
Sample records for nasal tratados con

  1. Defectos del dorso nasal tratados con injerto autólogo

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    Ángel Soto Fernández


    Full Text Available Se operaron 10 pacientes con defectos del dorso nasal, 9 catalogados de grandes (4 mm o más y uno con menos de 1 mm. En la mayoría predominó el sexo masculino y el defecto fue adquirido. En 9 de los pacientes con defectos grandes se utilizó injerto de hueso de cresta ilíaca en forma de L descansando en huesos propios y espina nasal, y en uno con defecto pequeño se utilizó cartílago. El resultado es evaluado después de 8 años como satisfactorio estética y funcionalmente, sin evidencia clínica de reabsorción.

  2. Criptosporidiosis experimental en ratones albinos tratados con Metilprednisolona


    Hurtado, María del P; Bruzual, Elizabeth; Arcay, Lucila; de la Parte, María A; Brito, Ana


    Cryptosporidium spp., es un coccidio intracelular de distribución mundial responsable de un síndrome entérico en el hospedador inmunocompetente e inmunocomprometido. Se estudio la influencia inmunosupresora de la metilprednisolona (MP) en la evolución de la criptoporidiosis experimental en ratones de laboratorio. Se utilizaron dos grupos de cuatro ratones machos jóvenes cada uno; el primer grupo incluyó cuatro ratones infectados y tratados en forma interdiaria con MP a dosis de 16 mg/kg de pe...

  3. Observaciones sobre dos casos de "colitis ulcerativa", tratados con prednisona

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    Luis Valencia Torres


    Full Text Available Dos pacientes con colitis ulcerativa fueron tratados con prednisona en una dosis de 30 a 5 mlgr. diarios durante un período de tiempo de cuarenta y cinco días y cuatro meses, respectivamente. Ambos pacientes tenían rayos X de estómago y duodeno negativos, así como cifras de uropepsina normal antes del tratamiento. Ambos presentaron durante el curso del tratamiento episodios epigástricos agudos, con signos radiológicos de gastritis y aumento apreciable en las cifras de uropepsina. Igualmente mejoraron al instalarse un régimen antiulceroso. Un paciente obtuvo cicatrización completa de las ulceraciones y el otro una mejoría apreciable.


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    Pedro Vicente Obando Ordóñez


    Full Text Available Colombia se encuentra en el proceso de negociar un Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos. La comunidad académica y las organizaciones educativas, a nivel mundial, previenen a los países de los peligros existentes en involucrar a la educación en las negociaciones de tipo comercial. El artículo explica las modalidades en la comercialización de servicios y da ejemplos de la manera como se realizan en el sector de la educación. Se incluye una información general sobre el GATS (Acuerdo General de Comercialización de Servicios en los procesos de negociación del Tratado. Por medio de ejemplos se analizan las barreras que existen en la forma de suministro de servicios educativos. Concluye el artículo con la presentación de cuatro escenarios posibles para la educación en el marco de la globalización.

  5. Uso nasal de la mupirocina para Staphylococcus aureus: efecto en portadores y en infecciones nosocomiales.

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    Ana María García


    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus es agente causal de infecciones intrahospitalarias y adquiridas en la comunidad. Entre 20% y 35% de la población adulta lo porta en el vestíbulo nasal y orofaringe de manera permanente y 50% de manera transitoria. La mupirocina de calcio tópica es un agente bactericida contra S. aureus que se recomienda para erradicar la colonización nasal y de manos en pacientes y personal hospitalario. Este trabajo se propuso determinar la prevalencia de S. aureus nasal en pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardiovascular y observar el efecto de la mupirocina nasal en la prevalencia de portadores nasales y en las infecciones nosocomiales. Se realizó un estudio experimental prospectivo para comparar los pacientes tratados con mupirocina nasal (n=96 y los no tratados (n=95. En todos se buscó la presencia de S. aureus nasal y la aparición de infección nosocomial. Se encontró una prevalencia general de portadores de 34%, una disminución de la prevalencia de 86,6% en el grupo tratado y una disminución de 33,3% en el grupo control, lo que mostró la mupirocina como factor protector. La proporción de infección nosocomial total fue de 17,3%, que se distribuyó en forma homogénea entre los dos grupos, pero las infecciones por S. aureus se presentaron en su mayoría en los pacientes control (6 de 7. Se demostró la eficiencia de la mupirocina en la eliminación de portadores nasales de S. aureus. Adicionalmente, el trabajo sugiere que el uso de este antibiótico no disminuye el número total de infecciones nosocomiales.

  6. Linfoma Nasal de Células T/Natural Killer Extranodal Refractario Mal Diagnosticado, Tratado de Manera Exitosa: Informe de Caso. (United States)

    Saavedra Ramírez, José Domingo


    El linfoma de células T/natural killer extranodal ("extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma", ENKL) nasal es un linfoma no Hodgkin (LNH) agresivo y poco común para el cual no se ha establecido un tratamiento de referencia claro, especialmente en el escenario de la enfermedad recidivante/refractaria. Debido a su rareza, no se han llevado a cabo ensayos aleatorizados específicamente en ENKL nasal; sin embargo, los informes de caso y las series de caso pequeñas ofrecen un conocimiento importante sobre nuevos tratamientos potenciales. Presentamos el informe de caso de un paciente con ENKL nasal (previamente mal diagnosticado como una sinusitis crónica recidivante) en quien la enfermedad progresó durante la quimioterapia con múltiples agentes pero respondió al tratamiento de segunda línea con pralatrexato como agente único. Analizamos opciones de tratamiento para el ENKL nasal recidivante/refractario y sugerimos que el pralatrexato se evalúe más a fondo en este escenario clínico.

  7. Análisis comparativo de morbilidad en grandes quemados tratados con sesiones de autoinjertos frente a cultivo de queratinocitos

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    M. Rubio-Yanchuck


    Full Text Available La cobertura rápida y eficaz de las lesiones es un factor limitante en el tratamiento de grandes quemados. Los autoinjertos siguen siendo el tratamiento de elección pero no están exentos de riesgos. El uso de sustitutos de piel cultivada (SPC puede llegar a reducir la morbilidad implícita en el uso de autoinjertos. El objetivo de este estudio es realizar un análisis comparativo de la morbilidad asociada al uso de queratinocitos y autoinjertos en pacientes tratados inicialmente con aloinjertos como cobertura temporal. Realizamos un análisis retrospectivo de morbilidad en 21 pacientes con una superficie corporal quemada (SCQ mayor o igual al 40% en el Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid (España entre 2011y 2015. Fueron divididos en 2 grupos según la cobertura definitiva utilizada: un primer grupo con sesiones de autoinjerto, y un segundo grupo con cultivos de queratinocitos y áreas menores de autoinjertos. Fueron 5 mujeres y 16 varones con media de edad de 40,38 años, SCQ del 60,43% y SCQ dérmico profunda-subdérmica del 59,05%. La media de cirugías necesarias en pacientes tratados con autoinjertos y SPC fue 5,36 y 6,7 respectivamente. La incidencia de sepsis fue 80 frente a 50%; el fracaso renal agudo del 63,6 frente al 50%; y de neumonía del 27.3 frente al 40%. Entre los pacientes que sobrevivieron la estancia media en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos fue de 66,16 frente a 50,6 días, la estancia media hospitalaria fue de 75,6 frente a 63,3 días y la media del número de trasfusiones fue de 75,6 frente a 63.3. La complicación del lecho quirúrgico en el grupo de autoinjertos fue del 63% frente al 0% en los tratados con queratinocitos, y las necesidades medias de noradrenalina fueron de 0,1 frente a 0,03 µg/kg/min. Los pacientes con lecho quirúrgico complicado tuvieron unos requerimientos medios de noradrenalina de 0,117 frente a 0,044 en pacientes con lecho quirúrgico no complicado. Como conclusión, los pacientes tratados con

  8. Evaluación clínica y funcional de pacientes con parálisis de Bell tratados con láser


    Ferrera Montero, Tania; Hernández Zayas, Marcia Sandra; Risset Castro, Liudmila; Castro Correoso, Vivianne


    Se realizó una intervención terapéutica, multicéntrica, de 88 pacientes con parálisis de Bell tratados con láser en los servicios de rehabilitación de los policlínicos "Julián Grimau", "Ramón López Peña" y "28 de Septiembre" de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero de 2013 hasta diciembre 2014, para determinar la eficacia de este proceder según la evolución clínica y funcional de los afectados. La muestra aleatoria fue dividida en 2 grupos con 44 integrantes cada uno: los del grupo control recibieron...

  9. Selguimiento del peso corporal en pacientes tratados con antipsicóticos: revisión bibliográfica


    Martín Izquierdo, Marta Estefanía


    El tratamiento con antipsicóticos es uno de los principales factores de riesgo que más contribuye a la ganancia de peso en personas con enfermedades mentales graves. Los efectos negativos derivados del sobrepeso y la obesidad, sumados a los propios de la enfermedad, tienen como consecuencia una menor calidad y esperanza de vida en estos pacientes. El objetivo principal de este estudio es realizar una revisión bibliográfica del seguimiento de peso en pacientes tratados con antipsicóticos. ...

  10. Aumento de dorso nasal con implante blando de tejido conectivo laxo y cartílago troce

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    Mariana Vásquez-García

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivo: Están descritas innumerables técnicas para el aumento del dorso nasal. Los injertos autólogos son el material preferido en la reconstrucción nasal debido a su biocompatibilidad y a su menor riesgo de infección y exposición. La técnica de cartílago troceado envuelto en fascia temporal se ha popularizado porque evita la visualización de los injertos a través de la piel del dorso nasal. Nuestro estudio tiene como objetivo demostrar que también el tejido conectivo laxo retroauricular es una envoltura útil para conformar con el cartílago troceado un implante blando que aumente el dorso nasal, proporcionando un resultado estético natural. Material y Método: Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo, entre diciembre de 2012 a diciembre de 2015 con 15 pacientes sometidos a aumento de dorso nasal con cartílago troceado de septum y concha auricular envuelto en tejido conectivo laxo retroauricular, utilizando la vía de rinoplastia externa. Evaluamos los resultados de forma subjetiva con un cuestionario entregado a los pacientes y observando las fotos pre y postoperatorias a corto, medio y largo plazo. Objetivamente medimos las alturas del dorso nasal pre y postoperatoriamente. Resultados: Todos los pacientes presentaron resultados muy satisfactorios. El valor promedio de aumento del dorso nasal a los 3 meses de postoperatorio en nasion fue de 0.38 cm, en rinion de 0.39 cm y en suprapunta de 0.41 cm, manteniéndose iguales valores a los 6, 12 y 18 meses. Conclusiones: Destacamos los beneficios de la envoltura con tejido conectivo laxo retroauricular para cubrir de forma natural las irregularidades del dorso nasal, eliminando el estigma de nariz operada (fibrosis y cicatrización anómala. Su viabilidad en la zona receptora (dorso nasal lo hace muy recomendable para la corrección de deformidades de esta zona. Es por ello que recomendamos su uso como alternativa para corregir hundimientos de dorso nasal de origen

  11. Análisis comparativo del sector agropecuario colombiano frente al tratado de libre comercio con Chile


    Eslava Ardila, Paula


    El presente trabajo es un análisis comparativo entre el sector agropecuario de Colombia frente al de Chile, en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio, con el objetivo de evaluar los productos potenciales de exportación del sector colombiano, y de esta manera aprovechar los recursos y las ventajas competitivas en oportunidades de progreso. Para el desarrollo del análisis, se describe cada uno de los países en términos económicos con variables como: PIB, PIB per cápita, Balanza Comercial, gr...

  12. Evaluación de tiempos quirúrgicos y transfusiones en pacientes quemados tratados con desbridamiento enzimático

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    Ángela Ojeda-Regidor

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción y Objetivo En los últimos años se han publicado resultados que demuestran un desbridamiento enzimático rápido, eficaz y específico de tejidos quemados con el uso de Nexobrid® (Mediwound, Alemania, producto compuesto por un concentrado de enzimas proteolíticas enriquecidas con bromelaína. En este estudio comparamos el uso de Nexobrid® como desbridante enzimático frente a un Grupo Control con tratamiento estándar, con el objetivo de evaluar; en función de la superficie corporal quemada (SCQ, la cantidad de intervenciones quirúrgicas realizadas, la colonización del lecho quirúrgico, la necesidad de escarotomías, así como los requerimientos transfusionales de los pacientes tratados. Material y Método Estudio retrospectivo con 65 pacientes, edad media de 46.87 años, tratados con Nexobrid® entre septiembre de 2015 y diciembre de 2016. Comparamos con un grupo control de 177 pacientes, edad media de 48.24 años, intervenidos mediante desbridamiento tangencial desde enero a diciembre de 2014. El Grupo Control presenta unas características homogéneas a las del Grupo Nexobrid®. Ambos grupos fueron estratificados en función de su SCQ mayor o menor del 15%. Resultados Encontramos diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p 15%. Los requerimientos transfusionales fueron menores en el Grupo Nexobrid® frente al Grupo Control en los pacientes con SCQ > 15% (p 15%. Finalmente, reduce la necesidad de transfusión sanguínea en pacientes con SCQ mayor del 15%.

  13. Presencia de aleteo nasal y frecuencia respiratoria alta en pacientes con disnea. Valoración enfermera en triage


    González Barredo, María


    Muchos pacientes acuden a Urgencias acusando disnea. El aleteo nasal forma parte de la musculatura accesoria de la respiración que se pone en marcha en situaciones de dificultad respiratoria. Recientemente han aparecido unos estudios en los que se relacionaba la presencia de aleteo nasal en los pacientes que presentaban disnea con una mayor gravedad de los mismos. Comprobar si es factible reconocer la presencia de aleteo nasal en pacientes con disnea y obtener el valor de la frecuencia ...

  14. Comportamiento detersivo de las formulaciones ecológicas en la extracción de grasas y proteínas en tejido de algodón aprestado y tratado con diversos suavizantes


    Carrión Fité, Francisco Javier; Serra Gasol, Miquel


    En el presente trabajo se efectuó un estudio del comportamiento detersivo producido por una formulación ecológica, aplicada para el lavado de un tejido de algodón aprestado con una resina DMDHEU y tratado con diferentes suavizantes catiónicos, del tipo de amonio silicona y esterquat. A estos tejidos se aplicaron, antes del lavado, dos impurezas del tipo proteína y una tipo aceitosa. Los efectos del detergente, en la extracción de tales impurezas del tejido aprestado y tratado con los diferent...

  15. Crónica: Un foro sobre el tratado de libre comercio con Estados Unidos: Aspectos jurídicos y económicos

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    Memoria Foro TLC con EEUU


    Full Text Available Durantes los días 18 y 19 de agosto de 2004 se realizó en la Universidad ICESI un foro sobre el Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos y sus impactos sobre la normatividad jurídica colombiana.

  16. Estudio prospectivo del funcionamiento cognitivo en pacientes de cáncer de colon tratados con quimioterapia


    López Santiago, Sonia


    El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar los cambios en rendimiento cognitivo de pacientes de cáncer de colon tratados con quimioterapia adyuvante. El método ha sido el estudio longitudinal unifactorial de tres medidas (T1: antes de la quimioterapia, T2: al finalizar el tratamiento y T3 seis meses después de T2); se explora: memoria verbal, función ejecutiva y habilidad psicomotora y variables moduladoras (ansiedad, depresión, astenia y calidad de vida). Muestra: 77 participantes, 63% varones,...


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    Algranati L


    Full Text Available Los cirróticos desarrollan hiperaldosteronismo secundario en estadios avanzados de su enfermedad, requiriendo tratamiento con furosemida + espironolactona. El manejo tubular del potasio (K en estos pacientes bajo dicho esquema diurético combinado (antagónico no ha sido aun estudiado, por lo cual decidimos describir el valor de la excreción fraccional (EF de potasio y del gradiente transtubular de potasio (GTTK en esta población bajo dichos diuréticos. Material y Método: Se evaluó prospectivamente la EF de sodio (Na, EFK y GTTK en 18 pacientes (11 hombres, edad promedio 56 años, normokalémicos, cirróticos (Ci compensados estadios Child Pugh A, B y C, MELD medio 22, portadores de filtrado glomerular, sedimento urinario y ecografía renal normales, tratados con furosemida + espironolactona y dieta hiposódica. Grupo control: 10 voluntarios sanos bajo igual dieta (S. Análisis estadístico: Wilcoxon. Resultados: Kalemia (mmol/l: 4 ± 0.5 (Ci vs. 4 ± 0.3 (S, p=NS; EFNa (%: 0.8 ± 0.4 (Ci vs. 0.5 ± 0.3 (S p=NS; EFK (%: 9.1 ±3 (Ci vs. 10±2 (S, p=NS; GGTK: 6 ±2 (Ci vs. 4 ±1 (S, p=0.04. Conclusión: Observamos que en cirróticos tratados con furosemida + espironolactona, existe un incremento significativo de la excreción urinaria de potasio, sólo evidenciable por el GTTK.



    Diego Cano-Blanquer; Pedro Cervera-Casino; Salvador Peiró-Moreno; Mónica Mateu-García; Amparo Barreda-Aznar; Grupo de Estudio de la Automonitorización Glucémica


    Fundamentos: La utilidad de la automonitorización de la glucemia (AMGS) en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (DM2) no tratados con insulina (NTI) es objeto de controversia.. Los objetivos de este trabajo son describir la prevalencia de AMGS en sujetos con DM2 NTI en la Comunidad Valenciana y analizar los factores asociados a su a su uso. Método: Estudio transversal en 83 consultas de atención primaria mediante revisión de la historia clínica electrónica y entrevista a 573 sujetos con DM2-NTI. Se ...

  19. Omalizumab en el tratamiento de la rinosinusitis crónica con poliposis nasal


    Martínez-Alonso, José Camilo


    [ES]Introducción y objetivo: Omalizumab es un tratamiento biológico indicado sólo en asma moderado-grave. El asma bronquial puede asociarse a poliposis nasal. Revisamos los estudios publicados sobre la eficacia de Omalizumab en el tratamiento de la poliposis nasosinusal. Método: Revisión bibliográfica narrativa. Discusión y Conclusiones: Omalizumab puede ser una alternativa terapéutica eficaz en pacientes con rinosinusitis crónica con poliposis agresiva. [EN] Introduction and objective: Om...

  20. Estabilización de los indicadores hematológicos en paciente con policitemia absoluta secundaria tratado con Vimang

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    Gregorio Martínez-Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se reporta un caso del sexo masculino, de 72 años de edad con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial (con un período de evolución de 5 años que fue remitido en el 2001 a la Consulta de Hematología por presentar cifras elevadas de hemoglobina (Hb y hematócrito (Hto. Las cifras elevadas de Hb y Hto se detectaron durante un chequeo médico como resultado de que el paciente presentara pérdida de conocimiento y fuera hospitalizado. El paciente se remitió al Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología (Ciudad de La Habana para realizarle un estudio de volemia y ferrocinética, el cual mostró que presentaba policitemia absoluta moderada. Se descartó policitemia vera y se buscaron causas de policitemia absoluta secundaria sin que hayan encontrado ninguna hasta el presente. Desde este momento el paciente se ha seguido en la Consulta de Hematología del Hospital General Docente Ernesto Che Guevara (Las Tunas y cada 6 meses es chequeado en el Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología, Ciudad de La Habana. A partir del mes de abril de 2004 el paciente recibió 600 mg de Vimang® (extracto de Mangifera indica L. y se incrementó 2 meses después a 900 mg en 3 dosis separadas de 300 mg (tabletas diariamente. El presente estudio analizó la historia clínica del paciente y los resultados de todos los estudios que se le practicaron en los años precedentes al tratamiento con Vimang® y los observados durante el año que estaba bajo tratamiento. Como resultado se observó una reducción en un 50 % del número de flebotomías necesarias para mantener el paciente bajo control con respecto a los valores de Hto y Hb. Se encontraron además diferencias significativas (p < 0,05 con respecto a las desviaciones estándar de los indicadores Hto y Hb, que fueron menores en el periodo en que el paciente fue tratado con el extracto natural.

  1. El Tratado de Lisboa (Un juego de espejos rotos

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    Juan Manuel de Faramiñán Gilbert


    Full Text Available El fracaso del Tratado por el que se establece una Constitución para Europa produjo un periodo de incertidumbre y perplejidad del que ha costado mucho sobreponerse. Por un momento, todo parecía resquebrajarse y se tuvo la sensación de que la imagen de unidad en la diversidad, que con tanta dificultad se había forjado, se partía hecha añicoscomo un espejo roto. No obstante, como en un “juego de espejos rotos”, el ideal europeísta se ha ido recomponiendo con un gran esfuerzo, dando lugar a un texto, el Tratado de Lisboa, que encierra una solución de compromiso con el fin de saldar la crisis cuando el futuro de la Unión Europea parecía oscurecerse. Como en los poemas de Alejandra Pizarnik, “cuando el palacio de la noche encierra su hermosura, pulsaremos los espejos hasta que nuestros rostros canten como ídolos” y, así fue como con un esfuerzo milimetrado se ha ido recomponiendo este rompecabezas de cristales con el fin de que en él se refleje, otra vez, la ansiada imagen global. Como se señala enPreámbulo del Tratado de Lisboa, deberemos estar resueltos a salvar una nueva etapa en proceso de integración europea y habrá que recordar “la importancia histórica de que la división del continente europeo haya tocado a su fin y la necesidad de sentar unas bases firmes para la construcción de la futura Europa”.

  2. Poblaciones linfocitarias, células dendríticas y perfil de citoquinas en ratones con melanoma tratados con Uncaria tomentosa

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    Iván Lozada-Requena

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Evaluar el efecto inmunomodulador sobre poblaciones linfocitarias, células dendríticas (DC, citoquinas Th1/Th2/Th17 (T-helper e inflamatorias en el ámbito sistémico y/o en el microambiente tumoral de ratones con o sin melanoma. Materiales y métodos. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre periférica y/o de tumores primarios de ratones con melanoma B16 tratados o no con un extracto hidroalcohólico de Uncaria tomentosa (UT con 5,03% de alcaloides oxindólicos pentacíclicos (UT-POA obtenido de la corteza de la planta. Todos los ensayos de medición de células y citoquinas fueron realizados por citometría de flujo. Resultados. UT-POA a nivel sistémico incrementa la relación CD4/CD8a (Cluster of Differenciation, mientras que la activación celular es inversamente proporcional; incrementa la proporción de DCm (DC mieloides; induce un perfil Th1 proinflamatorio y reduce la respuesta Th17. TNF-a (tumor necrosis factor alpha y IL-17A (interleuquina correlacionan positiva y negativamente con la relación CD4/CD8a. Conclusiones. El incremento de Th1 (TNF-a puede tener como consecuencia el incremento de linfocitos CD4 o la activación de macrófagos M1. Aunque UT-POA muestra un incremento de DCm, este no es dosis-dependiente. La disminución de Th17 (IL-17A puede favorecer el funcionamiento de los linfocitos CD8a. UT-POA muestra mejores efectos inmunomoduladores en el ámbito sistémico que intratumoral

  3. Paciente con esquizofrenia tratado con ziprasidona + clozapina

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    Pol Yanguas E.


    Full Text Available P es un paciente diagnosticado de esquizofrenia, sigue en un piso tutelado un programa de rehabilitación, está medicado con clozapina 500 mg/día y ziprasidona 280 mg/ día. Padece hipercolesterolemia, tabaquismo y sus hábitos alimenticios no son buenos. La medicación que utiliza desde 2007 hasta ahora se refleja en la tabla 1. El último tratamiento se le introdujo el 7 de agosto de 2012, habiendo presentado un electro cardiograma (ECG normal, pero con ligera taquicardia ventricular y prolactinemia de 44,8 ng/ml (valores normales: 2-18 ng/ml.

  4. Tratamiento con miltefosina de la leishmaniosis cutánea diseminada

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    Lina María González


    Full Text Available La leishmaniosis cutánea diseminada es una forma escasa de leishmaniosis, que se caracterizapor la diseminación sanguínea del parasito que lleva a la aparición de múltiples nódulos yplacas en la piel de todo el cuerpo y aun de la mucosa nasal. Se diferencia de la leishmaniosiscutánea difusa en que la alteración de la inmunidad celular es menor y las lesiones puedentener una descamación epidérmica, en cambio en la leishmaniosis difusa las lesiones sonnodulares y hay una anergia celular específica contra el parásito. En este artículo se describeel caso de un paciente colombiano con Leishmaniosis cutánea diseminada causada por L(Vpanamensis que inicialmente tuvo falla terapéutica al ser tratado con Glucantime y AnfotericinaB y quien curó de sus lesiones al recibir tratamiento con Miltefosine.

  5. Prevalencia y factores asociados de la automonitorización glucémica en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 no tratados con insulina en la Comunidad Valenciana


    Cano-Blanquer, Diego; Cervera-Casino, Pedro; Peiró-Moreno, Salvador; Mateu-García, Mónica; Barreda-Aznar, Amparo


    Fundamentos: La utilidad de la automonitorización de la glucemia (AMGS) en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (DM2) no tratados con insulina (NTI) es objeto de controversia. Los objetivos de este trabajo son describir la prevalencia de AMGS en sujetos con DM2 NTI en la Comunidad Valenciana y analizar los factores asociados a su a su uso. Método: Estudio transversal en 83 consultas de atención primaria mediante revisión de la historia clínica electrónica y entrevista a 573 sujetos con DM2-NTI. Se a...

  6. Obliteración de fracturas de seno frontal con colgajos pediculados

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    J. Pefaure


    Full Text Available El compromiso del seno frontal con fractura de sus paredes es un tipo de lesión infrecuente, en torno al 5-12% de todas las fracturas faciales. Suele asociarse a lesiones intracraneales, oftalmológicas y a otras fracturas máxilofaciales y cuando conlleva fractura de la pared posterior de seno frontal requiere tratamiento inmediato, siendo necesaria la obliteración del seno frontal debido a la comunicación con meninges y lóbulo frontal, con el riesgo infeccioso que ello representa. Tratamos 18 pacientes con traumatismos craneofaciales y fracturas del seno frontal con compromiso de su pared posterior en el periodo comprendido entre 2007 y 2011; 8 mujeres y 10 varones con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y los 64 años. Todos los casos fueron tratados con reducción y osteosíntesis por vía abierta con distintos abordajes y realizamos en todos colgajos pediculados de vecindad. La vitalidad de los colgajos fue del 100% . Certificamos el posicionamiento correcto mediante tomografía axial computarizada. El tratamiento de las fracturas del seno frontal con compromiso de su pared posterior o del conducto nasofrontal requiere obliteración con tejido vascularizado para evitar comunicaciones con la cavidad nasal.

  7. La importancia de una estrategia de comercializaci?n y negociaci?n del sectorfloricultor colombiano en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) con losEstados Unidos


    Vargas Su?rez, Carlos Andr?s


    Por esto, la intenci?n de esta investigaci?n es plantear una estrategia de comercializaci?n y negociaci?n para el sector floricultor colombiano m?s acorde, que le haga frente a esta nueva oportunidad que se le presenta al pa?s, como lo es el Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos.

  8. La Salud y el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC.

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    Gustavo Malagón Londoño


    Se pregunta uno si con el espectro proyectado las pretensiones de obligar a normas rígidas de patentes, propiedad intelectual y otras inherentes se lograría un tratado justo o mas bien se agravaría la situación de los países en serios problemas actualmente...

  9. Adenocarcinoma de recto y ano en paciente con enfermedad de Crohn tratado con infliximab Adenocarcinoma of the rectum and anus in a patient with Crohn´s disease treated with infliximab

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    J. Egea Valenzuela


    Full Text Available In the present paper, we report the case of a patient with long-standing Crohn´s disease and multiple complications that, after receiving treatment with infliximab, was diagnosed with an adenocarcinoma of the rectum and anus that required radical surgery, later presenting multiple metastases. In the discussion, characteristics and major risk factors for colorectal cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel disease will be largely reviewed, and current studies will be analyzed in connection with the appearance of neoplasms in patients being treated with biologics.Presentamos el caso de un paciente con enfermedad de Crohn de larga evolución y con múltiples complicaciones de su enfermedad que, tras recibir tratamiento con infliximab, es diagnosticado de un adenocarcinoma de recto y ano que precisa cirugía radical, presentando posteriormente metástasis múltiples. Se repasarán durante la discusión las características y los factores de riesgo más importantes del cáncer colorrectal en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, y se analizarán los trabajos existentes hasta la fecha en relación con la aparición de neoplasias en pacientes tratados con fármacos biológicos.

  10. Función adrenal y metabolismo lipídico en niños asmáticos tratados con budesonida

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    Paoli-de Valeri Mariela


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto de bajas dosis de budesonida inhalado sobre la función adrenal y el metabolismo lipídico en niños asmáticos. Material y métodos. Se estudiaron: 10 niños asmáticos (edad promedio, 8.6 años tratados con budesonida inhalado (200-300 µg/día por un lapso mayor a tres meses (grupo A; 15 niños asmáticos (edad promedio, 7.8 años sin tratamiento esteroideo (grupo B, y 10 niños no asmáticos (grupo C. Se determinaron los niveles de cortisol basal y postestímulo con ACTH, andrógenos adrenales, lípidos y cortisol urinario. Resultados. Entre los grupos A y B no hubo diferencias significativas en las variables estudiadas. En los niños asmáticos (grupo A-B el cortisol urinario fue significativamente mayor en relación con el grupo C. Los niveles de triglicéridos, colesterol total, colesterol de la lipoproteína de baja densidad e índices aterogénicos fueron mayores en el grupo de niños asmáticos, con y sin budesonida, comparados con el grupo C. Conclusiones. El tratamiento con dosis bajas de budesonida inhalado en niños asmáticos no modificó la función del eje adrenal ni el metabolismo lipídico. Los pacientes asmáticos presentaron un perfil lipídico aterogénico que podría incrementar el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular.

  11. Factores de riesgo para la recanalización de los aneurismas cerebrales tratados con coils desprendibles

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    Carlos Mario Jiménez Yepes


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la efectividad de la embolización con coils de los aneurismas cerebrales se apoya en última instancia en su capacidad para lograr la exclusión del flujo sanguíneo del interior del aneurisma, que a su vez es el mecanismo por medio del cual se previene el resangrado. Los buenos resultados a corto y mediano plazo de la terapia endovascular con coils para la oclusión de aneurismas cerebrales no están discusión, siempre y cuando sean medidos en términos de complicaciones y prevención del resangrado, e incluso son mejores que con cirugía abierta, como lo han demostrado estudios tanto retrospectivos como prospectivos El problema aparece cuando se evalúa la persistencia de la oclusión de los aneurismas a largo plazo. A pesar de las ventajas de la terapia endovascular con coils, los aneurismas embolizados con este método en ocasiones se recanalizan y se requieren intervenciones adicionales, hecho que se constituye en la principal desventaja de esta modalidad de tratamiento. Este fenómeno, llamado recanalización, se ha reportado hasta en, aproximadamente, un tercio de los pacientes. Se han reportado frecuencias de recanalización del 28% en el primer año, 20% entre el primer y segundo años y 14% entre el segundo y tercer años, mostrando un patrón de recanalización que declina progresivamente hasta el tercer año, después del cual ya prácticamente no se presenta. Cognard y colaboradores (Radiology 1999,212;384-356 encontraron una frecuencia de recanalización del 14% en los aneurismas totalmente ocluidos y del 30% en los parcialmente ocluidos, con una frecuencia continua de recurrencia del 5% a los 3 meses, 9% a los 18 meses y 8% a los 38 meses luego de la embolización. En la serie reportada por Hayakawa (J Neurosurgery 2000, 193;561- 568 49% de los aneurismas tratados por medio de coils se hicieron recurrentes debido a recanalización de la luz meses o años después del tratamiento inicial. Como se puede ver a partir

  12. Viabilidad de la aplicación de materiales reciclados y cenizas de biomasa en la fabricación de materiales tratados con cemento


    Cabrera Montenegro, Manuel


    La presente Tesis Doctoral es una contribución al conocimiento y la investigación sobre el uso de áridos reciclados y cenizas de fondo procedentes de la combustión de biomasa para su uso en ingeniería civil. El interés en el uso de áridos reciclados procedentes de residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD) están en continuo crecimiento debido a su potencial frente a diversos usos, entre ellos como material tratado con cemento para capas estructurales de carretera. Por ot...

  13. Utilidad del colgajo frontal en la reconstrucción nasal Usefulness of the forehead flap in the nasal reconstruction

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    Julio César Gálvez Chávez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La nariz constituye el centro estético de la cara y cualquier deformidad en ella afecta de modo importante a la armonía facial. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar las experiencias en reconstrucción nasal con colgajo frontal en pacientes con defectos anatómicos de la nariz, como consecuencia fundamentalmente de una cirugía oncológica. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, para caracterizar la experiencia de la reconstrucción nasal con colgajo frontal en pacientes con defectos nasales, atendidos en el Hospital «Hermanos Ameijeiras» y en el Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología, entre junio de 1999 y mayo de 2007. RESULTADOS. Destacó que el motivo más frecuente de reconstrucción fue la lesión neoplásica, con igual número de pacientes afectados por carcinoma basocelular y epidermoide. El ala nasal fue la zona más afectada y se presentó recidiva tumoral en 5 pacientes. En todos los casos se pudo crear una cubierta externa al defecto y el diseño oblicuo fue el más utilizado. Se reconstruyó la cubierta interna nasal fundamentalmente con injerto de piel total y el soporte nasal, mayormente con injertos cartilaginosos de la concha auricular. Todos los colgajos frontales se mantuvieron vitales después de su desconexión en el segundo tiempo quirúrgico. El cierre directo de la zona donante fue el más utilizado y en algunos casos se logró con la utilización de expansión tisular. Se realizó un tercer tiempo de remodelación en los pacientes que lo necesitaron. Las complicaciones no afectaron al resultado final de la reconstrucción. CONCLUSIONES. Se demostró la utilidad y vigencia del colgajo frontal en la reconstrucción nasal.ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION. The nose is the aesthetic center of the face and any deformity in it significantly affects facial harmony. This study was aimed at characterizing the experiences in nasal reconstruction with forehead flap in patients with

  14. Aspergilosis nasal en un perro: reporte de un caso

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    Camilo Padilla Peñuela


    Full Text Available La aspergilosis nasal es una de las principales causas de afección crónica de las fosas nasales en el canino. La sinología clínica es típica en toda enfermedad nasal crónica. Se presenta sobre todo epistaxis y ocasionalmente dolor. La evaluación rinoscópica de la zona permite encontrar hallazgos asociados con la patología y tomar muestras para citología y cultivo. La terapéutica sistémica con antifúngicos orales ha sido de utilidad variable, pero actualmente se ha remplazado con la medicación tópica directa en el área afectada. Este artículo describe el caso clínico de un canino, macho de cuatro años de edad, que fue presentado a consulta por secreción nasal mucosanguinolenta unilateral con una semana de evolución. El paciente se venía tratando en otro centro veterinario con ciclonamina y vitamina K por un posible trastorno en la coagulación. Después de una serie de exámenes que incluyeron rinoscopia y cultivo para hongos, se diagnosticó aspergilosis nasal. Se realizaron dos aplicaciones de clotrimazol intranasal que permitieron la resolución de los signos clínicos.

  15. Estandarización de una prueba de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE en pacientes con equinococosis quistica y su utilidad en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes tratados con albendazol: reporte preliminar

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    Herman Vildózola


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar las diluciones y concentraciones optimas de una prueba de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE, así como su sensibilidad, espécificidad y valor predictivo en pacientes con equinococosis quistica. Analizar si los niveles de anticuerpos IgE especificos se correlacionan con la respuesta al tratamiento médico con albendazol en un periodo mayor a un año de finalizado el tratamiento. Diseño: Estudio cuasiexperimental con grupo control. Institución: Instituto de Medicina Tropical Daniel A. Carrión, Facultad de Medicina, UNMSM, Lima, Perú. Material de estudio: Prueba de ELISA para anticuerpo IgE. Intervenciones: Estandarizacion de la prueba de ELISA para anticuerpo IgE y diseño preexperimento con preprueba y posprueba en un solo grupo, para evaluar su valor en el diagnóstico y seguimiento postratamiento de pacientes con quiste hidatidico hepatico tratados con albendazol. Para la estandarizacion de la prueba de ELISA, se utilizó suero de cinco pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de equinococosis quistica, y la sensibilidad y especificidad de la prueba se usó suero de 30 pacientes aparentemente sanos. Para determinar las reacciones cruzadas, se utilizó 16 muestras de suero de pacientes con otras helmintiasis (ascariasis, strongiloidiasis, toxocariosis, trichuriasis, himenolepiasis, cisticercosis y teniasis. Para el diagnóstico y seguimiento postratamiento de equinocococosis quística, se utilizó el suero de 17 pacientes. Principales medidas de resultados: Sensibilidad y especificidad de prueba estandarizada de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE. Resultados: La prueba estandarizada de ELISA para detectar anticuerpos IgE tuvo una sensibilidad de 95,6% y una especificidad de 100%. En los pacientes con quiste hidatídico hepático considerados curados, uniformemente disminuyeron los niveles de anticuerpo tipo IgE hasta la negativización. Se obtuvo elevación de los niveles de IgE en los pacientes que presentaron

  16. Ventajas del colgajo frontal expandido para la reconstrucción nasal Advantages of the expanded frontal flap for nasal reconstruction

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    Julio César Gálvez Chávez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. Desde 1957 la expansión tisular se ha convertido en una técnica muy utilizada en cirugía reconstructiva, pues permite obtener gran cantidad de tejido blando para corregir defectos cutáneos. En Cuba se ha publicado muy poco sobre la utilización de expansores cutáneos de la región frontal para la reconstrucción nasal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar la utilidad del colgajo frontal expandido, para la reconstrucción de defectos nasales distales de espesor total en pacientes con frente corta. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, con pacientes con defectos nasales secundarios a cirugía oncológica, traumatismos y otras causas, a los que se les practicó una reconstrucción nasal con colgajo frontal expandido en el Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología y el Hospital «Hermanos Ameijeiras», entre junio de 1999 y mayo de 2007. RESULTADOS. Hubo una ganancia promedio de 1,0 cm en longitud del colgajo frontal expandido con respecto al diseño oblicuo sin expansión. Se logró la reconstrucción de la cubierta cutánea en todos los casos, incluso en los defectos más distales, como los del ala nasal. El cierre de la zona donante siempre fue de forma directa. CONCLUSIONES. Se pudo caracterizar la utilidad del colgajo frontal expandido en la muestra estudiada y se encontró entre sus ventajas fundamentales la ganancia en longitud con respecto a la distancia vertical de la frente. Concordamos con la mayoría de los autores en cuanto a su utilidad, siempre que esté indicado y disponible, y en que es un recurso alternativo cuando existe poco tejido disponible para la reconstrucción de los defectos nasales.INTRODUCTION. From 1957, the tissues expansion has becomes a very used technique in reconstructive surgery, since allows to obtain abundant soft tissue to correct cutaneous defects. In Cuba there aren't much publications on the use of cutaneous expanders of frontal region to nasal

  17. Un tratado sobre la extranjería de lo propio (El uruguayo de Copi

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    María Negroni


    Full Text Available El uruguayo de Copi es un tratado sobre la lengua, una descripción desopilante de un país, un ácido comentario político, una burla impiadosa de los valores culturales, una pesadilla personal, un golpe de teatro donde cualquier versión de la realidad se vuelve precaria y se trastoca al compás de una imaginación afiebrada que no hace más que dar rienda suelta a los materiales del inconsciente. Pero sobre todo, es la visión desnuda de la relación imposible de un escritor con el país que ha dejado atrás. Un tratado sobre el horror de confrontarse con la realidad carcelaria del pasado. Un intento de "calmar" los fantasmas, es decir, de hacerlos hablar y moverse y morir y resucitar en una trama que transita en medio de cadáveres y mares desaparecidos y un territorio que se achica constantemente. Un texto fundamental para indagar cuestiones relacionadas con la "identidad" nacional y con las maneras en que los desplazamientos culturales (con su concomitante tránsito entre lenguas y visiones del mundo, tan comunes en el mundo actual, afectan la escritura.

  18. Implicaciones para el Ecuador del Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos en relación a los medicamentos y a la salud.


    Logroño Barrionuevo, Milton Efraín



  19. Plasmocitoma extramedular nasal en un perro

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    Carlos Giraldo M.


    Full Text Available Se describe un caso de plasmocitoma nasal en un canino, macho entero, de raza Akita de 30 Kg de peso y veintiún meses de edad, con historia de epistaxis unilateral crónica. Se practicó examen clínico y biopsia de la neoplasia visible en la cavidad nasal izquierda. La ubicación y extensión del tumor fue determinada mediante tomografía computarizada de cabeza y cuello. Se realizaron análisis histopatológico e inmunohistoquímico (IHQ del tejido tumoral. La tomografía computarizada evidenció una masa con densidad de tejido blando de 10 cm de longitud x 3.5 cm de diámetro y escasa captación de medio de contraste, que comprometía en su totalidad la cavidad nasal derecha y parte de la porción posterior de la coana izquierda. El análisis histopatológico reveló numerosas células redondas pleomórficas con poco citoplasma, rodeadas por trama escasa de tejido conectivo y bajo índice mitótico. En el examen IHQ la muestra fue negativa a los antígenos CD3 y CD20 para linfocitos T y B, respectivamente. Los hallazgos clínicos y de la tomografía computarizada, así como los resultados del análisis histopatológico del tejido tumoral, fueron compatibles con un plasmocitoma extramedular nasal de bajo grado de malignidad.

  20. La recidiva tumoral en la reconstrucción nasal oncológica Tumor relapse present in oncologic nasal repair

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    Julio César Gálvez Chávez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La recidiva tumoral es una de las complicaciones más temidas de la evolución oncológica, y además de ensombrecer el pronóstico de vida, causa la pérdida de muchas reconstrucciones y agota las posibilidades quirúrgicas restauradoras. Este estudio tuvo el objetivo de determinar la frecuencia de recidivas, la repercusión sobre la reconstrucción y la evolución médica posterior de pacientes operados de tumoraciones nasales malignas. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, con 20 pacientes operados de tumoraciones nasales malignas, con reconstrucción inmediata con colgajo frontal. Los pacientes procedían del Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología (INOR, donde fueron atendidos entre el año 2002 y el 2007. RESULTADOS. Hubo recidivas en 5 pacientes (25 % de la muestra y el 80 % de estas eran un carcinoma epidermoide. Todos los pacientes con recidiva perdieron los tejidos reconstruidos y recibieron tratamiento con radioterapia. Solo se pudo reconstruir nuevamente el defecto de uno de los pacientes; dos de los restantes fallecieron y dos continuaban vivos, sin recurrencia del tumor pero sin posibilidades de reconstrucción. CONCLUSIONES. Teniendo en cuenta la frecuencia de recidivas de los carcinomas epidermoides nasales y de su repercusión, cuando no se cuenta con la técnica histográfica de Mhos, se sugiere posponer la reconstrucción nasal hasta tanto no se realice la confirmación histológica de la exéresis completa del tumor.INTRODUCTION: Tumor relapse is one of the more fearsome complications of the oncologic course and also to obscure the life prognosis, causing the loss of many reconstructions and of exhausting the repairing surgical possibilities. The aim of this study was to determine the relapse frequency, the repercussion on the repair and the subsequent medical course of patients operated on malign nasal tumors. METHODS: We made a retrospective and descriptive study in 20 patients

  1. Tratamiento de la anorexia urémica con acetato de megestrol


    Fernández Lucas, M.; Teruel, J.L.; Burguera, V.; Sosa, H.; Rivera, M.; Rodríguez Palomares, J.R.; Marcén, R.; Quereda, C.


    Introducción: La anorexia es un trastorno frecuente en el enfermo tratado con hemodiálisis periódica, y factor contribuyente de la malnutrición. El objetivo del presente trabajo es comprobar la eficacia del acetato de megestrol, un estimulador del apetito utilizado en enfermos con cáncer, como tratamiento de la anorexia del enfermo sometido a diálisis. Material y métodos: En el año 2009, 16 enfermos de nuestra unidad de hemodiálisis, tres de ellos con diabetes mellitus, fueron tratados con ac...

  2. El leasing financiero internacional en el tratado UNIDROIT


    Flores Doña, Mª Sierra


    El Tratado UNIDROIT se refiere al contrato de leasing financiero internacional, esto es, al celebrado entre una Sociedad de leasing y un empresario con establecimientos (principal o secundario) situados en el territorio de dos Estados contratantes y caracterizado porque la primera adquiere elementos integrantes del patrimonio empresarial a un fabricante, según las instrucciones recibidas por su cliente y a quien se le entregará para su uso a cambio del pago de cuotas períodicas, al margen de ...

  3. Análisis de la producción y comercialización del banano, su aceptación y evolución frente al Tratado de Libre Comercio con la Unión Europea


    Rojas, Miguel Angel; Rodríguez, María Vanessa


    Colombia ha sido tradicionalmente un país exportador de banano, incluso éste producto es uno de los que conforman la canasta de los tradicionales. Ahora bien, con el Tratado de Libre Comercio con la Unión Europea es factible que su posición mejore en este mercado de más de 500 millones de habitantes, sin embargo, y bajo el supuesto que a futuro Ecuador ( el primer productor mundial) y Costa Rica suscriban TLC´S con la Unión Europea . El país ha emprendido una etapa de transformación que ...

  4. Oxidation kinetics of hazelnut oil treated with ozone; Cinética de oxidación del aceite de avellana tratado con ozono

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uzun, H.; Ibanoglu, E.


    libres de todas las muestras. Ea y ΔH‡ de los aceites tratados con ozono mostraron una tendencia reductora que refleja una mayor sensibilidad a la oxidación de los aceites después del tratamiento con ozono. Consistentemente, un aumento de ΔS‡ indicó una reacción de oxidación más rápida con un aumento del tiempo de exposición al ozono. Sin embargo, no se observó diferencia significativa en k, Ea, ΔH‡, ΔS‡ (p <0.05) en función del período de almacenamiento, después de que el aceite de avellana fue tratado con ozono durante 1 min.

  5. Composición química, digestibilidad y cinética ruminal de la digestión de residuos agrícolas tratados con explosión de vapor

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    Ricardo Basurto Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Para determinar el efecto de la explosión de vapor (EXPV en la composición y digestibilidad de forrajes toscos (F se condujeron dos experimentos. En el Exp 1, con un diseño factorial de presión (P; 10.3, 13.8 y 17.2 kg cm2 y tiempo (T; 5, 10 y 15 min, se determinaron los cambios en pH, fracciones de fibra (FF y la digestibilidad in vitro (DIVMS del rastrojo de sorgo (RS, rastrojo de maíz (RM y bagazo de caña (BZC por efecto de EXPV. En el Exp 2, se comparó la cinética de la digestión in situ (CDI de forrajes sin tratar y tratados con EXPV, RS y RM fueron tratados con 13.8 kg/cm2 por 10 min y BZC con 17.2 kg/cm2 por 15 min. Se incubaron muestras de forraje en rumen hasta por 120 h. Los datos fueron ajustados a un modelo no lineal. P y T no interactuaron en pH o FF. El aumento en P o T redujeron el pH, FDN y la hemicelulosa. La lignina y FDA no cambiaron dentro los niveles de P o T. En DIVMS, P*F y T*F fueron significativas. EXPV incrementó las fracciones soluble y potencialmente digestible y extensión de digestión de FF de los tres forrajes. Exceptuando para BCZ, el tiempo de retraso no cambió para FF. La respuesta de la tasa de digestión fue variable para FF o forraje. Se concluye que la EXPV mejora la calidad nutritiva de los forrajes toscos por solubilizar parte de la pared celular, acelerar la tasa de digestión e incrementar la extensión de la digestión.

  6. Efectos de inhibidores de colinesterasa en pacientes con enfermedad asociada a cuerpos de Lewy

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    Nilton Custodio


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Analizar los efectos de los inhibidores de colinesterasas (ICE donepezilo, rivastigmina y galantamina en el tratamiento de demencia con cuerpos de Lewy (DCL y demencia de la enfermedad de Parkinson (DEP. Diseño: Estudio tipo ensayo abierto. Lugar: Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Militar Central (HMC, y Unidad de Diagnóstico de Deterioro Cognitivo y Prevención de Demencia, Clínica Internacional. Participantes: Pacientes con demencia asociada a cuerpos de Lewy y demencia de la enfermedad de Parkinson. Intervenciones: Las mediciones de eficacia en 33 pacientes con diagnóstico de DCL y DEP se realizó con el Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE, Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog, Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study-Clinical Global Impression of Change (ADCS-CGIC, Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living Inventory (ADCS-ADL, Neuro-Psychiatry Inventory (NPI, Prueba de dibujo de Reloj de Manos (PDR-M y la Unified Parkinson´s Disease Rating Scale-motor subscale (UPDRS-part III. Principales medidas de resultados: Síntomas cognitivos, funcionamiento global y actividades de vida diaria de los pacientes. Resultados: Diecisiete pacientes fueron tratados con rivastigmina, 9 con galantamina y 7 con donepezilo. Luego de 6 meses de tratamiento, los pacientes en tratamiento con rivastigmina mejoraron en 1,39 puntos en ADAS-cog respecto de su medición basal, mientras que los pacientes tratados con donepezilo y galantamina no mostraron cambios (cambios <0,2 puntos. Respecto al ADCS-ADL, los pacientes tratados con rivastigmina, donepezilo y galantamina demostraron disminución de 0,42, 0,58 y 0,75 puntos, respectivamente. En el MMSE, los pacientes tratados con rivastigmina y donepezilo no mostraron cambios y los pacientes tratados con galantamina tuvieron una disminución promedio de 1,19 puntos. No hubo diferencias significativas en la incidencia de síntomas parkinsonianos en los tres

  7. Las indicaciones geográficas en el TLC firmado por Colombia y Perú con EUA frente al TLC con Chile.

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    Juan Andrés Zarama Medina


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es hacer un análisis crítico del tratamiento que se ha dado a las Indicaciones Geográficas y mas específicamente a las Denominaciones de Origen en el Tratado de Libre Comercio que firmaron recientemente por Colombia y Perú, con los Estados Unidos (TLC, al que en adelante denominaremos TLC CAN, y compararlo con el TLC firmado con Chile (En adelante TLC CHILE. Para efectos de este trabajo, centraremos nuestra atención de manera específica en la tendencia de estos tratados a tratar las indicaciones geográficas y en especial las denominaciones de origen, como marcas colectivas y de certificación o garantía.

  8. Efecto de los Tratados de Libre Comercio, Acuerdos Comerciales y Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión sobre los Flujos de Inversión Extranjera Directa: un análisis para América Latina entre 2001-2014


    Dávila Barragán, Jimena Alejandra; Orozco Jaramillo, Camilo


    Este documento investiga los efectos que tienen los Tratados de Libre Comercio (TLC), demás Acuerdos Comerciales (AC) y Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión (TBI) sobre los flujos de Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED), por medio de un pseudo - panel conformado por un total de total de 960 individuos (construidos con país de origen y de destino) para 15 países de América Latina durante el período 2001-2014 -- Los resultados sugieren que los TLC no incluyen en los flujos de IED que ingresan a Amér...

  9. Impacto del síndrome metabólico en la resistencia a la recanalización arterial y en el pronóstico de los pacientes con oclusión aguda de la arteria cerebral media tratados con activador tisular del plasminógeno


    Dorado Bouix, Laura


    La recanalización arterial precoz es un punto clave para alcanzar un buen pronóstico funcional tras un ictus isquémico. El síndrome metabólico (SM) podría jugar un papel en la evolución de los pacientes con ictus isquémico tratados con activador tisular del plasminógeno (tPA) por vía sistémica (a) por su asociación a un estado protrombótico que podría interferir en la recanalización arterial inducida por tPA y (b) porque varias de las alteraciones metabólicas que acompañan al SM podrían contr...

  10. Tratado de libre comercio entre Colombia e Israel. Perspectivas generales y oportunidades para el sector agrícola colombiano


    Triviño Ortega, Sebastián; Prada Vanegas, Harold Sebastián


    Las estrategias tendientes a la diversificación de los mercados de exportación e internacionalización de la economía por parte del gobierno colombiano y sus políticas gubernamentales han incluido la firma de una serie de Tratados de Libre Comercio, entre ellos el TLC de última generación firmado con El Estado de Israel. Estos tratados además de abordar temas tradicionales de comercio, tratan nuevos capítulos en inversiones y servicios. Así mismo se analizan las principales políticas por parte...

  11. Valor predictor del cociente saturación hemoglobina/fio2 en pacientes pediátricos con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda debida a neumonía tratados con ventilación no invasiva. Predictive value of the pulse oximetric saturation/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio in pediatric patients with acute respiratory failure due to pneumonia treated with non-invasive ventilation


    Palanca Arias, Daniel


    RESUMEN: El uso de la ventilación no invasiva (VNI) en pacientes con fracaso respiratorio hipoxémico debido a neumonía es controvertido, alcanzando elevadas tasas de fracaso en el Síndrome de Distrés Respiratorio Agudo (SDRA). Recientemente, el cociente SpO2/FiO2 (SF) se ha equiparado al cociente paO2/FiO2 (PF) para la valoración del SDRA. Determinamos en una cohorte de pacientes, diagnosticados de neumonía y tratados con VNI, si el cociente SF es una variable con valor predictor de fraca...


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    Diego Cano-Blanquer


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: La utilidad de la automonitorización de la glucemia (AMGS en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (DM2 no tratados con insulina (NTI es objeto de controversia.. Los objetivos de este trabajo son describir la prevalencia de AMGS en sujetos con DM2 NTI en la Comunidad Valenciana y analizar los factores asociados a su a su uso. Método: Estudio transversal en 83 consultas de atención primaria mediante revisión de la historia clínica electrónica y entrevista a 573 sujetos con DM2-NTI. Se analizó la asociación entre la indicación de AMGS y las características del paciente, médico y organizativas. Resultados: 289 (50,4% de los pacientes con DM2-NTI utilizaban AMGS. En el análisis multivariante el uso de AMGS se asoció a la menor edad (OR:2,3 para 65-84 y 6,0 para 8, vs <7, número de antidiabéticos orales prescritos (ADO (OR:2,5, 4,1 y 5,7 para 1, 2 ó 3+ ADO vs no tratamiento farmacológico, tipo de ADO (mayor en sulfonilureas y glitazonas y enfermedad respiratoria crónica (OR:0,5. Controlando el efecto de estos factores, el uso de AMGS se asoció adicionalmente a los años de ejercicio profesional del médico y a la asistencia en algunos departamentos sanitarios. Conclusiones: La mitad de los pacientes con DM-NTI utilizan AMGS. Su uso se asoció fuertemente a las características clínicas de los pacientes, aunque algunos factores no clínicos explican parte de la variabilidad en su utilización.

  13. Denervación renal percutánea mediante el uso de catéter con balón en pacientes con hipertensión arterial resistente

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    Isabel C. Marín-Orozco


    El objetivo del presente reporte es describir detalladamente dos casos de hipertensión arterial resistente, tratados mediante ablación con radiofrecuencia con el nuevo dispositivo Vessix® de la compañía Boston Scientific.

  14. Vinos, carnes, ferrocarriles y el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Argentina y Chile (1905-1910)


    Lacoste, Pablo


    Entre 1905 y 1910 Chile y Argentina negociaron la firma de un Tratado de Comercio con vistas a suprimir los aranceles aduaneros y consagrar el principio de "Cordillera Libre". El centro de atracción eran las exportaciones de ganado argentino a Chile y de vino chileno a Argentina. Pero en ambos países se produjo una fuerte reacción de los intereses creados con vistas a frustrar las tratativas diplomáticas. Tanto la Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura (Chile) como el Centro Vitivinícola Nacional (...

  15. Avaliação de parâmetros antioxidantes em ratos tratados com sevoflurano Evaluación de parámetros antioxidantes en ratones tratados con sevoflurano Evaluation of antioxidant parameters in eats treated with sevoflurane

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    Francisco J. L Bezerra


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O sevoflurano é um éter halogenado com flúor que sofre biotransformação hepática através do citocromo P450 2E1. Éteres halogenados que sofrem biotransformação pelo P450 2E1 podem produzir espécies reativas do oxigênio (ERO e promover enfraquecimento do sistema de defesa antioxidante. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a relação entre a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes eritrocitárias e o sevoflurano. MÉTODO: Os animais foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: Grupo 1 controle: apenas oxigênio a 100% (1 L.min-1 por 60 minutos durante 5 dias consecutivos; Grupo 2 - sevoflurane 4,0% em oxigênio a 100% (1 L.min-1 por 60 minutos durante 5 dias consecutivos; Grupo 3 - isoniazida (i.p., 50 de peso corporal /dia, durante 4 dias e em seguida tratados apenas com oxigênio a 100% (1 L.min-1 por 60 minutos durante 5 dias consecutivos; Grupo 4 - isoniazida por via intraperitoneal na dose de 50 de peso corporal, diariamente durante 4 dias, seguido da administração do sevoflurane a 4,0% em oxigênio a 100% (1 L.min-1 por 60 minutos durante 5 dias. Após 12 horas da última exposição ao sevoflurane, os animais foram sacrificados e o sangue foi coletado através da veia porta para análise da atividade das enzimas antioxidantes. RESULTADOS: Aumento da atividade específica da glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase, diminuição da atividade específica da catalase, principalmente no grupo de animais pré-tratados com isoniazida e, em seguida, tratados com sevoflurano. A glutationa peroxidase não apresentou alteração na sua atividade. CONCLUSÕES: A interação do sevoflurano com indutores enzimáticos do citocromo P450 2E1 pode propiciar a instalação do estresse oxidativo caso a exposição se torne prolongada e repetitiva.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El sevoflurano es un éter halogenado con flúor que sufre una biotransformación hepática a través del citocromo P450 2E1. Los

  16. La recidiva tumoral en la reconstrucción nasal oncológica

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    Julio César Gálvez Chávez

    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La recidiva tumoral es una de las complicaciones más temidas de la evolución oncológica, y además de ensombrecer el pronóstico de vida, causa la pérdida de muchas reconstrucciones y agota las posibilidades quirúrgicas restauradoras. Este estudio tuvo el objetivo de determinar la frecuencia de recidivas, la repercusión sobre la reconstrucción y la evolución médica posterior de pacientes operados de tumoraciones nasales malignas. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, con 20 pacientes operados de tumoraciones nasales malignas, con reconstrucción inmediata con colgajo frontal. Los pacientes procedían del Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología (INOR, donde fueron atendidos entre el año 2002 y el 2007. RESULTADOS. Hubo recidivas en 5 pacientes (25 % de la muestra y el 80 % de estas eran un carcinoma epidermoide. Todos los pacientes con recidiva perdieron los tejidos reconstruidos y recibieron tratamiento con radioterapia. Solo se pudo reconstruir nuevamente el defecto de uno de los pacientes; dos de los restantes fallecieron y dos continuaban vivos, sin recurrencia del tumor pero sin posibilidades de reconstrucción. CONCLUSIONES. Teniendo en cuenta la frecuencia de recidivas de los carcinomas epidermoides nasales y de su repercusión, cuando no se cuenta con la técnica histográfica de Mhos, se sugiere posponer la reconstrucción nasal hasta tanto no se realice la confirmación histológica de la exéresis completa del tumor.

  17. El tratado secreto del Barón de Río Branco: la alianza entre Brasil y Ecuador, 1904

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    Luís Cláudio Villafañe G. Santos


    Full Text Available Es casi desconocida en las historiografías de Brasil y Ecuador la existencia de un tratado militar secreto entre ambos países, rmado el 5 de mayo de 1904, dirigido contra las pretensiones territoriales de Perú. El artículo estudia una creciente tensión entre Brasil y Perú, que disputaban un área de 442 mil kilómetros cuadrados en la Amazonía. Por iniciativa del Barón de Río Branco, se rmó un tratado secreto de alianza militar entre Brasil y Ecuador. Si bien este acuerdo no fue raticado por los países rmantes, fue de suma importancia para forzar al gobierno peruano a iniciar negociaciones con Brasil, que años más tarde resultaron en el tratado de límites entre los dos países.

  18. Proceso de negociación del tratado sobre el comercio de armas: tensiones y dinámicas de poder


    del Castillo Briceño, Paula Johana


    El interés del presente estudio de caso es analizar la articulación de las dinámicas de poder y estrategias de negociación detrás de un proceso tan complejo como el de la creación del Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas.El estudio examina la evolución de las tensiones principales entre los Estados participantes frente al Tratado y resalta las lógicas de poder al interior de las negociaciónes, así como los factores externos que influyeron para solucionar o agravar dichas tensiones. Con el apoyo...

  19. Adición de residuos de yeso laminado tratado, en el yeso de construcción.


    Rodriguez Orejón, Agustín


    Este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar la posibilidad de utilización de los RCD’s derivados de las placas de yeso laminado (PYL) de forma específica por mezcla de una matriz de yeso o escayola en polvo de nueva producción, con diferentes proporciones de estos residuos, previamente tratados. Por otro lado estudiar la cuantificación de la minoración de resistencia mecánica, sufrida por matrices de diferentes tipos de yeso con agregados, en distintas proporciones, a base de RCD`s de paneles ...

  20. El tratado de Derecho Administrativo del Profesor Rodolfo Carlos Barra

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    Daniel Hugo Martins


    Full Text Available En el "Tratado" cuyos primeros dos tomos han sido públicados recientemente, Barra se propone aplicar la "tesis cuatripartita" al derecho administrativo, con base en la "filosofía perenne" y la interpretación tomista del derecho."Este trabajo -dice- propugna la sistematización y mediatización del Derecho Administrativo, como rama del derecho público que garantiza el cumplimiento del acto justo en las relaciones de justicia distributiva y está referido a la regulación de la relación jurídica Estado (Administración Pública - administrado"

  1. Los tratados silogísticos de Boecio: sus fuentes, historia e influencia en la cristiandad latina

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    Manuel Correia


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describen los contenidos de un tratado sobre lógica aristotélica escrito por Boecio en el VI d. C, llamado por nuestras ediciones modernas De syllogismo categórico (=DSC. A través de sus contenidos, es posible mostrar: (i la importancia de este tratado en el proceso de transmisión de la lógica de Aristóteles al medioevo latino; (ii su relación con otro tratado monográfico similar, titulado por la crítica moderna Introductio ad syllogismos categóricos (ISC y su relación temática con DSC; (iii las fuentes más probables de ambos tratados; y, finalmente, (iv su influencia en el medioevo latino. La hipótesis que se defiende en este artículo es que los contenidos lógicos de este tratado, en particular la clasificación de las proposiciones categóricas, contenida en el corazón del DSC, entregan no solo el objeto temático al tratado, sino también coherencia argumentativa y unidad. En especial, el estudio de esta clasificación permite demostrar la unidad de DSC y en particular que el segundo libro de DSC es genuino y no espurio como sostuvieron, no hace mucho, los estudiosos Murari y McKinlay; además, esta misma clasificación permite apreciar su diferencia con ISC, por el hecho de que este último tratado posee una clasificación diferente a la de DSC. La base de la hipótesis propuesta se halla en que la clasificación mencionada es un intento por generar, a partir de los elementos preposicionales, las principales operaciones lógicas definidas por Aristóteles en sus escritos lógicos, asunto que en la revisión de De Rijk (1964 no quedó totalmente establecidoIn this article, the author describes the contents of a treatise on Aristotelian logic, written by Boethius in the sixth century A.D., titled in our modern editions as De syllogismo categórico (DSC. It is possible to show, through the contents: (i the importance of this treatise for the transmission process of Aristotle's logic to the Latin medieval

  2. La mucosa nasal como vía y fuente para la medicina regenerativa Nasal mucosa as pathway and source for regenerative medicine

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    Porfirio Hernández-Ramírez


    Full Text Available Se mencionan los pilares fundamentales que sustentan a la medicina regenerativa y se señala que de ellos, sin lugar a dudas, el que más ha avanzado es el representado por las células madre, en particular las adultas, que de manera progresiva se han ido extendiendo en la práctica clínica. Se destaca que recién se ha explorado la mucosa nasal como una vía útil y sencilla para el acceso al organismo de elementos potencialmente útiles en la medicina regenerativa, y también como fuente de células madre con posibilidades de introducción en el área clínica. Se comentan las características fundamentales de la mucosa nasal, se mencionan algunos medicamentos que se han usado a través de la ruta intranasal y se refiere la posibilidad de usar esta vía para la administración de células madre que puedan ejercer sus acciones sobre el sistema nervioso central. Estos datos se complementan con los promisorios resultados que se han obtenido con el trasplante de células procedentes de la mucosa nasal.The fundamental pillars of the regenerative medicine were set forth in this paper. One of the most advanced is undoubtedly the field of stem cells, particularly adult stem cells, which has progressively spread into the clinical practice. It was underlined that the nasal mucosa has been recently explored as a useful simple pathway through which the potentially useful elements of regenerative medicine may have access to the body; and also as a source of stem cells with possibilities of being introduced in the clinical area. Comments were made on the fundamental characteristics of the nasal mucosa; some drugs that have been administered through intranasal route were mentioned together with the possibility of using this pathway for stem cells that might have their impact on the central nervous system. All these data were completed with the promising results of transplantation of stem cells from the nasal mucosa.

  3. El Tratado de Versalles y el huevo de la serpiente


    Cruset, María Eugenia


    Si algo enseña la historia es que no hay verdadero y pacífico desarrollo sin verdad, justicia y reparación. O, dicho en sentido negativo, nada hay más explosivo y destructivo para cualquier país que las arbitrariedades e inequidades. Este año se cumplen 90 años de uno de los episodios más gráficos de lo que estamos diciendo: el Tratado de Versalles, que firmado el 28 de junio de 1919 significó el fin de la Primer Guerra Mundial con la humillante derrota de Alemania. Flagrante situación de arb...

  4. Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, territorio financiero del libre comercio

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    Margarita Camarena Luhrs


    Full Text Available A veinte años de la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio de Norteamérica, posiblemente ha agotado sus posibilidades. De sus objetivos, los que resultaron viables, fue la constitución de un territorio financiero de libre comercio, libre y continuo en Norteamérica. Con este proceso destaca el imperativo financiero de la expansión comercial trilateral; pero también, tal como se muestra con esta reflexión, que tras esos resultados comerciales opera una inteligencia financiera y territorial, realmente geoestratégica, promotora de extrema “liberalización proteccionista” que traspasa y supera las capacidades nacionales de Estados.

  5. El Sistema del Tratado Antártico, Posición de Chile como País Puente

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    Javier Urbina Paredes


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta al Tratado Antártico y al sistema y régimen internacional a que da lugar, a cincuenta años de su firma en Washington, Estados Unidos, el 1 de diciembre de 1959. Los retos de la época y los propósitos del Tratado fueron satisfactoriamente superados, pero hoy se enfrenta a nuevos problemas y desafíos, no tanto de carácter político, sino científico, derivados sobre todo del cambio climático, la creciente actividad turística, el daño al medio ambiente y la seguridad de la navegación marítima y aérea. Chile es un actor clave en la Antártida y en el sistema del Tratado Antártico y ofrece sus potencialidades como país puente al ser el más cercano al continente para el desarrollo de las actividades antárticas en general. En su vinculación internacional sobre la materia, lo hace bajo el marco del Tratado Antártico, pero más aún, desarrolla capacidades concretas de acuerdo con las mayores y nuevas demandas que el sistema antártico deberá enfrentar para ponerlas a disposición de la comunidad internacional.

  6. Eficacia del tratamiento acupuntural en pacientes con epicondilitis humeral externa

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    Ida Pantoja Fornés


    Full Text Available Se realizó una intervención terapéutica en 100 pacientes de 20-59 años, con epicondilitis humeral externa, atendidos en la Sala de Rehabilitación del Policlínico Comunitario Docente “Eduardo Mesa Llull”, del municipio de II Frente, de la provincia Santiago de Cuba, desde septiembre de 2013 hasta marzo de 2014, para evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento acupuntural en ellos. La muestra fue dividida en 2 grupos de 50 integrantes cada uno, seleccionados de forma aleatoria. Los del grupo de estudio fueron tratados con acupuntura más corriente Trabert y los del control con corriente Trabert solamente. Como principales resultados predominaron: el grupo etario de 40-49 años (64,0 %, el sexo femenino (66,0 % y los obreros de servicio (56,0 %. Se obtuvo que los tratados con acupuntura tuvieron una mejor evolución, de donde se infiere que la terapia empleada resultó efectiva para aliviar el dolor en quienes se aplicó

  7. Nasal Physiology (United States)

    ... Caregivers Contact ARS HOME ANATOMY Nasal Anatomy Sinus Anatomy Nasal Physiology Nasal Endoscopy Skull Base Anatomy Virtual Anatomy Disclosure ... Patient Education About this Website Font Size + - Home > ANATOMY > Nasal Physiology Nasal Anatomy Sinus Anatomy Nasal Physiology Nasal Endoscopy ...

  8. Nasal Anatomy (United States)

    ... Caregivers Contact ARS HOME ANATOMY Nasal Anatomy Sinus Anatomy Nasal Physiology Nasal Endoscopy Skull Base Anatomy Virtual Anatomy Disclosure ... Size + - Home > ANATOMY > Nasal Anatomy Nasal Anatomy Sinus Anatomy Nasal Physiology Nasal Endoscopy Skull Base Anatomy Virtual Anatomy Disclosure ...

  9. Diferencias conductuales y cognitivas en dos grupos de escolares con TDAH intervenidos con Arteterapia -vsMetilfenidato y un grupo control


    M. Aurora G. Gallardo Saavedra; Ana Lucía Padrón García; M. del Consuelo Martínez-Wbaldo


    Introducción: El trastorno de défcit de atención e hiperactividad TDAH es una entidad neuropsiquiátrica, con prevalencia en la infancia entre 2% y 20%, su tratamiento actual asocia medicamentos y psicoterapia. El arteterapia en salud mental ha sido utilizado para tratar de cambiar el comportamiento y potenciar la cognición. Objetivo: comparar los cambios cognitivo-conductuales en escolares con TDAH tratados con arteterapia-vs-metilfenidato y un grupo control. Método: Ensayo clínico aleatoriza...

  10. Estudio comparativo de las medidas transitorias de protección al sector agrícola en los tratados de libre comercio suscritos entre Estados Unidos de América (EEUU) – Colombia y Estados Unidos de América (EEUU) – Chile


    Barón Martín, Erika Andrea; Vargas Pulido, Wiiliam Ernesto


    La suscripción de tratados de libre comercio (TLC) por parte de Estados Unidos (EEUU) durante la última década con países suramericanos ha correspondido a una estrategia implementada por este país para acercase al continente y mantener relaciones comerciales más estrechas con sus aliados estratégicos. Sin embargo, las negociaciones de estos tratados de libre comercio, suscritos con países suramericanos como Chile y Colombia han incluido medidas transitorias de protección, en especial en el s...

  11. Nasal packing with ventilated nasal packs; a comparison with traditional vaseline nasal pack

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alam, J.; Siddiqui, M.W.; Abbas, A.; Sami, M.; Ayub, Z.


    To compare the benefits of ventilated nasal packing with traditional vaseline guaze nasal packing. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at CMH Multan, from Jun 2014 to Dec 2014. Material and Methods: In this study, sample size of 80 patients was calculated using WHO calculator. Patients were divided in two groups using lottery method endotracheal tube and piece of surgical glove filled with ribbon guaze was utilized for fabricated ventilated nasal pack and compared with traditional nasal packs. Nasal obstruction and sleep disturbance were studied at eight hours and twenty-four hours following surgery using visual analog scale. Results: Mean nasal obstruction with ventilated nasal pack was 45.62 +- 6.17 and with Vaseline nasal pack was 77.67 +- 4.85 which was statistically significant (p=0.001) in both the groups. Mean sleep disturbance in both the groups was 46.32 +- 5.23 and 68.75 +- 2.70 respectively which was statistically significant (p=0.001) in both the groups. Conclusion: Patients with ventilated nasal packs were found to have better tolerance to nasal packs due to less nasal obstruction and sleep disturbance

  12. Reconstrucción quirúrgica tras destrucción nasal por Leishmania Panamensis Surgical reconstruction after nasal destruction by Leishmania Panamensis

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    F. Vélez Bernal


    Full Text Available Algunas especies de Leishmania del subgénero Viannia, especialmente Leishmania braziliensis y Leishmania panamensis, pueden invadir la mucosa naso-orofaríngea al diseminarse por vía linfática y sanguínea a partir de una lesión cutánea y ocasionar lesiones en el tabique nasal, paladar blando, úvula, pilares amigdalinos, laringe, faringe, dorso nasal, labios y pómulos, que pueden conducir a la desfiguración. La mucosa más frecuentemente afectada es la del tabique nasal, principalmente en su parte anterior. La invasión de la mucosa puede ocurrir simultáneamente con lesiones cutáneas activas, aunque más frecuentemente aparecen 1 o 2 años después de la lesión en la piel; sin embargo, en el 16 % de los casos no hay antecedentes de lesiones cutáneas, lo que sugiere que con la picadura del insecto vector se produjo una infección primaria asintomática u oligosintomática y luego se produjo la diseminación del parasito a la mucosas. En este artículo presentamos 2 casos clínicos de leishmaniosis mucosa producidos por L. panamensis y los procedimientos quirúrgicos reconstructivos que se realizaron. Se hace además un recuento de los diagnósticos diferenciales en tejidos oronasales.Species of Leishmania of Viannia subgenus, mainly L. braziliensis and L. panamensis, may invade the nasooro-pharyngeal mucosal after spread from the skin lesion via lymph and blood, causing lesions in the nasal septum, soft palate, uvula, tonsillar pillars, larynx, pharynx, nasal dorsum, lips and cheeks. The mucosal membrane most frequently affected is the nasal septum, mainly in the anterior region. The invasion of mucosa may occur simultaneously with active skin lesions, but most often appear 1 or 2 years after the skin lesion; nevertheless, in 16 % of cases there is no history of skin lesions suggesting that the primary infection coursed with few symptoms and then was spread to mucosal membranes. In this article 2 cases of L panamensis mucosal

  13. Análisis fotogramétrico de las alteraciones cartilaginosas y de tejidos blandos nasales en pacientes intervenidos por labio-paladar hendido unilateral

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    J. Puente Espel


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con fisura labio-palatina unilateral presentan alteraciones anatómicas de la nariz y de las estructuras odontológicas que afectan a la simetría facial, estética y al crecimiento. Estas alteraciones pueden corregirse durante la cirugía labial con corrección nasal primaria si se realiza una técnica quirúrgica correcta. En el caso de que la reparación primaria sea inadecuada, la región nasal mostrará deformidades como estigma del problema inicial. El objetivo de este estudio es describir las alteraciones nasales y la relación que guardan las estructuras nasales con las unidades estéticas de la mejilla y del labio superior en 50 pacientes con labio y paladar hendido unilateral no sindrómico, operados mediante queiloplastia. Además, describimos los parámetros o mediciones nasales obtenidos en los pacientes con un resultado quirúrgico adecuado. Las alteraciones anatómicas que con mayor frecuencia hemos encontrado en nuestra serie son: desplazamiento caudal de la cúpula alar en 48 pacientes (96%; desviación del eje longitudinal nasal de 5 a 10º en 24 pacientes (48%; narina más grande del lado hendido en 28 pacientes (56%; presencia de muesca en la narina en 18 pacientes (36%; inserción de la base alar con el labio superior más caudal en el lado hendido en 35 pacientes (70% y desplazamiento medial de la unión del borde lateral del ala con la mejilla en el lado hendido en 34 pacientes (68%. Estos datos permiten suponer que es posible llevar a cabo una adecuada corrección en la primera intervención.

  14. Neoplasias de Cavidad nasal y senos paranasales en caninos

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    Giovanni Torres


    Full Text Available Las neoplasias de cavidad nasal y senos paranasales en caninos son de escasa presentación; llegan tan sóloal 1.5% de los quistes diagnosticados en esta especie.Con referencia al total de tumores del tracto respiratorio representan entre el 60 y el 80%. Son más comunes en caninos de nariz larga, no existe predilección por género; por el comportamiento, las neoplasias que se desarrollanen la cavidad nasal y senos paranasales son benignas y malignas, siendo estas últimas las más frecuentes. Teniendo en cuenta el tejido de origen pueden ser epiteliales, mesenquimales y de otro origen como los linfomas y el tumor venéreo transmisible. La apariciónde la sintomatología se asocia con la capacidad de obstruir las vías aéreas, la invasión y destrucción local de tejido. En general los signos clínicos asociados consistenen: dificultad respiratoria, estornudo, secreciónnasal, hemorragia nasal y la presencia de masas de características variadas en tamaño y forma. El diagnóstico se basa en signos clínicos, evaluación citológica e histológica de las lesiones. Esta última es 100% diagnóstica, para el tratamiento se utiliza la extracción quirúrgica combinada con terapia de radiación y quimioterapia.

  15. Linfoma hepático primario: Evolución favorable con quimioterapia combinada con rituximab Primary hepatic lymphoma: favorable outcome with chemotherapy plus rituximab

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    I. Serrano-Navarro


    Full Text Available Comunicamos el caso de una paciente con un linfoma hepático primario tratado con éxito con quimioterapia combinada con rituximab. Utilizando los "encabezamientos estándar para búsquedas bibliográficas informatizadas" (Medical Subject Heading revisamos los casos publicados hasta la fecha de esta infrecuente entidad.This article describes the case of a patient with a non-Hodgkin primary hepatic lymphoma who was successfully treated with chemotherapy combined with rituximab. Using the Medical Subject Headings the published reports of this rare entity were reviewed.



    Angélica Moreno; David F. León; Germán A. Giraldo; Eunice Ríos


    Se evaluó el perfil de compuestos volátiles del mango (Mangifera indica L. Var. Tommy Atkins) al ser tratado con la combinación de los métodos de deshidratación osmótica con o sin pulso de vacío (DOPV y DO) y con secado por aire caliente o con vacío (SAC y VAC). El tiempo utilizado en la cinética del proceso de DO fue de 42 horas y la DOPV de 30 horas; en los procesos de secado, el SAC se realizó durante 24 horas y el VAC requirió 40 horas. En el perfil de compuestos volátiles del mango fresc...

  17. Embarazo cornual: tratamiento médico con dosis única de metotrexato


    Ricci A,Paolo; Troncoso J,José Luis; Avilés L,Guillermo; Avilés D,Raimundo


    Presentamos un caso de embarazo cornual o intersticial diagnosticado en forma precoz a través de ecografía transvaginal, tratado exitosamente, en forma conservadora, con dosis única sistémica de metotrexato.

  18. El comercio electrónico en los tratados de libre comercio de México


    Sigmond, Karen


    Resumen: Este artículo iniciará con los antecedentes del desarrollo del régimen del derecho commercial internacional, desde el Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio a la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Se definirá al comercio electrónico o E-commerce y se hará una referencia de las tendencias de crecimiento actuales, seguida de la manera en la que se regula esta materia en México. Se estudiará la cobertura del comercio electrónico en los Tratados de Libre Comercio de México,...

  19. Versatilidad del colgajo zigomático de mejilla en la reconstrucción nasal Versatility of cheek zigomatic flap in nose reconstruction

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    J. De Abullarade


    Full Text Available Conocemos bien la gran variedad de técnicas quirúrgicas existentes para la reconstrucción nasal, sin embargo está bien contar con una alternativa que permita restituir los tejidos del defecto con un colgajo zigomático de mejilla, que bien manejado, permite la reconstrucción nasal tridimensional y el camuflaje de las cicatrices. En este trabajo, comprobamos la versatilidad del colgajo zigomático de mejilla para la reconstrucción nasal en defectos postcáncer.It is well known the variety of surgical techniques for nasal reconstruction, but it is good to have an alternative that offers restore tissue defect with zygomatic cheek flap, which well managed, allows reaching the threedimensional nasal reconstruction and subsequent camouflage of the scars. In this study we found the versatility of the cheek zigomatic flap in nasal reconstruction post cancer defects.

  20. Ana?lisis cinemático de la marcha en pacientes con pie zambo tratados mediante el me?todo de Ponseti frente a la te?cnica quiru?rgica de liberacio?n posterior


    Ferrando, A.; Salom Taverner, M.; Page, A.


    El objetivo principal de este proyecto consiste en valorar la evolución de la marcha en niños en edad preadolescente tratados mediante el método de Ponseti frente a los tratados mediante liberación posterior a partir de técnicas de valoración de la marcha mediante análisis biomecánico. Material y Métodos Estudio retrospectivo de casos y controles aprobado por el comité de ética. Grupo 1: 28 niños (39 pies) tratados mediante liberación posterior. Grupo 2: 18 pacientes (31 pies) tratados median...


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    José David Millán Cano


    Full Text Available Este artículo, más que pretender continuar con la franca crítica al Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC entre Colombia y EE.UU, busca dar una aproximación a las posibles repercusiones que este acuerdo tendrá sobre el acceso a los medicamentos de los afiliados al Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (SGSSS colombiano en  mediano y largo plazo.Para lograr esto, se definirá qué se entiende por Tratado de Libre Comercio, para luego realizar una breve reseña histórica de su evolución. Luego, y para entender un poco la relación que ha unido a Colombia y a EEUU en términos comerciales, se intentará dar un panorama histórico sobre el tema. Se continuará con una descripción de cómo fue el proceso de negociación sin perder de vista los antecedentes y causas de tipo político, económico, y social que motivaron un TLC entre Colombia y EEUU, teniendo en cuenta qué sectores quedaron incluidos en la negociación, qué servicios y con qué condiciones, para luego, evaluar cómo se ve afectado el derecho a la salud y sobre todo el acceso a los medicamentos para los afiliados al SGSSS colombiano a mediano y largo plazo.

  2. La ruptura de las relaciones diplomáticas: Una aproximación sistemática con una referencia especial a las consecuencias de la entrada en vigor del tratado de Lisboa en la praxis diplomática

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    Carles Pérez-Desoy i Fages


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene por objeto ofrecer un análisis sistemático de las distintas formas en que puede producirse la ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas entre dos estados soberanos, así como de las diversas fases en que puede descomponerse un proceso de este tipo, caracterizadas por la adopción de distintos tipos de medidas diplomáticas y la combinación de unas con otras (llamada a consultas, retirada de Embajadores, etc. lo que constituye un lenguaje de signos decodificable en términos diplomáticos, que ha sido poco estudiado desde un punto de vista sistemático. El elemento casuístico es, necesariamente, muy importante, máxime cuando las referencias a esta cuestión dentro de las normas codificadas del Derecho Diplomático son muy limitadas, y la jurisprudencia es con frecuencia inexistente. Por otra parte, la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Lisboa, y la puesta en marcha del Servicio de Acción Exterior Europeo (SEAE abre la posibilidad de que, en caso de crisis diplomática, acciones características de la diplomacia clásica puedan ser aplicadas también en el marco del proceso de toma de decisiones colectivas de la UE, ampliando así significativamente la panoplia de posibles medidas a adoptar. La entrada en vigor del Tratado de Lisboa abre también nuevas opciones teóricas de gran interés en el caso de ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas de un Estado Miembro de la UE con un tercer Estado, como por ejemplo la posible creación de una "sección de intereses" de ese Estado en el seno de la Delegación de la UE en ese país

  3. Efecto coadyuvante del extracto liofilizado de Passiflora edulis (maracuyá en la reducción de la presión arterial en pacientes tratados con enalapril

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    Juan Rojas


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar el efecto coadyuvante antihipertensivo y la seguridad del jugo del fruto de maracuyá en pacientes hipertensos en tratamiento con enalapril. Diseño: Ensayo clínico prospectivo piloto, de fase II, aleatorizado, a doble ciego, de grupos paralelos, controlado, de búsqueda de dosis y evaluación del producto. Institución: Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas, Facultad de Medicina, UNMSM; Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo en Lima; Hospital Belén de Trujillo y Centros de Salud de Moche y Laredo, en la ciudad de Trujillo. Participantes: Pacientes hipertensos. Intervenciones: Los pacientes fueron asignados aleatoriamente a 4 grupos. Todos recibieron enalapril 10 mg/día y, además, el primer grupo recibió placebo y los demás 2, 3 y 4 cápsulas de 500 mg de liofilizado de jugo de maracuyá/día, respectivamente. Principales medidas de resultados: Disminución de la presión arterial. Resultados: Los grupos que recibieron enalapril más maracuyá tuvieron una mejor reducción de la presión sanguínea en comparación con el grupo que recibió enalapril más placebo. El grupo tratado con enalapril más 4 cápsulas de jugo liofilizado de maracuyá/día produjo al final del experimento una reducción de la presión sistólica de 6,73 mmHg y de la presión diastólica de 5,33 mmHg (p<0,05, en comparación con el grupo enalapril más placebo. No se observó efectos adversos por el tratamiento. Conclusiones: El jugo del fruto de P. edulis fue coadyuvante efectivo del enalapril en la disminución de la presión arterial en pacientes con hipertensión estadio 1, y demostró ser seguro.

  4. Aumento de dorso nasal con implante blando de tejido conectivo laxo y cartílago troce


    Vásquez-García, Mariana; Salcedo-Orellana, Víctor


    Introducción y Objetivo: Están descritas innumerables técnicas para el aumento del dorso nasal. Los injertos autólogos son el material preferido en la reconstrucción nasal debido a su biocompatibilidad y a su menor riesgo de infección y exposición. La técnica de cartílago troceado envuelto en fascia temporal se ha popularizado porque evita la visualización de los injertos a través de la piel del dorso nasal. Nuestro estudio tiene como objetivo demostrar que también el tejido conectivo laxo re...

  5. Las indicaciones geográficas en el TLC firmado por Colombia y Perú con EUA frente al TLC con Chile.


    Zarama Medina, Juan Andrés


    El propósito de este trabajo es hacer un análisis crítico del tratamiento que se ha dado a las Indicaciones Geográficas y mas específicamente a las Denominaciones de Origen en el Tratado de Libre Comercio que firmaron recientemente por Colombia y Perú, con los Estados Unidos (TLC), al que en adelante denominaremos TLC CAN, y compararlo con el TLC firmado con Chile (En adelante TLC CHILE). Para efectos de este trabajo, centraremos nuestra atención de manera específica en la tendencia de estos ...

  6. Nasal deposition of ciclesonide nasal aerosol and mometasone aqueous nasal spray in allergic rhinitis patients. (United States)

    Emanuel, Ivor A; Blaiss, Michael S; Meltzer, Eli O; Evans, Philip; Connor, Alyson


    Sensory attributes of intranasal corticosteroids, such as rundown to the back of the throat, may influence patient treatment preferences. This study compares the nasal deposition and nasal retention of a radiolabeled solution of ciclesonide nasal aerosol (CIC-hydrofluoroalkane [HFA]) with a radiolabeled suspension of mometasone furoate monohydrate aqueous nasal spray (MFNS) in subjects with either perennial allergic rhinitis (AR) or seasonal AR. In this open-label, single-dose, randomized, crossover scintigraphy study, 14 subjects with symptomatic AR received a single dose of radiolabeled 74-μg CIC-HFA (37 μg/spray, 1 spray/each nostril) via a nasal metered-dose inhaler or a single dose of radiolabeled 200-μg MFNS (50 μg/spray, 2 sprays/each nostril), with a minimum 5-day washout period between treatments. Initial deposition (2 minutes postdose) of radiolabeled CIC-HFA and MFNS in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, and on nasal wipes, and retention of radioactivity in the nasal cavity and nasal run-out on nasal wipes at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 minutes postdose were quantified with scintigraphy. At 2 and 10 minutes postdose, deposition of radiolabeled CIC-HFA was significantly higher in the nasal cavity versus radiolabeled MFNS (99.42% versus 86.50% at 2 minutes, p = 0.0046; and 81.10% versus 54.31% at 10 minutes, p Deposition of radioactivity on nasal wipes was significantly higher with MFNS versus CIC-HFA at all five time points, and posterior losses of radiolabeled formulation were significantly higher with MFNS at 6, 8, and 10 minutes postdose. In this scintigraphic study, significantly higher nasal deposition and retention of radiolabeled aerosol CIC-HFA were observed versus radiolabeled aqueous MFNS in subjects with AR.

  7. Aplicaciones del colgajo frontonasal para la cobertura de defectos nasales

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    M. Pérez


    Full Text Available Presentamos una revisión retrospectiva de los pacientes a los cuales se realizó un colgajo frontonasal para la cobertura de defectos nasales intervenidos en la Unidad de Tumores Cutáneos de nuestro Servicio en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2010 y mayo de 2014. El objetivo es analizar nuestras aplicaciones y resultados además de describir un algoritmo que permita indicar los distintos diseños en función de la localización y el tamaño del defecto a reparar. Empleamos el colgajo frontonasal en 78 pacientes (49 mujeres y 29 varones con un rango de edad de 47 a 92 años (media de 73 años. Creamos un total de 81 defectos, puesto que en 3 casos se resecaron simultáneamente 2 tumoraciones, todos de etiología tumoral (64 carcinomas basocelulares, 16 carcinomas espinocelulares y 1 caso de léntigo maligno melanoma, localizados en el área nasal, con un tamaño mínimo de 12 x 17 mm y máximo de 30 x 35 mm (media de 22 x 25 mm. El periodo de seguimiento fue de entre 2 meses y 4 años (media de 2,5 años. Respecto a las complicaciones observadas, todas ellas menores, hubo 6 casos de necrosis marginal, 8 de dehiscencia parcial de la herida y 1 de cicatrización hipertrófica, tratándose en su mayor parte de varones fumadores. Todos los colgajos sobrevivieron con resultado estético satisfactorio. El colgajo frontonasal permite la cobertura en un sólo tiempo quirúrgico de defectos nasales independientemente de su localización, de hasta 30 x 35 mm en nuestra serie. Se trata de un colgajo seguro y versátil en sus múltiples modificaciones, con unos resultados estéticos satisfactorios. Estas ventajas son de especial importancia en pacientes de edad avanzada como alternativa a técnicas más complejas. Se trata por lo tanto, a nuestro juicio, de una opción a tener en cuenta para la reconstrucción en un único tiempo quirúrgico de defectos nasales.

  8. Aceros sinterizados tratados al vapor para la fabricación de componentes de amortiguadores bitubo

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    Cambronero, L. E. G.


    Full Text Available In this work, properties of three sintered and steam treated alloyed irons were analysed. These materials were Fe+2Cu, Fe+0.6C+0.5Cu, and Fe+0.45P+2.5Cu, which were obtained by powder mixing. Once pressed and sintered, samples were steam treated (surface treatment which is characteristic of sintered irons. Density, hardness and tensile strength were obtained on sintered and steam treated samples, within their microstructure analysis. Also, a tribological study was carried out since some parts of shock absorbers are working under friction.

    En este trabajo se analizan las propiedades de tres hierros aleados sintetizados y tratados al vapor. Los materiales seleccionados son el Fe+2Cu, Fe+0.6C+0.5Cu, y Fe+0.45P+2.5Cu, obtenidos por mezcla elemental de polvos. Una vez compactados y sintetizados, se sometieron a un tratamiento de recubrimiento característico de los hierros, como es el tratamiento al vapor. En los materiales sintetizados y tratados al vapor, se determinaron su densidad, dureza y resistencia a tracción, junto con su análisis microestructural. Así mismo dado que algunos de los componentes de los amortiguadores bitubo están sometidos a esfuerzos de fricción, se analizaron el comportamiento tribologíco de los materiales obtenidos tanto en estado sintetizado como tratados al vapor.

  9. A Rare Nasal Bone Fracture: Anterior Nasal Spine Fracture

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    Egemen Kucuk


    Full Text Available Anterior nasal spine fractures are a quite rare type of nasal bone fractures. Associated cervical spine injuries are more dangerous than the nasal bone fracture. A case of the anterior nasal spine fracture, in a 18-year-old male was presented. Fracture of the anterior nasal spine, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of the midface injuries and also accompanying cervical spine injury should not be ignored.

  10. Evolución oftalmológica en pacientes hipertiroideos tratados con yodo radiactivo Ophthalmological evolution in hyperthyroid patients treated with radioactive iodine

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    María Teresa Marrero Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar un análisis de la evolución oftalmológica en pacientes hipertiroideos tratados con yodo radiactivo. Se estudiaron 100 casos (88 mujeres y 12 hombres procedentes de la consulta de tiroides del Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología, con diagnóstico clínico y bioquímico de hipertiroidismo y con una edad media de 40 ± 10 años. Estos pacientes fueron sometidos a un tratamiento con yodo radiactivo a una dosis de 80 µCi/g de tejido tiroideo. A cada uno de ellos se le realizó una oftalmometría bilateral antes del tratamiento y 12 meses después de este. La oftalmometría media del ojo derecho antes del tratamiento fue de 14,51 ± 2,86 mm y posterior al tratamiento de 13,92 ± 2,83 mm, mientras que para el ojo izquierdo fue de 14,98 ± 2,91 mm y 14,27 ± 2,83 mm, respectivamente. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados de la oftalmometría, concluimos que el uso del yodo radiactivo en el tratamiento de pacientes hipertiroideos no tuvo efectos negativos sobre la evolución oftalmológica de los pacientes estudiados.This study was aimed at analyzing the ophthalmolgical evolution in hyperthyroid patients treated with radioactive iodine. 100 patients (88 females and 12 males from the thyroid department of the National Institute of Endocrinology with clinical and biochemical diagnosis of hyperthyroidism and with a mean age of 40 ± 10 years old, were studied. These patients underwent a treatment with radioactive iodine at a dose of 80 m Ci/g of thyroid tissue. A bilateral ophthalmometry was performed to each patient before the treatment and 12 months after it. Mean ophthalmometry of the right eye was 14.51 ± 2.86 mm before the treatment and 13.92 ± 2.83 mm after the treatment, whereas for the left eye it was 14.98 ± 2.91 mm and 14.27 ± 2.83 mm , respectively. Taking into account the results of the ophthalmometry, we concluded that the use of radioactive iodine in the treatment of hyperthyroid patients had

  11. Objective Measure of Nasal Air Emission Using Nasal Accelerometry (United States)

    Cler, Meredith J.; Lien, Yu-An, S.; Braden, Maia N.; Mittleman, Talia; Downing, Kerri; Stepp, Cara, E.


    Purpose: This article describes the development and initial validation of an objective measure of nasal air emission (NAE) using nasal accelerometry. Method: Nasal acceleration and nasal airflow signals were simultaneously recorded while an expert speech language pathologist modeled NAEs at a variety of severity levels. In addition, microphone and…

  12. Nasal Carriage of Uncommon Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci in Nurses and Physicians of Tehran University Hospitals

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    Elaheh Salimi


    Full Text Available Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS have been identified as a major cause of nosocomial infections. Nasal carriage of CoNS in nurses and physicians is known to be an important risk factor for potential hospital infections. This study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of nasal carriage of uncommon coagulase-negative staphylococci among nurse and physician staffs of Tehran University Hospitals. A total of 116 CoNS were isolated from anterior nares of the study participants working in different wards of the hospitals. Thirteen uncommon CoNS were identified using phenotypic and biochemical methods, were subsequently confirmed by API kits. Staphylococcus xylosus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, and Staphylococcus capitis species accounted for 53.85%, 30.77%, and 15.38% from the isolates, respectively. Six isolates (46.15% were found to be resistant to methicillin. In conclusion, screening of healthcare workers for uncommon CoNS colonization along with identification and testing for susceptibility of cultured isolates is of paramount importance in strengthening effective nosocomial infection control and prevention measures.

  13. Análisis del perfil de compuestos volátiles del mango (mangifera indica l. var. tommy atkins) tratado por métodos combinados


    Moreno, Angélica; León, David F.; Giraldo, Germán A.; Ríos, Eunice


    Se evaluó el perfil de compuestos volátiles del mango (Mangifera indica L. Var. Tommy Atkins) al ser tratado con la combinación de los métodos de deshidratación osmótica con o sin pulso de vacío (DOPV y DO) y con secado por aire caliente o con vacío (SAC y VAC). El tiempo utilizado en la cinética del proceso de DO fue de 42 horas y la DOPV de 30 horas; en los procesos de secado, el SAC se realizó durante 24 horas y el VAC requirió 40 horas. En el perfil de compuestos volátiles del mango fresc...

  14. Nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma with no nasal symptoms.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Uzomefuna, Vincent


    The authors present a case of nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma (NCMH) in an 8-year-old boy with a 4-month history of frontal headache and no symptoms of nasal obstruction, rhinorrhoea or postnasal drip. An ENT examination as well as ophthalmology assessment presented normal results. CT scan showed a lesion involving the sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses. The patient had an endoscopic resection of the lesion that was confirmed histologically to be a NCMH. Though NCMH is known to present usually in infants with obstructing nasal mass, an unusual presentation of a patient with throbbing headache without any nasal symptoms is reported here.

  15. Incidencia de fracturas maxilofaciales relacionadas con el deporte

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz¹


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio para analizar la incidencia de las fracturas maxilofaciales relacionadas con el deporte en los años 1991 al 1993. Se encontró que éstas correspondían al 7,1 % del total; fueron más frecuentes en el sexo masculino y en el grupo de edad de 15 a 24 años. El beisbol fue el deporte que más casos aportó a nuestro estudio; le siguieron el kárate y el baloncesto. La colisión con otro jugador y las caídas fueron las causas más frecuentes. La región nasal fue la más afectada con el 32,5 %. Se recomienda el correcto uso de los medios de prevención de: fracturas faciales, accidentes deportivos, traumatismos faciales y fracturas nasales.The authors carried out a study to analyze the incidence of maxillofacial fractures related to sports from 1991 to 1993. It was found that these were correspondent with 7,1 % of the total of fractures; that were more frequent in masculine sex, and in the 15 to 24 years old age group. Baseball was the sport that brought more cases to the study, followed by martial arts and basketball. Collisions with another players, and downfalls, were the most frequent causes. The nasal region was the most effected one, with 32,5 %. The authors recommend the correct usage of prevention media to avoid facial fractures, sports accidents, facial traumas and nasal fractures.

  16. Efeitos agudos do ultrassom terapêutico de 1-MHz na desobstrução nasal de indivíduos com rinossinusite crônica Acute effects of therapeutic 1-MHz ultrasound on nasal unblocking of subjects with chronic rhinosinusitis

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    Wanize Almeida Rocha


    Full Text Available Recentemente, a terapia ultrassônica de baixa intensidade (TUSBI foi descrita como um tratamento plausível para rinossinusite crônica (RNC. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os efeitos agudos da TUSBI de 1MHz contínua sobre a obstrução nasal de indivíduos com RNC. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Participaram de um estudo tipo placebo-controlado 26 indivíduos adultos com RNC (10 homens, 16 mulheres, alocados sequencialmente em dois grupos: controle-placebo (CP, n=12 e tratados com TUSBI (US, n=14. Para o tratamento determinou-se: ISATA= 1MHz,, contínuo, por quatro minutos nos seios maxilares e septo nasal. No grupo CP o equipamento permaneceu desligado. Para avaliação do nível de obstrução nasal, foi mesurado o volume total de secreção expelida (VSEx, avaliado pela instilação nasal de 5 mL de solução salina (NaCl-0,9% e coleta do lavado nasal. O volume de ar expirado (VAEx foi avaliado pelo teste do espelho de Glatzel. RESULTADOS: Os dados mostraram um aumento (pLow-intensity ultrasound therapy (LIUST has been described as a plausible treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS. AIMS: To evaluate the short-term effects of continuous 1MHz LIUST on nasal obstruction in subjects with CRS. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A cohort placebo-controlled study comprising 26 CRS adults (10 men, 16 women, sequentially allocated into two groups: control-placebo (CP, n= 12 and treated with LIUST (US, n= 14. The treatment consisted of: ISATA = continuous 1MHz, for four minutes in the maxillary sinuses and nasal septum. The equipment was switched off in the CP group. The degree of obstruction was assessed by the total volume of secretion expelled (VSEx after nasal instillation of 5 mL saline solution (NaCl-0.9% followed by nasal lavage. The volume of expired air (VEA was assessed with a Glatzel mirror. RESULTS: The data showed an increase (p<0.01 in VSEx and VEA after ultrasound therapy, suggesting a 64% improvement of nasal obstruction compared with the CP group

  17. Septoplastia submucosa asistida por endoscopia más reducción nasal cerrada en fracturas nasoseptales: estudio comparativo frente a la técnica tradicional

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    Nicolás Pereira

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción y Objetivos La fractura de los huesos propios nasales es la más frecuente de las fracturas faciales y su hallazgo concomitante con fractura septal varía desde un 34% a un 96.2%. Es necesario un abordaje adecuado para evitar complicaciones como obstrucción nasal y deformidades nasoseptales postraumáticas. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la técnica de asistencia endoscópica como alternativa para el tratamiento de lesiones septales agudas y compararla con los resultados del abordaje tradicional de esta patología. Material y Método Revisión retrospectiva de casos de fracturas nasoseptales entre enero de 2010 y abril del 2014 en los que se realizó reducción nasal cerrada más septoplastia abierta (técnica tradicional o reducción nasal más septoplastia submucosa asistida por endoscopía (SSAE. Describimos la técnica quirúrgica y presentamos resultados. Resultados Recogimos 123 pacientes: 33 casos con técnica tradicional y 90 casos con SSAE. Todos debidos a accidentes laborales o en el trayecto hacia/desde el trabajo. Ambos grupos fueron comparables. El tiempo promedio transcurrido entre el accidente y la cirugía tradicional fue 11.4 días y para SSAE fue de 15 días. No se presentaron complicaciones intraoperatorias con ninguna de las técnicas. Hubo 5 pacientes (15.15% operados con técnica tradicional y 3 (3.3% con SSAE que evolucionaron con obstrucción nasal y/o laterorrinia; requirieron rinoseptoplastia secundaria (diferencia estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones La SSAE para tratamiento de fracturas nasoseptales supone una innovación que reduce la tasa de rinoseptoplastias secundarias en comparación con la técnica tradicional y lo reportado en la literatura. Es además una técnica reproducible y de bajo costo.


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    Mario Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Resumen El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar la inserción de la economía guatemalteca al proceso del desarrollo global del sistema capitalista. El trabajo sustenta la idea de que la estructura productiva se fue configurando a partir de los procesos de ajuste estructural y que la misma tuvo un sesgo marcadamente neoliberal. Esto permitió generar una plataforma política y económica que facilito la imposición de un modelo dependiente con la instauración de un Acuerdo Comercial con Estados Unidos. Este mecanismo es la última fase de la implantación del modelo económico de acumulación, que permite una inserción del capital nacional al gran mercado capitalista mundial y reconfigura la estructura productiva agrícola del país adaptándola a las nuevas necesidades del capital global.   Abstract The Objective of this article is analyzing the insertion of the Guatemalan economy to process of world development of capitalist system. The work support the idea of the productive structure was forming to begin of structures adjustments process and had a slant markedly neoliberal. It allowed produce a politic platform and economic that made easy the imposition of a dependent model with the establishment of one trade agreement with United States. It mechanism is the last stage of the implantation of economic model of accumulation, that allow a insertion of national working capital to big world capitalist market and reforming the farming productive structure of Guatemala; adjustmenting the country to the new necessities of world working capital.

  19. Relation between epistaxis, external nasal deformity, and septal deviation following nasal trauma (United States)

    Daniel, M; Raghavan, U


    Objectives: To find if the presence of epistaxis after nasal trauma can be used to predict post-traumatic external nasal deformity or a symptomatic deviated nasal septum. Methods: Retrospective analysis of all patients seen in the fractured nose clinic by the first author between 17 October 2003 and 27 February 2004. Presence of epistaxis, newly developed external nasal deformity, and the presence of a deviated nasal septum with new symptoms of nasal obstruction were noted. Results: A total of 139 patients were included in the study. Epistaxis following injury was noted in 106 (76%). Newly developed external nasal deformity was noted in 71 (51%), and 33 (24%) had a deviated nasal septum with new symptoms of nasal obstruction. Of the 106 patients with post-trauma epistaxis, 50 (67%) had newly developed external nasal deformity and of the 33 patients without post-traumatic epistaxis, 11 (33%) had nasal deformity (pepistaxis was not associated with the presence of a newly symptomatic deviated septum (25% in patients with epistaxis after injury versus 18% if there was no epistaxis). Conclusions: Presence of epistaxis after nasal trauma is associated with a statistically significant increase in external nasal deformity. However, one third of patients without epistaxis following nasal trauma also had external nasal deformity and hence all patients with a swollen nose after injury, irrespective of post-trauma epistaxis, still need to be referred to the fractured nose clinic. PMID:16244333

  20. Tránsito del Derecho Penal Internacional desde el Tratado de Versalles y de Nuremberg hasta Roma


    Castaño, Deissy Motta


    El marco del presente artículo se sustenta en la trascendencia del análisis de las instituciones internacionales en relación con los delitos contemplados como crímenes de guerra en conflagraciones entre Estados y su intervención en la problemática de la violencia interna. El tránsito del derecho penal internacional desde el Tratado de Versalles y de Nuremberg hasta Roma, constituye una aproximación a una genealogía histórica del derecho internacional, relativo a los crímenes de guerra durante...

  1. El lugar de la sátira en la poética: los tratados españoles del siglo XIX

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    González Alcázar, Felipe


    Full Text Available This article aims to analyse the satirical genre and its connections with Poetics in the Spanish Poetry and Rhetoric precept treatises of the nineteenth century. Throughout that century, literary theory was subject to major changes, such as the success of Hegel’s postulates on literary genres. Satire faces these changes and its own evolution: it was first identified with the Roman satura and afterwards through its various forms, it became a mixed or transitional genre. Its fragile nature seems to confront directly the normative perpetuity of treatises that, in spite of their rupture with romanticism, may be considered inheritors of the classicist principles.Se propone en este artículo investigar el género satírico y sus relaciones con la Poética a través de los tratados poético-retóricos de preceptiva españoles del siglo XIX. A lo largo de toda esa centuria la teoría literaria estuvo sujeta a grandes transformaciones, entre ellas, el triunfo de los principios hegelianos acerca de los géneros literarios. La sátira se enfrenta a esas mismas transformaciones y a su propia evolución: primero, identificada con la satura romana, y luego, a través de sus numerosas formas, convertida en un género mixto o de transición. Su lábil naturaleza parece enfrentarse directamente con la perennidad normativa de los tratados que, a pesar de la ruptura romántica, pueden considerarse herederos de los principios clasicistas.

  2. Characteristics of nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) and nasal absorption capacity in chicken. (United States)

    Kang, Haihong; Yan, Mengfei; Yu, Qinghua; Yang, Qian


    As the main mucosal immune inductive site of nasal cavity, nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) plays an important role in both antigen recognition and immune activation after intranasal immunization. However, the efficiency of intranasal vaccines is commonly restricted by the insufficient intake of antigen by the nasal mucosa, resulting from the nasal mucosal barrier and the nasal mucociliary clearance. The distribution of NALT and the characteristic of nasal cavity have already been described in humans and many laboratory rodents, while data about poultry are scarce. For this purpose, histological sections of the chicken nasal cavities were used to examine the anatomical structure and histological characteristics of nasal cavity. Besides, the absorptive capacity of chicken nasal mucosa was also studied using the materials with different particle size. Results showed that the NALT of chicken was located on the bottom of nasal septum and both sides of choanal cleft, which mainly consisted of second lymphoid follicle. A large number of lymphocytes were distributed under the mucosal epithelium of inferior nasal meatus. In addition, there were also diffuse lymphoid tissues located under the epithelium of the concha nasalis media and the walls of nasal cavity. The results of absorption experiment showed that the chicken nasal mucosa was capable to absorb trypan blue, OVA, and fluorescent latex particles. Inactivated avian influenza virus (IAIV) could be taken up by chicken nasal mucosa except for the stratified squamous epithelium sites located on the forepart of nasal cavity. The intake of IAIV by NALT was greater than that of the nasal mucosa covering on non-lymphoid tissue, which could be further enhanced after intranasal inoculation combined with sodium cholate or CpG DNA. The study on NALT and nasal absorptive capacity will be benefit for further understanding of immune mechanisms after nasal vaccination and development of nasal vaccines for poultry.

  3. Profilaxis primaria para tromboembolismo venoso en pacientes ambulatorios con cáncer sometidos a quimioterapia

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    Conclusiones de los autores: La tromboprofilaxis primaria con HBPM redujo significativamente la incidencia del TEV sintomático en los pacientes ambulatorios con cáncer tratados con quimioterapia. Sin embargo, la ausencia de poder estadístico obstaculiza la posibilidad de establecer conclusiones definitivas sobre los efectos en cuanto a los resultados principales de seguridad, lo cual obliga a la realización de estudios adicionales para determinar el cociente riesgos/beneficios de la HBPM en este contexto.


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    Yolanda Agra Varela


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: En este trabajo se evalúa la efectividad de los cuidados paliativos a domicilio con el objetivo de determinar si los enfermos con cáncer terminal tratados por Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria presentan mejor calidad de vida que los tratados por Equipos de Atención Primaria. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo cuasi experimental realizado en el Área 4 del Imsalud de Madrid con enfermos referidos desde el hospital a Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria o a Equipos de Atención Primaria. La variable estudiada fue la calidad de vida medida a través del Rotterdam Symptom Check List y el Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó MANOVA, ANOVA de medidas repetidas y el test de Friedman. Resultados: 165 enfermos fueron tratados por Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria y 56 por Equipos de Atención Primaria. Los primeros presentaron mejor puntuación en las escalas global (diferencia de medias: 9,5; IC 95%: 2,3-16,67 y dolor (diferencia de medias: 6,4; IC 9%: 1,14-11,43 del Rotterdam Symptom Check List en la primera semana del estudio. El tamaño del efecto fue mayor en el grupo Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria. La prescripción de fármacos y el lugar de la muerte fue diferente en ambos grupos. Conclusiones:Al principio del estudio los enfermos tratados por Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria presentaron una mejor percepción del estado de salud que los tratados por Equipos de Atención Primaria. No obstante, el importante número de pérdidas a lo largo del mismo hace que haya que mirar estos resultados con precaución.



    Martí Pagès, Carles


    Se realiza un estudio clínico en el lnstituto de Cirugía Maxilofacial e Implantologia tras pasar el comité ético del Centro Medica Teknon. Es un estudio randomizado, controlado utilizando un diseño tipo "split mouth" en el cual cada paciente sirve de propio control. SE realiza a 5 pacientes, con atrofia posterior del maxilar superior sin posibilidad de instalar implantes fueron tratados con reconstrucción mediante la técnica de elevación sinusal bilateral, rellenando un sena con Bio-as...

  6. Tocando a las puertas del cielo. México y la negociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio


    Orozco-Martínez, Carlos E.


    Análisis de la iniciativa de Carlos Salinas de Gortari como presidente de México para la creación de un área libre de comercio con Estados Unidos y Canadá. Se hace una radiografía de lo negociado para el Tratado de Libre Comercio, como acceso a mercados, reglas de comercio, servicios, inversión y propiedad intelectual; se repasa lo visto en materia de aranceles, agricultura, industria automotriz, industria textil y petroquímica, entre otros. Incluye obra visual de Francisco Madrigal, reproduc...

  7. The Structure and Content of Agreements between the Agency and States required in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; Estructura y contenido de los acuerdos entre los Estados y el Organismo requeridos en relacion con el Tratado sobre la no proliferacion de las armas nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Board of Governors has requested the Director General to use the material reproduced in this booklet as the basis for negotiating safeguards agreements between the Agency and non-nuclear-weapon States party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [Spanish] El Acuerdo debe contener, de conformidad con el parrafo 1 del Articulo III del Tratado sobre la no proliferacion de las armas nucleares, el compromiso de aceptar salvaguardias por parte del Estado de conformidad con los terminos del Acuerdo, sobre todos los materiales basicos o materiales fisionables especiales en todas las actividades nucleares con fines pacificos realizadas en su territorio, bajo su jurisdiccion, o efectuadas bajo su control en cualquier lugar, a efectos unicamente de verificar que dichos materiales no se desvian hacia armas nucleares u otros dispositivos nucleares explosivos.

  8. Characterization of epithelial domains in the nasal passages of chick embryos: spatial and temporal mapping of a range of extracellular matrix and cell surface molecules during development of the nasal placode. (United States)

    Croucher, S J; Tickle, C


    The formation of the nasal passages involves complex morphogenesis and their lining develops a spatially ordered pattern of differentiation, with distinct domains of olfactory and respiratory epithelium. Using antibodies to the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM), keratan sulphate and heparan sulphate proteoglycan (HSPG) and a panel of lectins (agglutinins of Canavalia ensiformis (ConA), Dolichos biflorus (DBA), peanut (PNA), Ricinis communis (RCA1), soybean (SBA), Ulex europaeus (UEA1), and wheatgerm (WGA], we have documented cell surface characteristics of each epithelial domain. Binding of antibodies to N-CAM and to keratan sulphate, and the lectins ConA, PNA, RCA1, SBA and WGA marks the olfactory epithelial domain only. The restriction of N-CAM to the sensory region of the epithelium has also been reported in the developing ear. This striking similarity is consistent with the idea that N-CAM may be involved in the division of functionally and histologically distinct cell groups within an epithelium. We traced the olfactory-specific cell markers during development to gain insights into the origin of the epithelial lining of the nasal passages. All reagents bind at early stages to the thickened nasal placode and surrounding head ectoderm and then become progressively restricted to the olfactory domain. The expression of these characteristics appears to be modulated during development rather than being cell autonomous. The distribution of keratan sulphate was compared with collagen type II in relation to the specification of the chondrocranium. Keratan sulphate and collagen type II are only colocalized at the epithelial-mesenchymal interface during early nasal development. At later stages, only collagen type II is expressed at the interface throughout the nasal passages, whereas keratan sulphate is absent beneath the respiratory epithelium.

  9. Nasal Wash Treatment (United States)

    ... Medications Alternative Therapies Nasal Wash Treatment Nasal Wash Treatment Make an Appointment Ask a Question Refer Patient The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for preparing water used in a nasal wash are listed below. Many ...

  10. Comportamiento viscoelástico lineal de soluciones acuosas de ctab/nasal

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    Jesús Ramiro Aragón Guajardo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se lleva a cabo un estudio de los comportamientos viscoelásticos lineales de disoluciones acuosas de Bromuro de Cetiltrimetilamonio (CTAB/Salicilato de Sodio (NaSal variándose tanto la temperatura como la concentración de NaSal. La concentración de CTAB se mantuvo constante en 100 mM, mientras que la concentración de NaSal se varió en el intervalo de 35 a 500 mM a las temperaturas de medición de 25, 30 y 35ºC. Los resultados de viscosidad estática indican que el sistema exhibe cuatro regiones con igual número de transiciones estructurales de micelas alargadas filiformes en función de la concentración de NaSal y de la temperatura. Los análisis viscoelásticos fueron llevados a cabo utilizando los modelos mecánicos de Maxwell y Hess, permitiendo obtener una correlación entre la viscoelasticidad lineal oscilatoria, por medio de los espectros de tiempos de relajación, y las diferentes estructuras micelares de cada una de las diferentes regiones del diagrama fisicoquímico dinámico.

  11. Los potenciales impactos del tratado de libre comercio Estados Unidos-Ecuador en el sector agrícola


    Calvache Peña, Myriam Patricia; Zambrano Illescas, José Sigifredo


    El presente trabajo analiza las ventajas y desventajas, así como los potenciales impactos de la firma del tratado de libre comercio con Estados Unidos, en el sector agrícola ecuatoriano. Se trata de abordar este tema a través de una exposición técnica de datos y de la experiencia internacional existente, lo que lleva a un enfoque más profundo de las grandes asimetrías que se tiene en el país del norte, en donde los agricultores reciben beneficios tanto en la producción como en la exportación,...



    Burbano Huertas, Luis Felipe; Ortega Vera, César Mauricio


    A finales del siglo XX Colombia ha ingresado paulatinamente en los procesos de libre comercialización con otros países, derivados de las dinámicas del mercado a nivel internacional; entre estos se encuentran el de la apertura económica en la década de los noventa y en la actualidad, el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC). El TLC, ha sido objeto de una serie de inconformidades planteadas por parte de algunos sectores económicos, como es el caso de los cultivadores de trigo en todo el país y partic...

  13. Portadores nasales de Staphylococcus aureus en personal que labora en un Hospital de Santander Nasal carriers of Staphylococcus aureus in the personnel that works in a Hospital of Santander

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    Cindy Tatiana Espinosa González


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las infecciones intrahospitalarias constituyen un problema de salud pública mundial, la diseminación de bacterias patógenas a partir del personal de salud, ha sido el enfoque de numerosas investigaciones que buscan mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de portadores de Staphylococcus aureus en fosas nasales del personal que labora en las unidades de cuidados intensivos, infectología pediátrica y lactario en un Hospital en Santander. Metodología: Se estudiaron muestras provenientes de fosas nasales de 87 trabajadores del Hospital. Las cepas aisladas se identificaron mediante las pruebas bioquímicas y posteriormente, se determinó el perfil de susceptibilidad ante diferentes antibióticos, se realizó test D a las cepas de S. aureus. Resultados: La frecuencia de portadores de bacterias patógenas fue 41,4%; el patógeno aislado con mayor frecuencia fue S. aureus (72%, donde el porcentaje de S. aureus meticilino-resistentes (SARM fue de 11,6%, Enterobacter aerogenes (6%, Proteus mirabilis (2,3%, Haemophylus influenzae (1,1%, Citrobacter koseri (1,1% y Providencia rettgeri (1,1%. Conclusión: S. aureus es el agente aislado con mayor frecuencia de las fosas nasales del personal de salud y la presencia de SARM es preocupante por su resistencia a los antibióticos, lo que dificulta su tratamiento. Este hecho evidencia la necesidad de actuar con un carácter preventivo, en el cual el control de portadores es crítico y debe asociarse con medidas de bioseguridad que establezcan barreras más eficientes, para reducir la diseminación del microorganismo y la ocurrencia de infecciones intrahospitalarias. Salud UIS 2011; 43 (2: 111-117Introduction: Nosocomial infections are a public health problem worldwide, its spread start from health personnel carrier of pathogenic bacteria, it has been the focus of a large number of research to improve the quality of life of the patients. Objective: To

  14. Evaluación urodinámica con doxazocina en pacientes con hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB. Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe (HPTU de 1998-1999

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    Juan Aristizábal


    Full Text Available

    Tradicionalmente la HPB ha sido tratada quirúrgicamente, pero a
    partir de los años 80 ha aparecido una gran variedad de modalidades
    terapéuticas diferentes a la cirugía, basadas en medicamentos orales que disminuyen el tamaño de la próstata y/o los síntomas que esto genera.
    Se propone estudiar con todos los parámetros urodinámicos, la respuesta de los pacientes con HPB tratados con Doxazocina para evaluar su efecto en las curvas Flujo-Presión.



  15. Cicatrização de feridas: estudo comparativo em ratos hipertensos não tratados e tratados com inibidor da enzima conversora da angiotensina

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    Maria de Lourdes Pessole Biondo-Simões

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Reconhecer a interferência do captopril na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas de ratos hipertensos. MÉTODOS: Distribuíram-se 111 ratos em quatro grupos: controle normotenso (N=30; controle hipertenso (N=30, os quais receberam 1 ml/dia de solução de cloreto de sódio a 0.9% por via oral; grupo experimento (N=31, hipertensos que receberam 7,5mg/kg/dia de captopril e um grupo aferição (N=20, 10 hipertensos e 10 normotensos, nos quais aferiu-se a pressão na aorta abdominal, no último dia de experimento. Após 15 dias de medicação, fez-se uma incisão da pele e da tela subcutânea, na região médio-dorsal dos grupos I, II e III, seguida de síntese. Ressecaram-se as cicatrizes de 10 animais de cada grupo, no 4.º, 7.º e 14.º dias após a operação, que divididas em duas partes foram enviadas para a tensiometria e para análise histológica. RESULTADOS: A pressão arterial média de 83,18 ± 7,51 mmHg nos normotensos e 151,36 ± 10,51 mmHg nos hipertensos. As cicatrizes dos hipertensos tratados e não tratados eram menos resistentes que as dos normotensos, nos tempos iniciais (p<0,05 e que ao 14.º dia as resistências se igualaram. Não houve diferença entre o grupo tratado e o não tratado. A densidade de colágeno total foi maior nos normotensos em todos os tempos (p<0,05 e não houve diferença entre hipertensos tratados e não tratados. A epitelização, a reação inflamatória e a formação do tecido de granulação foi semelhante nos três grupos. CONCLUSÕES: O captopril, em ratos, não modifica a cicatrização, ficando as diferenças relacionadas à hipertensão.

  16. Vinos, carnes, ferrocarriles y el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Argentina y Chile (1905-1910

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    Pablo Lacoste


    Full Text Available Entre 1905 y 1910 Chile y Argentina negociaron la firma de un Tratado de Comercio con vistas a suprimir los aranceles aduaneros y consagrar el principio de "Cordillera Libre". El centro de atracción eran las exportaciones de ganado argentino a Chile y de vino chileno a Argentina. Pero en ambos países se produjo una fuerte reacción de los intereses creados con vistas a frustrar las tratativas diplomáticas. Tanto la Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura (Chile como el Centro Vitivinícola Nacional (Argentina realizaron intensas gestiones para alcanzar sus objetivos; esta última corporación llegó a movilizar miles de personas para oponerse al tratado; y hasta solicitó ayuda a los ferrocarriles británicos para que obstaculizaran el ingreso de los vinos chilenos al mercado argentino. La intensa resistencia de estas corporaciones terminaron por frustrar el proyecto, el cual fue definitivamente archivado en 1911.Between 1905 and 1910, Chile and Argentina negotiated the signature of a Trade Agreement in order to abolish the customs duties and consecrate the principle of "Free Mountain Range". The centre of attraction was the exports of Argentinean cattle to Chile and of Chilean wine to Argentina. But in both countries there aroused a strong reaction of the vested interests, purposely to thwart the diplomatic negotiations. Both, the Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura (Chile as well as the Centro Vitivinícola Nacional (Argentina carried out intense negotiations to reach their objectives; the latter even movilized thousands of people to oppose the treaty and went as far as requesting the help of the British railroads to block the entrance of Chilean wines to the Argentinean market. The stiff opposition of these corporations finally frustrated the project, which was definitively filed away in 1911.

  17. Relación de la calidad de vida con diferentes modelos de atención domiciliaria en enfermos oncológicos terminales de un área sanitaria de Madrid

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    Agra Varela Yolanda


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: En este trabajo se evalúa la efectividad de los cuidados paliativos a domicilio con el objetivo de determinar si los enfermos con cáncer terminal tratados por Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria presentan mejor calidad de vida que los tratados por Equipos de Atención Primaria. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo cuasi experimental realizado en el Área 4 del Imsalud de Madrid con enfermos referidos desde el hospital a Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria o a Equipos de Atención Primaria. La variable estudiada fue la calidad de vida medida a través del Rotterdam Symptom Check List y el Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó MANOVA, ANOVA de medidas repetidas y el test de Friedman. Resultados: 165 enfermos fueron tratados por Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria y 56 por Equipos de Atención Primaria. Los primeros presentaron mejor puntuación en las escalas global (diferencia de medias: 9,5; IC 95%: 2,3-16,67 y dolor (diferencia de medias: 6,4; IC 9%: 1,14-11,43 del Rotterdam Symptom Check List en la primera semana del estudio. El tamaño del efecto fue mayor en el grupo Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria. La prescripción de fármacos y el lugar de la muerte fue diferente en ambos grupos. Conclusiones: Al principio del estudio los enfermos tratados por Equipos de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria presentaron una mejor percepción del estado de salud que los tratados por Equipos de Atención Primaria. No obstante, el importante número de pérdidas a lo largo del mismo hace que haya que mirar estos resultados con precaución.

  18. On the relation of nasal cycling with nasal airway dimensions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guilmette, R A; Wolff, R K


    The size and configuration of the nasal airways of humans change with time as a result of the normal process of congestion/decongestion of the erectile tissue of the nasal mucosa. To determine the extent to which airway areas change in vivo, we used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to quantitate both the cross-sectional area and perimeter of coronal sections of the entire nasal airway of a human subject. Changes in airway size or patency were indexed to measured changes in unilateral nasal airway resistance determined by posterior rhino manometry. The results of this study in which two MRI scans were performed for presumed left-side patency and two for right-side patency, showed that changes in nasal airway resistance were difficult to ascribe to systematic changes In the sizes of the airways. (author)

  19. On the relation of nasal cycling with nasal airway dimensions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guilmette, R.A.; Wolff, R.K.


    The size and configuration of the nasal airways of humans change with time as a result of the normal process of congestion/decongestion of the erectile tissue of the nasal mucosa. To determine the extent to which airway areas change in vivo, we used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to quantitate both the cross-sectional area and perimeter of coronal sections of the entire nasal airway of a human subject. Changes in airway size or patency were indexed to measured changes in unilateral nasal airway resistance determined by posterior rhino manometry. The results of this study in which two MRI scans were performed for presumed left-side patency and two for right-side patency, showed that changes in nasal airway resistance were difficult to ascribe to systematic changes In the sizes of the airways. (author)

  20. Evaluación de una crema dental con extracto de cuproclorofila


    Estela Gispert Abreu; Elena Cantillo Estrada; Aracelys Rivero López; Bertha Oramas Rodríguez; Esther Barreto Banderas


    Se evaluó el efecto del cepillado con crema dental que contiene extracto de cuproclorofila en 23 niños de 10 años (otros 23 niños se tomaron como control). Se observaron reducciones significativas según chi cuadrado en cuanto a la infección por Streptococcus mutans, la acumulación de placa dentobacteriana y en la inflamación gingival del grupo tratado con respecto al control.The effect of tooth brushing with a dentrifice containing cuprochlorophyll extract in 23 children aged 10 (other 23 wer...

  1. Effect of the nasal cycle on congestive response during bilateral nasal allergen provocation

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    Tomasz Gotlib


    Full Text Available Background. Bilateral nasal allergen provocation usually produces more pronounced obstruction of one nasal passage. It was found that this could be related to the stage of the nasal cycle before the provocation. objective. To discover whether the stage of the nasal cycle is decisive for asymmetry in congestive response observed during bilateral allergen nasal provocation. methods. Two bilateral nasal allergen provocations were performed in a group of 26 pollen-sensitive volunteers. Acoustic rhinometry measurements were taken during the nasal cycle, and then after the provocation. A cross-sectional area at the level of the inferior turbinate (CSA-2 was measured. Consecutive challenges were performed in the opposite phase of the nasal cycle: the side which had been wide just before the first challenge, was narrow before the second provocation. results. Asymmetry in CSA-2 reduction between the nasal passages was observed in most cases. Significant difference was observed between mean CSA-2 reduction rate (reactivity of the side that responded with greater congestion, and the opposite side. No significant difference was found in mean CSA-2 reduction rate between the side which was narrow, and the side which was wide before provocation. conclusions. Asymmetry of congestive response during bilateral nasal allergen provocation is not dependent on the stage of the nasal cycle preceding the challenge.

  2. Tratado de libre comercio entre Colombia y los Estados Unidos desde el análisis económico del derecho


    Aldana Carrillo, Diego David


    El presente trabajo es una aproximación al Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Colombia y los Estados Unidos desde el Análisis Económico del Derecho. Inicialmente se reconstruye la normativa del acuerdo y sus funciones económicas fundamentales, contextualizando el libre comercio con Estados Unidos desde una perspectiva comparada, y analizando su papel tanto en el ámbito de la economía globalizada como en el ordenamiento jurídico nacional. Posteriormente se realiza una aproximación conceptual al A...

  3. Nasal Cancer (United States)

    ... the way to your throat as you breathe. Cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is ... be like those of infections. Doctors diagnose nasal cancer with imaging tests, lighted tube-like instruments that ...

  4. Reconstrucción de lesiones osteocondrales con fibra de carbono


    Carranza Bencano, A.; Armas-Padrón, J. R.; Lozano, Mª A.


    Objetivo: Estudiar a largo plazo la evolución histológica de defectos osteocondrales de la rótula de conejos tratados con fibra de carbono. Material y Método: 18 conejos de raza gigante español, variedad parda, de ambos sexos, con un peso aproximado de 1.5 a 2 Kg y 18 discos Cleveland de fibra de carbono de 8 mm de diámetro (Medicarb®, fabricado por Leyland Medical International). Creación de un defecto de 6 mm. de diámetro en la superficie articular de la rótula, hasta alcanzar el teji...

  5. Tratamiento de la mordida cruzada anterior con plano inclinado anterior. Efecto sobre los arcos dentales


    Carolina Rodríguez Manjarrés; Jesús Alberto Hernández Silva


    Objetivo: Evaluar los cambios dimensionales de los arcos dentales primarios tratados con plano inclinado anterior como método de corrección de la mordida cruzada anterior. Métodos: Se trataron 10 pacientes con edades entre 3 y 5 años afectados con mordida cruzada anterior completa, se colocó un plano inclinado anterior elaborado en acrílico, que estuvo en posición en promedio 8.5 semanas. Se obtuvieron modelos de estudio en 3 momentos T0: antes del tratamiento; T1: 6 meses después de iniciado...

  6. Nasal Carriage of 200 Patients with Nasal Bone Fracture in Korea

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    Jun Wook Lee


    Full Text Available BackgroundPathogens in the nasal cavity during nasal surgery could lead to a systemic infectious condition, such as bacteremia, nosocomial infection, or toxic shock syndrome. However, there is no research about the prevalence of nasal carriage in patients with nasal bone fracture.MethodsThis was a prospective, double-blind, randomized study about the rate of nasal carriage in 200 patients with nasal bone fracture in Korea. Nasal secretions were taken from both the middle nasal meatus and colonized. All analyses were carried out using SPSS software.ResultsPathogens were identified in 178 of the 200 cases. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS were the most cultured bacteria in 127 (66.84% of the 190 total patients after excluding 10 cases of contaminated samples, and methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (MRCNS were found in 48 (25.26%. Staphylococcus aureus was the second most identified pathogen, found in 36 (18.95%, followed by 7 cases (3.68% of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA. The prevalence rate of MRSA in the females was higher than that in the males (RR=4.70; 95% CI, 1.09-20.18, but other demographic factors had no effect on the prevalence rate of MRSA and MRCNS.ConclusionsThe prevalence rate of these pathogens in patients with nasal bone fracture in Korea was similar to other reports. However, few studies have addressed the prevalence rate of CNS and MRCNS in accordance with risk factors or the change in prevalence according to specific prophylaxis against infectious complications. Additional research is needed on the potential connections between clinical factors and microbiological data.

  7. Farmacovigilancia de la sertralina en pacientes cubanos con episodio de depresión mayor

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    Leslie Pérez Ruiz


    Full Text Available En la depresión predominan síntomas como: desinterés, fatiga, sentimientos de inutilidad, desconcentración, deseos de muerte e insomnio. Entre los medicamentos para tratarla se encuentra la sertralina. Con el objetivo de evaluar su seguridad, se revisaron 40 historias clínicas y cuadernos de recogida de datos de los pacientes incluidos en ensayo clínico fase III, aletatorizado, controlado y a doble ciegas: "Uso de sertralina en pacientes con episodio de depresión mayor", pertenecientes al Hospital "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima". Se obtuvieron datos demográficos, clínicos y eventos adversos, con los cuales se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y transversal que clasifica como un estudio de utilización de medicamentos sobre consecuencias prácticas. La información fue analizada mediante SPSS, versión 13.0 para Windows. De los 40 pacientes incluidos, 24 presentaron eventos adversos para un 60 %; de ellos, 16 (67 % en el grupo tratado con sertralina y 8 (33 % en los tratados con placebo. Los eventos adversos más frecuentes fueron: disminución de peso, sequedad bucal, cefalea, diarreas y náuseas. En su mayoría resultaron de intensidad ligera, causalidad probable y sin necesidad de tratamiento. El uso del fármaco se consideró seguro en el tratamiento de estos pacientes.

  8. "La pequeña y mediana empresa ante la apertura comercial y el tratado de libre comercio"


    Beltran Cázares, Graciela


    En México la pequeña y mediana empresa constituye, hoy en día, el contro del sistema económico del país, debido a que más del 95% de las empresas son pequeñas y medianas. Estas proporcionan más de la mitad de todos los empleos de la nación, incluyendo actividades que no son comerciales, ofrecen el campo experimental en donde se generan con frecuencia nuevos productos, nuevas ideas, nuevas técnicas y nuevas formas de hacer las cosas. México firmó el Diecisiete de Diciembre de 1992 un Tratado d...

  9. Nasal Glioma: Case report

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    Ozgur Surmelioglu


    Full Text Available Nasal gliomas are rare, benign, congenital tumors that are thought to be result of abnormality in embryonic development. Three types of clinical presentations have been recognized; extranasal, intranasal and combined. Clinically, these masses are non-pulsatile, gray or purple lesions that obstruct the nasal cavity and cause deformity extranasaly. Histologically, they are made up of astrocytic cells, fibrous and vascular connective tissue that is covered with nasal respiratory mucosa. Treatment of the nasal glioma requires a multidisciplinary approach including an radiologist, neurosurgeon and otorhinolaryngologist. Radiological investigation should be performed to describe intracranial extension. In this case, a 2 years old boy with nasal mass that was diagnosed as nasal glioma is reported. . [Cukurova Med J 2011; 36(1.000: 34-36

  10. Nasal Glioma: Case report

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    Ozgur Surmelioglu


    Full Text Available Nasal gliomas are rare, benign, congenital tumors that are thought to be result of abnormality in embryonic development. Three types of clinical presentations have been recognized; extranasal, intranasal and combined. Clinically, these masses are non-pulsatile, gray or purple lesions that obstruct the nasal cavity and cause deformity extranasaly. Histologically, they are made up of astrocytic cells, fibrous and vascular connective tissue that is covered with nasal respiratory mucosa. Treatment of the nasal glioma requires a multidisciplinary approach including an radiologist, neurosurgeon and otorhinolaryngologist. Radiological investigation should be performed to describe intracranial extension. In this case, a 2 years old boy with nasal mass that was diagnosed as nasal glioma is reported. . [Cukurova Med J 2011; 36(1: 34-36


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    René O. Güemes


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se buscó detectar y comparar dificultades presentadas en la comprensión de los temas “Sustancias” y “Reacciones Químicas” en alumnos ingresantes a la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Santa Fe, Argentina implementando dos estrategias didácticas diferentes durante el dictado del “Curso de Ingreso de Química”. Se trabajó con dos grupos de alumnos; uno de los grupos utilizó un libro de texto, mientras que el otro trabajó con material multimedia en un aula de informática. Ambos grupos fueron evaluados al inicio y final del curso con la misma evaluación de opciones múltiples. Pudo comprobarse que el grupo que trabajó con el material multimedia alcanzó una mayor comprensión de los conceptos abstractos.

  12. Avaliação ventilométrica e hemogasométrica da oxigenoterapia por cateterização nasal em cães após toracotomia lateral intercostal Ventilometric and hemogasometric evaluation of oxygenotherapy by nasal catheter in dogs after lateral intercostal thoracotomy

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    Simone Dal Pai


    Full Text Available Doze cães, sem raça definida, foram submetidos à toracotomia lateral intercostal e divididos em dois grupos de diferentes tratamentos pós-operatórios, sendo que seis animais receberam oxigenoterapia por cateterização nasal e os demais não receberam este tratamento. Os animais de ambos os grupos estiveram sob cuidados intensivos em sala de recuperação por quatro horas de período pós-operatório, quando foram monitorados o volume corrente pulmonar, a gasometria arterial, o tempo de reperfusão capilar, a coloração de mucosas ocular e oral, as frequências respiratória e cardíaca, a temperatura retal e a tolerância ao uso do cateter nasal. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que ocorre diminuição dos valores de pressão parcial arterial de oxigênio abaixo dos índices fisiológicos. A análise estatística dos dados revelou diferença significativa entre os cães que receberam oxigênio via cateter nasal e os não tratados, no período pós-toracotomia.Lateral intercostal thoracotomy was performed in twelve mongrel dogs divided in two groups for different postoperative treatments. Six animais received oxigen by nasal catheter after surgery. Both groups were maintained in a recovery room during four hours in wich were monitored the pulmonary tidal volume, the arterial blood gas values, the capilar refil l time, the mucous membrane color, the respiratory and heart rates, the rectal temperature, and the tolerance to the nasal catheter. The results demonstrated a reduction on the arterial oxygen parcial pressure levels after the thoracotomy. The comparativo statistical analyse showed a significant diference between the group that received oxygen by nasal catheter and the group that recived no treatment.

  13. O Tratado de Tordesilhas e sua projeção

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    Héctor José Tanzi


    Full Text Available (primeiro parágrafo do artigo Em fins de 1479, Castela e Portugal derimiam momentaneamente os trâmites de uma cruel contenda, num tratado de paz pelo qual Fernando e Isabel logravam uma efetiva elevação ao trono e Afonso V de Portugal abandonava a idéia de casar-se com a filha bastarda de Henrique IV, chamada a Beltraneja; esse foi o Tratado das Tercerías de Moura. Porém, ao  mesmo tempo que punha fim ao pleito dinástico, regulamentava-se a questão africana do Reino de Fez e reconhecia-se a Portugal a posse de Guiné, Açores e Cabo Verde, " ... e todas as ilhas que agora se tem descoberto e qualquer outras ilhas que se acharem e se conquistarem das ilhas da Canária para baixo contra Guiné..." no tratado chamado de Alcaçobas.

  14. Sífilis secundaria en un paciente viviendo con VIH

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    Mauricio La Rosa


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 31 años, con diagnóstico de infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH sin tratamiento antirretroviral, presentó lesiones ulcerativas en la región genital que luego progresaron por todo el cuerpo, se le diagnosticó sífilis secundaria. Fue tratado con penicilina benzatínica, con lo cual las lesiones desaparecieron. Se discute las pruebas diagnósticas realizadas y la terapéutica empleada. La coinfección por Treponema pallidum y por el VIH está presente en la población general y en especial en poblaciones de riesgo, como los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres y clientes de trabajadoras sexuales, esta situación puede afectar la presentación inicial así como el curso de la enfermedad.

  15. Immediate effect of benzalkonium chloride in decongestant nasal spray on the human nasal mucosal temperature. (United States)

    Lindemann, J; Leiacker, R; Wiesmiller, K; Rettinger, G; Keck, T


    Benzalkonium chloride is a preservative commonly used in nasal decongestant sprays. It has been suggested that benzalkonium chloride may be harmful to the nasal mucosa. Decongestion with the vasoconstrictor xylometazoline containing benzalkonium chloride has been shown to cause a significant reduction of the nasal mucosal temperature. The purpose of the present study was to determine the short-term influence of xylometazoline nasal spray with and without benzalkonium chloride on the nasal mucosal temperature. Healthy volunteers (30) were included in the study. Fifteen volunteers received xylometazoline nasal spray (1.0 mg/mL) containing benzalkonium chloride (0.1 mg/mL) and 15 age-matched subjects, received xylometazoline nasal spray without benzalkonium chloride. Using a miniaturized thermocouple the septal mucosal temperature was continuously measured at defined intranasal detection sites before and after application of the nasal spray. The mucosal temperature values did not significantly differ between the group receiving xylometazoline containing benzalkonium chloride and the group receiving xylometazoline spray without benzalkonium chloride before and after decongestion (P > 0.05). In both study groups septal mucosal temperatures significantly decreased after decongestion (P reduction of the nasal mucosal blood flow following vasoconstriction. This study indicates that benzalkonium chloride itself does not seem to influence nasal blood flow and nasal mucosal temperature in topical nasal decongestants.

  16. Los tratados de arquitectura en los fondos de la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense: una aproximación al estudio de sus procedencias y antiguos poseedores.

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    Lizarraga Echaide, Juan Manuel


    Full Text Available La Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid atesora una importantísima colección de tratados de arquitectura El objeto de este artículo es reconstruir la historia de esta singular colección de libros antiguos de gran riqueza y valor y recuperar la procedencia estos tratados tanto con respecto a las bibliotecas de las instituciones docentes que forman parte de la historia de la Universidad como a las importantes bibliotecas personales que se han ido incorporando a su patrimonio bibliográfico. El conocimiento de las antiguas procedencias constituye una información valiosa que permite nuevas oportunidades de investigación histórica y bibliográfica

  17. Involvement of vascular endothelial growth factor in nasal obstruction in patients with nasal allergy

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    Tetsuji Yamashita


    Full Text Available It has recently been shown that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF enhances vascular permeability and that mast cells produce VEGF, suggesting the involvement of VEGF in allergic diseases. In the present study we quantitatively analyzed VEGF in the nasal lavage fluid of patients with nasal allergy. We performed nasal antigen challenge with Japanese cedar pollen antigen in 10 healthy adult volunteers and in 10 cedar pollen IgE-positive patients with nasal allergy. In all patients with nasal allergy, VEGF and histamine levels in the nasal lavage fluid reached a peak 30 min after antigen challenge, then returned to prechallenge values 2 h after antigen challenge. In these patients, the histamine level increased three-fold, while the VEGF level increased 10-fold. However, in all healthy adult volunteers, VEGF and histamine levels did not increase. A stronger correlation was noted between the ratio of decreased nasal cavity volume and the ratio of increased VEGF levels (R = 0.823; P < 0.001 than between the ratio of nasal cavity volume and the ratio of increased histamine levels (R = 0.660; P < 0.01. These results suggest that VEGF may contribute to the pathogenesis of nasal obstruction in the early phase of nasal allergy as a new factor involved in increasing vascular permeability.

  18. Nasal Lobular Capillary Hemangioma

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    Prashant Patil


    Full Text Available Nasal lobular capillary hemangioma is a rare benign tumor of the paranasal sinuses. This lesion is believed to grow rapidly in size over time. The exact etiopathogenesis is still a dilemma. We discuss a case of nasal lobular capillary hemangioma presenting with a history of epistaxis. Contrast enhanced computed tomography of paranasal sinuses revealed an intensely enhancing soft-tissue mass in the left nasal cavity and left middle and inferior meati with no obvious bony remodeling or destruction. We present imaging and pathologic features of nasal lobular capillary hemangioma and differentiate it from other entities like nasal angiofibroma.

  19. Cosmetic reconstruction of a nasal plane and rostral nasal skin defect using a modified nasal rotation flap in a dog

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    ter Haar, G.; Buiks, S.C.; Kirpensteijn, J.


    Abstract OBJECTIVE: To report reconstruction of a defect of the nasal plane and the rostral dorsum of the nose in a dog using a nasal rotation flap with Burow's triangles. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical report. ANIMALS: Mixed-breed dog (1.5 years, 8.6 kg). METHODS: A nasal defect caused by chronic

  20. Reconocimiento Mapu-Che de Chile: Tratado ante Constitución, Historia frente a Derecho

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    Full Text Available Desde el año 1991, el compromiso adquirido por los sucesivos gobiernos chilenos para reconocer a nivel constitucional la presencia indígena en el ordenamiento del Estado ha puesto de manifiesto el desconocimiento académico y jurídico mutuo por parte de Chile con respecto a las evidencias para una reposición de Mapu-Che. El presente trabajo hace un recorrido histórico y jurídico por las formas de relación entre el Estado chileno y el Estado Mapu, que hasta la conquista chilena de Mapu en la década de los ochenta del siglo XIX se manifestaron a través de Tratados y Parlamentos que implicaban un reconocimiento mutuo de ambas entidades en una esfera internacional. Las comisiones de estudios, informes oficiales e invocaciones de verdad para un nuevo trato, primero de las Naciones Unidas, y después de la República de Chile, han observado estas evidencias de la significación constitucional e internacional de los Tratados, pero Chile ha convertido su peculiar forma de reconocimiento constitucional de la presencia indígena en un alarde de unidad e indivisibilidad nacional. Este encubrimiento nace del deseo de mantener una Constitución exclusiva, al que se une la certeza de que otra forma de reconocimiento obligaría a un replanteamiento de las propias raíces de los fundamentos constitucionales de la República de Chile.

  1. Surgical management of nasal obstruction. (United States)

    Moche, Jason A; Palmer, Orville


    The proper evaluation of the patient with nasal obstruction relies on a comprehensive history and physical examination. Once the site of obstruction is accurately identified, the patient may benefit from a trial of medical management. At times however, the definitive treatment of nasal obstruction relies on surgical management. Recognizing the nasal septum, nasal valve, and turbinates as possible sites of obstruction and addressing them accordingly can dramatically improve a patient's nasal breathing. Conservative resection of septal cartilage, submucous reduction of the inferior turbinate, and structural grafting of the nasal valve when appropriate will provide the optimal improvement in nasal airflow and allow for the most stable results. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  2. Eficacia del tratamiento tópico con Vimang® en pacientes con estomatitis subprótesis

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    Laritza Coureaux Rojas


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un ensayo clínico terapéutico controlado de fase III en 120 pacientes con estomatitis subprótesis, atendidos en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada" de Santiago de Cuba, desde junio de 2010 hasta mayo de 2011, con vistas a evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento tópico con té de Vimang® en dichos pacientes. Se conformaron 2 grupos de 60 integrantes cada uno (de estudio y de control. Los primeros fueron tratados con enjuagatorios fríos de dicho té 4 veces al día y los segundos con el mismo tratamiento más vitaminas. Se utilizaron el porcentaje para variables cualitativas, así como la media aritmética y la desviación estándar para variables cuantitativas. Todos los integrantes del grupo de estudio se curaron y disminuyó el gasto de material, pero el costo-efectividad fue mayor por ser menor el tiempo de curación. El té de Vimang® resultó eficaz para eliminar las manifestaciones clínicas de esa lesión y no hubo reacciones adversas, de manera que se logró la curación de los afectados con ahorro de tiempo y recursos.

  3. Lectin histochemical study on the olfactory organ of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster, revealed heterogeneous mucous environments in a single nasal cavity. (United States)

    Saito, Shouichiro; Matsui, Toshiyasu; Kobayashi, Naoto; Wakisaka, Hiroyuki; Mominoki, Katsumi; Matsuda, Seiji; Taniguchi, Kazuyuki


    Expression patterns of glycoconjugates were examined by lectin histochemistry in the nasal cavity of the Japanese red-bellied newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. Its nasal cavity consisted of two components, a flattened chamber, which was the main nasal chamber (MNC), and a lateral diverticulum called the lateral nasal sinus (LNS), which communicated medially with the MNC. The MNC was lined with the olfactory epithelium (OE), while the diverticulum constituting the LNS was lined with the vomeronasal epithelium (VNE). Nasal glands were observed beneath the OE but not beneath the VNE. In addition, a secretory epithelium was revealed on the dorsal boundary between the MNC and the LNS, which we refer to as the boundary secretory epithelium (BSE) in this study. The BSE seemed to play an important role in the construction of the mucous composition of the VNE. Among 21 lectins used in this study, DBA, SBA and Jacalin showed different staining patterns between the OE and the VNE. DBA staining showed remarkable differences between the OE and the VNE; there was intense staining in the free border and the supporting cells of the VNE, whereas there was no staining or weak staining in the cells of the OE. SBA and Jacalin showed different stainings in the receptor neurons for the OE and the VNE. Furthermore, UEA-I and Con A showed different stainings for the nasal glands. UEA-I showed intense staining in the BSE and in the nasal glands located in the ventral wall of the MNC (VNG), whereas Con A showed intense staining in the BSE and in the nasal glands located in the dorsal and medial wall of the MNC (DMNG). The DMNG were observed to send their excretory ducts into the OE, whereas no excretory ducts were observed from the VNG to the OE or the VNE. These results suggested that the secretion by the supporting cells as well as the BSE and the DMNG establishes that there are heterogeneous mucous environments in the OE and the VNE, although both epithelia are situated in the same nasal cavity.

  4. Retención y Penetración en Estacones de Eucalyptus Saligna. Sometidos a Tratamiento con CuSO4 y Sal CCC, en Baño Caliente y frio y Vacio-Presión

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    Escobar C. Oscar


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe y da los resultados obtenidos con el pretratamiento de estacones de Eucalyptus saligna a tres soluciones de CUS04 y su posterior tratamiento con sales CCA (OSMOSE K-33. El sulfato de cobre se aplicó por el método de baño caliente y frío, seguido por el proceso de difusión durante una semana; para los anteriores tratamientos se usó madera verde o parcialmente seca al aire; las sales CCA se aplicaron a madera seca por el método de vacío-presión. Una de las razones para llevar a cabo este refuerzo de las sales CCA, es haber encontrado postes de eucalipto severamente atacados por hongos, en especial con pudrición blanda. Los estacones fueron tratados inicialmente con soluciones de sulfato de cobre a 1 %, 2% y 3% de concentración; luego los estacones fueron tratados con una solución de sal CCA al 2.5% de concentración por vacío-presión. Se usaron 40 estacones distribuídos en 4 grupos de 10: tres (3 grupos fueron usados para el tratamiento con las soluciones de CUS04 y solución de CCA; el grupo restante fue tratado con la sal CCA únicamente, el cual fue usado como grupo testigo para fines de comparación en los ensayos de campo (cementerios.

  5. Diseño del proceso de obtención de trozos secos de carambola (averroha carambola l.) tratados osmóticamente


    Castillo Ortiz, Maria Eugenia; Cornejo Z., Fabiola


    En el presente trabajo se diseñó la línea de proceso para obtener trozos secos de carambola tratados osmóticamente, mostrando la utilidad industrial que posee la carambola para la elaboración de productos que puedan ser exportados al mercado extranjero con excelentes características organolépticas y condiciones de estabilidad en percha óptimas. Los experimentos realizados sirvieron para establecer la cinética de deshidratación osmótica, analizada a 3 concentraciones de sacarosa (40 ºBrix,...

  6. Factores pronósticos y predictivos de respuesta en pacientes con carcinoma de vejiga localmente avanzado tratados con quimioterapia neoadyuvante


    Céliz, Pamela


    La cistectomía radical es el tratamiento de elección en pacientes con carcinoma de vejiga localmente avanzado. Sin embargo, más del 50% de los pacientes presentan recurrencias y fallecen por la enfermedad. La quimioterapia neoadyuvante ha demostrado un beneficio modesto en estos pacientes, más significativo en pacientes con respuesta patológica completa tras el tratamiento. Sin embargo, aun no se ha identificado en que pacientes se obtiene un mayor beneficio. El análisis de genes que particip...

  7. Os Tratados de Polícia, fundadores da moderna saúde pública (1707-1856 Los Tratados de Policía, fundadores de la salud pública moderna (1707-1856 Treatises on Medical Police, founders of modern public health (1707-1856

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    Carlos Lousada Subtil


    Full Text Available A participação dos enfermeiros no movimento higienista é relativamente recente em relação aos momentos fundadores da moderna saúde pública, a que nos vamos referir. Para o enfermeiro de saúde pública contemporâneo é fundamental, no âmbito das suas atribuições e competências, analisar esses momentos à luz dum quadro conceptual que lhe permita esclarecer-se e estruturar a sua identidade profissional na construção do presente e no delinear do futuro. É objetivo deste trabalho fazer uma breve apresentação de alguns estudos sobre o tema e, sobretudo, analisar e discutir o «Tratado de Conservação da Saúde dos Povos», de Ribeiro Sanches (1756 e o «Tratado de Polícia Médica», de Freitas Soares (1818 que refletem os princípios da ciência de Polícia contidos na obra de Nicolas Delamare (1707, com recurso à metodologia de investigação histórica foucauniana. Aquelas obras ilustram bem a lenta passagem do modelo de governação corporativo para o estadualista, que se iniciou nos finais do Antigo Regime, e prosseguiu, com avanços e recuos, ao longo da monarquia constitucional inaugurada pela revolução de 1820.La participación de los enfermeros en el movimiento higienista es relativamente reciente con respecto a los momentos fundadores de la salud pública moderna a la cual vamos a referirnos. Para el enfermero actual de salud pública es fundamental, dentro del ámbito de sus atribuciones y competencias, analizar dichos movimientos a la luz de un marco conceptual que le permita aclarar y estructurar su identidad profesional en su construcción del presente y en el delinear de su futuro. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una breve presentación de algunos de los estudios sobre el tema y, sobre todo, analizar y discutir el «Tratado de Conservação da Saúde dos Povos», de Ribeiro Sanches (1756 y el «Tratado de Polícia Médica», de Freitas Soares (1818, que recogen los principios de la ciencia de Pol





    Estudio descriptivo observacional, retrospectivo tipo serie de casos, realizado entre enero de 2007 y diciembre de 2009 en el Hospital Militar Central. Fueron tratados 21 pacientes con artrosis de la articulación tibio talar y subtalar de etiología diversa, con seguimiento mínimo de 6 meses. Se evaluó; la función pre operatoria y post operatoria por medio de la escala AOFAS, el dolor mediante la escala visual análoga, el tiempo de consolidación con controles radiográficos, el tipo de injerto ...

  9. Nasalance norms in Greek adults. (United States)

    Okalidou, Areti; Karathanasi, Asimina; Grigoraki, Eleni


    The purposes of this study were to derive nasalance norms for monolingual Greek speakers, to examine nasalance scores as a function of gender and to draw cross-linguistic comparisons based on normative data. Participants read aloud a corpus of linguistic material, consisting of (1) a nasal text, an oral text and a balanced text; (2) a set of nasal sentences and four sets of oral sentences and (3) repetitions of each of 12 syllable types (8 oral and 4 nasal). The last two sets of material corpus were based on an adaptation of the Simplified Nasometric Assessment Procedures Test (SNAP test) test ( MacKay and Kummer, 1994 ) in Greek, called the G-SNAP test. Eighty monolingual healthy young adult speakers of Greek, 40 males (mean age = 21 years) and 40 females (mean age = 20.5 years), with normal hearing and speech characteristics and unremarkable history were included in the study. The Nasometer (model 6200-3) was used to derive nasalance scores. Mean normative nasalance for spoken Greek was 25.50%, based on the G-oronasal text (with 8.6% nasals). Nasalance scores did not differ significantly with respect to gender. Finally, spoken Greek consistently yielded lower nasalance scores than other languages examined in past work. The aforementioned normative data on nasalance of young adult speakers of Greek are valid across gender and have direct clinical utility as they provide valuable reference information for the diagnosis and management of Greek adults with resonance disorders caused by velar dysfunction.

  10. Prevalence of nasal portal of Staphylococcus aureus in disabled children.

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    Clotilde Molin


    Full Text Available Introduction: Colonization of the nasal mucosa by Staphylococcus aureus set a carrier state. Which is recognized as a potential source of infection and a high risk factor for subsequent invasive infections. The prevalence of nasal carriage of this germ in disabled children in Paraguay is not known, thus contributing to the knowledge of their frequency and evaluate the profile of sensitivity to common antimicrobials was conducted this study, from May to July 2015.  Objective: to determine the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage and profile of antimicrobial resistance in disabled children. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study in which 80 nasal swabs of children, who attended the service laboratory of SENADIS (Secretaria Nacional por los Derechos Humanos de las Personas con Discapacidad. The identification and sensitivity of germ was accomplished by conventional testing.  Results: 80 pediatric patients, 46 boys and 34 girls. 18 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus were obtained, corresponding to a prevalence of 22,5%. Susceptibility testing indicated that 14 strains were MSSA (Methicillin – Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus and 4 RMSA ( Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Conclusion: The prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus in a population with its own characteristics provides valuable data for the epidemiology, reflecting the need for continued vigilance and take steps to reduce associated infections. The detection of RMAR evidences their progress; it is important to evaluate the empirical treatment to primary care.

  11. Perceiving nasal patency through mucosal cooling rather than air temperature or nasal resistance.

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    Kai Zhao

    Full Text Available Adequate perception of nasal airflow (i.e., nasal patency is an important consideration for patients with nasal sinus diseases. The perception of a lack of nasal patency becomes the primary symptom that drives these patients to seek medical treatment. However, clinical assessment of nasal patency remains a challenge because we lack objective measurements that correlate well with what patients perceive. The current study examined factors that may influence perceived patency, including air temperature, humidity, mucosal cooling, nasal resistance, and trigeminal sensitivity. Forty-four healthy subjects rated nasal patency while sampling air from three facial exposure boxes that were ventilated with untreated room air, cold air, and dry air, respectively. In all conditions, air temperature and relative humidity inside each box were recorded with sensors connected to a computer. Nasal resistance and minimum airway cross-sectional area (MCA were measured using rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry, respectively. General trigeminal sensitivity was assessed through lateralization thresholds to butanol. No significant correlation was found between perceived patency and nasal resistance or MCA. In contrast, air temperature, humidity, and butanol threshold combined significantly contributed to the ratings of patency, with mucosal cooling (heat loss being the most heavily weighted predictor. Air humidity significantly influences perceived patency, suggesting that mucosal cooling rather than air temperature alone provides the trigeminal sensation that results in perception of patency. The dynamic cooling between the airstream and the mucosal wall may be quantified experimentally or computationally and could potentially lead to a new clinical evaluation tool.

  12. Nasal obstruction and sleep-disordered breathing: the effect of supine body position on nasal measurements in snorers. (United States)

    Virkkula, Paula; Maasilta, Paula; Hytönen, Maija; Salmi, Tapani; Malmberg, Henrik


    Nasal obstruction is considered to be a potential etiological factor in sleep-disordered breathing. However, a significant correlation between nasal measurements and obstructive sleep apnea has not been demonstrated so far. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between nasal resistance, nasal volumes and selected sleep parameters using nasal measurements performed in both seated and supine positions. We also investigated whether snoring patients in our clinical sample showed increased positional or decongestive nasal mucosal changes. Forty-one snoring men on a waiting list for correction of nasal obstruction underwent polysomnography, anterior rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry. Nineteen non-snoring control subjects were also recruited. Nasal measurements were performed in a seated position, after lying down in a supine position and, after decongestion of nasal mucosa, in a seated position again. In the overall patient group, nasal volume at a distance 2-4 cm from the nares in the supine position correlated inversely with apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) (r = -0.32, p patients, total nasal resistance measured in a supine position correlated with AHI (r = 0.50, p position and sleep parameters. Postural or decongestive changes in nasal measurements were not increased in snoring patients compared with control subjects. The relationship found between nasal measurements and sleep parameters suggests that nasal obstruction does augment airway collapse.

  13. Nasal Carriage of 200 Patients with Nasal Bone Fracture in Korea

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    Jun Wook Lee


    Full Text Available Background Pathogens in the nasal cavity during nasal surgery could lead to a systemicinfectious condition, such as bacteremia, nosocomial infection, or toxic shock syndrome.However, there is no research about the prevalence of nasal carriage in patients with nasalbone fracture.Methods This was a prospective, double-blind, randomized study about the rate of nasalcarriage in 200 patients with nasal bone fracture in Korea. Nasal secretions were taken fromboth the middle nasal meatus and colonized. All analyses were carried out using SPSS software.Results Pathogens were identified in 178 of the 200 cases. Coagulase-negative staphylococci(CNS were the most cultured bacteria in 127 (66.84% of the 190 total patients after excluding10 cases of contaminated samples, and methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci(MRCNS were found in 48 (25.26%. Staphylococcus aureus was the second mostidentified pathogen, found in 36 (18.95%, followed by 7 cases (3.68% of methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus (MRSA. The prevalence rate of MRSA in the females was higher thanthat in the males (RR=4.70; 95% CI, 1.09-20.18, but other demographic factors had no effecton the prevalence rate of MRSA and MRCNS.Conclusions The prevalence rate of these pathogens in patients with nasal bone fracture inKorea was similar to other reports. However, few studies have addressed the prevalence rateof CNS and MRCNS in accordance with risk factors or the change in prevalence according tospecific prophylaxis against infectious complications. Additional research is needed on thepotential connections between clinical factors and microbiological data.

  14. Comparison of Early-period Results of Nasal Splint and Merocel Nasal Packs in Septoplasty (United States)

    Bingöl, Fatih; Budak, Ali; Şimşek, Eda; Kılıç, Korhan; Bingöl, Buket Özel


    Objective Several types of nasal packs are used postoperatively in septoplasty. In this study, we compared two commonly used nasal packing materials, the intranasal septal splint with airway and Merocel tampon, in terms of pain, bleeding, nasal obstruction, eating difficulties, discomfort in sleep, and pain and bleeding during removal of packing in the early period. Methods The study group included 60 patients undergoing septoplasty. Patients were divided into two groups (n=30 in each group). An intranasal splint with airway was used for the patients in the first group after septoplasty, while Merocel nasal packing was used for the second group. Patients were investigated in terms of seven different factors - pain, bleeding while the tampon was in place, nasal obstruction, eating difficulties, night sleep, pain during removal of the nasal packing, and bleeding after removal of packing. Results There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of pain 24 hours after operation (p=0.05), while visual analog scale (VAS) scores for nasal obstruction, night sleep, eating difficulties, and pain during packing removal were lower in the nasal splint group with a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of postoperative bleeding (p=0.23). Significantly less bleeding occurred during removal of the packing in the nasal splint group (p<0.05). Conclusion Our study indicates that the nasal splint was more comfortable and effective in terms of causing lesser bleeding and pain during removal of packing. PMID:29392071

  15. Nasal septal hematoma (United States)

    ... Nasal septal hematoma To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. A nasal septal hematoma is a collection of blood within the septum ...

  16. Tolerancia al ejercicio en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica después de un programa de rehabilitación respiratoria


    Meneses Terry, Mercedes R.


    Se expusieron los resultados de la aplicación de un programa de rehabilitación respiratoria consistente en la aplicación de ejercicios respiratorios a un grupo de pacientes con asma bronquial, bronquitis crónica y enfisema pulmonar con una duración de 36 sesiones de tratamiento, luego de las cuales se compararon los resultados con los del grupo control que sólo llevó tratamiento con medicamentos. Se observó en los tratados con el programa, un incremento en la tolerancia a los ejercicios. T...

  17. Nasal capillariasis in a dog

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, R.R.; Greiner, E.C.; Ackerman, N.; Woodard, J.C.


    A five-year-old dog was evaluated for chronic nasal discharge. Nasal infection caused by Capillaria aerophila was diagnosed by identification of adult nematodes and eggs in the nasal flush sediment and by nasal biopsy samples and eggs in faecal flotations. Reinfection occurred following treatment with fenbendazole and ivermectin, probably because of a contaminated housing area

  18. Estabilidad de emulsiones preparadas con proteínas de sueros de soja

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    Jorge Wagner


    Full Text Available Por precipitación con acetona en frio, se obtuvieron muestras de proteínas aisladas de dos sueros de soja, el suero SS proveniente de la obtención de aislados de soja y el suero de tofu ST. A partir del SS y del mismo suero previamente liofilizado y calentado (SSLC se obtuvieron las proteínas denominadas PSS y PSSLC, respectivamente; a partir de ST se preparó la muestra PST. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar la estabilidad de emulsiones o/w preparadas con las proteínas de sueros de soja en forma comparativa con un aislado de soja nativo (ASN. Las emulsiones se prepararon por homogeneización de dispersiones proteicas (0,1–1,0 % p/v en buffer fosfato 10 mM pH 7 y aceite de girasol (Φmásico=0,33, empleando un Ultraturrax T-25. La estabilidad fue evaluada por medida del aceite separado, distribución de tamaño de partículas (por difracción láser y los grados de cremado y coalescencia evaluados a través de perfiles de BackScattering. Se observó que en todas las concentraciones ensayadas las emulsiones preparadas con proteínas aisladas (por precipitación con acetona en frío de suero de tofu tratado térmicamente (PST tenían una estabilidad comparable a la de emulsiones preparadas con ASN. Se halló una estabilidad menor en emulsiones con proteínas nativas de suero de soja (PSS obtenido en laboratorio no tratado térmicamente. Las proteínas obtenidas de este suero liofilizado y calentado (PSSLC exhibieron una mejor capacidad emulsionante. Los resultados mostraron que las proteínas de sueros de soja presentan buenas propiedades emulsionantes y estabilizantes dependientes del grado de desnaturalización y glicosilación alcanzado.

  19. Measurement with nasal scintigraphy of nasal mucociliary clearance in normal man

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murai, Sumiko


    Nasal mucociliary function was evaluated by nasal scintigraphy in normal subjects. A microdrop of HSA or saline labelled with 99m Tc was dripped into the middle part of each middle meatus in the nasal cavity and its clearance was observed by scinticamera. The accumulated concentration of RI was determined every 30 seconds for 10 minutes. The changes of accumulated concentration were studied, and a curve of decreasing RI-counts was obtained, with the 'clearance rate' defined as 100% for the count at the initial 30 seconds and 'half time' as the time when radioactivity was reduced to one half the initial count. Nasal resistance was measured by rhinomanometry with the oscillation method. In nonsmokers, 10μl of saline was cleared (78.0±10.4%) significantly faster than 10μl of HSA (59.9±24.6%), and there was no significant difference in the clearance between 10μl and 5μl of HSA (55.9±27.7%). In smakers, the mucociliary clearance of 10μl of HSA and saline was significantly lower than in nonsmokers. The clearance of 10μl of HSA reflects a pathological state much better than that of 5μl. In nonsmokers, there is a significant negative correlation between nasal resistance and clearance rate, suggesting that the more patent the nose, the faster the mucociliary clearance. When both nostrils were closed, the clearance rate was significantly depressed. When one nostril was closed, there was no significant effect on clearance. Nasal resistance was decreased by exercise with a bicycle ergometer. Nasal mucociliary clearance was slightly decreased after exercise but not significantly so. (J.P.N.)

  20. Image diagnosis of nasal bone fracture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirota, Yoshiharu; Shimizu, Yayoi; Iinuma, Toshitaka.


    Twenty cases of nasal bone fractures were evaluated as to the types of fractures based upon HRCT findings. Conventional X-Ray films for nasal bones were analyzed and compared with HRCT findings. Nasal bone fractures were classified into lateral and frontal fractures. HRCT images were evaluated in three planes including upper, middle and lower portions of the nasal bone. Fractures favored males of teens. Lateral fracture gave rise to the fractures of the nasal bone opposite to the external force, loosening of the ipsilateral nasomaxillary sutures and fractures of the frontal process of the maxilla. Conventional X-Ray films were reevaluated after HRCT evaluation and indications of nasal bone fractures were determined. In addition to the discontinuity of the nasal dorsum, fracture lines parallel to and beneath the nasal dorsum and indistinct fracture lines along the nasomaxillary sutures are the indication of nasal bone fractures by conventional X-Ray films. (author)

  1. The Text of the Agreement between Iran and the Agency for the Application of Safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; Texto Del Acuerdo Concertado Entre El Iran Y El Organismo Para La Aplicacion De Salvaguardias En Relacion Con El Tratado Sobre La No Proliferacion De Las Armas Nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The text of the agreement between Iran and the Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members [Spanish] Para informacion de todos los Estados Miembros, en el presente documento se trans cribe el texto del Acuerdo concertado entre el Iran y el Organismo para la aplicacion de salvaguardias en relacion con el Tratado sobre la no proliferacion de las armas nucle ares.

  2. Effect of Local Nasal Immunotherapy on Nasal Blockage in Pollen-Induced Allergic Rhinitis of Guinea Pigs

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    Takeshi Nabe


    Conclusions: Local nasal immunotherapy may be clinically useful for allergic nasal blockage associated with nasal hyperresponsiveness. The mechanisms responsible for this effectiveness might not be related to IgE production. Additionally, the effectiveness for nasal tissue was dissociated from that seen for the ocular tissue.

  3. Rhinoplasty via the midface degloving approach for nasal deformity due to nasal polyps: A case report of Woakes’ syndrome

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    Misato Ueda, MD


    Full Text Available Nasal polyps are inflammatory proliferative tumors arising from the mucosa of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Although many cases concerning nasal polyps have been reported, those involving external nasal deformities are rare. We report a case of nasal polyposis filling the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, leading to external nasal and facial deformities. The condition above is known as Woakes’ syndrome, which is characterized by severe recurrent nasal polyps with deformity of the nasal pyramid, leading to broadening of the nose. We performed nasal osteotomy and facial bone-shaving via the midface degloving approach, which improved the patient’s facial appearance.

  4. Determinação das substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico como indicador da peroxidação lipídica em ratos tratados com sevoflurano Determinación de las substancias reativas al ácido tiobarbitúrico como indicador de la peroxidación lipídica en ratones tratados con sevoflurano Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances as an index of lipid peroxidation in sevoflurane-treated rats

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    Francisco José Lucena Bezerra


    biotransformación dos éteres sobre la acción del citocromo P450, uno de los posibles mecanismos de toxicidad hepática y renal promovida por eses compuestos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los niveles de substancias reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico (SRAT, como indicador de la peroxidación lipídica, en ratones que recibieron sevoflurano, previamente tratados o no con isoniazida, inductora enzimática del citocromo P450 2E1. MÉTODO: Los animales fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en 4 grupos que recibieron respectivamente: G1 - oxígeno a 100% 1 l.min-1/60 minutos por 5 días consecutivos; G2 - sevoflurano a 4% en oxígeno a 100%, 1 l.min-1/60 minutos por 5 días consecutivos; G3 - isoniazida (50 por vía intraperitoneal durante 4 días consecutivos, en seguida fue tratado como el G1, en G4 - isoniazida 50 por vía intraperitoneal durante 4 días consecutivos, siendo tratado, posteriormente, como el G2. Después de 12 horas del último tratamiento, se sacrificaran los animales y fue colectado el plasma para la análisis de las SRAT, siendo removido el lóbulo izquierdo del hígado y de los riñones para examen histológico. RESULTADOS: Los resultados mostraron aumento en las tasas de SRAT en el G3 y G4, con elevación discreta en G2. El estudio histológico reveló necrosis focal en el hígado de ratones pre-tratados con isoniazida (G3. CONCLUSIONES: El sevoflurano promovió peroxidación lipídica apenas cuando asociado a la isoniazida.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Sevoflurane is a fluorinated ether with low blood solubility and biotransformed by an oxidative enzymatic liver system involving cytochrome P450 2E1. Lipid peroxidation occurs during ethers biotransformation process under action of cytochrome P450, a possible mechanism for liver and kidney toxicity promoted by such compounds. This study aimed at determining the levels of substances reactive to thiobarbituric acid (TBARS, as an index for lipid peroxidation in sevoflurane

  5. Injerto columelar extendido angulado. Método para prevenir la rotación cefálica y lateral de los injertos de cartílago en la punta nasal Angulated extended collumelar graft. A method to prevent the cephalic and lateral rotation of the cartilage graft in the nasal tip

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    Y. Castro Govea


    Full Text Available El paciente mestizo generalmente posee una nariz pequeña, de base ancha, con fosas nasales redondas y dorso convexo. Los cartílagos alares son débiles, delgados y cortos, proporcionando un soporte estructural deficiente y pobre definición de la punta nasal. Los injertos de cartílago de la punta nasal se usan frecuentemente para corregir esta condición; sin embargo un problema común es la rotación cefálica, caudal y lateral de estos cartílagos. Empleamos un injerto columelar extendido angulado (ICEA para proporcionar elongación y soporte columelar; la extensión angulada nos brinda a su vez un mejor control y predicción de la posición de los injertos de la punta nasal al prevenir su desplazamiento cefálico y lateral. El protocolo quirúrgico empleado incluyó historia clínica completa, desarrollo de un plan quirúrgico mediante análisis de la deformidad y fotografías pre y postoperatorias para el control de los pacientes a medio y largo plazo. Tratamos 95 pacientes usando este procedimiento; 75 con rinoplastia abierta y 20 con técnica cerrada. El rango del periodo de seguimiento fue de 6 meses a 4 años. Los resultados obtenidos fueron satisfactorios, mostrando mejor control y predicción de la forma de la punta nasal. En conclusión, creemos que el injerto columelar extendido angulado proporciona un mejor control de la proyección y angularidad de los injertos colocados en la punta nasal.The mestizo patient usually has a small nose, with wide base, round nostrils and convex dorsum. The alar cartilages are weak, thin and short, providing a deficient structural support and poor definition of the nasal tip. Cartilage graft in the nasal tip are very often used to correct this condition, but a commun problem of this procedure is the cephalic or lateral rotation of these grafts. We used an angulated extended collumalar graft to give collumelar support and elongation. The angulated extension of the graft provides a better control and

  6. Técnica dramática y retórica de las pasiones en el Tratado completo del arte del canto de Manuel García

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    Díaz Marroquín, Lucía


    Full Text Available The history of European singing technique, from the Italian origins of the stile rappresentativo and the early Seicento musical drama to the heights of bel canto, seems inextricably related to the classical rhetorical and philosophical theories, later re-interpreted by the humanist and rationalist authors. Manuel García’s Tratado completo del arte del canto inherits this tradition and contributes to it with every single observation or musical example included in this eminently practical work.

    Desde los orígenes italianos del stile rappresentativo y del drama musical, en los últimos años del siglo XVI y primeros del XVII, hasta el esplendor del bel canto, la historia de los tratados de canto europeos se encuentra inseparablemente asociada a las teorías retóricas y filosóficas clásicas, más tarde reinterpretadas por los autores humanistas y preenciclopedistas. Al escribir su Tratado completo del arte del canto, una obra eminentemente práctica, Manuel García hereda esta tradición y contribuye a ella con cada una de las observaciones y ejemplos musicales que propone.

  7. Asociación de colelitiasis y terapia de reemplazo de testosterona en un paciente con hipogonadismo primario


    S. Squarza; U.G. Rossi; P. Torcia; M. Cariati


    Resumen: Tratamos a un niño de 16 años de edad con hipogonadismo primario debido a la anorquia bilateral, que presentó cálculos biliares en la vesícula biliar con una leve dilatación del árbol biliar intrahepático. La histología de los cálculos biliares confirmó la naturaleza de colesterol de los mismos. El niño fue tratado desde la infancia con terapia de reemplazo de testosterona. Sugerimos una posible correlación entre la terapia de reemplazo de testosterona y la presencia de cálculos bili...

  8. Síndrome de lisis tumoral en un paciente con cáncer de riñón tratado con sunitinib

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    Ezequiel Rodríguez-Reimúndes


    Full Text Available El síndrome de lisis tumoral (SLT es un trastorno metabólico que ocurre como consecuencia de una destrucción celular masiva. Se caracteriza por la presencia de hiperuricemia, hiperfosfatemia, hipocalcemia e hiperkalemia, y predispone al desarrollo de insuficiencia renal aguda. En la mayoría de los casos el SLT ocurre luego de instaurarse un tratamiento antitumoral y es más frecuente en tumores de alto grado de malignidad y alta sensibilidad a la quimioterapia. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con diagnóstico de cáncer de riñón recidivado que presenta un SLT e insuficiencia renal aguda luego de iniciar tratamiento con sunitinib.

  9. Estudio comparativo de las maloclusiones de clase III tratadas con y sin cirugía


    Martínez Asúnsolo, Pascual


    El objetivo de la presente tesis fue determinar si existen diferencias en la inclinación de los incisivos superiores e inferiores en pacientes de clase III tratados con cirugía o únicamente con “camuflaje ortodóncico”, así como su repercusión en la relación esquelética final. Para ello se realizó un estudio clínico comparativo y retrospectivo en la unidad docente de Ortodoncia del departamento de Estomatología de la Universidad de Valencia. La muestra consistió en 56 pacientes que cump...

  10. Cosmetic and Functional Nasal Deformities (United States)

    ... nasal complaints. Nasal deformity can be categorized as “cosmetic” or “functional.” Cosmetic deformity of the nose results in a less ... taste , nose bleeds and/or recurrent sinusitis . A cosmetic or functional nasal deformity may occur secondary to ...

  11. Smart Polymers in Nasal Drug Delivery. (United States)

    Chonkar, Ankita; Nayak, Usha; Udupa, N


    Nasal drug delivery has now been recognized as a promising route for drug delivery due to its capability of transporting a drug to systemic circulation and central nervous system. Though nasal mucosa offers improved bioavailability and quick onset of action of the drug, main disadvantage associated with nasal drug delivery is mucocilliary clearance due to which drug particles get cleared from the nose before complete absorption through nasal mucosa. Therefore, mucoadhesive polymeric approach can be successfully used to enhance the retention of the drug on nasal mucosal surface. Here, some of the aspects of the stimuli responsive polymers have been discussed which possess liquid state at the room temperature and in response to nasal temperature, pH and ions present in mucous, can undergo in situ gelation in nasal cavity. In this review, several temperature responsive, pH responsive and ion responsive polymers used in nasal delivery, their gelling mechanisms have been discussed. Smart polymers not only able to enhance the retention of the drug in nasal cavity but also provide controlled release, ease of administration, enhanced permeation of the drug and protection of the drug from mucosal enzymes. Thus smart polymeric approach can be effectively used for nasal delivery of peptide drugs, central nervous system dugs and hormones.

  12. Pretextos y contextos olvidados : arte, ciencia y técnica en algunos tratados contables de la Inglaterra Tudor

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    Juan Lanero Fernández


    Full Text Available El presente estudio pretende ver, desde una perspectiva amplia, los dos tratados de James Peele (1553, 1569. The pathe waye (1569, en su conjunto, se aparta de forma considerable de los tratados publicados con anterioridad; y por lo que se refiere a su primer libro (1553, dispone de suficientes rasgos diferenciadores para que en el todo y en las partes sea una pieza bien distinta de tratados anteriores. Algunos detalles de The maner and fourme provienen directamente de Pacioli o a través del primer tratado inglés de partida doble, obra de Hugh Oldcastle (1543, o de Ympyn. La influencia de éste, por su tratado holandés/francés (1543 y la traducción inglesa (1547, se aprecia en The pathe waye en el cierre del Libro Mayor y en la forma que ambos tienen de tratar las operaciones de trueque. Es un hecho que Manzoni (1540 está presente en The moner and fourme en lo tocante a la numeración de las partidas en el Diario y a su referencia en el texto. Por lo que se refiere a la organización de los libros de cuentas, también existen resonancias de Weddington. La excelencia es la cualidad que destaca en los dos tratado, en particular en The pathe waye. Peele supo recoger en sus libros las tendencias más innovadoras de la partida doble provenientes de los autores que le precedieron. Está demostrado que Mellis manejó, aunque no siempre de forma apropiada, los tratados de Peele para su reedición de Oldcastle (1588. Y se puede decir lo mismo de John Carpenter (1632. Pele comprendió los verdaderos principios de la partida doble; pero sus excelentes tratados se quedaron injustamente olvidados en la penumbra de los pretextos, la competencia de los contextos y casi ningún paratexto que los valorara en su justiprecio que fue, y sigue siendo, elevado.The present paper tries to have a look, from a broad perspective, at James Peele's two treatises (1553, 1569. The pathe waye (1569, as a whole, drifts away considerably from the treatises previously

  13. Entrecruzamiento en medio acuoso del biomaterial pericárdico bovino con un prepolímero de poliuretano Entrecruzamiento en medio acuoso del biomaterial pericárdico bovino con un prepolímero de poliuretano

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    Birzabith Mendoza-Novelo


    Full Text Available Animal tissues used in the manufacture of medical devices require chemical treatments to improve durability. A number of techniques have been proposed to preserve such collagenous biological tissues. This study reports a new strategy for the crosslinking of bovine pericardium with a blocked polyurethane prepolymer (PUP in aqueous medium. The decrease in amino group content (70 % and corresponding increase in shrinkage temperature (13 °C when native tissue was treated with PUP, indicate the participation of tissue-amines in the stabilization process. The resistance toward degradation by collagenase in PUP-treated tissue indicate a in vitro stability similar to the glutaraldehyde-crosslinked tissue. It can conclude that the isocyanate-blocked PUP is effective agent for the aqueous fixation of biological tissues of biomedical interest.Los tejidos animales destinados a la fabricación de dispositivos médicos requieren de tratamientos químicos para mejorar su durabilidad. Varias técnicas se han propuesto para preservar tales tejidos biológicos ricos en colágeno. En este estudio se reporta una nueva estrategia para entrecruzar pericardio bovino (PB con un prepolímero de poliuretano (PUP soluble en agua con grupos isocianato protegidos. La disminución del contenido de grupos amino libres (70 % y el correspondiente incremento de la temperatura de encogimiento (13 °C para PB tratado con PUP, indican la participación de los grupos amino del tejido en el proceso de estabilización. La resistencia a la digestión con colagenasa de PB tratado con PUP indican una estabilidad in vitro similar al tejido entrecruzado con glutaraldehído. Se puede concluir que el PUP bloqueado es un agente efectivo para la fijación en medio acuoso de tejidos biológicos de interés biomédico.

  14. Risk factors for nasal malignancies in German men: the South-German Nasal cancer study. (United States)

    Greiser, Eberhard M; Greiser, Karin Halina; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Hagen, Rudolf; Lazszig, Roland; Maier, Heinz; Schick, Bernhard; Zenner, Hans Peter


    There are few studies of the effects of nasal snuff and environmental factors on the risk of nasal cancer. This study aimed to investigate the impact of using nasal snuff and of other risk factors on the risk of nasal cancer in German men. A population-based case-control study was conducted in the German Federal States of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Tumor registries and ear, nose and throat departments provided access to patients born in 1926 or later. Telephone interviews were conducted with 427 cases (mean age 62.1 years) and 2.401 population-based controls (mean age 60.8 years). Ever-use of nasal snuff was associated with an odds ratio (OR) for nasal cancer of 1.45 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.88-2.38) in the total study population, whereas OR in smokers was 2.01 (95% CI 1.00-4.02) and in never smokers was 1.10 (95% CI 0.43-2.80). The OR in ever-smokers vs. never-smokers was 1.60 (95% CI 1.24-2.07), with an OR of 1.06 (95% CI 1.05-1.07) per pack-year smoked, and the risk was significantly decreased after quitting smoking. Exposure to hardwood dust for at least 1 year resulted in an OR of 2.33 (95% CI 1.40-3.91) in the total population, which was further increased in never-smokers (OR 4.89, 95% CI 1.92-12.49) in analyses stratified by smoking status. The OR for nasal cancer after exposure to organic solvents for at least 1 year was 1.53 (1.17-2.01). Ever-use of nasal sprays/nasal lavage for at least 1 month rendered an OR of 1.59 (1.04-2.44). The OR after use of insecticides in homes was 1.48 (95% CI 1.04-2.11). Smoking and exposure to hardwood dust were confirmed as risk factors for nasal carcinoma. There is evidence that exposure to organic solvents, and in-house use of insecticides could represent novel risk factors. Exposure to asbestos and use of nasal snuff were risk factors in smokers only.

  15. Health risks associated with inhaled nasal toxicants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Feron, VJ; Arts, JHE; Kuper, CF; Slootweg, PJ; Woutersen, RA


    Health risks of inhaled nasal toxicants were reviewed with emphasis on chemically induced nasal lesions in humans, sensory irritation, olfactory and trigeminal nerve toxicity, nasal immunopathology and carcinogenesis, nasal responses to chemical mixtures, in vitro models, and nasal dosimetry- and

  16. Nasal obstruction and human communication. (United States)

    Malinoff, R; Moreno, C


    Nasal obstruction may cause a variety of communication disorders, particularly in children. The effects of nasal obstruction on hearing, speech, language, and voice are examined. Methods for assessing the effects of nasal obstruction are delineated, and recommendations for therapeutic interventions are described.

  17. Hepatocellular carcinoma: computed tomography assessment after invasive treatment;Hepatocarcinoma: Evaluacion con tomografia computada luego del tratamiento intervencionista

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kozima, Shigeru; Larranaga, Nebil; Wulfson, Gabriela [Servicio de Diagnostico por Imagenes Hospital General de Agudos ' Cosme Argerich' , CABA, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Eisele, Guillermo [Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Ridruejo, Ezequiel; Mando, Oscar [Seccion de Hepatologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Perazzo, Florencia [Seccion Oncologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    diagnostico de hepatocarcinoma; todas fueron tratadas en forma minimamente invasiva. Para el tratamiento se dividio a los pacientes en dos grupos siguiendo el criterio de Milan. El primer grupo, constituido por 75 pacientes con 109 nodulos, fue tratado con quimioembolizacion. El segundo grupo, de 15 pacientes y 25 nodulos, fue tratado con ablacion por radiofrecuencia. Dentro de nuestra poblacion, hubo un subgrupo de 10 pacientes (14 nodulos) que se trato con ambos metodos. Resultados: De los 90 pacientes tratados, luego de los controles con TC realizados a un mes, 3 meses y cada 3 meses durante dos anios, en 63 casos (70%) se observo acumulacion homogenea del lipiodol, defecto parcial sin realce o ausencia de realce en la lesion tratada. A estos no se les realizo nuevo procedimiento luego del tratamiento inicial. En los 27 pacientes restantes (30%), se practico un nuevo tratamiento por visualizarse defecto parcial o ausencia del lipiodol con realce o realce periferico en la fase arterial de la lesion tratada. En este ultimo grupo, 16 pacientes tratados (17,7%) tuvieron nuevo realce nodular en el parenquima hepatico restante. Conclusion: La TC en las fases sin contraste y arterial, a un mes y cada 3 meses, permite evaluar la efectividad, enfermedad residual y/o la recaida del hepatocarcinoma luego del tratamiento minimamente invasivo. (autores)

  18. Nasal Delivery of High Molecular Weight Drugs

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    Erdal Cevher


    Full Text Available Nasal drug delivery may be used for either local or systemic effects. Low molecular weight drugs with are rapidly absorbed through nasal mucosa. The main reasons for this are the high permeability, fairly wide absorption area, porous and thin endothelial basement membrane of the nasal epithelium. Despite the many advantages of the nasal route, limitations such as the high molecular weight (HMW of drugs may impede drug absorption through the nasal mucosa. Recent studies have focused particularly on the nasal application of HMW therapeutic agents such as peptide-protein drugs and vaccines intended for systemic effects. Due to their hydrophilic structure, the nasal bioavailability of peptide and protein drugs is normally less than 1%. Besides their weak mucosal membrane permeability and enzymatic degradation in nasal mucosa, these drugs are rapidly cleared from the nasal cavity after administration because of mucociliary clearance. There are many approaches for increasing the residence time of drug formulations in the nasal cavity resulting in enhanced drug absorption. In this review article, nasal route and transport mechanisms across the nasal mucosa will be briefly presented. In the second part, current studies regarding the nasal application of macromolecular drugs and vaccines with nanoand micro-particulate carrier systems will be summarised.


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    Full Text Available La aplicación de tecnologías complementarias como la deshidratación osmótica y microondas como pre-tratamientos al secado convencional contribuye al desarrollo de nuevos productos y favorece la disminución de los cambios físico-químicos y organolépticos en el mango. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la deshidratación osmótica con una solución a 65°Brix de 37 a 40°C por 60 min, tratamiento con microondas a 560 W por 7 min y combinado como pre-tratamientos al secado de hojuelas de mango a 70°C en una estufa tipo bandeja y al sol. Las muestras de mango con 11 a 14°Brix y humedad del 80% fueron dimensionadas a 1x1x0,4 cm. La pérdida de peso y el tiempo de secado en los pre-tratados presentaron diferencias significativas (p0,99 se ajustó para el secado sin pre-tratamiento y el modelo de Vermet et al. (R²>0,99 para los pre-tratados. La De ff para microondas y secado en estufa fue mayor. Las hojuelas de mango pre-tratadas con deshidratación osmótica fueron las que mejor conservaron la apariencia de las hojuelas de mango

  20. Efectividad de la acupuntura con tachuela en afectados por epicondilitis

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    Mercedes Gay Muguercia


    Full Text Available Se realizó una intervención terapéutica en 20 pacientes con epicondilitis, remitidos de la consulta de Ortopedia al Departamento de Medicina Natural Tradicional del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, de septiembre a diciembre de 2012, con vistas a determinar la efectividad de la acupuntura con tachuela en ellos. Los afectados fueron valorados y, de forma aleatoria, se les distribuyó en 2 grupos de 10 integrantes cada uno: el de estudio, que recibió acupuntura (agujas de 0,2 mm de forma permanente en los puntos Ashi y en el IG-11, y el de control, tratado convencionalmente con antiinflamatorios y analgésicos. Luego de aplicadas las terapias, los pacientes fueron valorados a los 5, 10 y 15 días, teniendo en cuenta el cuadro clínico dado por dolor, inflamación e impotencia funcional. La regresión de los síntomas se evaluó por la escala visual analógica, y se obtuvo una efectividad marcada del tratamiento con acupuntura en relación con el medicamentoso

  1. Diseñe su interfaz gráfica con Matlab

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    Miguel Ramón Ortegón Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Las aplicaciones de carácter científico o tecnológico cuentan, para su desarrollo, con el apoyo de una poderosa herramienta de cálculo numérico, que permite abordar problemas que demanden variada y compleja manipulación matemática de manera eficiente y con ayudas gráficas. Su diseño funcional le permite usar con facilidad toda la gama de comandos en forma interactiva, o en modo programas que han sido implementados como parte del lenguaje, o los nuevos comandos implementados por el usuario. Problemas tradicionales, relativos al manejo de matrices o álgebra lineal, cálculo diferencial e integral, ecuaciones diferenciales, raíces de funciones, solución de sistemas de ecuaciones, etc., hasta algunos más especializados como el procesamiento digital de señales, redes neuronales, filtros, pueden ser tratados con este lenguaje. Con el presente artículo se desea difundir el uso de interfaces gráficas que provee Matlab, para hacer más modernas, presentables y manejables aplicaciones de ingeniería que con otras herramientas podrían resultar mas complicadas y engorrosas.

  2. Perfil eletrocardiográfico e conteúdo glicogênico muscular de ratos tratados com nandrolona Perfil electrocardiográfico y contenido glicogénico muscular de ratones tratados con nandrolona Electrocardiographic profile and muscle glycogen content of rats treated with nandrolone

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    Carlos Alberto da Silva


    áfico, contenido glicogénico y de proteínas totales de los músculos cardíacos y esqueléticos, así como las concentraciones plasmática de albúmina. MÉTODOS: Los animales del grupo tratado recibieron la droga en la concentración 5mg/kg por vía subcutánea, dos veces por semana, durante tres semanas. Una vez por semana, los ratones fueron anestesiados con Pentobarbital sódico (50mg/Kg, ip y sometidos a evaluación por medio de electrocardiograma (ECG. Después del período experimental, muestras de los músculos cardíaco (ventrículo izquierdo - VI, sóleo (S, gastrocnemio blanco (GB, gastrocnemio rojo (GV, pectoral (P, intercostal (IC y diafragma (D fueron colectadas y analizadas. Los datos (media±epm fueron evaluados de acuerdo con ANOVA, segundo test de Tukey (p>0,05. RESULTADOS: Los ratones del grupo tratado presentaron alteraciones en los siguientes parámetros cardíacos: intervalo QRS, intervalo QTc y frecuencia cardíaca, caracterizados por un aumento de estos, teniendo el ápice en el intervalo de la semana de pretratamiento a la primera semana. Las reservas de glicógeno en el VI presentaron aumento de 127%. En relación a la cantidad de proteínas totales, una diferencia significativa fue constatada en el S, GV y D. En cuanto al perfil bioquímico y al hematocrito, fue observado un aumento en el porcentaje de eritrocitos. CONCLUSIÓN: El estudio muestra que importantes alteraciones cardíacas son provocadas precozmente, sugiriendo una jerarquía en la secuencia de modificaciones que comprometen la homeostasia del organismo.BACKGROUND: We considered both the indiscriminate use of steroids by top athletes and by physically active individuals. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of nandrolone decanoate on the electrocardiographic profile, glycogen content and total-protein profile of skeletal and cardiac muscles, as well as the plasma albumin concentrations. METHODS: The drug was administered subcutaneously, at a concentration of 5 mg/kg, twice a week for three

  3. Rabdomioma cardiaco tratado quirúrgicamente con éxito y revisión de la literatura


    Cigarroa López,Ángel; García Jiménez,Yoloxóchitl; Yáñez Gutiérrez,Lucelly; Jiménez Arteaga,Santiago; Martínez Sánchez,Arturo; Ortegón Cardeña,José; David Gómez,Felipe; Sánchez Soberanes,Agustín; López Gallegos,Diana; Riera-Kinkel,Carlos; Alva Espinosa,Carlos


    Los tumores cardiacos primarios son raros, con incidencia variable en todas las edades del 0.005 al 0.05%. En pacientes pediátricos, la incidencia es del 0.27%. Los tumores más frecuentes durante la infancia son los rabdomiomas cardiacos, considerados como benignos. Aunque la expresión clínica es amplia, en la mayoría de los casos son asintomáticos y se detectan por la presencia de soplos. En la etapa prenatal se manifiestan con arritmias o hydrops fetalis. En algunos neonatos y lactantes se ...

  4. [Nasal septal abscess]. (United States)

    Barril, María F; Ferolla, Fausto M; José, Pablo; Echave, Cecilia; Tomezzoli, Silvana; Fiorini, Sandra; López, Eduardo Luis


    A nasal septal abscess (NA) is defined as a collection of pus between the cartilage or bony septum and its normally applied mucoperichondrium or mucoperiostium. It is an uncommon disease which should be suspected in a patient with acute onset of nasal obstruction and recent history of nasal trauma, periodontal infection or an inflammatory process of the rhinosinusal region. We report a case of an 8-year-old boy with bilateral NA caused by community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MR-CO) in order to emphasize the importance of prompt diagnosis and adequate treatment to prevent the potentially dangerous spread of infection and the development of severe functional and cosmetic sequelae.

  5. Tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica en niños con Rinitis Alérgica y/o Asma Bronquial. Área Norte. 2005 - 2007.

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    Matilde Iraida Morera Franco


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal durante el período Enero 2005_ Enero 2007 en el Policlínico Norte del municipio Sancti Spíritus. El universo estuvo constituido por el total de niños con edades de 2_15 años con enfermedades alérgicas, a los que se realizó pruebas de alergia e indicó tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica por vía subcutánea, la muestra estuvo formada por 75 pacientes con asma bronquial, rinitis alérgica y/o ambas enfermedades, con el objetivo de determinar el comportamiento del tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica se aplicó el método porcentual para el análisis de resultados, donde el grupo etáreo que predominó fue de 2 _5 años, más del 65 % de los pacientes tratados refirieron mejoría de los síntomas las causas más frecuentes de abandono de tratamiento fue la aparición de infecciones intercurrentes, no ocurrió reacción anafiláctica en ninguno de los casos estudiados, el tratamiento con inmunoterapia puede reducir el uso de otros tratamientos asociados como Intal, antihistamínicos, broncodilatadores y esteroides.

  6. Cyanocobalamin Nasal Gel (United States)

    ... to supply extra vitamin B12 to people who need unusually large amounts of this vitamin because they are pregnant or have certain diseases. ... Cyanocobalamin nasal gel will supply you with enough vitamin B12 only as ... it regularly. You may need to use cyanocobalamin nasal gel every week for ...

  7. Nasal Glial Heterotopia with Cleft Palate. (United States)

    Chandna, Sudhir; Mehta, Milind A; Kulkarni, Abhishek Kishore


    Congenital midline nasal masses are rare anomalies of which nasal glial heterotopia represents an even rarer subset. We report a case of a 25-day-old male child with nasal glial heterotopia along with cleft palate suggesting embryonic fusion anomaly which was treated with excision and primary closure for nasal mass followed by palatal repair at later date.

  8. Measurement of secretion in nasal lavage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bisgaard, H; Krogsgaard, O W; Mygind, N


    1. The amount of admixture in nasal lavage fluids was determined by addition of 99mTc labelled albumin, providing a correction factor for measurements of cellular material and humoral substances in nasal lavage return as well as a quantitative measure of nasal secretions. 2. Albumin was chosen...... secretion to be carried out on the whole sample of lavage fluid, thereby avoiding the necessity of complete admixture between marker and lavage fluid which would be pertinent to marker molecules measured chemically. The radiation from a nasal lavage is minimal and the procedure is fully acceptable...... of the nose, yet not the oropharynx. 5. A dose related increase in nasal secretion harvested by the nasal lavage in 10 persons challenged with histamine chloride could be demonstrated by this technique. 6. It is concluded that the use of 99mTc-albumin in a nasal washing provides a safe, simple and quick...

  9. Las convenciones de comercio, navegación y relaciones internacionales firmadas por Colombia con Estados Unidos y Reino Unido en 1825: al rescate de su memoria, a propósito del TLC

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    Jorge Enrique Elías Caro


    Full Text Available Colombia en 1825 firmó con Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido un tratado de libre comercio, de navegación y relaciones internacionales. En este trabajo lo que se persigue es explicar las razones que dieron origen a la firma de estos acuerdos. De igual forma analizar las repercusiones que tuvo para la economía, la política y las condiciones sociales el haber suscrito estos pactos. De la misma manera se hace una analogía de los determinantes que versaban estos tratados con el que actualmente vienen  los gobiernos de Colombia y Estados , para ello se hace una comparación de los articulados y sus contenidos

  10. Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Notification of the Entry into Force; Tratado Sobre la no Proliferacion de las Armas Nucleares. Notificacion de la Entrada en Vigor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    By letters addressed to the Director General on 5, 6 and 20 March 1970 respectively, the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which are designated as the Depository Governments in Article IX. 2 of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, informed the Agency that the Treaty had entered into force on 5 March 1970 [Spanish] En sus cartas dirigidas al Director General con fecha 5, 6 y 20 de marzo de 1970, respectivamente, el Reino Unido de Gran Bretana e Irlanda del Norte, los Estados Unidos de America y la Union de Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas, designados Gobiernos depositarios en el parrafo 2 del Articulo IX del Tratado sobre la no proliferacion de las armas nucleares, han comunicado al Organismo que dicho Tratado entro en vigor el 5 de marzo de 1970.

  11. Objective measurements for grading the nasal esthetics on Basal view in individuals with secondary cleft nasal deformity. (United States)

    He, Xing; Li, Hua; Shao, Yan; Shi, Bing


    The purpose of this study is to ascertain objective nasal measurements from the basal view that are predictive of nasal esthetics in individuals with secondary cleft nasal deformity. Thirty-three patients who had undergone unilateral cleft lip repair were retrospectively reviewed in this study. The degree of nasal deformity was subjectively ranked by seven surgeons using standardized basal-view measurements. Nine physical objective parameters including angles and ratios were measured. Correlations and regressions between these objective and subjective measurements were then analyzed. There was high concordance in subjective measurements by different surgeons (Kendall's harmonious coefficient = W = .825, P = .006). The strongest predictive factors for nasal aesthetics were the ratio of length of nasal alar (r = .370, P = .034) and the degree of deviation of the columnar axis (r = .451, P = .008). The columellar angle had a more powerful effect in rating nasal esthetics. There was reliable concordance in subjective ranking of nasal esthetics by surgeons. Measurement of the columnar angle may serve as an independent, objective predictor of esthetics of the nose.

  12. Nasal glial heterotopia with cleft palate

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    Sudhir Chandna


    Full Text Available Congenital midline nasal masses are rare anomalies of which nasal glial heterotopia represents an even rarer subset. We report a case of a 25-day-old male child with nasal glial heterotopia along with cleft palate suggesting embryonic fusion anomaly which was treated with excision and primary closure for nasal mass followed by palatal repair at later date.

  13. Nasal endotracheal intubation in a premature infant with a nasal encephalocele. (United States)

    Bannister, C M; Kashab, M; Dagestani, H; Placzek, M


    After a difficult nasal intubation a premature infant leaked cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from one nostril. After developing bacterial meningitis, the baby was referred for neurosurgical management of the CSF fistula. Transaxial computed tomograms demonstrated a nasal encephalocele, but coronal scans were needed to show the defect in the cribriform plate. Images PMID:8346963

  14. Measurement of secretion in nasal lavage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bisgaard, H; Krogsgaard, O W; Mygind, N


    1. The amount of admixture in nasal lavage fluids was determined by addition of 99mTc labelled albumin, providing a correction factor for measurements of cellular material and humoral substances in nasal lavage return as well as a quantitative measure of nasal secretions. 2. Albumin was chosen...... as marker molecule, since only negligible amounts were absorbed or adsorbed to the mucosa during the nasal lavage. 3. Labelling of the albumin with 99mTc ensured an accuracy of measurements only limited by the precision of the weighing. The isotope allowed for the determination of the amount of admixed...... of the nose, yet not the oropharynx. 5. A dose related increase in nasal secretion harvested by the nasal lavage in 10 persons challenged with histamine chloride could be demonstrated by this technique. 6. It is concluded that the use of 99mTc-albumin in a nasal washing provides a safe, simple and quick...

  15. Appraisal of transverse nasal groove: a study. (United States)

    Sathyanarayana, Belagola D; Basavaraj, Halevoor B; Nischal, Kuchangi C; Swaroop, Mukunda R; Umashankar, Puttagangu N; Agrawal, Dhruv P; Swamy, Suchetha S; Okram, Sarda


    Transverse nasal groove is a condition of cosmetic concern which awaits due recognition and has been widely described as a shallow groove that extends transversely over the dorsum of nose. However, we observed variations in the clinical presentations of this entity, hitherto undescribed in literature. We conducted a clinicoepidemiological study of transverse nasal lesions in patients attending our outpatient department. We conducted a prospective observational study. We screened all patients attending our out-patient department for presence of transverse nasal lesions, signs of any dermatosis and associated other skin conditions. One hundred patients were recruited in the study. Females (80%) predominated over males. Most patients were of 15-45 years age group (70%). Majority of the transverse nasal lesions were classical transverse nasal groove (39%) and others included transverse nasal line (28%), strip (28%), ridge (4%) and loop (1%). Seborrhoeic diathesis was the most common condition associated with transverse nasal lesion. Occurrence of transverse nasal line, strip, ridge and loop, in addition to classical transverse nasal groove implies that latter is actually a subset of transverse nasal lesions. Common association of this entity with seborrheic dermatitis, seborrhea and dandruff raises a possibility of whether transverse nasal lesion is a manifestation of seborrheic diathesis.

  16. Nasal budesonide offers superior symptom relief in perennial allergic rhinitis in comparison to nasal azelastine. (United States)

    Stern, M A; Wade, A G; Ridout, S M; Cambell, L M


    Allergic rhinitis is usually treated with oral antihistamines or nasal steroids. Topically active nasal antihistamine is a new treatment modality for allergic rhinitis. The efficacy in comparison to well established topical treatment alternatives is not fully known. To compare the efficacy of intranasally administered azelastine to budesonide, at their respectively recommended dosage, on the symptoms of perennial rhinitis patients. A placebo-controlled, randomized, parallel group study was conducted to compare the efficacy and tolerability of intranasal budesonide aqueous suspension (256 microg once daily) with azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray (280 microg twice daily (560 microg/day)) and with placebo in the treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis. The 195 patients (with at least a 2-year history of perennial allergic rhinitis) recorded individual nasal symptom scores, the degree of symptom control achieved and any adverse events experienced over a 2-week baseline period and a 6-week treatment period. Following treatment, the reductions in mean combined and individual nasal symptom scores from baseline values were significantly greater in the budesonide group compared with the placebo group (P < .0001 for all variables except runny nose P = .01). In patients treated with budesonide, there were also significantly larger reductions from baseline values in combined nasal symptom scores (P < .01) and in scores for all individual nasal symptoms (P < or = .05) compared with those treated with azelastine. The reductions from baseline in both combined and individual nasal symptom scores did not differ between azelastine and placebo. The study medications were well tolerated, producing no unexpected or serious treatment-related adverse events. A once-daily dose of 256 microg of intranasal budesonide aqueous suspension is significantly more effective at relieving the symptoms of perennial allergic rhinitis compared with a twice daily dose of 280 microg of azelastine

  17. Mercurius solubilis en el tratamiento de pacientes con estomatitis aftosa recurrente

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    María Isabel Aguilar Vallejo


    Full Text Available Se realizó ensayo clinicoterapéutico controlado, de fase II B, de 112 pacientes con estomatitis aftosa recurrente, atendidos en la Clínica Estomatológica "José Luis Tassende" de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero hasta diciembre de 2013, para evaluar la eficacia del Mercurius solubilis en el tratamiento de estos. La muestra fue distribuida de forma aleatoria, mediante orden de llegada, en 2 grupos (uno de estudio y uno control, con 56 integrantes cada uno. Los primeros fueron tratados con Mercurius solubilis y los segundos con los remedios homeopáticos habituales. Para la validación estadística de la información obtenida se emplearon el porcentaje, el test de Ji al cuadrado, con 95 % de confiabilidad, y la probabilidad exacta de Fisher. Entre los grupos estudiados no existieron diferencias significativas en relación con la remisión de la intensidad del dolor, la recuperación de la integridad epitelial y la curación al tercer, quinto y séptimo días de tratamiento. Se demostró que esta terapia alternativa fue tan eficaz como el bórax

  18. Efeito do exercício físico sobre o volume nasal Effects of physical exercise in nasal volume

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    Marconi Teixeira Fonseca


    Full Text Available A variação da permeabilidade nasal tem sido demonstrada usando-se várias técnicas de exame. As estruturas nasais geram uma resistência que representa cerca de 50% da resistência respiratória total. O exercício físico é um dos fatores que pode causar um efeito vasoconstritor sobre a mucosa nasal. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o grau de mudança do volume nasal após exercício físico e o tempo de retorno aos níveis basais. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Dezenove indivíduos foram submetidos à realização de teste físico em bicicleta ergométrica. O volume nasal foi obtido através da rinometria acústica, realizada em repouso, após o fim do exercício físico, e nos minutos décimo e vigésimo de seu final. RESULTADOS: Os resultados rinométricos mostram um aumento estatisticamente significativo do volume nasal (p The nasal permeability has been demonstrated using several exams. Nasal structures produces a resistance to the nasal air flux that represents over 50% of the total respiratory resistance. Physical exercises is a factor that brings a vasoconstrictor effect over nasal mucosa. AINS: Evaluate the improvement degree of nasal volume after aerobic physical exercises and time to return to previous levels. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Nineteen heathly subjects were submitted to aerobic exercise in ergometric bike. The nasal volume was obtained by Acoustic Rhinometry perfomed in rest, after aerobic exercise, 10o and 20o minutes after the aerobic exercise. RESULTS: Rhynometrics results shows a statically and significant increase of nasal volume (p<0,001. The nasal volume, in twenty minutes, returns nearby the rest levels. CONCLUSIONS: Aerobic exercises, generally, increases the nasal volume. However, the increase of nasal volume was transitory, and occurs a major reduction of increase in the first ten minutes after the exercises ends, and perform a greater vasoconstrictor effect over nasal mucosa, Twenty minutes after the physical

  19. Prueba cutánea con extractos alergénicos de pólenes y relación con signos clínicos de rinitis alérgica y asma bronquial en Camagüey, Cuba

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    Olimpio Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Los pólenes inciden sobre las mucosas provocando sensibilización alérgica, sin embargo, en Cuba son insuficientes los estudios sobre estos alergenos. Con el objetivo de conocer el comportamiento de Ambrosía psilostachya, Amaranthus leucocarpus, Helianthus annuus, Rumex acetosella, Lolium perenne, Cupressus lindley y Cocos nucifera, se realizó un estudio observacional analítico en el Servicio de Alergia del policlínico Previsora, Camagüey. La muestra fue de 529 individuos con rinitis o asma, con pruebas cutáneas por punción (prick test positivas a los ácaros, hongos y pólenes; el 40% de la misma estaba sensibilizada a pólenes con prueba de provocación nasal a estos alergenos. Se compararon según gravedad de los síntomas y los valores del habón de 3, 4 y 5 mm. Los grupos etarios con valores más altos de sensibilización fueron los de 6 a 12 y 19 a 44 años. No hubo diferencias significativas de sensibilización a los pólenes según sexo. Ambrosía y Lolium presentaron los porcentajes más altos de respuesta cutánea, con habones de 3 mm en un 49,98% y 40,09%, respectivamente. Tampoco se detectaron diferencias significativas. El 89,6% de los pacientes sensibilizados reaccionaron clínicamente a la provocación nasal. En los asintomáticos predominaron los habones de 3 mm y en los graves los de 5 mm. Los pólenes constituyeron una causa importante de sensibilización alérgica. Existió relación entre las pruebas cutáneas y la prueba de provocación nasal. El diámetro del habón de la respuesta cutánea a prick test se relacionó con la severidad de los síntomas clínicos.

  20. Propiedades biomecánicas de la membrana limitante interna tras recibir tratamiento intravítreo con ocriplasmina. (United States)

    Vielmuth, Franziska; Schumann, Ricarda G; Spindler, Volker; Wolf, Armin; Scheler, Renate; Mayer, Wolfgang J; Henrich, Paul B; Haritoglou, Christos


    Objetivo: Evaluar la rigidez de la membrana limitante interna (MLI) humana y evaluar los posibles cambios de las propiedades mecánicas tras administrar una inyección intravítrea de ocriplasmina para tratar la tracción vitreomacular. Métodos: Este estudio se compone de una serie de casos intervencionales y comparativos de 12 muestras de MLI extraídas mediante cirugía y obtenidas de forma consecutiva de 9 ojos de 9 pacientes después de someterse sin éxito a vitreólisis farmacológica con ocriplasmina. Durante el mismo periodo de tiempo, 16 muestras de otros 13 ojos sin tratamiento con ocriplasmina se obtuvieron mediante vitrectomía y sirvieron como controles. Todos los pacientes presentaron agujeros maculares o tracción vitreomacular y se sometieron a vitrectomía con disección de la MLI tanto con tinción con azul brillante (AB) como sin ella. Todas las muestras se analizaron con un microscopio de fuerza atómica con imágenes de las regiones de 25 × 25 μm. En todas las muestras, se analizaron tanto la parte de la retina como la del vítreo de la MLI. Resultados: La microscopia de fuerza atómica no reveló diferencias significativas en cuanto a elasticidad de las muestras de MLI extraídas de ojos con o sin tratamiento con ocriplasmina. Las áreas onduladas de la parte de la retina presentaron una mayor rigidez que la parte del vítreo de la MLI. La cartografía topográfica tanto de la parte del vítreo como de la retina de la MLI no mostró ninguna alteración aparente de la morfología en ojos tratados con ocriplasmina en comparación con los ojos no tratados. La tinción con azul brillante conllevó un aumento de la rigidez tisular. Conclusiones: Las inyecciones intravítreas de ocriplasmina no varían las propiedades biomecánicas de la MLI humana. No existen pruebas de un posible efecto enzimático que interfiera con la rigidez de esta membrana basal. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  1. Adenoma pleomórfico de septo nasal: relato de caso Pleomorphic adenoma of the nasal septum: a case report

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    Mauren P. Rocha


    Full Text Available As neoplasias nasais são bastante raras. Os tumores mais observados na cavidade nasal são papilomas epiteliais, angiomas, carcinoma de células transicionais, carcinoma pavimentoso e adenocarcinoma. O adenoma pleomórfico pertence ao grupo de tumores que aparecem com menor freqüência na fossa nasal, e é o tumor benigno glandular mais comum originado na cabeça e pescoço. A apresentação clínica típica dos pacientes com adenoma pleomórfico do septo nasal é de obstrução nasal unilateral, epistaxe e massa indolor na cavidade nasal. Em vista da raridade da apresentação clínica do adenoma pleomórfico nesta localização, os autores descrevem um caso de adenoma pleomórfico nasal em um paciente do sexo masculino, com 69 anos de idade, onde relatam os achados clínicos, critérios diagnósticos, tratamento, prognóstico e revisão da literatura.Nasal tumours are very rare. The neoplasms most frequently seen in the nasal cavity are epithelial papillomas, angiomas, transitional cells carcinoma, pavement carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. The pleomorphic adenoma belongs to the group of tumours less commonly observed in the nasal cavity, and is the most common head and neck benign glandular tumour. The typical clinical presentation of the nasal pleomorphic adenoma is of unilateral nasal obstruction, epistaxis and a painless mass in the nasal cavity. The authors reported an adenoma pleomorphic case that highlights itself by its unusual nasal presentation in the nasal septum of a 45-year-old male patient who was submitted to surgical treatment, and discuss the clinical findings, diagnostic criteria, treatment, prognosis and literature review.

  2. Does Post Septoplasty Nasal Packing Reduce Complications?

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    Bijan Naghibzadeh


    Full Text Available The main issues in nasal surgery are to stabilize the nose in the good position after surgery and preserve the cartilages and bones in the favorable situation and reduce the risk of deviation recurrence. Also it is necessary to avoid the synechia formation, nasal valve narrowing, hematoma and bleeding. Due to the above mentioned problems and in order to solve and minimize them nasal packing, nasal splint and nasal mold have been advised. Patients for whom the nasal packing used may faced to some problems like naso-pulmonary reflex, intractable pain, sleep disorder, post operation infection and very dangerous complication like toxic shock syndrome. We have two groups of patients and three surgeons (one of the surgeons used post operative nasal packing in his patients and the two others surgeons did not.Complications and morbidities were compared in these two groups. Comparing the two groups showed that the rate of complication and morbidities between these two groups were same and the differences were not valuable, except the pain and discomfort post operatively and at the time of its removal. Nasal packing has several risks for the patients while its effects are not studied. Septoplasty can be safely performed without postoperative nasal packing. Nasal packing had no main findings that compensated its usage. Septal suture is one of the procedures that can be used as alternative method to nasal packing. Therefore the nasal packing after septoplasty should be reserved for the patients with increased risk of bleeding.

  3. La ventana europea: retos de la negociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de México con la Unión Europea


    Jaime Zabludovsky; Sergio Gómez Lora


    Después de más de seis años de gestiones diplomáticas y complejas negociaciones, el primero de julio de 2000 entraron en vigor las disposiciones para liberalizar los flujos de comercio de bienes entre México y la Unión Europea (UE). Estas disposiciones son parte del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLCUEM) que, a su vez, es uno de los componentes del Acuerdo de Concertación Política, Asociación Económica y Cooperación ("Acuerdo Global").

  4. Nasal morphological characteristics of the Serbian population

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    Jovanović J.


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the nasal parameters in the population of central Serbia and to compare them with those determined in earlier studies in different populations. The research was conducted on 496 randomly selected persons (262 males and 234 females, aged 18-65 years. The measured parameters were nasal height and nasal breadth and the standard spreading caliper with scale was used for measurements. There were significant differences in the nasal parameters between male and female subjects. The nasal breadth was 34.72 mm in females, and in the male population it was 36.7 mm. The mean values of nasal height were 52.6 mm and 54.32 mm in females and males, respectively. The nasal index in females and males was 66.01 and 67.56, respectively, and the mean value of the nasal index of all respondents was 66.78. After conducting the research it was concluded that the dominant nasal type in the population of the central part of Serbia is leptorrhine. The present study showed the existence of sexual dimorphism in nasal morphology. The data obtained in our study may be useful in anthropological and forensic research, as well as in cosmetic planning and reconstructive surgery.

  5. Un caso de osteocondritis costal tífica tratado con vacunas y antivirus


    Lleras Acosta, F.; Rueda H., Alfonso


    Por considerala de importancia práctica, presentamos la historiaclínica de una enferma afectada de osteocondritis costal de origen Eberthiano, tratada con éxito completo por las autovacunas y antivirus, Debemos esta interesante observación al Dr. Juan N. Carpas y al interno de su servicio de mujeres, Sr. Azuero, quienes galantemente nos suministraron los datos clínicos y las observaciones relativas a los efectos producidos por las vacunas.

  6. Presurgical Nasal Molding With a Nasal Spring in Patients With Mild-to-Moderate Nasal Deformity With Incomplete Unilateral Cleft Lip With or Without Cleft Palate. (United States)

    Peanchitlertkajorn, Supakit


    Traditional nasoalveolar molding (NAM) requires steep learning curve for clinicians and significant compliance from parents. Nasal springs have been developed by the author to simplify presurgical nasal molding. This article presents the design, construction, and application of the spring. The treatment goal is to improve nasal deformity prior to primary repair in infants born with incomplete unilateral cleft lip with or without cleft palate. The design, fabrication, and utility of the nasal spring are described. The spring has a simpler design and construction compared to a traditional NAM appliance. Two patients with incomplete unilateral cleft lip with and without cleft palate are presented. The spring is constructed and delivered. The active arm of the spring can be 3-dimensionally (3-D) adjusted to mold the alar cartilage of the affected nostril. The spring does not require an oral plate for adherence as a traditional NAM appliance does, hence an oral impression is not needed. The spring is easy for clinicians to adjust. It also requires less compliance by parents. Main Outcome Measures/Results: The presurgical molding achieved by the use of a nasal spring improved surgical nasolabial aesthetic outcomes. The nasal springs are effective in reducing the initial cleft nasal deformity. This facilitates primary surgical cleft lip and nose correction and improves surgical outcomes in patients with incomplete unilateral cleft lip with or without cleft palate.



    Lazo, Rodrigo Polanco; Villanueva, Felipe Yáñez


    El presente artículo examina las relaciones entre los tratados de inversión y los tratados de doble tributación, considerando que, en la actual evolución de ambos tipos de acuerdos, sus disposiciones pueden presentar superposiciones en aspectos tales como estándares de protección, transparencia, trato nacional, cláusula de la nación más favorecida, expropiación y transferencias de capital. Tomando el ejemplo de los tratados suscritos por Chile, en este trabajo se examinan las consecuencias de...

  8. Interaccion de promastigotes de Leishmania donovani con celulas de exudado peritonial de ratones mediante la influencia de la quimotripsina

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    Lucila Arcay


    Full Text Available Se hace un estudio de la interacción de promastigotes de Leishmania donovani con células de exudado peritoneal de ratón (c e p mediante la influencia de la quimotripsina. La adhesión de los promastigotes a las c e p fue terminal y marginal, y en observaciones hechas a partir de los 10 minutos de enfrentamiento, esta adhesión fue nula hasta los 30 minutos en el grupo tratado, y sólo a las das horas hubo un pequeño incremento (2.4% con respecto al control. Se observa marcada disminución en todos los parámetro medidos, tales como enlace, penetración, multiplicación intracelular, división de formas flageladas, en el grupo tratado. La quimotripsina favorece la formación de formas intermedias flageladas, heciendose el parásito piriforme y esférico, apareciendo una forma aberrante de extremo anterior cilindrico que semeja a una forma coanoflagelada. Se sospecha que la enzima reduce efectivamente fragmentos proteicos o péptidos, los cuales pueden haber sido tan pequeños como para esconder a otros ligandos relacionados con la adhesión macrófago-parásito.

  9. Leishmaniosis laríngea recidivante: un caso inusual en un paciente inmunocompetente tratado con corticoides Recidivant laryngeal leishmaniosis: an unusual case in an immunocompetent patient treated with corticosteroids

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    R. Casero


    Full Text Available La leishmaniosis es una parasitosis de evolución crónica; en Argentina, sus agentes etiológicos principales pertenecen al complejo Leishmania (Viannia braziliensis, habitualmente asociado a lesiones cutáneas y mucocutáneas. Informamos en este trabajo un caso de leishmaniosis laríngea en un hombre de 29 años procedente de Jujuy, quien a raíz de múltiples subdiagnósticos portaba esta parasitosis desde hacía 20 años. En el año 2008 este paciente consulta por disfonía crónica y trastornos en las vías aéreas superiores, refiere que fue sometido a terapias con tuberculostáticos, antifúngicos y corticoides desde 2002. Diferentes biopsias y fibroscopías revelaron los siguientes diagnósticos: laringitis granulomatosa inespecífica, laringitis compatible con tuberculosis, laringitis compatible con histoplasmosis, linfoma Natural Killer extraganglionar a células pequeñas. Finalmente, estudios realizados en nuestro hospital demostraron la presencia de una laringe granulomatosa en toda su extensión, amastigotes intra y extracelulares de Leishmania spp., ausencia de formas compatibles con Micobacterias e Histoplasma, y laringitis crónica vinculable a Leishmania spp. El paciente realizó tratamiento con antimoniato de N-metil-glucamina y demostró una muy buena evolución clínica tras ser examinado 2 meses después. Si bien la leishmaniosis laríngea como lesión única no es la presentación prevalente de esta zoonosis, su estudio amerita especial atención en pacientes tratados con corticoides, pues esto evitará un diagnóstico tardío y las mayores consecuencias asociadas a la morbimortalidad propia de esta parasitosis.Leishmaniosis is a chronic parasitic disease, which in Argentina is mainly caused by protozoa belonging to the Leishmania (Viannia braziliensis complex, leading to cutaneous and mucosal pathologies. We report a rare case of laryngeal leishmaniosis in a 29 year-old man from Jujuy province, Argentina, who had been

  10. Nasal mass removal in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). (United States)

    Bercier, Marjorie; Wynne, Janna; Klause, Stephen; Stadler, Cynthia K; Gorow, April; Pye, Geoffrey W


    Nasal masses in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) are not uncommon and can be challenging to diagnose and treat. Differential diagnoses for nasal masses in the koala are cryptococcal granulomas, nasal polyps, nasal adenocarcinoma, and osteochondromatosis. This report describes successful surgical approaches for two adult koalas with nasal masses and includes photodocumentation and description of the anatomy of the koala nasal passages from the postmortem transverse sectioning of a normal koala head. Surgical removal of the nasal masses in these koalas resulted in a rapid resolution of clinical signs.

  11. La UNASUR y el Protocolo sobre Compromiso con la Democracia


    Luchetti, Javier Fernando


    En el presente trabajo describiremos brevemente el proceso que llevó a la UNASUR a añadir a su Tratado Constitutivo, el Protocolo Adicional sobre Compromiso con la Democracia, que pretende constituirse en un apéndice importante en la defensa de las instituciones democráticas y el respeto por los derechos humanos en el sur del continente suramericano, más allá que en otras organizaciones regionales también se menciona que la defensa de la democracia es uno de los pilares de dichas organizacion...

  12. Nuestra Experiencia con la técnica de Barcat y Godart en el Torticolis Muscular Congénito


    Remartínez Rivares, José María; Latorre Sahún, A.; Castiella Muruzabal, Tomás; Aznar Aznarez, J. Mª; Seral Iñigo, Fernando


    Los autores exponen los resultados obtenidos en diez casos de T.M.C. tratados quirúrgicamente con la técnica de Barcat y Godard, tanto estéticos como funcionales. Se analizan los parámetros de sexo, edad de intervención, lado afectado, tipo de parto, anomalías asociadas, y presencia de asimetría facial, movilidad craneal, pérdida de relieve muscular y aparición de bandas laterales postoperatorias. Estos resultados son comparados con los otros autores, mostrándose superiores....

  13. Un caso de Osteocondritis costal tífica tratado con vacunas y antivirus

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    F. Lleras Acosta


    Full Text Available Por considerala de importancia práctica, presentamos la historia clínica de una enferma afectada de osteocondritis costal de origen Eberthiano, tratada con éxito completo por las autovacunas y antivirus, Debemos esta interesante observación al Dr. Juan N. Carpas y al interno de su servicio de mujeres, Sr. Azuero, quienes galantemente nos suministraron los datos clínicos y las observaciones relativas a los efectos producidos por las vacunas.

  14. Nasal septum extramedullary plasmacytoma

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    Belić Branislav


    Full Text Available Introduction. Plasmacytomas are malignant tumors characterized by abnormal monoclonal proliferation of plasma cells. They originate in either bone - solitary osseous plasmacytoma, or in soft tissue - extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP. EMP represents less than 1% of all head and neck malignancies. Case report. We presented a case of EMP of the nasal septum in a 44-year-old male who had progressive difficulty in breathing through the nose and frequent heavy epistaxis on the right side. Nasal endoscopy showed dark red, soft, polypoid tumor in the last third of the right nasal cavity arising from the nasal septum. The biopsy showed that it was plasmacytoma. Bence Jones protein in the urine, serum electrophoresis, bone marrow biopsy, skeletal survey and other screening tests failed to detect multiple myeloma. This confirmed the diagnosis of EMP. The mass was completely removed via an endoscopic approach, and then, 4 week later, radiotherapy was conducted with a radiation dose of 50 Gray. No recurrence was noted in a 3-year follow- up period. Conclusion. EMP of the nasal cavity, being rare and having long natural history, represents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for any ear, nose and throat surgeon. Depending on the resectability of the lesion, a combined therapy is the accepted treatment.

  15. Utilização de efluente tratado em complexo industrial automotivo

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    Sandro Carlos Pohl

    Full Text Available RESUMO Neste trabalho, realizaram-se modificações nos sistemas produtivo e de tratamento de efluentes em um complexo industrial automotivo a fim de possibilitar a utilização do efluente tratado no sistema de torres de resfriamento. Inicialmente, realizou-se um balanço hídrico nos processos industriais para determinar o consumo de água e analisou-se a qualidade do efluente tratado quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos em dois pontos do sistema de tratamento de efluentes: no decantador secundário (P1 do tratamento físico-químico e na saída da lagoa de polimento (P2. Essas análises mostraram que o efluente tratado no decantador secundário não tem capacidade de atender às especificações da água de circulação das torres de resfriamento sem a realização de muitas alterações em seu tratamento, optando-se pela utilização do efluente tratado na saída da lagoa de polimento após modificações, como: alteração na concentração de ácido fosfórico e de ácido nítrico da solução de limpeza dos tanques de fosfatização, elevação em 50% da capacidade de aeração da lagoa aerada e troca do coagulante sulfato de alumínio pelo cloreto férrico no tratamento físico-químico. Assim, os parâmetros do efluente tratado na lagoa de polimento aproximaram-se aos parâmetros especificados para água de torres de resfriamento. A introdução desse efluente na proporção de 40% do volume da água de circulação na torre de resfriamento resultou em elevação do ciclo de dureza e redução no ciclo de sílica. A utilização de um filtro abrandador na saída da lagoa de polimento proporcionou a redução dos parâmetros de qualidade da água para valores similares aos da água de recirculação nas torres de resfriamento.

  16. Nasal symptoms following endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery: assessment using the General Nasal Patient Inventory. (United States)

    Wang, Yi Yuen; Srirathan, Vinothan; Tirr, Erica; Kearney, Tara; Gnanalingham, Kanna K


    The endoscopic approach for pituitary tumors is a recent innovation and is said to reduce the nasal trauma associated with transnasal transsphenoidal surgery. The authors assessed the temporal changes in the rhinological symptoms following endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary lesions, using the General Nasal Patient Inventory (GNPI). The GNPI was administered to 88 consecutive patients undergoing endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery at 3 time points (presurgery, 3-6 months postsurgery, and at final follow-up). The total GNPI score and the scores for the individual GNPI questions were calculated and differences between groups were assessed once before surgery, several months after surgery, and at final follow-up. Of a maximum possible score of 135, the mean GNPI score at 3-6 months postsurgery was only 12.9 ± 12 and was not significantly different from the preoperative score (10.4 ± 13) or final follow-up score (10.3 ± 10). Patients with functioning tumors had higher GNPI scores than those with nonfunctioning tumors for each of these time points (p surgery, with partial recovery (nasal sores and bleeding) or complete recovery (nasal blockage, painful sinuses, and unpleasant nasal smell) by final follow-up (p transsphenoidal surgery is a well-tolerated minimally invasive procedure for pituitary fossa lesions. Overall patient-assessed nasal symptoms do not change, but some individual symptoms may show a mild worsening or overall improvement.

  17. The effect of nasalization on /a/ vowel formants before and after nasal consonant in 4-9-year old normal Persian speaking children

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    Kowsar Baghban


    Full Text Available Background and Aim : Nasalization of a vowel refers to the addition of nasal resonance to the vocal tract transfer function. Also, vowel nasalization occurs because of coarticulation. Coupling of the nasal resonating space to the oropharyngeal cavity alters the vocal tract formants in complex ways. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of nasalization on /a/ vowel formants in before and after nasal consonant.Methods: In current cross-sectional study, voice samples of 60 normal children ranging the age of four-nine years were investigated. Participants were asked to repeat / ʔ ama/ three times and vowel /a/ after presentation of an auditory model. Then, obtained samples were analyzed using Praat 5.3.13 . Average of F0, F1, F2 and F3 were calculated for /a/ comes before and after /m/ in production of / ʔ ama/ over three trials.Results: There were statistically significant differences of F1, F2 and F3 between / a/ which proceeds nasal consonant and /a/ follows nasal consonant , the before nasal consonant /a/ versus single /a/ and the after nasal consonant /a/ versus single /a/ (p=0.001 for all.Conclusion : F1, F2 and F3 in /a/ before nasal consonant affected by anticipatory nasal coarticulation and in /a/ after nasal consonant affected by carry-over nasal coarticulation . This study showed nasal coarticulation and nasalization result in decreasing F1, F2 and F3 in /a/ vowel.

  18. Eficacia del extracto fluido de Vimang® en el tratamiento de pacientes con alveolitis

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    Yolanda Del Toro Gámez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ensayo clínico de fase III en 118 pacientes con alveolitis, atendidos en la consulta estomatológica del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, para evaluar la eficacia del extracto fluido de Vimang® en el tratamiento de ellos. La muestra se dividió en 2 grupos (experimental y control, distribuidos aleatoriamente; los integrantes del primero, tratados con el mencionado extracto; y los del segundo, con Alvogyl. Los resultados del estudio fueron validados mediante el estadígrafo de Ji al cuadrado. Se concluye que el extracto fluido de Vimang® fue eficaz para eliminar la alveolitis en menor tiempo y sin reacciones adversas, por lo cual se recomendó generalizar su uso


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    Angélica Moreno


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el perfil de compuestos volátiles del mango (Mangifera indica L. Var. Tommy Atkins al ser tratado con la combinación de los métodos de deshidratación osmótica con o sin pulso de vacío (DOPV y DO y con secado por aire caliente o con vacío (SAC y VAC. El tiempo utilizado en la cinética del proceso de DO fue de 42 horas y la DOPV de 30 horas; en los procesos de secado, el SAC se realizó durante 24 horas y el VAC requirió 40 horas. En el perfil de compuestos volátiles del mango fresco analizado por cromatografía de gases acoplada a detector de espectrometría de masas (GC-MS se encontraron compuestos tipo mono y sesquiterpénico, además de ácidos y ésteres grasos. El germacreno D (20,49% fue el compuesto terpénico de mayor abundancia encontrado en el análisis realizado. La cantidad de compuestos volátiles en la fruta procesada fue afectada por la aplicación de DOPV y VAC; sin embargo estas pérdidas fueron menores que en las muestras secadas sin pretratamiento osmótico. En el análisis sensorial realizado, las frutas tratadas con DOPV y DO presentaron una menor intensidad calificada en el olor en comparación con la muestra no pretratada.

  20. Nasal dermoid sinus cyst. (United States)

    Cauchois, R; Laccourreye, O; Bremond, D; Testud, R; Küffer, R; Monteil, J P


    Nasal dermoid sinus cyst is one of the diagnoses of midline nasal masses in children. This retrospective study analyzes the various theories regarding the origin of this congenital abnormality, the differential diagnosis, and the value of magnetic resonance imaging, as well as the various surgical options available.

  1. Desarrollo de panuveítis por tuberculosis en paciente con esclerosis múltiple tratado con interferón beta

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    Lucía Echevarría Lucas


    Los linfocitos CD4+ T, leucocitos, macrófagos y granulocitos, con la producción de sus mediadores interferón gamma, IL-12 o TNF-α son fundamentales para controlar al Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Por ello, antes de introducir Interferón beta 1b, convendría realizar técnicas de screening, como la prueba de Mantoux o el interferon gamma release assay–(quantiferon-TB para detectar posibles tuberculosis latentes potencialmente activables.

  2. Sensitivity and specificity of hypopnoea detection using nasal pressure in the presence of a nasal expiratory resistive device (Provent®)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milne, Stephen; Amis, Terence C; Wheatley, John R; Kairaitis, Kristina


    Nasal expiratory resistive valves (Provent ® ) have been proposed as novel therapy for obstructive sleep apnea. We compared pressure measurements from a standard nasal pressure catheter used to assess nasal airflow during sleep with those from nasal expiratory resistive device with attached proprietary nasal pressure cannula. Nasal pressure cannula or Provent ® + proprietary nasal pressure cannula were attached to a bench model of human anterior nares and nasal passages, and pressure measured (P). Respiratory airflows generated by a subject breathing were applied to rear of model and airflow ( V-dot ) measured via pneumotachograph. Airflow amplitude (Δ V-dot ) was plotted against pressure amplitude (ΔP). Hypopnoea detection (<50% Δ V-dot ) sensitivity and specificity was tested by expressing ΔP in terms of two reference breaths: reference breath 1, Δ V-dot 0.55 L s −1  = 100%; and reference breath 2, Δ V-dot 0.45 L s −1  = 100%. ΔP/Δ V-dot relationships were linear for Δ V-dot  ≤ 0.55 L s −1 ; ΔP = 0.37ΔV + 0.16 (nasal pressure cannula), ΔP = 2.7ΔV + 0.12 (Provent ® + proprietary nasal pressure cannula); both R 2  > 0.65, p < 0.0001; p < 0.0001 for between slope difference). For nasal pressure cannula, specificity of hypopnoea detection differed between reference breaths one and two (80.2% and 40.0%, respectively), and Provent ® + proprietary nasal pressure cannula (30.3% and 74.2%, respectively). Quantification of airflow obstruction in the presence of Provent ® + proprietary nasal pressure cannula is greatly influenced by the reference breath chosen to determine a reduction in nasal airflow. Reported variability in therapeutic response to nasal expiratory resistive devices may relate to differences in measurement technique specificity used to quantify the severity of sleep disordered breathing. (paper)

  3. Eficacia del tratamiento acupuntural en pacientes con sacrolumbalgia de causa no neurológica

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    Arthur Smith Austin


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ensayo clinicoterapéutico de fase II de 120 pacientes con sacrolumbalgia no neurológica, atendidos en el cuerpo de guardia y en la consulta ambulatoria del Instituto Superior de Medicina Militar "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto" y del Hospital Militar Central "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay", desde enero de 2009 hasta junio de 2010, con vistas a evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento acupuntural. Se conformaron 2 grupos de 60 integrantes cada uno, los cuales fueron comparados con un grupo control con la misma cantidad de pacientes, pero con tratamiento farmacológico. Se obtuvo que los tratados con acupuntura mejoraron en menor tiempo, en particular los del grupo 2, de donde se infiere que esta técnica resultó eficaz para aliviar el dolor lumbar en quienes se aplicó, a la vez que permitió a los enfermos reducir el período de tratamiento, ahorrar medicamentos y lograr una rápida reincorporación a la vida laboral y social.

  4. Características in vivo del epitelio corneal versus magnitud del defecto refractivo, posterior a tratamiento con láser de excímeros

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    Eduardo Rojas Álvarez

    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir las características in vivo del epitelio corneal y su relación con la magnitud del defecto refractivo tratado posterior al tratamiento quirúrgico de LASIK. Método: estudio descriptivo, prospectivo-longitudinal con 24 pacientes (48 ojos con astigmatismo miópico intervenidos con el ESIRIS (Schwind-Alemania por la técnica quirúrgica LASIK con microquerátomo pendular. Se analizaron los resultados a partir de técnicas de estadística descriptiva. Se utilizó el microscopio confocal ConfoScan 4 de NIDEK para la obtención y estudio de las imágenes in vivo de tejido corneal. Resultados: el grosor epitelial central medio en el preoperatorio fue 34,7 mm, a los 7 días del posoperatorio hubo un incremento del 36 % en pacientes con defectos refractivos inferiores a 4D y un incremento del 44 % en pacientes con defectos refractivos de 4 D o más. El promedio de densidad de células del epitelio basal a los 7 días fue de 5 098,3±1 654 células/mm², tuvo variaciones mínimas inferiores a la unidad porcentual durante la etapa de estudio. Conclusiones: existió incremento del grosor epitelial posterior a LASIK que fue superior en defectos refractivos mayores de 4 dioptrías. La densidad celular del epitelio basal no tuvo variaciones significativas y fue independiente a la magnitud del defecto refractivo tratado.

  5. Linfangioma cervical: manejo terapéutico con OK-432 (Picibanil Cervical lymphangioma: therapeutic management with OK-432 (Picibanil

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    E. Valle Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción: El linfangioma es una malformación del sistema linfático. El abordaje clásico ha sido la cirugía. El OK-432 (Picibanil tiene acción esclerosante y se está utilizando cómo primer escalón terapéutico. El objetivo es aportar un nuevo caso de linfangioma tratado con OK-432 y hacer una revisión de la literatura. Material y método: Aportamos un varón de 16 años con un linfangioma cervical macroquístico de 10 x 6 cm tratado con una dosis de OK-432. Resultados: A las 16 semanas del tratamiento, el tamaño del linfangioma era de 6 x 2 cm, siendo clínicamente inapreciable. Discusión: El tratamiento con OK-432 tiene una alta tasa de curación, con una baja tasa de recidiva y una fibrosis circunscrita a la lesión. En relación con la cirugía, se evitan cicatrices y posibles lesiones de estructuras vitales.Introduction: Lymphangioma is a malformation of the lymphatic system. The classic approach is surgery. OK-432 (Picibanil has sclerosing action and is being used as the first therapeutic step. The objective was to report a new case of lymphangioma treated with OK-432 and to review the literature. Material and method: We report the case of a 16-year-old man with a 10x6-cm macrocystic cervical lymphangioma treated with a dose of OK-432. Results: At 16 weeks of treatment, the size of the lymphangioma was 6x2 cm and it was clinically unappreciable. Discussion: OK-432 treatment has a high cure rate, low recurrence rate, and fibrosis circumscribed to the lesion. Compared to surgery, scars and possible harm to vital structures are avoided.

  6. Distilled water nasal provocation in hyperreactive patients. (United States)

    Baudoin, T; Anzic, S A; Kalogjera, L


    Nonisotonic aerosol may act as a provocation agent in the upper and lower airways of hyperreactive individuals. The purpose of the study was to compare the results of nasal challenge with distilled water in patients with allergic rhinitis to those with noninfective nonallergic rhinitis (NINAR), with respect to the potential clinical use of the obtained data. A group of 68 ambulatory patients with allergic rhinitis or NINAR (39 perennial allergic, 6 seasonal, 23 NINAR) were challenged with 10 mL of distilled water aerosol after the baseline active anterior rhinomanometry. Patients with nasal polyposis at endoscopy, significant unilateral septal deviation, positive bacteriologic swab, recent nasal surgery, and uncertain anamnestic data about the medication taken 6 weeks before the provocation were excluded from the study. After 10 minutes of nasal provocation, rhinomanometry was repeated to assess the response. In 15 patients of the perennial allergic group, the same measurements were performed after a 2-week oral antihistamine and topical steroid therapy. Nasal resistance was significantly increased on the more patent side of the nose after nasal provocation with distilled water aerosol in allergic patients in comparison to the nasal resistance before provocation. In the patients with NINAR, the provocation resulted in a significant rise on the more patent side, but the total nasal airway resistance (NAR) levels were also significantly increased. The systemic antihistamine and topical steroid 2-week therapy in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis significantly reduced the response to nasal distilled water provocation. Nasal provocation with distilled water aerosol is a cheap, simple, and acceptable method that provides useful clinical data on the level of nonspecific nasal hyperreactivity and the therapy success.


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    Rodrigo Polanco Lazo

    Full Text Available El presente artículo examina las relaciones entre los tratados de inversión y los tratados de doble tributación, considerando que, en la actual evolución de ambos tipos de acuerdos, sus disposiciones pueden presentar superposiciones en aspectos tales como estándares de protección, transparencia, trato nacional, cláusula de la nación más favorecida, expropiación y transferencias de capital. Tomando el ejemplo de los tratados suscritos por Chile, en este trabajo se examinan las consecuencias de las trasposiciones de ambos acuerdos, desde el punto de vista de sus mecanismos de solución de controversias, como en lo referido a los conflictos de jerarquía normativa entre esos dos tipos de tratados. Asimismo, se efectúa un análisis sobre iniciativas de tipo multilateral que afectan a ambas categorías de acuerdos como el Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS.

  8. Relevance of histamine and tryptase concentrations in nasal secretions after nasal challenges with phosphate buffered saline and allergen

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    D. Wang


    Full Text Available In this prospective study, a quantitative determination of histamine and tryptase in nasal secretions after nasal phosphate buffered saline (PBS and allergen challenge was performed in 18 atopic patients who were compared with ten non-allergic healthy volunteers. The aim of the study was to determine the normal and pathological concentrations of these important mediators in nasal secretions. The second objective was to test the relevance of these two mast cell secreted mediators after nasal challenge. Results showed that the concentrations of tryptase in almost all samples were under the minimal detection limit (< 0.5 μU/g and only a sigrtificant increase of tryptase (median, 28 μU/g occurred immediately after nasal allergen challenge in the patient group. Histamine concentration significantly increased after every nasal PBS challenge (median, 69 ng/g after first PBS challenge and 165 ng/g after second PBS challenge in the control group, as well as in the patient group after both PBS (median, 69 ng/g and allergen (median, 214 ng/g challenge. On the other hand, a rapid onset of sneezing and increase in nasal airway resistance was experienced only in the patient group after nasal allergen challenge, but did not occur after PBS challenge even though the histamine concentrations significantly increased in both groups. This study suggests that tryptase is a more preferable marker than histamine in quantitative monitoring of mast cell activation especially during the early phase nasal allergic reaction.

  9. La inclusión en las clases de educación física con juegos sensibilizadores


    Navarro Pérez, Micaela E.


    [58 p.] il. 1 CD La presente Investigación se dispone a fin de mejorar la inclusión de niños con discapacidad, en grados de escuelas comunes, trabajando directamente sobre los niños convencionales de la clase; a través de los Juegos Sensibilizadores. La misma se encuentra enmarcada dentro del tipo de investigación básica descriptiva, debido a que el tema tratado está sustentado por un marco teórico, y se caracteriza por la situación real de trabajo con los niños convencionales. Esta ...

  10. Valor nutritivo y utilización para producción de leche del bagazo de alfalfa ensilado con diferentes aditivos


    Gonzalez, V.; Fernández, E.; González, G.; Remón, J.


    Mediante pruebas de ingestión, digestibilidad de la materia orgánica (DMO) y lactación se ha estudiado el valor nutritivo del bagazo de alfalfa ensilado sin aditivos (BST), tratado con ácido fórmico (BF) y con formaldehído-sulfúrico (BFS). En la prueba de lactación el bagazo de alfalfa se comparó con heno de alfalfa de calidad media.La ingestión de MO en corderos fue mayor para los bagazos BFS y BF, un 16,4 y 9,3 % respectivamente, que la de BST. La DMO fue 54,4; 60,7 y 61,8 % para BST, BF y ...

  11. Modelo conceptual de datos difusos de triaje para emergencia hospitalaria representado con FuzzyEER

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    Wuilfredo Rangel


    Full Text Available El triaje de emergencia persigue desarrollar el proceso de valorización clínica preliminar para ordenar los pacientes según el nivel de urgencia o gravedad, antes de la atención médica, de forma que en una condición de saturación del servicio o disminución de recursos, los pacientes más graves sean tratados con prioridad. Un proceso de triaje presenta un alto grado de imprecisión o incertidumbre al momento de expresar el estado de salud de un paciente, en consecuencia puede haber dificultad y riesgo en la clasificación de las urgencias. En los servicios de emergencias de loshospitales públicos venezolanos, en especial el servicio de emergencia del Hospital Universitario de Caracas (HUC, seha evidenciado un incremento en el número de casos que se atienden, siendo una constante la saturación del servicio, lo cual imposibilita que los pacientes con prioridad de atención, sean tratados más rápidamente de forma oportuna y eficaz. En este trabajo se propone un modelo conceptual de datos difuso de triaje para el sector salud venezolano basado en el proceso de triaje hospitalario de la Sociedad Venezolana de Medicina de Emergencia y Desastres (SVMED, ya que un modelo de datos que contemple la representación de atributos difusos puede representar de mejor forma los requerimientos del sistema. El modelo propuesto utiliza la notación Entidad Relación con elementos difusos (FuzzyEER para la representación de las entidades y atributos con imprecisión. Dicho modelo será la base de un sistema automatizado de triaje que hará uso del lenguaje de consultas difusas FSQL (Fuzzy SQL.

  12. Evaluación de una crema dental con extracto de cuproclorofila

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    Estela Gispert Abreu


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto del cepillado con crema dental que contiene extracto de cuproclorofila en 23 niños de 10 años (otros 23 niños se tomaron como control. Se observaron reducciones significativas según chi cuadrado en cuanto a la infección por Streptococcus mutans, la acumulación de placa dentobacteriana y en la inflamación gingival del grupo tratado con respecto al control.The effect of tooth brushing with a dentrifice containing cuprochlorophyll extract in 23 children aged 10 (other 23 were selected as controls was evaluated. Significant reductions were observed according to Chi square test as regards the infection caused by Streptococcus mutans, the accumulation of bacterial plaque and the gingival inflammation of the group treated compared with the controls.

  13. Primary nasal tuberculosis following blunt trauma nose

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    Kaushik Saha


    Full Text Available Primary nasal tuberculosis is a rare disease with nearly 40 cases reported. Our patient was a young male presented with left sided nasal obstruction, anosmia and occasional epistaxis for last 7 weeks after 6 months of blunt trauma nose. Contrast enhanced computed tomography of the para nasal sinuses showed increased soft-tissue density with contrast enhancement in the left maxillary antrum with extension through left osteomeatal foramen to the left nasal cavity along with further extension through choana to nasopharynx resulting in partial obliteration of the nasopharyngeal airway. Nasal endoscopy revealed a sessile polypoidal pinkish mass arising from the left osteomeatal foramen. Histopathological examination of excisional biopsy of that area showed caseating granuloma. Our patient diagnosed as primary nasal tuberculosis following trauma and treated with anti-tubercular chemotherapy.

  14. Búsquedas web con información de contexto y anotaciones sociales


    Tolosa, Gabriel Hernán; Bordignon, Fernando Raúl Alfredo


    Una de las tareas más comunes que realizan los usuarios en la Web es la búsqueda de información utilizando motores de búsqueda tradicionales. Generalmente, éstas se basan en un conjunto de términos que son tratados fuera de contexto alguno. La incorporación de información contextual permite obtener resultados más precisos y puede ser presentada al sistema de formas diferentes. Una fuente posible son los sistemas basados en “anotaciones sociales”, los cuales se enriquecen con la participación ...

  15. Perfil lipídico sérico de ratos tratados com surfactante

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    Karina Ferreira de Castro


    Full Text Available A aterosclerose é uma doença multifatorial, lenta e progressiva e a hiperlipidemia um dos fatores potenciais no desenvolvimento de doenças cardíacas ateroscleróticas. As vantagens da indução das dislipidemias experimentais são a produção de lesões ateromatosas em curto espaço de tempo; adequado controle dietético e fatores ambientais; a possibilidade de estudos sobre a reversibilidade de lesões ateroscleróticas e ensaios pré-clínicos de substâncias hipolipidêmicas. Este estudo visou avaliar o perfil lipídico sérico de ratos tratados com surfactante. Foram utilizados 28 ratos Wistar, machos, albinos, adultos e hígidos. Estes foram distribuídos em quatro grupos experimentais formados por sete animais cada, a saber: Grupo I – (controle; Grupo II – tratado com tyloxapol, na dose de 500 mg/kg de peso corporal, via intraperitoneal a cada 48 horas, durante duas semanas; Grupo III – tratado com tyloxapol na dose de 500 mg/kg de peso corporal, via intraperitoneal a cada 48 horas, durante três semanas; Grupo IV – tratado com tyloxapol na dose de 500 mg/kg de peso corporal, via intraperitoneal a cada 48 horas, durante quatro semanas. Na avaliação do perfil lipídico, os valores de triacilgliceróis e HDL demonstraram que o grupo III diferiu significativamente do grupo I e os valores de colesterol total e LDL indicaram que o grupo I diferiu significativamente dos grupos II, III e IV. Conclui-se que o surfactante tyloxapol foi efetivo na indução da hiperlipidemia.

  16. Nasal Drug Delivery in Traditional Persian Medicine (United States)

    Zarshenas, Mohammad Mehdi; Zargaran, Arman; Müller, Johannes; Mohagheghzadeh, Abdolali


    Background Over one hundred different pharmaceutical dosage forms have been recorded in literatures of Traditional Persian Medicine among which nasal forms are considerable. Objectives This study designed to derive the most often applied nasal dosage forms together with those brief clinical administrations. Materials and Methods In the current study remaining pharmaceutical manuscripts of Persia during 9th to 18th century AD have been studied and different dosage forms related to nasal application of herbal medicines and their therapeutic effects were derived. Results By searching through pharmaceutical manuscripts of medieval Persia, different nasal dosage forms involving eleven types related to three main groups are found. These types could be derived from powder, solution or liquid and gaseous forms. Gaseous form were classified into fumigation (Bakhoor), vapor bath (Enkebab), inhalation (Lakhlakheh), aroma agents (Ghalieh) and olfaction or smell (Shomoom). Nasal solutions were as drops (Ghatoor), nasal snuffing drops (Saoot) and liquid snuff formulations (Noshoogh). Powders were as nasal insufflation or snorting agents (Nofookh) and errhine or sternutator medicine (Otoos). Nasal forms were not applied only for local purposes. Rather systemic disorders and specially CNS complications were said to be a target for these dosage forms. Discussion While this novel type of drug delivery is known as a suitable substitute for oral and parenteral administration, it was well accepted and extensively mentioned in Persian medical and pharmaceutical manuscripts and other traditional systems of medicine as well. Accordingly, medieval pharmaceutical standpoints on nasal dosage forms could still be an interesting subject of study. Therefore, the current work can briefly show the pharmaceutical knowledge on nasal formulations in medieval Persia and clarify a part of history of traditional Persian pharmacy. PMID:24624204

  17. Spectral features of nasals in Standard Latvian

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    Jana Taperte


    Full Text Available In the article, the acoustic features of nasals in Standard Latvian are investigated. The aim of the study is to examine whether some of the spectral properties of nasal murmur (namely anti-formant frequency, as well as frequency and bandwidth of the first nasal formant can be considered as efficient cues for distinguishing between nasal places of articulation.Speech recordings from 10 native speakers of Standard Latvian, five male and five female, aged 19–39, without any disorders or dialectal traces in their pronunciation, were used for the analysis. Prevocalic nasals [m; n; ɲ] were analyzed in isolated CVC syllables, where C is one of the nasals and V is one of the vowels [i(ː; e(ː; æ(ː; ɑ(ː; ɔ(ː; u(ː]. The velar [ŋ] — the allophone of the phoneme /n/ — was recorded in postvocalic position in [k]V[ŋks] structure units. 1260 items were analyzed in total.According to the results, the nasals of Standard Latvian can be distinguished by anti-formant frequencies rather efficiently, and the results generally agree with those obtained in previous research of Latvian as well as data reported for other languages. The frequencies and the bandwidths of the first nasal formant are less informative regarding nasal place of articulation and can be used only for distinguishing between [ŋ] and [m; n; ɲ]. Conducting perception tests to assess the auditory relevance of these acoustic features is necessary.

  18. Análisis jurídico en relación con la aplicación provisional de tratados en Colombia. Una perspectiva de derecho internacional y nacional

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    Juan Camilo Rojas-Arias


    Full Text Available Este trabajo discute, desde una perspectiva del derecho internacional y del derecho constitucional, la prerrogativa del Gobierno de Colombia de aplicar provisionalmente un tratado en cumplimiento de las disposiciones legales sobre la materia. Este análisis teórico y práctico, busca examinar los criterios de aplicación de la precitada figura a fin de presentar algunas conclusiones al respecto.

  19. Fracturas de clavícula. Tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos intramedulares flexibles

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    Roberto Joaquín Del Gordo D'amato


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo en una serie de casos en el cual se presentan los resultados de 12 fracturas de clavícula tratadas en forma quirúrgica mediante clavos intramedulares flexibles. Todos los pacientes fueron tratados por los autores en la Clínica El Prado del D.T.C.H. de la Ciudad de Santa Marta mediante reducción cerrada bajo control radioscópico. Presentando resultados excelentes y buenos en todos los casos. Así mismo, se evidenció consolidación clínica a las cuatro semanas con reintegro a la vida laboral alrededor de las seis semanas. Todos los pacientes mostraron alto grado de satisfacción con el resultado obtenido. Se concluye que el tratamiento empleado es una alternativa terapéutica a tener en cuenta en aquellas fracturas desplazadas, sean estas del tercio externo, medio o interno que permite consolidación sin las complicaciones que con alguna frecuencia se presentan con el tratamiento conservador. (Duazary 2006; 2:115-120

  20. Nasal Septum Perforation due to Methamphetamine abuse

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    Mehdi Bakhshaee


    Full Text Available Introduction: Spontaneous Perforation of the nasal septum is an uncommon condition. Nasal inhalation of substances such as cocaine has long been linked to this Perforation. Case Report: This report describes the case of a 46-year-old woman who was addicted to methamphetamine and who presented with perforation of the nasal septum.This is the first reported case of nasal septal necrosis linked to nasal inhalation of methamphetamine. Conclusions: Patient history and assurance regardingillegal drug consumption and abuse is a key point for fast and accurate diagnosis. The pathophysiology of drug-induced sinunasal disease and a review of the literature are also presented.

  1. ¿Es la resistencia de Mycobacterium leprae a los medicamentos un verdadero motivo de preocupación? Primera aproximación a la vigilancia molecular de pacientes colombianos multibacilares con tratamiento previo para lepra y sin él

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    Martha Inírida Guerrero


    Full Text Available Introducción. Colombia no dispone de información sobre farmacorresistencia primaria y secundaria de Mycobacterium leprae al esquema de terapia múltiple de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS y las autoridades de salud pública del mundo han emitido varias recomendaciones, entre las cuales está organizar de inmediato la vigilancia a la resistencia empleando métodos moleculares simples. Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de la resistencia de M. leprae a rifampicina, ofloxacina y dapsona en pacientes del Centro Dermatológico Federico Lleras Acosta con tratamiento previo y sin él durante el período de 1985 a 2004. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo. Mediante muestreo electivo se incluyeron biopsias de pacientes multibacilares: 381 de pacientes nuevos y 560 de pacientes previamente tratados. Se obtuvieron con micrótomo seis cortes de cada biopsia de piel incluida en parafina, y se realizó la extracción de ADN de M. leprae. Se llevó a cabo la amplificación de tres blancos moleculares mediante PCR y se obtuvieron los patrones de resistencia a los medicamentos dapsona, rifampicina y ofloxacina por hibridación inversa. Se recolectaron datos epidemiológicos, clínicos y demográficos para llevar a cabo los análisis. Resultados. De las 941 muestras estudiadas, 4,14 % era resistente a uno o más fármacos, y se detectaron 5,77 y 3,04 % con genotipos resistentes en pacientes nuevos y previamente tratados, respectivamente. La resistencia total para cada fármaco fue de 0,43 % a dapsona, 3,19 % a rifampicina y 1,17 % a ofloxacina. Se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa para rifampicina y para la población total al comparar los resultados de los pacientes no tratados con los de los pacientes tratados previamente. Dos tercios de las muestras resistentes lo fueron a rifampicina sola o combinada. Conclusiones. Los esquemas de terapia múltiple estándar siguen siendo efectivos para los casos de

  2. Nasal birth trauma: a review of appropriate treatment.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cashman, E C


    The aetiology of nasal deformity has frequently included birth trauma. There is no consensus in the literature as to whether nasal surgery, in the form of closed reduction, is indicated in neonates. The majority of studies in the literature that advocate intervention have inadequate followup periods and there is a paucity of evidence for the adverse effects of conservative management. This case highlights the therapeutic dilemma posed by such nasal injuries in the neonate and, to the best of the authors\\' knowledge, at the time of writing, represents the earliest reported case in the literature of nasal deformity in the neonate. The term nasal deformity is used to denote deformity of the nasal pyramid, soft tissue, and septum. Three main aspects of neonatal nasal deformity are addressed including, firstly, if nasal deformity at birth needs to be addressed, secondly, if left unaltered, what the long-term effects are and, finally, if intervention alters the normal course of midfacial development.



    Abdelmonem Awad Hegazy


    Background: The nasal index determination is one of the most commonly used anthropometric parameters in classifying human races. There are few reports in medical literature concerning nasal index that specifically address particular Egyptian populations. The objective of this study was to determine the normal parameters of external nose (width, height and nasal index) in Egyptians. Methods: The study was conducted randomly on healthy Egyptian subjects of both sexes. Nasal height and width ...

  4. Avaliação da aeração nasal pré e pós a realização de manobras de massagem e limpeza nasal Evaluation of nasal aeration before and after the accomplishment of massage and nasal cleanness

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    Fabíola Maria Gomes de Melo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: identificar a modificação da aeração nasal após a realização de manobras de massagem e limpeza nasal. MÉTODOS: vinte crianças na faixa etária de quatro a onze anos com diagnóstico de rinite alérgica foram submetidas à avaliação da aeração nasal com o auxílio do espelho milimetrado de Altmann. Inicialmente houve a marcação do ar expirado na placa metálica, posteriormente foram realizadas manobras de massagem e limpeza nasal para retirada da secreção, havendo uma nova marcação para a comparação dos resultados. Foi aplicado o teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov para observar a suposição de normalidade dos dados e o teste t-student para amostras pareadas, sendo todas as conclusões tomadas ao nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: pode-se observar que as médias obtidas da quantificação da aeração nasal após as manipulações e limpeza na região foram significativas pPURPOSE: to identify the modification of nasal aeration after the accomplishment of maneuvers of massage and nasal cleanness. METHODS: twenty children aging from four to eleven years with diagnosis of allergic rhinitis have been submitted to evaluation of nasal aeration with the Altmann's milimetric mirror. Initially, we was marked the air exhaled on the metallic plate, afterwards we made a massage and nasal cleanness for removing of the secretion, having a new benchmark to compare the results. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to test the assumption of normality for the data and t-student test for paired samples. All conclusions were taken under 5% significance. RESULTS: it was observed that the obtained averages of the nasal aeration after the manipulations and cleanness in the region were significant: p<0,001. CONCLUSION: from the results obtained in this research it was possible to observe a significant increase in the nasal aeration after the massage and nasal cleanness.

  5. Chondrosarcoma of the nasal septum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Seiji; Motoori, Ken; Ueda, Takuya; Osaka, Iwao; Takano, Hideyuki; Nagata, Hiroshi


    The nasal septum is a particularly rare site of origin of chondrosarcoma. Cranial base invasion may be at hand, with such lesions making complete tumor removal difficult. MRI techniques allow precise definition of tumor extent. In the described case, CT and Dynamic MR imaging were performed in a case of chondrosarcoma of the nasal septum. Imaging clearly illustrated size and extent of the mass with central regions of internal calcification. Dynamic MRI was additionally performed, which helped to define the presumed origin of the lesion from the nasal septum. (orig.)

  6. Tiempo de excreción de Vibrio cholerae O1 en pacientes con tratamiento

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    Elizabeth Castañeda


    Full Text Available El tiempo de excreción del Vibrio cholerae O1 en pacientes con cólera está influenciado por el tratamiento antimicrobiano. Se determinó en un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico bacteriológico de cólera, que empezaron a recibir tratamiento con antibióticos una vez establecido el diagnóstico clínico, el tiempo de excreción del V. cholerae O1 empleando muestras de materia fecal obtenidas dentro de los cinco días siguientes al diagnóstico clínico inicial. En las 32 muestras obtenidas en ese período de cinco días el porcentaje de negativos fue del 81,2% (26/ 32; en 21 muestras obtenidas 24 horas después de haberse establecido el diagnóstico, se observó negativización en el 81% (17/21. Con nuestros datos podemos confirmar, al compararlos con los datos de la literatura en pacientes no tratados, que el tratamiento acorta el periodo de excreción del V. cholerae O1.

  7. Evaluación de ansiedad y frecuencia cardíaca: ensayo clínico aleatorizado de la remoción químico-mecánica de caries con papacárieDuoTM. Proyecto piloto

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar el grado de ansiedad y frecuencia cardíaca en pacientes infantiles sometidos a tratamiento con PapacárieDuoTM, comparado a un grupo control con el uso del método tradicional (fresa. Métodos: Se desarrolló un ensayo clínico aleatorizado en 7 pacientes infantiles (5 a 11 años. Fueron tratados 2 molares deciduos en cada niño, realizando la aleatorización para los dos grupos (G1= remoción químico-mecánica de la caries con Papacárie DuoTM; G2= remoción de la dentina cariada utilizando fresa con baja velocidad, realizando un procedimiento restaurador similar en ambos (cemento de ionómero de vidrio y control. Se evaluó el tiempo de duración del procedimiento, ansiedad y frecuencia cardíaca. Los datos fueron tabulados con el programa SPSS para Windows (v.17 y analizados estadísticamente mediante el Test Wilcoxon, para los resultados del test VPT; el Test t pareado, para la frecuencia cardíaca, y el Test t para el tiempo de tratamiento, considerándose el nivel de significancia de 5%. Resultados: La media del tiempo para el G1 fue menor (p<0.001, así como la frecuencia cardíaca en el mismo grupo luego de finalizado el tratamiento (p=0.042. No hubo diferencia estadística en las reacciones emocionales antes (p=0.317, durante (p=0.355 y después (p=0.564 de los procedimientos. Conclusión: El tiempo operatorio y la frecuencia cardíaca fueron menores en los niños tratados con el Papacárie DuoTM al ser comparados con los que fueron tratados con tratamiento convencional. Estos hallazgos demuestran las ventajas de los tratamientos conservadores en dientes deciduos.

  8. Respuesta clínica en pacientes mexicanos con síndrome de intestino irritable tratados con dieta baja en carbohidratos fermentables (FODMAP

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    N. Pérez y López


    Conclusiones: En este primer estudio en población mexicana con SII se observó mejoría significativa de los principales síntomas incluyendo dolor, distensión y flatulencia tras una dieta baja FODMAP.

  9. Aislamiento de Candida albicans de hisopado nasal y faríngeo en alumnos de secundaria

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    Ana M Huamán Reyes


    Full Text Available Introducción: Candida sp puede encontrarse como comensal en equilibrio en la cavidad bucal humana; pero, en la población pediátrica y adolescente con un sistema inmune inmaduro las condiciones de la levadura se tornarían favorables para su patogenia. Objetivo: Determinar la presencia de Candida albicans en secreción faríngea y nasal en alumnos de educación secundaria. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Lugar: Instituto de Medicina Tropical, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Alumnos del 4° (52 y 5° (50 años de secundaria. Intervenciones: En octubre del 2007, las muestras nasales y faríngeas de 102 estudiantes de 14 a 17 años fueron colectadas en medios de transporte y luego cultivadas en los laboratorios del Instituto de Medicina Tropical, en agar sabouraud y CHROMOagar Candida. Se identificó las colonias sospechosas de Candida sp mediante el estudio de clamiodoconidias, tubo germinativo y pruebas metabólicas. Principales medidas de resultados: Identificación de levaduras de Candida sp. Resultados: Se aisló levaduras del género Candida en 11 de los escolares (10,8%. El 36,4% de las levaduras presentó resistencia moderada al antimicótico fluconazol. Conclusiones: Es recomendable continuar con estudios de vigilancia epidemiológica sobre las levaduras de importancia médica en portadores nasofaríngeos, con el fin estar preparados ante eventuales cuadros infecciosos.


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    Hugo Alexander Rondón Quintana


    Full Text Available En un pavimento, cada una de las capas de la estructura experimenta bajo una carga vehicular ciclos de esfuerzo con componentes vertical, horizontal y de corte. Para el estudio de materiales granulares no tratados (utilizados para conformar capas de base y subbase, la mayor parte de las investigaciones se realizan empleando equipos triaxiales cíclicos en donde sólo la carga vertical es cíclica y la presión de confinamiento permanece constante durante el ensayo. Un ensayo que reproduce mejor la forma como se distribuyen los esfuerzos en estas capas es el ensayo triaxial cíclico con presión de confinamiento variable. En este ensayo se pueden modelar las componentes cíclicas tanto en el sentido vertical como horizontal. A pesar que son ensayos distintos, la ingeniería de pavimentos supone que la respuesta que experimentan estos materiales en estos ensayos es similar, lo anterior basado en algunos estudios realizados en la década de los setenta. En la presente investigación se diseña y desarrolla un programa experimental más detallado, para comparar el comportamiento que desarrolla un material granular no tratado en estos ensayos. De los resultados se evidencia que sólo para algunas trayectorias de esfuerzo, la dirección y la acumulación de la deformación vertical y volumétrica es similar.In a pavement structure, passing wheel loads impose cyclic stresses consisting of vertical, horizontal and shear components. Studies of the behavior of unbound granular materials (UGM, used for base and sub-base layers under cyclic loading are mostly performed using the axisymmetric triaxial test with constant confining pressure (CCP test and a cyclic variation of the axial stress. However, in this type of test only the vertical component of the cyclic stress path is considered. The oscillation of the horizontal stress can be reproduced by an additional cyclic variation of the confining pressure (VCP test. CCP and VCP tests are sometimes assumed to

  11. Evolución clínica de pacientes asmáticos tratados con inmunoterapia. Municipio Majibacoa, 2008-2013

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    Mailin Molina Leyva


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio cuasi-experimental de corte longitudinal en 50 pacientes asmáticos con edades  entre 5 y 54 años, atendidos en el Servicio de Alergología del municipio Majibacoa de la provincia de Las Tunas; con el objetivo de determinar la evolución clínica con inmunoterapia, en el período de enero 2008 a febrero de 2013. A los pacientes se les administró inmunoterapia específica de ácaros con extractos estandarizados, durante tres años o más de forma subcutánea. El asma bronquial predominó en el sexo femenino y en las edades comprendidas entre 5 y 14 años. Los antecedentes de atopia familiar fueron referidos por el mayor por ciento de los pacientes analizados. Según severidad de la enfermedad, antes del tratamiento prevalecieron los pacientes en la categoría persistente moderada. Se observó mejoría de los síntomas del asma en una elevada proporción de casos.


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    Consuelo de Paiva Godinho COSTA


    Full Text Available We propose to make a brief review on nasalization phenomena studies in Portuguese, aiming the phonological process of nasal harmonization that occurs in the variety of Brazilian Portuguese spoken in Vitória da Conquista-BA and region, a phenomenon hitherto not described for any Portuguese dialect. To do so, we consider as fundamental, D’Angelis (2002 analysis, which incorporates relevant concepts presented by Trubetzkoy, from the Prague School, and some points of Camara Jr. propose. We also propose to update the discussion with the approaches along the lines of auto segmental phonology, incorporating some insights of Piggott (1992, discussing with other analyzes for nasalization phenomena in other languages, especially Guarani (language of Tupi-Guarani Linguistic Family, as proposed by Costa (2010, which deals with the phonological processes involving nasality and nasal harmony in Brazilian indigenous languages , in order to verify if the researches on nasality phenomena in other languages can shed some light on the processes that occur in Portuguese.

  13. Regional deposition of mometasone furoate nasal spray suspension in humans. (United States)

    Shah, Samir A; Berger, Robert L; McDermott, John; Gupta, Pranav; Monteith, David; Connor, Alyson; Lin, Wu


    Nasal deposition studies can demonstrate whether nasal sprays treating allergic rhinitis and polyposis reach the ciliated posterior nasal cavity, where turbinate inflammation and other pathology occurs. However, quantifying nasal deposition is challenging, because in vitro tests do not correlate to human nasal deposition; gamma scintigraphy studies are thus used. For valid data, the radiolabel must distribute, as the drug, into different-sized droplets, remain associated with the drug in the formulation after administration, and not alter its deposition. Some nasal deposition studies have demonstrated this using homogenous solutions. However, most commercial nasal sprays are heterogeneous suspensions. Using mometasone furoate nasal suspension (MFS), we developed a technique to validate radiolabel deposition as a surrogate for nasal cavity drug deposition and characterized regional deposition and nasal clearance in humans. Mometasone furoate (MF) formulation was spiked with diethylene triamine pentacaetic acid. Both unlabeled and radiolabeled formulations (n = 3) were sprayed into a regionally divided nasal cast. Drug deposition was quantified by high pressure liquid chromatography within each region; radiolabel deposition was determined by gamma camera. Healthy subjects (n = 12) were dosed and imaged for six hours. Scintigraphic images were coregistered with magnetic resonance imaging scans to quantify anterior and posterior nasal cavity deposition and mucociliary clearance. The ratio of radiolabel to unlabeled drug was 1.05 in the nasal cast and regionally appeared to match, indicating that in vivo radiolabel deposition could represent drug deposition. In humans, MFS delivered 86% (9.2) of metered dose to the nasal cavity, approximately 60% (9.1) of metered dose to the posterior nasal cavity. After 15 minutes, mucociliary clearance removed 59% of the initial radiolabel in the nasal cavity, consistent with clearance rates from the ciliated posterior surface. MFS

  14. Nasal Chondromesenchymal Hamartoma in a Child

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finitsis, Stefanos; Giavroglou, Constantinos; Potsi, Stamatia; Constantinidis, Ioannis; Mpaltatzidis, Angelos; Rachovitsas, Dimitrios; Tzioufa, Valentini


    Nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma (NCMH) is a benign tumor that was described in 1998. The occurrence of this lesion in the nasal cavity of infants and children is especially rare, with only 21 cases reported in the international literature. We report a 12-month-old boy with respiratory distress due to nasal obstruction. Computed tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging examination demonstrated a soft-tissue mass obstructing the left nasal cavity. Digital subtraction angiography and preoperative superselective embolization with microparticles were also performed. The tumor was completely resected surgically. Histopathology and immunohistochemical analyses of the tumor disclosed a NCMH. The imaging characteristics of the tumor are described and the radiology literature is reviewed.

  15. Realización y corrección automática de exámenes con hoja de cálculo

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    Sánchez García, Juan Francisco


    Full Text Available La forma habitual de realizar exámenes de tipo test es mediante formularios en papel que posteriormente son tratados con un escáner y un software específico que facilita la corrección así como la emisión de informes y la exportación de datos a aplicaciones de hoja de cálculo. En las asignaturas de informática de gestión llama la atención que en algunos casos se hace evaluación de términos informáticos y utilización de aplicaciones informáticas sobre papel, cuando el hacerlo directamente sobre el ordenador permitiría además comprobar los conocimientos prácticos del alumno.Con la idea de facilitar al alumno la cumplimentación de este tipo de exámenes hemos desarrollado una metodología propia utilizando la hoja de cálculo Microsoft Excel. De esta forma el formulario de examen se sustituye por un fichero de hoja de cálculo que posteriormente será tratado para obtener los resultados contenido en el mismo y facilitar su corrección, la cual también se efectuará con la propia hoja de cálculo, utilizando programación en Visual Basic para Aplicaciones (VBA.

  16. Nasal obstruction and smell impairment in nasal polyp disease: correlation between objective and subjective parameters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hox, V.; Bobic, S.; Callebaux, I.; Jorissen, M.; Hellings, P. W.


    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (NP) represents an invalidating disorder that causes mainly nasal blockage and loss of smell. The aim of this study is to investigate correlations between individual subjective and objective parameters of stable NP disease. 65 NP patients scored their

  17. Characterization of deposition from nasal spray devices using a computational fluid dynamics model of the human nasal passages. (United States)

    Kimbell, Julia S; Segal, Rebecca A; Asgharian, Bahman; Wong, Brian A; Schroeter, Jeffry D; Southall, Jeremy P; Dickens, Colin J; Brace, Geoff; Miller, Frederick J


    Many studies suggest limited effectiveness of spray devices for nasal drug delivery due primarily to high deposition and clearance at the front of the nose. Here, nasal spray behavior was studied using experimental measurements and a computational fluid dynamics model of the human nasal passages constructed from magnetic resonance imaging scans of a healthy adult male. Eighteen commercially available nasal sprays were analyzed for spray characteristics using laser diffraction, high-speed video, and high-speed spark photography. Steadystate, inspiratory airflow (15 L/min) and particle transport were simulated under measured spray conditions. Simulated deposition efficiency and spray behavior were consistent with previous experimental studies, two of which used nasal replica molds based on this nasal geometry. Deposition fractions (numbers of deposited particles divided by the number released) of 20- and 50-microm particles exceeded 90% in the anterior part of the nose for most simulated conditions. Predicted particle penetration past the nasal valve improved when (1) the smaller of two particle sizes or the lower of two spray velocities was used, (2) the simulated nozzle was positioned 1.0 rather than 0.5 or 1.5 cm into the nostril, and (3) inspiratory airflow was present rather than absent. Simulations also predicted that delaying the appearance of normal inspiratory airflow more than 1 sec after the release of particles produced results equivalent to cases in which no inspiratory airflow was present. These predictions contribute to more effective design of drug delivery devices through a better understanding of the effects of nasal airflow and spray characteristics on particle transport in the nose.

  18. Immunophenotype Heterogeneity in Nasal Glomangiopericytoma

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    Adriana Handra-Luca


    Full Text Available Nasal glomangiopericytoma is rare. The immunophenotype is heterogeneous, more frequently smooth-muscle-actin and CD34-positive. We report expression patterns for several vascular-related proteins such as CD99, CD146, Bcl2, and WT1 as well as for treatment-related proteins such as mTOR and EGFR in a nasal glomangiopericytoma. The patient (woman, 86 years presented with a left nasal tumefaction. The resected specimen (1.5-cm showed a glomangiopericytoma. Tumor cells expressed smooth-muscle-actin, CD31, CD34, and progesterone receptor. They also expressed the vascular-cell-related proteins Bcl2, CD99, CD146, and WT1, as well as mTOR and EGFR. Nasal glomangiopericytomas show immunohistochemical heterogeneity for vascular-related markers, suggesting a possible extensive pericytic differentiation. The expression of potential targets for drug treatments such as mTOR and EGFR may impact on the clinical follow-up of these tumors occurring at advanced ages, which may require complex surgery.

  19. Evaluation of the nasal shape after orthognathic surgery. (United States)

    Dantas, Wagner Ranier Maciel; Silveira, Márcia Maria Fonseca da; Vasconcelos, Belmiro Cavalcanti do Egito; Porto, Gabriela Granja


    Patients with dentofacial deformities may benefit from orthognathic surgery in the maxilla. Maxillary osteotomy may include procedures in the bone, cartilaginous, and soft tissues of the nose, leading to shape alterations. To evaluate the anatomic alterations of the nasal region in patients undergoing a Le Fort I osteotomy for advancement or superior impaction. This is a clinical prospective study. Twenty-one patients were evaluated during the pre- and postoperative periods. The positioning of the nasal tip and the modification of the nasal base were evaluated. The results showed that the nasal tip was superiorly positioned in 85% of the cases, advanced in 80%, rotated in 80%, and there was a wide nasal base in 95%, resulting in esthetic improvement. Surgeries of maxillary advancement and superior reposition tend to cause elevation and advancement of the nasal tip, as well as enlargement of the nasal base. Copyright © 2014 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  20. Bilateral cleft lip nasal deformity

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    Singh Arun


    Full Text Available Bilateral cleft lip nose deformity is a multi-factorial and complex deformity which tends to aggravate with growth of the child, if not attended surgically. The goals of primary bilateral cleft lip nose surgery are, closure of the nasal floor and sill, lengthening of the columella, repositioning of the alar base, achieving nasal tip projection, repositioning of the lower lateral cartilages, and reorienting the nares from horizontal to oblique position. The multiplicity of procedures in the literature for correction of this deformity alludes to the fact that no single procedure is entirely effective. The timing for surgical intervention and its extent varies considerably. Early surgery on cartilage may adversely affect growth and development; at the same time, allowing the cartilage to grow in an abnormal position and contributing to aggravation of deformity. Some surgeons advocate correction of deformity at an early age. However, others like the cartilages to grow and mature before going in for surgery. With peer pressure also becoming an important consideration during the teens, the current trend is towards early intervention. There is no unanimity in the extent of nasal dissection to be done at the time of primary lip repair. While many perform limited nasal dissection for the fear of growth retardation, others opt for full cartilage correction at the time of primary surgery itself. The value of naso-alveolar moulding (NAM too is not universally accepted and has now more opponents than proponents. Also most centres in the developing world have neither the personnel nor the facilities for the same. The secondary cleft nasal deformity is variable and is affected by the extent of the original abnormality, any prior surgeries performed and alteration due to nasal growth. This article reviews the currently popular methods for correction of nasal deformity associated with bilateral cleft lip, it′s management both at the time of cleft lip repair

  1. Tratamiento endovascular de una fuga paraprotésica mitral con dispositivo Amplatzer®

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    Alberto Sciegata


    Full Text Available El leak o fuga paraprotésica mitral se presenta entre el 5 y el 17% de los pacientes tratados con cirugía de reemplazo valvular. En general, los defectos son únicos, la mayoría se encuentran localizados en la región postero-medial del anillo valvular y solo la tercera parte produce reflujo de grado grave. El cierre percutáneo por vía endovascular es una alternativa terapéutica válida en pacientes con elevado riesgo para re-operación. La estrategia de abordaje depende de la localización, tamaño, morfología y relaciones adyacentes del o los defectos. El procedimiento debe ser realizado por profesionales con experiencia en el tratamiento de cardiopatías estructurales y en el manejo de estos dispositivos de cierre, y se considera imprescindible la utilización de un ecocardiograma transesofágico tridimensional. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con una fuga paraprotésica valvular mitral que fue cerrada con un dispositivo Amplatzer ® introducido en forma percutánea desde la vena femoral.


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    Full Text Available Septoplasty is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in rhinology to relieve nasal obstruction of patients with distortion in the midline cartilage or septum of the nose to relieve nasal obstruction of patient and findings consistent with nasal endoscopy. The anterior nasal packing routinely done following septoplasty is usually conventional and not evidence based. The purpose of nasal packing is to obtain haemostasis, enhance opposition of septal flaps, avoid septal haematoma formation, close the dead space, avoid synechiae formation, provide support to septal cartilage and prevent its displacement. OBJECTIVE This study intends to evaluate the effects of nasal packing on surgical success and related complications in septoplasty. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present clinical prospective and randomised study was carried out on patients attending Otorhinolaryngology Department of Santhiram Medical College & General Hospital between March 2012 and March 2015. Patients undergoing septoplasty were randomised either to receive anterior nasal packing or to not receive nasal packing postoperatively. RESULTS Levels of pain experienced by patients with nasal packing postoperatively during the initial 24 hours postoperatively and during the removal of the pack were significantly more. Post-operative headache, epiphora, swallowing discomfort and sleep disturbance were more in patients with nasal packing and statistically (p.05. Septal haematoma, adhesions and local infections in both groups were statistically insignificant (p>.05. CONCLUSION Septoplasty enhances the standard of living of patients with septal deviation and nasal obstruction. Our study results suggest that nasal packing after septoplasty is not obligatory. Nasal packing causes considerably more pain and complications, and it should be reserved only for those who have bleeding predisposition.

  3. [Clinical and anatomical characteristic of nasal injuries]. (United States)

    Surikov, E V; Ivanets, I V


    A fracture of nasal bones is becoming a very common injury due to the increasingly greater number of car accidents and aggravated criminal situation. A total of 500 cases of nasal fracture associated with external deformities were included in the present study. The following kinds of deformities were identified: unilateral retraction, lateral displacement of the entire dorsum of the nose, and depressed comminuted fracture. Rhinoscopy revealed in addition such abnormalities associated with septal fracture as submucous hemorrhage, pathological mobility of the pyramid, deflection of the nasal septum at an acute angle. All in all, four types of nasal septum fractures were distinguished depending on the shape and localization of the fracture line. Two of them resulted in marked impairment of nasal breathing while two others required surgical intervention in the acute period after the injury.

  4. Investigaciones Terapéuticas en la Lepra: Ensayos con “Promín” o “Promanida'”

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    J. Ignacio Chala H.


    Full Text Available Con propósitos de observar, comprobar y valorar los resultados del "Promín"  o “Promanida” en la lepra, lo aplicarnos en un grupo de veintisiete enfermos seleccionados con criterio clínico y de investigación terapéutica. Iniciamos el estudio en julio de 1946. Ninguno de estos casos había sido tratado antes con otros medicamentos preconizados contra la enfermedad. Como lo he dicho en varias ocasiones, solamente teniendo esta precaución y seleccionando los pacientes para la investigación, podrá juzgarse científicamente de la eficacia terapéutica que puedan tener en los distintos tipos de lepra, las drogas aconsejadas para tratar esa enfermedad. Prescindimos de aquellos cases en los cuales, por lo avanzado del mal, los organismos no estaban en condiciones de reaccionar favorablemente con ninguna medicación.

  5. Experimental investigation of nasal airflow. (United States)

    Doorly, D; Taylor, D J; Franke, P; Schroter, R C


    The airway geometry of the nasal cavity is manifestly complex, and the manner in which it controls the airflow to accomplish its various physiological functions is not fully understood. Since the complex morphology and inaccessibility of the nasal passageways precludes detailed in-vivo measurements, either computational simulation or in-vitro experiments are needed to determine how anatomical form and function are related. The fabrication of a replica model of the nasal cavity, of a high optical clarity and derived from in-vivo scan data is described here, together with characteristics of the flow field investigated using particle image velocimetry (PIV) and flow visualization. Flow visualization is shown to be a capable and convenient technique for identifying key phenomena. Specifically the emergence of the jet from the internal nasal valve into the main cavity, how it impacts on the middle turbinate, and the large enhancement of dispersion that accompanies the initial appearance of flow instability are revealed as particularly significant features. The findings from the visualization experiments are complemented by PIV imaging, which provides quantitative detail on the variations in velocity in different regions of the nasal cavity. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the cavity geometry in partitioning the flow into high shear zones, which facilitate rapid heat transfer and humidification from the nasal mucosa, and slower zones affording greater residence times to facilitate olfactory sensing. The experimental results not only provide a basis for comparison with other computational modelling but also demonstrate an alternative and flexible means to investigate complex flows, relevant to studies in different parts of the respiratory or cardiovascular systems.

  6. Acoustic Analysis of Nasal Vowels in Monguor Language (United States)

    Zhang, Hanbin


    The purpose of the study is to analyze the spectrum characteristics and acoustic features for the nasal vowels [ɑ˜] and [ɔ˜] in Monguor language. On the base of acoustic parameter database of the Monguor speech, the study finds out that there are five main zero-pole pairs appearing for the nasal vowel [ɔ˜] and two zero-pole pairs appear for the nasal vowel [ɔ˜]. The results of regression analysis demonstrate that the duration of the nasal vowel [ɔ˜] or the nasal vowel [ɔ˜] can be predicted by its F1, F2 and F3 respectively.

  7. Effect of early correction of nasal septal deformity in unilateral cleft lip and palate on inferior turbinate hypertrophy and nasal patency. (United States)

    Pinto, Valentina; Piccin, Ottavio; Burgio, Luca; Summo, Valeria; Antoniazzi, Elisa; Morselli, Paolo G


    A relatively neglected aspect of cleft lip nasal deformity is the effect of septal deviation and inferior turbinate hypertrophy (ITH) on the functional airway. In particular, ITH in the noncleft side can be especially problematic, because it reduces the healthy nasal area, creating bilateral nasal obstruction that might affect the growth of the maxillofacial skeleton. Although these anatomic and functional changes are documented, few recommendations have been developed regarding the proper approach to ITH. The aim of the present study was to asses the ITH severity and determine the degree of nasal airway patency in patients who have undergone primary correction of the nasal septum during lip repair compared to patients operated on without primary septal correction. The study population included two groups. One group consisted of twenty unilateral cleft lip palate UCLP patients who have previously undergone primary rhinoseptoplasty as part of their treatment plan. The control group consisted of twenty UCLP patients operated on without rhinoseptal correction. The Nasal Obstructive Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) scale and nasal endoscopy were used to assess nasal obstruction. The overall untreated group reported severe symptoms across all NOSE scale dimensions more frequently than children who have undergone primary rhinoseptoplasty. The difference was statistically significant for each dimensions (p cleft lip repair results in a statistically significant reduction in IT size and improvement of nasal patency. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Enzootic Nasal Adenocarcinoma: Cytological and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma (ENA), a contagious retroviral disease of sheep and goats, characterized by neoplastic growth of the ethmoidal mucosa in the nasal cavity is described in a West African Dwarf goat (WAD). A two-year old WAD goat, weighing approximately 20kg was observed in the Teaching and Research ...

  9. Outcome of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis treated With non-invasive ventilation and riluzole Sobrevida en pacientes con esclerosis lateral amiotrófica esporádica tratados con ventilación no invasiva y riluzole

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    Martín Sívori


    diagnóstico de sALS, según criterios definidos en El Escorial modificados, y fueron seguidos por 60 meses. Veintinueve pacientes recibieron NIV y 68 no (nNIV. En el grupo NIV la sobrevida media fue de 15.41 ± 7.78 meses vs. 10.88 ± 7.78 meses en nNIV (p= 0.028. La sobrevida media de los pacientes que recibieron riluzole (n=44 no fue diferente de la que no lo recibieron (n=53, aunque en el 4° y 5° mes los pacientes tratados con riluzole mostraron un escaso beneficio. Los pacientes que recibieron NIV y riluzole (n=18 tuvieron una sobrevida media de 16.61 ± 10.97 meses vs. 10.69 ± 7.86 meses para los que sólo recibieron tratamiento sintomático (n=42 (p= 0.021. La NIV prolongó significativamente la sobrevida en este grupo de pacientes. El riluzole, empleado como única terapéutica, no lo hizo. Los pacientes que combinaron los dos tratamientos tuvieron la mayor sobrevida.

  10. Ivermectin-related adverse clinical events in patients treated for Mansonella ozzardi infections Efectos clínicos adversos relacionados con ivermectina en pacientes tratados por infecciones con Mansonella ozzarddi

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    Alejandro J. Krolewiecki


    Full Text Available We report the occurrence of serious reactions after treatment with oral ivermectin in two patients with Mansonella ozzardi infections. Both had systemic and respiratory symptoms and recovered without sequelae. Follow-up revealed clearance of microfilaremia in both cases, with relapse in one of them. These reactions are well described in the treatment of other filarial infections, but have not yet been reported in the treatment of M. ozzardi. We are now reporting the first such known reactions with this helminthiasis.Se informa la aparición de reacciones adversas graves con el tratamiento con ivermectina oral en dos pacientes con infección por Mansonella ozzardi. Ambos presentaron síntomas respiratorios y sistémicos y se recuperaron sin secuelas. El seguimiento mostró ausencia de microfilaremia en ambos casos, con recidiva en uno de ellos. Estas reacciones, bien conocidas durante el tratamiento de otras filariosis, se describen por primera vez con esta helmintiasis.

  11. Maduración sexual en niños con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 tratados con dosis múltiples de insulina Sexual maturation in children presenting with Type 1 diabetes mellitus treated with multiple dose of insulin.

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    Tania Espinosa Reyes


    Full Text Available Antes de la terapia insulínica, la menarquia y menstruaciones subsecuentes aparecían raramente en niñas con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM 1 desde la infancia, y en los varones se verificaba un importante retraso puberal. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar el inicio de la pubertad, y la influencia de la edad de diagnóstico de la diabetes y el grado de control metabólico, sobre el desarrollo sexual en un grupo de ninos atendidos en consultas de endocrinología pediátrica. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo no concurrente a partir de las historias clínicas de pacientes tratados con dosis múltiples de insulina, de procedencia urbana (32 varones y 28 hembras, seguidos longitudinalmente por examen clínico y determinaciones bioquímicas periódicas desde el inicio de la DM 1 hasta alcanzar su talla final. El control metabólico fue evaluado a través de la hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1 realizada trimestralmente, y clasificado según criterios de la institución en bueno (B: 10 %. La media de la edad a la que se encontró un volumen testicular de 4 mL fue 12,5 ± 0,8 años; en las niñas el inicio del desarrollo mamario se constató a la edad promedio de 11,4 ± 1,3 años y la menarquia ocurrió a los 12,9 ± 1,2 años. Se comprobó también que 31 pacientes tuvieron un control metabólico B (51,6 %, 22 R (36,7 % y 7 M (11,7 %. Se concluye que el tratamiento con dosis múltiples de insulina tiene una influencia favorable y decisiva sobre el grado de control metabólico, lo cual hace posible un desarrollo puberal adecuado en pacientes con DM 1.Before insulin therapy, menarche and subsequent menstruation rarely appear in girls presenting Type 1 diabetes mellitus (MD 1 from childhood, and in boys a significicant pubertal retardation was confirmed. Aim of present paper is to assess onset of puberty, influence of diagnosis age of diabetes, and degree of metabolic control, on sexual development in a cohort of children seen in service of

  12. Subjective Evaluation of Vocal Quality in Nasal Polyposis

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    Ziya Saltürk


    Full Text Available Aim: Nose is a resonator organ in production of voice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of nasal obstruction caused by nasal polyposis on voice quality subjectively. Methods: Thirty-six patients diagnosed with nasal polyposis were included in the study. The 30-item voice handicap index 30 was used in order to evaluate subjective status of voice. Nasal endoscopy and computed tomography imaging of the paranasal sinuses were performed for each patient. Lund-Kennedy endoscopy scores and Lund-MacKay computed tomography scores were evaluated. Control group composed of 20 healthy subjects. Results: The mean voice handicap score in the patient group was 43.16 (SD 15.53 and it was 2.15 (SD 1.92 in control group. There was a statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.001. The mean Lund-Kennedy and Lund-Mackay scores were 8.58 (SD 2.5 and 17 (SD 5.52, respectively. It was found that increased severity of nasal polyposis was the cause for decreased satisfaction with voice quality. Conclusion: Nasal obstruction caused by nasal polyposis affects voice quality adversely and as the severity of nasal polyposis increases, satisfaction with voice quality decreases.

  13. Alta precisión relativa en problemas de álgebra lineal numérica en matrices con estructura


    Ceballos Cañón, Johan Armando


    Esta tesis se enmarca dentro del campo de la Alta Precisión Relativa (HRA) en Álgebra Lineal Numérica (ALN). Sus líneas maestras son dos. Por un lado, el diseño y análisis de algoritmos que permitan resolver problemas de Álgebra Lineal con más precisión de la habitual para matrices con estructura. Y por otro el estudio de la teoría específica de perturbaciones necesaria para tratar los problemas que nos ocupan. En nuestra investigación hemos tratado dos: La obtención de soluciones precisas de...

  14. Effects of nasal drug delivery device and its orientation on sprayed particle deposition in a realistic human nasal cavity. (United States)

    Tong, Xuwen; Dong, Jingliang; Shang, Yidan; Inthavong, Kiao; Tu, Jiyuan


    In this study, the effects of nasal drug delivery device and the spray nozzle orientation on sprayed droplets deposition in a realistic human nasal cavity were numerically studied. Prior to performing the numerical investigation, an in-house designed automated actuation system representing mean adults actuation force was developed to produce realistic spray plume. Then, the spray plume development was filmed by high speed photography system, and spray characteristics such as spray cone angle, break-up length, and average droplet velocity were obtained through off-line image analysis. Continuing studies utilizing those experimental data as boundary conditions were applied in the following numerical spray simulations using a commercially available nasal spray device, which was inserted into a realistic adult nasal passage with external facial features. Through varying the particle releasing direction, the deposition fractions of selected particle sizes on the main nasal passage for targeted drug delivery were compared. The results demonstrated that the middle spray direction showed superior spray efficiency compared with upper or lower directions, and the 10µm agents were the most suitable particle size as the majority of sprayed agents can be delivered to the targeted area, the main passage. This study elaborates a comprehensive approach to better understand nasal spray mechanism and evaluate its performance for existing nasal delivery practices. Results of this study can assist the pharmaceutical industry to improve the current design of nasal drug delivery device and ultimately benefit more patients through optimized medications delivery. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Nasal polyps (United States)

    ... shrink polyps, and can reduce swelling and nasal congestion. The effect lasts a few months in most ... this procedure, your doctor uses a thin, lighted tube with instruments at the end. The tube is ...



    Gannu Praveen Kumar


    The recent advancement of nasal drug delivery systems has increased enormously and is gaining significant importance. Intranasal therapy has been an accepted form of treatment in the Ayurvedic system of Indian Medicine. The non-invasive delivery of nasal drug delivery systems made to exploit for the development of successful treatment. The advantages, disadvantages, mechanism of action and application of nasal drug delivery system in local delivery, systematic delivery, nasal vaccines and CNS...

  17. Experiencia con hipotermia terapéutica en el paro cardíaco extrahospitalario

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    Ricardo Levin


    Full Text Available Introducción: El paro cardíaco extrahospitalario (PCEH, una de las principales causas de mortalidad en el mundo occidental, se asocia con una muy baja sobrevida hospitalaria y con un número elevado de secuelas neurológicas entre los sobrevivientes, sin modificaciones significativas en el pronóstico en las últimas tres décadas. Estudios clínicos más recientes plantearon la utilidad de la hipotermia terapéutica en la reducción de la mortalidad y el grado de deterioro neurológico en sobrevivientes de un PCEH. Objetivos: Evaluar la mortalidad y el resultado neurológico de pacientes comatosos resucitados de un PCEH tratados con hipotermia terapéutica. Considerar las indicaciones y los hallazgos de la cinecoronariografía y detectar complicaciones asociadas con la hipotermia. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron pacientes resucitados de un PCEH tratados bajo hipotermia terapéutica, que consistió en una fase de enfriamiento a 33 °C, un mantenimiento durante 24 horas y recalentamiento a 0,25 °C/hora. Se analizaron las indicaciones y los hallazgos de la cinecoronariografía. Se evaluaron complicaciones metabólicas, arrítmicas, infecciosas y hemorrágicas. Se consideró significativo valor de p menor de 0,05. Resultados: De los 213 pacientes incluidos, la sobrevida hospitalaria fue de 109 pacientes (51,2%, de los que 96 (46,1% presentaron al egreso buena recuperación neurológica. Se observó mayor sobrevida en pacientes con ritmos pasibles de desfibrilación respecto de aquellos con ritmos no pasibles de desfibrilación (58,2% vs. 37,7%; p = 0,007. Se derivaron (3,5 horas en promedio a cinecoronariografía 147 (69% pacientes, de los cuales 121 (82,3% mostraron enfermedad significativa, observándose en 69 (57% oclusión coronaria completa. Ciento siete pacientes fueron sometidos a angioplastia; 43 (40,2% de ellos fallecieron durante la internación frente a 61 (58,6% óbitos entre los no intervenidos o no estudiados (p = 0,005. Entre

  18. Colgajo frontal paramediano de pedículo estrecho para reconstrucción nasal en cáncer de piel

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    Jezabel De Abullarade

    Full Text Available Antecedentes y Objetivos. No se pueden negar los excelentes resultados que el colgajo frontal ofrece en la reconstrucción nasal, por lo que supone una importante herramienta en el arsenal terapéutico del cirujano reconstructivo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar y discutir una modificación de dicho colgajo: el pedículo estrecho del colgajo frontal paramediano, presentando las ventajas que ofrece la modificación del colgajo entre las que destaca el que permite preservar otro potencial colgajo similar para el futuro, en el caso de que éste fuera necesario. Material y método. Analizamos un grupo de pacientes en el que practicamos resección de carcinoma basocelular de piel nasal con limites quirúrgicos negativos por biopsia de congelación, y reconstrucción quirúrgica con elevación de colgajo frontal paramediano con pedículo de 1.5 cm en todos los casos, basado en el hecho de que la arteria supratroclear súperomedial es constante en su borde orbitario .Cerramos el defecto del área donante en la frente mediante sutura directa en todos los casos. Resultados. Operamos con esta técnica a 76 pacientes, 30 mujeres y 46 varones, con una edad media de 59 años. En todos los casos hicimos revisión quirúrgica para autonomización del colgajo, desgrase, cartílago, etc. No hubo necrosis del colgajo en ningún caso. Conclusiones. Comprobamos la utilidad del colgajo frontal de pedículo estrecho y sus ventajas al ser levantado, entre otras, el mantener la integridad del lado contralateral de la frente para otro potencial colgajo frontal paramediano si fuera necesario.

  19. CT findings of malignant nasal cavity tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ku, Young Mi; Chun, Kyung Ah; Choi, Kyu Ho; Yu, Won Jong; Kim, Young Joo; Kim, Sung Hoon; Park, Seog Hee; Shinn, Kyung Sub


    To evaluate the CT findings of malignant nasal cavity tumors. Retrospective analysis was performed on 20 patients with pathologically-proven malignant nasal cavity tumors. Using CT, we analysed their location, extent of bone destruction and of involvement of adjacent structures, and enhancing pattern. A total of 20 cases included nine squamous cell carcinomas, three olfactory neuroblastomas, three lymphomas, two polymorphic reticulosis, one adenoid cystic carcinoma, one undifferentiated carcinoma and one metastasis from renal cell carcinoma. All cases except one adenoid cystic carcinoma and one squamous cell carcinoma revealed bone destruction or erosion. Aggressive bone destruction and irregular enhancement were seen in eight cases of squamous cell carcinoma, seven cases of which showed involvement of the adjacent paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, and orbit. Olfactory neuroblastomas were centered in the superior nasal cavity and the adjacent ethmoid sinus, and erosion or destruction of the cribriform plate had occurred. Lymphomas showed bilateral involvement, with uniform contrast enhancement. Polymorphic reticuloses showed perforation or erosion of the nasal septum, with bilateral involvement of the nasal cavity. The location, presence of bone destruction, involvement of adjacent structures, and enhancement pattern of tumor on CT can be helpful for the differential diagnosis of malignant nasal cavity tumors

  20. Rhinometry: spectrum of nasal profile among Nigerian Africans Rinometria: espectro do perfil nasal entre os africanos da Nigéria

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    Rabiu O. Jimoh


    Full Text Available Nasal parameters measurements are useful in anthropology to distinguish people into racial and ethnic groups. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional survey among Nigerians aged 18 to 70 years of Nigerian parentage randomly selected at the ENT Clinic of the University of Ilorin teaching hospital (U.I.T.H., Ilorin, Nigeria without gender discrimination had measurement of their nasal parameters done using a sliding caliper: Nasal height, width, tip protrusion, alar thickness, nasal septal thickness and nares diameter. RESULTS: 105 subjects were seen, the age range 18 to 70 years (mean of 28.63 + 13.06 years. There was 58 males and 47 females with a male/female ratio of 1.2:1. The mean nasal width/height (Nasal index -NI was 90.7 in males and 88.2 in females. Males had a higher NI compared to female (p As medidas de parâmetros nasais são úteis em antropologia para distinguir pessoas em grupos étnicos e raciais. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Pesquisa transversal entre nigerianos com idades entre 18 e 70 anos, filhos de pais nigerianos, aleatoriamente selecionados na clínica de otorrinolaringologia do Hospital Universitário de Ilorin (U.I.T.H., Ilorin, Nigéria; sem discriminação de gênero, tiveram seus parâmetros nasais medidos usando-se um compasso deslizante: altura nasal, largura, protrusão da ponta, espessura alar, espessura do septo nasal e diâmetro das narinas. RESULTADOS: 105 indivíduos foram avaliados, e suas idades variaram entre 18 e 70 anos (média de 28,63 + 13,06 anos. Havia 58 homens e 47 mulheres, com coeficiente entre homens de mulheres de: 1.2:1. A medida largura/ altura nasal média (Índice nasal - IN foi de 90,7 em homens e 88,2 em mulheres. Os homens tiveram IN mais alto quando comparados às mulheres (p < 0,03. O tipo mais comum de variabilidade nasal foi o Tipo A (70,5%, Platirrinia, Tipo B (26,7%, especialmente em mulheres, (mosorrinia e o Tipo C (leptorrinia (2,8%. CONCLUSÕES: Há associação significativa entre o g

  1. Nasal Myiasis in Hinduism and Contemporary Otorhinolaryngology. (United States)

    Bosmia, Anand N; Zimmermann, Terence M; Griessenauer, Christoph J; Shane Tubbs, R; Rosenthal, Eben L


    Various case reports on nasal myiasis written during the 1990s and 2000s state that nasal myiasis, which is known as peenash among South Asian natives, is a form of divine punishment in Hindu mythology, but do not provide citations from Hindu scriptures that would suggest this interpretation. This paper aims to discuss the phenomenon of peenash in a historical context by examining medical literature written during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, to identify Hindu texts contributing to the belief of some Hindus that nasal myiasis is a form of divine punishment, and to provide an overview of contemporary treatment for and management of nasal myiasis.

  2. Análisis e Identificación de las Potenciales Oportunidades Comerciales con Países miembros del TPP en el Sector de Alimentos Frescos


    Malca Guaylupo, Oscar; Florián Mendo, Samir; Barrantes Rivas, Sofía; Cerdán Torres, Sara; Zhu Gálvez, Eloha


    La estructura de las exportaciones peruanas se ha basado a lo largo de los años en productos tradicionales cuya naturaleza se puede explicar a partir del patrón de ventajas comparativas que posee el Perú. Con el objetivo de intensificar los flujos comerciales hacia un mayor número de mercados, el Perú ha firmado muchos tratados comerciales y, siguiendo con la estrategia, ha concluido negociaciones del Acuerdo Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Sin embargo, las participaciones de mercado del Per...

  3. Análisis e identificación de las potenciales oportunidades comerciales con países miembros del TPP en el sector de alimentos frescos


    Malca, Oscar; Florián Mendo, Samir; Barrantes Rivas, Sofía; Cerdán Torres, Sara; Zhu Gálvez, Eloha


    La estructura de las exportaciones peruanas se ha basado a lo largo de los años en productos tradicionales cuya naturaleza se puede explicar a partir del patrón de ventajas comparativas que posee el Perú. Con el objetivo de intensificar los flujos comerciales hacia un mayor número de mercados, el Perú ha firmado muchos tratados comerciales y, siguiendo con la estrategia, ha concluido negociaciones del Acuerdo Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Sin embargo, las participaciones de mercado del Per...

  4. Valvuloplastia mitral percutánea de emergencia en un paciente con edema pulmonar refractario

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    Alejandra I. de Zubiría


    Full Text Available La estenosis mitral usualmente es causada por fiebre reumática. A pesar de ser una patología poco frecuente en los países desarrollados, es prevalente en los países en vía de desarrollo, donde aproximadamente dos tercios de la población mundial vive, haciendo de esta condición, una enfermedad valvular común. Es importante considerar la estenosis mitral en el diagnóstico diferencial de los pacientes con edema agudo de pulmón cardiogénico refractario y la valvuloplastia mitral percutánea de emergencia como el tratamiento definitivo. Se presenta el caso de un paciente femenino de 21 años, con edema agudo de pulmón cardiogénico refractario, secundario a estenosis mitral muy severa de origen reumático, tratado con valvuloplastia percutánea con balón de urgencia. Se realiza una revisión sobre la estenosis mitral y se examina el tratamiento con especial énfasis en los casos publicados en la literatura de valvuloplastia mitral percutánea de emergencia.

  5. Unilateral nasal pain with migraine features. (United States)

    Alvarez, Mónica; Montojo, Teresa; de la Casa, Beatriz; Vela, Lydia; Pareja, Juan A


    Migraine attacks exclusively felt in the face are very rare, the pain involving the territories supplied by the second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve. Two patients suffering from heminasal pain attacks accompanied with typical migrainous features and responsive to oral or intranasal triptans - but not to intranasal lidocaine or oxymetazoline. In one patient, the attacks could be precipitated upon slight touching on the tip of the nose, in the other attacks were preceded by the nasal sensation typically heralding sneezing. Migraine pain mostly develops within the innervation territory of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve, which includes the nose. Therefore, episodes of unilateral nasal pain with migrainous features could be considered a migraine with unusual topography (nasal migraine). Painful nasal attacks occasionally preceded by stimulation of trigeminal afferents in the nose, could be conceived of as migraine-tic syndrome.

  6. Osteosíntesis mini-invasiva con placas bloqueadas en fracturas metafisarias distales de tibia. Resultados clínico-funcionales. [Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis in distal metaphyseal fractures of tibia. Comparison of results between fractures AO 43A and AO 43C.


    Juan Manuel Yañez Arauz; Ignacio Arzac Ulla; Javier Del Vecchio; Andres Eksarho; Leandro Civetta; Rodrigo Perez Davila


    Introducción Las fracturas distales de tibia son un desafío para el tratamiento debido a la escasa cobertura y particular vascularización. Los objetivos del presente estudio son analizar los resultados clínicos y funcionales de los pacientes con fractura de tibia distal; tratados con técnica MIPO (minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis) con placas bloqueadas; comparar los resultados del grupo de fracturas tipo AO 43A con las tipo AO 43C1-C2; y comparar los resultados MIPO con el tratamie...

  7. Effects of nasal corticosteroids on boosts of systemic allergen-specific IgE production induced by nasal allergen exposure.

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    Cornelia Egger

    Full Text Available Allergen exposure via the respiratory tract and in particular via the nasal mucosa boosts systemic allergen-specific IgE production. Intranasal corticosteroids (INCS represent a first line treatment of allergic rhinitis but their effects on this boost of allergen-specific IgE production are unclear.Here we aimed to determine in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study whether therapeutic doses of an INCS preparation, i.e., nasal fluticasone propionate, have effects on boosts of allergen-specific IgE following nasal allergen exposure.Subjects (n = 48 suffering from grass and birch pollen allergy were treated with daily fluticasone propionate or placebo nasal spray for four weeks. After two weeks of treatment, subjects underwent nasal provocation with either birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 or grass pollen allergen Phl p 5. Bet v 1 and Phl p 5-specific IgE, IgG1-4, IgM and IgA levels were measured in serum samples obtained at the time of provocation and one, two, four, six and eight weeks thereafter.Nasal allergen provocation induced a median increase to 141.1% of serum IgE levels to allergens used for provocation but not to control allergens 4 weeks after provocation. There were no significant differences regarding the boosts of allergen-specific IgE between INCS- and placebo-treated subjects.In conclusion, the application of fluticasone propionate had no significant effects on the boosts of systemic allergen-specific IgE production following nasal allergen exposure.


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    Yelitza Ivone Baracaldo Ortíz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de las técnicas de Cepillado de Bass y Vertical en pacientes con aparatología ortodóntica fija tratados con la técnica MBT. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio experimental “In vivo” aleatorizado doble ciego; la muestra fue de 100 personas distribuidas en dos grupos, a cada uno se le asignó una Técnica de Cepillado y se dieron instrucciones de higiene oral por medio de charlas personalizadas y por escrito. Se usó el índice de Sillnes y Löe para medir el porcentaje de placa bacteriana, el cual fue realizado por una higienista oral, cada 30 ± 3 días durante 3 meses. A los dos grupos se les realizó profilaxis con el objetivo de tener un índice inicial de placa lo más aproximado a cero. A los participantes se les entregó mensualmente los aditamentos de higiene oral que debían usar. Resultados: antes de dar instrucciones de higiene oral el 73,4% tenían índice de placa moderado, el 16,46% severo y el 10,3% incipiente. El grupo de Técnica Vertical obtuvo mayor reducción de placa en comparación con el grupo de Técnica  Bass durante la primera toma (pConclusiones: La Técnica de Cepillado Vertical es más efectiva que la Técnica Bass para disminuir la placa bacteriana en pacientes tratados ortodónticamente con la técnica MBT.  

  9. The effect of nasal surgery on apnea-hypopnea index

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    Navid Nourizadeh


    Full Text Available One of the factors, which is involved in obstructive sleep apnea, is anatomic or inflammatory pathologies of nasal airway obstruction. Thus, it is logical to observe improvement of polysomnographic parameters of sleep-disordered breathing after nasal surgery. The authors performed a review of the literature, up to 2013, to determine the impact of nasal surgery on obstructive sleep apnea. Most current idea in this field is based on case series studies while randomized controlled trials evaluating the effect of surgery for nasal obstruction on sleep apnea are few and far between. According to these studies, surgery for nasal obstruction does not improve objective parameters of sleep apnea. Although nasal obstruction is one of the factors involved in obstructive apnea, one has to keep in mind that surgery will not result in major reduction of obstructive sleep apnea severity to relieve nasal obstruction. Detailed upper airway analysis has to be considered when surgery is an option for obstructive sleep apnea. Thus, nasal surgeries are beneficial when they are part of a multilevel approach in obstructive sleep apnea treatment.

  10. Patient experience with mupirocin or povidone-iodine nasal decolonization. (United States)

    Maslow, Jed; Hutzler, Lorraine; Cuff, Germaine; Rosenberg, Andrew; Phillips, Michael; Bosco, Joseph


    Led by the federal government, the payers of health care are enacting policies designed to base provider reimbursement on the quality of care they render. This study evaluated and compared patient experiences and satisfaction with nasal decolonization with either nasal povidone-iodine (PI) or nasal mupirocin ointment (MO). A total of 1903 patients were randomized to undergo preoperative nasal decolonization with either nasal MO or PI solution. All randomized patients were also given 2% chlorhexidine gluconate topical wipes. Patients were interviewed prior to discharge to assess adverse events and patient experience with their assigned preoperative antiseptic protocol. Of the 1903 randomized patients, 1679 (88.1%) were interviewed prior to discharge. Of patients receiving PI, 3.4% reported an unpleasant or very unpleasant experience, compared with 38.8% of those using nasal MO (P.05). Being recruited as an active participant in surgical site infection prevention was a positive experience for 87.2% of MO patients and 86.3% of PI patients (P=.652). Those assigned to receive PI solution preoperatively reported significantly fewer adverse events than the nasal MO group (P<.01). Preoperative nasal decolonization with either nasal PI or MO was considered somewhat or very helpful by more than two-thirds of patients. Copyright 2014, SLACK Incorporated.

  11. Characterization of nasal cavity-associated lymphoid tissue in ducks. (United States)

    Kang, Haihong; Yan, Mengfei; Yu, Qinghua; Yang, Qian


    The nasal mucosa is involved in immune defense, as it is the first barrier for pathogens entering the body through the respiratory tract. The nasal cavity-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT), which is found in the mucosa of the nasal cavity, is considered to be the main mucosal immune inductive site in the upper respiratory tract. NALT has been found in humans and many mammals, which contributes to local and systemic immune responses after intranasal vaccination. However, there are very few data on NALT in avian species, especially waterfowl. For this study, histological sections of the nasal cavities of Cherry Valley ducks were used to examine the anatomical location and histological characteristics of NALT. The results showed that several lymphoid aggregates are present in the ventral wall of the nasal cavity near the choanal cleft, whereas several more lymphoid aggregates were located on both sides of the nasal septum. In addition, randomly distributed intraepithelial lymphocytes and isolated lymphoid follicles were observed in the regio respiratoria of the nasal cavity. There were also a few lymphoid aggregates located in the lamina propria of the regio vestibularis, which was covered with a stratified squamous epithelium. This study focused on the anatomic and histological characteristics of the nasal cavity of the duck and performed a systemic overview of NALT. This will be beneficial for further understanding of immune mechanisms after nasal vaccination and the development of effective nasal vaccines for waterfowls. Copyright © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Nasal reaction to changes in whole body temperature. (United States)

    Lundqvist, G R; Pedersen, O F; Hilberg, O; Nielsen, B


    The changes in nasal patency following a 1.5 degrees C decrease or increase in whole body temperature were measured in 8 healthy young males, during and after 30 min of immersion in a 15 degrees C cold or a 40 degrees C warm bath, breathing air at the same temperature, in a cross-over experimental design. The nasal reactions were traced by consecutive measurements of changes in nasal cavity volumes by acoustic rhinometry. Swelling of the mucosa during cooling and an almost maximal shrinkage of the mucosa during heating were indicated by respectively a decrease and an increase in nasal cavity volumes. The reactions were determined predominantly by the whole body thermal balance, but were also influenced by the temperature of the inhaled air, either enhanced, reduced or temporarily reversed. The greatest change occurred in the nasal cavity, left or right, which differed most from the final state at the beginning of exposure due to the actual state of nasal cycle.

  13. Kartagener's syndrome presented with nasal obstruction: A case report

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    Suna Asilsoy


    Full Text Available The nasal polyposis is a chronic inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. Although it is rare in children, there may be also association with cystic fibrosis and primary ciliary dyskinesia. About 50% of primary ciliary dyskinesia patients develop situs inversus and it is known as Kartagener's syndrome. The Kartagener's sydrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by sinusitis, bronchiectasis, situs inversus. Clinically, patients present to the otolaryngologist with nasal obstruction. We as pediatricians, should consider nasal polyposis as a rare cause of nasal obstruction in children. In the presence of recurrent upper and lower respiratory tract infections accompanying nasal polyposis, Kartagener's syndrome must be kept in mind as a rare reason. [Cukurova Med J 2014; 39(4.000: 942-945



    Vaccaro, Christian Schmitz


    O esforço para integrar-se economicamente se enquadra em uma ampla tendência de globalização, especialmente econômica e comercial, que impera em nosso mundo há algum tempo. Isso leva ao cumprimento de altas exigências para poder competir nos mercados mundiais. O Canadá tem assinado múltiplos tratados de livre comércio com várias nações. Para os fins do presente trabalho, centrar-nos-emos particularmente na relação entre propriedade intelectual e tratados de livre comércio, examinando as dispo...

  15. Eosinophilic Angiocentric Fibrosis of the Nasal Septum

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    Yunchuan Li


    Full Text Available Background. Eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis (EAF is a rare benign condition of unknown aetiology that causes stenosis of the upper respiratory tract. It is most commonly found at the nasal septum and sinus mucosa causing mucosal thickening and nasal obstructive symptoms. The diagnosis is mainly based on characteristic histologic findings. Case Report. A 27-year-old young woman presented with a slow growing mass at her anterior nasal septum for over eight years. She complained of persistent nasal obstruction, epistaxis, sometimes diffused facial pain, and chronic headache. 3 years ago, the tumor was partially resected for ventilation and a nasal septum perforation was left. Imaging findings indicated soft-tissue thickening of the anterior part of septum and adjacent lateral nasal walls. Pathological examination showed numerous inflammatory cells infiltrates containing eosinophils, fibroinflammatory lesion with a whorled appearance fibrosis which typically surrounded vessels. A diagnosis of eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis was made. All laboratory tests were unremarkable. Skin prick test was positive. The tumor-like lesion was totally resected. Conclusions. EAF is a rare benign and progressive disorder causing destruction. Combined with radiological imaging of EAF historical findings contribute to the diagnosis. It is important to prevent tumor from recurrence by total resection of the lesion.

  16. Creación de mapas conceptuales con CMapTools versión 4.02


    Orlando Abril, Diego; Patricia Vivas, Nidia


    El presente artículo resume las principales actividades para elaborar un mapa conceptual con CmapTools, pero no pretende ser una guía completa de creación de mapas conceptuales ni tampoco un tratado de gramática para la definición de las proposiciones representadas en ellos. Aquest article resumeix les principals activitats per a elaborar un mapa conceptual amb CmapTools, però no pretén ser una guia completa de creació de mapes conceptuals ni tampoc un tractat de gramàtica per a la definic...

  17. Via póstero-lateral unilateral para cifoplastia percutánea con balón


    Ricciardi,Daniel Oscar


    Esta experiencia ha sido realizada en el Hospital Alvarez de Buenos Aires, Argentina en pacientes tratados por el Equipo de Columna Vertebral. El autor ha modificado el método original de punción descrito por Valls y Ottolenghi, lo que permite ubicar al paciente en decúbito lateral y prescinde del instrumental descrito originalmente, como spider y guía que se utilizaban con equipos de rayos X convencionales. El presente trabajo pretende describir en detalle la técnica aplicada para efectuar l...

  18. Effects of retro-nasal aroma release on satiation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ruijschop, R.; Boelrijk, A.E.M.; Ru, de J.A.; Graaf, de C.; Westerterp-Plantenga, M.


    It is suggested that the brain response of a food odour sensed retro-nasally is related to satiation. The extent of retro-nasal aroma release during consumption depends on the physical structure of a food, i.e. solid foods generate a longer, more pronounced retro-nasal aroma release than liquid

  19. Nasal morphological characteristics of the Serbian population


    Jovanović J.; Jeremić D.; Jovanović B.; Vulović Maja; Sazdanović P.; Sazdanović Maja; Ognjanović Neda; Stojadinović D.; Jeremić Katarina; Marković N.; Živanović-Mačužić Ivana


    The aim of this study was to determine the nasal parameters in the population of central Serbia and to compare them with those determined in earlier studies in different populations. The research was conducted on 496 randomly selected persons (262 males and 234 females), aged 18-65 years. The measured parameters were nasal height and nasal breadth and the standard spreading caliper with scale was used for measurements. There were significant differences in ...

  20. Clinical aspects of patients with nasal polyposis

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    Crespo, Cassio Caldini


    Full Text Available Introduction: The nasal Polyposis is a non-neoplastic chronic inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. It causes a large impact to the patients' life quality. Objective: To analyze the characteristics of patients with polyposis in the Brazilian population. Method: 50 records of patients followed up in a tertiary hospital and submitted to surgical treatment of nasal polyposis were reviewed. The following variables were analyzed: age, sex, smoking, presence of asthma, presence of AAS intolerance and also the clinical manifestations: anterior and posterior rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction, hyposmia, sneezing and pruritus. The tomographic evaluation system applied was that of Lund-McKay. For statistical analysis we applied the chi-square test with p<0.05. Results: Out of 50 patients evaluated, 28 were male and 22 were female. The mean age range was of 40.8 years. The main clinical manifestation was nasal obstruction in 100% of the patients. In the tomographic evaluation, according to the Lund-McKay system, the average scoring was of 10.9. Discussion: No statistically significant difference was obtained in the patients' general symptoms compared to the patients with asthma or AAS intolerance. The difference in the Lund-McKay score was statistically significant in the populations studied. The symptoms were similar to the frequency of symptoms of other works. Conclusion: We concluded that the main complaint of the patients with nasal polyposis is nasal obstruction, the most affected age is of about 40 years old, without preference of sex. The severity of tomographic findings is higher in patients with asthma and AAS intolerance.

  1. Experiencia de la terapia con lokomat en pacientes portadores de parálisis cerebral y síndromes atáxicos, instituto de rehabilitación infantil teletón concepción Chile

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    D. Lorena Llorente, DRA.


    En el Instituto de Rehabilitación Infantil Teletón Concepción el Lokomat existe desde 2008. Esto ha permitido recoger experiencias relacionadas con los cambios observados en el desempeño de la marcha de niños con distintos trastornos de la marcha de origen neurológico tratados con esta órtesis robótica. Se presentan resultados preliminares de tres líneas de investigación que se están desarrollando actualmente incluyendo niños con Parálisis Cerebral Hemipléjica, Parálisis Cerebral dipléjica y con Síndromes Atáxicos.

  2. Effect of formulation- and administration-related variables on deposition pattern of nasal spray pumps evaluated using a nasal cast. (United States)

    Kundoor, Vipra; Dalby, Richard N


    To systematically evaluate the effect of formulation- and administration-related variables on nasal spray deposition using a nasal cast. Deposition pattern was assessed by uniformly coating a transparent nose model with Sar-Gel®, which changes from white to purple on contact with water. Sprays were subsequently discharged into the cast, which was then digitally photographed. Images were quantified using Adobe® Photoshop. The effects of formulation viscosity (which influences droplet size), simulated administration techniques (head orientation, spray administration angle, spray nozzle insertion depth), spray pump design and metering volume on nasal deposition pattern were investigated. There was a significant decrease in the deposition area associated with sprays of increasing viscosity. This appeared to be mediated by an increase in droplet size and a narrowing of the spray plume. Administration techniques and nasal spray pump design also had a significant effect on the deposition pattern. This simple color-based method provides quantitative estimates of the effects that different formulation and administration variables may have on the nasal deposition area, and provides a rational basis on which manufacturers of nasal sprays can base their patient instructions or post approval changes when it is impractical to optimize these using a clinical study.

  3. The NOFLO trial: low-flow nasal prongs therapy in weaning nasal continuous positive airway pressure in preterm infants.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Donnell, Sinéad M


    To determine if low-flow nasal prongs therapy with room air, compared with no treatment, facilitates weaning from nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) in very low birth weight (VLBW, birth weight <1500 g) infants.

  4. Nasal encephaloceles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoving, Eelco W.


    Nasal encephaloceles can be divided into frontoethmoidal and basal encephaloceles. Both conditions are very rare, but frontoethmoidal encephaloceles show a relatively high incidence (1:5,000) in Southeast Asia. The pathogenesis of encephaloceles may be explained by a disturbance in separation of

  5. Augmentation Rhinoplasty in Cleft Lip Nasal Deformity: Preliminary Patients’ Perspective

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    William H. C. Tiong


    Full Text Available The correction of cleft lip nasal deformity is challenging and there have been numerous methods described in the literature with little demonstrated technical superiority of one over another. The common clinical issues associated with cleft lip nasal deformity are its lack of symmetry, alar collapse on the affected side, obtuse nasal labial angle, short nasal length, loss of tip definition, and altered columella show among others. We carried out augmentation of cleft lip rhinoplasties with rib graft in 16 patients over the one-year study period. Each of these patients was reviewed and given questionnaire before and after surgery to evaluate their response on the outcome to the approach. Preoperatively, nasal asymmetry is the main complaint (14/16, 87.5% among our series of patients. Postoperatively, 12 (75% patients out of the 16 reported significant improvement in their nasal symmetry with the other four marginal. All patients reported excellent nasal projection postoperatively with good nasal tip definition. Our series of patients reported overall good satisfaction outcome and will recommend this procedure to other patients with cleft lip nasal deformity. In conclusion, augmentation of cleft lip rhinoplasty can be employed to achieve perceivable and satisfactory outcome in patients with cleft lip nasal deformity.

  6. Nasal mucosal blood flow after intranasal allergen challenge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holmberg, K.; Bake, B.; Pipkorn, U.


    The nasal mucosal blood flow in patients with allergic rhinitis was determined at nasal allergen challenges with the 133 Xenon washout method. Determinations were made in 12 subjects before and 15 minutes after challenge with diluent and increasing doses of allergen. The time course was followed in eight subjects by means of repeated measurements during 1 hour after a single allergen dose. Finally, the blood flow was measured after unilateral allergen challenge in the contralateral nasal cavity. A dose-dependent decrease in blood flow was found after nasal challenge with increasing doses of allergens, whereas challenge with diluent alone did not induce any changes. The highest allergen dose, which also induced pronounced nasal symptoms, resulted in a decrease in blood flow of 25% (p less than 0.001). The time-course study demonstrated a maximum decrease in blood flow 10 to 20 minutes after challenge and then a gradual return to baseline. Unilateral allergen challenge resulted in a decrease in blood flow in the contralateral, unchallenged nasal cavity, suggesting that part of the allergen-induced changes in blood flow were reflex mediated

  7. Application of direct digital radiography of nasal bone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Dengfa; Wang Haijun; Zhang Ailian; Wang Yulin


    Objective: To research the application value of direct digital radiograph (DDR ) in nasal bone imaging. Methods: One hundred cases were examined by DDR, 30 cases of them were examined by two methods both DDR and conventional radiography. All digital images were post-processed with 'MUSICA' (Multi-Scale Image Contrast Amplification), incision and largamente, analyzed and diagnosed by experienced two radiologists and two technicians. Results: One hundred cases of nasal bone, soft tissue of nose were showed excellent in DDR, and satisfactory cases were 95 and 92, respectively. Forty-six cases of nasal bone fractures were found. Thirty cases were examined by both DDR and conventional radiography, images of nasal bone, soft tissue of nose were showed, satisfactory cases were 28 in DDR; and satisfactory cases were 6 (χ 2 =20.05, P 2 =15.06, P 2 =5.14, P<0.05) in conventional and digital radiography, respectively. Conclusion: DDR images of nasal bone, soft tissue of nose was excellent, more fractures were discovered than conventional radiography. Image quality of DDR is better than conventional radiography in nasal bone imaging. (authors)

  8. Observatorio de los tratados de libre Comercio en Colombia: oportunidades de exportación para Colombia a los países miembros de la comunidad Andina (Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador)


    Páez Murcia, Jenniffer Adriana; Parada Suárez, Karen Juliana


    Hoy en día, gracias a la globalización y a los tratados de libre comercio que a través de los años Colombia ha logrado firmar, el país ha conseguido nuevas oportunidades de mercado, y así mismo, ha podido identificar grandes apuestas a futuro,de tal manera que los productos colombianos lleguen a más países y compitan en un mercado donde grandes proveedores mundiales tratan de posicionarse. En este documento se quiere mostrar la relación comercial que mantiene el país Colombiano con los demás ...

  9. Maduración poscosecha de la feijoa (Acca sellowiana Berg tratada con CaCl2 en tres temperaturas de almacenamiento

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    Ramírez Juan Manuel


    Full Text Available

    Con la finalidad de comprobar los efectos retardantes del calcio en la maduración de los frutos de feijoa (Acca sellowiana Berg, cultivar Quimba, se realizó un estudio sobre la aplicación poscosecha, mediante inmersiones de tres soluciones distintas de cloruro de calcio (5%, 10% y 15% y un testigo. La aplicación de CaCl2 prolongó la vida de almacenamiento de los fru­tos, ya que los tratamientos permitieron a los frutos so­portar las condiciones de almacenamiento. Se observó un efecto importante en la disminución de las pérdidas de peso; los frutos tratados con el porcentaje de calcio más alto (15% presentaron las menores pérdidas de peso en cada temperatura. En las fejioas almacenadas a temperatura ambiente (18° C, se observó que la in­cidencia de enfermedades fue más pequeña en los fru­tos tratados con CaCl2. La velocidad de pérdida de la firmeza de los frutos también se vio fortalecida por la adición de calcio. Con relación a las propiedades quí­micas de los frutos, no se presentaron diferencias sig­nificativas entre los tratamientos con cloruro de calcio para cada temperatura de almacenamiento; las feijoas tratadas con CaCl presentaron niveles superiores de sólidos solubles totales, a pesar de no ser significativos estadísticamente.

  10. A Comparison of Over-the-Counter Mechanical Nasal Dilators: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Kiyohara, Nicole; Badger, Christopher; Tjoa, Tjoson; Wong, Brian


    The internal nasal valve is the narrowest part of the nasal airway and a common site of inspiratory collapse and obstruction of nasal airflow. Over-the-counter mechanical nasal dilators are an alternative to surgical intervention that attempts to improve airflow through the internal nasal valve. To determine the efficacy of over-the-counter mechanical nasal dilators and classify these products by mechanism. A database of 33 available over-the-counter mechanical nasal dilators was generated via a PubMed search as well as an internet search via and Google, conducted from April 1, 2013, through December 31, 2015. Products determined to be unavailable or discontinued were excluded from the database. Of the devices examined in published literature, efficacy was based on objective measures, such as measured airflow, the cross-sectional area of the nasal valve, and changes in resistance. Measures of reported sleep quality or patient perception were excluded. An analysis of each product's mechanism revealed 4 broad classes: external nasal dilator strips, nasal stents, nasal clips, and septal stimulators. A review demonstrated 5 studies supporting the use of external nasal dilator strips, 4 studies supporting the use of nasal clips, 1 study supporting the use of nasal stents, and no studies supporting the use of septal stimulators. Our findings suggest that external nasal dilator strips and nasal clips effectively relieve obstruction of the internal nasal valve and may be an alternative to surgical intervention in some patients.


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    Victoria Rey Niño


    Full Text Available La Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, de la Discapacidad y de la Salud (CIF define la discapacidad como un término genérico que abarca deficiencias, limitaciones de la actividad y restricciones a la participación. En este caso hablamos de personas con discapacidad física e intelectual por parálisis cerebral, lo que significa que su acceso al mundo de la actividad física se encuentra en la mayoría de los casos muy restringido. Pero existe una modalidad de la orientación llamada Orientación de Precisión u O-Trail que, según la Federación Deportiva de Orientación (FEDO, ha sido adaptada para ofrecer a todos, independientemente de su sexo, edad, capacidad o discapacidad física, la oportunidad de participar en igualdad de condiciones en una típica competición de orientación. Como sugiere Arribas y Sánchez (1998: “En la actividad física podemos encontrar recursos y herramientas de intervención adecuadas a cada contexto y etapa de ciclo vital además, a través de su práctica pueden verse satisfechas determinadas necesidades e intereses personales y grupales, que pueden ser tratados desde un planteamiento educativo” . Este proyecto tiene la intención de ir más allá y pretende utilizar la Orientación de precisión como una herramienta para implementar una alternativa metodológica de trabajo a las actividades que se llevan a cabo con un colectivo de personas con discapacidad física e intelectual en la Asociación Cultural y rehabilitadora de Discapacitados Físicos de Palencia, desarrollando y estimulando sus aspectos intelectuales y sociales mediante una disciplina deportiva desconocida para ellos, con la intención de que aumente su motivación por participar.Objetivo: Implementar la O-Precisión como alternativa metodológica de trabajo con personas con discapacidad física e intelectual con el fin de desarrollar sus capacidades cognitivas y aumentar su autoestima.

  12. The Effect of Menstrual Cycle on Nasal Resonance Characteristics in Females (United States)

    Kumar, Suman; Basu, Shriya; Sinha, Anisha; Chatterjee, Indranil


    The purpose of this study was to analyze resonance characteristics (nasality and nasalance values) during the menstrual cycle. Previous studies indicate changes in voice quality and nasal mucosa due to temporary falling estrogen levels in human females during their menstrual cycle. The present study compared the nasality and "nasalance scores"…

  13. Disposition of nasal, intravenous, and oral methadone in healthy volunteers. (United States)

    Dale, Ola; Hoffer, Christine; Sheffels, Pamela; Kharasch, Evan D


    Nasal administration of many opioids demonstrates rapid uptake and fast onset of action. Nasal administration may be an alternative to intravenous and oral administration of methadone and was therefore studied in human volunteers. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Washington, Seattle. Eight healthy volunteers (6 men and 2 women) aged 19 to 33 years were enrolled after informed written consent was obtained. Subjects received 10 mg methadone hydrochloride nasally, orally, or intravenously on 3 separate occasions in a crossover design. Nasal methadone (50 mg/mL in aqueous solution) was given as a 100-microL spray in each nostril (Pfeiffer BiDose sprayer). Blood samples for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses of methadone and the metabolite 2-ethyl-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolinium were drawn for up to 96 hours. The methadone effect was measured by noninvasive infrared pupilometry coincident with blood sampling. Nasal uptake of methadone was rapid, with maximum plasma concentrations occurring within 7 minutes. The maximum effects of intravenous, nasal, and oral methadone, on the basis of dark-adapted pupil diameter, were reached in about 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 2 hours, respectively. The respective durations were 24, 10, and 8 hours. Both nasal and oral bioavailabilities were 0.85. Subjects reported that nasal methadone caused a burning sensation. Nasal administration of methadone results in rapid absorption and onset of effect and high bioavailability, which was greater than that reported for other nasal opioids, with a similar duration of effect. Nasal administration may be an alternative route of methadone administration; however, improved formulations are desirable to reduce nasal irritation.

  14. Resident aerobic microbiota of the adult human nasal cavity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, TT; Kirkeby Nielsen, LP; Poulsen, Knud


    Recent evidence strongly suggests that the microbiota of the nasal cavity plays a crucial role in determining the reaction patterns of the mucosal and systemic immune system. However, little is known about the normal microbiota of the nasal cavity. The purpose of this study was to determine...... the microbiota in different parts of the nasal cavity and to develop and evaluate methods for this purpose. Samples were collected from 10 healthy adults by nasal washes and by swabbing of the mucosa through a sterile introduction device. Both methods gave results that were quantitatively and qualitatively...... reproducible, and revealed significant differences in the density of the nasal microbiota between individuals. The study revealed absence of gram-negative bacteria that are regular members of the commensal microbiota of the pharynx. Likewise, viridans type streptococci were sparsely represented. The nasal...

  15. Nasal septal angiofibroma, a subclass of extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma. (United States)

    Garcia-Rodriguez, Laura; Rudman, Kelli; Cogbill, Christopher H; Loehrl, Todd; Poetker, David M


    Extranasopharyngeal angiofibromas (ENA) arising from the nasal septum or nasal septal angiofibromas are extremely rare; only 13 such cases have been reported in the international literature. Our objective is to describe the presentation, workup, and surgical management of these lesions. Case reports were done. The setting was a tertiary care referral center and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. PATIENTS, INTERVENTIONS, AND RESULTS: We present 2 cases of extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma occurring on the nasal septum. In this report, we discuss the occurrence, the histopathologic findings, and the treatment of nasal septal angiofibroma. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Capillary hemangioma of adult nasal cavity: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paik, Sang Hyun; Kim, Hyun Sook; Kim, Wan Seop; Cho, Sung Bum; Choi, Yun Sun; Chung, Myung Jin; Kim, Seog Joon; Yoon, Sook Ja; Yoon, Yong Kyu


    Capillary hemangioma of the adult nasal cavity is rare. We report a case which occurred in the right nasal cavity of a 25-year-old woman, together with the multiphase enhanced CT findings. The patients who had a history of recurrent nasal bleeding, had experienced nasal obstruction and swelling during the two-month period prior to presentation, and one month before presentation, spontaneous vaginal delivery occurred. Physical examination revealed the presence of a well-defined round mass, with redness in the right nasal vertibule. The mass showed rim enhancement at early arterial-phase CT scanning, increased enhancement at the late arterial phase, and moderately homogeneous enhancement at the delayed phase

  17. Tratamiento conservador en pacientes con retinoblastoma bilateral

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    Juan C. Suárez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar el tratamiento convencional del retinoblastoma bilateral, usado hasta hace algunos años, consistente en radioterapia o enucleación bilateral, con el tratamiento conservador actual que incluye termoterapia transpupilar (TTT o TTT/quimioterapia al menos en un ojo, en niños con diagnóstico de retinoblastoma bilateral. DISEÑO: estudio retrospectivo descriptivo. MUESTRA: 20 pacientes con diagnóstico de retinoblastoma bilateral que consultaron al Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, de Medellín, Colombia, entre 1997 y 2007. MÉTODO: se hizo enucleación del ojo con el tumor de mayor tamaño. En el otro ojo se hizo tratamiento con TTT, con el láser diodo (810 nm, spot amplio, solo o combinado con otras terapias. RESULTADOS: se dividió a los pacientes en dos grupos: 16 pacientes (32 ojos en el grupo 1 tratados conservadoramente y 4 pacientes (8 ojos en el grupo 2 con tratamiento convencional. El rango de edad fue de 1-72 meses en el grupo 1 y de 1-12 meses en el grupo 2. El tiempo de seguimiento fue de 7-67 meses para el grupo 1 y de 13-73 meses para el grupo 2. En el grupo 1 se hizo enucleación de 16 ojos (50%, radioterapia externa de uno (3,1%, quimioterapia más termoterapia de 5 (15,6% y quimioterapia más termoterapia más crioterapia de 10 (31,3%. En todos los pacientes se logró preservar al menos un ojo. En el grupo 2, se enuclearon 7 ojos (87,5% y se hizo radioterapia externa más enucleación en un paciente (12.5%. Además, todos los pacientes recibieron quimioterapia. CONCLUSIÓN: la terapia conservadora actual consistente en tratamiento local (termoterapia, crioterapia o braquiterapia y quimiorreducción permite preservar al menos un ojo y en algunos casos de los dos, muchas veces con buena agudeza visual, en niños con retinoblastoma bilateral; se evitan así la enucleación bilateral y la radioterapia externa usada en el tratamiento convencional con todos sus efectos secundarios. La enucleación contin


    Normal Nasal Gene Expression Levels Using cDNA Array Technology. The nasal epithelium is a target site for chemically-induced toxicity and carcinogenicity. To detect and analyze genetic events which contribute to nasal tumor development, we first defined the gene expressi...

  19. Flora bacteriana cloacal y nasal de Lepidochelys olivacea (Testudines: Cheloniidae en el pacífico norte de Costa Rica

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    Mario Santoro


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar la flora normal aerobia, cloacal y nasal de la tortuga lora (Lepidochelys olivacea , entre los meses de julio y agosto del 2002,se colectaron muestras bacteriológicas de 45 quelonios aparentemente sanos,durante el desove en Playa Nancite,Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, Costa Rica, a través del uso de hisopos estériles que se introdujeron en la cloaca y en uno de los conductos nasales. De las muestras recolectadas se obtuvieron e identificaron un total de 99 aislamientos, incluyendo 10 grupos de Gram-negativos y 5 de Gram-positivos. De cada tortuga se obtuvo un promedio de 0.7 bacterias de la cloaca y 1.4 de las cavidades nasales. Las bacterias más frecuente halladas fueron Aeromonas spp.(13/45 y Citrobacter freundi (6/45 en la cloaca, y Bacillus spp. (32/45,Staphylococcus aureus (6/45y Corynebacterium spp.(5/45en las cavidades nasales. En este investigación, la flora microbiana de las tortugas lora resultó constituida por microorganismos potencialmente patógenos para el ser humano y las tortugas.Cloacal and nasal bacterial flora of Lepidochelys olivacea (Testudines: Cheloniidae from the North Pacific coast of Costa Rica.The aerobic cloacal and nasal bacterial flora of 45 apparently healthy female olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea was studied at Nancite nesting beach,in Santa Rosa National Park (Costa Rican North Pacificduring July and August 2002.Bacterial samples were obtained by inserting sterile swabs directly into the cloaca and the nasal cavities of the turtles.Ninety-nine aerobic bacterial isolates, including 10 Gram-negative and 5 Gram-positive bacteria, were recovered.The most common bacteria cultured were Aeromonas spp. (13/45 and Citrobacter freundi (6/45from cloacal samples and Bacillus spp.(32/45, Staphylococcus aureus (6/45and Corynebacterium spp.(5/45from nasal ducts.The results of the present study showed that the aerobic bacterial flora of nesting female olive ridleys was composed of

  20. Nasal carriage of multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Nasal Staphylococcus aureus is a major source of community and hospital associated staphylococcal infections. This study determined the prevalence of nasal S. aureus isolates and investigated their antimicrobial resistance profile in healthy volunteers. Methods: Nasal specimens of healthy volunteers in ...

  1. Polifarmacia en el anciano con afecciones vasculares periféricas

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    José Barnés Domínguez


    Full Text Available Se considera polifarmacia cuando un individuo utiliza cuatro o más medicamentos. Realizamos un estudio descriptivo-retrospectivo de los pacientes ancianos ingresados en el Instituto Nacional de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular (INACV con afecciones vasculares periféricas durante los meses de julio a septiembre de 2016 tratados con polifarmacia. El universo estuvo constituido por 90 pacientes. Se procedió a la revisión de las historias clínicas obteniendo las siguientes variables: grupos de edad, sexo, comorbilidades asociadas, diagnóstico al ingreso, número de fármacos prescritos y grupos farmacológicos más frecuentemente utilizados. Predominó el grupo de edad de 60 a 69 años, 41 pacientes (45,56%, fundamentalmente del sexo masculino. Prevalecieron la hipertensión arterial con 64 casos (71,11%, seguidos de la diabetes mellitus con 47 pacientes (52,22% y la cardiopatía isquémica con 25 casos (27,78%, como comorbilidades asociadas, los principales diagnósticos al ingreso resultaron el pie diabético isquémico infectado con 21 pacientes (23,35%, la aterosclerosis obliterante (AEO grado IV, 16 casos (17,78%, y el pie diabético neuroinfeccioso,14 casos (15,56%. En cuanto a la polifarmacia 16 pacientes recibieron seis fármacos, los grupos farmacológicos más utilizados con frecuencia estuvieron representados por los analgésicos y antiinflamatorios en 81 pa-cientes (90,0%, los antibióticos 73 pacientes (81,11% y los antihipertensivos en 63 casos (70,0%. Se enfatiza en el manejo integral y multidisciplinario de estos pacientes para reducir la polifarmacia y sus consecuencias. Reportar el comportamiento de la polifarmacia en los pacientes ancianos con afecciones vasculares periféricas.

  2. Lesao nasal precoce pelo uso da pronga nasal em recem-nascidos prematuros de muito baixo peso: estudo piloto

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    Nathalie Tiemi Ota


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar, em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso e com indicação de ventilação não invasiva via pronga nasal, a incidência do aparecimento precoce de lesão nasal. MÉTODOS: Série de casos prospectiva de nascidos com idade gestacional <37 semanas, peso <1.500g e idade pós-natal <29 dias. Os pacientes foram avaliados desde a instalação da pronga nasal até o 3o dia de uso, três vezes ao dia. Foram analisadas as condições clínicas dos pacientes, características do dispositivo e de sua aplicação. A análise inicial foi descritiva, verificando-se a prevalência de lesão nasal bem como os fatores a ela associados. Os dados categóricos foram analisados por qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher e os dados numéricos, por teste t ou Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Dezoito recém-nascidos foram incluídos, dos quais 12 (idade gestacional de 29,8±3,1 semanas, peso ao nascer de 1.070±194g e Score for Neonatal Acute Phisiology - Perinatal Extension (SNAPPE de 15,4±17,5 evoluíram com lesão nasal (Grupo Lesão e 6 (idade gestacional de 28,0±1,9 semanas, peso de 1.003±317g e SNAPPE de 26,2±7,5 não apresentaram lesão nasal (Grupo Sem Lesão. No Grupo Lesão, houve maior frequência do gênero masculino (75% versus 17%, a lesão apareceu em média após 18 horas e predominantemente no período notur no (75%. CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de lesão nasal em prematuros submetidos à ventilação não invasiva via pronga nasal foi elevada, sendo possível planejar estudo dos fatores associados, com base neste piloto.

  3. Nasal cytochrome P4502A: Identification in rats and humans

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thornton-Manning, J.R.; Hotchkiss, J.A. [Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI (United States); Ding, Xinxin [Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research, Albany, NY (United States)] [and others


    The nasal mucosa, the first tissue of contact for inhaled xenobiotics, possesses substantial enobiotic-metabolizing capacti. Enzymes of the nasal cavity may metabolize xenobiotics to innocuous, more water-soluble compounds that are eliminated from the body, or they may bioactivate them to toxic metabolites. These toxic metabolites may find to cellular macromolecules in the nasal cavity or be transported to other parts of the body where they may react. Nasal carcinogenesis in rodents often results from bioactivation of xenobiotics. The increased incidences of nasal tumors associated with certain occupations suggest that xenobiotic bioactivation may be important in human nasal cancer etiology, as well. The increasing popularity of the nose as a route of drug administration makes information concerning nasal drug metabolism and disposition vital to accomplish therapeutic goals. For these reasons, the study of xenobiotic-met abolizing capacity of the nasal cavity is an important area of health-related research. In the present study, we have confirmed the presence of CYP2A6 mRNA in human respiratory mucosa.

  4. Nasal valve evaluation in the Mexican-Hispanic (mestizo) nose. (United States)

    Jasso-Ramírez, Elizabeth; Sánchez Y Béjar, Fernando; Arcaute Aizpuru, Fernando; Maulen Radován, Irene E; de la Garza Hesles, Héctor


    Our aim in this study was to determine the angle of the internal nasal valve in Mexican patients with the "mestizo nose" feature and without nasal obstructive symptoms. The work was prospective, comparative, and observational in nature and included patients >14 years of age who were seen in the Otolaryngology Department at the Los Angeles Lomas Hospital between April and May 2016. The angle of the internal nasal valve was measured in 30 patients without obstructive symptoms. Endoscopic examination was performed with a 0° endoscope framed with tape at a 13-mm distance from the endoscope's tip, and digital photographs of the internal nasal valve were taken. The measurement of the angle of the internal nasal valve was made in sexagesimal degrees using Golden Ratio v3.1 (2012) software. Statistical analysis was performed using Excel v15.13.3. The angles of the internal nasal valve of the patients were (mean ± standard deviation) 24.07 ± 4.8° for the right nasal cavity and 25.07 ± 5.0° for the left nasal cavity, wider than the angle reported in the normal Caucasian nose established in the literature. According to our results, the Mexican-Hispanic mestizo nose has a wider angle in the internal nasal valve than that considered normal in the literature (10°-15°). We believe it is necessary to undertake a second study and add an airflow resistance measurement with a rhinomanometry procedure so we can compare the results with those in the Caucasian population. © 2018 ARS-AAOA, LLC.

  5. Estudio experimental de la adhesión interfacial del sistema Sn/Pb - Al2O3 asistido con láser


    Guerrero, A; Puerta, J; Lira, J


    En el presente trabajo se propuso y construyó un diseño de cámara de experimentación que permitió realizar diferentes mediciones del ángulo de contacto. El substrato cerámico (Sn/Pb - Al2O3) fue previamente tratado con un láser de CO2 y sobre el mismo se depositó una aleación de Estaño-Plomo fundido empleando el método de la gota en reposo en alto vacío. Estas mediciones experimentales se realizaron con el fin de conocer el comportamiento físico-químico de la mojabilidad del sistema metal-cer...

  6. Staphylococcus aureus and the ecology of the nasal microbiome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Cindy M; Price, Lance B; Hungate, Bruce A


    The human microbiome can play a key role in host susceptibility to pathogens, including in the nasal cavity, a site favored by Staphylococcus aureus. However, what determines our resident nasal microbiota-the host or the environment-and can interactions among nasal bacteria determine S. aureus...

  7. Estudio Comparativo con prótesis total de rodilla de alta flexión. [Comparative ­study ­with ­high-flex ­total ­knee­ arthroplasty.

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    Matías Costa Paz


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción: El objetivo de este trabajo comparativo fue analizar los resultados funcionales y el rango de movimiento de rodilla entre dos grupos de pacientes con artroplastia total de rodilla: uno utilizando prótesis de alta flexión y el otro con un diseño convencional. Materiales­ y ­Métodos: Setenta y cuatro pacientes fueron operados con artroplastia total de rodilla con prótesis de Zimmer NexGen®, EE.UU. Veintidós (grupo A fueron tratados con diseño de alta flexión. Dos con artritis reumatoide fueron excluidos. Cuarenta y dos pacientes fueron tratados con una convencional, 21 de ellos fueron excluidos, por lo que el grupo B estaba conformado por 21 pacientes. La evaluación funcional se realizó con el Knee Society Score (KSS, el Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoathritis index y la escala analógica visual. Resultados: El promedio de flexión máxima preoperatoria fue de 99º en el grupo A y de 106º en el grupo B. En el posoperatorio, el promedio de flexión máxima del grupo A subió a 114º, con un aumento promedio de 15º y, en el grupo B, a 118º con una ganancia promedio de 12º. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p <0,05. El puntaje KSS preoperatorio del grupo A fue de 36/48 y mejoró a 90/92. En el grupo B, fue de 46/49 y de 94/90 en el posoperatorio. Conclusión: Las evaluaciones clínicas funcionales y radiológicas son favorables en los dos diseños de prótesis evaluados. Este estudio muestra que no hay diferencias significativas entre el rango de movimiento de una prótesis de alta flexión y una prótesis convencional luego de un año de seguimiento.

  8. Exhaled and nasal nitric oxide in chronic rhinosinusitis patients with nasal polyps in primary care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frendø, M; Håkansson, K; Schwer, S


    BACKGROUND: Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is a common inflammatory disorder associated with lower airway disease. However, only few studies of CRSwNP from outside secondary/tertiary care centres have been published. We recently reported an asthma frequency of 44% and 65...... patients. Compared with controls, a high level of exhaled NO was significantly more prevalent in CRSwNP irrespective of asthma-status. Nasal NO was significantly lower in patients with CRSwNP compared with controls. CONCLUSION: Subclinical eosinophilic lower airway inflammation is common in CRSwNP......% in primary and secondary care patients respectively. Therefore, we hypothesise that inflammation of the lower airways could be present in all CRSwNP patients, even without asthma. Here, we assessed the degree of lower and upper airway inflammation using exhaled and nasal nitric oxide (NO) in primary care...

  9. Nasal non-hodgkin's lymphoma : CT findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    No, Tae Youn; Baek, Ho Gil; Won, Jong Bu; Park, Sung Ho; Park, O Bong; Baik, Seung Kug; Shin, Mi Jung; Kim, Bong Ki; Choi, Han Yong [Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, Pusan (Korea, Republic of)


    To describe the characteristics of CT findings in nasal lymphoma. We retrospectively reviewed CT findings and pathologic findings of eight patients (six males and two females) aged between 24 and 68 years with pathologically-proven nasal lymphoma. We analyzed mass location, laterality, size, margin, mass effect, adjacent bony change and contrast enhancement pattern. All eight cases were non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, intermediate grade, diffuse large cell type. Seven cases were B-cell type and one was T-cell. In all cases, tumors were located in the medial wall of the inferior turbinate. In four cases, they were also found in the anterior ethmoidal sinus, and in one case, in the nasal septum. The mean size of the main mass was 3.3cm. In seven cases, tumors were unilateral (one on the right; six on the left), and in the remaining case, bilateral. In six cases tumor margin was smooth and in two cases focal nodularity was seen. In two cases there was no bony change, and in four, there was mucosal thickening along the nasal septum; in one of these four, minimal bony erosion was also found. In the other two cases, bony destruction was seen, and tumors were very large(7cm in diameter) or bilterally located. In three cases, the nasal septum was displaced by the mass. In all cases with bony change, the nasal septum was involved. All tumors were homogeneously well enhanced after IV contrast administration. The main CT findings of nasal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were smooth margin, unilateral location (mainly in the medial wall of the inferior turbinate and growing to the medial side without bony destruction) mucosal thickening along the nasal septum and clear homogeneous enhancement after IV contrast administration. These characteristics will help diagnosis, help deter-mine the appropriate region for radiation and other appropriate therapy, and facilitate prognosis in patients with nasal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

  10. Tubo gástrico con conservación anatómica y funcional del píloro Gastric tube with anatomical and functional conservation of the pylorus


    Albio Ferrá Betancourt; Sixto Corona Mancebo


    INTRODUCCIÓN. No existe consenso en cuanto a la realización de un procedimiento de drenaje gástrico cuando se ha realizado una esofagectomía subtotal y se ha sustituido el esófago por el estómago tubulizado y desnervado. Es el objetivo de este estudio evaluar el resultado obtenido en pacientes a quienes se practicó esofagectomía subtotal y sustitución del órgano con estómago tubulizado sin aplicar drenaje gástrico (piloroplastia). MÉTODOS. Se analizaron 16 pacientes tratados con este procedim...

  11. Human nasal rhinosporidiosis: a case report from Malawi | Sefu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Patient presented with long standing history of nasal obstruction and intermittent epistaxis for three years. Diagnosis was confirmed by histopathological examination and he was successfully treated by complete surgical excision. This was a very unusual cause of nasal masses in our setting. Nasal rhinosporidioss lesions ...

  12. Angiomatous nasal polyp: Clinical diagnostic dilemma

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    Sunder Goyal


    Full Text Available Angiomatous polyp (Angiectatic nasal polyps is rare and its incidence is 4-5% of all nasal polyps. As it occurs with variable clinical features and there is no confirmatory preoperative investigation, clinical diagnosis can be a dilemma. Clinical picture of angiofibroma, simple antrochoanal polyp and inverted papilloma may resemble with each other. As polyps invade surrounding bone, these should be distinguished from a malignant mass. We present an interesting case of an infarcted angiectatic nasal polyp with extensive surrounding bony destruction. Correct preoperative radiological diagnosis is important to avoid unnecessary extensive surgery. Histopathological evaluation of polyps is mandatory since they require different treatment due to difference in the prognosis.

  13. Relación del estado de salud bucal y condiciones socioeconómicas en el paciente con enfermedad renal crónica en tratamiento


    Navia Jutchenko, María Fernanda; Muñoz López, Eliana Elisa; López Soto, Olga Patricia


    Objetivo Caracterizar la salud bucal en pacientes tratados con diferentes tipos de diálisis o con trasplante renal.Materiales y Método Este trabajo descriptivo consideró 336 pacientes, el 49 % recibía hemodiálisis, 34 % diálisis peritoneal, 7 % prediálisis y 10 % trasplante renal. La información fue tomada de una base de datos inicial que en este artículo aplicó un análisis multivariado. Las variables ilustrativas fueron edad, género, estado civil, ocupación, educación, índice de higiene oral...

  14. Disminución de la necesidad de cobertura con injertos y baja tasa de cicatrización hipertrófica en quemaduras tras desbridamiento enzimático

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    Carlos Corrales-Benítez

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivo. El tratamiento clásico de las quemaduras se basa en la eliminación precoz de la escara; sin embargo, el desbridamiento tangencial de las quemaduras mixtas y profundas retira tejidos dérmicos viables, obligando a la cobertura con autoinjertos. El desbridamiento enzimático con enzimas proteolíticos enriquecidos con Bromelaína (Nexobrid® mantiene restos dérmicos que pueden permitir la reepitelización por sí misma de la quemadura. Evaluamos el uso en nuestra unidad de Nexobrid® (MediWound Ltd., Israel en quemaduras mixtas y dérmicas profundas, valorando la capacidad de reepitelización tras su uso, la tasa de injerto en los pacientes tratados, y la aparición de cicatrización hipertrófica. Pacientes y Método: Evaluamos retrospectivamente 36 pacientes tratados con Nexobrid® entre enero de 2015 y febrero de 2016, 11 mujeres y 25 varones con una media de edad de 42.89 años. La superficie corporal quemada media fue del 7.47% y la diagnosticada como profunda del 6.42%.Todos los pacientes presentaron quemaduras profundas con necesidad de cirugía para su desbridamiento y cobertura con injertos. Resultados: Tras el desbridamiento enzimático solo el 36.1% de los pacientes (13 de 36 requirió cobertura con injertos (p < 0.001.La superficie injertada fue tan solo del 2.67% frente al 4.98% que fue desbridada enzimáticamente (p < 0.001. A pesar de que el tiempo hasta la epitelización total de las quemaduras se alargó hasta los 25.69 días, tan solo un 11.1% de los pacientes desarrolló cicatriz hipertrófica. Conclusiones: Nexobrid® permite el desbridamiento completo de las quemaduras mixtas y dérmicas profundas disminuyendo el porcentaje de pacientes que requieren autoinjertos y la superficie injertada, con bajas tasas de cicatrización hipertrófica.

  15. Omalizumab a new prospective: a nasal polyposis. (United States)

    Cavaliere, C; Begvarfaj, E; Frati, F; Masieri, S


    Omalizumab, a monoclonal antibody against IgE, may be effective on nasal polyps, but its use is not currently authorized to treat that disease. We report the cases of three patients who were given omalizumab for asthma after undergoing nasal surgical polypectomy. Although such procedure is frequently followed by polyp recurrence, none of the three patients developed this complication, and in one subject the regression of initial polyp return was registered after starting omalizumab. Our data support the hypothesis that omalizumab may be useful to treat nasal polyposis.

  16. El Tratado de Asunción y el Mercosur

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    Miguel Berthet


    Full Text Available Texto de la conferencia pronunciada por el Embajador Dr. Miguel Berthet -Director de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales Y de Comercio Exterior de los Ministerios'de Relaciones Exteriores y de Economía y Finaszas- en nuestra Facultad. el 25 de abril de 1991, explicando el significado y alcance del Tratado de Asunción. ,suscrito pocos dias antes de esta exposición. La conferencia estuvo principalmente orientada a dar nociones básicas para los estudiantes

  17. Nasal Inserts for Drug Delivery: An Overview

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this review, the benefits, limitations and absorption mechanisms of the nasal route, as well ... molecules including peptide and proteins for ... (Mw) drugs, rapid and fast onset of action due to ... while the former act by disrupting the nasal.



    kasim s. kasim; Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman; BALWANT SINGH GENDEH


    Two cases of Schneiderian papilloma of the nasal septum are presented. The condition is rare, as indicated by a review of previously published cases. The clinical course of the lesion suggests that it behaves like Schneiderian papillomas elsewhere in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. The need for aggressive surgical management and careful follow-up is emphasized.

  19. Evaluación clínico-citológica del herpes labial tratado con láser

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    Teresa García Sánchez,


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo consistente en la descripción citológica y clínica de las muestras obtenidas en 150 pacientes con herpes labial diagnosticadas y atendidas en las diferentes consultas, que reunieron criterios de inclusión objetivos y subjetivos. Las muestras obtenidas por raspado de la superficie afectada se fijaron con cytospray y se colorearon con el método de Papanicolau; fueron leídas al inicio y a las 48 horas para evaluar la recuperación de la mucosa bajo los efectos del láser infrarrojo de arsenurio de galio y aluminio en dosis de 0,6 J/cm2 durante 1 minuto, para un total de 2 a 3 sesiones. Las células intermedias de las mucosas mostraron el mayor nivel de multiplicación, la recuperación fue identificada a partir de las 48 horas de evaluación citológica, clínicamente al 4to. día. Se recomienda evaluar la eficiencia del nuevo esquema terapéutico con láser para esta afección, así como su costo y efectividad.A descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study consisting in the cytological and clinical description of the samples obtained in 150 patients with herpes labialis diagnosed and seen in different consultation rooms was conducted. Objective and subjective inclusion criteria were gathered. The samples of the affected surfaces obtained by curettage were fixed with cytospray and they were colored by using Papanicolau’s method. They were read at the beginning and 48 hours later to evaluate the recovery of the mucosa under the effects of the infrared laser of gallium and alluminum arsenide at doses of 0.6 J/cm3 during a minute for a total of 2 or 3 sessions. The intermediate cells of the mucosas showed the highest level of multiplication. The recovery was identified 48 hours after the cytologic evaluation and from the clinical point of view on the 4th day. It was recommended to evaluate the efficiency of the new therapeutic scheme with laser to treat this affection, as well

  20. Nasal inflammation in sleep apnoea patients using CPAP and effect of heated humidification. (United States)

    Koutsourelakis, I; Vagiakis, E; Perraki, E; Karatza, M; Magkou, C; Kopaka, M; Roussos, C; Zakynthinos, S


    Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) can cause undesirable nasal symptoms, such as congestion to obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients, whose symptoms can be attenuated by the addition of heated humidification. However, neither the nature of nasal symptoms nor the effect of heated humidification on nasal pathophysiology and pathology are convincingly known. 20 patients with OSA on nasal CPAP who exhibited symptomatic nasal obstruction were randomised to receive either 3 weeks of CPAP treatment with heated humidification or 3 weeks of CPAP treatment with sham-heated humidification, followed by 3 weeks of the opposite treatment, respectively. Nasal symptom score, nasal resistance, nasal lavage interleukin-6, interleukin-12 and tumour necrosis factor-α and nasal mucosa histopathology were assessed at baseline and after each treatment arm. Heated humidification in comparison with sham-heated humidification was associated with decrease in nasal symptomatology, resistance and lavage cytokines, and attenuation of inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrosis of the nasal mucosa. In conclusion, nasal obstruction of OSA patients on CPAP treatment is inflammatory in origin and the addition of heated humidification decreases nasal resistance and mucosal inflammation.

  1. Análise do clearance mucociliar nasal e dos efeitos adversos do uso de CPAP nasal em pacientes com SAHOS

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    Ferri Ricardo Gimenes


    Full Text Available Desde 1981, o uso da pressão aérea positiva através do CPAP nasal vem sendo considerado o principal tratamento clínico da síndrome da apnéia-hipopnéia obstrutiva do sono (SAHOS, apesar de sua adesão parcial a longo prazo. Alguns autores referem que as queixas nasais provenientes do fluxo de ar sob pressão positiva na cavidade nasal são as principais responsáveis pela interrupção do tratamento. Isto ocorreria porque o uso do CPAP levaria a alterações na mucosa e mudanças no transporte mucociliar e, conseqüentemente, um maior número de infecções nasosinusais. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o clearance mucociliar nasal em pacientes com SAHOS em uso de CPAP nasal através do teste de sacarina e correlacionar os efeitos adversos desta terapia com o tempo de tratamento e o nível de pressão utilizada no mesmo. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo clínico caso-controle. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 25 pacientes com SAHOS entre 18 a 70 anos em uso de CPAP nasal a partir de um mês acompanhados no Instituto do Sono (UNIFESP-EPM e submetidos ao teste de sacarina cujos resultados foram comparados com um grupo de 25 indivíduos sem doenças nasosinusais. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos em relação ao teste de sacarina.Os efeitos adversos estavam presentes em 84% da amostra, sendo 60% ressecamento e 36% obstrução nasal. Não houve correlação entre estas queixas e o tempo de tratamento ou a pressão aplicada pelo aparelho. CONCLUSÕES: O clearance mucociliar nasal no grupo com SAHOS em uso de CPAP nasal foi semelhante ao grupo controle e a obstrução nasal e o ressecamento não apresentaram correlação com o tempo de tratamento e o nível de pressão utilizada pelo aparelho.

  2. Nasal granuloma gravidarum presenting with recurrent massive epistaxis. (United States)

    Tantinikorn, Weerachai; Uiprasertkul, Mongkol; Assanasen, Paraya


    Nasal granuloma gravidarum is a rare condition associated with pregnancy and minor trauma. This condition presents with a nasal mass with varying degree of bleeding and obstruction. We report a patient with nasal granuloma gravidarum in the third trimester of pregnancy. Surgical excision is the definite treatment for this condition in order to stop the vicious cycle of recurrent massive bleeding. Possible etiology, clinical features and management are discussed.

  3. Effect of nasal deviation on quality of life. (United States)

    de Lima Ramos, Sueli; Hochman, Bernardo; Gomes, Heitor Carvalho; Abla, Luiz Eduardo Felipe; Veiga, Daniela Francescato; Juliano, Yara; Dini, Gal Moreira; Ferreira, Lydia Masako


    Nasal deviation is a common complaint in otorhinolaryngology and plastic surgery. This condition not only causes impairment of nasal function but also affects quality of life, leading to psychological distress. The subjective assessment of quality of life, as an important aspect of outcomes research, has received increasing attention in recent decades. Quality of life is measured using standardized questionnaires that have been tested for reliability, validity, and sensitivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate health-related quality of life, self-esteem, and depression in patients with nasal deviation. Sixty patients were selected for the study. Patients with nasal deviation (n = 32) were assigned to the study group, and patients without nasal deviation (n = 28) were assigned to the control group. The diagnosis of nasal deviation was made by digital photogrammetry. Quality of life was assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire; the Rosenberg Self-Esteem/Federal University of São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Medicina Scale; and the 20-item Self-Report Questionnaire. There were significant differences between groups in the physical functioning and general health subscales of the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (p < 0.05). Depression was detected in 11 patients (34.4 percent) in the study group and in two patients in the control group, with a significant difference between groups (p < 0.05). Nasal deviation is an aspect of rhinoplasty of which the surgeon should be aware so that proper psychological diagnosis can be made and suitable treatment can be planned because psychologically the patients with nasal deviation have significantly worse quality of life and are more prone to depression. Risk, II.(Figure is included in full-text article.).

  4. Inter- and intra-rater reliability of nasal auscultation in daycare children. (United States)

    Santos, Rita; Silva Alexandrino, Ana; Tomé, David; Melo, Cristina; Mesquita Montes, António; Costa, Daniel; Pinto Ferreira, João


    The aim of this study was to assess nasal auscultation's intra- and inter-rater reliability and to analyze ear and respiratory clinical condition according to nasal auscultation. Cross-sectional study performed in 125 children aged up to 3 years old attending daycare centers. Nasal auscultation, tympanometry and Paediatric Respiratory Severity Score (PRSS) were applied to all children. Nasal sounds were classified by an expert panel in order to determine nasal auscultation's intra and inter- rater reliability. The classification of nasal sounds was assessed against tympanometric and PRSS values. Nasal auscultation revealed substantial inter-rater (K=0.75) and intra-rater (K=0.69; K=0.61 and K=0.72) reliability. Children with a "non-obstructed" classification revealed a lower peak pressure (t=-3.599, Pauscultation revealed substantial intra- and inter-rater reliability. Nasal auscultation exhibited important differences according to ear and respiratory clinical conditions. Nasal auscultation in pediatrics seems to be an original topic as well as a simple method that can be used to identify early signs of nasopharyngeal obstruction.

  5. Systematic review: the influence of nasal obstruction on sleep apnea

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    Debora Petrungaro Migueis


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS is a common disorder that can lead to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, as well as to metabolic, neurological, and behavioral consequences. It is currently believed that nasal obstruction compromises the quality of sleep when it results in breathing disorders and fragmentation of sleep. However, recent studies have failed to objectively associate sleep quality and nasal obstruction. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the influence of nasal obstruction on OSAS and polysomnographic indices associated with respiratory events. METHODS: Eleven original articles published from 2003 to 2013 were selected, which addressed surgical and non-surgical treatment for nasal obstruction, performing polysomnography type 1 before and after the intervention. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: In most trials, nasal obstruction was not related to the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI, indicating no improvement in OSAS with reduction in nasal resistance. However, few researchers evaluated other polysomnography indices, such as the arousal index and rapid eye movement (REM sleep percentage. These could change with nasal obstruction, since it is possible that the nasal obstruction does not completely block the upper airways, but can increase negative intrathoracic pressure, leading to sleep fragmentation.

  6. Biodegradación estimulada de los suelos contaminados con pesticidas organoclorados

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    María Kopytko


    Full Text Available DDT al igual que otros pesticidas organoclorados han sido utilizados extensivamente en Colombia entre los años 1970 y 1980 en cultivos de algodón. DDT es resistente a la degradación y fuertemente relacionado con numerosos problemas de salud y actualmente está  prohibido su uso. El propósito de esta investigación fue evaluar la biodegradación de DDT y de los productos DDD y DDE, presentes en el suelo contaminado durante 16 años en le municipio Agustín Codazzi, Cesar, Colombia. Se llevaron a cabo bioestimulación, bioaumentación y un tratamiento de control bajo condiciones anaerobias y aerobias secuenciales. El proceso de biodegradación anaerobia duró 8 semanas y consecutivamente se realizó el proceso aerobio por 20 semanas. En el proceso de bioestimulación se adicionó fósforo para optimizar la proporción C:N:P en el suelo tratado. De las bacterias nativas se aislaron las cepas bacterianas con la capacidad biodegradadora del DDT y fueron identificadas mediante las características morfológicas y ampliación por PCR de la región de 1465 pb del gen ribosomal 16S y secuenciación. De estas se seleccionaron cuatro cepas bacterianas para el proceso de bioaumentación: Burkholderia cepacia, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Aeromona caviae, y Bacillus sp,  las cuales fueron bioaumentadas en el laboratorio e inoculadas en el suelo tratado en concentración de 108 UFC/ml. La concentración de DDT, DDD y DDE se determinó por medio de cromatografía de gases. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron durante la fase anaerobia logrando una remoción de DDT, DDD y DDE en un 56,2%, 17,1% y 44,5% respectivamente.

  7. El régimen colombiano de la contratación estatal frente al TLC con Estados Unidos


    López Silva, Jorge Alberto


    El presente escrito desarrolla un análisis comparado entre el sistema de compras públicas colombiano y el Tratado de Libre Comercio suscrito con los Estados Unidos en cuanto a compras públicas se refiere, poniendo en evidencia inconsistencias de tipo jurídico para efectos principalmente prácticos, acudiendo a temas de soporte para el desarrollo de las obligaciones contenidas en el acuerdo, como son las Normas de Origen de los Bienes y el régimen de responsabilidad del contratista estatal colo...

  8. El impacto del TLC frente al derecho comunitario andino

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    Marcel Tangarife Torres


    Full Text Available En esta conferencia analiza el impacto del Tratado de Libre Comercio que se celebrará entre la República de Colombia y los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica frente al Derecho Comunitario Andino, con gran importancia en los temas relacionados con la propiedad intelectual. Adicional a lo anterior se suma un aspecto trascendental y es la supervivencia de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones y en este sentido se cuestiona la coexistencia de las normas comunitarias en relación con las previstas en el Tratado de Libre Comercio. De esta manera, se examina el marco constitucional del Tratado de Libre Comercio y del Acuerdo de Cartagena, para así determinar las características que tienen esta clase de tratados y con ello establecer el nivel jerárquico que le corresponden dentro del ordenamiento jurídico Colombiano. Finalmente se observa la prevalencía de las normas del Acuerdo de Cartagena y el Tratado de Libre Comercio o viceversa, para con ello encontrar soluciones frente a los posibles conflictos de normas que se pueden presentar por la coexistencia de dichas normatividades.

  9. Nicotine Nasal Spray (United States)

    ... with a smoking cessation program, which may include support groups, counseling, or specific behavior change techniques. Nicotine nasal ... and pharmacist what prescription and nonprescription medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements, and herbal products you are taking or ...

  10. Seasonal changes in nasal cytology in mite-allergic patients

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    Gelardi M


    Full Text Available Matteo Gelardi,1 Diego G Peroni,2 Cristoforo Incorvaia,3 Nicola Quaranta,1 Concetta De Luca,1 Salvatore Barberi,4 Ilaria Dell'Albani,5 Massimo Landi,6 Franco Frati,5 Olivier de Beaumont7 1Otolaryngology Unit, Department of Neuroscience and Sensory Organs, University of Bari, Bari, Italy; 2Department of Pediatrics, University of Verona, Verona, Italy; 3Allergy/Pulmonary Rehabilitation, ICP Hospital, Milan, Italy; 4Department of Pediatrics, San Paolo Hospital, Milan, Italy; 5Medical and Scientific Department, Stallergenes, Milan, Italy; 6Department of Pediatrics, National Healthcare System, ASL TO1, Turin, Italy; 7Medical Affairs Department, Stallergenes, Antony, France Background: House dust mites (HDMs are a major cause of allergic rhinitis (AR and asthma worldwide. Recent studies suggested that the allergen load presents seasonal modifications, giving rise to seasonal variation in nasal inflammation and symptoms. The aim of this study was to evaluate by nasal cytology whether nasal inflammation in mite-allergic patients changes with the seasons of the year. Methods: The study included 16 patients (seven males and nine females, mean age 38.1 years with persistent AR caused by monosensitization to HDMs. Nasal cytology was performed in all patients once monthly for 1 year. Results: Nasal cytology showed that the cells most commonly detected in the nasal mucosa were neutrophils. During the period from October to April, a peak in the number of neutrophils and also the presence of significant numbers of eosinophils, mast cells, and lymphocytes/plasma cells were found, which shows the occurrence of more intense inflammation during these months. Conclusion: Nasal cytology provides useful data in detecting nasal inflammation and its association with the clinical stage of AR. The seasonal variations in nasal cytology are likely to be induced by the fluctuations in the HDM allergen that have been uncovered in recent investigations. Keywords: allergens

  11. Nasal allergies hayfever among young adults in Melbourne, Australia

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    Michael Abramson


    Full Text Available Although there is wide variation in the prevalence of nasal allergies internationally, the extent to which this is due to variation in etiological factors is not known. The purpose of the present study was to define the relative importance of atopy and other risk factors for nasal allergies, including hayfever, among young adults in Melbourne. The subjects were participants in the second phase of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey; 876 adults between 20 and 45 years of age completed a detailed respiratory questionnaire, 745 had skin prick testing with common aeroallergens and 675 underwent methacholine challenge. Total and allergen-specific IgE levels were measured in 701 and 693 subjects by radioimmunoassay and RAST, respectively. Nasal allergies, including hayfever, were reported by 47.5% of randomly selected participants. Females, non- smokers, subjects with a family history of allergies, those with current asthma, a history of eczema and nasal symptoms induced by dust, pollen or food were significantly more likely to have nasal allergies. Oral antihistamines had been used by 45.7% of those reporting nasal allergies and 12.4% had received allergen immunotherapy. The risk of nasal allergies, including hayfever, was increased 6.1-fold by atopy, particularly by positive skin tests to outdoor allergens such as Birch, Timothy grass, plantain, olive, Cladosporium and Rye grass pollen. Total serum IgE was significantly higher in subjects reporting nasal allergies than in those who did not report such allergies. There were significant trends in the prevalence of nasal allergies with increasing titers of specific IgE directed against all allergens tested. In conclusion, the significant independent risk factors for nasal allergies, including hayfever, in young adults were atopy, particularly sensitization to Timothy grass, house dust mites and plantain, current asthma, not smoking, a history of eczema and female gender. Future research



    Yelitza Ivone Baracaldo Ortíz; Fredy Alexander Cabuya Cabuya; Rubén Darío Hurtado Rozo; Edwin Emil Ricaurte Vila; Diana Constanza Gamboa Martínez; Liliana Carolina Báez Quintero


    Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de las técnicas de Cepillado de Bass y Vertical en pacientes con aparatología ortodóntica fija tratados con la técnica MBT. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio experimental “In vivo” aleatorizado doble ciego; la muestra fue de 100 personas distribuidas en dos grupos, a cada uno se le asignó una Técnica de Cepillado y se dieron instrucciones de higiene oral por medio de charlas personalizadas y por escrito. Se usó el índice de Sillnes y Löe para medir e...

  13. Is antibiotic prophylaxis in nasal packing for anterior epistaxis needed?

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    Francisco Pérez


    Full Text Available La epistaxis es un problema extremadamente común que en ocasiones requiere de taponamiento anterior. Usualmente se indican antibióticos de forma concomitante para la prevención de complicaciones infecciosas, aunque el rol de esta medida es controvertido. Utilizando la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en 30 bases de datos, identificamos una revisión sistemática que incluye tres estudios primarios, ninguno de ellos controlado y aleatorizado. Realizamos un metanálisis y tablas de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que no está claro si los antibióticos profilácticos disminuyen las complicaciones infecciosas en pacientes con taponamiento nasal por epistaxis anterior porque la certeza de la evidencia es muy baja.

  14. Frecuencia de portadores nasales de Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina en personal de salud de hospitales de Nicaragua Frequency of nasal carriers of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus among health workers in Nicaraguan hospitals

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    Mercedes Cáceres


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Conocer la frecuencia de portadores nasales de cepas de Staphylococcus aureus resistentes a meticilina (SARM y el patrón de resistencia antimicrobiana de esas cepas obtenidas de trabajadores de la salud de cuatro hospitales de Nicaragua. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, en el período del 1 de junio de 2009 al 30 de septiembre de 2010. Los hisopados nasales de los trabajadores de la salud que aceptaron voluntariamente participar en el estudio fueron cultivados en medio agar base de detección de resistencia a oxacilina (ORSAB. La identificación de los aislados de S. aureus se realizó por métodos cotidianos y la resistencia a meticilina se determinó por la presencia del gen mecA con la técnica de reacción en cadena de polimerasa. El patrón de resistencia antimicrobiana se detectó por difusión en disco. Cada participante firmó un consentimiento informado con anterioridad a la toma de la muestra. RESULTADOS: Participaron en el estudio 569 trabajadores de la salud, de los cuales 208 eran del hospital de León, 155 de dos hospitales de Chinandega y 206 del de Managua. La frecuencia de portadores nasales de SARM fue de 9,6% en León, 11,6% en Chinandega y 6,7% en Managua. El perfil de resistencia de las cepas SARM fue similar en los cuatro hospitales y todas las cepas fueron sensibles a vancomicina. Del total de cepas SARM aisladas, 15% fueron multirre-sistentes. El porcentaje de resistencia a eritromicina fue el más alto, seguido del de clindamicina. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados del estudio se pueden considerar una advertencia sobre la circulación de cepas SARM entre el personal de salud de los hospitales participantes y aportan información relevante en relación al perfil de resistencia de las cepas SARM.OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of nasal carriers of strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA and the antimicrobial resistance pattern of these strains, obtained from health

  15. The frequency of nasal injury in newborns due to the use of continuous positive airway pressure with prongs La frecuencia de lesión nasal en neonatos causada por la presión positiva continua en las vías aéreas con prongs Frequência de lesão nasal em neonatos por uso de pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas com pronga

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    Renata Medeiros do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP with prongs is the ventilatory support most used in newborns. Nasal injuries are complications that may arise due to the prolonged use of this device. This study aimed to determine the frequency of nasal injuries in newborns through the use of continuous positive airway pressure with prongs. A convenience sample composed of hospitalized newborns using prongs for more than two days was used. Data were collected through a structured form. Lesions were observed in all newborns, which were classified as: mild (79.6%, moderate (19.7% and severe (0.7%. The conclusion is that the use of prongs for more than two days represents a risk factor for the lesions to develop.La presión positiva continua en las vías aéreas con prongs es la asistencia ventiladora más utilizada en neonatología. Las lesiones nasales son complicaciones que pueden surgir debido al uso prolongado de ese dispositivo. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo determinar la frecuencia de las lesiones nasales en neonatos causadas debido al uso de presión positiva continua en las vías aéreas utilizando un prong. El muestreo fue por conveniencia, constituido de recién nacidos internados y usando prongs, y se excluyeron aquellos que utilizaban el dispositivo por un período inferior a dos días. Los datos fueron recolectas a través de un formulario estructurado. Se observaron lesiones en todos los recién nacidos, clasificadas en: ligera (79,6%, moderada (19,7% y severa (0,7%. Se concluyó que el tiempo de permanencia de las prongs, por más de dos días, es un factor de riesgo para la evolución de las etapas de las lesiones nasales.A pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas com pronga é a assistência ventilatória mais utilizada em neonatologia. Lesões nasais são complicações que podem surgir pelo uso prolongado desse dispositivo. Este estudo objetivou determinar a frequência de lesões nasais em neonatos por uso de pressão positiva

  16. Reconstrucción cervical tras resección de neurofibroma solitario gigante con colgajo anterolateral de muslo

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    Mauricio Mendieta-Espinosa

    Full Text Available Los tumores de cabeza y cuello son un grupo heterogéneo; los neurofibromas pueden originarse de cualquier nervio independientemente de su localización, incluyendo nervios periféricos o intracraneales y se dividen en 4 tipos. Los solitarios son tumores confinados, espontáneos y prácticamente sin ninguna manifestación. Anatómicamente, los neurofibromas del cuello son relativamente raros, con un crecimiento lento e indoloro. Presentamos el caso de un paciente varón de 41 años de edad, remitido a nuestra consulta por presentar neurofibroma solitario gigante en la base del lado izquierdo del cuello, de 10 cm de diámetro, con zona central ulcerada y sangrados intermitentes, adherido a planos profundos, de 30 años de evolución y que había sido tratado en 3 ocasiones con resecciones parciales y cubertura con colgajo acromial. Practicamos resección completa de la tumoración y reconstrucción inmediata con colgajo anterolateral de muslo, logrando la mejoría estético-funcional de la zona cervical y sin complicaciones.

  17. Flow through the nasal cavity of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias (United States)

    Timm-Davis, L. L.; Fish, F. E.


    The nasal cavity of spiny dogfish is a blind capsule with no internal connection to the oral cavity. Water is envisioned to flow through the cavity in a smooth, continuous flow pattern; however, this assumption is based on previous descriptions of the morphology of the olfactory cavity. No experimentation on the flow through the internal nasal cavity has been reported. Morphology of the head of the spiny dogfish ( Squalus acanthias) does not suggest a close external connection between the oral and nasal systems. However, dye visualization showed that there was flow through the nasal apparatus and from the excurrent nostril to the mouth when respiratory flows were simulated. The hydrodynamic flow through the nasal cavity was observed from flow tank experiments. The dorsum of the nasal cavity of shark heads from dead animals was exposed by dissection and a glass plate was glued over of the exposed cavity. When the head was placed in a flow, dye was observed to be drawn passively into the cavity showing a complex, three-dimensional hydrodynamic flow. Dye entered the incurrent nostril, flowed through the nasal lamellae, crossed over and under the nasal valve, and circulated around the nasal valve before exiting the excurrent nostril. When the nasal valve was removed, the dye became stagnant and back flowed out through the incurrent nostril. The single nasal valve has a hydrodynamic function that organizes a coherent flow of water through the cavity without disruption. The results suggest that the morphology of the nasal apparatus in concert with respiratory flow and ambient flows from active swimming can be used to draw water through the olfactory cavity of the shark.

  18. Analyses and treatments of postoperative nasal complications after endonasal transsphenoidal resection of pituitary neoplasms (United States)

    Cheng, You; Xue, Fei; Wang, Tian-You; Ji, Jun-Feng; Chen, Wei; Wang, Zhi-Yi; Xu, Li; Hang, Chun-Hua; Liu, Xin-Feng


    Abstract In this study, we analyze and discuss the treatments of postoperative nasal complications after endonasal transsphenoidal resection of pituitary neoplasms (PNs). We performed 129 endonasal transsphenoidal resections of PNs and analyzed and treated cases with nasal complications. After endonasal transsphenoidal resection of PNs, there were 26 cases of postoperative nasal complications (20.1%), including nasal hemorrhage (4.8%), cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea (6.9%), sphenoid sinusitis (2.3%), atrophic rhinitis (1.6%), olfactory disorder (1.6%), perforation of nasal septum (0.8%), and nasal adhesion (2.3%). All patients clinically recovered after therapy, which included treatment of the cavity through nasal endoscopy, intranasal corticosteroids, and nasal irrigation. We propose that regular nasal endoscopic review, specific nasal medications, and regular nasal irrigation can effectively clear nasal mucosal hyperemia-induced edema and nasal/nasoantral secretions, as well as promote regeneration of nasal mucosa, prevent nasal adhesion, maintain the sinus cavity drainage, and accelerate the recovery of the physiological function of the paranasal sinus. Timely treatment of patients with nasal complications after endonasal transsphenoidal resections of PNs could greatly relieve the clinical symptoms. Nasal cleaning is very beneficial to patients after surgery recovery. PMID:28403108

  19. Specificity and sensitivity assessment of selected nasal provocation testing techniques

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    Edyta Krzych-Fałta


    Full Text Available Introduction: Nasal provocation testing involves an allergen-specific local reaction of the nasal mucosa to the administered allergen. Aim: To determine the most objective nasal occlusion assessment technique that could be used in nasal provocation testing. Material and methods : A total of 60 subjects, including 30 patients diagnosed with allergy to common environmental allergens and 30 healthy subjects were enrolled into the study. The method used in the study was a nasal provocation test with an allergen, with a standard dose of a control solution and an allergen (5,000 SBU/ml administered using a calibrated atomizer into both nostrils at room temperature. Early-phase nasal mucosa response in the early phase of the allergic reaction was assessed via acoustic rhinometry, optical rhinometry, nitric oxide in nasal air, and tryptase levels in the nasal lavage fluid. Results : In estimating the homogeneity of the average values, the Levene’s test was used and receiver operating characteristic curves were plotted for all the methods used for assessing the nasal provocation test with an allergen. Statistically significant results were defined for p < 0.05. Of all the objective assessment techniques, the most sensitive and characteristic ones were the optical rhinometry techniques (specificity = 1, sensitivity = 1, AUC = 1, PPV = 1, NPV = 1. Conclusions : The techniques used showed significant differences between the group of patients with allergic rhinitis and the control group. Of all the objective assessment techniques, those most sensitive and characteristic were the optical rhinometry.

  20. Systematic review: the influence of nasal obstruction on sleep apnea. (United States)

    Migueis, Debora Petrungaro; Thuler, Luiz Claudio Santos; Lemes, Lucas Neves de Andrade; Moreira, Chirlene Santos Souza; Joffily, Lucia; Araujo-Melo, Maria Helena de


    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a common disorder that can lead to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, as well as to metabolic, neurological, and behavioral consequences. It is currently believed that nasal obstruction compromises the quality of sleep when it results in breathing disorders and fragmentation of sleep. However, recent studies have failed to objectively associate sleep quality and nasal obstruction. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the influence of nasal obstruction on OSAS and polysomnographic indices associated with respiratory events. Eleven original articles published from 2003 to 2013 were selected, which addressed surgical and non-surgical treatment for nasal obstruction, performing polysomnography type 1 before and after the intervention. In most trials, nasal obstruction was not related to the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), indicating no improvement in OSAS with reduction in nasal resistance. However, few researchers evaluated other polysomnography indices, such as the arousal index and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep percentage. These could change with nasal obstruction, since it is possible that the nasal obstruction does not completely block the upper airways, but can increase negative intrathoracic pressure, leading to sleep fragmentation. Copyright © 2015 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  1. Nasal bacterial colonization in cases of idiopathic epistaxis in children. (United States)

    Kamble, Payal; Saxena, Sonal; Kumar, Sunil


    To evaluate the role of nasal bacterial colonization in cases of idiopathic epistaxis in children. A descriptive, hospital based, observational study in our hospital was conducted on total 112 pediatric patients in the age group 4-16 years. Group A (control): 56 patients with no epistaxis; Group B (epistaxis): 56 patients with idiopathic epistaxis. A swab for microbiological evaluation was taken from the anterior nasal cavity of each child. A highly significant association between nasal colonization with pathological Staphylococcus aureus and idiopathic epistaxis was found. The presence of pathological S. aureus colonization in the anterior nasal cavity was also associated with statistically significant number of crusting and presence of dilated blood vessels on the anterior nasal septum of children in epistaxis group. Nasal bacterial colonization with S. aureus leads to a sequence of pathological events i.e. low grade inflammation, crusting and new vessel formation. This leads to irritation in nasal cavity resulting in digital trauma and subsequently epistaxis and thus it plays an important role in causing idiopathic epistaxis in children. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Alcohol hyper-responsiveness in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. (United States)

    De Schryver, Els; Derycke, Lara; Campo, Paloma; Gabriels, Eline; Joos, Guy F; Van Zele, Thibaut; Bachert, Claus; Hellings, Peter W; Gevaert, Philippe


    An important percentage of subjects diagnosed with chronic upper airway disease report alcohol-induced worsening of their symptoms. The prevalence and characteristics of respiratory reactions provoked by alcohol-containing drinks have not been fully investigated yet. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and characteristics of alcohol hyper-responsiveness in patients with chronic airway disease and healthy controls. Furthermore, nasal inflammation was evaluated in nasal polyp patients with and without hyper-responsiveness. We evaluated the prevalence and characteristics of alcohol-induced respiratory complaints in 1281 subjects. Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) patients with and without NSAID exacerbated respiratory disease (NERD), chronic rhinosinusitis patients without nasal polyps (CRSsNP), allergic rhinitis (AR) patients and healthy controls were approached by means of a questionnaire. Inflammatory markers (eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP), IL-5, IgE, SAE-specific IgE, IL-17, TNFα and IFNγ) in tissue were then compared between alcohol hyper-responsive and non-hyper-responsive CRSwNP patients. The highest prevalence of nasal and bronchial alcohol hyper-responsiveness was observed in patients with NERD, followed by CRSwNP, and less frequent in CRSsNP, AR and healthy controls. Alcohol hyper-responsiveness is significantly more prevalent in CRSwNP patients suffering from recurrent disease and in patients with severe symptomatology. In nasal tissue of the hyper-responsive CRSwNP group, we observed significantly higher nasal levels of the eosinophilic biomarker ECP. Nasal hyper-responsiveness to alcohol is significantly more prevalent in severe eosinophilic upper airway disease. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. A study of Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage, antibacterial ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Dec 30, 2014 ... substantially enhancing nasal colonization, lung disease and abscess formation and promoting mechanisms of immune evasion.[7]. Antimicrobial ... nasal carriage, investigation of risk factors, and virulence traits among ...

  4. Relación de las afecciones rinofaríngeas obstructivas altas con los trastornos del sueño

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    Ramón Enrique Crespo Vidal


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de comprobar el efecto que sobre el sueño y el estado de salud tiene la cirugía en pacientes con trastornos del sueño, causados por obstrucciones respiratorias altas, se estudiaron y trataron quirúrgicamente 60 pacientes remitidos de la consulta de trastornos del sueño del Hospital Militar Central "Doctor Carlos J. Finlay", en el período comprendido de enero de 1999 a diciembre de 2001, de los cuales 50 (90 % eran del sexo masculino y el 10 % era femenino. Fue la desviación del septum nasal la afección de otorrinolaringología más frecuente, 36 (60 %, seguida por la desviación del septum nasal, asociada a otra afección de otorrinolaringología, 10 (16,6 %. Presentaron trastornos del sueño asociados con otras afecciones clínicas (cefalea, hipertensión arterial, vértigo, disfunción sexual 40 (66,7 % y solo con trastornos del sueño 20 ( 33,3 %. Se realizó tratamiento quirúrgico a los 60 enfermos y se obtuvo que curaron o mejoraron el trastorno del sueño 58 pacientes (96,7 %, las afecciones constructivas curaron o mejoraron en 57 enfermos (95 %, y las afecciones clínicas asociadas curaron o mejoraron en 37 pacientes (92,5 %In order to prove the effect of surgery on sleep and health status in patients with sleep disorders caused by upper respiratory obstructions, 60 patients referred from the sleep disorders consulting room of "Carlos J. Finlay" Military Central Hospital were studied and surgically treated from January, 1991, to December, 2001. Of them, 50 (90 % were males and 10 % were females. The deviation of the nasal septum was the most frequent otorrhinolaryngology affection, 36 (60 %, followed by the deviation of the nasal septum associated with other otorrhinolaryngology affection, 10 (16.6 %. 40 patients (66.7 % had sleep disorders associated with other clinical affections (headache, arterial hypertension, vertigo, sexual dysfunction, and only 20 (33.3 % had sleep disorders. In 58 (96.7% of the 60

  5. Interpretation of nasal swab measurements following suspected releases of actinide aerosols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klumpp, John Allan; Bertelli, Luiz; Waters, Tom L.


    For radionuclides such as plutonium and americium, detection of removable activity in the nose (i.e., nasal swab measurements) are frequently used to determine whether follow-up bioassay measurements are warranted following a potential intake. For this paper, the authors analyzed 429 nasal swab measurements taken following incidents or suspicious circumstances (such as an air monitor alarming) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) for which the dose was later evaluated using in vitro bioassay. Nasal swab measurements were found to be very poor predictors of dose and should not be used as such in the field. However, nasal swab measurements can be indicative of whether a reliably detectable committed effective dose (CED) occurred. About 14% of nasal swab measurements between 1.25 and 16.7 Bq corresponded to CEDs greater than 1 mSv, so in general, positive nasal swabs always indicate that follow-up bioassay should be performed (positive nasal swabs less than 1.25 Bq are considered separately). This probability increased significantly for nasal swabs greater than 16.7 Bq. Only about 3% of nasal swabs with no detectable activity (NDA) corresponded to reliably detectable CEDs. As a result, a nasal swab with NDA is therefore necessary, but not sufficient, to negate the need for a follow-up bioassay if it was collected following other workplace indicators of a potential intake.

  6. Nasal manifestations in chromium industry workers. (United States)

    Aiyer, R G; Kumar, Gaurav


    People working in mines, plating factories, cement industries are mainly exposed to chrome substances, IIexavalent chromium has been implicated for its toxic effect on the nasal mucosa. Hereby we present a rare study of 28 patients who attended out patient department of Otorhinolaryngology at SSG Hospital, Baroda from a nearby chromium industry. This study aims to present various nasal manifestations of toxic effects of prolonged chromium exposure.

  7. Extraskeletal primary Ewing's scrcoma in the nasal cavity: A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Bo Young; Park, Seok Won; Km, Eo Jin; Choi, Jong Sun; Lee, Eun Ja


    Ewing's sarcoma presents a rare tumor of the head and neck, and even rarer in the nasal cavity and/or paranasal sinuses. We report the case of Ewing's sarcoma in the nasal cavity, as presented with nasal obstruction and epistaxis. The CT and MRI examination reveals a mass in the left nasal cavity with extension to contralateral side, ethmoidal sinus, and nasopharynx. We provide an overview of Ewing's sarcoma in the nasal cavity and discuss radiologic findings of this unusual case.

  8. [Study on computed tomography features of nasal septum cellule and its clinical significance]. (United States)

    Huang, Dingqiang; Li, Wanrong; Gao, Liming; Xu, Guanqiang; Ou, Xiaoyi; Tang, Guangcai


    To investigate the features of nasal septum cellule in computed tomographic (CT) images and its clinical significance. CT scans data of nasal septum in 173 patients were randomly obtained from January 2001 to June 2005. Prevalence and clinical features were summarized in the data of 19 patients with nasal septum cellule retrospectively. (1) Nineteen cases with nasal septum cellule were found in 173 patients. (2) All nasal septum cellule of 19 cases located in perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone, in which 8 cases located in upper part of nasal septum and 11 located in middle. (3) There were totally seven patients with nasal diseases related to nasal septum cellule, in which 3 cases with inflammation, 2 cases with bone fracture, 1 case with cholesterol granuloma, 1 case with mucocele. Nasal septum cellule is an anatomic variation of nasal septum bone, and its features can provide further understanding of some diseases related to nasal septum cellule.

  9. Solitary Chemoreceptor Cell Proliferation in Adult Nasal Epithelium


    Gulbransen, Brian D.; Finger, Thomas E.


    Nasal trigeminal chemosensitivity in mice and rats is mediated in part by solitary chemoreceptor cells (SCCs) in the nasal epithelium (Finger et al., 2003). Many nasal SCCs express the G-protein α-gustducin as well as other elements of the bitter-taste signaling cascade including phospholipase Cβ2, TRPM5 and T2R bitter-taste receptors. While some populations of sensory cells are replaced throughout life (taste and olfaction), others are not (hair cells and carotid body chemoreceptors). These ...

  10. Nasal biopsies of children exposed to air pollutants. (United States)

    Calderón-Garcidueñas, L; Rodriguez-Alcaraz, A; Valencia-Salazar, G; Mora-Tascareño, A; García, R; Osnaya, N; Villarreal-Calderón, A; Devlin, R B; Van Dyke, T


    Southwest Metropolitan Mexico City (SWMMC) atmosphere is a complex mixture of air pollutants, including ozone, particulate matter, and aldehydes. Children in SWMMC are exposed chronically and sequentially to numerous toxicants, and they exhibit significant nasal damage. The objective of this study was to assess p53 accumulation by immunohistochemistry in nasal biopsies of SWMMC children. We evaluated 111 biopsies from 107 children (83 exposed SWMMC children and 24 control children residents in a pollutant-compliant Caribbean island). Complete clinical histories and physical examinations, including an ear-nose-throat (ENT) exam were done. There was a significant statistical difference in the upper and lower respiratory symptomatology and ENT findings between control and exposed children (p < 0.001). Control children gave no respiratory symptomatology in the 3 months prior to the study; their biopsies exhibited normal ciliated respiratory epithelium and were p53-negative. SWMMC children complained of epistaxis, nasal obstruction. and crusting. Irregular areas of whitish-gray recessed mucosa over the inferior and middle turbinates were seen in 25% of SWMMC children, and their nasal biopsies displayed basal cell hyperplasia, decreased numbers of ciliated and goblet cells, neutrophilic epithelial infiltrates, squamous metaplasia. and mild dysplasia. Four of 21 SWMMC children with grossly abnormal mucosal changes exhibited strong transmural nuclear p53 staining in their nasal biopsies (p 0.005, odds ratio 26). In the context of lifetime exposures to toxic and potentially carcinogenic air pollutants, p53 nasal induction in children could potentially represent. a) a checkpoint response to toxic exposures, setting up a selective condition for p53 mutation, or b) a p53 mutation has already occurred as a result of such selection. Because the biological significance of p53 nuclear accumulation in the nasal biopsies of these children is not clear at this point, we strongly

  11. Voz e qualidade de vida de pacientes tratados de câncer avançado de laringe


    Vaneli de Cassia Colombo Rossi


    Resumo: OBJETIVO: Avaliar qualidade de vida e voz de pacientes tratados de câncer avançado de laringe por laringectomia total ou quimioradioterapia exclusiva com preservação de órgão. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: 30 pacientes tratados de câncer avançado de laringe livres da doença há pelo menos quatro anos: dez laringectomizados totais sem produção de voz esofágica (SVE); dez laringectomizados totais com voz traqueoesofágica (VTE) e dez com voz laríngea. A qualidade de vida foi mensurada pelos protoco...

  12. Augmentation of the Nasal Dorsum Using the Multistrip Autologous Cartilage Technique. (United States)

    Liu, Liqiang; Bu, Zhaoyun; Fan, Jincai; Tian, Jia; Gan, Cheng; Yang, Zengjie; Jiao, Hu


    Nasal augmentation is a popular modern technique requested by many Asian people. There are two kinds of autologous cartilage used to augment the nose at present: carved as a monobloc or diced into pieces. Each approach has its pros and cons. The authors performed their surgical technique on a group of 28 patients. Twenty of these patients had undergone rhinoplasties performed before referral to our hospital; eight of these patients had undergone a primary rhinoplasty. Bilateral conchal, nasal septum, or rib cartilage was harvested; deep temporal fascia or abdominal muscle fascia to be prepared for packing stripped cartilage was also removed at this time. The cartilage was placed on a plastic cutting board and cut into strips with a transverse section of 1 × 1 mm. Then, these strips were packed and covered by fascia to form the grafts. The median follow-up was 23 months (range, 12 to 48 months). Twenty-two patients were satisfied with their augmented noses. Through examinations, biopsies, and magnetic resonance imaging scans, less resorption was observed with the multistrip autologous cartilage technique. Junctional stepoffs, excessive prominence, and slanting grafts occurred in three patients, two of whom had revisions. Using multistrip autologous cartilage grafts is an easier method to perform and could be another alternative technique for augmentative and reconstructive rhinoplasties.

  13. [Clinical symptoms and immunology inspection characteristics of nasal cavity local allergy]. (United States)

    Yin, Z X; Zhu, Y; Zhai, X; Zhang, J L; Liu, G


    Objective: To investigate the clinical symptoms and immunology inspection characteristics of nasal cavity local allergy. Method: Selected 60 patients as observation group, who had only nasal local allergy symptoms, allergen skin prick test and serum allergen specific IgE (SIgE) test were negative, 40 allergic rhinitis (AR) patients and 40 healthy volunteers as control groups. To detect Symptom scores and VAS scores, and eosinophilia counts in venous blood, allergen skin prick test (SPT), serum allergen SIgE test, nasal secretions allergen SIgE test, nasal mucous membrane excitation test in both observation group and AR group, eosinophilia counts in nasal secretion, taked the data for statistical analysis. Result: There was no difference ( P > 0.05) in the symptom scores and VAS scores of observation group and the AR group. The eosinophilia counts in venous blood in the AR group were higher than in the observation group ( P 0.05) in the eosinophilia percentages in nasal secretion in the observation group and the AR group. There was significant difference ( P < 0.05) in the eosinophilia percentages in nasal secretion in the observation group and the healthy volunteers group. There were 6 patients in observation group whose nasal secretions allergen SIgE test and nasal mucous membrane excitation test were both negative, could be diagnosised as non-allergic rhinitis (NAR). According to eosinophilia counts in venous blood and nasal secretions, 4 patients were diagnosised as vasomotor rhinitis and 2 patients were diagnosised as NAR with eosinophilia syndrome. There were 54 patients in observation group whose nasal secretions allergen SIgE test and (or) nasal mucous membrane excitation test were positive, could be diagnosised as local allergic rhinitis. After three years, all of the observation group patients were detected with SPT and serum allergen SIgE test. Five patients diagnosed as local allergic rhinitis before three years were positive. Six patients diagnosed as

  14. Nasal Osteogenic Chondrosarcoma: A Case Report | Adeniji | West ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    At emergency tracheostomy, examination under anaesthesia, meticulous nasal and nasopharyngeal tumour clearance was done. Histopathological examination of the mass revealed osteogenic chondrosarcoma. CONCLUSION: Though rare, osteogenic chondrosarcoma affects nasal bones. Clinically the tumour mimicks ...

  15. Tratamiento con caspofungina de endocarditis por Candida tropicalis resistente a fluconazol Treatment with caspofungin of Candida tropicalis endocarditis resistant to fluconazol

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    Marcelo del Castillo


    Full Text Available Las endocarditis causadas por hongos, (Candida en particular, requieren tratamiento médico-quirúrgico, siendo la anfotericina B la droga de elección. Caspofungina es una equinocandina con gran actividad sobre Candida y Aspergillus. Se presenta un paciente con una endocarditis por Candida tropicalis resistente a fluconazol tratado con caspofungina bajo un esquema de salvataje, luego de haber presentado efectos adversos por anfotericina B. El paciente tuvo respuesta microbiológica.Fungal endocarditis, in particular due to Candida species, requires medical and surgical treatment and amphotericin B is the drug of choice. Caspofungin is an echinocandin very effective against Candida and Aspergillus. We present a patient with Candida tropicalis endocarditis, fluconazol resistant, treated with caspofungin, on a compassional basis as a result of adverse effects with amphotericin B. The patient had a microbiological response.

  16. Recuperación del epitelio germinal masculino de ratones tratados con dosis única de Busulfán

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    Luis Guzmán


    Full Text Available Busulfán es un agente alquilante bifuncional tipo-éster, que interfiere con la replicación del ADN. Dosis elevadas de este compuesto son aplicadas antes de los transplantes de médula ósea y de células germinales, sin embargo no han sido cuantificados el daño ni la recuperación del sistema reproductor. Para cuantificar la recuperación del efecto en la espermatogénesis, se usaron ratones de la cepa Balb C, a los que se les inyectó Busulfán intraperitonealmente, 40 mg/kg de peso corporal, y se evaluó el peso testicular y la concentración espermática en cola de epidídimo, a los 30, 54 y 72 días y se realizaron cortes histológicos de testículo. Los resultados fueron analizados con la prueba U Mann-Whitney p>0.05. A los 30 días el peso testicular, la concentración espermática y el diámetro de los túbulos seminíferos presentaron una drástica reducción del 77,8%, 97,9% y 34,3% respectivamente, comparados con el grupo control. A los 54 días, el peso testicular y el diámetro testicular muestran una recuperación del 70%. A los 72 días, la recuperación es completa en los parámetros evaluados. Por lo tanto, Busulfán aplicado en una sola dosis afecta significativamente la espermatogénesis en el ratón y se logra la recuperación completa en dos ciclos espermáticos.

  17. A Case of Nasal Glial Heterotopia in an Adult

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    Akira Hagiwara


    Full Text Available We report a rare case of nasal glial heterotopia in an adult. After the surgery, frontal lobe cerebral hemorrhage developed. A 58-year-old man had unilateral nasal obstruction that progressed for one year. He had been treated for hypertension, chronic heart failure, and cerebral infarction with aspirin and warfarin. A computed tomography scan showed that the tumor occupied the right nasal cavity and the sinuses with small defect in the cribriform plate. The tumor was removed totally with endoscopy. After the operation, the patient developed convulsions and frontal lobe cerebral hemorrhage. The hemorrhage site was located near a defect in the cribriform plate. Nasal glial heterotopia is a rare developmental abnormality, particularly rare in adult. Only few cases were reported. We could not find any report of adult nasal glial heterotopias that developed cerebral hemorrhage as a complication of the surgery.

  18. Nasal polyps. A clinical radiological histopathological and mycological study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Babiker, Babiker Eltayeb [Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Khartoum (Sudan)


    Forty patients with nasal polyposis were studied. This study included clinical, haematological and mycological aspects. There were 24 females (60% of patients) and 16 males (40%). We found that all patients presented with nasal obstruction and nasal tone and the majority of them had allergic nasal symptoms such as sneezing and watery discharge. Thirty five percent of the patients were recurrent cases, being operated before for nasal polyps. Radiological investigations showed high of sinusitis and that 10% of the patients had complicated disease with orbital or intracranial extensions. Mycological studies revealed the presence of fungal infection in 4 patient (10%) and it was caused by Aspergillus flavus. Histological studies identified the allergic nature of the polyps in all patients. Surgical treatment was carried out in all patients and operations varied from simple intranasal polypectomy, intranasal ethmiodectomy, external ethmoidectomy to Caldwell-Luc operation for patients with antrochanal polyps.(Author)

  19. Efficacy of functional endoscopic sinus surgery in recurrent nasal polyposis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aslam, S.; Ali, M.; Ahmed, A.; Asghar, A.; Aslam, S.


    To analyze the efficacy of FESS in patients with recurrent nasal polyposis in terms of relief of nasal obstruction, improvement in sense of smell and to assess recurrence of disease. Study Design: Descriptive case series. Materials and Method: All patients who underwent FESS (Functional endoscopic sinus surgery) for recurrent nasal polyposis from June 2008 to June 2010 with an average follow up of 06 month were included. Clinical symptoms including nasal obstruction and olfactory disturbance were evaluated using VAS system pre and postoperatively. Preoperatively computed tomography scan was done in all cases to assess extent of disease and surgical anatomy. Results: Following FESS 96% of total patients demonstrated statistically significant improvement in relieving nasal obstruction after 6 months follow up, however improvement in sense of smell was seen in 44% of patients. Recurrence was seen in only 3 (6%) cases at 3rd and 6th month follow up. Conclusion: Functional endoscopy sinus surgery of recurrent nasal polyposis is an effective method of surgery with significant improvement of symptom of nasal obstruction and olfaction with minimal recurrence at 6 month in our centre. Our results were compatible with results attained internationally. (author)

  20. Inverted papillomas and benign nonneoplastic lesions of the nasal cavity (United States)

    Casiano, Roy R.


    Background: Benign lesions of the nasal cavity represent a diverse group of pathologies. Furthermore, each of these disorders may present differently in any given patient as pain and discomfort, epistaxis, headaches, vision changes, or nasal obstruction. Although these nasal masses are benign, many of them have a significant capacity for local tissue destruction and symptomatology secondary to this destruction. Advances in office-based endoscopic nasendoscopy have equipped the otolaryngologist with a safe, inexpensive, and rapid means of directly visualizing lesions within the nasal cavity and the initiation of appropriate treatment. Methods: The purpose of this study is to review the diagnosis, management, and controversies of many of the most common benign lesions of the nasal cavity encountered by the primary care physician or otolaryngologist. Results: This includes discussion of inverted papilloma (IP), juvenile angiofibroma, squamous papilloma, pyogenic granuloma, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, schwannoma, benign fibro-osseous lesions, and other benign lesions of the nasal cavity, with particular emphasis on IP and juvenile angiofibroma. Conclusion: A diverse array of benign lesions occur within the nasal cavity and paranasal cavities. Despite their inability to metastasize, many of these lesions have significant capability for local tissue destruction and recurrence. PMID:22487294

  1. Niño con cardiopatía congénita controlada y muerte inesperada

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    Javier Horacio López Terrazas


    Full Text Available Niño de ocho meses de edad que llegó al Servicio de Urgencias del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría con cuadro de un día evolución con fiebre, odinofagia, vómitos y tres evacuaciones diarreicas abundantes. Falleció al día siguiente de su ingreso. Había ido al hospital donde se llevaba a cabo su manejo y en el que le administraron paracetamol, pero al día siguiente presentaba deshidratación, quejido respiratorio y saturaba 50% al aire ambiente, por lo que los padres administraron oxígeno por puntas nasales y acudieron a este Instituto.

  2. Velocidad de la onda de pulso y la excreción urinaria de albumina en pacientes hipertensos tratados con Perindopril

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    J. E. Tobilli


    Full Text Available La presión arterial sistólica, la presión arterial diastólica y la excreción urinaria de albúmina (EUA han sido reconocidas como predictores de riesgo cardiovascular. Además, los trastornos de la compliance arterial (CA evaluados mediante la velocidad de la onda de pulso elevada (VOP están estrechamente relacionados con los cambios de la presión arterial y correlacionados con la mortalidad cardiovascular y la presencia de ateroesclerosis. El objetivo primario de este estudio ha sido determinar la relación entre la VOP y la EUA en un grupo de pacientes no fumadores con hipertensión esencial y secundariamente evaluar los cambios producidos por un inhibidor de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina (perindopril sobre estas dos variables. En el estudio participaron setenta pacientes (33 hombres y 37 mujeres hipertensos no fumadores, sin tratamiento previo, de 50 ± 7 años (entre 35-69. La VOP de todos los pacientes fue estudiada por medio de un dispositivo computarizado (Complior en el período basal y a los seis meses de tratamiento con perindopril. También se determinó la EUA por el método de inmunodifusión radial al inicio del tratamiento y luego de seis meses de tratamiento con perindopril (4.6 ± 1.4 mg/día. Al finalizar el estudio se observó una reducción significativa de la presión arterial sistólica (PAS (160.2 ± 10.6 vs. 131.9 ± 7.1 mmHg, p<0.01, presión arterial diastólica (PAD (100.6 ± 5 vs. 81.6 ± 4.8 mmHg, p<0.01, VOP (13.4 ± 1 vs. 9.1 ± 0.9 m/seg, p<0.01 y EUA (42.2 ± 19.3 vs.11.1 ± 3.6 mg/día, p<0.01 al comparar estos valores con los del período basal. Por otra parte, la función renal evaluada por clearance de creatinina mostró una significativa mejoría en relación a los valores iniciales (87.5 ± 22.5 vs. 102.1 ± 23.5 ml/min, p<0.01. Asimismo, se apreció una significativa correlación positiva entre la EUA y la VOP al inicio del estudio (r = 0.81; p<0.01 y después de seis meses de tratamiento

  3. Legitimidad y finalidad de los capítulos de propiedad intelectual en los tratados de libre comercio (TLC)


    Frankel, Susy


    Una visión analítica de la realidad actual permite apreciar un auge de los Tratados de Libre Comercio, mientras se presenta un estancamiento en las negociaciones multilaterales de comercio. Si bien la negociación de los TLC no se limita a los países desarrollados, los negociados por los países en desarrollo no tienden a contemplar mejoras en los estándares de propiedad intelectual. Algunos de los capítulos relativos a la propiedad intelectual incluidos en los Tratados de Libre Comercio simple...

  4. Nostalgia of the Encomienda. Rereading Juan Suárez de Peralta's Tratado del descubrimiento (1589

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    Enrique González González


    Full Text Available The work Tratado del descubrimiento de las Yndias y su conquista, written  by the New Spain Creole Juan Suárez de Peralta around 1589, has traditionally been read as just another Conquest chronicle, scarcely interesting in its first chapters, but fully vivid in its “second” part, where the author  tells of the so-called conspiracy of Martín Cortés,  Second Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca. This paper, however, suggests that the Tratado, in keeping with its title, must be read as a treatise in which Suárez de Peralta pleads for the legitimacy of the encomienda and offers an account of the fateful —as he sees them— consequences  brought about by the Crown's rulings to suppress it. Therefore, the Tratado must be considered within the great debates of the time on how conquered peoples, conquerors and their descendants  should be treated. Although not a professional lawyer, Suárez de Peralta turns out to be a resourceful and convincing writer. Far from offering a linear account  of a series of events, he takes advantage of ambiguity in order  to argue, from different  viewpoints,  on several issues. Sensing that he defends a lost cause, his allegation oozes irony, disillusion, and nostalgia.

  5. Nasal base narrowing of the caucasian nose through the cerclage technique

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    Mocellin, Marcos


    Full Text Available Introduction: Several techniques can be performed to reduce the nasal base (narrowing, as skin resection vestibular columellar skin resection, resection of skin in elliptical lip narinary, sloughing of skin and advancements (VY technique of Bernstein and the use of cerclage sutures in the nasal base. Objective: To evaluate the technique of cerclage performed in the nasal base, through endonasal rhinoplasty without delivery of basic technique, in the Caucasian nose, reducing the distance inter-alar flare and correcting the wing with consequent improvement in nasal harmony in the whole face. Methods: A retrospective analysis by analysis of clinical documents and photos of 43 patients in whom cerclage was made of the nasal base by resecting skin ellipse in the region of the vestibule and the nasal base (modified technique of Weir using colorless mononylon® 4 "0" with a straight cutting needle. The study was conducted in 2008 and 2009 at Hospital of Paraná Institute of Otolaryngology - IPO in Curitiba, Parana - Brazil. Patients had a follow up ranging 7-12 months. Results: In 100% of cases was achieved an improvement in nasal harmony, by decreasing the inter-alar distance. Conclusion: The encircling with minimal resection of vestibular skin and the nasal base is an effective method for the narrowing of the nasal base in the Caucasian nose, with predictable results and easy to perform.

  6. Herpes viruses and human papilloma virus in nasal polyposis and controls

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    Dimitrios Ioannidis


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps is a multifactorial disease entity with an unclear pathogenesis. Contradictory data exist in the literature on the potential implication of viral elements in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of human herpes viruses (1-6 and Human Papilloma Virus in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls. METHODS: Viral DNA presence was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction application to nasal polyps specimens from 91 chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps patients and nasal turbinate mucosa from 38 healthy controls. RESULTS: Epstein-Barr virus positivity was higher in nasal polyps (24/91; 26.4% versus controls (4/38; 10.5%, but the difference did not reach significance (p = 0.06. Human herpes virus-6 positivity was lower in nasal polyps (13/91; 14.29% versus controls (10/38; 26.32%,p = 0.13. In chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps group, 1 sample was herpes simplex virus-1-positive (1/91; 1.1%, and another was cytomegalovirus-positive (1/91; 1.1%, versus none in controls. No sample was positive for herpes simplex virus-2, varicella-zoster virus, high-risk-human papilloma viruses (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and low-risk-human papilloma viruses (6, 11. CONCLUSION: Differences in Epstein-Barr virus and human herpes virus-6 positivity among patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls are not statistically significant, weakening the likelihood of their implication in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps pathogenesis.

  7. The effect of mouth leak and humidification during nasal non-invasive ventilation. (United States)

    Tuggey, Justin M; Delmastro, Monica; Elliott, Mark W


    Poor mask fit and mouth leak are associated with nasal symptoms and poor sleep quality in patients receiving domiciliary non-invasive ventilation (NIV) through a nasal mask. Normal subjects receiving continuous positive airways pressure demonstrate increased nasal resistance following periods of mouth leak. This study explores the effect of mouth leak during pressure-targeted nasal NIV, and whether this results in increased nasal resistance and consequently a reduction in effective ventilatory support. A randomised crossover study of 16 normal subjects was performed on separate days. Comparison was made of the effect of 5 min of mouth leak during daytime nasal NIV with and without heated humidification. Expired tidal volume (V(T)), nasal resistance (R(N)), and patient comfort were measured. Mean change (Delta) in V(T) and R(N) were significantly less following mouth leak with heated humidification compared to the without (DeltaV(T) -36+/-65 ml vs. -88+/-50 ml, phumidification (5.3+/-0.4 vs. 6.2+/-0.4, phumidification. In normal subjects, heated humidification during nasal NIV attenuates the adverse effects of mouth leak on effective tidal volume, nasal resistance and improves overall comfort. Heated humidification should be considered as part of an approach to patients who are troubled with nasal symptoms, once leak has been minimised.

  8. Estudio clínico-epidemiológico y molecular de Metapneumovirus Humano en pacientes con Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas (IRA) en Venezuela


    Tovar H, Cerraf E; Moncho S, Alessandra; Fernandez S, David; Aguilar M, Marwan S; Morón, Dulce


    El Metapneumovirus Humano (MPVh) ha sido asociado con Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas (IRA) en pacientes de todas las edades. Estudios epidemiológicos indican la prevalencia del MPVh alrededor del mundo, sin embargo, en Venezuela poco se conoce sobre su comportamiento en la población. Este estudio pretende describir el comportamiento epidemiológico de la infección por MPVh en pacientes venezolanos. Se evaluaron por RT-PCR multiplex 1812 hisopados nasales (HN) provenientes de pacientes con di...

  9. Does gently clearing the nasal passage affect odor identification?

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    Mitchell G. Spring


    Full Text Available Identifying scents in a wine’s bouquet is considered one of the most important steps in the process of wine tasting. An individual’s ability to successfully do this is dependent on the sense of smell; thus, altering the nasal microenvironment could have a powerful effect on the wine tasting experience. In the present study, we examined olfactory performance in healthy participants who cleared their nasal cavity before odorant presentations. Fifty undergraduate participants were assessed with a standardized test of olfaction requiring the recognition of a battery of odors. Half of these participants cleared mucus from their nasal cavities (by gently blowing their noses prior to the assessment. No difference was found in performance between those who cleared their nasal passages and those who did not. Further, data were not different than known population data from the test. These data suggest that gently clearing the nasal cavity before presentation of odorants bears no effect on the ability to perceive those odor qualities.

  10. Fracture of nasal bones: an epidemiologic analysis

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    Fornazieri, Marco Aurélio


    Full Text Available Introduction: One of the most common diseases in the otorhinolaryngology emergency room is the nasal bones fracture. The peak of incidence is between 15 and 25 years of age. Generally men are more affected. Objective: To analyze the age, gender and the most frequent causes of nasal fractures evaluated in the otorhinolaryngology service of a tertiary hospital. Method: Retrospective study of records of the patients with nasal fracture diagnosis treated between July 1st, 2003 and July 1st, 2007. Results: 167 patients with nasal bones fracture were included in the study, including 134 men and 33 women. Violence was the most frequent cause, with 55 cases (32.9%, followed by fall from their own height, with 33 cases (19.7%, and motorcycle accident, 14 cases (8.4%. The most common age was between 21 and 39 years (46.1%. Conclusion: Male, age between 21 and 39 years and violence are the most common characteristics found in our service. Motorcycle accidents also play an important role in this affection.

  11. Strategy for Nasal Reconstruction in Atypical Facial Clefts

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    Fouad M. Ghareeb, FRCS, MD


    Full Text Available Summary:. It is difficult to put forward a strategy for the treatment of nasal clefts due to the rarity and diversity of anatomical aberrations of these cases contrary to the common nasal affection in cleft lip and palate patients, which differ in severity rather than differing in the morbid anatomy. This simple strategy for correction of these nasal clefts will hopefully help surgeons to achieve better results. In the mean time I intended to describe the morbid anatomy of these cases by choosing examples of each morbid anatomy.

  12. Impacto del Tratamiento con Teriparatida en la Calidad de Vida de las Personas con Osteoporosis

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    Marta Osca Guadalajara


    Full Text Available La pérdida ósea en pacientes osteoporóticos, conlleva riesgo de fracturas, dolor óseo vertebral y disminución de la calidad de vida. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el efecto de la teriparatida (TPTD en pacientes osteoporóticos y con dolor vertebral. Métodos: Estudio observacional longitudinal prospectivo, entre abril de 2006 y febrero de 2014, en los 77 pacientes tratados con TPTD en la Unidad del Dolor del Hospital de Teruel. La duración del tratamiento fue de 18 o 24 meses. Se utilizó la Escala Visual Analógica (EVA para la medición del dolor y el cuestionario europeo de calidad de vida (EuroQol-5D para obtener la tarifa social (TS, antes y después el tratamiento. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, de regresión lineal y logística. Resultados: Se observó una mejoría del dolor (80% y de la calidad de vida (65 %. Se mejoró la EVA media (5,42 a 3,47 puntos y el EuroQol-5D (0,36 a 0,58 puntos. La regresión indicó una mejora de la EVA en 0,441 puntos por cada punto de EVA inicial, y de la TS en 0,0528 puntos por cada 0,1 puntos de TS inicial. La probabilidad de mejorar la EVA en 3 puntos (OR=2,021, fue mayor que de mejorar 2 puntos (OR=1,695. Conclusiones: La TPTD en pacientes osteoporóticos reduce el dolor óseo y mejora la calidad de vida. Su efecto es mayor en pacientes con peor estado de salud inicial, pudiendo ser utilizado como criterio para las decisiones terapéuticas y de gestión clínica.

  13. A decrease in nasal CO2 stimulates breathing in the tegu lizard. (United States)

    Coates, E L; Furilla, R A; Ballam, G O; Bartlett, D


    Tegu lizards decrease ventilatory frequency (f) when constant CO2, as low as 0.4%, is delivered to the nasal cavities. In contrast, CO2, as high as 6%, pulsed into the nasal cavities during the expiratory phase of the breathing cycle does not alter f. The purpose of the present study was to investigate further the effect of nasal CO2 pattern on f in tegu lizards. Specifically, we tested: (1) whether f was affected by CO2 delivered to the nasal cavities during the inspiratory phase of the breathing cycle, and (2) whether pulsed decreases in nasal CO2 from 4% to 2% and from 4% to 0% would remove the f inhibition caused by constant nasal CO2. Ventilation was measured using a pneumotachograph and pressure transducer in-line with an endotracheal T-tube inserted through the glottis. CO2 was delivered to the nasal cavities through small tubes inserted into the external nares. Ventilatory frequency was not significantly altered when 4% CO2 was pulsed into the nasal cavities during inspiration. Dropping the CO2 in the nasal cavities from 4% to 0% at either 15 cycles/min (0.25 Hz) or for one cycle stimulated breathing. There was no significant difference between the f response to a drop in CO2 from 4% to 0% and that to a drop in CO2 from 4% to 2%. The failure to link the phasic CO2 ventilatory response to a phase in the respiratory cycle indicates that the nasal CO2 receptors do not participate in the breath-by-breath regulation of breathing in these lizards. The observation that small decreases in nasal CO2 abolished the f inhibition caused by constant nasal CO2 provides further evidence for the ability of the nasal CO2 receptors to distinguish between pulsed and constant CO2.

  14. Extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma of the posterior nasal septum: a rare clinical entity. (United States)

    Atmaca, Sinan; Bayraktar, Cem; Yıldız, Levent


    Angiofibroma of extranasopharyngeal origin is very rare. Although it is usually originated from any mucosal structure in the head and neck region, maxilla is the most common involvement site. The nasal septum is an exceptional anatomic site of an angiofibroma. Surgery is the best treatment modality and recurrence is very rare. Nasal septal angiofibromas must be considered in the differential diagnosis of nasal vascular masses arising from the nasal septum. In this article, we report a 37-year-old male case with nasal septal angiofibroma who underwent surgical resection of the tumor. This is the 16th case in the literature.

  15. Anatomy and Surgical Approaches to the Rabbit Nasal Septum. (United States)

    Badran, Karam W; Chang, John C; Kuan, Edward C; Wong, Brian J F


    The rabbit is the primary animal model used to investigate aspects of nasal surgery. Although several studies have used this model, none has provided a comprehensive analysis of the surgical anatomy and techniques used to gain access to the rabbit nasal fossae and septum. To describe and optimize the surgical anatomy and approach to the rabbit nasal vault and septal cartilage. In an ex vivo animal study conducted at an academic medical center, preliminary cadaveric dissections were performed on rabbit head specimens to establish familiarity with relevant anatomy and rehearse various approaches. Live Pasteurella-free New Zealand white rabbits (3.5-4.0 kg) were used to further develop this surgical technique developed here. Access of the nasal vault was gained through a midline nasal dorsum incision and creation of an osteoplastic flap with a drill. Submucosal resection was performed with preservation of the mucoperichondrium. All rabbits were monitored daily for 4 weeks in the postoperative period for signs of infection, pain, and complications. The study was conducted from June 1, 2014, to December 1, 2014. Surgical anatomy and techniques used to gain access to the rabbit nasal vault and harvest septal cartilage. Four Pasteurella-free New Zealand white rabbits (Western Organ Rabbit Co), ranging in age from 9 to 12 months and weighing between 3.5 and 4.0 kg, were used in this study. Initial dissections demonstrated the feasibility of harvesting septal cartilage while preserving the mucoperichondrial envelope. Access to the nasal vault through this 3-osteotomy approach allowed for maximal exposure to the nasal cavity bilaterally while maintaining the integrity of the mucoperichondrium following septal cartilage harvest. The maximum amount of bulk, en bloc, cartilage harvested was 1.0 × 2.5 cm. Following surgical dissection, all animals maintained adequate airway patency and support to midface structures. Furthermore, all specimens preserved the integrity of the

  16. Nasal erosion as an uncommon sign of child abuse. (United States)

    Culotta, Paige A; Isaac, Reena; Sarpong, Kwabena; Chandy, Binoy; Cruz, Andrea; Donaruma-Kwoh, Marcella


    While various forms of facial trauma, bruising, burns, and fractures are frequently seen in cases of child abuse, purposeful nasal erosion has rarely been identified as a form of abusive injury. Progressive destruction of nasal tissue in children provokes a wide differential diagnosis crossing multiple subspecialties: infectious, primary immunodeficiencies, inflammatory conditions, malignancy, and genetic disorders. Progressive nasal erosion also can be a manifestation of child abuse. The proposed mechanism is repetitive mechanical denudation of the soft tissue and cartilage resulting in chronic inflammation, bleeding, and ultimately destruction of the insulted tissue. We report 6 cases of child abuse manifesting as overt nasal destruction. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Comparison of acute ozone-induced nasal and pulmonary inflammatory responses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hotchkiss, J.A.; Harkema, J.R.; Sun, J.D.; Henderson, R.F.


    The present study was designed to compare the effects of acute ozone exposure in the nose and lungs of rats. Rats were exposed to 0.0, 0.12, 0.80, or 1.5 ppm O 3 for 6 h and were sacrificed immediately, 3,18, 42, or 66 h after exposure. Cellular inflammatory responses were assessed by quantitating polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) recovered by nasal lavage (NL) and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and morphometric quantitation of PMN within the nasal mucosa and pulmonary centriacinar region. Rats exposed to 0.12 ppm O 3 had a transient nasal PMN response 18 h after exposure but no increase in pulmonary PMN. Rats exposed to 0.8 ppm O 3 had a marked increase in nasal PMN immediately after exposure but the number of PMN within the nasal cavity decreased as the number of pulmonary PMN increased with time after exposure. Rats exposed to 1.5 ppm O 3 had an increase in pulmonary PMN beginning 3 h post-exposure, but no increase in nasal PMN at any time. Our results suggest that at high O 3 concentrations, the acute nasal inflammatory response is attenuated by a simultaneous, competing, inflammatory response within the lung. (author)

  18. Comparison of acute ozone-induced nasal and pulmonary inflammatory responses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hotchkiss, J A; Harkema, J R; Sun, J D; Henderson, R F


    The present study was designed to compare the effects of acute ozone exposure in the nose and lungs of rats. Rats were exposed to 0.0, 0.12, 0.80, or 1.5 ppm O{sub 3} for 6 h and were sacrificed immediately, 3,18, 42, or 66 h after exposure. Cellular inflammatory responses were assessed by quantitating polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) recovered by nasal lavage (NL) and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and morphometric quantitation of PMN within the nasal mucosa and pulmonary centriacinar region. Rats exposed to 0.12 ppm O{sub 3} had a transient nasal PMN response 18 h after exposure but no increase in pulmonary PMN. Rats exposed to 0.8 ppm O{sub 3} had a marked increase in nasal PMN immediately after exposure but the number of PMN within the nasal cavity decreased as the number of pulmonary PMN increased with time after exposure. Rats exposed to 1.5 ppm O{sub 3} had an increase in pulmonary PMN beginning 3 h post-exposure, but no increase in nasal PMN at any time. Our results suggest that at high O{sub 3} concentrations, the acute nasal inflammatory response is attenuated by a simultaneous, competing, inflammatory response within the lung. (author)

  19. Treatment countermeasures for common problems in dacryocystorhinostomy under nasal endoscope

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    Zhong-Ling Luo


    Full Text Available AIM: To discuss the common problems and treatment countermeasures in dacryocystorhinostomy under nasal endoscope.METHODS: The clinical data of 37 cases(43 eyesof postoperative dacryocystorhinostomy under nasal endoscope, by using high-frequency electric knife to open the nasal mucosa, hemostasis in surgery, burning fixed lacrimal sac mucosal flap and nasal mucosal flap, methylene blue staining of the lacrimal sac, lacrimal drainage tube implanted and expansion foam support fixed anastomotic methods were reviewed in our hospital from Mar. 2011 to June. 2013. The effects of surgery were observed, and the intraoperative common questions and the treatments were discussed.RESULTS: In the 37 cases(43 eyes, 42 eyes(97.7%were cured, and 1 eye was improved, and the total efficiency was 100%. All operations were successfully completed without any serious complications during surgery.CONCLUSION: The common complication in dacryocystorhinostomy under nasal endoscope are effectively treated and the success rates of surgery are improved, by using high-frequency electric knife to open the nasal mucosa, hemostasis in surgery, burning fixed lacrimal sac mucosal flap and nasal mucosal flap, methylene blue staining of the lacrimal sac, lacrimal drainage tube implanted and expansion foam support fixed anastomotic methods. These methods are worthy of application and promotion.

  20. Effects of Heated Humidification and Topical Steroids on Compliance, Nasal Symptoms, and Quality of Life in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Using Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (United States)

    Ryan, Silke; Doherty, Liam S.; Nolan, Geraldine M.; McNicholas, Walter T.


    Background: Nasal side effects are common in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) starting on nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. We tested the hypothesis that heated humidification or nasal topical steroids improve compliance, nasal side effects and quality of life in this patient group. Methods: 125 patients with the established diagnosis of OSAS (apnea/hypopnea index ≥ 10/h), who tolerated CPAP via a nasal mask, and who had a successful CPAP titration were randomized to 4 weeks of dry CPAP, humidified CPAP or CPAP with additional topical nasal steroid application (fluticasone, GlaxoWellcome). Groups were similar in all demographic variables and in frequency of nasal symptoms at baseline. Outcome measures were objective compliance, quality of life (short form 36), subjective sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale score) and nasal symptoms such as runny, dry or blocked nose, sneezing and headaches; all variables assessed using a validated questionnaire and by direct interview. Results: There was no difference in compliance between groups after 4 weeks (dry: 5.21 ± 1.66 h/night, fluticasone: 5.66 ± 1.68, humidifier: 5.21 ± 1.84; p = 0.444). Quality of life and subjective sleepiness improved in all groups, but there were no differences in the extent of improvement. Nasal Symptoms were less frequently reported in the humidifier group (28%) than in the remaining groups (dry: 70%, fluticasone: 53%, p = 0.002). However, the addition of fluticasone resulted in increased frequency of sneezing. Conclusion: The addition of a humidifier, but not nasal steroids decreases the frequency of nasal symptoms in unselected OSAS patients initiating CPAP therapy; however compliance and quality of life remain unaltered. Citation: Ryan S; Doherty LS; Nolan GM; McNicholas WT. Effects of heated humidification and topical steroids on compliance, nasal symptoms, and quality of life in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome using nasal

  1. Characterization of the nasal and oral microbiota of detection dogs.

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    Anitha Isaiah

    Full Text Available Little is known about physiological factors that affect the sense of olfaction in dogs. The objectives of this study were to describe the canine nasal and oral microbiota in detection dogs. We sought to determine the bacterial composition of the nasal and oral microbiota of a diverse population of detection canines. Nasal and oral swabs were collected from healthy dogs (n = 81 from four locations-Alabama, Georgia, California, and Texas. Nasal and oral swabs were also collected from a second cohort of detection canines belonging to three different detection job categories: explosive detection dogs (SP-E; n = 22, patrol and narcotics detection dogs (P-NDD; n = 15, and vapor wake dogs (VWD-E; n = 9. To understand if the nasal and oral microbiota of detection canines were variable, sample collection was repeated after 7 weeks in a subset of dogs. DNA was extracted from the swabs and used for 454-pyrosequencing of the16S rRNA genes. Nasal samples had a significantly lower diversity than oral samples (P<0.01. Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria were higher in nasal samples, while Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, and Tenericutes were higher in oral samples. Bacterial diversity was not significantly different based on the detection job. No significant difference in beta diversity was observed in the nasal samples based on the detection job. In oral samples, however, ANOSIM suggested a significant difference in bacterial communities based on job category albeit with a small effect size (R = 0.1079, P = 0.02. Analysis of the composition of bacterial communities using LEfSe showed that within the nasal samples, Cardiobacterium and Riemerella were higher in VWD-E dogs, and Sphingobacterium was higher in the P-NDD group. In the oral samples Enterococcus and Capnocytophaga were higher in the P-NDD group. Gemella and Aggregatibacter were higher in S-PE, and Pigmentiphaga, Chryseobacterium, Parabacteroides amongst others were higher within the VWD-E group

  2. Characterization of the nasal and oral microbiota of detection dogs. (United States)

    Isaiah, Anitha; Hoffmann, Aline Rodrigues; Kelley, Russ; Mundell, Paul; Steiner, Jörg M; Suchodolski, Jan S


    Little is known about physiological factors that affect the sense of olfaction in dogs. The objectives of this study were to describe the canine nasal and oral microbiota in detection dogs. We sought to determine the bacterial composition of the nasal and oral microbiota of a diverse population of detection canines. Nasal and oral swabs were collected from healthy dogs (n = 81) from four locations-Alabama, Georgia, California, and Texas. Nasal and oral swabs were also collected from a second cohort of detection canines belonging to three different detection job categories: explosive detection dogs (SP-E; n = 22), patrol and narcotics detection dogs (P-NDD; n = 15), and vapor wake dogs (VWD-E; n = 9). To understand if the nasal and oral microbiota of detection canines were variable, sample collection was repeated after 7 weeks in a subset of dogs. DNA was extracted from the swabs and used for 454-pyrosequencing of the16S rRNA genes. Nasal samples had a significantly lower diversity than oral samples (P<0.01). Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria were higher in nasal samples, while Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, and Tenericutes were higher in oral samples. Bacterial diversity was not significantly different based on the detection job. No significant difference in beta diversity was observed in the nasal samples based on the detection job. In oral samples, however, ANOSIM suggested a significant difference in bacterial communities based on job category albeit with a small effect size (R = 0.1079, P = 0.02). Analysis of the composition of bacterial communities using LEfSe showed that within the nasal samples, Cardiobacterium and Riemerella were higher in VWD-E dogs, and Sphingobacterium was higher in the P-NDD group. In the oral samples Enterococcus and Capnocytophaga were higher in the P-NDD group. Gemella and Aggregatibacter were higher in S-PE, and Pigmentiphaga, Chryseobacterium, Parabacteroides amongst others were higher within the VWD-E group. Our initial

  3. ¿Mejora la calidad de vida de pacientes con EPOC si son tratados por las enfermeras?


    Vega Ramírez, Francisco Antonio; Quero Fuentes, María del Mar


    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Introducción: la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC), afecta a la calidad de vida (CV) de las personas y origina la necesidad de acciones adicionales de autocuidado. Objetivo: conocer si existe mejora en la calidad de vida en los pacientes con EPOC que son atendidos por enfermeras. Metodología: este estudio se basa en un di...

  4. Biosíntesis de dextranos de alto peso molecular mediante la inoculación con Leuconostoc Mesenteroides, var. Mesenteroides (atcc 10830 de jugos residuales de la agroindustria de la piña: síntesis y caracterización de hierro-dextranos

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    José Roberto Vega Baudrit


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se muestran los estudios realizados para obtener dextranos a partir de desechos de la agroindustria de piña. La fermentación se llevó a cabo en un biorreactor (10 L, se inoculó con un cultivo de Leuconostoc mesenteroides, var. mesenteroides (ATCC 10830. Se centrifugó y se precipitó y purificó con etanol. Fue caracterizado por medio de viscosidad, peso molecular y grupos funcionales por espectroscopía infrarroja. Este dextrano fue tratado con el fin de obtener hierro-dextranos.

  5. Haemangiopericytoma of the nasal cavity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weber, W.; Henkes, H.; Berg-Dammer, E.; Kuehne, D. [Alfred Krupp Krankenhaus, Essen (Germany). Klinik fuer Radiologie und Neuroradiologie; Metz, K.A. [Inst. fuer Pathologie, Universitaetsklinikum der Universitaets-Gesamthochschule Essen (Germany)


    Haemangiopericytomas (HPC) are rare vascular tumours originating from a pericytes, a term coined by Zimmermann to refer to the main location of this cell line in the pericapillary connective tissue. HPC may arise in any part of the body. We report a 29-year-old man with a histologically proven nasal haemangiopericytoma-like tumour. The lesion was embolised through the ophthalmic artery before it was removed surgically. The main symptoms of nasal HPC are epistaxis and obstruction of the nose. Malignant and benign clinical courses have been described. Local recurrence and metastases may be observed years after initial diagnosis. (orig.)

  6. Overexposure of radiation therapy patients in Panama: problem recognition and follow-up measures La sobreexposición de pacientes tratados con radioterapia en Panamá: reconocimiento del problema y medidas de seguimiento

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    Cari Borrás


    se encontraban físicos médicos de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS, quienes comprobaron que 56 pacientes con cáncer cérvico-uterino, de endometrio, de próstata o de recto tratados mediante campos de teleterapia parcialmente bloqueados recibieron dosis calculadas mediante un sistema computarizado de planificación de tratamientos. Los físicos médicos de la OPS comprobaron que solo 11 de esos 56 pacientes recibieron una dosis absorbida dentro de los límites aceptables de ±5%. Veintiocho de los 56 pacientes recibieron dosis con errores entre +10 y +105%. De esos 28 pacientes que fueron sobreexpuestos, según los físicos del ION, 23 murieron antes de septiembre de 2005; de ellos, 18 murieron a causa de los efectos de las radiaciones, principalmente complicaciones rectales. Las consecuencias clínicas, psicológicas y jurídicas de esta sobreexposición menoscabaron gravemente los tratamientos contra el cáncer en Panamá y llevaron a la OPS a examinar de cerca las prácticas de radioterapia oncológica en América Latina y el Caribe. Los médicos del ION evaluaron los resultados del tratamiento de 125 pacientes atendidos en ese mismo intervalo de tiempo por los mismos tipos de cáncer sin haber sufrido sobreexposición y encontraron una tasa de recurrencia de cáncer cervicouterino mayor de la esperada. Esto llevó a la OPS a lanzar una iniciativa para la acreditación de los centros de radioterapia oncológica en América Latina y el Caribe, en colaboración con las sociedades profesionales de radioncólogos, físicos médicos y tecnólogos de radioterapia. La Asociación Latinoamericana de Terapia Radiante Oncológica estableció una comisión de acreditación que exigirá que los centros establezcan programas integrales de garantía de la calidad en radioterapia oncológica según los lineamientos internacionales. Asimismo, se recogerán datos estadísticos acerca de los resultados observados en los pacientes tratados para documentar las

  7. Solución de controversias en los tratados bilaterales de inversión: mapa de situación en América del Sur

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    Magdalena Bas Vilizzio


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza las características particulares del sistema legal internacional de solución de controversias inversor-Estado, con especial foco en los tratados bilaterales de inversión (TBI en vigor en América del Sur, salvo excepciones. En este marco, aplicando la teoría de los regímenes internacionales (Krasner, 1983, se examinan las tres posiciones de los Estados de la región en torno al tema: 1 no ratificar TBI ni ser miembro del Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI (Brasil; 2 denunciar los TBI en vigor y abandonar el CIADI (Bolivia, Ecuador y Venezuela; 3 mantener los TBI en vigor y permanecer en los foros de solución de controversias actuales (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Guyana, Paraguay, Perú, Surinam y Uruguay.



    Verón, Alejandro; Calvo, Clara


    Desde la firma del Tratado de Asunción que dio origen a la conformación del Mercado Común el Sur (Mercosur), se facilitó el intercambio comercial entre los países miembros y con ello la apertura de los mercados, sin embargo en la actualidad aún existen productos que continúan sin entrar en competencia, tal el caso del azúcar. Al respecto y desde un lugar común, la mayoría de las opiniones concuerdan que la integración en materia azucarera es inviable: las barreras arancelarias de Argentina co...

  9. Herpes viruses and human papilloma virus in nasal polyposis and controls. (United States)

    Ioannidis, Dimitrios; Lachanas, Vasileios A; Florou, Zoe; Bizakis, John G; Petinaki, Efthymia; Skoulakis, Charalampos E


    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps is a multifactorial disease entity with an unclear pathogenesis. Contradictory data exist in the literature on the potential implication of viral elements in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. To compare the prevalence of human herpes viruses (1-6) and Human Papilloma Virus in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls. Viral DNA presence was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction application to nasal polyps specimens from 91 chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps patients and nasal turbinate mucosa from 38 healthy controls. Epstein-Barr virus positivity was higher in nasal polyps (24/91; 26.4%) versus controls (4/38; 10.5%), but the difference did not reach significance (p=0.06). Human herpes virus-6 positivity was lower in nasal polyps (13/91; 14.29%) versus controls (10/38; 26.32%, p=0.13). In chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps group, 1 sample was herpes simplex virus-1-positive (1/91; 1.1%), and another was cytomegalovirus-positive (1/91; 1.1%), versus none in controls. No sample was positive for herpes simplex virus-2, varicella-zoster virus, high-risk-human papilloma viruses (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59) and low-risk-human papilloma viruses (6, 11). Differences in Epstein-Barr virus and human herpes virus-6 positivity among patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls are not statistically significant, weakening the likelihood of their implication in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps pathogenesis. Copyright © 2015 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  10. Effect of solubility enhancement on nasal absorption of meloxicam. (United States)

    Horváth, Tamás; Ambrus, Rita; Völgyi, Gergely; Budai-Szűcs, Mária; Márki, Árpád; Sipos, Péter; Bartos, Csilla; Seres, Adrienn B; Sztojkov-Ivanov, Anita; Takács-Novák, Krisztina; Csányi, Erzsébet; Gáspár, Róbert; Szabó-Révész, Piroska


    Besides the opioids the standard management of the World Health Organization suggests NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) alone or in combination to enhance analgesia in malignant and non-malignant pain therapy. The applicability of NSAIDs in a nasal formulation is a new approach in pharmaceutical technology. In order to enhance the nasal absorption of meloxicam (MX) as an NSAID, its salt form, meloxicam potassium monohydrate (MXP), registered by Egis Plc., was investigated in comparison with MX. The physico-chemical properties of the drugs (structural analysis, solubility and dissolution rate) and the mucoadhesivity of nasal formulations were controlled. In vitro and in vivo studies were carried out to determine the nasal applicability of MXP as a drug candidate in pain therapy. It can be concluded that MX and MXP demonstrated the same equilibrium solubility at the pH5.60 of the nasal mucosa (0.017mg/ml); nonetheless, MXP indicated faster dissolution and a higher permeability through the synthetic membrane. The animal studies justified the short T max value (15min) and the high AUC of MXP, which is important in acute pain therapy. It can be assumed that the low mucoadhesivity of MXP spray did not increase the residence time in the nasal cavity, and the elimination from the nasal mucosa was therefore faster than in the case of MX. Further experiments are necessary to prove the therapeutic relevance of this MXP-containing innovative intranasal formulation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Mechanics of airflow in the human nasal airways. (United States)

    Doorly, D J; Taylor, D J; Schroter, R C


    The mechanics of airflow in the human nasal airways is reviewed, drawing on the findings of experimental and computational model studies. Modelling inevitably requires simplifications and assumptions, particularly given the complexity of the nasal airways. The processes entailed in modelling the nasal airways (from defining the model, to its production and, finally, validating the results) is critically examined, both for physical models and for computational simulations. Uncertainty still surrounds the appropriateness of the various assumptions made in modelling, particularly with regard to the nature of flow. New results are presented in which high-speed particle image velocimetry (PIV) and direct numerical simulation are applied to investigate the development of flow instability in the nasal cavity. These illustrate some of the improved capabilities afforded by technological developments for future model studies. The need for further improvements in characterising airway geometry and flow together with promising new methods are briefly discussed.

  12. Nasal Aspergillosis in a Dog: A Case Report

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    Camilo Padilla Peñuela


    Full Text Available Nasal aspergillosis is a major chronic disease affecting the nostrils in dogs. Clinical sinology is typical in every chronic nasal disease. Epistaxis and occasional pain occurs. Rhinoscopic assessment of the area evidences findings associated with the pathology and allows collecting samples for cytology and culture. Systemic therapy with oral antifungals has had variable utility, but now it has been replaced by direct topical medication to the affected area. This article describes the case of a 4-years-old male dog, submitted to consultation by unilateral muco-bloody nasal discharge with a week of evolution. The patient was treated by another vet center with cyclonamine and vitamin K for a possible clotting disorder. After a series of tests that included rhinoscopy and fungal culture, nasal aspergillosis was diagnosed. Intranasal clotrimazole was applied twice and it allowed the resolution of the clinical signs.

  13. The Epidemiological and Clinical Aspects of Nasal Polyps that Require Surgery

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    Ahmad Meymane Jahromi


    Full Text Available Introduction: The objective of this retrospective cross-sectional study was to obtain epidemiological data from the charts of 297 patients with nasal polyposis who were operated on in a referral hospital in Mashhad and to determine the frequency of the presenting symptoms of nasal polyps.  Materials and Methods: The variables recorded included age, gender, the presence of asthma or allergic rhinitis, family history, and previous treatments. We studied the main symptoms of nasal polyposis (nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, anosmia, headache, epistaxis, snoring, and so on, as well as ear problems and facial deformity.  Results: Nasal polyposis affects men (60.3% more frequently, at a mean age of 39.5 years. The most frequent symptom was nasal blockage (81.1 % followed by rhinorrhea (37.7%. A total of 11.1% of the patients had a history of epistaxis. Asthma was found in 10.4% of patients with nasal polyposis and the ears were affected in 5.1% of patients. In all, 7.4% of patients had first-degree relatives who suffered from asthma or allergic rhinitis.  Conclusion: This study highlights the need for large-scale epidemiologic research exploring the prevalence and incidence of nasal polyposis in Iran.

  14. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the nasal septum: A rare case report

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    Basavaraj P Belaldavar


    Full Text Available A 60-year-old male patient came to ENT OPD with complaints of left nasal obstruction from the last 5 years and moderate quantity of epistaxis from the last 4 months. It was associated with foul smelling mucopurulent rhinorrhea. On clinical examination, a fleshy mass was seen occupying the posterior part of left nasal cavity and displacing the septum on the right side. The mass was relatively painful, soft, and bleeding on touch. The provisional diagnosis of "vascular-tumor-like" angiofibroma was suspected. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy and CT scan PNS were done which revealed a mass occupying the left nasal cavity arising from the posterior part of septum along the choanae till the anterior part of sphenoid sinus. Biopsy of the same revealed an adenoid cystic carcinoma. Adenoid cystic carcinoma is uncommon and that too of the nasal cavity. The cases of the adenoid cystic carcinoma involving the nasal cavity usually involves the lateral wall and the involvement of the posterior part of nasal septum is extremely rare. Thus the presentation of this uncommon disease is discussed here.

  15. Effects of heated humidification and topical steroids on compliance, nasal symptoms, and quality of life in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome using nasal continuous positive airway pressure.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Ryan, Silke


    BACKGROUND: Nasal side effects are common in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) starting on nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. We tested the hypothesis that heated humidification or nasal topical steroids improve compliance, nasal side effects and quality of life in this patient group. METHODS: 125 patients with the established diagnosis of OSAS (apnea\\/hypopnea index > or = 10\\/h), who tolerated CPAP via a nasal mask, and who had a successful CPAP titration were randomized to 4 weeks of dry CPAP, humidified CPAP or CPAP with additional topical nasal steroid application (fluticasone, GlaxoWellcome). Groups were similar in all demographic variables and in frequency of nasal symptoms at baseline. Outcome measures were objective compliance, quality of life (short form 36), subjective sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale score) and nasal symptoms such as runny, dry or blocked nose, sneezing and headaches; all variables assessed using a validated questionnaire and by direct interview. RESULTS: There was no difference in compliance between groups after 4 weeks (dry: 5.21 +\\/- 1.66 h\\/night, fluticasone: 5.66 +\\/- 1.68, humidifier: 5.21 +\\/- 1.84; p = 0.444). Quality of life and subjective sleepiness improved in all groups, but there were no differences in the extent of improvement. Nasal Symptoms were less frequently reported in the humidifier group (28%) than in the remaining groups (dry: 70%, fluticasone: 53%, p = 0.002). However, the addition of fluticasone resulted in increased frequency of sneezing. CONCLUSION: The addition of a humidifier, but not nasal steroids decreases the frequency of nasal symptoms in unselected OSAS patients initiating CPAP therapy; however compliance and quality of life remain unaltered.

  16. Extubation success in premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome treated with bi-level nasal continuous positive airway pressure versus nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation. (United States)

    Thomas, Patricia E; LeFlore, Judy


    Infants born prematurely with respiratory distress syndrome are at high risk for complications from mechanical ventilation. Strategies are needed to minimize their days on the ventilator. The purpose of this study was to compare extubation success rates in infants treated with 2 different types of continuous positive airway pressure devices. A retrospective cohort study design was used. Data were retrieved from electronic medical records for patients in a large, metropolitan, level III neonatal intensive care unit. A sample of 194 premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome was selected, 124 of whom were treated with nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation and 70 with bi-level variable flow nasal continuous positive airway pressure (bi-level nasal continuous positive airway pressure). Infants in both groups had high extubation success rates (79% of nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation group and 77% of bi-level nasal continuous positive airway pressure group). Although infants in the bi-level nasal continuous positive airway pressure group were extubated sooner, there was no difference in duration of oxygen therapy between the 2 groups. Promoting early extubation and extubation success is a vital strategy to reduce complications of mechanical ventilation that adversely affect premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome.


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    Amilvia Yanett Ortiz Villa

    Full Text Available Los subproductos sólidos de carácter orgánico generados por los procesos de tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales son utilizados comúnmente como fuente de nutrientes para tratamiento de suelos. Estos biosólidos contienen nutrientes contaminantes inorgánicos como el mercurio, el cual es empleado para el estudio, por el conocimiento ampliamente documentado de su toxicidad en sistemas vivos y sus efectos en seres humanos. En este mismo sentido, y puesto que las plantas constituyen la base de la cadena trófica, se centra la atención sobre el pasto, debido a su fácil crecimiento y uso como pastura de ganadería. El mercurio en pasto fue cuantificado mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica utilizando la técnica de generador de hidruros con vapor frío. Se verificaron algunos parámetros de validación con criterios de aceptación deseables tales como linealidad (r² = 0,999, exactitud (R = 93,14-96,12%, precisión (CV = 1,11-1,69%, límites de detección y cuantificación (0,001-0,003 ppb. Se evidenció que las concentraciones de mercurio se encuentran por debajo de los valores máximos permitidos por la normatividad Internacional, presentando el biosólido como fuente confiable de nutrientes para el agro. De esta forma se establece una metodología que puede ser una buena herramienta para la determinación analítica de mercurio en pastos.

  18. The use of high-flow nasal cannula in the pediatric emergency department

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    Katherine N. Slain

    Full Text Available Abstract Objectives: To summarize the current literature describing high-flow nasal cannula use in children, the components and mechanisms of action of a high-flow nasal cannula system, the appropriate clinical applications, and its role in the pediatric emergency department. Sources: A computer-based search of PubMed/MEDLINE and Google Scholar for literature on high-flow nasal cannula use in children was performed. Data summary: High-flow nasal cannula, a non-invasive respiratory support modality, provides heated and fully humidified gas mixtures to patients via a nasal cannula interface. High-flow nasal cannula likely supports respiration though reduced inspiratory resistance, washout of the nasopharyngeal dead space, reduced metabolic work related to gas conditioning, improved airway conductance and mucociliary clearance, and provision of low levels of positive airway pressure. Most data describing high-flow nasal cannula use in children focuses on those with bronchiolitis, although high-flow nasal cannula has been used in children with other respiratory diseases. Introduction of high-flow nasal cannula into clinical practice, including in the emergency department, has been associated with decreased rates of endotracheal intubation. Limited prospective interventional data suggest that high-flow nasal cannula may be similarly efficacious as continuous positive airway pressure and more efficacious than standard oxygen therapy for some patients. Patient characteristics, such as improved tachycardia and tachypnea, have been associated with a lack of progression to endotracheal intubation. Reported adverse effects are rare. Conclusions: High-flow nasal cannula should be considered for pediatric emergency department patients with respiratory distress not requiring immediate endotracheal intubation; prospective, pediatric emergency department-specific trials are needed to better determine responsive patient populations, ideal high-flow nasal cannula

  19. Extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma of nasal septum. A controversial entity (United States)

    Tasca, I; Ceroni Compadretti, G


    Summary The term extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma has been applied to vascular, fibrous nodules occurring outside the nasopharynx. The maxillary sinus is the most common site involved, while the nasal septum represents an extremely rare localization. Computerized tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging are used to determine the tumour site and its extension. Surgical excision of the mass is the treatment of choice, and recurrence is rare. Typically, clinical characteristics of extranasopharyngeal angiofibromas do not conform with that of nasopharyngeal angiofibromas and, for this reason, these tumours must be regarded as a separate entity. Due to these different features, extranasopharyngeal angiofibromas can present a diagnostic challenge and a meticulous evaluation with a high index of suspicion is essential in establishing the correct diagnosis and treatment. We report the case of a 57-year-old female with a 1-year history of a slowly progressing right nasal obstruction due to the presence of a whitish mass adhering to the posterior nasal septum. The patient was succesfully treated surgically. Histopathological findings were compatible with a diagnosis of angiofibroma. Extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma must be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis of nasal vascular tumours and nasal septum should be regarded as a potential, though exceptional, localization of these neoplasms. PMID:19205598

  20. Correlation of nasal geometry with aerosol deposition in human volunteers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, Yung-Seng; Simpson, S.Q.; Cheng, Kuo-His; Swift, D.L.; Yeh, Hsu-Chi; Guilmette, R.A.


    The nasal airways act as the first filter in the respiratory tract to remove very large or small particles, that would otherwise penetrate to the lower airways. Aerosol deposition data obtained with human volunteers vary considerably under comparable experimental conditions. Reasons for the intersubject variations have been frequently attributed to the geometry of the nasal passages. Because there is no direct proof of this hypothesis, nasal deposition of ultrafine particles in human volunteers has been studied in our laboratory. Preliminary results obtained with four adult volunteers also vary considerably between subjects. The purpose of this part of the study was to establish a theoretical equation relating diffusional deposition in nasal airways to the geometrical dimensions of the individual nasal airways. This relationship was then applied to the experimental deposition data and measurement of airway morphometry for correlation

  1. Tratamiento de quistes óseos aneurismáticos con aloinjerto. [Treatment of aneurysmal bone cysts with allograft].

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    Dany Olivera Nùñez


    Full Text Available Antecedentes Los pacientes con quiste óseo aneurismático (QOA plantean dificultades diagnósticas y terapéuticas. Han sido descritas múltiples opciones terapéuticas. Objetivos Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar los resultados obtenidos en pacientes tratados con curetaje y relleno con aloinjerto óseo. Material y métodos  Fue analizado un total de 16 quistes, correspondientes a 15 pacientes, con un seguimiento mínimo de 28 meses y una mediana de seguimiento de 83 meses. Resultados La edad media de los niños fue de 10 años (rango: 3-16 . La principal complicación fue la recidiva en el 37,5% de los pacientes, siendo más frecuente cuando existió compromiso fisario (62,5%  vs. 12,5% sin compromiso; p=0,05. La frecuencia de recidiva no varió para ambos sexos, para las distintas edades analizadas y respecto al uso o no de fresa de alta velocidad. Conclusión Pensamos que el tratamiento realizado es seguro, pero tiene una alta tasa de recidivas, similar a las publicadas en otras series.

  2. Reconstruction of Nasal Skin Cancer Defects with Local Flaps

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    A. C. Salgarelli


    Full Text Available Reconstruction of nasal defects must preserve the integrity of complex facial functions and expressions, as well as facial symmetry and a pleasing aesthetic outcome. The reconstructive modality of choice will depend largely on the location, size, and depth of the surgical defect. Individualized therapy is the best course, and numerous flaps have been designed to provide coverage of a variety of nasal-specific defects. We describe our experience in the aesthetic reconstruction of nasal skin defects following oncological surgery. The use of different local flaps for nasal skin cancer defects is reported in 286 patients. Complications in this series were one partial flap dehiscence that healed by secondary intention, two forehead flaps, and one bilobed flap with minimal rim necrosis that resulted in an irregular scar requiring revision. Aesthetic results were deemed satisfactory by all patients and the operating surgeons. The color and texture matches were aesthetically good, and the nasal contour was distinct in all patients. All scars were inconspicuous and symmetrical. No patient had tenting or a flat nose.

  3. Risk of contamination of nasal sprays in otolaryngologic practice

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    Akkuzu Babur


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Reusable nasal-spray devices are frequently used in otolaryngologic examinations, and there is an increasing concern about the risk of cross-contamination from these devices. The aim of our study was to determine, by means of microbiologic analysis, the safety of a positive-displacement or pump-type atomizer after multiple uses. Methods A reusable nasal spray bottle, pump, and tips were used in the nasal physical examination of 282 patients admitted to a tertiary otolaryngology clinic. The effectiveness of 2 different methods of prophylaxis against microbiologic contamination (the use of protective punched caps or rinsing the bottle tip with alcohol was compared with that of a control procedure. Results Although there was no statistically significant difference in positive culture rates among the types of nasal spray bottles tested, methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci were isolated in 4 of 198 cultures. Conclusion Given these findings, we concluded that additional precautions (such as the use of an autoclave between sprays, disposable tips, or disposable devices are warranted to avoid interpatient cross-contamination from a reusable nasal spray device.

  4. Reconstruction of Nasal Skin Cancer Defects with Local Flaps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salgarelli, A. C.; Bellini, P.; Multinu, A.; Consolo, U.; Magnoni, C.; Francomano, M.; Fantini, F.; Seidenari, S.


    Reconstruction of nasal defects must preserve the integrity of complex facial functions and expressions, as well as facial symmetry and a pleasing aesthetic outcome. The reconstructive modality of choice will depend largely on the location, size, and depth of the surgical defect. Individualized therapy is the best course, and numerous flaps have been designed to provide coverage of a variety of nasal-specific defects. We describe our experience in the aesthetic reconstruction of nasal skin defects following oncological surgery. The use of different local flaps for nasal skin cancer defects is reported in 286 patients. Complications in this series were one partial flap dehiscence that healed by secondary intention, two forehead flaps, and one bilobed flap with minimal rim necrosis that resulted in an irregular scar requiring revision. Aesthetic results were deemed satisfactory by all patients and the operating surgeons. The color and texture matches were aesthetically good, and the nasal contour was distinct in all patients. All scars were inconspicuous and symmetrical. No patient had tenting or a flat nose.

  5. Minimal packing duration in close reduction for nasal bone fracture treatment. (United States)

    Choi, Dong Sik; Lee, Jeong Woo; Yang, Jung Dug; Chung, Ho Yun; Cho, Byung Chae; Choi, Kang Young


    Nasal bone fracture is the most common type of facial bone fracture. The optimal duration of the packing after closed reduction has been a controversial issue. The packing has several disadvantages such as blocking the nasal airway, causing infection and a headache, which is the most common immediate complication. The present study investigated the minimal and optimal duration of the nasal packing following reduction surgery of nasal bone fracture. A prospective study was performed for the patients undergoing reduction surgery following nasal bone fracture between July 2010 and June 2012. The patients were categorised into three groups according to the duration of nasal packing. For the patients treated between July 2010 and June 2011, nasal packing was maintained for 5 days. For those between July 2011 and December 2011, packing was maintained for 3 days. For those between January 2012 and June 2012, the packing was removed after 1 day. The computed tomography scan and the cephalolateral X-ray were checked at immediate postoperative period after packing removal and 6 months postoperatively. The alteration of heights, deviations, and nasal bone contours with time passage were compared among three groups. The patient satisfaction survey was also performed and compared. A total of 530 patients including 322 of the 5-days packing group, 102 of the 3-days group, and 106 of the 1-day group were enrolled. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of heights, deviations, and nasal bone contours (p-value ≥ 0.05). In the patient satisfaction survey, the 1-day packing group complained of discomfort related to nasal packing and headache symptoms much less, compared to the other two groups. The present study demonstrated that 1-day packing had comparable postoperative outcome with reducing the patients' discomfort. As such, a longer packing duration was not needed to achieve stable results one day is a reasonable packing time for most

  6. Congenital Midline Nasal Mass: Four Cases with Review of Literature

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    Sambhaji Govind Chintale


    Full Text Available Introduction Congenital midline nasal masses include nasal dermoids, gliomas, encephaloceles. Although rare, these disorders are clinically important because of their potential for connection to the central nervous system. Preoperative knowledge of an intracranial connection is a necessity to allow for neurosurgical consultation and possible planning for craniotomy. This study discusses the clinical presentation of congenital midline nasal mass and the role of imaging modalities like CT scan and MRI in diagnosis and the surgical management. Materials and Methods  This prospective study is carried from March 2014 to March 2016, during which 4 cases presented to the Otorhinolaryngology department. Pre-operative evaluation of the patients included endoscopic evaluation along with haematological investigations, CT Scan and MRI. The masses were removed with nasal endoscopic sinus surgery or by external approaches and neurosurgical intervention. Result The age of the patients ranged from 3 years to 25 years. Three of them were male and one female. There was one case of nasoethmoidal encephalocele and the other three were dermoids (intranasal dermoid cyst, nasal dermoid cyst and nasal dermoid sinus cyst. Conclusion Congenital midline nasal masses are rare. These disorders are clinically important because of their intracranial connection which require proper evaluation with radiological imaging like CT scan and/or MRI before FNAC and any surgical intervention.

  7. Single-stage osseointegrated implants for nasal prosthodontic rehabilitation: A clinical report. (United States)

    de Carvalho, Bruna M D F; Freitas-Pontes, Karina M; de Negreiros, Wagner A; Verde, Marcus A R L


    Malignant tumors in the nasal region may be treated by means of invasive surgical procedures, with large facial losses. Nasal prostheses, retained by osseointegrated facial implants, instead of plastic surgery, will, in most patients, offer good biomechanical and cosmetic results. This clinical report describes the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with nasal cancer who had the entire nasal vestibule removed in a single-stage surgical procedure in order to shorten the rehabilitation time. The nasal prosthesis was built on a 3-magnet bar and was made of platinum silicone with intrinsic pigmentation, thereby restoring the patient's appearance and self-esteem. The authors concluded that single-stage implants may reduce the rehabilitation time to as little as 1 month, and the correct use of materials and techniques may significantly improve the nasal prosthesis. Copyright © 2015 Editorial Council for the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Nasal septum perforation in patient with pyoderma gangrenosum

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    Maia, Camilla Bezerra da Cruz


    Full Text Available Introduction: The cocaine is obtained from the leaves of the coca (Erythroxylon coca. It can be used in many ways, but the most common is the drug inhalation. The Cocaine also causes vasoconstriction at nasal mucous membrane and its chronic use can cause necrosis and nasal septum perforation. Pyoderma gangrenosum is an uncommon idiopathic disease characterized by ulcerations, usually observed on the legs. Its diagnosis is most common an exclusion of others diseases. So far, there is no specific treatment based on evidence by randomized controlled trials. Objective: Describe the rare association between Pyoderma gangrenosum and cocaine. Case Report: E. A., 27-year-old woman with destruction of nasal septum and palate who has been using a big amount of cocaine, been necessary note the difference from which disease cause de damage. Final Comments: Also there are only three cases of Pyoderma gangrenosum complicated with nasal septum perforation in cocaine users.

  9. An investigation into the usefulness of a rostrocaudal nasal radiographic view in the dog

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    R.M. Kirberger


    Full Text Available A rostrocaudal (RCd nasal view was developed in large breed mesaticephalic dogs using a complete, subsequently sectioned, skull and cadaver specimens to optimise the radiographic technique and evaluate normal anatomic features. Gelatin was placed in one nasal passage of the cadaver specimens to mimic the effects of nasal pathology. The latter specimens and 18 clinical cases with suspected nasal disease were evaluated to determine the usefulness of the RCd view compared to standard nasal views. An optimal RCd view was obtained with the dog in dorsal recumbency and the head symmetrically positioned with the hard palate perpendicular to the table using a table top technique with 8 : 1 grid, collimating to the nasal region and centring the primary beam on the philtrum. The dorsolateral aspects of the maxillary bone, the nasal bones, septal sulcus of the vomer, mucosa lined nasal septum and conchae could be seen. A centrodorsal more radiolucent area representing the ethmoid bone region was also visible. Gelatin soft tissue opacification of the nasal passage could be seen more clearly in RCd nasal view than in occlusal dorsoventral view. In clinical cases the RCd view was useful to build up a 3-dimensional image of nasal passage pathology as well as to detect nasal septum and osseous nasal border pathology not visible in other views. This view is particularly useful in cases where cross-sectional imaging modalities are not available or where the nasal investigation is limited by cost considerations.

  10. Manifestaciones cardiovasculares en pacientes tratados con hemodiálisis periódica por fístula arteriovenosa funcional

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    Ana S. Ayora Loaiza


    Conclusiones: No se encontró relación entre la localización de la fistula y los cambios en el sistema cardiovascular. El grupo de pacientes con fistula de más de cuatro años presentó mayores manifestaciones cardiovasculares y cambios significativos en el ecocardiograma.

  11. Silver nasal sprays: misleading Internet marketing. (United States)

    Gaslin, Michael T; Rubin, Cory; Pribitkin, Edmund A


    Long-term use of silver-containing products is associated with a permanent bluish-gray discoloration of the skin known as argyria, but they remain widely available despite several measures by the FDA to regulate them. Several recent case reports have described the occurrence of argyria as a result of using these "natural" products. We used the five most common Internet search engines to find Web sites providing information on silver-containing nasal sprays. Of 49 Web sites analyzed, only 2 (4%) mentioned argyria as a possible complication, although 30 (61%) did caution against long-term use. Eight sites (16%) made specific claims about the health benefits of the product. All 49 sites (100%) provided direct or indirect links to buy silver-containing nasal sprays. We conclude that information about silver-containing nasal sprays on the Internet is misleading and inaccurate. Therefore, otolaryngologists should be aware of the misinformation their patients may be receiving about these products.

  12. La ciencia política en Colombia en el 2005-2006 : el análisis del conflicto armado y de las elecciones, dos temas tradicionales, pero con enfoques nuevos


    Garibay , David


    Este reseña presenta un panorama de las trabajos académicos en ciencia politica publicados en Colombia en 2005 y 2006. Los temas del analisis del conflicto armado interno y del comportamiento electoral han dominado la produccion cientifica colombiana. Estos dos temas, sobre los cuales existe una tradicion establecida en Colombia, han sido tratados con enfoques nuevos, y de manera autonoma uno del otro

  13. Nasal Chondromesenchymal Hamartoma: CT and MR Imaging Findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ji Eun; Kim, Hyung Jin; Kim, Ji Hye; Ko, Young Hyeh; Chung, Seung Kyu


    We report CT and MR imaging findings for a case of nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma occurring in a 19-month-old boy. A nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma is a rare benign pediatric hamartoma that can simulate malignancy. Although rare, knowledge of this entity is essential to avoid potentially harmful therapies

  14. Humidification of inspired oxygen is increased with pre-nasal cannula, compared to intranasal cannula. (United States)

    Dellweg, Dominic; Wenze, Markus; Hoehn, Ekkehard; Bourgund, Olaf; Haidl, Peter


    Oxygen therapy is usually combined with a humidification device, to prevent mucosal dryness. Depending on the cannula design, oxygen can be administered pre- or intra-nasally (administration of oxygen in front of the nasal ostia vs cannula system inside the nasal vestibulum). The impact of cannula design on intra-nasal humidity, however, has not been investigated to date. First, to develop a system, that samples air from the nasal cavity and analyzes the humidity of these samples. Second, to investigate nasal humidity during pre-nasal and intra-nasal oxygen application, with and without humidification. We first developed and validated a sampling and analysis system to measure humidity from air samples. By means of this system we measured inspiratory air samples from 12 subjects who received nasal oxygen with an intra-nasal and pre-nasal cannula at different flows, with and without humidification. The sampling and analysis system showed good correlation to a standard hygrometer within the tested humidity range (r = 0.99, P humidification (P = .001, P humidification. With the addition of humidification we observed no significant change in humidity at any flow, and independent of pre- or intranasal oxygen administration. Pre-nasal administration of dry oxygen achieves levels of intranasal humidity similar to those achieved by intranasal administration in combination with a bubble through humidifier. Pre-nasal oxygen simplifies application and may reduce therapy cost.

  15. Rotura del Bíceps Distal. Evaluación de resultados con técnica de doble fijación. [Distal biceps rupture: evaluation of results with double fixation technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Ángel Capomassi


    Full Text Available In­tro­duc­ción La rotura del bíceps distal es una lesión poco frecuente producida por la aplicación de una fuerza excéntrica sobre el codo flexionado. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los resultados obtenidos para la reinserción del bíceps distal mediante técnica de doble fijación con botón de anclaje cortical y tornillo interferencial de biotenodesis a través de una incisión anterior única. Materiales­ y­ Métodos Entre agosto de 2008 y febrero de 2013, registramos 19 casos de rotura del bíceps distal tratados quirúrgicamente por vía anterior limitada. Los 17 últimos casos consecutivos fueron tratados con doble fijación utilizando botón extracortical y tornillo de biotenodesis, y forman parte del estudio. Todos eran hombres, con una mediana de la edad de 41 años (rango 27-59. Los pacientes fueron evaluados con el Cuestionario DASH y el Puntaje Subjetivo/Objetivo de Andrews y Carson, y la fuerza de flexión y supinación se controló con la escala del British Medical Research Council modificada por Mackinnon y Dellon (M0-M5. Resultados El cuestionario DASH arrojó un valor mediano de 1,7 (0-5,83 y el de Andrews y Carson, de 195 (170-200 para el total; con 15 resultados excelentes y 2 buenos. Todos consiguieron una fuerza M5 para flexión y supinación de antebrazo. El seguimiento tuvo una mediana de 12 meses (4-32. En dos pacientes, se registraron complicaciones, ambas con recuperación ad íntegrum. Conclusión La técnica descrita ha demostrado ser confiable y eficaz, y permitió lograr resultados satisfactorios y una baja tasa de complicaciones.

  16. Electro-physiological changes in the brain induced by caffeine or glucose nasal spray. (United States)

    De Pauw, K; Roelands, B; Van Cutsem, J; Marusic, U; Torbeyns, T; Meeusen, R


    A direct link between the mouth cavity and the brain for glucose (GLUC) and caffeine (CAF) has been established. The aim of this study is to determine whether a direct link for both substrates also exist between the nasal cavity and the brain. Ten healthy male subjects (age 22 ± 1 years) performed three experimental trials, separated by at least 2 days. Each trial included a 20-s nasal spray (NAS) period in which solutions placebo (PLAC), GLUC, or CAF were provided in a double-blind, randomized order. During each trial, four cognitive Stroop tasks were performed: two familiarization trials and one pre- and one post-NAS trial. Reaction times and accuracy for different stimuli (neutral, NEUTR; congruent, CON; incongruent INCON) were determined. Electroencephalography was continuously measured throughout the trials. During the Stroop tasks pre- and post-NAS, the P300 was assessed and during NAS, source localization was performed using standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA). NAS activated the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). CAF-NAS also increased θ and β activity in frontal cortices. Furthermore, GLUC-NAS increased the β activity within the insula. GLUC-NAS also increased the P300 amplitude with INCON (P = 0.046) and reduced P300 amplitude at F3-F4 and P300 latency at CP1-CP2-Cz with NEUTR (P = 0.001 and P = 0.016, respectively). The existence of nasal bitter and sweet taste receptors possibly induce these brain responses. Greater cognitive efficiency was observed with GLUC-NAS. CAF-NAS activated cingulate, insular, and sensorymotor cortices, whereas GLUC-NAS activated sensory, cingulate, and insular cortices. However, no effect on the Stroop task was found.

  17. Diagnosis and management of nasal congestion: the role of intranasal corticosteroids. (United States)

    Benninger, Michael


    Nasal congestion is considered the most bothersome of allergic rhinitis (AR) symptoms and can significantly impair ability to function at work, home, and school. Effective management of AR-related nasal congestion depends on accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Many individuals with AR and AR-related congestion remain undiagnosed and do not receive prescription medication. However, new tools intended to improve the diagnosis of nasal congestion have been developed and validated. Intranasal corticosteroids (INSs) are recommended as first-line therapy for patients with moderate-to-severe AR and also when nasal congestion is a prominent symptom. Double blind, randomized clinical trials have demonstrated greater efficacy of INSs versus placebo, antihistamines, or montelukast for relief of all nasal symptoms, especially congestion. Patient adherence to treatment also affects outcomes, and this may be influenced by patient preferences for the sensory attributes of an individual drug. Increased awareness of the effects of AR-related nasal congestion, the efficacy and safety of available pharmacotherapies, and barriers to adherence may improve clinical outcomes.

  18. Nasal septum resection due congenital thickness in foalsRessecção de septo nasal devido ao espessamento congênito em potros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antônio Felipe Paulino de Figueiredo Wouk


    Full Text Available Nasal obstructions caused by nasal septal diseases are uncommon in horses and the main causes are malformations, mucosal lesions, neoplasias and trauma. The aim of this case report is to describe two cases of nasal obstruction in foals. Clinical signs were progressive with reduction of air flow bilaterally, intense respiratory noise and dyspnea. Endoscopy evaluation was not performed because, in both cases, it was not possible to introduce the probe into the nasal cavity due to bilateral stenosis. Radiographic exam confirmed nasal septum thickness. Both animals were submitted to septum resection surgery. In order to promote a better respiratory condition, tracheotomy was performed in both foals prior the surgery. The surgical technique applied was modified from DOYLE technique described previously (2005. Briefly, nasal bone trephine role was initially done in order to do osteotomy of its caudal portion. For osteotomy a modified osteotomy was used. The dorsal and ventral limits of the nasal bone were removed with a obstetric wire protected by metalical guide. After surgical recovery, in both cases, the clinical exam showed that the air flow was normal and without noise, allowing the foals to breathe normally. Tracheotomy healed by second intention. After eight months both foals breathed comfortably and they were suitable for physical activity. Histopathology evaluation did not show signs of inflammation, neoplasia, and any other histological changes, suggesting the thickness was congenital.Obstruções nasais causadas por doenças do septo nasal são incomuns em cavalos e as principais causas são: malformações, lesões nas mucosas, neoplasias e trauma. O objetivo deste relato é descrever dois casos de obstrução nasal congênita em potros. Os sinais clínicos demonstravam redução progressiva do fluxo de ar bilateral, ruído respiratório e dispnéia intensa. Não foi possível realizar avaliação endoscópica pois em ambos os casos, n

  19. Programa Uach Inclusiva: Fortaleciendo La Equidad Académica Y El Desarrollo Integral De Estudiantes Con Discapacidad


    Fuentes, Paola; González Mimica, Mariela; Muñoz Jeréz, Zita; Perez, Diego


    La inclusión de personas con discapacidad, es un tema de preocupación mundial y nacional. En Chile existen más de 14 tratados internacionales, además de la ley 20.422. El primer estudio nacional de discapacidad (ENDISC) realizado el 2004, arrojó que en Chile un 12,9% de la población presenta alguna discapacidad. También, señala que de ellas, sólo el 1,32% completa la educación superior, mientras el 2,54%, comienza la universidad pero no la termina. En este contexto, la Universidad Austral de ...

  20. Nasal hyper-reactivity is a common feature in both allergic and nonallergic rhinitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Segboer, C. L.; Holland, C. T.; Reinartz, S. M.; Terreehorst, I.; Gevorgyan, A.; Hellings, P. W.; van Drunen, C. M.; Fokkens, W. J.


    Nasal hyper-reactivity is an increased sensitivity of the nasal mucosa to various nonspecific stimuli. Both allergic rhinitis (AR) and nonallergic rhinitis (NAR) patients can elicit nasal hyper-reactivity symptoms. Differences in the prevalence or type of nasal hyper-reactivity in AR and NAR

  1. Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of the Nasal Septum

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    Yuri Okumura


    Full Text Available We report an extremely rare case of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the posterior edge of the nasal septum. An 11-year-old boy presented with frequent epistaxis and nasal obstruction persisting for one year. Based on the clinical presentation and imaging studies, juvenile angiofibroma was suspected, but angiography suggested the possibility of another type of tumor. Transnasal endoscopic surgery found that the tumor protruded into the nasopharynx from the posterior end of the nasal septum. Histological examination identified spindle cells with immunoreaction for vimentin, smooth muscle actin, and anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK, but not for desmin and cytokeratin. This is a report of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor mimicking juvenile angiofibroma. This case suggests that angiography is helpful in the differential diagnosis of epipharyngeal tumor in adolescence.

  2. A study of Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage, antibacterial ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aim: This study was to determine the virulence encoding genes, and the antibiotic resistance patterns of the Staphylococcus aureus isolates, which were isolated from the nasal samples of chest clinic patients. Materials and Methods: The nasal samples of the in‑patients (431) and out‑patients (1857) in Kayseri Training and ...

  3. In vivo deposition of ultrafine aerosols in human nasal and oral airways

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yeh, Hsu-Chi; Swift, D.L. [John Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD (United States); Simpson, S.Q. [Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (United States)] [and others


    The extrathoracic airways, including the nasal passage, oral passage, pharynx, and larynx, are the first targets for inhaled particles and provide an important defense for the lung. Understanding the deposition efficiency of the nasal and oral passages is therefore crucial for assessing doses of inhaled particles to the extrathoracic airways and the lung. Significant inter-subject variability in nasal deposition has been shown in recent studies by Rasmussen, T.R. et al, using 2.6 {mu}m particles in 10 human subjects and in our preliminary studies using 0.004-0.15 {mu}m particles in four adult volunteers. No oral deposition was reported in either of these studies. Reasons for the intersubject variations have been frequently attributed to the geometry of the nasal passages. The aims of the present study were to measure in vivo the nasal airway dimensions and the deposition of ultrafine aerosols in both the nasal and oral passages, and to determine the relationship between nasal airway dimensions and aerosol deposition. A statistical procedure incorporated with the diffusion theory was used to model the dimensional features of the nasal airways which may be responsible for the biological variability in particle deposition. In summary, we have correlated deposition of particles in the size range of 0.004 to 0.15 {mu}m with the nasal dimensions of each subject.

  4. In vivo deposition of ultrafine aerosols in human nasal and oral airways

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yeh, Hsu-Chi; Swift, D.L.; Simpson, S.Q.


    The extrathoracic airways, including the nasal passage, oral passage, pharynx, and larynx, are the first targets for inhaled particles and provide an important defense for the lung. Understanding the deposition efficiency of the nasal and oral passages is therefore crucial for assessing doses of inhaled particles to the extrathoracic airways and the lung. Significant inter-subject variability in nasal deposition has been shown in recent studies by Rasmussen, T.R. et al, using 2.6 μm particles in 10 human subjects and in our preliminary studies using 0.004-0.15 μm particles in four adult volunteers. No oral deposition was reported in either of these studies. Reasons for the intersubject variations have been frequently attributed to the geometry of the nasal passages. The aims of the present study were to measure in vivo the nasal airway dimensions and the deposition of ultrafine aerosols in both the nasal and oral passages, and to determine the relationship between nasal airway dimensions and aerosol deposition. A statistical procedure incorporated with the diffusion theory was used to model the dimensional features of the nasal airways which may be responsible for the biological variability in particle deposition. In summary, we have correlated deposition of particles in the size range of 0.004 to 0.15 μm with the nasal dimensions of each subject

  5. Topical nasal steroid treatment does not improve CPAP compliance in unselected patients with OSAS. (United States)

    Strobel, Werner; Schlageter, Manuel; Andersson, Morgan; Miedinger, David; Chhajed, Prashant N; Tamm, Michael; Leuppi, Jörg D


    Continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP) for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can produce troublesome nasal symptoms (i.e. congestion, rhinorrhea) that may reduce the compliance of CPAP. Topical nasal steroids are often prescribed to reduce these side effects, although scientific data are scarce supporting any benefits of this treatment for CPAP-induced nasal side effects. To study whether a topical nasal steroid can reduce CPAP-induced nasal symptoms and improve CPAP adherence during the initial phase of OSA treatment. A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study with fluticasone propionate 100 μg/nasal cavity twice daily Treatment was started 10 days prior to and continued throughout the first 4 weeks of CPAP. 63 patients who were selected for CPAP treatment participated. Nasal symptoms were recorded, nasal patency was assessed and lung function was measured with a peak flow meter. The patients' adherence to CPAP was recorded by the CPAP device. Total nasal symptoms increased from baseline to 4 wks after CPAP use for both nasal treatments (p < 0.05). No differences in total nasal symptoms between treatments were seen (p = 1), and no differences in nasal peak flow values after treatment were seen (p = 0.11). Moreover, there were no differences in CPAP use between the treatments. Fluticasone propionate as a nasal topical steroid does not reduce CPAP-induced unwanted nasal side effects, and has no beneficial effect on CPAP compliance during the first four weeks of treatment in unselected patients with OSAS. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Response and survival in acute myeloid leukemia patients not candidates to transplantation treated with azacitidine versus palliative treatment: a retrospective study

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    Mauricio Sarmiento Maldonado


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN La leucemia mieloide aguda tiene una alta mortalidad sin tratamiento. El trasplante hematopoyético es la única estrategia curativa hasta ahora. Los pacientes que tienen contraindicaciones para el trasplante, pueden ser tratados con fármacos hipometilantes que han mostrado mejorar la sobrevida libre de enfermedad y sobrevida global. OBJETIVOS Describir las características clínicas de los pacientes con síndrome mielodisplásico avanzado y leucemia mieloide aguda, las respuestas logradas y efectos adversos del tratamiento con el fármaco hipometilante. MÉTODOS Este reporte muestra nuestra experiencia en 38 pacientes con leucemia mieloide aguda tratados con azacitidina o con tratamiento paliativo. RESULTADOS La azacitidina permitió alargar la sobrevida en 80% de los pacientes con alta incidencia de efectos adversos y afectación de la calidad de vida. La mayoría de los pacientes tratados con intención paliativa, fallecieron en el primer mes post diagnóstico. CONCLUSIONES La azacitidina permite prolongar la sobrevida, pero con efectos adversos considerables.

  7. Extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma of the nasal septum: a case report. (United States)

    Mohindra, Satyawati; Grover, Gogia; Bal, Amanjit Kaur


    Angiofibroma arising outside the nasopharynx is unusual. The nasal septum is an extremely rare site for the origin of angiofibroma, and to date only 6 such cases previously have been reported in the literature. We report here a case of a 22-year-old man with a vascular mass arising from his nasal septum. The histopathology report was consistent with angiofibroma. We also review other cases in the literature of angiofibroma arising from the nasal septum and discuss a theory of the likely origin of angiofibroma.

  8. Legitimidad y finalidad de los capítulos de propiedad intelectual en los tratados de libre comercio (TLC

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    Susy Frankel


    Full Text Available Una visión analítica de la realidad actual permite apreciar un auge de los Tratados de Libre Comercio, mientras se presenta un estancamiento en las negociaciones multilaterales de comercio. Si bien la negociación de los TLC no se limita a los países desarrollados, los negociados por los países en desarrollo no tienden a contemplar mejoras en los estándares de propiedad intelectual. Algunos de los capítulos relativos a la propiedad intelectual incluidos en los Tratados de Libre Comercio simplemente reafirman los estándares del acuerdo sobre los ADPIC, mientras que otros se orientan a ampliar el cubrimiento y alcance de los derechos internacionales de propiedad intelectual. El presente artículo se concentra en estudiar la legitimidad y la finalidad de los capítulos de propiedad intelectual en los Tratados de Libre Comercio, así como la relación entre los capítulos sobre propiedad intelectual y el sistema multilateral de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC que facilita los TLC y los límites racionales de la propiedad intelectual en el contexto comercial.

  9. Effect of septoplasty and per-operative antibiotic prophylaxis on nasal flora. (United States)

    Karaman, E; Alimoglu, Y; Aygun, G; Kilic, E; Yagiz, C


    Septoplasty is one of the most commonly performed procedures in otolaryngology practice. Prophylactic use of antibiotics is controversial. Disruption of nasal flora may predispose individuals to infection. We investigated the effect of antibiotic prophylaxis and septoplasty on nasal flora. We included 115 consecutive patients who underwent septoplasty because of symptomatic nasal septal deviation. Patients were divided into study and control groups. Study patients received prophylactic parenteral sodium cefazoline twice a day beginning intra-operatively and while the nasal packing remained in the nose for 48 h, and expandable polyvinyl acetate (Merocel) packing covered with antibiotic ointment containing 0.2% nitrofurazone was inserted into each nostril at the end of the operation. Control patients received neither parenteral antibiotic prophylaxis nor antibiotic ointment around the Merocel packs. Both groups received oral prophylactic cefuroxime axetil for 5 d after nasal packing was removed. Nasal flora was determined pre-operatively, post-operatively when nasal packing was removed, and 3 mo after surgery. Study patients were compared to control patients at pack removal and 1 mo after surgery The effect of antibiotic use in septoplasty on nasal flora was as follows: Increased isolation rate of gram-positive rods (p = 0.007), decreased methicillin-sensitive coagulase-negative staphylococci (p = 0.002). Pre-operative and post-operative culture results at 3 mo were compared. The effect of septoplasty on nasal flora was as follows: Decreased coagulase-negative staphylococci (p = 0.05), decreased Klebsiella (p flora. Antibiotics do not protect against S. aureus colonization and contribute to a decrease in normal flora. Antibiotics do not seem to confer benefit in terms of flora changes. Studies investigating flora changes with a longer follow-up should be conducted.

  10. Carboxylesterase-dependent cytotoxicity of dibasic esters (DBE) in rat nasal explants. (United States)

    Trela, B A; Bogdanffy, M S


    Dibasic esters (DBE) are a solvent mixture of dimethyl adipate (DMA), dimethyl glutarate (DMG), and dimethyl succinate (DMS) used in the paint and coating industry. Subchronic inhalation toxicity studies have demonstrated that DBE induce a mild degeneration of the olfactory, but not the respiratory, epithelium of the rat nasal cavity. Carboxylesterase-mediated hydrolysis of the individual dibasic esters is more efficient in olfactory than in respiratory mucosal homogenates. In the present study, an in vitro system of cultured rat nasal explants was utilized to determine if DBE toxicity is dependent on a metabolic activation by nonspecific carboxylesterase. Explants from both the olfactory and the respiratory regions of the female rat nasal cavity were incubated for 2 hr in Williams' medium E containing 10-100 mM DMA, DMG, or DMS. DBE caused a dose-related increase in nasal explant acid phosphatase release, a biochemical index of cytotoxicity. HPLC analysis demonstrated parallel increases in the carboxylesterase-mediated formation of monomethyl ester metabolites. Diacid metabolite production in the nasal explant system was not entirely concentration-dependent. Metabolite concentrations and acid phosphatase release were generally greater in olfactory than respiratory tissues. DBE-induced cytotoxicity and acid metabolite production were markedly attenuated in nasal tissue excised from rats which were pretreated with bis(p-nitrophenyl)phosphate, a carboxylesterase inhibitor. This study presents a viable in vitro method for assessing organic ester cytotoxicity in the rat nasal cavity. It was shown that DBE are weak nasal toxicants under the conditions of this system. It was further demonstrated that DBE toxicity is dependent on a carboxylesterase-mediated activation. A similar mechanism was proposed for the nasal toxicity induced by other organic esters following inhalation exposure.

  11. Immunological role of nasal staphylococcus aureus carriage in patients with persistent allergic rhinitis

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    Mohamed Yousif Atia


    Full Text Available Nasal carriage of staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus exerts immunomodulatory effect in patients with atopic dermatitis and it may contribute to airway inflammation and allergic response in patients with allergic rhinitis. We Aim to investigate the frequency of nasal S.aureus carriage in patients with persistent allergic rhinitis and its possible influence on their symptoms and immune markers. We chosed 20 non smoker patients with house dust mite (HDM allergy causing allergic rhinitis and 20 non smoker healthy subjects matched for age and sex. For all subjects rhinoscopy was done, skin prick test, nasal culture for S.aureus, nasal interleukin 4,nasal total IgE, serum total IgE and serum specific IgE(SSIgE for HDM. Nasal S.aureus was detected in 16/20 patients (80% and 5/20 (25% in healthy subjects with highly significant statistical difference plt0.01. Correlation of nasal staph.aureus count and different systemic and local immune markers revealed highly significant positive correlation between nasal S.aureus count and serum total IgE (r = 0.78, plt0.01 and significant positive correlation with SSIgE (HDM (r = 0.53, plt0.05, nasal total IgE (r = 0.39, plt0.05 and nasal IL-4 (r = 0.55, plt0.05. Nasal staph.aureus actively modulated the immune reaction in persistent allergic rhinitis patients by promoting local IgE production, so we recommend early detection and treatment of S.aureus carriage in patients

  12. La crisis de la integración andina durante los procesos de negociación de la biodiversidad en el TLC con los Estados Unidos

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    Catalina Toro Pérez


    Full Text Available Los cambios recientes en la geopolítica andina, debido en gran parte a la emergencia de nuevos gobiernos progresistas de Ecuador, Bolivia y Venezuela como resultado de la resistencia social de los pueblos andinos frente al proyecto del ALCA (Acuerdo de Libre Comercio de las Américas y los tratados de Libre Comercio que Estados Unidos quiso imponer en la región, plantean la necesidad de pensar el desarrollo de una nueva agenda de integración. El proceso de negociación de libre comercio entre Colombia y Perú con los Estados Unidos y más recientemente con la Unión Europea, revela, sin embargo, no sólo la crisis de los procesos de integración entre los gobiernos pertenecientes a la Comunidad Andina de Naciones, sino también el creciente aislamiento de estos dos países, de las nuevas dinámicas regionales emergentes en América Latina. En este ensayo, planteamos como el proceso de negociación de los tratados de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea en materia de biodiversidad, propiedad intelectual y conocimiento tradicional revelan, no sólo la crisis de los procesos de integración en lo que refiere a los desarrollos legislativos y normativos existentes en la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN, sino también la situación de derechos colectivos de las comunidades indígenas y locales en la región.

  13. Efectividad del tratamiento con neurofeedback en trastornos del estado del ánimo, ansiedad y fibromialgia: una revisión de literatura


    Barrera Ferro, Laura; Gómez Olivella, Estefanía; Prieto Lizarazo, Luisa Fernanda


    El neurofeedback es una técnica no invasiva en la que se pretende corregir, mediante condicionamiento operante, ondas cerebrales que se encuentren alteradas en el electroencefalograma. Desde 1967, se han conducido numerosas investigaciones relacionadas con los efectos de la técnica en el tratamiento de alteraciones psicológicas. Sin embargo, a la fecha no existen revisiones sistemáticas que reúnan los temas que serán aquí tratados. El aporte de este trabajo es la revisión de 56...

  14. Manejo exitoso de hernia diafragmática congénita con ECMO. Primer reporte de caso en México

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    Ulises Garza-Serna


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la hernia diafragmática congénita es una enfermedad que afecta a 1 de 3000 recién nacidos, con un alto índice de morbilidad y mortalidad, especialmente si se presenta con otras malformaciones como las anomalías congénitas cardiacas. El manejo del paciente con este padecimiento debe ser tratado de forma multidisciplinaria e incluir su evaluación prenatal y atención posnatal. OBJETIVO: reportar el primer caso exitoso en México de un paciente con hernia diafragmática congénita manejado con membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea. CASO CLÍNICO: paciente masculino de 37.5 semanas de gestación con diagnóstico prenatal de hernia diafragmática congénita a las 24 semanas de gestación sin otras anomalías congénitas; índice pulmón/ cabeza de 1.7. A las seis horas de nacido presentó saturación de oxígeno preductal de 78% y posductal a 58% con índice de oxigenación de 41, a pesar del tratamiento agresivo médico y ventilatorio, por lo que se necesitó la intervención e implementación de la membrana de circulación extracorpórea.

  15. Los tratados y el jardín renacentista en Italia. Principios, metodologías y técnicas


    Taffuri, Tullio


    La tesis destaca la influencia que ejerció la teoría, las técnicas y la metodología de proyecto de los principales tratados de la época renacentista en la concepción, diseño y realización de algunos de los más importantes jardines de la época. Los tratados de Vitruvio, Alberti, Filarete, Di Giorgio, Serlio, Palladio, Colonna y Del Riccio establecen una nueva estética y una nueva visión del mundo, basadas en la geometría elemental y en los números simples. En la Grecia antigua, Platón y Pitágo...

  16. Detection of helicobacter pylori in nasal polyps using rapid urease test and ELISA

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    Masood Kaviani


    Full Text Available Introduction: Nasal polyposis is an inflammatory condition of unknown etiology. Recently concerns regarding gastroesophageal reflux or helicobacter pylori as a possible pathologic cause of nasal polyps have been increasing. The present study was planned to investigate the presence of helicobacter pylori in nasal polyps. Materials and Methods: This case-control study was undertaken enrolling 37 patients with nasal polyps who had undergone nasal endoscopic sinus surgery and 38 control subjects. Biopsy specimens of nasal polyps and inferior turbinates were assessed by rapid urease test. Blood samples of both study and control subjects were evaluated for anti H.pylori IgG by ELISA. H. pylori status was regarded positive, if both tests were positive. Results: Seropositivity was more common in the patients with nasal polyps (66.2% than control subjects (36.8% (P

  17. Duration of Nasal Packs in the Management of Epistaxis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kundi, N. A.; Raza, M.


    Objective:To compare the efficacy of nasal packs for 12 and 24 hours in the management of epistaxis. Study Design: Quasi experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: Combined Military Hospital, Nowshera and Heavy Industries Taxilla Hospital, from October 2012 to April 2013. Methodology: A total of 60 patients presenting with epistaxis were selected and were divided into two groups of 30 patients each. Patients in both the groups were managed by nasal packs. In group-A packs were removed after 12 hours while in group-B after 24 hours. Symptoms of headache, lacrimation and recurrence of bleeding were recorded. SPSS 20 was used for data analysis and p-value less than 0.01 was considered significant. Results: There was significant difference for headache between removal of nasal packs after 12 hours and 24 hours (p < 0.001). There was significant difference for excessive lacrimation at 12 and 24 hours (p = 0.001). No significant difference was observed for recurrence of bleed when nasal packs were removed at 12 and 24 hours (p = 0.317). Conclusion: Duration in removal of nasal packs after 12 or 24 hours made a difference in the management of epistaxis. Symptoms of headache and excessive lacrimation were significantly higher when nasal packs were removed after 24 hours. It is recommended that patient could be managed with lesser duration of packs after episode of epistaxis to avoid inconvenience. (author)

  18. Epistaxis during nasotracheal intubation: a randomized trial of the Parker Flex-Tip™ nasal endotracheal tube with a posterior facing bevel versus a standard nasal RAE endotracheal tube. (United States)

    Earle, Rosie; Shanahan, Enda; Vaghadia, Himat; Sawka, Andrew; Tang, Raymond


    Nasotracheal intubation is a widely performed technique to facilitate anesthesia induction during oral, dental, and maxillofacial surgeries. The technique poses several risks not encountered with oropharyngeal intubation, most commonly epistaxis due to nasal mucosal abrasion. The purpose of this study was to test whether the use of the Parker Flex-Tip™ (PFT) nasal endotracheal tube (ETT) with a posterior facing bevel reduces epistaxis when compared with the standard nasal RAE ETT with a leftward facing bevel. Sixty American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I and II patients undergoing oral or maxillofacial surgery with nasotracheal intubation were recruited. Patients were randomized to either a standard nasal RAE ETT or a PFT nasal ETT. The ETT was thermosoftened and lubricated for both study groups prior to insertion, and the size of the tube was chosen at the discretion of the attending anesthesiologist. The primary outcome was the incidence of epistaxis, with a secondary outcome of epistaxis severity (scored as none, mild, moderate, or severe). An investigator measured both outcomes five minutes after intubation was completed. Mild or moderate epistaxis was experienced by 22 of 30 (73%) patients in the PFT group compared with 21 of 30 (70%) patients in the standard nasal RAE ETT group (absolute risk reduction, 3%; 95% confidence interval, -19 to 25; P = 0.78). There were no occurrences of severe epistaxis in either group. There was no difference in the incidence or severity of epistaxis following nasal intubation using the Parker Flex-Tip nasal ETT when compared with a standard nasal RAE ETT. This trial was registered at, identifier: NCT02315677.

  19. Nasal myiasis: report of a case and literature review

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    Reyes-Romero, Karen Eliana


    Full Text Available Myiasis is the infection of animal or human tissues or organs by larvae of Diptera. It may affect individuals of any age, but is more common in middle-aged and elderly patients. Nasal myiasis, an infection of the nasal and paranasal cavities by such larvae, is a common disease in tropical and developing countries. Reported cases of nasal myiasis have been caused by several different species, such as Lucilia sericata in Korea and Iran, Estro ovis in Algeria and France, Lucilia cuprina and Phaenicia sericata in Malaysia, Cochliomyia hominivorax in French Guiana, Drosophila melanogaster in Turkey, Eristalis tenax in Iran and Oestrus ovis in Israel. Signs and symptoms are related to the presence and movement of the larvae, and include foreign body sensation, bloody or muco-purulent nasal discharge. Prevention may be done with insect repellent. Treatment is based on antiparasitic drugs and techniques for removal of larvae, but may include the use of prophylactic topical or systemic antibiotics for possible secondary infections. We report a case of nasal and left maxillary sinus myiasis in an elderly woman, who responded favorably to treatment.

  20. Effects of radiation on nasal mucosa of guinea pig

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiao Mang; Hu Sunhong; Liu Yuehui


    Objective: To study histopathological changes in nasal mucosa of guinea pigs following a series of irradiation. Methods: A total of 60 healthy guinea pigs were divided into two groups randomly: the irradiation group (n=30) and the control group (n=30). The animals of the irradiation group were exposed nasally to linear accelerator X-rays at 5.0 Gy once a week for three weeks. At 1 d, 1 w, 2 w, 4 w, 10 w and half year after X-irradiation five animals per one group were sacrificed randomly, at each time point. Their middle nasal turbinate mucosa was observed under optical microscope and electron microscope, and were analysed by image analysis for histopathological transformation. Results: In the irradiation group, the early histopathological transformation was acute inflammatory reaction, at the fourth week the mucosa began to repair, which ended at the sixth month. But after repaired, some parts of the repaired mucosa were lined with squamous epithelium instead of the normal nasal mucosa. The rate of the cilia-covered area was only 52.9% at the sixth month. Conclusion: The nasal mucosa injury and the squamous metaplasia could form a pathological basis of dysfunction after irradiation

  1. Nasal prosthesis rehabilitation: a case report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jain, Sumeet; Maru, Kavita; Shukla, Jyotsana


    Facial defects resulting from neoplasm, congenital malformation or trauma can be restored with facial prosthesis using different materials and retention methods to achieve life-like look and function. A nasal prosthesis can re-establish esthetic form and anatomic contours for mid-facial defects...... the non-surgical rehabilitation, with polymethyl meth-acrylate resin, nasal prosthesis for a patient who received partial rhinectomy as a result of squamous cell carcinoma of the nose. The prosthesis was made to restore the esthetic appearance of the patient with a mechanical retained design using...

  2. Tratamiento de la compresión del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar

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    María L. Talavera


    Full Text Available La angina de pecho es un síntoma frecuente en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar (HP de cualquier etiología. Aunque su fisiopatología no está aclarada, las causas propuestas son: la isquemia subendocárdica por aumento del estrés parietal del ventrículo derecho, la dilatación de la arteria pulmonar por incrementos transitorios de la presión pulmonar y la compresión extrínseca del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda (TCI por la arteria pulmonar (AP dilatada. Se presentan tres casos que muestran la relación entre la angina de pecho y la compresión del TCI en pacientes con HP asociada a cardiopatías congénitas, tratados mediante implante de stent coronario.

  3. Esthetic rhinoplasty as an adjunctive technique in nasal oncoplastic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Adham Farouk


    Jan 15, 2016 ... Esthetic rhinoplasty;. Oncoplastic surgery nose;. Basal cell carcinoma;. Squamous cell carcinoma;. Nonmelanoma skin cancer;. Nasal reconstruction ... Conclusions: Esthetic rhinoplasty is a useful adjunctive technique in nasal oncoplastic surgery. .... All procedures performed in the study involving human.

  4. High Flow Nasal Cannulae in preterm infants

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    F. Ciuffini


    Full Text Available Despite of improved survival of premature infants, the incidence of long term pulmonary complications, mostly associated with ventilation-induced lung injury, remains high. Non invasive ventilation (NIV is able to reduce the adverse effects of mechanical ventilation. Although nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP is an effective mode of NIV, traumatic nasal complications and intolerance of the nasal interface are common. Recently high flow nasal cannula (HFNC is emerging as an efficient, better tolerated form of NIV, allowing better access to the baby’s face, which may improve nursing, feeding and bonding. The aim of this review is to discuss the available evidence of effectiveness and safety of HFNC in preterm newborns with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS. It is known that distending pressure generated by HFNC increases with increasing flow rate and decreasing infant size and varies according to the amount of leaks by nose and mouth. The effects of HFNC on lung mechanics, its clinical efficacy and safety are still insufficiently investigated. In conclusion, there is a growing evidence of the feasibility of HFNC as an alternative mode of NIV. However, further larger randomized trials are required, before being able to recommend HFNC in the treatment of moderate respiratory distress of preterm infants.

  5. A rare nasal cavity mass in a child: Accessory middle turbinate

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    Andrew Chang


    Full Text Available Objectives: The accessory middle turbinate, a rare anatomical variation of the nasal cavity, have been systematically studied in adults. Presence of accessory middle turbinate and its clinical significance in a child has not been reported. We describe clinical appearance and radiologic features of accessory middle turbinate in a child. Methods: Retrospective chart review. Results: A 3-year-old boy presented to the otolaryngology clinic for evaluation of recurrent epistaxis. Anterior rhinoscopy revealed moist nasal mucosa without inflammation and bilateral prominent blood vessels on the anterior nasal septum. Nasal endoscopy showed turbinate like protuberances in bilateral middle meatus. CT images documented accessory middle turbinate in the bilateral nasal cavity. Conclusion: Otolaryngologists should be cognizant of anatomical variations of middle turbinate to achieve correct diagnosis and avoid potential complications during surgical management.

  6. Novel nano-cellulose excipient for generating non-Newtonian droplets for targeted nasal drug delivery. (United States)

    Young, Paul M; Traini, Daniela; Ong, Hui Xin; Granieri, Angelo; Zhu, Bing; Scalia, Santo; Song, Jie; Spicer, Patrick T


    Thickening polymers have been used as excipients in nasal formulations to avoid nasal run-off (nasal drip) post-administration. However, increasing the viscosity of the formulation can have a negative impact on the quality of the aerosols generated. Therefore, the study aims to investigate the use of a novel smart nano-cellulose excipient to generate suitable droplets for nasal drug delivery that simultaneously has only marginally increased viscosity while still reducing nasal drips. Nasal sprays containing nano-cellulose at different concentrations were investigated for the additive's potential as an excipient. The formulations were characterized for their rheological and aerosol properties. This was then compared to conventional nasal spray formulation containing the single-component hydroxyl-propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) viscosity enhancing excipient. The HPMC-containing nasal formulations behave in a Newtonian manner while the nano-cellulose formulations have a yield stress and shear-thinning properties. At higher excipient concentrations and shear rates, the nano-cellulose solutions have significantly lower viscosities compared to the HPMC solution, resulting in improved droplet formation when actuated through conventional nasal spray. Nano-cellulose materials could potentially be used as a suitable excipient for nasal drug delivery, producing consistent aerosol droplet size, and enhanced residence time within the nasal cavity with reduced run-offs compared to conventional polymer thickeners.

  7. Biological safety of nasal thallium-201 administration. A preclinical study for olfacto-scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Washiyama, Kohshin; Shiga, Hideaki; Hirota, Kyoko


    Nasal administration of thallium-201 ( 201 Tl) has previously been shown to be useful for the assessment of olfactory nerve connectivity in vivo. We assessed the biological effects of nasal 201 Tl administration in mice to determine its safety before conducting clinical trials on humans. 201 Tl uptake was evaluated in normal mice (n=5) in vivo by using a high-resolution gamma camera and radiography 15 min, 1, 2 and 9 d after administration of 201 TlCl to the right side of the nasal cavity (10 μl 201 TlCl per nostril, 74 MBq/ml). Murine olfactory epithelial thickness (n=5) was measured 9 d following nasal administration of 201 TlCl. We assessed the odor detection ability of normal mice (n=8) following nasal administration of 201 TlCl to both sides of the nasal cavity, by observing cycloheximide solution avoidance behavior. We subsequently administrated 201 TlCl (n=4) or saline (n=4) to both nostrils to assess the odor detection ability of mice following bilateral olfactory nerve transection. 201 Tl uptake by the nasal cavity decreased immediately following nasal administration of 201 Tl in normal mice. Nasal administration of 201 Tl did not affect the olfactory epithelial thickness or the odor detection ability of normal mice. Recovery of odor detection ability following olfactory nerve transection was not significantly different between mice nasally administered with 201 Tl, and mice administered with saline. Thus, nasal administration of 201 Tl for the diagnosis of traumatic olfactory impairment did not produce harmful biological effects in vivo. (author)

  8. Reconstrucción de canto interno y pared lateral nasal con colgajo zigomático de mejilla Reconstructing soft tissue defects at the medial canthus and sidewalls of the nose with cheek zygomatic flap

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    J. de Abullarade


    Full Text Available En la reconstrucción del canto interno palpebral y de la pared lateral nasal es importante la continuidad del color, de la textura y del grosor del tejido que vamos a reemplazar. El colgajo zigomático de mejilla es un colgajo de patrón axial que, cuando se diseña adecuadamente, puede seguir los contornos naturales de la cara, como el pliegue nasolabial y el borde del párpado inferior, logrando un reemplazo casi exacto de la calidad de la piel existente y con una reparación realizada en un solo tiempo quirúrgico.In it's important to keep the continuity of colour, texture and thickness of the tissue in a reconstructed nose. The zigomatic cheek flap is an axial pattern flap that, when is properly designed, can follow the natural existing contour lines such as the nasolabial fold and the lower eyelid border. It gets an almost exactly replacement of matching skin quality, in one surgical stage.


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    Full Text Available This article reviews the literature on nasal changes with maxillary orthognathic surgery. Understanding such changes is vital for surgical planning and for obtaining appropriate informed consent, and there are medico-legal implications. During orthognathic surgical planning a prediction of the effects of the different surgical movements is possible and this forms part of the basis of the planning stage. The predicted changes need to be identified and their desirability or not for each individual patient determined. Some techniques for managing undesirable nasal changes are discussed, including adjunct measures to minimize these potential effects (e.g. cinch sutures, and additional surgical procedures to manage the undesired nasal changes once they are produced.

  10. Angiofibroma of the nasal cavity in 13 dogs. (United States)

    Burgess, K E; Green, E M; Wood, R D; Dubielzig, R R


    This case series describes a rare entity, nasal angiofibroma, in 13 dogs that were presented to the University of Wisconsin, School of Veterinary Medicine from 1988 to 2000. All dogs in this case series presented with clinical signs and radiographic changes that were strongly suggestive of a locally invasive neoplasm. However, histopathology completed on transnostral core biopsy samples revealed benign appearing vascular proliferation with secondary lymphosuppurative inflammation was established despite cytologic criteria of malignancy present in five dogs. On the basis of the outcomes in this case series, nasal angiofibroma should be considered a differential for dogs presenting with clinical signs consistent with a malignant nasal tumour. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  11. A profile of patients treated at a national leprosy outpatient referral clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1986-2007 Perfil de los enfermos tratados en un servicio nacional de remisión de pacientes ambulatorios con lepra en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, 1986-2007

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    Mariana A. Hacker


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To analyze a profile of patients treated at a national leprosy outpatient referral clinic in metropolitan Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, over a period of more than two decades, and the subgroup of nationally registered leprosy cases from the same residential area, as well as all registered cases statewide. METHODS: An observational, descriptive analysis was carried out for patients treated from 1986 to 2007 at the Souza Araújo Outpatient Clinic (Ambulatório Souza Araújo, ASA, a national referral center for the diagnosis and treatment of leprosy at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz that serves clients from the city of Rio de Janeiro and other municipalities in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro State. Demographic and clinical data for the subgroup of leprosy cases registered with Brazil's National Disease Notification System (Sistema Nacional de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, SINAN between 2001 and 2007 and residing in the same municipalities as the ASA patients, and for all registered cases statewide, were also analyzed. RESULTS: Among the ASA patients, there was a decrease in average family income (from 3.9 to 2.7 times the minimum salary between the periods 1998-2002 and 2003-2007; the proportion of multibacillary (MB patients (from 52.7% to 46.9%; and the proportion of patients younger than 15 years old (from 12.8% to 8.7%. Among the MB patients, the average initial and final bacilloscopic indices were significantly higher in 2003-2007. Compared with the SINAN cases, more ASA cases involved disability and were younger than 15 years old. CONCLUSIONS: Patients living with leprosy in the metropolitan area of the state of Rio de Janeiro belong to the most deprived social strata and have not benefited from the overall improvement in socioeconomic conditions in Brazil.OBJETIVO: Analizar el perfil de los enfermos tratados en un servicio nacional de remisión de pacientes ambulatorios con lepra ubicado en la zona

  12. Response of Preterm Infants to 2 Noninvasive Ventilatory Support Systems: Nasal CPAP and Nasal Intermittent Positive-Pressure Ventilation. (United States)

    Silveira, Carmen Salum Thomé; Leonardi, Kamila Maia; Melo, Ana Paula Carvalho Freire; Zaia, José Eduardo; Brunherotti, Marisa Afonso Andrade


    Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in preterm infants is currently applied using intermittent positive pressure (2 positive-pressure levels) or in a conventional manner (one pressure level). However, there are no studies in the literature comparing the chances of failure of these NIV methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of failure of 2 noninvasive ventilatory support systems in preterm neonates over a period of 48 h. A randomized, prospective, clinical study was conducted on 80 newborns (gestational age CPAP and 40 infants with nasal intermittent positive-pressure ventilation (NIPPV). The occurrence of apnea, progression of respiratory distress, nose bleeding, and agitation was defined as ventilation failure. The need for intubation and re-intubation after failure was also observed. There were no significant differences in birth characteristics between groups. Ventilatory support failure was observed in 25 (62.5%) newborns treated with nasal CPAP and in 12 (30%) newborns treated with NIPPV, indicating an association between NIV failure and the absence of intermittent positive pressure (odds ratio [OR] 1.22, P CPAP failure. After failure, 25% (OR 0.33) of the newborns receiving nasal CPAP and 12.5% (OR 0.14) receiving NIPPV required invasive mechanical ventilation. Ventilatory support failure was significantly more frequent when nasal CPAP was used. Copyright © 2015 by Daedalus Enterprises.

  13. Methods for Diagnosing Some Malignant Neoplasms of the Canine Nasal Mucosa

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    Emilia Florica Balint


    Full Text Available Abstract The aim of this study is to highlight the easiest method of investigation (nasal lavage or rhinoscopy depending on the animal condition. 18 dogs were investigated, which presented at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, with respiratory distress due to obstruction of the nasal cavities. The sampling for cytological diagnosis was done using the two techniques, the nasal lavage and rhinoscopy. It is most useful to try the lavage first, because it is less invasive, and only then, if case of poor cellularity after centrifugation, or in case of a inflammatory process with unfavourable post-treatment evolution, endoscopy will be used. Cytomorphological diagnosis using, after rhinoscopy or nasal lavage, have evidentiated the following forms of nasal cancer: 10 cases out of 18 were epithelial neoplasms of the olfactory mucosa; 6 cases out of 18 were nerve tumors (malignant melanoma, estesiocarcinoma; 2 cases out of 18 were mesenchymal tumors (osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma. The nasal lavage is a good sampling method but has the disadvantage of sometimes encountering an acute or chronic inflammatory process that can shield the tumor process.

  14. Beneficios de la terapia con hidroxiúrea en niños con anemia de células falciformes = Benefits of hidroxyurea therapy in children with sickle cell disease

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    Donado Gómez, Jorge Hernando


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir la toxicidad y los beneficios de la hidroxiúrea (HU en el tratamiento de niños con anemia de células falciformes (ACF.Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional descriptivo-retrospectivo de pacientes con ACF tratados con HU en el Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe (HPTU de Medellín, Colombia, entre mayo de 2004 y septiembre de 2009. Se trató con este medicamento a 16 pacientes menores de 15 años, 11 de ellos (68,8% de sexo masculino. Todos los pacientes tenían anemia falciforme (Hb SS. Las variables se estudiaron antes y después del inicio de la HU. Resultados: se encontró una media de crisis dolorosas por ACF de 3,31 antes y 1,13 después de la HU (p = 0,006; la media de la necesidad de transfundir glóbulos rojos fue de 2,69 antes y 0,75 después (p = 0,112; los episodios de síndrome torácico agudo (STA tuvieron una media de 0,19 antes y 0,13 después (p = 0,705; la media de la necesidad de hospitalización por ACF fue de 1,94 antes y 1,06 después de la HU (p = 0,155. Un paciente (6,3% presentó toxicidad hematológica y dos (12,5% tuvieron toxicidad hepática, pero no hubo casos de toxicidad renal; tres pacientes (18,8% presentaron accidentes cerebrovasculares. No se encontraron neoplasias. Conclusión: la HU redujo significativamente la frecuencia de crisis dolorosas en los pacientes con ACF. La toxicidad fue en general aceptable. Se requieren estudios prospectivos, multicéntricos, doble ciego, controlados con placebo, para definir el papel de la HU en pacientes pediátricos.

  15. Computed tomographic anatomy of the canine nasal passages

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burk, R.L.


    A normal German shepherd dog underwent CT imaging with contiguous 10 mm thick images made of the nasal cavity from the caudal limit of the frontal sinuses to the rostral aspect of the nose. Normal structures were identified. This normal anatomic information will be of use in assessing CT images of dogs suspected of having nasal cavity disease

  16. Nasal Cancer in the Northamptonshire Boot and Shoe Industry (United States)

    Acheson, E. D.; Cowdell, R. H.; Jolles, B.


    A survey of the incidence of nasal cancer in Northamptonshire during the period 1953 to 1967 is reported. Of the 46 patients with nasal cancer ascertained during the 15-year period 21 (19 males and 2 females) had been employed at some time in the boot and shoe industry. Five other cases diagnosed either before 1953 or after 1967 in persons who had worked in the boot and shoe industry in Northamptonshire were ascertained from various sources. The incidence of nasal cancer (all histological types considered together) was significantly higher in male boot and shoe operatives in Northamptonshire than in males of all occupational classes in the Cancer Register areas selected for comparison and in males working in other occupations in Northamptonshire. The excess incidence has recently given rise to the occurrence of between 1 and 2 new cases per annum in the Northamptonshire boot and shoe industry. The cases within the Northamptonshire industry occurred almost entirely in the relatively small number of workers who are exposed to the dust of the materials used in the manufacture of footwear. Possibly there are two carcinogenic factors in the industry—one related to the production of nasal adenocarcinoma, and the other to squamous and possibly other types of carcinoma in the nasal cavity and sinuses. This requires further study. Our best estimate of the latent period for the adenocarcinoma cases was 54·6 years, which is substantially longer than for the patients with squamous, transitional, and anaplastic tumours (41·7 years). We have no evidence to answer the question whether the facts are still present in the industrial environment, though undoubtedly the standards of hygiene in the industry has improved substantially since these men were first exposed. There is probably an increased risk of nasal adenocarcinoma in the footwear repairing industry, but this requires further study. Our evidence suggests that snuff taking should be considered as a possible contributory

  17. Isotopic evaluation of nasal mucociliary transport in patients with chronic respiratory symptoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Opazo, C.; Troncoso, M.; Quilodran, C.; Lizama, V.


    Introduction: There are a large number of patients with chronic respiratory symptoms especially in pediatric population in whom it would be important to rule out primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) by electron microscopic examination of cilia obtained from respiratory mucosal biopsies, an expensive and not widely available procedure. Our purpose was to evaluate the role of the radioisotopic mucociliary transport measurement on selecting patients for nasal or tracheobronchial biopsy. Methods: The velocity of nasal mucociliary transport (VNMT) was measured in 100 patients, aged 2m-39y, mean 9 yo, from feb-1999 until feb-2002. Ten were healthy controls. The others had chronic o recurrent respiratory symptoms. The procedure consisted to place a 99m Tc-MAA droplet in one nostril by direct vision and follows its course using a gammacamera-computer system in order to calculate its speed expressed in mm/min. Sedation was needed in the vast majority of children below 4 yo. Values below 3 mm/min were repeated to ensure an accurate result. All cases having VNMT below 2,5 mm/min underwent nasal mucosal biopsy. In some patients with VNMT above 2,5 mm/min, nasal mucosal biopsy was also done based on other considerations. Patients were classified in three groups. Those having respiratory symptoms and no biopsy done (CRRS.NB); patients with respiratory symptoms and PCD diagnosed by biopsy (CRRS.PCD.B (+)); healthy controls. Results: Al cases with CRRS. PCD.B(+) had VNMT below 2.4 mm/min with a mean significantly different from those in CRRS.NB and healthy controls. There were no overlapping between the VNMT highest value in patients having CRRS. PCD.B(+) and the lowest VNMT in CRRS.NB or healthy controls. The results are similar to those published by other centers. Conclusions: The radioisotopic method to measure VNMT is feasible, inexpensive and relatively easy to perform. As PCD has important differences in prognosis and treatment from other conditions with similar symptoms, it is

  18. Significance of computerized tomography and nasal cytology in the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    assessment of sinus disease in asthmatic children. Rhinosinusitis is a common asthma comorbidity. Nasal eosinophil or neutrophil score >0.5 provides a better predictive value for rhinosinusitis compared to total serum IgE. Keywords: computerized tomography, nasal sinus, asthma, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, children.

  19. Extraskeletal primary Ewing's scrcoma in the nasal cavity: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Bo Young; Park, Seok Won; Km, Eo Jin; Choi, Jong Sun; Lee, Eun Ja [Dongguk University College of Medicine, Ilsan Hospital, Goyang (Korea, Republic of)


    Ewing's sarcoma presents a rare tumor of the head and neck, and even rarer in the nasal cavity and/or paranasal sinuses. We report the case of Ewing's sarcoma in the nasal cavity, as presented with nasal obstruction and epistaxis. The CT and MRI examination reveals a mass in the left nasal cavity with extension to contralateral side, ethmoidal sinus, and nasopharynx. We provide an overview of Ewing's sarcoma in the nasal cavity and discuss radiologic findings of this unusual case.

  20. Change in the nose areas in children with mouth breathing after nasal cleansing and massage. (United States)

    Melo, Ana Carolina Cardoso de; Gomes, Adriana de Oliveira Camargo; Cunha, Daniele Andrade da; Lima, Sandro Júnior Henrique; Lima, Wigna Rayssa Pereira; Cunha, Renata Andrade da; Silva, Hilton Justino da


    To analyze the changes occurred in the nasal cavity geometry, before and after nasal cleansing, through nasal aeration and acoustic rhinometry in children with oral breathing. Twenty children aged four to 12 years were included in the study. The gathering of participants was conducted at the Multifunctional Laboratory of the Speech Pathology Department of the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE. The following procedures were conducted: Identification Index of Signs and Symptoms of Oral Breathing; marking of nasal expiratory airflow using the graded mirror of Altmann, and examination of the Nasal Geometry by Acoustic Rhinometry. The same procedures were performed after nasal massage and cleansing with saline solution. Significant change was observed in the areas with respect to the nasal airflow on both sides after nasal cleansing and massage. As for nasal geometry, measured by acoustic rhinometry, comparison between the nostrils showed that the effect of cleansing and massage was discrete. Nasal aeration measures showed sensitivity to the cleansing and massage technique and measures of nasal geometry confirmed its effect on respiratory physiology.

  1. Trombocitopenia de difícil manejo en niño preescolar con LES: Reporte de un caso

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    Mario Nicolás Albani Pérez


    Full Text Available El lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES es una enfermedad autoinmune del tejido conectivo, infrecuente en el sexo masculino y durante la infancia. La trombocitopenia se presenta en 15% de los casos de LES, y como forma de inicio es poco común. Se reporta el caso de preescolar masculino de 3 años de edad con inicio de enfermedad a los 18 meses de edad que presentó diarrea, rash cutáneo, equimosis y trombocitopenia; ameritando transfusión de concentrado plaquetario obteniendo mejoría parcial y en control con hematólogo. A los  2 años de edad reaparece equimosis y se diagnostica Púrpura Trombocitopénica Idiopática, tratado con inmunoglobulinas y esteroides sin respuesta satisfactoria. Es referido a Inmunología donde solicitan estudios y los resultados son compatibles con LES, por lo cual recibió prednisona sin respuesta satisfactoria. En Febrero de 2009, presenta epistaxis requiriendo hospitalización y tratamiento con inmunoglobulinas. En Mayo de 2009, presenta otorragia derecha ameritando nuevamente hospitalización y tratamiento con inmunoglobulinas. Se emplea Danazol con buena respuesta. En caso que en el futuro no ofrezca mejoría, se plantea el uso alternativo de ciclosporinas o anticuerpos monoclonales Anti-CD20 (Rituximab dejando como último recurso la esplenectomía. Se presenta el caso clínico considerando la importancia con respecto a la edad de presentación y el manejo no convencional que se debió adoptar para tratar al paciente.

  2. Trombocitopenia de difícil manejo en niño preescolar con LES: Reporte de un caso

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    Mario Nicolás Albani Pérez


    Full Text Available El lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES es una enfermedad autoinmune del tejido conectivo, infrecuente en el sexo masculino y durante la infancia. La trombocitopenia se presenta en 15% de los casos de LES, y como forma de inicio es poco común. Se reporta el caso de preescolar masculino de 3 años de edad con inicio de enfermedad a los 18 meses de edad que presentó diarrea, rash cutáneo, equimosis y trombocitopenia, ameritando transfusión de concentrado plaquetario obteniendo mejoría parcial y en control con hematólogo. A los 2 años de edad reaparece equimosis y se diagnostica Púrpura Trombocitopénica Idiopática, tratado con inmunoglobulinas y esteroides sin respuesta satisfactoria. Es referido a Inmunología donde solicitan estudios y los resultados son compatibles con LES, por lo cual recibió prednisona sin respuesta satisfactoria. En Febrero de 2009, presenta epistaxis requiriendo hospitalización y tratamiento con inmunoglobulinas. En Mayo de 2009, presenta otorragia derecha ameritando nuevamente hospitalización y tratamiento con inmunoglobulinas. Se emplea Danazol con buena respuesta. En caso que en el futuro no ofrezca mejoría, se plantea el uso alternativo de ciclosporinas o anticuerpos monoclonales Anti- CD20 (Rituximab dejando como último recurso la esplenectomía. Se presenta el caso clínico considerando la importancia con respecto a la edad de presentación y el manejo no convencional que se debió adoptar para tratar al paciente.

  3. Anatomy of the nasal cavity of nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus, Linnaeus, 1758

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    Andrezza Braga Soares Silva


    Full Text Available Nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus stands out for its adaptability in different environments, a fact that requires the species, an olfactory capacity developed with a keen sense and related organs potentially evolved. Five specimens of nine banded armadillo were submitted to anatomic dissection with occipital disconnection and isolation of part of the skull in order to obtain a hemi-skull to view the arrangement of internal structures of the nasal cavity. The obtained specimens were identified and photographed with the assist of digital camera. The nine-banded armadillo nose is incorporated into the face of the skeleton located in nasal plan with the triangular shape and facing forward. The nostrils are separated by the nasal septum. Paranasal sinuses, two (frontal and parietal, resemble diverticula of the nasal cavity. The nine-banded armadillo nasal shells are presented divided into three: the ethmoid shell, the dorsal nasal shell and the ventral nasal shell. The shells are delimited dorsal and ventral nasal meatus by. The respiratory system of nine-banded armadillo presented features anatomical that justify their behavior in the nature, as their olfactory ability for hunting. Thus, the development of the nasal shell, especially, ethmoid shells check the animal facility in the searching for subterranean food.

  4. Anatomy of the nasal cavity of nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus, Linnaeus, 1758

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrezza Braga Soares Silva


    Full Text Available Nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus stands out for its adaptability in different environments, a fact that requires the species, an olfactory capacity developed with a keen sense and related organs potentially evolved. Five specimens of nine banded armadillo were submitted to anatomic dissection with occipital disconnection and isolation of part of the skull in order to obtain a hemi-skull to view the arrangement of internal structures of the nasal cavity. The obtained specimens were identified and photographed with the assist of digital camera. The nine-banded armadillo nose is incorporated into the face of the skeleton located in nasal plan with the triangular shape and facing forward. The nostrils are separated by the nasal septum. Paranasal sinuses, two (frontal and parietal, resemble diverticula of the nasal cavity. The nine-banded armadillo nasal shells are presented divided into three: the ethmoid shell, the dorsal nasal shell and the ventral nasal shell. The shells are delimited dorsal and ventral nasal meatus by. The respiratory system of nine-banded armadillo presented features anatomical that justify their behavior in the nature, as their olfactory ability for hunting. Thus, the development of the nasal shell, especially, ethmoid shells check the animal facility in the searching for subterranean food

  5. Impact of educational intervention on the inter-rater agreement of nasal endoscopy interpretation (United States)

    Colley, Patrick; Mace, Jess C.; Schaberg, Madeleine R.; Smith, Timothy L.; Tabaee, Abtin


    OBJECTIVE Nasal endoscopy is integral to the evaluation of sinonasal disorders. However, prior studies have shown significant variability in the inter-rater agreement of nasal endoscopy interpretation amongst practicing rhinologists. The objective of the current study is to evaluate the inter-rater agreement of nasal endoscopy amongst otolaryngology residents from a single training program at baseline and following an educational intervention. METHODS 11 otolaryngology residents completed nasal endoscopy grading forms for 8 digitally recorded nasal endoscopic examinations. An instructional lecture reviewing nasal endoscopy interpretation was subsequently provided. The residents then completed grading forms for 8 different nasal endoscopic examinations. Inter-rate agreement amongst residents for the pre- and post-lecture videos was calculated using the unweighted Fleiss’ kappa statistic (Kf) and intra-class correlation agreement (ICC). RESULTS Inter-rater agreement improved from a baseline level of fair (Kf range 0.268–0.383) to a post-educational level of moderate (Kf range 0.401–0.547) for nasal endoscopy findings of middle meatus mucosa, middle turbinate mucosa, middle meatus discharge, sphenoethmoid recess mucosa, sphenoethmoid recess discharge and atypical lesions (ICC, pendoscopy interpretation amongst otolaryngology residents. The inter-rater agreement for the majority of the characteristics that were evaluated improved after educational intervention. Further study is needed to improve nasal endoscopy interpretation. PMID:25781864

  6. Detection of Lsr2 gene of Mycobacterium leprae in nasal mucus

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    Luiz Antonio Custodio


    Full Text Available In the present study, nasal mucus from patients with leprosy were analyzed by PCR using specific primers for Lsr2 gene of Mycobacterium leprae. The presence of Lsr2 gene in the nasal mucus was detected in 25.80% of patients with paucibacillari leprosy, and 23.07% of contacts. Despite the absence of clinical features in the contact individuals, it was possible to detect the presence of Lsr2 gene in the nasal mucus of these individuals. Therefore, PCR detection of M. leprae targeting Lsr2 gene using nasal mucus samples could contribute to early diagnosis of leprosy.

  7. Frecuencia y tipos de toxinas superantígenos en Staphylococcus aureus de diferentes orígenes: relaciones con tipos genéticos


    Fueyo Mendoza, José María


    Staphylococcus aureus de diferentes orígenes (muestras nasales de portadores humanos, alimentos manipulados, y leche de vacas con mastitis subclínica), recogidos en Asturias (1996-2002), han sido analizados mediante técnicas convencionales y moleculares para determinar la frecuencia y los tipos de genes de toxinas pirogénicas superantígenos (PTSAg) que portan y el polimorfismo de su ADN con objeto de establecer relaciones toxigénicas y genómicas entre aislamientos. La interrelación de los res...

  8. Evaluación económica de rituximab en combinación con fludarabina y ciclofosfamida en comparación con fludarabina y ciclofosfamida en el tratamiento de la leucemia linfática crónica Economic evaluation of rituximab added to fludarabine plus cyclophosphamide versus fludarabine plus cyclophosphamide for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Luis Felipe Casado


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Evaluar el coste-efectividad del esquema de rituximab, fludarabina y ciclofosfamida (R-FC en comparación con el de fludarabina y ciclofosfamida (FC en dos tipos de pacientes con leucemia linfática crónica (LLC: no tratados previamente o bien en recidiva/resistentes al tratamiento previo. Métodos: Dos modelos de Markov, utilizando los resultados publicados de superviviencia libre de progresión (SLP de pacientes con LLC tratados con R-FC o FC en primera o segunda línea, las tasas de progresión de la enfermedad y las tasas de mortalidad en España. A los estados de SLP y progresión se les asignaron utilidades obtenidas en un estudio sobre LLC. Los costes de los medicamentos y de los tratamientos de soporte, así como los años de vida ajustados por calidad (AVAC, se estimaron para un periodo de 10 años. Se efectuaron análisis de sensibilidad univariados y probabilísticos (Monte Carlo. Resultados: La adición de rituximab a la quimioterapia con FC aumentó los años de vida ganados (AVG y los AVAC tanto en primera como en segunda línea de tratamiento. La razón de coste-eficacia incremental fue de 20.703 € por AVG y de 19.343 € por AVAC con la primera línea de tratamiento, y de 23.183 € por AVG y 24.781 € por AVAC con la segunda línea de tratamiento. Conclusiones: En los pacientes con LLC no tratados previamente y en aquellos en recaída o resistentes al tratamiento previo, la adición de rituximab al esquema FC aumentó la esperanza de vida y los AVAC, y en ambos casos resultó ser un tratamiento coste-efectivo.Objectives: We evaluated the cost-effectiveness of rituximab added to the chemotherapy regimen of fludarabine plus cyclophosphamide (R-FC versus fludarabine plus cyclophosphamide (FC for the treatment of patients with previously untreated or relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL. Methods: Two Markov models were built, using published results on progression-free survival (PFS in patients

  9. Doctor Octavio Montoro y los primeros casos de diabetes tratados con insulina en Cuba Doctor Octavio Montoro and the first cases of diabetes treated with insulin in Cuba

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    Dagoberto Álvarez Aldana


    Full Text Available El uso clínico de la insulina por Banting y Best representa un hito en la historia de las ciencias médicas. Los avances en este campo han sido espectaculares y nuestro país no está ajeno a ellos. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre los primeros trabajos realizados por los médicos cubanos en relación con la insulinoterapia, hecho trascendental en la historia de la endocrinología cubana, pero desconocido principalmente para las nuevas generaciones de endocrinólogos. Esta revisión tiene como objetivos destacar la introducción en la clínica moderna de la insulina como un importante suceso en la historiografía médica cubana y divulgar la evolución clínica y el esquema terapéutico aplicado a los primeros casos de diabetes mellitus tratados con insulina en Cuba, así como resaltar el empeño y la capacidad de los profesionales de la salud pioneros en el uso clínico de la insulina en aquellos años, entre los que se destaca el Doctor Octavio Montoro. Para realizar este trabajo fue consultada la bibliografía médica de la época, archivos y otras fuentes. Como resultado se obtuvo que en Cuba se introdujo la insulina en el tratamiento de los pacientes diabéticos en febrero de 1923, por el Doctor Montoro, quien fue reconocido por sus conocimientos médicos y por su vasta cultura. Desempeñó múltiples cargos y recibió numerosas condecoraciones. Se concluyó que Cuba fue uno de los primeros países en el mundo que contó con la insulina como arma terapéutica contra la diabetes. El Doctor Octavio Montoro hizo importantes aportes en la investigación sobre la diabetes, por lo que merece ser considerado, a nuestro juicio, como el padre de la diabetología en nuestro país.The clinical use of insulin by Banting and Best represents a hallmark in the history of medical sciences. The advances in this field have been amazing and our country was also involved in this development. However, little is known about the first works carried out by Cuban

  10. Caracterización de un suelo arcilloso tratado con hidróxido de calcio

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    Carlos Hernando Higuera Sandoval


    Full Text Available Propone unametodología para el tratamiento de suelos susceptibles (arcillas mediante la incorporación del hidróxido de calcio como estabilizante, en busca del mejoramiento de sus características físicas, mecánicas y químicas. La caracterización del suelo consistió en la elaboración de una serie de ensayos de laboratorio que determinaran sus características físico-mecánicas y químicas. Además de esto, se diseñaron mezclas de suelo-hidróxido de calcio en las que se varió el porcentaje de aditivo entre el 2% y el 12%, con el fin de observar las tendencias de sus características y poder así seleccionar el porcentaje óptimo de hidróxido de calcio, que proporcionará mejores condicionesde trabajabilidad del suelo estudiado. Como resultado se obtuvo una mezcla que optimizó el comportamiento del suelo original en cuanto a sus propiedades de plasticidad, resistencia y estabilidad, transformando un suelo pobre en uno adecuado para estructuras de pavimentos.

  11. Caracterización de un suelo arcilloso tratado con hidróxido de calcio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Óscar Eduardo Pardo Naranjo


    Full Text Available Propone una metodología para el tratamiento de suelos susceptibles (arcillas mediante la incorporación del hidróxido de calcio como estabilizante, en busca del mejoramiento de sus características físicas, mecánicas y químicas. La caracterización del suelo consistió en la elaboración de una serie de ensayos de laboratorio que determinaran sus características físico-mecánicas y químicas. Además de esto, se diseñaron mezclas de suelo-hidróxido de calcio en las que se varió el porcentaje de aditivo entre el 2% y el 12%, con el fin de observar las tendencias de sus características y poder así seleccionar el porcentaje óptimo de hidróxido de calcio, que proporcionará mejores condiciones de trabajabilidad del suelo estudiado. Como resultado se obtuvo una mezcla que optimizó el comportamiento del suelo original en cuanto a sus propiedades de plasticidad, resistencia y estabilidad, transformando un suelo pobre en uno adecuado para estructuras de pavimentos.

  12. Genome sequencing and analysis reveals possible determinants of Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage

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    Cole Alexander M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus is a major risk factor in clinical and community settings due to the range of etiologies caused by the organism. We have identified unique immunological and ultrastructural properties associated with nasal carriage isolates denoting a role for bacterial factors in nasal carriage. However, despite extensive molecular level characterizations by several groups suggesting factors necessary for colonization on nasal epithelium, genetic determinants of nasal carriage are unknown. Herein, we have set a genomic foundation for unraveling the bacterial determinants of nasal carriage in S. aureus. Results MLST analysis revealed no lineage specific differences between carrier and non-carrier strains suggesting a role for mobile genetic elements. We completely sequenced a model carrier isolate (D30 and a model non-carrier strain (930918-3 to identify differential gene content. Comparison revealed the presence of 84 genes unique to the carrier strain and strongly suggests a role for Type VII secretion systems in nasal carriage. These genes, along with a putative pathogenicity island (SaPIBov present uniquely in the carrier strains are likely important in affecting carriage. Further, PCR-based genotyping of other clinical isolates for a specific subset of these 84 genes raise the possibility of nasal carriage being caused by multiple gene sets. Conclusion Our data suggest that carriage is likely a heterogeneic phenotypic trait and implies a role for nucleotide level polymorphism in carriage. Complete genome level analyses of multiple carriage strains of S. aureus will be important in clarifying molecular determinants of S. aureus nasal carriage.

  13. Effect of Fentanyl Nasal Packing Treatment on Patients With Acute Postoperative Pain After Nasal Operation: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Kim, Kwan-Sub; Yeo, Nam-Kyung; Kim, Seong-Su; Park, Woong-Sub; Kwak, Su-Hyun; Cho, Sang-Hyeon; Sung, Gyu-Wan; Kim, Hae-Sook; Yi, Sang-Wook; Cho, Hae Jun


    Nasal packing is an option for bleeding control after endoscopic sinus surgery and septoplasty. Although new packing materials have been developed, patients still suffer from pain and require additional analgesics treatments. In this study, a prospective, randomized, and double-blind controlled trial was designed to evaluate the effect of fentanyl-soaked packing on pain after endoscopic sinus surgery and septoplasty. One hundred fifty-two patients who underwent nasal surgeries due to chronic rhinosinusitis or nasal septal deviation were enrolled in this study. At the end of operation, 50 mcg fentanyl-soaked biodegradable synthetic polyurethane foams packing Nasopore or Merocel were applied to a group of 79 patients, and saline-soaked ones were applied to another group of 73 patients. To evaluate the influence of fentanyl on postoperative nasal pain, patients' conditions were assessed via means of Numeric Rating Scale, patient satisfaction, and Ramsay Sedation Scale. In addition, symptoms of headache or sore throat and any signs of cardiopulmonary-relevant indicators were monitored. The fentanyl group had significantly decreased Numeric Rating Scale and increased patient satisfaction in every operation type for the majority of postoperative time periods ( P fentanyl group showed a higher score on Ramsay Sedation Scale than the control group ( P .05). Fentanyl group showed significantly reduced postoperative pain without serious adverse effects. We suggest that topical fentanyl application to nasal packs can be a useful method to reduce pain during the early postoperative period after endoscopic sinus surgery and septoplasty.

  14. Nasal and oral masses in a dog. (United States)

    Levy, Esther; Mylonakis, Mathios E; Saridomichelakis, Manolis N; Polizopoulou, Zoe S; Psychogios, Vassilios; Koutinas, Alexander F


    A 5-year-old, intact male, stray dog was presented in poor body condition, with pallor, muzzle deformity, multiple oozing fistulas with grass awns, bilateral sanguinopurulent nasal discharge and a fleshy friable mass occupying part of the hard palate. A friable mass occupying both nasal cavities was found on rhinoscopy. The dog had moderate nonregenerative normochromic-microcytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, hyperglobulinemia, and hypoalbuminemia. Cytologic preparations of the nasal and oral masses contained a neoplastic population of round cells with intracytoplasmic and extracellular vacuoles. Leishmania amastigotes also were observed, in the cytoplasm of macrophages and, occasionally, within neoplastic cells. A diagnosis of transmissible venereal tumor and concurrent leishmaniosis was made. Treatment with vincristine and allopurinol resulted in complete resolution of clinical signs and disappearance of the masses. The presence of amastigotes in neoplastic TVT cells may suggest an alternative mode of transmission of canine leishmaniosis where these diseases co-exist.

  15. Isotonic saline nasal irrigation in clinical practice: a literature review

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    Sabrina Costa Lima

    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction: Nasal instillation of saline solution has been used as part of the treatment of patients with upper respiratory tract diseases. Despite its use for a number of years, factors such as the amount of saline solution to be used, degree of salinity, method and frequency of application have yet to be fully explained. Objective: Review the reported outcomes of saline nasal irrigation in adults with allergic rhinitis, acute or chronic sinusitis and after functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS, and provide evidence to assist physiotherapists in decision making in clinical practice. Methods: A search was conducted of the Pubmed and Cochrane Library databases between 2007 and 2014. A combination of the following descriptors was used as a search strategy: nasal irrigation, nasal lavage, rhinitis, sinusitis, saline, saline solution. Results: Eight clinical trials were included, analyzed according to participant diagnosis. Conclusion: The evidence found was heterogeneous, but contributed to elucidating uncertainties regarding the use of nasal lavage in the clinical practice of physical therapy, such as the protocols used.

  16. La crítica de Hicks al Tratado del Dinero de Keynes

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    Alexander Tobón


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar que la crítica que hace Hicks al Tratado del Dinero de Keynes es incorrecta. Para ello, presentamos el modelo de Keynes, mostrando que la igualdad entre la inversión y el ahorro es una condición de equilibrio monetario y no una identidad. Este resultado no puede ser obtenido en el análisis de Hicks.

  17. Paradoxical sensation of nasal airflow in patients with common cold. Are we measuring the correct modality? (United States)

    Clarke, Jonathan D; Eccles, Ronald


    A paradoxical relationship between objective and subjective measures of nasal obstruction exists in participants not exposed to any treatment. The sensation of nasal obstruction may be due to the amalgamation of many different nasal sensations. Improved methods for measuring nasal sensations are required to further investigate the relationship between objective and subjective measures of nasal obstruction. In a recent study it was shown that the subjective sensation of nasal patency increased as the nasal passages became objectively more obstructed in patients who received a placebo compared to those who received an oral decongestant. This paradoxical response may be explained as a placebo effect, i.e. patients who received a placebo may have expected to feel less obstructed. The aim of the present study was to investigate this interesting paradox by determining objective and subjective measures of nasal obstruction over time in participants not exposed to any treatment. A total of 60 healthy participants with common cold were recruited. Objective and subjective measures of nasal obstruction were recorded at baseline and at 1 and 2 h using posterior rhinomanometry and a visual analogue scale. Objective measures demonstrated an increase in nasal obstruction over time for both nasal passages considered together and for individual nasal passages. Subjective measures demonstrated a sensation of decreased nasal obstruction over time for both nasal passages considered together and for individual nasal passages.

  18. Nasal symptoms and clinical findings in adult patients treated for unilateral cleft lip and palate. (United States)

    Morén, Staffan; Mani, Maria; Lundberg, Kristina; Holmström, Mats


    The aim of the study was to investigate self-experienced nasal symptoms among adults treated for UCLP and the association to clinical findings, and to evaluate whether palate closure in one-stage or two-stages affected the symptoms or clinical findings. All people with UCLP born between 1960-1987, treated at Uppsala University Hospital, were considered for participation in this cross-sectional population study with long-term follow-up. Eighty-three patients (76% participation rate) participated, a mean of 37 years after the first operation. Fifty-two patients were treated with one-stage palate closure and 31 with two-stage palate closure. An age-matched group of 67 non-cleft controls completed the same study protocol, which included a questionnaire regarding nasal symptoms, nasal inspection, anterior rhinoscopy, and nasal endoscopy. Patients reported a higher frequency of nasal symptoms compared with the control group, e.g., nasal obstruction (81% compared with 60%) and mouth breathing (20% compared with 5%). Patients also rated their nasal symptoms as having a more negative impact on their daily life and physical activities than controls. Nasal examination revealed higher frequencies of nasal deformities among patients. No positive correlation was found between nasal symptoms and severity of findings at nasal examination. No differences were identified between patients treated with one-stage and two-stage palate closure regarding symptoms or nasal findings. Adult patients treated for UCLP suffer from more nasal symptoms than controls. However, symptoms are not associated with findings at clinical nasal examination or method of palate closure.

  19. Tratados y recetarios de técnica industrial en la España medieval. La Corona de Castilla, siglos XV - XVI


    Criado Vega, Teresa


    El eje de esta tesis es analizar las técnicas industriales en la Corona de Castilla en la Baja Edad Media, a través de los recetarios y tratados técnicos localizados en distintas bibliotecas hispanas, como prueba evidente de que tales conocimientos no se transmitieron de forma oral únicamente, sino que fueron recogidos de forma escrita. Esta es una realidad constatada en el resto de Europa, donde han sido estudiados diversos recetarios y tratados, algunos de los cuales han sido utilizados par...

  20. Mucormicosis rinocerebral en paciente con cefalea y diabetes mellitus Rhinocerebral mucormycosis in diabetic patient with headache

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    Juan Camilo Botero


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de un paciente masculino de 52 años, con antecedentes personales de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en tratamiento con metformín quien consultó por cefalea intensa y congestión nasal. Se diagnosticó una pansinusitis que no respondió al manejo médico. Fue evaluado por medicina interna y otorrinolaringología y se encontraron costras secas, negras, en los cornetes y meatos mediante la fibronasolaringoscopia. Se practicó una resonancia magnética en la que se reportó una lesión en la región temporal izquierda asociada a edema vasogénico. Se programó para drenaje del absceso el cual se realizó sin complicaciones; en el estudio de histopatología se informó la presencia de hifas aseptadas que correspondían a Rhizopus sp. Se inició su manejo con anfotericina B para la mucormicosis rinocerebral con respuesta adecuada y se dio de alta por mejoría de su enfermedad.We report the case of a 52 years old male patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus under metformin therapy that presented with acute headache and nasal congestion. Pansinusitis was diagnosed which did not respond to medical treatment. He was evaluated by the internal medicine and otorrinolaringology departments. In the fibronasolaringoscopy exam black necrotic scars were found in turbinates and meatus. A magnetic resonance was ordered which evidenced a lesion in the left temporal region associated to vasogenic edema. The patient was programmed for abscess drainage without any complications; the histopathological report informed the presence of non septated hyphae compatible with Rhizopus sp. The patient began to receive amphotericyn B for a rhinocerebral mucormycosis with optimal response and was discharged with improvement of his clinical picture.