
Sample records for na modelagem crustal


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    Antonio Neuton da Silva Júnior


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta o gerenciamento de negócios por processos, suas perspectivas atuais, suas vantagens, o desenvolvimento do projeto Modelagem de Processos utilizando BPMN implementado na Faculdade Católica Rainha do Sertão, as ferramentas utilizadas no projeto, a metodologia e os resultados obtidos a partir do mesmo. Ainda foi descrito os setores utilizados, a modelagem resultante das pesquisas e entrevistas e as sugestões para as melhorias dos processos modelados.

  2. A modelagem científica vista como um campo conceitual

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    Rafael Vasques Brandão


    Full Text Available Este trabalho defende a tese de que o processo de modelagem científica pode ser visto como um campo conceitual subjacente ao domínio de campos conceituais específicos em Física e possui implicações relevantes para o Ensino de Física e a pesquisa nessa área centrados na estratégia didática da modelagem. Para tanto, apoia-se na visão epistemológica de Mario Bunge sobre modelagem científica e na Teoria dos Campos Conceituais de Gérard Vergnaud, levando em conta as ideias de Weil-Barais e Vergnaud sobre concepções em Física.

  3. Critérios de projeto e benefícios esperados da implantação de técnicas compensatórias em drenagem urbana para controle de escoamentos na fonte, com base em modelagem computacional aplicada a um estudo de caso na zona oeste do Rio de Janeiro

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    Anaí Floriano Vasconcelos

    Full Text Available RESUMO O processo de urbanização resulta em alterações no ciclo hidrológico prejudiciais à população. Para amenizar esses efeitos, as técnicas compensatórias em drenagem urbana visam à maior sustentabilidade hidrológica na expansão urbana. Nesse sentido, este artigo teve como objetivos avaliar, por meio de modelagem computacional, o efeito da adoção dessas técnicas na escala de lote e da bacia hidrográfica e avançar com diferentes possibilidades de concepção de projeto. A modelagem foi realizada para diversos cenários, considerando a implantação das técnicas de forma isolada e combinada. Os parâmetros utilizados na modelagem visaram verificar possibilidades extremas de aplicação, de modo a disponibilizar dados para balizamento de projetos reais. As chuvas avaliadas possuem variadas durações e intensidades, facilitando a extrapolação dos resultados deste trabalho para bacias hidrográficas de diferentes escalas. Os resultados das simulações indicam potenciais benefícios na drenagem urbana oriundos do uso dessas técnicas no lote, com mais efetividade para as menores chuvas de projeto. Esse foi o caso dos cenários que avaliaram os jardins rebaixados isoladamente ou combinados em série com um reservatório de lote e os cenários de pavimentos permeáveis na calçada que receberiam o escoamento superficial do lote adjacente. Também foi verificado que a combinação paralela de um reservatório de lote com as dimensões propostas pela legislação municipal e um jardim rebaixado em 0,07 m seria capaz de neutralizar, hidrologicamente, os impactos da ocupação do lote para todas as chuvas de projeto analisadas, entretanto o reservatório proposto pela legislação municipal, quando adotado isoladamente, quase não atuou na escala da bacia..


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    Ezequiel Rosa Dias


    Full Text Available Este trabalho resulta de uma pesquisa de mestrado que investigou a troca de dados entre diferentes ferramentas BIM utilizadas por um grupo de empresas de Belo Horizonte na elaboração de projetos industriais. As principais fontes da pesquisa exploratória foram entrevistas não estruturadas e análises de documentações. Verificou-se que as empresas utilizam a modelagem 3D principalmente para visualização e verificação de interferências construtivas. As mesmas se encontram focadas na resolução de problemas de interoperabilidade em função da utilização simultânea de ferramentas BIM e de modelagem paramétrica industrial, mescla que pode induzir o uso de novas tecnologias pelo setor AEC à medida que projetos mais complexos são desenvolvidos pelo setor. A interoperabilidade entre os softwares utilizados ocorre preferencialmente por links diretos e padrões proprietários, em virtude de inexistência de definições normativas, fato que requer iniciativas de harmonizações entre padrões como IFC, CIS/2 e ISO-15926. Este estudo mostra que as disciplinas de projeto compõem um modelo digital 3D integrado. Contudo, o modelo integrado não dispõe de características paramétricas suficientes para o emprego de simulações do empreendimento como um todo. Para a gestão da modelagem, as empresas adotam uma ferramenta própria para criação de objetos paramétricos, tradução de modelos entre ferramentas não interoperáveis e gestão de listas de materiais. A pesquisa possibilitou a compilação do fluxo da troca de dados entre softwares, com a discriminação das linguagens utilizadas, das fases de projetos e das equipes envolvidas.

  5. A modelagem matemática no Brasil: resultados de uma revisão integrativa de teses e dissertações

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    Rudolph dos Santos Gomes Pereira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar os resultados obtidos por meio de uma revisão integrativa de teses e dissertações, com ênfase na Modelagem Matemática na perspectiva da Educação Matemática, defendidas no período de 2010 a 2016, dos programas de pós-graduação avaliados pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Nível Superior - CAPES na área de Ensino, com notas 5, 6 e 7. As pesquisas foram analisadas em sua integralidade, com base na região geográfica e nível de escolaridade. Entre os resultados, está a indicação da consolidação da Modelagem Matemática como área de pesquisa da Educação Matemática, a carência de pesquisas nessa temática na região norte e nordeste, e os principais níveis de escolaridade em que as pesquisas são desenvolvidas, bem como a interlocução com diferentes teorias do conhecimento.

  6. Efeitos de modelagem do comportamento verbal e de instruções sobre o comportamento de encaixar peças

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    Maria Regina Cavalcante

    Full Text Available Pesquisas têm demonstrado diferenças nos efeitos dos comportamentos verbais modelado e instruído sobre o comportamento verbal e não-verbal. Este estudo investigou efeitos da modelagem do comportamento verbal e das instruções sobre o comportamento verbal (falar sobre encaixar peças e o não-verbal (encaixar peças azuis e vermelhas, grandes e pequenas e quadradas e circulares de 10 crianças, entre 8 e 9 anos de idade. A coleta de dados foi realizada em duas condições com cinco participantes. Condição 1: modelagem do comportamento verbal. Condição 2: apresentação de instruções para o comportamento não-verbal. Quando ocorreu a modelagem do comportamento verbal foram observadas mudanças correspondentes no comportamento não-verbal. As instruções produziram imediata adesão do comportamento não-verbal e, na seqüência, o desempenho foi alterado. Esses dados reafirmam a importância de ampliar o conhecimento dos efeitos da modelagem do comportamento verbal e das instruções sobre o comportamento de crianças em jogos como o utilizado nesta pesquisa.

  7. Método para projeto e planejamento de sistemas de produção na construção civil com uso da modelagem BIM 4D


    Clarissa Notariano Biotto


    As atividades de projeto e planejamento de sistemas de produção na indústria da construção civil tendem a ser mais complexas em relação à manufatura pelo fato de que o produto (edificação) é fixo no espaço enquanto os recursos transformadores movimentam-se. Além disso, à medida que o empreendimento vai sendo construído, o leiaute é alterado, contribuindo para aumentar a complexidade destas atividades. O presente trabalho propõe o uso de modelagem 4D para a visualização espacial e temporal de ...

  8. Modelagem fuzzy e geoestatística na avaliação da salubridade de trabalhadores


    Schiassi, Leonardo


    O objetivo principal dessa pesquisa foi a avaliação do bem-estar de operadores de máquinas agrícolas com relação aos ambientes térmico e acústico considerando o regime de trabalho e o tipo de atividade desenvolvida. Para tanto, foram coletados dados de temperatura do ar, temperatura de globo negro, umidade relativa e nível de ruído em quatro diferentes máquinas agrícolas. Visando obter uma ferramenta matemática para classificar o ambiente de trabalho, foi desenvolvida uma modelagem utilizando...

  9. Modelagem de uma unidade de produção para caprinos leiteiros utilizando a dinâmica de sistemas


    Guimarães, Vinicius Pereira


    O trabalho foi desenvolvido buscando abordar as características de dinâmica, complexidade e inter- relacionamento de um sistema de produção de caprinos. Buscou-se, através da metodologia de modelagem e simulação Dinâmica de Sistemas, identificar o impacto na dinâmica e rentabilidade econômica de rebanhos caprinos leiteiros provocados por modificações no manejo reprodutivo, mortalidade, qualidade do alimento e na idade para o início da vida reprodutiva em cabritas. Buscou-se também avaliar a u...


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    Daniel Henrique Breda Binoti


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a eficiência da função log-logística com dois e três parâmetros, γ = dapmin e truncada à direita para a descrição da estrutura diamétrica de povoamentos equiâneos, bem como ajustar um modelo de distribuição diamétrica utilizando as funções. A modelagem realizada pela função log-logística foi comparada com a modelagem realizada com a função Weibull. Para isso, utilizaram-se dados de parcelas permanentes de clones de Eucalyptus, mensuradas em seis ocasiões. A aderência das funções aos dados foi comprovada pela aplicação do teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S. Os valores médios da estatística do teste K-S foram 0,0901; 0,0997; 0,1297; e 0,0616 para a função com 2P, 3P, α = dapmin e truncada à direita, respectivamente. Para a função Weibull, obteve-se a média de 0,0638 para a estatística do teste K-S. A função log-logística de dois parâmetros pode ser utilizada na modelagem da estrutura diamétrica de povoamentos de eucalipto.


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    Mario Mollo Neto


    Full Text Available A zootecnia de precisão permite o desenvolvimento de ferramentas automatizadas que fornecem um acompanhamento detalhado do plantel, aumentando a rentabilidade, e protegendo os animais racionalmente. O setor agropecuário brasileiro, em decorrência das intempéries da economia mundial globalizada, vem, de maneira crescente, se adaptando à utilização destas ferramentas automatizadas para suporte à tomada de decisão. A laminite é a patologia de maior custo para o gado de leite confinado. Suas causas incluem condições climáticas, de alojamento, de alimentação e a presença de pisos mais abrasivos. Baseando-se nessas informações é possível, utilizando o algoritmo correto, construir um modelo que permita ao usuário estimar a possibilidade de incidência de laminite em gado leiteiro, a partir de dados históricos ou mesmo de outras variáveis que causam a patologia. Neste trabalho foi realizada a modelagem, utilizando a Universal Modelling Language (UML, de um sistema especialista com motor de inferência Fuzzy para o diagnóstico preventivo desta patologia que reduza os impactos na produção e no conforto animal. A partir da modelagem realizada ficam disponíveis novas bases para a futura codificação e construção do sistema especialista para mitigar a patologia de casco, reduzir os impactos de perdas de receita relacionados e ampliar o conforto animal. Palavras-chave: Laminite, Sistema Especialista, Suporte a Decisão, Lógica Fuzzy, Diagnóstico Preventivo, Bem-estar animal, Modelagem.

  12. Modelagem matemática de um forno rotativo empregado na produção de clínquer

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    D. C. Q. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Uma das principais etapas do processo de obtenção do cimento é a etapa de clinquerização, que ocorre dentro do forno rotativo. Em pleno funcionamento, o forno rotativo empregado na produção de cimento é alimentado basicamente de matéria-prima, combustível e ar. As vazões de saída são, basicamente, o clínquer e aos gases de combustão. Neste estudo, o processo de produção de clínquer por via seca é analisado, sendo a alimentação composta por 80% a 95% de calcário, 5% a 20% de argila e por pequenas quantidades de minério de ferro. O combustível empregado neste estudo é o carvão mineral. Os principais fenômenos envolvidos na obtenção do clínquer são a evaporação da água livre residual da matéria-prima, a decomposição do carbonato de magnésio, a descarbonatação, a formação da fase líquida do C3A e do C4AF, a formação do silicato dicálcico e a formação do silicato tricálcico. O objetivo principal deste estudo é a proposta de um modelo matemático que descreve o processo de obtenção do clínquer no forno rotativo. O modelo, composto por equações algébricas, foi desenvolvido por meio de balanços de massa e energia do forno. A modelagem foi implementada em linguagem de programação, empregando-se um programa comercial. A condição operacional considerada representa uma condição média adotada na indústria. O modelo proposto se mostrou satisfatório para a descrição do processo de clinquerização, sendo especialmente útil na realização da análise da demanda energética do equipamento.

  13. Modelagem e quantificação da incerteza espacial do potássio disponível no solo por simulações estocásticas

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    Ismênia Ribeiro de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho da simulação sequencial gaussiana (SSG e da simulação sequencial indicatriz (SSI na modelagem da incerteza das predições do K disponível em área de cana-de-açúcar, e comparar as simulações com o método já consagrado de krigagem ordinária (KO. Uma malha amostral com 626 pontos foi instalada em área de 200 ha, no Município de Tabapuã, em São Paulo. As simulações reproduziram a variabilidade dos dados amostrais de K disponível, enquanto a KO superestimou os baixos teores de K e subestimou os altos. O mapa de desvio-padrão obtido a partir da KO mostrou menor variação ao longo da área de estudo, quando comparado aos mapas obtidos a partir das simulações. A SSI obteve acurácia 22% superior à obtida pela SSG, na modelagem da função de distribuição condicional do K. As simulações apresentam maior eficiência que a KO para modelar incerteza na distribuição espacial do K. A SSI apresenta melhor desempenho que a SSG na estimativa dos teores de K disponível, em área de cana-de-açúcar.

  14. Modelagem da qualidade da água do rio Poti em Teresina (PI

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    Antônio Alves de Oliveira Filho


    Full Text Available RESUMO O crescimento desordenado da capital piauiense - marcado, sobretudo, pela ocupação habitacional às margens do rio Poti e pela existência de ligações clandestinas de esgoto bruto nas tubulações de drenagem pluvial - tem contribuído significativamente para a poluição das águas da bacia hidrográfica do rio Parnaíba (região semiárida do Brasil. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo realizar a modelagem matemática da qualidade da água em um trecho de 36,8 km de extensão do rio Poti, com base na plataforma QUAL-UFMG. A pesquisa apresenta-se como o primeiro estudo envolvendo modelagem da qualidade da água no referido rio. Os componentes modelados foram: oxigênio dissolvido (OD, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO e coliformes termotolerantes (CT. Os resultados das medições de campo indicaram desconformidades do parâmetro CT com relação à Resolução CONAMA nº 357/2005. A calibração dos coeficientes de decaimento para cada parâmetro resultou em desvios médios entre dados medidos e modelados de até 20% e coeficientes de eficiência de Nash-Sutcliffe superiores a 0,75, o que indica que o QUAL-UFMG pode ser utilizado como base para predição da qualidade da água em rios localizados em regiões semiáridas. O modelo calibrado também foi comparado aos dados de campo obtidos na literatura. Finalmente, foram realizadas simulações do modelo para diferentes cenários de vazão (mínimas e máximas, apresentando resultados coerentes e que podem ser utilizados para a gestão dos recursos hídricos do estado do Piauí.

  15. Modelagem e Simulação no Âmbito da Hidrologia

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    Vassiliki Terezinha Galvão Boulomytis


    Full Text Available A modelagem hidrológica pode ser considerada como um conjunto de ferramentas destinadas ao cálculo e à representação de dados que possibilita a previsão de eventos, a realização de projetos, o gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos, além de outros tipos de aplicação. No entanto, devido à variabilidade na ocorrência dos processos hidrológicos, escassez e dificuldade na obtenção de dados levantados em campo, os modelos conceituais vêm sendo combinados com os físicos e empíricos, utilizando-se de novas técnicas, entre elas, o sensoriamento remoto e o geoprocessamento para a coleta, processamento, análise e geração de resultados. Neste trabalho será apresentada a base conceitual e a importância do conhecimento do tipo de ferramenta que se deseja utilizar para a implementação ou uso de um modelo hidrológico, para que deste modo seja possível verificar a possibilidade do mesmo ser de fato desenvolvido.


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    Fabrício Lopes de MACEDO


    Full Text Available A produção de sedimentos nas bacias hidrográficas constitui um aspecto importante para o planejamento do uso e ocupação do solo. Modelos matemáticos são ferramentas úteis para a análise do problema fornecendo rapidez, praticidade e flexibilidade as simulações de condições atuais e futuras. Neste artigo foi avaliada uma metodologia para simular a produção de sedimentos em distintos cenários de uso e ocupação do solo utilizando de forma combinada a MUSLE, o modelo hidrológico ABC e um SIG. A modelagem utilizada apresentou bom desempenho para fins de planejamento do uso e ocupação do solo, bem como para o planejamento agrícola e ambiental.

  17. Aplicabilidade do modelo MClone na síntese de padrões visuais do reino vegetal


    Ricardo Luís Binsfeld


    Um dos objetivos permanentes da Computação Gráfica é a representação fiel, e por consequência realista, da aparência de objetos e cenas sintetizadas. Para objetos e cenas do Reino Vegetal pode-se dizer que houve um grande avanço nos métodos para modelagem da forma e propriedades de reflexão de elementos individuais, como folhas, e de coleções de elementos, como árvores, vegetação em geral e florestas. Por outro lado, as técnicas para modelagem de padrões visuais presentes em muitos objetos na...

  18. Modelagem e simulação virtual de pá para rotor eólico de pequeno porte

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    Julio Cesar Pires


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um estudo para aerogerador de pequeno porte projetado para uso residencial. A ênfase está na modelagem e simulação virtual da estrutura das pás em compósito de fibra de vidro. A modelagem foi feita com software para desenho assistido por computador (CAD 3D. Para o projeto, foi escolhido o perfil MH110 que apresenta boa relação entre coeficiente de sustentação e coeficiente de arrasto e facilidade de fabricação. Os parâmetros como o diâmetro do rotor, a corda e a torção da pá, as relações entre velocidades e a aplicação de cargas na estrutura do material utilizado foram definidos segundo bibliografia específica, software para análise de perfil aerodinâmico e simulações pelo método dos elementos finitos. Procurou-se buscar sempre a maior eficiência, segurança e economia. O material foi projetado para resistir às tensões decorrentes de operação em condições consideradas normais e para rajadas de vento. A simulação pelo método dos elementos finitos foi conduzida com ferramenta computacional e levou em conta os limites de falha do material utilizado. A geometria foi simulada sem reforço interno e apresentou baixo deslocamento quando submetida às cargas aerodinâmicas de empuxo e rotacional. Ao realizar simulação com critério de falha, foi possível determinar a espessura mais adequada para o material compósito e verificar seu comportamento de acordo com diferentes velocidades de vento.


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    Rita Cristina Ferreira


    Full Text Available O uso intensivo de Sistemas de Informação é uma possível solução para a integração das atividades de projeto em AEC, permitindo que decisões sejam tomadas ainda na fase de projeto e, conseqüentemente, evitando-se retrabalhos em obra. Neste sentido, esforços têm sido realizados para padronizar conceitos e terminologias de AEC, permitindo a troca e armazenagem de informações, como a norma ISO 12006-2 e os padrões estabelecidos pelo IFC. Ambas são baseadas na linguagem EXPRESS, assim como é o padrão industrial STEP. Entretanto, as representações de informação usadas na indústria de produtos não são as mais adequadas para a Engenharia de Software, responsável pelo desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação, onde as representações semânticas envolvem não somente a representação estrutural da informação, mas também a representação comportamental. Este artigo contribui com uma visão de implementação em UML da informação de um projeto de AEC e tornam explícitas, sob a ótica do desenvolvimento de software, as relações semânticas existentes. Os resultados desta pesquisa foram obtidos através da realização de um estudo de caso de projeto de produção em CAD 3D dos subsistemas alvenaria e revestimento para um edifício residencial. A partir das observações do estudo de caso foi feita a modelagem em UML dos objetos pertinentes. O principal resultado obtido foi a representação explícita das interfaces entre objetos AEC.

  20. Modelagem numérica de vigas mistas aço-concreto

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    L. R. Marconcin

    Full Text Available A utilização de estruturas mistas está cada vez mais presente nas obras de Engenharia Civil. As vigas mistas, em particular, são estruturas compostas por dois materiais, um perfil metálico, situado em região predominantemente tracionada, e uma seção de concreto, situada em região predominantemente comprimida, ligados entre si através de dispositivos metálicos denominados de conectores de cisalhamento. As funções prin- cipais dos conectores são: permitir o trabalho solidário da laje-viga, restringir o escorregamento longitudinal e o deslocamento vertical na interface dos elementos e, absorver forças de cisalhamento. Nesse contexto, apresentam-se neste trabalho, modelos numéricos tridimensionais de vigas mistas aço-concreto, com a finalidade de simular o seu comportamento estrutural, enfatizando a interface laje-viga. As simulações foram feitas através do software ANSYS versão 10.0, que tem como base o Método de Elementos Finitos. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os previstos por norma e com referências encontradas na revisão bibliográfica, verificando-se que a modelagem numérica é uma ferramenta válida para a análise de vigas mistas aço-concreto.

  1. Oportunidades e limitações para aplicação de simulação e modelagem como suporte à agricultura de precisão

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    Antonio Odair Santos


    Full Text Available A agricultura de precisão tem sido proposta como manejo estratégico de cultivos agrícolas, em escala menor do que a área total da lavoura, com base na aplicação de informação tecnológica e conhecimento agronômico. O gerenciamento da variação de variáveis de solo e planta se faz necessário para se obter sucesso nesta atividade. Tal fato implica em se lidar com grande número de dados, que devem ser coletados e tratados visando ao desenvolvimento do poder de decisão. A modelagem das interações do complexo solo-clima-desenvolvimento de culturas tende a ser uma escolha natural para a rápida integração e busca por estratégias de manejo. Um experimento foi desenvolvido em Angatuba, Estado de São Paulo (23o33’S; 48o18’W; 670 m, e a cultura do milho foi observada através de duas de estações de crescimento (1999-2000, em duas áreas de cultivo distintas. Foi efetuado o monitoramento de propriedades de solo, relacionadas à produtividade agrícola, além de variáveis de planta. Para uma das áreas análises sítio-específico, foram conduzidas através do uso de modelo de simulação, com base em amostragem esparsa de propriedades de solo. Em uma segunda área, o potencial de implementação desta nova tecnologia, tendo a modelagem e simulação como suporte, foi discutido, com base na estrutura espacial de variáveis de planta e solo, obtidas em amostragem intensiva. Os resultados das observações de campo sugerem que a modelagem de processos físicos é uma ferramenta fundamental para a implementação da agricultura de precisão, tendo por base uma escala de trabalho realística e a utilização de estratégias de amostragem a partir de fontes múltiplas, que devem incluir o sensoriamento remoto. No presente estudo, a malha de amostragem de solo, em uma escala de lavoura, mostrou-se inconsistente com as necessidades da agricultura de precisão, no que se refere à extensão da aplicação de modelagem, baseada em

  2. Modelagem da Lagoa da Pampulha: uma ferramenta para avaliar o impacto da bacia hidrográfica na dinâmica do fitoplâncton

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    Talita Fernanda das Graças Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMO No processo de urbanização, o aumento na proporção de superfícies impermeabilizadas e as mudanças no uso do solo são responsáveis por maiores volumes e velocidades do escoamento superficial, refletindo em uma maior capacidade de arraste e em um maior aporte de nutrientes nos corpos d'água receptores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi implementar uma ferramenta matemática capaz de reproduzir o impacto de mudanças na bacia hidrográfica sobre a dinâmica do fitoplâncton em um lago urbano. Neste artigo são apresentados o desenvolvimento e os resultados de um modelo integrado constituído de um modelo hidrológico, para simular vazões escoadas em uma bacia hidrográfica, e de um modelo hidrodinâmico e ecológico, para simular a biomassa fitoplanctônica em um corpo d'água urbano. A Lagoa da Pampulha (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, escolhida como estudo de caso, foi intensamente monitorada, assim como sua bacia de drenagem, entre outubro de 2011 e junho de 2013. Os dados obtidos foram utilizados para calibrar e validar ambos os modelos. Os resultados obtidos com o modelo hidrológico mostraram-se coerentes com as medidas realizadas em campo (o coeficiente de Nash variou entre 0,70 e 0,88. O modelo da lagoa representou corretamente a evolução da comunidade fitoplanctônica (erro médio absoluto normalizado: 0,25-0,42 e o coeficiente de Pearson: 0,82-0,89; p<0,0001. O monitoramento e a modelagem da lagoa mostraram que a proliferação de cianobactérias é bastante perturbada pelas desestratificações térmicas que ocorrem na lagoa em virtude de eventos meteorológicos. A ferramenta de simulação desenvolvida possui potencial para avaliar diferentes cenários de mudança das condições climáticas e das características da bacia, podendo auxiliar na gestão dos corpos d'água situados em meio urbano.

  3. Modelagem nos anos iniciais da educação básica: como os estudantes modelam situações-problema?

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    Morgana Scheller

    Full Text Available Resumo: Neste artigo objetiva-se compreender e analisar como estudantes dos Anos Iniciais da Educação Básica, em atividade de Modelagem, resolvem situações-problema que podem requerer domínio algébrico simbólico e que linguagens fazem uso na expressão dos modelos. Os dados empíricos advieram de uma das práticas de Modelagem desenvolvidas com 16 estudantes de escola pública durante 11 horas/aula, no período de junho e julho/2015 e foram obtidos dos materiais produzidos pelos estudantes, gravações de áudio e vídeo e observação realizada durante a prática sobre a numeração do calçado de uma pessoa. No processo os estudantes propuseram modelo estabelecendo relações numéricas entre as variáveis, obtendo generalização e realizando previsões. A análise evidenciou que eles resolvem situação-problema apresentando modelos nas linguagens natural, numérica e tabular, evidenciando domínio algébrico característico do pensamento algébrico anterior à linguagem simbólica, pertinente ao nível de escolaridade, e extrapolam objetivos referentes a realização de previsão a partir do modelo.

  4. Usando splines cúbicas na modelagem matemática da evolução populacional de Pirapora/MG

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    José Sérgio Domingues


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho é obter um modelo matemático para a evolução populacional da cidade de Pirapora/MG, baseando-se apenas nos dados de censos e contagens populacionais do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE. Para isso, é utilizada a interpolação por splines cúbicas, pois as técnicas de interpolação linear e polinomial, e também o modelo logístico, não se ajustam bem a essa população. Os dados analisados não são equidistantes, então, utiliza-se como amostra anos separados com passo h de 10 anos. Os valores descartados inicialmente e as estimativas populacionais para esse município, descritos pela Fundação João Pinheiro, serviram para validação do modelo construído, e para a estimativa das diferenças percentuais de previsão, que não ultrapassaram os 2,21%. Ao se considerar que o padrão de evolução populacional de 2000 a 2010 se manterá até 2020, estima-se as populações da cidade de 2011 a 2020, cuja diferença percentual média foi de apenas 0,49%. Conclui-se que o modelo se ajusta muito bem aos dados, e que estimativas populacionais em qualquer ano de 1970 e 2020 são confiáveis. Além disso, o modelo permite a visualização prática de uma aplicação dessa técnica na modelagem populacional, e, portanto, também pode ser utilizada para fins didáticos.Palavras-chave: Splines cúbicas. Interpolação. Modelagem matemática. Evolução populacional. Pirapora.Using cubic splines on mathematical modeling of the population evolution of Pirapora/MGThe main objective of this paper is to obtain a mathematical model for the evolution of the population in Pirapora/MG, based only on data from censuses and population counts from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE. For this, the cubic spline interpolation is used because the technique of linear and polynomial interpolation, and also the logistic model do not fit well with this population. The analyzed data are not equidistant

  5. Modelagem e simulação de uma residência empregando o Sistema Estrutural Light Steel Frame (LSF)


    Chong, Cesar Rodrigo Faraone Wing


    Metadados do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso: Modelagem e simulação de uma residência empregando o Sistema Estrutural Light Steel Frame (LSF), pela/o discente: Cesar Rodrigo Faraone Wing Chong do Centro de Tecnologia e Infraestrutura, curso de Engenharia Civil e Infraestrutura da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), no Repositório Institucional da UNILA (RI-UNILA) Modelagem e simulação de uma residência empregando o Sistema Estrutural Light Steel Frame (L...


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    Laysa Mabel de Oliveira Fontes


    Full Text Available A aprendizagem baseada em problema (Problem-Based Learning - PBL é um método no qual os estudantes aprendem através da resolução de um problema que, em geral, não possui uma solução trivial e uma única solução correta. A PBL destaca o trabalho em equipe como um dos principais requisitos para o sucesso do processo de aprendizagem, ou seja, a colaboração é essencial. No entanto, a implantação de um método de ensino com base na PBL não é uma tarefa trivial. Em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVAs, a complexidade de implantação deste método é ainda maior, pois o facilitador nem sempre pode detectar possíveis problemas na colaboração, nem possui todas as informações necessárias para aplicar as técnicas de aprendizagem deste método. Desta forma, este artigo apresenta o processo de modelagem de um Sistema Multiagente (SMA de apoio à PBL. O SMA proposto foi modelado utilizando a metodologia MAS-CommonKADS+, que consiste em uma extensão da metodologia MAS-CommonKADS.

  7. Modelagem da Distribuição da Saturação de Água do Solo em Terrenos Complexos Baseada na Teoria de Similaridade – Proposição de Abordagem Lagrangiana

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    Hugo Abi Karam


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho propõe-se uma modelagem lagrangiana da distribuição de saturação de água do solo de terrenos complexos baseada na teoria de similaridade, com destaque para aspectos hidrometeorológicos. A distribuição da água precipitada no terreno é obtida como uma consequência da conservação de massa do escoamento, considerada a similaridade hidrológica ao longo de faixas de drenagem, sob diferentes condições de inclinação topográfica, captação e infiltração. A aplicação desse tipo de modelo de distribuição hidrológica permite uma otimização computacional, tanto na estimativa do deficit de saturação do solo quanto na distribuição da profundidade do lençol freático. A aplicabilidade da proposição lagrangiana é exemplificada para um morro suave e também para discutir qualitativamente a hidrologia da Baixada Fluminense encontrada ao norte da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro (RMRJ, RJ, Brasil. Mostra-se que uma resolução espacial inferior a 90 m deve ser empregada para considerar os detalhes do problema. Os resultados destacaram o papel da topografia complexa, incluindo a hidrologia de planícies fluviais e as modificações antrópicas da superfície (na forma de canais de escoamento urbano e urbanização para a compreensão da hidrometeorologia da RMRJ.

  8. Modelagem Integrada do Problema de Programação de Tripulantes de Aeronaves

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    Wagner de Paula Gomes


    Full Text Available

    Este artigo trata o Problema de Programação de Tripulantes (PPT, de importância fundamental no planejamento operacional das empresas aéreas. O PPT é normalmente dividido na literatura em dois subproblemas, formulados e resolvidos sequencialmente: Problema de Determinação das Viagens (PDV e Problema de Atribuição de Escalas (PAE. Esta decomposição justifica-se pela sua natureza combinatória, porém deixa de proporcionar um tratamento global ao PPT, em termos de custo e qualidade da solução final. Portanto, o estado da arte envolve a solução integrada do PPT, em que ambos os subproblemas são resolvidos simultaneamente. O problema, no entanto, é NP-Difícil. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma metodologia para modelagem integrada do PPT, através de um Algoritmo Genético Híbrido (AGH associado a um procedimento de busca em profundidade, levando em conta as particularidades da legislação brasileira. A metodologia foi testada, com sucesso, para a solução de instâncias baseadas na malha real de uma empresa aérea brasileira.

  9. Estudo do Fenômeno da Ilha de Calor na Cidade de Manaus/AM: Um Estudo a Partir de Dados de Sensoriamento Remoto, Modelagem e Estações Meteorológicas

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    Polari Batista Corrêa


    Full Text Available Resumo O fenômeno da ilha de calor (IC na cidade de Manaus foi estudado usando dados de modelagem do clima urbano com o modelo Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF e dados de estações meteorológicas. Foram usados os dados de temperatura da superfície (TS obtidos pelo sensor MODIS do satélite ambiental Aqua, produto MYD11A2 na resolução horizontal de 1 km por um 1 km para o período de 2002 a 2012 na cidade de Manaus para avaliar o processo de urbanização. Foi realizado um estudo de caso com as simulações de TS e de temperatura do ar (TA nos meses de agosto e setembro de 2009 que foram comparadas, respectivamente, com os dados de satélite e de estações meteorológicas. Identificou-se a distribuição espacial da TS na cidade, e as diferenças de TS entre a área urbana e a de floresta e entre a área urbana e de rios foram quantificadas. As diferenças de TS ao longo das faixas de longitude de 60,03° O a 59,97° O e de latitude de 3,09° S a −3,03° S foram analisadas com os dados do modelo WRF e do sensor MODIS. A intensidade da IC estimada com os dados de TA do modelo e de estações meteorológicas foram, em média, respectivamente de 1,87 °C e de 1,80 °C, consistentes com resultados anteriores. Portanto, a TA simulada pode ser usada para fins de estimar a intensidade da IC em Manaus.


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    Vantielen da Silva Silva


    Full Text Available As pesquisas sobre Modelagem Matemática na Educação Matemática têm se ampliado no cenário educacional e apresentado contribuições relevantes para o ensino da matemática nas diferentes etapas da Educação. A partir disso, com o intuito de nos aproximarmos dessas pesquisas, pelo menos em parte, desenvolvemos esse artigo buscando responder ao questionamento: em que níveis de ensino estão focadas as pesquisas brasileiras sobre Modelagem Matemática na Educação Matemática e o que isso revela? Para responder a esse questionamento direcionamos nossa pesquisa aos resumos dos trabalhos stricto sensu disponíveis no Banco de Teses da CAPES. Nesse momento inicial, pudemos compreender que a Modelagem Matemática no âmbito da Educação Matemática apresenta-se como uma tendência que contribui com o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem significativa e com a melhoria da qualidade de Ensino em Matemática. Porém, a maior parte das investigações aponta a sua presença e contribuições para os Anos Finais e Ensino Médio, sendo incipientes as produções ou reflexões sobre a possibilidade de seu uso nos Anos Iniciais, ou seja, entre o 1º e 5º Ano do Ensino Fundamental.Researches on Mathematical Modeling in Mathematics Education have expanded the educational setting and presented relevant contributions to mathematics teaching in the different stages of education. Hence, in order to approach these surveys, we developed this work seeking for the answer to the question: Which education levels are Brazilian researches about Mathematical Modeling in Mathematics Education focused on and what does it reveal? To answer this question we directed our research to the abstracts of the post-graduation works that are available in CAPES Theses Database, Brazil. At this initial moment, we understood that Mathematical Modeling in Mathematics Education presents itself as a trend that contributes to the development of meaningful learning and improves the quality

  11. Dinâmica da umidade de um solo da Caatinga em função de sua condutividade térmica


    Silans, Alain M. B. P. de; Werlang, Lovania M.


    A elaboração de modelos SVATs (Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer - Transporte no sistema solo-vegetação-atmosfera) apropriados, é de grande importância para a compreensão dos mecanismos de transferência de fluxos à superfície, com aplicações na modelagem da circulação atmosférica, na modelagem hidrológica e na modelagem ecodinâmica da vegetação. Neste trabalho se utiliza um modelo SVAT desenvolvido especificamente na região do Cariri, estado da Paraíba, para analisar o efeito dos gradientes...

  12. Dinâmica da umidade de um solo da Caatinga em função de sua condutividade térmica Soil moisture dynamics of a soil in 'Caatinga' as a function of the thermal conductivity


    Alain M. B. P. de Silans; Lovania M. Werlang


    A elaboração de modelos SVATs (Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer - Transporte no sistema solo-vegetação-atmosfera) apropriados, é de grande importância para a compreensão dos mecanismos de transferência de fluxos à superfície, com aplicações na modelagem da circulação atmosférica, na modelagem hidrológica e na modelagem ecodinâmica da vegetação. Neste trabalho se utiliza um modelo SVAT desenvolvido especificamente na região do Cariri, estado da Paraíba, para analisar o efeito dos gradientes...

  13. Soil moisture dynamics of a soil in 'Caatinga' as a function of the thermal conductivity


    Silans, Alain M. B. P. de; Werlang, Lovania M.


    A elaboração de modelos SVATs (Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer - Transporte no sistema solo-vegetação-atmosfera) apropriados, é de grande importância para a compreensão dos mecanismos de transferência de fluxos à superfície, com aplicações na modelagem da circulação atmosférica, na modelagem hidrológica e na modelagem ecodinâmica da vegetação. Neste trabalho se utiliza um modelo SVAT desenvolvido especificamente na região do Cariri, estado da Paraíba, para analisar o efeito dos gradientes...

  14. Modelagem da intrusão da água de um rio com diferentes concentrações de sais

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    Gabriel C. Marino


    Full Text Available Para considerações de intrusão de água em meio subterrâneo a capilaridade, também entendida como força de sucção, é uma grandeza física que influencia a dinâmica do processo. Neste trabalho é apresentada uma investigação do comportamento do escoamento subterrâneo e as interações entre água doce e água salinizada na área de descarga de um rio. Objetivou-se realizar uma modelagem preditiva para identificar e representar o processo de intrusão das águas de um rio meio ao lençol freático comparando diferentes concentrações de sais nas águas do rio e águas subterrâneas. Como modelo conceitual foi definido um rio em região de descarga. A modelagem foi realizada no software SUTRA sendo o método de solução por elementos finitos. Observou-se a formação de uma camada de água doce sobre o lençol freático salinizado quando considerada intrusão de água doce. Para as considerações com intrusão de água salinizada foi identificada a formação de fingers. Os resultados do modelo possibilitaram identificar que a intrusão de água doce no lençol freático salinizado é dificultada pela presença de sais. A intrusão é mais difícil quanto maior a concentração de sais nas águas subterrâneas.


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    Waldir Nagel Schirmer


    Full Text Available O caráter odorante de compostos reduzidos de enxofre (TRS, tipicamente emitidos na indústria papeleira, tem gerado grande interesse por parte dessas indústrias em predizer a qualidade do ar nas proximidades de suas fontes emissoras. Desse modo, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o impacto na atmosfera resultante das emissões de TRS de uma fabricante de papel e celulose de grande porte, por meio da modelagem dos compostos gasosos emitidos a partir de duas fontes pontuais (tomadas como as maiores contribuidoras. Para tanto, foi utilizado o “software” AID (Avaliação Instantânea de Dispersão baseado no modelo de Gauss para determinação das concentrações (no ar resultantes dessas emissões. Nessa determinação, foram abordados os principais parâmetros meteorológicos (dos últimos 3 anos e cinéticos de emissão necessários à modelagem. A máxima concentração de TRS obtida após a modelagem foi de 3,84 ppb (somatório das duas fontes avaliadas, ficando bem abaixo dos limites de percepção odorífera (LPO recomendado por órgãos internacionais (o Brasil não possui leis específicas para esse caso. Como os limites de toxicidade quase sempre estão bem acima dos LPO, é seguro afirmar que, no caso avaliado, a concentração máxima estimada não apresenta riscos de toxicidade à população exposta, uma vez, pelo valor obtido, nem o odor pode ser percebido.

  16. Utilização da função pearson tipo V, Weibull e hiperbólica para modelagem da distribuição de diâmetros

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    Daniel Henrique Breda Binoti


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a eficiência da função log-Pearson tipo V para a descrição da estrutura diamétrica de povoamentos equiâneos de eucaliptos, bem como propor um modelo de distribuição diamétrica utilizando essa função. A modelagem realizada pela função log-Pearson tipo V foi comparada com a modelagem realizada com a função Weibull e hiperbólica. Para isso utilizou-se dados de parcelas permanentes de eucalipto, localizadas na região centro oeste do estado de Minas Gerais. A função Pearson tipo V foi testada em três diferentes configurações, com três e dois parâmetros, e tendo o parâmetro de locação substituído pelo diâmetro mínimo da parcela. A aderência das funções aos dados foi comprovada pela aplicação do teste Kolmogorov-Sminorv (K-S. Todos os ajustes apresentaram aderência aos dados pelo teste KS. As funções Weibull e hiperbólica apresentaram desempenho superior ao demonstrado pela função Pearson tipo V.

  17. Recent crustal movements (United States)

    Maelzer, H.

    Calculation of temporal height changes for the determination of recent vertical crustal movements in northern, western, and southern Germany is described. Precise geodetic measurements and their analysis for the determination of recent crustal movements in north-eastern Iceland, western Venezuela, and central Peru are described. Determination of recent vertical crustal movements by leveling and gravity data; geodetic modeling of deformations and recent crustal movements; geodetic modeling of plate motions; and instrumental developments in geodetic measuring are discussed.

  18. Crustal balance and crustal flux from shortening estimates in the Central Andes (United States)

    Hindle, David; Kley, Jonas; Oncken, Onno; Sobolev, Stephan


    The Central Andes of South America form the second largest high elevation plateau on earth. Extreme elevations have formed on a noncollisional margin with abundant associated arc magmatism. It has long been thought that the crustal thickness necessary to support Andean topography was not accounted for by known crustal shortening alone. We show that this may in part be due to a two-dimensional treatment of the problem. A three-dimensional analysis of crustal shortening and crustal thickness shows that displacement of material towards the axis of the bend in the Central Andes has added a significant volume of crust not accounted for in previous comparisons. We find that present-day crustal thickness between 12°S and 25°S is accounted for (∼-10% to ∼+3%)with the same shortening estimates, and the same assumed initial crustal thickness as had previously led to the conclusion of a ∼25-35% deficit in shortening relative to volume of crustal material. We suggest that the present-day measured crustal thickness distribution may not match that predicted due to shortening, and substantial redistribution of crust may have occurred by both erosion and deposition at the surface and lower crustal flow in regions of the thermally weakened middle and lower crust.

  19. Flusser e Heidegger: as imagens técnicas na Questão da Técnica

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    Gerbase, Carlos


    Full Text Available No final do século 20, foi grande a quantidade de estudos acadêmicos e de matérias na imprensa sobre as novas tecnologias audiovisuais. Palavras como virtual, digitalidade, modelagem, simulação, interatividade, ciberespaço e hipertexto tornaram-se cada vez mais comuns, chegando aos jornais, às revistas, aos programas de TV e a incontáveis teses de doutorado. Tudo isso leva a uma sensação, mais ou menos consensual, de que atravessamos um período de mudança estrutural nas formas de criar, produzir, distribuir e consumir produtos audiovisuais, e de que esta revolução estaria acontecendo na fotografia, no cinema, na televisão e na internet.

  20. A importância da gestão de filas na prestação de serviços: um estudo na BU/UFSC / The importance of queues’ management in the rendering services: a study at BU/UFSC


    Claudio Henrique Schons; Gregório Varvakis Rados


    Este artigo apresenta a importância da gestão eficiente de filas por parte dos gestores de serviços pelo fato desta influenciar na percepção do cliente sobre a qualidade de serviço. Para tal, analisa o processo de formação de filas, bem como descreve alguns procedimentos para os gestores reduzirem a sensação de tempo de espera pelo cliente na fila, prevenindo e minimizando seus impactos negativos. O artigo demonstra que através da modelagem de sistemas, os gestores podem identificar os fatore...

  1. Crustal evolution of South American Platform based on Sm-Nd isotope geochemistry; Evolucao crustal da plataforma sul americana com base na geoquimica isotopica Sm-Nd

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, Kei


    Sm-Nd isotopic systematics is relevant to the topics of origin and evolution the of continental crust, where model ages refer to the time when crustal material was differentiated from the upper mantle. Alternative interpretations are due to a lack of adequate information on crustal processes and the variable composition of the mantle sources. The Sm-Nd methods are presented, and applied on rock materials from the South American Platform. The main conclusions indicate juvenile accretion with higher growth rates (peaks), around 3.7-3.5 Ga ({approx} 0.5% in volume), 3.1 - 2.9 Ga ({approx}16%), 2.7 - 2.6 ({approx} 9%), 2.2 - 1.9 (35%) and 1.3-1.0 (7%). The continental growth curve indicates that about 35 % of the crust was formed by 2.5 Ga, 88% by 1.8 Ga and 99% by 1.0 Ga, and the remaining {approx} 1 % was added in the Phanerozoic. Rapid crustal growth occurred between 2.2 and 1.9 Ga. The main period of continental crust formation occurred during the Paleoproterozoic, corresponding to 54 % in volume. Sm-Nd model ages, when compared with the crystallisation ages of granitoid rocks, furnish a rough estimate of juvenile vs. reworked material. Within the South American Platform about 45% of juvenile continental crust is still preserved within tectonic provinces of different ages. The remainder represents continental crust reworked in younger tectono-thermal events. In particular crustal reworking was predominating over juvenile accretion during Meso-Neoproterozoic. The Transbrasiliano Lineament is a megasuture, active in the Neoproterozoic, which separates a large northwestern mass, including the Amazonian and Sao Luis Cratons, from a southeastern mass, formed by a collage of cratonic fragments, of which the Sao Francisco and Rio de La Plata are the largest. The crustal evolutions of these two large continental masses are considered individually, and can be resumed following form: I - Old Archean rocks (>3.4 Ga) are found only within the south-eastern part (Gaviao Block

  2. Constraints on the formation of the Martian crustal dichotomy from remnant crustal magnetism (United States)

    Citron, Robert I.; Zhong, Shijie


    The Martian crustal dichotomy characterizing the topographic difference between the northern and southern hemispheres is one of the most important features on Mars. However, the formation mechanism for the dichotomy remains controversial with two competing proposals: exogenic (e.g., a giant impact) and endogenic (e.g., degree-1 mantle convection) mechanisms. Another important observation is the Martian crustal remnant magnetism, which shows a much stronger field in the southern hemisphere than in the northern hemisphere and also magnetic lineations. In this study, we examine how exogenic and endogenic mechanisms for the crustal dichotomy are constrained by the crustal remnant magnetism. Assuming that the dichotomy is caused by a giant impact in the northern hemisphere, we estimate that the average thickness of ejecta in the southern hemisphere is 20-25 km. While such a giant impact may cause crustal demagnetization in the northern hemisphere, we suggest that the impact could also demagnetize the southern hemisphere via ejecta thermal blanketing, impact demagnetization, and heat transfer from the hot layer of ejecta, thus posing a challenge for the giant impact model. We explore how the pattern of magnetic lineations relates to endogenic theories of dichotomy formation, specifically crustal production via degree-1 mantle convection. We observe that the pattern of lineations roughly corresponds to concentric circles about a single pole, and determine the pole for the concentric circles at 76.5° E and 84.5° S, which nearly overlaps with the centroid of the thickened crust in the southern hemisphere. We suggest that the crustal magnetization pattern, magnetic lineations, and crustal dichotomy (i.e., thickened crust in the highlands) can be explained by a simple endogenic process; one-plume convection causes melting and crustal production above the plume in the southern hemisphere, and strong crustal magnetization and magnetic lineations are formed in the southern


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    Maria de Fatima Alves de Matos


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os resultados da aplicação do modelo numérico Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN com análises comparativas das medidas obtidas a partir dos resultados de modelagem e de medições durante as campanhas de campo em 2010 e 2012 no Litoral Setentrional do Rio Grande do Norte (NE do Brasil. O objetivo principal do presente estudo foi aplicar e validar o modelo numérico SWAN na determinação do clima de ondas, avaliar seus pontos fortes e limitações para a região de interesse. Os dados de campo realizados em dois pontos próximo da costa em profundidades de 3 m (PT_1 e 6 m (PT_2 por meio do uso de dois adcp: AWAC e AQUADOPP. Os dados adquiridos com estes equipamentos foram processados e permitiram a realização de análises espectrais de altura significativa, HS (m, período médio, Tmed (s, e direção média, DIR (º. Para a implementação do modelo SWAN foram empregados para as condições de contorno os dados de agitação a partir do modelo de 3ª geração de escala oceânica Wavewatch III. Para o refinamento e aplicabilidade do modelo, foram introduzidos dados de ventos e maré locais, corrigidos com base no Manual de Engenharia Costeira (CEM, permitindo assim, melhor ajuste dos resultados da modelagem. O domínio de cálculo foi referenciado para as dimensões da carta náutica 720, com três malhas regulares de diferentes dimensões e resolução: externa, intermediária e interna, sendo esta última, utilizada para fornecer os parâmetros de propagação da onda ao longo da costa. As configurações usadas para o SWAN foram as padrões em modo estacionário, com as formulações KOMEN, a dissipação devido à rebentação induzida pelo fundo com atrito de fundo usando a formulação JONSWAP com coeficiente de atrito С = 0.015m2s-3 em condições wind sea, e a formulação whitecapping ou excesso de declividade, as interações entre tríades de ondas e interações onda-onda quádrupla. As estat

  4. Análise das variações climáticas na ocorrência de doenças respiratórias por influenza em idosos na região metropolitana de João Pessoa – PB / Analysis of climatic variations in the occurrence of Respiratory diseases by influenza in elderly people in the metropolitan region of João Pessoa – PB

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    Jullianna Vitorio Vieira de Azevedo


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos das variações sazonais do clima na ocorrência de internações por doenças respiratórias por Influenza e Pneumonia (PI na população idosa da Região Metropolitana de João Pessoa (RMJP no Estado da Paraíba. Para isso, foram usados modelos lineares generalizados a partir da regressão linear de Poisson para relacionar a variável dependente configurada como os registros de internações por causas associadas à influenza e as variáveis independentes (precipitação pluvial, temperatura média do ar e umidade relativa do ar, para análise das relações instituídas pela modelagem foi aplicado o teste de variância ANOVA com nível de significância de 0,05 de probabilidade para determinar que variáveis independentes eram mais significativas na modelagem. Também foram analisados os resíduos gerados pelo ajuste dos modelos no intuito de identificar a distribuição que melhor se ajustasse aos dados. Toda análise estática foi realizada no software R. De forma geral verificou-se que os maiores picos de internações por PI ocorrem no outono e inverno. Portanto, esses resultados sugerem uma associação entre o frio e as internações por PI. A modelagem estatística se apresentou satisfatória para análise dos casos de internações por PI, no entanto, é necessário o aprofundamento dessas análises temporais, visto que o problema de internações é multicausal e não, necessariamente, consequência somente de alterações climáticas.

  5. Crustal thickness controlled by plate tectonics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Artemieva, Irina M.; Meissner, Rolf


    /gabbro–eclogite phase transition in crustal evolution and the links between lithosphere recycling, mafic magmatism, and crustal underplating. We advocate that plate tectonics processes, togetherwith basalt/gabbro–eclogite transition, limit crustal thickness worldwide by providing effective mechanisms of crustal...

  6. Modelagem conceitual para identificação de áreas com potencial para geração de energia por fonte renovável

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    Vivian Celestino


    Full Text Available O mundo enfrenta um desafio na busca de alternativas para atender a demanda de energia elétrica de forma sustentável e diminuir os efeitos dos Gases de Efeito Estufa. Uma maneira de minimizar estes efeitos e expandir o parque gerador é incrementar a produção com recurso a fontes renováveis. Mas para que, no momento de instalar um novo empreendimento, seja tomada uma decisão assertiva é necessário realizar a compilação de variáveis que sejam pertinentes ao tema e ao espaço geográfico. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma modelagem conceitual por objetos (de acordo com o padrão OMT-G de forma a identificar áreas potenciais para gerar energia elétrica por fontes renováveis.

  7. Estimating the Crustal Power Spectrum From Vector Magsat Data: Crustal Power Spectrum (United States)

    Lowe, David A. J.; Parker, Robert L.; Purucker, Michael E.; Constable, Catherine G.


    The Earth's magnetic field can be subdivided into core and crustal components and we seek to characterize the crustal part through its spatial power spectrum (R(sub l)). We process vector Magsat data to isolate the crustal field and then invert power spectral densities of flight-local components along-track for R(sub l) following O'Brien et al. [1999]. Our model (LPPC) is accurate up to approximately degree 45 (lambda=900 km) - this is the resolution limit of our data and suggests that global crustal anomaly maps constructed from vector Magsat data should not contain features with wavelengths less than 900 km. We find continental power spectra to be greater than oceanic ones and attribute this to the relative thicknesses of continental and oceanic crust.


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    Julio Cesar Molina


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta a estratégia utilizada na modelagem numérica de um corpo-de-prova misto de madeira e concreto, com sistema de conexão metálico, sob carregamento. A modelagem do sistema foi efetuada a partir de um modelo tridimensional, que utiliza o software ANSYS, versão 10.0, que tem como base o Método dos Elementos Finitos, onde foram considerados diferentes modelos de ruptura para os materiais unidos, além de elementos de contato nas interfaces dos mesmos. Os elementos finitos, assim como os materiais utilizados, foram escolhidos em função de suas representatividades perante os comportamentos a serem simulados, para que, dessa forma, fosse possível a consideração de efeitos importantes como plasticidade e ortotropia para os materiais. Os resultados obtidos a partir da modelagem proposta foram comparados com os resultados experimentais de ensaios de cisalhamento, realizados em corpos-de-prova mistos com carregamento aplicado até a ruptura e o erro obtido, neste caso, foi de até 15%. A finalidade deste trabalho é servir de base para a modelagem de sistemas estruturais, presentes em diversas áreas da engenharia, dentre elas, mecânica e civil, onde são utilizados materiais com diferentes comportamentos estruturais. A modelagem proposta possibilita a análise global do modelo assim como a análise dos aspectos localizados de interesse como a concentração de tensões, efeito de difícil quantificação em uma análise experimental.This paper shows the strategy used in the numeric modeling of a composite specimen of wood and concrete, with metallic connection system, with applied cyclical load. The modeling of the system was made starting from a three-dimensional model, using the software ANSYS, version 10.0, that has as base the Method of the Finite Elements, in which different rupture models were considered for the materials, besides contact elements in the interfaces of the materials. The finite elements, as well as the

  9. Uma compreensão teórica sobre o texto pedagógico do planejamento de modelagem matemática

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    Lilian Aragão da Silva


    Full Text Available In this paper, we present a theoretical understanding of the text on the planning of the mathematical modeling environment in the light of Basil Bernstein’s sociological theory. For such, a cross-sectional analysis of the results of three studies by the authors that depict this text in different fields was performed. In the first study, we analyze the constitution of the pedagogical text of the planning of the modeling environment by three teachers of basic education in a continuing training course on mathematical modeling. In the second and third studies, we analyzed the operation of the pedagogical text of the planning of the modeling environment in the classrooms of the three teachers participating in the course. The analysis of the data suggests that the constitution of the pedagogical text of the planning was marked by transformations that produced a proper meaning to the text, and the operationalization was manifested by transformations and resistance to them, which triggered more approximations than distances to the constituted text. The results of these studies point out how the pedagogical text of the planning of the modeling environment was constituted in the field of pedagogical recontextualization and operationalized in the field of reproduction. Thus, we retake such results and sketch that the recontextualization of this text from one field to another has generated theoretical understandings and implications for the school pedagogical practice in the field of mathematical modeling and for teacher training courses. Neste artigo apresentamos uma compreensão teórica sobre o texto do planejamento do ambiente de modelagem matemática à luz da teoria sociológica de Basil Bernstein. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise transversal dos resultados de três estudos das autoras que retratam esse texto em campos diferentes. No primeiro estudo, analisamos a constituição do texto pedagógico do planejamento do ambiente de modelagem por

  10. Proposta de Melhoria do Processo de Contratação de Serviços de TI e da Gestão dos Contratos na Administração Pública Federal

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    José Gonçalo dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho se baseou numa análise exploratória com objetivo de analisar e mapear os processos de contratação de serviços de TI na Administração Pública Federal, tomando como base o Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação – MCTI, com uso das técnicas de modelagem de processos baseados na notação BPMN. Inicialmente, foi feita a modelagem dos processos atuais (AS-IS, e em seguida foi feita uma análise dos resultados. O trabalho foi feito com base na análise da IN 02/2010, Lei 10520/2002 e Lei 8666/1993. Com base nesta análise, os processos atuais foram mapeados. Os principais objetivos foram: identificar os processos de contratação de serviços de TI que estão relacionados com os projetos do órgão; analisar os processos de contratação de serviços de TI; modelar os processos de contratação de serviços de TI com notação BPMN; identificar os processos críticos de contratação de serviços de TI e propor melhorias.


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    Fillipe Silva Marinho Mota


    Full Text Available Empresas do ramo financeiro possuem uma grande necessidade de uma gestão financeira que permita resguardar a empresa quanto a perdas que possam ser evitadas. Para que essa gestão seja eficiente, deve-se adotar uma análise que leve em consideração critérios que permitam um amplo conhecimento do tomador de crédito. Porém, o processo de tomada de decisão sobre uma avaliação de risco de crédito é frequentemente de uma complexidade muito grande para o julgamento humano, devido à enorme gama de variáveis envolvidas no processo, o que dificulta a análise dos fatores atrelados e suas respectivas inter-relações. Esse artigo tem como finalidade realizar o levantamento de depósitos de patentes a respeito de modelagem de credit score utilizando sistemas computacionais.

  12. Crustal Seismic Anisotropy: Implications for Understanding Crustal Dynamics (United States)

    Meltzer, A.; Christensen, N.; Okaya, D.


    The Nanga Parbat - Haramosh massif, in the core of the western syntaxis of the Himalaya, represents a unique exposure of mid-lower continental crust from beneath a collisional orogen. The exhumed core of the massif forms a large scale antiformal structure with axial orientation of N10E and associated lineation directed north-south with near-vertical dips. Laboratory measurements of seismic velocity on a suite of quartzofeldspathic gneisses from the massif show a relatively strong degree of anisotropy, up to 12.5% for compressional waves and up to 21% for shear waves. The degree of velocity anisotropy is primarily a function of mica content and rock fabric strength. The strong anisotropy measured in these rocks should be observable in recorded seismic field data and provides a means of mapping rock fabric at depth provided the rock fabric is coherent over appropriate length scales. An IRIS/PASSCAL deployment of 50 short period instruments recorded local and regional earthquakes to characterize seismicity and determine crustal structure beneath the massif as part of a multidisciplinary NSF Continental Dynamics study investigating the active tectonic processes responsible for exhumation and crustal reworking at Nanga Parbat. Microseismicity at Nanga Parbat is distributed along strike beneath the massif but exhibits a sharp drop-off laterally into adjacent terranes and with depth. This data set is ideal for studying crustal seismic anisotropy because the raypaths are restricted to the crust, sharp onsets in P and S allow for clear identification of arrivals, and source-receiver geometries sample a range of azimuths with respect to structure. Preliminary analysis indicates that the majority of local events exhibit some degree of splitting and that splitting patterns, while complicated, are coherent. While splitting delay normally increases with distance traveled through anisotropic material, the range of delay times can be due to heterogeneity in composition, lateral

  13. Modelagem do vento e da fotosfera de AG Carinae (United States)

    Groh, J. H.; Damineli, A.


    A trajetória evolutiva das estrelas de alta massa depende fortemente de suas taxas de perda de massa. Apesar do rápido progresso no estudo destas estrelas, a taxa de perda de massa e outros parâmetros físicos básicos, como a temperatura superficial e a velocidade terminal do vento ainda não estão bem determinados. Isto ocorre devido à presença de ventos irregulares, rápidos e fortes ao redor destas estrelas, tornando a interpretação dos seus espectros uma tarefa difícil. Assim, a modelagem do vento e da fotosfera dessas estrelas está sendo cada vez mais usada para obter tais parâmetros a partir dos espectros. O aumento da taxa de perda de massa durante a fase LBV (Variáveis Luminosas Azuis), comparado com outros tipos de estrelas, tem sido atribuído a instabilidades do tipo S Doradus. Dispomos de uma base de dados espectroscópicos cobrindo 22 anos de observações de AG Carinae, incluindo um ciclo S Doradus completo, com espectros CCD em alta resolução na faixa óptica e infravermelha. Utilizamos o programa desenvolvido por Schmutz (1997) para uma análise preliminar desse ciclo, obtendo a taxa de perda de massa a partir da linha do Ha. Não existe uma correlação clara da taxa de perda de massa com mudanças da temperatura efetiva, do raio da estrela e do fluxo na banda V. A estrela atingiu seu mínimo fotométrico (raio mínimo) em 1990 e o máximo fotométrico (raio máximo) em 1995, enquanto que o fluxo máximo da linha do Ha ocorreu em 1996. Além disso a taxa de perda de massa não segue esse ciclo, contrariamente às idéias correntes. Para fazer um modelo mais realista estamos usando o programa CMFGEN (Hillier & Miller), que trata a fotosfera e o vento estelar de forma consistente, considerando a radiação fora do equilíbrio termodinâmico (NLTE) e com blanketting total de linhas. Simulamos o espectro de AG Carinae em duas épocas extremas do ciclo S Dor para testar os resultados obtidos com o modelo mais simplificado.

  14. Discussão sobre algumas contribuições da modelagem multinível para a investigação de desempenho no trabalho Discussing some multilevel models contributions to investigate performance at work

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    Francisco Antonio Coelho Junior


    Full Text Available O investimento no capital intelectual tornou-se o pilar norteador das ações de gerenciamento de pessoas. A literatura em comportamento organizacional investigada enfatiza o efeito de variáveis de contexto no desempenho dos indivíduos. Faz-se mister compreender como se dá o impacto dessas variáveis segundo seus níveis de análise. O presente artigo discute contribuições potenciais da modelagem multinível na investigação de desempenho no trabalho. Discute, ainda, a aplicação dessa modelagem para compreensão de fenômenos comumente investigados em comportamento organizacional. Tais contribuições poderão favorecer a estruturação de modelos preditivos que poderão melhor capturar o significado da inclusão de variáveis típicas do contexto laboral.Investing on intellectual capital became the guiding pillar for personnel management actions. The organizational behavior literature highlights the effect of contextual variables on the performance of individuals. The impact of these variables, which belong to different levels of analysis, needs a better comprehension. This paper discusses the potential multilevel modeling contributions for investigating predictors of that performance. In addition, it also discusses the application of this modeling for understanding usually studied organizational behavior. These contributions may favor structuring predictive models which may better grasp the meaning of the inclusion of diverse and complex levels of variables from the labor context.

  15. Global variations in gravity-derived oceanic crustal thickness: Implications on oceanic crustal accretion and hotspot-lithosphere interactions (United States)

    Lin, J.; Zhu, J.


    We present a new global model of oceanic crustal thickness based on inversion of global oceanic gravity anomaly with constrains from seismic crustal thickness profiles. We first removed from the observed marine free-air gravity anomaly all gravitational effects that can be estimated and removed using independent constraints, including the effects of seafloor topography, marine sediment thickness, and the age-dependent thermal structure of the oceanic lithosphere. We then calculated models of gravity-derived crustal thickness through inversion of the residual mantle Bouguer anomaly using best-fitting gravity-modeling parameters obtained from comparison with seismically determined crustal thickness profiles. Modeling results show that about 5% of the global crustal volume (or 9% of the global oceanic surface area) is associated with model crustal thickness 8.6 km and is interpreted to have been affected by excess magmatism. The percentage of oceanic crustal volume that is associated with thick crustal thickness (>8.6 km) varies greatly among tectonic plates: Pacific (33%), Africa (50%), Antarctic (33%), Australia (30%), South America (34%), Nazca (23%), North America (47%), India (74%), Eurasia (68%), Cocos (20%), Philippine (26%), Scotia (41%), Caribbean (89%), Arabian (82%), and Juan de Fuca (21%). We also found that distribution of thickened oceanic crust (>8.6 km) seems to depend on spreading rate and lithospheric age: (1) On ocean basins younger than 5 Ma, regions of thickened crust are predominantly associated with slow and ultraslow spreading ridges. The relatively strong lithospheric plate at slow and ultraslow ridges might facilitate the loading of large magmatic emplacements on the plate. (2) In contrast, crustal thickness near fast and intermediately fast spreading ridges typically does not exceed 7-8 km. The relatively weak lithosphere at fast and intermediately fast ridges might make it harder for excess magmatism to accrete. We further speculate that


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    Karla Pocai


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, foi estudado o efeito da composição de diferentes misturas de polietileno de alta densidade (HDPE virgem, HDPE reciclado e serragem de Pinus sp., nas propriedades físico-mecânicas de placas confeccionadas pelo processo de compressão. As misturas foram homogeneizadas em um misturador tipo Drais, sem controle de temperatura e moldadas por compressão em prensa hidráulica a 150oC. Partindo das placas, foram confeccionados corpos-de-prova para ensaios de tração, flexão, impacto e dureza, segundo normas ASTM, e também foram determinadas as densidades médias das placas. A modelagem estatística foi realizada segundo o planejamento centróide simplex, utilizando sete misturas dos três componentes e três repetições de cada mistura. Os resultados mostraram que a resistência à tração, a resistência à flexão, a dureza e a densidade das placas, são explicadas pelo modelo linear, enquanto a resistência ao impacto é explicada pelo modelo quadrático. Não houve diferença significativa nas propriedades físico-mecânicas dos compósitos confeccionados com HDPE virgem, daqueles confeccionados com HDPE reciclado, exceto para resistência ao impacto, no qual o HDPE virgem apresentou maiores valores.

  17. Modelagem matemática na educação básica: uma experiência aplicada na Construção Civil

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    Pedro Elton Weber


    Full Text Available O artigo é resultado de um projeto de modelagem matemática, aplicado a crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem do quarto e quinto anos do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola da periferia do Município de Palmas, Paraná, Brasil. O projeto foi desenvolvido com o auxílio de alunos da Licenciatura em Matemática, constituindo-se em uma atividade integrante de sua formação profissional e tendo por objetivo contribuir para a melhoria da aprendizagem de matemática das crianças envolvidas. Foram construídas, sob a orientação dos professores e licenciandos, maquetes de casas planejadas pelos próprios alunos. Foram trabalhados diversos conceitos matemáticos, relacionados a operações básicas, frações, geometria, porcentagens, planejamentos financeiros, entre outros. Além da motivação observada, o trabalho contribuiu com o processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos alunos e proporcionou aos futuros docentes uma experiência significativa em sua formação.Mathematical modeling in basic education: an experience inspired in constructionAbstractThe paper is the result of a project for mathematical modeling applied to children with learning difficulties in the fourth and fifth years of Fundamental Education at a school on the periphery in the city of Palmas, PR. The project was developed with the help of mathematics undergraduates students, thus becoming an their professional training a activity and taking aim at contributing to improving the math learning of the children involved. They built houses maquettes designed by the students under the teachers and student teachers supervision. We worked many mathematical concepts related to basic operations, fractions, geometry, percentages, financial planning, among others. Besides the motivation observed, the work contributed to the teaching and learning formation of students and provided to prospective teachers a meaningful experience in their training.Keywords: maquettes construction, mathematical

  18. Análise da qualidade superficial e dimensional em peças produzidas por modelagem por deposição de material fundido (FDM

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    Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello


    Full Text Available A prototipagem rápida vem crescendo cada vez mais como uma opção na busca de redução do tempo e dos riscos no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos. Contudo, as peças produzidas por modelagem por deposição de material fundido (FDM podem sofrer variações na rugosidade e precisão dimensional, dependendo de parâmetros como espessura do filete depositado, sentido da orientação da fabricação da peça, tipo de deposição de camada e geometria do corpo de prova. A literatura é rica em trabalhos dessa natureza a respeito de protótipos rápidos produzidos por outras tecnologias de prototipagem, mas o mesmo não acontece com o FDM. Portanto, a presente pesquisa busca analisar a qualidade superficial e dimensional de protótipos rápidos produzidos com a tecnologia de FDM, por meio de um projeto experimental. De acordo com os dados analisados, foi possível afirmar que algumas variáveis selecionadas como fator principal, ou a interação entre elas, tiveram efeito sobre a resposta rugosidade e nenhum efeito sobre a resposta precisão dimensional. Conclui-se que, na produção de protótipos onde o acabamento superficial for importante, cuidados devem ser tomados na especificação dos parâmetros da máquina, uma vez que a rugosidade da peça final prototipada vai depender fortemente da interação entre os mesmos.

  19. Modes of continental extension in a crustal wedge

    KAUST Repository

    Wu, Guangliang


    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. We ran numerical experiments of the extension of a crustal wedge as an approximation to extension in an orogenic belt or a continental margin. We study the effects of the strength of the lower crust and of a weak mid-crustal shear zone on the resulting extension styles. A weak mid-crustal shear zone effectively decouples upper crustal extension from lower crustal flow. Without the mid-crustal shear zone, the degree of coupling between the upper and the lower crust increases and extension of the whole crust tends to focus on the thickest part of the wedge. We identify three distinct modes of extension determined by the strength of the lower crust, which are characterized by 1) localized, asymmetric crustal exhumation in a single massif when the lower crust is weak, 2) the formation of rolling-hinge normal faults and the exhumation of lower crust in multiple core complexes with an intermediate strength lower crust, and 3) distributed domino faulting over the weak mid-crustal shear zone when the lower crust is strong. A frictionally stronger mid-crustal shear zone does not change the overall model behaviors but extension occurred over multiple rolling-hinges. The 3 modes of extension share characteristics similar to geological models proposed to explain the formation of metamorphic core complexes: 1) the crustal flow model for the weak lower crust, 2) the rolling-hinge and crustal flow models when the lower crust is intermediate and 3) the flexural uplift model when the lower crust is strong. Finally we show that the intensity of decoupling between the far field extension and lower crustal flow driven by the regional pressure gradient in the wedge control the overall style of extension in the models.

  20. Modes of continental extension in a crustal wedge

    KAUST Repository

    Wu, Guangliang; Lavier, Luc L.; Choi, Eunseo


    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. We ran numerical experiments of the extension of a crustal wedge as an approximation to extension in an orogenic belt or a continental margin. We study the effects of the strength of the lower crust and of a weak mid-crustal shear zone on the resulting extension styles. A weak mid-crustal shear zone effectively decouples upper crustal extension from lower crustal flow. Without the mid-crustal shear zone, the degree of coupling between the upper and the lower crust increases and extension of the whole crust tends to focus on the thickest part of the wedge. We identify three distinct modes of extension determined by the strength of the lower crust, which are characterized by 1) localized, asymmetric crustal exhumation in a single massif when the lower crust is weak, 2) the formation of rolling-hinge normal faults and the exhumation of lower crust in multiple core complexes with an intermediate strength lower crust, and 3) distributed domino faulting over the weak mid-crustal shear zone when the lower crust is strong. A frictionally stronger mid-crustal shear zone does not change the overall model behaviors but extension occurred over multiple rolling-hinges. The 3 modes of extension share characteristics similar to geological models proposed to explain the formation of metamorphic core complexes: 1) the crustal flow model for the weak lower crust, 2) the rolling-hinge and crustal flow models when the lower crust is intermediate and 3) the flexural uplift model when the lower crust is strong. Finally we show that the intensity of decoupling between the far field extension and lower crustal flow driven by the regional pressure gradient in the wedge control the overall style of extension in the models.

  1. A importância da gestão de filas na prestação de serviços: um estudo na BU/UFSC / The importance of queues’ management in the rendering services: a study at BU/UFSC

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    Claudio Henrique Schons


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta a importância da gestão eficiente de filas por parte dos gestores de serviços pelo fato desta influenciar na percepção do cliente sobre a qualidade de serviço. Para tal, analisa o processo de formação de filas, bem como descreve alguns procedimentos para os gestores reduzirem a sensação de tempo de espera pelo cliente na fila, prevenindo e minimizando seus impactos negativos. O artigo demonstra que através da modelagem de sistemas, os gestores podem identificar os fatores responsáveis pela formação de filas e buscar soluções visando a otimização dos processos. Através do software de simulação Arena são apresentados cenários referentes a formação de filas utilizando-se dados coletados na Biblioteca Universitária da UFSC.

  2. Crustal response to lithosphere evolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Artemieva, Irina; Thybo, Hans; Cherepanova, Yulia


    We present a new model for the structure of the crust in an area which stretches from the North Atlantic region in the west to the Verkhoyansk Ridge in the east and encompasses Greenland, Iceland, most of Europe, West Siberian basin, and the Siberian cratons. The model is based on critically asse......, thicknesses of different crustal layers, and Pn seismic velocities....... assessed results from various seismic studies, including reflection and refraction profiles and receiver function studies. The region includes a nearly continuous age record for crustal evolution over ca. 3.6-3.8 billion years. We present an analysis of the crustal structure heterogeneity in relation...

  3. Determinação de patologias estruturais usando modelagem numérica e transformadas de wavelet


    Silva, Ramon Saleno Yure Costa


    Nos últimos anos, observa-se grande interesse por parte da comunidade científica nas pesquisas associadas à detecção de danos em estruturas, utilizando métodos numéricos com objetivo de auxiliar as técnicas não destrutivas aplicadas no monitoramento do desempenho, patologia e da saúde de estruturas civis. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para o estudo de detecção de danos em estruturas, utilizando modelagem numérica em elementos finitos e transformadas de wavelet. Para is...

  4. A prototipagem virtual para o detalhamento de projetos na construção civil

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    Ana Luiza Müller

    Full Text Available Apesar da importância da etapa de projeto no desenvolvimento de produtos, com freqüência falhas de projeto têm impactam negativamente o processo de produção. Muitas destas falhas decorrem do emprego de apenas duas dimensões para representação do produto. Uma das alternativas para vencer este problema é a modelagem do produto em 3D. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo cujo objetivo foi explorar as contribuições da prototipagem virtual para integrar as etapas de projeto e produção. A pesquisa foi conduzida a partir da modelagem virtual para detalhamento dos acabamentos de banheiros. Também foi acompanhada a prototipagem física com a intenção de verificar a conformidade da execução em relação às soluções adotadas na prototipagem virtual e identificar os requisitos para que aumentasse o grau de conformidade. As principais contribuições foram: (a definição e análise de soluções para o detalhamento voltado a orientar a produção; e (b antecipação de situações não previstas no projeto 2D que poderiam resultar em interferências na produção. Como requisitos foram apontados: (a controle de qualidade dos materiais e serviços executados para minimizar as variações dimensionais; (b emprego de tecnologias mais avançadas, menos sujeitas a variações dimensionais; e (c necessidade de incorporação do conhecimento técnico a respeito do processo de produção.

  5. Modelagem e análise de serviços de saúde baseados em Redes de Petri interpretadas

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    Marisa Mitie Miyagi


    Full Text Available Este trabalho introduz as Redes de Petri para modelagem e análise de sistemas de saúde que além da complexidade de suas atividades, envolve na sua concepção, implementação, operação e tomada de decisões, vários e diferentes profissionais. Os modelos são desenvolvidos em PFS (Production Flow Schema e MFG (Mark Flow Graph que são interpretações de redes de Petri, explicitando os recursos envolvidos e o fluxo de itens (pessoas, equipamentos, informações. Os serviços do Ambulatório do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo são utilizados como estudo de caso para comprovar as vantagens da presente proposta.This paper introduces the Petri net for modelling and analysis of health systems where beyond the complexity of they activities, involves in its conception, implementation, operation and decision making several and differents professionals. The models are developed in PFS (Production Flow Schema and MFC (Mark Flow Graph that are interpretations of Peri nets aiming the explicit identification of resources and flow of itens (material and information. The services of the ambulatory of Clinic Hospital of University of São Paulo is considered in a case study to confirm the advantages of the proposal.

  6. Radioisótopo e modelagem matemática na avaliação da suplementação de fitase em dietas para suínos em crescimento

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    L.C. Mota


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de níveis crescentes de enzima fitase em dietas para suínos em fase de crescimento, por meio do uso de modelagem matemática. Foram utilizados dados de 20 leitões mestiços, machos castrados, pesando em média, 26,8kg. Os animais ficaram alojados em gaiolas metabólicas individuais para a coleta de fezes e urina, onde permaneceram por um período de 17 dias. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. A dieta experimental fornecida aos leitões foi à base de milho e farelo de soja, suplementada com cinco níveis crescentes de enzima fitase (0, 250, 500, 750 e 1000UF/kg, correspondendo a 0; 0,01; 0,02; 0,03 e 0,04%, respectivamente. As variáveis avaliadas foram: ingestão, excreção, fluxo e refluxo do P nos compartimentos (trato digestivo, corrente sanguínea, tecidos moles e ossos. A enzima fitase não interferiu no P consumido (P>0,05 (F10, no P excretado na urina (F02, no fluxo e refluxo do P nos ossos (F32 e F23 e nos tecidos moles (F42 e F24, entretanto observou-se redução no P excretado nas fezes (F01 em 8,92%; 26,76%; 22,53% e 28,64% para os níveis 0, 250, 500, 750 e 1000UF/kg, respectivamente, e efeito linear positivo para o P endógeno (F12. Pode-se utilizar dietas à base de milho e farelo de soja com 50% de P por fosfato bicálcico, adicionando-se 250UF/kg de dieta para suínos em crescimento, o que reduz em 27% as excreções de P nas fezes.

  7. Modelagem matemática e difusividade efetiva do processo de secagem do miolo da macambira

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    Julianne Viana Freire Portela


    Full Text Available A macambira (Bromelia laciniosa M. é uma bromélia com grande potencialidade agrícola, energética, mas escasso embasamento científico. Assim, este trabalho objetivou avaliar as condições operacionais para a secagem convectiva do miolo da macambira, a fim de gerar um produto seco viável do ponto de vista tecnológico e com possibilidade de aplicação na alimentação humana. A matéria-prima com espessura de 2,5mm e umidade média inicial de 87,20% foi disposta em bandejas no secador de bandejas, utilizando como variáveis do processo a temperatura do ar (43, 49 e 560C e a variável fixa velocidade do ar igual a 1,0m.s-1. Após a execução dos experimentos realizou-se o estudo da cinética de secagem e a modelagem matemática (Fick, Page e empírico de dois parâmetros das curvas experimentais como forma de definir a melhor condição de processo. O aumento da temperatura refletia no incremento dos valores de difusividade efetiva de água, sendo estes com ordem de grandeza de 10-10 m2.s-1 e, tendo o modelo empírico exponencial de dois parâmetros como o que melhor se ajustou aos dados experimentais A temperatura de 560C resultou em secagem mais rápida e mais eficiente com umidade final de 12,61%.

  8. The Glacial BuzzSaw, Isostasy, and Global Crustal Models (United States)

    Levander, A.; Oncken, O.; Niu, F.


    The glacial buzzsaw hypothesis predicts that maximum elevations in orogens at high latitudes are depressed relative to temperate latitudes, as maximum elevation and hypsography of glaciated orogens are functions of the glacial equilibrium line altitude (ELA) and the modern and last glacial maximum (LGM) snowlines. As a consequence crustal thickness, density, or both must change with increasing latitude to maintain isostatic balance. For Airy compensation crustal thickness should decrease toward polar latitudes, whereas for Pratt compensation crustal densities should increase. For similar convergence rates, higher latitude orogens should have higher grade, and presumably higher density rocks in the crustal column due to more efficient glacial erosion. We have examined a number of global and regional crustal models to see if these predictions appear in the models. Crustal thickness is straightforward to examine, crustal density less so. The different crustal models generally agree with one another, but do show some major differences. We used a standard tectonic classification scheme of the crust for data selection. The globally averaged orogens show crustal thicknesses that decrease toward high latitudes, almost reflecting topography, in both the individual crustal models and the models averaged together. The most convincing is the western hemisphere cordillera, where elevations and crustal thicknesses decrease toward the poles, and also toward lower latitudes (the equatorial minimum is at ~12oN). The elevation differences and Airy prediction of crustal thickness changes are in reasonable agreement in the North American Cordillera, but in South America the observed crustal thickness change is larger than the Airy prediction. The Alpine-Himalayan chain shows similar trends, however the strike of the chain makes interpretation ambiguous. We also examined cratons with ice sheets during the last glacial period to see if continental glaciation also thins the crust toward

  9. Estudo da poluição pontual e difusa na bacia de contribuição do reservatório da usina hidrelétrica de Funil utilizando modelagem espacialmente distribuída em Sistema de Informação Geográfica

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    Ricardo Neves de Souza Lima


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este estudo avaliou o potencial poluidor da bacia de contribuição do reservatório de Funil (BCRF, localizado na bacia hidrográfica do rio Paraíba do Sul, considerando a geração da carga de nutrientes, nitrogênio (N e fósforo (P, por fontes pontuais e difusas, a partir de uma modelagem distribuída utilizando Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG. As cargas e concentrações médias anuais desses nutrientes foram geradas a partir do acoplamento de equações empíricas, em SIG, considerando informações espaciais de uso e cobertura do solo, população residente na bacia e vazão média anual de longo período, obtida por equações do tipo chuva vazão. Os resultados indicaram que 80% da carga total de nitrogênio foram provenientes de fontes pontuais e 20% de fontes difusas, enquanto que, da carga total de fósforo, 89,1% foram originadas de fontes pontuais e 10,9% de fontes difusas. As concentrações de nutrientes estimadas pelo modelo empírico apresentaram bons ajustes em relação aos valores observados de fósforo e de nitrogênio no rio Paraíba do Sul, com R²=0,96 (p<0,01 e R²=0,70 (p<0,01, respectivamente. Dessa forma, o modelo foi capaz de detectar, de forma significativa, a tendência das variações nas concentrações de nutrientes ao longo de diferentes trechos da BCRF.



    Christian Luiz da Silveira


    A modelagem e a simulação de processos consistem em um recurso de grande importância para diversos processos químicos e biotecnológicos. A simulação de processos nos permite predizer o comportamento das variáveis de estado do processo, levando-nos a vantagens técnicas e econômicas, como, por exemplo, a prevenção de perdas de tempo e insumos por não conhecer particularidades do processo, a garantia de segurança, a qualidade do produto e, principalmente, a otimização do processo, permitindo est...

  11. SR&GIS: ferramentas de análise e modelagem de povoamentos florestais / SR&GIS: tools of the analysis and modeling forest stands

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    Attilio Antonio Disperati


    Full Text Available Para um planejamento de preservação e uso em regime sustentável há necessidade de manter atualizada uma base da cartografia dos recursos florestais existentes, em níveis local, regional e global. Dessa forma, pode-se: determinar o potencial volumétrico ou de biomassa a ser explorado; determinar as condições da fragmentação de habitat e a perda da diversidade; determinar o impacto da degradação florestal e seus efeitos nas condições hidrológica, edáfica e climática. A tecnologia que envolve as ferramentas de SR&GIS tem demonstrado significativa contribuição com seus produtos aerotransportados ou orbitais e suas técnicas de extração de informações, nas tarefas de mapeamento, inventário, monitoramento e modelagem florestal. Com objetivo de compor a abertura desse número especial da Revista Ambiência, o presente artigo mostra os novos rumos das pesquisas e aplicações nesse campo tecnológico, capazes de subsidiar a avaliação e modelagem dos recursos florestais.

  12. Nd isotopes and crustal growth rate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Albarede, F.


    Sm/Nd isotopic constraints on crustal growth is discussed. In order to constrain Sm/Nd fractionation between continental crust and depleted mantle, an extensive data base of isotopic measurements (assumed to be adequately representative of continental crust) was compiled. The results imply that the evolution of depleted mantles was roughly linear, with no major discontinuities over the course of geologic time. This is different from other determinations of depleting mantle evolution, which show nonlinear behavior. The Sm/Nd evolution lines for continental crust and depleted mantle intersect between 3.8 to 4.0 Ga, which may indicate that the onset of continental growth was later than 4.5 Ga. A mathematical model is described, the results of which imply that time integrated crustal additions from the mantle are about 1.8 to 2.5 cu km/a, whereas crustal subtractions by sediment recycling are about 0.6 to 1.5 cu km/a. This results in a net time integrated crustal growth rate of about 1 cu km/a, which is similar to present day rates determined, for example, by Reymer and Schubert

  13. Crustal Ages of the Ocean Floor - Poster (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Crustal Ages of the Ocean Floor Poster was created at NGDC using the Crustal Ages of the Ocean Floor database draped digitally over a relief of the ocean floor...

  14. The crustal thickness of Australia (United States)

    Clitheroe, G.; Gudmundsson, O.; Kennett, B.L.N.


    We investigate the crustal structure of the Australian continent using the temporary broadband stations of the Skippy and Kimba projects and permanent broadband stations. We isolate near-receiver information, in the form of crustal P-to-S conversions, using the receiver function technique. Stacked receiver functions are inverted for S velocity structure using a Genetic Algorithm approach to Receiver Function Inversion (GARFI). From the resulting velocity models we are able to determine the Moho depth and to classify the width of the crust-mantle transition for 65 broadband stations. Using these results and 51 independent estimates of crustal thickness from refraction and reflection profiles, we present a new, improved, map of Moho depth for the Australian continent. The thinnest crust (25 km) occurs in the Archean Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia; the thickest crust (61 km) occurs in Proterozoic central Australia. The average crustal thickness is 38.8 km (standard deviation 6.2 km). Interpolation error estimates are made using kriging and fall into the range 2.5-7.0 km. We find generally good agreement between the depth to the seismologically defined Moho and xenolith-derived estimates of crustal thickness beneath northeastern Australia. However, beneath the Lachlan Fold Belt the estimates are not in agreement, and it is possible that the two techniques are mapping differing parts of a broad Moho transition zone. The Archean cratons of Western Australia appear to have remained largely stable since cratonization, reflected in only slight variation of Moho depth. The largely Proterozoic center of Australia shows relatively thicker crust overall as well as major Moho offsets. We see evidence of the margin of the contact between the Precambrian craton and the Tasman Orogen, referred to as the Tasman Line. Copyright 2000 by the American Geophysical Union.

  15. Modelagem do sistema de resfriamento por imersão de carcaças de frangos utilizando redes neurais artificiais - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v31i2.3358

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    Túlio Klassen


    Full Text Available A modelagem matemática fenomenológica do processo de resfriamento de carcaças de frango em chillers é complexa pela quantidade de variáveis que interferem no processo, além de tratar de um problema que envolve transferência de calor e de massa em regime transeniente. Uma alternativa para modelar este tipo de sistema é o emprego de Redes Neurais Artificiais. Neste trabalho foram investigadas diversas estruturas de redes com uma camada intermediária para modelar o processo de resfriamento de frangos. Foram testadas diferentes arquiteturas alterando os números de neurônios das camadas de entrada e intermediária. Foram utilizados dados coletados na empresa Sadia–Toledo, Estado do Paraná, para treinamento e validação das redes. As variáveis de entrada da rede eram: massa da carcaça, temperatura antes do resfriamento, temperatura da camisa de propilenoglicol, vazão de água em cada módulo, tempo de residência e temperatura da água de renovação; a temperatura do frango na saída do último tanque de resfriamento era a variável de saída. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as redes representam apropriadamente o processo e que a rede com estrutura 8-24-1 foi a que melhor modelou o sistema investigado.

  16. Improved H-κ Method by Harmonic Analysis on Ps and Crustal Multiples in Receiver Functions with respect to Dipping Moho and Crustal Anisotropy (United States)

    Li, J.; Song, X.; Wang, P.; Zhu, L.


    The H-κ method (Zhu and Kanamori, 2000) has been widely used to estimate the crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio with receiver functions. However, in regions where the crustal structure is complicated, the method may produce uncertain or even unrealistic results, arising particularly from dipping Moho and/or crustal anisotropy. Here, we propose an improved H-κ method, which corrects for these effects first before stacking. The effect of dipping Moho and crustal anisotropy on Ps receiver function has been well studied, but not as much on crustal multiples (PpPs and PpSs+PsPs). Synthetic tests show that the effect of crustal anisotropy on the multiples are similar to Ps, while the effect of dipping Moho on the multiples is 5 times that on Ps (same cosine trend but 5 times in time shift). A Harmonic Analysis (HA) method for dipping/anisotropy was developed by Wang et al. (2017) for crustal Ps receiver functions to extract parameters of dipping Moho and crustal azimuthal anisotropy. In real data, the crustal multiples are much more complicated than the Ps. Therefore, we use the HA method (Wang et al., 2017), but apply separately to Ps and the multiples. It shows that although complicated, the trend of multiples can still be reasonably well represented by the HA. We then perform separate azimuthal corrections for Ps and the multiples and stack to obtain a combined receiver function. Lastly, the traditional H-κ procedure is applied to the stacked receiver function. We apply the improved H-κ method on 40 CNDSN (Chinese National Digital Seismic Network) stations distributed in a variety of geological setting across the Chinese continent. The results show apparent improvement compared to the traditional H-κ method, with clearer traces of multiples and stronger stacking energy in the grid search, as well as more reliable H-κ values.

  17. Parametrização do transporte dispersivo de solutos em solos estruturados: heterogeneidade do meio, percurso de transporte e modelagem

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    S. L. Schlindwein


    Full Text Available O transporte dispersivo de solutos no solo é parametrizado por meio de equações difusivas e de modelos que partem da existência de uma relação de causalidade entre as características físicas do meio poroso, da sua condição de umidade e da manifestação macroscópica do processo nele ocorrente. A validade dessa proposição, como critério na elaboração de modelos dos processos que governam o transporte de solutos no solo, é discutida heuristicamente. Com base em índices obtidos a partir de uma análise de momentos de curvas de avanço (BTCs, é possível avaliar objetivamente o vínculo que as características do sistema estabelecem com o atendimento do pressuposto do equilíbrio local e, assim, com o sucesso ou não da adoção de uma abordagem de modelagem. Assim, BTCs assimétricas nada mais são do que a manifestação macroscópica de um processo incompleto, e o alcance de uma distribuição simétrica da concentração de solutos só pode ser garantido com a adoção de um "comprimento mínimo de mistura".

  18. Paisagens e trilhas : uma abordagem sustentável para o turismo de visitação na Chapada dos Veadeiros – Goiás


    Silva, Romero Gomes Pereira da


    Os sistemas de informações geográficas podem incorporar na análise da paisagem o conceito de viewshed, ou seja, a modelagem do “campo de visão” partindo de um alvo para mapear regiões visíveis. Essa abordagem é útil para conduzir o planejamento de trilhas, serve como apoio à tomada de decisões e reduz a subjetividade nas avaliações de impacto visual de possíveis empreendimentos. Mais importante que o modelo, é sua aplicabilidade no turismo de natureza. Ao aportar a análise no Parque Nacional ...

  19. Modelagem do balanço hídrico em microbacia cultivada com plantio comercial de Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla no leste de Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    André Quintão Almeida


    Full Text Available No Brasil, o número de plantios comerciais de espécies florestais de crescimento rápido vem aumentando consideravelmente nas últimas décadas. Contudo, os possíveis impactos desse aumento sobre os recursos hídricos ainda são desconhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a modelagem do balanço hídrico em uma microbacia cultivada com plantio comercial de híbridos de Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla no Leste de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O trabalho foi realizado em uma microbacia experimental com área total de 40 ha durante o ano hidrológico, compreendido entre outubro de 2009 e setembro de 2010. A principal entrada de água no sistema via precipitação pluvial e os dados meteorológicos foram coletados por uma estação automática instalada no interior da área de estudo. As principais saídas foram estimadas pela equação modificada de Penman-Monteith e pela mensuração do deflúvio gerado na saída da bacia. Do total precipitado (1.123 mm durante o ano, 9% (106 mm retornaram à atmosfera via interceptação, 66% (740 mm via transpiração da cultura e 11% (119 mm pela evaporação do solo, que somados corresponderam à aproximadamente 86% da entrada de água na microbacia. Do deflúvio total gerado (~147 mm, apenas 4,29 mm (0,4% foram convertidos em escoamento superficial. Pode-se concluir que durante o ano hidrológico monitorado o balanço entre as principais entradas e as saídas de água na microbacia foi equalizado, não comprometendo a disponibilidade hídrica natural no curso d'água.

  20. Estimativa do crescimento de povoamentos de Eucalyptus baseada na teoria dos modelos não lineares em multinível de efeito misto.

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    Natalino Calegario


    Full Text Available O presente estudo foi baseado na utilização da teoria dos modelos não-lineares de efeito misto em multiníveis para a modelagem do crescimento em altura de povoamentos clonais de Eucalyptus. A base de dados utilizada representa medições de árvores individuais, tomadas em diferentes locais e no tempo, sendo a mesma classificada de longidudinal, irregularmente espaçada, não-balanceada, com autocorrelação e com a presença de heterogeneidade de variância. O modelo logístico de três parâmetros foi utilizado para a estimativa do crescimento em altura. Os parâmetros do modelo foram estimados como de efeitos fixos e aleatórios em dois níveis: unidade amostral (nível 1 e árvore individual dentro das unidades amostrais (nível 2. A inclusão de tais níveis reduziu sensivelmente o erro padrão da estimativa para o modelo. As estimativas também foram melhoradas com a modelagem da heterogeneidade da variância, utilizando estruturas diagonais, e da autocorrelação, com a estrutura ARMA(2,1.

  1. Crustal Gravitational Potential Energy Change and Subduction Earthquakes (United States)

    Zhu, P. P.


    Crustal gravitational potential energy (GPE) change induced by earthquakes is an important subject in geophysics and seismology. For the past forty years the research on this subject stayed in the stage of qualitative estimate. In recent few years the 3D dynamic faulting theory provided a quantitative solution of this subject. The theory deduced a quantitative calculating formula for the crustal GPE change using the mathematic method of tensor analysis under the principal stresses system. This formula contains only the vertical principal stress, rupture area, slip, dip, and rake; it does not include the horizontal principal stresses. It is just involved in simple mathematical operations and does not hold complicated surface or volume integrals. Moreover, the hanging wall vertical moving (up or down) height has a very simple expression containing only slip, dip, and rake. The above results are significant to investigate crustal GPE change. Commonly, the vertical principal stress is related to the gravitational field, substituting the relationship between the vertical principal stress and gravitational force into the above formula yields an alternative formula of crustal GPE change. The alternative formula indicates that even with lack of in situ borehole measured stress data, scientists can still quantitatively calculate crustal GPE change. The 3D dynamic faulting theory can be used for research on continental fault earthquakes; it also can be applied to investigate subduction earthquakes between oceanic and continental plates. Subduction earthquakes hold three types: (a) crust only on the vertical up side of the rupture area; (b) crust and seawater both on the vertical up side of the rupture area; (c) crust only on the vertical up side of the partial rupture area, and crust and seawater both on the vertical up side of the remaining rupture area. For each type we provide its quantitative formula of the crustal GPE change. We also establish a simplified model (called

  2. Formulação estratégica da manutenção industrial com base na confiabilidade dos equipamentos Strategic formulation of industrial maintenance supported by equipment's reliability

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    Miguel Afonso Sellitto


    Full Text Available Este trabalho relata o uso da confiabilidade e da manutenibilidade na formulação de estratégias de manutenção industrial. O método utilizado foi o estudo de dois casos. Inicia-se revisando conceitos ligados a variáveis e processos aleatórios como base para definir conceitos e características de estudos de confiabilidade e de modelagem aplicados na gestão da manutenção industrial. A seguir se descrevem os casos estudados, em que se aplicam técnicas de modelagem de tempos até a falha e até o reparo no estabelecimento de estratégias de manutenção em fábricas do setor metal-mecânico. Com base nos resultados, discute-se o caso, estabelecendo condições para o uso da confiabilidade na formulação estratégica da manutenção, principalmente quanto ao sistema de informações necessárias.This paper reports the use of reliability and maintainability assessments in the strategic formulation of industrial maintenance. The method was a double case study. The paper begins by a theoretical review of related concepts of stochastic variables and processes as a basis to address concepts and features from reliability studies and modeling, suited to use in managing the industrial maintenance. One then describes the two studied cases, in which the reliability techniques were applied, in modeling the times to failure and times to the repair for the sake of settling the strategic formulation of industrial maintenance in metal-mechanic plants. Supported by results, this paper discusses the cases, arising requirements to the use of the reliability, mainly related to the information system.

  3. Percepção de Valor dos Consumidores de Serviços de Restaurantes: Um Estudo com Modelagem de Equações Estruturais

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    George Bedinelli Rossi Bedinelli Rossi


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa objetivou a elaboração de um modelo que explicasse a percepção de valor de consumidores em restaurantes freqüentados aos domingos na cidade de São Paulo. Foi realizada em duas fases: uma pesquisa exploratória tipo grupo de foco com dois grupos de oito elementos cada cujo para descobrir as principais variáveis que influem na percepção de valor de consumidores. Gerando-se uma escala do tipo Likert, equilibrada e com ponto neutro, com sete níveis de concordância. Esta foi submetida a cinco especialistas para validação teórica e aplicada em uma amostra não probabilística por julgamento de 360 consumidores. Em seguida (segunda fase, procedeu-se à validação da escala pelo método de Análise Fatorial Confirmatória e à construção e análise de cinco modelos causais pelo método de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. O modelo final com melhor ajuste mostrou que é composto por PREÇO como a variável endógena e AMBIENTE, ATENDIMENTO, COMIDA e LIMPEZA como as variáveis exógenas. Tais conclusões indicam a visualização do processo decisório de escolha de restaurante em duas fases: (1 onde escolhe uma com junto de restaurantes e (2 momento em que a variável PREÇO assume o papel de definir o valor entregue por restaurante, o que animará a escolha. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v11i3.2291

  4. Magma Supply of Southwest Indian Ocean: Implication from Crustal Thickness Anomalies (United States)

    Chiheng, L.; Jianghai, L.; Huatian, Z.; Qingkai, F.


    The Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) is one of the world's slowest spreading ridges with a full spreading rate of 14mm a-1, belonging to ultraslow spreading ridge, which are a novel class of spreading centers symbolized by non-uniform magma supply and crustal accretion. Therefore, the crustal thickness of Southwest Indian Ocean is a way to explore the magmatic and tectonic process of SWIR and the hotspots around it. Our paper uses Residual Mantle Bouguer Anomaly processed with the latest global public data to invert the relative crustal thickness and correct it according to seismic achievements. Gravity-derived crustal thickness model reveals a huge range of crustal thickness in Southwest Indian Ocean from 0.04km to 24km, 7.5km of average crustal thickness, and 3.5km of standard deviation. In addition, statistics data of crustal thickness reveal the frequency has a bimodal mixed skewed distribution, which indicates the crustal accretion by ridge and ridge-plume interaction. Base on the crustal thickness model, we divide three types of crustal thickness in Southwest Indian Ocean. About 20.31% of oceanic crust is 9.8km thick as thick crust. Furthermore, Prominent thin crust anomalies are associated with the trend of most transform faults, but thick crust anomalies presents to northeast of Andrew Bain transform fault. Cold and depleted mantle are also the key factors to form the thin crust. The thick crust anomalies are constrained by hotspots, which provide abundant heat to the mantle beneath mid-ocean ridge or ocean basin. Finally, we roughly delineate the range of ridge-plume interaction and transform fault effect.

  5. Satellite measurements of the earth's crustal magnetic field (United States)

    Schnetzler, C. C.


    The literature associated with the Magsat mission has evaluated the capabilities and limitations of satellite measurements of the earth's crustal magnetic field, and demonstrated that there exists a 300-3000 km magnetic field, related to major features in the earth's crust, which is primarily caused by induction. Due to its scale and sensitivity, satellite data have been useful in the development of models for such large crustal features as subduction zones, submarine platforms, continental accretion boundaries, and rifts. Attention is presently given to the lack of agreement between laboratory and satellite estimates of lower crustal magnetization.

  6. Modelagem de redes logísticas com custos de inventário calculados a partir da cobertura de estoque Logistic networks modeling with inventory carrying costs calculated using inventory turnover

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    Ricardo Hamad


    Full Text Available A consideração dos custos de inventário tem se tornado cada vez mais importante na análise dos trade-offs e na tomada de decisões sobre redes logísticas. O artigo propõe uma metodologia para tratamento do custo de inventário a partir da cobertura de estoque esperada em cada instalação, incorporada na modelagem matemática da localização de fábricas e/ou centros de distribuição em redes logísticas com vários elos, representando uma nova versão do modelo apresentado em Hamad e Gualda (2008. As principais contribuições desta metodologia em relação a outros métodos encontrados na literatura são a facilidade de aplicação do método, a inclusão de restrições ligadas à capacidade de armazenagem e a consideração do custo total de inventário, e não apenas do custo relacionado aos produtos modelados.Inventory carrying cost has become very important in the analysis of the trade-offs and an important component to be considered when taking decisions about a logistic network. This paper proposes a methodology incorporated in a multi-echelon sourcing decision model, to be considered as a new version of the model presented in Hamad, Gualda (2008. It treats the carrying costs using the inventory Days-on-hand estimate in each echelon of the chain (plants and/or Distribution Centers. The main contributions of this methodology compared to other options found in the literature are the simplicity of its application, the consideration of all inventory costs (not only the ones related to the products being modeled and, also, the inclusion of constraints related to warehousing capacity.

  7. Mars - Crustal structure inferred from Bouguer gravity anomalies. (United States)

    Phillips, R. J.; Saunders, R. S.; Conel, J. E.


    Bouguer gravity has been computed for the equatorial region of Mars by differencing free air gravity and the gravity predicted from topographic variations. The free air gravity was generated from an eighth-order set of spherical harmonic coefficients. The gravity from topographic variations was generated by integrating a two-dimensional Green's function over each contour level. The Bouguer gravity indicates crustal inhomogeneities on Mars that are postulated to be variations in crustal thickness. The Tharsis ridge is a region of thick continental type crust. The gravity data, structural patterns, topography, and surface geology of this region lead to the interpretation of the Tharsis topographic high as a broad crustal upwarp possibly associated with local formation of lower-density crustal material and subsequent rise of a thicker crust. The Amazonis region is one of several basins of relatively thin crust, analogous to terrestrial ocean basins. The Libya and Hellas basins, which are probable impact features, are also underlain by thin crust and are possible regions of mantle upwelling.


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    Woo Kim Jeong


    Full Text Available Any uncompensated mass of the northern Andes Mountains is presumably under pressure to adjust within the Earth to its ideal state of isostatic equilibrium. Isostasy is the ideal state that any
    uncompensated mass seeks to achieve in time. These pressures interact with the relative motions between adjacent plates that give rise to earthquakes along the plate boundaries. By combining the
    gravity MOHO estimates and crustal discontinuities with historical and instrumental seismological catalogs the correlation between isostatically disturbed terrains and seismicity has been established.
    The thinner and thicker crustal regions were mapped from the zero horizontal curvature of the crustal thickness estimates. These boundaries or edges of crustal thickness variations were compared to
    crustal discontinuities inferred from gravity and magnetic anomalies and the patterns of seismicity that have been catalogued for the last 363 years. The seismicity is very intense along the Nazca-North
    Andes, Caribbean-North American and North Andes-South American collision zones and associated with regional tectonic compressional stresses that have locally increased and/or diminished by
    compressional and tensional stress, respectively, due to crustal thickness variations. High seismicity is also associated with the Nazca-Cocos diverging plate boundary whereas low seismicity is associated with the Panama-Nazca Transform Fault and the South American Plate.

  9. Seismically constrained two-dimentional crustal thermal structure of ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Cambay basin; P-wave velocity; heat flow; heat generation; 2-D modelling; crustal thermal structure; Mohodepth; Curie isotherm. ... This work deals with the two-dimensional thermal modelling to delineate the crustal thermal structure along a 230 km long Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profile in the north Cambay basin.

  10. Modelagem e propriedades termodinâmicas na secagem de morangos

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    Gabriel Henrique Horta de OLIVEIRA


    Full Text Available Resumo A secagem de produtos agrícolas é largamente utilizada no mundo para diminuir o teor de água do produto, dificultando o crescimento microbiano e a ocorrência de reações químicas e bioquímicas e possibilitando a armazenagem segura por períodos longos, além de reduzir o volume e a massa a ser transportada. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar e modelar a etapa de secagem de morangos (Fragaria L., bem como obter parâmetros termodinâmicos em três diferentes temperaturas (40 °C, 50 °C e 60 °C. Foram utilizados frutos obtidos na CEASA-DF, com teor de água inicial de 93,0% (b.u.. Os dados experimentais foram ajustados a seis modelos matemáticos usualmente utilizados para a representação da etapa de secagem. A energia de ativação para a secagem dos morangos, a entropia, a entalpia e a energia livre de Gibbs foram obtidas. O modelo Logaritmo foi o que melhor representou a secagem de frutos de morangueiro, apresentando valores de erro médio relativo entre 7,59% e 8,48%, desvio-padrão da estimativa entre 0,03 e 0,06 e coeficiente de determinação entre 99,93% e 99,95%. A entalpia do processo de secagem diminuiu com o aumento da temperatura de secagem, com valores de –481,21, –564,35 e –647,49 J mol–1 para as temperaturas 40, 50 e 60 °C, respectivamente. O mesmo comportamento ocorreu com a entropia, com valores -238,35, -238,61 e –238,86 J mol–1 K–1, para temperaturas 40, 50 e 60 °C, respectivamente. A energia livre de Gibbs aumentou com o aumento da temperatura, atingindo valores de 74.159,75, 76.544,54 e 78.931,90 J mol–1 para as temperaturas 40, 50 e 60 °C, respectivamente.

  11. Modelagem fenomenológica do desempenho de torres de resfriamento de água acopladas e estudo de casos.


    Rafael Candido de Lima Junior


    Neste trabalho foi realizada a modelagem fenomenológica do desempenho de uma torre de resfriamento de água e de um sistema de duas torres de resfriamento em série, com temperatura de água de entrada de até 65 ºC. Verificou-se a validade do modelo através de comparação dos resultados previstos com os obtidos em ensaios em uma unidade piloto. Em seguida, através de simulação matemática, a partir do modelo desenvolvido, foi feito o estudo de diversos casos de aplicação. Estudou-se a influência d...

  12. Crustal parameters in the Iberian Peninsula (United States)

    Banda, E.


    The structure of the crust in the Iberian Peninsula has been investigated for the last 15 years by Spanish and Portuguese groups in close collaboration with other European institutions. The first experiments were carried out in Portugal (Mueller et al., 1973) with the aim of investigating the crustal structure of the Hercynian belt in the southwest corner of the Iberian peninsula. Other experiments have been subsequently realized to study different aspects of the crust in various regions of Portugal. In Spain the main effort has been focused in Alpine areas, with the first experiments in the Alboran Sea and the Betic Cordilleras (Working Group for Deep Seismic Sounding in Spain, 1974-1975, 1977; Working Group for Deep Seismic Sounding in the Alboran Sea, 1974-1975, 1978). Follow-up experiments until 1981 completed the work in the Betic Cordillera. Extensive experiments were carried out in the Pyrenees in 1978. Further surveys covered the Balearic Islands in 1976, the Valencia Trough in 1976 and 1983, and the Celtiberian Chain (or Iberic system) in 1981. The Hercynian belt has only been studied in detail in the northwest corner of Spain in 1982, with smaller studies in the central Iberian Massif in 1976 and 1986. Mostaanpour (1984) has compiled some crustal parameters (crustal thickness, average crustal velocity and Pn velocity) for western Europe. Meanwhile, more complete data are available for the Iberian Peninsula. The results presented here were derived from a large number of seismic refraction experiments which have been carried out mostly along or close to coastal areas of the Iberian Peninsula. Offshore explosions of various sizes were used as the energy source in most cases, in addition to some quarry blasts. Unfortunately this leaves most of the inner part of the Iberian Peninsula unsurveyed. Our purpose is to summarize some of the crustal parameters obtained so far and to detail the appropriate literature for the interested reader.

  13. Crustal deformation mechanism in southeastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from numerical modeling (United States)

    Li, Y.; Liu, S.; Chen, L.


    The Indo-Asian collision developed the complicated crustal deformation around the southeastern Tibetan plateau. Numerous models have proposed to explain the crustal deformation, but the mechanism remains controversial, especially the increasing multi-geophysics data, which demonstrate the existence of lower velocity, lower resistivity and high conductivity, implying that lower crustal flow is responsible for the crustal deformation, arguing for the lower crust flow model. To address the relations between the crust flow and the surface deformation, we employ a three-dimensional viscoelastic finite model to investigate the possible influence on the surface deformation, and discuss the stress field distribution under the model. Our preliminary results suggest that lower crustal flow plays an important role in crustal deformation in southeastern Tibetan plateau. The best fitting is achieved when the flow velocity of the lower crust is approximately 10-11 mm/a faster than that of the upper crust. Crustal rheological properties affect regional crustal deformation, when the viscosity of the middle and lower crust in the South China block reaches 1022 and 1023 Pa.s, respectively; the predicted match observations well, especially for the magnitude within the South China block. The maximum principal stress field exhibits clear zoning, gradually shifting from an approximately east-west orientation in the northern Bayan Har block to southeast in the South China block, southwest in the western Yunnan block, and a radially divergent distribution in the Middle Yunnan and Southern Yunnan blocks.

  14. Continental crustal formation and recycling: Evidence from oceanic basalts (United States)

    Saunders, A. D.; Tarney, J.; Norry, M. J.


    Despite the wealth of geochemical data for subduction-related magma types, and the clear importance of such magmas in the creation of continental crust, there is still no concensus about the relative magnitudes of crustal creation versus crustal destruction (i.e., recycling of crust into the mantle). The role of subducted sediment in the formation of the arc magmas is now well documented; but what proportion of sediment is taken into the deeper mantle? Integrated isotopic and trace element studies of magmas erupted far from presently active subduction zones, in particular basaltic rocks erupted in the ocean basins, are providing important information about the role of crustal recycling. By identifying potential chemical tracers, it is impossible to monitor the effects of crustal recycling, and produce models predicting the mass of material recycled into the mantle throughout long periods of geological time.

  15. Crustal structure and tectonic model of the Arctic region

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petrov, Oleg; Morozov, Andrey; Shokalsky, Sergey


    We present a new model of the crustal and tectonic structure of the Arctic region north of 60° N latitude, constrained as a part of the international Atlas of Geological Maps of the Circumpolar Arctic under the aegis of the Commission for the Geological Map of the World. The region is largely...... formed by (i) Archean-Paleoproterozoic shields and platforms, (ii) orogenic belts of the Neoproterozoic to the Late Mesozoic ages overlain by platform and basin sediments, (iii) Cenozoic rift structures formed in part as a consequence of seafloor spreading in the North East Atlantic Ocean...... and thickness of the sedimentary cover and presents tectonic regionalization based on 18 major crustal types (oceanic, transitional, and continental) recognized in the Arctic. A 7600. km-long crustal geotransect across the region illustrates the details of its crustal and tectonic structure. We discuss...

  16. Modelagem e simulação de reator trifasico aplicado a oleos pesados com reações de hidrocraqueamento termico e catalitico, desmetalização e deposição de coque na mistura e no catalisador


    Letivan Gonçalves de Mendonça Filho


    Resumo: Esta dissertação apresenta a modelagem e simulação de um reator tipo ?slurry bubble column? que opera em leito fluidizado trifásico (gás-liquido-solido) com arraste de sólidos para promover a hidroconversão de resíduos de vácuo em condições severas de temperatura e pressão. Nosso objetivo foi reproduzir os fenômenos responsáveis pelas paradas típicas de reatores de hidroconversão de leito fluidizado trifásico, que são separação de fases devido a precipitação ds asfaltenos, a deposição...

  17. Quantitative tectonic reconstructions of Zealandia based on crustal thickness estimates (United States)

    Grobys, Jan W. G.; Gohl, Karsten; Eagles, Graeme


    Zealandia is a key piece in the plate reconstruction of Gondwana. The positions of its submarine plateaus are major constraints on the best fit and breakup involving New Zealand, Australia, Antarctica, and associated microplates. As the submarine plateaus surrounding New Zealand consist of extended and highly extended continental crust, classic plate tectonic reconstructions assuming rigid plates and narrow plate boundaries fail to reconstruct these areas correctly. However, if the early breakup history shall be reconstructed, it is crucial to consider crustal stretching in a plate-tectonic reconstruction. We present a reconstruction of the basins around New Zealand (Great South Basin, Bounty Trough, and New Caledonia Basin) based on crustal balancing, an approach that takes into account the rifting and thinning processes affecting continental crust. In a first step, we computed a crustal thickness map of Zealandia using seismic, seismological, and gravity data. The crustal thickness map shows the submarine plateaus to have a uniform crustal thickness of 20-24 km and the basins to have a thickness of 12-16 km. We assumed that a reconstruction of Zealandia should close the basins and lead to a most uniform crustal thickness. We used the standard deviation of the reconstructed crustal thickness as a measure of uniformity. The reconstruction of the Campbell Plateau area shows that the amount of extension in the Bounty Trough and the Great South Basin is far smaller than previously thought. Our results indicate that the extension of the Bounty Trough and Great South Basin occurred simultaneously.

  18. 3D modeling of material flow and temperature in Friction Stir Welding Modelagem 3D do fluxo de material e da temperatura na soldagem "Friction Stir"

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    Diego Santiago


    Full Text Available The process of Friction Stir Welding (FSW is a welding method developed by the "The Welding Institute" (TWI of England in 1991. The welding equipment consists of a tool that rotates and progresses along the joint of two restrained sheets. The joint is produced by frictional heating which causes the softening of both components into a viscous-plastic condition and also by the resultant flow between the sheets to be joined. Numerical Modeling of the process can provide realistic prediction of the main variables of the process, reducing the number of experimental tests, thus accelerating the design processes while reducing costs and optimizing the involved technological variables. In this study the friction stir welding process is modeled using a general purpose finite element based program, reproducing the material thermal map and the corresponding mass flow. Numerical thermal results are compared against experimental thermographic maps and numerical material flow results are compared with material flow visualization techniques, with acceptable concordance.O processo denominado "Friction Stir Welding" (FSW é um método de soldagem desenvolvido pelo "The Welding Institute" (TWI na Inglaterra em 1991. O equipamento de soldagem consiste de uma ferramenta que gira e avança ao longo da interface entre duas chapas fixas. A junção é produzida pelo calor gerado por fricção o qual causa o amolecimento de ambos os componentes atingindo uma condição visco-plástica e também pelo escoamento resultante entre as laminas a ser unidas. A modelagem numérica do processo pode fornecer uma predição real das principais variáveis do processo, reduzindo o número de testes experimentais, acelerando, portanto os processos de projeto ao mesmo tempo em que reduz custos e permite a otimização das variáveis tecnológicas envolvidas. Neste trabalho, o processo de soldagem por fricção é modelado empregando um programa de propósito geral baseado no m

  19. Computação dendrítica : uma abordagem de física estatística


    Lyra Gollo, Leonardo


    No campo da neurociência computacional, a atividade elétrica dos neurônios é tradicionalmente modelada por equações diferenciais não-lineares acopladas, representando a evolução do potencial de membrana e certas variáveis relacionadas às condutâncias iônicas presentes no sistema. Uma tendência recente consiste na extensão desta estratégia de modelagem, detalhando as árvores dendríticas neuronais através da abordagem compartimental. Essa modelagem fina visa examinar a possibilid...

  20. Gift and care during the time lived with the family A dádiva e o cuidado no tempo do vivido em família

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    Ítala Paris de Souza


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Compreender a modelagem do cuidado familiar ao longo do tempo à idosa que vivencia o Alzheimer, inscrevendo-o no circuito da dádiva. Métodos: Estudo de situação, de abordagem compreensiva, empregando história de vida com entrevista em profundidade e observação junto à idosa e família. Resultados: Apreendemos os laços que unem os entes familiares, possibilitando a modelagem do cuidado “na e para” a vida, ao longo do tempo em família, instaurando o circuito da dádiva, que apresentamos pela imagem da lemniscata. Nessa modelagem evidenciamos o intenso esforço despendido pela família na provisão e gerenciamento dos cuidados à idosa, cada vez mais aprimorados, reatualizando, assim, o dar-receber-retribuir, em tecitura afetiva e laboriosa. Conclusão: Tal compreensão se mostra importante aos profissionais de saúde para que reflitam sobre modos de produzir boas práticas que perdurem no tempo, mobilizando recursos para apoiar a família com o substrato necessário ao seu cuidar.

  1. "Storms of crustal stress" and AE earthquake precursors

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    G. P. Gregori


    Full Text Available Acoustic emission (AE displays violent paroxysms preceding strong earthquakes, observed within some large area (several hundred kilometres wide around the epicentre. We call them "storms of crustal stress" or, briefly "crustal storms". A few case histories are discussed, all dealing with the Italian peninsula, and with the different behaviour shown by the AE records in the Cephalonia island (Greece, which is characterized by a different tectonic setting.

    AE is an effective tool for diagnosing the state of some wide slab of the Earth's crust, and for monitoring its evolution, by means of AE of different frequencies. The same effect ought to be detected being time-delayed, when referring to progressively lower frequencies. This results to be an effective check for validating the physical interpretation.

    Unlike a seismic event, which involves a much limited focal volume and therefore affects a restricted area on the Earth's surface, a "crustal storm" typically involves some large slab of lithosphere and crust. In general, it cannot be easily reckoned to any specific seismic event. An earthquake responds to strictly local rheological features of the crust, which are eventually activated, and become crucial, on the occasion of a "crustal storm". A "crustal storm" lasts typically few years, eventually involving several destructive earthquakes that hit at different times, at different sites, within that given lithospheric slab.

    Concerning the case histories that are here discussed, the lithospheric slab is identified with the Italian peninsula. During 1996–1997 a "crustal storm" was on, maybe elapsing until 2002 (we lack information for the period 1998–2001. Then, a quiet period occurred from 2002 until 26 May 2008, when a new "crustal storm" started, and by the end of 2009 it is still on. During the 1996–1997 "storm" two strong earthquakes occurred (Potenza and

  2. Crustal Structure of Active Deformation Zones in Africa: Implications for Global Crustal Processes (United States)

    Ebinger, C. J.; Keir, D.; Bastow, I. D.; Whaler, K.; Hammond, J. O. S.; Ayele, A.; Miller, M. S.; Tiberi, C.; Hautot, S.


    The Cenozoic East African rift (EAR), Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL), and Atlas Mountains formed on the slow-moving African continent, which last experienced orogeny during the Pan-African. We synthesize primarily geophysical data to evaluate the role of magmatism in shaping Africa's crust. In young magmatic rift zones, melt and volatiles migrate from the asthenosphere to gas-rich magma reservoirs at the Moho, altering crustal composition and reducing strength. Within the southernmost Eastern rift, the crust comprises 20% new magmatic material ponded in the lower crust and intruded as sills and dikes at shallower depths. In the Main Ethiopian Rift, intrusions comprise 30% of the crust below axial zones of dike-dominated extension. In the incipient rupture zones of the Afar rift, magma intrusions fed from crustal magma chambers beneath segment centers create new columns of mafic crust, as along slow-spreading ridges. Our comparisons suggest that transitional crust, including seaward dipping sequences, is created as progressively smaller screens of continental crust are heated and weakened by magma intrusion into 15-20 km thick crust. In the 30 Ma Recent CVL, which lacks a hot spot age progression, extensional forces are small, inhibiting the creation and rise of magma into the crust. In the Atlas orogen, localized magmatism follows the strike of the Atlas Mountains from the Canary Islands hot spot toward the Alboran Sea. CVL and Atlas magmatism has had minimal impact on crustal structure. Our syntheses show that magma and volatiles are migrating from the asthenosphere through the plates, modifying rheology, and contributing significantly to global carbon and water fluxes.

  3. Modelagem do projeto da cadeia de suprimentos global: considerações teóricas e perspectivas futuras

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    Monize Sâmara Visentini


    Full Text Available Este artigo teórico objetiva apresentar e discutir características de modelos matemáticos de otimização do projeto da cadeia de suprimentos global, a fim de sugerir perspectivas de pesquisas futuras. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada nos mais importantes periódicos internacionais de pesquisa operacional, compreendendo, predominantemente, artigos publicados entre 2000 e 2013. Dos 111 artigos selecionados, 22 foram analisados em profundidade, considerando aspectos referentes à modelagem da cadeia de suprimentos global e os fatores internacionais abordados. Através da discussão teórica, identificaram-se questões emergentes, indicando oportunidades e necessidades de desenvolvimento de novos modelos matemáticos e técnicas de solução.

  4. Representações digitais e interação incorporada: um estudo etnográfico de práticas científicas de modelagem computacional

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    Marko Monteiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir como objetos virtuais participam interativamente da produção do conhecimento na prática científica. O artigo baseia-se numa observação etnográfica de uma equipe interdisciplinar de cientistas, cujo trabalho envolve modelagem computacional de transferência de calor na próstata humana. A etnografia constatou que, embora visualizações científicas sejam pensadas como uma forma de "simplificar" a apreensão de dados, há um intenso trabalho interpretativo necessário para alcançar sentidos compartilhados a respeito das imagens. Tais sentidos são construídos a partir de comunicação oral e de interações incorporadas com objetos virtuais no decorrer das interações entre os cientistas. Uma melhor compreensão dessas práticas interpretativas é importante na medida em que o uso de visualizações digitais em 3D e de modelos computacionais ganha importância na ciência contemporânea. Tais técnicas são crescentemente utilizadas não somente para descrever verdades sobre a natureza, mas como ferramentas poderosas de intervenção no mundo.This text discusses how virtual objects participate interactively in the production of knowledge in scientific practice. The article is based on the ethnographic observation of an interdisciplinary team of scientists whose work involves computer modelling of heat transfer in the human prostate. The ethnography found that although scientific imaging may be considered a form of 'simplifying' the apprehension of data, an intense interpretative process is required to achieve shared meanings concerning the images. These meanings are constructed through oral communication and embodied interactions with virtual objects during the interactions between scientists. A better understanding of these interpretative practices is needed given the growing importance of the use of 3D digital imaging and computational models in contemporary science. These techniques are

  5. Crustal Viscosity Structure Estimated from Multi-Phase Mixing Theory (United States)

    Shinevar, W. J.; Behn, M. D.; Hirth, G.


    Estimates of lower crustal viscosity are typically constrained by analyses of isostatic rebound, post seismic creep, and laboratory-derived flow laws for crustal rocks and minerals. Here we follow a new approach for calculating the viscosity structure of the lower continental crust. We use Perple_X to calculate mineral assemblages for different crustal compositions. Effective viscosity is then calculated using the rheologic mixing model of Huet et al. (2014) incorporating flow laws for each mineral phase. Calculations are performed along geotherms appropriate for the Basin and Range, Tibetan Plateau, Colorado Plateau, and the San Andreas Fault. To assess the role of crustal composition on viscosity, we examined two compositional gradients extending from an upper crust with ~67 wt% SiO2 to a lower crust that is either: (i) basaltic with ~53 wt% SiO2 (Rudnick and Gao, 2003), or (ii) andesitic with ~64% SiO2 (Hacker et al., 2011). In all cases, the middle continental crust has a viscosity that is 2-3 orders of magnitude greater than that inferred for wet quartz, a common proxy for mid-crustal viscosities. An andesitic lower crust results in viscosities of 1020-1021 Pa-s and 1021-1022 Pa-s for hotter and colder crustal geotherms, respectively. A mafic lower crust predicts viscosities that are an order of magnitude higher for the same geotherm. In all cases, the viscosity calculated from the mixing model decreases less with depth compared to single-phase estimates. Lastly, for anhydrous conditions in which alpha quartz is stable, we find that there is a strong correlation between Vp/Vs and bulk viscosity; in contrast, little to no correlation exists for hydrous conditions.

  6. New Crustal Thickness for Djibouti, Afar, Using Seismic Techniques (United States)

    Dugda, Mulugeta; Bililign, Solomon


    Crustal thickness and Poisson's ratio for the seismic station ATD in Djibouti, Afar, has been investigated using two seismic techniques (H-κ stacking of receiver functions and a joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave group velocities). Both techniques give consistent results of crustal thickness 23±1.5 km and Poisson's ratio 0.31±0.02. We also determined a mean P-wave velocity (Vp) of ˜6.2 km/s but ˜6.9-7.0 km/s below a 2 - 5 km thick low velocity layer at the surface. Previous studies of crustal structure for Djibouti reported that the crust is 6 to 11 km thick while our study shows that the crust beneath Djibouti is between 20 and 25 km. This study argues that the crustal thickness values reported for Djibouti for the last 3 decades were not consistent with the reports for the other neighboring region in central and eastern Afar. Our results for ATD in Djibouti, however, are consistent with the reports of crustal thickness in many other parts of central and eastern Afar. We attribute this difference to how the Moho (the crust-mantle discontinuity) is defined (an increase of Vp to 7.4 km/s in this study vs. 6.9 km/s in previous studies).

  7. Tracing crustal contamination along the Java segment of the Sunda Arc, Indonesia (United States)

    Jolis, E. M.; Troll, V.; Deegan, F.; Blythe, L.; Harris, C.; Freda, C.; Hilton, D.; Chadwick, J.; Van Helden, M.


    Arc magmas typically display chemical and petrographic characteristics indicative of crustal input. Crustal contamination can take place either in the mantle source region or as magma traverses the upper crust (e.g. [1]). While source contamination is generally considered the dominant process (e.g. [2]), late-stage crustal contamination has been recognised at volcanic arcs too (e.g. [3]). In light of this, we aim to test the extent of upper crustal versus source contamination along the Java segment of the Sunda arc, which, due its variable upper crustal structure, is an exemplary natural laboratory. We present a detailed geochemical study of 7 volcanoes along a traverse from Anak-Krakatau in the Sunda strait through Java and Bali, to characterise the impact of the overlying crust on arc magma composition. Using rock and mineral elemental geochemistry, radiogenic (Sr, Nd and Pb) and, stable (O) isotopes, we show a correlation between upper crustal composition and the degree of upper crustal contamination. We find an increase in 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O values, and a decrease in 143Nd/144Nd values from Krakatau towards Merapi, indicating substantial crustal input from the thick continental basement present. Volcanoes to the east of Merapi and the Progo-Muria fault transition zone, where the upper crust is thinner, in turn, show considerably less crustal input in their isotopic signatures, indicating a stronger influence of the mantle source. Our new data represent a systematic and high-resolution arc-wide sampling effort that allows us to distinguish the effects of the upper crust on the compositional spectrum of individual volcanic systems along the Sunda arc. [1] Davidson, J.P, Hora, J.M, Garrison, J.M & Dungan, M.A 2005. Crustal Forensics in Arc Magmas. J. Geotherm. Res. 140, 157-170; [2] Debaille, V., Doucelance, R., Weis, D., & Schiano, P. 2005. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 70,723-741; [3] Gasparon, M., Hilton, D.R., & Varne, R. 1994. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 126, 15-22.

  8. Modelagem e simulação de um sistema solar de aquecimento e distribuição de água quente


    Anderson Geraldo Alves de Oliveira


    O sistema solar de aquecimento de água é utilizado principalmente para aquecer água para o banho ou piscina nos setores residencial, industrial e de serviços. Atualmente, a crescente utilização desse sistema tem ajudado, principalmente, a redução do consumo da energia elétrica nas residências familiares e multifamiliares. Neste trabalho foram realizadas a modelagem matemática e a simulação numérica de um sistema solar de aquecimento e distribuição de água quente residencial de baixo custo. A ...

  9. Lower crustal earthquakes in the North China Basin and implications for crustal rheology (United States)

    Yuen, D. A.; Dong, Y.; Ni, S.; LI, Z.


    The North China Basin is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic continental rift basin on the eastern North China Craton. It is the central region of craton destruction, also a very seismically active area suffering severely from devastating earthquakes, such as the 1966 Xingtai M7.2 earthquake, the 1967 Hejian M6.3 earthquake, and the 1976 Tangshan M7.8 earthquake. We found remarkable discrepancies of depth distribution among the three earthquakes, for instance, the Xingtai and Tangshan earthquakes are both upper-crustal earthquakes occurring between 9 and 15 km on depth, but the depth of the Hejian earthquake was reported of about 30 72 km, ranging from lowermost crust to upper mantle. In order to investigate the focal depth of earthquakes near Hejian area, we developed a method to resolve focal depth for local earthquakes occurring beneath sedimentary regions by P and S converted waves. With this method, we obtained well-resolved depths of 44 local events with magnitudes between M1.0 and M3.0 during 2008 to 2016 at the Hejian seismic zone, with a mean depth uncertainty of about 2 km. The depth distribution shows abundant earthquakes at depth of 20 km, with some events in the lower crust, but absence of seismicity deeper than 25 km. In particular, we aimed at deducing some constraints on the local crustal rheology from depth-frequency distribution. Therefore, we performed a comparison between the depth-frequency distribution and the crustal strength envelop, and found a good fit between the depth profile in the Hejian seismic zone and the yield strength envelop in the Baikal Rift Systems. As a conclusion, we infer that the seismogenic thickness is 25 km and the main deformation mechanism is brittle fracture in the North China Basin . And we made two hypotheses: (1) the rheological layering of dominant rheology in the North China Basin is similar to that of the Baikal Rift Systems, which can be explained with a quartz rheology at 0 10 km depth and a diabase rheology at 10 35 km

  10. Avaliação do modelo J2000/JAMS para modelagem hidrológica em bacias hidrográficas brasileiras

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    Aline Ribeiro Machado

    Full Text Available RESUMO: A gestão de recursos hídricos no Brasil é prejudicada pela carência de informações hidrológicas, que pode ser suprida pelos modelos hidrológicos que simulam o comportamento das bacias hidrográficas. Entretanto, muitos modelos não geram bons resultados quando executados fora da área de estudo onde foram criados. Por isso, devido à sua adaptabilidade, o modelo J2000 inserido no framework Jena Adaptable Modelling System (JAMS foi avaliado para simulação de duas bacias hidrográficas inseridas na zona de afloramento do Sistema Aquífero Guarani, a Bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão da Onça (BRO e a Microbacia do Córrego Cavalheiro (BCC, nos municípios de Brotas e Analândia, respectivamente, no estado de São Paulo. O framework JAMS apresentou-se como um sistema simplificado para uso, flexível diante das adaptações necessárias para compatibilização com as características climatológicas e hidrológicas das áreas de estudo. O modelo J2000 mostrou-se eficiente na predição da resposta hidrológica das bacias hidrográficas, apresentando um coeficiente de Nash-Sutcliffe (NSE de 0,76 e 0,81, para os períodos de calibração e validação da BRO; e 0,76 e 0,56, para os períodos de calibração e validação da BCC, respectivamente. O erro absoluto, calculado pelo valor da raiz do erro quadrático médio, foi considerado baixo por apresentar valores de 0,14 e 0,18 m³.s-1 para os períodos de calibração e validação da BRO; e 0,02 e 0,03 m³s-1 para os períodos de calibração e validação da BCC, respectivamente. Portanto, o J2000/JAMS mostrou-se como um candidato potencial para modelagem hidrológica de bacias hidrográficas do estado de São Paulo, podendo ser utilizado para estudos sobre as relações entre a localização do uso do solo na bacia hidrográfica e a geração de escoamento.

  11. Cooperative research in space geodesy and crustal dynamics (United States)


    This research grant, which covered the period of July 1991 to August 1994, was concerned with a variety of topics within the geodesy and crustal dynamics fields. The specific topics of this grant included satellite tracking and gravity field determinations and crustal dynamics (this concentrated of space geodetic site stability for VLBI sites). Summaries of the specific research projects are included along with a list of publications and presentations supported by this research grant.

  12. Modelagem hidrológica em microbacia hidrográfica parte II: teste do modelo HidroBacia Hydrologic modeling of a small watershed part II: HidroBacia model test

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    Sidney S. Zanetti


    Full Text Available Este trabalho consistiu na modelagem hidrológica de uma microbacia hidrográfica utilizando-se o modelo HidroBacia, no qual o processo de infiltração da água no solo é representado por meio da equação de Green-Ampt modificada por Mein e Larson. Obtiveram-se, dentre os parâmetros desta equação, o potencial matricial na frente de umedecimento, a condutividade hidráulica e a umidade do solo na zona de transmissão, através de diversos métodos apresentados na literatura; desta forma, foram preparadas e testadas 36 combinações de dados de entrada, visando identificar as que apresentam melhor desempenho nas simulações do hidrograma de escoamento superficial com o modelo e se selecionaram, dentre os eventos de chuva-vazão registrados na microbacia, os 14 mais relevantes para realização das simulações. Das 36 combinações de dados de entrada testadas, seis apresentaram melhor desempenho na estimação dos hidrogramas. O modelo HidroBacia ainda necessita de aprimoramentos, juntamente com análises de sensibilidade, com vista a identificar possíveis incompatibilidades entre os dados de entrada e os respectivos resultados das simulações, uma vez que o modelo apresentou resultados incoerentes em determinadas situações.This work consisted of the hydrologic modeling of a small watershed using the HidroBacia model. The soil water infiltration process is represented by means of the Green-Ampt equation, modified by Mein and Larson, in this model. Among the equation parameters, matric potential in the wetting front, hydraulic conductivity and soil moisture in the "field saturation" were obtained using different methods based on previous scientific literature. Thirty six input data combinations were tested in order to identify those that showed better performance on the runoff hydrograph simulations with the model. Between the rainfall-runoff events registered on watershed, the most relevant (14 of them were selected to perform the

  13. The Crustal Structure and Seismicity of Eastern Venezuela (United States)

    Schmitz, M.; Martins, A.; Sobiesiak, M.; Alvarado, L.; Vasquez, R.


    Eastern Venezuela is characterized by a moderate to high seismicity, evidenced recently by the 1997 Cariaco earthquake located on the El Pilar Fault, a right lateral strike slip fault which marks the plate boundary between the Caribbean and South-American plates in this region. Recently, the seismic activity seems to migrate towards the zone of subduction of the Lesser Antilles in the northeast, where a mb 6.0 earthquake occurred in October 2000 at 120 km of depth. Periodical changes in the seismic activity are related to the interaction of the stress fields of the strike-slip and the subduction regimes. The seismic activity decreases rapidly towards to the south with some disperse events on the northern edge of the Guayana Shield, related to the Guri fault system. The crustal models used in the region are derived from the information generated by the national seismological network since 1982 and by microseismicity studies in northeastern Venezuela, coinciding in a crustal thickness of about 35 km in depth. Results of seismic refraction measurements for the region were obtained during field campains in 1998 (ECOGUAY) for the Guayana Shield and the Cariaco sedimentary basin and in 2001 (ECCO) for the Oriental Basin. The total crustal thickness decreases from about 45 km on the northern edge of the Guayana Shield to some 36 km close to El Tigre in the center of the Oriental Basin. The average crustal velocity decreases in the same sense from 6.5 to 5.8 km/s. In the Cariaco sedimentary basin a young sedimentary cover of 1 km thickness with a seismic velocity of 2 km/s was derived. Towards the northern limit of the South-American plate, no deep seismic refraction data are available up to now. The improvement of the crustal models used in that region would constitute a step forward in the analysis of the seismic hazard. Seismic refraction studies funded by CONICIT S1-97002996 and S1-2000000685 projects and PDVSA (additional drilling and blasting), recording equipment

  14. Equações discretas no ensino médio: modelos de dinâmicas populacionais


    Maligeri, Glaucía Cristina Alecci Meneghim [UNESP


    As equações discretas fornecem as ferramentas matemáticas básicas para a correta modelagem da dinâmica populacional ao se tomar como hipótese tempos discretos. Neste trabalho, apresentamos a teoria das equações discretas e algumas aplicações no capítulo 01, dando ênfase aos modelos de dinâmica populacional conhecidos como modelo de Malthus e de Verhulst junto com exemplos que evidenciam tais modelos na modelagem de populações reais. No capítulo 02 apresentamos duas propostas didáticas; a prim...

  15. Petrographic, geochemical and isotopic evidence of crustal assimilation processes in the Ponte Nova alkaline mafic-ultramafic massif, SE Brazil (United States)

    Azzone, Rogério Guitarrari; Montecinos Munoz, Patricio; Enrich, Gaston Eduardo Rojas; Alves, Adriana; Ruberti, Excelso; Gomes, Celsode Barros


    be responsible for the increse in the K2O/Na2O, Ba/Sr and Rb/Sr ratios. This enrichment was associated with the relevant role of biotite breakdown in the assimilated host rock partial melts. The petrological model for the Ponte Nova massif is explained as repeated influxes of antecryst-laden basanite magmas that deposited most of their suspended crystals on the floor of the upper-crust magma chamber. Each intrusion is representative of relatively primitive olivine- and clinopyroxene-phyric basanites that had assimilated different degrees of partial melts of heterogeneous host rocks. This study reveals the relevant role of crustal assimilation processes in the magmatic evolution of nepheline-normative rocks, especially in upper-crust chamber environments.

  16. Modelagem molecular aplicada ao desenvolvimento de moléculas com atividade antioxidante visando ao uso cosmético Molecular modeling applied to the development of molecules with antioxidant activity for cosmetic use

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    Luciana Scotti


    Full Text Available Várias hipóteses e constantes estudos são realizados com o intuito de elucidar o envelhecimento cutâneo. Para prevenir e contornar este processo torna-se necessário reforçar nossas defesas naturais antioxidantes endógenas. Diversas substâncias antioxidantes exógenas, como vitaminas, extratos vegetais, dentre outras, são utilizadas pela Cosmetologia nos produtos antienvelhecimento. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar de que forma a Modelagem Molecular pode ser uma ferramenta útil na pesquisa por novas substâncias cosméticas antioxidantes para combater o envelhecimento cutâneo.Some hypotheses and constants studies are made with intention to elucidate the aging process. To prevent and to attenuate the cutaneous aging it becomes necessary to strengthen our endogenous antioxidant natural defenses. Diverse exogenous antioxidant substances, as vitamins, vegetal extracts and others, have been used by the Cosmetology in antiaging products. The objective of this paper is to show how the Molecular Modeling can be an useful tool in the research for new antioxidant cosmetic substances to face the cutaneous aging.

  17. Atributos Relevantes de Destinos Turísticos na Percepção de Internautas Brasileiros

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    Iomara Scandelari Lemos


    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo objetiva identificar, na percepção do turista brasileiro, a estrutura subjacente da importância de atributos que caracterizam os destinos turísticos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa do tipo survey disponibilizada em website e respondida por 471 internautas brasileiros. Utilizaram-se procedimentos estatísticos de análise fatorial; validade de construto; construção de escalas e análise fatorial confirmatória com modelagem de equações estruturais. Conclui-se que, tomados isoladamente, os atributos considerados mais relevantes foram: sensação de segurança; qualidade do aspecto visual do destino; sensação de não estar sendo explorado e facilidade de acesso ao destino turístico, totalizando 70,5% das respostas. Contudo, analisados em conjunto, três fatores respondem por 62,2% da variância explicada. Palavras-chave: análise fatorial; modelagem de equação estrutural; atributos relevantes de turismo. Abstract This article aims to identify, in the perception of Brazilian tourists, the subjacent structure of the importance of attributes that characterize the tourist places destinations. This research is a survey available on website and answered by 471 Brazilians internet users. It used statistical procedures such as factorial analysis, construct reliability, construction of scales and structural equation modeling for confirmatory factorial analysis. It was concluded that, taken alone, the attributes considered most important were: sensation of visiting a safety place, visual aspect quality of the tourism destination areas, sensation of not being exploited and facilities concerned to the tourism destination areas. These totalized 70.5% of responses. However, taken together, three factors account for 62.2% of variance explained. Keywords: factorial analysis; structural equation modeling; tourism's relevant attributes.

  18. Crustal seismicity and active fault system in the SE of Romania

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raileanu, V; Bala, A.; Radulian, M.; Popescu, E.; Mateciuc, D.; Popa, M.; Dinu, C.; Diaconescu, V.


    Romania is known as a country with a high seismicity located in the Vrancea region where 2-3 strong intermediate depth earthquakes/century generate great damages and casualties. A moderate crustal seismicity is also observed in other zones of the country, with events having a moderate magnitude but sometimes with important economic and social effects on the locale scale. The crustal seismogenic zones are located in front of the Eastern Carpathian Bend, South Carpathians, Dobrogea, Banat, Crisana and Maramures regions. The SE part of Romania comprises some of the most active crustal seismic sources that generated earthquakes up to Mw=6.5 concentrated in more zones, namely: Vrancea crustal domain, E Vrancea zone that is overlapped on the Focsani basin, Barlad and Predobrogean depressions along with the North Dobrogea Orogen, Intramoesian and Shabla (Bulgaria) zones and Fagaras-Campulung-Sinaia zone. (authors)

  19. Crustal Magnetic Field Anomalies and Global Tectonics (United States)

    Storetvedt, Karsten


    A wide variety of evidence suggests that the ruling isochron (geomagnetic polarity versus age) hypothesis of marine magnetic lineations has no merit - undermining therefore one of the central tenets of plate tectonics. Instead, variable induction by the ambient geomagnetic field is likely to be the principal agent for mega-scale crustal magnetic features - in both oceanic and continental settings. This revitalizes the fault-controlled susceptibility-contrast model of marine magnetic lineations, originally proposed in the late 1960s. Thus, the marine magnetic 'striping' may be ascribed to tectonic shearing and related, but variable, disintegration of the original iron-oxide mineralogy, having developed primarily along one of the two pan-global sets of orthogonal fractures and faults. In this way, fault zones (having the more advanced mineral alteration) would be characterized by relatively low susceptibility, while more moderately affected crustal sections (located between principal fault zones) would be likely to have less altered oxide mineralogy and therefore higher magnetic susceptibility. On this basis, induction by the present geomagnetic field is likely to produce oscillating magnetic field anomalies with axis along the principal shear grain. The modus operandi of the alternative magneto-tectonic interpretation is inertia-driven wrenching of the global Alpine age palaeo-lithosphere - triggered by changes in Earth's rotation. Increasing sub-crustal loss to the upper mantle during the Upper Mesozoic had left the ensuing Alpine Earth in a tectonically unstable state. Thus, sub-crustal eclogitization and associated gravity-driven delamination to the upper mantle led to a certain degree of planetary acceleration which in turn gave rise to latitude-dependent, westward inertial wrenching of the global palaeo-lithosphere. During this process, 1) the thin and mechanically fragile oceanic crust were deformed into a new type of broad fold belts, and 2) the continents

  20. Ion association in concentrated NaCl brines from ambient to supercritical conditions: results from classical molecular dynamics simulations

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    Collings Matthew D


    Full Text Available Highly concentrated NaCl brines are important geothermal fluids; chloride complexation of metals in such brines increases the solubility of minerals and plays a fundamental role in the genesis of hydrothermal ore deposits. There is experimental evidence that the molecular nature of the NaCl–water system changes over the pressure–temperature range of the Earth's crust. A transition of concentrated NaCl–H2O brines to a "hydrous molten salt" at high P and T has been argued to stabilize an aqueous fluid phase in the deep crust. In this work, we have done molecular dynamic simulations using classical potentials to determine the nature of concentrated (0.5–16 m NaCl–water mixtures under ambient (25°C, 1 bar, hydrothermal (325°C, 1 kbar and deep crustal (625°C, 15 kbar conditions. We used the well-established SPCE model for water together with the Smith and Dang Lennard-Jones potentials for the ions (J. Chem. Phys., 1994, 100, 3757. With increasing temperature at 1 kbar, the dielectric constant of water decreases to give extensive ion-association and the formation of polyatomic (NanClmn-m clusters in addition to simple NaCl ion pairs. Large polyatomic (NanClmn-m clusters resemble what would be expected in a hydrous NaCl melt in which water and NaCl were completely miscible. Although ion association decreases with pressure, temperatures of 625°C are not enough to overcome pressures of 15 kbar; consequently, there is still enhanced Na–Cl association in brines under deep crustal conditions.

  1. Modelagem e simulação de reator de leito expandido aplicado ao hidroprocessamento de oleos pesados e residuos de destilação


    João Capistrano Nobre de Abreu


    Resumo: O presente trabalho apresenta a modelagem e simulação de um reator de leito fluidizado trifásico aplicado ao hidroprocessamento de óleos pesados e resíduos de destilação. Duas reações principais foram consideradas no desenvolvimento do modelo, o hidrocraqueamento e a hidrodemetalização tendo sido a primeira considerada como exclusivamente térmica e a segunda como catalítica. O grau de mistura do reator foi representado de duas maneiras distintas. Inicialmente, considerou-se o sistem...

  2. Petrology and geochemistry of charnockites (felsic ortho-granulites) from the Kerala Khondalite Belt, Southern India: Evidence for intra-crustal melting, magmatic differentiation and episodic crustal growth (United States)

    Ravindra Kumar, G. R.; Sreejith, C.


    The Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB) of the southern India encompasses volumetrically significant magmatic components. Among these, orthopyroxene-bearing, felsic ortho-granulites, popularly known as charnockites in Indian context, constitute an important lithology. In contrast to the well-known phenomena of arrested charnockitization, the geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of these ortho-granulite suites remain poorly studied, leaving geodynamic models envisaged for the KKB highly conjectural. In this paper, we try to bridge this gap with detailed results on orthopyroxene-bearing, felsic ortho-granulites spread over the entire KKB and propose a new petrogenetic and crustal evolution model. Based on geochemical characteristics, the orthopyroxene-bearing, felsic ortho-granulites (charnockites sensu lato) of KKB are classified into (1) tonalitic (TC), (2) granitic (GC), and (3) augen (AC) suites. Members of the TC follow sodic (characterized by decreasing CaO/Na2O), whereas those of the GC and AC follow calc-alkaline trends of differentiation. Geochemical patterns of the TC resemble those of the Archaean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) suites, with slightly magnesian character (average Mg# = 33), moderate LREE (average LaN = 154), low HREE (average YbN = 6) and Y (1-53 ppm; average 11 ppm). The TC is also characterized by positive to slightly negative europium anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.7 to 1.67). The GC and AC suites, on the other hand, resemble post-Archaean arc-related granites. The GC displays ferroan nature (average Mg# = 22), low to moderate degrees of REE fractionation (average [La/Yb]N = 34.84), high contents of Y (5-128 ppm; average 68), and low Sr/Y (1-98) ratios. Significant negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.18-0.91; average 0.50) and low Sr (65-690 ppm) are also noted in the GC. Similar chemical characteristics are shown by the AC, with ferroan nature (average Mg# = 21), low to moderate degrees of REE fractionation (average [La/Yb]N = 26), high


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    Cristiano Tolfo


    Full Text Available Os processos que envolvem a gestão da informação e do conhecimento nas organizações requerem a definição de processos relacionados à gestão da segurança da informação. Nesse sentido, a abordagem de gestão de processos de negócio é uma importante ferramenta de apoio, tanto na visualização como no mapeamento e definição de seus processos. O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar um relato de experiência com o uso da gestão de processo de negócio com foco nos processos do segurança da informação. Utilizando a técnica de estudo de caso, foi observada, em um núcleo de segurança da informação de uma instituição pública de ensino superior, uma iniciativa em que foram mapeados e melhorados processos. Neste artigo é descrito um dos processos que foram modelados utilizando a notação BPMN, trata-se do processo de liberação de endereço IP público.  Neste processo, foram identificadas oportunidades de melhoria durante a análise e a modelagem do seu estado atual. Estas melhorias foram analisadas e representadas durante a modelagem do estado futuro do processo. Como resultado destas análises e representações, aponta-se a atividade de análise de vulnerabilidades e a de auditoria de conformidade são as principais melhorias que foram implantadas no processo de liberação de endereço IP público. No que se refere à iniciativa de gestão de processos de negócios observada no estudo de caso, foi verificado que a perspectiva de processos de negócios pode auxiliar na gestão da segurança da informação, pois permite revisar atividades e recursos utilizados, formalizar o modo de gerenciar e comunicar processos envolvidos.

  4. Quantificação e modelagem dos macronutrientes em povoamentos de bracatinga Quantification and modeling of macronutrients in bracatinga stands

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    Andressa Ribeiro


    Full Text Available

    quantificação dos nutrientes em ecossistemas florestais é fundamental para verificação da manutenção do fluxo contínuo entre o que é depositado no solo e o que é assimilado novamente pelas plantas. O uso da área basal como ferramenta prática na medição dos povoamentos florestais, faz com que a modelagem no âmbito dos povoamentos seja facilmente aplicável à quantificação de nutrientes. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar e modelar o peso de macronutrientes por hectare nos diferentes compartimentos aéreos. Os dados utilizados foram coletados em 304 parcelas temporárias com diferentes idades em povoamentos de bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella Bentham., localizados na região metropolitana de Curitiba. Foram avaliados 23 modelos matemáticos para cada compartimento aéreo, dos quais, apenas um modelo por compartimento para todos os macronutrientes foi selecionado e validado, se mostrando apropriado para estimativa dos nutrientes por hectare. Em ordem decrescente, os valores de macronutrientes encontrados na parte aérea dos bracatingais seguiram a sequência de N > Ca > K > Mg > P. Após a exploração da lenha, restaram na área os resíduos contendo 25% de Ca, 32% de Mg, 37% de N, 45% de P e 18% de K.


    doi: 10.4336/2012.pfb.32.69.29

    Quantification of nutrients in forest ecosystems is fundamental for the verification of the maintenance of continuous flow between what is deposited in the soil and what is re-assimilated by the plants. Using basal area as a practical tool in the measurement of forest stands makes modeling easy at stand level for nutrient quantification. Thus, the present work had as objective to quantify and fit the weight of macronutrients per hectare in different compartments of above ground biomass. The data used in this research came from 304 temporary plots with different ages in Mimosa scabrella Bentham. (bracatinga stands located in the metropolitan region of Curitiba

  5. An Approach to the Crustal Thickness Inversion Problem (United States)

    De Marchi, F.; Di Achille, G.


    We describe a method to estimate the crustal thickness of a planet and we apply it to Venus. As in the method of (Parker, 1972), modified by (Wieczorek & Phillips, 1998), the gravity field anomalies of a planet are assumed to be due to the combined effect of topography and relief on the crust-mantle interface. No assumptions on isostasy are necessary. In our case, rather than using the expansion of the powers of the relief in Taylor series, we model the gravitational field of topography/relief by means of a large number of prism-shaped masses covering the whole surface of the planet. Under the hypothesis that crustal and mantle densities are the same everywhere, we solve for the relief depths on the crust-mantle interface by imposing that observed and modeled gravity field at a certain reference spherical surface (external to the planet) must be equal. This method can be extended to the case of non-uniform densities. Finally, we calculate a map of the crustal thickness of Venus and compare our results with those predicted by previous work and with the global distribution of main geological features (e.g. rift zones, tesserae, coronae). We discuss the agremeent between our results and the main geodynamical and crustal models put forth to explain the origin of such features and the applicability of this method in the context of the mission VOX (Venus Origins Explore), proposed for NASA's NF4 call.

  6. Crustal and upper mantle structure of Siberia from teleseismic receiver functions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Soliman, Mohammad Youssof Ahmad; Thybo, Hans; Artemieva, Irina


    ). With this method, we determine seismic P- and S-velocities that are comparable to the results of teleseismic body wave and surface wave tomography techniques. The RF model shows variations in the crustal thickness between 35 and 55 km. Intracrustal structures are identified, in particular using the high......This study presents seismic images of the crustal and lithospheric structure in Siberia based on the available broadband seismic data using teleseismic receiver functions (RFs). We invert P- and S-RFs jointly. The inversion technique is carried out by approach described by Vinnik et al. (2004....... The current results of RF analysis of the crustal and mantle structure will help to build a model for tectonic and geodynamic evolution of different provinces of Siberia. We compare our results to the recent detailed models of crustal structure in the area and with seismic models for similar geodynamic...

  7. Crustal structure of Central Sicily (United States)

    Giustiniani, Michela; Tinivella, Umberta; Nicolich, Rinaldo


    We processed crustal seismic profile SIRIPRO, acquired across Central Sicily. To improve the seismic image we utilized the wave equation datuming technique, a process of upward or downward continuation of the wave-field between two arbitrarily shaped surfaces. Wave equation datuming was applied to move shots and receivers to a given datum plane, removing time shifts related to topography and to near-surface velocity variations. The datuming procedure largely contributed to attenuate ground roll, enhance higher frequencies, increase resolution and improve the signal/noise ratio. Processed data allow recognizing geometries of crust structures differentiating seismic facies and offering a direct image of ongoing tectonic setting within variable lithologies characterizing the crust of Central Sicily. Migrated sections underline distinctive features of Hyblean Plateau foreland and above all a crustal thinning towards the Caltanissetta trough, to the contact with a likely deep Permo-Triassic rifted basin or rather a zone of a continent to oceanic transition. Inhomogeneity and fragmentation of Sicily crust, with a distinct separation of Central Sicily basin from western and eastern blocks, appear to have guided the tectonic transport inside the Caltanissetta crustal scale syncline and the accumulation of allochthonous terrains with south and north-verging thrusts. Major tectonic stack operated on the construction of a wide anticline of the Maghrebian chain in northern Sicily. Sequential south-verging imbrications of deep elements forming the anticline core denote a crust wedge indenting foreland structures. Deformation processes involved multiple detachment planes down to decoupling levels located near crust/mantle transition, supporting a presence of high-density lenses beneath the chain, interrelated to a southwards push of Tyrrhenian mantle and asthenosphere.

  8. Mapeamento de campos hidromórficos na serra Catarinense por meio de modelagem hidrológica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorgeane Schaefer-Santos

    Full Text Available Os ecossistemas campestres entremeados aos fragmentos de Floresta com Araucária são comuns na serra catarinense. Existem fortes indicativos de que parte dos campos da região, os não hidromórficos, sobre solos minerais, seja resultante da exploração da floresta ou do impedimento de seu avanço, cuja cobertura, hoje, é inferior a 10%. Porém, os hidromórficos, exclusivamente em Organossolos, ocupando feições específicas na região, dão evidências de serem, embora impactados, naturais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo mapear a localização dos campos hidromórficos, partindo de dados de campo comparados aos mapas de fatores hidrológicos produzidos principalmente a partir do modelo digital de elevação (MDE e rede de drenagem. Os resultados mostram que o comprimento de fluxo superior a 400 m está positivamente correlacionado à profundidade das zonas hidromórficas. Os relevos patamarizados e planos relacionam-se às zonas hidromórficas, porém a escala do estudo não leva à caracterização final das mesmas. Ainda que os resultados sejam em caráter preliminar, nota-se que pesquisas complementares abordando análise espacial do relevo são necessárias.

  9. Modelagem hidrológica determinística e estocástica aplicada à região hidrográfica do Xingu- Pará


    Lucas,Edmundo Wallace Monteiro; Sousa,Francisco de Assis Salviano de; Silva,Fabricio Daniel dos Santos; Lucio,Paulo Sergio


    A modelagem hidrológica é uma importante ferramenta no planejamento e gerenciamento de programas de recursos hídricos de bacias hidrográficas. Neste trabalho, foi aplicado o modelo hidrológico determinístico mensal de dois parâmetros e o modelo estocástico, ARIMA, para simular a vazão mensal das sub-bacias da região hidrográfica do Xingu no Estado do Pará. O objetivo principal foi simular a vazão mensal através dos modelos e comparar os seus resultados. O modelo hidrológico determinístico apl...

  10. Density heterogeneity of the upper mantle beneath Siberia from satellite gravity and a new regional crustal model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Herceg, Matija; Thybo, Hans; Artemieva, Irina


    We present a new regional model for the density structure of the upper mantle below Siberia. The residual mantle gravity anomalies are based on gravity data derived from the GOCE gravity gradients and geopotential models, with crustal correction to the gravity field being calculated from a new...... on regional and global crustal models. We analyze how uncertainties and errors in the crustal model propagate from crustal densities to mantle residual gravity anomalies and the density model of the upper mantle. The new regional density model for the Siberian craton and the West Siberian Basin complements...... regional crustal model. This newly compiled database on the crustal seismic structure, complemented by additional constraints from petrological analysis of near-surface rocks and lower crustal xenoliths, allows for a high-resolution correction of the crustal effects as compared to previous studies based...

  11. Modelagem viscoelastica do fraturamento hidraulico


    Marcos Antonio Rosolen


    Resumo: O fraturamento hidráulico é um processo utilizado na Indústria do Petróleo para a estimulação de poços. Consiste na abertura e consolidação de uma fratura em uma formação rochosa criando um canal de fluxo altamente permeável. O meio físico que possibilita tal tratamento é um fluido de características especiais através do qual se transmite à rocha a potência hidráulica necessária para a realização deste trabalho. Este fluido deve, também, carregar eficientemente o agente granular que s...

  12. Crustal structure of north Peru from analysis of teleseismic receiver functions (United States)

    Condori, Cristobal; França, George S.; Tavera, Hernando J.; Albuquerque, Diogo F.; Bishop, Brandon T.; Beck, Susan L.


    In this study, we present results from teleseismic receiver functions, in order to investigate the crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio beneath northern Peru. A total number of 981 receiver functions were analyzed, from data recorded by 28 broadband seismic stations from the Peruvian permanent seismic network, the regional temporary SisNort network and one CTBTO station. The Moho depth and average crustal Vp/Vs ratio were determined at each station using the H-k stacking technique to identify the arrival times of primary P to S conversion and crustal reverberations (PpPms, PpSs + PsPms). The results show that the Moho depth correlates well with the surface topography and varies significantly from west to east, showing a shallow depth of around 25 km near the coast, a maximum depth of 55-60 km beneath the Andean Cordillera, and a depth of 35-40 km further to the east in the Amazonian Basin. The bulk crustal Vp/Vs ratio ranges between 1.60 and 1.88 with the mean of 1.75. Higher values between 1.75 and 1.88 are found beneath the Eastern and Western Cordilleras, consistent with a mafic composition in the lower crust. In contrast values vary from 1.60 to 1.75 in the extreme flanks of the Eastern and Western Cordillera indicating a felsic composition. We find a positive relationship between crustal thickness, Vp/Vs ratio, the Bouguer anomaly, and topography. These results are consistent with previous studies in other parts of Peru (central and southern regions) and provide the first crustal thickness estimates for the high cordillera in northern Peru.

  13. The global chemical systematics of arc front stratovolcanoes: Evaluating the role of crustal processes (United States)

    Turner, Stephen J.; Langmuir, Charles H.


    Petrogenetic models for convergent margins should be consistent with the global systematics of convergent margin volcanic compositions. A newly developed tool for compiling and screening data from the GEOROC database was used to generate a global dataset of whole rock chemical analyses from arc front stratovolcano samples. Data from 227 volcanoes within 31 volcanic arc segments were first averaged by volcano and then by arc to explore global systematics. Three different methods of data normalization produce consistent results that persist across a wide range of Mg# [Mg# =Mg / (Mg +Fe) ]. Remarkably coherent systematics are present among major and trace element concentrations and ratios, with the exception of three arcs influenced by mantle plumes and Peru/N. Chile, which is built on exceptionally thick crust. Chemical parameters also correlate with the thickness of the overlying arc crust. In addition to previously established correlations of Na6.0 with Ca6.0 and crustal thickness, correlations are observed among major elements, trace elements, and trace element ratios (e.g. La/Yb, Dy/Yb, Zr/Sm, Zr/Ti). Positive correlations include "fluid mobile," "high field strength," and "large ion lithophile" element groups, with concentrations that vary by a factor of five in all groups. Incompatible element enrichments also correlate well with crustal thickness, with the greatest enrichment found at arcs with the thickest crust. Intra-crustal processes, however, do not reproduce the global variations. High pressure fractionation produces intermediate magmas enriched in aluminum, but such magmas are rare. Furthermore, differences among magma compositions at various volcanic arcs persist from primitive to evolved compositions, which is inconsistent with the possibility that global variations are produced by crystal fractionation at any pressure. Linear relationships among elements appear to be consistent with mixing between depleted primary magma and an enriched contaminant

  14. Avaliação da dispersão atmosférica de compostos odorantes emitidos na indústria papeleira

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Waldir Nagel Schirmer


    Full Text Available O caráter odorante de compostos reduzidos de enxofre (TRS, tipicamente emitidos na indústria papeleira, tem geradogrande interesse por parte dessas indústrias em predizer a qualidade do ar nas proximidades de suas fontes emissoras. Desse modo,o presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o impacto na atmosfera resultante das emissões de TRS de uma fabricante de papel ecelulose de grande porte, por meio da modelagem dos compostos gasosos emitidos a partir de duas fontes pontuais (tomadas comoas maiores contribuidoras: caldeira de recuperação e tanque de dissolução. Para tanto, foi utilizado o “software” AID (AvaliaçãoInstantânea de Dispersão baseado no modelo de Gauss para determinação das concentrações (no ar resultantes dessas emissões.Nessa determinação, foram abordados os principais parâmetros meteorológicos (dos últimos 3 anos e cinéticos de emissãonecessários à modelagem. A máxima concentração de TRS obtida após a modelagem foi de 3,84 ppb (somatório das duas fontesavaliadas, ficando bem abaixo dos limites de percepção odorífera (LPO recomendado por órgãos internacionais (o Brasil nãopossui leis específicas para esse caso. Como os limites de toxicidade quase sempre estão bem acima dos LPO, é seguro afirmarque, no caso avaliado, a concentração máxima estimada não apresenta riscos de toxicidade à população exposta, uma vez, pelovalor obtido, nem o odor pode ser percebido.Abstract The odorant character of total reduced sulfur(TRS has been generated interest by some of the paperindustries in predicting the quality of the air around theirissuing sources. This way, the present paper focus onevaluating the impact on the atmosphere resulting from theTRS emissions from a great paper and cellulosemanufacturer by the modeling of the gaseous compositionsemitted from two points of sources (considered as the largestcontributed: boiler of recuperation and dissolution tank. So,it was used the "software" AID

  15. Crustal fraction of moment of inertia in pulsars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Atta, Debasis; Mukhopadhyay, Somnath; Basu, D.N.


    In the present work, stability of the β-equilibrated dense nuclear matter is analyzed with respect to the thermodynamic stability conditions. Based on the density dependent M3Y (DDM3Y) effective nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction, the location of the inner edge of neutron star crusts and core-crust transition density and pressure are calculated and crustal fraction of moment of inertia is determined. These results for pressure and density at core-crust transition together with the observed minimum crustal fraction of the total moment of inertia provide a new limit for the radius of the Vela pulsar

  16. The geophysical character of southern Alaska - Implications for crustal evolution (United States)

    Saltus, R.W.; Hudson, T.L.; Wilson, Frederic H.


    The southern Alaska continental margin has undergone a long and complicated history of plate convergence, subduction, accretion, and margin-parallel displacements. The crustal character of this continental margin is discernible through combined analysis of aeromagnetic and gravity data with key constraints from previous seismic interpretation. Regional magnetic data are particularly useful in defining broad geophysical domains. One of these domains, the south Alaska magnetic high, is the focus of this study. It is an intense and continuous magnetic high up to 200 km wide and ∼1500 km long extending from the Canadian border in the Wrangell Mountains west and southwest through Cook Inlet to the Bering Sea shelf. Crustal thickness beneath the south Alaska magnetic high is commonly 40–50 km. Gravity analysis indicates that the south Alaska magnetic high crust is dense. The south Alaska magnetic high spatially coincides with the Peninsular and Wrangellia terranes. The thick, dense, and magnetic character of this domain requires significant amounts of mafic rocks at intermediate to deep crustal levels. In Wrangellia these mafic rocks are likely to have been emplaced during Middle and (or) Late Triassic Nikolai Greenstone volcanism. In the Peninsular terrane, the most extensive period of mafic magmatism now known was associated with the Early Jurassic Talkeetna Formation volcanic arc. Thus the thick, dense, and magnetic character of the south Alaska magnetic high crust apparently developed as the response to mafic magmatism in both extensional (Wrangellia) and subduction-related arc (Peninsular terrane) settings. The south Alaska magnetic high is therefore a composite crustal feature. At least in Wrangellia, the crust was probably of average thickness (30 km) or greater prior to Triassic mafic magmatism. Up to 20 km (40%) of its present thickness may be due to the addition of Triassic mafic magmas. Throughout the south Alaska magnetic high, significant crustal growth

  17. Modelagem de dados do satélite Ikonos II para estimativa de micronutrientes na floresta ombrófila mista montana


    Acco, Mônica


    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia utilizando imagens do satélite IKONOS II para realizar estimativas de micronutrientes na Floresta Ombrófila Mista Montana. Para o desenvolvimento desta metodologia utilizou-se de material coletado no município de General Carneiro (PR) na propriedade das Indústrias Pedro N. Pizzatto Ltda em 20 unidades amostrais primárias de 12 x 12 metros. Os materiais coletados foram separados, secos e pesados, obtendo-se, então, os teores de...

  18. Thickening the outer margins of the Tibetan Plateau: The role of crustal shortening (United States)

    Lease, R. O.; Burbank, D. W.


    One of the most direct consequences of the collision of two buoyant continents is large-scale crustal thickening that results in the upward and outward growth of high terrain. As the stronger Indian continent has collided with weaker Asia over at least the past 50 Myr, widespread crustal thickening has occurred over an area that is approximately 2.5 million km^2 at present. The resultant Tibetan crust is the thickest observed on Earth today with an average thickness of 65 km and a maximum that may reach 90 km in places. The mechanisms by which Tibetan crust has thickened, however, as well as the timing and distribution of these mechanisms across the plateau, remain debatable. Two of the most popular mechanisms for thickening the crust beneath the margins of the Tibetan Plateau are: 1) pure shear with faulting and folding in the upper crust and horizontal shortening below; and 2) flow and inflation of lower or middle crust without significant shortening of the upper crust. To help discriminate between the relative contributions of these two mechanisms, well-constrained estimates of upper crustal shortening are needed. Here we document the Cenozoic shortening budget across the northeastern Tibetan Plateau margin near 36°N 102.5°E with several 100- to 145-km-long balanced cross sections. Thermochronological and magnetostratigraphic data indicate that modest NNE-SSW shortening began in middle Eocene time, shortly after initial India-Asia collision. Accelerated east-west shortening, however, did not commence until ~35 Myr later. A five-fold acceleration in shortening rates in middle Miocene-to-Recent time accounts for more than half of the total Cenozoic crustal shortening and thickening in this region. Overall, the balanced cross sections indicate 11 ± 2 % east-west shortening since middle Miocene time, and ~9 ± 2 % NNE-SSW shortening between middle Eocene and middle Miocene times. Given the present-day crustal thickness of 56 ± 4 km in northeastern Tibet, crustal

  19. Fine-scale crustal structure of the Azores Islands from teleseismic receiver functions (United States)

    Spieker, K.; Rondenay, S.; Ramalho, R. S.; Thomas, C.; Helffrich, G. R.


    The Azores plateau is located near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and consists of nine islands, most of which lie east of the MAR. Various methods including seismic reflection, gravity, and passive seismic imaging have been used to investigate the crustal thickness beneath the islands. They have yielded thickness estimates that range between roughly 10 km and 30 km, but until now models of the fine-scale crustal structure have been lacking. A comparison of the crustal structure beneath the islands that lie west and east of the MAR might give further constraints on the evolution of the islands. For example, geochemical studies carried out across the region predict the existence of volcanic interfaces that should be detected seismically within the shallow crust of some of the islands. In this study, we use data from ten seismic stations located on the Azores Islands to investigate the crustal structure with teleseismic P-wave receiver functions. We query our resulting receiver functions for signals associated with the volcanic edifice, the crust-mantle boundary, and potential underplated layers beneath the various islands. The islands west of the MAR have a crustal structure comprising two discontinuities - an upper one at 1-2 km depth marking the base of the volcanic edifice, and a lower one at 10 km depth that we interpret as crust-mantle boundary. The islands east of the MAR can be subdivided into two groups. The central islands that are closer to the MAR exhibit a crustal structure similar to that of the western islands, with a volcanic edifice reaching a depth of 2 km and an average crust-mantle boundary at around 12 km depth. The easternmost islands, located on the oldest lithosphere, exhibit a more complex crustal structure with evidence for a mid-crustal interface and an underplated layer, yielding an effective crust-mantle boundary at >15 km depth. The difference in structure between proximal and distal islands might be related to the age of the plate at the

  20. Crustal volumes of the continents and of oceanic and continental submarine plateaus (United States)

    Schubert, G.; Sandwell, D.


    Using global topographic data and the assumption of Airy isostasy, it is estimated that the crustal volume of the continents is 7182 X 10 to the 6th cu km. The crustal volumes of the oceanic and continental submarine plateaus are calculated at 369 X 10 to the 6th cu km and 242 X 10 to the 6th cu km, respectively. The total continental crustal volume is found to be 7581 X 10 to the 6th cu km, 3.2 percent of which is comprised of continental submarine plateaus on the seafloor. An upper bound on the contintental crust addition rate by the accretion of oceanic plateaus is set at 3.7 cu km/yr. Subduction of continental submarine plateaus with the oceanic lithosphere on a 100 Myr time scale yields an upper bound to the continental crustal subtraction rate of 2.4 cu km/yr.

  1. Nd isotopes in French Phanerzoic shales: external vs. internal aspects of crustal evolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michard, A.; Gurriet, P.; Soudant, M.; Alberede, F.; Ecole Nationale Superieure de Geologie Appliquee et de Prospection Miniere, 54 - Nancy


    Nd isotopic composition has been determined on shales of Paleozoic (Brittany and Languedoc) and Mesozoic (Lorraine) age. epsilonsub(Nd)(T) values range from -6 to -12 while Nd crustal residence ages are typically in excess over their stratigraphic ages by some 1.4 Ga. Exceptions to this rule are the sediments coeval with Hercynian, Caledonian and Cadomian orogenic events, the epsilonsub(Nd)(T) values of which suggest addition of mantle material to the sediment in the form of volcanoclastic detritus. In Brittany, this is confirmed by the local zircon chronology which provides upper intercepts of Concordia up to 800 m.y. in excess of Nd crustal residence ages. Comparison of crustal residence ages with stratigraphic ages through geologic time suggests a three stage history: a) for rocks older than 2 Ga, stratigraphic and crustal residence ages coincide, b) from 2 to 1 Ga, crustal residence ages level off at ca. 2 Ga and then c) decrease down to 1.4 Ga in recent sediments. Two extreme models can account for the observed variations: an internally driven model, in which variable quantities of mantle material are added to the crust, and an externally driven model, in which the rate of crustal recycling is low in the Archean but increases rapidly at the onset of the atmospheric oxygen buildup. (author)

  2. A Prática Relacional Existente entre um Fabricante e seus Distribuidores e a Percepção de Valor do Relacionamento na Díade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deonir De Toni


    Full Text Available Os relacionamentos interorganizacionais têm despertado inúmeros estudos na área do marketing de relacionamento. Assim sendo, o objetivo central deste trabalho foi o de verificar qual o impacto da prática relacional na díade fabricante e distribuidor sobre a percepção de valor do relacionamento. A partir da utilização de escalas validadas foi realizada uma survey envolvendo o pessoal de linha de frente (PLF do fabricante e seus clientes (distribuidores, sendo que a análise de dados se deu, basicamente, pela técnica da Modelagem de Equações Estr uturais. Os resultados encontrados confirmaram as hipóteses de pesquisa relativas ao modelo teórico testado, contribuindo para a avaliação dos relacionamentos no contexto da díade. A avaliação sobre os dois tipos de agente (PLF do fabricante e clientes in dicou diferenças de percepção no relacionamento, o que pode direcionar estratégias e ações mais assertivas.

  3. A new model of crustal structure of Siberia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cherepanova, Yulia; Artemieva, Irina; Thybo, Hans


    to the Verkoyansk Ridge/Lena river in the east, and from the Arctic shelf in the north to the Tien Shan and Altay-Sayans mountains in the south. The new crustal model is based on our new ("from scratch") compilation of all available reliable seismic data and includes the results of seismic reflection, refraction...... orientation. Low surface heat flow (on average around 20-22 microW/m3) and the absence of the high-velocity (Vp>7.2 km/s) lowercrustal layer in the block with the thick crust suggest that eclogitization in the crustal root was subdued, thus allowing preservation of the ultra thick, seismically distinguishable...

  4. Deep Crustal Melting and the Survival of Continental Crust (United States)

    Whitney, D.; Teyssier, C. P.; Rey, P. F.; Korchinski, M.


    Plate convergence involving continental lithosphere leads to crustal melting, which ultimately stabilizes the crust because it drives rapid upward flow of hot deep crust, followed by rapid cooling at shallow levels. Collision drives partial melting during crustal thickening (at 40-75 km) and/or continental subduction (at 75-100 km). These depths are not typically exceeded by crustal rocks that are exhumed in each setting because partial melting significantly decreases viscosity, facilitating upward flow of deep crust. Results from numerical models and nature indicate that deep crust moves laterally and then vertically, crystallizing at depths as shallow as 2 km. Deep crust flows en masse, without significant segregation of melt into magmatic bodies, over 10s of kms of vertical transport. This is a major mechanism by which deep crust is exhumed and is therefore a significant process of heat and mass transfer in continental evolution. The result of vertical flow of deep, partially molten crust is a migmatite dome. When lithosphere is under extension or transtension, the deep crust is solicited by faulting of the brittle upper crust, and the flow of deep crust in migmatite domes traverses nearly the entire thickness of orogenic crust in Recognition of the importance of migmatite (gneiss) domes as archives of orogenic deep crust is applicable to determining the chemical and physical properties of continental crust, as well as mechanisms and timescales of crustal differentiation.

  5. Crustal Structure beneath Alaska from Receiver Functions (United States)

    Zhang, Y.; Li, A.


    The crustal structure in Alaska has not been well resolved due to the remote nature of much of the state. The USArray Transportable Array (TA), which is operating in Alaska and northwestern Canada, significantly increases the coverage of broadband seismic stations in the region and allows for a more comprehensive study of the crust. We have analyzed P-receiver functions from earthquake data recorded by 76 stations of the TA and AK networks. Both common conversion point (CCP) and H-K methods are used to estimate the mean crustal thickness. The results from the CCP stacking method show that the Denali fault marks a sharp transition from thick crust in the south to thin crust in the north. The thickest crust up to 52 km is located in the St. Elias Range, which has been formed by oblique collision between the Yakutat microplate and North America. A thick crust of 48 km is also observed beneath the eastern Alaska Range. These observations suggest that high topography in Alaska is largely compensated by the thick crust root. The Moho depth ranges from 28 km to 35 km beneath the northern lowlands and increases to 40-45 km under the Books Range. The preliminary crustal thickness from the H-K method generally agrees with that from the CCP stacking with thicker crust beneath high mountain ranges and thinner crust beneath lowlands and basins. However, the offshore part is not well constrained due to the limited coverage of stations. The mean Vp/Vs ratio is around 1.7 in the Yukon-Tanana terrane and central-northern Alaska. The ratio is about 1.9 in central and southern Alaska with higher values at the Alaska Range, Wrangell Mountains, and St. Elias Range. Further data analyses are needed for obtaining more details of the crustal structure in Alaska to decipher the origin and development of different tectonic terranes.

  6. Crustal structure and active tectonics in the Eastern Alps

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brückl, E.; Behm, M.; Decker, K.


    fragment (PA), was interpreted and a triple junction was inferred. The goal of this study has been to relate these deep crustal structures to active tectonics. We used elastic plate modeling to reconsider the Moho fragmentation. We interpret subduction of EU below AD and PA from north to south......During the last decade, a series of controlled source seismic experiments brought new insight into the crustal and lithospheric structure of the Eastern Alps and their adjacent tectonic provinces. A fragmentation of the lithosphere into three blocks, Europe (EU), Adria (AD), and the new Pannonian...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lander, S. K.


    The activity of magnetars is believed to be powered by colossal magnetic energy reservoirs. We sketch an evolutionary picture in which internal field evolution in magnetars generates a twisted corona, from which energy may be released suddenly in a single giant flare, or more gradually through smaller outbursts and persistent emission. Given the ages of magnetars and the energy of their giant flares, we suggest that their evolution is driven by a novel mechanism: magnetic flux transport/decay due to persistent plastic flow in the crust, which would invalidate the common assumption that the crustal lattice is static and evolves only under Hall drift and Ohmic decay. We estimate the field strength required to induce plastic flow as a function of crustal depth, and the viscosity of the plastic phase. The star’s superconducting core may also play a role in magnetar field evolution, depending on the star’s spindown history and how rotational vortices and magnetic fluxtubes interact.

  8. Investigating Microbial Biofilm Formations on Crustal Rock Substrates (United States)

    Weiser, M.; D'Angelo, T.; Carr, S. A.; Orcutt, B.


    Ocean crust hosts microbial life that, in some cases, alter the component rocks as a means of obtaining energy. Variations in crust lithology, included trace metal and mineral content, as well as the chemistry of the fluids circulating through them, provide substrates for some microbes to metabolize, leading to formation of biofilm community structures. Microbes have different parameters for the situations in which they will form biofilms, but they must have some source of energy in excess at the site of biofilm formation for them to become stationary and form the carbohydrate-rich structures connecting the cells to one another and the substrate. Generally, the requirements for microbes to form biofilms on crustal minerals are unclear. We designed two experiments to test (1) mineral preference and biofilm formation rates by natural seawater microbial communities, and (2) biofilm development as a function of phosphate availability for an organism isolated from subseafloor ocean crust. In Experiment 1, we observed that phyric basalt groundmass is preferentially colonized over aphyric basalt or metal sulfides in a shallow water and oxic seawater environment. In experiment 2, tests of the anaerobic heterotroph Thalassospira bacteria isolated from oceanic crustal fluids showed that they preferentially form biofilms, lose motility, and increase exponentially in number over time in higher-PO4 treatments (50 micromolar), including with phosphate-doped basalts, than in treatments with low phosphate concentrations (0.5 micromolar) often found in crustal fluids. These observations suggest phosphate as a main driver of biofilm formation in subsurface crust. Overall, these data suggest that the drivers of microbial biofilm formation on crustal substrates are selective to the substrate conditions, which has important implications for estimating the global biomass of life harbored in oceanic crust.

  9. Crustal insights from gravity and aeromagnetic analysis: Central North Slope, Alaska (United States)

    Saltus, R.W.; Potter, C.J.; Phillips, J.D.


    Aeromagnetic and gravity data are processed and interpreted to reveal deep and shallow information about the crustal structure of the central North Slope, Alaska. Regional aeromagnetic anomalies primarily reflect deep crustal features. Regional gravity anomalies are more complex and require detailed analysis. We constrain our geophysical models with seismic data and interpretations along two transects including the Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect. Combined geophysical analysis reveals a remarkable heterogeneity of the pre-Mississippian basement. In the central North Slope, pre-Mississippian basement consists of two distinct geophysical domains. To the southwest, the basement is dense and highly magnetic; this basement is likely mafic and mechanically strong, possibly acting as a buttress to basement involvement in Brooks Range thrusting. To the northeast, the central North Slope basement consists of lower density, moderately magnetic rocks with several discrete regions (intrusions?) of more magnetic rocks. A conjugate set of geophysical trends, northwest-southeast and southwest-northeast, may be a factor in the crustal response to tectonic compression in this domain. High-resolution gravity and aeromagnetic data, where available, reflect details of shallow fault and fold structure. The maps and profile models in this report should provide useful guidelines and complementary information for regional structural studies, particularly in combination with detailed seismic reflection interpretations. Future challenges include collection of high-resolution gravity and aeromagnetic data for the entire North Slope as well as additional deep crustal information from seismic, drilling, and other complementary methods. Copyrights ?? 2006. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

  10. Parallel Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method for crustal dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quevedo, Leonardo; Morra, Gabriele; Mueller, R Dietmar


    Crustal faults and sharp material transitions in the crust are usually represented as triangulated surfaces in structural geological models. The complex range of volumes separating such surfaces is typically three-dimensionally meshed in order to solve equations that describe crustal deformation with the finite-difference (FD) or finite-element (FEM) methods. We show here how the Boundary Element Method, combined with the Multipole approach, can revolutionise the calculation of stress and strain, solving the problem of computational scalability from reservoir to basin scales. The Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method (Fast BEM) tackles the difficulty of handling the intricate volume meshes and high resolution of crustal data that has put classical Finite 3D approaches in a performance crisis. The two main performance enhancements of this method: the reduction of required mesh elements from cubic to quadratic with linear size and linear-logarithmic runtime; achieve a reduction of memory and runtime requirements allowing the treatment of a new scale of geodynamic models. This approach was recently tested and applied in a series of papers by [1, 2, 3] for regional and global geodynamics, using KD trees for fast identification of near and far-field interacting elements, and MPI parallelised code on distributed memory architectures, and is now in active development for crustal dynamics. As the method is based on a free-surface, it allows easy data transfer to geological visualisation tools where only changes in boundaries and material properties are required as input parameters. In addition, easy volume mesh sampling of physical quantities enables direct integration with existing FD/FEM code.

  11. Moldes de ABS construídos pelo processo de modelagem por fusão e deposição para injeção de PP e PEBD PP and LDPE injection in ABS molds built with fused deposition modeling

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    José A. Foggiatto


    Full Text Available Os processos de prototipagem rápida (Rapid Prototyping - RP e ferramental rápido (Rapid Tooling - RT surgiram para reduzir os tempos de desenvolvimento de produtos na fase de projeto diminuindo a necessidade de retrabalhos e, conseqüentemente, antecipando a entrada de novos produtos no mercado. Neste trabalho foi utilizada uma das tecnologias de prototipagem rápida, denominada Modelagem por Fusão e Deposição (FDM, na construção de moldes em ABS com o objetivo de investigar sua aplicação na moldagem por injeção de termoplásticos. Amostras das peças injetadas foram submetidas a ensaios de difração de raios X, dureza Shore D e tração. Os resultados mostraram a viabilidade de fabricar pequenos lotes de peças em PEBD e PP com propriedades mecânicas bastante similares às encontradas em peças moldadas em moldes metálicos.Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling are aimed at reducing the development time of products in the design phase by minimizing re-workings and, consequently, reducing the time to launch new products. In this work one of the technologies of rapid prototyping, called Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM, was used in the construction of ABS molds with the objective of investigating its application in the injection molding of thermoplastics. Specimens of the molded parts were characterized with X-ray diffraction, Shore D hardness and tensile tests. The results demonstrated the viability to manufacture small batches of LDPE and PP parts with mechanical properties similar to those molded parts in metallic molds.

  12. A indústria do petróleo como uma organização complexa: modelagem de negócios e processo decisório


    Milani Júnior,Angelo; Bomtempo,José Vitor; Pinto Júnior,Helder Queiroz


    Este texto propõe a formulação de modelos de negócios para apoiar o processo decisório em organizações complexas. O processo decisório é estudado, explorando-se os temas da racionalidade limitada, da estruturação de problemas, dos modelos mentais, dos mundos virtuais e da modelagem como apoio à decisão. A dinâmica de sistemas é introduzida como um instrumento para a construção de modelos, a identificação de regras de decisão e sua comunicação. É desenvolvido um modelo de negócios para as ativ...

  13. Bouguer gravity trends and crustal structure of the Palmyride Mountain belt and surrounding northern Arabian platform in Syria (United States)

    Best, John A.; Barazangi, Muawia; Al-Saad, Damen; Sawaf, Tarif; Gebran, Ali


    This study examines the crustal structure of the Palmyrides and the northern Arabian platform in Syria by two- and three-dimensional modeling of the Bouguer gravity anomalies. Results of the gravity modeling indicate that (1) western Syria is composed of at least two different crustal blocks, (2) the southern crustal block is penetrated by a series of crustal-scale, high-density intrusive complexes, and (3) short-wavelength gravity anomalies in the southwest part of the mountain belt are clearly related to basement structure. The crustal thickness in Syria, as modeled on the gravity profiles, is approximately 40 ±4 km, which is similar to crustal thicknesses interpreted from refraction data in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The different crustal blocks and large-scale mafic intrusions are best explained, though not uniquely, by Proterozoic convergence and suturing and early Paleozoic rifting, as interpreted in the exposed rocks of the Arabian shield. These two processes, combined with documented Mesozoic rifting and Cenozoic transpression, compose the crustal evolution of the northern Arabian platform beneath Syria.

  14. Bouguer gravity trends and crustal structure of the Palmyride Mountain belt and surrounding northern Arabian platform in Syria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Best, J.A.; Barazangi, M. (Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY (USA)); Al-Saad, D.; Sawaf, T.; Gebran, A. (Syrian Petroleum Company, Damascus (Syria))


    This study examines the crustal structure of the Palmyrides and the northern Arabian platform in Syria by two- and three-dimensional modeling of the Bouguer gravity anomalies. Results of the gravity modeling indicate that (1) western Syria is composed of at least two different crustal blocks, (2) the southern crustal block is penetrated by a series of crustal-scale, high-density intrusive complexes, and (3) short-wavelength gravity anomalies in the southwest part of the mountain belt are clearly related to basement structure. The crustal thickness in Syria, as modeled on the gravity profiles, is approximately 40{plus minus}4 km, which is similar to crustal thicknesses interpreted from refraction data in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The different crustal blocks and large-scale mafic intrusions are best explained, though not uniquely, by Proterozoic convergence and suturing and early Paleozoic rifting, as interpreted in the exposed rocks of the Arabian shield. These two processes, combined with documented Mesozoic rifting and Cenozoic transpression, compose the crustal evolution of the northern Arabian platform beneath Syria.

  15. Evaluation of six NEHRP B/C crustal amplification models proposed for use in western North America (United States)

    Boore, David; Campbell, Kenneth W.


    We evaluate six crustal amplification models based on National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) B/C crustal profiles proposed for use in western North America (WNA) and often used in other active crustal regions where crustal properties are unknown. One of the models is based on an interpolation of generic rock velocity profiles previously proposed for WNA and central and eastern North America (CENA), in conjunction with material densities based on an updated velocity–density relationship. A second model is based on the velocity profile used to develop amplification factors for the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA)‐West2 project. A third model is based on a near‐surface velocity profile developed from the NGA‐West2 site database. A fourth model is based on velocity and density profiles originally proposed for use in CENA but recently used to represent crustal properties in California. We propose two alternatives to this latter model that more closely represent WNA crustal properties. We adopt a value of site attenuation (κ0) for each model that is either recommended by the author of the model or proposed by us. Stochastic simulation is used to evaluate the Fourier amplification factors and their impact on response spectra associated with each model. Based on this evaluation, we conclude that among the available models evaluated in this study the NEHRP B/C amplification model of Boore (2016) best represents median crustal amplification in WNA, although the amplification models based on the crustal profiles of Kamai et al. (2013, 2016, unpublished manuscript, see Data and Resources) and Yenier and Atkinson (2015), the latter adjusted to WNA crustal properties, can be used to represent epistemic uncertainty.

  16. Valor da Marca: Teste Empírico da Importância das Dimensões Formadoras do Valor da Marca na Perspectiva do Consumidor no Contexto Brasileiro

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    Luiz Sergio Costa


    Full Text Available O presente estudo investigou a importância das dimensões formadoras do valor da marca na perspectiva do consumidor no contexto brasileiro, mediante o teste empírico do modelo proposto por Yoo e Donthu (2001. Outros autores validaram a multidimensionalidade do conceito de valor da marca na perspectiva do consumidor (Myers, 2003; Villarejo-Ramos e Sánchez-Franco, 2005; Vargas e Luce, 2006. Todavia, estes estudos divergiram quanto ao número de dimensões e suas respectivas importâncias, evidenciando um hiato na literatura. Para responder as perguntas deste estudo, foi realizada uma survey com 636 consumidores. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à técnica estatística de análise fatorial confirmatória (CFA e modelagem de equações estruturais (SEM. Os resultados do estudo sugerem a validade parcial do modelo de Yoo e Donthu (2001. A importância das dimensões lealdade e qualidade percebida na formação do valor da marca na perspectiva do consumidor foram suportadas empiricamente. Entretanto, a inexistência de relação significativa entre consciência / associações e valor geral da marca sugere a necessidade de mais estudos, seja para validar essa relação, seja para propor novas escalas para mensurar o construto de consciência / associações à marca. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v11i2.2357

  17. NASA plan for international crustal dynamics studies (United States)


    The international activities being planned as part of the NASA geodynamics program are described. Methods of studying the Earth's crustal movements and deformation characteristics are discussed. The significance of the eventual formalations of earthquake predictions methods is also discussed.

  18. Developing a Crustal and Upper Mantle Velocity Model for the Brazilian Northeast (United States)

    Julia, J.; Nascimento, R.


    Development of 3D models for the earth's crust and upper mantle is important for accurately predicting travel times for regional phases and to improve seismic event location. The Brazilian Northeast is a tectonically active area within stable South America and displays one of the highest levels of seismicity in Brazil, with earthquake swarms containing events up to mb 5.2. Since 2011, seismic activity is routinely monitored through the Rede Sismográfica do Nordeste (RSisNE), a permanent network supported by the national oil company PETROBRAS and consisting of 15 broadband stations with an average spacing of ~200 km. Accurate event locations are required to correctly characterize and identify seismogenic areas in the region and assess seismic hazard. Yet, no 3D model of crustal thickness and crustal and upper mantle velocity variation exists. The first step in developing such models is to refine crustal thickness and depths to major seismic velocity boundaries in the crust and improve on seismic velocity estimates for the upper mantle and crustal layers. We present recent results in crustal and uppermost mantle structure in NE Brazil that will contribute to the development of a 3D model of velocity variation. Our approach has consisted of: (i) computing receiver functions to obtain point estimates of crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio and (ii) jointly inverting receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion velocities from an independent tomography study to obtain S-velocity profiles at each station. This approach has been used at all the broadband stations of the monitoring network plus 15 temporary, short-period stations that reduced the inter-station spacing to ~100 km. We expect our contributions will provide the basis to produce full 3D velocity models for the Brazilian Northeast and help determine accurate locations for seismic events in the region.

  19. Só Jesus Na Causa: Fé E Percepção de Crowding em Evento Religioso

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    Izabelle Quezado


    Full Text Available Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21 + (2013 54-60. doi:10.1016/j.jretconser.2013.09.004 Frank Pons Crowding; Density; Expectations; Dissatisfaction; Scarcity 12.00 Mediante a forte representatividade cultural e econômica do turismo motivado pela religião, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as relações entre percepção de crowding, emoções e satisfação do consumidor em situação de alta densidade em evento religioso, testando a moderação da variável fé. A pesquisa empírica tem abordagem quantitativa e apresenta uma amostra de 201 casos, com dados analisados por meio da técnica de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Os resultados indicaram influência positiva da percepção de crowding na satisfação em evento religioso. No entanto, ao contrário do esperado, as emoções negativas não mediaram essa relação, exclusivamente as positivas. Com relação à moderação da variável fé, esta foi atestada na pesquisa empírica, fortalecendo reações positivas e enfraquecendo reações negativas à aglomeração. Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

  20. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau crustal thickness derived from EGM2008 and CRSUT2.0

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    Zhou Hao


    Full Text Available Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the most complex region for crustal thickness inversion, while high-resolution earth gravity model (EGM makes it possible to obtain high precision gravity anomaly, which is a key parameter to depict the Earth’s inner structure in geodesy domain. On the basis of this principle, we calculated the Bouguer gravity anomalies in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with EGM2008 and SRTM6. 0 by efficient high-degree spherical harmonic synthesis algorithm. In order to obtain the gravity anomaly caused by Moho density mutant, the noises caused by the topography was removed by wavelet details. Then, the crustal thickness was corrected on the basis of CRUST 2. 0 with the deep-large-scale single density interface formula. The inversion result indicates that the crustal thickness in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is between 50 km and 75 km, which is in correspondence with the recent science research result. Compared with the 2 degree CRUST 2. 0 model, the spatial resolution of crustal thickness in our research can reach 40 arc minutes. In addition, there is a positive relationship between the inversed crustal thickness and topography, which can prove the effectiveness of Airy-Heiskanen isostatic model in gravity reduction.

  1. Influence of mid-crustal rheology on the deformation behavior of continental crust in the continental subduction zone (United States)

    Li, Fucheng; Sun, Zhen; Zhang, Jiangyang


    Although the presence of low-viscosity middle crustal layer in the continental crust has been detected by both geophysical and geochemical studies, its influence on the deformation behavior of continental crust during subduction remains poorly investigated. To illustrate the crustal deformation associated with layered crust during continental subduction, we conducted a suite of 2-D thermo-mechanical numerical studies with visco-brittle/plastic rheology based on finite-differences and marker-in-cell techniques. In the experiments, we established a three-layer crustal model with a quartz-rich middle crustal layer embedded between the upper and lower continental crust. Results show that the middle crustal layer determines the amount of the accreted upper crust, maximum subduction depth, and exhumation path of the subducted upper crust. By varying the initial effective viscosity and thickness of the middle crustal layer, the further effects can be summarized as: (1) a rheologically weaker and/or thicker middle crustal layer results in a larger percentage of the upper crust detaching from the underlying slab and accreting at the trench zone, thereby leading to more serious crustal deformation. The rest of the upper crust only subducts into the depths of high pressure (HP) conditions, causing the absence of ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks; (2) a rheologically stronger and/or thinner middle crustal layer favors the stable subduction of the continental crust, dragging the upper crust to a maximum depth of ∼100 km and forming UHP rocks; (3) the middle crustal layer flows in a ductile way and acts as an exhumation channel for the HP-UHP rocks in both situations. In addition, the higher convergence velocity decreases the amount of subducted upper crust. A detailed comparison of our modeling results with the Himalayan collisional belt are conducted. Our work suggests that the presence of low-viscosity middle crustal layer may be another possible mechanism for

  2. Seismotectonics of Taiwan Shoal region in northeastern SCS: Insights from crustal structure (United States)

    Kuiyuan, Wan; Jinlong, Sun; Shaohong, Xia; Xiaoling, Xie; Xiang, Zhang; Huilong, Xu; Jinghe, Cao


    A seismicity cluster and a great 16 September 1994 earthquake occur in the Taiwan Shoal region, outer rise of the Manila subduction zone. To understand what mechanisms control and generate the earthquake cluster, it is important to investigate the deep crustal structure of the Taiwan Shoal region. We present a 2-D seismic tomographic image of the crustal structure along the OBS2012 profile based on ocean bottom seismographic (OBS) data. The structure exhibits that a high velocity anomaly in the upper crust beneath the Taiwan Shoal is flanked by lower velocity anomalies. Based on the crustal structure, we study the 765 earthquakes, which occurred in the period 1991-2015. These epicenters, combined with the regional faults, and crustal structure, allow us to better understand the nature of the active tectonics in this region. The high velocity area is interpreted as representing stronger, defining major asperities where stress is concentrated corresponding to the location of the earthquake cluster. The earthquake cluster is influenced by the fault interactions. However, the 16 September 1994 earthquake is independents of the seismic activities but associated with the reactivation of the preexisting fault. In Taiwan region, the slab-pull was resisted by the exposed pre-collision accretionary prism and the resistive force caused the in-plane compressive stress accumulation. This condition may favor the triggering of future damaging earthquakes in this region. Key words: earthquake cluster; crustal structure; fault interactions; outer rise; Taiwan Shoal

  3. Crustal permeability (United States)

    Gleeson, Tom; Ingebritsen, Steven E.


    Permeability is the primary control on fluid flow in the Earth’s crust and is key to a surprisingly wide range of geological processes, because it controls the advection of heat and solutes and the generation of anomalous pore pressures.  The practical importance of permeability – and the potential for large, dynamic changes in permeability – is highlighted by ongoing issues associated with hydraulic fracturing for hydrocarbon production (“fracking”), enhanced geothermal systems, and geologic carbon sequestration.  Although there are thousands of research papers on crustal permeability, this is the first book-length treatment.  This book bridges the historical dichotomy between the hydrogeologic perspective of permeability as a static material property and the perspective of other Earth scientists who have long recognized permeability as a dynamic parameter that changes in response to tectonism, fluid production, and geochemical reactions. 

  4. Continuidade espacial da condutividade hidráulica saturada do solo na bacia hidrográfica do Alto Rio Grande, MG

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    Camila Cristina Alvarenga


    Full Text Available A distribuição espacial da condutividade hidráulica saturada (k0 é essencial para estudos relacionados a erosão do solo e escoamento superficial. Este trabalho objetivou estudar a continuidade espacial do atributo hidrológico do solo k o na Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto Rio Grande, MG, e realizar seu mapeamento por meio de técnicas geoestatísticas, utilizando dados sem e com transformação logarítmica. Os modelos de semivariograma esférico e exponencial foram ajustados ao semivariograma experimental pelo método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO e Mínimos Quadrados Ponderados (MQP. Técnicas de validação cruzada e preditiva foram aplicadas para a escolha do melhor modelo. Os resultados indicaram que, ao se trabalhar com o logaritmo dos dados de k o, houve redução de pontos discrepantes e de anisotropia, entretanto os valores mais elevados de grau de dependência espacial foram observados nos dados sem transformação. O ajuste do modelo esférico, por meio do método MQO, foi o que produziu melhor desempenho na modelagem da continuidade espacial de k0. Os mapas gerados a partir dos dados sem e com transformação logarítmica não apresentaram o mesmo comportamento na distribuição espacial dos valores, e o mapa dos dados na forma transformada teve o melhor detalhamento da distribuição espacial.

  5. Boron isotope fractionation in magma via crustal carbonate dissolution. (United States)

    Deegan, Frances M; Troll, Valentin R; Whitehouse, Martin J; Jolis, Ester M; Freda, Carmela


    Carbon dioxide released by arc volcanoes is widely considered to originate from the mantle and from subducted sediments. Fluids released from upper arc carbonates, however, have recently been proposed to help modulate arc CO2 fluxes. Here we use boron as a tracer, which substitutes for carbon in limestone, to further investigate crustal carbonate degassing in volcanic arcs. We performed laboratory experiments replicating limestone assimilation into magma at crustal pressure-temperature conditions and analysed boron isotope ratios in the resulting experimental glasses. Limestone dissolution and assimilation generates CaO-enriched glass near the reaction site and a CO2-dominated vapour phase. The CaO-rich glasses have extremely low δ(11)B values down to -41.5‰, reflecting preferential partitioning of (10)B into the assimilating melt. Loss of (11)B from the reaction site occurs via the CO2 vapour phase generated during carbonate dissolution, which transports (11)B away from the reaction site as a boron-rich fluid phase. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of boron isotope fractionation during crustal carbonate assimilation and suggest that low δ(11)B melt values in arc magmas could flag shallow-level additions to the subduction cycle.

  6. Boron isotope fractionation in magma via crustal carbonate dissolution (United States)

    Deegan, Frances M.; Troll, Valentin R.; Whitehouse, Martin J.; Jolis, Ester M.; Freda, Carmela


    Carbon dioxide released by arc volcanoes is widely considered to originate from the mantle and from subducted sediments. Fluids released from upper arc carbonates, however, have recently been proposed to help modulate arc CO2 fluxes. Here we use boron as a tracer, which substitutes for carbon in limestone, to further investigate crustal carbonate degassing in volcanic arcs. We performed laboratory experiments replicating limestone assimilation into magma at crustal pressure-temperature conditions and analysed boron isotope ratios in the resulting experimental glasses. Limestone dissolution and assimilation generates CaO-enriched glass near the reaction site and a CO2-dominated vapour phase. The CaO-rich glasses have extremely low δ11B values down to -41.5‰, reflecting preferential partitioning of 10B into the assimilating melt. Loss of 11B from the reaction site occurs via the CO2 vapour phase generated during carbonate dissolution, which transports 11B away from the reaction site as a boron-rich fluid phase. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of boron isotope fractionation during crustal carbonate assimilation and suggest that low δ11B melt values in arc magmas could flag shallow-level additions to the subduction cycle.

  7. Real-time and on-demand buoy observation system for tsunami and crustal displacement (United States)

    Takahashi, N.; Imai, K.; Ishihara, Y.; Fukuda, T.; Ochi, H.; Suzuki, K.; Kido, M.; Ohta, Y.; Imano, M.; Hino, R.


    We develop real-time and on-demand buoy observation system for tsunami and crustal displacement. It is indispensable for observation of crustal displacement to understand changes of stress field related to future large earthquakes. The current status of the observation is carried out by using a vessel with an interval of a few times per a year. When a large earthquake occurs, however, we need dense or on-demand observation of the crustal displacement to grasp nature of the slow slip after the rupture. Therefore, we constructed buoy system with a buoy station, wire-end station, seafloor unit and acoustic transponders for crustal displacement, and we installed a pressure sensor on the seafloor unit and GNSS system on the buoy in addition to measurement of e distance between the buoy and the seafloor acoustic transponders. Tsunami is evaluated using GNSS data and pressure data sent from seafloor. Observation error of the GNSS is about 10 cm. The crustal displacement is estimated using pressure sensor for vertical and acoustic measurement for horizontal. Using current slack ratio of 1.58, the observation error for the measurement of the crustal displacement is about 10 cm. We repeated three times sea trials and confirmed the data acquisition with high data quality, mooring without dredging anchor in the strong sea current with a speed of 5.5 knots. Current issues to be resolved we face are removing noises on the acoustic data transmission, data transmission between the buoy and wire-end stations, electrical consumption on the buoy station and large observation error on the crustal displacement due to large slack ratio. We consider the change of the acoustic transmission for pressure data, replace of a GNSS data logger with large electrical consumption, and reduce of the slack ratio, and search method to reduce resistance of the buoy on the sea water. In this presentation, we introduce the current status of the technical development and tsunami waveforms recorded on our

  8. Influência dos parâmetros de configuração do modelo CALMET sobre a simulação da circulação atmosférica na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro

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    Luiz Claudio Gomes Pimentel


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse estudo é a analise dos efeitos dos parâmetros de configuração do modelo CALMET sobre a simulação da circulação atmosférica em superfície nas Bacias Aéreas I e III da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro (RMRJ. O estudo foi realizado para um período em que a RMRJ estava sob a atuação de um sistema de alta pressão, que não influenciou significativamente as circulações locais na região. A análise conjunta dos resultados indica que a melhor configuração para simulações do campo de vento na RMRJ com o sistema combinado de modelagem MM5/CALMET é obtida utilizando o valor de 10 km para o parâmetro TERRAD e Raio de Influência entre 7 e 10 km.

  9. Obtaining Crustal Properties From the P Coda Without Deconvolution: an Example From the Dakotas (United States)

    Frederiksen, A. W.; Delaney, C.


    Receiver functions are a popular technique for mapping variations in crustal thickness and bulk properties, as the travel times of Ps conversions and multiples from the Moho constrain both Moho depth (h) and the Vp/Vs ratio (k) of the crust. The established approach is to generate a suite of receiver functions, which are then stacked along arrival-time curves for a set of (h,k) values (the h-k stacking approach of Zhu and Kanamori, 2000). However, this approach is sensitive to noise issues with the receiver functions, deconvolution artifacts, and the effects of strong crustal layering (such as in sedimentary basins). In principle, however, the deconvolution is unnecessary; for any given crustal model, we can derive a transfer function allowing us to predict the radial component of the P coda from the vertical, and so determine a misfit value for a particular crustal model. We apply this idea to an Earthscope Transportable Array data set from North and South Dakota and western Minnesota, for which we already have measurements obtained using conventional h-k stacking, and so examine the possibility of crustal thinning and modification by a possible failed branch of the Mid-Continent Rift.

  10. Desenvolvimento e aplicações de redes neurais wavelets e da teoria de regularização na modelagem de processos


    Claumann, Carlos Alberto


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química. Neste trabalho foram propostas modificações na wavenet para melhorar a capacidade de generalização e reduzir o número de neurônios. O desempenho da nova rede foi superior quando comparada com as tradicionais redes feedforward e de base radial na identificação de processos não-lineares: um atrator caótico, um reator biológico em que ocorre inibição do crescimento d...

  11. Influence of crustal layering and thickness on co-seismic effects of Wenchuan earthquake

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    Tan Hongbo


    Full Text Available Using the PSGRN/PSCMP software and the fault model offered by USGS and on the basis of finite rectangular dislocation theory and the local layered wave velocity structures of the crust-upper-mantle, the influences of crustal layering and thickness on co-seismic gravity changes and deformation of Wenchuan earthquake have been simulated. The results indicate that; the influences have a relationship with the attitude of faults and the relative position between calculated points and fault. The difference distribution form of simulated results between the two models is similar to that of co-seismic effect. For the per centum distribution, it’s restricted by the zero line of the co-seismic effects obviously. Its positive is far away from the zero line. For the crustal thickness, the effect is about 10% – 20%. The negative and the effect over 30% focus around the zero line. The average influences of crustal layering and thickness for the E-W displacement, N-S displacement, vertical displacement and gravity changes are 18.4%,18.0%, 15.8% and 16.2% respectively, When the crustal thickness is 40 km, they are 4.6%, 5.3%, 3.8% and 3.8%. Then the crustal thickness is 70 km, the average influences are 3.5%, 4.6%, 3.0% and 2.5% respectively.

  12. Distribuição espacial da erosão potencial e atual do solo na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Sapucaí, MG

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    Matheus Fonseca Durães

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este estudo avalia a distribuição espacial do potencial natural e atual do solo à erosão hídrica na Bacia do Rio Sapucaí, sul de Minas Gerais, utilizando a equação universal de perda de solos revisada, através de modelagem cartográfica, para a obtenção da erosão potencial (EP e da erosão atual (EA. Os resultados indicaram que a EP para a Bacia do Rio Sapucaí variou de "Muito forte", na sua região de cabeceira (Serra da Mantiqueira, a "Fraca", nas áreas com topografia mais suavizada e menor erosividade da chuva. Em relação à EA, mais de 55,17 % da Bacia do Rio Sapucaí apresenta perdas de solo abaixo de 10 t.ha-1.ano-1, significando baixo potencial atual de erosão. A identificação de áreas de risco associadas à erosão acelerada, realizadas neste estudo, fornecem subsídios fundamentais para medidas associadas ao manejo, conservação e planejamento do uso do solo.

  13. Spatial Relationship Between Crustal Structure and Mantle Seismicity in the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone of Romania (United States)

    Knapp, C. C.; Enciu, D. M.; Knapp, J. H.


    Active crustal deformation and subsidence in the Southeast Carpathian foreland has previously been attributed to active foundering of thickened continental lithosphere beneath the Carpathian bend region (Knapp et al, 2005). The present study involves integration of active and passive-source seismic data in order to place constraints on the duration, timing, and scale of crustal deformation in the Carpathian foreland, and in particular to assess the genetic relationship with the Vrancea intermediate-depth seismogenic zone (VSZ). Relocated crustal earthquakes and focal mechanisms were correlated with four deep industry seismic profiles, the reprocessed DACIA PLAN deep seismic profile, and the DRACULA (Deep Reflection Acquisition Constraining Unusual Lithospheric Activity) II and III profiles. Projection of foreland crustal hypocenters onto the deep seismic lines correlates well with previously identified crustal faults such as the Trotus and Sinaia, as well as the newly identified Ialomita Fault. Specifically, results of this study (1) image the full crustal and uppermost mantle structure of the Focsani Basin in the close proximity of the VSZ, (2) show evidence for a sub-horizontal, slightly east-dipping Moho in the vicinity of the VSZ and thinning of the crust towards the Carpathian orogen, (3) illustrate the conspicuous absence of west-dipping fabrics or structures in the crust and across the Moho, (4) present evidence that the Trotus Fault is a crustal-scale active fault with a dextral sense of motion, (5) suggest that the Paleozoic age Peceneaga-Camena and Capidava-Ovidiu Faults have not been active in post-Paleozoic time, and (6) show evidence for a new active crustal scale sinistral fault, named the Ialomita fault. Both the seismogenic Vrancea body and deformation in the Focsani Basin appear to be concentrically bound by the Trotus Fault in the north and east and the Sinaia-Ialomita Fault in the south, suggesting a coupled deformation between the VSZ and the

  14. A aplicação da distribuição exponencial geométrica estendida para modelagem de dados pluviométricos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Luiz Ramos


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho propõem-se o uso da distribuição Exponencial Geométrica Estendida (EGE como um modelo alternativo às distribuições comumente utilizadas tais como Gama, Weibull, Lognormal, entre outras, para a modelagem de dados de precipitação pluvial. Pouco explorada na literatura, a distribuição EGE tem se mostrado eficiente em diversos campos de pesquisa como biologia, demografia, confiabilidade de produtos eletrônicos e pode ser aplicada para analisar fenômenos meteorológicos. Proposta por Adamidis e colaboradores em 2005, uma de suas particularidades é que sua função de risco pode ser crescente ou decrescente. Outra característica importante é a facilidade em se obter diferentes níveis de probabilidade, sem a necessidade de recorrer a métodos numéricos. Testou-se o ajustamento da distribuição EGE para a estimação da precipitação pluvial total mensal de Presidente Prudente-SP. Os resultados mostraram que houve um bom ajuste do modelo para os dados ao serem comparados com outros modelos como Gama, Weibull e Lognormal, de acordo com o critério de informação de Akaike, o teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov e o teste Qui-quadrado ao nivel de 5% de significância. A partir do ajustamento da distribuição EGE aos dados, os estimadores dos parâmetros da distribuição foram obtidos através do método de máxima verossimilhança permitindo assim a estimação da precipitação pluvial total mensal para diferentes níveis de probabilidade.

  15. Crustal thickness of Antarctica estimated using data from gravimetric satellites (United States)

    Llubes, Muriel; Seoane, Lucia; Bruinsma, Sean; Rémy, Frédérique


    Computing a better crustal thickness model is still a necessary improvement in Antarctica. In this remote continent where almost all the bedrock is covered by the ice sheet, seismic investigations do not reach a sufficient spatial resolution for geological and geophysical purposes. Here, we present a global map of Antarctic crustal thickness computed from space gravity observations. The DIR5 gravity field model, built from GOCE and GRACE gravimetric data, is inverted with the Parker-Oldenburg iterative algorithm. The BEDMAP products are used to estimate the gravity effect of the ice and the rocky surface. Our result is compared to crustal thickness calculated from seismological studies and the CRUST1.0 and AN1 models. Although the CRUST1.0 model shows a very good agreement with ours, its spatial resolution is larger than the one we obtain with gravimetric data. Finally, we compute a model in which the crust-mantle density contrast is adjusted to fit the Moho depth from the CRUST1.0 model. In East Antarctica, the resulting density contrast clearly shows higher values than in West Antarctica.

  16. Orphan Basin crustal structure from a dense wide-angle seismic profile - Tomographic inversion (United States)

    Watremez, Louise; Lau, K. W. Helen; Nedimović, Mladen R.; Louden, Keith E.; Karner, Garry D.


    Orphan Basin is located on the eastern margin of Canada, offshore of Newfoundland and East of Flemish Cap. It is an aborted continental rift formed by multiple episodes of rifting. The crustal structure across the basin has been determined by an earlier refraction study using 15 instruments on a 550 km long line. It shows that the continental crust was extended over an unusually wide region but did not break apart. The crustal structure of the basin thus documents stages in the formation of a magma-poor rifted margin up to crustal breakup. The OBWAVE (Orphan Basin Wide-Angle Velocity Experiment) survey was carried out to image crustal structures across the basin and better understand the processes of formation of this margin. The spacing of the 89 recording stations varies from 3 to 5 km along this 500-km-long line, which was acquired along a pre-existing reflection line. The highest resolution section corresponds to the part of the profile where the crust was expected to be the thinnest. We present the results from a joint tomography inversion of first and Moho reflected arrival times. The high data density allows us to define crustal structures with greater detail than for typical studies and to improve the understanding of the processes leading to the extreme stretching of continental crust. The final model was computed following a detailed parametric study to determine the optimal parameters controlling the ray-tracing and the inversion processes. The final model shows very good resolution. In particular, Monte Carlo standard deviations of crustal velocities and Moho depths are generally Orphan Basin is the result of rifting of a non-homogeneous Avalon terrane where the lower crust is primarily ductile.

  17. Reworked crustal of early Paleozoic WuYi Orogen revealed by receiver function data (United States)

    Wei, Y.; Duan, Y.; Tian, X.; Zhao, Y.


    Intraplate orogenic belt, which occurs at the rigid and undeformable plate interiors, is a distinct new type of orogen rather than an interplate or plate marginal orogenic belt, whose deformation occurs exclusively at plate margins. Therefore, intraplate orogenic belts are the most obvious exception to the plate-tectonic paradigm, they are uncommon in Earth's history. The early Paleozoic Wuyi orogen in South China is one of the few examples of intraplate orogen, and is a key to understanding the process of intraplate orogenesis and global early Paleozoic geodynamics. In this study, we select teleseismic records from 45 mobile linear seismic stations deployed in Wuyi Mountain and 58 permanent stations setting in Jiangxi and Fujian provinces, from January 2011 to December 2012, and calculate the crustal thickness and average crustal Vp/Vs ratio using the H-κ stacking method. The main results include the following: 1) the crustal average Poission's ratio shows an increase tendency from land to sea, the interior of Wuyi orogen belt with an low ration less than 0.23, and the coastline with high ration which is up to 0.28, which indicate a very heterogeneous crustal structure and composition in Wuyi orogen and coast belt. 2) the crustal thickness ranges 28-34 km and shows a tendency of thinning from inland to coast in the region of SE China margin, which maight mean the eastern Eurasia lithospheric is extension and thinning induced by the subducted paleo-Pacific slab. To conclusion, we assume that Wuyi orogen experienced upper crustal thickening, lower crust and lithosphere delamination during the early Paleozoic orogeny, and lithosphere extension in Mesozoic. This research is founded by the Natural Science Foundation of China (41174052 and 41604048).

  18. Modeling the blockage of Lg waves from 3-D variations in crustal structure (United States)

    Sanborn, Christopher J.; Cormier, Vernon F.


    Comprised of S waves trapped in Earth's crust, the high frequency (2-10 Hz) Lg wave is important to discriminating earthquakes from explosions by comparing its amplitude and waveform to those of Pg and Pn waves. Lateral variations in crustal structure, including variations in crustal thickness, intrinsic attenuation, and scattering, affect the efficiency of Lg propagation and its consistency as a source discriminant at regional (200-1500 km) distances. To investigate the effects of laterally varying Earth structure on the efficiency of propagation of Lg and Pg, we apply a radiative transport algorithm to model complete, high-frequency (2-4 Hz), regional coda envelopes. The algorithm propagates packets of energy with ray theory through large-scale 3-D structure, and includes stochastic effects of multiple-scattering by small-scale heterogeneities within the large-scale structure. Source-radiation patterns are described by moment tensors. Seismograms of explosion and earthquake sources are synthesized in canonical models to predict effects on waveforms of paths crossing regions of crustal thinning (pull-apart basins and ocean/continent transitions) and thickening (collisional mountain belts), For paths crossing crustal thinning regions, Lg is amplified at receivers within the thinned region but strongly disrupted and attenuated at receivers beyond the thinned region. For paths crossing regions of crustal thickening, Lg amplitude is attenuated at receivers within the thickened region, but experiences little or no reduction in amplitude at receivers beyond the thickened region. The length of the Lg propagation within a thickened region and the complexity of over- and under-thrust crustal layers, can produce localized zones of Lg amplification or attenuation. Regions of intense scattering within laterally homogeneous models of the crust increase Lg attenuation but do not disrupt its coda shape.

  19. Seismic crustal structure of the North China Craton and surrounding area: Synthesis and analysis (United States)

    Xia, B.; Thybo, H.; Artemieva, I. M.


    We present a new digital model (NCcrust) of the seismic crustal structure of the Neoarchean North China Craton (NCC) and its surrounding Paleozoic-Mesozoic orogenic belts (30°-45°N, 100°-130°E). All available seismic profiles, complemented by receiver function interpretations of crustal thickness, are used to constrain a new comprehensive crustal model NCcrust. The model, presented on a 0.25° × 0.25°grid, includes the Moho depth and the internal structure (thickness and velocity) of the crust specified for four layers (the sedimentary cover, upper, middle, and lower crust) and the Pn velocity in the uppermost mantle. The crust is thin (30-32 km) in the east, while the Moho depth in the western part of the NCC is 38-44 km. The Moho depth of the Sulu-Dabie-Qinling-Qilian orogenic belt ranges from 31 km to 51 km, with a general westward increase in crustal thickness. The sedimentary cover is 2-5 km thick in most of the region, and typical thicknesses of the upper crust, middle crust, and lower crust are 16-24 km, 6-24 km, and 0-6 km, respectively. We document a general trend of westward increase in the thickness of all crustal layers of the crystalline basement and as a consequence, the depth of the Moho. There is no systematic regional pattern in the average crustal Vp velocity and the Pn velocity. We examine correlation between the Moho depth and topography for seven tectonic provinces in the North China Craton and speculate on mechanisms of isostatic compensation.

  20. Particle-In-Cell Simulations of the Solar Wind Interaction with Lunar Crustal Magnetic Anomalies: Magnetic Cusp Regions (United States)

    Poppe, A. R.; Halekas, J. S.; Delory, G. T.; Farrell, W. M.


    As the solar wind is incident upon the lunar surface, it will occasionally encounter lunar crustal remanent magnetic fields. These magnetic fields are small-scale, highly non-dipolar, have strengths up to hundreds of nanotesla, and typically interact with the solar wind in a kinetic fashion. Simulations, theoretical analyses, and spacecraft observations have shown that crustal fields can reflect solar wind protons via a combination of magnetic and electrostatic reflection; however, analyses of surface properties have suggested that protons may still access the lunar surface in the cusp regions of crustal magnetic fields. In this first report from a planned series of studies, we use a 1 1/2-dimensional, electrostatic particle-in-cell code to model the self-consistent interaction between the solar wind, the cusp regions of lunar crustal remanent magnetic fields, and the lunar surface. We describe the self-consistent electrostatic environment within crustal cusp regions and discuss the implications of this work for the role that crustal fields may play regulating space weathering of the lunar surface via proton bombardment.

  1. Crustal Growth: In Defense of the Dogma (United States)

    Albarede, F.; Blichert-Toft, J.; Guitreau, M.


    Plate tectonics was not even in its teens when Armstrong suggested that mantle and crust have interacted at steady-state over Earth's history. With the help of new geochemical tools and large-scale compilations, the concept of steady-state crust (as opposed to continuous crustal growth) is being revived with the implications that the equivalent of several volumes of present-day crust (PDCV) may have been subducted through geological times. Here we argue --or recall-- that four different lines of evidence invalidate this model. (i) The subduction filter must be particularly efficient for argon, even more so than for LILE and most other volatile elements. Atmosphere collects 40Ar degassed from both the extant crust and the crust dragged down at subduction zones over geological time. Regardless of the residence time of the crust at the surface, the amount of atmospheric 40Ar limits subduction of continental crust into the mantle to < 30% of the PDCV [1]. (ii) EM II, the only component that undoubtedly represents subducted continental crust in oceanic basalts, is extremely uncommon. (iii) Crustal age histograms are irrepressibly episodic. It has been argued that erosion selectively removes the crust with the elusive ages [2]. Ages of detrital zircons, which in the selective erosion conjecture should fill the voids, do not support this view [3]. Episodicity is difficult to reconcile with a continental protolith isolated by the common geological processes working either at mid-ocean ridges or subduction zones. A role may be recognized for Wilson cycles, if they can be shown to have prevailed for the entire history of the Earth. Geochemistry demonstrates that superplume material makes up the crustal protolith of all the major juvenile provinces. (iv) The residence time in the mantle of the elements distinctive of the crust is similar to the age of the Earth or even longer [4]. Continental crust finds its source in the instabilities of the lower mantle and the irreversible

  2. Estimating crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio with joint constraints of receiver function and gravity data (United States)

    Shi, Lei; Guo, Lianghui; Ma, Yawei; Li, Yonghua; Wang, Weilai


    The technique of teleseismic receiver function H-κ stacking is popular for estimating the crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio. However, it has large uncertainty or ambiguity when the Moho multiples in receiver function are not easy to be identified. We present an improved technique to estimate the crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio by joint constraints of receiver function and gravity data. The complete Bouguer gravity anomalies, composed of the anomalies due to the relief of the Moho interface and the heterogeneous density distribution within the crust, are associated with the crustal thickness, density and Vp/Vs ratio. According to their relationship formulae presented by Lowry and Pérez-Gussinyé, we invert the complete Bouguer gravity anomalies by using a common algorithm of likelihood estimation to obtain the crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio, and then utilize them to constrain the receiver function H-κ stacking result. We verified the improved technique on three synthetic crustal models and evaluated the influence of selected parameters, the results of which demonstrated that the novel technique could reduce the ambiguity and enhance the accuracy of estimation. Real data test at two given stations in the NE margin of Tibetan Plateau illustrated that the improved technique provided reliable estimations of crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio.

  3. Interaction between mantle and crustal detachments: A nonlinear system controlling lithospheric extension (United States)

    Rosenbaum, Gideon; Regenauer-Lieb, Klaus; Weinberg, Roberto F.


    We use numerical modeling to investigate the development of crustal and mantle detachments during lithospheric extension. Our models simulate a wide range of extensional systems with varying values of crustal thickness and heat flow, showing how strain localization in the mantle interacts with localization in the upper crust and controls the evolution of extensional systems. Model results reveal a richness of structures and deformation styles as a response to a self-organized mechanism that minimizes the internal stored energy of the system by localizing deformation. Crustal detachments, here referred as low-angle normal decoupling horizons, are well developed during extension of overthickened (60 km) continental crust, even when the initial heat flow is relatively low (50 mW m-2). In contrast, localized mantle deformation is most pronounced when the extended lithosphere has a normal crustal thickness (30-40 km) and an intermediate heat flow (60-70 mW m-2). Results show a nonlinear response to subtle changes in crustal thickness or heat flow, characterized by abrupt and sometimes unexpected switches in extension modes (e.g., from diffuse extensional deformation to effective lithospheric-scale rupturing) or from mantle- to crust-dominated strain localization. We interpret this nonlinearity to result from the interference of doming wavelengths in the presence of multiple necking instabilities. Disharmonic crust and mantle doming wavelengths results in efficient communication between shear zones at different lithospheric levels, leading to rupturing of the whole lithosphere. In contrast, harmonic crust and mantle doming inhibits interaction of shear zones across the lithosphere and results in a prolonged history of extension prior to continental breakup.

  4. The Crustal Thickness of the Philippine Sea Plate Derived from Gravity Data

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    Horng-Yuan Yen


    Full Text Available We constructed a new free-air gravity anomaly map of the Philippine Sea Plate (PSP using ship-tracked gravity data from the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC. Our results show that the isogals trend correlates well with the tectonic structures in the PSP. After removing the gravity induced by sea water from the free-air gravity data, we obtained the regional Bouguer gravity anomaly, which is later used to compute the Moho geometry in the PSP by applying the Parker-Oldenburg iterative method. Our results indicate that in the southern part of the West Philippine Basin (WPB the crustal thickness is nearly homogeneous with a value of about 5 km, which implies that the WPB is quite stable. The low-amplitude and near-zero free-air gravity anomalies clearly indicate that the whole WPB, except at trenches and island arcs, is nearly in a state of isostatic equilibrium. The average crustal thickness of the Palau Kyushu Ridge (PKR is more than 10 km. In the eastern PSP the crustal thickness gradually increases eastward. Our results also imply that a relatively thin and low density mantle exists beneath the Parece Vela Basin (PVB as a consequence of back-arc spreading and serpentinized upwells of the thin crustal thickness.

  5. A coupled petrological-geodynamical model to investigate the evolution of crustal magmatic systems (United States)

    Kaus, B. J. P.; Rummel, L.; White, R. W.


    The evolution of crustal magmatic systems can be analyzed from different physical and chemical perspectives. Most previous work focus either on the petrological side (considering thermal effects and ignoring mechanics), or on the mechanical evolution (assuming a fixed melt chemistry). Here, we consider both by combining a 2D finite element code, MVEP2, with a thermodynamic modelling approach (Perple_X). Density, melt fraction and the chemical composition of the liquid and solid phase are computed for different starting rock compositions and the evolving chemistry is tracked on markers via 10 main oxides (SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3-Cr2O3-MgO-FeO-CaO-Na2O-K2O-H2O). As soon as the local chemistry changes due to melt extraction, new phase diagrams are computed based on the residual solid chemistry for the deflated magma chamber or on the liquid chemistry for newly generated magma filled fractures. To investigate the chemical evolution in magma chambers and magma filled fractures, we inject mafic sills periodically at varying depth levels into the continental crust. The initial sill injections are focused in either one or two main zones in the crust and may interact with each other. The formation of magma filled fractures from this partially molten zone is tracked with a semi analytical dike initiation algorithm that forms new dikes as a function of the local stress field above the partially molten region and subsequently depletes and compacts the magma source region. Dike generation is thus affected by the background strain rate, amount and depth of melt accumulations as well as parameters that control the plastic and viscous behaviour of the crust (e.g. cohesion, viscous creep flow low etc.). Results show that magma filled fractures triggered by sill injections preferentially form under extensional conditions, particularly within the middle crust (in ca. 25 km depth). Magma chambers in the lower continental crust, on the other hand, are stable over a longer period of time due a

  6. Crustal CO2 liberation during the 2006 eruption and earthquake events at Merapi volcano, Indonesia (United States)

    Troll, Valentin R.; Hilton, David R.; Jolis, Ester M.; Chadwick, Jane P.; Blythe, Lara S.; Deegan, Frances M.; Schwarzkopf, Lothar M.; Zimmer, Martin


    High-temperature volcanic gas is widely considered to originate from ascending, mantle-derived magma. In volcanic arc systems, crustal inputs to magmatic gases mainly occur via subducted sediments in the mantle source region. Our data from Merapi volcano, Indonesia imply, however, that during the April-October 2006 eruption significant quantities of CO2 were added from shallow crustal sources. We show that prior to the 2006 events, summit fumarole gas δ13C(CO2) is virtually constant (δ13C1994-2005 = -4.1 ± 0.3‰), but during the 2006 eruption and after the shallow Yogyakarta earthquake of late May, 2006 (M6.4; hypocentres at 10-15 km depth), carbon isotope ratios increased to -2.4 ± 0.2‰. This rise in δ13C is consistent with considerable addition of crustal CO2 and coincided with an increase in eruptive intensity by a factor of ˜3 to 5. We postulate that this shallow crustal volatile input supplemented the mantle-derived volatile flux at Merapi, intensifying and sustaining the 2006 eruption. Late-stage volatile additions from crustal contamination may thus provide a trigger for explosive eruptions independently of conventional magmatic processes.

  7. Crustal structure of the Khartoum Basin, Sudan

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    El Tahir, N


    Full Text Available Basin ranges between 33 and 37 km, with an average of 35 km, and that the crustal Vp/Vs ratio ranges from 1.74 to 1.81, with an average of 1.78. From the joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave group velocities,we obtained similar results...

  8. New constraints on the crustal structure beneath northern Tyrrhenian Sea (United States)

    Levin, V. L.; Park, J. J.


    We present new seismological data on the seismic structure beneath the Tyrrhenian Sea between Corsica and the coast of Italy. Teleseismic receiver functions from two Tyrrhenian islands (Elba and Gorgona) identify clear P-to-S mode-converted waves from two distinct interfaces, at ~20 and ~45 km depth. Both interfaces are characterized by an increase of seismic wavespeed with depth. Using a summation of direct and multiply-reflected body waves within the P wave coda we estimate the mean ratio of compressional and shear wave speeds above the 45 km interface to be 1.75-1.80. Using reflectivity computations in 1D layered models we develop a model of seismic wavespeed distribution that yields synthetic seismograms very similar to those observed. We apply a Ps-multiple summation procedure to the synthetic waveforms to further verify the match between observed and predicted wavefields. The lower layer of our model, between 20 and 45 km, has Vp ~ 7.5 km/sec, a value that can be ascribed to either very fast crustal rocks or very slow upper mantle rocks. The Vp/Vs ratio is ~1.8 in this intermediate layer. On the basis of a well-constrained downward increase in seismic wave speed beneath this second layer, we interpret it as the magmatically reworked lower crust, a lithology that has been proposed to explain high-Vp layers in the crustal roots of island-arc terranes and volcanically altered continental margins, as well as lower-crustal high-Vp features sometimes seen beneath continental rifts. The presence of a thick layer of high-Vp, but crustal, lithology beneath the Tyrrhenian Sea differs considerably from previous estimates that interpreted the interface at ~20 km as the Moho. Our new interpretation obviates a need for a crustal thickness change of over 20 km at the crest of the Apennines orogen. We propose an alteration in the properties of the lower crust instead. We argue that ongoing convergent subduction of the Adriatic lithospehre is not required beneath northern

  9. Crustal growth of the Izu-Ogasawara arc estimated from structural characteristics of Oligocene arc (United States)

    Takahashi, N.; Yamashita, M.; Kodaira, S.; Miura, S.; Sato, T.; No, T.; Tatsumi, Y.


    Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) carried out seismic surveys using a multichannel reflection system and ocean bottom seismographs, and we have clarified crustal structures of whole Izu-Ogasawara (Bonin)-Marina (IBM) arc since 2002. These refection images and velocity structures suggest that the crustal evolution in the intra-oceanic island arc accompanies with much interaction of materials between crust and mantle. Slow mantle velocity identified beneath the thick arc crusts suggests that dense crustal materials transformed into the mantle. On the other hand, high velocity lower crust can be seen around the bottom of the crust beneath the rifted region, and it suggests that underplating of mafic materials occurs there. Average crustal production rate of the entire arc is larger than expected one and approximately 200 km3/km/Ma. The production rate of basaltic magmas corresponds to that of oceanic ridge. Repeated crustal differentiation is indispensable to produce much light materials like continental materials, however, the real process cannot still be resolved yet. We, therefore, submitted drilling proposals to obtain in-situ middle crust with P-wave velocity of 6 km/s. In the growth history of the IBM arc, it is known by many papers that boninitic volcanisms preceded current bimodal volcanisms based on basaltic magmas. The current volcanisms accompanied with basaltic magmas have been occurred since Oligocene age, however, the tectonic differences to develop crustal architecture between Oligocene and present are not understood yet. We obtained new refraction/reflection data along an arc strike of N-S in fore-arc region. Then, we estimate crustal structure with severe change of the crustal thickness from refraction data, which are similar to that along the volcanic front. Interval for location of the thick arc crust along N-S is very similar to that along the volcanic front. The refection image indicates that the basement of the fore

  10. Crustal thickness of Antarctica estimated using data from gravimetric satellites

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    M. Llubes


    Full Text Available Computing a better crustal thickness model is still a necessary improvement in Antarctica. In this remote continent where almost all the bedrock is covered by the ice sheet, seismic investigations do not reach a sufficient spatial resolution for geological and geophysical purposes. Here, we present a global map of Antarctic crustal thickness computed from space gravity observations. The DIR5 gravity field model, built from GOCE and GRACE gravimetric data, is inverted with the Parker–Oldenburg iterative algorithm. The BEDMAP products are used to estimate the gravity effect of the ice and the rocky surface. Our result is compared to crustal thickness calculated from seismological studies and the CRUST1.0 and AN1 models. Although the CRUST1.0 model shows a very good agreement with ours, its spatial resolution is larger than the one we obtain with gravimetric data. Finally, we compute a model in which the crust–mantle density contrast is adjusted to fit the Moho depth from the CRUST1.0 model. In East Antarctica, the resulting density contrast clearly shows higher values than in West Antarctica.

  11. Vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu Dendrocalamus giganteus. II: modelagem e critérios de dimensionamento Concrete beams reinforced with Dendrocalamus giganteus bamboo. II: modeling and design criterions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Humberto C. Lima Júnior


    Full Text Available Este trabalho corresponde à segunda parte de uma publicação sobre o comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu, na qual se apresenta e discute a modelagem dessas estruturas para, em seguida, serem apresentadas sugestões e hipóteses para o dimensionamento desses elementos estruturais. Para tanto, utilizou-se um modelo computacional baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos, ao qual foram incorporadas sub-rotinas com as leis constitutivas do bambu e do concreto. Para calibração do modelo lançou-se mão dos dados experimentais de oito vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu. Os resultados obtidos com o modelo computacional foram comparados com os experimentais, observando-se grande concordância. Finalmente, sugerem-se critérios de dimensionamento, os quais foram aplicados em um exemplo prático.This paper corresponds to the second part of a publication concerning the structural behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with bamboo. Modelling of concrete beams reinforced with bamboo-splint are presented and discussed. In addition, some design suggestions and hypotheses are presented. To perform the study, a Finite Element Program was used and some procedures were programmed and linked to it. The program was calibrated with the experimental data of eight concrete beams reinforced with bamboo-splint, whose results presented great accuracy. Finally, some design procedures were suggested and a practical example is given.

  12. Crustal anisotropy from Moho converted Ps wave splitting and geodynamic implications in Northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau (United States)

    Xie, Z.; Wu, Q.; Zhang, R.


    Collision between Indian and Eurasian result in intense deformation and crustal shortening in the Tibetan Plateau. NE margin of Tibetan Plateau experienced complex deformation between Qilian orogen and its adjacent blocks, Alxa Block in the north and Ordos Block in the east. We focus on if there any evidences exist in the NE margin of Tibetan Plateau, which can support crustal channel flow model. China Earthquake Administration had deployed temporary seismic array which is called ChinaArray Phase Ⅱ, dense seismic stations covered NE margin of Tibetan Plateau. Seismic data recorded by 81 seismic stations is applied in this research. We calculated receiver functions with time-domain deconvolution. We selected RFs which have clear Ps phase both in radial and transverse components to measure Ps splitting owing to crustal anisotropy, and 130 pairs of anisotropy parameters of 51 seismic stations were obtained. We would like to discuss about dynamic mechanism of this area using crustal anisotropy associated with the result of SKS-splitting and surface constrains like GPS velocity. The result can be summarized as follows. The large scale of delay time imply that the crustal anisotropy mainly derives from middle to lower crust rather than upper crust. In the southeastern part of the research area, crustal anisotropy is well agree with the result computed form SKS-splitting and GPS velocity directions trending NWW-SEE or E-W direction. This result imply a vertically coherent deformation in the area as the directions of crustal anisotropy trend to be perpendicular to the direction of normal stress. In the middle and north part of the research area, the fast polarization direction of crustal anisotropy is NEE-SWW or E-W direction, parallels with direction of GPS velocity, but differ to the direction of the result of SKS-splitting. This result may imply that decoupled deformation in this area associated with middle to lower crustal flow.

  13. Early Neoarchaean A-type granitic magmatism by crustal reworking ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    understand their petrogenesis and tectonic setting. .... crystallize from magmas with temperatures significantly higher than those of other intracrustal ...... blanketing by greenstone belt volcanic rocks, crustal thickening and hot subduction or a. 1.

  14. Crustal permeability: Introduction to the special issue (United States)

    Ingebritsen, Steven E.; Gleeson, Tom


    The topic of crustal permeability is of broad interest in light of the controlling effect of permeability on diverse geologic processes and also timely in light of the practical challenges associated with emerging technologies such as hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas production (‘fracking’), enhanced geothermal systems, and geologic carbon sequestration. This special issue of Geofluids is also motivated by the historical dichotomy between the hydrogeologic concept of permeability as a static material property that exerts control on fluid flow and the perspective of economic geologists, geophysicists, and crustal petrologists who have long recognized permeability as a dynamic parameter that changes in response to tectonism, fluid production, and geochemical reactions. Issues associated with fracking, enhanced geothermal systems, and geologic carbon sequestration have already begun to promote a constructive dialog between the static and dynamic views of permeability, and here we have made a conscious effort to include both viewpoints. This special issue also focuses on the quantification of permeability, encompassing both direct measurement of permeability in the uppermost crust and inferential permeability estimates, mainly for the deeper crust.

  15. Interaction between mantle and crustal detachments: a non-linear system controlling lithospheric extension (United States)

    Rosenbaum, G.; Regenauer-Lieb, K.; Weinberg, R. F.


    We use numerical modelling to investigate the development of crustal and mantle detachment faults during lithospheric extension. Our models simulate a wide range of rift systems with varying values of crustal thickness and heat flow, showing how strain localization in the mantle interacts with localization in the upper crust and controls the evolution of extensional systems. Model results reveal a richness of structures and deformation styles, which grow in response to a self-organized mechanism that minimizes the internal stored energy of the system by localizing deformation at different levels of the lithosphere. Crustal detachment faults are well developed during extension of overthickened (60 km) continental crust, even when the initial heat flow is relatively low (50 mW/m2). In contrast, localized mantle deformation is most pronounced when the extended lithosphere has a normal crustal thickness (30-40 km) and an intermediate (60-70 mW/m2) heat flow. Results show a non-linear response to subtle changes in crustal thickness or heat flow, characterized by abrupt and sometime unexpected switches in extension modes (e.g. from diffuse rifting to effective lithospheric-scale rupturing) or from mantle- to crust-dominated strain localization. We interpret this non-linearity to result from the interference of doming wavelengths. Disharmony of crust and mantle doming wavelengths results in efficient communication between shear zones at different lithospheric levels, leading to rupturing of the whole lithosphere. In contrast, harmonious crust and mantle doming inhibits interaction of shear zones across the lithosphere and results in a prolonged rifting history prior to continental breakup.

  16. Detailed crustal structure of the North China and its implication for seismicity (United States)

    Jiang, Wenliang; Wang, Xin; Tian, Tian; Zhang, Jingfa; Wang, Donglei


    Since the Mesozoic-Cenozoic era the North China Craton has experienced an important tectonic transition and it has given rise to complicated crustal structure and strong earthquake activity. Based on the large-scale surface gravity data, we studied the detailed crustal structure and seismogenic mechanism of the North China. The results indicate that the North China presents typical characteristics of adjoining depression and uplift, alternating basins and hills, inhomogeneous density and also great differences in crustal structure and Moho topography. The upper and middle crustal structures are dominated by the NNE-striking tectonic units, with many faults cut down to the middle crust. The lower crust is characterized by the folding-structure, with high and low-density placed alternately from west to east, presenting lateral heterogeneous feature. Adjusted by the gravity isostasy, Moho topography of the North China fluctuates greatly. Compared with the North China Basin, crustal thickness in the Western Taihang, northern Yanshan and Luzhong areas are much thicker while those densities are lower than the North China Basin. The dominating tectonic direction of the Moho topography strikes NE to NNE and undulates alternately from west to east. The epicenters are mostly concentrated in the upper and middle crust, especially the transitional areas between the high and low-gravity anomalies. The Tancheng earthquake in 1668, Sanhe earthquake in 1673, Tangshan earthquake in 1976, and all other seismic tectonic zones of the North China are all distributed in area where magma moves strongly beneath the crust, which is considered to be related to the movement of the high density, unstable and heat flows along the deep passage from the uppermost and asthenosphere due to the subduction of the Pacific slab towards the Eurasian plate.

  17. Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs beneath the southeastern United States: Constraints from receiver function stacking (United States)

    Yang, Q.; Gao, S. S.; Liu, K. H.


    To provide new constraints on crustal structure and evolution models beneath a collage of tectonic provinces in the southeastern United States, a total of 10,753 teleseismic receiver functions recorded by 125 USArray and other seismic stations are used to compute crustal thickness and Vp/Vs values. The resulting crustal thicknesses range from 25 km at the coast to 51 km beneath the peak of the southern Appalachians with an average of 36.2 km ± 5.5 km. The resulting crustal thicknesses correlate well with surface elevation and Bouguer gravity anomalies. Beneath the Atlantic Coastal Plain, the crustal thicknesses show a clear eastward thinning with a magnitude of 10 km, from about 40 km beneath the western margin to 30 km beneath the coast. The Vp/Vs values for the entire study area range from 1.71 to 1.90 with a mean value of 1.80 ± 0.04. The mean Vp/Vs value is 1.82±0.035 in the southern Appalachian Mountain. The slightly larger than normal crustal Vp/Vs for this area might be the result of significant erosion of the felsic upper crust over the past 300 million years. Alternatively, it could also suggest the existence of pervasive magmatic intrusion into the Appalachian crust. The Vp/Vs measurements in the Atlantic Coastal Plain increase toward the east, ranging from 1.75 to 1.82, probably indicating a gradual increase of mafic magmatic intrusion into thinner crust during the development of the passive continental margin.

  18. Present-day crustal deformation and strain transfer in northeastern Tibetan Plateau (United States)

    Li, Yuhang; Liu, Mian; Wang, Qingliang; Cui, Duxin


    The three-dimensional present-day crustal deformation and strain partitioning in northeastern Tibetan Plateau are analyzed using available GPS and precise leveling data. We used the multi-scale wavelet method to analyze strain rates, and the elastic block model to estimate slip rates on the major faults and internal strain within each block. Our results show that shear strain is strongly localized along major strike-slip faults, as expected in the tectonic extrusion model. However, extrusion ends and transfers to crustal contraction near the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The strain transfer is abrupt along the Haiyuan Fault and diffusive along the East Kunlun Fault. Crustal contraction is spatially correlated with active uplifting. The present-day strain is concentrated along major fault zones; however, within many terranes bounded by these faults, intra-block strain is detectable. Terranes having high intra-block strain rates also show strong seismicity. On average the Ordos and Sichuan blocks show no intra-block strain, but localized strain on the southwestern corner of the Ordos block indicates tectonic encroachment.

  19. Martian crustal dichotomy: product of accretion and not a specific event?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frey, H.; Schultz, R.A.; Maxwell, T.A.


    Attempts to explain the fundamental crustal dichotomy on Mars range from purely endogenic to extreme exogenic processes, but to date no satisfactory theory has evolved. What is accepted is: (1) the dichotomy is an ancient feature of the Martian crust, and (2) the boundary between the cratered highlands and northern plains which marks the dichotomy in parts of Mars has undergone significant and variable modification during the observable parts of Martian history. Some ascribe it to a single mega-impact event, essentially an instantaneous rearrangement of the crustal structures (topography and lithospheric thickness). Others prefer an internal mechanism: a period of vigorous convection subcrustally erodes the northern one third of Mars, causing foundering and isostatic lowering of that part of Mars. The evidence for each theory is reviewed, with the conclusion that there is little to recommend either. An alternative is suggested: the formation of the crustal dichotomy on Mars was not a specific tectonic event but a byproduct of the accretionary process and therefore a primordial characteristic of the Martian crust, predating the oldest recognizable landforms

  20. Crustal moment of inertia of glitching pulsars with the KDE0v1 Skyrme interaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Madhuri, K.; Routray, T.R.; Pattnaik, S.P. [Sambalpur University, School of Physics, Jyotivihar (India); Basu, D.N. [Variable Energy Cyclotron Center, Kolkata (India)


    The mass, radius and crustal fraction of moment of inertia in neutron stars are calculated using β-equilibrated nuclear matter obtained from the Skyrme effective interaction. The transition density, pressure and proton fraction at the inner edge separating the liquid core from the solid crust of the neutron stars are determined from the thermodynamic stability conditions using the KDE0v1 set. The neutron star masses obtained by solving the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations using neutron star matter obtained from this set are able to describe highly massive compact stars ∝ 2M {sub CircleDot}. The crustal fraction of the moment of inertia can be extracted from studying pulsar glitches. This fraction is highly dependent on the core-crust transition pressure and corresponding density. These results for pressure and density at core-crust transition together with the observed minimum crustal fraction of the total moment of inertia provide a limit for the radius of the Vela pulsar, R ≥ 3.69 + 3.44M/M {sub CircleDot}. Present calculations suggest that the crustal fraction of the total moment of inertia can be ∝ 6.3% due to crustal entrainment caused by the Bragg reflection of unbound neutrons by lattice ions. (orig.)

  1. Fluidodinâmica computacional aplicada ao estudo da flotação de inclusões em aços para a indústria automobilística.


    Marins, Ângelo Máximo Fernandes; Costa Neto, Joaquim Gonçalves; Martins, Wiclef Humberto Vieira; Silva, Carlos Antônio da; Silva, Itavahn Alves da


    A prática de injeção de gás inerte na panela de refino secundário do aço tem como propósito a remoção das inclusões não-metálicas, além da homogeneização térmica e composicional. Pela modelagem física de uma panela de refino secundário, são investigados os efeitos da vazão de gás inerte e número dos plugues porosos, instalados no fundo da panela. O campo de velocidades e a flotação de inclusões não-metálicas são analisados matematicamente via CFD. Os resultados obtidos por modelagem física e ...

  2. Compositional stratigraphy of crustal material from near-infrared spectra

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pieters, C.M.


    An Earth-based telescopic program to acquire near-infrared spectra of freshly exposed lunar material now contains data for 17 large impact craters with central peaks. Noritic, gabbroic, anorthositic and troctolitic rock types can be distinguished for areas within these large craters from characteristic absorptions in individual spectra of their walls and central peaks. Norites dominate the upper lunar crust while the deeper crustal zones also contain significant amounts of gabbros and anorthosites. Data for material associated with large craters indicate that not only is the lunar crust highly heterogeneous across the nearside, but that the compositional stratigraphy of the lunar crust is nonuniform. Crustal complexity should be expected for other planetary bodies, which should be studied using high spatial and spectral resolution data in and around large impact craters

  3. Compositional stratigraphy of crustal material from near-infrared spectra (United States)

    Pieters, Carle M.


    An Earth-based telescopic program to acquire near-infrared spectra of freshly exposed lunar material now contains data for 17 large impact craters with central peaks. Noritic, gabbroic, anorthositic and troctolitic rock types can be distinguished for areas within these large craters from characteristic absorptions in individual spectra of their walls and central peaks. Norites dominate the upper lunar crust while the deeper crustal zones also contain significant amounts of gabbros and anorthosites. Data for material associated with large craters indicate that not only is the lunar crust highly heterogeneous across the nearside, but that the compositional stratigraphy of the lunar crust is nonuniform. Crustal complexity should be expected for other planetary bodies, which should be studied using high spatial and spectral resolution data in and around large impact craters.

  4. Prediction of long-term crustal movement for geological disposal of radioactive waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasaki, Takeshi; Morikawa, Seiji; Tabei, Kazuto; Koide, Hitoshi; Tashiro, Toshiharu


    Long-term stability of the geological environment is essential for the safe geological disposal of radioactive waste, for which it is necessary to predict the crustal movement during an assessment period. As a case study, a numerical analysis method for the prediction of crustal movement in Japan is proposed. A three-dimensional elastic analysis by FEM for the geological block structure of the Kinki region and the Awaji-Rokko area is presented. Stability analysis for a disposal cavern is also investigated. (author)

  5. Estimating Crustal Properties Directly from Satellite Tracking Data by Using a Topography-based Constraint (United States)

    Goossens, S. J.; Sabaka, T. J.; Genova, A.; Mazarico, E. M.; Nicholas, J. B.; Neumann, G. A.; Lemoine, F. G.


    The crust of a terrestrial planet is formed by differentiation processes in its early history, followed by magmatic evolution of the planetary surface. It is further modified through impact processes. Knowledge of the crustal structure can thus place constraints on the planet's formation and evolution. In particular, the average bulk density of the crust is a fundamental parameter in geophysical studies, such as the determination of crustal thickness, studies of the mechanisms of topography support, and the planet's thermo-chemical evolution. Yet even with in-situ samples available, the crustal density is difficult to determine unambiguously, as exemplified by the results for the Gravity and Recovery Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission, which found an average crustal density for the Moon that was lower than generally assumed. The GRAIL results were possible owing to the combination of its high-resolution gravity and high-resolution topography obtained by the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), and high correlations between the two datasets. The crustal density can be determined by its contribution to the gravity field of a planet, but at long wavelengths flexure effects can dominate. On the other hand, short-wavelength gravity anomalies are difficult to measure, and either not determined well enough (other than at the Moon), or their power is suppressed by the standard `Kaula' regularization constraint applied during inversion of the gravity field from satellite tracking data. We introduce a new constraint that has infinite variance in one direction, called xa . For constraint damping factors that go to infinity, it can be shown that the solution x becomes equal to a scale factor times xa. This scale factor is completely determined by the data, and we call our constraint rank-minus-1 (RM1). If we choose xa to be topography-induced gravity, then we can estimate the average bulk crustal density directly from the data

  6. Density heterogeneity of the North American upper mantle from satellite gravity and a regional crustal model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Herceg, Matija; Artemieva, Irina; Thybo, Hans


    -density conversion and (ii) uncertainties in knowledge of the crustal structure (thickness and average Vp velocities of individual crustal layers, including the sedimentary cover). In this study, we address both sources of possible uncertainties by applying different conversions from velocity to density...... and by introducing variations into the crustal structure which corresponds to the uncertainty of its resolution by highquality and low-quality seismic models. We examine the propagation of these uncertainties into determinations of lithospheric mantle density. Given a relatively small range of expected density...

  7. Crustal inheritance and arc magmatism: Magnetotelluric constraints from the Washington Cascades on top-down control (United States)

    Bedrosian, P.; Peacock, J.; Bowles-martinez, E.; Schultz, A.; Hill, G.


    Worldwide, arc volcanism occurs along relatively narrow magmatic arcs, the locations of which are considered to mark the onset of dehydration reactions within the subducting slab. This `bottom-up' approach, in which the location of arc volcanism reflects where fluids and melt are generated, explains first-order differences in trench-to-arc distance and is consistent with known variations in the thermal structure and geometry of subducting slabs. At a finer scale, arc segmentation, magmatic gaps, and anomalous forearc and backarc magmatism are also frequently interpreted in terms of variations in slab geometry, composition, or thermal structure.The role of inherited crustal structure in controlling faulting and deformation is well documented; less well examined is the role of crustal structure in controlling magmatism. While the source distribution of melt and subduction fluids is critical to determining the location of arc magmatism, we argue that crustal structure provides `top-down' control on patterns or seismicity and deformation as well as the channeling and ascent of arc magmas. We present evidence within the Washington Cascades based upon correlation between a new three-dimensional resistivity model, potential-field data, seismicity, and Quaternary volcanism. We image a mid-Tertiary batholith, intruded within an Eocene crustal suture zone, and extending throughout much of the crustal column. This and neighboring plutons are interpreted to channel crustal fluids and melt along their margins within steeply dipping zones of marine to transitional metasedimentary rock. Mount St. Helens is interpreted to be fed by fluids and melt generated further east at greater slab depths, migrating laterally (underplating?) beneath the Spirit Lake batholith, and ascending through metasedimentary rocks within the brittle crust. At a regional scale, we argue that this concealed suture zone controls present-day deformation and seismicity as well as the distribution of forearc

  8. Modeling of periodic great earthquakes on the San Andreas fault: Effects of nonlinear crustal rheology (United States)

    Reches, Ze'ev; Schubert, Gerald; Anderson, Charles


    We analyze the cycle of great earthquakes along the San Andreas fault with a finite element numerical model of deformation in a crust with a nonlinear viscoelastic rheology. The viscous component of deformation has an effective viscosity that depends exponentially on the inverse absolute temperature and nonlinearity on the shear stress; the elastic deformation is linear. Crustal thickness and temperature are constrained by seismic and heat flow data for California. The models are for anti plane strain in a 25-km-thick crustal layer having a very long, vertical strike-slip fault; the crustal block extends 250 km to either side of the fault. During the earthquake cycle that lasts 160 years, a constant plate velocity v(sub p)/2 = 17.5 mm yr is applied to the base of the crust and to the vertical end of the crustal block 250 km away from the fault. The upper half of the fault is locked during the interseismic period, while its lower half slips at the constant plate velocity. The locked part of the fault is moved abruptly 2.8 m every 160 years to simulate great earthquakes. The results are sensitive to crustal rheology. Models with quartzite-like rheology display profound transient stages in the velocity, displacement, and stress fields. The predicted transient zone extends about 3-4 times the crustal thickness on each side of the fault, significantly wider than the zone of deformation in elastic models. Models with diabase-like rheology behave similarly to elastic models and exhibit no transient stages. The model predictions are compared with geodetic observations of fault-parallel velocities in northern and central California and local rates of shear strain along the San Andreas fault. The observations are best fit by models which are 10-100 times less viscous than a quartzite-like rheology. Since the lower crust in California is composed of intermediate to mafic rocks, the present result suggests that the in situ viscosity of the crustal rock is orders of magnitude

  9. On the geographical distribution of induced time-varying crustal magnetic fields

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thebault, E.; Hemant, K.; Hulot, G.


    A long standing question in geomagnetism is whether the time variation of the induced crustal field is a detectable quantity and, if so, at which spatial wavelengths. We tackle this problem with the help of a forward modeling approach using a vertically integrated susceptibility (VIS) grid...... of the Earth's crust. For spherical harmonic degrees 15-90, we estimate the root mean square of the crustal magnetic field secular variation to amount 0.06-0.12 nT/yr at the terrestrial surface between epochs 1960-2002.5. The geographical distribution of the signal shows absolute values reaching 0.65-1.30 n...

  10. Identificação de pontos de controle no ciclo de desenvolvimento de produto por meio de modelagem conceitual e mapeamento da informação

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Geraldo de Oliveira Gomes


    Full Text Available A complexidade do sistema produtivo e o conteúdo da informação relacionada a ele são os principais elementos deste trabalho. Traz como fio condutor a tentativa do melhor entendimento desta complexidade e da possibilidade do mapeamento e da representação da informação circulante em um sistema para a otimização de seu gerenciamento. O estudo ganha relevância ao se aproximar das atuais discussões e atitudes emergentes no tocante à sustentabilidade, principalmente nas áreas de desenvolvimento de produtos eco-orientados e no gerenciamento dos ciclos de vida. A proposta fundamenta-se na busca pela forma de representar a complexidade envolvida nos sistemas associados ao desenvolvimento do produto, de maneira a possibilitar a otimização da observação e do controle ao longo do seu ciclo de vida. Esta representação, necessariamente de alto nível, deve apresentar diagramas completos com possibilidades de evolução em detrimento das representações gráficas de baixa complexidade comumente utilizados, caracterizadas pelo reducionismo representativo. Procura-se o controle, o mais fino possível, da cadeia produtiva, objetivando maior organização, produtividade e conhecimento detalhado sobre um produto. O mapeamento da complexidade e a identificação dos pontos de controle propiciam um entendimento otimizado do ciclo de vida. Uma possibilidade de tratar a representação deste ciclo de maneira sistêmica, sem o perigo de uma redução em nível crítico da complexidade, está no uso da modelagem conceitual.

  11. Dinâmica da umidade de um solo da Caatinga em função de sua condutividade térmica Soil moisture dynamics of a soil in 'Caatinga' as a function of the thermal conductivity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alain M. B. P. de Silans


    Full Text Available A elaboração de modelos SVATs (Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer - Transporte no sistema solo-vegetação-atmosfera apropriados, é de grande importância para a compreensão dos mecanismos de transferência de fluxos à superfície, com aplicações na modelagem da circulação atmosférica, na modelagem hidrológica e na modelagem ecodinâmica da vegetação. Neste trabalho se utiliza um modelo SVAT desenvolvido especificamente na região do Cariri, estado da Paraíba, para analisar o efeito dos gradientes de temperatura na camada superficial do solo sobre a dinâmica da umidade volumétrica e se mostra como a baixa difusividade térmica obsevada no solo do experimento provoca altos gradientes de temperatura que freiam, durante o dia, o processo de evaporação, resultando no seu controle e como, apesar de relativamente baixa, a taxa de evaporação do solo desnudo é sensivel à variabilidade espacial observada em campo, da condutividade térmica. Os resultados obtidos recomendam maior atenção quanto à parametrização das propriedades termodinâmicas do solo no desenvolvimento de modelos SVATs, principalmente em regiões semi-áridas.The elaboration of appropriate SVATs (Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer models is of great importance for the understanding of the mechanisms of the surface flows transfer, with applications to the atmospheric circulation, hydrological and ecological modeling. In this paper, a SVAT model developed for the Cariri region, Paraíba state, is used to analyze the effect of the high temperature gradients observed in the upper soil layer on the soil moisture dynamics and it is shown how the low thermal diffusivity of the soil of the experiment causes these high temperature gradients which break down the evaporation rate during day time. The sensitivity of the soil evaporation rates to the spatial variability of the heat conductivity at the experimental site is also shown. One concludes that mainly in semi

  12. Crustal structure, and topographic relief in the high southern Scandes, Norway (United States)

    Stratford, W.; Thybo, H.; Frassetto, A.


    Resolving the uplift history of southern Norway is hindered by the lack of constraint available from the geologic record. Sediments that often contain information of burial and uplift history have long since been stripped from the onshore regions in southern Norway, and geophysical, dating methods and geomorphological studies are the remaining means of unraveling uplift history. New constraints on topographic evolution and uplift in southern Norway have been added by a recent crustal scale refraction project. Magnus-Rex (Mantle investigation of Norwegian uplift Structure, refraction experiment) recorded three ~400 km long active source seismic profiles across the high southern Scandes Mountains. The goal of the project is to determine crustal thickness and establish whether these mountains are supported at depth by a crustal root or by other processes. The southern Scandes Mountains were formed during the Caledonian Orogeny around 440 Ma. These mountains, which reach elevations of up to ~2.5 km, are comprised of one or more palaeic (denudation) surfaces of rolling relief that are incised by fluvial and glacial erosion. Extreme vertical glacial incision of up to 1000 m cuts into the surfaces in the western fjords, while the valleys of eastern Norway are more fluvial in character. Climatic controls on topography here are the Neogene - Recent effects of rebound due to removal of the Fennoscandian ice sheet and isostatic rebound due to incisional erosion. However, unknown tectonic uplift mechanisms may also be in effect, and separating the tectonic and climate-based vertical motions is often difficult. Sediment and rock has been removed by the formation of the palaeic surfaces and uplift measurements cannot be directly related to present elevations. Estimates so far have indicated that rebound due to incisional erosion has a small effect of ~500 m on surface elevation. Results from Magnus-Rex indicate the crust beneath the high mountains is up to 40 km thick. This

  13. Crustal evolution derived from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc velocity images (United States)

    Takahashi, N.; Kodaira, S.; Tatsumi, Y.; Miura, S.; Sato, T.; Yamashita, M.; No, T.; Takahashi, T.; Noguchi, N.; Takizawa, K.; Kaiho, Y.; Kaneda, Y.


    The Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc is known as one of typical oceanic island arcs, which has developed by subduction between oceanic crusts producing continental materials. Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology has carried out seismic surveys using a multi-channel reflection survey system (MCS) and ocean bottom seismographs (OBSs) in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) arc since 2002, and reported these crustal images. As the results, we identified the structural characteristics of whole Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc. Rough structural characteristics are, 1) middle crust with Vp of 6 km/s, 2) upper part of the lower crust with Vp of 6.5-6.8 km/s, 3) lower part of the lower crust with Vp of 6.8-7.5 km/s, and 4) lower mantle velocity beneath the arc crusts. In addition, structural variation along the volcanic front, for example, thickness variation of andesitic layers was imaged and the distributions is consistent with those of rhyolite volcanoes, that is, it suggested that the cause the structural variation is various degree of crustal growth (Kodaira et al., 2007). Moreover, crustal thinning with high velocity lower crust across arc was also imaged, and it is interpreted that such crust has been influenced backarc opening (Takahashi et al., 2009). According to Tatsumi et al. (2008), andesitic middle crust is produced by differentiation of basaltic lower crust and a part of the restites are transformed to the upper mantle. This means that region showing much crustal differentiation has large volume of transformation of dense crustal materials to the mantle. We calculated volume profiles of the lower crust along all seismic lines based on the petrologic model, and compared them with observed real volumes obtained by seismic images. If the real volume of the lower crust is large, it means that the underplating of dense materials to the crustal bottom is dominant rather than transformation of dense materials to the upper mantle. According to obtained profiles to judge if the

  14. Early Neoarchaean A-type granitic magmatism by crustal reworking ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    marginal part of the Singhbhum craton whose origin and role in crustal evolution are poorly ...... Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotope systematics of Archean komatiites; Earth Planet. ..... Association Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names; Can.

  15. Modelagem da qualidade da água na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Piracicaba (MG

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maytê Maria Abreu Pires de Melo Silva

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar um modelo de qualidade da água, o Sistema de Apoio à Decisão/Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas (SAD-IPH, na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Piracicaba. Os parâmetros de qualidade modelados foram a demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO, oxigênio dissolvido (OD, fósforo total, nitrogênio e coliformes termotolerantes. Os dados de vazão foram obtidos através da aplicação do modelo hidrológico Modelo de Grandes Bacias/IPH (MGB-IPH. O modelo de qualidade foi calibrado utilizando dados dos postos de monitoramento da qualidade da água do Instituto Mineiro de Gestão das Águas (IGAM. As curvas de DBO, OD e fósforo total apresentaram boa aderência aos dados das campanhas de monitoramento. Os parâmetros nitrogênio (orgânico, amoniacal, nitrito, nitrato e coliformes termotolerantes foram subestimados pelo modelo. A maioria dos cursos d’água apresentam a qualidade de suas águas compatíveis com a classe 4 de enquadramento, entretanto as concentrações poluentes atuais estão acima do esperado para a referida bacia, já que o seu enquadramento atual é classe 2.

  16. Modelling of crustal rock mechanics for radioactive waste storage in Fennoscandia - problem definition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stephansson, O.


    Existing knowledge of crustal stresses for Fennoscandia is presented. Generic, two-dimensional models are proposed for vertical and planar sections of a traverse having a direction NW-SE in Northern Fennoscandia. The proposed traverse will include the major neotectonic structures at Lansjaerv and Paervie, respectively, and also the study site for storage of spent nuclear fuel at Kamlunge. The influence of glaciation, deglaciation, glacial rebound on crustal rock mechanics and stability is studied for the modelling work. Global models, with a length of roughly 100 km, will increase our over all understanding of the change in stresses and deformations. These can provide boundary conditions for regional and near-field models. Properties of strength and stiffness of intact granitic rock masses, faults and joints are considered in the modelling of the crustal rock mechanics for any of the three models described. (orig./HP)

  17. Modelagem da adsorção de compostos orgânicos voláteis sobre nanotubos de carbono cup-stacked usando o modelo da força motriz linear - doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v32i2.4817

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    Waldir Nagel Schirmer


    Full Text Available Os compostos orgânicos voláteis (COV são importante classe de poluentes do ar, e a adsorção tem sido largamente empregada no seu tratamento há vários anos. O presente trabalho utilizou metodologias analíticas convencionais para avaliar o nanotubo cup-stacked(CSCNT na purificação de correntes gasosas contaminadas com COV. O CSCNT é constituído de múltiplas camadas de grafeno em formato cônico, apresentando extremidades abertas em sua superfície externa e canais centrais vazios. Foi adotado o Carbotrap como suporte do cup-stacked. O adsorvente-parâmetro de comparação do desempenho desse compósito foi o próprio Carbotrap (sem o nanotubo. Foi avaliada a capacidade de adsorção de cada adsorvente, bem como suas capacidades de saturação para cada uma das concentrações trabalhadas com os dois adsorbatos utilizados (1, 5, 20 e 35 ppm de tolueno e fenol. Na modelagem das curvas massaxtempo, utilizou-se o modelo da força motriz linear (LDF – linear driving force. A metodologia proposta para determinação das curvas massatempo mostrou-se aplicável a análises desta natureza. Em relação ao desempenho dos adsorventes, o compósito obteve clara vantagem em relação ao Carbotrap; os valores das capacidades de saturação para o compósito foram, em média, 67% superiores aos obtidos para o Carbotrap.

  18. Sensitivity analysis of crustal correction for calculation of lithospheric mantle density from gravity data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Herceg, Matija; Artemieva, Irina; Thybo, Hans


    for the crust and (ii) uncertainties in the seismic crustal structure (thickness and average VP velocities of individual crustal layers, including the sedimentary cover). We examine the propagation of these uncertainties into determinations of lithospheric mantle density and analyse both sources of possible......We investigate how uncertainties in seismic and density structure of the crust propagate to uncertainties in mantle density structure. The analysis is based on interpretation of residual upper-mantle gravity anomalies which are calculated by subtracting (stripping) the gravitational effect...... mantle, knowledge on uncertainties associated with incomplete information on crustal structure is of utmost importance for progress in gravity modelling. Uncertainties in the residual upper-mantle gravity anomalies result chiefly from uncertainties in (i) seismic VP velocity-density conversion...

  19. Preliminary crustal deformation model deduced from GPS and earthquakes’ data at Abu-Dabbab area, Eastern Desert, Egypt

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    Abdel-Monem S. Mohamed


    From the seismic tomography study, the 3D Vp and Vp/Vs crustal models indicate high Vp/Vs values forms an elongated anomaly, in the central part of the study area, that extends from a depth of 12 km to about 1–2 km of depth is obtained. By using this crustal model in relocations all seismicity informed that most of the seismicity strongly tend to occur in a cluster manner exactly above the southern part of the study area. Based on the conducted source mechanism study, it is noticed that shallow earthquakes are associated by a high CLVD ratio (up to 40%. Furthermore, initiation of a high level seismic activity, without a large seismic main shock is observed in the Abu-Dabbab area. The distribution of micro-earthquakes tends to align in an ENE–WSW direction marking a zone of activity verse the Red Sea. The nucleation of the seismic activity beneath the southern part of the Abu-Dabbab crust is more consistent with the obtained crustal deformation result by increasing the crustal movement in the south part than the northern part. Then, based on the obtained results of the above mentioned studies; seismic tomography; source mechanisms, and crustal deformation we conclude that these seismic activities that are associated by crustal deformation are owing to some magma activity beneath the crust of the Abu-Dabbab area.

  20. Modelagem Sísmica via métodos das diferenças finitas: caso da bacia do Amazonas Seismic Modeling by finites difference method: case of Amazon basin

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    Lindemberg Lima Fernandes


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados da modelagem sísmica em meios com fortes descontinuidades de propriedades físicas, com ênfase na existência de difrações e múltiplas reflexões, tendo a Bacia do Amazonas como referência à modelagem. As condições de estabilidade e de fronteiras utilizadas no cálculo do campo de ondas sísmicas foram analisadas numericamente pelo método das diferenças finitas, visando melhor compreensão e controle da interpretação de dados sísmicos. A geologia da Bacia do Amazonas é constituída por rochas sedimentares depositadas desde o Ordoviciano até o Recente que atingem espessuras da ordem de 5 km. Os corpos de diabásio, presentes entre os sedimentos paleozóicos, estão dispostos na forma de soleiras, alcançam espessuras de centenas de metros e perfazem um volume total de aproximadamente 90000 Km³. A ocorrência de tais estruturas é responsável pela existência de reflexões múltiplas durante a propagação da onda sísmica o que impossibilita melhor interpretação dos horizontes refletores que se encontram abaixo destas soleiras. Para representar situações geológicas desse tipo foram usados um modelo (sintético acústico de velocidades e um código computacional elaborado via método das diferenças finitas com aproximação de quarta ordem no espaço e no tempo da equação da onda. A aplicação dos métodos de diferenças finitas para o estudo de propagação de ondas sísmicas melhorou a compreensão sobre a propagação em meios onde existem heterogeneidades significativas, tendo como resultado boa resolução na interpretação dos eventos de reflexão sísmica em áreas de interesse. Como resultado dos experimentos numéricos realizados em meio de geologia complexa, foi observada a influência significativa das reflexões múltiplas devido à camada de alta velocidade, isto provocou maior perda de energia e dificultou a interpretação dos alvos. Por esta raz

  1. Crustal block motion model and interplate coupling along Ecuador-Colombia trench based on GNSS observation network (United States)

    Ito, T.; Mora-Páez, H.; Peláez-Gaviria, J. R.; Kimura, H.; Sagiya, T.


    IntroductionEcuador-Colombia trench is located at the boundary between South-America plate, Nazca Plate and Caribrian plate. This region is very complexes such as subducting Caribrian plate and Nazca plate, and collision between Panama and northern part of the Andes mountains. The previous large earthquakes occurred along the subducting boundary of Nazca plate, such as 1906 (M8.8) and 1979 (M8.2). And also, earthquakes occurred inland, too. So, it is important to evaluate earthquake potentials for preparing huge damage due to large earthquake in near future. GNSS observation In the last decade, the GNSS observation was established in Columbia. The GNSS observation is called by GEORED, which is operated by servicing Geologico Colomiano. The purpose of GEORED is research of crustal deformation. The number of GNSS site of GEORED is consist of 60 continuous GNSS observation site at 2017 (Mora et al., 2017). The sampling interval of almost GNSS site is 30 seconds. These GNSS data were processed by PPP processing using GIPSY-OASYS II software. GEORED can obtain the detailed crustal deformation map in whole Colombia. In addition, we use 100 GNSS data at Ecuador-Peru region (Nocquet et al. 2014). Method We developed a crustal block movements model based on crustal deformation derived from GNSS observation. Our model considers to the block motion with pole location and angular velocity and the interplate coupling between each block boundaries, including subduction between the South-American plate and the Nazca plate. And also, our approach of estimation of crustal block motion and coefficient of interplate coupling are based on MCMC method. The estimated each parameter is obtained probably density function (PDF). Result We tested 11 crustal block models based on geological data, such as active fault trace at surface. The optimal number of crustal blocks is 11 for based on geological and geodetic data using AIC. We use optimal block motion model. And also, we estimate

  2. Crustal structure under the central High Atlas Mountains (Morocco) from geological and gravity data (United States)

    Ayarza, P.; Alvarez-Lobato, F.; Teixell, A.; Arboleya, M. L.; Tesón, E.; Julivert, M.; Charroud, M.


    Seismic wide angle and receiver function results together with geological data have been used as constraints to build a gravity-based crustal model of the central High Atlas of Morocco. Integration of a newly acquired set of gravity values with public data allowed us to undertake 2-2.5D gravity modelling along two profiles that cross the entire mountain chain. Modelling suggests moderate crustal thickening, and a general state of Airy isostatic undercompensation. Localized thickening appears restricted to the vicinity of a north-dipping crustal-scale thrust fault, that offsets the Moho discontinuity and defines a small crustal root which accounts for the minimum Bouguer gravity anomaly values. Gravity modelling indicates that this root has a northeasterly strike, slightly oblique to the ENE general orientation of the High Atlas belt. A consequence of the obliquity between the High Atlas borders and its internal and deep structure is the lack of correlation between Bouguer gravity anomaly values and topography. Active buckling affecting the crust, a highly elevated asthenosphere, or a combination of both are addressed as side mechanisms that help to maintain the high elevations of the Atlas mountains.

  3. Seismically constrained two-dimensional crustal thermal structure of ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The temperature field within the crust is closely related to tectonic history as well as many other geological processes inside the earth. Therefore, knowledge of the crustal thermal structure of a region is of great importance for its tectonophysical studies. This work deals with the two-dimensional thermal modelling to ...

  4. Evaluation of Earth's Geobiosphere Emergy Baseline and the Emergy of Crustal Cycling (United States)

    De Vilbiss, Chris

    This dissertation quantitatively analyzed the exergy supporting the nucleosynthesis of the heavy isotopes, Earth's geobiosphere, and its crustal cycling. Exergy is that portion of energy that is available to drive work. The exergy sources that drive the geobiosphere are sunlight, Earth's rotational kinetic energy and relic heat, and radionuclides in Earth's interior. These four exergy sources were used to compute the Earth's geobiosphere emergy baseline (GEB), expressed as a single unit, solar equivalent joules (seJ). The seJ of radionuclides were computed by determining the quantity of gravitational exergy that dissipated in the production of both sunlight and heavy isotopes. This is a new method of computing solar equivalences also was applied to Earth's relic heat and rotational energy. The equivalent quantities of these four exergy sources were then added to express the GEB. This new baseline was compared with several other contemporary GEB methods. The new GEB is modeled as the support to Earth's crustal cycle and ultimately to the economical mineral deposits used in the US economy. Given the average annual cycling of crustal material and its average composition, specific emergies were calculated to express the average emergy per mass of particular crustal minerals. Chemical exergies of the minerals were used to develop transformities and specific emergies of minerals at heightened concentrations, i.e. minable concentrations. The effect of these new mineral emergy values were examined using the US economy as an example. The final result is an 83% reduction in the emergy of limestone, a 91% reduction in the aggregated emergy of all other minerals, and a 23% reduction in the emergy of the US economy. This dissertation explored three unique and innovative methods to compute the emergy of Earth's exergy sources and resources. First was a method for computing the emergy of radionuclides. Second was a method to evaluate the Earth's relic heat and dissipation of

  5. Modelagem Matemática: as discussões técnicas e as experiências prévias de um grupo de alunos

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    Jonson Ney Dias da Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar como as experiências prévias dos alunos influenciam a produção de discussões técnicas em um ambiente de modelagem matemática. Por discussão técnica, entendemos como toda tradução de um fenômeno eleito (oriundo do dia-a-dia, do campo das profissões ou de outras áreas da ciência em termos matemáticos. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com um grupo de alunos de um Curso de Licenciatura em Matemática, em uma sala de aula de uma universidade pública. A natureza da pesquisa é qualitativa e os dados foram coletados através da observação e entrevistas, a qual foi registrada através da filmagem. Os resultados sugerem que as discussões técnicas seguem uma lógica escolar, mobilizando conhecimentos matemáticos previamente estudados pelos alunos, porém com a incorporação de argumentos externos à sala de aula. Palavras-chave: Modelagem matemática. Interação aluno-aluno. Discussões técnicas. Alunos. Sala de aula. Mathematical Modeling: technical discussions and previous experiences of a group of students Abstract This paper aims to present an analysis of how students´ previous experiences may influence the production of technical discussions in an environment of mathematical modeling. By technical discussion, we mean “all translation of a selected phenomenon (from the daily routine, vocational settings or from other fields of science into mathematical terms. This research was carried out with a group of students of an undergraduate course in mathematics in a classroom of a public university. This research is a qualitative one, and the data were collected through observation and interviews, which have been registered through video recording. The results suggest that technical discussions follow the school logic, mobilizing students’ previous school mathematical experiences but also incorporating in some degree outside arguments into classroom. Keywords: Mathematical

  6. Redução do impacto ambiental: uma abordagem no setor de modelagem em uma empresa calçadista

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    carlos Augusto Nascimento


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa de caráter exploratório e de natureza aplicada, realizada no setor de modelagem de uma empresa calçadista, com a finalidade de implantar um novo fluxo processual para gestão de resíduos e de materiais sobressalentes. Para a elaboração do projeto empregou-se metodologia DMAIC, ferramentas da qualidade, ecodesign e a ferramenta 3Rs, visando à redução da variação do processo de maneira a incorporar ações sustentáveis, que permitam a diminuição do custo industrial. Como resultado, obteve-se a redução de passivo ambiental do estoque em processo, da baixa eficiência produtiva, das perdas energéticas e maior desempenho econômico-financeiro, por meio da fabricação de calçados, com o uso de resíduos e materiais sobressalentes e de novo material reciclável para a utilização em gabaritos produtivos.

  7. Modelagem hidrodinâmica do canal do rio Paraná, trecho Porto São José - Porto 18. Parte II: Calibragem do modelo

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    Astrid Meira Martoni


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, apresenta-se a modelagem hidrodinâmica do trecho de canal entre Porto São José e Porto 18. Esta etapa compreendeu os trabalhos de obtenção de dados históricos, levantamentos de campo de níveis e vazões, obtenção dos parâmetros do modelo e análise da distribuição das vazões através dos canais principais. Para as seções internas da discretização foram feitas leituras de níveis nas seções e medidas de descarga usando o medidor ADCP, o que tornou possível estimar os coeficientes de rugosidade. O modelo calibrado constitui um instrumento eficiente para simular dados de níveis e vazões neste trecho do rio.

  8. Sensitivity analysis of crustal correction and its error propagation to upper mantle residual gravity and density anomalies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Herceg, Matija; Artemieva, Irina; Thybo, Hans


    ) uncertainties in the velocity-density conversion and (ii) uncertainties in knowledge of the crustal structure (thickness and average Vp velocities of individual crustal layers, including the sedimentary cover). In this study, we address both sources of possible uncertainties by applying different conversions...... from velocity to density and by introducing variations into the crustal structure which corresponds to the uncertainty of its resolution by high-quality and low-quality seismic models. We examine the propagation of these uncertainties into determinations of lithospheric mantle density. The residual...

  9. O uso das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ensino de física : uma abordagem através da modelagem computacional


    Marcelo Esteves de Andrade


    Neste projeto, utilizamos algumas tecnologias da informação e comunicação para desenvolver uma estratégia de ensino de Física para o Ensino Médio abordando o tópico da cinemática. A estratégia contou com a utilização de aulas e testes virtuais e também com atividades de modelagem computacional com o programa Modellus. Todas as atividades foram aplicadas no laboratório de informática e mediadas pelo computador. Esta estratégia foi aplicada em duas turmas do primeiro ano do Ensino Médio do Inst...

  10. Distinct crustal isostasy trends east and west of the Rocky Mountain Front

    KAUST Repository

    Schmandt, Brandon


    © 2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Seismic structure beneath the contiguous U.S. was imaged with multimode receiver function stacking and inversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion and ellipticity measurements. Crust thickness and elevation are weakly correlated across the contiguous U.S., but the correlation is ∼3-4 times greater for separate areas east and west of the Rocky Mountain Front (RMF). Greater lower crustal shear velocities east of the RMF, particularly in low-elevation areas with thick crust, are consistent with deep crustal density as the primary cause of the contrasting crust thickness versus elevation trends. Separate eastern and western trends are best fit by Airy isostasy models that assume lower crust to uppermost mantle density increases of 0.18 g/cm3 and 0.40 g/cm3, respectively. The former value is near the minimum that is plausible for felsic lower crust. Location of the transition at the RMF suggests that Laramide to post-Laramide processes reduced western U.S. lower crustal density.

  11. Precambrian crustal history of the Nimrod Group, central Transantarctic Mountains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goodge, J.W.; Fanning, C.M.


    High-grade metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Nimrod Group represent crystalline basement to the central Transantarctic Mountains. Despite metamorphism and penetrative deformation during the Ross Orogeny, they preserve a deep record of Precambrian geologic history in this sector of the East Antarctic shield. A review of available U-Pb geochronometric data reveals multiple geologic events spanning 2.5 b.y. of Archean to Early Paleozoic time, including: (1) juvenile Archean crust production by magmatism between 3150 and 3000 Ma; (2) crustal stabilisation and metamorphism between 2955 and 2900 Ma; (3) ultra-metamorphism or anatexis at c. 2500 Ma; (4) deep-crustal metamorphism and magmatism between 1720 and 1730 Ma, redefining the Nimrod Orogeny; (5) post-1700 Ma sedimentation; and (6) basement reactivation involving high-grade metamorphism, magmatism, and penetrative deformation during the Ross Orogeny between 540 and 515 Ma. A strong regional metamorphic and deformational Ross overprint, dated by U-Pb and Ar thermochronology, had pronounced thermomechanical effects on the basement assemblage, yet rocks of the Nimrod Group retain robust evidence of their Precambrian ancestry. The zircon U-Pb record therefore demonstrates that primary crustal lithosphere of the East Antarctic shield extends to the central Transantarctic Mountains, and that it has undergone multiple episodes of reactivation culminating in the Ross Orogeny. (author). 48 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab

  12. Crustal structure of the Gulf of Aden southern margin: Evidence from receiver functions on Socotra Island (Yemen) (United States)

    Ahmed, Abdulhakim; Leroy, Sylvie; Keir, Derek; Korostelev, Félicie; Khanbari, Khaled; Rolandone, Frédérique; Stuart, Graham; Obrebski, Mathias


    Breakup of continents in magma-poor setting occurs primarily by faulting and plate thinning. Spatial and temporal variations in these processes can be influenced by the pre-rift basement structure as well as by early syn-rift segmentation of the rift. In order to better understand crustal deformation and influence of pre-rift architecture on breakup we use receiver functions from teleseismic recordings from Socotra which is part of the subaerial Oligo-Miocene age southern margin of the Gulf of Aden. We determine variations in crustal thickness and elastic properties, from which we interpret the degree of extension related thinning and crustal composition. Our computed receiver functions show an average crustal thickness of ~ 28 km for central Socotra, which decreases westward along the margin to an average of ~ 21 km. In addition, the crust thins with proximity to the continent-ocean transition to ~ 16 km in the northwest. Assuming an initial pre-rift crustal thickness of 35 km (undeformed Arabian plate), we estimate a stretching factor in the range of ~ 2.1-2.4 beneath Socotra. Our results show considerable differences between the crustal structure of Socotra's eastern and western sides on either side of the Hadibo transfer zone; the east displays a clear intracrustal conversion phase and thick crust when compared with the western part. The majority of measurements across Socotra show Vp/Vs ratios of between 1.70 and 1.77 and are broadly consistent with the Vp/Vs values expected from the granitic and carbonate rock type exposed at the surface. Our results strongly suggest that intrusion of mafic rock is absent or minimal, providing evidence that mechanical thinning accommodated the majority of crustal extension. From our observations we interpret that the western part of Socotra corresponds to the necking zone of a classic magma-poor continental margin, while the eastern part corresponds to the proximal domain.

  13. A preliminary investigation of vertical crustal movements in the United Kingdom in the context of subsurface nuclear waste isolation for the Department of the Environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report falls under the headings: vertical crustal movements - a manifestation of intraplate geological processes (reports of vertical crustal movements observed by geodetic levelling in intraplate environments; vertical crustal movements and the geological record; possible causes of vertical crustal movements); an investigation of recent crustal movements in a test area of the United Kingdom by comparison of geodetic levelling records; vertical crustal movements and the isolation of nuclear waste in intraplate geological systems (conventional methods of site appraisal - a perspective of geological hazard assessment; the role of vertical crustal movements as a tool for rationalisation of hazard assessment, site selection and the assessment of future geological change); research options. (U.K.)

  14. BIM aplicado ao projeto de fôrmas de madeira em estrutura de concreto armado

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    Romeu da Silva Neiva Neto

    Full Text Available ResumoO Projeto Construtivo de Fôrmas de Madeira (PCFM faz uso tradicionalmente de ferramentas CAD na representação bidimensional, limitando sua inserção no contexto de Building Information Modeling (BIM. Considerando que BIM se encontra em grande expansão no mercado nacional esta pesquisa visa apontar um caminho para se vencer esta limitação. Propõe-se uma biblioteca de componentes para o projeto de fôrmas de madeira, incluindo usos de BIM tais como a Modelagem, a Quantificação, a Simulação 4D e procedimentos associados. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi a Constructive Research. Os componentes para a biblioteca foram desenvolvidos na ferramenta BIM Revit Structure. A proposta foi validada: em ambiente de ensino, escritório de projeto e na prática. Verifica-se que a pesquisa é consonante com os poucos estudos internacionais pioneiros e semelhantes, sendo contextualizada para o cenário nacional. Observa-se também que todas as pesquisas que tratam de BIM associado a fôrmas requerem um modelo de informação que inclua a modelagem de fôrmas no mesmo. Desta forma, este estudo é também fundamental, pois amplia desdobramentos da incorporação de BIM na cadeia produtiva da construção civil.

  15. The nature of crustal reflectivity at the southwest Iberian margin (United States)

    Buffett, G. G.; Torne, M.; Carbonell, R.; Melchiorre, M.; Vergés, J.; Fernàndez, M.


    Reprocessing of multi-channel seismic reflection data acquired over the northern margin of the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Iberian margin) places new constraints on the upper crustal structure of the Guadalquivir-Portimão Bank. The data presented have been processed with optimized stacking and interval velocity models, a better approach to multiple attenuation, preserved amplitude information to derive the nature of seismic reflectivity, and accurate time-to-depth conversion after migration. The reprocessed data reveal a bright upper crustal reflector just underneath the Paleozoic basement that spatially coincides with the local positive free-air gravity high called the Gulf of Cádiz Gravity High. To investigate the nature of this reflector and to decipher whether it could be associated with pieces of mantle material emplaced at upper crustal levels, we calculated its reflection coefficient and compared it to a buried high-density ultramafic body (serpentinized peridotite) at the Gorringe Bank. Its reflection coefficient ratio with respect to the sea floor differs by only 4.6% with that calculated for the high-density ultramafic body of the Gorringe Bank, while it differs by 35.8% compared to a drilled Miocene limestone unconformity. This means that the Gulf of Cádiz reflector has a velocity and/or density contrast similar to the peridotite at the Gorringe Bank. However, considering the depth at which it is found (between 2.0 and 4.0 km) and the available geological information, it seems unlikely that the estimated shortening from the Oligocene to present is sufficient to emplace pieces of mantle material at these shallow levels. Therefore, and despite the similarity in its reflection coefficient with the peridotites of the Gorringe Bank, our preferred interpretation is that the upper crustal Gulf of Cádiz reflector represents the seismic response of high-density intracrustal magmatic intrusions that may partially contribute to the Gulf of Cádiz Gravity High.

  16. A hybrid origin of the Martian crustal dichotomy: Degree-1 convection antipodal to a giant impact (United States)

    Citron, Robert I.; Manga, Michael; Tan, Eh


    The Martian crustal dichotomy is the stark ∼5 km difference in surface elevation and ∼26 km difference in crustal thickness between the northern lowlands and southern highlands that originated within 100s of Myr of Mars' formation. The origin of the dichotomy has broad implications for the geodynamic history of Mars, but purely exogenic or endogenic theories so far cannot explain all of the large scale geophysical observations associated with dichotomy formation. A giant impact can produce the shape and slope of the dichotomy boundary, but struggles to explain Mars' remanent crustal magnetic signatures and the ultimate formation of Tharsis. Degree-1 mantle convection can relate the crustal dichotomy to the formation of Tharsis, but does not explain the elliptical dichotomy shape and must be initiated by a large pre-existing viscosity jump in the mantle. We propose a hybrid model of dichotomy formation in which a giant impact induces degree-1 convection with an upwelling antipodal to the impact site. In this scenario, a giant impact in the northern hemisphere excavates crust, creating an initial difference in crustal thickness and possibly composition between the two hemispheres. Over 10s to 100s of Myr, the dominant upwelling(s) would migrate to be under the thicker, insulating crust in the southern hemisphere, generating melt that further thickens the southern crust. We examine this process using 3-D mantle convection simulations, and find that a hemispherical difference in crustal thickness and composition caused by a giant impact can induce degree-1 convection with the upwelling(s) antipodal to the impact site in <100 Myr.

  17. Modelagem em Vídeo para o Ensino de Habilidades de Comunicação a Indivíduos com Autismo: Revisão de Estudos

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    Viviane RODRIGUES

    Full Text Available RESUMO as pessoas com transtorno do espectro autista (TEA apresentam limitações específicas nas habilidades de comunicação. A modelagem em vídeo (MV é considerada uma prática baseada em evidências para indivíduos com TEA pelo fato desta população preferir e responder melhor às estratégias de ensino por meio de pistas visuais. Neste sentido, o objetivo desta revisão foi discutir os resultados das intervenções que implementaram a MV para ensinar habilidades de comunicação para indivíduos com TEA. Para tanto, três critérios de inclusão foram estabelecidos, sendo eles: a os estudos deveriam utilizar como variável independente a modelagem em vídeo isoladamente, associada a outra intervenção ou como parte de um pacote de tratamentos; b as habilidades de comunicação deveriam fazer parte da variável dependente, mesmo que estivessem presentes outras habilidades; c todos os estudos deveriam ter participantes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Foi utilizado como banco de dados o Portal de Periódico da CAPES, com descritores específicos. O período determinado neste estudo foi de 2010 a 2016. Somente 11 artigos apresentaram os critérios de inclusão determinados neste estudo. Estes estudos enfatizaram os ganhos da pessoa com TEA em suas habilidades de comunicação por meio da MV. Dados os resultados positivos relatados nestes 11 estudos, há evidências suficientes para concluir que a MV é um procedimento indicado para ensinar uma variedade de habilidades comunicativas para crianças com TEA. Conclui-se que este estudo sumarizou intervenções que empregaram a MV para o ensino de habilidades de comunicação, proporcionando direções para pesquisas futuras.

  18. Topside ionosphere of Mars: Variability, transient layers, and the role of crustal magnetic fields (United States)

    Gopika, P. G.; Venkateswara Rao, N.


    The topside ionosphere of Mars is known to show variability and transient topside layers. In this study, we analyzed the electron density profiles measured by the radio occultation technique aboard the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft to study the topside ionosphere of Mars. The electron density profiles that we used in the present study span between 1998 and 2005. All the measurements are done from the northern high latitudes, except 220 profiles which were measured in the southern hemisphere, where strong crustal magnetic fields are present. We binned the observations into six measurement periods: 1998, 1999-north, 1999-south, 2000-2001, 2002-2003, and 2004-2005. We found that the topside ionosphere in the southern high latitudes is more variable than that from the northern hemisphere. This feature is clearly seen with fluctuations of wavelengths less than 20 km. Some of the electron density profiles show a transient topside layer with a local maximum in electron density between 160 km and 210 km. The topside layer is more prone to occur in the southern hemispheric crustal magnetic field regions than in the other regions. In addition, the peak density of the topside layer is greater in regions of strong crustal magnetic fields than in other regions. The variability of the topside ionosphere and the peak density of the topside layer, however, do not show one-to-one correlation with the strength of the crustal magnetic fields and magnetic field inclination. The results of the present study are discussed in the light of current understanding on the topside ionosphere, transient topside layers, and the role of crustal magnetic fields on plasma motions.

  19. Crustal tomographic imaging and geodynamic implications toward south of Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT), India (United States)

    Behera, Laxmidhar


    The crustal structure toward southern part of SGT is poorly defined leaving an opportunity to understand the tectonic and geodynamic evolution of this high-grade granulite terrain surrounded by major shear and tectonically disturbed zones like Achankovil Shear Zone (AKSZ) and Palghat Cauvery Shear Zone (PCSZ). To develop a geologically plausible crustal tectonic model depicting major structural elements, a comprehensive tomographic image was derived using deep-seismic-sounding data corroborated by Bouguer gravity modeling, coincident-reflection-seismic, heat-flow and available geological/geochronological informations along the N-S trending Vattalkundu-Kanyakumari geotransect. The final tectonic model represents large compositional changes of subsurface rocks accompanied by velocity heterogeneities with crustal thinning (44-36 km) and Moho upwarping from north to south. This study also reveals and successfully imaged anomalous zone of exhumation near AKSZ having transpression of exhumed rocks at mid-to-lower crustal level (20-30 km) with significant underplating and mantle upwelling forming a complex metamorphic province. The presence of shear zones with high-grade charnockite massifs in the upper-crust exposed in several places reveal large scale exhumation of granulites during the Pan-African rifting (~ 550 Ma) and provide important insights of plume-continental lithosphere interaction with reconstruction of the Gondwanaland.

  20. Crustal evolution of South American Platform based on Sm-Nd isotope geochemistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Kei


    Sm-Nd isotopic systematics is relevant to the topics of origin and evolution the of continental crust, where model ages refer to the time when crustal material was differentiated from the upper mantle. Alternative interpretations are due to a lack of adequate information on crustal processes and the variable composition of the mantle sources. The Sm-Nd methods are presented, and applied on rock materials from the South American Platform. The main conclusions indicate juvenile accretion with higher growth rates (peaks), around 3.7-3.5 Ga (∼ 0.5% in volume), 3.1 - 2.9 Ga (∼16%), 2.7 - 2.6 (∼ 9%), 2.2 - 1.9 (35%) and 1.3-1.0 (7%). The continental growth curve indicates that about 35 % of the crust was formed by 2.5 Ga, 88% by 1.8 Ga and 99% by 1.0 Ga, and the remaining ∼ 1 % was added in the Phanerozoic. Rapid crustal growth occurred between 2.2 and 1.9 Ga. The main period of continental crust formation occurred during the Paleoproterozoic, corresponding to 54 % in volume. Sm-Nd model ages, when compared with the crystallisation ages of granitoid rocks, furnish a rough estimate of juvenile vs. reworked material. Within the South American Platform about 45% of juvenile continental crust is still preserved within tectonic provinces of different ages. The remainder represents continental crust reworked in younger tectono-thermal events. In particular crustal reworking was predominating over juvenile accretion during Meso-Neoproterozoic. The Transbrasiliano Lineament is a megasuture, active in the Neoproterozoic, which separates a large northwestern mass, including the Amazonian and Sao Luis Cratons, from a southeastern mass, formed by a collage of cratonic fragments, of which the Sao Francisco and Rio de La Plata are the largest. The crustal evolutions of these two large continental masses are considered individually, and can be resumed following form: I - Old Archean rocks (>3.4 Ga) are found only within the south-eastern part (Gaviao Block, Contendas

  1. Spatial relationships between crustal structures and mantle seismicity in the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone of Romania: Implications for geodynamic evolution (United States)

    Enciu, Dana-Mihaela

    Integration of active and passive-source seismic data is employed to study the relationships between crustal structures and seismicity in the SE Carpathian foreland of Romania, and the connection with the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone. Relocated crustal epicenters and focal mechanisms are correlated with industry seismic profiles Comanesti, Ramnicu Sarat, Braila and Buzau, the reprocessed DACIA PLAN profile and the DRACULA (Deep Reflection Acquisition Constraining Unusual Lithospheric Activity) II and III profiles in order to understand the link between neo-tectonic foreland deformation and Vrancea mantle seismicity. Projection of crustal foreland hypocenters onto deep seismic profiles identified active crustal faults suggesting a mechanical coupling between sedimentary, crustal and upper mantle structures on the Trotus, Sinaia and newly observed Ialomita Faults. Seismic reflection imaging revealed the absence of west dipping reflectors in the crust and an east dipping to horizontal Moho in the proximity of the Vrancea area. These findings argue against both 'subduction-in-place' and 'slab break-off' as viable mechanisms for generating Vrancea mantle seismicity.

  2. Subduction initiation and recycling of Alboran domain derived crustal components prior to the intra-crustal emplacement of mantle peridotites in the Westernmost Mediterranean: isotopic evidence from the Ronda peridotite (United States)

    Varas-Reus, María Isabel; Garrido, Carlos J.; Bosch, Delphine; Marchesi, Claudio Claudio; Acosta-Vigil, Antonio; Hidas, Károly; Barich, Amel


    During Late Oligocene-Early Miocene different domains formed in the region between Iberia and Africa in the westernmost Mediterranean, including thinned continental crust and a Flysch Trough turbiditic deposits likely floored by oceanic crust [1]. At this time, the Ronda peridotite likely constituted the subcontinental lithospheric mantle of the Alboran domain, which mantle lithosphere was undergoing strong thinning and melting [2] [3] coevally with Early Miocene extension in the overlying Alpujárride-Maláguide stacked crust [4, 5]. Intrusive Cr- rich pyroxenites in the Ronda massif records the geochemical processes occurring in the subcontinental mantle of the Alboran domain during the Late Oligocene [6]. Recent isotopic studies of these pyroxenites indicate that their mantle source was contaminated by a subduction component released by detrital crustal sediments [6]. This new data is consistent with a subduction setting for the late evolution of the Alboran lithospheric mantle just prior to its final intracrustal emplacement in the early Miocene Further detailed structural studies of the Ronda plagioclase peridotites-related to the initial stages of ductile emplacement of the peridotite-have led to Hidas et al. [7] to propose a geodynamic model where folding and shearing of an attenuated mantle lithosphere occurred by backarc basin inversion followed by failed subduction initiation that ended into the intracrustal emplacement of peridotite into the Alboran wedge in the earliest Miocene. This hypothesis implies that the crustal component recorded in late, Cr-rich websterite dykes might come from underthrusted crustal rocks from the Flysch and/or Alpujárrides units that might have been involved in the earliest stages of this subduction initiation stage. To investigate the origin of crustal component in the mantle source of this late magmatic event recorded by Cr-pyroxenites, we have carried out a detail Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic study of a variety of Betic

  3. Modelagem geoestatística das incertezas da distribuição espacial do fósforo disponível no solo, em área de cana-de-açúcar

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    Ismênia Ribeiro de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O fósforo destaca-se como um dos nutrientes limitantes ao desenvolvimento da cultura da cana-de-açúcar em solos brasileiros. Esse elemento apresenta grande variabilidade espacial, coordenada pelos atributos que regem as reações de adsorção e dessorção. Estimativas espaciais são conduzidas por meio de interpolações geoestatísticas para a caracterização dessa variabilidade. No entanto, tais estimativas apresentam incertezas inerentes ao procedimento que estão associadas à estrutura de variabilidade do atributo em estudo e à configuração amostral da área. Dessa forma, avaliar a incerteza das predições associada à distribuição espacial do fósforo disponível (Plábil é importante para otimizar o uso dos fertilizantes fosfatados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho da simulação sequencial gaussiana (SSG e da krigagem ordinária (KO na modelagem da incerteza das predições do fósforo disponível. Uma malha amostral com 626 pontos foi instalada em uma área experimental de 200 hectares de cana-de-açúcar no município de Tabapuã, São Paulo. Foram geradas 200 realizações por meio do algoritmo da SSG. As realizações da SSG reproduziram as estatísticas e a distribuição dos dados amostrais. A estatística G (0,81 indicou boa proximidade entre as frações dos valores simulados e as dos observados. As realizações da SSG preservaram a variabilidade espacial do Plábil, sem o efeito de suavização obtido pelo mapa da KO. A acurácia na reprodução do variograma dos dados amostrais, obtida pelas realizações da SSG foi, em média, 240 vezes maior que obtida por meio da KO. O mapa de incertezas, obtido por meio da KO, apresentou menor variação na área de estudo do que por SSG. Dessa forma, a avaliação das incertezas, pela SSG, evidenciou-se mais informativa, podendo ser utilizada para definir e delimitar, de forma mais precisa, as áreas de manejo específico.

  4. Padrão espaço-temporal da umidade volumétrica do solo em uma bacia hidrográfica com predominância de latossolos


    Ávila,Léo Fernandes; Mello,Carlos Rogério de; Mello,José Márcio de; Silva,Antônio Marciano da


    A umidade volumétrica do solo possui alta variabilidade espacial e temporal devido à influência de vários fatores ambientais e de uso do solo. Desse modo, seu entendimento assume papel fundamental na modelagem dos processos que envolvem o escoamento superficial, a erosão do solo e o transporte de sedimentos. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar o padrão espacial e temporal da umidade volumétrica na camada superficial do solo, nas diferentes estações do ano, em uma bacia hidrográf...

  5. Contribuições a estudos biológicos com o uso de modelos biofísicos


    de Cássia Moura do Nascimento, Rita


    Um modelo biofísico é uma representação simplificada e/ou abstrata de processos ou sistemas biológicos. Objetivando ampliar o conhecimento sobre a modelagem biofísica, esta Tese enfoca prioritariamente os modelos que desenvolvemos, visando contribuir com os estudos biológicos. Proteínas transportadoras do tipo canal iônico encontram-se presentes na membrana plasmática de todos os seres vivos e o primeiro modelo biofísico é uma membrana plasmática artificial, na qual há um co...

  6. 2-D Crustal thermal structure along Thuadara–Sindad DSS profile ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Thuadara–Sindad Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profile which runs almost in the N–S direction ... These studies include four Deep Seis- ... Geology and tectonic frame work ..... alous high-velocity layer at shallow crustal depths in the.

  7. Experimental Investigation of Biotite-Rich Schist Reacting with B-Bearing Fluids at Upper Crustal Conditions and Correlated Tourmaline Formation

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    Andrea Orlando


    Full Text Available Fluid–rock interaction experiments between a biotite-rich schist (from Mt. Calamita Formation, Elba Island, Italy and B-bearing aqueous fluids were carried out at 500–600 °C and 100–130 MPa. The experiments have been carried out in order to reproduce the reaction, which would have produced tourmalinisation of the biotite schist, supposedly by circulation of magmatic fluids issued from leucogranitic dykes. The reacting fluids were either NaCl-free or NaCl-bearing (20 wt % aqueous solutions, with variable concentration of H3BO3 (0.01–3.2 M. The experimental results show that tourmaline (belonging to the alkali group crystallise under high-temperature and upper crustal conditions (500–600 °C, 100–130 MPa when H3BO3 concentration in the system is greater than 1.6 M. The composition of tourmaline is either dravitic (Mg-rich or schorlitic (Fe-rich, depending if an NaCl-bearing or NaCl-free aqueous solution is used. In the first case, a significant amount of Fe released from biotite dissolution remains in the Cl-rich solution resulting from the experiment. By contrast, when pure water is used, Na/K exchange in feldspars makes Na available for tourmaline crystallisation. The high concentration of Fe in the residual fluid has an important metallogenic implication because it indicates that the interaction between the saline B-rich fluid of magmatic derivation and biotite-rich schists, besides producing tourmalinisation, is capable of mobilising significant amounts of Fe. This process could have produced, in part or totally, the Fe deposits located close to the quartz–tourmaline veins and metasomatic bodies of the Mt. Calamita Formation. Moreover, the super-hot reservoir that likely occurs in the deepest part of the Larderello–Travale geothermal field would also be the site of an extensive reaction between the B-rich fluid and biotite-bearing rocks producing tourmaline. Thus, tourmaline occurrence can be a useful guide during deep

  8. Avaliação do papel da drenagem na elaboração de feições geomorfológicas no município de GOIANA - PE

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    Daniel Rodrigues de Lira


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma análise da influência da rede de drenagem no modelado da superfície terrestre e na evolução geomorfológica no município de Goiana, Estado de Pernambuco. Foram aplicadas técnicas de Modelagem Numérica do Terreno para estabelecer diferenças entre os padrões de drenagem, de relevo e de solos, buscando identificar áreas morfogeneticamente distintas. Foram identificados quatro padrões de drenagem: 1- padrão pinado, orientado para sudeste e relacionado às colinas dissecadas; 2- padrão paralelo, orientado para nordeste, com formas tabulares dissecadas; 3-paralelo e subparalelo, orientado para sudeste, com forma tabular; e 4- paralelo, direcionado a leste, forma tabular. Esses padrões são fortemente influenciados pela presença de feições morfotectônicas de grábens e horsts.

  9. Crustal structure of the Eastern Alps and their foreland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grad, M.; Brückl, E.; Majdanski, M.


    The subject of this paper concerns the seismic modelling of the crustal structure in the transition zone from the Bohemian Massif, across the Molasse basin and the Eastern Alps to the Southern Alps, mainly on the territory of Austria. The CEL10/Alp04 profile crosses the triple point of the European......) are distinct up to 60-90 km offset and are characterized by large variations in apparent velocity and amplitude. The contact between the Molasse basin and the Eastern Alps represents a barrier for seismic waves. Mid-crustal reflections (Pc) are usually recorded at short distance intervals (20-50 km......, was undertaken using a ray-tracing technique. The P-wave velocity in the crystalline upper crust of the Bohemian Massif and Molasse basin is about 6.15 km s-1, which is slightly higher than in the Alpine area (about 6.0 km s-1). Below the northern accretionary wedge of the Eastern Alps low-velocity sediments...

  10. O Passeio Público do Rio de Janeiro: Análise Histórica com Auxílio da Representação Gráfica Digital

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    Naylor Barbosa Vilas Boas


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem por objetivo expor uma breve análise histórica do Passeio Público do Rio de Janeiro, um dos mais importantes jardins públicos da cidade ao longo do século 19, concebido originalmente no século 18, por mestre Valentim da Fonseca e Silva, ilustre artista do Rio colonial. Por meio de modernos recursos de reconstrução virtual e modelagem eletrônica, baseados em intensas pesquisas iconográficas e na análise de antigos relatos de viajantes, foram recriados os dois principais momentos desse jardim ao longo desses dois séculos de existência: o Passeio Público original de mestre Valentim e o passeio remodelado na reforma romântica de 1860, por Auguste Glaziou. Originalmente fazendo parte de um trabalho que trata de questões de análise da percepção do espaço, a utilização de recursos de reconstrução virtual e modelagem eletrônica apresenta-se como uma importante ferramenta de auxílio na reconstituição de espaços que não mais existem fisicamente, permitindo assim a simulação das percepções vivenciadas por um observador hipotético caminhando por eles

  11. Monitoring Vertical Crustal Deformation and Gravity Variations during Water Level Changes at the Three Gorges Reservoir

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    WANG Wei


    Full Text Available Monitoring vertical crustal deformation and gravity changes during water level changes at the Three Gorges reservoir is important for the safe operation of the Three Gorges Dam and for the monitoring and prevention of a regional geological disaster. In this study, we determined vertical crustal deformation and gravity changes during water level variations of the Three Gorges reservoir from direct calculations and actual measurements and a comprehensive solution. We used water areas extracted image data from the ZY-3 satellite and water level data to calculate gravity changes and vertical crustal deformation caused by every 5 m change in the water level due to storage and drainage of the Three Gorges reservoir from 145 m to 175 m. The vertical crustal deformation was up to 30 mm. The location of gravity change above 20 μ Gal(1 Gal=10-2 m/s2 was less than 2 km from the centerline of the Yangtze River. The CORS ES13 in Badong, near the reservoir, measured the vertical crustal deformation during water level changes. Because of the small number of CORS and gravity stations in the Three Gorges reservoir area, monitoring deformation and gravity related to changes in the Three Gorges reservoir water level cannot be closely followed. Using 26 CORS and some of the gravity stations in the Three Gorges area and based on loading deformation and the spherical harmonic analysis method, an integrated solution of vertical deformation and gravity variations during water level changes of the reservoir was determined, which is consistent with the actual CORS monitoring results. By comparison, we found that an integrated solution based on a CORS network can effectively enhance the capability of monitoring vertical crustal deformation and gravity changes during water level variations of the reservoir.

  12. Yellowstone-Snake River Plain seismic profilling experiment: Crustal structure of the eastern Snake River Plain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Braile, L.W.; Smith, R.B.; Ansorge, J.; Baker, M.R.; Sparlin, M.A.; Prodehl, C.; Schilly, M.M.; Healy, J.H.; Mueller, S.; Olsen, K.H.


    Seismic refraction profiles recorded along the eastern Snake River Plain (ESRP) in southeastern Idaho during the 1978 Yellowstone-Snake River Plain cooperative seismic profiling experiment are interpreted to infer the crustal velocity and attenuation (Q-1) structure of the ESRP. Travel-time and synthetic seismogram modeling of a 250 km reversed refraction profile as well as a 100 km detailed profile indicate that the crust of the ESRP is highly anomalous. Approximately 3 to 6 km of volcanic rocks (with some interbedded sediments) overlie an upper-crustal layer (compressional velocity approx. =6.1 km/s) which thins southwestward along the ESRP from a thickness of 10 km near Island Park Caldera to 2 to 3 km beneath the central and southwestern portions of the ESRP. An intermediate-velocity (approx. =6.5 km/s) layer extends from approx. =10 to approx. =20 km depth. a thick (approx. =22 km) lower crust of compressional velocity 6.8 km/s, a total crustall thickness of approx. =42 km, and a P/sub n/ velocity of approx. =7.9 km/s is observed in the ESRP, similar to the western Snake River Plain and the Rocky Mountains Provinces. High attenuation is evident on the amplitude corrected seismic data due to low-Q values in the volcanic rocks (Q/sub p/ = 20 to 200) and throughout the crust (Q/sub p/ = 160 to 300). Based on these characteristics of the crustal structure and volcanic-age progression data, it is suggested that the ESRP has resulted from an intensitive period of intrusion of mantle-derived basaltic magma into the upper crust generating explosive silicic volcanism and associated regional uplift and caldera collapse. This activity began about 15 m.y. ago in southwestern Idaho and has migrated northeast to its present position at Yellowstone. Subsequent cooling of the intruded upper crust results in the 6.5 km/s velocity intermediate layer. Crustal subsidence and periodic basaltic volcanism as represented by the ESRP complete the sequence of crustal evolution

  13. Tendências na incidência e mortalidade por acidentes de trabalho no Brasil, 1998 a 2008

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    Flávia Souza e Silva de Almeida


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as tendências na incidência e mortalidade por acidentes de trabalho no Brasil, de 1998 a 2008. Trata-se de estudo ecológico de séries temporais, que incluiu, para a análise, os acidentes de trabalho registrados nas estatísticas oficiais do Governo Federal. Foram calculadas as variações percentuais anuais (APC nas taxas de incidência e de mortalidade, através da modelagem pelo método Joinpoint, usando o ano calendário como variável regressora. Observou-se tendência significativa de decréscimo na taxa de incidência de acidentes de trabalho, o mesmo ocorrendo para os acidentes de trabalho típicos. Para ambos, o número de casos aumentou nesse período. O número de casos de acidentes de trabalho de trajeto e sua incidência mostraram tendência significativa de aumento. O número de óbitos e a taxa de mortalidade registraram tendência de decréscimo. São discutidos como fatores contribuintes para o declínio das taxas de incidência de acidentes de trabalho e de mortalidade por esta causa: melhoria das condições de trabalho, maior crescimento do setor de serviços do que do setor industrial, subnotificação dos acidentes de trabalho e terceirização dos serviços. O aumento dos acidentes de trabalho de trajeto sugere a influência da violência dos centros urbanos.



    Caio Marcelo de Marcelo de Miranda; Sérgio Francisco Pichorim


    A Biotelemetria apresenta-se como uma importante técnica que possui várias aplicações na área de Biomedicina e outras. A dimensão da unidade remota ou sensora constitui um grande desafio dentro desta área, sendo que na maioria dos casos,deseja-se uma unidade o menor possível. Desta maneira, sensores passivos são interessantes, pois possibilitam uma menor dimensão do dispositivo e não necessitam de uma fonte própria de energia, ou bateria, que pode causar danos ao indivíduo monitorado caso oco...

  15. Three-dimensional Crustal Structure beneath the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by Multi-scale Gravity Analysis (United States)

    Xu, C.; Luo, Z.; Sun, R.; Li, Q.


    The Tibetan Plateau, the largest and highest plateau on Earth, was uplifted, shorten and thicken by the collision and continuous convergence of the Indian and Eurasian plates since 50 million years ago, the Eocene epoch. Fine three-dimensional crustal structure of the Tibetan Plateau is helpful in understanding the tectonic development. At present, the ordinary method used for revealing crustal structure is seismic method, which is inhibited by poor seismic station coverage, especially in the central and western plateau primarily due to the rugged terrain. Fortunately, with the implementation of satellite gravity missions, gravity field models have demonstrated unprecedented global-scale accuracy and spatial resolution, which can subsequently be employed to study the crustal structure of the entire Tibetan Plateau. This study inverts three-dimensional crustal density and Moho topography of the Tibetan Plateau from gravity data using multi-scale gravity analysis. The inverted results are in agreement with those provided by the previous works. Besides, they can reveal rich tectonic development of the Tibetan Plateau: (1) The low-density channel flow can be observed from the inverted crustal density; (2) The Moho depth in the west is deeper than that in the east, and the deepest Moho, which is approximately 77 km, is located beneath the western Qiangtang Block; (3) The Moho fold, the directions of which are in agreement with the results of surface movement velocities estimated from Global Positioning System, exists clearly on the Moho topography.This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41504015), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2015M572146), and the Surveying and Mapping Basic Research Programme of the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation (Grant No. 15-01-08).

  16. Seismic studies of crustal structure and tectonic evolution across the central California margin and the Colorado Plateau margin (United States)

    Howie, John Mark

    This thesis presents results from two integrated deep-crustal seismic-reflection and wide-angle-reflection/refraction studies that improve our understanding of crustal structure and tectonic evolution in two tectonically active areas of the western United States. A multi-faceted approach to the study of crustal structure includes the use of compressional and shear wave seismic data. Supplementing the controlled source seismic observations with seismicity, gravity, heat flow, laboratory measurements and available geologic information allows a much improved understanding of crustal structure and tectonic evolution than would be available from the seismic data alone. Chapter 1 introduces the data integration strategy applied to the studies completed. In Chapter 2, an integrated crustal-velocity model across the south-central California margin west of the San Adreas fault is presented. The crustal structure defines tectonostratigraphic terranes 15 to 20 km thick underlain by a 6-km-thick high-velocity layer (6.8-7.0 km/s) interpreted as tectonically underplated oceanic crust. Structures defined in the oceanic crust indicate significant compressional and strike-slip deformation within the oceanic crust that probably formed during the final stages of subduction from 24-16 Ma. In Chapter 3, the crustal model from Chapter 2 is used as a constraint for models of the tectonic evolution of the Pacific-North American transform plate boundary. By combining the crustal structure with thermal models for asthenospheric upwelling associated with a slab-free window, I find that the mantle lithosphere east of the coast beneath south-central California probably delaminated from the oceanic crust, stranding the oceanic crust beneath the margin. In Chapter 4, results from a high-resolution reflection experiment in central Arizona across the southwestern edge of the Colorado Plateau address the relationship between strength of the crust and localization of extensional tectonism. A low

  17. Modelagem de um sistema de informação para rastreabilidade na indústria do vinho baseado em uma arquitetura orientada a serviços Modeling of an information system for wine traceability based on a service oriented architecture

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    Osvaldo Gogliano Sobrinho


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se neste trabalho pesquisa científica que levou à modelagem de um sistema de informação para o registro de dados de rastreabilidade destinado à indústria do vinho, segundo os conceitos de uma arquitetura computacional orientada a serviços (service oriented architecture, SOA. Desde 2005, a manutenção de tais registros é obrigatória para todos os produtores que pretendem exportar para países da União Europeia. Ademais, os consumidores finais, inclusive brasileiros, preocupados com a segurança alimentar, apresentam demanda crescente por informações. Buscou-se uma solução que contemple a indústria coletivamente, por meio de consórcios ou associações de produtores, diluindo custos e compartilhando benefícios. A partir do levantamento bibliográfico realizado e de contatos com pesquisadores e representantes do setor produtivo vinícola brasileiro, em Bento Gonçalves -RS, pesquisaram-se tópicos de tecnologia da informação ligados ao tema, além de detalhes sobre o processo produtivo do vinho. A partir de um modelo do processo produtivo do vinho sugerido pelos autores, empregou-se a Unified Modeling Language (UML, para a modelagem do sistema, que utiliza a tecnologia de web services para o tráfego de dados. Com um protótipo funcional, constataram-se a viabilidade do modelo e a possibilidade de sua utilização em outros domínios.The purpose is to present a scientific research that led to the modeling of an information system which aimed at the maintenance of traceability data in the Brazilian wine industry, according to the principles of a service-oriented architecture (SOA. Since 2005, traceability data maintenance is an obligation for all producers that intend to export to any European Union country. Also, final customers, including the Brazilian ones, have been asking for information about food products. A solution that collectively contemplated the industry was sought in order to permit that producer

  18. Modelagem hidrológica na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Aiuruoca, MG Hydrologic modeling in the Aiuruoca river basin, Minas Gerais State

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    Marcelo R. Viola


    Full Text Available A simulação do comportamento hidrológico de bacias hidrográficas consiste em uma das principais ferramentas na gestão dos recursos hídricos, devido à possibilidade de predição do regime fluvial. A bacia em estudo está localizada na região Alto Rio Grande, Sul de Minas Gerais, com área de drenagem de 2.094 km², constituindo uma das bacias fundamentais de drenagem para o reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica de Camargos (UHE - Camargos/CEMIG. Neste contexto se objetivou desenvolver e aplicar um modelo hidrológico semi-conceitual, na forma semi-distribuída, para simular o comportamento hidrológico da bacia do Rio Aiuruoca, com apoio dos SIGs e sensoriamento remoto, disponibilizando uma ferramenta útil para o gerenciamento e planejamento dos recursos hídricos na região. Os resultados do coeficiente estatístico de Nash-Sutcliffe (CNS foram de 0,87 e 0,92 para as etapas de calibração e verificação, respectivamente, o que, de acordo com a classificação proposta para modelos hidrológicos de simulação, permite qualificá-lo para simulação do comportamento hidrológico na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Aiuruoca.The hydrological simulation of watersheds is one of the most important tools for water resources management due to the possibility of flow regime prediction. The Aiuruoca river basin is located in the Alto Rio Grande Basin, southern Minas Gerais State, with 2,094 km² of drainage area, and is very important drainage basin into the Camargos Hydropower Plant Reservoir (UHE - Camargos/CEMIG. In this context, this work had the objective of developing and applying a semi-conceptual hydrologic model, in semi-distributed approach, for hydrologic simulation in the Aiuruoca river basin, based on GIS and Remote Sensing tools, thus creating an important tool for management and planning of water resources in the region. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients (CNS, respectively, for calibration and validation periods, were 0.87 and 0

  19. Inferring regional vertical crustal velocities from averaged relative sea level trends: A proof of concept

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    Bâki Iz H.


    Full Text Available This study demonstrates that relative sea level trends calculated from long-term tide gauge records can be used to estimate relative vertical crustal velocities in a region with high accuracy. A comparison of the weighted averages of the relative sea level trends estimated at six tide gauge stations in two clusters along the Eastern coast of United States, in Florida and in Maryland, reveals a statistically significant regional vertical crustal motion of Maryland with respect to Florida with a subsidence rate of −1.15±0.15 mm/yr identified predominantly due to the ongoing glacial isostatic adjustment process. The estimate is a consilience value to validate vertical crustal velocities calculated from GPS time series as well as towards constraining predictive GIA models in these regions.

  20. Cratonic roots and lower crustal seismicity: Investigating the role of deep intrusion in the Western rift, Africa (United States)

    Drooff, C.; Ebinger, C. J.; Lavayssiere, A.; Keir, D.; Oliva, S. J.; Tepp, G.; Gallacher, R. J.


    Improved seismic imaging beneath the African continent reveals lateral variations in lithospheric thickness, and crustal structure, complementing a growing crust and mantle xenolith data base. Border fault systems in the active cratonic rifts of East Africa are characterized by lower crustal seismicity, both in magmatic sectors and weakly magmatic sectors, providing constraints on crustal rheology and, in some areas, magmatic fluid migration. We report new seismicity data from magmatic and weakly magmatic sectors of the East African rift zone, and place the work in the context of independent geophysical and geochemical studies to models for strain localization during early rifting stages. Specifically, multidisciplinary studies in the Magadi Natron rift sectors reveal volumetrically large magmatic CO2 degassing along border faults with seismicity along projections of surface dips to the lower crust. The magmatic CO2 degassing and high Vp/Vs ratios and reflectivity of the lower crust implies that the border fault serves a conduit between the lower crustal underplating and the atmospheric. Crustal xenoliths in the Eastern rift sector indicate a granulitic lower crust, which is relatively weak in the presence of fluids, arguing against a strong lower crust. Within magmatic sectors, seismic, structural, and geochemistry results indicate that frequent lower crustal earthquakes are promoted by elevated pore pressures from volatile degassing along border faults, and hydraulic fracture around the margins of magma bodies. Within some weakly magmatic sectors, lower crustal earthquakes also occur along projections of border faults to the lower crust (>30 km), and they are prevalent in areas with high Vp/Vs in the lower crust. Within the southern Tanganyika rift, focal mechanisms are predominantly normal with steep nodal planes. Our comparative studies suggest that pervasive metasomatism above a mantle plume, and melt extraction in thin zones between cratonic roots, lead to

  1. Testing Predictions of Continental Insulation using Oceanic Crustal Thicknesses (United States)

    Hoggard, Mark; Shorttle, Oliver; White, Nicky


    The thermal blanketing effect of continental crust has been predicted to lead to elevated temperatures within the upper mantle beneath supercontinents. Initial break-up is associated with increased magmatism and the generation of flood basalts. Continued rifting and sea-floor spreading lead to a steady reduction of this thermal anomaly. Recently, evidence in support of this behaviour has come from the major element geochemistry of mid-ocean ridge basalts, which suggest excess rifting temperatures of ˜ 150 °C that decay over ˜ 100 Ma. We have collated a global inventory of ˜ 1000 seismic reflection profiles and ˜ 500 wide-angle refraction experiments from the oceanic realm. Data are predominantly located along passive margins, but there are also multiple surveys in the centres of the major oceanic basins. Oceanic crustal thickness has been mapped, taking care to avoid areas of secondary magmatic thickening near seamounts or later thinning such as across transform faults. These crustal thicknesses are a proxy for mantle potential temperature at the time of melt formation beneath a mid-ocean ridge system, allowing us to quantify the amplitude and duration of thermal anomalies generated beneath supercontinents. The Jurassic break-up of the Central Atlantic and the Cretaceous rifting that formed the South Atlantic Ocean are both associated with excess temperatures of ˜ 50 °C that have e-folding times of ˜ 50 Ma. In addition to this background trend, excess temperatures reach > 150 °C around the region of the Rio Grande Rise, associated with the present-day Tristan hotspot. The e-folding time of this more local event is ˜ 10 Ma, which mirrors results obtained for the North Atlantic Ocean south of Iceland. In contrast, crustal thicknesses from the Pacific Ocean reveal approximately constant potential temperature through time. This observation is in agreement with predictions, as the western Pacific was formed by rifting of an oceanic plate. In summary

  2. Combined Gravimetric-Seismic Crustal Model for Antarctica (United States)

    Baranov, Alexey; Tenzer, Robert; Bagherbandi, Mohammad


    The latest seismic data and improved information about the subglacial bedrock relief are used in this study to estimate the sediment and crustal thickness under the Antarctic continent. Since large parts of Antarctica are not yet covered by seismic surveys, the gravity and crustal structure models are used to interpolate the Moho information where seismic data are missing. The gravity information is also extended offshore to detect the Moho under continental margins and neighboring oceanic crust. The processing strategy involves the solution to the Vening Meinesz-Moritz's inverse problem of isostasy constrained on seismic data. A comparison of our new results with existing studies indicates a substantial improvement in the sediment and crustal models. The seismic data analysis shows significant sediment accumulations in Antarctica, with broad sedimentary basins. According to our result, the maximum sediment thickness in Antarctica is about 15 km under Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. The Moho relief closely resembles major geological and tectonic features. A rather thick continental crust of East Antarctic Craton is separated from a complex geological/tectonic structure of West Antarctica by the Transantarctic Mountains. The average Moho depth of 34.1 km under the Antarctic continent slightly differs from previous estimates. A maximum Moho deepening of 58.2 km under the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains in East Antarctica confirmed the presence of deep and compact orogenic roots. Another large Moho depth in East Antarctica is detected under Dronning Maud Land with two orogenic roots under Wohlthat Massif (48-50 km) and the Kottas Mountains (48-50 km) that are separated by a relatively thin crust along Jutulstraumen Rift. The Moho depth under central parts of the Transantarctic Mountains reaches 46 km. The maximum Moho deepening (34-38 km) in West Antarctica is under the Antarctic Peninsula. The Moho depth minima in East Antarctica are found under the Lambert Trench (24

  3. The Crustal Structure of the North-South Earthquake Belt in China Revealed from Deep Seismic Soundings and Gravity Data (United States)

    Zhao, Yang; Guo, Lianghui; Shi, Lei; Li, Yonghua


    The North-South earthquake belt (NSEB) is one of the major earthquake regions in China. The studies of crustal structure play a great role in understanding tectonic evolution and in evaluating earthquake hazards in this region. However, some fundamental crustal parameters, especially crustal interface structure, are not clear in this region. In this paper, we reconstructed the crustal interface structure around the NSEB based on both the deep seismic sounding (DSS) data and the gravity data. We firstly reconstructed the crustal structure of crystalline basement (interface G), interface between upper and lower crusts (interface C) and Moho in the study area by compiling the results of 38 DSS profiles published previously. Then, we forwardly calculated the gravity anomalies caused by the interfaces G and C, and then subtracted them from the complete Bouguer gravity anomalies, yielding the regional gravity anomalies mainly due to the Moho interface. We then utilized a lateral-variable density interface inversion technique with constraints of the DSS data to invert the regional anomalies for the Moho depth model in the study area. The reliability of our Moho depth model was evaluated by comparing with other Moho depth models derived from other gravity inversion technique and receiver function analysis. Based on our Moho depth model, we mapped the crustal apparent density distribution in the study area for better understanding the geodynamics around the NSEB.

  4. Glacio-Seismotectonics: Ice Sheets, Crustal Deformation and Seismicity (United States)

    Sauber, Jeanne; Stewart, Iain S.; Rose, James


    The last decade has witnessed a significant growth in our understanding of the past and continuing effects of ice sheets and glaciers on contemporary crustal deformation and seismicity. This growth has been driven largely by the emergence of postglacial rebound models (PGM) constrained by new field observations that incorporate increasingly realistic rheological, mechanical, and glacial parameters. In this paper, we highlight some of these recent field-based investigations and new PGMs, and examine their implications for understanding crustal deformation and seismicity during glaciation and following deglaciation. The emerging glacial rebound models outlined in the paper support the view that both tectonic stresses and glacial rebound stresses are needed to explain the distribution and style of contemporary earthquake activity in former glaciated shields of eastern Canada and Fennoscandia. However, many of these models neglect important parameters, such as topography, lateral variations in lithospheric strength and tectonic strain built up during glaciation. In glaciated mountainous terrains, glacial erosion may directly modulate tectonic deformation by resetting the orogenic topography and thereby providing an additional compensatory uplift mechanism. Such effects are likely to be important both in tectonically active orogens and in the mountainous regions of glaciated shields.

  5. TopoGreenland: crustal structure in central-eastern Greenland along a new refraction profile (United States)

    Shulgin, Alexey; Thybo, Hans; Field Team TopoGreenland


    We present the seismic structure in the interior of Greenland based on the first measurements by the seismic refraction/wide angle reflection method. Previous seismic surveys have only been carried out offshore and near the coast of Greenland, where the crustal structure is affected by oceanic break-up and may not be representative of the interior of the island. Acquisition of geophysical data in onshore Greenland is logistically complicated by the presence of an up to 3.4 km thick ice sheet, permanently covering most of the land mass. The seismic data was acquired by a team of six people during a two-month long experiment in summer of 2011 on the ice cap in the interior of central-eastern Greenland. The EW-trending profile extends 310 km inland from the approximate edge of the stable ice cap near Scoresby Sund across the center of the ice cap. The planned extension of the profile by use of OBSs and air gun shooting in Scoresbysund Fjord to the east coast of Greenland was unfortunately canceled, because navigation was prevented by ice drift. 350 Reftek Texan receivers recorded high-quality seismic data from 8 equidistant shots along the profile. Explosive charge sizes were 1 ton at the ends and ca. 500 kg along the profile, loaded with about 125 kg at 35-85 m depth in individual boreholes. Two-dimensional velocity model based on tomographic inversion and forward ray tracing modeling shows a decrease of crustal thickness from 47 km below the center of Greenland in the western part to 40 km in the eastern part of the profile. Earlier studies show that crustal thickness further decreases eastward to ca. 30 km below the fjord system, but details of the changes are unknown. Relatively high lower crustal velocities (Vp 6.8 - 7.3) in the western part of the TopoGreenland profile may indicate past collision tectonics or may be related or to the passage of the Iceland mantle plume. The origin of the pronounced circum-Atlantic mountain ranges in Norway and eastern Greenland

  6. Oblique reactivation of lithosphere-scale lineaments controls rift physiography - the upper-crustal expression of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone, offshore southern Norway (United States)

    Phillips, Thomas B.; Jackson, Christopher A.-L.; Bell, Rebecca E.; Duffy, Oliver B.


    Pre-existing structures within sub-crustal lithosphere may localise stresses during subsequent tectonic events, resulting in complex fault systems at upper-crustal levels. As these sub-crustal structures are difficult to resolve at great depths, the evolution of kinematically and perhaps geometrically linked upper-crustal fault populations can offer insights into their deformation history, including when and how they reactivate and accommodate stresses during later tectonic events. In this study, we use borehole-constrained 2-D and 3-D seismic reflection data to investigate the structural development of the Farsund Basin, offshore southern Norway. We use throw-length (T-x) analysis and fault displacement backstripping techniques to determine the geometric and kinematic evolution of N-S- and E-W-striking upper-crustal fault populations during the multiphase evolution of the Farsund Basin. N-S-striking faults were active during the Triassic, prior to a period of sinistral strike-slip activity along E-W-striking faults during the Early Jurassic, which represented a hitherto undocumented phase of activity in this area. These E-W-striking upper-crustal faults are later obliquely reactivated under a dextral stress regime during the Early Cretaceous, with new faults also propagating away from pre-existing ones, representing a switch to a predominantly dextral sense of motion. The E-W faults within the Farsund Basin are interpreted to extend through the crust to the Moho and link with the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone, a lithosphere-scale lineament, identified within the sub-crustal lithosphere, that extends > 1000 km across central Europe. Based on this geometric linkage, we infer that the E-W-striking faults represent the upper-crustal component of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone and that the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone represents a long-lived lithosphere-scale lineament that is periodically reactivated throughout its protracted geological history. The upper-crustal component of

  7. Further Mapping of Mercury's Crustal Magnetic Field Using MESSENGER Magnetometer Data (United States)

    Hood, L. L.; Oliveira, J. S.; Spudis, P. D.; Galluzzi, V.


    Further mapping of Mercury's crustal magnetic field shows that anomalies are associated with some impact craters but not others. Differences in impactor composition (e.g., iron content) may be indicated by this new observation.

  8. Effect of Crustal Density Structures on GOCE Gravity Gradient Observables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert Tenzer Pavel Novák


    Full Text Available We investigate the gravity gradient components corrected for major known anomalous density structures within the Earth¡¦s crust. Heterogeneous mantle density structures are disregarded. The gravimetric forward modeling technique is utilized to compute the gravity gradients based on methods for a spherical harmonic analysis and synthesis of a gravity field. The Earth¡¦s gravity gradient components are generated using the global geopotential model GOCO-03s. The topographic and stripping gravity corrections due to the density contrasts of the ocean and ice are computed from the global topographic/bathymetric model DTM2006.0 (which also includes the ice-thickness dataset. The discrete data of sediments and crust layers taken from the CRUST2.0 global crustal model are then used to apply the additional stripping corrections for sediments and remaining anomalous crustal density structures. All computations are realized globally on a one arc-deg geographical grid at a mean satellite elevation of 255 km. The global map of the consolidated crust-stripped gravity gradients reveals distinctive features which are attributed to global tectonics, lithospheric plate configuration, lithosphere structure and mantle dynamics (e.g., glacial isostatic adjustment, mantle convection. The Moho signature, which is the most pronounced signal in these refined gravity gradients, is superimposed over a weaker gravity signal of the lithospheric mantle. An interpretational quality of the computed (refined gravity gradient components is mainly limited by a low accuracy and resolution of the CRUST2.0 sediment and crustal layer data and unmodeled mantle structures.

  9. Crustal structure along the west flank of the Cascades, western Washington (United States)

    Miller, K.C.; Keller, Gordon R.; Gridley, J.M.; Luetgert, J.H.; Mooney, W.D.; Thybo, H.


    Knowledge of the crustal structure of the Washington Cascades and adjacent Puget Lowland is important to both earthquake hazards studies and geologic studies of the evolution of this tectonically active region. We present a model for crustal velocity structure derived from analysis of seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection data collected in 1991 in western Washington. The 280-km-long north-south transect skirts the west flank of the Cascades as it crosses three tectonic provinces including the Northwest Cascades Thrust System (NWCS), the Puget Lowland, and the volcanic arc of the southern Cascades. Within the NWCS, upper crustal velocities range from 4.2 to 5.7 km s-1 and are consistent with the presence of a diverse suite of Mesozoic and Paleozoic metasediments and metavolcanics. In the upper 2-3 km of the Puget Lowland velocities drop to 1.7-3.5 km s-1 and reflect the occurrence of Oligocene to recent sediments within the basin. In the southern Washington Cascades, upper crustal velocities range from 4.0 to 5.5 km s-1 and are consistent with a large volume of Tertiary sediments and volcanics. A sharp change in velocity gradient at 5-10 km marks the division between the upper and middle crust. From approximately 10 to 35 km depth the velocity field is characterized by a velocity increase from ???6.0 to 7.2 km s-1. These high velocities do not support the presence of marine sedimentary rocks at depths of 10-20 km beneath the Cascades as previously proposed on the basis of magnetotelluric data. Crustal thickness ranges from 42 to 47 km along the profile. The lowermost crust consists of a 2 to 8-km-thick transitional layer with velocities of 7.3-7.4 km s-1. The upper mantle velocity appears to be an unusually low 7.6-7.8 km s-1. When compared to velocity models from other regions, this model most closely resembles those found in active continental arcs. Distinct seismicity patterns can be associated with individual tectonic provinces along the seismic transect. In

  10. Columbia River volcanism - The question of mantle heterogeneity or crustal contamination (United States)

    Carlson, R. W.; Lugmair, G. W.; Macdougall, J. D.


    It is found that, although crystal fractionation played an important role in producing the chemical characteristics of Columbia River Province basalts displaying a wide range of chemical and isotopic compositions, the isotopic variability calls for the involvement of at least two isotopically distinct components. The major and trace element characteristics of the main volume of the basalts are not consistent with a metasomatized mantle source region, and the presence of a primordial mantel component is not supported by the chemical data. Models of simple binary mixing between a primary magma and Precambrian sialic crustal materials, while satisfying the observed Nd and Sr isotopic variations, fail to account for major trace element abundances. The combination of crustal assimilation and fractional crystalization is found to give a superior fit to the compositional data.

  11. An evaluation of information on vertical crustal movements pertaining to deep disposal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gale, J.E.; Quinlan, G.; Rogerson, R.; Welhan, J.


    The geological and historical information on the magnitude and distribution of uplift and differential movements of rock masses as well as groundwater flow system transients that result from glacial unloading, erosion and tectonic stress have been reviewed. Data presented in the literature show that vertical crustal movements have occurred during the Cenozoic. In addition, the literature indicates significant transients exist in groundwater flow systems. The documented evidence of vertical crustal movements, plus supporting data on the stress-permeability constitutive relationships for discontinuities in fractured crystalline rocks, and three-dimensional modelling capability justifies a detailed analysis of the effects of vertical uplift on bedrock and on groundwater as they pertain to the deep disposal of radioactive waste. 159 annotated refs

  12. Upper mantle and crustal structure of the East Greenland Caledonides

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schiffer, Christian; Balling, N.; Jacobsen, B. H.

    The East Greenland and Scandinavian Caledonides once formed a major coherent mountain range, as a consequence of the collision of the continents of Laurentia and Baltica. The crustal and upper mantle structure was furthermore influenced by several geodynamic processes leading to the formation of ...

  13. Thin Crust and High Crustal Vp/Vs beneath the Central Armenia Plateau of the Lesser Caucasus (United States)

    Tseng, T. L.; Lin, C. M.; Huang, B. S.; Karakhanyan, A.


    Armenia volcanic highland is part of the Lesser Caucasus directly connected with the East Anatolian Plateau to the west and Iranian Plateau to the east. Abundant Quaternary volcanoes in Armenia are the youngest among those associated with post-collision of Arabia-Eurasian since Miocene ( 11 Ma). In this study, teleseismic receiver functions were analyzed from a temporary array to constrain the crustal structures under Armenia and the vicinity. The results show that the Moho depth is shallowest beneath central Armenia where the estimated crustal thickness is 32 km with high averaged crustal Vp/Vs of 1.8-2.0 using H-κ technique. The high crustal Vp/Vs is distributed in a wider area but thin crust is confined more locally around stratovolcano Aragats, whose last eruption was about 0.5 Ma. High crustal Vp/Vs value approaching to 2.1 is found near East of volcano Ghegam complex and NW of volcano Ararat with last dated ages of 0.5 and <0.1 Ma, respectively. Such high Vp/Vs (2.0) cannot be explained without high mafic content and the presence of partial melt in the crust. The 1-D velocity models inverted demonstrate that the partial melt is more likely in the low-velocity layer of the lower crust. To support the unusually thin crust in central Armenia, it requires additional thermal buoyancy in the uppermost mantle which is consistent with regionally low Pn velocity found in previous studies. We propose that the volcanism here is facilitated by the stretches of lithosphere.

  14. Revised crustal architecture of the southeastern Carpathian foreland from active and passive seismic data (United States)

    Enciu, Dana M.; Knapp, Camelia C.; Knapp, James H.


    Integration of active and passive source seismic data is employed in order to study the nature of the relationships between crustal seismicity and geologic structures in the southeastern (SE) Carpathian foreland of Romania and the possible connection with the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone (VSZ) of intermediate-depth seismicity, one of the most active earthquake-prone areas in Europe. Crustal epicenters and focal mechanisms are correlated with four deep industry seismic profiles, the reprocessed Danube and Carpathian Integrated Action on Process in the Lithosphere and Neotectonics (DACIA PLAN) profile and the Deep Reflection Acquisition Constraining Unusual Lithospheric Activity II and III (DRACULA) profiles in order to understand the link between neotectonic foreland deformation and Vrancea mantle seismicity. Projection of crustal foreland hypocenters onto deep seismic profiles identifies several active crustal faults in the SE Carpathian foreland and suggests a mechanical coupling between the mantle located VSZ and the overlying foreland crust. The coupled associated deformation appears to take place on the Trotus Fault, the Sinaia Fault, and the newly detected Ialomita Fault. Seismic reflection imaging reveals the absence of west dipping reflectors in the crystalline crust and a slightly east dipping to horizontal Moho in the proximity of the Vrancea area. These findings argue against previously purported mechanisms to generate mantle seismicity in the VSZ including oceanic lithosphere subduction in place and oceanic slab break off, furthermore suggesting that the Vrancea seismogenic body is undetached from the overlying crust in the foreland.

  15. Magmatism at different crustal levels in the ancient North Cascades magmatic arc (United States)

    Shea, E. K.; Bowring, S. A.; Miller, R. B.; Miller, J. S.


    The mechanisms of magma ascent and emplacement inferred from study of intrusive complexes have long been the subject of intense debate. Current models favor incremental construction based on integration of field, geochemical, geochronologic, and modeling studies. Much of this work has been focused on a single crustal level. However, study of magmatism throughout the crust is critical for understanding how magma ascends through and intrudes surrounding crustal material. Here, we present new geochronologic and geochemical work from intrusive complexes emplaced at a range of crustal depths in the Cretaceous North Cascades magmatic arc. These complexes were intruded between 92 and 87 Ma at depths of at ≤5 -10 km, ~20 km, and ~25 km during this time. U-Pb CA-TIMS geochronology in zircon can resolve Jack-Entiat intrusive complex, a highly elongate amalgamation of intrusions recording two episodes of magmatism between~92-88 Ma and ~80-77 Ma. Each of these complexes provides a window into crustal processes that occur at different depths. Our data suggest assembly of the Black Peak intrusive complex occurred via a series of small (0.5-2 km2) magmatic increments from ~92 Ma to ~87 Ma. Field relations and zircon trace element geochemistry indicate each of these increments were emplaced and crystallized as closed systems-we find no evidence for mixing between magmas in the complex. However, zircon inheritance becomes more common in younger intrusions, indicating assimilation of older plutonic material, possibly during magma production or transport. The Seven-Fingered Jack intrusive complex, emplaced around 15-20 km, preserves a much more discontinuous record of intrusion than the Black Peak. Our data indicate major magmatism in the complex occurred between ~92.1-91.1 Ma. Inheritance in the Seven-Fingered Jack is common, particularly along contacts between intrusions. The Tenpeak intrusive complex, assembled between ~92 Ma and 89 Ma, represents one of the deepest exhumed

  16. Glacial rebound and crustal stress in Finland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lambeck, K.; Purcell, A.


    The last ice age of Fennoscandinavia continues to have geological repercussions across Finland despite the last ice having retreated almost 10,000 years ago: land uplift, shoreline retreat, and the stress state of the crust continues to evolve. This report focusses on the glacial rebound signals for Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia and explores the consequences of the ongoing deformation. The rebound signals include the geological evidence as well as instrumental observations: the tide gauge and lake-level measurements of the past century, the changes in geodetic levels recorded in the repeat levelling surveys of the region and the direct measurement of crustal deformation (radial and horizontal) using high-precision space-geodesy measurements. These signals provide constraints on the Earth's rheology, its elasticity and viscosity, and the glacial history of the region. Once observationally constrained, the rebound models are used to predict both the ongoing evolution of shorelines and the changing state of stress within the crust. This report covers: (i) A review of glacial rebound modelling for Scandinavia (Sections 2 and 3). (ii) Review of observational evidence relating to sea-level change and crustal rebound (Section 4). (iii) New earth and ice-sheet model results from the inversion of the geological evidence for sea-level change, including models of shoreline evolution (Sections 5 and 6). (iv) Earth-model results from the inversion of the geodetic evidence for sea-level change (Section 7). (v) Development of crustal stress models for past and present stress states (Section 8). (vi) Conclusions and recommendations (Section 9). Specific conclusions reached pertain to: (i) Thickness of ice cover over Scandinavia since the Last Glacial Maximum, particularly for the Lateglacial period. (ii) Sea-level change and shoreline evolution for the Baltic area since the time the region became ice-free for the last time. (iii) The predicted rates of present-day crustal

  17. A preliminary investigation of vertical crustal movements in the United Kingdom in the context of subsurface nuclear waste isolation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Two types of change will influence the environment of a subsurface nuclear waste isolation facility: natural geological changes and changes caused by the construction of the waste repository and introduction of the waste. This report is concerned with vertical crustal movements, which are an expression of natural geological changes. Vertical crustal movements observed outside the United Kingdom are reviewed, and vertical movements in a test region of the UK investigated by comparison of geodetic levellings. The implications of vertical crustal movement to waste isolation facilities and some potentially valuable lines of research are discussed. (author)

  18. Along Arc Structural Variation in the Izu-Bonin Arc and its Implications for Crustal Evolution Processes (United States)

    Kodaira, S.; Sato, T.; Takahashi, N.; Ito, A.; Kaneda, Y.


    A continental-type middle crust having Vp = 6.1 - 6.3 km/s has been imaged at several oceanic island arcs (e.g. northern Izu, Mariana, Tonga, Kyushu-Palau ridge) since Suyehiro et al. (1996) has found a felsic middle crust in the northern Izu arc. A high velocity lower crust (Vp > 7.3 km/s) underlying the felsic middle crust has been also underlined as a characteristic structure in the northern Izu arc. A bulk composition of the crust in the Izu arc may indicate more mafic than that of a typical continental crust due to a large volume of the high velocity lower crust. Since a crust becomes more mature toward the north along the Izu-Bonin arc, investigating structural variation along the volcanic front has been believed to provide a fundamental knowledge for a crustal evolution process. In 2004 and 2005, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology has conducted two along arc wide-angle seismic surveys from the Sagami-bay to the Kita-Iwo jima, a total profile length of about 1000 km. Although data from the Bonin-part of the profile which were acquired this year has not been processed yet, a result from the Izu-part, from the Sagami-bay to Tori shima, shows significant structural variations along the volcanic front. The crustal thickness are varied with a wavelength of several tens of km, i.e., thickened up to 25-30 km around the volcanoes (the Miyake jama, Hachijo jima, Aoga sima, Sumisu jima), while thinned down to 20 km between them. The fine seismic velocity image obtained by refraction tomography as well as a wide-angle reflection migration shows that the variation of the crustal block having 6.0 - 6.7 km/s, which is a typical continental crustal velocity, is mainly responsible for the observed variation of the crustal thickness. The thickness of the high velocity lower crust is not significantly varied along the arc. Therefore, an average crustal seismic velocity (varied 6.6 to 7.0 km/s) represents a higher velocity that that of a typical continental

  19. Fault offsets and lateral crustal movement on Europa - Evidence for a mobile ice shell

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schenk, P.M.; Mckinnon, W.B.


    An examination is conducted of Europa's cross-cutting structural relationships between various lineament types, in order to constrain the type of structure involved in each such case and, where possible, to also constrain the degree of extension across the lineaments. Evidence is adduced for significant lateral crustal movement, allowing alternative models and mechanisms for lineament formation to be discussed, as well as plausible lithospheric and crustal models. The question as to whether any of the water-ice layer has been, or currently is, liquid, is also treated in light of the evidence obtained. 53 refs

  20. Strain transformation between tectonic extrusion and crustal thickening in the growth of the Tibetan Plateau (United States)

    Liu, M.; Li, Y.; Sun, Y.; Shen, X.


    The Indo-Eurasian continental collision since 50 Ma has thickened the crust to raise the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau and driven lateral extrusion of Asian lithospheric blocks to affect Cenozoic tectonics in central and east Asia. The relative roles of crustal thickening and tectonic extrusion, and the strain partitioning between them over time and space, remain controversial. We have analyzed the strain rates using GPS velocities, and correlated the results with vertical motion derived from precise leveling. We found that tectonic extrusion largely transforms to crustal thickening near the margins of the Tibetan Plateau. Near the NW margin of the Tibetan Plateau, the shear stain transforms to compressive strain, consistent with neotectonic studies that indicate crustal shortening and uplift. Around the SE margin, shear stain largely terminates in the southern Yunnan province of China. The present-day crustal motion in SE Tibetan Plateau can be well explained by gravitational spreading without invoking plate-edge push as envisioned in the tectonic extrusion model. Using data collected from local seismic arrays, we derived receiver functions to image the lithospheric structures across the Tibetan Plateau and the Alashan block to its north and the Ordos block to its east. Our results indicate that the mantle lithosphere of these bounding Asian blocks has not been reworked by Tibetan tectonics; instead they have acted as restrictive walls to the growing Tibetan Plateau. Our finite element modeling shows that crustal deformation along the margins of the Tibetan Plateau are consistent with the notion that the east- and southeastward extrusion of the Tibetan lithosphere is largely confined to the Tibetan Plateau because of the restrictive bounding blocks of the Asian lithosphere. Thus the tectonic impact of the Indo-Eurasian collision on the Cenozoic Asian tectonics may not be as extensive as previously thought.

  1. Elementary Theoretical Forms for the Spatial Power Spectrum of Earth's Crustal Magnetic Field (United States)

    Voorhies, C.


    The magnetic field produced by magnetization in Earth's crust and lithosphere can be distinguished from the field produced by electric currents in Earth's core because the spatial magnetic power spectrum of the crustal field differs from that of the core field. Theoretical forms for the spectrum of the crustal field are derived by treating each magnetic domain in the crust as the point source of a dipole field. The geologic null-hypothesis that such moments are uncorrelated is used to obtain the magnetic spectrum expected from a randomly magnetized, or unstructured, spherical crust of negligible thickness. This simplest spectral form is modified to allow for uniform crustal thickness, ellipsoidality, and the polarization of domains by an periodically reversing, geocentric axial dipole field from Earth's core. Such spectra are intended to describe the background crustal field. Magnetic anomalies due to correlated magnetization within coherent geologic structures may well be superimposed upon this background; yet representing each such anomaly with a single point dipole may lead to similar spectral forms. Results from attempts to fit these forms to observational spectra, determined via spherical harmonic analysis of MAGSAT data, are summarized in terms of amplitude, source depth, and misfit. Each theoretical spectrum reduces to a source factor multiplied by the usual exponential function of spherical harmonic degree n due to geometric attenuation with attitude above the source layer. The source factors always vary with n and are approximately proportional to n(exp 3) for degrees 12 through 120. The theoretical spectra are therefore not directly proportional to an exponential function of spherical harmonic degree n. There is no radius at which these spectra are flat, level, or otherwise independent of n.

  2. Crustal geomagnetic field - Two-dimensional intermediate-wavelength spatial power spectra (United States)

    Mcleod, M. G.


    Two-dimensional Fourier spatial power spectra of equivalent magnetization values are presented for a region that includes a large portion of the western United States. The magnetization values were determined by inversion of POGO satellite data, assuming a magnetic crust 40 km thick, and were located on an 11 x 10 array with 300 km grid spacing. The spectra appear to be in good agreement with values of the crustal geomagnetic field spatial power spectra given by McLeod and Coleman (1980) and with the crustal field model given by Serson and Hannaford (1957). The spectra show evidence of noise at low frequencies in the direction along the satellite orbital track (N-S). indicating that for this particular data set additional filtering would probably be desirable. These findings illustrate the value of two-dimensional spatial power spectra both for describing the geomagnetic field statistically and as a guide for diagnosing possible noise sources.

  3. Seismotectonics and Crustal Thickness of Northwest Mindoro, Philippines (United States)

    Chen, P. F.; Olavere, E. A.; Lee, K. M.; Bautista, B.; Solidum, R., Jr.; Huang, B. S.


    Mindoro Island locates where the Palawan Continental Block (PCB) indented into the Philippine Mobile Belt (PMB) during the Early Miocene and where the Manila Trench terminates, having ceased convergence due to collision. On the transition from subduction to collision, Northwest Mindoro exhibits vigorous seismic activity and has been debated about its affiliation being PCB or PMB. Here, we use data from both the EHB and Global Centroid Moment Tensor catalogues to study the regional seismotectonics. We also deployed five broadband stations to probe the crustal thickness beneath NW Mindoro using receiver function analysis. Results show that, following the southeasterly reduction of convergence rates at the southern termination of the Manila Trench, the slab dipping angles steepen, were initiated at depth (~200 km) and propagate upwards. The horizontal distances of the trench and slab, as measured from the Wadati-Benioff zone at 200 km depth, also reduce in a southeasterly direction. Observations of intermediate-depth earthquakes that exhibit predominantly down-dip extensional stress patterns attest that the steepening of slab dipping angles is due to the negative buoyancy of the slab. Preliminary results of receiver function analysis suggest that the crustal thickness beneath NW Mindoro is about 40 km and is probably PCB affiliated.


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    Fernanda Galvão de Barba


    , normal asimétrica, t-student, t-student asimétrica, generalizada y generalizada asimétrica. Como resultado del estudio, se constató que hay variación en la  distribución mejor ajustada durante el periodo de crisis para casi todos los países. A variación tanto de las distribuciones cuanto de los significados y magnitudes de los coeficientes puede llevar a creer que periodos de oscilación e instabilidad financiera pueden influenciar en el  modelado de series financieras, alterando la magnitud y significado de coeficientes, y ser decurrentes del efecto contagio.A crise no mercado imobiliário norte-americano, em 2007, atingiu fortemente os mercados de capitais dos EUA e dos países europeus. Crises financeiras com a magnitude da crise de 2007/2008 trazem à tona importantes questões relativas aos mercados financeiros. Este trabalho visa investigar como a especificação da distribuição influenciou a modelagem da volatilidade no período que abrangeu a crise financeira de 2007/2008. Foram utilizados, para a análise,por meio do modelo APARCH,  dados semanais dos índices das principais bolsas do BRIC (Brasil, Rússia, Índia e Chi    na e dos Estados Unidos. A modelagem foi realizada em três subdivisões da amostra, supondo-se seis distribuições distintas: normal, normal assimétrica,  tstudent, t-student assimétrica, generalizada e generalizada assimétrica. Como resultado do estudo, constatouse que há variação na distribuição melhor ajustada durante o período de crise para quase todos os países. A variação tanto das distribuições quanto das significâncias e magnitudes dos coeficientes pode levar a crer que períodos de oscilação e instabilidade financeira podem influenciar na modelagem de séries financeiras, alterando a magnitude e significância de coeficientes, e ser decorrentes de efeito contágio.

  5. Informações georreferenciadas no suporte a decisão em arqueologia brasileira: proposta para uma carta arqueológica digital.


    André Argollo de Aguiar


    O desenvolvimento do projeto consistiu na modelagem da informação para gestão em arqueologia numa base de dados convergente de informação, caracterizada por um ambiente cartográfico digital, integrando mapas temáticos e base de dados alfanumérica num modelo protótipo e interativo para ajudar a integrar as informações na gestão em arqueologia, permitindo o registro, armazenamento e visualização da informação arqueológica correlacionada a mapas temáticos. The project development consisted of...

  6. Mobile banking como novo canal de disseminação de informações e disponibilização de serviços: um teste da teoria do comportamento planejado decomposto

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    Deborah Oliveira Santos

    Full Text Available Investigou-se os antecedentes atitudinais da intenção de uso do mobile banking por clientes bancários, adotando-se a teoria do Comportamento Planejado Decomposto como referencial teórico. Na fase conclusiva da pesquisa, com 515 respondentes, aplicou-se a modelagem de equações estruturais. O modelo teórico foi sustentado empiricamente, porém necessita de aperfeiçoamentos. Cerca de 74% da variação na intenção de uso do mobile banking foi explicada pelo modelo, em que o construto segurança foi acrescentado.

  7. Magnetotelluric evidence for a deep-crustal mineralizing system beneath the Olympic Dam iron oxide copper-gold deposit, southern Australia (United States)

    Heinson, Graham S.; Direen, Nicholas G.; Gill, Rob M.


    The iron oxide copper-gold Olympic Dam deposit, situated along the margin of the Proterozoic Gawler craton, South Australia, is the world's largest uranium deposit and sixth-largest copper deposit; it also contains significant reserves of gold, silver, and rare earth elements. Gaining a better understanding of the mechanisms for genesis of the economic liberalization is fundamental for defining exploration models in similar crustal settings. To delineate crustal structures that may constrain mineral system fluid pathways, coincident deep crustal seismic and magnetotelluric (MT) transects were obtained along a 220 km section that crosses Olympic Dam and the major crustal boundaries. In this paper we present results from 58 long-period (10 104 s) MT sites, with site spacing of 5 10 km. A two-dimensional inversion of MT data from 33 sites to a depth of 100 km shows four notable features: (1) sedimentary cover sequences with low resistivity (1000 Ω·m) Archean crustal core from a more conductive crust and mantle to the north (typically Olympic Dam, the upper-middle crust to ˜20 km is quite resistive (˜1000 Ω·m), but the lower crust is much more conductive (Olympic Dam, we image a low-resistivity region (Olympic Dam may be due to the upward movement of CO2-bearing volatiles near the time of deposit formation that precipitated conductive graphite liberalization along grain boundaries, simultaneously annihilating acoustic impedance boundaries. The source of the volatiles may be from the mantle degassing or retrograde metamorphism of the lower crust associated with Proterozoic crustal deformation.

  8. Thinned crustal structure and tectonic boundary of the Nansha Block, southern South China Sea (United States)

    Dong, Miao; Wu, Shi-Guo; Zhang, Jian


    The southern South China Sea margin consists of the thinned crustal Nansha Block and a compressional collision zone. The Nansha Block's deep structure and tectonic evolution contains critical information about the South China Sea's rifting. Multiple geophysical data sets, including regional magnetic, gravity and reflection seismic data, reveal the deep structure and rifting processes. Curie point depth (CPD), estimated from magnetic anomalies using a windowed wavenumber-domain algorithm, enables us to image thermal structures. To derive a 3D Moho topography and crustal thickness model, we apply Oldenburg algorithm to the gravity anomaly, which was extracted from the observed free air gravity anomaly data after removing the gravity effect of density variations of sediments, and temperature and pressure variations of the lithospheric mantle. We found that the Moho depth (20 km) is shallower than the CPD (24 km) in the Northwest Borneo Trough, possibly caused by thinned crust, low heat flow and a low vertical geothermal gradient. The Nansha Block's northern boundary is a narrow continent-ocean transition zone constrained by magnetic anomalies, reflection seismic data, gravity anomalies and an interpretation of Moho depth (about 13 km). The block extends southward beneath a gravity-driven deformed sediment wedge caused by uplift on land after a collision, with a contribution from deep crustal flow. Its southwestern boundary is close to the Lupar Line defined by a significant negative reduction to the pole (RTP) of magnetic anomaly and short-length-scale variation in crustal thickness, increasing from 18 to 26 km.

  9. Magnetic crustal thickness in Greenland from CHAMP and Ørsted data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maule, Cathrine Fox; Purucker, Michael E.; Olsen, Nils


    and observatory data. After correcting for the remanent magnetization, we determine the vertically integrated magnetization of the crust. Making some simplifying assumptions about the susceptibility, the thickness of the magnetic crust is determined by iteratively improving an initial crustal thickness model...

  10. The Chaotic Terrains of Mercury: A History of Large-Scale Crustal Devolatilization (United States)

    Rodriguez, J. A. P.; Domingue, D. L.; Berman, D. C.; Kargel, J. S.; Baker, V. R.; Teodoro, L. F.; Banks, M.; Leonard, G.


    Approximately 400 million years after the Caloris basin impact, extensive collapse formed Mercury's chaotic terrains. Collapse likely resulted from regionally elevated heat flow devolatilizing crustal materials along NE and NW extensional faults.

  11. Crustal thickness and velocity structure across the Moroccan Atlas from long offset wide-angle reflection seismic data: The SIMA experiment (United States)

    Ayarza, P.; Carbonell, R.; Teixell, A.; Palomeras, I.; Martí, D.; Kchikach, A.; Harnafi, M.; Levander, A.; Gallart, J.; Arboleya, M. L.; Alcalde, J.; Fernández, M.; Charroud, M.; Amrhar, M.


    The crustal structure and topography of the Moho boundary beneath the Atlas Mountains of Morocco has been constrained by a controlled source, wide-angle seismic reflection transect: the SIMA experiment. This paper presents the first results of this project, consisting of an almost 700 km long, high-resolution seismic profile acquired from the Sahara craton across the High and the Middle Atlas and the Rif Mountains. The interpretation of this seismic data set is based on forward modeling by raytracing, and has resulted in a detailed crustal structure and velocity model for the Atlas Mountains. Results indicate that the High Atlas features a moderate crustal thickness, with the Moho located at a minimum depth of 35 km to the S and at around 31 km to the N, in the Middle Atlas. Upper crustal shortening is resolved at depth through a crustal root where the Saharan crust underthrusts the northern Moroccan crust. This feature defines a lower crust imbrication that, locally, places the Moho boundary at ˜40-41 km depth in the northern part of the High Atlas. The P-wave velocity model is characterized by relatively low velocities, mostly in the lower crust and upper mantle, when compared to other active orogens and continental regions. These low deep crustal velocities together with other geophysical observables such as conductivity estimates derived from MT measurements, moderate Bouguer gravity anomaly, high heat flow, and surface exposures of recent alkaline volcanism lead to a model where partial melts are currently emplaced at deep crustal levels and in the upper mantle. The resulting model supports the existence of a mantle upwelling as mechanism that would contribute significantly to sustain the High Atlas topography. However, the detailed Moho geometry deduced in this work should lead to a revision of the exact geometry and position of this mantle feature and will require new modeling efforts.

  12. A Comparison of the Crustal Deformation Predicted by Glacial Isostatic Adjustment to Seismicity in the Baffin Region of Northern Canada (United States)

    James, T. S.; Schamehorn, T.; Bent, A. L.; Allen, T. I.; Mulder, T.; Simon, K.


    The horizontal crustal strain-rates induced by glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) in northern Canada and western Greenland region are compared to the spatial pattern of seismicity. For the comparison, an updated seismicity catalogue was created from the 2010 version of the NRCan Seismic Hazard Earthquake Epicentre File (SHEEF2010) catalogue and the Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN) catalogue of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). Crustal motion rates were computed with the Innu/Laur16 ice-sheet history and the VM5a viscosity profile (Simon et al., 2015; 2016). This GIA model optimizes the fit to relative sea-level and vertical crustal motion measurements around Hudson Bay and in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA). A region in Baffin Bay with historically high seismicity, including the 1933 M 7.4 and the 1934 and 1945 M 6.5 earthquakes, features high predicted GIA strain-rates. Elsewhere, agreement is not strong, with zones of seismicity occurring where predicted horizontal crustal strain-rates are small and large crustal strain-rates predicted where earthquake occurrence is muted. For example, large compressional crustal strain-rates are predicted beneath seismically quiescent portions of the Greenland ice sheet. Similarly, large predicted extensional strain-rates occur around southern Hudson Bay and the Foxe Basin, which are also regions of relative seismic quiescence. Additional factors to be considered include the orientation of the background stress field, relative to the predicted stress changes, and potential pre-existing zones of lithospheric weakness.

  13. Crustal characteristic variation in the central Yamato Basin, Japan Sea back-arc basin, deduced from seismic survey results (United States)

    Sato, Takeshi; No, Tetsuo; Miura, Seiichi; Kodaira, Shuichi


    The crustal structure of the Yamato Bank, the central Yamato Basin, and the continental shelf in the southern Japan Sea back-arc basin is obtained based on a seismic survey using ocean bottom seismographs and seismic shot to elucidate the back-arc basin formation processes. The central Yamato Basin can be divided into three domains based on the crustal structure: the deep basin, the seamount, and the transition domains. In the deep basin domain, the crust without the sedimentary layer is about 12-13 km thick. Very few units have P-wave velocity of 5.4-6.0 km/s, which corresponds to the continental upper crust. In the seamount and transition domains, the crust without the sedimentary layer is about 12-16 km thick. The P-wave velocities of the upper and lower crusts differs among the deep basin, the seamount, and the transition domains. These results indicate that the central Yamato Basin displays crustal variability in different domains. The crust of the deep basin domain is oceanic in nature and suggests advanced back-arc basin development. The seamount domain might have been affected by volcanic activity after basin opening. In the transition domain, the crust comprises mixed characters of continental and oceanic crust. This crustal variation might represent the influence of different processes in the central Yamato Basin, suggesting that crustal development was influenced not only by back-arc opening processes but also by later volcanic activity. In the Yamato Bank and continental shelf, the upper crust has thickness of about 17-18 km and P-wave velocities of 3.3-4.1 to 6.6 km/s. The Yamato Bank and the continental shelf suggest a continental crustal character.

  14. Effects of lateral variations of crustal rheology on the occurrence of post-orogenic normal faults: The Alto Tiberina Fault (Northern Apennines, Central Italy) (United States)

    Pauselli, Cristina; Ranalli, Giorgio


    The Northern Apennines (NA) are characterized by formerly compressive structures partly overprinted by subsequent extensional structures. The area of extensional tectonics migrated eastward since the Miocene. The youngest and easternmost major expression of extension is the Alto Tiberina Fault (ATF). We estimate 2D rheological profiles across the NA, and conclude that lateral rheological crustal variations have played an important role in the formation of the ATF and similar previously active faults to the west. Lithospheric delamination and mantle degassing resulted in an easterly-migrating extension-compression boundary, coinciding at present with the ATF, where (i) the thickness of the upper crust brittle layer reaches a maximum; (ii) the critical stress difference required to initiate faulting at the base of the brittle layer is at a minimum; and (iii) the total strengths of both the brittle layer and the whole lithosphere are at a minimum. Although the location of the fault is correlated with lithospheric rheological properties, the rheology by itself does not account for the low dip ( 20°) of the ATF. Two hypotheses are considered: (a) the low dip of the ATF is related to a rotation of the stress tensor at the time of initiation of the fault, caused by a basal shear stress ( 100 MPa) possibly related to corner flow associated with delamination; or (b) the low dip is associated to low values of the friction coefficient (≤ 0.5) coupled with high pore pressures related to mantle degassing. Our results establishing the correlation between crustal rheology and the location of the ATF are relatively robust, as we have examined various possible compositions and rheological parameters. They also provide possible general indications on the mechanisms of localized extension in post-orogenic extensional setting. The hypotheses to account for the low dip of the ATF, on the other hand, are intended simply to suggest possible solutions worthy of further study.

  15. Faults, fluids and friction : effect of pressure solution and phyllosilicates on fault slip behaviour, with implications for crustal rheology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bos, B.


    In order to model the mechanics of motion and earthquake generation on large crustal fault zones, a quantitative description of the rheology of fault zones is prerequisite. In the past decades, crustal strength has been modeled using a brittle or frictional failure law to represent fault slip

  16. Crustal structure of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau from gravity data: New evidence for clockwise movement of the Chuan-Dian rhombic block (United States)

    Xuan, Songbai; Shen, Chongyang; Shen, Wenbin; Wang, Jiapei; Li, Jianguo


    The crustal deformation beneath the Chuan-Dian rhombic block (CDB) and surrounding regions has been studied in geological and geodetic methods, and provide important insights into the kinematics and dynamics about the clockwise movement of this tectonic block. In this work, we present images of the normalized full gradient (NFG) of the Bouguer gravity anomalies from five gravity profiles across the boundary faults of the CDB measured in recent years, and investigate the distribution characteristics of the crustal anomalous bodies along the profiles. Firstly, an anomalous body with eastward dipping exist beneath the Xianshuihe fault, suggesting that crustal mass move to east. Secondly, near the Xiaojiang fault, two anomalous bodies dip westward with depth increasing. The inferred movement direction of the north one is from west to east, and the south one is from east to west. Thirdly, anomalous bodies on the northeast and southwest sides of the Red River fault suggest the directions of crustal movement is from northeast to southwest. These results are also consistent with GPS solutions, and provide gravity evidence for crustal deformation of the CDB with clockwise rotation.

  17. Topography of the Betics: crustal thickening, dynamic topography and relief inheritance (United States)

    Janowski, Marianne; Loget, Nicolas; Bellahsen, Nicolas; Husson, Laurent; Le Pourhiet, Laetitia; Meyer, Bertrand


    The main mechanism that explains high orogenic topographies is the isostatic adjustment due to crustal thickening. However in the Betic Cordillera (South Spain), the present-day elevation and crustal thickness are not correlated. That is at odds with the general premise of isostasy and requires reappraising the question of the driving mechanisms leading to the current topography. The Betics are located at the western edge of the alpine Mediterranean belt. Its Cenozoic orogenic building was disrupted by a major crustal thinning event induced by a slab rollback in the internal zones (Alboran domain) during Neogene. Topography was largely levelled and flooded by the sea during Neogene extension, and then has been folded since the Late Tortonian inversion. The present-day topography shows flat summits still preserved from fluvial regression in the internal zones (central and eastern Betics). These low-relief surfaces may be inherited from the Neogene planation toward sea-level as rocks cooling histories inferred from low-temperature thermochronology seem to point it out. Post-Tortonian shortening estimated thanks to a crustal-scale N-S cross-section in the eastern Betics (at the Sierra Nevada longitude) does not exceed few kilometers which is much lower than the shortening required by isostatic equilibrium, and is thus insufficient to explain the post-Tortonian topography building. We tested the hypothesis that mantle dynamics could in fact be an important mechanism that explains the topography of the Betics. We first computed the residual topography (i.e. the non-isostatic component of the elevation) using the most recent published Moho mapping of the area. In the western Betics, our results show important negative residual topography (down to -3 km) possibly associated with the west-Alboran slab suction. In the eastern Betics however, positive residual topography is important (up to +3 km) and can be explained by the dynamic mantle support of the topography, possibly

  18. Constraints on the crustal structure beneath the Sinai subplate, SE Mediterranean, from analysis of local and regional travel times

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    Mohamed K. Salah


    Full Text Available The Sinai Peninsula has been recognized as a subplate of the African Plate located at the triple junction of the Gulf of Suez rift, the Dead Sea Transform fault, and the Red Sea rift. The upper and lower crustal structures of this tectonically active, rapidly developing region are yet poorly understood because of many limitations. For this reason, a set of P- and S-wave travel times recorded at 14 seismic stations belonging to the Egyptian National Seismographic Network (ENSN from 111 local and regional events are analyzed to investigate the crustal structures and the locations of the seismogenic zones beneath central and southern Sinai. Because the velocity model used for routine earthquake location by ENSN is one-dimensional, the travel-time residuals will show lateral heterogeneity of the velocity structures and unmodeled vertical structures. Seismic activity is strong along the eastern and southern borders of the study area but low to moderate along the northern boundary and the Gulf of Suez to the west. The crustal Vp/Vs ratio is 1.74 from shallow (depth ≤ 10 km earthquakes and 1.76 from deeper (depth > 10 km crustal events. The majority of the regional and local travel-time residuals are positive relative to the Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM, implying that the seismic stations are located above widely distributed, tectonically-induced low-velocity zones. These low-velocity zones are mostly related to the local crustal faults affecting the sedimentary section and the basement complex as well as the rifting processes prevailing in the northern Red Sea region and the ascending of hot mantle materials along crustal fractures. The delineation of these low-velocity zones and the locations of big crustal earthquakes enable the identification of areas prone to intense seismotectonic activities, which should be excluded from major future development projects and large constructions in central and southern Sinai.

  19. Sub-crustal seismic activity beneath Klyuchevskoy Volcano (United States)

    Carr, M. J.; Droznina, S.; Levin, V. L.; Senyukov, S.


    Seismic activity is extremely vigorous beneath the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group (KVG). The unique aspect is the distribution in depth. In addition to upper-crustal seismicity, earthquakes take place at depths in excess of 20 km. Similar observations are known in other volcanic regions, however the KVG is unique in both the number of earthquakes and that they occur continuously. Most other instances of deep seismicity beneath volcanoes appear to be episodic or transient. Digital recording of seismic signals started at the KVG in early 2000s.The dense local network reliably locates earthquakes as small as ML~1. We selected records of 20 earthquakes located at depths over 20 km. Selection was based on the quality of the routine locations and the visual clarity of the records. Arrivals of P and S waves were re-picked, and hypocentral parameters re-established. Newl locations fell within the ranges outlined by historical seismicity, confirming the existence of two distinct seismically active regions. A shallower zone is at ~20 km depth, and all hypocenters are to the northeast of KVG, in a region between KVG and Shiveluch volcano. A deeper zone is at ~30 km, and all hypocenters cluster directly beneath the edifice of the Kyuchevskoy volcano. Examination of individual records shows that earthquakes in both zones are tectonic, with well-defined P and S waves - another distinction of the deep seismicity beneath KVG. While the upper seismic zone is unquestionably within the crust, the provenance of the deeper earthquakes is enigmatic. The crustal structure beneath KVG is highly complex, with no agreed-upon definition of the crust-mantle boundary. Rather, a range of values, from under 30 to over 40 km, exists in the literature. Similarly, a range of velocity structures has been reported. Teleseismic receiver functions (RFs) provide a way to position the earthquakes with respect to the crust-mantle boundary. We compare the differential travel times of S and P waves from deep

  20. The gravity field and crustal structure of the northwestern Arabian Platform in Jordan (United States)

    Batayneh, A. T.; Al-Zoubi, A. S.


    The Bouguer gravity field over the northwestern Arabian Platform in Jordan is dominated by large variations, ranging from -132 to +4 mGal. A study of the Bouguer anomaly map shows that the gravity field maintains a general north-northeasterly trend in the Wadi Araba-Dead Sea-Jordan Riff, Northern Highlands and Northeast Jordanian Limestone Area, while the remainder of the area shows north-northwesterly-trending gravity anomalies. Results of 2-D gravity modeling of the Bouguer gravity field indicate that the crustal thickness in Jordan is ˜ 38 km, which is similar to crustal thicknesses obtained from refraction data in northern Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and from gravity data in Syria.

  1. The use of satellite laser observations in studying the crustal movements

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    Gamal F. Attia


    Full Text Available The mutual tectonic displacements of the lithospheric blocks take place within the deep fracture dividing them into hundreds and thousands kilometers long. It is possible to suggest that the reason of the accumulation of considerable local shift deformations is the change of the velocity of the tectonic motion in some or other parts of fractures as a result of different physical, chemical and mechanical processes. Nowadays, the range precision of Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR technique reaches a few millimeters level. Therefore, the space geodesy technique becomes a very important tool in detecting and monitoring recent crustal movements. Regular repeated measurements of the baselines between some stations on different plates give the possibility to construct precise and detail models of crustal movements. In this paper, the length of four baselines between Helwan-SLR station and other four SLR stations are calculated using satellite geodetical technique.

  2. Faults, fluids and friction : Effect of pressure solution and phyllosilicates on fault slip behaviour, with implications for crustal rheology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bos, B.


    In order to model the mechanics of motion and earthquake generation on large crustal fault zones, a quantitative description of the rheology of fault zones is prerequisite. In the past decades, crustal strength has been modeled using a brittle or frictional failure law to represent fault slip at

  3. Modelagem neural e análise estatística do processo de degradação de chorume por foto-Fenton solar

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    Alessandro Sampaio Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available O chorume em estudo é oriundo da cidade de Cachoeira Paulista-SP, apresentando baixa biodegradabilidade, devendo ser pré-tratado por um processo oxidativo. O objetivo desse trabalho foi obter um modelo neural em conjunto com análises estatísticas que representassem a degradação do chorume in natura pelo processo foto-Fenton solar, em função da redução da demanda química de oxigênio (DQO. Redes neurais apresentam-se como uma alternativa para a modelagem de processos não-lineares como os processos oxidativos avançados, que envolvem um grande número de variáveis de controle e complexas reações envolvidas. O processo fotocatalítico foi otimizado por um planejamento fatorial fracionado (24-1 em duplicata e triplicata no ponto central, sendo as variáveis de entrada em três níveis: pH, radiação solar e concentrações de H2O2 e Fe2+. O sistema de tratamento em escala de bancada utilizou um reator batelada, com volume constante (3 L de chorume, vazão 13 L min-1 e 2-h de reação. A otimização do processo mostrou que o efeito individual de cada variável de entrada deve operar em seu maior nível, sendo que a variável Fe2+ teve significância na forma combinada. A redução percentual de DQO do melhor experimento foi de 88,7 %, sendo esta avaliada em um custo de R$ 126,67 m-3 de chorume. O processo de degradação foi modelado via redes neurais feedforward backpropagation, com coeficientes de correlação linear para os conjuntos de treinamento, validação e teste acima de 0,9, indicando alta predição e generalização do modelo neural proposto. A rede neural proposta mapeou um espaço multidimensional da forma ∆DQO = f(t, pH,[H O ],P ,[Fe ] 2+ 2 2 UV .

  4. Modelagem matemática e parâmetros qualitativos da secagem de folhas de capim-limão [Cymbopogon citratus (DC. Stapf] Mathematical modeling and quality parameters of lemon grass [Cymbopogon citratus (DC. Stapf] leaf drying

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    A.P. Martinazzo


    Full Text Available A espécie Cymbopogon citratus, conhecida como capim-limão, é amplamente utilizada popularmente para fins medicinais e tem o uso nas indústrias farmacêuticas, alimentícias, de cosméticos e perfumaria. Devido à necessidade de conhecimentos específicos na área de pré-processamento, o presente trabalho tem a finalidade de equacionar e analisar alguns aspectos da secagem, que permitam prever as alterações na qualidade do produto. Folhas da referida espécie foram submetidas a cortes em diferentes comprimentos e à secagem em diferentes temperaturas. Aos dados experimentais, ajustaram-se diferentes equações para a modelagem das curvas de secagem. Realizaram-se também avaliações do produto seco, referentes à cor e ao teor do óleo essencial. Os resultados evidenciam que o modelo de Page Modificado é o que melhor se ajusta aos dados experimentais. A temperatura de 50ºC mostrou-se a mais indicada para a secagem da espécie, resultando em produto com menor perda do óleo essencial e maior preservação da cor verde.The species Cymbopogon citratus, known as lemon grass, is widely used for medicinal purpose and in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic and perfumery industries. Due to the need for more specific knowledge of pre-processing management, this work aims to equate and analyze some drying aspects that allow preview the product quality alterations. The leaves from this species were cut at different lengths and dried at different temperatures. Different equations for modeling the drying curves were adjusted to the experimental data. The dried product was also evaluated for color and essential oil content. The results showed that the Modified Page model resulted in the best adjustment for the experimental data. The temperature of 50°C was the best for drying the species leaves, resulting in less essential oil loss and higher green color maintenance.

  5. The Transition from Volcanic to Rift Dominated Crustal Breakup - From the Vøring Plateau to the Lofoten Margin, Norway (United States)

    Breivik, A. J.; Faleide, J. I.; Mjelde, R.; Flueh, E.; Murai, Y.


    The Vøring Plateau was part of the Northeast Atlantic igneous province (NAIP) during early Cenozoic crustal breakup. Crustal breakup at the Vøring Plateau occurred marginal to the deep Cretaceous basins on the shelf, with less extension of the crust. Intrusive magmatism and oceanic crust up to three times normal thickness caused a period of sub-aerial magmatism around breakup time. The transition to the Lofoten Margin is rapid to a deep-water plain. Still, there is some excess magmatism north of this transition, where early oceanic crustal thickness is reduced to half of that of the Vøring Plateau 150 km away. Our estimates of the earliest seafloor spreading rates using new ship-track magnetic profiles on different margin segments offer a clue to what caused this rapid transition. While crustal breakup occurred within the magnetic polarity C24r in other parts of the NAIP, there is a delayed breakup for the Lofoten/Vesterålen margin. Modeling of the earliest seafloor spreading with geomagnetic reversals, indicate a breakup within C24n.3n (anomaly 24b), approximately 1 m.y. later. Both old wide-angle seismic models (from Ocean Bottom Seismometers) off southern Lofoten and a newly published profile farther north show a strongly extended outer margin. Applying early seafloor half-spreading rates ( 30 mm/y) from other NAIP margin segments for 1 m.y. can account for 30 km extra extension, giving a factor of three crustal thinning, and gives a high strain rate of 3.2 ·10-14. Crustal breakup at the magma-poor Iberian Margin occurred at a low strain rate of 4.4·10-15, allowing the ascending mantle to cool, favoring tectonic extension over magmatism. Similar strain rates are found within the main Ethiopian Rift, but there is much magmatism and crustal separation is dominated by dike injection. Mantle tomography models show an exceptionally low seismic velocity below the area interpreted as an unusually hot upper mantle, which will favor magmatism. The transition from

  6. Crustal rifting and magmatic underplating in the Izu-Ogasawara (Bonin) intra-oceanic arc detected by active source seismic studies (United States)

    Takahashi, N.; Kodaira, S.; Yamashita, M.; Miura, S.; Sato, T.; No, T.; Tatsumi, Y.; Kaneda, Y.


    Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) has carried out seismic experiments using a multichannel reflection system and ocean bottom seismographs (OBSs) in the Izu-Ogasawara (Bonin)-Mariana (IBM) arc region since 2002 to understand growth process of continental crust. The source was an airgun array with a total capacity of 12,000 cubic inches and the OBSs as the receiver were deployed with an interval of 5 km for all seismic refraction experiments. As the results, we obtained crustal structures across the whole IBM arc with an interval of 50 km and detected the structural characteristics showing the crustal growth process. The IBM arc is one of typical oceanic island arc, which crustal growth started from subduction of an oceanic crust beneath the other oceanic crust. The arc crust has developed through repeatedly magmatic accretion from subduction slab and backarc opening. The volcanism has activated in Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Quaternary (e.g., Taylor, 1992), however, these detailed locations of past volcanic arc has been remained as one of unknown issues. In addition, a role of crustal rifting for the crustal growth has also been still unknown issue yet. Our seismic structures show three rows of past volcanic arc crusts except current arc. A rear arc and a forearc side have one and two, respectively. The first one, which was already reported by Kodaira et al. (2008), distributes in northern side from 27 N of the rear arc region. The second one, which develops in the forearc region next to the recent volcanic front, distributes in whole of the Izu-Ogasawara arc having crustal variation along arc direction. Ones of them sometimes have thicker crust than that beneath current volcanic front and no clear topographic high. Last one in the forearc connects to the Ogasawara Ridge. However, thickest crust is not always located beneath these volcanic arcs. The initial rifting region like the northern end of the Mariana Trough and the Sumisu

  7. Crustal heterogeneity and seismotectonics of the region around Beijing, China (United States)

    Huang, Jinli; Zhao, Dapeng


    A detailed three-dimensional (3-D) P-wave velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle under the Chinese capital (Beijing) region is determined with a spatial resolution of 25 km in the horizontal direction and 4-17 km in depth. We used 48,750 precise P-wave arrival times from 2973 events of local crustal earthquakes, controlled seismic explosions and quarry blasts. These events were recorded by a new digital seismic network consisting of 101 seismic stations equipped with high-sensitivity seismometers. The data are analyzed by using a 3-D seismic tomography method. Our tomographic model provides new insights into the geological structure and tectonics of the region, such as the lithological variations and large fault zones across the major geological terranes like the North China Basin, the Taihangshan and the Yanshan mountainous areas. The velocity images of the upper crust reflect well the surface geological and topographic features. In the North China Basin, the depression and uplift areas are imaged as slow and fast velocities, respectively. The Taihangshan and Yanshan mountainous regions are generally imaged as broad high-velocity zones, while the Quaternary intermountain basins show up as small low-velocity anomalies. Velocity changes are visible across some of the large fault zones. Large crustal earthquakes, such as the 1976 Tangshan earthquake ( M=7.8) and the 1679 Sanhe earthquake ( M=8.0), generally occurred in high-velocity areas in the upper to middle crust. In the lower crust to the uppermost mantle under the source zones of the large earthquakes, however, low-velocity and high-conductivity anomalies exist, which are considered to be associated with fluids. The fluids in the lower crust may cause the weakening of the seismogenic layer in the upper and middle crust and thus contribute to the initiation of the large crustal earthquakes.



    Mota Anselmo, Paulo Cesar


    Resumo. No Brasil após as mudanças que ocorreram em virtude do modelo de comercialização do Setor Elétrico Brasileiro adotado em 2004, ao se negociar um novo contrato de energia, o agente comprador (no caso representando a empresa Distribuidora) terá que enfrentar os riscos de preço devido às variações na produção hidrelétrica, riscos de mudanças de crédito da fonte do comprador, modificações de regulação do governo e demais riscos desta área. Uma análise de risco para tomar as medidas para t...

  9. GPS-derived crustal deformation in Azerbaijan (United States)

    Safarov, Rafig; Mammadov, Samir; Kadirov, Fakhraddin


    Crustal deformations of the Earth's crust in Azerbaijan were studied based on GPS measurements. The GPS velocity vectors for Azerbaijan, Iran, Georgia, and Armenia were used in order to estimate the deformation rates. It is found that compression is observable along the Greater Caucasus, in Gobustan, the Kura depression, Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic, and adjacent areas of Iran. The axes of compression/contraction of the crust in the Greater Caucasus region are oriented in the S-NE direction. The maximum strain rate is observed in the zone of mud volcanism at the SHIK site (Shykhlar), which is marked by a sharp change in the direction of the compression axes (SW-NE). It is revealed that the deformation field also includes the zones where strain rates are very low. These zones include the Caspian-Guba and northern Gobustan areas, characterized by extensive development of mud volcanism. The extension zones are confined to the Lesser Caucasus and are revealed in the Gyadabei (GEDA) and Shusha (SHOU) areas. The analysis of GPS data for the territory of Azerbaijan and neighboring countries reveals the heterogeneous patterns of strain field in the region. This fact suggests that the block model is most adequate for describing the structure of the studied region. The increase in the number of GPS stations would promote increasing the degree of detail in the reconstructions of the deformation field and identifying the microplate boundaries.It is concluded that the predominant factor responsible for the eruption of mud volcanoes is the intensity of gasgeneration processes in the earth's interior, while deformation processes play the role of a trigger. The zone of the epicenters of strong earthquakes is correlated to the gradient zone in the crustal strain rates.

  10. Estimação do Impacto do El Niño/La Niña na Intensidade dos Ventos do Nordeste Brasileiro

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    Carolina Nascimento Nogueira Lima


    Full Text Available A energia eólica é hoje uma das mais promissoras fontes de energia do mundo por ser limpa e abundante. O estudo de fenômenos que estão relacionados com alterações na circulação atmosférica, como o El Niño, são de extrema importância pela possibilidade de afetarem a geração eólica. A fim de explorar o possível efeito de tais fenômenos nos ventos da região Nordeste do Brasil, é realizada uma análise estatística para a quantificação desse efeito através do modelo Generalized Autoregressive Score (GAS. Este permite a modelagem de séries temporais para diferentes distribuições de probabilidade. Nesse estudo, o modelo GAS é aplicado às séries de velocidade do vento a partir da distribuição Gama. Os resultados do modelo mostraram que o El Niño possui influência no comportamento do vento, ainda que esta seja pequena em magnitude

  11. Time-scale invariant changes in atmospheric radon concentration and crustal strain prior to a large earthquake

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    Y. Kawada


    Full Text Available Prior to large earthquakes (e.g. 1995 Kobe earthquake, Japan, an increase in the atmospheric radon concentration is observed, and this increase in the rate follows a power-law of the time-to-earthquake (time-to-failure. This phenomenon corresponds to the increase in the radon migration in crust and the exhalation into atmosphere. An irreversible thermodynamic model including time-scale invariance clarifies that the increases in the pressure of the advecting radon and permeability (hydraulic conductivity in the crustal rocks are caused by the temporal changes in the power-law of the crustal strain (or cumulative Benioff strain, which is associated with damage evolution such as microcracking or changing porosity. As the result, the radon flux and the atmospheric radon concentration can show a temporal power-law increase. The concentration of atmospheric radon can be used as a proxy for the seismic precursory processes associated with crustal dynamics.

  12. Crustal thickness and Moho sharpness beneath the Midcontinent rift from receiver functions

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    Moikwathai Moidaki


    Full Text Available The Mesoproterozoic Midcontinent rift (MCR in the central US is an approximately 2000 km long, 100 km wide structure from Kansas to Michigan. During the 20-40 million years of rifting, a thick (up to 20 km layer of basaltic lava was deposited in the rift valleys. Quantifying the effects of the rifting and associated volcanic eruptions on the structure and composition of the crust and mantle beneath the MCR is important for the understanding of the evolution of continental lithosphere. In this study we measure the crustal thickness (H, and the sharpness of the Moho (R at about 24 portable and permanent stations in Iowa, Kansas, and South Dakota by stacking Pto- S converted waves (PmS and their multiples (PPmS and PSmS. Under the assumption that the crustal mean velocity in the study area is the same as the IASP91 earth model, we find a significantly thickened crust beneath the MCR of about 53 km. The crustal Vp/Vs ratios increases from about 1.80 off rift to as large as 1.95 within the rift, which corresponds to an increase of Poisson’s ratio from 0.28 to 0.32, suggesting a more mafic crust beneath the MCR. The R measurements are spatially variable and are relatively small in the vicinity of the MCR, indicating the disturbance of the original sharp Moho by the rifting and magmatic intrusion and volcanic eruption.

  13. The crustal structures from Wuyi-Yunkai orogen to Taiwan orogen: the onshore-offshore wide-angle seismic experiment of TAIGER and ATSEE projects (United States)

    Kuochen, H.; Kuo, N. Y. W.; Wang, C. Y.; Jin, X.; Cai, H. T.; Lin, J. Y.; Wu, F. T.; Yen, H. Y.; Huang, B. S.; Liang, W. T.; Okaya, D. A.; Brown, L. D.


    The crustal structure is key information for understanding the tectonic framework and geological evolution in the southeastern China and its adjacent area. In this study, we integrated the data sets from the TAIGER and ATSEE projects to resolve onshore-offshore deep crustal seismic profiles from the Wuyi-Yunkai orogen to the Taiwan orogen in southeastern China. Totally, there are three seismic profiles resolved and the longest profile is 850 km. Unlike 2D and 3D first arrival travel-time tomography from previous studies, we used both refracted and reflected phases (Pg, Pn, PcP, and PmP) to model the crustal structures and the crustal reflectors. 40 shots, 2 earthquakes, and about 1,950 stations were used and 15,319 arrivals were picked among three transects. As a result, the complex crustal evolution since Paleozoic era are shown, which involved the closed Paleozoic rifted basin in central Fujian, the Cenozoic extension due to South China sea opening beneath the coastline of southern Fujian, and the on-going collision of the Taiwan orogen.

  14. Hf isotope evidence for variable slab input and crustal addition in basalts and andesites of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waight, Tod Earle; Troll, Valentin R.; Gamble, J.A.


    -Nd isotopes. Here we present new Hf isotope data for a selection of volcanic rocks and crustal lithologies fromthe Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), NewZealand and propose that the scatter in Hf-Nd isotopes indicates heterogeneity in the parental magmas prior to interactions with crustal lithologies. The observed......, whereas younger lavas have probably interacted more with mid- to shallow crustal meta-sedimentary greywacke-argillite lithologies of the Permian to Cretaceous composite Torlesse Terrane. Hf-Nd isotopic compositions of meta-igneous granulite xenoliths from Mt. Ruapehu are consistent with previous...

  15. Crustal structure of the Arabian plate: new constraints of receiver functions (United States)

    Cui, Z.; Mai, P. M.; Pei, S.


    We perform P-wave receiver function analysis across Saudi Arabia to constrain crustal thickness and Poisson's ratio to investigate the role of Afar super plume, on-going sea-floor spreading and mechanical crustal thinning during continental breakup. We include analysis of data from 132 stations, many of them new stations to improve upon previous analysis from a sparse array (30 stations). We first select 201 earthquakes with high signal-to-noise seismogram, using IRIS-station RAYN as reference to pick the events, recorded on 101 stations operated by the Saudi Geological Survey (SGS) during 2007-2011. SGS continually deploys stations every year and we added a second data set of 96 earthquakes on 30 newly deployed stations in 2012, again station RAYN is used as reference for picking high quality recordings. Two way, 4th order band-pass Butterworth filter with pass band of 0.01 - 3 Hz is applied to eliminate low-frequency noise, then deconvolution is performed in time-domain. We deploy the slant stack method to determine both the Moho depth and Poisson's ratio at each station; this method combines the later multiples (PpPs and PpSs+PsPs) with the Moho Ps converted phase to mitigate the trade-off between the Moho depth and crustal Poisson's ratio. Average crustal P wave velocities of 6.5km/s for Arabian Shield and 6.1 km/s for Arabian Platform are assigned, respectively. In addition, we add the semblance parameter through semblance analysis into the objective function of the slant stack method to suppress the incoherent noise. Our results show that Moho depth is 38-42 km at the central boundary between the Arabian Shield and the Arabian Platform, where the crust is not extended and there is little sediment deposited. To the east beneath the Arabian Platform the crust thickens to 43-46 km, then decreases to 37-41km against the Persian Gulf. To the west the crust gradually thins to 33-35 km over a distance of approximately 400-500 km. Farther east, toward the Red Sea

  16. An attempt to evaluate horizontal crustal movement by geodetic and geological approach in the Horonobe area, Northern Hokkaido, Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tokiwa, Tetsuya; Niizato, Tadafumi; Nohara, Tsuyoshi; Asamori, Koichi; Matsuura, Yuki; Kosaka, Hideki


    In this study, we present the preliminary results for the estimation of a horizontal crustal movement by using geodetic and geological approach in the Horonobe area, northern Hokkaido, Japan. The estimations have been carried out by using a GPS data and a geological cross section obtained by applying balanced-section method. As results of this study, both of the shortening rates estimated by GPS data and balanced-section method indicate several millimeters per year. Namely, there is no contradiction between geodetic and geological data, and it is considered that Horonobe area is still situated similar tendency and magnitude of a crustal movement. It is seemingly considered that geodetic data is unhelpful for estimating the long-term crustal movement, because period of geodetic observations is a very short. However, the result of this study indicates that geodetic data provide valuable information for estimating the long-term crustal movement in the area, and it is considered that geodetic approach play an important role in improvement of the credibility of evaluation for prediction of long-term stability. (author)

  17. Crustal thickness variations in the Zagros continental collision zone (Iran) from joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion (United States)

    Tatar, M.; Nasrabadi, A.


    Variations in crustal thickness in the Zagros determined by joint inversion of P wave receiver functions (RFs) and Rayleigh wave group and phase velocity dispersion. The time domain iterative deconvolution procedure was employed to compute RFs from teleseismic recordings at seven broadband stations of INSN network. Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves were estimated employing two-station method. Fundamental mode Rayleigh wave group velocities for each station is taken from a regional scale surface wave tomographic imaging. The main variations in crustal thickness that we observe are between stations located in the Zagros fold and thrust belt with those located in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone (SSZ) and Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic assemblage (UDMA). Our results indicate that the average crustal thickness beneath the Zagros Mountain Range varies from ˜46 km in Western and Central Zagros beneath SHGR and GHIR up to ˜50 km beneath BNDS located in easternmost of the Zagros. Toward NE, we observe an increase in Moho depth where it reaches ˜58 km beneath SNGE located in the SSZ. Average crustal thickness also varies beneath the UDMA from ˜50 km in western parts below ASAO to ˜58 in central parts below NASN. The observed variation along the SSZ and UDMA may be associated to ongoing slab steepening or break off in the NW Zagros, comparing under thrusting of the Arabian plate beneath Central Zagros. The results show that in Central Iran, the crustal thickness decrease again to ˜47 km below KRBR. There is not a significant crustal thickness difference along the Zagros fold and thrust belt. We found the same crystalline crust of ˜34 km thick beneath the different parts of the Zagros fold and thrust belt. The similarity of crustal structure suggests that the crust of the Zagros fold and thrust belt was uniform before subsidence and deposition of the sediments. Our results confirm that the shortening of the western and eastern parts of the Zagros basement is small and

  18. Modelagem da produção de biomassa da Haematococcus pluvialis.


    Galvão, Rosana Machado


    O uso de microalgas como matéria-prima para produção de biocombustíveis tem sido apontado, por muitos pesquisadores, como essencial para reduzir as emissões dos gases que provocam o efeito estufa, visto que o cultivo de microalgas pode atuar no processo de sequestro de CO2 e a biomassa formada pode ser utilizada na substituição de combustíveis fósseis. Dessa forma, o interesse pela otimização do cultivo de microalga não está somente na fonte de produtos de alto valor agregado, mas na formação...

  19. Modelagem do crescimento e do desenvolvimento de frangos de corte: validação

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    Vargas Gilberto D'Avila


    Full Text Available Foi desenvolvido um modelo com o objetivo de simular o metabolismo basal, a deposição de proteína na carcaça e nas penas e a deposição de gordura na carcaça. O modelo assume a existência de um "pool" de nutrientes disponíveis no corpo animal, sendo a simulação do metabolismo animal baseada no fluxo de entrada e saída de nutrientes desse "pool". Os nutrientes vêm da ingestão de alimentos ou do catabolismo tecidual, são removidos do "pool" com os destinos de mantença, deposição de proteína na carcaça, deposição de gordura na carcaça e deposição de proteína nas penas. O processo de simulação é dinâmico, com as exigências de mantença contabilizadas ao mesmo tempo que as deposições de tecidos. Três conjuntos de dados foram utilizados para o processo de calibração, de análise de sensibilidade dos parâmetros e de validação do modelo. O modelo é eficaz para simular a deposição de proteína e de gordura na carcaça, bem como a deposição de proteína nas penas. No entanto, há a necessidade de um ajuste nos parâmetros envolvidos nas deposições de acordo com o genótipo que se pretende simular, principalmente para a taxa de maturação da proteína na carcaça (B P, para a taxa de maturação da proteína nas penas (B F, para o peso maduro da proteína na carcaça (WmP e para o peso maduro da proteína nas penas (WmF. O modelo mostrou-se especialmente sensível a estes parâmetros na análise de sensibilidade, salientando-se a importância de serem corretamente determinados. As deposições de proteína na carcaça e nas penas apresentaram menores coeficientes de correlação (r² entre os valores observados e simulados em função da grande variação entre genótipos, o que reforça a necessidade de se determinar corretamente os parâmetros que caracterizam cada genótipo.


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    Caio Marcelo de Marcelo de Miranda


    Full Text Available A Biotelemetria apresenta-se como uma importante técnica que possui várias aplicações na área de Biomedicina e outras. A dimensão da unidade remota ou sensora constitui um grande desafio dentro desta área, sendo que na maioria dos casos,deseja-se uma unidade o menor possível. Desta maneira, sensores passivos são interessantes, pois possibilitam uma menor dimensão do dispositivo e não necessitam de uma fonte própria de energia, ou bateria, que pode causar danos ao indivíduo monitorado caso ocorra vazamento do seu conteúdo químico. Deste modo,o sensor indutivo autorressonante apresenta-se como uma boa solução, uma vez que este pode ser construído com apenas um componente, neste caso um indutor.Por apresentar pequenas dimensões, este tipo de sensor possui uma baixa capacitância parasita, o que torna a sua frequência de ressonância bastante alta. Neste caso, a bobina bifilar idealizada por Nikola Tesla pode constituir-se de uma solução, uma vez que a idéia de Tesla era de aumentar a capacitância intrínseca de suas bobinas. Portanto, um entendimento físico e devido equacionamento da bobina bifilar se faz necessário, uma vez que, até onde se sabe, este tipo de abordagem não existe na literatura.A partir de uma análise das tensões entre espiras adjacentes, foi desenvolvido neste trabalho um equacionamento da bobina bifilar de Tesla, possibilitando a determinação do aumento da capacitância interna e, consequente, redução na frequência de ressonância desta bobina. Um modelo elétrico equivalente da bobina foi também elaborado através desta análise. Isto possibilita o projeto de bobinas bifilares e predição dos parâmetros capacitância e frequência de autorressonância desta bobina. Testes foram realizados ao comparar a frequência de autorressonância calculada e medida para diversos números de espiras,comprovando a validade do modelo e das equações desenvolvidas.

  1. Origin of primitive ocean island basalts by crustal gabbro assimilation and multiple recharge of plume-derived melts (United States)

    Borisova, Anastassia Y.; Bohrson, Wendy A.; Grégoire, Michel


    Chemical Geodynamics relies on a paradigm that the isotopic composition of ocean island basalt (OIB) represents equilibrium with its primary mantle sources. However, the discovery of huge isotopic heterogeneity within olivine-hosted melt inclusions in primitive basalts from Kerguelen, Iceland, Hawaii and South Pacific Polynesia islands implies open-system behavior of OIBs, where during magma residence and transport, basaltic melts are contaminated by surrounding lithosphere. To constrain the processes of crustal assimilation by OIBs, we employed the Magma Chamber Simulator (MCS), an energy-constrained thermodynamic model of recharge, assimilation and fractional crystallization. For a case study of the 21-19 Ma basaltic series, the most primitive series ever found among the Kerguelen OIBs, we performed sixty-seven simulations in the pressure range from 0.2 to 1.0 GPa using compositions of olivine-hosted melt inclusions as parental magmas, and metagabbro xenoliths from the Kerguelen Archipelago as wallrock. MCS modeling requires that the assimilant is anatectic crustal melts (P2O5 ≤ 0.4 wt.% contents) derived from the Kerguelen oceanic metagabbro wallrock. To best fit the phenocryst assemblage observed in the investigated basaltic series, recharge of relatively large masses of hydrous primitive basaltic melts (H2O = 2-3 wt%; MgO = 7-10 wt.%) into a middle crustal chamber at 0.2 to 0.3 GPa is required. Our results thus highlight the important impact that crustal gabbro assimilation and mantle recharge can have on the geochemistry of mantle-derived olivine-phyric OIBs. The importance of crustal assimilation affecting primitive plume-derived basaltic melts underscores that isotopic and chemical equilibrium between ocean island basalts and associated deep plume mantle source(s) may be the exception rather than the rule.

  2. Crustal structure across the NE Tibetan Plateau and Ordos Block from the joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh-wave dispersions (United States)

    Li, Yonghua; Wang, Xingchen; Zhang, Ruiqing; Wu, Qingju; Ding, Zhifeng


    We investigated the crustal structure at 34 stations using the H-κ stacking method and jointly inverting receiver functions with Rayleigh-wave phase and group velocities. These seismic stations are distributed along a profile extending across the Songpan-Ganzi Terrane, Qinling-Qilian terranes and southwestern Ordos Basin. Our results reveal the variation in crustal thickness across this profile. We found thick crust beneath the Songpan-Ganzi Terrane (47-59 km) that decreases to 45-47 km in the west Qinling and Qilian terranes, and reaches its local minimum beneath the southwestern Ordos Block (43-51 km) at an average crustal thickness of 46.7 ± 2.5 km. A low-velocity zone in the upper crust was found beneath most of the stations in NE Tibet, which may be indicative of partial melt or a weak detachment layer. Our observations of low to moderate Vp/Vs (1.67-1.79) represent a felsic to intermediate crustal composition. The shear velocity models estimated from joint inversions also reveal substantial lateral variations in velocity beneath the profile, which is mainly reflected in the lower crustal velocities. For the Ordos Block, the average shear wave velocities below 20 km are 3.8 km/s, indicating an intermediate-to-felsic lower crust. The thick NE Tibet crust is characterized by slow shear wave velocities (3.3-3.6 km/s) below 20 km and lacks high-velocity material (Vs ≥ 4.0 km/s) in the lower crust, which may be attributed to mafic lower crustal delamination or/and the thickening of the upper and middle crust.

  3. Crustal thinning and exhumation along a fossil magma-poor distal margin preserved in Corsica: A hot rift to drift transition? (United States)

    Beltrando, Marco; Zibra, Ivan; Montanini, Alessandra; Tribuzio, Riccardo


    Rift-related thinning of continental basement along distal margins is likely achieved through the combined activity of ductile shear zones and brittle faults. While extensional detachments responsible for the latest stages of exhumation are being increasingly recognized, rift-related shear zones have never been sampled in ODP sites and have only rarely been identified in fossil distal margins preserved in orogenic belts. Here we report evidence of the Jurassic multi-stage crustal thinning preserved in the Santa Lucia nappe (Alpine Corsica), where amphibolite facies shearing persisted into the rift to drift transition. In this nappe, Lower Permian meta-gabbros to meta-gabbro-norites of the Mafic Complex are separated from Lower Permian granitoids of the Diorite-Granite Complex by a 100-250 m wide shear zone. Fine-grained syn-kinematic andesine + Mg-hornblende assemblages in meta-tonalites of the Diorite-Granite Complex indicate shearing at T = 710 ± 40 °C at P Lucia basement. These results imply that middle to lower crustal rocks can be cooled and exhumed rapidly in the last stages of rifting, when significant crustal thinning is accommodated in less than 5 Myr through the consecutive activity of extensional shear zones and detachment faults. High thermal gradients may delay the switch from ductile shear zone- to detachment-dominated crustal thinning, thus preventing the exhumation of middle and lower crustal rocks until the final stages of rifting.

  4. Crustal structure of the Transantarctic Mountains, Ellsworth Mountains and Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica: constraints on shear wave velocities, Poisson's ratios and Moho depths (United States)

    Ramirez, C.; Nyblade, A.; Emry, E. L.; Julià, J.; Sun, X.; Anandakrishnan, S.; Wiens, D. A.; Aster, R. C.; Huerta, A. D.; Winberry, P.; Wilson, T.


    A uniform set of crustal parameters for seismic stations deployed on rock in West Antarctica and the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) has been obtained to help elucidate similarities and differences in crustal structure within and between several tectonic blocks that make up these regions. P-wave receiver functions have been analysed using the H-κ stacking method to develop estimates of thickness and bulk Poisson's ratio for the crust, and jointly inverted with surface wave dispersion measurements to obtain depth-dependent shear wave velocity models for the crust and uppermost mantle. The results from 33 stations are reported, including three stations for which no previous results were available. The average crustal thickness is 30 ± 5 km along the TAM front, and 38 ± 2 km in the interior of the mountain range. The average Poisson's ratios for these two regions are 0.25 ± 0.03 and 0.26 ± 0.02, respectively, and they have similar average crustal Vs of 3.7 ± 0.1 km s-1. At multiple stations within the TAM, we observe evidence for mafic layering within or at the base of the crust, which may have resulted from the Ferrar magmatic event. The Ellsworth Mountains have an average crustal thickness of 37 ± 2 km, a Poisson's ratio of 0.27, and average crustal Vs of 3.7 ± 0.1 km s-1, similar to the TAM. This similarity is consistent with interpretations of the Ellsworth Mountains as a tectonically rotated TAM block. The Ross Island region has an average Moho depth of 25 ± 1 km, an average crustal Vs of 3.6 ± 0.1 km s-1 and Poisson's ratio of 0.30, consistent with the mafic Cenozoic volcanism found there and its proximity to the Terror Rift. Marie Byrd Land has an average crustal thickness of 30 ± 2 km, Poisson's ratio of 0.25 ± 0.04 and crustal Vs of 3.7 ± 0.1 km s-1. One station (SILY) in Marie Byrd Land is near an area of recent volcanism and deep (25-40 km) seismicity, and has a high Poisson's ratio, consistent with the presence of partial melt in the crust.

  5. Continental Delamination of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians: A Lower Crustal Origin of the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone? (United States)

    Fillerup, M. A.; Knapp, J. H.; Knapp, C. C.


    Two lithosphere-scale, explosive-source seismic reflection profiles (DRACULA I and DACIA PLAN), inclusive of the hinterland and foreland of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians, provide new evidence for the geodynamic origin of the Vrancea Seismogenic Zone (VSZ) of Romania. These data, collected to evaluate existing subduction-related and delamination geodynamic models proposed to explain the intermediate depth seismicity associated with the Vrancea zone, show evidence of continental crust extending continuously above the VSZ from the Carpathian foreland well into the Transylvanian hinterland. Crustal thicknesses inferred from these data based on reflectivity show a 40-45 km crust below the Transylvanian basin abruptly shallowing to 32 km for ~120 km beneath the fold and thrust belt of the main Carpathian orogen and thickening again to 38-42 km crust in the foreland. This thinned crust outlines an apparent lower crustal sub-orogenic cavity that is overlain by a relatively subhorizontal reflective fabric absent of dipping reflectivity. The northwest dipping Vrancea seismogenic body, a 30x70x200 km volume of intermediate depth earthquakes, is located on the eastern flank of the apparently thin crust beneath the Carpathian orogen. Amplitude decay curves show penetration of seismic energy to a depth of ~60 km in the vicinity of the sub-orogenic cavity, implying this non- reflective zone is a geologic signature. Rotation of the VSZ about a hinge beneath the foreland basin at a depth of ~50 km restores to fill the lower-crustal cavity under the orogen, suggesting the VSZ represents a portion of brittle lower crust delaminated during continental lithospheric delamination which may have caused regional uplift of the Transylvanian basin. The lack of through-going, dipping crustal-scale boundaries along this composite lithospheric transect would appear to preclude subduction as an explanation for seismicity in the VSZ, consistent with abundant surface geologic data. These

  6. Fractal behavior in continental crustal heat production (United States)

    Vedanti, N.; Srivastava, R. P.; Pandey, O. P.; Dimri, V. P.


    The distribution of crustal heat production, which is the most important component in the elucidation of continental thermal structure, still remains a theoretical assumption. In general the heat production values must decrease with depth, but the form of decrease of heat production in the crust is not well understood. The commonly used heat production models are: "block model", in which heat production is constant from the surface to a given depth and the "exponential model", in which heat production diminishes as an exponential function of depth. The exponential model is more widely used wherein sources of the errors are heterogeneity of rock and long wavelength changes due to changes in lithology and tectonic elements, and as such exponential distribution does not work satisfactorily for the entire crust. In the present study, we analyze for the first time, deep crustal heat production data of six global areas namely Dharwar craton (India), Kaapvaal craton (South Africa), Baltic shield (Kola, Russia), Hidaka metamorphic belt (Japan), Nissho pluton (Japan) and Continental Deep Drilling site (KTB, Germany). The power spectrum of all the studied data sets exhibits power law behaviour. This would mean slower decay of heat production with depth, which conforms to the known geologic composition of the crust. Minimum value of the scaling exponent has been found for the KTB borehole, which is apparently related to higher heat production of gneisses, however for other study areas, scaling exponent is almost similar. We also found that the lower values of scaling exponents are related to higher heat production in the crust as is the case in KTB. Present finding has a direct relevance in computation of temperature-depth profiles in continental regions.

  7. Custos da qualidade e da manufatura: um estudo de caso na indústria química Quality and manufacturing cost: a case study in the chemical industry

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    José Luis Duarte Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho relata um estudo de caso envolvendo a otimização experimental de uma receita química. O estudo abrange as etapas de identificação do problema, planejamento do experimento, modelagem individual das variáveis de resposta, definição de uma função objetivo e otimização. Na identificação do problema e no planejamento do experimento foi utilizada uma estrutura matricial para reunir e organizar as informações. O experimento contemplou cinco fatores controláveis e dez variáveis de resposta. Na etapa de modelagem individual, foram construídos modelos para a média e a variabilidade de cada uma das variáveis de resposta. A função objetivo utilizada no estudo de otimização foi a Função de Perda Quadrática Multivariada, proposta por Ribeiro & Elsayed, acrescida dos custos de matéria prima e energia. Assim, a otimização foi conduzida levando em conta tanto os custos decorrentes da má qualidade (capturados pela função de perda como os custos de matéria prima e energia. A otimização permitiu definir o melhor ajuste para os fatores controláveis. Ao final é feita uma análise de sensibilidade e é sugerido um envelope de operação para o controle do processo.This paper presents a case study where the optimization of a chemical mixture was accomplished. The study included the following steps: problem identification, design of an experiment, model building for each individual response, choice of an objective function, and optimization. In the steps of problem identification and design of the experiment, a matrix was used to gather and to organize the information. Five control factors and ten response variables were included in the experiment. In the step of model building, models for mean and variability for each response variable were built. The objective function used for optimization was an extended version of the Multivariate Quadratic Loss Function proposed by Ribeiro & Elsayed (1995. The optimization was

  8. Elaboração multidisciplinar e participativa de jogos de papéis: uma experiência de modelagem de acompanhamento em torno da gestão dos mananciais da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo Multidisciplinary elaboration of and participation in role-playing games: an experiment in companion modeling about catchment management in the metropolitan region of São Paulo

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    Raphaèle Ducrot


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento de ferramentas de simulação, como os jogos de papéis, pressupõe a integração das várias representações e conhecimentos, o que garante a sua legitimidade e a possibilidade de os utilizar como plataforma de mediação na discussão dos conflitos socioambientais. Este artigo discute a utilização da abordagem de modelagem de acompanhamento no desenvolvimento de dois jogos de papéis sobre a gestão da água e do solo em mananciais periurbanos da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP.The development of simulation tools like role-playing games require the integration of some knowledge and several representations which guarantee its legitimacy and the possibility to be used as a mediation platform in collective discussions about environmental conflicts. The paper presents and discusses the use of the companion modeling approach in the development of two role-playing games dealing with water and land management in the periurban catchment of the metropolitan region of São Paulo.

  9. Crustal structure beneath two seismic stations in the Sunda-Banda arc transition zone derived from receiver function analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Syuhada, E-mail: [Graduate Research on Earthquake and Active Tectonics (GREAT), Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132 (Indonesia); Research Centre for Physics - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Kompleks Puspiptek Serpong, Tangsel 15314, Banten Indonesia (Indonesia); Hananto, Nugroho D.; Handayani, Lina [Research Centre for Geotechnology - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Jl. Sangkuriang (Kompleks LIPI) Bandung 40135 (Indonesia); Puspito, Nanang T; Yudistira, Tedi [Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132 (Indonesia); Anggono, Titi [Research Centre for Physics - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Kompleks Puspiptek Serpong, Tangsel 15314, Banten Indonesia (Indonesia)


    We analyzed receiver functions to estimate the crustal thickness and velocity structure beneath two stations of Geofon (GE) network in the Sunda-Banda arc transition zone. The stations are located in two different tectonic regimes: Sumbawa Island (station PLAI) and Timor Island (station SOEI) representing the oceanic and continental characters, respectively. We analyzed teleseismic events of 80 earthquakes to calculate the receiver functions using the time-domain iterative deconvolution technique. We employed 2D grid search (H-κ) algorithm based on the Moho interaction phases to estimate crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio. We also derived the S-wave velocity variation with depth beneath both stations by inverting the receiver functions. We obtained that beneath station PLAI the crustal thickness is about 27.8 km with Vp/Vs ratio 2.01. As station SOEI is covered by very thick low-velocity sediment causing unstable solution for the inversion, we modified the initial velocity model by adding the sediment thickness estimated using high frequency content of receiver functions in H-κ stacking process. We obtained the crustal thickness is about 37 km with VP/Vs ratio 2.2 beneath station SOEI. We suggest that the high Vp/Vs in station PLAI may indicate the presence of fluid ascending from the subducted plate to the volcanic arc, whereas the high Vp/Vs in station SOEI could be due to the presence of sediment and rich mafic composition in the upper crust and possibly related to the serpentinization process in the lower crust. We also suggest that the difference in velocity models and crustal thicknesses between stations PLAI and SOEI are consistent with their contrasting tectonic environments.

  10. DigitalCrust – a 4D data system of material properties for transforming research on crustal fluid flow (United States)

    Fan, Yin; Richard, Steve; Bristol, R. Sky; Peters, Shanan; Ingebritsen, Steven E.; Moosdorf, Nils; Packman, Aaron I.; Gleeson, Tom; Zazlavsky, Ilya; Peckham, Scott; Murdoch, Larry; Cardiff, Michael; Tarboton, David; Jones, Norm; Hooper, Richard; Arrigo, Jennifer; Gochis, David; Olson, John


    Fluid circulation in the Earth's crust plays an essential role in surface, near surface, and deep crustal processes. Flow pathways are driven by hydraulic gradients but controlled by material permeability, which varies over many orders of magnitude and changes over time. Although millions of measurements of crustal properties have been made, including geophysical imaging and borehole tests, this vast amount of data and information has not been integrated into a comprehensive knowledge system. A community data infrastructure is needed to improve data access, enable large-scale synthetic analyses, and support representations of the subsurface in Earth system models. Here, we describe the motivation, vision, challenges, and an action plan for a community-governed, four-dimensional data system of the Earth's crustal structure, composition, and material properties from the surface down to the brittle–ductile transition. Such a system must not only be sufficiently flexible to support inquiries in many different domains of Earth science, but it must also be focused on characterizing the physical crustal properties of permeability and porosity, which have not yet been synthesized at a large scale. The DigitalCrust is envisioned as an interactive virtual exploration laboratory where models can be calibrated with empirical data and alternative hypotheses can be tested at a range of spatial scales. It must also support a community process for compiling and harmonizing models into regional syntheses of crustal properties. Sustained peer review from multiple disciplines will allow constant refinement in the ability of the system to inform science questions and societal challenges and to function as a dynamic library of our knowledge of Earth's crust.

  11. Existence of torsional surface waves in an earth's crustal layer lying ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    This paper aims to study the dispersion of torsional surface waves in a crustal layer being sandwiched between a rigid boundary plane and a sandy mantle. In the mantle, rigidity and initial stress vary linearly while density remains constant. Dispersion relation has been deduced in a closed form by means of variable ...

  12. Crustal structure beneath Beijing and its surrounding regions derived from gravity data (United States)

    Jiang, Wenliang; Zhang, Jingfa; Lu, Xiaocui; Lu, Jing


    In this paper we use gravity data to study fine crustal structure and seismogenic environment beneath Beijing and its surrounding regions. Multi-scale wavelet analysis method is applied to separating gravity fields. Logarithmic power spectrum method is also used to calculate depth of gravity field source. The results show that the crustal structure is very complicated beneath Beijing and its surrounding areas. The crustal density exhibits laterally inhomogeneous. There are three large scale tectonic zones in North China, i.e., WNW-striking Zhangjiakou-Bohai tectonic zone (ZBTZ), NE-striking Taihang piedmont tectonic zone (TPTZ) and Cangxian tectonic zone (CTZ). ZBTZ and TPTZ intersect with each other beneath Beijing area and both of them cut through the lithosphere. The upper and middle crusts consist of many small-scale faults, uplifts and depressions. In the lower crust, these small-scale tectonic units disappear gradually, and they are replaced by large-scale tectonic units. In surrounding regions of Beijing, ZBTZ intersects with several other NE-striking tectonic units, such as Cangxian uplift, Jizhong depression and Shanxi Graben System (SGS). In west of Taihangshan uplift, gravity anomalies in upper and middle crusts are correlated with geological and topographic features on the surface. Compared with the crust, the structure is comparatively simple in uppermost mantle. Earthquakes mainly occurred in upper and middle crusts, especially in transitional regions between high gravity anomaly and low gravity anomaly. Occurrence of large earthquakes may be related to the upwelling of upper mantle and asthenosphere heat flow materials, such as Sanhe earthquake ( M S8.0) and Tangshan earthquake ( M S7.8).

  13. Crustal structure of the SW Iberian passive margin: The westernmost remnant of the Ligurian Tethys? (United States)

    Ramos, A.; Fernández, O.; Torne, M.; Sánchez de la Muela, A.; Muñoz, J. A.; Terrinha, P.; Manatschal, G.; Salas, M. C.


    At present, the SW Iberian margin is located along the convergent Iberia-Nubia plate boundary. In Mesozoic times, the margin was located at the triple junction of the Ligurian Tethys, Central Atlantic and Northern Atlantic. The characterization of its crustal structure has allowed us to propose a configuration for this triple junction and to determine the role that this transform margin played within the plate kinematic system. In this paper we present an integrated study based on the interpretation of a 2D regional multichannel seismic survey consisting of 58 profiles, tied with onshore geology and exploratory wells, and on gravimetric modeling performed over four NW-SE trending profiles. Integrated interpretation of MCS data combined with 2D gravity modeling reveals a complex pattern in the southward crustal thinning of SW Iberia and supports the possible presence of oceanic crust under the Gulf of Cadiz. The tapering of Iberian crust is characterized by steps with rapid changes in the thickness of the crust, and thinning to Bank. Margin inversion and the pre-existing extensional crustal structure are responsible for the areal distribution and amplitude of the prominent positive gravity anomaly observed in the Gulf of Cadiz.

  14. Aplicação do Balanced Scorecard Dinâmico na governança da informação do Exército Brasileiro

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    Luciano da Silva Bastos Sales

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste estudo é o desenvolvimento de um modelo de Balanced Scorecard de TI sob o enfoque da dinâmica de sistemas – BSCD de TI. Para isso, foi realizada modelagem qualitativa e quantitativa para a construção e simulação do referido modelo, a partir da realização de estudo de caso sobre o processo de gestão estratégica de TI do Sistema de Telemática do Exército Brasileiro – SisTEx. O estudo apoiou-se em análise documental dos BSC e mapas estratégicos das organizações militares que compõem o SisTEx, na condição de observador participante do pesquisador, e no emprego da técnica de simulação confirmatória sobre o modelo desenvolvido, em contexto de prova. Os resultados comprovaram as proposições estabelecidas no estudo, através do estabelecimento de relações de causa e efeito e consideração de tempos de espera entre os objetivos estratégicos, viabilizando a simulação do modelo proposto.

  15. Satellite gravity anomalies and crustal features of the Central Indian Ocean Basin

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Rao, D.G.; Krishna, K.S.; Neprochnov, Y.P.; Grinko, B.N.

    -air anomalies due to volcanic constructs that trend in arcuate shape from north to south parallel to 82.5 degrees E are noted as southern continuity of the 85 degrees E Ridge, which terminates at the Afanasy Nikitin seamount. Change in rheology of the crustal...

  16. Contribuição à obtenção do módulo de elasticidade do concreto utilizando modelagem micromecânica

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    A. H. Barbosa

    Full Text Available Expressões presentes nas normas nacionais e internacionais relacionam o módulo de elasticidade do concreto com a resistência à compressão. O concreto, considerado como material compósito trifásico, tem suas propriedades elásticas diretamente influenciadas pela zona de transição (ITZ, a qual é caracterizada por sua maior porosidade em relação à pasta de cimento. Modelos de micromecânica como os de Mori-Tanaka e esfera de três fases podem ser aplicados com bons resultados quando utilizados para a análise do concreto. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento evolutivo do módulo de elasticidade do concreto, tal estudo é feito mediante a aplicação das expressões normativas e de modelos de micromecânica. Comparado-se com os valores experimentais produzidos percebe-se uma boa concordância quando a modelagem micromecânica leva em conta a ITZ. Também é confirmada a qualidade das expressões da NBR 6118:2003 e do CEB-90.

  17. The Mars Crustal Magnetic Field Control of Plasma Boundary Locations and Atmospheric Loss: MHD Prediction and Comparison with MAVEN (United States)

    Fang, Xiaohua; Ma, Yingjuan; Masunaga, Kei; Dong, Chuanfei; Brain, David; Halekas, Jasper; Lillis, Robert; Jakosky, Bruce M.; Connerney, Jack; Grebowsky, Joseph; hide


    We present results from a global Mars time-dependent MHD simulation under constant solar wind and solar radiation impact considering inherent magnetic field variations due to continuous planetary rotation. We calculate the 3-D shapes and locations of the bow shock (BS) and the induced magnetospheric boundary (IMB) and then examine their dynamic changes with time. We develop a physics-based, empirical algorithm to effectively summarize the multidimensional crustal field distribution. It is found that by organizing the model results using this new approach, the Mars crustal field shows a clear, significant influence on both the IMB and the BS. Specifically, quantitative relationships have been established between the field distribution and the mean boundary distances and the cross-section areas in the terminator plane for both of the boundaries. The model-predicted relationships are further verified by the observations from the NASA Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission. Our analysis shows that the boundaries are collectively affected by the global crustal field distribution, which, however, cannot be simply parameterized by a local parameter like the widely used subsolar longitude. Our calculations show that the variability of the intrinsic crustal field distribution in Mars-centered Solar Orbital itself may account for approx.60% of the variation in total atmospheric loss, when external drivers are static. It is found that the crustal field has not only a shielding effect for atmospheric loss but also an escape-fostering effect by positively affecting the transterminator ion flow cross-section area.

  18. Distribuição espacial do risco: modelagem da mortalidade infantil em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Spatial risk distribution: modeling infant mortality in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil

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    Silvia E. Shimakura


    Full Text Available Estimação e mapeamento de perfis de risco são interesses da Epidemiologia. Neste trabalho, é analisada a distribuição espacial de casos de mortalidade infantil, comparados a controles de nascidos vivos amostrados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos da cidade de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A modelagem adotada neste trabalho baseia-se em um processo pontual espacial, na qual se define uma medida de risco que varia continuamente sobre a região de estudo e estimada por meio de métodos de modelos aditivos generalizados. Essa abordagem possui a vantagem de permitir a incorporação, no modelo, de efeitos de determinantes individuais e ecológicos de risco sob forma simples e de fácil interpretação. Também permite a construção de contornos de tolerância que auxiliam na identificação de áreas de alto/baixo risco e de um teste global da hipótese nula de risco constante relativa à região. A aplicação do método aos dados de mortalidade infantil mostrou variação espacial no risco altamente significativa para mortalidade neonatal e não significativa para mortalidade pós-neonatal.Estimation and mapping of risk profiles are the main concerns of epidemiology. This paper analyzes spatial distribution of infant mortality cases as compared to live-born controls from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The modeling framework adopted in this research work is a spatial point process. Under this structure, a risk measure which continuously varies over the study region is defined and estimated using generalized additive model methods. This approach has the advantage of allowing for risk factors that are simple and easy to interpret. The procedure also allows the construction of tolerance contours which help identify areas of significantly high/low risk and an overall test for the null hypothesis of constant risk over the region. Application of this method to infant mortality data showed a highly significant spatial

  19. Preliminary crustal deformation model deduced from GPS and earthquakes’ data at Abu-Dabbab area, Eastern Desert, Egypt (United States)

    Mohamed, Abdel-Monem S.; Hosny, A.; Abou-Aly, N.; Saleh, M.; Rayan, A.


    A local geodetic network consisting of eleven benchmarks has been established to study the recent crustal deformation in the Abu-Dabbab area. Seven campaigns of GPS measurements have been collected started from October 2008 and ended in March 2012. The collected data were processed using Bernese version 5.0, and the result values were adjusted to get the more accurate positions of the GPS stations. The magnitudes of horizontal displacements are variable from one epoch to another and in the range of 1-3 (±0.2) mm/yr. Due to the differences in rates of the horizontal displacement; the area is divided into two main blocks. The first one, moves to the east direction of about 3 mm/yr, while the second block, moves to the SW direction of about 6 mm/yr. According to the strain fields that were calculated for the different epochs of measurement, the main force is compression force and is taken the NW-SE to NWW-SEE direction. This force could be because of local and regional tectonic processes affecting on the study area. The maximum values of compression stress are found in the southern central and western part of study area. Estimated accumulation of this strain energy may be considered as an indicator of the possibility of earthquake occurrence. From the seismic tomography study, the 3D Vp and Vp/Vs crustal models indicate high Vp/Vs values forms an elongated anomaly, in the central part of the study area, that extends from a depth of 12 km to about 1-2 km of depth is obtained. By using this crustal model in relocations all seismicity informed that most of the seismicity strongly tend to occur in a cluster manner exactly above the southern part of the study area. Based on the conducted source mechanism study, it is noticed that shallow earthquakes are associated by a high CLVD ratio (up to 40%). Furthermore, initiation of a high level seismic activity, without a large seismic main shock is observed in the Abu-Dabbab area. The distribution of micro-earthquakes tends to

  20. Along-Axis Structure and Crustal Construction Processes of Spreading Segments in Iceland: Implications for Magmatic Rifts (United States)

    Siler, D. L.; Karson, J. A.


    Magmatic rift systems are composed of discrete spreading segments defined by morphologic, structural, and volcanic features that vary systematically along strike. In Iceland, structural features mapped in the glaciated and exhumed Miocene age upper crust correlate with analogous features in the seismically and volcanically active neovolcanic zone. Integrating information from both the active rift zones and ancient crust provides a three-dimensional perspective of crustal structure and the volcanic and tectonic processes that construct crust along spreading segments. Crustal exposures in the Skagi region of northern Iceland reveal significant along-strike variations in geologic structure. The upper crust at exhumed magmatic centers (segment centers) is characterized by a variety of intrusive rocks, high-temperature hydrothermal alteration, and geologic evidence for kilometer-scale subsidence. In contrast, the upper crust along segment limbs, which extend along strike from magmatic centers, is characterized by thick sections of gently dipping lava flows, cut by varying proportions of subvertical dikes. This structure implies relatively minor upper crustal subsidence and lateral dike intrusion. The differing modes of subsidence beneath segment centers and segment limbs require along-axis mass redistribution in the underlying upper, middle, and lower crust during crustal construction. This along-axis material transport is accomplished through lateral dike intrusion in the upper crust and by along-axis flow of magmatic to high-temperature solid-state gabbroic material in the middle and lower crust. These processes, inferred from outcrop evidence in Skagi, are consistent with processes inferred to be important during active rifting in Iceland and at analogous magmatic oceanic and continental rifts.

  1. Altimetria GNSS de precisão aplicada ao monitoramento da dinâmica sedimentar costeira de curta duração em escala regional

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    Marcelo Soares Teles Santos

    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta metodologia utilizada na altimetria GNSS de precisão aplicada em estudos costeiros de praias arenosas localizadas no Litoral Setentrional do Rio Grande do Norte, baseada em cálculo, modelagem e remoção da Componente Sistemática (CS do modelo geoidal. Os métodos foram aplicados e avaliados utilizando o modelo geoidal MAPGEO. O cálculo da CS foi realizado em Referências de Nível (RNs localizadas na área de estudo pela subtração entre as alturas geoidais gravimétricas, obtidas pelo modelo geoidal, e as geométricas, obtidas pelo posicionamento GNSS em RNs. Após modelagem e remoção da CS, por um modelo superfície polinomial quadrático, a CS calculada, com média de -0,498 m, Desvio Padrão (DP de 0,110 m e Erro Quadrático Médio (EQM de 0,509 m, passou a ter média nula, DP de 0,065 m e EQM de 0,062 m. Avaliações realizadas a partir de pontos de controle externos ao modelo mostraram que a metodologia forneceu acurácia decimétrica à altimetria GNSS, adequada ao monitoramento da elevada dinâmica sedimentar em ambientes costeiros, fato comprovado no estudo de caso apresentado.

  2. Mid-Ocean Ridge Melt Supply and Glacial Cycles: A 3D EPR Study of Crustal Thickness, Layer 2A, and Bathymetry (United States)

    Boulahanis, B.; Aghaei, O.; Carbotte, S. M.; Huybers, P. J.; Langmuir, C. H.; Nedimovic, M. R.; Carton, H. D.; Canales, J. P.


    Recent studies suggest that eustatic sea level fluctuations induced by glacial cycles in the Pleistocene may influence mantle-melting and volcanic eruptions at mid-ocean ridges (MOR), with models predicting variation in oceanic crustal thickness linked to sea level change. Previous analyses of seafloor bathymetry as a proxy for crustal thickness show significant spectral energy at frequencies linked to Milankovitch cycles of 1/23, 1/41, and 1/100 ky-1, however the effects of faulting in seafloor relief and its spectral characteristics are difficult to separate from climatic signals. Here we investigate the hypothesis of climate driven periodicity in MOR magmatism through spectral analysis, time series comparisons, and statistical characterization of bathymetry data, seismic layer 2A thickness (as a proxy for extrusive volcanism), and seafloor-to-Moho thickness (as a proxy for total magma production). We utilize information from a three-dimensional multichannel seismic study of the East Pacific Rise and its flanks from 9°36`N to 9°57`N. We compare these datasets to the paleoclimate "LR04" benthic δ18O stack. The seismic dataset covers 770 km2 and provides resolution of Moho for 92% of the imaged region. This is the only existing high-resolution 3-D image across oceanic crust, making it ideal for assessing the possibility that glacial cycles modulate magma supply at fast spreading MORs. The layer 2A grid extends 9 km (170 ky) from the ridge axis, while Moho imaging extends to a maximum of 16 km (310 ky). Initial results from the East Pacific Rise show a relationship between sea level and both crustal thickness and sea floor depth, consistent with the hypothesis that magma supply to MORs may be modulated by glacial cycles. Analysis of crustal thickness and bathymetry data reveals spectral peaks at Milankovitch frequencies of 1/100 ky-1 and 1/41 ky-1 where datasets extend sufficiently far from the ridge. The layer 2A grid does not extend sufficiently far from the

  3. Crustal structure in the southern part of Central Java based on analysis of tele-seismic receiver function using a neighbourhood algorithm (United States)

    Ariyanto, P.; Syuhada; Rosid, S.; Anggono, T.; Januarti, Y.


    In this study, we applied receiver functions analysis to determine the crustal thickness, the ratio of Vp/Vs and the S wave velocity in the southern part of the Central Java. We selected tele-seismic data with magnitude more than 6 (M>6) and epicenter distance 30°-90° recorded from 3 broadband stations: UGM, YOGI, and WOJI station, as part of Indonesia-Geophone Network (IA-GE). Inversions were performed using nonlinear Neighborhood Algorithm (NA). We observed Ps phase conversion on the receiver functions corresponding to Moho depth at around 36-39 km. We also observed strong negative phase arrivals at around 10-12 s which might be associated with Indo-Australian subducting slab underneath the stations. The inversion results show the presence of low velocity zone with high Vp/Vs ratio (>1.78) in the middle crust around the study area which could be related to the Merapi-Lawu Anomaly (MLA).

  4. Modelagem da eletro-oxidação de etanol sobre catalisador PtSn/C aplicada a células a combustível de etanol direto do tipo membrana trocadora de prótons (DEPEMFC)


    Piña, Renzo Fabricio Figueroa


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Florianópolis, 2014 Neste trabalho desenvolve-se a modelagem da reação eletroquímica de oxidação de etanol em células a combustível de etanol direto tipo PEM (DEPEMFC). O modelo da célula DEPEMFC considera a cinética de eletro-oxidação de etanol, o transporte de massa e a resistência elétrica dos diversos materiais que formam a célula a combustível. A reação elet...

  5. Terrestrial spreading centers under Venus conditions - Evaluation of a crustal spreading model for Western Aphrodite Terra (United States)

    Sotin, C.; Senske, D. A.; Head, J. W.; Parmentier, E. M.


    The model of Reid and Jackson (1981) for terrestrial spreading centers is applied to Venus conditions. On the basis of spreading rate, mantle temperature, and surface temperature, the model predicts both isostatic topography and crustal thickness. The model and Pioneer Venus altimetry and gravity data are used to test the hypothesis of Head and Crumpler (1987) that Western Aphrodite Terra is the location of crustal spreading on Venus. It is concluded that a spreading center model for Ovda Regio in Western Aphrodite Terra could account for the observed topography and line-of-sight gravity anomalies found in the Pioneer data.

  6. Crustal Structure of the Tengchong Intra-plate Volcanic Area (United States)

    Qian, Rongyi; Tong, Vincent C. H.


    We here provide an overview of our current understanding of the crustal structure of Tengchong in southwest China, a key intra-plate volcanic area along the Himalayan geothermal belt. Given that there is hitherto a lack of information about the near-surface structure of intra-plate volcanic areas, we present the first seismic reflection and velocity constraints on the shallow crust between intra-plate volcanoes. Our near-surface seismic images reveal the existence of dome-shaped seismic reflectors (DSRs) in the shallow crust between intra-plate volcanic clusters in Tengchong. The two DSRs are both ~2 km wide, and the shallowest parts of the DSRs are found at the depth of 200-300 m. The velocity model shows that the shallow low-velocity layer (<4 km/s) is anomalously thick (~1 km) in the region where the DSRs are observed. The presence of DSRs indicates significant levels of intra-plate magmatism beneath the along-axis gap separating two volcano clusters. Along-axis gaps between volcano clusters are therefore not necessarily an indicator of lower levels of magmatism. The seismic images obtained in this technically challenging area for controlled-source seismology allow us to conclude that shallow crustal structures are crucial for understanding the along-axis variations of magmatism and hydrothermal activities in intra-plate volcanic areas.

  7. Geothermal modeling along a two-dimensional crustal profile in Southern Portugal

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Correia, A.; Šafanda, Jan


    Roč. 34, č. 1 (2002), s. 47-61 ISSN 0264-3707. [Geothermics at the turn of the century. Evora, 03.04.2000-07.04.2000] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z3012916 Keywords : geothermal modeling * Southern Portugal * surface heat flow * crustal profile Subject RIV: DC - Siesmology, Volcanology, Earth Structure Impact factor: 1.058, year: 2002

  8. Electrical conductivity of H2O-NaCl fluids to 10 kbar (United States)

    Sinmyo, R.; Keppler, H.


    Magnetotelluric studies often reveal zones of elevated electrical conductivity in the mantle wedge above subducting slabs, in the deep crust below fold belts, or below active volcanoes. Since both aqueous fluids and hydrous silivate melts may be highly conductive, they may both account for these observations. Distinguishing between these two posssibilities, however, is difficult. One reason for this problem is that while there are very good conductivity data for silicate melts, such data do not exist for aqueous fluids under the relevant conditions of pressure, temperature and solute concentration. Most crustal and mantle fluids likely contain some NaCl, which greatly enhances conductivity due to its partial dissociation into Na+ and Cl-. We therefore studied the electrical conductivity of 0.01, 0.1 and 1 m NaCl solutions in water to 10 kbar and 600 °C. The measurements were carried out in externally-heated diamond cells containing two gaskets separated by an insulating ring of diamond, following a method described by Ni et al. (2014). The two gaskets were used as electrodes and full impedance spectra were measured from 30 Hz to 10 MHz using a Solartron 1260 impedance analyzer. Electrical conductivity was generally found to increase with pressure temperature, and fluid density. The conductivity increase observed upon variation of NaCl concentration from 0.1m to 1m was smaller than from 0.01m to 0.1m, which reflects the reduced degree of dissociation at high NaCl concentration. In general, the data show that already a very small fraction of NaCl-bearing aqueous fluid is sufficient to enhance bulk conductivities to values that would be expected for a high degree of partial melting. Accordingly, aqueous fluids may be distinguished from hydrous melts by comparing magnetotelluric and seismic data. H2O-NaCl fluids may enhance electrical conductivities with little disturbance of vp or vp/vs ratios.

  9. Changing styles of crustal growth in Southern Africa: constraints from geochemical and Sr-Nd isotope studies in Archaean to Pan African terrains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDermott, F.; Hawkesworth, C.J.; Harris, N.B.W.


    Nd isotopic data was presented for southern Africa in support of episodic crustal growth. Over 50 percent of the continental crust there had formed before 2.5 Ga, and less than 10 percent was produced after about 1.0 Ga. The data imply a mean crustal age of about 2.4 Ga for southern Africa, and a higher rate of crustal growth than that derived from Australian shale data, particularly during the Proterozoic. Isotopic data from Damara metasediments imply that there is no need to invoke decoupling of the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd systems in the continental crust

  10. Changing styles of crustal growth in Southern Africa: Constraints from geochemical and Sr-Nd isotope studies in Archaean to Pan African terrains (United States)

    Mcdermott, F.; Hawkesworth, C. J.; Harris, N. B. W.


    Nd isotopic data was presented for southern Africa in support of episodic crustal growth. Over 50 percent of the continental crust there had formed before 2.5 Ga, and less than 10 percent was produced after about 1.0 Ga. The data imply a mean crustal age of about 2.4 Ga for southern Africa, and a higher rate of crustal growth than that derived from Australian shale data, particularly during the Proterozoic. Isotopic data from Damara metasediments imply that there is no need to invoke decoupling of the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd systems in the continental crust.

  11. Crustal structure and tectonics of the Ninetyeast Ridge from seismic and gravity studies

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Krishna, K.S.; Neprochnov, Y.P.; Rao, D.G.; Grinko, B.N.

    Seismic reflection and refraction, gravity, and bathymetric data across and along the central part of the Ninetyeast Ridge were analyzed to determine the crustal structure of the ridge and to understand its tectonics. The ridge in the study area...

  12. Consumidor de Dispositivos Eletrônicos Portáteis: O Efeito Moderador do Perfil do Adotante na Intenção de Compra

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Washington Romão dos Santos


    Full Text Available Considerando o crescimento constante observado nos últimos anos dos dispositivos eletrônicos enquanto facilitadores de transações comerciais, sobretudo no segmento B2C, com o objetivo de melhor compreender as relações entre a percepção de valor e a efetiva aquisição de um produto ou serviço pelo consumidor, este paper apresenta os resultados de um estudo que explora o perfil do adotante de inovações como possível moderador na relação entre o Valor Percebido e a Intenção de Compra de produtos eletrônicos portáteis (smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks e leitores de e-books. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa com uma amostra de 350 respondentes coletada por snowball sampling no Facebook e posteriormente avaliada por meio da Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (SEM. Os resultados confirmam a relação do Valor Percebido na Intenção de Compra além de sustentar a influência moderadora do Perfil do Adotante sobre essa relação. Dentre as variáveis antecedentes relacionadas à adoção de tecnologia, vale destacar que a Facilidade de Uso Percebida, a Complexidade Percebida e o Risco Percebido não apresentaram efeito significativo sobre o Valor Percebido. Por fim, os resultados da pesquisa indicam que as organizações devem procurar desenvolver ações de acordo com os diferentes perfis de consumidor. 

  13. Global maps of the CRUST 2.0 crustal components stripped gravity disturbances

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tenzer, R.; Hamayun, K.; Vajda, P.


    We use the CRUST 2.0 crustal model and the EGM08 geopotential model to compile global maps of the gravity disturbances corrected for the gravitational effects (attractions) of the topography and of the density contrasts of the oceans, sediments, ice, and the remaining crust down to the Moho

  14. Fractal behavior in continental crustal heat production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. Vedanti


    Full Text Available The distribution of crustal heat production, which is the most important component in the elucidation of continental thermal structure, still remains a theoretical assumption. In general the heat production values must decrease with depth, but the form of decrease of heat production in the crust is not well understood. The commonly used heat production models are: "block model", in which heat production is constant from the surface to a given depth and the "exponential model", in which heat production diminishes as an exponential function of depth. The exponential model is more widely used wherein sources of the errors are heterogeneity of rock and long wavelength changes due to changes in lithology and tectonic elements, and as such exponential distribution does not work satisfactorily for the entire crust. In the present study, we analyze for the first time, deep crustal heat production data of six global areas namely Dharwar craton (India, Kaapvaal craton (South Africa, Baltic shield (Kola, Russia, Hidaka metamorphic belt (Japan, Nissho pluton (Japan and Continental Deep Drilling site (KTB, Germany. The power spectrum of all the studied data sets exhibits power law behaviour. This would mean slower decay of heat production with depth, which conforms to the known geologic composition of the crust. Minimum value of the scaling exponent has been found for the KTB borehole, which is apparently related to higher heat production of gneisses, however for other study areas, scaling exponent is almost similar. We also found that the lower values of scaling exponents are related to higher heat production in the crust as is the case in KTB. Present finding has a direct relevance in computation of temperature-depth profiles in continental regions.

  15. Variation in the crustal structure across central Iceland (United States)

    Du, Zhijun; Foulger, G. R.


    We determine the crustal structures beneath 12 broad-band seismic stations deployed in a swath across central Iceland along and around the ICEMELT explosion seismic profile by combining teleseismic receiver functions, surface wave dispersion curves and the waveforms of a large, local event in Iceland. By using teleseisms that approach from different backazimuths, we study lateral structural variability out of the line of the ICEMELT profile. Beneath Tertiary areas, the thickness of the upper crust, as defined by the 6.5kms-1 velocity horizon, is ~8km and the depth to the base of the lower crust, as defined by the 7.2kms-1 velocity horizon, is ~29-32km. Beneath the currently active rift zone the upper crust thins to ~6.0km and the depth to the base of the lower crust increases to ~35-40km. A substantial low-velocity zone underlies the Middle Volcanic Zone in the lower crust, which may indicate anomalously high geothermal gradients there. This suggests that the large-scale thermal centre of the hotspot may be more westerly than northwest Vatnajokull, where it is generally assumed to lie. Simplified description of the results notwithstanding, there is substantial variability in the overall style of crustal structure throughout Iceland, and a clear, tripartite division into upper and lower crusts and a sharp Moho is poorly supported by many of our results. The nature, distinctiveness and continuity of the Moho is variable and in many areas the crust-mantle transition is a zone with enhanced velocity gradients several kilometres thick.





    Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia para a otimização de forma de estruturas geometricamente não-lineares. O objetivo desta metodologia é evitar os problemas de instabilidade apresentados por estruturas otimizadas de acordo com a formulação clássica. Ela foi implementada para problemas bidimensionais e os resultados obtidos na otimização de diferentes estruturas demonstraram o seu sucesso. Utilizando-se conceitos de modelagem geométrica, a forma da e...

  17. Crustal structure of the Central Precordillera of San Juan, Argentina (31°S) using teleseismic receiver functions (United States)

    Ammirati, Jean-Baptiste; Alvarado, Patricia; Perarnau, Marcelo; Saez, Mauro; Monsalvo, Guillermo


    The subduction of the Nazca plate under the South American plate around 31°S is characterized by flat slab geometry. The (Chilean) Pampean flat slab of Argentina associated with the subduction of the Juan Fernandez ridge lies in a region of a series of foreland uplifts corresponding to the thin-skinned Precordillera and basement cored Sierras Pampeanas ranges. The SIEMBRA project deployed 40 broadband stations in 2008-2009 in both the Precordillera and the Sierras Pampeanas with the aim to foster the understanding of the entire central Andean flat slab region. One of the SIEMBRA station (DOCA) located on the western flank of Sierra de la Invernada in the Central Precordillera appears particularly appropriate to study the crustal structure and eventually detect discontinuities related to terranes establishment. We thus performed a receiver function analysis using teleseismic data recorded at the DOCA station during the SIEMBRA project and from October 2011 to June 2012 using a broadband UNSJ (National University of San Juan) seismic station with the purpose to obtain crustal images with details of the intracrustal structure consistent with a mechanism that could explains both the observed earthquake depths and the uplift pattern in the Central Precordillera. Our results show that the Moho beneath the Precordillera lies at a depth of about 66 km. The Moho signal appears diminished and behaves irregularly as a function of azimuthal orientations. Although this observation could be the result of an irregular geometry it also correlates with the hypothesis of partial eclogitisation in the lower crust. Two mid-crustal discontinuities have also been revealed. The shallower one could correspond to a décollement level between the Precordilleran strata and the Cuyania basement at 21 km depth. The deeper one which the presence has been matched with a sharp decrease of the crustal seismic activity drove us to the hypothesis of a major change in crustal composition at 36 km

  18. Crustal and upper mantle velocity structure of the Salton Trough, southeast California (United States)

    Parsons, T.; McCarthy, J.


    This paper presents data and modelling results from a crustal and upper mantle wide-angle seismic transect across the Salton Trough region in southeast California. The Salton Trough is a unique part of the Basin and Range province where mid-ocean ridge/transform spreading in the Gulf of California has evolved northward into the continent. In 1992, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted the final leg of the Pacific to Arizona Crustal Experiment (PACE). Two perpendicular models of the crust and upper mantle were fit to wide-angle reflection and refraction travel times, seismic amplitudes, and Bouguer gravity anomalies. The first profile crossed the Salton Trough from the southwest to the northeast, and the second was a strike line that paralleled the Salton Sea along its western edge. We found thin crust (???21-22 km thick) beneath the axis of the Salton Trough (Imperial Valley) and locally thicker crust (???27 km) beneath the Chocolate Mountains to the northeast. We modelled a slight thinning of the crust further to the northeast beneath the Colorado River (???24 km) and subsequent thickening beneath the metamorphic core complex belt northeast of the Colorado River. There is a deep, apparently young basin (???5-6 km unmetamorphosed sediments) beneath the Imperial Valley and a shallower (???2-3 km) basin beneath the Colorado River. A regional 6.9-km/s layer (between ???15-km depth and the Moho) underlies the Salton Trough as well as the Chocolate Mountains where it pinches out at the Moho. This lower crustal layer is spatially associated with a low-velocity (7.6-7.7 km/s) upper mantle. We found that our crustal model is locally compatible with the previously suggested notion that the crust of the Salton Trough has formed almost entirely from magmatism in the lower crust and sedimentation in the upper crust. However, we observe an apparently magmatically emplaced lower crust to the northeast, outside of the Salton Trough, and propose that this layer in part

  19. A deep crustal fluid channel into the San Andreas Fault system near Parkfield, California (United States)

    Becken, M.; Ritter, O.; Park, S.K.; Bedrosian, P.A.; Weckmann, U.; Weber, M.


    Magnetotelluric (MT) data from 66 sites along a 45-km-long profile across the San Andreas Fault (SAF) were inverted to obtain the 2-D electrical resistivity structure of the crust near the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD). The most intriguing feature of the resistivity model is a steeply dipping upper crustal high-conductivity zone flanking the seismically defined SAF to the NE, that widens into the lower crust and appears to be connected to a broad conductivity anomaly in the upper mantle. Hypothesis tests of the inversion model suggest that upper and lower crustal and upper-mantle anomalies may be interconnected. We speculate that the high conductivities are caused by fluids and may represent a deep-rooted channel for crustal and/or mantle fluid ascent. Based on the chemical analysis of well waters, it was previously suggested that fluids can enter the brittle regime of the SAF system from the lower crust and mantle. At high pressures, these fluids can contribute to fault-weakening at seismogenic depths. These geochemical studies predicted the existence of a deep fluid source and a permeable pathway through the crust. Our resistivity model images a conductive pathway, which penetrates the entire crust, in agreement with the geochemical interpretation. However, the resistivity model also shows that the upper crustal branch of the high-conductivity zone is located NE of the seismically defined SAF, suggesting that the SAF does not itself act as a major fluid pathway. This interpretation is supported by both, the location of the upper crustal high-conductivity zone and recent studies within the SAFOD main hole, which indicate that pore pressures within the core of the SAF zone are not anomalously high, that mantle-derived fluids are minor constituents to the fault-zone fluid composition and that both the volume of mantle fluids and the fluid pressure increase to the NE of the SAF. We further infer from the MT model that the resistive Salinian block

  20. Modelagem do sistema de resfriamento por imersão de carcaças de frangos utilizando redes neurais artificiais = Modeling of the poultry carcass immersion chilling system using artificial neural networks

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    Túlio Klassen


    Full Text Available A modelagem matemática fenomenológica do processo de resfriamento decarcaças de frango em chillers é complexa pela quantidade de variáveis que interferem no processo, além de tratar de um problema que envolve transferência de calor e de massa em regime transeniente. Uma alternativa para modelar este tipo de sistema é o emprego deRedes Neurais Artificiais. Neste trabalho foram investigadas diversas estruturas de redes com uma camada intermediária para modelar o processo de resfriamento de frangos. Foram testadas diferentes arquiteturas alterando os números de neurônios das camadas de entrada e intermediária. Foram utilizados dados coletados na empresa Sadia–Toledo, Estado do Paraná, para treinamento e validação das redes. As variáveis de entrada da rede eram: massa da carcaça, temperatura antes do resfriamento, temperatura da camisa de propilenoglicol,vazão de água em cada módulo, tempo de residência e temperatura da água de renovação; a temperatura do frango na saída do último tanque de resfriamento era a variável de saída. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as redes representam apropriadamente o processo e que arede com estrutura 8-24-1 foi a que melhor modelou o sistema investigado.The process of cooling chicken carcasses by immersing themin mixture of cold water and ice (chillers is complex. It is very difficult to represent it by a transport phenomenon model. In this work, artificial neural networks were used with an intermediary layer in the description and modeling of the cooling process of chickens.Different architectures of the neural network were tested, altering the numbers of input and hidden units. Data supplied by the Sadia-Toledo Company were used for training and validation of the neural networks. The input variables selected for the model were thefollowing: carcass weight, initial temperature, propylene glycol temperature with external circulation, water flow rate of water in each tank, renewal

  1. Lower crustal xenoliths, Chinese Peak lava flow, central Sierra Nevada. (United States)

    Dodge, F.C.W.; Calk, L.C.; Kistler, R.W.


    This assemblage of pyroxenite, peridotite and mafic granulite xenoliths in the toe of a 10 m.y. trachybasalt flow remnant overlying late Cretaceous granitic rocks, indicates the presence of a mafic-ultramafic complex beneath this part of central California; orthopyroxenites, websterites and clinopyroxenites are dominant. A few of the xenoliths contain ovoid opaque patches that are apparently pseudomorphs after garnet and have pyralspite garnet compositions; using a garnet-orthopyroxene geobarometer, they indicate a lower crustal depth of approx 40 km. Abundant mafic granulites can be subdivided into those with Al2O3 = or 15% and showing considerable scatter on oxide variation diagrams. The high-alumina granulite xenoliths have relatively low 87Rb/86Sr but high 87Sr/86Sr, whereas the low-alumina and ultramafic xenoliths have a wide range of 87Rb/86Sr, but lower 87Sr/86Sr; the isotopic data indicate roughly the same age as that of overlying granitic plutons (approx 100 m.y.). However, the granitic rocks have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios intermediate between those of the high-alumina and ultramafic xenoliths, suggesting that they result from the mixing of basaltic magma (represented by the ultramafic rocks) and crustal materials, with subsequent crystal fractionation.-R.A.H.

  2. ADMAP-2: The second generation Antarctic crustal magnetic anomaly map. (United States)

    Ferraccioli, F.; Golynsky, A.; Golynsky, D.; Young, D. A.; Eagles, G.; Damaske, D.; Finn, C.; Aitken, A.; von Frese, R. R. B.; Ghidella, M. E.; Kim, H. R.; Hong, J.


    ADMAP-2 is the second generation crustal magnetic anomaly compilation for the Antarctic region south of 60°S. It was produced from more than 3.5 million line-km of near-surface terrestrial, airborne and marine magnetic observations collected since the International Geophysical Year 1957/58 through 2013. The data were edited, IGRF corrected, profile levelled and gridded at a 1.5-km interval on a polar stereographic projection using the minimum curvature technique. Given the ubiquitous polar cover of snow, ice and sea water, the magnetic anomaly compilation offers important constraints on the global tectonic processes and crustal properties of the Antarctic. It also links widely separated areas of outcrop to help unify disparate geologic studies, and provides insights on the lithospheric transition between Antarctica and adjacent oceans, as well as the geodynamic evolution of the Antarctic lithosphere in the assembly and break-up of the Gondwana, Rodinia, and Columbia supercontinents and key piercing points for reconstructing linkages between the protocontinents. The magnetic data together with ice-probing radar and gravity information greatly facilitate understanding the evolution of fundamental large-scale geological processes such as continental rifting, intraplate mountain building, subduction and terrane accretion processes, and intraplate basin formation.

  3. Radiogenic isotopes: the case for crustal recycling on a near-steady-state no-continental-growth Earth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armstrong, R.L.


    The proposition that continental crust is recycled into the mantle and that the Earth is in a near-steady state with essentially constant volumes of oceans and crust through geological time is defended. Constancy of continental freeboard and uniformity of thickness of stable continental crust with age are the only two quantitative measures of crustal volume through time and these imply negligible crustal growth since 2.9 Ga B.P. Planetary analogies, Pb isotopes, atmospheric evolution, and palaeomagnetism also argue for early terrestrial differentiation. Rates of crustal growth and recycling are sufficient to reach a near-steady state over the first 1 Ga of Earth history, before widespread cratonization. Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of igneous rocks from the mantle are explainable in terms of a near-steady-state model. The recycling process can be observed on the Earth today. The observed escape of primordial 3 He from the mantle is not evidence for continuing continental differentiation or against early differentiation of the Earth. Even if nearly complete equilibrium chemical differentiation occurred at 4.6 Ga B.P., some 3 He would remain dissolved in the interior and would escape as recycling continued. (U.K.)

  4. Publicidade infantil: uma análise de táticas persuasivas na TV aberta Advertising to children: an analysis of persuasive tactics on a free channel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Iglesias


    Full Text Available Embora haja um forte debate sobre a ética e os efeitos da publicidade veiculada na mídia televisiva, ainda se conhece pouco sobre esses fenômenos em relação ao público infantil. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar o uso de estratégias persuasivas voltadas para o consumo infantil na mídia, com base na literatura científica de influência em psicologia social. A avaliação de 182 peças publicitárias veiculados nos intervalos comerciais de um programa infantil de elevada audiência da televisão aberta, duas semanas antes do Dia das Crianças, revelou como principais táticas dos anunciantes a definição de um critério de decisão pela criança, simular consenso social, contar história e modelagem social. O trabalho discute as implicações dos resultados para a realidade de consumo infantil no Brasil e para o subsídio de intervenções voltadas para a educação e para a promoção do consumo responsável.Despite a strong debate on the ethics and effects of television advertising, little is known about how these phenomena operate among children as consumers. This research investigated the use of persuasive strategies in advertising to children, based on the psychosocial literature of social influence. An analysis of 182 television advertisements during commercial breaks aired two weeks before Children's Day revealed defining the decision criterion, simmulating social consensus, storytelling, and social modelling as the most frequent tactics used by advertisers. Implications for creating inputs to education in children's consumption in Brazil and the promotion of responsible consumption are discussed.

  5. A frozen record of density-driven crustal overturn in lava lakes: The example of Kilauea Iki 1959 (United States)

    Stovall, W.K.; Houghton, Bruce F.; Harris, A.J.L.; Swanson, D.A.


    Lava lakes are found at basaltic volcanoes on Earth and other planetary bodies. Density-driven crustal foundering leading to surface renewal occurs repeatedly throughout the life of a lava lake. This process has been observed and described in a qualitative sense, but due to dangerous conditions, no data has been acquired to evaluate the densities of the units involved. Kilauea Iki pit crater in Hawai'i houses a lava lake erupted during a 2 month period in 1959. Part of the surface of the Kilauea Iki lake now preserves the frozen record of a final, incomplete, crustal-overturn cycle. We mapped this region and sampled portions of the foundering crust, as well as overriding and underlying lava, to constrain the density of the units involved in the overturn process. Overturn is driven by the advance of a flow front of fresh, low-density lava over an older, higher density surface crust. The advance of the front causes the older crust to break up, founder, and dive downwards into the lake to expose new, hot, low-density lava. We find density differences of 200 to 740 kg/m3 between the foundering crust and over-riding and under-lying lava respectively. In this case, crustal overturn is driven by large density differences between the foundering and resurfacing units. These differences lead, inevitably, to frequent crustal renewal: simple density differences between the surface crust and underlying lake lava make the upper layers of the lake highly unstable. ?? Springer-Verlag 2008.

  6. New Crustal Boundary Revealed Beneath the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, through ROSETTA-Ice Integrated Aerogeophysics, Geology, and Ocean Research (United States)

    Tinto, K. J.; Siddoway, C. S.; Bell, R. E.; Lockett, A.; Wilner, J.


    Now submerged within marine plateaus and rises bordering Antarctica, Australia and Zealandia, the East Gondwana accretionary margin was a belt of terranes and stitched by magmatic arcs, later stretched into continental ribbons separated by narrow elongate rifts. This crustal architecture is known from marine geophysical exploration and ocean drilling of the mid-latitude coastal plateaus and rises. A concealed sector of the former East Gondwana margin that underlies the Ross Ice Shelf (RIS), Antarctica, is the focus of ROSETTA-ICE, a new airborne data acquisition campaign that explores the crustal makeup, tectonic boundaries and seafloor bathymetry beneath RIS. Gravimeters and a magnetometer are deployed by LC130 aircraft surveying along E-W lines spaced at 10 km, and N-S tie lines at 55 km, connect 1970s points (RIGGS) for controls on ocean depth and gravity. The ROSETTA-ICE survey, 2/3 completed thus far, provides magnetic anomalies, Werner depth-to-basement solutions, a new gravity-based bathymetric model at 20-km resolution, and a new crustal density map tied to the 1970s data. Surprisingly, the data reveal that the major lithospheric boundary separating East and West Antarctica lies 300 km east of the Transantarctic Mountains, beneath the floating RIS. The East and West regions have contrasting geophysical characteristics and bathymetry, with relatively dense lithosphere, low amplitude magnetic anomalies, and deep bathymetry on the East Antarctica side, and high amplitude magnetic anomalies, lower overall density and shallower water depths on the West Antarctic side. The Central High, a basement structure cored at DSDP Site 270 and seismically imaged in the Ross Sea, continues beneath RIS as a faulted but coherent crustal ribbon coincident with the tectonic boundary. The continuity of Gondwana margin crustal architecture discovered beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet requires a revision of the existing tectonic framework. The sub-RIS narrow rift basins and

  7. Interaction of the lithospheric mantle and crustal melts for the generation of the Horoz pluton (Niğde, Turkey: whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic evidence

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    Kerim Kocak


    Full Text Available The Horoz pluton includes granitic and granodioritic rocks, with widespread mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs. Petrochemically, the rocks of the pluton show calc-alkaline to shoshonitic and metaluminous to slightly peraluminous composition. The rocks also exhibit an enrichment in large ion lithophile elements, e.g. Rb, K, and depletions of high field strength elements such as Y, Lu, and Mg#, Ni, with a slightly concave-upward rare earth element pattern. Both granitic and granodioritic rocks exhibit geochemical characteristics of tonalite, trondhjemite and granodiorite assemblages, possibly developed by the partial melting of a thickened lower crust. The granitoids have high concentrations of Na2O (2.6–4.5 wt%, Sr (347–599 ppm, intermediate-high (La/YbN (8.2–18.1, mostly >11 , Al2O3 (13.2–16.9 wt%, average 15.3 wt%, low MgO (0.2–1.4 wt%, average 0.84 wt% and Co (0.7–10.3 ppm. The MMEs include higher Na2O (4.5–5.5 wt%, Sr (389–1149 ppm, Al2O3 (16.9–19.2 wt%, average 17.8 wt%, MgO (1.4–4.4 wt%, average 2.75 wt% and Co (6.2–18.7 ppm contents in comparison with that of their hosts. There is a lack of negative Eu anomalies, except a few samples. Both host rocks and MMEs have a low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (respectively 0.7046–0.7051 and 0.7047–0.7058, low eNd value (–1.8 to –0.2 and –0.6 to 0.7 at 50 Ma and highly radiogenic 208Pb/204Pb ratios (39.43–39.47 and 39.39–39.54. Whole-rock chemistry and isotopic data suggest that parent magmas of both MMEs and their hosts have derived from melts of the mixing between the lithospheric mantle and crustal end members, than fractional crystallization processes in crustal levels.

  8. Tropics in Antarctica? Crustal Evaluation Education Project. Teacher's Guide [and] Student Investigation. (United States)

    Stoever, Edward C., Jr.

    Crustal Evolution Education Project (CEEP) modules were designed to: (1) provide students with the methods and results of continuing investigations into the composition, history, and processes of the earth's crust and the application of this knowledge to man's activities and (2) to be used by teachers with little or no previous background in the…

  9. Produtos de sucesso: um estudo de análise discriminante empírica na indústria

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    Carlos Alberto Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa visou a analisar relações de produção entre a intensidade das percepções de fatores externos (clientes, concorrentes, tecnologia e internos (valores culturais, que incidem nos processos de gestão de conhecimento de marketing, produzindo vantagens competitivas em novos produtos (intensificando as variáveis desempenho no mercado e inovação através de modelagem por análise discriminante multivariada. Através de survey com indústrias obteve-se um adequada consistência do modelo apresentado neste artigo.

  10. Alumino-silicate speciation in aqueous fluids at deep crustal conditions (United States)

    Mookherjee, M.; Keppler, H.; Manning, C. E.


    Alumina and silica are major oxides in most crustal rocks. While SiO2 is quite soluble in aqueous fluids at metamorphic conditions, behavior of Al2O3 in crustal metamorphic fluids has been poorly understood. It is known that alumina is dramatically less soluble in aqueous fluids and hence it is difficult to explain the common occurrence of quartz with aluminous minerals in metamorphic veins. In order to understand this complex behavior of alumina, we investigated aluminum speciation in aqueous fluids in equilibrium with corundum using in situ Raman spectroscopy in hydrothermal diamond anvil cells to 20 kbar and 1000 oC. In order to better understand the spectral features of the aqueous fluids, we used first principles simulations based on density functional theory to calculate and predict the energetics and vibrational spectra for various aluminum species that are likely to be present in aqueous solutions. The Raman spectra of pure water in equilibrium with Al2O3 are devoid of any characteristic spectral features. In contrast, aqueous fluids with KOH solution in equilibrium with Al2O3 show a sharp band at ~620 cm-1 which could be attributed to the [Al(OH)4]1- species. The band grows in intensity with temperature along an isochore. In the limited pressure, temperature and density explored in the present study, we do not find any evidence for the polymerization of the [Al(OH)4]1- species to dimers [(OH)2-Al-O2-Al(OH)2]2- or [(OH)3-Al-O-Al(OH)3]2-. This is likely due to the relatively low concentration of Al in the solutions and does not rule out significant polymerization at higher pressures and temperatures. We are also investigating the effect of SiO2 on the solubility of Al2O3 and the relative energetics of formation of pure alumina dimer [(OH)3-Al-O-Al(OH)3]2- vs. the aluminosilicate dimers, [(OH)3-Al-O-Si(OH)3]2- at deep crustal conditions. Acknowledgement- MM is supported by the US National Science Foundation grant (EAR-1250477).

  11. Lower crustal intrusions beneath the southern Baikal Rift Zone

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Christoffer; Thybo, Hans


    centre. The BEST (Baikal Explosion Seismic Transect) project acquired a 360-km long, deep seismic, refraction/wide-angle reflection profile in 2002 across southern Lake Baikal. The data from this project is used for identification of large-scale crustal structures and modelling of the seismic velocities....../s and 7.9 km/s. We interpret this feature as resulting from mafic to ultra-mafic intrusions in the form of sills. Petrological interpretation of the velocity values suggests that the intrusions are sorted by fractional crystallization into plagioclase-rich low-velocity layers and pyroxene- and olivine...

  12. Evidence for crustal recycling during the Archean: the parental magmas of the stillwater complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCallum, I.S.


    The petrology and geochemistry of the Stillwater Complex, an Archean (2.7 Ga) layered mafic intrusion in the Beartooth Mountains of Montana, is discussed. Efforts to reconstruct the compositions of possible parental magmas and thereby place some constraints on the composition and history of their mantle source regions was studied. A high-Mg andesite or boninite magma best matches the crystallization sequences and mineral compositions of Stillwater cumulates, and represents either a primary magma composition or a secondary magma formed, for example, by assimilation of crustal material by a very Mg-rich melt such as komatiite. Isotopic data do not support the extensive amounts of assimilation required by the komatiite parent hypothesis, and it is argued that the Stillwater magma was generated from a mantle source that had been enriched by recycling and homogenization of older crustal material over a large area

  13. Crustal and uppermost mantle structure and deformation in east-central China (United States)

    Li, H.; Yang, X.; Ouyang, L.; Li, J.


    We conduct a non-linear joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave dispersions to obtain the crustal and upper mantle velocity structure in east-central China. In the meanwhile, the lithosphere and upper mantle deformation beneath east-central China is also evaluated with teleseismic shear wave splitting measurements. The resulting velocity model reveals that to the east of the North-South Gravity Lineament, the crust and the lithosphere are significantly thinned. Furthermore, three extensive crustal/lithospheric thinning sub-regions are clearly identified within the study area. This indicates that the modification of the crust and lithosphere in central-eastern China is non-uniform due to the heterogeneity of the lithospheric strength. Extensive crustal and lithospheric thinning could occur in some weak zones such as the basin-range junction belts and large faults. The structure beneath the Dabie orogenic belt is complex due to the collision between the North and South China Blocks during the Late Paleozoic-Triassic. The Dabie orogenic belt is generally delineated by a thick crust with a mid-crust low-velocity zone and a two-directional convergence in the lithospheric scale. Obvious velocity contrast exhibits in the crust and upper mantle at both sides of the Tanlu fault, which suggests the deep penetration of this lithospheric-scale fault. Most of our splitting measurements show nearly E-W trending fast polarization direction which is slightly deviating from the direction of plate motion. The similar present-day lithosphere structure and upper mantle deformation may imply that the eastern NCC and the eastern SCB were dominated by a common dynamic process after late Mesozoic, i.e., the westward subduction of Pacific plate and the retreat of the subduction plate. The westward subduction of the Philippine plate and the long-range effects of the collision between the Indian plate and Eurasia plate during Cenozoic may have also contributed to the present

  14. 3D crustal model of the US and Canada East Coast rifted margin (United States)

    Dowla, N.; Bird, D. E.; Murphy, M. A.


    We integrate seismic reflection and refraction data with gravity and magnetic data to generate a continent-scale 3D crustal model of the US and Canada East Coast, extending north from the Straits of Florida to Newfoundland, and east from the Appalachian Mountains to the Central Atlantic Ocean. The model includes five layers separated by four horizons: sea surface, topography, crystalline basement, and Moho. We tested magnetic depth-to-source techniques to improve the basement morphology, from published sources, beneath the continental Triassic rift basins and outboard to the Jurassic ocean floor. A laterally varying density grid was then produced for the resultant sedimentary rock layer thickness based on an exponential decay function that approximates sedimentary compaction. Using constant density values for the remaining layers, we calculated an isostatically compensated Moho. The following structural inversion results of the Moho, controlled by seismic refraction depths, advances our understanding of rift-to-drift crustal geometries, and provides a regional context for additional studies.

  15. The crustal structure of Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada—teleseismic mapping across a remote intraplate orogenic belt (United States)

    Schiffer, Christian; Stephenson, Randell; Oakey, Gordon N.; Jacobsen, Bo H.


    Ellesmere Island in Arctic Canada displays a complex geological evolution. The region was affected by two distinct orogenies, the Palaeozoic Ellesmerian orogeny (the Caledonian equivalent in Arctic Canada and Northern Greenland) and the Palaeogene Eurekan orogeny, related to the opening of Baffin Bay and the consequent convergence of the Greenland plate. The details of this complex evolution and the present-day deep structure are poorly constrained in this remote area and deep geophysical data are sparse. Receiver function analysis of seven temporary broad-band seismometers of the Ellesmere Island Lithosphere Experiment complemented by two permanent stations provides important data on the crustal velocity structure of Ellesmere Island. The crustal expression of the northernmost tectonic block of Ellesmere Island (˜82°-83°N), Pearya, which was accreted during the Ellesmerian orogeny, is similar to that at the southernmost part, which is part of the Precambrian Laurentian (North America-Greenland) craton. Both segments have thick crystalline crust (˜35-36 km) and comparable velocity-depth profiles. In contrast, crustal thickness in central Ellesmere Island decreases from ˜24-30 km in the Eurekan fold and thrust belt (˜79.7°-80.6°N) to ˜16-20 km in the Hazen Stable Block (HSB; ˜80.6°-81.4°N) and is covered by a thick succession of metasediments. A deep crustal root (˜48 km) at ˜79.6°N is interpreted as cratonic crust flexed beneath the Eurekan fold and thrust belt. The Carboniferous to Palaeogene sedimentary succession of the Sverdrup Basin is inferred to be up to 1-4 km thick, comparable to geologically-based estimates, near the western margin of the HSB.

  16. Temperature and redox effect on mineral colonization in Juan de Fuca Ridge flank subsurface crustal fluids

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    Jean-Paul eBaquiran


    Full Text Available To examine microbe-mineral interactions in subsurface oceanic crust, we evaluated microbial colonization on crustal minerals that were incubated in borehole fluids for one year at the seafloor wellhead of a crustal borehole observatory (IODP Hole U1301A, Juan de Fuca Ridge flank as compared to an experiment that was not exposed to subsurface crustal fluids (at nearby IODP Hole U1301B. In comparison to previous studies at these same sites, this approach allowed assessment of the effects of temperature, fluid chemistry, and/or mineralogy on colonization patterns of different mineral substrates, and an opportunity to verify the approach of deploying colonization experiments at an observatory wellhead at the seafloor instead of within the borehole. The Hole U1301B deployment did not have biofilm growth, based on microscopy and DNA extraction, thereby confirming the integrity of the colonization design against bottom seawater intrusion. In contrast, the Hole U1301A deployment supported biofilms dominated by Epsilonproteobacteria (43.5% of 370 16S rRNA gene clone sequences and Gammaproteobacteria (29.3%. Sequence analysis revealed overlap in microbial communities between different minerals incubated at the Hole U1301A wellhead, indicating that mineralogy did not separate biofilm structure within the one-year colonization experiment. Differences in the Hole U1301A wellhead biofilm community composition relative to previous studies from within the borehole using similar mineral substrates suggest that temperature and the diffusion of dissolved oxygen through plastic components influenced the mineral colonization experiments positioned at the wellhead. This highlights the capacity of low abundance crustal fluid taxa to rapidly establish communities on diverse mineral substrates under changing environmental conditions such as from temperature and oxygen.

  17. Georeferenced database generation with the purpose of hydrologic molding in reservoirs of the hydrographic basin of Jaguaribe river in the state of Ceará, Brazil Geração de base de dados georreferenciada com finalidade de modelagem hidrológica em reservatórios da bacia hidrográfica do rio Jaguaribe, Ceará, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raimundo A. de O. Leão


    Full Text Available The edafoclimatic conditions of the Brazilian semiarid region favor the water loss by surface runoff. The state of Ceará, almost completely covered by semiarid, has developed public policies for the construction of dams in order to attend the varied water demand. Several hydrological models were developed to support decisive processes in the complex management of reservoirs. This study aimed to establish a methodology for obtaining a georeferenced database suitable for use as input data in hydrological modeling in the semiarid of Ceará. It was used images of Landsat satellite and SRTM Mission, and soil maps of the state of Ceará. The Landsat images allowed the determination of the land cover and the SRTM Mission images, the automatic delineation of hydrographic basins. The soil type was obtained through the soil map. The database was obtained for Jaguaribe River hydrographic basin, in the state of Ceará, and is applicable to hydrological modeling based on the Curve Number method for estimating the surface runoff.As condições edafoclimáticas do semiárido brasileiro favorecem a perda de água por escoamento superficial. O Estado do Ceará,quase totalmente abrangido pelo semiárido, desenvolveu políticas públicas voltadas para a construção de açudes,a fim de atender à demanda hídrica diversificada. Vários modelos hidrológicos foram desenvolvidos para subsidiar os processos decisórios no complexo manejo dos reservatórios. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer uma metodologia para a obtenção de uma base de dados georreferenciada e adequada para uso como dados de entrada na modelagem hidrológica,no semiárido cearense. Foram utilizadas imagens de satélite Landsat e da missão SRTM, e mapa de solos do Estado do Ceará. As imagens Landsat possibilitaram determinar a cobertura do solo,e as imagens da missão SRTM, a delimitação automática das bacias hidrográficas. O tipo de solo foi obtido por meio do mapa de solos. A

  18. Revista Espinhaço entrevistaDra. Bette Otto Bliesner(NCAR Boulder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kourosh Behzadian


    Full Text Available Dra. Bette Otto Bliesner foi entrevistada pela Revista Espinhaço durante o BIARI 2016, que ocorreu em Providence (EUA na Brown University. Para este volume especial da Revista Espihaço, a Dra. Bette, pesquisadora do National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR e especialista em modelagem climática e paleo-climatologia, traz reflexões sobre seu recente trabalho no IPCC.Esta entrevista foi conduzida por Kourosh Behzadian (University of West London, Douglas Sathler (FIH/Cegeo/UFVJM and Lorena Fleury (UFRGS.





    Os bancos de dados relacionais são fortemente utilizados em sua forma direta, ou seja, a aplicação interagindo diretamente com o driver do SGBD, pois os mesmos há muito tempo vêm comprovando aspectos importantes, como confiabilidade e integridade dos dados, porém alguns frameworks oferecem, além disso, outras vantagens, sendo a mais importante a portabilidade entre os SGBDS. Por outro lado, os bancos de dados orientados a objetos oferecem maior agilidade e facilidade na modelagem dos dados. N...

  20. Comparação entre os modelos norteamericano (ACSI) e europeu (ECSI) de satisfação do cliente: um estudo no setor de serviços


    Humberto Elias Garcia Lopes; Camila Cristina de Paula Pereira; Ana Flávia Santos Vieira


    O objetivo central deste trabalho é comparar os modelos norte-americano (ACSI) e europeu (ECSI) de satisfação do cliente, preservando as relações estruturais entre as variáveis latentes tal como originalmente estabelecidas. Para tanto, optou-se por uma abordagem quantitativa, centrada na modelagem de equações estruturais por meio da análise fatorial confirmatória. Foram pesquisados 2.145 clientes de empresas do setor de serviços, atuantes no Estado de Minas Gerais. Os principais resultados in...

  1. Comparação entre os modelos norte-americano (ACSI) e europeu (ECSI) de satisfação do cliente: um estudo no setor de serviços


    Lopes, Humberto Elias Garcia; Pereira, Camila Cristina de Paula; Vieira, Ana Flávia Santos


    O objetivo central deste trabalho é comparar os modelos norte-americano (ACSI) e europeu (ECSI) de satisfação do cliente, preservando as relações estruturais entre as variáveis latentes tal como originalmente estabelecidas. Para tanto, optou-se por uma abordagem quantitativa, centrada na modelagem de equações estruturais por meio da análise fatorial confirmatória. Foram pesquisados 2.145 clientes de empresas do setor de serviços, atuantes no Estado de Minas Gerais. Os principais resultados in...

  2. Método Ágil aplicado ao desenvolvimento de software confiável baseado em componentes


    Alan Braz


    Resumo: Os Métodos Ágeis, ou Desenvolvimento Ágil de Software (DAS), tem se popularizado, na última década, por meio de métodos como Extreme Programming (XP) e Scrum e isso fez com que fossem aplicadas no desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais de diversos tamanhos, complexidades técnica e de domínio, e de rigor quanto à confiabilidade. Esse fato evidencia a necessidade de processos de desenvolvimento de software que sejam mais rigorosos e que possuam uma quantidade adequada de modelagem e...

  3. Crustal contributions to arc magmatism in the Andes of Central Chile (United States)

    Hildreth, W.; Moorbath, S.


    Fifteen andesite-dacite stratovolcanoes on the volcanic front of a single segment of the Andean arc show along-arc changes in isotopic and elemental ratios that demonstrate large crustal contributions to magma genesis. All 15 centers lie 90 km above the Benioff zone and 280??20 km from the trench axis. Rate and geometry of subduction and composition and age of subducted sediments and seafloor are nearly constant along the segment. Nonetheless, from S to N along the volcanic front (at 57.5% SiO2) K2O rises from 1.1 to 2.4 wt %, Ba from 300 to 600 ppm, and Ce from 25 to 50 ppm, whereas FeO*/MgO declines from >2.5 to 1.4. Ce/Yb and Hf/Lu triple northward, in part reflecting suppression of HREE enrichment by deep-crustal garnet. Rb, Cs, Th, and U contents all rise markedly from S to N, but Rb/Cs values double northward - opposite to prediction were the regional alkali enrichment controlled by sediment subduction. K/Rb drops steeply and scatters greatly within many (biotite-free) andesitic suites. Wide diversity in Zr/Hf, Zr/Rb, Ba/Ta, and Ba/La within and among neighboring suites (which lack zircon and alkali feldspar) largely reflects local variability of intracrustal (not slab or mantle) contributions. Pb-isotope data define a limited range that straddles the Stacey-Kramers line, is bracketed by values of local basement rocks, in part plots above the field of Nazca plate sediment, and shows no indication of a steep (mantle+sedimentary) Pb mixing trend. 87Sr/86Sr values rise northward from 0.7036 to 0.7057, and 143Nd/144Nd values drop from 0.5129 to 0.5125. A northward climb in basal elevation of volcanic-front edifices from 1350 m to 4500 m elevation coincides with a Bougueranomaly gradient from -95 to -295 mgal, interpreted to indicate thickening of the crust from 30-35 km to 50-60 km. Complementary to the thickening crust, the mantle wedge beneath the front thins northward from about 60 km to 30-40 km (as slab depth is constant). The thick northern crust contains

  4. How plume-ridge interaction shapes the crustal thickness pattern of the Réunion hotspot track (United States)

    Bredow, Eva; Steinberger, Bernhard; Gassmöller, Rene; Dannberg, Juliane


    The Réunion mantle plume has shaped a large area of the Earth's surface over the past 65 million years: from the Deccan Traps in India along the hotspot track comprising the island chains of the Laccadives, Maldives, and Chagos Bank on the Indian plate and the Mascarene Plateau on the African plate up to the currently active volcanism at La Réunion Island. This study addresses the question how the Réunion plume, especially in interaction with the Central Indian Ridge, created the complex crustal thickness pattern of the hotspot track. For this purpose, the mantle convection code ASPECT was used to design three-dimensional numerical models, which consider the specific location of the plume underneath moving plates and surrounded by large-scale mantle flow. The results show the crustal thickness pattern produced by the plume, which altogether agrees well with topographic maps. Especially two features are consistently reproduced by the models: the distinctive gap in the hotspot track between the Maldives and Chagos is created by the combination of the ridge geometry and plume-ridge interaction; and the Rodrigues Ridge, a narrow crustal structure which connects the hotspot track and the Central Indian Ridge, appears as the surface expression of a long-distance sublithospheric flow channel. This study therefore provides further insight how small-scale surface features are generated by the complex interplay between mantle and lithospheric processes.

  5. Simulations of tremor-related creep reveal a weak crustal root of the San Andreas Fault (United States)

    Shelly, David R.; Bradley, Andrew M.; Johnson, Kaj M.


    Deep aseismic roots of faults play a critical role in transferring tectonic loads to shallower, brittle crustal faults that rupture in large earthquakes. Yet, until the recent discovery of deep tremor and creep, direct inference of the physical properties of lower-crustal fault roots has remained elusive. Observations of tremor near Parkfield, CA provide the first evidence for present-day localized slip on the deep extension of the San Andreas Fault and triggered transient creep events. We develop numerical simulations of fault slip to show that the spatiotemporal evolution of triggered tremor near Parkfield is consistent with triggered fault creep governed by laboratory-derived friction laws between depths of 20–35 km on the fault. Simulated creep and observed tremor northwest of Parkfield nearly ceased for 20–30 days in response to small coseismic stress changes of order 104 Pa from the 2003 M6.5 San Simeon Earthquake. Simulated afterslip and observed tremor following the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield earthquake show a coseismically induced pulse of rapid creep and tremor lasting for 1 day followed by a longer 30 day period of sustained accelerated rates due to propagation of shallow afterslip into the lower crust. These creep responses require very low effective normal stress of ~1 MPa on the deep San Andreas Fault and near-neutral-stability frictional properties expected for gabbroic lower-crustal rock.

  6. Millennia of magmatism recorded in crustal xenoliths from alkaline provinces in Southwest Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smit, Matthijs; Waight, Tod Earle; Nielsen, Troels


    Neoproterozoic alkaline provinces in West Greenland: 1)Sarfartôq, which overlies Archean ultra-depleted SCLM and yielded ultra-deep mineral indicators, and 2)Sisimiut, where the SCLM is refertilized and deep xenoliths (>120km) are lacking. We focused on the rare and understudied crustal xenoliths, which preserve...

  7. Crustal seismic anisotropy beneath Shillong plateau - Assam valley in North East India: Shear-wave splitting analysis using local earthquakes (United States)

    Sharma, Antara; Baruah, Santanu; Piccinini, Davide; Saikia, Sowrav; Phukan, Manoj K.; Chetia, Monisha; Kayal, J. R.


    We present crustal anisotropy estimates constrained by shear wave splitting (SWS) analysis using local earthquakes in the Shillong plateau and Assam valley area, North East India (NE India) region. Splitting parameters are determined using an automated cross-correlation (CC) method. We located 330 earthquakes recorded by 17 broadband seismic stations during 2001-2014 in the study area. Out of these 330 events, seismograms of 163 events are selected for the SWS analysis. Relatively small average delay times (0.039-0.084 s) indicate existence of moderate crack density in the crust below the study area. It is found that fast polarization directions vary from station to station depending on the regional stress system as well as geological conditions. The spatial pattern of crustal anisotropy in the area is controlled mostly by tectonic movement of the Indian plate towards NE. Presence of several E-W and N-S trending active faults in the area also play an important role on the observed pattern of crustal anisotropy.

  8. Time-Dependent Crustal Deformation Associated With the 2004 Chuetsu and the 2007 Chuetsu-Oki Earthquakes (United States)

    Meneses Gutierrez, A.; Sagiya, T.


    There is an ongoing concentrated deformation along the Japan Sea coast, which has been identified as Niigata Kobe Tectonic Zone (Sagiya et al., 2000). Large historical earthquakes have occurred in this area, and in recent years, Niigata has suffered the impact of two important events, known as the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture earthquake (M 6.8) and The 2007 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-Oki earthquake (M 6.6), which considerately affected the crustal deformation pattern. For this reason, we review temporal variation of crustal deformation pattern in the mid Niigata region based on daily coordinates of 28 GPS sites from the GEONET network for three time windows: before 2004, 2004-2007 and after 2007 until March 2011, to avoid effects of crustal deformation associated with the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. We observed a migration of the deformation pattern in the East-West direction through the contraction belts for the above time windows. Before 2004, we recognize a clear shortening of 0.3ppm/yr in the area between the source regions of 2004 and 2007 quakes. After the 2004 Chuetsu earthquake, this shortening rate decreased. On the other hand, an accelerated contraction occurred to the east of this region, around the source region of the 2004 earthquake. After the 2007 earthquake, another contraction zone appeared to the northwest, near the 2007 source region. These time-dependent behaviors suggest there exists strong interaction between parallel fault segments in this area. It is crucially important to reveal such interaction to understand crustal deformation and seismogenesis in this region. We construct kinematic deformation models to interpret the time-dependent deformation pattern for each time period and to investigate mechanical interaction of coseismic as well as probably aseismic fault slips. Optimal faults parameters were established using a grid search, and computing the 95% confidence interval for each model parameter using the normalized Chi-squared distribution to

  9. A New Comprehensive Model for Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of the European Plate (United States)

    Morelli, A.; Danecek, P.; Molinari, I.; Postpischl, L.; Schivardi, R.; Serretti, P.; Tondi, M. R.


    We present a new comprehensive model of crustal and upper mantle structure of the whole European Plate — from the North Atlantic ridge to Urals, and from North Africa to the North Pole — describing seismic speeds (P and S) and density. Our description of crustal structure merges information from previous studies: large-scale compilations, seismic prospection, receiver functions, inversion of surface wave dispersion measurements and Green functions from noise correlation. We use a simple description of crustal structure, with laterally-varying sediment and cristalline layers thickness and seismic parameters. Most original information refers to P-wave speed, from which we derive S speed and density from scaling relations. This a priori crustal model by itself improves the overall fit to observed Bouguer anomaly maps, as derived from GRACE satellite data, over CRUST2.0. The new crustal model is then used as a constraint in the inversion for mantle shear wave speed, based on fitting Love and Rayleigh surface wave dispersion. In the inversion for transversely isotropic mantle structure, we use group speed measurements made on European event-to-station paths, and use a global a priori model (S20RTS) to ensure fair rendition of earth structure at depth and in border areas with little coverage from our data. The new mantle model sensibly improves over global S models in the imaging of shallow asthenospheric (slow) anomalies beneath the Alpine mobile belt, and fast lithospheric signatures under the two main Mediterranean subduction systems (Aegean and Tyrrhenian). We map compressional wave speed inverting ISC travel times (reprocessed by Engdahl et al.) with a non linear inversion scheme making use of finite-difference travel time calculation. The inversion is based on an a priori model obtained by scaling the 3D mantle S-wave speed to P. The new model substantially confirms images of descending lithospheric slabs and back-arc shallow asthenospheric regions, shown in

  10. Crustal structure of the Central-Eastern Greenland: results from the TopoGreenland refraction profile (United States)

    Shulgin, Alexey; Thybo, Hans


    Until present, seismic surveys have only been carried out offshore and near the coasts of Greenland, where the crustal structure is affected by oceanic break-up. We present the deep seismic structure of the crust of the interior of Greenland, based on the new and the only existing so far seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection profile. The seismic data was acquired by a team of six people during a two-month long experiment in summer of 2011 on the ice cap in the interior of central-eastern Greenland. The presence of an up to 3.4 km thick ice sheet, permanently covering most of the land mass, made acquisition of geophysical data logistically complicated. The profile extends 310 km inland in E-W direction from the approximate edge of the stable ice cap near the Scoresby Sund across the center of the ice cap. 350 Reftek Texan receivers recorded high-quality seismic data from 8 equidistant shots along the profile. Explosive charge sizes were 1 ton at the ends and ca. 500 kg along the profile, loaded with about 125 kg at 35-85 m depth in individual boreholes. Given that the data acquisition was affected by the thick ice sheet, we questioned the quality of seismic records in such experiment setup. We have developed an automatic routine to check the amplitudes and spectra of the selected seismic phases and to check the differences/challenges in making seismic experiments on ice and the effects of ice on data interpretation. Using tomographic inversion and forward ray tracing modelling we have obtained the two-dimensional velocity model down to a 50 km depth. The model shows a decrease of crustal thickness from 47 km below the centre of Greenland in the western part of the profile to 40 km in its eastern part. Relatively high lower crustal velocities (Vp 6.8 - 7.3 km/s) in the western part of the TopoGreenland profile may result from past collision tectonics or, alternatively, may be related to the speculated passage of the Iceland mantle plume. Comparison of our results

  11. Crustal Structure and Evolution of the Eastern Himalayan Plate Boundary System, Northeast India (United States)

    Mitra, S.; Priestley, K. F.; Borah, Kajaljyoti; Gaur, V. K.


    We use data from 24 broadband seismographs located south of the Eastern Himalayan plate boundary system to investigate the crustal structure beneath Northeast India. P wave receiver function analysis reveals felsic continental crust beneath the Brahmaputra Valley, Shillong Plateau and Mikir Hills, and mafic thinned passive margin transitional crust (basement layer) beneath the Bengal Basin. Within the continental crust, the central Shillong Plateau and Mikir Hills have the thinnest crust (30 ± 2 km) with similar velocity structure, suggesting a unified origin and uplift history. North of the plateau and Mikir Hills the crustal thickness increases sharply by 8-10 km and is modeled by ˜30∘ north dipping Moho flexure. South of the plateau, across the ˜1 km topographic relief of the Dawki Fault, the crustal thickness increases abruptly by 12-13 km and is modeled by downfaulting of the plateau crust, overlain by 13-14 km thick sedimentary layer/rocks of the Bengal Basin. Farther south, beneath central Bengal Basin, the basement layer is thinner (20-22 km) and has higher Vs (˜4.1 km s-1) indicating a transitional crystalline crust, overlain by the thickest sedimentary layer/rocks (18-20 km). Our models suggest that the uplift of the Shillong Plateau occurred by thrust faulting on the reactivated Dawki Fault, a continent margin paleorift fault, and subsequent back thrusting on the south dipping Oldham Fault, in response to flexural loading of the Eastern Himalaya. Our estimated Dawki Fault offset combined with timing of surface uplift of the plateau reveals a reasonable match between long-term uplift and convergence rate across the Dawki Fault with present-day GPS velocities.

  12. A new heat flux model for the Antarctic Peninsula incorporating spatially variable upper crustal radiogenic heat production (United States)

    Burton-Johnson, A.; Halpin, J.; Whittaker, J. M.; Graham, F. S.; Watson, S. J.


    We present recently published findings (Burton-Johnson et al., 2017) on the variability of Antarctic sub-glacial heat flux and the impact from upper crustal geology. Our new method reveals that the upper crust contributes up to 70% of the Antarctic Peninsula's subglacial heat flux, and that heat flux values are more variable at smaller spatial resolutions than geophysical methods can resolve. Results indicate a higher heat flux on the east and south of the Peninsula (mean 81 mWm-2) where silicic rocks predominate, than on the west and north (mean 67 mWm-2) where volcanic arc and quartzose sediments are dominant. Whilst the data supports the contribution of HPE-enriched granitic rocks to high heat flux values, sedimentary rocks can be of comparative importance dependent on their provenance and petrography. Models of subglacial heat flux must utilize a heterogeneous upper crust with variable radioactive heat production if they are to accurately predict basal conditions of the ice sheet. Our new methodology and dataset facilitate improved numerical model simulations of ice sheet dynamics. The most significant challenge faced remains accurate determination of crustal structure, particularly the depths of the HPE-enriched sedimentary basins and the sub-glacial geology away from exposed outcrops. Continuing research (particularly detailed geophysical interpretation) will better constrain these unknowns and the effect of upper crustal geology on the Antarctic ice sheet. Burton-Johnson, A., Halpin, J.A., Whittaker, J.M., Graham, F.S., and Watson, S.J., 2017, A new heat flux model for the Antarctic Peninsula incorporating spatially variable upper crustal radiogenic heat production: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 44, doi: 10.1002/2017GL073596.

  13. Along-axis crustal structure of the Porcupine Basin from seismic refraction data modelling (United States)

    Prada, Manel; Watremez, Louise; Chen, Chen; O'Reilly, Brian; Minshull, Tim; Reston, Tim; Wagner, Gerlind; Gaws, Viola; Klaschen, Dirk; Shannon, Patrick


    The Porcupine Basin is a tongue-shaped offshore basin SW of Ireland that formed during the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean. Its history of development involved several rifting and subsidence phases during the Late Paleozoic and Cenozoic, with a particular major rift phase occurring in Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous times. Previous work, focused on subsidence analysis, showed that stretching factors (β) in the northern part of the basin are 6. However, recent studies based on seismic reflection and refraction profiles concluded that β in places along the basin axis were significantly higher, and suggested the presence of major crustal faulting and uppermost mantle serpentinization in the basin. Constraining β and the processes related to the formation of the basin will provide insights into aspects such as the tectonic response to lithospheric extension and the thermal evolution of the basin. Here we present the tomography results of five wide-angle seismic (WAS) profiles acquired across and along the basin axis. We used a travel time inversion method to model the WAS data and obtain P-wave velocity (Vp) models of the crust and uppermost mantle, together with the geometry of the main geological interfaces along each of these lines. Coincident seismic reflection profiles to each WAS line were also used to integrate the tectonic structure with the Vp model. These results improved constrains on the location of the base of the crust and allow to estimate maximum β (βmax) along each profile. The analysis shows that βmax values in the northern part of the basin are 5-6 times larger than estimates based on subsidence analysis. Towards the south, βmax increases up to 10, but then rapidly decreases to 3.3 southwards. These values are well within the range of crustal extension at which the crust becomes entirely brittle at magma-poor margins allowing the formation of major crustal faulting and serpentinization of the mantle. In agreement with this observation, Vp

  14. Electrical imaging of deep crustal features of Kutch, India (United States)

    Sastry, R. S.; Nagarajan, Nandini; Sarma, S. V. S.


    A regional Magnetotelluric (MT) study, was carried out with 55 MT soundings, distributed along five traverses, across the Kutch Mainland Unit (KMU), on the west coast of India, a region characterized by a series of successive uplifts and intervening depressions in the form of half graben, bounded by master faults. We obtain the deeper electrical structure of the crust beneath Kutch, from 2-D modelling of MT data along the 5 traverses, in order to evaluate the geo-electrical signatures, if any, of the known primary tectonic structures in this region. The results show that the deeper electrical structure in the Kutch region presents a mosaic of high resistive crustal blocks separated by deep-rooted conductive features. Two such crustal conductive features spatially correlate with the known tectonic features, viz., the Kutch Mainland Fault (KMF), and the Katrol Hill Fault (KHF). An impressive feature of the geo-electrical sections is an additional, well-defined conductive feature, running between Jakhau and Mundra, located at the southern end of each of the five MT traverses and interpreted to be the electrical signature of yet another hidden fault at the southern margin of the KMU. This new feature is named as Jakhau-Mundra Fault (JMF). It is inferred that the presence of JMF together with the Kathiawar Fault (NKF), further south, located at the northern boundary of the Saurashtra Horst, would enhance the possibility of occurrence of a thick sedimentary column in the Gulf of Kutch. The region between the newly delineated fault (JMF) and the Kathiawar fault (NKF) could thus be significant for Hydrocarbon Exploration.

  15. Chemical cycles and health risks of some crustal nuclides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McKone, T.E.


    This dissertation describes and utilizes an approach for assessing long term health risks due to dispersion of naturally occurring radionuclide series and chemical toxins by normal and altered landscape chemical cycles. In particular, the health risks resulting from geochemical mobilizations of arsenic, lead, uranium and radium are considered. Based on a review of toxic waste hazard-measures and risk assessment studies, a general expression is developed for quantifying health risks imposed by the introduction of toxic materials to components of the total environment. This general measure deals with long term interactions within and between the internal human environment and the external biogeochemical environment. Health hazards are expressed as dose factors which convert environmental concentrations into a corresponding dose field (organ doses in rad for radionuclides; daily intake for toxic elements). The dose field is translated into population health risk expressed as lifetime cancer risk for carcinogens and average blood levels for other toxins. The landscape cell (or prism) is presented as a tool for visualizing and mapping toxic material cycles near the crustal surface. The overall process is incorporated in the GEOTOX code which is a geochemical systems model for describing the dynamics of crustal toxins within a landscape and the resulting health risks. GEOTOX is used to investigate the response of regional landscapes to increased soil and rock inventories of 238 U, 226 Ra, arsenic and lead. It is found that each decay series of element imposes a hazard by its behavior in the total environment that can not be quantified by a similar measure of toxicity

  16. An Andean tectonic cycle: From crustal thickening to extension in a thin crust (34°–37°SL

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    Victor A. Ramos


    Full Text Available Several orogenic cycles of mountain building and subsequent collapse associated with periods of shallowing and steepening of subduction zones have been recognized in recent years in the Andes. Most of them are characterized by widespread crustal delamination expressed by large calderas and rhyolitic flare-up produced by the injection of hot asthenosphere in the subduction wedge. These processes are related to the increase of the subduction angle during trench roll-back. The Payenia paleoflat-slab, in the southern Central Andes of Argentina and Chile (34°–37°S recorded a complete cycle from crustal thickening and mountain uplift to extensional collapse and normal faulting, which are related to changes in the subduction geometry. The early stages are associated with magmatic expansion and migration, subsequent deformation and broken foreland. New ages and geochemical data show the middle to late Miocene expansion and migration of arc volcanism towards the foreland region was associated with important deformation in the Andean foothills. However, the main difference of this orogenic cycle with the previously described cycles is that the steepening of the oceanic subducted slab is linked to basaltic flooding of large areas in the retroarc under an extensional setting. Crustal delamination is concentrated only in a narrow central belt along the cordilleran axis. The striking differences between the two types of cycles are interpreted to be related to the crustal thickness when steepening the subducting slab. The crustal thickness of the Altiplano is over 60–80 km, whereas Payenia is less than 42 km in the axial part, and near 30 km in the retroarc foothills. The final extensional regime associated with the slab steepening favors the basaltic flooding of more than 8400 km3 in an area larger than 40,000 km2, through 800 central vents and large fissures. These characteristics are unique in the entire present-day Andes.

  17. Crustal Structure and Mantle Transition Zone Thickness beneath the Central Mongolia from Teleseismic Receiver Functions (United States)

    He, J.; Wu, Q.; Gao, M.; Munkhuu, U.; Demberel, S. G.


    The Mongolian Plateau (northern Asia) is situated between the Gobi-Altai range and the Siberian craton. In order to understand the crustal and mantle structure environmental characteristics, we use the teleseismic data recorded by 69 broadband stations located in the Central Mongolia(103.5°-111.5°E, 42°-50°N). The teleseismic events are selected from the global earthquakes between Aug. 2011 and Dec. 2013 with magnitude >5.5and the epicentral distance range from 30° to 95° to the center of the network. Lateral variations of the crustal thicknesses H and Vp/Vs ratios are obtained by using receiver function method. The crust thins gradually from northwest to southeast in the studying field. We found that the thinnest crust is ~37.5km in the southeast which is Gobi. The distribution of Vp/Vs ratios are between 1.68 and 1.84, which shows the heterogeneity. There are three high-anomaly areas: the Gobi range which is the Later Paleozoic Orogeny; the Khentei Mountains which is in the Jurassic-Cretaceous Reactive Continental Margin; the northwest area which is granite. Our research not only reveals the powerful evident of the crustal formation and evolution mechanism, but also provides some constraints on the mechanism of uplift of the Mongolian Plateau.This study was supported by the international cooperation project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2011DFB20120).

  18. Anomalous Structure of Oceanic Lithosphere in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans: A Preliminary Analysis Based on Bathymetry, Gravity and Crustal Structure (United States)

    Barantsrva, O.


    We present a preliminary analysis of the crustal and upper mantle structure for off-shore regions in the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans. These regions have anomalous oceanic lithosphere: the upper mantle of the North Atlantic ocean is affected by the Iceland plume, while the Arctic ocean has some of the slowest spreading rates. Our specific goal is to constrain the density structure of the upper mantle in order to understand the links between the deep lithosphere dynamics, ocean spreading, ocean floor bathymetry, heat flow and structure of the oceanic lithosphere in the regions where classical models of evolution of the oceanic lithosphere may not be valid. The major focus is on the oceanic lithosphere, but the Arctic shelves with a sufficient data coverage are also included into the analysis. Out major interest is the density structure of the upper mantle, and the analysis is based on the interpretation of GOCE satellite gravity data. To separate gravity anomalies caused by subcrustal anomalous masses, the gravitational effect of water, crust and the deep mantle is removed from the observed gravity field. For bathymetry we use the global NOAA database ETOPO1. The crustal correction to gravity is based on two crustal models: (1) global model CRUST1.0 (Laske, 2013) and, for a comparison, (2) a regional seismic model EUNAseis (Artemieva and Thybo, 2013). The crustal density structure required for the crustal correction is constrained from Vp data. Previous studies have shown that a large range of density values corresponds to any Vp value. To overcome this problem and to reduce uncertainty associated with the velocity-density conversion, we account for regional tectonic variations in the Northern Atlantics as constrained by numerous published seismic profiles and potential-field models across the Norwegian off-shore crust (e.g. Breivik et al., 2005, 2007), and apply different Vp-density conversions for different parts of the region. We present preliminary results

  19. Crustal control of dissipative ocean tides in Enceladus and other icy moons (United States)

    Beuthe, Mikael


    Could tidal dissipation within Enceladus' subsurface ocean account for the observed heat flow? Earthlike models of dynamical tides give no definitive answer because they neglect the influence of the crust. I propose here the first model of dissipative tides in a subsurface ocean, by combining the Laplace Tidal Equations with the membrane approach. For the first time, it is possible to compute tidal dissipation rates within the crust, ocean, and mantle in one go. I show that oceanic dissipation is strongly reduced by the crustal constraint, and thus contributes little to Enceladus' present heat budget. Tidal resonances could have played a role in a forming or freezing ocean less than 100 m deep. The model is general: it applies to all icy satellites with a thin crust and a shallow ocean. Scaling rules relate the resonances and dissipation rate of a subsurface ocean to the ones of a surface ocean. If the ocean has low viscosity, the westward obliquity tide does not move the crust. Therefore, crustal dissipation due to dynamical obliquity tides can differ from the static prediction by up to a factor of two.



    Angelo Milani Júnior; José Vitor Bomtempo; Helder Pinto Junior


    Este trabalho propõe a formulação de modelos de negócios para apoiar o processo decisório em organizações complexas. O processo decisório é estudado, explorando-se os temas da racionalidade limitada, da estruturação de problemas, dos modelos mentais, dos mundos virtuais e da modelagem como apoio à decisão. A dinâmica de sistemas é introduzida como um instrumento para a construção de modelos, a identificação de regras de decisão e sua comunicação. É sugerida a abordagem amb...

  1. Estudo da sintese enzimatica de dextrana na presença de maltose como aceptor


    Sueli Rodrigues


    Resumo: O principal objetivo do trabalho foi o estudo de um processo para obtenção de dextrana de massa molar controlada, via síntese enzimática, para com isso reduzir os custos da obtenção de dextrana clínica. Para isso foi considerada a modelagem de um reator contínuo com re-aproveitamento da enzima através da adsorção em resinas trocadoras de íons. Entretanto, os ensaios de adsorção demonstraram que a presença de dextrana impede a adsorção da enzima e seu re-aproveitamento a...

  2. Análise numérica de provas de carga em sapatas utilizando o método dos elementos finitos


    Burnier, Andréia Aparecida Lopes


    Nesse trabalho apresentam-se as análises numéricas de duas provas de carga instrumentadas realizadas em fundações superficiais rígidas (sapatas) por GOUVÊA (2000) e DUARTE (2006). As análises foram realizadas com o método dos elementos finitos, utilizando os programas SIGMA/W da Geo-Slope International Ltd. e ANLOG (Análise Não-Linear de Obras Geotécnicas) desenvolvido por NOGUEIRA (1998). Na modelagem do comportamento tensão-deformação do solo foram utilizados os modelos constitutivos linear...

  3. First-order control of syntectonic sedimentation on crustal-scale structure of mountain belts (United States)

    Erdős, Zoltán.; Huismans, Ritske S.; van der Beek, Peter


    The first-order characteristics of collisional mountain belts and the potential feedback with surface processes are predicted by critical taper theory. While the feedback between erosion and mountain belt structure has been fairly extensively studied, less attention has been given to the potential role of synorogenic deposition. For thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts, recent studies indicate a strong control of syntectonic deposition on structure, as sedimentation tends to stabilize the thin-skinned wedge. However, the factors controlling basement deformation below fold-and-thrust belts, as evident, for example, in the Zagros Mountains or in the Swiss Alps, remain largely unknown. Previous work has suggested that such variations in orogenic structure may be explained by the thermotectonic "age" of the deforming lithosphere and hence its rheology. Here we demonstrate that sediment loading of the foreland basin area provides an additional control and may explain the variable basement involvement in orogenic belts. When examining the role of sedimentation, we identify two end-members: (1) sediment-starved orogenic systems with thick-skinned basement deformation in an axial orogenic core and thin-skinned deformation in the bordering forelands and (2) sediment-loaded orogens with thick packages of synorogenic deposits, derived from the axial basement zone, deposited on the surrounding foreland fold-and-thrust belts, and characterized by basement deformation below the foreland. Using high-resolution thermomechanical models, we demonstrate a strong feedback between deposition and crustal-scale thick-skinned deformation. Our results show that the loading effects of syntectonic sediments lead to long crustal-scale thrust sheets beneath the orogenic foreland and explain the contrasting characteristics of sediment-starved and sediment-loaded orogens, showing for the first time how both thin- and thick-skinned crustal deformations are linked to sediment deposition in these

  4. Crustal structure along the DESERT 2000 Transect inferred from 3-D gravity modelling (United States)

    El-Kelani, R.; Goetze, H.; Rybakov, M.; Hassouneh, M.; Schmidt, S.


    A three-dimensional interpretation of the newly compiled Bouguer anomaly map is part of the DESERT 2000 Transect. That is multi-disciplinary and multinational project studying for first time the Dead Sea Transform (DST) fault system (DST) from the Mediterranean Sea to Saudi Arabia across the international border in the NW-SE direction. The negative Bouguer anomalies (with magnitude reached "C130 mGal), located into transform valley, are caused by the internal sedimentary basins filled by the light density young sediments (­Y10 km). A high-resolution 3-D model constrained with the seismic results reveals a possible crustal thickness and density distribution beneath the DST valley. The inferred zone of intrusion coincides with the maximum gravity anomaly over the eastern flank of the DST. The intrusion is displaced at different sectors along the NW-SE direction. The zone of the maximum crustal thinning (­30 km) is attained in the western sector at the Mediterranean. The southeastern plateau, on the other hand, shows by far the largest crustal thickness in the region (38-42 km). Linked to the left lateral movement of ~ 105 km at the boundary between the African and Arabian plate, and constrained with the DESERT 2000 seismic data, a small asymmetric topography of the Moho beneath the DST was modelled. The thickness and density of the crust suggest that a continental crust underlies the DST. The deep basins, the relatively large nature of the intrusion and the asymmetric topography of the Moho lead to the conclusion that a small-scale asthenospheric upwelling(?) might be responsible for the thinning of the crust and subsequent rifting of the Dead Sea graben during the left lateral movement.

  5. Coupled interactions between volatile activity and Fe oxidation state during arc crustal processes (United States)

    Humphreys, Madeleine C.S.; Brooker, R; Fraser, D.C.; Burgisser, A; Mangan, Margaret T.; McCammon, C


    Arc magmas erupted at the Earth’s surface are commonly more oxidized than those produced at mid-ocean ridges. Possible explanations for this high oxidation state are that the transfer of fluids during the subduction process results in direct oxidation of the sub-arc mantle wedge, or that oxidation is caused by the effect of later crustal processes, including protracted fractionation and degassing of volatile-rich magmas. This study sets out to investigate the effect of disequilibrium crustal processes that may involve coupled changes in H2O content and Fe oxidation state, by examining the degassing and hydration of sulphur-free rhyolites. We show that experimentally hydrated melts record strong increases in Fe3+/∑Fe with increasing H2O concentration as a result of changes in water activity. This is relevant for the passage of H2O-undersaturated melts from the deep crust towards shallow crustal storage regions, and raises the possibility that vertical variations in fO2 might develop within arc crust. Conversely, degassing experiments produce an increase in Fe3+/∑Fe with decreasing H2O concentration. In this case the oxidation is explained by loss of H2 as well as H2O into bubbles during decompression, consistent with thermodynamic modelling, and is relevant for magmas undergoing shallow degassing en route to the surface. We discuss these results in the context of the possible controls on fO2 during the generation, storage and ascent of magmas in arc settings, in particular considering the timescales of equilibration relative to observation as this affects the quality of the petrological record of magmatic fO2.

  6. Volcanoes: Where and Why? Crustal Evolution Education Project. Teacher's Guide [and] Student Investigation. (United States)

    Stoever, Edward C., Jr.

    Crustal Evolution Education Project (CEEP) modules were designed to: (1) provide students with the methods and results of continuing investigations into the composition, history, and processes of the earth's crust and the application of this knowledge to man's activities and (2) to be used by teachers with little or no previous background in the…

  7. Low crustal velocities and mantle lithospheric variations in southern Tibet from regional Pnl waveforms (United States)

    Rodgers, Arthur J.; Schwartz, Susan Y.

    We report low average crustal P-wave velocities (5.9-6.1 km/s, Poisson's ratio 0.23-0.27, thickness 68-76 km) in southern Tibet from modelling regional Pnl waveforms recorded by the 1991-1992 Tibetan Plateau Experiment. We also find that the mantle lithosphere beneath the Indus-Tsangpo Suture and the Lhasa Terrane is shield-like (Pn velocity 8.20-8.25 km/s, lid thickness 80-140 km, positive velocity gradient 0.0015-0.0025 s-1). Analysis of relative Pn travel time residuals requires a decrease in the mantle velocities beneath the northern Lhasa Terrane, the Banggong-Nujiang Suture and the southern Qiangtang Terrane. Tectonic and petrologic considerations suggest that low bulk crustal velocities could result from a thick (50-60 km) felsic upper crust with vertically limited and laterally pervasive partial melt. These results are consistent with underthrusting of Indian Shield lithosphere beneath the Tibetan Plateau to at least the central Lhasa Terrane.

  8. Técnica de modelagem numérica pelo método dos elementos finitos para estudo da resposta acústica veicular

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    Tiago Simão Ferreira


    Full Text Available Este estudo aborda a técnica de modelagem da resposta acústica de um veículo automotor. Esta pesquisa discorre sobre a construção de modelos numéricos em elementos finitos para investigar o efeito da utilização de componentes móveis (capô, portas laterais e tampa do porta malas na resposta acústica de um veículo. Para tanto, foram construídos dois modelos: um que abrange a utilização de todos os componentes móveis, e outro, que substitui cada componente móvel por elementos unidimensionais (1D, contendo apenas a massa e a inércia que representa cada um destes componentes. A resposta obtida em cada uma das etapas da simulação numérica é comparada com os resultados experimentais, a fim de validar o procedimento e compreender a significância da utilização de um modelo numérico simplificado e assim, validar um modelo simplificado capaz de reproduzir computacionalmente e de forma satisfatória a resposta acústica de um veículo. A utilização do referido modelo simplificado possibilita a indústria automotiva realizar estudos sobre a performance acústica de um veículo de forma antecipada, uma vez que não necessita esperar o desenvolvimento destes componentes. Como investigado nesta pesquisa, a influência de componentes móveis sobre a resposta acústica do modelo numérico completo é pequena quando comparado à resposta obtida pelo modelo simplificado.  Por meio de uma segunda análise, “Participação de Painéis”, é visto que a contribuição na resposta acústica final dos componentes móveis somados é inferior a 3dB.Palavras-chave: Método dos Elementos Finitos. Análise Acústica. Participação de Painéis. Acústica Veicular.ABSTRACTNumerical modeling technique using the finite element method in vehicle acoustic response studyThis study examines a modeling technique of the acoustic response in automotive vehicle. This research focuses on the development of numerical models in finite elements that

  9. A utilização de CAD associado a banco de dados na resolução de problemas de engenharia: um exemplo de aplicabilidade: a localização de indústrias em sítios geográficos

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    Fernando Rodrigues Lima


    Full Text Available Este artigo descreve nossa experiência na elaboração de uma ferramenta gráfica informatizada voltada para o estudo de problemas georeferenciados. Para torná-la acessível à maior parte dos profissionais de ensino e projeto, empregamos recursos já difundidos nos meios acadêmicos e técnicos: os sistemas CA.D. e os Bancos de Dados para plataformas PC-AT. Isto garante um baixo custo de aquisição de hardware e software, uma arquitetura aberta para o usuário personalizar a parte operacional e uma maior facilidade de implementação. O monitoramento gráfico dos dados do problema estudado e suas possíveis soluções é garantido por uma modelagem icônica que desenvolvemos em C.A.D., dotada de amplos recusos de edição. As alterações e configurações no modelo podem ser controladas através da consulta criteriosa (S.Q.L. ao conteúdo dos Bancos de Dados. Para solucionar o problema de localização industrial, representamos em arquivos gráficos vetorizados (DWG os elementos de geografia e as zonas elementares (regiões a analisar do território, e armazenamos em arquivos de dados relacionais (DBF as legendas cartográficas e os parâmetros quantitativos de oferta dos fatores locacionais. Aplicamos então o modelo matemático do prof. Cosenza para cotejar estes dados de oferta com os de outra base contendo a demanda verificada em algumas tipologias industriais. Obtemos assim, para cada zona elementar, novos campos de informação contendo indicações de seu potencial de assentamento industrial por tipologia. A modelagem gráfica elaborada permite então visualizar tais resultados através de ícones tridimensionais, sobrepostos aos dados cartográficos

  10. High resolution 2D numerical models from rift to break-up: Crustal hyper-extension, Margin asymmetry, Sequential faulting (United States)

    Brune, Sascha; Heine, Christian; Pérez-Gussinyé, Marta; Sobolev, Stephan


    Numerical modelling is a powerful tool to integrate a multitude of geological and geophysical data while addressing fundamental questions of passive margin formation such as the occurrence of crustal hyper-extension, (a-)symmetries between conjugate margin pairs, and the sometimes significant structural differences between adjacent margin segments. This study utilises knowledge gathered from two key examples of non-magmatic, asymmetric, conjugate margin pairs, i.e. Iberia-New Foundland and Southern Africa-Brazil, where many published seismic lines provide solid knowledge on individual margin geometry. While both margins involve crustal hyper-extension, it is much more pronounced in the South Atlantic. We investigate the evolution of these two margin pairs by carefully constraining our models with detailed plate kinematic history, laboratory-based rheology, and melt fraction evaluation of mantle upwelling. Our experiments are consistent with observed fault patterns, crustal thickness, and basin stratigraphy. We conduct 2D thermomechanical rift models using the finite element code SLIM3D that operates with nonlinear stress- and temperature-dependent elasto-visco-plastic rheology, with parameters provided by laboratory experiments on major crustal and upper mantle rocks. In our models we also calculate the melt fraction within the upwelling asthenosphere, which allows us to control whether the model indeed corresponds to the non-magmatic margin type or not. Our modelling highlights two processes as fundamental for the formation of hyper-extension and margin asymmetry at non-magmatic margins: (1) Strain hardening in the rift center due to cooling of upwelling mantle material (2) The formation of a weak crustal domain adjacent to the rift center caused by localized viscous strain softening and heat transfer from the mantle. Simultaneous activity of both processes promotes lateral rift migration in a continuous way that generates a wide layer of hyper-extended crust on

  11. Crustal structure in Tengchong Volcano-Geothermal Area, western Yunnan, China (United States)

    Wang, Chun-Yong; Huangfu, Gang


    Based upon the deep seismic sounding profiles carried out in the Tengchong Volcano-Geothermal Area (TVGA), western Yunnan Province of China, a 2-D crustal P velocity structure is obtained by use of finite-difference inversion and forward travel-time fitting method. The crustal model shows that a low-velocity anomaly zone exists in the upper crust, which is related to geothermal activity. Two faults, the Longling-Ruili Fault and Tengchong Fault, on the profile extend from surface to the lower crust and the Tengchong Fault likely penetrates the Moho. Moreover, based on teleseismic receiver functions on a temporary seismic network, S-wave velocity structures beneath the geothermal field show low S-wave velocity in the upper crust. From results of geophysical survey, the crust of TVGA is characterized by low P-wave and S-wave velocities, low resistivity, high heat-flow value and low Q. The upper mantle P-wave velocity is also low. This suggests presence of magma in the crust derived from the upper mantle. The low-velocity anomaly in upper crust may be related to the magma differentiation. The Tengchong volcanic area is located on the northeast edge of the Indian-Eurasian plate collision zone, away from the eastern boundary of the Indian plate by about 450 km. Based on the results of this paper and related studies, the Tengchong volcanoes can be classified as plate boundary volcanoes.

  12. Correlation of Crustal Structures and Seismicity Patterns in Northern Appalachians (United States)

    Yang, X.; Gao, H.


    The earthquake distributions in northern Appalachians are bounded by major geologically-defined terrane boundaries. There is a distinct seismic gap within Taconic Belt between the Western Quebec Seismic Zone (WQSZ) to the west and the seismically active Ganderia terrane to the east. It is not clear, however, what crustal structures control the characteristics of earthquake clustering in this region. Here we present a newly constructed crustal shear velocity model for the northern Appalachians using Rayleigh wave data extracted from ambient noises. Our tomographic model reveals strongly heterogeneous seismic structures in the crust. We observe multiple NW-dipping patches of high-velocity anomalies in the upper crust beneath the southeastern WQSZ. The upper crust shear velocities in the Ganderia and Avalonia region are generally lower than those beneath the WQSZ. The middle crust has relatively lower velocities in the study area. The earthquakes in the study area are constrained within the upper crust. Most of the earthquake hypocenters within the WQSZ are concentrated along the NW-dipping boundaries separating the high-velocity anomalies. In contrast, most of the earthquake hypocenters in the Ganderia and Avalonia region are diffusely distributed without clear vertical lineaments. The orientations of maximum compressive stresses change from W-E in the Ganderia and Avalonia region to SW-NE in the WQSZ. The contrasts in seismicity, velocity, and stress field across the Taconic Belt indicate that the Taconic Belt terrane may act as a seismically inactive buffer zone in northern Appalachians.

  13. Magnesium Isotopes as a Tracer of Crustal Materials in Volcanic Arc Magmas in the Northern Cascade Arc

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    Aaron W. Brewer


    Full Text Available Fifteen North Cascade Arc basalts and andesites were analyzed for Mg isotopes to investigate the extent and manner of crustal contributions to this magmatic system. The δ26Mg of these samples vary from within the range of ocean island basalts (the lightest being −0.33 ± 0.07‰ to heavier compositions (as heavy as −0.15 ± 0.06‰. The observed range in chemical and isotopic composition is similar to that of other volcanic arcs that have been assessed to date in the circum-pacific subduction zones and in the Caribbean. The heavy Mg isotope compositions are best explained by assimilation and fractional crystallization within the deep continental crust with a possible minor contribution from the addition of subducting slab-derived fluids to the primitive magma. The bulk mixing of sediment into the primitive magma or mantle source and the partial melting of garnet-rich peridotite are unlikely to have produced the observed range of Mg isotope compositions. The results show that Mg isotopes may be a useful tracer of crustal input into a magma, supplementing traditional methods such as radiogenic isotopic and trace element data, particularly in cases in which a high fraction of crustal material has been added.

  14. Lithospheric Structure, Crustal Kinematics, and Earthquakes in North China: An Integrated Study (United States)

    Liu, M.; Yang, Y.; Sandvol, E.; Chen, Y.; Wang, L.; Zhou, S.; Shen, Z.; Wang, Q.


    The North China block (NCB) is geologically part of the Archaean Sino-Korean craton. But unusual for a craton, it was thermally rejuvenated since late Mesozoic, and experienced widespread extension and volcanism through much of the Cenozoic. Today, the NCB is characterized by strong internal deformation and seismicity, including the 1976 Tangshan earthquake that killed ~250,000 people. We have started a multidisciplinary study to image the lithospheric and upper mantle structure using seismological methods, to delineate crustal kinematics and deformation via studies of neotectonics and space geodesy, and to investigate the driving forces, the stress states and evolution, and seismicity using geodynamic modeling. Both seismic imaging and GPS results indicate that the Ordos plateau, which is the western part of the NCB and a relic of the Sino-Korean craton, has been encroached around its southern margins by mantle flow and thus is experiencing active cratonic destruction. Some of the mantle flow may be driven by the Indo-Asian collision, although the cause of the broad mantle upwelling responsible for the Mesozoic thinning of the NCB lithosphere remains uncertain. At present, crustal deformation in the NCB is largely driven by gravitational spreading of the expanding Tibetan Plateau. Internal deformation within the NCB is further facilitated by the particular tectonic boundary conditions around the NCB, and the large lateral contrasts of lithospheric strength and rheology. Based on the crustal kinematics and lithospheric structure, we have developed a preliminary geodynamic model for stress states and strain energy in the crust of the NCB. The predicted long-term strain energy distribution is comparable with the spatial pattern of seismic energy release in the past 2000 years. We are exploring the cause of the spatiotemporal occurrence of large earthquakes in the NCB, especially the apparent migration of seismicity from the Weihe-Shanxi grabens around the Ordos to

  15. Crustal structure and composition to the S of the Spanish Central System: Effect of Alpine reactivation in an internal Variscan domain (United States)

    Ayarza, Puy; Carbonell, Ramón; Ehsan, Siddique; Martí, David; Palomeras, Immaculada; Martínez Poyatos, David


    The ALCUDIA Project has acquired vertical incidence and wide-angle reflection seismic data in the Variscan Central Iberian Zone of Spain. The NE-SW, ~300 km long profiles sample an area going from the suture between the Variscan Central Iberian and the Ossa-Morena Zones in the S to the boundary between the former and the Alpine Central System to the N. Although crustal thickness appears to be fairly constant along most of the Central Iberian Zone, a gradual increase of 3-5 km in the northern half of the profile is clearly imaged by the wide-angle data. This increase in the Moho depth is accompanied by a decrease in the thickness of the layered lower crust from the Toledo Anatectic Complex to the N. Right in this area, the amount of Variscan metasediments diminish and the surface geology is characterized by granites, migmatites and by the Madrid Basin, a foreland basin of the Alpine Central System that is part of the bigger Tagus Basin. The increase in crustal thickness identified in the neighborhood of the Central System is also accompanied by a slight increase in the Poisson ratio values, which even though still below 0.25, they are higher than those observed in the southern part of the profile, far from the influence of the late Variscan melting episode and of that of the Alpine tectonics. Two scenarios are considered to take part in the Moho deepening near the Central System: Firstly, the Alpine reactivation causing this mountain belt has increased the crustal load giving rise to a foreland basin and a moderate crustal thickening. Also, a gradual change in crustal composition to the N, incorporating denser and more basic rocks, might also play a role in the average crustal density and contribute to Moho deepening by isostatic readjustment. The importance of each of these process is, as yet, unknown. However, the next acquisition of the CIMDEF project wide-angle reflection dataset across the central part of the Iberian Peninsula, crossing the Central System, will

  16. Primordial crustal growth in northern Nigeria: preliminary Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd constraints from Kaduna migmatite-gneiss complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dada, S. S.; Briqueu, L.; Birck, J. L.


    The Kaduna Migmatite-Gneiss Complex in the central area of the Northern shield includes variably migmatised granitotrondhjemitic gneisses and amphibolite of hitherto unknown age. The amphibolite enclaves and dykes are metatholeiites with comparatively unfractionated rare-earth patterns. The two main rock units (TTG and amphibolite) exhibit complementary geochemical signatures in the normalised abundance patterns of relatively incompatible elements and suggest possible derivation of the gneisses from subduction related mafic material. Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic data document early Archaean crustal formation of new crust and its subsequent late Archaean differentiation. These preliminary results form an evidence for a more extended crustal history in the heart of the Pan-African domain (ca. 600 Ma.). They suggest the differentiation of juvenile crustal protolith from a chondritic reservoir about 3.5 Ga. for the gneiss-amphibolite bimodal suite. A tectonothermal event about 3.1-3.0 Ga led to the emplacement of an early gneiss as indicated from Rb-Sr and U-Ph zircon analyses. Subsequent differentiation and/or reworking around 2.8-2.7 Ga is coherent with the Liberian orogeny within the West African- Latino American subregion

  17. Basalt generation at the Apollo 12 site. Part 2: Source heterogeneity, multiple melts, and crustal contamination (United States)

    Neal, Clive R.; Hacker, Matthew D.; Snyder, Gregory A.; Taylor, Lawrence A.; Liu, Yun-Gang; Schmitt, Roman A.


    The petrogenesis of Apollo 12 mare basalts has been examined with emphasis on trace-element ratios and abundances. Vitrophyric basalts were used as parental compositions for the modeling, and proportions of fractionating phases were determined using the MAGFOX prograqm of Longhi (1991). Crystal fractionation processes within crustal and sub-crustal magma chambers are evaluated as a function of pressure. Knowledge of the fractionating phases allows trace-element variations to be considered as either source related or as a product of post-magma-generation processes. For the ilmenite and olivine basalts, trace-element variations are inherited from the source, but the pigeonite basalt data have been interpreted with open-system evolution processes through crustal assimilation. Three groups of basalts have been examined: (1) Pigeonite basalts-produced by the assimilation of lunar crustal material by a parental melt (up to 3% assimilation and 10% crystal fractionation, with an 'r' value of 0.3). (2) Ilmenite basalts-produced by variable degrees of partial melting (4-8%) of a source of olivine, pigeonite, augite, and plagioclase, brought together by overturn of the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) cumulate pile. After generation, which did not exhaust any of the minerals in the source, these melts experienced closed-system crystal fractionation/accumulation. (3) Olivine basalts-produced by variable degrees of partial melting (5-10%) of a source of olivine, pigeonite, and augite. After generation, again without exhausting any of the minerals in the source, these melts evolved through crystal accumulation. The evolved liquid counterparts of these cumulates have not been sampled. The source compositions for the ilmenite and olivine basalts were calculated by assuming that the vitrophyric compositions were primary and the magmas were produced by non-modal batch melting. Although the magnitude is unclear, evaluation of these source regions indicates that both be composed of early- and

  18. Gamificação: modelagem de conteúdos para programas e aplicativos educativos no ambiente da TV digital interativa

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    Marcos Américo


    Full Text Available Com a implantação da TV Digital no Brasil, surge a necessidade de se fomentar a concepção e produção de conteúdos audiovisuais interativos de qualidade que apresentem mensagens educativas a partir do Edutretenimento. Este estudo propõe a aplicação da gamificação como elo comunicacional para incentivar e modificar o comportamento dos usuários, através de uma narrativa que incentive a motivação intrínseca para o entretenimento e o aprendizado nesses meios. Existem poucos modelos de roteiros para a produção de aplicativos, sobretudo educacionais, com aplicações interativas simultâneas para o fluxo televisivo ou para o conteúdo complementar da programação ofertada. Por essa razão, é atribuída uma atenção especial ao roteiro, em virtude de se inserir, em sua construção, os elementos que compõem a mecânica e a dinâmica dos jogos. Como resultado, é apresentado o verbete “Gamificação-TVDI”, bem como o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de modelagem de conteúdo e de processo, apoiada em mapas conceituais, wireframes e roadmaps, fundamentando a concepção e a elaboração de um protótipo de roteiro com elementos de gamificação para programas educativos e seus aplicativos de interação.

  19. High-resolution and Deep Crustal Imaging Across The North Sicily Continental Margin (southern Tyrrhenian Sea) (United States)

    Agate, M.; Bertotti, G.; Catalano, R.; Pepe, F.; Sulli, A.

    Three multichannel seismic reflection profiles across the North Sicily continental mar- gin have been reprocessed and interpreted. Data consist of an unpublished high pene- tration seismic profile (deep crust Italian CROP Project) and a high-resolution seismic line. These lines run in the NNE-SSW direction, from the Sicilian continental shelf to the Tyrrhenian abyssal plain (Marsili area), and are tied by a third, high penetration seismic line MS104 crossing the Sisifo High. The North Sicily continental margin represents the inner sector of the Sicilian-Maghrebian chain that is collapsed as con- sequence of extensional tectonics. The chain is formed by a tectonic wedge (12-15 km thick. It includes basinal Meso-Cenozoic carbonate units overthrusting carbonate platform rock units (Catalano et al., 2000). Presently, main culmination (e.g. Monte Solunto) and a number of tectonic depressions (e.g. Cefalù basin), filled by >1000 m thick Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary wedge, are observed along the investigated tran- sect. Seismic attributes and reflector pattern depicts a complex crustal structure. Be- tween the coast and the M. Solunto high, a transparent to diffractive band (assigned to the upper crust) is recognised above low frequency reflective layers (occurring be- tween 9 and 11 s/TWT) that dips towards the North. Their bottom can be correlated to the seismological (African?) Moho discontinuity which is (26 km deep in the Sicilian shelf (Scarascia et al., 1994). Beneath the Monte Solunto ridge, strongly deformed re- flectors occurring between 8 to 9.5 s/TWT (European lower crust?) overly the African (?) lower crust. The resulting geometry suggests underplating of the African crust respect to the European crust (?). The already deformed crustal edifice is dissected by a number of N-dipping normal faults that open extensional basins and are associ- ated with crustal thinning. The Plio-Pleistocene fill of the Cefalù basin can be subdi- vided into three subunits by

  20. Crustal Thickness Beneath Libya and the Origin of Partial Melt Beneath AS Sawda Volcanic Province From Receiver Function Constraints (United States)

    Lemnifi, Awad A.; Elshaafi, Abdelsalam; Browning, John; Aouad, Nassib S.; El Ebaidi, Saad K.; Liu, Kelly K.; Gudmundsson, Agust


    This study investigates crustal thickness and properties within the Libyan region. Results obtained from 15 seismic stations belonging to the Libyan Center for Remote Sensing and Space Science are reported, in addition to 3 seismic stations publically available, using receiver functions. The results show crustal thicknesses ranging from 24 km to 36 km (with uncertainties ranging between ±0.10 km and ±0.90 km). More specifically, crustal thickness ranges from 32 km to 36 km in the southern portion of the Libyan territory then becomes thinner, between 24 km and 30 km, in the coastal areas of Libya and thinnest, between 24 km and 28 km, in the Sirt Basin. The observed high Vp/Vs value of 1.91 at one station located at the AS Sawda Volcanic Province in central Libya indicates the presence of either partial melt or an abnormally warm area. This finding suggests that magma reservoirs beneath the Libyan territory may still be partially molten and active, thereby posing significant earthquake and volcanic risks. The hypothesis of an active magma source is further demonstrated though the presence of asthenospheric upwelling and extension of the Sirt Basin. This study provides a new calculation of unconsolidated sediment layers by using the arrival time of the P to S converted phases. The results show sediments thicknesses of 0.4 km to 3.7 km, with the Vp/Vs values ranging from 2.2 to 4.8. The variations in crustal thickness throughout the region are correlated with surface elevation and Bouguer gravity anomalies, which suggest that they are isostatically compensated.

  1. Receiver function and gravity constraints on crustal structure and vertical movements of the Upper Mississippi Embayment and Ozark Uplift (United States)

    Liu, Lin; Gao, Stephen S.; Liu, Kelly H.; Mickus, Kevin


    The Upper Mississippi Embayment (UME), where the seismically active New Madrid Seismic Zone resides, experienced two phases of subsidence commencing in the Late Precambrian and Cretaceous, respectively. To provide new constraints on models proposed for the mechanisms responsible for the subsidence, we computed and stacked P-to-S receiver functions recorded by 49 USArray and other seismic stations located in the UME and the adjacent Ozark Uplift and modeled Bouguer gravity anomaly data. The inferred thickness, density, and Vp/Vs of the upper and lower crustal layers suggest that the UME is characterized by a mafic and high-density upper crustal layer of ˜30 km thickness, which is underlain by a higher-density lower crustal layer of up to ˜15 km. Those measurements, in the background of previously published geological observations on the subsidence and uplift history of the UME, are in agreement with the model that the Cretaceous subsidence, which was suggested to be preceded by an approximately 2 km uplift, was the consequence of the passage of a previously proposed thermal plume. The thermoelastic effects of the plume would have induced wide-spread intrusion of mafic mantle material into the weak UME crust fractured by Precambrian rifting and increased its density, resulting in renewed subsidence after the thermal source was removed. In contrast, the Ozark Uplift has crustal density, thickness, and Vp/Vs measurements that are comparable to those observed on cratonic areas, suggesting an overall normal crust without significant modification by the proposed plume, probably owing to the relatively strong and thick lithosphere.

  2. Plasmas in the atmosphere, tectonics and earthquake: a possible link for the crustal diagnosis? (United States)

    Straser, V.


    An important aspect in the crustal surmise is the potential link between luminous phenomena and the earthquake . The study want to added data to this new geophysics concepts. The method is based on the comparison approach and consist in the data connection on a field in the area of Po Plain (Italy) with professional equipment: cameras, video cameras, spectroscopes, ELF / VLF receivers, Geiger counters and EM fields detectors. The Luminous phenomena sighting is compared 24/7 online with INGV and USGS database. The results show the formation of 2 types of plasma near the soil: Spheroidal shape, yellow-orange, constant brightness, sudden appearances, elevation from the ground between 10 ° -20 °, no noise, no wake emitted, estimated size about 2m, and duration of few seconds. Spheroidal shape, intense red fuzzy coloration, constant brightness, sudden appearances and fast movements in a linear fashion or slow movements, elevation from the ground between 2° to 7 °, no noise, no waves emitted, estimated dimensions over 2m, with a duration from a few seconds to a few minutes. We suppose that the formation of gas, also radioactive such as radon, and the electric charges necessary to trigger plasma, are related to the crustal stress. The rocks are exposed to important tectonics efforts and the outcome is the air ionizations near the soil that produce plasma if there are gas. The appearance of plasma forerun the earthquake that will happen some days later. The Anomalous Luminous phenomena may be related to tectonic activity, and the area of investigation can become a "lab" for research in Physics and Geology for the crustal diagnosis of pre-seismic phase.


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    Kauan Cristiano De Souza


    Full Text Available Atualmente o mercado de Sistemas de Desenho auxiliado por Computador (CAD, sofre extrema carência de processos automatizados de reconhecimento de fala. O surgimento de tecnologias de automação facilita no desenvolvimento de aplicações capazes de auxiliar nestes processos. Baseando-se nestas afirmações construiu-se um modelo utilizando tecnologias capazes de transformar fala em sinais digitais, sendo possível a interpretação por sofisticados computadores. Observando ausência de tais ferramentas, o presente trabalho busca uma proposta capaz de acrescentar mecanismos os quais possibilitem a criação de modelos tridimensionais usando tecnologias como servidores HTTP, dispositivos moveis, linguagens de programação Java e PHP, Computação Gráfica e linguagem de interpretação por blocos. Os resultados obtidos na confecção do presente trabalho corroboram com as necessidades atuais representadas na sociedade propondo sustentabilidade, acessibilidade, portabilidade e facilidade de comunicação.

  4. Crustal structure across the Three Gorges area of the Yangtze platform, central China, from seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection data (United States)

    Zhang, Z.; Bai, Z.; Mooney, W.; Wang, C.; Chen, X.; Wang, E.; Teng, J.; Okaya, N.


    We present active-source seismic data recorded along a 300??km-long profile across the Three Gorges area of the western Yangtze platform, central China. From west to east, the profile crosses the Zigui basin, Huangling dome and Jianghan basin. The derived crustal P-wave velocity structure changes significantly across the Tongchenghe fault that lies at the transition from the Huangling dome to the Jianghan basin. West of the Tongchenghe fault, beneath the Zigui basin and the Huangling dome, we observe a ~ 42??km thick crust of relatively low average velocity (6.3-6.4??km/s). In contrast, east of the Tongchenghe fault, beneath the Jianghan basin, the crust is only 30??km thick and has a high average velocity (6.6-6.7??km/s). A west-east variation in crustal composition along the Tongchenghe fault is also inferred. West of the fault, P-wave velocities suggest a felsic composition with an intermediate layer at the base of the crust, whilst, east of the fault, felsic, intermediate, and mafic crustal layers are apparent. Our results suggest that the crust beneath the Jianghan basin has been thinned by rifting, accompanied by intrusion of the lower crust by mafic dikes and sills. The west-to-east division of the crust in the Three Gorges area coincides with first-order geophysical contrasts in gravity, topography, crustal and lithospheric thickness. ?? 2009 Elsevier B.V.

  5. West-directed thrusting south of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis indicates clockwise crustal flow at the indenter corner during the India-Asia collision (United States)

    Haproff, Peter J.; Zuza, Andrew V.; Yin, An


    Whether continental deformation is accommodated by microplate motion or continuum flow is a central issue regarding the nature of Cenozoic deformation surrounding the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. The microplate model predicts southeastward extrusion of rigid blocks along widely-spaced strike-slip faults, whereas the crustal-flow model requires clockwise crustal rotation along closely-spaced, semi-circular right-slip faults around the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Although global positioning system (GPS) data support the crustal-flow model, the surface velocity field provides no information on the evolution of the India-Asia orogenic system at million-year scales. In this work, we present the results of systematic geologic mapping across the northernmost segment of the Indo-Burma Ranges, located directly southeast of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Early research inferred the area to have experienced either right-slip faulting accommodating northward indentation of India or thrusting due to the eastward continuation of the Himalayan orogen in the Cenozoic. Our mapping supports the presence of dip-slip thrust faults, rather than strike-slip faults. Specifically, the northern Indo-Burma Ranges exposes south- to west-directed ductile thrust shear zones in the hinterland and brittle fault zones in the foreland. The trends of ductile stretching lineations within thrust shear zones and thrust sheets rotate clockwise from the northeast direction in the northern part of the study area to the east direction in the southern part of the study area. This clockwise deflection pattern of lineations around the eastern Himalayan syntaxis mirrors the clockwise crustal-rotation pattern as suggested by the crustal-flow model and contemporary GPS velocity field. However, our finding is inconsistent with discrete strike-slip deformation in the area and the microplate model.

  6. The crustal uplift determined at the Jakobshavn glacier (West Greenland) using ATM and GPS data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Muresan, Ioana Stefania; Frumosu, Flavia Dalia; Khan, Shfaqat Abbas

    present both a predicted and observed crustal upliftfor the Jakobshavn glacier using ATM data (Airborne Topographic Mapper) from NASA ATM flights during 1997, 2005 and 2010 supplemented with data provided from continuous Global Positioning System (GPS), measurements made on bedrock between 2005...

  7. Proposta de diretrizes para processo criativo para o design virtual de embalagens

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    Suzana Funk


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta a sistematização do design virtual de embalagens, utilizando softwares de modelagem 3D como ferramentas de apoio à criação. Com os recursos tecnológicos disponíveis, a criação das embalagens normalmente é feita com o auxílio de softwares, mas com pouca ou sem sistematização do processo criativo. Em virtude disso, apresenta-se um estudo sobre os aspectos teóricos que abordam o processo criativo virtual de embalagens e uma pesquisa com profissionais que possuem experiência em modelagem 3D. É feita uma análise qualitativa e interligação destes dados e, em seguida, são propostas dez diretrizes, organizadas dentro de uma metodologia. O seu diferencial, em relação às demais, está nas fases Criar e Apresentar, que envolvem a criação e apresentação de embalagens utilizando as possibilidades de softwares de modelagem 3D. Para exemplificar a metodologia, faz-se o design de um frasco de perfume. O mesmo é apresentado com foco na geração de alternativas utilizando software. Pode-se observar que as diretrizes contribuem para conduzir as atividades, até a apresentação final do trabalho. A sistematização da criação, utilizando softwares 3D, pode potencializar o design de embalagens, diminuindo o tempo de criação e os custos com a criação de protótipos, além de aperfeiçoar a visualização final do produto.

  8. Complex, multilayered azimuthal anisotropy beneath Tibet: evidence for co-existing channel flow and pure-shear crustal thickening (United States)

    Agius, Matthew R.; Lebedev, Sergei


    Of the two debated, end-member models for the late-Cenozoic thickening of Tibetan crust, one invokes 'channel flow' (rapid viscous flow of the mid-lower crust, driven by topography-induced pressure gradients and transporting crustal rocks eastward) and the other 'pure shear' (faulting and folding in the upper crust, with viscous shortening in the mid-lower crust). Deep-crustal deformation implied by each model is different and would produce different anisotropic rock fabric. Observations of seismic anisotropy can thus offer a discriminant. We use broad-band phase-velocity curves-each a robust average of tens to hundreds of measurements-to determine azimuthal anisotropy in the entire lithosphere-asthenosphere depth range and constrain its amplitude. Inversions of the differential dispersion from path pairs, region-average inversions and phase-velocity tomography yield mutually consistent results, defining two highly anisotropic layers with different fast-propagation directions within each: the middle crust and the asthenosphere. In the asthenosphere beneath central and eastern Tibet, anisotropy is 2-4 per cent and has an NNE-SSW fast-propagation azimuth, indicating flow probably driven by the NNE-ward, shallow-angle subduction of India. The distribution and complexity of published shear wave splitting measurements can be accounted for by the different anisotropy in the mid-lower crust and asthenosphere. The estimated splitting times that would be accumulated in the crust alone are 0.25-0.8 s; in the upper mantle-0.5-1.2 s, depending on location. In the middle crust (20-45 km depth) beneath southern and central Tibet, azimuthal anisotropy is 3-5 and 4-6 per cent, respectively, and its E-W fast-propagation directions are parallel to the current extension at the surface. The rate of the extension is relatively low, however, whereas the large radial anisotropy observed in the middle crust requires strong alignment of mica crystals, implying large finite strain and

  9. Experimental determination of liquidus H2O contents of haplogranite at deep-crustal conditions (United States)

    Makhluf, A. R.; Newton, R. C.; Manning, C. E.


    The liquidus water content of a haplogranite melt at high pressure ( P) and temperature ( T) is important, because it is a key parameter for constraining the volume of granite that could be produced by melting of the deep crust. Previous estimates based on melting experiments at low P (≤0.5 GPa) show substantial scatter when extrapolated to deep crustal P and T (700-1000 °C, 0.6-1.5 GPa). To improve the high-P constraints on H2O concentration at the granite liquidus, we performed experiments in a piston-cylinder apparatus at 1.0 GPa using a range of haplogranite compositions in the albite (Ab: NaAlSi3O8)—orthoclase (Or: KAlSi3O8)—quartz (Qz: SiO2)—H2O system. We used equal weight fractions of the feldspar components and varied the Qz between 20 and 30 wt%. In each experiment, synthetic granitic composition glass + H2O was homogenized well above the liquidus T, and T was lowered by increments until quartz and alkali feldspar crystalized from the liquid. To establish reversed equilibrium, we crystallized the homogenized melt at the lower T and then raised T until we found that the crystalline phases were completely resorbed into the liquid. The reversed liquidus minimum temperatures at 3.0, 4.1, 5.8, 8.0, and 12.0 wt% H2O are 935-985, 875-900, 775-800, 725-775, and 650-675 °C, respectively. Quenched charges were analyzed by petrographic microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and electron microprobe analysis (EMPA). The equation for the reversed haplogranite liquidus minimum curve for Ab36.25Or36.25Qz27.5 (wt% basis) at 1.0 GPa is T = - 0.0995 w_{{{H}_{ 2} {O}}}^{ 3} + 5.0242w_{{{H}_{ 2} {O}}}^{ 2} - 88.183 w_{{{H}_{ 2} {O}}} + 1171.0 for 0 ≤ w_{{{H}_{ 2} {O}}} ≤ 17 wt% and T is in °C. We present a revised P - T diagram of liquidus minimum H2O isopleths which integrates data from previous determinations of vapor-saturated melting and the lower pressure vapor-undersaturated melting studies conducted by other workers on

  10. Crustal velocity structure of central Gansu Province from regional seismic waveform inversion using firework algorithm (United States)

    Chen, Yanyang; Wang, Yanbin; Zhang, Yuansheng


    The firework algorithm (FWA) is a novel swarm intelligence-based method recently proposed for the optimization of multi-parameter, nonlinear functions. Numerical waveform inversion experiments using a synthetic model show that the FWA performs well in both solution quality and efficiency. We apply the FWA in this study to crustal velocity structure inversion using regional seismic waveform data of central Gansu on the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Seismograms recorded from the moment magnitude ( M W) 5.4 Minxian earthquake enable obtaining an average crustal velocity model for this region. We initially carried out a series of FWA robustness tests in regional waveform inversion at the same earthquake and station positions across the study region, inverting two velocity structure models, with and without a low-velocity crustal layer; the accuracy of our average inversion results and their standard deviations reveal the advantages of the FWA for the inversion of regional seismic waveforms. We applied the FWA across our study area using three component waveform data recorded by nine broadband permanent seismic stations with epicentral distances ranging between 146 and 437 km. These inversion results show that the average thickness of the crust in this region is 46.75 km, while thicknesses of the sedimentary layer, and the upper, middle, and lower crust are 3.15, 15.69, 13.08, and 14.83 km, respectively. Results also show that the P-wave velocities of these layers and the upper mantle are 4.47, 6.07, 6.12, 6.87, and 8.18 km/s, respectively.


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    Vladimir Caramori Borges de Souza


    Full Text Available Os sistemas de drenagem urbana no Brasil ainda seguem um padrão baseado apenas em eficiência hidráulica de condutos, apesar de já haver um reconhecimento de que este tipo de abordagem não resolve os problemas no longo prazo; é apenas uma ação pontual e que age sobre os efeitos. Desta forma, os sistemas de drenagem continuam sendo concebidos, dimensionados e projetados para falhar. Apesar de haver grande avanço acadêmico no desenvolvimento de técnicas e abordagens mais integradoras, com foco na bacia hidrográfica e nos impactos da urbanização sobre os processos naturais, ainda não houve apropriação desse conhecimento na prática dos técnicos municipais e tomadores de decisão. Este artigo apresenta uma contextualização da drenagem urbana no Brasil, mostrando os avanços obtidos no conhecimento do problema e os desafios para avançar, também, na aplicação de novas técnicas e metodologias. Foram analisados trabalhos acadêmicos desenvolvidos nos principais centros brasileiros de pesquisa em drenagem urbana – com foco em modelagem de sistemas de drenagem e desenvolvimento de técnicas compensatórias em drenagem urbana –, os principais instrumentos da política urbana e o conhecimento prático de análise de alguns sistemas de drenagem em particular. Observa-se que as incertezas nos parâmetros utilizados em projeto e modelagem ainda são grandes e os manuais utilizados estão defasados, com ausência de metodologias e parâmetros simples para utilização das novas técnicas e abordagens de drenagem urbana e manejo de águas pluviais.

  12. Crustal structure of Tolfa domes complex (northern Latium - Italy) inferred from receiver functions analysis: an interplay between tectonics and magmatism (United States)

    Buttinelli, M.; Bianchi, I.; Anselmi, M.; Chiarabba, C.; de Rita, D.; Quattrocchi, F.


    The Tolfa-Cerite volcanic district developed along the Tyrrhenian passive margin of central Italy, as part of magmatic processes started during the middle Pliocene. In this area the uncertainties on the deep crustal structures and the definition of the intrusive bodies geometry are focal issues that still need to be addressed. After the onset of the spreading of the Tyrrhenian sea during the Late Miocene, the emplacement of the intrusive bodies of the Tolfa complex (TDC), in a general back-arc geodynamical regime, generally occurred in a low stretching rate, in correspondence of the junctions between major lithospheric discontinuities. Normal faults, located at the edge of Mio-Pliocene basins, were used as preferential pathways for the rising of magmatic masses from the mantle to the surface. We used teleseismic recordings at the TOLF and MAON broad band station of the INGV seismic network (located between the Argentario promontory and Tolfa-Ceriti dome complexes -TDC-) to image the principal seismic velocity discontinuities by receiver function analysis (RF's). Together with RF’s velocity models of the area computed using the teleseismic events recorded by a temporary network of eight stations deployed around the TDC, we achieve a general crustal model of this area. The geometry of the seismic network has been defined to focus on the crustal structure beneath the TDC, trying to define the main velocity changes attributable to the intrusive bodies, the calcareous basal complex, the deep metamorphic basement, the lower crust and the Moho. The analysis of these data show the Moho at a depth of 23 km in the TDC area and 20 km in the Argentario area. Crustal models also show an unexpected velocity decrease between 12 and 18 km, consistent with a slight dropdown of the Vp/Vs ratio, imputable to a regional mid-crustal shear zone inherited from the previous alpine orogenesis, re-activated in extensional tectonic by the early opening phases of the Tyrrhenian sea. Above

  13. Parametri za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liljana Ugrinova


    Full Text Available Napraven e pregled na parametrite za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati. Za procena na kvalitetot na ispituvaniot materijal bea izvrseni fizicki, hemiski i bioloski ispituvanja spored postapkite dadeni vo Ph. Eur., DIN i spored DIN ISO standardite. Baranjata za kvalitet na ovoj vid ambalaza propisani spored Ph. Eur., DIN i DIN ISO standardite se razlikuvaat vo odnos na predvidenite parametri za fizicki, za hemiski i za bioloski ispituvanja. Isto taka, propisani se i razlicni granici na dozvoleno otstapuvanje na oddelni parametri.

  14. Crustally derived granites in Dali, SW China: new constraints on silicic magmatism of the Central Emeishan Large Igneous Province (United States)

    Zhu, Bei; Peate, David W.; Guo, Zhaojie; Liu, Runchao; Du, Wei


    We have identified a new crustally derived granite pluton that is related to the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP). This pluton (the Wase pluton, near Dali) shows two distinct SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age groups ( 768 and 253 Ma). As it has an intrusive relationship with Devonian limestone, the younger age is interpreted as its formation, which is related to the ELIP event, whereas the 768 Ma Neoproterozoic-aged zircons were inherited from Precambrian crustal component of the Yangtze Block, implying the pluton has a crustally derived origin. This is consistent with its peraluminous nature, negative Nb-Ta anomaly, enrichment in light rare earth elements, high 87Sr/86Sr(i) ratio (0.7159-0.7183) and extremely negative ɛ(Nd)(i) values (-12.15 to -13.70), indicative of melts derived from upper crust materials. The Wase pluton-intruded Devonian strata lie stratigraphically below the Shangcang ELIP sequence, which is the thickest volcanic sequence ( 5400 m) in the whole ELIP. The uppermost level of the Shangcang sequence contains laterally restricted rhyolite. Although the rhyolite has the same age as the Wase pluton, its geochemical features demonstrate a different magma origin. The rhyolite displays moderate 87Sr/86Sr(i) (0.7053), slightly negative ɛ(Nd)(i) (-0.18) and depletions in Ba, Cs, Eu and Sr, implying derivation from differentiation of a mantle-derived mafic magma source. The coexistence of crustally and mantle-derived felsic systems, along with the robust development of dike swarms, vent proximal volcanics and thickest flood basalts piles in Dali, shows that the Dali area was probably where the most active Emeishan magmatism had once existed.

  15. Crustal-scale tilting of the central Salton block, southern California (United States)

    Dorsey, Rebecca; Langenheim, Victoria


    The southern San Andreas fault system (California, USA) provides an excellent natural laboratory for studying the controls on vertical crustal motions related to strike-slip deformation. Here we present geologic, geomorphic, and gravity data that provide evidence for active northeastward tilting of the Santa Rosa Mountains and southern Coachella Valley about a horizontal axis oriented parallel to the San Jacinto and San Andreas faults. The Santa Rosa fault, a strand of the San Jacinto fault zone, is a large southwest-dipping normal fault on the west flank of the Santa Rosa Mountains that displays well-developed triangular facets, narrow footwall canyons, and steep hanging-wall alluvial fans. Geologic and geomorphic data reveal ongoing footwall uplift in the southern Santa Rosa Mountains, and gravity data suggest total vertical separation of ∼5.0–6.5 km from the range crest to the base of the Clark Valley basin. The northeast side of the Santa Rosa Mountains has a gentler topographic gradient, large alluvial fans, no major active faults, and tilted inactive late Pleistocene fan surfaces that are deeply incised by modern upper fan channels. Sediments beneath the Coachella Valley thicken gradually northeast to a depth of ∼4–5 km at an abrupt boundary at the San Andreas fault. These features all record crustal-scale tilting to the northeast that likely started when the San Jacinto fault zone initiated ca. 1.2 Ma. Tilting appears to be driven by oblique shortening and loading across a northeast-dipping southern San Andreas fault, consistent with the results of a recent boundary-element modeling study.

  16. A tomographic image of upper crustal structure using P and S wave seismic refraction data in the southern granulite terrain (SGT), India (United States)

    Rajendra Prasad, B.; Behera, Laxmidhar; Rao, P. Koteswara


    We present a 2-D tomographic P and S wave velocity (Vp and Vs) image with Vp/Vs ratios along N-S trending 220 km long deep seismic profile acquired in 2005, which traverses across major shear and tectonically disturbed zones in southern granulite terrain (SGT), India. The 2-D velocity model constrained down to maximum 8 km depth shows velocity anomalies (>0.2 km/s) beneath major shear zones with good spatial resolution (>0.05 km/s). The presence of high Vp (6.3-6.5 km/s), Vs (3.5-3.8 km/s), Vp/Vs (>1.75) and Poisson's ratio (0.25-0.29) indicate significant compositional changes of rocks at shallow depths (0.5 to 8 km) reveal rapid crustal exhumation of mid to lower crustal rocks. This crustal exhumation could be responsible due to Pan-African tectonothermal activity during Neoproterozoic period.

  17. From the Atlas to the Rif a Crustal seismic image across Morocco: The SIMA & RIFSEIS control source wide-angle seismic reflection data (United States)

    Carbonell, Ramon; Ayarza, Puy; Gallart, Josep; Diaz, Jordi; Harnafi, Mimoun; Levander, Alan; Teixell, Antonio


    The velocity structure of the crust and the geometry of the Moho across Morocco has been the main target of two recently acquired wide-angle seismic reflection transects. One is the SIMA experiment which provided seismic constraints beneath the Atlas Mountains and the second has been the RIFSEIS experiment which sampled the RIF orogen. Jointly these controlled source wide-angle seismic reflection data results in an almost 700 km, seismic profile going from the the Sahara craton across the High and Middle Atlas and Rif Mountain till the Gibraltar-Arc (Alboran). Current work on the interpretation of the seismic data-set is based on forward modeling, ray-tracing, as well as low fold wide-angle stacking. The data has resulted in a detailed crustal structure and velocity model for the Atlas Mountains and a 700 km transect revealing the irregular topography of the Moho beneath these two mountain orogens. Results indicate that the High Atlas features a moderate crustal thickness and that shortening is resolved at depth through a crustal root where the Saharan crust under-thrusts below the Moroccan crust, defining a lower crust imbrication which locally places the Moho boundary at, approximately, 40 km depth. The P-wave velocity model is characterized, in averaged, by relatively low velocities. These low deep crustal velocities together with other geophysical observables such as: conductivity estimates derived from Mt measurements; moderate Bouguer gravity anomaly; surface exposures of recent alkaline volcanics; lead the interpretation to propose that partial melts are currently emplaced in the deep crustal levels and in the upper mantle. The Moho discontinuity defines a crust which is in average relatively thin beneath the Atlas which is almost a 4000 m high orogenic belt. The resulting model supports existence of mantle upwelling as a possible mechanism that contributes, significantly, to maintain the High Atlas topography.

  18. Recent crustal movements and seismicity in the western coastal region of peninsular India (United States)

    Kailasam, L. N.


    Recent crustal movements, tectonics and seismicity of the western coastal region of peninsular India have been studied in detail in the very recent past. Prominent geomorphic features and large-scale manifestation of Holocene deformation and crustal movements have been noticed and studied over this coastal region from the Gulf of Cambay to the southernmost parts of Kerala, evidence for which is afforded in the form of Recent and sub-Recent raised beaches, sandbars, raised old terraces, pebble beds, etc. The sedimentary formations in this narrow coastal belt include Neogene and Quaternary sediments. The Bouguer gravity map of the western coastal tract shows some prominent gravity features extending into the offshore regions, suggestive of some significant tectonic and structural features. The seismic data in the offshore regions bring out some prominent roughly northwest-southeast as well as east-west faults and shears, in addition to prominent structural "highs" off the Bombay and Ratnagiri coast which have proved oil. The seismicity in this coastal tract as well as the faulted western margin of the western continental shelf in the Arabian Sea is generally of magnitude 3-6.

  19. Shear wave splitting and crustal anisotropy in the Eastern Ladakh-Karakoram zone, northwest Himalaya (United States)

    Paul, Arpita; Hazarika, Devajit; Wadhawan, Monika


    Seismic anisotropy of the crust beneath the eastern Ladakh-Karakoram zone has been studied by shear wave splitting analysis of S-waves of local earthquakes and P-to-S or Ps converted phases originated at the crust-mantle boundary. The splitting parameters (Φ and δt), derived from S-wave of local earthquakes with shallow focal depths, reveal complex nature of anisotropy with NW-SE and NE oriented Fast Polarization directions (FPD) in the upper ∼22 km of the crust. The observed anisotropy in the upper crust may be attributed to combined effects of existing tectonic features as well as regional tectonic stress. The maximum delay time of fast and slow waves in the upper crust is ∼0.3 s. The Ps splitting analysis shows more consistent FPDs compared to S-wave splitting. The FPDs are parallel or sub parallel to the Karakoram fault (KF) and other NW-SE trending tectonic features existing in the region. The strength of anisotropy estimated for the whole crust is higher (maximum delay time δt: 0.75 s) in comparison to the upper crust. This indicates that the dominant source of anisotropy in the trans-Himalayan crust is confined within the middle and lower crustal depths. The predominant NW-SE trending FPDs consistently observed in the upper crust as well as in the middle and lower crust near the KF zone support the fact that the KF is a crustal-scale fault which extends at least up to the lower crust. Dextral shearing of the KF creates shear fabric and preferential alignment of mineral grains along the strike of the fault, resulting in the observed FPDs. A Similar observation in the Indus Suture Zone (ISZ) also suggests crustal scale deformation owing to the India-Asia collision.

  20. Drifting Continents and Wandering Poles. Crustal Evolution Education Project. Teacher's Guide [and] Student Investigation. (United States)

    Stoever, Edward C., Jr.

    Crustal Evolution Education Project (CEEP) modules were designed to: (1) provide students with the methods and results of continuing investigations into the composition, history, and processes of the earth's crust and the application of this knowledge to man's activities and (2) to be used by teachers with little or no previous background in the…

  1. Drifting Continents and Magnetic Fields. Crustal Evolution Education Project. Teacher's Guide [and] Student Investigation. (United States)

    Stoever, Edward C., Jr.

    Crustal Evolution Education Project (CEEP) modules were designed to: (1) provide students with the methods and results of continuing investigations into the composition, history, and processes of the earth's crust and the application of this knowledge to man's activities and (2) to be used by teachers with little or no previous background in the…

  2. Three-dimensional seismic model of crustal structure in Southern Norway

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Loidl, B.; Behm, M.; Thybo, Hans


    , traveltime tomography, and interpolation algorithms to the high quality inline and cross-line data. A smooth 3-D crustal velocity model is inverted from traveltimes of diving Pg waves with similar results for two initial models. Initial models include a 1-D average model and an interpolated 3-D model based...... on robust, local 1-D velocity-depth functions derived from CMP-sorted and stacked records. The depth to Moho is determined from reflected waves (PmP) by traditional exploration seismology processing routines (CMP sorting, NMO correction, stacking, depth conversion). We find that this combination of stacking...

  3. Shallow and deep crustal velocity models of Northeast Tibet (United States)

    Karplus, M.; Klemperer, S. L.; Mechie, J.; Shi, D.; Zhao, W.; Brown, L. D.; Wu, Z.


    The INDEPTH IV seismic profile in Northeast Tibet is the highest resolution wide-angle refraction experiment imaging the Qaidam Basin, North Kunlun Thrusts (NKT), Kunlun Mountains, North and South Kunlun Faults (NKT, SKT), and Songpan-Ganzi terrane (SG). First arrival refraction modeling using ray tracing and least squares inversion has yielded a crustal p-wave velocity model, best resolved for the top 20 km. Ray tracing of deeper reflections shows considerable differences between the Qaidam Basin and the SG, in agreement with previous studies of those areas. The Moho ranges from about 52 km beneath the Qaidam Basin to 63 km with a slight northward dip beneath the SG. The 11-km change must occur between the SKF and the southern edge of the Qaidam Basin, just north of the NKT, allowing the possibility of a Moho step across the NKT. The Qaidam Basin velocity-versus-depth profile is more similar to the global average than the SG profile, which bears resemblance to previously determined “Tibet-type” velocity profiles with mid to lower crustal velocities of 6.5 to 7.0 km/s appearing at greater depths. The highest resolution portion of the profile (100-m instrument spacing) features two distinct, apparently south-dipping low-velocity zones reaching about 2-3 km depth that we infer to be the locations of the NKF and SKF. A strong reflector at 35 km, located entirely south of the SKF and truncated just south of it, may be cut by a steeply south-dipping SKF. Elevated velocities at depth beneath the surface location of the NKF may indicate the south-dipping NKF meets the SKF between depths of 5 and 10 km. Undulating regions of high and low velocity extending about 1-2 km in depth near the southern border of the Qaidam Basin likely represent north-verging thrust sheets of the NKT.

  4. Crustal structure of Australia from ambient seismic noise tomography (United States)

    Saygin, Erdinc; Kennett, B. L. N.


    Surface wave tomography for Australian crustal structure has been carried out using group velocity measurements in the period range 1-32 s extracted from stacked correlations of ambient noise between station pairs. Both Rayleigh wave and Love wave group velocity maps are constructed for each period using the vertical and transverse component of the Green's function estimates from the ambient noise. The full suite of portable broadband deployments and permanent stations on the continent have been used with over 250 stations in all and up to 7500 paths. The permanent stations provide a useful link between the various shorter-term portable deployments. At each period the group velocity maps are constructed with a fully nonlinear tomographic inversion exploiting a subspace technique and the Fast Marching Method for wavefront tracking. For Rayleigh waves the continental coverage is good enough to allow the construction of a 3D shear wavespeed model in a two stage approach. Local group dispersion information is collated for a distribution of points across the continent and inverted for a 1D SV wavespeed profile using a Neighbourhood Algorithm method. The resulting set of 1D models are then interpolated to produce the final 3D wavespeed model. The group velocity maps show the strong influence of thick sediments at shorter periods, and distinct fast zones associated with cratonic regions. Below the sediments the 3D shear wavespeed model displays significant heterogeneity with only moderate correlation with surface tectonic features. For example, there is no evident expression of the Tasman Line marking the eastern edge of Precambrian outcrop. The large number of available inter-station paths extracted from the ambient noise analysis provide detailed shear wavespeed information for crustal structure across the Australian continent for the first time, including regions where there was no prior sampling because of difficult logistics.

  5. Geochronological synthesis of Bahia state and the crustal evolution, based in evolution diagram of Sr and initial rate of Sr87/Sr86

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, K.


    The crustal evolution of the ancient terrains of the State of Bahia, Brazil, is attempted with the aid of Sr isotopic results as natural tracers. Some Nd and Pb isotopic data are also available, and support the main conclusions based on Sr evolution diagrams. The analysis of the Sr evolution diagrams shows that the Archean Terrains are mainly formed by accretion from mantle-derived material, but crustal reworking is indicated by the high initial 87 Sr/ 86 Sr value of the Jequie Complex. The Transamazonian mobile belt include both types of materials, but the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr value, generally lower than those of the Jequie Complex, markes improbable a direct derivation. During Middle and Late Proterozoic, the continental crust was already well consolidated, and reworking of crustal material predominated within the Espinhaco and Brasiliano folded systems [pt

  6. Planejamento de redes logísticas: um estudo de caso na indústria petroquímica brasileira.

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    Luiz Felipe de Medeiros Frias


    Full Text Available O planejamento de redes logísticas emerge como decisão estratégica a ser tomada na busca da manutenção da competitividade empresarial. O presente estudo desenvolveu um modelo de Programação Não Linear Inteira Mista contemplando os principais componentes de custo envolvidos no processo de planejamento de redes associados à realidade brasileira: transportes, estoques e tributos. O modelo foi testado na empresa Nova Braskem. Foram realizadas análises de sensibilidade em que se apreciaram os principais trade-offs relativos às premissas assumidas. Constatou-se que, no caso estudado, o modelo desenvolvido proporciona economia nos custos tributários e nos custos logísticos de transporte, e, consequentemente, nos custos totais. Mais precisamente, os resultados apontam que, apesar da importância dos custos de transporte ante os demais, o aspecto fiscal se apresentou como o principal potencial de retorno financeiro a ser perseguido, e, dessa maneira, foi possível demonstrar o valor associado à questão dentro da atmosfera empresarial brasileira. Para o design ótimo de uma rede, confirma-se, portanto, a tese de que não é plausível a dissociação entre logística e planejamento tributário. Ademais, dada a natureza do estudo de caso, é factível a consideração do planejamento de redes logísticas como um importante ferramental capaz de subsidiar a busca de sinergias em operações de fusões e aquisições de empresas. Há, por exemplo, diversos outros casos recentes no cenário empresarial brasileiro, como a fusão entre Sadia e Perdigão e entre outras empresas do agronegócio. Para dar continuidade aos estudos dos trade-offs entre logística e os aspectos tributários brasileiros, sugere-se a inclusão de novos tributos (PIS, Cofins etc. e a concessão de benefícios fiscais na modelagem de redes logísticas futuras. Especificamente com relação ao estudo de caso, observa-se que a forma de agregação dos mercados consumidores

  7. O potencial das redes de Petri em modelagem e análise de processos de negócio The potencial of Petri nets in modeling and analysis of workflow

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    Sílvia Inês Dallavalle de Pádua


    Full Text Available A tecnologia de gerenciamento workflow procura oferecer uma solução flexível em apoio aos processos de negócios, por meio da facilitação de modificações e da criação de novos processos. Entretanto, a falta de definição bem formalizada no que se refere à sintaxe e à semântica de tais técnicas dificulta análises mais complexas dos modelos. Nesse caso, redes de Petri atuam com excelente potencial, uma vez que possuem representação gráfica, são de fácil aprendizado, funcionam como linguagem de comunicação entre especialistas de diversas áreas, possibilitam descrever aspectos estáticos e dinâmicos do sistema a ser representado e ainda possuem o formalismo matemático necessário para métodos de análise já consagrados. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo, primeiramente, oferecer uma visão atualizada do estado da arte na área de modelagem de workflow baseada em redes de Petri e expor um exemplo de modelo de workflow com parâmetros de tempo e custo associados às transições da rede. O objetivo secundário é apresentar conceitos importantes de redes de Petri, workflow e rotas de processos.Unfortunately these systems and techniques do not have well-defined syntax and semantic, which makes harder the complex analysis of models. In this case, Petri nets have excellent potential to solve the problem, once they present graphic representation and easy understanding. They are used as a communication language among expert people in different areas, and may allow the description of static and dynamic aspects of the systems that have to be represented. Also, they have mathematic formalism, which make possibly the use of the analysis methods. The objective of this work is to present the potential of Petri nets in studies of Enterprise Modelling and Workflow, showing an example of application, with time and cost parameters.

  8. Variation in Crustal Structure of the Lesser Caucasus Region from Teleseismic Receiver Functions (United States)

    Lin, C. M.; Tseng, T. L.; Huang, B. S.; Legendre, C. P.; Karakhanian, A.


    The Caucasus, including the mountains of Greater and Lesser Caucasus, is formed by the continental collision between Arabia and Eurasia. The crustal thickness for this region was mostly constrained by joint analysis of receiver functions and surface waves. Although the thickest value of 52 km was reported under the Lesser Caucasus, the resolution of earlier studies were often limited by sparse array. Large gradient across Moho also makes the definition of Moho difficult. Moreover, higher value of the Vp/Vs ratio is commonly reported in the northeastern Turkey but no estimates had been made for the Caucasus. To further investigate the detail structure around the Lesser Caucasus, we constructed a new seismic network in Georgia and Armenia. We also include other broadband stations to enhance the coverage. The average interval in the Lesser Caucasus is roughly 30 km, much denser than any previous experiments. We selected P-waveforms from teleseismic earthquakes during the operation (January 2012 - June 2016) to calculate receiver functions and then estimate the crustal thickness (H) and Vp/Vs ratio (k) with the H-k stacking technique. Our preliminary results show that Moho depth increases from 40 km under the northeastern Turkey to 50 km beneath northern Georgia, no station with Moho deeper than 50 km under the Lesser Caucasus. The Vp/Vs ratios in the northeastern Anatolian plateau are around 1.8, which is slightly higher than the average of global continents but consistent with the previous estimates. Further to the east, some stations show anomalously higher Vp/Vs ratio in central & southern Armenia that may be associated with Holocene volcanism. In the future, we plan to join locally measured dispersion curves to invert the velocity model without velocity-depth trade-off. We expect to resolve the velocity variations of the crust beneath this region in small scale that may be tied to the continental collision and surface volcanism. Keywords: Caucasus, receiver

  9. Modelo hierarquizado: uma proposta de modelagem aplicada à investigação de fatores de risco para diarréia grave Hierarchical model: a proposal for model to be applied in the investigation of risk factors for dehydrating diarrhea

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    Sandra C Fuchs


    Full Text Available Os estudos epidemiológicos de doenças que acometem as crianças geralmente envolvem grande número de variáveis. As associações entre potenciais fatores de risco e doença freqüentemente são avaliadas através de modelagem estatística sem descrição das estratégias empregadas. No estudo realizado apresenta-se uma abordagem hierarquizada aplicada à avaliação de fatores de risco para diarréia grave. As variáveis foram hierarquicamente agrupadas em características socioeconômicas, ambientais, reprodutivas maternas, nutricionais e demográficas. Na análise univariada todas as variáveis associaram-se com diarréia grave. Em cada bloco selecionaram-se fatores de confusão através de um algoritmo, utilizando-se o processo retrógado de seleção, através do módulo em passos, segundo um p=0,10. Os fatores de risco foram avaliados através de regressão logística após o ajuste para fatores de confusão de cada conjunto e para aqueles hierarquicamente superiores. As variáveis incluídas no modelo permitiram identificar corretamente uma proporção elevada de casos (gamma=0,74 e todos os blocos contribuíram significativamente para a modelagem.In epidemiological investigations of infant diseases, data are usually collected on a large set of variables. The associations between presumptive risk factors and the outcome is commonly evaluated through statistical modeling, but the model-building strategies are seldom described. In the project, data collected in a case-control study of risk factors for dehydrating diarrhea in infants have been used to present a hierarchized approach to the assessment of risk factors. The variables were grouped into a hierarchy of categories, ranging from distal determinants to proximate ones. These categories included, in this order, socioeconomic, environmental, reproductive maternal, nutritional and demographic sets. According to the univariate analyses all variables were associated with the outcome. As

  10. Lithospheric controls on crustal reactivation and intraplate mountain building in the Gobi Corridor, Central Asia (United States)

    Cunningham, D.


    This talk will review the Permian-Recent tectonic history of the Gobi Corridor region which includes the actively deforming Gobi Altai-Altai, Eastern Tien Shan, Beishan and North Tibetan foreland. Since terrane amalgamation in the Permian, Gobi Corridor crust has been repeatedly reactivated by Triassic-Jurassic contraction/transpression, Late Cretaceous extension and Late Cenozoic transpression. The tectonic history of the region suggests the following basic principle for intraplate continental regions: non-cratonized continental interior terrane collages are susceptible to repeated intraplate reactivation events, driven by either post-orogenic collapse and/or compressional stresses derived from distant plate boundary convergence. Thus, important related questions are: 1) what lithospheric pre-conditions favor intraplate crustal reactivation in the Gobi Corridor (simple answer: crustal thinning, thermal weakening, strong buttressing cratons), 2) what are the controls on the kinematics of deformation and style of mountain building in the Gobi-Altai-Altai, Beishan and North Tibetan margin (simple answer: many factors, but especially angular relationship between SHmax and `crustal grain'), 3) how does knowledge of the array of Quaternary faults and the historical earthquake record influence our understanding of modern earthquake hazards in continental intraplate regions (answer: extrapolation of derived fault slip rates and recurrence interval determinations are problematic), 4) what important lessons can we learn from the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic history of Central Asia that is applicable to the tectonic evolution of all intraplate continental regions (simple answer: ancient intraplate deformation events may be subtly expressed in the rock record and only revealed by low-temperature thermochronometers, preserved orogen-derived sedimentary sequences, fault zone evidence for younger brittle reactivation, and recognition of a younger class of cross-cutting tectonic

  11. Crustal structure of the North Iberian continental margin from seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection profiles (United States)

    Ruiz, M.; Díaz, J.; Pedreira, D.; Gallart, J.; Pulgar, J. A.


    The structure and geodynamics of the southern margin of the Bay of Biscay have been investigated from a set of 11 multichannel seismic reflection profiles, recorded also at wide angle offsets in an onshore-offshore network of 24 OBS/OBH and 46 land sites. This contribution focuses on the analysis of the wide-angle reflection/refraction data along representative profiles. The results document strong lateral variations of the crustal structure along the margin and provide an extensive test of the crustal models previously proposed for the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula. Offshore, the crust has a typical continental structure in the eastern tip of the bay, which disappears smoothly towards the NW to reach crustal thickness close to 10 km at the edge of the studied area ( 45°N, 6°W). The analysis of the velocity-depth profiles, altogether with additional information provided by the multichannel seismic data and magnetic surveys, led to the conclusion that the crust in this part of the bay should be interpreted as transitional from continental to oceanic. Typical oceanic crust has not been imaged in the investigated area. Onshore, the new results are in good agreement with previous results and document the indentation of the Bay of Biscay crust into the Iberian crust, forcing its subduction to the North. The interpreted profiles show that the extent of the southward indentation is not uniform, with an Alpine root less developed in the central and western sector of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. N-S to NE-SW transfer structures seem to control those variations in the indentation degree.

  12. The T-Reflection and the deep crustal structure of the Vøring Margin offshore Mid-Norway (United States)

    Abdelmalak, M. M.; Faleide, J. I.; Planke, S.; Gernigon, L.; Zastrozhnov, D.; Shephard, G. E.; Myklebust, R.


    Volcanic passive margins are characterized by massive occurrence of mafic extrusive and intrusive rocks, before and during plate breakup, playing major role in determining the evolution pattern and the deep structure of magma-rich margins. Deep seismic reflection data frequently provide imaging of strong continuous reflections in the middle/lower crust. In this context, we have completed a detailed 2D seismic interpretation of the deep crustal structure of the Vøring volcanic margin, offshore mid-Norway, where high-quality seismic data allow the identification of high-amplitude reflections, locally referred to as the T-Reflection (TR). Using the dense seismic grid we have mapped the top of the TR in order to compare it with filtered Bouguer gravity anomalies and seismic refraction data. The TR is identified between 7 and 10 s. Sometimes it consists of one single smooth reflection. However, it is frequently associated with a set of rough multiple reflections displaying discontinuous segments with varying geometries, amplitude and contact relationships. The TR seems to be connected to deep sill networks and locally located at the continuation of basement high structures or terminates over fractures and faults. The spatial correlation between the filtered positive Bouguer gravity anomalies and the TR indicates that the latter represents a high impedance boundary contrast associated with a high-density/velocity body. Within an uncertainty of ± 2.5 km, the depth of the mapped TR is found to correspond to the depth of the top of the Lower Crustal Body (LCB), characterized by high P-wave velocities (>7 km/s), in 50% of the outer Vøring Margin areas, whereas different depths between the TR and the top LCB are estimated for the remaining areas. We present a tectonic scenario, where a large part of the deep structure could be composed of preserved upper continental basement and middle to lower crustal lenses of inherited and intruded high-grade metamorphic rocks. Deep

  13. Modelagem de um reator integral aplicado na reação de reforma a vapor de metano - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v29i2.705

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    Giane Gonçalves Lenzi


    Full Text Available Freqüentemente, a validação de modelos matemáticos aplicados a reatores industriais esbarra na dificuldade de obtenção de medidas experimentais confiáveis. Uma maneira de contornar esta limitação corresponde à implantação de uma unidade em escala de bancada devidamente instrumentada, na qual são obtidos dados experimentais em condições controladas. Neste contexto, foram efetuados ensaios em um reator integral de reforma a vapor de metano em escala de bancada, em diversas condições experimentais. As medidas de temperatura no leito foram efetuadas por meio de um termopar multiponto em seis posições axiais distintas, enquanto a composição do efluente do reator foi determinada por cromatografia gasosa. Estes dados experimentais foram comparados com as previsões de um modelo pseudo-homogêneo, unidimensional e dinâmico. Os resultados indicam que o modelo é adequado, sendo que tanto a atividade catalítica como a conversão são sensíveis à temperatura operacional, enquanto a temperatura do leito é praticamente insensível à vazão nas condições experimentais exploradas.

  14. Ontologia de dependência tecnológica de documentos digitais: instrumento de apoio à preservação digital

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    Fernando Ostuni Gauthier


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta o uso da ontologia para modelar a dependência tecnológica de objetos digitais. Na computação e na ciência da informação, ontologia é um artefato que permite a modelagem de conhecimento em algum domínio e possibilita especificar um vocabulário para fazer asserções que podem ser utilizadas por software. Para a que possa ser compreensível por humanos, o documento digital exige o uso detecnologia. Essa dependência tecnológica requer um cuidados o acompanhamento da obsolescência dessas tecnologias utilizadas para a criação e visualização do documento digital. O ambiente tecnológico de uma organização que faz uso intensivo da tecnologia da informação e comunicação pode ser constituído de milhares de componentes inter-relacionados e a tarefa de verificar o impacto da desativação de determinada tecnologia é muito trabalhosa. Visando reduzir os efeitos desse problema, foi desenvolvida a ontologia DeTec, com o uso da Web Ontology Language (OWL. Para a modelagem foi utilizada a plataforma Protégé da Stanford University. A ontologia De Tecé constituída de oito classes principais que permite a identificação de quais tecnologias um objeto digital tem dependência. Essa funcionalidade possibilita evitar a desativação equivocada de uma tecnologia e a consequente perda dos objetos dela dependente.

  15. Análise das variações espaciais no município de Pontal do Paraná (Paraná – Brasil, entre os anos de 1980 e 2032 decorrentes da instalação do complexo portuário

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    Sony Cortese Caneparo


    Full Text Available O município de Pontal do Paraná está localizado no litoral do estado do Paraná, na região sul do Brasil. Em 1995, foi aí instalado o Porto de Pontal Importação e Exportação LTDA e, em 2013, foi aprovada a licença ambiental para a construção de um complexo portuário neste município. Tal obra se apresenta como um desafio, devido ao potencial que o mesmo apresenta em produzir impactos ambientais e mudanças nos padrões de uso da terra.Essa pesquisa objetiva analisar as mudanças espaciais que podem ocorrer futuramente no uso da terra e na cobertura vegetal em Pontal do Paraná (2032, em virtude da instalação deste complexo. Foram utilizadas rotinas de sistemas de informações geográficas, inseridas no IDRISI TAIGA, da Clark University, dentre elas se destacam a Cadeia de Markov e os Autômatos Celulares para a geração do cenário futuro. O resultado da modelagem preditiva (2032, em função da expansão portuária, foi um aumento nas áreas urbanas, fator que poderia impactar diretamente as áreas de Restingas, de Mangues e da Floresta Ombrófila Densa. O presente trabalho revelou que o uso da modelagem preditiva pode ser uma ferramenta bastante útil para a avaliação e interpretação de cenários futuros.

  16. Interpretation of Crustal Deformation following the 2011 Tohoku-oki Megathrust Earthquake by the Combined Effect of Afterslip and Viscoelastic Stress Relaxation (United States)

    Noda, A.; Takahama, T.; Ohba, M.; Ito, T.; Matsu'ura, M.


    Crustal deformation following the 2011 Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake, occurred at the North American-Pacific plate interface, has been revealed by GPS measurement on land (Geospatial Information Authority of Japan) and GPS/Acoustic measurement on seafloor (Japan Coast Guard). The essential causes of the postseismic crustal deformation are considered to be slow afterslip at the downdip extension of the main rupture zone and viscoelastic relaxation of stress changes induced in the asthenosphere. Crustal responses to the afterslip and the viscoelastic relaxation are different in both space and time. So, given proper plate interface geometry and proper crust-mantle rheological structure, we can estimate unbiased spatiotemporal distribution of afterslip through the inversion analysis of observed geodetic data. In the present analysis, we used a 3-D realistic model developed by Hashimoto et al. (2004) for plate interface geometry and a standard elastic-viscoelastic layered model, consisting of a 60 km-thick elastic surface layer and a Maxwell-type viscoelastic substratum with the viscosity of 1019 Pa s, for crust-mantle rheological structure. First, following Noda et al. (2013), we transformed the GPS displacement data on land into the average strains of triangular elements composed of adjacent three GPS stations. Then, by applying a sequential method of stepwise (every two months) inversion to the strain data, we estimated the spatiotemporal distribution of afterslip together with coseismic slip distribution. The estimated results show that significant afterslip has proceeded for the first one and a half years at the downdip extension of the main rupture zone off Iwate and Miyagi with decaying its rate. Finally, based on the estimated results, we computed postseismic offshore crustal movements by using the same elastic-viscoelastic structure model and compared them with seafloor geodetic observations (Watanabe et al., 2014). The good agreement between the computed

  17. Lateral variations in the crustal structure of the Indo-Eurasian collision zone (United States)

    Gilligan, Amy; Priestley, Keith


    The processes involved in continental collisions remain contested, yet knowledge of these processes is crucial to improving our understanding of how some of the most dramatic features on Earth have formed. As the largest and highest orogenic plateau on Earth today, Tibet is an excellent natural laboratory for investigating collisional processes. To understand the development of the Tibetan Plateau we need to understand the crustal structure beneath both Tibet and the Indian Plate. Building on previous work, we measure new group velocity dispersion curves using data from regional earthquakes (4424 paths) and ambient noise data (5696 paths), and use these to obtain new fundamental mode Rayleigh Wave group velocity maps for periods from 5-70 s for a region including Tibet, Pakistan and India. The dense path coverage at the shortest periods, due to the inclusion of ambient noise measurements, allows features of up to 100 km scale to be resolved in some areas of the collision zone, providing one of the highest resolution models of the crust and uppermost mantle across this region. We invert the Rayleigh wave group velocity maps for shear wave velocity structure to 120 km depth and construct a 3D velocity model for the crust and uppermost mantle of the Indo-Eurasian collision zone. We use this 3D model to map the lateral variations in the crust and in the nature of the crust-mantle transition (Moho) across the Indo-Eurasian collision zone. The Moho occurs at lower shear velocities below north eastern Tibet than it does beneath western and southern Tibet and below India. The east-west difference across Tibet is particularly apparent in the elevated velocities observed west of 84° E at depths exceeding 90 km. This suggests that Indian lithosphere underlies the whole of the Plateau in the west, but possibly not in the east. At depths of 20-40 km our crustal model shows the existence of a pervasive mid-crustal low velocity layer (˜10% decrease in velocity, Vs Vsv. The


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    Marleny D. A. SALDAÑA


    Full Text Available A descafeinação do café canephora é vantajosa tanto para a obtenção da cafeína quanto para valorização desta espécie. A cafeína, subproduto da descafeinação, atua como estimulante e diurético no organismo e é usado pelas indústrias de bebidas de refrigerante e farmacêutica. Existem patentes industriais aplicando CO2 supercrítico na extração da cafeína do café. Porém pouco é divulgado sobre a extração da trigonelina (alcalóide importante na formação da vitamina‘ niacina’, que atua no sistema nervoso central, na secreção da bile e no intestino. O objetivo deste trabalho foi levantar subsídios experimentais e teóricos para a extração de alcalóides dos grãos de café canephora, variedade robusta, usando CO2 supercrítico. Os dados foram obtidos num aparelho de extração a altas pressões onde as variáveis termodinâmicas são independentemente controladas. Os alcalóides foram analisados por Cromatografia Liquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE. As solubilidades da cafeína pura e a obtida dos grãos de café no CO2 supercrítico foram determinadas a 313, 323 e 343 K, de 9,5 a 23,5 MPa. Os resultados revelam a existência de um comportamento retrógrado para a solubilidade da cafeína pura e a obtida dos grãos de café; também mostram a seletividade do CO2 supercrítico pela cafeína quando comparada a trigonelina. A modelagem termodinâmica do equilíbrio sólido-fluido usando uma equação de estado de quarta ordem correlacionou satisfatoriamente as solubilidades da cafeína pura no solvente supercrítico.Caffeine, aby-product of coffee decaffeination by-product, acts as a stimulant and diuretic in the human organism. Most of the caffeine is used in the cola soft drink and pharmaceutical industries. Supercritical CO2 has long been used to decaffeinate coffee beans. However, little is known about the extraction of other alkaloids such as trigonelline. This alkaloid and the products generated by its thermal

  19. Crustal evolution inferred from apollo magnetic measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dyal, P.; Daily, W.D.; Vanyan, L.L.


    Magnetic field and solar wind plasma density measurements were analyzed to determine the scale size characteristics of remanent fields at the Apollo 12, 15, and 16 landing sites. Theoretical model calculations of the field-plasma interaction, involving diffusion of the remanent field into the solar plasma, were compared to the data. The information provided by all these experiments shows that remanent fields over most of the lunar surface are characterized by spatial variations as small as a few kilometers. Large regions (50 to 100 km) of the lunar crust were probably uniformly magnetized during early crustal evolution. Bombardment and subsequent gardening of the upper layers of these magnetized regions left randomly oriented, smaller scale (5 to 10 km) magnetic sources close to the surface. The larger scale size fields of magnitude approximately 0.1 gammas are measured by the orbiting subsatellite experiments and the small scale sized remanent fields of magnitude approximately 100 gammas are measured by the surface experiments

  20. Um estudo de downscaling dinâmico de precipitação intrasazonal acoplado a modelo chuva-vazão na bacia hidrográfica alto-médio São Francisco A study of intraseasonal precipitation dynamic downscaling coupled to rain-streamflow model at the alto-médio São Francisco hydrographic basin

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    José Pedro Rebés Lima


    Full Text Available Este estudo mostra a aplicação de modelagem hidroclimática dinâmica (hydroclimate downscaling de precipitação acoplada a um modelo hidrológico chuva-vazão, para as Bacias hidrográficas denominadas Cachoeira Manteiga e Porto da Extrema, localizadas na Bacia do Alto-Médio São Francisco no Estado de Minas Gerais. Ênfase foi dada à simulação na escala intrasazonal (mensal. Os resultados sugerem que a simulação de precipitação pode ser usada como variável de entrada em modelos de estimativa de vazão para períodos na escala de um mês, dando subsídio a um melhor aproveitamento dos recursos hídricos na bacia hidrográfica estudada. Estes ainda sugerem que a simulação de precipitação, quando corrigida pela técnica Probability Density Function (PDFs, é mais eficiente na estimativa de precipitação simulada quando comparada com a precipitação observada na bacia, resultando em uma melhor simulação de vazão afluente na bacia.This study shows the use of rainfall dynamic hydroclimate downscaling coupled to the rain-streamflow hydrological model for the hydrographic basins named Cachoeira Manteiga and Porto da Extrema, localized at Alto-Médio São Francisco Basin in Minas Gerais State. The emphasis was to simulate the intraseasonal scale (monthly. The results suggest that the rainfall simulation can be used as input data to streamflow estimation models for periods of monthly scale, allowing a more rational usage of the surface water resources in the hydrographic basin studied. It is also suggested that the rainfall data simulation, corrected by the Probability Density Function (PDF technique, is more efficient to estimate rainfall comparing to observed rainfall in the basin thus resulting in a better simulation of the basin flow outlet.

  1. Analysis of crustal thickness and off-axis low-velocity zones at the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (United States)

    Wells, A. E.; Hooft, E. E.; Toomey, D. R.; Wilcock, W. S.; Weekly, R. T.


    Construction of the oceanic crust is often thought to occur by delivery of melt from the mantle to the ridge axis that is both segment-centered and rise-centered. However, recent seismic studies at the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise show that mantle melt delivery can be skewed relative to the rise leading to off-axis delivery of melt. Furthermore foci of mantle melt delivery occur on a length-scale shorter than that of a ridge segment and the region of greater melt supply, as measured by crustal thickness, does not correspond to the segment center. We use seismic data from the intermediate-spreading Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge to investigate the spatial and temporal pattern of melt supply in this setting and whether off-axis delivery and transport of melt is a common occurrence. The Juan de Fuca Ridge has a transitional morphology characterized by fault-bounded ridges that parallel the spreading center. Previous models of the Endeavour segment inferred that the off-axis ridges are constructed during periods of enhanced magmatism and that these are separated by the remains of rift valleys generated during periods of reduced magmatism. This model may imply that crustal thickness should vary rapidly, with thicker crust beneath the off-axis ridges and thinner crust in between. Alternatively, on the basis of recent seismic reflection images of crustal magma bodies along the Juan de Fuca ridge this topography is thought to reflect magma-induced deformation resulting from feedbacks between the rheology of the crust above the magma sill and dike intrusion. In this case, short wavelength crustal thickness variations may not be present. The melting anomalies associated with various nearby seamount chains also influence processes along the Juan de Fuca Ridge. The seismic reflection work indicates that there is a ~40-km-wide plateau of greater crustal thickness (~0.5-1.0 km) at the center of the Endeavour segment that began forming about 0.7 Ma. The plateau

  2. Papers presented to the Conference on Heat and Detachment in Crustal Extension on Continents and Planets (United States)


    Several topics relative to heat and detachment in crustal extension on continents and planets are discussed. Rifting on Venus, heat flow and continental breakup, magnetism, the mountains and tectonic processes of Io, and the ductile extension of planetary lithospheres are among the topics covered.

  3. Simulação de movimentos para o membro superior humano baseado nas forças aplicadas pelos músculos


    Marques, Marlene Ferreira


    A modelagem e simulação computacional do movimento e da postura de seres humanos vem sendo empregados há muitos anos na medicina e fisioterapia em vários aspectos tais como, auxílio em cirurgias, reabilitação de deficientes físicos, bem como em muitas outras atividades desempenhadas por profissionais da área de saúde. Entretanto, a maioria dos sistemas baseados nesta tecnologia nção apresentam carac- terísticas primordiais ao treinamento de uso de próteses, como exemplo simulação de mov...

  4. Fault Slip and GPS Velocities Across the Shan Plateau Define a Curved Southwestward Crustal Motion Around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (United States)

    Shi, Xuhua; Wang, Yu; Sieh, Kerry; Weldon, Ray; Feng, Lujia; Chan, Chung-Han; Liu-Zeng, Jing


    Characterizing the 700 km wide system of active faults on the Shan Plateau, southeast of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, is critical to understanding the geodynamics and seismic hazard of the large region that straddles neighboring China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. Here we evaluate the fault styles and slip rates over multi-timescales, reanalyze previously published short-term Global Positioning System (GPS) velocities, and evaluate slip-rate gradients to interpret the regional kinematics and geodynamics that drive the crustal motion. Relative to the Sunda plate, GPS velocities across the Shan Plateau define a broad arcuate tongue-like crustal motion with a progressively northwestward increase in sinistral shear over a distance of 700 km followed by a decrease over the final 100 km to the syntaxis. The cumulative GPS slip rate across the entire sinistral-slip fault system on the Shan Plateau is 12 mm/year. Our observations of the fault geometry, slip rates, and arcuate southwesterly directed tongue-like patterns of GPS velocities across the region suggest that the fault kinematics is characterized by a regional southwestward distributed shear across the Shan Plateau, compared to more block-like rotation and indentation north of the Red River fault. The fault geometry, kinematics, and regional GPS velocities are difficult to reconcile with regional bookshelf faulting between the Red River and Sagaing faults or localized lower crustal channel flows beneath this region. The crustal motion and fault kinematics can be driven by a combination of basal traction of a clockwise, southwestward asthenospheric flow around the eastern Himalayan syntaxis and gravitation or shear-driven indentation from north of the Shan Plateau.

  5. Crustal structure beneath the Paleozoic Parnaíba Basin revealed by airborne gravity and magnetic data, Brazil (United States)

    de Castroa, David L.; Fuck, Reinhardt A.; Phillips, Jeffrey D.; Vidotti, Roberta M.; Bezerra, Francisco H. R.; Dantas, Elton L.


    The Parnaíba Basin is a large Paleozoic syneclise in northeastern Brazil underlain by Precambrian crystalline basement, which comprises a complex lithostructural and tectonic framework formed during the Neoproterozoic–Eopaleozoic Brasiliano–Pan African orogenic collage. A sag basin up to 3.5 km thick and 1000 km long formed after the collage. The lithologic composition, structure, and role in the basin evolution of the underlying basement are the focus of this study. Airborne gravity and magnetic data were modeled to reveal the general crustal structure underneath the Parnaíba Basin. Results indicate that gravity and magnetic signatures delineate the main boundaries and structural trends of three cratonic areas and surrounding Neoproterozoic fold belts in the basement. Triangular-shaped basement inliers are geophysically defined in the central region of this continental-scale Neoproterozoic convergence zone. A 3-D gravity inversion constrained by seismological data reveals that basement inliers exhibit a 36–40.5 km deep crustal root, with borders defined by a high-density and thinner crust. Forward modeling of gravity and magnetic data indicates that lateral boundaries between crustal units are limited by Brasiliano shear zones, representing lithospheric sutures of the Amazonian and São Francisco Cratons, Tocantins Province and Parnaíba Block. In addition, coincident residual gravity, residual magnetic, and pseudo-gravity lows indicate two complex systems of Eopaleozoic rifts related to the initial phase of the sag deposition, which follow basement trends in several directions.

  6. Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic seafloor and oceanic basement roughness: Spreading rate, crustal age and sediment thickness correlations (United States)

    Bird, Robert T.; Pockalny, Robert A.


    Single-channel seismic data from the South Australian Basin and Argentine Basin, and bathymetry data from the flanks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, East Pacific Rise and Southwest Indian Ridge are analysed to determine the root-mean-square (RMS) roughness of the seafloor and oceanic basement created at seafloor spreading rates ranging from 3 to 80 km/Ma (half-rate). For these data, crustal ages range from near zero to 85 Ma and sediment thicknesses range from near zero to over 2 km. Our results are consistent with a negative correlation of basement roughness and spreading rate where roughness decreases dramatically through the slow-spreading regime (oceanic basement roughness and spreading rate appears to have existed since the late Cretaceous for slow and intermediate spreading rates, suggesting that the fundamental processes creating abyssal hill topography may have remained the same for this time period. Basement roughness does not appear to decrease (smooth) with increasing crustal age, and therefore off-ridge degradation of abyssal hill topography by mass wasting is not detected by our data. Seismic data reveal that sediment thickness increases with increasing crustal age in the South Australian Basin and Argentine Basin, but not monotonically and with significant regional variation. We show that minor accumulations of sediment can affect roughness significantly. Average sediment accumulations of less that 50 m (for our 100 km long sample seismic profiles and half-spreading rates ocean ridges.

  7. Modelagem molecular da interação entre a proteína de fusão do vírus sincicial respiratório humano e inibidores da ação viral. -


    Cravo, Haroldo de Lima Pimentel [UNESP


    O Vírus Sincicial Respiratório Humano (hRSV) foi identificado em 1957 e mesmo após vários anos de investigação, nenhuma vacina foi desenvolvida. Acredita-se que a chave de inibição da ação viral são suas glicoproteínas de membrana, em especial a proteína de fusão (F), que com auxílio da proteína de ligação (G), é responsável pela instalação do hRSV na célula hospedeira. Há evidências experimentais de que compostos como flavonóides e glicosaminoglicanos podem diminuir a infecção viral, sendo e...

  8. Načrtovan porod na domu


    Todorović, Tamara; Takač, Iztok


    Izhodišča: Porod na domu je sicer star toliko kot človeštvo, pa vendar v veliki večini srednje in visoko razvitih držav prevladuje mnenje, da so zaradi nepredvidljivosti zapletov porodnišnice najbolj varno okolje za rojevanje. Kljub temu obstaja peščica držav, v katerih je porod na domu integriran v sistem zdravstvenega varstva (npr. Nizozemska, Velika Britanija, Kanada). Pri porodih na domu ločimo nenačrtovane in načrtovane porode na domu, slednje pa lahko nadalje razdelimo še na porode s sp...

  9. Field-based Constraints on Lower Crustal Flow From the World's Largest Exposure of Lower Continental Crust, Northern Saskatchewan, Canada (United States)

    Dumond, G.; Gonclaves, P.; Williams, M. L.; Bowring, S. A.


    Predictions about the behavior and geometry of lower continental crust during orogenesis have included: it is rheologically weak; it flows under the influence of a tectonic or topographic load; and it is characterized by pervasive shallow fabrics produced by high-temperature deformation mechanisms. Arguably the world's largest exposure of lower continental crust that still preserves much of its deep crustal deformation history is the central portion of the Snowbird tectonic zone in the western Canadian Shield. Recent fieldwork along a ca. 100 km-long transect of this exposure is characterized by an early, penetrative shallow fabric. A 40 km-long segment of this transect, dominated by charnockite and granodiorite orthogneisses, is characterized by km-scale domains of shallow, granulite-grade gneissic foliation (S1) with a spectacular rodding lineation (L1) defined by: 1) discontinuous ribbons of recrystallized Pl + Qtz + Hb + Cpx + Opx, in addition to mm- to cm-scale core-and-mantle structure in Pl and Kfs, and 2) near-continuous, 10s of cm-long rods of compositional banding. Isoclinally-folded layering is locally preserved perpendicular to (L1). We interpret (L1) as a composite lineation with both intersection and extension components. Thermobarometric data, microstructural, and kinematic observations are compatible with high-grade (700-800°C) ductile, top-to-the-ESE flow during production of S1 at 1.0-1.1 GPa (30-40 km paleodepths in the Neoarchean. S1 is variably transposed into upright, open, shallowly-plunging F2 folds with sub-horizontal, NW-striking enveloping surfaces. The weakly folded S1 is locally overprinted by preserve Type 2 (mushroom-crescent) fold interference patterns resulting from superposition of upright F2 folds with sub-vertical NE-striking axial planes onto isoclinal, recumbent F1 folds. Metamorphic reactions that led to Grt-production during development of S1 were intrinsically syn-kinematic, with garnet growing in the Na-rich recrystallized

  10. Metodologia para estruturação de hipertexto aplicado ao ensino de enfermagem Metodología para la estructuración del hipertexto aplicado a la enseñanza de enfermería Methodology for the development of hypertext software in nursing education

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    Karen Cardoso Caetano


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a organização de hipertexto sobre Tomada de Decisão em Enfermagem a partir da Técnica de Modelagem de Aplicações Hipermídia - Hypermedia Modeling Technique (HMT e a Taxonomia de Bloom para nortear os objetivos educacionais. MÉTODOS: Consistiu em cinco etapas: Análise e Planejamento, Modelagem, Implementação, Avaliação, Manutenção e Distribuição. RESULTADOS: A aplicação do HMT auxiliou na classificação das categorias e classes dos objetos e nas associações semânticas, definindo a navegabilidade com menor risco de desorientação do usuário. CONCLUSÃO: A modelagem e a definição dos objetivos educacionais contribuíram para alcançar melhores resultados, tanto na elaboração do aplicativo, como na forma de sua utilização no ensino de enfermagem.OBJETIVO: Describir la organización del hipertexto sobre la Toma de Decisión en Enfermería a partir de la Técnica del Modelado de Aplicaciones Hipermedia - Hypermedia Modeling Technique (HMT y la Taxonomía de Bloom para dirigir los objetivos educacionales. MÉTODOS: Consistió de cinco etapas: Análisis y Planificación, Modelado, Implementación, Evaluación, Manutención y Distribución. RESULTADOS: La aplicación del HMT ayudó en la clasificación de las categorías y clases de los objetos y en las asociaciones semánticas, definiendo la navegabilidad con menor riesgo de desorientación del usuario. CONCLUSIÓN: El modelado y la definición de los objetivos educacionales contribuyeron para alcanzar mejores resultados, tanto en la elaboración del aplicativo, como en la forma de su utilización en la enseñanza de enfermería.OBJECTIVE: To describe the development of hypertext organization to facilitate nursing education and nurse's decision-making process. METHODS: Hypermedia Modeling Technique (HMT and Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives was used in this five-stage study. The five stages of the study consisted of Analysis and Planning

  11. Development of a model for evaluating mechanical effects of crustal movements on the disposal system in Japan (Contract research)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagasawa, Hirokazu; Takeda, Seiji; Kimura, Hideo


    In the safety assessment of geological disposal for high level radioactive wastes, it is important to develop the modelling for evaluating mechanical effects of crustal movements on the disposal system in Japan. In this study, the model on crustal movements is represented by accumulating two components of velocity magnitude of the crust to horizontal direction, caused by transient movements associated with fault and/or volcanic activities and ordinary movements with the other continuous factors. We have quantified the ordinary movements with the statistical analysis of data included in the GEONET (GPS Earth Observation Network System) of GSI (Geographical Survey Institute). Okada Model is applied for evaluating the transient movements, which can handle three-dimensional movements of earthquake and volcanic activities theologically and comprehensively. In this report, we provide the specification of the model on crustal movement and analyze the horizontal velocity in Tohoku region using the model. The result indicates that the ordinary movements are classified with magnitude of the longitudinal velocities. The cluster of longitudinal velocities has been distributed along the plate boundary. Because the velocities of the ordinary movements are grater than one of transient movements, the spatial distribution of longitudinal velocities in Tohoku region is similar to that of the ordinary movements. (author)

  12. Application of SAR interferometry to low-rate crustal deformation fields (United States)

    Vincent, Paul

    Differential SAR interferometry is applied to the study of low-rate interseismic crustal deformation fields along three regions of the San Adreas fault system: Salton Sea (southernmost region), Pinto Mountain fault (south-central region), and San Francisco Bay (northern region). New techniques are developed to analyze and model these low-rate deformation fields including constrained horizontal-vertical component deconvolution, deformation phase pattern analysis and strain field evolution modeling. Several new active faults were discovered as well as unmeasured activity on existing faults in the process of this SAR interferometry study. The feasibility and limitations of InSAR as a tool to study low-rate deformation fields is also addressed.

  13. Strike-slip linked core complexes: A new kinematic model of basement rock exhumation in a crustal-scale fault system (United States)

    Meyer, Sven Erik; Passchier, Cees; Abu-Alam, Tamer; Stüwe, Kurt


    Metamorphic core complexes usually develop as extensional features during continental crustal thinning, such as the Basin and Range and the Aegean Terrane. The Najd fault system in Saudi Arabia is a 2000 km-long and 400 km-wide complex network of crustal-scale strike-slip shear zones in a Neoproterozoic collision zone. Locally, the anastomosing shear zones lead to exhumation of lower crustal segments and represent a new kinematic model for the development of core complexes. We report on two such structures: the Qazaz complex in Saudi Arabia and the Hafafit complex in Egypt. The 15 km-wide Qazaz complex is a triangular dome of gently dipping mylonitic foliations within the 140 km-long sinistral strike-slip Qazaz mylonite zone. The gneissic dome consists of high-grade rocks, surrounded by low-grade metasediments and metavolcanics. The main SE-trending strike-slip Qazaz shear zone splits southwards into two branches around the gneiss dome: the western branch is continuous with the shallow dipping mylonites of the dome core, without overprinting, and changes by more than 90 degrees from a NS-trending strike-slip zone to an EW-trending 40 degree south-dipping detachment that bounds the gneiss dome to the south. The eastern SE-trending sinistral strike-slip shear zone branch is slightly younger and transects the central dome fabrics. The gneiss dome appears to have formed along a jog in the strike-slip shear zone during 40 km of horizontal strike-slip motion, which caused local exhumation of lower crustal rocks by 25 km along the detachment. The eastern shear zone branch formed later during exhumation, transacted the gneiss dome and offset the two parts by another 70 km. The Hafafit core complex in Egypt is of similar shape and size to the Qazaz structure, but forms the northern termination of a sinistral strike-slip zone that is at least 100 km in length. This zone may continue into Saudi Arabia as the Ajjaj shear zone for another 100 km. The NW trending strike slip

  14. Evolution of deep crustal magma structures beneath Mount Baekdu volcano (MBV) intraplate volcano in northeast Asia (United States)

    Rhie, J.; Kim, S.; Tkalcic, H.; Baag, S. Y.


    Heterogeneous features of magmatic structures beneath intraplate volcanoes are attributed to interactions between the ascending magma and lithospheric structures. Here, we investigate the evolution of crustal magmatic stuructures beneath Mount Baekdu volcano (MBV), which is one of the largest continental intraplate volcanoes in northeast Asia. The result of our seismic imaging shows that the deeper Moho depth ( 40 km) and relatively higher shear wave velocities (>3.8 km/s) at middle-to-lower crustal depths beneath the volcano. In addition, the pattern at the bottom of our model shows that the lithosphere beneath the MBV is shallower (interpret the observations as a compositional double layering of mafic underplating and a overlying cooled felsic structure due to fractional crystallization of asthenosphere origin magma. To achieve enhanced vertical and horizontal model coverage, we apply two approaches in this work, including (1) a grid-search based phase velocity measurement using real-coherency of ambient noise data and (2) a transdimensional Bayesian joint inversion using multiple ambient noise dispersion data.

  15. Hot Spots in the Earth's Crust. Crustal Evolution Education Project. Teacher's Guide [and] Student Investigation. (United States)

    Stoever, Edward C., Jr.

    Crustal Evolution Education Project (CEEP) modules were designed to: (1) provide students with the methods and results of continuing investigations into the composition, history, and processes of the earth's crust and the application of this knowledge to man's activities and (2) to be used by teachers with little or no previous background in the…

  16. Ensino de projeto arquitetônico com a inclusão de novas tecnologias: uma abordagem pedagógica contemporânea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maycon Sedrez


    Full Text Available A adoção de novas tecnologias no processo de projeto tem desempenhado um papel fundamental na Arquitetura contemporânea. Isso tem instigado os professores a buscar conhecer os processos cognitivos envolvidos na aprendizagem de projeto. Este artigo é um estudo de caso da disciplina Responsive Architecture, lecionada pela arquiteta Anne Save de Beaurecueil na Unicamp. A disciplina inclui uma intensa utilização de meios computacionais de geração, representação e modelagem do projeto. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever o método utilizado nessa disciplina, a partir da observação das atividades, contextualizando-o no cenário das novas práticas arquitetônicas e de seu impacto no ensino, em escolas de excelência internacional. Por fim, verificam-se similaridades do método para inclusão de novas tecnologias com práticas pedagógicas atuais no ensino de Arquitetura.

  17. Crustal structure of the Murray Ridge, northwest Indian Ocean, from wide-angle seismic data (United States)

    Minshull, T. A.; Edwards, R. A.; Flueh, E. R.


    The Murray Ridge/Dalrymple Trough system forms the boundary between the Indian and Arabian plates in the northern Arabian Sea. Geodetic constraints from the surrounding continents suggest that this plate boundary is undergoing oblique extension at a rate of a few millimetres per year. We present wide-angle seismic data that constrains the composition of the Ridge and of adjacent lithosphere beneath the Indus Fan. We infer that Murray Ridge, like the adjacent Dalrymple Trough, is underlain by continental crust, while a thin crustal section beneath the Indus Fan represents thinned continental crust or exhumed serpentinized mantle that forms part of a magma-poor rifted margin. Changes in crustal structure across the Murray Ridge and Dalrymple Trough can explain short-wavelength gravity anomalies, but a long-wavelength anomaly must be attributed to deeper density contrasts that may result from a large age contrast across the plate boundary. The origin of this fragment of continental crust remains enigmatic, but the presence of basement fabrics to the south that are roughly parallel to Murray Ridge suggests that it separated from the India/Seychelles/Madagascar block by extension during early breakup of Gondwana.

  18. Lower crustal strength controls on melting and type of oceanization at magma-poor margins (United States)

    Ros, E.; Perez-Gussinye, M.; Araujo, M. N.; Thoaldo Romeiro, M.; Andres-Martinez, M.; Morgan, J. P.


    Geodynamical models have been widely used to explain the variability in the architectonical style of conjugate rifted margins as a combination of lithospheric deformation modes, which are strongly influenced by lower crustal strength. We use 2D numerical models to show that the lower crustal strength also plays a key role on the onset and amount of melting and serpentinization during continental rifting. The relative timing between melting and serpentinization onsets controls whether the continent-ocean transition (COT) of margins will be predominantly magmatic or will mainly consist of exhumed and serpentinized mantle. Based on our results for magma-poor continental rifting, we propose a genetic link between margin architecture and COT styles that can be used as an additional tool to help interpret and understand the processes leading to margin formation. Our results show that strong lower crusts and very slow extension velocities (architecture of the magma-poor section of the South Atlantic, we suggest that the COT of the northern sector, Camamu-Gabon basins, is more likely to consist of exhumed mantle with intruded magmatism, while to the South, the Camamu-Kwanza and North Santos-South Kwanza conjugates, may be better characterized by a predominantly magmatic COT.

  19. Role of crustal assimilation and basement compositions in the petrogenesis of differentiated intraplate volcanic rocks: a case study from the Siebengebirge Volcanic Field, Germany (United States)

    Schneider, K. P.; Kirchenbaur, M.; Fonseca, R. O. C.; Kasper, H. U.; Münker, C.; Froitzheim, N.


    The Siebengebirge Volcanic Field (SVF) in western Germany is part of the Cenozoic Central European Volcanic Province. Amongst these volcanic fields, the relatively small SVF comprises the entire range from silica-undersaturated mafic lavas to both silica-undersaturated and silica-saturated differentiated lavas. Owing to this circumstance, the SVF represents a valuable study area representative of intraplate volcanism in Europe. Compositions of the felsic lavas can shed some new light on differentiation of intraplate magmas and on the extent and composition of potential crustal assimilation processes. In this study, we provide detailed petrographic and geochemical data for various differentiated SVF lavas, including major and trace element concentrations as well as Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotope compositions. Samples include tephriphonolites, latites, and trachytes with SiO2 contents ranging between 53 and 66 wt%. If compared to previously published compositions of mafic SVF lavas, relatively unradiogenic 143Nd/144Nd and 176Hf/177Hf coupled with radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr and 207Pb/204Pb lead to the interpretation that the differentiated volcanic rocks have assimilated significant amounts of lower crustal mafic granulites like the ones found as xenoliths in the nearby Eifel volcanic field. These crustal contaminants should possess unradiogenic 143Nd/144Nd and 176Hf/177Hf, radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr, and highly radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb compositions requiring the presence of ancient components in the central European lower crust that are not sampled on the surface. Using energy-constrained assimilation-fractional crystallisation (EC-AFC) model calculations, differentiation of the SVF lithologies can be modelled by approximately 39-47 % fractional crystallisation and 6-15 % crustal assimilation. Notably, the transition from silica-undersaturated to silica-saturated compositions of many felsic lavas in the SVF that is difficult to account for in closed-system models is also well explained by

  20. Long-term exhumation of a Palaeoproterozoic orogen and the role of pre-existing heterogeneous thermal crustal properties

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    McGregor, E.D.; Nielsen, S.B.; Stephenson, R.A.


    Ma. Modelling the 3D exhumation of a heterogeneous crust with flat topography demonstrates that some of the variability in observed fission-track ages could be attributed to heterogeneity in crustal heat production and thermal conductivity. The remaining variability in the observed dataset...

  1. Crustal Stretching Style and Lower Crust Flow of the South China Sea Northern Margin (United States)

    Bai, Y.; Dong, D.; Runlin, D.


    There is a controversy about crustal stretching style of the South China Sea (SCS) northern margin mainly due to considerable uncertainty of stretching factor estimation, for example, as much as 40% of upper crust extension (Walsh et al., 1991) would be lost by seismic profiles due to poor resolution. To discover and understand crustal stretching style and lower crustal flow on the whole, we map the Moho and Conrad geometries based on gravity inversion constrained by deep seismic profiles, then according to the assumption of upper and lower crust initial thickness, upper and lower crust stretching factors are estimated. According to the comparison between upper and lower crust stretching factors, the SCS northern margin could be segmented into three parts, (1) sediment basins where upper crust is stretched more than lower crust, (2) COT regions where lower crust is stretched more than upper crust, (3) other regions where the two layers have similar stretching factors. Stretching factor map shows that lower crust flow happened in both of COT and sediment basin regions where upper crust decouples with lower crust due to high temperature. Pressure contrast by sediment loading in basins and erosion in sediment-source regions will lead to lower crust flow away from sediment sink to source. Decoupled and fractured upper crust is stretched further by sediment loading and the following compensation would result in relatively thick lower crust than upper crust. In COT regions with thin sediment coverage, low-viscosity lower crust is easier to thin in extensional environment, also the lower crust tends to flow away induced by magma upwelling. Therefore, continental crust on the margin is not stretching in a constant way but varies with the tectonic setting changes. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41506055, 41476042) and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities China (No.17CX02003A).

  2. Constraints on continental crustal mass loss via chemical weathering using lithium and its isotopes (United States)

    Rudnick, R. L.; Liu, X. M.


    The continental crust has an "intermediate" bulk composition that is distinct from primary melts of peridotitic mantle (basalt or picrite). This mismatch between the "building blocks" and the "edifice" that is the continental crust points to the operation of processes that preferentially remove mafic to ultramafic material from the continents. Such processes include lower crustal recycling (via density foundering or lower crustal subduction - e.g., relamination, Hacker et al., 2011, EPSL), generation of evolved melts via slab melting, and/or chemical weathering. Stable isotope systems point to the influence of chemical weathering on the bulk crust composition: the oxygen isotope composition of the bulk crust is distinctly heavier than that of primary, mantle-derived melts (Simon and Lecuyer, 2005, G-cubed) and the Li isotopic composition of the bulk crust is distinctly lighter than that of mantle-derive melts (Teng et al., 2004, GCA; 2008, Chem. Geol.). Both signatures mark the imprint of chemical weathering on the bulk crust composition. Here, we use a simple mass balance model for lithium inputs and outputs from the continental crust to quantify the mass lost due to chemical weathering. We find that a minimum of 15%, a maximum of 60%, and a best estimate of ~40% of the original juvenile rock mass may have been lost via chemical weathering. The accumulated percentage of mass loss due to chemical weathering leads to an average global chemical weathering rate (CWR) of ~ 1×10^10 to 2×10^10 t/yr since 3.5 Ga, which is about an order of magnitude higher than the minimum estimates based on modern rivers (Gaillardet et al., 1999, Chem. Geol.). While we cannot constrain the exact portion of crustal mass loss via chemical weathering, given the uncertainties of the calculation, we can demonstrate that the weathering flux is non-zero. Therefore, chemical weathering must play a role in the evolution of the composition and mass of the continental crust.

  3. Viscoelastic crustal deformation by magmatic intrusion: A case study in the Kutcharo caldera, eastern Hokkaido, Japan (United States)

    Yamasaki, Tadashi; Kobayashi, Tomokazu; Wright, Tim J.; Fukahata, Yukitoshi


    Geodetic signals observed at volcanoes, particularly their temporal patterns, have required us to make the correlation between the surface displacement and magmatic process at depth in terms of viscoelastic crustal rheology. Here we use a parallelized 3-D finite element model to examine the response of the linear Maxwell viscoelastic crust and mantle to the inflation of a sill in order to show the characteristics of a long-term volcano deformation. In the model, an oblate-spheroidal sill is instantaneously or gradually inflated in a two-layered medium that consists of an elastic layer underlain by a viscoelastic layer. Our numerical experiments show that syn-inflation surface uplift is followed by post-inflation surface subsidence as the viscoelastic substrate relaxes. For gradual inflation events, the magnitude of inflation-induced uplift is reduced by the relaxation, through which the volume of a magma inferred by matching the prediction of an elastic model with observed surface uplift could be underestimated. For a given crustal viscosity, sill depth is the principal factor controlling subsidence caused by viscoelastic relaxation. The subsidence rate is highest when the inflation occurs at the boundary between the elastic and the viscoelastic layers. The mantle viscosity has an insignificant impact unless the depth of the inflation is greater than a half the crustal thickness. We apply the viscoelastic model to the interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data in the Kutcharo caldera, eastern Hokkaido, Japan, where the surface has slowly subsided over a period of approximately three years following about a two-year period of inflation. The emplacement of a magmatic sill is constrained to occur at a depth of 4.5 km, which is significantly shallower than the geophysically imaged large-scale magma chamber. The geodetically detected deformation in the caldera reflects the small-scale emplacement of a magma that ascended from the deeper chamber, but not the

  4. Distribution of Large Visible and Buried Impact Basins on Mars: Comparison with Free-Air Gravity, Crustal Thickness and Magnetization Models (United States)

    Frey, H. V.


    A comparison of the distribution of visible and buried impact basins (Quasi-Circular Depressions or QCDs) on Mars > 200 km in diameter with free air gravity, crustal thickness and magnetization models shows some QCDs have coincident gravity anomalies but most do not. Very few QCDs have closely coincident magnetization anomalies, and only the oldest of the very large impact basins have strong magnetic anomalies within their main rings. Crustal thickness data show a large number of Circular Thinned Areas (CTAs). Some of these correspond to known impact basins, while others may represent buried impact basins not always recognized as QCDs in topography data alone. If true, the buried lowlands may be even older than we have previously estimated.

  5. Extreme Mesozoic crustal thinning in the Eastern Iberia margin: The example of the Columbrets Basin (Valencia Trough) (United States)

    Mohn, G.; Etheve, N.; Frizon de Lamotte, D.; Roca, E.; Tugend, J.; Gómez-Romeu, J.


    Eastern Iberia preserves a complex succession of Mesozoic rifts partly or completely inverted during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic in relation with Africa-Eurasia convergence. Notably, the Valencia Trough, classically viewed as part of the Cenozoic West Mediterranean basins, preserves in its southwestern part a thick Mesozoic succession (locally »10km thick) over a highly thinned continental basement (locally only »3,5km thick). This sub-basin referred to as the Columbrets Basin, represents a Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous hyper-extended rift basin weakly overprinted by subsequent events. Its initial configuration is well preserved allowing us to unravel its 3D architecture and tectono-stratigraphic evolution in the frame of the Mesozoic evolution of eastern Iberia. The Columbrets Basin benefits from an extensive dataset combining high resolution reflection seismic profiles, drill holes, refraction seismic data and Expanding Spread Profiles. Its Mesozoic architecture is controlled by interactions between extensional deformation and halokinesis involving the Upper Triassic salt. The thick uppermost Triassic to Cretaceous succession describes a general synclinal shape, progressively stretched and dismembered towards the basin borders. The SE-border of the basin is characterized by a large extensional detachment fault acting at crustal scale and interacting locally with the Upper Triassic décollement. This extensional structure accommodates the exhumation of the continental basement and part of the crustal thinning. Eventually our results highlight the complex interaction between extreme crustal thinning and occurrence of a pre-rift salt level for the deformation style and tectono-stratigraphic evolution of hyper-extended rift basins.


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    Alvaro Luiz Neuenfeldt Júnior


    Full Text Available Inserido ao contexto social e demográfico das cidades, os sistemas de transportes públicos são considerados como um dos principais elementos para a dinâmica da mobilidade urbana. Atualmente, existem diversos modais capazes de realizar tal tarefa, o que torna o processo de comparação entre eles relevante, visto a relação custo-benefício do investimento necessário para a sua implantação. Portanto, a presente pesquisa objetiva propor uma modelagem capaz de realizar a avaliação entre sistemas de transportes públicos, através dos conceitos relativos aos métodos multicritérios de apoio à decisão e a mensuração de desempenho. Para a aplicação prática, utilizou-se o design urbano inspirado na cidade de Curitiba, constatando-se o BRT como o mais viável. Por fim, concluiu-se que a modelagem se mostrou coerente no que tange a verificação das possíveis condições de operação em um centro urbano, sendo capaz de possibilitar a previsão da maneira com que estes estão predispostos ao contexto em questão.

  7. Ionospheric precursors for crustal earthquakes in Italy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Perrone


    Full Text Available Crustal earthquakes with magnitude 6.0>M≥5.5 observed in Italy for the period 1979–2009 including the last one at L'Aquila on 6 April 2009 were considered to check if the earlier obtained relationships for ionospheric precursors for strong Japanese earthquakes are valid for the Italian moderate earthquakes. The ionospheric precursors are based on the observed variations of the sporadic E-layer parameters (h'Es, fbEs and foF2 at the ionospheric station Rome. Empirical dependencies for the seismo-ionospheric disturbances relating the earthquake magnitude and the epicenter distance are obtained and they have been shown to be similar to those obtained earlier for Japanese earthquakes. The dependences indicate the process of spreading the disturbance from the epicenter towards periphery during the earthquake preparation process. Large lead times for the precursor occurrence (up to 34 days for M=5.8–5.9 tells about a prolong preparation period. A possibility of using the obtained relationships for the earthquakes prediction is discussed.

  8. The crustal dynamics intelligent user interface anthology (United States)

    Short, Nicholas M., Jr.; Campbell, William J.; Roelofs, Larry H.; Wattawa, Scott L.


    The National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) has initiated an Intelligent Data Management (IDM) research effort which has, as one of its components, the development of an Intelligent User Interface (IUI). The intent of the IUI is to develop a friendly and intelligent user interface service based on expert systems and natural language processing technologies. The purpose of such a service is to support the large number of potential scientific and engineering users that have need of space and land-related research and technical data, but have little or no experience in query languages or understanding of the information content or architecture of the databases of interest. This document presents the design concepts, development approach and evaluation of the performance of a prototype IUI system for the Crustal Dynamics Project Database, which was developed using a microcomputer-based expert system tool (M. 1), the natural language query processor THEMIS, and the graphics software system GSS. The IUI design is based on a multiple view representation of a database from both the user and database perspective, with intelligent processes to translate between the views.

  9. Modelo dinâmico de sistemas para o gerenciamento de resíduos da construção civil na cidade de Porto Alegre: estudo de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Hernando Walteros Galarza


    Full Text Available RESUMOO presente artigo relata a elaboração de um modelo dinâmico de sistemas com o estudo de material reciclado proveniente de escombros para a fabricação de blocos de concreto do tipo não estruturais, utilizando para a modelagem das variáveis o programa computacional Stella. Essa modelagem permite que seja feita uma análise de cada variável do processo de produção, servindo como base para a definição das atividades críticas e as possibilidades de melhora e otimização do processo de produção, além de ser um critério de validação para uma adequada reutilização dos resíduos da construção, tendo em vista as legislações atuais e especificações técnicas e ambientais. Este estudo permitiu o desenvolvimento de um modelo conceitual de análise do processo de produção dos blocos através do comportamento que apresenta as variáveis que intervém no processo, demonstrando que a utilização de resíduos de construção e demolição neste estudo de caso é uma alternativa socioambiental com potencial econômico.

  10. Pb isotopes during crustal melting and magma mingling - A cautionary tale from the Miki Fjord macrodike, central east Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waight, Tod Earle; Lesher, Charles


    Pb isotopic data are presented for hybrid rocks formed by mingling between mantle-derived tholeiitic magma of the Eocene Miki Fjord macrodike (East Greenland) and melt derived from the adjacent Precambrian basement. Bulk mixing and AFC processes between end-members readily identified in the field...... grain boundaries during disequilibrium melting of the host rock by the mafic magma. The crustal melt involved in magma interactions was therefore heterogeneous with respect to Pb isotopes on a metre-scale. These results illustrate the difficulties inherent in interpreting isotopic variations...... in contaminated mafic magmas even when the end-members are well constrained by field relations. We show that the Pb isotopic composition of the crustal contaminants and contamination trajectories for the Miki Fjord hybrid magmatic lithologies are markedly different from regional basement gneisses and contaminated...

  11. Reconnaissance isotopic investigations in the Namaqua mobile belt and implications for proterozoic crustal evolution - Namaqualand geotraverse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barton, E.S.


    Fourteen rock units in the western portion of the Namaqua mobile belt were investigated by some or all of the following isotopic methods: Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb, Th-Pb total-rock and Rb-Sr mineral age measurements. Two major tectogenetic events are recongnised. The early Orange River event is represented by the emplacement and metamorphism of the volcanic rocks of the Haib Subgroup and the emplacement of granitoids of the Vioolsdrif and Gladkop suites in the regions of the Richtersveld Province and the Steinkopf domain. The later Namaqua event is represented mainly by extensive granitoid emplacement and high-grade granulite facies metamorphism in the Okiep Copper District, with minor granitoid and dyke emplacement taking place in the Steinkopf domain. The polymetamorphism associated with these tectonic events had far-reaching effects in the form of long continued isotopic resetting of rock and mineral systems. In the instances where the regression of the total-rock isotopic data define errorchron results, geological disturbance is inferred. The Sr-isotopic results indicate substrantial crustal reworking and two periods of mantle differentiation producing continental crust at approximately 2 000 and approximately 1 200 Ma ago. The Pb-isotopic data for these rocks indicate μ 2 values for the source regions that are compatible with crustal reworking for the felsic rocks or a significant amount of crustal recycling into the mantle for the mafic rocks. On this basis a magmatic arc environment is envisaged for the rocks generated during the Orange River event. The deformation fabrics associated with the Orange River and Namaqua tectogenetic episodes are dated by the time of emplacement of syn- and post-tectonic granitic rocks. The regional fabric observed in the Steinkopf domain and in the Okiep Copper District was not synchronously developed

  12. Simulação geoestatística na caracterização espacial de óxidos de ferro em diferentes pedoformas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Fernandes da Silva Junior


    Full Text Available Os minerais da fração argila, goethita e hematita, são óxidos de ferro (Fe indicadores pedoambientais com grande influência nos atributos físicos e químicos do solo. O conhecimento dos padrões espaciais desses óxidos auxilia a compreensão das interrelações de causa e efeito com os atributos do solo. Nesse sentido, a qualidade das estimativas espaciais produzidas pode alterar os resultados obtidos e, por consequência, as interpretações dos padrões espaciais obtidos. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho dos métodos geoestatísticos de estimativas (KO e simulações sequenciais gaussianas (SSG na caracterização espacial de teores de óxidos de Fe, goethita (Gt e hematita (Hm, em uma pedoforma côncava e outra convexa. Foram coletadas 121 amostras de solos em cada pedoforma de um Argissolo em pontos com espaçamentos regulares de 10 m. Os teores de óxidos de Fe foram obtidos por meio de difração de raios-X. Os dados foram submetidos a análises geoestatísticas por meio da modelagem do variograma e posterior interpolação por KO e SSG. A KO não refletiu a verdadeira variabilidade dos óxidos de Fe, hematita e goethita, demonstrando ser inapropriada para a caracterização espacial dos teores dos óxidos de Fe. Assim, o uso da SSG é preferível à krigagem quando a manutenção dos altos e baixos valores nas estimativas espaciais é necessária. O desempenho dos métodos geoestatísticos foi influenciado pelas pedoformas. Os mapas E-type devem ser recomendados em vez de mapas de KO para os óxidos de Fe, por serem ricos em detalhes e práticos na definição de zonas homogêneas para o manejo localizado em frente de KO, sobretudo em pedoforma côncava.

  13. Ontologia de dependência tecnológica de documentos digitais: instrumento de apoio à preservação digital

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eloi Juniti Yamaoka


    Full Text Available   Este artigo apresenta o uso da ontologia para modelar a dependência tecnológica de objetos digitais. Na computação e na ciência da informação, ontologia é um artefato que permite a modelagem de conhecimento em algum domínio e possibilitaespecificar um vocabulário para fazer asserções que podem ser utilizadas por software. Para a que possa ser compreensível por humanos, o documento digital exige o uso detecnologia. Essa dependência tecnológica requer um cuidadosoacompanhamentoda obsolescência dessas tecnologias utilizadas para a criação e visualização do documento digital. O ambiente tecnológico de uma organização que faz uso intensivo da tecnologia da informação e comunicação pode ser constituído de milhares de componentes inter-relacionados e a tarefa de verificar o impacto da desativação de determinada tecnologia é muito trabalhosa. Visando reduzir os efeitos desse problema, foi desenvolvida a ontologia DeTec, com o uso da Web OntologyLanguage (OWL. Para a modelagem foi utilizada a plataforma Protégé da Stanford University. A ontologia DeTecé constituída de oito classes principais que permite a identificação de quais tecnologias um objeto digital tem dependência. Essa funcionalidade possibilita evitar a desativação equivocada de uma tecnologia e a consequente perda dos objetos dela dependente.

  14. Seismotectonics of Vrancea (Romania) zone: the case of crustal seismicity in the foredeep area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tugui, A.; Craiu, M.; Rogozea, M.; Popa, M.; Radulian, M.;


    Vrancea seismic zone is located in Romania at the South-Easter Carpathians bend, where at least three major tectonic units are in contact: East European Plate, Intra-Alpine Plate and Moesian Plate. The seismicity of the Vrancea zone consists of both crustal and intermediate-depth earthquakes. The crustal events are moderate (M w ≤ 5.5) and generally occur in clusters in space (the subzones Ramnicu Sarat and Vrancioaia, situated in the Vrancea epicentral area and adjacent to it) and in time (main shocks accompanied by aftershocks and sometimes by foreshocks or swarms). Seismic activity in Ramnicu Sarat zone consists of shallow earthquakes with moderate magnitudes M s ≤ 5.2, which frequently occur in clusters. The hypocenters are generally situated at focal depths between 15 and 30 km within the foredeep region lying in front of the major bending of the Carpathian Arc. The sequence of 29 November - 03 December, 2007 consists of 37 events with 1.8 ≤ M D ≤ 3.9. The earthquakes hypocenters are grouped in a parallel direction with the Carpathian Bend, and the fault plane solution (of the main shock) is reverse. The seismic sequence from Ramnicu Sarat, 2007 was compared with the previous sequences knowing the regional seismotectonics. (authors)

  15. Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemistry of migmatites and granites in the Foping dome: Evidence for Late Triassic crustal evolution in South Qinling, China (United States)

    Zhang, He; Li, Shuang-Qing; Fang, Bo-Wen; He, Jian-Feng; Xue, Ying-Yu; Siebel, Wolfgang; Chen, Fukun


    Migmatites provide a record of melt formation and crustal rheology. In this study we present zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical composition of migmatites from the Foping dome and granites from the Wulong pluton. U-Pb results from migmatite zircons indicate two episodes of partial melting. Rim domains from a leucosome in the Longcaoping area yield an age of ca. 209 Ma. Migmatites collected from the Foping dome yield U-Pb zircon ages of 2910 to 190 Ma, suggesting the involvement of meta-sedimentary source components. Rim domains of the zircons with low Th/U ratios (pluton can be subdivided into high Sr/Y and low Sr/Y granites. U-Pb zircon ages vary from 219 to 214 Ma for the high Sr/Y granites and from 214 to 192 Ma for the low Sr/Y granites. High Sr/Y granites have higher Na2O and Sr contents than the low Sr/Y granites. They also lack negative Eu anomalies and are depleted in HREE compared to the low Sr/Y granites. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and εNd values of all the samples roughly overlap with those of Neoproterozoic basement rocks exposed in South Qinling. Including previous studies, we propose that the high and low Sr/Y granites formed by melting of thickened and normal crust, respectively. Close temporal-spatial relationship of the high and low Sr/Y granites with the two-stage migmatization events implies variation of crustal thickness and thermal overprints of the orogenic crust in post-collisional collapse. Following the collision of South Qinling and the Yangtze block prior to 219 Ma, partial melting of the deep crust occurred. The melts migrated upwards to form the high Sr/Y granites. This process occurred rapidly and caused collapse of the thickened crust and carried heat upwards, leading to further partial melting within the shallower crust and formation of the low Sr/Y granites.

  16. Geometry and subsidence history of the Dead Sea basin: A case for fluid-induced mid-crustal shear zone? (United States)

    ten Brink, Uri S.; Flores, C.H.


    Pull-apart basins are narrow zones of crustal extension bounded by strike-slip faults that can serve as analogs to the early stages of crustal rifting. We use seismic tomography, 2-D ray tracing, gravity modeling, and subsidence analysis to study crustal extension of the Dead Sea basin (DSB), a large and long-lived pull-apart basin along the Dead Sea transform (DST). The basin gradually shallows southward for 50 km from the only significant transverse normal fault. Stratigraphic relationships there indicate basin elongation with time. The basin is deepest (8-8.5 km) and widest (???15 km) under the Lisan about 40 km north of the transverse fault. Farther north, basin depth is ambiguous, but is 3 km deep immediately north of the lake. The underlying pre-basin sedimentary layer thickens gradually from 2 to 3 km under the southern edge of the DSB to 3-4 km under the northern end of the lake and 5-6 km farther north. Crystalline basement is ???11 km deep under the deepest part of the basin. The upper crust under the basin has lower P wave velocity than in the surrounding regions, which is interpreted to reflect elevated pore fluids there. Within data resolution, the lower crust below ???18 km and the Moho are not affected by basin development. The subsidence rate was several hundreds of m/m.y. since the development of the DST ???17 Ma, similar to other basins along the DST, but subsidence rate has accelerated by an order of magnitude during the Pleistocene, which allowed the accumulation of 4 km of sediment. We propose that the rapid subsidence and perhaps elongation of the DSB are due to the development of inter-connected mid-crustal ductile shear zones caused by alteration of feldspar to muscovite in the presence of pore fluids. This alteration resulted in a significant strength decrease and viscous creep. We propose a similar cause to the enigmatic rapid subsidence of the North Sea at the onset the North Atlantic mantle plume. Thus, we propose that aqueous fluid flux

  17. The crustal structure of the Southern Nain and Makkovik Provinces of Labrador deriverd from seismic refraction data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Funck, T.; Hansen, A.K.; Reid, Ian Derry


    A refraction seismic profile was used to determine the crustal structure across the Nain/ Makkovik boundary, and to look for an offshore continuation of the  Nain Plutonic Suite (NPS). Velocity models were developed from forward and inverse modeling of travel times. There are. In the Saglek block...

  18. Crustal structure of the Siberian craton and the West Siberian basin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cherepanova, Yulia; Artemieva, Irina; Thybo, Hans


    We present a digital model SibCrust of the crustal structure of the Siberian craton (SC) and the West Siberian basin (WSB), based on all seismic profiles published since 1960 and sampled with a nominal interval of 50. km. Data quality is assessed and quantitatively assigned to each profile based...... and ~. 6.2-6.6. km/s in parts of the WSB and SC. Exceptionally high basement Vp velocities (6.8-7.0. km/s) at the northern border between the SC and the WSB indicate the presence of magmatic intrusions and are proposed to mark the source zone of the Siberian LIP. The cratonic crust generally consists...

  19. Seismotectonics of the Taiwan Shoal region in the northeastern South China Sea: Insights from the crustal structure (United States)

    Wan, Kuiyuan; Sun, Jinlong; Xu, Huilong; Xie, Xiaoling; Xia, Shaohong; Zhang, Xiang; Cao, Jinghe; Zhao, Fang; Fan, Chaoyan


    A cluster of earthquakes occurred in the Taiwan Shoal region on the outer rise of the Manila Trench. Although most were of small to medium magnitudes, one strong earthquake occurred on September 16, 1994. Several previous studies have provided important information to progress our understanding of this single earthquake. However, little is currently known about the earthquake cluster, and it is necessary to investigate the deep crustal structure of the Taiwan Shoal region to understand the mechanisms involved in controlling and generating it. This study presents a two-dimensional seismic tomographic image of the crustal structure along the OBS2012 profile based on ocean-bottom seismograph (OBS) data, which exhibits a high-velocity anomaly flanked by low-velocity anomalies in the upper crust beneath the Taiwan Shoal. In this study, 765 earthquakes (Richter magnitude ML > 1.5) occurring between 1991 and 2015 were studied and analyses of earthquake epicenters, regional faults, and the crustal structure provides an improved understanding of the nature of active tectonics in this region. Results of analyses indicate firstly that the high-velocity area represents major asperities that correspond to the location of the earthquake cluster and where stress is concentrated. It is also depicted that the earthquake cluster was influenced by fault interactions. However, the September 1994 earthquake occurred independently of these seismic activities and was associated with reactivation of a preexisting fault. It is also determined that slab pull is resisted by the exposed precollision accretionary prism, and the resistive force is causing accumulation of inplane compressive-stress. This may trigger a future damaging earthquake in the Taiwan Shoal region.

  20. Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure from Joint Inversion of Body Wave and Gravity Data (United States)


    We use both free-air and Bouguer gravity anomalies derived from the global gravity model of the GRACE satellite mission. The gravity data provide...relocation analysis. We use both free-air and Bouguer gravity anomalies derived from the global gravity model of the GRACE satellite mission. The gravity...topographic relief this effect needs to be removed; thus, we converted free-air anomalies into Bouguer anomalies assuming a standard density for crustal rocks