedyshev, P.V.; Zeinalov, S.; Ruskov, I.N.


    The global energy demand continues to rise and nuclear power has a potential to be part of the solution of energy problem. Complete and accurate information about the nuclear reactions ensures developing and operating nuclear reactors to reach high efficiencies and adequate safety standards. This demands many nuclear data of improved quality, including covariance nuclear data and correlations. The new neutron source IREN (1 stage) has been put in operation at the end of 2009. The first stage includes the construction of the LUE-200 linear accelerator and non multiplying target. The first measured TOF spectra have been presented recently. The facility is in continuous completion and improvement (according to the full version in the project). The program for neutron data investigation on the IREN neutron source is in preparation. The measuring targets for neutron cross-sections TOF spectra would be selected between isotopes of construction materials, fission products and minor actinides. Now the experimental facilities are in preparation - detectors, innovative electronics equipment and systems for data acquisition and analysis. (authors)

  2. Neutron irradiation control in the neutron transmutation doping process in HANARO using SPND

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Gi-Doo; Kim, Myong-Seop [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Yuseong, Daejeon, 305-353, (Korea, Republic of)


    The neutron irradiation control method by using self-powered neutron detector (SPND) is developed for the neutron transmutation doping (NTD) application in HANARO. An SPND is installed at a fixed position of the upper part of the sleeve in HANARO NTD hole for real-time monitoring of the neutron irradiation. It is confirmed that the SPND is significantly affected by the in-core condition and surroundings of the facility. Furthermore, the SPND signal changes about 15% throughout a whole cycle according to the change of the control rod position. But, it is also confirmed that the variation of the neutron flux on the silicon ingots inside the irradiation can is not so big while moving of the control rod. Accordingly, the relationship between the ratio of the neutron flux to the SPND signal output and the control rod position is established. In this procedure, the neutron flux measurement by using zirconium foil is utilized. The real NTD irradiation experiments are performed using the established relationship. The irradiated neutron fluence can be controlled within ±1.3% of the target one. The mean value of the irradiation/target ratio of the fluence is 0.9992, and the standard deviation is 0.0071. Thus, it is confirmed that the extremely accurate irradiation would be accomplished. This procedure can be useful for the SPND application installed at the fixed position to the field requiring the extremely high accuracy. (authors)

  3. Neutron radiation capture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    For all stable and experimentally studied radionuclides evaluated data are presented on cross sections of thermal neutrons, on resonance integrals and medium neutron cross sections with energy of 30 KeV. Refs, figs and tabs

  4. Etude de la diagraphie neutron du granite de Beauvoir. Effet neutron des altérations et de la matrice du granite. Calibration granite. Porosité totale à l'eau et porosité neutron Analysis of the Beauvoir Granite Neutron Log. Neutron Effect of Alterations and of the Granite Matrix. Granite Calibration. Total Water Porosity and Neutron Porosity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Galle C.


    Full Text Available Cet article rend compte des travaux effectués sur la porosité du granite de Beauvoir (Sondage GPF 1 d'Echassières, Massif Central français. L'objectif de notre étude est de pouvoir obtenir des valeurs représentatives de la saturation en eau (porosité totale à l'eau n du granite de Beauvoir à partir des mesures de porosité neutron PorositéN (diagraphie neutron BRGM sans avoir recours aux mesures sur carottes. Notre démarche est expérimentale et nous avons tenté d'approfondir certains problèmes liés à l'utilisation de la diagraphie neutron dans une roche granitique. Deux facteurs principaux conditionnent la réponse neutron : la concentration en hydrogène de la formation (eau libre et eau de constitution de certains minéraux et la présence d'éléments absorbeurs à forte section de capture comme le gadolinium, le cadmium, le bore, . . . et dans le cas du granite de Beauvoir, le lithium. A partir des mesures de porosité totale à l'eau n sur carottes, des essais de pertes au feu sur poudre qui nous permettent de déterminer la porosité neutron liée à l'eau de constitution PorositéN(OH- et des analyses chimiques avec lesquelles nous évaluons la porosité neutron thermique PorositéN(ox (Programme SNUPAR, Schlumberger liée à la capture neutronique, nous reconstituons la porosité neutron totale PorositéNR du granite de Beauvoir. Pour 7 échantillons caractéristiques du granite de Beauvoir, nous réalisons grâce à ces résultats une nouvelle calibration du taux de comptage neutron initial corrigé du gradient thermique et de l'effet de trou. Grâce à cette opération, il est possible de déterminer, pour les échantillons traités, la porosité neutron du granite avec une calibration granite (PorositéNg et non calcaire (PorositéNc. La connaissance de l'effet neutron de la matrice nous permet enfin d'évaluer la teneur en eau du granite (porosité totale à l'eau et de comparer celle-ci avec la porosité mesurée sur

  5. A neutron dynamic therapy with a boron tracedrug UTX-51 using a compact neutron generator. (United States)

    Hori, Hitoshi; Tada, Ryu; Uto, Yoshihiro; Nakata, Eiji; Morii, Takashi; Masuda, Kai


    We are developing a neutron dynamic therapy (NDT) with boron tracedrugs for a new mechanical-clearance treatment of pathotoxic misfolded, aggregated, and self-propagating prion-associated disease proteins. We present a compact neutron generator-based NDT using a boron tracedrug UTX-51. Our NDT is based on the weak thermal neutron-bombarded destructive action of UTX-51 on bovine serum albumin (BSA) using the neutron beams produced from a compact inertial electrostatic confinement fusion (IECF) neutron generator. BSA as an NDT molecular target was subjected to thermal neutron irradiation for eight hours using a compact neutron generator. The sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis pattern showed no protein band when 2 nmoles of BSA were irradiated with more than 100 nmoles of UTX-51, while BSA was not affected when irradiated without UTX-51. For the first time, we have succeeded in the molecular destruction of a prion-disease model protein, BSA, by NDT with a boron tracedrug, UTX-51, using a compact neutron generator. Copyright© 2014 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. John G. Delinassios), All rights reserved.

  6. Neutron therapy: The historical background

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Svensson, H.; Landberg, T.


    Neutron therapy was first introduced by Stone et al. in 1938, i.e. more than 10 years earlier than electron beam therapy and only 6 years after the discovery of neutrons. In spite of the impressive accomplishment in generating an adequate therapy beam, time was also found for careful radiobiological studies of neutron beams. However, it was not considered that for a certain early reaction the late effects were much greater with neutrons than with X-rays. The severe late sequelae in proportion to the few good results motivated the closure of this therapy. Neutron therapy was again introduced in Hammersmith hospital at the end of the 1960's. The major reason seems to have been to overcome the oxygen effect. Encouraging results were reported. It was argued that the very favourable statistics on local tumour control were obtained at the expense of more frequent and more severe complications. A clinical trial in Edinburgh seemed to indicate this, but it was not proved in the end as the two trials differed regarding fractionation. Today about 16000 patients have been treated with neutrons. The neutron beams now used differ significantly, both regarding dose distributions and microdosimetrical properties, from those utilized earlier. The advantage of neutrons is still, however, controversial. There are indications that neutron treatment may be favourable for some tumours. A careful cost-benefit study ought to be performed before the creation of a neutron therapy centre in Sweden as the group of patients suitable for neutrons is limited, and there may be new possibilities for improvement of photon and electron treatment with much smaller resources. (orig.)

  7. Designing a new type of neutron detector for neutron and gamma-ray discrimination via GEANT4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shan, Qing; Chu, Shengnan; Ling, Yongsheng; Cai, Pingkun; Jia, Wenbao


    Design of a new type of neutron detector, consisting of a fast neutron converter, plastic scintillator, and Cherenkov detector, to discriminate 14-MeV fast neutrons and gamma rays in a pulsed n–γ mixed field and monitor their neutron fluxes is reported in this study. Both neutrons and gamma rays can produce fluorescence in the scintillator when they are incident on the detector. However, only the secondary charged particles of the gamma rays can produce Cherenkov light in the Cherenkov detector. The neutron and gamma-ray fluxes can be calculated by measuring the fluorescence and Cherenkov light. The GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit is used to simulate the whole process occurring in the detector, whose optimum parameters are known. Analysis of the simulation results leads to a calculation method of neutron flux. This method is verified by calculating the neutron fluxes using pulsed n–γ mixed fields with different n/γ ratios, and the results show that the relative errors of all calculations are <5%. - Highlights: • A neutron detector is developed to discriminate 14-MeV fast neutrons and gamma rays. • The GEANT4 is used to optimize the parameters of the detector. • A calculation method of neutron flux is established through the simulation. • Several n/γ mixture fields are simulated to validate of the calculation method.

  8. New neutron physics using spallation sources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bowman, C.D.


    The extraordinary neutron intensities available from the new spallation pulsed neutron sources open up exciting opportunities for basic and applied research in neutron nuclear physics. The energy range of neutron research which is being explored with these sources extends from thermal energies to almost 800 MeV. The emphasis here is on prospective experiments below 100 keV neutron energy using the intense neutron bursts produced by the Proton Storage Ring (PSR) at Los Alamos. 30 refs., 10 figs

  9. Neutron activation analysis: Modelling studies to improve the neutron flux of Americium-Beryllium source

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Didi, Abdessamad; Dadouch, Ahmed; Tajmouati, Jaouad; Bekkouri, Hassane [Advanced Technology and Integration System, Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Science Dhar Mehraz, University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fez (Morocco); Jai, Otman [Laboratory of Radiation and Nuclear Systems, Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Tetouan (Morocco)


    Americium–beryllium (Am-Be; n, γ) is a neutron emitting source used in various research fields such as chemistry, physics, geology, archaeology, medicine, and environmental monitoring, as well as in the forensic sciences. It is a mobile source of neutron activity (20 Ci), yielding a small thermal neutron flux that is water moderated. The aim of this study is to develop a model to increase the neutron thermal flux of a source such as Am-Be. This study achieved multiple advantageous results: primarily, it will help us perform neutron activation analysis. Next, it will give us the opportunity to produce radio-elements with short half-lives. Am-Be single and multisource (5 sources) experiments were performed within an irradiation facility with a paraffin moderator. The resulting models mainly increase the thermal neutron flux compared to the traditional method with water moderator.

  10. Neutron Diffractometer; Neutronski difraktometar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zivadinovic, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    RA nuclear reactor is considered as a relatively strong neutron source producing the thermal neutron flux of about 3x10{sup 13} n/cm{sup 2} sec when operating at nominal power of 6.5 MW. Neutron diffraction method is applied in the field of solid state physics, material science, crystallography, magnetism, nuclear physic. Neutron diffractometer at the RA reactor consists of: system for obtaining collimated neutron beam from the horizontal experimental channel neutron monochromator; goniometer and electronic equipment for measurements and collecting the the measurement data. Nuklearni reaktor RA koji pri radu na snazi od 6,5 MW ima fluks termalnih neutrona oko 3x10{sup 13} n/cm{sup 2} sec predstavlja relativno jak izvor neutrona. Tehnika difrakcije neutrona primenjuje se u istrazivanjima fizike crvstog stanja, strukture materijala, kristalografije, magnetizma, nuklearne fizike. Neutronski difraktometar na reaktoru RA sastoji se od sistema za dobijanje kolimisanog snopa neutrona kroz horizontalni kanal reaktora; neutroskog monohromatora; goniometra i elektronskih uredjaja za merenja i registrovanje rezultata. Ovaj izvestaj sadrzi detaljan opis i seme neutronskog difraktometra sa pratecom opremom i elektronskim komponentama.

  11. Study of the RP-10 reactor neutron beam applied to the neutron radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zegarra, Manuel; Lopez, Alcides


    We have studied the RP-10 reactor radial neutron beam No. 3, which is used for neutron radiographies, by comparing radiograph's with and without the inner duct, and neutron flux determination with in flakes along the external duct, being the presence of photons creating signals at comparable levels of neutron effects, which reduce the quality of the analysis, values around 10 6 and 10 4 n/cm 2 s for thermal and epithermal flux were obtained respectively. It is recommended evaluate the design of the internal duct which presents strong photon emission. (authors).

  12. Study on the energy response to neutrons for a new scintillating-fiber-array neutron detector

    CERN Document Server

    Zhang Qi; Wang Qun; Xie Zhong Shen


    The energy response of a new scintillating-fiber-array neutron detector to neutrons in the energy range 0.01 MeV<=E sub n<=14 MeV was modeled by combining a simplified Monte Carlo model and the MCNP 4b code. In order to test the model and get the absolute sensitivity of the detector to neutrons, one experiment was carried out for 2.5 and 14 MeV neutrons from T(p,n) sup 3 He and T(d,n) sup 4 He reactions at the Neutron Generator Laboratory at the Institute of Modern Physics, the Chinese Academy of Science. The absolute neutron fluence was obtained with a relative standard uncertainty 4.5% or 2.0% by monitoring the associated protons or sup 4 He particles, respectively. Another experiment was carried out for 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 MeV neutrons from T(p,n) sup 3 He reaction, and for 3.28, 3.50, 4.83, 5.74 MeV neutrons from D(d,n) sup 3 He reaction on the Model 5SDH-2 accelerator at China Institute of Atomic Energy. The absolute neutron fluence was obtained with a relative standard uncertainty 5.0% by usin...

  13. Monte Carlo Simulation on Compensated Neutron Porosity Logging in LWD With D-T Pulsed Neutron Generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Feng; Hou Shuang; Jin Xiuyun


    The process of neutron interaction induced by D-T pulsed neutron generator and 241 Am-Be source was simulated by using Monte Carlo method. It is concluded that the thermal neutron count descend exponentially as the spacing increasing. The smaller porosity was, the smaller the differences between the two sources were. When the porosity reached 40%, the ratio of thermal neutron count generated by D-T pulsed neutron source was much larger than that generated by 241 Am-Be neutron source, and its distribution range was wider. The near spacing selected was 20-30 cm, and that of far spacing was about 60-70 cm. The detection depth by using D-T pulsed neutron source was almost unchanged under condition of the same sapcing, and the sensitivity of measurement to the formation porosity decreases. The results showed that it can not only guarantee the statistic of count, but also improve detection sensitivity and depth at the same time of increasing spacing. Therefore, 241 Am-Be neutron source can be replaced by D-T neutron tube in LWD tool. (authors)

  14. Water utilization of vegetables grown under plastic greenhouse conditions in Ankara using neutron probe technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halitligil, M.B.; Kislal, H.; Sirin, H.; Sirin, C.; Kilicaslan, A.


    In order to find suitable varieties of tomato, pepper and cucumber for plastic greenhouse conditions in Ankara and ensure both higher yields and lower NO 3 leaching greenhouse experiments were conducted for three years. In the first year (2001) of the experiment four different varieties from each vegetable, namely, Tomato (Ecem F 1 , 9920 F 1 , 2116 F 1 and Yazg1 F 1 ), Cucumber (Hizir F 1 , Rapido, Hana, and Luna) and Pepper (1245 F 1 , 730 F 1 , Serademre 8 and 710 F 1 ) had been grown in the plastic greenhouse using drip irrigation-fertilization system. Yazg1 F 1 variety for tomato, Hizir F 1 variety for cucumber and Serademre 8 variety for pepper were chosen to be suitable varieties to grow in the plastic greenhouse conditions in Ankara. One access tube in each N 3 and N 0 treatment plots of tomato, cucumber and pepper in 2002 and 2003 experiments were installed for the soil moisture determinations at 30, 60 and 90 cm depths. Readings with the neutron probe were taken before planting and after harvest for the water consumption calculations using the water balance approach and the WUE was calculated on the basis of the ratio of dry matter weight to the amount of water consumed. Tensiometer and suction cups were installed at 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm depths only to N 1 , N 2 and N 3 treatments plots of each vegetable in 2002 and 2003. Tensiometer readings were taken just before irrigation. Also, soil solution samples from suction cups were taken at final harvest and NO 3 determinations were done with RQFLEX nitrate test strips. Significantly higher yields and WUE values were obtained when the same amount of N fertilizer is applied through fertigation compared to the treatment where N fertilizer applied to the soil then drip irrigated. The nitrate concentrations of the soil solution increased as the N rates increased and no NO 3 had been found in the soil solution taken from 75 cm soil depth, indicating that no leaching of N fertilizer occurred beyond 75 cm soil depth

  15. Water utilization of vegetables grown under plastic greenhouse conditions in Ankara using neutron probe technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halitligil, M.B.; Kislal, H.; Sirin, H.; Sirin, C.; Kilicaslan, A.


    Full text: In order to find suitable varieties of tomato, pepper and cucumber for plastic greenhouse conditions in Ankara and ensure both higher yields and lower NO 3 leaching greenhouse experiments were conducted for three years. In the first year (2001) of the experiment four different varieties from each vegetable, namely, Tomato (Ecem F 1 , 9920 F 1 , 2116 F 1 and Yazg1 F 1 ), Cucumber (Hizir F 1 , Rapido, Hana, and Luna) and Pepper (1245 F 1 , 730 F 1 , Serademre 8 and 710 F 1 ) had been grown in the plastic greenhouse using drip irrigation-fertiligation system. Yazg1 F 1 variety for tomato, Hizir F 1 variety for cucumber and Serademre 8 variety for pepper were chosen to be suitable varieties to grow in the plastic greenhouse conditions in Ankara. One access tube in each N 3 and N 0 treatment plots of tomato, cucumber and pepper in 2002 and 2003 experiments were installed for the soil moisture determinations at 30, 60 and 90 cm depths. Readings with the neutron probe were taken before planting and after harvest for the water consumption calculations using the water balance approach and the WUE was calculated on the basis of the ratio of dry matter weight to the amount of water consumed. Tensiometer and suction cups were installed at 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm depths only to N 1 , N 2 and N 3 treatments plots of each vegetable in 2002 and 2003. Tensiometer readings were taken just before irrigation. Also, soil solution samples from suction cups were taken at final harvest and NO 3 determinations were done with RQFLEX nitrate test strips. Significantly higher yields and WUE values were obtained when the same amount of N fertilizer is applied through fertigation compared to the treatment where N fertilizer applied to the soil then drip irrigated. The nitrate concentrations of the soil solution increased as the N rates increased and no NO 3 had been found in the soil solution taken from 75 cm soil depth, indicating that no leaching of N fertilizer occurred beyond 75 cm

  16. Neutron-Induced Failures in Semiconductor Devices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wender, Stephen Arthur [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    This slide presentation explores single event effect, environmental neutron flux, system response, the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) neutron testing facility, examples of SEE measurements, and recent interest in thermal neutrons.

  17. Neutron production station ESS-BILBAO; Estacion de produccion de neutrones de ESS-BILBAO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vicente Bueno, J. Pe. de; Bermejo, J.; Fraile Santiago, T.


    The ESS-Bilbao installation produces neutrons by nuclear reactions stripping energy 50 MeV protons on a target of beryllium. the Neutron Production Station would have a target and would allow condition the neutron energy, maximize their performance, provide structural support to the whole, the high power cooling and radiation shielding received abroad.

  18. Eliminación de sal inorgánica residual producida en la fermentación farmacéutica por nanofiltración y ósmosis inversa: experimento y modelo matemático

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Mora Molina


    Full Text Available El problema del agua residual con altos contenidos de sal es una importante preocupación de las autoridades medioambientalistas. Los metódos de tratamientos de aguas residuales existentes, tanto municipales como industriales, son incapaces de retener eficientemente los compuestos inorgánicos. En este trabajo se presentan nuevos resultados con membranas de ósmosis inversa (OI y nanofiltración (NF preparadas por las compañías Filmtec y Millipore. Los objetivos principales de esta investigación fueron estos: 1. Encontrar un sistema con alta eficiencia para separar la sal del agua residual generada en el proceso fermentativo farmacéutico y obtener una concentración según lo establecido por la legislación ambiental (concentración de sal: 2500 mg/l, y concentración de los sólidos totales: 1200 mgO2/l; además, que a la planta de tratamiento biológico o directamente al medio ambiente. 2.Determinar la retención de sal demanda química de oxígeno y el flujo del filtrado con sistemas de NF y OI. Asimismo, con base en los datos experimentales, poder describir soluciones similares a las basadas en el modelo de ósmosis a aguas residuales. La temperatura experimental, la presión y el flujo de recirculación fueron mantenidos constantes, en la NF 30°C, 30 bar y 200 l/h, en la OI 30-40°C, 40-50 bar y 300 l/h. En los experimentos de la NF y la OI el factor de concentración fue de Cff = Vaguaori(m3 /Vretenido (m3 = 2,67. Se midieron y se calcularon el flujo del filtrado, la conductividad eléctrica del filtrado, la demanda química de oxígeno y los sólidos totales. En el sistema de OI se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: contenido de sólidos totales en el agua original 2,06%, en el filtrado, 0,048%; demanda química de oxígeno en el agua original 8750 mg O2/l, en el filtrado 289 mgO2/l. Los resultados demostraron claramente que las membranas de NF investigadas no fueron lo suficientemente eficientes en la retención de sal del agua

  19. Some properties of zero power neutron noise in a time-varying medium with delayed neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitamura, Y.; Pal, L.; Pazsit, I.; Yamamoto, A.; Yamane, Y.


    The temporal evolution of the distribution of the number of neutrons in a time-varying multiplying system, producing only prompt neutrons, was treated recently with the master equation technique by some of the present authors. Such a treatment gives account of both the so-called zero power reactor noise and the power reactor noise simultaneously. In particular, the first two moments of the neutron number, as well as the concept of criticality for time-varying systems, were investigated and discussed. The present paper extends these investigations to the case when delayed neutrons are also taken into account. Due to the complexity of the description, only the expectation of the neutron number is calculated. The concept of criticality of a time-varying system is also generalized to systems with delayed neutrons. The temporal behaviour of the expectation of the number of neutrons and its asymptotic properties are displayed and discussed

  20. Imaging with cold neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lehmann, E.H.; Kaestner, A.; Josic, L.; Hartmann, S.; Mannes, D.


    Neutrons for imaging purposes are provided mainly from thermal beam lines at suitable facilities around the world. The access to cold neutrons is presently limited to very few places only. However, many challenging options for imaging with cold neutrons have been found out, given by the interaction behavior of the observed materials with neutrons in the cold energy range (3-10 A). For absorbing materials, the interaction probability increases proportionally with the wavelength with the consequence of more contrast but less transmission with cold neutrons. Many materials are predominantly scattering neutrons, in particular most of crystalline structural materials. In these cases, cold neutrons play an important role by covering the energy range of the most important Bragg edges given by the lattice planes of the crystallites. This particular behavior can be used for at least two important aspects-choosing the right energy of the initial beam enables to have a material more or less transparent, and a direct macroscopic visualization of the crystalline structure and its change in a manufacturing process. Since 2006, PSI operates its second beam line for neutron imaging, where cold neutrons are provided from a liquid deuterium cold source (operated at 25 K). It has been designed to cover the most current aspects in neutron imaging research with the help of high flexibility. This has been done with changeable inlet apertures, a turbine based velocity selector, two beam positions and variable detector systems, satisfying the demands of the individual investigation. The most important detection system was found to be a micro-tomography system that enables studies in the presently best spatial resolution. In this case, the high contrast from the sample interaction process and the high detection probability for the cold neutrons combines in an ideal combination for the best possible performance. Recently, it was found out that the energy selective studies might become a