
Sample records for nas neoplasias epiteliais

  1. Estudo histoquímico de proteínas fibrilares da matriz extracelular em neoplasias mamárias benignas e malignas na espécie canina

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    Ana Maria Cristina Rabello Pinto da Fonseca Martins


    Full Text Available A finalidade do presente trabalho foi estudar algumas das proteínas fibrilares da matriz extracelular de 54 neoplasias mamárias benignas e malignas na espécie canina, utilizando métodos histoquímicos: Picrosirius associado à polarização para fibras colágenas , método de Gordon - Sweats para fibras reticulares e método de Weigert com e sem oxidação para fibras elásticas. Evidenciou-se na matriz uma grande variabilidade na quantidade, distribuição e características dos componentes matriciais presentes nos diferentes tipos de neoplasias. Detectou-se, assim, colágeno I, III e elementos do sistema elástico, distribuídos diferentemente nas neoplasias benignas e malignas. O método Picrosirius simples e associado à polarização permitiu a visualização do colágeno sob a forma de fibras espessas distribuídas irregularmente no estroma dos carcinomas e de modo mais ordenado e regular nas neoplasias benignas e, fibras mais finas, em menor quantidade, irregularmente e aleatoriamente dispostas nos carcinomas e regularmente nas neoplasias benigna. Sob luz polarizada os feixes de fibras colágenas , apresentaram diferentes comprimentos, avermelhados ou amarelados e fortemente birrefringentes, sugerindo serem colágeno tipo I e, entremeando as fibras, algumas mais finas ,pálidas, esverdeadas e fracamente birrefringentes, presumivelmente colágeno tipo III. Em áreas condrometaplásicas, tanto nos carcinomas como nas neoplasias benignas notou-se que os feixes colágenos apresentavam-se com fibras finas, paralelas, limitando regiões estreitas onde os condrócitos se aninhavam, e, rodeando esta área, feixes de fibras espessas, anastomosadas, dispostas irregularmente nos carcinomas e ordenadamente e paralelas nas neoplasias benignas. Sob luz polarizada, essa população entre condrócitos era formada por fibras pálidas e amareladas, sugerindo padrão tipo II e na faixa circundante, feixes fortemente birrefringentes, sugerindo o padr

  2. Imunoexpressão do c-erbB-2 nas lesões epiteliais proliferativas intraductais da mama de mulheres Immunoexpression of c-erbB-2 in intraductal proliferative lesions of the female breast

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    Agliberto Barbosa de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Alterações genéticas são relacionadas à gênese e progressão do câncer. Neoplasias de vários órgãos expressam o oncogene c-erbB-2. Nas proliferações intraductais da mama tem sido avaliado como fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de câncer. Foram avaliadas a imunoexpressão do c-erbB-2 em lesões epiteliais proliferativas intraductais e as possíveis correlações com características anatomopatológicas do carcinoma ductal "in situ" (CDIS. MÉTODOS: Foi utilizado material de arquivo, amostras teciduais fixadas em formalina e incluídas em blocos de parafina de 88 mulheres. Destas, 51 com CDIS e 37 com hiperplasia ductal sem atipias (HDT. A idade variou de 35 a 76 anos. Revisados todos os casos, verificou-se: o grau nuclear, a presença de necrose, o subtipo histológico predominante e sua extensão. Obteve-se material suficiente para o estudo imunohistoquímico do c-erbB-2 de 84 sujeitos do estudo. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada a expressão do oncogene nas hiperplasias sem atipias e nos tecidos adjacentes a todas amostras teciduais. A expressão do c-erbB-2 foi verificada em nove (19,1% dos CDIS (p= 0,0001. A imunoexpressão não se relacionou à extensão das lesões. A imunoexpressão do c-erbB-2 no CDIS correlacionou-se com subtipo histológico (p=0,019, com a presença de necrose (p=0,0066, com o grau nuclear (p=0,0084 e com a Classificação de Van Nuys (p=0,039. CONCLUSÕES: A expressão do c-erbB-2 foi estatisticamente significante nas lesões proliferativas de risco (CDIS e correlacionou-se com características histopatológicas: alto grau nuclear, presença de necrose, subtipo comedo. Não houve expressão nas hiperplasias sem atipias e tecidos adjacentes.OBJECTIVES: Genetic modifications are related to genesis and development of cancer. Neoplasias in various organs express the c-erbB-2 oncogene. In intraductal proliferations of the breast it has been assessed as a risk factor for subsequent development of

  3. Variantes de lesões intra-epiteliais escamosas: relato de quatro casos Variants of intraepithelial squamous lesions: report of four cases

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    Álvaro P. Pinto


    Full Text Available Entre a rotina de biópsias e produtos cirúrgicos provenientes do colo uterino, um número significativo de lesões intra-epiteliais escamosas (LIE pode causar dificuldade quanto a caracterização e graduação histológica. Tais lesões têm sido identificadas e descritas isoladamente por artigos científicos como variantes histológicas de LIE cervicais. São elas a metaplasia papilar imatura atípica (MPIA e as variantes de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical graus II/III: queratinizante, com padrão metaplásico imaturo de crescimento e escamomucinosa. Neste artigo são exemplificados quatro casos representativos das entidades citadas acima, provenientes das rotinas do Programa de Prevenção do Câncer Ginecológico do Estado do Paraná e de um laboratório privado especializado em patologia ginecológica de Curitiba, o Laboratório de Citopatologia e Anatomia Patológica Annalab. Os principais critérios diagnósticos são descritos, assim como a correlação citológica e molecular relacionada à presença e à localização do ácido nucleico viral (papilomavírus humano [HPV] nas lesões.In routine basis, among biopsies and surgical specimens derived from uterine cervix, a significant number of squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL may be difficult to diagnose and grade. Some of these lesions were identified, isolated and reported in scientific articles as histological variants of SIL. They are: metaplastic papillary immature atypia (MPIA and the following grade II/III cervical intraepithelial neoplasia variants: keratinized, immature metaplastic-like proliferation and mucin-producing. In this article four cases representative of these variants are described. They were retrieved from the routines of a large scale gynecological cancer screening program and a private laboratory specialized on gynecological pathology, both from Paraná State, Brazil. The main histological criteria for diagnosis are described, as well cytological and

  4. Carcinoma inflamatório mamário canino.


    Gomes, Cristiano; Voll, Juliana; Ferreira, Kelly; Ferreira, Rafael Rodrigues; Oliveira, Luciana Oliveira de; Contesini, Emerson Antônio; Oliveira, Rosemari Teresinha de


    O carcinoma inflamatório mamário é um carcinoma anaplásico com características clínicas e histopatológicas como crescimento rápido, envolvimento difuso, eritema, calor e dor nas mamas, edema nos membros posteriores, extensa infiltração de células inflamatórias, células epiteliais malignas nos linfonodos regionais apresentando um péssimo prognóstico. O cão é a única espécie animal em que esta neoplasia ocorre espontaneamente, entretanto apresenta uma incidência bastante rara tanto em humanos q...

  5. Vaporização a laser do cervix para tratamento da neoplasia intraepitelial cervical

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    Euridice Maria de Almeida Figueiredo

    Full Text Available O câncer cérvico-uterino é muito comum em vários países da América Latina. As estatísticas de mortalidade e as taxas de incidência demonstram a sua real importância. O cânver cérvico-uterino freqüentemente é uma doença progressiva iniciada com mudanças intra-epiteliais, que podem se transformar em um processo invasivo, sendo o nosso objetivo tratar precocemente estas lesões quando ainda é possível a cura de 100%. Em nosso estudo prospectivo foram selecionadas 21 pacientes com neoplasia cervical intra-epitelial reatreadas pela citplogia e diagnosticadas pela histopatologia após biópsia dirigida pela colposcopia. O método terapêutico empregado foi a vaporização a laser com o CO2. Tiveram como pré-requisito os seguintes critérios: informação segura pela colposcopia da zona de transformação e afastar a presença de câncer invasivo; a neoplasia epitelial cervical deve ocupar a ectocervix sem nenhuma extensão para o canal cervical e correlação positiva entre a citologia, colposcopia e histologia. O uso de laser CO2 com microscópio permitiu precisão na aplicação e com vantagens de ser um procedimento ambulatorial diminuindo estresse cirúrgico das pacientes. Foi realizado sem anestesia e com duração média de 15 minutos. A cicatrização completou-se em torno de três semanas e com cuidados operatórios mínimos. Somente dois casos tiveram sangramento vaginal discreto no quinto e décimo dia de pós-operatório, resolvido com tamponamento vaginal por 24 horas. A colposcopia, cirurgia e o seguimento foram feitos pelo autor, tendo uma paciente sido submetida a uma segunda vaporização no quinto mês de controle. Somente uma paciente teve recidiva no 26° mês de seguimento e complementará o tratamento. As vinte outras restantes estão em controle sem recidiva de doença. Em vista dos resultados obtivemos um percentual de cura de 95%, que coincide com a literatura. O uso de laser CO2 no tratamento das neoplasias

  6. Neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical: diagnóstico e tratamento Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: diagnosis and treatment

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    Sophie Françoise Mauricette Derchain


    Full Text Available O câncer do colo uterino é hoje doença passível de prevenção secundária. Os métodos de detecção das lesões precursoras e da infecção pelo papilomavírus humano, tais como a citologia oncológica e biologia molecular, são de uso mundialmente difundido. Entretanto, ainda há muita controvérsia em relação à aplicação destes métodos na prática ginecológica. Qual o melhor exame ou a melhor associação de exames que podem ser utilizados, com que intervalo e em quais mulheres permanecem questões que com freqüência geram ansiedade nos consultórios ou nas unidades de saúde. Por outro lado, uma vez detectada a infecção viral ou a neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical, o tratamento dessas mulheres ainda não é consensual e muitos fatores interferem na definição da conduta ótima. O tipo de infecção, gravidade da neoplasia intra-epitelial, tipo histológico encontrado, todos estes aspectos tendem a dificultar o planejamento terapêutico. Esta revisão tem como objetivo abordar, dentro do conhecimento atual e baseado nos consensos vigentes no país, vários aspectos relacionados ao rastreamento das lesões cervicais e as possíveis condutas terapêuticas vigentes.Cervical cancer is nowadays a disease amenable to secondary prevention. Methods for the detection of its precursor lesions and human papillomavirus infection, such as cervical cytology and molecular biology, achieved widespread use worldwide. However, there is still too much controversy regarding the use of these methods in gynecological practice. Which is the best examination or the best association of examinations, and the most adequate time intervals to proceed with screening, are still pending questions, generating anxiety in patients and doctors. On the other hand, the management of women who have been diagnosed with viral infection and/or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia is not yet consensual, and several factors may affect the clinical decision on how to

  7. Ação do prebiótico sobre as proteínas de fase aguda de pacientes com neoplasia hematológica Action of prebiotics on proteins in the acute phase of hematologic neoplasia

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    Telma Búrigo


    Full Text Available Os pacientes com neoplasias hematológicas são submetidos a tratamento quimioterápico que induz uma intensa alteração na integridade da mucosa intestinal, favorecendo um aumento da sua morbi-mortalidade. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na Unidade de Transplante de Medula Óssea do Centro de Pesquisas Oncológicas em Florianópolis - SC e teve como objetivo estudar a ação do prebiótico na resposta de proteína da fase aguda de pacientes com neoplasias hematológicas submetidos à quimioterapia. Foi realizado um estudo clínico randomizado duplo cego envolvendo 25 pacientes divididos em dois grupos que receberam por 15 dias: 12g de FOS (n=14 ou placebo (maltodextrina (n=11. Todas as variáveis foram determinadas antes e após a suplementação. Foram avaliados os níveis séricos das proteínas de fase aguda negativas (albumina e pré-albumina e a proteína de fase aguda positiva, proteína C reativa (PCR. Verificaram-se a presença de diarréia e de constipação, bem como a quantidade de bifidobactérias e valores de pH fecal. A redução dos níveis séricos de proteínas de fase aguda negativas (albumina e pré-albumina comprovam o intenso catabolismo protéico, priorizando a síntese de proteína de fase aguda positiva (PCR. O grupo suplementado apresentou um aumento significante na quantidade de bifidobactérias e o pH fecal não foi alterado em ambos os grupos. Os níveis séricos de PCR foram estatisticamente superiores no grupo controle, indicando a ocorrência de processos inflamatórios e maior demanda metabólica, sugerindo que a quantidade de bifidobactérias pode ter favorecido a redução deste quadro no grupo suplementado, confirmado pela correlação negativa entre estas variáveis.Patients with hematologic neoplasias are submitted to chemotherapeutic treatment that induces intense alterations in the integrity of the intestinal mucous membrane, favoring an increase in the morbimortality rate. The current work was

  8. Inspeção visual do colo uterino após aplicação de ácido acético no rastreamento das neoplasias intra-epiteliais e lesões induzidas por HPV Cervical visual inspection after application of acetic acid in screening intraepithelial neoplasia and HPV-induced lesions

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    Maria Rachel Aguiar Cordeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: estimar a validade da inspeção visual após aplicação de ácido acético (IVA no rastreamento das neoplasias intra-epiteliais cervicais (NIC e lesões induzidas por HPV, comparando seu desempenho com o da colpocitologia e da colposcopia. MÉTODOS: estudo de validação de teste diagnóstico realizado em 893 mulheres de 18 a 65 anos, rastreadas simultaneamente com colpocitologia, IVA e colposcopia, em unidade de saúde pública de Recife, PE. A IVA foi realizada por embrocação do colo com ácido acético a 5% e observação a olho nu, com auxílio de foco clínico comum. Considerou-se como positividade o achado de qualquer lesão aceto-branca no colo. O padrão-ouro foi o histopatológico de biópsia cervical, realizado sempre que qualquer um dos três testes resultasse anormal. Foram estimados e comparados os indicadores de validade de cada teste, com os respectivos intervalos de confiança a 95%. A concordância entre os resultados dos testes foi avaliada pelo coeficiente kappa (k. RESULTADOS: das 303 mulheres biopsiadas, o estudo histopatológico foi anormal em 24. Deste total, a IVA foi positiva em 22, conferindo-lhe sensibilidade estimada de 91,7%, especificidade de 68,9%, valor preditivo positivo de 7,5% e valor preditivo negativo de 99,7%. Comparando-se os intervalos de confiança a 95%, a IVA mostrou maior sensibilidade que a colpocitologia, mas com menores especificidade e valor preditivo positivo. Houve fraca concordância entre os resultados da IVA e da colpocitologia (k=0,02 e excelente concordância com os da colposcopia (k=0,93. CONCLUSÃO: a IVA foi muito mais sensível que a colpocitologia no rastreamento das NIC e lesões HPV-induzidas e teve o mesmo desempenho da colposcopia. Sua baixa especificidade foi responsável por um elevado número de resultados falso-positivos.PURPOSE: to estimate the validity of visual inspection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN and HPV-induced lesion screening, after acetic

  9. Neoplasias astrocitárias e correlação com as proteínas p53 mutada e Ki-67 Astrocytic neoplasms and correlation with mutate p53 and Ki-67 proteins

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    Gustavo Rassier Isolan


    Full Text Available As neoplasias astrocitárias correspondem a 60% dos tumores do sistema nervoso central, sendo o estudo da biologia molecular um importante passo para a compreensão da gênese e comportamento biológico destas doenças. As proteínas Ki-67, que é um marcador de proliferação celular, e p53, que é o produto do gene supressor de tumor de mesmo nome, são importantes marcadores tumorais. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e quantificar as proteínas Ki-67 e produto do gene supressor de tumor TP53 em diferentes graus de malignidade das neoplasias astrocitárias, bem como analisar suas relações com idade e sexo. Foram estudadas por imuno-histoquímica as proteínas Ki-67 e p53 em 47 pacientes com neoplasias astrocitárias ressecadas cirurgicamente, classificadas previamente e revisadas quanto ao grau de malignidade, de acordo com o proposto pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Os núcleos celulares imunomarcados foram quantificados no programa Imagelab-softium pela razão paramétrica absoluta entre os núcleos de células positivas e o número total de células tumorais, sendo contadas 1000 células. O delineamento utilizado foi transversal não controlado. Para análise estatística as variáveis foram divididas em grupos, que para a Ki-67 foram ausente, 5% e para a p53 foram ausente (0, The astrocytic neoplasms respond by 60% of the central nervous system tumors, being the study of the molecular biology an important step for the understanding of the genesis and biological behavior of these diseases. The Ki-67 proteins, which are markers of the cellular proliferation, and p53, which is the product of the tumor suppressor gene TP53, are both important tumoral markers. This study intends to identify and quantify the Ki-67 and p53 proteins in astrocytic tumors of different grades of malignancy, as well as to analyze their relations with age and gender. Ki-67 and p53 proteins in 47 patients with surgically resected astrocytic neoplasms were

  10. Incidência de neoplasias nas doenças reumatológicas autoimunes mais prevalentes: uma revisão sistemática

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    Roberta Ismael Lacerda Machado


    Full Text Available O presente artigo é uma revisão sistemática da literatura que aborda a coexistência de neoplasias e doenças reumatológicas autoimunes, suas principais associações, tipos de cânceres e os possíveis fatores de riscos associados, com ênfase nos estudos de base populacional existentes, além de verificar a relação dessa ocorrência com o uso dos fármacos utilizados no tratamento de doenças autoimunes. Foi realizada uma busca de artigos científicos indexados na Cochrane/BVS, Pubmed/Medline e Scielo/Lilacs no período de 2002 a 2012. Também foi consultada a IBICT (biblioteca digital brasileira de teses e mestrados, com os descritores em português e inglês para as palavras: "Esclerose sistêmica", "Artrite reumatoide", "Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico" e "Síndrome de Sjögren", correlacionando cada um com o descritor AND "neoplasias". Os resultados mostraram que, na base de dados IBICT, preencheram os critérios de inclusão uma tese e uma dissertação para o descritor LES, nenhuma para AR e uma tese para SS. Na base de dados Lilacs/Scielo foram encontrados dois artigos sobre "Artrite Reumatoide" AND "neoplasias". No Pubmed/Medline, a busca inicial resultou em 118 artigos; destes, preencheram os critérios e foram secionados 41 artigos. Esta revisão observou relação entre neoplasias e as doenças reumatológicas autoimunes, tanto como fator de risco quanto de proteção, embora os mecanismos fisiopatológicos não estejam totalmente elucidados.

  11. Expressão imunoistoquímica do p16 e do PDGFR-beta no adenocarcinoma gástrico


    Rodrigo Pozza Pinto


    O adenocarcinoma de estômago foi a principal causa de morte por neoplasia maligna no mundo durante grande parte do século XX e atualmente é superado somente pelas neoplasias epiteliais malignas de pulmão. Cerca de 750.000 novos casos são diagnosticados anualmente. Apresenta grande variação geográfica, sendo suas maiores incidências encontradas no Japão, América do Sul, Europa Oriental e Oriente Médio. É duas vezes mais freqüente em homens do que em mulheres; é pouco comum antes dos 40 anos e ...

  12. Coexistence of prostate neoplasia in patients undergoing radical cystoprostatectomy due to vesical neoplasia

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    Frederico R. Romero


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To assess the incidence of bladder carcinoma infiltrating the prostate and prostate adenocarcinoma in patients undergoing radical cystoprostatectomy due to bladder cancer, as well as to assess if the characteristics of the bladder neoplasia influence the prostatic involvement by this neoplasia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively assessed 60 male patients, who underwent radical cystoprostatectomy between July 1997 and December 2003. Mean age was 66.7 years (40 and 93 years. The product of radical cystoprostatectomies was checked for involvement of urethra and prostate parenchyma by the primary neoplasia, and for the presence of associated prostate adenocarcinoma. Bladder neoplasia characteristics, such as localization, size, multifocality, association with in situ carcinoma and histological grade, were studied in order to assess the possibility of using such characteristics as predictive factors of prostate infiltration by bladder urothelial carcinoma. RESULTS: We observed the presence of 20% of patients with bladder carcinoma infiltrating the prostatic urethra, 23.3% of patients with infiltration of the prostate parenchyma and 28.3% of patients with associate prostate adenocarcinoma, resulting in a total of 55% of patients with prostatic involvement (infiltrative bladder carcinoma and/or adenocarcinoma. We also observed a statistically significant correlation between tumor location in the trigone, the presence of in situ carcinoma and the histological grade of the bladder tumor with prostatic infiltration by the vesical neoplasia. CONCLUSION: The coexistence of prostatic neoplasia in patients operated for bladder neoplasia was frequent in our sample (55%. We observed that the prostatic infiltration by bladder tumors occurs more frequently with tumors located in the trigone, with associated in situ carcinoma and with high histological grade. There was no correlation between neoplastic infiltration of prostate and multifocality

  13. Hiperplasias epiteliais em espécimes de mamoplastia redutora estética bilateral e mamoplastia redutora contralateral a câncer de mama Epithelial hyperplasia in specimens from bilateral reduction aesthetic mammaplasty and reduction mammaplasty contralateral to breast cancer

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    Luciene Simões de Assis Tafuri


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A mamoplastia redutora estética bilateral (MEB é uma cirurgia que tem como objetivo reduzir o volume mamário, melhorando problemas estéticos e posturais, ou obter equilíbrio estético em pacientes submetidas a mamoplastia contralateral (MRC a câncer de mama. A incidência de lesões mamárias nestes espécimes é variável, e a presença de câncer em uma das mamas é fator de risco conhecido para desenvolvimento de câncer na mama contralateral. OBJETIVOS: Comparar a freqüência de lesões proliferativas epiteliais e outras alterações histopatológicas em espécimes de MEB e MRC. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram revistas lâminas de 867 peças cirúrgicas de MEB e 72 de MRC, anotando-se as alterações histopatológicas, com ênfase nas hiperplasias epiteliais, e relacionando-as com a faixa etária das pacientes. RESULTADOS: A idade média das pacientes submetidas a MEB foi de 34 anos, e das submetidas a MRC, de 50,3 anos. Alterações fibrocísticas foram as lesões mais comumente diagnosticadas. Cistos e ectasia ductal estavam presentes em 50,9% das MEB e em 59,7% das MRC. Hiperplasias epiteliais foram diagnosticadas em 10,1% das MEB e em 43,1% das MRC, principalmente em mulheres com idade superior a 40 anos. Entre as hiperplasias, o tipo usual foi o mais freqüente nos dois grupos (MEB = 9,8% e MRC = 33,3%. Hiperplasias atípicas estavam presentes em 9,7% dos casos de MRC e em 0,3% de MEB. CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de hiperplasias epiteliais com e sem atipias foi maior nos casos de MRC do que nos de MEB mesmo quando as pacientes foram pareadas pela faixa etária.BACKGROUND: Reduction mammaplasty is a surgery whose objective is to reduce the mammary size, improving aesthetic (MEB, or to attain of aesthetic balance in patients submitted to mammaplasty contralateral to breast cancer (MRC. The incidence of breast lesions in these specimens is variable and the previous cancer in one breast is a known risk factor for cancer in

  14. Risk of metachronous neoplasia on surveillance colonoscopy in young patients with colorectal neoplasia. (United States)

    Kim, Hyun Gun; Cho, Young-Seok; Cha, Jae Myung; Shin, Jeong Eun; Kim, Kyeong Ok; Yang, Hyo-Joon; Koo, Hoon Sup; Joo, Young-Eun; Boo, Sun-Jin


    Few prior reports exist that address the appropriate colonoscopy surveillance interval for individuals  .1). In the baseline low-risk adenoma group (n = 1869), the 5-year risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia was 4.9% in the younger patients on screening colonoscopy and 5.1% in the older patients (P > .1). Similarly, in the baseline no neoplasia group (n = 7013), the 5-year risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia was 4.1% in the younger patients on screening colonoscopy and 5.6% in the older patients (P > .1). Considering the similar risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia in younger and older individuals, we suggest a 3-year surveillance interval for high-risk adenoma and a 5-year surveillance interval for low-risk adenoma in young individuals without a strong family history. Copyright © 2018 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Cultura Primária de Explant de Hiperplasia Prostática Benigna

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    Patrícia Borba Martiny


    Full Text Available A Hiperplasia Prostática Benigna (HPB é um crescimento patológico e não maligno da próstata causada principalmente pela proliferação exacerbada das células epiteliais e, principalmente, estromais. Essa neoplasia benigna acomete a maioria dos homens de idade avançada, sendo a condição crônica mais prevalente entre a população masculina. Como mostrado em estudos, o desenvolvimento prostático é intimamente dependente da interação entre as variantes celulares estromais e epiteliais presentes nesta glândula. Entretanto, a cocultura de ambos os tipos celulares é de difícil estabelecimento, uma vez que os dois tipos celulares têm diferentes características de adesão à placa de cultivo celular.

  16. Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Cervical Neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rungoe, Christine; Simonsen, Jacob; Riis, Lene


    BACKGROUND & AIMS: We examined the risk of cervical neoplasia (dysplasia or cancer) in women with ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohn's disease (CD). We also calculated the reverse, the risk for diagnosis with cervical neoplasia before development of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS: We...... established a national cohort of women diagnosed with UC (n = 18,691) or CD (n = 8717) between 1979 and 2011 and a control cohort of individually matched women from the general population (controls, n = 1,508,334). Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) of screening activity and diagnosis of cervical neoplasia in women...... with IBD were assessed by Cox proportional hazards regression analysis. Odds ratios (ORs) of cervical neoplasia before diagnosis of IBD were calculated by using conditional logistic regression. RESULTS: Women with CD underwent cervical cancer screening as often as women in the general population (IRR, 0...

  17. Fractal analysis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

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    Markus Fabrizii

    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Cervical intraepithelial neoplasias (CIN represent precursor lesions of cervical cancer. These neoplastic lesions are traditionally subdivided into three categories CIN 1, CIN 2, and CIN 3, using microscopical criteria. The relation between grades of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN and its fractal dimension was investigated to establish a basis for an objective diagnosis using the method proposed. METHODS: Classical evaluation of the tissue samples was performed by an experienced gynecologic pathologist. Tissue samples were scanned and saved as digital images using Aperio scanner and software. After image segmentation the box counting method as well as multifractal methods were applied to determine the relation between fractal dimension and grades of CIN. A total of 46 images were used to compare the pathologist's neoplasia grades with the predicted groups obtained by fractal methods. RESULTS: Significant or highly significant differences between all grades of CIN could be found. The confusion matrix, comparing between pathologist's grading and predicted group by fractal methods showed a match of 87.1%. Multifractal spectra were able to differentiate between normal epithelium and low grade as well as high grade neoplasia. CONCLUSION: Fractal dimension can be considered to be an objective parameter to grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

  18. Detection of colorectal neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wilhelmsen, Michael; Christensen, Ib J; Rasmussen, Louise


    Serological biomarkers may be an option for early detection of colorectal cancer (CRC). The present study assessed eight cancer-associated protein biomarkers in plasma from subjects undergoing first time ever colonoscopy due to symptoms attributable to colorectal neoplasia. Plasma AFP, CA19-9, CEA...... value was 18% and the negative predictive value was 97%. Combinations of serological protein biomarkers provided a significant identification of subjects with high risk of the presence of colorectal neoplasia. The present set of biomarkers could become important adjunct in early detection of CRC....

  19. Diferentes papéis do óxido nítrico com ênfase nas neoplasias

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    Costa Mirela Tinucci


    Full Text Available O Óxido Nítrico (ON é gerado por uma família de isoenzimas, através da catálise enzimática do aminoácido essencial L-arginina, que resulta na formação de L-citrulina e ON. O ON está envolvido em muitos processos fisiológicos dos mamíferos, que incluem a neurotransmissão, controle da pressão sangüínea, inflamação, reações imunológicas e nos mecanismos de defesa contra microorganisnos e tumores. O descontrole na síntese de ON está implicado na patogênese de doenças cardiovasculares, autoimunidade, rejeição de transplantes, doenças degenerativas, na sépsis, na genotoxicidade e no surgimento de neoplasias. O ON também foi incriminado como agente de iniciação da carcinogênese, que, associado a outros fatores, poderia levar ao descontrole da citoestase e da diferenciação celular. A diversidade de efeitos do ON parece estar relacionada às concentrações de ON gerados, à sensibilidade individual das células e à duração do fenômeno.

  20. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, acromegaly, and colorectal neoplasia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tobi, M; Cats, A; Maliakkal, BJ; Kinzie, JL; Maliakkal, R; Dullaart, RPF; Luk, GD

    Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES) and acromegaly are two hypersecretory states in which colorectal neoplasia has been described, but the incidence in the former condition may not be increased. We describe four patients with colorectal neoplasia associated with the ZES and review other published

  1. Lobular neoplasia: frequency and association with other breast lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gobbi Helenice


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Using new molecular biology techniques, recent studies have implicated a common evolutionary pathway between lobular neoplasia, lobular carcinomas, and columnar cell lesions. Our aims were to assess the frequency of lobular neoplasia in a series of breast biopsies that were performed and examined in the same institution and to analyze the association between subtypes of lobular neoplasia and benign and malignant breast lesions. Methods Cases were selected after reviewing archived pathological reports in the Breast Pathology Laboratory, School of Medicine of Federal University of Minas Gerais (1999-2008. Cases of lobular neoplasia were reviewed and classified as atypical lobular hyperplasia, ductal involvement by cells of atypical lobular hyperplasia, lobular carcinoma in situ, and pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ. Coexistence of lobular neoplasia with other breast lesions, including columnar cell lesions, invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma, was evaluated. The association between lobular neoplasia and breast lesions was analyzed by Fisher's exact test and chi-square test for linear trend. Results We analyzed 5650 breast specimens, selecting 135 breast specimens (2.4% that had a diagnosis of lobular neoplasia, corresponding to 106 patients. Hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides were available for 84 cases, 5 of which were excluded because they contained only "indeterminate" in situ lesions. Of the 79 remaining cases, columnar cell lesions were present in 78.5%, primarily with columnar cell changes without atypia (67.7%. Invasive carcinoma was present in 45.6% of cases of lobular neoplasia--a similar frequency (47.2% as invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma. We noted a significant linear trend (p in situ compared with atypical lobular hyperplasia. Invasive lobular carcinomas were associated with lobular carcinoma in situ in 33% of cases, compared with 2.8% of atypical lobular

  2. Comparação entre membrana amniótica com e sem epitélio como substrato para cultura de células epiteliais do limbo ex vivo

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    Joyce Luciana Covre


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia e aspecto estrutural de células límbicas epiteliais humanas cultivadas sobre membrana amniótica (MA com e sem epitélio. MÉTODOS: As culturas límbicas foram obtidas a partir de rima corneoescleral remanescentes de transplantes de córnea de 6 diferentes doadores. Cada explante foi cultivado em três diferentes grupos: MA desepitelizada por tripsina (Grupo 1, MA com epitélio íntegro (Grupo 2 e controle (Grupo 3. A migração epitelial foi avaliada por microscopia de contraste de fase. Após 15 dias, as células cultivadas sobre MA foram submetidas à microscopia eletrônica para avaliar migração e adesão epitelial. RESULTADOS: Todas as células do grupo controle cresceram até atingir confluência. Somente uma das culturas em membrana amniótica desepitelizada não apresentou crescimento epitelial. O crescimento de células epiteliais sobre membrana amniótica epitelizada foi observada em apenas uma cultura. CONCLUSÃO: Baseando-se nestes achados, o uso de membrana amniótica desepitelizada aparenta ser o melhor substrato para migração e adesão epitelial comparando com membrana amniótica epitelizada. Remover o epitélio da membrana amniótica demonstra ser um importante passo para estabelecer culturas de células sobre membrana amniótica.

  3. Risk Factors for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia

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    Estrella de la Caridad Armenteros Espino


    Full Text Available Background: cervix cancer constitutes the second cause of death worldwide, with new diagnosis each year. Objective: to determine the risk factors of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in the municipality of Cruces. Methods: it was developed an analytical research with case and control design from November 2013 to November 2014. The group of cases was formed of the 34 women with this diagnosis. There were selected 64 females from the same environment with the same age for the control group. The data obtained by surveys and clinical records reviews were presented in absolute numbers and percentages. It was used Chi-squared test and odd ratio. Results: 52 % of women with neoplasia were less than 25 years old. Significant differences were found which associate neoplasia with early sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted infections by Papilloma virus, Plane genital condyloma, and the use of oral contraceptive pills. Multiple sex partner was a frequent antecedent. Conclusion: risk factors associated to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in the group of women studied in the Cruces municipality were early sexual intercourse, mainly before 15 years old, multiple sex partner, sexually communicated diseases and the use of oral contraceptive pills for more than 5 years.

  4. Pregnancy outcomes after chemotherapy for trophoblastic neoplasia. (United States)

    Garcia, Mila Trementosa; Lin, Lawrence Hsu; Fushida, Koji; Francisco, Rossana Pulcineli Vieira; Zugaib, Marcelo


    The successful development of chemotherapy enabled a fertilitysparing treatment for patients with trophoblastic neoplasia. After disease remission, the outcome of a subsequent pregnancy becomes a great concern for these women. To analyze existing studies in the literature that describe the reproductive outcomes of patients with trophoblastic neoplasia treated with chemotherapy. Systematic review was performed searching for articles on Medline/ Pubmed, Lilacs and Cochrane Library databases, using the terms "gestational trophoblastic disease" and "pregnancy outcome". A total of 18 articles were included. No evidence of decreased fertility after chemotherapy for trophoblastic neoplasia was observed. The abortion rates in patients who conceived within 6 months after chemotherapy was higher compared to those who waited longer. Some studies showed increased rates of stillbirth and repeat hydatidiform moles. Only one work showed increased congenital abnormalities. The pregnancies conceived after chemotherapy for trophoblastic neoplasia should be followed with clinical surveillance due to higher rates of some pregnancy complications. However, studies in the literature provide reassuring data about reproductive outcomes of these patients.


    Page-Karjian, Annie; Hahne, Megan; Leach, Kate; Murphy, Hayley; Lock, Brad; Rivera, Samuel


    A retrospective study was conducted to review neoplasia of captive snakes in the Zoo Atlanta collection from 1992 to 2012. Of 255 snakes that underwent necropsy and histopathologic examination at Zoo Atlanta during the study period, 37 were observed with neoplasia at necropsy. In those 37 snakes, 42 neoplastic lesions of 18 primary cell types were diagnosed. Thirty-five of those neoplasms (83.3%) were malignant, and of those, 19 were of mesenchymal origin, whereas 14 were of epithelial origin. The median annual rate of neoplasia at necropsy was 12.5% (interquartile range = 2.8-19.5%) over the 21-yr study period. The mean estimated age at death for snakes with neoplasia was 13.2 yr (range, 1-24 yr). Investigating the incidence and clinical significance of neoplasia in captive snakes is vital for developing effective preventative and treatment regimes.

  6. Can the Ni classification of vessels predict neoplasia?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mehlum, Camilla Slot; Rosenberg, Tine; Dyrvig, Anne-Kirstine


    OBJECTIVES: The Ni classification of vascular change from 2011 is well documented for evaluating pharyngeal and laryngeal lesions, primarily focusing on cancer. In the planning of surgery it may be more relevant to differentiate neoplasia from non-neoplasia. We aimed to evaluate the ability...... of the Ni classification to predict laryngeal or hypopharyngeal neoplasia and to investigate if a changed cutoff value would support the recent European Laryngological Society (ELS) proposal of perpendicular vascular changes as indicative of neoplasia. DATA SOURCES: PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, and Scopus....... The pooled sensitivity and specificity of the Ni classification with two different cutoffs were calculated, and bubble and summary receiver operating characteristics plots were created. RESULTS: The combined sensitivity of five studies (n = 687) with Ni type IV-V defined as test-positive was 0.89 (95...

  7. Pregnancy outcomes after chemotherapy for trophoblastic neoplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available SUMMARY Introduction The successful development of chemotherapy enabled a fertilitysparing treatment for patients with trophoblastic neoplasia. After disease remission, the outcome of a subsequent pregnancy becomes a great concern for these women. Objective To analyze existing studies in the literature that describe the reproductive outcomes of patients with trophoblastic neoplasia treated with chemotherapy. Method Systematic review was performed searching for articles on Medline/ Pubmed, Lilacs and Cochrane Library databases, using the terms “gestational trophoblastic disease” and “pregnancy outcome”. Results A total of 18 articles were included. No evidence of decreased fertility after chemotherapy for trophoblastic neoplasia was observed. The abortion rates in patients who conceived within 6 months after chemotherapy was higher compared to those who waited longer. Some studies showed increased rates of stillbirth and repeat hydatidiform moles. Only one work showed increased congenital abnormalities. Conclusion The pregnancies conceived after chemotherapy for trophoblastic neoplasia should be followed with clinical surveillance due to higher rates of some pregnancy complications. However, studies in the literature provide reassuring data about reproductive outcomes of these patients.

  8. Intrathoracic neoplasia: Epidemiology and etiology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weller, R.E.


    Neoplasms of the thorax encompass those derived from the thoracic wall, trachea, mediastinum, lungs and pleura. They represent a wide variety of lesions including benign and malignant tumors arising from many tissues. The large surface area, 60 to 90 m{sup 2} in man, represented by the respiratory epithelium and associated thoracic structures are ideal targets for carcinogens carried by inspired air. The topic of discussion in this report is the epidemiology, etiology, and mechanisms of spontaneous intrathoracic neoplasia in animals and man. Much of what we know or suspect about thoracic neoplasia in animals has been extrapolated from experimentally-induced neoplasms.

  9. Surgical treatment of pancreatic endocrine tumors in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1

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    Marcel Cerqueira Cesar Machado

    Full Text Available Surgical approaches to pancreatic endocrine tumors associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 may differ greatly from those applied to sporadic pancreatic endocrine tumors. Presurgical diagnosis of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 is therefore crucial to plan a proper intervention. Of note, hyperparathyroidism/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 should be surgically treated before pancreatic endocrine tumors/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 resection, apart from insulinoma. Non-functioning pancreatic endocrine tumors/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 >1 cm have a high risk of malignancy and should be treated by a pancreatic resection associated with lymphadenectomy. The vast majority of patients with gastrinoma/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 present with tumor lesions at the duodenum, so the surgery of choice is subtotal or total pancreatoduodenectomy followed by regional lymphadenectomy. The usual surgical treatment for insulinoma/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 is distal pancreatectomy up to the mesenteric vein with or without spleen preservation, associated with enucleation of tumor lesions in the pancreatic head. Surgical procedures for glucagonomas, somatostatinomas, and vipomas/ multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 are similar to those applied to sporadic pancreatic endocrine tumors. Some of these surgical strategies for pancreatic endocrine tumors/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 still remain controversial as to their proper extension and timing. Furthermore, surgical resection of single hepatic metastasis secondary to pancreatic endocrine tumors/multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 may be curative and even in multiple liver metastases surgical resection is possible. Hepatic trans-arterial chemo-embolization is usually associated with surgical resection. Liver transplantation may be needed for select cases. Finally, pre-surgical clinical and genetic diagnosis of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome and

  10. Ultrathin endoscopy versus high-resolution endoscopy for diagnosing superficial gastric neoplasia. (United States)

    Toyoizumi, Hirobumi; Kaise, Mitsuru; Arakawa, Hiroshi; Yonezawa, Jin; Yoshida, Yukinaga; Kato, Masayuki; Yoshimura, Noboru; Goda, Ken-ichi; Tajiri, Hisao


    Ultrathin endoscopy (UTE) is an acceptable and cost-effective alternative to EGD with the patient under sedation, although the diagnostic accuracy of UTE is not well established. To compare the diagnostic accuracy of UTE and high-resolution endoscopy (HRE) for superficial gastric neoplasia. Prospective comparative study. Academic center. Patients with or without superficial gastric neoplasia underwent peroral UTE and HRE, back-to-back in a random order while under standard sedation. The procedures were performed by 2 endoscopists who were blinded to the clinical information. The rate of missed lesions and misdiagnosis, sensitivity, and specificity for the diagnosis of gastric neoplasia when using pathology as the reference standard. In total, 126 lesions (41 superficial gastric neoplasias, 85 nonneoplastic lesions) were recorded in 57 enrolled patients. For the diagnosis of gastric neoplasia, the sensitivity of UTE (58.5%) was significantly (P = .021) lower than that of HRE (78%), and the specificity of UTE (91.8%) was significantly (P = .014) lower than that of HRE (100%). The rate of missed lesions and misdiagnosis of gastric neoplasias when using UTE (41.5%) was significantly (P > .001) higher than that of HRE (22.0%). The corresponding rate of neoplasias at the proximal portion (fornix and corpus) when using UTE (29%) was significantly (P = .002) higher than that of HRE (7.2%), although the rates of neoplasias at the distal portion (angulus and antrum) were comparable for UTE and HRE. Small sample numbers in an enriched population. The diagnostic accuracy of UTE is significantly lower than that of HRE for superficial gastric neoplasia, and this difference is particularly striking for neoplasias in the proximal stomach. For UTE to be used as an alternative modality, improvements in optical quality and the incorporation of additional procedures, including close-range observations and chromoendoscopy, are required to enhance visualization.

  11. Testicular neoplasia in undescended testes of cryptorchid boys-does surgical strategy have an impact on the risk of invasive testicular neoplasia?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cortes, Dina; Thorup, Jørgen Mogens; Petersen, Bodil Laub


    We investigated whether or not surgical strategy has an impact on the risk of invasive testicular neoplasia in cases of cryptorchidism. We made a database study of the incidence of testicular neoplasia at surgery for cryptorchidism in childhood, and evaluated if such abnormalities were found......, p placed...

  12. Tipagem e estado físico de papilomavírus humano por hibridização in situ em lesões intra-epiteliais do colo uterino Human papillomavirus typing and physical state by in situ hybridization in uterine cervix intraepithelial lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lúcia Buchalla Bagarelli


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: realizar estudo molecular (hibridização in situ de pacientes com lesões intra-epiteliais do colo uterino, visando investigar a freqüência e o estado físico do papilomavírus humano (HPV. MÉTODOS: cortes histológicos de biopsias do colo uterino de 84 pacientes foram avaliados pela hibridização in situ, com sonda de amplo espectro, que permite identificação dos HPVs dos tipos 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 42, 45 e 56, e com sondas específicas para HPV dos tipos 6, 11, 16, 18, 31 e 33. Os padrões físicos de marcação do DNA dos HPV encontrados foram: epissomal, quando todo o núcleo ficou corado pela biotina (marrom; integrado, onde se visualizaram um ou dois pontos marrons no núcleo hibridizado, ou misto, com a associação dos dois padrões anteriores. Das 84 pacientes avaliadas, 31 (36,9% tinham lesões intra-epiteliais de baixo grau (LIE-BG e 53 (63,1% tinham lesões intra-epiteliais de alto grau (LIE-AG ao exame histológico. Para a análise estatística foi empregado o teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: do total dos casos, 46 (54,7% foram positivos para DNA de HPV pela sonda de amplo espectro. Na tipagem dos vírus, o HPV-16 foi mais freqüente nas LIE-AG, com 12 casos - 22,6% (pPURPOSE: to carry out a molecular study (in situ hybridization on patients who present intraepithelial lesions of the uterine cervix, and to assess the frequency and the physical state of the human papillomavirus (HPV. METHODS: histological sections of biopsies of the uterine cervix from 84 patients were evaluated by in situ hybridization, with a broad-spectrum probe, which allows the identification of the HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 42, 45, and 56 and with specific probes for HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, and 33. The physical patterns of HPV DNA found were: episomal, when the entire nucleus stains with biotin (brown; integrated - one or two brown points in the hybridized nucleus, or mixed, associating both patterns. Of the 84

  13. Mitotic and apoptotic activity in colorectal neoplasia. (United States)

    Kohoutova, Darina; Pejchal, Jaroslav; Bures, Jan


    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is third most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide. The aim of the prospective study was to evaluate mitosis and apoptosis of epithelial cells at each stage of colorectal neoplasia. A total of 61 persons were enrolled into the study: 18 patients with non-advanced colorectal adenoma (non-a-A), 13 patients with advanced colorectal adenoma (a-A), 13 patients with CRC and 17 controls: individuals with normal findings on colonoscopy. Biopsy samples were taken from pathology (patients) and healthy mucosa (patients and healthy controls). Samples were formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded and stained with haematoxylin-eosin. Mitotic and apoptotic activity were evaluated in lower and upper part of the crypts and in the superficial compartment. Apoptotic activity was also assessed using detection of activated caspase-3. In controls, mitotic activity was present in lower part of crypts, accompanied with low apoptotic activity. Mitotic and apoptotic activity decreased (to almost zero) in upper part of crypts. In superficial compartment, increase in apoptotic activity was observed. Transformation of healthy mucosa into non-a-A was associated with significant increase of mitotic activity in lower and upper part of the crypts and with significant increase of apoptotic activity in all three compartments; p colorectal neoplasia were observed. Detection of activated caspase-3 confirmed the above findings in apoptotic activity. Significant dysregulation of mitosis and apoptosis during the progression of colorectal neoplasia, corresponding with histology, was confirmed. In patients with sporadic colorectal neoplasia, healthy mucosa does not display different mitotic and apoptotic activity compared to mucosa in healthy controls and therefore adequate endoscopic/surgical removal of colorectal neoplasia is sufficient.



    Carozzi, Gregorio


    Computed tomography (CT) is commonly used to investigate head tumours in dogs, and is a fundamental part of the diagnostic work-up, for diagnosis, staging and planning therapy in neoplastic disease. Nasal diseases, either neoplastic or non-neoplastic diseases, oral neoplasia, brain disease, thyroid or carotid body neoplasia have been extensively studied. However little information are available for lesions of the pharyngeal area. In this thesis, cases of dogs affected by pharyngeal neoplas...

  15. Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia in Xeroderma Pigmentosum

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    Rajesh R Nayak


    Full Text Available Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP is a rare genetic disorder associated with multiple oculocutaneous and neurological manifestations. It occurs due to deficiency of the enzymes responsible for repairing ultraviolet radiation-induced DNA damage. Persistence of un-repaired DNA results in somatic mutations, leading to neoplasia of the skin and ocular surface. As this condition is rare, only isolated case reports of XP with ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN are found in literature.

  16. Quantitative attenuation analysis for identification of early Barrett's neoplasia in volumetric laser endomicroscopy (United States)

    Swager, Anne-Fre; Faber, Dirk J.; de Bruin, Daniel M.; Weusten, Bas L.; Meijer, Sybren L.; Bergman, Jacques J.; Curvers, Wouter L.; van Leeuwen, Ton G.


    Early neoplasia in Barrett's esophagus (BE) is difficult to detect. Volumetric laser endomicroscopy (VLE) incorporates optical coherence tomography, providing a circumferential scan of the esophageal wall layers. The attenuation coefficient (μVLE) quantifies decay of detected backscattered light versus depth, and could potentially improve BE neoplasia detection. The aim is to investigate feasibility of μVLE for identification of early BE neoplasia. In vivo and ex vivo VLE scans with histological correlation from BE patients ± neoplasia were used. Quantification by μVLE was performed manually on areas of interest (AoIs) to differentiate neoplasia from nondysplastic (ND)BE. From ex vivo VLE scans from 16 patients (13 with neoplasia), 68 AoIs were analyzed. Median μVLE values (mm-1) were 3.7 [2.1 to 4.4 interquartile range (IQR)] for NDBE and 4.0 (2.5 to 4.9 IQR) for neoplasia, not statistically different (p=0.82). Fourteen in vivo scans were used: nine from neoplastic and five from NDBE patients. Median μVLE values were 1.8 (1.5 to 2.6 IQR) for NDBE and 2.1 (1.9 to 2.6 IQR) for neoplasia, with no statistically significant difference (p=0.37). In conclusion, there was no significant difference in μVLE values in VLE scans from early neoplasia versus NDBE. Future studies with a larger sample size should explore other quantitative methods for detection of neoplasia during BE surveillance.

  17. Primary pulmonary neoplasia in the dog and cat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mehlhaff, C.J.; Mooney, S.


    This article covers the pertinent clinical, physical, and radiographic findings in dogs and cats with primary pulmonary neoplasia. Diagnostic and treatment recommendations are made. Although primary pulmonary neoplasia is rare in both the dog and cat, it appears to be diagnosed with increasing frequency. Early detection and surgical treatment of carefully selected cases can prolong a good quality of life

  18. Molecular diagnosis of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Molecular diagnosis of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A. RJ Pegoraro, DJ Hacking, RH Buck, L Rom, PA Lanning, GMB Berger. Abstract. Objective. To identify by means of genetic analyses individuals who are at risk of developing medullary thyroid cancer that is a component of multiple endocrine neoplasia. Subjects.

  19. Sarcopenia is associated with an increased risk of advanced colorectal neoplasia. (United States)

    Park, Youn Su; Kim, Ji Won; Kim, Byeong Gwan; Lee, Kook Lae; Lee, Jae Kyung; Kim, Joo Sung; Koh, Seong-Joon


    Although sarcopenia is associated with an increased risk for mortality after the curative resection of colorectal cancer, its influence on the development of advanced colonic neoplasia remains unclear. This study included 1270 subjects aged 40 years or older evaluated with first-time screening colonoscopy at Seoul National University Boramae Health Care Center from January 2010 to February 2015. Skeletal muscle mass was measured with a body composition analyzer (direct segmental multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis method). Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to determine whether sarcopenia is associated with advanced colorectal neoplasia. Of 1270 subjects, 139 (10.9%) were categorized into the sarcopenia group and 1131 (89.1%) into the non-sarcopenia group. In the non-sarcopenia group, 55 subjects (4.9%) had advanced colorectal neoplasia. However, in the sarcopenia group, 19 subjects (13.7%) had advanced colorectal neoplasia, including 1 subject with invasive colorectal cancer (0.7%). In addition, subjects with sarcopenia had a higher prevalence of advanced adenoma (P sarcopenia. According to the multiple logistic regression analysis adjusted for variable confounders, age (odds ratio 1.062, 95% confidence interval 1.032-1.093; P sarcopenia (odds ratio 2.347, 95% confidence interval 1.311-4.202; P = 0.004) were associated with an advanced colorectal neoplasia. Sarcopenia is associated with an increased risk of advanced colorectal neoplasia.

  20. Canine oral cavity neoplasias - Brief review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Filipe Requicha


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. Requicha J.F., Pires M. dos A., Albuquerque C.M. & Viegas C.A. [Canine oral cavity neoplasias - Brief review.] Neoplasias da cavidade oral do cão - Breve revisão. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 37(1:41-46, 2015. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Campo Grande, 1749-024 Lisboa, Portugal e Department of Veterinary Sciences, School of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, P.O. Box 1013, 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal. E-mail: Oral proliferative lesions are relatively common in domestic carnivores but, fortunately, a lot of these lesions are benign. The oral cavity is place of 6% of all tumours in dogs, being the sixth most important localization of neoplasias in this specie. The non-odontogenic tumors arise from structures of the oral cavity, except from dental tissue, and they are mostly malignant. Odontogenic tumors are those originated from the dental structures. In the case of tumors of non-odontogenic, will be described the oral papillomatosis, the melanoma, the squamous cell carcinoma, and the fibrosarcoma. Among the odontogenic tumors, the focus will be on the epulides, ameloblastoma, odontoma and dentigerous cysts.

  1. Dietary habits of colorectal neoplasia patients in comparison to their first-degree relatives. (United States)

    Kajzrlikova, Ivana Mikoviny; Vitek, Petr; Chalupa, Josef; Dite, Petr


    To compare the dietary habits between colorectal neoplasia patients, their first-degree relatives, and unrelated controls. From July 2008 to April 2011, we collected epidemiological data relevant to colorectal cancer from patients with colorectal neoplasias, their first-degree relatives, and also from a control group consisting of people referred for colonoscopy with a negative family history of colorectal cancer and without evidence of neoplasia after colonoscopic examination. The first-degree relatives were divided into two groups following the colonoscopic examination: (1) patients with neoplasia or (2) patients without neoplasia. Dietary habits of all groups were compared. A χ (2) test was used to assess the association between two dichotomous categorical variables. The study groups consisted of 242 patients with colorectal neoplasias (143 men, 99 women; mean age: 64 ± 12 years) and 160 first-degree relatives (66 men, 94 women; mean age: 48 ± 11 years). Fifty-five of the first-degree relatives were found to have a neoplastic lesion upon colonoscopy, while the remaining 105 were without neoplasia. The control group contained 123 individuals with a negative family history for neoplastic lesions (66 men, 57 women; mean age: 54 ± 12 years). Two hypotheses were tested. In the first, the dietary habits of first-degree relatives with neoplasia were more similar to those of patients with neoplasia, while the dietary habits of first-degree relatives without neoplasia were similar to those of the control group. In the second, no sex-related differences in dietary habits were expected between the particular groups. Indeed, no significant differences were observed in the dietary habits between the groups of patients, controls and first-degree relatives with/without neoplastic lesions. Nevertheless, statistically significant sex-related differences were observed in all groups, wherein women had healthier dietary habits than men. In all groups examined, women had

  2. Defining the genetic susceptibility to cervical neoplasia-A genome-wide association study.

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    Paul J Leo


    Full Text Available A small percentage of women with cervical HPV infection progress to cervical neoplasia, and the risk factors determining progression are incompletely understood. We sought to define the genetic loci involved in cervical neoplasia and to assess its heritability using unbiased unrelated case/control statistical approaches. We demonstrated strong association of cervical neoplasia with risk and protective HLA haplotypes that are determined by the amino-acids carried at positions 13 and 71 in pocket 4 of HLA-DRB1 and position 156 in HLA-B. Furthermore, 36% (standard error 2.4% of liability of HPV-associated cervical pre-cancer and cancer is determined by common genetic variants. Women in the highest 10% of genetic risk scores have approximately >7.1% risk, and those in the highest 5% have approximately >21.6% risk, of developing cervical neoplasia. Future studies should examine genetic risk prediction in assessing the risk of cervical neoplasia further, in combination with other screening methods.

  3. Neurocutaneous spectrum of multiple endocrine neoplasia-1

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    Shireen Furtado


    Full Text Available Multiple endocrine neoplasia type I or Wermer syndrome is characterized by primary hyperparathyroidism, enteropancreatic endocrine tumor, and a pituitary pathology. A 35-year-old male presented with visual field defects, hyperprolactinemia, and hypogonadism. He also had multiple infraumbilical skin-colored nodules. A syndromal association of Wermer syndrome was derived using the dermal, pituitary, parathyroid, and gastrointestinal hormonal manifestations of the tumor. The radiological and histological findings of lesion which underwent biopsy are discussed. The presence of collagenomas, lipomas, and hypopigmented macules in a patient with neuroendocrine symptoms should raise the suspicion of an underlying multiple endocrine neoplasia.

  4. Importance of thoracic radiography in the approach of animals with neoplasia/ A importância do exame radiográfico torácico na abordagem de animais portadores de neoplasias

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    Antonio Carlos Faria dos Reis


    Full Text Available The aim of the present study was to evaluate the importance of the thoracic radiography in dogs and cats with neoplasias of diverse origins and localizations, excepting mammary neoplasm. It was studied 54 animals on suspicion of pulmonary metastase and/or primary lung tumors- 49 dogs (91% and five cats (9%; being 28 (52% female (3 cats and 26 (48% male (2 cats – attended by Thoracic and Oncology Medicine Services in the Veterinary Hospital/UEL, in 2005. The mammary neoplasias were not included in this work. From the 54 animals, six (11% presented radiography examinations with evidence of pulmonary metastase, being one cat. Four animals (8% had compatible radiography examination with primary pulmonary neoplasia. These results indicate the importance of the thoracic radiography in the approach of animals with neoplasia, to exclude the possibility of pulmonary metastase independent from the neoplasm origin and the necessity of radiographic attendance to the animals without radiographic signals of pulmonary metastase.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a importância do exame radiográfico torácico em cães e gatos com neoplasias de diversas origens e localizações, excetuando neoplasias mamárias. Foram estudados 54 animais com suspeita de metástase pulmonar e/ou neoplasia pulmonar primária – 49 cães (91% e cinco felinos (9%; sendo 28 (52% fêmeas (3 felinas e 26 (48% machos (2 felinos – atendidos nos Projetos de Extensão em Medicina Torácica e Oncologia do Hospital Veterinário/UEL, durante o ano de 2005. As neoplasias mamárias, não foram inclusas neste trabalho. Dos 54 animais, seis (11% apresentaram exames radiográficos com evidência de metástase pulmonar, sendo um felino. Quatro animais (8% tiveram exame radiográfico compatível com neoplasia pulmonar primária. Esses resultados indicam a importância do exame radiográfico torácico na abordagem de animais com neoplasias, para descartar a possibilidade de met

  5. Radiographic findings in cats with intranasal neoplasia or chronic rhinitis: 29 cases (1982-1988)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Brien, R.T.; Evans, S.M.; Wortman, J.A.; Hendrick, M.J.


    Objective: To compare radiographic findings and determine useful criteria to differentiate between intranasal neoplasia and chronic rhinitis in cats. Design: Retrospective study. Animals: Cats with chronic nasal disease caused by neoplasia (n = 18) or by chronic rhinitis (n = 11). Procedure: Radiographs were reviewed by 3 radiologists, followed by group review. Diagnosis was determined by intranasal biopsy or necropsy, and specimens were reviewed by a pathologist to confirm cause and histologic diagnosis. Results: Lymphosarcoma was the most common (n = 5) of the 6 histopathologic types in the neoplasia group. Cats in the neoplasia and chronic rhinitis groups had a high prevalence of aggressive radiographic lesions. Prevalence of a facial mass in cats with neoplasia (8/18) versus in those with chronic rhinitis (4/11) and of deviation (9/18 vs 6/11, respectively) or lysis (12/18 vs 7/11) of the nasal septum was similar. However, significantly (P = 0.02) more cats with neoplasia than with chronic rhinitis (13/16 vs 3/7, respectively) had unilateral turbinate destruction/lysis. Additionally, unilateral lateral bone erosion and loss of teeth associated with adjacent intranasal disease were more prevalent in cats with neoplasia (7/8 and 5/18, respectively) than in cats with chronic rhinitis (1/3 and 0/11, respectively). Clinical Implications: Features that may assist in radiographic diagnosis of neoplasia include the appearance of unilateral aggressive lesions, such as lysis of lateral bones, nasal turbinate destruction, and loss of teeth. Bilaterally symmetric lesions are more suggestive of chronic rhinitis than of neoplasia

  6. Genetics of Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Neoplasias (PDQ®)—Health Professional Version (United States)

    Genetics of Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Neoplasias discusses inherited syndromes multiple endocrine neoplasia types 1, 2, and 4 (MEN1, MEN2, MEN4), familial pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma, Carney-Stratakis syndrome, and familial nonmedullary thyroid cancer. Learn more in this clinician summary.

  7. Long-term adherence to follow-up after treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barken, Sidsel S; Lynge, Elsebeth; Andersen, Erik S.


    OBJECTIVE: To measure adherence to annual follow-up among women treated for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. DESIGN: Prospective, population-based, register study. SETTING: Denmark, 1996-2007. POPULATION: All women treated for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia with conization. METHODS: Treated...... was poor in Denmark. Our findings suggest that because of this poor adherence, recommendations for long-term annual follow-up after treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia may not be highly effective. Shorter follow-up schedules using highly sensitive tests appear attractive....

  8. p53 tumor suppressor gene: significance in neoplasia - a review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alam, J.M.


    p53 is a tumor suppressor gene located on chromosome 17p13.1. Its function includes cell cycle control and apoptosis. Loss of p53 function, either due to decreased level or genetic transformation, is associated with loss of cell cycle control, decrease, apoptosis and genomic modification, such mutation of p53 gene is now assessed and the indicator of neoplasia of cancer of several organs and cell types, p53 has demonstrated to have critical role in defining various progressive stages of neoplasia, therapeutic strategies and clinical application. The present review briefly describes function of p53 in addition to its diagnostic and prognostic significance in detecting several types of neoplasia. (author)

  9. Spectrum of ocular surface squamous neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Babar, T.F.; Khan, M.N.; Hussain, M.; Shah, S.A.


    To describe the pattern of ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN), clinical presentations, the risk factors and treatment options. The study included 36 eyes of 35 patients with biopsy-proven ocular surface neoplasia. The details of patients regarding age, gender, laterality and risk factors were entered into a specially-designed proforma. Each patient was also assessed biomicroscopically for type and complications of ocular surface neoplasia. The frequency of OSSN was 0.37 among admitted hospital patients. Among 36 cases of OSSN, squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva was the most common type of OSSN seen in 63.9%, followed by carcinoma in situ of conjunctiva in 25% and carcinoma in situ of cornea in 11.1%. Male patients outnumbered female (65.7% vs 34.3%) with 71.42% of patients above 60 years of age. The risk factors identified were: old age, ultraviolet B exposure and xeroderma pigmentosa. Treatment consisted of local resection with or without adjuvant therapy in 61.1%, exenteration in 30.5%, enucleation in 5.5% and chemo/radiotherapy in 2.7%. Intraocular invasion was seen in 5.5% and orbital spread in 30.5%. The frequency of OSSN was 0.37% among admitted patients. Identification of exact etiological factors will enable to formulate strategies that are likely to decrease the incidence of this disease and the associated morbidity and mortality. (author)

  10. A score to estimate the likelihood of detecting advanced colorectal neoplasia at colonoscopy. (United States)

    Kaminski, Michal F; Polkowski, Marcin; Kraszewska, Ewa; Rupinski, Maciej; Butruk, Eugeniusz; Regula, Jaroslaw


    This study aimed to develop and validate a model to estimate the likelihood of detecting advanced colorectal neoplasia in Caucasian patients. We performed a cross-sectional analysis of database records for 40-year-old to 66-year-old patients who entered a national primary colonoscopy-based screening programme for colorectal cancer in 73 centres in Poland in the year 2007. We used multivariate logistic regression to investigate the associations between clinical variables and the presence of advanced neoplasia in a randomly selected test set, and confirmed the associations in a validation set. We used model coefficients to develop a risk score for detection of advanced colorectal neoplasia. Advanced colorectal neoplasia was detected in 2544 of the 35,918 included participants (7.1%). In the test set, a logistic-regression model showed that independent risk factors for advanced colorectal neoplasia were: age, sex, family history of colorectal cancer, cigarette smoking (padvanced neoplasia: 1.00 (95% CI 0.95 to 1.06)) and had moderate discriminatory power (c-statistic 0.62). We developed a score that estimated the likelihood of detecting advanced neoplasia in the validation set, from 1.32% for patients scoring 0, to 19.12% for patients scoring 7-8. Developed and internally validated score consisting of simple clinical factors successfully estimates the likelihood of detecting advanced colorectal neoplasia in asymptomatic Caucasian patients. Once externally validated, it may be useful for counselling or designing primary prevention studies. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  11. Importância do co-cultivo com fibroblastos de camundongo 3T3 para estabelecer cultura de suspensão de células epiteliais do limbo humano Importance of 3T3 feeder layer to establish epithelial cultures from cell suspension obtained from corneo-scleral rims

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Priscila Cardoso Cristovam


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a importância da presença de células 3T3 para estabelecer cultura de suspensão de células epiteliais do limbo obtido de rimas córneo-esclerais. MÉTODOS: Rimas de diferentes doadores tiveram seus estroma posterior e endotélio removidos (n=6. Cada rima foi dividida em três segmentos iguais, que foram colocados em cultura em três diferentes condições: um segmento foi colocado na placa de cultura com o lado epitelial para cima (Grupo A. Os dois segmentos restantes foram tripsinizados e a suspensão de células obtida foi cultivada com (Grupo B ou sem (Grupo C células 3T3 irradiadas. As células foram mantidas em meio de cultura "supplemental hormonal epithelial médium" (SHEM, a migração epitelial e a formação de clones nos grupos A, B e C foram avaliadas pela microscopia de contraste de fase e por coloração pela rodamina B. Os resultados foram comparados estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: O crescimento de células epiteliais foi observado em 4/6 rimas (Grupo A. Todas as suspensões de células epiteliais que foram cultivadas com células 3T3 (Grupo B formaram clones. Nenhuma adesão ou formação de clones verdadeiros (holo ou meroclones foi observada na cultura de células que foi cultivada sem 3T3 (Grupo C (p=0,009. CONCLUSÕES: Suspensão de células epiteliais límbicas obtidas de rimas córneo-esclerais no modelo utilizado precisa ser cultivada com células 3T3 para formar clones e estabelecer colônias epiteliais com perspectivas para uso terapêutico na reconstrução da superfície ocular.PURPOSE: To evaluate the importance of the presence of 3T3 fibroblasts for establishing limbal epithelial cultures from cell suspension obtained from corneo-scleral rims (CSR. METHODS: Corneo-scleral rims from different donors (n=6 had their posterior stroma and endothelium stripped away. Each corneo-scleral rim was divided into three equal segments that were set up in tissue culture in three different conditions: one of the

  12. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fischer, H.J.; Lois, J.F.; Gomes, A.S.


    A case of multiple endocrine neoplasia (Men) consisting of an unusual combination of an insulin-producing islet cell tumour and an adrenal adenoma is reported. CT clearly demonstrated the adrenal mass whereas the pancreatic lesion remained questionable. Conversely angiography located the pancreatic tumour but the adrenal findings were subtle. (orig.)

  13. Molecular biological factors in the diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yu. N. Ponomareva


    Full Text Available The authors have made a complex analysis of the molecular biological factors associated with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. They have revealed that infection by oncogenic human papillomavirus types is associated with suppressed apoptosis and enhanced cellular proliferative activity, which can be effectively used in the diagnosis and prediction of cervical neoplasias to optimize management tac- tics and to improve the results of treatment.

  14. Freqüência de Neoplasia Intra-epitelial Cervical em Portadoras do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana Frequency of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-infected Women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Pedro Flores Auge


    Full Text Available Objetivo: verificar a freqüência de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical (NIC em mulheres infectadas pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV. Métodos: foram estudadas 99 mulheres HIV-soropositivas; o diagnóstico da infeccão pelo HIV foi realizado por meio de dois testes ELISA, complementados por teste Western blot ou de imunofluorescência indireta. Como grupo controle foram analisadas 104 mulheres que não apresentavam positividade no teste ELISA. Em ambos os grupos o rastreamento de NIC foi realizado por meio da associação de colpocitologia oncológica e colposcopia. Nos casos em que a colposcopia revelou existência de zonas de transformação anormal, o diagnóstico de NIC foi realizado mediante biopsia dirigida, complementada ou não por conização. Resultados: em 15 das 99 pacientes do grupo de estudo (15,2% foi encontrada neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical, sendo dez casos de NIC I, um de NIC II e quatro de NIC III. Entre as 104 mulheres do grupo controle, quatro (3,8% eram portadoras de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical, encontrando-se um caso de NIC I e três de NIC III. Conclusão: a análise comparativa dos resultados evidenciou que a freqüência de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical foi significantemente mais elevada entre as pacientes infectadas pelo HIV.Purpose: to verify the frequency of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV ¾ infected women. Methods: ninety-nine HIV-seropositive women were studied. The diagnosis of the HIV infection was established through two ELISA tests complemented by Western blot test or indirect immunofluorescence test. As control group, 104 women whose ELISA test was not positive were analyzed. The investigation of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia was achieved by association of Pap smear and colposcopy in both groups. In the cases where colposcopy revealed existence of abnormal transformation zones, NIC diagnosis was obtained through colposcopy-guided biopsy

  15. Neoplasia intraepitelial vulvar: um problema atual Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia: a current problem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Alberto Fonseca-Moutinho


    Full Text Available A neoplasia intraepitelial da vulva (VIN é uma denominação que foi introduzida incialmente pela International Society for Study of Vulvo-vaginal Diseases (ISSVD e reconhecida posteriormente pela International Society of Gynaecological Pathology (ISGYP e Organização Mundial da Saúde. É uma entidade patológica a que correspondem as VIN de tipo usual (verrucoso, basalióide e misto e as VIN de tipo diferenciado. A incidência das lesões de VIN tem aumentado progressivamente, principalmente em mulheres jovens. A infecção pelo papilomavírus humano (HPV de alto risco, pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV, o tabagismo e a neoplasia intraepitelial do colo do útero, da vagina e região anal são factores de risco estabelecidos para as VIN. Não existem sintomas e sinais característicos das VIN, mas a doença se traduz sempre por lesões clinicamente identificáveis. A biópsia com o auxílio do colposcópio permite o diagnóstico. O tratamento da doença está sempre justificado pelo elevado risco de progressão para cancro invasivo. A excisão alargada das lesões ou a sua destruição com laser CO2 têm sido os métodos mais populares de tratamento. Independentemente do método terapêutico utilizado, as taxas de recidiva são elevadas, pelo que está aconselhada a vigilância apertada das doentes após tratamento. A terapêutica tópica com imiquimod se afigura promissora no tratamento das VIN. As vacinas profiláticas contra os tipos de HPV de alto risco prometem se tornar armas poderosas na prevenção primária da doença.Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN is a pathological denomination coined by the International Society for Study of Vulvo-vaginal Diseases (ISSVD and adopted by the International Society of Gynaecological Pathology (ISGYP and by the World Health Organization. VIN is a heterogeneous pathological entity with a usual type (warty, basaloid and mixed and a differentiated type. The incidence of the disease is

  16. Neoplasia in Turner syndrome. The importance of clinical and screening practices during follow-up. (United States)

    Larizza, Daniela; Albanesi, Michela; De Silvestri, Annalisa; Accordino, Giulia; Brazzelli, Valeria; Maffè, Gabriella Carnevale; Calcaterra, Valeria


    Turmer syndrome (TS) patients show increased morbidity due to metabolic, autoimmune and cardiovascular disorders. A risk of neoplasia is also reported. Here, we review the prevalence of neoplasia in a cohort of Turner patients. We retrospectively evaluated 87 TS women. Follow-up included periodic ultrasound of the neck, abdominal and pelvic organs, dermatologic evaluation and fecal occult blood test. Karyotype was 45,X in 46 patients. During follow-up, 63 girls were treated with growth hormone, 65 with estro-progestin replacement therapy and 20 with L-thyroxine. Autoimmune diseases were present in 29 TS. A total of 17 neoplasms in 14 out of 87 patients were found. Six skin neoplasia, 3 central nervous system tumors, 3 gonadal neoplasia, 2 breast tumors, 1 hepatocarcinoma, 1 carcinoma of the pancreas and 1 follicular thyroid cancer were detected. Age at tumor diagnosis was higher in 45,X pts than in those with other karyotypes (p = 0.003). Adenomioma gallbladdder (AG) was detected in 15.3% of the patients, with a lower age in girls at diagnosis with an associated neoplasia in comparison with TS without tumors (p = 0.017). No correlation between genetic make up, treatment, associated autoimmune diseases and neoplastia was found. In our TS population an increased neoplasia prevalence was reported. A high prevalence of AG was also noted and it might be indicative of a predisposition to neoplasia. Further studies are needed to define the overall risk for neoplasia, and to determine the role of the loss of the X-chromosome and hormonal therapies. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  17. Microparticles and Exosomes in Gynecologic Neoplasias

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nieuwland, Rienk; van der Post, Joris A. M.; Lok Gemma, Christianne A. R.; Kenter, G.; Sturk, Augueste


    This review presents an overview of the functions of microparticles and exosomes in gynecologic neoplasias. Growing evidence suggests that vesicles released from cancer cells in gynecologic malignancies contribute to the hypercoagulable state of these patients and contribute to tumor progression by

  18. Immunohistochemical localization of human papilloma virus in conjunctival neoplasias: A retrospective study (United States)

    Sharma, Anjana; Panda, Anita


    Background: The extent of association of human papilloma virus (HPV) in human conjunctival neoplasias has been debated in studies originating from different parts of the world, but no substantial evidence has been generated on Indian subjects. This prompted us to carry out a retrospective study on conjunctival neoplasias diagnosed over the past 12 years. Materials and Methods: Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of 65 specimens of ocular neoplasias and 30 normal controls diagnosed between 1991 and 2002 at a tertiary eye care hospital, was undertaken. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues were reviewed for confirming histopathological diagnosis, presence of koilocytosis and changes related to actinic keratosis. Immunohistochemical analysis was done using HPV-specific monoclonal antibodies. Clinicopathological correlation and the association of HPV antigen with the histopathological features were performed. Results: Out of the 65 cases analyzed, 35 were papillomas and 30 were ocular surface squamous neoplasias (OSSN). The mean age was 48 years with a male preponderance. Histologically, koilocytosis was observed in 17.1% of papillomas and 36.6% of OSSN. Actinic keratosis was present in 33% of OSSN. Immunohistochemically 17.1% conjunctival papillomas stained positive for HPV antigen, all cases of OSSN were negative for HPV. There was no correlation between koilocytosis or actinic keratosis and the detection of HPV antigen. Conclusions: The association between HPV and conjunctival neoplasias is variable in different geographical areas and also depends on the methods of detection used. This study warrants the need for applying more advanced techniques at a molecular level to determine the possible etiology of HPV in conjunctival neoplasias among Asian-Indians. PMID:17699945

  19. Simultaneous Estimation of Hydrochlorothiazide, Hydralazine Hydrochloride, and Reserpine Using PCA, NAS, and NAS-PCA. (United States)

    Sharma, Chetan; Badyal, Pragya Nand; Rawal, Ravindra K


    In this study, new and feasible UV-visible spectrophotometric and multivariate spectrophotometric methods were described for the simultaneous determination of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), hydralazine hydrochloride (H.HCl), and reserpine (RES) in combined pharmaceutical tablets. Methanol was used as a solvent for analysis and the whole UV region was scanned from 200-400 nm. The resolution was obtained by using multivariate methods such as the net analyte signal method (NAS), principal component analysis (PCA), and net analyte signal-principal component analysis (NAS-PCA) applied to the UV spectra of the mixture. The results obtained from all of the three methods were compared. NAS-PCA showed a lot of resolved data as compared to NAS and PCA. Thus, the NAS-PCA technique is a combination of NAS and PCA methods which is advantageous to obtain the information from overlapping results.

  20. Intrahepatic splenosis mimicking hepatic neoplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Neves Saad Teles

    Full Text Available Introduction: Splenosis is defined as the heterotopic autoimplantation of splenic tissue following trauma to or surgery on the spleen. Clinical case: We present a case of an asymptomatic 73-year-old male in whom hypervascular lesions were detected during routine exams. The patient reported a history of carotid artery surgery and cholecystectomy; he had a laparotomy incision from childhood but was unaware of the reason for it. The patient exhibited slightly elevated carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA levels. Histopathology revealed intrahepatic heterotopic splenic parenchyma, with no evidence of neoplasia in either of the two lesions, the diameters of which were 1.5 cm and 3.6 cm. Patient received outpatient follow-up care for 24 months and experienced no complications. Discussion: Our clinical, laboratory, and imaging exams failed to reveal the etiology of the lesion. Because the masses were hypervascular lesions, a percutaneous liver biopsy was not feasible. Conclusion: Through this report, we emphasize the importance of considering intrahepatic splenosis as a remote possibility in patients with hepatic nodules who have a history of splenectomy. Keywords: Splenosis, Neoplasia, Liver, Splenectomy

  1. Ocorre alta incidência de células da pele na primeira e terceira gotas do líquido cefalospinal em raquianestesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mário Humberto Curado Taveira


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Fragmentos de pele durante punções subaracnóideas podem desenvolver tumores epidermoides intraespinais. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a incidência de células epiteliais que refluem junto com a primeira e terceira gotas de líquor de pacientes submetido a raquianestesia. MÉTODO: Foram obtidas amostras da primeira e terceira gotas de líquor em 39 pacientes adultos submetidos à raquianestesia com agulha 25G Quincke, sendo confeccionadas quatro lâminas: da primeira gota, da terceira gota, da agulha e uma quarta lâmina controle com uma gota de soro fisiológico. As lâminas foram examinadas de forma randomizada pelo patologista. RESULTADOS: Foram identificadas células epiteliais escamosas em 35 (89,7% das amostras da primeira gota, em 34 (87,2% da terceira gota e em 24 (61,5% das agulhas espinais. A terceira gota apresentou em média maior número de células que a primeira gota (p = 0,046. Células epiteliais nucleadas foram encontradas em uma (2,56% das amostras da primeira gota, em quatro (10,25% da terceira gota e em uma (2,56% das agulhas espinais. A terceira gota apresentou em média maior número de células nucleadas que a primeira gota sem diferença estatística (p = 0,257. CONCLUSÕES: Encontramos uma alta porcentagem de células epiteliais que refluem na primeira (89,7% e na terceira (87,2% gotas do líquor e nas agulhas utilizadas (61,5%. Mesmo utilizando agulhas de pequeno calibre, descartáveis e com mandril bem adaptado, foram encontradas células da pele.

  2. Endoscopic submucosal dissection for early Barrett's neoplasia. (United States)

    Barret, Maximilien; Cao, Dalhia Thao; Beuvon, Frédéric; Leblanc, Sarah; Terris, Benoit; Camus, Marine; Coriat, Romain; Chaussade, Stanislas; Prat, Frédéric


    The possible benefit of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for early neoplasia arising in Barrett's esophagus remains controversial. We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of ESD for the treatment of early Barrett's neoplasia. All consecutive patients undergoing ESD for the resection of a visible lesion in a Barrett's esophagus, either suspicious of submucosal infiltration or exceeding 10 mm in size, between February 2012 and January 2015 were prospectively included. The primary endpoint was the rate of curative resection of carcinoma, defined as histologically complete resection of adenocarcinomas without poor histoprognostic factors. Thirty-five patients (36 lesions) with a mean age of 66.2 ± 12 years, a mean ASA score of 2.1 ± 0.7, and a mean C4M6 Barrett's segment were included. The mean procedure time was 191 ± 79 mn, and the mean size of the resected specimen was 51.3 ± 23 mm. En bloc resection rate was 89%. Lesions were 12 ± 15 mm in size, and 81% (29/36) were invasive adenocarcinomas, six of which with submucosal invasion. Although R0 resection of carcinoma was 72.4%, the curative resection rate was 66% (19/29). After a mean follow-up of 12.9 ± 9 months, 16 (45.7%) patients had required additional treatment, among whom nine underwent surgical resection, and seven further endoscopic treatments. Metachronous lesions or recurrence of cancer developed during the follow-up period in 17.2% of the patients. The overall complication rate was 16.7%, including 8.3% perforations, all conservatively managed, and no bleeding. The 30-day mortality was 0%. In this early experience, ESD yielded a moderate curative resection rate in Barrett's neoplasia. At present, improvements are needed if ESD is to replace piecemeal endoscopic mucosal resection in the management of Barrett's neoplasia.

  3. Lipoproteínas: metabolismo y lipoproteínas aterogénicas


    Carlos Carvajal


    Los lípidos viajan en sangre en diferentes partículas conteniendo lípidos y proteínas llamadas lipoproteínas. Hay cuatro clases de lipoproteínas en sangre: quilomicrones, VLDL, LDL y HDL. Los quilomicrones transportan triglicéridos (TAG) a tejidos vitales (corazón, musculo esquelético y tejido adiposo). El hígado secreta VLDL que redistribuye TAG al tejido adiposo, corazón y músculo esquelético. LDL transporta colesterol hacia las células y HDL remueve colesterol de las células de vuelta al h...

  4. Anal intraepithelial neoplasia in HIV+ men

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Richel, O.


    In this thesis we investigated several aspects of anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN) in HIV+ men who have sex with men (MSM). This condition has gained clinical interest because of the impressive increase of the anal cancer incidence in HIV+ MSM since the introduction of combination antiretroviral

  5. Fibrobronchoscopy in the lung neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Machin Gonzalez, Victoriano; Vieito Espinneira, Rodolfo; Freyre Serentill, Juan C.; Benito Soler, Isabel


    160 patients with a clinical-radiological picture suggesting lung neoplasia was conducted. Fibrobronchoscopy was performed as a reliable method to detect this disease. Punch biopsy, exfoliative cytology, and bronchial lavage Webre used to obtain specimens for the histological study. Of all the patients studied, 112 cases Webre positive and a proper diagnosis by biopsy was attained in 90 of them

  6. Prostaglandin E2-induced colonic secretion in patients with and without colorectal neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaltoft, Nicolai; Tilotta, Maria C; Witte, Anne-Barbara


    colorectal neoplasia. Patients without endoscopic findings of neoplasia served as controls. Biopsy specimens were obtained from normally appearing mucosa in the sigmoid part of colon. Biopsies were mounted in miniaturized modified Ussing air-suction chambers. Indomethacin (10 microM), various stimulators...

  7. Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia: A 6 year retrospective study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sushruta Shrivastava


    Full Text Available Aims and Objectives: To study the clinical presentations of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia and its response to chemotherapy. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study of 28 women of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia evaluated over a period of 6 years from January 2004 to December 2009. Patients were evaluated on the basis of their age, number of deliveries, history of abortion or molar pregnancy, and the treatment received. All patients were scored on the basis of WHO scoring system. Patients with low risk (score /=7 received multiple agent chemotherapy with EMACO regimen. After completion of chemotherapy patients were followed for a minimum of 2 years. The response to treatment was evaluated during follow-up by clinical examination, beta hCG levels and imaging as and when required. Results: Out of 28 women only 27 could be evaluated, because 1 patient was lost to follow-up. Out of 27 patients, 18 patients (66.67% achieved complete remission with the first-line chemotherapy and additional 25.92% (7/27 achieved complete remission with second line chemotherapy resulting in complete remission of 92.5% (25/27. Conclusion: Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia is curable if patient is properly evaluated and scored. It shows good response to chemotherapy.

  8. UAS-NAS Stakeholder Feedback Report (United States)

    Randall, Debra; Murphy, Jim; Grindle, Laurie


    The need to fly UAS in the NAS to perform missions of vital importance to national security and defense, emergency management, science, and to enable commercial applications has been continually increasing over the past few years. To address this need, the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Integrated Aviation Systems Program (IASP) formulated and funded the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace System (NAS) Project (hereafter referred to as UAS-NAS Project) from 2011 to 2016. The UAS-NAS Project identified the following need statement: The UAS community needs routine access to the global airspace for all classes of UAS. The Project identified the following goal: To provide research findings to reduce technical barriers associated with integrating UAS into the NAS utilizing integrated system level tests in a relevant environment. This report provides a summary of the collaborations between the UAS-NAS Project and its primary stakeholders and how the Project applied and incorporated the feedback.

  9. Concurrent endocrine neoplasias in dogs and cats: a retrospective study (2004-2014). (United States)

    Beatrice, Laura; Boretti, Felicitas Schär; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Mueller, Claudia; Kümmerle-Fraune, Claudia; Hilbe, Monika; Grest, Paula; Reusch, Claudia E


    Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) is a well-known syndrome in human medicine, whereas only a few cases of concurrent endocrine neoplasias have been reported in dogs and cats. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of concurrent endocrine neoplasias in dogs and cats at our clinic, identify possible breed and sex predispositions and investigate similarities with MEN syndromes in humans. Postmortem reports of 951 dogs and 1155 cats that died or were euthanased at the Clinic for Small Animal Internal Medicine, University of Zurich, between 2004 and 2014 were reviewed, and animals with at least two concurrent endocrine neoplasias and/or hyperplasias were included. Twenty dogs and 15 cats met the inclusion criteria. In dogs, the adrenal glands were most commonly affected. Multiple tumours affecting the adrenal glands and the association of these tumours with pituitary adenomas were the most common tumour combinations. Only one dog had a combination resembling human MEN type 1 syndrome (pituitary adenoma and insulinoma). In cats, the thyroid glands were most commonly affected and there were no similarities to human MEN syndromes. The prevalence of concurrent endocrine neoplasia was 2.1 per cent in dogs and 1.3 per cent in cats and MEN-like syndromes are very rare in these species. © British Veterinary Association (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  10. Use of mammary epithelial antigens as markers in mammary neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ceriani, R.L.; Peterson, J.A.; Blank, E.W.


    Cell-type specific antigens of the mammary epithelial cells can be used as markers of breast neoplasia. Methods are proposed for the detection of metastatic mammary tissue in vivo by injection of [ 125 I]-labeled antibodies against the mammary epithelial antigens. In addition, the reduced expression of mammary epithelial cell antigens in neoplastic breast cells, quantitated here on a cell per cell basis by flow cytofluorimetry, is a marker of neoplasia and an indication of a deletion accompanying the neoplastic transformation of these cells. (Auth.)

  11. Lobular neoplasia - borderline type of lesion - risk of subsequent development of invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast, 13 years after excision of radial scar with multifocal lobular neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wardzynska, K.; Wesolowska, E.; Baranska, J.


    Background. Lobular neoplasia is a hyperplastic breast lesion - a borderline type of lesion with a high risk of subsequent development of invasive carcinoma. In case of radial scar diagnosis the risk of invasive carcinoma increases twice in comparison with healthy patients population while in the case of lobular neoplasia diagnosis within radial scar this risk increases 8 to 10 times. Basing on the presented case we analyse and review the literature regarding the clinical, radiological and pathological aspects of lobular neoplasia of the breast. Case report. A 67-yeas old patient was hospitalised in 1995 in order to consult the results of mammography, which revealed a radial scar lesion of the right breast. The patient was then referred to undergo wide local excision. Pathological examination showed dysplastic changes of the radial scar type with 1 cm multifocal lobular neoplasia. The patient was systematically followed clinically and radiologically during the decade 1996-2006 and all examination results were normal. In 2008, an ill-defined nodule appeared within the scar on mammography examination. This was categorized as BI-RADS 4C. The mammotomic biopsy performed under ultrasonography control revealed invasive lobular carcinoma. The tumor was totally locally excised and the sentinel node was histologically verified. The histopathological examination revealed a 1.6 cm focus of invasive lobular carcinoma and the sentinel node was negative. Conclusion. Patients with detected lobular neoplasia should be treated as a risk group of invasive breast cancer development (30-40% vs 10% in a healthy population during the entire life period). Systematic clinical and radiological follow-up should be mandatory. (authors)

  12. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2: achievements and current challenges

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreas Machens


    Full Text Available Incremental advances in medical technology, such as the development of sensitive hormonal assays for routine clinical care, are the drivers of medical progress. This principle is exemplified by the creation of the concept of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2, encompassing medullary thyroid cancer, pheochromocytoma, and primary hyperparathyroidism, which did not emerge before the early 1960s. This review sets out to highlight key achievements, such as joint biochemical and DNA-based screening of individuals at risk of developing multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2, before casting a spotlight on current challenges which include: (i ill-defined upper limits of calcitonin assays for infants and young children, rendering it difficult to implement the biochemical part of the integrated DNA-based/biochemical concept; (ii our increasingly mobile society in which different service providers are caring for one individual at various stages in the disease process. With familial relationships disintegrating as a result of geographic dispersion, information about the history of the origin family may become sketchy or just unavailable. This is when DNA-based gene tests come into play, confirming or excluding an individual's genetic predisposition to multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 even before there is any biochemical or clinical evidence of the disease. However, the unrivaled molecular genetic progress in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 does not come without a price. Screening may uncover unknown gene sequence variants representing either harmless polymorphisms or pathogenic mutations. In this setting, functional characterization of mutant cells in vitro may generate helpful ancillary evidence with regard to the pathogenicity of gene variants in comparison with established mutations.

  13. Endoscopia respiratória em 89 pacientes com neoplasia pulmonar Respiratory endoscopy in 89 patients of lung neoplasms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Objetivos: As neoplasias pulmonares são uma das mais freqüentes causas de mortalidade no Brasil. Objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar o diagnóstico dessas neoplasias através da fibrobroncoscopia. Método: Foram analisados, retrospectivamente, 89 pacientes no período de cinco anos, divididos em dois grupos: grupo 1 (n = 53 -- presença de lesão visível à endoscopia, grupo 2 (n = 36 -- ausência de lesões na endoscopia. Na revisão dos prontuários retiraram-se os dados epidemiológicos, os achados endoscópicos, os exames cito e anatomopatológicos, bem como o exame que proporcionou o diagnóstico final. Resultados: Os achados endoscópicos indiretos de neoplasia corresponderam a 59,5% e a presença de tumor na luz brônquica a 48,8%. O tipo histológico mais freqüente foi o carcinoma epidermóide (59,5%, seguido do adenocarcinoma (15,7%, carcinoma indiferenciado de pequenas células (10,1% e outros (14,7%. Nos tumores visíveis ou não na endoscopia o estudo anatomopatológico da biópsia brônquica e/ou da citopatologia do lavado e do escovado brônquico mostrou sensibilidade de 83,1% no diagnóstico de neoplasia pulmonar. Quando a lesão era visível à inspeção endoscópica, a sensibilidade atingiu percentual de 96,2%, sendo a biópsia positiva em 94,2% e a citologia em 43,75%. Quando não se observava lesão brônquica o rendimento foi sensivelmente menor (63,8%: a biópsia mostrou percentual de 72,7% e a citopatologia de 38,4%. As complicações menores decorrentes do exame endoscópico ocorreram em 11,2% dos pacientes; não ocorreram complicações graves. Conclusão: A fibrobroncoscopia foi um excelente método para investigação de pacientes com suspeita de neoplasia pulmonar com sensibilidade de 83,1%; sua sensibilidade foi maior nas lesões visíveis. Nas lesões não visíveis a sensibilidade aumentou com a biópsia endobrônquica.Objectives: Lung neoplasms are one of the most common causes of mortality in Brazil

  14. Piroxicam decreases postirradiation colonic neoplasia in the rat. (United States)

    Northway, M G; Scobey, M W; Cassidy, K T; Geisinger, K R


    This study evaluated the effects of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agent piroxicam on chronic radiation proctitis in the rat. Forty female Wistar rats received a 2250-cGy dose of irradiation to the distal 2 cm of the colon. Twenty received piroxicam 8.0 mg/kg orally 30 minutes before exposure and 24 hours after exposure; 20 rats served as irradiated controls. All animals were evaluated by colonoscopy 1 and 3 weeks postexposure and every third week until death or killing at 1 year. At killing, colons were removed for light microscopic examination. One year postirradiation results showed no differences in mortality, vascular changes, acute inflammation, colitis cystica profunda, or rectal stricture between the control and piroxicam-treated groups. However, at 1 year postirradiation the control group demonstrated neoplasia in 15 of 19 animals compared with eight of 20 animals in the piroxicam-treated group. The first endoscopic appearance of colonic neoplasm occurred at 15 weeks postirradiation in one control irradiated rat whereas the first evidence of endoscopic neoplasm in the piroxicam-treated group did not occur until 36 weeks postirradiation. Histologic examination documented a tendency toward a greater presence of adenocarcinomas in the control group compared with the piroxicam-treated group. The authors conclude that piroxicam treatment significantly decreased the incidence of colonic neoplasia in general as well as delayed the endoscopic appearance of colonic neoplasia in rats after pelvic irradiation.

  15. Systematic review with meta-analysis: the incidence of advanced neoplasia after polypectomy in patients with and without low-risk adenomas. (United States)

    Hassan, C; Gimeno-García, A; Kalager, M; Spada, C; Zullo, A; Costamagna, G; Senore, C; Rex, D K; Quintero, E


    Patients with one to two tubular adenomas advanced neoplasia as those with no neoplasia at baseline colonoscopy. To compare incidence of metachronous advanced neoplasia between patients in the low-risk adenoma group and those without neoplasia at index colonoscopy. Relevant publications were identified by MEDLINE/EMBASE and other databases for the period 1992-2013. Studies comparing the incidence of post-polypectomy advanced neoplasia (adenomas ≥10 mm/high-grade dysplasia/villous or cancer) between the low-risk group and patients without colorectal neoplasia at the first colonoscopy were included. Detection rates for advanced neoplasia at endoscopic surveillance were extracted. Study quality was ascertained according to Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Forest plot was produced based on random-effect models. Inter-study heterogeneity was assessed using the I(2) statistic. Seven studies provided data on 11 387 patients. Mean surveillance periods ranged between 2 and 5 years. Altogether, 267 patients with post-polypectomy advanced neoplasia were detected in the two groups. The incidence of advanced neoplasia was 1.6% (119/7308) in those without neoplasia and 3.6% (148/4079) in those with low-risk adenoma, respectively, corresponding to a relative risk of 1.8 (95% CI: 1.3-2.6). Inter-study heterogeneity was only moderate (I(2) : 37%). No publication bias was present. Patients with low-risk adenomas at baseline had a higher risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia than the group with no adenomas at baseline, though the absolute risk was low in both groups. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Endoscopic submucosal dissection for early Barrett’s neoplasia (United States)

    Barret, Maximilien; Cao, Dalhia Thao; Beuvon, Frédéric; Leblanc, Sarah; Terris, Benoit; Camus, Marine; Coriat, Romain; Chaussade, Stanislas


    Introduction The possible benefit of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for early neoplasia arising in Barrett’s esophagus remains controversial. We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of ESD for the treatment of early Barrett’s neoplasia. Methods All consecutive patients undergoing ESD for the resection of a visible lesion in a Barrett’s esophagus, either suspicious of submucosal infiltration or exceeding 10 mm in size, between February 2012 and January 2015 were prospectively included. The primary endpoint was the rate of curative resection of carcinoma, defined as histologically complete resection of adenocarcinomas without poor histoprognostic factors. Results Thirty-five patients (36 lesions) with a mean age of 66.2 ± 12 years, a mean ASA score of 2.1 ± 0.7, and a mean C4M6 Barrett’s segment were included. The mean procedure time was 191 ± 79 mn, and the mean size of the resected specimen was 51.3 ± 23 mm. En bloc resection rate was 89%. Lesions were 12 ± 15 mm in size, and 81% (29/36) were invasive adenocarcinomas, six of which with submucosal invasion. Although R0 resection of carcinoma was 72.4%, the curative resection rate was 66% (19/29). After a mean follow-up of 12.9 ± 9 months, 16 (45.7%) patients had required additional treatment, among whom nine underwent surgical resection, and seven further endoscopic treatments. Metachronous lesions or recurrence of cancer developed during the follow-up period in 17.2% of the patients. The overall complication rate was 16.7%, including 8.3% perforations, all conservatively managed, and no bleeding. The 30-day mortality was 0%. Conclusion In this early experience, ESD yielded a moderate curative resection rate in Barrett’s neoplasia. At present, improvements are needed if ESD is to replace piecemeal endoscopic mucosal resection in the management of Barrett’s neoplasia. PMID:27087948

  17. Parathyroid mitogenic activity in plasma from patients with familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brandi, M.L.; Aurbach, G.D.; Fitzpatrick, L.A.; Quarto, R.; Spiegel, A.M.; Bliziotes, M.M.; Norton, J.A.; Doppman, J.L.; Marx, S.J.


    Hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands is a central feature of familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. We used cultured bovine parathyroid cells to test for mitogenic activity in plasma from patients with this disorder. Normal plasma stimulated [ 3 H]thymidine incorporation, on the average, to the same extent as it was stimulated in a plasma-free control culture. This contrasted with the results of the tests with plasma from patients with familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, in which parathyroid mitogenic activity increased 2400 percent over the control value (P less than 0.001). Plasma from these patients also stimulated the proliferation of bovine parathyroid cells in culture, whereas plasma from normal subjects inhibited it. Parathyroid mitogenic activity in plasma from the patients with familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 was greater than that in plasma from patients with various other disorders, including sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism (with adenoma, hyperplasia, or cancer of the parathyroid), sporadic primary hypergastrinemia, sporadic pituitary tumor, familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (P less than 0.05). Parathyroid mitogenic activity in the plasma of patients with familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 persisted for up to four years after total parathyroidectomy. The plasma also had far more mitogenic activity in cultures of parathyroid cells than did optimal concentrations of known growth factors or of any parathyroid secretagogue. This mitogenic activity had an apparent molecular weight of 50,000 to 55,000. We conclude that primary hyperparathyroidism in familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 may have a humoral cause

  18. Imunomarcação da transição epitélio-mesenquima na neoplasia mamária primária de cadelas e sua metástaseem linfonodo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Larissa Fernandes Magalhães

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os carcinomas mamários em cães apresentam alta capacidade metastática o que confere menor sobrevida para os pacientes com este tipo de neoplasia. O fenótipo transição epitélio-mesênquima, caracterizado pela troca dos filamentos intermediários de citoqueratina por vimentina, além da perda da proteína de adesão entre células (E-caderina está relacionado com a maior ocorrência de metástase. Diante disto, objetivou-se avaliar, por meio de imunomarcações, a expressão de vimentina, citoqueratina e E-caderina nos tumores mamários caninos e suas metástases em linfonodo, a fim de avaliar o comportamento celular frente a esta neoplasia. Foram analisados cinco casos de neoplasias mamárias primárias caninas e suas respectivas metástases em linfonodos. Foram comparadas as médias de imunomarcações do grupo de neoplasias primárias com as médias do grupo metástase. Não houve diferença estatística nas imunomarcações da citoqueratina (p=0,1407 e E-caderina (p= 0,312 entre os grupos, apesar da média de expressão da E-caderina ter sido maior no grupo de metástases. A expressão da vimentina foi maior nos sítios das metástases (p=0,0462. Conclui-se que a expressão de vimentina aumenta no foco da metástase em relação aos seus respectivos tumores primários mamários caninos, caracterizando alteração estrutural celular, conferindo um fenótipo transição epitélio-mesênquima. Além da E-caderina apresentar fortes indícios de aumento no foco da metástase caracterizando maior adesão.

  19. A carga das neoplasias no Brasil: mortalidade e morbidade hospitalar entre 2002-2004 The burden of neoplasm in Brazil: mortality and hospital morbidity from 2002 to 2004

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Fernando Boing


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a morbidade hospitalar e a mortalidade por neoplasias no Brasil e regiões segundo gênero. MÉTODOS: Os dados de óbitos foram obtidos junto ao Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade e os de morbidade hospitalar no Sistema de Informações Hospitalares. Os óbitos foram categorizados segundo as localizações primárias do tumor, selecionadas de acordo com a décima revisão da Classificação Internacional de Doenças. Os dados populacionais são oriundos das estimativas intercensitárias do IBGE. O período de análise foi o triênio 2002-2004, o mais recente com dados de mortalidade no Brasil. Optou-se por calcular a média desse período para conferir maior estabilidade às taxas. RESULTADOS: Entre 2002 e 2004 ocorreram 405.415 óbitos por neoplasias no Brasil. As maiores taxas de mortalidade foram identificadas nas regiões Sul e Sudeste. Entre os homens, o câncer de traquéia, brônquios e pulmões foi a neoplasia maligna que apresentou maior mortalidade e entre as mulher foi o câncer de mama. Este agravo e o câncer de colo uterino foram os que mais demandaram internações, e a leucemia apresentou o maior custo médio e custo total em internações. CONCLUSÕES: A carga das neoplasias é extremamente elevada no Brasil e medidas públicas de caráter populacional devem ser priorizadas para o efetivo controle da morbidade e da mortalidade por este agravo.OBJECTIVE: To describe mortality and the hospital morbidity by neoplasias in Brazil and regions according to gender. METHODS: Data of deaths were obtained from the Mortality Information System and of hospital morbidity from the Hospital Information System. Deaths were categorized according to primary tumor sites, selected in accordance with the tenth revision of the International Classification of Diseases. The population data were drawn from the inter census estimates of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The period of analysis was the

  20. Genetics Home Reference: X-linked immunodeficiency with magnesium defect, Epstein-Barr virus infection, and neoplasia (United States)

    ... Conditions XMEN X-linked immunodeficiency with magnesium defect, Epstein-Barr virus infection, and neoplasia Printable PDF Open All Close ... boxes. Description X-linked immunodeficiency with magnesium defect, Epstein-Barr virus infection, and neoplasia (typically known by the acronym ...

  1. Clinical significance of serum anti-human papillomavirus 16 and 18 antibodies in cervical neoplasia. (United States)

    Chay, Doo Byung; Cho, Hanbyoul; Kim, Bo Wook; Kang, Eun Suk; Song, Eunseop; Kim, Jae-Hoon


    To estimate the clinical significance of serum anti-human papillomavirus (HPV) antibodies and high-risk cervical HPV DNA in cervical neoplasia. The study population comprised patients who were histopathologically diagnosed with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1 (n=64), CIN 2 and 3 (n=241), cervical cancer (n=170), and normal control participants (n=975). Cervical HPV DNA tests were performed through nucleic acid hybridization assay tests, and serum anti-HPV 16 and 18 antibodies were measured by competitive immunoassay. The associations of HPV DNA and anti-HPV antibodies were evaluated with demographic characteristics and compared according to the levels of disease severity. Anti-HPV antibodies were also investigated with clinicopathologic parameters, including survival data. Among various demographic characteristics, factors involving sexual behavior had a higher tendency of HPV DNA positivity and HPV seropositivity. Human papillomavirus DNA mean titer and positivity were both increased in patients with cervical neoplasia compared with those with normal control participants, but there was no statistical difference among types of cervical neoplasia. Serum anti-HPV 16 antibodies were also able to differentiate cervical neoplasia from a normal control participant and furthermore distinguished CIN 1 from CIN 2 and 3 (odd ratio 2.87 [1.43-5.78], P=.002). In cervical cancer, HPV 16 seropositivity was associated with prolonged disease-free survival according to the univariable analysis (hazard ratio=0.12 [0.01-0.94], P=.044). Serum anti-HPV 16 antibodies can distinguish cervical neoplasia from a normal control and has the advantage of identifying high-grade CIN. Moreover, in cervical cancer, HPV 16 seropositivity may be associated with a more favorable prognosis. II.

  2. Piroxicam decreases postirradiation colonic neoplasia in the rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Northway, M.G.; Scobey, M.W.; Cassidy, K.T.; Geisinger, K.R.


    This study evaluated the effects of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agent piroxicam on chronic radiation proctitis in the rat. Forty female Wistar rats received a 2250-cGy dose of irradiation to the distal 2 cm of the colon. Twenty received piroxicam 8.0 mg/kg orally 30 minutes before exposure and 24 hours after exposure; 20 rats served as irradiated controls. All animals were evaluated by colonoscopy 1 and 3 weeks postexposure and every third week until death or killing at 1 year. At killing, colons were removed for light microscopic examination. One year postirradiation results showed no differences in mortality, vascular changes, acute inflammation, colitis cystica profunda, or rectal stricture between the control and piroxicam-treated groups. However, at 1 year postirradiation the control group demonstrated neoplasia in 15 of 19 animals compared with eight of 20 animals in the piroxicam-treated group. The first endoscopic appearance of colonic neoplasm occurred at 15 weeks postirradiation in one control irradiated rat whereas the first evidence of endoscopic neoplasm in the piroxicam-treated group did not occur until 36 weeks postirradiation. Histologic examination documented a tendency toward a greater presence of adenocarcinomas in the control group compared with the piroxicam-treated group. The authors conclude that piroxicam treatment significantly decreased the incidence of colonic neoplasia in general as well as delayed the endoscopic appearance of colonic neoplasia in rats after pelvic irradiation. 41 references

  3. Piroxicam decreases postirradiation colonic neoplasia in the rat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Northway, M.G.; Scobey, M.W.; Cassidy, K.T.; Geisinger, K.R. (Wake Forest Univ., Winston Salem, NC (USA))


    This study evaluated the effects of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agent piroxicam on chronic radiation proctitis in the rat. Forty female Wistar rats received a 2250-cGy dose of irradiation to the distal 2 cm of the colon. Twenty received piroxicam 8.0 mg/kg orally 30 minutes before exposure and 24 hours after exposure; 20 rats served as irradiated controls. All animals were evaluated by colonoscopy 1 and 3 weeks postexposure and every third week until death or killing at 1 year. At killing, colons were removed for light microscopic examination. One year postirradiation results showed no differences in mortality, vascular changes, acute inflammation, colitis cystica profunda, or rectal stricture between the control and piroxicam-treated groups. However, at 1 year postirradiation the control group demonstrated neoplasia in 15 of 19 animals compared with eight of 20 animals in the piroxicam-treated group. The first endoscopic appearance of colonic neoplasm occurred at 15 weeks postirradiation in one control irradiated rat whereas the first evidence of endoscopic neoplasm in the piroxicam-treated group did not occur until 36 weeks postirradiation. Histologic examination documented a tendency toward a greater presence of adenocarcinomas in the control group compared with the piroxicam-treated group. The authors conclude that piroxicam treatment significantly decreased the incidence of colonic neoplasia in general as well as delayed the endoscopic appearance of colonic neoplasia in rats after pelvic irradiation. 41 references.

  4. Preliminary stop of the TOPical Imiquimod treatment of high-grade Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (TOPIC) trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koeneman, M. M.; Kruse, Arnold-Jan; Kooreman, L. F. S.; zur Hausen, Axel; Hopman, Anton H N; Sep, S. J. S.; Van Gorp, T.; Slangen, B. F. M.; van Beekhuizen, H. J.; de Sande, Michiel A. J. van; Gerestein, Cornelis G.; Nijman, H. W.; Kruitwagen, R. F. M. P.


    The "TOPical Imiquimod treatment of high-grade Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia" (TOPIC) trial was stopped preliminary, due to lagging inclusions. This study aimed to evaluate the treatment efficacy and clinical applicability of imiquimod 5% cream in high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

  5. Germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berney, Daniel M; Looijenga, Leendert H J; Idrees, Muhammad


    The pre-invasive lesion associated with post-pubertal malignant germ cell tumours of the testis was first recognized in the early 1970s and confirmed by a number of observational and follow-up studies. Until this year, this scientific story has been confused by resistance to the entity and disagr......The pre-invasive lesion associated with post-pubertal malignant germ cell tumours of the testis was first recognized in the early 1970s and confirmed by a number of observational and follow-up studies. Until this year, this scientific story has been confused by resistance to the entity...... and disagreement on its name. Initially termed 'carcinoma in situ' (CIS), it has also been known as 'intratubular germ cell neoplasia, unclassified' (IGCNU) and 'testicular intraepithelial neoplasia' (TIN). In this paper, we review the history of discovery and controversy concerning these names and introduce...

  6. Prevalence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive carcinoma based on cytological screening in the region of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil Prevalência da neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical e do carcinoma invasivo com base no rastreamento citológico na região de Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Gabriela L. d'Ottaviano-Morelli


    Full Text Available This study aimed to estimate and analyze the prevalence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN and invasive cervical carcinoma based on cytological diagnosis. The study included 120,635 women undergoing cytological exams in public health services in the region of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil, between September 1998 and March 1999. Prevalence rates per 100,000 women were: 354 for CIN I; 255 for CIN II; 141 for CIN III; and 24 for invasive carcinoma. As age increased, prevalence rates and prevalence ratios decreased for CIN grades I and II and increased for CIN III until the 50-54 age group, decreasing thereafter The prevalence rate of invasive carcinoma increased with age. The prevalence pattern of CIN II was distinct from that of CIN III, but similar to that of CIN I. This would not have been observed if the Bethesda System had been used for cytological diagnosis. Mean age at time of CIN II diagnosis was about 10 years less than for CIN III diagnosis. Therefore, a high-grade lesion diagnosed in a young woman according to the Bethesda System would probably be a CIN II, whereas in an older woman it would probably be a CIN III.O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar e analisar a prevalência das neoplasias intra-epiteliais cervicais (NIC e do carcinoma invasivo do colo uterino, com base no diagnóstico citológico. Foram incluídas 120.635 mulheres que realizaram o exame citológico, entre setembro de 1998 a março de 1999, nos serviços públicos de saúde da região de Campinas, Brasil. As prevalências por 100 mil mulheres foram: 354 para NIC I; 255 para NIC II; 141 para NIC III e 24 de carcinoma invasivo. À medida que a idade aumentou, as prevalências e razões de prevalência diminuíram para NIC I e NIC II, e aumentaram para NIC III até 50-54 anos, decrescendo após. A prevalência do carcinoma invasivo aumentou com a idade. O padrão da prevalência da NIC II é distinto do padrão da NIC III e semelhante ao da NIC I, o que n

  7. Inmunología tumoral y neoplasias del sistema inmune


    Sen Fernández, María Luz de la; Sempere Ortells, José Miguel; Marco, Francisco M.; Vázquez Araujo, Begoña


    Inmunología tumoral: vigilancia inmunológica, antígenos tumorales, respuesta inmune antitumoral, escape tumoral. Inmunología y diagnóstico. Inmunoterapia. Neoplasias del sistema inmune: leucemias y linfomas.

  8. Características de um grupo de adolescentes com suspeita de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical Characteristics of a group of adolescents with suspected cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Isabel do Nascimento


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a prevalência de alterações citológicas, colposcópicas e histopatológicas observadas no colo uterino de adolescentes com suspeita de neoplasia cervical e as correlações epidemiológicas, compararando com mulheres adultas jovens. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal, retrospectivo de revisão de 366 prontuários de mulheres encaminhadas para esclarecimento diagnóstico com suspeita de neoplasia cervical. As pacientes foram classificadas em dois grupos definidos por idade. O grupo Adolescente foi composto por 129 mulheres de 13 a 19 anos e o grupo Adulta foi composto por 237 mulheres de 20 a 24 anos. Foram calculados razão de prevalência (RP, respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC a 95% para cada variável, teste chi2 ou teste exato de Fisher quando aplicável para comparação das proporções. RESULTADOS: a sexarca ocorreu em média aos 15,0 anos no grupo Adolescente e 16,6 anos no grupo Adulta. A chance de diagnóstico de alterações citológicas no primeiro exame realizado (RP=2,61; IC 95%: 2,0-3,4, a condição neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical (NIC a esclarecer (RP=1,78; IC 95%: 1,26-2,52 e a colposcopia de baixo grau (RP=1,42; IC 95%: 1,08-1,86 foram estatisticamente significantes no grupo Adolescente. A análise histopatológica não mostrou diferenças para qualquer grau de NIC. Entretanto, foram identificados dois casos de carcinoma microinvasor, sendo um em cada grupo, e três casos de carcinoma invasor no grupo Adulta. CONCLUSÃO: nosso estudo sugere que o câncer de colo uterino é raro na adolescência, mas verificamos que alterações a ele associadas aconteceram em mulheres muito jovens. A investigação da neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical com a aplicação criteriosa dos mesmos métodos utilizados para a mulher adulta foi apropriada também na adolescência.PURPOSE: to evaluate the prevalence of cytologic, colposcopic and histopathologic alterations observed in the uterine cervix of adolescents with

  9. Detection of Human Papillomavirus Infection in Patients with Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia. (United States)

    Lamos, Cristina; Mihaljevic, Charlotte; Aulmann, Sebastian; Bruckner, Thomas; Domschke, Christoph; Wallwiener, Markus; Paringer, Carmen; Fluhr, Herbert; Schott, Sarah; Dinkic, Christine; Brucker, Janina; Golatta, Michael; Gensthaler, Lisa; Eichbaum, Michael; Sohn, Christof; Rom, Joachim


    Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN) is a pre-malignant lesion, potentially leading to vaginal cancer. It is a rare disease, representing less than 1% of all intraepithelial neoplasia of the female genital tract. Similar to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), there are three different grades of VAIN. VAIN 1 is also known as a low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), whereas VAIN 2 and VAIN 3 both represent high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL). Risk factors for the development of VAIN are similar to those for cervical neoplasia, i.e. promiscuity, starting sexual activity at an early age, tobacco consumption and infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). However, compared to other intraepithelial neoplasia such as CIN or VIN (vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia), there still is little understanding about the natural course of VAIN and its capacity for pro- or regression. Furthermore, there is controversial data about the HPV detection rate in VAIN lesions. 67 patients with histologically confirmed VAIN, who were diagnosed between 2003 and 2011 at the University Women´s Hospital of Heidelberg Germany, were included in this study. The biopsies of all participating patients were subjected to HPV genotyping. GP-E6/E7 Nested Multiplex PCR (NMPCR) was used to identify and genotype HPV. Eighteen pairs of type-specific nested PCR primers were assessed to detect the following "high-risk" HPV genotypes: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68, as well as the "low-risk" genotypes 6/11, 42, 43 and 44. The data was analyzed with the software SAS (Statistical Analysis System). All 67 cases were eligible for DNA analysis. The median age was 53 years. The largest group with 53% (n = 36) was formed by women, who were first diagnosed with VAIN between the age of 41 to 60 years. 50% (n = 37) of the patients presented a VAIN in the upper 1/3 of the vagina. 58 (87%) were diagnosed with HSIL (VAIN). The median age in patients with LSIL

  10. Investigating work-related neoplasia associated with solar radiation. (United States)

    Turner, S; Forman, S D; McNamee, R; Wilkinson, S M; Agius, R


    Both solar and non-solar exposures associated with occupation and work tasks have been reported as skin carcinogens. In the UK, there are well-established surveillance schemes providing relevant information, including when exposures took place, occupation, location of work and dates of symptom onset and diagnosis. To add to the evidence on work-related skin neoplasia, including causal agents, geographical exposure and time lag between exposure and diagnosis. This study investigated incident case reports of occupational skin disease originating from clinical specialists in dermatology reporting to a UK-wide surveillance scheme (EPIDERM) by analysing case reports of skin neoplasia from 1996 to 2012 in terms of diagnosis, employment, suspected causal agent and symptom onset. The suspected causal agent was 'sun/sunlight/ultraviolet light' in 99% of the reported work-related skin neoplasia cases. Most cases reported (91%) were in males, and the majority (62%) were aged over 65 at the time of reporting. More detailed information on exposure was available for 42% of the cases, with the median time from exposure to symptom onset ranging from 44 (melanoma) to 57 (squamous cell carcinoma) years. Irrespective of diagnostic category, the median duration of exposure to 'sun/sunlight/ultraviolet light' appeared longer where exposures occurred in the UK (range 39-51 years) rather than outside the UK (range 2.5-6.5 years). It is important to provide effective information about skin protection to workers exposed to solar radiation, especially to outdoor workers based outside the UK. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Occupational Medicine. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:



    Antonio Henrique Cereda da Silva; Daniella Matos da Silva; Cristina Rauen Ribas; Rosangela Locatelli Dittrich; Peterson Triches Dornbusch; Simone Domit Guérios


    As alterações no hemograma estão direta ou indiretamente relacionadas com câncer e são pouco descritas em cadelas com neoplasia mamária. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as alterações hematológicas em 161 cadelas portadoras de neoplasia mamária e correlacionar à progressão da doença. As principais alterações hematológicas encontradas foram anemia normocítica e normocrômica e leucocitose neutrofílica, sendo ambas mais frequentes em cadelas em estádio avançado (III, IV ou V) da doença. Conc...

  12. Transporter function and cyclic AMP turnover in normal colonic mucosa from patients with and without colorectal neoplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kleberg Karen


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The pathogenesis of colorectal neoplasia is still unresolved but has been associated with alterations in epithelial clearance of xenobiotics and metabolic waste products. The aim of this study was to functionally characterize the transport of cyclic nucleotides in colonic biopsies from patients with and without colorectal neoplasia. Methods Cyclic nucleotides were used as model substrates shared by some OATP- and ABC-transporters, which in part are responsible for clearance of metabolites and xenobiotics from the colonic epithelium. On colonic biopsies from patients with and without colorectal neoplasia, molecular transport was electrophysiologically registered in Ussing-chamber set-ups, mRNA level of selected transporters was quantified by rt-PCR, and subcellular location of transporters was determined by immunohistochemistry. Results Of four cyclic nucleotides, dibuturyl-cAMP induced the largest short circuit current in both patient groups. The induced short circuit current was significantly lower in neoplasia-patients (p = 0.024. The observed altered transport of dibuturyl-cAMP in neoplasia-patients could not be directly translated to an observed increased mRNA expression of OATP4A1 and OATP2B1 in neoplasia patients. All other examined transporters were expressed to similar extents in both patient groups. Conclusions OATP1C1, OATP4A1, OATP4C1 seem to be involved in the excretory system of human colon. ABCC4 is likely to be involved from an endoplasmic-Golgi complex and basolateral location in goblet cells. ABCC5 might be directly involved in the turnover of intracellular cAMP at the basolateral membrane of columnar epithelial cells, while OATP2B1 is indirectly related to the excretory system. Colorectal neoplasia is associated with lower transport or sensitivity to cyclic nucleotides and increased expression of OATP2B1 and OATP4A1 transporters, known to transport PGE2.

  13. Análise da acetilação de histona 3 e sua relação com proliferação celular e transição epitélio mesênquima em leucoplasias e carcinomas espinocelulares de boca


    Liana Preto Webber


    O desenvolvimento e a progressão do câncer bucal envolvem processos complexos de múltiplas etapas levando a modificações fenotípicas nas células epiteliais, aumento da proliferação e invasão dos tecidos subjacentes. Diversos fatores vem sendo associados à carcinogênese, dentre eles os mecanismos epigenéticos como a acetilação de histonas, que promovem mudanças na expressão de genes independente de mutações. O objetivo do presente estudo observacional transversal foi analisar a relação entre a...

  14. Mecanismos de proteção induzidos pela imunização com TgHSP70 e de controle da inflamação pelo tratamento com STAg na infecção por Toxoplasma gondii


    Barenco, Paulo Victor Czarnewski


    Toxoplasma gondii é um parasita intracelular obrigatório que apresenta diversos antígenos capazes de modular a resposta imune. Neste trabalho, visamos estudar dois antígenos imunomoduladores através do pré-tratamento para fase aguda e de imunização para fase crônica da infecção. O primeiro objetivo foi estudar o papel do antígeno solúvel de taquizoítas (STAg) nas células epiteliais para controle da inflamação intestinal durante a infecção aguda por T. gondii. Foi demonstrado que o tratamento ...

  15. Produção da proteína recombinante anexina V humana em cultivos de Escherichia coli em batelada alimentada


    Marder, Laura Schirmbeck


    A Anexina V é uma proteína humana endógena dependente de Ca+2, com peso molecular de 35,8 kDa, amplamente distribuída intracelularmente em altas concentrações na placenta e em concentrações mais baixas nas células endoteliais, renais, miocárdicas, epiteliais, esqueléticas musculares, eritrócitos, plaquetas e monócitos. Apresenta como principal característica a capacidade de se ligar à fosfatidilserina, um fosfolipídeo presente na camada interna da bicamada lipídica, que durante a apoptose cel...

  16. Classificação dos tumores da mama: atualização baseada na nova classificação da Organização Mundial da Saúde de 2012 Classification of tumours of the breast: an update based on the new 2012 World Health Organization Classification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helenice Gobbi


    Full Text Available A Organização Mundial da Saúde lançou em julho de 2012 a 4ª edição da Classificação dos Tumores de Mama. Nesta revisão, será realizada uma breve abordagem das principais mudanças da nova classificação, com ênfase nas implicações diagnósticas e terapêuticas. As principais mudanças foram: (i o fascículo atual é dedicado integralmente aos tumores da mama; (ii os tumores epiteliais foram agrupados de forma diferente, com o reconhecimento de nove tipos especiais e suas variantes e 11 tipos raros de tumores mamários, além do carcinoma ductal invasivo sem outra especificação. Foram reconhecidos e incluídos novos códigos para as variantes de carcinoma lobular, carcinomas com características medulares e subtipos de carcinomas metaplásicos; (iii foram sugeridos novos escores para avaliação imuno-histoquímica de receptores hormonais (> 1% de células positivas e receptor do fator de crescimento epidérmico 2 (HER2 (> 30% células fortemente positivas, circundando toda membrana; (iv apresentou-se nova abordagem da classificação molecular e genômica do câncer de mama, incluindo novos testes que empregam perfil de expressão gênica para predição da evolução clínica e resposta terapêutica; (v foi mantida a terminologia tradicional das lesões proliferativas intraductais, não se adotando a terminologia neoplasia intraepitelial ductal; (vi reconheceu-se a importância prognóstica de se distinguir hiperplasia lobular atípica e carcinoma lobular in situ (CLIS dentro do espectro das neoplasias lobulares; (vii as lesões de células colunares (alteração e hiperplasia de células colunares sem atipias foram separadas das atipias epiteliais planas, cuja evolução biológica ainda é pouco definida. Espera-se amplo uso da nova classificação, por patologistas e oncologistas, beneficiando pacientes, alvos principais dos avanços diagnósticos e terapêuticos.The World Health Organization released the 4th edition of

  17. Chlamydia trachomatis infection and risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lehtinen, Matti; Ault, Kevin A; Lyytikainen, Erika


    High-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) is the primary cause of cervical cancer. As Chlamydia trachomatis is also linked to cervical cancer, its role as a potential co-factor in the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2 or higher was examined....

  18. Tobacco, alcohol, and p53 overexpression in early colorectal neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terry, Mary Beth; Neugut, Alfred I; Mansukhani, Mahesh; Waye, Jerome; Harpaz, Noam; Hibshoosh, Hanina


    The p53 tumor suppressor gene is commonly mutated in colorectal cancer. While the effect of p53 mutations on colorectal cancer prognosis has been heavily studied, less is known about how epidemiologic risk factors relate to p53 status, particularly in early colorectal neoplasia prior to clinically invasive colorectal cancer (including adenomas, carcinoma in situ (CIS), and intramucosal carcinoma). We examined p53 status, as measured by protein overexpression, in 157 cases with early colorectal neoplasia selected from three New York City colonoscopy clinics. After collecting paraffin-embedded tissue blocks, immunohistochemistry was performed using an anti-p53 monoclonal mouse IgG 2 a [BP53-12-1] antibody. We analyzed whether p53 status was different for risk factors for colorectal neoplasia relative to a polyp-free control group (n = 508). p53 overexpression was found in 10.3%, 21.7%, and 34.9%, of adenomatous polyps, CIS, and intramucosal cases, respectively. Over 90% of the tumors with p53 overexpression were located in the distal colon and rectum. Heavy cigarette smoking (30+ years) was associated with cases not overexpressing p53 (OR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.1–2.9) but not with those cases overexpressing p53 (OR = 1.0, 95% CI = 0.4–2.6). Heavy beer consumption (8+ bottles per week) was associated with cases overexpressing p53 (OR = 4.0, 95% CI = 1.3–12.0) but not with cases without p53 overexpression (OR = 1.6, 95% CI = 0.7–3.7). Our findings that p53 overexpression in early colorectal neoplasia may be positively associated with alcohol intake and inversely associated with cigarette smoking are consistent with those of several studies of p53 expression and invasive cancer, and suggest that there may be relationships of smoking and alcohol with p53 early in the adenoma to carcinoma sequence

  19. Male pattern baldness and risk of colorectal neoplasia. (United States)

    Keum, N; Cao, Y; Lee, D H; Park, S M; Rosner, B; Fuchs, C S; Wu, K; Giovannucci, E L


    Male pattern baldness is positively associated with androgens as well as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and insulin, all of which are implicated in pathogenesis of colorectal neoplasia. From 1992 through 2010, we prospectively followed participants in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. Hair pattern at age 45 years was assessed at baseline with five image categories (no baldness, frontal-only baldness, frontal-plus-mild-vertex baldness, frontal-plus-moderate-vertex baldness, and frontal-plus-severe-vertex baldness). Cancer analysis included 32 782 men and used Cox proportional hazards models to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Restricted to men who underwent at least one endoscopy over the study period, adenoma analysis included 29 770 men and used logistic regressions for clustered data to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs. Over the mean follow-up of 15.6 years, 710 cases of colorectal cancer (478 for colon, 152 for rectum, and 80 unknown site) developed. Significantly increased risks associated with frontal-only baldness and frontal-plus-mild-vertex baldness relative to no baldness were observed for colon cancer with respective HR being 1.29 (95% CI, 1.03-1.62) and 1.31 (95% CI, 1.01-1.70). Over the 19-year study period, 3526 cases of colorectal adenoma were detected. Evidence for an increased risk of colorectal adenoma relative to no baldness was significant with frontal-only baldness (OR, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.06-1.26) and borderline insignificant with frontal-plus-severe-vertex baldness (OR, 1.14; 95% CI, 0.98-1.33). Subtypes of male pattern baldness at age 45 years were positively associated with colorectal neoplasia. Future studies are warranted to confirm our results and to determine the predictive value of male pattern baldness to identify those at high risk for colorectal neoplasia.

  20. Cold-knife and laser conization for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tabor, A; Berget, A


    In a 5-year study, 425 women had conization performed for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) I, II or III. Conization was performed only in cases of positive endocervical curettage or when colposcopy was inconclusive. In all other cases, local destruction was the operation of choice...

  1. Can the Ni classification of vessels predict neoplasia? A systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Mehlum, Camilla S; Rosenberg, Tine; Dyrvig, Anne-Kirstine; Groentved, Aagot Moeller; Kjaergaard, Thomas; Godballe, Christian


    The Ni classification of vascular change from 2011 is well documented for evaluating pharyngeal and laryngeal lesions, primarily focusing on cancer. In the planning of surgery it may be more relevant to differentiate neoplasia from non-neoplasia. We aimed to evaluate the ability of the Ni classification to predict laryngeal or hypopharyngeal neoplasia and to investigate if a changed cutoff value would support the recent European Laryngological Society (ELS) proposal of perpendicular vascular changes as indicative of neoplasia. PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, and Scopus databases. A systematic review and meta-analysis was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis statement. We systematically searched for publications from 2011 until 2016. All retrieved studies were reviewed and qualitatively assessed. The pooled sensitivity and specificity of the Ni classification with two different cutoffs were calculated, and bubble and summary receiver operating characteristics plots were created. The combined sensitivity of five studies (n = 687) with Ni type IV-V defined as test-positive was 0.89 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.76-0.95), and specificity was 0.82 (95% CI: 0.72-0.89). The equivalent combined sensitivity of four studies (n = 624) with Ni type V defined as test-positive was 0.82 (95% CI: 0.75-0.87), and specificity was 0.93 (95% CI: 0.82-0.97). The diagnostic accuracy of the Ni classification in predicting neoplasia was high, without significant difference between the two analyzed cutoff values. Implementation of the proposed ELS classification of vascular changes seems reasonable from a clinical perspective, with comparable accuracy. Attention must be drawn to the accompanying risk of exposing patients to unnecessary surgery. Laryngoscope, 128:168-176, 2018. © 2017 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

  2. Molecular events leading to HPV-induced high grade neoplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saskia M. Wilting


    Full Text Available Cervical cancer is initiated by high-risk types of the human papillomavirus (hrHPV and develops via precursor stages, called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN. High-grade CIN lesions are considered true precancerous lesions when the viral oncogenes E6 and E7 are aberrantly expressed in the dividing cells. This results in abolishment of normal cell cycle control via p53 and pRb degradation. However, it has become clear that these viral oncogenes possess additional oncogenic properties, including interference with the DNA methylation machinery and mitotic checkpoints. Identification of the resulting molecular events leading to high-grade neoplasia will 1 increase our understanding of cervical carcinogenesis, 2 yield biomarkers for early diagnosis, and 3 identify therapeutic targets for HPV-induced (pre cancerous lesions.This review will briefly summarise current advances in our understanding of the molecular alterations in the host cell genome that occur during HPV-induced carcinogenesis.

  3. Retrospective evaluation of toceranib phosphate (Palladia) use in cats with mast cell neoplasia. (United States)

    Berger, Erika P; Johannes, Chad M; Post, Gerald S; Rothchild, Gillian; Shiu, Kai-Biu; Wetzel, Sarah; Fox, Leslie E


    Objectives The purpose of this study was to solicit and compile data from practicing veterinary specialists regarding their use of toceranib in cats with mast cell neoplasia and to provide initial assessment of possible clinical benefit and adverse events. Methods The American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and Oncology listservs were used to solicit data pertaining to cases in which toceranib was used in the treatment of feline mast cell neoplasia. Cases were included if the following data were received: signalment (age, sex, breed), diagnosis of mast cell neoplasia by either cytology or histopathology, anatomic classification of disease (cutaneous, splenic/hepatic, gastrointestinal, other), previous and concurrent treatment, toceranib dose (mg/kg) and schedule, duration of therapy, best response and documentation of adverse events. Results Case data from 50 cats with cutaneous (n = 22), splenic/hepatic (visceral) (n = 10), gastrointestinal (n = 17) or other (n = 1) mast cell neoplasia were received. Clinical benefit was seen in 80% (40/50), including 86% (19/22) with cutaneous, 80% (8/10) with visceral and 76% (13/17) with gastrointestinal involvement. A majority of cats (n = 35) received glucocorticoids during toceranib treatment. Median duration of treatment in cats experiencing clinical benefit was 36 weeks (range 4-106 weeks), 48 weeks (range 12-199 weeks) and 23 weeks (range 13-81 weeks) for cutaneous, visceral and gastrointestinal cases, respectively. Toceranib was administered at a median dose of 2.5 mg/kg (range 1.6-3.5 mg/kg); in 90% (45/50) the drug was given three times per week. Treatment was generally well tolerated with 60% (30/50) of cats experiencing adverse events. The majority of these events were low-grade (grade 1 or 2) gastrointestinal or hematologic events that resolved with treatment break and/or dose adjustment. Conclusions and relevance Toceranib appears to be well tolerated in feline patients with mast cell neoplasia

  4. Synchronous high-risk melanoma and lymphoid neoplasia.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cahill, R A


    Large population-based studies have shown a significant association between melanoma and lymphoid neoplasia, particularly non-Hodgkin\\'s lymphoma (NHL) and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), that is independent of any treatment received for the initial tumour. This study examines the presentation, diagnosis, treatment and progress of three patients who developed advanced melanoma concurrently with a lymphoid neoplasm (one NHL, two CLLs), in order to illustrate their association, discuss common aetiological factors and examine possible therapeutic options. As it is the melanoma rather than the lymphoid neoplasm that represents the bigger threat to overall survival, initial treatment should be targeted towards this cancer. However, because of the interplay between the diseases and the possible side-effects of the various treatments, the choice of adjuvant therapy requires careful consideration. Immunosuppression associated with chemotherapy may permit a more aggressive course for the melanoma, while locoregional radiotherapy is contraindicated following lymph node dissections. As immunotherapy is of benefit in the treatment of melanoma and has also been recently shown to be effective in the management of lymphoid neoplasia, we instituted interferon-alpha as adjuvant therapy for these patients, thereby utilizing a single agent to treat the dual pathologies. The three patients have now been followed-up for 6 months without evidence of disease recurrence or progression.


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    Kodali Venkataramana


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Cervical cancer is by far the most common human papilloma virus related disease. Nearly, all cases of cervical cancer can be attributable to human papilloma virus infection. Infection with the human papilloma virus is the main risk factors for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer especially the high-risk types. The aim of the study is to study the prevalence of high-risk human papilloma virus 16 and 18 in various grades of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. MATERIALS AND METHODS It is a prospective study for a period of two years. 50 cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of various grades on histopathology were included in the study. Polymerase chain reaction DNA sequencing was done in all the cases. The patients were followed up for 1 year with Pap smears and results tabulated. RESULTS 77.77% of cases were human papilloma virus 16 positive and 22.22% for human papilloma virus 18. High-risk human papilloma virus was positive in 66.66% of cases beyond 30 years of age. In cases with positive HPV 16 or 18, 62.5% of CIN 1 cases progressed to CIN 2 on follow up for one year,all the CIN2 cases progressed to CIN 3 and CIN 3 cases persisted in the same phase. CONCLUSION High-risk human papilloma virus testing beyond 30 years should be included in the screening test along with Pap smears.

  6. Hybrid capture 2 viral load and the 2-year cumulative risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or cancer. (United States)

    Castle, Philip E; Schiffman, Mark; Wheeler, Cosette M


    The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical value of a semiquantitative measure of human papillomavirus viral load by the hybrid capture 2 assay for stratification of the risk of histologic cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or carcinoma. The Atypical Cells of Unknown Significance and Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions Triage Study was a randomized clinical trial of 5060 women with 2 years of follow-up to evaluate treatment strategies for women with equivocal or mildly abnormal cervical cytologic condition. The usefulness of the continuous hybrid capture 2 output relative light units/positive controls that were above the positive threshold (1.0 relative light units/positive controls), which was a surrogate for human papillomavirus viral load, for distinguishing between hybrid capture 2 positive women who were diagnosed with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or carcinoma during the study from those who were not diagnosed with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or carcinoma was examined with the use of receiver-operator characteristic analyses. Relative light units/positive controls values did not further discriminate between hybrid capture 2 positive women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or carcinoma from those with less than cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or carcinoma. The use of a cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or more severe or carcinoma case definition did not alter our findings. Among women with atypical cells of unknown significance or low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion cervical cytologic findings, the hybrid capture 2 viral load measurement did not improve the detection of 2-year cumulative cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or carcinoma significantly.

  7. Long-term results of exclusive low-dose rate curie-therapy for a high-grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanchard, P.; Monnier, L.; Dumas, I.; Azoury, F.; Mazeron, R.; Haie-Meder, C.


    The authors report the results of an exclusive low dose rate curie therapy for female patients treated for a grade 3 vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia. They reviewed the medical files of patients treated since 1983, i.e. 28 women. They analysed demographic characteristics, the clinic description of lesions, possible treatments which occurred before this high-grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia, possible previous history of cervical or endometrial cancer, curie therapy detailed data, presence of tumorous relapse. According to that, they conclude that a 60 Gy exclusive low- vaginal dose-rate curie-therapy is an efficient and well tolerated treatment for high-grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia. Short communication

  8. The role of surgery in the management of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. (United States)

    Doll, Kemi M; Soper, John T


    Although sensitive human chorionic gonadotropin assays and advances in chemotherapy have assumed primary importance in the management of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, surgery remains important in the overall care of these patients. Management of molar pregnancies consists of surgical evacuation and subsequent monitoring. Hysterectomy decreases the risk of post-molar trophoblastic disease in appropriate patients and, when incorporated to primary management of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, can decrease the chemotherapy requirements of patients with low-risk disease. In patients with high-risk disease, surgical intervention is frequently required to control complications of disease or as therapy to stabilize patients during chemotherapy. Hysterectomy, thoracotomy, or other extirpative procedures may be integrated into the management of patients with chemorefractory disease. Interventional procedures are useful adjuncts to control bleeding from metastases.

  9. Esophagectomy for Superficial Esophageal Neoplasia. (United States)

    Watson, Thomas J


    Endoscopic therapies have become the standard of care for most cases of Barrett's esophagus with high-grade dysplasia or intramucosal adenocarcinoma. Despite a rapid and dramatic evolution in treatment paradigms, esophagectomy continues to occupy a place in the therapeutic armamentarium for superficial esophageal neoplasia. The managing physician must remain cognizant of the limitations of endoscopic approaches and consider surgical resection when they are exceeded. Esophagectomy, performed at experienced centers for appropriately selected patients with early-stage disease can be undertaken with the expectation of cure as well as low mortality, acceptable morbidity, and good long-term quality of life. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Chemotherapy for resistant or recurrent gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Alazzam, Mo'iad


    Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) is a highly curable group of pregnancy-related tumours; however, approximately 25% of GTN tumours will be resistant to, or will relapse after, initial chemotherapy. These resistant and relapsed lesions will require salvage chemotherapy with or without surgery. Various salvage regimens are used worldwide. It is unclear which regimens are the most effective and the least toxic.

  11. What is your diagnosis? [Intestinal neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uehlinger, P.; Glaus, T.; Stoeckli, R.; Flueckiger, M.; Leuch, F.


    Iron lack anemia due to chronic blood loss was diagnosed in a 12-year-old dog. Clinical abnormalities included weakness and episodic vomiting. Typical hematological abnormalities were moderate regenerative anemia (Hct 21 %) and microcytosis (MCV 39 fl.). Chronic occult blood loss in adult dogs most commonly occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, associated with ulcus or neoplasia. Possible diagnostic steps include radiographs, abdominal ultrasound, gastroduodenoscopy, and exploratory laparotomy. In the present case gastric and duodenal adenocarcinomata were found during necropsy, confirming the clinical suspicion of a bleeding gastrointestinal malignancy

  12. Role of the human papilloma virus in the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and malignancy


    Jastreboff, A; Cymet, T


    Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a public health problem as a sexually transmitted disease and as a critical factor in the pathogenesis of various cancers. The clinical manifestations, epidemiology, and virology that are critical to understanding the process of cervical dysplasia and neoplasia are reviewed. A discussion of the cervical transformation zone and the classification of cervical dysplasia and neoplasia leads into the importance of the Papanicolaou smear in prevention of potentially d...

  13. The Relationship Between Distal and Proximal Colonic Neoplasia : A Meta-Analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dodou, D.; De Winter, J.C.F.


    To investigate the association between proximal colonic neoplasia and distal lesions as a function of the lesion type. The extent to which health, demographic, and study characteristics moderate this association was also examined.

  14. Lie. kū́nas

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    Simas Karaliūnas


    Full Text Available LIТН. kū́nas “BODY”SummaryThe cognates of Lith. kū́nas “body” and Latv. kûnis (kи̃пе, kũņа “body; chrysalis; caterpil­lar of a butterfly; bee pupae” are supposed to be Lith. kūпа “carrion”, pa-kū́nė “sore, furuncle; upper lamella, a layer under the roots”, Latv. kипа “wart, excrescence”, kunis “bottom of a sheaf” and others. Lith. kū́nas, kūпа may represent substantivized forms of the adjective Latv. kûns“round, obese, stout”, while Latv. kûnis, kũņа, kūne seem to be derivatives of the suffixes *-o-*-ā-, *-ē-.

  15. Duração da Neoplasia Intra-Epitelial e do Carcinoma Invasor do Colo Uterino: Estudo Epidemiológico Duration of Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Invasive Carcinoma of the Cervix in Relation to Age at Diagnosis

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    Luiz Carlos Zeferino


    Full Text Available Objetivo: estimar a duração e o tempo de evolução da neoplasia do colo uterino, a partir da infecção por papilomavírus humano (HPV até as formas invasoras avançadas, tomando como parâmetro a idade média ao diagnóstico. Método: estudo observacional-transversal que incluiu 1.177 mulheres com infecção por HPV, 1.561 com neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical (NIV e 773 com carcinoma invasor. Resultados: não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as médias de idade ao diagnóstico da NIC 1 e NIC 2. A duração da NIC 2 foi 2,2 anos e da NIC 3 foi 10,3 anos, sendo 4,1 anos como displasia grave e 6,2 anos como carcinoma in situ (CIS. A duração da lesão intra-epitelial escamosa de alto grau foi 12,5 anos e do carcinoma invasor estádio Ia, Ib e II foram, respectivamente, 3,0, 2,7 e 3,7 anos. Conclusões: de acordo com os resultados deste estudo, as NIC 1 e NIC 2 originam-se diretamente da infecção por HPV e a maioria das NIC 2 seria uma lesão transiente. A lesão de maior duração é o CIS e o tempo médio do período subclínico da neoplasia do colo uterino é de 18,2 anos. Estes resultados são discutidos em função do conhecimento mais atual da história natural do carcinoma do colo uterino e de outros estudos que estimaram a duração desta neoplasia.Purpose: to estimate the duration of cervical neoplasia from human pappilomavirus (HPV infection to advanced invasive carcinoma, using as paremeter the mean age of the women at diagnosis. Methods: this cross-sectional study included 1,177 women with HPV infection, 1,561 with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN and 773 with invasive carcinoma. Results: the mean ages of CIN 1 and CIN 2 on diagnosis were not statistically different. The mean duration of CIN 2 was 2.2 years. The mean duration of CIN 3 was 10.3 years, with 4.1 years as severe dysplasia and 6.2 years as carcinoma in situ (CIS. The mean duration of high grade squamous intraepithelial lesions was 12

  16. The prognostic significance of virus-associated changes in grade 1 cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bagi, P; Worning, A M; Nordsten, M


    Virus-associated changes of the cervix uteri were assessed in patients treated for grade 1 cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (CIN). Of 106 patients evaluated, 67 (63%) had virus-associated changes. The patients were treated without regard to the presence/absence of virus-associated changes. In 26...... patients the treatment was unsuccessful (persistence, recurrence, or progression of the neoplasia). The frequency of treatment failure was 33% in patients with, and 10% in patients without virus-associated changes (p less than 0.025). It is recommended that patients with CIN 1 and virus-associated changes...

  17. Indications for percutaneous nephrostomy in patients with obstructive uropathy due to malignant urogenital neoplasias

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    Frederico R. Romero


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Urogenital neoplasias frequently progress with obstructive uropathy due to local spreading or pelvic metastases. The urinary obstruction must be immediately relieved in order to avoid deterioration in these patients. The percutaneous nephrostomy is a safe and effective method for relief the obstruction; however the indications of such procedures have been questioned in patients with poor prognosis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study was performed with 43 patients (29 female and 14 male with urogenital neoplasias who were undergoing percutaneous nephrostomy during a 54-month period. The median age was 52 years. The primary tumoral site was the uterine cervix in 53.5% of patients, the bladder in 23.3%, the prostate in 11.6% and other sites in 11.6%. RESULTS: Postoperative complications occurred in 42.3% of the patients. There was no procedure-related mortality. Thirty-nine per cent of the patients died during the hospitalization period due to advanced neoplasia. The mortality rate was higher in patients with prostate cancer (p = 0.006, in patients over 52 years of age (p = 0.03 and in those who required hemodialysis before the procedure (p = 0.02. Thirty-two per cent of the patients survived long enough to undergo some form of treatment focused on the primary tumor. The survival rate was 40% at 6 months and 24.2% at 12 months. The percentage of the lifetime spent in hospitalization was 17.7%. The survival rate was higher in patients with neoplasia of the uterine cervix (p = 0.007 and in patients with 52 years of age or less (p = 0.008. CONCLUSION: Morbidity was high in this patient group; however, the majority of patients could be discharged from hospital and followed at home. Patients under 52 years of age and patients with neoplasia of the uterine cervix benefited most from the percutaneous nephrostomy when compared to patients with hormone therapy-refractory prostate cancer, bladder cancer or over 52 years of age.

  18. Numerical aerodynamic simulation (NAS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peterson, V.L.; Ballhaus, W.F. Jr.; Bailey, F.R.


    The Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Program is designed to provide a leading-edge computational capability to the aerospace community. It was recognized early in the program that, in addition to more advanced computers, the entire computational process ranging from problem formulation to publication of results needed to be improved to realize the full impact of computational aerodynamics. Therefore, the NAS Program has been structured to focus on the development of a complete system that can be upgraded periodically with minimum impact on the user and on the inventory of applications software. The implementation phase of the program is now under way. It is based upon nearly 8 yr of study and should culminate in an initial operational capability before 1986. The objective of this paper is fivefold: 1) to discuss the factors motivating the NAS program, 2) to provide a history of the activity, 3) to describe each of the elements of the processing-system network, 4) to outline the proposed allocation of time to users of the facility, and 5) to describe some of the candidate problems being considered for the first benchmark codes

  19. Investigação da LMP1 do EBV e a coinfeçcão do HPV em lesões genitais de pacientes infectados ou não pelo HIV Investigation of the LMP1 EBV and co-infection by HPV in genital lesions of patients infected or not by HIV

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    Fabiana Resende Rodrigues


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Vários estudos têm demonstrado associação do vírus Epstein-Barr (EBV com neoplasias malignas, inclusive genitais, em que o papilomavírus humano (HPV é o principal vírus associado às neoplasias epiteliais benignas e malignas. OBJETIVO: Investigar a presença do EBV e do HPV em lesões genitais de ambos os sexos, em pacientes soropositivos (grupo A ou não (grupo B para o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Selecionados 126 pacientes e 135 lesões anogenitais, sendo 67 pacientes (53% e 75 lesões (56% no grupo A e 59 pacientes (47% e 60 lesões (44% no grupo B, para análise imuno-histoquímica (IHQ por meio dos anticorpos monoclonais antiproteína latente de membrana 1 (LMP1 e HPV (DAKO®. RESULTADOS: A análise mostrou que o número total de lesões com imunopositividade para o HPV e para a LMP1 foi maior no grupo A (32 e 35, respectivamente quando comparado ao B (16 e seis, respectivamente. A análise estatística (nível de significância de 5% mostrou que as proporções para o HPV não são estatisticamente significativas (z = 1,93; valor p = 0,053. Entretanto, para a LMP1, a diferença (47% no grupo A e 10% no B é significativa (z = 4,60; valor p = 4,2×10-6. Do mesmo modo, a associação HPV-LMP1 (21% no grupo A e 7% no B também mostrou diferença estatisticamente significativa (z = 2,38; valor p = 0,017. CONCLUSÃO: Esses resultados indicam a possibilidade de sinergismo da infecção pelo EBV e a coinfecção EBV-HPV em lesões epiteliais genitais, particularmente em pacientes soropositivos para o HIV. Entretanto, investigações com metodologia de maior especificidade e sensibilidade são necessárias para a verificação da real participação do EBV na patogênese de lesões epiteliais genitais.INTRODUCTION: Several studies have demonstrated the association between Epstein-Barr virus (EBV and malignant neoplasias, including genital lesions, in which the human papillomavirus (HPV is the

  20. Lobular neoplasia detected in MRI-guided core biopsy carries a high risk for upgrade: a study of 63 cases from four different institutions (United States)

    Khoury, Thaer; Kumar, Prasanna R; Li, Zaibo; Karabakhtsian, Rouzan G; Sanati, Souzan; Chen, Xiwei; Wang, Dan; Liu, Song; Reig, Beatriu


    There are certain criteria to recommend surgical excision for lobular neoplasia diagnosed in mammographically detected core biopsy. The aims of this study are to explore the rate of upgrade of lobular neoplasia detected in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided biopsy and to investigate the clinicopathological and radiological features that could predict upgrade. We reviewed 1655 MRI-guided core biopsies yielding 63 (4%) cases of lobular neoplasia. Key clinical features were recorded. MRI findings including mass vs non-mass enhancement and the reason for biopsy were also recorded. An upgrade was defined as the presence of invasive carcinoma or ductal carcinoma in situ in subsequent surgical excision. The overall rate of lobular neoplasia in MRI-guided core biopsy ranged from 2 to 7%, with an average of 4%. A total of 15 (24%) cases had an upgrade, including 5 cases of invasive carcinoma and 10 cases of ductal carcinoma in situ. Pure lobular neoplasia was identified in 34 cases, 11 (32%) of which had upgrade. In this group, an ipsilateral concurrent or past history of breast cancer was found to be associated with a higher risk of upgrade (6/11, 55%) than contralateral breast cancer (1 of 12, 8%; P = 0.03). To our knowledge, this is the largest series of lobular neoplasia diagnosed in MRI-guided core biopsy. The incidence of lobular neoplasia is relatively low. Lobular neoplasia detected in MRI-guided biopsy carries a high risk for upgrade warranting surgical excision. However, more cases from different types of institutions are needed to verify our results. PMID:26564004

  1. Lesões induzidas por papilomavírus humano em parceiros de mulheres com neoplasia intra-epitelial do trato genital inferior Papillomavírus-induced lesion in partners of womem with intraepithelial neoplasia of the lower genital tract

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    Júlio César Teixeira


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivos: pesquisar a presença de lesões induzidas por papilomavírus (HPV e os fatores associados em parceiros de mulheres com neoplasia intra-epitelial genital. Métodos: foram avaliados 337 homens por meio de citologia uretral, peniscopia e biópsia, quando necessário. Analisou-se a presença de lesão induzida por HPV correlacionando-a com a idade, escolaridade, tabagismo, estabilidade conjugal, início da atividade sexual, número de parceiras, antecedente de doença sexualmente transmissível (DST, postectomia, imagens peniscópicas e grau das lesões nas mulheres. Resultados: a peniscopia foi positiva em 144 homens (42,7% e 105 (31,2% apresentaram lesões induzidas por HPV. Somente o tabagismo, a estabilidade conjugal menor ou igual a seis meses e o antecedente de mais de uma parceira sexual estiveram associados com a presença de lesão induzida por HPV (pPurpose: to evaluate risk factors and papillomavirus (HPV associated lesions in male partners of women with genital intraepithelial neoplasia. Patients and Methods: three hundred and thirty-seven men were evaluated by urethral cytology, peniscopy, and biopsy, if necessary. We analyzed the results and the relations to age, educational level, smoking, contact time with the present partner, age at first intercourse, number of partners, previous sexually transmitted diseases (STD, circumcision, peniscopic findings, and female lesion grade. Results: peniscopy was positive in 144 (42,7% and HPV infection was diagnosed in 105 (31,2%. Smoking, contact time with the present partner up to 6 months, and more than one previous sexual partner were associated with HPV lesions (p<0,05. The urethral cytology was suspect in 4,2% and smoking, positive peniscopy or biopsy and partners of women with high-grade lesion (p<0,05 were associated with the diagnosis. 72.1% of 229 biopsies were positive, independently of the peniscopic findings and women's lesion grade. Conclusions: HPV infection was

  2. Nuclear Receptors and Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dreijerink, K.M.A.


    Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is an inherited syndrome that is characterized by the occurrence of tumours of the parathyroid glands, gastroenteropancreatic tumours, pitui-tary gland adenomas, as well as adrenal adenomas and neuro-endocrine tumours, often at a young age. MEN1 tumours can

  3. Conization, frozen section examination, and planned hysterectomy in the treatment of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Conização, exame de congelação e histerectomia planejada no tratamento de neoplasia intra-epitelial de alto grau

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    Jesus Paula Carvalho


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: We tested the role of frozen section examination of the cone specimen in the evaluation of the resection margin status and to rule out invasion in patients with high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. METHODS: Twenty-five patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia underwent conization followed by frozen section examination and planned hysterectomy. The results of the definitive paraffin exam were compared with frozen section examination. RESULTS: In the evaluation of the margins by frozen section examination, 16 patients (64% had positive cone margins and 9 (36% had negative margins. The definitive paraffin examination of margin status was concordant in all the cases. Intraoperative diagnosis of invasion was made in 5 cases, and 1 of these was microinvasive. Among the remaining 20 cases, we detected 2 additional microinvasive carcinomas after paraffin study, so the diagnosis of the frozen section examination was concordant with the paraffin sections in 23/25 cases (92%. Two cases of microinvasive carcinoma were diagnosed as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia by frozen section examination and had less than 2 mm stromal invasion. CONCLUSIONS: In high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, frozen section examination can provide immediate and precise evaluation of the cone margin status in high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. It can identify frank invasion and permit adequate treatment in a one-stage procedure. In early microinvasive disease, frozen section examination fails to detect the area of invasion but reliably detects clear resection margins.OBJETIVOS: Foi avaliado o papel do exame intra-operatório de congelação no diagnóstico de invasão e no estado das margens cirúrgicas em pacientes com neoplasia intra-epitelial de alto grau. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Vinte e cinco pacientes com neoplasia intra-epitelial de alto grau foram submetidas a conização cervical seguida de histerectomia. O resultado do exame

  4. Neoplasia no sítio da colostomia de paciente com megacólon chagásico: relato de caso Neoplasia at the site of the colostomy of patient with chagasic megacolon: case report

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    Thiago Agostini Braga


    Full Text Available A neoplasia no sítio da colostomia associada ao megacólon chagásico é uma entidade rara. Os autores relatam caso de um paciente com lesão avançada, o qual foi submetido a tratamento cirúrgico e discutem aspectos relacionados a esta afecção.Neoplasia at the site of the colostomy associated with chagasic megacolon is a rare clinical event. Here, the authors report the case of a patient with advanced lesion, who had to undergo surgical treatment, and discuss aspects related to this disease.

  5. Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: HPV genotypes and risk of high-grade laryngeal neoplasia.

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    Turid Omland

    Full Text Available Patients with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP in Norway treated between 1987 and 2009 were recruited to this cohort study. They were followed from disease onset and data recorded until January 2012. Here, we describe the distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV genotypes, the prevalence of multiple HPV infections, and the risk of high-grade laryngeal neoplasia and respiratory tract invasive carcinoma in a large cohort of patients with RRP. We also examined whether HPV genotype, gender, age or clinical course are risk factors for this development. Clinical records and histological specimens were reviewed. Using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded biopsies, HPV genotyping were performed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays identifying 15 HPV types. HPV-negative specimens were analyzed by metagenomic sequencing. Paraffin blocks were available in 224/238 patients. The DNA quality was approved in 221/224 cases. HPV DNA was detected in 207/221 patients and all were HPV 6 or HPV 11 positive, comprising HPV 6 in 133/207, HPV 11 in 40/207 cases and HPV 6/11 in 15/207 cases. Co-infection with one or two high-risk HPV types together with HPV 6 or HPV 11 was present in 19/207 patients. Metagenomic sequencing of 14 HPV-negative specimens revealed HPV 8 in one case. In total, 39/221 patients developed high-grade laryngeal neoplasia. 8/221 patients developed carcinoma of the respiratory tract (six patients with laryngeal carcinoma and two patients with lung carcinoma. High-grade laryngeal neoplasias were found more frequently in HPV-negative versus HPV-positive patients, (RR = 2.35, 95% CI 1.1, 4.99, as well as respiratory tract carcinomas (RR = 48, 95% CI 10.72, 214.91. In summary, the majority of RRP were associated with HPV 6 and/or 11. HPV-negative RRP biopsies occurred more frequently in adult-onset patients, and were associated with an increased risk of laryngeal neoplasia and carcinoma in the respiratory tract.

  6. Developmental arrest of germ cells in the pathogenesis of germ cell neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rajpert-De Meyts, E; Jørgensen, N; Brøndum-Nielsen, K


    Clinical observations and epidemiological evidence suggest that important aetiopathological events that cause neoplastic transformation of the male germ cell may occur in fetal life or early infancy. The incidence of germ cell neoplasia is high in individuals with various disorders of gonadal...... development and sexual differentiation, such as gonadal dysgenesis or androgen insensitivity syndrome. Increased risk has also been noted in individuals with trisomy 21, idiopathic infertility and low birth weight. Infertility is sometimes associated with small aberrations of sex chromosomes (e.g. low...... frequency mosaicism XY/XO) which can also be found in patients with testicular cancer. The variety of conditions that predispose to testicular neoplasia and the rise in its incidence in many countries speaks for the influence of environmental factors which may affect genetically predisposed individuals. We...

  7. Molecular signatures of thyroid follicular neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borup, R.; Rossing, M.; Henao, Ricardo


    The molecular pathways leading to thyroid follicular neoplasia are incompletely understood, and the diagnosis of follicular tumors is a clinical challenge. To provide leads to the pathogenesis and diagnosis of the tumors, we examined the global transcriptome signatures of follicular thyroid...... a mechanism for cancer progression, which is why we exploited the results in order to generate a molecular classifier that could identify 95% of all carcinomas. Validation employing public domain and cross-platform data demonstrated that the signature was robust and could diagnose follicular nodules...... and robust genetic signature for the diagnosis of FA and FC. Endocrine-Related Cancer (2010) 17 691-708...

  8. New Developments in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia

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    Ayşe Yağcı


    Full Text Available Ocular surface squamous neoplasia originates from conjunctiva epithelium and covers a broad spectrum of disease ranging from dysplasia to squamous cell carcinoma. Clinical features may vary from case to case. Traditional treatment of excision with no-touch technique combined with adjuvant therapies because of high recurrence rate. Main adjuvant treatments are cryotherapy and chemotherapy. In this review, clinical forms, differential diagnosis, American Joint Committee on Cancer classification and recent approaches to the management of ocular surface squamous dysplasia were described. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2014; 44: Supplement 8-14

  9. Is there any association between hormonal contraceptives and cervical neoplasia in a poor Nigerian setting?

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    Ajah LO


    Full Text Available Leonard Ogbonna Ajah,1,2 Chibuike Ogwuegbu Chigbu,2 Benjamin Chukwuma Ozumba,2 Theophilus Chimezie Oguanuo,2 Paul Olisaemeka Ezeonu1 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Federal Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, Nigeria; 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, Nigeria Background: The association between hormonal contraception and cervical cancer is controversial. These controversies may hamper the uptake of hormonal contraceptives. Objective: To determine the association between hormonal contraceptives and cervical neoplasia. Materials and methods: This was a case-control study in which Pap-smear results of 156 participants on hormonal contraceptives were compared with those of 156 participants on no form of modern contraception. Modern contraception is defined as the use of such contraceptives as condoms, pills, injectables, intrauterine devices, implants, and female or male sterilization. Those found to have abnormal cervical smear cytology results were subjected further to colposcopy. Biopsy specimens for histology were collected from the participants with obvious cervical lesions or those with suspicious lesions on colposcopy. The results were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics at a 95% level of confidence. Results: A total of 71 (45.5%, 60 (38.5%, and 25 (16.0% of the participants on hormonal contraceptives were using oral contraceptives, injectable contraceptives, and implants, respectively. Cervical neoplasia was significantly more common among participants who were ≥35 years old (6% versus 1%, P<0.0001, rural dwellers (6% versus 3.5%, P<0.0001, unmarried (7.6% versus 3.5%, P<0.0001, unemployed (6.8% versus 3.5%, P<0.0001, less educated (6% versus 3.8%, P<0.0001, and had high parity (6.8% versus 3.6%, P<0.0001. There was no statistical significant difference in cervical neoplasia between the two groups of participants (7 [4.5%] versus 6 [3.8%], P=1.0. Conclusion


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    We surveyed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) to quantify the proliferation rate and the presence of normal and atypical mitotic figures. In the cervical tissue specimens of 127 women with CIN, the area with the highest cell proliferation was identified and, at that site, the proliferation

  11. Targeting Human Papillomavirus to Reduce the Burden of Cervical, Vulvar and Vaginal Cancer and Pre-Invasive Neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nygard, Mari; Hansen, Bo Terning; Dillner, Joakim


    BACKGROUND: Infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) is causally related to cervical, vulvar and vaginal pre-invasive neoplasias and cancers. Highly effective vaccines against HPV types 16/18 have been available since 2006, and are currently used in many countries in combination...... with cervical cancer screening to control the burden of cervical cancer. We estimated the overall and age-specific incidence rate (IR) of cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancer and pre-invasive neoplasia in Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden in 2004-2006, prior to the availability of HPV vaccines, in order...... to establish a baseline for surveillance. We also estimated the population attributable fraction to determine roughly the expected effect of HPV16/18 vaccination on the incidence of these diseases. METHODS: Information on incident cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancers and high-grade pre-invasive neoplasias...

  12. p16 as a diagnostic marker of cervical neoplasia: a tissue microarray study of 796 archival specimens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lesnikova, Iana; Lidang, Marianne; Hamilton-Dutoit, Stephen


    from archival formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded donor tissues from 796 patients, and included cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)1 (n = 249), CIN2 (n = 233), CIN3 (n = 181), and invasive cervical carcinoma (n = 133). p16INK4a expression was scored using two different protocols: 1......BACKGROUND: To evaluate the usefulness of this biomarker in the diagnosis of cases of cervical neoplasia we studied the immunohistochemical expression of p16INK4a in a large series of archival cervical biopsies arranged into tissue microarray format. METHODS: TMAs were constructed with tissue cores...... dysplasia or the presence of invasive carcinoma. CONCLUSION: Immunohistochemical analysis of p16INK4a expression is a useful diagnostic tool. Expression is related to the degree of histological dysplasia, suggesting that it may have prognostic and predicative value in the management of cervical neoplasia....

  13. Financial burden is associated with worse health-related quality of life in adults with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. (United States)

    Peipert, Benjamin J; Goswami, Sneha; Helenowski, Irene; Yount, Susan E; Sturgeon, Cord


    Health-related quality of life and financial burden among patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 is poorly described. It is not known how financial burden influences health-related quality of life in this population. We hypothesized that the financial burden attributable to multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 is associated with worse health-related quality of life. United States adults (≥18 years) with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 were recruited from the AMENSupport MEN online support group. Patient demographics, clinical characteristics, and financial burden were assessed via an online survey. The instrument Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System 29-item profile measure was used to assess health-related quality of life. Multivariable linear regression was used to identify significant variables in each Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System domain. Out of 1,378 members in AMENSupport, our survey link was accessed 449 times (33%). Of 153 US respondents who completed our survey, 84% reported financial burden attributable to multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. The degree of financial burden had a linear relationship with worse health-related quality of life across all Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System domains (r = 0.36-0.55, P financial event(s). Borrowing money from friends/family (30%), unemployment (13%), and spending >$100/month out-of-pocket on prescription medications (46%) were associated consistently with impaired health-related quality of life (ß = 3.75-6.77, P times more likely to be unemployed and declare bankruptcy than the US population, respectively. This study characterizes the financial burden in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Individuals with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 report a high degree of financial burden, negative financial events, and unemployment. Each of these factors was associated with worse health-related quality of life

  14. Immunohistochemical evaluation of e-cadherin, Ki-67 and PCNA in canine mammary neoplasias: correlation of prognostic factors and clinical outcome Avaliação imuno-histoquímica da e-caderina, Ki-67 e PCNA nas neoplasias mamárias caninas: correlação dos fatores prognósticos com a evolução clínica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Debora A.P.C. Zuccari


    Full Text Available E-cadherin is a cell-cell adhesion molecule and low e-cadherin expression is related to invasiveness and may indicate a bad prognosis in mammary neoplasms. The expression of cell proliferation markers PCNA and especially Ki-67, has also proved to have a strong prognostic value in this tumor class. The expression of these markers was related to the clinical-pathological characteristics of 73 surgically removed mammary tumors in female dogs by immunohistochemistry. There was no statistical correlation between these markers and death by neoplasm, survival time and disease-free interval. However, the loss of e-cadherin expression and marked Ki-67 expression (p=0.016 were considered statistically significant for the diagnosis (p=0.032. When evaluated as independent factors, there was evidence of the relationship between the loss of e-cadherin expression and high PCNA expression with changes in the body status (divided into obese, normal and cachectic of female dogs (p=0.030; there was also evidence of the relationship between pseudopregnancy and e-cadherin alone (p=0.021 and for ulceration and PCNA alone (p=0.035. The significant correlation between the markers expression and these well known prognostic factors used individually or in combination suggests their prognostic value in canine mammary tumors.A e-caderina é uma molécula de adesão celular e a perda de sua expressão esta relacionada à invasão tumoral podendo indicar um prognóstico ruim nas neoplasias mamárias. A expressão dos marcadores de proliferação celular PCNA e especialmente o Ki-67, também têm mostrado forte valor prognóstico nesta classe tumoral. A expressão imuno-histoquímica destes marcadores foi relacionada com as características clinico-patológicas de 73 tumores removidos cirurgicamente de fêmeas caninas. Não houve correlação estatística entre estes marcadores e a morte por neoplasia, tempo de sobrevida e intervalo livre de doença. Entretanto, a perda da

  15. Turner syndrome and meningioma: support for a possible increased risk of neoplasia in Turner syndrome. (United States)

    Pier, Danielle B; Nunes, Fabio P; Plotkin, Scott R; Stemmer-Rachamimov, Anat O; Kim, James C; Shih, Helen A; Brastianos, Priscilla; Lin, Angela E


    Neoplasia is uncommon in Turner syndrome, although there is some evidence that brain tumors are more common in Turner syndrome patients than in the general population. We describe a woman with Turner syndrome (45,X) with a meningioma, in whom a second neoplasia, basal cell carcinomas of the scalp and nose, developed five years later in the absence of therapeutic radiation. Together with 7 cases of Turner syndrome with meningioma from a population-based survey in the United Kingdom, and 3 other isolated cases in the literature, we review this small number of patients for evidence of risk factors related to Turner syndrome, such as associated structural anomalies or prior treatment. We performed histological and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) of 22q (NF2 locus) analyses of the meningeal tumor to search for possible molecular determinants. We are not able to prove causation between these two entities, but suggest that neoplasia may be a rare associated medical problem in Turner syndrome. Additional case reports and extension of population-based studies are needed. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  16. Human Papillomavirus DNA Detection in Menstrual Blood from Patients with Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Condyloma Acuminatum ▿


    Wong, Sze Chuen Cesar; Au, Thomas Chi Chuen; Chan, Sammy Chung Sum; Chan, Charles Ming Lok; Lam, Money Yan Yee; Zee, Benny Chung Ying; Pong, Wei Mei; Chan, Anthony Tak Cheung


    The Papanicolaou test generates pain and embarrassment, and cytology screening has limited sensitivity for detection of cervical neoplasia. These factors urge the use of another screening test that can overcome these limitations. We explore a completely noninvasive method using detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA in women's menstrual blood (MB). The participants were divided into 3 cohorts: (i) 235 patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 3 (CIN 3) (n = 48), CIN 2 (n = 60), CI...

  17. Imaging Finding of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1: Case Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yum, Tae Jun; Cho, Hee Woo


    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is an autosomal dominant inherited syndrome with characteristic clinical and radiological manifestations. Many reports on MEN1 have been published; however, no cases of radiologically diagnosed MEN1 have been reported. Therefore, we report on a radiologically diagnosed case of MEN1 with clinical symptoms of gastroduodenal ulcer.

  18. Caracterización de la neoplasia intraepitelial cervical en mujeres atendidas en el policlínico Jimmy Hirzel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luisa Margarita Sánchez Alarcón


    Full Text Available Fundamento: el cáncer de cuello uterino es, después del cáncer de mama, el que más frecuentemente afecta a la mujer. La detección y tratamiento temprano de las neoplasias intraepiteliales cervicales garantizan la calidad de vida ante esta afección. Objetivos: caracterizar a las pacientes con neoplasias intraepiteliales cervicales que son atendidas en el policlínico “Jimmy Hirzel” en el municipio Bayamo, provincia Granma, en el período comprendido entre enero y diciembre de 2013. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, en un universo de 3450 pacientes a las que se realizó citología vaginal en el período de referencia; la muestra fueron las 55 mujeres cuyos exámenes resultaron positivos. Se midieron variables como tipo de neoplasia, edad, inicio de las relaciones sexuales, presencia de cervicitis, sepsis vaginal y hábitos de fumar. Los datos se procesaron por conteo simple, se tabularon utilizando valores absolutos y porcentajes. Resultados: la presencia de la neoplasia intraepitelial cervical fue de un 1,6 %, predominando las de bajo grado (NIC I. El grupo de edad más afectado fue el de 36 a 45 años. Otros factores asociados encontrados con relativa frecuencia, en orden decreciente, fueron: sepsis vaginal, inicio de las relaciones sexuales entre 15-20 años, cervicitis y el hábito de fumar. Conclusiones: existe poca incidencia de las neoplasias intraepiteliales en el área de salud y período estudiados.

  19. Annabela Rita, Fernando Cristóvão (e ds., Daniela Marcheschi (Prefácio. Fabricar a Inovação – O Processo Criativo em Questão nas Ciências, nas Letras e nas Artes

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    Luísa Marinho Antunes


    Full Text Available Recensione del volume Annabela Rita e Fernando Cristóvão (eds. Fabricar a Inovação – O Processo Criativo em Questão nas Ciências, nas Letras e nas Artes, coord. Prefácio Daniela Marcheschi. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2016. Stampa (pp.396 seguita dalla versione italiana della Prefazione.

  20. Comparison of computed tomography and radiography for detecting changes induced by malignant nasal neoplasia in dogs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, R.D.; Beck, E.R.; LeCouteur, R.A.


    The ability of computed tomography and radiography to detect changes associated with nasal neoplasia was compared in dogs. Eighteen areas or anatomic structures were evaluated in 21 dogs for changes indicative of neoplasia. Computed tomography was superior (P < or = 0.05) to radiography for detecting changes in 14 of 18 areas. Radiography was not superior for detecting changes in any structure or area. Computed tomography reveals vital information not always detected radiographically to assist in providing a prognosis and in planning treatment for nasal neoplasms in dogs

  1. Human Papilloma Virus Identification in Breast Cancer Patients with Previous Cervical Neoplasia. (United States)

    Lawson, James S; Glenn, Wendy K; Salyakina, Daria; Clay, Rosemary; Delprado, Warick; Cheerala, Bharathi; Tran, Dinh D; Ngan, Christopher C; Miyauchi, Shingo; Karim, Martha; Antonsson, Annika; Whitaker, Noel J


    Women with human papilloma virus (HPV)-associated cervical neoplasia have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than the general female population. The purpose of this study was to (i) identify high-risk HPVs in cervical neoplasia and subsequent HPV positive breast cancers which developed in the same patients and (ii) determine if these HPVs were biologically active. A range of polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemical techniques were used to conduct a retrospective cohort study of cervical precancers and subsequent breast cancers in the same patients. The same high-risk HPV types were identified in both the cervical and breast specimens in 13 (46%) of 28 patients. HPV type 18 was the most prevalent. HPVs appeared to be biologically active as demonstrated by the expression of HPV E7 proteins and the presence of HPV-associated koilocytes. The average age of these patients diagnosed with breast cancer following prior cervical precancer was 51 years, as compared to 60 years for all women with breast cancer (p for difference = 0.001). These findings indicate that high-risk HPVs can be associated with cervical neoplasia and subsequent young age breast cancer. However, these associations are unusual and are a very small proportion of breast cancers. These outcomes confirm and extend the observations of two similar previous studies and offer one explanation for the increased prevalence of serious invasive breast cancer among young women.

  2. Human papilloma virus identification in breast cancer patients with previous cervical neoplasia

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    James Sutherland Lawson


    Full Text Available Purpose: Women with human papilloma virus (HPV associated cervical neoplasia have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than the general female population. The purpose of this study was to (i identify high risk for cancer HPVs in cervical neoplasia and subsequent HPV positive breast cancers which developed in the same patients and (ii determine if these HPVs were biologically active.Methods: A range of polymerase chain reaction (PCR and immunohistochemical techniques were used to conduct a retrospective cohort study of cervical precancers and subsequent breast cancers in the same patients. Results: The same high risk HPV types were identified in both the cervical and breast specimens in 13 (46% of 28 patients. HPV type 18 was the most prevalent. HPVs appeared to be biologically active as demonstrated by the expression of HPV E7 proteins and the presence of HPV associated koilocytes. The average age of these patients diagnosed with breast cancer following prior cervical precancer was 51 years, as compared to 60 years for all women with breast cancer (p for difference = 0.001. Conclusions: These findings indicate that high risk HPVs can be associated with cervical neoplasia and subsequent young age breast cancer. However these associations are unusual and are a very small proportion of breast cancers. These outcomes confirm and extend the observations of 2 similar previous studies and offer one explanation for the increased prevalence of serious invasive breast cancer among young women.

  3. Carcinoma basocelular perianal: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Perianal basal cell carcinoma: case report and literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel C. Damin


    Full Text Available O Carcinoma basocelular (CBC é a mais freqüente das neoplasias epiteliais, localizando-se preferencialmente em áreas expostas ao sol. A ocorrência deste tumor na região perianal é extremamente rara. Neste artigo, relatamos um caso de CBC perianal. Apresentamos também uma revisão da literatura médica sobre o tema, salientando as características clínicas e histopatológicas, bem como o tratamento preconizado para esse tipo de tumor.Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC is the most common skin cancer. It is preferentially found in sun-exposed areas and it is extremely rare at perianal region. In this article, we report a case of perianal BCC. In addition, we present a review of the medical literature on this subject, outlining clinical and histologic characteristics of this type of tumor as well as the choices of treatment.

  4. PDX-1 Is a Therapeutic Target for Pancreatic Cancer, Insulinoma and Islet Neoplasia Using a Novel RNA Interference Platform (United States)

    Liu, Shi-He; Rao, Donald D.; Nemunaitis, John; Senzer, Neil; Zhou, Guisheng; Dawson, David; Gingras, Marie-Claude; Wang, Zhaohui; Gibbs, Richard; Norman, Michael; Templeton, Nancy S.; DeMayo, Francesco J.; O'Malley, Bert; Sanchez, Robbi; Fisher, William E.; Brunicardi, F. Charles


    Pancreatic and duodenal homeobox-1 (PDX-1) is a transcription factor that regulates insulin expression and islet maintenance in the adult pancreas. Our recent studies demonstrate that PDX-1 is an oncogene for pancreatic cancer and is overexpressed in pancreatic cancer. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that PDX-1 is a therapeutic target for both hormonal symptoms and tumor volume in mouse models of pancreatic cancer, insulinoma and islet neoplasia. Immunohistochemistry of human pancreatic and islet neoplasia specimens revealed marked PDX-1 overexpression, suggesting PDX-1 as a “drugable” target within these diseases. To do so, a novel RNA interference effector platform, bifunctional shRNAPDX-1, was developed and studied in mouse and human cell lines as well as in mouse models of pancreatic cancer, insulinoma and islet neoplasia. Systemic delivery of bi-shRNAhumanPDX-1 lipoplexes resulted in marked reduction of tumor volume and improved survival in a human pancreatic cancer xenograft mouse model. bi-shRNAmousePDX-1 lipoplexes prevented death from hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia in an insulinoma mouse model. shRNAmousePDX-1 lipoplexes reversed hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia in an immune-competent mouse model of islet neoplasia. PDX-1 was overexpressed in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and nesidioblastosis. These data demonstrate that PDX-1 RNAi therapy controls hormonal symptoms and tumor volume in mouse models of pancreatic cancer, insulinoma and islet neoplasia, therefore, PDX-1 is a potential therapeutic target for these pancreatic diseases. PMID:22905092

  5. 5-Aminosalicylates reduce the risk of colorectal neoplasia in patients with ulcerative colitis: an updated meta-analysis.

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    Li-Na Zhao

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Although the chemopreventive effect of 5-aminosalicylates on patients with ulcerative colitis has been extensively studied, the results remain controversial. This updated review included more recent studies and evaluated the effectiveness of 5-aminosalicylates use on colorectal neoplasia prevention in patients with ulcerative colitis. METHODS: Up to July 2013, we searched Medline, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane CENTRAL, and SinoMed of China for all relevant observational studies (case-control and cohort about the effect of 5-aminosalicylates on the risk of colorectal neoplasia among patients with ulcerative colitis. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was used to assess the quality of studies. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs were extracted from each study. A random-effects model was used to generate pooled ORs and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI. Publication bias and heterogeneity were assessed. RESULTS: Seventeen studies containing 1,508 cases of colorectal neoplasia and a total of 20,193 subjects published from 1994 to 2012 were analyzed. 5-aminosalicylates use was associated with a reduced risk of colorectal neoplasia in patients with ulcerative colitis (OR 0.63; 95%CI 0.48-0.84. Pooled OR of a higher average daily dose of 5-aminosalicylates (sulfasalazine ≥ 2.0 g/d, mesalamine ≥ 1.2 g/d was 0.51 [0.35-0.75]. Pooled OR of 5-aminosalicylates use in patients with extensive ulcerative colitis was 1.00 [0.53-1.89]. CONCLUSION: Our pooled results indicated that 5-aminosalicylates use was associated with a reduced risk of colorectal neoplasia in patients with ulcerative colitis, especially in the cases with a higher average daily dose of 5-aminosalicylates use. However, the chemopreventive benefit of 5-aminosalicylates use in patients with extensive ulcerative colitis was limited.

  6. Associação entre fatores epidemiológicos e neoplasias mamárias em cadelas


    Ramos, Carolina Silva [UNESP


    Tumor de mama é a neoplasia mais freqüente em cadelas, entretanto, há controvérsias sobre os fatores que influenciam o seu desenvolvimento. Em estudos epidemiológicos destaca-se que os fatores ambientais são responsáveis por, pelo menos, 80% da incidência do câncer de mama em humanos. Com o objetivo de estabelecer fatores ambientais que possam contribuir para o desenvolvimento das neoplasias mamárias em cadelas, foram avaliadas as cadelas que se atendidas no Hospital Veterinário Governador La...

  7. Evaluation of intracranial neoplasia and noninfectious meningoencephalitis in dogs by use of short echo time, single voxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 3.0 Tesla. (United States)

    Carrera, Inés; Richter, Henning; Beckmann, Katrin; Meier, Dieter; Dennler, Matthias; Kircher, Patrick R


    OBJECTIVE To investigate metabolite concentrations of the brains of dogs with intracranial neoplasia or noninfectious meningoencephalitis by use of short echo time, single voxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H MRS) at 3.0 T. ANIMALS 29 dogs with intracranial lesions (14 with neoplasia [3 oligodendromas, 3 glioblastomas multiformes, 3 astrocytomas, 2 lymphomas, and 3 meningiomas] and 15 is with noninfectious meningoencephalitis) and 10 healthy control dogs. PROCEDURES Short echo time, single voxel (1)H-MRS at 3.0 T was performed on neoplastic and noninfectious inflammatory intracranial lesions identified with conventional MRI. Metabolites of interest included N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), total choline, creatine, myoinositol, the glutamine-glutamate complex (Glx), glutathione, taurine, lactate, and lipids. Data were analyzed with postprocessing fitting algorithm software. Metabolite concentrations relative to brain water content were calculated and compared with results for the healthy control dogs, which had been previously evaluated with the same (1)H MRS technique. RESULTS NAA, creatine, and Glx concentrations were reduced in the brains of dogs with neoplasia and noninfectious meningoencephalitis, whereas choline concentration was increased. Concentrations of these metabolites differed significantly between dogs with neoplasia and dogs with noninfectious meningoencephalitis. Concentrations of NAA, creatine, and Glx were significantly lower in dogs with neoplasia, whereas the concentration of choline was significantly higher in dogs with neoplasia. Lipids were predominantly found in dogs with high-grade intra-axial neoplasia, meningioma, and necrotizing meningoencephalitis. A high concentration of taurine was found in 10 of 15 dogs with noninfectious meningoencephalitis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE (1)H MRS provided additional metabolic information about intracranial neoplasia and noninfectious meningoencephalitis in dogs.

  8. Mamary neoplasia in a closed beagle colony

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, G.N.; Shabestari, L.; Williams, J.; Mays, C.W.; Angus, W.; McFarland, S.


    The incidence rate of mammary neoplasia in a large colony of beagles and its relationship to internal skeletal and/or liver radiation, age, relatively late ovariectomy (4 years and older), endometritis, parity status, and adrenal weight was examined. Of these various factors, age was the only condition that was clearly correlated with changes in the mammary tumor incidence. The rate became significant at approximately eight years of age and increased progressively throughout the successively older age classes. Within the female dogs, the incidence of mammary cancer was higher that that of any other form of spontaneous malignancy

  9. Effect of aspirin or resistant starch on colorectal neoplasia in the Lynch syndrome. (United States)

    Burn, John; Bishop, D Timothy; Mecklin, Jukka-Pekka; Macrae, Finlay; Möslein, Gabriela; Olschwang, Sylviane; Bisgaard, Marie-Luise; Ramesar, Raj; Eccles, Diana; Maher, Eamonn R; Bertario, Lucio; Jarvinen, Heikki J; Lindblom, Annika; Evans, D Gareth; Lubinski, Jan; Morrison, Patrick J; Ho, Judy W C; Vasen, Hans F A; Side, Lucy; Thomas, Huw J W; Scott, Rodney J; Dunlop, Malcolm; Barker, Gail; Elliott, Faye; Jass, Jeremy R; Fodde, Ricardo; Lynch, Henry T; Mathers, John C


    Observational and epidemiologic data indicate that the use of aspirin reduces the risk of colorectal neoplasia; however, the effects of aspirin in the Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer) are not known. Resistant starch has been associated with an antineoplastic effect on the colon. In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, we used a two-by-two design to investigate the effects of aspirin, at a dose of 600 mg per day, and resistant starch (Novelose), at a dose of 30 g per day, in reducing the risk of adenoma and carcinoma among persons with the Lynch syndrome. Among 1071 persons in 43 centers, 62 were ineligible to participate in the study, 72 did not enter the study, and 191 withdrew from the study. These three categories were equally distributed across the study groups. Over a mean period of 29 months (range, 7 to 74), colonic adenoma or carcinoma developed in 141 participants. Of 693 participants randomly assigned to receive aspirin or placebo, neoplasia developed in 66 participants receiving aspirin (18.9%), as compared with 65 receiving placebo (19.0%) (relative risk, 1.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.7 to 1.4). There were no significant differences between the two groups with respect to the development of advanced neoplasia (7.4% and 9.9%, respectively; P=0.33). Among the 727 participants receiving resistant starch or placebo, neoplasia developed in 67 participants receiving starch (18.7%), as compared with 68 receiving placebo (18.4%) (relative risk, 1.0; 95% CI, 0.7 to 1.4). Advanced adenomas and colorectal cancers were evenly distributed in the two groups. The prevalence of serious adverse events was low, and the events were evenly distributed. The use of aspirin, resistant starch, or both for up to 4 years has no effect on the incidence of colorectal adenoma or carcinoma among carriers of the Lynch syndrome. (Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN59521990.) 2008 Massachusetts Medical Society

  10. Estudo comparativo entre citopatologia e histopatologia no diagnóstico de neoplasias caninas

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    Magalhães Adelaide M.


    Full Text Available Foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre os diagnósticos citológico e histopatológico em diversas neoplasias de 150 cães, pelas colorações de Wright, May-Grünwald-Giemsa, Novo Azul de Metileno e Papanicolau. Colorações histológicas como Hematoxilina-Eosina, van Gieson, Sudan, Azul de Toluidina e Ácido Periódico de Schiff também foram empregadas. Os dados revelaram uma eficácia de ordem de 85,3% no diagnóstico citopatológico, considerando-se os resultados histopatológicos como corretos. Em 4,0% dos casos somente a origem embrionária das neoplasias foi estabelecida. Em 1,3% das neoplasias apenas o prognóstico foi determinado; o diagnóstico citológico diferiu da histopatologia em 8,1% dos casos. Em dois casos (1,3% o diagnóstico citológico diferiu do histológico, mas um reexame determinou que o primeiro estava correto, o que elevou a sua eficácia para 86,6%. Entre as técnicas utilizadas, a punção aspirativa por agulha fina foi o melhor método para obter amostras. A citologia não foi adequada para o diagnóstico de neoplasias mamárias, dadas às variações morfológicas em diferentes áreas. A impressão em lâmina não é recomendada para análise de tumores mesenquimais e deve ser substituída pela citologia esfoliativa. O Wright revelou-se o método de coloração mais eficiente. As colorações adaptadas da histopatologia, van Gieson em leiomiomas e leiomiossarcomas, Sudan em lipomas e lipossarcomas, e Ácido Periódico de Schiff e Azul de Toluidina em mastocitomas, foram empregadas com sucesso fornecendo assim maior clareza de detalhes para as diversas neoformações de origem epitelial e mesenquimal.

  11. Fractal dimension and image statistics of anal intraepithelial neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahammer, H.; Kroepfl, J.M.; Hackl, Ch.; Sedivy, R.


    Research Highlights: → Human papillomaviruses cause anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN). → Digital image processing was carried out to classify the grades of AIN quantitatively. → The fractal dimension as well as grey value statistics was calculated. → Higher grades of AIN yielded higher values of the fractal dimension. → An automatic detection system is feasible. - Abstract: It is well known that human papillomaviruses (HPV) induce a variety of tumorous lesions of the skin. HPV-subtypes also cause premalignant lesions which are termed anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN). The clinical classification of AIN is of growing interest in clinical practice, due to increasing HPV infection rates throughout human population. The common classification approach is based on subjective inspections of histological slices of anal tissues with all the drawbacks of depending on the status and individual variances of the trained pathologists. Therefore, a nonlinear quantitative classification method including the calculation of the fractal dimension and first order as well as second order image statistical parameters was developed. The absolute values of these quantitative parameters reflected the distinct grades of AIN very well. The quantitative approach has the potential to decrease classification errors significantly and it could be used as a widely applied screening technique.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to investigate the presence of three-group metaphase in progressive cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. STUDY DESIGN: This was a retrospective histologic study on the conization specimens of 41 women with microinvasive cervical carcinoma, 28 of whom were

  13. Three-group metaphase as a morphologic criterion of progressive cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mourits, M. J.; Pieters, W. J.; Hollema, H.; Burger, M. P.


    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to investigate the presence of three-group metaphase in progressive cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. STUDY DESIGN: This was a retrospective histologic study on the conization specimens of 41 women with microinvasive cervical carcinoma, 28 of whom were

  14. Imaging of multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN II A)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Hiroko; Kohno, Atsushi; Nojiri, Yoko


    A retrospective review of diagnostic imaging findings of 20 cases of multiple endocrine neoplasia II A (MEN II A) was performed. The characteristic findings of thyroidal medullary carcinomas were relatively well-defined hypo- to isoechoic masses on US and coarse calcifications on plain X-ray. The pheochromocytomas were smaller in size and less enhancing than the sporadic ones, and they revealed marked high intensity on T2WI of MRI. We consider that these imaging findings were useful for the supplementary diagnosis of MEN II A. (author)

  15. Cushing Disease in a patient with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 2B. (United States)

    Kasturi, Kannan; Fernandes, Lucas; Quezado, Martha; Eid, Mary; Marcus, Leigh; Chittiboina, Prashant; Rappaport, Mark; Stratakis, Constantine A; Widemann, Brigitte; Lodish, Maya


    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B (MEN2B) is a rare autosomal-dominant cancer syndrome characterized in part by metastatic medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) and pheochromocytoma. Cushing disease is a rare cause of endogenous hypercortisolism in children. We describe a 21-year-old African-American male who was diagnosed at age 10 with an ACTH-secreting pituitary microadenoma. At age 16 he developed medullary thyroid cancer and was found to have multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B with the characteristic M918T mutation of the RET proto-oncogene. Following thyroidectomy, he was initiated on Vandetanib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, and has since had stable disease over the last 5 years. Our patient is the first individual with MEN2B to be described with Cushing disease. The RET oncogene may play a role in pituitary tumorigenesis; alternatively, the coexistence of these two entities may represent an extremely rare coincidence.

  16. Four Cases of Spontaneous Neoplasia in the Naked Mole-Rat (Heterocephalus glaber), A Putative Cancer-Resistant Species. (United States)

    Taylor, Kyle R; Milone, Nicholas A; Rodriguez, Carlos E


    The naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is widely acclaimed to be cancer-resistant and of considerable research interest based on a paucity of reports of neoplasia in this species. We have, however, encountered four spontaneous cases of neoplasia and one presumptive case of neoplasia through routine necropsy and biopsy of individuals in a zoo collection of nonhybrid naked mole-rats bred from a single pair. One case each of metastasizing hepatocellular carcinoma, nephroblastoma (Wilms' tumor), and multicentric lymphosarcoma, as well as presumptive esophageal adenocarcinoma (Barrett's esophagus-like) was identified postmortem among 37 nonautolyzed necropsy submissions of naked mole-rats over 1-year-old that were submitted for necropsy between 1998 and August 2015. One incidental case of cutaneous hemangioma was also identified antemortem by skin biopsy from one naked mole-rat examined for trauma. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  17. First-line chemotherapy in low-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Alazzam, Mo'iad


    This is an update of a Cochrane review that was first published in Issue 1, 2009. Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) is a rare but curable disease arising in the fetal chorion during pregnancy. Most women with low-risk GTN will be cured by evacuation of the uterus with or without single-agent chemotherapy. However, chemotherapy regimens vary between treatment centres worldwide and the comparable benefits and risks of these different regimens are unclear.

  18. Role of the human papilloma virus in the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and malignancy. (United States)

    Jastreboff, A M; Cymet, T


    Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a public health problem as a sexually transmitted disease and as a critical factor in the pathogenesis of various cancers. The clinical manifestations, epidemiology, and virology that are critical to understanding the process of cervical dysplasia and neoplasia are reviewed. A discussion of the cervical transformation zone and the classification of cervical dysplasia and neoplasia leads into the importance of the Papanicolaou smear in prevention of potentially devastating sequelae of this virus. The role of the immune system in the progression of the disease and how it relates to vaccines, as well as treatment and prevention of HPV, are reviewed.

  19. Exfoliated epithelial cells: potentials to explore gastrointestinal maturation of preterm infants Células epiteliais exfoliadas: potencial para investigar a maturação gastrointestinal em crianças pré-termo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bertrand Kaeffer


    Full Text Available Exfoliated epithelial cells represent valuable source of information on the physiopathological state of the mucosa. However, the interpretation of data obtained from exfoliated cells is complicated by the conditions of isolation as well as the health of the subject. Exfoliation is either: a a natural loss of body cells implying a molecular signal related to the turnover of terminally differentiated cells and to the progressive mobilization of proliferative as well as stem cells or b the result of manual exfoliation by applying mechanical constraints like scraping. Depending on the methodology of isolation, exfoliated epithelial cells are believed to be either in apoptosis or in anoïkis. Most studies are using microscopic examination to demonstrate the presence of typical cells along with measurements on a limited number of biomarkers. Only few studies using proteomics or transcriptomics are available and they open discussion about tissue references and normalization. The main advantage of measures realized on exfoliated epithelial cells is that they are strictly non-invasive and open the possibility to evaluate maturation of gastric and intestinal tissues in long-term experiments performed on the same animal or in translational research on samples recovered from preterm infants.Células epiteliais exfoliadas são uma fonte de informação valiosa sobre o estado fisiológico da mucosa. Contudo, a interpretação dos dados obtidos de células exfoliadas é complicado pelas condições de isolamento e da saúde do sujeito. A exfoliação é: a uma perda natural de células implicando um sinal molecular relacionado ao turnover terminal de células diferenciadas e à progressiva mobilização de células proliferativas e de células tronco ou b o resultado de aplicação de fatores mecânicos como raspagem. Dependendo do método de islolamento, acredita-se que podem estar em apoptose ou em anoikis. A maior parte dos estudos tem utilizado exame

  20. Características morfológicas da região epididimária do pombo doméstico (Columba livia, L.

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    Maíra Aparecida Stefanini


    Full Text Available A região epididimária do pombo doméstico compreende a parte principal da rede testicular, os dúctulos eferentes do testículo e o ducto epididimário. Os canais epiteliais da rede testicular são contínuos com o segmento extratesticular da rede, o qual, por sua vez, é seqüente com os dúctulos eferentes proximais e distais e, finalmente, o ducto epididimário se forma em continuidade aos eferentes distais. O epitélio de revestimento deste sistema tubular extratesticular é cúbico simples na rede testicular e pseudo-estratificado colunar nos outros ductos da região epididimária, com células ciliadas e não-ciliadas presentes principalmente nos dúctulos eferentes. As características ultra-estruturais das células epiteliais dos túbulos da região epididimária do pombo, com base comparativa, permitiram inferir que a reabsorção de fluido seminífero parece ser a função principal dessas células, embora outros papéis citofisiológicos foram também propostos, tais como: endocitose adsorptiva, ciliogênese, e possivelmente secreção apócrina nas células não-ciliadas escuras.

  1. High-Dose Ursodeoxycholic Acid Is Associated With the Development of Colorectal Neoplasia in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (United States)

    Eaton, John E.; Silveira, Marina G.; Pardi, Darrell S.; Sinakos, Emmanouil; Kowdley, Kris V.; Luketic, Velimir A.C.; Harrison, M. Edwyn; McCashland, Timothy; Befeler, Alex S.; Harnois, Denise; Jorgensen, Roberta; Petz, Jan; Lindor, Keith D.


    OBJECTIVES Some studies have suggested that ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) may have a chemopreventive effect on the development of colorectal neoplasia in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). We examined the effects of high-dose (28–30 mg/kg/day) UDCA on the development of colorectal neoplasia in patients with UC and PSC. METHODS Patients with UC and PSC enrolled in a prior, multicenter randomized placebo-controlled trial of high-dose UDCA were evaluated for the development of colorectal neoplasia. Patients with UC and PSC who received UDCA were compared with those who received placebo. We reviewed the pathology and colonoscopy reports for the development of low-grade or high-grade dysplasia or colorectal cancer. RESULTS Fifty-six subjects were followed for a total of 235 patient years. Baseline characteristics (including duration of PSC and UC, medications, patient age, family history of colorectal cancer, and smoking status) were similar for both the groups. Patients who received high-dose UDCA had a significantly higher risk of developing colorectal neoplasia (dysplasia and cancer) during the study compared with those who received placebo (hazard ratio: 4.44, 95% confidence interval: 1.30–20.10, P=0.02). CONCLUSIONS Long-term use of high-dose UDCA is associated with an increased risk of colorectal neoplasia in patients with UC and PSC. PMID:21556038

  2. Single-session endoscopic resection and focal radiofrequency ablation for short-segment Barrett's esophagus with early neoplasia. (United States)

    Barret, Maximilien; Belghazi, Kamar; Weusten, Bas L A M; Bergman, Jacques J G H M; Pouw, Roos E


    The management of early neoplasia in Barrett's esophagus (BE) requires endoscopic resection of visible lesions, followed by radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the remaining BE. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of combining endoscopic resection and focal RFA in a single endoscopic session in patients with early BE neoplasia. This was a retrospective analysis of patients with early BE neoplasia and a visible lesion undergoing combined endoscopic resection and focal RFA in a single session. Consecutive ablation procedures were performed every 8 to 12 weeks until complete endoscopic and histologic eradication of dysplasia and intestinal metaplasia were reached. Forty patients were enrolled, with a median C1M2 BE segment, a visible lesion with a median diameter of 15 mm, and invasive carcinoma in 68% of cases. Endoscopic resection was performed by using the multiband mucosectomy technique in 80% of cases, and the Barrx(90) catheter (Barrx Medical, Sunnyvale, Calif) was used for focal ablation. When an intention-to-treat analysis was used, both complete remission of all neoplasia and intestinal metaplasia were 95% after a median follow-up of 19 months. Stenoses occurred in 33% of cases and were successfully managed with a median number of 2 dilations. In 43% of patients, 1 single-session treatment resulted in complete histologic remission of intestinal metaplasia. Combining endoscopic resection and focal RFA in a single session appears to be effective. Less-aggressive RFA regimens could limit the adverse event rates. Copyright © 2016 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Surgical approach in patients with hyperparathyroidism in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1: total versus partial parathyroidectomy

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    Francesco Tonelli


    Full Text Available Usually, primary hyperparathyroidism is the first endocrinopathy to be diagnosed in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, and is also the most common one. The timing of the surgery and strategy in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1/hyperparathyroidism are still under debate. The aims of surgery are to: 1 correct hypercalcemia, thus preventing persistent or recurrent hyperparathyroidism; 2 avoid persistent hypoparathyroidism; and 3 facilitate the surgical treatment of possible recurrences. Currently, two types of surgical approach are indicated: 1 subtotal parathyroidectomy with removal of at least 3-3 K glands; and 2 total parathyroidectomy with grafting of autologous parathyroid tissue. Transcervical thymectomy must be performed with both of these procedures. Unsuccessful surgical treatment of hyperparathyroidism is more frequently observed in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 than in sporadic hyperparathyroidism. The recurrence rate is strongly influenced by: 1 the lack of a pre-operative multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 diagnosis; 2 the surgeon's experience; 3 the timing of surgery; 4 the possibility of performing intra-operative confirmation (histologic examination, rapid parathyroid hormone assay of the curative potential of the surgical procedure; and, 5 the surgical strategy. Persistent hyperparathyroidism seems to be more frequent after subtotal parathyroidectomy than after total parathyroidectomy with autologous graft of parathyroid tissue. Conversely, recurrent hyperparathyroidism has a similar frequency in the two surgical strategies. To plan further operations, it is very helpful to know all the available data about previous surgery and to undertake accurate identification of the site of recurrence.

  4. Dermatologic symptoms associated with gastrointestinal neoplasia

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    Beata Młynarczyk-Bonikowska


    Full Text Available Gastrointestinal tumors are among the most common neoplastic causes of death worldwide. Presence of characteristic skin lesions can allow faster diagnosis and therapy and this way can increase the probability of a cure. In the paper we present the most important paraneoplastic syndromes that can coexist with gastrointestinal malignancy including colon, gastric, esophagus and pancreatic cancers. We take into account genetic syndromes such as Cowden syndrome, familial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome (FAMMM (melanoma/pancreatic cancer, Clarke Howel-Evans, Peutz-Jeghers, Muir-Torre, Gardner syndromes and acquired syndromes such as acantosis nigricans maligna, tripe palms, Leser-Trelat, Bazex, hypertrichosis languinosa, erythema gyratum repens , carcinoid and glucagonoma syndrome. We also include cutaneous metastases and coexistence of neoplasia in some cases of dermatomyositis.

  5. Neoplasias primárias múltiplas em pacientes com câncer colorretal Multiple primary neoplasms in colorectal cancer patients

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    Marcelo de Souza CURY


    Full Text Available Introdução - A presença de uma segunda neoplasia maligna, tendo sítio e histologia diferentes da primeira, define o conceito de neoplasias primárias múltiplas. Com o aumento da sobrevida dos pacientes com câncer, houve um aumento de neoplasias primárias múltiplas. Este estudo objetiva avaliar a freqüência de neoplasias primarias múltiplas em pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer colorretal do Setor de Oncologia da Disciplina de Gastroenterologia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Pacientes e Métodos - No período de 1993 a 1998, 145 pacientes com câncer colorretal foram acompanhados no Setor de Oncologia da Disciplina de Gastroenterologia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Destes, cinco pacientes (3,4% tinham neoplasias primárias múltiplas. O segundo tumor foi confirmado por exame histológico, sendo excluídas as possibilidades de metástase. Resultados - A idade média dos doentes com neoplasias primárias múltiplas foi de 60,6 anos, quatro eram do sexo feminino e um do masculino, três apresentaram doença no reto, um no cólon direito e um no cólon esquerdo. Os outros sítios foram mama, útero, útero e vagina, pele e lábio. Um paciente foi a óbito e os outros estão em acompanhamento, sendo que dois, há mais de três anos. Dois pacientes tinham sido submetidos a radioterapia pélvica antes do aparecimento da neoplasia colorretal. Em um paciente o tumor colorretal antecedeu o outro câncer e em quatro apareceu posteriormente ao diagnóstico da outra neoplasia primária. Discussão - A prevalência de neoplasias primárias múltiplas foi de 3,4%, sendo maior no sexo feminino. Câncer de endométrio foi o outro tumor maligno mais freqüente. Quarenta por cento dos nossos pacientes foram submetidos a radioterapia. Acreditamos ser importante o acompanhamento dos pacientes para o diagnóstico precoce de uma nova neoplasia em qualquer paciente que já tenha apresentado um câncer.Introduction - Multiple primary

  6. Thyroid neoplasia risk is increased nearly 30 years after the Chernobyl accident. (United States)

    Tronko, Mykola; Brenner, Alina V; Bogdanova, Tetiana; Shpak, Victor; Oliynyk, Valeriy; Cahoon, Elizabeth K; Drozdovitch, Vladimir; Little, Mark P; Tereshchenko, Valeriy; Zamotayeva, Galyna; Terekhova, Galyna; Zurnadzhi, Lyudmila; Hatch, Maureen; Mabuchi, Kiyohiko


    To evaluate risk of thyroid neoplasia nearly 30 years following exposure to radioactive iodine (I-131) from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident, we conducted a fifth cycle of thyroid screening of the Ukrainian-American cohort during 2012-2015, following four previous screening cycles started in 1998. We identified 47 thyroid cancers (TC) and 33 follicular adenomas (FA) among 10,073 individuals who were <18 years at the time of the accident and had a mean I-131 dose of 0.62 Gy. We found a significant I-131 dose response for both TC and FA, with an excess odd ratio per Gy of 1.36 (95% CI: 0.39-4.15) and 2.03 (95% CI: 0.55-6.69), respectively. The excess risk of malignant and benign thyroid neoplasia persists nearly three decades after exposure and underscores the importance of continued follow-up of this cohort to characterize long-term pattern of I-131 risk. © 2017 UICC.

  7. High electron mobility in Ga(In)NAs films grown by molecular beam epitaxy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyashita, Naoya; Ahsan, Nazmul; Monirul Islam, Muhammad; Okada, Yoshitaka; Inagaki, Makoto; Yamaguchi, Masafumi


    We report the highest mobility values above 2000 cm 2 /Vs in Si doped GaNAs film grown by molecular beam epitaxy. To understand the feature of the origin which limits the electron mobility in GaNAs, temperature dependences of mobility were measured for high mobility GaNAs and referential low mobility GaInNAs. Temperature dependent mobility for high mobility GaNAs is similar to the GaAs case, while that for low mobility GaInNAs shows large decrease in lower temperature region. The electron mobility of high quality GaNAs can be explained by intrinsic limiting factor of random alloy scattering and extrinsic factor of ionized impurity scattering.

  8. Interacciones de las proteínas disulfuro isomerasa y de choque térmico Hsc70 con proteínas estructurales recombinantes purificadas de rotavirus

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    Luz Y. Moreno


    Full Text Available Introducción. La entrada de rotavirus a las células parece estar mediado por interacciones secuenciales entre las proteínas estructurales virales y algunas moléculas de la superficie celular. Sin embargo, los mecanismos por los cuales el rotavirus infecta la célula diana aún no se comprenden bien. Existe alguna evidencia que muestra que las proteínas estructurales de rotavirus VP5* y VP8* interactúan con algunas moléculas de la superficie celular. La disponibilidad de las proteínas estructurales de rotavirus recombinantes en cantidad suficiente se ha convertido en un aspecto importante para la identificación de las interacciones específicas de los receptores virus-célula durante los eventos tempranos del proceso infeccioso. Objetivo. El propósito del presente trabajo es realizar un análisis de las interacciones entre las proteínas estructurales de rotavirus recombinante VP5*, VP8* y VP6, y las proteínas celulares Hsc70 y PDI utilizando sus versiones recombinantes purificadas. Materiales y métodos. Las proteínas recombinantes de rotavirus VP5* y VP8* y las proteínas recombinantes celulares Hsc70 y PDI se expresaron en E. coli BL21 (DE3, mientras que VP6 se expresó en células MA104 con virus vaccinia recombinante transfectada. La interacción entre el rotavirus y las proteínas celulares se estudió mediante ELISA, co-inmunoprecipitación y SDS-PAGE/ Western. Resultados. Las condiciones óptimas para la expresión de proteínas recombinantes se determinaron y se generaron anticuerpos contra ellas. Los resultados sugirieron que las proteínas virales rVP5* y rVP6 interactúan con Hsc70 y PDI in vitro. También se encontró que éstas proteínas virales recombinantes interactúan con Hsc70 en las balsas lipídicas (“Rafts” en un cultivo celular. El tratamiento de las células, ya sea con DLP o rVP6 produjo significativamente la inhibición de la infección por rotavirus. Conclusión. Los resultados permiten concluir que r

  9. Scrotal neoplasia: would truck drivers be at greater risk?

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    Daniel Seabra


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To analyze how scrotal neoplasias have been managed during the past decade and to question possible factors or professions associated to its presence. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated every case reported from 1995 to 2005 at our hospital. We described the clinical scenario, complementary exams, treatments and outcomes. We also tried to verify if there was any risk, predisposing factors or professions that would explain the cancer origin. RESULTS: Six cases were reviewed. Out of these, three patients were truck drivers. Five of them showed restricted lesions without inguinal lymph nodes enlargement. Histologically, six patients presented squamous carcinoma, with two of them having the verrucous type. The median age of patients was 52 years old (31 to 89. The five patients who are still alive had their lesions completely removed with safety margin and primary closure. CONCLUSIONS: We have noticed that the scrotal carcinoma behavior is similar to that of the penis, where removal of the lesion and study of the regional lymph nodes help to increase the patient survival rate. The outstanding fact was that three out of six patients were truck drivers, raising the hypothesis that such profession, maybe due to the contact or attrition with the diesel exhaust expelled by the engine or to sexual promiscuity, would imply in a larger risk of developing this rare neoplasia.

  10. Distribution of haemic neoplasia of soft-shelled clams in Prince Edward Island: an examination of anthropogenic factors and effects of experimental fungicide exposure. (United States)

    Mateo, D R; MacCallum, G S; McGladdery, S E; Davidson, J


    Haemic neoplasia was first considered a disease of concern for soft-shell clams in Prince Edward Island (PEI) when it was diagnosed as the cause of mass mortalities in 1999. The aetiology of the disease remains elusive, but has been associated with environmental degradation. In this study, a 2-year (2001-2002) geographic and seasonal survey was conducted for haemic neoplasia, using histology, in soft-shell clams from PEI. In addition, using geographic information system, the association between anthropogenic factors in the watersheds at sites affected by haemic neoplasia and the prevalence of the disease was investigated. Finally, histopathological changes were assessed in soft-shell clams experimentally exposed to four concentrations of chlorothalonil for 27 days. Haemic neoplasia could not be induced at any concentration of chlorothalonil. Clams exposed to a concentration of 1000 μg L(-1) of the fungicide, however, exhibited an LC50 of 17 days. Although this information provides additional toxicity information (LC50) for soft-shell clams, further experiments are required to assess longer term exposure to the fungicide. The highest prevalences of haemic neoplasia in PEI were found in North River and Miscouche (28.3-50.9% and 33.0-77.8%, respectively). No clear seasonal patterns were found. There was a correlation between haemic neoplasia prevalence and watersheds with a high percentage of potato acreage and forest coverage (P = 0.026 and P = 0.045, respectively), suggesting a link between anthropogenic activity and the prevalence of the disease. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer by Identifying Malignant Cells Within Neoplasias Histologically Classified as Benign

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Lelievre, Sophie A


    Current diagnostic tools permit the classification of breast neoplasias into categories that represent different relative risks of developing cancer, but they do not indicate which particular lesion...

  12. La neoplasia sólida-pseudopapilar del páncreas como entidad enigmática

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    Eduardo Blanco Faramiñán

    Full Text Available El tumor sólido-pseudopapilar del páncreas, conocido también como tumor de Frantz, es una rara enfermedad. Afecta principalmente a mujeres jóvenes, no blancas. Tiene componentes sólidos y quísticos. Constituye una neoplasia maligna con un pronóstico, generalmente alentador. Realizamos una revisión de la literatura con el objetivo de actualizar algunos puntos clave acerca del tema. Se incluyeron para la búsqueda las siguientes palabras claves: “tumor sólido-quístico”, “tumor quístico papilar”, “pseudopapilar”, “sólido y quístico”, “tumor de páncreas”, “tumor pancreático”, “neoplasia del páncreas”, “neoplasia pancreática”, “sólido pseudopapilar” y “tumor de Frantz”. Los acápites que desarrollamos son patogénesis, biología molecular, patología, características clínicas, imaginología y diagnóstico, tratamiento y por último pronóstico. Existen algunos aspectos no bien dilucidados en estos tumores. Por ejemplo, se necesitan más investigaciones en áreas como patogénesis, biología molecular y tratamiento no quirúrgico.

  13. Differentiating between endocervical glandular neoplasia and high grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in endocervical crypts: cytological features in ThinPrep and SurePath cervical cytology samples. (United States)

    Thiryayi, Sakinah A; Marshall, Janet; Rana, Durgesh N


    A recent audit at our institution revealed a higher number of cases diagnosed as endocervical glandular neoplasia on ThinPrep (TP) cervical cytology samples (9 cases) as opposed to SurePath (SP) (1 case), which on histology showed only high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) with endocervical crypt involvement (CI). We attempted to ascertain the reasons for this finding by reviewing the available slides of these cases, as well as slides of cases diagnosed as glandular neoplasia on cytology and histology; cases diagnosed as high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) on cytology which had CIN with CI on histology and cases with mixed glandular and squamous abnormalities diagnosed both cytologically and histologically. Single neoplastic glandular cells and short pseudostratified strips were more prevalent in SP than TP with the cell clusters in glandular neoplasia 3-4 cells thick, in contrast to the dense crowded centre of cell groups in HSIL with CI. The cells at the periphery of groups can be misleading. Cases with HSIL and glandular neoplasia have a combination of the features of each entity in isolation. The diagnosis of glandular neoplasia remains challenging and conversion from conventional to liquid based cervical cytology requires a period of learning and adaptation, which can be facilitated by local audit and review of the cytology slides in cases with a cytology-histology mismatch. (c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  14. Notas sobre o fantasma nas toxicomanias

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    Walter Firmo de Oliveira Cruz

    Full Text Available O presente artigo foi apresentado na Jornada Clínica da Associação Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre - "A direção da cura nas toxicomanias: o sujeito em questão em outubro de 2003. Através da discussão de um caso clínico, busca evidenciar a importância da relação existente entre a fantasmática do sujeito e a escolha do objeto nas toxicomanias. Aborda ainda a toxicomania como sintoma da contemporaneidade, bem como traços da estética que a compõe.

  15. Manejo dos portadores das neoplasias intraepiteliais anais Managment of anal intra-epithelial neoplasia patients

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    Sidney Roberto Nadal


    Full Text Available Acredita-se que a neoplasia intraepitelial anal (NIA, provocada pelo HPV, seja a lesão precursora do carcinoma anal. Segundo a literatura, são encontradas entre 11% e 52% dos homens infectados pelo HIV, entre 6% a 20% dos homens e 1% a 2,8% das mulheres sem essa infecção. Entre 8,5% e 13% das NIA de alto grau evoluirão para carcinoma invasivo, indicando a necessidade do rastreamento e do seguimento desses doentes para prevenção. Não há tratamento satisfatório com baixos índices de morbidez e a recidiva é comum. Em geral, as formas de tratamento podem de ser divididas em tópicas, entre elas, ácido tricloroacético, podofilina, podofilotoxina, imiquimod, terapia fotodinâmica, e ablativas, ou seja, excisão cirúrgica, ablação pelo LASER, coagulação pelo infravermelho e eletrofulguração. Há, ainda, os que consideram aceitável a conduta expectante. O tratamento tópico se justifica pelo caráter multifocal da lesão e os ablativos têm taxas de complicação e recidiva muito semelhantes. De qualquer forma, doentes com qualquer anormalidade histológica necessitam de seguimento adequado, principalmente com colposcopia e citologia anal.Anal intra-epithelial neoplasia (AIN, provoked by HPV, is considered as an anal cancer precursor. Some articles noticed that it occurred among 11% and 52% of men who have sex with men (MSM infected with HIV and, among seronegatives, from 6% to 20% of men and from 1% to 2.8% of women. From 8.5% to 13% of high grade AIN will evolve to invasive carcinoma, needing follow-up and screening for prevention. There is no satisfactory treatment with low morbidity and recurrence is frequent. There are two main forms of treatment: topics (trichloroacetic acid, podophylin, podophylotoxin, imiquimod, photodynamic therapy and ablatives (chirurgical excision, LASER, infrared, eletrocautery. Others consider acceptable an expectant management. Topical therapy is justified because of multifocal presentation of HPV

  16. Câncer de boca: expressão imuno-histoquímica de c-erbB-2, Bcl-2 e EGFR - estudo comparativo com leucoplasia e hiperplasia inflamatória = Oral cancer: immunohistochemical expression of c-erbB-2, Bcl-2 and EGFR – study with leukoplakia and inflammatory hyperplasia

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    Barros, Rosana M. G.


    Full Text Available Anormalidades em genes que regulam a proliferação e morte celular podem provocar inúmeras doenças entre elas o carcinoma epidermóide de boca. Tem sido relatado que alterações genéticas nas células tumorais predizem a agressividade biológica dos tumores. Marcadores genéticos como c-erbB-2, Bcl-2 e EGFR são considerados indicadores promissores de prognósticos para as lesões cancerizáveis e as neoplasias. Objetivo: Avaliar a expressão imunohistoquímica das proteínas c-erbB-2, Bcl-2 e EGFR (oncoproteínas envolvidas nas vias de proliferação celular Material e Métodos: cento e cinco blocos e parafina contendo fragmentos de biopsias incisionais, sendo 54 de carcinomas epidermóides, 25 blocos de leucoplasias e 26 blocos de hiperlasias obtidos do Laboratório de Patologia de Boca da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFSM. A expressão das proteínas foi verificada através da técnica imunohistoquímica utilizando a estreptoavidina-biotina-peroxidase no Laboratório de Patologia da Universidade de Brasília (UNB. Resultados: Os resultados revelaram diferença estatisticamente significante da proteína EGFR para os carcinomas epidermóides de boca e para as demais proteínas não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as lesões. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem que o EGFR pode ser utilizado como marcador em carcinoma de boca podendo contribuir para a progressão da neoplasia, porém sendo insuficiente na predição da carcinogênese. Abnormalities in genes that regulate the proliferation and cell death can provoke many lesions as oral epidermal carcinoma. It has been related that genetic alterations in tumoral cells predict the biologic agressivity in the tumors. Genetic markers as cerbB-2, Bcl-2 and EGFR are considered indicators of prognostic to the pre-malignant lesions and neoplasias. Objective: to study in the fragments of incisional biopsy the expression of c-erbB-2, Bcl-2 and EGFR proteins

  17. A rare presentation of multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN type 2A syndrome

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    Elroy Patrick Weledji


    Full Text Available Peptic ulcer disease may be a manifestation of symptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism. A case of an intractable complicated peptic ulcer disease secondary to hypercalcaemia from multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A is presented. Hypercalcaemia should always be excluded as a cause of recurrent, or complicated peptic ulcer disease.

  18. High-Resolution Anoscopy: Clinical Features of Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia in HIV-positive Men

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Richel, Olivier; Hallensleben, Nora D. L.; Kreuter, Alexander; van Noesel, Carel J. M.; Prins, Jan M.; de Vries, Henry J. C.


    BACKGROUND: High-resolution anoscopy is increasingly advocated to screen HIV+ men who have sex with men for anal cancer and its precursor lesions, anal intraepithelial neoplasia. A systematic comparison between clinical features and the histopathology of suspect lesions is lacking. OBJECTIVE: This

  19. Prevalence of small-bowel neoplasia in Lynch syndrome assessed by video capsule endoscopy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haanstra, Jasmijn F.; Al-Toma, Abdul; Dekker, Evelien; Vanhoutvin, Steven A. L. W.; Nagengast, Fokko M.; Mathus-Vliegen, Elisabeth M.; van Leerdam, Monique E.; Cappel, Wouter H. de Vos tot Nederveen; Sanduleanu, Silvia; Veenendaal, Roeland A.; Cats, Annemieke; Vasen, Hans F. A.; Kleibeuker, Jan H.; Koornstra, Jan J.


    Objective The aim was to determine the prevalence of small-bowel neoplasia in asymptomatic patients with Lynch syndrome (LS) by video capsule endoscopy (VCE). Design After obtaining informed consent, asymptomatic proven gene mutation carriers aged 3570 years were included in this prospective

  20. The negative association between a history of recurrent herpes labialis and cervical neoplasia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Burger, M. P.; Wilterdink, J. B.


    We considered the possibility that herpetic recurrences and herpes virus associated neoplasia are mutually exclusive disorders because they are expressions of different herpes virus-host relationships. We assumed that the human body copes with orofacial and genital herpes infections in the same

  1. Endometrial Intraepithelial Neoplasia (EIN In An Endometrial Polyp

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    Devic Ana


    Full Text Available Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN is a monoclonal neoplastic cell proliferation of the endometrium associated with a significantly increased risk of endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma. We herein present the case of a 58-year-old female patient who underwent a hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy because of the existence of endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia in an endometrial polyp. The patient had irregular uterine bleeding, which lasted 10 days. An endometrial polyp was diagnosed by ultrasound examination. The polyp was located in the isthmus of the uterus, on the back wall, and measured 32 mm × 25 mm. The patient underwent fractional dilation and curettage, and the specimens were subjected to a histopathological examination. The histopathological findings were EIN, endometrioid type, a focus of which was found within the endometrial polyps, as well as the endometrial polyp and proliferative endometrium. The endocervical tissue was normal. Given the age of the patient and the histopathological findings, she underwent a total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. The final histopathological findings were EIN, endometrioid type with a focus found within the endometrial polyp; endometrial polyp; simple hyperplasia; chronic inflammation of the uterine cervix; hyperkeratosis of the cervical squamous epithelium; and cervicitis chronica. There was also hydrosalpinx of the left fallopian tube, and cystic follicles in the left ovary. There was no significant morphological change in the right ovary or fallopian tube. The surgical and postoperative course were normal. The patient was sent home on the fifth postoperative day in good general condition. A check-up performed one month after surgery showed normal findings.

  2. Levels of oxidative damage and lipid peroxidation in thyroid neoplasia.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Young, Orla


    BACKGROUND: This study assessed the presence of oxidative damage and lipid peroxidation in thyroid neoplasia. METHODS: Using tissue microarrays and immunohistochemistry, we assessed levels of DNA damage (8-oxo-dG) and lipid peroxidation (4-HNE) in 71 follicular thyroid adenoma (FTA), 45 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), and 17 follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) and matched normal thyroid tissue. RESULTS: Cytoplasmic 8-oxo-dG and 4-HNE expression was significantly higher in FTA, FTC, and PTC tissue compared to matched normal tissue (all p values < .001). Similarly, elevated nuclear levels of 8-oxo-dG were seen in all in FTA, FTC, and PTC tissue compared to matched normal (p values < .07, < .001, < .001, respectively). In contrast, a higher level of 4-HNE expression was detected in normal thyroid tissue compared with matched tumor tissue (p < .001 for all groups). Comparing all 3 groups, 4-HNE levels were higher than 8-oxo-dG levels (p < .001 for all groups) except that cytoplasmic levels of 8-oxo-dG were higher than 4-HNE in all (p < .001). These results were independent of proliferation status. CONCLUSION: High levels of DNA damage and lipid peroxidation in benign and malignant thyroid neoplasia indicates this damage is an early event that may influence disease progression.

  3. A família do p53: aspectos estruturais e funcionais do p73 e do p63 The p53 family: structural and functional aspects of p73 and p63

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    Alfredo Ribeiro-Silva


    Full Text Available O p53 é um gene regulador chave do ciclo celular que, quando sofre mutações, leva ao desenvolvimento de neoplasias, atuando, portanto, como um gene supressor tumoral em condições normais. Recentemente foram identificados genes homólogos ao p53 denominados p73 e p63, provavelmente oriundos de um gene ancestral comum. Apesar da grande homologia estrutural, os membros da família do p53 possuem diferenças funcionais entre si. O presente artigo tem por finalidade discorrer sobre os principais aspectos estruturais e funcionais do p73 e do p63, ressaltando seus papéis na tumorigênese humana. O p73 ativa vários genes responsivos ao p53 e, quando superexpresso, inibe a ação do p53. Raramente encontra-se mutado em neoplasias, e seu papel na tumorigênese humana ainda é motivo de controvérsias. O p63 não é um gene supressor tumoral clássico, sendo essencial para a manutenção de uma população de células precursoras (células-tronco em vários tecidos epiteliais. O p63 marca as células basais de vários órgãos epiteliais, como a pele e a próstata, podendo ser considerado um marcador de indiferenciação celular. O p63 é um marcador recentemente descrito e ainda requer maior investigação para determinar seu papel no desenvolvimento de neoplasias em humanos.The p53 gene has a key role in the cell cycle control. When mutated, it promotes the development of neoplasms, acting in so far as a tumor suppressor gene in normal conditions. Recently, genes homologue to p53 were identified, named p73 e p63, probably originated from a common ancestral gene. Despite the great structural homology, the members of p53 family have functional differences. This article aims to discourse about the major structural and functional aspects of p73 and p63, reinforcing their role in human tumorigenesis. P73 activates several p53 responsive genes and, when overexpressed, inhibits the p53 action. It is rarely mutated in neoplasms and its role in human

  4. Diagnosis of Retrobulbar Round Cell Neoplasia in a Macaroni Penguin ( Eudyptes chrysolophus ) Through Use of Computed Tomography. (United States)

    Woodhouse, Sarah J; Rose, Michelle; Desjardins, Danielle R; Agnew, Dalen W


    A 25-year-old female macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus) was diagnosed with exophthalmos secondary to retrobulbar neoplasia through use of computed tomography (CT). Histopathologic examination of the mass supported a diagnosis of malignant round cell neoplasia. Immunohistochemical (IHC) labeling was applied to determine cell origin; the neoplastic cells did not label with T-cell marker CD3 or B-cell marker BLA.36 and could not be further characterized. The scleral ossicles precluded evaluation of the retrobulbar space by ultrasonography; therefore, CT scanning is recommended for examination of intraorbital structures in penguin and other avian species.

  5. Prevalence of small-bowel neoplasia in Lynch syndrome assessed by video capsule endoscopy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haanstra, Jasmijn F.; Al-Toma, Abdul; Dekker, Evelien; Vanhoutvin, Steven A. L. W.; Nagengast, Fokko M.; Mathus-Vliegen, Elisabeth M.; van Leerdam, Monique E.; de Vos tot Nederveen Cappel, Wouter H.; Sanduleanu, Silvia; Veenendaal, Roeland A.; Cats, Annemieke; Vasen, Hans F. A.; Kleibeuker, Jan H.; Koornstra, Jan J.


    The aim was to determine the prevalence of small-bowel neoplasia in asymptomatic patients with Lynch syndrome (LS) by video capsule endoscopy (VCE). After obtaining informed consent, asymptomatic proven gene mutation carriers aged 35-70 years were included in this prospective multicentre study in

  6. Endoscopic Tri-Modal Imaging (ETMI With Optical Magnification in the Detection of Barrett's Early Neoplasia

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    Sarmed S. Sami


    Full Text Available Early lesion detection and characterisation is vital to ensure accurate management in patients with gastrointestinal neoplasia. Endoscopic Tri-modal Imaging (ETMI technology has been shown to improve the targeted detection of early dysplastic lesions in Barrett's Oesophagus, but these results were not confirmed in non-expert hands [1]. This technology incorporates high resolution while light endoscopy (HRE, Auto Fluorescence Imaging (AFI and Narrow Band Imaging (NBI in one endoscope. The mucosa is first inspected with HRE, and then AFI is switched on to help in highlighting any suspicious areas in the mucosa [2]. These areas can be further examined by switching to NBI mode with magnification which helps to characterise mucosal patterns and identify early neoplasia [3].

  7. A SMART NAS Toolkit for Optimality Metrics Overlay, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The innovation proposed is a plug-and-play module for NASA's proposed SMART NAS (Shadow Mode Assessment using Realistic Technologies for the NAS) system that...

  8. No evidence of somatic aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein mutations in sporadic endocrine neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Raitila, A; Georgitsi, M; Karhu, A


    . Here, we have analyzed 32 pituitary adenomas and 79 other tumors of the endocrine system for somatic AIP mutations by direct sequencing. No somatic mutations were identified. However, two out of nine patients with prolactin-producing adenoma were shown to harbor a Finnish founder mutation (Q14X...... as non-secreting pituitary adenomas have been reported, most mutation-positive patients have had growth hormone-producing adenomas diagnosed at relatively young age. Pituitary adenomas are also component tumors of some familial endocrine neoplasia syndromes such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1...... (MEN1) and Carney complex (CNC). Genes underlying MEN1 and CNC are rarely mutated in sporadic pituitary adenomas, but more often in other lesions contributing to these two syndromes. Thus far, the occurrence of somatic AIP mutations has not been studied in endocrine tumors other than pituitary adenomas...

  9. Células glandulares atípicas em esfregaços cervicovaginais: significância e aspectos atuais Atypical glandular cells in cervical smears: significance and current aspects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Bittencourt Campaner


    Full Text Available Células glandulares atípicas (AGC em esfregaços cervicovaginais são achados citológicos raros, porém de significado representativo. Sua incidência varia, na literatura, de 0,08% a 0,81%. O sistema Bethesda de 2001 classifica estas lesões glandulares como AGCs sem outras especificações, AGCs provavelmente neoplásicas, adenocarcinoma cervical in situ (AIS e adenocarcinoma invasivo. Das mulheres portadoras de AGC, grande parte não apresentará qualquer tipo de alteração histológica em avaliação subseqüente. Entretanto, em 17,4% a 62,2% dos casos serão encontradas lesões histológicas significativas, como neoplasias intra-epiteliais cervicais, AIS, neoplasias escamosas e glandulares, cervicais e endometriais, bem como neoplasias de outras localizações. O risco de doença significativa está relacionado à subdivisão de AGC encontrada. Em virtude da elevada probabilidade de anormalidades histológicas significativas em casos de AGC, a simples repetição citológica é insuficiente para o seguimento dessa condição. Esta atualização descreve a epidemiologia, a avaliação e a conduta das pacientes portadoras dessa anormalidade citológica.Atypical glandular cells (AGC on cervical smears are unusual but important cytologic diagnosis. The incidence of AGC ranges from 0.08% to 0.81 % of all cervical smears tests. The 2001 Bethesda System nomenclature classifies these glandular lesions as AGC not otherwise specified, AGC favor neoplasia, endocervical adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS and invasive adenocarcinoma. Of women with AGC smears, a great number will have no histologic abnormalities on further evaluation. However, 17.4% to 62.2% are found to have significant histologic lesions such as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, AIS, squamous and glandular cancers from sites farther the cervix and endometrium. The risk of significant disease is related to the AGC subclassification that was found. Because of the high likelihood that AGC

  10. 2006 Bethesda International Consensus recommendations on the immunophenotypic analysis of hematolymphoid neoplasia by flow cytometry: optimal reagents and reporting for the flow cytometric diagnosis of hematopoietic neoplasia. (United States)

    Wood, Brent L; Arroz, Maria; Barnett, David; DiGiuseppe, Joseph; Greig, Bruce; Kussick, Steven J; Oldaker, Teri; Shenkin, Mark; Stone, Elizabeth; Wallace, Paul


    Immunophenotyping by flow cytometry has become standard practice in the evaluation and monitoring of patients with hematopoietic neoplasia. However, despite its widespread use, considerable variability continues to exist in the reagents used for evaluation and the format in which results are reported. As part of the 2006 Bethesda Consensus conference, a committee was formed to attempt to define a consensus set of reagents suitable for general use in the diagnosis and monitoring of hematopoietic neoplasms. The committee included laboratory professionals from private, public, and university hospitals as well as large reference laboratories that routinely operate clinical flow cytometry laboratories with an emphasis on lymphoma and leukemia immunophenotyping. A survey of participants successfully identified the cell lineage(s) to be evaluated for each of a variety of specific medical indications and defined a set of consensus reagents suitable for the initial evaluation of each cell lineage. Elements to be included in the reporting of clinical flow cytometric results for leukemia and lymphoma evaluation were also refined and are comprehensively listed. The 2006 Bethesda Consensus conference represents the first successful attempt to define a set of consensus reagents suitable for the initial evaluation of hematopoietic neoplasia. Copyright 2007 Clinical Cytometry Society.

  11. Neoplasias de Cavidad nasal y senos paranasales en caninos

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    Giovanni Torres


    Full Text Available Las neoplasias de cavidad nasal y senos paranasales en caninos son de escasa presentación; llegan tan sóloal 1.5% de los quistes diagnosticados en esta especie.Con referencia al total de tumores del tracto respiratorio representan entre el 60 y el 80%. Son más comunes en caninos de nariz larga, no existe predilección por género; por el comportamiento, las neoplasias que se desarrollanen la cavidad nasal y senos paranasales son benignas y malignas, siendo estas últimas las más frecuentes. Teniendo en cuenta el tejido de origen pueden ser epiteliales, mesenquimales y de otro origen como los linfomas y el tumor venéreo transmisible. La apariciónde la sintomatología se asocia con la capacidad de obstruir las vías aéreas, la invasión y destrucción local de tejido. En general los signos clínicos asociados consistenen: dificultad respiratoria, estornudo, secreciónnasal, hemorragia nasal y la presencia de masas de características variadas en tamaño y forma. El diagnóstico se basa en signos clínicos, evaluación citológica e histológica de las lesiones. Esta última es 100% diagnóstica, para el tratamiento se utiliza la extracción quirúrgica combinada con terapia de radiación y quimioterapia.



    César Luis Cuevas-Velázquez; Alejandra A. Covarrubias-Robles


    El dogma que relaciona la función de una proteína con una estructura tridimensional definida ha sido desafiado durante los últimos años por el descubrimiento y caracterización de las proteínas conocidas como proteínas no estructuradas o desordenadas. Estas proteínas poseen una elevada flexibilidad estructural la cual les permite adoptar estructuras diferentes y, por tanto, reconocer ligandos diversos conservando la especificidad en el reconocimiento de los mismos. A las proteínas de este tipo...

  13. Optical Molecular Imaging of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expression to Improve Detection of Oral Neoplasia

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    Nitin Nitin


    Full Text Available Background: The development of noninvasive molecular imaging approaches has the potential to improve management of cancer. Methods: In this study, we demonstrate the potential of noninvasive topical delivery of an epidermal growth factor-Alexa 647 (EGF-Alexa 647 conjugate to image changes in epidermal growth factor receptor expression associated with oral neoplasia. We report a series of preclinical analyses to evaluate the optical contrast achieved after topical delivery of EGF-Alexa 647 in a variety of model systems, including cells, three-dimensional tissue cultures, and intact human tissue specimens using wide-field and high-resolution fluorescence imaging. Data were collected from 17 different oral cancer patients: eight pairs of normal and abnormal biopsies and nine resected tumors were examined. Results: The EGF-dye conjugate can be uniformly delivered throughout the oral epithelium with a penetration depth exceeding 500 µm and incubation time of less than 30 minutes. After EGF-Alexa 647 incubation, the presence of oral neoplasia is associated with a 1.5- to 6.9-fold increase in fluorescence contrast compared with grossly normal mucosa from the same patient with both wide-field and high-resolution fluorescence imaging. Conclusions: Results illustrate the potential of EGF-targeted fluorescent agents for in vivo molecular imaging, a technique that may aid in the diagnosis and characterization of oral neoplasia and allow real-time detection of tumor margins.

  14. Health-Related Quality of Life and Sexual Functioning of HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex With Men Who Are Treated for Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Siegenbeek van Heukelom, Matthijs L.; Richel, Olivier; Nieuwkerk, Pythia T.; de Vries, Henry J. C.; Prins, Jan M.


    The impact of the treatment of precursor lesions of anal cancer (anal intraepithelial neoplasia) on health-related quality of life has not been investigated. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of 3 treatment options for anal intraepithelial neoplasia on health-related quality of life and sexual

  15. Perfil socioeconômico de Trabalhadores Rurais portadores de neoplasia Socioeconomic profile of Rural Workers cancer sufferers

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    Adrielle Chermont da Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Traçar o perfil socioeconômico dos trabalhadores rurais portadores de neoplasia internados em um hospital universitário. Método: estudo do tipo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa, realizado entre agosto de 2013 a janeiro de 2014, através de busca nos prontuários e busca ativa por pacientes internados e que estivessem dentro dos critérios de inclusão. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva. Resultados: Foram entrevistados 59 trabalhadores rurais, advindos de diferentes municípios interioranos, que trabalhavam com variados tipos de cultivos agrícolas. Grande parcela dos entrevistados relatou fazer uso de agrotóxicos, não utilizando EPI. O tipo predominante de neoplasia encontrada foram as neoplasias do sistema digestório. Conclusões: o uso de agrotóxicos é uma realidade para os trabalhadores investigados, levando à exposição a riscos ocupacionais. Os trabalhadores da saúde necessitam implementar estratégias de atenção à saúde desses trabalhadores, no intuito de auxiliar na minimização dos riscos de exposição ocupacional aos agrotóxicos.



    Kodali Venkataramana; Prasad Usha


    BACKGROUND Cervical cancer is by far the most common human papilloma virus related disease. Nearly, all cases of cervical cancer can be attributable to human papilloma virus infection. Infection with the human papilloma virus is the main risk factors for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer especially the high-risk types. The aim of the study is to study the prevalence of high-risk human papilloma virus 16 and 18 in various grades of cervical intraepithelia...

  17. Metastização pulmonar de neoplasia da mama

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    Jorge Dionísio


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Para caracterizar os doentes com metastização pulmonar de neoplasia da mama, procedemos a um estudo retrospectivo dos processos de 129 doentes referenciados à Unidade de Pneumologia entre Julho de 1990 e Janeiro de 2000.Foi considerada a existência de metastização pulmonar em 89 casos.Avaliámos as manifestações clínicas apresentadas, o intervalo de tempo até ao diagnóstico de metastização pulmonar, os aspectos radiológicos, endoscópicos, as terapêuticas efectuadas e a sobrevida.O intervalo médio entre o diagnóstico da neoplasia da mama e o diagnóstico de metastização pulmonar foi de 81,9±5,7 meses. Os sintomas respiratórios foram referidos em 83,1% dos doentes. O padrão radiológico mais comum foi a presença de massas ou nódulos pulmonares (66,3%. Foram observadas 49 com sinais directos de neoplasia na broncofibroscopia. Em 47 os aspectos anatomopatológicos encontrados foram compatíveis com metastização endobrônquica de tumor da mamaO tratamento mais frequentemente utilizado após o diagnóstico de metástase pulmonar foi a quimioterapia, em 60,2% dos casos.Após o diagnóstico de metastização, a sobrevida mediana foi de 20,1 meses, com 63,4% dos doentes vivos ao fim de 1 ano.Nos doentes com carcinoma da mama e suspeita de metastização verificámos um grande intervalo livre entre o diagnóstico do tumor da mama e o aparecimento de metastização. Os sintomas respiratórios tra-duziram a grande frequência de envolvimento endobrônquico. O diagnóstico anatomopatológico de metastização pulmonar foi obtido em 52,8% dos doentes. A terapêutica mais utilizada após diagnóstico de metastização foi a quimioterapia e a sobrevida ao ano foi de 63,4%.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2002; VIII (2: ABSTRACT: We performed a retrospective study of 129 patients observed in Pneumology unit between July 1990 and January 2000 to evaluate the clinical, radiological and endoscopic patterns as well as the clinical evolution of

  18. Manejo de las adolescentes con neoplasia intraepitelial cervical


    Martínez Chang, Ysis Margarita; Sarduy Nápoles, Miguel


    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en pacientes adolescentes que acudieron a la consulta de patología de cuello del Hospital “Ramón González Coro” en el período comprendido de enero de 2003 a mayo de 2005. El número de pacientes atendidas ascendió a 144 y de ellas 32 presentaron neoplasia intraepitelial cervical. El grupo de edades más frecuente resultó el comprendido entre 17 y 18 años, con una frecuencia referida entre 2 y 3 parejas sexuales. La infección de transmisión sexual más común fue ...

  19. Risk of cervical cancer after completed post-treatment follow-up of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rebolj, Matejka; Helmerhorst, Theo; Habbema, Dik


    To compare the risk of cervical cancer in women with histologically confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia who returned to routine screening after having completed post-treatment follow-up with consecutive normal smear test results with women with a normal primary smear test result....

  20. A frequência do HPV na mucosa oral normal de indivíduos sadios por meio da PCR The frequency of human papillomavirus findings in normal oral mucosa of healthy people by PCR

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    David Esquenazi


    Full Text Available Os papilomavírus humanos (HPV são DNA vírus pertencentes à família papilomaviridae com grupos de baixo e alto risco que infectam a pele e a mucosa podendo induzir a formação de tumores epiteliais benignos e malignos. Na mucosa oral, estes vírus têm sido associados a papilomas orais, hiperplasias epiteliais focais, leucoplasias e neoplasias orais. OBJETIVO: Estudar a frequência do HPV em mucosa oral de indivíduos normais. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Trabalho prospectivo em coorte transversal. Participaram desse estudo 100 indivíduos voluntários, faixa etária de 20 a 31 anos, estudantes universitários, sem história, queixas ou lesões visíveis ao exame físico de cavidade oral e orofaringe. Foram submetidos a questionário com perguntas referentes à epidemiologia da infecção pelo HPV. Foi colhido material de mucosa oral por raspado com escova e analisado pelo PCR. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram ausência de HPV em todas as amostras. CONCLUSÃO: Parece ter havido participação do alto nível socioeconômico com alimentação rica em carotenoides e vitamina C, baixo consumo tabágico e etílico e comportamento heterossexual predominantemente monogâmico com uso regular de preservativos.The human papillomavirus (HPV is a DNA virus, which belongs to papillomaviridae family, being of low and high risk, which infect the skin and mucous membranes and can induce benign and malign tumor formation. In the oral mucosa they have been associated with oral papilloma, focal epithelial hyperplasia, leucoplakia and oral neoplasia. AIM: to study the frequency of HPV finding in oral mucosa of normal people. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prospective study, cross-sectional cohort. One hundred volunteers, young adults, healthy, aged between 20 and 31 years, university students with no history, no complains, without oral or oropharyngeal lesions. They were submitted to a questionnaire with questions regarding HPV infection epidemiology. The samples were

  1. Photodynamic therapy of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (United States)

    Inada, Natalia M.; Lombardi, Welington; Leite, Marieli F. M.; Trujillo, Jose R.; Kurachi, Cristina; Bagnato, Vanderlei S.


    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a technique that has been used for the treatment of tumors, especially in Gynecology. The photodynamic reaction is based on the production of reactive oxygen species after the activation of a photosensitizer. Advantages of the PDT in comparison to the surgical resection are: ambulatory treatment and tissue recovery highly satisfactory, through a non-invasive procedure. The cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grades I and II presents potential indications for PDT. The aim of the proposed study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the PDT for the diagnostics and treatment of CIN I and II. The equipment and the photosensitizer are produced in Brazil with a representative low cost. It is possible to visualize the fluorescence of the cervix and to treat the lesions, without side effects. The proposed clinical protocol shows great potential to become a public health technique.

  2. Topical 5-fluorouracil treatment of anal intraepithelial neoplasia in human immunodeficiency virus-positive men

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Richel, O.; Wieland, U.; de Vries, H. J. C.; Brockmeyer, N. H.; van Noesel, C.; Potthoff, A.; Prins, J. M.; Kreuter, A.


    Background Anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN), a human papillomavirus (HPV) induced potential precursor lesion of anal cancer, is frequent among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive men who have sex with men (MSM). So far, only a few prospective studies have been performed on the topical

  3. [Crossed renal ectopia in a patient with a complicated sigma neoplasia]. (United States)

    Pérez-Sánchez, Luis Eduardo; Burneo-Esteves, Mauricio; Rosat-Rodrigo, Adriá; Baz-Figueroa, Caleb; Pérez-Álvarez, Antonio Dámaso; Barrera-Gómez, Manuel Ángel


    Crossed renal ectopia is a rare pathology that is often asymptomatic. Intraoperative detection with a sigma complicated neoplasia is more infrequent and requires correct management to avoid a renal ureteral injury. To present a case report of a patient with a sigma complicated neoplasia and a crossed renal ectopia detected incidentally. We present the case of a 62-year-old man that was submitted for emergency surgery for a sigma perforated neoplasm, and who presented with a previously undiagnosed left-side CRE. During surgery there was a need to insert 2-double-J stents as a guide to both ureters and to avoid any injury to them. Crossed renal ectopia is a rare, often asymptomatic entity, the diagnosis of which is usually incidental. In our case, the detection of a concomitant complicated neoplasm, required identification of both ureters due the anatomic doubt of its localization and to avoid them being injured. In conclusion, upon finding a casual crossed renal ectopia during an emergency surgery of sigma, we recommend the identification of the ureters to facilitate its location and to avoid any injury to the ureters. Copyright © 2016 Academia Mexicana de Cirugía A.C. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  4. First-principle natural band alignment of GaN / dilute-As GaNAs alloy

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    Chee-Keong Tan


    Full Text Available Density functional theory (DFT calculations with the local density approximation (LDA functional are employed to investigate the band alignment of dilute-As GaNAs alloys with respect to the GaN alloy. Conduction and valence band positions of dilute-As GaNAs alloy with respect to the GaN alloy on an absolute energy scale are determined from the combination of bulk and surface DFT calculations. The resulting GaN / GaNAs conduction to valence band offset ratio is found as approximately 5:95. Our theoretical finding is in good agreement with experimental observation, indicating the upward movements of valence band at low-As content dilute-As GaNAs are mainly responsible for the drastic reduction of the GaN energy band gap. In addition, type-I band alignment of GaN / GaNAs is suggested as a reasonable approach for future device implementation with dilute-As GaNAs quantum well, and possible type-II quantum well active region can be formed by using InGaN / dilute-As GaNAs heterostructure.

  5. Auto-Suggest Capability via Machine Learning in SMART NAS, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — We build machine learning capabilities that enables the Shadow Mode Assessment using Realistic Technologies for the NAS (SMART NAS) system to synthesize, optimize,...

  6. [Usefulness of human papillomavirus testing in anal intraepithelial neoplasia screening in a risk behaviour population]. (United States)

    Padilla-España, Laura; Repiso-Jiménez, Bosco; Fernández-Sánchez, Fernando; Frieyro-Elicegui, Marta; Fernández-Morano, Teresa; Pereda, Teresa; Rivas-Ruiz, Francisco; Redondo, Maximino; de-Troya Martín, Magdalena


    The incidence of intraepithelial anal neoplasia is increasing in certain risk behaviour groups, and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is involved in its pathogenesis. The systematic use of anal cytology, and more recently HPV detection by hybrid capture and genotyping, have been introduced into screening programs in recent decades. A retrospective cohort study was carried out on individuals with risk behaviours of developing intraepithelial anal neoplasia and who attended Sexually Transmitted Infections clinics in the Dermatology area of the Hospital Costa del Sol from January 2010 to December 2012. The intraepithelial anal neoplasia screening was performed using anal cytology and HPV genotyping. Half (50%) of the study population were HIV positive. A high frequency of anal dysplasia and presence of HPV in cytology (82.1%) and genotype (79%) was found. A statistically significant association (P<.005) was obtained between the presence of high-risk HPV genotypes and the presence of high-grade dysplasia in the second directed cytology. HPV genotyping enabled 17 cases (22%) of severe dysplasia to be identified that were under-diagnosed in the first cytology. Cases of high-grade dysplasia can be under-diagnosed by a first anal cytology. Detection of HPV can supplement this procedure, leading to the identification of those patients most at risk of developing high-grade anal dysplasia. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. All rights reserved.

  7. Incidencia de neoplasias hematológicas en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga, 2000-2004

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    Claudia Janeth Uribe Pérez


    Full Text Available Resumen SummaryAntecedentes: Las lesiones hematooncológicas son un grupo de neoplasias generadas por alteraciones células progenitoras hematopoyéticas. Este tipo de lesiones afectan a la población en general, con un porcentaje importante de ocurrencia en la población infantil. En el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga (AMB estos trastornos se ubican dentro de las lesiones malignas más frecuentes region (2000 - 2004. Metodología: El Registro Poblacional del AMB realiza un proceso de búsqueda y verificación IACR, activa de los casos de cáncer en la población residente AMB desde el 2000. Luego de los procesos de validación, los casos son codificados y digitados en CanReg-4 con el cual se estiman frecuencias y tasas de software. Este informe tiene datos verificados y actualizados que incluyen los obtenidos en el proceso de validación de egreso hospitalario y registros de mortalidad. Resultados: Entre 2000 y 2004 se captaron 620 casos de neoplasias hematolinfoides ubicándose en los primeros lugares tanto en hombres como en mujeres, con un mayor número de casos en los hombres especialmente por casos de leucemia linfoide. Se encuentra tasa cruda de 10.9 casos Conclusión: Comparando con las cifras del proyecto , el comportamiento de las neoplasias hematológicas en esta región es similar a lo estimado para el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga

  8. Four year efficacy of prophylactic human papillomavirus quadrivalent vaccine against low grade cervical, vulvar, and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia and anogenital warts: randomised controlled trial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dillner, Joakim; Kjaer, Susanne K; Wheeler, Cosette M


    To evaluate the prophylactic efficacy of the human papillomavirus (HPV) quadrivalent vaccine in preventing low grade cervical, vulvar, and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasias and anogenital warts (condyloma acuminata).......To evaluate the prophylactic efficacy of the human papillomavirus (HPV) quadrivalent vaccine in preventing low grade cervical, vulvar, and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasias and anogenital warts (condyloma acuminata)....

  9. Advanced colorectal neoplasia risk stratification by penalized logistic regression. (United States)

    Lin, Yunzhi; Yu, Menggang; Wang, Sijian; Chappell, Richard; Imperiale, Thomas F


    Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer in the United States. To facilitate the efficiency of colorectal cancer screening, there is a need to stratify risk for colorectal cancer among the 90% of US residents who are considered "average risk." In this article, we investigate such risk stratification rules for advanced colorectal neoplasia (colorectal cancer and advanced, precancerous polyps). We use a recently completed large cohort study of subjects who underwent a first screening colonoscopy. Logistic regression models have been used in the literature to estimate the risk of advanced colorectal neoplasia based on quantifiable risk factors. However, logistic regression may be prone to overfitting and instability in variable selection. Since most of the risk factors in our study have several categories, it was tempting to collapse these categories into fewer risk groups. We propose a penalized logistic regression method that automatically and simultaneously selects variables, groups categories, and estimates their coefficients by penalizing the [Formula: see text]-norm of both the coefficients and their differences. Hence, it encourages sparsity in the categories, i.e. grouping of the categories, and sparsity in the variables, i.e. variable selection. We apply the penalized logistic regression method to our data. The important variables are selected, with close categories simultaneously grouped, by penalized regression models with and without the interactions terms. The models are validated with 10-fold cross-validation. The receiver operating characteristic curves of the penalized regression models dominate the receiver operating characteristic curve of naive logistic regressions, indicating a superior discriminative performance. © The Author(s) 2013.

  10. Specific immune cell and cytokine characteristics of human testicular germ cell neoplasia. (United States)

    Klein, Britta; Haggeney, Thomas; Fietz, Daniela; Indumathy, Sivanjah; Loveland, Kate L; Hedger, Mark; Kliesch, Sabine; Weidner, Wolfgang; Bergmann, Martin; Schuppe, Hans-Christian


    Which immune cells and cytokine profiles are characteristic for testicular germ cell neoplasia and what consequences does this have for the understanding of the related testicular immunopathology? The unique immune environment of testicular germ cell neoplasia comprises B cells and dendritic cells as well as high transcript levels of IL-6 and other B cell supporting or T helper cell type 1 (Th1)-driven cytokines and thus differs profoundly from normal testis or inflammatory lesions associated with hypospermatogenesis. T cells are known to be the major component of inflammatory infiltrates associated with either hypospermatogenesis or testicular cancer. It has previously been reported that B cells are only involved within infiltrates of seminoma samples, but this has not been investigated further. Immunohistochemical characterisation (IHC) of infiltrating immune cells and RT-qPCR-based analysis of corresponding cytokine microenvironments was performed on different testicular pathologies. Testicular biopsies, obtained from men undergoing andrological work-up of infertility or taken during surgery for testicular cancer, were used in this study. Samples were grouped as follows: (i) normal spermatogenesis (n = 18), (ii) hypospermatogenesis associated with lymphocytic infiltrates (n = 10), (iii) samples showing neoplasia [germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS, n = 26) and seminoma, n = 18]. IHC was performed using antibodies against T cells (CD3+), B cells (CD20cy+), dendritic cells (CD11c+), macrophages (CD68+) and mast cells (mast cell tryptase+). Degree and compartmental localisation of immune cells throughout all groups analysed was evaluated semi-quantitatively. RT-qPCR on RNA extracted from cryo-preserved tissue samples was performed to analyse mRNA cytokine expression, specifically levels of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17a, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α (pro-inflammatory), IL-10, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 (anti-inflammatory), IL-2, IL-12a, IL-12b

  11. Risk of head-and-neck cancer following a diagnosis of severe cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svahn, Malene F; Munk, C; Jensen, S M


    OBJECTIVE: Women with a history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 including adenocarcinoma in situ (CIN3/AIS) may be more prone to develop cancers of the ano-genital region and head-and-neck cancers. The current literature is, however, limited. METHODS: We established a nationwide...

  12. HPV infection, anal intra-epithelial neoplasia (AIN and anal cancer: current issues

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stanley Margaret A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Human papillomavirus (HPV is well known as the major etiological agent for ano-genital cancer. In contrast to cervical cancer, anal cancer is uncommon, but is increasing steadily in the community over the last few decades. However, it has undergone an exponential rise in the men who have sex with men (MSM and HIV + groups. HIV + MSM in particular, have anal cancer incidences about three times that of the highest worldwide reported cervical cancer incidences. Discussion There has therefore traditionally been a lack of data from studies focused on heterosexual men and non-HIV + women. There is also less evidence reporting on the putative precursor lesion to anal cancer (AIN – anal intraepithelial neoplasia, when compared to cervical cancer and CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. This review summarises the available biological and epidemiological evidence for HPV in the anal site and the pathogenesis of AIN and anal cancer amongst traditionally non-high risk groups. Summary There is strong evidence to conclude that high-grade AIN is a precursor to anal cancer, and some data on the progression of AIN to invasive cancer.

  13. Pretreatment Serum Cystatin C Levels Predict Renal Function, but Not Tumor Characteristics, in Patients with Prostate Neoplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Feilong Yang


    Full Text Available To evaluate the role of Cystatin C (Cys-C in tumorigenesis and progression of prostate cancer (PCa, we retrospectively collected the clinical information from the records of 492 benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, 48 prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN, and 173 PCa patients, whose disease was newly diagnosed and histologically confirmed. Pretreatment serum Cys-C levels were compared across the various groups and then analyzed to identify relationships, if any, with clinical and pathological characteristics of the PCa patient group. There were no significant differences in serum Cys-C levels among the three groups (P > 0.05. In PCa patients with normal SCr levels, patient age was correlated with serum Cys-C level (P ≤ 0.001 but did not correlate with alkaline phosphatase (AKP, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, prostate specific antigen (PSA, Gleason score, or bone metastasis status (P > 0.05. Age and SCr contributed in part to the variations in serum Cys-C levels of PCa patients (r = 0.356, P ≤ 0.001; r = 0.520, P ≤ 0.001. In conclusion, serum Cys-C levels predict renal function in patients with prostate neoplasia, but were not a biomarker for the development of prostate neoplasia, and were not correlated with the clinicopathological characteristics of PCa.

  14. DEGRO practical guidelines: radiotherapy of breast cancer II. Radiotherapy of non-invasive neoplasia of the breast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souchon, R.; Sautter-Bihl, M.L.; Sedlmayer, F.; Budach, W.; Dunst, J.; Feyer, P.; Fietkau, R.; Sauer, R.; Harms, W.; Wenz, F.; Haase, W.


    To complement and update the 2007 practice guidelines of the breast cancer expert panel of the German Society of Radiation Oncology (DEGRO) for radiotherapy (RT) of breast cancer. Owing to its growing clinical relevance, in the current version, a separate paper is dedicated to non-invasive proliferating epithelial neoplasia of the breast. In addition to the more general statements of the German interdisciplinary S3 guidelines, this paper is especially focused on indication and technique of RT in addition to breast conserving surgery. The DEGRO expert panel performed a comprehensive survey of the literature comprising recently published data from clinical controlled trials, systematic reviews as well as meta-analyses, referring to the criteria of evidence-based medicine yielding new aspects compared to 2005 and 2007. The literature search encompassed the period 2008 to September 2012 using databases of PubMed and Guidelines International Network (G-I-N). Search terms were ''non invasive breast cancer'', ''ductal carcinoma in situ, ''dcis'', ''borderline breast lesions'', ''lobular neoplasia'', ''radiotherapy'' and ''radiation therapy''. In addition to the more general statements of the German interdisciplinary S3 guidelines, this paper is especially focused on indications of RT and decision making of non-invasive neoplasia of the breast after surgery, especially ductal carcinoma in situ. Among different non-invasive neoplasia of the breast only the subgroup of pure ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS; synonym ductal intraepithelial neoplasia, DIN) is considered for further recurrence risk reduction treatment modalities after complete excision of DCIS, particularly RT following breast conserving surgery (BCS), in order to avoid a mastectomy. About half of recurrences are invasive cancers. Up to 50?% of all recurrences require salvage mastectomy. Randomized clinical trials and a huge number of mostly observational studies have unanimously demonstrated that RT significantly

  15. Regulatory perspective on NAS recommendations for Yucca Mountain standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brocoum, S.J.; Nesbit, S.P.; Duguid, J.A.; Lugo, M.A.; Krishna, P.M.


    This paper provides a regulatory perspective from the viewpoint of the potential licensee, the US Department of Energy (DOE), on the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report on Yucca Mountain standards published in August 1995. The DOE agrees with some aspects of the NAS report; however, the DOE has serious concerns with the ability to implement some of the recommendations in a reasonable manner

  16. A Multiscale Model Evaluates Screening for Neoplasia in Barrett's Esophagus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kit Curtius


    Full Text Available Barrett's esophagus (BE patients are routinely screened for high grade dysplasia (HGD and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC through endoscopic screening, during which multiple esophageal tissue samples are removed for histological analysis. We propose a computational method called the multistage clonal expansion for EAC (MSCE-EAC screening model that is used for screening BE patients in silico to evaluate the effects of biopsy sampling, diagnostic sensitivity, and treatment on disease burden. Our framework seamlessly integrates relevant cell-level processes during EAC development with a spatial screening process to provide a clinically relevant model for detecting dysplastic and malignant clones within the crypt-structured BE tissue. With this computational approach, we retain spatio-temporal information about small, unobserved tissue lesions in BE that may remain undetected during biopsy-based screening but could be detected with high-resolution imaging. This allows evaluation of the efficacy and sensitivity of current screening protocols to detect neoplasia (dysplasia and early preclinical EAC in the esophageal lining. We demonstrate the clinical utility of this model by predicting three important clinical outcomes: (1 the probability that small cancers are missed during biopsy-based screening, (2 the potential gains in neoplasia detection probabilities if screening occurred via high-resolution tomographic imaging, and (3 the efficacy of ablative treatments that result in the curative depletion of metaplastic and neoplastic cell populations in BE in terms of the long-term impact on reducing EAC incidence.

  17. UAS-NAS Flight Test Series 3: Test Environment Report (United States)

    Hoang, Ty; Murphy, Jim; Otto, Neil


    The desire and ability to fly Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) is of increasing urgency. The application of unmanned aircraft to perform national security, defense, scientific, and emergency management are driving the critical need for less restrictive access by UAS to the NAS. UAS represent a new capability that will provide a variety of services in the government (public) and commercial (civil) aviation sectors. The growth of this potential industry has not yet been realized due to the lack of a common understanding of what is required to safely operate UAS in the NAS. NASA's UAS Integration in the NAS Project is conducting research in the areas of Separation Assurance/Sense and Avoid Interoperability (SSI), Human Systems Integration (HSI), and Communications (Comm), and Certification to support reducing the barriers of UAS access to the NAS. This research is broken into two research themes namely, UAS Integration and Test Infrastructure. UAS Integration focuses on airspace integration procedures and performance standards to enable UAS integration in the air transportation system, covering Detect and Avoid (DAA) performance standards, command and control performance standards, and human systems integration. The focus of Test Infrastructure is to enable development and validation of airspace integration procedures and performance standards, including integrated test and evaluation. In support of the integrated test and evaluation efforts, the Project will develop an adaptable, scalable, and schedulable relevant test environment capable of evaluating concepts and technologies for unmanned aircraft systems to safely operate in the NAS. To accomplish this task, the Project is conducting a series of human-in-the-loop (HITL) and flight test activities that integrate key concepts, technologies and/or procedures in a relevant air traffic environment. Each of the integrated events will build on the technical achievements, fidelity, and

  18. Stepwise radical endoscopic resection for Barrett's esophagus with early neoplasia: report on a Brussels' cohort

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pouw, R. E.; Peters, F. P.; Sempoux, C.; Piessevaux, H.; Deprez, P. H.


    Background and study aims: The aim of this retrospective study was to assess safety and efficacy of stepwise radical endoscopic resection (SRER) in patients with Barrett's esophagus with high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (HGIN) or early cancer. Patients and methods: Patients undergoing SRER


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Luis Cuevas-Velázquez


    Full Text Available El dogma que relaciona la función de una proteína con una estructura tridimensional definida ha sido desafiado durante los últimos años por el descubrimiento y caracterización de las proteínas conocidas como proteínas no estructuradas o desordenadas. Estas proteínas poseen una elevada flexibilidad estructural la cual les permite adoptar estructuras diferentes y, por tanto, reconocer ligandos diversos conservando la especificidad en el reconocimiento de los mismos. A las proteínas de este tipo, altamente hidrofílicas y que se acumulan ante condiciones de déficit hídrico (sequía, salinidad, congelamiento se les ha denominado hidrofilinas. En plantas, las hidrofilinas mejor caracterizadas son las proteínas LEA (del inglés Late Embryogenesis Abundant que se acumulan abundantemente en la semilla seca y en tejidos vegetativos cuando las plantas se exponen a condiciones de limitación de agua. Evidencia reciente ha demostrado que las proteínas LEA se requieren para que las plantas toleren y se adapten a condiciones de baja disponibilidad de agua. Esta revisión describe los datos más relevantes que asocian las características fisicoquímicas de estas proteínas con su flexibilidad estructural y cómo se afecta ésta por las condiciones ambientales; así como, aquéllos relacionados con sus posibles funciones en la célula vegetal ante situaciones de limitación de agua.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hema Sreedharan Nair


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Gestational trophoblastic disease is a spectrum of proliferative abnormalities of the trophoblast. GTD represents a benign form of the disease while GTN is the malignant often metastatic lesion. 75-80 per cent of patients initially diagnosed as GTD will follow a benign course after dilatation and curettage. 15-20 per cent develop locally invasive disease and 3-5 per cent develop metastatic lesions. The study aims to assess the proportion of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia among women with gestational trophoblastic disease and identify the risk factors for chemotherapy in gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. MATERIALS AND METHODS This is a case-control study conducted in a tertiary hospital during a 5-year period. Cases are gestational trophoblastic neoplasia diagnosed by either rising beta-HCG levels or plateauing beta-HCG levels or by histological evidence of choriocarcinoma. Controls are cases of gestational trophoblastic disease post evacuation with normal HCG regression at 8 weeks. There were 306 controls and 57 cases. RESULTS Tabulated and analysed using SPSS package. Of the 363 patients of gestational trophoblastic disease, 57 (15.7% needed chemotherapy. 98.2% belonged to the age group of 20-35 years. 63% had gestational age of more than 12 weeks, 56.1% had pre-evacuation HCG of more than 40,000. 15.7% needed combination therapy. CONCLUSION 1. 83.1% of patients belonged to age group of 20-30 years. 2. Blood group distribution of patients with gestational trophoblastic disease did not show any significance. 3. 15.7% of total patients were diagnosed to have gestational trophoblastic neoplasia that necessitated chemotherapy. 4. When uterine size was more than 12 weeks, a statistically significant number of patients needed chemotherapy compared to non-chemotherapy group. 5. When BHCG values were more than 40,000, a statistically significant number of patients needed chemotherapy. 6. A risk score of seven or more was found to

  1. Reconstituting development of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia from primary human pancreas duct cells


    Lee, Jonghyeob; Snyder, Emily R.; Liu, Yinghua; Gu, Xueying; Wang, Jing; Flowers, Brittany M.; Kim, Yoo Jung; Park, Sangbin; Szot, Gregory L.; Hruban, Ralph H.; Longacre, Teri A.; Kim, Seung K.


    Development of systems that reconstitute hallmark features of human pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanINs), the precursor to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, could generate new strategies for early diagnosis and intervention. However, human cell-based PanIN models with defined mutations are unavailable. Here, we report that genetic modification of primary human pancreatic cells leads to development of lesions resembling native human PanINs. Primary human pancreas duct cells harbouring...

  2. Neoplasia in Three Aye-Ayes (Daubentonia madagascariensis). (United States)

    Rodriguez Barbon, A; Cowen, R; Knott, C; Hughes, K; Allinson, K; Williams, C V; Routh, A


    Tumours diagnosed in three aged captive aye-ayes (Daubentonia madagascariensis), held in two different institutions, are described. A cerebral glioblastoma was diagnosed based on histological and immunohistochemical findings in one of the animals following initial presentation with bilateral mydriasis, absent pupillary reflex, head tilt and ataxia. A second animal was humanely destroyed due to impaired locomotion associated with spondylosis and a post-mortem diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma was made based on histology with further confirmation with immunohistochemical labelling for cytokeratin 7. A third aye-aye suffering from dental disease was diagnosed with an oral squamous cell carcinoma following an excisional biopsy from a non-healing wound in the lip. Due to progression of the neoplasia the animal was humanely destroyed and post-mortem examination revealed the presence on an additional unilateral phaeochromocytoma. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Adult Immunohistochemical Markers Fail to Detect Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia in Prepubertal Boys with Cryptorchidism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kvist, Kolja; Clasen-Linde, Erik; Cortes, Dina


    Intratubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN) is a precursor to testicular germ cell cancer. It is characterized by large germ cells with large nuclei with a hyperchromatic, coarse chromatin pattern, large prominent nucleoli and abundant pale cytoplasm. In prepubertal boys these cells are located both...

  4. No Association of Blood Type O With Neuroendocrine Tumors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nell, Sjoerd; van Leeuwaarde, Rachel S.; Pieterman, Carolina R. C.; de Laat, Joanne M.; Hermus, Ad R.; Dekkers, Olaf M.; de Herder, Wouter W.; van der Horst-Schrivers, Anouk N.; Drent, Madeleine L.; Bisschop, Peter H.; Havekes, Bas; Borel Rinkes, Inne H. M.; Vriens, Menno R.; Valk, Gerlof D.


    An association between ABO blood type and the development of cancer, in particular, pancreatic cancer, has been reported in the literature. An association between blood type O and neuroendocrine tumors in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) patients was recently suggested. Therefore, blood

  5. No Association of Blood Type O With Neuroendocrine Tumors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nell, S.; Leeuwaarde, R.S. van; Pieterman, C.R.; Laat, J.M. de; Hermus, A.R.M.M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Herder, W.W. de; Horst-Schrivers, A.N. van der; Drent, M.L.; Bisschop, P.H.; Havekes, B.; Rinkes, I.H.; Vriens, M.R.; Valk, G.D.


    CONTEXT: An association between ABO blood type and the development of cancer, in particular, pancreatic cancer, has been reported in the literature. An association between blood type O and neuroendocrine tumors in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) patients was recently suggested. Therefore,

  6. No Association of Blood Type O With Neuroendocrine Tumors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nell, Sjoerd; Van Leeuwaarde, Rachel S.; Pieterman, Carolina R. C.; de Laat, Joanne M.; Hermus, Ad R.; Dekkers, Olaf M.; de Herder, Wouter W.; van der Horst-Schrivers, Anouk N.; Drent, Madeleine L.; Bisschop, Peter H.; Havekes, Bas; Rinkes, Inne H. M. Borel; Vriens, Menno R.; Valk, Gerlof D.


    Context: An association between ABO blood type and the development of cancer, in particular, pancreatic cancer, has been reported in the literature. An association between blood type O and neuroendocrine tumors in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) patients was recently suggested. Therefore,

  7. Germline CDKN1B/p27Kip1 mutation in multiple endocrine neoplasia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Georgitsi, Marianthi; Raitila, Anniina; Karhu, Auli; van der Luijt, Rob B.; Aalfs, Cora M.; Sane, Timo; Vierimaa, Outi; Mäkinen, Markus J.; Tuppurainen, Karoliina; Paschke, Ralph; Gimm, Oliver; Koch, Christian A.; Gündogdu, Sadi; Lucassen, Anneke; Tischkowitz, Marc; Izatt, Louise; Aylwin, Simon; Bano, Gul; Hodgson, Shirley; de Menis, Ernesto; Launonen, Virpi; Vahteristo, Pia; Aaltonen, Lauri A.


    Germline mutations in the MEN1 gene predispose to multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) syndrome, but in up to 20-25% of clinical MEN1 cases, no MEN1 mutations can be found. Recently, a germline mutation in the CDKN1B gene, encoding p27(Kip1), was reported in one suspected MEN1 family with two

  8. UAS-NAS Integrated Human in the Loop: Test Environment Report (United States)

    Murphy, Jim; Otto, Neil; Jovic, Srba


    The desire and ability to fly Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) is of increasing urgency. The application of unmanned aircraft to perform national security, defense, scientific, and emergency management are driving the critical need for less restrictive access by UAS to the NAS. UAS represent a new capability that will provide a variety of services in the government (public) and commercial (civil) aviation sectors. The growth of this potential industry has not yet been realized due to the lack of a common understanding of what is required to safely operate UAS in the NAS. NASA's UAS Integration in the NAS Project is conducting research in the areas of Separation Assurance/Sense and Avoid Interoperability (SSI), Human Systems Integration (HSI), and Communication to support reducing the barriers of UAS access to the NAS. This research was broken into two research themes namely, UAS Integration and Test Infrastructure. UAS Integration focuses on airspace integration procedures and performance standards to enable UAS integration in the air transportation system, covering Sense and Avoid (SAA) performance standards, command and control performance standards, and human systems integration. The focus of the Test Infrastructure theme was to enable development and validation of airspace integration procedures and performance standards, including the execution of integrated test and evaluation. In support of the integrated test and evaluation efforts, the Project developed an adaptable, scalable, and schedulable relevant test environment incorporating live, virtual, and constructive elements capable of validating concepts and technologies for unmanned aircraft systems to safely operate in the NAS. To accomplish this task, the Project planned to conduct three integrated events: a Human-in-the-Loop simulation and two Flight Test series that integrated key concepts, technologies and/or procedures in a relevant air traffic environment. Each of

  9. Anal Cytology and Human Papillomavirus Genotyping in Women With a History of Lower Genital Tract Neoplasia Compared With Low-Risk Women. (United States)

    Robison, Katina; Cronin, Beth; Bregar, Amy; Luis, Christine; DiSilvestro, Paul; Schechter, Steven; Pisharodi, Latha; Raker, Christina; Clark, Melissa


    To compare the prevalence of abnormal anal cytology and high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) among women with a history of HPV-related genital neoplasia with women without a history of HPV-related genital neoplasia. A cross-sectional cohort study was performed from December 2012 to February 2014. Women were recruited from outpatient clinics at an academic medical center. Women with a history of high-grade cervical, vulvar, or vaginal cytology, dysplasia, or cancer were considered the high-risk group. Women with no history of high-grade anogenital dysplasia or cancer were considered the low-risk group. Human immunodeficiency virus-positive women were excluded. Anal cytology and HPV genotyping were performed. Women with abnormal anal cytology were referred for high-resolution anoscopy. There were 190 women in the high-risk group and 83 in the low-risk group. The high-risk group was slightly older: 57 years compared with 47 years (P=.045); 21.7% of low-risk women had abnormal anal cytology compared with 41.2% of high-risk women (P=.006). High-risk HPV was detected in the anal canal of 1.2% of the low-risk group compared with 20.8% of the high-risk group (PHuman immunodeficiency virus-negative women with a history of lower genital tract neoplasia are more likely to have positive anal cytology, anal high-risk HPV, and anal intraepithelial neoplasia. Anal cancer screening should be considered for these high-risk women. II.

  10. [Crosssectional survey of human papilloma virus subtype distribution and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in Shenzhen]. (United States)

    Liang, Ling-yun; Du, Hui; Wang, Chun; Zhang, Wei; Chen, Yun; Qu, Xin-feng; Yang, Bin; Wu, Bo; Wu, Ruo-song; Belinson, Jerome L; Wu, Rui-fang


    To investigate the prevalence of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and pathogenecity of the HPV subtyping and virus loads in Shenzhen district. In the study, 10 000 sexually active women from Shenzhen city and rural areas around were screened for cervical cancer, and all the cases were examined with cytology tests and several kinds of high risk HPV (HR-HPV) tests. Those with cytology ≥atypical squamous cells of undetermined sign (ASC-US) or positive HPV results underwent colposcopy with biopsy for a pathological diagnosis. The average age of this study population was 38.9 years. The total prevalence of HPV infection was 16.6%, with age-specific prevalence increasing with age. The morbidity rate of the low grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia CIN1 was 17.0%, but that with those aged ≥55 years showed a sharp drop. The morbidity rate of the high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia CIN2/3 was 2.6%, and was higher in the 45 to 59 years age group than in the 25 to 44 years age group. HR-HPV infection was an obvious relevant factor of CIN1 and CIN2/3, and the OR values increased as the virus loads increased, but they had different relevant HPV subtypes. We found that HPV-16, -58, -31, -33, -18 were the first five ones for CIN2/3 while HPV-39, -58, -59, -52, -66 for CIN1. There is a high level of HPV infection and CIN in Shenzhen district. The prevalence of HPV infection has a trend to increase with age, and the people aged 45 years and more are key objects for CIN2/3 screening, with the virus load and subtyping of HR-HPV infection as indicative factors.

  11. HER2/neu (c-erbB-2) gene amplification and protein expression are rare in uterine cervical neoplasia: a tissue microarray study of 814 archival specimens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lesnikova, Iana; Lidang, Marianne; Hamilton-Dutoit, Stephen


    intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)1 (n = 262), CIN2 (n = 230), CIN3 (n = 186) and invasive carcinoma (n = 136), for HER2/neu protein expression by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and for HER2/neu gene amplification by chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH). We found moderate or strong immunohistochemical positivity...... and invasive cervical carcinoma specimens. When present, Her-2/neu positivity is more commonly seen in higher grades of cervical dysplasia and in carcinoma. However, this large TMA study shows that HER2/neu oncoprotein expression and HER2/neu gene amplification overall are uncommon events in cervical neoplasia....... This provides compelling evidence that HER2/neu plays no major role in the development and progression of cervical neoplasia....

  12. American Gastroenterological Association guidelines are inaccurate in detecting pancreatic cysts with advanced neoplasia: a clinicopathologic study of 225 patients with supporting molecular data. (United States)

    Singhi, Aatur D; Zeh, Herbert J; Brand, Randall E; Nikiforova, Marina N; Chennat, Jennifer S; Fasanella, Kenneth E; Khalid, Asif; Papachristou, Georgios I; Slivka, Adam; Hogg, Melissa; Lee, Kenneth K; Tsung, Allan; Zureikat, Amer H; McGrath, Kevin


    The American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) recently reported evidence-based guidelines for the management of asymptomatic neoplastic pancreatic cysts. These guidelines advocate a higher threshold for surgical resection than prior guidelines and imaging surveillance for a considerable number of patients with pancreatic cysts. The aims of this study were to assess the accuracy of the AGA guidelines in detecting advanced neoplasia and present an alternative approach to pancreatic cysts. The study population consisted of 225 patients who underwent EUS-guided FNA for pancreatic cysts between January 2014 and May 2015. For each patient, clinical findings, EUS features, cytopathology results, carcinoembryonic antigen analysis, and molecular testing of pancreatic cyst fluid were reviewed. Molecular testing included the assessment of hotspot mutations and deletions for KRAS, GNAS, VHL, TP53, PIK3CA, and PTEN. Diagnostic pathology results were available for 41 patients (18%), with 13 (6%) harboring advanced neoplasia. Among these cases, the AGA guidelines identified advanced neoplasia with 62% sensitivity, 79% specificity, 57% positive predictive value, and 82% negative predictive value. Moreover, the AGA guidelines missed 45% of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms with adenocarcinoma or high-grade dysplasia. For cases without confirmatory pathology, 27 of 184 patients (15%) with serous cystadenomas (SCAs) based on EUS findings and/or VHL alterations would continue magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) surveillance. In comparison, a novel algorithmic pathway using molecular testing of pancreatic cyst fluid detected advanced neoplasias with 100% sensitivity, 90% specificity, 79% positive predictive value, and 100% negative predictive value. The AGA guidelines were inaccurate in detecting pancreatic cysts with advanced neoplasia. Furthermore, because the AGA guidelines manage all neoplastic cysts similarly, patients with SCAs will continue to undergo unnecessary MRI


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    There is a need for additional morphologic criteria to improve the value of histologic classification for the prediction of the biologic behavior of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Representative slides from 72 cone specimens containing CIN were examined to study the correlation between

  14. Evidence supporting see-and-treat management of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ebisch, R.M.F.; Rovers, M.M.; Bosgraaf, R.P.; Pluijm-Schouten, H.W. van der; Melchers, W.J.; Akker, P.A.J. van den; Massuger, L.F.; Bekkers, R.L.M.


    BACKGROUND: Studies of see-and-treat management of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) vary in their inclusion criteria, resulting in a broad range of overtreatment rates. OBJECTIVES: To determine overtreatment rates in see-and-treat management of women referred for colposcopy because of

  15. Single-session endoscopic resection and focal radiofrequency ablation for short-segment Barrett's esophagus with early neoplasia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barret, Maximilien; Belghazi, Kamar; Weusten, Bas L. A. M.; Bergman, Jacques J. G. H. M.; Pouw, Roos E.


    The management of early neoplasia in Barrett's esophagus (BE) requires endoscopic resection of visible lesions, followed by radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the remaining BE. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of combining endoscopic resection and focal RFA in a single endoscopic session in

  16. Neoplasia in 125 donkeys (Equus asinus): literature review and a survey of five veterinary schools in the United States and Canada. (United States)

    Davis, Corrine R; Valentine, Beth A; Gordon, Emma; McDonough, Sean P; Schaffer, Paula A; Allen, Andrew L; Pesavento, Patricia


    A diagnosis of neoplasia was noted in 125 of 357 donkeys (35%) in our review of medical records from 5 veterinary schools in the United States and Canada. Equine sarcoid was the most common tumor in our study, accounting for 72% of all tumors and 82% of cutaneous tumors. Soft-tissue sarcomas were the second most common skin tumors. All other types of neoplasia were rare. Important differences in the occurrence of neoplasia in donkeys compared to horses included the rarity or absence of squamous cell carcinoma in any organ system and gray horse melanoma. Lymphosarcoma, the most common malignant tumor in horses, appears to be very rare in donkeys. We report several tumors in donkeys including melanocytoma, peripheral nerve sheath tumor, and gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Our data demonstrate commonalities as well as differences in neoplastic diseases of donkeys and horses. Understanding differences in carcinogenesis among these 2 closely related species can inform researchers pursuing pathogenic mechanisms of equine disease and inform veterinary diagnosticians regarding tumor prevalence. © 2016 The Author(s).

  17. Anal intraepitelial neoplasia: a narrative review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Garazi Elorza


    Full Text Available Anal intraepitelial neoplasia (AIN constitutes a major health problem in certain risk groups, such as patients with immunosuppression of varied origin, males who have sexual relations with other males, and females with a previous history of vaginal or cervical abnormalities in cytology. Its relationship with the human papillomavirus (HPV infection has been well documented; however, many of the factors involved in the progression and regression of the viral infection to dysplasia and anal carcinoma are unknown. AIN can be diagnosed through cytology of the anal canal or biopsy guided by high-resolution anoscopy. However, the need for these techniques in high-risk groups remains controversial. Treatment depends on the risk factors and given the high morbidity and high recurrence rates the utility of the different local treatments is still a subject of debate. Surgical biopsy is justified only in the case of progression suggesting lesions. The role of the vaccination in high-risk patients as primary prevention has been debated by different groups. However, there is no general consensus on its use or on the need for screening this population.

  18. nas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Modesto Varas

    Full Text Available Introduction and objective: pancreatic endocrine tumors (PET are difficult to diagnose. Their accurate localization using imaging techniques is intended to provide a definite cure. The goal of this retrospective study was to review a PET series from a private institution. Patients and methods: the medical records of 19 patients with PETs were reviewed, including 4 cases of MEN-1, for a period of 17 years (1994-2010. A database was set up with ten parameters: age, sex, symptoms, imaging techniques, size and location in the pancreas, metastasis, surgery, complications, adjuvant therapies, definite diagnosis, and survival or death. Results: a total of 19 cases were analyzed. Mean age at presentation was 51 years (range: 26-67 y (14 males, 5 females, and tumor size was 5 to 80 mm (X: 20 mm. Metastatic disease was present in 37% (7/19. Most underwent the following imaging techniques: ultrasounds, computed tomography (CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI. Fine needle aspiration punction (FNA was performed for the primary tumor in 4 cases. Non-functioning: 7 cases (37%, insulinoma: 2 cases [1 with possible multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN], Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES from gastrinoma: 5 (3 with MEN-1, glucagonoma: 2 cases, 2 somatostatinomas; carcinoid: 1 case with carcinoide-like syndrome. Most patients were operated upon: 14/19 (73%. Four (4/14: 28% has postoperative complications following pancreatectomy: pancreatitis, pseudocyst, and abdominal collections. Some patients received chemotherapy (4, somatostatin (3 and interferon (2 before or after surgery. Median follow-up was 48 months. Actuarial survival during the study was 73.6% (14/19. Conclusions: age was similar to that described in the literature. Males were predominant. Most cases were non-functioning (37%. Most patients underwent surgery (73% with little morbidity (28% and an actuarial survival of 73.6% at the time of the study.

  19. Improvement over time in outcomes for patients undergoing endoscopic therapy for Barrett's oesophagus-related neoplasia: 6-year experience from the first 500 patients treated in the UK patient registry.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Haidry, R J


    Barrett\\'s oesophagus (BE) is a pre-malignant condition leading to oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC). Treatment of neoplasia at an early stage is desirable. Combined endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) followed by radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is an alternative to surgery for patients with BE-related neoplasia.

  20. Low temperature grown GaNAsSb: A promising material for photoconductive switch application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tan, K. H.; Yoon, S. F.; Wicaksono, S.; Loke, W. K.; Li, D. S. [School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 (Singapore); Saadsaoud, N.; Tripon-Canseliet, C. [Laboratoire d' Electronique et Electromagnétisme, Pierre and Marie Curie University, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris (France); Lampin, J. F.; Decoster, D. [Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN), UMR CNRS 8520, Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, BP 60069, 59652 Villeneuve d' Ascq Cedex (France); Chazelas, J. [Thales Airborne Systems, 2 Avenue Gay Lussac, 78852 Elancourt (France)


    We report a photoconductive switch using low temperature grown GaNAsSb as the active material. The GaNAsSb layer was grown at 200 °C by molecular beam epitaxy in conjunction with a radio frequency plasma-assisted nitrogen source and a valved antimony cracker source. The low temperature growth of the GaNAsSb layer increased the dark resistivity of the switch and shortened the carrier lifetime. The switch exhibited a dark resistivity of 10{sup 7} Ω cm, a photo-absorption of up to 2.1 μm, and a carrier lifetime of ∼1.3 ps. These results strongly support the suitability of low temperature grown GaNAsSb in the photoconductive switch application.

  1. UAS Integration in the NAS: Detect and Avoid (United States)

    Shively, Jay


    This presentation will cover the structure of the unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) integration into the national airspace system (NAS) project (UAS-NAS Project). The talk also details the motivation of the project to help develop standards for a detect-and-avoid (DAA) system, which is required in order to comply with requirements in manned aviation to see-and-avoid other traffic so as to maintain well clear. The presentation covers accomplishments reached by the project in Phase 1 of the research, and touches on the work to be done in Phase 2. The discussion ends with examples of the display work developed as a result of the Phase 1 research.

  2. "Sempre tivemos mulheres nos cantos e nas cordas": uma pesquisa sobre o lugar feminino nas corporações musicais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mayara Pacheco Coelho


    Full Text Available O presente artigo insere-se em projeto de pesquisa-intervenção sobre a música e suas articulações identitárias nas corporações musicais da região dos Campos das Vertentes, em especial São João del-Rei e cidades vizinhas. Nessa região, a música tem papel significativo na formação da identidade cultural dos cidadãos e na história dos municípios. O recorte atual apresenta uma investigação sobre determinações de gênero, visando conhecer como se dá a participação de musicistas nas bandas e orquestras da região. Para tanto, utilizou-se a análise arqueológica do discurso, a fim de contrapor falas de musicistas às falas de músicos das corporações e, também, às falas masculinas presentes na filosofia e ao discurso utópico sobre a mulher. Observou-se que as diferenças de gênero tradicionais conservam-se encobertas no cotidiano das corporações musicais. Entretanto, observou-se também que as musicistas começam a ser reconhecidas nas corporações e, sobretudo, reconhecem-se como capazes de, nelas, alçarem voos.

  3. Development of GaInNAsSb alloys: Growth, band structure, optical properties and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harris, James S. Jr.; Kudrawiec, R.; Yuen, H.B.; Bank, S.R.; Bae, H.P.; Wistey, M.A.; Jackrel, D.; Pickett, E.R.; Sarmiento, T.; Goddard, L.L.; Lordi, V.; Gugov, T.


    In the past few years, GaInNAsSb has been found to be a potentially superior material to both GaInNAs and InGaAsP for communications wavelength laser applications. It has been observed that due to the surfactant role of antimony during epitaxy, higher quality material can be grown over the entire 1.2-1.6 μm range on GaAs substrates. In addition, it has been discovered that antimony in GaInNAsSb also works as a constituent that significantly modifies the valence band. These findings motivated a systematic study of GaInNAsSb alloys with widely varying compositions. Our recent progress in growth and materials development of GaInNAsSb alloys and our fabrication of 1.5-1.6 μm lasers are discussed in this paper. We review our recent studies of the conduction band offset in (Ga,In) (N,As,Sb)/GaAs quantum wells and discuss the growth challenges of GaInNAsSb alloys. Finally, we report record setting long wavelength edge emitting lasers and the first monolithic VCSELs operating at 1.5 μm based on GaInNAsSb QWs grown on GaAs. Successful development of GaInNAsSb alloys for lasers has led to a much broader range of potential applications for this material including: solar cells, electroabsorption modulators, saturable absorbers and far infrared optoelectronic devices and these are also briefly discussed in this paper. (copyright 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  4. Development of GaInNAsSb alloys: Growth, band structure, optical properties and applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harris, James S. Jr.; Kudrawiec, R.; Yuen, H.B.; Bank, S.R.; Bae, H.P.; Wistey, M.A.; Jackrel, D.; Pickett, E.R.; Sarmiento, T.; Goddard, L.L.; Lordi, V.; Gugov, T. [Solid State and Photonics Laboratory, Stanford University, CIS-X 328, Via Ortega, Stanford, California 94305-4075 (United States)


    In the past few years, GaInNAsSb has been found to be a potentially superior material to both GaInNAs and InGaAsP for communications wavelength laser applications. It has been observed that due to the surfactant role of antimony during epitaxy, higher quality material can be grown over the entire 1.2-1.6 {mu}m range on GaAs substrates. In addition, it has been discovered that antimony in GaInNAsSb also works as a constituent that significantly modifies the valence band. These findings motivated a systematic study of GaInNAsSb alloys with widely varying compositions. Our recent progress in growth and materials development of GaInNAsSb alloys and our fabrication of 1.5-1.6 {mu}m lasers are discussed in this paper. We review our recent studies of the conduction band offset in (Ga,In) (N,As,Sb)/GaAs quantum wells and discuss the growth challenges of GaInNAsSb alloys. Finally, we report record setting long wavelength edge emitting lasers and the first monolithic VCSELs operating at 1.5 {mu}m based on GaInNAsSb QWs grown on GaAs. Successful development of GaInNAsSb alloys for lasers has led to a much broader range of potential applications for this material including: solar cells, electroabsorption modulators, saturable absorbers and far infrared optoelectronic devices and these are also briefly discussed in this paper. (copyright 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  5. [Methods in neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS): results of a nationwide survey in Austria]. (United States)

    Bauchinger, S; Sapetschnig, I; Danda, M; Sommer, C; Resch, B; Urlesberger, B; Raith, W


    Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) occurs in neonates whose mothers have taken addictive drugs or were under substitution therapy during pregnancy. Incidence numbers of NAS are on the rise globally, even in Austria NAS is not rare anymore. The aim of our survey was to reveal the status quo of dealing with NAS in Austria. A questionnaire was sent to 20 neonatology departments all over Austria, items included questions on scoring, therapy, breast-feeding and follow-up procedures. The response rate was 95%, of which 94.7% had written guidelines concerning NAS. The median number of children being treated per year for NAS was 4. Finnegan scoring system is used in 100% of the responding departments. Morphine is being used most often, in opiate abuse (100%) as well as in multiple substance abuse (44.4%). The most frequent forms of morphine preparation are morphine and diluted tincture of opium. Frequency as well as dosage of medication vary broadly. 61.1% of the departments supported breast-feeding, regulations concerned participation in a substitution programme and general contraindications (HIV, HCV, HBV). Our results revealed that there is a big west-east gradient in patients being treated per year. NAS is not a rare entity anymore in Austria (up to 50 cases per year in Vienna). Our survey showed that most neonatology departments in Austria treat their patients following written guidelines. Although all of them base these guidelines on international recommendations there is no national consensus. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  6. Perceived Health-Related Quality of Life in Women With Vulvar Neoplasia: A Cross Sectional Study. (United States)

    Kobleder, Andrea; Nikolic, Nataša; Hechinger, Mareike; Denhaerynck, Kris; Hampl, Monika; Mueller, Michael D; Senn, Beate


    The aim of the study was to determine health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of women with surgically treated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) and vulvar cancer (VC) during the first week after hospital discharge. Further objectives were to investigate differences between women with VIN and VC as well as to examine whether correlations exist between women's symptom experience and HRQoL. This cross-sectional study was conducted in 8 hospitals in Germany and Switzerland. Women with VIN and VC rated HRQoL with the validated German Short-Form 36. Differences between HRQoL in women with VIN and VC were tested with Wilcoxon rank-sum score. The WOMen with vulvAr Neoplasia (WOMAN) - Patient reported Outcome (PRO) self-report instrument was used to measure women's symptom experience. Correlations between symptoms and HRQoL were calculated using Spearman correlation coefficient. Women with VIN and VC (n = 65) reported lower HRQoL in physical aspects (Physical Component Summary [PCS], 34.9) than that in mental aspects (Mental Component Summary, 40.5). Women with VC had lower HRQoL than women with VIN, as manifested by significant differences concerning the dimensions of "physical functioning" and "role-physical." "Difficulties in daily life" as a distressing symptom correlated with MCS and PCS. Wound-related symptoms correlated with PCS and psychosocial symptoms/issues with MCS. Analysis showed that women with vulvar neoplasia reported lower HRQoL in the physical and mental dimensions 1 week after discharge than comparable studies referring to months or years after surgery. Health-related quality of life is influenced by physical impairment because physical symptoms are prevalent 1 week after discharge. Patient education should focus on symptom management in an early postsurgical phase to enhance women's HRQoL.

  7. Radiation-induced intestinal neoplasia in a genetically-predisposed mouse (Min)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellender, M.; Larder, S.M.; Harrison, J.D.; Cox, R.; Silver, A.R.J.


    A mouse lineage with inherited predisposition to multiple intestinal neoplasia (min) has been proposed as a model to study human colorectal cancer. Min mice are heterozygous for the adenomatous polyposis coli (Apc) gene implicated in human familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). There is an increased risk of intestinal cancer in humans following radiation exposure and the min mouse model may be used to further our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved. The present study showed a 2 Gy dose of x-rays doubles the tumour numbers in the murine gastrointestinal tract of F1 min heterozygotes. The distribution of tumours through the gut was also recorded. (authors)

  8. Mielopatia necrotizante e neoplasias: registro clinico-patologico de dois casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos R. G. de Freitas


    Full Text Available São relatados dois casos de mielopatia transversa subaguda associada a tumores malignos. O primeiro paciente apresentava neoplasia de células reticulares histiocitárias e o segundo, carcinoma renal. Os autores fazem revisão dos casos similares descritos na literatura. As alterações anátomo-patológicas medulares encontradas foram semelhantes às descritas nos relatos prévios, sendo que no primeiro caso havia também intenso infiltrado inflamatório perivascular e a presença de astrócitos bizarros. Tais alterações encontradas sugerem ser esta afecção de natureza viral.

  9. Características clínicas de doentes com neoplasia do pulmão e neoplasias primárias síncronas ou metácronas com outras localizações Clinical characteristics of patients with lung cancer and metachronous or synchronous tumours with other locations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inês Vaz Luís


    Full Text Available O cancro do pulmão é a causa mais comum de morte por doença oncológica. Os doentes com diagnóstico de neoplasia - qualquer que seja a localização - têm risco acrescido de desenvolver um segundo tumor. Pretendeu-se caracterizar uma população com neoplasia do pulmão e o diagnóstico síncrono ou metácrono de tumor primário com outra localização. Foi feito um estudo retrospectivo, referente ao período de 2000-2007, analisando-se os processos clínicos de doentes seguidos na Unidade de Pneumologia Oncológica do nosso hospital em que estavam referenciadas duas neoplasias. Dos doentes seguidos na Unidade (n=1046 no período referido, 4,2% (n=44 tinham evidência de duas neoplasias. A maioria (88,6% dos doentes eram homens, com idade média elevada (70,1±10 anos. Oitenta e seis por cento (n=38 tinham hábitos tabágicos e 65,4% dos doentes com registo de história familiar de neoplasia (n=26 tinham história familiar relevante (n=17. A doença oncológica manifestou-se em primeiro lugar na próstata, cólon, cabeça e pescoço ou bexiga. O cancro do pulmão foi em geral a segunda neoplasia. O intervalo de tempo médio entre a primeira e a segunda neoplasia foi de 62,9±64,9 meses (max: 240, min: 0, sendo que geralmente a segunda neoplasia foi detectada em estádio avançado. A sobrevivência média foi de 8,6±8,24 meses (max: 32; min: 1, permanecendo vivos quatro doentes. Os presentes dados levam-nos a sugerir vigilância clínica prolongada em doentes com diagnóstico prévio de cancro. Sugerimos um algoritmo que possibilite vigiar melhor estes doentes e estudo prospectivo para verificar se existem marcadores moleculares nesta população.Lung cancer is the leading form of cancer death worldwide. Cancer patients are at a high risk of developing a second cancer. The present study attempts to determine the characteristics of a population with lung cancer diagnosed with another cancer. We analysed records of patients from the

  10. Long-Term Risk for Noncervical Anogenital Cancer in Women with Previously Diagnosed High-Grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sand, Freja Lærke; Munk, Christian; Jensen, Signe Marie


    Background: High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) is essential for developing high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2 and CIN3) and has also been associated with noncervical anogenital cancers. However, limited knowledge exists about the long-term risk for anal, vulvar, and vaginal...

  11. Transporter function and cyclic AMP turnover in normal colonic mucosa from patients with and without colorectal neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kleberg, Karen; Jensen, Gerda Majgaard; Christensen, Dan Ploug


    The pathogenesis of colorectal neoplasia is still unresolved but has been associated with alterations in epithelial clearance of xenobiotics and metabolic waste products. The aim of this study was to functionally characterize the transport of cyclic nucleotides in colonic biopsies from patients...

  12. Avaliação clínica, de progesterona e da expressão gênica de receptores esteróides dos tumores de mama em cadelas


    Ramos, Renata dos Santos [UNESP


    Os tumores mamários constituem as neoplasias de maior ocorrência nas cadelas e os hormônios são apontados como um dos principais fatores etiológicos. Foram utilizadas 26 cadelas portadoras de neoplasias mamárias e cinco cadelas sem afecções mamárias para o grupo controle. Através de um questionário respondido pelos proprietários das cadelas, parâmetros como pseudogestação, histórico de prenhez, uso de contraceptivos e tipo de alimentação foram analisados. Foram realizadas dosagens hormonais s...

  13. Thyroid neoplasia following radiation therapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McHenry, C.; Jarosz, H.; Calandra, D.; McCall, A.; Lawrence, A.M.; Paloyan, E.


    The question of thyroid neoplasia following high-dose radiation treatment to the neck and mediastinum for malignant neoplasms such as Hodgkin's lymphoma in children and young adults has been raised recently. Five patients, 19 to 39 years old, were operated on for thyroid neoplasms that developed following cervical and mediastinal radiation therapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma. Three patients had papillary carcinomas and two had follicular adenomas. The latency period between radiation exposure and the diagnosis of thyroid neoplasm ranged from eight to 16 years. This limited series provided strong support for the recommendation that children and young adults who are to receive high-dose radiation therapy to the head, neck, and mediastinum should receive suppressive doses of thyroxine prior to radiation therapy in order to suppress thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone) and then be maintained on a regimen of suppression permanently

  14. Oral tumors in dogs: clinical aspects, exfoliative cytology and histopathology Neoplasias orais em cães: avaliação dos aspectos clínicos, histopatologia e citologia esfoliativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cláudia Ronca Felizzola


    Full Text Available In order to establish the diagnosis and prognosis of tumors of the oral cavity, a comparative study was carried out in 130 dogs considering age, sex, breed, clinical aspects, exfoliative cytology as well as histopathology. Exfoliative cytology revealed: 100% negative for benign non-odontogenic tumors, 97.91% negative benign odontogenic tumors and 77.92% positive for malignant tumors. Histopathology showed: 59.23% malignant tumors (33.08% malignant melanoma, 9.23% squamous cell carcinoma, 5.38% osteosarcoma, 2.31% fibrosarcoma, 2.31% angiosarcoma, 1.54% malignant mesenchymal tumors, 1.54% malignant fibrohistiocytoma, 1.54% lymphoma, 0.77% leyomyosarcoma, 0.77%% epithelioid sarcoma and 0.77% angiofibrosarcoma; 36.92% benign odontogenic tumors (25.38% peripheral odontogenic fibroma, 10.0% ossifyng fibroma and 1.54% odontoma in addition to 3.85% benign non-odontogenic tumors (1.54% fibroma, 0.77% plasmocytoma, 0.77% pilomatrixoma and 0.77% giant tumor cells. These results permit us to conclude that exfoliative cytology was an efficient, safe, quick and noninvasive method and could be used for early evaluation of oral cancer.Objetivou-se o estudo comparativo em tumores de cavidade bucal de animais de espécie canina de acordo com sexo, faixa etária, raça, aspectos clínicos, citologia esfoliativa e histopatologia, para estabelecer diagnóstico dessas neoplasias, tendo sido utilizados 130 cães, encaminhados ao Hospital Veterinário (HOVET da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo. Os resultados obtidos na citologia esfoliativa foram: 100% de negativos para neoplasias benignas não odontogênicas; 97,91% de negativos para neoplasias benignas odontôgenicas e 77,92% de positivos para neoplasias malignas. Obtiveram-se os seguintes resultados no exame histopatológico: neoplasias malignas - 59,23% (melanoma 33,08%, carcinoma epidermóide 9,23%, osteossarcoma 5,38%, fibrossarcoma 2,31%, angiossarcoma 2

  15. Estabilidad de emulsiones preparadas con proteínas de sueros de soja

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Wagner


    Full Text Available Por precipitación con acetona en frio, se obtuvieron muestras de proteínas aisladas de dos sueros de soja, el suero SS proveniente de la obtención de aislados de soja y el suero de tofu ST. A partir del SS y del mismo suero previamente liofilizado y calentado (SSLC se obtuvieron las proteínas denominadas PSS y PSSLC, respectivamente; a partir de ST se preparó la muestra PST. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar la estabilidad de emulsiones o/w preparadas con las proteínas de sueros de soja en forma comparativa con un aislado de soja nativo (ASN. Las emulsiones se prepararon por homogeneización de dispersiones proteicas (0,1–1,0 % p/v en buffer fosfato 10 mM pH 7 y aceite de girasol (Φmásico=0,33, empleando un Ultraturrax T-25. La estabilidad fue evaluada por medida del aceite separado, distribución de tamaño de partículas (por difracción láser y los grados de cremado y coalescencia evaluados a través de perfiles de BackScattering. Se observó que en todas las concentraciones ensayadas las emulsiones preparadas con proteínas aisladas (por precipitación con acetona en frío de suero de tofu tratado térmicamente (PST tenían una estabilidad comparable a la de emulsiones preparadas con ASN. Se halló una estabilidad menor en emulsiones con proteínas nativas de suero de soja (PSS obtenido en laboratorio no tratado térmicamente. Las proteínas obtenidas de este suero liofilizado y calentado (PSSLC exhibieron una mejor capacidad emulsionante. Los resultados mostraron que las proteínas de sueros de soja presentan buenas propiedades emulsionantes y estabilizantes dependientes del grado de desnaturalización y glicosilación alcanzado.

  16. Use of faecal markers in screening for colorectal neoplasia: a European group on tumor markers position paper.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Duffy, Michael J


    Several randomized controlled trials have shown that population-based screening using faecal occult blood testing (FOBT) can reduce mortality from colorectal neoplasia. Based on this evidence, a number of countries have introduced screening for colorectal cancer (CRC) and high-risk adenoma and many others are considering its introduction. The aim of this article is to critically review the current status of faecal markers as population-based screening tests for these neoplasia. Most of the available faecal tests involve the measurement of either occult blood or a panel of DNA markers. Occult blood may be measured using either the guaiac faecal occult blood test (gFOBT) or a faecal immunochemical test (iFOBT). Although iFOBT may require a greater initial investment, they have several advantages over gFOBT, including greater analytical sensitivity and specificity. Their use results in improved clinical performance and higher uptake rates. Importantly for population screening, some of the iFOBTs can be automated and provide an adjustable cutoff for faecal haemoglobin concentration. However, samples for iFOBT, may be less stable after collection than for gFOBT. For new centres undertaking FOBT for colorectal neoplasia, the European Group on Tumour Markers recommends use of a quantitative iFOBT with an adjustable cutoff point and high throughput analysis. All participants with positive FOBT results should be offered colonoscopy. The panel recommends further research into increasing the stability of iFOBT and the development of improved and affordable DNA and proteomic-based tests, which reduce current false negative rates, simplify sample transport and enable automated analysis.

  17. High-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy in the management of cervical and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogino, Ichiro; Kitamura, Tatsuo; Okajima, Hiroyuki; Matsubara, Sho


    Purpose: To assess the effectiveness of high-dose rate intracavitary brachytherapy (HDR-ICR) in patients with grade 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN-3) and grade 3 vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN-3). Methods and Materials: This was a retrospective analysis in 20 patients with CIN-3 (n = 14) or VAIN-3 (n = 6), average age 61.9 years, managed with HDR-ICR at Kanagawa Cancer Center. Two patients with CIN-3 with microinvasive foci and 11 other patients with CIN-3 were treated with HDR-ICR for cervical lesions. Six patients with CIN-3 after hysterectomy received HDR-ICR for recurrent or residual VAIN-3 lesions. One patient received radiation therapy for both CIN-3 and VAIN-3 lesions. All these patients but one were postmenopausal. Results: Seventeen patients were treated with HDR-ICR alone, and three with combined external radiation therapy. The dose was calculated at Point A located 2 cm superior to the external os and 2 cm lateral to the axis of the intrauterine tube for intact uterus. For lesions of the vaginal stump, the dose was calculated at a point 1 cm superior to the vaginal apex or 1 cm beyond vaginal mucosa. In the 14 patients treated for CIN-3 lesions, the mean total dose of HDR-ICR was 26.1 Gy (range 20-30). Six patients received HDR-ICR for VAIN-3 lesions with mean dose of 23.3 Gy (range 15-30). At follow-up (mean 90.5 months; range 13-153), 14 patients were alive and 6 had died owing to nonmalignant intercurrent disease. No patient developed recurrent disease. Rectal bleeding occurred in three patients, but this symptom subsided spontaneously. Moderate and severe vaginal reactions were noted in two patients, in whom the treatment had included the entire vagina. Conclusions: HDR-ICR can be employed as the primary management strategy for postmenopausal women with CIN-3. In intraepithelial neoplasia involving the vaginal wall after hysterectomy, HDR-ICR should be considered as an alternative to total vaginectomy

  18. Proteínas: redefiniendo algunos conceptos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Camilo Calderon Vélez


    Full Text Available El conocimiento sobre las estructuras primarias, secundarias y terciarias de las proteínas crece cada día; la terminología y su adecuado uso, incluso para los conocedores, pueden resultar confusos. Se propone en esta comunicación una forma sencilla y práctica de abordar el tema.

  19. Neoplasia intraepitelial cervical en mujeres menores de 25 años

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha María Chávez Valdivia


    Full Text Available Fundamento: aunque la incidencia de lesiones preinvasivas del cervix ha sido mayor en mujeres de la tercera a cuarta década de la vida, en los últimos años se ha encontrando un número no despreciable de mujeres menores de 25 años afectadas por este tipo de lesiones de bajo o alto grado. Objetivo: describir el comportamiento de las neoplasias intraepiteliales cervicales diagnosticadas en mujeres menores de 25 años de edad, y tratadas con radiocirugía. Métodos: estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo de 67 pacientes menores de 25 años de edad, con diagnóstico de neoplasia intraepitelial cervical y tratadas por el método de radiocirugía en el Hospital General de Cienfuegos. Se analizaron las variables: edad, tipo de NIC, grado de la NIC y presencia de VPH. Resultados: el grupo más afectado fue el de las mujeres de 21 a 25 años de edad, portador del 70,4 % de lesiones. El 86, 56 % de las lesiones fue de alto grado. Las lesiones estuvieron asociadas con elevada frecuencia (88,05 % a condiloma, evidencia histológica indirecta de la citotoxicidad por la infestación tisular del VPH. Conclusiones: La presencia de NIC en mujeres menores de 25 años de edad, se configura en nuestro medio como problema de salud. El presente estudio puede servir como sustrato para desarrollar investigaciones similares en varios lugares del país, con la finalidad de aportar evidencia global que conduzca al cambio.

  20. Telomere dynamics and cytogenetic changes in human hematologic neoplasias: a working hypothesis. (United States)

    Ohyashiki, K; Ohyashiki, J H


    Chromosome termini, termed telomeres, provide important protection to avoid loss of master gene(s) that may exist at subtelomeric regions. Moreover, erosion of telomeres by cell division through end-replication problems resulted in telomeric-associated cytogenetic aberrations. To maintain a telomere length related to cell immortality, telomerase activity is upregulated in cancer cells, therefore, telomerase is considered to be a new marker of neoplasias. In this paper, we review and make suggestions regarding key aspects of telomere dynamics in both normal hematopoiesis and in malignant hematologic diseases.

  1. Applications Performance on NAS Intel Paragon XP/S - 15# (United States)

    Saini, Subhash; Simon, Horst D.; Copper, D. M. (Technical Monitor)


    The Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Systems Division received an Intel Touchstone Sigma prototype model Paragon XP/S- 15 in February, 1993. The i860 XP microprocessor with an integrated floating point unit and operating in dual -instruction mode gives peak performance of 75 million floating point operations (NIFLOPS) per second for 64 bit floating point arithmetic. It is used in the Paragon XP/S-15 which has been installed at NAS, NASA Ames Research Center. The NAS Paragon has 208 nodes and its peak performance is 15.6 GFLOPS. Here, we will report on early experience using the Paragon XP/S- 15. We have tested its performance using both kernels and applications of interest to NAS. We have measured the performance of BLAS 1, 2 and 3 both assembly-coded and Fortran coded on NAS Paragon XP/S- 15. Furthermore, we have investigated the performance of a single node one-dimensional FFT, a distributed two-dimensional FFT and a distributed three-dimensional FFT Finally, we measured the performance of NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) on the Paragon and compare it with the performance obtained on other highly parallel machines, such as CM-5, CRAY T3D, IBM SP I, etc. In particular, we investigated the following issues, which can strongly affect the performance of the Paragon: a. Impact of the operating system: Intel currently uses as a default an operating system OSF/1 AD from the Open Software Foundation. The paging of Open Software Foundation (OSF) server at 22 MB to make more memory available for the application degrades the performance. We found that when the limit of 26 NIB per node out of 32 MB available is reached, the application is paged out of main memory using virtual memory. When the application starts paging, the performance is considerably reduced. We found that dynamic memory allocation can help applications performance under certain circumstances. b. Impact of data cache on the i860/XP: We measured the performance of the BLAS both assembly coded and Fortran

  2. Virus como inductores de neoplasias cutáneas Viruses as agents inducing cutaneous neoplasms

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    Francisco Bravo Puccio


    Full Text Available El rol oncogénico de los virus en las neoplasias cutáneas es conocido por el hombre desde hace más de un siglo, cuando se atribuía el origen de la verruga vulgar al virus papiloma humano (VPH. En la actualidad, las neoplasias inducidas por virus pueden agruparse en tumores sólidos y procesos linfoproliferativos. Destacan entre los primeros el VPH, del cual ahora conocemos numerosos serotipos, cada uno vinculado a una neoplasia específica, el herpesvirus humano tipo 8 que produce el sarcoma de Kaposi y el poliomavirus vinculado al carcinoma de Merkel. Entre los procesos linfoproliferativos debemos mencionar al virus linfotrópico de células T humanas tipo 1 (HTLV-1 responsable de los linfomas de células T, en los cuales el compromiso cutáneo es inespecífico, con un amplio espectro de presentaciones clínicas y, que por consiguiente, plantean un reto para el diagnóstico diferencial. En este grupo también se encuentra el virus Epstein Barr vinculado a los linfomas nasales de Células NK/T y a los linfomas tipo Hidroa, de reciente descripción. En esta era en la que lo genético y lo molecular priman en las investigaciones en cáncer, no podemos dejar de lado el concepto de neoplasia como resultado de la infección por un agente viral, lo que abre una nueva veta de posibilidades de tratamiento anticanceroso basado en medicamentos antiviralesThe oncogenic role of viruses in cutaneous neoplasms has been known by humankind for more than a century, when the origin of the common wart, or verruca vulgaris, was attributed to the human papilloma virus (HPV. Currently, virus-induced cutaneous neoplasms may be grouped into solid tumors and lymphoproliferative disorders. HPV, from which various serotypes are now known, each being linked to a specific neoplasm, the human herpes virus type 8 producing Kaposi sarcoma, and the Merkel cell polyomavirus, highlight among the first group. Regarding the lymphoproliferative disorders, we should mention the

  3. Genetic variants on chromosome 8q24 and colorectal neoplasia risk: a case-control study in China and a meta-analysis of the published literature.

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    Mian Li

    Full Text Available Previous studies have found that common genetic variants on chromosome 8q24 are associated with the risk of developing colorectal neoplasia. We conducted a hospital-based case-control study, including 435 cases and 788 unrelated controls to investigate the associations between common variants on 8q24 and the risk of colorectal cancer in a Chinese population. We also evaluated the association of rs6983267 with colorectal neoplasia in the published literature via a meta-analysis study. We found that rs6983267 was significantly associated with the risk of colorectal cancer in the Chinese population, with an adjusted odds-ratio (OR for the GT heterozygotes and GG homozygotes of 1.30 (95% CI= 0.98-1.71, P = 0.069 and 1.66 (95% CI = 1.18-2.34, P = 0.004, respectively, compared to the TT homozygotes, with a P-trend value of 0.003. No association was found for the other three loci (rs16901979, rs1447295 and rs7837688. In the meta-analysis of the published genetic association studies, the rs6983267 variant was found to be associated with an increased risk of colorectal neoplasia. The heterozygous GT carriers showed a 20% increased risk of colorectal neoplasia (OR= 1.20, 95% CI= 1.16-1.25; random effects model with a summary OR for homozygous GG carriers of 1.39 (95% CI= 1.32-1.48; random effects model compared to the TT genotype carriers. We found no significant differences between the association of rs6983267 and colorectal cancer and colorectal adenomas. In summary, our study confirms that the variant rs6983267 is a risk factor for colorectal neoplasia in various populations, including the Chinese population.

  4. Tetovēšanas tradīcija Ķīnas vēsturē


    Zolotarjova, Anastasija


    Šī bakalaura darba nosaukums ir „Tetovēšanas tradīcija Ķīnas vēsturē”. Tetovēšanas tradīcijai ir sena vēsture. Ķīnas teritoriju apdzīvojošās tautas jau kopš senatnes izmantoja tetovēšanu dažādiem nolūkiem – kā aizsargu no ļaunajiem gariem, kā dekoru, kā soda veidu, kā atpazīšanas zīmi un zvēresta nodošanai. Izpētītas arī mūsdienu Ķīnas mazākumtautību tetovēšanas tradīcijas. Darba mērķis ir seno Ķīnas tautu un mūsdienu Ķīnas mazākumtautību tradīciju un tetovēšanas iemeslu izpēte, kā arī i...

  5. Oncogene-induced progression of preneoplastic rat tracheal epithelial cells to neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomassen, D.G.; Kelly, G.


    N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) induced preneoplastic variants of rat tracheal epithelial (RTE) cells can be neo plastically transformed following transfection with oncogenic DNA. Variants differ with respect to the oncogenes required for neoplastic conversion. Polyma virus DNA transformed each of four variants neo plastically, whereas viral ras DNA only transformed two of four variants. These data demonstrate that preneoplastic variants of RTE cells differ with respect to the changes needed for conversion to neoplastic cells and that the variants tested are either at different stages or on different pathways of progression to neoplasia. (author)

  6. Invalidez por dor nas costas entre segurados da Previdência Social do Brasil

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    Ney Meziat Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as aposentadorias por invalidez decorrente de dor nas costas. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo com dados do Sistema Único de Informações de Benefícios e dos Anuários Estatísticos da Previdência Social em 2007. A taxa de incidência de dor nas costas como causa das aposentadorias por invalidez foi calculada segundo as variáveis idade e sexo, nos estados. Os dias de trabalho perdidos por invalidez decorrente de dor nas costas foram calculados segundo atividade profissional. RESULTADOS: A dor nas costas idiopática foi a primeira causa de invalidez entre as aposentadorias previdenciárias e acidentárias. A maioria dos beneficiários residia em área urbana e era comerciário. A taxa de incidência de dor nas costas como causa das aposentadorias por invalidez no Brasil foi de 29,96 por 100.000 contribuintes. Esse valor foi mais elevado entre os homens e entre as pessoas mais velhas. Rondônia exibiu taxa quatro vezes superior ao esperado (RT = 4,05 e a segunda maior taxa, referente à Bahia, foi de aproximadamente duas vezes o esperado (RT = 2,07. Os comerciários foram responsáveis por 96,9% dos dias perdidos por invalidez. CONCLUSÕES: A dor nas costas foi uma importante causa de invalidez em 2007, sobretudo entre comerciários, com grandes diferenças entre os estados.

  7. Disseminated medullary thyroid carcinoma despite early thyroid surgery in the multiple endocrine neoplasia-2A syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Santen, H. M.; Aronson, D. C.; van Trotsenburg, A. S. P.; ten Kate, F. J. W.; van de Wetering, M. D.; Wiersinga, W. M.; de Vijlder, J. J. M.; Vulsma, T.


    A 5 1/2-year-old boy, with a family history of multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)-2A syndrome, was evaluated for presence of MEN-2A and medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). DNA diagnostics confirmed MEN-2A. Basal (360 ng/L) and pentagastrin stimulated (430 ng/L) calcitonin (CT) levels were slightly

  8. Predictive cytogenetic biomarkers for colorectal neoplasia in medium risk patients. (United States)

    Ionescu, E M; Nicolaie, T; Ionescu, M A; Becheanu, G; Andrei, F; Diculescu, M; Ciocirlan, M


    DNA damage and chromosomal alterations in peripheral lymphocytes parallels DNA mutations in tumor tissues. The aim of our study was to predict the presence of neoplastic colorectal lesions by specific biomarkers in "medium risk" individuals (age 50 to 75, with no personal or family of any colorectal neoplasia). We designed a prospective cohort observational study including patients undergoing diagnostic or opportunistic screening colonoscopy. Specific biomarkers were analyzed for each patient in peripheral lymphocytes - presence of micronuclei (MN), nucleoplasmic bridges (NPB) and the Nuclear Division Index (NDI) by the cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay (CBMN). Of 98 patients included, 57 were "medium risk" individuals. MN frequency and NPB presence were not significantly different in patients with neoplastic lesions compared to controls. In "medium risk" individuals, mean NDI was significantly lower for patients with any neoplastic lesions (adenomas and adenocarcinomas, AUROC 0.668, p 00.5), for patients with advanced neoplasia (advanced adenoma and adenocarcinoma, AUROC 0.636 p 0.029) as well as for patients with adenocarcinoma (AUROC 0.650, p 0.048), for each comparison with the rest of the population. For a cut-off of 1.8, in "medium risk" individuals, an NDI inferior to that value may predict any neoplastic lesion with a sensitivity of 97.7%, an advanced neoplastic lesion with a sensitivity of 97% and adenocarcinoma with a sensitivity of 94.4%. NDI score may have a role as a colorectal cancer-screening test in "medium risk" individuals. DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid; CRC = colorectal cancer; EU = European Union; WHO = World Health Organization; FOBT = fecal occult blood test; CBMN = cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay; MN = micronuclei; NPB = nucleoplasmic bridges; NDI = Nuclear Division Index; FAP = familial adenomatous polyposis; HNPCC = hereditary non-polypoid colorectal cancer; IBD = inflammatory bowel diseases; ROC = receiver operating





    O presente trabalho de dissertação de mestrado tem como objeto de estudo O uso do Twitter nas eleições presidenciais de 2010. Apresenta como objetivos principais: 1) Analisar o Twitter como ferramenta de comunicação nas eleições. 2) Identificar o uso do Twitter pelos três principais candidatos a presidência da república no Brasil nas eleições presidenciais em 2010. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, que sistematiza dados empíricos coletados diretamente do Twitter dos candidatos pesquisado...

  10. Primary plasmacytoma of the thyroid gland: a case report of a rare neoplasia Plasmocitoma da glândula tireoide: relato de caso de uma rara neoplasia

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    Eduardo Cambruzzi


    Full Text Available Extramedullary plasmacytoma comprises 3%-5% of all plasma cell neoplasms, and approximately 80% of the cases occur in the upper respiratory tract. Primary thyroid plasmacytomas (PTP are rare tumors. The authors report a case of PTP in a male patient with dyspnea and dysphagia. Physical examination and computerized tomography (CT scan revealed a solid tumor affecting the thyroid gland, measuring 12 cm in its greatest dimension. Surgical biopsy was performed. Microscopy revealed a hypercellular malignant neoplasm composed of round plasmacytoid cells arranged in solid nests, which showed a positive immunoexpression for CD138, epithelial membrane antigen (AME, kappa light chains and multiple myeloma oncogene 1 (MUM1. The diagnosis of PTP was accordingly established.O plasmocitoma extramedular constitui 3%-5% de todas as neoplasias de plasmócitos e aproximadamente 80% dos casos ocorrem no trato respiratório superior. Plasmocitomas primários da tireoide (TPP são tumores raros. Os autores relatam um caso de TPP em um paciente masculino referindo dispneia e disfagia. O exame físico e a tomografia computadorizada revelaram tumor sólido comprometendo a glândula tireoide, medindo 12 cm na maior dimensão, o qual foi submetido à biópsia cirúrgica. À microscopia, foi identificada neoplasia maligna hipercelular constituída por células redondas/plasmocitoides dispostas em ninhos sólidos, as quais exibiam imunoexpressão positiva para CD138, antígeno da membrana epitelial (AME, cadeias leves kappa e oncogene mieloma múltiplo 1 (MUM1. O diagnóstico de TPP foi, então, estabelecido.

  11. Low accuracy of tumor markers for diagnosing pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Laat, Joanne M.; Pieterman, Carolina R. C.; Weijmans, Maaike; Hermus, Ad R.; Dekkers, Olaf M.; de Herder, Wouter W.; van der Horst-Schrivers, Anouk N. A.; Drent, Madeleine L.; Bisschop, Peter H.; Havekes, Bas; Vriens, Menno R.; Valk, Gerlof D.


    Context: The assessment of tumor markers for diagnosing pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNET) in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) patients is advised in the current guidelines but has never been validated for this purpose. Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the

  12. Low Accuracy of Tumor Markers for Diagnosing Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 Patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Laat, Joanne M.; Pieterman, Carolina R. C.; Weijmans, Maaike; Hermus, Ad R.; Dekkers, Olaf M.; de Herder, Wouter W.; van der Horst-Schrivers, Anouk N. A.; Drent, Madeleine L.; Bisschop, Peter H.; Havekes, Bas; Vriens, Menno R.; Valk, Gerlof D.


    Context: The assessment of tumor markers for diagnosing pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNET) in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) patients is advised in the current guidelines but has never been validated for this purpose. Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the

  13. Effectiveness of cryotherapy treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. (United States)

    Luciani, Silvana; Gonzales, Miguel; Munoz, Sergio; Jeronimo, Jose; Robles, Sylvia


    To assess the effectiveness of cryotherapy treatment delivered by general practitioners in primary care settings, as part of a screen-and-treat approach for cervical cancer prevention. Women aged between 25 and 49 years residing in San Martin, Peru, who were positive on visual inspection screening were treated, if eligible, with cryotherapy following biopsy. At 12 months post cryotherapy treatment the participants were evaluated for treatment effectiveness and examined by visual inspection and Papanicolaou test and, if positive, referred to a gynecologist for colposcopy and biopsy. Cryotherapy treatment was performed for 1398 women; of these, 531 (38%) had a histology result of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Cryotherapy effectively cured CIN in 418 (88%) women, including 49 (70%) women with a baseline diagnosis of CIN 3. Cryotherapy is an effective treatment for cervical precancerous lesions; it can easily be administered by general practitioners in primary care settings following visual inspection screening.

  14. LASER treatment for women with high-grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia: A propensity-matched analysis on the efficacy of ablative versus excisional procedures. (United States)

    Bogani, Giorgio; Ditto, Antonino; Martinelli, Fabio; Mosca, Lavinia; Chiappa, Valentina; Rossetti, Diego; Leone Roberti Maggiore, Umberto; Sabatucci, Ilaria; Lorusso, Domenica; Raspagliesi, Francesco


    To investigate the long-term effectiveness of LASER treatment in women affected by high-grade vaginal intra-epithelial neoplasia. Data of consecutive women treated for high-grade vaginal intra-epithelial neoplasia were retrieved. Efficacy and long-term effectiveness of ablative and excisional procedures were tested using a propensity-matched algorithm. Risk of recurrence over the time was assessed using Kaplan-Meier and Cox models. Overall, 204 patients met the inclusion criteria. LASER ablation and exicision were performed in 169 (82.8%) and 35 (17.2%) patients. A total of 41 (20%) patients developed high-grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia at a median follow-up of 65 (range, 6-120) months. We observed that only HPV persistence (HR: 2.37 [95%CI:1.03, 5.42]; P = 0.04) was associated with the risk of recurrence at multivariate analysis. Seven (3.4%) invasive cancers of the lower genital tract were observed in our population. Considering the efficacy of type of procedure (after we applied the propensity-matched analysis), we observed that type of procedure did not influence persistence of HPV infection (22.8% after excision and 15.7% after ablation; P = 0.424). Similarly, recurrence (17.1% vs. 18.6%; P = 1.00) and lower genital tract (2.8% vs. 1.4%; P = 1.00) rates were similar between groups. Women affected by high-grade vaginal intra-epithelial neoplasia are at high risk of recurrence. LASER ablation seems to be equivalent to excision in term of long-term effectiveness. Lasers Surg. Med. 9999:1-7, 2018. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. O cuidado paliativo domiciliar sob a ótica de familiares responsáveis pela pessoa portadora de neoplasia El cuidado paliativo domiciliar en la óptica de familiares de la persona con neoplasia Palliative home care in the view of families of a person with neoplasia

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    Cláudia Adriana Moraes e Silva


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa cujo objetivo principal foi conhecer como o familiar vivencia o cuidado paliativo domiciliar dispensado à pessoa portadora de neoplasia. Utilizou-se a entrevista semi-estruturada para a coleta de informações. Os sujeitos foram oito pessoas que cuidam de pacientes vinculados ao serviço de oncologia regional. As informações foram analisadas através da Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin e referem-se à descrição dos motivos, significados e dificuldades vivenciados pelo familiar no cuidado domiciliar. Concluímos que as vivências mais significativas estão associadas aos motivos que levaram as mulheres a dispensarem o cuidado e que as vivências são permeadas por dificuldades econômicas e por sentimentos de gratidão, apego, amor, retribuição, medos, culpas e conflitos.El objetivo principal de esta investigación cualitativa ha sido conocer como las personas de la familia vivencían el cuidado domiciliario a la persona portadora de neoplasia en tratamiento paliativo. Se ha utilizado la entrevista semiestructurada para recoger las informaciones. Los sujetos han sido ocho personas que cuidan de pacientes vinculados al servicio de oncología regional. Se ha analizado las informaciones a través del Análisis de Contenido de Bardin y éstas se refieren a la descripción de los motivos, significados y dificultades vivenciados. Llegamos a la conclusión que las vivencias más significativas están asociadas a los motivos que han llevado a las mujeres al desarrollo del cuidado y son permeadas por dificultades económicas y por sentimientos de gratitud, apego, amor, retribución, miedos, culpas y conflictos.This is a qualitative research that aimed at knowing how the subject's family experiences palliative care in home for people with neoplasia. We have used a semi-structural interview for data collection. There were eight practitioners taking care of regional oncology service subjects. Data were analysed

  16. Deficiencia combinada de proteínas c y s

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    Yaneth Zamora-González

    Full Text Available Las trombofilias son un grupo de enfermedades que favorecen la formación de trombosis, tanto arteriales como venosas, que han sido asociadas con diferentes complicaciones durante el embarazo, como: aborto recurrente, preclampsia, crecimiento intrauterino retardado y muerte fetal intraútero, entre otras. La deficiencia congénita o adquirida de proteínas de la coagulación, como las proteínas C y S, se asocia con eventos trombóticos antes de los 30 o 40 años. La trombosis venosa profunda es considerada la manifestación clínica más frecuente, aunque también puede verse asociada con enfermedad cerebro vascular, pérdidas recurrentes de embarazos y otros estados isquémicos. En la actualidad, las enfermedades trombóticas constituyen una de las primeras causas de fallecimiento en el mundo; la morbimortalidad anual por trombosis, ya sea arterial o venosa, es de aproximadamente dos millones de personas. Presentamos un caso con antecedentes de pérdidas recurrentes de embarazos y trombosis venosa profunda en miembros inferiores con deficiencia combinada de proteínas C y S.

  17. The Analysis of Genetic Polymorphism. The Relationship between Interleukin – 4 Polymorphisms and Intraepithelial Cervical Neoplasia

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    Florin STAMATIAN


    Full Text Available Objectives: Interleukin 4 plays a critical role in T helper 2 responses to HPV infection and angiogenesis. The present study aim to study the association between the IL4 promoter polymorphism – 590 C>T, respectively VNTR intron 2 polymorphism and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Material and method: We have realized a prospective case controls study that included 128 cases of intraepithelial neoplasia positive for HPV HR testing and 111 controls negative for intraepithelial lesion and also negative for HPV HR. Clinical examination was performed on each patient; blood and cervical sample were obtained. Cervical probes were analyzed regarding cytology and HPV HR testing. From peripheral blood DNA sample was obtain followed by genotype analysis for IL4 -590 C>T using PCR RFLP, respectively IL4 70 bp VNTR determined by PCR. Results: The absolute frequency of genotypes for IL4 -590 C>T was T/T-5, C/T-42, C/C-81 in the cases group respectively T/T-2, C/T-32, C/C-77 in the control group. The chi-square test had a value of 0.983 (p=0.321 while considering the presence of a minimum one single variant allele as a risk factor for cervical cancer, respectively 0.926 (p=0.336 for homozygous variant genotype. Odds ratio was 0.761 (95%CI [0.443-1.306] while considering C/T+T/T respectively 2R/3R, 2R/2R as a risk factor, and 0.451 (95%CI 95% [0.086-2.374] - TT respectively 2R/2R as a risk factor. Conclusion: No linear statistical significant association has been found between IL4 polymorphism and cervical neoplasia (p = 0.322.

  18. Neoplasia intra-epitelial grau III da vulva e da região perianal tratada com vulvectomia superficial: relato de caso High-grade vulvar and perianal intraepithelial neoplasia treated with skinning vulvectomy: a case report

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    Walquíria Quida Salles Pereira Primo


    Full Text Available A neoplasia intra-epitelial vulvar grau III (NIV III se manifesta de modo visível, portanto, acessível à biópsia e, por conseguinte, ao diagnóstico histológico. Há duas formas precursoras do câncer vulvar: a NIV associada ao papiloma vírus humano (HPV e a NIV associada ao líquen simples crônico, hiperplasia de células escamosas e líquen escleroso, não tratados. Porém, pode existir sobreposição das duas formas. O termo papulose bowenóide, apesar de ser desencorajado, define uma das formas clínicas da NIV, que se apresenta como lesões pigmentadas, verruciformes, papulares e múltiplas. A NIV III está associada com HPV em mais de 80% dos casos e em 40% das vezes, nota-se envolvimento perianal. O seu tratamento é muito difícil e pode ocorrer recorrência em qualquer tempo e por muitos anos. Embora não exista tratamento padrão definido, os trabalhos apontam para a cirurgia, respeitando margem de segurança, como o mais adequado.High-grade vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN III is a visible lesion; therefore, it is accessible to biopsy and thus, to a histological diagnosis. There are two forms of vulvar cancer precursors: VIN caused by human papillomavirus (HPV and VIN associated with untreated lichen simplex chronicus, squamous cell hyperplasia, and lichen sclerosus. There may be overlap of the two forms. The term bowenoid papulosis, although discouraged, identifics a clinical form of VIN III. Such lesion appears as pigmented, wart-like growths or papules. VIN III is associated with HPV in more than 80% of the cases, and there is perianal involvement in 40% of the times. Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia is difficult to cure and relapses can occur at any time for many years. Although there is no defined standard treatment, studies point to surgery, respecting a free margin, as the most adequate one.

  19. Neoplasias malignas de glândulas salivares: estudo retrospectivo = Malignant neoplasms of salivary glands: retrospective study

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    Barbosa, Renata Pereira de Sousa et al.


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou identificar a ocorrência de neoplasias malignas em glândulas salivares de pacientes dos hospitais de referência no tratamento de Câncer do Estado da Paraíba no período de 1998 a 2003. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo pelo método indireto, através da análise de 914 prontuários arquivados do Hospital Dr. Napoleão Laureano, em João Pessoa-PB, e do Centro de Cancerologia Ulisses Pinto, em Campina Grande-PB. Encontrou-se 29 casos de neoplasias malignas de glândulas salivares, dos quais 53,6% acometeram indivíduos do gênero masculino e 46,4% do feminino; a faixa etária com maior número de casos foi de 61-80 anos com 48,3%. A glândula parótida apresentou maior prevalência com 48,3%, sendo o tipo neoplásico com maior representação da amostra o Carcinoma adenóide cístico com 58,6%

  20. Japānas populārās kultūras ietekme uz jauniešiem


    Leščenko, Jekaterina


    Šī darba nosaukums ir “Japānas populārās kultūras ietekme uz jauniešiem”. Ir zināms, ka pēdējos gados Japānas populāra kultūra iegūst arvien vairāk popularitātes visā pasaulē. Gandrīz katrā valstī var atrast kaut ko, kas ir saistīts ar Japānas populāro kultūru. Mūzika, drāmas, anime un manga ir bieži sastopami un zināmi Japānas populārās kultūras objekti. Tā kā Japānas populārā kultūra ir tik izplatīta, ir jābūt kādam popularitātes iemeslam. Pirmkārt, Japānas populārā kultūra ir pilnīgi atš...

  1. Multiple endocrine neoplasia phenocopy revealed as a co-occurring neuroendocrine tumor and familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia type 3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hovden, Silje; Jespersen, Marie Louise; Nissen, Peter H


    Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia type 3 should be considered as differential diagnosis in patients with suspected primary hyperparathyroidism and/or suspected multiple neoplasia syndrome, as correct diagnosis will spare the patients for going through multiple futile parathyroidectomies...... and for the worry of being diagnosed with a cancer susceptibility syndrome....

  2. Hyperspectral wide gap second derivative analysis for in vivo detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (United States)

    Zheng, Wenli; Wang, Chaojian; Chang, Shufang; Zhang, Shiwu; Xu, Ronald X.


    Hyperspectral reflectance imaging technique has been used for in vivo detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. However, the clinical outcome of this technique is suboptimal owing to multiple limitations such as nonuniform illumination, high-cost and bulky setup, and time-consuming data acquisition and processing. To overcome these limitations, we acquired the hyperspectral data cube in a wavelength ranging from 600 to 800 nm and processed it by a wide gap second derivative analysis method. This method effectively reduced the image artifacts caused by nonuniform illumination and background absorption. Furthermore, with second derivative analysis, only three specific wavelengths (620, 696, and 772 nm) are needed for tissue classification with optimal separability. Clinical feasibility of the proposed image analysis and classification method was tested in a clinical trial where cervical hyperspectral images from three patients were used for classification analysis. Our proposed method successfully classified the cervix tissue into three categories of normal, inflammation and high-grade lesion. These classification results were coincident with those by an experienced gynecology oncologist after applying acetic acid. Our preliminary clinical study has demonstrated the technical feasibility for in vivo and noninvasive detection of cervical neoplasia without acetic acid. Further clinical research is needed in order to establish a large-scale diagnostic database and optimize the tissue classification technique.

  3. Comparison of telomerase activity in prostate cancer, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and benign prostatic hyperplasia

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    Soleiman Mahjoub


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Telomerase is a reverse transcriptase enzyme that synthesizes telomeric DNA on chromosome ends. The enzyme is important for the immortalization of cancer cells because it maintains the telomeres. METHODS: Telomerase activity (TA was measured by fluorescence-based telomeric repeat amplification protocol (FTRAP assay in prostate carcinoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH. RESULTS: TA was present in 91.4% of 70 prostate cancers, 68.8% of 16 prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN, 43.3% of 30 BPH*, 21.4% of 14 atrophy and 20% of 15 normal samples adjacent to tumor. There was not any significant correlation between TA, histopathological tumor stage or gleason score. In contrast to high TA in the BPH* tissue from the cancer-bearing gland, only 6.3% of 32 BPH specimens from patients only diagnosed with BPH were telomerase activity-positive. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that TA is present in most prostate cancers. The high rate of TA in tissue adjacent to tumor may be attributed either to early molecular alteration of cancer that was histologically unapparent, or to the presence of occult cancer cells. Our findings suggest that the re-expression of telomerase activity could be one step in the transformation of BPH to PIN. KEY WORDS: Telomerase activity, prostate cancer, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, benign prostatic hyperplasia.

  4. Using gene expression in patients with endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia to assess the risk of cancer

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    Koah Vierkoetter


    Full Text Available Patients diagnosed with an endometrial cancer precursor lesion on biopsy may be found to have endometrial cancer at the time of subsequent surgery. The current study seeks to identify patients with endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN on biopsy that may be harboring an occult carcinoma. Immunohistochemical stains for gene loss of expression (LOE for 6 genes, PTEN, ARID1A, MSH6, MSH2, MLH1, and PMS2, were performed on 113 biopsy specimens with EIN. For the 95 patients with follow-up histology, 40 patients had cancer, 41 had EIN, and 14 had normal endometrium. PTEN LOE was found frequently in both EIN and endometrial cancer, and therefore had low positive predictive value. All specimens with ARID1A, MSH6, MSH2, MLH1, or PMS2 LOE on biopsy were subsequently found to have cancer. LOE of any gene was associated with modest sensitivity (0.78 in identifying patients with endometrial cancer who had EIN on biopsy. Further investigation is warranted to determine if gene LOE is a useful clinical tool when evaluating patients with EIN on biopsy. Keywords: Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia, Endometrial cancer, Gene expression, PTEN, ARID1A, Mismatch repair genes

  5. Upgrades to the Probabilistic NAS Platform Air Traffic Simulation Software (United States)

    Hunter, George; Boisvert, Benjamin


    This document is the final report for the project entitled "Upgrades to the Probabilistic NAS Platform Air Traffic Simulation Software." This report consists of 17 sections which document the results of the several subtasks of this effort. The Probabilistic NAS Platform (PNP) is an air operations simulation platform developed and maintained by the Saab Sensis Corporation. The improvements made to the PNP simulation include the following: an airborne distributed separation assurance capability, a required time of arrival assignment and conformance capability, and a tactical and strategic weather avoidance capability.

  6. The discriminatory capability of existing scores to predict advanced colorectal neoplasia: a prospective colonoscopy study of 5,899 screening participants. (United States)

    Wong, Martin C S; Ching, Jessica Y L; Ng, Simpson; Lam, Thomas Y T; Luk, Arthur K C; Wong, Sunny H; Ng, Siew C; Ng, Simon S M; Wu, Justin C Y; Chan, Francis K L; Sung, Joseph J Y


    We evaluated the performance of seven existing risk scoring systems in predicting advanced colorectal neoplasia in an asymptomatic Chinese cohort. We prospectively recruited 5,899 Chinese subjects aged 50-70 years in a colonoscopy screening programme(2008-2014). Scoring systems under evaluation included two scoring tools from the US; one each from Spain, Germany, and Poland; the Korean Colorectal Screening(KCS) scores; and the modified Asia Pacific Colorectal Screening(APCS) scores. The c-statistics, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values(PPVs), and negative predictive values(NPVs) of these systems were evaluated. The resources required were estimated based on the Number Needed to Screen(NNS) and the Number Needed to Refer for colonoscopy(NNR). Advanced neoplasia was detected in 364 (6.2%) subjects. The German system referred the least proportion of subjects (11.2%) for colonoscopy, whilst the KCS scoring system referred the highest (27.4%). The c-statistics of all systems ranged from 0.56-0.65, with sensitivities ranging from 0.04-0.44 and specificities from 0.74-0.99. The modified APCS scoring system had the highest c-statistics (0.65, 95% C.I. 0.58-0.72). The NNS (12-19) and NNR (5-10) were similar among the scoring systems. The existing scoring systems have variable capability to predict advanced neoplasia among asymptomatic Chinese subjects, and further external validation should be performed.

  7. Transplante de células-tronco epiteliais límbicas alógenas expandidas ex vivo sobre membrana amniótica: relato de caso Transplantation of allogenic limbal epithelial stem cells cultivated ex vivo on amniotic membrane: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Álvaro Pereira Gomes


    Full Text Available Paciente apresentou falência de transplante de limbo e conjuntiva de doador vivo alógeno no olho direito após ceratoconjuntivite epidêmica. Após alguns meses, foi submetida a transplante de células-tronco epiteliais límbicas alógenas cultivadas ex vivo sobre membrana amniótica (primeiro caso no Brasil, tendo evoluído com epitelização total da córnea e melhora da acuidade visual. Após o 3º mês da cirurgia, iniciou-se neovascularização superficial periférica com piora da transparência corneana. A visão manteve-se 0,1 após um ano de cirurgia.Case report of a patient who developed failure of an allogenic living related conjunctival limbal transplantation in the right eye after an episode of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. After a few months, she underwent transplantation of allogenic limbal epithelial stem cells cultivated ex vivo on amniotic membrane (first case in Brazil. The patient evolved with total corneal epithelialization and improvement of the visual acuity. Three months after the surgery, peripheral superficial neovascularization with worsening of the corneal transparency was observed. The vision remained 0.1 after one year of the transplantation.

  8. Human papillomavirus detection in cervical neoplasia attributed to 12 high-risk human papillomavirus genotypes by region

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Castellsagué, Xavier; Ault, Kevin A; Bosch, F Xavier


    Background: We estimated the proportion of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) cases attributed to 14 HPV types, including quadrivalent (qHPV) (6/11/16/18) and 9-valent (9vHPV) (6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58) vaccine types, by region. Methods: Women ages 15-26 and 24-45 years from 5 regions were...

  9. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) in Southwestern Border States: Examining Trends, Population Correlates, and Implications for Policy. (United States)

    Hussaini, Khaleel S; Garcia Saavedra, Luigi F


    Introduction Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is withdrawal syndrome in newborns following birth and is primarily caused by maternal drug use during pregnancy. This study examines trends, population correlates, and policy implications of NAS in two Southwest border states. Materials and Methods A cross-sectional analysis of Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data (HIDD) was utilized to examine the incidence of NAS in the Southwest border states of Arizona (AZ) and New Mexico (NM). All inpatient hospital births in AZ and NM from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2013 with ICD9-CM codes for NAS (779.5), cocaine (760.72), or narcotics (760.75) were extracted. Results During 2008-2013 there were 1472 NAS cases in AZ and 888 in NM. The overall NAS rate during this period was 2.83 per 1000 births (95% CI 2.68-2.97) in AZ and 5.31 (95% CI 4.96-5.66) in NM. NAS rates increased 157% in AZ and 174% in NM. NAS newborns were more likely to have low birth weight, have respiratory distress, more likely to have feeding difficulties, and more likely to be on state Medicaid insurance. AZ border region (border with Mexico) had NAS rates significantly higher than the state rate (4.06 per 1000 births [95% CI 3.68-4.44] vs. 2.83 [95% CI 2.68-2.97], respectively). In NM, the border region rate (2.09 per 1000 births [95% CI 1.48-2.69]) was significantly lower than the state rate (5.31 [95% CI 4.96-5.66]). Conclusions Despite a dramatic increase in the incidence of NAS in the U.S. and, in particular, the Southwest border states of AZ and NM, there is still scant research on the overall incidence of NAS, its assessment in the southwest border, and associated long-term outcomes. The Healthy Border (HB) 2020 binational initiative of the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission is an initiative that addresses several public health priorities that not only include chronic and degenerative diseases, infectious diseases, injury prevention, maternal and child health but also mental health and

  10. Improved performance in GaInNAs solar cells by hydrogen passivation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukuda, M.; Whiteside, V. R.; Keay, J. C.; Meleco, A.; Sellers, I. R.; Hossain, K.; Golding, T. D.; Leroux, M.; Al Khalfioui, M.


    The effect of UV-activated hydrogenation on the performance of GaInNAs solar cells is presented. A proof-of-principle investigation was performed on non-optimum GaInNAs cells, which allowed a clearer investigation of the role of passivation on the intrinsic nitrogen-related defects in these materials. Upon optimized hydrogenation of GaInNAs, a significant reduction in the presence of defect and impurity based luminescence is observed as compared to that of unpassivated reference material. This improvement in the optical properties is directly transferred to an improved performance in solar cell operation, with a more than two-fold improvement in the external quantum efficiency and short circuit current density upon hydrogenation. Temperature dependent photovoltaic measurements indicate a strong contribution of carrier localization and detrapping processes, with non-radiative processes dominating in the reference materials, and evidence for additional strong radiative losses in the hydrogenated solar cells

  11. Música: uma imgagem sonora nas comunidades eclesiais de base


    Roberto Barroso da Rocha


    Esta dissertação tem o propósito de analisar a função social da música nas CEBs (Comunidades Eclesiais de Base), que possui bases bíblicas e está presente nos dias atuais. A primeira parte trata da função social da música na Bíblia chegando até os dias atuais com uma breve narrativa da história da música ocidental. A segunda parte aborda a música nas CEBs e a Teologia da Libertação como parte importante do contexto musical, onde os ideais da Teologia de Libertação são divulgados pela música; ...

  12. Alteration of strain background and a high omega-6 fat diet induces earlier onset of pancreatic neoplasia in EL-Kras transgenic mice. (United States)

    Cheon, Eric C; Strouch, Matthew J; Barron, Morgan R; Ding, Yongzeng; Melstrom, Laleh G; Krantz, Seth B; Mullapudi, Bhargava; Adrian, Kevin; Rao, Sambasiva; Adrian, Thomas E; Bentrem, David J; Grippo, Paul J


    Diets containing omega-6 (ω-6) fat have been associated with increased tumor development in carcinogen-induced pancreatic cancer models. However, the effects of ω-6 fatty acids and background strain on the development of genetically-induced pancreatic neoplasia is unknown. We assessed the effects of a diet rich in ω-6 fat on the development of pancreatic neoplasia in elastase (EL)-Kras(G12D) (EL-Kras) mice in two different backgrounds. EL-Kras FVB mice were crossed to C57BL/6 (B6) mice to produce EL-Kras FVB6 F1 (or EL-Kras F1) and EL-Kras B6 congenic mice. Age-matched EL-Kras mice from each strain were compared to one another on a standard chow. Two cohorts of EL-Kras FVB and EL-Kras F1 mice were fed a 23% corn oil diet and compared to age-matched mice fed a standard chow. Pancreata were scored for incidence, frequency, and size of neoplastic lesions, and stained for the presence of mast cells to evaluate changes in the inflammatory milieu secondary to a high fat diet. EL-Kras F1 mice had increased incidence, frequency, and size of pancreatic neoplasia compared to EL-Kras FVB mice. The frequency and size of neoplastic lesions and the weight and pancreatic mast cell densities in EL-Kras F1 mice were increased in mice fed a high ω-6 fatty acid diet compared to mice fed a standard chow. We herein introduce the EL-Kras B6 mouse model which presents with increased frequency of pancreatic neoplasia compared to EL-Kras F1 mice. The phenotype in EL-Kras F1 and FVB mice is promoted by a diet rich in ω-6 fatty acid. Copyright © 2010 UICC.

  13. DNA methylation as an adjunct to histopathology to detect prevalent, inconspicuous dysplasia and early-stage neoplasia in Barrett's esophagus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alvi, Muhammad A.; Liu, Xinxue; O'Donovan, Maria; Newton, Richard; Wernisch, Lorenz; Shannon, Nicholas B.; Shariff, Kareem; Di Pietro, Massimiliano; Bergman, Jacques J. G. H. M.; Ragunath, Krish; Fitzgerald, Rebecca C.


    Endoscopic surveillance of Barrett's esophagus is problematic because dysplasia/early-stage neoplasia is frequently invisible and likely to be missed because of sampling bias. Molecular abnormalities may be more diffuse than dysplasia. The aim was therefore to test whether DNA methylation,

  14. Fluorescence detection of esophageal neoplasia (United States)

    Borisova, E.; Vladimirov, B.; Avramov, L.


    White-light endoscopy is well-established and wide used modality. However, despite the many technological advances that have been occurred, conventional endoscopy is suboptimal and usually detects advanced stage lesions. The limitations of standard endoscopy initiate development of spectroscopic techniques, additional to standard endoscopic equipment. One of the most sensitive approaches is fluorescence spectroscopy of gastrointestinal mucosa for neoplasia detection. In the recent study delta-aminolevulinic acid/Protoporphyrin IX (5-ALA/PpIX) is used as fluorescent marker for dysplasia and tumor detection in esophagus. The 5-ALA is administered per os six hours before measurements at dose 20 mg/kg weight. Excitation source has max of emission at 405 nm and light is delivered by the standard light guide of the endoscopic equipment. Through endoscopic instrumental channel a fiber is applied to return information about fluorescence to microspectrometer. Spectral features observed during endoscopic investigations could be distinct as the next regions: 450-630 nm region, where tissue autofluorescence is observed; 630-710 nm region, where fluorescence of PpIX is clearly pronounced; 530-580 nm region, where minima in the autofluorescence signal are observed, related to reabsorption of blood. The lack of fluorescence peaks in the red spectral area for normal mucosa is an indication for selective accumulation of 5-ALA/PpIX only in abnormal sites Very good correlation between fluorescence signals and histology examination of the lesions investigated is achieved.

  15. Risk Factors for the presence of anal intraepithelial neoplasia in HIV+ men who have sex with men

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Richel, Olivier; de Vries, Henry J. C.; Dijkgraaf, Marcel G. W.; van Noesel, Carel J. M.; Prins, Jan M.


    Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia (AIN) is present in the majority of HIV+ men who have sex with men (MSM) and routine AIN-screening is subject of discussion. In this study we analysed a wide range of potential risk factors for AIN in order to target screening programs. We screened 311 HIV+ MSM by high

  16. Human papillomavirus prevalence and type-distribution in cervical glandular neoplasias

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holl, Katsiaryna; Nowakowski, Andrzej M; Powell, Ned


    Cervical glandular neoplasias (CGN) present a challenge for cervical cancer prevention due to their complex histopathology and difficulties in detecting preinvasive stages with current screening practices. Reports of human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence and type-distribution in CGN vary, providing...... uncertain evidence to support prophylactic vaccination and HPV screening. This study [108288/108290] assessed HPV prevalence and type-distribution in women diagnosed with cervical adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS, N = 49), adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC, N = 104), and various adenocarcinoma subtypes (ADC, N = 461...... of CGN are HPV16/18/45-positive, the incorporation of prophylactic vaccination and HPV testing in cervical cancer screening are important prevention strategies. Our results suggest that special attention should be given to certain rarer ADC subtypes as most appear to be unrelated to HPV....

  17. Operational implications and proposed infrastructure changes for NAS integration of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) (United States)


    The intent of this report is to provide (1) an initial assessment of National Airspace System (NAS) infrastructure affected by continuing development and deployment of unmanned aircraft systems into the NAS, and (2) a description of process challenge...

  18. UAS in the NAS: Survey Responses by ATC, Manned Aircraft Pilots, and UAS Pilots (United States)

    Comstock, James R., Jr.; McAdaragh, Raymon; Ghatas, Rania W.; Burdette, Daniel W.; Trujillo, Anna C.


    NASA currently is working with industry and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to establish future requirements for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) flying in the National Airspace System (NAS). To work these issues NASA has established a multi-center "UAS Integration in the NAS" project. In order to establish Ground Control Station requirements for UAS, the perspective of each of the major players in NAS operations was desired. Three on-line surveys were administered that focused on Air Traffic Controllers (ATC), pilots of manned aircraft, and pilots of UAS. Follow-up telephone interviews were conducted with some survey respondents. The survey questions addressed UAS control, navigation, and communications from the perspective of small and large unmanned aircraft. Questions also addressed issues of UAS equipage, especially with regard to sense and avoid capabilities. From the civilian ATC and military ATC perspectives, of particular interest are how mixed operations (manned / UAS) have worked in the past and the role of aircraft equipage. Knowledge gained from this information is expected to assist the NASA UAS Integration in the NAS project in directing research foci thus assisting the FAA in the development of rules, regulations, and policies related to UAS in the NAS.

  19. Elementos de Análisis Cualitativo y Cuantitativo en Proteínas del Gluten de Trigo


    Díaz Dellavalle, Paola; Dalla Rizza, Marco; Vázquez, Daniel; Castro, Marina


    La calidad del trigo para pan (Triticum aestivum L.) depende de la calidad y cantidad de las proteínas del gluten -gluteninas y gliadinas- las cuales constituyen 10 a 14% de las proteínas del grano. Varios parámetros cuantitativos, como el contenido total de proteínas de la harina, el contenido de proteínas poliméricas presentes en el grano y la proporción de gluteninas y gliadinas, están relacionados a la calidad panadera. En este trabajo se presenta la caracterización de las gluteninas de a...

  20. From Normalcy to Neoplasia. The Role of Epithelial-Stromal Interactions in Regulating Mammary Growth and Differentiation (United States)


    stromal steroid hormone receptors in mammary gland growth and development using tissue recombinants. J. Mammary Gland Biol. Neoplasia 2, 393-402. Debatin...Birkedal-Hansen (1999) MT1-MMP- deficient mice develop dwarfism , osteopenia, arthritis, and connective tissue disease due to inadequate, 1988). Ligands of the epidermal growth hormonally regulated ductal development during puberty and factor receptor (EGFR) are believed to be

  1. Identificación de proteínas de cubierta y de membrana en merozoitos de Plasmodium falciparum

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    Enid Rivadeneira


    Full Text Available Se identificaron proteínas que se desprenden fácilmente del merozoíto (probablemente proteinas de cubierta y proteínas intrínsecas de la membrana por el fraccionamiento de parásitos marcados endógenamente y purificados. La marcación continua durante todo el ciclo aseguró la identificación de las proteínas independientemente de su tiempo de síntesis. Este método permitió detectar proteínas de membrana, independientemente de su suceptibilidad a la digestión enzimática o a la marcación exógena. Se identificaron 4 proteínas de 100, 75, 50 y 45 KD que probablemente son constituyentes de la cubierta del merozoíto. En la fracción de membranas, solubles en detergente, se detectan 6 proteínas principales de 225, 86, 82, 75, 72 y 40 KD y 4 proteínas menores de 200, 69, 45 y 43 KD. Este trabajo es una contribución a la caracterización de la superficie del merozoíto de Plasmodium falciparum.

  2. Role of human immunodeficiency virus infection in the pathogenesis of human papillomavirus-associated cervical neoplasia.


    Braun, L.


    Although many basic questions about the relationship between HIV and HPV infection remain unresolved, epidemiological studies have consistently shown a strong association between HIV infection and the development of HPV-related squamous intraepithelial neoplasia. This work indicates that HIV infection may promote the clinical manifestation of subclinical or latent HPV infection. Recent technical advances localizing virus DNA and gene products in situ will provide new avenues for investigation...

  3. Quality of life and fear of cancer recurrence after endoscopic and surgical treatment for early neoplasia in Barrett's esophagus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rosmolen, W. D.; Boer, K. R.; de Leeuw, R. J.; Gamel, C. J.; van Berge Henegouwen, M. I.; Bergman, J. J.; Sprangers, M. A.


    Background and study aims: Endoscopic treatment of early neoplasia in Barrett's esophagus preserves the esophagus and is minimally invasive compared with surgical treatment. However, the influence of endoscopic therapy on quality of life (QOL) and fear of cancer recurrence is unknown. We explored

  4. Long-term absolute risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse following human papillomavirus infection: role of persistence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjær, Susanne K; Frederiksen, Kirsten; Plum, Christian Edinger Munk


    Infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main cause of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and cancer. It has been suggested that information about high-risk HPV type-specific infection might make cervical cancer screening more effective. Persistent HPV infection...

  5. Progression from high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia to cancer: a randomized trial of combination vitamin-E, soy, and selenium

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fleshner, N.E.; Kapusta, L.; Donnelly, B.; Tanguay, S.; Chin, J.; Hersey, K.; Farley, A.; Jansz, K.; Siemens, D.R.; Trpkov, K.; Lacombe, L.; Gleave, M.; Tu, D.; Parulekar, W.R.


    PURPOSE: High-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) is a putative precursor of invasive prostate cancer (PCa). Preclinical evidence suggests vitamin E, selenium, and soy protein may prevent progression of HGPIN to PCa. This hypothesis was tested in a randomized phase III double-blind

  6. Less medical intervention after sharp demarcation of grade 1-2 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia smears by neural network screening

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kok, MR; Boon, ME; Schreiner-Kok, PG; Hermans, J; Grobbee, DE; Kok, LP


    BACKGROUND. Neural network technology has been used for the daily screening of cervical smears in The Netherlands since 1992. The authors believe this method might have the potential to demarcate diagnoses of Grade 1-2 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 1-2). METHODS. Of 133,196 women who were

  7. Effect of antimony on the deep-level traps in GaInNAsSb thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Islam, Muhammad Monirul, E-mail:; Miyashita, Naoya; Ahsan, Nazmul; Okada, Yoshitaka [Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro ku, Tokyo 153-8904 (Japan); Sakurai, Takeaki; Akimoto, Katsuhiro [Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573 (Japan)


    Admittance spectroscopy has been performed to investigate the effect of antimony (Sb) on GaInNAs material in relation to the deep-level defects in this material. Two electron traps, E1 and E2 at an energy level 0.12 and 0.41 eV below the conduction band (E{sub C}), respectively, were found in undoped GaInNAs. Bias-voltage dependent admittance confirmed that E1 is an interface-type defect being spatially localized at the GaInNAs/GaAs interface, while E2 is a bulk-type defect located around mid-gap of GaInNAs layer. Introduction of Sb improved the material quality which was evident from the reduction of both the interface and bulk-type defects.

  8. Angioceratoma conjuntival canino: relato de caso

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    J.O.T. Souza

    Full Text Available RESUMO O angioceratoma é um tumor de origem vascular, semelhante ao hemangioma, que se diferencia deste por alterações histológicas epiteliais. A apresentação ocular do angioceratoma é pouco frequente em cães, sendo mais comum a ocorrência de hemangioma e hemangiossarcoma. Neste relato, é descrito o caso de um cão, macho, da raça Border Collie, que apresentava uma massa localizada, hiperêmica, bem vascularizada e protrusa, na região temporal da conjuntiva bulbar do olho direito (OD. Foi realizado exame oftalmológico completo e ultrassonografia ocular, tendo sido possível observar que a massa não envolvia outras estruturas oculares além da conjuntiva. Dessa forma, foi realizada a conjuntivectomia parcial, e o material foi encaminhado para análise histológica. O exame histopatológico foi conclusivo para um angioceratoma e mostrou que as margens da amostra estavam livres. O procedimento cirúrgico com margem de segurança foi eficiente no tratamento da neoplasia, sem recorrência até o momento do presente relato.

  9. Genetic Variants in TAP Are Associated with High-Grade Cervical Neoplasia (United States)

    Einstein, Mark H.; Leanza, Suzanne; Chiu, Lydia G.; Schlecht, Nicolas F.; Goldberg, Gary L.; Steinberg, Bettie M.; Burk, Robert D.


    Purpose The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) is essential in assembling MHC-I proteins. Human papillomavirus (HPV) evades immune recognition by decreasing class I MHC cell surface expression through down-regulation of TAP1 levels. Consistent with heterogeneity in MHC expression is the individual variability in clearing detectable HPV infections. Genetic polymorphisms in TAP genes may affect protein structure, function, and the ability to clear HPV infection. Experimental Design Case-control study of women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) II or III (n = 114) and women without high-grade CIN (n = 366). Five nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in TAP1 and TAP2 were genotyped using DNA collected in cervicovaginal lavage samples using microsphere array technology (Luminex ×MAP). HPV typing was done using a PCR-based system with MY09/MY11 primers. TAP1 and TAP2 SNPs were validated by direct sequencing. Results Differences in allele distribution between women with high-grade cervical neoplasia and women without was seen for TAP1 I333V (P = 0.02) and TAP1 D637G (p = 0.01).The odds ratios (OR) for CIN III were significantly lower among carriers of the TAP1 I333V polymorphism (OR, 0.28; 95% confidence interval, 0.1-0.8), and TAP1 D637G polymorphism (OR, 0.27; 95% confidence interval, 0.1-0.7). These associations remained significant even after restricting the evaluation to women who were positive for high-risk HPV types. Conclusions In addition to the down-regulation of MHC-1 by oncogenic HPV, HPV pathogenesis might be facilitated by polymorphisms in the TAP proteins. Identifying TAP polymorphisms may potentially be used to identify women less susceptible to progression to high-grade CIN and cervical cancer. PMID:19188174

  10. Dermatomiosite como primeira manifestação de uma neoplasia pulmonar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.S. Castro


    Full Text Available Resumo: A dermatomiosite (DM é uma doença rara, caracterizada por fraqueza muscular proximal associada a exantema cutâneo típico. A biopsia muscular apresenta lesões inflamatórias compatíveis com miosite, estando associada a um aumento de risco de neoplasia, frequentemente considerada como síndrome paraneoplásico. Os autores apresentam um caso de um homem de 63 anos, com quadro de fraqueza muscular proximal progressiva e exantema cutâneo com 2 meses de evolução. A biopsia cutânea e muscular foram compatíveis com DM. A tomografia tórax mostrou imagem nodular paracardíaca esquerda e a biopsia brônquica confirmou diagnóstico de carcinoma pulmão pequenas células. Este caso clínico pretende realçar a importância da realização do estudo diagnóstico exaustivo em doentes com DM, visto que esta patologia surge frequentemente como síndrome paraneoplásico. Abstract: Dermatomyositis (DM is a rare disease characterised by proximal muscle weakness and a typical cutaneous rash. The muscle biopsy shows inflammatory lesions consistent with myositis, being related to an increased risk of cancer, often considered as a paraneoplastic syndrome. The authors present a case of a 63-year-old man, with progressive proximal muscle weakness and cutaneous rash, appearing in two months. The muscle and skin biopsies were consistent with DM. Chest tomography showed a nodular image in the lingular region and bronchy biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC. This clinical case intends to enhance the importance of a thorough diagnostic study in patients with DM, as it is often a paraneoplastic syndrome. Palavras-chave: Dermatomiosite, Síndrome paraneoplásico, Neoplasias pulmonares, Keywords: Dermatomyositis, Paraneoplastic syndrome, Lung neoplasms

  11. The role of APC in WNT pathway activation in serrated neoplasia. (United States)

    Borowsky, Jennifer; Dumenil, Troy; Bettington, Mark; Pearson, Sally-Ann; Bond, Catherine; Fennell, Lochlan; Liu, Cheng; McKeone, Diane; Rosty, Christophe; Brown, Ian; Walker, Neal; Leggett, Barbara; Whitehall, Vicki


    Conventional adenomas are initiated by APC gene mutation that activates the WNT signal. Serrated neoplasia is commonly initiated by BRAF or KRAS mutation. WNT pathway activation may also occur, however, to what extent this is owing to APC mutation is unknown. We examined aberrant nuclear β-catenin immunolocalization as a surrogate for WNT pathway activation and analyzed the entire APC gene coding sequence in serrated and conventional pathway polyps and cancers. WNT pathway activation was a common event in conventional pathway lesions with aberrant nuclear immunolocalization of β-catenin and truncating APC mutations in 90% and 89% of conventional adenomas and 82% and 70% of BRAF wild-type cancers, respectively. WNT pathway activation was seen to a lesser extent in serrated pathway lesions. It occurred at the transition to dysplasia in serrated polyps with a significant increase in nuclear β-catenin labeling from sessile serrated adenomas (10%) to sessile serrated adenomas with dysplasia (55%) and traditional serrated adenomas (9%) to traditional serrated adenomas with dysplasia (39%) (P=0.0001). However, unlike the conventional pathway, truncating APC mutations were rare in the serrated pathway lesions especially sessile serrated adenomas even when dysplastic (15%) and in the BRAF mutant cancers with microsatellite instability that arise from them (8%). In contrast, APC missense mutations that were rare in conventional pathway adenomas and cancers (3% in BRAF wild-type cancers) were more frequent in BRAF mutant cancers with microsatellite instability (32%). We conclude that increased WNT signaling is important in the transition to malignancy in the serrated pathway but that APC mutation is less common and the spectrum of mutations is different than in conventional colorectal carcinogenesis. Moderate impact APC mutations and non-APC-related causes of increased WNT signaling may have a more important role in serrated neoplasia than the truncating APC mutations

  12. Examination of Frameworks for Safe Integration of Intelligent Small UAS into the NAS (United States)

    Logan, Michael J.


    This paper discusses a proposed framework for the safe integration of small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) into the National Airspace System (NAS). The paper briefly examines the potential uses of sUAS to build an understanding of the location and frequency of potential future flight operations based on the future applications of the sUAS systems. The paper then examines the types of systems that would be required to meet the application-level demand to determine "classes" of platforms and operations. A framework for categorization of the "intelligence" level of the UAS is postulated for purposes of NAS integration. Finally, constraints on the intelligent systems are postulated to ensure their ease of integration into the NAS.

  13. Documents assignment to archival fonds in research institutions of the NAS of Ukraine

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    Sichova O.


    Full Text Available The article analyzes the main aspects of the assignment of the records of research institutions of the NAS of Ukraine to archival fonds, in particular, the records assignment to archival fonds according to certain characteristics, archival fonds creation in accordance with the scientific principles of provenance, continuity and archival fond integrity. Shown are the features of the internal systematization of the documents of research institutions of the NAS of Ukraine, caused by the specifics of the institutions functions. Illustrated are the examples of institutional archival fonds acquiring names and the conditions leading to their renaming. Analyzed is the procedure of a chronological scope fixation of a research institution of the NAS of Ukraine archival fond

  14. Pathogenesis of germ cell neoplasia in testicular dysgenesis and disorders of sex development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Anne; Lindhardt Johansen, Marie; Juul, Anders


    in individuals with 46,XY DSD. We summarise knowledge concerning development and sex differentiation of human gonads, with focus on sex-dimorphic steps of germ cell maturation, including meiosis. We also briefly outline the histopathology of germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS) and gonadoblastoma (GDB), which......Development of human gonads is a sex-dimorphic process which evolved to produce sex-specific types of germ cells. The process of gonadal sex differentiation is directed by the action of the somatic cells and ultimately results in germ cells differentiating to become functional gametes through...

  15. Actividad y expresión de enzimas convertidoras de angiotensina en neoplasias renales


    Varela González, Pedro


    146 p. En el presente trabajo de tesis doctoral se realizó un análisis de 3 enzimas convertidoras de angiotensina (ACE, ACE2 y APA) en diferentes histotipos de neoplasias renales. Su objetivo fue conocer la implicación de estas enzimas en la carcinogénesis renal, en el desarrollo de los diferentes histotipos y en el comportamiento agresivo de estos tumores.Mediante diferentes técnicas (PCR, inmunohistoquímica, espectrofluorimetría, espectrofotometría) se analizó la expresión génica y proté...

  16. DEGRO practical guidelines: radiotherapy of breast cancer II. Radiotherapy of non-invasive neoplasia of the breast

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souchon, R. [University Hospital Tuebingen, Klinik fuer Radioonkologie, Tuebingen (Germany); Sautter-Bihl, M.L. [Municipal Hospital Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (Germany); Sedlmayer, F. [LKH Salzburg, Paracelsus Medical University Hospital, Salzburg (Austria); Budach, W. [University Hospital Duesseldorf, Duesseldorf (Germany); Dunst, J. [University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Luebeck (Germany); Feyer, P. [Klinikum Neukoelln, Berlin (Germany); Fietkau, R.; Sauer, R. [University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen (Germany); Harms, W. [St. Clara Hospital, Basel (Switzerland); Wenz, F. [University Hospital Mannheim, Mannheim (Germany); Haase, W.


    To complement and update the 2007 practice guidelines of the breast cancer expert panel of the German Society of Radiation Oncology (DEGRO) for radiotherapy (RT) of breast cancer. Owing to its growing clinical relevance, in the current version, a separate paper is dedicated to non-invasive proliferating epithelial neoplasia of the breast. In addition to the more general statements of the German interdisciplinary S3 guidelines, this paper is especially focused on indication and technique of RT in addition to breast conserving surgery. The DEGRO expert panel performed a comprehensive survey of the literature comprising recently published data from clinical controlled trials, systematic reviews as well as meta-analyses, referring to the criteria of evidence-based medicine yielding new aspects compared to 2005 and 2007. The literature search encompassed the period 2008 to September 2012 using databases of PubMed and Guidelines International Network (G-I-N). Search terms were ''non invasive breast cancer'', ''ductal carcinoma in situ, ''dcis'', ''borderline breast lesions'', ''lobular neoplasia'', ''radiotherapy'' and ''radiation therapy''. In addition to the more general statements of the German interdisciplinary S3 guidelines, this paper is especially focused on indications of RT and decision making of non-invasive neoplasia of the breast after surgery, especially ductal carcinoma in situ. Among different non-invasive neoplasia of the breast only the subgroup of pure ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS; synonym ductal intraepithelial neoplasia, DIN) is considered for further recurrence risk reduction treatment modalities after complete excision of DCIS, particularly RT following breast conserving surgery (BCS), in order to avoid a mastectomy. About half of recurrences are invasive cancers. Up to 50?% of all recurrences require salvage mastectomy

  17. Patina????o: uma alternativa nas aulas de educa????o f??sica


    Pardo, Cindya Katerine


    Introdu????o: A patina????o ?? sem duvida um fen??meno social. Nas crian??as, apresenta-se como um jogo motivante, de vertigem, produz sensa????es de domina????o do medo de cair e da velocidade. Desenvolve v??rios aspectos psicomotores que s??o trabalhados nas aulas de educa????o f??sica. Objetivo: Apresentar e incluir a patina????o no ambiente escolar, no ensino fundamental, como uma alternativa para as aulas de Educa????o F??sica. Materiais e M??todos: Foi realizada uma revis??o bibliogr??f...

  18. Multiphoton imaging of low grade, high grade intraepithelial neoplasia and intramucosal invasive cancer of esophagus (United States)

    Xu, Jian; Jiang, Liwei; Kang, Deyong; Wu, Xuejing; Xu, Meifang; Zhuo, Shuangmu; Zhu, Xiaoqin; Lin, Jiangbo; Chen, Jianxin


    Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is devastating because of its aggressive lymphatic spread and clinical course. It is believed to occur through low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (LGIN), high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (HGIN), and intramucosal invasive cancer (IMC) before transforming to submucosal cancer. In particular, these early lesions (LGIN, HGIN and IMC), which involve no lymph node nor distant metastasis, can be cured by endoscopic treatment. Therefore, early identification of these lesions is important so as to offer a curative endoscopic resection, thus slowing down the development of ESCC. In this work, spectral information and morphological features of the normal esophageal mucosa are first studied. Then, the morphological changes of LGIN, HGIN and IMC are described. Lastly, quantitative parameters are also extracted by calculating the nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio of epithelial cells and the pixel density of collagen in the lamina propria. These results show that multiphoton microscopy (MPM) has the ability to identify normal esophageal mucosa, LGIN, HGIN and IMC. With the development of multiphoton endoscope systems for in vivo imaging, combined with a laser ablation system, MPM has the potential to provide immediate pathologic diagnosis and curative treatment of ESCC before the transformation to submucosal cancer in the future.

  19. Depósito legal nas bibliotecas portuguesas


    Fiolhais, Carlos


    O modelo de depósito legal nas bibliotecas portuguesas é questionado face às dificuldades financeiras e de vária ordem com que as mesmas se deparam, defende-se uma racionalização do depósito legal e uma tomada de posição pela Biblioteca Nacional entidade gestora do sistema.

  20. First-principles study on structure stabilities of α-S and Na-S battery systems (United States)

    Momida, Hiroyoshi; Oguchi, Tamio


    To understand microscopic mechanisms of charge and discharge reactions in Na-S batteries, there has been increasing needs to study fundamental atomic and electronic structures of elemental S as well as that of Na-S phases. The most stable form of S is known to be an orthorhombic α-S crystal at ambient temperature and pressure, and α-S consists of puckered S8 rings which crystallize in space group Fddd . In this study, the crystal structure of α-S is examined by using first-principles calculations with and without the van der Waals interaction corrections of Grimme's method, and results clearly show that the van der Waals interactions between the S8 rings have crucial roles on cohesion of α-S. We also study structure stabilities of Na2S, NaS, NaS2, and Na2S5 phases with reported crystal structures. Using calculated total energies of the crystal structure models, we estimate discharge voltages assuming discharge reactions from 2Na+ xS -->Na2Sx, and discharge reactions in Na/S battery systems are discussed by comparing with experimental results. This work was partially supported by Elements Strategy Initiative for Catalysts and Batteries (ESICB) of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), Japan.

  1. Influência de Marx nas músicas de John Lennon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roseli Coutinho dos Santos Nunes


    Full Text Available Apresenta a influência do filósofo Karl Marx nas músicas abertamente políticas Revolution (1968, Working Class Hero (1970 e Power to the People (1971, cuja principal força criativa na composição e gravação foi John Lennon, o beatle mais envolvido com a teoria marxista. Apresenta a influência do modo de pensar marxista nos muitos trabalhos dos Beatles: mudar o modo que as pessoas pensam acerca do mundo para criar um mundo melhor e mais justo e, nas últimas obras, atrair a atenção para a desigualdade entre as classes sociais.

  2. Segunda neoplasia en cáncer de cabeza y cuello. Incidencia y factores de riesgo


    Venegas Pizarro, M. del Prado


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada El objetivo de esta tesis es el de evaluar la hipótesis de que la persistencia de los hábitos tóxicos en los pacientes que han sido diagnosticados y tratados de un carcinoma de cabeza y cuello influye de forma significativa en la posibilidad de aparición de una segunda neoplasia a nivel de las vías aerodigestivas.

  3. Characterization of a group of patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia diagnosed by diathermic loop biopsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torriente Hernandez, Santa; Valdes Alvarez, Orlando; Villarreal Martinez, Aracelis; Lugo Sanchez, Ana


    A retrospective, longitudinal and descriptive study was conducted in 2 696 medical records corresponding to patients diagnosed with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and invasive cancer of cervix uteri (CCU) seen in the mother hospital of Guanabacoa municipality over above mentioned period. The information processing was from the data retrieval from medical records and biopsy control registry entering in a database in Microsoft Excel and the statistic processing using the SPSS package version 15 and EPIDAT

  4. Photodynamic therapy of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) high grade (United States)

    Carbinatto, Fernanda M.; Inada, Natalia M.; Lombardi, Welington; da Silva, Eduardo V.; Belotto, Renata; Kurachi, Cristina; Bagnato, Vanderlei S.


    Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is the precursor of invasive cervical cancer and associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a technique that has been used for the treatment of tumors. PDT is based on the accumulation of a photosensitizer in target cells that will generate cytotoxic reactive oxygen species upon illumination, inducing the death of abnormal tissue and PDT with less damaging to normal tissues than surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy and seems to be a promising alternative procedure for CIN treatment. The CIN high grades (II and III) presents potential indications for PDT due the success of PDT for CIN low grade treatment. The patients with CIN high grade that were treated with new clinic protocol shows lesion regression to CIN low grade 60 days after the treatment. The new clinical protocol using for treatment of CIN high grade shows great potential to become a public health technique.

  5. Tuberculose ileocecal isolada simulando neoplasia maligna e doença de Crohn Isolated ileocecal tuberculosis simulating malignant neoplasia and Crohn's disease

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    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: No Brasil, a tuberculose ileocecal isolada, na ausência de tuberculose pulmonar ativa ou cicatrizada, é rara, sendo freqüentemente confundida com neoplasia e a doença de Crohn. MÉTODOS: Os autores apresentam oito doentes com essas características, tratados por cirurgia, em período de 20 anos. A dor abdominal na fossa ilíaca direita foi o principal sintoma (100%, seguido da presença de perda de peso (62,5%, febre, náuseas e vômitos e fadiga em 50% dos doentes. Sete enfermos (87,5% apresentaram massa palpável na fossa ilíaca direita. A duração média dos sintomas foi de 14,7 meses, variando de 5 a 36 meses. Todas as lesões foram detectadas pelo enema opaco e mimetizavam aspecto neoplásico. A colonoscopia foi realizada em três doentes, evidenciando lesões sub-oclusivas da região íleo-cecal em dois; as biópsias foram sugestivas de tuberculose, não sendo possível diferenciá-las da doença de Crohn. RESULTADOS: Seis enfermos com diagnóstico presuntivo de neoplasia foram submetidos a cirurgia eletiva, realizando-se neles a colectomia direita clássica. Os outros dois, com suspeita de tuberculose, foram operados na vigência de obstrução intestinal, sendo submetidos a ressecção limitada (ileocecectomia. O estudo anatomopatológico estabeleceu o diagnóstico final pelo encontro de necrose caseosa e de bacilos álcool ácido-resistentes no intestino ou nos linfonodos. A evolução pós-operatória foi satisfatória, com pequena morbidade resolvida clinicamente. Posteriormente, todos os doentes receberam o esquema tríplice por 12 meses, variando a droga de acordo com a época do tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de rara, a tuberculose hipertrófica ileocecal isolada freqüentemente é confundida com neoplasias e com a doença de Crohn, devendo ser lembrada no diagnóstico diferencial das lesões localizadas no quadrante inferior direito do abdome.BACKGROUND: Isolated ileocecal involvement by tuberculosis in the absence

  6. Detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women with atypical squamous or glandular cells of undetermined significance cytology: a prospective study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wensveen, Celesta; Kagie, Marjolein; Veldhuizen, Roel; de Groot, Christianne; Denny, Lynette; Zwinderman, Koos; Trimbos, Baptist


    (1) To assess the prevalence of histologically confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in patients with cervical smears diagnosed as atypical squamous or glandular cells of undetermined significance. (2) To evaluate the role of colposcopy and the presence of human papillomavirus in detecting

  7. Psychological effects of diagnosis and treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Maria Eiholm; Njor, Sisse; Lynge, Elsebeth


    BACKGROUND: Treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is a common minor surgical procedure to prevent uterine cervical cancer. However, news of an abnormality detected at screening for cancer might cause the woman to worry. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the psychological consequences...... test results, but the impact decreased over time. In several but not all studies, CIN appeared to have similar psychological consequences to abnormal smears. No study showed a difference in psychological outcomes between CIN and cervical cancer diagnosis when these were measured some years after...... psychological outcomes in women with a histological diagnosis or treatment of CIN, and in women having an outcome other than CIN at cervical screening. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We abstracted the data using a pre-specified list of study characteristics and measured outcomes. For studies not reporting...

  8. Mortalidade por neoplasias no Brasil (1980/1983/1985: agrupamento dos Estados, comportamento e tendências Mortality from neoplasms in Brazil (1980/1983/1985: grouping by State, behaviors and tendencies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fábio Gonçalves Pinto


    Full Text Available Examinou-se a mortalidade por neoplasias no Brasil, utilizando-se dados oficiais do Ministério da Saúde, abrangendo 26 Unidades da Federação e 13 diferentes localizações neoplásicas, para os anos de 1980, 1983 e 1985. As Análises de Agrupamento e de Componentes Principais revelaram comportamento heterogêneo entre regiões do país, com relação às 13 variáveis estudadas, sendo que os principais elementos discriminantes foram as neoplasias malignas da traquéia/brônquio/pulmão, seguidas das do estômago, esôfago, cólon e pâncreas. Análises complementares evidenciaram tendência de crescimento das taxas de mortalidade para as neoplasias malignas da próstata (17,74%, da traquéia/brônquio/pulmão(15,22%, da mama (11,32%, do pâncreas (10,23%, do cólon (8,08%, do colo uterino (6,45% e da laringe (6,36%. Houve redução da mortalidade por neoplasias benignas/carcinoma "in situ"/ outras (27,37%, por neoplasias malignas no reto sigmóide/ânus (7,67%, do estômago (5,31%, de outro local do útero não especificado (2,56%, por leucemia (0,70% e por neoplasias malignas do esôfago (0,44%. As neoplasias malignas do estômago foram a principal causa de morte por câncer no Brasil, representando 21,30% do total médio, seguidas das neoplasias malignas da traquéia/brônquio/pulmão(17,49% do total médio. Destacam-se os altos índices de mortalidade por neoplasias malignas do esôfago no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.Mortality caused by neoplasms in Brazil was examined by means of official Ministry of Health data covering 26 of the Federal Units and 13 different tumoral sites and referring to the years 1980,1983 and 1985. Both cluster analyses and those of principal components have shown heterogenous behaviour as between the different regions of the country in relation to the 13 variants studied. The main discriminatory elements are the trachea/bronchus/lung malign neoplasms followed by those of stomach, pancreas, colon and larynx

  9. Alteração nas frações das proteínas miofibrilares e maciez do músculo Longissimus de bovinos no período post mortem


    Santos,Gilmara Bruschi; Ramos,Paulo Roberto Rodrigues; Spim,Jeison Solano


    Objetivou-se com o estudo identificar por eletroforese as mudanças nas frações das proteínas musculares durante período postmortem de bovinos de diferentes grupos genéticos e analisar a maciez da carne em amostras resfriadas por 24 horas (não maturadas) e maturadas por 7 dias. Foram utilizadas amostras do musculo Longissimus de quarenta e oito bovinos pertencentes a 4 grupos genéticos: 12 Nelore; 12 cruzados ½ Nelore ½ Aberdeen-Angus x Brahman; 12 Brangus; 12 cruzados ½ nelore ½ Aberdeen-Angu...

  10. Ubiquity and diversity of heterotrophic bacterial nasA genes in diverse marine environments.

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    Xuexia Jiang

    Full Text Available Nitrate uptake by heterotrophic bacteria plays an important role in marine N cycling. However, few studies have investigated the diversity of environmental nitrate assimilating bacteria (NAB. In this study, the diversity and biogeographical distribution of NAB in several global oceans and particularly in the western Pacific marginal seas were investigated using both cultivation and culture-independent molecular approaches. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA and nasA (encoding the large subunit of the assimilatory nitrate reductase gene sequences indicated that the cultivable NAB in South China Sea belonged to the α-Proteobacteria, γ-Proteobacteria and CFB (Cytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroides bacterial groups. In all the environmental samples of the present study, α-Proteobacteria, γ-Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes were found to be the dominant nasA-harboring bacteria. Almost all of the α-Proteobacteria OTUs were classified into three Roseobacter-like groups (I to III. Clone library analysis revealed previously underestimated nasA diversity; e.g. the nasA gene sequences affiliated with β-Proteobacteria, ε-Proteobacteria and Lentisphaerae were observed in the field investigation for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The geographical and vertical distributions of seawater nasA-harboring bacteria indicated that NAB were highly diverse and ubiquitously distributed in the studied marginal seas and world oceans. Niche adaptation and separation and/or limited dispersal might mediate the NAB composition and community structure in different water bodies. In the shallow-water Kueishantao hydrothermal vent environment, chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were the primary NAB, indicating a unique nitrate-assimilating community in this extreme environment. In the coastal water of the East China Sea, the relative abundance of Alteromonas and Roseobacter-like nasA gene sequences responded closely to algal blooms, indicating

  11. Neoplasia Intraepitelial Cervical: Preámbulo del cáncer cérvicouterino


    Sarduy Nápoles, Miguel R.


    La neoplasia intraepitelial cervical es una lesión que se considera la antesala del cáncer cérvicouterino. La infección por el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en el aparato genital, sobre todo algunos subtipos llamados oncogénicos, juegan un papel relevante en la aparición de las lesiones intraepiteliales y su posible evolución al cáncer invasor en esas localizaciones. Existe además un importante grupo de factores de riesgo o cofactores que asociados a la infección por el VPH pueden producir ...

  12. Xeroderma pigmentosum with bilateral ocular surface squamous neoplasia and review of the literature. (United States)

    Kalamkar, Charudutt; Radke, Nishant; Mukherjee, Amrita; Radke, Snehal


    Xeroderma pigmentosum is a rare genetic disorder associated with various ocular malignancies. Here we report a single paediatric case of xeroderma pigmentosum with bilateral ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) presenting with diffuse lesion in one eye and a large mass in the other eye. Diffuse OSSN in one eye was treated with topical chemotherapy using mitomycin-C (0.04%) and the large OSSN in the other eye was treated with a combination of surgery and topical chemotherapy. Long-term follow-up and a multimodality treatment approach are necessary to identify and manage recurrences of OSSN in XP. 2016 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

  13. Multifocal Gastric Neoplasia after Recurrent Laser Therapy for the Watermelon Stomach

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    Charles N Bernstein


    Full Text Available Repeated laser therapy has become an accepted therapeutic approach in the treatment of watermelon stomach, and to date no important negative sequelae have been reported. The case of a patient who underwent repeated sessions of neodymium: yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG laser therapy over a five-year period for the treatment of the watermelon stomach is presented. Postlaser therapy the patient developed deep ulcerations that would heal; however, he ultimately developed a nodular antrum. Random biopsies of antral nodules revealed carcinoma-in-situ. A Billroth I gastrectomy revealed two foci of carcinoma-in-situ/high grade dysplasia and multiple foci of lower grades of dysplasia. This case suggests a possible association between use of laser therapy and development of gastric neoplasia.

  14. Lipoproteínas remanentes aterogénicas en humanos

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    Regina Wikinski


    Full Text Available La lipoproteínas remanentes (RLPs son el producto de la lipólisis de los triglicéridos transportados por las lipoproteínas de baja densidad (VLDL de origen hepático e intestinal y de los quilomicrones intestinales. Dicha lipólisis es catalizada por la lipoproteína lipasa y se produce en pasos sucesivos, de manera que los productos son heterogéneos. Su concentración plasmática en ayunas es pequeña en pacientes normolipémicos y aumenta en el estado post-prandial. Las alteraciones genéticas en subtipos de su componente Apo-E aumentan notablemente su concentración plasmática y producen el fenotipo de disbetalipoproteinemia. Se las considera aterogénicas porque injurian el endotelio, sufren estrés oxidativo, son captadas por los macrófagos en el subendotelio vascular y generan las células espumosas que son precursoras de ateromas. Su origen metabólico, como productos de varios tipos de lipoproteínas, explican su estructura heterogénea, sus concentraciones plasmáticas variables y las dificultades metodológicas que dificultan su inclusión en el perfil lipoproteico como parte de los estudios epidemiológicos. Los últimos avances en los estudios metabólicos y la actualización de su papel clínico, justifican una revisión de los conocimientos actuales.

  15. Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tonelli, Francesco; Giudici, Francesco; Giusti, Francesca; Brandi, Maria Luisa


    We reviewed the literature about entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 syndrome (MEN1) to clarify their demographic features, localization imaging, practice, and appropriate therapeutical strategies, analyzing the current approach to entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors in MEN1. Despite the fact that hyperparathyroidism is usually the first manifestation of MEN1, the penetrance of these tumors is similar. They are characterized by multiplicity of lesions, variable expression of the tumors, and propensity for malignant degeneration. Both the histological type and the size of MEN1 neuroendocrine tumors correlate with malignancy. Monitoring of pancreatic peptides and use of imaging exams allow early diagnosis and prompt surgical treatment, resulting in prevention of metastatic disease and improvement of long-term survival. Surgery is often the treatment of choice for MEN1-neuroendocrine tumors. The rationale for surgical approach is to curtail malignant progression of the disease, and to cure the associated biochemical syndrome, should it be present

  16. Treatment failure in patients with HPV 16-induced vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia: understanding different clinical responses to immunotherapy. (United States)

    van Esch, Edith M G; Welters, Marij J P; Jordanova, Ekaterina S; Trimbos, J Baptist M Z; van der Burg, Sjoerd H; van Poelgeest, Mariëtte I E


    Failure of the immune system to launch a strong and effective immune response to high-risk HPV is related to viral persistence and the development of anogenital (pre)malignant lesions such as vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN). Different forms of immunotherapy, aimed at overcoming the inertia of the immune system, have been developed and met with clinical success. Unfortunately these, in principal successful, therapeutic approaches also fail to induce clinical responses in a substantial number of cases. In this review, the authors summarize the traits of the immune response to HPV in healthy individuals and in patients with HPV-induced neoplasia. The potential mechanisms involved in the escape of HPV-induced lesions from the immune system indicate gaps in our knowledge. Finally, the interaction between the immune system and VIN is discussed with a special focus on the different forms of immunotherapy applied to treat VIN and the potential causes of therapy failure. The authors conclude that there are a number of pre-existing conditions that determine the patients' responsiveness to immunotherapy. An immunotherapeutic strategy in which different aspects of immune failure are attacked by complementary approaches, will improve the clinical response rate.

  17. Investigations of the Optical Properties of GaNAs Alloys by First-Principle. (United States)

    Borovac, Damir; Tan, Chee-Keong; Tansu, Nelson


    We present a Density Functional Theory (DFT) analysis of the optical properties of dilute-As GaN 1-x As x alloys with arsenic (As) content ranging from 0% up to 12.5%. The real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function are investigated, and the results are compared to experimental and theoretical values for GaN. The analysis extends to present the complex refractive index and the normal-incidence reflectivity. The refractive index difference between GaN and GaNAs alloys can be engineered to be up to ~0.35 in the visible regime by inserting relatively low amounts of As-content into the GaN system. Thus, the analysis elucidates on the birefringence of the dilute-As GaNAs alloys and comparison to other experimentally characterized III-nitride systems is drawn. Our findings indicate the potential of GaNAs alloys for III-nitride based waveguide and photonic circuit design applications.

  18. Treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in Denmark 1991 to 2007

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barken, Sidsel Svennekjær


    Abstract: Objectives: The number of invasive cervical cancers peaked in Denmark in 1966 with 963 cases. Cervical cancer is prevented by treatment of screen-detected cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). We assessed the trend in CIN treatments in Denmark. Material and Methods: From highly...... the data using the unique Danish identification numbers, and excluded all duplicate registrations. We excluded all destructive therapies and hysterectomies for which no CIN or cervical cancer diagnosis was found in the period from 3 months before to 1 month after the treatment date. We age......-standardized the number of cervical treatments using Danish women in 2007 as standard population. Results: The preliminary analysis shows that the number of treatments increased from about 6,000 in 1991 to about 8,200 in 2007, most noticeably due to an increase of about 2,600 in the number of conisations (Figure 1...

  19. Intracellular signaling entropy can be a biomarker for predicting the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

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    Masakazu Sato

    Full Text Available While the mortality rates for cervical cancer have been drastically reduced after the introduction of the Pap smear test, it still is one of the leading causes of death in women worldwide. Additionally, studies that appropriately evaluate the risk of developing cervical lesions are needed. Therefore, we investigated whether intracellular signaling entropy, which is measured with microarray data, could be useful for predicting the risks of developing cervical lesions. We used three datasets, GSE63514 (histology, GSE27678 (cytology and GSE75132 (cytology, a prospective study. From the data in GSE63514, the entropy rate was significantly increased with disease progression (normal < cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CIN < cancer (Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0.0001. From the data in GSE27678, similar results (normal < low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, LSILs < high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, HSILs ≤ cancer were obtained (Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0.001. From the data in GSE75132, the entropy rate tended to be higher in the HPV-persistent groups than the HPV-negative group. The group that was destined to progress to CIN 3 or higher had a tendency to have a higher entropy rate than the HPV16-positive without progression group. In conclusion, signaling entropy was suggested to be different for different lesion statuses and could be a useful biomarker for predicting the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

  20. Padrões de refluxo nas veias safenas em homens com insuficiência venosa crônica

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    Carlos Alberto Engelhorn

    Full Text Available Resumo Contexto A insuficiência venosa crônica (IVCr é frequente e predomina nas mulheres, mas ainda há poucas informações sobre o refluxo nas veias safenas na população masculina. Objetivos Identificar os diferentes padrões de refluxo nas veias safenas magnas (VSMs e parvas (VSPs em homens, correlacionando esses dados com a apresentação clínica conforme a classificação Clínica, Etiológica, Anatômica e Fisiopatológica (CEAP. Métodos Foram avaliados 369 membros inferiores de 207 homens pela ultrassonografia vascular (UV com diagnóstico clínico de IVCr primária. As variáveis analisadas foram a classificação CEAP, o padrão de refluxo nas VSMs e VSPs e a correlação entre os dois. Resultados Nos 369 membros avaliados, 72,9% das VSMs apresentaram refluxo com predominância do padrão segmentar (33,8%. Nas VSPs, 16% dos membros inferiores analisados apresentaram refluxo, sendo o mais frequente o padrão distal (33,9%. Dos membros classificados como C4, C5 e C6, 100% apresentaram refluxo na VSM com predominância do refluxo proximal (25,64%, e 38,46% apresentaram refluxo na VSP com equivalência entre os padrões distal e proximal (33,3%. Refluxo na junção safeno-femoral (JSF foi detectado em 7,1% dos membros nas classes C0 e C1, 35,6% nas classes C2 e C3, e 64,1% nas classes C4 a C6. Conclusões O padrão de refluxo segmentar é predominante na VSM, e o padrão de refluxo distal é predominante na VSP. A ocorrência de refluxo na JSF é maior em pacientes com IVCr mais avançada.

  1. Nitrous oxide cryotherapy for treatment of esophageal squamous cell neoplasia: initial multicenter international experience with a novel portable cryoballoon ablation system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Canto, Marcia Irene; Abrams, Julian A.; Kunzli, Hannah T.; Weusten, Bas; Komatsu, Yoshihiro; Jobe, Blair A.; Lightdale, Charles J.


    Background and Aims: Early esophageal squamous cell neoplasia (ESCN) can be successfully treated by EMR, endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), or radiofrequency ablation. A new portable, battery-powered cryotherapy system using nitrous oxide (cryoballoon focal ablation system [CbFAS]) has been

  2. Four year efficacy of prophylactic human papillomavirus quadrivalent vaccine against low grade cervical, vulvar, and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia and anogenital warts: randomised controlled trial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dillner, Joakim; Kjaer, Susanne K; Wheeler, Cosette M


    To evaluate the prophylactic efficacy of the human papillomavirus (HPV) quadrivalent vaccine in preventing low grade cervical, vulvar, and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasias and anogenital warts (condyloma acuminata)....

  3. Investigação epidemiológica de Estomatite vesicular por achados clínicos em bovinos e equinos no Estado do Maranhão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto C.N. de Arruda


    Full Text Available Resumo:A Estomatite Vesicular (EV é uma doença infecciosa que acomete equinos, bovinos, suínos, mamíferos silvestres e humanos. Por apresentar sinais clínicos semelhantes a outras doenças vesiculares, principalmente, febre aftosa, sua presença em determinadas regiões pode interferir no intercâmbio comercial internacional dos animais, seus produtos e subprodutos. Apesar de sua importância, a epidemiologia e a manutenção do vírus no ambiente não estão totalmente esclarecidas dificultando a aplicação de medidas de controle efetivas. A doença já foi diagnosticada em todas as regiões brasileiras. Bovinos com sialorréia, perda do epitélio lingual, lesões abertas com bordas amareladas nas gengivas, lábios, língua e mucosa oral e equinos com sialorréia e lesões abertas na mucosa oral e lábios foram observados e notificados ao Serviço Veterinário Oficial do Estado do Maranhão, Agência Estadual de Defesa Agropecuária do Maranhão (AGRD/MA. Amostras de soro de equinos e bovinos com sintomas de EV foram coletadas para investigação por ELISA e por neutralização viral, além do diagnóstico diferencial para Febre Aftosa (FA. Fragmentos epiteliais de bovinos com lesões na língua foram coletados para identificação molecular do agente. Todos os animais foram negativos para FA. Todos os bovinos e equinos foram reativos para EV nos testes sorológicos. A partir dos fragmentos epiteliais de bovinos enviados ao Instituto Biológico de São Paulo para PCR, foi possível caracterizar o agente como VesiculovirusIndiana III (Alagoas/VSAV.

  4. Detecção de proteínas imunorreativas de Rickettsia sp. cepa Mata Atlântica

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    Caroline S. Oliveira

    Full Text Available RESUMO: A Febre Maculosa Brasileira (FMB é uma doença infecciosa, transmitida por carrapatos ao homem. Uma nova riquetsiose humana foi descrita como causadora de Febre Maculosa no Estado de São Paulo, sendo denominada de Rickettsia sp. cepa Mata Atlântica. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo detectar e identificar proteínas com potencial de estimular o sistema imune de hospedeiro mamífero, desta nova cepa descrita. Para tanto, foi realizado a extração proteica total de Rickettsia sp. cepa Mata Atlântica. As proteínas extraídas foram fracionadas por eletroforese. As bandas proteicas foram transferidas para membranas de nitrocelulose por migração elétrica e submetidas à técnica de Western-blot, para detecção proteica. Ao todo sete proteínas imunorreativas foram detectadas. Duas proteínas apresentaram maior abundancia, com peso molecular, de 200 e 130 kDa respectivamente. Através da comparação de mapas proteômicos existentes e pelo peso molecular que estas proteínas apresentaram, sugere-se que as duas proteínas detectadas representem rOmpA (200 kDa e rOmpB (130 kDa. As demais proteínas detectadas apresentaram menor ocorrência e peso molecular inferior a 78 kDa, podendo representar membros da família de antígenos de superfície celular (Sca - Surface cell antigen. As proteínas detectadas poderão servir como base de estudo na elaboração de métodos diagnósticos sensíveis e específicos, no desenvolvimento de vacinas, além de possibilitarem novos estudos para terapias mais eficazes.

  5. Yield of Cytology Surveillance After High-Grade Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia or Cancer. (United States)

    Kuroki, Lindsay M; Frolova, Antonina I; Wu, Ningying; Liu, Jingxia; Powell, Matthew; Thaker, Premal H; Massad, L Stewart


    The aim of the study was to estimate the risk of high-grade cervical and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN/VAIN 2+) and cancer among women treated surgically for high-grade vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (HGVIN) and vulvar cancer. We performed a retrospective cohort study of women who underwent surgery for HGVIN/vulvar cancer between 2006 and 2010. Univariate and multivariate analyses using stepwise selection were used to identify correlates of abnormal cytology after treatment for VIN and vulvar cancer. Among 191 women under surveillance for a median of 3.7 years who underwent treatment for HGVIN/vulvar cancer, primary vulvar lesions included VIN 2 (10, 5%), VIN 3 (102, 53%), and carcinoma (79, 41%). During follow-up, 71 (37%) had abnormal cytology, including 47 (25%) low grade, 23 (12%) high grade, and 1 (0.5%) carcinoma. Subsequent risk for VAIN 2+ was 11% (6/57) after previous hysterectomy and 8% for CIN 2+ (10/124) with intact cervix. Overall risk for CIN 3+ was 5%. Correlates of high-grade cytology after treatment for HGVIN/vulvar cancer included nonwhite race (odds ratio [OR] = 3.3, 95% CI = 1.50-7.36), immunodeficiency (OR = 4.2, 95% CI = 1.76-9.94), and previous abnormal cytology (OR = 2.7, 95% CI = 1.29-5.78). Stepwise multivariate analysis revealed immunosuppression as the only significant correlate of high-grade cytology after vulvar treatment (adjusted OR = 3.7, 95% CI = 1.26-10.83). Women with HGVIN/cancer should have cervical/vaginal cytology before vulvar surgery. Those with a negative cervical or vaginal cytology result should undergo cytology testing at 1- to 3-year intervals, based on the threshold for CIN 3+ set forth by the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology.

  6. Computed Tomographic Virtual Colonoscopy to Screen for Colorectal Neoplasia in asymptomatic adults

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pickhardt, Perry J.; Choi, J Richard; Hwang, Inku and others


    We evaluated the performance characteristics of computed tomographic (CT) virtual colonospy for the detection of colorectal neoplasia in an average-risk screening population. A total of 1233 symptomatic adults (mean age, 57.8 years) underwent same-day virtual and optical colonoscopy. Radiologists used the three-dimensional endoluminal display for the initial detection of polyps on CT virtual colonoscopy. For the initial examination of each colonic segment, the colonoscopists were unaware of the findings on virtual colonoscopy, which were revealed to them before any subsequent reexamination. The sensitivity and specificity of virtual colonoscopy and the sensitivity of optical colonoscopy were calculated with the use of the findings of the final, unblinded optical colonoscopy as the reference standard. The sensitivity of virtual colonoscopy for adenomatous polyps was 93.8 percent for polyps at least 10 mm in diameter, 93.9 percent for polyps at least 8 mm in diameter, and 88.7 percent for polyps at least 6 mm in diameter. The sensitivity of optical colonoscopy for adenomatous polyps was 87.5 percent, 91.5 percent, and 92.3 percent for the three sizes of polyps, respectively. The specificity of virtual colonoscopy for adenomatous polyps was 96.0 percent for polyps at least 10 mm in diameter, 92.2 percent for polyps at least 8 mm in diameter, and 79.6 percent for polyps at least 6 mm in diameter.Two polyps were malignant; both were detected on virtual colonoscopy, and one of them was missed on optical colonoscopy before the results on virtual colonoscopy were revealed. CT virtual colonoscopy with the use of a three-dimensional approach is an accurate screening method for the detection of colorectal neoplasia in symptomatic average-risk adults and compares favorably with optical colonoscopy in terms of the detection of clinically relevant lesions

  7. Neoplasias malignas: caracterización

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    Freddie Hernández Cisneros


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio transversal con el objetivo de caracterizar a los pacientes con neoplasias malignas en un área de salud desde marzo de 1994 hasta agosto del mismo año; el universo de estudio estuvo representado por 75 pacientes diagnosticados con algún tipo de afección maligna y el registro primario de los datos, por una encuesta con variables seleccionadas; se procesó la información de una forma computadorizada. Se encontraron como resultados más importantes: una mayor incidencia en el grupo de edad de 50 años y más; un 56 % fumaba y un 17,33 % ingería bebidas alcohólicas; las 3 localizaciones más frecuentes fueron: mama, cuello del útero y piel, y se detectaron deficiencias llamativas en la promoción y la prevención de estas enfermedades.: A cross-sectional study was carried out, with the aim of characterizing the patients with malignant neoplasms in a health area, from March 1994 to August of the same year; the universe of study was represented by 75 patients diagnosed with some kind of malignant disease, and the primary score of the data, by means of a survey with selected variables; information was processed in a computed way. The most important results found, were: the highest incidence in the 50 years old or more age group; the 56 % smoked, and the 17.33 % drank alcoholic beverages; the three most frequent sites, were: breast, cervix uteri and skin, and also outstanding defficiencies were detected in the promotion and prevention of these diseases.

  8. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 (MEN1) and Pituitary Adenoma Predisposition (PAP) in Northern Finland


    Vierimaa, O. (Outi)


    Abstract Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is an inherited syndrome characterized by parathyroid, gastroenteropancreatic and pituitary neuroendocrine tumours. In Northern Finland, two founder mutations of the MEN1 gene (1466del12, 1657insC) accounting for the majority of the MEN1 cases, have common ancestors born in the 18th and 19th centuries, respectively. Three small clusters of familial pituitary adenoma have also been detected, two of which could be linked by genealogy to a ...

  9. Epidemiologic and mucosal immunologic aspects of HPV infection and HPV-related cervical neoplasia in the lower female genital tract: a review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tjiong, M. Y.; Out, T. A.; ter Schegget, J.; Burger, M. P.; van der Vange, N.


    Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are known to play an important role in the pathogenesis of cervical neoplasia. Considering the morbidity and mortality of cervical cancer, infection with HPV can be regarded as a worldwide problem, especially in developing countries. Currently, many studies

  10. Importance of ultrasonographic study in the diagnosis of the neoplasia of pancreas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salomon, M.; Rodriguez, Z.; Diaz, J.A.; Fong, A.


    Thirty clinical histories of patients discharged from hospital, with diagnosis of neoplasia of the pancreas, were reviewed. The patients were assisted at the ''saturnino Lora'' Teaching Provincial Hospital, Santiago de Cuba, from January 1983 to June 1985. Remarkable effectiveness of abdominal ultrasonographic study for the diagnosis of this affection was demonstrated at its correlation with other complementary examinations, such as radiographic and laparoscopic examinations, besides surgical findings and verification with histopathologic diagnosis. The tumor was more frequently located in the head of the pancreas and echogenicity and dilation of biliary and choledocus ducts were its main ultrasonographic characteristics. Adenocarcinoma was the prevailing histologic type. These findings agree with those related in the reviewed literature

  11. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace System (NAS) Project FY17 Annual Review (United States)

    Sakahara, Robert; Hackenberg, Davis; Johnson, William


    This presentation was presented to the Integrated Aviation Systems Program at the FY17 Annual Review of the UAS-NAS project. The presentation captures the overview of the work completed by the UAS-NAS project and its subprojects.

  12. Taxa de detecção do papilomavírus humano pela captura híbrida II, em mulheres com neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical

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    Borges Sonia Cristina Vidigal


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a taxa de detecção do papilomavírus humano (HPV de alto risco oncogênico em pacientes portadoras de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical (NIC e verificar se existe associação entre a presença do vírus e a carga viral com a gravidade da lesão cervical, assim como qual o melhor ponto de corte para predizer a gravidade desta lesão. MÉTODOS: estudo de corte transversal, no qual foram selecionadas 110 mulheres com citologia e/ou biópsia com diagnóstico de NIC. Todas foram submetidas à coleta de nova citologia oncológica, captura híbrida II (CH II, colposcopia e conização pela cirurgia de alta freqüência com alça. RESULTADOS: a taxa global de detecção do HPV de alto risco oncogênico na população estudada foi de 77,3%. À avaliação histopatológica, 81 (73,7% mulheres apresentavam NIC e, nestas mulheres, a taxa de detecção do DNA-HPV foi de 87,6%, sendo de 85,9% nas mulheres com NIC 2 ou 3. A CH II apresentou sensibilidade de 87,7%, especificidade de 56%, valor preditivo positivo de 86,6% e valor preditivo negativo de 58,3%, com odds ratio (OR de 7,76 (2,47 < OR < 25,15 no diagnóstico de NIC 2 ou 3. Com ponto de corte de carga viral de 20 pg/mL, selecionado a partir da curva ROC, o valor preditivo positivo da CH II no diagnóstico da NIC 2 ou 3, na população estudada, foi de 81,3%. CONCLUSÕES: a taxa de detecção do DNA-HPV nas pacientes portadoras de NIC foi de 77,3% e, em mulheres com NIC 2 e 3, foi de 85,9%. O melhor ponto de corte da carga viral para a predição da lesão cervical de alto grau foi de 20 pg/mL. Acima deste ponto a probabilidade de detecção do HPV de alto risco oncogênico é maior que 80%.

  13. Differentiated Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia-like and Lichen Sclerosus-like Lesions in HPV-associated Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Vulva. (United States)

    Rakislova, Natalia; Alemany, Laia; Clavero, Omar; Del Pino, Marta; Saco, Adela; Quirós, Beatriz; Lloveras, Belen; Alejo, Maria; Halec, Gordana; Quint, Wim; de Sanjosé, Silvia; Ordi, Jaume


    Most human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated vulvar squamous cell carcinomas (VSCCs) originate from high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, also named usual type vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia. However, growing evidence suggests that morphologic studies have limitations in predicting HPV status in vulvar lesions. We aimed to evaluate adjacent intraepithelial lesions in a series of DNA HPV-positive VSCCs, focusing on unusual histologic patterns mimicking differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (dVIN) or lichen sclerosus (LS). We identified 326 DNA HPV-positive VSCC with at least 1 cm of skin adjacent to the invasive tumor and analyzed HPV typing, HPV E6*I mRNA, and p16 immunohistochemistry in all cases. A careful histologic evaluation was conducted. A conclusive association with HPV was based on a positive p16 or HPV E6*I mRNA result or both in addition to the HPV DNA, whereas cases negative for both markers were classified as nonconclusively associated with HPV. One hundred twenty-one tumors (37.1%) had normal adjacent skin, 191 (58.6%) had only high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, also named usual type vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, and unusual intraepithelial lesions were identified in 14 (4.3%) tumors. Seven cases showed dVIN-like features, 5 showed adjacent LS-like lesion, and in 2 cases dVIN-like and LS-like lesions were identified simultaneously. Six of them were conclusively associated with HPV (3 dVIN-like, 2 LS-like, 1 with combined dVIN/LS-like features). All 6 tumors were associated with HPV16 and were positive for both p16 and HPV mRNA, and p16 was also positive in the dVIN-like and LS-like lesions. In summary, a small subset of VSCCs conclusively associated with HPV may arise on intraepithelial lesions, mimicking precursors of HPV-independent VSCC.

  14. Skin reactions to human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 specific antigens intradermally injected in healthy subjects and patients with cervical neoplasia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Hende, Muriel; van Poelgeest, Mariëtte I. E.; van der Hulst, Jeanette M.; de Jong, Joan; Drijfhout, Jan W.; Fleuren, Gert Jan; Valentijn, A. Rob P. M.; Wafelman, Amon R.; Slappendel, Gijs M.; Melief, Cornelis J. M.; Offringa, Rienk; van der Burg, Sjoerd H.; Kenter, Gemma G.


    We have tested the safety and feasibility of a synthetic long peptide-based HPV16-specific skin test to detect cellular immune responses to HPV16 E2, E6 and E7 in vivo. Women with cervical neoplasia (n = 11) and healthy individuals (n = 19) were intradermally challenged with 8 different pools of

  15. Cadherin-Catenin Complex Dissociation in Lobular Neoplasia of the Breast (United States)

    Morrogh, Mary; Andrade, Victor P.; Giri, Dilip; Sakr, Rita A.; Paik, Wooyul; Qin, Li-Xuan; Arroyo, Crispinita D.; Brogi, Edi; Morrow, Monica; King, Tari A.


    Background E-cadherin (E-CD) inactivation with loss of E-CD-mediated cell adhesion is the hallmark of lesions of the lobular phenotype. E-CD is typically absent by immunohistochemistry in both lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) and invasive lobular lesions, suggesting it occurs early in the neoplastic process. In laboratory models, downstream post-transcriptional modifiers such as TWIST and SNAIL contribute to the dissociation of the intracellular component of the cadherin-catenin complex (CCC), resulting in tumor progression and invasion. We hypothesized that complete CCC dissociation may play a role in lobular neoplasia progression. Here we explore the relationship between loss of E-CD and dissociation of the CCC in pure LCIS and LCIS associated with invasive cancer. Methods Fresh-frozen tissues were obtained from 36 patients undergoing mastectomy for pure LCIS (n=11), LCIS with ILC (n=18) or LCIS with IDC (n=7). Individual lesions were subject to laser-capture microdissection and gene-expression analysis (Affymetrix HG-U133A 2.0). Immunohistochemistry for ER,PR,HER2, E-CD,N-CD,α-,β-, and phosphoβ-catenin, TWIST, and SNAIL were evaluated in normal, in situ, and invasive components from matched formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples(n=36). CCC-dissociation was defined as negative membranous E-CD, α- and β-catenin expression. Results E-CD was negative in all LCIS and ILC lesions, and positive in all normal and IDC lesions. Membranous α and β-catenin expression decreased with the transition from LCIS to ILC (pure LCIS 82%;LCIS w/ILC 28%;ILC 0%), while TWIST expression increased (pure LCIS low;LCIS w/ILC moderate;ILC high). Gene expression paralleled IHC staining patterns with a stepwise downregulation of E-CD, α and β-catenin from normal to LCIS to invasive lesions, and increasing expression of TWIST from normal to LCIS to ILC. Conclusions Loss of E-CD expression is an early event in lobular neoplasia. Decreasing membranous catenin expression in tandem with

  16. Ocular surface squamous neoplasia in HIV-infected patients: current perspectives

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    Rathi SG


    Full Text Available Shweta Gupta Rathi, Anasua Ganguly Kapoor, Swathi Kaliki Operation Eyesight Universal Institute for Eye Cancer, LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, India Abstract: Ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN refers to a spectrum of conjunctival and corneal epithelial tumors including dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, and invasive carcinoma. In this article, we discuss the current perspectives of OSSN associated with HIV infection, focusing mainly on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of these tumors in patients with HIV. Upsurge in the incidence of OSSN with the HIV pandemic most severely affected sub-Saharan Africa, due to associated risk factors, such as human papilloma virus and solar ultraviolet exposure. OSSN has been reported as the first presenting sign of HIV/AIDS in 26%–86% cases, and seropositivity is noted in 38%–92% OSSN patients. Mean age at presentation of OSSN has dropped to the third to fourth decade in HIV-positive patients in developing countries. HIV-infected patients reveal large aggressive tumors, higher-grade malignancy, higher incidence of corneal, scleral, and orbital invasion, advanced-stage T4 tumors, higher need for extended enucleation/exenteration, and increased risk of tumor recurrence. Current management of OSSN in HIV-positive individuals is based on standard treatment guidelines described for OSSN in the general population, as there is little information available about various treatment modalities or their outcomes in patients with HIV. OSSN can occur at any time in the disease course of HIV/AIDS, and no significant trend has been discovered between CD4 count and grade of OSSN. Furthermore, the effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy on OSSN is controversial. The current recommendation is to conduct HIV screening in all cases presenting with OSSN to rule out undiagnosed HIV infection. Patient counseling is crucial, with emphasis on regular follow-up to address

  17. Human papillomavirus infection among Bangladeshi women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and chronic cervicitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisha Khandker


    Full Text Available Background and objectives: Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Human papillomavirus (HPV is known to be associated with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN and cancer. The objective of the present study was to determine the rate of HPV infection among the Bangladeshi women with different grades of CIN and cancer. Methods: Women aged 20 to 55 years, diagnosed as a case of chronic cervicits, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN or invasive cancer by Papanicolaou (Pap smear and colposcopy directed biopsy were enrolled in the study. High and intermediate risk oncogenic HPV were detected in cervical samples by real time PCR (rt-PCR. Results: Seventy two women with chronic cervicitis and different grades of CIN were included in the study. Out of 72 cases, 28 (38.9% and 44 (61.1% had chronic cervicitis and CIN respectively. Overall, the HPV infection rate was 43.1% (95% CI= 32%-54% among the study population. CIN cases had significantly high (p<0.01 HPV infection (78.6%; 95% CI=60%-89% compared to cases with chronic cervicitis (18.2%; 95% CI=11.1%-34.5%. Women between the age of 20-30 years had the highest positive rate (50.0% followed by 31-40 years age group (43.6%. All CIN grade 2 and 3 had HPV infection. Conclusion: The study showed that HPV was strongly associated with different grades of CIN. Specific HPV types should be determined to find out the most prevalent HPV types among the Bangladeshi women with CIN and cervical cancers. IMC J Med Sci 2016; 10(1: 29-32

  18. CpG Island Methylator Phenotype-High Colorectal Cancers and Their Prognostic Implications and Relationships with the Serrated Neoplasia Pathway. (United States)

    Rhee, Ye-Young; Kim, Kyung-Ju; Kang, Gyeong Hoon


    The concept of a CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) was first introduced by Toyota and Issa to describe a subset of colorectal cancers (CRCs) with concurrent hypermethylation of multiple CpG island loci. The concept of CIMP as a molecular carcinogenesis mechanism was consolidated by the identification of the serrated neoplasia pathway, in which CIMP participates in the initiation and progression of serrated adenomas. Distinct clinicopathological and molecular features of CIMP-high (CIMP-H) CRCs have been characterized, including proximal colon location, older age of onset, female preponderance, and frequent associations of high-level microsatellite instability and BRAF mutations. CIMP-H CRCs arise in sessile or traditional serrated adenomas and thus tend to display the morphological characteristics of serrated adenomas, including epithelial serration, vesicular nuclei, and abundant cytoplasm. Both the frequent association of CIMP and poor prognosis and different responses of CRCs to adjuvant therapy depending on CIMP status indicate clinical implications. In this review, we present an overview of the literature documenting the relevant findings of CIMP-H CRCs and their relationships with the serrated neoplasia pathway.

  19. Factores psicológicos y sociales en las neoplasias malignas pediátricas Psychological and social factors in malignant neoplasia in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available This research was conducted to assess some psychologic and social factors in families with children with malignant neoplasia. A cross-sectional and correlation study was performed in a group of 38 mothers of patients aged 0-18 months, who were seen in “Juan Manuel Márquez” Children Hospital, in Marianao, in June and July 2005. The following techniques were applied: Family Performance Perception Test (FPPT, social support questionnaire (SSQ, and confrontation scale (CS. The information obtained was processed by means of the SPSS statistical program in its version for Window 98. The results showed that most of the families were functional, and that mothers needed a lot of social support, mainly of emotional support. It was concluded that there was no dependence between the family functioning and the variables which with it was related; most of the mothers felt satisfied with the social support received, and the confrontation strategies they used the most were to focus their attention on the positive, and to worry and concentrate themselves on solving the problem.

  20. Scintigraphic Evaluation of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 ( MEN Type 2 )

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jae Tae; Lee, Kyu Bo; Whang, Kee Suk; Kim, Bo Wan; Lee, In Kyu


    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN type 2, Sipple's syndrome) is a rare disorder characterized by the association of medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, parathyroid hyperplasia and can be diagnosed in early stage of the disease by meticulous screening tests of the family. This case report describes the location and categorization of tumors using 99m Tc-pertechnetate, I -NaI, 99m Tc-pentavalent(V) DMSA, 131 I -MIBG scans in two cases of MEN type 2 occurred in a 32 year old women and her 29-year old brother. In MEN type 2, we think, combined use of 99m Tc-(V)-DMSA, 99m Tc-pertechnetate and 1 '3 1 I -MIBG may be useful for the categorization of tumor mass lesions and planning appropriate therapy.

  1. Both SEPT2 and MLL are down-regulated in MLL-SEPT2 therapy-related myeloid neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cerveira, Nuno; Snijder, Simone; Mariz, José M; Norton, Lucília; Mellink, Clemens H; Buijs, Arjan; Teixeira, Manuel R; Santos, Joana; Bizarro, Susana; Costa, Vera; Ribeiro, Franclim R; Lisboa, Susana; Correia, Cecília; Torres, Lurdes; Vieira, Joana


    A relevant role of septins in leukemogenesis has been uncovered by their involvement as fusion partners in MLL-related leukemia. Recently, we have established the MLL-SEPT2 gene fusion as the molecular abnormality subjacent to the translocation t(2;11)(q37;q23) in therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia. In this work we quantified MLL and SEPT2 gene expression in 58 acute myeloid leukemia patients selected to represent the major AML genetic subgroups, as well as in all three cases of MLL-SEPT2-associated myeloid neoplasms so far described in the literature. Cytogenetics, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and molecular studies (RT-PCR, qRT-PCR and qMSP) were used to characterize 58 acute myeloid leukemia patients (AML) at diagnosis selected to represent the major AML genetic subgroups: CBFB-MYH11 (n = 13), PML-RARA (n = 12); RUNX1-RUNX1T1 (n = 12), normal karyotype (n = 11), and MLL gene fusions other than MLL-SEPT2 (n = 10). We also studied all three MLL-SEPT2 myeloid neoplasia cases reported in the literature, namely two AML patients and a t-MDS patient. When compared with normal controls, we found a 12.8-fold reduction of wild-type SEPT2 and MLL-SEPT2 combined expression in cases with the MLL-SEPT2 gene fusion (p = 0.007), which is accompanied by a 12.4-fold down-regulation of wild-type MLL and MLL-SEPT2 combined expression (p = 0.028). The down-regulation of SEPT2 in MLL-SEPT2 myeloid neoplasias was statistically significant when compared with all other leukemia genetic subgroups (including those with other MLL gene fusions). In addition, MLL expression was also down-regulated in the group of MLL fusions other than MLL-SEPT2, when compared with the normal control group (p = 0.023) We found a significant down-regulation of both SEPT2 and MLL in MLL-SEPT2 myeloid neoplasias. In addition, we also found that MLL is under-expressed in AML patients with MLL fusions other than MLL-SEPT2

  2. One lesion, one virus: individual components of high-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia in HIV-positive men contain a single HPV type

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Richel, Olivier; Quint, Koen D.; Lindeman, Jan; van Noesel, Carel J. M.; de Koning, Maurits N. C.; van den Munckhof, Henk A. M.; de Vries, Henry J. C.; Prins, Jan M.; Quint, Wim G. V.


    High-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN) is present in many human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive men who have sex with men. The major etiologic factor is infection with an oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) genotype. We investigated whether individual components of high-grade AIN are

  3. Dissecting Molecular Events in Thyroid Neoplasia Provides Evidence for Distinct Evolution of Follicular Thyroid Adenoma and Carcinoma


    Krause, Kerstin; Prawitt, Susanne; Eszlinger, Markus; Ihling, Christian; Sinz, Andrea; Schierle, Katrin; Gimm, Oliver; Dralle, Henning; Steinert, Frank; Sheu, Sien-Yi; Schmid, Kurt W.; Fuhrer, Dagmar


    Benign hypofunctional cold thyroid nodules (CTNs) are a frequent scintiscan finding and need to be distinguished from thyroid carcinomas. The origin of CTNs with follicular morphologic features is unresolved. The DNA damage response might act as a physiologic barrier, inhibiting the progression of preneoplastic lesions to neoplasia. We investigated the following in hypofunctional follicular adenoma (FA) and follicular thyroid cancer (FTC): i) the mutation rate of frequently activated oncogene...

  4. Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grzegorz Piecha


    Full Text Available Primary hyperparathyroidism may occur as a part of an inherited syndrome in a combination with pancreatic endocrine tumours and/or pituitary adenoma, which is classified as Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1. This syndrome is caused by a germline mutation in MEN-1 gene encoding a tumour-suppressor protein, menin. Primary hyperparathyroidism is the most frequent clinical presentation of MEN-1, which usually appears in the second decade of life as an asymptomatic hypercalcemia and progresses through the next decades. The most frequent clinical presentation of MEN-1-associated primary hyperparathyroidism is bone demineralisation and recurrent kidney stones rarely followed by chronic kidney disease. The aim of this paper is to present the pathomechanism, screening procedures, diagnosis, and management of primary hyperparathyroidism in the MEN-1 syndrome. It also summarises the recent advances in the pharmacological therapy with a new group of drugs—calcimimetics.

  5. Lectin histochemistry of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced rat colon neoplasia. (United States)

    Freeman, H J


    Lectins linked to fluorescein were used as carbohydrate probes to examine the goblet cell mucin and epithelial cell surface glycoconjugate alterations in an experimental rodent model of colonic neoplasia induced with parenteral 1,2-dimethylhydrazine dihydrochloride. Lectins derived from Triticum vulgare (WGA), Ricinus communis (RCA1), and Limulus polyphemus (LPA) showed reduced labeling of goblet cell mucin in these tumors, while binding with peanut lectin from Arachis hypogaea (PNA), a lectin ordinarily failing to bind to mucin in normal colon, was positive. In addition, RCA1 and LPA showed increased cell surface labeling of neoplastic epithelial cells. Finally, alterations were observed in lectin binding to "transitional" colonic mucosa adjacent to colonic tumors from carcinogen-treated rats. These findings indicate that significant alterations in both membrane and mucin glycoconjugates occur in colonic tumors and mucosa adjacent to tumors in a chemically induced experimental animal model of human colon cancer.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valéria Pero


    Full Text Available RESUMO O tempo de deslocamento de casa ao trabalho tem se elevado substancialmente nas regiões metropolitanas brasileiras durante a última década. Esse fenômeno tem implicações fortes sobre o bem-estar dos indivíduos, porém as consequências desse problema não se distribuem uniformemente entre a população. O presente trabalho visa contribuir para o debate sobre a questão da mobilidade urbana nas metrópoles brasileiras analisando a evolução do tempo de deslocamento entre 1992 e 2013 e suas diferenças de acordo com características do trabalhador, como sexo, cor e renda per capita , e do posto de trabalho. Verifica-se que o aumento do tempo médio de deslocamento ocorreu a partir de 2003, caracterizando uma questão particularmente importante para as metrópoles brasileiras no terceiro milênio. Os trabalhadores com maiores tempos médios de deslocamento residem nas regiões metropolitanas do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo. Entretanto, as maiores taxas de crescimento ocorreram nas metrópoles do Pará, Salvador e Recife, sugerindo a necessidade de melhor direcionamento e planejamento de políticas públicas na mobilidade urbana. Considerando as diferenças socioeconômicas, destaca-se que os mais pobres e os mais ricos (extremos da distribuição de renda tendem a apresentar tempos de deslocamento menores do que os trabalhadores de famílias de renda média. Esse padrão se mantém ao longo do tempo, com aumento do tempo médio de deslocamento entre os mais pobres, mostrando uma face da desigualdade. Porém, o maior aumento ocorreu entre os mais ricos, colocando a questão da mobilidade urbana para além dos problemas de exclusão social.

  7. Infecção oral pelo HPV e lesões epiteliais proliferativas associadas HPV oral infection and proliferative epithelial associated lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cíntia Tereza Lima Ferraro


    Full Text Available Os papilomavírus humanos (HPVs pertencem à família Papillomaviridae e seu ciclo de vida é diretamente ligado à diferenciação das células epiteliais do hospedeiro. Possuem seis genes que se expressam precocemente e dois genes que se expressam tardiamente, sendo denominados respectivamente E (early e L (late. O ácido desoxirribonucleico (DNA viral dentro da célula do hospedeiro pode assumir duas formas: epissomal e integrada. O HPV tem como alvo as células basais de epitélios escamosos, em particular da área genital, onde está associado ao carcinoma da cérvice uterina. Na boca, o HPV está associado a papiloma escamoso oral, condiloma acuminado, verruga vulgar e hiperplasia epitelial focal. Entretanto, seu papel na carcinogênese oral é ainda controverso, sendo também identificado como agente etiológico de alguns carcinomas de células escamosas de cabeça e pescoço. A infecção pelo HPV pode agir sinergicamente com agentes carcinogênicos, como o tabaco e o álcool. Pelo menos 150 subtipos diferentes de HPV já foram identificados, sendo que 25 têm sido detectados em lesões orais. Considerando a relevância do tema para a melhor compreensão da infecção oral pelo HPV, o objetivo desta atualização é rever os aspectos relevantes da biologia do HPV, com ênfase na relação HPV-ceratinócitos, e a importância dos dados clínicos e histopatológicos na definição diagnóstica das lesões orais possivelmente associadas ao HPV.Papillomaviruses belong to the family Papillomaviridae and their life cycle is directly linked to the differentiation of host epithelial cells. They have six genes that are expressed earlier and two genes that are expressed later in their life cycle, named respectively E (early and L (late. Host cell viral DNA can take two forms: episomal and integrated. The human papillomavirus (HPV targets the basal cells of squamous epithelia, particularly from the genital area, which is associated with uterine

  8. Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia of the Testis, Bilateral Testicular Cancer, and Aberrant Histologies. (United States)

    Sharma, Pranav; Dhillon, Jasreman; Sexton, Wade J


    Intratubular germ cell neoplasia (ITGCN) is a precursor lesion for testicular germ cell tumors, most of which are early stage. ITGCN is also associated with testicular cancer or ITGCN in the contralateral testis, leading to a risk of bilateral testicular malignancy. Testicular biopsy detects most cases, and orchiectomy is the treatment of choice in patients with unilateral ITGCN. Low-dose radiation therapy is recommended in patients with bilateral ITGCN or ITGCN in the solitary testis, but the long-term risks of infertility and hypogonadism need to be discussed with the patient. Rare histologies of primary testicular cancer are also discussed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Thymoma (World Health Organization type B3) with neuroendocrine differentiation in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1


    Tomita, Masaki; Ichiki, Nobuhiko; Ayabe, Takanori; Tanaka, Hiroyuki; Kataoka, Hiroaki; Nakamura, Kunihide


    Abstract Thymic epithelial tumors occur in 1?5% of patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1). Majority of these thymic epithelial tumors are thymic carcinoids and patients with thymoma in MEN 1 is rare. Furthermore, thymoma with neuroendocrine differentiation was also rarely reported. Herein, we report a 68-year-old man having type B3 thymoma with neuroendocrine differentiation in MEN 1 and to the best of our knowledge this is the first such case ever reported.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cornelissen, M. T.; van den Tweel, J. G.; Struyk, A. P.; Jebbink, M. F.; Briët, M.; van der Noordaa, J.; ter Schegget, J. T.


    The localization of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) DNA throughout the cervix uteri of women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) was studied by utilizing the polymerase chain reaction technique directly on histologically defined sections of paraffin-embedded cervical tissue obtained


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduard Crauciuc


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to establish if the infection with human papilloma virus (HPV presents a potential irreversible evolution towards malignancy. Materials and methods. The study was made on a number of 1885 patients that were suspected to have cervical neoplasia, which were monitored between 2001-2010 in „Elena-Doamna” Clinical Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Ia�i, the Military Hospital Gala�i, the County Hospital Gala�i and the Emergency Hospital Buzau. Results and discussions. The study proved that the risk of contacting a genital infection with HPV and cervical cancer is influenced by the sexual activity, the risk of getting infected with HPV during a person’ s lifetime is at least 50% for those sexually active. Conclusions. The patients benefited from colposcopy and biopsy only if the repeated cytology suggested more severe changes. The conservative conduct is represented by a repeated cytology when the patients are admitted into the lot (the initial cytology is performed before this moment


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Siqueira Manhães


    Full Text Available O processo da área da construção civil é bastante heterogêneo, contemplando diferentes âmbitos de organização produtiva e de formas de comercialização de seus produtos finais, as construções. Nas construções, a complexidade e a indispensabilidade de planejamento e gerenciamento são agravadas pela crescente busca do mercado por maior qualidade em seu desenvolvimento e melhor desempenho do produto final. Isso pode não direcionar a comunicação entre os agentes envolvidos e racionalizar a construção e a edificação, mas também mostrar alternativas inteligentes e sustentáveis que respondam à necessidade de minimização dos impactos ambientais. A discussão que envolve os conceitos de construções inteligentes e sustentáveis, apesar de ser vista no meio acadêmico, parece ainda não encerrada e engloba os diferentes níveis de organização do indivíduo e dasociedade. O presente estudo tem como objetivo discutir o uso desses conceitos no processo construtivo e em seu resultado final, com a finalidade de identificar possíveis relações entre os mesmos e as suas contribuições no contexto da sustentabilidade da construção civil. Observou-se que as inovações tecnológicas dispostas nas várias etapas do processo (construção até o produto final, geraram soluções sustentáveis que deixam sua contribuição para amenizar os impactos no meio ambiente. O trabalho contribui para uma reflexão sobre conceitos de sustentabilidade dentro de uma visão mais integral para a arquitetura, abordando o processo e o produto da produção da arquitetura.

  13. Applications Performance Under MPL and MPI on NAS IBM SP2 (United States)

    Saini, Subhash; Simon, Horst D.; Lasinski, T. A. (Technical Monitor)


    On July 5, 1994, an IBM Scalable POWER parallel System (IBM SP2) with 64 nodes, was installed at the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Facility Each node of NAS IBM SP2 is a "wide node" consisting of a RISC 6000/590 workstation module with a clock of 66.5 MHz which can perform four floating point operations per clock with a peak performance of 266 Mflop/s. By the end of 1994, 64 nodes of IBM SP2 will be upgraded to 160 nodes with a peak performance of 42.5 Gflop/s. An overview of the IBM SP2 hardware is presented. The basic understanding of architectural details of RS 6000/590 will help application scientists the porting, optimizing, and tuning of codes from other machines such as the CRAY C90 and the Paragon to the NAS SP2. Optimization techniques such as quad-word loading, effective utilization of two floating point units, and data cache optimization of RS 6000/590 is illustrated, with examples giving performance gains at each optimization step. The conversion of codes using Intel's message passing library NX to codes using native Message Passing Library (MPL) and the Message Passing Interface (NMI) library available on the IBM SP2 is illustrated. In particular, we will present the performance of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) kernel from NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) under MPL and MPI. We have also optimized some of Fortran BLAS 2 and BLAS 3 routines, e.g., the optimized Fortran DAXPY runs at 175 Mflop/s and optimized Fortran DGEMM runs at 230 Mflop/s per node. The performance of the NPB (Class B) on the IBM SP2 is compared with the CRAY C90, Intel Paragon, TMC CM-5E, and the CRAY T3D.

  14. An Integrated Gate Turnaround Management Concept Leveraging Big Data Analytics for NAS Performance Improvements (United States)

    Chung, William W.; Ingram, Carla D.; Ahlquist, Douglas Kurt; Chachad, Girish H.


    "Gate Turnaround" plays a key role in the National Air Space (NAS) gate-to-gate performance by receiving aircraft when they reach their destination airport, and delivering aircraft into the NAS upon departing from the gate and subsequent takeoff. The time spent at the gate in meeting the planned departure time is influenced by many factors and often with considerable uncertainties. Uncertainties such as weather, early or late arrivals, disembarking and boarding passengers, unloading/reloading cargo, aircraft logistics/maintenance services and ground handling, traffic in ramp and movement areas for taxi-in and taxi-out, and departure queue management for takeoff are likely encountered on the daily basis. The Integrated Gate Turnaround Management (IGTM) concept is leveraging relevant historical data to support optimization of the gate operations, which include arrival, at the gate, departure based on constraints (e.g., available gates at the arrival, ground crew and equipment for the gate turnaround, and over capacity demand upon departure), and collaborative decision-making. The IGTM concept provides effective information services and decision tools to the stakeholders, such as airline dispatchers, gate agents, airport operators, ramp controllers, and air traffic control (ATC) traffic managers and ground controllers to mitigate uncertainties arising from both nominal and off-nominal airport gate operations. IGTM will provide NAS stakeholders customized decision making tools through a User Interface (UI) by leveraging historical data (Big Data), net-enabled Air Traffic Management (ATM) live data, and analytics according to dependencies among NAS parameters for the stakeholders to manage and optimize the NAS performance in the gate turnaround domain. The application will give stakeholders predictable results based on the past and current NAS performance according to selected decision trees through the UI. The predictable results are generated based on analysis of the

  15. Long-term follow-up of the risk for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse in HPV-negative women after conization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gosvig, Camilla F; Huusom, Lene D; Andersen, Klaus K


    Little research has been conducted on the long-term value of human papillomavirus (HPV) testing after conization. We investigated whether cytology adds to the value of a negative HPV test for long-term prediction of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse (CIN2+). In addition, we...


    The failure of chloroform administered in drinking water to induce renal tubular cell neoplasia in male F344/N rats Chloroform (TCM) has been demonstrated to be a renal carcinogen in the male Osborne-Mendel rat when administered either by corn oil gavage or in drin...

  17. The Natural History of Neoplasia (United States)

    Pitot, Henry C.


    The stages of initiation and promotion in the natural history of epidermal carcinogenesis have been known for many years. Recently, experimental systems other than skin have been shown to exhibit similar, if not completely analogous, stages in the natural history of neoplasia. In particular, the demonstration by Peraino and his associates that phenobarbital may enhance the production of hepatomas by a relatively subcarcinogenic dose of acetylaminofluorene was one of the first demonstrations of stages occurring in an extraepidermal neoplasm. Studies reported in this paper have demonstrated that administration of phenobarbital (0.05% in the diet) for 6 months following a single dose of diethylnitrosamine (5 to 10 mg/kg) given within 24 hours after partial hepatectomy resulted in a marked increase in the number of enzyme-altered foci in the liver as well as in the production of hepatocellular carcinomas. This was compared to animals receiving only a single dose of diethylnitrosamine following partial hepatectomy with no further treatment, in which only a relatively small number of foci were evident in the absence of phenobarbital feeding. Using three different enzyme markers, a distinct degree of phenotypic heterogeneity of the enzyme-altered foci in liver was demonstrated. These studies have shown that liver carcinogensis can be readily divided into two stages: a) initiation by a single dose of diethylnitrosamine following partial hepatectomy and b) promotion by the continuous feeding of phenobarbital. Furthermore, the immediate progeny of the initiated cells, the enzyme-altered focus, may be recognized by suitable microscopic means prior to the formation of gross lesions as required in the skin system. These initiated cell populations exhibit a degree of biochemical heterogeneity which reflects that seen in fully developed hepatic neoplasms, suggesting that promotion and progression in this system does not significantly alter the basic biochemical characteristics of

  18. Barium enema and endoscopy for the detection of colorectal neoplasia: Sensitivity, specificity, complications and its determinants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zwart, Ingrid M. de; Griffioen, Gerrit; Shaw, M. Pertaap Chandie; Lamers, Cornelis B.H.W.; Roos, Albert de


    AIM: To analyse sensitivity, specificity and complication rate of endoscopy, and barium enema for the detection of colorectal neoplasia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A MEDLINE search was performed (1980-2000) directed at the endoscopic and radiologic literature on barium enema. Articles were selected based on the type of study, availability of sensitivity and specificity values in sizeable patient groups, and reports on complications. Sixty articles were included in the analysis. RESULTS: Endoscopy proved to have superior sensitivity for polyps in patients at high-risk for colorectal neoplasia. The role of endoscopy and radiology in average-risk screening populations is not known. Sensitivity and specificity rates ranged widely, probably due to bias. For the detection of small polyps endoscopy has superior performance, whereas sensitivity is similar for endoscopy and barium enema for the detection of larger (>1 cm) polyps and tumours. Overall, endoscopy is associated with a higher complication rate. CONCLUSION: Endoscopy is the preferred detection method in high-risk patients. The role of endoscopy and radiology in a screening setting requires evaluation. This review provides the test characteristics of endoscopy and radiology which are relevant for a cost-effectiveness analysis. Double-contrast barium enema may play an important role for screening purposes, owing to its good sensitivity for detecting larger (>1 cm) polyps and its lack of major complications. Zwart, I.M. de et al. (2001)

  19. Lipoproteínas e inflamação na esclerose múltipla


    Cascais, Maria João Coelho Melo


    Preâmbulo Os processos inflamatórios induzem alterações marcadas do metabolismo das lipoproteínas plasmáticas e estas, por sua vez, regulam as reacções imunitárias. Dadas as muitas relações existentes entre imunidade inata e adquirida e o metabolismo das lipoproteínas, investigámos neste trabalho a sua possível relevância para a compreensão da Esclerose Múltipla (EM), uma doença neuroinflamatória e neurodegenrativa do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC). Como será evidente ao l...

  20. A survey on the prevalence of high-risk subtypes of human papilloma virus among women with cervical neoplasia in Isfahan University of Medical Science. (United States)

    Allameh, Tajossadat; Moghim, Sharareh; Asadi-Zeidabadi, Maryam


    Given the importance of epidemiological studies on the prevalence of human papilloma virus (HPV) and its subtypes to plan more effective strategies for cervical cancer prevention, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of HPV in women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cancer in Isfahan. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, women referred to oncology clinic of Shahid Beheshti Hospital because of abnormal cytology of their cervices within the last year were studied. The 2001 Bethesda system was used for histologic classification. The distribution of different pathologies was as follows: squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) 34.7%, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) 30.5%, high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) 22.8%, atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance (ASCUS) 8.4%, and adenocarcinoma (AC) 3.3%. There was no case of atypical glandular of undetermined significance or cases of adenocarcinoma associated with an early lesion. The presence of HPV infection and its subtypes including HPV 16, 18, 6 and 11 was assessed in different cytological categories of cervical neoplasia, by using polymerase chain reaction method. During this study, 130 patients were studied. Their median age was 52 years (range 29-73 years). HPV was detected in 118/130 patients (90.8%) with abnormal cervical cytology. The prevalence of positive HPV samples was 97.6, 80, 93.1, 92.3, and 66.6% in cases with SCC, AC, HSIL, LSIL, and ASCUS, respectively (P prevalence of HPV type 16 was not significantly different in various cytological categories of cervical neoplasia (P > 0.05). The prevalence of HPV type 16 and 18 was significantly higher than the HPV type 11 or 6 in cervical neoplastic lesions (P prevalence of HPV infection in all categories of cervical neoplasia. This emphasizes the importance of HPV screening and vaccination programs. In order to assess more effective screening programs in Isfahan and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of

  1. Prolactin-secreting adenoma as part of the multiple endocrine neoplasia--type I (MEN-I) syndrome. (United States)

    Levine, J H; Sagel, J; Rosebrock, G; Gonzalez, J J; Nair, R; Rawe, S; Powers, J M


    Two patients presented with the galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome. One patient had previously had parathyroid hyperplasia and the other an insulinoma. Preoperative evaluation of each patient revealed hyperprolactinemia and radiological evidence of an abnormal sella turcica. Pituitary adenomas were identified and removed at surgery. Immunostaining techniques confirmed the presence of prolactin-containing cells in both tumors. We propose that prolactin-secreting tumors be considered as part of the MEN-I syndrome, and that patients presenting with the galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome be screened and followed sequentially for evidence of other endocrine neoplasia.

  2. Multicolor immunofluorescence reveals that p63- and/or K5-positive progenitor cells contribute to normal breast epithelium and usual ductal hyperplasia but not to low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia of the breast. (United States)

    Boecker, Werner; Stenman, Göran; Schroeder, Tina; Schumacher, Udo; Loening, Thomas; Stahnke, Lisa; Löhnert, Catharina; Siering, Robert Michael; Kuper, Arthur; Samoilova, Vera; Tiemann, Markus; Korsching, Eberhard; Buchwalow, Igor


    We contend that knowledge about the cellular composition of normal breast epithelium is a prerequisite for understanding proliferative breast disease. Against this background, we used multicolor immunofluorescence to study normal breast epithelium and two types of intraepithelial proliferative breast lesion for expression of the p63, basal keratin K5, glandular keratin K8/18, SMA, ER-alpha, and Ki67. We studied eight normal breast epithelium samples, 12 cases of usual ductal hyperplasia, and 33 cases of low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (9 flat epithelial atypia, 14 low-grade ductal carcinoma in situ and 10 cases of lobular neoplasia). Usual ductal hyperplasia showed striking similarity to normal luminal breast epithelium including p63+ and/or K5+ luminal progenitor cells and the full spectrum of luminal progeny cells. In normal breast epithelium and usual ductal hyperplasia, expression of ER-alpha was associated with lack of expression of the proliferation antigen Ki67. In contrast, we found in both types of low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia robust expression of keratin K8/18 and a positive association between ER-alpha and Ki67 expression. However, these lesions were consistently negative for p63 and/or K5. Our observational study supports the view that usual ductal hyperplasia and low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia are different entities rather than part of a spectrum of the same disease. We propose a new operational model of cell differentiation that may serve to better understand correlations between normal breast epithelium and proliferative breast diseases. From our data we conclude that p63+ and/or K5+ progenitor cells contribute to maintenance of normal epithelium and usual ductal hyperplasia, but not to low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia of the breast.

  3. A expressão da proteína p16 e herpes simples vírus tipo 2 em lesões pré-neoplásicas e neoplásicas do colo do útero


    Salcedo,Mila de Moura Behar Pontremoli; Silveira,Gustavo Py Gomes da; Zettler,Cláudio Galeano


    OBJETIVO: demonstrar a expressão de biomarcadores, detectados por técnicas de imunohistoquímica, em tecidos sadios, lesões pré-neoplásicas e neoplásicas do colo do útero. MÉTODOS: para avaliação da reatividade imunohistoquímica de tecidos do colo do útero ao p16 e ao herpes simples vírus tipo 2 (HSV-2), foram avaliadas 187 amostras de lesões intra-epiteliais de baixo grau (LIE-BG) e lesões intra-epiteliais de alto grau (LIE-AG) e carcinoma do colo do útero, e comparadas com grupo de pacientes...

  4. The serrated neoplasia pathway of colorectal tumors: Identification of MUC5AC hypomethylation as an early marker of polyps with malignant potential. (United States)

    Renaud, Florence; Mariette, Christophe; Vincent, Audrey; Wacrenier, Agnès; Maunoury, Vincent; Leclerc, Julie; Coppin, Lucie; Crépin, Michel; Van Seuningen, Isabelle; Leteurtre, Emmanuelle; Buisine, Marie-Pierre


    The serrated neoplasia pathway accounts for 20-30% of colorectal cancers (CRC), which are characterized by extensive methylation (CpG island methylation phenotype, CIMP), frequent BRAF mutation and high microsatellite instability (MSI). We recently identified MUC5AC mucin gene hypomethylation as a specific marker of MSI CRC. The early identification of preneoplastic lesions among serrated polyps is currently challenging. Here, we performed a detailed pathological and molecular analysis of a large series of colorectal serrated polyps and evaluated the usefulness of mucin genes MUC2 and MUC5AC to differentiate serrated polyps and to identify lesions with malignant potential. A series of 330 colorectal polyps including 218 serrated polyps [42 goblet cell-rich hyperplastic polyps (GCHP), 68 microvesicular hyperplastic polyps (MVHP), 100 sessile serrated adenoma (SSA) and eight traditional serrated adenoma (TSA)] and 112 conventional adenomas was analyzed for BRAF/KRAS mutations, MSI, CIMP, MLH1 and MGMT methylation, and MUC2 and MUC5AC expression and methylation. We show that MUC5AC hypomethylation is an early event in the serrated neoplasia pathway, and specifically detects MVHP and SSA, arguing for a filiation between MVHP, SSA and CIMP-H/MSI CRC, whereas GCHP and TSA arise from a distinct pathway. Moreover, MUC5AC hypomethylation specifically identified serrated lesions with BRAF mutation, CIMP-H or MSI, suggesting that it may be useful to identify serrated neoplasia pathway-related precursor lesions. Our data suggest that MVHP should be recognized among HP and require particular attention. © 2015 UICC.

  5. Benefits of a Unified LaSRS++ Simulation for NAS-Wide and High-Fidelity Modeling (United States)

    Glaab, Patricia; Madden, Michael


    The LaSRS++ high-fidelity vehicle simulation was extended in 2012 to support a NAS-wide simulation mode. Since the initial proof-of-concept, the LaSRS++ NAS-wide simulation is maturing into a research-ready tool. A primary benefit of this new capability is the consolidation of the two modeling paradigms under a single framework to save cost, facilitate iterative concept testing between the two tools, and to promote communication and model sharing between user communities at Langley. Specific benefits of each type of modeling are discussed along with the expected benefits of the unified framework. Current capability details of the LaSRS++ NAS-wide simulations are provided, including the visualization tool, live data interface, trajectory generators, terminal routing for arrivals and departures, maneuvering, re-routing, navigation, winds, and turbulence. The plan for future development is also described.

  6. Frequency of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia treatment in a well-screened population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barken, Sidsel Svennekjaer; Rebolj, Matejka; Andersen, Erik Søgaard


    Treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) detectable at screening has helped reduce the incidence of cervical cancer, but has also led to overtreatment. The estimates of overtreatment have often focused on a particular grade of CIN or age group. The aim of this paper was to provide...... a nationwide population-based estimate of the frequency of CIN treatment per prevented cervical cancer case in a well-screened population. We retrieved the data from the Danish National Population, Patient, Health Insurance, Pathology, and Cancer Registers, and calculated annual age-standardized CIN treatment...... rates. We estimated the frequency of CIN treatment per prevented cervical cancer case by comparing the cumulative life-time risk of CIN treatment from 1996 onward, with the difference in the cumulative life-time risks of cervical cancer in the prescreening and the screening periods. Since 1996, more...

  7. Novel multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 variations in patients with sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S Birla


    Full Text Available Background and Objectives: Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT can occur either as a sporadic case or in association with syndromes such as multiple endocrine neoplasia. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1 is a rare autosomal-dominant disease resulting from mutations in MEN1 gene encoding a 621 amino acid long tumor suppressor protein “menin.” We report here the results of MEN1 screening in 31 patients diagnosed with sporadic PHPT. Materials and Methods: Diagnosis of sporadic PHPT was made when blood urea and serum creatinine were normal, serum parathyroid hormone was high, and parathyroid enlargement could be localized on ultrasound and/or parathyroid scan. A total of 31 patients and 50 healthy volunteers were recruited for molecular analysis after taking informed consent. Results: Major symptoms at presentation were bone pain, fatigue, muscle weakness, and renal stones. Molecular genetic analysis revealed the presence of two novel intronic variations, c. 913-79T>A and c. 784-129T>A which by human splicing finder are predicted to cause potential alteration of splicing by either activating an intronic cryptic acceptor site or converting a conserved exonic splicing silencer sequence to an exonic splicing enhancer site. Apart from these, two reported polymorphisms rs144677807 and rs669976 were seen only in patients and none of the controls. Other reported polymorphisms rs2071313 and rs654440 were identified both in controls and patients. Conclusions: This is the first study of MEN1 gene screening in sporadic PHPT in India reporting on the clinical and genetic findings, wherein two novel intronic variations c. 913-79T>A and c. 784-129T>A were identified showing their possible role in disease causation.

  8. Neoplasia in beagles that received whole-body irradiation during prenatal or postnatal development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benjamin, S.A.; Angleton, G.M.; Lee, A.C.; Saunders, W.J.; Miller, G.K.; Jaenke, R.S.; Brewster, R.D.; Long, R.I.


    Sensitivity to radiation carcinogenesis is being studied in 1680 beagle dogs that received whole-body 60 Co gamma radiation exposures during development. Eight treatment groups of 120 dogs each received 0.16 or 0.83 Gy at one of three prenatal (8, 28, or 55 days postcoitus) ages or at one postnatal (2 days postpartum) age. One treatment group of 120 dogs received 0.83 Gy as juveniles at 70 days postpartum, and one treatment group of 240 young adult dogs received 0.83 Gy at 365 days postpartum. Three-hundred-sixty control dogs were sham irradiated. Of the 1680 dogs, 1058 are dead. Approximately 25% of these deaths were related to malignant neoplasia. The age-related incidence of neoplasia is being evaluated. While the incidence of all neoplasms is being studied, particular emphasis is being placed on types of cancer with known susceptibility to induction by radiation such as those of breast, thyroid, and hematopoietic tissues. Neoplasms are classed as (1) incidental, i.e., those found at necropsy in dogs that died of an unrelated cause; (2) mortality independent, i.e., those seen in live dogs and removed surgically, or (3) fatal, i.e., those directly or indirectly responsible for death. Analyses of incidental tumors are done by a prevalence method, whereas analyses of mortality-independent and fatal tumors use an onset-rate or death-rate method. The results of these methods are then combined to give a composite age-related incidence of specific neoplasms. Analyses also are done on disease subgroups to attempt to delineate the effect of intercurrent disease on tumor incidence. The results of such analyses support the concept that age at exposure is an important factor in radiation carcinogenesis. 28 refs., 7 tabs

  9. Neurologic abnormalities as the predominant signs of neoplasia of the nasal cavity in dogs and cats: seven cases (1973-1986)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, M.O.; Turrel, J.M.; Bailey, C.S.; Cain, G.R.


    Neurologic abnormalities were the predominant historic and physical findings in 5 dogs and 2 cats with primary nasal cavity tumors that had invaded the cranial vault. Seizures, behavior changes, and obtundation were the most common signs. Other neurologic signs included paresis, ataxia, circling, visual deficit, and proprioceptive deficit. Although 1 dog and 2 cats had historic findings of mild respiratory disease, no physical abnormalities related to the respiratory tract were found in any of the 7 animals. Nasal cavity neoplasia was suggested by radiographic and computed tomographic studies and was confirmed histopathologically in each case. The nasal tumor types in the 5 dogs were epidermoid carcinoma (n = 1), adenocarcinoma (n = 2), solid carcinoma (n = 1), and anaplastic chondrosarcoma (n = 1). An esthesioneuroblastoma was found in each cat. Radiation therapy was effective for 3 months in palliating the clinical signs in the 2 dogs in which it was used. Neoplasia of the nasal cavity should be considered in the differential diagnosis for animals with neurologic signs suggestive of cerebral disorders

  10. Frequency of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS and type of the narcotic substance in neonates born from drug addicted mothers

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    Fatemeh Nayeri


    Full Text Available Abstract Background and objective: NAS is a combination of signs and symptoms that due to physical and mental dependency, develops in neonates born from drug addicted mothers. The onset of NAS varies in accordance with the type, amount, frequency and duration of substance used. Because of diverse and unclear pattern of substance abuse in Iranian addicted pregnant mothers in comparison with western countries, this multi-center study has been designed to evaluate NAS in neonates born from drug addicted mothers. Material and method: A cross sectional study was carried out on newborns of narcotic addicted mothers during the first six months of 2008. The newborn’s status and clinical signs were checked by physical examination and scored by the Finnegan scoring system. Results: In this study 100 neonates born from narcotic addicted mothers were examined; the most used narcotic was crack (36%. 60% of neonates showed signs of NAS. The most prevalent signs of NAS were increased muscle tonicity (60%/7, irritability (59%/6 and increased moro reflex (51%/8. Neonates born from crack abusers, in comparison with other drugs, were significantly at risk of NAS (100% vs.87%, p

  11. Pulmonary preinvasive neoplasia. (United States)

    Kerr, K M


    Advances in molecular biology have increased our knowledge of the biology of preneoplastic lesions in the human lung. The recently published WHO lung tumour classification defines three separate lesions that are regarded as preinvasive neoplasia. These are (1) squamous dysplasia and carcinoma in situ (SD/CIS), (2) atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH), and (3) diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia (DIP-NECH). SD/CIS is graded in four stages (mild, moderate, severe, and CIS), based upon the distribution of atypical cells and mitotic figures. Most airways showing SD/CIS demonstrate a range of grades; many epithelia are hard to assess and the reproducibility of this complex system remains to be established. Detailed criteria are, however, welcome and provide an objective framework on which to compare various molecular changes. Alterations in gene expression and chromosome structure known to be associated with malignant transformation can be demonstrated in CIS, less so in dysplasias, but also in morphologically normal epithelium. The changes might be sequential, and their frequency and number increase with atypia. Less is known of the "risk of progression" of SD/CIS to invasive "central" bronchial carcinoma. It may take between one and 10 years for invasion to occur, yet the lesion(s) may be reversible if carcinogen exposure ceases. AAH may be an important precursor lesion for peripheral "parenchymal" adenocarcinoma of the lung: the "adenoma" in an adenoma-carcinoma sequence. There is good morphological evidence that AAH may progress from low to high grade to bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC; a non-invasive lesion by definition). Invasion then develops within BAC and peripheral lung adenocarcinoma evolves. The molecular events associated with this progression are not well understood and studies are hampered by a lack of clear criteria to distinguish high grade AAH from BAC. Nonetheless, as with SD/CIS, the patterns of expression of tumour

  12. Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia-like ductal prostatic adenocarcinoma: A case suitable for active surveillance?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soroush Rais-Bahrami


    Full Text Available In contrast to typical prostatic ductal adenocarcinoma, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN-like ductal adenocarcinoma is a rare variant of prostate cancer with low-grade clinical behavior. We report a case of a 66-year-old African-American male with an elevated serum prostate-specific antigen who underwent multiparametric prostate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and MRI/ultrasound fusion-guided biopsies. Pathology demonstrated low-volume Gleason score 3 + 3 = 6 (Grade Group 1, acinar adenocarcinoma involving one core and PIN-like ductal adenocarcinoma on a separate core. Herein, we discuss the potential role of active surveillance for patients with this rare variant of prostate cancer found in the era of advanced imaging with multiparametric MRI for prostate cancer.

  13. Effect of aspirin or resistant starch on colorectal neoplasia in the Lynch syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Burn, John; Bishop, D Timothy; Mecklin, Jukka-Pekka


    BACKGROUND: Observational and epidemiologic data indicate that the use of aspirin reduces the risk of colorectal neoplasia; however, the effects of aspirin in the Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer) are not known. Resistant starch has been associated with an antineoplastic effect...... on the colon. METHODS: In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, we used a two-by-two design to investigate the effects of aspirin, at a dose of 600 mg per day, and resistant starch (Novelose), at a dose of 30 g per day, in reducing the risk of adenoma and carcinoma among persons with the Lynch syndrome...... on the incidence of colorectal adenoma or carcinoma among carriers of the Lynch syndrome. (Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN59521990.)...

  14. Comparison of 250 MHz R10K Origin 2000 and 400 MHz Origin 2000 Using NAS Parallel Benchmarks (United States)

    Turney, Raymond D.; Thigpen, William W. (Technical Monitor)


    This report describes results of benchmark tests on Steger, a 250 MHz Origin 2000 system with R10K processors, currently installed at the NASA Ames National Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) facility. For comparison purposes, the tests were also run on Lomax, a 400 MHz Origin 2000 with R12K processors. The BT, LU, and SP application benchmarks in the NAS Parallel Benchmark Suite and the kernel benchmark FT were chosen to measure system performance. Having been written to measure performance on Computational Fluid Dynamics applications, these benchmarks are assumed appropriate to represent the NAS workload. Since the NAS runs both message passing (MPI) and shared-memory, compiler directive type codes, both MPI and OpenMP versions of the benchmarks were used. The MPI versions used were the latest official release of the NAS Parallel Benchmarks, version 2.3. The OpenMP versions used were PBN3b2, a beta version that is in the process of being released. NPB 2.3 and PBN3b2 are technically different benchmarks, and NPB results are not directly comparable to PBN results.

  15. Estudo retrospectivo das neoplasias em ruminantes e equídeos no semiárido do Nordeste Brasileiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabricio K. de L. Carvalho


    Full Text Available No Brasil, dados relacionados com a ocorrência de neoplasias em ruminantes e equinos são escassos. Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar a frequência de neoplasias diagnosticadas em bovinos, caprinos, ovinos e equídeos no Laboratório de Patologia Animal da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, Paraíba, durante o período de 1983 a 2010 e analisar os fatores de risco, mediante o teste de qui-quadrado, considerando como variáveis, espécie, raça, sexo e idade. Durante o período foram registrados 177 (5,6% tumores de um total de 3.153 diagnósticos provenientes de biópsias e necropsias. Houve diferenças significantes (p<0,001 na frequência de tumores entre as diferentes espécies sendo mais acometidos os equinos (10,6%, seguidos pelos bovinos (6,8%, caprinos (3,3% e ovinos (2,1%. Os tumores mais frequentes foram o carcinoma células escamosas (CCE nos bovinos (58,3%, ovinos (80% e caprinos (46,1% e o sarcoide em equinos (45,3%. Quanto à localização anatômica, as neoplasias foram mais frequentes na pele em equídeos (62,5% e ovinos (60%, olho e tecido periocular em bovinos (36,1% e sistema reprodutor feminino (períneo e vulva em caprinos (34,6%. Em relação ao sexo dos animais, apenas os bovinos apresentaram prevalência significativa (p<0,001. Em relação à idade apenas os caprinos apresentaram prevalência significativa (p=0,015. Não houve prevalência significativa em nenhuma espécie em relação à raça. Conclui-se que os carcinomas de células escamosas em ruminantes e o sarcoide em equídeos são os tumores mais frequentes em animais de produção no semiárido do Nordeste Brasileiro e que a espécie equina foi a mais acometida dentre as espécies estudadas.

  16. A Phase I Safety, Pharmacokinetic, and Pharmacodynamic Presurgical Trial of Vitamin E δ-tocotrienol in Patients with Pancreatic Ductal Neoplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gregory M. Springett


    Interpretation: VEDT from 200 to 1600 mg daily taken orally for 2 weeks before pancreatic surgery was well tolerated, reached bioactive levels in blood, and significantly induced apoptosis in the neoplastic cells of patients with pancreatic ductal neoplasia. These promising results warrant further clinical investigation of VEDT for chemoprevention and/or therapy of pancreatic cancer.


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    Full Text Available RESUMO A semente da munguba (Pachira aquatica Aubl. contém amêndoas que exibem um conteúdo excelente de óleo e um percentualsignificativo em proteínas. Propositou-se determinar algumas propriedades funcionais das proteínas de amêndoas damunguba com o objetivo de instituir sua utilização na indústria de alimentos. O teor lipídico foi de 46,62%, o proteico de 13,75% e na forma de torta apresentou um índice de 28,27% de proteínas. Obtiveram-se doisisolados proteicos, o IP 2,0 e o IP 10,0, decorrentes de duas condições de pH (2,0 e 10,0. Na obtenção dos isolados proteicos, os índices em proteínas extraídas foram de 38,52% para o IP 2,0 e 82,06% para o IP 10,0. Os índices de proteínas recuperadas através da precipitação isoelétrica foram de 23,35% para o IP 2,0 e de 70,94%para o IP 10,0, em pH 5,0. As propriedades funcionais exibiram solubilidade mínima em pH 5,0, no pontoisoelétrico (pI, sendo mais elevada em pH ácido e alcalino do pI. As melhores capacidades de absorçãode água e de óleo exibidas foram para o IP 10,0. As propriedades emulsificantes foram dependentes do pH para os dois isolados, e o IP 10,0 indicou melhores resultados. As propriedades funcionais estudadas permitem o emprego dos isolados proteicos em produtos alimentícios que requerem alta solubilidade, tais como os produtos de panificação, massas em geral, sopas desidratadas e molhos, produtos que exigem desempenho na absorção do óleo, como as carnes simuladas, e em produtos que requerem poderes emulsificantes.

  18. Biología molecular de las proteínas accesorias del Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana tipo 1 (VIH-1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo Cervantes Acosta


    Full Text Available El Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana tipo 1 (VIH-1 es un retrovirus complejo que codifica 15 distintas proteínas. Algunas de estas proteínas no son esenciales para la replicación viral. No obstante estas proteínas accesorias participan en diferentes estadios del ciclo viral, incluyendo la regulación de la replicación, la infectividad y la salida viral. Los mecanismos por los cuales estas proteínas accesorias orientan ciertos eventos virales y celulares y su interacción con proteínas celulares se ha convertido en un tópico muy importante en investigación. Esta revisión expone entonces cómo la conformación estructural de las proteínas accesorias del VIH, Nef, Vpr, Vif y Vpu está relacionada con sus fenotipos putativos. Finalmente, nuestros resultados de previos estudios serán también presentados y discutidos a la luz de recientes desarrollos en el área.

  19. Meeting of Experts on NASA's Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace Systems (NAS) Project (United States)

    Wolfe, Jean; Bauer, Jeff; Bixby, C.J.; Lauderdale, Todd; Shively, Jay; Griner, James; Hayhurst, Kelly


    Topics discussed include: Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Integrated Systems Research Program (ISRP) and UAS Integration in the NAS Project; UAS Integration into the NAS Project; Separation Assurance and Collision Avoidance; Pilot Aircraft Interface Objectives/Rationale; Communication; Certification; and Integrated Tests and Evaluations.

  20. Differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia is often found in lesions, previously diagnosed as lichen sclerosus, which have progressed to vulvar squamous cell carcinoma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Nieuwenhof, Hedwig P.; Bulten, Johan; Hollema, Harrie; Dommerholt, Rianne G.; Massuger, Leon F. A. G.; van der Zee, Ate G. J.; de Hullu, Joanne A.; van Kempen, Leon C. L. T.

    Lichen sclerosus is considered to be the precursor lesion of vulvar squamous cell carcinoma, of which only 2-5% progress to squamous cell carcinoma. Differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) has been proposed to be the direct precursor lesion, but this is a recently recognized, and a

  1. Aberrant Methylation of Preproenkephalin and p16 Genes in Pancreatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma


    Fukushima, Noriyoshi; Sato, Norihiro; Ueki, Takashi; Rosty, Christophe; Walter, Kimberly M.; Wilentz, Robb E.; Yeo, Charles J.; Hruban, Ralph H.; Goggins, Michael


    Pancreatic intraductal neoplasia (PanIN) is thought to be the precursor to infiltrating pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. We have previously shown that the preproenkephalin (ppENK) and p16 genes are aberrantly methylated in pancreatic adenocarcinoma. In this study we define the methylation status of the ppENK and p16 genes in various grades of PanINs. One hundred seventy-four samples (28 nonneoplastic pancreatic epithelia, 7 reactive epithelia, 29 PanIN-1A, 48 PanIN-1B, 27 PanIN-2, 14 PanIN-3...

  2. Dois caras numa garagem: o cinema alternativo dos fãs de Guerra nas Estrelas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tietzmann, Roberto


    Full Text Available A série de filmes Guerra nas Estrelas faz parte do imaginário popular de uma forma desproporcional em relação às centenas de filmes lançados anualmente pela indústria audiovisual. Isso encontra eco nas bilheterias dos filmes da série e na fidelidade dos fâs ao universo de fantasia criado por George Lucas.


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    Hugo Azevedo Rangel de Morais


    Full Text Available O controle gerencial de uma empresa é necessário para um eficiente desenvolvimento interno. Com as mudanças constantes das legislações e a evolução da tecnologia de informação nas empresas contábeis, é essencial o controle gerencial eficiente, através dele será possível identificar como está a vida da empresa no seu dia a dia. Neste trabalho é mostrada a importância do controle gerencial para as empresas contábeis, situada na cidade de Caicó/RN, demonstrando a sua importância para auxiliar nas tomadas de decisões. O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral de analisar se nas empresas contábeis da cidade de Caicó existe um controle gerencial que os auxiliem nas tomadas de decisões, verificando se existem a prestação de serviço de contabilidade gerencial e analisando a importância do controle gerencial para os empresários. A contextualização do tema trata-se de pesquisas bibliográficas. A metodologia desenvolvida na pesquisa é classificada como descritiva, do ponto de vista de sua natureza é uma pesquisa aplicada, tendo uma abordagem qualitativa por ter caráter exploratório, já no que se refere aos procedimentos técnicos trata-se de um levantamento. Observou que os empresários tem conhecimento em relação à importância do controle gerencial, a maioria coloca em pratica obtendo uma boa classificação dos controles com confiabilidade para auxiliar nas tomadas de decisões, foi detectado que a maioria das empresas faz um planejamento dos objetivos a serem controlados.

  4. Emprego dos gangliosidos do cortex cerebral nas neuropatias perifericas

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    James Pitagoras De Mattos


    Full Text Available Os autores registram a experiência pessoal com o emprego de gangliosídios do cortex cerebral nas neuropatias periféricas. O ensaio clínico e eletromiográfico revelou-se eficaz em 30 dos 40 casos tratados. Enfatizam os melhores resultados em casos de paralisias faciais periféricas.

  5. Aspectos clínico e cirúrgicos do tumor mamário canino: clinical and surgical evolution Canine mammary neoplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Roberto Daleck


    Full Text Available As neoplasias mamárias em cadelas representam importante parcela das neoplasias em cães, merecendo atenção dos pesquisadores quanto ao diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico. No presente trabalho, 23 cadelas de várias raças ou cruzamentos, com idades entre 8 e 11 anos portadoras de neoplasia mamária foram estudadas. Doze eram multíparas, 6 primíparas e 5 nulíparas. Todas eram da região de Jaboticabal, SP, atendidas no Hospital Veterinário da FCAVJ-UNESP. Os animais foram avaliados clínica e radiolagicamente e submetidos à punção aspirativa da massa anormal de tecido, com agulha fina. Dessa mesma massa foi também retirado, cirurgicamente, um fragmento para exame histopatológico. A maior incidência foi de carcinoma (52,17%, seguidos por tumores mistos (17,39%. Os tratamentos cirúrgicos empregados nos 23 animais foram: mastectomia regional ou mastectomia em bloco, com remoção de linfonodos. Quinze cadelas foram tratadas com doxorubicina, na dose de 20mg/m² e ciclofosfamida, na dose de 100mg/m², aos 7, 9 e 11 dias após o ato cirúrgico. Todos os animais tiveram evolução favorável e, 12 meses após a cirurgia, 18 deles foram reavaliados, não constatando nenhuma recidiva ou surgimento de metástase.Mammary gland tumors in female dogs are among the most important neoplasia in dogs, deserving special attention regarding its diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. In this study, 23 biches of different breeds, from 8 to 11 years of age, with mammary tumors were evaluated. Of the se, 12 were multiparous, 6 primiparous and 5 were nuliparous. All dogs came from the region of Jaboticabal, SP and were referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the FCAVJ-UNESP. The animals were evaluated clinically and radiographically and the mammary mass submitted to an aspirative needle. A fragment of the tumor was also removed surgically for histopathological examination. Most tumors were classified as carcinomas (52.17°/o, followed in number

  6. Volumetric imaging of oral epithelial neoplasia by MPM-SHGM: epithelial connective tissue interface (Conference Presentation) (United States)

    Pal, Rahul; Yang, Jinping; Qiu, Suimin; Resto, Vicente; McCammon, Susan; Vargas, Gracie


    The majority of oral cancers are comprised of oral squamous cell carcinoma in which neoplastic epithelial cells invade across the epithelial connective tissue interface (ECTI). Invasion is preceded by a multi-component process including epithelial hyperproliferation, loss of cell polarity, and remodeling of the extracellular matrix. Multiphoton Autofluorescence Microscopy (MPAM) and Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy (SHGM) show promise for revealing indicators of neoplasia. In particular, volumetric imaging by these methods can reveal aspects of the 3D microstructure that are not possible by other methods and which could both further our understanding of neoplastic transformation and be explored for development of diagnostic approaches in this disease having only 55% 5-year survival rate. MPAM-SHG were applied to reveal the 3D structure of the critical ECTI interface that plays an integral part toward invasion. Epithelial dysplasia was induced in an established hamster model. MPAM-SHGM was applied to lesion sites, using 780 nm excitation (450-600nm emission) for autofluroescence of cellular and extracellular components; 840 nm using 420 nm bandpass filter for SHG. The ECTI surface was identified as the interface at which SHG signal began following the epithelium and was modeled as a 3D surface using Matlab. ECTI surface area and cell features at sites of epithelial expansion where ECTI was altered were measured; Imaged sites were biopsied and processed for histology. ROC analysis using ECTI image metrics indicated the ability to delineate normal from neoplasia with high sensitivity and specificity and it is noteworthy that inflammation did not significantly alter diagnostic potential of MPAM-SHGM .

  7. Altered Peptidase Activities in Thyroid Neoplasia and Hyperplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gorka Larrinaga


    Full Text Available Background. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC, follicular thyroid adenoma (FTA, and thyroid nodular hyperplasia (TNH are the most frequent diseases of the thyroid gland. Previous studies described the involvement of dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (DPPIV/CD26 in the development of thyroid neoplasia and proposed it as an additional tool in the diagnosis/prognosis of these diseases. However, very little is known about the involvement of other peptidases in neoplastic and hyperplastic processes of this gland. Methods. The catalytic activity of 10 peptidases in a series of 30 PTC, 10 FTA, and 14 TNH was measured fluorimetrically in tumour and nontumour adjacent tissues. Results. The activity of DPPIV/CD26 was markedly higher in PTC than in FTA, TNH, and nontumour tissues. Aspartyl aminopeptidase (AspAP, alanyl aminopeptidase (AlaAP, prolyl endopeptidase, pyroglutamyl peptidase I, and aminopeptidase B activities were significantly increased in thyroid neoplasms when compared to nontumour tissues. AspAP and AlaAP activities were also significantly higher in PTC than in FTA and TNH. Conclusions. These data suggest the involvement of DPPIV/CD26 and some cytosolic peptidases in the neoplastic development of PTC and FTA. Further studies will help to define the possible clinical usefulness of AlaAP and AspAP in the diagnosis/prognosis of thyroid neoplasms.

  8. Altered peptidase activities in thyroid neoplasia and hyperplasia. (United States)

    Larrinaga, Gorka; Blanco, Lorena; Errarte, Peio; Beitia, Maider; Sanz, Begoña; Perez, Itxaro; Irazusta, Amaia; Sánchez, Clara E; Santaolalla, Francisco; Andrés, Leire; López, José I


    Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), follicular thyroid adenoma (FTA), and thyroid nodular hyperplasia (TNH) are the most frequent diseases of the thyroid gland. Previous studies described the involvement of dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (DPPIV/CD26) in the development of thyroid neoplasia and proposed it as an additional tool in the diagnosis/prognosis of these diseases. However, very little is known about the involvement of other peptidases in neoplastic and hyperplastic processes of this gland. The catalytic activity of 10 peptidases in a series of 30 PTC, 10 FTA, and 14 TNH was measured fluorimetrically in tumour and nontumour adjacent tissues. The activity of DPPIV/CD26 was markedly higher in PTC than in FTA, TNH, and nontumour tissues. Aspartyl aminopeptidase (AspAP), alanyl aminopeptidase (AlaAP), prolyl endopeptidase, pyroglutamyl peptidase I, and aminopeptidase B activities were significantly increased in thyroid neoplasms when compared to nontumour tissues. AspAP and AlaAP activities were also significantly higher in PTC than in FTA and TNH. These data suggest the involvement of DPPIV/CD26 and some cytosolic peptidases in the neoplastic development of PTC and FTA. Further studies will help to define the possible clinical usefulness of AlaAP and AspAP in the diagnosis/prognosis of thyroid neoplasms.

  9. Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia: efficacy of color doppler ultrasound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Sun Wha; Jee, Won Hee; Choe, Bo Young; Byun, Jae Young; Choi, Byung Gil; Shinn, Kyung Sub


    To evaluate the efficacy of color Doppler ultrasound (US) in the diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). Intralesional color flows and resistive index (RI) on color Doppler US were prospectively analyzed in 21 consecutive suspected GTN cases. RI of the intralesional artery was investigated on the basis of the presence or absence of mass and metastasis. Correlation between RI of intralesional artery and urinary β-hCG was also investigated. Intralesional color flows were identified in 15 patients with GTN. On operation, intralesional color flows were observed in one of two patients in whom the presence of completely necrotic tissue was confirmed. Intralesional color flows, however, were not detected in four patients who were proved not to be GTN sufferers. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive and negative predictive values, and accuracy were 100%, 83%, 95%, 94% and 100%, respectively. Significant correlation between RI of the intralesional artery and urinary β-hCG was not established (p=0.49, r=0.19). RI of this artery was not substantially different between groups with and without mass, and between groups with and without metastasis (p=0.32, p=0.82). The current study demonstrates that color Doppler US is a sensitive and useful method for the diagnosis of GTN

  10. Increased burden of treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: Denmark 1991 to 2007

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Barken, Sidsel Svennekjær; Rebolj, M; Lynge, Elsebeth


    Introduction: Since the introduction of cytological screening in Denmark in the late 1960s, the incidence of cervical cancer decreased from 40 to 14 per 100,000 due to treatment of screen-detected cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). However, some overtreatment is inevitable and its side...... on conisations, destructive therapies, excisions, hysterectomies and cervical treatments NOS from: The Pathology, Hospital Discharge, Health Insurance and Danish Cancer Register, for all female Danish residents aged 15 to 84 between 1991 and 2007. After linking the data using the unique Danish identification...... numbers, we excluded all duplicates and all destructive therapies and hysterectomies for which no cervical diagnosis was found in the period around the treatment. The total number of treatments was age-standardized using the Danish female population in 2007 as the standard population. Results...

  11. Characteristics of the Danish families with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jäger, Anne Charlotte; Friis-Hansen, Lennart; Hansen, Thomas v.O.


    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is caused by autosomal dominantly inherited mutations in the MEN1 gene. Here, we report 25 MEN1 mutations - of which 12 are novel - found in 36 Danish families with MEN1 or variant MEN1 disease. Furthermore, one FIHP family was found to have an earlier...... reported mutation. The mutations were predominantly found in exons 9 and 10 encoding the C-terminal part of menin. Seven of the mutations were missense mutations, changing conserved residues. Furthermore screening of 93 out of 153 consecutive patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) identified five...... mutation carriers. Two of these belonged to known MEN1 families, whereas the only MEN1-related disease in the other three was pHPT. Screening of 96 consecutive patients with fore-/midgut endocrine tumours revealed five mutation carries out of 28 patients with sporadic gastrinomas, whereas no mutations were...

  12. Estado e controle nas prisões


    Batista, Analía Soria


    Este artigo analisa o problema da produção do controle e da ordem em prisões brasileiras, utilizando as perspectivas histórica e sociológica, e levanta a hipóteses de que, no Brasil, convivem duas modalidades de construção da ordem e do controle nas prisões. Uma delas, minoritária, baseia-se na prerrogativa do Estado na gestão do dia a dia prisional. A outra é relativa à negociação da pacificação do presídio entre o Estado e as lideranças dos presos. Embora, no primeiro caso, a prerrogativa d...

  13. UAS Integration in the NAS Project: Integrated Test and Evaluation (IT&E) Flight Test 3. Revision E (United States)

    Marston, Michael


    The desire and ability to fly Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) is of increasing urgency. The application of unmanned aircraft to perform national security, defense, scientific, and emergency management are driving the critical need for less restrictive access by UAS to the NAS. UAS represent a new capability that will provide a variety of services in the government (public) and commercial (civil) aviation sectors. The growth of this potential industry has not yet been realized due to the lack of a common understanding of what is required to safely operate UAS in the NAS. NASA's UAS Integration into the NAS Project is conducting research in the areas of Separation Assurance/Sense and Avoid Interoperability, Human Systems Integration (HSI), and Communication to support reducing the barriers of UAS access to the NAS. This research is broken into two research themes namely, UAS Integration and Test Infrastructure. UAS Integration focuses on airspace integration procedures and performance standards to enable UAS integration in the air transportation system, covering Sense and Avoid (SAA) performance standards, command and control performance standards, and human systems integration. The focus of Test Infrastructure is to enable development and validation of airspace integration procedures and performance standards, including the integrated test and evaluation. In support of the integrated test and evaluation efforts, the Project will develop an adaptable, scalable, and schedulable relevant test environment capable of evaluating concepts and technologies for unmanned aircraft systems to safely operate in the NAS. To accomplish this task, the Project will conduct a series of Human-in-the-Loop and Flight Test activities that integrate key concepts, technologies and/or procedures in a relevant air traffic environment. Each of the integrated events will build on the technical achievements, fidelity and complexity of the previous tests and

  14. Influencia del pH en la estabilidad de emulsiones elaboradas con proteínas de salvado de arroz

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    Laura Maldonado


    Full Text Available Si bien las proteínas de origen animal en muchas instancias pueden tener mejores características funcionales que las proteínas de origen vegetal, el incremento de su costo puede favorecer al uso expansivo de las fitoproteínas como reemplazo. Una de las fuentes de proteínas de origen vegetal es el salvado de arroz, que se obtiene como subproducto en el proceso de pulido del arroz integral (Oryza santiva L para producir el arroz blanco. Se estudió los procesos de cremado, floculación y coalescencia de emulsiones preparadas con proteínas del salvado de arroz a pH 6,0 y 8,0. La obtención de las proteínas del salvado de arroz se realizó en un medio alcalino, partiendo de salvado de arroz desengrasado. El proceso de desestabilización de las emulsiones se analizó a partir de los datos obtenidos por el método de retrodispersión de luz mediante un equipo Turbiscan 2000; en el caso del cremado los datos fueron ajustados a una cinética bifásica con una componente de segundo orden (hiperbólica y otra con un comportamiento sigmoidal. Las emulsiones preparadas a pH 8 presentaron una mayor estabilidad frente al cremado, mientras que los procesos de floculación y coalescencia no fueron influenciados por los distintos valores de pH.

  15. Human papillomavirus detection in cervical neoplasia attributed to 12 high-risk human papillomavirus genotypes by region


    Castellsagué, Xavier; Ault, Kevin A.; Bosch, F. Xavier; Brown, Darron; Cuzick, Jack; Ferris, Daron G.; Joura, Elmar A.; Garland, Suzanne M.; Giuliano, Anna R; Hernandez-Avila, Mauricio; Huh, Warner; Iversen, Ole-Erik; Kjaer, Susanne K.; Luna, Joaquin; Monsonego, Joseph


    Background: We estimated the proportion of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) cases attributed to 14 HPV types, including quadrivalent (qHPV) (6/11/16/18) and 9-valent (9vHPV) (6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58) vaccine types, by region Methods: Women ages 15–26 and 24–45 years from 5 regions were enrolled in qHPV vaccine clinical trials. Among 10,706 women (placebo arms), 1539 CIN1, 945 CIN2/3, and 24 adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) cases were diagnosed by pathology panel consensus. Results: Pred...

  16. Histomorfometria, apoptose e proliferação celular em neoplasias intraepiteliais do colo uterino Histomorphometry, apoptosis and cell proliferation in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Tadeu de Puy e Souza


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As displasias do colo uterino são precursoras do carcinoma de células escamosas. Mutações induzidas por carcinógenos correlacionam-se com alterações proliferativas. O acúmulo dessas mutações e o descontrole da homeostase genômica permitem mudanças na expressão de determinados genes e geram desequilíbrios na proliferação celular e na apoptose. Marcadores imuno-histoquímicos de proliferação celular, de apoptose e de sobrevivência celular em lesões intraepiteliais cervicais ainda necessitam de estudo morfométricos para definir seus papéis na evolução das displasias ao carcinoma invasivo. OBJETIVOS: Para melhor entender os processos de proliferação celular, apoptose e renovação epitelial nessas lesões, foram realizadas histomorfometria para mitose e apoptose e reações imuno-histoquímicas das proteínas Bax, Bcl-2 e Ki-67 (reatividade, localização e intensidade em biópsias cervicais. MÉTODOS: As amostras foram divididas em quatro grupos: 1. cervicite (n = 20; 2. displasia leve (n = 20; 3. displasia moderada (n = 20; 4. displasia acentuada (n = 20. RESULTADOS: Foram verificadas intensa proliferação celular e apoptose nas lesões de alto grau e ampla, intensa e difusa imunomarcação para Ki-67 e Bax. Esses achados foram encontrados de maneira discreta ou nula nos grupos cervicite e displasia leve. A marcação para Bcl-2 foi mais intensa nas lesões de alto grau, tendo sido discreta nas demais. A ampla marcação imuno-histoquímica de Ki-67 e Bax é sugestiva de elevado grau de renovação celular, o qual também é sustentado pela histomorfometria. A expressão do Bcl-2 aumenta com a gravidade da displasia. CONCLUSÃO: Esses achados indicam que o processo pré-neoplásico é dinâmico, com apoptose e mitose ocorrendo concomitantemente.INTRODUCTION: Cervical dysplasias are precursor to squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Carcinogen induced mutations correlate with proliferative

  17. Radiogenic neoplasia in thyroid and mammary clonogens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clifton, K.H.


    The induction of cancer by ionizing radiation is a matter of great practical importance to the nuclear industry, to national defense, to radiological medicine and to the general public. It is increasingly apparent that carcinogenesis is one of the leading dose-limiting effects of radiation exposure (Co90). Quantitative information at the cellular level is essential to an understanding of the mechanisms of radiogenic neoplastic initiation and the stages of promotion and progression to overt neoplasia. We have developed two experimental models, the rat thyroid and rat mammary clonogen transplant systems, for the quantitative study of radiation carcinogenesis at the cellular level in vivo (C185). The most important steps taken or completed during the current grant year include: (a) demonstration of the high age-dependent radiosensitivity of prepubertal rat mammary clonogens to radiogenic damage which may influence their susceptibility to neoplastic initiation, and (b) demonstration of the feasibility of using a molecular test for clonogenicity in which Simple Sequence Repeats in the DNA serve as identifying signals of the genotypic origin of the cells. We have also (c) set up a large carcinogenesis experiment to test the effect of close intercellular contact in thyroid glands in situ on promotion-progression of radiogenically initiated clonogens, (d) achieved considerable further concentration of thyroid clonogens, and (e) begun to explore whether thyroid cells can be induced to give rise to three dimensional multicellular structures in culture in reconstituted basement membrane. These are discussed in this report

  18. Cutaneous neoplasia following PUVA therapy for psoriasis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McKenna, K.E.; Handley, J.; McGinn, S.; Allen, G. [Belfast City Hospital (United Kingdom). Dept. of Dermatology; Patterson, C.C. [Queen`s Univ., Belfast, Northern Ireland (United Kingdom)


    To determine the risk of cutaneous neoplasia following photochemotherapy (PUVA), we reviewed patients with psoriasis treated at out unit between 1979 and 1991. Two hundred and forty-five patients were assessed, with a median duration of follow-up of 9.5 years. Fifty-nine per cent were male, and 41% female. The median number of exposures was 59, and the median total dose was 133J/cm{sup 2} for the group as a whole. Non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC) occurred in six individuals (2.4%), basal cell carcinoma occurred in all six and one individual also developed four squamous cell carcinomas and Bowen`s disease of the penis. No cases of malignant melanoma were recorded. Patients who developed NMSC received a median number of 225 exposures and a median cumulative dose of 654J/cm{sup 2}. Compared with a control study population in West Glamorgan, Wales, there was a 1.4 (95% confidence limits (CL) 0.5 and 3.1) times increased risk of NMSC. A statistically significant increased incidence of NMSC was found for patients who had received 100 or more exposures, and 250 or more J/cm{sup 2}, with risks of 3.7 (95% CL 1.0 and 9.5), and 4.0 (95% CL 1.1 and 10), respectively. A PUVA dose of < 250 J/cm{sup 2} or < 100 exposures conferred a minimal increase in risk of NMSC in our study population. (author).

  19. Producción de proteínas recombinantes de Plasmodium falciparum en Escherichia coli

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    Ángela Patricia Guerra


    Conclusión. El uso de cepas de E. coli genéticamente modificadas fue fundamental para alcanzar altos niveles de expresión de las cuatro proteínas recombinantes evaluadas y permitió obtener dos de ellas en forma soluble. La estrategia utilizada permitió expresar cuatro proteínas recombinantes de P. falciparum en cantidad suficiente para inmunizar ratones y producir anticuerpos policlonales y, además, conservar proteína pura y soluble de dos de ellas para ensayos futuros.

  20. Immunologic assessment of patients with pulmonary metaplasia and neoplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gross, R.L.; Saccomanno, G.; Smith, D.M.; Saunders, R.; Thomas, R.G.


    Immune profiles have been obtained on 206 individuals including 57 controls, 50 lung cancer patients, and 99 uranium miners with well-defined sputum cytologies ranging from normal to carcinoma in situ. Little effect of smoking, uranium mining or a combination of mining plus smoking on immune function was observed if sputum cytology was normal. In heavy smokers there was a suggestion that total T cells are increased while T cell function is slightly depressed. Immunologic abnormalities were noted in the moderate atypia group where 40% had one or more abnormal immunologic parameters. Immunologic abnormalities were detected in 68 to 70 patients with marked atypia, carcinoma in situ, or invasive carcinoma. Further sequential study of the uranium miner population is necessary to define more precisely the predictive value of immunologic testing, and the role of early identification of high risk individuals in the early institution of definitive therapy, such as surgery or immunotherapy. Long-term prospective analysis of this population may also provide the answer to the question of whether alterations in immune function precede, or result from the appearance of cells committed to the development of neoplasia

  1. Contactless electroreflectance and photoluminescence of InAs quantum dots with GaInNAs barriers grown on GaAs substrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Motyka, M.; Kudrawiec, R.; Misiewicz, J.; Pucicki, D.; Tlaczala, M.; Fischer, M.; Marquardt, B.; Forchel, A.


    InAs quantum dots (QDs) with GaInNAs barriers grown on (001) GaAs substrate by molecular beam epitaxy have been studied by contactless electroreflectance (CER) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopies. It has been observed that the overgrowth of self-organized InAs QDs with GaInNAs layers effectively tunes the QD emission to the 1.3 μm spectral region. In case of PL spectra only one peak related to QD emission has been observed. In the case of CER spectra, in addition to a CER feature corresponding to the QD ground state, a rich spectrum of CER resonances related to optical transitions in InAs/GaInNAs/GaAs QW has been observed. It has been concluded that the application of GaInNAs instead InGaAs leads to better control of emission wavelength from InAs QDs since strains in GaInNAs can be tuned from compressive to tensile. (copyright 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  2. [Heredity in renal and prostatic neoplasia]. (United States)

    Prayer Galetti, T; D'Arrigo, L; De Zorzi, L; Patarnello, T


    There is an ever growing report of data supporting the evidence that accumulated genetic changes underlie the development of neoplasia. The paradigma of this multistep process is colon cancer were cancer onset is associated, over decades, with at least seven genetic events. The number of genetic alterations increases moving from adenomatous lesions to colon cancer and, although the genetic alterations occur according to a preferred sequence, the total accumulation of changes rather than their sequential order is responsible of tumor biological behavior. It is noteworthy that, at least for this neoplasia, carcinogenesis appears to arise as a result of the mutational activation of oncogenes coupled with the mutational inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. In some cases mutant suppressor genes appear to exert a phenotypic effect even when present in the heterozygous state thus been non "recessive" at the cellular level. The general features of this model may apply also to renal cell cancer (RCC) and prostate cancer (CaP). Extensive literature exists on the cytogenetic and molecular findings in RCC. Only 2% of RCC are familiar, but molecular genetic studies of these cancers have provided important informations on RCC pathogenesis. As with other cancers, familiar RCC is characterized by an early age of onset and frequent multicentricity. A pathological classification useful in studying these patients subdivide renal cancers in papillary (pRCC) and non papillary (RCC) neoplasms. The most common cause of inherited RCC is the Von Hippel Lindau disease (VHL) a dominantly inherited multisystem disorder characterized by retinal and cerebellar hemangioblastomas, pheochromocytomas, pancreatic cysts and RCC. Over 70% of these patients will develop an RCC by their sixth decade. In 1993 the isolation of the tumor suppressor gene in VHL disease at the level of chromosome 3p25-p26 have lead to a better understanding of RCC. Most missense mutations are associated with high risk of

  3. Imaging appearances and clinical outcome following sacrectomy and ilio-lumbar reconstruction for sacral neoplasia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomas, Marianna; Davies, A.M.; James, Steven L.J. [Department of Radiology, The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham (United Kingdom); Stirling, A.J.; Grainger, M. [Department of Spinal Surgery, The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham (United Kingdom); Grimer, R.J. [Department of Orthopaedic Oncology, The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham (United Kingdom)


    Sacrectomy and ilio-lumbar reconstruction is an uncommonly performed complex surgical procedure for the treatment of sacral neoplasia. There are many challenges in the post-operative period including the potential for tumor recurrence, infection, and construct failure. We present our experience of this patient cohort and describe the complications and imaging appearances that can be encountered during the follow-up period. Retrospective review of our Orthopaedic Oncology database was undertaken which has been collected over a 30-year period to identify patients that had undergone sacrectomy and ilio-lumbar reconstruction. Pre and post-operative imaging including radiographs, CT, and MRI was reviewed. These were viewed by two experienced musculoskeletal radiologists with consensus opinion if there was disagreement over the imaging findings. Data regarding patient demographics, tumor type, and dimensions was collected. Serial review of radiographs, CT, and MRI was performed to assess implant position and integrity, strut graft position and union, and for the presence of recurrence within the surgical bed. Five male and two female patients (mean age 36 years, age range 15-54 years) were treated with this procedure. Histological diagnoses included chordoma, chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, and spindle cell sarcoma. Mean maximal tumor size on pre-operative imaging was 10.7 cm (range, 6-16 cm). Post-operative follow-up ranged from 10-46 months. A total of 76 imaging studies were reviewed. Commonly identified complications included vertical rod and cross-connector fracture and screw loosening. Fibula strut graft non-union and fracture was also evident on imaging review. Two patients demonstrated disease recurrence during the follow-up period. This study demonstrates the spectrum and frequency of complications that can occur following sacrectomy and ilio-lumbar reconstruction for sacral neoplasia. (orig.)

  4. Actualización del diagnóstico y tratamiento de la neoplasia intraepitelial vulvar.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael E. Pérez Castro


    Full Text Available La Neoplasia Intraepitelial Vulvar (NIV constituye lesiones potencialmente premalignas del epitelio escamoso de la vulva con diversos grados de diferenciación celular y maduración. En el aspecto histológico son hiperplasia de las células basales y parabasales, además tienen características genéticas morfológicas y metabólicas similares a las células cancerosas. Son etapas previas a la enfermedad. Generalmente las NIV se diagnostican como lesiones de alto grado (NIV I, II y III o carcinoma in situ. Alrededor del 5% progresan a la malignidad. Técnicamente puede ser un diagnóstico fácil, pero en la práctica no resulta así, siendo la vulvoscopia la principal arma para su diagnóstico. Estudios realizados en los últimos años señalan que aumenta cada vez más en mujeres más jóvenes, en pacientes con infección por HPV, en pacientes con neoplasia cervical intraepitelial o en cáncer en otras localizaciones del extracto genital inferior. Para tomar una decisión terapéutica hay que tener en cuenta: la edad de la paciente, la localización de las lesiones (áreas pilosas y no pilosas o descartar siempre un cáncer invasor y no invasor. Los tratamientos de lección pueden ser, extirpación local, vulvahectomía cutania parcial o total, destrucción con crioterapia o láser y técnicas combinadas de escisión o ablación. La conducta expectante valorando algunas características es la tendencia actual.

  5. Trombose venosa profunda e neoplasia mamária maligna: relato de caso em idosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliton Edmilson Couto


    Full Text Available A Trombose Venosa Profunda (TVP é caracterizada pela formação de trombos no interior de veias profundas, mais comum nos mem¬bros inferiores (80 a 95% dos casos. A incidência da doença, no Brasil, mostra-se em torno de 0,6 por 1.000 habitantes/ano. A literatura descreve alguns fatores principais no processo de formação dos trombos: estase sanguínea, lesões do endotélio e estados de hipercoagulabilidade. As neoplasias também são reconhecidas como fatores de risco independentes para TVP. Como complicação grave da TVP, em sua fase aguda, cita-se a embolia pulmonar e, tardiamente, a síndrome pós-trombótica. O objetivo do presente estudo é relatar um caso clínico de uma paciente do sexo feminino, idosa, portadora de hipertensão arterial sistêmica, diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e dislipidemia, em uso irregular das medicações. Concomitantemente, há 3 meses, a paciente foi diagnosticada com neoplasia mamária maligna, ainda sem início do tratamento. Ao exame físico a paciente apresentou-se com dor em membro inferior direito, sem hiperemia, com edema e sinal de Homams positivo. Como tratamento para TVP foi proposto uso de anticoagulante oral, e a paciente segue internada, em repouso, há 6 dias. Diante do caso apresentado, cabe destacar que é de suma importância compreender os fatores de risco para TVP, bem como suas alterações fisiológicas no organismo, o que é de extrema importância para o diagnóstico correto e o sucesso terapêutico de cada caso.

  6. Pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia and ductal adenocarcinoma induced by DMBA in mice: effects of alcohol and caffeine Neoplasia pancreática intraepithelial e adenocarcinoma ductal induzidos pelo DMBA em camundongos: efeitos do álcool e da cafeína

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Roberto Wendt


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of alcohol and caffeine in a pancreatic carcinogenesis mouse model induced by 7,12-dimethylbenzantracene (DMBA, according to the PanIN classification system. METHODS: 120 male, Mus musculus, CF-1 mice were divided into four groups. Animals received either water or caffeine or alcohol or alcohol + caffeine in their drinking water. In all animals, 1 mg of DMBA was implanted into the head of the pancreas. After 30 days, euthanasia was performed; excised pancreata were then fixed in formalin, stained with hematoxylin-eosin and categorized as follows: normal ducts, reactive hyperplasia, PanIN-1A, PanIN-1B, PanIN-2, PanIN-3 or adenocarcinoma. RESULTS: PanIN lesions were verified in all groups. Adenocarcinoma was detected in 15% of animals in the caffeine group, 16.6% in the water group, 23.8% in the alcohol + caffeine group and 52.9% in the alcohol group (POBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do álcool e da cafeína na carcinogênese pancreática induzida pelo 7,12-dimetilbenzantraceno (DMBA em camundongos, descrevendo as lesões de acordo com a classificação das neoplasias pacreáticas intraepiteliais (PanIN. MÉTODOS: 120 camundogos machos, Mus musculus, CF-1 foram divididos em quatro grupos. Animais receberam água ou cafeína ou álcool ou álcool + cafeína para beber. Em todos animais, 1 mg de DMBA foi implantado na cabeça do pâncreas. Após 30 dias, eutanásia foi realizada, o pâncreas foi removido, fixado em formalina e corado com hematoxilina e eosina sendo classificado em: ductos normais, hiperplasia reativa, PanIN-1A, PanIN-1B, PanIN-2, PanIN-3 ou adenocarcinoma. RESULTADOS: Neoplasias pancreáticas intraepiteliais foram encontradas em todos grupos. Adenocarcinoma foi detectado em 15% dos animais do grupo cafeína, 16,6% do grupo água, 23,8% do grupo álcool + cafeína e 52,9% do grupo álcool (P<0,05. CONCLUSÕES: O modelo experimental de carcinogênese pancreática em camundongos utilizando DMBA induz

  7. Péptidos bioactivos en proteínas de reserva

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    Millán, F.


    Full Text Available A review on the bioactive peptides described so far in storage proteins, mainly milk proteins, has been carried out. Bioactive peptides are small amino acid sequences inactives in the native protein, but that can be liberated after hydrolysis of these proteins and exert different functions. Among the main one are bioactive peptides with opioid activity, antagonistic opioid, immunomodulatory, antithrombotic, ion transporting or antihypertensive. The possible presence of these peptides in other protein source, mainly oilseed plants and their possible use is discussed.Se ha realizado una revisión de los péptidos bioactivos descr itos hasta e l momento en proteínas de reserva, principalmente de la leche. Los péptidos bioactivos son pequeñas secuencias aminoacidícas inactivas dentro de la proteína, pero que pueden ser liberados tras la hidrólisis de estas proteínas y ejercer diversas funciones. Entre los más abundantes destacan los péptidos con actividad opioide, opioide antagonista, antitrombótica, inmunomoduladora, transportadora de iones o hipotensora. Se discute la posible presencia de estos péptidos en otras fuentes proteicas, principalmente plantas oleaginosas y su posible aprovechamiento.

  8. Prevalence and risk factors for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in HIV-infected women in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

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    Paula Matos Oliveira

    Full Text Available CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV is frequently associated with high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia. Immunosuppression and high HIV viral load are the main risk factors for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of CIN in HIV-infected women in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, and to describe the risk factors in comparison with non-infected women. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study at the AIDS Reference Center of Bahia and the Gynecological Outpatient Clinic of Fundação Bahiana para o Desenvolvimento da Ciência, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. METHODS: Sixty-four HIV-infected women and 76 uninfected women from Salvador were enrolled between May 2006 and May 2007. Associations between CIN and presence of HIV infection, HIV viral load, proportion of T CD4+ lymphocytes and risk factors were evaluated. The independence of the risk factors was investigated using logistic regression. RESULTS: CIN was more prevalent among HIV-infected women than in the control group (26.6% versus 6.6%; P = 0.01. The odds ratio for CIN among HIV-infected women was 3.7 (95% confidence interval, CI: 1.23-11; P = 0.01, after adjusting for the following variables: age at first sexual intercourse, number of partners, number of deliveries and previous history of sexually transmitted disease. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of CIN among HIV-infected women was significantly higher than among women without HIV infection. HIV infection was the most important risk factor associated with the development of cervical lesions.

  9. Self-assembled GaInNAs/GaAsN quantum dot lasers: solid source molecular beam epitaxy growth and high-temperature operation

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    Yoon SF


    Full Text Available AbstractSelf-assembled GaInNAs quantum dots (QDs were grown on GaAs (001 substrate using solid-source molecular-beam epitaxy (SSMBE equipped with a radio-frequency nitrogen plasma source. The GaInNAs QD growth characteristics were extensively investigated using atomic-force microscopy (AFM, photoluminescence (PL, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM measurements. Self-assembled GaInNAs/GaAsN single layer QD lasers grown using SSMBE have been fabricated and characterized. The laser worked under continuous wave (CW operation at room temperature (RT with emission wavelength of 1175.86 nm. Temperature-dependent measurements have been carried out on the GaInNAs QD lasers. The lowest obtained threshold current density in this work is ∼1.05 kA/cm2from a GaInNAs QD laser (50 × 1,700 µm2 at 10 °C. High-temperature operation up to 65 °C was demonstrated from an unbonded GaInNAs QD laser (50 × 1,060 µm2, with high characteristic temperature of 79.4 K in the temperature range of 10–60 °C.

  10. DCLK1 immunoreactivity in colorectal neoplasia

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    Bellows CF


    Full Text Available Giuseppe Gagliardi1, Monica Goswami1, Roberto Passera2, Charles F Bellows11Department of Surgery and Pathology, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA; 2Division of Nuclear Medicine Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria San Giovanni Battista, Turin, ItalyIntroduction: Microtubule-associated doublecortin and CaM kinase-like-1 (DCLK1 is a novel candidate marker for intestinal stem cells. The aim of our study was to assess DCLK1 immunoreactivity in colorectal carcinogenesis and its correlation with prognosis.Methods: DCLK1 immunostaining was performed in colorectal tissue from 71 patients, including 18 adenomatous polyps, 40 primary adenocarcinomas, and 14 metastatic lesions. Each case was evaluated by a combined scoring method based on the intensity of staining (score 0–3 and the percentage of tissue staining positive (score 0–3. Immunoexpression for DCLK1 was considered as positive when the combined score was 2–6 and negative with a score of 0–1.Results: Overall, 14/18 (78% of polyps, 30/40 (75% of primary adenocarcinomas, and 7/14 (50% of distant metastases were positive for DCLK1. In adenomatous polyps and primary cancer there was no association between DCLK1 staining score and tumor pathology. However, after curative colorectal cancer resection, patients whose tumor had a high (≥5 combined staining score had increased cancer-specific mortality compared to patients with low (0–4 staining score (hazard ratio 5.89; 95% confidence interval: 1.22–28.47; P = 0.027.Conclusion: We found that DCLK1 is frequently expressed in colorectal neoplasia and may be associated with poor prognosis. Further studies are necessary to validate the use of DCLK1 as a prognostic marker.Keywords: DCLK1, DCAMKL-1, gastrointestinal stem cell, cancer stem cell, adenomatous polyps, liver metastasis, immunohistochemistry

  11. The negative predictive value of p16INK4a to assess the outcome of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 1 in the uterine cervix

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hariri, Jalil; Øster, Anne


    The immunohistochemical expression of p16 in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded histological sections was evaluated in a retrospective study comprising a low-grade group of 100 cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1, a high-grade group of 50 cases of CIN 2 to 3, and a benign group...

  12. Expresión diferencial de proteínas en Leishmania (Viannia panamensis asociadas con mecanismos de resistencia a antimoniato de meglumina

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    Ronald Guillermo Peláez


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los mecanismos de resistencia al antimonio pentavalente conocidos hasta el momento,se han descrito ampliamente en cepas del subgénero Leishmania, pero poco se sabe sobre lasproteínas involucradas en los mecanismos de resistencia presentes en cepas del subgénero Viannia,como Leishmania panamensis. Objetivo. Identificar proteínas diferencialmente expresadas entre las cepas de L. panamensis(UA140, sensible y resistente al antimonio pentavalente, y analizar el posible papel de estas proteínasen mecanismos de resistencia. Materiales y métodos. Las proteínas de las cepas, sensible y resistente al antimonio pentavalente, secompararon usando electroforesis bidimensional. Las proteínas con aumento de la expresión fueronaisladas e identificadas por espectrometría de masas mediante MALDI-TOF/TOF (Matrix AssistedLaser Desorption Ionization/Time of Flight. La expresión del ARNm de cinco de estas proteínas secuantificó mediante PCR en tiempo real. Resultados. Los geles bidimensionales de las cepas sensible y resistente detectaron 532±39 y 541±43manchas proteicas. Se encontraron 10 manchas con aumento de la expresión en la cepa resistente,identificadas como proteínas de choque térmico (Hsp60 mitocondrial, Hsp70 mitocondrial y citosólica,isomerasa de disulfuro, proteasa de cisteína, enolasa, factor de elongación 5-α, la subunidad 5-α delproteasoma y dos proteínas hipotéticas nombradas como Sp(2 y Sp(25. Conclusión. Este es el primer estudio llevado a cabo con una cepa resistente al antimonio pentavalenteen L. panamensis, en el cual se han identificado proteínas que están relacionadas con el mecanismode resistencia del parásito frente al medicamento, abriendo el camino para futuros estudios de estasproteínas como blancos terapéuticos.   doi:

  13. A pedagogia nas malhas de discursos legais


    Jociane Rosa de Macedo Costa


    Esta dissertação se ocupa de discursos da legislação educacional brasileira e documentos correlatos de uma formação particular (em que aconteceram mudanças significativas na sociedade e na cultura)  a pedagogia. Seu objetivo é mostrar como esses discursos, ao prescreverem sobre a formação da pedagoga, produzem uma pedagogia que se constitui como prática de governo. Trata-se de uma pedagogia específica, fabricada nas malhas dos discursos legais e colocada a serviço da nação para a produção de...

  14. Medical Devices; Hematology and Pathology Devices; Classification of a Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Test System. Final order. (United States)


    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is classifying the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) test system into class II (special controls). The special controls that apply to the device type are identified in this order and will be part of the codified language for the CIN test system's classification. We are taking this action because we have determined that classifying the device into class II (special controls) will provide a reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness of the device. We believe this action will also enhance patients' access to beneficial innovative devices, in part by reducing regulatory burdens.

  15. Las proteínas alergénicas: un novedoso blanco para el desarrollo de estudios en proteomica funcional

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    Elkin Navarro


    Full Text Available En la patogénesis de las enfermedades alérgicas están involucrados el ambiente, la carga genética y la inmunocompetencia del individuo. Continuamente nuestro sistema inmune está expuesto a numerosas proteínas, sin embargo, solo unas pocas inducen una respuesta inmune alérgica. El potencial intrínsico de una proteína alergénica para inducir sensibilización solo se manifiesta en individuos susceptibles, genéticamente condicionados a presentar respuestas atópicas. Muchas de estas proteínas alergénicas comparten alguna homología en su secuencia de aminoácidos. Estos alérgenos poseen un amplio rango de características moleculares, ninguna de las cuales es única solo para estas proteínas alergénicas. A pesar de esto, algunas de estas características son más comunes entre algunos alérgenos que con otras proteínas. Se ha demostrado que algunas proteínas con actividad enzimática inducen reacciones alérgicas y que esta propiedad biológica está asociada con su actividad catalítica. En la presente revisión se describen las principales características moleculares de las proteínas alergénicas, y se hace énfasis en la cistein proteasas de los ácaros intradomiciliarios, en razón a que ellas son un factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de una respuesta inmune alérgica en individuos susceptibles y se constituyen en factores desencadenantes de respuestas inflamatorias en la fisiopatología de las enfermedades alérgicas respiratorias.

  16. Functional Requirements Document for HALE UAS Operations in the NAS: Step 1. Version 3 (United States)


    The purpose of this Functional Requirements Document (FRD) is to compile the functional requirements needed to achieve the Access 5 Vision of "operating High Altitude, Long Endurance (HALE) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) routinely, safely, and reliably in the national airspace system (NAS)" for Step 1. These functional requirements could support the development of a minimum set of policies, procedures and standards by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and various standards organizations. It is envisioned that this comprehensive body of work will enable the FAA to establish and approve regulations to govern safe operation of UAS in the NAS on a routine or daily "file and fly" basis. The approach used to derive the functional requirements found within this FRD was to decompose the operational requirements and objectives identified within the Access 5 Concept of Operations (CONOPS) into the functions needed to routinely and safely operate a HALE UAS in the NAS. As a result, four major functional areas evolved to enable routine and safe UAS operations for an on-demand basis in the NAS. These four major functions are: Aviate, Navigate, Communicate, and Avoid Hazards. All of the functional requirements within this document can be directly traceable to one of these four major functions. Some functions, however, are traceable to several, or even all, of these four major functions. These cross-cutting functional requirements support the "Command / Control: function as well as the "Manage Contingencies" function. The requirements associated to these high-level functions and all of their supporting low-level functions are addressed in subsequent sections of this document.

  17. Radiogenic neoplasia in thyroid and mammary clonogens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clifton, K.H.


    We have developed rat thyroid and mammary clonogen transplantation systems for the study of radiogenic cancer induction at the target cell level in vivo. The epithelial cell populations of both glands contain small subpopulations of cells which are capable of giving rise to monoclonal glandular structures when transplanted and stimulated with appropriate hormones. Previous results indicated that these clonogens are the precursor cells of radiogenic cancer, and that initiation, is common event at the clonegenic cell level. Detailed information on the physiologic control of clonogen proliferation, differentiation, and total numbers is thus essential to an understanding of the carcinogenic process. We report here studies on investigations on the relationships between grafted thyroid cell number and the rapidity and degree of reestablishment of the thyroid-hypothalamus-pituitary feedback axis in thyroidectomized rats maintained on a normal diet or an iodine deficient diet; studies of the persistence of, and the differentiation potential and functional characteristics of, the TSH-(thyrotropin-) responsive sub- population of clonogens during goitrogenesis, the plateau-phase of goiter growth, and goiter involution; studies of changes in the size of the clonogen sub-population during goitrogenesis, goiter involution and the response to goitrogen rechallenge; and a large carcinogenesis experiment on the nature of the grafted thyroid cell number-dependent suppression of promotion/progression to neoplasia in grafts of radiation-initiated thyroid cells. Data from these studies will be used in the design of future carcinogenesis experiments on neoplastic initiation by high and low LET radiations and on cell interactions during the neoplastic process

  18. Radiogenic neoplasia in thyroid and mammary clonogens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clifton, K.H.


    We have developed rat thyroid and mammary clonogen transplantation systems for the study of radiogenic cancer induction at the target cell level in vivo. The epithelial cell populations of both glands contain small subpopulations of cells which are capable of giving rise to monoclonal glandular structures when transplanted and stimulated with appropriate hormones. During the end of the last grant year and the first half of the current grant year, we have completed analyses and summarized for publication: investigations on the relationship between grafted thyroid cell number and the rapidity and degree of reestablishment of the thyroid-hypothalamicpituitary axis in thyroidectomized rats maintained on a normal diet or an iodine deficient diet; studies of the persistence of, and the differentiation potential and functional characteristics of, the TSH- (thyrotropin-) responsive sub-population of clonogens during goitrogenesis, the plateau-phase of goiter growth, and goiter involution; studies of changes in the size of the clonogen sub-population during goitrogenesis, goiter involution and the response to goitrogen rechallenge; and the results of the large carcinogenesis experiment on the nature of the grafted thyroid cell number-dependent suppression of promotion/progression to neoplasia in grafts of radiation-initiated thyroid cells. We are testing new techniques for the culture, cytofluorescent analysis and characterization mammary epithelial cells and of clonogens in a parallel project, and plan to apply similar technology to the thyroid epithelial cells and clonogen population. Data from these studies will be used in the design of future carcinogenesis experiments on neoplastic initiation by high and low LET radiations and on cells interactions during the neoplastic process

  19. Cardiac Murmur Prompting Diagnosis of Metastatic Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Testicular Neoplasia in an 18-Year-Old Patient

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    Steve Y. Chung


    Full Text Available Most retroperitoneal tumors such as renal cell carcinoma have been associated with tumor thrombus extending into the renal vein, inferior vena cava (IVC, and heart. The retroperitoneal metastatic potential of testicular tumors is well known. We report here the first instance of a cardiac murmur prompting diagnosis of metastatic testicular neoplasia in an 18-year-old patient. Chemotherapy was delayed and after successful surgical resection of the ventricular mass, the patient recovered uneventfully. This case underscores the need to pursue abnormal cardiac exams in newly diagnosed testicular cancer patients.

  20. The CAS-NAS forum for new leaders in space science (United States)

    Smith, David H.

    The space science community is thoroughly international, with numerous nations now capable of launching scientific payloads into space either independently or in concert with others. As such, it is important for national space-science advisory groups to engage with like-minded groups in other spacefaring nations. The Space Studies Board of the US National Academy of Sciences' (NAS') National Research Council has provided scientific and technical advice to NASA for more than 50 years. Over this period, the Board has developed important multilateral and bilateral partnerships with space scientists around the world. The primary multilateral partner is COSPAR, for which the Board serves as the US national committee. The Board's primary bilateral relationship is with the European Science Foundation’s European Space Science Committee. Burgeoning Chinese space activities have resulted in several attempts in the past decade to open a dialogue between the Board and space scientists in China. On each occasion, the external political environment was not conducive to success. The most recent efforts to engage the Chinese space researchers began in 2011 and have proved particularly successful. Although NASA is currently prohibited from engaging in bilateral activities with China, the Board has established a fruitful dialogue with its counterpart in the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). A joint NAS-CAS activity, the Forum for New Leaders in Space Science, has been established to provide opportunities for a highly select group of young space scientists from China and the United States to discuss their research activities in an intimate and collegial environment at meetings to be held in both nations. The presentation will describe the current state of US-China space relations, discuss the goals of the joint NAS-CAS undertaking and report on the activities at the May, 2014, Forum in Beijing and the planning for the November, 2014, Forum in Irvine, California.

  1. Flujo y concentración de proteínas en saliva total humana

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar los promedios de flujo salival y la concentración de proteínas totales en una población joven del Estado de México. Material y métodos. Se seleccionaron 120 sujetos a quienes se les colectó saliva total humana (STH no estimulada y estimulada, la cual se analizó por medio de gravimetría y espectrofotometría (LV/LU; se calcularon medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión; posteriormente, se correlacionaron estos datos con los índices CPOD y CPITN. Resultados. Los sujetos estudiados mostraron un promedio de flujo salival (ml/min ± DE en STH no estimulada de 0.397±.26, y en STH estimulada, de 0.973±.53. El promedio en la concentración de proteínas (mg/ml ± DE fue de 1.374±.45 en STH no estimulada y de 1.526±.44 en STH estimulada. Las mujeres presentaron un menor porcentaje de flujo salival y mayor concentración de proteínas. No se observaron correlaciones entre el flujo y la concentración de proteínas totales y el CPOD y CPITN; sin embargo, sí las hubo con otras variables. Conclusiones. Estos hallazgos podrían estar asociados con el grado de nutrición, las características genéticas y los niveles de salud bucal en nuestra población. El presente estudio representa la fase inicial de la creación de una base de datos en sialoquímica, cuya meta será identificar los parámetros que indiquen el riesgo de enfermedades sistémicas o bucodentales.

  2. Trabalhadores publicos nas administrações regionais e subprefeituras : uma categoria ameaçada


    João Petrucio Medeiros da Silva


    Resumo: A política neoliberal e o processo de racionalização, decorrentes da política de reforma do Estado implementada a partir da década de 90, produziram fortes impactos na organização e nas relações de trabalho no setor público, sobretudo, na categoria dos servidores públicos municipais, em particular, os ajudantes de serviços gerais da Prefeitura Municipal de Campinas que prestam serviços nas Administrações Regionais e Subprefeituras. O processo de privatização, desregulamentação e f...

  3. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Sexually Transmitted Infections and Cervical Neoplasia in Women from a Rural Area of Southern Mozambique

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    Clara Menéndez


    Risk factors associated with the presence of some of the STIs were being divorced or widowed, having more than one sexual partner and having the partner living in another area. A higher prevalence was observed in the reproductive age group and some of the STIs were more frequently diagnosed in pregnant women. STI control programs are a priority to reduce the STIs burden, including HIV and cervical neoplasia.

  4. The temperature dependence of atomic incorporation characteristics in growing GaInNAs films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Jingling; Gao, Fangliang; Wen, Lei; Zhou, Shizhong; Zhang, Shuguang; Li, Guoqiang


    We have systematically studied the temperature dependence of incorporation characteristics of nitrogen (N) and indium (In) in growing GaInNAs films. With the implementation of Monte-Carlo simulation, the low N adsorption energy (−0.10 eV) is demonstrated. To understand the atomic incorporation mechanism, temperature dependence of interactions between Group-III and V elements are subsequently discussed. We find that the In incorporation behaviors rather than that of N are more sensitive to the T g , which can be experimentally verified by exploring the compositional modulation and structural changes of the GaInNAs films by means of high-resolution X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope, and secondary ion mass spectroscopy

  5. Tutoria nas aulas de Educação Física inclusiva: uma revisão sistemática

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    Juliana Aparecida de Paula Schuller


    Full Text Available Para que as aulas de educação física sejam efetivamente inclusivas, uma estratégia que vem sendo adotada por profissionais da área é a tutoria. Objetivo: realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre os efeitos da tutoria na inclusão de alunos com deficiência nas aulas de educação física. Método: foi realizada uma busca de artigos nas bases Periódico da Capes e Web of Knowledge, com os termos: “Peer Tutoring e “Physical Education”. Foram incluídos artigos que tivessem a tutoria como estratégia usada na inclusão de alunos com deficiência nas aulas de educação física, selecionando quatro artigos. Resultados: verificou-se que a inclusão de alunos com deficiência nas aulas de educação física pode não ser bem-sucedida, caso não haja uma assistência complementar oferecida aos alunos com deficiência nas atividades desenvolvidas. Considerações finais: o uso da tutoria de pares por tutores de mesma idade das pessoas com deficiência mostra-se uma valiosa estratégia para a inclusão, pois esta favorece positivamente interações entre os alunos.

  6. Scientific and technical support of the operation and development of nuclear technologies by institutes of the NAS of Ukraine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neklyudov, Yi.M.; Volobujev, O.V.


    The significant role of NAS of Ukraine in the development and implementation of innovations in the field of nuclear and radiation technologies and the significant contribution of NAS of Ukraine in the solution of current problems of nuclear and radiation technologies is shown.

  7. A participação dos pais nas pesquisas sobre o bullying escolar

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    Juliane Callegaro Borsa

    Full Text Available O bullying é um problema comum na interação de pares e pode implicar em diferentes prejuízos ao longo do desenvolvimento das crianças vítimas e agressoras. Pesquisas recentes indicam alta frequência da prática do bullying nas escolas brasileiras, porém ainda são escassos os estudos que compreendam este fenômeno a partir de uma perspectiva multifatorial. O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o conceito do bullying e mostrar a importância de considerar as variáveis do contexto familiar para sua compreensão. Destaca-se a necessidade de incluir os pais das crianças como participantes nas pesquisas empíricas sobre o bullying escolar e a importância da sua participação tanto na avaliação como na prevenção deste problema. Por fim, discute-se a inclusão dos pais nas estratégias de intervenção diante do bullying, com vista à redução dos fatores de risco presentes no ambiente familiar e dos seus prejuízos para o desenvolvimento socioemocional das crianças.

  8. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace System (NAS) Project KDP-C Review (United States)

    Grindle, Laurie; Sakahara, Robert; Hackenberg, Davis; Johnson, William


    The topics discussed are the UAS-NAS project life-cycle and ARMD thrust flow down, as well as the UAS environments and how we operate in those environments. NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center at Edwards, CA, is leading a project designed to help integrate unmanned air vehicles into the world around us. The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System project, or UAS in the NAS, will contribute capabilities designed to reduce technical barriers related to safety and operational challenges associated with enabling routine UAS access to the NAS. The project falls under the Integrated Systems Research Program office managed at NASA Headquarters by the agency's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. NASA's four aeronautics research centers - Armstrong, Ames Research Center, Langley Research Center, and Glenn Research Center - are part of the technology development project. With the use and diversity of unmanned aircraft growing rapidly, new uses for these vehicles are constantly being considered. Unmanned aircraft promise new ways of increasing efficiency, reducing costs, enhancing safety and saving lives 460265main_ED10-0132-16_full.jpg Unmanned aircraft systems such as NASA's Global Hawks (above) and Predator B named Ikhana (below), along with numerous other unmanned aircraft systems large and small, are the prime focus of the UAS in the NAS effort to integrate them into the national airspace. Credits: NASA Photos 710580main_ED07-0243-37_full.jpg The UAS in the NAS project envisions performance-based routine access to all segments of the national airspace for all unmanned aircraft system classes, once all safety-related and technical barriers are overcome. The project will provide critical data to such key stakeholders and customers as the Federal Aviation Administration and RTCA Special Committee 203 (formerly the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics) by conducting integrated, relevant system-level tests to adequately address

  9. Theoretical studies of optical gain tuning by hydrostatic pressure in GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gladysiewicz, M.; Wartak, M. S.; Kudrawiec, R.


    In order to describe theoretically the tuning of the optical gain by hydrostatic pressure in GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs), the optical gain calculations within kp approach were developed and applied for N-containing and N-free QWs. The electronic band structure and the optical gain for GaInNAs/GaAs QW were calculated within the 10-band kp model which takes into account the interaction of electron levels in the QW with the nitrogen resonant level in GaInNAs. It has been shown that this interaction increases with the hydrostatic pressure and as a result the optical gain for GaInNAs/GaAs QW decreases by about 40% and 80% for transverse electric and transverse magnetic modes, respectively, for the hydrostatic pressure change from 0 to 40 kilobars. Such an effect is not observed for N-free QWs where the dispersion of electron and hole energies remains unchanged with the hydrostatic pressure. This is due to the fact that the conduction and valence band potentials in GaInAs/GaAs QW scale linearly with the hydrostatic pressure

  10. Neoplasias endocrinas múltiples. desde el laboratorio al paciente

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    Dr. G. Nelson Wohllk


    Full Text Available Las neoplasias endocrinas múltiples (NEM tipo 1 y 2 son enfermedades genéticas heredadas en forma autosómica dominante. Las principales manifestaciones clínicas en NEM1 incluyen tumores paratiroideos, hipofisiarios y gastroenteropancreáticos. El test genético se puede realizar en los pacientes y potenciales portadores de mutaciones en el gen menin, pero la correlación genotipo-fenotipo es menos directa en comparación a NEM2. En la NEM2 el cáncer medular de tíroides (CMT es común a los tres subtipos: NEM2A (feocromocitoma e hiperparatiroidismo, NEM2B (feocromocitoma y neuromas mucosos y CMT familiar. A aquellos pacientes con mutación RET se les debe recomendar la realización de tiroidectomía profiláctica en la niñez, de acuerdo a la categoría de riesgo ATA. Algunos casos de CMT aparentemente esporádicos son actualmente NEM2 después de la realización del estudio genético para proto-oncogen RET, por lo tanto se recomienda la aplicación rutinaria de este estudio a todos los pacientes con CMT aparentemente esporádico.

  11. Compuestos fenólicos de la fracción metanólica de Bidens pilosa, sobre la neoplasia gástrica, inducida en ratas

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    Jorge Arroyo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la influencia del extracto etanólico y la fracción metanólica conteniendo compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides de la planta entera de Bidens pilosa L sobre la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas con N-nitroso-N-metilurea (NMU. Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas-Bioterio Facultad de Medicina UNMSM. Material biológico: Ratas albinas cepa Holtzmann machos. Intervenciones: Según Ferraz de Souza y col., 2002, se dispuso de un grupo control normal, un grupo con NMU y grupos de NMU más tratamientos de extracto etanólico y fracción metanólica, a dosis de 300 mg/kg. Para la significancia estadística se consideró la p<0,05. Principales medidas de resultados: Progresión de la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas. Resultados: Indican displasia y estadios iniciales de carcinoma en los estómagos de las ratas, lo que fue menos evidente en los animales con tratamiento, siendo mejor el grupo que recibió fracción metanólica. El marcador de estrés oxidativo disminuyó en los grupos que recibieron tratamiento con la planta, resultando mejor la fracción metabólica. Se observó menor cantidad de micronúcleos (genotoxicidad en los animales que recibieron tratamiento. Conclusiones: El extracto etanólico y la fracción metanólica de Bidens pilosa L en las condiciones experimentales han detenido la progresión de la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas.

  12. The use of net analyte signal (NAS) in near infrared spectroscopy pharmaceutical applications: interpretability and figures of merit. (United States)

    Sarraguça, Mafalda Cruz; Lopes, João Almeida


    Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has been extensively used as an analytical method for quality control of solid dosage forms for the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical formulations can be extremely complex, containing typically one or more active product ingredients (API) and various excipients, yielding very complex near infrared (NIR) spectra. The NIR spectra interpretability can be improved using the concept of net analyte signal (NAS). NAS is defined as the part of the spectrum unique to the analyte of interest. The objective of this work was to compare two different methods to estimate the API's NAS vector of different pharmaceutical formulations. The main difference between the methods is the knowledge of API free formulations NIR spectra. The comparison between the two methods was assessed in a qualitative and quantitative way. Results showed that both methods produced good results in terms of the similarity between the NAS vector and the pure API spectrum, as well as in the ability to predict the API concentration of unknown samples. Moreover, figures of merit such as sensitivity, selectivity, and limit of detection were estimated in a straightforward manner.

  13. Disease course and management strategy of pouch neoplasia in patients with underlying inflammatory bowel diseases. (United States)

    Wu, Xian-Rui; Remzi, Feza H; Liu, Xiu-Li; Lian, Lei; Stocchi, Luca; Ashburn, Jean; Shen, Bo


    To evaluate the disease course and management strategy for pouch neoplasia. Patients undergoing ileal pouch surgery for underlying ulcerative colitis who developed low-grade dysplasia (LGD), high-grade dysplasia, or adenocarcinoma in the pouch were identified. All eligible 44 patients were evaluated. Of the 22 patients with initial diagnosis of pouch LGD, 6 (27.3%) had persistence or progression after a median follow-up of 9.5 (4.1-17.6) years. Family history of colorectal cancer was shown to be a risk factor associated with persistence or progression of LGD (P = 0.03). Of the 12 patients with pouch high-grade dysplasia, 5 (41.7%) had a history of (n = 2, 16.7%) or synchronous (n = 4, 33.3%) pouch LGD. Pouch high-grade dysplasia either persisted or progressed in 3 patients (25.0%) after the initial management, during a median time interval of 5.4 (2.2-9.2) years. Of the 14 patients with pouch adenocarcinoma, 12 (85.7%) had a history of (n = 2, 14.3%) or synchronous dysplasia (n = 12, 85.7%). After a median follow-up of 2.1 (0.6-5.2) years, 6 patients with pouch cancer (42.9%) died. Comparison of patients with a final diagnosis of pouch adenocarcinoma (14, 32.6%), and those with dysplasia (29, 67.4%) showed that patients with adenocarcinoma were older (P = 0.04) and had a longer duration from IBD diagnosis or pouch construction to the detection of pouch neoplasia (P = 0.007 and P = 0.0013). The risk for progression of pouch dysplasia can be stratified. The presence of family history of colorectal cancer seemed to increase the risk for persistence or progression for patients with pouch LGD. The prognosis for pouch adenocarcinoma was poor.

  14. Concepts of Integration for UAS Operations in the NAS (United States)

    Consiglio, Maria C.; Chamberlain, James P.; Munoz, Cesar A.; Hoffler, Keith D.


    One of the major challenges facing the integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) is the lack of an onboard pilot that can comply with the legal requirement identified in the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) that pilots see and avoid other aircraft. UAS will be expected to demonstrate the means to perform the function of see and avoid while preserving the safety level of the airspace and the efficiency of the air traffic system. This paper introduces a Sense and Avoid (SAA) concept for integration of UAS into the NAS that is currently being developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and identifies areas that require additional experimental evaluation to further inform various elements of the concept. The concept design rests on interoperability principles that take into account both the Air Traffic Control (ATC) environment as well as existing systems such as the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). Specifically, the concept addresses the determination of well clear values that are large enough to avoid issuance of TCAS corrective Resolution Advisories, undue concern by pilots of proximate aircraft and issuance of controller traffic alerts. The concept also addresses appropriate declaration times for projected losses of well clear conditions and maneuvers to regain well clear separation.

  15. Entre gueixas e samurais: a imigração japonesa nas revistas ilustradas (1897-1945)


    Marcia Yumi Takeuchi


    Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar os debates em torno da imigração japonesa nas revistas ilustradas brasileiras publicadas nas cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, e na documentação diplomática, tendo em vista a difusão do antiniponismo na sociedade brasileira entre os anos 1897 e 1945. Buscarei comprovar, a partir da análise das charges e caricaturas publicadas nessas revistas, sejam de cunho literário ou irreverente (cômico), que a iconografia exerceu papel fundamental na construçã...

  16. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): Transitioning Methadone Treated Infants From An Inpatient to an Outpatient Setting (United States)

    Backes, Carl H.; Backes, Carl R.; Gardner, Debra; Nankervis, Craig A.; Giannone, Peter J.; Cordero, Leandro


    Background Each year in the US approximately 50,000 neonates receive inpatient pharmacotherapy for the treatment of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). Objective To compare the safety and efficacy of a traditional inpatient only approach with a combined inpatient and outpatient methadone treatment program. Design/Methods Retrospective review (2007-9). Infants were born to mothers maintained on methadone or buprenorphine in an antenatal substance abuse program. All infants received methadone for NAS treatment as inpatient. Methadone weaning for the traditional group (75 pts) was inpatient while the combined group (46 pts) was outpatient. Results Infants in the traditional and combined groups were similar in demographics, obstetrical risk factors, birth weight, GA and the incidence of prematurity (34 & 31%). Hospital stay was shorter in the combined than in the traditional group (13 vs 25d; p < 0.01). Although the duration of treatment was longer for infants in the combined group (37 vs 21d, p<0.01), the cumulative methadone dose was similar (3.6 vs 3.1mg/kg, p 0.42). Follow-up: Information was available for 80% of infants in the traditional and 100% of infants in the combined group. All infants in the combined group were seen ≤ 72 hours from hospital discharge. Breast feeding was more common among infants in the combined group (24 vs. 8% p<0.05). Following discharge there were no differences between the two groups in hospital readmissions for NAS. Prematurity (<37w GA) was the only predictor for hospital readmission for NAS in both groups (p 0.02, OR 5). Average hospital cost for each infant in the combined group was $13,817 less than in the traditional group. Conclusions A combined inpatient and outpatient methadone treatment in the management of NAS decreases hospital stay and substantially reduces cost. Additional studies are needed to evaluate the potential long term benefits of the combined approach on infants and their families. PMID:21852772


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    Fladimir F. dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute a validade dos propósitos da gestão do conhecimento como ferramenta de intervenção organizacional, descrevendo alguns paradoxos existentes entre a sua teoria e prática nas organizações. Argumenta-se que seus propósitos originais de criação, difusão e incorporação de um novo conhecimento na organização estão dando lugar a uma abordagem que não condiz com a realidade das organizações. Faz-se também uma leitura da evolução das teorias administrativas para elucidar como esse novo paradigma da administração está sendo abordado nas empresas. Propõe-se que se trata de uma reificação da máxima taylorista, cujos propósitos originais estão se convertendo em mais um instrumento de manipulação humana nas empresas. Ao final, em substituição ao modelo gerencial vigente, é proposto um processo de gestão baseado em valores.

  18. Ensinar e aprender geografia com/nas redes sociais

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    Élida Pasini Tonetto


    Full Text Available Este estudo trata de refletir sobre as potencialidades/operacionalidades das práticas pedagógicas da Geografia na apropriação das redes sociais online. Para isso, analisamos possíveis potencialidades oferecidas pelas redes sociais online para a Geografia e como podem ser operacionalizadas nas práticas pedagógicas com as redes sociais online seu ensino e, também, pensar como elas podem contribuir para ensinar e aprender com mais significância Geografia. Os fios teóricos da pesquisa estão tramados no entendimento de aprendizagem online para emaranhar os conceitos de espaço e ciberespaço, transitando por dois locais fundamentais: o da escola e o das redes. A abordagem metodológica é construída nas trilhas das pesquisas pós-críticas em educação, onde o Facebook é o lócus para analisar as novas formas de comunicar que subjetivam os sujeitos e engendram novos formatos de ensinagem. Os resultados apontam diferentes potencialidades e operacionalidades das redes sociais online, mas que não representam apenas o uso da técnica em sala de aula, mas sim como parte da agenda de busca pela construção de processos de aprendizagens significativos em Geografia, através das redes sociais, que representam uma forma contemporânea de comunicar/interagir presente no cotidiano dos alunos.

  19. Os direitos fundamentais da personalidade como instrumento para atingir a dignidade da pessoa humana nas relações de trabalho


    Sanvito, Paulo Celso


    Esse trabalho aborda os direitos fundamentais, sociais e da personalidade, e sua atuação nas relações privadas, com maior enfoque nas laborais, com o intuito de verificar a possibilidade de sua incidência nas relações trabalhistas, superando um direito do trabalho exclusivamente econômico-financeiro, visando a prevalência da dignidade da pessoa humana, exatamente através dos direitos fundamentais. Através de uma abordagem dialética, analisando por meio de raciocínios, como o indutivo, dedu...

  20. Neoplasia no sítio da colostomia: relato de três casos e revisão da literatura

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    Valdemir José Alegre Salles


    Full Text Available Carcinomas raramente ocorrem no sitio da colostomia. O risco para o desenvolvimento de neoplasia maligna é semelhante a qualquer outro segmento colônico, porém se a ressecção inicial foi devida a câncer, há um significativo aumento na incidência de tumor metacrônico quando comparado à população em geral. A incidência do carcinoma metacrônico colônico é geralmente de 3 a 5%. A recorrência do tumor primário, quando associada à ostomia, pode se manifestar com sangramento ou obstrução. Relatamos três doentes com tumor no sitio da colostomia, sua manifestação clínica e a conduta terapêutica adotada.Carcinomas rarely occur at the site of a colostomy. Colostomies are risk for malignancy, just as in any other portion of the colon. If the initial resection was for cancer, then the risk of metachronous colon adenocarcinoma is significantly higher than for the general population. Metachronous colorectal carcinoma occurs from 0.1 to 3.6 percent of patients who undergo surgery for colorectal carcinoma and the recurrence of the primary bowel malignancy that necessitated the stoma may present with signs of bleeding or obstruction. We report three cases of this rare neoplasia occurring at the site of a colostomy, and we review the literature.

  1. Sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1 participates in the regulation of fatty acid synthase expression in colorectal neoplasia. (United States)

    Li, J N; Mahmoud, M A; Han, W F; Ripple, M; Pizer, E S


    Endogenous fatty acid synthesis has been observed in certain rapidly proliferating normal and neoplastic tissues. Sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs) are transcription factors that regulate the expression of lipogenic genes including fatty acid synthase (FAS), the major biosynthetic enzyme for fatty acid synthesis. We have previously shown that SREBP-1, FAS, and Ki-67, a proliferation marker, colocalized in the crypts of the fetal gastrointestinal tract epithelium. This study sought to determine whether SREBP-1 participates in the regulation of proliferation-associated fatty acid synthesis in colorectal neoplasia. An immunohistochemical analysis of SREBP-1, FAS, and Ki-67 expression in 25 primary human colorectal carcinoma specimens showed colocalization in 22 of these. To elucidate a functional linkage between SREBP-1 activation and proliferation-associated FA synthesis, SREBP-1 and FAS content were assayed during the adaptive response of cultured HCT116 colon carcinoma cells to pharmacological inhibition of FA synthesis. Cerulenin and TOFA each inhibited the endogenous synthesis of fatty acids in a dose-dependent manner and each induced increases in both precursor and mature forms of SREBP-1. Subsequently, both the transcriptional activity of the FAS promoter in a luciferase reporter gene construct and the FAS expression increased. These results demonstrate that tumor cells recognize and respond to a deficiency in endogenous fatty acid synthesis by upregulating both SREBP-1 and FAS expression and support the model that SREBP-1 participates in the transcriptional regulation of lipogenic genes in colorectal neoplasia. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.

  2. Pharmacological Intervention through Dietary Nutraceuticals in Gastrointestinal Neoplasia. (United States)

    Ullah, Mohammad F; Bhat, Showket H; Husain, Eram; Abu-Duhier, Faisel; Hadi, S M; Sarkar, Fazlul H; Ahmad, Aamir


    Neoplastic conditions associated with gastrointestinal (GI) tract are common worldwide with colorectal cancer alone accounting for the third leading rate of cancer incidence. Other GI malignancies such as esophageal carcinoma have shown an increasing trend in the last few years. The poor survival statistics of these fatal cancer diseases highlight the need for multiple alternative treatment options along with effective prophylactic strategies. Worldwide geographical variation in cancer incidence indicates a correlation between dietary habits and cancer risk. Epidemiological studies have suggested that populations with high intake of certain dietary agents in their regular meals have lower cancer rates. Thus, an impressive embodiment of evidence supports the concept that dietary factors are key modulators of cancer including those of GI origin. Preclinical studies on animal models of carcinogenesis have reflected the pharmacological significance of certain dietary agents called as nutraceuticals in the chemoprevention of GI neoplasia. These include stilbenes (from red grapes and red wine), isoflavones (from soy), carotenoids (from tomatoes), curcuminoids (from spice turmeric), catechins (from green tea), and various other small plant metabolites (from fruits, vegetables, and cereals). Pleiotropic action mechanisms have been reported for these diet-derived chemopreventive agents to retard, block, or reverse carcinogenesis. This review presents a prophylactic approach to primary prevention of GI cancers by highlighting the translational potential of plant-derived nutraceuticals from epidemiological, laboratory, and clinical studies, for the better management of these cancers through consumption of nutraceutical rich diets and their intervention in cancer therapeutics.

  3. Propaganda negativa nas eleições presidenciais brasileiras


    Borba, Felipe


    ResumoEste artigo tem como propósito investigar a propaganda negativa nas eleições presidenciais brasileiras. Tema de extrema relevância tendo em vista que a literatura recente vem sugerindo que o tom das campanhas tem consequências importantes para a decisão do voto, a participação política e o nível de informação dos eleitores. Entretanto, a maior parte desses estudos foi realizada para entender a realidade política dos Estados Unidos. No Brasil, apesar do crescente interesse pelos efeitos ...

  4. Pensamento estratégico nas organizações


    Kich, Juliane Ines Di Francesco


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Florianópolis, 2015. A presente tese propõe um modelo que subsidia o desenvolvimento do pensamento estratégico nas organizações. Tem como objetivo maior responder a seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: Quais são os atributos que formam o conceito do pensamento estratégico, e quais são os elementos organizacionais que desenvolvem tais atributos nos membros de uma organiza...

  5. The impact of written information and counseling (WOMAN-PRO II Program) on symptom outcomes in women with vulvar neoplasia: A multicenter randomized controlled phase II study. (United States)

    Raphaelis, Silvia; Mayer, Hanna; Ott, Stefan; Mueller, Michael D; Steiner, Enikö; Joura, Elmar; Senn, Beate


    To determine whether written information and/or counseling based on the WOMAN-PRO II Program decreases symptom prevalence in women with vulvar neoplasia by a clinically relevant degree, and to explore the differences between the 2 interventions in symptom prevalence, symptom distress prevalence, and symptom experience. A multicenter randomized controlled parallel-group phase II trial with 2 interventions provided to patients after the initial diagnosis was performed in Austria and Switzerland. Women randomized to written information received a predefined set of leaflets concerning wound care and available healthcare services. Women allocated to counseling were additionally provided with 5 consultations by an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) between the initial diagnosis and 6months post-surgery that focused on symptom management, utilization of healthcare services, and health-related decision-making. Symptom outcomes were simultaneously measured 5 times to the counseling time points. A total of 49 women with vulvar neoplasia participated in the study. Symptom prevalence decreased in women with counseling by a clinically relevant degree, but not in women with written information. Sporadically, significant differences between the 2 interventions could be observed in individual items, but not in the total scales or subscales of the symptom outcomes. The results indicate that counseling may reduce symptom prevalence in women with vulvar neoplasia by a clinically relevant extent. The observed group differences between the 2 interventions slightly favor counseling over written information. The results justify testing the benefit of counseling thoroughly in a comparative phase III trial. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. [Local treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia with a 5 percent fluorouracil ointment]. (United States)

    Barten, G


    The results of treatment of histologically proven cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in 10 women are described. Two of them had CIN I and 8 CIN III. All patients had a application of 5 g 5 per cent 5-fluorouracil cream in a cervical cup daily over a period of 12 hours for one week. All 10 patients have been examined colposcopically, cytological and by biopsy following therapy. In 8 women cone biopsie were done 6-12 months afterwards for having a final diagnosis 2 patients having CIN I pretherapeutically were follow up for 16 months with cytology, colposcopy and punch biopsy. In 6 cases we found better findings (Twice complete healing, twice only CIN I and twice CIN II as residues). In 4 cases severe dysplasia and carcinoma in situ could be found in endocervix. Based on these results were recommended more (not only one) treatment cycles for local efficient chemotherapy using 5 per cent 5-fluorouracil cream.

  7. High-temperature operation of self-assembled GaInNAs/GaAsN quantum-dot lasers grown by solid-source molecular-beam epitaxy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, C.Y.; Yoon, S.F.; Sun, Z.Z.; Yew, K.C.


    Self-assembled GaInNAs/GaAsN single layer quantum-dot (QD) lasers grown using solid-source molecular-beam epitaxy have been fabricated and characterized. Temperature-dependent measurements have been carried out on the GaInNAs QD lasers. The lowest obtained threshold current density in this work is ∼1.05 kA/cm 2 from a GaInNAs QD laser (50x1700 μm 2 ) at 10 deg. C. High-temperature operation up to 65 deg. C was also demonstrated from an unbonded GaInNAs QD laser (50x1060 μm 2 ), with high characteristic temperature of 79.4 K in the temperature range of 10-60 deg. C

  8. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace System (NAS) Project - Systems Integration and Operationalization (SIO) Demonstration (United States)

    Swieringa, Kurt


    The UAS-NAS Project hosted a Systems Integration Operationalization (SIO) Industry Day for the SIO Request for Information (RFI) on November 30, 2017 in San Diego, California. This presentation is being presented to the same group as a follow up regarding the progress that the UAS-NAS project has made on the SIO RFI. The presentation will be virtual with a teleconference

  9. Proteínas del huésped incorporadas en el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana tipo 1 (VIH-1

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    Dayane Canedo de León


    Full Text Available El Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH, como la mayoría de los virus envueltos, toma esta estructura cuando abandona la célula infectada. El virus adquiere durante este proceso, junto con fragmentos de la membrana de la célula huésped, proteínas derivadas de la membrana celular como parte integral de la envoltura madura. Estos componentes de la envoltura viral derivados del huésped pueden ejercer algunos efectos en el ciclo de vida del virus, en la interacción virus-célula, especialmente en la respuesta del huésped a sus propias proteínas incorporadas por el virus y, finalmente, en la patogénesis de la enfermedad inducida por el virus. El rol de estas proteínas ha recibido cada día más atención, específicamente en la importancia que puedan tener en el proceso infeccioso viral y en le desarrollo del Síndrome de la Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA. El objetivo de este artículo es hacer una revisión de las proteínas del huésped que son incorporadas por el VIH, haciendo énfasis en el rol potencial de estas proteínas en la patogénesis del SIDA.

  10. Functioning glucagonoma associated with primary hyperparathyroidism: multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 or incidental association?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erdas, Enrico; Mariotti, Stefano; Pomata, Mariano; Aste, Nicola; Pilloni, Luca; Nicolosi, Angelo; Licheri, Sergio; Cappai, Antonello; Mastinu, Marco; Cetani, Filomena; Pardi, Elena


    Diagnosis of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is commonly based on clinical criteria, and confirmed by genetic testing. In patients without known MEN1-related germline mutations, the possibility of a casual association between two or more endocrine tumors cannot be excluded and subsequent management may be difficult to plan. We describe a very uncommon case of functioning glucagonoma associated with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) in which genetic testing failed to detect germline mutations of MEN-1 and other known genes responsible for MEN1. The patient, a 65-year old woman, had been suffering for more than 1 year from weakness, progressive weight loss, angular cheilitis, glossitis and, more recently, skin rashes on the perineum, perioral skin and groin folds. After multidisciplinary investigations, functioning glucagonoma and asymptomatic pHPT were diagnosed and, since family history was negative, sporadic MEN1 was suspected. However, genetic testing revealed neither MEN-1 nor other gene mutations responsible for rarer cases of MEN1 (CDKN1B/p27 and other cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor genes CDKN1A/p15, CDKN2C/p18, CDKN2B/p21). The patient underwent distal splenopancreatectomy and at the 4-month follow-up she showed complete remission of symptoms. Six months later, a thyroid nodule, suspected to be a malignant neoplasia, and two hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands were detected respectively by ultrasound with fine needle aspiration cytology and 99m Tc-sestamibi scan with SPECT acquisition. Total thyroidectomy was performed, whereas selective parathyroidectomy was preferred to a more extensive procedure because the diagnosis of MEN1 was not supported by genetic analysis and intraoperative intact parathyroid hormone had revealed “adenoma-like” kinetics after the second parathyroid resection. Thirty-nine and 25 months after respectively the first and the second operation, the patient is well and shows no signs or symptoms of recurrence. Despite

  11. Regulación de la degradación intracelular de proteínas por glucosa.




    La supervivencia celular frente a los cambios ambientales requiere el mantenimiento de un equilibrio dinámico entre la síntesis y la degradación de proteínas. La degradación de proteínas, además de regular diferentes procesos celulares, tiene como función principal la eliminación de productos que no son útiles para la célula en determinadas situaciones o cuya acumulación puede ser tóxica. Los productos de esta degradación, es decir los aminoácidos, son reutilizados para la síntesis de nuevas ...

  12. The Jak2 Inhibitor, G6, Alleviates Jak2-V617F–Mediated Myeloproliferative Neoplasia by Providing Significant Therapeutic Efficacy to the Bone Marrow

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    Annet Kirabo


    Full Text Available We recently developed a Janus kinase 2 (Jak2 small-molecule inhibitor called G6 and found that it inhibits Jak2-V617F– mediated pathologic cell growth in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo. However, its ability to inhibit Jak2-V617F–mediated myeloproliferative neoplasia, with particular emphasis in the bone marrow, has not previously been examined. Here, we investigated the efficacy of G6 in a transgenic mouse model of Jak2-V617F–mediated myeloproliferative neoplasia. We found that G6 provided therapeutic benefit to the peripheral blood as determined by elimination of leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, and erythrocytosis. G6 normalized the pathologically high plasma concentrations of interleukin 6 (IL-6. In the liver, G6 eliminated Jak2-V617F–driven extramedullary hematopoiesis. With respect to the spleen, G6 significantly reduced both the spleno-megaly and megakaryocytic hyperplasia. In the critically important bone marrow, G6 normalized the pathologically high levels of phospho-Jak2 and phospho–signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5. It significantly reduced the megakaryocytic hyperplasia in the marrow and completely normalized the M/E ratio. Most importantly, G6 selectively reduced the mutant Jak2 burden by 67% on average, with virtual elimination of mutant Jak2 cells in one third of all treated mice. Lastly, clonogenic assays using marrow stem cells from the myeloproliferative neoplasm mice revealed a time-dependent elimination of the clonogenic growth potential of these cells by G6. Collectively, these data indicate that G6 exhibits exceptional efficacy in the peripheral blood, liver, spleen, and, most importantly, in the bone marrow, thereby raising the possibility that this compound may alter the natural history of Jak2-V617F–mediated myeloproliferative neoplasia.

  13. The Reflection of Quantum Aesthetics in Algis Mickūnas Cosmic Philosophy

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    Auridas Gajauskas


    Full Text Available Quantum Aesthetics phenomenon was formed in Spain, at the end of the twentieth centure. The paper analyzes this movement in the context of Algis Mickūnas phenomenological cosmic philosophy. Movement initiator is a Spanish novelist Gregorio Morales. The study is divided into two parts: the first part presents aesthetic principles of the quantum, relationship between new aesthetics and theories of quantum mechanics, physics and other sciences. The paper also examines the similarities of quantum aesthetics and New Age movements. The second part presents cosmic - phenomenological reflection of quantum theory of beauty. Mickūnas philosophical position combines theory of "eternal recurrence", "the bodily nature of consciousness", "the cosmic dance", theory of "dynamic fields" and quantum approach to aesthetics and the Universe. Summa Summarum he writes that "the conception of quantum aesthetics is involved in the composition of the rhythmic, cyclical and mood dimensioned and tensed world". 

  14. Neoplasia do Pulmão associada à Tuberculose

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    Jorge Dionísio


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A tuberculose e o cancro do pulmão são duas entidades clínicas rustintas que podem aparecer em simultâneo, persistindo ainda muitas interrogações quanto à influência mútua de cada uma das entidades nosológicas.Com o objectivo de avaliar a influência da tuberculose na sobrevida dos doentes com cancro do pulmão, procedemos a urn estudo retrospectivo de 81 doentes (70 homens e 11 mulheres com este diagnóstico que foram divididos em três grupos: Grupo I, com antecedentes de tuberculose pulmonar (n=21, Grupo II, com tuberculose activa em simultâneo (n=9 e Grupo III, sem história de tuberculose (n=45.Verificámos que não bavia diferenças significativas entre estes grupos no respeitante à distribuição por sexos, classes etárias, tipos histológicos, estadios anatómicos, terapêuticas efectuadas e resultados destas. Comparando as curvas de sobrevivência verificámos que o Grupo II apresentava uma sobrevida maior do que os restantes, embora estes resultados mereçam algumas reservas dado o pequeno número de doentes neste grupo.Concluímos que a tuberculose não agrava o prognóstico da neoplasia do pulmão, sendo de referir que, na população estudada, a sobrevida dos doentes com tuberculose activa é maior do que a dos doentes com e sem antecedentes de tuberculose. SUMMARY: Tuberculosis and lung cancer are two different diseases which can occur simultaneously, questioning the casuality of the association.To evaluate the influence of tuberculosis in the survival of patients with lung cancer, we reviewed the clinical records of patients with this disease, and divided them into three groups: group I with preceeding tuberculosis (n=21, group n with coexistent active tuberculosis (n=9 and group mwithout past or present tuberculosis (n=45.We found no differences between the groups relating to sex, age, histological type, anatomic stagging, therapeutic

  15. Fine structure of the retinal pigment epithelium and cones of Antarctic fish Notohenia coriiceps Richardson in light and dark-conditions Ultraestrutra do epitélio pigmentar da retina e dos cones do peixe Antártico Notothenia coriiceps Richardson submetido à luz e ao escuro

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    Lucélia Donatti


    macrófagos são ausentes. A região supranuclear dos cones adaptados sete dias à luz possui um citoplasma menos elétron denso devido a presença de canais do retículo endoplasmático que se dilatam aumentando o seu lúmen. As mitocôndrias existentes no segmento interno dos cones adaptados à luz são maiores, e menos elétron densas. As diferenças na morfologia dos cones e nas células epiteliais pigmentares indicam que N. coriiceps possui mecanismos celulares de ajustes na retina provavelmente otimizando a capacidade visual em diferentes situações de luz.

  16. Toracotomia minimamente invasiva nas intervenções cirúrgicas valvares

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    PEREIRA Marcelo Balestro


    Full Text Available Introdução: é tema atual a realização de procedimentos cirúrgicos por minitoracotomias que, inicialmente utilizadas para operações de revascularização do miocárdio, têm sido também propostas como acesso às operações valvares. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar resultados da minitoracotomia em relação à técnica tradicional nas intervenções valvares, em estudo prospectivo. Casuística e métodos: entre novembro de 1996 e fevereiro de 1998, dois grupos, 8 pacientes operados por minitoracotomia (Grupo 1 e 8 controles (Grupo 2 equiparáveis nas variáveis sexo, idade, peso/altura, classe funcional pré-operatória, doença de base e operação proposta, foram submetidos a reparo ou troca valvar aórtica ou mitral. Os pacientes do Grupo 1 foram operados através de incisão paraesternal direita de até 8 cm, com circulação extracorpórea (CEC estabelecida através de canulação arterial e venosa femorais e os do Grupo 2 (controles por esternotomia mediana. Ambos os grupos foram acompanhados até a alta hospitalar. Resultados: Os parâmetros avaliados no trans-operatório e pós-operatório, bem como a análise estatística constam nas Tabelas 1 e 2. Não ocorreram óbitos imediatos. Duas complicações foram registradas: um infarto per-operatório e um acidente vascular cerebral no Grupo 2. Conclusão: os resultados parciais permitem inferir que a abordagem através de pequenas toracotomias é factível sem aumento na morbimortalidade, do tempo cirúrgico ou da estadia hospitalar. Possíveis vantagens objetivas de um método em relação a outro, exceto o aspecto estético, não estão evidentes até esta etapa do estudo.

  17. UAS Integration in the NAS Project: Flight Test 3 Data Analysis of JADEM-Autoresolver Detect and Avoid System (United States)

    Gong, Chester; Wu, Minghong G.; Santiago, Confesor


    The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System project, or UAS Integration in the NAS, aims to reduce technical barriers related to safety and operational challenges associated with enabling routine UAS access to the NAS. The UAS Integration in the NAS Project conducted a flight test activity, referred to as Flight Test 3 (FT3), involving several Detect-and-Avoid (DAA) research prototype systems between June 15, 2015 and August 12, 2015 at the Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC). This report documents the flight testing and analysis results for the NASA Ames-developed JADEM-Autoresolver DAA system, referred to as 'Autoresolver' herein. Four flight test days (June 17, 18, 22, and July 22) were dedicated to Autoresolver testing. The objectives of this test were as follows: 1. Validate CPA prediction accuracy and detect-and-avoid (DAA, formerly known as self-separation) alerting logic in realistic flight conditions. 2. Validate DAA trajectory model including maneuvers. 3. Evaluate TCAS/DAA interoperability. 4. Inform final Minimum Operating Performance Standards (MOPS). Flight test scenarios were designed to collect data to directly address the objectives 1-3. Objective 4, inform final MOPS, was a general objective applicable to the UAS in the NAS project as a whole, of which flight test is a subset. This report presents analysis results completed in support of the UAS in the NAS project FT3 data review conducted on October 20, 2015. Due to time constraints and, to a lesser extent, TCAS data collection issues, objective 3 was not evaluated in this analysis.

  18. Thyroid neoplasia in Marshall Islanders exposed to nuclear fallout

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamilton, T.E.; van Belle, G.; LoGerfo, J.P.


    We studied the risk of thyroid neoplasia in Marshall Islanders exposed to radioiodines in nuclear fallout from the 1954 BRAVO thermonuclear test. We screened 7266 Marshall Islanders for thyroid nodules; the islanders were from 14 atolls, including several southern atolls, which were the source of the best available unexposed comparison group. Using a retrospective cohort design, we determined the prevalence of thyroid nodularity in a subgroup of 2273 persons who were alive in 1954 and who therefore were potentially exposed to fallout from the BRAVO test. For those 12 atolls previously thought to be unexposed to fallout, the prevalence of thyroid nodules ranged from 0.9% to 10.6%. Using the distance of each atoll from the test site as a proxy for the radiation dose to the thyroid gland, a weighted linear regression showed an inverse linear relationship between distance and the age-adjusted prevalence of thyroid nodules. Distance was the strongest single predictor in logistic regression analysis. A new absolute risk estimate was calculated to be 1100 excess cases/Gy/y/1 X 10(6) persons (11.0 excess cases/rad/y/1 million persons), 33% higher than previous estimates. We conclude that an excess of thyroid nodules was not limited only to the two northern atolls but extended throughout the northern atolls; this suggests a linear dose-response relationship

  19. Predictors of advanced colorectal neoplasia for colorectal cancer screening. (United States)

    Wong, Martin C S; Lam, Thomas Y T; Tsoi, Kelvin K F; Chan, Victor C W; Hirai, Hoyee W; Ching, Jessica Y L; Sung, Joseph J Y


    The Asia-Pacific Colorectal Screening (APCS) score based on age, gender, family history, and smoking is useful to predict advanced colorectal neoplasia (ACN) in asymptomatic Asian subjects. To evaluate the factors in addition to those of APCS associated with ACN colonoscopic findings. Data from 5,220 asymptomatic subjects aged between 50 and 70 years who underwent screening colonoscopy in a community center between 2008 and 2012 were analyzed. One binary logistic regression analysis was conducted in 2013 with the presence of ACN or cancer as the outcome, controlling for APCS score, alcohol consumption, BMI, hypertension, and other chronic diseases as independent variables. The average participant age was 57.7 years (SD=4.9) and 47.5% were men. Advanced neoplasms or cancers were identified at colonoscopy in 5.6% of all screening participants. From multivariate regression analysis, APCS score≥4 (adjusted OR [AOR]=1.74, 95% CI=1.34, 2.25, pstatistic of APCS score alone was 0.560 (95% CI=0.524, 0.595, p=0.001) and that of APCS score plus BMI, hypertension, and alcohol consumption was 0.613 (95% CI=0.578, 0.648, p<0.001). Alcohol consumption, hypertension, and BMI are independent predictors of ACN, which could be incorporated into the APCS for prioritizing Asian asymptomatic subjects for colorectal cancer screening. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  20. Human Papillomavirus prevalence, viral load and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in HIV-infected women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José E. Levi

    Full Text Available HIV-infected women from São Paulo city were enrolled in a cross-sectional study on Human Papillomavirus (HPV and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN prevalence and their association with laboratory markers of AIDS, namely HIV viral load and CD4+ cell counts. A cervical specimen was collected and submitted to Hybrid Capture, a test for HPV viral load determination. HPV-DNA was detected in 173 of 265 women (64.5%. Twenty (7.5% women were infected by one or more low-risk viruses, 89 (33% by one or more high-risk viruses, and 64 (24% harbored at least one HPV type from each risk group. Abnormal smears were observed in 19% of the patients, though there were no invasive carcinomas. Severely immunosuppressed patients (CD4/µL <100 were at the greatest risk of having a cytological abnormality and a high high-risk HPV viral load.

  1. Human Papillomavirus prevalence, viral load and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in HIV-infected women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Levi José E.


    Full Text Available HIV-infected women from São Paulo city were enrolled in a cross-sectional study on Human Papillomavirus (HPV and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN prevalence and their association with laboratory markers of AIDS, namely HIV viral load and CD4+ cell counts. A cervical specimen was collected and submitted to Hybrid Capture, a test for HPV viral load determination. HPV-DNA was detected in 173 of 265 women (64.5%. Twenty (7.5% women were infected by one or more low-risk viruses, 89 (33% by one or more high-risk viruses, and 64 (24% harbored at least one HPV type from each risk group. Abnormal smears were observed in 19% of the patients, though there were no invasive carcinomas. Severely immunosuppressed patients (CD4/µL <100 were at the greatest risk of having a cytological abnormality and a high high-risk HPV viral load.

  2. Estado Confusional Agudo nas Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos


    Santos, L; Alcântara, J


    As alterações do comportamento frequentemente observadas em doentes internados nas unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI), podem ser adequadamente designadas, na maioria das vezes, por estado confusional agudo, o qual se caracteriza por: flutuação do estado de vigília, distúrbio do ciclo vigília-sono, défice de atenção e concentração, desorganização do pensamento, manifestado entre outras formas por discurso incoerente, distúrbios da percepção sob a forma de ilusões e/ou alucinações, desorient...

  3. Refração atmosferica nas medidas Doppler


    Oliveira, Leonardo Castro de


    Orientador: Jose Bittencourt de Andrade Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Parana. Setor de Tecnologia Resumo: Esta dissertação tem por objetivo realizar investigações referentes à refração atmosférica nas medidas Doppler. São considerados quatro modelos para correção troposférica, e o modelo de duas frequências para a correção da refração ionosférica . São também testados de diferentes fontes de dados meteorológicos. Todos os testes são feitos utilizando-se o programa GEO...

  4. Predicción computacional de estructura terciaria de las proteínas humanas Hsp27, αB-cristalina y HspB8

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Homero Saenz-Suárez


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Realizar predicciones computacionales de estructura de las proteínas humanas Hsp27, αB cristalina y HspB8. Materiales y métodos. La predicción de la estructura secundaria se obtuvo mediante un consenso de los programas de predicción secundaria GOR 4,nnPred,Sspro, APSSP2, JPredict, Porter, Prof, SOPMA, HNN y Psi-Pred. Los modelos de estructura terciaria se elaboraron a partir de fragmentos homólogos de proteínas con estructura terciaria conocida que fueron obtenidos por múltiples alineamientos. Empleando la secuencia primaria se obtuvieron perfiles de antigenicidad de las proteínas nativas y fueron analizados los perfiles de hidrofobicidad, polaridad, flexibilidad, accesibilidad tanto de las proteínas nativas como de las mutadas. Resultados. Las predicciones de estructura secundaria y terciariade las proteínas estudiadas muestran que en los tres casos, más del 65% son regiones en coil, 20-25% en hoja plegada y menos del 10% en alfa hélice. Los análisis de estructura primaria muestran que al menos uno de los perfiles estudiados, en cada mutación está alterado. Conclusiones. Los análisis comparativos de estructura sugieren que las mutaciones afectan la solubilidad de las proteínas mutadas y con ello su función como chaperonas moleculares

  5. Human Papilloma Virus Infection Does Not Predict Response to Interferon Therapy in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia. (United States)

    Galor, Anat; Garg, Nisha; Nanji, Afshan; Joag, Madhura; Nuovo, Gerard; Palioura, Sotiria; Wang, Gaofeng; Karp, Carol L


    To identify the frequency of human papilloma virus (HPV) in ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) and to evaluate differences in clinical features and treatment response of tumors with positive versus negative HPV results. Retrospective case series. Twenty-seven patients with OSSN. Ocular surface squamous neoplasia specimens were analyzed for the presence of HPV. Clinical features and response to interferon were determined retrospectively and linked to the presence (versus absence) of HPV. Clinical characteristics of OSSN by HPV status. Twenty-one of 27 tumors (78%) demonstrated positive HPV results. The HPV genotypes identified included HPV-16 in 10 tumors (48%), HPV-31 in 5 tumors, HPV-33 in 1 tumor, HPV-35 in 2 tumors, HPV-51 in 2 tumors, and a novel HPV in 3 tumors (total of 23 tumors because 1 tumor had 3 identified genotypes). Tumors found in the superior limbus were more likely to show positive HPV results (48% vs. 0%; P=0.06, Fisher exact test). Tumors with positive HPV-16 results were larger (68 vs. 34 mm2; P=0.08, Mann-Whitney U test) and were more likely to have papillomatous morphologic features (50% vs. 12%; P=0.07, Fisher exact test) compared with tumors showing negative results for HPV-16. Human papilloma virus status was not found to be associated with response to interferon therapy (P=1.0, Fisher exact test). Metrics found to be associated with a nonfavorable response to interferon were male gender and tumors located in the superior conjunctivae. The presence of HPV in OSSN seems to be more common in lesions located in the nonexposed, superior limbus. Human papilloma virus presence does not seem to be required for a favorable response to interferon therapy. Copyright © 2015 American Academy of Ophthalmology. All rights reserved.

  6. Tratamiento de las neoplasias hematológicas en el embarazo Treatment of hematologic neoplasms during pregnancy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norma E Tartas


    Full Text Available La neoplasia hematológica más frecuente en la mujer gestante es el linfoma de Hodgkin. Con menor frecuencia se han comunicado leucemias agudas o linfomas no Hodgkin (LNH. En los últimos años se han introducido nuevos fármacos que han cambiado el pronóstico de neoplasias como la leucemia promielocítica aguda, los linfomas no Hodgkin y la leucemia mieloide crónica. Se presenta aquí información actualizada sobre drogas y tratamientos, desarrollo de nuevos fármacos, mecanismo de acción, aplicación clínica, experiencias y resultados del tratamiento, efectos secundarios y teratogénicos, a fin de orientar a hematólogos, oncólogos y pediatras. El equipo médico debe ofrecer el tratamiento más eficaz disponible para alcanzar la curación o remisión de la enfermedad, e informar acerca de sus posibles riesgos para la madre y el feto, así como los derivados por la demora de su aplicación.The most common hematological malignancy in pregnant patients is Hodgkin's lymphoma, but other diseases such as chronic and acute leukemia or non Hodgkin's lymphoma have also been reported. In the last decade, new drugs have changed the prognostic of acute promyelocytic leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia and non Hodgkin's lymphoma. Herein we present updated information on drugs and treatments, new developments, mechanism of action, clinical application, experience on treatment outcomes, adverse effects and teratogenesis, with the objective of orienting hematologists, oncologists and pediatricians. The medical team should offer the most efficient treatment available in order to achieve cure or remission of the disease, and also inform on possible risks for the mother and the fetus, as well as those derived from the delay in treatment application.

  7. Human papillomavirus DNA detection in menstrual blood from patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and condyloma acuminatum. (United States)

    Wong, Sze Chuen Cesar; Au, Thomas Chi Chuen; Chan, Sammy Chung Sum; Chan, Charles Ming Lok; Lam, Money Yan Yee; Zee, Benny Chung Ying; Pong, Wei Mei; Chan, Anthony Tak Cheung


    The Papanicolaou test generates pain and embarrassment, and cytology screening has limited sensitivity for detection of cervical neoplasia. These factors urge the use of another screening test that can overcome these limitations. We explore a completely noninvasive method using detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA in women's menstrual blood (MB). The participants were divided into 3 cohorts: (i) 235 patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 3 (CIN 3) (n = 48), CIN 2 (n = 60), CIN 1 (n = 58), or condyloma acuminatum (CAC) (n = 69) before treatment or remission; (ii) from the first cohort of patients, 108 CIN 3 or CIN 2 patients after treatment and 62 CIN 1 or CAC patients after remission; and (iii) 323 apparently normal subjects (ANS) without any cervical disease. The HPV genotypes of the infected patients were confirmed by direct sequencing. Quantitative real-time PCR (QRT-PCR) was used to measure the MB HPV16 load for 15 infected patients. Results showed that the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for detection of MB HPV DNA in samples from patients with CIN or CAC were 82.8%, 93.1%, 90.0%, and 87.9%, respectively. Moreover, MB HPV DNA was found in samples from 22.2% of CIN 3 or CIN 2 patients after treatment, 0.0% of CIN 1 or CAC patients after remission, and 8.1% of ANS, 4 of whom were found to have CIN 1 or CAC. Furthermore, QRT-PCR showed that the normalized MB HPV16 DNA copy numbers in samples from patients with CIN 1 to CIN 3 were significantly increased. These preliminary results suggested that MB HPV DNA is a potential noninvasive marker for these premalignant cervical diseases.

  8. Changes in Adult BMI and Waist Circumference Are Associated with Increased Risk of Advanced Colorectal Neoplasia. (United States)

    Gathirua-Mwangi, Wambui G; Monahan, Patrick; Song, Yiqing; Zollinger, Terrell W; Champion, Victoria L; Stump, Timothy E; Imperiale, Thomas F


    Waist circumference (WC) is a stronger predictor of colon cancer (CRC) risk than body mass index (BMI). However, how well change in either WC or BMI predicts risk of advanced colorectal neoplasia (AN) is unclear. To determine the relationship between change in BMI and WC from early adulthood to later age and the risk of AN and which change measure is a stronger predictor. In 4500 adults, ages 50-80, with no previous neoplasia and undergoing screening colonoscopy, BMI and WC at age 21 and at time of screening were reported. Changes in BMI and WC were defined using universal risk cutoffs. Known CRC risk factors were controlled in the logistic models. Overall, model statistics showed WC change (omnibus test χ 2  = 10.15, 2 DF, p value = 0.006) was a statistically stronger predictor of AN than BMI change (omnibus test χ 2  = 5.66, 5 DF, p value = 0.34). Independent of BMI change, participants who increased WC (OR 1.44; 95% CI 1.05-1.96) or maintained a high-risk WC (OR 2.50; 95% CI 1.38-4.53) at age 21 and at screening had an increased risk of AN compared to those with a low-risk WC. Study participants who were obese at age 21 and at screening had an increased risk of AN (OR 1.87; 95% CI 1.08-3.23) compared to those who maintained a healthy BMI. Maintaining an overweight BMI or increasing BMI was not associated with AN. Maintaining an unhealthy BMI and WC throughout adult life may increase risk of AN. WC change may be a better predictor of AN than BMI change.

  9. NASA UAS Integration into the NAS Project: Human Systems Integration (United States)

    Shively, Jay


    This presentation provides an overview of the work the Human Systems Integration (HSI) sub-project has done on detect and avoid (DAA) displays while working on the UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) Integration into the NAS project. The most recent simulation on DAA interoperability with Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is discussed in the most detail. The relationship of the work to the larger UAS community and next steps are also detailed.

  10. Age-related changes in pre- and post-conization HPV genotype distribution among women with high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. (United States)

    Giannella, Luca; Fodero, Cristina; Boselli, Fausto; Rubino, Teresa; Mfuta, Kabala; Prandi, Sonia


    To assess the effect of age on pre- and post-conization HPV genotype distribution. The present retrospective observational study included consecutive women with high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia who underwent conization at the Cervical Cancer Screening Centre of Reggio Emilia, Italy, and University Hospital of Modena, Italy, between February 1, 2012, and October 31, 2014. Pre-conization and 6-month post-conization HPV genotyping results were compared between four age groups (<30, 30-39, 40-49, and ≥50 years) and age-related changes in the HPV genotypes present were evaluated. There were 162 patients included. The lowest occurrence of pre-conization high-risk and probable high-risk HPV genotypes was observed among patients aged at least 50 years when compared with younger patients (P=0.017). Conversely, women aged at least 50 years exhibited the highest level of post-conization high-risk and probable high-risk HPV genotypes (P=0.043). Additionally, an increasing incidence of recording identical pre- and post-conization HPV genotypes was associated with increasing age (P=0.024), as was increasing post-treatment recurrence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2+ (P=0.030). The presence of high-risk and probable high-risk HPV genotypes was lowest among older patients before conization and was highest among these patients post-conization; post-treatment HPV clearance decreased with age and increasing age could be a risk factor for post-conization recurrence. © 2017 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

  11. Number of fragments, margin status and thermal artifacts of conized specimens from LLETZ surgery to treat cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. (United States)

    Bittencourt, Dulcimary Dias; Zanine, Rita Maira; Sebastião, Ana Martins; Taha, Nabiha Saadi; Speck, Neila Góis; Ribalta, Julisa Chamorro Lascasas


    Large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) is a nontraumatic cut and coagulation method with several advantages, but it induces thermal artifacts in the cut region. The aim here was to assess the correlations of age, number of fragments, lesion grade and degree of thermal artifacts with margin quality in conized specimens from LLETZ for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Cross-sectional study at Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp). The records and histopathology findings of 118 women who underwent LLETZ between 1999 and 2007 were reviewed. Age, number of fragments, lesion grade, degree of thermal artifacts and margin quality were assessed. The patients' mean age was 27.14 years; 63.6% had been diagnosed with CIN II and 36.4% with CIN III. The lesion was removed as a single fragment in 79.6% of the cases. The margins were free from intraepithelial neoplasia in 85.6% and compromised in the endocervical margin in 6.8%. Fragment damage due to artifacts occurred in 2.5%. Severe artifacts occurred in 22.8%. Women aged 30 years or over presented more cases of CIN III (P < 0.0004). Neoplastic compromising of surgical margins and severe artifacts occurred more often in cases in which two or more fragments were removed, and in patients aged 30 years or over. CIN III in women aged 30 or over, when removed in two or more fragments during LLETZ, presented a greater number of compromised margins and greater severity of thermal artifacts.

  12. A patient-reported outcome measure to identify occurrence and distress of post-surgery symptoms of WOMen with vulvAr Neoplasia (WOMAN-PRO) - a cross sectional study. (United States)

    Senn, Beate; Eicher, Manuela; Mueller, Michael D; Hornung, René; Fink, Daniel; Baessler, Kaven; Hampl, Monika; Denhaerynck, Kris; Spirig, Rebecca; Engberg, Sandra


    The aim of the study was to describe the (a) symptom experience of women with vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia and vulvar cancer (vulvar neoplasia) during the first week after hospital discharge, and (b) associations between age, type of disease, stage of disease, the extent of surgical treatment and symptom experience. This cross-sectional study was conducted in eight hospitals in Germany and Switzerland (Clinical Trial ID: NCT01300663). Symptom experience after surgical treatment in women with vulvar neoplasia was measured with our newly developed WOMAN-PRO instrument. Outpatients (n=65) rated 31 items. We used descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The average number of symptoms reported per patient was 20.2 (SD 5.77) with a range of 5 to 31 symptoms. The three most prevalent wound-related symptoms were 'swelling' (n=56), 'drainage' (n=54) and 'pain' (n=52). The three most prevalent difficulties in daily life were 'sitting' (n=63), 'wearing clothes' (n=56) and 'carrying out my daily activities' (n=51). 'Tiredness' (n=62), 'insecurity' (n=54) and 'feeling that my body has changed' (n=50) were the three most prevalent psychosocial symptoms/issues. The most distressing symptoms were 'sitting' (Mean 2.03, SD 0.88), 'open spot (e.g. opening of skin or suture)' (Mean 1.91, SD 0.93), and 'carrying out my daily activities' (Mean 1.86, SD 0.87), which were on average reported as 'quite a bit' distressing. Negative associations were found between psychosocial symptom experience and age. WOMAN-PRO data showed a high symptom prevalence and distress, call for a comprehensive symptom assessment, and may allow identification of relevant areas in symptom management. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Mutational spectrum of intraepithelial neoplasia in pancreatic heterotopia. (United States)

    Ma, Changqing; Gocke, Christopher D; Hruban, Ralph H; Belchis, Deborah A


    Heterotopic pancreatic parenchyma recapitulates the normal pancreas in extrapancreatic locations and, on rare occasions, can even give rise to pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The genetic signatures of pancreatic adenocarcinoma and its precursor lesions are well characterized. We explored the genetic alterations in precursor lesions (intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms [IPMN], pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia [PanIN]) in patients with pancreatic heterotopias but without concomitant pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas. This allowed us to determine whether the stereotypical dysplasia--infiltrating carcinoma sequence also occurs in these extrapancreatic foci. Seven cases of heterotopic pancreas with ductal precursor lesions were identified. These included 2 IPMNs with focal high-grade dysplasia and 5 PanINs with low- to moderate-grade dysplasia (PanIN grades 1-2). Neoplastic epithelium was microdissected and genomic DNA was extracted. Sequencing of commonly mutated hotspots (KRAS, TP53, CDKN2A, SMAD4, BRAF, and GNAS) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and its precursor lesions was performed. Both IPMNs were found to have KRAS codon 12 mutations. The identification of KRAS mutations suggests a genetic pathway shared with IPMN of the pancreas. No mutations were identified in our heterotopic PanINs. One of the possible mechanisms for the development of dysplasia in these lesions is field effect. At the time of these resections, there was no clinical or pathologic evidence of a prior or concomitant pancreatic lesion. However, a clinically undetectable lesion is theoretically possible. Therefore, although a field effect cannot be excluded, there was no evidence for it in this study. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Valores humanos nas organiza??es: rela??o com a s?ndrome de Burnout e o engajamento laboral


    Coelho, Gabriel Lins de Holanda


    Por muitas d?cadas as pesquisas nas organiza??es focaram nos aspectos negativos ocasionados nos trabalhadores, tendo a s?ndrome de burnout como principal expoente. Nos ?ltimos anos, com a expans?o da Psicologia Positiva, o interesse pelos aspectos positivos aumentou e resultou no estudo do engajamento laboral, considerado a ant?tese do burnout e essencial para a maximiza??o do material humano nas organiza??es. Contudo, para a implementa??o de um ambiente que seja prop?cio estimular o engajame...

  15. Prevalence and type distribution of human papillomavirus in squamous cell carcinoma and intraepithelial neoplasia of the vulva

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faber, Mette T; Sand, Freja Lærke; Albieri, Vanna


    In this updated systematic review and meta-analysis, we estimate the pooled prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA and HPV type distribution in squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva (vulvar cancer) and vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN). PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Library databases were...... used to identify studies published between 1990 and 2015 and using a PCR-based or hybrid capture test to evaluate the presence of HPV DNA in vulvar cancer or VIN. Pooled estimates of the HPV prevalence with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated based on a random effects model...... samples. Thus, HPV vaccination targeting these HPV types may prevent a substantial number of vulvar lesions....

  16. Helicobacter pylori and colorectal neoplasia: Is there a causal link? (United States)

    Papastergiou, Vasilios; Karatapanis, Stylianos; Georgopoulos, Sotirios D


    Ever since Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) was recognized as an infectious cause of gastric cancer, there has been increasing interest in examining its potential role in colorectal carcinogenesis. Data from case-control and cross-sectional studies, mostly relying on hospital-based samples, and several meta-analyses have shown a positive statistical relationship between H. pylori infection and colorectal neoplasia. However, the possibility exists that the results have been influenced by bias, including the improper selection of patients and disparities with respect to potential confounders. While the evidence falls short of a definitive causal link, it appears that infection with H. pylori/H. pylori-related gastritis is associated with an increased, although modest, risk of colorectal adenoma and cancer. The pathogenic mechanisms responsible for this association remain uncertain. H. pylori has been detected in colorectal malignant tissues; however, the possibility that H. pylori is a direct activator of colonic carcinogenesis remains purely hypothetical. On the other hand, experimental data have indicated a series of potential oncogenic interactions between these bacteria and colorectal mucosa, including induction and perpetuation of inflammatory responses, alteration of gut microflora and release of toxins and/or hormonal mediators, such as gastrin, which may contribute to tumor formation. PMID:26811614

  17. Phenotypic relationships of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia to invasive prostatic carcinoma. (United States)

    Nagle, R. B.; Brawer, M. K.; Kittelson, J.; Clark, V.


    Thirty-one snap-frozen human prostate specimens containing examples of benign hyperplasia, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), and invasive carcinoma were analyzed using a panel of 24 antibodies and one lectin. Twenty-seven additional routinely processed radical prostatectomy specimens were studied using selected probes known to work on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded material. Three probes, anticytokeratin KA4, anti-vimentin V9, and the lectin from Ulex europaeus (UEA-1), demonstrated phenotypic similarities between PIN and invasive carcinoma. Whereas the luminal cells of normal or hyperplastic prostatic epithelium are minimally reactive with KA4 (4%) or UEA-1 (0%) and strongly reactive with anti-vimentin (91%), both the PIN and invasive carcinoma are reactive with KA4 (89% and 93%, respectively) and UEA-1 (96% and 93%, respectively) and minimally reactive with anti-vimentin (15% and 0%, respectively). The increased KA4 staining was shown to be in part due to detection of cytokeratin 19, by using cytokeratin-19-specific antibodies, 4.62 and LP2K. The reasons for the increased expression of this cytokeratin and the decreased expression of vimentin are unclear but seem to indicate a phenotypic relationship between the PIN lesions and invasive carcinoma. Images Figure 4 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 PMID:1987760

  18. High-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in human papillomavirus self-sampling of screening non-attenders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lam, J U H; Elfström, K M; Ejegod, D. M.


    precancer lesions. Here, we compare the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse (⩾CIN2) detection rate between non-attenders who participated in self-sampling and women attending routine screening. METHODS: A total of 23 632 women who were qualified as non-attenders in the Copenhagen Region were......BACKGROUND: Self-sampling for human papillomavirus (HPV) offered to women who do not participate in cervical cancer screening is an increasingly popular method to increase screening coverage. The rationale behind self-sampling is that unscreened women harbour a high proportion of undetected...... higher detection rates for ⩾CIN2 than routine cytology-based screening, and similar detection rates as HPV and cytology co-testing. This reinforces the importance of self-sampling for screening non-attenders in organised cervical cancer screening.British Journal of Cancer advance online publication, 14...

  19. Differential Detection of Human Papillomavirus Genotypes and Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia by Four Commercial Assays

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rebolj, Matejka; Bonde, Jesper; Preisler, Sarah


    intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in 2.5 years after the baseline testing were determined from the national pathology register. HPV-positive women undergoing primary screening having concordant samples were more likely to harbor high-risk infections and less likely to harbor only low-risk infections than women......Laboratories can nowadays choose from >100 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) assays for cervical screening. Our previous analysis based on the data from the Danish Horizon study, however, showed that four widely used assays, Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2), cobas, CLART and APTIMA, frequently do not detect...... the same HPV infections. Here, we determined the characteristics of the concordant (all four assays returning a positive HPV test result) and discordant samples (all other HPV-positive samples) in primary cervical screening at 30-65 years (n=2859) and in a concurrent referral population from the same...

  20. Cistadenocarcinoma renal e dermatofibrose nodular em cães pastor alemão: 4 casos Renal cystadenocarcinoma and nodular dermatofibrosis in german shepherd dogs: 4 cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingeborg Maria Langohr


    Full Text Available São descritos quatro casos da síndrome cistadenocarcinoma renal-dermatofibrose nodular em Pastor Alemão. Todos eram cães machos, com idades entre 6 e 10 anos. Os aspectos clínicos incluíam hematúria e retenção urinária, emagrecimento progressivo, anorexia, vômito, polidipsia e dificuldade respiratória. Em um animal, foram observados múltiplos nódulos recidivantes na pele. Três cães tiveram morte espontânea e um foi submetido à eutanásia. Os principais achados de necropsia incluíram nódulos multifocais ou coalescentes na pele e múltiplos nódulos, muitas vezes císticos, em ambos os rins. Na avaliação histológica, observaram-se dermatofibrose nodular na pele e cistos, hiperplasia, displasia e neoplasia de células epiteliais dos túbulos renais. As neoplasias foram classificadas como cistadenoma em um dos casos e como cistadenocarcinoma nos outros três. Metástases foram observadas em dois casos: no fígado, no baço e no pulmão em um cão e no linfonodo renal em outro.Renal cystadenocarcinoma-nodular dermatofibrosis syndrome of German shepherd are described in four 6 to 10-year-old male dogs. Clinical findings included hematuria and urinary retention, progressive weight loss, polydipsia, anorexia, vomiting, and respiratory distress. Several recurrent skin nodules were observed in one of the dogs. Three dogs died spontaneously and one was euthanatized. Main gross findings included multifocal to coalescent skin nodules and multiple nodules, mostly cystic, in both kidneys. Microscopically there was nodular dermatofibrosis in the skin and renal cysts, dysplastic, hyperplastic and neoplastic changes of the renal tubular epithelium. The neoplasms were classified as cystadenoma in one case and cystadenocarcinoma in the other three. There were metastases in the liver, spleen and lung of one dog and in the renal lymph node in another one.