
Sample records for necessidades percepcionadas face


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    Edna Ikumi Umebayashi Takahashi

    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que teve por finalidade identificar as necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados, na fase aguda do tratamento. Foi utilizado como referencial para análise os conceitos de Necessidades Básicas de Maslow. Os resultados permitiram identificar como principais necessidades afetadas das esposas: segurança, amor e gregária, estima.

  2. Necessidades em saúde: questões importantes para o trabalho da enfermagem

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    Edir Nei Teixeira Mandu


    Full Text Available A construção de novos parâmetros e práticas em saúde e enfermagem, no sentido do efetivo exercício de direitos sociais, é um desafio posto na atualidade. Este trabalho é uma contribuição ao enfrentamento desse desafio. Olhando para o saber da enfermagem, reflete-se sobre um dado modo de interpretação das necessidades em saúde. A partir de uma discussão acerca das necessidades humanas e de sua relação com o trabalho em saúde, submete-se à crítica a interpretação das necessidades humanas/em saúde presente na teoria de Wanda de Aguiar Horta. Destaca-se na análise a importância da autonomia/autovalorização humana e a interpretação de necessidades a partir da consideração aos sujeitos que recebem-fazem saúde e ao contexto social.

  3. Necessidades em saúde segundo percepções de pessoas com tuberculose pulmonar

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    Paula Hino

    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as percepções sobre necessidades em saúde de pessoas com tuberculose pulmonar. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido no distrito administrativo Capão Redondo, São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados em janeiro de 2010 por meio de entrevista semidiretiva. Foram entrevistadas onze pessoas em tratamento contra tuberculose, com idade mínima de 18 anos e sem limites de cognição. O material empírico foi decodificado a partir de técnica de análise de discurso. As percepções sobre necessidades em saúde estão relacionadas às dificuldades enfrentadas no processo saúde-doença, e o reconhecimento das necessidades em saúde mostrou-se condicionado à vigência do agravo à saúde. As necessidades identificadas decorrem de alterações biológicas, do cotidiano e de insuficiências no processo de produção dos serviços de saúde. A qualidade da assistência às pessoas com tuberculose está, entre outros fatores, condicionada à identificação e ao atendimento de suas necessidades em saúde.

  4. Necessidades de informação: uma análise sociocognitiva

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    Mitsuo André Vieira Fukahori Correio


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se uma análise sociocognitiva de investigação das necessidades de informação que surgem das diferentes tarefas que os coordenadores de pós-graduação assumem no seu trabalho. O contexto da regulação, objeto da pesquisa, se constituiu no ambiente social no qual as informações são produzidas e usadas. O estudo do documento da área das Ciências Sociais Aplicadas I se constituiu como a base empírica da pesquisa. Constatou-se que as necessidades de informação que surgem do conjunto de tarefas que estão no centro da regulação são conformadas nas comunidades acadêmicas. Ao mesmo tempo em que produzem resultados complexos, muitas tarefas podem ser decompostas em elementos compreensíveis e as necessidades de informação identificadas.

  5. Mulheres idosas: desvelando suas vivências e necessidades de cuidado

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    Miriam Aparecida Barbosa Merighi


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo com abordagem da fenomenologia social que objetivou a compreensão da vivência da mulher idosa, suas necessidades de cuidado e expectativas nesse período da vida. Participaram nove mulheres, cujos depoimentos foram obtidos de fevereiro a maio de 2011, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. A mulher idosa refere limitações de ordem física, mental e social, e valoriza a preservação de sua autonomia nas atividades diárias e no cuidado consigo mesma. Refere a família como suporte fundamental e tem expectativas e necessidades de se manter saudável, da busca pelo lazer e de ter melhor acesso aos serviços de saúde para receber informações e atendimento qualificado. Nessa fase, a ausência de perspectivas relaciona-se à perda de pessoas significativas e da saúde. Este estudo revelou facetas da vivência da mulher idosa, suscitando novas investigações e a adequação do ensino, prática e gestão às reais necessidades dessa mulher.


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    Odílio Alves Aguiar


    Full Text Available O presente artigo visa refletir sobre o pensamento de Hannah Arendt à luz do par conceitual necessidade-liberdade. Esse caminho é produtivo, pois dá conta tanto da obra mais conhecida e reconhecida da autora quanto das suas reflexões anteriores à Origens do Totalitarismo, que se dirigiam, na sua maioria, à comunidade dos Judeus e tinham a questão judaica como ponto central. As meditações arendtianas sobre o judaísmo, consideradas no presente artigo, foram publicadas em duas coletâneas na França: La tradition Cachée (1987 e Auschwitz et Jérusalem (1991. O artigo gravita em torno da defesa arendtiana sobre a inerência entre política e liberdade e sua substituição pela compreensão da política como submetida à esfera da necessidade. Essa perspectiva, segundo a autora, fez-se presente na tradição assimilacionista entre os judeus, mas já tinha obtido a hegemonia na cultura ocidental. Isso sucedeu em razão da primazia da vita contemplativa sobre a vita activa, do trabalho e da questão social em detrimento da ação e, por fim, da supremacia da filosofia da história em prejuízo da Filosofia Política.

  7. Influência da equoterapia no desenvolvimento psicomotor de pessoas com necessidades especiais

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    Gardenia de Oliveira Barbosa


    Full Text Available equoterapia é um processo terapêutico e educacional que utiliza o cavalo com a finalidade de proporcionar ganhos físicos e psíquicos para pessoas com necessidades especiais. Nesse estudo objetivou-se analisar a influência da equoterapia no desenvolvimento psicomotor de pessoas com necessidades especiais. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica e a partir dos artigos encontrados procedeu-se a análise por meio da leitura dos resumos e seleção dos que envolviam os aspectos psicomotores relacionados à intervenção equoterapêutica. Como resultados, foram encontrados 15 artigos relevantes ao objeto de estudo em questão, os quais apontaram evidências quanto a ganhos em habilidades motoras devido à intervenção com a utilização do cavalo. Foi possível analisar a periodicidade de publicação dos artigos, identificar as populações beneficiadas pela prática da equoterapia e as principais teorias que oferecem sustentação às pesquisas. Por meio da revisão de literatura, concluiu-se que a equoterapia pode ser uma ferramenta eficaz como intervenção nos aspectos psicomotores de pessoas com necessidades especiais. Palavras-chaves: equoterapia, psicomotricidade, necessidades especiais.

  8. Publicidade, necessidades e decrescimento. Para uma comunicação publicitária menos comercial


    Javier García López


    O atual sistema de produção e consumo utiliza a comunicação publicitária para transmitir aos receptores-consumidores a necessidade de uma economia de crescimento exponencial. A publicidade comercial convencional produz realidades que devem ser objeto de desejo e, em última instância, necessidade. Contudo, tais necessidades não dão lugar a uma vida boa de ser vivida. Ao contrário, as narrativas publicitárias mercantilizadas provocam distâncias sociais, agravam os efeitos prejudiciais da econom...

  9. Necessidades de saúde psicológica em crianças com deficiência mental

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    Maria das Graças Araújo

    Full Text Available O encaminhamento de crianças com deficiência mental para o psicólogo provém, sobretudo, da preocupação com a adequação de suas condutas às expectativas sociais em detrimento de sua saúde mental e seu bem-estar. Neste trabalho, buscou-se identificar necessidades de saúde psicológica em crianças com deficiência mental, com indicação prévia de psicoterapia, para posterior análise do preparo do psicólogo para atender essas necessidades. A pesquisa foi realizada em escola especial pertencente à rede pública, na cidade de Aracaju. A amostra foi constituída por sete crianças, de sete a dez anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, com escolaridade correspondente à pré-alfabetização. Utilizou-se a observação participante para a coleta de dados, sistematizados por meio de análise de conteúdo. No grupo estudado, os resultados apontaram para a prevalência das necessidades de amor e pertencimento, seguida das necessidades de crescimento, dentro da hierarquia das necessidades humanas básicas descritas por Maslow.

  10. Publicidade, necessidades e decrescimento. Para uma comunicação publicitária menos comercial

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    Javier García López


    Full Text Available O atual sistema de produção e consumo utiliza a comunicação publicitária para transmitir aos receptores-consumidores a necessidade de uma economia de crescimento exponencial. A publicidade comercial convencional produz realidades que devem ser objeto de desejo e, em última instância, necessidade. Contudo, tais necessidades não dão lugar a uma vida boa de ser vivida. Ao contrário, as narrativas publicitárias mercantilizadas provocam distâncias sociais, agravam os efeitos prejudiciais da economia capitalista e impõe barreiras para a transformção social. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho é analisar a relação entre a publicidade e o Bem Viver desde uma perspectiva crítica. Com o auxílio do método reflexivo, sugere-se um debate aprofundado sobre a teoria das necessidades e a possibilidade de uma publicidade a serviço do decrescimento.

  11. Necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados na fase aguda do tratamento

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    Edna Ikumi Umebayashi Takahashi


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que teve por finalidade as necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados, na fase aguda do tratamento. Foi utlizado como referencial para análise os conceitos de Nacessidades Básicas de MASLOW. Os resultados permitiram identificar como principais necessidades afetadas das esposas: segurança, amor e gregária, estima.

  12. Necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados na fase aguda do tratamento

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    Edna Ikumi Umebayashi Takahashi

    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que teve por finalidade as necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados, na fase aguda do tratamento. Foi utlizado como referencial para análise os conceitos de Nacessidades Básicas de MASLOW. Os resultados permitiram identificar como principais necessidades afetadas das esposas: segurança, amor e gregária, estima.

  13. Da necessidade e da vontade de se consumir notícia

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    Gislene Silva


    Full Text Available Discutimos neste trabalho razões e motivações pelas quais temos necessidade e vontade de consumir notícias. Retomando grandes matrizes sociais da fundamentação dos interesses dos produtores e consumidores de produtos jornalísticos, apontamos para uma variedade de ações organizadas pela necessidade de consumir notícias motivada pelo que percebemos como importante e vontade de consumir notícias despertada em nós pela curiosidade. Localizamos a questão no amplo debate sobre a contemporaneidade e a globalização e elegemos a centralidade das categorias espacialidade, temporalidade e cotidianidade nesta tentativa de compreender um pouco mais o consumo de produtos noticiosos, inserido nas práticas discursivas e narrativas jornalísticas atuais.

  14. As transformações do judiciário em face da necessidade de efetivação dos direitos fundamentais

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    Naiara Souza Grossi


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por escopo analisar as transformações pelas quais o judiciário passa a partir da necessidade de efetivação dos direitos fundamentais. O Estado Democrático de Direito cunhado a partir do regramento normativo constitucional de 1988 faz erigir uma nova hermenêutica, qual seja, a hermenêutica constitucional. Para além do normativismo-positivista, essa hermenêutica constitucional irá atrelar valores à norma cujo principal e estruturante da própria ordem jurídica será o da dignidade da pessoa humana. A partir dessas modificações, os poderes públicos, o qual destacamos o judiciário, passam a ser imantados por esse imperativo ético, ou seja, o poder judiciário passa a ser uma importante ferramenta na concretização dos próprios direitos humanos fundamentais.

  15. Necessidades humanas básicas dos profissionais de enfermagem: situações de (insatisfação no trabalho

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    Lorena Fagundes Ladeia Vitoria Regis


    Full Text Available O cuidado está associado às ações da enfermagem considerando, sobretudo um conjunto de necessidades da equipe de enfermagem. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: caracterizar situações de (insatisfações da equipe de enfermagem no trabalho e analisar as implicações destas (insatisfações da equipe de enfermagem no trabalho. Adotou-se a teoria das necessidades humanas básicas de Maslow para compreender fatores motivacionais e utilizou-se uma metodologia qualitativa com aplicação de técnicas quantitativas. O método compôs-se de observação participante com registros em diário de campo associada à aplicação de um questionário para 18 participantes da equipe de enfermagem em um Hospital Público do Rio de Janeiro. O estudo indica que as necessidades básicas da equipe de enfermagem encontram-se comprometidas, principalmente as necessidades de segurança e fisiológicas, as mais primárias. O comprometimento das necessidades primárias do sujeito que cuida implica em prejuízo para a saúde e redução do desempenho no trabalho em cenários hospitalares.

  16. Estimativa das necessidades energéticas em pacientes com doença renal crônica

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    Juliana Cordeiro Dias Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Estabelecer as necessidades energéticas de pacientes com doença renal crônica é importante para que se possam tratar os distúrbios nutricionais encontrados nessa população. Segundo os guias de condutas voltados ao cuidado nutricional de pacientes com essa doença, a recomendação energética pode variar entre 30 e 40kcal/kg/dia. Contudo, trabalhos que avaliaram os componentes do gasto energético nos pacientes com doença renal crônica sugerem que as necessidades energéticas dessa população podem diferir do valor recomendado acima, a depender da condição clínica (presença de comorbidades, da modalidade de tratamento empregado e do nível de atividade física. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma revisão dos estudos sobre o gasto energético de pacientes com doença renal crônica, com o intuito de abordar as seguintes questões: (1 as atuais recomendações de energia para pacientes com doença renal crônica estão adequadas? (2 qual equação de predição poderia ser empregada para estimar as necessidades energéticas desse grupo de pacientes? Assim, esta revisão busca auxiliar o nutricionista ao estimar as necessidades energéticas de pacientes com doença renal crônica.

  17. A autonomia como necessidade estruturante para o enfrentamento da violência de gênero

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    Rebeca Nunes Guedes


    Full Text Available Objetiva-se apresentar categoria referente a necessidades relacionadas à autonomia, reconhecidas pelos profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família no que concerne à atenção à saúde de mulheres que vivenciam violência. Para a produção do material empírico foram feitas entrevistas com profissionais de saúde que compõem as equipes da ESF e com mulheres usuárias do serviço. Os significados conformam a necessidade de autonomia relacionada à mulher como sujeito na tomada de decisões. Entretanto, alguns significados revelaram o reducionismo que se traduz na desresponsabilização do serviço em relação ao problema. A autonomia financeira foi um aspecto convergente entre os discursos dos profissionais e das usuárias do serviço de saúde. Concluiu-se que para o enfrentamento da violência é fundamental a inclusão da perspectiva de gênero tanto nas políticas de saúde quanto nas práticas concretizadas no processo de trabalho, condição que abre possibilidades de respostas a necessidades práticas e estratégicas de gênero, contribuindo para a redução da iniqüidade entre homens e mulheres e a promoção da emancipação feminina.

  18. Necessidades nutricionais do doente crítico

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    Nuno André de Almeida Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: As unidades de terapia intensiva recorrem às equações preditivas, para determinar o gasto energético, ou às recomendações estabelecidas por sociedades internacionais, devido à inacessibilidade da calorimetria indireta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o gasto energético de pacientes críticos, por calorimetria indireta, aos calculados por meio da equação de Harris-Benedict. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo observacional realizado no Serviço de Cuidados Intensivos 1 do Centro Hospitalar do Porto. Foram avaliadas as necessidades energéticas, desde janeiro de 2003 até abril de 2012, dos pacientes críticos internados em que foi realizada calorimetria indireta. Procedeu-se ao cálculo da precisão (intervalo de ±10% entre os valores medidos e estimados, da diferença média e dos limites de concordância da equação estudada. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 85 pacientes, em que se efetuaram 288 medições por calorimetria indireta. Valores obtidos para necessidades energéticas em diferentes métodos: calorimetria indireta 1.753,98±391,13 kcal ao dia (24,48±5,95 kcal/kg ao dia, equação de Harris-Benedict 1.504,11±266,99 kcal ao dia (20,72±2,43 kcal/kg ao dia. A precisão da equação foi de 31,76%, a diferença média de -259,86 kcal ao dia, com limites de concordância entre -858,84 a 339,12 kcal ao dia. O gênero (p=0,023, a temperatura (p=0,009 e o índice de massa corporal (p<0,001 revelaram-se fatores com impacto significativo no gasto energético. CONCLUSÃO: A equação de Harris-Benedict não é precisa na determinação do gasto energético, subestimando-o e apresentando diferenças significativas para predizer, a nível individual, o gasto energético real.

  19. Percepções sobre necessidades de saúde na Atenção Básica segundo usuários de um serviço de saúde

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    Paulo Alexandre de Moraes


    Full Text Available Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório, com o objetivo de conhecer o conceito de necessidades de saúde, segundo a percepção de usuários de um serviço de saúde do interior paulista. Realizou-se 15 entrevistas, por meio de roteiro semi-estruturado, em janeiro de 2009. A leitura exaustiva das entrevistas permitiu a apreensão de elementos constitutivos das categorias, definidas a priori, segundo a Taxonomia das Necessidades de Saúde. Identificou-se que os usuários perceberam-se como detentores de necessidades; o contexto social pode apresentar forte influência na sua saúde, verificando-se que a autonomia na tomada de decisões é uma necessidade. Quanto ao vínculo, percebe-se que está intimamente ligado às necessidades de autonomia/autocuidado, pois de certo modo é reforçando a relação de confiança que será possível fortalecer os potenciais para o enfrentamento do processo saúde-doença. Conclui-se que existe a necessidade de instrumentos que auxiliem o profissional da área da Saúde Coletiva a identificar as necessidades de saúde dos usuários.

  20. Necessidades térmicas de videiras na região da Campanha do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil


    Radünz,André Luiz; Schöffel,Edgar Ricardo; Borges,Carolina Terra; Malgarim,Marcelo Barbosa; Pötter,Gabriela Hermann


    A vitivinicultura, reconhecida por sua importância econômica e social no Rio Grande do Sul, tem ampliado sua fronteira de produção para a região da Campanha. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar o comportamento fenológico, bem como a necessidade térmica em graus-dia e a necessidade em dias, de cultivares de uvas finas destinadas à produção de vinhos, quando cultivadas na região da Campanha, local de recente introdução da...

  1. Mulheres com gravidez de maior risco: vivências e percepções de necessidades e cuidado

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    Daniela do Carmo Oliveira


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Compreender vivências e percepções de mulheres com gestação de maior risco, relativas aos problemas/necessidades de saúde e práticas de cuidado. Métodos: Estudo descritivo-qualitativo, realizado em Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, com 12 mulheres em acompanhamento pré-natal em um serviço público especializado, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e análise de conteúdo temática. Resultados: As participantes expressam a vivência de importantes eventos não médicos, que influem em sua saúde, como desinformação, medos, preocupações, desorganização da vida cotidiana e familiar, carências financeiras, e outras. Contudo, para o pré-natal, avalizam cuidados orientados pela perspectiva de risco, de controle dos problemas médicos. Reportam-se à necessidade de cuidados amplos, mas, para isso, buscam suporte na família e rede social comunitária de apoio. Conclusão: A compreensão das vivências e dos pontos de vista das mulheres grávidas é imprescindível à construção de ações pré-natais que respondam a necessidades de cuidados abrangentes.

  2. Memórias coletivas de mulheres que vivenciaram o near miss materno: necessidades de saúde e direitos humanos

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    Cláudia de Azevedo Aguiar

    Full Text Available Resumo: Mulheres que vivenciaram o near miss materno podem, por meio de suas memórias coletivas, ajudar na compreensão dos eventos obstétricos graves, como a morte materna. A experiência das pessoas é autêntica e representativa do todo com a construção de uma identidade comum. É a identidade que dá qualidade à memória de um grupo. Assim, cada memória é um fenômeno social. Analisou-se a experiência de 12 mulheres que quase morreram em função do estado gravídico-puerperal. O método da história oral temática foi utilizado, na perspectiva das necessidades de saúde e direitos humanos. Seis memórias coletivas compuseram os discursos: necessidades de saúde não atendidas; deficiências assistenciais; privação do contato com o filho; violação de direitos; ausência de reivindicação dos direitos; e compensações dos direitos e necessidades não atendidos. Compreender as necessidades de saúde dessas mulheres é reconhecê-las como sujeitos de direitos; é individualizar a assistência, respeitando sua autonomia, garantindo o acesso às tecnologias e estabelecendo vínculo (aefetivo com o profissional de saúde

  3. Subjetivismo responsável: necessidade ou ousadia no estudo da contabilidade

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    Alessandra Hirano Fuji


    Full Text Available O estudo da Teoria da Contabilidade é relevante para os acadêmicos e para aqueles envolvidos em atividades práticas relacionadas com a Contabilidade Aplicada. Este trabalho focaliza a inadequação de conceitos tradicionais no estudo da contabilidade conservadorismo, objetividade e custo histórico como base de valor- enfatizando a necessidade de mudanças e quebra de paradigmas. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho mostra a importância do Subjetivismo Responsável, defendido por Sérgio de Iudícibus e outros estudiosos e a necessidade de considerar a relevância de aspectos subjetivos para a qualidade da informação no processo decisório e no atual contexto econômico.The study of accounting theory is relevant for academics and for those who are directly involved in practical activities related to applied accounting. This work focuses on the inappropriateness of traditional concepts in the study of accounting conservatism, objectivity and historic cost as a value base - emphasizing the need for changes and breach of paradigms. The development of this study shows the importance of "Responsible Subjectivity", defended by Sérgio de Iudícibus and other academics, as well as the need to consider the relevance of subjective aspects for information quality in the decision making process and in the present economic context.

  4. Método de avaliacão das necessidades de reabilitação : Desenvolvimento e metodologia de aplicação

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vilhena, A.; Costa Branco De Oliveira Pedro, J.A.; Vasconcelos de Paiva, J.; Coelho, A.B.; Bento, J.


    O Método de Avaliação das Necessidade de Reabilitação (MANR) estabelece um conjunto de procedimentos que permite determinar as necessidades de reabilitação de um edifício de modo a dotá-lo de características que assegurem a satisfação das exigências funcionais num nível não inferior ao estabelecido

  5. Projecto integrado de AVAC e outras especialidades para um edifício com necessidades quase nulas de energia


    Campos, Valter Gonçalo Ferrão de


    Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Em finais de 2018 segundo a directiva europeia 2010/31/UE todos os edifícios novos ocupados e detidos por autoridades públicas deverão ser edifícios com necessidades quase nulas de energia e, no início de 2021 todos os edifícios novos também o deverão ser. Assim, surge a necessidade de obter soluções e estudar a sua conjugação para que esta directiva seja cumprida. Neste trabalho, atrav...

  6. Herdabilidade da necessidade de calor para a antese e brotação em pessegueiro Heritability of heat requirement for blooming and leafing in peach

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    Idemir Citadin


    Full Text Available A herdabilidade da necessidade de calor para antese e brotação em pessegueiro [Prunus persica (L. Batsch] foi estudada em ramos de 16 cultivares e seleções de baixa, média e alta necessidade de calor e 11 progênies oriundas de hibridações entre elas. Os ramos foram submetidos, previamente, a 2 ºC por 500 horas para satisfazer a necessidade de frio. O valor estimado da herdabilidade média para a necessidade de calor em gemas florais foi de 45% e 57%, em 1999 e 2000, respectivamente. Para gemas vegetativas, o valor estimado foi de 30%, em 1999. 'BR-1', 'Barbosa', 'Chula', 'Chinoca' e 'Eldorado' transmitem melhor o caráter necessidade de calor para as progênies do que os demais genótipos estudados. Os registros observados suportam um modelo de herança quantitativa com genes de maior efeito para menor necessidade de calor. A seleção de indivíduos com maior necessidade de calor para floração tende a retardar a floração sem, contudo, retardar com a mesma intensidade a época de brotação.Heritability of heat requirement for blooming and leafing was investigated in peach [Prunus persica (L. Batsch], using artificially chilled excised shoots of 11 populations and 16 parental clones of low, intermediate and high heat requirement. The estimated values of broad sense heritability of heat requirement in flower buds were 45% and 57%, in 1999 and 2000, respectively. In leaf buds, the heritability was 30% in 1999. 'BR-1', 'Barbosa', 'Chula', 'Chinoca', and 'Eldorado' can transmit the heat requirement character better to offspring than the others studied genotypes. The data support a model for quantitative inheritance with partial dominance for low heat requirement. Seedling selection for high heat requirement delay blooming more than leafing.

  7. Tapada das Necessidades em Lisboa : a historia de um jardim esquecido

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    João Alburquerque Carreiras


    Full Text Available O trabalho apresentado consiste numa análise histórica da Tapada das Necessidades, jardim situado na cidade de Lisboa, formando um dos seus maiores espaços verdes. A Tapada foi construída por D.João V, o monarca que em Portugal mais simbolizou o Absolutismo, reflectindo-o nas suas criações Barrocas. Com o Liberalismo surge D.Fernando, que vai ser o intérprete de uma enorme transformação da tapada, protagonizando o período mais importante na sua evolução. A história da Tapada entranha-se na própria história de Portugal, acompanhando o absolutismo, a transição para o liberalismo, os últimos movimentos da monarquia e os primeiros passos da República.The presented work consists in a historical analysis of the Tapada das Necessidades, a garden situated in the City of Lisbon, forming one of its bigger green spaces. The Tapada was built by D.João V, the monarch that in Portugal more symbolized the Absolutism, reflecting it in its Baroque creations. With the Liberalism appears D.Fernando, who will be the interpreter of an enourmous hashing of the Tapada, carrying out the more important period of its evolution. The history of the Tapada penetrates in Portugal own history, following the absolutism, the transition for the liberalism, the last moves of the monarchy and the first steps of the republic.

  8. Violência Contra Idosos na Família: Motivações, Sentimentos e Necessidades do Agressor

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    Cirlene Francisca Sales Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo O aumento mundial da população idosa tem sido acompanhado por importantes demandas, dentre elas a violência contra a pessoa idosa, que merece especial atenção devido às sequelas físicas e psicológicas que acarreta. A literatura tem focalizado mais o idoso agredido, pouco se detendo ao agressor. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi investigar a violência contra idosos na família, da perspectiva do agressor, especificamente as motivações que os impeliram à violência, os sentimentos e as necessidades sentidas por eles. Pesquisa descritiva de abordagem qualitativa, tendo dela participado 13 agressores familiares dos idosos. Utilizou-se um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada que foi examinado por meio da Análise de Conteúdo Temática. Os resultados indicam que houve a presença de violência com agressões verbais e físicas; as principais motivações foram uso de álcool, proximidade física, dependência financeira do agressor em relação ao idoso e relacionamento permeado de violência entre ambos; os sentimentos experimentados foram tristeza, decepção, raiva, injustiça, angústia e revolta; as necessidades se relacionam ao desejo de que o processo fosse encerrado, voltar à sua vida normal e conviver com o idoso. Conclui-se acerca da necessidade de acolhimento aos agressores com a finalidade de ajudá-los a ressignificar a experiência da violência.

  9. Análise dos atendimentos odontológicos em pessoas com necessidades especiais em modalidade hospitalar no Sistema Único de Saúde, Brasil, 2012.

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    Carolina Dantas Rocha Xavier de LUCENA


    Full Text Available As pessoas com necessidades especiais apresentam maior risco para o surgimento de doenças bucais devido a situações biológicas, o uso sistemático de medicamentos, dificuldade na realização do controle de placa bacteriana e hábitos alimentares precários. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar de forma descritiva os atendimentos odontológicos para pessoas com necessidades especiais na modalidade hospitalar no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saude (SUS. Foram estudados os procedimentos odontológicos realizados em ambiente hospitalar, a partir das internações geradas com finalidade de realizar tratamento odontológico em pacientes com necessidades especiais, informados no Sistema de Informação Hospitalar do SUS (SIH/ SUS no ano 2012. Foram registradas 6.691 Autorizações de Internação Hospitalar (AIH onde realizou-se 24.669 procedimentos dos quais 57,8% foram procedimentos clínicos. Dos procedimentos odontológicos realizados, 13,29% corresponderam a exodontias de dentes permanentes. Dessa forma, a atenção odontológica prestada aos usuários mostrouse positiva uma vez que a maioria dos procedimentos realizados foram clínicos preventivos e restauradores. Percebe-se ainda a necessidade de ampliação de acesso ao tratamento odontológico em pacientes com necessidades especiais no âmbito hospitalar e melhor distribuição já que a apresentação de mais da metade das AIH concentrou-se em três Estados.


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    Anshika Sharma

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar a presença de associação entre a avaliação objetiva e subjetiva da necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico em adolescentes e seu impacto na autoestima. Métodos: Estudo transversal com adolescentes de 10 a 17 anos da cidade de Sri Ganganagar, Rajastão, Índia. Foi utilizado o Índice de Ortodontia de Saúde Dental (IOTN para avaliar de modo objetivo a necessidade de tratamento (DHC e o componente estético desse índice (AC para a avaliação subjetiva. Os estudantes selecionados foram também avaliados quanto a traumatismos dentários, perda dentária e cárie dentária. Aplicou-se a escala de autoestima de Rosenberg para determinar o nível de autoestima dos estudantes. Os dados foram analisados por regressão linear múltipla, testando a associação individual das diferentes variáveis clínicas independentemente da autoestima dos adolescentes, de acordo com o escore da escala de Rosenberg. Resultados: Entre 1.140 adolescentes estudados, a prevalência da necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico avaliado de modo objetivo pelo IOTN-DHC ocorreu em 56,9% dos indivíduos. A avaliação subjetiva do adolescente (IOTN-AC revelou prevalência de necessidade de tratamento de 53,3%. A análise multivariada mostrou que, além de todos os problemas dentários, o componente objetivo (IOTN-DHC, seguido do componente estético subjetivo (IOTN-AC, teve maior impacto na autoestima dos estudantes analisados. Conclusões: A insatisfação com a aparência dental é um forte preditor de baixa autoestima na adolescência.

  11. Avaliação de necessidades de TD&E: proposição de um novo modelo.

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    Gardênia da Silva Abbad


    Full Text Available Análises de necessidades de treinamento (ANTs, apesar de importantes, têm sido realizadas de modo pouco sistemático em ambientes organizacionais. A análise da literatura mostra que a produção intelectual nessa área está restrita a análises nos níveis do indivíduo e das tarefas, com poucas pesquisas enfocando necessidades em níveis mais abrangentes como grupos, equipes ou macroprocessos organizacionais. De modo geral, as abordagens de análise de necessidades ainda estão focadas em cargos ou nas estruturas organizacionais rígidas, estáticas, burocráticas (departamentos, divisões etc.. Essa característica torna a ANT anacrônica e pouco útil, pois não capta novos arranjos organizacionais como arquiteturas matriciais, organização em rede, organizações virtuais ou novas configurações dos trabalhos humanos. Esse caráter dinâmico implica uma mudança no caráter da ANT, para uma abordagem mais prospectiva, voltada à aprendizagem de habilidades complexas e de alta volatilidade. Este ensaio teórico objetiva rever a literatura da área e propor um modelo de diagnóstico de necessidades de treinamento baseado em taxonomia de resultados de aprendizagem e com foco em diversos níveis de análise. O modelo de ANT proposto deriva de um conjunto de resultados de pesquisas empíricas e vai além da análise de tarefas e de pessoas, incluindo também o nível organizacional e de grupo. A aplicação deste modelo permite fornecer as informações necessárias ao desenho de situações de aprendizagem e de treinamento que possam promover o desenvolvimento de complexas competências valorizadas pelo mundo do trabalho, cujo desenvolvimento requer ações educacionais variadas, currículos e programas de aprendizagem contínua e de educação permanente (ao longo de toda a vida. Nesse sentido, o modelo proposto permite que seja feito um elo entre os estudos empíricos sobre o tema e a sua aplicação prática em organizações de

  12. ANÁLISE DA MOTIVAÇÃO DE PESSOAS: um estudo baseado em princípios da Hierarquia de Necessidades de Maslow

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    Vander Luiz Silva


    Full Text Available A motivação é um tema complexo, abordado por diversos pesquisadores que elaboraram teorias visando explicar o fenômeno motivacional e sua influência sobre o comportamento humano. Entre as teorias de motivação, uma importante teoria é a Hierarquia de Necessidades de Maslow que relaciona a motivação das pessoas a um conjunto de necessidades. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar o grau de satisfação e a questão motivacional de pessoas para as necessidades fisiológicas, de segurança, sociais, de estima e autorrealização. O estudo foi realizado em uma empresa do setor mecânico, localizada na região Centro Ocidental do Paraná. Para a realização do estudo, foi aplicado um questionário a 40 pessoas, de diferentes características, como idade, gênero, escolaridade e renda familiar. Com base nos resultados, constatou-se que, de maneira geral, os entrevistados estão satisfeitos pelo atendimento às necessidades fisiológicas, como alimentação, moradia, vestuário e descanso, porém, outras necessidades, dispostas em outros níveis da pirâmide de Maslow, não foram completamente atendidas e, portanto, resultam em insatisfação pela ausência de estímulos motivacionais.   Motivation is a complex subject, addressed by different researchers who elaborate theories aiming explain the motivational phenomenon and its influence on human behavior. Among the theories of motivation, an important theory is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs that relates people's motivation needs set. In this way, the present study aimed to analyze the degree of satisfaction and motivational question of people for the physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-fulfillment needs. The study was accomplished in a company of the mechanical sector, located in the Western Center region of Paraná. For the study, a questionnaire was applied to 40 people, with different characteristics, such as age, gender, schooling and family income. Based on

  13. És meu amigo, sim: relações interpessoais entre crianças “normais" e crianças com necessidades educativas especiais


    Costa, Ana


    O presente trabalho tem como tema: Relações interpessoais entre crianças ditas normais e crianças com necessidades educativas especiais (NEE). Pretende responder à questão - como é que se fomenta relações interpessoais de qualidade entre alunos dito “normais” e alunos com NEE ? – através de intervenção pedagógica, planeada segundo o modelo investigação-ação, e concretizada no 1º ciclo, mais propriamente numa sala de 3ºano, com 20 alunos em que três deles apresentam necessidades educativas esp...

  14. Avaliação da necessidade de frio em pessegueiro Avaliation of chilling requirement in peach

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    Idemir Citadin


    Full Text Available A necessidade de frio de seis cultivares de pessegueiro [Prunus persica (L. Batsch] foi estudada em plantas de um e dois anos, em vasos, submetidas a 150; 300; 450 e 600 horas a 2ºC, e em ramos coletados periodicamente em plantas sob condições de frio natural, a campo. Considerando os resultados obtidos nos dois experimentos, estima-se que a necessidade de frio de 'Precocinho' é em torno de 300 horas a 2ºC, equivalente a 150 unidades de frio (UF pelo modelo de Utah, ou próxima a 200 horas abaixo de 12ºC; para 'Eldorado' e 'Rio grandense', em 450 horas a 2ºC (225 UF ou 365 horas abaixo de 12ºC; para 'BR-1', em 450 horas a 2ºC (225 UF ou 418 horas abaixo de 12ºC; e para 'Planalto' e 'Della Nona', acima de 600 horas a 2ºC (>300 UF. Não foi possível estabelecer a necessidade de frio abaixo de 12ºC para 'Della Nona'.Chilling requirement was investigated in six peach [Prunus persica (L. Batsch] cultivars observing plants in containers, with one or two years, artificially chilled by 150, 300, 450, and 600 hours at 2ºC, and in excised shoots that were periodically taken from the orchard during the rest period. Chilling requirement of 'Precocinho' is 300 hours at 2ºC (around 150 chilling units - CU - using Utah Model or around 200 hours under 12ºC; 'Riograndense' and 'Eldorado' have 450 chilling hours at 2ºC (225 CU or 365 chilling hours under 12ºC; 'BR-1' is 450 chilling requirement at 2ºC (225 CU or 418 chilling hours under 12 ºC; and 'Planalto' and 'Della Nona' are over 600 chilling hours at 2ºC (>300 CU. It was not possible to estimate chilling requirement in 'Della Nona' using temperatures under 12 ºC.

  15. Profissionalização da enfermagem: uma necessidade social

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    Beatriz Beduschi Capella


    Full Text Available Diante da perspectiva de modificação da atual situação da enfermagem brasileira, em função da aprovação da nova lei do exercício e sua regulamentação, a ABENSC, através da 15ª Jornada Catarinense de Enfermagem, propõe para discussão do Tema Central, algumas estratégias na tentativa de redimensionar a prática da enfermagem. Constam deste documento: - conceito de profissão e a divisão social do trabalho; - algumas considerações sobre a história da enfermagem e a divisão do trabalho na enfermagem; - a legislação e a necessidade de profissionalização. Como conclusão, propõe de imediato, além de outras estratégias, a profissionalização do atendente de enfermagem, haja visto que constituem a esmagadora maioria dos exe-rcentes de enfermagem no país.

  16. Necessidades de saúde da pessoa com deficiência: a perspectiva dos sujeitos por meio de histórias de vida

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    Marilia Bense Othero

    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar as necessidades de saúde das pessoas com deficiência, pela ótica dos sujeitos. Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo, por meio da técnica da história de vida; foram incluídas pessoas com deficiência física, auditiva e visual, congênita e adquirida, e com atendimento no SUS. Discutiu-se: a vivência da deficiência; independência, autonomia e apoio; acesso e direitos; sentidos das intervenções; ações e estratégias. Em relação às necessidades de saúde, foram elencados onze eixos: Acesso; Apoio psicossocial; Aspectos gerais de saúde; Autonomia e independência; Dispensação de equipamentos e dispositivos de tecnologia assistiva; Informação/orientação; Prevenção/diagnóstico precoces; Reconhecimento e garantia de direitos; (ReEncontro com atividades significativas; Validação e ajuda na construção de estratégias próprias de enfrentamento; Vínculo com profissional de saúde. Verifica-se que as necessidades identificadas pelos sujeitos incluem aspectos específicos da assistência em saúde, mas englobam outras dimensões, indicando a importância de ações integrais e intersetoriais.

  17. Necessidades de saúde da pessoa com deficiência: a perspectiva dos sujeitos por meio de histórias de vida

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    Marilia Bense Othero


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar as necessidades de saúde das pessoas com deficiência, pela ótica dos sujeitos. Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo, por meio da técnica da história de vida; foram incluídas pessoas com deficiência física, auditiva e visual, congênita e adquirida, e com atendimento no SUS. Discutiu-se: a vivência da deficiência; independência, autonomia e apoio; acesso e direitos; sentidos das intervenções; ações e estratégias. Em relação às necessidades de saúde, foram elencados onze eixos: Acesso; Apoio psicossocial; Aspectos gerais de saúde; Autonomia e independência; Dispensação de equipamentos e dispositivos de tecnologia assistiva; Informação/orientação; Prevenção/diagnóstico precoces; Reconhecimento e garantia de direitos; (ReEncontro com atividades significativas; Validação e ajuda na construção de estratégias próprias de enfrentamento; Vínculo com profissional de saúde. Verifica-se que as necessidades identificadas pelos sujeitos incluem aspectos específicos da assistência em saúde, mas englobam outras dimensões, indicando a importância de ações integrais e intersetoriais.

  18. Necessidades e expectativas do paciente em pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca: avaliação de uma abordagem da prática

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    Joséte Luzia Leite


    Full Text Available As autoras, mediante observação em trinta pacientes em pós-operatório de Cirurgia Cardíaca, procuraram identificar as expectativas e necessidades dos mesmos ao tem po em que analisaram a assistência prestada pelo enfermeiro. A partir de suas experiências como docente e enfermeiras, avaliaram a prática profissional voltadas principalmente para aquelas necessidades identificadas.

  19. O número negativo na proposição de ensino davydoviana: necessidades para a sua introdução

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    Lucas Sid Moneretto Búrigo


    Full Text Available The difficulties presented by Brazilian students in the appropriation of the negative number reported in surveys contributed to this article preparation. Concerned about these difficulties, we turned to Davydov’s proposition, which is the subject of this study. The research problem is: what are the needs created in the particular tasks of Davydov’s educational organization for the introduction of the negative numbers concept, in school situation? It is a qualitative research method in the literature whose source analysis are four tasks presented in the student textbook belonging to Davydov’s proposition. The review process was developed through necessity category: conceptual and pedagogical. The research shows that the need to study the negative numbers is based on the fact that only they enable the resolution of some cases of subtraction and equation. To provide the meaning of opposite to the negative number, the main need is the change from scalar quantities to the vector one. As dificuldades apresentadas por estudantes brasileiros na apropriação do número negativo relatadas em pesquisas contribuíram para a elaboração desse artigo. Preocupados com tais dificuldades, recorremos à proposição davydoviana que é objeto desse estudo. O problema de pesquisa é: quais são as necessidades criadas nas tarefas particulares da organização de ensino davydoviano para a introdução do conceito de número negativo, em situação escolar? Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa na modalidade bibliográfica cuja fonte de análise são quatro tarefas presentes no livro didático do estudante pertencente à proposição davydoviana. O processo de análise se desenvolveu por meio da categoria necessidade: de ordem conceitual e pedagógica. A pesquisa evidencia que a necessidade do estudo dos números negativos decorre de que apenas eles possibilitam a resolução de alguns casos de subtração e equação. Para propiciar o significado de oposto ao

  20. AvaliaÃÃo dos fatores de risco à cÃrie dentÃria em pacientes pediÃtricos portadores de necessidades especiais.


    Rebeca Bastos Vasconcelos


    Quando se trata de atenÃÃo odontolÃgica bÃsica ou especializada, crianÃas portadoras de necessidades especiais ainda representam uma parcela da populaÃÃo menos favorecida e estudada. O estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a associaÃÃo entre presenÃa de lesÃo e experiÃncia de cÃrie a fatores de risco à cÃrie, em uma amostra de pacientes pediÃtricos portadores de necessidades especiais utilizando o critÃrio do Indice Internacional de DetecÃÃo de CÃries (ICDAS). A amostra foi composta por crianÃas ...

  1. Os principais obstáculos para integração dos portadores de necessidades especiais nas escolas de Rede Pública Estadual da cidade de Passo Fundo

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    Janaíana Cardoso Costa


    Full Text Available Embora a Constituição Brasileira garanta, oficialmente, os direitos de os deficientes físicos viverem em sociedade e terem direito à educação, como cidadãos que são, a arquitetura dos prédios das instituições de ensino geralmente não permitem tal possibilidade. Nesse trabalho objetivou-se observar se as instituições da rede estadual de ensino da cidade de Passo Fundo estão adaptadas para atenderem as necessidades dos portadores de deficiência física. Após identificadas as escolas em potenciais para essa pesquisa (determinou-se escolas com mais de 500 alunos, foram realizadas visitas com a finalidade de realizar uma entrevista com os diretores das escolas e observar os ambientes da escola. Sendo assim, foram visitadas 22 escolas localizadas na zona urbana da cidade de Passo Fundo/RS. Verificou-se que 50% das escolas tem prédio térreo, o que permite uma melhor circulação por parte dos alunos portadores de necessidades especiais, e 50% das escolas tem prédios com 2 ou 3 pisos, fazendo com que as escadas seja um grande fator de limitação aos alunos com necessidades especiais. Desta, 41% apresentam 2 pisos e 9% três pisos. Nas escolas pesquisadas não foram encontradas rampas nos acessos principais em 50% das escolas, ou seja, em 11 escolas e o mesmo número de escolas apresentou diferenças de nível nos acessos principais, dificultando assim o acesso dos portadores de necessidade especiais. Verificou-se que das 22 escolas pesquisadas 15 escolas têm alunos portadores de necessidades especiais matriculados, ou seja, 68% das escolas. Pode-se verificar que grande parte das instituições de ensino da zona urbana de Passo Fundo não estão adaptadas aos Deficientes Físicos.Palavras-chave: Deficiente Físico. Acessibilidade.

  2. Auto e hetero-avaliação no diagnóstico de necessidades de treinamento Self and hetero assessment in training needs diagnostic

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    Mônica Lemes Magalhães


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivos: desenvolver uma metodologia de avaliação de necessidades de treinamento que incluísse atitudes; estudar a relação entre auto e hetero-avaliação, buscando avaliar conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes; e avaliar a relação entre a auto-avaliação e algumas variáveis preditoras (tempo de trabalho na organização e na função, emprego anterior, gênero, estado civil, escolaridade e idade. Foram desenvolvidos questionários, de acordo com o método de análise de papel ocupacional. Esses questionários foram aplicados em 898 bancários e seus supervisores imediatos. Os resultados sugeriram que a metodologia parece ser adequada para analisar necessidades de treinamento. Mostraram também que existe relação significativa entre auto e hetero-avaliação de necessidades de treinamento, embora supervisores tendam a apontar maiores necessidades de treinamento, em seus subordinados, do que as auto-avaliações destes mesmos.The objectives of the present study were: to develop a training needs assessment methodology that included attitudes; to study the relationship between self and hetero assessment, by assessing knowledge, skills and attitudes; and to evaluate the relationship between self-assessment and some predicting variables (work experience at the organizational and occupational levels, prior job experience, gender, marital status, schooling and age. Questionnaires were developed, following the method of occupational role analysis. These questionnaires were applied in 898 bank employees and their immediate supervisors. Results have suggested that the methodology seems to be appropriate for analyzing training needs. They have also shown that there is a significant relationship between self and hetero assessments of training needs. However, supervisors tend to point higher training needs, in their subordinates, than the self-assessments made by the latter.

  3. Perceção dos pais em relação à inclusão de crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais no ensino regular

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    Elisabete Matos Freitas


    Full Text Available papel dos pais no processo de inclusão de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais é fundamental, seja no apoio familiar, desmontando mitos e criando um contexto favorável à experiência e à proximidade. O objetivo deste trabalho é, assim, conhecer as perceções dos pais relativamente à inclusão, assim como os factores que as influenciam. Para isso, foi aplicado um inquérito a 300 pais, com e sem filhos com necessidades educativas especiais. Os resultados permitiram perceber atitudes genericamente positivas, sem diferenças relativamente ao género e ao fato de serem pais de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais. Contudo as variáveis idade, escolaridade e proximidade / contato pareceram influenciar a perceção em relação a inclusão de crianças NEE. Assim, os pais com atitudes mais favoráveis à inclusão tendem a ser os mais novos, que tiveram proximidade / contato com criança NEE. Os resultados são discutidos em função da literatura.

  4. Estratégias adotadas por pessoas com Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar e a necessidade de terapêutica medicamentosa


    Miasso,Adriana Inocenti; Cassiani,Silvia Helena De Bortoli; Pedrão,Luiz Jorge


    Este estudo identificou as estratégias adotadas pela pessoa com Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar (TAB) diante da necessidade de uso contínuo de medicamentos. Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa, tendo como referencial metodológico a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados, à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico. Participaram do estudo 14 pessoas com TAB que estavam em acompanhamento em uma Unidade Ambulatorial de Transtornos do Humor de um hospital universitário e 14 familiares indicados pelas mesmas. A entrevi...


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    Full Text Available O mercado de tecnologia está diariamente em crescimento, e com isso destacam-se os dispositivos móveis, como, smartphones, leitores de MP3, PDA’s, são eles os chamados gadgets (termo de origem inglesa que significa “dispositivo” ou “aparelho”. Gadgets consistem em dispositivos tecnológicos que tem função específica e prática com grande utilidade no dia a dia como celulares, smartphones, leitores de MP3, dentre outros (SAID, et al, 2014. Dispositivos como esses auxiliam na ampliação das formas de comunicação que na maioria das vezes despertam desejos e necessidades dos consumidores. Para que haja aumento crescente deste tipo de tecnologia, a indústria utiliza a obsolescência programada. Trata-se de uma estratégia para reduzir o ciclo de vida dos produtos. Por meio da obsolescência programada a empresa diminui o tempo em os produtos permanecem em cada fase do ciclo de vida, que são: desenvolvimento, introdução, crescimento, maturidade e declínio. Essa estratégia, permite que as empresas consigam aumentar o consumo de gadgets pelos clientes e introduzir outros produtos/serviços inovadores no mercado. Para Silva (2012, produtos como gadgets já são produzidos para durar pouco tempo. Mont (2008 afirma que os principais elementos que estimulam o consumo no mercado são: maximização da produção, economia de escala, fabricação de produtos de qualidade mediana e vida curta, acelerado ciclo de depreciação e rápida substituição de bens, e a consequente crescente demanda dos consumidores por novos produtos e serviços. Sendo assim, o estudo sobre o comportamento de consumidores de gadgets, se torna relevante, pois permite entender a razão pela qual os consumidores compram os produtos por necessidade e/ou desejo. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo teórico sobre a Teoria das Necessidades de Maslow, que sugere a divisão dos elementos de satisfação do ser humano em cinco níveis diferentes em forma de pir

  6. Da necessidade de princípios de Arquitetura da Informação para a Internet das Coisas

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    Flavia Lacerda

    Full Text Available Analisa-se neste artigo o cenário da Internet das Coisas (IdC e seus impactos para a sociedade. Identifica-se a necessidade de uma abordagem humanista e sistêmica na área de Arquitetura da Informação, baseada essencialmente em princípios, que componha um arcabouço teórico transdisciplinar para lidar com questões tecnológicas, informacionais e sociais emergentes do fenômeno da IdC.

  7. Associação entre perineorrafia e problemas perineais, atividades habituais e necessidades fisiológicas afetadas

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    Luciano Marques dos Santos


    Full Text Available Introdução: A mulher em processo de parto está exposta a ocorrência de traumas perineais que podem estar associados à assistência. Objetivo: Verificar a associação entre a presença de perineorrafia e problemas perineais, atividades habituais e necessidades fisiológicas afetadas em  puérperas no pós-parto vaginal. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo transversal, composto por 870 puérperas com algum tipo de trauma perineal durante o parto vaginal. Os dados foram coletados através da entrevista estruturada e exame físico da região vulvoperineal e submetidos a análise descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a episiorrafia e a ocorrência de edema (p<0,001, ardor (p=0,002 e dor (p=0,002. Concernente às atividades habituais e necessidades fisiológicas, mulheres com episiorrafia apresentaram maior dificuldade para vestir-se, deambular, sentar e dormir. Em contrapartida, apresentaram menor dificuldade para urinar e realizar higiene íntima. Discussão: Dentre os problemas perineais, observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto a ocorrência de edema, ardor e dor entre os grupos, sendo que as mulheres com episiorrafia relataram menos ardor perineal em comparação ao grupo com perineorrafia devido a laceração espontânea. Nesse sentido, preservar a integridade perineal das parturientes é algo necessário e possível na assistência obstétrica, visto que esse tipo de intervenção, por vezes desnecessária, desencadeará desconfortos que irão interferir no seu bem-estar durante o período puerperal. Conclusões: Os dados deste estudo permitiram verificar que há associação entre a perineorrafia e a ocorrência de problemas perineais e alterações para realização de atividades habituais no puerpério imediato. Como citar este artigo: Santos LM, Santos LMS, Brandão MM, Cerqueira EAC, Ramos MSX, Carvalho ESS. Associação entre perineorrafia e problemas perineais

  8. Necessidade de intervenção breve por uso de álcool, tabaco e outras drogas entre usuários da atenção primária à saúde

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    Ângela Maria Mendes Abreu

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivos Rastrear o uso de álcool, tabaco e outras drogas entre usuários da atenção primária à saúde e identificar fatores associados à necessidade de intervenção breve por uso dessas substâncias. Métodos Estudo transversal desenvolvido com 1.489 usuários de unidade básica de saúde da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, que responderam ao Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test entre os anos 2013 e 2014. Regressão logística multivariada foi utilizada para identificar características sociodemográficas associadas à necessidade de intervenção breve por uso de álcool e outras drogas. Resultados As substâncias mais usadas foram álcool (39,5%, tabaco (20,3% e, dentre as drogas ilícitas, maconha (1,9%. Em ambos os sexos, maiores chances de necessidade de intervenção breve por uso de tabaco e álcool foram encontradas entre pessoas de baixa escolaridade, renda domiciliar alta e que não possuíam religião. Conclusão Os resultados apontam características socioeconômicas como determinantes de necessidade de intervenção breve por uso de álcool e tabaco.

  9. Necessidades de aprendizagem de alunos da Educação Profi ssional de Nível Técnico em Enfermagem

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    Fernanda dos Santos Nogueira de Góes


    Full Text Available Objetivo: identificar necessidades de aprendizagem de alunos da Educação Profissional Técnica (EPT em Enfermagem. Estudo qualitativo, realizado em município do Estado de São Paulo. Método: os sujeitos foram alunos, professores e coordenadores da EPT e alunos do curso de bacharelado e licenciatura do ensino superior que já tiveram contato com EPT. A coleta de dados deu-se por questionário socioeconômico e círculos de cultura sobre as necessidades de aprendizagem. Para análise de dados utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo. Resultados: constatou-se que alunos têm dificuldades em conteúdos não relacionados à Enfermagem, como português e matemática, e também em disciplinas introdutórias do curso de EPT o que possivelmente pode interferir negativamente na aprendizagem de conteúdos específicos da Enfermagem, bem como na qualidade do cuidado à saúde. Conclusão: faz-se necessário repensar os conteúdos ministrados e modos de ensinar desde a educação básica, assim como a formação do docente que hoje atua na EPT.

  10. A NECESSIDADE DE PROTEÇÃO LEGAL HOMOAFETIVA: O PLC N. 122/2006 A necessidade de proteção legal homoafetiva: o PLC n.122/2006

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    Gabriela Soares Balestero


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    O presente estudo trata da necessidade de dar proteção legal às minorias sexuais no que tange a criminalização de práticas discriminatórias. Na Constituinte de 1988, ao proibir discriminação de qualquer tipo, o Congresso legalizou "ser" homossexual. Desde então, contudo, pouca coisa se fez no Legislativo para combater o preconceito com base na orientação sexual. Em sua atividade, os congressistas continuam a desconsiderar as conseqüências práticas da vivência plena da homossexualidade, sendo que tal fato pode ser observado diante da inércia na aprovação do Projeto de Lei n. 122 que visa a criminalização da homofobia. Ser hétero ou homossexual não deveria acarretar qualquer diferença em termos de tratamento pelo Estado, pois sem dúvida deve haver o respeito aos princípios constitucionais de igualdade, da dignidade da pessoa humana, aliados aos demais valores fundamentais, e princípios gerais que regem o direito brasileiro.

    O presente estudo trata da necessidade de dar proteção legal às minorias sexuais no que tange a criminalização de práticas discriminatórias. Na Constituinte de 1988, ao proibir discriminação de qualquer tipo, o Congresso legalizou "ser" homossexual. Desde então, contudo, pouca coisa se fez no Legislativo para combater o preconceito com base na orientação sexual. Em sua atividade, os congressistas continuam a desconsiderar as conseqüências práticas da vivência plena da homossexualidade, sendo que tal fato pode ser observado diante da inércia na aprovação do Projeto de Lei n. 122 que visa a criminalização da homofobia. Ser hétero ou homossexual não deveria acarretar qualquer diferença em

  11. Familiar face + novel face = familiar face? Representational bias in the perception of morphed faces in chimpanzees

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    Yoshi-Taka Matsuda


    Full Text Available Highly social animals possess a well-developed ability to distinguish the faces of familiar from novel conspecifics to induce distinct behaviors for maintaining society. However, the behaviors of animals when they encounter ambiguous faces of familiar yet novel conspecifics, e.g., strangers with faces resembling known individuals, have not been well characterised. Using a morphing technique and preferential-looking paradigm, we address this question via the chimpanzee’s facial–recognition abilities. We presented eight subjects with three types of stimuli: (1 familiar faces, (2 novel faces and (3 intermediate morphed faces that were 50% familiar and 50% novel faces of conspecifics. We found that chimpanzees spent more time looking at novel faces and scanned novel faces more extensively than familiar or intermediate faces. Interestingly, chimpanzees looked at intermediate faces in a manner similar to familiar faces with regards to the fixation duration, fixation count, and saccade length for facial scanning, even though the participant was encountering the intermediate faces for the first time. We excluded the possibility that subjects merely detected and avoided traces of morphing in the intermediate faces. These findings suggest a bias for a feeling-of-familiarity that chimpanzees perceive familiarity with an intermediate face by detecting traces of a known individual, as 50% alternation is sufficient to perceive familiarity.

  12. Práticas de colaboração para inclusão de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais nas escolas portuguesas : Perceções de professores e Equipa técnico pedagógica/ Collaboration practices for inclusion of students with special educational needs

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    Raquel Batista de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Data de submissão: 30-10-2017 Data de Aceitação: 22-12-2017Este estudo insere-se na temática da inclusão de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE nas escolas da Região Centro em Portugal Continental,  tendo como objetivo conhecer as perceções dos diferentes atores sobre as práticas inclusivas de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais nas escolas portuguesas com base no Decreto-Lei 3/2008. Neste sentido, procedeu-se a entrevista semiestruturada direcionada para professores da Educação Especial, professores do Ensino Regular, equipa técnico pedagógica, utilizando a técnica análise de conteúdo para as análises dos dados onde pode-se obter alguns resultados. Os resultados desta investigação revelam que no que se refere as perceções dos diferentes atores educativos face à práticas de colaboração, que há alguma convergência nas respostas destes atores, no entanto, emergem algumas divergências nas respostas destes no que se refere a presença dos recursos humanos e materiais, bem como o seu reconhecimento face utilização destes recursos no espaço escolar. Os resultados também revelam que há diferentes respostas dos participantes face a perceção sobre as práticas de colaboração o que remete a necessidade de um maior fortalecimento entre as culturas de escola que visem o desenvolvimento coeso entre todos os agentes educativos no tocante às práticas de colaboração desenvolvidas neste espaço.Collaboration practices for inclusion of students with special educational needs in Portuguese schools: Teacher perceptions and pedagogical technical teamThis study expands upon the theme of inclusion of students with special needs educational (ENE in schools of the Região Centro in Portugal Continental. It aims to know different practitioners’ perceptions of inclusion practices of pupils with special needs educational in Portuguese schools based on the Decree-Law 3/2008. In this respect, semi

  13. Crianças que cuidam de irmãos com necessidades especiais

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    Moema P. G. Soares

    Full Text Available Este estudo analisou situações em que um irmão/ã ajuda a cuidar de uma criança com necessidades especiais. Foram entrevistadas as mães e as crianças cuidadoras de 10 famílias de baixa renda, em Salvador-Bahia, com filhos portadores de paralisia cerebral. São detalhados os comportamentos de cuidado indicados pelas mães e pelas crianças cuidadoras, a participação das crianças em tarefas domésticas e suas atividades de lazer. Descrevem-se dificuldades e satisfação/insatisfação dos cuidadores com a tarefa, e expectativas de mães e crianças em relação ao futuro. Discute-se o grau de responsabilidade atribuído às crianças. Apontam-se limitações do estudo e algumas direções de intervenção para profissionais de saúde que atendem essas famílias.

  14. Neural synchronization during face-to-face communication. (United States)

    Jiang, Jing; Dai, Bohan; Peng, Danling; Zhu, Chaozhe; Liu, Li; Lu, Chunming


    Although the human brain may have evolutionarily adapted to face-to-face communication, other modes of communication, e.g., telephone and e-mail, increasingly dominate our modern daily life. This study examined the neural difference between face-to-face communication and other types of communication by simultaneously measuring two brains using a hyperscanning approach. The results showed a significant increase in the neural synchronization in the left inferior frontal cortex during a face-to-face dialog between partners but none during a back-to-back dialog, a face-to-face monologue, or a back-to-back monologue. Moreover, the neural synchronization between partners during the face-to-face dialog resulted primarily from the direct interactions between the partners, including multimodal sensory information integration and turn-taking behavior. The communicating behavior during the face-to-face dialog could be predicted accurately based on the neural synchronization level. These results suggest that face-to-face communication, particularly dialog, has special neural features that other types of communication do not have and that the neural synchronization between partners may underlie successful face-to-face communication.

  15. Decoding of faces and face components in face-sensitive human visual cortex

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    David F Nichols


    Full Text Available A great challenge to the field of visual neuroscience is to understand how faces are encoded and represented within the human brain. Here we show evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI for spatially distributed processing of the whole face and its components in face-sensitive human visual cortex. We used multi-class linear pattern classifiers constructed with a leave-one-scan-out verification procedure to discriminate brain activation patterns elicited by whole faces, the internal features alone, and the external head outline alone. Furthermore, our results suggest that whole faces are represented disproportionately in the fusiform cortex (FFA whereas the building blocks of faces are represented disproportionately in occipitotemporal cortex (OFA. Faces and face components may therefore be organized with functional clustering within both the FFA and OFA, but with specialization for face components in the OFA and the whole face in the FFA.

  16. Famous face recognition, face matching, and extraversion. (United States)

    Lander, Karen; Poyarekar, Siddhi


    It has been previously established that extraverts who are skilled at interpersonal interaction perform significantly better than introverts on a face-specific recognition memory task. In our experiment we further investigate the relationship between extraversion and face recognition, focusing on famous face recognition and face matching. Results indicate that more extraverted individuals perform significantly better on an upright famous face recognition task and show significantly larger face inversion effects. However, our results did not find an effect of extraversion on face matching or inverted famous face recognition.

  17. Face-to-Face Activities in Blended Learning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Annemette

    While blended learning combines online and face-to-face teaching, research on blended learning has primarily focused on the role of technology and the opportunities it creates for engaging students. Less focus has been put on face-to-face activities in blended learning. This paper argues...... that it is not only the online activities in blended learning that provide new opportunities for rethinking pedagogy in higher education, it is also imperative to reconsider the face-to-face activities when part of the learning is provided online. Based on a review of blended learning in business and management...... education, we identify what forms of teaching and learning are suggested to take place face-to-face when other activities are moved online. We draw from the Community of Inquiry framework to analyze how face-to-face activities contribute to a blended learning pedagogy and discuss the implications...

  18. As necessidades e os desejos na formação discursiva do marketing: base consistente ou retórica legitimadora?

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    Vinícius Andrade Brei

    Full Text Available Neste artigo realizamos uma análise crítica da gênese histórica da área de marketing até sua constituição atual, com um foco principal: verificar se as necessidades e os desejos dos clientes são base consistente da formação histórica, discursiva, do marketing ou, apenas, retórica legitimadora para a atuação da área. Adotamos uma orientação filosófico-epistemológica baseada na teoria do discurso proposta por Michel Foucault, que nos permitiu constatar que a centralidade das necessidades e dos desejos dos clientes no discurso contemporâneo do marketing é resultado de uma série de transformações e disputas históricas pela hegemonia de uma determinada idéia ou ponto de vista, mas sempre ancorada em condições socioeconômicas, ambientais, favoráveis às transformações ocorridas. Em outras palavras, concluímos que as transformações discursivas, constituintes da área, foram o resultado de um processo produzido social e historicamente, tendo ocorrido muito mais como um resultado de mudanças na economia e no mundo empresarial do que como uma espécie de "vocação" natural do marketing.

  19. Face recognition system and method using face pattern words and face pattern bytes (United States)

    Zheng, Yufeng


    The present invention provides a novel system and method for identifying individuals and for face recognition utilizing facial features for face identification. The system and method of the invention comprise creating facial features or face patterns called face pattern words and face pattern bytes for face identification. The invention also provides for pattern recognitions for identification other than face recognition. The invention further provides a means for identifying individuals based on visible and/or thermal images of those individuals by utilizing computer software implemented by instructions on a computer or computer system and a computer readable medium containing instructions on a computer system for face recognition and identification.

  20. Capital social e autopercepção da necessidade de uso ou troca da prótese total = Social capital and self-perceived need for complete denture use or exchange

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    Moreira, Mayara dos Santos Camêlo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar a autopercepção da necessidade de uso ou troca de prótese total na população de 35-44 e 65-74 anos e testar sua associação com capital social nos municípios de Conde e Pedras de Fogo, Paraíba. Métodos: estudo seccional realizado com 134 adultos e 54 idosos. O desfecho de interesse foi a percepção da necessidade de uso ou troca de prótese total. Os dados foram analisados descritiva e inferencialmente para testar a associação entre as variáveis (a=5%. Resultados: a autopercepção da necessidade de uso ou troca da prótese total foi observada para 61,2% (n=82 dos adultos e 59,2% (n=32 dos idosos, estando associada ao uso de prótese dentária (Teste c²; p-valor<0,05. Por regressão logística, a escolaridade (OR=0,83; IC: 0,74-0,94, autopercepção de saúde bucal ruim (OR=19,22; IC: 1,29-286,45 e uso global de prótese dentária (OR=0,16; IC: 0,07-0,40 estiveram associadas ao desfecho. Conclusão: a autopercepção da necessidade de uso ou troca da prótese total foi mais frequente entre os adultos que faziam uso de prótese dentária comparativamente aos idosos. Adicionalmente, indivíduos com menor escolaridade, insatisfeitos com a saúde bucal e usuários de prótese dentária foram mais propensos a relatar que necessitavam usar ou trocar prótese total

  1. Virtual & Real Face to Face Teaching (United States)

    Teneqexhi, Romeo; Kuneshka, Loreta


    In traditional "face to face" lessons, during the time the teacher writes on a black or white board, the students are always behind the teacher. Sometimes, this happens even in the recorded lesson in videos. Most of the time during the lesson, the teacher shows to the students his back not his face. We do not think the term "face to…


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    Maria de Lurdes Cró


    Full Text Available A Escola Inclusiva pressupõe um atendimento a uma população cada vez mais diversa e heterogênea, onde todos devem obter uma resposta qualificada para as suas necessidades educativas, através das adaptações curriculares ao Currículo formal. Deste modo, as escolas devem incluir nos seus projetos educativos as adaptações curriculares relativas ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem, necessárias para responder adequadamente às crianças e jovens com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE, com vista a optimizar a sua participação nas actividades. Atualmente tornou-se um desafio determinar com exactidão quais os alunos com NEE e, consequentemente, quais os alunos a serem intervencionados pela Educação Especial, nomeadamente alunos com NEE de caráter permanente. Neste contexto, surge a Classificação Internacional de Funcionabilidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF, preconizada pela OMS (2001 e actualizada em 2003, que constitui uma ferramenta pedagógica no processo de elegibilidade, avaliação e intervenção de alunos com NEE. Observa-se uma mudança de paradigma, onde se pretende não só classificar os níveis de funcionalidade do indivíduo, como também os factores ambientais que podem funcionar como barreiras ou facilitadores dessa mesma funcionalidade. Nesta perspectiva a formação de professores, é assim considerada como um factor importante para o sucesso. Deste modo a formação contínua deve preconizar e permitir uma mudança de práticas dos professores e educadores, isto é, uma mudança de prática na educação, na intervenção educativa.

  3. Cooperativismo agropecuário: os desafios do financiamento das necessidades líquidas de capital de giro

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    Régio Márcio Toesca Gimenes


    Full Text Available O cooperativismo possui grande relevância para a economia brasileira, na medida em que atua apoiando o desenvolvimento econômico e social, principalmente das pequenas propriedades rurais. As cooperativas agropecuárias atuam no fomento e na comercialização dos produtos agrícolas, inclusive implantando novos cultivos e agregando valor aos produtos por meio de complexos agroindustriais. O crescimento dessas organizações, sobretudo pela verticalização de suas operações, tem exigido a busca de fontes de capital para financiar as necessidades líquidas de capital de giro dos seus negócios. Decisões sobre financiamento afetam diretamente a saúde financeira das organizações, à medida que produzem um risco financeiro maior. Portanto é relevante uma investigação sobre as fontes de financiamento das necessidades líquidas de capital de giro para as cooperativas agropecuárias, sendo este o objetivo primordial do artigo.The cooperativism has great relevance to Brazilian economics, as it supports the social and economical development, mainly in the small agricultural properties. The farming cooperatives work on the processing and commercialization of agricultural products, including implanting new kinds of crops and aggregating value to the products through agroindustrial complexes. The growth of these organizations, mainly through verticalization of its operations, has required the quest for capital founts to finance the needs for fluent capital in their business. Decisions concerning financing affect directly the financial health of the organizations, as they produce a bigger financial danger. Therefore it is relevant an investigation on the financing founts for the needs of fluid capital to the agricultural cooperatives, and this is the main goal of this article.

  4. Estimativa das necessidades energéticas em pacientes com doença renal crônica Estimating the energy requirement of chronic kidney disease patients

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    Juliana Cordeiro Dias Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Estabelecer as necessidades energéticas de pacientes com doença renal crônica é importante para que se possam tratar os distúrbios nutricionais encontrados nessa população. Segundo os guias de condutas voltados ao cuidado nutricional de pacientes com essa doença, a recomendação energética pode variar entre 30 e 40kcal/kg/dia. Contudo, trabalhos que avaliaram os componentes do gasto energético nos pacientes com doença renal crônica sugerem que as necessidades energéticas dessa população podem diferir do valor recomendado acima, a depender da condição clínica (presença de comorbidades, da modalidade de tratamento empregado e do nível de atividade física. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma revisão dos estudos sobre o gasto energético de pacientes com doença renal crônica, com o intuito de abordar as seguintes questões: (1 as atuais recomendações de energia para pacientes com doença renal crônica estão adequadas? (2 qual equação de predição poderia ser empregada para estimar as necessidades energéticas desse grupo de pacientes? Assim, esta revisão busca auxiliar o nutricionista ao estimar as necessidades energéticas de pacientes com doença renal crônica.Estimating the energy requirement of patients with chronic kidney disease is highly important for treating the nutritional disorders often seen in this population. According to the specific guidelines for patients with chronic kidney disease, the currently recommended daily energy intake varies from 30 to 40kcal/kg/day. However, studies that investigated energy expenditure components of patients with chronic kidney disease suggested that the energy requirement may differ from the one proposed earlier, depending on overall clinical condition (i.e. presence of comorbidities, treatment modality and level of physical activity. With this perspective in mind, the present study aims to review the studies assessing energy expenditure

  5. Reading faces and Facing words

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Robotham, Julia Emma; Lindegaard, Martin Weis; Delfi, Tzvetelina Shentova

    unilateral lesions, we found no patient with a selective deficit in either reading or face processing. Rather, the patients showing a deficit in processing either words or faces were also impaired with the other category. One patient performed within the normal range on all tasks. In addition, all patients......It has long been argued that perceptual processing of faces and words is largely independent, highly specialised and strongly lateralised. Studies of patients with either pure alexia or prosopagnosia have strongly contributed to this view. The aim of our study was to investigate how visual...... perception of faces and words is affected by unilateral posterior stroke. Two patients with lesions in their dominant hemisphere and two with lesions in their non-dominant hemisphere were tested on sensitive tests of face and word perception during the stable phase of recovery. Despite all patients having...

  6. Face Attention Network: An Effective Face Detector for the Occluded Faces


    Wang, Jianfeng; Yuan, Ye; Yu, Gang


    The performance of face detection has been largely improved with the development of convolutional neural network. However, the occlusion issue due to mask and sunglasses, is still a challenging problem. The improvement on the recall of these occluded cases usually brings the risk of high false positives. In this paper, we present a novel face detector called Face Attention Network (FAN), which can significantly improve the recall of the face detection problem in the occluded case without comp...

  7. How Well Do Computer-Generated Faces Tap Face Expertise?

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    Kate Crookes

    Full Text Available The use of computer-generated (CG stimuli in face processing research is proliferating due to the ease with which faces can be generated, standardised and manipulated. However there has been surprisingly little research into whether CG faces are processed in the same way as photographs of real faces. The present study assessed how well CG faces tap face identity expertise by investigating whether two indicators of face expertise are reduced for CG faces when compared to face photographs. These indicators were accuracy for identification of own-race faces and the other-race effect (ORE-the well-established finding that own-race faces are recognised more accurately than other-race faces. In Experiment 1 Caucasian and Asian participants completed a recognition memory task for own- and other-race real and CG faces. Overall accuracy for own-race faces was dramatically reduced for CG compared to real faces and the ORE was significantly and substantially attenuated for CG faces. Experiment 2 investigated perceptual discrimination for own- and other-race real and CG faces with Caucasian and Asian participants. Here again, accuracy for own-race faces was significantly reduced for CG compared to real faces. However the ORE was not affected by format. Together these results signal that CG faces of the type tested here do not fully tap face expertise. Technological advancement may, in the future, produce CG faces that are equivalent to real photographs. Until then caution is advised when interpreting results obtained using CG faces.

  8. Neural synchronization during face-to-face communication


    Jiang, J.; Dai, B.; Peng, D.; Zhu, C.; Liu, L.; Lu, C.


    Although the human brain may have evolutionarily adapted to face-to-face communication, other modes of communication, e.g., telephone and e-mail, increasingly dominate our modern daily life. This study examined the neural difference between face-to-face communication and other types of communication by simultaneously measuring two brains using a hyperscanning approach. The results showed a significant increase in the neural synchronization in the left inferior frontal cortex during a face-to-...

  9. Características clínicas e oftalmológicas de indivíduos com necessidades especiais institucionalizados no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Priscila de Almeida Jorge


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as características clínicas e oftalmológicas encontrados em indivíduos institucionalizados, com necessidades especiais no estado de Pernambuco. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se projeto multidisciplinar em 37 pacientes, com necessidades especiais, institucionalizados na Comunidade Rodolfo Aureliano (CRAUR, unidade da Fundação da Criança e do Adolescente (FUNDAC em Recife-PE. A faixa etária dos indivíduos institucionalizados variou de seis a 30 anos, média de 18,8 ± 5,1 anos. O sexo masculino foi mais prevalente com 35 indivíduos (94,5%. Consideraram-se como indivíduos institucionalizados, aqueles que vivem abrigados em instituições mantidas pelo Estado. Foi feito estudo de corte transversal, verificando-se os principais achados clínicos e oftalmológicos destes indivíduos. Realizou-se o exame oftalmológico completo nos casos, com boa colaboração e de acordo com protocolo pré-estabelecido. RESULTADOS: Uso de álcool na gravidez foi relatado por nove mães (24,3%. Verificou-se a presença de retardo mental grave em 22 casos (59,4 %, paralisia cerebral e epilepsia em sete (18,9% indivíduos cada. Foi possível a realização do exame oftalmológico completo em 24 indivíduos (64,8%. Detectou-se cegueira legal em dez casos (41,6%. Os diagnósticos oftalmológicos mais encontrados foram ambliopia, erro refracional e phthisis bulbi em três casos (12,5% cada. Estrabismo foi encontrado em dois casos (8,3%. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados oftalmológicos revelaram a importância do exame oftalmológico em indivíduos com necessidades especiais institucionalizados. A associação com múltiplas deficiências, tais como: doenças neuropsiquiátricas, contribuiu para o maior grau de dificuldade na avaliação e condução dos casos.

  10. Necessidades especiais de escolares com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 identificadas por familiares Special needs of students with diabetes mellitus type 1 identified by relatives

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    Tania Moron Saes Braga


    Full Text Available É um desafio atender aos alunos, em suas diversas necessidades especiais. Diferentemente das deficiências, há poucas pesquisas no Brasil sobre estudantes com doenças crônicas e suas especificidades, na escola. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar as necessidades especiais de escolares com diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Participaram 37 familiares de escolares em tratamento ambulatorial de uma faculdade paulista, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, gravada em áudio e transcrita para análise. Os resultados mostraram que todos comunicaram a escola a respeito da doença do filho, mas, mesmo assim, 29,7% relatam dificuldade de inclusão ou acesso à escola, como desconhecimento do professor para o controle do diabetes, merenda escolar inadequada, preconceito dos colegas e da diretora ou vergonha por parte do aluno. As faltas ocorrem com 70,3% dos alunos, principalmente devido às consultas médicas. Necessidades especiais foram identificadas por 32,4%, incluindo a alimentação, o desempenho escolar e a necessidade de profissionais da escola mais bem informados sobre a doença. Além disso, 72,9% referem algum tipo de apoio para enfrentar o diabetes, principalmente de profissionais de saúde. Dos familiares, 51,3% apresentam sugestões para um melhor desenvolvimento do filho na escola, incluindo alimentação escolar adequada e melhor preparo da escola para lidar com o diabetes, como palestras e treinamento aos professores. Sugerimos a aproximação entre a escola e a área da saúde, porém, o primeiro passo para a integração intersetorial é identificar as necessidades desses alunos com doenças crônicas, como foi possível com este trabalho, ao enfocar o diabetes mellitus e suas repercussões escolares.Catering to students according to their various special needs is a challenge. As opposed to the field of disability, there is little research in Brazil on students with chronic diseases and their specific needs at school. The

  11. Facing aggression: cues differ for female versus male faces.

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    Shawn N Geniole

    Full Text Available The facial width-to-height ratio (face ratio, is a sexually dimorphic metric associated with actual aggression in men and with observers' judgements of aggression in male faces. Here, we sought to determine if observers' judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio in female faces. In three studies, participants rated photographs of female and male faces on aggression, femininity, masculinity, attractiveness, and nurturing. In Studies 1 and 2, for female and male faces, judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio even when other cues in the face related to masculinity were controlled statistically. Nevertheless, correlations between the face ratio and judgements of aggression were smaller for female than for male faces (F(1,36 = 7.43, p = 0.01. In Study 1, there was no significant relationship between judgements of femininity and of aggression in female faces. In Study 2, the association between judgements of masculinity and aggression was weaker in female faces than for male faces in Study 1. The weaker association in female faces may be because aggression and masculinity are stereotypically male traits. Thus, in Study 3, observers rated faces on nurturing (a stereotypically female trait and on femininity. Judgements of nurturing were associated with femininity (positively and masculinity (negatively ratings in both female and male faces. In summary, the perception of aggression differs in female versus male faces. The sex difference was not simply because aggression is a gendered construct; the relationships between masculinity/femininity and nurturing were similar for male and female faces even though nurturing is also a gendered construct. Masculinity and femininity ratings are not associated with aggression ratings nor with the face ratio for female faces. In contrast, all four variables are highly inter-correlated in male faces, likely because these cues in male faces serve as "honest signals".

  12. Facing aggression: cues differ for female versus male faces. (United States)

    Geniole, Shawn N; Keyes, Amanda E; Mondloch, Catherine J; Carré, Justin M; McCormick, Cheryl M


    The facial width-to-height ratio (face ratio), is a sexually dimorphic metric associated with actual aggression in men and with observers' judgements of aggression in male faces. Here, we sought to determine if observers' judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio in female faces. In three studies, participants rated photographs of female and male faces on aggression, femininity, masculinity, attractiveness, and nurturing. In Studies 1 and 2, for female and male faces, judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio even when other cues in the face related to masculinity were controlled statistically. Nevertheless, correlations between the face ratio and judgements of aggression were smaller for female than for male faces (F(1,36) = 7.43, p = 0.01). In Study 1, there was no significant relationship between judgements of femininity and of aggression in female faces. In Study 2, the association between judgements of masculinity and aggression was weaker in female faces than for male faces in Study 1. The weaker association in female faces may be because aggression and masculinity are stereotypically male traits. Thus, in Study 3, observers rated faces on nurturing (a stereotypically female trait) and on femininity. Judgements of nurturing were associated with femininity (positively) and masculinity (negatively) ratings in both female and male faces. In summary, the perception of aggression differs in female versus male faces. The sex difference was not simply because aggression is a gendered construct; the relationships between masculinity/femininity and nurturing were similar for male and female faces even though nurturing is also a gendered construct. Masculinity and femininity ratings are not associated with aggression ratings nor with the face ratio for female faces. In contrast, all four variables are highly inter-correlated in male faces, likely because these cues in male faces serve as "honest signals".

  13. Facing Aggression: Cues Differ for Female versus Male Faces (United States)

    Geniole, Shawn N.; Keyes, Amanda E.; Mondloch, Catherine J.; Carré, Justin M.; McCormick, Cheryl M.


    The facial width-to-height ratio (face ratio), is a sexually dimorphic metric associated with actual aggression in men and with observers' judgements of aggression in male faces. Here, we sought to determine if observers' judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio in female faces. In three studies, participants rated photographs of female and male faces on aggression, femininity, masculinity, attractiveness, and nurturing. In Studies 1 and 2, for female and male faces, judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio even when other cues in the face related to masculinity were controlled statistically. Nevertheless, correlations between the face ratio and judgements of aggression were smaller for female than for male faces (F1,36 = 7.43, p = 0.01). In Study 1, there was no significant relationship between judgements of femininity and of aggression in female faces. In Study 2, the association between judgements of masculinity and aggression was weaker in female faces than for male faces in Study 1. The weaker association in female faces may be because aggression and masculinity are stereotypically male traits. Thus, in Study 3, observers rated faces on nurturing (a stereotypically female trait) and on femininity. Judgements of nurturing were associated with femininity (positively) and masculinity (negatively) ratings in both female and male faces. In summary, the perception of aggression differs in female versus male faces. The sex difference was not simply because aggression is a gendered construct; the relationships between masculinity/femininity and nurturing were similar for male and female faces even though nurturing is also a gendered construct. Masculinity and femininity ratings are not associated with aggression ratings nor with the face ratio for female faces. In contrast, all four variables are highly inter-correlated in male faces, likely because these cues in male faces serve as “honest signals”. PMID:22276184

  14. A Inclusão de Pessoas com Necessidades Especiais no Ensino Superior

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    Ronaldo Queiroz de OLIVEIRA

    Full Text Available RESUMO: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa que objetivou analisar a produção científica sobre a educação inclusiva no ensino superior. Os dados foram coletados nas bases de dados Lilacs, Scielo, Cochrane, Medline e PubMed, entre os anos 2005 e 2014, utilizando-se os descritores controlados Special Education, Education Higher, Mainstreaming Education e Disabled Personse e os descritores não controlados Educação Especial, Educação Superior, Inclusão Educacional e Pessoas com Deficiência; Educación Superior, Propensíon Educación, Personas com Discapacidad. A amostra constituiu em 16 artigos. As publicações sobre a educação inclusiva no ensino superior têm sido tênues, demonstrando que ainda há muito a avançar nesse assunto. Conclui-se que o tema educação inclusiva é mais estudado em relação às crianças; as atenções dos estudiosos em relação a pessoas adultas com necessidades especiais envolvem mais a assistência em saúde e não a educação inclusiva no ensino superior.

  15. Contabilização das variações da necessidade de capital de giro

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    André Seidel


    Full Text Available Quando se deseja iniciar uma atividade ou mesmo expandi-la, muito se analisa a necessidade de aplicações em ativos permanentes, mas pouca atenção é dedicada ao "investimento em clientes e estoques". Dessa forma a concessão de prazo para clientes ou a opção por um aumento nos níveis dos estoques, ambos valores contabilizados no ativo circulante, pode significar uma decisão de investimento tão ou mais duradoura do que aquela efetuada em ativos permanentes. A Necessidade de Capital de Giro (NCG, e suas variações, podem levar à falência muitas empresas, principalmente pequenas e médias. Além da preocupação monetária, uma empresa necessita garantir a manutenção de sua estrutura física, permanente e operacional, necessária para suas atividades. O lucro contabilizado através do Custo Corrente Corrigido (CCC, precisa de ajustes para ser considerado totalmente distribuível; sob nosso ponto de vista, as variações da NCG fazem parte desses ajustes. A idéia central deste artigo é a criação de uma Reserva de Capital denominada Reserva das Variações da Necessidade de Capital de Giro (RVNCG como forma de garantir a manutenção do capital físico da empresa, ajustando o lucro passível de distribuição através da contabilização das variações da NCG. Esse artigo está dividido em quatro partes. Na primeira, percorremos o embasamento teórico. No desenvolvimento, segunda parte, traçamos os objetivos, as premissas e descrevemos a criação e a contabilização da RVNCG. Na terceira parte, demonstramos a proposta do artigo através de três exemplos numéricos com os respectivos Balanços Patrimoniais e Demonstrações do Resultado, mostrando a utilização proposta da RVNCG; por fim, na quarta e última parte apresentamos nossas conclusões.When we want to begin or expand an activity, the need to invest in permanent assets is profoundly analyzed, but little attention is given to the investment in clients and inventories

  16. Rotinas Familiares de Crianças com Necessidades Especiais em Família Adotiva

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    Fabíola Helena Oliveira Brandão Silva

    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivou-se descrever as rotinas de três famílias, que adotaram crianças com necessidades especiais ,que tinham conhecimento prévio dessa condição infantil. Utilizou-se o método de Estudo de Casos Múltiplos. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de Entrevista Semiestruturada (ES, do Inventário de Rotina (IR e do Diário de Campo (DC. Quanto às semelhanças entre os grupos familiares, identificou-se que são comuns as atividades de alimentação/higiene, descanso e lazer, envolvendo a participação dos pais, irmãs e babás, geralmente nos ambientes domésticos da família. Observou-se diferenças importantes nos padrões de atividades, companhias e ambientes onde as rotinas ocorriam. Conclui-se que as variações nas rotinas estão relacionadas às particularidades de cada criança, à estrutura e nível socioeconômico de cada família participante.

  17. Successful decoding of famous faces in the fusiform face area.

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    Vadim Axelrod

    Full Text Available What are the neural mechanisms of face recognition? It is believed that the network of face-selective areas, which spans the occipital, temporal, and frontal cortices, is important in face recognition. A number of previous studies indeed reported that face identity could be discriminated based on patterns of multivoxel activity in the fusiform face area and the anterior temporal lobe. However, given the difficulty in localizing the face-selective area in the anterior temporal lobe, its role in face recognition is still unknown. Furthermore, previous studies limited their analysis to occipito-temporal regions without testing identity decoding in more anterior face-selective regions, such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. In the current high-resolution functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging study, we systematically examined the decoding of the identity of famous faces in the temporo-frontal network of face-selective and adjacent non-face-selective regions. A special focus has been put on the face-area in the anterior temporal lobe, which was reliably localized using an optimized scanning protocol. We found that face-identity could be discriminated above chance level only in the fusiform face area. Our results corroborate the role of the fusiform face area in face recognition. Future studies are needed to further explore the role of the more recently discovered anterior face-selective areas in face recognition.

  18. Real Time Face Quality Assessment for Face Log Generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kamal, Nasrollahi; Moeslund, Thomas B.


    Summarizing a long surveillance video to just a few best quality face images of each subject, a face-log, is of great importance in surveillance systems. Face quality assessment is the back-bone for face log generation and improving the quality assessment makes the face logs more reliable....... Developing a real time face quality assessment system using the most important facial features and employing it for face logs generation are the concerns of this paper. Extensive tests using four databases are carried out to validate the usability of the system....

  19. Cross-modal face recognition using multi-matcher face scores (United States)

    Zheng, Yufeng; Blasch, Erik


    The performance of face recognition can be improved using information fusion of multimodal images and/or multiple algorithms. When multimodal face images are available, cross-modal recognition is meaningful for security and surveillance applications. For example, a probe face is a thermal image (especially at nighttime), while only visible face images are available in the gallery database. Matching a thermal probe face onto the visible gallery faces requires crossmodal matching approaches. A few such studies were implemented in facial feature space with medium recognition performance. In this paper, we propose a cross-modal recognition approach, where multimodal faces are cross-matched in feature space and the recognition performance is enhanced with stereo fusion at image, feature and/or score level. In the proposed scenario, there are two cameras for stereo imaging, two face imagers (visible and thermal images) in each camera, and three recognition algorithms (circular Gaussian filter, face pattern byte, linear discriminant analysis). A score vector is formed with three cross-matched face scores from the aforementioned three algorithms. A classifier (e.g., k-nearest neighbor, support vector machine, binomial logical regression [BLR]) is trained then tested with the score vectors by using 10-fold cross validations. The proposed approach was validated with a multispectral stereo face dataset from 105 subjects. Our experiments show very promising results: ACR (accuracy rate) = 97.84%, FAR (false accept rate) = 0.84% when cross-matching the fused thermal faces onto the fused visible faces by using three face scores and the BLR classifier.

  20. Meta-analytic review of the development of face discrimination in infancy: Face race, face gender, infant age, and methodology moderate face discrimination. (United States)

    Sugden, Nicole A; Marquis, Alexandra R


    Infants show facility for discriminating between individual faces within hours of birth. Over the first year of life, infants' face discrimination shows continued improvement with familiar face types, such as own-race faces, but not with unfamiliar face types, like other-race faces. The goal of this meta-analytic review is to provide an effect size for infants' face discrimination ability overall, with own-race faces, and with other-race faces within the first year of life, how this differs with age, and how it is influenced by task methodology. Inclusion criteria were (a) infant participants aged 0 to 12 months, (b) completing a human own- or other-race face discrimination task, (c) with discrimination being determined by infant looking. Our analysis included 30 works (165 samples, 1,926 participants participated in 2,623 tasks). The effect size for infants' face discrimination was small, 6.53% greater than chance (i.e., equal looking to the novel and familiar). There was a significant difference in discrimination by race, overall (own-race, 8.18%; other-race, 3.18%) and between ages (own-race: 0- to 4.5-month-olds, 7.32%; 5- to 7.5-month-olds, 9.17%; and 8- to 12-month-olds, 7.68%; other-race: 0- to 4.5-month-olds, 6.12%; 5- to 7.5-month-olds, 3.70%; and 8- to 12-month-olds, 2.79%). Multilevel linear (mixed-effects) models were used to predict face discrimination; infants' capacity to discriminate faces is sensitive to face characteristics including race, gender, and emotion as well as the methods used, including task timing, coding method, and visual angle. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  1. Percepções sobre necessidades de saúde na Atenção Básica segundo usuários de um serviço de saúde Percepciones sobre necesidades de salud en la atención básica, según usuarios de un servicio de salud Perceptions of primary health care needs according to users of a health center

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    Paulo Alexandre de Moraes


    Full Text Available Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório, com o objetivo de conhecer o conceito de necessidades de saúde, segundo a percepção de usuários de um serviço de saúde do interior paulista. Realizou-se 15 entrevistas, por meio de roteiro semi-estruturado, em janeiro de 2009. A leitura exaustiva das entrevistas permitiu a apreensão de elementos constitutivos das categorias, definidas a priori, segundo a Taxonomia das Necessidades de Saúde. Identificou-se que os usuários perceberam-se como detentores de necessidades; o contexto social pode apresentar forte influência na sua saúde, verificando-se que a autonomia na tomada de decisões é uma necessidade. Quanto ao vínculo, percebe-se que está intimamente ligado às necessidades de autonomia/autocuidado, pois de certo modo é reforçando a relação de confiança que será possível fortalecer os potenciais para o enfrentamento do processo saúde-doença. Conclui-se que existe a necessidade de instrumentos que auxiliem o profissional da área da Saúde Coletiva a identificar as necessidades de saúde dos usuários.Se trata de una investigación cualitativa de carácter exploratorio, con el objetivo de conocer el concepto de necesidades de salud, según la percepción de usuarios de un servicio de salud del interior paulista. Fueron realizadas 15 entrevistas, a través de guión semiestructurado, en el mes de enero de 2009. La lectura exhaustiva de las entrevistas permitió el aprendizaje de elementos constitutivos de las categorías, que fueron definidas a priori según la Taxonomía de las Necesidades de Salud. Se identificó que los usuarios se percibieron como detentores de necesidades, el contexto social puede presentar fuerte influencia en su salud, verificándose que la autonomía en la toma de decisiones es una necesidad. En cuanto al vínculo, se percibe que está íntimamente ligado a las necesidades de autonomía/autocuidado, pues de cierto modo, reforzándose la

  2. Voicing on Virtual and Face to Face Discussion (United States)

    Yamat, Hamidah


    This paper presents and discusses findings of a study conducted on pre-service teachers' experiences in virtual and face to face discussions. Technology has brought learning nowadays beyond the classroom context or time zone. The learning context and process no longer rely solely on face to face communications in the presence of a teacher.…

  3. Facing Aggression: Cues Differ for Female versus Male Faces


    Geniole, Shawn N.; Keyes, Amanda E.; Mondloch, Catherine J.; Carr?, Justin M.; McCormick, Cheryl M.


    The facial width-to-height ratio (face ratio), is a sexually dimorphic metric associated with actual aggression in men and with observers' judgements of aggression in male faces. Here, we sought to determine if observers' judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio in female faces. In three studies, participants rated photographs of female and male faces on aggression, femininity, masculinity, attractiveness, and nurturing. In Studies 1 and 2, for female and male faces, judge...

  4. Buzz: Face-to-Face Contact and the Urban Economy


    Michael Storper; Anthony J. Venables


    This paper argues that existing models of urban concentrations are incomplete unless grounded in the most fundamental aspect of proximity; face-to-face contact. Face-to-face contact has four main features; it is an efficient communication technology; it can help solve incentive problems; it can facilitate socialization and learning; and it provides psychological motivation. We discuss each of these features in turn, and develop formal economic models of two of them. Face-to-face is particular...

  5. Representações sociais dos educadores de infância e a inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais Social representations of childhood educators and the inclusion of students with special needs

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    Francisca M. Rocha Almas Fragoso


    Full Text Available neste estudo determinam-se as representações sociais dos educadores de infância no Concelho de Évora no Sul de Portugal, face à inclusão de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais nas escolas regulares. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se numa estratégia de sondagem assente na realização de um questionário que compreendeu a caracterização dos elementos de estudo, a estruturação das atitudes e o tipo de representações sociais dos educadores de infância nas escolas regulares, o enquadramento legal e a viabilidade do processo inclusivo e os recursos físicos humanos. Para interpretar os dados do questionário foi realizada uma análise estatística univariada e uma análise de conteúdos. A promoção da igualdade de oportunidades, a inter-ajuda e o paradigma da escola inclusiva, estão na origem de uma atitude favorável ao processo de inclusão de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais, que é condicionada pelos meios técnicos e humanos e condições físicas nas escolas. A representação social é em geral favorável ao processo de inclusão, apesar haver ainda discriminação das crianças com necessidades educativas, devido à falta de informação, de educação e de regras sociais, à classe social e nível econômico, a dificuldades de aceitação da diferença e das limitações físicas e à falta de higiene.This study determines the social representations of kindergarten teachers in the city of Évora, southern Portugal, on the inclusion of children with special educational needs in regular schools. The methodology was based on a survey research strategy in which a questionnaire was used to comprise the characterization of the study elements, the structuring the attitudes and the types of representations of kindergarten teachers in regular schools, the legal framework and feasibility of the inclusive process and the available human and physical resources. The data were treated using univariate

  6. Estresse e suporte social em mães de crianças com necessidades especiais Stress and social support for mothers of children with special needs

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    Thelma Simões Matsukura


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a associação entre estresse e suporte social em mães de crianças com necessidades especiais e mães de crianças com desenvolvimento típico, em famílias de baixa renda. Trata-se de estudo quantitativo com 75 mães de crianças com idade entre quatro e 8 anos, com renda familiar de até quatro salários mínimos, alocadas em dois grupos: mães de crianças com desenvolvimento típico e mães de crianças com necessidades especiais. As participantes responderam ao Inventário de Sintoma de Stress e ao Questionário de Suporte Social. Os resultados indicaram, em ambos os grupos, elevada porcentagem de mães estressadas. Mães de crianças com necessidades especiais contam com um menor número de pessoas suportivas. Observou-se associação negativa entre stress e satisfação com o suporte social. Discute-se que o presente estudo confirma achados de pesquisas anteriores e identifica o papel do suporte social nos processos de adaptação familiar. A associação encontrada entre a satisfação com o suporte social e o estresse aponta para adequação de proposições e implantação de programas de intervenções em saúde para famílias de crianças com necessidades especiais.The aim of this article is to assess the relationship between stress and social support in mothers of children with special needs, as contrasted with mothers of children with typical development, from low income families. In this quantitative study, participants included 75 mothers with children aged four to eight years, with income up to four minimum wages, divided in two groups: mothers of children with typical development and mothers of children with special needs. The mothers answered the Inventory of Stress Symptom and the Social Support Questionnaire. The results showed that mothers of both groups suffered stress. The mothers of children with special needs have a smaller number of people to support them. A negative

  7. European cinema: face to face with Hollywood

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elsaesser, T.


    In the face of renewed competition from Hollywood since the early 1980s and the challenges posed to Europe's national cinemas by the fall of the Wall in 1989, independent filmmaking in Europe has begun to re-invent itself. European Cinema: Face to Face with Hollywood re-assesses the different

  8. The Caledonian face test: A new test of face discrimination. (United States)

    Logan, Andrew J; Wilkinson, Frances; Wilson, Hugh R; Gordon, Gael E; Loffler, Gunter


    This study aimed to develop a clinical test of face perception which is applicable to a wide range of patients and can capture normal variability. The Caledonian face test utilises synthetic faces which combine simplicity with sufficient realism to permit individual identification. Face discrimination thresholds (i.e. minimum difference between faces required for accurate discrimination) were determined in an "odd-one-out" task. The difference between faces was controlled by an adaptive QUEST procedure. A broad range of face discrimination sensitivity was determined from a group (N=52) of young adults (mean 5.75%; SD 1.18; range 3.33-8.84%). The test is fast (3-4 min), repeatable (test-re-test r(2)=0.795) and demonstrates a significant inversion effect. The potential to identify impairments of face discrimination was evaluated by testing LM who reported a lifelong difficulty with face perception. While LM's impairment for two established face tests was close to the criterion for significance (Z-scores of -2.20 and -2.27) for the Caledonian face test, her Z-score was -7.26, implying a more than threefold higher sensitivity. The new face test provides a quantifiable and repeatable assessment of face discrimination ability. The enhanced sensitivity suggests that the Caledonian face test may be capable of detecting more subtle impairments of face perception than available tests. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Face-Lift Satisfaction Using the FACE-Q. (United States)

    Sinno, Sammy; Schwitzer, Jonathan; Anzai, Lavinia; Thorne, Charles H


    Face lifting is one of the most common operative procedures for facial aging and perhaps the procedure most synonymous with plastic surgery in the minds of the lay public, but no verifiable documentation of patient satisfaction exists in the literature. This study is the first to examine face-lift outcomes and patient satisfaction using a validated questionnaire. One hundred five patients undergoing a face lift performed by the senior author (C.H.T.) using a high, extended-superficial musculoaponeurotic system with submental platysma approximation technique were asked to complete anonymously the FACE-Q by e-mail. FACE-Q scores were assessed for each domain (range, 0 to 100), with higher scores indicating greater satisfaction with appearance or superior quality of life. Fifty-three patients completed the FACE-Q (50.5 percent response rate). Patients demonstrated high satisfaction with facial appearance (mean ± SD, 80.7 ± 22.3), and quality of life, including social confidence (90.4 ± 16.6), psychological well-being (92.8 ± 14.3), and early life impact (92.2 ± 16.4). Patients also reported extremely high satisfaction with their decision to undergo face lifting (90.5 ± 15.9). On average, patients felt they appeared 6.9 years younger than their actual age. Patients were most satisfied with the appearance of their nasolabial folds (86.2 ± 18.5), cheeks (86.1 ± 25.4), and lower face/jawline (86.0 ± 20.6), compared with their necks (78.1 ± 25.6) and area under the chin (67.9 ± 32.3). Patients who responded in this study were extremely satisfied with their decision to undergo face lifting and the outcomes and quality of life following the procedure.

  10. A Face Inversion Effect without a Face (United States)

    Brandman, Talia; Yovel, Galit


    Numerous studies have attributed the face inversion effect (FIE) to configural processing of internal facial features in upright but not inverted faces. Recent findings suggest that face mechanisms can be activated by faceless stimuli presented in the context of a body. Here we asked whether faceless stimuli with or without body context may induce…

  11. Rede de cuidados a crianças com necessidades especiais de saúde

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    Monique Pio Astolpho


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou caracterizar as instituições de apoio às crianças com necessidades especiais de saúde e apreender como se conformam as interações entre essas instituições e os demais serviços que compõem a rede de cuidados. Estudo descritivo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa. Participaram dez responsáveis por instituições que atendem essa clientela. Utilizou-se, como instrumento de coleta de dados, a entrevista semiestruturada. As instituições atendem, aproximadamente, 3.310 clientes, sendo 432 crianças; oito atendem acima de suas capacidades e a demanda reprimida chega a 200 pacientes; duas possuem atendimento 24 horas; a maioria tem como característica ser não governamental e as fontes de recursos consistem de doações, recursos próprios e repasse governamental. Com relação à dinâmica do processo de trabalho, foram mencionadas integração e articulação deficientes. Faz-se necessário a reorganização dos serviços na busca por uma assistência qualificada e integradora, minimizando as dificuldades de comunicação e cooperação entre os serviços.

  12. Series 'Facing Radiation'. 2 Facing radiation is facing residents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hanzawa, Takahiro


    The series is to report how general people, who are not at all radiological experts, have faced and understood the problems and tasks of radiation given by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident (Mar. 2011). The section 2 is reported by an officer of Date City, which localizes at 60 km northern west of the Plant, borders on Iitate Village of Fukushima prefecture, and is indicated as the important area of contamination search (IACS), which the reporter has been conducted for as responsible personnel. In July 2011, the ambient dose was as high as 3.0-3.5 mc-Sv/h and the tentative storage place of contaminated materials was decided by own initiative of residents of a small community, from which the real decontamination started in the City. The target dose after decontamination was defined to be 1.0 mc-Sv/h: however, 28/32 IACS municipalities in the prefecture had not defined the target although they had worked for 2 years after the Accident for their areas exceeding the standard 0.23 mc-Sv/h. At the moment of decontamination of the reporter's own house, he noticed that resident's concerns had directed toward its work itself, not toward the target dose, and wondered if these figures had obstructed to correctly face the radiation. At present that about 2.5 years have passed since the Accident, all of Date citizens have personal accumulated glass dosimeters for seeing the effective external dose and it seems that their dose will not exceed 1 mSv/y if the ambient dose estimated is 0.3-5 mc-Sv/h. Media run to popularity not to face radiation, experts tend to hesitate to face media and residents, and radiation dose will be hardly reduced to zero, despite that correct understanding of radiation is a shorter way for residents' own ease: facing radiation is facing residents. (T.T.)

  13. Saúde do Trabalhador: necessidades desconsideradas pela gestão do Sistema Único de Saúde

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    Luiz Carlos Fadel de Vasconcellos

    Full Text Available RESUMO O texto, enquanto ensaio reflexivo, tem como objetivo analisar as normas operacionais e de pactuação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, no sentido de observar se o enunciado normativo decorrente dos pactos em saúde é coerente com a determinação constitucional de promoção, proteção e reabilitação da saúde dos trabalhadores e com o enfrentamento dos alarmantes indicadores epidemiológicos dos agravos decorrentes do trabalho. Utiliza, como método, a análise documental e bibliográfica referente ao tema e conclui que, a partir das necessidades em saúde, aquelas que dizem respeito à saúde do trabalhador são desconsideradas pelos mecanismos de pactuação e gestão do SUS.

  14. Necessidades de treinamento organizacional e motivação para trabalhar Training needs and work motivation: analysis of the relationship

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    Gisela Gomes da Silva


    Full Text Available Apesar de contribuir com a programação, a execução e a avaliação de resultados, a etapa de análise de necessidades tem sido constantemente negligenciada pela literatura científica e pela prática profissional de treinamento, cujos volumosos investimentos, portanto, tendem a ser desperdiçados. Os modelos que orientam este importante campo foram propostos há aproximadamente 50 anos, de forma que não são capazes, atualmente, de orientar teórica e metodologicamente estudiosos e praticantes da área. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetivou, mediante execução de análise de covariância em amostra de 213 participantes, investigar a relação entre motivação para o trabalho e complexidade de necessidades de treinamento, com vistas a permitir a composição futura de modelos teóricos de análise de necessidades integrados, não apenas por componentes relacionados às tarefas, como prescrito na literatura, mas, também, por variáveis relativas aos níveis individual, grupal e organizacional de análise. Especificamente, quatro objetivos específicos, cada qual associado a procedimentos e técnicas de pesquisa particulares, foram determinados: (1 elaborar, por meio de pesquisa documental e grupo de foco, e validar, teórica e empiricamente, a partir de entrevista individual e realização de análises fatoriais exploratórias, instrumento para aferição das necessidades de treinamento; (2 adaptar e validar estatisticamente o instrumento de medida de motivação para trabalhar, também em função de análises fatoriais exploratórias; (3 com teste de diferença de médias entre amostras independentes, formar grupos de comparação em função do no nível de motivação para trabalhar dos respondentes; e (4 identificar variáveis de controle estatístico para composição do modelo final de investigação a partir de correlações bivariadas. Os resultados obtidos satisfizeram todos esses quatro objetivos intermediários de pesquisa

  15. Educação inclusiva em enfermagem: análise das necessidades de estudantes

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    Ana Cristina Mancussi e Faro


    Full Text Available A educação inclusiva tem por base atender os alunos sem distinção, proporcionando uma educação voltada a todos, de forma a identificar as necessidades educacionais de qualquer aluno. O presente estudo tem como objetivos verificar a ocorrência de deficiências; identificar os recursos pedagógicos que possibilitam a inclusão; conhecer as barreiras arquitetônicas, de comunicação, de atitudes e pedagógicas e que interferem no desempenho dos estudantes durante o curso e identificar as sugestões dos alunos para promover a inclusão. Trata-se de estudo exploratório, descritivo, transversal, com abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados junto a estudantes de graduação em Enfermagem por meio da aplicação de um questionário com questões abertas e fechadas. Dos respondentes, 66,3% apresentavam deficiência visual; 1,2%, deficiência auditiva e não houve relato de deficiência física. As barreiras arquitetônicas foram as mais citadas pelos estudantes participantes da pesquisa, seguidas das barreiras pedagógicas.

  16. Face time: educating face transplant candidates. (United States)

    Lamparello, Brooke M; Bueno, Ericka M; Diaz-Siso, Jesus Rodrigo; Sisk, Geoffroy C; Pomahac, Bohdan


    Face transplantation is the innovative application of microsurgery and immunology to restore appearance and function to those with severe facial disfigurements. Our group aims to establish a multidisciplinary education program that can facilitate informed consent and build a strong knowledge base in patients to enhance adherence to medication regimes, recovery, and quality of life. We analyzed handbooks from our institution's solid organ transplant programs to identify topics applicable to face transplant patients. The team identified unique features of face transplantation that warrant comprehensive patient education. We created a 181-page handbook to provide subjects interested in pursuing transplantation with a written source of information on the process and team members and to address concerns they may have. While the handbook covers a wide range of topics, it is easy to understand and visually appealing. Face transplantation has many unique aspects that must be relayed to the patients pursuing this novel therapy. Since candidates lack third-party support groups and programs, the transplant team must provide an extensive educational component to enhance this complex process. As face transplantation continues to develop, programs must create sound education programs that address patients' needs and concerns to facilitate optimal care.

  17. From face processing to face recognition: Comparing three different processing levels. (United States)

    Besson, G; Barragan-Jason, G; Thorpe, S J; Fabre-Thorpe, M; Puma, S; Ceccaldi, M; Barbeau, E J


    Verifying that a face is from a target person (e.g. finding someone in the crowd) is a critical ability of the human face processing system. Yet how fast this can be performed is unknown. The 'entry-level shift due to expertise' hypothesis suggests that - since humans are face experts - processing faces should be as fast - or even faster - at the individual than at superordinate levels. In contrast, the 'superordinate advantage' hypothesis suggests that faces are processed from coarse to fine, so that the opposite pattern should be observed. To clarify this debate, three different face processing levels were compared: (1) a superordinate face categorization level (i.e. detecting human faces among animal faces), (2) a face familiarity level (i.e. recognizing famous faces among unfamiliar ones) and (3) verifying that a face is from a target person, our condition of interest. The minimal speed at which faces can be categorized (∼260ms) or recognized as familiar (∼360ms) has largely been documented in previous studies, and thus provides boundaries to compare our condition of interest to. Twenty-seven participants were included. The recent Speed and Accuracy Boosting procedure paradigm (SAB) was used since it constrains participants to use their fastest strategy. Stimuli were presented either upright or inverted. Results revealed that verifying that a face is from a target person (minimal RT at ∼260ms) was remarkably fast but longer than the face categorization level (∼240ms) and was more sensitive to face inversion. In contrast, it was much faster than recognizing a face as familiar (∼380ms), a level severely affected by face inversion. Face recognition corresponding to finding a specific person in a crowd thus appears achievable in only a quarter of a second. In favor of the 'superordinate advantage' hypothesis or coarse-to-fine account of the face visual hierarchy, these results suggest a graded engagement of the face processing system across processing

  18. Bayesian Face Recognition and Perceptual Narrowing in Face-Space (United States)

    Balas, Benjamin


    During the first year of life, infants' face recognition abilities are subject to "perceptual narrowing", the end result of which is that observers lose the ability to distinguish previously discriminable faces (e.g. other-race faces) from one another. Perceptual narrowing has been reported for faces of different species and different races, in…


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    Laura Resende Moreira


    Full Text Available O artigo discute as práticas inclusivas nos serviços de atenção psicossocial, de forma a articular a concessão de benefícios sociais à dimensão da práxis clínica, pautada na escuta do sujeito. Retoma-se o contexto de criação do campo da saúde mental no Brasil, ressaltando a importância do modelo basagliano para a consolidação dos movimentos sociais que protagonizaram a luta contra o modelo asilar de tratamento da loucura e pela inclusão social dos pacientes psiquiátricos. Em seguida, discorremos acerca da escuta clínica na teoria psicanalítica, no intuito de asseverar o desenvolvimento desta como elemento fundamental para o trabalho institucional. Utilizam-se os conceitos psicanalíticos de necessidade, demanda e desejo, com o propósito de articulá-los à noção de escuta nos serviços substitutivos. Por fim, indicamos que a relação entre a psicanálise e a saúde mental implica a aposta que se faz no desejo, na emergência do sujeito como resultado de um trabalho clínico dentro das instituições, na medida em que essa aposta nos permite escapar de certa normalização dos usuários de saúde mental a um convívio social aceitável.

  20. Attention to internal face features in unfamiliar face matching. (United States)

    Fletcher, Kingsley I; Butavicius, Marcus A; Lee, Michael D


    Accurate matching of unfamiliar faces is vital in security and forensic applications, yet previous research has suggested that humans often perform poorly when matching unfamiliar faces. Hairstyle and facial hair can strongly influence unfamiliar face matching but are potentially unreliable cues. This study investigated whether increased attention to the more stable internal face features of eyes, nose, and mouth was associated with more accurate face-matching performance. Forty-three first-year psychology students decided whether two simultaneously presented faces were of the same person or not. The faces were displayed for either 2 or 6 seconds, and had either similar or dissimilar hairstyles. The level of attention to internal features was measured by the proportion of fixation time spent on the internal face features and the sensitivity of discrimination to changes in external feature similarity. Increased attention to internal features was associated with increased discrimination in the 2-second display-time condition, but no significant relationship was found in the 6-second condition. Individual differences in eye-movements were highly stable across the experimental conditions.

  1. Face recognition : implementation of face recognition on AMIGO

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geelen, M.J.A.J.; Molengraft, van de M.J.G.; Elfring, J.


    In this (traineeship)report two possible methods of face recognition were presented. The first method describes how to detect and recognize faces by using the SURF algorithm. This algorithm finally was not used for recognizing faces, with the reason that the Eigenface algorithm was an already tested

  2. The complex duration perception of emotional faces: Effects of face direction

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    Katrin Martina Kliegl


    Full Text Available The perceived duration of emotional face stimuli strongly depends on the expressed emotion. But, emotional faces also differ regarding a number of other features like gaze, face direction, or sex. Usually, these features have been controlled by only using pictures of female models with straight gaze and face direction. Doi and Shinohara (2009 reported that an overestimation of angry faces could only be found when the model’s gaze was oriented towards the observer. We aimed at replicating this effect for face direction. Moreover, we explored the effect of face direction on the duration perception sad faces. Controlling for the sex of the face model and the participant, female and male participants rated the duration of neutral, angry and sad face stimuli of both sexes photographed from different perspectives in a bisection task. In line with current findings, we report a significant overestimation of angry compared to neutral face stimuli that was modulated by face direction. Moreover, the perceived duration of sad face stimuli did not differ from that of neutral faces and was not influenced by face direction. Furthermore, we found that faces of the opposite sex appeared to last longer than those of the same sex. This outcome is discussed with regards to stimulus parameters like the induced arousal, social relevance and an evolutionary context.

  3. A causal relationship between face-patch activity and face-detection behavior. (United States)

    Sadagopan, Srivatsun; Zarco, Wilbert; Freiwald, Winrich A


    The primate brain contains distinct areas densely populated by face-selective neurons. One of these, face-patch ML, contains neurons selective for contrast relationships between face parts. Such contrast-relationships can serve as powerful heuristics for face detection. However, it is unknown whether neurons with such selectivity actually support face-detection behavior. Here, we devised a naturalistic face-detection task and combined it with fMRI-guided pharmacological inactivation of ML to test whether ML is of critical importance for real-world face detection. We found that inactivation of ML impairs face detection. The effect was anatomically specific, as inactivation of areas outside ML did not affect face detection, and it was categorically specific, as inactivation of ML impaired face detection while sparing body and object detection. These results establish that ML function is crucial for detection of faces in natural scenes, performing a critical first step on which other face processing operations can build.

  4. Alternative face models for 3D face registration (United States)

    Salah, Albert Ali; Alyüz, Neşe; Akarun, Lale


    3D has become an important modality for face biometrics. The accuracy of a 3D face recognition system depends on a correct registration that aligns the facial surfaces and makes a comparison possible. The best results obtained so far use a one-to-all registration approach, which means each new facial surface is registered to all faces in the gallery, at a great computational cost. We explore the approach of registering the new facial surface to an average face model (AFM), which automatically establishes correspondence to the pre-registered gallery faces. Going one step further, we propose that using a couple of well-selected AFMs can trade-off computation time with accuracy. Drawing on cognitive justifications, we propose to employ category-specific alternative average face models for registration, which is shown to increase the accuracy of the subsequent recognition. We inspect thin-plate spline (TPS) and iterative closest point (ICP) based registration schemes under realistic assumptions on manual or automatic landmark detection prior to registration. We evaluate several approaches for the coarse initialization of ICP. We propose a new algorithm for constructing an AFM, and show that it works better than a recent approach. Finally, we perform simulations with multiple AFMs that correspond to different clusters in the face shape space and compare these with gender and morphology based groupings. We report our results on the FRGC 3D face database.

  5. Withholding response to self-face is faster than to other-face. (United States)

    Zhu, Min; Hu, Yinying; Tang, Xiaochen; Luo, Junlong; Gao, Xiangping


    Self-face advantage refers to adults' response to self-face is faster than that to other-face. A stop-signal task was used to explore how self-face advantage interacted with response inhibition. The results showed that reaction times of self-face were faster than that of other-face not in the go task but in the stop response trials. The novelty of the finding was that self-face has shorter stop-signal reaction time compared to other-face in the successful inhibition trials. These results indicated the processing mechanism of self-face may be characterized by a strong response tendency and a corresponding strong inhibition control.

  6. About-face on face recognition ability and holistic processing. (United States)

    Richler, Jennifer J; Floyd, R Jackie; Gauthier, Isabel


    Previous work found a small but significant relationship between holistic processing measured with the composite task and face recognition ability measured by the Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT; Duchaine & Nakayama, 2006). Surprisingly, recent work using a different measure of holistic processing (Vanderbilt Holistic Face Processing Test [VHPT-F]; Richler, Floyd, & Gauthier, 2014) and a larger sample found no evidence for such a relationship. In Experiment 1 we replicate this unexpected result, finding no relationship between holistic processing (VHPT-F) and face recognition ability (CFMT). A key difference between the VHPT-F and other holistic processing measures is that unique face parts are used on each trial in the VHPT-F, unlike in other tasks where a small set of face parts repeat across the experiment. In Experiment 2, we test the hypothesis that correlations between the CFMT and holistic processing tasks are driven by stimulus repetition that allows for learning during the composite task. Consistent with our predictions, CFMT performance was correlated with holistic processing in the composite task when a small set of face parts repeated over trials, but not when face parts did not repeat. A meta-analysis confirms that relationships between the CFMT and holistic processing depend on stimulus repetition. These results raise important questions about what is being measured by the CFMT, and challenge current assumptions about why faces are processed holistically.

  7. Necessidades de familiares de pacientes internados em unidade de cuidados intensivos Necesidades de los familiares de pacientes internados en unidad de cuidados intensivos Needs of family members of patients admitted to an intensive care unit

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    Marina Rumiko Maruiti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar as necessidades de familiares de pacientes internados em uma unidade de cuidados intensivos. MÉTODOS: Fizerem parte da amostra 39 familiares de pacientes em estado crítico de saúde. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizada uma adaptação do Critical Care Family Need Inventory. RESULTADOS: a necessidade de conhecimento/informação identificada com maior freqüência foi saber fatos concretos sobre o progresso do paciente (84,6%; a necessidade de conforto identificada com maior freqüência foi ter um toalete e um telefone próximo à sala de espera (56,4%; a necessidade de segurança identificada com maior freqüência foi ter a certeza que o paciente está recebendo o melhor tratamento (89,7%; e a necessidade de acesso ao paciente e aos profissionais da unidade com maior freqüência foi conversar com o médico todos os dias (79,5%. CONCLUSÃO: Os profissionais de enfermagem devem se preocupar em atender não apenas as necessidades dos pacientes, mas também de seus familiares.OBJETIVO: Identificar las necesidades de los familiares de pacientes internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos. MÉTODOS: Formaron parte de la muestra 39 familiares de pacientes en estado crítico de salud. Para la recolección de datos fue utilizada una adaptación del Critical Care Family Need Inventory. RESULTADOS: La necesidad de conocimiento/información identificada con mayor frecuencia fue saber hechos concretos sobre el progreso de paciente (84,6%; la necesidad de comodidad identificada con mayor frecuencia fue tener un baño y teléfono próximo a la sala de espera (56,4%; la necesidad de seguridad registrada con mayor frecuencia fue tener la certeza de que lo patiente está recibiendo el mejor tratamiento (89,7% y la necesidad de acceso al paciente y a los profesionales de la unidad detectada con mayor frecuencia fue hablar con el médico todos los días (79,5%. CONCLUSÍON: La enfermería no debe preocuparse solamente con las

  8. Necessidades de cuidados de enfermagem do cuidador da pessoa sob cuidados paliativos Necesidades de cuidados de enfermería del cuidador de la persona bajo cuidados paliativos Nursing care needs of the caregiver of persons under palliative care

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    João Vicente César Fonseca


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi identificar as necessidades de cuidados de enfermagem do cuidador da pessoa em fase terminal e respectivas intervenções de enfermagem, recorrendo a uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Foi efectuada uma pesquisa na EBSCO e ProQuest e procurados artigos científicos em texto integral, publicados entre janeiro de 1998 a dez de 2008, usando as seguintes palavras-chave: "Palliative care", "Family", "Nursing" e "Needs". Foi utilizado o método de PI[C]OD e seleccionados 14 artigos do total de 77. As necessidades do cuidador da pessoa em fase terminal são: comunicação; relação de confiança e segurança; reconhecimento e operacionalização de desejos; preparação para o luto; necessidades de informação; capacitação; envolvimento nos cuidados; necessidades emocionais; necessidades espirituais e necessidades de descanso. Concluiu-se que a família apresenta diferentes necessidades que requerem uma intervenção personalizada do enfermeiro, através do estabelecimento de uma relação de confiançaEl objetivo fue identificar las necesidades de cuidados de enfermería del cuidador de la persona en fase terminal y sus intervenciones de enfermería, mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se realizó una búsqueda en EBSCO y ProQuest y busco Texto completo de artículos científicos, publicados entre el 1998 y el 2008, mediante el siguientes palabras clave: "Palliative care", "Family", "Nursing" y "Needs". El método PI[C]OD fueutilizado para seleccionar los 14 elementos seleccionados del total de 77. Las necesidades del cuidador de la persona en fase terminal fueran: la comunicación, la relación de confianza y la seguridad, el reconocimiento y la puesta en práctica de los deseos, la preparación para el duelo; necesidades de información, formación, participación en la atención, necesidades emocionales, espirituales y las necesidades de descanso. Se hay concluydo que la familia tiene diferentes

  9. Faces in places: humans and machines make similar face detection errors.

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    Bernard Marius 't Hart

    Full Text Available The human visual system seems to be particularly efficient at detecting faces. This efficiency sometimes comes at the cost of wrongfully seeing faces in arbitrary patterns, including famous examples such as a rock configuration on Mars or a toast's roast patterns. In machine vision, face detection has made considerable progress and has become a standard feature of many digital cameras. The arguably most wide-spread algorithm for such applications ("Viola-Jones" algorithm achieves high detection rates at high computational efficiency. To what extent do the patterns that the algorithm mistakenly classifies as faces also fool humans? We selected three kinds of stimuli from real-life, first-person perspective movies based on the algorithm's output: correct detections ("real faces", false positives ("illusory faces" and correctly rejected locations ("non faces". Observers were shown pairs of these for 20 ms and had to direct their gaze to the location of the face. We found that illusory faces were mistaken for faces more frequently than non faces. In addition, rotation of the real face yielded more errors, while rotation of the illusory face yielded fewer errors. Using colored stimuli increases overall performance, but does not change the pattern of results. When replacing the eye movement by a manual response, however, the preference for illusory faces over non faces disappeared. Taken together, our data show that humans make similar face-detection errors as the Viola-Jones algorithm, when directing their gaze to briefly presented stimuli. In particular, the relative spatial arrangement of oriented filters seems of relevance. This suggests that efficient face detection in humans is likely to be pre-attentive and based on rather simple features as those encoded in the early visual system.

  10. Face-to-face or face-to-screen? Undergraduates' opinions and test performance in classroom vs. online learning (United States)

    Kemp, Nenagh; Grieve, Rachel


    As electronic communication becomes increasingly common, and as students juggle study, work, and family life, many universities are offering their students more flexible learning opportunities. Classes once delivered face-to-face are often replaced by online activities and discussions. However, there is little research comparing students' experience and learning in these two modalities. The aim of this study was to compare undergraduates' preference for, and academic performance on, class material and assessment presented online vs. in traditional classrooms. Psychology students (N = 67) at an Australian university completed written exercises, a class discussion, and a written test on two academic topics. The activities for one topic were conducted face-to-face, and the other online, with topics counterbalanced across two groups. The results showed that students preferred to complete activities face-to-face rather than online, but there was no significant difference in their test performance in the two modalities. In their written responses, students expressed a strong preference for class discussions to be conducted face-to-face, reporting that they felt more engaged, and received more immediate feedback, than in online discussion. A follow-up study with a separate group (N = 37) confirmed that although students appreciated the convenience of completing written activities online in their own time, they also strongly preferred to discuss course content with peers in the classroom rather than online. It is concluded that online and face-to-face activities can lead to similar levels of academic performance, but that students would rather do written activities online but engage in discussion in person. Course developers could aim to structure classes so that students can benefit from both the flexibility of online learning, and the greater engagement experienced in face-to-face discussion. PMID:25429276

  11. Face-to-face or face-to-screen? Undergraduates' opinions and test performance in classroom vs. online learning. (United States)

    Kemp, Nenagh; Grieve, Rachel


    As electronic communication becomes increasingly common, and as students juggle study, work, and family life, many universities are offering their students more flexible learning opportunities. Classes once delivered face-to-face are often replaced by online activities and discussions. However, there is little research comparing students' experience and learning in these two modalities. The aim of this study was to compare undergraduates' preference for, and academic performance on, class material and assessment presented online vs. in traditional classrooms. Psychology students (N = 67) at an Australian university completed written exercises, a class discussion, and a written test on two academic topics. The activities for one topic were conducted face-to-face, and the other online, with topics counterbalanced across two groups. The results showed that students preferred to complete activities face-to-face rather than online, but there was no significant difference in their test performance in the two modalities. In their written responses, students expressed a strong preference for class discussions to be conducted face-to-face, reporting that they felt more engaged, and received more immediate feedback, than in online discussion. A follow-up study with a separate group (N = 37) confirmed that although students appreciated the convenience of completing written activities online in their own time, they also strongly preferred to discuss course content with peers in the classroom rather than online. It is concluded that online and face-to-face activities can lead to similar levels of academic performance, but that students would rather do written activities online but engage in discussion in person. Course developers could aim to structure classes so that students can benefit from both the flexibility of online learning, and the greater engagement experienced in face-to-face discussion.

  12. Necessidades de saúde do idoso: perspectivas para a enfermagem Necesidades de salud de los ancianos: perspectivas para la enfermería Healthcare needs of the aged: perspectives for nursing

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    Cristina Alves de Lima


    Full Text Available Este estudo apresenta como temática central as necessidades de saúde do idoso. Tem como objetivos: compreender as expectativas do idoso que experiencia ações de enfermagem na atenção básica e apontar as necessidades do idoso neste contexto. Foi desenvolvido mediante a abordagem teórico-metodológica da fenomenologia social de Alfred Schutz. Utilizou-se a entrevista fenomenológica junto a idosos tendo como questão central: quais são as suas expectativas com relação à enfermagem? Emergiram como categorias do vivido: Encontrar o outro (humano na atitude da enfermagem e estabelecer relações com outras pessoas. O estudo aponta para a importância das ações denominadas não técnicas da enfermagem como necessidade de saúde.Este estudio tiene como temática central las necesidades de salud de lo anciano. Tiene como objetivos: Comprender las expectativas de los ancianos que experencian acciones de enfermería en la atención primaria y apuntar las necesidades de los mismos en este contexto. Fue desenvolvidio mediante el referencial teórico e metodologico da fenomenologia sociologica de Alfred Schutz. La entrevista junto a personas ancianas teve como cuestion central: cuales son sus espectativas en relación a la enfermería? Como categorias del vivido emergiram: encontrar el otro (humano en el actitude de la enfermeria y establecer relaciones con otras personas. El estudió apunta para la importancia de las acciones de la enfermería denominadas non técnicas como necessidad de salud.This study has as central thematic the healthcare need of the aged. It was established as aims: to understand the expectations of the aged one who experiences nursing actions in primary health care and to point out at healthcare need of the aged one in this context. It was developed through the theoretical and methodological approach of the phenomenological sociology of Alfred Schutz. It was used a phenomenology interview with aged persons having as

  13. Effectiveness of link prediction for face-to-face behavioral networks. (United States)

    Tsugawa, Sho; Ohsaki, Hiroyuki


    Research on link prediction for social networks has been actively pursued. In link prediction for a given social network obtained from time-windowed observation, new link formation in the network is predicted from the topology of the obtained network. In contrast, recent advances in sensing technology have made it possible to obtain face-to-face behavioral networks, which are social networks representing face-to-face interactions among people. However, the effectiveness of link prediction techniques for face-to-face behavioral networks has not yet been explored in depth. To clarify this point, here we investigate the accuracy of conventional link prediction techniques for networks obtained from the history of face-to-face interactions among participants at an academic conference. Our findings were (1) that conventional link prediction techniques predict new link formation with a precision of 0.30-0.45 and a recall of 0.10-0.20, (2) that prolonged observation of social networks often degrades the prediction accuracy, (3) that the proposed decaying weight method leads to higher prediction accuracy than can be achieved by observing all records of communication and simply using them unmodified, and (4) that the prediction accuracy for face-to-face behavioral networks is relatively high compared to that for non-social networks, but not as high as for other types of social networks.

  14. A percepção dos profissionais de Contabilidade no âmbito da Prefeitura do Município De São Paulo, de Necessidades de mudanças na Lei 4.320/64: sintomas da necessidade de mudança

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    Marília Cássia Teixeira


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho de título a percepção dos profissionais de contabilidade no âmbito da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, das mudanças da Lei 4.320/64 e o impacto da Lei 101/00 , buscou-se alcançar o objetivo de captar a percepção dos profissionais de contabilidade no âmbito da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, das mudanças da Lei 4.320/64 e o impacto da Lei 101/00 e considerado o atual estado de harmonização das práticas contábeis do setor público. Neste contexto investigou-se a seguinte questão de pesquisa:  Existe a necessidade de mudança na Lei 4320/64, na percepção dos técnicos, gestores e auditores do Tribunal de Contas do Município de São Paulo?  A pesquisa foi realizada através da aplicação de um questionário a vinte e um profissionais de Contabilidade, do município com funções de gestão, de operação e auditores do tribunal de contas. Pelas respostas obtidas verificou-se que, na percepção destes indivíduos, a Lei 4.320/64 carece de atualização. Outros aspectos como a complexidade da lei em relação ao tamanho de muitos municípios foram levantados, bem como a necessidade de uma interpretação uniforme da Lei. Os conflitos entre a Lei 4.320/64 e a Lei Complementar 101/00 são resolvidos, seguindo o que estabelece a LC 101/00, por ser mais recente. Foi colocado ainda que, na visão destes profissionais, a harmonização das práticas contábeis é inevitável também no setor público, posto o atual grau de globalização que vivemos.

  15. Face to Face or E-Learning in Turkish EFL Context (United States)

    Solak, Ekrem; Cakir, Recep


    This purpose of this study was to understand e-learners and face to face learners' views towards learning English through e-learning in vocational higher school context and to determine the role of academic achievement and gender in e-learning and face to face learning. This study was conducted at a state-run university in 2012-2013 academic year…

  16. The construction FACE database - Codifying the NIOSH FACE reports. (United States)

    Dong, Xiuwen Sue; Largay, Julie A; Wang, Xuanwen; Cain, Chris Trahan; Romano, Nancy


    The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has published reports detailing the results of investigations on selected work-related fatalities through the Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) program since 1982. Information from construction-related FACE reports was coded into the Construction FACE Database (CFD). Use of the CFD was illustrated by analyzing major CFD variables. A total of 768 construction fatalities were included in the CFD. Information on decedents, safety training, use of PPE, and FACE recommendations were coded. Analysis shows that one in five decedents in the CFD died within the first two months on the job; 75% and 43% of reports recommended having safety training or installing protection equipment, respectively. Comprehensive research using FACE reports may improve understanding of work-related fatalities and provide much-needed information on injury prevention. The CFD allows researchers to analyze the FACE reports quantitatively and efficiently. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd and National Safety Council. All rights reserved.

  17. Elektronická komunikace vs. komunikace face to face


    Pipková, Zuzana


    This thesis deals with new forms of communication particularly electronic ones. The main goal is to distinguish electronic communication from face to face communication in a way that differs from traditional media theories. By using examples of the most important medium in electronic communication, Internet, it is shown that nowadays we have such forms of electronic communication that surpass the traditional classification of oral/written communication, immediate/mediate communication, face t...

  18. The Online and Face-to-Face Counseling Attitudes Scales: A Validation Study (United States)

    Rochlen, Aaron B.; Beretvas, S. Natasha; Zack, Jason S.


    This article reports on the development of measures of attitudes toward online and face-to-face counseling. Overall, participants expressed more favorable evaluations of face-to-face counseling than of online counseling. Significant correlations were found between online and face-to-face counseling with traditional help-seeking attitudes, comfort…

  19. Facebook and MySpace: complement or substitute for face-to-face interaction? (United States)

    Kujath, Carlyne L


    Previous studies have claimed that social-networking sites are used as a substitute for face-to-face interaction, resulting in deteriorating relationship quality and decreased intimacy among its users. The present study hypothesized that this type of communication is not a substitute for face-to-face interaction; rather, that it is an extension of communication with face-to-face partners. A survey was administered to examine the use of Facebook and MySpace in this regard among 183 college students. The study confirmed that Facebook and MySpace do act as an extension of face-to-face interaction, but that some users do tend to rely on Facebook and MySpace for interpersonal communication more than face-to-face interaction.

  20. Encouraging Participation in Face-to-Face Lectures: The Index Card Technique (United States)

    Daws, Laura Beth


    Courses: This activity will work in any face-to-face communication lecture course. Objectives: By the end of the semester in a face-to-face lecture class, every student will have engaged in verbal discussion.

  1. Saberes de professores propícios à inclusão dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais: condições para sua construção

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    Gislaine Semcovici Nozi


    Full Text Available Atitudes favoráveis à inclusão escolar de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE têm sido consideradas por diversos pesquisadores como condição essencial para os professores. Considerando essa questão, é objetivo deste artigo descrever os saberes recomendados pela produção acadêmica para a inclusão escolar, bem como as condições que favorecem a sua aquisição. Para tanto, realizamos uma análise documental em teses e dissertações da área da Educação e Educação Especial, disponíveis no Banco de Teses da Capes, e pesquisa bibliográfica. Os dados coletados foram organizados em categorias. Os resultados indicaram a importância da capacidade do professor de valorizar a diferença e a heterogeneidade, de colocar-se no lugar do outro e ser favorável à Educação Inclusiva. Sobre as condições que favorecem a construção de atitudes positivas, identificaram-se a necessidade de desmitificação do conceito de deficiência e reflexões sobre suas possibilidades, formação adequada, experiências inclusivas positivas e trabalho colaborativo entre professores especialistas, regentes e demais profissionais envolvidos.

  2. Early (N170) activation of face-specific cortex by face-like objects (United States)

    Hadjikhani, Nouchine; Kveraga, Kestutis; Naik, Paulami; Ahlfors, Seppo P.


    The tendency to perceive faces in random patterns exhibiting configural properties of faces is an example of pareidolia. Perception of ‘real’ faces has been associated with a cortical response signal arising at about 170ms after stimulus onset; but what happens when non-face objects are perceived as faces? Using magnetoencephalography (MEG), we found that objects incidentally perceived as faces evoked an early (165ms) activation in the ventral fusiform cortex, at a time and location similar to that evoked by faces, whereas common objects did not evoke such activation. An earlier peak at 130 ms was also seen for images of real faces only. Our findings suggest that face perception evoked by face-like objects is a relatively early process, and not a late re-interpretation cognitive phenomenon. PMID:19218867

  3. Face-to-Face Interference in Typical and Atypical Development (United States)

    Riby, Deborah M.; Doherty-Sneddon, Gwyneth; Whittle, Lisa


    Visual communication cues facilitate interpersonal communication. It is important that we look at faces to retrieve and subsequently process such cues. It is also important that we sometimes look away from faces as they increase cognitive load that may interfere with online processing. Indeed, when typically developing individuals hold face gaze…

  4. Faces

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Kristine Køhler; Brotherton, Chloe


    for the face the be put into action. Based on an ethnographic study of Danish teenagers’ use of SnapChat we demonstrate how the face is used as a central medium for interaction with peers. Through the analysis of visual SnapChat messages we investigate how SnapChat requires the sender to put an ‘ugly’ face...... already secured their popular status on the heterosexual marketplace in the broad context of the school. Thus SnapChat functions both as a challenge to beauty norms of ‘flawless faces’ and as a reinscription of these same norms by further manifesting the exclusive status of the popular girl...

  5. A specialized face-processing model inspired by the organization of monkey face patches explains several face-specific phenomena observed in humans. (United States)

    Farzmahdi, Amirhossein; Rajaei, Karim; Ghodrati, Masoud; Ebrahimpour, Reza; Khaligh-Razavi, Seyed-Mahdi


    Converging reports indicate that face images are processed through specialized neural networks in the brain -i.e. face patches in monkeys and the fusiform face area (FFA) in humans. These studies were designed to find out how faces are processed in visual system compared to other objects. Yet, the underlying mechanism of face processing is not completely revealed. Here, we show that a hierarchical computational model, inspired by electrophysiological evidence on face processing in primates, is able to generate representational properties similar to those observed in monkey face patches (posterior, middle and anterior patches). Since the most important goal of sensory neuroscience is linking the neural responses with behavioral outputs, we test whether the proposed model, which is designed to account for neural responses in monkey face patches, is also able to predict well-documented behavioral face phenomena observed in humans. We show that the proposed model satisfies several cognitive face effects such as: composite face effect and the idea of canonical face views. Our model provides insights about the underlying computations that transfer visual information from posterior to anterior face patches.

  6. Early (M170) activation of face-specific cortex by face-like objects. (United States)

    Hadjikhani, Nouchine; Kveraga, Kestutis; Naik, Paulami; Ahlfors, Seppo P


    The tendency to perceive faces in random patterns exhibiting configural properties of faces is an example of pareidolia. Perception of 'real' faces has been associated with a cortical response signal arising at approximately 170 ms after stimulus onset, but what happens when nonface objects are perceived as faces? Using magnetoencephalography, we found that objects incidentally perceived as faces evoked an early (165 ms) activation in the ventral fusiform cortex, at a time and location similar to that evoked by faces, whereas common objects did not evoke such activation. An earlier peak at 130 ms was also seen for images of real faces only. Our findings suggest that face perception evoked by face-like objects is a relatively early process, and not a late reinterpretation cognitive phenomenon.



    Pagliuca, Lorita Marlena Freitag


    Aplicação do processo de enfermagem proposto por HORTA2 a um grupo de 50 pacientes em pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca, na UTI. Fo ram identificadas como afetadas, as necessidades de terapêutica, circulação, equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico, equilíbrio ácido-básico, cuidado corporal, oxigenação, integridade cutâneo-mucosa, eliminação urinaria, regulação neurológica, segurança, percepção dolorosa, sono e repouso, motilidade, integridade física, nutrição, regulação térmica, hormonal e imunológic...

  8. Collaborative Random Faces-Guided Encoders for Pose-Invariant Face Representation Learning. (United States)

    Shao, Ming; Zhang, Yizhe; Fu, Yun


    Learning discriminant face representation for pose-invariant face recognition has been identified as a critical issue in visual learning systems. The challenge lies in the drastic changes of facial appearances between the test face and the registered face. To that end, we propose a high-level feature learning framework called "collaborative random faces (RFs)-guided encoders" toward this problem. The contributions of this paper are three fold. First, we propose a novel supervised autoencoder that is able to capture the high-level identity feature despite of pose variations. Second, we enrich the identity features by replacing the target values of conventional autoencoders with random signals (RFs in this paper), which are unique for each subject under different poses. Third, we further improve the performance of the framework by incorporating deep convolutional neural network facial descriptors and linking discriminative identity features from different RFs for the augmented identity features. Finally, we conduct face identification experiments on Multi-PIE database, and face verification experiments on labeled faces in the wild and YouTube Face databases, where face recognition rate and verification accuracy with Receiver Operating Characteristic curves are rendered. In addition, discussions of model parameters and connections with the existing methods are provided. These experiments demonstrate that our learning system works fairly well on handling pose variations.

  9. Configuration perception and face memory, and face context effects in developmental prosopagnosia. (United States)

    Huis in 't Veld, Elisabeth; Van den Stock, Jan; de Gelder, Beatrice


    This study addresses two central and controversial issues in developmental prosopagnosia (DP), configuration- versus feature-based face processing and the influence of affective information from either facial or bodily expressions on face recognition. A sample of 10 DPs and 10 controls were tested with a previously developed face and object recognition and memory battery (Facial Expressive Action Stimulus Test, FEAST), a task measuring the influence of emotional faces and bodies on face identity matching (Face-Body Compound task), and an emotionally expressive face memory task (Emotional Face Memory task, FaMe-E). We show that DPs were impaired in upright, but not inverted, face matching but they performed at the level of controls on part-to-whole matching. Second, DPs showed impaired memory for both neutral and emotional faces and scored within the normal range on the Face-Body Compound task. Third, configural perception but not feature-based processing was significantly associated with memory performance. Taken together the results indicate that DPs have a deficit in configural processing at the perception stage that may underlie the memory impairment.

  10. The Face-to-Face Light Detection Paradigm: A New Methodology for Investigating Visuospatial Attention Across Different Face Regions in Live Face-to-Face Communication Settings. (United States)

    Thompson, Laura A; Malloy, Daniel M; Cone, John M; Hendrickson, David L


    We introduce a novel paradigm for studying the cognitive processes used by listeners within interactive settings. This paradigm places the talker and the listener in the same physical space, creating opportunities for investigations of attention and comprehension processes taking place during interactive discourse situations. An experiment was conducted to compare results from previous research using videotaped stimuli to those obtained within the live face-to-face task paradigm. A headworn apparatus is used to briefly display LEDs on the talker's face in four locations as the talker communicates with the participant. In addition to the primary task of comprehending speeches, participants make a secondary task light detection response. In the present experiment, the talker gave non-emotionally-expressive speeches that were used in past research with videotaped stimuli. Signal detection analysis was employed to determine which areas of the face received the greatest focus of attention. Results replicate previous findings using videotaped methods.

  11. Avaliação das condições de saúde bucal de Portadores de Necessidades Especiais

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    Faldryene de Sousa Queiroz

    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as condições de saúde bucal de Portadores de Necessidades Especiais (PNE de uma Escola Especial da cidade de Patos-PB, bem como identificar as dificuldades apontadas por seus responsáveis para a manutenção da saúde bucal dos mesmos. Metodologia: A população-alvo deste estudo foi composta por 74 alunos, de ambos os sexos, regularmente matriculados, que preencheram os critérios de inclusão previamente estabelecidos e por seus responsáveis. O estudo foi conduzido em duas etapas: a primeira consistiu na aplicação de um formulário aos responsáveis pelos PNE, e a segunda, na realização de um exame clínico intrabucal, realizado por um examinador e anotador previamente calibrados, em que se avaliaram as condições de saúde bucal dos alunos por meio do Índice de Cárie Dentária (CPO-D, do Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado (IHOS e da presença de Trauma Dentário. Resultado: Observou-se que 75,4% dos alunos já haviam recebido algum tipo de tratamento odontológico; destes, 50,9% afirmaram ter sido na Unidade Básica de Saúde. O CPO-D médio foi de 12,6 (±8,4, 52% apresentaram higiene oral deficiente e o trauma dental foi observado em 19,3% dos alunos analisados. Com relação ao parto, 51% das mães relataram ter tido uma gestação normal e 54,4% nunca haviam sido orientadas com relação aos cuidados com a saúde bucal do filho. Entre as dificuldades relatadas pelos responsáveis para manter a saúde bucal do PNE, 33,3% afirmaram ser encontrar um Dentista que o atenda e 33,3% apontaram o custo do tratamento. Conclusão: Os altos índices revelados pelo CPO-D, bem como a higiene oral deficiente, somados às dificuldades relatadas em se realizar o acompanhamento odontológico desses indivíduos, mostram a necessidade da implementação de políticas públicas mais voltadas à atenção a esses pacientes.

  12. Imagem corporal, autoestima, necessidades psicológicas básicas de escolares praticantes e não praticantes de dança


    Monteiro, Lilian Alves Costa


    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências do Desporto Esta tese analisou os níveis de satisfação da imagem corporal (IC), autoestima, necessidades psicológicas básicas de escolares praticantes e não praticantes de dança da cidade de Macapá-AP-Brasil. A amostra foi composta por 283 escolares com idade entre 09 a 15 anos (M=11,51; DP=1,60), IMC (M=18,72; DP=3,32). Para tal, foi dividida em três estudos, a saber: O Estudo (1) teve como objetivo fazer uma revisão sistemática de literatura para buscar m...

  13. Using online learning in a traditional face-to-face environment. (United States)

    Kozlowski, Dawn


    A model for designing online learning was developed and implemented in a Registered Nurse-to-Bachelor of Science in Nursing course using online and face-to-face methodologies. The combination of online and face-to-face learning modalities may help the student who is a novice Internet explorer or seasoned Web navigator by offering technological support as well as providing constant in-person feedback regarding course requirements. The face-to-face component facilitates a sense of community and peer support that sometimes is lacking in an entirely online course. During the 2 semesters this model was used, students expressed satisfaction with having the course facilitator/professor physically available for consultation and advisement. Evaluation of this online/on-site course is ongoing and uses computer-administered qualitative questionnaires, a facilitator-moderated focus group, and Likert-type course evaluations.

  14. Necessidades de saúde de mulheres em processo de amamentação Necesidades de salud de mujeres en el proceso de lactancia Health needs of women in the process of breastfeeding

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    Glicéria Tochika Shimoda


    Full Text Available Nosso objetivo foi identificar as necessidades de saúde de mulheres no processo de amamentação. Entrevistamos 238 mulheres, organizamos os dados segundo proposta do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Utilizando taxonomia de Matsumoto, encontramos: Necessidade de boas condições de vida (ter boa alimentação; trabalhar/estudar; ter tempo para si; sono e repouso adequados; boa saúde mental; boas condições para amamentar seu filho; Necessidade de ter acesso a todas as tecnologias de saúde que contribuam para melhorar e prolongar a vida (lidar com intercorrências da amamentação, ter acesso aos serviços de saúde; Necessidade de ter vínculo com um profissional/equipe de saúde; Necessidade de autonomia e autocuidado na escolha do modo de "andar a vida" (ter orientação quanto à amamentação; receber apoio do profissional; sentir-se segura para amamentar.Nuestro objetivo fue identificar las necesidades de salud de la mujer en el proceso de la lactancia materna. Fueron participantes 238 mujeres y los datos fueron organizados de acuerdo a la propuesta del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo. De acuerdo con la taxonomía de Matsumoto tuvimos: Necesidad de buenas condiciones de vida (tener una buena alimentación, trabajar o estudiar, tener tiempo para sí, sueño y resto adecuados; buena salud mental, buenas condiciones para la lactancia de su hijo; Necesidad de tener acceso a todas las tecnologías de salud que se contribuyen para mejorar y ampliar la vida (para tratar de las complicaciones de la lactancia materna, tener el acceso a los servicios de salud; Necesidad de vincular con un profesional o equipo de salud, Necesidad de cuidado de sí mismo y autonomía en la opción en el camino "para andar la vida" (tener orientación sobre la lactancia, recibir apoyo del profesional; sentirse seguro de sí mismo con respecto a la lactancia materna.Our objective was to identify the health needs of women in their breastfeeding process. We interviewed 238

  15. Incertezas diante do cancer infantil: compreendendo as necessidades da mãe Incertidumbre frente al cáncer infantil: entender las necesidades de la madre Uncertainties in the childhood cancer: understanding the mother's needs

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    Margareth Angelo


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar as necessidades da mãe durante a internação do filho com câncer e compreender como as incertezas diante da doença configuram-se nesta experiência. O referencial teórico do estudo foi o Interacionismo Simbólico e o referencial metodológico, o Interacionismo Interpretativo. A coleta de dados foi conduzida por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Participaram do estudo 10 mães de crianças hospitalizadas em uma instituição especializada no município de São Paulo. Foram identificadas três categorias descritivas das necessidades experienciadas pelas mães: (1 Necessidade de estar presente e acompanhar o tratamento; (2 Necessidade de ser amparada nos momentos de fraqueza; (3 Necessidade de manter vínculo com a família. As necessidades da mãe durante a internação da criança com câncer têm caráter multidimensional, e o reconhecimento delas é essencial para garantir a criação de um contexto de cuidado que potencialize o papel da mãe no suporte à criança com câncer.Los objetivos de este estudio fueron identificar las necesidades de la madre durante la internación del hijo con cáncer y comprender como la incertidumbre frente a la enfermedad se ubican dentro de esta experiencia. El marco teórico del estudio fue el Interaccionismo Simbólico y el marcol metodológico, el Interaccionismo Interpretativo. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Participaron del estudio 10 madres de niños internados en una institución especializada en la ciudad de São Paulo. Se identificaron tres categorías descriptivas de las necesidades vividas por las madres: (1 Necesidad de estar presente y estar al pendiente del tratamiento; (2 Necesidad de apoyo en los momentos de la debilidad; (3 Necesidad de mantener el vínculo con la familia. Las necesidades de la madre durante la internación del niño con cáncer tienen carácter multidimensional y el

  16. Looking at My Own Face: Visual Processing Strategies in Self–Other Face Recognition

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    Anya Chakraborty


    Full Text Available We live in an age of ‘selfies.’ Yet, how we look at our own faces has seldom been systematically investigated. In this study we test if the visual processing of the highly familiar self-face is different from other faces, using psychophysics and eye-tracking. This paradigm also enabled us to test the association between the psychophysical properties of self-face representation and visual processing strategies involved in self-face recognition. Thirty-three adults performed a self-face recognition task from a series of self-other face morphs with simultaneous eye-tracking. Participants were found to look longer at the lower part of the face for self-face compared to other-face. Participants with a more distinct self-face representation, as indexed by a steeper slope of the psychometric response curve for self-face recognition, were found to look longer at upper part of the faces identified as ‘self’ vs. those identified as ‘other’. This result indicates that self-face representation can influence where we look when we process our own vs. others’ faces. We also investigated the association of autism-related traits with self-face processing metrics since autism has previously been associated with atypical self-processing. The study did not find any self-face specific association with autistic traits, suggesting that autism-related features may be related to self-processing in a domain specific manner.

  17. Use of social media to encourage face to face communication


    Čufer, Matija; Knežević, Anja


    Face-to-face communication is of key importance for successful socialization of a person into a society. Social media makes a good complement to such form of communication. Parents and pedagogical workers must be aware of children not replacing face-to-face communication for communication through the social media in the process of education and growing up. Young people nevertheless frequently communicate through the social media. For this reason, we tried to extract positive features of those...

  18. Faces in the Mist: Illusory Face and Letter Detection

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    Cory A. Rieth


    Full Text Available We report three behavioral experiments on the spatial characteristics evoking illusory face and letter detection. False detections made to pure noise images were analyzed using a modified reverse correlation method in which hundreds of observers rated a modest number of noise images (480 during a single session. This method was originally developed for brain imaging research, and has been used in a number of fMRI publications, but this is the first report of the behavioral classification images. In Experiment 1 illusory face detection occurred in response to scattered dark patches throughout the images, with a bias to the left visual field. This occurred despite the use of a fixation cross and expectations that faces would be centered. In contrast, illusory letter detection (Experiment 2 occurred in response to centrally positioned dark patches. Experiment 3 included an oval in all displays to spatially constrain illusory face detection. With the addition of this oval the classification image revealed an eyes/nose/mouth pattern. These results suggest that face detection is triggered by a minimal face-like pattern even when these features are not centered in visual focus.

  19. Interference among the Processing of Facial Emotion, Face Race, and Face Gender


    Li, Yongna; Tse, Chi-Shing


    People are able to simultaneously process multiple dimensions of facial properties. Facial processing models are based on the processing of facial properties. This paper examined the processing of facial emotion, face race and face gender using categorization tasks. The same set of Chinese, White and Black faces, each posing a neutral, happy or angry expression, was used in three experiments. Facial emotion interfered with face race in all the tasks. The interaction of face race and face gend...

  20. Early (N170) activation of face-specific cortex by face-like objects


    Hadjikhani, Nouchine; Kveraga, Kestutis; Naik, Paulami; Ahlfors, Seppo P.


    The tendency to perceive faces in random patterns exhibiting configural properties of faces is an example of pareidolia. Perception of ‘real’ faces has been associated with a cortical response signal arising at about 170ms after stimulus onset; but what happens when non-face objects are perceived as faces? Using magnetoencephalography (MEG), we found that objects incidentally perceived as faces evoked an early (165ms) activation in the ventral fusiform cortex, at a time and location similar t...

  1. Os desafios cotidianos dos trabalhadores em um abrigo para crianças e adolescentes (Daily challenges faced by the workers of a foster care institution for children and adolescents

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    Agueda Wendhausen


    Full Text Available Resumo: Num país com inúmeros problemas sociais como o Brasil, o abandono de crianças e adolescentes se constitui em problema preocupante, principalmente ao adentrarmos a realidade das chamadas casas de passagem, que lhes servem como abrigo temporário. O artigo é o recorte de um estudo junto a trabalhadores de um abrigo localizado no sul do país. Trata-se de um levantamento de problemas enfrentados por trabalhadores em seu cotidiano junto a crianças abrigadas. A abordagem metodológica foi qualitativa, utilizando-se para coleta dos dados a metodologia do Círculo de Cultura proposto por Paulo Freire. A análise se deu a partir dos “temas geradores” levantados. Emergiram dois temas principais: as necessidades dos trabalhadores em relação ao processo de trabalho e como se sentem em relação ao trabalho com as crianças. Os resultados apontam aspectos do abandono do Estado e do abandono familiar. Constatamos a necessidade da instituição de uma Política Social inclusiva para essa população, já que esse é um dilema enfrentado pelos Abrigos.Abstract: In a country with several social problems such as Brazil, the abandonment of children and adolescents is a matter of concern, especially considering the reality of so-called transition houses, which serve as temporary shelter. This article is an abridged version of a study performed with employees of a foster care institution located in the South region of Brazil. This is a survey of the problems faced in a daily basis by workers regarding the sheltered children. The methodological approach was qualitative, using for data collection the methodology of the Circle of Culture proposed by Paulo Freire. The analysis was based on the “generating issues” that were raised. Two main themes emerged: the needs of workers in relation to the work process and how they feel about working with children. The results reveal certain aspects of the abandonment of the state and of the children

  2. Assessing Students Perceptions on Intensive Face to Face in Open ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Therefore, this study assessed students‟ perception on Intensive Face to Face sessions. The study specifically aimed at identifying students‟ perception on quality of interaction between tutors and students and between students on the other hand. It also explored the nature of challenges students meet in attending face to ...

  3. Necessidades formativas de acadêmicos de Licenciatura em Educação Física em situação de estágio curricular supervisionado

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    Hugo Norberto Krug


    Full Text Available Esta investigação objetivou identificar e reconhecer a percepção sobre as necessidades formativas de acadêmicos da Licenciatura em Educação Física do Centro de Educação Física e Desportos (CEFD da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM em situação de Estágio Curricular Supervisionado. Este estudo fenomenológico sob a forma de estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa usou como instrumento um questionário com perguntas abertas, interpretado pela análise de conteúdo. Os participantes foram 20 acadêmicos do 7º semestre do curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física do CEFD/UFSM. As informações coletadas permitiram a identificação de necessidades formativas que atravessam o processo formativo inicial, como perspectiva epistemológica fundamentada no racionalismo técnico instrumental, que embasam as dificuldades no trato pedagógico nas aulas de Educação Física. Ao mesmo tempo as informações mobilizaram um debate sobre o processo de socialização docente, levando em consideração o aprendizado entre os atores que dividem o mesmo espaço educacional. Nesse sentido, a organização escolar, como elemento importante no acolhimento do futuro professor foi destacada para aproximar a escola das discussões permeadas na formação inicial.

  4. Developmental Changes in Mother-Infant Face-to-Face Communication: Birth to 3 Months. (United States)

    Lavelli, Manuela; Fogel, Alan


    Investigated development of face-to-face communication in infants between 1 and 14 weeks old and their mothers. Found a curvilinear development of early face-to-face communication, with increases occurring between weeks 4 and 9. When placed on a sofa, infants' face-to-face communication was longer than when they were held. Girls spent a longer…

  5. Notícias do Levantamento de Recursos e Necessidades de Enfermagem na Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (1955-1958

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    Daniela Vieira Malta


    Full Text Available Estudo Histórico Social que tem como objeto notícias sobre o Levantamento de Recursos e Necessidades de Enfermagem no Brasil, publicadas na Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem entre 1955 e 1958. A fonte primária foi constituída pelos exemplares da Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, publicados dentro do recorte temporal do estudo. As fontes secundárias foram constituídas por livros, artigos, dissertações e teses relativas à história da Enfermagem. A análise dos dados teve apoio das fontes secundárias e do pensamento do sociólogo Pierre Bourdieu. Os dados evidenciaram que a Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, além de oportunizar a divulgação de notícias acerca do Levantamento, proporcionou visibilidade ao mesmo mediante a veiculação dessas notícias e, por fim, teve o efeito simbólico de conferir poder e prestígio à Enfermagem Brasileira.

  6. Neonatal face-to-face interactions promote later social behaviour in infant rhesus monkeys (United States)

    Dettmer, Amanda M.; Kaburu, Stefano S. K.; Simpson, Elizabeth A.; Paukner, Annika; Sclafani, Valentina; Byers, Kristen L.; Murphy, Ashley M.; Miller, Michelle; Marquez, Neal; Miller, Grace M.; Suomi, Stephen J.; Ferrari, Pier F.


    In primates, including humans, mothers engage in face-to-face interactions with their infants, with frequencies varying both within and across species. However, the impact of this variation in face-to-face interactions on infant social development is unclear. Here we report that infant monkeys (Macaca mulatta) who engaged in more neonatal face-to-face interactions with mothers have increased social interactions at 2 and 5 months. In a controlled experiment, we show that this effect is not due to physical contact alone: monkeys randomly assigned to receive additional neonatal face-to-face interactions (mutual gaze and intermittent lip-smacking) with human caregivers display increased social interest at 2 months, compared with monkeys who received only additional handling. These studies suggest that face-to-face interactions from birth promote young primate social interest and competency. PMID:27300086

  7. Interference among the Processing of Facial Emotion, Face Race, and Face Gender (United States)

    Li, Yongna; Tse, Chi-Shing


    People can process multiple dimensions of facial properties simultaneously. Facial processing models are based on the processing of facial properties. The current study examined the processing of facial emotion, face race, and face gender using categorization tasks. The same set of Chinese, White and Black faces, each posing a neutral, happy or angry expression, was used in three experiments. Facial emotion interacted with face race in all the tasks. The interaction of face race and face gender was found in the race and gender categorization tasks, whereas the interaction of facial emotion and face gender was significant in the emotion and gender categorization tasks. These results provided evidence for a symmetric interaction between variant facial properties (emotion) and invariant facial properties (race and gender). PMID:27840621

  8. Interference among the Processing of Facial Emotion, Face Race, and Face Gender. (United States)

    Li, Yongna; Tse, Chi-Shing


    People can process multiple dimensions of facial properties simultaneously. Facial processing models are based on the processing of facial properties. The current study examined the processing of facial emotion, face race, and face gender using categorization tasks. The same set of Chinese, White and Black faces, each posing a neutral, happy or angry expression, was used in three experiments. Facial emotion interacted with face race in all the tasks. The interaction of face race and face gender was found in the race and gender categorization tasks, whereas the interaction of facial emotion and face gender was significant in the emotion and gender categorization tasks. These results provided evidence for a symmetric interaction between variant facial properties (emotion) and invariant facial properties (race and gender).

  9. Interpersonal similarity between body movements in face-to-face communication in daily life. (United States)

    Higo, Naoki; Ogawa, Ken-ichiro; Minemura, Juichi; Xu, Bujie; Nozawa, Takayuki; Ogata, Taiki; Ara, Koji; Yano, Kazuo; Miyake, Yoshihiro


    Individuals are embedded in social networks in which they communicate with others in their daily lives. Because smooth face-to-face communication is the key to maintaining these networks, measuring the smoothness of such communication is an important issue. One indicator of smoothness is the similarity of the body movements of the two individuals concerned. A typical example noted in experimental environments is the interpersonal synchronization of body movements such as nods and gestures during smooth face-to-face communication. It should therefore be possible to estimate quantitatively the smoothness of face-to-face communication in social networks through measurement of the synchronization of body movements. However, this is difficult because social networks, which differ from disciplined experimental environments, are open environments for the face-to-face communication between two individuals. In such open environments, their body movements become complicated by various external factors and may follow unstable and nonuniform patterns. Nevertheless, we consider there to be some interaction during face-to-face communication that leads to the interpersonal synchronization of body movements, which can be seen through the interpersonal similarity of body movements. The present study aims to clarify such interaction in terms of body movements during daily face-to-face communication in real organizations of more than 100 people. We analyzed data on the frequency of body movement for each individual during face-to-face communication, as measured by a wearable sensor, and evaluated the degree of interpersonal similarity of body movements between two individuals as their frequency difference. Furthermore, we generated uncorrelated data by resampling the data gathered and compared these two data sets statistically to distinguish the effects of actual face-to-face communication from those of the activities accompanying the communication. Our results confirm an

  10. Interpersonal similarity between body movements in face-to-face communication in daily life.

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    Naoki Higo

    Full Text Available Individuals are embedded in social networks in which they communicate with others in their daily lives. Because smooth face-to-face communication is the key to maintaining these networks, measuring the smoothness of such communication is an important issue. One indicator of smoothness is the similarity of the body movements of the two individuals concerned. A typical example noted in experimental environments is the interpersonal synchronization of body movements such as nods and gestures during smooth face-to-face communication. It should therefore be possible to estimate quantitatively the smoothness of face-to-face communication in social networks through measurement of the synchronization of body movements. However, this is difficult because social networks, which differ from disciplined experimental environments, are open environments for the face-to-face communication between two individuals. In such open environments, their body movements become complicated by various external factors and may follow unstable and nonuniform patterns. Nevertheless, we consider there to be some interaction during face-to-face communication that leads to the interpersonal synchronization of body movements, which can be seen through the interpersonal similarity of body movements. The present study aims to clarify such interaction in terms of body movements during daily face-to-face communication in real organizations of more than 100 people. We analyzed data on the frequency of body movement for each individual during face-to-face communication, as measured by a wearable sensor, and evaluated the degree of interpersonal similarity of body movements between two individuals as their frequency difference. Furthermore, we generated uncorrelated data by resampling the data gathered and compared these two data sets statistically to distinguish the effects of actual face-to-face communication from those of the activities accompanying the communication. Our results

  11. Eyewitness Memory in Face-to-Face and Immersive Avatar-to-Avatar Contexts

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    Donna A. Taylor


    Full Text Available Technological advances offer possibilities for innovation in the way eyewitness testimony is elicited. Typically, this occurs face-to-face. We investigated whether a virtual environment, where interviewer and eyewitness communicate as avatars, might confer advantages by attenuating the social and situational demands of a face-to-face interview, releasing more cognitive resources for invoking episodic retrieval mode. In conditions of intentional encoding, eyewitnesses were interviewed 48 h later, either face-to-face or in a virtual environment (N = 38. Participants in the virtual environment significantly outperformed those interviewed face-to-face on all episodic performance measures – improved correct reporting reduced errors, and increased accuracy. Participants reported finding it easier to admit not remembering event information to the avatar, and finding the avatar easier to talk to. These novel findings, and our pattern of retrieval results indicates the potential of avatar-to-avatar communication in virtual environments, and provide impetus for further research investigating eyewitness cognition in contemporary retrieval contexts.

  12. Eyewitness Memory in Face-to-Face and Immersive Avatar-to-Avatar Contexts. (United States)

    Taylor, Donna A; Dando, Coral J


    Technological advances offer possibilities for innovation in the way eyewitness testimony is elicited. Typically, this occurs face-to-face. We investigated whether a virtual environment, where interviewer and eyewitness communicate as avatars, might confer advantages by attenuating the social and situational demands of a face-to-face interview, releasing more cognitive resources for invoking episodic retrieval mode. In conditions of intentional encoding, eyewitnesses were interviewed 48 h later, either face-to-face or in a virtual environment ( N = 38). Participants in the virtual environment significantly outperformed those interviewed face-to-face on all episodic performance measures - improved correct reporting reduced errors, and increased accuracy. Participants reported finding it easier to admit not remembering event information to the avatar, and finding the avatar easier to talk to. These novel findings, and our pattern of retrieval results indicates the potential of avatar-to-avatar communication in virtual environments, and provide impetus for further research investigating eyewitness cognition in contemporary retrieval contexts.

  13. Characteristics of problem drinkers in e-therapy versus face-to-face treatment. (United States)

    Postel, Marloes G; de Haan, Hein A; Ter Huurne, Elke D; Becker, Eni S; de Jong, Cor A J


    The availability of online treatment programs offers the potential to reach more problem drinkers. This study compared the client populations of an e-therapy program (asynchronous client-therapist communication via the Internet) and a face-to-face treatment program. To determine whether e-therapy and face-to-face groups differed from each other and changed over time. We compared the baseline characteristics of four naturalistic groups (N = 4593): two e-therapy groups (2005-2006 and 2008-2009) and two consecutive series of ambulant face-to-face clients admitted for treatment as usual. The characteristics we were interested in were gender, age, education level, working situation, and earlier treatment for drinking problems. The results showed that the baseline characteristics of e-therapy and face-to-face clients differed by gender, education level, work situation, prior alcohol treatment, and age. We also found that both e-therapy groups differed over time by gender, work situation, and prior alcohol treatment. The e-therapy program successfully attracted clients who were different from those who were represented in regular face-to-face alcohol treatment services. This indicates that e-therapy decreases the barriers to treatment facilities and enhances the accessibility. However, the e-therapy population changed over time. Although the e-therapy program still reached an important new group of clients in 2008-2009, this group showed more overlap with the traditional face-to-face group of clients probably as a result of improved acceptance of e-therapy in the general population. Although e-therapy seems to be better accepted in the general population, anonymous treatment seems necessary to reach a broader range of problem drinkers.

  14. Improving Posthospital Discharge Telephone Reach Rates Through Prehospital Discharge Face-to-Face Meetings. (United States)

    Vergara, Franz H; Sheridan, Daniel J; Sullivan, Nancy J; Budhathoki, Chakra

    The purpose of this study was to determine whether a face-to-face meeting with patients by a telephonic case manager prehospital discharge would result in increased telephone follow-up (TFU) reach rates posthospital discharge. Acute care adult medicine inpatient units. A quasiexperimental design was utilized. Two adult inpatient medicine units were selected as the intervention and comparison groups. The framework of the study is the transitions theory. A convenience sampling technique was used, whereby 88 eligible patients on the intervention unit received face-to-face meetings prehospital discharge whereas 123 patients on the comparison unit received standard care (no face-to-face meetings). Cross-tabulation and chi-square tests were employed to examine the association of face-to-face meeting intervention and TFU reach rates. Implementing brief (face-to-face meetings by a telephonic case manager prehospital discharge resulted in a TFU reach rate of 87% on the intervention unit, whereas the comparison unit only had a 58% TFU reach rate (p communication with more patients posthospital discharge. A brief prehospital discharge face-to-face meeting with patients assisted them to understand the reasons for a posthospital discharge telephone call, identified the best times to call using accurate telephone numbers, and taught patients how best to prepare for the call. In addition, by meeting patients face-to-face, the telephonic case manager was no longer an unknown person on the telephone asking them questions about their medical condition. These factors combined may have significantly helped to increase TFU reach rates.

  15. Gaze Cueing by Pareidolia Faces

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    Kohske Takahashi


    Full Text Available Visual images that are not faces are sometimes perceived as faces (the pareidolia phenomenon. While the pareidolia phenomenon provides people with a strong impression that a face is present, it is unclear how deeply pareidolia faces are processed as faces. In the present study, we examined whether a shift in spatial attention would be produced by gaze cueing of face-like objects. A robust cueing effect was observed when the face-like objects were perceived as faces. The magnitude of the cueing effect was comparable between the face-like objects and a cartoon face. However, the cueing effect was eliminated when the observer did not perceive the objects as faces. These results demonstrated that pareidolia faces do more than give the impression of the presence of faces; indeed, they trigger an additional face-specific attentional process.

  16. Gaze cueing by pareidolia faces. (United States)

    Takahashi, Kohske; Watanabe, Katsumi


    Visual images that are not faces are sometimes perceived as faces (the pareidolia phenomenon). While the pareidolia phenomenon provides people with a strong impression that a face is present, it is unclear how deeply pareidolia faces are processed as faces. In the present study, we examined whether a shift in spatial attention would be produced by gaze cueing of face-like objects. A robust cueing effect was observed when the face-like objects were perceived as faces. The magnitude of the cueing effect was comparable between the face-like objects and a cartoon face. However, the cueing effect was eliminated when the observer did not perceive the objects as faces. These results demonstrated that pareidolia faces do more than give the impression of the presence of faces; indeed, they trigger an additional face-specific attentional process.

  17. Illumination robust face recognition using spatial adaptive shadow compensation based on face intensity prior (United States)

    Hsieh, Cheng-Ta; Huang, Kae-Horng; Lee, Chang-Hsing; Han, Chin-Chuan; Fan, Kuo-Chin


    Robust face recognition under illumination variations is an important and challenging task in a face recognition system, particularly for face recognition in the wild. In this paper, a face image preprocessing approach, called spatial adaptive shadow compensation (SASC), is proposed to eliminate shadows in the face image due to different lighting directions. First, spatial adaptive histogram equalization (SAHE), which uses face intensity prior model, is proposed to enhance the contrast of each local face region without generating visible noises in smooth face areas. Adaptive shadow compensation (ASC), which performs shadow compensation in each local image block, is then used to produce a wellcompensated face image appropriate for face feature extraction and recognition. Finally, null-space linear discriminant analysis (NLDA) is employed to extract discriminant features from SASC compensated images. Experiments performed on the Yale B, Yale B extended, and CMU PIE face databases have shown that the proposed SASC always yields the best face recognition accuracy. That is, SASC is more robust to face recognition under illumination variations than other shadow compensation approaches.

  18. Face ethnicity and measurement reliability affect face recognition performance in developmental prosopagnosia: evidence from the Cambridge Face Memory Test-Australian. (United States)

    McKone, Elinor; Hall, Ashleigh; Pidcock, Madeleine; Palermo, Romina; Wilkinson, Ross B; Rivolta, Davide; Yovel, Galit; Davis, Joshua M; O'Connor, Kirsty B


    The Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT, Duchaine & Nakayama, 2006) provides a validated format for testing novel face learning and has been a crucial instrument in the diagnosis of developmental prosopagnosia. Yet, some individuals who report everyday face recognition symptoms consistent with prosopagnosia, and are impaired on famous face tasks, perform normally on the CFMT. Possible reasons include measurement error, CFMT assessment of memory only at short delays, and a face set whose ethnicity is matched to only some Caucasian groups. We develop the "CFMT-Australian" (CFMT-Aus), which complements the CFMT-original by using ethnicity better matched to a different European subpopulation. Results confirm reliability (.88) and validity (convergent, divergent using cars, inversion effects). We show that face ethnicity within a race has subtle but clear effects on face processing even in normal participants (includes cross-over interaction for face ethnicity by perceiver country of origin in distinctiveness ratings). We show that CFMT-Aus clarifies diagnosis of prosopagnosia in 6 previously ambiguous cases. In 3 cases, this appears due to the better ethnic match to prosopagnosics. We also show that face memory at short (<3-min), 20-min, and 24-hr delays taps overlapping processes in normal participants. There is some suggestion that a form of prosopagnosia may exist that is long delay only and/or reflects failure to benefit from face repetition. © 2011 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business

  19. Neonatal face-to-face interactions promote later social behaviour in infant rhesus monkeys


    Dettmer, Amanda M.; Kaburu, Stefano S. K.; Simpson, Elizabeth A.; Paukner, Annika; Sclafani, Valentina; Byers, Kristen L.; Murphy, Ashley M.; Miller, Michelle; Marquez, Neal; Miller, Grace M.; Suomi, Stephen J.; Ferrari, Pier F.


    In primates, including humans, mothers engage in face-to-face interactions with their infants, with frequencies varying both within and across species. However, the impact of this variation in face-to-face interactions on infant social development is unclear. Here we report that infant monkeys (Macaca mulatta) who engaged in more neonatal face-to-face interactions with mothers have increased social interactions at 2 and 5 months. In a controlled experiment, we show that this effect is not due...

  20. Quantified Faces

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Mette-Marie Zacher


    artist Marnix de Nijs' Physiognomic Scrutinizer is an interactive installation whereby the viewer's face is scanned and identified with historical figures. The American artist Zach Blas' project Fag Face Mask consists of three-dimensional portraits that blend biometric facial data from 30 gay men's faces...... and critically examine bias in surveillance technologies, as well as scientific investigations, regarding the stereotyping mode of the human gaze. The American artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg creates three-dimensional portraits of persons she has “identified” from their garbage. Her project from 2013 entitled...

  1. About Face

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Basics PTSD Treatment What is AboutFace? Resources for Professionals Get Help Home Watch Videos by Topic Videos ... Basics PTSD Treatment What is AboutFace? Resources for Professionals Get Help PTSD We've been there. After ...

  2. About Face

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Treatment What is AboutFace? Resources for Professionals Get Help Home Watch Videos by Topic Videos by Type ... Treatment What is AboutFace? Resources for Professionals Get Help PTSD We've been there. After a traumatic ...

  3. Editing faces in videos


    Amberg, Brian


    Editing faces in movies is of interest in the special effects industry. We aim at producing effects such as the addition of accessories interacting correctly with the face or replacing the face of a stuntman with the face of the main actor. The system introduced in this thesis is based on a 3D generative face model. Using a 3D model makes it possible to edit the face in the semantic space of pose, expression, and identity instead of pixel space, and due to its 3D nature allows...

  4. Evidence for view-invariant face recognition units in unfamiliar face learning. (United States)

    Etchells, David B; Brooks, Joseph L; Johnston, Robert A


    Many models of face recognition incorporate the idea of a face recognition unit (FRU), an abstracted representation formed from each experience of a face which aids recognition under novel viewing conditions. Some previous studies have failed to find evidence of this FRU representation. Here, we report three experiments which investigated this theoretical construct by modifying the face learning procedure from that in previous work. During learning, one or two views of previously unfamiliar faces were shown to participants in a serial matching task. Later, participants attempted to recognize both seen and novel views of the learned faces (recognition phase). Experiment 1 tested participants' recognition of a novel view, a day after learning. Experiment 2 was identical, but tested participants on the same day as learning. Experiment 3 repeated Experiment 1, but tested participants on a novel view that was outside the rotation of those views learned. Results revealed a significant advantage, across all experiments, for recognizing a novel view when two views had been learned compared to single view learning. The observed view invariance supports the notion that an FRU representation is established during multi-view face learning under particular learning conditions.

  5. Happy faces are preferred regardless of familiarity--sad faces are preferred only when familiar. (United States)

    Liao, Hsin-I; Shimojo, Shinsuke; Yeh, Su-Ling


    Familiarity leads to preference (e.g., the mere exposure effect), yet it remains unknown whether it is objective familiarity, that is, repetitive exposure, or subjective familiarity that contributes to preference. In addition, it is unexplored whether and how different emotions influence familiarity-related preference. The authors investigated whether happy or sad faces are preferred or perceived as more familiar and whether this subjective familiarity judgment correlates with preference for different emotional faces. An emotional face--happy or sad--was paired with a neutral face, and participants rated the relative preference and familiarity of each of the paired faces. For preference judgment, happy faces were preferred and sad faces were less preferred, compared with neutral faces. For familiarity judgment, happy faces did not show any bias, but sad faces were perceived as less familiar than neutral faces. Item-by-item correlational analyses show preference for sad faces--but not happy faces--positively correlate with familiarity. These results suggest a direct link between positive emotion and preference, and argue at least partly against a common cause for familiarity and preference. Instead, facial expression of different emotional valence modulates the link between familiarity and preference.

  6. Face inversion increases attractiveness. (United States)

    Leder, Helmut; Goller, Juergen; Forster, Michael; Schlageter, Lena; Paul, Matthew A


    Assessing facial attractiveness is a ubiquitous, inherent, and hard-wired phenomenon in everyday interactions. As such, it has highly adapted to the default way that faces are typically processed: viewing faces in upright orientation. By inverting faces, we can disrupt this default mode, and study how facial attractiveness is assessed. Faces, rotated at 90 (tilting to either side) and 180°, were rated on attractiveness and distinctiveness scales. For both orientations, we found that faces were rated more attractive and less distinctive than upright faces. Importantly, these effects were more pronounced for faces rated low in upright orientation, and smaller for highly attractive faces. In other words, the less attractive a face was, the more it gained in attractiveness by inversion or rotation. Based on these findings, we argue that facial attractiveness assessments might not rely on the presence of attractive facial characteristics, but on the absence of distinctive, unattractive characteristics. These unattractive characteristics are potentially weighed against an individual, attractive prototype in assessing facial attractiveness. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Measuring External Face Appearance for Face Classification


    Masip, David; Lapedriza, Agata; Vitria, Jordi


    In this chapter we introduce the importance of the external features in face classification problems, and propose a methodology to extract the external features obtaining an aligned feature set. The extracted features can be used as input to any standard pattern recognition classifier, as the classic feature extraction approaches dealing with internal face regions in the literature. The resulting scheme follows a top-down segmentation approach to deal with the diversity inherent to the extern...

  8. Remote versus face-to-face check-ups for asthma. (United States)

    Kew, Kayleigh M; Cates, Christopher J


    Asthma remains a significant cause of avoidable morbidity and mortality. Regular check-ups with a healthcare professional are essential to monitor symptoms and adjust medication.Health services worldwide are considering telephone and internet technologies as a way to manage the rising number of people with asthma and other long-term health conditions. This may serve to improve health and reduce the burden on emergency and inpatient services. Remote check-ups may represent an unobtrusive and efficient way of maintaining contact with patients, but it is uncertain whether conducting check-ups in this way is effective or whether it may have unexpected negative consequences. To assess the safety and efficacy of conducting asthma check-ups remotely versus usual face-to-face consultations. We identified trials from the Cochrane Airways Review Group Specialised Register (CAGR) up to 24 November 2015. We also searched, the World Health Organization (WHO) trials portal, reference lists of other reviews and contacted trial authors for additional information. We included parallel randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of adults or children with asthma that compared remote check-ups conducted using any form of technology versus standard face-to-face consultations. We excluded studies that used automated telehealth interventions that did not include personalised contact with a health professional. We included studies reported as full-text articles, as abstracts only and unpublished data. Two review authors screened the literature search results and independently extracted risk of bias and numerical data. We resolved any disagreements by consensus, and we contacted study authors for missing information.We analysed dichotomous data as odds ratios (ORs) using study participants as the unit of analysis, and continuous data as mean differences using the random-effects models. We rated all outcomes using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and

  9. Web-Based vs. Face-to-Face MBA Classes: A Comparative Assessment Study (United States)

    Brownstein, Barry; Brownstein, Deborah; Gerlowski, Daniel A.


    The challenges of online learning include ensuring that the learning outcomes are at least as robust as in the face-to-face sections of the same course. At the University of Baltimore, both online sections and face-to-face sections of core MBA courses are offered. Once admitted to the MBA, students are free to enroll in any combination of…

  10. Recognition of face and non-face stimuli in autistic spectrum disorder. (United States)

    Arkush, Leo; Smith-Collins, Adam P R; Fiorentini, Chiara; Skuse, David H


    The ability to remember faces is critical for the development of social competence. From childhood to adulthood, we acquire a high level of expertise in the recognition of facial images, and neural processes become dedicated to sustaining competence. Many people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have poor face recognition memory; changes in hairstyle or other non-facial features in an otherwise familiar person affect their recollection skills. The observation implies that they may not use the configuration of the inner face to achieve memory competence, but bolster performance in other ways. We aimed to test this hypothesis by comparing the performance of a group of high-functioning unmedicated adolescents with ASD and a matched control group on a "surprise" face recognition memory task. We compared their memory for unfamiliar faces with their memory for images of houses. To evaluate the role that is played by peripheral cues in assisting recognition memory, we cropped both sets of pictures, retaining only the most salient central features. ASD adolescents had poorer recognition memory for faces than typical controls, but their recognition memory for houses was unimpaired. Cropping images of faces did not disproportionately influence their recall accuracy, relative to controls. House recognition skills (cropped and uncropped) were similar in both groups. In the ASD group only, performance on both sets of task was closely correlated, implying that memory for faces and other complex pictorial stimuli is achieved by domain-general (non-dedicated) cognitive mechanisms. Adolescents with ASD apparently do not use domain-specialized processing of inner facial cues to support face recognition memory. © 2013 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Faces with Light Makeup Are Better Recognized than Faces with Heavy Makeup. (United States)

    Tagai, Keiko; Ohtaka, Hitomi; Nittono, Hiroshi


    Many women wear facial makeup to accentuate their appeal and attractiveness. Makeup may vary from natural (light) to glamorous (heavy), depending of the context of interpersonal situations, an emphasis on femininity, and current societal makeup trends. This study examined how light makeup and heavy makeup influenced attractiveness ratings and facial recognition. In a rating task, 38 Japanese women assigned attractiveness ratings to 36 Japanese female faces with no makeup, light makeup, and heavy makeup (12 each). In a subsequent recognition task, the participants were presented with 36 old and 36 new faces. Results indicated that attractiveness was rated highest for the light makeup faces and lowest for the no makeup faces. In contrast, recognition performance was higher for the no makeup and light make up faces than for the heavy makeup faces. Faces with heavy makeup produced a higher rate of false recognition than did other faces, possibly because heavy makeup creates an impression of the style of makeup itself, rather than the individual wearing the makeup. The present study suggests that light makeup is preferable to heavy makeup in that light makeup does not interfere with individual recognition and gives beholders positive impressions.

  12. Faces with light makeup are better recognized than faces with heavy makeup

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    Keiko eTagai


    Full Text Available Many women wear facial makeup to accentuate their appeal and attractiveness. Makeup may vary from natural (light to glamorous (heavy, depending of the context of interpersonal situations, an emphasis on femininity, and current societal makeup trends. This study examined how light makeup and heavy makeup influenced attractiveness ratings and facial recognition. In a rating task, 38 Japanese women assigned attractiveness ratings to 36 Japanese female faces with no makeup, light makeup, and heavy makeup (12 each. In a subsequent recognition task, the participants were presented with 36 old and 36 new faces. Results indicated that attractiveness was rated highest for the light makeup faces and lowest for the no makeup faces. In contrast, recognition performance was higher for the no makeup and light make up faces than for the heavy makeup faces. Faces with heavy makeup produced a higher rate of false recognition than did other faces, possibly because heavy makeup creates an impression of the style of makeup itself, rather than the individual wearing the makeup. The present study suggests that light makeup is preferable to heavy makeup in that light makeup does not interfere with individual recognition and gives beholders positive impressions.

  13. Visual search of Mooney faces

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    Jessica Emeline Goold


    Full Text Available Faces spontaneously capture attention. However, which special attributes of a face underlie this effect are unclear. To address this question, we investigate how gist information, specific visual properties and differing amounts of experience with faces affect the time required to detect a face. Three visual search experiments were conducted investigating the rapidness of human observers to detect Mooney face images. Mooney images are two-toned, ambiguous images. They were used in order to have stimuli that maintain gist information but limit low-level image properties. Results from the experiments show: 1 although upright Mooney faces were searched inefficiently, they were detected more rapidly than inverted Mooney face targets, demonstrating the important role of gist information in guiding attention towards a face. 2 Several specific Mooney face identities were searched efficiently while others were not, suggesting the involvement of specific visual properties in face detection. 3 By providing participants with unambiguous gray-scale versions of the Mooney face targets prior to the visual search task, the targets were detected significantly more efficiently, suggesting that prior experience with Mooney faces improves the ability to extract gist information for rapid face detection. However, a week of training with Mooney face categorization did not lead to even more efficient visual search of Mooney face targets. In summary, these results reveal that specific local image properties cannot account for how faces capture attention. On the other hand, gist information alone cannot account for how faces capture attention either. Prior experience facilitates the effect of gist on visual search of faces, making faces a special object category for guiding attention.

  14. Lost in Translation: Adapting a Face-to-Face Course Into an Online Learning Experience. (United States)

    Kenzig, Melissa J


    Online education has grown dramatically over the past decade. Instructors who teach face-to-face courses are being called on to adapt their courses to the online environment. Many instructors do not have sufficient training to be able to effectively move courses to an online format. This commentary discusses the growth of online learning, common challenges faced by instructors adapting courses from face-to-face to online, and best practices for translating face-to-face courses into online learning opportunities. © 2015 Society for Public Health Education.

  15. The activation of visual face memory and explicit face recognition are delayed in developmental prosopagnosia. (United States)

    Parketny, Joanna; Towler, John; Eimer, Martin


    Individuals with developmental prosopagnosia (DP) are strongly impaired in recognizing faces, but the causes of this deficit are not well understood. We employed event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to study the time-course of neural processes involved in the recognition of previously unfamiliar faces in DPs and in age-matched control participants with normal face recognition abilities. Faces of different individuals were presented sequentially in one of three possible views, and participants had to detect a specific Target Face ("Joe"). EEG was recorded during task performance to Target Faces, Nontarget Faces, or the participants' Own Face (which had to be ignored). The N250 component was measured as a marker of the match between a seen face and a stored representation in visual face memory. The subsequent P600f was measured as an index of attentional processes associated with the conscious awareness and recognition of a particular face. Target Faces elicited reliable N250 and P600f in the DP group, but both of these components emerged later in DPs than in control participants. This shows that the activation of visual face memory for previously unknown learned faces and the subsequent attentional processing and conscious recognition of these faces are delayed in DP. N250 and P600f components to Own Faces did not differ between the two groups, indicating that the processing of long-term familiar faces is less affected in DP. However, P600f components to Own Faces were absent in two participants with DP who failed to recognize their Own Face during the experiment. These results provide new evidence that face recognition deficits in DP may be linked to a delayed activation of visual face memory and explicit identity recognition mechanisms. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. An exploration into pedagogic frailty: Transitioning from face-to-face to online

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    Irina Niculescu


    Full Text Available Pedagogic frailty and concept mapping can simultaneously encourage personal and organisational change by supporting critical reflection and resilience. These ideas are nascent within higher education institutions and currently, at the University of Surrey, are only developed through face-to-face sessions. This revealed the need for a scalable intervention which engages academics with the discourse on introspective and professional development practices. In response, we have created the design for a blended programme of online foundation for concept mapping leading to face-to-face workshops to explore the pedagogic frailty model. This paper will discuss some significant challenges arising from transitioning self-reflective practices from face-to-face to online spaces. In the process, we will consider ways in which learning design can take the learner context into account.

  17. Gaze Cueing by Pareidolia Faces


    Kohske Takahashi; Katsumi Watanabe


    Visual images that are not faces are sometimes perceived as faces (the pareidolia phenomenon). While the pareidolia phenomenon provides people with a strong impression that a face is present, it is unclear how deeply pareidolia faces are processed as faces. In the present study, we examined whether a shift in spatial attention would be produced by gaze cueing of face-like objects. A robust cueing effect was observed when the face-like objects were perceived as faces. The magnitude of the cuei...

  18. Crossing the “Uncanny Valley”: adaptation to cartoon faces can influence perception of human faces (United States)

    Chen, Haiwen; Russell, Richard; Nakayama, Ken; Livingstone, Margaret


    Adaptation can shift what individuals identify to be a prototypical or attractive face. Past work suggests that low-level shape adaptation can affect high-level face processing but is position dependent. Adaptation to distorted images of faces can also affect face processing but only within sub-categories of faces, such as gender, age, and race/ethnicity. This study assesses whether there is a representation of face that is specific to faces (as opposed to all shapes) but general to all kinds of faces (as opposed to subcategories) by testing whether adaptation to one type of face can affect perception of another. Participants were shown cartoon videos containing faces with abnormally large eyes. Using animated videos allowed us to simulate naturalistic exposure and avoid positional shape adaptation. Results suggest that adaptation to cartoon faces with large eyes shifts preferences for human faces toward larger eyes, supporting the existence of general face representations. PMID:20465173


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    Maria Vera Lúcia Barbosa


    Full Text Available O conceito funcional de retardo mental destaca a necessidade de desenvolvimento das condutas adaptativas dessa clientela, principalmente habilidades de relacionamento. Este estudo buscou caracterizar o repertório interpessoal de 18 alunos de duas classes de uma Instituição para deficientes mentais e as diferenças entre essas duas classes em termos de condições existentes para desenvolvê-lo, considerando: objetivos e expectativas do professor, procedimentos, materiais, conteúdos e contexto físico da classe. Os dados, obtidos por observação direta, documentos da escola e inventários respondidos pelas duas professoras foram objeto de análise qualitativa e quantitativa e mostraram que: a as condições educativas eram, ou poderiam ser, favoráveis à promoção de habilidades sociais, porém pouco exploradas pelas professoras; b os procedimentos das professoras eram as condições mais visíveis e críticas mas geralmente restritivas das habilidades sociais dos alunos; c a qualidade das interações professora-alunos parecia variar de acordo com habilidades sociais educativas das professoras; d os colegas ofereciam condições importantes para a promoção dessas habilidades. Discute-se questões práticas e de pesquisa nessa área. Palavras-chave: ensino especial, retardo mental, habilidades sociais

  20. A multi-view face recognition system based on cascade face detector and improved Dlib (United States)

    Zhou, Hongjun; Chen, Pei; Shen, Wei


    In this research, we present a framework for multi-view face detect and recognition system based on cascade face detector and improved Dlib. This method is aimed to solve the problems of low efficiency and low accuracy in multi-view face recognition, to build a multi-view face recognition system, and to discover a suitable monitoring scheme. For face detection, the cascade face detector is used to extracted the Haar-like feature from the training samples, and Haar-like feature is used to train a cascade classifier by combining Adaboost algorithm. Next, for face recognition, we proposed an improved distance model based on Dlib to improve the accuracy of multiview face recognition. Furthermore, we applied this proposed method into recognizing face images taken from different viewing directions, including horizontal view, overlooks view, and looking-up view, and researched a suitable monitoring scheme. This method works well for multi-view face recognition, and it is also simulated and tested, showing satisfactory experimental results.

  1. The Use of Computer-Mediated Communication To Enhance Subsequent Face-to-Face Discussions. (United States)

    Dietz-Uhler, Beth; Bishop-Clark, Cathy


    Describes a study of undergraduate students that assessed the effects of synchronous (Internet chat) and asynchronous (Internet discussion board) computer-mediated communication on subsequent face-to-face discussions. Results showed that face-to-face discussions preceded by computer-mediated communication were perceived to be more enjoyable.…

  2. Adjudicating between face-coding models with individual-face fMRI responses.

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    Johan D Carlin


    Full Text Available The perceptual representation of individual faces is often explained with reference to a norm-based face space. In such spaces, individuals are encoded as vectors where identity is primarily conveyed by direction and distinctiveness by eccentricity. Here we measured human fMRI responses and psychophysical similarity judgments of individual face exemplars, which were generated as realistic 3D animations using a computer-graphics model. We developed and evaluated multiple neurobiologically plausible computational models, each of which predicts a representational distance matrix and a regional-mean activation profile for 24 face stimuli. In the fusiform face area, a face-space coding model with sigmoidal ramp tuning provided a better account of the data than one based on exemplar tuning. However, an image-processing model with weighted banks of Gabor filters performed similarly. Accounting for the data required the inclusion of a measurement-level population averaging mechanism that approximates how fMRI voxels locally average distinct neuronal tunings. Our study demonstrates the importance of comparing multiple models and of modeling the measurement process in computational neuroimaging.

  3. Face recognition accuracy of forensic examiners, superrecognizers, and face recognition algorithms. (United States)

    Phillips, P Jonathon; Yates, Amy N; Hu, Ying; Hahn, Carina A; Noyes, Eilidh; Jackson, Kelsey; Cavazos, Jacqueline G; Jeckeln, Géraldine; Ranjan, Rajeev; Sankaranarayanan, Swami; Chen, Jun-Cheng; Castillo, Carlos D; Chellappa, Rama; White, David; O'Toole, Alice J


    Achieving the upper limits of face identification accuracy in forensic applications can minimize errors that have profound social and personal consequences. Although forensic examiners identify faces in these applications, systematic tests of their accuracy are rare. How can we achieve the most accurate face identification: using people and/or machines working alone or in collaboration? In a comprehensive comparison of face identification by humans and computers, we found that forensic facial examiners, facial reviewers, and superrecognizers were more accurate than fingerprint examiners and students on a challenging face identification test. Individual performance on the test varied widely. On the same test, four deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs), developed between 2015 and 2017, identified faces within the range of human accuracy. Accuracy of the algorithms increased steadily over time, with the most recent DCNN scoring above the median of the forensic facial examiners. Using crowd-sourcing methods, we fused the judgments of multiple forensic facial examiners by averaging their rating-based identity judgments. Accuracy was substantially better for fused judgments than for individuals working alone. Fusion also served to stabilize performance, boosting the scores of lower-performing individuals and decreasing variability. Single forensic facial examiners fused with the best algorithm were more accurate than the combination of two examiners. Therefore, collaboration among humans and between humans and machines offers tangible benefits to face identification accuracy in important applications. These results offer an evidence-based roadmap for achieving the most accurate face identification possible. Copyright © 2018 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.

  4. Face-blind for other-race faces: Individual differences in other-race recognition impairments. (United States)

    Wan, Lulu; Crookes, Kate; Dawel, Amy; Pidcock, Madeleine; Hall, Ashleigh; McKone, Elinor


    We report the existence of a previously undescribed group of people, namely individuals who are so poor at recognition of other-race faces that they meet criteria for clinical-level impairment (i.e., they are "face-blind" for other-race faces). Testing 550 participants, and using the well-validated Cambridge Face Memory Test for diagnosing face blindness, results show the rate of other-race face blindness to be nontrivial, specifically 8.1% of Caucasians and Asians raised in majority own-race countries. Results also show risk factors for other-race face blindness to include: a lack of interracial contact; and being at the lower end of the normal range of general face recognition ability (i.e., even for own-race faces); but not applying less individuating effort to other-race than own-race faces. Findings provide a potential resolution of contradictory evidence concerning the importance of the other-race effect (ORE), by explaining how it is possible for the mean ORE to be modest in size (suggesting a genuine but minor problem), and simultaneously for individuals to suffer major functional consequences in the real world (e.g., eyewitness misidentification of other-race offenders leading to wrongful imprisonment). Findings imply that, in legal settings, evaluating an eyewitness's chance of having made an other-race misidentification requires information about the underlying face recognition abilities of the individual witness. Additionally, analogy with prosopagnosia (inability to recognize even own-race faces) suggests everyday social interactions with other-race people, such as those between colleagues in the workplace, will be seriously impacted by the ORE in some people. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  5. Dissociation between face perception and face memory in adults, but not children, with developmental prosopagnosia

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    Kirsten A. Dalrymple


    Full Text Available Cognitive models propose that face recognition is accomplished through a series of discrete stages, including perceptual representation of facial structure, and encoding and retrieval of facial information. This implies that impaired face recognition can result from failures of face perception, face memory, or both. Studies of acquired prosopagnosia, autism spectrum disorders, and the development of normal face recognition support the idea that face perception and face memory are distinct processes, yet this distinction has received little attention in developmental prosopagnosia (DP. To address this issue, we tested the face perception and face memory of children and adults with DP. By definition, face memory is impaired in DP, so memory deficits were present in all participants. However, we found that all children, but only half of the adults had impaired face perception. Thus, results from adults indicate that face perception and face memory are dissociable, while the results from children provide no evidence for this division. Importantly, our findings raise the possibility that DP is qualitatively different in childhood versus adulthood. We discuss theoretical explanations for this developmental pattern and conclude that longitudinal studies are necessary to better understand the developmental trajectory of face perception and face memory deficits in DP.

  6. Dissociation between face perception and face memory in adults, but not children, with developmental prosopagnosia. (United States)

    Dalrymple, Kirsten A; Garrido, Lúcia; Duchaine, Brad


    Cognitive models propose that face recognition is accomplished through a series of discrete stages, including perceptual representation of facial structure, and encoding and retrieval of facial information. This implies that impaired face recognition can result from failures of face perception, face memory, or both. Studies of acquired prosopagnosia, autism spectrum disorders, and the development of normal face recognition support the idea that face perception and face memory are distinct processes, yet this distinction has received little attention in developmental prosopagnosia (DP). To address this issue, we tested the face perception and face memory of children and adults with DP. By definition, face memory is impaired in DP, so memory deficits were present in all participants. However, we found that all children, but only half of the adults had impaired face perception. Thus, results from adults indicate that face perception and face memory are dissociable, while the results from children provide no evidence for this division. Importantly, our findings raise the possibility that DP is qualitatively different in childhood versus adulthood. We discuss theoretical explanations for this developmental pattern and conclude that longitudinal studies are necessary to better understand the developmental trajectory of face perception and face memory deficits in DP. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  7. Orienting to face expression during encoding improves men's recognition of own gender faces. (United States)

    Fulton, Erika K; Bulluck, Megan; Hertzog, Christopher


    It is unclear why women have superior episodic memory of faces, but the benefit may be partially the result of women engaging in superior processing of facial expressions. Therefore, we hypothesized that orienting instructions to attend to facial expression at encoding would significantly improve men's memory of faces and possibly reduce gender differences. We directed 203 college students (122 women) to study 120 faces under instructions to orient to either the person's gender or their emotional expression. They later took a recognition test of these faces by either judging whether they had previously studied the same person or that person with the exact same expression; the latter test evaluated recollection of specific facial details. Orienting to facial expressions during encoding significantly improved men's recognition of own-gender faces and eliminated the advantage that women had for male faces under gender orienting instructions. Although gender differences in spontaneous strategy use when orienting to faces cannot fully account for gender differences in face recognition, orienting men to facial expression during encoding is one way to significantly improve their episodic memory for male faces. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Do international flights promote FDI? : the role of face-to-face communication


    Tanaka, Kiyoyasu


    Air transportation facilitates face-to-face interactions across borders for the spatial expansion of manufacturing production. I investigate the impact of international flights on FDI entry by Japanese firms. I find that FDI entry significantly increases with the weekly frequency of flights from Japan, and the positive impact increases with a proxy for an intensity of face-to-face communication between the parent firm and foreign affiliate. The results are robust to estimation methods, additi...

  9. A rede social de cuidados de uma criança com necessidade especial de saúde

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    Eliane Tatsch Neves


    Full Text Available Pesquisa qualitativa que objetivou descrever a rede social de cuidados de uma criança com necessidade especial de saúde. Os participantes da pesquisa foram os avós de uma criança, sorteados a partir do banco de dados de uma pesquisa. O Método Criativo Sensível foi desenvolvido por meio da Dinâmica de Criatividade e Sensibilidade Mapa Falante posteriormente submetida à Análise de Discurso em sua corrente francesa. Os resultados apontaram que os familiares da criança possuem uma rede social fragmentada e solitária constituída por serviços de saúde de nível secundário e terciário; que a criança dependente de tecnologia é marginalizada no Sistema Único de Saúde, sendo invisíveis na rede primária. Conclui-se que os familiares da criança apoiam-se nos serviços que prestam cuidados a criança, que a rede familial está restrita aos familiares mais próximos. Sugere-se que a enfermagem possibilite a formação de redes e o acesso à assistência em saúde dessas crianças.

  10. Avaliação cognitiva por provas assistida em crianças com necessidades educativas especiais

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    Tatiane Lebre Dias


    Full Text Available Uma nova perspectiva baseada na abordagem sociointeracionista, denominada avaliação assistida ou dinâmica, trouxe avanços para a área de avaliação cognitiva, oferecendo indicadores do potencial de aprendizagem. Com base nessa concepção, este trabalho verificou a adequação de provas cognitivas assistidas, que incluem uma fase intermediária de assistência em crianças com dificuldade de aprendizagem (DA e deficiência visual (DV. Para tanto, utilizou-se do jogo de perguntas de busca com figuras diversas (PBFD e o jogo de perguntas de busca com figuras geométricas para crianças com deficiência visual (PBFG-DV. Esses jogos investigam as estratégias utilizadas ao se elaborarem questões de busca de informação com restrição de alternativa, em situação de resolução de problemas. Ao final do jogo, obtém-se um perfil de desempenho cognitivo. As provas assistidas foram sensíveis em identificar a variação de desempenho das crianças, mostrando-se adequadas para a avaliação de habilidades cognitivas de crianças com diferentes necessidades educativas especiai

  11. Interações familiares de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais: revisão da literatura nacional

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    Paula Cruz Goitein

    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo revisar a produção científica na literatura nacional indexada na área de Psicologia, entre 1999 e 2008, de estudos empíricos que descreveram diferentes interações entre as crianças com NEE e seus familiares e as implicações para o desenvolvimento das mesmas, sob diferentes perspectivas teóricas. Foi realizada uma busca sistemática em três bases de dados bibliográficos (SCIELO, LILACS e Periódicos Capes, utilizando as palavras-chave: famílias de crianças com deficiência, necessidades educacionais especiais, família, relações familiares, irmãos e relações fraternais. Foram identificados 17 artigos que foram analisados considerando diferentes aspectos (periódicos em que foram publicados, variáveis relacionadas, técnicas de coleta de dados utilizadas e principais resultados obtidos. Constatou-se a carência de estudos sobre o tema em questão.

  12. Doctor-patient communication: a comparison between telemedicine consultation and face-to-face consultation. (United States)

    Liu, Xiao; Sawada, Yoshie; Takizawa, Takako; Sato, Hiroko; Sato, Mahito; Sakamoto, Hironosuke; Utsugi, Toshihiro; Sato, Kunio; Sumino, Hiroyuki; Okamura, Shinichi; Sakamaki, Tetsuo


    The objective of this study was to compare doctor-patient communications in clinical consultations via telemedicine technology to doctor-patient communications in face-to-face clinical consultations. Five doctors who had been practicing internal medicine for 8 to 18 years, and twenty patients were enrolled in this study; neither doctors nor patients had previous experience of telemedicine. The patients received both a telemedicine consultation and a face-to-face consultation. Three measures--video observation, medical record volume, and participants' satisfaction--were used for the assessment. It was found that the time spent on the telemedicine consultation was substantially longer than the time spent on the face-to-face consultation. No statistically significant differences were found in the number of either closed or open-ended questions asked by doctors between both types of consultation. Empathy-utterances, praise-utterances, and facilitation-utterances were, however, seen less in the telemedicine consultations than in the face-to-face consultations. The volume of the medical records was statistically smaller in the telemedicine consultations than in the face-to-face consultations. Patients were satisfied with the telemedicine consultation, but doctors were dissatisfied with it and felt hampered by the communication barriers. This study suggests that new training programs are needed for doctors to develop improved communication skills and the ability to express empathy in telemedicine consultations.

  13. The time course of face processing: startle eyeblink response modulation by face gender and expression. (United States)

    Duval, Elizabeth R; Lovelace, Christopher T; Aarant, Justin; Filion, Diane L


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of both facial expression and face gender on startle eyeblink response patterns at varying lead intervals (300, 800, and 3500ms) indicative of attentional and emotional processes. We aimed to determine whether responses to affective faces map onto the Defense Cascade Model (Lang et al., 1997) to better understand the stages of processing during affective face viewing. At 300ms, there was an interaction between face expression and face gender with female happy and neutral faces and male angry faces producing inhibited startle. At 3500ms, there was a trend for facilitated startle during angry compared to neutral faces. These findings suggest that affective expressions are perceived differently in male and female faces, especially at short lead intervals. Future studies investigating face processing should take both face gender and expression into account. © 2013.

  14. Brain Activity Related to the Judgment of Face-Likeness: Correlation between EEG and Face-Like Evaluation

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    Yuji Nihei


    Full Text Available Faces represent important information for social communication, because social information, such as face-color, expression, and gender, is obtained from faces. Therefore, individuals' tend to find faces unconsciously, even in objects. Why is face-likeness perceived in non-face objects? Previous event-related potential (ERP studies showed that the P1 component (early visual processing, the N170 component (face detection, and the N250 component (personal detection reflect the neural processing of faces. Inverted faces were reported to enhance the amplitude and delay the latency of P1 and N170. To investigate face-likeness processing in the brain, we explored the face-related components of the ERP through a face-like evaluation task using natural faces, cars, insects, and Arcimboldo paintings presented upright or inverted. We found a significant correlation between the inversion effect index and face-like scores in P1 in both hemispheres and in N170 in the right hemisphere. These results suggest that judgment of face-likeness occurs in a relatively early stage of face processing.

  15. Brain Activity Related to the Judgment of Face-Likeness: Correlation between EEG and Face-Like Evaluation. (United States)

    Nihei, Yuji; Minami, Tetsuto; Nakauchi, Shigeki


    Faces represent important information for social communication, because social information, such as face-color, expression, and gender, is obtained from faces. Therefore, individuals' tend to find faces unconsciously, even in objects. Why is face-likeness perceived in non-face objects? Previous event-related potential (ERP) studies showed that the P1 component (early visual processing), the N170 component (face detection), and the N250 component (personal detection) reflect the neural processing of faces. Inverted faces were reported to enhance the amplitude and delay the latency of P1 and N170. To investigate face-likeness processing in the brain, we explored the face-related components of the ERP through a face-like evaluation task using natural faces, cars, insects, and Arcimboldo paintings presented upright or inverted. We found a significant correlation between the inversion effect index and face-like scores in P1 in both hemispheres and in N170 in the right hemisphere. These results suggest that judgment of face-likeness occurs in a relatively early stage of face processing.

  16. A Comparison of Online and Face-to-Face Approaches to Teaching Introduction to American Government (United States)

    Bolsen, Toby; Evans, Michael; Fleming, Anna McCaghren


    This article reports results from a large study comparing four different approaches to teaching Introduction to American Government: (1) traditional, a paper textbook with 100% face-to-face lecture-style teaching; (2) breakout, a paper textbook with 50% face-to-face lecture-style teaching and 50% face-to-face small-group breakout discussion…

  17. Attention Capture by Faces (United States)

    Langton, Stephen R. H.; Law, Anna S.; Burton, A. Mike; Schweinberger, Stefan R.


    We report three experiments that investigate whether faces are capable of capturing attention when in competition with other non-face objects. In Experiment 1a participants took longer to decide that an array of objects contained a butterfly target when a face appeared as one of the distracting items than when the face did not appear in the array.…

  18. Real-time teleophthalmology versus face-to-face consultation: A systematic review. (United States)

    Tan, Irene J; Dobson, Lucy P; Bartnik, Stephen; Muir, Josephine; Turner, Angus W


    Introduction Advances in imaging capabilities and the evolution of real-time teleophthalmology have the potential to provide increased coverage to areas with limited ophthalmology services. However, there is limited research assessing the diagnostic accuracy of face-to-face teleophthalmology consultation. This systematic review aims to determine if real-time teleophthalmology provides comparable accuracy to face-to-face consultation for the diagnosis of common eye health conditions. Methods A search of PubMed, Embase, Medline and Cochrane databases and manual citation review was conducted on 6 February and 7 April 2016. Included studies involved real-time telemedicine in the field of ophthalmology or optometry, and assessed diagnostic accuracy against gold-standard face-to-face consultation. The revised quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies (QUADAS-2) tool assessed risk of bias. Results Twelve studies were included, with participants ranging from four to 89 years old. A broad number of conditions were assessed and include corneal and retinal pathologies, strabismus, oculoplastics and post-operative review. Quality assessment identified a high or unclear risk of bias in patient selection (75%) due to an undisclosed recruitment processes. The index test showed high risk of bias in the included studies, due to the varied interpretation and conduct of real-time teleophthalmology methods. Reference standard risk was overall low (75%), as was the risk due to flow and timing (75%). Conclusion In terms of diagnostic accuracy, real-time teleophthalmology was considered superior to face-to-face consultation in one study and comparable in six studies. Store-and-forward image transmission coupled with real-time videoconferencing is a suitable alternative to overcome poor internet transmission speeds.

  19. Comparing face-to-face, synchronous, and asynchronous learning: postgraduate dental resident preferences. (United States)

    Kunin, Marc; Julliard, Kell N; Rodriguez, Tobias E


    The Department of Dental Medicine of Lutheran Medical Center has developed an asynchronous online curriculum consisting of prerecorded PowerPoint presentations with audio explanations. The focus of this study was to evaluate if the new asynchronous format satisfied the educational needs of the residents compared to traditional lecture (face-to-face) and synchronous (distance learning) formats. Lectures were delivered to 219 dental residents employing face-to-face and synchronous formats, as well as the new asynchronous format; 169 (77 percent) participated in the study. Outcomes were assessed with pretests, posttests, and individual lecture surveys. Results found the residents preferred face-to-face and asynchronous formats to the synchronous format in terms of effectiveness and clarity of presentations. This preference was directly related to the residents' perception of how well the technology worked in each format. The residents also rated the quality of student-instructor and student-student interactions in the synchronous and asynchronous formats significantly higher after taking the lecture series than they did before taking it. However, they rated the face-to-face format as significantly more conducive to student-instructor and student-student interaction. While the study found technology had a major impact on the efficacy of this curricular model, the results suggest that the asynchronous format can be an effective way to teach a postgraduate course.

  20. Non-egalitarian allocations among preschool peers in a face-to-face bargaining task.

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    Alicia P Melis

    Full Text Available In face-to-face bargaining tasks human adults almost always agree on an equal split of resources. This is due to mutually recognized fairness and equality norms. Early developmental studies on sharing and equality norms found that egalitarian allocations of resources are not common before children are 5 or 6 years old. However, recent studies have shown that in some face-to face collaborative situations, or when recipients express their desires, children at much younger ages choose equal allocations. We investigated the ability of 3.5 and 5-year-olds to negotiate face-to-face, whether to collaborate to obtain an equal or an unequal distribution of rewards. We hypothesized that the face-to-face interaction and interdependency between partners would facilitate egalitarian outcomes at both ages. In the first experiment we found that 5-year-olds were more egalitarian than 3.5-year-olds, but neither of the age classes shared equally. In the second experiment, in which we increased the magnitude of the inequality, we found that children at both ages mostly agreed on the unequal distribution. These results show that communication and face-to-face interactions are not sufficient to guarantee equal allocations at 3-5 years of age. These results add to previous findings suggesting that in the context of non-collaboratively produced resources it is only after 5 years of age that children use equality norms to allocate resources.

  1. Highlights from a Literature Review Prepared for the Face to Face Research Project (United States)

    National Literacy Trust, 2010


    Between March 2009 and March 2011, Talk To Your Baby has been engaged in a research project, under the title of Face to Face, to identify key messages for parents and carers in relation to communicating with babies and young children, and has examined the most effective ways to promote these messages to parents and carers. The Face to Face project…

  2. Face to Face


    Robert Leckey


    This paper uses Queer theory, specifically literature on Bowers v. Hardwick, to analyze debates over legislation proposed in Quebec regarding covered faces. Queer theory sheds light on legal responses to the veil. Parliamentary debates in Quebec reconstitute the polity, notably as secular and united. The paper highlights the contradictory and unstable character of four binaries: legislative text versus social practice, act versus status, majority versus minority, and knowable versus unknowabl...

  3. The neural code for face orientation in the human fusiform face area. (United States)

    Ramírez, Fernando M; Cichy, Radoslaw M; Allefeld, Carsten; Haynes, John-Dylan


    Humans recognize faces and objects with high speed and accuracy regardless of their orientation. Recent studies have proposed that orientation invariance in face recognition involves an intermediate representation where neural responses are similar for mirror-symmetric views. Here, we used fMRI, multivariate pattern analysis, and computational modeling to investigate the neural encoding of faces and vehicles at different rotational angles. Corroborating previous studies, we demonstrate a representation of face orientation in the fusiform face-selective area (FFA). We go beyond these studies by showing that this representation is category-selective and tolerant to retinal translation. Critically, by controlling for low-level confounds, we found the representation of orientation in FFA to be compatible with a linear angle code. Aspects of mirror-symmetric coding cannot be ruled out when FFA mean activity levels are considered as a dimension of coding. Finally, we used a parametric family of computational models, involving a biased sampling of view-tuned neuronal clusters, to compare different face angle encoding models. The best fitting model exhibited a predominance of neuronal clusters tuned to frontal views of faces. In sum, our findings suggest a category-selective and monotonic code of face orientation in the human FFA, in line with primate electrophysiology studies that observed mirror-symmetric tuning of neural responses at higher stages of the visual system, beyond the putative homolog of human FFA. Copyright © 2014 the authors 0270-6474/14/3412155-13$15.00/0.

  4. At face value : categorization goals modulate vigilance for angry faces

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Dillen, L.F.; Lakens, D.; Bos, van den K.


    The present research demonstrates that the attention bias to angry faces is modulated by how people categorize these faces. Since facial expressions contain psychologically meaningful information for social categorizations (i.e., gender, personality) but not for non-social categorizations (i.e.,

  5. Learning discriminant face descriptor. (United States)

    Lei, Zhen; Pietikäinen, Matti; Li, Stan Z


    Local feature descriptor is an important module for face recognition and those like Gabor and local binary patterns (LBP) have proven effective face descriptors. Traditionally, the form of such local descriptors is predefined in a handcrafted way. In this paper, we propose a method to learn a discriminant face descriptor (DFD) in a data-driven way. The idea is to learn the most discriminant local features that minimize the difference of the features between images of the same person and maximize that between images from different people. In particular, we propose to enhance the discriminative ability of face representation in three aspects. First, the discriminant image filters are learned. Second, the optimal neighborhood sampling strategy is soft determined. Third, the dominant patterns are statistically constructed. Discriminative learning is incorporated to extract effective and robust features. We further apply the proposed method to the heterogeneous (cross-modality) face recognition problem and learn DFD in a coupled way (coupled DFD or C-DFD) to reduce the gap between features of heterogeneous face images to improve the performance of this challenging problem. Extensive experiments on FERET, CAS-PEAL-R1, LFW, and HFB face databases validate the effectiveness of the proposed DFD learning on both homogeneous and heterogeneous face recognition problems. The DFD improves POEM and LQP by about 4.5 percent on LFW database and the C-DFD enhances the heterogeneous face recognition performance of LBP by over 25 percent.

  6. Cyber- and Face-to-Face Bullying: Who Crosses Over? (United States)

    Shin, Hwayeon Helene; Braithwaite, Valerie; Ahmed, Eliza


    A total of 3956 children aged 12-13 years who completed the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC Wave 5) were studied about their experiences of traditional face-to-face bullying and cyberbullying in the last month. In terms of prevalence, sixty percent of the sample had been involved in traditional bullying as the victim and/or the…

  7. InterFace: A software package for face image warping, averaging, and principal components analysis. (United States)

    Kramer, Robin S S; Jenkins, Rob; Burton, A Mike


    We describe InterFace, a software package for research in face recognition. The package supports image warping, reshaping, averaging of multiple face images, and morphing between faces. It also supports principal components analysis (PCA) of face images, along with tools for exploring the "face space" produced by PCA. The package uses a simple graphical user interface, allowing users to perform these sophisticated image manipulations without any need for programming knowledge. The program is available for download in the form of an app, which requires that users also have access to the (freely available) MATLAB Runtime environment.

  8. Spatial Location in Brief, Free-Viewing Face Encoding Modulates Contextual Face Recognition

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    Fatima M. Felisberti


    Full Text Available The effect of the spatial location of faces in the visual field during brief, free-viewing encoding in subsequent face recognition is not known. This study addressed this question by tagging three groups of faces with cheating, cooperating or neutral behaviours and presenting them for encoding in two visual hemifields (upper vs. lower or left vs. right. Participants then had to indicate if a centrally presented face had been seen before or not. Head and eye movements were free in all phases. Findings showed that the overall recognition of cooperators was significantly better than cheaters, and it was better for faces encoded in the upper hemifield than in the lower hemifield, both in terms of a higher d' and faster reaction time (RT. The d' for any given behaviour in the left and right hemifields was similar. The RT in the left hemifield did not vary with tagged behaviour, whereas the RT in the right hemifield was longer for cheaters than for cooperators. The results showed that memory biases in contextual face recognition were modulated by the spatial location of briefly encoded faces and are discussed in terms of scanning reading habits, top-left bias in lighting preference and peripersonal space.

  9. Face shape and face identity processing in behavioral variant fronto-temporal dementia: A specific deficit for familiarity and name recognition of famous faces. (United States)

    De Winter, François-Laurent; Timmers, Dorien; de Gelder, Beatrice; Van Orshoven, Marc; Vieren, Marleen; Bouckaert, Miriam; Cypers, Gert; Caekebeke, Jo; Van de Vliet, Laura; Goffin, Karolien; Van Laere, Koen; Sunaert, Stefan; Vandenberghe, Rik; Vandenbulcke, Mathieu; Van den Stock, Jan


    Deficits in face processing have been described in the behavioral variant of fronto-temporal dementia (bvFTD), primarily regarding the recognition of facial expressions. Less is known about face shape and face identity processing. Here we used a hierarchical strategy targeting face shape and face identity recognition in bvFTD and matched healthy controls. Participants performed 3 psychophysical experiments targeting face shape detection (Experiment 1), unfamiliar face identity matching (Experiment 2), familiarity categorization and famous face-name matching (Experiment 3). The results revealed group differences only in Experiment 3, with a deficit in the bvFTD group for both familiarity categorization and famous face-name matching. Voxel-based morphometry regression analyses in the bvFTD group revealed an association between grey matter volume of the left ventral anterior temporal lobe and familiarity recognition, while face-name matching correlated with grey matter volume of the bilateral ventral anterior temporal lobes. Subsequently, we quantified familiarity-specific and name-specific recognition deficits as the sum of the celebrities of which respectively only the name or only the familiarity was accurately recognized. Both indices were associated with grey matter volume of the bilateral anterior temporal cortices. These findings extent previous results by documenting the involvement of the left anterior temporal lobe (ATL) in familiarity detection and the right ATL in name recognition deficits in fronto-temporal lobar degeneration.

  10. Factors defining face-to-face interruptions in the office environment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Matysiak, A.J.; Markopoulos, P.


    This paper presents an on-going investigation on interruptions in the office caused by face-to-face interactions between knowledge workers. The study aims to identify opportunities for interactive solutions that will support both, the interrupters and the interrupted. The study involves contextual

  11. Shared or separate mechanisms for self-face and other-face processing? Evidence from adaptation.

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    Brendan eRooney


    Full Text Available Evidence that self-face recognition is dissociable from general face recognition hasimportant implications both for models of social cognition and for our understanding offace recognition. In two studies, we examine how adaptation affects the perception ofpersonally familiar faces, and we use a visual adaptation paradigm to investigatewhether the neural mechanisms underlying the recognition of one’s own and other facesare shared or separate. In Study 1 we show that the representation of personally familiarfaces is rapidly updated by visual experience with unfamiliar faces, so that theperception of one’s own face and a friend’s face is altered by a brief period ofadaptation to distorted unfamiliar faces. In Study 2, participants adapted to images oftheir own and a friend’s face distorted in opposite directions; the contingent aftereffectswe observe are indicative of separate neural populations, but we suggest that thesereflect coding of facial identity rather than of the categories ‘self’ and ‘other’.


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    Rosiane Cristina Gonçalves Braga


    Full Text Available Este texto analisa as definições e o sistema de remissivas de três termos de dois dicionários especializados na área de telefonia. Para tanto, examina os enunciados definicionais à luz do que rege as normas ISO 1087 e 704 e verifica a rede de remissivas e sua eficiência, salientando a importância das remissões para a reorganização do saber da área por parte do consulente. Por fim, enfatiza a necessidade e sucesso do trabalho conjunto entre terminólogos lingüístas e especialistas das áreas na produção de dicionários especializados. Palavras-chave: definição, sistema de remissivas, dicionário especializado

  13. MobileFaceNets: Efficient CNNs for Accurate Real-time Face Verification on Mobile Devices


    Chen, Sheng; Liu, Yang; Gao, Xiang; Han, Zhen


    In this paper, we proposed a class of extremely efficient CNN models, MobileFaceNets, which use less than 1 million parameters and are specifically tailored for high-accuracy real-time face verification on mobile and embedded devices. We first make a simple analysis on the weakness of common mobile networks for face verification. The weakness has been well overcome by our specifically designed MobileFaceNets. Under the same experimental conditions, our MobileFaceNets achieve significantly sup...

  14. Matching faces with emotional expressions

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    Wenfeng eChen


    Full Text Available There is some evidence that faces with a happy expression are recognized better than faces with other expressions. However, little is known about whether this happy face advantage also applies to perceptual face matching, and whether similar differences exist among other expressions. Using a sequential matching paradigm, we systematically compared the effects of seven basic facial expressions on identity recognition. Identity matching was quickest when a pair of faces had an identical happy/sad/neutral expression, poorer when they had a fearful/surprise/angry expression, and poorest when they had a disgust expression. Faces with a happy/sad/fear/surprise expression were matched faster than those with an anger/disgust expression when the second face in a pair had a neutral expression. These results demonstrate that effects of facial expression on identity recognition are not limited to happy faces when a learned face is immediately tested. The results suggest different influences of expression in perceptual matching and long-term recognition memory.

  15. The Kent Face Matching Test. (United States)

    Fysh, Matthew C; Bindemann, Markus


    This study presents the Kent Face Matching Test (KFMT), which comprises 200 same-identity and 20 different-identity pairs of unfamiliar faces. Each face pair consists of a photograph from a student ID card and a high-quality portrait that was taken at least three months later. The test is designed to complement existing resources for face-matching research, by providing a more ecologically valid stimulus set that captures the natural variability that can arise in a person's appearance over time. Two experiments are presented to demonstrate that the KFMT provides a challenging measure of face matching but correlates with established tests. Experiment 1 compares a short version of this test with the optimized Glasgow Face Matching Test (GFMT). In Experiment 2, a longer version of the KFMT, with infrequent identity mismatches, is correlated with performance on the Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT) and the Cambridge Face Perception Test (CFPT). The KFMT is freely available for use in face-matching research. © 2017 The British Psychological Society.

  16. Examination of program exposure across intervention delivery modes: face-to-face versus internet

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    Mummery W Kerry


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There has been increasing interest in the ability of the internet to produce behaviour change. The focus of this study was to describe program exposure across three intervention groups from a randomised trial (RT comparing traditional face-to-face, internet-mediated (combined internet plus face-to-face, and internet-only program delivery. Methods Baseline and immediately post-intervention survey data, and exposure rates from participants that commenced the RT were included (n = 192. Exposure was defined as either face-to-face attendance, website usage, or a combination of both for the internet-mediated group. Characteristics of participants who were exposed to at least 75% of the program material were explored. Descriptive analysis and logistical regression were used to examine differences between groups for program exposure. Results All groups showed decrease in program exposure over time. Differences were also observed (χ2 = 10.37, p Conclusion These results suggest that the internet groups were as effective as the face-to-face delivery mode in engaging participants in the program material. However, different delivery methods may be more useful to different sub-populations. It is important to explore which target groups that internet-based programs are best suited, in order to increase their impact.

  17. Electronic and face-to-face communication in maintaining social relationships

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tillema, T.; Dijst, M.J.; Schwanen, T.


    Although the spectacular spread of wired and wireless communication technologies such as the Internet and mobile phone have been discussed extensively in the academic literature, knowledge of the interactions among face-to-face (F2F) and electronic communication modes and their implications for

  18. Energy conservation using face detection (United States)

    Deotale, Nilesh T.; Kalbande, Dhananjay R.; Mishra, Akassh A.


    Computerized Face Detection, is concerned with the difficult task of converting a video signal of a person to written text. It has several applications like face recognition, simultaneous multiple face processing, biometrics, security, video surveillance, human computer interface, image database management, digital cameras use face detection for autofocus, selecting regions of interest in photo slideshows that use a pan-and-scale and The Present Paper deals with energy conservation using face detection. Automating the process to a computer requires the use of various image processing techniques. There are various methods that can be used for Face Detection such as Contour tracking methods, Template matching, Controlled background, Model based, Motion based and color based. Basically, the video of the subject are converted into images are further selected manually for processing. However, several factors like poor illumination, movement of face, viewpoint-dependent Physical appearance, Acquisition geometry, Imaging conditions, Compression artifacts makes Face detection difficult. This paper reports an algorithm for conservation of energy using face detection for various devices. The present paper suggests Energy Conservation can be done by Detecting the Face and reducing the brightness of complete image and then adjusting the brightness of the particular area of an image where the face is located using histogram equalization.

  19. Necessidades em saúde segundo percepções de pessoas com tuberculose pulmonar Necesidades en salud según percepciones de personas con tuberculosis pulmonar Health needs according to the perception of people with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Paula Hino


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as percepções sobre necessidades em saúde de pessoas com tuberculose pulmonar. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido no distrito administrativo Capão Redondo, São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados em janeiro de 2010 por meio de entrevista semidiretiva. Foram entrevistadas onze pessoas em tratamento contra tuberculose, com idade mínima de 18 anos e sem limites de cognição. O material empírico foi decodificado a partir de técnica de análise de discurso. As percepções sobre necessidades em saúde estão relacionadas às dificuldades enfrentadas no processo saúde-doença, e o reconhecimento das necessidades em saúde mostrou-se condicionado à vigência do agravo à saúde. As necessidades identificadas decorrem de alterações biológicas, do cotidiano e de insuficiências no processo de produção dos serviços de saúde. A qualidade da assistência às pessoas com tuberculose está, entre outros fatores, condicionada à identificação e ao atendimento de suas necessidades em saúde.Se apuntó a conocer las percepciones sobre necesidades sanitarias de personas con tuberculosis pulmonar. Estudio cualitativo, desarrollado en el distrito administrativo de Capão Redondo-SP. Datos recolectados en enero 2010 mediante entrevista semidirigida. Fueron entrevistadas once personas en tratamiento antituberculoso, con edad mínima de 18 años, sin limitación de tipo educativo. El material empírico se decodificó mediante análisis del discurso. Las percepciones sobre necesidades en salud están relacionadas a las dificultades enfrentadas en el proceso salud-enfermedad y el reconocimiento de necesidades en salud se mostró condicionado a la vigencia del padecimiento. Las necesidades identificadas derivan de alteraciones biológicas y cotidianas, y de insuficiencias en el proceso de producción de los servicios sanitarios. La calidad asistencial a personas con tuberculosis está, entre otras

  20. FaceIt: face recognition from static and live video for law enforcement (United States)

    Atick, Joseph J.; Griffin, Paul M.; Redlich, A. N.


    Recent advances in image and pattern recognition technology- -especially face recognition--are leading to the development of a new generation of information systems of great value to the law enforcement community. With these systems it is now possible to pool and manage vast amounts of biometric intelligence such as face and finger print records and conduct computerized searches on them. We review one of the enabling technologies underlying these systems: the FaceIt face recognition engine; and discuss three applications that illustrate its benefits as a problem-solving technology and an efficient and cost effective investigative tool.

  1. Social cognition in autism: Face tuning. (United States)

    Pavlova, Marina A; Guerreschi, Michele; Tagliavento, Lucia; Gitti, Filippo; Sokolov, Alexander N; Fallgatter, Andreas J; Fazzi, Elisa


    Faces convey valuable information for social cognition, effective interpersonal interaction, and non-verbal communication. Face perception is believed to be atypical in autism, but the origin of this deficit is controversial. Dominant featural face encoding is suggested to be responsible for face tuning scarcity. Here we used a recently developed Face-n-Food paradigm for studying face tuning in individuals with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). The key benefit of these images is that single components do not explicitly trigger face processing. In a spontaneous recognition task, adolescents with autism and typically developing matched controls were presented with a set of Face-n-Food images in different degree resembling a face (slightly bordering on the Giuseppe Arcimboldo style). The set of images was shown in a predetermined order from the least to most resembling a face. Thresholds for recognition of the Face-n-Food images as a face in ASD individuals were substantially higher than in typically developing controls: they did not report seeing a face on the images, which controls easily recognized as a face, and gave overall fewer face responses. This outcome not only lends support to atypical face tuning, but provides novel insights into the origin of face encoding deficits in autism.

  2. 76 FR 41032 - Medicaid Program; Face-to-Face Requirements for Home Health Services; Policy Changes and... (United States)


    ... documentation must also describe how the health status of the recipient at the time of the face-to-face... [CMS 2348-P] RIN 0938-AQ36 Medicaid Program; Face-to-Face Requirements for Home Health Services; Policy... document the existence of a face-to-face encounter (including through the use of telehealth) with the...

  3. Facial emotion recognition, face scan paths, and face perception in children with neurofibromatosis type 1. (United States)

    Lewis, Amelia K; Porter, Melanie A; Williams, Tracey A; Bzishvili, Samantha; North, Kathryn N; Payne, Jonathan M


    This study aimed to investigate face scan paths and face perception abilities in children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) and how these might relate to emotion recognition abilities in this population. The authors investigated facial emotion recognition, face scan paths, and face perception in 29 children with NF1 compared to 29 chronological age-matched typically developing controls. Correlations between facial emotion recognition, face scan paths, and face perception in children with NF1 were examined. Children with NF1 displayed significantly poorer recognition of fearful expressions compared to controls, as well as a nonsignificant trend toward poorer recognition of anger. Although there was no significant difference between groups in time spent viewing individual core facial features (eyes, nose, mouth, and nonfeature regions), children with NF1 spent significantly less time than controls viewing the face as a whole. Children with NF1 also displayed significantly poorer face perception abilities than typically developing controls. Facial emotion recognition deficits were not significantly associated with aberrant face scan paths or face perception abilities in the NF1 group. These results suggest that impairments in the perception, identification, and interpretation of information from faces are important aspects of the social-cognitive phenotype of NF1. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  4. Adaptation improves face trustworthiness discrimination

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    Bruce D Keefe


    Full Text Available Adaptation to facial characteristics, such as gender and viewpoint, has been shown to both bias our perception of faces and improve facial discrimination. In this study, we examined whether adapting to two levels of face trustworthiness improved sensitivity around the adapted level. Facial trustworthiness was manipulated by morphing between trustworthy and untrustworthy prototypes, each generated by morphing eight trustworthy and eight untrustworthy faces respectively. In the first experiment, just-noticeable differences (JNDs were calculated for an untrustworthy face after participants adapted to an untrustworthy face, a trustworthy face, or did not adapt. In the second experiment, the three conditions were identical, except that JNDs were calculated for a trustworthy face. In the third experiment we examined whether adapting to an untrustworthy male face improved discrimination to an untrustworthy female face. In all experiments, participants completed a two-interval forced-choice adaptive staircase procedure, in which they judged which face was more untrustworthy. JNDs were derived from a psychometric function fitted to the data. Adaptation improved sensitivity to faces conveying the same level of trustworthiness when compared to no adaptation. When adapting to and discriminating around a different level of face trustworthiness there was no improvement in sensitivity and JNDs were equivalent to those in the no adaptation condition. The improvement in sensitivity was found to occur even when adapting to a face with different gender and identity. These results suggest that adaptation to facial trustworthiness can selectively enhance mechanisms underlying the coding of facial trustworthiness to improve perceptual sensitivity. These findings have implications for the role of our visual experience in the decisions we make about the trustworthiness of other individuals.

  5. Face Prediction Model for an Automatic Age-invariant Face Recognition System


    Yadav, Poonam


    07.11.14 KB. Emailed author re copyright. Author says that copyright is retained by author. Ok to add to spiral Automated face recognition and identi cation softwares are becoming part of our daily life; it nds its abode not only with Facebooks auto photo tagging, Apples iPhoto, Googles Picasa, Microsofts Kinect, but also in Homeland Security Departments dedicated biometric face detection systems. Most of these automatic face identification systems fail where the e ects of aging come into...

  6. Side-View Face Recognition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Santemiz, P.; Spreeuwers, Lieuwe Jan; Veldhuis, Raymond N.J.


    Side-view face recognition is a challenging problem with many applications. Especially in real-life scenarios where the environment is uncontrolled, coping with pose variations up to side-view positions is an important task for face recognition. In this paper we discuss the use of side view face

  7. Friends with Faces: How Social Networks Can Enhance Face Recognition and Vice Versa (United States)

    Mavridis, Nikolaos; Kazmi, Wajahat; Toulis, Panos

    The "friendship" relation, a social relation among individuals, is one of the primary relations modeled in some of the world's largest online social networking sites, such as "FaceBook." On the other hand, the "co-occurrence" relation, as a relation among faces appearing in pictures, is one that is easily detectable using modern face detection techniques. These two relations, though appearing in different realms (social vs. visual sensory), have a strong correlation: faces that co-occur in photos often belong to individuals who are friends. Using real-world data gathered from "Facebook," which were gathered as part of the "FaceBots" project, the world's first physical face-recognizing and conversing robot that can utilize and publish information on "Facebook" was established. We present here methods as well as results for utilizing this correlation in both directions. Both algorithms for utilizing knowledge of the social context for faster and better face recognition are given, as well as algorithms for estimating the friendship network of a number of individuals given photos containing their faces. The results are quite encouraging. In the primary example, doubling of the recognition accuracy as well as a sixfold improvement in speed is demonstrated. Various improvements, interesting statistics, as well as an empirical investigation leading to predictions of scalability to much bigger data sets are discussed.

  8. Guided Online or Face-to-Face Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia: A Randomized Wait-List Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Lancee, Jaap; van Straten, Annemieke; Morina, Nexhmedin; Kaldo, Viktor; Kamphuis, Jan H


    To compare the efficacy of guided online and individual face-to-face cognitive behavioral treatment for insomnia (CBT-I) to a wait-list condition. A randomized controlled trial comparing three conditions: guided online; face-to-face; wait-list. Posttest measurements were administered to all conditions, along with 3- and 6-mo follow-up assessments to the online and face-to-face conditions. Ninety media-recruited participants meeting the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) criteria for insomnia were randomly allocated to either guided online CBT-I (n = 30), individual face-to-face CBT-I (n = 30), or wait-list (n = 30). At post-assessment, the online (Cohen d = 1.2) and face-to-face (Cohen d = 2.3) intervention groups showed significantly larger treatment effects than the wait-list group on insomnia severity (insomnia severity index). Large treatment effects were also found for the sleep diary estimates (except for total sleep time), and anxiety and depression measures (for depression only in the face-to-face condition). Face-to-face treatment yielded a statistically larger treatment effect (Cohen d = 0.9) on insomnia severity than the online condition at all time points. In addition, a moderate differential effect size favoring face-to-face treatment emerged at the 3- and 6-mo follow-up on all sleep diary estimates. Face-to-face treatment further outperformed online treatment on depression and anxiety outcomes. These data show superior performance of face-to-face treatment relative to online treatment. Yet, our results also suggest that online treatment may offer a potentially cost-effective alternative to and complement face-to-face treatment., NCT01955850. A commentary on this article appears in this issue on page 13. © 2016 Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC.

  9. Face learning and the emergence of view-independent face recognition: an event-related brain potential study. (United States)

    Zimmermann, Friederike G S; Eimer, Martin


    Recognizing unfamiliar faces is more difficult than familiar face recognition, and this has been attributed to qualitative differences in the processing of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Familiar faces are assumed to be represented by view-independent codes, whereas unfamiliar face recognition depends mainly on view-dependent low-level pictorial representations. We employed an electrophysiological marker of visual face recognition processes in order to track the emergence of view-independence during the learning of previously unfamiliar faces. Two face images showing either the same or two different individuals in the same or two different views were presented in rapid succession, and participants had to perform an identity-matching task. On trials where both faces showed the same view, repeating the face of the same individual triggered an N250r component at occipito-temporal electrodes, reflecting the rapid activation of visual face memory. A reliable N250r component was also observed on view-change trials. Crucially, this view-independence emerged as a result of face learning. In the first half of the experiment, N250r components were present only on view-repetition trials but were absent on view-change trials, demonstrating that matching unfamiliar faces was initially based on strictly view-dependent codes. In the second half, the N250r was triggered not only on view-repetition trials but also on view-change trials, indicating that face recognition had now become more view-independent. This transition may be due to the acquisition of abstract structural codes of individual faces during face learning, but could also reflect the formation of associative links between sets of view-specific pictorial representations of individual faces. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Spatial variability of soil acidity attributes and the spatialization of liming requirement for corn Variabilidade espacial de atributos de acidez do solo e espacialização da necessidade de calagem para o milho

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandro Manuel Carmelino Hurtado


    a existência de áreas com necessidades diferenciadas de corretivo, por meio de diferentes métodos de cálculo da necessidade de calagem. O experimento foi realizado em lavoura de milho sob manejo convencional. O solo foi amostrado de forma convencional (amostra composta e sistemática (mediante uso de grade amostral, na profundidade de 0-0,2 m. Posteriormente à análise de fertilidade de rotina, determinaram-se as necessidades de calagem segundo os métodos do tampão SMP, da neutralização de alumínio e elevação do Ca e Mg, e da saturação por bases. Após análise descritiva, foram obtidos os semivariogramas e os mapas por krigagem. Ausência de dependência espacial, assim como da necessidade de aplicação do corretivo calcário foram observadas para o método da neutralização de Al. A dependência espacial foi encontrada para os atributos de acidez do solo e para as necessidades de calagem calculadas pelos métodos de saturação por bases e pH SMP, com alcances variando entre 35,7 e 200,5 m. Esses últimos mostraram também, uma coincidência regionalizada entre as maiores demandas de calcário. Os resultados permitiram evidenciar a existência de zonas de aplicação de calcário diferenciadas, quando consideradas a variabilidade dos atributos de acidez do solo no cálculo espacializado da dose e o tipo de corretivo calcário a ser utilizado.

  11. Comparing Face Detection and Recognition Techniques


    Korra, Jyothi


    This paper implements and compares different techniques for face detection and recognition. One is find where the face is located in the images that is face detection and second is face recognition that is identifying the person. We study three techniques in this paper: Face detection using self organizing map (SOM), Face recognition by projection and nearest neighbor and Face recognition using SVM.

  12. Discrimination between smiling faces: Human observers vs. automated face analysis. (United States)

    Del Líbano, Mario; Calvo, Manuel G; Fernández-Martín, Andrés; Recio, Guillermo


    This study investigated (a) how prototypical happy faces (with happy eyes and a smile) can be discriminated from blended expressions with a smile but non-happy eyes, depending on type and intensity of the eye expression; and (b) how smile discrimination differs for human perceivers versus automated face analysis, depending on affective valence and morphological facial features. Human observers categorized faces as happy or non-happy, or rated their valence. Automated analysis (FACET software) computed seven expressions (including joy/happiness) and 20 facial action units (AUs). Physical properties (low-level image statistics and visual saliency) of the face stimuli were controlled. Results revealed, first, that some blended expressions (especially, with angry eyes) had lower discrimination thresholds (i.e., they were identified as "non-happy" at lower non-happy eye intensities) than others (especially, with neutral eyes). Second, discrimination sensitivity was better for human perceivers than for automated FACET analysis. As an additional finding, affective valence predicted human discrimination performance, whereas morphological AUs predicted FACET discrimination. FACET can be a valid tool for categorizing prototypical expressions, but is currently more limited than human observers for discrimination of blended expressions. Configural processing facilitates detection of in/congruence(s) across regions, and thus detection of non-genuine smiling faces (due to non-happy eyes). Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Computer-mediated and face-to-face communication in metastatic cancer support groups. (United States)

    Vilhauer, Ruvanee P


    To compare the experiences of women with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) in computer-mediated and face-to-face support groups. Interviews from 18 women with MBC, who were currently in computer-mediated support groups (CMSGs), were examined using interpretative phenomenological analysis. The CMSGs were in an asynchronous mailing list format; women communicated exclusively via email. All the women were also, or had previously been, in a face-to-face support group (FTFG). CMSGs had both advantages and drawbacks, relative to face-to-face groups (FTFGs), for this population. Themes examined included convenience, level of support, intimacy, ease of expression, range of information, and dealing with debilitation and dying. CMSGs may provide a sense of control and a greater level of support. Intimacy may take longer to develop in a CMSG, but women may have more opportunities to get to know each other. CMSGs may be helpful while adjusting to a diagnosis of MBC, because women can receive support without being overwhelmed by physical evidence of disability in others or exposure to discussions about dying before they are ready. However, the absence of nonverbal cues in CMSGs also led to avoidance of topics related to death and dying when women were ready to face them. Agendas for discussion, the presence of a facilitator or more time in CMSGs may attenuate this problem. The findings were discussed in light of prevailing research and theories about computer-mediated communication. They have implications for designing CMSGs for this population.

  14. The special status of sad infant faces: age and valence differences in adults' cortical face processing. (United States)

    Colasante, Tyler; Mossad, Sarah I; Dudek, Joanna; Haley, David W


    Understanding the relative and joint prioritization of age- and valence-related face characteristics in adults' cortical face processing remains elusive because these two characteristics have not been manipulated in a single study of neural face processing. We used electroencephalography to investigate adults' P1, N170, P2 and LPP responses to infant and adult faces with happy and sad facial expressions. Viewing infant vs adult faces was associated with significantly larger P1, N170, P2 and LPP responses, with hemisphere and/or participant gender moderating this effect in select cases. Sad faces were associated with significantly larger N170 responses than happy faces. Sad infant faces were associated with significantly larger N170 responses in the right hemisphere than all other combinations of face age and face valence characteristics. We discuss the relative and joint neural prioritization of infant face characteristics and negative facial affect, and their biological value as distinct caregiving and social cues. © The Author (2016). Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please email:

  15. Modeling human dynamics of face-to-face interaction networks


    Starnini, Michele; Baronchelli, Andrea; Pastor-Satorras, Romualdo


    Face-to-face interaction networks describe social interactions in human gatherings, and are the substrate for processes such as epidemic spreading and gossip propagation. The bursty nature of human behavior characterizes many aspects of empirical data, such as the distribution of conversation lengths, of conversations per person, or of inter-conversation times. Despite several recent attempts, a general theoretical understanding of the global picture emerging from data is still lacking. Here ...

  16. Face-to-face Tobacco Sales: What Retailers Need to Know

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast reviews new federal tobacco product regulations that require retailers to sell cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products in a face-to-face exchange.  Created: 9/30/2010 by The CDC Division of News and Electronic Media and the FDA Center for Tobacco Products.   Date Released: 9/30/2010.

  17. Undergraduate Essay Writing: Online and Face-to-Face Peer Reviews (United States)

    Chong, Mike R.; Goff, Lori; Dej, Kimberly


    We implemented two different approaches of using peer review to support undergraduate essay assignments for students taking large second-year courses in life sciences and biology: a web-based online peer review (OPR) approach and a more traditional face-to-face peer review (FPR) approach that was conducted in tutorial settings. The essays…

  18. Emotion Words: Adding Face Value. (United States)

    Fugate, Jennifer M B; Gendron, Maria; Nakashima, Satoshi F; Barrett, Lisa Feldman


    Despite a growing number of studies suggesting that emotion words affect perceptual judgments of emotional stimuli, little is known about how emotion words affect perceptual memory for emotional faces. In Experiments 1 and 2 we tested how emotion words (compared with control words) affected participants' abilities to select a target emotional face from among distractor faces. Participants were generally more likely to false alarm to distractor emotional faces when primed with an emotion word congruent with the face (compared with a control word). Moreover, participants showed both decreased sensitivity (d') to discriminate between target and distractor faces, as well as altered response biases (c; more likely to answer "yes") when primed with an emotion word (compared with a control word). In Experiment 3 we showed that emotion words had more of an effect on perceptual memory judgments when the structural information in the target face was limited, as well as when participants were only able to categorize the face with a partially congruent emotion word. The overall results are consistent with the idea that emotion words affect the encoding of emotional faces in perceptual memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  19. Time Spent in Face-to-Face Patient Care and Work Outside the Examination Room


    Gottschalk, Andrew; Flocke, Susan A.


    PURPOSE Contrary to physicians’ concerns that face-to-face patient time is decreasing, data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) indicate that between 1988 and 1998, durations of primary care outpatient visits have increased. This study documented how physicians spend time during the workday, including time outside the examination room, and compared observed face-to-face patient care time with that reported in NAMCS.

  20. Virtual clinics in glaucoma care: face-to-face versus remote decision-making. (United States)

    Clarke, Jonathan; Puertas, Renata; Kotecha, Aachal; Foster, Paul J; Barton, Keith


    To examine the agreement in clinical decisions of glaucoma status made in a virtual glaucoma clinic with those made during a face-to-face consultation. A trained nurse and technicians entered data prospectively for 204 patients into a proforma. A subsequent face-to-face clinical assessment was completed by either a glaucoma consultant or fellow. Proformas were reviewed remotely by one of two additional glaucoma consultants, and 12 months later, by the clinicians who had undertaken the original clinical examination. The interobserver and intraobserver decision-making agreements of virtual assessment versus standard care were calculated. We identified adverse disagreement between face-to-face and virtual review in 7/204 (3.4%, 95% CI 0.9% to 5.9%) patients, where virtual review failed to predict a need to accelerated follow-up identified in face-to-face review. Misclassification events were rare, occurring in 1.9% (95% CI 0.3% to 3.8%) of assessments. Interobserver κ (95% CI) showed only fair agreement (0.24 (0.04 to 0.43)); this improved to moderate agreement when only consultant decisions were compared against each other (κ=0.41 (0.16 to 0.65)). The intraobserver agreement κ (95% CI) for the consultant was 0.274 (0.073 to 0.476), and that for the fellow was 0.264 (0.031 to 0.497). The low rate of adverse misclassification, combined with the slowly progressive nature of most glaucoma, and the fact that patients will all be regularly reassessed, suggests that virtual clinics offer a safe, logistically viable option for selected patients with glaucoma. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  1. Statistical Model-Based Face Pose Estimation

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    GE Xinliang; YANG Jie; LI Feng; WANG Huahua


    A robust face pose estimation approach is proposed by using face shape statistical model approach and pose parameters are represented by trigonometric functions. The face shape statistical model is firstly built by analyzing the face shapes from different people under varying poses. The shape alignment is vital in the process of building the statistical model. Then, six trigonometric functions are employed to represent the face pose parameters. Lastly, the mapping function is constructed between face image and face pose by linearly relating different parameters. The proposed approach is able to estimate different face poses using a few face training samples. Experimental results are provided to demonstrate its efficiency and accuracy.

  2. Familiar Face Recognition in Children with Autism: The Differential Use of Inner and Outer Face Parts (United States)

    Wilson, Rebecca; Pascalis, Olivier; Blades, Mark


    We investigated whether children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) have a deficit in recognising familiar faces. Children with ASD were given a forced choice familiar face recognition task with three conditions: full faces, inner face parts and outer face parts. Control groups were children with developmental delay (DD) and typically…

  3. The wide window of face detection. (United States)

    Hershler, Orit; Golan, Tal; Bentin, Shlomo; Hochstein, Shaul


    Faces are detected more rapidly than other objects in visual scenes and search arrays, but the cause for this face advantage has been contested. In the present study, we found that under conditions of spatial uncertainty, faces were easier to detect than control targets (dog faces, clocks and cars) even in the absence of surrounding stimuli, making an explanation based only on low-level differences unlikely. This advantage improved with eccentricity in the visual field, enabling face detection in wider visual windows, and pointing to selective sparing of face detection at greater eccentricities. This face advantage might be due to perceptual factors favoring face detection. In addition, the relative face advantage is greater under flanked than non-flanked conditions, suggesting an additional, possibly attention-related benefit enabling face detection in groups of distracters.

  4. Holistic processing for other-race faces in chinese participants occurs for upright but not inverted faces. (United States)

    Crookes, Kate; Favelle, Simone; Hayward, William G


    Recent evidence suggests stronger holistic processing for own-race faces may underlie the own-race advantage in face memory. In previous studies Caucasian participants have demonstrated larger holistic processing effects for Caucasian over Asian faces. However, Asian participants have consistently shown similar sized effects for both Asian and Caucasian faces. We investigated two proposed explanations for the holistic processing of other-race faces by Asian participants: (1) greater other-race exposure, (2) a general global processing bias. Holistic processing was tested using the part-whole task. Participants were living in predominantly own-race environments and other-race contact was evaluated. Despite reporting significantly greater contact with own-race than other-race people, Chinese participants displayed strong holistic processing for both Asian and Caucasian upright faces. In addition, Chinese participants showed no evidence of holistic processing for inverted faces arguing against a general global processing bias explanation. Caucasian participants, in line with previous studies, displayed stronger holistic processing for Caucasian than Asian upright faces. For inverted faces there were no race-of-face differences. These results are used to suggest that Asians may make more general use of face-specific mechanisms than Caucasians.

  5. A Systems View of Mother-Infant Face-to-Face Communication (United States)

    Beebe, Beatrice; Messinger, Daniel; Bahrick, Lorraine E.; Margolis, Amy; Buck, Karen A.; Chen, Henian


    Principles of a dynamic, dyadic systems view of mother-infant face-to-face communication, which considers self- and interactive processes in relation to one another, were tested. The process of interaction across time in a large low-risk community sample at infant age 4 months was examined. Split-screen videotape was coded on a 1-s time base for…

  6. Super-recognisers in Action: Evidence from Face-matching and Face Memory Tasks


    Bobak, A.K.; Hancock, P.J.B.; Bate, Sarah


    ndividuals employed in forensic or security settings are often required to compare faces of ID holders to document photographs, or to recognize the faces of suspects in Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) footage. It has long been established that both tasks produce a high error rate amongst typical perceivers. This study sought to determine the performance of individuals with exceptionally good face memory ("super-recognizers") on applied facial identity matching and memory tasks. In Experiment...

  7. Pleasant and unpleasant odour-face combinations influence face and odour perception: An event-related potential study. (United States)

    Cook, Stephanie; Kokmotou, Katerina; Soto, Vicente; Fallon, Nicholas; Tyson-Carr, John; Thomas, Anna; Giesbrecht, Timo; Field, Matt; Stancak, Andrej


    Odours alter evaluations of concurrent visual stimuli. However, neural mechanisms underlying the effects of congruent and incongruent odours on facial expression perception are not clear. Moreover, the influence of emotional faces on odour perception is not established. We investigated the effects of one pleasant and one unpleasant odour paired with happy and disgusted faces, on subjective ratings and ERP responses to faces. Participants rated the pleasantness of happy and disgusted faces that appeared during 3s pleasant or unpleasant odour pulses, or without odour. Odour pleasantness and intensity ratings were recorded in each trial. EEG was recorded continuously using a 128-channel system. Happy and disgusted faces paired with pleasant and unpleasant odour were rated as more or less pleasant, respectively, compared to the same faces presented in the other odour conditions. Odours were rated as more pleasant when paired with happy faces, and unpleasant odour was rated more intense when paired with disgusted faces. Unpleasant odour paired with disgusted faces also decreased inspiration. Odour-face interactions were evident in the N200 and N400 components. Our results reveal bi-directional effects of odours and faces, and suggest that odour-face interactions may be represented in ERP components. Pairings of unpleasant odour and disgusted faces resulted in stronger hedonic ratings, ERP changes, increased odour intensity ratings and respiratory adjustment. This finding likely represents heightened adaptive responses to multimodal unpleasant stimuli, prompting appropriate behaviour in the presence of danger. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  8. Component-Based Cartoon Face Generation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saman Sepehri Nejad


    Full Text Available In this paper, we present a cartoon face generation method that stands on a component-based facial feature extraction approach. Given a frontal face image as an input, our proposed system has the following stages. First, face features are extracted using an extended Active Shape Model. Outlines of the components are locally modified using edge detection, template matching and Hermit interpolation. This modification enhances the diversity of output and accuracy of the component matching required for cartoon generation. Second, to bring cartoon-specific features such as shadows, highlights and, especially, stylish drawing, an array of various face photographs and corresponding hand-drawn cartoon faces are collected. These cartoon templates are automatically decomposed into cartoon components using our proposed method for parameterizing cartoon samples, which is fast and simple. Then, using shape matching methods, the appropriate cartoon component is selected and deformed to fit the input face. Finally, a cartoon face is rendered in a vector format using the rendering rules of the selected template. Experimental results demonstrate effectiveness of our approach in generating life-like cartoon faces.

  9. 77 FR 8328 - Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee (United States)


    ... Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods... Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee will be held Tuesday, March 13, 2012, at 2 p.m...

  10. Alternatives to the face-to-face consultation in general practice: focused ethnographic case study. (United States)

    Atherton, Helen; Brant, Heather; Ziebland, Sue; Bikker, Annemieke; Campbell, John; Gibson, Andy; McKinstry, Brian; Porqueddu, Tania; Salisbury, Chris


    NHS policy encourages general practices to introduce alternatives to the face-to-face consultation, such as telephone, email, e-consultation systems, or internet video. Most have been slow to adopt these, citing concerns about workload. This project builds on previous research by focusing on the experiences of patients and practitioners who have used one or more of these alternatives. To understand how, under what conditions, for which patients, and in what ways, alternatives to face-to-face consultations present benefits and challenges to patients and practitioners in general practice. Focused ethnographic case studies took place in eight UK general practices between June 2015 and March 2016. Non-participant observation, informal conversations with staff, and semi-structured interviews with staff and patients were conducted. Practice documents and protocols were reviewed. Data were analysed through charting and the 'one sheet of paper' mind-map method to identify the line of argument in each thematic report. Case study practices had different rationales for offering alternatives to the face-to-face consultation. Beliefs varied about which patients and health issues were suitable. Co-workers were often unaware of each other's practice; for example, practice policies for use of e-consultations systems with patients were not known about or followed. Patients reported benefits including convenience and access. Staff and some patients regarded the face-to-face consultation as the ideal. Experience of implementing alternatives to the face-to-face consultation suggests that changes in patient access and staff workload may be both modest and gradual. Practices planning to implement them should consider carefully their reasons for doing so and involve the whole practice team. © British Journal of General Practice 2018.

  11. Trust and Understanding in Face-to-Face and Synchronous Online Negotiations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Toorn, Yvonne; van der Wijst, Per; Damen, Debby; van Amelsvoort, Marije; Zaraté, P.; Camilleri, G.; Kamissoko, D.; Amblard, F.

    This study investigates to what extent the synchronous character of chat communication overcomes the problems in creating mutual understanding and trust between conflicting parties. An experimental study was conducted in which participants negotiated with a confederate in either a face-to-face or

  12. Moodle: A Way for Blending VLE and Face-to-Face Instruction in the ELT Context? (United States)

    Ilin, Gulden


    This classroom research explores the probable consequences of a blended Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYLs) course comprised of Moodle applications and face to face instruction in the English Language Teaching (ELT) context. Contrary to previous face to face only procedure, the course was divided into two segments: traditional classroom…

  13. Preferences for Online and/or Face-to-Face Counseling among University Students in Malaysia. (United States)

    Wong, Kah P; Bonn, Gregory; Tam, Cai L; Wong, Chee P


    Increasingly, online counseling is considered to be a cost-effective and highly accessible method of providing basic counseling and mental health services. To examine the potential of online delivery as a way of increasing overall usage of services, this study looked at students' attitudes toward and likelihood of using both online and/or face-to-face counseling. A survey was conducted with 409 students from six universities in Malaysia participating. Approximately 35% of participants reported that they would be likely to utilize online counseling services but would be unlikely to participate in face-to-face counseling. Based on these results, it is suggested that offering online counseling, in addition to face-to-face services, could be an effective way for many university counseling centers to increase the utilization of their services and thus better serve their communities.

  14. Preferences for Online and/or Face-to-Face Counseling among University Students in Malaysia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kah P. Wong


    Full Text Available Increasingly, online counseling is considered to be a cost-effective and highly accessible method of providing basic counseling and mental health services. To examine the potential of online delivery as a way of increasing overall usage of services, this study looked at students’ attitudes toward and likelihood of using both online and/or face-to-face counseling. A survey was conducted with 409 students from six universities in Malaysia participating. Approximately 35% of participants reported that they would be likely to utilize online counseling services but would be unlikely to participate in face-to-face counseling. Based on these results, it is suggested that offering online counseling, in addition to face-to-face services, could be an effective way for many university counseling centers to increase the utilization of their services and thus better serve their communities.

  15. 20 CFR 266.6 - Information to be submitted by a representative payee-applicant; face-to-face interview. (United States)


    ... representative payee-applicant; face-to-face interview. 266.6 Section 266.6 Employees' Benefits RAILROAD... be submitted by a representative payee-applicant; face-to-face interview. Before the Board selects a... listed in § 266.4 of this part. An employee of the Board may also conduct a face-to-face interview with...

  16. Face recognition increases during saccade preparation. (United States)

    Lin, Hai; Rizak, Joshua D; Ma, Yuan-ye; Yang, Shang-chuan; Chen, Lin; Hu, Xin-tian


    Face perception is integral to human perception system as it underlies social interactions. Saccadic eye movements are frequently made to bring interesting visual information, such as faces, onto the fovea for detailed processing. Just before eye movement onset, the processing of some basic features, such as the orientation, of an object improves at the saccade landing point. Interestingly, there is also evidence that indicates faces are processed in early visual processing stages similar to basic features. However, it is not known whether this early enhancement of processing includes face recognition. In this study, three experiments were performed to map the timing of face presentation to the beginning of the eye movement in order to evaluate pre-saccadic face recognition. Faces were found to be similarly processed as simple objects immediately prior to saccadic movements. Starting ∼ 120 ms before a saccade to a target face, independent of whether or not the face was surrounded by other faces, the face recognition gradually improved and the critical spacing of the crowding decreased as saccade onset was approaching. These results suggest that an upcoming saccade prepares the visual system for new information about faces at the saccade landing site and may reduce the background in a crowd to target the intended face. This indicates an important role of pre-saccadic eye movement signals in human face recognition.

  17. Using Media While Interacting Face-to-Face Is Associated With Psychosocial Well-Being and Personality Traits. (United States)

    Lee, Mindy; Murphy, Karen; Andrews, Glenda


    Positive face-to-face human interactions are known to benefit well-being. Drawing upon previous work regarding the interference of media (via technological devices or print) in social interaction, the aim of this study was to identify whether using media during face-to-face interaction could potentially limit the positive effect of interaction on well-being. Participants were 437 university students who completed an online survey which assessed media multitasking behaviors, well-being (trait depression, trait anxiety, social anxiety, empathy, and psychological well-being), and personality traits (Big-5 and narcissism). Face-to-face interaction was positively associated with well-being. However, when media use during face-to-face interaction was considered, there was a negative relationship with well-being (more depression, more anxiety, and less psychological well-being). Those who used certain media types, such as phone or video chatting, listening to music, and gaming, while interacting with others, also had lower scores on measures of empathy. Regression analyses showed significant contributions by these media types to empathy levels, even after controlling for age, gender, and personality traits. Face-to-face media multitasking was related to higher levels of narcissism and neuroticism, and lower levels of agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness. This study provides insight into the possible role of media multitasking during face-to-face interaction on psychosocial outcomes.

  18. Developmental Changes in Face Recognition during Childhood: Evidence from Upright and Inverted Faces (United States)

    de Heering, Adelaide; Rossion, Bruno; Maurer, Daphne


    Adults are experts at recognizing faces but there is controversy about how this ability develops with age. We assessed 6- to 12-year-olds and adults using a digitized version of the Benton Face Recognition Test, a sensitive tool for assessing face perception abilities. Children's response times for correct responses did not decrease between ages 6…

  19. "No Significant Distance" between Face-to-Face and Online Instruction: Evidence from Principles of Economics (United States)

    Coates, Dennis; Humphreys, Brad, R.; Kane, John; Vachris, Michelle, A.


    This paper describes an experiment focused on measuring and explaining differences in students learning between online and face-to-face modes of instruction in college level principles of economics courses. Our results indicate that students in face-to-face sections scored better on the Test of Understanding College Economics (TUCE) than students…

  20. Exploring the unconscious using faces. (United States)

    Axelrod, Vadim; Bar, Moshe; Rees, Geraint


    Understanding the mechanisms of unconscious processing is one of the most substantial endeavors of cognitive science. While there are many different empirical ways to address this question, the use of faces in such research has proven exceptionally fruitful. We review here what has been learned about unconscious processing through the use of faces and face-selective neural correlates. A large number of cognitive systems can be explored with faces, including emotions, social cueing and evaluation, attention, multisensory integration, and various aspects of face processing. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Morphing morphing faces

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lier, R.J. van


    We have made cyclic morphing animations using two different faces. The morphing animations gradually evolved from one face to the other, and vice versa. When free viewing, the perceived changes were not very large, but the changes could easily be observed. Observers were asked to fixate on a dot

  2. A Comparison of Learning Outcomes in Skills-Based Courses: Online versus Face-to-Face Formats (United States)

    Callister, Ronda Roberts; Love, Mary Sue


    In comparing the learning outcomes of online versus face-to-face courses, skills-based forms of instruction have received little attention. This study asks the question "Can skills-based courses taught online achieve the same outcomes as face-to-face courses in which the instructor and students interacting in real time may have higher levels…

  3. Kernel learning algorithms for face recognition

    CERN Document Server

    Li, Jun-Bao; Pan, Jeng-Shyang


    Kernel Learning Algorithms for Face Recognition covers the framework of kernel based face recognition. This book discusses the advanced kernel learning algorithms and its application on face recognition. This book also focuses on the theoretical deviation, the system framework and experiments involving kernel based face recognition. Included within are algorithms of kernel based face recognition, and also the feasibility of the kernel based face recognition method. This book provides researchers in pattern recognition and machine learning area with advanced face recognition methods and its new

  4. Face pareidolia in the rhesus monkey


    Taubert, Jessica; Wardle, Susan G.; Flessert, Molly; Leopold, David A.; Ungerleider, Leslie G.


    Face perception in humans and non-human primates is rapid and accurate[1–4]. In the human brain, a network of visual processing regions is specialized for faces[5–7]. Although face processing is a priority of the primate visual system, face detection is not infallible. Face pareidolia is the compelling illusion of perceiving facial features on inanimate objects, such as the illusory face on the surface of the moon. Although face pareidolia is commonly experienced by humans, its presence in ot...

  5. Human Face as human single identity


    Warnars, Spits


    Human face as a physical human recognition can be used as a unique identity for computer to recognize human by transforming human face with face algorithm as simple text number which can be primary key for human. Human face as single identity for human will be done by making a huge and large world centre human face database, where the human face around the world will be recorded from time to time and from generation to generation. Architecture database will be divided become human face image ...

  6. Oracle ADF Faces cookbook

    CERN Document Server

    Gawish, Amr


    This is a cookbook that covers more than 80 different recipes to teach you about different aspects of Oracle ADF Faces. It follows a practical approach and covers how to build your components for reuse in different applications. This book will also help you in tuning the performance of your ADF Faces application. If you are an ADF developer who wants to harness the power of Oracle ADF Faces to create exceptional user interfaces and reactive applications, this book will provide you with the recipes needed to do just that. You will not need to be familiar with Oracle ADF Faces, but you should be

  7. Face recognition from unconstrained three-dimensional face images using multitask sparse representation (United States)

    Bentaieb, Samia; Ouamri, Abdelaziz; Nait-Ali, Amine; Keche, Mokhtar


    We propose and evaluate a three-dimensional (3D) face recognition approach that applies the speeded up robust feature (SURF) algorithm to the depth representation of shape index map, under real-world conditions, using only a single gallery sample for each subject. First, the 3D scans are preprocessed, then SURF is applied on the shape index map to find interest points and their descriptors. Each 3D face scan is represented by keypoints descriptors, and a large dictionary is built from all the gallery descriptors. At the recognition step, descriptors of a probe face scan are sparsely represented by the dictionary. A multitask sparse representation classification is used to determine the identity of each probe face. The feasibility of the approach that uses the SURF algorithm on the shape index map for face identification/authentication is checked through an experimental investigation conducted on Bosphorus, University of Milano Bicocca, and CASIA 3D datasets. It achieves an overall rank one recognition rate of 97.75%, 80.85%, and 95.12%, respectively, on these datasets.

  8. Very low resolution face recognition problem. (United States)

    Zou, Wilman W W; Yuen, Pong C


    This paper addresses the very low resolution (VLR) problem in face recognition in which the resolution of the face image to be recognized is lower than 16 × 16. With the increasing demand of surveillance camera-based applications, the VLR problem happens in many face application systems. Existing face recognition algorithms are not able to give satisfactory performance on the VLR face image. While face super-resolution (SR) methods can be employed to enhance the resolution of the images, the existing learning-based face SR methods do not perform well on such a VLR face image. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes a novel approach to learn the relationship between the high-resolution image space and the VLR image space for face SR. Based on this new approach, two constraints, namely, new data and discriminative constraints, are designed for good visuality and face recognition applications under the VLR problem, respectively. Experimental results show that the proposed SR algorithm based on relationship learning outperforms the existing algorithms in public face databases.

  9. [Comparative studies of face recognition]. (United States)

    Kawai, Nobuyuki


    Every human being is proficient in face recognition. However, the reason for and the manner in which humans have attained such an ability remain unknown. These questions can be best answered-through comparative studies of face recognition in non-human animals. Studies in both primates and non-primates show that not only primates, but also non-primates possess the ability to extract information from their conspecifics and from human experimenters. Neural specialization for face recognition is shared with mammals in distant taxa, suggesting that face recognition evolved earlier than the emergence of mammals. A recent study indicated that a social insect, the golden paper wasp, can distinguish their conspecific faces, whereas a closely related species, which has a less complex social lifestyle with just one queen ruling a nest of underlings, did not show strong face recognition for their conspecifics. Social complexity and the need to differentiate between one another likely led humans to evolve their face recognition abilities.

  10. Decision Accuracy in Computer-Mediated versus Face-to-Face Decision-Making Teams. (United States)

    Hedlund; Ilgen; Hollenbeck


    Changes in the way organizations are structured and advances in communication technologies are two factors that have altered the conditions under which group decisions are made. Decisions are increasingly made by teams that have a hierarchical structure and whose members have different areas of expertise. In addition, many decisions are no longer made via strictly face-to-face interaction. The present study examines the effects of two modes of communication (face-to-face or computer-mediated) on the accuracy of teams' decisions. The teams are characterized by a hierarchical structure and their members differ in expertise consistent with the framework outlined in the Multilevel Theory of team decision making presented by Hollenbeck, Ilgen, Sego, Hedlund, Major, and Phillips (1995). Sixty-four four-person teams worked for 3 h on a computer simulation interacting either face-to-face (FtF) or over a computer network. The communication mode had mixed effects on team processes in that members of FtF teams were better informed and made recommendations that were more predictive of the correct team decision, but leaders of CM teams were better able to differentiate staff members on the quality of their decisions. Controlling for the negative impact of FtF communication on staff member differentiation increased the beneficial effect of the FtF mode on overall decision making accuracy. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.

  11. Efficacy of face-to-face versus self-guided treatments for disordered gambling: A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Goslar, Martina; Leibetseder, Max; Muench, Hannah M; Hofmann, Stefan G; Laireiter, Anton-Rupert


    Background and aims In the light of growing traditional and novel forms of gambling, the treatment of disordered gambling is gaining increasing importance and practical relevance. Most studies have examined face-to-face treatments. Although trials implementing self-guided treatments have recently been conducted, these options have not yet been systematically examined. The primary objective of this meta-analysis, therefore, was to analyze the efficacy of all types of psychological face-to-face and self-guided treatments. Methods A multilevel literature search yielded 27 randomized controlled studies totaling 3,879 participants to provide a comprehensive comparative evaluation of the short- and long-term efficacies of face-to-face and self-guided treatments for disordered gambling. Results As expected, the results revealed significantly higher effect sizes for face-to-face treatments (16 studies with Hedges's g ranging from 0.67 to 1.15) as compared with self-guided treatments (11 studies with Hedges's g ranging from 0.12 to 0.30) regarding the reduction of problematic gambling behavior. The intensity of treatment moderated the therapy effect, particularly for self-guided treatments. Discussion and Conclusions The results of this meta-analysis favor face-to-face treatments over self-guided treatments for the reduction of disordered gambling. Although the findings broaden the scope of knowledge about psychological treatment modalities for disordered gambling, further research is needed to identify the reasons for these differences with the goal to optimize the treatment for this disabling condition.

  12. Face recognition performance of individuals with Asperger syndrome on the Cambridge Face Memory Test. (United States)

    Hedley, Darren; Brewer, Neil; Young, Robyn


    Although face recognition deficits in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), including Asperger syndrome (AS), are widely acknowledged, the empirical evidence is mixed. This in part reflects the failure to use standardized and psychometrically sound tests. We contrasted standardized face recognition scores on the Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT) for 34 individuals with AS with those for 42, IQ-matched non-ASD individuals, and age-standardized scores from a large Australian cohort. We also examined the influence of IQ, autistic traits, and negative affect on face recognition performance. Overall, participants with AS performed significantly worse on the CFMT than the non-ASD participants and when evaluated against standardized test norms. However, while 24% of participants with AS presented with severe face recognition impairment (>2 SDs below the mean), many individuals performed at or above the typical level for their age: 53% scored within +/- 1 SD of the mean and 9% demonstrated superior performance (>1 SD above the mean). Regression analysis provided no evidence that IQ, autistic traits, or negative affect significantly influenced face recognition: diagnostic group membership was the only significant predictor of face recognition performance. In sum, face recognition performance in ASD is on a continuum, but with average levels significantly below non-ASD levels of performance. Copyright © 2011, International Society for Autism Research, Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  13. Face Pareidolia in the Rhesus Monkey. (United States)

    Taubert, Jessica; Wardle, Susan G; Flessert, Molly; Leopold, David A; Ungerleider, Leslie G


    Face perception in humans and nonhuman primates is rapid and accurate [1-4]. In the human brain, a network of visual-processing regions is specialized for faces [5-7]. Although face processing is a priority of the primate visual system, face detection is not infallible. Face pareidolia is the compelling illusion of perceiving facial features on inanimate objects, such as the illusory face on the surface of the moon. Although face pareidolia is commonly experienced by humans, its presence in other species is unknown. Here we provide evidence for face pareidolia in a species known to possess a complex face-processing system [8-10]: the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). In a visual preference task [11, 12], monkeys looked longer at photographs of objects that elicited face pareidolia in human observers than at photographs of similar objects that did not elicit illusory faces. Examination of eye movements revealed that monkeys fixated the illusory internal facial features in a pattern consistent with how they view photographs of faces [13]. Although the specialized response to faces observed in humans [1, 3, 5-7, 14] is often argued to be continuous across primates [4, 15], it was previously unclear whether face pareidolia arose from a uniquely human capacity. For example, pareidolia could be a product of the human aptitude for perceptual abstraction or result from frequent exposure to cartoons and illustrations that anthropomorphize inanimate objects. Instead, our results indicate that the perception of illusory facial features on inanimate objects is driven by a broadly tuned face-detection mechanism that we share with other species. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  14. Vertical vector face lift. (United States)

    Somoano, Brian; Chan, Joanna; Morganroth, Greg


    Facial rejuvenation using local anesthesia has evolved in the past decade as a safer option for patients seeking fewer complications and minimal downtime. Mini- and short-scar face lifts using more conservative incision lengths and extent of undermining can be effective in the younger patient with lower face laxity and minimal loose, elastotic neck skin. By incorporating both an anterior and posterior approach and using an incision length between the mini and more traditional face lift, the Vertical Vector Face Lift can achieve longer-lasting and natural results with lesser cost and risk. Submentoplasty and liposuction of the neck and jawline, fundamental components of the vertical vector face lift, act synergistically with superficial musculoaponeurotic system plication to reestablish a more youthful, sculpted cervicomental angle, even in patients with prominent jowls. Dramatic results can be achieved in the right patient by combining with other procedures such as injectable fillers, chin implants, laser resurfacing, or upper and lower blepharoplasties. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Face adaptation improves gender discrimination. (United States)

    Yang, Hua; Shen, Jianhong; Chen, Juan; Fang, Fang


    Adaptation to a visual pattern can alter the sensitivities of neuronal populations encoding the pattern. However, the functional roles of adaptation, especially in high-level vision, are still equivocal. In the present study, we performed three experiments to investigate if face gender adaptation could affect gender discrimination. Experiments 1 and 2 revealed that adapting to a male/female face could selectively enhance discrimination for male/female faces. Experiment 3 showed that the discrimination enhancement induced by face adaptation could transfer across a substantial change in three-dimensional face viewpoint. These results provide further evidence suggesting that, similar to low-level vision, adaptation in high-level vision could calibrate the visual system to current inputs of complex shapes (i.e. face) and improve discrimination at the adapted characteristic. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Face-to-face Tobacco Sales: What Retailers Need to Know PSA (:30)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    PSA to help raise retailers' awareness of the new federal tobacco regulations related to the sale of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products to people under 18 and the requirement to sell products face-to-face.

  17. Wheelchair Seating Assessment and Intervention: A Comparison Between Telerehabilitation and Face-to-Face Service (United States)

    Barlow, Ingrid G; Liu, Lili; Sekulic, Angela


    This study compared outcomes of wheelchair seating and positioning interventions provided by telerehabilitation (n=10) and face-to-face (n=20; 10 in each of two comparison groups, one urban and one rural). Comparison clients were matched to the telerehabilitation clients in age, diagnosis, and type of seating components received. Clients and referring therapists rated their satisfaction and identified if seating intervention goals were met. Clients recorded travel expenses incurred or saved, and all therapists recorded time spent providing service. Wait times and completion times were tracked. Clients seen by telerehabilitation had similar satisfaction ratings and were as likely to have their goals met as clients seen face-to-face; telerehabilitation clients saved travel costs. Rural referring therapists who used telerehabilitation spent more time in preparation and follow-up than the other groups. Clients assessed by telerehabilitation had shorter wait times for assessment than rural face-to-face clients, but their interventions took as long to complete. PMID:25945159

  18. Producing Irony in Adolescence: A Comparison Between Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Communication

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aguert Marc


    Full Text Available The literature suggests that irony production expands in the developmental period of adolescence. We aimed to test this hypothesis by investigating two channels: face-to-face and computer-mediated communication (CMC. Corpora were collected by asking seventh and 11th graders to freely discuss some general topics (e.g., music, either face-to-face or on online forums. Results showed that 6.2% of the 11th graders’ productions were ironic utterances, compared with just 2.5% of the seventh graders’ productions, confirming the major development of irony production in adolescence. Results also showed that adolescents produced more ironic utterances in CMC than face-to-face. The analysis suggested that irony use is a strategy for increasing in-group solidarity and compensating for the distance intrinsic to CMC, as it was mostly inclusive and well-marked on forums. The present study also confirmed previous studies showing that irony is compatible with CMC.

  19. Self-esteem, interpersonal risk, and preference for e-mail to face-to-face communication. (United States)

    Joinson, Adam N


    The media choices made by high and low self-esteem Internet users were studied using web-based methodology (n = 265). Participants were asked to rank four media (face-to-face, e-mail, letter, and telephone) in order of preference across four different communication scenarios designed to pose an interpersonal risk. The level of interpersonal risk posed by two of the scenarios (asking for a pay rise and asking for a date) were also experimentally manipulated by randomly allocating participants to a 25%, 50%, or 75% chance of rejection. Low self-esteem users (LSE) showed a significant preference toward e-mail communication compared to high self-esteem users (HSE). This pattern was reversed for face-to-face preferences. Similarly, a greater chance of rejection in a scenario led to e-mail being preferred to face-to-face communication. The results are discussed in light of both the strategic use of different media and the motivated Internet user.

  20. Face-to-face or face-to-screen? Undergraduates' opinions and test performance in classroom vs. online learning


    Kemp, Nenagh; Grieve, Rachel


    As electronic communication becomes increasingly common, and as students juggle study, work, and family life, many universities are offering their students more flexible learning opportunities. Classes once delivered face-to-face are often replaced by online activities and discussions. However, there is little research comparing students' experience and learning in these two modalities. The aim of this study was to compare undergraduates' preference for, and academic performance on, class mat...

  1. Individual differences in adaptive coding of face identity are linked to individual differences in face recognition ability. (United States)

    Rhodes, Gillian; Jeffery, Linda; Taylor, Libby; Hayward, William G; Ewing, Louise


    Despite their similarity as visual patterns, we can discriminate and recognize many thousands of faces. This expertise has been linked to 2 coding mechanisms: holistic integration of information across the face and adaptive coding of face identity using norms tuned by experience. Recently, individual differences in face recognition ability have been discovered and linked to differences in holistic coding. Here we show that they are also linked to individual differences in adaptive coding of face identity, measured using face identity aftereffects. Identity aftereffects correlated significantly with several measures of face-selective recognition ability. They also correlated marginally with own-race face recognition ability, suggesting a role for adaptive coding in the well-known other-race effect. More generally, these results highlight the important functional role of adaptive face-coding mechanisms in face expertise, taking us beyond the traditional focus on holistic coding mechanisms. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.

  2. The Body That Speaks: Recombining Bodies and Speech Sources in Unscripted Face-to-Face Communication. (United States)

    Gillespie, Alex; Corti, Kevin


    This article examines advances in research methods that enable experimental substitution of the speaking body in unscripted face-to-face communication. A taxonomy of six hybrid social agents is presented by combining three types of bodies (mechanical, virtual, and human) with either an artificial or human speech source. Our contribution is to introduce and explore the significance of two particular hybrids: (1) the cyranoid method that enables humans to converse face-to-face through the medium of another person's body, and (2) the echoborg method that enables artificial intelligence to converse face-to-face through the medium of a human body. These two methods are distinct in being able to parse the unique influence of the human body when combined with various speech sources. We also introduce a new framework for conceptualizing the body's role in communication, distinguishing three levels: self's perspective on the body, other's perspective on the body, and self's perspective of other's perspective on the body. Within each level the cyranoid and echoborg methodologies make important research questions tractable. By conceptualizing and synthesizing these methods, we outline a novel paradigm of research on the role of the body in unscripted face-to-face communication.

  3. Automatic landmark detection and face recognition for side-view face images

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Santemiz, P.; Spreeuwers, Lieuwe Jan; Veldhuis, Raymond N.J.; Broemme, Arslan; Busch, Christoph


    In real-life scenarios where pose variation is up to side-view positions, face recognition becomes a challenging task. In this paper we propose an automatic side-view face recognition system designed for home-safety applications. Our goal is to recognize people as they pass through doors in order to

  4. Teleconference versus face-to-face scientific peer review of grant application: effects on review outcomes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephen A Gallo

    Full Text Available Teleconferencing as a setting for scientific peer review is an attractive option for funding agencies, given the substantial environmental and cost savings. Despite this, there is a paucity of published data validating teleconference-based peer review compared to the face-to-face process. Our aim was to conduct a retrospective analysis of scientific peer review data to investigate whether review setting has an effect on review process and outcome measures. We analyzed reviewer scoring data from a research program that had recently modified the review setting from face-to-face to a teleconference format with minimal changes to the overall review procedures. This analysis included approximately 1600 applications over a 4-year period: two years of face-to-face panel meetings compared to two years of teleconference meetings. The average overall scientific merit scores, score distribution, standard deviations and reviewer inter-rater reliability statistics were measured, as well as reviewer demographics and length of time discussing applications. The data indicate that few differences are evident between face-to-face and teleconference settings with regard to average overall scientific merit score, scoring distribution, standard deviation, reviewer demographics or inter-rater reliability. However, some difference was found in the discussion time. These findings suggest that most review outcome measures are unaffected by review setting, which would support the trend of using teleconference reviews rather than face-to-face meetings. However, further studies are needed to assess any correlations among discussion time, application funding and the productivity of funded research projects.

  5. Teleconference versus Face-to-Face Scientific Peer Review of Grant Application: Effects on Review Outcomes (United States)

    Gallo, Stephen A.; Carpenter, Afton S.; Glisson, Scott R.


    Teleconferencing as a setting for scientific peer review is an attractive option for funding agencies, given the substantial environmental and cost savings. Despite this, there is a paucity of published data validating teleconference-based peer review compared to the face-to-face process. Our aim was to conduct a retrospective analysis of scientific peer review data to investigate whether review setting has an effect on review process and outcome measures. We analyzed reviewer scoring data from a research program that had recently modified the review setting from face-to-face to a teleconference format with minimal changes to the overall review procedures. This analysis included approximately 1600 applications over a 4-year period: two years of face-to-face panel meetings compared to two years of teleconference meetings. The average overall scientific merit scores, score distribution, standard deviations and reviewer inter-rater reliability statistics were measured, as well as reviewer demographics and length of time discussing applications. The data indicate that few differences are evident between face-to-face and teleconference settings with regard to average overall scientific merit score, scoring distribution, standard deviation, reviewer demographics or inter-rater reliability. However, some difference was found in the discussion time. These findings suggest that most review outcome measures are unaffected by review setting, which would support the trend of using teleconference reviews rather than face-to-face meetings. However, further studies are needed to assess any correlations among discussion time, application funding and the productivity of funded research projects. PMID:23951223

  6. All You Need Is Facebook Friends? Associations between Online and Face-to-Face Friendships and Health. (United States)

    Lima, Maria Luisa; Marques, Sibila; Muiños, Gabriel; Camilo, Cristina


    Positive social relations are known to have a beneficial impact on health, however, little is known about the links of health with online relationships. In this study, we compare face-to-face and virtual friendships in their association with health. By building on previous results of studies conducted on the well-being of college students, we expect to find stronger associations of face-to-face friendships with health than of those established through Facebook. Furthermore, we expect to test the mediating role of social capital variables in this process. Two large-scale studies conducted in community samples (Study 1 = 350 urban residents; Study 2 = 803 urban and rural residents) showed that the number and quality of face-to-face friendships were directly associated with self-reported health status, however, the same did not occur with Facebook friendships. Moreover, the association of face-to-face friendships with health was totally mediated by bonding (mostly) but also bridging social capital. These results, replicated in both studies, were found controlling for confounding variables such as age, gender, education, living alone, self-esteem, and socioeconomic status. This pattern of results emphasizes the gains of face-to-face over online friendships for individuals' health status in community samples.

  7. All You Need Is Facebook Friends? Associations between Online and Face-to-Face Friendships and Health (United States)

    Lima, Maria Luisa; Marques, Sibila; Muiños, Gabriel; Camilo, Cristina


    Positive social relations are known to have a beneficial impact on health, however, little is known about the links of health with online relationships. In this study, we compare face-to-face and virtual friendships in their association with health. By building on previous results of studies conducted on the well-being of college students, we expect to find stronger associations of face-to-face friendships with health than of those established through Facebook. Furthermore, we expect to test the mediating role of social capital variables in this process. Two large-scale studies conducted in community samples (Study 1 = 350 urban residents; Study 2 = 803 urban and rural residents) showed that the number and quality of face-to-face friendships were directly associated with self-reported health status, however, the same did not occur with Facebook friendships. Moreover, the association of face-to-face friendships with health was totally mediated by bonding (mostly) but also bridging social capital. These results, replicated in both studies, were found controlling for confounding variables such as age, gender, education, living alone, self-esteem, and socioeconomic status. This pattern of results emphasizes the gains of face-to-face over online friendships for individuals’ health status in community samples. PMID:28194125

  8. Effective Connectivity from Early Visual Cortex to Posterior Occipitotemporal Face Areas Supports Face Selectivity and Predicts Developmental Prosopagnosia. (United States)

    Lohse, Michael; Garrido, Lucia; Driver, Jon; Dolan, Raymond J; Duchaine, Bradley C; Furl, Nicholas


    Face processing is mediated by interactions between functional areas in the occipital and temporal lobe, and the fusiform face area (FFA) and anterior temporal lobe play key roles in the recognition of facial identity. Individuals with developmental prosopagnosia (DP), a lifelong face recognition impairment, have been shown to have structural and functional neuronal alterations in these areas. The present study investigated how face selectivity is generated in participants with normal face processing, and how functional abnormalities associated with DP, arise as a function of network connectivity. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging and dynamic causal modeling, we examined effective connectivity in normal participants by assessing network models that include early visual cortex (EVC) and face-selective areas and then investigated the integrity of this connectivity in participants with DP. Results showed that a feedforward architecture from EVC to the occipital face area, EVC to FFA, and EVC to posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) best explained how face selectivity arises in both controls and participants with DP. In this architecture, the DP group showed reduced connection strengths on feedforward connections carrying face information from EVC to FFA and EVC to pSTS. These altered network dynamics in DP contribute to the diminished face selectivity in the posterior occipitotemporal areas affected in DP. These findings suggest a novel view on the relevance of feedforward projection from EVC to posterior occipitotemporal face areas in generating cortical face selectivity and differences in face recognition ability. Areas of the human brain showing enhanced activation to faces compared to other objects or places have been extensively studied. However, the factors leading to this face selectively have remained mostly unknown. We show that effective connectivity from early visual cortex to posterior occipitotemporal face areas gives rise to face

  9. Face-to-face versus remote and web 2.0 interventions for promoting physical activity. (United States)

    Richards, Justin; Thorogood, Margaret; Hillsdon, Melvyn; Foster, Charles


    Face-to-face interventions for promoting physical activity (PA) are continuing to be popular as remote and web 2.0 approaches rapidly emerge, but we are unsure which approach is more effective at achieving long term sustained change. To compare the effectiveness of face-to-face versus remote and web 2.0 interventions for PA promotion in community dwelling adults (aged 16 years and above). We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and some other databases (from earliest dates available to October 2012). Reference lists of relevant articles were checked. No language restrictions were applied. Randomised trials that compared face-to-face versus remote and web 2.0 PA interventions for community dwelling adults. We included studies if they compared an intervention that was principally delivered face-to-face to an intervention that had principally remote and web 2.0 methods. To assess behavioural change over time, the included studies had a minimum of 12 months follow-up from the start of the intervention to the final results. We excluded studies that had more than a 20% loss to follow-up if they did not apply an intention-to-treat analysis. At least two review authors independently assessed the quality of each study and extracted the data. Non-English language papers were reviewed with the assistance of an interpreter who was an epidemiologist. Study authors were contacted for additional information where necessary. Standardised mean differences (SMDs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for continuous measures of cardio-respiratory fitness. One study recruiting 225 apparently healthy adults met the inclusion criteria. This study took place in a high-income country. From 27,299 hits, the full texts of 193 papers were retrieved for examination against the inclusion criteria. However, there was only one paper that met the inclusion criteria. This study reported the effect of a PA intervention on cardio-respiratory fitness. There were no reported data

  10. Can Faces Prime a Language? (United States)

    Woumans, Evy; Martin, Clara D; Vanden Bulcke, Charlotte; Van Assche, Eva; Costa, Albert; Hartsuiker, Robert J; Duyck, Wouter


    Bilinguals have two languages that are activated in parallel. During speech production, one of these languages must be selected on the basis of some cue. The present study investigated whether the face of an interlocutor can serve as such a cue. Spanish-Catalan and Dutch-French bilinguals were first familiarized with certain faces, each of which was associated with only one language, during simulated Skype conversations. Afterward, these participants performed a language production task in which they generated words associated with the words produced by familiar and unfamiliar faces displayed on-screen. When responding to familiar faces, participants produced words faster if the faces were speaking the same language as in the previous Skype simulation than if the same faces were speaking a different language. Furthermore, this language priming effect disappeared when it became clear that the interlocutors were actually bilingual. These findings suggest that faces can prime a language, but their cuing effect disappears when it turns out that they are unreliable as language cues. © The Author(s) 2015.

  11. Cochilos durante o trabalho noturno, necessidade de recuperação após o trabalho e percepção da fadiga entre profissionais de enfermagem


    Aline Silva da Costa


    Introdução: A privação do sono noturno decorrente da atuação dos profissionais de enfermagem em plantões noturnos pode levar a queixas de fadiga e a dificuldade de recuperação após trabalho. No entanto, a permissão para dormir durante a jornada noturna, tem sido comum entre as equipes de enfermagem. Objetivo: Verificar se a ocorrência dos cochilos no trabalho, bem como a sua duração, eficiência, latência, alocação e qualidade subjetiva, estão associadas à necessidade de recuperação após o tra...

  12. Many faces of expertise: fusiform face area in chess experts and novices. (United States)

    Bilalić, Merim; Langner, Robert; Ulrich, Rolf; Grodd, Wolfgang


    The fusiform face area (FFA) is involved in face perception to such an extent that some claim it is a brain module for faces exclusively. The other possibility is that FFA is modulated by experience in individuation in any visual domain, not only faces. Here we test this latter FFA expertise hypothesis using the game of chess as a domain of investigation. We exploited the characteristic of chess, which features multiple objects forming meaningful spatial relations. In three experiments, we show that FFA activity is related to stimulus properties and not to chess skill directly. In all chess and non-chess tasks, experts' FFA was more activated than that of novices' only when they dealt with naturalistic full-board chess positions. When common spatial relationships formed by chess objects in chess positions were randomly disturbed, FFA was again differentially active only in experts, regardless of the actual task. Our experiments show that FFA contributes to the holistic processing of domain-specific multipart stimuli in chess experts. This suggests that FFA may not only mediate human expertise in face recognition but, supporting the expertise hypothesis, may mediate the automatic holistic processing of any highly familiar multipart visual input.

  13. Using Online Video Lectures to Enrich Traditional Face-to-Face Courses (United States)

    Makarem, Suzanne C.


    University educators need to meet changing needs of the digital generation by integrating technology through online content delivery. Despite the many advantages of online education, a large number of university professors are reluctant to make the transition from traditional-face-to-face lectures to online delivery, mainly due to the time, cost,…

  14. Nonverbal behavior during face-to-face social interaction in schizophrenia: a review. (United States)

    Lavelle, Mary; Healey, Patrick G T; McCabe, Rosemarie


    Patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia display social cognitive deficits. However, little is known about patients' nonverbal communication during their social encounters with others. This review identified 17 studies investigating nonverbal communication in patients' unscripted face-to-face interactions, addressing a) nonverbal differences between patients and others, b) nonverbal behavior of the patients' partners, c) the association between nonverbal behavior and symptoms, and d) the association between nonverbal behavior and social outcomes. Patients displayed fewer nonverbal behaviors inviting interaction, with negative symptoms exacerbating this pattern. Positive symptoms were associated with heightened nonverbal behavior. Patients' partners changed their own nonverbal behavior in response to the patient. Reduced prosocial behaviors, inviting interaction, were associated with poorer social outcomes. The evidence suggests that patients' nonverbal behavior, during face-to-face interaction, is influenced by patients symptoms and impacts the success of their social interactions.

  15. Face Detection and Recognition

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Jain, Anil K


    .... Specifically, the report addresses the problem of detecting faces in color images in the presence of various lighting conditions and complex backgrounds as well as recognizing faces under variations...

  16. Preditores das atitudes negativas face ao envelhecimento e face à sexualidade na terceira idade


    Pereira, Diane; Ponte, Filomena; Costa, Eleonora


    Este estudo analisou as diferenças entre jovens e idosos ao nível das atitudes e dos conhecimentos face ao envelhecimento e face à sexualidade na terceira idade, a relação entre as variáveis em estudo, e os preditores das atitudes negativas face ao envelhecimento e das atitudes negativas face à sexualidade na terceira idade. Cento e cinquenta e três jovens universitários e 42 idosos participaram no estudo. Os resultados indicaram que os jovens apresentam um menor nível de conhecimentos acerca...

  17. Internet-based vs. face-to-face cognitive behavior therapy for psychiatric and somatic disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carlbring, Per; Andersson, Gerhard; Cuijpers, Pim


    During the last two decades, Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy (ICBT) has been tested in hundreds of randomized controlled trials, often with promising results. However, the control groups were often waitlisted, care-as-usual or attention control. Hence, little is known about...... the relative efficacy of ICBT as compared to face-to-face cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). In the present systematic review and meta-analysis, which included 1418 participants, guided ICBT for psychiatric and somatic conditions were directly compared to face-to-face CBT within the same trial. Out of the 2078...

  18. Effects of Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Constructive Controversy on Social Interdependence, Motivation, and Achievement (United States)

    Roseth, Cary J.; Saltarelli, Andy J.; Glass, Chris R.


    Cooperative learning capitalizes on the relational processes by which peers promote learning, yet it remains unclear whether these processes operate similarly in face-to-face and online settings. This study addresses this issue by comparing face-to-face and computer-mediated versions of "constructive controversy", a cooperative learning procedure…

  19. Efficient human face detection in infancy. (United States)

    Jakobsen, Krisztina V; Umstead, Lindsey; Simpson, Elizabeth A


    Adults detect conspecific faces more efficiently than heterospecific faces; however, the development of this own-species bias (OSB) remains unexplored. We tested whether 6- and 11-month-olds exhibit OSB in their attention to human and animal faces in complex visual displays with high perceptual load (25 images competing for attention). Infants (n = 48) and adults (n = 43) passively viewed arrays containing a face among 24 non-face distractors while we measured their gaze with remote eye tracking. While OSB is typically not observed until about 9 months, we found that, already by 6 months, human faces were more likely to be detected, were detected more quickly (attention capture), and received longer looks (attention holding) than animal faces. These data suggest that 6-month-olds already exhibit OSB in face detection efficiency, consistent with perceptual attunement. This specialization may reflect the biological importance of detecting conspecific faces, a foundational ability for early social interactions. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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    A. Devi


    Full Text Available Facial recognition system is fundamental a computer application for the automatic identification of a person through a digitized image or a video source. The major cause for the overall poor performance is related to the transformations in appearance of the user based on the aspects akin to ageing, beard growth, sun-tan etc. In order to overcome the above drawback, Self-update process has been developed in which, the system learns the biometric attributes of the user every time the user interacts with the system and the information gets updated automatically. The procedures of Plastic surgery yield a skilled and endurable means of enhancing the facial appearance by means of correcting the anomalies in the feature and then treating the facial skin with the aim of getting a youthful look. When plastic surgery is performed on an individual, the features of the face undergo reconstruction either locally or globally. But, the changes which are introduced new by plastic surgery remain hard to get modeled by the available face recognition systems and they deteriorate the performances of the face recognition algorithm. Hence the Facial plastic surgery produces changes in the facial features to larger extent and thereby creates a significant challenge to the face recognition system. This work introduces a fresh Multimodal Biometric approach making use of novel approaches to boost the rate of recognition and security. The proposed method consists of various processes like Face segmentation using Active Appearance Model (AAM, Face Normalization using Kernel Density Estimate/ Point Distribution Model (KDE-PDM, Feature extraction using Local Gabor XOR Patterns (LGXP and Classification using Independent Component Analysis (ICA. Efficient techniques have been used in each phase of the FRAS in order to obtain improved results.

  1. 12 CFR 221.115 - Accepting a purpose statement through the mail without benefit of face-to-face interview. (United States)


    ... wishes to obtain the required purpose statement by mail rather than by a face-to-face interview. Personal... without benefit of face-to-face interview. 221.115 Section 221.115 Banks and Banking FEDERAL RESERVE...) Interpretations § 221.115 Accepting a purpose statement through the mail without benefit of face-to-face interview...

  2. Face-to-face versus computer-mediated communication in a primary school setting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijden, H.A.T. van der; Veenman, S.A.M.


    Computer-mediated communication is increasingly being used to support cooperative problem solving and decision making in schools. Despite the large body of literature on cooperative or collaborative learning, few studies have explicitly compared peer learning in face-to-face (FTF) versus

  3. Internet Communication versus Face-to-Face Interaction in Quality of Life (United States)

    Lee, Paul S. N.; Leung, Louis; Lo, Venhwei; Xiong, Chengyu; Wu, Tingjun


    This study seeks to understand the role of the Internet in quality of life (QoL). Specifically, it examines the question of whether Internet communication serves, like face-to-face interactions, to enhance quality of life. It is hypothesized that the use of the Internet for interpersonal communication can improve quality of life among Internet…

  4. Student Outcomes in Economics Principles: Online vs. Face-to-Face Delivery (United States)

    Birkeland, Kathryn; Weinandt, Mandie; Carr, David L.


    This study looks at the performance of students in an online and face-to-face section of economic principles with the same instructor. After controlling for the bias of students selecting the online section and observable characteristics, we did not find any statistical difference in the exam performance of students across delivery modes of the…

  5. What's in a crowd? Analysis of face-to-face behavioral networks. (United States)

    Isella, Lorenzo; Stehlé, Juliette; Barrat, Alain; Cattuto, Ciro; Pinton, Jean-François; Van den Broeck, Wouter


    The availability of new data sources on human mobility is opening new avenues for investigating the interplay of social networks, human mobility and dynamical processes such as epidemic spreading. Here we analyze data on the time-resolved face-to-face proximity of individuals in large-scale real-world scenarios. We compare two settings with very different properties, a scientific conference and a long-running museum exhibition. We track the behavioral networks of face-to-face proximity, and characterize them from both a static and a dynamic point of view, exposing differences and similarities. We use our data to investigate the dynamics of a susceptible-infected model for epidemic spreading that unfolds on the dynamical networks of human proximity. The spreading patterns are markedly different for the conference and the museum case, and they are strongly impacted by the causal structure of the network data. A deeper study of the spreading paths shows that the mere knowledge of static aggregated networks would lead to erroneous conclusions about the transmission paths on the dynamical networks. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Wheelchair Seating Assessment and Intervention: A Comparison between Telerehabilitation and Face-to-Face Service

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingrid G Barlow


    Full Text Available This study compared outcomes of wheelchair seating and positioning interventions provided by telerehabilitation (n=10 and face-to-face (n=20; 10 in each of two comparison groups, one urban and one rural. Comparison clients were matched to the telerehabilitation clients in age, diagnosis, and type of seating components received. Clients and referring therapists rated their satisfaction and identified if seating intervention goals were met. Clients recorded travel expenses incurred or saved, and all therapists recorded time spent providing service. Wait times and completion times were tracked. Clients seen by telerehabilitation had similar satisfaction ratings and were as likely to have their goals met as clients seen face-to-face; telerehabilitation clients saved travel costs. Rural referring therapists who used telerehabilitation spent more time in preparation and follow-up than the other groups. Clients assessed by telerehabilitation had shorter wait times for assessment than rural face-to-face clients, but their interventions took as long to complete. Keywords: Telerehabilitation, Telehealth, Videoconferencing, Wheelchair Seating, Outcomes, Rehabilitation

  7. Modelling temporal networks of human face-to-face contacts with public activity and individual reachability (United States)

    Zhang, Yi-Qing; Cui, Jing; Zhang, Shu-Min; Zhang, Qi; Li, Xiang


    Modelling temporal networks of human face-to-face contacts is vital both for understanding the spread of airborne pathogens and word-of-mouth spreading of information. Although many efforts have been devoted to model these temporal networks, there are still two important social features, public activity and individual reachability, have been ignored in these models. Here we present a simple model that captures these two features and other typical properties of empirical face-to-face contact networks. The model describes agents which are characterized by an attractiveness to slow down the motion of nearby people, have event-triggered active probability and perform an activity-dependent biased random walk in a square box with periodic boundary. The model quantitatively reproduces two empirical temporal networks of human face-to-face contacts which are testified by their network properties and the epidemic spread dynamics on them.

  8. Beliefs about and Intention to Learn a Foreign Language in Face-to-Face and Online Settings (United States)

    Alhamami, Munassir


    This mixed-methods study investigates language learners' intention to attend a class and learn a foreign language in face-to-face and online settings using Ajzen's theory of planned behavior (TPB). The data were collected using interviews, questionnaires, and treatments with participants in two groups: a face-to-face language learning (FLL) group…

  9. Differences between E-negotiation and face-to-face negotiation by professional buyers: Analysis of role plays


    Soroush, Negin


    In this research, we tried to find out the differences between face-to-face negotiation and E-negotiation. We have done so by examining hypotheses based on the existing literature on negotiations and communication, using a database on negotiations performed by professional buyers in training sessions. Part of the obtained results was based on a face-to-face setting, part of them on an e-mail negotiation setting. We have assessed the obtained results to find out the differences between face-t...

  10. A robust human face detection algorithm (United States)

    Raviteja, Thaluru; Karanam, Srikrishna; Yeduguru, Dinesh Reddy V.


    Human face detection plays a vital role in many applications like video surveillance, managing a face image database, human computer interface among others. This paper proposes a robust algorithm for face detection in still color images that works well even in a crowded environment. The algorithm uses conjunction of skin color histogram, morphological processing and geometrical analysis for detecting human faces. To reinforce the accuracy of face detection, we further identify mouth and eye regions to establish the presence/absence of face in a particular region of interest.

  11. Combining Face-to-Face Learning with Online Learning in Virtual Worlds (United States)

    Berns, Anke; Gonzalez-Pardo, Antonio; Camacho, David


    This paper focuses on the development of videogame-like applications in a 3D virtual environment as a complement to the face-to-face teaching and learning. With the changing role of teaching and learning and the increasing use of "blended learning," instructors are increasingly expected to explore new ways to attend to the needs of their…

  12. Characteristics of Problem Drinkers in E-therapy versus Face-to-Face Treatment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Postel, M.G.; Haan, H.A. de; Huurne, E.D. ter; Becker, E.S.; Jong, C.A.J. de


    Background: The availability of online treatment programs offers the potential to reach more problem drinkers. This study compared the client populations of an e-therapy program (asynchronous client–therapist communication via the Internet) and a face-to-face treatment program. Objective: To

  13. Characteristics of problem drinkers in e-therapy versus face-to-face treatment.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Postel, M.G.; Haan, H.A. de; Huurne, E.D. Ter; Becker, E.S.; Jong, C.A.J. de


    BACKGROUND: The availability of online treatment programs offers the potential to reach more problem drinkers. This study compared the client populations of an e-therapy program (asynchronous client-therapist communication via the Internet) and a face-to-face treatment program. OBJECTIVE: To

  14. Enabling dynamics in face analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dibeklioğlu, H.


    Most of the approaches in automatic face analysis rely solely on static appearance. However, temporal analysis of expressions reveals interesting patterns. For a better understanding of the human face, this thesis focuses on temporal changes in the face, and dynamic patterns of expressions. In

  15. Matching score based face recognition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boom, B.J.; Beumer, G.M.; Spreeuwers, Lieuwe Jan; Veldhuis, Raymond N.J.


    Accurate face registration is of vital importance to the performance of a face recognition algorithm. We propose a new method: matching score based face registration, which searches for optimal alignment by maximizing the matching score output of a classifier as a function of the different

  16. Forensic Face Recognition: A Survey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ali, Tauseef; Spreeuwers, Lieuwe Jan; Veldhuis, Raymond N.J.; Quaglia, Adamo; Epifano, Calogera M.


    The improvements of automatic face recognition during the last 2 decades have disclosed new applications like border control and camera surveillance. A new application field is forensic face recognition. Traditionally, face recognition by human experts has been used in forensics, but now there is a

  17. Self-face recognition in social context. (United States)

    Sugiura, Motoaki; Sassa, Yuko; Jeong, Hyeonjeong; Wakusawa, Keisuke; Horie, Kaoru; Sato, Shigeru; Kawashima, Ryuta


    The concept of "social self" is often described as a representation of the self-reflected in the eyes or minds of others. Although the appearance of one's own face has substantial social significance for humans, neuroimaging studies have failed to link self-face recognition and the likely neural substrate of the social self, the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC). We assumed that the social self is recruited during self-face recognition under a rich social context where multiple other faces are available for comparison of social values. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we examined the modulation of neural responses to the faces of the self and of a close friend in a social context. We identified an enhanced response in the ventral MPFC and right occipitoparietal sulcus in the social context specifically for the self-face. Neural response in the right lateral parietal and inferior temporal cortices, previously claimed as self-face-specific, was unaffected for the self-face but unexpectedly enhanced for the friend's face in the social context. Self-face-specific activation in the pars triangularis of the inferior frontal gyrus, and self-face-specific reduction of activation in the left middle temporal gyrus and the right supramarginal gyrus, replicating a previous finding, were not subject to such modulation. Our results thus demonstrated the recruitment of a social self during self-face recognition in the social context. At least three brain networks for self-face-specific activation may be dissociated by different patterns of response-modulation in the social context, suggesting multiple dynamic self-other representations in the human brain. Copyright © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  18. Missed Opportunities for Science Learning: Unacknowledged Unscientific Arguments in Asynchronous Online and Face-to-Face Discussions (United States)

    Callis-Duehl, Kristine; Idsardi, Robert; Humphrey, Eve A.; Gougis, Rebekka Darner


    We explored the scientific argumentation that occurs among university biology students during an argumentation task implemented in two environments: face-to-face in a classroom and online in an asynchronous discussion. We observed 10 student groups, each composed of three students. Our analysis focused on how students respond to their peers' unscientific arguments, which we define as assertions, hypotheses, propositions, or explanations that are inaccurate or incomplete from a scientific perspective. Unscientific arguments provide opportunities for productive dissent, scientific argumentation, and conceptual development of scientifically desirable conceptions. We found that students did not respond to the majority of unscientific arguments in both environments. Challenges to unscientific arguments were expressed as a question or through explanation, although the latter was more common online than face-to-face. Students demonstrated significantly more epistemic distancing in the face-to-face environment than the online environment. We discuss the differences in discourse observed in both environments and teaching implications. We also provide direction for future research seeking to address the challenges of engaging students in productive scientific argumentation in both face-to-face and online environments.

  19. The Secrets of Faces


    Enquist, Magnus; Ghirlanda, Stefano


    This is a comment on an article by Perrett et al., on the same issue of Nature, investigating face perception. With computer graphics, Perrett and colleagues have produced exaggerated male and female faces, and asked people to rate them with respect to femininity or masculinity, and personality traits such as intelligence, emotionality and so on. The key question is: what informations do faces (and sexual signals in general) convey? One view, supported by Perrett and colleagues, is that all a...

  20. Multi-task pose-invariant face recognition. (United States)

    Ding, Changxing; Xu, Chang; Tao, Dacheng


    Face images captured in unconstrained environments usually contain significant pose variation, which dramatically degrades the performance of algorithms designed to recognize frontal faces. This paper proposes a novel face identification framework capable of handling the full range of pose variations within ±90° of yaw. The proposed framework first transforms the original pose-invariant face recognition problem into a partial frontal face recognition problem. A robust patch-based face representation scheme is then developed to represent the synthesized partial frontal faces. For each patch, a transformation dictionary is learnt under the proposed multi-task learning scheme. The transformation dictionary transforms the features of different poses into a discriminative subspace. Finally, face matching is performed at patch level rather than at the holistic level. Extensive and systematic experimentation on FERET, CMU-PIE, and Multi-PIE databases shows that the proposed method consistently outperforms single-task-based baselines as well as state-of-the-art methods for the pose problem. We further extend the proposed algorithm for the unconstrained face verification problem and achieve top-level performance on the challenging LFW data set.

  1. Enhanced attention amplifies face adaptation. (United States)

    Rhodes, Gillian; Jeffery, Linda; Evangelista, Emma; Ewing, Louise; Peters, Marianne; Taylor, Libby


    Perceptual adaptation not only produces striking perceptual aftereffects, but also enhances coding efficiency and discrimination by calibrating coding mechanisms to prevailing inputs. Attention to simple stimuli increases adaptation, potentially enhancing its functional benefits. Here we show that attention also increases adaptation to faces. In Experiment 1, face identity aftereffects increased when attention to adapting faces was increased using a change detection task. In Experiment 2, figural (distortion) face aftereffects increased when attention was increased using a snap game (detecting immediate repeats) during adaptation. Both were large effects. Contributions of low-level adaptation were reduced using free viewing (both experiments) and a size change between adapt and test faces (Experiment 2). We suggest that attention may enhance adaptation throughout the entire cortical visual pathway, with functional benefits well beyond the immediate advantages of selective processing of potentially important stimuli. These results highlight the potential to facilitate adaptive updating of face-coding mechanisms by strategic deployment of attentional resources. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. A comparison of nonresponse in mail, telephone, and face-to-face surveys

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hox, J.J.; Leeuw, E.D. de


    This article reports a meta-analysis of 45 studies that explicitly compare the response obtained using a mail, telephone or face-to-face survey. The data analysis uses a generalized hierarchical linear model. Sampling procedure (e.g., local convenience sample, random general sample), saliency of

  3. Seeing Objects as Faces Enhances Object Detection. (United States)

    Takahashi, Kohske; Watanabe, Katsumi


    The face is a special visual stimulus. Both bottom-up processes for low-level facial features and top-down modulation by face expectations contribute to the advantages of face perception. However, it is hard to dissociate the top-down factors from the bottom-up processes, since facial stimuli mandatorily lead to face awareness. In the present study, using the face pareidolia phenomenon, we demonstrated that face awareness, namely seeing an object as a face, enhances object detection performance. In face pareidolia, some people see a visual stimulus, for example, three dots arranged in V shape, as a face, while others do not. This phenomenon allows us to investigate the effect of face awareness leaving the stimulus per se unchanged. Participants were asked to detect a face target or a triangle target. While target per se was identical between the two tasks, the detection sensitivity was higher when the participants recognized the target as a face. This was the case irrespective of the stimulus eccentricity or the vertical orientation of the stimulus. These results demonstrate that seeing an object as a face facilitates object detection via top-down modulation. The advantages of face perception are, therefore, at least partly, due to face awareness.

  4. Seeing Objects as Faces Enhances Object Detection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kohske Takahashi


    Full Text Available The face is a special visual stimulus. Both bottom-up processes for low-level facial features and top-down modulation by face expectations contribute to the advantages of face perception. However, it is hard to dissociate the top-down factors from the bottom-up processes, since facial stimuli mandatorily lead to face awareness. In the present study, using the face pareidolia phenomenon, we demonstrated that face awareness, namely seeing an object as a face, enhances object detection performance. In face pareidolia, some people see a visual stimulus, for example, three dots arranged in V shape, as a face, while others do not. This phenomenon allows us to investigate the effect of face awareness leaving the stimulus per se unchanged. Participants were asked to detect a face target or a triangle target. While target per se was identical between the two tasks, the detection sensitivity was higher when the participants recognized the target as a face. This was the case irrespective of the stimulus eccentricity or the vertical orientation of the stimulus. These results demonstrate that seeing an object as a face facilitates object detection via top-down modulation. The advantages of face perception are, therefore, at least partly, due to face awareness.

  5. Tecnologia assistiva para a criança com paralisia cerebral na escola: identificação das necessidades Assistive technology for children with cerebral palsy in school: identification of needs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aila Narene Dahwache Criado Rocha


    Full Text Available Os estudos sobre Tecnologia Assistiva enfatizaram a necessidade de inserir recursos, serviços e estratégias na educação especial e inclusiva para colaborar com o processo de aprendizagem de alunos com deficiências. A literatura descreveu que a primeira etapa para a implementação da tecnologia assistiva na escola deve permitir entender a situação que envolve o aluno a fim de ampliar a sua participação no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar as necessidades de serviços, recursos e estratégias de tecnologia assistiva para o aluno com paralisia cerebral na escola. Foram selecionadas duas crianças com paralisia cerebral e seus professores. A etapa da coleta de dados contou com três procedimentos sucessivos: entrevista com os professores, preenchimento do protocolo de identificação da rotina escolar e observação dos participantes em sala de aula realizada através de filmagens e diário de campo. A partir dos três procedimentos, foi proposta a triangulação de dados, ou seja, agrupamento das informações obtidas em um único documento para o estabelecimento das categorias de análises. Após elaboração do material, as categorias foram apreciadas por juízes da área. Os resultados demonstraram que após entender a situação do aluno com deficiência no contexto escolar foi possível estabelecer as suas habilidades e necessidades para indicar os recursos de Tecnologia Assistiva adequados ao planejamento do professor e propiciar a aprendizagem da criança com deficiência. O estudo identificou a necessidade de estabelecer procedimentos específicos, um planejamento pedagógico organizado e a participação de profissionais da saúde para o uso da tecnologia assistiva na escola.Studies about Assistive Technology have emphasized the need to integrate resources, services and strategies for inclusion and special education to foster the learning process and skill development of students with

  6. Head pose estimation from a 2D face image using 3D face morphing with depth parameters. (United States)

    Kong, Seong G; Mbouna, Ralph Oyini


    This paper presents estimation of head pose angles from a single 2D face image using a 3D face model morphed from a reference face model. A reference model refers to a 3D face of a person of the same ethnicity and gender as the query subject. The proposed scheme minimizes the disparity between the two sets of prominent facial features on the query face image and the corresponding points on the 3D face model to estimate the head pose angles. The 3D face model used is morphed from a reference model to be more specific to the query face in terms of the depth error at the feature points. The morphing process produces a 3D face model more specific to the query image when multiple 2D face images of the query subject are available for training. The proposed morphing process is computationally efficient since the depth of a 3D face model is adjusted by a scalar depth parameter at feature points. Optimal depth parameters are found by minimizing the disparity between the 2D features of the query face image and the corresponding features on the morphed 3D model projected onto 2D space. The proposed head pose estimation technique was evaluated on two benchmarking databases: 1) the USF Human-ID database for depth estimation and 2) the Pointing'04 database for head pose estimation. Experiment results demonstrate that head pose estimation errors in nodding and shaking angles are as low as 7.93° and 4.65° on average for a single 2D input face image.

  7. Design of aerosol face masks for children using computerized 3D face analysis. (United States)

    Amirav, Israel; Luder, Anthony S; Halamish, Asaf; Raviv, Dan; Kimmel, Ron; Waisman, Dan; Newhouse, Michael T


    Aerosol masks were originally developed for adults and downsized for children. Overall fit to minimize dead space and a tight seal are problematic, because children's faces undergo rapid and marked topographic and internal anthropometric changes in their first few months/years of life. Facial three-dimensional (3D) anthropometric data were used to design an optimized pediatric mask. Children's faces (n=271, aged 1 month to 4 years) were scanned with 3D technology. Data for the distance from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the chin (H) and the width of the mouth opening (W) were used to categorize the scans into "small," "medium," and "large" "clusters." "Average" masks were developed from each cluster to provide an optimal seal with minimal dead space. The resulting computerized contour, W and H, were used to develop the SootherMask® that enables children, "suckling" on their own pacifier, to keep the mask on their face, mainly by means of subatmospheric pressure. The relatively wide and flexible rim of the mask accommodates variations in facial size within and between clusters. Unique pediatric face masks were developed based on anthropometric data obtained through computerized 3D face analysis. These masks follow facial contours and gently seal to the child's face, and thus may minimize aerosol leakage and dead space.

  8. Can Massive but Passive Exposure to Faces Contribute to Face Recognition Abilities? (United States)

    Yovel, Galit; Halsband, Keren; Pelleg, Michel; Farkash, Naomi; Gal, Bracha; Goshen-Gottstein, Yonatan


    Recent studies have suggested that individuation of other-race faces is more crucial for enhancing recognition performance than exposure that involves categorization of these faces to an identity-irrelevant criterion. These findings were primarily based on laboratory training protocols that dissociated exposure and individuation by using…

  9. Counting to 20: Online Implementation of a Face-to-Face, Elementary Mathematics Methods Problem-Solving Activity (United States)

    Schwartz, Catherine Stein


    This study describes implementation of the same problem-solving activity in both online and face-to-face environments. The activity, done in the first class period or first module of a K-2 mathematics methods course, was initially used in a face-to-face class and then adapted later for use in an online class. While the task was originally designed…

  10. Attractive faces temporally modulate visual attention (United States)

    Nakamura, Koyo; Kawabata, Hideaki


    Facial attractiveness is an important biological and social signal on social interaction. Recent research has demonstrated that an attractive face captures greater spatial attention than an unattractive face does. Little is known, however, about the temporal characteristics of visual attention for facial attractiveness. In this study, we investigated the temporal modulation of visual attention induced by facial attractiveness by using a rapid serial visual presentation. Fourteen male faces and two female faces were successively presented for 160 ms, respectively, and participants were asked to identify two female faces embedded among a series of multiple male distractor faces. Identification of a second female target (T2) was impaired when a first target (T1) was attractive compared to neutral or unattractive faces, at 320 ms stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA); identification was improved when T1 was attractive compared to unattractive faces at 640 ms SOA. These findings suggest that the spontaneous appraisal of facial attractiveness modulates temporal attention. PMID:24994994

  11. Attractive faces temporally modulate visual attention

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Koyo eNakamura


    Full Text Available Facial attractiveness is an important biological and social signal on social interaction. Recent research has demonstrated that an attractive face captures greater spatial attention than an unattractive face does. Little is known, however, about the temporal characteristics of visual attention for facial attractiveness. In this study, we investigated the temporal modulation of visual attention induced by facial attractiveness by using a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP. Fourteen male faces and two female faces were successively presented for 160 ms respectively, and participants were asked to identify two female faces embedded among a series of multiple male distractor faces. Identification of a second female target (T2 was impaired when a first target (T1 was attractive compared to neutral or unattractive faces, at 320 ms SOA; identification was improved when T1 was attractive compared to unattractive faces at 640 ms SOA. These findings suggest that the spontaneous appraisal of facial attractiveness modulates temporal attention.

  12. Childhood fever management program for Korean pediatric nurses: A comparison between blended and face-to-face learning method. (United States)

    Jeong, Yong Sun; Kim, Jin Sun


    A blended learning can be a useful learning strategy to improve the quality of fever and fever management education for pediatric nurses. This study compared the effects of a blended and face-to-face learning program on pediatric nurses' childhood fever management, using theory of planned behavior. A nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. A fever management education program using blended learning (combining face-to-face and online learning components) was offered to 30 pediatric nurses, and 29 pediatric nurses received face-to-face education. Learning outcomes did not significantly differ between the two groups. However, learners' satisfaction was higher for the blended learning program than the face-to-face learning program. A blended learning pediatric fever management program was as effective as a traditional face-to-face learning program. Therefore, a blended learning pediatric fever management-learning program could be a useful and flexible learning method for pediatric nurses.

  13. Tolerance for distorted faces: challenges to a configural processing account of familiar face recognition. (United States)

    Sandford, Adam; Burton, A Mike


    Face recognition is widely held to rely on 'configural processing', an analysis of spatial relations between facial features. We present three experiments in which viewers were shown distorted faces, and asked to resize these to their correct shape. Based on configural theories appealing to metric distances between features, we reason that this should be an easier task for familiar than unfamiliar faces (whose subtle arrangements of features are unknown). In fact, participants were inaccurate at this task, making between 8% and 13% errors across experiments. Importantly, we observed no advantage for familiar faces: in one experiment participants were more accurate with unfamiliars, and in two experiments there was no difference. These findings were not due to general task difficulty - participants were able to resize blocks of colour to target shapes (squares) more accurately. We also found an advantage of familiarity for resizing other stimuli (brand logos). If configural processing does underlie face recognition, these results place constraints on the definition of 'configural'. Alternatively, familiar face recognition might rely on more complex criteria - based on tolerance to within-person variation rather than highly specific measurement. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. When the face fits: recognition of celebrities from matching and mismatching faces and voices. (United States)

    Stevenage, Sarah V; Neil, Greg J; Hamlin, Iain


    The results of two experiments are presented in which participants engaged in a face-recognition or a voice-recognition task. The stimuli were face-voice pairs in which the face and voice were co-presented and were either "matched" (same person), "related" (two highly associated people), or "mismatched" (two unrelated people). Analysis in both experiments confirmed that accuracy and confidence in face recognition was consistently high regardless of the identity of the accompanying voice. However accuracy of voice recognition was increasingly affected as the relationship between voice and accompanying face declined. Moreover, when considering self-reported confidence in voice recognition, confidence remained high for correct responses despite the proportion of these responses declining across conditions. These results converged with existing evidence indicating the vulnerability of voice recognition as a relatively weak signaller of identity, and results are discussed in the context of a person-recognition framework.

  15. The neural representation of personally familiar and unfamiliar faces in the distributed system for face perception. (United States)

    Visconti di Oleggio Castello, Matteo; Halchenko, Yaroslav O; Guntupalli, J Swaroop; Gors, Jason D; Gobbini, M Ida


    Personally familiar faces are processed more robustly and efficiently than unfamiliar faces. The human face processing system comprises a core system that analyzes the visual appearance of faces and an extended system for the retrieval of person-knowledge and other nonvisual information. We applied multivariate pattern analysis to fMRI data to investigate aspects of familiarity that are shared by all familiar identities and information that distinguishes specific face identities from each other. Both identity-independent familiarity information and face identity could be decoded in an overlapping set of areas in the core and extended systems. Representational similarity analysis revealed a clear distinction between the two systems and a subdivision of the core system into ventral, dorsal and anterior components. This study provides evidence that activity in the extended system carries information about both individual identities and personal familiarity, while clarifying and extending the organization of the core system for face perception.

  16. Mutual friends' social support and self-disclosure in face-to-face and instant messenger communication. (United States)

    Trepte, Sabine; Masur, Philipp K; Scharkow, Michael


    In the present study, we investigated long-term effects of self-disclosure on social support in face-to-face and instant messenger (IM) communication between mutual friends. Using a representative sample of 583 German IM users, we explored whether self-disclosure and positive experiences with regard to social support would dynamically interact in the form of a reinforcing spiral across three measurement occasions. If mutual friends self-disclose today, will they receive more social support 6 months later? In turn, will this affect their willingness to self-disclose another 6 months later? We further analyzed spill-over effects from face-to-face to IM communication and vice versa. We found that self-disclosure predicted social support and vice versa in IM communication, but not in face-to-face communication. In light of these results, the impact of IM communication on how individuals maneuver friendships through the interplay between self-disclosure and social support are discussed.

  17. Social Cognition in Williams Syndrome: Face Tuning. (United States)

    Pavlova, Marina A; Heiz, Julie; Sokolov, Alexander N; Barisnikov, Koviljka


    Many neurological, neurodevelopmental, neuropsychiatric, and psychosomatic disorders are characterized by impairments in visual social cognition, body language reading, and facial assessment of a social counterpart. Yet a wealth of research indicates that individuals with Williams syndrome exhibit remarkable concern for social stimuli and face fascination. Here individuals with Williams syndrome were presented with a set of Face-n-Food images composed of food ingredients and in different degree resembling a face (slightly bordering on the Giuseppe Arcimboldo style). The primary advantage of these images is that single components do not explicitly trigger face-specific processing, whereas in face images commonly used for investigating face perception (such as photographs or depictions), the mere occurrence of typical cues already implicates face presence. In a spontaneous recognition task, participants were shown a set of images in a predetermined order from the least to most resembling a face. Strikingly, individuals with Williams syndrome exhibited profound deficits in recognition of the Face-n-Food images as a face: they did not report seeing a face on the images, which typically developing controls effortlessly recognized as a face, and gave overall fewer face responses. This suggests atypical face tuning in Williams syndrome. The outcome is discussed in the light of a general pattern of social cognition in Williams syndrome and brain mechanisms underpinning face processing.

  18. Comparison of Face-to-Face and Web Surveys on the Topic of Homosexual Rights. (United States)

    Liu, Mingnan; Wang, Yichen


    Although academic research on homosexuality relies heavily on survey data, there has been limited study of the survey method of asking relevant questions. This study examines the effect of survey mode on responses to questions about homosexual rights. We find significant mode effects among heterosexual respondents, who are more likely to support equal access to employment, military service, adoption, and marriage for homosexual people in face-to-face surveys than in Web surveys. They are also more likely to choose to not respond when face-to-face than online. Homosexual respondents do not show mode effects for either substantive responses or item nonresponse rate.

  19. Face-to-face or not-to-face: A technology preference for communication. (United States)

    Jaafar, Noor Ismawati; Darmawan, Bobby; Mohamed Ariffin, Mohd Yahya


    This study employed the Model of Technology Preference (MTP) to explain the relationship of the variables as the antecedents of behavioral intention to adopt a social networking site (SNS) for communication. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to SNS account users using paper-based and web-based surveys that led to 514 valid responses. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show that two out of three attributes of the attribute-based preference (ATRP) affect attitude-based preference (ATTP). The data support the hypotheses that perceived enjoyment and social presence are predictors of ATTP. In this study, the findings further indicated that ATTP has no relationship with the behavioral intention of using SNS, but it has a relationship with the attitude of using SNS. SNS development should provide features that ensure enjoyment and social presence for users to communicate instead of using the traditional face-to-face method of communication.

  20. Face-to-Face or Not-to-Face: A Technology Preference for Communication (United States)

    Darmawan, Bobby; Mohamed Ariffin, Mohd Yahya


    Abstract This study employed the Model of Technology Preference (MTP) to explain the relationship of the variables as the antecedents of behavioral intention to adopt a social networking site (SNS) for communication. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to SNS account users using paper-based and web-based surveys that led to 514 valid responses. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show that two out of three attributes of the attribute-based preference (ATRP) affect attitude-based preference (ATTP). The data support the hypotheses that perceived enjoyment and social presence are predictors of ATTP. In this study, the findings further indicated that ATTP has no relationship with the behavioral intention of using SNS, but it has a relationship with the attitude of using SNS. SNS development should provide features that ensure enjoyment and social presence for users to communicate instead of using the traditional face-to-face method of communication. PMID:25405782

  1. Guided online or face-to-face cognitive behavioral treatment for insomnia: A randomized wait-list controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lancee, J.; van Straten, A.; Morina, N.; Kaldo, V.; Kamphuis, J.H.


    Study Objectives: To compare the efficacy of guided online and individual face-to-face cognitive behavioral treatment for insomnia (CBT-I) to a wait-list condition. Methods: A randomized controlled trial comparing three conditions: guided online; face-to-face; wait-list. Posttest measurements were

  2. Multithread Face Recognition in Cloud

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dakshina Ranjan Kisku


    Full Text Available Faces are highly challenging and dynamic objects that are employed as biometrics evidence in identity verification. Recently, biometrics systems have proven to be an essential security tools, in which bulk matching of enrolled people and watch lists is performed every day. To facilitate this process, organizations with large computing facilities need to maintain these facilities. To minimize the burden of maintaining these costly facilities for enrollment and recognition, multinational companies can transfer this responsibility to third-party vendors who can maintain cloud computing infrastructures for recognition. In this paper, we showcase cloud computing-enabled face recognition, which utilizes PCA-characterized face instances and reduces the number of invariant SIFT points that are extracted from each face. To achieve high interclass and low intraclass variances, a set of six PCA-characterized face instances is computed on columns of each face image by varying the number of principal components. Extracted SIFT keypoints are fused using sum and max fusion rules. A novel cohort selection technique is applied to increase the total performance. The proposed protomodel is tested on BioID and FEI face databases, and the efficacy of the system is proven based on the obtained results. We also compare the proposed method with other well-known methods.

  3. Advanced Face Gear Surface Durability Evaluations (United States)

    Lewicki, David G.; Heath, Gregory F.


    The surface durability life of helical face gears and isotropic super-finished (ISF) face gears was investigated. Experimental fatigue tests were performed at the NASA Glenn Research Center. Endurance tests were performed on 10 sets of helical face gears in mesh with tapered involute helical pinions, and 10 sets of ISF-enhanced straight face gears in mesh with tapered involute spur pinions. The results were compared to previous tests on straight face gears. The life of the ISF configuration was slightly less than that of previous tests on straight face gears. The life of the ISF configuration was slightly greater than that of the helical configuration.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brenda M. Wright


    Full Text Available With the ever-increasing development of technology, online teaching is more readily accepted as a viable component in teaching and learning, and blended learning, the combining of online and face-to-face learning, is becoming commonplace in many higher education institutions. Blended learning is, particularly in developing countries, in its early stages and not without its challenges. Asynchronous online lessons are currently still more prevalent in many areas of South-East Asia, perhaps due to potential difficulty in obtaining strong Internet connections, which may deter educators from synchronous options. Technological media have the potential to broaden the scope of resources available in teaching and to enhance the language learning experience. Although research to date shows some focus on blended learning, literature on distance online teaching seems more prevalent. This study exposed 112 Malaysian undergraduate EFL students' responses to an online lesson as part of an English grammar course, and investigates common student perceptions of the online lesson as compared with face-to-face lessons. Questionnaires using qualitative (Likert scale questions and quantitative (open-ended questions approaches provided data for content analysis to determine common student perceptions, with particular reference to motivation and interest. In general, more students associated in-class lessons with higher motivation and more interest, due to better understanding, valued classroom interaction with the lecturer and peers, and input from the lecturer. Students preferring the online lesson cited speed and convenience of study and flexibility of time and place of study as reasons for their choice. Skilful implementation of online lessons can enhance a language course but should not undermine the value of face-to-face instruction with EFL teachers.

  5. Adolescents' technology and face-to-face time use predict objective sleep outcomes. (United States)

    Tavernier, Royette; Heissel, Jennifer A; Sladek, Michael R; Grant, Kathryn E; Adam, Emma K


    The present study examined both within- and between-person associations between adolescents' time use (technology-based activities and face-to-face interactions with friends and family) and sleep behaviors. We also assessed whether age moderated associations between adolescents' time use with friends and family and sleep. Adolescents wore an actigraph monitor and completed brief evening surveys daily for 3 consecutive days. Adolescents (N=71; mean age=14.50 years old, SD=1.84; 43.7% female) were recruited from 3 public high schools in the Midwest. We assessed 8 technology-based activities (eg, texting, working on a computer), as well as time spent engaged in face-to-face interactions with friends and family, via questions on adolescents' evening surveys. Actigraph monitors assessed 3 sleep behaviors: sleep latency, sleep hours, and sleep efficiency. Hierarchical linear models indicated that texting and working on the computer were associated with shorter sleep, whereas time spent talking on the phone predicted longer sleep. Time spent with friends predicted shorter sleep latencies, while family time predicted longer sleep latencies. Age moderated the association between time spent with friends and sleep efficiency, as well as between family time and sleep efficiency. Specifically, longer time spent interacting with friends was associated with higher sleep efficiency but only among younger adolescents. Furthermore, longer family time was associated with higher sleep efficiency but only for older adolescents. Findings are discussed in terms of the importance of regulating adolescents' technology use and improving opportunities for face-to-face interactions with friends, particularly for younger adolescents. Copyright © 2017 National Sleep Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Validação preliminar de um questionário para avaliar as necessidades psicológicas básicas em Educação Física

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Pires


    Full Text Available A teoria da autodeterminação é uma a abordagem psicológica sobre a motivação, que se preocupa com as causas e as consequências da forma como o ser humano regula o seu comportamento. Segundo vários autores, este modelo teórico pode fornecer informações importantes sobre o processo motivacional dos alunos para as aulas de Educação Física, no entanto, em Portugal não existe ainda nenhum instrumento de avaliação das necessidades psicológicas básicas neste contexto. Desta forma, o objectivo principal deste estudo é a validação preliminar da adaptação à Educação Física da versão Portuguesa do Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (BPNESp, determinando as suas qualidades psicométricas iniciais através de uma análise factorial exploratória do modelo que a suporta. Para tal, participaram no estudo 150 alunos (n = 150 do 2º e 3º CEB, com idades compreendidas entre os 11 e 16 anos (M = 13.39, DP = 1.44 e com diferentes níveis de prática desportiva. Os resultados obtidos revelaram uma estrutura factorial igual à versão original (12 itens agrupados em 3 factores, com 4 itens em cada factor, que apresentam índices bastante aceitáveis de validade e fiabilidade, o que leva a concluir que este questionário poderá ser utilizado, com um elevado grau de confiança, em futuras investigações que pretendam avaliar as necessidades psicológicas básicas no contexto da Educação Física.

  7. 77 FR 37101 - Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee (United States)


    ... Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee will be conducted. The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel is soliciting public comments, ideas, and...

  8. 77 FR 40411 - Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee (United States)


    ... Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee will be conducted. The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel is soliciting public comments, ideas, and...

  9. 77 FR 21157 - Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee (United States)


    ... Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Treasury. ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee will be conducted. The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel is soliciting public comments, ideas, and...

  10. 77 FR 55525 - Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee (United States)


    ... Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee will be conducted. The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel is soliciting public comments, ideas, and...

  11. 76 FR 76096 - Non-Face-to-Face Sale and Distribution of Tobacco Products and Advertising, Promotion, and... (United States)


    ... Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing of Tobacco Products; Extension of Comment Period AGENCY: Food and Drug... related to non-face-to- face sale and distribution of tobacco products; the advertising, promotion, and...- face-to-face sale and distribution of tobacco products and the advertising, promotion, and marketing of...

  12. Prosopagnosia when all faces look the same

    CERN Document Server

    Rivolta, Davide


    This book provides readers with a simplified and comprehensive account of the cognitive and neural bases of face perception in humans. Faces are ubiquitous in our environment and we rely on them during social interactions. The human face processing system allows us to extract information about the identity, gender, age, mood, race, attractiveness and approachability of other people in about a fraction of a second, just by glancing at their faces.  By introducing readers to the most relevant research on face recognition, this book seeks to answer the questions: “Why are humans so fast at recognizing faces?”, “Why are humans so efficient at recognizing faces?”, “Do faces represent a particular category for the human visual system?”, What makes face perception in humans so special?, “Can our face recognition system fail”?  This book presents the author’s findings on face perception during his research studies on both normal subjects and subjects with prosopagnosia, a neurological disorder cha...

  13. Collaborative Dialogue in Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication and Face-to-Face Communication (United States)

    Zeng, Gang


    Previous research has documented that collaborative dialogue promotes L2 learning in both face-to-face (F2F) and synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC) modalities. However, relatively little research has explored modality effects on collaborative dialogue. Thus, motivated by sociocultual theory, this study examines how F2F compares…

  14. Comparing Online to Face-To-Face Delivery of Undergraduate Digital Circuits Content (United States)

    LaMeres, Brock J.; Plumb, Carolyn


    This paper presents a comparison of online to traditional face-to-face delivery of undergraduate digital systems material. Two specific components of digital content were compared and evaluated: a sophomore logic circuits course with no laboratory, and a microprocessor laboratory component of a junior-level computer systems course. For each of…

  15. 6th Annual Earth System Grid Federation Face to Face Conference Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Williams, D. N. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    The Sixth Annual Face-to-Face (F2F) Conference of the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF), a global consortium of international government agencies, institutions, and companies dedicated to the creation, management, analysis, and distribution of extreme-scale scientific data, was held December 5–9, 2016, in Washington, D.C.

  16. Solving the Border Control Problem: Evidence of Enhanced Face Matching in Individuals with Extraordinary Face Recognition Skills. (United States)

    Bobak, Anna Katarzyna; Dowsett, Andrew James; Bate, Sarah


    Photographic identity documents (IDs) are commonly used despite clear evidence that unfamiliar face matching is a difficult and error-prone task. The current study set out to examine the performance of seven individuals with extraordinary face recognition memory, so called "super recognisers" (SRs), on two face matching tasks resembling border control identity checks. In Experiment 1, the SRs as a group outperformed control participants on the "Glasgow Face Matching Test", and some case-by-case comparisons also reached significance. In Experiment 2, a perceptually difficult face matching task was used: the "Models Face Matching Test". Once again, SRs outperformed controls both on group and mostly in case-by-case analyses. These findings suggest that SRs are considerably better at face matching than typical perceivers, and would make proficient personnel for border control agencies.

  17. 77 FR 47166 - Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee (United States)


    ... Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Treasury. ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods... Service Methods Project Committee will be held Tuesday, September 11, 2012, at 2 p.m. Eastern Time via...

  18. 76 FR 78342 - Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee (United States)


    ... Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice of Meeting. SUMMARY: An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods... Service Methods Project Committee will be held Tuesday, January 10, 2012, at 2 p.m. Eastern Time via...

  19. 77 FR 2611 - Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee (United States)


    ... Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Treasury. ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods... Service Methods Project Committee will be held Tuesday, February 14, 2012, at 2 p.m. Eastern Time via...

  20. Strange-face illusions during inter-subjective gazing. (United States)

    Caputo, Giovanni B


    In normal observers, gazing at one's own face in the mirror for a few minutes, at a low illumination level, triggers the perception of strange faces, a new visual illusion that has been named 'strange-face in the mirror'. Individuals see huge distortions of their own faces, but they often see monstrous beings, archetypal faces, faces of relatives and deceased, and animals. In the experiment described here, strange-face illusions were perceived when two individuals, in a dimly lit room, gazed at each other in the face. Inter-subjective gazing compared to mirror-gazing produced a higher number of different strange-faces. Inter-subjective strange-face illusions were always dissociative of the subject's self and supported moderate feeling of their reality, indicating a temporary lost of self-agency. Unconscious synchronization of event-related responses to illusions was found between members in some pairs. Synchrony of illusions may indicate that unconscious response-coordination is caused by the illusion-conjunction of crossed dissociative strange-faces, which are perceived as projections into each other's visual face of reciprocal embodied representations within the pair. Inter-subjective strange-face illusions may be explained by the subject's embodied representations (somaesthetic, kinaesthetic and motor facial pattern) and the other's visual face binding. Unconscious facial mimicry may promote inter-subjective illusion-conjunction, then unconscious joint-action and response-coordination. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Autistic traits and brain activation during face-to-face conversations in typically developed adults. (United States)

    Suda, Masashi; Takei, Yuichi; Aoyama, Yoshiyuki; Narita, Kosuke; Sakurai, Noriko; Fukuda, Masato; Mikuni, Masahiko


    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviours. The severity of these characteristics is posited to lie on a continuum that extends into the general population. Brain substrates underlying ASD have been investigated through functional neuroimaging studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). However, fMRI has methodological constraints for studying brain mechanisms during social interactions (for example, noise, lying on a gantry during the procedure, etc.). In this study, we investigated whether variations in autism spectrum traits are associated with changes in patterns of brain activation in typically developed adults. We used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), a recently developed functional neuroimaging technique that uses near-infrared light, to monitor brain activation in a natural setting that is suitable for studying brain functions during social interactions. We monitored regional cerebral blood volume changes using a 52-channel NIRS apparatus over the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and superior temporal sulcus (STS), 2 areas implicated in social cognition and the pathology of ASD, in 28 typically developed participants (14 male and 14 female) during face-to-face conversations. This task was designed to resemble a realistic social situation. We examined the correlations of these changes with autistic traits assessed using the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Both the PFC and STS were significantly activated during face-to-face conversations. AQ scores were negatively correlated with regional cerebral blood volume increases in the left STS during face-to-face conversations, especially in males. Our results demonstrate successful monitoring of brain function during realistic social interactions by NIRS as well as lesser brain activation in the left STS during face-to-face conversations in typically developed participants with higher levels of autistic

  2. Glued to Which Face? Attentional Priority Effect of Female Babyface and Male Mature Face

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wenwen Zheng


    Full Text Available A more babyfaced individual is perceived as more child-like and this impression from babyface, as known as babyface effect, has an impact on social life among various age groups. In this study, the influence of babyfaces on visual selective attention was tested by cognitive task, demonstrating that the female babyface and male mature face would draw participants’ attention so that they take their eyes off more slowly. In Experiment 1, a detection task was applied to test the influence of babyfaces on visual selective attention. In this experiment, a babyface and a mature face with the same gender were presented simultaneously with a letter on one of them. The reaction time was shorter when the target letter was overlaid with a female babyface or male mature face, suggesting an attention capture effect. To explore how this competition influenced by attentional resources, we conducted Experiment 2 with a spatial cueing paradigm and controlled the attentional resources by cueing validity and inter-stimulus interval. In this task, the female babyface and male mature face prolonged responses to the spatially separated targets under the condition of an invalid and long interval pre-cue. This observation replicated the result of Experiment 1. This indicates that the female babyface and male mature face glued visual selective attention once attentional resources were directed to them. To further investigate the subliminal influence from a babyface, we used continuous flash suppression paradigm in Experiment 3. The results, again, showed the advantage of the female babyfaces and male mature faces: they broke the suppression faster than other faces. Our results provide primary evidence that the female babyfaces and male mature faces can reliably glue the visual selective attention, both supra- and sub-liminally.

  3. [Health and humanization Diploma: the value of reflection and face to face learning]. (United States)

    Martínez-Gutiérrez, Javiera; Magliozzi, Pietro; Torres, Patricio; Soto, Mauricio; Walker, Rosa


    In a rapidly changing culture like ours, with emphasis on productivity, there is a strong need to find the meaning of health care work using learning instances that privilege reflection and face to face contact with others. The Diploma in Health and Humanization (DSH), was developed as an interdisciplinary space for training on issues related to humanization. To analyze the experience of DSH aiming to identify the elements that students considered key factors for the success of the program. We conducted a focus group with DSH graduates, identifying factors associated with satisfaction. Transcripts were coded and analyzed by two independent reviewers. DSH graduates valued a safe space, personal interaction, dialogue and respect as learning tools of the DSH. They also appreciates the opportunity to have emotional interactions among students and between them and the teacher as well as the opportunity to share personal stories and their own search for meaning. DSH is a learning experience in which their graduates value the ability to think about their vocation and the affective interaction with peers and teachers. We hope to contribute to the development of face to face courses in the area of humanization. Face to face methodology is an excellent teaching technique for contents related to the meaning of work, and more specifically, to a group of learners that require affective communication and a personal connection of their work with their own values and beliefs.

  4. 77 FR 61053 - Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee (United States)


    ... Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods... Service Methods Project Committee will be held Tuesday, November 13, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time via...

  5. Validity, Sensitivity, and Responsiveness of the 11-Face Faces Pain Scale to Postoperative Pain in Adult Orthopedic Surgery Patients. (United States)

    Van Giang, Nguyen; Chiu, Hsiao-Yean; Thai, Duong Hong; Kuo, Shu-Yu; Tsai, Pei-Shan


    Pain is common in patients after orthopedic surgery. The 11-face Faces Pain Scale has not been validated for use in adult patients with postoperative pain. To assess the validity of the 11-face Faces Pain Scale and its ability to detect responses to pain medications, and to determine whether the sensitivity of the 11-face Faces Pain Scale for detecting changes in pain intensity over time is associated with gender differences in adult postorthopedic surgery patients. The 11-face Faces Pain Scale was translated into Vietnamese using forward and back translation. Postoperative pain was assessed using an 11-point numerical rating scale and the 11-face Faces Pain Scale on the day of surgery, and before (Time 1) and every 30 minutes after (Times 2-5) the patients had taken pain medications on the first postoperative day. The 11-face Faces Pain Scale highly correlated with the numerical rating scale (r = 0.78, p Scale is appropriate for measuring acute postoperative pain in adults. Copyright © 2015 American Society for Pain Management Nursing. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Normal composite face effects in developmental prosopagnosia. (United States)

    Biotti, Federica; Wu, Esther; Yang, Hua; Jiahui, Guo; Duchaine, Bradley; Cook, Richard


    Upright face perception is thought to involve holistic processing, whereby local features are integrated into a unified whole. Consistent with this view, the top half of one face appears to fuse perceptually with the bottom half of another, when aligned spatially and presented upright. This 'composite face effect' reveals a tendency to integrate information from disparate regions when faces are presented canonically. In recent years, the relationship between susceptibility to the composite effect and face recognition ability has received extensive attention both in participants with normal face recognition and participants with developmental prosopagnosia. Previous results suggest that individuals with developmental prosopagnosia may show reduced susceptibility to the effect suggestive of diminished holistic face processing. Here we describe two studies that examine whether developmental prosopagnosia is associated with reduced composite face effects. Despite using independent samples of developmental prosopagnosics and different composite procedures, we find no evidence for reduced composite face effects. The experiments yielded similar results; highly significant composite effects in both prosopagnosic groups that were similar in magnitude to the effects found in participants with normal face processing. The composite face effects exhibited by both samples and the controls were greatly diminished when stimulus arrangements were inverted. Our finding that the whole-face binding process indexed by the composite effect is intact in developmental prosopagnosia indicates that other factors are responsible for developmental prosopagnosia. These results are also inconsistent with suggestions that susceptibility to the composite face effect and face recognition ability are tightly linked. While the holistic process revealed by the composite face effect may be necessary for typical face perception, it is not sufficient; individual differences in face recognition ability

  7. A retrospective look at replacing face-to-face embryology instruction with online lectures in a human anatomy course. (United States)

    Beale, Elmus G; Tarwater, Patrick M; Lee, Vaughan H


    Embryology is integrated into the Clinically Oriented Anatomy course at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine. Before 2008, the same instructor presented embryology in 13 face-to-face lectures distributed by organ systems throughout the course. For the 2008 and 2009 offerings of the course, a hybrid embryology instruction model with four face-to-face classes that supplemented online recorded lectures was used. One instructor delivered the lectures face-to-face in 2007 and by online videos in 2008-2009, while a second instructor provided the supplemental face-to-face classes in 2008-2009. The same embryology learning objectives and selected examination questions were used for each of the three years. This allowed direct comparison of learning outcomes, as measured by examination performance, for students receiving only face-to-face embryology instruction versus the hybrid approach. Comparison of the face-to-face lectures to the hybrid approach showed no difference in overall class performance on embryology questions that were used all three years. Moreover, there was no differential effect of the delivery method on the examination scores for bottom quartile students. Students completed an end-of-course survey to assess their opinions. They rated the two forms of delivery similarly on a six-point Likert scale and reported that face-to-face lectures have the advantage of allowing them to interact with the instructor, whereas online lectures could be paused, replayed, and viewed at any time. These experiences suggest the need for well-designed prospective studies to determine whether online lectures can be used to enhance the efficacy of embryology instruction. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.

  8. Learning Opportunities in Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication and Face-to-Face Interaction (United States)

    Kim, Hye Yeong


    This study investigated how synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC) and face-to-face (F2F) oral interaction influence the way in which learners collaborate in language learning and how they solve their communicative problems. The findings suggest that output modality may affect how learners produce language, attend to linguistic forms,…

  9. Developing Face-to-Face Argumentation Skills: Does Arguing on the Computer Help? (United States)

    Iordanou, Kalypso


    Arguing on the computer was used as a method to promote development of face-to-face argumentation skills in middle schoolers. In the study presented, sixth graders engaged in electronic dialogues with peers on a controversial topic and in some reflective activities based on transcriptions of the dialogues. Although participants initially exhibited…

  10. Distance and Face-to-Face Learning Culture and Values: A Conceptual Analysis (United States)

    Tejeda-Delgado, Carmen; Millan, Brett J.; Slate, John R.


    With distance learning increasing in popularity across the country and the world, a review of the extant literature as it relates to distance learning and face-to-face learning is warranted. In particular, this paper examined distance learning, including a historical overview, prevailing themes in past research, and studies relating the importance…

  11. Face Recognition using Approximate Arithmetic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marso, Karol

    Face recognition is image processing technique which aims to identify human faces and found its use in various different fields for example in security. Throughout the years this field evolved and there are many approaches and many different algorithms which aim to make the face recognition as effective...... processing applications the results do not need to be completely precise and use of the approximate arithmetic can lead to reduction in terms of delay, space and power consumption. In this paper we examine possible use of approximate arithmetic in face recognition using Eigenfaces algorithm....

  12. Face and Mask: A Double History

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Saramifar, Y.


    How often have you read an article and then Googled the author to see him or her? How often have you swiped right or left just looking at the faces without reading the profile on Tinder? Seeking faces and trying to put faces to names happens every day but Hans Belting has brought together Face and

  13. Technology survey on video face tracking (United States)

    Zhang, Tong; Gomes, Herman Martins


    With the pervasiveness of monitoring cameras installed in public areas, schools, hospitals, work places and homes, video analytics technologies for interpreting these video contents are becoming increasingly relevant to people's lives. Among such technologies, human face detection and tracking (and face identification in many cases) are particularly useful in various application scenarios. While plenty of research has been conducted on face tracking and many promising approaches have been proposed, there are still significant challenges in recognizing and tracking people in videos with uncontrolled capturing conditions, largely due to pose and illumination variations, as well as occlusions and cluttered background. It is especially complex to track and identify multiple people simultaneously in real time due to the large amount of computation involved. In this paper, we present a survey on literature and software that are published or developed during recent years on the face tracking topic. The survey covers the following topics: 1) mainstream and state-of-the-art face tracking methods, including features used to model the targets and metrics used for tracking; 2) face identification and face clustering from face sequences; and 3) software packages or demonstrations that are available for algorithm development or trial. A number of publically available databases for face tracking are also introduced.

  14. 'Faceness' and affectivity: evidence for genetic contributions to distinct components of electrocortical response to human faces. (United States)

    Shannon, Robert W; Patrick, Christopher J; Venables, Noah C; He, Sheng


    The ability to recognize a variety of different human faces is undoubtedly one of the most important and impressive functions of the human perceptual system. Neuroimaging studies have revealed multiple brain regions (including the FFA, STS, OFA) and electrophysiological studies have identified differing brain event-related potential (ERP) components (e.g., N170, P200) possibly related to distinct types of face information processing. To evaluate the heritability of ERP components associated with face processing, including N170, P200, and LPP, we examined ERP responses to fearful and neutral face stimuli in monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins. Concordance levels for early brain response indices of face processing (N170, P200) were found to be stronger for MZ than DZ twins, providing evidence of a heritable basis to each. These findings support the idea that certain key neural mechanisms for face processing are genetically coded. Implications for understanding individual differences in recognition of facial identity and the emotional content of faces are discussed. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Endocrinology Telehealth Consultation Improved Glycemic Control Similar to Face-to-Face Visits in Veterans. (United States)

    Liu, Winnie; Saxon, David R; McNair, Bryan; Sanagorski, Rebecca; Rasouli, Neda


    Rates of diabetes for veterans who receive health care through the Veterans Health Administration are higher than rates in the general population. Furthermore, many veterans live in rural locations, far from Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals, thus limiting their ability to readily seek face-to-face endocrinology care for diabetes. Telehealth (TH) technologies present an opportunity to improve access to specialty diabetes care for such patients; however, there is a lack of evidence regarding the ability of TH to improve glycemic control in comparison to traditional face-to-face consultations. This was a retrospective cohort study of all new endocrinology diabetes consultations at the Denver VA Medical Center over a 1-year period. A total of 189 patients were included in the analysis. In all, 85 patients had received face-to-face (FTF) endocrinology consultation for diabetes and 104 patients had received TH consultation. Subjects were mostly males (94.7%) and the mean age was 62.8 ± 10.1 years old. HbA1c improved from 9.76% (9.40% to 10.11%) to 8.55% (8.20% to 8.91%) (P Endocrinology TH consultations improved short-term glycemic control as effectively as traditional FTF visits in a veteran population with diabetes. © 2016 Diabetes Technology Society.

  16. Solving the Border Control Problem: Evidence of Enhanced Face Matching in Individuals with Extraordinary Face Recognition Skills.

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    Anna Katarzyna Bobak

    Full Text Available Photographic identity documents (IDs are commonly used despite clear evidence that unfamiliar face matching is a difficult and error-prone task. The current study set out to examine the performance of seven individuals with extraordinary face recognition memory, so called "super recognisers" (SRs, on two face matching tasks resembling border control identity checks. In Experiment 1, the SRs as a group outperformed control participants on the "Glasgow Face Matching Test", and some case-by-case comparisons also reached significance. In Experiment 2, a perceptually difficult face matching task was used: the "Models Face Matching Test". Once again, SRs outperformed controls both on group and mostly in case-by-case analyses. These findings suggest that SRs are considerably better at face matching than typical perceivers, and would make proficient personnel for border control agencies.

  17. Face Image Quality and its Improvement in a Face Detection System

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kamal, Nasrollahi; Moeslund, Thomas B.


    When a person passes by a surveillance camera a sequence of images is obtained. Most of these images are redundant and usually keeping some of them which have better quality is sufficient. So before performing any analysis on the face of a person, the face at the first step needs to be detected...... we are trying to develop a system to deal with the video sequences in these 3 steps....

  18. A Case Study: Are Traditional Face-To-Face Lectures Still Relevant When Teaching Engineering Courses?

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    LillAnne Jackson


    Full Text Available In this rapidly changing age, with virtually all information available on the Internet including courses, students may not find any reason to physically attend the lectures. In spite of the many benefits the online lectures and materials bring to teaching, this drift from the traditional (norm face-to-face lectures is also creating further barriers, such as difficulty in communicating and building personal relationships, between students and instructor. In this paper we carry out a study that presents and analyzes factors that motivate students to attend a (1 face-to-face instruction in-class versus an (2 online class. This study is based on an anonymous and voluntary survey that was conducted in the School of Engineering at University of Victoria, BC, Canada. This paper presents and shares the detailed results and analysis of this survey that also includes some interesting and useful comments from the students. Based on the results, analysis and comments the paper suggests methodologies of how to improve face-to-face in-class instructions to make them more relevant to the current global information age.

  19. Individuating Faces and Common Objects Produces Equal Responses in Putative Face Processing Areas in the Ventral Occipitotemporal Cortex

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    Frank Haist


    Full Text Available Controversy surrounds the proposal that specific human cortical regions in the ventral occipitotemporal cortex, commonly called the fusiform face area (FFA and occipital face area (OFA, are specialized for face processing. Here, we present findings from a fMRI study of identity discrimination of faces and objects that demonstrates the FFA and OFA are equally responsive to processing stimuli at the level of individuals (i.e., individuation, be they human faces or non-face objects. The FFA and OFA were defined via a passive viewing task as regions that produced greater activation to faces relative to non-face stimuli within the middle fusiform gyrus and inferior occipital gyrus. In the individuation task, participants judged whether sequentially presented images of faces, diverse objects, or wristwatches depicted the identical or a different exemplar. All three stimulus types produced equivalent BOLD activation within the FFA and OFA; that is, there was no face-specific or face-preferential processing. Critically, individuation processing did not eliminate an object superiority effect relative to faces within a region more closely linked to object processing in the lateral occipital complex (LOC, suggesting that individuation processes are reasonably specific to the FFA and OFA. Taken together, these findings challenge the prevailing view that the FFA and OFA are face-specific processing regions, demonstrating instead that they function to individuate -- i.e., identify specific individuals -- within a category. These findings have significant implications for understanding the function of a brain region widely believed to play an important role in social cognition.

  20. Cost-effectiveness of face-to-face smoking cessation interventions: A dynamic modeling study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    T.L. Feenstra (Talitha); H.H. Hamberg-Van Reenen (Heleen); R.T. Hoogenveen (Rudolf); M.P.M.H. Rutten-van Mölken (Maureen)


    textabstractObjectives: To estimate the cost-effectiveness of five face-to-face smoking cessation interventions (i.e., minimal counseling by a general practitioner (GP) with, or without nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), intensive counseling with NRT, or bupropion, and telephone counseling) in

  1. Parent Education for Dialogic Reading: Online and Face-to-Face Delivery Methods (United States)

    Beschorner, Beth; Hutchison, Amy


    This study explored the impact of a parent education program and the contextual factors that influenced the experiences of families in the program. Seventeen parents completed a 9-week, face-to-face program and 15 parents completed a similar online program. This study was designed as a multiple case study and utilized multimethods for data…

  2. Comparing Role-Playing Activities in Second Life and Face-to-Face Environments (United States)

    Gao, Fei; Noh, Jeongmin J.; Koehler, Matthew J.


    This study compared student performances in role-playing activities in both a face-to-face (FTF) environment and a virtual 3D environment, Second Life (SL). We found that students produced a similar amount of communication in the two environments, but the communication styles were different. In SL role-playing activities, students took more…

  3. Predicting Outcome of Face-to-Face and Telephone Counselling for Occupational Stress (United States)

    Karatzias, Thanos; Chouliara, Zoe; Power, Kevin; Kilfedder, Catherine


    The aim of the present study was to investigate predictors of outcome of counselling, using mean change scores of three outcome measures, at treatment completion and at 4-months follow-up, in a randomised trial of face-to-face (n = 30) versus telephone counselling (n = 30) for occupational stress. Factors associated with treatment outcome were…

  4. Active sleep is associated with the face preference in the newborns who familiarized with a responsive face. (United States)

    Cecchini, Marco; Iannoni, Maria Elena; Aceto, Paola; Baroni, Eleonora; Di Vito, Cinzia; Lai, Carlo


    Aim of this study was to investigate the preferential looking behaviour, subsequent to a familiarization task (8-min) with a previously responsive or motionless face, before and after a sleep cycle. Moreover, the role of the active sleep in memory consolidation of the responsive or motionless faces was explored. Hypotheses were that the newborns undergoing a motionless familiarization will exhibit a novelty effect (preference for the novel face) whereas the newborns undergoing a responsive familiarization will show a familiarity effect (preference for the known face) before and after the sleep cycle; moreover, the amount of active sleep will be associated with the looking time at the known face after a sleep cycle. Forty-five healthy full-term newborns were randomly assigned to two groups (group 1: motionless-familiarization and group 2: responsive-familiarization); in both groups newborns were video-recorded during four post-familiarization face-preference tasks, two of them performed before and two after a sleep cycle. During the pre-sleep-trials, there was not a significant preference for one face in both groups. During the post-sleep trials, the newborns showed a clear preference for the novel face. This effect was more evident in group 1. Only in group 2 there was a significant positive correlation between the active sleep duration and the looking duration at the known-face during the post-sleep trials (r=0.41; p=0.040). Multiple regression confirmed that only in the group 2 the total duration of the active sleep was associated with the looking duration at the known-face during the post-sleep trials (Adjusted R 2 =0.13; β=0.41; t=2.2; p=0.040). Findings showed that in newborns the face representation can be recalled after a sleep cycle. Moreover, the amount of the active sleep predicted the post-sleep looking toward the known-face only in the newborns who interactively familiarized with the face. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. A randomised controlled trial of face to face versus pure online self-help cognitive behavioural treatment for perfectionism. (United States)

    Egan, Sarah J; van Noort, Emily; Chee, Abby; Kane, Robert T; Hoiles, Kimberley J; Shafran, Roz; Wade, Tracey D


    Previous research has shown cognitive-behavioural treatment (CBT) to be effective in reducing perfectionism. The present study investigated the efficacy of two formats of CBT for perfectionism (CBT-P), face-to-face and pure online self-help, in reducing perfectionism and associated psychological symptoms. Participants were randomly allocated to face-to-face CBT-P (n = 18), pure online self-help CBT-P (n = 16), or a waitlist control period (n = 18). There was no significant change for the waitlist group on any of the outcome measures at the end of treatment. Both the face-to-face and pure online self-help groups reported significant reductions at the end of treatment for the perfectionism variables which were maintained at the 6-month follow-up. The face-to-face group also reported significant reductions over this time in depression, anxiety, and stress, and a significant pre-post increase in self-esteem, all of which were maintained at the 6-month follow-up. In contrast, the pure online self-help group showed no significant changes on these outcomes. The face-to-face group was statistically superior to the pure online self-help group at follow-up on the perfectionism measures, concern over mistakes and personal standards. The results show promising evidence for CBT for perfectionism, especially when offered face to face, where sustained benefit across a broad range of outcomes can be expected. Crown Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. An evaluation of remote communication versus face-to-face in clinical dental education. (United States)

    Martin, N; Lazalde, O Martínez; Stokes, C; Romano, D


    Distance learning and internet-based delivery of educational content are becoming very popular as an alternative to real face-to-face delivery. Clinical-based discussions still remain greatly face-to-face despite the advancement of remote communication and internet sharing technology. In this study we have compared three communication modalities between a learner and educator: audio and video using voice over internet protocol (VoIP) alone [AV]; audio and video VoIP with the addition of a three dimensional virtual artefact [AV3D] and physical face-to-face [FTF]. Clinical case discussions based on fictitious patients were held between a 'learner' and an 'expert' using the three communication modalities. The learner presented a clinical scenario to the experts, with the aid of a prop (partially dentate cast, digitised for AV3D), to obtain advice on the management of the clinical case. Each communication modality was tested in timed exercises in a random order among one of three experts (senior clinical restorative staff) and a learner (from a cohort of 15 senior clinical undergraduate students) all from the School of Clinical Dentistry, University of Sheffield. All learners and experts used each communication modality in turn with no prior training. Video recording and structured analysis were used to ascertain learner behaviour and levels of interactivity. Evaluation questionnaires were completed by experts and learners immediately after the experiment to ascertain effectiveness of information exchange and barriers/facilitators to communication. The video recordings showed that students were more relaxed with AV and AV3D than FTF (p = 0.01). The evaluation questionnaires showed that students felt they could provide (p = 0.03) and obtain (p = 0.003) more information using the FTF modality, followed by AV and then AV3D. Experts also ranked FTF better than AV and AV3D for providing (p = 0.012) and obtaining (p = 0) information to/from the expert. Physical face-to-face

  7. 77 FR 30591 - Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee (United States)


    ... Face-to-Face Service Methods Project Committee AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Face-to-Face [[Page 30592... meeting will be held Thursday, June 7 from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Eastern Time and Friday, June 8 from 8:00 a...

  8. Does distance e-learning work? A comparison between distance and face-to-face learners using e-learning materials

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    Sara de Freitas


    Full Text Available This study compares continual assessment data, intake numbers, retention numbers and final examination grades of a mixed cohort of face-to-face and distance learners against similar data from previous years where e-learning materials were not used in order to test whether e-learning materials can support the same quality and quantity of teaching and learning for both face-to-face and distance learners. The results for this cohort of learners demonstrate that: (i distance e-learners score as well and sometimes better than face-to-face learners; (ii face-to-face student numbers have increased; (iii overall, student retention and student attendance have been maintained; (iv final examination results have been maintained or in some cases improved; (v lecturer workload was high, but not unmanageable, and it is clear how manageability can be improved.

  9. Trustworthy-looking face meets brown eyes.

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    Karel Kleisner

    Full Text Available We tested whether eye color influences perception of trustworthiness. Facial photographs of 40 female and 40 male students were rated for perceived trustworthiness. Eye color had a significant effect, the brown-eyed faces being perceived as more trustworthy than the blue-eyed ones. Geometric morphometrics, however, revealed significant correlations between eye color and face shape. Thus, face shape likewise had a significant effect on perceived trustworthiness but only for male faces, the effect for female faces not being significant. To determine whether perception of trustworthiness was being influenced primarily by eye color or by face shape, we recolored the eyes on the same male facial photos and repeated the test procedure. Eye color now had no effect on perceived trustworthiness. We concluded that although the brown-eyed faces were perceived as more trustworthy than the blue-eyed ones, it was not brown eye color per se that caused the stronger perception of trustworthiness but rather the facial features associated with brown eyes.

  10. Side-View Face Recognition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Santemiz, P.; Spreeuwers, Lieuwe Jan; Veldhuis, Raymond N.J.; van den Biggelaar, Olivier

    As a widely used biometrics, face recognition has many advantages such as being non-intrusive, natural and passive. On the other hand, in real-life scenarios with uncontrolled environment, pose variation up to side-view positions makes face recognition a challenging work. In this paper we discuss

  11. Why Hong Kong students favour more face-to-face classroom time in blended learning

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    James Henri

    Full Text Available A three year study in student characteristics, needs and learning styles guided instructors at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education to improve teaching and learning in a core module: Information Literacy. A mixed-method approach analyzed data collected from undergraduate, in-service teachers in a BEd program, and helped instructors in the program to gain insight into the Hong Kong teacher working, post-service towards a BEd in Library and Information Science. Part-time students indicated a preference for a combination of online and face-to-face teaching, with more face-to-face class time in that mix. These findings would also be informative for other part-time programs using blended teaching and learning models.

  12. How fast is famous face recognition?

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    Gladys eBarragan-Jason


    Full Text Available The rapid recognition of familiar faces is crucial for social interactions. However the actual speed with which recognition can be achieved remains largely unknown as most studies have been carried out without any speed constraints. Different paradigms have been used, leading to conflicting results, and although many authors suggest that face recognition is fast, the speed of face recognition has not been directly compared to fast visual tasks. In this study, we sought to overcome these limitations. Subjects performed three tasks, a familiarity categorization task (famous faces among unknown faces, a superordinate categorization task (human faces among animal ones and a gender categorization task. All tasks were performed under speed constraints. The results show that, despite the use of speed constraints, subjects were slow when they had to categorize famous faces: minimum reaction time was 467 ms, which is 180 ms more than during superordinate categorization and 160 ms more than in the gender condition. Our results are compatible with a hierarchy of face processing from the superordinate level to the familiarity level. The processes taking place between detection and recognition need to be investigated in detail.

  13. Genetic specificity of face recognition. (United States)

    Shakeshaft, Nicholas G; Plomin, Robert


    Specific cognitive abilities in diverse domains are typically found to be highly heritable and substantially correlated with general cognitive ability (g), both phenotypically and genetically. Recent twin studies have found the ability to memorize and recognize faces to be an exception, being similarly heritable but phenotypically substantially uncorrelated both with g and with general object recognition. However, the genetic relationships between face recognition and other abilities (the extent to which they share a common genetic etiology) cannot be determined from phenotypic associations. In this, to our knowledge, first study of the genetic associations between face recognition and other domains, 2,000 18- and 19-year-old United Kingdom twins completed tests assessing their face recognition, object recognition, and general cognitive abilities. Results confirmed the substantial heritability of face recognition (61%), and multivariate genetic analyses found that most of this genetic influence is unique and not shared with other cognitive abilities.

  14. Inclusão escolar : um olhar para a diversidade : as representações sociais de professores do ensino fundamental da rede pública sobre o aluno com necessidades educacionais especiais


    Modesto, Vília Mariza Fraga


    A Educação Inclusiva é um processo em evolução e tem sido motivo de muitas discussões e estudos. A despeito das inúmeras discussões, os alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais ainda sofrem com a estigmatização que pode derivar, também, do professor em relação às idéias preexistentes, de sua experiência profissional e/ou suas representações sociais. Deste modo, este estudo buscou analisar as representações sociais de professores que atuam em escolas inclusivas da rede pública de ensino ...

  15. Passive and motivated perception of emotional faces: qualitative and quantitative changes in the face processing network.

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    Laurie R Skelly

    Full Text Available Emotionally expressive faces are processed by a distributed network of interacting sub-cortical and cortical brain regions. The components of this network have been identified and described in large part by the stimulus properties to which they are sensitive, but as face processing research matures interest has broadened to also probe dynamic interactions between these regions and top-down influences such as task demand and context. While some research has tested the robustness of affective face processing by restricting available attentional resources, it is not known whether face network processing can be augmented by increased motivation to attend to affective face stimuli. Short videos of people expressing emotions were presented to healthy participants during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Motivation to attend to the videos was manipulated by providing an incentive for improved recall performance. During the motivated condition, there was greater coherence among nodes of the face processing network, more widespread correlation between signal intensity and performance, and selective signal increases in a task-relevant subset of face processing regions, including the posterior superior temporal sulcus and right amygdala. In addition, an unexpected task-related laterality effect was seen in the amygdala. These findings provide strong evidence that motivation augments co-activity among nodes of the face processing network and the impact of neural activity on performance. These within-subject effects highlight the necessity to consider motivation when interpreting neural function in special populations, and to further explore the effect of task demands on face processing in healthy brains.

  16. Measuring outcomes that matter to face-lift patients: development and validation of FACE-Q appearance appraisal scales and adverse effects checklist for the lower face and neck. (United States)

    Klassen, Anne F; Cano, Stefan J; Scott, Amie M; Pusic, Andrea L


    The FACE-Q is a new patient-reported outcome instrument to evaluate a range of outcomes for patients undergoing any type of facial cosmetic operation, minimally invasive cosmetic procedure, or facial injectable. This article describes the development and validation of FACE-Q scales relevant to face-lift patients. The FACE-Q was developed by following international guidelines for patient-reported outcome instrument development. For outcomes following a face lift, the authors developed five appearance appraisal scales (i.e., Satisfaction with Cheeks, Satisfaction with Lower Face and Jawline, Appraisal of Nasolabial Folds, Appraisal of Area Under the Chin, and Appraisal of the Neck) and an adverse effects checklist. A field test of these scales was performed in a sample of 225 face-lift patients, and were evaluated using both modern and traditional psychometric methods. The five FACE-Q appearance appraisal scales were found to be clinically meaningful, reliable, valid, and responsive to clinical change. These findings were supported by Rasch measurement theory analysis (e.g., overall chi-square values of p ≥ 0.18; Person Separation Index ≥ 0.88). Responsiveness analyses showed that patient scores for facial appearance improved significantly after treatment (p < 0.001); changes in scores were associated with moderate effect sizes (range effect size, 0.40 to 0.79; range standardized response mean, 0.37 to 0.69). Traditional psychometric statistics provided further support (e.g., Cronbach's alpha values ≥ 0.94) CONCLUSIONS:: The FACE-Q appearance appraisal scales are scientifically sound and clinically meaningful and can be used with the adverse effects checklist to measure patient-reported outcomes following a face lift.

  17. A literatura sobre necessidades de informação: uma análise a partir de artigos publicados no BrasilThe literature on information needs: an analysis from articles published in Brazil

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    Tatiana Hyodo


    Full Text Available Analisa os artigos publicados na revista “Ciência da Informação” nos últimos dez anos, através dos trabalhos que abordaram o tema “necessidades de informação dos usuários”, visando identificar a literatura que subsidiou pesquisas aplicadas bibliotecas e serviços de informação. O universo de estudo foi constituído de nove trabalhos publicados no periódico, e desses, foram analisadas as citações de quatro artigos, dentro do recorte proposto. As citações foram classificadas em quatro variáveis (tipologia, temporalidade, idioma e origem geográfica; destacam-se os documentos citados que abordavam temas relacionado ao assunto sobre “necessidades de informação”. Os resultados mostraram que as pesquisas publicadas no período se desenvolveram em torno dos usuários dos serviços de informação, acompanhando a mudança de paradigma ocorrida na área há pouco mais de 20 anos. A análise das citações demonstra uma alta utilização de literatura estrangeira, sobretudo de artigos publicados em periódicos americanos. Houve predomínio de citação a autores que abordaram as necessidades de informação com pesquisas aplicadas, através da realização de estudo de usuários de bibliotecas / serviços de informação especializados.It analyses the articles published in the scientific journal “Ciência da Informação” over the last ten years, through papers that addressed the issue “users information needs”. It aimed to identify the literature that subsidized applied research in libraries and information services. The universe of study was composed of nine articles published in the journal, and these were considered the citations of four articles within the proposed cut. The citations were classified into four variables (typology, temporality, language and geographical origin. It is cited documents that discuss issues related to the subject “information needs”. The results showed that researches published in

  18. Learning cardiopulmonary resuscitation theory with face-to-face versus audiovisual instruction for secondary school students: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Cerezo Espinosa, Cristina; Nieto Caballero, Sergio; Juguera Rodríguez, Laura; Castejón-Mochón, José Francisco; Segura Melgarejo, Francisca; Sánchez Martínez, Carmen María; López López, Carmen Amalia; Pardo Ríos, Manuel


    To compare secondary students' learning of basic life support (BLS) theory and the use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED) through face-to-face classroom instruction versus educational video instruction. A total of 2225 secondary students from 15 schools were randomly assigned to one of the following 5 instructional groups: 1) face-to-face instruction with no audiovisual support, 2) face-to-face instruction with audiovisual support, 3) audiovisual instruction without face-to-face instruction, 4) audiovisual instruction with face-to-face instruction, and 5) a control group that received no instruction. The students took a test of BLS and AED theory before instruction, immediately after instruction, and 2 months later. The median (interquartile range) scores overall were 2.33 (2.17) at baseline, 5.33 (4.66) immediately after instruction (Paudiovisual instruction for learning BLS and AED theory were found in secondary school students either immediately after instruction or 2 months later.

  19. Neurophysiological evidence (ERPs) for hemispheric processing of facial expressions of emotions: Evidence from whole face and chimeric face stimuli. (United States)

    Damaskinou, Nikoleta; Watling, Dawn


    This study was designed to investigate the patterns of electrophysiological responses of early emotional processing at frontocentral sites in adults and to explore whether adults' activation patterns show hemispheric lateralization for facial emotion processing. Thirty-five adults viewed full face and chimeric face stimuli. After viewing two faces, sequentially, participants were asked to decide which of the two faces was more emotive. The findings from the standard faces and the chimeric faces suggest that emotion processing is present during the early phases of face processing in the frontocentral sites. In particular, sad emotional faces are processed differently than neutral and happy (including happy chimeras) faces in these early phases of processing. Further, there were differences in the electrode amplitudes over the left and right hemisphere, particularly in the early temporal window. This research provides supporting evidence that the chimeric face test is a test of emotion processing that elicits right hemispheric processing.

  20. Dissociated neural basis of two behavioral hallmarks of holistic face processing: The whole-part effect and composite-face effect. (United States)

    Li, Jin; Huang, Lijie; Song, Yiying; Liu, Jia


    It has been long proposed that our extraordinary face recognition ability stems from holistic face processing. Two widely-used behavioral hallmarks of holistic face processing are the whole-part effect (WPE) and composite-face effect (CFE). However, it remains unknown whether these two effects reflect similar or different aspects of holistic face processing. Here we investigated this question by examining whether the WPE and CFE involved shared or distinct neural substrates in a large sample of participants (N=200). We found that the WPE and CFE showed hemispheric dissociation in the fusiform face area (FFA), that is, the WPE was correlated with face selectivity in the left FFA, while the CFE was correlated with face selectivity in the right FFA. Further, the correlation between the WPE and face selectivity was largely driven by the FFA response to faces, whereas the association between the CFE and face selectivity resulted from suppressed response to objects in the right FFA. Finally, we also observed dissociated correlation patterns of the WPE and CFE in other face-selective regions and across the whole brain. These results suggest that the WPE and CFE may reflect different aspects of holistic face processing, which shed new light on the behavioral dissociations of these two effects demonstrated in literature. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Gender-Based Prototype Formation in Face Recognition (United States)

    Baudouin, Jean-Yves; Brochard, Renaud


    The role of gender categories in prototype formation during face recognition was investigated in 2 experiments. The participants were asked to learn individual faces and then to recognize them. During recognition, individual faces were mixed with faces, which were blended faces of same or different genders. The results of the 2 experiments showed…

  2. All you need is Facebook friends? Associations between online and face-to-face friendships and health


    Lima, M. L.; Marques, S.; Muiños, G.; Camilo, C.


    WOS:000392847900002 (Nº de Acesso Web of Science) Positive social relations are known to have a beneficial impact on health, however, little is known about the links of health with online relationships. In this study, we compare face-to-face and virtual friendships in their association with health. By building on previous results of studies conducted on the well-being of college students, we expect to find stronger associations of face-to-face friendships with health than of those establis...

  3. Expression modeling for expression-invariant face recognition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haar, F.B. Ter; Veltkamp, R.C.


    Morphable face models have proven to be an effective tool for 3D face modeling and face recognition, but the extension to 3D face scans with expressions is still a challenge. The two main difficulties are (1) how to build a new morphable face model that deals with expressions, and (2) how to fit

  4. Investigating Face-to-Face Peer Interaction Patterns in a Collaborative Web Discovery Task: The Bene?ts of a Shared Display (United States)

    Chung, C-W.; Lee, C-C.; Liu, C-C.


    Mobile computers are now increasingly applied to facilitate face-to-face collaborative learning. However, the factors affecting face-to-face peer interactions are complex as they involve rich communication media. In particular, non-verbal interactions are necessary to convey critical communication messages in face-to-face communication. Through…

  5. Self-stigma and the intention to seek psychological help online compared to face-to-face. (United States)

    Wallin, Emma; Maathz, Pernilla; Parling, Thomas; Hursti, Timo


    The present study aims to investigate the impact of help-seeking self-stigma on the preference and intention to seek psychological treatment delivered online compared to face-to-face. This study uses survey data from two Swedish samples. Sample 1 consists of 267 students (78.7% women) with a mean age of 24.5 (SD = 6.1). Sample 2 consists of 195 primary care patients (56.9% women) with a mean age of 45.3 (SD = 17.7). The number of participants who preferred online treatment was higher if seeking psychological help for a perceived stigmatized problem compared to mental health problems in general. The odds ratios for choosing treatment online over face-to-face were 6.41, 95% CI [4.05, 10.14] in Sample 1 and 11.19, 95% CI [5.29, 23.67] in Sample 2. In addition, findings suggest that higher levels of help-seeking self-stigma predicted higher intention to seek treatment online compared to face-to-face. Our results suggest that online interventions may facilitate help-seeking among individuals deterred by stigma. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Implicit face prototype learning from geometric information. (United States)

    Or, Charles C-F; Wilson, Hugh R


    There is evidence that humans implicitly learn an average or prototype of previously studied faces, as the unseen face prototype is falsely recognized as having been learned (Solso & McCarthy, 1981). Here we investigated the extent and nature of face prototype formation where observers' memory was tested after they studied synthetic faces defined purely in geometric terms in a multidimensional face space. We found a strong prototype effect: The basic results showed that the unseen prototype averaged from the studied faces was falsely identified as learned at a rate of 86.3%, whereas individual studied faces were identified correctly 66.3% of the time and the distractors were incorrectly identified as having been learned only 32.4% of the time. This prototype learning lasted at least 1 week. Face prototype learning occurred even when the studied faces were further from the unseen prototype than the median variation in the population. Prototype memory formation was evident in addition to memory formation of studied face exemplars as demonstrated in our models. Additional studies showed that the prototype effect can be generalized across viewpoints, and head shape and internal features separately contribute to prototype formation. Thus, implicit face prototype extraction in a multidimensional space is a very general aspect of geometric face learning. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Patterns of feelings in face to face negotiation: a Sino-Dutch pilot study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ulijn, J.M.; Rutkowski, A.F.; Kumar, Rajesh; Zhu, Y.


    We conducted a pilot study to compare the emotions experienced by Dutch and Chinese students during a face-to-face negotiation role play. Emotions play an important role in negotiations because they influence the behaviour and judgments of negotiators The Data Printer case developed by Greenhalgh

  8. Our Faces in the Dog's Brain: Functional Imaging Reveals Temporal Cortex Activation during Perception of Human Faces.

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    Laura V Cuaya

    Full Text Available Dogs have a rich social relationship with humans. One fundamental aspect of it is how dogs pay close attention to human faces in order to guide their behavior, for example, by recognizing their owner and his/her emotional state using visual cues. It is well known that humans have specific brain regions for the processing of other human faces, yet it is unclear how dogs' brains process human faces. For this reason, our study focuses on describing the brain correlates of perception of human faces in dogs using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI. We trained seven domestic dogs to remain awake, still and unrestrained inside an MRI scanner. We used a visual stimulation paradigm with block design to compare activity elicited by human faces against everyday objects. Brain activity related to the perception of faces changed significantly in several brain regions, but mainly in the bilateral temporal cortex. The opposite contrast (i.e., everyday objects against human faces showed no significant brain activity change. The temporal cortex is part of the ventral visual pathway, and our results are consistent with reports in other species like primates and sheep, that suggest a high degree of evolutionary conservation of this pathway for face processing. This study introduces the temporal cortex as candidate to process human faces, a pillar of social cognition in dogs.

  9. Blended versus Face-to-Face: Evidence from a Graduate Corporate Finance Class (United States)

    Harjoto, Maretno Agus


    The author compared students' perceptions of prelecture videos replacing face-to-face (F2F) classes in blended and F2F graduate corporate finance classes. Using 176 anonymous survey responses from eight F2F and two blended classes during the 2014-2016 year, the author found that students in the blended classes had a greater belief that prelecture…

  10. Finding Support in Moodle: A Face-to-Face Chemistry Course for Engineers (United States)

    de Vega, Carolina Armijo; McAnally-Salas, Lewis


    The aim of this paper was to know the students' perceptions of using online support in a chemistry course. To achieve this objective, a qualitative research was conducted over a chemistry course that was imparted in a face-to-face modality using a LMS (learning management system) for on-line support. The supports available in the LMS were forums,…

  11. Self-esteem Modulates the P3 Component in Response to the Self-face Processing after Priming with Emotional Faces. (United States)

    Guan, Lili; Zhao, Yufang; Wang, Yige; Chen, Yujie; Yang, Juan


    The self-face processing advantage (SPA) refers to the research finding that individuals generally recognize their own face faster than another's face; self-face also elicits an enhanced P3 amplitude compared to another's face. It has been suggested that social evaluation threats could weaken the SPA and that self-esteem could be regarded as a threat buffer. However, little research has directly investigated the neural evidence of how self-esteem modulates the social evaluation threat to the SPA. In the current event-related potential study, 27 healthy Chinese undergraduate students were primed with emotional faces (angry, happy, or neutral) and were asked to judge whether the target face (self, friend, and stranger) was familiar or unfamiliar. Electrophysiological results showed that after priming with emotional faces (angry and happy), self-face elicited similar P3 amplitudes to friend-face in individuals with low self-esteem, but not in individuals with high self-esteem. The results suggest that as low self-esteem raises fears of social rejection and exclusion, priming with emotional faces (angry and happy) can weaken the SPA in low self-esteem individuals but not in high self-esteem individuals.

  12. Self-esteem Modulates the P3 Component in Response to the Self-face Processing after Priming with Emotional Faces

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    Lili Guan


    Full Text Available The self-face processing advantage (SPA refers to the research finding that individuals generally recognize their own face faster than another’s face; self-face also elicits an enhanced P3 amplitude compared to another’s face. It has been suggested that social evaluation threats could weaken the SPA and that self-esteem could be regarded as a threat buffer. However, little research has directly investigated the neural evidence of how self-esteem modulates the social evaluation threat to the SPA. In the current event-related potential study, 27 healthy Chinese undergraduate students were primed with emotional faces (angry, happy, or neutral and were asked to judge whether the target face (self, friend, and stranger was familiar or unfamiliar. Electrophysiological results showed that after priming with emotional faces (angry and happy, self-face elicited similar P3 amplitudes to friend-face in individuals with low self-esteem, but not in individuals with high self-esteem. The results suggest that as low self-esteem raises fears of social rejection and exclusion, priming with emotional faces (angry and happy can weaken the SPA in low self-esteem individuals but not in high self-esteem individuals.

  13. Face Engagement during Infancy Predicts Later Face Recognition Ability in Younger Siblings of Children with Autism (United States)

    de Klerk, Carina C. J. M.; Gliga, Teodora; Charman, Tony; Johnson, Mark H.


    Face recognition difficulties are frequently documented in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It has been hypothesized that these difficulties result from a reduced interest in faces early in life, leading to decreased cortical specialization and atypical development of the neural circuitry for face processing. However, a recent study…


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    Ana Maria Oliveira de Souza, CEULM/ULBRA, Brasil


    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente texto tem por objetivo relacionar a síndrome da alienação parental, o falso abuso sexual e a guarda compartilhada partindo, para tanto, de uma perspectiva transdisciplinar. Visa-se, assim, desvelar noções que são comuns tanto ao Direito como a Psicologia a partir de uma perspectiva diferenciada. Especificamente, busca-se observar tanto aspectos jus-normativos, como a postura psicossocial que cristaliza a alienação parental, observando seus efeitos, sobretudo, em relação ao falso abuso sexual e a guarda compartilhada. Com efeito, as consequências da alienação parental tornam-se mais radicalizadas e universalizadas em um contexto de modernidade tardia, trazendo a necessidade de uma análise que parta de um prisma complexo, que não obstrua as relações de solidariedade existentes entre o Direito e a Psicologia. Palavras-chave: Direito. Transdisciplinaridade. Alienação Parental. Falso Abuso Sexual. Guarda Compartilhada.

  15. A model for production, perception, and acquisition of actions in face-to-face communication. (United States)

    Kröger, Bernd J; Kopp, Stefan; Lowit, Anja


    The concept of action as basic motor control unit for goal-directed movement behavior has been used primarily for private or non-communicative actions like walking, reaching, or grasping. In this paper, literature is reviewed indicating that this concept can also be used in all domains of face-to-face communication like speech, co-verbal facial expression, and co-verbal gesturing. Three domain-specific types of actions, i.e. speech actions, facial actions, and hand-arm actions, are defined in this paper and a model is proposed that elucidates the underlying biological mechanisms of action production, action perception, and action acquisition in all domains of face-to-face communication. This model can be used as theoretical framework for empirical analysis or simulation with embodied conversational agents, and thus for advanced human-computer interaction technologies.

  16. Attitudes toward Face-to-Face and Online Counseling: Roles of Self-Concealment, Openness to Experience, Loss of Face, Stigma, and Disclosure Expectations among Korean College Students (United States)

    Bathje, Geoff J.; Kim, Eunha; Rau, Ellen; Bassiouny, Muhammad Adam; Kim, Taehoon


    This study examined attitudes toward face-to-face (f2f) and online counseling among 228 Korean college students. In addition, it tested a hypothesized model proposing that general propensities (i.e., self-concealment, openness to experience, and loss of face) would influence counseling-specific expectations (i.e., self-stigma and disclosure…

  17. Blending Face-to-Face and Internet-Based Interventions for the Treatment of Mental Disorders in Adults: Systematic Review. (United States)

    Erbe, Doris; Eichert, Hans-Christoph; Riper, Heleen; Ebert, David Daniel


    Many studies have provided evidence for the effectiveness of Internet-based stand-alone interventions for mental disorders. A newer form of intervention combines the strengths of face-to-face (f2f) and Internet approaches (blended interventions). The aim of this review was to provide an overview of (1) the different formats of blended treatments for adults, (2) the stage of treatment in which these are applied, (3) their objective in combining face-to-face and Internet-based approaches, and (4) their effectiveness. Studies on blended concepts were identified through systematic searches in the MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Cochrane, and PubMed databases. Keywords included terms indicating face-to-face interventions ("inpatient," "outpatient," "face-to-face," or "residential treatment"), which were combined with terms indicating Internet treatment ("internet," "online," or "web") and terms indicating mental disorders ("mental health," "depression," "anxiety," or "substance abuse"). We focused on three of the most common mental disorders (depression, anxiety, and substance abuse). We identified 64 publications describing 44 studies, 27 of which were randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Results suggest that, compared with stand-alone face-to-face therapy, blended therapy may save clinician time, lead to lower dropout rates and greater abstinence rates of patients with substance abuse, or help maintain initially achieved changes within psychotherapy in the long-term effects of inpatient therapy. However, there is a lack of comparative outcome studies investigating the superiority of the outcomes of blended treatments in comparison with classic face-to-face or Internet-based treatments, as well as of studies identifying the optimal ratio of face-to-face and Internet sessions. Several studies have shown that, for common mental health disorders, blended interventions are feasible and can be more effective compared with no treatment controls. However, more RCTs on effectiveness and

  18. Mulheres idosas: desvelando suas vivências e necessidades de cuidado Mujeres ancianas: revelando sus experiencias y necesidades de cuidado Elderly women: revealing their experiences and care needs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miriam Aparecida Barbosa Merighi


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo com abordagem da fenomenologia social que objetivou a compreensão da vivência da mulher idosa, suas necessidades de cuidado e expectativas nesse período da vida. Participaram nove mulheres, cujos depoimentos foram obtidos de fevereiro a maio de 2011, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. A mulher idosa refere limitações de ordem física, mental e social, e valoriza a preservação de sua autonomia nas atividades diárias e no cuidado consigo mesma. Refere a família como suporte fundamental e tem expectativas e necessidades de se manter saudável, da busca pelo lazer e de ter melhor acesso aos serviços de saúde para receber informações e atendimento qualificado. Nessa fase, a ausência de perspectivas relaciona-se à perda de pessoas significativas e da saúde. Este estudo revelou facetas da vivência da mulher idosa, suscitando novas investigações e a adequação do ensino, prática e gestão às reais necessidades dessa mulher.Estudio cualitativo con abordaje de fenomenología social, objetivando comprender la experiencia de la mujer anciana, sus necesidades de cuidado y expectativas en dicho período. Participaron nueve mujeres, cuyos testimonios fueron obtenidos de febrero a mayo de 2011 mediante entrevista semiestructurada. La mujer anciana refiere limitaciones de orden físico, mental y social, y valoriza la preservación de su autonomía en las actividades diarias en el cuidado de sí misma. Determina a la familia como soporte fundamental, tiene expectativas y necesidades de mantenerse saludable, adhiere a actividades recreativas y busca mejor acceso a servicios de salud, para recibir información y atención calificada. En esta fase, la ausencia de perspectivas se relaciona a la perdida de personas cercanas y de la salud. El estudio reveló facetas de la experiencia de la mujer anciana, sugiriendo nuevas investigaciones y la adecuación de la enseñanza, práctica y gestión a las reales necesidades de

  19. Face perception in the mind's eye. (United States)

    Righart, Ruthger; Burra, Nicolas; Vuilleumier, Patrik


    Perceptual filling-in occurs when visual stimuli are recognized in impoverished viewing conditions. Whether missing information is filled-in during face perception and which stages might be involved in this process are still unresolved questions. Because an identity can be brought to mind by seeing eyes only, we hypothesized that missing information might be filled-in from a memory trace for the whole face identity. We presented participants with faces in phase 1 and later we presented eyes-only in phase 2. For some of these eyes in phase 2, the whole face had been presented in the previous phase, for others identical eyes had been presented. Event-related potentials (ERPs) revealed an N170 component that was more negative when eyes were preceded by a whole face in the previous phase compared to eyes preceded by identical eyes-only. A more positive-going late positive complex (LPC) was also found, suggesting enhanced retrieval of face memory representations when eyes were preceded by whole faces. Our results show that pre-existing representations of face identity can influence early stages of visual encoding, 170 ms after stimulus onset. These effects may reflect top-down modulation by memory on visual recognition processes by filling-in the missing facial information.

  20. Clustering Millions of Faces by Identity. (United States)

    Otto, Charles; Wang, Dayong; Jain, Anil K


    Given a large collection of unlabeled face images, we address the problem of clustering faces into an unknown number of identities. This problem is of interest in social media, law enforcement, and other applications, where the number of faces can be of the order of hundreds of million, while the number of identities (clusters) can range from a few thousand to millions. To address the challenges of run-time complexity and cluster quality, we present an approximate Rank-Order clustering algorithm that performs better than popular clustering algorithms (k-Means and Spectral). Our experiments include clustering up to 123 million face images into over 10 million clusters. Clustering results are analyzed in terms of external (known face labels) and internal (unknown face labels) quality measures, and run-time. Our algorithm achieves an F-measure of 0.87 on the LFW benchmark (13 K faces of 5,749 individuals), which drops to 0.27 on the largest dataset considered (13 K faces in LFW + 123M distractor images). Additionally, we show that frames in the YouTube benchmark can be clustered with an F-measure of 0.71. An internal per-cluster quality measure is developed to rank individual clusters for manual exploration of high quality clusters that are compact and isolated.

  1. Face Recognition in Humans and Machines (United States)

    O'Toole, Alice; Tistarelli, Massimo

    The study of human face recognition by psychologists and neuroscientists has run parallel to the development of automatic face recognition technologies by computer scientists and engineers. In both cases, there are analogous steps of data acquisition, image processing, and the formation of representations that can support the complex and diverse tasks we accomplish with faces. These processes can be understood and compared in the context of their neural and computational implementations. In this chapter, we present the essential elements of face recognition by humans and machines, taking a perspective that spans psychological, neural, and computational approaches. From the human side, we overview the methods and techniques used in the neurobiology of face recognition, the underlying neural architecture of the system, the role of visual attention, and the nature of the representations that emerges. From the computational side, we discuss face recognition technologies and the strategies they use to overcome challenges to robust operation over viewing parameters. Finally, we conclude the chapter with a look at some recent studies that compare human and machine performances at face recognition.

  2. An Introduction to Face Recognition Technology

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    Shang-Hung Lin


    Full Text Available Recently face recognition is attracting much attention in the society of network multimedia information access.  Areas such as network security, content indexing and retrieval, and video compression benefits from face recognition technology because "people" are the center of attention in a lot of video.  Network access control via face recognition not only makes hackers virtually impossible to steal one's "password", but also increases the user-friendliness in human-computer interaction.  Indexing and/or retrieving video data based on the appearances of particular persons will be useful for users such as news reporters, political scientists, and moviegoers.  For the applications of videophone and teleconferencing, the assistance of face recognition also provides a more efficient coding scheme.  In this paper, we give an introductory course of this new information processing technology.  The paper shows the readers the generic framework for the face recognition system, and the variants that are frequently encountered by the face recognizer.  Several famous face recognition algorithms, such as eigenfaces and neural networks, will also be explained.

  3. Tactile band : accessing gaze signals from the sighted in face-to-face communication

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Qiu, S.; Rauterberg, G.W.M.; Hu, J.


    Gaze signals, frequently used by the sighted in social interactions as visual cues, are hardly accessible for low-vision and blind people. A concept is proposed to help the blind people access and react to gaze signals in face-to-face communication. 20 blind and low-vision participants were

  4. Model-driven gaze simulation for the blind person in face-to-face communication

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Qiu, S.; Anas, S.A.B.; Osawa, H.; Rauterberg, G.W.M.; Hu, J.


    In face-to-face communication, eye gaze is integral to a conversation to supplement verbal language. The sighted often uses eye gaze to convey nonverbal information in social interactions, which a blind conversation partner cannot access and react to them. In this paper, we present E-Gaze glasses

  5. A Comparison of Organizational Structure and Pedagogical Approach: Online versus Face-to-Face (United States)

    McFarlane, Donovan A.


    This paper examines online versus face-to-face organizational structure and pedagogy in terms of education and the teaching and learning process. The author distinguishes several important terms related to distance/online/e-learning, virtual learning and brick-and-mortar learning interactions and concepts such as asynchronous and synchronous…

  6. When a face type is perceived as threatening: Using general recognition theory to understand biased categorization of Afrocentric faces. (United States)

    Kleider-Offutt, Heather M; Bond, Alesha D; Williams, Sarah E; Bohil, Corey J


    Prior research indicates that stereotypical Black faces (e.g., wide nose, full lips: Afrocentric) are often associated with crime and violence. The current study investigated whether stereotypical faces may bias the interpretation of facial expression to seem threatening. Stimuli were prerated by face type (stereotypical, nonstereotypical) and expression (neutral, threatening). Later in a forced-choice task, different participants categorized face stimuli as stereotypical or not and threatening or not. Regardless of prerated expression, stereotypical faces were judged as more threatening than were nonstereotypical faces. These findings were supported using computational models based on general recognition theory (GRT), indicating that decision boundaries were more biased toward the threatening response for stereotypical faces than for nonstereotypical faces. GRT analysis also indicated that perception of face stereotypicality and emotional expression are dependent, both across categories and within individual categories. Higher perceived stereotypicality predicts higher perception of threat, and, conversely, higher ratings of threat predict higher perception of stereotypicality. Implications for racial face-type bias influencing perception and decision-making in a variety of social and professional contexts are discussed.

  7. Measurement and visualization of face-to-face interaction among community-dwelling older adults using wearable sensors. (United States)

    Masumoto, Kouhei; Yaguchi, Takaharu; Matsuda, Hiroshi; Tani, Hideaki; Tozuka, Keisuke; Kondo, Narihiko; Okada, Shuichi


    A number of interventions have been undertaken to develop and promote social networks among community-dwelling older adults. However, it has been difficult to examine the effects of these interventions, because of problems in assessing interactions. The present study was designed to quantitatively measure and visualize face-to-face interactions among elderly participants in an exercise program. We also examined relationships among interactional variables, personality and interest in community involvement, including interactions with the local community. Older adults living in the same community were recruited to participate in an exercise program that consisted of four sessions. We collected data on face-to-face interactions of the participants by using a wearable sensor technology device. Network analysis identified the communication networks of participants in the exercise program, as well as changes in these networks. Additionally, there were significant correlations between the number of people involved in face-to-face interactions and changes in both interest in community involvement and interactions with local community residents, as well as personality traits, including agreeableness. Social networks in the community are essential for solving problems caused by the aging society. We showed the possible applications of face-to-face interactional data for identifying core participants having many interactions, and isolated participants having only a few interactions within the community. Such data would be useful for carrying out efficient interventions for increasing participants' involvement with their community. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2017; 17: 1752-1758. © 2017 Japan Geriatrics Society.

  8. Behavioural and neurophysiological evidence for face identity and face emotion processing in animals (United States)

    Tate, Andrew J; Fischer, Hanno; Leigh, Andrea E; Kendrick, Keith M


    Visual cues from faces provide important social information relating to individual identity, sexual attraction and emotional state. Behavioural and neurophysiological studies on both monkeys and sheep have shown that specialized skills and neural systems for processing these complex cues to guide behaviour have evolved in a number of mammals and are not present exclusively in humans. Indeed, there are remarkable similarities in the ways that faces are processed by the brain in humans and other mammalian species. While human studies with brain imaging and gross neurophysiological recording approaches have revealed global aspects of the face-processing network, they cannot investigate how information is encoded by specific neural networks. Single neuron electrophysiological recording approaches in both monkeys and sheep have, however, provided some insights into the neural encoding principles involved and, particularly, the presence of a remarkable degree of high-level encoding even at the level of a specific face. Recent developments that allow simultaneous recordings to be made from many hundreds of individual neurons are also beginning to reveal evidence for global aspects of a population-based code. This review will summarize what we have learned so far from these animal-based studies about the way the mammalian brain processes the faces and the emotions they can communicate, as well as associated capacities such as how identity and emotion cues are dissociated and how face imagery might be generated. It will also try to highlight what questions and advances in knowledge still challenge us in order to provide a complete understanding of just how brain networks perform this complex and important social recognition task. PMID:17118930

  9. Online supervision at the university - A comparative study of supervision on student assignments face-to-face and online

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    Søren Smedegaard Bengtsen


    Full Text Available Through an empirical study of supervision on student assignments at the university across face-to-face and online settings, we show firstly the limiting implications of traditional dichotomies between face-to-face and online supervision. Secondly we show that more attention must be given to the way different digital tools influence the supervisory dialogue. These findings illustrate a form of ‘torn pedagogy’; that online tools and platforms destabilize and tear traditional understandings of supervision pedagogy apart. Also we forge a new concept of “format supervision” that enables supervisors to understand and reflect their supervision practice as a deliberate choice between face-to-face and online formats.

  10. Online supervision at the university - A comparative study of supervision on student assignments face-to-face and online

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    Søren Smedegaard Bengtsen


    Full Text Available Through an empirical study of supervision on student assignments at the university across face-to-face and online settings, we show firstly the limiting implications of traditional dichotomies between face-to-face and online supervision. Secondly we show that more attention must be given to the way different digital tools influence the supervisory dialogue. These findings illustrate a form of ‘torn pedagogy’; that online tools and platforms destabilize and tear traditional understandings of supervision pedagogy apart. Also we forge a new concept of “format supervision” that enables supervisors to understand and reflect their supervision practice as a deliberate choice between face-to-face and online formats.

  11. Segurança emocional como necessidade humana básica: atuação do enfermeiro junto ao cliente em unidade de terapia intensiva

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    Teresinha de Jesus Monteiro Espírito Santo


    Full Text Available Pesquisa descritiva exploratória que se propõe a investigara atuação do enfermeiro da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, referenciando como este identifica, diagnostica e resolve os problemas ligados à segurança emocional dos clientes internados. O estudo abrangeu vinte e oito enfermeiros e dez clientes das unidades de três hospitais da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A técnica adotada para pesquisa consistiu da observação sistemática não participada. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os procedimentos terapêuticos dominantes recaem sobre alterações físicas em detrimento do emocional, evidenciando que o enfermeiro, ao distanciar-se de uma atuação holística, acarretará sérios prejuízos na assistência destes clientes, cuja necessidade humana básica afetada é predominantemente relacionada à segurança emocional.

  12. Gruppenleistungen beim Review von Multiple-Choice-Fragen - Ein Vergleich von face-to-face und virtuellen Gruppen mit und ohne Moderation [Review of multiple-choice-questions and group performance - A comparison of face-to-face and virtual groups with and without facilitation

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    Schüttpelz-Brauns, Katrin


    Full Text Available [english] Background: Multiple choice questions (MCQs are often used in exams of medical education and need careful quality management for example by the application of review committees. This study investigates whether groups communicating virtually by email are similar to face-to-face groups concerning their review process performance and whether a facilitator has positive effects.Methods: 16 small groups of students were examined, which had to evaluate and correct MCQs under four different conditions. In the second part of the investigation the changed questions were given to a new random sample for the judgement of the item quality.Results: There was no significant influence of the variables “form of review committee” and “facilitation”. However, face-to-face and virtual groups clearly differed in the required treatment times. The test condition “face to face without facilitation” was generally valued most positively concerning taking over responsibility, approach to work, sense of well-being, motivation and concentration on the task.Discussion: Face-to-face and virtual groups are equally effective in the review of MCQs but differ concerning their efficiency. The application of electronic review seems to be possible but is hardly recommendable because of the long process time and technical problems.[german] Einleitung: Multiple-Choice-Fragen (MCF werden in vielen Prüfungen der medizinischen Ausbildung verwendet und bedürfen aus diesem Grund einer sorgfältigen Qualitätssicherung, beispielsweise durch den Einsatz von Review-Komitees. Anhand der vorliegenden empirischen Studie soll erforscht werden, ob virtuell per E-Mail kommunizierende Review-Komitees vergleichbar sind mit face-to-face Review-Komitees hinsichtlich ihrer Leistung beim Review-Prozess und ob sich Moderation positiv auswirkt.Methodik: 16 Kleingruppen von Psychologie-Studenten hatten die Aufgabe unter vier verschiedenen Versuchsbedingungen MCF zu bewerten und zu

  13. Are Max-Specified Infant Facial Expressions during Face-to-Face Interaction Consistent with Differential Emotions Theory? (United States)

    Matias, Reinaldo; Cohn, Jeffrey F.


    Examined infant facial expressions at two, four, and six months of age during face-to-face play and a still-face interaction with their mothers. Contrary to differential emotions theory, at no age did proportions or durations of discrete and blended negative expressions differ; they also showed different patterns of developmental change. (MM)

  14. Face-to-face Tobacco Sales: What Retailers Need to Know PSA (:30)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    PSA to help raise retailers' awareness of the new federal tobacco regulations related to the sale of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products to people under 18 and the requirement to sell products face-to-face.  Created: 9/30/2010 by The CDC Division of News and Electronic Media and the FDA Center for Tobacco Products.   Date Released: 9/30/2010.

  15. Older but not younger infants associate own-race faces with happy music and other-race faces with sad music. (United States)

    Xiao, Naiqi G; Quinn, Paul C; Liu, Shaoying; Ge, Liezhong; Pascalis, Olivier; Lee, Kang


    We used a novel intermodal association task to examine whether infants associate own- and other-race faces with music of different emotional valences. Three- to 9-month-olds saw a series of neutral own- or other-race faces paired with happy or sad musical excerpts. Three- to 6-month-olds did not show any specific association between face race and music. At 9 months, however, infants looked longer at own-race faces paired with happy music than at own-race faces paired with sad music. Nine-month-olds also looked longer at other-race faces paired with sad music than at other-race faces paired with happy music. These results indicate that infants with nearly exclusive own-race face experience develop associations between face race and music emotional valence in the first year of life. The potential implications of such associations for developing racial biases in early childhood are discussed. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Comparing Learning Outcomes of Blended Learning and Traditional Face-to-Face Learning of University Students in ESL Courses (United States)

    Zhang, Wei; Zhu, Chang


    Combining elements of online and face-to-face education, blended learning is emerging as an important teaching and learning model in higher education. In order to examine the effectiveness of blended learning, as compared to the traditional face-to-face learning mode, this research investigated the learning outcomes of students following English…

  17. PrimeFaces beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Reddy, K Siva Prasad


    A guide for beginner's with step-by-step instructions and an easy-to-follow approach.PrimeFaces Beginners Guide is a simple and effective guide for beginners, wanting to learn and implement PrimeFaces in their JSF-based applications. Some basic JSF and jQuery skills are required before you start working through the book.

  18. Face Verification for Mobile Personal Devices

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tao, Q.


    In this thesis, we presented a detailed study of the face verification problem on the mobile device, covering every component of the system. The study includes face detection, registration, normalization, and verification. Furthermore, the information fusion problem is studied to verify face

  19. Invariant Face recognition Using Infrared Images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zahran, E.G.


    Over the past few decades, face recognition has become a rapidly growing research topic due to the increasing demands in many applications of our daily life such as airport surveillance, personal identification in law enforcement, surveillance systems, information safety, securing financial transactions, and computer security. The objective of this thesis is to develop a face recognition system capable of recognizing persons with a high recognition capability, low processing time, and under different illumination conditions, and different facial expressions. The thesis presents a study for the performance of the face recognition system using two techniques; the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and the Zernike Moments (ZM). The performance of the recognition system is evaluated according to several aspects including the recognition rate, and the processing time. Face recognition systems that use visual images are sensitive to variations in the lighting conditions and facial expressions. The performance of these systems may be degraded under poor illumination conditions or for subjects of various skin colors. Several solutions have been proposed to overcome these limitations. One of these solutions is to work in the Infrared (IR) spectrum. IR images have been suggested as an alternative source of information for detection and recognition of faces, when there is little or no control over lighting conditions. This arises from the fact that these images are formed due to thermal emissions from skin, which is an intrinsic property because these emissions depend on the distribution of blood vessels under the skin. On the other hand IR face recognition systems still have limitations with temperature variations and recognition of persons wearing eye glasses. In this thesis we will fuse IR images with visible images to enhance the performance of face recognition systems. Images are fused using the wavelet transform. Simulation results show that the fusion of visible and

  20. A regional composite-face effect for species-specific recognition: Upper and lower halves play different roles in holistic processing of monkey faces. (United States)

    Wang, Zhe; Quinn, Paul C; Jin, Haiyang; Sun, Yu-Hao P; Tanaka, James W; Pascalis, Olivier; Lee, Kang


    Using a composite-face paradigm, we examined the holistic processing induced by Asian faces, Caucasian faces, and monkey faces with human Asian participants in two experiments. In Experiment 1, participants were asked to judge whether the upper halves of two faces successively presented were the same or different. A composite-face effect was found for Asian faces and Caucasian faces, but not for monkey faces. In Experiment 2, participants were asked to judge whether the lower halves of the two faces successively presented were the same or different. A composite-face effect was found for monkey faces as well as for Asian faces and Caucasian faces. Collectively, these results reveal that own-species (i.e., own-race and other-race) faces engage holistic processing in both upper and lower halves of the face, but other-species (i.e., monkey) faces engage holistic processing only when participants are asked to match the lower halves of the face. The findings are discussed in the context of a region-based holistic processing account for the species-specific effect in face recognition. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Who are you looking at? The influence of face gender on visual attention and memory for own- and other-race faces. (United States)

    Lovén, Johanna; Rehnman, Jenny; Wiens, Stefan; Lindholm, Torun; Peira, Nathalie; Herlitz, Agneta


    Previous research suggests that the own-race bias (ORB) in memory for faces is a result of other-race faces receiving less visual attention at encoding. As women typically display an own-gender bias in memory for faces and men do not, we investigated whether face gender and sex of viewer influenced visual attention and memory for own- and other-race faces, and if preferential viewing of own-race faces contributed to the ORB in memory. Participants viewed pairs of female or male own- and other-race faces while their viewing time was recorded. Afterwards, they completed a surprise memory test. We found that (1) other-race males received the initial focus of attention, (2) own-race faces were viewed longer than other-race faces over time, although the difference was larger for female faces, and (3) even though longer viewing time increased the probability of remembering a face, it did not explain the magnified ORB in memory for female faces. Importantly, these findings highlight that face gender moderates attentional responses to and memory for own- and other-race faces.

  2. The hierarchical brain network for face recognition. (United States)

    Zhen, Zonglei; Fang, Huizhen; Liu, Jia


    Numerous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have identified multiple cortical regions that are involved in face processing in the human brain. However, few studies have characterized the face-processing network as a functioning whole. In this study, we used fMRI to identify face-selective regions in the entire brain and then explore the hierarchical structure of the face-processing network by analyzing functional connectivity among these regions. We identified twenty-five regions mainly in the occipital, temporal and frontal cortex that showed a reliable response selective to faces (versus objects) across participants and across scan sessions. Furthermore, these regions were clustered into three relatively independent sub-networks in a face-recognition task on the basis of the strength of functional connectivity among them. The functionality of the sub-networks likely corresponds to the recognition of individual identity, retrieval of semantic knowledge and representation of emotional information. Interestingly, when the task was switched to object recognition from face recognition, the functional connectivity between the inferior occipital gyrus and the rest of the face-selective regions were significantly reduced, suggesting that this region may serve as an entry node in the face-processing network. In sum, our study provides empirical evidence for cognitive and neural models of face recognition and helps elucidate the neural mechanisms underlying face recognition at the network level.

  3. Spatio-temporal dynamics and laterality effects of face inversion, feature presence and configuration, and face outline

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ksenija eMarinkovic


    Full Text Available Although a crucial role of the fusiform gyrus in face processing has been demonstrated with a variety of methods, converging evidence suggests that face processing involves an interactive and overlapping processing cascade in distributed brain areas. Here we examine the spatio-temporal stages and their functional tuning to face inversion, presence and configuration of inner features, and face contour in healthy subjects during passive viewing. Anatomically-constrained magnetoencephalography (aMEG combines high-density whole-head MEG recordings and distributed source modeling with high-resolution structural MRI. Each person's reconstructed cortical surface served to constrain noise-normalized minimum norm inverse source estimates. The earliest activity was estimated to the occipital cortex at ~100 ms after stimulus onset and was sensitive to an initial coarse level visual analysis. Activity in the right-lateralized ventral temporal area (inclusive of the fusiform gyrus peaked at ~160ms and was largest to inverted faces. Images containing facial features in the veridical and rearranged configuration irrespective of the facial outline elicited intermediate level activity. The M160 stage may provide structural representations necessary for downstream distributed areas to process identity and emotional expression. However, inverted faces additionally engaged the left ventral temporal area at ~180 ms and were uniquely subserved by bilateral processing. This observation is consistent with the dual route model and spared processing of inverted faces in prosopagnosia. The subsequent deflection, peaking at ~240ms in the anterior temporal areas bilaterally, was largest to normal, upright faces. It may reflect initial engagement of the distributed network subserving individuation and familiarity. These results support dynamic models suggesting that processing of unfamiliar faces in the absence of a cognitive task is subserved by a distributed and

  4. Solving the border control problem: evidence of enhanced face matching in individuals with extraordinary face recognition skills.


    Bobak, Anna K.; Dowsett, A.; Bate, Sarah


    Photographic identity documents (IDs) are commonly used despite clear evidence that unfamiliar face matching is a difficult and error-prone task. The current study set out to examine the performance of seven individuals with extraordinary face recognition memory, so called ?super recognisers? (SRs), on two face matching tasks resembling border control identity checks. In Experiment 1, the SRs as a group outperformed control participants on the ?Glasgow Face Matching Test?, and some case-by-ca...

  5. Face-to-Face vs On-Line: An Analysis of Profile, Learning, Performance and Satisfaction among Post Graduate Students (United States)

    Ortega-Maldonado, Alberto; Llorens, Susana; Acosta, Hedy; Coo, Cristián


    The aim of this study is to explore the differences between face-to-face and on-line students in a post graduate education program. The variables considered are Post Graduate Student's profile, competences and learning outcomes, academic performance and satisfaction. The sample was composed by 47 students (64% face-to-face). Analysis of variance…

  6. Similarity measures for face recognition

    CERN Document Server

    Vezzetti, Enrico


    Face recognition has several applications, including security, such as (authentication and identification of device users and criminal suspects), and in medicine (corrective surgery and diagnosis). Facial recognition programs rely on algorithms that can compare and compute the similarity between two sets of images. This eBook explains some of the similarity measures used in facial recognition systems in a single volume. Readers will learn about various measures including Minkowski distances, Mahalanobis distances, Hansdorff distances, cosine-based distances, among other methods. The book also summarizes errors that may occur in face recognition methods. Computer scientists "facing face" and looking to select and test different methods of computing similarities will benefit from this book. The book is also useful tool for students undertaking computer vision courses.

  7. An Interactive Mobile Lecturing Model: Enhancing Student Engagement with Face-to-Face Sessions (United States)

    Boyinbode, Olutayo; Ng'ambi, Dick; Bagula, Antoine


    Although use of podcasts and vodcasts are increasingly becoming popular in higher education, their use is usually unidirectional and therefore replicates the transmission mode of traditional face-to-face lectures. In this paper, the authors propose a tool, MOBILect, a mobile lecturing tool that enables users to comment on lecture vodcasts using…

  8. Learners' Willingness to Communicate in Face-to-Face versus Oral Computer-Mediated Communication (United States)

    Yanguas, Íñigo; Flores, Alayne


    The present study had two main goals: to explore performance differences in a task-based environment between face-to-face (FTF) and oral computer-mediated communication (OCMC) groups, and to investigate the relationship between trait-like willingness to communicate (WTC) and performance in the FTF and OCMC groups. Students from two intact…

  9. Student Performance in Online and Face-to-Face Microeconomics: Evidence from Adult Learners (United States)

    Medcalfe, Simon


    There have been few studies comparing student performance in online and face-to-face economics courses. Those studies that have been undertaken have concentrated on traditional students (18- to 22-year-olds). This paper examines student outcomes in an undergraduate course in microeconomics taught to non-traditional students (average age is 33…

  10. Analysis of the Questions Asked through Digital and Face-to-Face Reference Services (United States)

    Tsuji, Keita; Arai, Shunsuke; Suga, Reina; Ikeuchi, Atsushi; Yoshikane, Fuyuki


    In Japan, only a few public libraries provide e-mail reference services. To help public libraries start e-mail reference services, the authors investigated reference questions received by libraries via e-mail and traditional face-to-face services. The authors found that research questions are more frequently observed among e-mail questions and…

  11. Viés de gênero na notificação de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais Gender bias in notification of students with special needs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enicéia Gonçalves Mendes


    Full Text Available Por que os meninos são mais indicados do que as meninas como alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais por seus professores (proporção de 2/3 contra 1/3? Este estudo teve por objetivo comparar a descrição de professores de meninos e meninas identificados por eles como alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais. Os dados foram coletados a partir da coleção de 351 cadastros de alunos identificados como especiais. Esses cadastros fazem parte de um banco de dados iniciado em 2001 por um grupo de pesquisa e contém descrições espontâneas dos professores sobre as características das crianças que, segundo eles, justificavam a notificação. Tais descrições foram divididas em unidades de conteúdo e categorizadas. A freqüência em cada uma das categorias foi computada para os grupos, que foram divididos em função do gênero. Dos 351 cadastros, 66,1% referiam-se a crianças do sexo masculino, enquanto 33,9% eram de crianças do sexo feminino. A comparação da incidência das categorias nos dois grupos apontou como única diferença estatisticamente significativa: a indicação de meninos com base na categoria Problemas de Comportamento. Teorias explicativas existentes na literatura sobre viés de gênero na elegibilidade de meninos e meninas pelos seus respectivos professores são discutidas, bem como são apontadas as implicações científicas e a necessidade de mecanismos de monitoração deste tipo de viés que vem sendo sustentado pela área de Educação Especial e que contribuem para a construção de desigualdades sociais.Why are more boys than girls regarded by their teachers as being students with special needs (2 out of 3 are boys? This study aimed to compare teacher descriptions of boys and girls identified as students with special needs. Data were collected from the collection of 351 records of students identified by their teachers as special students. The records are part of a database initiated in 2001 by a

  12. Acessibilidade tecnológica e pedagógica na apropriação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação por pessoas com necessidades educacionais especiais


    Claudia Regina Uchôa de Lima


    Esta dissertação trata de uma investigação, no âmbito da Informática na Educação Especial no que se refere à acessibilidade às tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) utilizadas como apoio educacional por pessoas com necessidades educacionais especiais (PNEEs). Portanto, tem como objetivo estudar o campo da acessibilidade homem-computador e especificamente uma análise de recursos de acessibilidade técnico-pedagógicos para PNEEs e procura responder a seguinte questão desta pesquisa: “Que...

  13. Face to face interventions for informing or educating parents about early childhood vaccination. (United States)

    Kaufman, Jessica; Synnot, Anneliese; Ryan, Rebecca; Hill, Sophie; Horey, Dell; Willis, Natalie; Lin, Vivian; Robinson, Priscilla


    Childhood vaccination (also described as immunisation) is an important and effective way to reduce childhood illness and death. However, there are many children who do not receive the recommended vaccines because their parents do not know why vaccination is important, do not understand how, where or when to get their children vaccinated, disagree with vaccination as a public health measure, or have concerns about vaccine safety.Face to face interventions to inform or educate parents about routine childhood vaccination may improve vaccination rates and parental knowledge or understanding of vaccination. Such interventions may describe or explain the practical and logistical factors associated with vaccination, and enable parents to understand the meaning and relevance of vaccination for their family or community. To assess the effects of face to face interventions for informing or educating parents about early childhood vaccination on immunisation uptake and parental knowledge. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 7); MEDLINE (OvidSP) (1946 to July 2012); EMBASE + Embase Classic (OvidSP) (1947 to July 2012); CINAHL (EbscoHOST) (1981 to July 2012); PsycINFO (OvidSP) (1806 to July 2012); Global Health (CAB) (1910 to July 2012); Global Health Library (WHO) (searched July 2012); Google Scholar (searched September 2012), ISI Web of Science (searched September 2012) and reference lists of relevant articles. We searched for ongoing trials in The International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (searched August 2012) and for grey literature in The Grey Literature Report and OpenGrey (searched August 2012). We also contacted authors of included studies and experts in the field. There were no language or date restrictions. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and cluster RCTs evaluating the effects of face to face interventions delivered to individual parents or groups of parents to inform or educate

  14. About Face

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... not feeling better, you may have PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder). Watch the intro This is AboutFace In these videos, Veterans, family members, and clinicians share their experiences with PTSD ...

  15. Holistic face representation is highly orientation-specific. (United States)

    Rosenthal, Gideon; Levakov, Gidon; Avidan, Galia


    It has long been argued that face processing requires disproportionate reliance on holistic processing (HP), relative to that required for nonface object recognition. Nevertheless, whether the holistic nature of face perception is achieved via a unique internal representation or by the employment of an automated attention mechanism is still debated. Previous studies had used the face inversion effect (FIE), a unique face-processing marker, or the face composite task, a gold standard paradigm measuring holistic processing, to examine the validity of these two different hypotheses, with some studies combining the two paradigms. However, the results of such studies remain inconclusive, particularly pertaining to the issue of the two proposed HP mechanisms-an internal representation as opposed to an automated attention mechanism. Here, using the complete composite paradigm design, we aimed to examine whether face rotation yields a nonlinear or a linear drop in HP, thus supporting an account that face processing is based either on an orientation-dependent internal representation or on automated attention. Our results reveal that even a relatively small perturbation in face orientation (30 deg away from upright) already causes a sharp decline in HP. These findings support the face internal representation hypothesis and the notion that the holistic processing of faces is highly orientation-specific.

  16. Mapping the emotional face. How individual face parts contribute to successful emotion recognition.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Wegrzyn

    Full Text Available Which facial features allow human observers to successfully recognize expressions of emotion? While the eyes and mouth have been frequently shown to be of high importance, research on facial action units has made more precise predictions about the areas involved in displaying each emotion. The present research investigated on a fine-grained level, which physical features are most relied on when decoding facial expressions. In the experiment, individual faces expressing the basic emotions according to Ekman were hidden behind a mask of 48 tiles, which was sequentially uncovered. Participants were instructed to stop the sequence as soon as they recognized the facial expression and assign it the correct label. For each part of the face, its contribution to successful recognition was computed, allowing to visualize the importance of different face areas for each expression. Overall, observers were mostly relying on the eye and mouth regions when successfully recognizing an emotion. Furthermore, the difference in the importance of eyes and mouth allowed to group the expressions in a continuous space, ranging from sadness and fear (reliance on the eyes to disgust and happiness (mouth. The face parts with highest diagnostic value for expression identification were typically located in areas corresponding to action units from the facial action coding system. A similarity analysis of the usefulness of different face parts for expression recognition demonstrated that faces cluster according to the emotion they express, rather than by low-level physical features. Also, expressions relying more on the eyes or mouth region were in close proximity in the constructed similarity space. These analyses help to better understand how human observers process expressions of emotion, by delineating the mapping from facial features to psychological representation.

  17. Mapping the emotional face. How individual face parts contribute to successful emotion recognition (United States)

    Wegrzyn, Martin; Vogt, Maria; Kireclioglu, Berna; Schneider, Julia; Kissler, Johanna


    Which facial features allow human observers to successfully recognize expressions of emotion? While the eyes and mouth have been frequently shown to be of high importance, research on facial action units has made more precise predictions about the areas involved in displaying each emotion. The present research investigated on a fine-grained level, which physical features are most relied on when decoding facial expressions. In the experiment, individual faces expressing the basic emotions according to Ekman were hidden behind a mask of 48 tiles, which was sequentially uncovered. Participants were instructed to stop the sequence as soon as they recognized the facial expression and assign it the correct label. For each part of the face, its contribution to successful recognition was computed, allowing to visualize the importance of different face areas for each expression. Overall, observers were mostly relying on the eye and mouth regions when successfully recognizing an emotion. Furthermore, the difference in the importance of eyes and mouth allowed to group the expressions in a continuous space, ranging from sadness and fear (reliance on the eyes) to disgust and happiness (mouth). The face parts with highest diagnostic value for expression identification were typically located in areas corresponding to action units from the facial action coding system. A similarity analysis of the usefulness of different face parts for expression recognition demonstrated that faces cluster according to the emotion they express, rather than by low-level physical features. Also, expressions relying more on the eyes or mouth region were in close proximity in the constructed similarity space. These analyses help to better understand how human observers process expressions of emotion, by delineating the mapping from facial features to psychological representation. PMID:28493921

  18. 49 CFR 236.774 - Movement, facing. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Movement, facing. 236.774 Section 236.774 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION... Movement, facing. The movement of a train over the points of a switch which face in a direction opposite to...

  19. Teaching Time Investment: Does Online Really Take More Time than Face-to-Face? (United States)

    Van de Vord, Rebecca; Pogue, Korolyn


    Enrollments in online programs are growing, increasing demand for online courses. The perception that teaching online takes more time than teaching face-to-face creates concerns related to faculty workload. To date, the research on teaching time does not provide a clear answer as to the accuracy of this perception. This study was designed to…

  20. A Phenomenological Study of Teamwork in Online and Face-to-Face Student Teams (United States)

    Saghafian, Marzieh; O'Neill, D. Kevin


    Team-based projects are widely used in both traditional face-to-face and online programs in higher education. To date, the teamwork experiences of students in each modality have been documented primarily through evaluative research conducted over short spans of time and limited by a priori frameworks. The literature also reflects a lack of…

  1. Fostering participation in learning networks by using reward systems and face-to-face meetings

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hummel, Hans; Tattersall, Colin; Burgos, Daniel; Brouns, Francis; Koper, Rob


    Hummel, H. G. K., Tattersall, C., Burgos, D., Brouns, F. M. R., & Koper, E. J. R. (Submitted). Fostering participation in learning networks by using reward systems and face-to-face meetings. In Proceedings of ICALT 2006 Conference. July 5-7, Kerkrade, The Netherlands

  2. Social and emotional relevance in face processing: Happy faces of future interaction partners enhance the LPP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Florian eBublatzky


    Full Text Available Human face perception is modulated by both emotional valence and social relevance, but their interaction has rarely been examined. Event-related brain potentials (ERP to happy, neutral, and angry facial expressions with different degrees of social relevance were recorded. Social relevance was manipulated by presenting pictures of two specific face actors as future interaction partners (meet condition, whereas two other face actors remained non-relevant. As a further control condition all stimuli were presented without specific task instructions (passive viewing condition. A within-subject design (Facial Expression x Relevance x Task was implemented, where randomly ordered face stimuli of four actors (2 women, from the KDEF were presented for 1s to 26 participants (16 female. Results showed an augmented N170, early posterior negativity (EPN, and late positive potential (LPP for emotional in contrast to neutral facial expressions. Of particular interest, face processing varied as a function of instructed social relevance. Whereas the meet condition was accompanied with unspecific effects regardless of relevance (P1, EPN, viewing potential interaction partners was associated with increased LPP amplitudes. The LPP was specifically enhanced for happy facial expressions of the future interaction partners. This underscores that social relevance can impact face processing already at an early stage of visual processing. These findings are discussed within the framework of motivated attention and face processing theories.

  3. 76 FR 55835 - Non-Face-to-Face Sale and Distribution of Tobacco Products and Advertising, Promotion, and... (United States)


    ... Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing of Tobacco Products AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION...-to-face sale and distribution of tobacco products and the advertising, promotion, and marketing of... information related to non-face-to-face sale and distribution of tobacco products; the advertising, promotion...

  4. Interplay between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions: a study using mobile phone data. (United States)

    Calabrese, Francesco; Smoreda, Zbigniew; Blondel, Vincent D; Ratti, Carlo


    In this study we analyze one year of anonymized telecommunications data for over one million customers from a large European cellphone operator, and we investigate the relationship between people's calls and their physical location. We discover that more than 90% of users who have called each other have also shared the same space (cell tower), even if they live far apart. Moreover, we find that close to 70% of users who call each other frequently (at least once per month on average) have shared the same space at the same time--an instance that we call co-location. Co-locations appear indicative of coordination calls, which occur just before face-to-face meetings. Their number is highly predictable based on the amount of calls between two users and the distance between their home locations--suggesting a new way to quantify the interplay between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions.

  5. RGB-D-T based Face Recognition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nikisins, Olegs; Nasrollahi, Kamal; Greitans, Modris


    Facial images are of critical importance in many real-world applications from gaming to surveillance. The current literature on facial image analysis, from face detection to face and facial expression recognition, are mainly performed in either RGB, Depth (D), or both of these modalities. But......, such analyzes have rarely included Thermal (T) modality. This paper paves the way for performing such facial analyzes using synchronized RGB-D-T facial images by introducing a database of 51 persons including facial images of different rotations, illuminations, and expressions. Furthermore, a face recognition...... algorithm has been developed to use these images. The experimental results show that face recognition using such three modalities provides better results compared to face recognition in any of such modalities in most of the cases....

  6. The Functional Neuroanatomy of Human Face Perception. (United States)

    Grill-Spector, Kalanit; Weiner, Kevin S; Kay, Kendrick; Gomez, Jesse


    Face perception is critical for normal social functioning and is mediated by a network of regions in the ventral visual stream. In this review, we describe recent neuroimaging findings regarding the macro- and microscopic anatomical features of the ventral face network, the characteristics of white matter connections, and basic computations performed by population receptive fields within face-selective regions composing this network. We emphasize the importance of the neural tissue properties and white matter connections of each region, as these anatomical properties may be tightly linked to the functional characteristics of the ventral face network. We end by considering how empirical investigations of the neural architecture of the face network may inform the development of computational models and shed light on how computations in the face network enable efficient face perception.

  7. Aging changes in the face (United States)

    ... this page: // Aging changes in the face To use the sharing ... face with age References Brodie SE, Francis JH. Aging and disorders of the eye. In: Fillit HM, ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Fitze


    Full Text Available This study was a comparative investigation of face-to-face and written electronic conferences. The participants were advanced English as a second language (hereafter: ESL students. The two types of conferences were compared in terms of textual features and participation. There was no statistically significant difference in the total number of words that students produced in an equivalent amount of time in the two types of conferences. The discourse in written electronic conferences displayed greater lexical range, and students in these conferences produced more discourse demonstrating interactive competence. The statistically significant finding of increased lexical range in written electronic conferences persisted even when the interactive discourse was eliminated from the conference transcripts and the transcripts were reanalyzed. This finding suggests that, during written electronic conferences, students were better able to use and practice a wider range of vocabulary related to the topics. For one of the groups, participation in written electronic conferences was more balanced among students, while for the other group participation was about equally balanced regardless of the conference setting. This last finding came as a surprise and points to a need for further research into variables that might mediate balanced participation in face-to-face and written electronic conferences.

  9. Instrumento para identificação das necessidades do consumidor no processo de desenvolvimento do design: um estudo ilustrado com o projeto de um automóvel Instrument for identifying consumer needs in the design development process: the case of an automobile design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cleci Grzebieluckas


    Full Text Available A inovação é hoje uma das principais prioridades para o desenvolvimento de um novo produto e nela o design emerge com destaque, principalmente quando consegue encapsular as necessidades e preferências do usuário. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho objetiva construir um modelo para avaliar o grau de atendimento das necessidades de um usuário específico, quando da aquisição de um veículo para uso particular. Para alcançar este objetivo, utilizou-se a Metodologia Multicritério de Apoio à Decisão - Construtivista (MCDA-C, por suas potencialidades para identificar, organizar, mensurar e integrar os aspectos percebidos como importantes pelo usuário. Por meio de um estudo de caso com fontes de informações primárias não obstrutivas, variáveis quali-quantitativas e a visão de conhecimento construtivista, foi construído um modelo considerado representativo das percepções das necessidades e preferências pelo usuário.Innovation constitutes nowadays a major priority for the development of a new product, and it emerges with the design emphasis, especially when it includes consumer needs and preferences. This study aims to build a model to determine the extent to which the needs of a particular user are met when purchasing a vehicle for private use. To achieve this goal, the MCDA-C methodology was used for its potential to identify, organize, measure, and integrate the aspects identified as important by the user. Through a case study including primary information sources with no obstruction, qualitative and quantitative variables, and the constructivist view of knowledge, a user needs, preferences, and perceptions representative model was developed.

  10. About Face

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available Skip to Content Menu Closed (Tap to Open) Home Interviews Our Stories Search All Videos PTSD Basics PTSD Treatment What is AboutFace? Resources for Professionals Get Help Home Watch Interviews Our ...

  11. Face Detection and Face Recognition in Android Mobile Applications

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    Octavian DOSPINESCU


    Full Text Available The quality of the smartphone’s camera enables us to capture high quality pictures at a high resolution, so we can perform different types of recognition on these images. Face detection is one of these types of recognition that is very common in our society. We use it every day on Facebook to tag friends in our pictures. It is also used in video games alongside Kinect concept, or in security to allow the access to private places only to authorized persons. These are just some examples of using facial recognition, because in modern society, detection and facial recognition tend to surround us everywhere. The aim of this article is to create an appli-cation for smartphones that can recognize human faces. The main goal of this application is to grant access to certain areas or rooms only to certain authorized persons. For example, we can speak here of hospitals or educational institutions where there are rooms where only certain employees can enter. Of course, this type of application can cover a wide range of uses, such as helping people suffering from Alzheimer's to recognize the people they loved, to fill gaps persons who can’t remember the names of their relatives or for example to automatically capture the face of our own children when they smile.

  12. Face-to-Face or Distance Training: Two Different Approaches To Motivate SMEs to Learn. (United States)

    Lawless, Naomi; Allan, John; O'Dwyer, Michele


    Two approaches to training for small/medium-sized enterprises were compared: a British distance learning program and an Irish program offering face-to-face training for micro-enterprises. Both used constructivist, collaborative, and reflective methods. Advantages and disadvantages of each approach were identified. (SK)

  13. Active illumination and appearance model for face alignment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kahraman, Fatih; Gokmen, M.; Darkner, Sune


    Illumination conditions have an explicit effect on the performance of face recognition systems. In particular, varying the illumination upon the face imposes such, complex effects that the identification often fails to provide a stable performance level. In this paper, we propose an approach......, integrating face identity and illumination models in order to reach acceptable and stable face recognition rates. For this purpose, Active Appearance Model (A AM) and illumination model of faces are combined in order to obtain an illumination invariant face localization. The proposed method is an integrated......, is sufficient. There is no need to build complex models for illumination. As a result, this paper has presented a simple and efficient method for face modeling and face alignment in order to increase the performance of face localization by means of the proposed illumination invariant AIA method for face...

  14. In-person contact begets calling and texting: interpersonal motives for cell phone use, face-to-face interaction, and loneliness. (United States)

    Jin, Borae; Park, Namkee


    This study examined how cell-phone use is related to interpersonal motives for using cell phones, face-to-face communication, and loneliness. A survey of 232 college students who owned a cell phone revealed that affection and inclusion were relatively strong motivations for using voice calls and text messaging, and that interpersonal motives were positively related to the amount of cell-phone use, including calling and texting. The amount of face-to-face interaction was positively associated with the participants' cell-phone use and their interpersonal motives for using cell phones: the more the participants engaged in face-to-face interaction with other people, the higher their motives were and the more frequent cell-phone use was. Loneliness did not have a direct relation to cell-phone use. Instead, the participants with higher levels of loneliness were less likely to engage in face-to-face social interaction, which led them to use cell phones less and to be less motivated to use cell phones for interpersonal purposes.

  15. Holistic Processing of Static and Moving Faces (United States)

    Zhao, Mintao; Bülthoff, Isabelle


    Humans' face ability develops and matures with extensive experience in perceiving, recognizing, and interacting with faces that move most of the time. However, how facial movements affect 1 core aspect of face ability--holistic face processing--remains unclear. Here we investigated the influence of rigid facial motion on holistic and part-based…

  16. Effects of Synchronicity and Belongingness on Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Constructive Controversy (United States)

    Saltarelli, Andy J.; Roseth, Cary J.


    Adapting face-to-face (FTF) pedagogies to online settings raises boundary questions about the contextual conditions in which the same instructional method stimulates different outcomes. We address this issue by examining FTF and computer-mediated communication (CMC) versions of constructive controversy, a cooperative learning procedure involving…

  17. System for face recognition under expression variations of neutral-sampled individuals using recognized expression warping and a virtual expression-face database (United States)

    Petpairote, Chayanut; Madarasmi, Suthep; Chamnongthai, Kosin


    The practical identification of individuals using facial recognition techniques requires the matching of faces with specific expressions to faces from a neutral face database. A method for facial recognition under varied expressions against neutral face samples of individuals via recognition of expression warping and the use of a virtual expression-face database is proposed. In this method, facial expressions are recognized and the input expression faces are classified into facial expression groups. To aid facial recognition, the virtual expression-face database is sorted into average facial-expression shapes and by coarse- and fine-featured facial textures. Wrinkle information is also employed in classification by using a process of masking to adjust input faces to match the expression-face database. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method using the CMU multi-PIE, Cohn-Kanade, and AR expression-face databases, and we find that it provides significantly improved results in terms of face recognition accuracy compared to conventional methods and is acceptable for facial recognition under expression variation.

  18. The Cambridge Face Memory Test for Children (CFMT-C): a new tool for measuring face recognition skills in childhood. (United States)

    Croydon, Abigail; Pimperton, Hannah; Ewing, Louise; Duchaine, Brad C; Pellicano, Elizabeth


    Face recognition ability follows a lengthy developmental course, not reaching maturity until well into adulthood. Valid and reliable assessments of face recognition memory ability are necessary to examine patterns of ability and disability in face processing, yet there is a dearth of such assessments for children. We modified a well-known test of face memory in adults, the Cambridge Face Memory Test (Duchaine & Nakayama, 2006, Neuropsychologia, 44, 576-585), to make it developmentally appropriate for children. To establish its utility, we administered either the upright or inverted versions of the computerised Cambridge Face Memory Test - Children (CFMT-C) to 401 children aged between 5 and 12 years. Our results show that the CFMT-C is sufficiently sensitive to demonstrate age-related gains in the recognition of unfamiliar upright and inverted faces, does not suffer from ceiling or floor effects, generates robust inversion effects, and is capable of detecting difficulties in face memory in children diagnosed with autism. Together, these findings indicate that the CFMT-C constitutes a new valid assessment tool for children's face recognition skills. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Prevalence of face recognition deficits in middle childhood. (United States)

    Bennetts, Rachel J; Murray, Ebony; Boyce, Tian; Bate, Sarah


    Approximately 2-2.5% of the adult population is believed to show severe difficulties with face recognition, in the absence of any neurological injury-a condition known as developmental prosopagnosia (DP). However, to date no research has attempted to estimate the prevalence of face recognition deficits in children, possibly because there are very few child-friendly, well-validated tests of face recognition. In the current study, we examined face and object recognition in a group of primary school children (aged 5-11 years), to establish whether our tests were suitable for children and to provide an estimate of face recognition difficulties in children. In Experiment 1 (n = 184), children completed a pre-existing test of child face memory, the Cambridge Face Memory Test-Kids (CFMT-K), and a bicycle test with the same format. In Experiment 2 (n = 413), children completed three-alternative forced-choice matching tasks with faces and bicycles. All tests showed good psychometric properties. The face and bicycle tests were well matched for difficulty and showed a similar developmental trajectory. Neither the memory nor the matching tests were suitable to detect impairments in the youngest groups of children, but both tests appear suitable to screen for face recognition problems in middle childhood. In the current sample, 1.2-5.2% of children showed difficulties with face recognition; 1.2-4% showed face-specific difficulties-that is, poor face recognition with typical object recognition abilities. This is somewhat higher than previous adult estimates: It is possible that face matching tests overestimate the prevalence of face recognition difficulties in children; alternatively, some children may "outgrow" face recognition difficulties.

  20. Interplay between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions: a study using mobile phone data.

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    Francesco Calabrese

    Full Text Available In this study we analyze one year of anonymized telecommunications data for over one million customers from a large European cellphone operator, and we investigate the relationship between people's calls and their physical location. We discover that more than 90% of users who have called each other have also shared the same space (cell tower, even if they live far apart. Moreover, we find that close to 70% of users who call each other frequently (at least once per month on average have shared the same space at the same time--an instance that we call co-location. Co-locations appear indicative of coordination calls, which occur just before face-to-face meetings. Their number is highly predictable based on the amount of calls between two users and the distance between their home locations--suggesting a new way to quantify the interplay between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions.

  1. Cost-effectiveness of blended vs. face-to-face cognitive behavioural therapy for severe anxiety disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Romijn, Geke; Riper, Heleen; Kok, Robin


    BACKGROUND: Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent psychiatric conditions, and are associated with poor quality of life and substantial economic burden. Cognitive behavioural therapy is an effective treatment to reduce anxiety symptoms, but is also costly and labour intensive. Cost......-effectiveness could possibly be improved by delivering cognitive behavioural therapy in a blended format, where face-to-face sessions are partially replaced by online sessions. The aim of this trial is to determine the cost-effectiveness of blended cognitive behavioural therapy for adults with anxiety disorders, i.......e. panic disorder, social phobia or generalized anxiety disorder, in specialized mental health care settings compared to face-to-face cognitive behavioural therapy. In this paper, we present the study protocol. It is hypothesized that blended cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders...

  2. Random-Profiles-Based 3D Face Recognition System

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    Joongrock Kim


    Full Text Available In this paper, a noble nonintrusive three-dimensional (3D face modeling system for random-profile-based 3D face recognition is presented. Although recent two-dimensional (2D face recognition systems can achieve a reliable recognition rate under certain conditions, their performance is limited by internal and external changes, such as illumination and pose variation. To address these issues, 3D face recognition, which uses 3D face data, has recently received much attention. However, the performance of 3D face recognition highly depends on the precision of acquired 3D face data, while also requiring more computational power and storage capacity than 2D face recognition systems. In this paper, we present a developed nonintrusive 3D face modeling system composed of a stereo vision system and an invisible near-infrared line laser, which can be directly applied to profile-based 3D face recognition. We further propose a novel random-profile-based 3D face recognition method that is memory-efficient and pose-invariant. The experimental results demonstrate that the reconstructed 3D face data consists of more than 50 k 3D point clouds and a reliable recognition rate against pose variation.

  3. Holistic processing of face configurations and components. (United States)

    Hayward, William G; Crookes, Kate; Chu, Ming Hon; Favelle, Simone K; Rhodes, Gillian


    Although many researchers agree that faces are processed holistically, we know relatively little about what information holistic processing captures from a face. Most studies that assess the nature of holistic processing do so with changes to the face affecting many different aspects of face information (e.g., different identities). Does holistic processing affect every aspect of a face? We used the composite task, a common means of examining the strength of holistic processing, with participants making same-different judgments about configuration changes or component changes to 1 portion of a face. Configuration changes involved changes in spatial position of the eyes, whereas component changes involved lightening or darkening the eyebrows. Composites were either aligned or misaligned, and were presented either upright or inverted. Both configuration judgments and component judgments showed evidence of holistic processing, and in both cases it was strongest for upright face composites. These results suggest that holistic processing captures a broad range of information about the face, including both configuration-based and component-based information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  4. Effectiveness of integrating case studies in online and face-to-face instruction of pathophysiology: a comparative study. (United States)

    Saleh, Suha M; Asi, Yara M; Hamed, Kastro M


    Due to growing demand from students and facilitated by innovations in educational technology, institutions of higher learning are increasingly offering online courses. Subjects in the hard sciences, such as pathophysiology, have traditionally been taught in the face-to-face format, but growing demand for preclinical science courses has compelled educators to incorporate online components into their classes to promote comprehension. Learning tools such as case studies are being integrated into such courses to aid in student interaction, engagement, and critical thinking skills. Careful assessment of pedagogical techniques is essential; hence, this study aimed to evaluate and compare student perceptions of the use of case studies in face-to-face and fully online pathophysiology classes. A series of case studies was incorporated into the curriculum of a pathophysiology class for both class modes (online and face to face). At the end of the semester, students filled out a survey assessing the effectiveness of the case studies. Both groups offered positive responses about the incorporation of case studies in the curriculum of the pathophysiology class. This study supports the argument that with proper use of innovative teaching tools, such as case studies, online pathophysiology classes can foster a sense of community and interaction that is typically only seen with face-to-face classes, based on student responses. Students also indicated that regardless of class teaching modality, use of case studies facilitates student learning and comprehension as well as prepares them for their future careers in health fields.

  5. Dissecting contributions of prefrontal cortex and fusiform face area to face working memory. (United States)

    Druzgal, T Jason; D'Esposito, Mark


    Interactions between prefrontal cortex (PFC) and stimulus-specific visual cortical association areas are hypothesized to mediate visual working memory in behaving monkeys. To clarify the roles for homologous regions in humans, event-related fMRI was used to assess neural activity in PFC and fusiform face area (FFA) of subjects performing a delay-recognition task for faces. In both PFC and FFA, activity increased parametrically with memory load during encoding and maintenance of face stimuli, despite quantitative differences in the magnitude of activation. Moreover, timing differences in PFC and FFA activation during memory encoding and retrieval implied a context dependence in the flow of neural information. These results support existing neurophysiological models of visual working memory developed in the nonhuman primate.

  6. Women are better at seeing faces where there are none: an ERP study of face pareidolia. (United States)

    Proverbio, Alice M; Galli, Jessica


    Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in 26 right-handed students while they detected pictures of animals intermixed with those of familiar objects, faces and faces-in-things (FITs). The face-specific N170 ERP component over the right hemisphere was larger in response to faces and FITs than to objects. The vertex positive potential (VPP) showed a difference in FIT encoding processes between males and females at frontal sites; while for men, the FIT stimuli elicited a VPP of intermediate amplitude (between that for faces and objects), for women, there was no difference in VPP responses to faces or FITs, suggesting a marked anthropomorphization of objects in women. SwLORETA source reconstructions carried out to estimate the intracortical generators of ERPs in the 150-190 ms time window showed how, in the female brain, FIT perception was associated with the activation of brain areas involved in the affective processing of faces (right STS, BA22; posterior cingulate cortex, BA22; and orbitofrontal cortex, BA10) in addition to regions linked to shape processing (left cuneus, BA18/30). Conversely, in the men, the activation of occipito/parietal regions was prevalent, with a considerably smaller activation of BA10. The data suggest that the female brain is more inclined to anthropomorphize perfectly real objects compared to the male brain. © The Author (2016). Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please email:

  7. About Face

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  8. About Face

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  9. Increasing Students' Perceived Sociopolitical Empowerment through Online and Face-to-Face Community Psychology Seminars (United States)

    Francescato, Donata; Solimeno, Andrea; Mebane, Minou Ella; Tomai, Manuela


    Community psychology theorists underline the importance of promoting sociopolitical empowerment, but few studies have been conducted on the evaluation of the efficacy of empowering programs among university students. The authors report two studies: the first, with 216 psychology majors, compared the efficacy of face-to-face and online community…

  10. Extending Face-to-Face Interactions: Understanding and Developing an Online Teacher and Family Community (United States)

    Zhang, Chun; Du, Jianxia; Sun, Li; Ding, Yi


    Technology has been quickly changing human interactions, traditional practices, and almost every aspect of our lives. It is important to maintain effective face-to-face communication and interactions between teachers and families. Nonetheless, technology and its tools can also extend and enhance family-teacher relationships and partnerships. This…

  11. Assessing Student Performance and Perceptions in Lecture Capture vs. Face-to-Face Course Delivery (United States)

    Euzent, Patricia; Martin, Thomas; Moskal, Patrick; Moskal, Patsy


    Public universities are currently facing a challenge in determining how to deliver quality instruction in the face of severe fiscal constraints. With recent technological advances, courses streamed over the Internet (i.e., lecture capture) are now becoming common. However, little research has been published that specifically examines student…

  12. Faculty Best Practices Using Blended Learning in E-Learning and Face-to-Face Instruction (United States)

    Mortera-Gutierrez, Fernando


    Presenting a higher education case study from Mexico: "Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey" (ITESM-CCM) College, Mexico city campus, describing faculty best and worst practices using a blended learning approach in e-learning and face-to-face instruction. The article comments on conceptual definitions of blended…

  13. Self-esteem Modulates the P3 Component in Response to the Self-face Processing after Priming with Emotional Faces


    Lili Guan; Lili Guan; Yufang Zhao; Yige Wang; Yujie Chen; Juan Yang


    The self-face processing advantage (SPA) refers to the research finding that individuals generally recognize their own face faster than another’s face; self-face also elicits an enhanced P3 amplitude compared to another’s face. It has been suggested that social evaluation threats could weaken the SPA and that self-esteem could be regarded as a threat buffer. However, little research has directly investigated the neural evidence of how self-esteem modulates the social evaluation threat to the ...

  14. What's So Hard about Staff Development? A Study in Face-to-Face Interaction. Occasional Paper No. 14. (United States)

    Anang, Arlene; Florio-Ruane, Susan

    Staff development carried out within a conference format is multidimensional, ambiguous, potentially face-threatening, and complex. It is dependent upon the interactional work that takes place during face-to-face negotiations. The skills and knowledge of the staff developer cannot be shared with a teacher in a vacuum, but are dependent upon the…

  15. A comparison of online versus face-to-face teaching delivery in statistics instruction for undergraduate health science students. (United States)

    Lu, Fletcher; Lemonde, Manon


    The objective of this study was to assess if online teaching delivery produces comparable student test performance as the traditional face-to-face approach irrespective of academic aptitude. This study involves a quasi-experimental comparison of student performance in an undergraduate health science statistics course partitioned in two ways. The first partition involves one group of students taught with a traditional face-to-face classroom approach and the other through a completely online instructional approach. The second partition of the subjects categorized the academic aptitude of the students into groups of higher and lower academically performing based on their assignment grades during the course. Controls that were placed on the study to reduce the possibility of confounding variables were: the same instructor taught both groups covering the same subject information, using the same assessment methods and delivered over the same period of time. The results of this study indicate that online teaching delivery is as effective as a traditional face-to-face approach in terms of producing comparable student test performance but only if the student is academically higher performing. For academically lower performing students, the online delivery method produced significantly poorer student test results compared to those lower performing students taught in a traditional face-to-face environment.

  16. Optogenetic and pharmacological suppression of spatial clusters of face neurons reveal their causal role in face gender discrimination. (United States)

    Afraz, Arash; Boyden, Edward S; DiCarlo, James J


    Neurons that respond more to images of faces over nonface objects were identified in the inferior temporal (IT) cortex of primates three decades ago. Although it is hypothesized that perceptual discrimination between faces depends on the neural activity of IT subregions enriched with "face neurons," such a causal link has not been directly established. Here, using optogenetic and pharmacological methods, we reversibly suppressed the neural activity in small subregions of IT cortex of macaque monkeys performing a facial gender-discrimination task. Each type of intervention independently demonstrated that suppression of IT subregions enriched in face neurons induced a contralateral deficit in face gender-discrimination behavior. The same neural suppression of other IT subregions produced no detectable change in behavior. These results establish a causal link between the neural activity in IT face neuron subregions and face gender-discrimination behavior. Also, the demonstration that brief neural suppression of specific spatial subregions of IT induces behavioral effects opens the door for applying the technical advantages of optogenetics to a systematic attack on the causal relationship between IT cortex and high-level visual perception.

  17. Rear-facing car seat (image) (United States)

    A rear-facing car seat position is recommended for a child who is very young. Extreme injury can occur in an accident because ... child. In a frontal crash a rear-facing car seat is best, because it cradles the head, ...

  18. About Face

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    Full Text Available ... What is AboutFace? Resources for Professionals Get Help PTSD We've been there. After a traumatic event — ... you're not feeling better, you may have PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder). Watch the intro This is ...

  19. Probing the Feature Map for Faces in Visual Search

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    Hua Yang


    Full Text Available Controversy surrounds the mechanisms underlying the pop-out effect for faces in visual search. Is there a feature map for faces? If so, does it rely on the categorical distinction between faces and nonfaces, or on image-level face semblance? To probe the feature map, we compared search efficiency for faces, and nonface stimuli with high, low, and no face semblance. First, subjects performed a visual search task with objects as distractors. Only faces popped-out. Moreover, search efficiency for nonfaces correlated with image-level face semblance of the target. In a second experiment, faces were used as distractors but nonfaces did not pop-out. Interestingly, search efficiency for nonfaces was not modulated by face semblance, although searching for a face among faces was particularly difficult, reflecting a categorical boundary between nonfaces and faces. Finally, inversion and contrast negation significantly interacted with the effect of face semblance, ruling out the possibility that search efficiency solely depends on low-level features. Our study supports a parallel search for faces that is perhaps preattentive. Like other features (color, orientation etc., there appears to be a continuous face feature map for visual search. Our results also suggest that this map may include both image-level face semblance and face categoricity.

  20. Avaliação da satisfação das necessidades energéticas e proteicas e desperdício alimentar de utentes internados no CHCB, EPE-Hospital Pêro da Covilhã


    Pires, Daniela Cristina Veigas


    Resumo da tese: Introdução: Existe uma preocupação crescente com a ingestão alimentar dos utentes hospitalizados devido à elevada prevalência de malnutrição, com repercussões a nível individual e do desperdício gerado. Objetivos: Caracterizar utentes internados no Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, EPE - Hospital Pêro da Covilhã relativamente a dados antropométricos, ingestão energética e proteica, satisfação das necessidades, risco de malnutrição, desperdício alimentar, as suas causas e custo....