
Sample records for nelson rodrigues leitor

  1. Nelson Rodrigues e o Rio de Janeiro: memórias de um passional

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    Ângela Maria Dias


    Full Text Available A crônica de Nelson Rodrigues, ao ser escrita do ponto de vista do homem comum - no diapasão do "pobre-diabo de um terno só" -, propicia a fundação de uma voz fronteiriça, entre o banal e o singular, e realiza a profissão de fé antiintelectualista e anti-retórica, característica da obra em suas diversas modalidades. A cidade do Rio de Janeiro, vitrine do Brasil durante as décadas de 1960 e 1970, constitui o protagonista do texto e opera a linguagem de modo a recriar seus espaços. O artista desdobra a sua imaginação totalizante em opostas e simétricas dimensões, a pornográfica e a mística, ou a do erotômano e a do "convertido". A dramatização pública do "reacionário" constitui, então, a resposta ritualística e sacrificial ao "revolucionário de esquerda" dos anos 1960, na prática renovada das formas totalizantes de pensamento.La crónica de Nelson Rodrigues, escrita del punto de vista del hombre común - en el disyuntiva del "pobre-hombre de traje único" - propicia la fundación de una voz fronteriza, entre lo banal y lo singular, y realiza la profesión de fé antiintelectualista y antirretórica, característica de la obra, en sus diversas modalidades. Rio de Janeiro, ciudad escaparate de Brasil durante las décadas de los 60 y 70, constituye el protagonista del texto y opera el lenguaje de modo a recriar sus espacios. El artista desdobla su imaginación totalizante en opuestas y simétricas dimensiones, la pornográfica y la mística, o la del erotómano y la del "convertido". La dramatización pública del "reacccionario" constituye, entonces, la respuesta del ritual y del sacrifício al "revolucionario de izquierda" de los años 60, en la práctica renovada de las formas totalizantes de pensamiento.Written from the point of view of the common man, Nelson Rodrigues' chronicle founds a bordering voice between the trivial and the singular and realizes an antiintellectualistic profession of faith. The city of Rio de

  2. Nelson Rodrigues escribe como mujer Nelson Rodrigues writing as a woman

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    Cecilia Inés Luque


    Full Text Available Rodrigues firmó el melodrama autobiográfico Minha Vida con el heterónimo Suzana Flag. La autoría enmascarada y la enunciación travestida de este texto naturalizan los efectos ideológicos de la historia de amor, pero también plantean -tal vez inintencionalmente- una crítica al proceso de subjetivación femenina implícito en ella y una parodia al resultante ideal de Mujer. El análisis de las características contradictorias de este texto ponen en evidencia las limitaciones de la categoría "literatura de mujeres", y señala la pertinencia de remplazarla con la de "escribir como mujer".Rodrigues signed his heteronym's name - Suzana Flag- on the autobiographical melodrama Minha Vida [My Life]. The masked authorship and the transvestite enunciation of this text naturalize the ideological effects of the love story, but also poses -perhaps unintentionally- a critical view of the related process of producing a feminine subjectivity and a parody of the resulting ideal of Woman. The analysis of the contradictory characteristics of this text reveals the limitations of the category of "women's literature" and suggests the pertinence of replacing it with that of "writing like (or as a woman".


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    Meury Gardênia Lima de Araújo


    Full Text Available Pretende-se desenvolver neste trabalho a psicanálise em extensão, com um delineamento investigativo sobre as obras teatrais míticas Anjo Negro e Dorotéia de Nelson Rodrigues, recorrendo-se ao que formula Freud sobre o conceito de masoquismo moral. Almeja-se, através de estudo bibliográfico, buscar e fazer interagir psicanálise e literatura, notando a coexistência na arte dos “mistérios” inconscientes do sujeito dividido, fictício em questão, “traduzidos” da vida real, primando pela criatividade e como ela expressa tão naturalmente o produto inconsciente. Expõe-se, por fim, as abordagens literárias pelo viés psicanalítico para apresentar suas contribuições ao legado freudiano, exibindo trechos das peças “Anjo Negro” e “Dorotéia” a fim de norteá-las estruturalmente. 

  4. Debating the Social Thinking of Carlos Nelson Coutinho

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    Bruno Bruziguessi


    Full Text Available BRAZ, Marcelo; RODRIGUES, Mavi (Org.. Cultura, democracia e socialismo: as idéias de Carlos Nelson Coutinho em debate. [Culture, democracy and socialism: The ideas of Carlos Nelson Coutinho in debate]. Rio de Janeiro: Mórula, 2016. 248 p.

  5. Notes on dissimulation in the theatre of Nelson Rodrigues: the case of O beijo no asfalto

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    Adauto Locatelli Taufer


    Full Text Available The paradigms that determine what is true and false are the reason for to investigate aspects that represent the dissimulation in O beijo no asfalto, by Nelson Rodrigues. Starobinski’s investigations, for whom the society is built upon the solid bases of the conventions that determine how to be and how to act in the social complex mesh; Michel Foucault, for whom the limit between falsehood and truth is a dangerous zone, thanks to the multiple facets that cover the lie -, constitute on the theoretical presuppositions that form the base to the analysis inside. Assuming that the mask is a simulacrum, in fact, it acts as if it was a kind of entry and exit portal that we have in order to travel the maze of social relations. The main goal of this article is to point the different social masks used by “rodriguean” characters on the referred work.

  6. Tradição, tragicidade e crítica social em Dorotéia, a “farsa irresponsável” de Nelson Rodrigues

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    Sandra Amélia Luna Cirne de Azevêdo


    Full Text Available A verossimilhança sempre foi amplamente explorada pela imaginação artística. Poetas trágicos e cômicos tramaram situações as mais criativas, buscando mover o público ao riso ou às lágrimas. Tradicionalmente, entretanto, recaem limites sobre as representações dramáticas, a depender dos efeitos que os autores pretendem provocar. Assim, ainda que eventos impossíveis tenham participado da tragédia desde suas origens, e ainda que o humor tenha sido ocasionalmente acolhido nas tramas, o tratamento sério da ação sempre foi exigência da forma, de maneira a que o trágico não se fizesse cômico. Com o passar dos séculos, dramaturgos desafiariam as definições de tragédia e comédia, preparando as bases para o drama social. A dramatização de conflitos da vida burguesa rapidamente absorveria um amplo espectro de tons emocionais, abolindo convenções antigas em favor de um gênero que se quer lócus privilegiado de crítica social. O trágico poderia agora ser dramatizado sob perspectivas as mais diversas, inclusive farsescas. Este ensaio examina a tragicidade na peça Dorotéia, de Nelson Rodrigues, focalizando as relações da obra com a tradição e considerando, através do conceito de “dispositivo” formulado por Agamben, estratégias utilizadas pelo dramaturgo para produzir uma crítica sarcástica a valores e instituições sociais. Palavras-chave: Nelson Rodrigues; Dorotéia; Teoria do Drama; Tragédia Moderna; Teatro Brasileiro

  7. Veronica Rodrigues

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Veronica Rodrigues. Articles written in Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Volume 13 Issue 10 October 2008 pp 909-915 General Article. Never Riding the Tide - Seymour Benzer–The Founder of Neurogenetics · K VijayRaghavan Veronica Rodrigues.

  8. Ao leitor sem medo

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    José Eisenberg


    Full Text Available O texto resenha Ao leitor sem medo, de Renato Janine Ribeiro (Belo Horizonte, UFMG, 1999.This text is a review of Ao leitor sem medo by Renato Janine Ribeiro (Belo Horizonte, UFMG, 1999

  9. Rotations with Rodrigues' vector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pina, E


    The rotational dynamics was studied from the point of view of Rodrigues' vector. This vector is defined here by its connection with other forms of parametrization of the rotation matrix. The rotation matrix was expressed in terms of this vector. The angular velocity was computed using the components of Rodrigues' vector as coordinates. It appears to be a fundamental matrix that is used to express the components of the angular velocity, the rotation matrix and the angular momentum vector. The Hamiltonian formalism of rotational dynamics in terms of this vector uses the same matrix. The quantization of the rotational dynamics is performed with simple rules if one uses Rodrigues' vector and similar formal expressions for the quantum operators that mimic the Hamiltonian classical dynamics.

  10. Senhores Jurados: Os Leitores

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    Samara Fernanda de Almeida Oliveira Lócio e Silva Geske


    Full Text Available Partindo dos conceitos da Estética da Recepção, este artigo pretende analisar um dos aspectos do processo de leitura de L’étranger de Albert Camus. A partir do episódio do julgamento do personagem, fazemos uma analogia entre o papel do jurado e do leitor. Vemos como o júri propõe um papel a ser também seguido pelo leitor e como isso influi na sua leitura. Também veremos como o conceito de ¨Absurdo¨ de Camus, apresentado em seu ensaio Le mythe de Sysiphe, é fundamental para a leitura da obra, sendo que a leitura se constitui como um processo que revela o próprio conceito de Absurdo ao leitor

  11. The Magnus problem in Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters (United States)

    Koshliakov, V. N.


    The formalism of Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters is applied to the Magnus problem related to the systematic drift of a gimbal-mounted astatic gyroscope due to the nutational vibration of the main axis of the rotor. It is shown that the use of the above formalism makes it possible to limit the analysis to a consideration of a linear system of differential equations written in perturbed values of Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters. A refined formula for the drift of the main axis of the gyroscope rotor is obtained, and an estimation is made of the effect of the truncation of higher-order terms.

  12. Memórias de uma história de um leitor

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    José Roberto Andrade Féres


    Full Text Available Entre histórias e estórias, entre origens e a “quimera da origem” (Michel Foucault, entre memórias e esquecimentos, entre arquivar e deletar, entre formatar e transformar, entre livros e e-books, entre leitores e leitores de e-books, entre palimpsestos e touchscreens, entre ensaio e relato, entre o que falta e o que excede, entre o que se veste com letras e o que se despe literalmente – este texto: trazendo à lembrança Peter Stallybrass (sobretudo “A vida social das coisas” e “O casaco de Marx”, palavras que buscam tratar as pessoas como coisas e as coisas como pessoas, biografando alguns leitores a partir da biografia de um leitor de e-books, e vice-versa.

  13. Cultura e leitura: Homo zappiens, um leitor ubíquo

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    Miguel Rettenmaier


    Full Text Available Das transformações que ocorreram da cultura à cibercultura nasce um novo homem, o Homo zappiens. Neste estudo, uma pesquisa exploratória, bibliográfica e qualitativa, pretende-se compreender como a tecnologia influenciou a cultura do jovem do século XXI a partir de uma narrativa transmídia, partindo de um estudo sobre a cultura em Roger Chartier (1988; 1995 e Lucia Santaella (2003, do perfil do jovem leitor e das gerações jovens com base em  Diana Oblinger e James Oblinger (2005 e Wim Veen e Ben Vrakking (2009, e dos tipos de leitor de Lucia Santaella (2004, para apresentar e analisar a franquia Assassin’s Creed. Neste estudo foi possível perceber que essas aventuras transmidiáticas são potenciais formadoras de novos leitores que buscam encontrar no universo tecnológico as aventuras que ele próprio, leitor das tecnologias e das palavras, quer imaginar e criar, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento e transformação da cultura que vive.

  14. O jovem Nietzsche leitor de Wagner

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    Hélio Sochodolak


    Full Text Available Seguindo as pistas do jovem leitor Nietzsche em sua relação intensa e apaixonada com a música, abordamos historicamente seu envolvimento inicial com a causa wagneriana, no final da década de 1860 e inícios da década de 1870. Nas ideias e escritos de Richard Wagner os anseios nietzscheanos ecoaram em sua busca por um estilo, por uma sonoridade na palavra e por um arrebatamento do leitor. Em sua correspondência e em seus textos, percebemos um jovem filólogo(sofo empolgado, mas, às vezes, desconfiado: Wagner representaria uma alternativa para um novo modelo cultural aos alemães na segunda metade do XIX? O músico poderia ensinar a nação a estabelecer novas relações com a palavra? Poderia ensinar a ler artisticamente?

  15. Mathematics and social utopias in France Olinde Rodrigues and his times

    CERN Document Server

    Altmann, Simon


    A mathematician, a social reformer within Saint-Simon's utopian-socialist movement, and later a prosperous banker, Olinde Rodrigues is a fascinating figure of the city of Paris in the first half of the nineteenth century. His many interests and associations make him a remarkable character in the history of nineteenth-century mathematics. Since archival resources on Rodrigues are not abundant and since they are scattered throughout a variety of archives-from large to very small-studying him presents difficult historiographic challenges. These are met for the first time in this book, written by a team of mathematicians, historians of mathematics, and historians of culture and society for people interested in any of these fields. An effort has been made to give continuity to these different contributions and to focus them around different aspects of Rodrigues's absorbing life and interesting mathematical work. The starting chapters attempt to recreate the scientific and social background in which he moved in Par...

  16. Nelson syndrome: definition and management. (United States)

    Barber, T M; Adams, E; Wass, J A H


    Nelson syndrome is an important complication of treatment with total bilateral adrenalectomy (TBA) for patients with refractory Cushing's disease. Although early cases of Nelson syndrome often presented with the clinical features of large sellar masses, the modern face of Nelson syndrome has changed primarily due to earlier detection (with highly resolved magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and sensitive ACTH assays) and greater awareness of the condition, resulting in reduced morbidity and mortality. Although lack of administration of neoadjuvant pituitary radiotherapy post-TBA surgery may predict future development of Nelson syndrome, other predictive factors remain controversial. Therefore, Nelson syndrome should be screened for closely and long-term in all patients with a history of Cushing's disease and TBA. The diagnosis of Nelson syndrome remains controversial, and the pathogenesis of this condition is incompletely understood. Current hypotheses include the "released negative feedback" mechansism (residual pituitary corticotropinoma cells are "released" from the negative feedback effects of cortisol following TBA), and the "aggressive corticotropinoma" mechanism (Nelson syndrome is most likely to develop in those patients with refractory treatments - including TBA - for an underlying aggressive corticotropinoma). Effective management of Nelson syndrome with pituitary surgery and radiotherapy is often a challenge. Other therapies (such as Gamma Knife surgery and temozolomide) play an important role and merit further research into their efficacy and placement in the management pathway of Nelson syndrome. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Dilemas da masculinidade em comunidades de leitores da revista Men's Health

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    Jair de Souza Ramos

    Full Text Available Neste artigo, analiso as representações sobre masculinidade e cuidado de si em comunidades de leitores da revista Men's Health. Com base na análise de tópicos e postagens em comunidades online, abordo desde as tensões em torno da oposição homossexual / heterossexual na autodefinição dos leitores, até a ênfase em um corpo concebido, a um só tempo, como saudável e masculino. Meu objetivo é examinar a construção de uma imagem de si masculina entre estes leitores, que se valem de temas, problemas e técnicas de si que estão presentes na revista, mas, sobretudo, além dela, e que dizem respeito a um determinado estilo de masculinidade, em que a expressão de si através da exposição do corpo desempenha um papel primordial.

  18. A treasure of endemic fauna of Mauritius and Rodrigues

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Winters, Ria


    This publication deals with the endemic species of the Indian ocean islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues. The author describes the extinct and extant birds and animals in word and art. The book is illustrated with the authors drawings and paintings. Full colour.

  19. An Appraisal of The Small-Scale Agroprocessing Sector in Rodrigues

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... Sector in Rodrigues – Part 1: Manufacturing Practices and Product Quality. ... practices and to examine the practices related to product quality and safety. ... are not produced according to the regulations stipulated in the Food Act (1998).


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    Durvali Emilio Fregonezi


    Full Text Available Os PCNs de Língua Portuguesa, documento publicado em 1998, apresenta algumas sugestões para o encaminhamento do ensino de leitura. Dentre elas destacamos: “é necessário refletir com os alunos sobre as diferentes modalidades de leitura e os procedimentos que elas requerem do leitor. São coisas diferentes ler para se divertir, ler para escrever, ler para estudar, ler para descobrir o que deve ser feito, ler buscando identificar a intenção do escritor, ler para revisar...(p.61”. No entanto, os professores que trabalham com ensino de leitura no ensino fundamental e médio (que obviamente preocupam-se com a formação do leitor, com o desenvolvimento de estratégias de leitura, consultados, em sala de aula, por ocasião de um curso de Especialização, não souberam caracterizar as diferentes modalidades de leitura citadas nos PCNs: leitura inspecional, leitura tópica... O presente trabalho procura trazer elementos para reflexão sobre a necessidade do desenvolvimento de estratégias adequadas voltadas para os diferentes tipos de leitura- procedimentos adequados de conformidade com os objetivos do leitor. Palavras-chave: professor de leitura; tipos de leitura; formação do leitor.

  1. Nelson Syndrome: Update on Therapeutic Approaches. (United States)

    Azad, Tej D; Veeravagu, Anand; Kumar, Sunny; Katznelson, Laurence


    To review the pathophysiology and therapeutic modalities availble for Nelson syndrome. We reviewed the current literature including managment for Nelson syndrome. For patients with NS, surgical intervention is often the first-line therapy. With refractory NS or tumors with extrasellar involvement, radiosurgery offers an important alternative or adjuvant option. Pharmacologic interventions have demonstrated limited usefulness, although recent evidence supports the feasibility of a novel somatostatin analog for patients with NS. Modern neuroimaging, improved surgical techniques, and the advent of stereotactic radiotherapy have transformed the management of NS. An up-to-date understanding of the pathophysiology underlying Nelson Syndrome and evidence-based management is imperative. Early detection may allow for more successful therapy in patients with Nelson Syndrome. Improved radiotherapeutic interventions and rapidly evolving pharmacologic therapies offer an opportunity to create targeted, multifocal treatment regiments for patients with Nelson Syndrome. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Product spaces and Nelson's inequality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faris, W.G.


    Certain inequalities for unbounded linear operators in L 2 extend to product spaces. This product space property is used to give a new proof that Gross's inequality for matrices implies Nelson's inequality for ordinary differential operators, and that this in turn implies Nelson's inequality for partial differential operators in infinitely many dimensions. A new proof of Gross's inequality is given. There is also a discussion of the physical meaning of Nelson's inequality in quantum field theory. The article may serve as an introduction for non-specialists to some of the recent mathematical work in this subject. (Auth.)

  3. 78 FR 75205 - Death of Nelson Mandela (United States)


    ... of Nelson Mandela By the President of the United States of America Proclamation Today, the United... an inspiration for freedom, justice, and human dignity--Nelson Mandela is no longer with us, he belongs to the ages. Nelson Mandela achieved more than could be expected of any man. His own struggle...

  4. Nina Rodrigues, Gilberto Freyre and Florestan Fernandes: three different perspectives on miscigenation

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    Vanessa Florêncio de Oliveira


    Full Text Available The paper intends to compare the analyzes made by Nina Rodrigues, Gilberto Freyre and Florestan Fernandes on the issues concerning the black population in Brazil. Thus, Nina Rodrigues in the context of the abolition found in the miscegenation between blacks and whites a problem that delayed the way towards a civilized society, different from Gilberto Freyre that found in miscegenation the particularity that characterized the Brazilian people. Florestan Fernandes, on the other hand, under other perceptions present in the 1950s, understood that the obstacles that the black populations passed were social. In this sense, the work seeks to apprehend the main conceptions of these intellectuals concerned with the results of the effective miscegenation of Brazilian society after the abolition.

  5. O texto eletrônico hipertextualizado: a máquina, o autor e o leitor

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    Emanoel Cesar Pires de Assis


    Full Text Available O leitor de uma narrativa tradicional está temporalmente marcado por uma estrutura de começo, meio e fim. Já o leitor interativo-imersivo da narrativa eletrônica experimenta temporalidades narrativas múltiplas; diríamos mais, além de múltiplas elas podem ser análogas e/ou contraditórias, uma vez que a estrutura descentralizada da leitura hipertextual desloca espaço e tempo, dando ao leitor a experiência de uma leitura topográfica; ou seja, visual e estruturalmente concebida como se fosse a leitura de um mapa, onde não há um ponto inicial estabelecido, mas, sim, vários caminhos que podem ser seguidos. Ao deslocar o tempo, a leitura hipertextual torna-se um presente constante e contínuo. Assim: “O leitor eletrônico lê e não conclui sua leitura no tempo. O que faz é experimentar constantemente, em releituras sucessivas, possibilidades narrativas alternativas em uma vasta dimensão espacial e em um eterno presente” (BELLEI, 2002, p. 122.

  6. Recent acceleration of Sea level rise in Mauritius and Rodrigues ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Physical evidence and anecdotes indicate that coastal erosion has also increased in the region. However, no long term series of reliable data on coastal ero- sion is available to determine if there is any linkage between the recent accelerated SLR and the observed increase in coastal erosion in Mauritius and Rodrigues.

  7. De crítico a escritor: Machado de Assis, leitor de Shakespeare

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    Vandemberg Simão Saraiva


    Full Text Available Machado de Assis foi leitor das peças de Shakespeare, e referências a essa leitura estão presentes em sua crítica dramática e literária. A compreensão de Machado das peças do dramaturgo inglês assumiu nova dinâmica a partir dos espetáculos shakespearianos promovidos por companhias italianas vindas ao Brasil a partir de 1871. Acreditamos que Machado de Assis encontrou na leitura de William Shakespeare muito do que precisava conhecer para produzir sua crítica e sua literatura. De leitor, Machado passa a crítico teatral e literário e escritor de sucesso.

  8. Nelson syndrome: historical perspectives and current concepts. (United States)

    Hornyak, Mark; Weiss, Martin H; Nelson, Don H; Couldwell, William T


    The appearance of an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-producing tumor after bilateral adrenalectomy for Cushing disease was first described by Nelson in 1958. The syndrome that now bears his name was characterized by hyperpigmentation, a sellar mass, and increased plasma ACTH levels. The treatment of Cushing disease has changed drastically since the 1950s, when the choice was adrenalectomy. Thus, the occurrence, diagnosis, and treatment of Nelson syndrome have changed as well. In the modern era of high-resolution neuroimaging, transsphenoidal microneurosurgery, and stereotactic radiosurgery, Nelson syndrome has become a rare entity. The authors describe the history of the diagnosis and treatment of Nelson syndrome. In light of the changes described, the authors believe this disease must be reevaluated in the contemporary era and a modern paradigm adopted.


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    Manoel Honório Romão


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os programas leitores de tela como uma maneira de possibilitar a inclusão digital de pessoas com deficiência visual. Teve como objetivo principal nortear a escolha do leitor de tela a ser instalado nos computadores do IFRN, especialmente da Biblioteca Profª Myrian Coeli, a fim de disponibilizar acesso à informação, cultura e conhecimento aos discentes que possuam alguma incapacidade visual ou de leitura, com total independência. Para tanto, o trabalho se fundamenta em uma revisão teórica das definições e direitos das pessoas com deficiência e, finalmente, apresenta as principais características dos principais leitores de tela em uso no mercado. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: acessibilidade, inclusão digital, deficiência visual, software leitor de tela, IFRN – Campus Ipanguaçu.

  10. Nelson-Farrar cost indexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper discusses the Nelson-Farrar Cost Indexs. Topics covered include: economic analysis, petroleum refineries, petroleum industry, pumps, compressors, beat exchangers, cost estimation, productivity and wages

  11. What Color Is Your Dog? Taking a Cue from Artist George Rodrigue (United States)

    Compton, June


    In this article, the author describes a lesson he created for his second-grade classes which was inspired by the children's book, "Why is Blue Dog Blue?", by George Rodrigue. In this lesson, the students make associations between places, food and events to determine the color of their dogs. (Contains 3 resources.)

  12. Rodrigues formulas for the non-symmetric multivariable polynomials associated with the BCN-type root system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishino, Akinori; Ujino, Hideaki; Komori, Yasushi; Wadati, Miki


    The non-symmetric Macdonald-Koornwinder polynomials are joint eigenfunctions of the commuting Cherednik operators which are constructed from the representation theory for the affine Hecke algebra corresponding to the BC N -type root system. We present the Rodrigues formula for the non-symmetric Macdonald-Koornwinder polynomials. The raising operators are derived from the realizations of the corresponding double affine Hecke algebra. In the quasi-classical limit, the above theory reduces to that of the BC N -type Sutherland model which describes many particles with inverse-square long-range interactions on a circle with one impurity. We also present the Rodrigues formula for the non-symmetric Jacobi polynomials of type BC N which are eigenstates of the BC N -type Sutherland model

  13. Nelson`s syndrome associated with a somatic frame shift mutation in the glucocorticoid recepter gene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karl, M.; Stratakis, C.A.; Chrousos, G.P.; Katz, D.A.; Ali, I.U.; Oldfield, E.H. [National Inst. of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD (United States)] [and others


    Nelson`s syndrome is the appearance and/or progression of ACTH-secreting pituitary macroadenomas in patients who had previously undergone bilateral adrenalectomy for Cushing`s disease. Extremely high plasma ACTH levels and aggressive neoplastic growth might be explained by the lack of appropriate glucocorticoid negative feedback due to defective glucocorticoid signal transduction. To study the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene in Nelson`s syndrome, DNA was extracted from pituitary adenomas and leukocytes of four patients with this condition and amplified by PCR for direct sequence analysis. In one of the tumors, a heterozygous mutation, consisting of an insertion of a thymine between complementary DNA nucleotides 1188 and 1189, was found in exon 2. This frame-shift mutation led to premature termination at amino acid residue 366 of the world-type coding sequence, excluding the expression of a functioning receptor protein from the defective allele. The mutation was not detected in the sequence of the GR gene in the patient`s leukocyte DNA, indicating a somatic origin. By lowering the receptor number in tumorous cells, this defect might have caused local resistance to negative glucocorticoid feedback similar to that caused by the presence of a null allele in a kindred with the generalized glucocorticoid resistance syndrome. P53 protein accumulation, previously reported in 60% of corticotropinomas, could not be detected in any of the four pituitary tumors examined by immunohistochemistry. We suggest that a somatic GR defect might have played a pathophysiological role in the tumorigenesis of the corticotropinoma bearing this mutation. 35 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab.

  14. Alfredo Ferreira Rodrigues e uma notícia histórica e descritiva do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Francisco das Neves Alves


    Full Text Available Representando o típico "homem das letras" de seu tempo, o historiador rio-grandino Alfredo Ferreira Rodrigues constitui-se em nome emblemático da produção cultural rio-grandense, dedicando-se à carreira de historiador, colecionou dados e documentos fundamentais à reconstrução histórica riograndense-do-sul. Seja por meio de livros, ensaios, artigos de jornais ou no famoso Almanaque Literário e Estatístico do Rio Grande do Sul, periódico por ele coordenado, Ferreira Rodrigues legou um significativo manancial de informações/interpretações históricas. Recebendo a influência do contexto histórico-historiográfico no qual esteve inserido, Alfredo Ferreira Rodrigues, por sua vez, elaboraria uma série de premissas que influenciaram vários dos discursos historiográficos entabulados no cenário sul-rio-grandense. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar algumas destas redes de influências presentes no trabalho Notícia histórica e descritiva do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

  15. Meet EPA's Dan Nelson (United States)

    EPA’s Dan Nelson is the Director of the Human Research Protocol Office at the National Health and Environmental Effect Research Laboratory, Dan works to protect the rights and welfare of EPA’s research participants.

  16. The linguistic representation of characters as readers in pride and prejudice = A representação de personagens leitores em orgulho e preconceito

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    Costa, Monica Chagas da


    Full Text Available Este trabalho pretende fazer uma análise da linguagem do romance Orgulho e Preconceito, escrito por Jane Austen e publicado em 1813. Mais especificamente, irei analisar a linguagem usada para descrever personagens que são leitores, a partir de uma perspectiva enunciativa, que está baseada na ideia de que cada escolha feita pelo autor (enunciador de uma frase é significativa. Portanto, uma vez que entendamos as escolhas que o autor faz quando descreve um leitor, seremos capazes de discernir melhor quais são suas expectativas sobre seus leitores. De modo a desenvolver este estudo, trechos de Orgulho e Preconceito que estão relacionados às descrições de dois personagens-leitores (Elisabeth Bennet e Mr. Collins foram lidos e selecionados. Esta seleção passou por uma série de investigações linguísticas, baseadas na teoria da enunciação elaborada por Émile Benveniste em seus livros Problemas de Linguística Geral I e II, que proporcionaram uma melhor compreensão de como Jane Austen propõe linguisticamente suas ideias sobre leitura/leitores

  17. A new look at Bell's inequalities and Nelson's theorem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schulz, B.


    In 1985, Edward Nelson, who formulated the theory of stochastic mechanics, made an interesting remark about Bell's theorem. Nelson analysed the latter in the light of classical fields that behave randomly. He found that if a stochastic hidden variable theory fulfils certain conditions, the inequality of Bell can be violated. Moreover, Nelson was able to prove that this may happen without any instantaneous communication between the two spatially separated measurement stations. Since Nelson's article got almost overlooked by physicists, we try to review his comments on the theorem. We argue that a modification of stochastic mechanics published recently by Fritsche and Haugk can be extended to a theory which fulfils the requirements of Nelson's analysis. The article proceeds to derive the quantum mechanical formalism of spinning particles and the Pauli equation from this version of stochastic mechanics. Then, we investigate Bohm's version of the EPR experiment. Additionally, other setups, like entanglement swapping or time and position correlations, are shortly explained from the viewpoint of our local hidden-variable model. Finally, we mention that this theory could perhaps be relativistically extended and useful for the formulation of quantum mechanics in curved space-times. (Abstract Copyright [2009], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  18. Escritor-personagem e leitor cúmplice em Sérgio Sant'anna

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    Igor Ximenes Graciano


    Full Text Available As narrativas de Sérgio Sant’Anna sugerem, pela exposição recorrente dos bastidores da criação literária (aqui entendida como gesto literário, que o discurso ficcional extrapola o espaço da literatura, repercutindo as relações dos indivíduos no “mundo real”. Em sua prosa é evidente a tentativa dos narradores de aproximarem o leitor para suas perspectivas, quando a narrativa assemelha-se a um jogo em que o prêmio é a cumplicidade deste a quem ela se dirige. Com isso, estende-se uma via de mão-dupla entre vida e imaginário, de modo que uma constitui e é constituída pelo outro. Como afirma Carlos Santeiro, personagem de Um romance de geração, trata-se das “possibilidades possíveis” do texto para além do texto, uma vez que o acordo entre narrador romanesco e leitor – e que sustenta o acontecimento literário – carrega muito dos pressupostos das diversas instâncias discursivas entre indivíduos, ficcionais ou não.

  19. MRI versus CT in the diagnosis of Nelson's syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasperlik-Zaluska, A.; Walecki, J.; Brzezinski, J.; Jeske, W.; Migdalska, B.; Bonicki, W.; Brzezinska, A.; Makowska, A.


    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the utility of MRI and CT in the diagnosis of Nelson's syndrome, i. e. pituitary tumours in patients bilaterally adrenalectomized for Cushing's disease. Thirteen patients, followed up for 5-29 years after adrenalectomy, were studied. In 6 of them CT and MRI revealed no changes in the pituitary gland. In the remaining 7 patients only three CT scans were suggestive of a pituitary adenoma. MRI studies with administration of gadodiamide confirmed the CT diagnosis of Nelson's tumour in 3 patients and disclosed microadenomas in a further 4 patients. Neurosurgical treatment in 4 patients confirmed the MRI findings. Additionally CT and MRI examinations were performed in 5 patients suspected of a recurrent Nelson's tumour 3-11 years after neurosurgery. MRI visualized recurrent adenomas in 3 patients that were not well seen by CT scans. In our experience MRI was more effective than CT in the diagnosis of Nelson's syndrome. (orig.). With 3 figs., 1 tab

  20. Nelson-Farrar quarterly costimating

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farrar, G.


    This paper reports that continuing a trend starting in 1983, the Nelson-Farrar refinery construction index rose slowly from 1211.6 in January 1990, to 1265.8 in December 1991. The labor component of the index rose at a more rapid rate than did the material component. The labor index rose from 1469.5 to 1558.1 over the 2-year period, while the material index rose only 2.3 points, from 824.9 to 827.2. The miscellaneous equipment index rose 52.1 points in the 2-year comparison. The category includes pumps and compressors, electrical equipment, heat exchangers, instruments, and engines. They are thus manufactured items, and their costs are a measure of manufacturing efficiency. The Nelson-Farrar refinery operations index dropped 5.4 points, from 395.1 to 389.7 in the 1990-1991 period. The process unit index also showed a decrease over this period, dropping from 469.3 to 405.2

  1. Challenges for the Nelson-Barr mechanism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dine, Michael; Draper, Patrick


    The axion and m u =0 solutions to the strong CP problem have been subject to the most careful scrutiny and critique. Basic theoretical issues include hierarchy and fine-tuning problems, quality and genericity of symmetries, and compatibility with solutions to the electroweak hierarchy problem. We study the similar set of challenges for solutions to strong CP based on spontaneous CP violation and the Nelson-Barr mechanism. Some of our observations have appeared in the literature previously, and others are new; our purpose is to collect and analyze the issues as a whole and provide an assessment of the most plausible settings for the Nelson-Barr solution.

  2. On the domain of the Nelson Hamiltonian (United States)

    Griesemer, M.; Wünsch, A.


    The Nelson Hamiltonian is unitarily equivalent to a Hamiltonian defined through a closed, semibounded quadratic form, the unitary transformation being explicitly known and due to Gross. In this paper, we study the mapping properties of the Gross-transform in order to characterize the regularity properties of vectors in the form domain of the Nelson Hamiltonian. Since the operator domain is a subset of the form domain, our results apply to vectors in the domain of the Hamiltonian as well. This work is a continuation of our previous work on the Fröhlich Hamiltonian.

  3. Ecos da poesia no leitor mirim

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    Flávia Brocchetto Ramos

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo relata, a partir de pesquisa empírica, como estudantes de 4° ano do Ensino Fundamental configuram o poético, por meio do estudo orientado de poemas veiculados em obras selecionadas pelo Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola (PNBE. Parte de investigação maior, o artigo propõe procedimentos mediadores para o poema "O eco", de Cecília Meireles, problematizando o letramento poético. A investigação apoia-se principalmente em Huizinga e Kirinus. O problema posto justifica-se em virtude de a formação de leitores ser um desafio para o âmbito educacional e para a criação e a manutenção de políticas públicas. O artigo contribui para apresentar possibilidade de inserção escolar do acervo do PNBE e aponta caminhos para o desenvolvimento do poético, que tende a ser pouco explorado na escola.

  4. Marilyn Nelson: Poetic Justice (United States)

    Pierpont, Katherine


    This article features some of the books written by Marilyn Nelson. Here, the author discusses how she has written a children's book of poetry about lynching, entitled "A Wreath for Emmitt Till." The author discusses how her books for children honor and memorialize history-changing African Americans. Among other things, the author discusses some of…

  5. Davidson's generalization of the Fenyes-Nelson stochastic model of quantum mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shucker, D.S.


    Davidson's generalization of the Fenyes-Nelson stochastic model of quantum mechanics is discussed. It is shown that this author's previous results concerning the Fenyes-Nelson process extend to the more general theory of Davidson. (orig.)

  6. The contribution of Osvaldo Rodrigues da Cunha (1928-2011 to History of Science

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    Nelson Sanjad


    Full Text Available The article describes and analyzes the historiographical works of Brazilian Herpetologist Osvaldo Rodrigues da Cunha (1928-2011, researcher of Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi. It presents his published works, mainly in the field of History of Science, in which he studied the institution he belonged to and the scientists who lived in Amazonia. Cunha's complete works dedicated to the theme, composed along of almost 50 years, are reported in the paper.

  7. A polifonia de enunciadores nas cartas dos leitores: uma abordagem enunciativa = The polyphony enunciators in letters from readers: a stated approach

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    Silva, Telma Cristina Gomes da


    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa o gênero discursivo carta do leitor à luz da Teoria da Argumentação na Língua desenvolvida por Anscombre, Ducrot (1977, 1987, 1988 e colaboradores para quem a língua e seus usos são fundamentalmente argumentativos. A análise incide sobre uma amostragem constituída por 03 cartas dos leitores recortadas de um corpus mais amplos coletado nas revistas Istoé e Veja entre janeiro e março de 2003. Nesse corpus, identificamos as marcas linguístico-discursivas ativadoras de pressuposto, considerando o dialogismo entre o locutor e os outros enunciadores (vozes sociais para a constituição da carta. Os resultados apontaram que a negação polêmica constitui um recurso linguístico produtor de sentido na carta do leitor, mostrando a polifonia de enunciadores como uma das principais estratégias argumentativas nesse gênero discursivo

  8. Analyzing Oil Futures with a Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Niels Strange; Lunde, Asger

    In this paper we are interested in the term structure of futures contracts on oil. The objective is to specify a relatively parsimonious model which explains data well and performs well in a real time out of sample forecasting. The dynamic Nelson-Siegel model is normally used to analyze and forec......In this paper we are interested in the term structure of futures contracts on oil. The objective is to specify a relatively parsimonious model which explains data well and performs well in a real time out of sample forecasting. The dynamic Nelson-Siegel model is normally used to analyze...... and forecast interest rates of different maturities. The structure of oil futures resembles the structure of interest rates and this motivates the use of this model for our purposes. The data set is vast and the dynamic Nelson-Siegel model allows for a significant dimension reduction by introducing three...

  9. Nodule management protocol of the NELSON randomised lung cancer screening trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Xu, Dong Ming; Gietema, Hester; de Koning, Harry; Vernhout, Rene; Nackaerts, Kristiaan; Prokop, Mathias; Weenink, Carla; Lammers, Jan-Willem; Groen, Harry; Oudkerk, Matthijs; van Klaveren, Rob

    In December 2003, the Dutch-Belgian NELSON trial, a Dutch acronym for "Nederlands-Leuvens Longkanker Screenings ONderzoek", has been launched. Primary objective of the NELSON trial is to investigate whether screening for lung cancer by 16-detector multi-slice CT with 16 mm x 0.75 mm collimation and

  10. Coral reef sedimentation on Rodrigues and the Western Indian Ocean and its impact on the carbon cycle. (United States)

    Rees, Siwan A; Opdyke, Bradley N; Wilson, Paul A; Fifield, L Keith


    Coral reefs in the southwest Indian Ocean cover an area of ca. 18,530 km2 compared with a global reef area of nearly 300,000 km2. These regions are important as fishing grounds, tourist attractions and as a significant component of the global carbon cycle. The mass of calcium carbonate stored within Holocene neritic sediments is a number that we are only now beginning to quantify with any confidence, in stark contrast to the mass and sedimentation rates associated with pelagic calcium carbonate, which have been relatively well defined for decades. We report new data that demonstrate that the reefs at Rodrigues, like those at Reunion and Mauritius, only reached a mature state (reached sea level) by 2-3 ka: thousands of years later than most of the reefs in the Australasian region. Yet field observations show that the large lagoon at Rodrigues is already completely full of carbonate detritus (typical lagoon depth less than 1 m at low spring tide). The presence of aeolian dunes at Rodrigues indicates periodic exposure of past lagoons throughout the Pleistocene. The absence of elevated Pleistocene reef deposits on the island indicates that the island has not been uplifted. Most Holocene reefs are between 15 and 20 m in thickness and those in the southwest Indian Ocean appear to be consistent with this observation. We support the view that the CO2 flux associated with coral-reef growth acts as a climate change amplifier during deglaciation, adding CO2 to a warming world. southwest Indian Ocean reefs could have added 7-10% to this global flux during the Holocene.

  11. Premium Pricing In Health Insurance By Nelson- Aalen Estimator


    Istikaanah, Najmah


    In this paper the using of Nelson Aalen estimators are presented to estimate transition probabilities of multistate model. Based on discrete time Markov, we will get transition matrices?é?á which the elements are transition probabilities from Nelson Aalen estimator. Because of the data that used in the construction of transition matrices are person?óÔé¼Ôäós health histories, then it can be seen as a morbidity value, which can be used to premium pricing.?é?á

  12. Asymptotic Completeness for a Renormalized Nonrelativistic Hamiltonian in Quantum Field Theory: The Nelson Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ammari, Zied


    Scattering theory for the Nelson model is studied. We show Rosen estimates and we prove the existence of a ground state for the Nelson Hamiltonian. Also we prove that it has a locally finite pure point spectrum outside its thresholds. We study the asymptotic fields and the existence of the wave operators. Finally we show asymptotic completeness for the Nelson Hamiltonian

  13. Political apathy amongst students: A case study of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

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    Ntsikelelo B. Breakfast


    Full Text Available The primary motivation for this research, in which a qualitative method was employed, was to examine political apathy amongst students at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. The secondary motivation was to question whether youth political apathy threatens the consolidation of democracy. The researchers arranged four focus groups at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. A purposive sampling technique was utilised. All 50 participants in the study were Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University undergraduate and postgraduate black students, with ages ranging from 21 to 35 years. The researchers encouraged participants to have maximum participation in the focus group deliberations. The researchers also made use of elite interviews in the study. The findings of this study suggest that political apathy does exist amongst students at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. Most of the participants in the focus groups indicated that young people in post-apartheid South Africa have no interest in politics.

  14. STS-26 MS Nelson on fixed based (FB) shuttle mission simulator (SMS) middeck (United States)


    STS-26 Discovery, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 103, Mission Specialist (MS) George D. Nelson trains on the middeck of the fixed based (FB) shuttle mission simulator (SMS). Nelson, wearing communications assembly headset, adjusts camera mounting bracket.

  15. Nelson's syndrome in pregnancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Surrey, E.S.; Chang, R.J.


    The therapeutic considerations in the management of Nelson's syndrome in a 29 year old primigravida are described. CT scans revealed a 2-cm solid pituitary lesion with suprasellar extension and chiasmatic encroachment. A transsphenoidal hypophysectomy was performed to remove a eosinophilic pituitary adenoma. The patient's symptoms improved following surgery. Fetal growth was followed by ultrasound and a female infant was delivered by cesarean section. Follow-up CT scan 2 weeks after delivery revealed no evidence of tumor recurrence

  16. Espaços de leituras nas instituições educacionais: reflexões sobre o leitor real e virtual

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    Ursula Blattmann


    Full Text Available Apresenta a importância de proporcionar qualidade ambiental do espaço físico real e no ambiente virtual destinado à leitura e produção de conhecimento em bibliotecas envolvidas na estrutura educacional (em instituições de ensino e centros de pesquisa. As bibliotecas tornam-se um diferencial positivo no processo de aprendizagem. Ao bibliotecário são necessárias habilidades e competências dinâmicas em promover e administrar espaços para interação dos leitores com o mundo da leitura. Facilitar um ambiente adequado para os estudos, encontros intelectuais, debates com autores e discussões de leituras são primordiais para o transmitir, gerar e inovar conhecimentos nas diferentes áreas do saber. Entender as transições do leitor de páginas ao indivíduo que interage pelo vídeo: o leitor de telas na teia global. São abordadas questões de como e por que transformar os espaços de acesso e uso de fontes de informação capazes de proporcionarem inúmeras leituras a ser realizadas entre os mundos das imagens, palavras, hipertextos e hipermídia. Algumas considerações sobre os impactos da divisão digital e o acesso e uso de fontes de informação para o desenvolvimento e construção da Sociedade do Conhecimento.

  17. Gamma knife radiosurgery for Cushing's disease and Nelson's syndrome. (United States)

    Marek, Josef; Ježková, Jana; Hána, Václav; Kršek, Michal; Liščák, Roman; Vladyka, Vilibald; Pecen, Ladislav


    This paper presents our 18 years of experience in treating ACTH secreting adenomas (Cushing's disease and Nelson's syndrome) using the Leksell gamma knife (LGK) irradiation. Twenty-six patients with Cushing's disease were followed-up after LGK irradiation for 48-216 months (median 78 months). Seventeen patients had undergone previous surgery, in nine patients LGK irradiation was the primary therapy. Furthermore, 14 patients with Nelson's syndrome were followed-up for 30-204 months (median 144 months). LGK treatment resulted in hormonal normalization in 80.7 % of patients with Cushing's disease. Time to normalization was 6-54 months (median 30 months). The volume of the adenoma decreased in 92.3% (in 30.7% disappeared completely). There was no recurrence of the disease. In all 14 patients with Nelson's syndrome ACTH levels decreased (in two patients fully normalized) their ACTH levels. When checked up 5-10 years after irradiation regrowth of the adenoma was only detected in one patient (9.1%), in 27.3% adenoma volume remained unchanged, in 45.4% adenoma volume decreased and in 18.2% adenoma completely disappeared. Hypopituitarism did not develop in any patient where the critical dose to the pituitary and distal infundibulum was respected. LGK radiation represents an effective and well-tolerated option for the treatment of patients with Cushing's disease after unsuccessful surgery and may be valuable even as a primary treatment in patients who are not suitable for, or refuse, surgery. In the case of Nelson's syndrome it is possible to impede tumorous growth and control the size of the adenoma in almost all patients.

  18. Observations of emperor geese feeding at Nelson Lagoon, Alaska (United States)

    Petersen, Margaret R.


    Estuaries along the north side of the Alaska Peninsula provide essential habitat for most of the American population of Emperor Goose (Chen canagica) during migration (Petersen and Gill 1982). Most of the population passes through Nelson Lagoon in spring and fall, with over 40,000 birds recorded there (Gill et al 1981). Little is known about the feeding activity of Emperor Geese while they are in estuaries, and the importance of estuaries as staging areas during spring and fall migration is poorly understood. Here I report observations on the feeding activity of emperor Geese at one estuary (Nelson Lagoon).

  19. A contribuição de Osvaldo Rodrigues da Cunha (1928-2011 à Herpetologia

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    Teresa Cristina Avila-Pires

    Full Text Available O texto faz breve descrição da obra herpetológica de Osvaldo Rodrigues da Cunha (1928-2011, pesquisador do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Brasil. Destaca sua formação intelectual, os principais trabalhos, a organização da coleção herpetológica do Museu Goeldi e a criação do Setor de Herpetologia da instituição. Também destaca as espécies descritas por Cunha e colaboradores.

  20. Mercury in Nelson's Sparrow subspecies at breeding sites.

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    Virginia L Winder

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Mercury is a persistent, biomagnifying contaminant that can cause negative effects on ecosystems. Marshes are often areas of relatively high mercury methylation and bioaccumulation. Nelson's Sparrows (Ammodramus nelsoni use marsh habitats year-round and have been documented to exhibit tissue mercury concentrations that exceed negative effects thresholds. We sought to further characterize the potential risk of Nelson's Sparrows to mercury exposure by sampling individuals from sites within the range of each of its subspecies. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: From 2009 to 2011, we captured adult Nelson's Sparrows at sites within the breeding range of each subspecies (A. n. nelsoni: Grand Forks and Upham, North Dakota; A. n. alterus: Moosonee, Ontario; and A. n. subvirgatus: Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick and sampled breast feathers, the first primary feather (P1, and blood for total mercury analysis. Mean blood mercury in nelsoni individuals captured near Grand Forks ranged from 0.84 ± 0.37 to 1.65 ± 1.02 SD ppm among years, between 2.0 and 4.9 times as high as concentrations at the other sites (P<0.01. Breast feather mercury did not vary among sites within a given sampling year (site means ranged from 0.98 ± 0.69 to 2.71 ± 2.93 ppm. Mean P1 mercury in alterus (2.96 ± 1.84 ppm fw was significantly lower than in any other sampled population (5.25 ± 2.24-6.77 ± 3.51 ppm; P ≤ 0.03. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study further characterized mercury in Nelson's Sparrows near Grand Forks; we documented localized and potentially harmful mercury concentrations, indicating that this area may represent a biological mercury hotspot. This finding warrants further research to determine if wildlife populations of conservation or recreational interest in this area may be experiencing negative effects due to mercury exposure. We present preliminary conclusions about the risk of each sampled population to mercury exposure.

  1. Mercury in Nelson's Sparrow Subspecies at Breeding Sites (United States)

    Winder, Virginia L.; Emslie, Steven D.


    Background Mercury is a persistent, biomagnifying contaminant that can cause negative effects on ecosystems. Marshes are often areas of relatively high mercury methylation and bioaccumulation. Nelson's Sparrows (Ammodramus nelsoni) use marsh habitats year-round and have been documented to exhibit tissue mercury concentrations that exceed negative effects thresholds. We sought to further characterize the potential risk of Nelson's Sparrows to mercury exposure by sampling individuals from sites within the range of each of its subspecies. Methodology/Principal Findings From 2009 to 2011, we captured adult Nelson's Sparrows at sites within the breeding range of each subspecies (A. n. nelsoni: Grand Forks and Upham, North Dakota; A. n. alterus: Moosonee, Ontario; and A. n. subvirgatus: Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick) and sampled breast feathers, the first primary feather (P1), and blood for total mercury analysis. Mean blood mercury in nelsoni individuals captured near Grand Forks ranged from 0.84±0.37 to 1.65±1.02 SD ppm among years, between 2.0 and 4.9 times as high as concentrations at the other sites (Pmercury did not vary among sites within a given sampling year (site means ranged from 0.98±0.69 to 2.71±2.93 ppm). Mean P1 mercury in alterus (2.96±1.84 ppm fw) was significantly lower than in any other sampled population (5.25±2.24–6.77±3.51 ppm; P≤0.03). Conclusions/Significance Our study further characterized mercury in Nelson's Sparrows near Grand Forks; we documented localized and potentially harmful mercury concentrations, indicating that this area may represent a biological mercury hotspot. This finding warrants further research to determine if wildlife populations of conservation or recreational interest in this area may be experiencing negative effects due to mercury exposure. We present preliminary conclusions about the risk of each sampled population to mercury exposure. PMID:22384194

  2. Grantee Spotlight: Bill Nelson, M.D., Ph.D. (United States)

    Dr. William (Bill) Nelson is playing an integral role in advancing our understanding of cancer health disparities and helping to foster the interests of young students from underrepresented backgrounds in cancer/cancer health disparities research.



    Durvali Emilio Fregonezi


    Os PCNs de Língua Portuguesa, documento publicado em 1998, apresenta algumas sugestões para o encaminhamento do ensino de leitura. Dentre elas destacamos: “é necessário refletir com os alunos sobre as diferentes modalidades de leitura e os procedimentos que elas requerem do leitor. São coisas diferentes ler para se divertir, ler para escrever, ler para estudar, ler para descobrir o que deve ser feito, ler buscando identificar a intenção do escritor, ler para revisar...(p.61)”. No entanto, os ...

  4. A descrição histórica, geográfica e etnográfica do rio Capim feita por João Barbosa Rodrigues

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    Cláudio Ximenes

    Full Text Available Resumo Em 1871, o botânico João Barbosa Rodrigues (1842-1909 foi comissionado pelo Governo Imperial para explorar alguns rios do vale amazônico, a fim de completar a parte das palmeiras da grandiosa “Flora Brasiliensis”, de Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794-1868. Foi assim que Barbosa Rodrigues explorou o rio Capim. Os resultados dessa viagem estão no Relatório “Exploração e estudo do valle do Amazonas: rio Capim”, no qual o botânico registrou não apenas minuciosa descrição geográfica e hidrográfica deste rio, como também aspectos botânicos, zoológicos e de ocupação humana da localidade por meio de observações arqueológicas e etnográficas. O objetivo deste artigo é estabelecer como os estudos realizados por Barbosa Rodrigues no rio Capim contribuíram para a elaboração de um conhecimento científico da Amazônia paraense, construído dentro do contexto político-científico brasileiro do século XIX, dominado pelo Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro.

  5. Nelson Werneck Sodré e o "marxismo ocidental"

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    Wilson do Nascimento Barbosa


    Full Text Available This articles discusses Nelson Pereira dos Santos' movie Arid lifes, made after homonym Graciliano Ramos' book. Werneck Sodré's methological questions are evoked from book and movie subjects as rural poverty and dayly violence.

  6. Philosophical Remarks on Nelson Mandela's Education Legacy (United States)

    Waghid, Yusef


    In this article, I reflect on Nelson Mandela's (Madiba, the clan name of Mandela) education legacy. I argue that Madiba's education legacy is constituted by three interrelated aspects: firstly, an education for non-violence guided by deliberation, compassion and reconciliation; secondly, education as responsibility towards the Other; and thirdly,…

  7. 78 FR 56224 - Hydro Nelson, Ltd.; Hydro-WM, LLC; Notice of Transfer of Exemption (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 3401-049] Hydro Nelson, Ltd.; Hydro-WM, LLC; Notice of Transfer of Exemption 1. By documentation filed July 8, 2013 and supplemented... Hydro-WM, LLC. The project is located on the Rockfish River in Nelson County, Virginia. The transfer of...

  8. Nelson Maculan Filho: cientista e educador

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    Ribeiro Celso Carneiro


    Full Text Available Este texto é um pequeno e merecido tributo ao Professor Nelson Maculan Filho por ocasião do seu 60masculine aniversário, em reconhecimento às suas grandes contribuições à Universidade brasileira. Como amigos, colaboradores e ex-alunos, ficamos sensibilizados e honrados com o convite feito pelo Professor Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter para escrever este artigo. Carpe diem, querido amigo Maculan!

  9. Nelson ja Rodney - inglaste erandlikud lahingulaevad / Sander Kingsepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kingsepp, Sander


    1922. aastal Washingtonis alla kirjutatud mereväerelvastuse lepe läks ajalukku äpardunud katsena võidurelvastamisele piir panna. Leppega ühinenud riigid hakkasid ilmutama veidra välimusega sõjalaevu, mille seas olid aukohal Briti alused "Nelson" ja "Rodney"

  10. O personagem tradutor e o leitor na rede de Italo CalvinoDOI: 10.5007/2176-8552.2011n12p105

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    Alessandra Matias Querido


    Full Text Available O romance de Italo Calvino, Se um viajante numa noite de inverno, é composto de uma série de narrativas interligadas pela estrutura de um romance policial, no qual os protagonistas, o Leitor e a Leitora, precisam desvendar o enigma dos romances inacabados e dos manuscritos roubados. No cerne da trama encontra-se o personagem tradutor Ermes Marana, o qual serve não só como recurso narrativo para aumentar o grau de desconfiança do leitor como também o leva a questionar o papel do autor e do tradutor dentro do universo literário. Italo Calvino, por meio do personagem tradutor, ironiza a idealização do autor como criador absoluto do texto literário e repensa os clichês comumente associados à profissão de tradutor.

  11. Score-Driven Nelson Siegel: Hedging Long-Term Liabilities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Quaedvlieg (Rogier); P.C. Schotman (Peter)


    textabstractDue to its affine structure the Nelson-Siegel model for yield curves can be transformed to a factor model for excess bond returns. Hedging interest rate risk in this framework amounts to eliminating the factor exposure and minimizing the residual risk. Fitting the model directly on

  12. ‘Magic Negro’, Saint or Comrade: Representations of Nelson Mandela in Film


    Roger Bromley


    “In the late 1980s, Nelson Mandela stood alone against the apartheid state.” This comment taken from the DVD Box set cover of Nelson Mandela: From Freedom to History summarises the approach taken by many of the cinematic and televisual representations of Mandela. Linked with this is a statement by the CEO of Marriott which speaks of Mandela as “an individual who changed the arc of history through his or her singular contribution, not as a function of the era or the movement but because of wha...

  13. Book Review: Nelson Mandela: A Jacana Pocket Biography ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Book Title: Nelson Mandela: A Jacana Pocket Biography. Author: Colin Bundy. Jacana: Auckland Park, 2015. 159 pp. Full Text: EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT · AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians · for Authors ...

  14. 78 FR 66353 - EAM Nelson Holdings, LLC; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate Filing Includes... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. ER13-2349-000] EAM Nelson Holdings, LLC; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate Filing Includes Request for Blanket Section 204 Authorization This is a supplemental notice in the above-referenced proceeding, of EAM Nelson...

  15. Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Cushing's Disease and Nelson's Syndrome

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Marek, J.; Ježková, J.; Hána, V.; Kršek, M.; Liščák, R.; Vladyka, V.; Pecen, Ladislav


    Roč. 18, č. 3 (2015), s. 376-384 ISSN 1386-341X Institutional support: RVO:67985807 Keywords : Cushing's disease * Nelson's syndrome * Gamma knife surgery * Pituitary adenoma Subject RIV: FB - Endocrinology, Diabetology, Metabolism, Nutrition Impact factor: 3.407, year: 2015

  16. O uso de leitores de tela no TelEduc

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    Roberto Sussumu Wataya


    Full Text Available Investigou-se, no Ambiente Telemático TelEduc, a acessibilidade de Pessoas com Necessidades Especiais Visuais (PNEV's, utilizando os softwares Leitores de Tela - LT DosVox e Jaws, tendo como ponto de partida uma revisão de literatura relacionada ao uso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC e à Educação a Distância (EAD. Primeiramente investigou-se como os softwares LT, as ferramentas e os conteúdos do curso do programa do Proinesp-II auxiliaram a capacitação à distância de professores no uso de informática na Educação Especial. Em uma segunda etapa, analisou-se o uso dos referidos softwares LT e das ferramentas da plataforma TelEduc com duas PNEV's, em vinte sessões, gravadas e transcritas em forma de tabelas. Resultados indicam, entre outros aspectos, que ambos os softwares LT - DosVox e Jaws -, com pequenas diferenças entre si, permitem o acesso das PNEV's no TelEduc.

  17. Nelson's syndrome in pregnancy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Surrey, E.S.; Chang, R.J.


    The therapeutic considerations in the management of Nelson's syndrome in a 29 year old primigravida are described. CT scans revealed a 2-cm solid pituitary lesion with suprasellar extension and chiasmatic encroachment. A transsphenoidal hypophysectomy was performed to remove a eosinophilic pituitary adenoma. The patient's symptoms improved following surgery. Fetal growth was followed by ultrasound and a female infant was delivered by cesarean section. Follow-up CT scan 2 weeks after delivery revealed no evidence of tumor recurrence.

  18. The search for a more human face for Nelson Mandela: An urgent task


    Tinyiko Maluleke


    For many reasons, reflecting on the life of Nelson Mandela is a precarious exercise. If Mandela is a symbol of the resilience of the human spirit under trying conditions, he is also a symbol that is appropriated in various ways – helpful and unhelpful – by various people. This article explores some of the unhelpful ways in which the name and person of Nelson Mandela is invoked. In particular, the article looks at the hagiographical orientation of several reflections on Mandela, cautioning ...

  19. Convergence of Nelson diffusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dell'Antonio, G.; Posilicano, A.


    Let ψ t , ψ t n , n≥1, be solutions of Schroedinger equations with potentials form-bounded by -1/2 Δ and initial data in H 1 (R d ). Let P, P n , n≥1, be the probability measures on the path space Ω=C(R + , R d ) given by the corresponding Nelson diffusions. We show that if {ψ t n } n≥1 converges to ψ t in H 2 (R d ), uniformly in t over compact intervals, then {P n } n≥1 converges to P in total variation. Moreover, if the potentials are in the Kato class K d , we show that the above result follows from H 1 -convergence of initial data, and K d -convergence of potentials. (orig.)

  20. Ethnopharmacological appraisal of culturally important medicinal plants and polyherbal formulas used against communicable diseases in Rodrigues Island. (United States)

    Samoisy, Anne Kathie; Mahomoodally, Fawzi


    The tropical island of Rodrigues is one of three islands that constitute the Mascarene archipelago in the Indian Ocean. Currently considered as a biodiversity hotspot, the island has also a resilient history in the use of traditional medicine. However, there has been no ethnopharmacological study to document quantitatively such traditional practice against communicable diseases (CD), which currently accounts for 6.61% annual death and 30.7% attendances in public hospitals. The aim of the present study was to collect, analyse, and document traditionally used medicinal plants (MP) and polyherbal formulas from key informants and traditional medicine practitioners (TMP) in Rodrigues to treat and/or manage common CD. Data was collected via face-to-face interviews with MP users (n=113) and TMP (n=9) from 17 key sites. Seven quantitative ethnopharmacological indices, namely family use value (FUV), use value (UV), informant agreement ratio (IAR), relative frequency of citation (RFC), fidelity level (FL), relative importance (RI), and ethnobotanicity index (EI) were calculated. Ninety-seven plants belonging to 49 families were recorded to be in common use as monotherapy (80 plants) and/or as part of polyherbal preparation (23 plants) for the treatment and/or management of 16 different CD. Thirteen MPs were found to have a maximum FL of 100% for CD. The highest IAR (0.98) was observed for diseases of the eye and adnexa and skin and subcutaneous tissue. The highest FUV was for Arecaceae. Ayapana triplinervis (Vahl) R.M. king et H.Rob. scored the highest UV (UV=2.72). Seven endemic medicinal plants have been recorded to be employed in cultural rituals for the management of common CDs, whereas 14 polyherbal preparations were used to treat and/or manage 6 different types of CDs. Side effects were also reported following use of some these medicinal plants. Given the dearth of updated information on traditional medicine from Rodrigues, this work has provided an


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    Alimuddin -


    Full Text Available Prediction of dragon fruit maturation peak by measuring reductor sugar with nelson-somogyi method have been done. Prediction was done by using three modes which are experimental result, regression model and first derivation. Age of the fruit which used in this research were 1, 3, 5 and 7 weeks old. Based on the result of this research can be concluded that maturation peak of dragon fruit happens at between 5 until 6 weeks old. Keywords: Dragon Fruit, Reductor Sugar and Nelson-Somogyi Method.

  2. Corner Office Interview: SirsiDynix's Rautenstrauch and Nelson (United States)

    Rapp, David; Fialkoff, Francine


    This article presents an interview with SirsiDynix CEO Gary M. Rautenstrauch and newly appointed VP of library relations Berit Nelson about some of the issues that have been roiling the ILS world and the company itself, among them the recent consolidation of SirsiDynix's offices, customer service, the state of library budgets, the rise of ebooks…

  3. Kunda "liumägi" / Ago Kastemäe, Huviklubi Nelson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kastemäe, Ago


    Millistel tingimustel on võimalik Kunda jõel paiknevast hüdroelektrijaama tammist süsta või raftiga alla sõita. Huviklubi Nelson pakub koostöös Lontova Seikluspargiga Kunda jõel juhendajatega raftimatku

  4. Analyzing the term structure of interest rates using the dynamic Nelson-Siegel model with time-varying parameters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koopman, S.J.; Mallee, M.I.P.; van der Wel, M.


    In this article we introduce time-varying parameters in the dynamic Nelson-Siegel yield curve model for the simultaneous analysis and forecasting of interest rates of different maturities. The Nelson-Siegel model has been recently reformulated as a dynamic factor model with vector autoregressive

  5. O incentivo da leitura por meio de histórias em quadrinhos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudineia Pereira Canguçu


    Full Text Available A leitura é importante na formação do cidadão, pois, desperta o imaginário, o faz refletir, pensar, concordar ou discordar, ter uma posição perante o que lê. Mas para ter alunos leitores é necessário desde cedo disponibilizar, ou melhor, proporcionar o contato entre livros e alunos. No presente artigo propomos investigar e analisar se ocorre e como ocorre o incentivo a leitura por meio de histórias em quadrinhos no espaço escolar, como ela acontece, tendo em vista a formação de alunos leitores. O público pesquisado foram professores e alunos do 4º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma Escola Municipal de Sinop/Mato Grosso. Quanto à metodologia utilizada na pesquisa foi qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso, em que utilizamos como principal fonte de coleta de dados a observação, as conversas informais e questionários com professores e alunos. A pesquisa teve como base teórica autores, como: Carlos Rodrigues Brandão, Bernard Charlot, Paulo Freire, Regina Zilberman, Maria Helena Martins, AntonioChizzotti, além da lei 9394/96-LDB (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases e os PCN (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Fundamental.Palavras-chave: educação; histórias em quadrinhos; alunos leitores.

  6. Tropidurus cocorobensis Rodrigues, 1987 (Squamata, Tropiduridae. New record and geographic distribution map in northeastern Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barbosa, Luirick F. S.


    Full Text Available Tropidurus cocorobensis Rodrigues, 1987. Brazil, state of Pernambuco, municipality of Floresta (08°36'04" S; 38°34'07" W; 316 m. Collectors: Members of the Wildlife Rescue Team from the Project of Integration of São Francisco river (PISF with the basins of septentrional northeastern. From July 2009 to February 2010, 55 specimens were collected in areas of Caatinga characterized by shrub vegetation with sandy soil, and deposited in the Scientific Collection of the Centro de Conservação e Manejo de Fauna da Caatinga – CEMAFAUNA-CAATINGA/UNIVASF, Petrolina, Brazil. Axis East Transposition of the São Franscisco river – Petrolândia (Leste Petrolândia: LPE (LPE 998.

  7. Nelson Mandela and the Power of Ubuntu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claire E. Oppenheim


    Full Text Available Nelson Mandela dedicated his life to fighting for the freedom of his South African kin of all colors against the institution of apartheid. He spent twenty-seven years fighting from within prison, only gaining his freedom when his fellow South Africans could claim it as well. This article demonstrates how his faith, his spiritual development and his noble purpose can be conceptualized through the lens of Ubuntu: the African ethic of community, unity, humanity and harmony.

  8. Rebuttal to Nelson et al. 'Response to Bodin and Grote regarding postdoctoral recruitment in clinical neuropsychology'. (United States)

    Bodin, Doug; Grote, Christopher L


    Nelson et al. provided a response to our commentary on the postdoctoral match in clinical neuropsychology. In this brief rebuttal, we will focus on statements from Nelson et al. that we believe are factual inaccuracies or misunderstandings of some of the points we made in our commentary. In addition, we will comment briefly on the proposed guidelines offered in their response.

  9. accuracy of nelson and best guess formulae in estimation of weights

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    treatment decisions including nutritional status assessment, drug ... weight estimations in infants and children aged 6-11 years. ... include: the Nelson formulae,7,8 Advanced Paediatric ... measured according to the Center for Disease Control.

  10. A Good Time: A Conversation with C. Michael Nelson (United States)

    Zabel, Robert; Kaff, Marilyn; Teagarden, Jim


    C. Michael Nelson began his special education career as a teacher of adolescents with learning and behavior disorders. He has worked as a child psychologist and as a professor with the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling at the University of Kentucky. He coordinated the graduate Personnel Preparation Program for Teachers…

  11. A Message from Nelson Mandela to the Youth of America. (United States)

    Mandela, Nelson


    Presents a message to young people from Nelson Mandela, president of South Africa. Calls for a bridge between the youth of Africa and the United States. Asserts that racial divisions in the United States are major social issues that must be solved. (CFR)

  12. Romance and Freedom: Nelson and Winnie Mandela’s Politics of Gender in Three Post-Apartheid Novels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorenzo Mari


    Full Text Available This paper aims to retrace the influence of the politics of gender enacted by Nelson and Winnie Mandela on post-apartheid gender relationships, as represented in three novels: Phaswane Mpe’s Welcome to Our Hillbrow (2001, Njabulo Ndebele’s The Cry of Winnie Mandela (2003 and Lewis Nkosi’s Mandela’s Ego (2006. Recently, Nelson and Winnie Mandela’s marriage has been also described as the “unusual founding-family romance” (Munro 2014 of the post-apartheid nation. Their marriage lasted from 1958 to 1992, including, thus, the last decades of the anti-apartheid struggle, as well as the demise of the apartheid regime. Their separation, which was due in the first place to Nelson Mandela’s imprisonment and, later, to their divorce, eventually marked the disruption of this founding-family romance, making it “unusual”. As a consequence, the deconstructive take on Nelson Mandela’s fatherhood and masculinity and Winnie Mandela’s femininity and motherhood which is enacted in the three novels also allows to reassess the possibility of that “founding-family romance”, envisioning an alternative understanding of the origins of the post-apartheid South African nation.

  13. John Nelson Darby: His Contributions to Evangelical Christian Higher Education (United States)

    Sutherland, Winston Terrance


    The study reported in this article focused on the contributions of John Nelson Derby to biblical hermeneutics and contemporary eschatological thought. Darby continues to exert a great influence on Christianity, particularly conservative evangelical Christianity. This research provides a discussion of Darby's contributions to contemporary…


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    Cláudio José de Almeida Mello


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de contribuir para a construção de alternativas de práticas de leitura na escola que façam a ponte entre a leitura mais lúdica realizada na infância e um hábito de leitura que se pretende para as idades mais avançadas do educando, o artigo apresenta reflexões teórico-metodológicas acerca da formação do leitor fundamentadas no dialogismo bakhtiniano, e proposta de letramento na área de língua e de literatura pautada no sócio-interacionismo. O estudo foi feito a partir de revisão bibliográfica e também de pesquisa empírica realizada em escola pública de Ensino Fundamental e Médio de Guarapuava-PR, a qual, baseada na metodologia da pesquisa-ação, apresenta como resultado a relevância de um planejamento para toda a vida escolar do aluno, a fim de que as práticas de leitura estejam sintonizadas com uma proposta pedagógica que valorize a literatura em sua dimensão estética e a leitura como prática social. A relevância do trabalho está em contribuir para a formação do leitor com comportamento perene de leitura, e não episódico, desde a leitura da literatura infantil, envolvendo processos de ensino-aprendizagem, a biblioteca escolar e a participação dos pais.

  15. O IMAGINÁRIO RURAL DO LEITOR URBANO: o sonho mítico da casa no campo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gislene Silva


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa procura compreender um fenômeno aparentemente comum: o sonho de muitos moradores urbanos em ter uma casa no campo. A investigação é feita junto aos leitores da revista Globo Rural, uma publicação especializada em atividades agrícolas. São assinantes que residem na cidade de São Paulo e não possuem nenhum tipo de propriedade no meio rural. O propósito deste estudo é tentar apreender os movimentos desse imaginário, contribuindo para o debate das conexões entre campo e cidade e para o entendimento da interação entre sujeitos e produtos culturais simbólicos, no cotidiano urbano contemporâneo. Diante da complexa relação do homem com a natureza e da condição histórica vivida numa metrópole nesta virada de século, percebe-se que, ao sonhar com a casa no campo, os leitores urbanos da revista não apenas se voltam de maneira saudosa para o passado rural. No tempo presente, eles tecem uma crítica profunda ao modelo civilizatório da urbanidade da metrópole e, olhando para frente, imaginam um futuro melhor fora da cidade, no meio rural, mais perto das coisas da natureza, num lugar mais solidário, longe da violência, do trânsito pesado, da poluição e com mais qualidade de vida.

  16. The struggle for Sunday lunch: gastropolitics in the life of Nelson Mandela. (United States)

    Trapido, Anna


    This paper explores the political, economic, and social life of Nelson Mandela through his food choices from 1918 to the present. A description of the minutiae of one particular 1950s Sunday lunch is used to examine the broader role of first colonial and later apartheid legislation in determining the dietary choices and options of South Africans past and present. How such policies shaped attitudes and access to Nelson Mandela’s ancestral Xhosa cuisine is assessed. The long-term cultural, economic, and political impact of a lack of access to core indigenous African ingredients is evaluated. Most of all this paper offers a snapshot portrayal of two families (one white, one black) trying to sustain a normal friendship within a grossly abnormal society.

  17. Setting up the Nelson Mandela centre of memory and commemoration

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article aims to outline the process of the audits, highlight the issues involved in the development of the web archive, as well as provide details on the development of the database architecture. Keywords: centre of memory and commemoration, Constitution Hill Heritage Site, Nelson Mandela Foundation, South Africa

  18. Remarks on an algebraic semantics for paraconsistent Nelson's logic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuela Busaniche


    Full Text Available In the paper Busaniche and Cignoli (2009 we presented a quasivariety of commutative residuated lattices, called NPc-lattices, that serves as an algebraic semantics for paraconsistent Nelson's logic. In the present paper we show that NPc-lattices form a subvariety of the variety of commutative residuated lattices, we study congruences of NPc-lattices and some subvarieties of NPc-lattices.

  19. John Nelson Darby: Scholarship that Influenced the Bible College Movement (United States)

    Sutherland, Winston Terrance


    The study reported in this article focused on the scholastic life of John Nelson Darby and his contributions to the Bible college movement. Darby continues to exert a great influence on Christianity, particularly conservative evangelical Christianity. This research provides a discussion of the forces that conspired to shape the direction of…

  20. Special article: Horace Nelson MD, John Webster LDS--unrecognized Canadian anesthesia pioneers. (United States)

    Craig, Douglas; Chartrand, Daniel


    The timing of the earliest reported ether anesthetics in early 1847, in regions to become Canada in July 1867, was examined using information from on-line and library-based sources. Previous authors had identified the first reported ether anesthetic given by a visiting American dentist in January 1847 in Saint John, New Brunswick. Nevertheless, they had reported three different anesthetics as the second occurrence - which would denote the first anesthetic given by a resident of Canada. We confirmed that there were no reports of ether anesthetics being given in Canada before that reported on January 18, 1847 in Saint John. The information available for our review indicates that the second ether anesthetic, and the first by a Canadian, was given in Montreal by a dentist, Dr. John Horatio Webster, on February 20, 1847. The surgical assistant for that operation, Dr. Horace Nelson, later reported on animal and human experiments with ether, which he had led in Montreal starting in January 1847. Earlier authors, who may not have had access to the information now available, came to incorrect conclusions about the first ether anesthetic reported to have been given by a Canadian. Current information indicates that John Webster gave the first reported anesthetic in Montreal on February 20, 1847 following experiments with ether led by Horace Nelson. Both Webster and Nelson deserve recognition as Canadian anesthesia pioneers.

  1. Preliminary report on the Nelson and Radovan copper prospects, Nizina district, Alaska (United States)

    Sainsbury, C.J.


    Renewed copper exploration by Alaska Copper Mines, Incorporated, at the Nelson and Radovan prospects, Nizina district, Alaska, led the Geological Survey in 1951 to map in detail the Nelson fault block, and to re-examine the old workings. In addition, two new prospects were studied. The Nelson fault block is cut by many dominantly strike-slip faults of small displacement, and by bedding faults. Slickensided chalcocite shows post-mineral movement, and chalcocite veinlet in a filled solution cavity indicates that some of the chalcocite is secondary, perhaps very recent. Structural relations indicate two overthrust faults cut the block. The Radovan Greenstone prospect shows massive chalcocite, up to 3 feet wide, in a silicified, epidotized fault zone in the Nikolai greenstone. Ore indicated by surface exposures may amount to 450 tons of chalcocite. The Radovan Low-Contact prospect is on a continuation of the same fault approximately 3 miles southwest of the Greenstone prospect, and 150 feet above the contact of the Nikolai greenstone and the overlying Chitistone limestone. Limonite staining is widespread in bedding planes and small faults near the fault zone; mineralization in the fault zone consists of pyrite, chalcocite, bornite, malachite, realgar, orpiment and stibnite. The sulphides in the fault zone, plus the widespread silicification and epidotization indicate a strong zone of hydrothermal activity which merits extensive prospecting.

  2. Muusikamaailm : Gran Teatre del Liceu taassünd. Orkestrikonverents Tokyos ja vietnami helilooja Phan. Konkursid Kölnis ja Düsseldorfis. Suri fado-lauljatar Amalia Rodrigues / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Barcelonas avas 7. okt. taas uksed Gran Teatre del Liceu, mis hävis tulekahjus 1994.a., teatri hooaja kavast, esinejatest. Jaapanis Tokyos toimunud Aasia maade orkestrikonverentsist. Kölni rahvusvahelise viiuldajate konkursi võitjatest, noorte muusikute nüüdismuusikaansamblite võistlusest Düsseldorfis. A.Rodrigues" lauljategevusest

  3. Mixing and photoreactivity of dissolved organic matter in the Nelson/Hayes estuarine system (Hudson Bay, Canada) (United States)

    Guéguen, C.; Mokhtar, M.; Perroud, A.; McCullough, G.; Papakyriakou, T.


    This work presents the results of a 4-year study (2009-2012) investigating the mixing and photoreactivity of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the Nelson/Hayes estuary (Hudson Bay). Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), colored DOM, and humic-like DOM decreased with increasing salinity (r2 = 0.70-0.84). Removal of DOM was noticeable at low to mid salinity range, likely due to degradation and/or adsorption to particles. DOM photobleaching rates (i.e., decrease in DOM signal resulting from exposure to solar radiation) ranged from 0.005 to 0.030 h- 1, corresponding to half-lives of 4.9-9.9 days. Dissolved organic matter from the Nelson and Hayes Rivers was more photoreactive than from the estuary where the photodegradation of terrestrial DOM decreased with increasing salinity. Coincident with the loss of CDOM absorption was an increase in spectral slope S, suggesting a decrease in DOM molecular weight. Marked differences in photoreactivity of protein- and humic-like DOM were observed with highly humidified material being the most photosensitive. Information generated by our study will provide a valuable data set for better understanding the impacts of future hydroelectric development and climate change on DOM biogeochemical dynamics in the Nelson/Hayes estuary and coastal domain. This study will constitute a reference on terrestrial DOM fate prior to building additional generating capacity on the Nelson River.

  4. Larval development of Lepidophthalmus siriboia Felder & Rodrigues, 1993 (Decapoda: Thalassinidea from the Amazon region, reared in the laboratory O desenvolvimento larval de Lepidophthalmus siriboia Felder & Rodrigues, 1993 (Decapoda: Thalassinidea da região amazônica, cultivado em laboratório

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando A. Abrunhosa


    Full Text Available The complete larval development of the ghost shrimp Lepidophthalmus siriboia Felder & Rodrigues, 1993 was described and illustrated in detail from specimens reared in the laboratory. Ovigerous females were collected at Canela Island in the northeastern region of the State of Pará. The larvae hatch as a prezoea, in which they persist for less than 3 hours. The larval development consists of three zoeal stages and a megalopa. The zoeal development averaged from 69 to 111 hours. The period in the megalopa stage was about 185 hours (about 8 days. The percentage of individuals succeeding in molt into juvenile stage was 91,8%. The first juvenile stage was reached 254 hours (about 10 days after hatching. Morphological comparisons and their relationship with larvae of congeneric species are briefly discussed.O desenvolvimento completo de Lepidophthalmus siriboia Felder & Rodrigues, 1993 foi descrito e ilustrado em detalhes a partir de espécimens cultivados em laboratório. Fêmeas ovígeras foram coletadas na ilha de Canela nordeste do Estado do Pará. As larvas eclodem como prezoea e o desenvolvimento larval consiste de 3 estágios de zoea e 1 de megalopa. O desenvolvimento dos 3 estágios de zoea durou em média de 69 a 111 horas. A duração de megalopa foi cerca de 185 horas (cerca de 8 dias. O primeiro juvenil foi alcançado em 254 horas (cerca de 10 dias após a eclosão. Comparações morfológicas com espécies do mesmo gênero são discutidas.

  5. A generalization of Fenyes-Nelson stochastic model of quantum mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davidson, M.


    It is shown that the stochastic model of Fenyes and Nelson can be generalized in such a way that the diffusion constant of the Markov theory becomes a free parameter. This extra freedom allows one to identify quantum mechanics with a class of Markov processes with diffusion constants varying from 0 to infinity. (Auth.)

  6. Romance and Freedom: Nelson and Winnie Mandela’s Politics of Gender in Three Post-Apartheid Novels


    Mari, Lorenzo


    This paper aims to retrace the influence of the politics of gender enacted by Nelson and Winnie Mandela on post-apartheid gender relationships, as represented in three novels: Phaswane Mpe’s Welcome to Our Hillbrow (2001), Njabulo Ndebele’s The Cry of Winnie Mandela (2003) and Lewis Nkosi’s Mandela’s Ego (2006). Recently, Nelson and Winnie Mandela’s marriage has been also described as the “unusual founding-family romance” (Munro 2014) of the post-apartheid nation. Their marriage lasted fr...

  7. O imaginário rural do leitor urbano: o sonho mítico da casa no campo

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    Gislene Silva


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa procura compreender um fenômeno aparentemente comum: o sonho de muitos moradores urbanos em ter uma casa no campo. A investigação é feita junto aos leitores da revista Globo Rural, uma publicação especializada em atividades agrícolas. São assinantes que residem na cidade de São Paulo e não possuem nenhum tipo de propriedade no meio rural. O propósito deste estudo é tentar apreender os movimentos desse imaginário, contribuindo para o debate das conexões entre campo e cidade e para o entendimento da interação entre sujeitos e produtos culturais simbólicos, no cotidiano urbano contemporâneo. Diante da complexa relação do homem com a natureza e da condição histórica vivida numa metrópole nesta virada de século, percebe-se que, ao sonhar com a casa no campo, os leitores urbanos da revista não apenas se voltam de maneira saudosa para o passado rural. No tempo presente, eles tecem uma crítica profunda ao modelo civilizatório da urbanidade da metrópole e, olhando para frente, imaginam um futuro melhor fora da cidade, no meio rural, mais perto das coisas da natureza, num lugar mais solidário, longe da violência, do trânsito pesado, da poluição e com mais qualidade de vida.

  8. Lung cancer screening in the NELSON trial: balancing harms and benefits

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    N. Horeweg (Nanda)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ In this thesis, the harms and benefits of lung cancer screening using low-dose computed tomography were investigated. Data of the Dutch-Belgian NELSON trial were used to quantify its harms and benefits and develop strategies to improve the balance between them. If the

  9. 77 FR 1667 - Nelson S. Galgoul, Av. Edison Passess 909, Rio De Janeiro, R.J., Brazil 20531-070, Respondent... (United States)


    ..., Rio De Janeiro, R.J., Brazil 20531-070, Respondent; Order Relating to Nelson S. Galgoul The Bureau of... entry of the Order, Nelson S. Galgoul, with a last known address of Av. Edison Passess 909, Rio De Janeiro, R.J., Brazil 20531-070, and when acting for or on his behalf, his representatives, assigns...

  10. Assessment of the Use of the Nelson Denny Reading Test. (United States)

    Perkins, Dorothy


    The Nelson Denny Reading Test (NDRT) is probably the most widely used test of reading comprehension at the college level in the nation. However, reviews of the test, as well as recent reports of its failure to adequately measure gain or lack of gain of college students enrolled in reading improvement courses, do not support the popularity it has…

  11. Silenced but Not Silent: The Rhetorical Influence of Nelson Mandela. (United States)

    Boyd, Susy

    In the epicenter of the political strife in South Africa is former African National Congress (ANC) leader Nelson Mandela. The ANC is considered to be the leading source of opposition to white rule in South Africa, and Mandela is one of the most revered and powerful figures to emerge from that organization. Incarcerated for over 25 years on charges…

  12. Proceedings - II Scientific Conferences CBIOS

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    L. Monteiro Rodrigues, et al.


    Nicolai, Carlos M. Monteiro, Carlos A.M. CAM, Catarina Pinto Reisa, Patrícia Rijo, P. Abstract List / Posters P.01 INFLUENCE OF AN IONIC LIQUID IN CAFFEINE RELEASE FROM LIPIDIC IMPLANTS. Afonso Antunes, Joana Portugal Mota, J., Tânia Santos de Almeida P.02 PREPARAÇÃOE CARACTERIZAÇÃO DE NANOPARTÍCULAS POLIMÉRICAS PARA FINS COSMÉTICOS. Ana Henriques Mota, Patrícia Rijo, Jesus Molpeceres, Lia Ascensão, Luís Monteiro Rodrigues, Catarina Pinto Reis P.03 AMINO ACID BASED IONIC LIQUIDS AS FUNCTIONAL INGREDIENTS IN TOPICAL FORMULATIONS CONTAINING CAFFEINE. Ana Júlio, Cláudia Antunes, Rita Caparica, Maria E. Araújo, Nuno Saraiva, Ana Fernandes, André R. Baby, Catarina Rosado, Joana Portugal Mota, Tânia Santos de Almeida P.04 ANTHROPOMETRIC, BODY COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIONAL INTAKE EVALUATION OF SWIMMING ATHLETES. Ana Morgado, Bruno Pereira, Nelson Tavares P.05 PLECTRANTHUS SPP. STUDY: ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF EXTRACTS AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF ESSENTIAL OILS. Anastasia Borozan, Catarina Garcia, Luís Roque, Ana C. Figueiredo, Carlos M. Monteiro, Carlos A.M. Afonso, Catarina Reis, Patrícia Rijo P.06 DESENVOLVIMENTO DE NANOPARTÍCULAS DE PRATA PARA ADMINISTRAÇÃO TÓPICA. Beatriz Simões Janeiro, Ana Henriques Mota, Patrícia Rijo, and Catrina Pinto Reis P.07 DESENVOLVIMENTO FOLICULAR NA CADELA E NA GATA AO LONGO DO CICLO ÉSTRICO. Carolina Cardoso & Daniel Murta P.08 EVALUATION OF RED AND PROCESSED MEAT VERSUS POULTRY MEAT CONSUMPTION BEFORE AND AFTER THE OCTOBER 2015 WHO REPORT IN A COLLECTIVE CATERING UNIT. Catarina Afonso, Nelson Tavares P.09 DETERMINATION OF THE ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF MEDICINAL PLANTS EXTRACTS – A DIDACTIC APPROACH. Catarina Garcia, Catarina Oliveira, Claúdia S. Oliveira, Amílcar Roberto, Catarina Reis, Marisa Nicolai, Patrícia Rijo P.10 ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT OF ANTIMICROBIAL AND ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF ETHANOLIC EXTRACTS FROM PLECTRANTHUS MADAGASCARIENSIS. Catarina Garcia, Catarina Teodósio, Beatriz Janeiro, Catarina Reis, Patr

  13. Extension of Nelson's stochastic quantization to finite temperature using thermo field dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, K.; Yamanaka, Y.


    We present an extension of Nelson's stochastic quantum mechanics to finite temperature. Utilizing the formulation of Thermo Field Dynamics (TFD), we can show that Ito's stochastic equations for tilde and non-tilde particle positions reproduce the TFD-type Schroedinger equation which is equivalent to the Liouville-von Neumann equation. In our formalism, the drift terms in the Ito's stochastic equation have the temperature dependence and the thermal fluctuation is induced through the correlation of the non-tilde and tilde particles. We show that our formalism satisfies the position-momentum uncertainty relation at finite temperature. -- Highlights: → Utilizing TFD, we extend Nelson's stochastic method to finite temperature. → We introduce stochastic equations for tilde and non-tilde particles. → Our stochastic equations can reproduce the TFD-type Schroedinger equation. → Our formalism satisfies the uncertainly relation at finite temperature.

  14. Luiz Gama: um abolicionista leitor de Renan

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    Ligia Fonseca Ferreira


    Full Text Available O hisoriador e filósofo Ernest Renan exerceu grande influência, hoje um tanto esquecida, sobre uma boa parte da elite intelectual brasileira engajada em reformas e movimentos que caracterizam a transição da Monarquia para a República. Dentre eles, destaca-se o abolicionista Luiz Gama, caso único de um ex-escravo autodidata que alcança projeção no cenário político e na República das Letras. Leitor precoce de Vida de Jesus, obra seminal do pensador francês, o advogado dos escravos é um dos primeiros a referir-se à obra que contou com inédita tradução brasileira, pouco depois de sua publicação na França. Por fim, observamos a apropriação das idéias renanianas por parte de personalidades diversas do ponto de vista social e racial, estabelecendo um paralelo entre Luiz Gama e Joaquim Nabuco.Historian and philosopher Ernest Renan exerts great influence - today somewhat forgotten - on a large part of the Brazilian intellectual elite that is engaged in reforms and movements which characterize the transition of a Monarchy to a Republic. Among these, abolitionist Luiz Gama stands out as the sole case of a former autodidact slave, who achieves a projection in the political scenario, and in the Republic of Letters. An early reader of Vida de Jesus, a seminal work of the French philosopher, the slaves’ attorney is one of the first to refer to the work, which counted with a first-hand, unprecedented Brazilian translation, shortly after its publication in France. Finally, we shall see the appropriation of Renanian ideas on the part of various personalities from the social and racial point of view, while establishing a parallel between Luiz Gama and Joaquim Nabuco.

  15. Application of the Nelson model to four timelag fuel classes using Oklahoma field observations: Model evaluation and comparison with national Fire Danger Rating System algorithms (United States)

    J. D. Carlson; Larry S. Bradshaw; Ralph M. Nelson; Randall R Bensch; Rafal Jabrzemski


    The application of a next-generation dead-fuel moisture model, the 'Nelson model', to four timelag fuel classes using an extensive 21-month dataset of dead-fuel moisture observations is described. Developed by Ralph Nelson in the 1990s, the Nelson model is a dead-fuel moisture model designed to take advantage of frequent automated weather observations....

  16. The search for a more human face for Nelson Mandela: An urgent task

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    Tinyiko Maluleke


    Full Text Available For many reasons, reflecting on the life of Nelson Mandela is a precarious exercise. If Mandela is a symbol of the resilience of the human spirit under trying conditions, he is also a symbol that is appropriated in various ways – helpful and unhelpful – by various people. This article explores some of the unhelpful ways in which the name and person of Nelson Mandela is invoked. In particular, the article looks at the hagiographical orientation of several reflections on Mandela, cautioning how some of these may have an effect less noble than originally intended. Accordingly, the article asks: How much can the symbol of Mandela bear? How much more can Mandela give? The logic and rationale of Mandela hagiography is explored. Following his death, there has been an explosion of interest in the life and symbol that is Nelson Mandela. Mandela literature, including multi-media, is on the rise. If the symbol of Mandela is in danger of being ‘cannibalised’, there is also a danger of relegating Mandela to an ahistorical mythical figure. The solution lies in at least two area, namely, the increment of alternative Mandela narratives and the introduction of more critical Mandela narratives. In this regard, Mandela’s own self-understanding as captured in his reflections about his life offer several clues which are explored in this article.

  17. A relação narrador/leitor na tradução machadiana de Oliver Twist

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    Franciano Camelo

    Full Text Available Em 1870, a convite dos proprietários do Jornal da Tarde, Machado de Assis traduziu para o português boa parte do romance Oliver Twist, de Charles Dickens. A tradução machadiana desse romance apresenta particularidades, isto é, as estruturas que põem a assimilação do texto em curso na tradução de Machado de Assis diferem daquelas do texto inglês. Dentre essas estruturas, destaca-se a voz narrativa. Assim, este trabalho visa analisar alguns aspectos da voz narrativa na tradução machadiana e discutir possíveis implicações para o âmbito do leitor implícito.

  18. Cointegration analysis of the dynamic Nelson-Siegel model using the wild bootstrap

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boswijk, H.P.


    The Dynamic Nelson-Siegel model describes the evolution over time of the term structure of interest rates in terms of three factors, characterising the level, slope and curvature of the yield curve. This article uses recently developed cointegration techniques for heteroskedastic time series to

  19. Tunneling time distribution by means of Nelson's quantum mechanics and wave-particle duality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hara, Koh'ichiro; Ohba, Ichiro


    We calculate a tunneling time distribution by means of Nelson's quantum mechanics and investigate its statistical properties. The relationship between the average and deviation of tunneling time suggests the existence of 'wave-particle duality' in the tunneling phenomena

  20. A formação do leitor do ensino fundamental: as legendas cinematográficas

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    Adriana Naomi Fukushima da Silva


    Full Text Available Diante das práticas pedagógicas a respeito dos atos de leitura no atual contexto escolar das instituições de ensino fundamental, percebe-se que eles estão ligados à decifração e não à busca por sentido e compreensão. Ao pensar no uso das novas tecnologias que podem contribuir para a formação do leitor, acredita-se que a leitura de legendas permite essa formação uma vez que exige uma leitura rápida que não se prende a todas as palavras e com atribuição de sentido para acompanhar todo o desenrolar do filme. Isso faz com que as crianças aprendam a ler atribuindo sentido e utilizando-se dos conhecimentos de seu acervo cultural. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a contribuição das legendas cinematográficas para a formação do leitor do ensino fundamental. Desta forma, foram convidados alunos de idades entre seis e dez anos, com interesse em ver filmes legendados e aprender a ler estas legendas. As sessões cinematográficas foram realizadas quinzenalmente, na própria escola, em uma sala adaptada. Após as sessões, realizou-se as discussões em grupo para verificar quais os problemas enfrentados para a compreensão da trama Neste trabalho serão apresentados dados sobre a sessão do filme “Coração de Tinta”. As crianças, auxiliadas pelos pesquisadores, puderam compreender a trama e aprenderam a articular seu conhecimento com situações dos filmes. A pesquisa esta em andamento, mas é possível verificar que durante a projeção há indicações que estão conseguem ler as legendas, ora perdem o timing de leitura, mas aos poucos evoluem no domínio de leitura desse gênero do discurso.

  1. ‘Magic Negro’, Saint or Comrade: Representations of Nelson Mandela in Film

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    Roger Bromley


    Full Text Available “In the late 1980s, Nelson Mandela stood alone against the apartheid state.” This comment taken from the DVD Box set cover of Nelson Mandela: From Freedom to History summarises the approach taken by many of the cinematic and televisual representations of Mandela. Linked with this is a statement by the CEO of Marriott which speaks of Mandela as “an individual who changed the arc of history through his or her singular contribution, not as a function of the era or the movement but because of what they did alone.” Together, these descriptions attempt to appropriate Mandela for a sanitised version of western individualism which sees him variously as a liberal icon, saintly hero, or the celebrity one-off “magic negro”, in Okwongo’s damning phrase taken from his magisterial valedictory piece “Mandela will never, ever be your minstrel” (Okwongo 2013. In the process, Mandela’s role in the anti-apartheid...

  2. Nelson River and Hudson Bay (United States)


    Rivers that empty into large bodies of water can have a significant impact on the thawing of nearshore winter ice. This true-color Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image from May 18, 2001, shows the Nelson River emptying spring runoff from the Manitoba province to the south into the southwestern corner of Canada's Hudson Bay. The warmer waters from more southern latitudes hasten melting of ice near the shore, though some still remained, perhaps because in shallow coastal waters, the ice could have been anchored to the bottom. High volumes of sediment in the runoff turned the inflow brown, and the rim of the retreating ice has taken on a dirty appearance even far to the east of the river's entrance into the Bay. The sediment would have further hastened the melting of the ice because its darker color would have absorbed more solar radiation than cleaner, whiter ice. Image courtesy Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team at NASA GSFC

  3. Relativism: Protagoras and Nelson Goodman

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    Esmaeil Saadati Khamseh


    Full Text Available Discussion of the many faces of relativism occupies a highly prominent place in the epistemological literature. Protagoras in ancient Greece and Nelson Goodman in the modern period are two most notable proponent of relativism. In the present article, I discuss and explain relativistic approaches of this two important relativist. I will first briefly define and review some faces of relativism. Then I will discuss and elaborate Protagorean or true-for-me relativism and Goodman’s radical relativism in turn. I will argue that there are crucial difficulties in Protagorean and radical relativism, and that these difficulties, as the realist philosophers insist, make these two faces of relativism be undefensible. No doubt, these two shapes of relativism have paved the way for anti-realism. In the end, it will appear that Goodman’s radical relativism and so the theory of worldmaking, like Protagorean relativism, suffers from a fatal flaw: the flaw of self-refuting.

  4. A report on the fisheries resources of the lower Nelson River and the impacts of hydroelectric development, 1988 data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swanson, G.M.; Kansas, K.R.; Matkowski, S.M.


    Fisheries studies on the lower Nelson River (Manitoba) system have had the goals of gaining an understanding of the fisheries resources present, assessing current and potential impacts of hydroelectric developments, and investigating enhancement or mitigative options. In 1988, a resource inventory of McMillan and 12-Mile Creeks was conducted to increase understanding of brook trout stocks in the Limestone River system. Results indicate that both streams contain self-sustaining populations. Baseline data collection in the Conawapa Forebay of the Nelson River was initiated in 1988. Inventories of fish populations were conducted, focusing on lake sturgeon. Three long-term monitoring projects were continued in 1988, investigating the populations of spawning brook trout, larval brook trout, and anadromy in brook trout. Four major tributaries to the Nelson River were classified on the basis of physical and chemical characteristics in an attempt to understand brook trout distribution patterns. Ten sturgeon were captured in Angling Lake in 1988 and fitted with radio tags to assess the importance of the Angling Lake-Angling River system to Nelson River lake sturgeon. To investigate the feasibility of enhancing brook trout populations in the Nelson River system, baskets of eggs were planted in previously identified spawning areas in three creeks in 1988. The eggs developed and hatched only in CN Creek. The potential for rehabilitating the Kettle River brook trout population by transfer of fish from other rivers was also investigated in 1988. Radio-tagged fish remained in the Kettle River-Long Spruce system throughout the life of the tags and appear to have found suitable summer and winter habitat. 60 refs., 76 figs., 38 tabs

  5. Personagens femininas no teatro: perpetuação da ordem patriarcal


    Maria Marta Baião Seba


    Este trabalho propõe-se a demonstrar a análise do movimento do feminino através das suas personagens no texto teatral à luz dos seus respectivos períodos históricos: Medeia, de Eurípides (Antigüidade), Hamlet de Shakespeare (Renascimento), Uma Casa de Bonecas de Ibsen, (Modernidade) e personagens femininas em Nelson Rodrigues (Pós-Modernidade) em 6 (seis) esferas: política, religiosa, sócio-cultural, jurídica, familiar e econômica, que encerram nas suas diferenças graus de interdição do femin...

  6. Celebrating the Hero in All of Us: An Interview with Kadir Nelson (United States)

    Sableski, Mary-Kate; Arnold, Jackie Marshall; Adomat, Donna Sayers


    Books provide an opportunity through which children can learn what it means to be in the world and to respond flexibly and creatively to a diverse range of situations. Author/illustrator Kadir Nelson creates books that provide these opportunities for readers of all ages. A dominant theme in current conversations surrounding children's literature…

  7. A legenda dos genes e os leitores do cérebro

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    Miquel Bassol


    Full Text Available Entre psicanálise e cognitivismo, entre psicanálise e neurociências, não há ponto de interseção, são campo disjuntos, sem convergência nem objeto comum possível. Isso por uma razão simples que o leitor encontrará argumentada de várias formas, precisadas nas páginas que seguem: a psicanálise e o cognitivismo, assim como a psicanálise e as neurociências, frente a frente, tratam de reais distintos, radicalmente heterogêneos. O real próprio da psicanálise, esse real que Sigmund Freud abordou com o conceito de inconsciente e que Jacques Lacan escreveu com a letra do objeto a, esse real sem lei que não atende à probabilidade nem ao azar e que definimos, finalmente, como o impossível, como o que não deixa de não se escrever, é um real que não superpõe nem poderá localizar-se, jamais, no real objetivável das neurociências. Nesse real onde a ciência supõe um saber escrito, já constituído, a psicanálise lê a página em branco do sujeito do inconsciente.

  8. Characterization of mercury and its risk in Nelson's, Saltmarsh, and Seaside Sparrows.

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    Virginia L Winder

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Nelson's, Saltmarsh, and Seaside Sparrows (Ammodramus nelsoni, A. caudacutus, and A. maritimus, respectively depend on marsh and wetland habitats--ecosystems in which mercury (Hg bioavailability is notoriously high. The purpose of the present study was to address the potential impact of Hg on these species using first primary and breast feathers as non-destructive biomonitoring tools. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Feathers were sampled from wintering sparrows in North Carolina salt marshes (2006-2010. Feather Hg data were used in three risk analysis components (1 Threshold Component--examined feather Hg with regard to published negative effects thresholds; (2 Hg Dynamics Component--examined Hg in sparrows captured multiple times; and (3 Capture Frequency and Survival Component--tested for links between Hg and return frequency and survival. Threshold Component analyses indicated that Hg concentrations in 42-77% of sampled individuals (breast feather n = 879; first primary feather n = 663 were within the range associated with decreased reproduction in other avian species. Hg Dynamics Component analyses demonstrated that Hg increased between first and second captures for Nelson's (n = 9 and Seaside Sparrows (n = 23. Capture Frequency and Survival Component analyses detected a negative relationship between Hg and capture frequency in Nelson's Sparrows (n = 315. However, MARK models detected no effect of Hg on apparent survival in any species. CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCE: This study indicates that current Hg exposure places a considerable proportion of each population at risk. In particular, 52% of all sampled Saltmarsh Sparrows exhibited first primary feather Hg concentrations exceeding those associated with a >60% reduction in reproductive success in other species. This study reports evidence for net annual bioaccumulation, indicating an increased risk in older individuals. These data can be used to inform future population

  9. Characterization of mercury and its risk in Nelson's, Saltmarsh, and Seaside Sparrows. (United States)

    Winder, Virginia L


    Nelson's, Saltmarsh, and Seaside Sparrows (Ammodramus nelsoni, A. caudacutus, and A. maritimus, respectively) depend on marsh and wetland habitats--ecosystems in which mercury (Hg) bioavailability is notoriously high. The purpose of the present study was to address the potential impact of Hg on these species using first primary and breast feathers as non-destructive biomonitoring tools. Feathers were sampled from wintering sparrows in North Carolina salt marshes (2006-2010). Feather Hg data were used in three risk analysis components (1) Threshold Component--examined feather Hg with regard to published negative effects thresholds; (2) Hg Dynamics Component--examined Hg in sparrows captured multiple times; and (3) Capture Frequency and Survival Component--tested for links between Hg and return frequency and survival. Threshold Component analyses indicated that Hg concentrations in 42-77% of sampled individuals (breast feather n = 879; first primary feather n = 663) were within the range associated with decreased reproduction in other avian species. Hg Dynamics Component analyses demonstrated that Hg increased between first and second captures for Nelson's (n = 9) and Seaside Sparrows (n = 23). Capture Frequency and Survival Component analyses detected a negative relationship between Hg and capture frequency in Nelson's Sparrows (n = 315). However, MARK models detected no effect of Hg on apparent survival in any species. This study indicates that current Hg exposure places a considerable proportion of each population at risk. In particular, 52% of all sampled Saltmarsh Sparrows exhibited first primary feather Hg concentrations exceeding those associated with a >60% reduction in reproductive success in other species. This study reports evidence for net annual bioaccumulation, indicating an increased risk in older individuals. These data can be used to inform future population assessments and management for these species.

  10. A comparison of the value of MRI and CT in patients with Nelson syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kersjes, W.; Allmendinger, S.; Christ, F.; Stiebler, H.; Bockisch, A.; Klingmueller, D.


    The hypophyses of 13 patients with Nelson syndrome following bilateral adrenalectomy were examined by MRI and CT. Diffuse enlargement of the hypophysis was demonstrated in 8 patients by CT and in 9 by MRI. Compared with CT, MRI provides better demonstration of tumour development, such as abnormal convexity of the cranial margin of the hypophysis (MRI 4/13, CT 1/13), displacement of the infundibulum (MRI 4/13, CT 0/13) or optic chiasm (MRI 2/13, CT 0/13). MRI also provides diagnostically important differentiation between scar tissue and recurrence of tumour following hypophysectomy (MRI 1/3, CT 0/3) and more accurate demonstration of infiltration of the cavernous sinus (MRI 4/13, CT 2/13). CT is superior only in showing the floor of the sella. MRI is the method of choice for imaging in cases of Nelson syndrome. (orig.) [de

  11. The generalized Fenyes-Nelson model for free scalar field theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davidson, M.


    The generalized Fenyes-Nelson model of quantum mechanics is applied to the free scalar field. The resulting Markov field is equivalent to the Euclidean Markov field with the times scaled by a common factor which depends on the diffusion parameter. This result is consistent with Guerra's earlier work on stochastic quantization of scalar fields. It suggests a deep connection between Euclidean field theory and the stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics. The question of Lorentz covariance is also discussed. (orig.)

  12. Memoria histórica y educación popular: practicar una “otra educación”. Entrevista a Carlos Rodrigues Brandão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jessica Anahí Visotsky


    Full Text Available Carlos  Rodrigues Brandão (C.R.B.- Estamos aquí en la casa de Jessica… estamos mateando… tomando mate… y vamos a entrevistarnos mutuamente… Jessica Visotsky (J.V.- Bueno… yo hice algunas preguntas y otras que son invitaciones a jugar… yo te voy a decir algunas palabras y vos las tenés que completar… es como un juego de palabras…  C.R.B.- Una asociación libre, se dice…  J.V.- Claro… Bueno, ¿empezamos? C.R.B.- Si…

  13. A rotated Dynamic Nelson-Siegel model with macro-financial applications


    Nyholm, Ken


    A factor rotation scheme is applied to the well-known Dynamic Nelson-Siegel model facilitating direct parametrization of the short rate process. The model-implied term structure of term premia is derived in closed-form, and macroeconomic variables are included in a Taylor-rule- type fashion. Four empirical experiments are performed on US data covering the period from 1990 to 2014. It is found that macroeconomic variables impact the evolution of the short rate until 2002, after which their eff...

  14. The pure phases, the irreducible quantum fields, and dynamical symmetry breaking in Symanzik--Nelson positive quantum field theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frohlich, J.


    We prove that a Symanzik--Nelson positive quantum field theory, i.e., a quantum field theory derived from a Euclidean field theory, has a unique decomposition into pure phases which preserves Symanzik--Nelson positivity and Poincare covariance. We derive useful sufficient conditions for the breakdown of an internal symmetry of such a theory in its pure phases, for the self-adjointness and nontrivially (in the sense of Borchers classes) of its quantum fields, and the existence of time-ordered and retarded products. All these general results are then applied to the P (phi) 2 and the phi 3 4 quantum field models

  15. Social Justice and Human Rights in Education Policy Discourse: Assessing Nelson Mandela's Legacy (United States)

    Gebremedhin, Abrehet; Joshi, Devin


    Twenty years after South Africa's democratisation, Nelson Mandela's passing has prompted scholars to examine his legacy in various domains. Here we take a look at his legacy in education discourse. Tracing Mandela's thoughts and pronouncements on education we find two major emphases: a view of education as a practical means to economic…

  16. Failure Analysis of Main Flame Deflector Nelson Studs (United States)

    Long, Victoria


    NASA Structures engineers submitted two Nelson refractory studs from the main flame deflector at Launch Complex (LC) 39 A for analysis when they were observed to be missing a significant amount of material after launch. The damaged stud and an unused comparative stud were analyzed by macroscopic and microscopic examination along with metallographic evaluation of the microstructure. The stud lost material due to a combination of erosion and corrosion. Plain carbon steel readily forms an oxide layer in the coastal launch environment at Kennedy Space Center. The blast during a launch removes this brittle oxide layer, which then forms again post-launch, thereby further removing material. No indications of melting were observed.

  17. A hermeneutical reading of Penrose and Nelson and Winter-Tracing origins of a misunderstanding?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dr. Oliver Krone


    Full Text Available This paper aims to understand based on a hermeutical reading of Penrose (1959 and Nelson and Winter (1982 what knowledge is and where it is stored in the respective authors. Furthermore, the author wants to learn whether the subsumtion of Knowledge Integration to Knowledge Management, as it can be often in the literature, has any foundation when coming from these authors. Reason for this overall analysis is the widely held view in the discipline of Knowledge Management that these authors are forefathers for it. Based on an interpretative, qualitative approach the author examines the way in which knowledge is held and created within organisations in the main work of this pair of author. The author comes to the conclusion that the discipline of Knowledge Management has seemingly overemphasised certain elements in the work of Penrose and Nelson and Winter, while neglecting the key aspect that for both author(s the act of Knowledge Integration is much rather described in these works.

  18. Hydrology signal from GRACE gravity data in the Nelson River basin, Canada: a comparison of two approaches (United States)

    Li, Tanghua; Wu, Patrick; Wang, Hansheng; Jia, Lulu; Steffen, Holger


    The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission measures the combined gravity signal of several overlapping processes. A common approach to separate the hydrological signal in previous ice-covered regions is to apply numerical models to simulate the glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) signals related to the vanished ice load and then remove them from the observed GRACE data. However, the results of this method are strongly affected by the uncertainties of the ice and viscosity models of GIA. To avoid this, Wang et al. (Nat Geosci 6(1):38-42, 2013.; Geodesy Geodyn 6(4):267-273, 2015) followed the theory of Wahr et al. (Geophys Res Lett 22(8):977-980, 1995) and isolated water storage changes from GRACE in North America and Scandinavia with the help of Global Positioning System (GPS) data. Lambert et al. (Postglacial rebound and total water storage variations in the Nelson River drainage basin: a gravity GPS Study, Geological Survey of Canada Open File, 7317, 2013a, Geophys Res Lett 40(23):6118-6122,, 2013b) did a similar study for the Nelson River basin in North America but applying GPS and absolute gravity measurements. However, the results of the two studies in the Nelson River basin differ largely, especially for the magnitude of the hydrology signal which differs about 35%. Through detailed comparison and analysis of the input data, data post-processing techniques, methods and results of these two works, we find that the different GRACE data post-processing techniques may lead to this difference. Also the GRACE input has a larger effect on the hydrology signal amplitude than the GPS input in the Nelson River basin due to the relatively small uplift signal in this region. Meanwhile, the influence of the value of α , which represents the ratio between GIA-induced uplift rate and GIA-induced gravity-rate-of-change (before the correction for surface uplift), is more obvious in

  19. Nelson Mandela's defence: A psychological capital documentary analysis

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    Rene van Wyk


    Full Text Available This qualitative documentary analysis examines Nelson Mandela�s defence statement at the Rivonia Trial, Pretoria Supreme Court, on 20 April 1964. The defence document is analysed through the psychological capital lens, depicting themes that support the constructs of hope, efficacy, resilience and optimism. Psychological capital characteristics played a major role in the initial non-violent policies of negotiation. The inevitable establishment of Umkhonto we Sizwe followed, as a result of the increased restrictions and unwillingness of government to negotiate and collaborate. Mandela showed a determined spirit to unite the country. The discussion gives insight into Mandela�s authentic psychological capital leadership under difficult political and personal circumstances. Some implications are indicated in adopting Mandela�s psychological characteristics for personal reform.

  20. Uniform product formulae with application to the Feynman-Nelson integral for open systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Exner, P.; Kolerov, G.I.


    The product formula for perturbations of propagators by Faris is generalized: we show that one can use arbitrary partitions of a given interval and perform the limit uniformly with respect to the partition norm. The results are applied to express solutions of the Schroedinger equation, in particular for some complex and time-dependent potentials, by means of Nelson-type path integrals. (orig.)

  1. Alienação mental e raça : a psicopatologia comparada dos negros e mestiços brasileiros na obra de Raimundo Nina Rodrigues


    Ana Maria Galdini Raimundo Oda


    Resumo: Esta tese enfoca um aspecto da história da medicina brasileira, localizado no período inicial da constituição de suas especialidades, entre elas a psiquiatria e a medicina legal. De forma geral, o trabalho analisa as repercussões no Brasil de determinadas teorias médicas que relacionavam os conceitos de raça, mestiçagem, degenerescência e alienação mental. o ponto principal deste trabalho é o estudo da obra do médico maranhense Raimundo Nina Rodrigues (1862-1906), professor de Medicin...


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    Hasanul Kiyan Al-kayyis


    Full Text Available Sweet potato cultivar Cilembu, kind of ‘rancing’ from Cilembu Village, Sumedang, West Java has really sweet taste due to the high content of reducing sugar. The amount of reducing sugar needs to be proven scientifically. The study aimed to compare Somogyi-Nelson method and Anthrone-Sulfate method in order to determine reducing sugar level in Cilembu sweet potato. Cilembu sweet potato must be stored in freezer at 15°C for 2 weeks before used as the sample. Analytical method validation was performed for the two methods. The determination results between two methods were compared. The amount of reduction sugar (glucose from Cilembu sweet potato determined by Somogyi-Nelson method was 3.42%, the value of %recovery was 99.8%, LOD = 0.00167 (mg/mL, LOQ = 0.00557 (mg/mL, and value of RSD was 3.7%. While the average amount of reduction sugar determined by Anthrone-Sulfate method was 14.9%, the value of %recovery was 74.7%, LOD = 0.0198 (mg/mL, LOQ = 0.066 (mg/mL, and value of RSD = 8.6%. The Somogyi-Nelson method was more recommended for the analysis of the reducing sugar in Cilembu sweet potato compared with Anthrone-Sulfate method.

  3. Passageless Comprehension on the "Nelson-Denny Reading Test": Well above Chance for University Students (United States)

    Coleman, Chris; Lindstrom, Jennifer; Nelson, Jason; Lindstrom, William; Gregg, K. Noel


    The comprehension section of the "Nelson-Denny Reading Test" (NDRT) is widely used to assess the reading comprehension skills of adolescents and adults in the United States. In this study, the authors explored the content validity of the NDRT Comprehension Test (Forms G and H) by asking university students (with and without at-risk…

  4. Nelson's stochastic quantization of free linearized gravitational field and its Markovian structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, S.C.


    It is shown that by applying Nelson's stochastic quantization scheme to free linearized gravitational field tensor one can associate with the resulting stochastic system a stochastic tensor field which coincides with the ''space'' part of the Riemannian tensor in Euclidean space-time. However, such a stochastic field fails to satisfy the Markov property. Instead, it satisfies the reflection positivity. The Markovian structure of the stochastic fields associated with the electromagnetic field is also discussed. (author)

  5. Detection of lung cancer through low-dose CT screening (NELSON): a prespecified analysis of screening test performance and interval cancers. (United States)

    Horeweg, Nanda; Scholten, Ernst Th; de Jong, Pim A; van der Aalst, Carlijn M; Weenink, Carla; Lammers, Jan-Willem J; Nackaerts, Kristiaan; Vliegenthart, Rozemarijn; ten Haaf, Kevin; Yousaf-Khan, Uraujh A; Heuvelmans, Marjolein A; Thunnissen, Erik; Oudkerk, Matthijs; Mali, Willem; de Koning, Harry J


    Low-dose CT screening is recommended for individuals at high risk of developing lung cancer. However, CT screening does not detect all lung cancers: some might be missed at screening, and others can develop in the interval between screens. The NELSON trial is a randomised trial to assess the effect of screening with increasing screening intervals on lung cancer mortality. In this prespecified analysis, we aimed to assess screening test performance, and the epidemiological, radiological, and clinical characteristics of interval cancers in NELSON trial participants assigned to the screening group. Eligible participants in the NELSON trial were those aged 50-75 years, who had smoked 15 or more cigarettes per day for more than 25 years or ten or more cigarettes for more than 30 years, and were still smoking or had quit less than 10 years ago. We included all participants assigned to the screening group who had attended at least one round of screening. Screening test results were based on volumetry using a two-step approach. Initially, screening test results were classified as negative, indeterminate, or positive based on nodule presence and volume. Subsequently, participants with an initial indeterminate result underwent follow-up screening to classify their final screening test result as negative or positive, based on nodule volume doubling time. We obtained information about all lung cancer diagnoses made during the first three rounds of screening, plus an additional 2 years of follow-up from the national cancer registry. We determined epidemiological, radiological, participant, and tumour characteristics by reassessing medical files, screening CTs, and clinical CTs. The NELSON trial is registered at, number ISRCTN63545820. 15,822 participants were enrolled in the NELSON trial, of whom 7915 were assigned to low-dose CT screening with increasing interval between screens, and 7907 to no screening. We included 7155 participants in our study, with

  6. Comments on the note by L.S. Nelson: ''unusually high (oxidizer/Pu) ratios in the macro-residues from plutonium droplet combustion''

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, M.D.; Morgan, L.G.


    An alternative explanation for unusually high ratios of oxidizers/plutonium in the residues from plutonium droplet combustion is offered in response to a note by L.S. Nelson. Two additional experiments are suggested that would be helpful in clarifying the high oxidizer/Pu ratios. The first would be to measure the true surface area for a spherule after its explosion. The second is an experiment analogous to a gas analysis experiment. The conclusion is put forth that adsorbed gases are the most likely cause of the high O/M ratios described by Nelson

  7. Machado de Assis, leitor e crítico de teatro

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    João Roberto Faria


    Full Text Available O PRESENTE estudo tem como objetivo principal traçar o perfil de Machado de Assis enquanto leitor e crítico de teatro. Para tanto, primeiramente situa-o no contexto teatral dos anos de 1850 e 1860 do século XIX, quando entraram em choque, nos palcos do Rio de Janeiro, a estética romântica e a realista. Depois, acompanha sua extensa produção jornalística, na qual se notabilizou como crítico teatral e folhetinista, detendo-se também na atividade de censor do Conservatório Dramático Brasileiro que o escritor exerceu por algum tempo. Ao acompanhar o percurso intelectual de Machado, em sua juventude literária, procuramos analisar, compreender e explicar suas idéias em relação à arte dramática e ao teatro brasileiro.THIS ESSAY aims to draw a profile of Machado de Assis as a reader and critic of theatrical works. We begin by observing Assis in the theatrical milieu of the 1850s and 1860s, the time of the onslaught between the Romantic and Realist aesthetics in the stages of Rio de Janeiro. We then view his extensive production as journalist, when he distinguished himself as a drama critic and writer of feuilletons, and also his activity as censor of the Brazilian Drama Conservatoire, a post he held for a short period. By following Assis' intellectual journey during his literary youth, we have attempted to analyze, understand and explain his ideas toward the dramatic arts in general and the Brazilian theater in particular.

  8. Adaptation of the Nelson-Somogyi reducing-sugar assay to a microassay using microtiter plates. (United States)

    Green, F; Clausen, C A; Highley, T L


    The Nelson-Somogyi assay for reducing sugars was adapted to microtiter plates. The primary advantages of this modified assay are (i) smaller sample and reagent volumes, (ii) elimination of boiling and filtration steps, (iii) automated measurement with a dual-wavelength scanning TLC densitometer, (iv) increased range and reproducibility, and (v) automated colorimetric readings by reflectance rather than absorbance.

  9. Construção de curva de juros de debêntures no mercado brasileiro utilizando a parametrização de Nelson-Siegel Construcción de curva de tipo de interés de bonos en el mercado brasileño mediante la parametrización de Nelson-Siegel Constructing the yield curve for Brazilian debentures using Nelson-Siegel parameterization

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    Vinícius Gomes Araújo


    Full Text Available O objetivo nesse trabalho é a construção da Estrutura a Termo de Taxa de Juros (ETTJ das debêntures que se encontram disponíveis no mercado brasileiro, usando o modelo Nelson-Siegel (1987. As curvas de juros são divididas de acordo com o tipo de indexador e com a classificação de risco atribuída às debêntures. Por fim, foi possível mensurar o spread que existe entre o mercado de títulos privados (debêntures e os títulos públicos.El objetivo en este trabajo es determinar la estructura temporal de tipos de interés (ETTI de los bonos que se encuentran disponibles en el mercado brasileño, por medio del uso del modelo de Nelson-Siegel (1987. Las curvas de rendimientos fueron divididas de acuerdo con el tipo de índice y con la clasificación de riesgo atribuida a los bonos. Fue posible medir el spread entre el mercado de bonos corporativos (debentures y el mercado de los títulos del Estado.The aim of this work is to establish a term structure of interest rates for corporate bonds in the Brazilian market, using the Nelson-Siegel model (1987. The yield curves were divided by the type of index and the rating level. It was possible to measure the spread between the corporate bonds market and the government bonds market.

  10. Homenagem toponímica a Nina Rodrigues no Estado do Maranhão: apologia implícita à crença na degenerescência étnica pela mestiçagem?

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    Reginaldo Nascimento Neto


    Full Text Available This paper purpose is to peer if the toponymic tribute to Nina Rodrigues in the state of Maranhão advocates implicitly the myth sedimented by Phrenology that human interbreeding produces ethnic degeneration, as this Brazilian physician(1862-1906 used to postulate flying on the assumption of a superiority of the white ethnicity. (SKIDMORE, 1989. This is a bibliographic search and it is anchored on the studies of (CLOVAL, 2001, (NASH, 2013 e (DICK, 1987, 1990. In the beginning, it intends to show that the racist theses of Dr. Nina Rodrigues, clearly unveiled by means of the vocabulary he employs, are arising from a historic context carved out by the European Social Darwinism and the slaveholder ideology, maintained in Brazil, even after 1888, and, that such a paradigm should be rejected at the light of the highest spectrum anthropological discoveries existent today. So, starting from postulates about the negro ethnicity origin, their ethnonyms and acts in the old civilization, it touches the illation that miseducation, cruel treatment, and constant depreciation, coming from several makers of social opinion, build behaviors and the said hereditary degenerative defects, i/o it is not an immanently wild nature, but a product.

  11. A personal experience in the presence of a man who transformed a nation and changed the world: Nelson Mandela. (United States)

    Brown, Geraldine


    At this time in history, I consider myself very privileged to have spent some three hours in the presence of President Nelson Mandela as a Howard University faculty member in the late 1990s. Then, President of Howard University, H. Patrick Swygert bestowed upon President Nelson Mandela, Esquire an Honorary Doctorate of Human Letters. I can only equate this experience to my four mile walk up the Bedaling Wall (Great Wall) in China (a magnificent ancient wonder of the world), and trying to relate this event to something only fortunate souls have had the chance to enjoy. I also treasure the once in a lifetime visit to the Republic of South Africa in 1998 when the Association of Black Nursing Faculty, Inc., Chi Eta Phi Nursing Sorority, Inc., and the Department of Nursing (University of Botswana) sponsored the trip as an attempt to establish partnerships, share common interests and discussion in how to meet health needs of emerging majority and disadvantaged populations in the world, including mainly, the continent of Africa, in the 21st century. This short memoir can only piggy-back the massive coverage in the media that began almost instantly as a long anticipated event (death of Nelson Mandela), but startled upon its occurrence.

  12. Representation theory of Lie-admissible enveloping algebras on operator algebras: an extension of a theorem by Nelson

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghikas, D.K.P.; Ktorides, C.N.; Papaloukas, L.


    This mathematical note is motivated by an assessment concerning our current understanding of the role of Lie-admissible symmetries in connection with quantum structures. We identify the problem of representations of the universal enveloping (lambda, μ)-mutation algebra of a given Lie algebra on a suitable algebra of operators, as constituting a fundamental first step for improving the situation. We acknowledge a number of difficulties which are peculiar to the adopted nonassociative product for the operator algebra. In view of these difficulties, we are presently content in establishing the generalization, to the Lie-admissible case, of a certain theorem by Nelson. This theorem has been very instrumental in Nelson's treatment concerning the Lie symmetry content of quantum structures. It is hoped that a similar situation will eventually prevail for the Lie-admissible case. We offer a number of relevant suggestions

  13. "Passageless" Administration of the Nelson-Denny Reading Comprehension Test: Associations with IQ and Reading Skills (United States)

    Ready, Rebecca E.; Chaudhry, Maheen F.; Schatz, Kelly C.; Strazzullo, Sarah


    There are few tests that assess reading comprehension in adults, but these tests are needed for a comprehensive assessment of reading disorders (RD). "The Nelson-Denny Reading Test" (NDRT) has a long-passage reading comprehension component that can be used with adolescents and adults. A problem with the NDRT is that reading comprehension…

  14. On the Reconciliation of the Extended Nelson-Siegel and the Extended Vasicek Models (with a View Towards Swap and Swaption Valuation)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Peter Løchte

    Extended Nelson-Siegel models are widely used by e.g. practitioners and central banks to estimate current term structures of riskless zero-coupon interest rates, whereas other models such as the extended Vasicek model (a.k.a. the Hull-White model) are popular for pricing interest rate derivatives....... This paper establishes theoretical consistency between these two types of models by showing how to specify the extended Vasicek model such that its implied initial term structure curve precisely matches a given extended Nelson-Siegel specification. That is, we show how to reconcile the two classes of models...

  15. Shaping Influences on the Leadership of Genghis Khan, George Washington, and Nelson Mandela: Applications for Educators (United States)

    Bongila, Jean-Pierre


    Using a prosopographical methodology this study examines common leadership influences that might have existed among Genghis Khan, George Washington, and Nelson Mandela. Shoup (2005) suggests that the following seven influences have contributed to nurturing the leadership of 12 renowned individuals: involved parents, happy childhood, formal,…

  16. Modeling of Chromium (III) Removal from Heavy Metals Mixture Solutions in Continuous Flow Systems: A Comparative Study between BDST and Yoon -Nelson Models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmed, A.Z.


    The aim of this work is to study modeling of chromium (III) removal from aqueous solution using activated carbon as adsorbent. Studies have been conducted in a continuous fixed bed packed column under different operating conditions such as bed height, flow rate, fluid velocity and fixed adsorbent particle size. The Yoon Nelson model was applied to experimental data to predict the breakthrough curves by calculating the rate constant k and 50 % breakthrough time, θ. The Bed Depth Service Time (BDST) was applied to determine BDST constant K and the capacity of adsorbent, No. Results obtained from both models are compared with the experimental breakthrough curves and a satisfactory agreement was noticed. Therefore, the Yoon - Nelson and BDST models were found suitable for determining the parameters of the column design. The Y 000 - Nelson model was found more accurate in representing the system in comparison with the BDST model although it is less complicated than other models

  17. Coherent Backscattering: Conceptions and Misconceptions (Reply to Comments by Bruce W. Hapke and Robert M. Nelson) (United States)

    Tishkovets, Victor P.; Mishchenko, Michael


    Although the note by Hapke and Nelson has virtually no relevance to our original publication, it contains a number of statements that are misleading and/or wrong. We, therefore, use this opportunity to dispel several profound misconceptions that continue to hinder the progress in remote sensing of planetary surfaces.

  18. Radical Questioning on the Long Walk to Freedom: Nelson Mandela and the Practice of Critical Reflection (United States)

    Brookfield, Stephen


    Nelson Mandela's autobiography "The Long Walk to Freedom" describes how an iconic political activist and freedom fighter reflected on, and sometimes modified, four core assumptions at the heart of his struggle to overturn the White supremacist, minority hegemony and create a free South Africa. Critical reflection's focus is on…

  19. 77 FR 42327 - Proposed Supplementary Rules for the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National... (United States)


    ... a BLM-approved metal fire ring. On BLM-administered public land within the Morley Nelson Snake River... located on improved campsites within BLM-approved metal fire rings on all lands administered by the BLM... fires outside of BLM-approved fire rings would help avert human-caused wildfire which would protect...

  20. Distribuição geográfica de Psychosaura agmosticha (Rodrigues, 2000 (Squamata, Mabuyidae

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    Arnaldo Magalhães Júnior


    Full Text Available Durante as atividades de resgate de fauna do Projeto de Integração do Rio São Francisco com as bacias do nordeste setentrional foram capturados 39 exemplares de Psychosaura agmosticha (Rodrigues, 2000 em localidades nos estados do Ceará, Paraíba e Pernambuco, região Nordeste do Brasil. Relacionamos estes registros aos encontrados na literatura e constatamos a espécie em quatro formações fitofisionômicas distintas: Dunas arenosas do rio São Francisco, caatinga arbustiva, caatinga arbórea e formações de florestas residuais e ecotonais. A ampliação da distribuição geográfica e os novos registros de ocorrência de P. agmosticha, bem como sua ocorrência em diferentes formações fitofisionômicas da Caatinga e em áreas de florestas residuais e ecótonos, demonstram que, apesar de sua distribuição geográfica ser mais ampla do que se conhecia, seu padrão de distribuição relictual ainda se mantém, em virtude da ocorrência de P. agmosticha estar relacionada à ocorrência de bromélias. Contudo, o endemismo da espécie para o bioma Caatinga parece não ser absoluto.

  1. Análise dialógica do gênero jornalístico ombudsman

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    Rosângela Hammes Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma análise interpretativa do gênero do discurso ombudsman da esfera do jornalismo. Os dados de pesquisa compreendem as versões online do ombudsman, publicadas semanalmente, de dois jornais brasileiros, ambos com periodicidade diária: Folha de S. Paulo, da cidade de São Paulo (SP, e Jornal da Manhã, da cidade de Ponta Grossa (PR. O período de coleta ocorreu entre os dias 14 de dezembro de 2008 e 09 de janeiro de 2009, o que resultou na coleta de quatro ombudsman de cada jornal, totalizando oito enunciados do gênero. O trabalho tem como fundamentação teórica a concepção dialógica da linguagem do Círculo de Bakhtin, bem como seus estudos acerca dos gêneros do discurso. Para a análise, são seguidos os procedimentos metodológicos organizados por Rodrigues (2005, consonantes com a fundamentação teórica do Círculo. A fim de favorecer a compreensão do gênero, são propostas duas grandes abordagens, que se relacionam: análise da dimensão social e análise da dimensão verbal [dimensão da linguagem materializada]. Cada uma dessas abordagens possui os seus desdobramentos analíticos separados em seções ao longo do trabalho. Finalmente, buscou-se realizar uma síntese de algumas regularidades do gênero que foram evidenciadas durante o estudo. Verificamos que o jornal onde o gênero se expressa e a esfera discursiva do jornalismo como um todo são os objetos de discurso do gênero; o endereçamento é ao leitor do jornal, ao passo que o autor do ombudsman busca atender ao que ele (leitor reivindica, empenhando-se em um movimento dialógico de engajamento para com o leitor previsto/geral do gênero. Para tanto, o autor produz um acento de valor positivo ou brando, quando crítico, para o discurso do leitor e, ao mesmo tempo, um acento de valor negativo, de um modo geral, para a cobertura jornalística objeto de discussão; há uma relação dial


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    Pedro Vinícius Pereira Brites


    Full Text Available O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a política externa do governo Nelson Mandela na esteira de uma nova estrutura internacional pós-Guerra Fria, no período de 1994 a 1999, mapeando os atores envolvidos neste meio e os indicadores e variáveis que condicionavam a política externa do país.

  3. Late Quaternary pollen records from the Lower Cobb Valley and adjacent areas, north-west Nelson, New Zealand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shulmeister, J.; McLea, W.L.; Singer, C.; McKay, R.M.; Hosie, C.


    Ten pollen records from the Cobb Valley and adjacent areas in North-West Nelson are described. Collectively they provide a vegetation record extending from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present day. During the Last Glacial Maximum the uplands of North-West Nelson were glaciated. By about 17,000 radiocarbon years BP ice had retreated some distance up the Cobb River Valley and a podocarp heath and tussockland vegetation covered non-glaciated areas. By 14,000 radiocarbon years BP, the valley floor and adjacent lower ridges were occupied by montane podocarp forest dominated by Phyllocladus and Halocarpus. Beech forest expanded into some sites as early as 13,000 yr BP but the modern beech cover was not established until the Holocene. Forest cover has fluctuated in response to disturbance over the Holocene, but the most significant recent change, which is related to clearing for pastoralism in the last two centuries, has had surprisingly little impact on the pollen records. (author). 40 refs., 11 figs., 1 tab

  4. Nelson's syndrome: single centre experience using the linear accelerator (LINAC) for stereotactic radiosurgery and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy. (United States)

    Wilson, Peter J; Williams, Janet R; Smee, Robert I


    Nelson's syndrome is a unique clinical phenomenon of growth of a pituitary adenoma following bilateral adrenalectomies for the control of Cushing's disease. Primary management is surgical, with limited effective medical therapies available. We report our own institution's series of this pathology managed with radiation: prior to 1990, 12 patients were managed with conventional radiotherapy, and between 1990 and 2007, five patients underwent stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and two patients fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT), both using the linear accelerator (LINAC). Tumour control was equivocal, with two of the five SRS patients having a reduction in tumour volume, one patient remaining unchanged, and two patients having an increase in volume. In the FSRT group, one patient had a decrease in tumour volume whilst the other had an increase in volume. Treatment related morbidity was low. Nelson's syndrome is a challenging clinical scenario, with a highly variable response to radiation in our series. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Notes on the influence of Carlos Nelson Coutinho on Social Work in Brazil

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    Mabile Caetano Cazela


    Full Text Available The paper reports some results of a research study conducted for the master’s thesis in Social Work entitled Fundamental ethical principles of Social Work in Brazil: a study on the influence of Carlos Nelson Coutinho. It is based on bibliographic and field research, and it identifies and recognizes the influence of Coutinho on Social Work, as well as the intellectual contribution of Social Workers that are members of the Code of Ethics Revision Committee.

  6. YBCO single crystals I-V characteristics nonlinearity and Nelson-Kosterlitz jump

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuzmichev, N.D.; Vasyutin, M.A.; Golovashkin, A.I.


    Temperature dependences of I-V characteristics and voltage harmonics V n (T) (n = 2, 3, ...) have been investigated in magnetic fields up to 200 Oe for single crystals YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-x . It was shown that V n (T) had asymmetric peak form with maximum at T* = 92.0 K. Amplitudes of V n (T) were decreased in magnetic fields. The results were explained on the base of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition model. It was shown that T* coincided with the BKT transition temperature T BKT . The asymmetric peaks of V n (T) are a consequence of the Nelson-Kosterlitz jump

  7. Report on the workshop examining the potential effects of hydroelectric development on Beluga of the Nelson River Estuary, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 6 and 7, 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lawrence, M.J.; Paterson, M.; Baker, R.F.; Schmidt, R.


    A summary is presented of discussions and conclusions at a workshop held to examine the potential effects of hydroelectric development on beluga whales of the Nelson River estuary in Manitoba. Background information is provided on the estuary, beluga whales and their use of arctic and subarctic estuaries, and hydroelectric development on the Nelson River. Potential impacts of such development on the whales are reviewed in the categories of direct effects of changes in physical-chemical conditions (temperature and discharge), indirect effects of disturbances mediated through the food chain, and effects on socioeconomic conditions that may affect beluga whales. Since the biology of beluga whales and other phenomena of interest in this study are poorly known, recommendations are made for research and monitoring activities in the Nelson River estuary. In general, the workshop participants felt that changes in the estuary due to hydroelectric development would not be large enough to affect beluga whales strongly. 34 refs., 1 fig

  8. Potential risks of the residue from Samarco's mine dam burst (Bento Rodrigues, Brazil). (United States)

    Segura, Fabiana Roberta; Nunes, Emilene Arusievicz; Paniz, Fernanda Pollo; Paulelli, Ana Carolina Cavalheiro; Rodrigues, Gabriela Braga; Braga, Gilberto Úbida Leite; Dos Reis Pedreira Filho, Walter; Barbosa, Fernando; Cerchiaro, Giselle; Silva, Fábio Ferreira; Batista, Bruno Lemos


    On November 5th, 2015, Samarco's iron mine dam - called Fundão - spilled 50-60 million m 3 of mud into Gualaxo do Norte, a river that belongs to Rio Doce Basin. Approximately 15 km 2 were flooded along the rivers Gualaxo do Norte, Carmo and Doce, reaching the Atlantic Ocean on November 22nd, 2015. Six days after, our group collected mud, soil and water samples in Bento Rodrigues (Minas Gerais, Brazil), which was the first impacted area. Overall, the results, water samples - potable and surface water from river - presented chemical elements concentration according to Brazilian environmental legislations, except silver concentration in surface water that ranged from 1.5 to 1087 μg L -1 . In addition, water mud-containing presented Fe and Mn concentrations approximately 4-fold higher than the maximum limit for water bodies quality assessment, according to Brazilian laws. Mud particle size ranged from 1 to 200 μm. SEM-EDS spot provided us some semi quantitative data. Leaching/extraction tests suggested that Ba, Pb, As, Sr, Fe, Mn and Al have high potential mobilization from mud to water. Low microbial diversity in mud samples compared to background soil samples. Toxicological bioassays (HepG2 and Allium cepa) indicated potential risks of cytotoxicity and DNA damage in mud and soil samples used in both assays. The present study provides preliminary information aiming to collaborate to the development of future works for monitoring and risk assessment. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Caesarean section deliveries: Experiences of mothers of midwifery care at a public hospital in Nelson Mandela Bay

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    Thobeka P. Jikijela


    Conclusion: Experiences of mothers following a caesarean section delivery with midwifery services at a public hospital in Nelson Mandela Bay were explored and described as diverse. A need for adequate pain management as well as assistance and breastfeeding support to mothers following caesarean delivery was identified as crucial to promote a good mother-to-child relationship.

  10. Perceptions of patient-centred care at public hospitals in Nelson Mandela Bay

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    Sihaam Jardien-Baboo


    Full Text Available In South Africa, the quality of health care is directly related to the concept of patient-centred care and the enactment of the Batho Pele Principles and the Patients' Rights Charter. Reports in the media indicate that public hospitals in the Eastern Cape Province are on the brink of collapse, with many patients being treated in condemned hospitals which lacked piped water, electricity and essential medical equipment. Receiving quality care, and principally patient-centred care, in the face of such challenges is unlikely and consequently leads to the following question: “Are patients receiving patient-centred care in public hospitals?” A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual study was conducted to explore and describe the perceptions of professional nurses regarding patient-centred care in public hospitals in Nelson Mandela Bay. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a total of 40 purposively selected professional nurses working in public hospitals in Nelson Mandela Bay, Eastern Cape Province. Interviews were analysed according to the method described by Tesch in Creswell (2009:192. Professional nurses perceive patient-centred care as an awareness of the importance of the patient's culture, involving the patient's family, incorporating values of love and respect, optimal communication in all facets of patient care and accountability to the patient. Factors which enable patient-centred care were a positive work environment for staff, nursing manager's demonstrating exemplary professional leadership, continuous in service education for staff and collaborative teamwork within the interdisciplinary team. Barriers to patient-centred care were a lack of adequate resources, increased administrative work due to fear of litigation and unprofessional behaviour of nursing staff.

  11. Commentary: The Development of Hippocampal-Dependent Memory Functions: Theoretical Comments on Jabès and Nelson Review (2015) (United States)

    Bachevalier, Jocelyne


    Studies investigating the development of memory processes and their neural substrates have flourished over the past two decades. The review by Jabès and Nelson (2015) adds an important piece to our understanding of the maturation of different elements and circuits within the hippocampal system and their association with the progressive development…

  12. The late Pleistocene glacial sequence in the middle Maruia valley, southeast Nelson, New Zealand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mabin, M.C.G.


    Glacial and fluvioglacial landforms and deposits preserved in the middle reaches of the Maruia valley, southeast Nelson, New Zealand, record the activity of the Maruia glacier during the late Pleistocene Otira Glaciation. Five advances are recognised, from oldest to youngest: Creighton 1, 2, 3, and the Reid Stream 1, 2 advances. There was an interstadial interval between the Creighton 3 and Reid Stream 1 advances. The Reid Stream 1 advance occurred shortly after 14 800 years B.P. (NZ536, old T/sub 0.5/). (auths)

  13. Nina Rodrigues: sua interpretação do evolucionismo social e da psicologia das massas nos primórdios da psicologia social brasileira

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    Chaves Evenice Santos


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda a influência de idéias advindas do Evolucionismo Biológico, Social e da Psicologia das Massas nos primórdios da Psicologia Social brasileira. No final do século XIX, formulações de Spencer e Darwin sobre as culturas e raças influenciaram na estruturação do paradigma do evolucionismo social, o qual foi impulsionado na Bahia por Nina Rodrigues. Ele elaborou descrições de aspectos culturais brasileiros e de tipos humanos e teorizou sobre o movimento social de Canudos. O racismo científico manteve-se hegemônico até a década de 1930. Perdeu terreno; entretanto, o racismo permaneceu como uma categoria ideológica. Na Psicologia Social contemporânea são escassos os estudos sobre o tema.

  14. EXPERIÊNCIA DA LEITURA LITERÁRIA: OFÍCIO DE LEITOR.(Dossiê: Práticas de Leitura, Livros Didáticos, Relações Raciais e as Culturas Africana e Afro-Brasileira

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    Angela Maria da Costa e Silva Coutinho


    Full Text Available EXPERIENCIA DE LA LECTURA LITERARIA: OFICIO DE LECTORResumo:Acerca da leitura da arte literária tem-se uma constelação de ideias expressas por escritores, filósofos, filólogos, professores, todos que, antes de qualquer outra qualificação de ofício são leitores. O ofício de leitor envolve processos que mobilizam a vontade dos sujeitos, em razão  das insuspeitadas motivações  que o objeto do ofício, o texto artístico-literário, suscita, tanto durante a experimentação do ato de ler, quanto em momentos posteriores, quando a leitura  retorna em percepções, subjetividades, conceitos, visões, uma vez que experimentadora, ela mesma, de indivíduos e de coletividade.  Costuma-se associar o ofício de leitor à habilidade do observador, na acepção que caracteriza o sujeito  concentrado  diante do objeto  a contemplá-lo para atingir ao menos uma das visões de sua essência, ou o observador artista que cria personagens com palavras; melodias inteiras com pequenos sons; finas jóias com brutos  metais. Estimulada e exercitada a concentração, fica possível a associação de sentidos, a correspondência de significados, a comparação, a afirmação, a sustentação e a contradição.Palavras-chave: arte literária, leitura, leitorResumen:Sobre la lectura del arte literario se tiene una constelación de ideas expresadas por escritores, filósofos, filólogos, profesores, todos que, antes de cualquier otra calificación de oficio son lectores. El oficio de lector involucra procesos que movilizan la voluntad de los sujetos, en razón de las insospechadas motivaciones que el objeto del oficio, el texto artístico-literario, suscita, tanto durante la experimentación del acto de leer, cuanto en momentos posteriores, cuando la lectura retorna en percepciones, subjetividades, conceptos, visiones, una vez que experimentadora, ella misma, de individuos y de colectividad. Se suele asociar el oficio de lector a la habilidad del

  15. Quantum cybernetics: a new perspective for Nelson's stochastic theory, nonlocality, and the Klein-Gordon equation (United States)

    Grössing, Gerhard


    The Klein-Gordon equation is shown to be equivalent to coupled partial differential equations for a sub-quantum Brownian movement of a “particle”, which is both passively affected by, and actively affecting, a diffusion process of its generally nonlocal environment. This indicates circularly causal, or “cybernetic”, relationships between “particles” and their surroundings. Moreover, in the relativistic domain, the original stochastic theory of Nelson is shown to hold as a limiting case only, i.e., for a vanishing quantum potential.

  16. Megavoltage pituitary irradiation in the management of Cushing's disease and Nelson's syndrome: long-term follow-up

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Howlett, T.A.; Plowman, P.N.; Wass, J.A.H.; Rees, L.H.; Jones, A.E.; Besser, G.M.


    The authors report the long-term follow-up (up to 17.3 years) of the clinical and biochemical effects of megavoltage pituitary irradiation (radiotherapy;RT), administered as primary or secondary therapy, for pituitary Cushing's disease and Nelson's syndrome in 52 patients. Irradiation was administered, from a 4-15 MeV linear accelerator, via a three-field technique, to a total dose of 4500 cGy (rad) in 25 fractions over 35 days. (author)

  17. The divine clockwork: Bohr's correspondence principle and Nelson's stochastic mechanics for the atomic elliptic state

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Durran, Richard; Neate, Andrew; Truman, Aubrey


    We consider the Bohr correspondence limit of the Schroedinger wave function for an atomic elliptic state. We analyze this limit in the context of Nelson's stochastic mechanics, exposing an underlying deterministic dynamical system in which trajectories converge to Keplerian motion on an ellipse. This solves the long standing problem of obtaining Kepler's laws of planetary motion in a quantum mechanical setting. In this quantum mechanical setting, local mild instabilities occur in the Keplerian orbit for eccentricities greater than (1/√(2)) which do not occur classically

  18. Profound amplification of secretory-burst mass and anomalous regularity of ACTH secretory process in patients with Nelson's syndrome compared with Cushing's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Aken, Maarten O.; Pereira, Alberto M.; van den Berg, Gerrit; Romijn, Johannes A.; Veldhuis, Johannes D.; Roelfsema, Ferdinand


    As described originally, Nelson's syndrome is characterized by grossly elevated ACTH concentrations, a sellar mass and skin hyperpigmentation emerging in the course of Cushing's disease after bilateral adrenalectomy. No detailed studies have defined whether the mechanisms directing ACTH secretion

  19. Fathers of the Nation: Barack Obama Addresses Nelson Mandela

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    Elisa Bordin


    Full Text Available This essay analyzes Barack Obama’s Nelson Mandela Memorial speech together with other seminal texts of Obama’s political and personal creed, such as his book Dreams from My Father (1995 and his speech “A More Perfect Union” (2008. This reading becomes helpful to understand Mandela’s transnational power, which Obama uses to comment on the United States by comparing Madiba to other American “fathers of the nation.” Thus, he uproots Mandela’s from a specifically South African legacy, expands his figure, and addresses him as a transnational father of his own nation, whose power, influence, and example transcend South African borders. As a consequence of this enlargement and transnational validation of Mandela’s figure, the speech delivered at the Memorial becomes an occasion to tackle American past and future, while the memory of Madiba and his driving example in Obama’s life serve to reinforce previous positions conveyed in other discourses by the American President, such as the “A More Perfect Union” speech delivered in Philadelphia in 2008.

  20. Caesarean section deliveries: Experiences of mothers of midwifery care at a public hospital in Nelson Mandela Bay. (United States)

    Jikijela, Thobeka P; James, Sindiwe; Sonti, Balandeli S I


    The rate of caesarean section deliveries has increased globally and mothers are faced with challenges of postoperative recovery and caring thereof. Midwives have a duty to assist these mothers to self-care. The objective was to explore and describe experiences of post-caesarean section delivered mothers of midwifery care at a public hospital in Nelson Mandela Bay. A qualitative, descriptive and explorative research design was used in the study. Data were collected from 11 purposively criterion-selected mothers who had a caesarean section delivery. One-on-one semi-structured interviews were conducted in the post-natal wards. Research ethics, namely autonomy, beneficence, justice and informed consent, were adopted in the study. All participants were informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any stage without penalties. Interviews were analysed using Tesch's method of data analysis. Three main themes were identified as experiences of: diverse pain, physical limitation and frustration and health care services as different. Experiences of mothers following a caesarean section delivery with midwifery services at a public hospital in Nelson Mandela Bay were explored and described as diverse. A need for adequate pain management as well as assistance and breastfeeding support to mothers following caesarean delivery was identified as crucial to promote a good mother-to-child relationship.


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    Jairo Ferreira Lopes de Farias


    Full Text Available Post Occupancy Evaluation defines the methods and techniques to characterize the strength and weaknesses of a constructed structure by considering the users satisfaction in meeting their needs during the course of its use. This evaluation records the findings of the POE of the Pavillon Prof. Antônio Fernando Rodrigues, Maracanã campus of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ, relative to the environmental quality from the satisfaction of users. Results of the evaluation of the degree of satisfaction of the users reveal a positive response towards artificial illumination, artificial ventilation, the temperature in winter and in summer and the natural illumination. In general it was found that users considered the building well lit, properly temperature controlled and of appropriate size, but needed better soundproofing. The analysis led to recommendations for improvements in comforts and functionality of this environment. These findings can contribute to the improvement for future projects, avoiding the repetition of inadequacies and the consequent dissatisfaction of users, and for better post-occupancy management. DOI:

  2. Generalisability of the results of the Dutch-Belgian randomised controlled lung cancer CT screening trial (NELSON) : Does self-selection play a role?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Aalst, C. M.; van Iersel, C. A.; van Klaveren, R. J.; Frenken, F. J. M.; Fracheboud, J.; Otto, S. J.; de Jong, P. A.; Oudkerk, M.; de Koning, H. J.

    The degree of self-selection in the Dutch-Belgian randomised controlled lung cancer screening trial (NELSON) was determined to assess the generalisability of the study results. 335,441 (mainly) men born in 1928-1953 received a questionnaire. Of the respondents (32%), eligible subjects were invited

  3. Does Deafness Spell Disaster? An Analysis of the Written English Levels of Deaf Children in the Nelson Mandela Metropole, South Africa (United States)

    Weir, Carolyn; Aylif, Diana


    This article presents the findings of an empirical comparative study in the Nelson Mandela Metropole investigating the difference between the written English of deaf children and the written English of hearing children and makes recommendations on how to improve the writing of deaf children. The psycholinguistic approach was used for the…

  4. Crecimiento en clavel estándar cv. Nelson, en suelo y en sustratos Crescimento de cravo estandar cv. Nelson, em solo e em substratos Growth of standard carnation cv. Nelson, in soil and substrates

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    Adriana Del Pilar Baracaldo Argüello


    Full Text Available El cultivo de clavel en la sabana de Bogotá ha sido importante, ya que representa en la actualidad el segundo lugar de exportación en flores de corte. Recientemente, su producción en sistema de cultivo en sustrato ha aumentado debido fundamentalmente a limitantes de tipo sanitario, por lo cual es importante el estudio del crecimiento de las plantas establecidas en este sistema de cultivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el crecimiento del clavel estándar cv. Nelson establecido en sustratos y en suelo, a segundo pico de cosecha, para lo cual, en el SENA - Centro Multisectorial de Mosquera, plantas de clavel se sometieron a los siguientes tratamientos: 100% de cascarilla de arroz quemada; 65% cascarilla de arroz quemada - 35% fibra de coco; 35% cascarilla de arroz quemada - 65% fibra de coco y suelo. En muestreos continuos se evaluaron las variables número de hojas, longitud del tallo, diámetro de tallo, número de nudos y diámetro y longitud del botón floral y se ajustaron curvas de crecimiento. Las plantas cultivadas en el tratamiento suelo presentaron mayor número de tallos. En este tratamiento los tallos florales también presentaron un mayor número de nudos y de hojas; sin embargo, fueron más cortos. Así mismo, presentaron menor diámetro de tallo y menor longitud y diámetro del botón floral; características determinantes de la calidad. Por tanto, la producción de tallos exportables de grado "select" fue significativamente inferior en el tratamiento suelo, en comparación con los demás tratamientos.O cultivo de cravo no planalto de Bogotá tem sido importante, visto que representa, na atualidade, o segundo lugar nas exportações colombianas de flores de corte. Recentemente, sua produção em sistemas de cultivo em substrato tem aumentado em consequência de fatores sanitários. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desenvolvimento do cravo tipo estandar cv. Nelson, estabelecido em substratos e em solo, na segunda

  5. Conservative diffusions: a constructive approach to Nelson's stochastic mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlen, E.A.


    In Nelson's stochastic mechanics, quantum phenomena are described in terms of diffusions instead of wave functions; this thesis is a study of that description. Concern here is with the possibility of describing, as opposed to explaining, quantum phenomena in terms of diffusions. In this direction, the following questions arise: ''Do the diffusion of stochastic mechanics - which are formally given by stochastic differential equations with extremely singular coefficients - really exist.'' Given that they exist, one can ask, ''Do these diffusions have physically reasonable paths to study the behavior of physical systems.'' These are the questions treated in this thesis. In Chapter 1, stochastic mechanics and diffusion theory are reviewed, using the Guerra-Morato variational principle to establish the connection with the Schroedinger equation. Chapter II settles the first of the questions raised above. Using PDE methods, the diffusions of stochastic mechanics are constructed. The result is sufficiently general to be of independent mathematical interest. In Chapter III, potential scattering in stochastic mechanics is treated and direct probabilistic methods of studying quantum scattering problems are discussed. The results provide a solid YES in answer to the second question raised above

  6. Modernismo nos Livros Didáticos de Ensino Médio: que Temas e Textos são Tidos como Fundadores? A que isso se Presta, na Formação do Leitor Escolarizado?

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    Maria Amélia Dalvi


    Full Text Available Partindo de uma perspectiva cultural, este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa bibliográfico-documental. Traz, em primeiro lugar, uma breve síntese a respeito da pesquisa com livros didáticos e sua interrelação com a formação do leitor escolarizado no Brasil; depois, parte para uma brevíssima consideração acerca do que se entende por "moderno" e por "modernismo", passando pela instituição do termo e chegando às vanguardas européias, latino-americanas e brasileiras no século XX; por fim, organiza dados como os temas e subtemas relacionados ao Modernismo Brasileiro que comparecem em quatro livros didáticos contemporâneos, para a disciplina de Língua Portuguesa e Literatura no ensino médio, livros estes publicados por grandes grupos editoriais, elencando, também, os textos e os autores abordados (especialmente, Oswald de Andrade, Mário de Andrade, Manuel Bandeira e Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Como conclusão, analisa a que se presta o conjunto de temas, subtemas, autores e textos veiculados pelos impressos pedagógicos no processo de formação do leitor escolarizado. Defende, pois, que um livro didático menos previsível talvez fosse um meio de criticar tudo aquilo que reproduz um modelo de identidade – e de educação, verdade e formação – estanque e essencialista.

  7. Fome, eugenia e constituição do campo da nutrição em Pernambuco: uma análise de Gilberto Freyre, Josué de Castro e Nelson Chaves Starvation, eugenics and the development of nutrition in Pernambuco according to Gilberto Freire's, Josué de Castro's and Nelson Chaves' analyses

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    Francisco de Assis Guedes de Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é examinar a contribuição dos estudos de Gilberto Freyre, Josué de Castro e Nelson Chaves, produzidos nas décadas de 1930 e 1940, para o processo de constituição do campo da nutrição em Pernambuco. O estudo procura demonstrar que as temáticas fome e eugenia constituem as categorias centrais que expressam os pontos de tensão e de comunhão das abordagens desses autores pernambucanos, pelo estatuto científico nesse campo do conhecimento.The purpose of this article is to examine the contribution of the studies Gilberto Freyre, Josué de Castro and Nelson Chaves produced for the development of the Pernambuco nutrition field, from 1930 to 1940. The article attempts to demonstrate that both subjects - starvation and eugenics - are the central categories that express tension and communion in these three authors' approaches to this field of knowledge.

  8. Death of Nelson Mandela: CERN and its Staff Association in history

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    Shortly after the conviction of Nelson Mandela at the Rivonia trial in 1964, the Anti-Apartheid Movement of Geneva was created at a meeting at CERN. Arriving at CERN as Visiting Scientist in June 1966, I joined the Anti-Apartheid Movement immediately. We multiplied the initiatives at CERN and outside of CERN until the release of Mandela with citizens of Geneva, but also with "citizens of the world", who ignored the ban on political activity, particularly for international civil servants. The Anti-Apartheid Movement of Geneva soon became the Anti-Apartheid Movement of Switzerland. It was also the first Anti-Apartheid Movement outside of South Africa. CERN today is honoured to have brought it to the baptismal font thanks to the initiative of several colleagues, including Mike Pentz, president of the CERN staff Association for two years (1961  1963) and also a refugee from South Africa in Europe. Conclusion: well-targeted disobedience can advance humanity. Jean-Pierre Lagnaux, former vis...

  9. The Use of Titrimetric, Nelson Somogyi and Hplc Methods for the Analysis of Cashew Apple Juice Fermentation Broths


    Kantasubrata, Julia; T. Karossi, A; S. Pramudi, A


    In cashew apple juice fermentation to produce wine and vinegar, analysis of organic acids and sugars in fermentation broths is very important, due to the fact that optimum conditions of fermentation could only be established from results obtained on monitoring the concentrations of those components during the fermentation process. Analysis of organic acids by tiirimetric method and analysis of sugars by Nelson-Somogyi method only give a total amount of acids and sugars. HPLC is one of the pro...

  10. Análise crítica da metáfora no discurso inaugural de Nelson Mandela


    Candia, Guilene Detimermane de Souza


    Esta dissertação de mestrado refere-se à pesquisa, sob a perspectiva crítica e pragmática, das metáforas conceptuais e lingüísticas que tenham o sentido de portadora de ideologia e de estratégia de polidez num discurso político. Teve como base de estudo o Discurso Inaugural do líder sul-africano, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, proferido na ocasião de sua posse como presidente da África do Sul, em 10 de maio de 1994, na cidade de Johannesburgo, capital daquele país. O discurso fo...

  11. Formador de leitores, formador de professores: a trajetória de Max Butlen

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    Belmira Oliveira Bueno


    Full Text Available Nesta entrevista, Max Butlen, amplamente conhecido por seu trabalho no campo da leitura, da formação de leitores e de professores, traça um percurso de sua trajetória e desenvolve uma discussão rica a partir das contribuições teóricas assentadas em uma longa vivência na escola pública, que o tornaram referência em dois temas dentre os mais desafiadores para a escola nos dias de hoje: o ensino da cultura da escrita e a profissionalização dos professores. Na França, foi sucessivamente professor em diferentes instituições de formação de professores, junto ao Ministério da Educação e o da Cultura, onde, em funções e cargos múltiplos, fez sobressair seu trabalho em prol da atualização das práticas escolares de leitura e da configuração e uso das bibliotecas públicas e escolares. Sua tese de doutorado em ciências da educação, Les politiques de lecture et leurs acteurs, 1980-2000, defendida na Universidade de Paris 5, reúne esses dois campos de saberes universitários e da ação profissional e mostra a centralidade que as questões da leitura assumem na França nos finais do século XX. No Brasil, ele trabalhou junto ao Ministério da Educação, de 1994 a 1998, ampliando, desde então, sua colaboração com grupos de pesquisadores de vários estados, para tratar seja das temáticas da leitura seja daquelas referidas à universitarização dos professores. Desenvolve também, a partir de suas experiências em ambos os países, comparações profícuas no que se refere a procedimentos de formação de professores e ao comportamento intelectual dos jovens diante das novas tecnologias e das mudanças sociais.

  12. Entre o “massismo” e o “militarismo”: embates teóricos da luta armada em Fernando Andrade e Jamil Rodrigues DOI10.5216/o.v14i1.28997 Rodrigo Pezzonia

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    Rodrigo Pezzonia


    Full Text Available Em um momento histórico no qual uma “nova esquerda” se afastava cada vez mais da teoria para se dedicar à prática revolucionária, dois jovens intelectuais brasileiros com passagens pela organização armada Vanguarda Popular Revolucionária (VPR produziram documentos e debatiam a chamada Revolu- ção Brasileira. Este artigo objetiva melhor entender os embates entre dois dos principais teóricos da guerrilha nacional após o golpe civil-militar de 1964. São eles: Ladislau Dowbor e João Quartim de Moraes, ou, como conhecidos em muitos dos seus textos à época, Jamil Rodrigues e Fernando Andrade.

  13. Algumas considerações sobre o desenvolvimento da atividade de leitura e a constituição do leitor surdo/Some aspects on the development of the activity of reading and the constitution of the deaf reader

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    Heloísa Andréia Vicente de Matos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho aponta alguns aspectos teóricos sobre a questão da leitura e seus desdobramentos e, por conseguinte, sobre os aspectos relacionados à constituição do leitor também nas condições da surdez. Do mesmo modo, destaca questões do letramento e as implicações desse processo na constituição do leitor Surdo, também através de narrativas de sujeitos adultos (com pouca influência da oralização e relativa proficiência na leitura do Português, no presente sobre seus movimentos de formação, configurados na noção de espaço e tempo construídos pela memória dos mesmos. This paper points some theoretical aspects on the question of the reading and its unfoldings and, therefore, on the aspects related to the constitution of the reader also in the conditions of the deafness. In a similar way, it detaches questions of the literacy and the implications of this process in the constitution of the Deaf reader, also through narratives of adult deaf people (with little influence of the oralism and relative proficiency in the reading of the Portuguese, at the current moment on its movements of formation, configured in the notion of space and time constructed by the memory of the same ones.

  14. "A eloqüência farfalhante da tribuna do júri": o tribunal popular e a lei em Nelson Hungria "A eloqüência farfalhante da tribuna do júri": the people's court and the law in Nelson Hungria

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    Ricardo Sontag


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende analisar a questão do júri no pensamento do penalista Nelson Hungria levando em consideração o contexto histórico das transformações sofridas pelas instituições penais durante o Estado Novo (particularmente as leis sobre o júri e os códigos penal e de processo penal de 1940 e 1941 respectivamente, até o post scriptum do percurso com as modificações trazidas pela Constituição de 1946 e pela lei 268 de 1947 e os seus escritos mais tardios. O aspecto chave a ser considerado nesse percurso é a (indistinção no uso por parte de Hungria dos argumentos do tecnicismo jurídico-penal em relação àqueles do positivismo criminológico dependendo do contexto histórico.This article aims to explore the issue of the jury in Nelson Hungria's thought considering the historical context of the transformations suffered by the criminal law institutions during the "Estado Novo" (particularly the laws on the jury and the criminal code - 1940 - and criminal procedure code - 1941 to the post scriptum of the process with the changes brought by the Constitution of 1946 and the law 268 of 1947 and his later writings. The key aspect to be considered in this process is the (indistinction used by Hungria of the arguments of the criminal-legal technicism in relation to those of criminological positivism depending on historical context.

  15. The Weathered Corrugations of His Face: A Performative Reflection on Nelson Mandela, Self, and the Call for Racial (UnBecoming

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    Paul Badenhorst


    Full Text Available On the occasion of the first anniversary of the death of Nelson Rolihlahla MANDELA, this self-exploratory narrative study utilizes a Butlerian performative theoretical framework to both uncover discursively regulated social practices as generative of raced identity ensconced in belonging, and the undoing of such identity through the redeployment of social practices predicated instead on a Weltanschauung of becoming. While the accountable subject of autoethnographic work is concomitantly problematized, fluid subjectivity is itself demonstrated as crucial to historical accountability. A resultant appeal for white South Africans to actively begin the work of defamiliarizing themselves with the sanitized dominant popular culture representation of the peace icon, this research ultimately calls for new existential reflection upon the face of Nelson MANDELA so as to begin uncovering its deeper historical significance, contemporary relevance, and the future ethical imperative it demands of those who come from a liminal position of, as J.M. COETZEE once wrote, "no longer European, not yet African" (1988, p.11. In short, it is argued that white South Africans need to move from a condition of belonging predicated on raced identity to one of transracial—and even interracial—African becoming. URN:

  16. Nelson Mandela’s ‘Ordinary Love’ Addressed in Pop-rock Music: a Long Song of Freedom

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    Simona Martini


    Full Text Available This paper aims to highlight how inspirational the figure of Nelson Mandela has been for several musicians and songwriters. In particular, it focuses on songs written by Western musicians from the early Eighties until 2013 – all showing the extent to which the South African leader has epitomized the struggle for equality and freedom. This study points out how the success of a hit single in 1984 – British ska group The Special AKA’s “Free Nelson Mandela” – paved the way for a quick increase in the number of musicians who got involved in the anti-apartheid movement and contributed to make Western audiences know about Mandela and increasingly demand that apartheid be put to an end. This survey seeks to examine the main achievements in pop-rock songs that generated both from the growing awareness about the South African leader’s experience when he was imprisoned, and the legacy of his exemplum after he was set free. Among the songs cited: Simple Minds’ “Mandela Day”, the various artists’ tribute “46664” and the most recent Golden Globe-awarded “Ordinary Love” by U2, written for the soundtrack of the biopic The Long Walk to Freedom. To better understand how the figure of Mandela has been addressed in these works, the paper includes analyses of the most complex and significant lyrics among the songs discussed, thus also showing how the South African cultural background as it was received by the West could have informed the songwriting, and how the Western reception of such songs determined an increasing awareness about Mandela’s plight and the whole phenomenon of apartheid.

  17. The Anticancer Activity of Sea Buckthorn [Elaeagnus rhamnoides (L. A. Nelson

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    Beata Olas


    Full Text Available Various parts of sea buckthorn [Elaeagnus rhamnoides (L. A. Nelson], particularly the berries, known also as seaberries, or Siberian pineapples, are characterized by a unique composition of bioactive compounds: phenolic compounds, vitamins (especially vitamin C, unsaturated fatty acids, and phytosterols such as beta-sitosterol. These berries, together with the juices, jams, and oils made from them, have a range of beneficial antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer effects. This short review discusses whether sea buckthorn may represent a “golden mean” for the treatment of cancers: It has anti-proliferation properties and can induce apoptosis and stimulate the immune system, and sea buckthorn oil counteracts many side effects of chemotherapy by restoring kidney and liver function, increasing appetite, and keeping patients in general good health. Although the anticancer activity of sea buckthorn has been confirmed by many in vitro and animal in vivo studies, the treatment and prophylactic doses for humans are unknown. Therefore, greater attention should be paid to the development of well-controlled and high-quality clinical experiments in this area.

  18. Incentives for HIV testing at the workplace in the automotive industry in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality: Ethical considerations

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    Martin Weihs


    Full Text Available Comprehensive HIV and AIDS workplace programmes made use of substantial lottery incentives in HIV counselling and testing drives to promote HIV testing at four companies in the automotive industry in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. The main aim was to use lottery incentives to increase uptake for HIV testing. This would help to define company HIV prevalence and ensure timely support, care and treatment of employees. In total, 1 324 employees, making up about 90% of the total staff, were tested for HIV in the four companies during wellness testing days. In order to gain an understanding of employees’ experiences of the lotteries as part of the HIV counselling and testing drive, quantitative data were collected among a total of 414 employees, and 17 interviews were conducted in the four companies. In this article, we investigate the issue of whether the lotteries unduly influenced the employees’ participation in workplace HIV testing, and an approach to resolving an identified ethical dilemma is presented. The ethical question as to whether lottery incentives contribute to undue coercion was explored using both a utilitarian and a deontological approach. The analysis concluded that the use of lotteries to encourage HIV testing in the workplaces of the automotive industry in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality can be deemed morally acceptable.

  19. Incentives for HIV testing at the workplace in the automotive industry in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality: Ethical considerations

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    Martin Weihs


    Full Text Available Comprehensive HIV and AIDS workplace programmes made use of substantial lottery incentives in HIV counselling and testing drives to promote HIV testing at four companies in the automotive industry in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. The main aim was to use lottery incentives to increase uptake for HIV testing. This would help to define company HIV prevalence and ensure timely support, care and treatment of employees. In total, 1 324 employees, making up about 90% of the total staff, were tested for HIV in the four companies during wellness testing days. In order to gain an understanding of employees’ experiences of the lotteries as part of the HIV counselling and testing drive, quantitative data were collected among a total of 414 employees, and 17 interviews were conducted in the four companies. In this article, we investigate the issue of whether the lotteries unduly influenced the employees’ participation in workplace HIV testing, and an approach to resolving an identified ethical dilemma is presented. The ethical question as to whether lottery incentives contribute to undue coercion was explored using both a utilitarian and a deontological approach. The analysis concluded that the use of lotteries to encourage HIV testing in the workplaces of the automotive industry in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality can be deemed morally acceptable.

  20. Coulomb Scattering in the Massless Nelson Model III: Ground State Wave Functions and Non-commutative Recurrence Relations (United States)

    Dybalski, Wojciech; Pizzo, Alessandro


    Let $H_{P,\\sigma}$ be the single-electron fiber Hamiltonians of the massless Nelson model at total momentum $P$ and infrared cut-off $\\sigma>0$. We establish detailed regularity properties of the corresponding $n$-particle ground state wave functions $f^n_{P,\\sigma}$ as functions of $P$ and $\\sigma$. In particular, we show that \\[ |\\partial_{P^j}f^{n}_{P,\\sigma}(k_1,\\ldots, k_n)|, \\ \\ |\\partial_{P^j} \\partial_{P^{j'}} f^{n}_{P,\\sigma}(k_1,\\ldots, k_n)| \\leq \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{n!}} \\frac{(c\\lambda_0)^n}{\\sigma^{\\delta_{\\lambda_0}}} \\prod_{i=1}^n\\frac{ \\chi_{[\\sigma,\\kappa)}(k_i)}{|k_i|^{3/2}}, \\] where $c$ is a numerical constant, $\\lambda_0\\mapsto \\delta_{\\lambda_0}$ is a positive function of the maximal admissible coupling constant which satisfies $\\lim_{\\lambda_0\\to 0}\\delta_{\\lambda_0}=0$ and $\\chi_{[\\sigma,\\kappa)}$ is the (approximate) characteristic function of the energy region between the infrared cut-off $\\sigma$ and the ultraviolet cut-off $\\kappa$. While the analysis of the first derivative is relatively straightforward, the second derivative requires a new strategy. By solving a non-commutative recurrence relation we derive a novel formula for $f^n_{P,\\sigma}$ with improved infrared properties. In this representation $\\partial_{P^{j'}}\\partial_{P^{j}}f^n_{P,\\sigma}$ is amenable to sharp estimates obtained by iterative analytic perturbation theory in part II of this series of papers. The bounds stated above are instrumental for scattering theory of two electrons in the Nelson model, as explained in part I of this series.

  1. The proposed Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital, Johannesburg: providing the best care for children in the developing world. (United States)

    Bolton, Keith


    Construction will soon commence on the Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital (NMCH) in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Hospital will have 250-300 beds and will provide tertiary and quaternary care to children in specific Centers of Excellence. Admission to this referral facility will be based entirely on medical needs. The disciplines that are catered for include Paediatric surgery, oncology, nephrology, cardiology, intensive care and imaging. The NMCH will be South Africa's first "Private Hospital - Not for Gain". Funding for capital expenditure is currently being raised by the Trust. Operational expenditure will come from the Department of Health, private insurers and neighbouring governments.

  2. The Honorable William Nelson, Senior Senator from Florida, Chairman, Senate Committee on Space, Aeronautics and Related Sciences visiting the AMS Hall of Prevessin with Prof. Samuel Ting from the MIT.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    The Honorable William Nelson, Senior Senator from Florida, Chairman, Senate Committee on Space, Aeronautics and Related Sciences visiting the AMS Hall of Prevessin with Prof. Samuel Ting from the MIT.

  3. O esvaziamento das seções de comentários de leitores nos portais de notícias: o facebook como novo espaço de expressão = The hollowness of the readers comment sections on news websites: facebook as a new place for expressing ideas

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    Specht, Patrícia Pivoto


    Full Text Available Há pelo menos dois espaços para a expressão da opinião dos leitores sobre o conteúdo publicado pelos portais jornalísticos: as seções de comentários abaixo das notícias e a página do Facebook dos veículos. O objetivo deste artigo é verificar qual a instância mais utilizada pela audiência e qual a natureza das opiniões, bem como a existência de conversações entre redação e leitores nestes ambientes. Para isso, compararam-se, durante uma semana, os comentários do público diante de uma mesma notícia, no portal e na página do Facebook do Jornal Zero Hora. A partir de observação e coleta, procedeu-se uma análise de conteúdo do material. Entre as conclusões estão o fato de que o Facebook tem preferência em relação à seção de comentários, e que a redação pouco interage com o público nestes espaços

  4. Radiocarbon dates from the holocene levels at Nelson Bay Cave, and an interim report on their associations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inskeep, R.R.; Vogel, J.C.


    Various changes in the cultural material derived from the later Holocene levels of Nelson Bay Cave can be pinpointed in temporal context by means of a large series of radiocarbon dates, such as Carbon 13 and Carbon 14 covering the past 6 000 years. As excavations and analysis of the recovered materials proceeded, radiocarbon dates were sought in order to provide a chronological frame work for what are taken to be significant features in the history of the site, and these are discussed in the article. Several pottery and assumed sheep remains were recorded. Six human burials were also recovered and this helps with the characterization of Holocene burial practices

  5. Late Otiran sedimentation and glacial chronology in the Warwick valley, southeast Nelson

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mabin, M.C.G.


    Approximately 14 m of sediment are exposed in a road cutting beneath a landslide deposit in the Warwick valley, southeast Nelson, New Zealand. Three radiocarbon dates and 5 pollen spectra were obtained from organic horizons in these sediments. The dates indicate that lacustrine sedimentation predominated from before 17 500 until 14 450 years ago. This was interrupted by a brief period of gravel aggradation between 17 500 and 16 650 years ago, which is attributed to a glacial advance. Vegetation at the site was consistently dominated by Cyperaceae, with some Gramineae, suggesting a bleak, treeless landscape. Correlation of this information with other radiocarbon dated sites indicates the need for some revision of the chronology of the late Otira Glaciation. A late phase of the Kumara 2 2 advance occurred between 17 000 and 16 000 years ago, and the Kumara 3 1 advance did not occur until after about 15 000 years ago. The end of the Otira Glaciation probably occurred between 13 000 and 12 500 years ago. (auth)

  6. Late Otiran sedimentation and glacial chronology in the Warwick valley, southeast Nelson

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mabin, M C.G. [Canterbury Univ., Christchurch (New Zealand). Dept. of Geology


    Approximately 14 m of sediment are exposed in a road cutting beneath a landslide deposit in the Warwick valley, southeast Nelson, New Zealand. Three radiocarbon dates and 5 pollen spectra were obtained from organic horizons in these sediments. The dates indicate that lacustrine sedimentation predominated from before 17,500 until 14,450 years ago. This was interrupted by a brief period of gravel aggradation between 17,500 and 16,650 years ago, which is attributed to a glacial advance. Vegetation at the site was consistently dominated by Cyperaceae, with some Gramineae, suggesting a bleak, treeless landscape. Correlation of this information with other radiocarbon dated sites indicates the need for some revision of the chronology of the late Otira Glaciation. A late phase of the Kumara 2/sub 2/ advance occurred between 17,000 and 16,000 years ago, and the Kumara 3/sub 1/ advance did not occur until after about 15,000 years ago. The end of the Otira Glaciation probably occurred between 13,000 and 12,500 years ago.

  7. Formação de Leitores: O Ensino de Língua Portuguesa em Turmas de EJA

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    Ilane Ferreira Cavalcante


    Full Text Available Este artigo constitui-se em uma reflexão sobre a Elaboração de Materiais didáticos de Língua Portuguesa para turmas de Ensino para Jovens e Adultos(EJA. Dentro de uma perspectiva de ensino a partir de gêneros textuais, esse material didático visa, entre outras coisas, contemplar os diferentes conteúdos, habilidades e competências do ensino de Língua Portuguesa. O projeto de pesquisa de que este artigo é fruto está integrado ao Grupo de Pesquisa em Ensino Médio Integrado na Modalidade Educação de Jovens e Adultos e baseia-se no fato de que há, ainda, pouco material didático disponível para o EJA no Ensino Médio, pois a maioria da literatura existente se restringe ao Ensino Fundamental. Além disso, os professores de todas as disciplinas iniciais da Modalidade EJA no Campus Natal Zona Norte do IFRN tem se deparado com uma realidade preocupante: a falta de preparo dos estudantes que entram na Instituição para iniciar o curso nessa modalidade. No caso específico de Língua Portuguesa, esses alunos demonstram muitas dificuldades de leitura e escrita. Neste artigo, apresentamos os primeiros resultados tabulados a partir de questionário aplicado entre alunos das turmas iniciais de 2006 e 2008, observando seus perfis de leitor e identificando suas principais necessidades no âmbito da leitura e da escrita. Esses resultados subsidiam o processo de elaboração do material didático de língua portuguesa Palavras-chave: Educação de Jovens e Adultos, Ensino de Língua Portuguesa, Material didático, Leitura

  8. p-hacking by post hoc selection with multiple opportunities: Detectability by skewness test?: Comment on Simonsohn, Nelson, and Simmons (2014). (United States)

    Ulrich, Rolf; Miller, Jeff


    Simonsohn, Nelson, and Simmons (2014) have suggested a novel test to detect p-hacking in research, that is, when researchers report excessive rates of "significant effects" that are truly false positives. Although this test is very useful for identifying true effects in some cases, it fails to identify false positives in several situations when researchers conduct multiple statistical tests (e.g., reporting the most significant result). In these cases, p-curves are right-skewed, thereby mimicking the existence of real effects even if no effect is actually present. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  9. Memórias de leitura, lugar de leitor e conhecimento na formação inicial de docentes Reading memories, the reader's place and knowledge in the initial teacher education programs

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    Márcia Dresch


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar, através da memória discursiva, as experiências de leitura de alunos do curso de Letras e o impacto dessas experiências no processo de formação inicial. As memórias são resgatadas através da técnica de grupo focal e analisadas à luz da Análise do Discurso. Propomos discutir a relação entre as experiências de leitura de alunos do curso de Letras durante sua formação escolar e o modo como se enunciam como sujeitos leitores no curso superior. Os dados coletados revelam vínculos com a escrita, ora muito densos e afetivos, geralmente associados à primeira infância e à família, ora de desencanto e aversão, relacionados à escola. Na universidade predomina uma postura de valorização e respeito para com a escrita, ligada a um comportamento crítico em relação a sua formação escolar e autocrítico enquanto leitor universitário.This work aims to analyze, through discursive memory, the reading experiences from Language Teaching course course students and the impact of these experiences on their initial teaching program. Memories are recollected through focus group technique and analyzed in light of Speech Analysis. We propose to discuss the relation among the Language Teaching course students' reading experiences and the way they consider themselves as reading subjects. The collected data reveal bonds with the writing, which are sometimes affective, generally associated with their first childhood and families, and sometimes disillusioned related to school. In university a position of value and respect towards writing is predominant and it is linked to an attitude of criticism concerning their school background and to an attitude of self-criticism as a university reader.

  10. Discriminação fonológica e memória em crianças com dislexia e bons leitores Phonological discrimination and memory in children with dyslexia and good readers

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    Katerina Lukasova


    Full Text Available Presente estudo avaliou a capacidade de discriminação fonológica de sílabas em crianças com dislexia do desenvolvimento e bons leitores. Participaram do estudo 10 disléxicos e 10 controles pareados por idade, sexo, série, nível intelectual e atencional. 45 pares de sílabas diferentes quanto à sonorização, ponto de articulação e sílabas iguais foram apresentados para julgamento de similaridade em provas SOM/SOM e SOM/ESCRITA. O intervalo entre estímulos variou de curto, médio e longo. Os resultados mostraram diferenças entre-grupo em tarefa SOM/SOM, sendo que os disléxicos obtiveram desempenho inferior aos bons leitores em sílabas sonoras e ponto de articulação com intervalos longos. Análise dos pares de sílabas mostrou baixo acerto dos disléxicos nas sonoras (/KA/-/GA/ e /FA/-/VA/ e ponto de articulação (/ZA/-/VA/. Os resultados mostram perda mais rápida da informação fonológica na memória de trabalho em crianças disléxicas.The present study assessed the syllables' phonological discrimination ability in children with developmental dyslexia and good readers. 10 dyslexics and 10 controls matched for age, gender, school grade, intelligence and attention participated in the study. 45 pairs of syllables differentiated by sound, point of articulation and identical syllables were presented in forced choice tests SOUND/SOUND and SOUND/LETTER. The inter stimuli time varied from short, medium and long. The results showed between-group differences in SOUND/SOUND test with dyslexics doing worse than good readers in sound syllables and point of articulation syllables with long intervals. Analysis of the syllables pairs showed lower score for dyslexics in sound syllables (/KA/-/GA/ and /FA/-/VA/ and point of articulation syllables (/ZA/-/VA/. The results showed faster loss of phonological information in dyslexic children working memory.

  11. True Grit: In Tracking down the Real Story of a Legendary Hero of the Old West, Vaunda Micheaux Nelson also Nabbed the Coretta Scott King Award (United States)

    Fleishhacker, Joy


    When Vaunda Micheaux Nelson donned a black Stetson to become the biographer of Deputy U.S. Marshal Bass Reeves, she had no idea that her square-shooting book about an unsung African-American hero of the Old West would win over a posse of fans and earn her the prestigious 2010 Coretta Scott King (CSK) Author Award. "Bad News for Outlaws"…

  12. Enciclopédia para formar leitores: A cultura na gênese do Caderno de Sábado do Correio do Povo (Porto Alegre, 1967-1969

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    Everton Terres Cardoso


    Full Text Available O Caderno de Sábado, suplemento cultural do Correio do Povo, circulou de setembro de 1967 a janeiro de 1981 em Porto Alegre. O presente artigo discute como se configura a noção de cultura na gênese do suplemento (1967-1969, considerando seu caráter enciclopédico e a proposta de formar culturalmente o leitor. A Análise de Conteúdo das 111 primeiras edições possibilitou a observação do ecletismo temático; do equilíbrio entre o universal e local; da alternância entre memória e atualidade; e da participação do Caderno de Sábado na constituição dos campos intelectual, acadêmico e artístico locais. O veículo traduzia duas acepções do termo cultura: o ideal iluminista de formação pelo jornalismo e a noção romântica alemã de elevação do espírito por meio da proximidade com as letras, artes e humanidades.

  13. Custeio dos gastos no serviço público de saúde: estudo de caso no Hospital Nelson Salles


    Warley Francisco de Araújo Pereira


    A dissertação tem como objetivo aplicar um método de custeio aos gastos atribuídos, pelo Hospital Nelson Salles, na execução do serviço público de saúde, em apoio ao Município Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin. Para a realização deste trabalho, o estudo utilizou-se da pesquisa bibliográfica para fundamentar e ilustrar o tema proposto, bem como, do método exploratório descritivo para reconhecer a situação da instituição e identificar uma metodologia de controle dos custos adequada à realidade da org...

  14. A poética da esperança: sentidos políticos nas memórias de Nelson Mandela


    Silva, Cristiane Mare da


    O estudo que ora apresento desenvolveu-se no Programa de Pós-Graduação em História, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo e tem por objeto textos biográficos e autobiográficos do sul africano Nelson Mandela, que nos permitem apreender momentos e enunciados, orientadores da luta pela igualdade, do exercício da tolerância e a defesa dos direitos humanos, não apenas na África do Sul, mas por toda parte onde existam conflitos raciais e coloniais inerentes à enxpansão do Hemisfério Ocid...


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    Maria Aparecida Lopes Rossi


    Full Text Available O presente artigo problematiza dados de pesquisa realizada em uma cidade do interior do sudeste goiano com o objetivo de perceber como tem se desenvolvido o trabalho com a leitura no 3º ano do Ensino Fundamental I e quais estratégias de leitura são utilizadas no trabalho desenvolvido na sala de aula. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa de caráter etnográfico. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi realizada uma entrevista semiestruturada e observadas cinco aulas. No âmbito da presente discussão, problematizamos os dados coletados durante as observações. O arcabouço teórico-conceitual das estratégias de leitura é expresso a partir dos estudos de Masetto, Solé, Moura e Martins, Girotto e Souza, Antunes entre outros. Tais estudos destacam o papel do professor na formação de leitores, o qual deve propor estratégias, procedimentos e atividades que facilitem e proporcionem a compreensão em leitura dos alunos. Ao final das análises, o que destacamos é que de cinco aulas voltadas para o ensino de leitura, em duas delas o objetivo principal foi levar os alunos à memorização da ortografia e conteúdo gramatical.  As estratégias de leitura mais utilizadas foram a predição e a inferência.

  16. Veronica Rodrigues

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    dress well-posed questions, characterized her scientific life. This, and the attention to detail that she and her group brought to their experiments resulted in work of quality that ... her entry into the field of neurogenetics, made for the success.

  17. The Honorable William Nelson, Senior Senator from Florida, Chairman, Senate Committee on Space, Aeronautics and Related Sciences signing the golden book. Greeting by Mr Robert Aymar, CERN Director General and Prof. Samuel Ting from the MIT.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    The Honorable William Nelson, Senior Senator from Florida, Chairman, Senate Committee on Space, Aeronautics and Related Sciences signing the golden book. Greeting by Mr Robert Aymar, CERN Director General and Prof. Samuel Ting from the MIT.

  18. Os sites de notícias podem estimular a deliberação online? Um estudo dos comentários de leitores postados no

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    Rafael Cardoso Sampaio


    Full Text Available Este artigo avalia a deliberação em comentários de leitores no website do jornal Folha de S. Paulo. Para tanto, foram analisados 260 posts relacionados a quatro histórias: a prisão de José Roberto Arruda, Governador do Distrito Federal; o acordo sobre energia nuclear entre Brasil e Irã; o plano de Direitos Humanos e o golpe contra o presidente de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya. Além dos comentários, foram analisados o site do jornal, suas ferramentas discursivas e o posicionamento político dos participantes. Concluiu-se que houve uma deliberatividade relevante nas discussões analisadas, mas também ocorreu excessiva agressividade entre os participantes. Com relação aos comentários postados, pode-se afirmar que a maioria dos participantes buscou a vitória no debate ao invés da compreensão mútua. No final, o artigo considera como lidar normativamente com essa agressividade e tenta mostrar como há certo potencial para aumentar os valores democráticos através do fornecimento de ferramentas discursivas por sites de notícias.

  19. Construção de curva de juros de debêntures no mercado brasileiro utilizando a parametrização de Nelson-Siegel

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    Vinícius Gomes Araújo


    Full Text Available O objetivo nesse trabalho é a construção da Estrutura a Termo de Taxa de Juros (ETTJ das debêntures que se encontram disponíveis no mercado brasileiro, usando o modelo Nelson-Siegel (1987. As curvas de juros são divididas de acordo com o tipo de indexador e com a classificação de risco atribuída às debêntures. Por fim, foi possível mensurar o spread que existe entre o mercado de títulos privados (debêntures e os títulos públicos.

  20. Aplicación del modelo polinomial en la evaluación de la uniformidad de riego del aspersor autocompensado Nelson R10

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    Fanny del Rocío Rodríguez-Jarama


    Full Text Available Los métodos de evaluación de la uniformidad de riego estiman las condiciones hidráulicas de funcionamiento del sistema de riego y su influencia en la aplicación de láminas de agua, con base en las necesidades hídricas de un cultivo. El modelo de evaluación utilizado en la presente investigación fue el polinomial. El ensayo evaluó el funcionamiento del sistema de riego con 4 presiones de operación distintas, medidas a la salida de la válvula del módulo de riego, y por cada presión de operación se tomaron 16 datos de caudales, en 5 módulos de riego instalado con el aspersor autocompensado Nelson R10. Como resultado se obtuvo el coeficiente de uniformidad, el coeficiente de distribución, el área adecuadamente irrigada y el factor de adecuación del riego. Uno de los principales resultados fue la no existencia de diferencia significativa entre las presiones mientras esta se mantengan en el rango de autocompensación; por otro lado, en el coeficiente de distribución sí existen diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos, a pesar de que todos dan valores mayores al 90%, en contraste con los porcentajes del área relativa adecuadamente regada, que no superan el 50% en ninguno de los tratamientos. Con lo anterior se pudo validar y verificar que el aspersor Nelson R10 autocompensado, una vez instalado en campo, cumple con las características técnicas de operación expuestas en el catálogo del fabricante, sin embargo, sí se debe manejar y controlar la lámina de riego aplicada.

  1. O acervo de mosquitos (Diptera, Culicidae de Nelson L. Cerqueira na Coleção de Invertebrados do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brasil The Nelson L. Cerqueira Mosquito Collection (Diptera, Culicidae in the Invertebrate Collection of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil

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    Rosa Sá Gomes Hutchings


    Full Text Available Registra-se a descoberta de espécimes de mosquitos que pertenciam a Nelson L. Cerqueira, e estão sendo depositados na coleção de Invertebrados do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia. A coleção contém 2.046 espécimes adultos e 387 lâminas representando 261 espécies, 22 gêneros, incluindo 51 parátipos de 34 espécies. Mais de 90% dos espécimes foram coletados no Brasil dos quais metade são do Estado do Amazonas. As espécies representadas neste acervo são listadas indicando o número de espécimes para cada tipo de preparação e as localidades de coleta. O material tipo também é listado, incluindo os dados dos rótulos de identificação e de procedência, bem como outras informações pertinentes.The discovery of mosquito specimens that belonged to Nelson L. Cerqueira, which are being deposited in the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia Invertebrate Collection, is reported. The collection contains 2,046 adult specimens and 387 slide preparations representing 261 species, 22 genera, including 51 paratypes of 34 species. More than 90% of the specimens were collected in Brazil of which half are from the State of Amazonas. A list of the species represented in this collection is provided indicating the number of specimens for each type of preparation and the collecting localities. The type specimens are also listed including their label data and other pertinent information.

  2. Senior Senator from Florida and Chairman, Senate Committee on Space, Aeronautics and Related Sciences W. Nelson, visiting the ATLAS cavern and LHC tunnel with ATLAS Collaboration Spokesperson P. Jenni and AMS Collaboration Spokesperson S.C.C.Ting, 16 March 2008.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    Senior Senator from Florida and Chairman, Senate Committee on Space, Aeronautics and Related Sciences W. Nelson, visiting the ATLAS cavern and LHC tunnel with ATLAS Collaboration Spokesperson P. Jenni and AMS Collaboration Spokesperson S.C.C.Ting, 16 March 2008.

  3. Os cinco sentidos, tradução de Nelson Pimenta: reflexões sobre poesia surda no Youtube

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    Carla Cristina Gaia dos Santos


    Full Text Available As Comunidades Surdas encontram nas tecnologias comunicacionais atuais grandes aliados para divulgação e perpetuação de sua literatura, desconstruindo fronteiras geográficas e sociais que, muitas vezes, os isolavam uns dos outros. Se desde o advento da impressa a escrita tem assumido o papel central de transmissão e construção do conhecimento nas mais diversas áreas do saber, a época da comunicação virtual chega para nos lembrar de outras formas nem tão privilegiadas de significar e de comunicar. Através da internet os Surdos partilham suas histórias, poesias, piadas e muito mais. Baseando-nos em pesquisadores como Lévy (2015, Kress (2003 e Lemke (2010, o presente artigo objetiva refletir sobre a poesia Cinco Sentidos, tradução de Nelson Pimenta para a língua brasileira de sinais de Five Senses, do poeta briânico Paul Scott, disponível no ambiente virtual YouTube.

  4. The complete mitochondrial genome of the gall-forming fly, Fergusonina taylori Nelson and Yeates (Diptera: Fergusoninidae). (United States)

    Nelson, Leigh A; Cameron, Stephen L; Yeates, David K


    The monogeneric family Fergusoninidae consists of gall-forming flies that, together with Fergusobia (Tylenchida: Neotylenchidae) nematodes, form the only known mutualistic association between insects and nematodes. In this study, the entire 16,000 bp mitochondrial genome of Fergusonina taylori Nelson and Yeates was sequenced. The circular genome contains one encoding region including 27 genes and one non-coding A+T-rich region. The arrangement of the protein-coding, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA) genes was the same as that found in the ancestral insect. Nucleotide composition is highly A+T biased. All of the protein initiation codons are ATN, except for nad1 which begins with TTT. All 22 tRNA anticodons of F. taylori match those observed in Drosophila yakuba, and all form the typical cloverleaf structure except for tRNA-Ser((AGN)) which lacks a dihydrouridine (DHU) arm. Secondary structural features of the rRNA genes of Fergusonina are similar to those proposed for other insects, with minor modifications. The mitochondrial genome of Fergusonina presented here may prove valuable for resolving the sister group to the Fergusoninidae, and expands the available mtDNA data sources for acalyptrates overall.


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    André Luís Gemal


    Full Text Available No número anterior (vol 3:2, foi publicado o editorial “Plágio e publicação científica”. Como professor, pesquisador e cidadão, quero em meu nome usar a seção “Cartas” da re-vista para acrescentar comentários ao editorial passado. Opiniões absolutamente próprias, sem o aval dos demais editores, e da instituição que abriga a revista Visa em Debate. Nunca se pronunciou tanto a palavra ética no pais, usualmente no sentido de sua ausên-cia. Nesse cenário, onde sobram palavras e faltam atitudes, torna-se imprescindível re-fletir sobre ética no cotidiano de nosso trabalho, seja nas salas de aula ou nos laboratórios de pesquisa e desenvolvimento.

  6. Carta ao Leitor

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    Editorial Editorial


    Full Text Available ApresentaçãoO Centro de Educação a Distância – CEAD/Unimontes foi inaugurado em 2011 em histórico de ricas experiências vivenciadas pela Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros – Unimontes ao longo de 15 anos.Uma jornada de esforços conjuntos e uma estima apaixonada pela educação e pelo conheci-mento científico carecia, em seu núcleo, de uma plataforma que reunisse todas as perspectivas constitutivas de sua história e finalidade. Um anseio crescente da instituição que se desdobra e desdobrará em produtos e iniciativas de fomento em pesquisa. Em 2012, como fruto gerado di-retamente do âmago dessas necessidades unidas ao cenário nacional de valorização crescente da pesquisa científica, surge a Revista Multitexto.A Revista Multitexto nasce como um periódico em movimento. São contribuições de aborda-gens múltiplas num ensejo genuíno e único de progressão científica em pesquisa. Um marco para os estudos na área de ensino a distância numa oferta interdisciplinar. Unidade na diversidade: a grande proposta da revista. Espaço aberto para pesquisadores e entusiastas. Multipliquem-se os multitextos em contribuições múltiplas.Sobre a Revista MultitextoPublicação semestral do Centro de Educação a Distância da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros – CEAD/Unimontes, que contribui na área de conhecimento produzida pelas fenomenologias e áreas correlatas em Educação a Distância, com foco interdisciplinar. Aberta em 2012, a Revista Multitexto recebe colaborações de pesquisadores em ensino a dis-tância e demais áreas. É meta referencial da revista abordar questões conceituais e metodológicas, bem como, os desenvolvimentos da pesquisa, aplicada ou teórica, na área de educação à distância (EAD; difundir a produção científica de pesquisadores da área de educação à distância (EAD, inseridos em Institutos de pesquisa e de educação superior no Brasil; propiciar um espaço para o debate teórico acerca de áreas de enfoques específicos, e, possibilitar um esforço interdisciplinar em pesquisa.

  7. Power System Reliability Assessment by Analysing Voltage Dips on the Blue Horizon Bay 22KV Overhead Line in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (United States)

    Lamour, B. G.; Harris, R. T.; Roberts, A. G.


    Power system reliability problems are very difficult to solve because the power systems are complex and geographically widely distributed and influenced by numerous unexpected events. It is therefore imperative to employ the most efficient optimization methods in solving the problems relating to reliability of the power system. This paper presents a reliability analysis and study of the power interruptions resulting from severe power outages in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM), South Africa and includes an overview of the important factors influencing reliability, and methods to improve the reliability. The Blue Horizon Bay 22 kV overhead line, supplying a 6.6 kV residential sector has been selected. It has been established that 70% of the outages, recorded at the source, originate on this feeder.

  8. Gisela Cramer y Ursula Prutsch, editoras. ¡Américas unidas! Nelson A. Rockefeller’s Office of Inter-American Affairs (1940-46

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    David Andrew Corcoran


    Full Text Available Un tema muy poco conocido y con poca frecuencia estudiado es la constitución de la Oficina de Asuntos Interamericanos (OIAA, en inglés, que orquesto una reestructuración de las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y América Latina durante de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Abandonando de esta manera los limites de la diplomacia tradicional (gobierno a gobierno, los programas OIAA pusieron al gobierno de EE.UU. y a sus ciudadanos por primera vez en contacto directo con sectores amplios del pueblo latinoamericano. Bajo la dirección del joven Nelson Rockefeller y con la clara intención de frenar la influencia del poder nazi y del eje en la región, la OIAA dio sustento a la política del buen vecino.

  9. Peripartum hysterectomy: two years experience at Nelson Mandela Academic hospital, Mthatha, Eastern Cape South Africa. (United States)

    Wandabwa, J N; Businge, C; Longo-Mbenza, B; Mdaka, M L; Kiondo, P


    Obstetric haemorrhage is the leading direct cause of maternal mortality in South Africa. To determine the incidence, indications, associations and maternal outcomes of emergency peripartum hysterectomies. A descriptive and retrospective analysis of patients who had peripartum hysterectomy between 1(st) February 2007 and 31(st) January 2009 in Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital at Mthatha city. The incidence of 0.95% of peripartum hysterectomies (n=63 or 9.5/1000 births) increased with the increasing maternal age from 0.121% at age of less than 20 years to 0.5% at age more or equal to 30 years. Similarly the incidence increased with parity from 0.332% for Primiparity to 0.468% at parity of four or more. The indications for the operation were uterine atony 19/63 (30.2%), secondary haemorrhage/puerperal sepsis 17/63 (27%) and ruptured uterus 16/63 (23.4%). The main intra operative complication was haemorrhage 13/63 (20.6%). Repeat laparotomy was done in 10/63 (15%) of patients due to haemorrhage. Admission to intensive care unit was 25/63 (39.7%). The case specific mortality rate was of 19 % (n=12). The main causes of death were hypovolaemic shock and septicemia. The incidence of peripartum hysterectomies was high and was associated with ruptured uterus and puerperal sepsis which are preventable.

  10. A cinema of presence and proximity: Gunvor Nelson's collage films and the aesthetics of the signaletic material before the electronic signal

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    John Sundholm


    Full Text Available This essay argues for the importance of an intersubjective and impure film theory in which the signal and the signaletic is considered as figures for approaching film. This in order to make the argument that the signaletic mode indeed enables a novel perspective on moving image history. The aesthetics of the signaletic has thus a history preceding that of electronic media, in particular when it comes to animation and experimental film. When constructing such an archaeology, however, dichotomies into sign and signal should be avoided; otherwise, the complexity of many of the films is reduced. In order to illuminate the latter point, four films by Gunvor Nelson is analyzed (both analog and digital, showing not only how both sign and signal interact but also how the aesthetics of the signal and the signaletic material is not dependant on the electronic as such.

  11. Hacer globalización desde Ecuador. El tercer espacio como utopía para el ecuatoriano en Timarán y Cuabú de Nelson Estupiñán Bass

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    Wilfried Mvondo


    Full Text Available Este ensayo estudia cómo Nelson Estupiñán Bass da cuenta de la dinámica de la creación del tercer espacio en Ecuador con relación a la utopía de progreso socioeconómico que esta arrastra. Contempla la articulación entre “tercer espacio” y “utopía”. Este trabajo, que se apoya en el enfoque sociocrítico, analiza el espacio en Timarán y Cuabú y las inscripciones ideológicas que en ello afloran. Culmina en los siguientes resultados: 1 el tercer espacio es un lugar de intereses y resistencia para el ecuatoriano;y 2 este espacio suscita cierta utopía de desarrollo en el ecuatoriano. This paper studies how Nelson Estupiñán Bass realizes the dynamics in the creation of the third space in Ecuador relative to the utopia of socio-economic progress dragged by the latter. The study focuses on the articulation of the “third space” and the “utopia”. As this work is based on the sociocritical approach, it analyses the space from Timarán y Cuabú and the ideologies that it outcrops. The study deals with the following findings: 1 the third space is a space of interests and resistance for the Ecuadorian and 2 that space create a utopia of development in the Ecuadorian.

  12. CINEMA E LITERATURA: mediações em “Bonitinha, mas ordinária”

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    Elen Duarte MIRANDA e SILVA


    Full Text Available A partir de um intenso movimento de metamorfoses técnicas e narrativas, o cinema passou de seu estado inicial de mero copiador da realidade à categoria de arte e vem estabelecendo uma forte e íntima relação de diálogo com a literatura. É a partir dessa relação que o destaque dessa pesquisa consiste em uma análise sobre a literatura dramatúrgica de Nelson Rodrigues e sua respectiva adaptação pelo cinema de Braz Chediak, com ênfase no trabalho em parceria entre escritor e cineasta:Bonitinha, mas ordinária: até que ponto o filme se subordina ao texto? Há inventividade na inscrição cinematográfica de Braz? Qual o teor criativo da narrativa do cineasta? Em que instância o filme foi produzido? Qual a tendência estética adotada pelo diretor? Essas questões são desvendadas através da colaboração teórica de Roland Barthes, Ismail Xavier, Sábato Malgadi e Robert Stam, bem como alguns outros estudiosos que pensam cinema e literatura e entram em cena para adensarem a análise feita sobre o objeto colocado em foco.

  13. Provision of antiretroviral therapy for children in Nelson Mandela Bay: Health care professionals’ challenges (United States)


    Background The human immunodeficiency virus and/or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) pandemic continues to increase in prevalence worldwide, particularly in South Africa, and includes the often overlooked paediatric population. The provision of paediatric antiretroviral treatment (ART) is as essential for children as for adults, and has numerous obstacles, not least of which is lack of decentralisation of facilities to provide essential treatment. Optimising ART, care and support for HIV-positive children, and their caregivers, at public sector primary health care (PHC) clinics is crucial to improve morbidity and mortality rates in children. Aim To explore the experiences of health care professionals regarding the provision of ART for children at PHC clinics. Setting The study was conducted in six PHC clinics in Nelson Mandela Bay Health District, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Methodology The researchers used a qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual research design with in-depth interviews. We used non-probability purposive sampling. Data collected were thematically analysed using Creswell’s data analysis spiral. We used Lincoln and Guba’s model to ensure trustworthiness. Ethical standards were applied. Results Health care professionals experienced numerous challenges, such as lack of resources, need for training, mentoring and debriefing, all related to providing decentralised ART for HIV-positive children at the PHC level. Conclusion Capacitation of the health care system, integration of services, competent management and visionary leadership to invoke a collaborative interdisciplinary team approach is required to ensure that HIV is treated as a chronic disease at the PHC clinic level. PMID:29781680

  14. Provision of antiretroviral therapy for children in Nelson Mandela Bay: Health care professionals' challenges. (United States)

    Williams, Margaret; Van Rooyen, Dalena R M; Ricks, Esmeralda J


     The human immunodeficiency virus and/or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) pandemic continues to increase in prevalence worldwide, particularly in South Africa, and includes the often overlooked paediatric population. The provision of paediatric antiretroviral treatment (ART) is as essential for children as for adults, and has numerous obstacles, not least of which is lack of decentralisation of facilities to provide essential treatment. Optimising ART, care and support for HIV-positive children, and their caregivers, at public sector primary health care (PHC) clinics is crucial to improve morbidity and mortality rates in children.  To explore the experiences of health care professionals regarding the provision of ART for children at PHC clinics.  The study was conducted in six PHC clinics in Nelson Mandela Bay Health District, Eastern Cape, South Africa.  The researchers used a qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual research design with in-depth interviews. We used non-probability purposive sampling. Data collected were thematically analysed using Creswell's data analysis spiral. We used Lincoln and Guba's model to ensure trustworthiness. Ethical standards were applied.  Health care professionals experienced numerous challenges, such as lack of resources, need for training, mentoring and debriefing, all related to providing decentralised ART for HIV-positive children at the PHC level.  Capacitation of the health care system, integration of services, competent management and visionary leadership to invoke a collaborative interdisciplinary team approach is required to ensure that HIV is treated as a chronic disease at the PHC clinic level.

  15. Maria Joao Rodrigues : toetage teadust / Maria Joao Rodrigues ; interv. Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rodrigues, Maria Joao


    Eestis visiidil viibinud Euroopa Komisjoni nõunik soovitab Eestil valida spetsiifilised maksusoodustused, kui Eestil oleks valida üldise maksumäärade alandamise ja spetsiifiliste maksusoodustuste vahel. Üldine maksumäärade alandamine võib tema sõnul löögi alla seada riigieelarve. Lisa: Lissaboni eesmärgid

  16. Environmental isotopes in New Zealand hydrology ; 4. Oxygen isotope variations in subsurface waters of the Waimea Plains, Nelson

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stewart, M.K.; Dicker, M.J.I.; Johnston, M.R.


    Oxygen isotope measurements of ground and surface waters of the Waimea Plains, Nelson, have been used to identify sources of water in aquifers beneath the plains. Major rivers flowing onto the plains are from higher-altitude catchments (maximum altitude 2000 m) and have delta O 18 approximately equal to -7.2%, whereas rainfall on the plains and adjacent low-altitude catchment streams have delta O 18 approximately equal to -6.2%. The delta O 18 measurements indicate that the 3 major aquifer units, the ''Lower Confined Aquifers'' and the ''Upper Confined Aquifers'' in the Hope Gravel (Late Pleistocene) and the ''Unconfined Aquifers'' in the Appleby Gravel (Holocene) are recharged from different sources. The ''Lower Confined Aquifers'' probably receive slow recharge in the south near Brightwater. The ''Upper Confined Aquifers'' are recharged, in the south, from the Wairoa River and locally in the north are connected with the unconfined aquifers. The ''Unconfined Aquifers'' are recharged from the Waimea River and, away from the river, from rainfall. Intermixing of water, via multiple screened wells, between the various aquifers is also indicated. (author). 5 refs., 5 figs., 1 tab

  17. Observations of Seiching and Tides Around the Islands of Mauritius ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Short-period sea level changes around the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues in the central Indian Ocean have been analysed to determine the favoured seiche periods. The largest amplitudes are found inside the harbours of Port Louis, Mauritius (7 and 20 minutes) and Port Mathurin, Rodrigues (25 minutes), but these ...


    Mtimba, L; Dhaffala, A; Molaoa, S Z


    Appendicectomy is the most commonly performed operation worldwide. The diagnosis is predominantly based on clinical findings. Some patients will clinically be unclear if ruptured or acute inflamed appendicitis; the level of white cell count has been used as the predictor for ruptured appendicitis. This was a retrospective chart review of paediatric surgical patients admitted at Nelson Mandela Central Hospital, Mthatha South Africa. A total of 214 patients with a diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Overall, the ruptured appendicitis was 62% and 38% were inflamed appendicitis. Nature of the acute appendicitis: White cell count, Inflamed, Ruptured, Total p-value 30 0 4 4. This study has demonstrated that in patients who are diagnosed with acute appendicitis clinically, the normal white cell count does not necessarily rule out ruptured acute appendicitis. But the risks of ruptured acute appendicitis increase with the increase level of white cell count.

  19. Rodrigues, Dr Veronica Filomena

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    2006. Date of birth: 31 March 1953. Date of death: 10 November 2010. Specialization: Neurogenetics, Genetics and Developmental Biology Last known address: Department of Biological Sciences, National Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK ...

  20. Benjamin, leitor de Kierkegaard

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    Carla Milani Damião


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma apresentação sobre a manifestação de interesse de Walter Benjamin por Kierkegaard. Buscamos nas referências ao pensamento do filósofo dinarmaquês explícitas em seus escritos, mapear citações e indicações, além da resenha que Benjamin escreveu sobre a obra Kierkegaard de Adorno. Levou-se em consideração comentários de alguns intérpretes de Kierkegaard e de Benjamin que se ocuparam da aproximação entre os dois filósofos. Desta apresentação, indicamos um vínculo teórico de virtual importância, presente na obra de Benjamin sobre o drama barroco alemão.

  1. Global Climate Model Simulated Hydrologic Droughts and Floods in the Nelson-Churchill Watershed (United States)

    Vieira, M. J. F.; Stadnyk, T. A.; Koenig, K. A.


    There is uncertainty surrounding the duration, magnitude and frequency of historical hydroclimatic extremes such as hydrologic droughts and floods prior to the observed record. In regions where paleoclimatic studies are less reliable, Global Climate Models (GCMs) can provide useful information about past hydroclimatic conditions. This study evaluates the use of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) GCMs to enhance the understanding of historical droughts and floods across the Canadian Prairie region in the Nelson-Churchill Watershed (NCW). The NCW is approximately 1.4 million km2 in size and drains into Hudson Bay in Northern Manitoba, Canada. One hundred years of observed hydrologic records show extended dry and wet periods in this region; however paleoclimatic studies suggest that longer, more severe droughts have occurred in the past. In Manitoba, where hydropower is the primary source of electricity, droughts are of particular interest as they are important for future resource planning. Twenty-three GCMs with daily runoff are evaluated using 16 metrics for skill in reproducing historic annual runoff patterns. A common 56-year historic period of 1950-2005 is used for this evaluation to capture wet and dry periods. GCM runoff is then routed at a grid resolution of 0.25° using the WATFLOOD hydrological model storage-routing algorithm to develop streamflow scenarios. Reservoir operation is naturalized and a consistent temperature scenario is used to determine ice-on and ice-off conditions. These streamflow simulations are compared with the historic record to remove bias using quantile mapping of empirical distribution functions. GCM runoff data from pre-industrial and future projection experiments are also bias corrected to obtain extended streamflow simulations. GCM streamflow simulations of more than 650 years include a stationary (pre-industrial) period and future periods forced by radiative forcing scenarios. Quantile mapping adjusts for magnitude

  2. Sedimentary Records of Hyperpycnal Flows and the Influence of River Damming on Sediment Dynamics of Estuaries: Examples from the Nelson, Churchill, Moisie and Sainte-Marguerite Rivers (Canada) (United States)

    St-Onge, G.; Duboc, Q.; Boyer-Villemaire, U.; Lajeunesse, P.; Bernatchez, P.


    Sediment cores were sampled in the estuary of the Nelson and Churchill Rivers in western Hudson Bay, as well as in the estuary of the Moisie and Sainte-Marguerite Rivers in Gulf of St. Lawrence in order to evaluate the impact of hydroelectric dams on the sedimentary regime of these estuaries. The gravity cores at the mouth of the Nelson River recorded several cm-thick rapidly deposited layers with a reverse to normal grading sequence, indicating the occurrence of hyperpycnal flows generated by major floods during the last few centuries. These hyperpycnal flows were probably caused by ice-jam formation, which can increase both the flow and the sediment concentration following the breaching of such natural dams. Following the construction of hydroelectric dams since the 1960s, the regulation of river discharge prevented the formation of hyperpycnal flows, and hence the deposition of hyperpycnites in the upper part of the cores. In the core sampled in the estuary of the Churchill River, only one hyperpycnite was recorded. This lower frequency may be due to the enclosed estuary of the Churchill River, its weaker discharge and the more distal location of the coring site.In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, grain size measurements allowed the identification of a major flood around AD 1844±4 years in box cores from both the Sainte-Marguerite and Moisie Rivers, whereas a drastic decrease in variations in the median grain size occurred around AD ~1900 in the estuary of the Sainte-Marguerite River, highlighting the offshore impact of the SM1 dam construction in the early 1900s. Furthermore, sedimentological variations in the box cores from both estuaries have been investigated by wavelet analysis and the sharp disappearance of high frequencies around AD 1900 in the estuary of the dammed river (Sainte-Marguerite River), but not in the estuary of the natural river (Moisie River), also provides evidence of the influence of dams on the sedimentary regime of estuaries.


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    Marco Túlio Martins


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como proposta central a produção de Nelson Werneck Sodré titulada Introdução à Geografia: Geografia e Ideologia e a sua inserção na década de 1970 para o processo de renovação crítico da Geografia. Esta obra propicia a leitura do cenário em que a ciência geográfica se encontrava. Esta produção werneckiana aparece com um caráter denunciativo de como a Geografia estava sendo usada, não só no campo da ciência como também do próprio Estado brasileiro da época, para legitimar processos econômicos, sociais e, sobretudo, geopolíticos. Assim, pode ser considerada uma Introdução à Geografia às avessas, pois, esta não se restringe à análise de caráter inicial para entender a Geografia. A reflexão é construída por meio do resgate biográfico do autor, de sua obra e o contexto histórico no qual foi produzida. Resgatar-se-á não somente um período da história da Geografia, mas, algo que é mais amplo: o pensamento geográfico.

  4. Antidiabetic and cytotoxicity screening of five medicinal plants used by traditional African health practitioners in the Nelson Mandela Metropole, South Africa. (United States)

    van Huyssteen, Mea; Milne, Pieter J; Campbell, Eileen E; van de Venter, Maryna


    Diabetes mellitus is a growing problem in South Africa and of concern to traditional African health practitioners in the Nelson Mandela Metropole, because they experience a high incidence of diabetic cases in their practices. A collaborative research project with these practitioners focused on the screening of Bulbine frutescens, Ornithogalum longibracteatum, Ruta graveolens, Tarchonanthus camphoratus and Tulbaghia violacea for antidiabetic and cytotoxic potential. In vitro glucose utilisation assays with Chang liver cells and C2C12 muscle cells, and growth inhibition assays with Chang liver cells were conducted. The aqueous extracts of Bulbine frutescens (143.5%), Ornithogalum longibracteatum (131.9%) and Tarchonanthus camphoratus (131.5%) showed significant increased glucose utilisation activity in Chang liver cells. The ethanol extracts of Ruta graveolens (136.9%) and Tulbaghia violacea (140.5%) produced the highest increase in glucose utilisation in C2C12 muscle cells. The ethanol extract of Bulbine frutescens produced the most pronounced growth inhibition (33.3%) on Chang liver cells. These findings highlight the potential for the use of traditional remedies in the future for the management of diabetes and it is recommended that combinations of these plants be tested in future.


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    Verbena Maria Rocha Cordeiro


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a recepção de Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas, de Machado de Assis, perfazendo os vários significados históricos e estéticos que as muitas gerações de leitores lhe atribuem. Como orientação para essa travessia, recorremos à Estética da Recepção, de Jauss e Iser, destacando o lugar do leitor histórico e os efeitos estéticos de uma obra literária sobre o leitor real. Embora a fortuna crítica de Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas aponte leitores circunscritos em horizontes de expectativas diferentes, o diálogo que se estabeleceu entre vozes tão variantes reafirma o quanto o lugar e o tempo de cada leitura movem os múltiplos sentidos que essa obra suscita. Nossa intenção foi compreender que a vinculação de uma obra literária à moldura histórica de sua produção e recepção explicita o que esse romance, a partir de seu sentido original, pôde significar através dos tempos ou o que significa hoje para nós, leitores do século XXI.

  6. Family poultry production in Mauritius: problems and prospects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jugessur, V.S.; Seenevassen Pillay, M.M.


    The Republic of Mauritius has been self-sufficient in poultry meat and eggs for more than two decades and has been successfully meeting the increasing demand for these commodities. About 85% of the poultry meat is presently produced by four industrial farms, 10% by small commercial producers, and around 5% by family (backyard) poultry farms. The flourishing broiler production industry has transformed the erstwhile important traditional backyard poultry farming of indigenous chickens into an insignificant side activity on the main island of Mauritius, while on the other hand, scavenging chickens continue to be an important source of both food and income on Rodrigues, the second biggest island territory of the Republic. A survey carried out on 30 selected family poultry farms in Mauritius and Rodrigues in 1999 and 2000 enabled the identification of the major problems faced by smallholder poultry farmers. At the same time the results provided a basis for future interventions for improving family poultry production. The results showed that diseases like fowl pox, Newcastle disease, Gumboro disease, respiratory and parasitic diseases occurred all year round on 42% and 82% of farms in Mauritius and Rodrigues, respectively. Low to mild helminth and lice infestations were detected on 40% and 50% of the farms in Mauritius and Rodrigues, respectively. (author)

  7. Efficacy of Laser Fluorescence in Dental Caries Diagnosis: A Meta-Analysis (United States)


    detecting secondary caries around amalgam restorations. Diniz and colleagues (53) examined the influence of clear and opaque sealants on laser...Int Dent J 1997; 47(5): 259-265. 36. De Paula A, Campos J, Diniz M, Hebling J, Rodrigues J. In situ and in vitro comparison of laser fluorescence...DIAGNOdent in the detection of secondary carious lesions. Acta Odont Scandinavia, 2005; 63: 26-30. 53. Diniz M, Rodrigues J, Hug I, Cordeiro R, Lussi

  8. O leitor e as ‘fronteiras’ do universo fantástico na obra A República 3000, de Menotti del Picchia = The reader and the ‘borders’ of the fantastic universe in the book A República 3000, from Menotti del Picchia

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    Cristiano Mello de Oliveira


    Full Text Available No presente artigo pretendemos descortinar as relações entre os elementos fantásticos na obra A República 3000, do escritor Menotti del Picchia. Primeiramente iremos realizar uma breve recapitulação de alguns aspectos da literatura fantástica no Brasil. Posteriormente faremos recortes textuais, objetivando assim discutir aqueles que aproximem a linguagem com o universo fantástico. Tomaremos como referencial teórico os estudos de autores como Todorov e Carvalho. Também teceremos considerações sobre o comportamento do leitor diante dessa obra ímpar.This article aims to scrutinize the relationship of the fantastic elements in Menotti del Picchia’s work A República 3000. Firstly, we will briefly look at some aspects inherent to the Fantastic Literature in Brazil. Then we will select some excerpts whose language are closely related to the fantastic world. The theoretical framework draws on Todorov and Carvalho. We will also consider the possible reader’s degree of behavior in relation to the aforementioned masterpiece.

  9. Coffee seeds isotopic composition as a potential proxy to evaluate Minas Gerais, Brazil seasonal variations during seed maturation (United States)

    Rodrigues, Carla; Maia, Rodrigo; Brunner, Marion; Carvalho, Eduardo; Prohaska, Thomas; Máguas, Cristina


    Plant seeds incorporate the prevailing climate conditions and the physiological response to those conditions (Rodrigues et al., 2009; Rodrigues et al., submitted). During coffee seed maturation the biochemical compounds may either result from accumulated material in other organs such as leafs and/or from new synthesis. Accordingly, plant seeds develop in different stages along a particular part of the year, integrating the plant physiology and seasonal climatic conditions. Coffee bean is an extremely complex matrix, rich in many products derived from both primary and secondary metabolism during bean maturation. Other studies (De Castro and Marraccini, 2006) have revealed the importance of different coffee plant organs during coffee bean development as transfer tissues able to provide compounds (i.e. sugars, organic acids, etc) to the endosperm where several enzymatic activities and expressed genes have been reported. Moreover, it has been proved earlier on that green coffee bean is a particularly suitable case-study (Rodrigues et al., 2009; Rodrigues et al., submitted), not only due to the large southern hemispheric distribution but also because of this product high economic interest. The aim of our work was to evaluate the potential use of green coffee seeds as a proxy to seasonal climatic conditions during coffee bean maturation, through an array of isotopic composition determinations. We have determined carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur isotopic composition (by IRMS - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry) as well as strontium isotope abundance (by MC-ICP-MS; Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry), of green coffee beans harvested at different times at Minas Gerais, Brazil. The isotopic composition data were combined with air temperature and relative humidity data registered during the coffee bean developmental period, and with the parent rock strontium isotopic composition. Results indicate that coffee seeds indeed integrate the interactions

  10. BIOTECHNOLOGY OF PRESERVATION OF THE RARE WILD ORCHID OF UKRAINIAN FLORA Ophrys sphegodes subsp. mammosa (Desf. Soó ex E. Nelson

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    Sheiko E. A.


    Full Text Available The aim of the work was to determine the optimal conditions for callusogenesis in (in vitro cultures of ovules, ovaries and anthers from vanishing wild orchid Ophrys sphegodes subsp. mammosa (Desf. Soó ex E. Nelson followed by using of the obtained callus tissue to develop micropropagation techniques and conservation ex situ. In this study we used biotechnological (cultivation of explants in vitro and microscopic (making temporary preparations, light microscopy, cytomorphological callus tissue analysis methods. Nutrient media with optimal concentrations of growth regulators were selected and calluses derived from the generative organs were obtained (we used for ovaries Murashige–Skoog medium that contains 2.5 mg/l 6 of BAP and 1.5 mg/l of 2,4-D; for ovules — nutrient medium Nitsch and Nitsch containing 2.0 mg/l of 6-benzyladenine and 2.5 mg/l of 2,4-D, for the explants from anther — nutrient medium Nitsch and Nitsch containing 3 mg/l 6 of 6- benzyladenine and 2.5 mg/l of IBA. Cytomorphological analysis reveals the presence of meristematic foci in calluses. It indicates the beginning of the secondary processes of differentiation in the callus tissue. The results may be used in further investigations to obtain O. sphegodes regenerated plants from callus.

  11. CBiOS Science Sessions - 2013

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    Nelson Alexandre Rodrigues Tavares


    Full Text Available CBiOS Science Sessions - 2013 - Nutrition: pregnancy counselling website ( Nutrição: website de aconselhamento durante a gravidez, Nelson Alexandre Rodrigues Tavares; Relationship between daily water intake and skin physiology, Impacto Cutâneo do consumo dietário de água, Maria Lídia Laginha Mestre Guerreiro da Palma; Development of different types of nanosystems: polymeric, lipid-based and metallic nanoparticles. Desenvolvimento de diferentes tipos de nanosistemas: poliméricos, lipid-based e de nanoparticulas metálicas, Catarina Silva, Patrícia Rijo, Catarina Reis; Interaction between propofol and HES 130/0.4: Chemical, physiological and toxicological. Interação entre Propofol e HES 130/0.4: Química, Fisiológica e Toxicológica, Aura Silva, Ana Ortiz, Carlos Venâncio, Rui Silva, Joaquim Mendes, Paula Guedes, Helena Vala, David Ferreira; Study the potential applicability of the by-products of the Prunus cerasus in promoting health and skin care. Estudo da aplicabilidade dos sub-produtos de Prunus cerasus na promoção de saúde cutânea, Elisabete Maurício, Catarina Rosado, Diaz Diaz Lanza; Cell migration and adhesion - impact of ROS in tumour metastasis Migração celular e adesão - impacto de ROS na metástase tumural, Nuno Saraiva; Bioactive and Non-Conventional Photoprotection Fotoproteção Bioactiva e Não-Convencional, André Rolim Baby.

  12. Leitura de estudantes surdos: desenvolvimento e peculiaridades em relação à de ouvintes/Reading by deaf students: development and peculiarities in comparison to hearing readers

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    Fernando C. Capovilla


    Full Text Available O Teste de Competência de Leitura de Palavras foi aplicado a 805 estudantes surdos da 1a. série do Ensino Fundamental até a 1a. série do Ensino Médio. Resultados mostraram crescimento significativo da competência de leitura ao longo das séries escolares. O estudo demonstrou que: 1 leitores ouvintes deixam-se enganar mais pela semelhança fonológica, ao passo que leitores surdos deixam-se enganar mais pela semelhança visual; 2 leitores ouvintes deixam-se enganar mais pela homofonia que pela semi-homofonia , ao passo que leitores surdos não; 3 leitores ouvintes deixam-se enganar mais por palavras ortográfica e fonologicamente familiares, ainda que semanticamente inadequadas às figuras, do que por pseudopalavras ortográfica e fonologicamente estranhas, ao passo que leitores surdos privilegiam o processamento semântico-ortográfico do que o ortográfico-fonológico, com melhor detecção de inadequação semântica de palavras conhecidas do que de pseudopalavras. Word Reading Competence Test was applied to 805 deaf students from 1st to 9th grade. Results showed that reading competence increased significantly as a function of school grade. The study demonstrated that: 1 hearing readers were fooled by phonological similarity, whereas deaf readers were fooled by visual similarity; 2 hearing readers were fooled by homophonic items than by semi-homophonic ones, whereas deaf readers were not; 3 hearing readers were more fooled by nonwords that are orthographically and phonologically familiar, even if they were semantically incompatible to the associated pictures, than by non-words that are orthographically and phonologically strange, whereas deaf readers were more focused on semantic-orthographic processing than on orthographic-phonologic one, so as to be superior at detecting the semantic inadequacy of known words.


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    Norberto Perkoski


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho focaliza as relações entre leitura, texto poético e conhecimento, envolvendo a tríade criador-obra-leitor. Um poema de Micheliny Verunschk serve como potencializador desses elementos. Como apoio teórico, foram utilizados, principalmente, posicionamentos de Gaston Bachelard e Paul Valéry. Assim, no primeiro momento, para a questão do criador, aborda-se a oposição histórica entre o poeta inspirado e o poeta artífice, bem como a noção de “estado poético”, que se distancia do processo mental corriqueiro. Depois, no que tange à obra, são considerados recursos de que se utiliza o criador para concretizar o poema. Por fim, quanto ao leitor, apresentam-se aspectos vinculados à predominância de processos mentais associados à razão, que redundam num leitor “técnico”, assim como aspectos emocionais, que o tornam um “leitor inspirado”, o que se exemplifica através de um poema de Affonso Romano de Sant’Anna, em que virtualidades do texto poético podem ocorrer depois da leitura, atingindo um conhecimento que só se realiza plenamente através da experiência vivida.

  14. A leitura, a produção de sentidos e o processo inferencial Reading, sense production and the inferential process

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    Sandra Patrícia Ataíde Ferreira


    Full Text Available Na produção de sentidos de textos, o leitor desempenha papel ativo, sendo as inferências um relevante processo cognitivo nesta atividade. Este artigo defende o argumento de que a compreensão da leitura não é orientada apenas pelas marcas gráficas do texto, mas, sobretudo pelo que estas marcas têm a dizer e pelo modo como o leitor apreende e interpreta a intenção do autor. Defende-se, ainda, que esta interpretação ocorre no momento da interação leitor/autor, gerando sentidos que variam de acordo com o leitor e com a natureza dessa interação.In texts sense production the reader plays an active role, being the inferences an important cognitive process during this activity. It is believed, therefore, that reading comprehension is not guided, just, by the graphic marks of the text, but, above all, by what those marks have to say and by the way the reader apprehends and interprets the intention passed by the author. It is also believed that this interpretation happens at the reader/author interaction moment, generating senses that vary according to the reader and the nature of such interaction.

  15. Aplicativos móveis para praticar a leitura social: análise e avaliação de recursos úteis

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    Taísa Dantas


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender como os aplicativos móveis podem ser utilizados para auxiliar os leitores durante a prática da leitura social, a partir da análise dos diferentes recursos disponíveis, dos seus benefícios e limitações. Foi selecionada uma metodologia com abordagem qualitativa de caráter descritivo e analítico, baseada em diferentes estudos enfocados na avaliação de recursos eletrônicos. Neste caso, foram avaliados dez aplicativos de leitura disponíveis nos sistemas operativos Android e iOS, desenvolvidos tanto para a leitura em tablet como para smartphone. Concluiu-se que aplicativos móveis são softwares eficientes para incentivar o leitor a realizar atividades previstas dentro da modalidade da leitura social, principalmente no que corresponde à prática da leitura ativa. Por outro lado, verificou-se que, com relação ao compartilhamento da leitura, até o momento, a maior parte dos aplicativos avaliados apresentam debilidades, principalmente, para incentivar o leitor a interagir com outros leitores, limitando-se ao compartilhamento em espaços externos ao aplicativo e, na sua maioria, plataformas não especializadas no âmbito do livro.

  16. A continuous high-resolution record of western South Island environmental change over the last 31,000 years from stable isotope analyses of two north-west Nelson speleothems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hellstrom, J.; McCulloch, M.; Stone, J.


    Core samples were taken through large sheets of calcite flowstone growing in two cave systems, Nettlebed, and Exhaleair, in north-west Nelson, New Zealand. The sampled flowstones are at elevations of 400 m asl and 600 m asl, and are both located 200m below the surface. Ten high-precision U-series dates, measured by thermal ionisation mass spectroemtry, indicate the Nettlebed flowstone grew continuously over the last 31 ka. The Exhaleair flowstone grew continuously over the last 16 ka, following a 50 ka hiatus in deposition. The speleothems from both caves show similar records of oxygen isotope variation over the last 16 ka. The carbon isotope record from Nettlebed shows considerable variation, of almost 10 per thousand from the last glacial maximum to the early Holocene. It is anticipated that these well-dated speleothem records will enable more accurate constraints to be placed on the timing of glacial advances and vegetation changes in the western South Island than are possible using the available radiocarbon ages alone. (author)

  17. Consumer and producer environmental responsibility. Comparing two approaches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodrigues, Joao; Domingos, Tiago


    Two different indicators of 'environmental responsibility' were independently proposed by Rodrigues et al. [Rodrigues, J., Domingos, T., Giljum, S., Schneider, F., 2006. Designing an indicator of environmental responsibility. Ecological Economics, 59 (3): 256-266.] and Lenzen et al. [Lenzen, M., Murray, J., Sack, F., Wiedmann, T., 2007. Shared producer and consumer responsibility - theory and practice. Ecological Economics, 61: 27-42.]. These indicators are both supposed to reflect the indirect effects of consumer and producer behavior in the generation of environmental pressure. In this paper we compare their mathematical properties and interpretation. We conclude that they have different implications for environmental policy. (author)

  18. Variation among sub-basins of the upper Nelson River in relationships between precipitation, runoff and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCullough, G.


    In this paper, I examine relationships between precipitation and river discharge in the Nelson River watershed and several global climate indices. Inter-decadal patterns in discharge and precipitation for several sub-basins closely tracked the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) through much of the 20th century. The PDO explained 53% of the variability in precipitation and 70% in discharge for the Red River (5-y averages) from 1915-1975. However, since 1975, both precipitation and discharge have increased relative to trend of the PDO. Winnipeg River discharge likewise increased relative to the PDO, but diverged earlier, beginning in 1965. The hydrograph of the Saskatchewan River followed the PDO only until mid-century, after which discharge declined relative to the PDO. The decline of discharge in the Saskatchewan River is not matched by consistent declines in precipitation, but may be partly due to consumptive use, mainly irrigation, and losses due to evaporation from large reservoirs created in the 1960s and 1970s. However, the increases in the Red and Winnipeg River are well-explained by increased spring and summer precipitation. For instance, precipitation was 20-30% higher in the decade 1996-2005 than in the previous decade. By examining historical data, we show the runoff coefficient to increase with increasing discharge, and that the proportional increase is greater in the Red than in the Winnipeg River basin. In the Red, the moderate difference in precipitation was amplified into a doubling of annual mean discharge. Comparing the same 2 periods, a smaller 10% increase in precipitation in the Winnipeg River basin explains a 27% increase in discharge. (author)

  19. V. Rodrigues, Prescience and critical thought

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Columns and layers in the second synaptic region of the fly's visual system: the case ..... A transgene containing lacZ is expressed in primary sensory neurons in zebrafish. .... A clonal analysis of spinal cord development in the zebrafish.

  20. 2442-IJBCS-Article-Rodrigue Ebonji Seth

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The mangrove is a forest formation characteristic of muddy tropical coastlines, mostly constituted of mangroves. ... stakes and pollution risks connected to the transport of persons and goods. A random sample ..... within the lower Sanaga Basin, ... Développement Urbain (PDU), drainage ... Edea Atlantic coast of Cameroon,.

  1. Comment on “The role of interbasin groundwater transfers in geologically complex terranes, demonstrated by the Great Basin in the western United States”: report published in Hydrogeology Journal (2014) 22:807–828, by Stephen T. Nelson and Alan L. Mayo (United States)

    Masbruch, Melissa D.; Brooks, Lynette E.; Heilweil, Victor M.; Sweetkind, Donald S.


    The subject article (Nelson and Mayo 2014) presents an overview of previous reports of interbasin flow in the Great Basin of the western United States. This Comment is presented by authors of a cited study (comprising chapters in one large report) on the Great Basin carbonate and alluvial aquifer system (GBCAAS; Heilweil and Brooks 2011; Masbruch et al. 2011; Sweetkind et al. 2011a, b), who agree that water budget imbalances alone are not enough to accurately quantify interbasin flow; however, it is proposed that statements made in the subject article about the GBCAAS report are inaccurate. The Comment authors appreciate the opportunity to clarify some statements made about the work.


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    Vânia Carvalho de Castro


    Full Text Available Partindo-se do pressuposto de que desde o aparecimento das tecnologias digitais na contemporaneidade as práticas sociais de leitura têm passado por mudanças, esta pesquisa apresenta uma análise de navegação e trajetos de leitura em uma revista digital e essa mesma impressa. Para tanto, foram realizados testes de leitura com um grupo de leitores. Tais testes ajudaram a compreender como eles lidam com diferentes organizações textuais e como se comportam no decorrer do processo de leitura. A revista escolhida para análise foi a Superinteressante. Para melhor qualificar esta pesquisa algumas observações foram realizadas durante os testes com os leitores. Tais observações foram seguidas de anotações e gravações em tempo real. Como suporte teórico, este estudo baseia-se nas pesquisas de Coscarelli (2009, 2010, Novaes (2009, Ribeiro (2009, entre outros. Apresento um levantamento do experimento e parece ser possível que, mesmo os meios digitais estarem inseridos na sociedade e que não existem leitores “novatos” nesses ambientes, é necessário que os leitores, com pouca experiência, adquiram habilidades de navegação que são imprescindíveis para uma busca de informação mais apurada e efetiva.

  3. Navegação e leitura de hipertexto digital e impresso

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    Vânia Carvalho de Castro


    Full Text Available Partindo-se do pressuposto de que desde o aparecimento das tecnologias digitais na contemporaneidade as práticas sociais de leitura têm passado por mudanças, esta pesquisa apresenta uma análise de navegação e trajetos de leitura em uma revista digital e essa mesma impressa. Para tanto, foram realizados testes de leitura com um grupo de leitores. Tais testes ajudaram a compreender como eles lidam com diferentes organizações textuais e como se comportam no decorrer do processo de leitura. A revista escolhida para análise foi a Superinteressante. Para melhor qualificar esta pesquisa algumas observações foram realizadas durante os testes com os leitores. Tais observações foram seguidas de anotações e gravações em tempo real. Como suporte teórico, este estudo baseia-se nas pesquisas de Coscarelli (2009, 2010, Novaes (2009, Ribeiro (2009, entre outros. Apresento um levantamento do experimento e parece ser possível que, mesmo os meios digitais estarem inseridos na sociedade e que não existem leitores “novatos” nesses ambientes, é necessário que os leitores, com pouca experiência, adquiram habilidades de navegação que são imprescindíveis para uma busca de informação mais apurada e efetiva.

  4. The Theater goes to the cinema: position subject

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    Cássia Peres Martins


    Full Text Available This article aims to analyze the play “The Seven Kittens” (Os Sete Gatinhos, written in 1958 by the Brazilian playwright Nelson Rodrigues and its adaptation for the cinema, homonymous, direct by Neville D’ Almeida, launched in 1980. The theoretical approach which will serve as the basis for the above analysis will be the Anlysis of the Discourse of French oriented, as well as other theories that will help, as the reflections about lacanian subject by Bruce Fink (1998 and film studies by Ismail Xavier (2008. Fruit of the basic research of bibliographical and interpretative, this paper aims to present reflections about subject positions, devoting attention to the characters from the materiality of theatrical text, noting whether these positions are displaced in the filmic materiality. It will be verified beyond this possibility of subject positions, the inclusion or withdrawals of dialogues, the senses preserved, removed or added by means of elements that compose the whole of film production such as music, scenery, costumes, constitution of the image by means of the movement of the câmera (first and second plans, focus, etc., strategies aimed at the production of meanings by following the trends of the cinema of the years 70/80. This reflection is done while considering the materiality of the film is the result of a collective productions, led by a director, with different responsible for photography, set design, editing and soundtrack, as well as intervention in the creation of characters by each actor.

  5. Texto, hipertexto e interatividade

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    Vilson J. Leffa


    Full Text Available O pressuposto básico deste artigo é de que o uso intensivo da Internet em nossa sociedade em rede gerou a necessidade de revisar nosso conceito tradicional de texto, ajustar o de hipertexto e introduzir um novo conceito de interatividade, como algo diferenciado de interação.Em termos gerais, argumentamos que o conceito de texto está associado à idéia de autor, como aquele que é responsável pela organização do texto dentro de uma determinada estrutura composicional. O hipertexto, por outro lado, é da responsabilidade do leitor, que constrói o sentido com base nos componentes textuais fornecidos por um ou mais autores. A interatividade, finalmente, é uma construção colaborativa entre autor e leitor por meio de instrumentos capazes de projetar as experiências e expectativas de cada um, fazendo com que leitor e autor interajam, mesmo quando fisicamente ausentes.

  6. A articulação entre os universos local e global na formação do leitor DOI:10.5007/1984-8420.2010v11n2p13

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    Sabatha Catoia Dias


    Full Text Available Este artigo resulta de pesquisa qualitativa interpretativista (MASON, 1998, empreendida na busca de responder à questão-problema: Como se caracteriza a ação docente em se tratando da articulação entre os universos “local” e “global” no tratamento da leitura na escola? Os participantes de pesquisa são oito professores de ensino fundamental de escolas públicas de municípios de Santa Catarina, convidados a relatar sua ação didático-pedagógica em se tratando da formação do leitor, com enfoque nas estratégias de articulação dos universos local e global (STREET, 2003; 2007. Concebendo que o trabalho com leitura precisa considerar conceitos-chave como gêneros discursivos (BAKHTIN, 2003 [1979] e eventos e práticas de letramento (STREET, 1988; BARTON, 1994, dada a compreensão que o ato de ler instaura-se em contextos interacionais, este estudo defende a articulação entre o local e o global no ensino da leitura, argumentando em favor da consideração das práticas de letramento para, com base nelas, mediar a ressignificação dessas práticas à luz das especificidades da macrocultura grafocêntrica das sociedades contemporâneas. A base teórica são estudos de Street (2003a; 2003b; 2007 sobre o diálogo entre o local e global nos eventos de letramento, e estudos de Bakhtin (2003 [1979] sobre gêneros discursivos. A análise sinaliza uma ação docente consolidada em abordagens de leitura descomprometidas com conceitos de gêneros discursivos e letramento e destituídas do zelo na articulação entre as dimensões local e global do letramento. Prevalecem encaminhamentos de leituras avulsas, a despeito de mais de duas décadas de discussões sobre a dimensão interacional dos usos da escrita.

  7. Philoteo Elianus Montaltus Lusitanus two sides of the same coin: The man and his work

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    Florbela Veiga Frade


    Full Text Available

    Filipe Rodrigues, a.k.a. Elias Montalto, was one of several Portuguese doctors in Medicine with international recognition in the Early Modern Age that were forced to run from Inquisition. Montalto’s legacy was quite a few different works and among those was one of religious controversial about Isaiah 53 which had great diffusion in the Sephardic communities through the World – the remaining works are about medical themes, namely Archipathologia precursor in Psychiatry and cited by the leading doctors and scholars on the Medicine vanguard at that time. This paper analyses the figure of Filipe Rodrigues ant the context of his work.


  8. Educação na política pública de inclusão digital: programa telecentro - município de Porto Alegre


    Tonidandel, Iara Teresinha Coelho


    Este estudo analisou o papel da educação no espaço de inclusão digital, Telecentro Lupicinio Rodrigues, promovido pela Política Pública Municipal de Inclusão Digital, em Porto Alegre. A pesquisa, ao investigar os aspectos que tangenciam e estruturam a referida política pública, o perfil do jovem que freqüenta o Telecentro Lupicinio Rodrigues, a concepção de educação e as práticas educativas realizadas nesse telecentro, a inclusão social e as transformações sociais à luz da inclusão digital, p...

  9. Processos lingu?sticos no cartaz de guerra: semi?tica e gram?tica do design visual


    Fernandes, Jos? David Campos


    Imagens produzem e reproduzem rela??es sociais, comunicam fatos, divulgam eventos e interagem com seus leitores com uma for?a semelhante ? de um texto formado por palavras. Como g?nero eminentemente imag?tico, o cartaz, al?m de uma compreens?o, tamb?m requer em sua textura um processo de persuas?o, constru?do por um produtor para conquistar seu leitor. Nele, uma cadeia de elementos verbais e n?o-verbais dispostos na sua superf?cie de papel ? permeada por estrat?gias que, na mai...


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    Marta Yumi Ando


    Full Text Available No presente artigo, analisamos a obra infanto-juvenil brasileira Fazendo Ana Paz (1991 de Lygia Bojunga, no intuito de verificar os modos como são exploradas as potencialidades lúdicas da linguagem, de maneira a instigar o leitor, em especial o leitor jovem, altamente receptivo ao elemento lúdico. Tendo isso em vista, constatamos uma diversidade de jogos linguísticos, entre os quais se destacam a ambiguidade, a construção inovadora de figuras de linguagem e, sobretudo, a bricolage.

  11. Visões e construções sobre povo e raça no campo cinematográfico brasileiro dos anos 1950: as teses de Solano Trindade e de Nelson Pereira dos Santos

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    Pedro Vinicius Asterito Lapera


    Full Text Available This article aims to address two thesis presented in the Congress of the Brazilian Film in the  1950s to relate them to the beggining of formation of the Brazilian cinematographic field. More precisely, we will analyze Folclore e Cinema, thesis defended by Solano Trindade in the I Congresso Nacional do Cinema Brasileiro; and O problema do conteúdo no cinema brasileiro, presented by Nelson Pereira dos Santos in the I Congresso Paulista do Cinema Brasileiro. From them, we will analyze which images of Brazilian people these thesis articulated in their defenses. Our hypothesis is that, in order to use Gilberto Freyre’s ideas, these intellectuals chose the image of the Brazilian people as a racially, ethnically and culturally heterogeneous people, but in the process of integration. This is not to say that they only reproduce these ideas, but actively used in shaping the habitus of cinematographic field at that time. 

  12. Contexto, Conhecimento Enciclopédico e a Construção de Inferências Metonímicas e Metafóricas


    Zanotto, Mara Sophia; Palma, Dieli Vesaro


    Resumo: Este artigo faz parte do projeto de pesquisa que tem por objetivo central investigar empiricamente o que a metáfora realmente significa para leitores reais. A investigação tem sido realizada com metodologia interpretativista, tendo como método principal o Pensar Alto em Grupo, que é uma prática dialógica vivenciada por vários grupos de leitores, constituindo, assim, um estudo de caso coletivo. Nos dois estudos de caso realizados, ocorreu uma complexa interação de inferências metonímic...





    O mercado de tecnologia está diariamente em crescimento, e com isso destacam-se os dispositivos móveis, como, smartphones, leitores de MP3, PDA’s, são eles os chamados gadgets (termo de origem inglesa que significa “dispositivo” ou “aparelho”). Gadgets consistem em dispositivos tecnológicos que tem função específica e prática com grande utilidade no dia a dia como celulares, smartphones, leitores de MP3, dentre outros (SAID, et al, 2014). Dispositivos como esses auxiliam na amplia...

  14. Food insecurity among students living with HIV: Strengthening safety nets at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa. (United States)

    Steenkamp, L; Goosen, A; Venter, D; Beeforth, M


    The HIV prevalence in South Africa among students at higher education institutions (HEIs) in 2008 was reported to be 3.4%, with the highest HIV prevalence found in the Eastern Cape Province. Students at these facilities are also increasingly affected by socio-economic constraints that may impact on food security. Little is known about the impact of food insecurity on HIV-infected students in HEIs in South Africa. The purpose of this paper is to describe food insecurity and the nutritional status among HIV-infected students on the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University campuses in South Africa, as well as current initiatives to strengthen the safety nets for food-insecure students. This descriptive, cross-sectional survey was conducted among a convenience sample of known HIV-infected, registered students (n = 63), older than 18 years of age and managed as part of the Campus Health Service antiretroviral therapy (ART) programme. Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Research Ethics Committee (NMMU) and participants were included in the sample after providing written, informed consent. Findings indicate that food insecurity was common with more than 60% of the sample reporting food insecurity at the household level during the previous month. Of the sample, 51% were classified as being either overweight or obese. Although food insecurity did not contribute to weight loss in our sample, food-insecure students were more likely to consume inadequate amounts of vitamins and minerals, especially antioxidants that are important in supporting the immune system. Food insecurity has been identified as affecting the majority of HIV-infected students in this study, especially regarding their difficulty in accessing nutritious foods. As overweight and obesity also seem to threaten the health and future well-being of the students, appropriate management of the overweight individuals and those with obesity should be instituted in order to prevent the development

  15. A rare and cryptic endemic of the Central Rocky Mountains, U.S.A: The distribution of the Arapahoe snowfly, Arsapnia arapahoe (Nelson & Kondratieff, 1988) (Plecoptera: Capniidae) (United States)

    Fairchild, Matthew P.; Belcher, Thomas P.; Zuellig, Robert E.; Vieira, Nicole K.M.; Kondratieff, Boris C.


    The Arapahoe snowfly, Arsapnia arapahoe (Nelson & Kondratieff, 1988) (Plecoptera: Capniidae) is a candidate species warranted for listing under the Endangered Species Act. Prior to this study, A. arapahoe was known from only two tributaries of the Cache la Poudre River in Larimer County, Colorado: Young Gulch and Elkhorn Creek. The objectives of this study were to determine the distribution of this endemic stonefly, and to identify sympatric species as possible surrogate indicators of its occurrence. Eighty-four streams were sampled within the expected geographical range and emergence time-period from 2013 to 2017. Adults of A. arapahoe were discovered in 19 first-, second-, and fourth-order streams beyond the original type localities tributary to the Cache la Poudre River. The new and recently recorded localities were discovered in the Big Thompson River, St. Vrain River, Boulder Creek, and Upper South Platte River Watersheds. Two species, A. decepta (Banks, 1897) and Capnia gracilaria Claassen, 1924, always co-occurred with A. arapahoe, suggesting this species pair may serve as a surrogate indicator of suitable stream habitat for A. arapahoe. Suggestions for future investigation into the distribution, life-history, and habitat of A. arapahoe are presented to aid the conservation of this rare and endemic Colorado stonefly.

  16. Novel Nitroxide Resuscitation Strategies in Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury (United States)


    conflicting financial interests exist. References Barron, K.D., Dentinger, M.P., Kimelberg, H.K., Nelson, L.R., Bourke , R.S., Keegan, S., Mankes, R...fects of anesthetics on splanchnic arterial blood flow during hemorrhagic shock. J. Appl. Physiol. 76, 2304–2309. Nelson, L.R., Bourke , R.S., Popp...model, in: Neural Trauma. A.J. Popp, R.S. Bourke , L.R. Nelson, H.K. Kimelberg (eds), Raven Press: New York, pps. 297–311. Nelson, T.J., Wall, D.B

  17. Intracranial suppuration: Review of an 8-year experience at Umtata General Hospital and Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital, Eastern Cape, South Africa. (United States)

    Anwary, M A


    Intracranial suppuration (ICS) is a life-threatening condition caused by various disease processes and consisting of brain abscess and extradural and subdural empyema. The major causes have changed over the decades. To the author's knowledge, the incidence of ICS in South Africa (SA) has not been established. To determine the incidence of ICS, overall and according to age and gender, and to identify the source and distribution of ICS. The archive of the radiology departments at Umtata General Hospital and Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital in the Transkei region, Eastern Cape Province, SA, was searched retrospectively for computed tomography (CT) reports of patients diagnosed with ICS. Cases in which the CT images, patients' clinical information and CT reports were available for an uninterrupted period of at least 1 year were included. Five time frames were established, encompassing 8 years of data. The first time frame established an incidence of ICS of 1/100,000/year for the Transkei region. All the time frames were utilised to determine the incidence according to gender and age, and the source and distribution of ICS. The incidence of ICS was higher among males than females, and highest in the age groups 0-10 and 11-20 years. A seasonal variation in the incidence of sinusitis- and meningitis-related ICS was noted. Numbers of cases declined during the last 3 years of the study period. Sinusitis, head trauma, ear infection and meningitis were the major sources of ICS. A pulmonary source was not a major feature. In the last 4 years, trauma became the commonest source of ICS. A steady decline in ear infection- and meningitis-related ICS was noted.

  18. O impacto dos blogs de moda no relacionamento com marcas de consumo simbólico


    Meneses, Luísa Beatriz Pereira


    Dissertação de mestrado em Marketing e Estratégia A forte presença de marcas nos blogs de moda tem por objetivo influenciar o comportamento dos seus leitores com as mesmas. De uma forma geral, as marcas divulgadas nestes blogs são mais orientadas para o consumo simbólico. Por conseguinte, este estudo analisa a relação do leitor com os blogs de moda, a sua motivação para ler os conteúdos e o impacto que estes têm nos relacionamentos que os consumidores estabelecem com as marcas ...

  19. The effect of interrupted anti-retroviral treatment on the reconstitution ...

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    Joint Clinical Research Centre, Kampala, Uganda. 2. Department of ... School of Medicine, Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda. Abstract ..... Rodrigues DSS, Medeiros EAS, Weckx LY, Bonnez.

  20. Choice of speciality amongst first-year medical students in the Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal (United States)

    Naidu, Edwin; Naidu, Jesse


    Abstract Background Trends in career choice amongst medical graduates have considerable implications for the percentage of the workforce available for training. Objective To investigate and review factors affecting career choice by undergraduate first-year medical students. Method This was a cross-sectional study using a closed-ended, semi-structured survey instrument. Two hundred and four questionnaires were administered to all first-year medical students at the Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine in the first term of the 2012 academic session. Results The questionnaire was completed by 167 out of 204 students (81.8% response rate). Most of the respondents were South Africans (91%) and blacks (72%), with a higher proportion of women to men (2:1). The majority (86%) intended to undertake their postgraduate training in surgical specialties (53%), general surgery (50%) and cardiology (46%). Few were interested in an academic career in basic sciences (27.6%), either because they were not interested in research and/or teaching (48%), not clinically-orientated (20%), or found it to be an unattractive choice (12.3%). The top perceived career-related factors favouring choice of speciality were personal interest and benefits to patients as many (83%) respondents still viewed the medical profession as having a bright future in South Africa. Conclusions Our study highlighted the fact that self and patient interests were strong determinants of speciality choices by the students and the role of parents and practice in rural areas were considered least as potential influencing factors. This would appear to be a good indicator that the healthcare sector may be boosted in the future by doctors who are wholeheartedly committed to the service of the communities with the greatest disease burden.

  1. Expedient

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    Fernando de Assis Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Expedient of Volume 3, Issue 1 from the year 2017EDITORIAL STAFFEditorsDiana Vilas Boas Souto AleixoFernando de Assis RodriguesEditorial ComissionDiana Vilas Boas Souto AleixoFernando de Assis RodriguesRicardo César Gonçalves Sant’AnaExecutive ComissionPedro Henrique Santos BisiAd hoc peer reviewersAna Carolina Simionato, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCarDiana Vilas Boas Souto Aleixo, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESPElaine Parra Affonso, Faculdade de Tecnologia de Presidente Prudente (FATEC - Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESPElvio Gilberto da Silva, Universidade do Sagrado Coração (USCFábio Mosso Moreira, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESPThais Batista Zanineli, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UELText reviewersDiana Vilas Boas Souto Aleixo, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESPElizabete Cristina de Souza Aguiar Monteiro (UNESP

  2. Patents and Downstream Innovation Suppresion - Facts or Fiction?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John

    of development as aircraft, the car, radio and electric lighting. Merges and Nelson quite logically use their work to question the value of Kitch's prospect theory of patents,[2] a theory that emphasises that the social value of patents is that they enable the coordination of technological development...... and R. Nelson, "On the Complex Economics of Patent Scope," Columbia Law Review 90, no. 4 (1990), R. Merges and R. Nelson, "On Limiting or Encouraging Rivalry in Technical Progress: The Effect of Patent Scope Decisions," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation 25 (1994). [2] Merges and Nelson, "On...

  3. Formação de leitores de literatura na escola brasileira: caminhadas e labirintos Literature readers formation in the brazilian school: trajectories and labyrinths

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    Alice Vieira


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta as propostas oficiais do Ministério da Educação e da Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo sobre o ensino de literatura nas escolas, analisando os diferentes posicionamentos teóricos de seus autores e o contexto histórico-social em que foram elaboradas. O panorama geral que se observa no levantamento dessas propostas aponta para uma mudança significativa na maneira pela qual a disciplina de língua portuguesa deve ser examinada e ensinada pelo professor, priorizando os objetivos de ensino em detrimento das tradicionais listas de conteúdo. Como conseqüência imediata dessa mudança, há um novo enfoque do ensino de língua a partir de uma concepção psicossocial, sem a divisão do ensino por frentes: gramática, (história da literatura e redação. No entanto, verifica-se ainda uma grande lacuna entre as metas desses documentos oficiais e a realidade vivenciada pela maioria das escolas e professores brasileiros, uma vez que a ratificação da importância do ensino de literatura na formação de alunos leitores não garante aos educadores conhecimento e um saber-fazer que propicie um ensino de literatura inserido nos estudos de linguagem. Tendo em vista essa peculiaridade do ensino de literatura no Brasil, o levantamento realizado busca destacar as diferenças entre um documento e outro, ao mesmo tempo em que se comenta a situação vivenciada por alunos no período.This article presents the official proposals of both the Ministry of Education and São Paulo State Secretariat of Education for literature teaching at schools, analyzing the different theoretical viewpoints of their authors and the socio-historical context in which they have been elaborated. The overall panorama observed in the analysis of these proposals shows a significant change in the way the Portuguese language discipline must be examined and taught by teachers, prioritizing the teaching objectives instead of the traditional lists of

  4. ESARBICA Journal: Journal of the Eastern and Southern Africa ...

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    Underrepresented communities: including the Portuguese community in South Africa's historiography and archival heritage · EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. Antonio Rodrigues, 29-45 ...

  5. Motorcycle accidents: morbidity and associated factors in a city of ...

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    Motorcycle accidents: morbidity and associated factors in a city of northeast of Brazil. Alessandro L. Cavalcanti, Belchior Lucena, Iris S. Rodrigues, Amanda L. Silva, Taua T. Lima, Alidianne Fabia C. Xavier ...

  6. Factors Affecting Peace Negotiations in Resolving Armed Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa (United States)


    the problems of this continent. — Nelson Mandela , former President of South Africa. This chapter analyzes the role of peace negotiations in...of international and regional organizations like the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), influential personalities ( Nelson Mandela ...important lesson for peace negotiations to be successful is summarized by the former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela , who noted that nobody

  7. Perspectivas hermenêuticas do romance metaficcional Cordilheira, de Daniel Galera

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    Bianca Cardoso Batista


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva elucidar os conceitos e características da hermenêutica, segundo Alfredo Bosi e Richard Palmer, e da metaficção, segundo Linda Hutcheon, Patrícia Waugh e Gustavo Bernardo. A partir das considerações e do posicionamento hermenêutico adotado, será feita uma pesquisa acerca da vida e obra de Daniel Galera para entender o contexto no qual o livro Cordilheira foi escrito e também para que se possa obter uma interpretação aprofundada da obra. Nesta análise é possível identificar a metaficção que, segundo Linda Hutcheon, é uma “ficção sobre ficção”. Ao final do artigo pode-se concluir que o leitor que desconhece o posicionamento hermenêutico e a visão metaficcional não consegue captar o sentido do texto. A interpretação requer um leitor específico, empenhado e entregue à obra, por isso o texto metaficcional só se torna compreensível e, consequentemente, interessante, a um leitor mais preparado.

  8. Contexto, Conhecimento Enciclopédico e a Construção de Inferências Metonímicas e Metafóricas

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    Mara Sophia Zanotto


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo faz parte do projeto de pesquisa que tem por objetivo central investigar empiricamente o que a metáfora realmente significa para leitores reais. A investigação tem sido realizada com metodologia interpretativista, tendo como método principal o Pensar Alto em Grupo, que é uma prática dialógica vivenciada por vários grupos de leitores, constituindo, assim, um estudo de caso coletivo. Nos dois estudos de caso realizados, ocorreu uma complexa interação de inferências metonímicas e metafóricas na construção das leituras. Desse achado emergiram novas questões de pesquisa, que serão focalizadas neste trabalho: “Qual o papel dos contextos evocados e dos conhecimentos ativados pelos leitores na construção das inferências metonímicas e metafóricas?”; e “Qual o papel da metonímia conceptual na construção dos sentidos?” Para responder a essas questões, foram analisados e discutidos os dados de um grupo do segundo estudo de caso.

  9. II Luso-Brazilian Symposium - Hair Care and Health Proceedings

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    Joana Portugal Mota et al.


    Full Text Available II Luso-Brazilian Symposium - Hair Care and Health II Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro - Cuidados e Saúde do Cabelo 24 October | 24 Outubro Lisboa - Universidade Lusófona Honor Commitee /Comissão de Honra Magnífico Reitor da Universidade Lusófona, Mário Moutinho Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Universidade Lusófona, Manuel de Almeida Damásio Presidente do Infarmed, Eurico Castro Alves. Bastonário da Ordem dos Farmacêuticos, Carlos Maurício Barbosa Presidente da Associação Industriais Cosmética, Ana Maria Couras. Presidente da SPCC, Luís Monteiro Rodrigues (Presidente do Simpósio Presidente da ABC, João Hansen (Presidente do Simpósio Scientific Commitee /Comissão Científica Alberto Keidi Kurebayashi Catarina Fialho Rosado Celso Martins Júnior Joana Portugal Mota João Hansen Luís Monteiro Rodrigues Maria Lídia Palma Organizing Commitee /Comissão Organizadora SPCC Escola de Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde (ECTS da U. Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias ALIES – Associação Lusófona para o Desenvolvimento do Ensino e Investigação das Ciências da Saúde CBIOS – Centro de Investigação em Biociências e Tecnologias da Saúde Programa Open Session | Sessão de abertura Bastonário da Ordem dos Farmacêuticos, Carlos Maurício Barbosa Direcção da SPCC, Manuel Fitas Direcção da ABT, Celso Martins Júnior 1st Session | Sessão 1 HOT TOPICS (Tecnologia das Formulações Charmain | Moderador - Joana Portugal Mota Speakers | Prelectores Celso Martins Júnior Michelli Dario Key-note Speakers | Prelectores Bruno A. Bernard Nelson Tavares 2st Session | Sessão 2 HOT TOPICS (Saúde do Cabelo e Imagem Charmain | Moderador - André Rolim Baby Speakers | Prelectores Celso Martins Júnior Roundtable - Debate | Mesa Redonda - Debate Flávio Roques Catarina Rosado Previous speakers | Prelectores anteriores 1st Session | Sessão 1 HOT TOPICS (Formulation Technology | HOT TOPICS (Tecnologia das Formulações Chairman


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    Thelma Lucchese Cheung


    Full Text Available Logo do cabeçalho da página AJUDA DO SISTEMA USUÁRIO Logado como: elvis MEUS PERIÓDICOS PERFIL SAIR DO SISTEMA CONTEÚDO DA REVISTA Pesquisa Escopo da Busca Pesquisar Procurar POR EDIÇÃO POR AUTOR POR TÍTULO OUTRAS REVISTAS TAMANHO DE FONTE MAKE FONT SIZE SMALLERMAKE FONT SIZE DEFAULTMAKE FONT SIZE LARGER INFORMAÇÕES PARA LEITORES PARA AUTORES PARA BIBLIOTECÁRIOS OPEN JOURNAL SYSTEMS CAPA SOBRE PÁGINA DO USUÁRIO PESQUISA ATUAL ANTERIORES NOTÍCIAS MESTRADO EM DESENVOLVIMENTO TERRITORIAL E SISTEMAS AGROINDUSTRIAIS BOAS PRÁTICAS DA PUBLICAÇÃO - ANPAD AVALIADORES 2012 AVALIADORES 2013 AVALIADORES 2014 AVALIADORES 2015 CAPA > V. 7, N. 4 (2015 >\tCHEUNG INOVAÇÕES EM ALIMENTAÇÃO: AS PERCEPÇÕES DOS CONSUMIDORES SOBRE PRODUTOS ENRIQUECIDOS E TRANSGÊNICOS RESUMO Thelma Lucchese Cheung, Claudia Macedo, Thiago Neves, Wellington da Silva Rodrigues Resumo Pretendeu-se neste artigo apresentar as percepções de um grupo de consumidores brasileiros em relação às inovações no setor de alimentos. Questionados sobre os alimentos transformados, geneticamente modificados e transgênicos que estão no mercado as opiniões dos indivíduos, cheias de valores e atitudes, permitiram a este estudo observar suas representações dessas inovações. O estudo que deu origem a este artigo é exploratório e qualitativo. Questões abertas de um questionário foram utilizadas para compreender as percepções da amostra sobre as inovações estudadas. As declarações de indivíduos adultos, de 20 a 40 anos, de ambos os gêneros e com alto nível de escolaridade e habitantes de diferentes estados brasileiros revelaram reações positivas quanto aos produtos modificados e transgênicos, associando-os com avanços da ciência e benefícios das descobertas científicas como alternativas de consumo conveniente e mais saudável.

  11. Notas sobre o conceito de “transposição” e suas implicações para os estudos da leitura de jornais on-line

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    Ana Elisa Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho discute o conceito de “transposição”, recorrente na literatura sobre mediações jornalísticas, especialmente as mais recentes, constituídas por tecnologias digitais. Com base em revisão bibliográfica, verifica-se a relativa abundância de trabalhos sobre modos de produção jornalística e a escassez de estudos que, efetivamente, investiguem o leitor e a leitura. Conclui-se que o conceito de transposição parece ser pouco adequado em relação às experiências do leitor na lida com suportes e textos, novos ou tradicionais.

  12. A circulação da notícia na sociedade em processo de midiatização: o caso de jornais de abrangência regional

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    Viviane Borelli


    Full Text Available No contexto de uma sociedade em vias de midiatização, descreve-se como ocorre o processo de circulação de notícias de jornais gaúchos em seus sites e páginas no Facebook. Os jornais têm criado dispositivos para contatar seus leitores, o que resulta em mais fluxos de informação e maior circulação de sentidos. Entretanto, os periódicos ainda fazem experimentações quanto ao uso desse contato para ampliar os vínculos e transformar o que vêm dos leitores em material produtivo para seu fazer jornalístico.

  13. Iconography and Politics in South Africa: the representation of Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma in cartoons of Zapiro

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    Renata de Paula dos Santos


    Full Text Available Mandela’s victory in the 1994 elections in South Africa is a reference point for South African history and represented the transition from apartheid to multiracial democracy. Since then Nelson Mandela (1994-1999, Thabo Mbeki (1999-2008 and Jacob Zuma (2009 - current, occupied the post of president of the country and led, each in its own way, the new direction of the country. During the nearly twenty years of multiracial democracy, one in particular cartoonist, Jonathan Shapiro, popularly known by the pseudonym Zapiro, portrayed the everyday life of this story. In this sense, the objective of this research is to analyze how Zapiro portrayed the political and social aspects, as well as the psychological characteristics of each of the three postapartheid presidents and which social representations are formed from their cartoon production. The choice of Zapiro explained by openly declared his opposition to apartheid and also for being the best known outside South African cartoonist. We elected to cartoon as an object of study because it is an iconographic object constituted by communicative humor, which adds to its constitution arguments transgression of the established order, enabling an analysis of South African history through a critical bias. As methods for the development of the work, we decided to gather historical research, the literature search and analysis of cartooon speech. Among the theoretical frameworks stand out Magnoli (1998, 2009, Jonge (1991 and Carlin (2009 in the South African question; reflections about social representations, we resort to Moscovici (2011 and Jodelet (1993, in the field the cartoon and humor, the references are Miani (2005; 2012, Romualdo (2000 and Eco (1989. With the completion of the analysis, we observed that Zapiro acts in different ways in the construction of the representation of each of the presidents in question and that the cartoonist presents Mandela as a competent leader marked by heroism and


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    Daniel De Witt Koen


    Full Text Available Uma pesquisa Intensiva com os usuários finais no setor da Habitação Econômica da República Sul-Africana tornou-se necessário para encontrar formas de enfrentar o contínuo aumento dos custos e ainda continuar a satisfazer as preferências, com qualidade e acessibilidade. A pesquisa tem de ser sucedida por projetos inovadores e métodos construtivos rápidos e de baixo custo, sem perder qualidade e estética. Os custos de terreno e o adensamento dos projetos, em equilíbrio com a qualidade ambiental, tornaram-se de enorme importância em qualquer empreendimento sustentável. O mesmo se aplica às vizinhanças, quanto à revitalização dos bairros. Um exemplo típico é o Nelson Mandela Bay Metropole na África do Sul, onde 100.000 unidades habitacionais precisam ser construídas em um período de três a cinco anos para acabar com o déficit. A quantidade de dados relativos a uma única habitação é vasta e, em um grande empreendimento, ainda mais significativa. Tradicionalmente, os dados são armazenados em vários locais, por exemplo, com autoridades governamentais, arquitetos ou outros profissionais, empreendedores, subcontratados, agentes imobiliários, instituições financeiras ou proprietários. Baixa eficiência e atrasos substanciais são o resultado, quando os dados existentes não podem ser acessados rapidamente, ou não são encontrados. Um processo de localização espacial e sistema de controle de dados física e inequivocamente associado com cada particular unidade habitacional foi desenvolvido para resolver com sucesso a maioria desses problemas.

  15. On Death Ground: Why Weak States Resist Great Powers Explaining Coercion Failure in Asymmetric Interstate Conflict (United States)


    After mediation by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and South African President Nelson Mandela , however, Qadhafi finally handed the two suspects over...if the two accused were not handed over the U.S.-Britain would seek tougher sanctions. During a visit by Nelson Mandela on 19 March 1999 Qadhafi...potential commitment issues by involving UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and South African President Nelson Mandela in the final talks. This success

  16. South Africa: Current Issues and U.S. Relations (United States)


    almost 900 soldiers to the U.N. Operation in Burundi (ONUB), where former President Nelson Mandela played a leading role in brokering a peace...racial segregation, won control of the National Assembly. The Assembly chose as President Nelson Mandela , the ANC leader who had been released from...reportedly improving. South Africa has taken a critical stance toward the war in Iraq, and former President Nelson Mandela has been vocal in his

  17. Hybrid War Beyond Lebanon: Lessons from the South African Campaign 1976 to 1989 (United States)


    transitioned to majority rule under the ANC and President Nelson Mandela . 69 The South Africans had achieved their military objectives in both Angola and...downplayed their own losses. Nelson Mandela later remarked that, ― The decisive defeat of the racist army in Cuito Canavalle was a...112 Nelson Mandela , Address at the Cuban National Cuba, July 26 1991. /project/castro/db/1991/ 19910726-1.html. He

  18. The Enduring Grand Strategy of the United States Represented as a Mirror Strategy (United States)


    Development Council regime.43 On 27 April 1994 in South Africa, Nelson Mandela won 62% of the votes in the popular election, that overthrew the nelson - mandelas -journey-from-prisoner-to-president/ (accessed 16 December 2015) 45 Brainy History, “1982 in History,” http...December 7, 2013, 9:50 PM nelson - mandelas -journey-from-prisoner-to- president/ (accessed 16 December 2015)

  19. Desbotone en diferentes estadios de desarrollo del botón floral en clavel estándar (Dianthus caryophyllus L. var. Nelson

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    Arévalo Gabriel Alexander


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    Los mayores costos de producción del clavel estándar se asocian con la mano de obra que se utiliza en las labores del cultivo; el desbotone es una de las actividades que demanda mayor uso de mano de obra y tiempo. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el efecto del desbotone en diferentes estadios de desarrollo del botón principal, sobre la producción y calidad en poscosecha del clavel estándar variedad Nelson en el primer pico de cosecha. Se evaluaron los estadios conocidos popularmente como botón ‘arveja’, ‘garbanzo’, ‘barril’, ‘estrella’, ‘bala’ y ‘punto de corte’. Las variables medidas incluyeron producción total a primera cosecha, grados de calidad y algunos criterios de clasificación en poscosecha. Se concluyó que el desbotone en los estadios evaluados no influye significativamente en la producción total del clavel en la primera cosecha. Sin embargo, en la clasificación por grados de calidad, se encontraron diferencias significativas: el desbotone en botón arveja’, ‘garbanzo’ y ‘barril’ mostró mayores promedios en el número de tallos grado ‘select’, mientras que el desbotone en botón ‘estrella’, ‘bala’ y ‘punto de corte’ reflejó mayores promedios para los grados ‘fancy’ estándar y nacional. El desbotone en diferentes estadios de desarrollo del botón principal afectó el número de tallos torcidos, sin aumentar significativamente el número de tallos débiles. El ensayo permitió definir que la etapa crítica para el desbotone son los estadios de desarrollo del botón principal previos al estadio ‘barril’, pues pasado este punto disminuye la calidad del producto.

  20. Polifilo e o sonho da tipografia/Polifilo and the dream of typography

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    Ubirajara Alencar Rodrigues

    Full Text Available RODRIGUES, U. A. Polifilo e o sonho da tipografia. 2008. 110fl. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas. 2008.

  1. Estimación de la superficie freática en zonas de ecotono del Parque Nacional de Doñana mediante datos piezométricos, covariables topográficas y métodos geoestadísticos


    Gutiérrez-Hernández, Oliver; Cámara-Artigas, R.; Senciales-González, J. M.; García, Luis V.


    Comunicación presentada en el XXIV Congreso de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, celebrado en Zaragoza (18-21 de octubre).-- Editores: Juan de la Riva; Paloma Ibarra; Raquel Montorio; Marcos Rodrigues.

  2. O ethos de Harry Potter a partir da trajetória do herói

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    Renato de Oliveira Dering


    Full Text Available Pretende-se com esse artigo perceber como se dá a relação do ethos do herói moderno com sua trajetória, observando as teorias de Maingueneau e Vogler, respectivamente. Para essa análise será visto o percurso do protagonista da série literária e fílmica Harry Potter, em especial, sua primeira obra, denominada Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal. Seguindo essas teorias mencionadas, todo herói, em sua maioria, carrega em sua história aspectos que podem ser facilmente identificados pelo leitor e são esses elementos que fazem com que esse leitor, também sujeito ativo no processo de interação com a obra, aceite a personagem, tal como ela se porta. A imagem que o sujeito passa e sua recepção é que permitirá seu aceite ou recusa. Deste modo, o ethos da personagem Harry Potter é preponderante para que cause a identificação do leitor com a obra, pois aquele já possui uma imagem pré-concebida do arquétipo do herói e torna plausível toda a trajetória que por ele será conquistada.

  3. Leitura de notícias e imaginário

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gislene Silva


    Full Text Available Pode a leitura de notícias provocar no leitor sensações estéticas, ajudá-lo a organizar significados, nutri-lo de experiências transcendentais? A investigação do jornalismo no âmbito da recepção e como narrativa cultural, potente em sua dimensão simbólico-mítica e imaginária, sugere resposta afirmativa. Leitores da revista Globo Rural, ao relatarem aspectos do pacto de leitura com a publicação, revelam fundamentos que levam a pesquisaa ultrapassar os limites da centralidade do jornalismo sustentada em fatos e acontecimentos objetivos. E, em sendo uma publicação configurada em sua maior parte por matérias de economia, técnicas e negócios agrícolas, as impressões de leitura indicam também a necessidade de se revisitar demarcações entre notícias factuais e não factuais, importantes e interessantes, de interessepúblico e de interesse do público. O que se pode perceber junto a esses leitores é que, mesmo a partir de empreendimento para a divulgação da realidade, algumas publicações jornalísticas se tornam ficcionais.

  4. The misadventures of a narrator and his servant: Machado de Assis and the characters of “A Semana”.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Paula Cardozo de Souza


    Full Text Available Between 1892 and 1897 Machado de Assis published “A Semana”, his last and longest-running series of crônicas, in which it was possible to identify his opinions on the first years of the Brazilian Republic in between the lines. Commenting on the weekly events reported by the “Gazeta the Notícias” and other daily papers, the author criticized the ongoing attempts at hygienizing and modernizing Rio de Janeiro and the habits of its citizens. In his task, he created fictional characters to exemplify the contradictions inherent to the society and reflected in the press: the narrator and his servant, José Rodrigues. In this article, I analyze Rodrigues' appearances in “A Semana” and their possible significance in the context of a society undergoing profound changes while retaining some old customs.

  5. How Can the United States Counter China’s Growing Influence in Africa through Non-kinetic Means? (United States)


    summer of 1995 at the Rugby World Cup when Springbok Captain, Franc;:ois Pienaar raised the Webb Ellis Cup standing next to President Nelson Mandela of...Africa." (Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2009, 14). 10 124 John Carlin. Playing The Enemy, Nelson Mandela and the Game that Made a Nation...South Africa. I did not understand the significance of this event until I read John Carlin’s book Playing the Enemy. President Nelson Maridela used

  6. Leading curriculum change: Reflections on how Abakhwezeli stoked ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Delport, Aletta (Prof) (Summerstrand Campus South)


    Nov 24, 2016 ... School for Initial Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University ... 'Abakhwezeli', in stoking the fires of curriculum change in the Nelson Mandela ...... NY: Continuum International Publishing.

  7. Systemic isotretinoin in the management of acne – a patient ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Nov 13, 2008 ... towards the inhibition of the multiple pathogenic processes underlying ... b Department of Statistics, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South ..... the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University for the financial support of.

  8. Never Riding the Tide

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education; Volume 13; Issue 10. Never Riding the Tide - Seymour Benzer–The Founder of Neurogenetics. K VijayRaghavan Veronica Rodrigues. General Article Volume 13 Issue 10 October 2008 pp 909-915 ...

  9. Endurance and stability of some surface meteorological sensors under land- and ship-based operating environments

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Mehra, P.; Desai, R.G.P.; Joseph, A.; VijayKumar, K.; Dabholkar, N.; Prabhudesai, S.; Nagvekar, S.; Agarvadekar, Y.

    : The study reported here has been funded by the Department of Ocean Development (DOD) of government of India. Authors gratefully acknowledge valuable contributions from the late Mr. Dennis Rodrigues, Mr. V. N. Chodankar, Mr. Anil Shirgaonkar, Mr. S. Tengali...

  10. Purification and characterization of extracellular amylolytic enzyme ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 16, 2012 ... Available online at ... characterization of extracellular amylases from four ... Somogyi-Nelson's method (Nelson, 1944; Somogyi, 1952). ... The mycelia dry weight of currently studied four.

  11. Exact solutions of Feinberg–Horodecki equation for time-dependent ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    proposed to find the exact solutions of the Feinberg–Horodecki equation for the .... is a polynomial of degree n and satisfies the Rodrigues relation [24] ... The discriminant of expression (15) under the square root has to be zero, so that the.

  12. 75 FR 69151 - Small Business Jobs Act: 504 Loan Program Debt Refinancing (United States)


    ... meeting is open to the public; however, seating is limited so advance notice of attendance is requested... Robert Nelson, District Director, at (617) 565-5561, e-mail: , SBA, Massachusetts...

  13. LETTERS AND COMMENTS: Comment on 'Reinterpreting the famous train/embankment experiment of relativity' (United States)

    Rowland, David R.


    Nelson (2003 Eur. J. Phys. 24 379) recently claimed on logical grounds that Einstein's train and embankment thought experiment cannot be used to prove the relativity of simultaneity prior to knowledge of the Lorentz transformations as it is purported to do. It is argued in this comment that Nelson's claim is based on premises which are incorrect, thus invalidating his conclusions. It is also argued that Nelson's article furnishes a 'proof by contradiction' of the desired result, thus also invalidating his claim.

  14. Nina Rodrigues e a patologização do crime no Brasil Nina Rodrigues and the pathologization of crime in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristiane Brandão Augusto


    Full Text Available Este artigo se dedica à análise do movimento de "patologização" do criminoso por uma leitura histórica do impacto do "cientificismo cerebral" na esfera criminal. mais particularmente, atenta-se para a recepção das teorias de matriz lombrosiana pela criminologIa brasileira do século XIX, na qual se vê o microcosmo do conflito de interesses de classes e raças mediado pela autoridade médica que, na sua crença científica (ou na sua filiação ideológica, procurava esclarecer os limites entre a falta moral e a loucura - ou os dois (loucura moral como doença ou como pura perversidade - e procurava apontar para os juízes a forma correta (científica de se sancionar ou de se tratar a loucura.The current work aims at performing an analysis of the criminals "pathologization" movement by means of a historical reading of the impact of ''brain scientificism" in the criminal sphere. more particularly, there is an emphasis on the reception of the lombrosionism matrix theories in 1 9th-century brazilian criminology, in which we can see the microcosms of classes and races conflicts of interests, mediated by the medical authority who, in his scientific beliefs ¡or in his ideological filiations, looked for illuminate the limits between the moral fault and the madness - or the both (moral madness as pathology or as pure perversity -and tried to show the correct form ¡scientific} of punishing or treating.

  15. ORIGINAL ARTICLES Epidemiology of HIV in South Africa - results ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Nelson MandelaiHuman Sciences Research Council. (HSRC) study of HIV I AIDS5 ..... This study was funded by the Nelson Mandela Foundation, ... Cape Town: Centre for Actuarial Research, Medical Research Council and the Actuarial ...

  16. Hydrocele (United States)

    ... Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics . 20th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2016:chap 346. Elder JS. Disorders and anomalies ... Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics . 20th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2016:chap 545. Ferri FF. Hydrocele. In: Ferri ...

  17. Phacoemulsification of bilateral cataracts in two pet rabbits

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ibrahim Eldaghayes


    Apr 4, 2018 ... treatment of cataracts can be considered as a treatment option whenever a healthy rabbit is visually impaired due ... titers were 0.711 (>0.350: consistent with infection). ..... Valinhos, M.A.R., Ranzani, J.J.T., Rodrigues, A.C.L..

  18. FELIX: an algorithm for indexing multiple crystallites in X-ray free-electron laser snapshot diffraction images

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beyerlein, Kenneth R.; White, Thomas A.; Yefanov, Oleksandr


    A novel algorithm for indexing multiple crystals in snapshot X-ray diffraction images, especially suited for serial crystallography data, is presented. The algorithm, FELIX, utilizes a generalized parametrization of the Rodrigues-Frank space, in which all crystal systems can be represented without...

  19. Comment on 'Reinterpreting the famous train/embankment experiment of relativity'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rowland, David R


    Nelson (2003 Eur. J. Phys. 24 379) recently claimed on logical grounds that Einstein's train and embankment thought experiment cannot be used to prove the relativity of simultaneity prior to knowledge of the Lorentz transformations as it is purported to do. It is argued in this comment that Nelson's claim is based on premises which are incorrect, thus invalidating his conclusions. It is also argued that Nelson's article furnishes a 'proof by contradiction' of the desired result, thus also invalidating his claim. (letters and comments)

  20. Stochastic mechanics of mixed states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaekel, M.T.; Pignon, D.


    Nelson's stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics is extended from the case of pure states to that of mixed states. It is shown that a pure probabilistic formalism, which applies the Newton-Nelson Law to the initial position and velocity distributions, does not reproduce the time evolution predicted by quantum mechanics. In order to recover the latter, a new notion must be introduced, that of pure quantum states, over which the mixture has to be decomposed, and which then satisfy the Newton-Nelson Law independently. (author)

  1. An architecture for synchronous micro-volunteering in Africa using social media

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Butgereit, L


    Full Text Available -1 An Architecture for Synchronous Micro-Volunteering in Africa using Social Media Laurie Butgereit Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and Meraka Institute, CSIR, South Africa Reinhardt A Botha Nelson Mandela Metropolitan...

  2. Apropriações e representações sócio-históricas do trinômio leitura - texto - leitorAppropriations and socio-historical representations of the trinomial: reading, text and reader

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Augusto Castro


    Full Text Available Diversas concepções estabelecidas entre a leitura, o texto e o leitor são aqui analisadas. Para isso, o ponto de partida é uma perspectiva sócio-histórica, tratando de compreender as estratégias, o desenvolvimento e as transformações nas diversas apropriações da produção cultural e sua influência na formação leitora. Destacam-se alguns dos fatores que intervêm na manipulação dos suportes culturais, expondo as diversas modificações a que foram sujeitadas as formas de ler, as apropriações do sentido dos textos, a produção dos impressos e sua representação no tecido societal. Conclui-se com a situação em que o Maranhão se encontra em relação às práticas leitoras, à literatura, ao livro didático e às formas de ler no contexto escolar e não escolar, destacando a importância que as crenças, as intenções, as atitudes, as expectativas sobre a leitura têm, seja por parte do aluno, seja por parte do professor, para uma prática inovadora na formação leitora e nas diferentes situações do ato de ler.Different conceptions established among the reading, the text and the reader are analyzed here. For this, the starting point is a social-historical perspective, trying to understand the strategies, the development and the transformations in the various appropriations of the cultural production and its influence in the reader formation. Some factors of the manipulation of the cultural supports are highlighted, displaying the various modifications the forms of reading have been subjected; , the appropriations of the meaning of the texts, the production of printed materials and their representation in the society. We conclude with the situation of the state of Maranhão in relation to the practice of reading, literature, the didactic book and the forms of reading in the school and not in the school context, showing the importance that the beliefs, the intentions, the attitudes and the expectations on the reading

  3. 'Patents and Downstream Innovation Suppression - Fact or Fiction?'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John

    Merges and Nelson have provided an empirically grounded argument that firms use pioneer patents of 'broad' scope to block downstream technological development (Merges and Nelson 1990). If this is a regular occurrence then, as they claim, they have faulted Kitch's 'prospect theory' of patents (Kitch...... 1977), a theory that is a version of the classic justification for the award of the exclusive right - that it should protect the incentive to develop property. Merges and Nelson insist that their thesis should be supported by empirical evidence and they turn to historical accounts as an important form...


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    Igor Guimarães de Azevedo de Araújo


    Full Text Available DOI: 10.12957/periferia.2016.24747O artigo tem como objetivo mostrar ao leitor uma estrutura de estudos, que levaram a uma teoria universal e estruturalista do desenvolvimento moral das pessoas e da sociedade, e ao mesmo tempo demonstrar a que ponto chegamos. São apresentados estudos que contemplam desde a formação de uma moral universal e estruturalista, com o pensamento do filósofo Immanuel Kant e sua influência para a teoria de Piaget e Kholberg, no desenvolvimento moral de uma pessoa dividida em seus específicos estágios, até os estudos atuais que mostram as conclusões de Bauman sobre a sociedade pós-moderna e suas implicações no âmbito social e pessoal. As consequências de uma fragmentação social em vários aspectos são colocadas à mostra a fim de chamar a atenção do leitor para ter consciência e percepção de sua existência. Um excesso de contradições é posto para o leitor confrontar com a pós-modernidade um quadro negativo de ações presentes, e levar à reflexão do que pode ser alcançado diante do que nós temos atualmente na nossa sociedade.

  5. Reliability and Agreement in Student Ratings of the Class Environment (United States)

    Nelson, Peter M.; Christ, Theodore J.


    The current study estimated the reliability and agreement of student ratings of the classroom environment obtained using the Responsive Environmental Assessment for Classroom Teaching (REACT; Christ, Nelson, & Demers, 2012; Nelson, Demers, & Christ, 2014). Coefficient alpha, class-level reliability, and class agreement indices were…

  6. Review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leenhouts, P.W.


    The kernel of this book consists of an enumeration of some 1600 publications of importance to the flora of the Mascarenes (East of Madagascar; main islands Réunion, Mauritius, Rodrigues), arranged alphabetically by author. Fairly often a short note is given on contents and importance. Counterpart to

  7. Odonata de Uruguay: lista de especies y nuevos registros Odonata from Uruguay: species list and new records

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    Natalia Von Ellenrieder


    Full Text Available Se proporciona una lista de las 70 especies citadas para Uruguay. Catorce de ellas constituyen nuevos registros para el país: Mnesarete pruinosa (Hagen en Selys [Calopterygidae, Acanthagrion lancea Selys, A. peruvianum Leonard, Argia serva Hagen en Selys y Oxyagrion chapadense Costa (Coenagrionidae, Neoneura ethela Williamson (Protoneuridae, Progomphus costalis Hagen en Selys (Gomphidae, Elasmothemis constricta (Calvert, Erythrodiplax basalis (Kirby, Erythrodiplax media Borror, Micrathyria hypodidyma Calvert, Micrathyria ringueleti Rodrigues Capitulo, Orthemis ambinigra Calvert y Perithemis icteroptera (Selys en Sagra (Libelullidae.A list of 70 species known to occur in Uruguay is given. Fourteen species are new country records: Mnesarete pruinosa (Hagen in Selys (Calopterygidae, Acanthagrion lancea Selys, A. peruvianum Leonard, Argia serva Hagen in Selys, and Oxyagrion chapadense Costa (Coenagrionidae, Neoneura ethela Williamson (Protoneuridae, Progomphus costalis Hagen in Selys (Gomphidae, Elasmothemis constricta (Calvert, Erythrodiplax basalis (Kirby, Erythrodiplax media Borror, Micrathyria hypodidyma Calvert, Micrathyria ringueleti Rodrigues Capitulo, Orthemis ambinigra Calvert, and Perithemis icteroptera (Selys in Sagra (Libelullidae.

  8. Restrictions of Non Associated Plastic Flow Laws Imposed by Thermodynamics and Uniqueness (United States)


    loading. Difficulties in using constitutive relations which violate the continuity condition have been reported in the past (Nelson and Baladi , 1977...of Thermodynamics in Mechanics of Materials," Energy. 5. 771. Nelson, I., and G. Y. Baladi (1977). "Outrunning Ground Shock Computed with Different

  9. Disease: H00557 [KEGG MEDICUS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Grix A, Sommer A, Savarirayan R, Janecke AR, Steichen E, Sillence D, Hausser I, Budde B, Nurnberg G, Nurnber...iman B, Nelson SF, Masri A, Alkazaleh F, Guerra D, Ferrari P, Nanda A, Rajab A, Markie D, Gray M, Nelson J,

  10. The Role of the Global SOF Network in a Resource Constrained Environment (United States)


    introduced new legislation under the Nelson Mandela regime, the Regulation of Foreign Military Assistance Act, which prohibited South Africans from...3. President Obama’s 3 January 2012 Forward to the January 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance. 4. Rick “Ozzie” Nelson and Michael Stieg, Center for

  11. 76 FR 35866 - Sunshine Act Meeting Notice (United States)


    ... SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this notice. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nelson Hastings, NIST Voting... issues. The full meeting agenda will be posted in advance at . All sessions of this... disability accommodation, such as the need for Sign Language Interpretation, please contact Nelson Hastings...

  12. Two new species of sympatric Fergusonina flies (Diptera: Fergusoninidae) from bud galls on high elevation snow gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieb. ex Spreng. complex) in the Australian Alps (United States)

    Two species of Fergusonina Malloch fly, F. daviesae Nelson sp.n. and F. taylori Nelson sp.n. (Diptera: Fergusoninidae), are described from terminal leaf bud galls on high elevation snow gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora complex) in the Australian Alps. These species occur in sympatry at the six locations...

  13. WOCSDICE󈧇 The 27th Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits Held in Europe May 26 - 28, 2003 Forigen, Switzerland (United States)


    Rodrigues-Girones, M. Saglam, A. Megej, H.L. Hartnagel vi Recent Advances, Remaining Challenges in Wide Bandgap Semiconductors Colin ...R. H. Friend, and H. Sirringhaus, Science, 299, pp. 1881-1884, 2003. 19. C. J. Drury , C. M. J. Mutsaers, C. M. Hart, M. Matters, and D. M. de Leeuw

  14. Returning Images: Mandela, Marikana and the Rugged Road to the Future

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    Annalisa Oboe


    Full Text Available It is only appropriate to begin with his face. The intense, rainbow-colored Mandela portrait that opens this issue is the work of a young Indonesian digital artist, Ihsanulhakim, who captures a serious, reflective and aged version of the South African leader. The writing on the top left of the image is a quote from Mandela’s famous reflection on death translated into Indonesian: “Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace”.[1] [1] RIP Nelson Mandela © Muhammad Ihsanulhakim. I wish to thank the artist for generously allowing Altre Modernità to reproduce his work. The quote is from an interview for the documentary “Mandela”, 1994, in Nelson Mandela by Himself: The Authorised Book of Quotations © 2010 by Nelson R. Mandela and The Nelson Mandela Foundation.

  15. 75 FR 77858 - Sunshine Act Notice (United States)


    ... this notice. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nelson Hastings, NIST Voting Program, Information... posted in advance at . All sessions of this meeting will be open to the public. A... for Sign Language Interpretation, please contact Nelson Hastings by c.o.b. Thursday, January 6, 2011...

  16. Download this PDF file

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The African National Congress Youth League was formed in. 1948 followed by the adoption of the Youth League Programme of Action against the white led apartheid government. Nelson Madela was elected the. Secretary General of this Youth league. This position attracted wide publicity to Nelson Mandela especially with ...

  17. Studies in Intelligence. Volume 55, Number 3 (United States)


    terrelationships and conflicts. This makes for slow reading, but the coverage is thorough. With the release of Nelson Mandela and the end of...Lies, and Bureaucratic Bungling Inside the FBI (Nashville, TN: Nelson Cur- rent, 2004); Dan Stober and Ian Hoffman, A Convenient Spy: Wen Ho Lee and the

  18. Homosexual Identity in Alex Sanchez's 'Rainbow Trilogy'

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    Nanda Vidyastria


    Full Text Available This research aims at describing 1 stages of homosexual identity development in three main characters in the Rainbow Trilogy using Cass model, 2 factors influencing the development of homosexual identity using D Augellis theory, and 3 forms of victimization towards homosexuals experienced by the main characters using theories of D Augelli and Rivers. Queer studies was applied to describe and analyze the data in forms of words, phrases, sentences, statements, dialogues as well as monologues in the Rainbow Trilogy, recording thoughts and actions by the characters in accordance with the research focus. As a result, the research finds out that the three novels describe clearly all stages of Cass model of homosexual identity development in Jason and Kyle, including their identity confusions, comparisons, acceptances, tolerances, prides and syntheses. In Nelson, only one stage that can be identified as Nelson is described as one whose sexual identity has been formed. The research also reveals how factors of personal subjectivity and action, interactive intimacy and sociohistorical connection are connected to each others and also influencing the homosexual identity developments of the main characters. Besides, the research also shows that various kinds of victimization occur to Jason, Kyle and Nelson. Normative victimizations made to feel different are experienced by Nelson and Kyle. Family stressor and prejudices in connection to AIDS are experienced by the three characters. Victimization of direct attacks in forms of verbal and physical abuses are experienced by Kyle and Nelson. Lastly, the research finds out that Nelson is the only character experiencing sexual abuse. It occurs in form of undesired comments oriented to a sexual violence.

  19. Hermetismo e provocação: sobre “A tarefa do tradutor”, de Walter Benjamin

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    Georg Otte


    mesmo tempo um atrativo e um desafi o para seus leitores. Justapondo afirmações apodíticas, ele mesmo dá um exemplo dessa ambivalência pela provocativa ideia de que nem a obra literária nem sua tradução estariam dirigidas ao seu leitor. Considerando o uso comunicativo da linguagem como um abuso, Benjamin não apenas defende a autonomia da obra, mas também reivindica a autonomia da tradução como “forma”. Não sendo um canal de comunicação para o original nem sua derivação, a tarefa da tradução consiste em despertar a “pura língua” no original. Assim, correspondências escondidas têm de substituir a comunicação linear.

  20. Entre acolhimentos e resistências: A circulação responsiva nas redações

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    Alisson Coelho


    Full Text Available O fluxo de processos críticos à mídia presente na sociedade, em especial utilizando como plataforma as redes sociais, é aqui observado a partir da redação de um grande jornal brasileiro. A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as relações entre os comentários críticos dos leitores e a construção da notícia nos movimentos de acolhimentos e resistências visualizados dentro da redação do jornal O Globo. A exploração empírica, e a base teórica utilizada, apontam para uma ampla rede de processos em que o jornalismo é afetado pelas manifestações dos leitores. Além disso, discute a ideia de uma circulação responsiva no ambiente das redações.

  1. Developing Design Criteria and Scale Up Methods for Water-Stable Metal-Organic Frameworks for Adsorption Applications (United States)


    Berthelot mixing rules were applied to calculate intermolecular van der Waals interactions between water and framework atoms. All transition state...Rodrigues, A. E. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2004, 49 (4), 1095-1101. (7) Franchi , R. S.; Harlick, P. J. E.; Sayari, A. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2005, 44 (21), 8007

  2. Records of pinnipeds in the Mascarene Islands, 1996 - 2014 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    While no populations of seals are resident in the tropical Indian Ocean, vagrant animals are occasionally sighted in the region. Here we detail two new sightings of pinnipeds in the Mascarene Islands (Mauritius, Reunion and Rodrigues) since 1996 and review a further 15. These include nine records of southern elephant ...

  3. Todos iguais, todos diferentes : a variabilidade genética humana.


    Lima, Manuela


    A secção Biologia é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues. O estudo da variabilidade genética humana revela informações cruciais que permitem, ao nível biomédico, avanços nos conhecimentos acerca de várias doenças.

  4. Transported PDF Modeling of Ethanol Spray in Hot-Diluted Coflow Flame

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ma, L.; Naud, B.; Roekaerts, D.J.E.M.


    This paper presents a numerical modeling study of one ethanol spray flame from the Delft Spray-in-Hot-Coflow (DSHC) database, which has been used to study Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion of liquid fuels (Correia Rodrigues et al. Combust. Flame 162(3), 759–773, 2015). A

  5. Novel foods dossier analysis (Annex 2)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cachapa Rodrigues, I.


    In the NFR case study by Isabel Cachapa Rodrigues three novel foods dossiers have been analysed. The dossiers have been chosen from the UK because in this country they are made available on the internet. Remarkably in all three a qualification other than novel food would have been defendable. These

  6. 76 FR 16806 - Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Environmental Impact Report for... (United States)


    ... in advance through local media, newspapers and the BLM Web site at: Casa Diablo IV Development Project, C/O Steven Nelson, Project Manager. Documents pertinent to this... National Forest, telephone (760) 873- 2424; or mail to: Steven Nelson, Project Manager, BLM [[Page 16807...

  7. Estimating Rainfall in Rodrigues by Geostatistics: (A) Theory | Proag ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper introduces the geostatistical method. Originally devised to treat problems that arise when conventional statistical theory is used in estimating changes in ore grade within a mine, it is, however, an abstract theory of statistical behaviour that is applicable to many circumstances in different areas of geology and other ...

  8. Entre palavras e ações: o crime na linguagem de Guimarães Rosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valda Suely Silva Verri


    seu advogado, possibilita ao leitor perceber a ambiguidade de seu discurso e refletir sobre sua culpa. Para tanto, empregamos a terminologia de Gerard Genette e as considerações teóricas sobre o narratário de Gerald Prince

  9. Regional Seismic Arrays and Nuclear Test Ban Verification (United States)


    Anderson, K. R., S. T. Rosenberg, and D. Lanan (1982). Automatic association using expert system techniq:_,s, in Seismic Discrimination, Semiannual...Travel Times, Earthquake, by Glenn D. Nelson and John E. V idale . ........... ...................................... ............ . ....... 395 Lund...1553 Nelson, Glenn D. and John E. Vidale-Earthquake Locations by 3-D Finite Difference Travel Times

  10. Can Bt maize change the spatial distribution of predator Cycloneda ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ezedom Theresa


    Oct 16, 2013 ... Thiago Alexandre Mota1*, Marcos Gino Fernandes1, Eder Alcebiades Alegre1, Maria Freire de ... 1Programa de Pós-graduação em Entomologia e Conservação da Biodiversidade, ..... Mota TA, Fernandes MG, Souza MF, Fonseca PRB, Quadros JC, ... Rodrigues TR, Fernandes MG, Santos HR (2010).

  11. Effects of Prosopis laevigata pods on carcass characteristics, non ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 25, 2017 ... components, meat quality, fatty acid profile and sensory attributes .... samples were analysed using an Agilent Technologies gas chromatograph with flame .... lambs. The pH observed in meat was similar to that reported by Obeidat et al. ..... S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci. 44, 298-306. Rodrigues, S. & Teixeira, A., 2009.

  12. Untitled

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Fabre (1983) suggested a double sum for a fast calculation of the GSC. With the help of the Rodrigues formula for Jacobi polynomials (Abramowitz and Stegun 1970) and using the following power expansion for the product of two Jacobi polynomials. (Fabre 1983) one obtains the following expression for the 3P coefficient:.

  13. Ecological forestry: Much more than retention harvesting (United States)

    Brian J. Palik; Anthony W. D' Amato


    We read with interest the recent Journal of Forestry article on "Conceptual Ambiguities and Practical Challenges of Ecological Forestry: A Critical Review" (Batavia and Nelson 2016). In it, Batavia and Nelson do a good job of bringing attention to the concept of ecological forestry, and we agree that a clear understanding of what it is...

  14. A characterization of Markovian homogeneous multicomponent Gaussian fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ekhaguere, G.O.S.


    Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for a certain class of homogeneous multicomponent Gaussian generalized stochastic fields to possess a Markov property equivalent to Nelson's. The class of Markov fields so characterized has a as a cubclass the class of Markov fields which lead by Nelson's Reconstruction Theorem to some covariant (free) quantum fields. (orig.)

  15. Figural properties are prioritized for search under conditions of uncertainty: Setting boundary conditions on claims that figures automatically attract attention. (United States)

    Peterson, Mary A; Mojica, Andrew J; Salvagio, Elizabeth; Kimchi, Ruth


    Nelson and Palmer (2007) concluded that figures/figural properties automatically attract attention, after they found that participants were faster to detect/discriminate targets appearing where a portion of a familiar object was suggested in an otherwise ambiguous display. We investigated whether these effects are truly automatic and whether they generalize to another figural property-convexity. We found that Nelson and Palmer's results do generalize to convexity, but only when participants are uncertain regarding when and where the target will appear. Dependence on uncertainty regarding target location/timing was also observed for familiarity. Thus, although we could replicate and extend Nelson and Palmer's results, our experiments showed that figures do not automatically draw attention. In addition, our research went beyond Nelson and Palmer's, in that we were able to separate figural properties from perceived figures. Because figural properties are regularities that predict where objects lie in the visual field, our results join other evidence that regularities in the environment can attract attention. More generally, our results are consistent with Bayesian theories in which priors are given more weight under conditions of uncertainty.

  16. Jornal, saúde, doença, consumo, Viagra e Saia Justa

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    Fernando Lefèvre


    Full Text Available A tese que pretendemos defender aqui, no que toca ao jornal como representante da mídia impressa e sua função, hoje, no Brasil, é que a relação de comunicação mantida pelo meio com seu leitor é essencialmente determinada pela relação social de consumo que o jornal, enquanto empresa comercial, mantém com o leitor em geral. Buscamos, por meio de um estudo de caso, argumentar nesta linha, tomando como objeto o segmento do jornal no qual são abordadas as questões da saúde e da doença, com vistas a indicar que, por extensão, a relação de consumo acaba contaminando, decisivamente, o próprio conteúdo e a visão de saúde e doença veiculada pelo jornal.

  17. Uma abordagem cognitivista para a leitura em sala de aula de francês língua estrangeira

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    Alessandra Montera Rotta


    Full Text Available A leitura é uma atividade familiar, mas complexa, porque implica processos cognitivos e perceptivos. A psicologia cognitiva, ciência que estuda os processos de tratamento da informação no ser humano, tem como eixo central a representação no funcionamento da linguagem. O leitor, ao levantar hipóteses, fazer predições e inferências, evocar seus conhecimentos anteriores guardados na memória, trabalha com suas capacidades cognitivas e constrói em sua mente uma representação da situação estabelecida no texto. A construção do sentido na leitura em língua estrangeira vem, pois, não apenas da decodificação das palavras, mas principalmente dos processos de alto nível que o leitor coloca em prática durante a sua leitura.

  18. Elementos poéticos de um conto de Caio Fernando Abreu e sua tradução para a língua inglesa

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    Lara Souto Santana


    Full Text Available Caio Fernando Abreu (1948-1996 tem sua obra composta predominantemente por contos. Este artigo pretende analisar os aspectos poéticos que perpassam um deles: “Sem Ana, blues”, publicado no livro Os dragões não conhecem o paraíso em 1988 e verificar de que forma sua tradução para língua inglesa – “Blues without Ana” –, feita por David Treece e publicada no livro Dragons... em 1990 na Inglaterra, foi apresentada ao leitor do conto na língua citada. Tais elementos fazem a narrativa ser mais que uma história sobre solidão. Lembramos ainda que nossas observações se darão sempre sob ponto de vista de leitores do texto em língua portuguesa. Palavras-chave: Sem Ana, Blues, Blues without Ana, Caio Fernando Abreu, tradução, Poesia.

  19. Do digital para o impresso: automação e gatekeeper no contrafluxo da tecnologia

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    Alexsandro Teixeira Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O artigo busca realizar uma análise, sob a teoria do gatekeeper, das rotinas jornalísticas envolvidas na produção do jornal The Long Good Read, projeto idealizado pelo jornal britânico The Guardian e circulado na área específica da cafeteria do jornal. Busca-se também analisar a atuação dos leitores nas escolhas dos temas e textos a serem veiculados nas edições do periódico. Quase inteiramente automatizado, ou seja, editado e diagramado em quase sua totalidade por algoritmos, a proposta do jornal era de veicular reportagens publicadas no The Guardian, escolhidas pelos leitores por meio de algoritmos que identificavam os textos mais lidos e compartilhados nas redes sociais.DOI: Recebido: 18/08/2016 Publicado: 07/12/2016

  20. 769-IJBCS-Article-N'guessan Koffi

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Verdc. (Annonaceae). Bulletin de liaison de l'Agence de Coopération Culturelle et. Technique. Méd. Trad. Pharm., 3(2):. 153-158. Anonyme. 1983. Médecine Traditionnelle et. Pharmacopée, Contribution aux Études. Ethnobotaniques et Floristiques à. Maurice (Îles Maurice et Rodrigue). Edition de l'Agence de Coopération.

  1. resources 1..1

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India) Morinha F., Carvalho M., Ferro A., Guedes-Pinto H., Rodrigues R. and Bastos E. 2011 Molecular sexing and analysis of CHD1-Z and. CHD1-W sequence variations in wild common quail (Coturnix c. coturnix) and domesticated Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica).

  2. Northeast Artificial Intelligence Consortium Annual Report - 1988 Parallel Vision. Volume 9 (United States)


    supports the Northeast Aritificial Intelligence Consortium (NAIC). Volume 9 Parallel Vision Report submitted by Christopher M. Brown Randal C. Nelson...NORTHEAST ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CONSORTIUM ANNUAL REPORT - 1988 Parallel Vision Syracuse University Christopher M. Brown and Randal C. Nelson...Technical Director Directorate of Intelligence & Reconnaissance FOR THE COMMANDER: IGOR G. PLONISCH Directorate of Plans & Programs If your address has

  3. O best-seller na revalorização de sentidos: "Harry Potter" e o tema da criança imaginal

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    Gisela Cristina Ribeiro Silva

    Full Text Available O tema da criança e, para nós, dos adolescentes é cada vez mais um assunto de discussão em que são abordadas várias análises e/ou problemáticas. Considerando uma das questões primordiais da existência da adolescência, que é a do adolescente como ser imaginal, a questão que se coloca prende-se com a seleção e posterior anexação das leituras bestselerianas por leitores tão jovens. Como justificar esse apego a livros de tão numerosas páginas? A resposta não é de todo difícil se compreendermos como protagonistas, no relacionamento livro/leitor, factores que apontam para a importância polifónica da obra; a problemática da "intentio lectoris" (Eco, 1990 e, finalmente, mas não por esta ordem de ideias, a noção de vacuidade à qual a criação de qualquer obra literária deve obedecer. Considerando os itens em destaque, pretende-se tão-só, a partir da saga Harry Potter, compreender a importância de determinadas imagens e aceder às suas significações mítico-simbólicas. Construindo-se num todo a história do Eu-leitor imaginal, portador de qualidades e reminiscências arquetipais, serão expostas ideias conducentes à corporização do herói nas relações de identidade/alteridade.

  4. Sombras literárias: a fotonovela e a produção cultural Literary shadows: the strip cartoon and cultural production

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    André Luiz Joanilho


    Full Text Available As fotonovelas tiveram um mercado cativo por mais de 25 anos no Brasil, e milhões de leitores consumiram ansiosamente histórias publicadas em revistas com larga circulação nacional. No entanto, foram ignoradas quase que completamente por críticos e estudiosos e consideradas um subgênero da literatura. Seus leitores foram marcados, entre outros aspectos, como de baixa formação cultural e possuidores de parcos rendimentos. Entretanto, seria possível para o historiador não reconhecer a leitura de fotonovelas como uma manifestação de práticas sociais? Poderia a cultura de massa ter criado um conjunto enorme de leitores sem face e sem gosto? Estas questões nos permitem pensar as representações sociais femininas no Brasil e as práticas de leitura das décadas de 1950 e 1960.Strip cartoons had a captive market for more than twenty years in Brazil and millions of readers eagerly consumed stories published in magazines with national circulation. Nevertheless this type of vehicle was almost completely ignored by scholars and considered a sub-genre of literature, and its reading public considered as of low cultural capacity and low income level. However, is it possible for the historian not to recognize cartoon strips as a social practice? Could mass culture have created an enormous number of readers without face and taste? These questions bring to the fore the feminist social movements in Brazil and the reading practices of the fifties and sixties.

  5. Projeções, projetos e projéteis: o nome de 'África' e a subjetivação imperial em \\"Lágrimas Do Sol\\" (2003)


    Marcelo R. S. Ribeiro


    RIBEIRO, Marcelo Rodrigues Souza. Projeções, projetos e projéteis: o nome de 'África' e a subjetivação imperial em \\"Lágrimas do Sol\\" (2003)\\". In: HAMBURGER, Esther; SOUZA, Gustavo; MENDONÇA, Leandro; AMANCIO, Tunico. (Org.). Estudos de Cinema SOCINE. 1 ed. São Paulo: Annablume; Fapesp; Socine, 2008, v. , p. 199-207.

  6. The Dragon and Uncle Sam: Shaping the World for Prosperity or Destruction? (United States)


    Group, 2010), 308. 126 Nelson Mandela , “ Mandela in His Own Words,” June 26, 2008, accessed from on 14 OCT 2011. ...states to take an either-or approach to China and the US. If the US considers China an enemy or adversary, US policy makers should consider Nelson



    João Cândido André da Silva Neto


    Prezados leitores e autores, a Revista Geonorte, do Departamento de Geografia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas – UFAM, apresenta sua nova edição, Volume 8 Número 30, do 2° semestre de 2017.

  8. FLOODPLAIN, Nelson COUNTY, KENTUCKY USA (United States)

    Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security — The Floodplain Mapping/Redelineation study deliverables depict and quantify the flood risks for the study area. The primary risk classifications used are the...

  9. Kasvava indiviidi tervis / Nina Nelson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nelson, Nina


    Tänapäeva kooli probleemide erinevustest traditsioonilises pedagoogikas käsitletust. Last peab kohtlema kui terviklikku indiviidi ning andma talle võimaluse mitmekülgseks õppeks, samas on nii õpetajatel kui ka õpilastel õigus koolikeskkonnale, mis vastukaaluks stressirohkest ühiskonnast tulenevatele riskiteguritele soosiks tervist edendavaid faktoreid


    Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security — Terrain data, as defined in FEMA Guidelines and Specifications, Appendix N: Data Capture Standards, describes the digital topographic data that was used to create...

  11. The Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Paediatric and neonatal surgery: Complex surgery for both congenital and acquired conditions will be centralised at NMCH, again taking advantage of the theatre and ICU facilities. • Neurology and neurosurgery: Video telemetry and other specialised neurological services will be developed. Complex neurosurgery will be ...

  12. Relativism: Protagoras and Nelson Goodman

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    اسماعیل سعادتی خمسه


    Full Text Available پروتاگوراس در یونان باستان و نلسون گودمن در دورۀ جدید دو تن از برجسته­ترین مدافعان نسبی­گرایی به شمار می­روند. گاه ممکن است نثر آن دو فریبنده بنماید، و چه بسا این امر شرح و تفسیر منظور و مراد حقیقی آنها را دشوار سازد. پروتاگوراس و گودمن، با وجود برخی تفاوتها، به دفاع از این دیدگاه به ظاهر افراطی می­پردازند که همه وقایع، به معنای حقیقی کلمه، وابسته به دیدگاه انسان است. هدف این مقاله شرح و بررسی رویکردهای نسبی­گرایانه این دو اندیشمند برجستۀ نسبی­گراست. ابتدا به اجمال برخی از چهره­های نسبی­گرایی تعریف و توصیف می­شود .سپس به ترتیب  نسبی­گرایی پروتاگوراس( یا صادق- برای- من و نسبی­گرایی افراطی گودمن مورد بررسی و ارزیابی قرار می­گیرد. استدلال کرده­ام که هر دو قسم نسبی­گرایی مورد بحث دچار مشکلات اساسی بوده و این مشکلات، به باور فیلسوف واقع­گرا، هر دو آنها را غیر قابل دفاع می­سازد. بی تردید، این دو شکل از نسبی­گرایی زمینه را برای رویکرد ضد واقع­گرایی هموار کرده است؛ ولی در نهایت آشکار می­شود که نسبی­گرایی افراطی گودمن و بنابر این نظریۀ جهان­سازی او همچون نسبی­­گرایی صادق -برای- من پروتاگوراس مشتمل بر نقصی ویرانگرند و نمی­توانند از اثر براهین ضد نسبی­گرایی­ای که از منظر واقع­گرایانه اقامه شده است در امان باشند. با این حال باید پذیرفت که متهم کردن نسبی­گرایی به خودشکن بودن و عدم انسجام درونی از شیوع و محبوبیت آن نکاسته است.

  13. Paratextos Cabralinos: uma Sugestão de Leitura da Obra de João Cabral de Melo Neto

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    Marcelo dos Santos


    Full Text Available Ao se tomar conhecimento da vida em arquivo do poeta, é (quase impossível não tecer, ainda que fantasmal e esquematicamente, a teia de relações do poeta, de amizades (e inimizades, de afinidades (e de incompatibilidades, de diálogos prováveis e improváveis. Reler a obra poética de Cabral a partir de uma ida aos arquivos significa reconhecer rastros de uma grafia que essa vida em arquivo inevitavelmente territorializa, como por exemplo acontece com as dedicatórias, epígrafes e demais citações, que ganham reforço significativo quando superpostas à troca de cartas com seus correspondentes, aos diálogos registrados em entrevistas, aos depoimentos etc. De certa forma, ressignificar essas partículas que Genette (2009 denomina de paratextos deve interessar ao leitor, a esse novo leitor que lê a vida espelhada no texto, sem necessariamente confundir-se na leitura do texto como espelho da vida.

  14. General of the Army George C. Marshall’s Strategic Leadership (United States)


    Depression to perform conservation tasks in rural areas.31 In 1938, Marshall moved to the War Plans Division of the General Staff. Unbeknownst to...125 US Army Center of Military History, “Omar Nelson Bradley: The Centennial ,” US Army, 2006...Omar Nelson Bradley: The Centennial .” US Army, 2006. Accessed April 2, 2017. Watson

  15. Transcriptional Regulation by KLF6, A Novel Tumor Suppressor Gene in Prostate Cancer, Through Interaction with HATS and HDACS (United States)


    Kimmelman1, Rui F Qiao1, Goutham Narla2, Asoka Banno1, Nelson Lau3, Paula D Bos1, Nelson Nuñez Rodriguez1, Bertrand C Liang4, Abhijit Guha3, John A...Shen Yao, 1 Asoka Banno, 3 Eldad Hod, 1 Helen L. Reeves, 1 Rui F. Qiao, 3 Olga Camacho-Vanegas, 2 Alice Levine, 1 Alexander Kirschenbaum, 1,4 Andrew M

  16. Summary of Research 2000, Department of Systems Management (United States)


    de Ingenieria Aeroniutica, 1982 Master of Science in Management-March 2000 and Marcelo B. Rodrigues-Lieutenant Commander, Brazilian Navy B.S...Brazilian Naval Academy, 1983 Master of Science in Management-December 1999 and Mario Karpowicz-Major, Argentine Air Force B.S., Escuela de Ingenieria ...83 Analysis of the Company Officer Management Information System (COMIS) Performance Measurement Software at the United States Naval Academy

  17. Dynamic Design of Ground Transport With the Help of Computational Experiment

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    Kravets Victor


    Full Text Available Objectives of ground transport (motor transport vehicle have been considered. Mathematical model of nonlinear dynamics in spatial motion of asymmetric carriage in the form of Euler-Lagrange equations represented as symmetrical block structure in quaternion matrices has been developed. Kinematic equations and partition matrices of external action in which Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters have been applied describe quaternionic matrices.

  18. Determinantes psicolingüísticos da compreensão de leitura em inglês como língua estrangeira

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    Javier Vivaldo-Lima

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a contribuição das variáveis lingüísticas e psicológicas da variância associada à compreensão de leitura em inglês (L2. A amostra esteve integrada por 280 estudantes universitarios, falantes nativos do espanhol. A dimensão lingüística da análise avaliou a influência das habilidades de processamento de texto do leitor em espanhol (L1, da sua competência lingüística em L2 e da sua habilidade para perceber transparência léxica entre as duas línguas, enquanto a dimensão psicológica analisou a influência do estilo cognoscitivo, do locus de controle e do controle de ação sobre a capacidade do leitor para construir significado a partir do texto. Administrou-se aos sujeitos uma bateria de sete instrumentos de avaliação. Uma série de análise de regressão múltipla indicou a existência dum modelo explicativo da leitura em L2 em duas etapas. Na primeira, as variáveis psicológicas explicaram 10.2% da variância associada ao processamento do texto em L1, variável que, na segunda etapa, explicou 35.8% da variância associada à compreensão de leitura em inglês, ajuntada à competência lingüística do leitor em L2 e à sua capacidade para perceber transparência léxica entre L1 e L2.

  19. An Appraisal of The Small-Scale Agroprocessing Sector in Rodrigues

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    with the marketing of agroprocessed products, the relevance of past training ... adding a mark-up on their perceived cost of production, while some 20.4% rely on the prices set by their competitors. ... business management and marketing skills.

  20. An Appraisal of The Small-Scale Agroprocessing Sector in Rodrigues

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    preservation techniques, packaging, food labelling, food safety and quality, business ... assessment of training needs, delivery of the training programmes and post ... efficient methods of processing, increased profitability of enterprises and.

  1. Bush War: The Use of Surrogates in Southern Africa (1975-1989) (United States)


    government, which was negotiating with Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress at the time, sold the battalion out, instead of defending its honor...harness African labor to meet the demands of both rural and urban employers. And the migrant system should be extended, not reduced. 18 by Nelson ... Mandela , the African National Congress (ANC), began to challenge apartheid. 54 Although the ANC used peaceful means at first, by 1960 the

  2. Strategy in Fragmented Civil Wars: Iraq, Syria, and the Challenge of External Intervention (United States)


    intolerable and were powerless to change. When the African National Congress’ nonviolent campaign failed to overturn apartheid in South Africa, Nelson ... Mandela broke with the party and created an underground military wing 12 For an overview of the...14 Dixon, Robyn. “ Nelson Mandela’s Legacy: As a leader, he was willing to use violence,” L.A. Times. December 6, 2013,

  3. From Stalemate to Settlement: Lessons for Afghanistan from Historical Insurgencies That Have Been Resolved Through Negotiations (United States)


    negotiations in that case. To break the deadlock of stalled negotiations, Nelson Mandela was designated as a special mediator for the conflict in strictures of the state.”103 When Martin McGuinness, Hassan Nasrallah, and Nelson Mandela were first afforded political legitimacy, there... Mandela succeeded in negotiating an agreement between the warring parties in August 2000 that allowed for the establishment of a transi- Table 13 Burundi


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    João Cândido André da Silva Neto


    Full Text Available Prezados leitores e autores, a Revista Geonorte, do Departamento de Geografia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas – UFAM, apresenta sua nova edição, Volume 8 Número 30, do 2° semestre de 2017.

  5. Publisher Correction: Discordant congenital Zika syndrome twins show differential in vitro viral susceptibility of neural progenitor cells. (United States)

    Caires-Júnior, Luiz Carlos; Goulart, Ernesto; Melo, Uirá Souto; Araujo, Bruno Henrique Silva; Alvizi, Lucas; Soares-Schanoski, Alessandra; de Oliveira, Danyllo Felipe; Kobayashi, Gerson Shigeru; Griesi-Oliveira, Karina; Musso, Camila Manso; Amaral, Murilo Sena; daSilva, Lucas Ferreira; Astray, Renato Mancini; Suárez-Patiño, Sandra Fernanda; Ventini, Daniella Cristina; da Silva, Sérgio Gomes; Yamamoto, Guilherme Lopes; Ezquina, Suzana; Naslavsky, Michel Satya; Telles-Silva, Kayque Alves; Weinmann, Karina; van der Linden, Vanessa; van der Linden, Helio; de Oliveira, João Ricardo Mendes; Arrais, Nivia Maria Rodrigues; Melo, Adriana; Figueiredo, Thalita; Santos, Silvana; Meira, Joanna Goes Castro; Passos, Saulo Duarte; de Almeida, Roque Pacheco; Bispo, Ana Jovina Barreto; Cavalheiro, Esper Abrão; Kalil, Jorge; Cunha-Neto, Edécio; Nakaya, Helder; Andreata-Santos, Robert; de Souza Ferreira, Luis Carlos; Verjovski-Almeida, Sergio; Ho, Paulo Lee; Passos-Bueno, Maria Rita; Zatz, Mayana


    The original PDF version of this Article contained errors in the spelling of Luiz Carlos Caires-Júnior, Uirá Souto Melo, Bruno Henrique Silva Araujo, Alessandra Soares-Schanoski, Murilo Sena Amaral, Kayque Alves Telles-Silva, Vanessa van der Linden, Helio van der Linden, João Ricardo Mendes de Oliveira, Nivia Maria Rodrigues Arrais, Joanna Goes Castro Meira, Ana Jovina Barreto Bispo, Esper Abrão Cavalheiro, and Robert Andreata-Santos, which were incorrectly given as Luiz Carlos de Caires Jr., UiráSouto Melo, Bruno Silva Henrique Araujo, Alessandra Soares Schanoski, MuriloSena Amaral, Kayque Telles Alves Silva, Vanessa Van der Linden, Helio Van der Linden, João Mendes Ricardo de Oliveira, Nivia Rodrigues Maria Arrais, Joanna Castro Goes Meira, Ana JovinaBarreto Bispo, EsperAbrão Cavalheiro, and Robert Andreata Santos. Furthermore, in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article, the top panel of Fig. 3e was incorrectly labeled '10608-1' and should have been '10608-4', and financial support from CAPES and DECIT-MS was inadvertently omitted from the Acknowledgements section. These errors have now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.

  6. Comparative cytogenetics of two endangered leuciscine fish, Squalius aradensis and S. torgalensis (Teleostei, Cyprinidae, from the Iberian Peninsula

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    Catarina Nabais


    Full Text Available In this study, the description of the karyotypes of the endangered chubs Squalius aradensis (Coelho, Bogutskaya, Rodrigues and Collares-Pereira, 1998 and Squalius torgalensis (Coelho, Bogutskaya, Rodrigues and Collares-Pereira, 1998 is presented by means of conventional (Giemsa-staining, Chromomycin A3 (CMA3-fluorescence, Silver-impregnation (Ag-NORs and molecular (fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH with 18S rDNA probe protocols. These endemic sister-species have an allopatric but adjacent distribution in the most southwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula. Diploid chromosome number was invariably 2n = 50 and karyotypes of both species were grossly similar, composed of metacentric and submetacentric elements with a reduced number of acrocentric pairs. Sequential staining using FISH with an 18S rDNA probe, CMA3 and Ag-NORs treatments revealed consistent positive signals located at the end of the short arms of a submetacentric chromosome pair, likely homologous in both species. While providing useful cytogenetic comparative data against other members of the genus Squalius Bonaparte, 1837, the work aimed to draw attention towards the conservation of two narrow-range and highly confined fish species.

  7. Essays on the history of brazilian dipterology: III. Three remarkable notices from the 18th century, mainly related to myiasis-producing flies (Cochliomyia and Dermatobia Ensaios sobre a história da dipterologia brasileira: III. Três notáveis notícias do século XVIII, principalmente relacionadas a moscas produtoras de miíases (Cochliomyia e Dermatobia

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    Nelson Papavero


    Full Text Available This paper registers reports about dipterans made by three Portuguese who lived in Brazil during the 18th century. Luiz Gomes Ferreira, in his book "Erário mineral" ["Mineral revenue"], wrote curious passages related with myiasis-causing flies of the genus Cochliomyia. José Rodrigues de Mello registered, in Latin verses, the folklore for curing myiases caused by Cochliomyia hominivorax in cattle. Luiz dos Santos Vilhena, in the last of his twenty letters dealing with several aspects of life in Brazil, made reference to horseflies, human bot flies and mosquitos.Este trabalho registra notícias sobre dípteros feitas por três portugueses que moraram no Brasil durante o século XVIII. Luiz Gomes Ferreyra, em seu livro "Erário mineral", escreveu curiosas passagens principalmente relacionadas com moscas causadoras de miíases do gênero Cochliomyia. José Rodrigues de Mello registrou, em versos em Latim, o folclore para curar bicheiras causadas por Cochliomyia hominivorax no gado. Luiz dos Santos Vilhena, na última de suas vinte cartas sobre vários aspectos da vida no Brasil, fez referência a mutucas, bernes e mosquitos.


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    Marília de Nazaré Ferreira-Silva


    Full Text Available Reading is the Key for the process of schooling; for that reason, learning to read is emphasized in the school. Reading is conceived as a form of continuous attribution of meaning, which must be uncovered for human comprehension and subjectivity. All people read the world on the basis of their experiences and thus come to reflect on it through their own human existence. It is in this way that individuals construct a complex edifice of meanings that result from the necessity of understanding themselves and explaining the world around them. This paper presents some reflections on and conceptions of reading as an indication of schooling.

  9. Revising the Complex Economics of Patent Scope

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Howells, John

    Merges and Nelson claim to have provided an empirically grounded argument that pioneer patents of 'broad' scope are used to block technological development. It is widely understood in both law and economics that they have, as they claim, faulted Kitch's 'prospect theory' of patents, a theory...... that a function of patents is to enable the coordinated development of novel technical ideas. This article is a critical review of Merges and Nelson's historical empirical evidence. I find that, first, 'broad' scope is only implicated in one of the examples cited by Merges and Nelson as supportive evidence...... - the Wright brothers' warped-wing patent; second, that strict development block, defined as the prevention, or retardation of the development of technology understood to be capable of useful development, was not illustrated by any of their examples. Therefore I conclude that their general thesis...

  10. The Construction of Liberal Democracy: The Role of Civil-Military Institutions in State and Nation-Building in West Germany and South Africa (United States)


    elections were held for the first time in April 1994. Nelson Mandela was elected president, ushering in a new era in South African politics. Although...between races.28 These lamentable conditions were what awaited Nelson Mandela and his Government of National Unity (GNU) when he took the presidential...oath on May 10, 1994. In addition to improving the living standards of the majority of South Africans, the Mandela government also had to address the

  11. Exploiting the Immunological Effects of Standard Treatments In Prostate Cancer (United States)


    Epub 2010 Jul. PMID: 20637775. 5. Nesslinger, N.J., Ng, A., Tsang, K-Y., Ferrara T., Schlom, J., Gulley, and Nelson, B.H. 2010. A viral vaccine...H. Nelson. International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Trieste, Italy , Dec 6 2010. 23. Anti-Tumour Immunity: Impact of...International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 2005;62: 1309-15. Nesslinger, N.J., Ng, A., Tsang, K-Y., Ferrara T., Schlom, J., Gulley, and

  12. Influence of the reuse of progesterone implants in a fixed-time ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 28, 2015 ... Rodrigues2, Rossane Pereira da Silva2 and Patricia Antonio1. 1Programa de Pós-graduação em Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Rod. Goiânia-Nova Veneza, Caixa. Postal 131, 74690-900, Goiânia, GO, Brasil. 2Programa de Pós-graduação em Zootecnia, Instituto Federal de Educação, ...

  13. Design and Task Analysis for a Game-Based Shiphandling Simulator Using an Open Source Game Engine (DELTA3D) (United States)


    Rodrigues, F. L. D. (2010).Sistema de realidade virtual para simulador visual de passadiço ( Virtual reality system for visual bridge simulator...products/shipsimulatorextremes Souza, I. (2007). Simulador de Realidade Virtual para o Treinamento de Biópsia por Agulha de Nódulos da Glândula de...Games, Shiphandling Simulator, Training, Virtual Environments, Simulation, Open Source, Brazilian Navy 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF


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    Jessé Sousa Mourão


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem por finalidade discutir a importância das categorias e dos processos de recategorização nas experiências de escrita e leitura do texto literário. Partimos do pressuposto de que os conhecimentos adquiridos pelos indivíduos ao longo da vida são imprescindíveis à construção dos sentidos e ao compartilhamento dos saberes. Em contrapartida, esse mesmos conceitos tornam-se relativamente comuns e inconscientes a ponto de provocar leituras (do mundo e dos textos bastante convencionais, as quais chegam a afastar o leitor de compreensões mais aprofundadas do texto literário. De um lado, há o escritor que “manipula” a linguagem e as categorias de forma mais intencional, misturando percepções para criação de novos sentidos. Do outro, há os leitores, que precisam desenvolver habilidades que lhes permitam transitar entre a língua e seus conhecimentos para ultrapassar os limites das convencionalidades e alcançar múltiplas significações. As contribuições teóricas de Lakoff (1987, Bazerman (2005, Fauconnier e Turner (2002 e Marchuschi (2006 permitem identificar processos de recategorização nas construções cognitivas, conceituais e textuais que os indivíduos empreendem. Quanto à leitura do texto literário, parece imprescindível que as categorias sejam encaradas como fluidas e passíveis de ressignificação, para que o leitor transpasse a superficialidade textual (sem negligenciá-la. Para exemplificar tal percepção, realizamos, ao final do artigo, uma análise de um trecho do poema O guardador de rebanhos, de Fernando Pessoa Fernando Pessoa sob o heterônimo de Alberto Caeiro.

  15. "Noctem sideribus inlustrem...” (Tacite, Ann. XIV, 5, l. Quel est le sens exact de ce passage et qu’apporteil au récit de Ia mort d’Agrippine et a l’écriture de Tacite?

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    José Mambwini Kivuila-Kiaku


    Full Text Available Meditação sobre a tragédia humana, as narrativas tacitianas tendem não somente a ordenar e a expor os fatos mas tambám, e sobretudo, a sugerir planos de fundo psicológicos que se escondem por detrás da realidade sensível. Tacito – sabe-se – organiza suas narrativas com a finalidade de provocar na consciência de seu leitor uma série de emoções capazes de engendrar um estado de sensibilidade que o predispõe a compreender melhor as causas dos acontecimentos que Roma conheceu e que precipitaram sua decadência. Para atingir esse fim ele recorre a apresentação poética. Esta, ao mesmo tempo em que dá à narrativa de Tácito certa beleza, participa da estratégia de persuasão, tocando a imaginação dos leitores. Assim, a frase dos Anais XIV, 5, 1 e, sem dúvida, um exemplo entre tantos outros que mostram que, em Tácito, a poesia tem um conteúdo de pensamento que exprime ou aproxima a verdade histórica. E também um belo exemplo que, na literatura latina, mostra como é difícil a tarefa de um historiador pós-clássico, de unir a realidade histórica ao cuidado com o belo e ao respeito a complexidade dos acontecimentos históricos. Nas narrativas de Tácito, frequentemente marcada pela dimensão dramática, a apresentação poética dos acontecimentos entra na estratégia da persuasão que incita os leitores a melhor apreender o sentido oculto da história.



    João Cândido André da Silva Neto


    Prezados leitores e autores, a Revista Geonorte, do Departamento de Geografia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas – UFAM, apresenta sua nova edição, de 10 ANOS DO PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM GEOGRAFIA DA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAZONAS.

  17. Pituitary tumors containing cholecystokinin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rehfeld, J F; Lindholm, J; Andersen, B N


    We found small amounts of cholecystokinin in the normal human adenohypophysis and therefore examined pituitary tumors from 87 patients with acromegaly, Cushing's disease, Nelson's syndrome, prolactinoma, or inactive pituitary adenomas. Five adenomas associated with Nelson's syndrome contained......'s disease and 7 acromegaly with adenomas containing ACTH. The cholecystokinin peptides from the tumors were smaller and less sulfated than cholecystokinin from normal pituitary glands. We conclude that ACTH-producing pituitary cells may also produce an altered form of cholecystokinin....

  18. Department of Defense and Security Cooperation: Improving Prioritization, Authorities, and Evaluations (United States)


    March 9, 2016 Chairman Fischer , Ranking Member Nelson, and distinguished members of the subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to testify...on the important subject of U.S. security cooperation. It’s a pleasure to appear before you today along with my colleagues, Jeff Eggers and Melissa...based evaluations. Chairman Fischer , Ranking Member Nelson, and members of the subcommittee, I appreciate the opportunity to offer this testimony, and I look forward to assisting the committee in its vital work.

  19. Spectrophotometric determination of sugars labelled with 14C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vatsikova, A.; Kralikova, M.; Vyskochilova, Z.


    Comparative analysis of methods for determination of microgram amounts of 14 C-labelled sugars has been carried out. The ferricyanide and Shomodyi-Nelson methods were approbated in experimental study. The relative error of the ferricyanide method was found to be smaller than that of the Shomodyi-Nelson method. Thus the ferricyanide method was used for obtaining calibration curves for 15 sugars. The accuracy for sugar amounts higher than 3 μg/10 ml was better than +, - 5% [ru

  20. Networking the Global Maritime Partnership (United States)


    set at agreed-to patterns . The relay system allowed Nelson to obtain a better picture of the French and Spanish fleet than they had of the British...set at agreed-to patterns . The relay system allowed Nelson to obtain a better picture of the French and Spanish fleet than they had of the British... Victorians eagerly embraced the telegraph as something that was “faster and better” than waiting for newspapers to arrive via ship and something that would

  1. Determination of solid angle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiu, S.; Amano, H.; Kasai, A.


    The solid angle in extended alpha source measurement for a series of counting geometries has been obtained by two methods: (1) calculated by means of the Nelson Blachmen series; (2) interpolated from the data table given by Gardner. A particular consequence of the application of the Nelson Blachmen series was deduced which was different from that given by the original author. The applicability of these two methods, as well as an experimentally measured method, is also evaluated. (author)

  2. Revisão dos artigos sobre ortopedia recentemente publicados na imprensa científica brasileira A survey of recently published papers on orthopedics in the brazilian scientific press

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    Mauricio Rocha-e-Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo faz o levantamento de artigos publicados em periódicos científicos brasileiros nos últimos anos. O principal objetivo é chamar a atenção do público leitor da Acta Ortopédica Brasileira para as contribuições originais recentemente publicadas em periódicos não especialistas neste tema. Esperamos que isso sirva de atualização científica geral para os leitores. Cobrimos amplamente os artigos publicados em seis periódicos não-ortopédicos indexados pelo ISI, através de pesquisa realizada em 14 desses periódicos.This paper is a review of articles published in Brazilian scientific periodicals in recent years. Its main purpose is to bring to the attention of the readership of Acta Ortopedica Brasileira original contributions to the field published in non-specialized journals. We hope that this will serve as a general scientific update for readers. The review includes works published in six ISI indexed non-orthopedic journals, following a literature search conducted in fourteen such journals.

  3. Identidades cruzadas: História do Cerco de Lisboa e Geschichte Der Belagerung Von Lissabon

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    Orlando Grossegesse


    Full Text Available   É sabido que o romance História do Cerco de Lisboa empreende uma revisão da origem da identidade portuguesa revelando a sua frágil base histórica, no sentido de hibridismo cultural. Este estudo mostra como a narração da procura problemática da origem histórica está cruzada com a procura da origem do texto. Ao analisar a densa rede intertextual, na qual se emaranha a revisão criativa de Raimundo Silva, fica patente que a questão central desta metaficção historiográfica é menos a revisão do que a tradução. Nesta base, a aventura da leitura / escrita torna-se uma questão de identidades cruzadas que se prolonga no leitor do romance: no caso da tradução para alemão, tem de lidar com a afinidade cultural do leitor com os Cruzados.

  4. Cardiovascular dysfunction in obesity and new diagnostic imaging techniques: the role of noninvasive image methods


    Barbosa, Jose Augusto; Rodrigues,Alexandre; Mota,Cleonice; Barbosa,M M; Simoes-e-Silva,Ana


    José Augusto A Barbosa¹, Alexandre B Rodrigues¹, Cleonice Carvalho C Mota¹, Márcia M Barbosa², Ana C Simões e Silva¹¹Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil; ²Ecocenter, Socor Hospital, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, BrazilAbstract: Obesity is a major public health problem affecting adults and children in both dev...

  5. Acanthocephala Larvae parasitizing Ameiva ameiva ameiva (Linnaeus, 1758) (Squamata: Teiidae)


    Lilian Cristina Macedo; Francisco Tiago de Vasconcelos Melo; Teresa Cristina Sauer Ávila-Pires; Elane Guerreiro Giese; Jeannie Nascimento dos Santos


    Abstract Knowledge concerning the taxonomy and biology of species of Acanthocephala, helminth parasites of the helminth species of the phylum Acanthocephala, parasites of lizards in Brazilian Amazonia, is still insufficient, but reports of Acanthocephala in reptiles are becoming increasingly common in the literature. Cystacanth-stage Acanthocephalan larvae have been found in the visceral peritoneum during necropsy of Ameiva ameiva ameivalizards from the “Osvaldo Rodrigues da Cunha” Herpetolog...

  6. Frailty and cardiovascular risk in community-dwelling elderly: a population-based study


    Ricci NA; Pessoa GS; Ferriolli E; Dias RC; Perracini MR


    Natalia Aquaroni Ricci,1 Germane Silva Pessoa,1 Eduardo Ferriolli,2 Rosangela Correa Dias,3 Monica Rodrigues Perracini1 1Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Physical Therapy, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (UNICID), São Paulo, 2Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto, 3Department of Physiotherapy, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil Background: Evidence suggests a possible bidir...

  7. Disainikaart : Brasiilia

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Oscar Niemeyeri loodud ebamaiste skulpturaalsete vormidega hooned. Isay Weinfeldi, Sergio Rodrigues'e, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Lucio Costa arhitektuurialane looming. Tootedisaini iseloomustab ehe materjalikasutus ja loodusressursse säästev disain, mida esindab Carlos Motta, Jose Zanine Caldas'e ja Joaquim Tenreiro disainitud mööbel.Modernistlik maastikuarhitekt Roberto Burle Marxi kujundatud park Ibirapuera, kunstnike Gilberto & Elisabethi puhas ja valge keraamika ning helilooja Caetano Veloso mitmekülgne kunstilooming

  8. Sapos e bodes no apartamento


    Vasconcelos, Cláudia; Paulino, Maria das Graças Rodrigues


    Resumo: Evidenciação da defasagem entre o imaginário rural da literatura infantil brasileira e a vida urbana de seus leitores.Résumé: Mise en évidence du décalage entre l'imaginaire rural de la littérature enfantine brésilienne et la vie urbaine de son public lecteur.


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    João Cândido André da Silva Neto


    Full Text Available Prezados leitores e autores, a Revista Geonorte, do Departamento de Geografia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas – UFAM, apresenta sua nova edição, de 10 ANOS DO PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM GEOGRAFIA DA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAZONAS.

  10. Development and Testing of Physically-Based Methods for Filling Gaps in Remotely Sensed River Data: Annual Report Year 2 (United States)


    near Deerlodge Park to support a USGS surface-water modeling study. Similar modeling projects on the San Joaquin and Sheboygan River were aided over...September 5-7, 2012, San Jose, Costa Rica, 8p. Nelson, J.M., McDonald, R.R., Kinzel, P.J., and Legleiter, C.J., 2011, Using computational models to...of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, September 5-7, 2012, San Jose, Costa Rica, 8p. *Nelson, J.M., McDonald, R.R., Kinzel, P.J

  11. Intelligent Data Fusion for Wide-Area Assessment of UXO Contamination (United States)


    Development Program (SERDP). The authors thank the SERDP staff and team members for their assistance, particularly Dr. Herb Nelson and Dr. Dan Steinhurst...Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Taipei, Taiwan , R.O.C., Aug., 1999. 4. B.J. Johnson, T.G. Moore, B.J. Blejer, C.F. Lee, T.P. Opar, S...gene-expression data using Dempster-Shafer Theory of evidence to predict breast cancer tumors,” Bioinformation 1(5), 170-5, (2006) 21. Dr. Herb H. Nelson, personal communication (2007)

  12. Euclidean and Minkowski space formulations of linearized gravitational potential in various gauges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, S.C.


    We show that there exists a unitary map connecting linearized theories of gravitational potential in vacuum, formulated in various covariant gauges and noncovariant radiation gauge. The free Euclidean gravitational potentials in covariant gauges satisfy the Markov property of Nelson, but are nonreflexive. For the noncovariant radiation gauge, the corresponding Euclidean field is reflexive but it only satisfies the Markov property with respect to special half spaces. The Feynman--Kac--Nelson formula is established for the Euclidean gravitational potential in radiation gauge

  13. Environmental Impact Statement, Establishment of the Gandy Range Extension and Adjacent Restricted Airspace as an Area for Supersonic Flight Training, Hill AFB, Utah (United States)


    Miller, Maya Attn: Jeff Nelson 6185 FrankioWn Road Carson City, Nevada 89701 Lahantan Auduhon Society, ino Janet C. Meierdiprck, President Dan Murphy...Elaine D-181 1 32. Majewski, Arthur D-182 9, 142 V.. Miller, Maya D-183 5 84. Montague, Earlene D-184 1 85. Montague, Floyd D-185 1 86. Nelson, Richard... archaeological sites. .s 121. Thank you. 122. The Air Force [eel-i that these impacts have befn adequately addressed. Also see responses 6, 32, 36, and 37

  14. Interview with Dr. Stuart O. Nelson (United States)

    Research equipment and techniques used in exploring effects of radio-frequency (RF) dielectric heating on materials of interest in agriculture are described. Research findings are summarized for studies on stored-grain insect control by RF selective heating of the insects and resulting insect morta...

  15. Termoacu Cogeneration: gas, power and oil; Cogeracao Termoacu: gas, energia e oleo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferreira, Geraldo Jose; Gomes, Cicero Sena Moreira [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    This paper describes the evolution of a project that involves cogeneration of power and steam for continuous injection in oil wells in the fields of Alto do Rodrigues and Estreito, in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The project combines a PETROBRAS intention for recovering heavy oil in that area with partners intention of generating power to connect in a critical point of the Brazilian Electric System. PETROBRAS studies began in the nineties, when oil wells in that area became old end showed the necessity of some oil recovery technology. In 1999, PETROBRAS and Guaraniana made a partnership for implementation of Termoacu Combined Cycle, that would begin operation as a cogeneration plant for thirteen years, and as combined cycle from that point. The profile of steam injection has been adapted to a new one to comply with the powe r capacity of the Plant, and will operate eight years as a cogeneration plant , four years as a combined cycle with cogeneration and after twelve years as a complete combined cycle with 500 MW of capacity. The project integrates a gas pipeline, a Thermal Power Plant, a Transmission Line to connect to the grid and a Steam Pipeline for steam injection at Estreito and Alto do Rodrigues fields. (author)

  16. A modernização do Arquivo Nacional: uma análise comparativa de 1958-1963 e 1980-1986

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    Rosale de Mattos Souza


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa os fatores que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento e modernização do Arquivo Nacional do Brasil, nos períodos de 1958-1963 e 1980-1986, dando ênfase aos modelos administrativos adotados e trajetórias. Analisa os seguintes subtemas: relações do Arquivo Nacional do Brasil com a Administração Pública Federal, do ponto de vista documental, estrutura organizacional, legislação, orçamento, instalações físicas, recursos humanos e tratamento técnico. Da metodologia apresenta-se quadro comparativo das ações desenvolvidas naquelas duas gestões. Constatou-se o início de uma conscientização arquivística no país com a administração do prof. José Honório Rodrigues: a década de 1960, como marco divisório para a administração do Arquivo Nacional, no sentido de dar à instituição um papel mais dinâmico. A administração da drª. Celina Moreira Franco, nos anos 1980, procurou alterar a situação do quadro de deficiências institucional, diagnosticada por José Honório Rodrigues.

  17. Proceedings - III Lusofona’s Journeys of Osteopathy - New Challanges in Osteopathy

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    Escola de Ciências e Tecnologias da Sáude, da ULHT


    Full Text Available Honor Committee / Comissão de Honra Magnífico Reitor da Universidade Lusófona, Mário Moutinho, Reitor da Universidade Lusófona, Mário Moutinho Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Universidade Lusófona, Manuel Damásio, Presidente da Federação Portuguesa de Osteopatas, José Paulo Pereira (Presidente das Jornadas Direcção ALIES / FCTS, Luís Monteiro Rodrigues Directora da Escola Superior de Saúde Ribeiro Sanches ERISA | LUSÓFONA, Adelina Motta Cruz Vice-Presidente da FPO, Fernando Diniz Baptista Organizing Committee / Organização Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Escola de Ciências e Tecnologias da Sáude, da ULHT ALIES – Associação Lusófona de Desenvolvimento para o Ensino e Investigação em Ciências da Saúde Federação Portuguesa de Osteopatas (FPO Journeys Programme / Programa das Jornadas rd May 3 of 2013 3 de Maio de 2013 Workshops Programme / Programa dos Workshops C01. - L'articulation temporo-mandibulaire (ATM | A articulação Temporo Mandibular ( ATM, Alain Berton C02. - Considération ostéopathique et étiopathique de la manipulation structurelle chez les sportifs de haut niveau. Et conception appliquée à la pubalgie | Consideração osteopática e etiopática da manipulação estrutural nos desportistas de alta competição. Concepção aplicada à pubalgia, Eric Robinson th May 4 of 2013 4 de Maio de 2013 Symposium Programme / Programa do Simpósio Open Session / Sessão de abertura Magº. Reitor da Universidade Lusófona, Prof. Doutor Mário Moutinho Exº. Presidente do Conselho de Adm. da Universidade Lusófona, Prof. Doutor Manuel de Almeida Damásio Direcção ALIES / ECTS, Prof. Doutor Luís Monteiro Rodrigues Exº Presidente da FPO, Dr. José Paulo Pereira Exº Vice-Presidente da FPO, Dr. Fernando Diniz Baptista Session 1 / 1º Painel Moderador- Fernanado Diniz Baptista, Federação Portuguesa de Osteopatas C03- Diagnostic palpation and decision making in Osteopathy

  18. Bibliography of Research Reports and Publications Issued by the Biodynamics and Bioengineering Division, 1944-1984. (United States)


    Ratino, R.K.H. Geber , A.A. Karl, D.R. Nelson, "OPTO Electronic Methodology Suitable for Electroretinographic Investigations During Environmental Stess...R.K.H. Geber , A.A. Karl, D.R. Nelson, "OPTO Electronic Methodology Suitable for Electroretinographic Investigations During Environmental Stess...6 Section M -Page 167 Author Index Gaudio, R. L-62, 67 Gawain,G.C.V. A-12 Geber ,R.K.H. G-42,H-22 Geer,R.L. F-92 Gehrich,J.L. A-273 Gell,C.F. D-33,F-97

  19. Diffusion, quantum theory, and radically elementary mathematics (MN-47)

    CERN Document Server

    Faris, William G


    Diffusive motion--displacement due to the cumulative effect of irregular fluctuations--has been a fundamental concept in mathematics and physics since Einstein''s work on Brownian motion. It is also relevant to understanding various aspects of quantum theory. This book explains diffusive motion and its relation to both nonrelativistic quantum theory and quantum field theory. It shows how diffusive motion concepts lead to a radical reexamination of the structure of mathematical analysis. The book''s inspiration is Princeton University mathematics professor Edward Nelson''s influential work in

  20. Neighbourhood System of Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Muchie, Mammo; Kraemer-Mbula, Erika


    The innovation systems literature has provided a useful framework to analyse the linkages of firms and other organisations with both domestic and foreign actors. Although the concept of innovation systems was originally developed at the national level (Freeman, 1982; Nelson & Winter, 1982; Lundvall......, 1985; Nelson, 1988, etc), the literature has expanded rapidly over the years. Since its origins innovation systems have been defined at different levels. National, regional, local, sectoral and technological systems of innovation now constituted alternative units of analysis to better understand...

  1. Study of Large-Scale Wave Structure and Development of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Using the C/NOFS Satellite (United States)


    scientific journals. The papers are listed below in chronological order. Kelley, M.C., F.S. Rodrigues, J.J. Makela, R. Tsunoda, P.A. Roddy, D.E. Hunton...source region be located on the dip equator. To illustrate, Figure 6 presents a sequence of satellite OLR maps, which were taken over Peru on large-scale wave structure and equatorial spread F, presented at the International Symposium for Equatorial Aeronomy, Paracas, Peru , March 2012

  2. Etologická studie zvířat chovaných společně v nočním pavilonu v zoo Olomouc


    GRÖGEROVÁ, Simona


    Species Red-rumped Agouti (Dasyprocta leporina), Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda), Rodrigues Flying Fox (Pteropus rodricensis) Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) Bolivian Night Monkey (Aotus azarae ssp. boliviensis) and Common Scops-owl (Otus scops) are breed together in reversed light/dark cycle exhibit in zoo Olomouc. Most of these species have similar environmental living conditions in the wild, but they are zoogeographically heterogeneous. The purpose of this study was to assess success of th...

  3. Single origin of the Mascarene stick insects: ancient radiation on sunken islands?


    Bradler, Sven; Cliquennois, Nicolas; Buckley, Thomas R.


    Background The study of islands as model systems plays a key role in understanding many evolutionary processes. Knowledge of the historical events leading to present-day island communities is pivotal for exploring fundamental mechanisms of speciation and adaptation. The remote Mascarene archipelago (Mauritius, Réunion, Rodrigues), considered to be the product of an age-progressive trend of north-to-south volcanic activity in the Indian Ocean, hosts a remarkably diverse, endemic and threatened...

  4. Medicina Legal e Criminalística

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Enio Garcia da Costa Filho


    Nessa obra, o leitor encontrará assuntos como Medicina Legal e direitos humanos, perícias e peritos, documentos médico-legais, Antropologia Forense, Traumatologia Forense, Toxicologia Forense, Tanatologia Forense, Psicopatologia Forense, Sexologia Forense, Genética Forense, local de crime, corpo de delito, além de vestígios, indícios e provas no processo penal.

  5. Magnitude, direction and location of the resultant dipole moment of the pig heart. (United States)

    Hodgkin, B C; Nelson, C V; Angelakos, E T


    Vectorcardiograms were obtained from 50 young domestic pigs using the Nelson lead system. Compensation for body size and shape is achieved and the resultant dipole moment magnitude reflects heart size. A strong relationship was found between heart size and maximum magnitude. Dipole moment magnitude increased as four pigs increased from five to ten weeks of age. The dipole moment during QRS is considered in light of known pig heart excitation pattern. Dipole locations during QRS, calculated by computer solution of the Gabor-Nelson equations, were in agreement with heart location and excitation data.

  6. Recensões

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Carlos Sureki


    Full Text Available O sacerdote tchecoTomaŠ Halik viveu boa parte de sua vida sob um regime que se considerava oficialmente ateu. Iniciou seus estudos de teologia na clandestinidade. Na presente obra ele desenvolve um diálogo franco, fecundo e aberto em torno do encontro com todas aquelas pessoas que se encontram nas “periferias”, quer da Igreja, quer das religiões institucionalizadas. A inspiração central de sua obra vem do texto bíblico de Lc 19,1-10,que narra o encontro de Jesus com Zaqueu. A abordagem teológica do A. não e aquela da formalidade acadêmica, rígida com os conceitos e impessoal. Antes e espontânea, livre e pessoal, sem deixar, contudo, de ser profunda e interessante. O A. não visa apresentar respostas prontas, mas antes entrar em diálogo com o leitor e suscitar neste o desejo de livremente percorrer um caminho promissor colocando entre parênteses convicções religiosas arraigadas e certezas absolutas. O leitor e convidado a pôr-se no limiar do mistério do Deus desconhecido, distante e, paradoxalmente, próximo.

  7. Estruturas semiolinguísticas do jornalismo cultural

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    J.S Faro


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma leitura comparativa dos suplementos culturais dos jornais O Estado de S.Paulo (Caderno 2 e Folha de S.Paulo (Mais a partir de uma abordagem semiolinguística, com subsídios em referenciais teóricos das áreas da Linguagem e dos Estudos Culturais. A análise leva em conta o contrato de comunicação existente entre esses veículos e seus leitores, obtido a partir de um jogo de imagens entre as instâncias de enunciação, reiteradas por representações narrativas de natureza estético-conceituais ou ético-políticas. Os suplementos reproduzem as imagens que os dois jornais construíram na sociedade, porém, enquanto o Mais apresenta-se como inovador e surpreendente, o Caderno 2 mantém um padrão mais convencional de jornalismo. Contudo, o Mais reforça uma imagem elitista de cultura já arraigada à sociedade, cultura distante do cotidiano, enquanto o Caderno 2 insere as temáticas de cultura no dia a dia do jornalismo e do leitor.

  8. Práticas identitárias da autoajuda no mundo contemporâneo do trabalho

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    Samuel Cavalcante Silva


    Full Text Available Cada vez mais presente no mundo do trabalho, a literatura de autoajuda busca oferecer aos seus leitores práticas para que se tornem profissionais de sucesso. O presente artigo orienta-se pelo diálogo teórico entre a noção de identidade que pode ser estudada em diversas áreas do conhecimento, dentre as quais destacamos a Psicologia Social e os pressupostos foucaultianos sobre modos de subjetivação e práticas disciplinares. Nesse sentido, propomos estabelecer uma análise das práticas identitárias na literatura de autoajuda Os 7 hábitos das pessoas muito eficazes, de Stephen R. Covey, observando como o autor recomenda aos seus leitores o desenvolvimento de hábitos que os tornarão muito eficazes como profissionais. A análise possibilita-nos relacionar o discurso de autoajuda com o discurso econômico-capitalista que considera o sujeito preso a uma identidade produtiva sendo, ao mesmo tempo, flexível e aberto às mudanças, orientando-se pelas diretrizes da economia de mercado.

  9. An evaluation of flora from coastal sand dunes of India: Rationale for conservation and management

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Rodrigues, R.S.; Mascarenhas, A.; Jagtap, T.G.

    stream_size 37100 stream_content_type text/plain stream_name Ocean_Coast_Manage_54_181a.pdf.txt stream_source_info Ocean_Coast_Manage_54_181a.pdf.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 1... Author version: Ocean & Coastal Management, vol.54(2); 2011; 181-188 An evaluation of flora from coastal sand dunes of India: Rationale for conservation and management Rouchelle S. Rodrigues, Antonio Mascarenhas, Tanaji G. Jagtap * National...

  10. Robustness and Actuator Bandwidth of MRP-Based Sliding Mode Control for Spacecraft Attitude Control Problems (United States)

    Keum, Jung-Hoon; Ra, Sung-Woong


    Nonlinear sliding surface design in variable structure systems for spacecraft attitude control problems is studied. A robustness analysis is performed for regular form of system, and calculation of actuator bandwidth is presented by reviewing sliding surface dynamics. To achieve non-singular attitude description and minimal parameterization, spacecraft attitude control problems are considered based on modified Rodrigues parameters (MRP). It is shown that the derived controller ensures the sliding motion in pre-determined region irrespective of unmodeled effects and disturbances.

  11. Evaluation of the stability and antimicrobial activity of an ethanolic extract of Libidibia ferrea


    Venancio, Gisely Naura; de Oliveira Marreiro,Raquel; Costa Lima Bandeira,Maria Fulgência; Pereira de Souza,Tatiane; Bendaham,Katiana; Costa Rodrigues,Isis; Chacon de Oliveira Conde,Nikeila; Costa de Almeida,Mailza; Coelho,Cristiane Nagai; Milério,Patrícia Sâmea Lêdo Lima; Palma de Oliveira,Glauber Palma


    Raquel de Oliveira Marreiro,1 Maria Fulgência Costa Lima Bandeira,1 Tatiane Pereira de Souza,2 Mailza Costa de Almeida,1 Katiana Bendaham,1 Gisely Naura Venâncio,1 Isis Costa Rodrigues,2 Cristiane Nagai Coelho,1 Patrícia Sâmea Lêdo Lima Milério,1 Glauber Palma de Oliveira,1 Nikeila Chacon de Oliveira Conde11School of Dentistry, Federal University of Amazonas, Manaus, Amazonas; 2School of Pharmacy, Federal University of Amazonas, Ma...

  12. L'Islam noir à Bahia d'après les travaux de l'école ethnologique brèsilienne

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    Roger Bastide


    Full Text Available RICARD (Robert. - L'Islam noir à Bahia d'après les travaux de l'école ethnologique brèsilienne (Primeiro Artigo do Parágrafo Depois da publicação, em frances, do livro de Nina Rodrigues sobre O animismo fetichista dos negros da Bahia e da duas memórias do Piére Etienne, parece que a França pouco tem ouvido falar dos problemas afro-brasileiras.

  13. New discrete orthogonal moments for signal analysis

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Honarvar Shakibaei Asli, Barmak; Flusser, Jan


    Roč. 141, č. 1 (2017), s. 57-73 ISSN 0165-1684 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA15-16928S Institutional support: RVO:67985556 Keywords : Orthogonal polynomials * Moment functions * Z-transform * Rodrigues formula * Hypergeometric form Subject RIV: JD - Computer Applications, Robotics OBOR OECD: Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8) Impact factor: 3.110, year: 2016

  14. Avian and Herpetological Survey Results for Fairchild Air Force Base and Ancillary Properties (United States)


    declines . Certain taxa, such as reptiles and amphibians (collectively called “herpetofauna”; Gibbons et al. 2000, Stuart et al. 2004) and certain...Greene, T. Mills, Y. Leiden, S. Poppy, and C. T. Winne. 2000. The global decline of reptiles, déjà vu amphibians . BioScience. 50:653-666 Hallock, L...S. L. Rodrigues, D. L. Fishman, and R. W. Waller. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786

  15. Business Model as an Inducer of Disruptive Innovations: The Case of Gol Airlines


    Pereira, Sirlei de Almeida; Imbrizi, Fabricio Garcia; de Freitas, Alessandra Demite Goncalves; Alvarenga, Marcelo Aparecido


    This study was undertaken to investigate the premises that the success of disruptive innovation is related to the business model adopted by organizations. An analysis of five business models from the literature review - Bovet and Martha (2000), Applegate (2001), Chesbrough and Rosenbloom (2002), Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010), and Rodrigues, Maccari and Lenzi (2012) – was conducted based on the case of the Brazilian Gol Airlines who is recognized as a success business that promoted a disrupti...

  16. Complexity index indicates refinery capability, value

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnston, D.


    Refinery size usually is measured in terms of distillation capacity. Relative size, however, can be measured using refinery complexity--a concept developed by W.L. Nelson in the 1960s. Nelson developed the complexity index to quantify the relative cost of components that make up a refinery. It is a pure cost index that provides a relative measure of the construction costs of a particular refinery based on its crude and upgrading capacity. The Nelson index compares the costs of various upgrading units--such as a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit or a catalytic reformer--to the cost of a crude distillation unit. Computation of the index is an attempt to quantify the relative cost of a refinery based on the added cost of various upgrading units and the relative upgrading capacity. A review of complexity calculations, and an explanation of how indices have changed, provide a simple means of determining the complexity of single refineries or refining regions. The impact of complexity on product slate is also examined in this paper

  17. Book Review: Guide to computer forensics and investigations (3rd ed.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keyu Jiang


    Full Text Available Nelson, B., Phillips, A., Enfinger, F., & Steuart, C. (2008. Guide to computer forensics and investigations (3rd ed.. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. 693 pages, ISBN: 1-4180-6733-4 (paper.Reviewed by Keyu Jiang ( and Ruifeng Xuan (, Department of Information Networking and Telecommunications, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS 67601Nelson, Phillips, Enfinger, and Steuart’s book is about the science of computer forensics and its implications in crime investigations. This book is not intended to provide comprehensive training in computer forensics, but introduce the science the science of computer forensics and its implications in crime investigations.  It focused on establishing a solid foundation for those who are new to this field.  Nelson, Philips, Enfiger, and Steuart are experienced experts in different areas of computer forensics.  Different expertise makes this book could benefit many groups of people at different educational level and industrial background.(see PDF for full review

  18. Os impasses do comunicar e compreender: uma problematização a partir de Kierkegaard e Nietzsche

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    André Luis Muniz Garcia


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir pressupostos inquestionáveis do comunicar e do compreender, pressupostos que, tais como um imperativo ético, pretendem prescrever, para ambos os filósofos, modos inequívocos de interação intelectual entre autor e leitor, prescrever modelos inflexíveis para qualquer comunicação que pretenda trazer à linguagem uma verdade.

  19. A História do Embaixador Morgenthau


    Hage, José Alexandre Altahyde


    O livro do embaixador Henry Morgenthau foi escrito no clima da Primeira Guerra Mundial e retrada o chamado genocídio armênio feito pelo governo turco. Além de informar ao leitor brasileiro aquele acontecimento pouco estudado no Brasil, a questão armênia, o livro é também uma fonte original para compreender a razão da Primeira Guerra.

  20. Allocation - the Howe measurement challenges

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tierney, Jim; Moksnes, Paul Ove


    The Howe Field is located in the Central North Sea Block 22/12a approximately 160 km east of Aberdeen in a water depth of 85 m. The reservoir lies some 12 km east of the Shell operated Nelson Platform, which is situated in adjacent Block 22/11. The Howe project was initiated by Shell Exploration and Production to augment the operating life and production capacity of the Nelson platform, involving the development of an additional subset infrastructure and the installation of topside facilities. The owners of the Howe Field are Enterprise Oil PLC , Intrepid Energy and OMV. The Howe well fluids are commingled with Nelson fluids. Therefore, it is required to measure the Howe well fluids to differentiate between the fields and to determine how much money each partner is allocated. The commercial agreements have stipulated that the measurements of Howe fluids are required to be measured within an accuracy of +- 5% of reading. In addition to accuracy constraints, it was important to minimise capex to ensure the development was economically viable. Given this, multiphase metering was considered to be a solution for allocation between the different ownerships, as opposed to traditional separator metering. This paper will present the journey of the project activity through the selection criteria, flow loop test, installation, commissioning and the first 3 months of operation of the MPFM including verification with the Nelson test separator. Detailing with careful management and engineering support how to succeed with this type of application. (author) (tk)

  1. Zero-Headspace Coal-Core Gas Desorption Canister, Revised Desorption Data Analysis Spreadsheets and a Dry Canister Heating System (United States)

    Barker, Charles E.; Dallegge, Todd A.


    Coal desorption techniques typically use the U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) canister-desorption method as described by Diamond and Levine (1981), Close and Erwin (1989), Ryan and Dawson (1993), McLennan and others (1994), Mavor and Nelson (1997) and Diamond and Schatzel (1998). However, the coal desorption canister designs historically used with this method have an inherent flaw that allows a significant gas-filled headspace bubble to remain in the canister that later has to be compensated for by correcting the measured desorbed gas volume with a mathematical headspace volume correction (McLennan and others, 1994; Mavor and Nelson, 1997).

  2. Structural studies and antimicrobial properties of norcembrane diterpenoid from an Indian soft coral Sinularia inelegans Tixier-Durivault

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Singh, K.S.; Kaminsky, W.H.; Rodrigues, C; Naik, C

    SARJIT SINGH 1, *, WERNER H KAMINSKY 2 , CELINA RODRIGUES 1 and C G NAIK 1 1 Bioorganic Chemistry Laboratory, National Institute of Oceanography (CSIR), Goa 403 004 2 Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA... from marine organisms, 21 here, we wish to report the isolation of two norcembranoid diterpenes (1 and 2) that are epimer at one carbon atom (C-9) from the soft coral of the genus sinularia. Bioassay of the compounds against some micro- organisms...

  3. Graphene oxide/multi-walled carbon nanotubes as nanofeatured scaffolds for the assisted deposition of nanohydroxyapatite: characterization and biological evaluation


    Rodrigues, Bruno VM; Leite, Nelly CS; Cavalcanti, Bruno das Neves; da Silva, Newton S; Marciano, Fernanda R; Corat, Evaldo J; Webster, Thomas J; Lobo, Anderson O


    Bruno VM Rodrigues,1,* Nelly CS Leite,1,* Bruno das Neves Cavalcanti,2 Newton S da Silva,3 Fernanda R Marciano,1 Evaldo J Corat,4 Thomas J Webster,5,6 Anderson O Lobo11Laboratory of Biomedical Nanotechnology, Institute of Research and Development (IP&D), University of Vale do Paraiba (UNIVAP), Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil; 2Department of Cardiology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; 3Laboratory of Cell Biology and Tis...

  4. Western Indian Ocean - A glimpse of the tectonic scenario

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Bhattacharya, G.C.; Chaubey, A.K.

    is the en echelon displacement of the NW-SE trending ridge axis by numerous NE-SW trending fracture Western Indian Ocean - A Glimpse of the Tectonic Scenario 693 Table 1. Some information from the scientific drilling campaigns in the western Indian Ocean...: Raman Seamount; P: Panikkar Seamount; W: Wadia Guyot; S: SagarKanya Seamount; SR: ShebaRidge; CR: Carlsberg Ridge; CIR: Central Indian Ridge; SWIR: Southwest Indian Ridge; RTJ: Rodrigues Triple Junction; OFZ: Owen Fracture Zone; LR: Laxmi Ridge; MR...

  5. New records and some interesting findings of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida from Georgia

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    M. Murvanidze


    Full Text Available Six species of oribatid mites are found first time for Georgian fauna: Eobrachychthonius latior (Berlese, 1910, Graptoppia paraanalis Subias & Rodrigues, 1985, Mongaillardia grandjeani Calugar & Vasiliu 1984, Tritegeus bisulcatus Grandjean 1953, Podoribates longipes (Berlese, 1887, Chamobates birulai Kuiczinsky, 1092 and Oribatula (Zygoribatula skrjabini (Bulanova-Zachvatkina 1967. M. grandjeani is new finding for Caucasus area. New locations for some rare oribatid species are also registered. Remarks on the replacement of genus Berndamerus to family Ctenobelbidae Grandjean, 1965 are given.

  6. Transported PDF Modeling of Ethanol Spray in Hot-Diluted Coflow Flame


    Ma, L.; Naud, B.; Roekaerts, D.J.E.M.


    This paper presents a numerical modeling study of one ethanol spray flame from the Delft Spray-in-Hot-Coflow (DSHC) database, which has been used to study Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion of liquid fuels (Correia Rodrigues et al. Combust. Flame 162(3), 759–773, 2015). A “Lagrangian-Lagrangian” approach is adopted where both the joint velocity-scalar Probability Density Function (PDF) for the continuous phase and the joint PDF of droplet properties are modeled and solv...

  7. A História do Embaixador Morgenthau

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    José Alexandre Altahyde Hage


    Full Text Available O livro do embaixador Henry Morgenthau foi escrito no clima da Primeira Guerra Mundial e retrada o chamado genocídio armênio feito pelo governo turco. Além de informar ao leitor brasileiro aquele acontecimento pouco estudado no Brasil, a questão armênia, o livro é também uma fonte original para compreender a razão da Primeira Guerra.

  8. Editorial vol 13 2016

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    Eduardo Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O presente volume da Entremeios, Revista de Estudos do Discurso, publicada pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Linguagem (PPGCL da Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí (Univás, é o segundo do ano de 2016, reunindo trabalhos de pesquisadores de diferentes Programas de Pós-Graduação do Brasil, dedicados a interrogar e procurar compreender funcionamentos da linguagem na sociedade contemporânea plural e dinâmica. Com esse objetivo, os trabalhos se inscrevem em diferentes quadros teórico-metodológicos que compõem o espectro heterogêneo das Ciências da Linguagem no interior da grande área Letras e Linguística (CAPES. Neste segundo volume de 2016, além dos textos que compõem a seção Estudos, a Entremeios publica artigos científicos agrupados em sua recém-criada Seção Temática, que também é submetida à avaliação por pares. A proposta temática nesta edição, foi analisar e compreender “discursos sobre segurança em meio a políticas e processos de significação”. Os leitores terão à disposição também uma Entrevista com a pesquisadora brasileira Maria José Rodrigues Faria Coracini, docente do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, realizada, em julho de 2016, pela Profa. Dra. Juliana Santana Cavallari (PPGCL-UNIVÁS. Nessa entrevista, a Profa. Coracini lança um olhar sobre seu percurso acadêmico e discorre sobre alguns aspectos da Linguística Aplicada enquanto lugar de produção de conhecimento sobre a língua e seu ensino/aprendizagem. Integra, por fim, este volume, a Resenha da obra História da Alfabetização no Brasil: sentidos e sujeitos da escolarização (2015, da pesquisadora Dra. Mariza Vieira da Silva, primeira publicação da recém-inaugurada coleção “A espessura da linguagem”, da Editora da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. A seção Estudos está composta de 11 artigos científicos, submetidos por 15 pesquisadores brasileiros de diferentes

  9. Propaganda: dodelike wapen van die kommunisme | Nelson ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    During the Second World War the effectiveness and importance of the applicetionof propaganda in influencing a mess society became evident. Under the influence of Hitlet and his follower Joseph Goebbels the use of propaganda was developed into a fine art and was systematically used to convey Nazi ideas to the ...

  10. Rahvusvahelise Õiguse Assotsiatsiooni aastakoosolek / Robert Nelson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nelson, Robert


    Nõukogude Rahvusvahelise Õiguse Assatsiooni 29. aastakoosolek toimus Moskvas. Rein Müllerson esines ettekandega "Rahvusvaheline avalik ja rahvusvaheline eraõigus, nende vahekord ning vastastikune mõju"

  11. Gender Perspectives in Language | Nelson | Science, Technology ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gender is multi-faceted, always changing, but often contested. It is embedded in our institutions, our actions, our beliefs, and our desires, that it appears to us to be completely natural. Gender is, after all, a system of meaning -- a way of construing notions of male and female – and language is the primary means through ...

  12. Coal reburning technology for cyclone boilers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yagiela, A.S.; Maringo, G.J.; Newell, R.J.; Farzan, H.


    Babcock and Wilcox has obtained encouraging results from engineering feasibility and pilot-scale proof-of-concept studies of coal reburning for cyclone boiler NO x control. Accordingly, B and W completed negotiations for a clean coal cooperative agreement with the Department of Energy to demonstrate coal reburning technology for cyclone boilers. The host site for the demonstration is the Wisconsin Power and Light (WP and L) Company's 100MWe Nelson Dewey Station. Reburning involves the injection of a supplemental fuel (natural gas, oil, or coal) into the main furnace to produce locally reducing stoichiometric conditions which convert the NO x produced therein to molecular nitrogen, thereby reducing overall NO x emissions. There are currently no commercially-demonstrated combustion modification techniques for cyclone boilers which reduce NO x emissions. The emerging reburning technology offers cyclone boiler operators a promising alternative to expensive flue gas cleanup techniques for NO x emission reduction. This paper reviews baseline testing results at the Nelson Dewey Station and pilot-scale results simulating Nelson Dewey operation using pulverized coal (PC) as the reburning fuel. Outcomes of the model studies as well as the full-scale demonstration preliminary design are discussed

  13. Realism ja reaalsuse representatsioonid / Virve Sarapik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarapik, Virve, 1961-


    Terminitest realism, kujutav kunst, pildiline representatsioon, konventsionalism jt. 1855. a. realismi manifestist, Gustave Courbet' seisukohtadest. Ameerika filosoofi Nelson Goodmani (1906-1998) osutusteooriast

  14. A hipermídia como expressão do conteúdo dramático em narrativa digital interativa: uma análise em livro digital interativo infantil

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    Deglaucy Jorge Teixeira


    Full Text Available A produção e a oferta de livros digitais estão em crescente expansão, principalmente dos ebooks com maior possibilidade de interação - os livros digitais interativos infantis, também denominados de book apps infantis. No entanto, neste conteúdo, a falta de coerência entre informações midiáticas, interatividade e informações narrativas pode distrair a atenção do leitor, prejudicando a apreensão do texto. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi propor uma análise para livro digital interativo infantil, na perspectiva do design de hipermídia, relacionando os elementos expressivos da hipermídia com o conteúdo dramático da narrativa. Nesse sentido, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa de natureza aplicada com base exploratória e descritiva para análise do book apps infantil Cowzat!, vencedor Digital Book Awards 2014. Os resultados mostraram a importância de relacionar os elementos de expressão da hipermídia com o conteúdo dramático para que as informações em uma narrativa digital façam sentido e envolvam o leitor na história de forma integral.

  15. O Escândalo Político como experiência narrativa

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    Helder Prior


    Full Text Available O trabalho sobre a experiência narrativa do escândalo político procura abordar as relações entre o campo do jornalismo e os pressupostos da narratologia. Procuraremos estabelecer um quadro teórico e conceptual de análise dos escândalos político-mediáticos tendo em conta o papel dos meios de comunicação na reconfiguração do acontecimento em intrigas inteligíveis para o leitor. Na nossa perspectiva, os escândalos políticos são narrativas complexas que se desenvolvem na imprensa, podendo ser interpretados como “estórias” que têm um enredo, episódios principais e secundários, personagens, e efeitos de sentido inerentes ao trabalho plásticos do medium no momento de converter o fenómeno numa experiência mediática. Na parte final, oferecemos ao leitor um esquema teórico e conceptual de desconstrução hermenêutica e pragmática do escândalo mediático, colocando em evidência o valor expressivo do escândalo e a componente esteticizante que ele revela.


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    Sandra Regina Tornquist


    Full Text Available O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o livro O fazedor de amanhecer, de Manoel de Barros, que integra o acervo do Programa Nacional da Biblioteca Escolar (PNBE/2010 e cuja poesia se constrói por meio da revelação daquilo que tende a ser rejeitado ou ignorado pela percepção humana. Na obra, seres como grilos, moscas e sapos ganham importância, assumindo lugar de destaque. Desenvolvido com base na análise descritiva, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, o estudo apresenta, num primeiro momento, considerações sobre a importância da leitura na vida do ser humano, passando a enfocar, em seguida, peculiaridades da poesia, que propicia ao leitor uma experiência diferenciada, atingindo o imaginário, através das imagens poéticas. Com base nessa reflexão teórica, é focado o texto poético da obra, com vistas a revelar como o simples e muitas vezes julgado sem importância torna-se rico em poeticidade através da linguagem, possibilitando ao leitor a criação de uma nova visão acerca do seu entorno.

  17. A definição da fenomenologia: Merleau-Ponty leitor de Husserl


    Perius, Cristiano


    O trabalho de definir o que é a fenomenologia, desde a Fenomenologia da Percepção, suscitou uma tomada de partido em relação ao pai da fenomenologia. A crítica ao idealismo de Husserl, o papel da ambiguidade, a impossibilidade de redução completa, entre outros grandes temas, personalizam a fenomenologia de Merleau-Ponty em relação ao mestre. O objetivo do ensaio é mostrar como, na descrição do "método" fenomenológico, Merleau-Ponty se afasta dos conceitos fundamentais de Husserl, sem deixar d...

  18. Lacan leitor de Melanie Klein: O caso Dick em questão


    Lucero, Ariana; Vorcaro, Angela Maria Resende


    RESUMO - O artigo apresenta a leitura que Jacques Lacan faz do caso Dick, de Melanie Klein. Para tanto, a discussão com o flósofo Jean Hyppolite é retomada com o objetivo de explicitarmos como os mecanismos de Ausstossung [expulsão], Verneinung [negação] e Bejahung [afrmação], descritos por Freud em 1925, podem contribuir para a compreensão da constituição psíquicasob uma perspectiva lacaniana. Em seguida, expomos o caso, tanto para apreendermos clinicamente o que foi exposto na teoria, quant...

  19. Lacan Leitor de Melanie Klein: O Caso Dick em Questão

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    Ariana Lucero

    Full Text Available RESUMO O artigo apresenta a leitura que Jacques Lacan faz do caso Dick, de Melanie Klein. Para tanto, a discussão com o filósofo Jean Hyppolite é retomada com o objetivo de explicitarmos como os mecanismos de Ausstossung [expulsão], Verneinung [negação] e Bejahung [afirmação], descritos por Freud em 1925, podem contribuir para a compreensão da constituição psíquica sob uma perspectiva lacaniana. Em seguida, expomos o caso, tanto para apreendermos clinicamente o que foi exposto na teoria, quanto para evidenciarmos como Lacan se distancia da concepção de fantasia de M. Klein. O tema do diagnóstico, no entanto, aparece em ambos ligado a uma forma de organização subjetiva ainda em constituição na infância, o que traz elementos para refletirmos sobre essa questão na atualidade.

  20. Microscopic agglutination test on captive rattlesnakes : Data on serovars and titers

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    T.C.S. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available The microscopic agglutination test (MAT is considered the “golden standard” leptospirosis serodiagnostic test, but there is little information about it as it pertains to snakes. To fill this information gap, we provide data on serovars and titers of fifty-six Crotalus durissus collilineatus sera samples that tested positive by MAT (10.1016/j.actatropica.2016.02.006 (Rodrigues et al., 2016 [5]. These data are presented in a table, along with a description of the methodology used for sample collection and serologic testing.

  1. Cyclic graphs and Apery's theorem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sorokin, V N


    This is a survey of results about the behaviour of Hermite-Pade approximants for graphs of Markov functions, and a survey of interpolation problems leading to Apery's result about the irrationality of the value ζ(3) of the Riemann zeta function. The first example is given of a cyclic graph for which the Hermite-Pade problem leads to Apery's theorem. Explicit formulae for solutions are obtained, namely, Rodrigues' formulae and integral representations. The asymptotic behaviour of the approximants is studied, and recurrence formulae are found

  2. Egg and a lot of science: an interdisciplinary experiment


    Gayer, M. C.; Interdisciplinary Research Group on Teaching Practice, Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Unipampa, RS, Brazil Laboratory of Physicochemical Studies and Natural Products, Post Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Unipampa, RS, Brazil; T., Rodrigues D.; Interdisciplinary Research Group on Teaching Practice, Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Unipampa, RS, Brazil Laboratory of Physicochemical Studies and Natural Products, Post Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Unipampa, RS, Brazil; Denardin, E. L.G.; Laboratory of Physicochemical Studies and Natural Products, Post Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Unipampa, RS, Brazil; Roehrs, R.; Interdisciplinary Research Group on Teaching Practice, Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Unipampa, RS, Brazil Laboratory of Physicochemical Studies and Natural Products, Post Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Unipampa, RS, Brazil


    Egg and a lot of science: an interdisciplinary experimentGayer, M.C.1,2;Rodrigues, D.T.1,2; Escoto, D.F.1; Denardin, E.L.G.2, Roehrs, R.1,21Interdisciplinary Research Group on Teaching Practice, Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Unipampa, RS, Brazil2Laboratory of Physicochemical Studies and Natural Products, Post Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Unipampa, RS, BrazilIntroduction: How to tell if an egg is rotten? How to calculate the volume of an egg? Because the rotten egg float? Why has this...

  3. Do Universo Privado ao Espaço Aberto, do Espaço Aberto ao Universo Privado - Recepção e Gênese de L´Étranger de Albert Camus

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    Samara Geske


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende traçar linhas gerais sobre a recepção e a gênese de L’Étranger , passando pelo universo privado dos primeiros leitores do manuscrito até chegar ao espaço aberto de seus primeiros críticos, para do espaço aberto da obra publicada retornar o universo privado do processo de criação do romance.

  4. Um preito apaixonado

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    Cleonice Berardinelli


    Full Text Available Garrett leitor/recriador de Camões. Sem ciúmes ou despeito, uma admiração irrestrita traz Camões para as páginas de Garrett. Camões sem Camões: o homem e o poeta. O feliz jogo do intertexto. A altaqua lidade do texto garretiano - na narração, na descrição e nos desabafos do sujeito lírico - no poema dos 25 anos.


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    Cláudia Franco Souza


    Full Text Available Neste artigo pretendemos demonstrar, através da análise de textos, notas de leitura e projetos (no espólio pessoano encontramos muitas listas de projetos que Pessoa pensava em realizar, a importância da literatura inglesa na construção literária da obra pessoana. Como Pessoa foi um leitor intenso, o recorte deste texto contemplará quatro autores ingleses: Shakespeare, Milton, Byron e Shelley.

  6. Práticas de Leitura no Maranhão na Primeira República: entre apropriações e representações

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    Samuel Luis Velásquez Castellanos


    Full Text Available Objetiva-se compreender nesta investigação as tessituras relacionais entre as práticas leitoras dos docentes da rede de ensino de São Luís, os aspectos que contribuem para sua formação como leitor e os seus reflexos nas práticas pedagógicas (ZILBERMAN; LAJOLO, 1990; HALLEWELL, 2005; CASTRO, 2007. Estuda-se o campo sócio-histórico-educacional maranhense nas primeiras décadas do século XX, destacando as questões dos impressos e as suas diversas apropriações, analisando, descrevendo e avaliando o ensino e a aprendizagem da leitura e o comportamento leitor dos alunos, através das noções, concepções e relatos dos professores e professoras sobre a práxis educativa em que eles atuaram e interatuaram (ANDRADE, 1984; SALDANHA, 1992; NÓVOA, 1995; GOODSON, 1995; WOODS, 1995; MOTTA, 2003. Trata-se de desvelar as estratégias utilizadas, o desenvolvimento e as transformações nas diversas apropriações da produção cultural dos(as professores(as leitores(as e a sua influência no processo educativo e na formação leitora de seus alunos no contexto escolar (CERTEAU, 1982, 1994; CHARTIER, 1994, 1996, 2003; ABREU, 2003. Destaca-se através das histórias de vida destes professores(as, utilizando suas memórias como instrumento de análises (THOMPSON, 1992; BOSI, 1997; BOBBIO, 1997; LE GOLF, 1987 as diversas modificações a que foram sujeitadas as formas de ler, as apropriações do sentido dos textos, a produção, a circulação e a distribuição dos impressos. Utiliza-se a história cultural (CHARTIER, 1988; BURKE, 2005; HUNT, 1992 como eixo analítico e de reflexão na abordagem qualitativa de investigação, sustentando a análise na história oral e nas histórias de vida, nas reminiscências, na intertextualidade e nas vozes dos docentes (BAKHTIN, 1988; BOUMARD, 1999 mediante as entrevistas não estruturadas em inicio e as semiestruturadas, formuladas em ciclos e do auxílio da observação participante, tratando de

  7. 77 FR 73510 - Virginia Disaster #VA-00052 (United States)


    ...; Madison; Manassas City; Mathews; Middlesex; Nelson; Northampton; Northumberland; Prince William... injury is 133998. (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers 59002 and 59008) James E. Rivera...

  8. Stiilispikker 50ndad

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Lühidalt stiilidest - internatsionaalne, orgaaniline, stalinistlik historitsism, pop-stiil. Tuntud disainerite (Verner Panton, Diego Fortuna, Georg Nelson, Pier Giacomo ja Achille Castiglioni) loomingu näiteid

  9. Essays on the history of brazilian dipterology: III. Three remarkable notices from the 18th century, mainly related to myiasis-producing flies (Cochliomyia and Dermatobia

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    Nelson Papavero


    Full Text Available This paper registers reports about dipterans made by three Portuguese who lived in Brazil during the 18th century. Luiz Gomes Ferreira, in his book "Erário mineral" ["Mineral revenue"], wrote curious passages related with myiasis-causing flies of the genus Cochliomyia. José Rodrigues de Mello registered, in Latin verses, the folklore for curing myiases caused by Cochliomyia hominivorax in cattle. Luiz dos Santos Vilhena, in the last of his twenty letters dealing with several aspects of life in Brazil, made reference to horseflies, human bot flies and mosquitos.

  10. A produção científica em Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional nos periódicos Latino-Americanos da base de dados SciELO


    Gomes, Rogério


    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Economia, Sociedade e Política da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Desenvolvimento Rural e Segurança Alimentar. Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Érika Marafon Rodrigues Ciacchi. Co-orientadora: Profa. Dra. Silvia Aparecida Zimmermman. O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar trabalhos publicados nos países da América Latina que compõe o conjunto ...

  11. Grasshoppers of the Mascarene Islands: new species and new records (Orthoptera, Caelifera). (United States)

    Hugel, Sylvain


    The grasshopper fauna of Mascarene Islands (Mauritius, Rodrigues and La Réunion), in South Western Indian ocean is examined. Numerous field surveys and examination of museum specimens recorded twenty species of Grasshoppers on the archipelago. Five of them are new records, including a new species: Odontomelus ancestrus n. sp. restricted to Round Island, a 2 km² islet North to Mauritius. Despite intensive searching, five of the non endemic species once recorded on the archipelago have not been recorded again and might correspond to temporary settlements/introductions. A key to Mascarene grasshoppers is given.

  12. Problematização da publicidade de alimentos com adolescentes: utilização de vídeo como aporte educativo.


    Coluço, Dirce Regina Simão


    Trabalho de conclusão de curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Economia, Sociedade e Política da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Desenvolvimento Rural e Segurança Alimentar. Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Érika Marafon Rodrigues Ciacchi. Este trabalho apresenta a análise da percepção de adolescentes sobre a influência da publicidade de alimentos nas escolhas e práticas alimentares, através dos re...

  13. Proceedings - II Nanosciesce and Nanotecnology Biomedicals Symposium


    Luís Monteiro Rodrigues et al; Isabel V. Figueiredo


    Programa Open Session | Sessão de abertura Pres. do Conselho de Admin. do INFARMED, Dr. Eurico Castro Alves Pres. do Conselho de Admin. da Univ Lusófona, Manuel de A. Damásio Diretor da Escola de Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde Luís Monteiro Rodrigues (Presidente do Simpósio) Presidente da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências em Animais de Laboratório, Isabel V. Figueiredo 1st Session |Sessão 1 Nanomedicine: past and future | Nanomedicina: passado e futuro Chairman |...

  14. Axis Problem of Rough 3-Valued Algebras

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Jianhua Dai; Weidong Chen; Yunhe Pan


    The collection of all the rough sets of an approximation space has been given several algebraic interpretations, including Stone algebras, regular double Stone algebras, semi-simple Nelson algebras, pre-rough algebras and 3-valued Lukasiewicz algebras. A 3-valued Lukasiewicz algebra is a Stone algebra, a regular double Stone algebra, a semi-simple Nelson algebra, a pre-rough algebra. Thus, we call the algebra constructed by the collection of rough sets of an approximation space a rough 3-valued Lukasiewicz algebra. In this paper,the rough 3-valued Lukasiewicz algebras, which are a special kind of 3-valued Lukasiewicz algebras, are studied. Whether the rough 3-valued Lukasiewicz algebra is a axled 3-valued Lukasiewicz algebra is examined.


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    Suzana da Conceição de Barros


    Full Text Available Na contemporaneidade, os sujeitos vêm se utilizando das diversas tecnologias digitais, para exporem e compartilharem sua intimidade, com intuito de seduzirem e tornarem-se visíveis. Esse fenômeno vem sendo chamado de sexting, e vem sendo aderido por sujeitos de várias faixas etárias. Assim, leitor/a, convido você a pensar sobre o sexting e o que a escola tem a ver com essa prática?

  16. Pinocchio, Pinóquio - o percurso de um boneco de madeira no Brasil

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    Maysa Rizzotto


    Full Text Available A obra de Carlo Collodi (1826 – 1890 Pinocchio é conhecida no mundo inteiro por suas diferentes traduções e adaptações. Esse trabalho propõe uma análise, a partir do conceito de paratexto de Gérard Genette, de algumas edições brasileiras, publicadas entre 1929 e 2012. O objetivo, portanto, é pensar como essa obra foi sendo apresentada ao longo das décadas para o leitor brasileiro

  17. Outros textos encontrados de Machado de Assis

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    Jean-Michel Massa

    Full Text Available Neste texto, publicado anteriormente apenas em francês pelo professor Jean-Michel Massa, acrescentam-se algumas peças não incluídas em seu famoso Dispersos de Machado de Assis (Rio de Janeiro, 1965. Com tradução anotada de Lúcia Granja, o texto se publica aqui pela primeira vez em português, apresentando ao leitor um pouco da produção machadiana não reunida em volume pelo autor.

  18. Análise de discurso com Peirce: interpretar, raciocinar e o discurso como argumento

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    Winfried Nöth


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta Peirce como leitor e crítico da literatura universal, esboça elementos e princípios da análise de discurso no quadro do trívio semiótico peirciano da gramática especulativa, lógica crítica e retórica especulativa e tem um foco na análise de discurso como interpretação, raciocínio e o texto como argumento.

  19. 78 FR 29200 - Advisory Committee for the Study of Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former... (United States)


    ... advanced graduate training, language training, and postdoctoral research. The committee includes...: April 19, 2013. Susan H. Nelson, Executive Director, Advisory Committee for Study of Eastern Europe and...

  20. Astronomers Trace Microquasar's Path Back in Time (United States)


    Astronomers have traced the orbit through our Milky Way Galaxy of a voracious neutron star and a companion star it is cannibalizing, and conclude that the pair joined more than 30 million years ago and probably were catapulted out of a cluster of stars far from the Galaxy's center. Path of Microquasar and Sun Path of Microquasar (red) and Sun (yellow) through the Milky Way Galaxy for the past 230 million years. Animations: GIF Version MPEG Version CREDIT: Mirabel & Rodrigues, NRAO/AUI/NSF The pair of stars, called Scorpius X-1, form a "microquasar," in which material sucked from the "normal" star forms a rapidly-rotating disk around the superdense neutron star. The disk becomes so hot it emits X-rays, and also spits out "jets" of subatomic particles at nearly the speed of light. Using precise positional data from the National Science Foundation's Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and from optical telescopes, Felix Mirabel, an astrophysicist at the Institute for Astronomy and Space Physics of Argentina and French Atomic Energy Commission, and Irapuan Rodrigues, also of the French Atomic Energy Commission, calculated that Scorpius X-1 is not orbiting the Milky Way's center in step with most other stars, but instead follows an eccentric path far above and below the Galaxy's plane. Scorpius X-1, discovered with a rocket-borne X-ray telescope in 1962, is about 9,000 light-years from Earth. It is the brightest continuous source of X-rays beyond the Solar System. The 1962 discovery and associated work earned a share of the 2002 Nobel Prize in physics for Riccardo Giacconi. Mirabel and Rodrigues used a number of published observations to calculate the path of Scorpius X-1 over the past few million years. "This is the most accurate determination we have made of the path of an X-ray binary," said Mirabel. By tracing the object's path backward in time, the scientists were able to conclude that the neutron star and its companion have been traveling together for more than 30

  1. Plaadid / Valner Valme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valme, Valner, 1970-


    Uutest heliplaatidest Electric Six "Fire", Ginuwine "The Senior", Morelenbaum/Sakamoto "A Day In New York", Lucinda Williams "World Without Tears", "Brasilian Nights", Willie Nelson & Friends "Live And Kickin"

  2. CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering. Volume 20, Number 8, August 2007

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    ... organizations in multiple countries. Next, Nelson Perez and Earnest Ambrose relate their story of successful software process improvement in "Lessons Learned in Using Agile Methods for Process Improvement...

  3. 75 FR 30044 - Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) (United States)


    ..., Kent ``Oz'' Nelson Auditorium, Atlanta, Georgia 30333. Status: Open to the public, limited only by the... for More Information: Antonette Hill, Immunization Services Division, National Center for Immunization...

  4. 75 FR 5094 - Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) (United States)


    ..., NE., Building 19, Kent ``Oz'' Nelson Auditorium, Atlanta, Georgia 30333. Status: Open to the public... to change as priorities dictate. Contact Person for More Information: Antonette Hill, Immunization...

  5. 76 FR 24062 - Florida Power and Light Company, St. Lucie, Unit Nos. 1 and 2; Exemption (United States)


    ... shifts of workers consisting of personnel from operations, maintenance, health physics, chemistry... Rockville, Maryland, this 22nd day of April 2011. For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Robert A. Nelson...

  6. Opredelilis pretendentõ na glavnuju nagradu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    USAs tehti teatavaks Sõltumatu Vaimu Auhinna (Independent Spirit Award) nominendid. Kõige enam nominatsioone said "Half Nelson" (režii Ryan Fleck) ja "Little Miss Sunshine" (Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris)

  7. Plaat / Lauri Sommer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sommer, Lauri, 1973-


    Uutest plaatidest Willie Nelson "All The Songs I've Loved Before", Phil Glass "The Hours". Ozzy Osbourne"The Essential", Bill Frisell "Intercontinentals", Simply Red "Home", Eesti Raadio laululapsed "Maasikad"

  8. A Literatura Infanto-juvenil na Contemporaneidade: um outro olhar para o literário em sala de aula

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    Denise Fonseca dos Santos Curia


    Full Text Available Este artigo nasceu de inquietações de uma jovem professora de Língua Portuguesa quanto à verdade em suas práticas em sala de aula. Os alunos das séries finais do Ensino Fundamental não possuem em sua grade curricular um momento dedicado somente à Literatura, esta precisa ser trabalhada na aula de Língua. Minha intenção não é dar uma receita de como trabalhar o literário com os adolescentes, muito menos discutir o que é ou não literatura para este público, mas sim pararmos e refletirmos sobre o histórico de importância que se dá ao gênero neste momento de vida e de formação dos jovens. Sabendo que a leitura é ingrediente imprescindível na formação de um sujeito crítico, é chegada a hora de mudanças nas práticas literárias escolares. As crianças, muitas vezes, não trazem esta cultura de suas casas, então a tarefa de formação do leitor é compromisso da escola, do professor. Mas o professor, não pode ser qualquer professor. Ele precisa ser um leitor apaixonado.

  9. Strategies for production of meaning: a reflection on the comic and metaphor in photographic illustration Estratégias de produção de sentidos: uma reflexão sobre a comicidade e a metáfora na ilustração fotográfica

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    Ana Carolina Lima Santos


    Full Text Available This paper attempts to design the forms through which photo-illustrations are able to make sense, with special attention to comedy and metaphor. The ideas of a comic effect and a metaphorical character of these images are worked in order to understand them in a dual role: on one hand, establishing a relationship of complicity with the reader and, on the other, serving as a cognitive operator. Thus, they work for a rhetorical purpose, because they are configured as procedures for the construction of a message that is aimed at guiding the reader in interpreting the issues reported.O presente trabalho tenta conceber os modos de produção de sentidos da foto-ilustração, dando especial atenção à comicidade e à metáfora. As ideias de um efeito cômico e de um caráter metafórico dessas imagens são trabalhadas a fim de serem entendidas numa dupla função: de um lado, estabelecendo uma relação de cumplicidade com o leitor e, de outro, servindo enquanto operador cognitivo. Assim, elas funcionam para um fim retórico, pois se configuram como procedimentos para a construção de uma mensagem que visa guiar o leitor na interpretação dos assuntos noticiados.


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    Angélica Ilha Gonçalves


    Full Text Available No cenário moderno, com a incorporação das tecnologias da Internet à educação, o hipertexto apresenta-se como um recurso de significativa importância no desenvolvimento da aprendizagem. Considerando esta perspectiva, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo discorrer sobre o modo como este recurso atua como um agente facilitador da busca pelo saber. Por hipertexto, entende-se uma “forma dinâmica e flexível de linguagem que dialoga com outras interfaces semióticas, adiciona e condiciona à sua superfície formas outras de textualidade” (XAVIER, 2010, p. 208. Sendo assim, um hipertexto é um texto inserido num apoio virtual que possibilita a leitura de outros textos a partir dele. Em outras palavras, é um “texto dentro de outro texto”. Dessa forma, o hipertexto possibilita ao leitor o dinamismo de estar inserido em várias discussões acerca do seu tema de estudo, proporcionando uma interação diferenciada entre aluno e texto, o que pode tornar a aprendizagem mais acessível e fácil. Por outro lado, do leitor que utiliza o hipertexto como fonte de leitura é exigido um esforço no tangente a atos inferenciais, devido a sua não linearidade, sendo necessário que o participante seja mais ativo nesse processo.

  11. A mediação da informação através da comunidade virtual Anobii: um estudo de caso

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    Giulia Crippa


    Full Text Available   O desenvolvimento da tecnologia modificou as relações com o acesso ao conhecimento. As comunidades virtuais, possíveis de existir graças às plataformas tecnológicas, modificaram as formas de circulação e apropriação da informação, inclusive aquela relativa aos livros e à leitura. Nesse sentido, procura-se analisar as práticas de leitura e de mediação da informação através do estudo em uma comunidade virtual para leitores, o site Como método de pesquisa, utiliza-se a “netnografia” para avaliar a funcionalidade do site e a relação que os leitores estabelecem com as suas páginas, explorando o entrelaçamento que se constitui entre o suporte tecnológico, o qual permite formas específicas de “interação” na produção da informação sobre livros, e os perfis de leitura. Evidencia-se, assim, a importância do Anobii enquanto mediador da informação, tendo como base os princípios da Estética da Recepção.

  12. Resenha: Como não escrever um artigo médico

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    Jacqueline Messias dos Santos


    Full Text Available O livro escrito por Markus K. Heinemann, Phd e especialista em cirurgia vascular, torácica e cardíaca, pela Universitatsmedizin Mains, na Alemanha, tem por objetivo apontar os erros mais comuns ao se escrever um artigo médico. Na sua experiência como editor-chefe da revista científica The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, entrou em contato com diversos tipos de artigos com erros recorrentes e, a partir daí, surgiu a ideia para um guia passo a passo de como evitá-los, levando em consideração todos os pormenores que a escrita científica e acadêmica exige. Levando em consideração que, muitas vezes, a linguagem de um artigo científico é extremamente complexa e por vezes inacessível, o autor propõe escrever algo simples que seja de fácil acesso e entendimento para o leitor de modo que o leitor também possa escrever artigos médicos com linguagem clara e acessível. As falhas dos artigos, segundo o autor, são de ordens editoriais e repetidas cotidianamente, nesse sentido o manual contribui significativamente para o entendimento de todo o processo de elaboração de um artigo médico, desde a escrita à publicação.

  13. Euroopa teadmistepõhine ühiskond ja majandus / Maria Joao Rodrigues ; interv. Kristi Hakkaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rodrigues, Maria Joao


    Innovatsiooni, teadust, konkurentsivõimet, majandust, sotsiaalset sidusust ja jätkusuutlikku arengut käsitleva Lissaboni strateegia autor selle sõnumist, elluviimisest ja seotusest tööjõuturuga

  14. Rodrigues de freitas (1840-1896). Pensar portugal nas páginas dos jornais


    Fernandes Alves, Jorge


    Este artículo es una revisión de las ponencias presentadas en el simposio 22: El pensamiento liberal atlántico, 1770-1880. Fiscalidad, recursos naturales, integración social y política exterior desde una perspectiva comparada, coordinado por María Eugenia Claps Arenas y Pedro Pérez Herrero dentro del marco del XVI Congreso Internacional de AHILA, celebrado en San Fernando, Cádiz, los días 6-9 de Septiembre de 2011.

  15. Recursos tecnológicos e informacionais ativos na Encontros Bibli

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    Araci Isaltina de Andrade Hillesheim


    Full Text Available As tecnologias da informação e comunicação permeiam o nosso processo de editoração científica. Entre os dias 14 e 16 de julho de 2010, realizou-se, em Florianópolis, no Auditório da Reitoria da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, o I Encontro Nacional de Usuários do SEER (a programação, vídeos e relatos estão disponíveis no site Foi uma satisfação receber e encontrar colegas editores, avaliadores, autores, bolsistas, leitores e principalmente nossos mestres no uso da Plataforma Open Journal Systems ( – ou melhor, toda a equipe do IBICT responsável pelos estudos, customização, desenvolvimento e disseminação da edição em português, resultando na adoção desse Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas – SEER, utilizado por mais de 800 revistas científicas somente no Brasil (conforme registrado no Portal SEER - a evolução das ferramentas tecnológicas, aplicar os recursos de novas versões e a troca de conhecimentos tornam-se uma experiência enriquecedora nos processos de aprender-saber-fazer. Em julho desse ano, a administração do Portal Periódicos UFSC ( migrou a plataforma para a nova versão e novas funcionalidades foram ativadas pelos editores gerentes das revistas.A Encontros Bibli ativou algumas ferramentas, entre as quais, disponibilizar os acessos estatísticos dos arquivos publicados dos autores. Isto é, o autor que tem um artigo publicado em nossa revista poderá consultar, no seu perfil, os dados referentes aos respectivos acessos de cada artigo. Paralelamente, com a nova versão, houve mudanças no autoarquivamento, isto é, quando o autor submete um arquivo na plataforma, pode preencher os metadados com maior facilidade, pois estão disponibilizadas as abas nos idiomas português e inglês. Gradativamente, os metadados ganham maior destaque no tratamento

  16. 77 FR 65234 - Notice of Intention To Cancel Registrations of Certain Investment Advisers Pursuant to the... (United States)



  17. SADC

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Business School. Abstract .... opportunities; lack of production capacity; shortage of finance, and product quality issues. ..... multinational and indigenous competition in the SADC market. These two ...

  18. Absence seizure (United States)

    Seizure - petit mal; Seizure - absence; Petit mal seizure; Epilepsy - absence seizure ... Elsevier; 2016:chap 101. Marcdante KJ, Kliegman RM. Seizures (paroxysmal disorders). In: Marcdante KJ, Kliegman RM, eds. Nelson Essentials ...

  19. Pedagogía de lo sensible: subjetividades encarnadas en la escuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jordi Planella Ribera


    Full Text Available Este trabalho propõe o leitor a viajar assim que nós concordamos em chamar a pedagogia sensível. Pedagogia sensível é posicionada contra as visões negativas do corpo em dispositivos educacionais. Além da concepção da educação como transmissâo de conhecimento a través de processos intelectuais, propomos uma exploração dos sentidos do corpo e suas possibilidades pedagógicas.



    Graeml, Alexandre Reis; Universidade Positivo/Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná


    Prezados leitores, autores e revisores,O volume 9, número 2, como tem sido usual nas edições da RESI desde a sua fundação em 2002, é marcado pela diversidade geográfica dos seus autores. Desta vez, há onze instituições representadas entre os autores dos dez artigos publicados. Isto evidencia a abrangência e capilaridade deste periódico, agora com a contribuição de autores de seis estados brasileir...