
Sample records for mvt ideas para


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    Claudia Urrea Giraldo


    Full Text Available Con el presente ensayo se busca compartir la experiencia de aprendizaje diseñada y desarrollada por un grupo interdisciplinario de profesores y profesoras de la Universidad de Costa Rica. La actividad contó con la participación de docentes de distintas disciplinas académicas. La propuesta se concretó en un taller que utilizó el lenguaje de programación Scratch y las tarjetas Pico, como oportunidad para modelar un ambiente de aprendizaje construccionista. Ideas poderosas, espacios y herramientas se pusieron a disposición de los y las participantes para la construcción de historias digitales, modelos y simulaciones. El objetivo final fue que los y las profesoras pudieran vivenciar, a través de una experiencia práctica, el ambiente de aprendizaje construccionista, las ideas y las herramientas, para que más adelante las pudieran extrapolar en sus propias disciplinas y cursos.

  2. MVT a most valuable theorem

    CERN Document Server

    Smorynski, Craig


    This book is about the rise and supposed fall of the mean value theorem. It discusses the evolution of the theorem and the concepts behind it, how the theorem relates to other fundamental results in calculus, and modern re-evaluations of its role in the standard calculus course. The mean value theorem is one of the central results of calculus. It was called “the fundamental theorem of the differential calculus” because of its power to provide simple and rigorous proofs of basic results encountered in a first-year course in calculus. In mathematical terms, the book is a thorough treatment of this theorem and some related results in the field; in historical terms, it is not a history of calculus or mathematics, but a case study in both. MVT: A Most Valuable Theorem is aimed at those who teach calculus, especially those setting out to do so for the first time. It is also accessible to anyone who has finished the first semester of the standard course in the subject and will be of interest to undergraduate mat...

  3. Rb-Sr dating of sphalerites from Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) ore deposits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakai, S.; Halliday, A.N.; Kesler, S.E.; Jones, H.D. (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor (United States)); Kyle, J.R. (Univ. of Texas, Austin (United States)); Lane, T.E. (Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, St. John' s (Canada))


    Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) ore deposits are epigenetic carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits that contain galena, sphalerite, fluorite, barite, dolomite, calcite, and quartz. Although they are thought to form from basinal brines, their exact origins are still unclear, partly because of the scarcity of reliable geochronological data. Rb-Sr dating of sphalerites has recently been shown to be a promising technique for the direct dating of ore minerals in MVT deposits. This paper reports the results of a reconnaissance study of sphalerites, their fluid inclusions, and associated minerals from MVT deposits of North America. Sphalerites from Immel mine, Mascot-Jefferson City district, east Tennessee, define a Rb-Sr age of 347 [plus minus] 20 Ma consistent with a Rb-Sr age of 377 [plus minus] 29 Ma for sphalerites from Coy mine in the same district, but inconsistent with models that ascribe their genesis to the effects of the late Paleozoic Alleghenian orogeny. Rb-Sr isotopic analyses of K-feldspar from Immel mine preclude the possibility that the Rb-Sr data reflect feldspar inclusions. Sphalerites from the main ore zone of Daniel's Harbour mine, Newfoundland, do not form a linear isochron and open behavior of the Rb-Sr system is suspected. Sphalerites from the Pine Point district, Northwest Territories, Canada, define a Rb-Sr age of 361 [plus minus] 13 Ma, indicating that the mineralization took place shortly after the deposition of the middle Devonian host carbonate rocks. These results are not compatible with mineralization models based on regional fluid migration related to early Tertiary Cordilleran deformation. Sphalerites from northern Arkansas have very low Rb and Sr concentrations (less than 0.1 ppm). The Rb-Sr data do not form isochrons and the sphalerites have higher [sup 87]Sr/[sup 86]Sr ratios than expected, given their Rb/Sr ratios and reasonable constraints on their ages. 58 refs., 7 figs., 2 tabs.


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    Emilio Pedrinaci


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se subraya la relevancia social de las catástrofes naturales y su relación con el desarrollo sostenible, se exponen algunas de las razones que recomiendan abordar su estudio en los cursos de ciencias de la educación secundaria y se sugieren ideas y actividades para su tratamiento en el aula.

  5. Educación para el Ocio: Ha llegado la hora de un nuevo objetivo para una vieja idea.

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    Susan Hutchinson


    Full Text Available La Educación para el Ocio nos sitúa ante una vieja idea, que está siendo examinada con renovado vigor en Canadá. Profesionales e investigadores de diversas disciplinas (por ejemplo, en el ámbito de Salud, la Justicia, la Educación o la Recreación reconocen, cada vez más, que son muchas las personas que pueden beneficiarse del ocio y de las oportunidades de recreación en sus comunidades, aún cuando son bastantes las no pueden hacerlo porque carecen de alfabetización en ocio. Esto es, de los conocimientos, habilidades y confianza que se necesitan para darle un significado personal, que incida positivamente en su bienestar y calidad de vida. La Educación para el Ocio es un medio clave para mejorar la alfabetización en ocio. El texto presenta un modelo de educación para el ocio desarrollado por la Dra. Brenda Robertson, argumentando cómo y por qué la Educación para el Ocio es necesaria para abordar la salud mental y el bienestar de las personas que sufren marginación en sus comunidades. Complementariamente se presentan algunas recomendaciones para avanzar esta Educación, como un componente fundamental de la agenda nacional para la recreación en Canadá.--------------------------------------------------------------------Leisure education is an old idea that is being examined with renewed vigour in Canada. Practitioners and researchers from various disciplines (e.g., health, justice, education, recreation are recognising anew that many people who could benefit from leisure or recreation opportunities in their communities are unable to do so because they lack leisure literacy. Leisure literacy refers to the knowledge, skills and confidence to engage in personally meaningful, health-enhancing leisure. Leisure education is a key means to enhance leisure literacy. The paper presents a model of leisure education developed by Dr. Brenda Robertson and argues for how and why leisure education is needed to address the mental health and well

  6. Historia de la Ciencia e ideas de los alumnos como referentes para seleccionar contenidos sobre nutrición

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    Juan Carlos Rivadulla-López


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realiza una revisión histórica acerca de la construcción del conocimiento sobre la nutrición humana, que fue evolucionando desde ideas simplistas e inconexas sobre las funciones vitales, centradas en el organismo, a concepciones más complejas e integradoras de la nutrición dentro del marco de la teoría celular y su interacción con el medio. También se hace una revisión de distintos estudios sobre las concepciones del alumnado respecto a la nutrición humana, mostrando que los niños son conscientes de la necesidad de los alimentos para vivir, crecer…, aunque no disponen de una idea unificada de nutrición en la que se integren las funciones de los distintos sistemas. Teniendo en cuenta la revisión histórica y las concepciones del alumnado, hemos desarrollado una serie de ideas clave que orienten la progresión del estudio de la nutrición humana en Educación Primaria y 1º ciclo de ESO. Estas se aglutinan alrededor de cuatro dimensiones: a el concepto de nutrición y su finalidad; b los órganos y sistemas que intervienen en la misma; c la alimentación y su importancia para la salud y d la repercusión del proceso nutritivo en el medio. En cada una de ellas se consideran tres niveles de dificultad creciente a los que se asocian una serie de interrogantes que sirven para trabajar distintas ideas clave sobre nutrición humana.

  7. El videojuego League of legends y su efecto en memoria de trabajo visual y solución de problemas


    Leyva-Rodríguez, Jesús Eduardo; Varela-García, Juan David


    El propósito de este estudio es medir los efectos que tiene el videojuego League of Legends en los procesos cognitivos de memoria de trabajo visual (MVT) y solución de problemas (SP). Para medir dichos efectos se implementó un diseño pre test-post con un grupo experimental y uno control, compuestos cada uno por siete participantes, en donde se evaluaron los procesos previamente mencionados utilizando los cubos de Corsi para MVT y las matrices del WAIS III para SP. Después de realizar los resp...

  8. Multichannel FPGA based MVT system for high precision time (20 ps RMS) and charge measurement (United States)

    Pałka, M.; Strzempek, P.; Korcyl, G.; Bednarski, T.; Niedźwiecki, Sz.; Białas, P.; Czerwiński, E.; Dulski, K.; Gajos, A.; Głowacz, B.; Gorgol, M.; Jasińska, B.; Kamińska, D.; Kajetanowicz, M.; Kowalski, P.; Kozik, T.; Krzemień, W.; Kubicz, E.; Mohhamed, M.; Raczyński, L.; Rudy, Z.; Rundel, O.; Salabura, P.; Sharma, N. G.; Silarski, M.; Smyrski, J.; Strzelecki, A.; Wieczorek, A.; Wiślicki, W.; Zieliński, M.; Zgardzińska, B.; Moskal, P.


    In this article it is presented an FPGA based Multi-Voltage Threshold (MVT) system which allows of sampling fast signals (1-2 ns rising and falling edge) in both voltage and time domain. It is possible to achieve a precision of time measurement of 20 ps RMS and reconstruct charge of signals, using a simple approach, with deviation from real value smaller than 10%. Utilization of the differential inputs of an FPGA chip as comparators together with an implementation of a TDC inside an FPGA allowed us to achieve a compact multi-channel system characterized by low power consumption and low production costs. This paper describes realization and functioning of the system comprising 192-channel TDC board and a four mezzanine cards which split incoming signals and discriminate them. The boards have been used to validate a newly developed Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography system based on plastic scintillators. The achieved full system time resolution of σ(TOF) ≈ 68 ps is by factor of two better with respect to the current TOF-PET systems.

  9. ARQUITECTURAS DE VIAJE. IDEAS TRANSPORTADAS / Architecture of travel. Transported ideas

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    Francisco Javier Montero Fernández


    Full Text Available RESUMEN. El viaje es un acto de traslación que nos permite transgredir nuestra cotidianeidad y pautas diarias para descontextualizarnos, generando nuevas relaciones entre "nosotros" y las circunstancias de ese otro lugar. No intentamos convertirnos en especialistas del conocimiento sino mejorar lo que hacemos, desarrollar cambios cualitativos, organizar descubrimientos y aplicarlos a nuestro trabajo. Al reflexionar sobre esta idea surgen en nuestro papel en blanco ideas compañeras de los viajes que de una manera reiterativa nos acompañan en nuestros proyectos.Un objeto viajero, que se repite y deja una copia cada vez que es trasladado, nos permite valorar la relación entre el lugar y dicho objeto, entre la memoria y la arquitectura. La repetición surge como una sorpresa del viaje, como una situación descubierta en la traslación, un descubrimiento ocasional que nos permite descubrir una intención y por ello un criterio. Una pareja viajera, en este caso dos leones egipcios que viajaron a Roma en la Antigüedad desplazándose dentro de la ciudad hasta el Vaticano. El otro ejemplo es el del proyecto sin encargo que nace en la mente de su autor, Le Corbusier, como un manifiesto del Arte, y nos permite pensar que las ideas, los pensamientos, necesitan ser olvidados para ser reconstruidos, para poder ser repetidos de la manera mas creativa. El proyecto de arquitectura no es solo la génesis de prototipos sino que debe ser la formalización de una idea que madura en el tiempo ajustándose a la concreción exigida en cada lugar y circunstancias, persistiendo incluso más allá del propio autor. SUMMARY. Travel is an act of movement that allows us to break from our daily routines and guidelines and decontextualizes us, generating new relationships between "us" and the circumstances of some other place. We do not try to become specialists of the knowledge but to improve what we do, to develop qualitative changes, to organize discoveries and to

  10. Desarrolle una Mente Creativa y Consiga Nuevas Ideas para su Negocio

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    Jhonny Poveda Mora


    Full Text Available Si bien es cierto, la decisión de arrancar un negocioes difícil de tomar, pero lo es más la generación de laidea de negocio. Por lo tanto, no es suficiente contar contodos los recursos necesarios como: capital, maquinaria ymateriales si estos no se sustentan en una buena idea que lede oportunidad de éxito a la nueva actividad; pero el procesono se detiene ahí, se requiere constantemente el usode nuestra creatividad para resolver los distintos asuntos queconlleva la administración de nuestra empresa. A pesar deque muchas veces intentamos idear cosas nuevas, nuestrocerebro se rehúsa a darnos la formula mágica y esto por dosrazones fundamentales: la vida diaria no nos exige gran nivelde creatividad pues casi todo está dado para facilitarnos laexistencia y la segunda razón es que los moldes tradicionales,en los cuales fuimos formados, han creado en nosotroslimitantes mentales que inhiben nuestro pensamiento. Pensarque sólo hay una respuesta correcta, seguir siempre lalógica o el temor a hacer el ridículo son algunos de muchoslimitantes que vienen a nuestra mente todos los días. Pero notodo está perdido, la práctica de una actitud diferente nospuede ayudar a fomentar la innovación en nuestra vida: eldivertirse, pensar como niño, plantearse nuevos objetivos sinimportar los recursos existentes en ese momento, aumentarla curiosidad y arriesgarse de vez en cuando, permitirán revertirla formación inadecuada de nuestra mente y lograríamosincorporar la creatividad en nuestras vidas y, lo que esmás importante, exteriorizarla.   ABSTRACT Although the decision to start a new business is hard tomake, it is harder to generate the business idea. Therefore, it isnot enough to have all the necessary resources such as capital,machines and materials, if they are no supported by a goodidea that will provide the new enterprise with an opportunityto succeed. But the creation process does not stop there; itis necessary to constantly use creativity

  11. Ideas Para Fortalecer Las Destrezas en Matematicas. Ideas for Strengthening Mathematics Skills. Spanish Edition. (United States)

    New York State Education Dept., Albany. Bureau of Bilingual Education.

    Presented is an overview of some specific schemes that have been used successfully by teachers throughout New York State to strengthen basic mathematics skills. Components offer ideas that have been successful with primary, intermediate, and secondary students. The contents of this Spanish language edition are identical to the English language and…

  12. Ideas previas sobre carga, fuerza y campo eléctrico en estudiantes universitarios. Consideraciones para su superación

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    Marianela Nava


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo trata sobre el valor didáctico de las ideas previas de los estudiantes para la construcción de nuevos saberes, que lo posibiliten para dar explicaciones acordes con el conocimiento científico. Luego del análisis de los datos, se plantea el diseño de situaciones didácticas, fundamentadas en Posner et al, Ausubel, Amestoy, Alonso et al, que permitan promover la construcción de conceptos, aplicable a diversos campos. El estudio se encuentra enmarcado en un paradigma cuali-cuantitativo, a nivel descriptivo. Una conclusión importante es que las nociones sobre campo eléctrico, resultaron más deficientes que las de carga, pero menos que las de fuerza eléctrica, siendo necesario fomentar la construcción de conceptos científicos en los estudiantes universitarios.

  13. Sexo y embarazo: ideas de profesionales de la salud

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    José Salvador Sapién López


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue conocer las ideas de profesionales de salud sobre sexo y embarazo. Se hizo un análisis de contenido de registros escritos sobre los discursos de profesionales que impartían un diplomado de educación perinatal en un hospital público de la ciudad de México. Sus ideas fueron que: es mejor el embarazo planeado; las mujeres embarazadas deben ser atractivas y sensuales para sus compañeros; el sexo no tiene que ser coital ni eliminarse en este período, salvo prescripción médica; algunas posiciones sexuales son más recomendables que otras para fetos y embarazadas; y el parto será saludable si en el embarazo se previenen infecciones de transmisión sexual. Se concluyó que algunas ideas de los profesionales sobre sexo y embarazo provienen de su formación académica y su práctica de servicio, y propician bienestar y equidad de género, pero otras implican aprendizajes cotidianos y visiones del sentido común de sesgos sexistas.

  14. La idea del Geocoaching como herramienta interdisciplinar


    Grau Martínez, Sergio


    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017 Con este trabajo se pretende demostrar que existen alternativas activas y dinámicas que favorecen notablemente el aprendizaje significativo y la interdisciplinariedad de algunas asignaturas, en este caso, la educación física y las ciencias sociales y naturales. Para ello, en dicho trabajo se propone utilizar la idea del “geocaching” como base y herramienta para realizar una serie de sesi...

  15. 17 años construyendo una idea. Nuestro homenaje al Comandante

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    Luis Estruch-Rancaño


    Full Text Available En su ensayo “Nuestra América”, José Martí, expresa “Trincheras de ideas, valen más que trincheras de piedras….” Una idea enérgica, flameada a tiempo, ante el mundo, para, como la bandera mística del juicio final, a un escuadrón de acorazados”

  16. Ecourban: Nuevos caminos para nuevas ideas en educación ambiental

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    Ojeda F. y Perales, F.J.


    Full Text Available Las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICspueden constituir una herramienta de primer orden para la Educación Ambiental para la Sostenibilidad (EApS,pero todavía existe cierta reticencia por parte de educadores ambientales a hacer un uso de ellas de forma habitual. El objetivo fundamenta de este trabajo esofrecer una revisión del estado de la cuestión tanto a nivel nacional como internacional e intentar hacer una propuesta didáctica de trabajo colaborativo a través de Internet para estudiantes de secundaria.

  17. Controls on Mississippi Valley-Type Zn-Pb mineralization in Behabad district, Central Iran: Constraints from spatial and numerical analyses (United States)

    Parsa, Mohammad; Maghsoudi, Abbas


    The Behabad district, located in the central Iranian microcontinent, contains numerous epigenetic stratabound carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb ore bodies. The mineralizations formed as fault, fracture and karst fillings in the Permian-Triassic formations, especially in Middle Triassic dolostones, and comprise mainly non-sulfides zinc ores. These are all interpreted as Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) base metal deposits. From an economic geological point of view, it is imperative to recognize the processes that have plausibly controlled the emplacement of MVT Zn-Pb mineralization in the Behabad district. To address the foregoing issue, analyses of the spatial distribution of mineral deposits comprising fry and fractal techniques and analysis of the spatial association of mineral deposits with geological features using distance distribution analysis were applied to assess the regional-scale processes that could have operated in the distribution of MVT Zn-Pb deposits in the district. The obtained results based on these analytical techniques show the main trends of the occurrences are NW-SE and NE-SW, which are parallel or subparallel to the major northwest and northeast trending faults, supporting the idea that these particular faults could have acted as the main conduits for transport of mineral-bearing fluids. The results of these analyses also suggest that Permian-Triassic brittle carbonate sedimentary rocks have served as the lithological controls on MVT mineralization in the Behabad district as they are spatially and temporally associated with mineralization.

  18. Combining Ideas in Crowdsourced Idea Generation

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    Wang Kai


    Full Text Available Collecting ideas through crowdsourcing has become a common practice for companies to benefit from external ideas and innovate. It is desirable that crowd members build on each other's ideas to achieve synergy. This study proposes and verifies a new method for idea combination which can result in combined ideas that are both novel and useful. The domain-specific knowledge of crowd members does not influence the effectiveness of such idea combination. The new method can be used for collecting highly creative ideas from the crowd. The implications for future research are discussed.

  19. Sexo y embarazo: ideas de profesionales de la salud


    López,José Salvador Sapién; Basulto,Diana Isela Córdoba


    El objetivo fue conocer las ideas de profesionales de salud sobre sexo y embarazo. Se hizo un análisis de contenido de registros escritos sobre los discursos de profesionales que impartían un diplomado de educación perinatal en un hospital público de la ciudad de México. Sus ideas fueron que: es mejor el embarazo planeado; las mujeres embarazadas deben ser atractivas y sensuales para sus compañeros; el sexo no tiene que ser coital ni eliminarse en este período, salvo prescripción médica; algu...

  20. El sentido social de la idea de un buen maestro

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    Mata Segreda, Alejandrina


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe el proceso de investigación desarrollado para la elaboración del sentido social de la idea de un buen maestro, por parte de un grupo de niñas y niños, madres y padres de familia, y profesores y profesoras de las carreras de Educación de las universidades estatales costarricenses. Con la aplicación de un enfoque cualitativo en el que se utilizó la estrategia de análisis de contenido mediante la técnica de análisis de contingencias, se le dio respuesta al siguiente problema de investigación: ¿Cuál es la correspondencia teórica entre el sentido social de la idea del “buen maestro”y los enfoques normativo y descriptivo para la formación inicial de educadores? Desde el punto de vista del enfoque normativo de formación de educadores, las características que mayormente se destacan son: tiene personalidad de maestro, tiene destrezas de maestro y practica conductas de maestro. En concordancia con el enfoque descriptivo de formación de educadores, las características que se destacan son las siguientes: desarrolla y aplica estrategias de pensamiento, desarrolla y aplica estrategias de percepción u observación, desarrolla su capacidad para la toma de decisiones, sabe considerar el contexto y puede individualizar su tarea. Se concluye que persisten percepciones en el grupo de participantes que elaboran un imaginario del maestro ideal tanto desde la perspectiva normativa como la descriptiva. En el caso de las percepciones basadas en el enfoque normativo, éstas ocasionan un sentimiento de inadecuación para la tarea docente por parte de estos profesionales, con sus consecuencias negativas. This article describes the research process applied to identify the social sense of the idea of a good teacher, as viewed by a group of children, parents and university professors from state universities of Costa Rica . The research problem was stated as “What is the theoretical relation between the idea of a good teacher

  1. Una caza del tesoro para aprender la pronunciación del español

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    Xose Padilla García


    Full Text Available El grupo Pronuncia bien surgió en el seno del Máster de Enseñanza de español einglés como L2/LE de la Universidad de Alicante bajo la dirección del profesor Xose A.Padilla. El objetivo de nuestro grupo es elaborar instrumentos de aprendizaje quepermitan mejorar la pronunciación de estudiantes de E/LE de manera eficaz y divertida.A día de hoy, el grupo ha creado materiales didácticos dirigidos especialmente aestudiantes cuya lengua de origen sea el inglés o el italiano. La creación de lasherramientas didácticas y de evaluación propiamente dichas se basa en los principios delMétodo Verbo-Tonal (MVT, en las propuestas del enfoque comunicativo, y en el usode las nuevas tecnologías (TICs. Tenemos en cuenta, asimismo, las directrices delMarco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas (MCER y los consejos del PlanCurricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC sobre la enseñanza del español.

  2. Permissive tracts for sediment-hosted lead-zinc-silver deposits in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (phase V, deliverable 73): Chapter J in Second projet de renforcement institutionnel du secteur minier de la République Islamique de Mauritanie (PRISM-II) (United States)

    Mauk, Jeffrey L.


    Although Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits have not been recognized in Mauritania there are permissive tracts for these deposits in the regionally extensive Proterozoic carbonate rocks of the Taoudeni Basin. Permissive tracts for undiscovered MVT Pb-Zn-Ag deposits in the Proterozoic carbonate units are supported by the occurrences of MVT mineral and alteration assemblages, presence of evaporites, proximity to major orogenic events that have produced MVT ores elsewhere, red bed sequences and basal aquifers that may have been potential brine migration pathways for large MVT hydrothermal systems.

  3. Generation of Ideas, Ideation and Idea Management

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    Patricia Dorow


    Full Text Available Ideas are vital for organizations because they are the source for innovation and this in turn is endlesssource of competitive advantage. The correct definition of concepts not only allows the targeting ofacademic studies, but its future application in everyday life of organizations. The overall objectiveof this article is to clarify the terms related to generation of ideas, ideation and idea management.The method used was a literature review, and later, an analysis of the concepts used by the studiessurveyed, seeking points of convergence and divergence. As a result we propose a clarification inorder to aid understanding of the terms, setting a benchmark for future research. We conclude thatideation and idea generation are the same, they are the process of creating new ideas and ideamanagement comprises the management of ideas throughout the innovation process.

  4. Las ideas y la obra de Francisco Pascasio Moreno


    Riccardi, Alberto Carlos


    Francisco Pascasio Moreno consagró su vida a servir a la Patria, según su propia definición. Felices aquéllos que, inspirados por altos ideales, los ejecutan en una misión de servicio para contribuir a que los demás seamos mejores. En tal sentido Moreno es un paradigma para todos los argentinos, de hoy y de siempre. Creyó, pensó, actuó, superó tremendas dificultades con voluntad y convicción férreas, y nos legó sus obras, sus ideas y su ejemplo. Fue un auténtico, creativo e inspirado héroe ci...

  5. Role of crude oil in the genesis of Mississippi Valley-type deposits. Evidence from the Cincinnati arch

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kesler, S.E.; Jones, H.D. (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (United States)); Furman, F.C. (Univ. of Missouri, Rolla, MO (United States)); Sassen, R. (Texas A M Univ., College Station, TX (United States)); Anderson, W.H. (Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (United States)); Kyle, J.R. (Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX (United States))


    Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) sulfide minerals and oil from deposits along the Cincinnati arch have almost identical [delta][sup 34]S values (-9% to +9% for MVT sulfides, -12% to +9% for oils). These values are very similar to those for MVT sulfides and oil in the Illinois-Kentucky district and support their proposed inclusion in a regional hydrothermal system. Many MVT deposits with low [delta][sup 34]S values are closely associated with oil, whereas MVT deposits with high [delta][sup 34]S values often contain bitumen. Reduced sulfur in MVT deposits with high [delta][sup 34]S values probably came from thermochemical sulfate reduction, whereas that in MVT deposits with low [delta][sup 34]S values probably came from oil and related organic matter. Oil-related sulfur could have been derived from oil fields or disseminated oil and other organic matter in regional wallrocks. 44 refs., 3 figs., 2 tabs.

  6. Guia de ideas para la Planificacion y Aplicacion de Proyectos Intergeneracionales (Guide of Ideas for Planning and Implementing Intergenerational Projects) (United States)

    Pinto, Teresa Almeida; Marreel, Iris; Hatton-Yeo, Alan


    This version of "Guide of Ideas for Planning and Implementing Intergenerational Projects," written in Spanish, is for all professionals that are or wish to be enrolled in the development of intergenerational activities. This "Guide" is the main product of the Project MATES--Mainstreaming Intergenerational Solidarity,…

  7. Procedimientos para la selección de ideas y fuentes de financiamiento de emprendimientos

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    Veloz-Navarrete, Carlos


    Full Text Available The selection of the best ideas of entrepreneurship and good sources of financing are important elements in decision-making in small and medium enterprises. For this reason two theoretical methods based on multi-criteria analysis were developed. The application of the procedures in the context of a case study allowed us to select the best business idea and assessment of the funding source associated with a project related to the creation of a poultry farm, contributing to local development strategy and security food.

  8. Notas para la historia de una idea : el conflicto de la representación


    Poncela González, Ángel


    El núcleo de este artículo, está montado sobre una reflexión entorno a la idea estética de representación o mimesis. Se hace necesario señalar que este concepto no es neutro en la medida en que arrastra tras de sí, un modo determinante de relacionarse el hombre con el mundo, a través de un lenguaje, en nuestro caso, el del arte. Podríamos afirmar, que al mundo nos enfrentamos indirectamente por mediación de ideas que constituyen el alma de la variedad de los lenguajes humano...

  9. Sistema de realidad aumentada para aplicaciones Android


    Fernández Sánchez, Natalia Mercedes


    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es la creación de un sistema de realidad aumentada para el sistema operativo Android con idea de que sea utilizado para la creación de un videojuego, pero que a su vez sea lo suficientemente versátil como para poder utilizarse en otro tipo de aplicaciones. De este objetivo principal podemos obtener los objetivos secundarios: - Conocer las características que ofrecen los teléfonos móviles y como éstas pueden ser aprovechadas para la crea...

  10. Una caza del tesoro para aprender la pronunciación del español

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    Xose Padilla García


    Full Text Available El grupo Pronuncia bien surgió en el seno del Máster de Enseñanza de español e inglés como L2/LE de la Universidad de Alicante bajo la dirección del profesor Xose A.Padilla. El objetivo de nuestro grupo es elaborar instrumentos de aprendizaje que permitan mejorar la pronunciación de estudiantes de E/LE de manera eficaz y divertida.A día de hoy, el grupo ha creado materiales didácticos dirigidos especialmente a estudiantes cuya lengua de origen sea el inglés o el italiano. La creación de las herramientas didácticas y de evaluación propiamente dichas se basa en los principios del Método Verbo-Tonal (MVT, en las propuestas del enfoque comunicativo, y en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías (TICs. Tenemos en cuenta, asimismo, las directrices del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas (MCER y los consejos del Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC sobre la enseñanza del español.

  11. El sentido social de la idea de un buen maestro

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    Alejandrina Mata Segreda


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe el proceso de investigación desarrollado para la elaboración del sentido social de la idea de un buen maestro, por parte de un grupo de niñas y niños, madres y padres de familia, y profesores y profesoras de las carreras de Educación de las universidades estatales costarricenses. Con la aplicación de un enfoque cualitativo en el que se utilizó la estrategia de análisis de contenido mediante la técnica de análisis de contingencias, se le dio respuesta al siguiente problema de investigación: ¿Cuál es la correspondencia teórica entre el sentido social de la idea del “buen maestro”y los enfoques normativo y descriptivo para la formación inicial de educadores? Desde el punto de vista del enfoque normativo de formación de educadores, las características que mayormente se destacan son: tiene personalidad de maestro, tiene destrezas de maestro y practica conductas de maestro. En concordancia con el enfoque descriptivo de formación de educadores, las características que se destacan son las siguientes: desarrolla y aplica estrategias de pensamiento, desarrolla y aplica estrategias de percepción u observación, desarrolla su capacidad para la toma de decisiones, sabe considerar el contexto y puede individualizar su tarea. Se concluye que persisten percepciones en el grupo de participantes que elaboran un imaginario del maestro ideal tanto desde la perspectiva normativa como la descriptiva. En el caso de las percepciones basadas en el enfoque normativo, éstas ocasionan un sentimiento de inadecuación para la tarea docente por parte de estos profesionales, con sus consecuencias negativas.

  12. Nuevas retóricas para viejas prácticas. Repensando la idea de diversidad y su uso en la comprensión y abordaje de la discapacidad Nuevas retóricas para viejas prácticas. Repensando la idea de diversidad y su uso en la comprensión y abordaje de la discapacidad

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    M.E. Almeida


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo recupera las reflexiones y producciones del equipo interdisciplinario de investigadores y docentes de la Facultad de Trabajo Social (FTS de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER, Argentina1. Nos proponemos por un lado revisar críticamente la noción de diversidad y las prácticas que en ella se fundan y por otra abordar la perspectiva de la producción social de la discapacidad desde el paradigma de la complejidad. Intentaremos deconstruir el concepto de diversidad, no para cambiarlo simplemente por otro que nos incomode menos, sino para sumergirnos en la maraña de sentidos en que la diversidad se inscribe como descriptor de un cierto orden de cosas. Entendemos que la noción de diversidad, en tanto descriptiva de un cierto cúmulo de tipos posibles es muy útil en el campo de lo biológico, pero sin duda es necesario discutir algunas implicancias de su traslado lineal al campo de lo social. Finalmente, proponemos pensar y pasar de la perspectiva de atención a/en la diversidad al abordaje en la complejidad recuperando la idea de experiencias de complejidad, en referencia a experiencias que ya no se organizan y legitiman en torno al señalamiento e identificación de tal o cual complejo (como un otro específico y/o su complejidad, sino experiencias capaces de reconocerla como condición intrínseca a toda experiencia pedagógica, social, política, cultural.This essay recovers ideas and productions of the interdisciplinary team of researchers and professors from the Faculty of Social Work at the National University of Entre Rios, Argentine. We propose a critical review of the practices and the notion of diversity are based from, by means of using the perspective of the social production of disability and the paradigm of complexity. We try to deconstruct the concept of diversity, not just to change it for more comfortable ideas, but to dive into the confusion of meanings that diversity is as a descriptor of a certain

  13. Cinco dificultades para construir la historia de la filosofía africana


    de Diego González, Antonio


    Desde la teoría postcolonial se han cuestionado los modelos de historia de las ideas impuestos por el africanismo y el orientalismo. Diferentes teóricos africanos –Bachir Diagne, Mundimbe, Wiredu o Kete Asante– han formulado diversas soluciones para superar las dificultades. Este trabajo explora las principales dificultades y las propuestas para elaborar una historia de la filosofía africana. The postcolonial theory was questioning the patterns of History of Ideas imposed by Orientalism an...

  14. Young Idea People Mix with Old Idea People to Make the World Better (United States)

    Hall, M.


    Groups of young idea people come to eat, drink, and talk about new ideas that old idea people are working on to change the world for the better. The ideas may fix our body and mind, make our lives easier or harder, and more. The young idea people lead, learn, listen and act, so they can become old idea people. The young idea people scare the old idea people because their ideas are different. And, sometimes, the young idea people have new ideas that the old idea people have not thought about. When this happens it makes the old idea people happy and better at their work. The old idea people get to go places and share their ideas around the world. They make good money and have fun lives. They write about their work and can be well known, or not. The young idea people learn from the old idea people how they can be like them. Together the young and old idea people build things and talk about crazy ideas that may come to be. Sometimes the old idea people talk too much and don't listen. They use big words that can be hard to understand. But, the young idea people help them learn to use known words so everyone learns. We know the young idea people learn and grow from this act and they grow happier about their life. We also know that the old idea people get happy that the young idea people are so bright.

  15. Creación de nuevas empresas. Estrategias personales para buscar nuevas oportunidades de negocios


    Jorge Luis Vengoechea Orozco


    Resumen:Generar ideas de negocios es un gran reto hay que empezar por gestar ideas, pensar creativamente y comenzarpor generar una lista de ideas, sin preocuparse en como se materializar la idea. Al formular las ideas se debenaceptar todo tipo de ideas, ya sean tontas o atrevidas, ideas que vayan en contra de lo que la gente piensa. Unaforma de hacerlo es contactar familiares y personas de confianza para compartir las ideas, esta es una buenamanera de deshacerse de las malas ideas y de encont...

  16. Business Ideas Competition

    CERN Multimedia


    Business Ideas Competition "The Rainbow Seed Fund is a UK fund, which provides finance to support the commercialization of good ideas founded on scientific research; it is for the benefit of the UK industry in particular. To encourage ideas from CERN the Rainbow Seed Fund is running a business ideas competition.The winner of this competition will receive an immediate cash prize of GBP £1,000. In addition the Rainbow Seed Fund may well provide finance for market research, for protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and for prototyping to take the idea forward. Further awards of GBP £750 will be made for ideas which gain investment from the Fund.Candidates will only be required to prepare a 2-4-page summary of their business idea, and not a full business plan. Full details and an entry form are available at ." ALL Members of the Personnel seeking participation in the business ideas competition are asked to submit their ideas via the CERN TT Unit (Jean-Marie.Le th...

  17. Na-Cl-Br systematics of fluid inclusions from Mississippi Valley-type deposits, Appalachian Basin: Constraints on solute origin and migration paths

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kesler, S.E.; Martini, A.M.; Appold, M.S.; Walter, L.M.; Huston, T.J. [Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); Furman, F.C. [Univ. of Missouri, Rolla, MO (United States)


    This study evaluated Na-Cl-Br systematics of fluid inclusion-hosted brines in Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits from the Appalachian Basin. Unlike other geochemical tracers such as lead and strontium isotopes which constrain metal sources, Na-Cl-Br systematics identify sources of brine salinity. Saline formation waters can vary systematically within and between basins with regard to their Na-Cl-Br compositions depending on the importance of halite dissolution relative to retention of subaerially evaporated seawater for the halogen budget. Oil field brine compositions from the Illinois and Appalachian basins are quite distinct in their Na-Cl-Br systematics. Compositions of saline fluid inclusions in MVT deposits generally are consistent with these regional differences. These results shed new light on the extent of regional flow systems and on the geochemical evolution of saline fluids responsible for mineralization. Nearly all fluid inclusions analyzed from the Appalachian MVT deposits have Na/Br and Cl/Br ratios less than modern seawater, consistent with ratios observed in marine brines involved in halite precipitation. The Na-Cl-Br systematics of the brines responsible for Appalachian MVT deposits may be inherited from original marine brines refluxed into the porous carbonate shelf sediments that host these deposits. The Cl/Br and Na/Br ratios of most fluid inclusion-hosted brines from Appalachian MVT sphalerites and fluorites fall into two compositional groups, one from the Lower Cambrian paleoaquifer and another from the Lower Ordovician paleoaquifer. Leachates from most MVT barite deposits form a third compositional group having lower Na/Br and Cl/Br ratios than the other two. Appalachian MVT leachate compositions differ significantly from those in MVT deposits in the Cincinnati arch-midcontinent region suggesting that these two MVT provinces formed from brines of different origin or flow path. 59 refs., 8 figs., 2 tabs.


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    Bayron Gil Bohórquez


    Full Text Available La escuela es un escenario de transición desde las ideas previas de los estudiantes hacia formas de comprensión más cercanas a las del conocimiento científico, por ello las ideas previas constituyen el punto de partida más importante en el diseño y la implementación de toda Unidad Didáctica basada en el enfoque de aprendizaje significativo. Se analizaron las ideas previas de 40 estudiantes del grado séptimo (11-15 años de la Institución Educativa Departamental San Gabriel, ubicado en el municipio de Cajicá, Cundinamarca; a través de la aplicación de un instrumento fundamentado en una pregunta abierta ¿Cómo respiramos?, la creación de un mapa conceptual acerca de la respiración en los animales, y un cuestionario con preguntas de selección múltiple y de tipo Falso o Verdadero que permiten conocer lo que el estudiante sabe acerca del concepto de respiración animal. Por último, se realiza la sistematización de datos para un posterior análisis cualitativo de las ideas previas utilizando el programa NVivo 10. Las ideas previas de los estudiantes acerca del concepto de Respiración Animal se asocian principalmente al proceso de intercambio gaseoso. Se observan dificultades para explicar procesos a nivel celular y de tipo estructura-función; aunque los estudiantes evidencian la importancia de la respiración para los animales y su relación con el sistema circulatorio. Es posible categorizar las ideas previas en los modelos explicativos: Intercambio gaseoso, vitalismo, pseudomolecular, y órganos-estructuras.

  19. Ideas de los alumnos de diferentes niveles educativos sobre el proceso de disolución


    Valcárcel Pérez, Mª Victoria; Sánchez Blanco, G.


    En este artículo exponemos las ideas encontradas en los alumnos sobre dos conceptos: disolución y concentración, esenciales en el estudio de la Química de los diferentes niveles educativos. Conocer las ideas que persisten tras la enseñanza reiterada de estos tópicos y analizar las dificultades que tienen para establecer las relaciones conceptuales pertinentes, es el paso previo al diseño de estrategias que tengan como punto de partida el marco conceptual del alumno

  20. Una propuesta didáctica para la asignatura de Educación Ambiental en la Educación Superior, a partir de ideas preconcebidas sobre “el medio ambiente”

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    Giselle Alves Martins ; Marlene Lucia Aguilar Benavides ; Dagmara Gomes Ramalho ; Fernanda da Rocha Brando.


    Full Text Available En las leyes y documentos oficiales brasileños, se verifica que en términos normativos, los asuntos relacionados con el medio ambiente y la educación ambiental han sido bien establecidos. A partir de una discusión sobre las concepciones o ideas previas de estudiantes de un curso de Ciencias Biológicas de una universidad pública brasileña sobre el término “Medio Ambiente”, se describe una propuesta didáctica para la asignatura de Educación Ambiental en la formación inicial de biólogos. El objetivo de esta propuesta fue el de abarcar los contenidos necesarios para la construcción de un “saber” y un “hacer” más reflexivo sobre las temáticas ambientales y que promuevan la sensibilización y la toma de decisiones por parte de los estudiantes en situaciones en que estos profesionales puedan llegar a ser requeridos

  1. Ideas worth nurturing

    CERN Multimedia

    Antonella Del Rosso


    Originally created in response to requests from experimentalists working in the collaborations, IdeaSquare has evolved into a place where innovative ideas meet established expertise. Although the project is still in its pilot phase, two EU-funded projects have found their home in the IdeaSquare building and 46 students have already participated in the Challenge-Based Innovation courses based there. More to come…   IdeaSquare, which will be inaugurated on 9 December, is the name given to the B3179 refurbished building at LHC Point 1. More importantly, IdeaSquare is the name of a project designed to nurture innovation at CERN. “The scope of the project is to bring together researchers, engineers, people from industry and young students and encourage them to come up with new ideas that are useful for society, inspired by CERN’s ongoing detector R&D and upgrade projects,” explains Markus Nordberg who, together with Marzio Nessi, set up IdeaSquare withi...

  2. Use of remote sensing in zoning's studies for terroir and precision viticulture: Implementation in DO Ca Rioja (Spain / Uso de la teledetección en los estudios del terroir para la viticultura de precisión: Aplicación en la DO Ca Rioja (España

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    Gómez-Miguel Vicente D.


    Full Text Available There are two principal ways of plot/exploitation management: Traditional or Conventional Managing (MC and Precision viticulture (VP. Even though the technological requirements from these systems are different, in both cases, the Zoning or Variability Map for the Terroir (MVT is required. MVT is a detailed mapping of the plot and enables to know the delineation and characterization of several sectors which make up its variability. The VP manages independently and optimized each of these sectors, allowing, among other things, optimizing the plantation's layout, rootstocks' selection, tillage, cover crop management, fertilization and maintenance programs, adjustment of water needs, diagnosis and pests and diseases management, monitoring of ripening, the harvest timing, etc. and all so in a localized manner according to the characteristics of each sector. Direct Method (MD is the natural way to get the MVT. The map made from Direct Method defines and characterizes the different sectors indeed, and also provides some information about the terroir characteristics, which allow diagnosing the causes of heterogeneity and thus, handle them properly. Maps obtained by remote sensing from Spectral High Resolution Imaging (IEAR provide relevant information, they are very affordable, and with an easy accuracy limits and they are obtained quicker than those made from MD. However, this kind of maps split the areas whose differentiation is due to the plant response in a specific situation that may be caused by a nearly endless options, and therefore, they vary with them. These maps are unable to discriminate sectors by the properties according to environmental factors (climate, lithology, geomorphology, soil that affect the terroir variability, forbidding any direct action on them. Doing a MVT performed through a MD is expensive on large scales (very detailed studies due to the gap about adequate perform delineations (net fixed error is related to sides length


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    Javier Flórez Miranda


    Full Text Available Después de un diagnóstico poco alentador sobre las competencias lecto-escritoras de los estudiantes, fenómeno al que llama: ";Síndrome del pensamiento inmaduro";, el autor propone el uso de los llamados ";signos-herramienta"; de la teoría socio-cultural de Vigotsky. Con base en sus ideas, acerca de la posibilidad de utilizar vías de rodeo para superar algunas dificultades cognitivas de los estudiantes, propone la herramienta de los mapas mentales, cuya eficacia ha probado, durante su práctica docente.

  4. "Paradiso": Algunas ideas y símbolos especialmente reveladores

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    Javier Morales


    Full Text Available El presente estudio presupone que la novela Paradiso de Lezama Lima, no es sólo un texto narrativo, sino que en él se entrecruzan otros géneros, como la lírica y el ensayo. Partiendo de las ideas y símbolos recurrentes en esta obra, Carlos Javier Morales nos explica la visión del mundo de Lezama tal como ha quedado expuesta en Paradiso. Al mismo tiempo, este artículo nos ofrece las claves para comprender el tema central y los temas secundarios de esta novela racionalmente tal oscura. This study states that Paradiso, a novel by Lezama Lima, is not just a narrative text, because it contains other literary genres, such as the lyric and the essay. Using the novel's frequently occurring ideas and symbols, the author explains Lezama's world vision. Simultaneously, the article offers keys for understanding the novel's principal and secondary subjects, which are rationally very obscure.

  5. Anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças Anestesia subaracnóidea en niños Spinal anesthesia in children

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    Norma Sueli Pinheiro Módolo


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Tem aumentado muito o emprego da anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças, principalmente neonatos com risco de desenvolver apnéia neonatal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi rever as diferenças anatômicas, fisiológicas e farmacológicas desta técnica em crianças. CONTEÚDO: A anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças, apesar de ter sido técnica empregada desde o início do século XX, teve sua popularidade diminuída com o advento dos anestésicos inalatórios e bloqueadores neuromusculares, para ser novamente resgatada em 1979. As características favoráveis desta técnica em pediatria são relativas à estabilidade cardiovascular, em crianças de até 8 anos de idade, à analgesia satisfatória e ao relaxamento muscular. Os anestésicos mais utilizados em crianças são a tetracaína e a bupivacaína, cujas doses são ajustadas tomando-se por base o peso corporal. Esta técnica é limitada pela duração relativamente curta, devendo ser utilizada para procedimentos cirúrgicos que não ultrapassem 90 minutos e também pela analgesia não abranger o pós-operatório. As complicações são as mesmas encontradas no paciente adulto, incluindo cefaléia por punção dural e irritação radicular transitória. As indicações são várias: cirurgias de abdômen inferior, genitália, membros inferiores, região perineal e, em alguns casos, até em cirurgias torácicas. Seu emprego tem particular interesse nos recém-nascidos prematuros, pelo risco de apresentarem a apnéia da prematuridade. CONCLUSÕES: A anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças é técnica relativamente segura, com poucas complicações e pode ser considerada como opção para anestesia geral, principalmente nos recém-nascidos prematuros com risco de apresentarem complicações respiratórias no pós-operatório.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Ha aumentado mucho el empleo de la anestesia subaracnóidea en niños, principalmente neonatos con riesgo de desarrollar

  6. Mecanismos y herramientas para redes de brainstorming


    Brene Artázcoz, Óscar


    Este proyecto propone desarrollar herramientas basadas en tecnología Web2.0 para mejorar el proceso creativo, especialmente en su fase de generación de ideas. Se pretende diseñar un conjunto de herramientas que faciliten y automaticen en cierto modo el proceso de generación de ideas y el subsiguiente proceso de agrupación de participantes de la mejor manera posible en relación a las relaciones que se hayan dado entre ellos durante el proces...

  7. Para una Mejor Comprensión del Desarrollo: Análisis conceptual, lógica para su abordaje e instrumentos para su medición

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    Héctor Cárcamo


    cross nacional para la realización de estudios vinculados al desarrollo. Se plantea una revisión de conceptos fundamentales como el de desarrollo y la necesidad de la equivalencia funcional. El documento continúa con una reflexión guiada desde la noción de desarrollo social; asumiendo críticamente que el desarrollo se ha plasmado como un intento por lograr una radiografía del todo que ha olvidado la integración de sus partes constituyentes, negando de esta manera la diversidad como condición esencial para dar sentido a la idea de una visión integradora. Finalmente se realiza una revisión de CASEN como instrumento para medir el desarrollo social en Chile.

  8. Idea of Quality Versus Idea of Excellence

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    Marko Kiauta


    Full Text Available This study investigates professionals on the field of quality, are responsible to give to customer honest clarification of fundamental ideas. Quality movement is losing credibility with suggesting that the idea of quality is replacing with the idea of excellence. Findings are based on more than 25 years of practice in professional promotion of quality: in consulting on private and public sector, from 1990 lead auditor at SIQ (Slovenian Institute of Quality, from 1998 lead assessor – commission for Slovenian Excellence Quality Award. Theory is developed based on: Noriaki Kano theory of Attractive quality, Tito Conti ideas on TQM and applications problems of Excellence model, Practical case of General Hospital Novo Mesto (in 1998 first attempt of using EM, than forced to build QMS based on ISO 9001 and then returned to practice EM. Findings: We really need to amplify and to understand the concept of quality in a much wider way. To treat excellence related activities separated from all others quality management activities is not god solution. The name of EFQM Excellence Model should be replaced with Quality Management Model. Research limitations/implications: This paper present findings mainly based on practice in Slovenia and especially in public sector where practicing of CAF is not giving expected benefits. Practical implications: The three styles of quality management (improvements to reach demands, improvements to reach expectations, improvements to react on new conditions and needs should be connected with personal development. Theory is developed based on: Noriaki Kano theory of Attractive quality, Tito Conti ideas on TQM and applications problems of Excellence model. We need integration moments. Integration is other word for creativity and health. It leads to integrity. Excellence is only one of three states of quality. If we ask: How? The answer is bad, good or excellent. All three are possible states of the same parameter.


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    Nixon Medina Talero


    En ese contexto surge el edublog “Ideas para mi Mundo” como un espacio para reflexionar y socializar las actividades realizadas en el desarrollo de la propuesta de aula basada en el ASC. El blog es un reflejo del proceso que realizamos (y seguiremos realizando. Se ha constituido como una bitácora del proceso investigativo al mismo tiempo que fomenta la participación, estructura temáticas, propicia la evaluación formativa y genera un espacio para la autoformación docente. Adicionalmente se continúa en proceso de implementación de la propuesta reconociendo que el aprendizaje significativo es un proceso que requiere tiempo y es un proceso paulatino. Se ha evidenciado hasta el momento en los estudiantes mayor estructuración del discurso científico y la consciencia de la jerarquización conceptual dinámica del conocimiento biológico.

  10. Seven durable ideas. (United States)

    Glaser, John P


    Partners Healthcare, and its affiliated hospitals, have a long track record of accomplishments in clinical information systems implementations and research. Seven ideas have shaped the information systems strategies and tactics at Partners; centrality of processes, organizational partnerships, progressive incrementalism, agility, architecture, embedded research, and engage the field. This article reviews the ideas and discusses the rationale and steps taken to put the ideas into practice.

  11. Exchanging ideas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bevir, M; Ankersmit, F


    In this debate Mark Bevir and Frank Ankersmit continue their discussion of Bevir's The Logic of the History of Ideas. There are two related areas of contention: 1) the notion of intention and its use for a correct understanding of the writing of the history of ideas and 2) the question how deep the

  12. Ideas, Creencias, Actitudes. Primer Modulo de una Serie para Maestros de Escuela Elemental (Ideas, Beliefs, Attitudes. First Module of a Series for Elementary Teachers). (United States)

    Molina, Carmen Eneida, Ed.; And Others

    This guide for teachers, in English and Spanish, examines the role of stereotypes within the context of contemporary beliefs, ideas, and attitudes. A pre-test and post-test are included to measure the user's awareness of stereotypes. Object lessons cover the following topics: (1) definition of stereotypes; (2) racial and ethnic stereotypes; (3)…

  13. Ideas, pensamiento y política en Argentina, Brasil, Chile y Uruguay, entre los cincuenta y los sesenta Ideas, beliefs and politics in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, between the fifties and sixties

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    Inés Nercesian


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es analizar la relación ideas-pensamiento-política en Argentina, Brasil, Chile y Uruguay en el período que abarca las décadas de 1950 y 1960. En primer lugar, se reconstruyen los principales debates de la CEPAL de los tempranos años cincuenta y su repercusión en los distintos proyectos y alternativas políticas de la época. En segundo lugar, se analiza cómo el triunfo de la Revolución Cubana obligó a revisar esos mismos problemas latinoamericanos, abriendo un nuevo escenario de alternativas políticas para las izquierdas y para las derechas. El estudio propone reubicar "revolución" y "violencia", tópicos muy propios de la década de 1960, en un mapa integral de circulación de ideas que comenzó a conformarse en la coyuntura crítica de los 1950.This paper intends to analyze the relationship between politics, ideas and beliefs in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay during the period 1950-1960. First, we reconstruct the main debates at CEPAL in the early 1950s and their repercussion on the distinct projects and political alternatives at that time. Second, we analyze how the success of the Cuban Revolution made it necessary to revise these same problems in Latin America, opening the door to a new scenario of political alternatives for the left- and right-wing. The study proposes reconsidering the position of "revolution" and "violence", topics that were highly characteristic of the 1960s, on an integral map of ideas that began to take shape in the critical instance of the 1950s.

  14. Serie: Madera para construcción Sistemas de preservación de madera para la construcción


    Berrocal-Jiménez, Alexander; Universidad de Bio Bio, Chile


    El uso masivo de la madera en la construcción, se ha visto afectado por la idea de que este material es altamente degradable por agentes bióticos y abióticos. Sin embargo, existen múltiples métodos que reducen y eliminan esta característica, tales como: el empleo de especies maderables altamente resistentes, sistemas de protección por diseño y el uso de preservantes para la madera. Estas medidas constituyen excelentes alternativas, para que la madera sea utilizada con total seguridad, en comb...

  15. Exploring the Effects of Contest Mechanisms on Idea Shortlisting in an Open Idea Competition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Merz, Alexander Benedikt; Seeber, Isabella; Maier, Ronald


    Picking the most promising from a multitude of crowd-generated ideas challenges organizations that employ open idea competitions. Hence, hosts of such contests often filter submitted ideas into shortlists to help juries selecting the winning ideas. While contest communities and rewards have been...

  16. The Ideas as Copies of our Impressions or Metaphors of the Reality: Dialogue Among David Hume, Locke and Nietzsche


    Edwin Adolfo Garavito Muñoz


    Este artículo trata las ideas de David Hume sobre la concepción de un diálogo con la noción de lenguaje de Locke, a fin de hacer un contraste con la propuesta de Nietzsche sobre el lenguaje en su texto "Sobre ver - dad y mentira en sentido extramoral". Esta es una manera riesgosa para enfocar la reflexión, pero que va a encontrar algunas ideas adicionales sobre el mundo del lenguaje y el mundo real.

  17. Análise das velocidades: referencial de 4mM, de equilíbrio de 30 min e velocidade crítica em nadadoras adolescentes Velocities analysis: 4 mM reference, 30 min steady-state and critical velocity in female adolescent swimmers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilson Colantonio


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados do cálculo da velocidade de limiar anaeróbio (Lan, correspondente a 4mM de lactato, obtidos em testes de 2 x 400m (V4-2, 4 x 400m (V4-4 e a velocidade crítica (VC relacionando-as com a velocidade média determinada no teste de 30 min (VMT30 em nadadoras adolescentes. METODOLOGIA: Participaram deste estudo 20 nadadoras (14,36 ± 1,22 anos; 52,75 ± 5,32kg; 159,97 ± 11,26cm; 22,5 ± 4,73% gordura corporal de nível regional e estadual com pelo menos dois anos de treinamento sistemático. Testes realizados: Teste de 30 min (VMT30, Teste de duas distâncias (V4-2, Teste de quatro distâncias (V4-4 e Velocidade Crítica (VC. Análise estatística: o procedimento adotado para a comparação de todas as metodologias, duas a duas, foi a técnica de análise de regressão simples. RESULTADOS: As velocidades médias dos testes foram: VMT30: 1,12 ± 0,06m/s; V4-2: 1,14 ± 0,12m/s; V4-4: 1,12 ± 0,06m/s e a VC média: 1,14 ± 0,07m/s. Análise de regressão simples entre as metodologias duas a duas: V4-4 e V4-2 (r = 0,324, VC e V4-2 (r = 0,058, VMT30 e V4-2 (r = 0,595, VC e V4-4 (r = 0,807, VMT30 e V4-4 (r = 0,796 e VMT30 e VC (r = 0,677. As retas de regressão ajustadas apresentaram em relação à bissetriz os valores de p = 0,3060; 0,1716 e 0,0058. CONCLUSÕES: A determinação da VMT30 constitui-se em um bom instrumento para a prescrição de treinamento para as nadadoras estudadas, o que nem sempre ocorre com o modelo V4-2; a [La] de 4mM com quatro pontos e o cálculo do limiar de lactato através da técnica de efeitos aleatórios, mostrou-se viável para a determinação do Lan para as nadadoras, quando comparada com a VMT30; a VC e V4-4 apresentaram boa correlação assim como a VC e VMT30.OBJECTIVE: To compare the results of the calculation of the anaerobic threshold velocity (AT, corresponding to 4 mM lactate, obtained in 2 x 400 m (V4-2, 4 x 400 m (V4-4 tests and critical velocity (CV relating to the mean

  18. Innovación y creatividad para favorecer un pensamiento sistémico-crítico: ideas de alto nivel en la formación inicial de maestros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Canelo Calle


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se sitúa en un modelo formativo de ambientalización curricular aplicado en la formación inicial de maestros de Educación Primaria. Analizamos la caracterización funcional de las ideas de alto nivel que están en la base de este modelo formativo. La investigación de tipo interpretativa-descriptiva, con una metodología de análisis cualitativa, analiza las producciones escritas de 44 alumnos (estudiantes de 4º del Grado de Educación Primaria en dicha formación. Con ello, se han tipificado diversos perfiles de alumnado en la secuencia de estadios de desarrollo del modelo (al inicio, a corto plazo, y cambios previstos a largo plazo. Así mismo nos ha permitido caracterizar sus procesos reflexivos, cuando se parten de situaciones iniciales determinadas perceptivamente por conflicto cognitivo (caos, obstáculos o simples oportunidades de aprendizaje. Constatamos cómo las situaciones iniciales de caos (conflicto cognitivo están interrelacionadas fuertemente con justificaciones a largo plazo (cambios de cosmovisión, y reflexiones más profundas. Dicha investigación nos abre camino a conceptualizar las ideas de alto nivel y su uso en futuros procesos didácticos, así como regular el modelo formativo en ambientalización curricular.Cómo referenciar este artículoCanelo Calle, J., Junyent Pubill, M., & Bonil Gargallo, J. (2015. Innovación y creatividad para favorecer un pensamiento sistémico-crítico: ideas de alto nivel en la formación inicial de maestros. Foro de Educación, 13(19, 125-140. doi:

  19. Entrepreneurs and new ideas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Biais, B.; Perotti, E.


    We study how early-stage new ideas are turned into successful businesses. Even promising ideas can be unprofitable if they fail on one dimension, such as technical feasibility, correspondence to market demand, legality, or patentability. To screen good ideas, the entrepreneur needs to hire experts

  20. Smarter snack ideas (United States)

    ... Tips for healthy eating Smarter snack ideas Smarter snack ideas Healthier eating doesn’t mean that you ... to cut out fun foods. Here are some snacks to keep your body and your mouth happy: ...

  1. The Emergence of Ideas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Halskov, Kim; Dalsgård, Peter


    The development of new ideas is an essential concern for many design projects. There are, however, few in-depth studies of how such ideas emerge within these contexts. In this article we offer an analysis of the emergence of ideas from specific sources of inspiration, as they arise through...



    Guevara Sánchez, Berenice


    Las ideas nos representan, y en un contexto histórico son una ventana a las formas de entender el mundo. En este trabajo tratamos de analizar cómo se entendía al transgresor de delitos contra la vida -homicidio y heridas-, los cuales se consideraban como delitos contra las personas y representaban para la sociedad una grave transgresión, pues implicaba el hacer uso de la violencia en contra de una persona. Los actores podían ser reducidos a dos términos: “criminal” y “delincuen...

  3. Conflictividad y modernidad: una ética de mínimos para la resolución de conflictos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arturo Vallejos Romero

    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente artículo es confrontar algunas ideas que puedan ayudarnos a salvar los desacuerdos en sociedades pluralistas, conflictivas y complejas como América Latina. En específico, las ideas que serán vertidas y confrontadas en el texto iniciarán con una breve introducción, para luego exponer el pluralismo en nuestras sociedades actuales y cómo éste nos impele a buscar salidas viables para salvar nuestras diferencias. Posteriormente trataremos el tipo de consenso al que deberíamos adscribir y la opción del diálogo o pacto comunicativo para lograrlo. Tomaremos, para el apartado anterior, algunos conceptos de la Acción Comunicativa y una Ética discursiva, para luego abordar el andamiaje donde se deberían sustentar ciertos mínimos deseables para dar cuenta del disenso y/o el conflicto y la propuesta de algunos mínimos. Consecuentemente, expondremos el rol del Estado como garante del bien común, para finalmente esbozar algunas conclusiones.

  4. The Ideas as Copies of our Impressions or Metaphors of the Reality: Dialogue Among David Hume, Locke and Nietzsche

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edwin Adolfo Garavito Muñoz


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata las ideas de David Hume sobre la concepción de un diálogo con la noción de lenguaje de Locke, a fin de hacer un contraste con la propuesta de Nietzsche sobre el lenguaje en su texto "Sobre ver - dad y mentira en sentido extramoral". Esta es una manera riesgosa para enfocar la reflexión, pero que va a encontrar algunas ideas adicionales sobre el mundo del lenguaje y el mundo real.

  5. Abordagem transxifóidea sem esternotomia para correção da comunicação interatrial Transxiphoid approach without sternotomy for the correction of atrial septal defect

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Barbero-Marcial


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliação de uma nova abordagem cirúrgica para fechamento da comunicação interatrial. MÉTODOS: A abordagem da comunicação interatrial através da janela xifóidea foi realizada em 6 pacientes do sexo masculino e 1 do sexo feminino e a idade variou de 6 meses a 14 anos, com média de idades de 5,1 anos. Em todos, foi utilizada acirculação extracorpórea, através de canulação da artéria femoral e átrio direito e videotoracoscopia para auxiliar a visibilização da aorta e do canal arterial, assim como das estruturas correspondentes às cavidades esquerdas. RESULTADOS: Não houve complicações intra-operatórias ou pós-operatórias e, em todos os pacientes, foi possível a extubação na sala de operações. CONCLUSÃO: A janela xifóidea, sem a abertura do esterno, permitiu a correção da comunicação interatrial com bons resultados, podendo constituir-se em uma nova abordagem, minimamente invasiva.PURPOSE: Evaluate a new access for surgical correction of atrial septal defects. METHODS: The access by xiphoid window was done in 7 cases with atria! septal defect type ostium secundum. The age ranged from 6 months to 14 years, mean-age 5.1 years old. In all cases the extracorporeal circulation was done with femoral artery and right atrial cannulation and aortic clamping. The video-assisted endoscopy was utilized to help the visualization of the aorta, ductus arteriosus and the anatomy of the left intracardiac structures. RESULTS: There was no intraoperative or postoperative complications and in our 7 cases the extubation at the operating room was possible. CONCLUSION: The xiphoid window without opening the sternum permited correction of the atrial septal defect with good results and without complications, and could be used as a new technique, less invasive, to correct these defects.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gish, Liv


    In new product development a central activity is to provide new ideas. Over the last decades experiences with stimulating employee creativity and establishing idea promoting initiatives have been made in industrial practice. Such initiatives are often labeled Idea Management – a research field...... with a growing interest. In this paper I examine three different idea promoting initiatives carried out in Grundfos, a leading pump manufacturer. In the analysis I address what understandings of idea work are inscribed in the initiatives and what role these initiatives play in the organization with respect...... understandings of idea work are inscribed in the idea promoting initiatives as they to some degree have to fit with the understandings embedded in practice in order to work....

  7. Idea Puzzle


    Parente, C.; Ferro, L.


    WOS:000387124100017 (Nº de Acesso Web of Science) The Idea Puzzle is a software application created in 2007. It is a support tool to assist PhD students and researchers in the process of designing research projects through a focus on three central dimensions of research that are collectively represented by a triangle. Each side of the Idea Puzzle triangle corresponds to one of the three dimensions that every empirical research project should ideally include: ontology (data), epistemology (...

  8. Aplicación para Android para el control de un vehículo a través de un trazo


    Sánchez López, Juan Francisco


    El proyecto que se va a tratar en este documento surge a partir de la idea de poder controlar un coche de carreras radiocontrol desde un dispositivo móvil, haciendo uso para ello de la tecnología inalámbrica Bluetooth. decidimos introducir una dificultad añadida para innovar en el sector. En lugar de controlar el movimiento del coche radiocontrol en una aplicación con un sistema simple de botones (delante, atrás, izquierda y derecha) cambiamos la interfaz por una pantalla donde el usu...

  9. Selección de emplazamientos para vertederos controlados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    del Pozo Manrique, Marcos


    Full Text Available The objective of this article is to bring forward some ideas about the method for the correct election of sanitary landfill sites. Three subjects are developed: — Solid wasting problem and their technical solutions. — Territorial qualification for sanitary landfiliing. — Application to a particularly territory: the Alcalá de Henares area, in the Madrid province. The ground is the principal agent is sanitary landfiliing, so the correct design of sites is essential to obtain high levels of environmental safety.

    El objetivo del presente trabajo es aportar algunas ideas sobre la estrategia básica para la correcta ubicación de vertederos controlados. Para ello se abordan tres temas: — Problemática de los residuos sólidos urbanos y soluciones técnicas aportadas por el vertido controlado, indicando su campo de aplicación así como las principales Interacciones con el medio de este tipo de instalación. — A la vista de esta información previa, definición de los principales requisitos exigibles a nuestro juicio al territorio para la ubicación de un vertedero, así como los criterios para su valoración y selección. — Por último, aplicación a la selección de emplazamientos para el vertido controlado en un territorio concreto, en este caso la comarca de Alcalá de Henares, en la provincia de Madrid. Debido a que el vertido controlado es un medio de eliminación en el que el principal agente técnico es el mismo terreno donde se asiente la instalación, pensamos que una correcta ubicación es la principal garantía para obtener unos niveles duraderos de seguridad ambiental y un comportamiento adecuado en las vertientes económica y social.

  10. Revised article: Business Ideas Competition

    CERN Multimedia


    THIS ARTICLE REPLACES THAT PUBLISHED IN BULLETIN 27/2003, PAGE 8. "The Rainbow Seed Fund is a UK fund, which provides finance to support the commercialization of good ideas founded on scientific research; it is for the benefit of the UK industry in particular. To encourage ideas from CERN the Rainbow Seed Fund is running a business ideas competition. The winner of this competition will receive an immediate cash prize of GBP £1,000. In addition the Rainbow Seed Fund may well provide finance for market research, for protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and for prototyping to take the idea forward. Further awards of GBP £750 will be made for ideas which gain investment from the Fund. Candidates will only be required to prepare a 2-4-page summary of their business idea, and not a full business plan. Full details and an entry form are available at" ALL Members of the Personnel seeking participation in the business ideas competition are asked to submit their ideas via ...

  11. Norma y uso: las ideas educativas en Juan de Robles / Etymology and use: The educational ideas of Juan de Robles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Gómez Camacho


    Full Text Available Resumen: Juan de Robles es uno de los más brillantes humanistas de nuestro Siglo de Oro, entre cuyas obras destaca El culto sevillano (1631. En este trabajo se analizan sus ideas educativas, centradas en la relación entre la ortografía y el aprendizaje de la escritura. Entre las ideas pedagógicas de Juan de Robles es muy relevante el rechazo vehemente de la ortografía fonética, entre otros motivos, porque no favorecía el aprendizaje de la lectura y de la escritura; en consecuencia, censura la creación de nuevas letras y de un nuevo orden para el alfabeto español. Los ortógrafos defensores de la ortografía fonética en el siglo XVII argumentaban que la nueva escritura permitiría a los niños aprender a leer y a escribir con más rapidez y facilidad; así como que la creación de nuevas letras y el establecimiento de un nuevo orden del alfabeto facilitarían su enseñanza. Frente a estas pretensiones, Juan de Robles defendió el alfabeto tradicional y la ortografía etimológica de origen latino porque eran los instrumentos adecuados para la alfabetización en nuestra lengua. También critica los colegios jesuitas y la Ratio Studiorum; las principales discrepancias entre la pedagogía de la Compañía de Jesús y las ideas educativas de Juan de Robles podrían concretarse en la primacía del español sobre el latín, y en el uso de cuentos y refranes populares para la educación en El culto sevillano. En conclusión, con la obra de Juan de Robles se incorpora definitivamente el argumento pedagógico que relaciona la ortografía y la gramática españolas con el aprendizaje de la lectura y de la escritura a la polémica sobre la ortografía española del Siglo de Oro, en defensa de la ortografía etimológica frente a las pretensiones de imponer una ortografía fonética en el primer tercio del siglo XVII. Abstract: Juan de Robles is considered one of the main humanists in the Spanish Golden Century. The most important of his works is

  12. Nurturing Good Ideas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.C.M. van den Ende (Jan); R.C. Kijkuit (Bob)


    textabstractManagers know that simply generating lots of ideas doesn’t necessarily produce good ones. What companies need are systems that nurture good ideas and cull bad ones—before they ever reach the decision maker’s desk. Our research shows that tapping the input of many people early in the

  13. Desarrollo e implementación de un sistema para el control e inventario continuo, utilizando tecnología RFID, para la biblioteca de la ups sede Guayaquil


    Chang Faiconí, David; Lozano Solís, Alan


    El proyecto surge de la idea de desarrollar e implementar un sistema de control e inventario utilizando la comunicación inalámbrica (radiofrecuencia) por medio de la tecnología RFID para ser aplicado en la biblioteca en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Sede Guayaquil y así facilitar y mejorar la gestión bibliotecaria, además evitar las pérdidas de estos materiales tan importantes y fuentes de consulta para los alumnos. Se desarrolló un sistema de gestión para préstamos, control de ...

  14. On The Relationship Between Idea-Quantity and Idea-Quality During Ideation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reinig, B.A.; Briggs, R.O.


    A great deal of research has been conducted to develop methods and techniques to improve group ideation. Most of this research focuses on techniques for increasing the quantity of ideas generated during ideation; less attention has been given to the quality of the ideas produced. This focus stems

  15. The use of a volcanic material as filler in self-compacting concrete production for lower strength applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Burgos


    Full Text Available This study evaluates the use of large amounts of fine powders (fillers derived from a Colombian volcanic material into the production of self-compacting concrete (SCC for lower strength applications. The effects on SCC properties were studied with the incorporation of up to 50% of volcanic material of Tolima (MVT as a partial substitute of the total weight of Portland cement. The workability was determined through slump flow, V-funnel, and L-box test. The compressive strength results were analyzed statistically by MINITAB. These demonstrated that 30% (by total weight of cementitious material was the maximum allowable percentage of MVT to be used in the production of SCCs. Based on this, mechanical and permeability properties of SCC MVT 30% were evaluated at 28, 90 y 360 curing days. SCC MVT 30% exhibited compressive strength of 21 and 27 MPa after 28 and 360 days of curing, respectively.

  16. The use of a volcanic material as filler in self-compacting concrete production for lower strength applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burgos, D.; Guzmán, A.; Hossain, K.M.A.; Delvasto, S.


    This study evaluates the use of large amounts of fine powders (fillers) derived from a Colombian volcanic material into the production of self-compacting concrete (SCC) for lower strength applications. The effects on SCC properties were studied with the incorporation of up to 50% of volcanic material of Tolima (MVT) as a partial substitute of the total weight of Portland cement. The workability was determined through slump flow, V-funnel, and L-box test. The compressive strength results were analyzed statistically by MINITAB. These demonstrated that 30% (by total weight of cementitious material) was the maximum allowable percentage of MVT to be used in the production of SCCs. Based on this, mechanical and permeability properties of SCC MVT 30% were evaluated at 28, 90 y 360 curing days. SCC MVT 30% exhibited compressive strength of 21 and 27 MPa after 28 and 360 days of curing, respectively. [es

  17. IDEA papers no 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cassou, O.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no. 2 is devoted to the IDEA missions and their cooperation with ''Alliance pour la qualite et la performance''. This association groups actors for the development and the promotion of the quality. (A.L.B.)

  18. Testing optimal foraging theory in a penguin-krill system. (United States)

    Watanabe, Yuuki Y; Ito, Motohiro; Takahashi, Akinori


    Food is heterogeneously distributed in nature, and understanding how animals search for and exploit food patches is a fundamental challenge in ecology. The classic marginal value theorem (MVT) formulates optimal patch residence time in response to patch quality. The MVT was generally proved in controlled animal experiments; however, owing to the technical difficulties in recording foraging behaviour in the wild, it has been inadequately examined in natural predator-prey systems, especially those in the three-dimensional marine environment. Using animal-borne accelerometers and video cameras, we collected a rare dataset in which the behaviour of a marine predator (penguin) was recorded simultaneously with the capture timings of mobile, patchily distributed prey (krill). We provide qualitative support for the MVT by showing that (i) krill capture rate diminished with time in each dive, as assumed in the MVT, and (ii) dive duration (or patch residence time, controlled for dive depth) increased with short-term, dive-scale krill capture rate, but decreased with long-term, bout-scale krill capture rate, as predicted from the MVT. Our results demonstrate that a single environmental factor (i.e. patch quality) can have opposite effects on animal behaviour depending on the time scale, emphasizing the importance of multi-scale approaches in understanding complex foraging strategies.

  19. Why do I always have the best ideas? The role of idea quality in unconscious plagiarism. (United States)

    Perfect, Timothy J; Stark, Louisa-Jayne


    Groups of individuals often work together to generate solutions to a problem. Subsequently, one member of the group can plagiarise another either by recalling that person's idea as their own (recall-own plagiarism), or by generating a novel solution that duplicates a previous idea (generate-new plagiarism). The current study examines the extent to which these forms of plagiarism are influenced by the quality of the ideas. Groups of participants initially generated ideas, prior to an elaboration phase in which idea quality was manipulated in two ways: participants received feedback on the quality of the ideas as rated by independent judges, and they generated improvements to a subset of the ideas. Unconscious plagiarism was measured in recall-own and generate-new tasks. For recall, idea improvement led to increased plagiarism, while for the generate-new task, the independent ratings influenced plagiarism. These data indicate that different source-judgement processes underlie the two forms of plagiarism, neither of which can be reduced simply to memory strength.

  20. Medidas de complejidad de grafos para clasificación en múltiples dominios


    Tabacman, Maximiliano; Krasnogor, Natalio; Loiseau, Irene


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue ofrecer nuevas ideas y métodos para clasificar redes complejas basadas en sus propiedades topológicas. Estudiamos las propiedades de redes de diferentes dominios (biológicos, sociales, infraestructura, etc.), para encontrar características comunes compartidas por las redes de cada uno de ellos. El paso siguiente fue proponer técnicas que aprovechen estos elementos comunes, para automatizar la clasificación de las mismas en sus respectivos dominios. Esta informa...

  1. The idea of the record


    Parry, J.


    This paper examines the idea of the sports record and its relation to our ideas of excellence, achievement and progress. It begins by recovering and reviewing the work of Richard Mandell, whose definition of the record emphasizes three central ideas: statistic, athletic and recognition. It then considers the work of Henning Eichberg, Allen Guttmann and Mandell, from the 1970s onwards, on the genesis of the modern sports record, explaining and developing their ideas via a distinction between d...

  2. Mesenteric venous thrombosis secondary to an unsuspected JAK2 V617F-positive myeloproliferative disorder.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)


    BACKGROUND: Mesenteric venous thrombosis (MVT) is a rare but potentially fatal cause of mesenteric ischaemia. It presents insidiously and often diagnosis is made at emergency surgery. In half of the cases MVT develops without a causative factor, while in cases in which a pro-thrombotic state is found to exist MVT may be the first clinically detected consequence of that state. The myeloproliferative disorders (MPD) are known to contribute to the development of pro-thrombotic states. Recently, the JAK2 V617F mutation has been associated with the MPDs. CONCLUSION: We describe a case of MVT occurring secondary to an unsuspected MPD, in which the patient was subsequently found to carry this mutation. We highlight the necessity to screen for this mutation in cases of intra-abdominal thromboses so that appropriate systemic anticoagulation may be instituted, and the patient may be followed so as to detect the development of an overt MPD.

  3. Creación de nuevas empresas. Estrategias personales para buscar nuevas oportunidades de negocios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Luis Vengoechea Orozco


    Full Text Available Resumen:Generar ideas de negocios es un gran reto hay que empezar por gestar ideas, pensar creativamente y comenzarpor generar una lista de ideas, sin preocuparse en como se materializar la idea. Al formular las ideas se debenaceptar todo tipo de ideas, ya sean tontas o atrevidas, ideas que vayan en contra de lo que la gente piensa. Unaforma de hacerlo es contactar familiares y personas de confianza para compartir las ideas, esta es una buenamanera de deshacerse de las malas ideas y de encontrar nuevas oportunidades de negocios, al contactar amigosy personas allegadas se puede saber qué opinan de las ideas y que nuevas ideas o mejoras podrían sugerir ellos.Palabras claves:Ideas, negocios, emprendimiento, emprendedor.Abstract:Generate business ideas is a challenge we must begin by developing ideas, think creatively and begin to generatea list of ideas, without worrying as to materialize the idea. In formulating the ideas must accept all kinds of ideas,whether silly or daring ideas that go against what people think. One way is to contact family and people you trust toshare ideas, this is a good way to get rid of bad ideas and find new business opportunities, to contact friends andsignificant others can know what you think of the ideas and new ideas or improvements that might suggest them.Keywords:Ideas, business, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial

  4. "Pistolas para el Niño, Muñecas para la Niña"


    Gianini Belotti, Elena


    Educere:Una Brizna de Aliento en el Tiempo Rivas, Pedro El Paradigma Reinante y su Paideia Alonso, Leonor La Experiencia Contemporánea como Expresión del Fin de una ÉticaAlgunas Ideas desde la Postmodernidad para Releer el Dato Educativo Perdomo, José Camilo La Sociedad del Conocimiento y el Fin de la Escuela Rodríguez Rojas, Pedro Escuela, Alteridad y Experiencia de SíLa Producción Pedagógica del Sujeto Valera Villegas, G...

  5. The use of a volcanic material as filler in self-compacting concrete production for lower strength applications; Uso de un material volcánico como filler en la producción de hormigones autocompactantes de baja resistencia.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burgos, D.; Guzmán, A.; Hossain, K.M.A.; Delvasto, S.


    This study evaluates the use of large amounts of fine powders (fillers) derived from a Colombian volcanic material into the production of self-compacting concrete (SCC) for lower strength applications. The effects on SCC properties were studied with the incorporation of up to 50% of volcanic material of Tolima (MVT) as a partial substitute of the total weight of Portland cement. The workability was determined through slump flow, V-funnel, and L-box test. The compressive strength results were analyzed statistically by MINITAB. These demonstrated that 30% (by total weight of cementitious material) was the maximum allowable percentage of MVT to be used in the production of SCCs. Based on this, mechanical and permeability properties of SCC MVT 30% were evaluated at 28, 90 y 360 curing days. SCC MVT 30% exhibited compressive strength of 21 and 27 MPa after 28 and 360 days of curing, respectively. [Spanish] Este trabajo presenta los resultados de utilización de cantidades elevadas de material volcánico colombiano como filler en la producción de hormigón autocompactante (CAC) de baja resistencia. Se estudió el efecto sobre las propiedades de los CACs de la incorporación del material volcánico del Tolima (MVT) hasta en 50% como remplazo parcial del peso total del cementante. La trabajabilidad fue determinada por medio del flujo de asentamiento, embudo V y Caja L. El análisis de resistencia a la compresión por medio de MINITAB demostró que el máximo porcentaje de incorporación de MVT en los CACs es del 30% respecto al peso total de cementante. Con base en esta optimización se evaluaron sus propiedades mecánicas y de permeabilidad a 28, 90 y 360 días de curado. Los resultados demostraron que este CAC MVT 30% presentó resistencias a compresión de 21 y 27 MPa después de 28 y 360 días de curado, respectivamente.

  6. The distinction between key ideas in teaching school physics and key ideas in the discipline of physics (United States)

    Deng, Zongyi


    The distinction between key ideas in teaching a high school science and key ideas in the corresponding discipline of science has been largely ignored in scholarly discourse about what science teachers should teach and about what they should know. This article clarifies this distinction through exploring how and why key ideas in teaching high school physics differ from key ideas in the discipline of physics. Its theoretical underpinnings include Dewey's (1902/1990) distinction between the psychological and the logical and Harré's (1986) epistemology of science. It analyzes how and why the key ideas in teaching color, the speed of light, and light interference at the high school level differ from the key ideas at the disciplinary level. The thesis is that key ideas in teaching high school physics can differ from key ideas in the discipline in some significant ways, and that the differences manifest Dewey's distinction. As a result, the article challenges the assumption of equating key ideas in teaching a high school science with key ideas in the corresponding discipline of science, and the assumption that having a college degree in science is sufficient to teach high school science. Furthermore, the article expands the concept of pedagogical content knowledge by arguing that key ideas in teaching high school physics constitute an essential component.



    Álvaro Carbajal Villaplana


    En este artículo interesa determinar la estructura lógica del concepto de capacidades tecnológicas para establecer las características y los componentes más relevantes, esto con la intención de proponer una definición filosófica a partir de las ideas de capacidades y funcionamientos de Amartya Sen y del concepto de disposiciones de Gilbert Ryle. Se trata de una ampliación o aplicación de esas nociones a la idea de capacidades tecnológicas con el fin de obtener dicho concepto operativo y aprop...

  8. Fatores associados à ideação suicida na comunidade: um estudo de caso-controle

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    Silva Viviane Franco da


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar variáveis associadas à ideação suicida ao longo dos últimos 12 meses, na cidade de Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil. Através de um estudo de caso-controle investigou-se fatores associados a ideação suicida mediante análise de variáveis independentes relacionadas ao indivíduo, à família e à saúde. Foram entrevistados 29 casos de ideação e 166 controles. Os casos foram identificados através de um inquérito de prevalência e os controles, selecionados aleatoriamente da mesma base populacional, entre os que não relataram pensamento suicida nos últimos 12 meses. Modelos de análise de regressão foram propostos para controlar a ação dos fatores de confusão ou modificadores de efeito. Nos resultados obtidos, as variáveis demográficas não estiveram associadas à ideação. Na análise final permaneceram com significância estatística as variáveis falta de energia e humor deprimido, derivadas do SRQ-20, dificuldades emocionais relatadas, vizinhança não solidária e menor freqüência à igreja. Ideação suicida mostrou-se consistentemente associada a fatores relacionados a sintomas depressivos, principalmente falta de energia e humor deprimido.

  9. Powering Ideas through Expertise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seabrooke, Leonard; Wigan, Duncan


    This contribution discusses how ideas are powered through expertise and moral authority. Professionals compete with each other to power ideas by linking claims to expertise, how things best work, to moral claims about how things should be. To show how, we draw on a case of battles over global tax...... reporting multinational corporations should provide to ensure they pay their fair share of tax. Ideas powered by expertise contain shared causal beliefs, as well as principled beliefs about value systems. We demonstrate that professionals can contest the established order when demonstrations of expertise...


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    José Alberto Martínez González


    Full Text Available El turismo constituye un sistema significativo. Es un sistema porque integra de manera global y local elementos y procesos diversos que se nutren de inputs para ofrecer outputs turísticos; es significativo porque constituye un sector con un elevado impacto económico y social que está interrelacionado con otros sectores. La relación es tal que el turismo está constituyendo, ahora en tiempo de crisis, un sector acicate para otros. En la actualidad el sistema turístico es reconocido por su complejidad, por su carácter multidisciplinar, por su naturaleza caótica no lineal, así como por su necesaria sostenibilidad y responsabilidad social, aspectos que las empresas turísticas debieran considerar. El presente trabajo sintetiza las claves de la significatividad del turismo y presenta los principales modelos sistémicos que sobre el turismo se han desarrollado.

  11. The Generative Archetypes of Idea Work

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Avital, Michel; Osch, Wietske van


    Anyone who engages with ideas in the context of everyday work is engaged in idea work. Building on Jung’s psychological theory of types, we theorize about the fundamental processes underlying one’s generative capacity, and in turn, one’s ability to generate ideas and engage effectively in idea wo...

  12. Guiding New Product Idea Generation (United States)

    Park, Y.


    The creation of innovative ideas is the initial step in entrepreneurial practice and venture management. As the management of technology is now on the priority agenda of higher education institutions, there is a need to develop pedagogic schemes for idea generation. Despite its importance, the idea generation process is hard to systematize or to…

  13. Un mejor posicionamiento para un mejor Bolt : concurso Effie Colombia


    Carvajal, Martin; Jaramillo, Isabella; Pedraza, Carlos; Rodriguez, Natalia; Amezquita, Juan José


    En este trabajo, se realiza una estrategia de marketing y comunicación para el proyecto Chevrolet en el mercado colombiano, teniendo en cuenta la información suministrada por la empresa y la investigación externa. El trabajo muestra 5 etapas diferentes: Desafío Estratégico, Perspectivas y Objetivos; Idea creativa; Medición de resultados; Viabilidad; y material gráfico. El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer una estrategia de marketing integral para la llegada del nuevo Chevrolet Bolt al merc...

  14. Una Nueva IDEA: Una Guia para Padres acerca de los Cambios en la Ley de Educacion Especial para Ninos con Incapacidades (A New IDEA: A Parent's Guide to the Changes in Social Education Law for Children with Disabilities). (United States)

    Seltzer, Tammy

    This guide for parents, in Spanish, explains the changes in the federal special education law resulting from the 1997 amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Changes related to the parent's role in decisions about the child's education and in how schools can discipline special education students are highlighted. A…


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    Cătălin George ALEXE


    Full Text Available The employees of a company often want to make themselves useful and to make life easier at work by providing potentially useful ideas, aimed at eliminating problems or to exploit the opportunities. Without the ability to obtain new ideas, an organization stagnates, declines and eventually is eliminated by the competitors who have new ideas. To materialize the idea into an innovative product, it is desirable that it corresponds to the company's goals to be achieved with the existing technology and resources in order to reduce the investments. Thus, it appeared the need for an idea management to bring order in the set of ideas and to create a transparent and effective mode in attracting and management of these ideas. This paper proposes, starting from a number of scientific approaches in the literature, to address to the idea management as a complex model and to identify which are those dedicated IT solutions that could help going over various phases and sub-phases of such a complex model, particularly useful for the management of a company.

  16. El mejoramiento de la capacidad para aprender a través de la lectura

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    Armando Morles


    Full Text Available El presente estudio discute la importancia de la instrucción en la capacidad para aprender el contenido de textos escritos. Al inicio se define el aprendizaje a través de la lectura para luego continuar con la identificación de los factores que condicionan este aprendizaje. Luego se suministra lineamientos para mejorar esa capacidad. Finalmente se aportan ideas acerca de cómo conducir el entrenamiento de los estudiantes, incluyendo las modalidades y su ubicación dentro del contexto educativo.

  17. Between material and ideas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahlstedt, Palle


    between a dynamic concept and the changing material form of the work. Combining ideas, tools, material and memory, creativity is described as a coherent, dynamic, and iterative process that navigates the space of the chosen medium, guided by the tools at hand, and by the continuously revised ideas...

  18. Wars of Ideas and the War of Ideas

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Echevarria, II, Antulio J


    ... as such. With that in mind, this monograph offers a brief examination of four common types of wars of ideas, and uses that as a basis for analyzing how the United States and its allies and strategic partners...

  19. The role of the humanities in the Bologna idea of a university: learning from the American model?

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    Jesper Eckhardt Larsen


    Full Text Available The Humboldtian idea of a university has, for better or for worse, served as a blueprint for the past two centuries of university development in large parts of Europe. It entails the idea of a unity between research and personal cultivation (Bildung that indeed has its shortcomings. Since the advent of a strong specialization and theorization the humanities have largely abandoned the more educational function, Bildung in its educational and ethical sense.The American liberal arts college- and university tradition on the other hand,particularly at the bachelor level, has traditionally separated the purely educational readings of a humanities ‘canon’ from the more scholarly pursuits of the humanities. Recent debates on the humanities show these differences across the Atlantic. While the highly specialized humanities in Europe have great problems proving their relevance in a modern society and job-market, the humanities in America are mostly discussed in terms of their educational accountability. Could the Bologna process be an occasionfor the European bachelor to be remodelled along the lines of the American liberal arts model? Could the humanities prove their relevance to non specialists in European higher education?La idea humboldtiana de la universidad ha sido, para bien o para mal, una referencia para el desarrollo universitario en una gran parte de Europa durante los dos siglos pasados. Implica un concepto de unión entre investigación y formación (Bildung que, efectivamente, tiene sus defectos. Desde la llegada de una fuerte especialización y teorización, las Humanidades han abandonado, en su mayor medida, la función educacional, Bildung en su sentido ético. Por otra parte, la tradición universitaria de las Artes Liberales americanas, particularmente a nivel de Licenciatura, ha diferenciado la lectura puramente educacional del «canon», del meramente académico. Debates recientes han mostrado la existencia de esta diferenciaci

  20. Revising the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction System 2002-2011 Data. IDEA Technical Report No. 18 (United States)

    Benton, Stephen L.; Li, Dan; Brown, Ron; Guo, Meixi; Sullivan, Patricia


    This report describes the processes undertaken to revise the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction (SRI) system. The previous revision occurred in 1999, as described in IDEA Technical Report No. 11, "Revising the IDEA System for Obtaining Student Ratings of Instructors and Courses" (Hoyt, Chen, Pallett, & Gross, 1999). The procedures…

  1. Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in bipolar disorder type I: an update for the clinician Ideação suicida e tentativas de suicídio no transtorno afetivo bipolar tipo I: uma atualização para o clínico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lena Nabuco de Abreu


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This article reviews the evidence for the major risk factors associated with suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder. METHOD: Review of the literature studies on bipolar disorder, suicidal behavior and suicidal ideation. RESULTS: Bipolar disorder is strongly associated with suicide ideation and suicide attempts. In clinical samples between 14-59% of the patients have suicide ideation and 25-56% present at least one suicide attempt during lifetime. Approximately 15% to 19% of patients with bipolar disorder die from suicide. The causes of suicidal behavior are multiple and complex. Some strong predictors of suicidal behavior have emerged in the literature such as current mood state, severity of depression, anxiety, aggressiveness, hostility, hopelessness, comorbidity with others Axis I and Axis II disorders, lifetime history of mixed states, and history of physical or sexual abuse. CONCLUSION: Bipolar disorder is the psychiatric condition associated with highest lifetime risk for suicide attempts and suicide completion. Thus it is important to clinicians to understand the major risk factors for suicidal behavior in order to choose better strategies to deal with this complex behavior.OBJETIVO: O artigo revisa as evidências relacionadas aos principais fatores de risco associados ao comportamento suicida no transtorno bipolar. MÉTODO: Revisão de artigos da literatura em transtorno bipolar, tentativa de suicídio e ideação suicida. RESULTADOS: O transtorno bipolar está fortemente associado à presença de ideação suicida e a tentativas de suicídio. Em amostras clínicas, entre 14% e 59% dos pacientes apresentam ideação suicida e entre 25% e 56% têm pelo menos uma tentativa de suicídio ao longo da vida. Aproximadamente 15% a 19% dos pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar morrem por suicídio. As causas do comportamento suicida são múltiplas e complexas. Alguns preditores de comportamento suicida vêm sendo demonstrados

  2. Power Through, Over and in Ideas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carstensen, Martin B.; Schmidt, Vivien A.


    Owing to the tendency of discursive institutionalists to conflate the notion that ‘ideas matter' for policy-making with the ‘power of ideas’, little has been done to explicitly theorize ideational power. To fill this lacuna, the contribution defines ideational power as the capacity of actors...... (whether individual or collective) to influence other actors’ normative and cognitive beliefs through the use of ideational elements, and – based on insights from the discursive institutionalist literature – suggests three different types of ideational power: power through ideas, understood as the capacity...... of actors to persuade other actors to accept and adopt their views through the use of ideational elements; power over ideas, meaning the imposition of ideas and the power to resist the inclusion of alternative ideas into the policy-making arena; and power in ideas, which takes place through the establishing...

  3. Power Through, Over and in Ideas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carstensen, Martin B.; Schmidt, Vivien A.


    of actors to persuade other actors to accept and adopt their views through the use of ideational elements; power over ideas, meaning the imposition of ideas and the power to resist the inclusion of alternative ideas into the policy-making arena; and power in ideas, which takes place through the establishing......Owing to the tendency of discursive institutionalists to conflate the notion that ‘ideas matter' for policy-making with the ‘power of ideas’, little has been done to explicitly theorize ideational power. To fill this lacuna, the contribution defines ideational power as the capacity of actors...... (whether individual or collective) to influence other actors’ normative and cognitive beliefs through the use of ideational elements, and – based on insights from the discursive institutionalist literature – suggests three different types of ideational power: power through ideas, understood as the capacity...

  4. Diseno de un Modelo de Franquicia para Comercializar Calzado en PYMES


    Freire Valencia, Elga Verónica


    1. Introducción.-- 2. Planteamiento de la Propuesta de Trabajo.-- 3. Marco Teórico.-- 4. Metodología.-- 5. Resultados.-- 6. Conclusiones y Recomendaciones El presente trabajo se enfocó en el diseño de un modelo de Franquicia para comercializar calzado en PYMES; aprovechando el impulso que el estado está proveyendo al sector productivo, se proyectó plasmar una idea innovadora y moderna de ventas frente a la inexistencia de un modelo de franquicia para comercializar calzado en nuestro medio....

  5. Redefiniendo la interpolación para el análisis de series temporales irregulares

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    Fedriani Martel, Eugenio M.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se propone un método sencillo para comparar series temporales univariantes.Precisamente por su simplicidad, el procedimiento puede ser utilizado para seriesde datos irregulares, con datos perdidos, con periodicidad no uniforme e, incluso, cuandolas series se reeren a instantes temporales no comunes a todas ellas.Para ilustrar las ideas presentadas, se incluye un ejemplo de aplicación a dos pares deseries de datos económicos. Es un ejemplo muy simple para permitir la mejor comprensiónposible de los conceptos que se explican. En concreto, se compararán los salarios percibidospor diferentes empleados sevillanos durante el periodo 1946-1948.

  6. Reasoning in Design: Idea Generation Condition Effects on Reasoning Processes and Evaluation of Ideas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cramer-Petersen, Claus Lundgaard; Ahmed-Kristensen, Saeema


    to investigate idea generation sessions of two industry cases. Reasoning was found to appear in sequences of alternating reasoning types where the initiating reasoning type was decisive. The study found that abductive reasoning led to more radical ideas, whereas deductive reasoning led to ideas being for project...... requirements, but having a higher proportion being rejected as not valuable. The study sheds light on the conditions that promote these reasoning types. The study is one of the first of its kind and advances an understanding of reasoning in design by empirical means and suggests a relationship between......Reasoning is at the core of design activity and thinking. Thus, understanding and explaining reasoning in design is fundamental to understand and support design practice. This paper investigates reasoning in design and its relationship to varying foci at the stage of idea generation and subsequent...

  7. IDEA papers no. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garrigues, P.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no. 1 provides information such as, meeting, Internet addresses and programs, for the month of April 2002. (A.L.B.)

  8. IDEA papers no 3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lacour, C.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no. 3 is devoted to the part of the environment observation in the sustainable development implementation. (A.L.B.)

  9. Ideas about housing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Earon, Ofri


    This booklet is a project documentation of a short-term project titled ‘IDEAS ABOUT HOUSING Arkitektkonkurrencernes boligløsninger’. Architectural competitions have been used to develop new living concepts reacting on current political, economical and social flows. Participation in an architectural...... an important part of the world of architecture and planning in Denmark. Competitions, sponsored by government organizations, housing associations, or private business, are usually requests to make proposals for a specific project, but they are also sometimes used to elicit ideas about a general project type...

  10. New weak keys in simplified IDEA (United States)

    Hafman, Sari Agustini; Muhafidzah, Arini


    Simplified IDEA (S-IDEA) is simplified version of International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) and useful teaching tool to help students to understand IDEA. In 2012, Muryanto and Hafman have found a weak key class in the S-IDEA by used differential characteristics in one-round (0, ν, 0, ν) → (0,0, ν, ν) on the first round to produce input difference (0,0, ν, ν) on the fifth round. Because Muryanto and Hafman only use three differential characteristics in one-round, we conducted a research to find new differential characteristics in one-round and used it to produce new weak key classes of S-IDEA. To find new differential characteristics in one-round of S-IDEA, we applied a multiplication mod 216+1 on input difference and combination of active sub key Z1, Z4, Z5, Z6. New classes of weak keys are obtained by combining all of these characteristics and use them to construct two new differential characteristics in full-round of S-IDEA with or without the 4th round sub key. In this research, we found six new differential characteristics in one round and combined them to construct two new differential characteristics in full-round of S-IDEA. When two new differential characteristics in full-round of S-IDEA are used and the 4th round sub key required, we obtain 2 new classes of weak keys, 213 and 28. When two new differential characteristics in full-round of S-IDEA are used, yet the 4th round sub key is not required, the weak key class of 213 will be 221 and 28 will be 210. Membership test can not be applied to recover the key bits in those weak key classes. The recovery of those unknown key bits can only be done by using brute force attack. The simulation result indicates that the bit of the key can be recovered by the longest computation time of 0,031 ms.

  11. Protocolos para redes inalámbricas de tiempo real: simulaciones y ensayos experimentales


    Alimenti, Omar; Friedrich, Guillermo Rodolfo; Reggiani, Guillermo; Cayssials, Ricardo; Galasso, Christian L.; Gomez de Marco, Damián; Maidana, Federico; Tonietti, Santiago


    En el estudio de distintas propuestas tendientes a mejorar los protocolos de redes de datos, la simulación es una técnica muy valiosa para la evaluación del desempeño. El simulador Network Simulator ns-2 [1] es uno de los referentes utilizados en los trabajos de investigación en el campo de las redes de datos. Por otra parte, para la implementación práctica de los mecanismos desarrollados, se requiere de hardware específico para tal fin. La idea básica consiste en que, en función de las...

  12. Institutionalizing New Ideas Through Visualization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Renate; Jancsary, Dennis; Höllerer, Markus A.

    How do visualization and visual forms of communication influence the process of transforming a novel idea into established organizational practice? In this paper, we build theory with regard to the role of visuals in manifesting and giving form to an innovative idea as it proceeds through various...... stages of institutionalization. Ideas become institutionalized not merely through widespread diffusion in a cognitive-discursive form but eventually through their translation into concrete activities and transformation into specific patterns of organizational practice. We argue that visualization plays...... a pivotal and unique role in this process. Visualization bridges the ideational with the practical realm by providing representations of ideas, connecting them to existing knowledge, and illustrating the specific actions that instantiate them. Similar to verbal discourse, and often in tandem, visual...

  13. From Idea to Organizational Practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Renate E.; Jancsary, Dennis; Höllerer, Markus A.

    How do visualization and visual forms of communication influence the process of transforming a novel idea into established organizational practice? In this paper, we build theory with regard to the role of visuals in manifesting and giving form to an innovative idea as it proceeds through various...... stages of institutionalization. Ideas become institutionalized not merely through widespread diffusion in a cognitive-discursive form but eventually through their translation into concrete activities and transformation into specific patterns of organizational practice. We argue that visualization plays...... organizational practice with legitimacy – and thus solidify the coupling of innovative ideas and organizational practice. Extending existing research, we develop a set of propositions linking dimensions of visuality and visualization to the different stages of institutionalization in order to explain...


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    Juan Luis Trillo de Leyva


    Full Text Available Reseña del libro de R.D. Martienssen, La idea del espacio en la arquitectura griega. Ediciones Nueva Visión. Buenos Aires, 1967. Edición original: “The idea of space in greek architecture”. Witwartersrand University Press. Johannesburg, 1956. Sé que es difícil creer en estos tiempos en los que la enorme acumulación de datos que solicitan nuestra atención nos llega a bloquear, que hubo épocas en las que obtener un texto crítico o, simplemente datos sobre materias concretas era una tarea compleja y costosa. Tiempos relativamente recientes en los que la escasa producción nacional unida a una absurda censura cultural, impedían contar con unos mínimos recursos bibliográficos para el aprendizaje de una profesión como la arquitectura. De manera coyuntural y sorpresiva, las editoriales argentinas (Nueva Visión, Infinito, Poseidón traducían al español textos que convertían en libros destilados, ejemplar a ejemplar, y transportados a los estantes de unas pocas librerías nacionales especializadas, solo dos en Sevilla. El exiguo número de estos libros y nuestro desconocimiento de otros idiomas nos obligaban a leer todos, por muy distantes que fueran los títulos de nuestras apetencias personales. Así llegó al conocimiento de mi generación esta tesis doctoral, La idea del espacio en la arquitectura griega, del profesor sudafricano Rex Distin Martienssen (1905-1942.

  15. De la Independencia Política a la Independencia Mental. Elite y Apropiación de Ideas en los Albores de la Nación Chilena

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    Mariana Perry F.


    Full Text Available La producción intelectual en torno a la relación entre Europa y América Latina en el plano de las ideas ha sido prolífica y ha acompañado toda la historia de la región latinoamericana desde el siglo XV. Sin embargo, dicha temática se dinamizó en el siglo XIX, cuando no solo la independencia política, sino también la independencia intelectual, coparon los espacios de debate entre los criollos de las jóvenes naciones. El dilema se dividía entre seguir las influencias europeas o generar un pensamiento propio. El presente artículo busca superar este dilema, argumentando que la elite intelectual en Chile, en función de la demanda de su propio entorno, importó y apropió ideas producidas en el extranjero para su utilización en el contexto local. Para esto, el artículo hace un recorrido histórico identificando las ideas circulantes que motivaron la independencia en Chile así como aquellas que fueron utilizadas para la construcción del Estado Nación a lo largo del siglo XIX. Lo anterior busca además aportar nuevos enfoques en el debate más amplio entre identidad y modernidad en América Latina. English: The intellectual production around the relationship between Europe and Latin America in the realm of ideas has been prolific and has accompanied the entire history of the Latin American region since the fifteenth century. However, this subject was stimulated in the nineteenth century, when not only political independence, but also intellectual independence, packed spaces of debate among the Creoles of young nations. The dilemma was divided between following European influences or generate own thinking. This article seeks to overcome this dilemma, arguing that the intellectual elite in Chile, according to the demand of their own environment, imported and appropriated ideas produced abroad for use in the local context. For this, the article makes a historical overview identifying circulating ideas that led to independence in Chile

  16. IDEA papers no 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garrigues, Ph.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no. 6 is presents the association and the results of the ordinary general assembly of the 28 June 2003. (A.L.B.)

  17. IDEA papers no 10

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ricard, M.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no.10 is devoted to the sustainable development education. Examples of actions in agriculture schools and colleges are presented. (A.L.B.)

  18. IHO Metodología de Evaluación para Gestores de Contenidos


    Morales Díaz, Juan Antonio


    El present Treball Final de carrera té com a finalitat, el realitzar una metodologia d'avaluació IHO per a Gestors de Continguts. La idea principal és que en aplicar les nostres proves a les pàgines obtingudes amb el Gestor, aquestes superin els protocols mínims que establirem en tot allò relacionat a web corporatives i de continguts. El presente Trabajo Fin de carrera tiene como finalidad, el realizar una metodología de evaluación IHO para Gestores de Contenidos. La idea ...

  19. Classical and new ideas of a university

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Jens Erik


    The chapter examines what has happened to ideas of the university in the light of current reforms and the implementation of performance management. Taking a retrospective view of the most central ideas of a university, focus will be on why even a modernized and corporatized university apparently...... cannot survive without reference to ideas and idealistic justifications, including a number of classical ideas, as well as on which new ideas may be delineated on the basis of the old....

  20. IDEA papers no 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ducout, P.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no. 7 is devoted to the water quality and management in Gironde. The european framework directive on water and the humid zones are discussed. (A.L.B.)

  1. The National Origins of Policy Ideas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Campbell, John L.; Pedersen, Ove K.

    In politics, ideas matter. They provide the foundation for economic policymaking, which in turn shapes what is possible in domestic and international politics. Yet until now, little attention has been paid to how these ideas are produced and disseminated, and how this process varies between...... countries. The National Origins of Policy Ideas provides the first comparative analysis of how "knowledge regimes" communities of policy research organizations like think tanks, political party foundations, ad hoc commissions, and state research offices, and the institutions that govern them generate ideas...... and communicate them to policymakers. John Campbell and Ove Pedersen examine how knowledge regimes are organized, operate, and have changed over the last thirty years in the United States, France, Germany, and Denmark. They show how there are persistent national differences in how policy ideas are produced. Some...

  2. IDEA papers no 11

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bocquet, R.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no.11 is devoted to the wastes management in Aquitaine. Data on wastes volume, type and recycling are presented and examples of enterprises actions are provided. (A.L.B.)

  3. IDEA papers no 8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gillet, M.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no 8 presents the regional energy observatories and some news on the wood energy experience, the thermal and energetic improvement of buildings and the green certificates in Aquitaine. (A.L.B.)

  4. Changing ideas of bodily cleanliness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Quitzau, Maj-Britt


    About historical shifts in ideas of bodily cleanliness and what impacts this have on the possibility of implementing more ecological toilets.......About historical shifts in ideas of bodily cleanliness and what impacts this have on the possibility of implementing more ecological toilets....

  5. Ideas y expectativas del estudiante de traducción respecto a la traducción literaria / Ideas and expectations of translation and interpreting students about literary translation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia TODA CASTÁN


    Full Text Available 0 0 1 375 2065 Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Educación 17 4 2436 14.0 Normal 0 21 false false false ES JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-ansi-language:ES; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;} En los últimos tiempos se ha publicado un número considerable de estudios que buscan monitorizar la enseñanza de la Traducción en España en el ámbito universitario y que para ello se han servido de cuestionarios que se distribuyeron a los estudiantes. Al mismo tiempo, el interés por hacer un seguimiento de antiguos alumnos de esta disciplina y de su inserción en el mercado laboral, así como por conocer la situación de los traductores literarios profesionales, ha llevado a la realización de cuestionarios entre traductores ya en ejercicio. Este trabajo pretende, ahora, dirigir estos intereses hacia el ámbito concreto de la enseñanza de la traducción literaria en la Universidad. Por medio de un cuestionario completado por 119 estudiantes de Traducción e Interpretación de la Facultad de Traducción y Documentación de la Universidad de Salamanca se pretende presentar sus ideas y expectativas respecto a la enseñanza de la traducción literaria, así como respecto al ejercicio de la profesión de traductor literario. Con ello se dibuja un perfil del estudiante que ha puesto de relieve aspectos interesantes. La toma de conciencia de estos aspectos por parte del profesorado y del propio alumnado puede servir

  6. Ideas for Office Occupations Education. (United States)

    Alverson, Ruby; And Others

    Prepared by South Carolina office occupations teachers, this booklet contains ideas for effective and motivating teaching methods in office occupations courses on the secondary school level. Besides ideas generally applicable, suggestions are included for teaching the following specific subjects: (1) accounting, (2) recordkeeping, (3) cooperative…

  7. Risk factors of mesenteric venous thrombosis and current situation of diagnosis and treatment in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhuang Zhiwei; Zhu Huanxing; Xu Changsheng


    Objective: To investigate risk factors of mesenteric venous thrombosis and current situation of diagnosis and treatment in China. Methods: One hundred and seven case of mesenteric venous thrombosis reported in literature were analyzed. The literature from 2003 to 2007 were retrieved from Chinese Scientific and Technical Periodical Database and Wanfangdata. Results: One hundred and seven papers included 978 MVT patients, male: female = 1. 9:1, the average age was 47. 9. The most common risk factors were portal hypertension (28. 9% ), splenectomy (18. 8%) and thrombophlebitis (11. 5%) in 833 cases with integrated medical history. Final diagnosis was established by medical imageology (40. 0%) and exploratory laparotomy (60. 0%). The achievement ratio of thrombolysis therapy was 83. 9% (73 /87) by peripheral vein and 90. 0% (63 /70) by superior mesenteric artery. 34. 7% patients took warfarin orally after discharge. Conclusions: Portal hypertension, splenectomy and thrombophlebitis may be the most common risk factor for MVT; through peripheral vein or superior mesenteric artery urokinase thrombolytic therapy is an effective means of treatment of early MVT; MVT diagnostic awareness and anticoagulant therapy after surgery awareness of the importance is to be strengthened. (authors)

  8. 100+ ideas for teaching mathematics

    CERN Document Server

    Ollerton, Mike


    All Mike's ideas have been tried and tested at the chalkface. This second edition will be at least 20% bigger and will contain ideas which range from simple addition to using and applying trigonometry, from naming 2D shapes to exploring the intrigues of 3D solids.

  9. Identifying the emergence of design ideas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Inie, Nanna

    This position paper outlines four types of design idea indicators that provide four starting points for exploration of the emergence of design ideas from a micro perspective. The results are derived from two empirical studies of design processes. The research builds on the assumption that we need...... better understanding and definition of design idea emergence and transformation in order to systematically explore the creative process....

  10. Materializing ideas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Strandvad, Sara Malou


    to investigate how the evolving object may form an active part in the collaborative process of its making. The article identifies three moments when the evolving object becomes decisive for the collaboration: the idea has to be detached to enable collaboration; attachments between collaborators are made via...

  11. Argumentation and Reasoning in Design: An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Verbal Reasoning on Idea Value in Group Idea Generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cramer-Petersen, Claus L.; Ahmed-Kristensen, Saeema


    Reasoning is argumentative and is at the core of design activity and thinking. Understanding the influence of reasoning on the value of ideas is key to support design practice. The paper aims to show the effect of verbal reasoning on the value of ideas. Protocol analyses of four industry cases...... doing idea generation shows that framing by certainty and deductive reasoning lead to useful incremental ideas while framing by uncertainty and abductive reasoning lead to radical ideas. The paper concludes that the way of framing ideas is indicative of how ideas add value to on-going design processes....

  12. El portafolio como instrumento clave para la evaluación en educación superior

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    Murillo Sancho, Gabriela


    Full Text Available Resumen: El ensayo presenta una descripción del portafolio como herramienta para evaluar, tanto desempeños docentes como estudiantiles en Educación Superior, además de una reflexión sobre su importancia para la evaluación de docentes y estudiantes. El escrito desarrolla una visión particular sobre el portafolio, su constitución y usos, enfocándose en su valor en el marco de la evaluación. Se elabora como un aporte para la reflexión y las ideas en didáctica evaluativa y, por ende, para el mejoramiento de la docencia universitaria. Se incluye una rúbrica como propuesta para calificar el portafolio. La conclusión principal radica en el rol del portafolio para la evaluación universitaria de docentes y estudiantes.Abstract: This paper presents a description of the portfolio as a tool to evaluate teachers and students performances in higher education. Besides, it presents a reflection about the importance of portfolios in teachers and students evaluation. The document develops a particular vision about the portfolio, its constitution and uses, focusing in its value in the outline of the evaluation. It is elaborated as a contribution to the reflection and the ideas about evaluative didactics and consequently, for the improvement of the university teaching. A rubric is included as a proposal to evaluate the portfolio. The main conclusion consists in the role of the portfolio for the evaluation of university teachers and students.

  13. IDEA papers no. 9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saint-Paul, J.C


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no. 9 is devoted to the air quality: atmospheric pollution effects on health, nitrogen oxide pollution, air quality monitoring in buildings, the regulations and the atmospheric pollution, emissions land registry objectives and the greenhouse gases. (A.L.B.)

  14. Master’s Thesis Ideas 2013

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heiselberg, Per; Nielsen, Peter V.; Brohus, Henrik

    The report contain a list of project ideas proposed by the scientific staff at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, and some companies.......The report contain a list of project ideas proposed by the scientific staff at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, and some companies....

  15. Lo público y la educación en América Latina: ideas, intereses y nuevas instituciones

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    Juan Carlos Tedesco


    Full Text Available Mi contribución en esta oportunidad es poner este debate en un contexto no solo de Chile sino más general, a nivel de América Latina en su conjunto y luego relacionarlo con una parte del mundo desarrollado y en desarrollo, bajo la forma de este modelo de nuevo capitalismo en el cual estamos todos inmersos. En la dimensión histórica tenemos el tema de lo público; lo público ha cambiado históricamente y su significado ha cambiado en especial en la educación, ya que tenemos tres grandes momentos, el primero de ellos en el siglo XIX donde lo público estuvo asociado a la construcción del Estadonación, esta idea de que la educación tenía que ser responsabilidad pública estuvo fuertemente asociada a la construcción de adhesión a la nación por encima de los particularismos religiosos, étnicos o lingüísticos y por eso la educación obligatoria, la educación gratuita, la educación laica; evidentemente esto define el papel de lo público asociado al Estado y lo público asociado a ciertos contenidos educativos, en América Latina siempre tuvo vigencia precaria, ningún país logró cumplir con los postulados de incorporar al conjunto de la población a la educación primaria obligatoria y de esa manera entonces prepararlo para el ejercicio de la ciudadanía en mayor o menor medida quizás en los países del cono sur, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile; Costa Rica en América Central, avanzaron pero aun así con muchas limitaciones que tuvo el cumplimiento de la educación obligatoria durante todo ese período porque admitamos que las ideas de construir un Estado-nación con participación ciudadana universal era el proyecto ilustrado. No sirve el proyecto de las élites económicamente dominantes en nuestro país, esos sectores lograron controlar de alguna manera el Estado y poder político y por eso su único instrumento fue la ley, pero la ley aparecía más como un objetivo que como una herramienta. El segundo momento de cambio de lo


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    Karla Yohana Sánchez-Mojica


    Full Text Available La problemática del consumo descontrolado de energía eléctrica en el mundo y su constante crecimiento, es el escenario para el desarrollo de esta investigación que busca adelantar una propuesta para crear un parque infantil por parte de estudiantes de la Institución educativa Carlos Ramírez Paris, que funcione con energía solar como estrategia de sensibilización a la comunidad en general sobre el uso de energías limpias en la ciudad y en Colombia. Los estudiantes plantean la idea desde el programa ondas en una investigación que responde a una necesidad inmediata que los motiva como lo es un parque de diversiones público, sin embargo, es una alternativa para pensar en proyectos macro de desarrollo para la ciudad. Con esta propuesta se pretende diseñar una maqueta de un parque infantil a pequeña escala donde los estudiantes plasmen su iniciativa y se muestre la aplicación de la energía solar para el funcionamiento de algunos atractivos; una de los principales objetivos del proyecto es responder a la curiosidad de los estudiantes por saber cómo es el funcionamiento de este tipo de energía haciendo uso de los paneles solares.

  17. Competencias en educación: Ideas para el diseño curricular desde la deliberación práctica y crítica, basada en el desarrollo humano y la transformación social

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    María Isabel Araya-Muñoz


    Full Text Available Los sistemas educativos, en América Latina y en el mundo entero, están siendo llamados a dar respuesta a las exigencias de profesionales altamente formados, que respondan a los conocimientos y habilidades emergentes exigidas por los avances científicos y tecnológicos. Ante esas peticiones de la realidad económica y productiva, las competencias se han convertido en el estandarte para que los sistemas educativos planteen sus propuestas curriculares. En estas se manifiesta la ampliación de los contenidos al aprender funciones o tareas con base en adaptaciones de otros contextos, desde la experticia y sin estudios profundos de la realidad de las fuentes curriculares. En este artículo se plantea la importancia de considerar que un proyecto educativo basado en competencias profesionales se debe visualizar como un proceso de formación de la persona, de manera integral. En el análisis de esa proposición se discute el abordaje de las competencias desde la educación, el cual ha pretendido relacionar la teoría y la práctica, acercando los contenidos académicos al hacer en un puesto de trabajo, en divergencia con la necesidad de razonar las competencias en educación como el medio para integrar el conocimiento y la experiencia. No se trata solo de resolver tareas específicas en un futuro puesto de trabajo, sino también de la búsqueda de soluciones de los problemas en los diferentes ámbitos de la vida. Para el logro de esa visión integradora de la educación, se proponen algunas ideas para diseñar proyectos curriculares por competencias desde la tradición práctica deliberativa y crítica, con una concepción curricular humanista y de transformación social.

  18. Propuesta para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las inecuaciones lineales

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    Ana Patricia Maroto Vargas


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una propuesta para la enseñanza del tema de inecuaciones algebraicas considerando el enfoque de enseñanza constructivista. A partir del trabajo docente de la autora con estudiantes de secundaria, se establecieron algunos de los errores más frecuentes que comete el alumnado al resolver ejercicios sobre este tema y a partir de la revisión de algunos documentos y bibliografía se presentan algunas ideas para la implementación de una propuesta didáctica que, se espera, permita abordar el tema de manera que el estudiantado logre analizar el concepto, defina el algoritmo para resolver las inecuaciones y aplique el concepto en la solución de problemas. Se ofrecen algunos ejemplos concretos que pueden ser presentados a la población estudiantil para que comprendan los conceptos, los cuales se refieren a situaciones cotidianas, de manera que se pueda valorar la aplicación del tema para resolver problemas.

  19. Rapid and Accurate Idea Transfer: Presenting Ideas with Concept Maps

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Moon, Brian M; Hoffman, Robert R


    ...) are the preferred medium for presenting complex ideas. Critics have pointed to the slavish, indeed dangerous, use of slideshows, warning of their tendency to reduce the analytic quality of presentations of evidence. The U.S...

  20. Alucinaciones e ideas delirantes


    López Berrocal, Miriam


    Las alucinaciones e ideas delirantes son síntomas relacionados en su gran mayoría con trastornos mentales graves que constituyen problemas tanto sanitarios como sociales. Estos síntomas agravan la enfermedad produciendo un malestar en la persona que los padece y su entorno, tanto ambiental como familiar y cercano. Este trabajo se presenta como una explicación a los conceptos, sus posibles clasificaciones y tipos, las diferentes teorías explicativas de las alucinaciones e ideas delirantes....

  1. Idea and Intuition: On the Perceptibility of the Platonic Ideas in the Thought of Arthur Schopenhauer


    Costanzo, Jason


    IDEA AND INTUITION On the Perceptibility of the Platonic Ideas in the Thought of Arthur Schopenhauer In this work, I examine the perceptibility of the Platonic Ideas in the thought of Arthur Schopenhauer. The work is divided into four chapters, each focusing and building upon a specific aspect related to this questi on. The first chapter (“Plato and the Primacy of Intellect”) deals with Scho penhauer’s interpretation specific to Platonic thought. I there address the question of why it is tha...

  2. Enlightenment philosophers’ ideas about chaos

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    A. V. Kulik


     It is grounded that the philosopher and enlightener Johann Gottfried von Herder advanced an idea of objectivity of process of transformation chaos into order. It is shown that idea of «The law of nature» existing as for ordering chaos opened far­reaching prospects for researches of interaction with chaos.


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    Enric Ramiro Roca


    Full Text Available RESUMEN:Nuestra aportación va encaminada a desarrollar el recurso de los itinerarios como instrumento didáctico de la geografia y de otras ciencias. Pero especialmente quiere contribuir al , homenaje de una gran maestra como es Charo Piñeiro y con ello, al de tantos compañeros que saben hacer compatibles la teoría con la práctica.Su estructura es la de un artículo con una breve y contundente defensa del itinerario y su concepto, para pasar a su metodología y organización, aderezadas con breves consejos de carácter vivencial para su éxito escolar y humano. Finalizamos con un grito en defensa de su utilizacióna pesar del esfuerzo que supone y de ir en contra de la tranquila comodidad que muchas veces ensombrece el mundo universitario.PALABRAS CLAVE:Itinerarios, Charo Piñeiro, didáctica, entornoABSTRACT:Our contribution goes in the direction of developing the itineraries as a didactic instrument in Geography and in other sciences. But it specially wants to pay homage to the great teacher, Charo Piñeiro, and to many other colleagues who know how to make compatible theory with practice. Its structure is that of an article with a short but strong defense of the itineraw and its concept; and to continue with its methodology and organization, touched with some short advise of theexperiential type for her academic and human success.KEY WORDS:Itineraries, Charo Piñeiro, didactic, environmentRESUMÉ:Notre apportation va se diriger  a développer le recours des itinéraires comme instrument didactique de la géographie et des autres sciences. Mais tres spécialement elle veut contribuer  a l'homage d'une grande maitresse comme l'est Charo Piñeiro et, avec ceci,  a celui d'autant d'autres collegues qui savent faire compatible la théorie avec la pratique. Sa structure est celle d'un article avec une breve et firme défense de l'itinéraire et son concept, pour passer ja sa méthodologie et son organisations, favorables avec de brefs

  4. When ideas grow up

    CERN Multimedia

    Stefania Pandolfi


    Challenge: to use basic-research technologies to enhance mobility. A group of Finnish students accepted this challenge in 2014 and now they have come back to CERN’s IdeaSquare to develop their idea: a smart hip protector to protect elderly people in the event of a fall.   The smart hip protector protects elderly people if they fall. (Image: George Atanassov/Aalto University) The intelligent hip protector features two airbags and three different sensors – an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a magnetometer. When the three sensors simultaneously show that the person is falling, a CO2 cartridge releases gas into the airbags and quickly inflates them, thus softening the impact with the ground. “This idea came about during the Challenge-Based Innovation course in 2014, in which participants were asked to use technologies developed for basic research in new solutions to facilitate mobility,” explains Enna Rane, a member of the team. “Together with students...

  5. IDEAS Pamphlet for CES (United States)

    Miranda, David J.; Santora, Joshua D.; Hochstadt, Jake


    Pamphlet on the IDEAS project for the Game Changing Development programs NASA booth at the Consumer Electronics Show. Pamphlet covers a high level overview of the technology developed and its capabilities. The technology being developed for the Integrated Display and Environmental Awareness System (IDEAS) project is a wearable computer system with an optical heads-up display (HUD) providing various means of communication and data manipulation to the user. The wearable computer, in the form of smart glasses, would allow personnel to view and modify critical information on a transparent, interactive display. This is presented in their unobstructed field of view, without taking their eyes or hands away from their critical work. The product is being designed in a modular manner so that the user can adjust the capabilities of the device depending on need. IDEAS is a full featured hardware and softwaresystem built to enhance the capabilities of theNASA work force on the ground and in space.

  6. Innate ideas in Islamic philosophy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Halilović Tehran


    Full Text Available The human soul is the subject of debates in numerous scientific disciplines. Philosophical considerations encompass a special dimension of the human soul that is related to ontological truths. Among different philosophical questions raised regarding the human soul, the issue of innate ideas particularly stands out. Well-known points of disagreement between Plato and Aristotle regarding this question are usually focused on whether a person possesses knowledge and thoughts from their creation, i.e. birth, or they acquire them through time and experience. With the appearance of Cartesian scepticism and following the solutions Descartes offered for the problem of certain knowledge, the issue of innate ideas has remained the focal question for many prominent philosophers. In the Islamic philosophy, the rational explanation of the nature of innate ideas originates from the more comprehensive theory of the human soul and it states that a person, according to their nature, possesses already existent cognitive abilities they were born with. Innate cognitive abilities discussed in the Islamic philosophy do not refer just to theoretical, but to practical knowledge, as well. Therefore, the analysis of innate ideas in the works of Muslim philosophers is connected to a larger number of scientific disciplines than when it comes to most Western philosophers. The difference between the practical and theoretic intellect will serve as a cognitive basis for defining another aspect of innate ideas. The products of a practical intellect, the human will and his actions, are personal and particular and, therefore, can be connected to the everyday life of a person. Owing to the general presence of the practical intellect in all life spheres, the influence of innate ideas, which are determined in a human being, is recognizable in all most detailed moments of their life.

  7. El buen gobierno de los servicios de salud de producción pública: ideas para avanzar Good governance of publicly-produced health services: ideas for moving forward

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    José Manuel Freire


    Full Text Available El buen desempeño de servicios de salud de producción pública tiene importancia vital, más allá del sector salud. Se aborda su buen gobierno y gestión a partir del marco conceptual de los valores e ideas del buen gobierno y de la experiencia de países más ejemplares, como referente práctico de buen desempeño. Se parte de la gran complejidad de los servicios públicos de salud, por su carácter público y su naturaleza profesional, y se identifican siete nudos gordianos de los servicios públicos de salud en España e Iberoamérica. Del concepto de buen gobierno se toma su carácter de referente ético y normativo y su potencial para renovar y dinamizar el gobierno de lo público. Del análisis comparado de los servicios de salud de producción pública se extraen ocho características que contribuyen a su buen desempeño. Se concluye con una reflexión sobre la importancia de compensar la posible hostilidad corporativa y gremial a un impulso reformista del statu-quo con alianzas que refuercen la confianza pública y el contrato social entre profesionales y ciudadanos en torno a los valores de los sistemas públicos de salud.The good performance of publicly-produced health services is of vital importance, well beyond the health sector. Taking into account the great complexity of the health services in the public sector due both to their public and professional nature, we identify seven Gordian Knots as being responsible for the most frequent problems of publicly produced health services in Spain and Latin America. From the concept of good governance we take its character as a normative and ethical benchmark and its potential to renew and invigorate the government of the public sector. From comparative analysis of publicly-produced health services in the best performing countries, we extract eight characteristics which contribute significantly to good performance. A final reflection is on the relevance of the importance of offsetting the

  8. Economic Ideas During the Malolos Congress


    Emmanuel S. de Dios


    While much has been written about the political ideas of the revolution, little if anything has been written about its economic ideas. This paper is an attempt to provide an intellectual background to the economic policies and directives emanating from the Malolos Republic. It traces the source of the revolution’s economics to cameralist ideas, a handed down by liberal Spanish thinkers and practical policy reformers. It documents these influences in the revolution’s policies towards public fi...

  9. IDEA papers special number 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mercadie, J.L.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA papers provides information such as, meeting, Internet addresses and programs. This paper is specially devoted to the environment. (A.L.B.)

  10. Salud con todos para el bienestar de todos: una necesidad apremiante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Estela de los Ángeles Gispert Abreu


    Full Text Available La salud es uno de los bienes más preciados de la humanidad, expresión del desarrollo social, por lo que todos los pueblos deben exigir el derecho a ella y asumir el deber de integración para su cuidado. La convicción de la necesidad de integración por la salud debe partir de las diferentes disciplinas de las ciencias de la salud, para luego poder inducir la integración efectiva de los demás sectores de la sociedad y la economía. Al ser la salud un sistema complejo y multicausal, la voluntad de hacer, con esfuerzos por parte de las diferentes ciencias de la salud y de los diferentes actores sociales, es primordial para el bienestar de todos. Ello está en consonancia con la idea martiana del amor triunfante: "Con todos y para el bien de todos", lo cual es una necesidad apremiante de la salud.

  11. Idea e imagen del rey en la diplomática medieval hispana: el valor de los preámbulos = Idea and Image of Kingship in Spanish Medieval Diplomatics: The Importance of Preambles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Martín Prieto


    Full Text Available El artículo trata del papel de los preámbulos de diplomas reales en la España medieval, como fuente para establecer varios rasgos definitorios de los reyes y la realeza tal como entonces se entendían. La detenida consideración de una cierta cantidad de tales preámbulos de documentos reales ayuda a caracterizar ideas e imágenes generales que definen la representación de la realeza de acuerdo con la propaganda de la época. Algunas concepciones clave sobre las dimensiones y deberes morales de la realeza pueden seguirse a lo largo de series enteras de documentos reales en la larga duración, al tiempo que adoptan formas diplomáticas diferentes en los preámbulos.This paper deals with the role of the preamble in royal documents of medieval Spain as a source for establishing various defining traits of kings and kingship as they were understood at the time. Thorough consideration of a certain number of such preambles in royal charters allows one to determine the general ideas and images that inform the representation of kingship as portrayed by the propaganda of its era. Some key ideas pertaining to the scope and moral duties of royalty can be traced throughout an entire series of royal charters in the long term, while assuming different diplomatic forms in the preambles.

  12. Hugo Chávez: de la idea de confederación de estados a la conformación de la alianza bolivariana para los pueblos de nuestra america 10.5102/uri.v10i1.1778

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    Eudis Fermin


    Full Text Available En el estudio se analiza los elementos políticos y diplomáticos de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA, una estrategia unionista contrahegemónica, presentada primero discursivamente, idea de creación de la Confederación de Estados, por el presidente Chávez en los foros latinoamericanos y caribeños durante la etapa 1999-2003, que iniciaría su construcción organizacional e institucional entre el 2004 y 2010 como proyecto político continental, período éste en que logró un posicionamiento geoestratégico para promover e impulsar el desarrollo socio-productivo y las relaciones comerciales de los pueblos. Es un estudio analítico-documental. El presidente Chávez pretende con esta estrategia desmontar la razón del mercado que predomina en la concepción integracionista de los gobiernos latinoamericanos y en los espacios públicos de integración, revelando sus contribuciones nefastas para el aumento de los índices de pobreza y exclusión social en la región, en contradicción al desarrollo social prometido por la derecha promotora del neoliberalismo. Se concluye que en la nueva etapa del proceso de transformación y cambio continúo que está experimentando el continente en las primeras décadas del siglo XXI, el gobierno de Chávez esta operacionalizando este enfoque a través de alianzas estratégicas con gobiernos que comparten en su diplomacia presidencial elementos ideológicos y políticos similares para la instauración del nuevo socialismo del siglo XXI.

  13. Idea Generation in Highly Institutionalized Fields

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agoguè, Marine; Boxenbaum, Eva

    innovation. An important question facing innovation research is thus how actors can generate ideas that break with the field frame in highly institutionalized fields? To answer this question, we draw on insights into dual process modeling from cognitive sciences. Dual process modeling emphasizes...... the different nature of the conscious (deliberate) and subconscious (implicit) systems involved in ideation. We further elaborate on how these two systems relate to four streams of research that management scholars evoke to model microprocesses of generating new ideas, namely metaphors, conceptual blending......The early phase of innovation processes in highly institutionalized fields relies on the capabilities of actors to generate new ideas that break with the field frame. Informed by a dominant logic, a field frame shapes collective cognition and can thus prevent the generation of new ideas and block...

  14. The National Origins of Policy Ideas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Campbell, John L.; Pedersen, Ove K.

    countries. The National Origins of Policy Ideas provides the first comparative analysis of how "knowledge regimes" communities of policy research organizations like think tanks, political party foundations, ad hoc commissions, and state research offices, and the institutions that govern them generate ideas...... contexts. Drawing on extensive interviews with top officials at leading policy research organizations, this book demonstrates why knowledge regimes are as important to capitalism as the state and the firm, and sheds new light on debates about the effects of globalization, the rise of neoliberalism......In politics, ideas matter. They provide the foundation for economic policymaking, which in turn shapes what is possible in domestic and international politics. Yet until now, little attention has been paid to how these ideas are produced and disseminated, and how this process varies between...

  15. Overcome IMF crisis with idea and invention

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Yeon Jung


    This book introduces the invention as a tool to overcome IMF crisis. These are the titles of the way to create invention and idea : what is idea? everyone can create something, have a confidence, this is patent, replace or change something, invention is not logical, challenge the normal law, throw away stereotype, movement of idea, original imagination, there are a lot of solutions, there is no expert, have a positive thought, why does inventor invent? necessity is invention of mother, three stage of idea and invention and imitation for invention.

  16. Overcome IMF crisis with idea and invention

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Yeon Jung


    This book introduces the invention as a tool to overcome IMF crisis. These are the titles of the way to create invention and idea : what is idea? everyone can create something, have a confidence, this is patent, replace or change something, invention is not logical, challenge the normal law, throw away stereotype, movement of idea, original imagination, there are a lot of solutions, there is no expert, have a positive thought, why does inventor invent? necessity is invention of mother, three stage of idea and invention and imitation for invention.

  17. The IDEA papers no 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laurent, J.


    The Information network on the Economic Development in Aquitaine (IDEA) aims to collect and spread the environmental information concerning the Aquitaine, in order to implement an observatory of the regional environment and of the sustainable development. The IDEA paper no. 4 presents the point of view of some participants to the third national meeting of the environment observatories. (A.L.B.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maximiliano E. Korstanje


    Full Text Available El riesgo turístico se ha transformado en una obsesión de los analistas, de las autoridades y hasta de los propios turistas, los cuales recurren a la contratación de seguros de todo tipo. El presente trabajo conceptual intenta proveer un modelo fiable para comprender no solo el riesgo turístico sino para organizar campañas de concientización en la sociedad. Centrados en los aportes de Cass Sunstein sobre su idea de la heurística de la probabilidad, es necesario reconsiderar la forma en que ciertos riesgos son mediatizados, mientras otros son ignorados. Un plan integral en seguridad turística debe tener en cuenta las exageraciones de la misma forma que los riesgos de baja probabilidad pero alto impacto.

  19. Great Constitutional Ideas: Justice, Equality, and Property. (United States)

    Starr, Isidore


    Examines the ideas of justice, equality, and property as they are represented in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Discusses how these ideas affect the way public schools operate and the lessons educators teach or don't teach about our society. Includes ideas for classroom activities. (JDH)

  20. Siete conferencias dictadas para el curso superior de higiene

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfdred H. Bruhn


    Full Text Available El objeto de las siguientes conferencias es dar a ustedes señores médicos una íntima y clara idea de los problemas de abastecimiento de aguas que estamos presenciando en este país. Se ha pensado poner en sus manos ciertas  herramientas, si pudiera decirse, y los conocimientos necesarios para usarlas efectivamente, de manera que sus esfuerzos sean de valor general en toda la República.

  1. Elimination of Ideas and Professional Socialisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gravengaard, Gitte; Rimestad, Lene


    . Our aim is to study how this building of expertise takes place at meetings with a particular focus on the decision-making process concerning ideas for new news stories. In order to do this, we perform linguistic analysis of news production practices, as we investigate how the journalists' ideas...... for potential news stories are eliminated by the editor at the daily newsroom meetings. The elimination of ideas for news stories are not just eliminations; they are also corrections of culturally undesirable behaviour producing and reproducing the proper perception of an important object of knowledge...

  2. A literature review of idea management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anna Rose Vagn


    The objective of the paper is primarily to conduct a state-of-the-art literature review of Idea Management and secondary to point out unanswered questions which are left behind in the reviewed literature. Scientific knowledge is primarily represented in innovation management literature but also...... considerably in literature on software and IT. On the background of the literature review, there are some weaknesses in the literature to be considered. These weaknesses concern the understanding of how people interact with idea management in their daily work practices and how different types of ideas...

  3. Ideas Production in Emerging Economies


    Luintel, Kul B; Kahn, Mosahid


    We model 'new ideas' production in a panel of 17 emerging countries. Our results reveal: (i) ideas production is duplicative, (ii) externality associated with domestic knowledge stocks is of above unit factor proportionality, (iii) OECD countries raise the innovation-bar for emerging countries, (iv) there is no significant knowledge diffusion across emerging countries, and (v) growth in emerging countries appear far from a balanced growth path.

  4. Numbers and other math ideas come alive

    CERN Document Server

    Pappas, Theoni


    Most people don't think about numbers, or take them for granted. For the average person numbers are looked upon as cold, clinical, inanimate objects. Math ideas are viewed as something to get a job done or a problem solved. Get ready for a big surprise with Numbers and Other Math Ideas Come Alive. Pappas explores mathematical ideas by looking behind the scenes of what numbers, points, lines, and other concepts are saying and thinking. In each story, properties and characteristics of math ideas are entertainingly uncovered and explained through the dialogues and actions of its math

  5. Propuesta del trazado de rutas para ciclovías en la zona urbana de la ciudad de Cuenca


    Barreto Aucapiña, Manuel Jesús; González Reino, Andrés Felipe


    El presente proyecto trata sobre la propuesta de un trazado de ciclo vías para la zona urbana de Cuenca; dicha propuesta está basada en muestreos, realizados a la población ciclo activa real y potencial de la ciudad de Cuenca, lo cual ayudó a determinar sus comportamientos de movilidad para determinar un trazado óptimo e incluyente para la ciudad. This project deals with the proposed route of cycle routes for the urban area of Cuenca; this idea is based on a sampling, which was carried out...





    [ES] La idea de trabajo de final de carrera que voy a desarrollar es un plan de empresa basado en la apertura de una nueva agencia de viajes, denominada ANROCA, SL. La empresa se especializará en viajes para negocios ya que tiene una menor estacionalidad, pero siempre tendrá recursos para satisfacer viajes de ocio. Para describir y desarrollar esta oportunidad de negocio realizaré un Plan de empresa, que va a tratar de examinar la viabilidad técnica, económica y financiera, y explicaré ...

  7. Interactive applications for energy saving; Aplicaciones interactivas para ahorro de energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adame Gonzalez, Alejandro; Ramirez Anaya, Cesar; Gutierrez, Hector; Dominguez Ojeda, Xerxes; Aguilar Galvan, Alfredo [Ingenieria Energetica Integral S. A. de C. V., Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    A series of ideas are presented that can help in the development of interactive applications for energy saving. Emphasis is made on the Fideicomiso de Apoyo al Programa de Ahorro de Energia (FIDE)`s Interactive Course on Demand Management and Power Factor Compensation, in order to demonstrate how far one can go with the multimedia development. [Espanol] Se presenta un conjunto de ideas que pueden auxiliar en la elaboracion de aplicaciones interactivas para ahorro de energia. Se hace principal enfasis sobre el curso interactivo Administracion de la Demanda y Compensacion del Factor de Potencia del Fideicomiso de Apoyo al Programa de Ahorro de Energia (FIDE) con la finalidad de mostrar hasta donde puede llegarse con un desarrollo multimedia.

  8. Interactive applications for energy saving; Aplicaciones interactivas para ahorro de energia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adame Gonzalez, Alejandro; Ramirez Anaya, Cesar; Gutierrez, Hector; Dominguez Ojeda, Xerxes; Aguilar Galvan, Alfredo [Ingenieria Energetica Integral S. A. de C. V., Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    A series of ideas are presented that can help in the development of interactive applications for energy saving. Emphasis is made on the Fideicomiso de Apoyo al Programa de Ahorro de Energia (FIDE)`s Interactive Course on Demand Management and Power Factor Compensation, in order to demonstrate how far one can go with the multimedia development. [Espanol] Se presenta un conjunto de ideas que pueden auxiliar en la elaboracion de aplicaciones interactivas para ahorro de energia. Se hace principal enfasis sobre el curso interactivo Administracion de la Demanda y Compensacion del Factor de Potencia del Fideicomiso de Apoyo al Programa de Ahorro de Energia (FIDE) con la finalidad de mostrar hasta donde puede llegarse con un desarrollo multimedia.

  9. Ludwik Fleck on proto-ideas in medicine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brorson, S


    and his nominalist view on medical taxonomy. Finally, I discuss four philosophical problems implied by Fleck's concept of proto-ideas: (a) the problem of combining two conflicting perspectives on the history of science (b) the problem of accounting for the notion of 'continuity' within a nonrealist theory......'Proto-idea' was a central concept in the thinking of the Polish microbiologist and philosopher of science Ludwik Fleck (1896-1961). Based on studies of the origin of the modern concept of syphilis, Fleck claimed that many established scientific facts are best understood as interpretations...... of prescientific, somewhat hazy 'proto-ideas' in the framework of a certain 'thought-style'. As an example, Fleck saw the modern knowledge of infection as an interpretation of the ancient proto-idea of diseases as caused by minute 'animalcules'. However, the epistemological aspects of the concept of proto-ideas...

  10. VladBot. Robot para posicionamiento de medida


    Plata Rueda, Ángel


    VladBot es un robot autónomo diseñado para posicionar en interiores un micrófono de medida. Este prototipo puede valorar la idea de automatizar medidas acústicas en interiores mediante un robot autónomo. Posee dos ruedas motrices y una rueda loca. Ésta rueda loca aporta maniobrabilidad al robot. Un soporte extensible hecho de aluminio sostiene el micrófono de medida. VladBot ha sido diseñado con tecnologías de bajo coste y bajo una plataforma abierta, Arduino. Arduino es una plataforma el...

  11. Generating original ideas: The neural underpinning of originality. (United States)

    Mayseless, Naama; Eran, Ayelet; Shamay-Tsoory, Simone G


    One of the key aspects of creativity is the ability to produce original ideas. Originality is defined in terms of the novelty and rarity of an idea and is measured by the infrequency of the idea compared to other ideas. In the current study we focused on divergent thinking (DT) - the ability to produce many alternate ideas - and assessed the neural pathways associated with originality. Considering that generation of original ideas involves both the ability to generate new associations and the ability to overcome automatic common responses, we hypothesized that originality would be associated with activations in regions related to associative thinking, including areas of the default mode network (DMN) such as medial prefrontal areas, as well as with areas involved in cognitive control and inhibition. Thirty participants were scanned while performing a DT task that required the generation of original uses for common objects. The results indicate that the ability to produce original ideas is mediated by activity in several regions that are part of the DMN including the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). Furthermore, individuals who are more original exhibited enhanced activation in the ventral anterior cingulate cortex (vACC), which was also positively coupled with activity in the left occipital-temporal area. These results are in line with the dual model of creativity, according to which original ideas are a product of the interaction between a system that generates ideas and a control system that evaluates these ideas. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. El Acuerdo de París: ¿Una nueva idea sobre la arquitectura climática internacional?


    Bueno Rubial, María del Pilar


    Este artículo propone un debate desde enfoques teóricos de las Relaciones Internacionales acerca de la arquitectura climática internacional. Para ello se vale de los aportes del constructivismo, especialmente en la mirada de Alexander Wendt, analizando el proceso de construcción del Acuerdo de París como nueva idea. La arquitectura climática internacional pergeñada en Río de Janeiro y profundizada en Kioto estuvo signada por cuatro lógicas que reproducían las condiciones del Si...

  13. The National Origins of Policy Ideas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Campbell, John L.; Pedersen, Ove K.


    In this article John Campbell and Ove Pedersen argue that the way policy ideas are generated by knowledge regimes varies considerably across countries; and the effect on national politics is significant. The article is adapted from The National Origins of Policy Ideas: Knowledge Regimes...

  14. Living in the WOW of Your Ideas (United States)

    Mabry, M. Parker


    Recently, the author got to thinking about some of the ideas that have crossed her mind in the last couple of weeks. The list made her smile. And as she went over it point by point in her head she tried to determine what, if any, reasonable or logical patterns were emerging in her myriad of ideas. The four divergent ideas presented in this article…

  15. Stata Hybrids: Updates and Ideas (United States)

    Fieldler, James


    At last year's Stata conference I presented two projects for using Python with Stata: a plugin that embeds the Python programming language within Stata and code for using Stata data sets in Python. In this talk I will describe some small improvements being made to these projects, and I will present other ideas for combining tools with Stata. Some of these ideas use Python, some use JavaScript and a web browser.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iván Alejandro Trujillo Acosta


    Full Text Available La Alianza del Pacífico (AP es un área de integración de interés en las relaciones internacionales. No obstante, existe un vacío en la literatura sobre las ventajas de ésta para la política exterior de Colombia. Este artículo busca analizar las ventajas de la AP para Colombia. Se defiende la idea que la AP ofrece ventajas para la inserción internacional de Colombia basadas tanto en las características de esa área de integración como en las oportunidades que ofrece para su política exterior. La AP es un área de integración que tiene en sus instituciones una agenda definida de integración, la cosecha temprana de las negociaciones, el seguimiento a las cumbres y una presidencia pro témpore eficaz. Por otra parte, le ofrece a Colombia un área de integración sin tensiones con otros actores, instrumentos para diversificar sus relaciones con el mundo y una opción de liderazgo regional desde la persuasión.

  17. Upper Grades Ideas. (United States)

    Thornburg, David; Beane, Pam


    Presents programming ideas using LOGO, activity for converting flowchart into a computer program, and a Pascal program for generating music using paddles. Includes the article "Helping Computers Adapt to Kids" by Philip Nothnagle; a program for estimating length of lines is included. (JN)

  18. Lógicas para la red

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonia HUERTAS


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Tim Berners-Lee y sus colegas del World Wide Web Consortium (W3C llamaron «Semantic Web» al que sería el siguiente estadio de desarrollo de la red (inevitablemente traducido al castellano como Web Semántica. La idea detrás de esta evolución de la red es extender con metadatos y reglas lógicas la red basada en el lenguaje html, con el objetivo de que la infraestructura resultante permita a las máquinas entender los datos de la red de la misma forma que los entendemos los humanos. Así, añadir lógica a la red permitiría a los ordenadores tomar decisiones, hacer inferencias y responder preguntas. En este texto se pretende revisar las lógicas que han sido propuestas para permitir esta nueva web inteligente y repasar las cuestiones teóricas y pragmáticas más importantes de la corta pero intensa historia de las lógicas para la red.ABSTRACT: Tim Berners-Lee and their colleagues of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C called «Semantic Web» the next development of the Web. The idea behind this evolution of the Web is to extend the present network based on the HTML language with metadata and logical rules, with the aim of the resulting infrastructure allowing machines to understand Web data in the same way that human beings understand them. Thus, adding logic to the Web would allow the computers to take decisions, to do inferences and to answer questions. In this paper it is intended to revise the logics that have been suggested to allow this new intelligent Web and to revise the most important theoretical and pragmatic questions of the short but intense history of logics for the Web.

  19. Informal Evaluation and Institutionalization of Neoteric Technology Ideas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulrich, Frank; Mengiste, Shegaw Anagaw; Müller, Sune Dueholm


    in existing institutionalized technologies within the organization and that emerging technologies introduce neoteric ideas to the organization. Furthermore, we argue that when attempting to introduce technology-based ideas, human actors will focus their attention on ideas embedded in existing...... theories of creativity, Scandinavian institutionalism, and empirical data from two Danish organizations, this article investigates the interplay between creativity, technology, and human sensemaking in the process of translating and transforming technology ideas into full-fledged technological innovations....

  20. Turkish Students' Ideas about Global Warming (United States)

    Kilinc, Ahmet; Stanisstreet, Martin; Boyes, Edward


    A questionnaire was used to explore the prevalence of ideas about global warming in Year 10 (age 15-16 years) school students in Turkey. The frequencies of individual scientific ideas and misconceptions about the causes, consequences and "cures" of global warming were identified. In addition, several general findings emerged from this…

  1. A Field Experiment in Motivating Employee Ideas


    Susanne Neckermann; Michael Gibbs; Christoph Siemroth


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ We study the effects of a field experiment designed to motivate employee ideas, at a large technology company. Employees were encouraged to submit ideas on process and product improvements via an online system. In the experiment, the company randomized 19 account teams into treatment and control groups. Employees in treatment teams received rewards if their ideas were approved. Nothing changed for employees in control teams. Our main finding is that rewards substa...

  2. De la periferia al centro del huracán. Una propuesta para publicitarios inquietos


    Poveda Salvà, Miquel


    Las empresas necesitan personas que propongan ideas creativas e innovadoras. Los publicitarios están preparados para no quedarse en una posición periférica respecto a la actividad de las empresas (realizando anuncios). Los publicitarios pueden formar parte de las propuestas innovadoras en materia de productos, organización empresarial....

  3. Sobre la terapia génica para enfermedades de la retina. (United States)

    Fischer, M Dominik


    Las mutaciones en un gran número de genes provocan degeneración de la retina y ceguera sin que exista actualmente cura alguna. En las últimas décadas, la terapia génica para enfermedades de la retina ha evolucionado y se ha convertido en un nuevo y prometedor paradigma terapéutico para estas enfermedades poco comunes. Este artículo refleja las ideas y los conceptos que parten de la ciencia básica hacia la aplicabilidad de la terapia génica en el ámbito clínico. Se describen los avances y las reflexiones actuales sobre la eficacia de los ensayos clínicos en la actualidad y se discuten los posibles obstáculos y soluciones de cara al futuro de la terapia génica para enfermedades de la retina. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  4. Time: Assessing Understanding of Core Ideas (United States)

    Thomas, Margaret; McDonough, Andrea; Clarkson, Philip; Clarke, Doug


    Although an understanding of time is crucial in our society, curriculum documents have an undue emphasis on reading time and little emphasis on core underlying ideas. Given this context, a one-to-one assessment interview, based on a new framework, was developed and administered to investigate students' understanding of core ideas undergirding the…

  5. Transforming Ethnomathematical Ideas in Western Mathematics Curriculum Texts (United States)

    Dickenson-Jones, Amelia


    When ethnomathematical ideas, that is, the mathematical ideas of different cultural groups, are included in mathematics curriculum texts they can become part of the learning experience in various ways. Once included in western classroom mathematics texts, the ethnomathematical ideas become transformed. The transformations involve changes in form…

  6. Filosofía Política e Historia de las ideas en el pensamiento de Abelardo Villegas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Arpini


    Full Text Available Nuestro interés es trabajar en el ámbito de la historia de las ideas latinoamericanas a partir de la hipótesis de que junto a las ideas que orientaron el proceso modernizador que resultó hegemónicamente implantado desde fines del siglo XIX, durante un lapso que abarca poco más de una centuria, existió otro conjunto de ideas y/o proyectos que fueron alternativos o abiertamente críticos de aquellos que acabaron por imponerse. El objetivo es rastrear en el pensamiento de Abelardo Villegas la original conjunción dialéctica de problemas, por un lado, propios de la filosofía política y, por otro, de la Historia de las ideas. Conjunción original por cuanto surge del análisis de una realidad concreta, la de América Latina en el siglo XX y es articulada como búsqueda de respuestas alternativas frente a la implantación de sucesivos esquemas de modernización dependiente. Para ello nos detenemos en los siguientes temas trabajados por Villegas: La filosofía de lo mexicano y de los mexicanos; la historia como aplicación y como libertad; la ampliación de la noción de libertad; el antagonismo dominante en el siglo XX; la crítica al liberalismo; la superación de visiones hipostasiadas de la historia; la soberanía popular; la relación entre libertad y democracia, y entre igualdad y democracia.

  7. Sistema para cálculos en redes de distribución primaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Casas Fernández


    Full Text Available Tradicionalmente, los cálculos relacionados con las redes de distribución se apoyan en numerosasaproximaciones debido fundamentalmente a la dificultad de obtener datos confiables y a las simplificacioneshechas para realizarlos. En este artículo se valora la representación de cada elemento de estos circuitoscon el fin de obtener respuestas lo más exactas posible en los estudios de los circuitos de distribuciónprimaria. Basado en las ideas expuestas para reducir al mínimo las simplificaciones, se ha desarrolladoRADIAL, un sistema de computación que garantiza alta fiabilidad, con el cual es posible alcanzar resultadosde alta calidad vinculados con los problemas más frecuentes, con un mínimo de simplificaciones, además,RADIAL ofrece facilidades adicionales para el análisis de problemas reales.  Historically calculations related to distribution networks involve many approximations due mainly to thedifficulty in obtaining reliable data, and because simplification is always present in order to reduce complexcalculations. In this paper each element of these circuits is evaluated in order to obtain as accurateresults as are possible in primary distribution circuit studies. With the stated idea to reduce simplifications,RADIAL has been developed as a highly reliable computer system, which makes it possible to obtainhigh quality results tied to the most problems with minimum simplifications.Complementary, RADIAL offers many other expanded capabilities with which to analyze existing problemsin real circuits.

  8. Ideas for Directors. (United States)

    Child Care Information Exchange, 1987


    Presents child care center directors with a variety of relevant management ideas from business and the child care field. They include translating employee body language; leadership myths; on-the-job teacher training; undesirable bosses; wasting employee talent; voicing disagreement; employee anger; encouraging creativity; and coping with late…

  9. Powering Ideas through Expertise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seabrooke, Leonard; Wigan, Duncan


    This contribution discusses how ideas are powered through expertise and moral authority. Professionals compete with each other to power ideas by linking claims to expertise, how things best work, to moral claims about how things should be. To show how, we draw on a case of battles over global tax...... policy. Corporate reporting for tax purposes is an area where the European Union, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United Nations, large global accountancy firms and non-governmental organizations have been active. The point of contention here is what form of financial...... can be fused with claims to moral authority. Such a constellation is more likely when political conditions are favourable....

  10. The circulation of ideas in firms and markets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hellmann, T.F.; Perotti, E.C.


    Novel early stage ideas face uncertainty on the expertise needed to elaborate them, which creates a need to circulate them widely to find a match. Yet as information is not excludable, shared ideas may be stolen, reducing incentives to innovate. Still, in idea-rich environments inventors may share

  11. Consejos para los Padres Sobre la Lectura: Informacion e Ideas para Ayudar a los Ninos Desde la Infancia Hasta Octavo Grado a Tener Exito en la Lectura (Tips for Parents about Reading: Information and Ideas for Helping Children through Grade Eight Succeed with Reading). (United States)

    Davis, Deborah; Lewis, Jan Patricia

    Noting that all parents want the best school experience for their children, this booklet, in Spanish, gives parents some ideas about what to expect at different ages and stages of reading development, suggestions for what parents can do at home, and a list of favorite books parents can find in most libraries for parents and children to read.…

  12. Desarrollo de un plan de marketing digital para una aplicación móvil basada en planes de ocio


    Silva Padilla, Sergio


    En este documento se definirá un Plan de Marketing Digital para una idea de negocio presentada en el proyecto de fin de carrera de la ETSIT UPM por Leonor Barrueco en 2015. Dicho proyecto documentaba un plan de negocio para una aplicación móvil basada en planes de ocio llamada LOCALING , pero dejaba pendiente, para una etapa posterior, la definición con más detalle del plan de marketing digital, que es precisamente lo que se desarrollará en el presente Proyecto de Fin de Carrera. Este P...

  13. Selección de la financiación óptima para el desarrollo de una idea innovadora en una PYME


    Pignatelli Figueiras, Fernando Luis


    El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad poner en práctica los conocimientos en materia de competitividad, innovación y economía de la empresa adquiridos en la titulación de Ingeniería en Organización Industrial. El objetivo es plasmar de una manera clara la metodología a seguir para detectar que es un proyecto innovador y cuáles son los mecanismos de financiación existentes, tanto privados como públicos, en función de las características del proyecto y de la empresa. Para ello se desa...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Ocampo López


    Full Text Available Este trabajo de investigación de HISULA en la serie de Educadores Latinoamericanos tiene por objeto el estudio de las ideas educativas y la metodología científica de la Investigación-Acción Participativa del educador Dr. Orlando Fals Borda, uno de los grandes ideólogos de la educación universitaria en Colombia. Se preocupa por el análisis de sus principales obras relacionadas con el estudio sociológico de los campesinos de los Andes y el Hombre y la Tierra en la región cundiboyacense del Altiplano Andino. Este ilustre educador barranquillero hizo sus trabajos de investigación sociológica del pueblo colombiano y defendió el papel de la educación en el cambio social. Con su metodología de la investigación-acción participativa señaló los nuevos rumbos de la educación colombiana centrada en el alumno y en la filosofía del "aprender haciendo". En sus actividades docentes formó una generación de sociólogos dedicados a la investigación social en una época de crisis y de cambios. Por ello su acción se realizó en la Facultad de Sociología de la Universidad Nacional y en sus investigaciones científicas y educativas, destacando su metodología de "La investigación-Acción Participativa". Su actuación fue definitiva como ideólogo de la Constitución Nacional de 1991, en la cual se plasmaron algunas de sus ideas.

  15. Innovative detector ideas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruchti, R.C.


    Excellent ideas abound in high resolution vertex detection, high resolution calorimetry, particle detection, and in operation of devices in high luminosity environments. With appropriate development of these innovations in instrumentation, we should be able to confront successfully the challenges of physics requiring high luminosity and very high energy

  16. Distributed Idea Screening in Stage–gate Development Processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Onarheim, Balder; Christensen, Bo T.


    This paper investigates the gate screening of ideas in engineering design, by examination of the validity of employee voting schemes and biases associated with such voting. After conducting an employee-driven innovation project at a major producer of disposable medical equipment, 99 ideas had...... to be screened for further development. Inspired by the concept of ‘wisdom of the crowd’, all ideas were individually rated by a broad selection of employees, and the ratings were used to investigate two biases in employee voting: visual complexity and endowment effect/ownership of ideas. The visual complexity...

  17. Drawing, Visualisation and Young Children's Exploration of "Big Ideas" (United States)

    Brooks, Margaret


    It is in the visualisation of ideas, and the expression or representation of our ideas, that we can bring something more clearly into consciousness. A drawing might be seen as an externalisation of a concept or idea. Drawing has the potential to play a mediating role in the visualisation of ideas and concepts in relation to young children…

  18. Salud y enfermedad expresión gráfica de ideas en estudiantes de pregrado en enfermería Health and disease graphical expression of ideas in nursing students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Gonzalo Eslava Albarracín


    Full Text Available El estudio pretende dar un paso en el co¬nocimiento y la comprensión del saber de sentido común que tienen los estudiantes de la salud y la enfermedad, ampliar la visión y el conocimiento en relación con sus formas de pensar porque de alguna manera ellas van a influenciar sus futuros comportamientos, tanto dentro de las instituciones de salud como en su vida cotidiana. El objetivo principal es el de identificar y analizar las representaciones sociales de salud y enfermedad de un grupo de estudiantes de pregrado en enfermería, para reflexionar en torno a la práctica docente cotidiana y la influencia que esta tiene en el proceso de construcción de conocimiento de los estudiantes. Para la recolección de información se utilizaron la expresión gráfica de ideas y el grupo focal. Los resultados muestran que para adquirir o mejorar su saber, ellos parten de sus propias obser¬vaciones de la vida diaria, re-elaboran sus conceptos haciéndolos más accesibles a su entendimiento. En relación con la salud/en¬fermedad no podemos hablar de conceptos ciertos o errados, simplemente de formas de comprender y vivir la experiencia de estar sano o enfermo, dentro de un contexto social e ideológico determinado.The study tries to give to a passage in the knowledge and the understanding of the knowledge of sense common, that they have the students in relation to the health and the disease, to extend the vision and the knowledge in relation to its forms to think somehow, since, they are going to influence its future behaviors, as much within the institutions of health, like in its daily life. The primary target is the one to identify and to analyze the social representations of health and disease in a group of nursing predegree students, to reflect surroundings of the daily educational practice and the influence that this one has in the process of construction of knowledge of the students. For the information harvesting the graphical expression of ideas

  19. Sharing Teaching Ideas. (United States)

    Crouse, Richard J.; And Others


    The first idea concerns a board game similar to tic-tac-toe in which the strategy involves the knowledge of the factorization of quadratic polynomials. The second game uses the calculation of the surface areas of solid figures applying the specific examples of cigar boxes and cylindrical tin cans. (JJK)

  20. A Group Creativity Support System for Dynamic Idea Evaluation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulrich, Frank


    Idea evaluation is necessary in most modern organizations to identify the level of novelty and usefulness of new ideas. However, current idea evaluation research hinders creativity by primarily supporting convergent thinking (narrowing down ideas to a few tangible solutions), while divergent...... thinking (the development of wildly creative and novel thoughts patterns) is discounted. In this paper, this current view of idea evaluation is challenged through the development of a prototype that supports dynamic idea evaluation. The prototype uses knowledge created during evaluative processes...... to facilitate divergent thinking in a Group Creativity Support System (GCSS) designed from state-of-the-art research. The prototype is interpretively explored through a field experiment in a Danish IS research department. Consequently, the prototype demonstrates the ability to including divergent thinking...

  1. Las ideas penitenciarias en el campo jurídico cordobés. 1885–1911

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    Luciano, Milena


    Full Text Available Resumen En este artículo se pretende realizar una primera aproximación a las ideas que sentaron las bases de la reforma penitenciaria en Córdoba. Para ello, se examinan las tradiciones teóricas presentes en dos tesis de doctorado realizadas por estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho (UNC. Dichas propuestas, caracterizadas por sus posicionamientos eclécticos, son abordadas desde una perspectiva comparada, analizando sus representaciones sobre el delito y la pena, los sistemas penitenciarios propuestos, el papel otorgado al contexto local y la relación establecida entre rehabilitación y productividad del reo. Abstract This paper seeks to make a first approach to some of the ideas that layed the foundations for the prison reform in Córdoba. To do so, we examine the theoretical traditions present in two doctoral thesis made by students of the Faculty of Law (UNC. Those proposals, characterized by its eclectic points of view, are approached from a comparative perspective, analyzing representations about crime and punishment, prison systems proposed, the role given to the local context and the relationship they established between rehabilitation and the accused´s productivity.

  2. Fabrication and characteristics of magnetic field sensors based on nano-polysilicon thin-film transistors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Xiaofeng; Wen Dianzhong; Zhuang Cuicui; Cao Jingya; Wang Zhiqiang


    A magnetic field sensor based on nano-polysilicon thin films transistors (TFTs) with Hall probes is proposed. The magnetic field sensors are fabricated on 〈100〉 orientation high resistivity (ρ > 500 Ω·cm) silicon substrates by using CMOS technology, which adopt nano-polysilicon thin films with thicknesses of 90 nm and heterojunction interfaces between the nano-polysilicon thin films and the high resistivity silicon substrates as the sensing layers. The experimental results show that when V DS = 5.0 V, the magnetic sensitivities of magnetic field sensors based on nano-polysilicon TFTs with length—width ratios of 160 μm/80 μm, 320 μm/80 μm and 480 μm/80 μm are 78 mV/T, 55 mV/T and 34 mV/T, respectively. Under the same conditions, the magnetic sensitivity of the obtained magnetic field sensor is significantly improved in comparison with a Hall magnetic field sensor adopting silicon as the sensing layers. (semiconductor technology)

  3. Managing Front-End Innovation through Idea Markets at Novozymes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauto, Giancarlo; Valentin, Finn; Hatzack, Frank


    Online collaboration is a powerful tool for boosting idea generation in large corporations. However, management may experience an overload of proposals from employees. To improve front-end innovation, the Danish industrial biotech company Novozymes implemented an internal idea competition in which...... a relatively small number of highly motivated participants screened their colleagues' inventions through an "idea market." The idea competition fulfilled its goals of generating two ideas with high growth potential within a short time, uncovering and recombining old proposals that inventors had not previously...... been able to advance in the organization and focusing managerial attention on the selection process. The campaign is an effective tool to recombine existing knowledge that had not been utilized. The process demonstrated that asking participants to comment on proposals improves idea generation...

  4. Pistas para pensar las significaciones imaginarias sobre la invariancia


    Bilyk, Pablo Andrés


    Este escrito propone un primer esbozo de nominalizaciones sobre las significaciones imaginarias en torno a la idea de invariancia, con el fin de comenzar a mapear categorías para transitar que nos permitan pensar las construcciones fantasmáticas sobre el no-cambio. En definitiva, se trata de avanzar sobre la problematización de los modos de funcionamiento, constitución y reconfiguraciones de las hegemonías en los entramados sociales contemporáneos. Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Soc...

  5. Searching for new ideas: a mediation of creativity from a cognitive perspective

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    Julia Margarita Barco Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Este artículo deriva del proyecto de investigación “Explorando viejas ideas en busca de las nuevas: la experiencia educativa como mediación para el desarrollo de la creatividad”, adelantado por sus autores en la Maestría en Educación de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Línea de Cognición y Creatividad. Reflexiona sobre la creatividad como una capacidad propia del ser humano, susceptible de ser desarrollada en ambientes de aprendizaje que la propicien, desde el enfoque de la cognición creativa, que desmitifica las creencias que explican la creatividad como un asunto de genialidad o inspiración, con lo cual la sitúa en el centro de la reflexión educativa. La mediación de la experiencia educativa para el desarrollo de la creatividad se asume desde la perspectiva del modelo Geneplore que la concibe, no como un proceso único e independiente sino como el resultado de diversos procesos mentales, generativos y exploratorios, los cuales ayudan a sentar las bases del insight creativo y el descubrimiento. Desde estas comprensiones se hace una invitación a pensar alternativas mediadoras que permitan salvar la enorme distancia entre la creatividad como aspiración y propósito de las políticas y proyectos educativos, y la realidad de su desarrollo en el contexto escolar.

  6. A Field Experiment in Motivating Employee Ideas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. Gibbs (Michael); S. Neckermann (Susanne); C. Siemroth (Christoph)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ We study the effects of a field experiment designed to motivate employee ideas, at a large technology company. Employees were encouraged to submit ideas on process and product improvements via an online system. In the experiment, the company randomized 19 account

  7. The challenges and benefits of idea management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D. Deichmann (Dirk)


    textabstractFor organisations to sustain success in their markets, and in order to survive, they need to utilise their workforce as effectively as possible. By stimulating and implementing employees’ ideas for improvement and innovation, idea management encourages people to participate in the

  8. The circulation of ideas: firms versus markets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hellmann, T.F.; Perotti, E.C.


    We describe new ideas as incomplete concepts for which the innovator needs feedback from agents with complementary skills. Once shared, ideas may be stolen. We compare how different contractual environments support invention and implementation. Markets, as open exchange systems, are good for

  9. From Young Children's Ideas about Germs to Ideas Shaping a Learning Environment (United States)

    Ergazaki, Marida; Saltapida, Konstantina; Zogza, Vassiliki


    This paper is concerned with highlighting young children’s ideas about the nature, location and appearance of germs, as well as their reasoning strands about germs’ ontological category and biological functions. Moreover, it is concerned with exploring how all these could be taken into account for shaping a potentially fruitful learning environment. Conducting individual, semi-structured interviews with 35 preschoolers (age 4.5-5.5) of public kindergartens in the broader area of Patras, we attempted to trace their ideas about what germs are, where they may be found, whether they are good or bad and living or non-living and how they might look like in a drawing. Moreover, children were required to attribute a series of biological functions to dogs, chairs and germs, and finally to create a story with germs holding a key-role. The analysis of our qualitative data within the “NVivo” software showed that the informants make a strong association of germs with health and hygiene issues, locate germs mostly in our body and the external environment, are not familiar with the ‘good germs’-idea, and draw germs as ‘human-like’, ‘animal-like’ or ‘abstract’ entities. Moreover, they have significant difficulties not only in employing biological functions as criteria for classifying germs in the category of ‘living’, but also in just attributing such functions to germs using a warrant. Finally, the shift from our findings to a 3-part learning environment aiming at supporting preschoolers in refining their initial conceptualization of germs is thoroughly discussed in the paper.

  10. Aplicación de herramientas estadísticas para el análisis de indicadores


    Villar-Ledo, Leisis; Ledo-Ferrer, Mayra Clara


    En este trabajo se determinan las herramientas y técnicas estadísticas para el análisis de los indicadores del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad como método para garantizar la mejora continua de la Corporación Importadora Exportadora CIMEX SA. Este estudio se centró y aplicó en la División Compras, Almacenaje y Distribución. Entre las herramientas propuestas se encuentran: tormenta de ideas, ploteo de datos, análisis de series cronológicas y análisis de correlación lineal. Como resultados fund...

  11. History of Great Ideas: An Honors Seminar. (United States)

    Terrill, Marty; And Others

    The History of Great Ideas is an interdisciplinary seminar course for sophomore honor students at North Arkansas Community Technical College that teaches the intellectual history of western civilization. Each semester, students study 14 ideas from science, philosophy, history, religion, sociology, and economics to discover how philosophical…

  12. On the content of a product idea

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Claus Thorp; Andreasen, Mogens Myrup


    In an industrial company developing consumer products for the global marketplace, it is the management’s task to decide which product ideas shall be selected as a basis for developing new and innovative products. The company management has to allocate resources to a portfolio of product ideas...

  13. Multiconjugado académico para turismo: un programa en contexto

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    Carolina Delgado Hurtado


    Full Text Available El trabajo docente implica generar propuestas académicas integrales que involucren las actividades sustantivas de la Universidad pública con sus respectivas interacciones. El presente artículo intenta describir una propuesta académica que despliega lo que la autora ha denominado “El Multiconjugado Académico” compuesto por los tres (3 ejes fundamentales del quehacer universitario; la Docencia, entendida como el conjunto de actividades emprendidas para la comunicación y enseñanza de conocimientos, habilidades, ideas o experiencias; la Investigación, como proceso formal y sistemático para el descubrimiento y desarrollo de un cuerpo de conocimientos universales, y la Proyección social como la respuesta consciente y organizada a las problemáticas sociales no atendidas. La dinámica del presente artículo plantea que las tres funciones no se desarrollan ni se conciben como partes aisladas dentro del quehacer universitario; por el contrario, defiende la premisa de que constituyen un sistema integrado de actividades que se conjugan para el logro de los objetivos universitarios.

  14. Historia de la Ciencia e ideas de los alumnos como referentes para seleccionar contenidos sobre nutrición


    Juan Carlos Rivadulla-López; Susana García-Barros; Cristina Martínez-Losada


    En este trabajo se realiza una revisión histórica acerca de la construcción del conocimiento sobre la nutrición humana, que fue evolucionando desde ideas simplistas e inconexas sobre las funciones vitales, centradas en el organismo, a concepciones más complejas e integradoras de la nutrición dentro del marco de la teoría celular y su interacción con el medio. También se hace una revisión de distintos estudios sobre las concepciones del alumnado respecto a la nutrición humana, mostrando que lo...

  15. Fluorine concentrations of ore fluids in the Illinois-Kentucky district: Evidence from SEM-EDS analysis of fluid inclusion decrepitates (United States)

    Kenderes, Stuart M.; Appold, Martin S.


    The Illinois-Kentucky district is an atypical occurrence of Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) mineralization that consists predominantly of fluorite rather than metal sulfide minerals. A long-standing assumption for the predominance of fluorite in the Illinois-Kentucky district is that the ore fluids there were anomalously rich in dissolved fluorine compared to typical sedimentary brines and other MVT ore fluids. This hypothesis is based on the unusual close temporal and spatial association of fluorine-rich ultramafic igneous rocks to MVT mineralization in the district, high K and Sr concentrations in the igneous rocks and in MVT ore-hosted fluid inclusions, a significant mantle 3He/4He component in ore-hosted fluid inclusions, and reaction path models that show titration of a HF-rich fluid into sedimentary brine is capable of producing a fluorite-dominated MVT ore mineral assemblage. The purpose of the present study was to test this hypothesis more directly by determining the fluorine concentration of the Illinois-Kentucky ore fluid through SEM-EDS analysis of evaporative solute mounds resulting from thermal decrepitation of fluid inclusions hosted in sphalerite. All 26 evaporative solute mounds from Illinois-Kentucky sphalerite samples analyzed contained detectable concentrations of fluorine of 1-4 weight percent. Based on calibration to standard solutions and previously published fluid inclusion major element concentrations, these solute mound fluorine concentrations correspond to fluid inclusion fluorine concentrations of about 680-4300 ppm, indicating that the Illinois-Kentucky ore fluids were quite rich in fluorine compared to typical sedimentary brines, which have fluorine concentrations mainly on the order of 1's to 10's of ppm. In contrast, solute mounds from sphalerite-hosted fluid inclusions from the Tri-State district did not contain fluorine in excess of the detection limit. The detection limit equates to an aqueous fluorine concentration between 87 and

  16. Entrepreneurial Idea Identification through Online Social Networks (United States)

    Lang, Matthew C.


    The increasing use of social network websites may signal a change in the way the next generation of entrepreneurs identify entrepreneurial ideas. An important part of the entrepreneurship literature emphasizes how vital the use of social networks is to entrepreneurial idea identification, opportunity recognition, and ultimately new venture…

  17. General Process for Business Idea Generation


    Halinen, Anu


    This thesis presents a process for generating ideas with the intent to propagate new business within a micro-company. Utilizing this newly proposed process, generation of new ideas will be initiated allowing for subsequent business plans to be implemented to grow the existing customer base. Cloudberrywind is a family-owned and family-operated micro company in the Finnish region that offers information technology consulting services and support for project management to improve company efficie...

  18. Categorizing ideas about trees: a tree of trees. (United States)

    Fisler, Marie; Lecointre, Guillaume


    The aim of this study is to explore whether matrices and MP trees used to produce systematic categories of organisms could be useful to produce categories of ideas in history of science. We study the history of the use of trees in systematics to represent the diversity of life from 1766 to 1991. We apply to those ideas a method inspired from coding homologous parts of organisms. We discretize conceptual parts of ideas, writings and drawings about trees contained in 41 main writings; we detect shared parts among authors and code them into a 91-characters matrix and use a tree representation to show who shares what with whom. In other words, we propose a hierarchical representation of the shared ideas about trees among authors: this produces a "tree of trees." Then, we categorize schools of tree-representations. Classical schools like "cladists" and "pheneticists" are recovered but others are not: "gradists" are separated into two blocks, one of them being called here "grade theoreticians." We propose new interesting categories like the "buffonian school," the "metaphoricians," and those using "strictly genealogical classifications." We consider that networks are not useful to represent shared ideas at the present step of the study. A cladogram is made for showing who is sharing what with whom, but also heterobathmy and homoplasy of characters. The present cladogram is not modelling processes of transmission of ideas about trees, and here it is mostly used to test for proximity of ideas of the same age and for categorization.

  19. El juego de los sentidos: un pretexto para divertirse


    Meneses Rueda, Carlos


    La tesis: “El Juego de los Sentidos, Un placer para divertirse” está encauzado en realizar una investigación sobre la utilización lúdica, educativa y expresiva de los sentidos (visual, olfativo, gustativo, auditivo y táctil) en la concreción de lo nombrado (la palabra), la idea de comunicación entre los seres humanos y el medio en el cual se desarrollan, y la elaboración de obras tanto tridimensionales como bidimensionales, teniendo como tema central la percepciones y sensaciones captadas a t...

  20. Development and community-based validation of the IDEA study Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IDEA-IADL questionnaire

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    Cecilia Collingwood


    Full Text Available Background: The dementia diagnosis gap in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA is large, partly due to difficulties in assessing function, an essential step in diagnosis. Objectives: As part of the Identification and Intervention for Dementia in Elderly Africans (IDEA study, to develop, pilot, and validate an Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL questionnaire for use in a rural Tanzanian population to assist in the identification of people with dementia alongside cognitive screening. Design: The questionnaire was developed at a workshop for rural primary healthcare workers, based on culturally appropriate roles and usual activities of elderly people in this community. It was piloted in 52 individuals under follow-up from a dementia prevalence study. Validation subsequently took place during a community dementia-screening programme. Construct validation against gold standard clinical dementia diagnosis using DSM-IV criteria was carried out on a stratified sample of the cohort and validity assessed using area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC curve analysis. Results: An 11-item questionnaire (IDEA-IADL was developed after pilot testing. During formal validation on 130 community-dwelling elderly people who presented for screening, the AUROC curve was 0.896 for DSM-IV dementia when used in isolation and 0.937 when used in conjunction with the IDEA cognitive screen, previously validated in Tanzania. The internal consistency was 0.959. Performance on the IDEA-IADL was not biased with regard to age, gender or education level. Conclusions: The IDEA-IADL questionnaire appears to be a useful aid to dementia screening in this setting. Further validation in other healthcare settings in SSA is required.

  1. 3rd Semester and Master's Thesis Ideas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Johan

    The following pages contain a list of project ideas proposed by the scientific staff at the department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, and a number of companies. Most of the project ideas in this catalouge may form the basis for long and short candidate projects as well as regular 3rd...

  2. El Coco-Game un juego de mesa para co-crear, potenciación del trabajo colaborativo y creativo

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    Huber Morales


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar en un proceso de ideación la efectividad del Coco-Game, herramienta lúdica diseñada para generar ideas entre grupos heterogéneos, se juega con un tablero y otros elementos para crear un ambiente propicio de co-creación, fomentando la participación y la generación de ideas respecto a una temática específica. Esta herramienta fue diseñada en el Centro de Excelencia en TIC Aplicada (ARTICA, Colombia. La metodología cualitativa aplicada fue estudio de caso sobre la efectividad del Coco-Game. Se desarrolla con un facilitador, cuya función es coordinar las sesiones de co-creación e incentivar la interacción de los participantes. El análisis se realizó por medio de la ‘observación participante’ en un conjunto de sesiones de Coco-Game. Se ratificó la potenciación eficiente del trabajo colaborativo y la generación de un conjunto de ideas-solución. En conclusión, se probó que esta clase de juegos serios son innovadores y eficientes en procesos de ideación

  3. How to get radical creative ideas into a leader's mind? Leader's achievement goals and subordinates' voice of creative ideas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sijbom, Roy B.L.; Janssen, Onne; Van Yperen, Nico W.


    In the present research we investigated when and why leaders tend to oppose or adopt radical creative ideas voiced by their subordinates. In a field study (Study 1, N=127) we showed that leaders' performance goals were positively related to their tendency to oppose radical creative ideas, whereas

  4. 50 Practical Promotion Ideas. (United States)

    Madeyski, Tom


    Includes 50 cost-effective ideas for promoting camp in the areas of recruiting new campers, encouraging returning campers, advertising strategies, printing brochures and other written materials, using photographs, targeting groups for camp facility rental, and effectively using the media. (LP)

  5. Fatores psicológicos de risco e protetores associados à ideação Suicida em Adolescentes


    Brás, Marta; Jesus, Saul; Carmo, Cláudia


    Os adolescentes são referenciados como um grupo de risco de suicídio, no Plano Nacional de Prevenção do Suicídio (DGS, 2013), pelo que importa estudar a sua vulnerabilidade psicológica para os atos suicidas. O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo estudar a relação dos fatores psicológicos de risco e de proteção com a ideação suicida. A amostra foi constituída por 344 adolescentes, com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 19 anos (M = 16,97; DP = 1,11), dos quais 144 eram do sexo masc...

  6. Christian Ideas in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. (United States)

    Gregory, Brad


    The revival of intellectual history in recent years, to which the series Ideas in Context has contributed, owes much to showing how ideas, beliefs, and aspirations inform all areas of human life. In the Reformation era, disagreements about Christian ideas disrupted society at large. Nearly all studies of Western Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries must address the consequences of these disagreements, including the books noted here by Todd, Van Gelderen, Tuck, Kusukawa, and Hoepfl.

  7. Contribuições de Fisher para a compreensão do desenvolvimento da percepção corporal Contribuciones de Fisher para la comprensión del desarrollo de la percepción corporal The development of the body perception, according to Fisher

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    Patrícia Russo Leite Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar as ideias de Fisher sobre o desenvolvimento da percepção corporal, através da abordagem da imagem corporal. Foram consultados três livros publicados por Fisher, que não são traduzidos para a língua portuguesa. Fisher propôs que a habilidade de perceber o espaço do próprio corpo se inicia na infância, por meio das primeiras experiências corporais, evoluindo para avaliações cada vez mais complexas e processos de diferenciação eu-mundo. O conceito de fronteiras corporais proposto pelo autor complementa essas ideias. Os padrões de percepção corporal servem para específicos propósitos de defesa, pois vão informar se determinado estímulo deve ser evitado ou não. A abordagem da imagem corporal permite aos profissionais da educação e saúde atuarem de forma mais individualizada e humana.El objetivo de esta investigación es presentar las ideas de Fisher respecto al desarrollo de la percepción corporal, a través del abordaje de la imagen corporal. Fueron consultados tres libros publicados por Fisher, que no son traducidos para la lengua portuguesa. Fisher propuso que la habilidad de percibir el espacio del propio cuerpo se inicia en la infancia, por medio de las primeras experiencias corporales, evolucionando para evaluaciones cada vez más complejas y procesos de diferenciación YO-mundo. El concepto de fronteras corporales propuesto por el autor complementa esas ideas. Los patrones de percepción corporal sirven para específicos propósitos de defensa, puesto que van a informar si determinado estímulo debe ser evitado o no. El abordaje de la imagen corporal permite a los profesionales de la educación y salud actuaren de forma más individualizada y humana.The aim of this paper is present Fisher's ideas about the development of the body perception, by addressing body image. Three of the books written by Fisher, which were not translated to Portuguese, were used. Fisher proposed that

  8. Overvalued ideas and their impact on treatment outcome Idéias supervalorizadas e seu impacto no resultado do tratamento

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    Fugen A. Neziroglu


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The presence of overvalued ideas (OVI in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD has been theoretically linked to poorer treatment outcome. However, to date there have not been any quantitative measures of overvalued ideas. Therefore, the relationship between OVI and outcome has been primarily hypothetical. Rudimentary assessments have been attempted by asking patients to rate their strength of belief from 1 to 10, clinically rating the fixity of beliefs from 1 to 5, and rating patients on item 11 (insight on the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between OVI, degree of severity of OCD symptoms, and improvement. METHOD: Twenty patients with OCD participated in the study. All patients were treated with six days a week of 90 minutes of exposure and response prevention (ERP and selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. No changes in medication were made during the course of treatment and all patients had been on their respective medications for at least three months prior to entering the study. Assessment scales consisted of the Overvalued Ideas Scale (OVIS, Y-BOCS, Beck Depression Inventory, and the Beck Anxiety Inventory. RESULTS: The results indicated that overvalued ideas did not necessarily correlate with severity of symptoms on the Y-BOCS. The higher the score on the OVIS, the less change on the Y-BOCS score. CONCLUSION: Overvalued ideas appear to be an important predictor of poor outcome.INTRODUÇÃO: A existência de idéias superestimadas (IS em pacientes com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC vem sendo teoricamente relacionada a resultado insatisfatório do tratamento. Como até o momento não existem medidas quantitativas das idéias superestimadas, a relação entre IS e resultado fica restrita ao campo hipotético. Houve algumas tentativas de avaliações simples. Era pedido aos pacientes que avaliassem a intensidade de suas convicções, em

  9. Impact of Text on Idea Generation: An Electroencephalography Study (United States)

    Sun, Lingyun; Xiang, Wei; Chai, Chunlei; Wang, Changlu; Liu, Zheng


    Sketching is widely used as a creative tool, playing a significant role in industrial design. Designers commonly use sketching to generate and evaluate ideas, leading to subsequent development of the most promising ideas. The current study examined the use of text in the idea generation sketching process among novices and experts. The…

  10. Preservice Elementary Teachers' Ideas About Scientific Practices (United States)

    Ricketts, Amy


    With the goal of producing scientifically literate citizens who are able to make informed decisions and reason critically when science intersects with their everyday lives, the National Research Council (NRC) has produced two recent documents that call for a new approach to K-12 science education that is based on scientific practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. These documents will potentially influence future state standards and K-12 curricula. Teachers will need support in order to teach science using a practices based approach, particularly if they do not have strong science backgrounds, which is often the case with elementary teachers. This study investigates one cohort (n = 19) of preservice elementary teachers' ideas about scientific practices, as developed in a one-semester elementary science teaching methods course. The course focused on eight particular scientific practices, as defined by the National Research Council's A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas (2012). Participants' written reflections, lesson plans and annotated teaching videos were analyzed in fine detail to better understand their ideas about what it means to engage in each of the practices. The findings suggest that preservice elementary teachers hold promising ideas about scientific practices (such as an emphasis on argumentation and communication between scientists, critical thinking, and answering and asking questions as the goal of science) as well as problematic ideas (including confusion over the purpose of modeling and the process of analysis, and conflating argumentation and explanation building). These results highlight the strengths and limitations of using the Framework (NRC 2012) as an instructional text and the difficulties of differentiating between preservice teachers' content knowledge about doing the practices and their pedagogical knowledge about teaching the practices.

  11. Ten-year outcomes of monomorphic ventricular tachycardia catheter ablation in repaired tetralogy of Fallot. (United States)

    Laredo, Mikaël; Frank, Robert; Waintraub, Xavier; Gandjbakhch, Estelle; Iserin, Laurence; Hascoët, Sebastien; Himbert, Caroline; Gallais, Yves; Hidden-Lucet, Françoise; Duthoit, Guillaume


    Monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (MVT) is common in adults with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), and is associated with sudden cardiac death. Management of MVT is not defined, and results of catheter ablation (CA) are limited. To evaluate long-term outcomes of MVT CA in repaired TOF. Thirty-four patients (mean age 32±10.3 years; 59% male) with repaired TOF underwent CA for symptomatic MVT between 1990 and 2012 in our centre; direct-current ablation (DCA) was used in 6%, radiofrequency followed by DCA in 29% and radiofrequency alone in 65%. Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction was present in 35% and left ventricular (LV) dysfunction in 21%. Mean numbers of clinical and induced MVTs were 1 and 2, respectively. Mean VT rate was 225±95bpm. Ablation targeted a single site (range 1-2), which was RV outflow tract in 85%. Primary success, defined as ventricular tachycardia (VT) termination during CA and final non-inducibility, was obtained in 82%. Seven patients (21%) required redo ablation in the first 3 months (before 2004; DCA). No death related to CA occurred. Mean follow-up time was 9.5±5.2 years. Antiarrhythmic therapy was discontinued in 71%. There were two cases of sudden cardiac death and four VT recurrences. Freedom from death and arrhythmia recurrence was 94% at 5 years, 81% at 10 years and 70% at 20 years. Global survival was 91% at 20 years. Baseline LV ejection fraction<60% was significantly associated with ventricular arrhythmia recurrence (hazard ratio 16.4, 95% confidence interval 1.8-147; P=0.01). CA can safely address macroreentrant MVT in repaired TOF patients with an acceptable long-term rate of recurrence in this high-risk population. Anatomical classification of isthmuses with electroanatomical mapping provides reproducible endpoints for CA. Attention should be given to LV systolic function in risk assessment and selection of candidates for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  12. Transforming an idea into a scholarly project. (United States)

    Ng, Lillian; Cullum, Sarah; Cheung, Gary; Friedman, Susan Hatters


    This article describes components of a workshop designed to orientate psychiatric trainees to the task of conducting a scholarly project. The aims are: to promote an approach that incorporates principles of adult learning to guide trainees who are undertaking research; to allow trainees to transform their ideas into more tangible research questions; and to enable supervisors to reflect on delivering similar content in scholarly project workshops. The workshop comprised: creating a safe space to explore ideas; discussing the process of posing a question or hypothesis; using group interactions to generate concepts; and considering personal values that influence the choice of research methodology to answer a question. Examples are provided from the workshop. The process enabled trainees to generate and distil ideas into more concrete questions and methods in three phases: introductory, exploratory and tangible. Adult learning principles may assist trainees to develop their ideas for a scholarly project into research questions that are relevant to clinical practice. Harnessing the creative potential of a peer collective may encourage deeper inquiry, shifts to a tangible output and a sustained interest in research.

  13. [The Academy of Ideas - second edition 2014]. (United States)


    The Academy of Ideas is an initiative of the Italian Society of Nephrology, dedicated to young people who work in nephrology. The 2014 edition wants to foster innovative ideas at different levels of maturity along the research and innovation process, through two distinct sections meant for people who present basic or applied research ideas and for people who submit proofs of concepts transferable to products or services in a relatively short time period. The proposal aims to enhance grant application skills, giving to young researchers the opportunity of collaborating with multi-disciplinary groups of professionals; help young researchers to exploit ideas arising from clinical research and showing a Technology Readiness Level that allows immediate or close in time applicability; foster the understanding of the business perspective in the nephrology sector: giving to young scientists the opportunity to have in-hand experience on challenges related to bringing to the market research results; create a network of knowledge and collaboration among young researchers to facilitate the establishment of collaborative relationships and promote the creation of new projects and publications of high scientific impact.

  14. Ideas and integrity; how ideas of what is important influence scholarly work

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Wesel, Maarten

    Recent big cases of scientific misconduct have led to an increase in debates about integrity of scientists and their work. These cases do not originate out of nothing but are the extremes of trends in contemporary science. Inspired by the Weberian notion about the functioning of ideas in the conduct

  15. Paradojas y punto de fuga para  una sostenibilidad posible


    Elizalde, Antonio


    El presente artículo recorre una amplia gama de premisas, ideas fuerza y problematizaciones  sobre las dificultades cognitivas y prácticas de la actual coyuntura histórica, entrega y profundiza preguntas, provoca reflexiones, todo orientado a motivar una respuesta de salida a la crisis, y a generar condiciones para la sostenibilidad. Se abordan temas como la contradicción entre crecimiento ilimitado y los límites planetarios, la incapacidad de la racionalidad instrumental  de reconocer la “ra...

  16. App para promoción de artistas y grupos musicales


    Pazos Buceta, José Ángel


    La idea general inicial se basa en desarrollar una app para dispositivos Android que permita promocionar a artistas y grupos musicales. Lo que se pretende es crear una red social especializada tipo consumidor/productor donde los artistas o grupos podrán publicar su proyecto musical y los fans o usuarios en general podrán seguir la trayectoria de cualquier grupo o artista. En consecuencia, esta app contemplará dos tipos de usuarios: activos, los que generan contenido, y pasivos, que sólo co...

  17. Acerca de la relación infantil y asistencia escolar: apuntes para su comprensión


    Rausky, María Eugenia


    En sociedades occidentales el trabajo de los niños suele pensarse como un fenómeno problemático en tanto entra en contradicción con lo que se considera adecuado para dicho período de la vida. Concretamente, a partir de la época moderna se ha ido consolidando la idea de que la infancia es un momento especial en el curso de vida de los sujetos en el que se van construyendo los elementos necesarios para el desarrollo. Entendiendo que los niños son seres vulnerables, que necesitan de cuidados esp...

  18. Heidegger para a Bioética

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    Julio Cabrera


    Full Text Available Dentro del actual panorama de crisis global, se intenta poner en discusión la propuesta del filósofo Martin Heidegger, que puede modificar la formulación de una buena parte de las cuestiones bioéticas. El filósofo presenta una nueva noción de lo humano, no solo como “persona” o “agente racional”. Según el concepto del Dasein, la modernidad fue construida en torno a tres ideas: el sujeto como centro y fundamento, la ciencia como criterio único de verdad en el progreso y su consecuente tecnificación del mundo; habría que liberar un espacio para otro tipo de creación que no excluya la técnica, pero que tampoco la exalte hasta el punto de que lo demás desaparezca. Heidegger puede ser extremadamente instigante en cuanto a la distinción salud-enfermedad y problemas como la medicalización, en el intento de obtener una noción existencial de estos conceptos, superando su visión metafísica tradicional. La salud entonces deja de ser un acontecimiento objetivo para transformarse en un proyecto existencial.

  19. “It wasn’t my idea to come here!”: Ownership of the idea to immigrate as a function of gender, age, and culture.


    Rubin, Mark


    The present study investigated gender, age, and culture differences in immigrants’ ownership of the idea to immigrate to Australia. Married immigrants (N = 1,702) indicated whose idea it was to immigrate: their own, their partner’s, or a joint idea. Consistent with a patriarchal model, female immigrants were significantly less likely to claim ownership of the idea than male immigrants, and this difference partially mediated gender differences in post-immigration satisfaction. In addition, age...

  20. IDEA Clean Energy Application Center

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thornton, Robert P. [International District Energy Association, Westborough, MA (United States)


    The DOE Clean Energy Application Centers were launched with a goal of focusing on important aspects of our nation’s energy supply including Efficiency, Reliability and Resiliency. Clean Energy solutions based on Combined Heat & Power (CHP), District Energy and Waste Heat Recovery are at the core of ensuring a reliable and efficient energy infrastructure for campuses, communities, and industry and public enterprises across the country. IDEA members which include colleges and universities, hospitals, airports, downtown utilities as well as manufacturers, suppliers and service providers have long-standing expertise in the planning, design, construction and operations of Clean Energy systems. They represent an established base of successful projects and systems at scale and serve important and critical energy loads. They also offer experience, lessons learned and best practices which are of immense value to the sustained growth of the Clean Energy sector. IDEA has been able to leverage the funds from the project award to raise the visibility, improve the understanding and increase deployment CHP, District Energy and Waste Heat Recovery solutions across the regions of our nation, in collaboration with the regional CEAC’s. On August 30, 2012, President Obama signed an Executive Order to accelerate investments in industrial energy efficiency (EE), including CHP and set a national goal of 40 GW of new CHP installation over the next decade IDEA is pleased to have been able to support this Executive Order in a variety of ways including raising awareness of the goal through educational workshops and Conferences and recognizing the installation of large scale CHP and district energy systems. A supporting key area of collaboration has involved IDEA providing technical assistance on District Energy/CHP project screenings and feasibility to the CEAC’s for multi building, multi-use projects. The award was instrumental in the development of a first-order screening

  1. The Idea of Property (United States)

    Starr, Isidore


    Reviews case law, constitutional principles, and early American writings which deal with the idea of private property. Concludes that, in the future, the issues of laissez-fare capitalism, government regulation, and the welfare state will require further clarification of our conception of private property. (JDH)

  2. The trouble with drink: why ideas matter. (United States)

    Edwards, Griffith


    This paper builds upon the work of previous authors who have explored the evolution of ideas in the alcohol arena. With revisions in the relevant sections of ICD and DSM forthcoming, such matters are of considerable contemporary importance. The focus here will be upon the history of the last 200 years. The main themes to be explored include the flux of ideas on what, over time, has counted as the trouble with drink, ideas on the cause of the problem and the impact of this thinking on public action. Medical authorities of the late Enlightenment period made the revolutionary suggestion that habitual drunkenness constituted a disease, rather than a vice. The thread of that idea can be traced to the present day, but with an alternative perception of drink itself or alcohol-related problems generally, as cause for concern, also having a lineage. There are several inferences to be drawn from this history: the need for vigilance lest disease formulations become stalking-horses for moralism and social control, the need to integrate awareness of alcohol dependence as a dimensional individual-level problem, with a public health understanding of the vastly amorphous and at least equally important universe of alcohol-related problems; the dangers lurking in scientific reductionism when the problems at issue truly require a multi-disciplinary analysis; and the need for global consensus rather than cultural imposition of ideas on what counts as the problem with drink.

  3. Experiencias y recursos con las tics para la atención al alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales

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    Eladio Sebastian Heredero


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo levantar algunas experiencias llevadas a cabo en centros educativos en los que se ponen de manifiesto buenas prácticas con el uso de las tecnologías para la atención al alumnado con necesidades educativas. Se ha realizado a través de una metodología mixta que alterna el trabajo de investigación de campo con el análisis documental, para finalmente llegar a presentar algunos ejemplos clarificadores y eficaces de prácticas educativas concretas. Los ejemplos aquí aportados, tienen como innovación, que nos presentan prácticas de aula, testadas y aplicadas, y a partir de ellas poder establecer algunas conclusiones e ideas para su mejora.


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    Clemencia Martínez Aldana


    Full Text Available Surge una gran inquietud en relación a cuál debe ser el principio de la estructuración de una organización, sino existe una base que subyace los cimientos de la estructura cuyo objetivo sea la sostenibilidad de los recursos. La idea no es simplemente definir la estructura corporativa, sino también buscar beneficios mutuos de forma colectiva que facilite la sostenibilidad y la optimización de los recursos de la organización, a partir de estrategias coherentes, pertinentes, viables y rigurosas. Para ello se plantean los postulados de críticos como Robert Axelrod, Thomas Hobbes, Michael Taylor, Thomas Schelling, Roy Behr y Elinor Ostrom, Garret Hardin, que sirvieron de base para la formulación teórica de la evolución en los sistemas de cooperación relacionados con los recursos. Se exponen y analizan los principios de: definición de límites, reglas y sanciones para los apropiadores de los recursos, arreglos de elección colectiva, y supervisión. Producto de los planteamientos expuestos, se infiere que para obtener beneficios relevantes, se hace necesario desarrollar modelos de autoadministración y autogestión colectiva.

  5. The Idea of Evolution (United States)

    Mathison, Jane


    The idea of evolution is examined in a historical perspective in this article. Considerable discussion is given to the works of Lamarck and Darwin. The evolutionary process is also examined with respect to philosophy, art and music history, and man's place in nature. References are included. (MA)


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    Esther Lidia Machado Chaviano


    Full Text Available El mundo actual se ve caracterizado, esencialmente, por la velocidad con que se producen los cambios, elemento éste que ha determinado un nuevo panorama económico, en el que las variaciones son constantes y gana valor el conocimiento, la imaginación y los intercambios; por tanto, en esta nueva economía las empresas se ven obligadas a generar y evaluar, de manera constante, nuevas ideas con valor para otros. La actividad turística se ve igualmente afectada ante esta situación, por lo que debe demostrar su capacidad de adaptación frente a las nuevas exigencias de la economía y la sociedad. En consecuencia con lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo consiste en realizar un análisis sobre los antecedentes y los conceptos teóricos sobre la temática en cuestión y la repercusión que ha tenido en la industria del ocio; partiendo del uso de diferentes métodos de investigación: teórico-histórico y teórico-lógico. En su contenido se exponen las principales etapas de tránsito y definiciones de la economía, la sociedad, la actividad turística y el marketing. Obteniendo como resultado principal de este análisis, la variación que ha sufrido el perfil y preferencias del turista, que busca el disfrute de su experiencia turística, cambiando del hecho de viajar para ver algo, a la idea de viajar para hacer algo. Se plantea entonces, un reto para los promotores del viaje, que tendrán que crear productos que faciliten la participación activa del turista consumidor, en la elaboración de la experiencia de que disfruta.

  7. Potential Cost Savings Ideas for FAA and Users (United States)


    The intent of this paper is to catalogue potential cost-savings ideas which : impact both the FAA and the aviation community. These ideas have come from : various sources including MITRE, Coopers & Lybrand (C&L), FAA studies, General : Accounting Off...

  8. Propuesta de intervención para ancianos deprimidos

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    Ivonne del Milagro López Masó


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de intervención a un grupo de ancianos previamente identificados como deprimidos en dos consultorios del médico de la familia perteneciente al policlínico "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima" de Las Tunas, con el objetivo de mejorar o eliminar este estado de ánimo negativo. El universo estuvo constituido por 48 seniles deprimidos, de los cuales 21 constituyeron el grupo de estudio y 27 el grupo control. Para la información fue elaborado un cuestionario y para el análisis estadístico fue calculado el porcentaje. Las principales conclusiones demostraron que con la aplicación del programa es posible eliminar la depresión en el 80,95 % de los casos, se demostró además que disminuyeron los casos con idea suicida y mejoraron las relaciones familiaresAn intervention study was conducted in a group of aged people previously identified as depressed at 2 family physicians’offices from the "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima" Polyclinic, in Las Tunas, aimed at improving or eliminating this negtive condition. The group was composed of 48 depressed elderly of whom 21 were part of the case-base study and 27 of the control group. A questionnary was made to collect the information, whereas percentage was calculated for the statistical analysis. The main conclusions showed that with the application of the program it is possible to erradicate depression in 80.95 % of the cases. It was also proved that the cases with suicidal idea decreased and that the family relations were better than before

  9. Big ideas: innovation policy


    John Van Reenen


    In the last CentrePiece, John Van Reenen stressed the importance of competition and labour market flexibility for productivity growth. His latest in CEP's 'big ideas' series describes the impact of research on how policy-makers can influence innovation more directly - through tax credits for business spending on research and development.

  10. Videojugando se aprende: renovar la teoría del conocimiento y la educación Learning with videogames: Ideas for a Renewal of the Theory of Knowledge and Education

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    Anita Gramigna


    Full Text Available En este artículo se reflexiona sobre la relación del juego con el desarrollo cognitivo y los procesos educativos en un tiempo de profundos cambios tecnológicos. En concreto, sobre el papel de los videojuegos en la construcción del conocimiento y la formación de los niños. Profundizando en la lógica de los videojuegos y en la relación compleja que los usuarios entablan con ellos, pueden extraerse interesantes ideas para repensar la teoría del conocimiento y la educación. El texto analiza primeramente el papel de los videojuegos en el mundo lúdico, para internarse posteriormente en sus modelos narrativos propios. Finalmente se valoran sus virtualidades para el aprendizaje y en general para la educación, sin olvidar sus riesgos. Se concluye en la valorización cognitiva y pedagógica del pensamiento conectivo que pueden desarrollar los videojuegos. In this paper we reflect on the relationship of games, cognitive development and educational processes during a time of profound technological change. Specifically, we consider the role of videogames in knowledge construction and in children’s education. By studying both the logic of video games and how players understand them, we can develop interesting ideas for re-thinking theories on knowledge and education. Primarily, this text analyzes the role of video games in the world of play in order to delve into its unique narrative models. Finally, we evaluate their virtual features for learning and education in general, then focusing on the risks entailed. We conclude with a cognitive-pedagogical evaluation of the connective thought that videogames can develop.

  11. Handling management ideas: Gatekeeping, editors and professional magazines

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, J.; Heusinkveld, H.S.; Benders, J.


    While business media are important in the transfer of management ideas, there has been little attention to the question how media-internal processes shape the way the media address these ideas. Our study shows how editorial norms and routines at professional magazines interact with external

  12. Third Semester and Master’s Thesis Ideas 2017

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    The following pages contain a list of project ideas proposed by the scientific staff at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, and a number of companies. The project ideas in this catalogue may form the basis for long and short master projects as well as regular 3rd semester...... as supervisors. Questions regarding details about each proposed project should be directed at the contact persons. The contact details can be found via a person search on the university home page. Furthermore, other ideas for projects may be discussed with a potential supervisor. In this aspect the proposals...

  13. Rapid and Accurate Idea Transfer: Presenting Ideas with Concept Maps (United States)


    questions from the Pre-test were included in the Post-test. I. At the end of the day, people in the camps take home about __ taka to feed their families. 2...teachers are not paid regularly. Tuition fees for different classes are 40 to 80 taka (Bangladesh currency) 27 per month which is very high for the...October 26, 2002. 27 In April 2005, exchange rate, one $ = 60 taka . 44 Rapid and Accurate Idea Transfer: CDRL (DI-MIS-807 11 A, 00012 1) Presenting

  14. Mapping the evolution of scientific ideas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roberts, David C [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Herrera, Mark [UNIV OF MARYLAND; Gulbahce, Natali [NORTHEASTERN UNIV


    The importance of interdisciplinary research is ever increasing as challenging world problems require expertise across diverse fields. Despite the apparent conceptual boundaries of scientific fields, a formal description for their evolution is lacking. Here we describe a novel approach to study the dynamics and evolution of scientific ideas and fields using a network-based analysis. We build a idea network consisting of American Physical Society Pacs numbers as nodes representing scientific concepts. Two Pacs numbers are linked in the network if there exist publications that reference them simultaneously. We locate scientific fields using an overlapping community finding algorithm and describe the time evolution of these fields using a community evolution method over the course of 1985-2006. We find that the communities we find map to scientific fields, the lifetime of these fields strongly depends on their size, impact and activity, and longest living communities are least volatile. The described approach to quantify the evolution of ideas is expected to be relevant in making predictions about the future of science and how to guide its development.

  15. Evaluación del uso del programa AntConc para el estudio de procesos de variación y cambio en un corpus específico: el caso de las construcciones adverbio locativo+posesivo


    Benítez Burraco, Raquel


    En este trabajo se defiende la idea de que los programas de recuperación de información en corpus no solamente sirven para constatar fenómenos de variación sino que resultan herramientas fundamentales para el planteamiento de fórmulas descriptivas y

  16. Por una educación ociosa: reflexiones desde la filosofía para la liberación de Osvaldo Ardiles Couderc

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    Orlando Lima Rocha


    Full Text Available El ocio como ámbito y noción de cultura tiene, para la educación, un espacio de fundamental atención en tanto que apunta hacia la dimensión creativa del ser humano. El objetivo del presente escrito es reflexionar en torno a sus dimensiones filosoficas por una educación para la liberación, a partir de las ideas del filósofo argentino de la liberación Osvaldo Ardiles.

  17. Oro sin sangre basado en la confianza. Ideas para una nueva economía política de la minería aurífera colombiana

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    Adolfo Eslava


    Full Text Available Este texto pretende avanzar en la construcción de un enfoque alternativo para mirar la realidad minera colombiana. En contraposición a la estigmatización, aquí se destaca el potencial que existe en los pobladores de territorios mineros. Para ello se toma como punto de partida el estudio de la confianza como factor desencadenante de cambios sociales, luego se describen generalidades de la economía política de la minería aurífera y también se aborda el problema del abastecimiento de oro a los joyeros para proponer soluciones cooperativas con beneficios económicos y sociales para la comunidad minera.

  18. Oro sin sangre basado en la confianza. Ideas para una nueva economía política de la minería aurífera colombiana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adolfo Eslava


    Full Text Available Este texto pretende avanzar en la cons-trucción de un enfoque alternativo para mirar la realidad minera colombiana. En contrapo-sición a la estigmatización, aquí se destaca el potencial que existe en los pobladores de terri-torios mineros. Para ello se toma como punto de partida el estudio de la confianza como factor desencadenante de cambios sociales, luego se describen generalidades de la econo-mía política de la minería aurífera y también se aborda el problema del abastecimiento de oro a los joyeros para proponer soluciones coo-perativas con beneficios económicos y sociales para la comunidad minera.

  19. Noteworthy reptiles records from Guanajuato, Mexico Registros notables de reptiles para Guanajuato, México


    José Ismael Campos-Rodríguez; Berenice Pérez-Valera; Leonor E. Evaristo-Aguilar; Cynthia Elizalde-Arellano; Juan Carlos López-Vidal; Raúl Hernández-Arciga


    Five new reptile records for the Mexican state of Guanajuato are reported: Lampropeltis triangulum dixoni, Leptodeira annulata cusiliris, Oxybelis aeneus, Tropidodipsas sartorii, and Scincella silvicola caudaequinae. These records are within western versant of the Sierra Gorda at Sierra Gorda de Guanajuato. Evidence is given that supports the idea that the area supports a herpetofaunal assemblage of tropical affinities.Se presentan 5 nuevos registros de reptiles para el estado de Guanajuato; ...

  20. ¿Fue Wittgenstein un conductista? La necesidad de criterios públicos para el juego de lenguaje de lo ?interno? y sus implicaciones para la Psicología

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    Antonio Crego Díaz


    Full Text Available Se argumenta a favor de una interpretación conductista de Wittgenstein, caracterizando esta postura como ?conductismo epistemológico? ?referido a juegos de lenguaje-, que no niega ?en el plano ontológico- la existencia de lo mental, que interpreta la conducta en sentido amplio y que tiene un marcado carácter social. En la base de este conductismo se encuentra la idea de que para establecer el juego de lenguaje de lo interno se precisa de criterios públicos, intersubjetivos. Se explora la posibilidad de elaborar una epistemología sociopsicológica naturalizada a partir del análisis lingüístico skinneriano y en consonancia con las observaciones de Wittgenstein. Se comentan las implicaciones del conductismo epistemológico para el lenguaje de los términos psicológicos.

  1. IDEA: Interactive Display for Evolutionary Analyses. (United States)

    Egan, Amy; Mahurkar, Anup; Crabtree, Jonathan; Badger, Jonathan H; Carlton, Jane M; Silva, Joana C


    The availability of complete genomic sequences for hundreds of organisms promises to make obtaining genome-wide estimates of substitution rates, selective constraints and other molecular evolution variables of interest an increasingly important approach to addressing broad evolutionary questions. Two of the programs most widely used for this purpose are codeml and baseml, parts of the PAML (Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood) suite. A significant drawback of these programs is their lack of a graphical user interface, which can limit their user base and considerably reduce their efficiency. We have developed IDEA (Interactive Display for Evolutionary Analyses), an intuitive graphical input and output interface which interacts with PHYLIP for phylogeny reconstruction and with codeml and baseml for molecular evolution analyses. IDEA's graphical input and visualization interfaces eliminate the need to edit and parse text input and output files, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving processing time. Further, its interactive output display gives the user immediate access to results. Finally, IDEA can process data in parallel on a local machine or computing grid, allowing genome-wide analyses to be completed quickly. IDEA provides a graphical user interface that allows the user to follow a codeml or baseml analysis from parameter input through to the exploration of results. Novel options streamline the analysis process, and post-analysis visualization of phylogenies, evolutionary rates and selective constraint along protein sequences simplifies the interpretation of results. The integration of these functions into a single tool eliminates the need for lengthy data handling and parsing, significantly expediting access to global patterns in the data.

  2. Uso de conjunto de concentración en búsqueda tabú para problemas de rutas

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    Delgado, C.R.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se propone un algoritmo para el problema de rutas con ventanas de tiempo, carga y descarga simultánea y flota heterogénea, basado en un proceso de Búsqueda Tabú. Lo más novedoso en este algoritmo es la incorporación en el procedimiento de intensificación de las ideas de Rosing (1.997 y Rosing y ReVelle (1.997 sobre el denominado Conjunto de Concentración. Para comprobar la eficacia tanto de este procedimiento de Intensificación, como la de todo el algoritmo, se usan instancias simuladas y diferentes librerías disponibles en la red.

  3. Designing an idea screening framework for employee-driven innovation


    Ciriello, Raffaele Fabio; Richter, Alexander; Schwabe, Gerhard


    As ever more companies encourage their employees to realize innovations, a surplus of ideas that exceeds the available resources to implement them has become reality in many organizations. With this paper, we follow recent calls for designing IT-supported, comprehensive, multi-attributive idea screening throughout the whole innovation cycle. Our Idea Screening Framework is grounded in literature and empirical data we collected from a two-year field study in a multinational European banking so...

  4. Agresividad escolar e ideas suicidas en escuelas secundarias

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    Beatriz Mabel Pacheco Amigó


    Full Text Available ResumenLos adolescentes presentan una amplia gama de dificultades en el proceso de desarrollo, evolución y adaptación, por lo que no se puede dejar de lado la agresividad escolar como fenómeno social que aqueja y delinea un problema manifiesto en cualquier entorno escolar donde se puede encontrar. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar los diversos factores sociales que intervienen en el proceso de la agresividad escolar, pero a la vez identificar las ideas suicidas que presentan los alumnos que han sido víctimas de agresión en la institución educativa. Para llegar a tal objetivo se utilizaron diversas técnicas de evaluación, entre las que destacan encuestas semiestructuradas y The Scale for Suicide Ideation, las cuales ayudaron a establecer escalas estimativas de incidencia aproximada de actitudes referidas a la muerte, planeación o tentativa suicida en escuelas secundarias privadas de las ciudades de Guadalupe y Zacatecas. En la muestra estudiada se pudo detectar el apoyo escaso de los familiares en torno a la problemática; así como también los altos niveles de ansiedad e idea de planeación suicida que refieren los adolescentes. AbstractAdolescents have a wide range of difficulties in their development process, evolution and adaptation; bullying is a social phenomenon which affects and outlines a clear problem that can be found in any school environment, therefore, it cannot be disregarded. The aim of this paper is to analyze various social factors involved in bullying, but at the same time, to identify suicidal thoughts in students who have been victims of aggression at school. To accomplish such objective, various evaluation techniques which include semi-structured interviews and The Scale for Suicide Ideation, were used; they helped establish the approximate estimated percentage scale of suicidal behavior or attempts in private secondary schools in the cities of Guadalupe and Zacatecas. In the

  5. Generating Ideas on Online Platforms: A Case Study of “My Starbucks Idea”

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    Mokter Hossain


    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to explore the factors that are keys for an idea to be implemented on an online crowdsourcing platform. A data set of 320 implemented ideas from My Starbucks Idea – an online crowdsourcing platform – has been analyzed. We find that only one out of 500 users’ submitted ideas are selected for implementation. The number of implemented ideas increases significantly at the early stage of the platform. At the mature stage, even though an increasing number of ideas are submitted, implemented ideas are proportionately low. Among the three categories of ideas – product, experience, and involvement – ideas of the product category are implemented with lower values of some associated variables than that of the experience category whereas those values in the involvement category are higher. Linked ideas need lower scores than sole ideas to get implemented. The chance that an idea to be implemented largely depends on votes received by and points earned on that idea.

  6. Narrow-Bicliques: Cryptanalysis of Full IDEA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khovratovich, D.; Leurent, G.; Rechberger, C.


    We apply and extend the recently introduced biclique framework to IDEA and for the first time describe an approach to noticeably speed-up key-recovery for the full 8.5 round IDEA.We also show that the biclique approach to block cipher cryptanalysis not only obtains results on more rounds, but also...... extended with ways to allow for a significantly reduced data complexity with everything else being equal. For this we use available degrees of freedom as known from hash cryptanalysis to narrow the relevant differential trails. Our cryptanalysis is of high computational complexity, and does not threaten...

  7. The consumption of management ideas: A cognitive perspective

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Rossem, A.; Heusinkveld, H.S.; Buelens, M.


    Purpose – Building on recent research that emphasizes the role of managers as central in the adoption and implementation of management ideas, the purpose of this paper is to explore the reasons why managers may vary in their responses toward these ideas. Design/methodology/approach – Drawing on a

  8. ¿Con qué saboreamos?: tareas y experiencias para un taller de ciencias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sánchez Ramos, M.A.


    Full Text Available En un grupo de primero de primaria hicimos una pregunta aparentemente simple: ¿Con qué saboreamos? La respuesta inmediata entre los niños fue “con la lengua” y, aunque ésta no fue totalmente correcta, sirvió para iniciar un proyecto en el que se ofreció a los niños la oportunidad para observar, proponer hipótesis, establecerobjetivos y buscar métodos que les ayudaran a resolver la pregunta. Planteamos 4 experiencias cuya finalidad fue que los niños extendieran sus conocimientos y su comprensión sobre un proceso aparentemente sencillo como es la percepción al sabor. Primero cuestionamos la idea de que fuera la lengua el lugar primordial para la detección del sabor (experiencia 1; después incluimos al sentido del olfato como parte de la percepción del sabor (experiencia 2; tratamos de convencer a los niños de que el olor es el elemento más importante para detectar el sabor (experiencia 3; por último discutimos la posibilidad de que fuera el cerebro el que realmente saborea (experiencia 4.

  9. ¿Con qué saboreamos?: tareas y experiencias para un taller de ciencias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco A. Sánchez Ramos


    Full Text Available En un grupo de primero de primaria hicimos una pregunta aparentemente simple: ¿Con qué saboreamos? La respuesta inmediata entre los niños fue "con la lengua" y, aunque ésta no fue totalmente correcta, sirvió para iniciar un proyecto en el que se ofreció a los niños la oportunidad para observar, proponer hipótesis, establecer objetivos y buscar métodos que les ayudaran a resolver la pregunta. Planteamos 4 experiencias cuya finalidad fue que los niños extendieran sus conocimientos y su comprensión sobre un proceso aparentemente sencillo como es la percepción al sabor. Primero cuestionamos la idea de que fuera la lengua el lugar primordial para la detección del sabor (experiencia 1; después incluimos al sentido del olfato como parte de la percepción del sabor (experiencia 2; tratamos de convencer a los niños de que el olor es el elemento más importante para detectar el sabor (experiencia 3; por último discutimos la posibilidad de que fuera el cerebro el que realmente saborea (experiencia 4.

  10. Para-Hermitian and para-quaternionic manifolds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, S.; Zamkovoy, S.


    A set of canonical para-Hermitian connections on an almost para-Hermitian manifold is defined. A Para-hermitian version of the Apostolov-Gauduchon generalization of the Goldberg-Sachs theorem in General Relativity is given. It is proved that the Nijenhuis tensor of a Nearly para-Kaehler manifolds is parallel with respect to the canonical connection. Salamon's twistor construction on quaternionic manifold is adapted to the para-quaternionic case. A locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) flat structure with parallel Lee form on the Kodaira-Thurston complex surfaces modeled on S 1 x SL (2, R)-tilde is constructed. Anti-self-dual locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) neutral metrics with non vanishing Weyl tensor are obtained on the Inoe surfaces. An example of anti-self-dual neutral metric which is not locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) is constructed. (author)

  11. Para-Hermitian and para-quaternionic manifolds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ivanov, S [University of Sofia ' St. Kl. Ohridski' , Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia (Bulgaria) and Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy); Zamkovoy, S [University of Sofia ' St. Kl. Ohridski' , Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia (Bulgaria)


    A set of canonical para-Hermitian connections on an almost para-Hermitian manifold is defined. A Para-hermitian version of the Apostolov-Gauduchon generalization of the Goldberg-Sachs theorem in General Relativity is given. It is proved that the Nijenhuis tensor of a Nearly para-Kaehler manifolds is parallel with respect to the canonical connection. Salamon's twistor construction on quaternionic manifold is adapted to the para-quaternionic case. A locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) flat structure with parallel Lee form on the Kodaira-Thurston complex surfaces modeled on S{sup 1} x SL (2, R)-tilde is constructed. Anti-self-dual locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) neutral metrics with non vanishing Weyl tensor are obtained on the Inoe surfaces. An example of anti-self-dual neutral metric which is not locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) is constructed. (author)

  12. Ideas de Negocios y Modelos Mentales: un estudio exploratorio cuantitativoIdeias de Negócios e Modelos Mentais: um estudo exploratório quantitativoBusiness Ideas and Mental Models: an exploratory qualitative study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    CAMPOS, Héctor Montiel


    Full Text Available RESUMENEn el proceso empresarial, la etapa que corresponde a la generación de ideas de negocio es importante, sin embargo, no se tiene el suficiente conocimiento de ella. En consecuencia, el objetivo de esta comunicación es el de explorar cómo la estructura de conocimiento que tienen las personas, influye en la concepción de ideas de negocio. Dado el objetivo que se persigue, la perspectiva teórica del estudio viene desde los modelos mentales, que a través de un estudio cuantitativo, ayuda a identificar cómo se relacionan algunas variables y de qué forma influyen al generar una idea de negocio. Los resultados indican que no hay una variable que influya considerablemente para formar una idea de negocio, al menos en la muestra del estudio. La variable que muestra un comportamiento interesante, porque se relaciona con otras variables independientes, es la de recompensa e incentivos. No obstante, conviene que en futuros estudios, se analice en mayor profundidad esta variable al convertirla en la nueva variable de estudio.RESUMONo processo empresarial, é importante a etapa correspondente à geração de ideias de negócios, porém, não se tem conhecimento suficiente sobre ela. Consequentemente, esta comunicação tem por objetivo analisar de que forma a estrutura do conhecimento das pessoas influi na concepção de ideias de negócios. Em razão do objetivo que se persegue, a perspectiva teórica do estudo provem dos modelos mentais, que através de um estudo quantitativo, ajuda a identificar a forma como algumas variáveis se relacionam e qual a sua influência na geração de ideias de negócios. Os resultados indicam que não existe uma variável capaz de ter influencia significativa na formação de ideias de negócios, pelo menos na amostra do estudio. A variável que mostra um comportamento interessante é a de recompensa e incentivos, porque se relaciona com outras variáveis independentes. Porém, é aconselhável que em estudos

  13. Inefficiencies in the sale of ideas: theory and empirics


    Allain , Marie-Laure; Henry , Emeric; Kyle , Margaret


    The sale of ideas (e.g. through licensing) facilitates vertical specialization and the division of labor between research and development. This specialization can improve the overall efficiency of the innovative process. However, these gains depend on the timing of the sale: the buyer of an idea should assume development at the stage at which he has an efficiency advantage. We show that in an environment with asymmetric information about the value of the idea and where this asymmetry decrease...

  14. Edén: relato, imagen y proyecto. El concepto de paraíso terrenal como generador de arquitecturas


    Casha Vida, Stephanie


    Esta tesis, Edén: relato, imagen y proyecto. El concepto de Paraíso terrenal como generador de arquitecturas se realiza con el objetivo de estudiar los vínculos entre la idea de Edén, o Paraíso y la arquitectura. Siempre trabajando desde los tres niveles de representación, relato, imagen y proyecto. En la aproximación al objeto de estudio, se procede a estudiar el relato en sí, y se hallan, en la forma misma del relato, unas implicaciones relacionadas con el mundo mitológico y arquetípico. E...

  15. Modelo de negocio para la gestión de insumos y servicios enfocado a pequeños ganaderos



    Desarrollar un modelo de negocio para la comercialización de insumos que ayude a las labores de la pequeña ganadería, de tal forma que el pequeño ganadero obtenga mejores precios y baje su estructura de costos; adicionalmente brindar un esquema de asesoría técnica para el desarrollo de sus actividades. Esta idea de negocio estará soportada por un trabajo de investigación que se hará en Facatativá, un diagnóstico del sector ganadero soportado en las investigaciones de Fedegan y Fonade, adicion...

  16. Instituciones privadas, empresarios, dirigentes sociales, economistas, periodistas y otros profesionales en la producción y difusión mundial de ideas (neoliberales Private institutions, entrepreneurs, social directors, economists, journalists and other professionals involved in the world production and dissemination fo the (neo liberal ideas

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    Daniel Mato


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza cómo se producen y difunden mundialmente las ideas neoliberales y de qué modo tal producción y divulgación resultan significativas para la orientación de procesos actuales. La investigación seleccionó casos de 3 instituciones: la Sociedad Mont Pelerin, el Institute of Economic Affairs y la Atlas Economic Research Foundation y de las redes transnacionales de “think tanks”, escuelas de negocios, dirigentes polìticos, economistas, periodistas y otros actores sociales. Las ideas veiculadas por tales instituciones van desde la clásica de reducir la intervención estatal a los asuntos sociales, hasta las de que en la questión ambiental es más aconsejable mantener el Estado distante. Palabras clave: Liberalismo. Neoliberalismo. Globalización. Estado. Comunicación. Cultura. Política. This article analyses how the neo-liberal ideas are produced and disseminated worldwide and how this production communicates its meaning for the orientation of the present processes. The research itself elected 3 institutions as case models: Mont Pelerin Society, The Institute of Economic Affairs and the Atlas Economic Research Foundation and the international nets of “think tanks”, business schools, political leaders, economists, journalists and other social actors. The ideas transmitted by such institutions go from the classic position of admitting the state presence only in social matters to the one that says that it is preferable to keep the state away, mainly if it concerns the environmental sphere. Keywords: Liberalism. Neo liberalism. Globalization. State/Government. Communication. Culture. Politics.

  17. IDEA: Interactive Display for Evolutionary Analyses

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    Carlton Jane M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The availability of complete genomic sequences for hundreds of organisms promises to make obtaining genome-wide estimates of substitution rates, selective constraints and other molecular evolution variables of interest an increasingly important approach to addressing broad evolutionary questions. Two of the programs most widely used for this purpose are codeml and baseml, parts of the PAML (Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood suite. A significant drawback of these programs is their lack of a graphical user interface, which can limit their user base and considerably reduce their efficiency. Results We have developed IDEA (Interactive Display for Evolutionary Analyses, an intuitive graphical input and output interface which interacts with PHYLIP for phylogeny reconstruction and with codeml and baseml for molecular evolution analyses. IDEA's graphical input and visualization interfaces eliminate the need to edit and parse text input and output files, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving processing time. Further, its interactive output display gives the user immediate access to results. Finally, IDEA can process data in parallel on a local machine or computing grid, allowing genome-wide analyses to be completed quickly. Conclusion IDEA provides a graphical user interface that allows the user to follow a codeml or baseml analysis from parameter input through to the exploration of results. Novel options streamline the analysis process, and post-analysis visualization of phylogenies, evolutionary rates and selective constraint along protein sequences simplifies the interpretation of results. The integration of these functions into a single tool eliminates the need for lengthy data handling and parsing, significantly expediting access to global patterns in the data.

  18. The Influence of Established Ideas in Emerging Development Organisations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fejerskov, Adam Moe


    This article explores how ideas and practices may find their way into and entail significant changes in organisations as these enter into new fields and are increasingly confronted with dominant normative frameworks. Drawing on sociological institutional perspectives, I conceptualise three...... analytical processes occurring as ideas find their way into development organisations: i) emergence; ii) international negotiation and consensus production; and iii) external negotiation and appropriation. I then empirically explore these processes through a case study of how ideas and practices on gender...

  19. Aportes del enfoque histórico cultural para la enseñanza Contribution of the history and culture focus in teaching

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    Luceli Patiño Garzón


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un rastreo inicial de algunas de las ideas vygotskianas sobre el desarrollo social y la teoría de la actividad; asimismo, plantea la base orientadora de la acción de Galperin, la cual permite construir una didáctica a partir de los organizadores de la enseñanza. Estos planteamientos ofrecen la posibilidad de generar, desde el aula, condiciones para una enseñanza desarrolladora, que promuevan estrategias para la apropiación del conocimiento e incentiven los aprendizajes reales en los estudiantes.This article presents and overview of Vygotskian ideas about social development and the theory of activity. It also sets out Galperin's orientation to teaching which allows building up a didactics based on the organizers of teaching. These approaches provide an opportunity to generate conditions for a developing teaching, able to promote strategies for the appropriation of knowledge and to enhance real learning on the part of the students.

  20. The idea of philosophical sociology. (United States)

    Chernilo, Daniel


    This article introduces the idea of philosophical sociology as an enquiry into the relationships between implicit notions of human nature and explicit conceptualizations of social life within sociology. Philosophical sociology is also an invitation to reflect on the role of the normative in social life by looking at it sociologically and philosophically at the same: normative self-reflection is a fundamental aspect of sociology's scientific tasks because key sociological questions are, in the last instance, also philosophical ones. For the normative to emerge, we need to move away from the reductionism of hedonistic, essentialist or cynical conceptions of human nature and be able to grasp the conceptions of the good life, justice, democracy or freedom whose normative contents depend on more or less articulated conceptions of our shared humanity. The idea of philosophical sociology is then sustained on three main pillars and I use them to structure this article: (1) a revalorization of the relationships between sociology and philosophy; (2) a universalistic principle of humanity that works as a major regulative idea of sociological research, and; (3) an argument on the social (immanent) and pre-social (transcendental) sources of the normative in social life. As invitations to embrace posthuman cyborgs, non-human actants and material cultures proliferate, philosophical sociology offers the reminder that we still have to understand more fully who are the human beings that populate the social world. © London School of Economics and Political Science 2014.

  1. Mapping the evolution of scientific ideas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roberts, David [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Herrera, Mark [UNIV OF MARYLAND; Gulbahce, Natali [UNIV OF BOSTON


    Despite the apparent conceptual boundaries of scientific fields, a formal description for their evolution is lacking. Here we describe a novel approach to study the dynamics and evolution of scientific fields using a network-based analysis. We build an idea network consisting of American Physical Society PACS numbers as nodes representing scientific concepts. Two PACS numbers are linked if there exist publications that reference them simultaneously. We locate scientific fields using Cfinder, an overlapping community finding algorithm, and describe the time evolution of these fields using a community evolution method over the course of 1985-2006. The communities we identify map to known scientific fields, and their age strongly depends on t.heir size, impact and activity. Our analysis further suggests that communities that redefine themselves by merging and creating new groups of ideas tend to have more fitness as measured by the impact per paper, and hence communities with a higher fitness tend to be short-lived. The described approach to quantify the evolution of ideas may be relevant in making predictions about the future of science and how to guide its development.

  2. C. Linnaeus' ideas concerning retribution and fate

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    K. Rob. V. Wikman


    Full Text Available Linnæus' Nemesis divina has been interpreted in different ways. Crucial is its central problem: the ideas of fate and retribution, but these are, in turn, dependent on Linnæus' conception of God and nature and not least on his opinions concerning the unity and coherence of the natural and ethical order of the world. From whatever sources Linnæus may have derived his religious ideas and whatever changes they may have undergone, his religious attitude in face of the works of nature remained unshaken. But Linnæus' religion, as we find it fragmentarily in these literary sources, was entirely undogmatic, untheological and, from a Christian point of view, even heterodox. Partly, this was in accord with his belief in the necessary immanent coherence in the processes of nature and the concomitant idea of the righteous divine order of the world.

  3. Ideas versus Labor: What Do Children Value in Artistic Creation? (United States)

    Li, Vivian; Shaw, Alex; Olson, Kristina R.


    As scientists, we primarily award authorship, as well as legal patents, to those who generate ideas, often without formally crediting others who executed the actual experiments. However, little is known about how and when people come to value ideas. Here, we investigate whether young children also value ideas over labor. In Study 1, we found that…

  4. Bartleby the Example and Eros the Idea of the Work: Some Considerations on Giorgio Agamben's "The Idea of Study" (United States)

    Vanhoutte, Kristof K. P.


    The present article investigates the rhythm of study as described by Giorgio Agamben in "The idea of study", present in Idea of prose. In this short treatise, Agamben presents Melville's scrivener Bartleby as the exemplary embodiment of study. Bartleby's paradigmatic status, according to Agamben's interpretation, does,…

  5. Fenomenologia: uma alternativa para pesquisa em enfermagem Fenomenología: una alternativa para la investigación en enfermería Phenomenology: an alternative to nursing research

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    Adriana Katia Corrêa


    Full Text Available Um dos caminhos metodológicos que pode ser utilizado nas pesquisas é a fenomenologia, que se originou como um movimento na filosofia, sendo aplicada, posteriormente, às ciências humanas. Na enfermagem a utilização da fenomenologia também representou uma busca de alternativa metodológica de pesquisa. A proposta deste trabalho é contribuir com alguns subsídios teóricos para a compreensão do referencial fenomenológico. Inicialmente, apresenta algumas idéias básicas da fenomenologia, enquanto corrente filosófica para, posteriormente, tratá-la enquanto alternativa metodológica de pesquisa, até abordar sua utilização, pelos enfermeiros, enquanto metodologia de investigação.Uno de los pasos metodológicos que puede ser utilizado en las investigaciones es la fenomenología, que se ha originado como un movimiento en la filosofía, siendo después aplicada en las ciencias humanas. En la enfermería la utilización de la fenomenología también ha representado una búsqueda de alternativa metodológica de investigación. La propuesta de este trabajo es contribuir con algunos subsidios teóricos para la comprensión de las referencias fenomenológicas. Al principio, este trabajo presenta algunas ideas fundamentales de la fenomenología, como seguimiento filosófico, para en seguida tratarla como alternativa metodológica de investigación, hasta abordar su utilización por los enfermeros, en cuanto metodología de investigación.One of the methodological ways that can be used in research is phenomenology that originated as a movement inside philosophy, being also applied in human sciences. In nursing, the application of phenomenology also represented a search for a methodological alternative in research. The proposal of this work is to contribute with some theoretical subsidies lo the comprehension of phenomenological referential. Initially this work presents some basic ideas of the phenomenology, as a philosophical branch, treating

  6. Ideas transformed into business enhancing entrepreneurship exploring the "best idea of The Netherlands" case

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Harry, D.M.; Brezet, J.C.; Harkema, S.J.M.


    In 2004 a private initiative started in the Netherlands, to stimulate innovation and the cooperation between students and industry. This resulted in the development of a television formula "The Best Idea of the Netherlands", in which students and Dutch citizens in general are challenged to enter in

  7. New accelerator ideas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In the past, providing higher particle beam energies meant building bigger accelerators. It is now universally accepted that with the current generation of accelerator projects either under construction (such as LEP at CERN) or proposed (such as the Superconducting Super Collider in the US), conventional techniques are reaching their practical limit. With the growing awareness that progress in particle physics requires new methods to accelerate particles, workshops and study groups are being set up across the world to search for ideas for the machines of tomorrow

  8. New accelerator ideas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the past, providing higher particle beam energies meant building bigger accelerators. It is now universally accepted that with the current generation of accelerator projects either under construction (such as LEP at CERN) or proposed (such as the Superconducting Super Collider in the US), conventional techniques are reaching their practical limit. With the growing awareness that progress in particle physics requires new methods to accelerate particles, workshops and study groups are being set up across the world to search for ideas for the machines of tomorrow.

  9. Modelo de atención al cliente para Mundialo CÍA.LTDA. Distribuidor autorizado de claro en Santo Domingo, basado en la norma ISO/TS 10004: 2010


    Toapanta Pauta, Verónica Andrea


    El presente estudio fundamenta la investigación para establecer “El modelo de atención al cliente para MUNDIALO CÍA. LTDA., basado en la norma ISO/TS 10004:2010”, durante su desarrollo se realizó un diagnóstico situacional, respecto a la atención al cliente, así como el levantamiento del sus principales procesos, con la ayuda de herramientas de calidad tales como el Diagrama Causa-Efecto y Pareto. La idea central es desarrollar sugerencias para el cumplimiento de las siguientes etapas: Pla...

  10. Idea Screening in Engineering Design Using Employee-Driven Wisdom of the Crowds

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Onarheim, Balder; Christensen, Bo Thomas

    /ownership of ideas. The study shows that the crowd wisdom of employees significantly correlates with the preferences of the marketing team: overall, in top 12 selected ideas and in choice of idea categories. This match increases when including only the ratings of the most experienced employees. The experienced......The paper investigates the question of screening ideas in the ‘fuzzy front end’ of engineering design, examining the validity of employee voting schemes and related biases. After an employee-driven innovation project at {Company Name removed for review}, 99 ideas were to be screened for further...... development. Based on the concept of ‘wisdom of the crowds’, all ideas were individually rated by a broad selection of employees, and their choices of ideas and idea categories compared to those of a small team of senior marketers. The study also tested for two biases: visual complexity and endowment effect...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Llano


    Full Text Available In the Scholastic, the exemplary idea was used to theorize about poiesis as related to external objects. The purpose of the author is to show that precisely this idea should be related to the action known as praxis, to the creation of the human being as such, to the decision regarding one’s own way of living. In order to unfold this purpose, the author enters into dialogue with two philosophical stances having historical import, namely, Marxism and Existentialism.

  12. A Model to Support Decision Making in the Idea Management Domain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Carradore Sérgio


    Full Text Available Taking into account the global competitiveness, innovation has become a challenge for organizations. Idea management is an integral part of the innovation process and it is presented as an essential factor for achieving success. Due to the volume and sudden peaks in submissions of ideas, the appropriate analysis and the allocation of resources for investment are important issues to be addressed. The objective of this paper is to present a model for the management of ideas based on ontology and cluster analysis in order to maximize resources for investment in ideas. So as to demonstrate the model feasibility it was prepared a dataset comprised of fifty-five ideas collected from the Starbucks® site. These ideas were then stored in the domain ontology and were used as subsidies for the cluster analysis and for the building of a knowledge base. As a result, it was identified groups with similar ideas that, when analyzed, foster a greater potential for observation and may indicate patterns and trends that can assist in decision making.

  13. Producción de caña rolliza y laminados de caña guadúa (bambú) utilizada en pisos para exportación


    Arteaga Feraud, Romina; Roman Segarra, Denisse; Mendoza, Oscar


    La producción de bambú es una idea que surge de elaborar algo diferente utilizando un recurso abundante en nuestro país. El bambú es mucho más fuerte de lo que aparenta pero con una flexibilidad que le da movilidad. El bambú tiene alta velocidad de crecimiento y alcanza su desarrollo máximo en los tres primeros años, cuando para cortar cualquier otro árbol de madera se necesitan 20 años. Es por esto que escogimos esta alternativa para elaborar dos productos. La caña rolliza destinada para...

  14. Understanding Students’ Ideas about the Geometry of the Universe (United States)

    Coble, Kimberly A.; Conlon, Mallory; Bailey, Janelle M.


    As astronomers further develop an understanding of the geometry of the Universe, it is essential to study students’ ideas so that instructors can communicate the field’s current status more effectively to their students. In this study, we examine undergraduate students’ pre- instruction ideas in general education astronomy courses (ASTRO 101) at three institutions through pre-course surveys given during the first week of instruction [N ~ 265]. We also examine students’ post-instruction ideas at a single institution through exam questions [N ~ 75] and interviews. Responses are analyzed through an iterative process of identifying self-emergent themes. We examine not only what students think the curvature of the universe is, but also "how we know." We find that many students think the Universe is “round” or that we cannot measure its curvature. Additionally, popular visualizations may enforce incorrect ideas.

  15. La bioluminiscencia como recurso para potenciar la capacidad creativa del ser humano


    Laugerud Tabarini, Isabel


    La bioluminiscencia, capacidad que poseen algunos organismos vivos de producir luz, ocurre mayormente en hábitats marinos donde raramente tiene testigos humanos. Al asombro natural que nos causa lo desconocido se le suma la particularidad de este fenómeno, poco representado y que además nos es solamente evidente en total ausencia de luz. Fuera de su zona de confort es donde el ser humano generalmente incrementa su habilidad de generar y/o conectar ideas para crear algo e implementarlo en su r...

  16. On the content of a product idea

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    because many stakeholders, aspects and future events have to be predicted and taken into account. From a research viewpoint we see at least three ways to support a company with its task to select product ideas for further development: 1. To develop systematic procedures for better collecting and recording......, and the business and innovation oriented literature we have observed that many terms are used, e.g. need, problem, business opportunity, task, creative solution, innovation, the radical idea etc., but the terms have different meanings for different authors. We have for more than a decade organised a PhD summer...... in industrial practice. Thus, a proper support of company’s management and design team is to contribute to a coherent and subtle understanding of the nature and content of a product idea and creation of a productive mindset and skills. We see such a contribution not only as important, but also as of actual...

  17. Digital Earth - Young generation's comprehension and ideas (United States)

    Bandrova, T.; Konecny, M.


    The authors are experienced in working with children and students in the field of early warning and crises management and cartography. All these topics are closely connected to Digital Earth (DE) ideas. On the basis of a questionnaire, the young generation's comprehension of DE concept is clarified. Students from different age groups (from 19 to 36) from different countries and with different social, cultural, economical and political backgrounds are asked to provide definition of DE and describe their basic ideas about meaning, methodology and applications of the concept. The questions aim to discover the young generation's comprehension of DE ideas. They partially cover the newest trends of DE development like social, cultural and environmental issues as well as the styles of new communications (Google Earth, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). In order to assure the future development of the DE science, it is important to take into account the young generation's expectations. Some aspects of DE development are considered in the Conclusions.

  18. Who's bringing you hot ideas and how are you responding? (United States)

    Davenport, Thomas H; Prusak, Laurence; Wilson, H James


    There's an unsung hero in your organization. It's the person who's bringing in new ideas from the outside about how to manage better. These aren't your product and service innovators--those people are celebrated loudly and often. This is the manager who, for instance, first uttered the phrase "balance scorecard" in your hallways, or "real options," or "intellectual capital." Managerial innovation is an increasingly important source of competitive advantage--especially given the speed with which product innovations are copied--but it doesn't happen automatically. It takes a certain kind of person to welcome new management ideas and usher them into an organization. The authors recently studied 100 such people to find out how they translate new ideas into action in their organizations. They discovered that they are a distinct type of practitioner; that is to say, they resemble their counterparts in other organizations more than they resemble their own colleagues, and they share a common way of working. "Idea practitioners," as the authors call them, begin by scouting for ideas. All of them are avid readers of management literature and enthusiastic participants in business conferences; many are friendly with business gurus. Once they've identified an idea that seems to hold promise, they tailor it to fit their organizations' specific needs. Next, they actively sell the idea--to senior executives, to the rank and file, to middle managers. And finally, they get the ball rolling by participating in small-scale experiments. But when those take off, they get out of the way and let others execute. In this article, the authors identify the characteristics of idea practitioners and offer strategies for managing them wisely.

  19. The Mathematics of Infinity A Guide to Great Ideas

    CERN Document Server

    Faticoni, Theodore G


    Praise for the First Edition ". . . an enchanting book for those people in computer science or mathematics who are fascinated by the concept of infinity."—Computing Reviews ". . . a very well written introduction to set theory . . . easy to read and well suited for self-study . . . highly recommended."—Choice The concept of infinity has fascinated and confused mankind for centuries with theories and ideas that cause even seasoned mathematicians to wonder. The Mathematics of Infinity: A Guide to Great Ideas, Second Edition uniquely explores how we can manipulate these ideas when

  20. How New Economic Ideas Changed the Danish Welfare State

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Christian Albrekt; Andersen, Jørgen Goul


    of the independent causal effects of economic ideas because the Social Democrats pursued policies that compromised with the party's historically rooted positions and with the preferences of their electorate. Ideas and solutions did not come in one fixed package, however. But the new paradigm established some basic......The article argues that new economic ideas have exerted an independent causal effect on policy change in three major areas in the Danish welfare state; unemployment insurance, early retirement and taxation. Thereby the Danish case bears resemblance to the paradigmatic shift from Keynesianism...

  1. Conceitualização pelas enfermeiras de preparação para o parto Conceptualización de los enfermeros de preparación para el parto Nurses' conceptualization on childbirth preparation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Germano Rodrigues Couto


    Full Text Available Estudo descritivo, exploratório e qualitativo, realizado mediante a utilização da Técnica de Delphi com amostra de 32 enfermeiras especialistas em Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica que exercem funções em 3 hospitais e 9 centros de saúde do distrito do Porto, norte de Portugal. Teve como objetivos: 1. identificar as idéias e concepções consensuais que um grupo de enfermeiras possui sobre a Preparação para o Parto; 2. saber quais as fontes de informação que consensualmente são mais utilizadas pelas enfermeiras; 3. saber qual a sua aceitação acerca de programas sobre Preparação para o Parto como forma da grávida ter um trabalho de parto ativo. Os resultados revelaram que a Preparação para o Parto é, segundo as enfermeiras estudadas, um momento de educação para a saúde, que envolve procedimentos técnicos, educacionais, relacionais e informativos; de grande importância para a grávida e para a enfermeira, desenrolando-se desde o início da gravidez até o puerpério, como um meio de alterar comportamentos errados com vistas a um resultado esperado com ganhos de saúde para a grávida e sua família.Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio y cualitativo, realizado mediante la utilización de la Técnica de Delphi a una muestra de 32 enfermeras especialistas en Enfermería de Salud Materna y Obstetricia que ejercen funciones en 3 hospitales y 9 centros de Atención Primaria del distrito de Oporto, al norte de Portugal. Tuvo como objetivos: 1. identificar las ideas y concepciones que un grupo de enfermeras posee sobre la Preparación para el Parto; 2. saber cuales son las fuentes de información mas utilizadas por las enfermeras; 3. saber cual es su aceptación sobre programas de Preparación para el Parto y como ayudar a la embarazada en el trabajo de parto. Los resultados revelaron que la Preparación para el Parto es, según las enfermeras de este estudio, un momento de educación para la salud, que envuelve

  2. Ideas de Vida y Muerte en Culturas Orientales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adolfo de Francisco Zea


    consideraciones de índole filosófica quedaron plasmadas en su libro “Mirando al Misterio” impreso en París en 1922 e incrustado al año siguiente en el índice de los libros prohibidos en esa época. Finalmente, se aprecia en el cuadro una mirada serena y bondadosa que rubricaba toda la labor de su inteligencia, siempre renovada por el estudio y siempre humanizada por el sentimiento.

    Tal es el retrato del Dr. Luis Zea Uribe sobre cuya obra médica y su pensamiento filosófico, se ocupará más adelante el señor Vicepresidente de la Academia Dr. Roberto de Zubiría Consuegra.

    He querido por mi parte distraer la atención de la Academia en la tarde de hoy para hablar de un tema muy afín a mis preocupaciones intelectuales y espirituales, el de las “Ideas de Vida y Muerte en Culturas Orientales”, como homenaje a la memoria del Dr. Luis Zea Uribe, quien también se ocupaba seria y constantemente de lo que algunos llaman sin razón “las cosas inútiles”.

    Disertar sobre temas de antropología y de mitología, tocar el campo de las religiones y las filosofías, podría parecer una osadía por tratarse en mi caso de asuntos al parecer lejanos a mi órbita profesional de Internista y de Cardiólogo. No lo es sin embargo si se tiene en cuenta que se trata de un intento por profundizar un poco más en asuntos de mi interés intelectual muy cercanos al ejercicio de la Medicina como son la Vida y la Muerte y sobre los cuales ya he tenido ocasión de ocuparme. Me refiero especialmente al estudio que presenté en la Universidad Nacional hace tres años cuando tuve el honor de pronunciar la “Conferencia Alfonso Uribe”, que titulé “El Hombre Frente a la Muerte” presentado también en la Academia y publicado en la Revista Medicina.

    Por otra parte, muchas de las ideas del Dr. Zea Uribe, nutrido como lo fue siempre en la cultura occidental, son claramente análogas a aquellas que se encuentran en el Hinduismo y en el Budismo, que han plasmado las

  3. Idea Management: Perspectives from Leadership, Learning, and Network Theory

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D. Deichmann (Dirk)


    textabstractIn this dissertation, we focus on how leadership styles, individual learning behaviors, and social network structures drive or inhibit organizational members to repeatedly generate and develop innovative ideas. Taking the idea management programs of three multinational companies as the

  4. U-Pb age for some base-metal sulfide deposits in Ireland: genetic implications for Mississippi Valley-type mineralization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duane, M.J.; Welke, H.J.; Allsopp, H.L.


    Evidence is presented that links the timing of vein-type (Cu-Ag(U)) to stratiform Mississippi Valley-type (MVT, Pb-Zn) ore events in Ireland. The rare occurrence of pitchblende, coffinite(?), and brannerite mineralization, which is regarded as a precursor component to the sulfide mineralization in the Gortdrum deposit (Ireland), provides the first direct radiometric dating tool for these carbonate-hosted deposits. The U-Pb (340 +25/-20 Ma) and Pb-Pb (359 +/- 26 Ma) whole-rock ages constrain the uranium and base-metal mineralizing events to the Early Carboniferous. The data support a model according to which MVT and earlier uranium mineralization stages of some major ore bodies resulted from fracturing coincident with large basin-dewatering events. The Pb-Pb and concordia data are consistent with an Early Carboniferous age for the mineralization at Gortdrum and agree closely with a previously published Rb-Sr age of 359 +/- 22 Ma, obtained for Missouri glauconites. Furthermore, other comparative geologic data from Ireland and from North American MVT mineral provinces support a model of Pb-Zn-Cu(U) mobilization on a regional scale that implicates the later closing stages of the proto-Atlantic. 40 references, 3 figures, 1 table

  5. [Multiprofessional inpatient psychotherapy of depression in old age]. (United States)

    Cabanel, N; Kundermann, B; Franz, M; Müller, M J


    Depression is common in old age but is often underdiagnosed and inadequately treated. Although psychotherapy is considered effective for treating elderly patients with depression, it is rarely applied in inpatient settings. Furthermore, treatment on inpatient units specialized for elderly patients and implementation of a psychotherapeutic treatment approach are currently more the exception. From this background, a multiprofessional inpatient behavioral treatment program (MVT) for elderly depressed patients was developed at a specialized unit of a university-affiliated regional psychiatric hospital. The MVT is based on specific and modularized group therapies accompanied by individual therapeutic interventions. While the provision of group therapies (such as psychotherapy, social skills training, relaxation training, euthymic and mindfulness-based methods, exercise and occupational therapy as well as psychoeducational sessions for relatives) is assigned to specific professional groups, a joint multiprofessional treatment planning is of central relevance. First evaluations of different treatment components support the high acceptability of the MVT and highlight that psychotherapeutic inpatient treatment programs for the elderly are feasible. Further research is required to investigate the clinical efficacy of psychotherapy in elderly depressive inpatients.

  6. Idea Screening in Engineering Design Using Employee-driven Wisdom of the Crowds


    Onarheim, Balder; Christensen, Bo T.


    The paper investigates the question of screening ideas in the ‘fuzzy front end’ of engineering design, examining the validity of employee voting schemes and related biases. After an employee-driven innovation project at {Company Name removed for review}, 99 ideas were to be screened for further development. Based on the concept of ‘wisdom of the crowds’, all ideas were individually rated by a broad selection of employees, and their choices of ideas and idea categories compared ...

  7. L'idea di giustizia in Platone

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Bentivoglio


    Full Text Available The idea of justice is the center of gravity of Plato’s philosophy. To define the concept of justice also means defining the necessary and universal human condition that society must honor to keep in balance. The paper proposes a reconstruction of the route of Platonic thought that only in the Dialogues of maturity – particularly in the Parmenides – takes the accomplished philosophical form, that is, the logical-dialectical form. Finally, the paper would like to point out whether the outcome of Platonic reflection about the idea of the Good and Justice may still be relevant in order to interpret the “core” of the epochal crisis of the contemporary world.

  8. Plan Estratégico para la implementación de un Centro de Servicios de Informática Forense


    Appendino, Sergio; Aprile, Fredi; De Gallo, Herminia Beatriz


    El proceso de implementación de un centro de servicio profesional y científico supone la formulación de un plan estratégico que oriente la propuesta. La definición de la misión esencial, la visión que se persigue y los objetivos marcan las líneas a seguir en la transformación paulatina de la idea inicial en un hecho concreto. Elaborados estos componentes, se toman de base para definir un Plan de Acción que vuelque a la práctica la idea inicial, dando forma a una institución que cada día ti...

  9. De la Comunicación a la Cultura: perder el "objeto" para ganar el proceso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Martín-Barbero


    Full Text Available Cuando el espacio de la comunicación se volvió un lugar estratégico para pensar algunas de las contradicciones fundamentales del desarrollo en América Latina, las herramientas que los comunicadores tenían para pensar estos procesos se les quedaron cortas. Así, durante estos últimos años, fue necesario perder la obsesión por el objeto propio para empezar a observar en serio los procesos reales en los que la comunicación se producía en América Latina. Este artículo presenta la idea de que hay que llegar a la teoría pero desde los procesos de comunicación, desde la opacidad. Algunos investigadores en América Latina, entre ellos Martín-Barbero, se plantearon la necesidad de un rediseño radical de la investigación en comunicación y como resultado de su trabajo se produjo y popularizó este texto.

  10. Travelling Ideas, Power and Place

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tait, Malcolm; Jensen, Ole B.


    , often with unpredictable consequences.  In order to understand the circulation and impact of these ideas this paper constructs an analytical framework which views these concepts within wider networks of social agents and institutions. Using insights from actor-network theory and discourse analysis we...

  11. Mining online community data: The nature of ideas in online communities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Kasper; Liland, Kristian Hovde; Kvaal, Knut


    Ideas are essential for innovation and for the continuous renewal of a firm’s product offerings. Previous research has argued that online communities contain such ideas. Therefore, online communities such as forums, Facebook groups, blogs etc. are potential gold mines for innovative ideas that can...

  12. Globalization and the diffusion of ideas: why we should acknowledge the roots of mainstream ideas in global health. (United States)

    Robert, Emilie; Hajizadeh, Mohammad; El-Bialy, Rowan; Bidisha, Sayema Haque


    Although globalization has created ample opportunities and spaces to share experiences and information, the diffusion of ideas, especially in global health, is primarily influenced by the unequal distribution of economic, political and scientific powers around the world. These ideas in global health are generally rooted in High-Income Countries (HICs), and then reach Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). We argue that acknowledging and addressing this invisible trend would contribute to a greater degree of open discussions in global health. This is expected to favor innovative, alternative, and culturally sound solutions for persistent health problems and reducing inequities.

  13. Analogical Thinking for Generation of Innovative Ideas: An Exploratory Study of Influential Factors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eunyoung Kim


    Full Text Available Analogical thinking is one of the most effective tools to generate innovative ideas. It enables us to develop new ideas by transferring information from well-known domains and utilizing them in a novel domain. However, using analogical thinking does not always yield appropriate ideas, and there is a lack of consensus among researchers regarding the evaluation methods for assessing new ideas. Here, we define the appropriateness of generated ideas as having high structural and low superficial similarities with their source ideas. This study investigates the relationship between thinking process and the appropriateness of ideas generated through analogical thinking. We conducted four workshops with 22 students in order to collect the data. All generated ideas were assessed based on the definition of appropriateness in this study. The results show that participants who deliberate more before reaching the creative leap stage and those who are engaged in more trial and error for deciding the final domain of a new idea have a greater possibility of generating appropriate ideas. The findings suggest new strategies of designing workshops to enhance the appropriateness of new ideas.



    Adrian Dumitru Tantau; Laurentiu Catalin Fratila; Daniela Liliana Hincu


    Financing represents a central element of entrepreneurship. Financial resources allow developing new business projects and start up of activities of small enterprises. Unfortunately, the restrict credit politics for small enterprises and the absence of their resources represent important obstacle for implementation of new business ideas. In our research, we try to identify the main problems which oppose to the promotion of business ideas in small enterprises.

  15. Generating breakthrough new product ideas feeding the innovation funnel

    CERN Document Server

    Cooper, Robert


    Senior executives are experiencing a shortage of game-changing ideas that drive growth. This book explains how to feed the innovation funnel with a steady stream of breakthrough new product ideas, providing numerous examples of the methods, approaches and techniques used by leading companies such as Motorola and Procter & Gamble. Learn more about the impact you can make by leveraging an innovation strategy, voice-of-customer research, external ideas via open innovation, employees? creative talent and fundamental research. Establish a proactive Discovery Stage that focuses on the drivers of innovation performance to transform your organization into an innovation machine.

  16. An interface between I-DEAS and DYNA3D

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andress, J.C.


    The I-DEAS software package can be used interactively to generate 3-dimensional finite element models for subsequent analysis. This memorandum describes techniques which allow I-DEAS to be used for the generation of finite element models for the code DYNA3D which is being used at Winfrith for impact analysis. In particular, it is shown how impacting and sliding interfaces can be defined conveniently even though the I-DEAS software does not directly support this feature of the DYNA3D code. A simple example is included to illustrate the use of the techniques described in this memorandum. (author)

  17. A Case Study of Idea Work in the Early Phases of Product Development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gish, Liv; Clausen, Christian; Hansen, Claus Thorp


    development. Based on our case we will point out four central findings: 1) Early idea work is a complex process and interlinked with many other activities both inside and outside the organization. 2) Ideas evolve,combine and change over time. 3) Idea work involves a wide range of actors. 4) Carrying ideas......Focus in this paper is on the early innovation activities, in particular idea work. Based on a case study from industrial practice on the development of a new circulator (the Alpha Pro circulator) we aim at getting a better understanding of the work with ideas in the early phases of product...... through demands continuous mobilization of support among a range of actors. We suggest that the actors involved in idea work and their interaction such as negotiating different understandings of what constitutes a qualified idea as well as the continuous mobilization of support to their ideas among...

  18. Idea Bank: Steps to Visibility. (United States)

    Music Educators Journal, 1983


    Unique ideas about how to maintain interest in musicals, concerts, and other music performances are described. For example, Project Parent Awareness encouraged parent participation in children's music education and the Akron (Ohio) All-City Festivals of Music provided students with performing opportunities under well-known conductors. (CS)

  19. Collaborative Sketching in Crowdsourcing Design: A New Method for Idea Generation (United States)

    Sun, Lingyun; Xiang, Wei; Chen, Shi; Yang, Zhiyuan


    Design integrates concepts and solves problems. Crowdsourcing design imports vast knowledge and produces creative ideas. It publishes design tasks, collects dozens of contributors' ideas and reward the best. Contributors in crowdsourcing design work individually when generating ideas. However, those who collaborate could make better use of crowd's…

  20. The Great Plains IDEA Gerontology Program: An Online, Interinstitutional Graduate Degree (United States)

    Sanders, Gregory F.


    The Great-Plains IDEA Gerontology Program is a graduate program developed and implemented by the Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance (Great Plains IDEA). The Great Plains IDEA (Alliance) originated as a consortium of Colleges of Human Sciences ranging across the central United States. This Alliance's accomplishments have included…

  1. Students' Ideas and Radical Constructivism (United States)

    Sánchez Gómez, Pedro J.


    In this article, I study, from the point of view of the analytic philosophy of mind, the compatibility of students' ideas studies (SIS) with radical constructivism (RC). I demonstrate that RC is based on a psychology of narrow mental states; that is, the idea that the mental content of an individual can be fully characterised without any reference external to her or him. I show that this fact imposes some severe restrictions to SIS to be incorporated into RC. In particular, I argue that only qualitative studies can comply with the requirement of narrowness. Nevertheless, I propose that quantitative works can be employed as sources of types in order to study token actual students. I use this type-token dichotomy to put forward an outline of a theory of the relation between school contents and mental contents. In this view, token mental contents regarding a given topic can be defined, and probed, only by resorting to typical school contents.

  2. Contribuciones agroecológicas para renovar las fundaciones del manejo de plagas


    Nicholls, Clara I.


    Las estrategias de manejo integrado de plagas (MIP) han estado dominadas por la idea del producto considerado como “la bala mágica’’ para controlar los brotes de plagas. Los enfoques del MIP no han abordado las causas ecológicas de los problemas de plagas en la agricultura moderna. En este articulo se plantea que los problemas de plagas pueden solucionarse mediante la reestructuración del manejo de los sistemas agrícolas, quebrando el monocultivo vía esquemas de diversificación...

  3. The idea of atmosphere: Social psychology and other prolegomena

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jahir Navalles Gomez


    Full Text Available The history of social psychology in this article differs from the standard versions. This is due to the fact that I call on contribtuons from different interlocutors, some of them from outside the discipline of social psychology. Their theorical insights provide a clue to the idea hidden in the background of social psychology –the idea of "atmosphere". I begin by setting out what official social psychology has held in contempt – its own past, its own unofficial history. I also make a case for the work of certain authors who have been ignored within social psychology, and introduce others who have cautiously developed the idea of 'atmosphere'. I trace how 'atmosphere' became the central metaphor which historically informed the discipline of social psychology, taking account of the work of historians and philosophers, as well as sociologists and philologists. 'Atmosphere' is the origin of social psychology, an idea that results in a nostalgic psychology, an historical psychology and a collective psychology.

  4. El Tai-Chi, una alternativa para contribuir a la concentración de la atención en los estudiantes


    Zuleida Rodríguez Díaz; Ana Belkis Amador Cabrera


    El trabajo titulado “El Tai-Chi, una alternativa para mejorar la concentración de la atención en los estudiantes” persigue como objetivo la concentración de la atención de los estudiantes mediante la práctica del Tai-Chi, para así demostrar que se concentra e influye en la esfera específica de la disociación de ideas, que tanto se pone de manifiesto sobre todo en los estudiantes con trastornos del comportamiento, los que se caracterizan por la combinación de un comportamiento hiperactivo y po...

  5. Herramientas innovadoras para futuros docentes de enseñanza Secundaria: El Ministerio del Tiempo como herramienta metodológica interdicisplinar


    Ruiz Bañuls, Mónica; Gómez Trigueros, Isabel María


    El propósito de esta comunicación es presentar un trabajo que se inserta dentro de la RED: “Propuestas transmedia y gamificación aplicadas al EEES: nuevas metodología activas para implementar las competencias en Ciencias Sociales y en Literatura”. La idea que sustenta la RED es considerar las TIC como un espacio decisivo para la difusión de la docencia a través de herramientas virtuales, desarrollando propuestas didácticas en las que se implemente a través de los transmedia y la gamificación ...

  6. New ideas about unified field theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gleiser, M.


    An outline of the physical concepts evolution is given from the ancient philosophers to the present time. With qualitative explanations about the meaning of the theories that is the milestones of these concepts evolution, it mentions the ideas which lead the studies to the conception of a unified field theory. Chronologically, it has brief information about the ideas of Laplace (mechanical determinism), Maxwell (the field concept), Einsten (the space-time structure), Heisenberg and Schroedinger (the quantum mechanics), Dirac (the relativistic quantum and the antiparticles), Gell-Mann (the quarks), Weinberg-Salam (Weak interactions and eletromagnetic unification), H. Georgi and S. Glashon (strong interactions plus Weinberg-Salam), Kaluza-Klein (a fifth space-time coordinate), and Zumino-Weiss (supersymmetry and supergravity). (G.D.F.) [pt

  7. Papel y significación urbana de los espacios para la música en la ciudad occidental Papel y significación urbana de los espacios para la música en la ciudad occidental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Goycoolea Prado


    Full Text Available To know the urban location and the characteristics the spaces designed for a specific social activity contributes to understand its function in the city and the relations established with the other activities and social estates. Starting off of this idea, the spaces for “classical music”, understood like results of the interactions between the music and the estates of the political and/or economic power that have promoted them in the modern western city, are analyzed in the article. It is not purpose of the article to make a history of the appearance and urban meaning of the spaces for music, if not to study those that are assumption new ways to understand the relation art-power in the public space.Conocer la localización urbana y las características de los espacios diseñados para una actividad social específica contribuye a comprender su papel en la ciudad y las relaciones establecidas con las demás actividades y estamentos sociales. Partiendo de esta idea, se analizan en el artículo los espacios para la “música culta”, entendidos como resultados de las interacciones entre la música y los estamentos del poder político y/o económico que los han promovido en la ciudad occidental moderna. No es objetivo del artículo realizar una historia de la apariencia y significación urbana de los espacios para la música, sino estudiar los que han supuesto nuevas maneras de entender la relación arte-poder en el espacio público.

  8. Exploring Classroom Hydroponics. Growing Ideas. (United States)

    National Gardening Association, Burlington, VT.

    Growing Ideas, the National Gardening Association's series for elementary, middle, and junior high school educators, helps teachers engage students in using plants and gardens as contexts for developing a deeper, richer understanding of the world around them. This volume's focus is on hydroponics. It presents basic hydroponics information along…

  9. New Ideas for School Construction. (United States)

    Producers' Council, Inc., Washington, DC.

    Present educators, architects, engineers, and building product manufacturers with a medium of common interest for discussion of mutual school construction problems, objectives, needs, ideas, capabilities and limitations. Contents include--(1) modern wood construction, (2) school room in a steel mill, (3) masonry in new school design, (4) the…

  10. IDEA and Early Childhood Inclusion. (United States)

    Smith, Barbara J.; Rapport, Mary Jane K.

    This paper discusses 1997 amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that promote the inclusion of children with disabilities in general early childhood education settings. The evolution of inclusion policy is explored and changes in disability terminology are described. Amended provisions are then explained and include:…

  11. Campaña publicitaria social para incentivar la separación en el origen de los residuos sólidos reciclables para los habitantes del Distrito Federal, México


    Olvera Casillas, Verónica


    La publicidad ha contribuido a que cada vez más se incremente la cantidad de residuos pues ha estado inmersa en la cultura del consumismo de la sociedad para satisfacerla. Si bien es cierto que desde el inicio no se consideraba este concepto como tal, la colocación de avisos y mensajes utilizada por empresas, organizaciones y agencias del Estado acerca de sus productos mostraban ideas que agrupaban este aspecto. Si bien durante los años de 1996-2003, existían campañas publicitarias en...

  12. Investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación para el cuidado y reuso del agua

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Yolanda Reyes-Vidal


    En este trabajo presentamos una revisión de la problemática mundial y nacional, así como dos casos de estudio en los que hemos participando activamente. El primer caso muestra el desarrollo de una cadena de valor de los efluentes de la industria del nixtamal, la masa y la tortilla, donde el agua tratada recuperada del proceso propuesto es considerada como un producto. En el segundo caso, se presenta el desarrollo de un proceso para el pretratamiento de las aguas residuales de una industria procesadora de carne de cerdo. A través de estos casos, se expone nuestra visión holística del problema, que ha permitido el desarrollo de proyectos innovadores, con interacción clave entre los actores para convertir ideas en procesos/productos o servicios para el mercado.

  13. Mathematics Teachers' Ideas about Mathematical Models: A Diverse Landscape (United States)

    Bautista, Alfredo; Wilkerson-Jerde, Michelle H.; Tobin, Roger G.; Brizuela, Bárbara M.


    This paper describes the ideas that mathematics teachers (grades 5-9) have regarding mathematical models of real-world phenomena, and explores how teachers' ideas differ depending on their educational background. Participants were 56 United States in-service mathematics teachers. We analyzed teachers' written responses to three open-ended…

  14. Idea del siglo XVIII”: sobre la Ilustración en el Memorial Literario (1801

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Checa Beltrán, José


    Full Text Available Published in Memorial Literario in 1801, Idea del siglo XVIII is a text which has virtually gone unnoticed for most of the scholars of the 18th century, in spite of its great interest. It is one of the first glances cast by the newly welcomed 19th century at the former «Enlightenment century», according to the author’s denomination (presumably, Pedro Maria Olive. The objective of this work is to release this important and early Spanish text about the Enlightenment and study it as the mirror and the lamp of the discussions and controversies of the political, literary and cultural scene of Spain in 1801.Publicado en el Memorial Literario de 1801, la Idea del siglo XVIII es un texto que ha pasado prácticamente desapercibido para la generalidad de los dieciochistas, a pesar de su enorme interés. Constituye una de las primerísimas miradas que el recién inaugurado siglo XIX dirige sobre la centuria anterior, el «siglo ilustrado», como lo denomina el propio autor (presumiblemente Pedro María Olive. El objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer este importante y temprano texto español sobre la Ilustración y estudiarlo como espejo y lámpara de los debates y controversias del panorama político, literario y cultural de la España de 1801.

  15. ¿Ruptura del compromiso igualitario para sostener el Estado de bienestar en Europa?


    Martin, Antonio; Carrasquer, Pilar,; Molina, Óscar,


    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: Compilation Los valores colectivistas basados en las ideas del compromiso social igualitario, clave para la construcción del Estado de bienestar, tienden a romperse. La inmigración y la consiguiente heterogeneidad de la población obstaculizan la identifi cación de los ciudadanos con los valores colectivos. Por contra, emergen nuevos valores basados en el merecimiento individual, lo que tiende a generar una polarización de la...

  16. 50 quantum physics ideas you really need to know

    CERN Document Server

    Baker, Joanne


    Following on from the highly successful 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know, author Joanne Baker consolidates the foundation concepts of physics and moves on to present clear explanations of the most cutting-edge area of science: quantum physics. With 50 concise chapters covering complex theories and their advanced applications - from string theory to black holes, and quarks to quantum computing - alongside informative two-colour illustrations, this book presents key ideas in straightforward, bite-sized chunks. Ideal for the layperson, this book will challenge the way you understand the world. The ideas explored include: Theory of relativity; Schrodinger's cat; Nuclear forces: fission and fusion; Antimatter; Superconductivity.


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    Álvaro Carbajal Villaplana


    Full Text Available En este artículo interesa determinar la estructura lógica del concepto de capacidades tecnológicas para establecer las características y los componentes más relevantes, esto con la intención de proponer una definición filosófica a partir de las ideas de capacidades y funcionamientos de Amartya Sen y del concepto de disposiciones de Gilbert Ryle. Se trata de una ampliación o aplicación de esas nociones a la idea de capacidades tecnológicas con el fin de obtener dicho concepto operativo y apropiado. El estudio se lleva a cabo, porque la noción de capacidades tecnológicas es muy utilizada en diversos textos de economía, administración, tecnología y filosofía, pero sin que se las defina apropiadamente ni se les fundamente filosóficamente. La investigación en la que se sustenta el artículo se realizó en el año 2005 con un enfoque de análisis inscrito en la tradición filosófica analítica.

  18. The Problem Solver and The Artisan Designer: Strategies for Utilizing Design Idea Archives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Inie, Nanna; Endo, Allison; Dow, Steven


    This paper presents the results of an extensive qualitative study investigating how professional designers utilize personal idea archives. While we know that designers archive creative ideas in different formats and on different platforms, we know little about if and how designers utilize...... these idea archives in their daily practice. Through a series of interviews (n=20) and walkthroughs of design idea archives, we identified two archetypal strategies. The Problem Solver is concerned with the task at hand, keeps relevant ideas around, and discards them when the ideas have served their purpose...

  19. 3rd Semester and Master’s Thesis Ideas 2011

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    The report contain a list of project ideas proposed by the scientific staff at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, and a number of companies. Most of the project ideas in this catalogue may form the basis for long and short candidate projects as well as regular 3rd semester...

  20. 3rd Semester and Master’s Thesis Ideas 2013

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    The following pages contain a list of project ideas proposed by the scientific staff at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, and a number of companies. Most of the project ideas in this catalogue may form the basis for long and short master projects as well as regular 3rd...

  1. 3rd Semester and Master’s Thesis Ideas 2012

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Johan

    The report contain a list of project ideas proposed by the scientific staff at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, and a number of companies. Most of the project ideas in this catalogue may form the basis for long and short candidate projects as well as regular 3rd semester...

  2. Art Therapy: Profession or Idea? A Feminist Aesthetic Perspective. (United States)

    Moon, Catherine


    Examines whether art therapy is a profession or an idea by exploring the differences implied by the words "profession" and "idea" and comparing them with the author's experiences as a art therapist. Specifically examines this question in light of the prevalent and distinguishing characteristics of those in the profession. (Author/MKA)

  3. Policy Ideas, Knowledge Regimes and Comparative Political Economy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Campbell, John L.; Pedersen, Ove K.


    Despite much attention to how ideas affect policy making, where these ideas come from is a blind spot in comparative political economy. We show that an important source of policy ideas are knowledge regimes—fields of policy research organizations. We show as well that the organization of knowledge...... to restore it by transforming their knowledge regimes, albeit in ways that are still shaped by the surrounding political and economic institutions. The effectiveness of their efforts is not guaranteed. The argument is based on an analysis of the evolution of knowledge regimes since the 1970s in the USA...... regimes is heavily influenced by the organization of their surrounding political economies such that knowledge regimes have particular national characters. Furthermore, when people perceive that the utility of their knowledge regime for the rest of the political economy breaks down, they often try...

  4. Pushing photonic ideas into innovation through crowdfunding (United States)

    Sumriddetchkajorn, Sarun


    It is known today that crowdfunding is a very popular approach that simultaneously assists in rapidly disseminating creative ideas, performing worldwide market survey, getting the fund, and eventually starting the business. Hence, this article highlights some of the photonics-related ideas that are explored through the promising crowdfunding approach. These include microlenses for mobile devices, specially designed lenses for helmets and solar cells, three-dimensional optical scanners, optical spectrometers, and surface plasmon resonance-based optical sensors. Most of them looks simple and yet are very creative backing up with interesting stories behind them to persuade the target customers to participate.

  5. Ideas y representaciones sociales de la adolescencia


    Casco Ramos, Francisco José


    El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral está en conocer las ideas que hay en la actualidad sobre la adolescencia en nuestro país, y en diferentes grupos como los propios adolescentes, los padres, los profesores y las personas mayores de sesenta años. Este interés se justifica por la opinión de que estas ideas influirán decisivamente en las interacciones que, po r ejemplo, padres y profesores tendrán con sus hijos y alumnos respectivamente. Hay, además que tener en cuenta que los cambios sociales d...

  6. Normativas de Cepal para el desarrollo agrícola. Pertinencia para la economía ecuatoriana.

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    Zoe Medina Valdés


    altos niveles de inequidad social colocan a un alto por ciento de la población en condiciones de vulnerabilidad  alimentaria. La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL ha publicado diversos documentos con carácter normativo, con propuestas de políticas relacionadas al desarrollo agrícola con un valor cognoscitivo y metodológico, que pueden ser considerados por los estados latinoamericanos en la formulación de las políticas nacionales, según las condiciones y características propias. Esta investigación se ha propuesto determinar aquellas ideas de la CEPAL que tienen un carácter normativo, que por su valor cognoscitivo y metodológico pueden ser aplicables a las economías de la región, en general, y a la ecuatoriana, en particular.

  7. Ciudad para vacaciones, en Marbella, España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aymerich, Manuel


    Full Text Available The various buildings and installations which comprise this holiday town have been organised in the following manner: a Residential zone, consisting of separate chalets for single families. There are 200 of these houses, and they follow four distinct designs. All of them are only meant to serve as sleeping and resting quarters, since meals are to be prepared and taken at a collective restaurant. This residential zone also comprises various other buildings that are essential for the functional effectiveness of the holiday town, namely: collective club and restaurant, reception and control quarters, commercial zone, with shops and bars, manager's house, garage-workshop and church.—b Sports zone: there are facilities for the practise of various games (pelota, tennis, bowls, skating, basket ball and swimming. As a continuation to this there is the beach zone, which has a bar restaurant, and the necessary installations for the swimmers, such as changing rooms, showers and store room where various kinds of sporting gear for swimmers is kept.—c Service zone, with accommodation for the staff, health centre and wastage disposal fittings.—d Park and garden spaces extend throughout the holiday town. The architectural style is in accordance wits its situation on the Mediterranean: light, colour and the exuberance of nature have been determining factors in planning this project. Various ideas of the popular Andalusian seaside architecture have been borrowed, and in general terms the curved outline has been preferred to the straight one, since it represents and adapts itself better to the description of gentle rhythms and subtle shadows, in a region where the sharpness of light contrasts is often too violent.Las instalaciones y edificios de esta ciudad para vacaciones, han sido agrupadas en las siguientes zonas: a Zona residencial, compuesta de chalets familiares aislados —hasta, un número de 200— de cuatro tipos diferentes, pero cuya distribuci

  8. Estrategia para educación en salud antidengue y prosaneamiento Strategy for antidengue health education and prosanitation

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    Wilfredo Guibert Reyes


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo exponer el diseño y aplicación de una estrategia de intervención dirigida a desarrollar en las personas conductas de autoprecaución antidengue y prosaneamiento, mediante la utilización de nuestra modificación del modelo teórico de cambio por etapas. Se muestran las 16 conductas que creemos tendrían más impacto para la intervención, y se expone nuestra visión teórica para enfrentar la tarea planteada y los pasos del procedimiento de adopción de precauciones para el cambio individual, en el marco de la metodología adoptada por etapas. Se presentan las ideas, estrategias y herramientas principales para la aplicación efectiva y económica de la intervención, y se muestran informaciones útiles y pertinentes para facilitar el proceso de cambio (Habaneros. Se orienta a quiénes capacitar, sobre qué, y qué condiciones harían falta para que cumpliera su rol con calidad , y se establece que una premisa básica para la intervención es la disponibilidad de un mínimo de recursos materiales que aseguren los cambios y su mantenimiento en la vida real.The present paper is aimed at exposing the design and application of an intervention strategy directed to develop in persons conducts of antidengue selfprecaution and prosanitation by using our modification of the theoretical model of change by stages. The 16 conducts having more impact for the intervention are showed and our theoretical view to face this task, as well as the steps to take precautions for the individual change, are dealt with in the framework of the stage methodology. The main ideas, strategies and tools for an effective and economic intervention are approached and useful and pertinent informations to facilitate the change process are given (Habaneros. Guidance is given on the personnel to be trained, the topics that should be taught and the conditions necessary to play their role with quality. It is established that a basic condition

  9. Europe in a Labyrinth and the Material Power of Ideas

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hauser, Michael

    -, March 25 (2015) ISSN 1476-5888 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : Europe * Greece * austerities * ideas Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

  10. Educación para la emancipación: desafíos para las prácticas de formación de docentes (Education for emancipation: challenges for the teacher training practices (Education pour l’émancipation : des défis pour les pratiques de formation d’enseignants (Educação para a emancipação: desafios para as práticas de formação de docentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Delgado-Salazar


    Full Text Available El presente texto recoge los planteamientos expuestos en el Coloquio de prácticas de formación de docentes, que tuvo como eje de reflexión el sentido político de las prácticas educativas. Al acoger algunos presupuestos derivados de la teoría crítica, se desarrollan ideas que invitan a pensar en la urgente necesidad de reorientar el pensamiento y la acción para comprender y transformar las experiencias de barbarie e injusticias que ocasionan la violencia en una sociedad como la colombiana que enfrenta una crisis humanitaria, lo que lleva a resaltar el valor de la experiencia, de la narraci��n, de los repertorios emocionales y el trabajo de la memoria como referentes de una educación para la emancipación.

  11. Investigating Student Ideas about Cosmology I: Distances and Structure (United States)

    Coble, Kim; Camarillo, Carmen T.; Nickerson, Melissa D.; Trouille, Laura E.; Bailey, Janelle M.; Cochran, Geraldine L.; Cominsky, Lynn R.


    Recently, powerful new observations and advances in computation and visualization have led to a revolution in our understanding of the structure of the Universe. As the field of cosmology advances, it is of interest to study how student ideas relate to scientific understanding. In this paper, we examine in-depth undergraduate students' ideas on…

  12. Acoustic particle detection - From early ideas to future benefits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nahnhauer, Rolf


    The history of acoustic neutrino detection technology is shortly reviewed from the first ideas 50 years ago to the detailed R and D programs of the last decade. The physics potential of ultra-high energy neutrino interaction studies is discussed for some examples. Ideas about the necessary detector size and suitable design are presented.

  13. Crowdsourcing ideas : Involving ordinary users in the ideation phase of new product development

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schemmann, Brita; Herrmann, Andrea M.; Chappin, Maryse M H; Heimeriks, Gaston J.


    The different roles of users in new product development (NPD) have been extensively described. Currently online idea crowdsourcing, via long-term open idea calls, is increasingly being used by companies to collect new product ideas from ordinary users. Such open idea calls can result in thousands of

  14. Visceral Thromboses in Pancreas Adenocarcinoma: Systematic Review. (United States)

    Hicks, Angel Mier; DeRosa, Antonio; Raj, Micheal; Do, Richard; Yu, Kenneth H; Lowery, Maeve A; Varghese, Anna; O'Reilly, Eileen M


    Within gastrointestinal malignancies, primary hepatocellular carcinoma and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) are frequently associated with visceral thromboses (VT). Thrombus formation in the portal (PVT), mesenteric (MVT), or splenic vein (SVT) system leads to portal hypertension and intestinal ischemia. VT in PDAC may convey a risk of increased distal thrombosis and poses therapeutic uncertainty regarding the role of anticoagulation. An increasing number of reports describe VT associated with PDAC. It is possible that early diagnosis of these events may help reduce morbidity and speculatively improve oncologic outcomes. To perform a systematic review to study PVT, MVT, and SVT associated with PDAC, and to provide a comprehensive review. Medline/PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Scopus, and the Cochrane Library. Data Extraction and Assessment: Two blinded independent observers extracted and assessed the studies for diagnosis of PVT, MVT, and SVT in PDAC. Studies were restricted to English-language literature published between 2007 and 2016. Eleven articles were identified. Five case reports and 7 retrospective studies were found, with a total of 127 patients meeting the inclusion criteria. The mean age at diagnosis was 64 years. PVT was found in 35% (n = 46), SVT in 52% (n = 65), and MVT in 13% (n = 15). Mean follow-up time was 26 months. Only 3 of the selected articles studied the impact of anticoagulation in VT. All patients with nonvisceral thrombosis (eg, deep-vein thrombosis, pulmonary emboli) were therapeutically treated; in contrast, patients with VT only rarely received treatment. VT in PDAC is a frequent finding at diagnosis or during disease progression. Evidence to guide treatment choices is limited, and current management is based on inferred experience from nononcologic settings. Anticoagulation appears to be safe in VT, with most of the large studies recommending a careful assessment for patients at a high risk of bleeding. Copyright © 2017

  15. In Need of Creative Mobile Service Ideas? Forget Adults and Ask Young Children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilona Kuzmickaja


    Full Text Available It is well acknowledged that innovation is a key success factor in the mobile service domain. Having creative ideas is the first critical step in the innovation process. Many studies suggest that customers are a valuable source of creative ideas. However, the literature also shows that adults may be constrained by existing technology frames, which are known to hinder creativity. Instead young children (aged 7-12 are considered digital natives yet are free from existing technology frames. This led us to study them as a potential source for creative mobile service ideas. A set of 41,000 mobile ideas obtained from a research project in 2006 granted us a unique opportunity to study the mobile service ideas from young children. We randomly selected two samples of ideas (N = 400 each; one contained the ideas from young children, the other from adults (aged 17-50. These ideas were evaluated by several evaluators using an existing creativity framework. The results show that the mobile service ideas from the young children are significantly more original, transformational, implementable, and relevant than those from the adults. Therefore, this study shows that young children are better sources of novel and quality ideas than adults in the mobile services domain. This study bears significant contributions to the creativity and innovation research. It also indicates a new and valuable source for the companies that seek creative ideas for innovative products and services.

  16. Drive of Open Source Idea Generation for Innovation


    Khan, Zahidul


    The aim of the thesis is to introduce the source of idea generation for innovation. The scope is limited to provide general knowledge about relevant issues of the co-creation of products which play significant role for innovation. In product innovation, it is necessary to consider external valuable work and talent. Firms increasingly use open source models to collect external ideas for innovation, for instance, by means of websites where customers, suppliers and other external parties can sub...

  17. Business and theology – the idea of value

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saghaug, Kristin Falck; Lindgren, Peter


    , but addresses value in such a way that it contributes to a further compartmentalization of life. This paper presents research in the intersection of business, art and theology, and how this may inflict on the idea of value and go beyond the compartmentalization of business values and personal values. Design......Purpose – The idea of “value” is increasingly depicted from a number of areas. Within the business domain the accounting area has had a huge influence (Lindgreen and Wynstra 2005) as well as the strategic approach of “value” in a business model (BM) (Hamel 2002), the perception of value/cost (Chan...... Kim and Mauborgne 2005), the customer as co-creating value (Prahalad and Ramaswamy 2004) as well as understanding value in network is increasing (Chesbrough 2007). Common for the examples from the business dimension are that they do not engage the idea of value and its connectedness to ontology...

  18. In Search of the Bright Idea. (United States)

    Pfaff, Tim


    It is suggested that coming up with fresh and interesting ideas for college and university publications requires keeping an open mind to events, people, and surroundings, finding good writers, and planning interesting layouts with illustrations. (MSE)

  19. Sparking Old and New Ideas (United States)

    Williams-Rossi, Dara; Campbell, Laurie O.


    In the past, teachers have used chalkboards for "chalk talks," a strategy where a teacher wrote words and drew images to demonstrate reflecting, document generating ideas, and explore knowledge. Out with the old-school version and in with the "Marker Sparker" method, which uses whiteboards or poster paper and colorful markers to achieve the same…

  20. 2. A Circle of ideas

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education; Volume 1; Issue 2. Geometry A Circle of Ideas. Kapil H Paranjape. Series Article Volume 1 Issue 2 February 1996 pp 26-31. Fulltext. Click here to view fulltext PDF. Permanent link: Author Affiliations.

  1. Plan de márketing y de comunicación y diseño y desarrollo de imagen corporativa para nueva franquicia de cafetería


    Escoda López, Jordi


    Este proyecto de final de grado, “Plan de Márketing y de Comunicación y Diseño y Desarrollo de Imagen Corporativa para nueva Franquicia de Cafetería” trata, por una parte, de la creación de una nueva idea de negocio de cafetería y, por otra, de la generación de todos los contenidos e imágenes necesarias para la comunicación de dicho negocio. Para ello, primeramente, se determina qué tipo de negocio se quiere desarrollar a lo largo del proyecto. Se realiza un estudio de la situación actual ...

  2. Educación y personas mayores: algunas claves para la definición de una psicología de la educación en la vejez


    Posada, Feliciano Villar


    El presente artículo pretende aproximarse a una definición de la vejez como nuevo campo de estudio para la Psicología de la Educación. Se argumenta como esta expansión es posible si se parte de una idea del desarrollo cercana a los supuestos de la perspectiva del ciclo vital. A partir de estos supuestos, la educación aparece como un medio para compensar pérdidas y/o para potenciar el crecimiento personal y social. Se defiende una visión de la Psicología de la Educación de la vejez como un cam...

  3. Cosmic Evolution: The History of an Idea (United States)

    Dick, S. J.


    Cosmic evolution has become the conceptual framework within which modern astronomy is undertaken, and is the guiding principle of major NASA programs such as Origins and Astrobiology. While there are 19th- and early 20th century antecedents, as in the work of Robert Chambers, Herbert Spencer and Lawrence Henderson, it was only at mid-20th century that full-blown cosmic evolution began to be articulated and accepted as a research paradigm extending from the Big Bang to life, intelligence and the evolution of culture. Harlow Shapley was particularly important in spreading the idea to the public in the 1950s, and NASA embraced the idea in the 1970s as part of its SETI program and later its exobiology and astrobiology programs. Eric Chaisson, Carl Sagan and others were early proponents of cosmic evolution, and it continues to be elaborated in ever more subtle form as a research program and a philosophy. It has even been termed "Genesis for the 21st century." This paper documents the origin and development of the idea and offers a glimpse of where it could lead if cultural evolution is taken seriously, possibly leading to the concept of a postbiological universe.

  4. Knowing a winning business idea when you see one. (United States)

    Kim, W C; Mauborgne, R


    Identifying which business ideas have real commercial potential is fraught with uncertainty, and even the most admired companies have stumbled. It's not as if they don't know what the challenges of innovation are. A new product has to offer customers exceptional utility at an attractive price, and the company must be able to deliver it at a tidy profit. But the uncertainties surrounding innovation are so great that even the most insightful managers have a hard time evaluating the commercial readiness of new business ideas. In this article, W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne introduce three tools that managers can use to help strip away some of that uncertainty. The first tool, "the buyer utility map," indicates how likely it is that customers will be attracted to a new business idea. The second, "the price corridor of the mass," identifies what price will unlock the greatest number of customers. And the third tool, "the business model guide," offers a framework for figuring out whether and how a company can profitably deliver the new idea at the targeted price. Applying the tools, though, is not the end of the story. Many innovations have to overcome adoption hurdles--strong resistance from stakeholders inside and outside the company. Often overlooked in the planning process, adoption hurdles can make or break the commercial viability of even the most powerful new ideas. The authors conclude by discussing how managers can head off negative reactions from stakeholders.

  5. Una crítica rortiana al Código Ético Mundial para el Turismo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José María Filgueiras Nodar


    Full Text Available Después de una breve presentación del Código Ético Mundial para el Turismo, y de una reflexión sobre el modelo que parece estar defendiendo de nuestras relaciones con la naturaleza, intento criticar el Código en base a unas consideraciones de corte neopragmatista sobre la idea misma de código ético. Trato de mostrar que los dos enfoques que suelen darse a los códigos éticos son problemáticos y dejan en mal lugar a dicha idea. El enfoque jurídico parece coercitivo e ineficaz, mientras que el propiamente moral puede conllevar dos graves riesgos: el primero, que el código se convierta en mera retórica; el segundo, que quede totalmente desvirtuado al no considerar sus condiciones de aplicación, tal y como ha mostrado Rorty.

  6. Getting started with Intellij IDEA

    CERN Document Server

    Assumpção, Hudson Orsine


    A practical, fast-paced guide with clear, step-by-step exercisesto help you understand the basics of IntelliJ Idea and develop a web application.This book will be ideal if you are a Java developer who has a little knowledge about IntelliJ and wants to get more information on using it to improve your development performance

  7. Communism: idea vs. 'real movement'?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Celikates, R.


    ‘It’s quite straightforward, you’ll understand it. It’s not hard.’ The enthusiasm with which part of the intellectual left greeted the rehabilitation of the ‘idea of communism’ by philosophers such as Alain Badiou and Slavoj Žižek may remind one of this first line of Brecht’s ‘In Praise of


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Alberto Areiza V.


    Full Text Available Colombia es un país de múltiples oportunidades ya que cuenta con una situación privilegiada al tener todos los climas todo el año, posee dos océanos, lo cual da una ventaja competitiva en la parte comercial y en las condiciones actuales se constituye en un factor muy importante para la reactivación del país. En el campo, y sobre todo en la producción para la exportación, se puede buscar la generación de empleo y la reactivación económica. Con el fin de contribuir a despertar el interés entre los empresarios o futuros empresarios, sobre el sector de perecederos y más concretamente el sector de comercialización de frutas, se les comparten algunas reflexiones acerca del manejo y comercialización de éstas.El artículo consta de cinco secciones: en la primera se muestra una visión global del mercado colombiano y de los factores que lo han llevado a no explotar eficientemente los recursos naturales y la ventaja competitiva que se tiene. La segunda hace un análisis de los principales factores que afectan la comercialización de las frutas, destacándose aspectos técnicos que deben tenerse en cuenta al cosechar, pues estos afectan la presentación, calidad, precios y demanda. La tercera sección está dedicada a analizar algunos elementos de cosecha importantes para el manejo adecuado de la comercialización. En la cuarta sección se hacen una serie de recomendaciones para el manejo postcosecha, en la que se destaca la importancia del empaque en la comercialización de frutas y se le dan al futuro comercializador ideas para diseñar empaques que cumplan las funciones propias de estos. En la última sección se le dan al comercializador una serie de recomendaciones para manejar productivamente este mercado.

  9. Pediatricians' ideas about child development and education Concepções dos pediatras acerca da educação e do desenvolvimento infantil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Nunes


    Full Text Available In Andalusia (Spain, pediatricians are the main formal counseling source about children's development and education. Unfortunately, there is a limited knowledge about their ideas, practices and skills to guide parents. In this study, through the content analysis of 26 pediatrician interviews, we describe their ideas and goals about anticipatory guidance. We also analyze their perceptions about parental practices and the educative messages given to parents. The results show that pediatrician agenda focus mainly on bio-medical issues, such as nutrition, accident prevention and growth monitoring. Child development and education are not priorities and issues like psychomotor development and language are only approached to fill out medical records.Na Andaluzia (Espanha, os pediatras são a principal fonte técnica de aconselhamento sobre o desenvolvimento e a educação infantil. No entanto existe um conhecimento limitado sobre as suas ideias, práticas e habilidades para orientar os pais. Neste estudo, através da análise de conteúdo das entrevistas realizadas a vinte e seis pediatras, descrevem-se os objectivos da agenda pediátrica, as percepções sobre as práticas parentais e as mensagens educativas transmitidas aos pais. Os resultados mostram que a agenda pediátrica é centrada sobretudo nos temas biomédicos, como alimentação, prevenção de acidentes e crescimento. O desenvolvimento e a educação da criança não são prioridades e os temas relacionados com o desenvolvimento psicomotor e linguagem são abordados sobretudo para preencher a história clínica.

  10. Secondary Students' Understanding of Basic Ideas of Special Relativity (United States)

    Dimitriadi, Kyriaki; Halkia, Krystallia


    A major topic that has marked "modern physics" is the theory of special relativity (TSR). The present work focuses on the possibility of teaching the basic ideas of the TSR to students at the upper secondary level in such a way that they are able to understand and learn the ideas. Its aim is to investigate students' learning processes towards the…

  11. Competencias desde la perspectiva intercultural para el ompetencias grado de educación primaria

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    matemáticos, el pensamiento científico, el trabajo en equipo, los cambios sociales, la producción creativa y estética, son algunas de las más importantes en las áreas de lengua, matemáticas, ciencias, geografía e historia y educación artística. La idea es capacitar al profesorado para que pueda ayuda a alcanzar a los alumnos los objetivos de cada una de las áreas de Educación Primaria desde la diversidad intercultural.

  12. Idea on saanud jala EASi ukse vahele / Ralf-Martin Soe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soe, Ralf-Martin


    2006. aasta lõpus ostis EAS 700 000 krooni eest reklaamibüroo Idea AD teenuseid. EAS-i partneriks sai Idea 2004. aastal, kui ta ootamatult tõusis reklaamikampaania riigihanke võitnud Tanki kõrvale. Diagramm: EAS-i suurematele partneritele makstud koondsummad

  13. Idea work between object worlds - political process in product development?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gish, Liv; Clausen, Christian

    product ideas come from a variety of sources, but how do they actually emerge, develop, gain momentum and stabilise (van de Ven 1986) in an organisational setting including a diversity of knowledge domains and perspectives? This paper illustrates how an STS approach including notions of translation......Concerns for companies’ ability to innovate are increasingly focused on so called ‘front-end innovation’ being identified as a space where ideas for new products are created, exchanged and developed. The work with product ideas is claimed as being crucial to the innovation process in companies. New...... of actor networks (Callon 1986), object worlds (Bucciarelli 2005) and political process theory (Dawson et al 2000) can inform the staging of innovative work with product ideas. The paper reports on an in-depth case study of the development of a new product, the so called “A” labelled Alpha Pro circulation...

  14. Idea juht eitas maksupettust / Inge Rumessen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rumessen, Inge


    Reklaamiagentuuri Idea juht Mark Eikner eitas kohtuistungil seost mitmemiljonilise maksupettuse skeemiga möödunud kohalike valimiste ajal. Kohtuprotsess Meelis Siidirätsepa üle, kes OÜ Rescue juhina jättis tasumata 1,5 milj. krooni käibemaksu

  15. The Economist guide to management ideas and gurus

    CERN Document Server

    Hindle, Tom


    This insightful guide, which has proven hugely popular around the world in hardback, not only includes the most significant ideas that have influenced the management of business over the past century, but it also includes entries on the most influential business thinkers of the past and present. Entries on ideas include: Active Inertia; Disruptive Technology; Genchi Genbutsu (Japanese for "Go and See for Yourself"); The Halo Effect; The Long Tail; Pareto Principle; Six Sigma;, Skunkworks; SWOT analysis; Thin Slicing; Tipping Point; Triple Bottom Line.

  16. Can this kind of idea be a patent?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Jae Bok


    This book mentions patent such as application, what is patents, patent law, procedure and patent attorney, which includes business idea is patent. Is internet domain name or name-brand? We can make a big money with others idea, the difference among patent, trademark, utility model rights and registration of design, priority system, new weapon in digital period, patent is a knife and a shield, the cost from application to registration, what is hunting of patent information, writing document for patent, patent examination and patent lawyer.

  17. Can this kind of idea be a patent?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Jae Bok


    This book mentions patent such as application, what is patents, patent law, procedure and patent attorney, which includes business idea is patent. Is internet domain name or name-brand? We can make a big money with others idea, the difference among patent, trademark, utility model rights and registration of design, priority system, new weapon in digital period, patent is a knife and a shield, the cost from application to registration, what is hunting of patent information, writing document for patent, patent examination and patent lawyer.

  18. Sometimes the Best Ideas Come from Outside Your Industry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poetz, Marion; Franke, Nikolaus; Schreier, Martin


    The article offers guidance to businesses for accessing knowledge from analogous fields to tap for ideas and expertise that include identifying distant analogous fields, applying effective search methods, and selecting advanced analogous fields.......The article offers guidance to businesses for accessing knowledge from analogous fields to tap for ideas and expertise that include identifying distant analogous fields, applying effective search methods, and selecting advanced analogous fields....

  19. Investigating Elementary Teachers' Thinking About and Learning to Notice Students' Science Ideas (United States)

    Luna, Melissa Jo

    Children naturally use observations and everyday thinking to construct explanations as to why phenomena happen in the world. Science instruction can benefit by starting with these ideas to help children build coherent scientific understandings of how the physical world works. To do so, science teaching must involve attending to students' ideas so that those ideas become the basis for learning. Yet while science education reform requires teachers to pay close attention to their students' ideas, we know little about what teachers think this means in practice. To examine this issue, my dissertation research is two-fold. First, I examine teacher thinking by investigating how teachers understand what it means to pay attention to students' science ideas. Specifically, using new digital technology, three participating teachers captured moments of student thinking in the midst of instruction. Analysis of these moments reveals that teachers capture many different kinds of moments containing students' ideas and think about students' science ideas in different ways at different times. In particular, these three teachers most often think about students' ideas as being (a) from authority, (b) from experience, and (c) under construction. Second, I examine teacher learning through the development of an innovative science teaching video club model. The model differs from previous research on video clubs in several key ways in an attempt to focus teachers on student thinking in a sustained way. I investigate the ways in which this model was effective for engaging teachers in noticing and making sense of their students' science ideas during one implementation. Results indicate that teachers talked about student thinking early, often, and in meaningful ways. Science education leaders have recognized the potential of science teaching video clubs as a form of professional development, and the model presented in this work promotes the conditions for successful teacher learning. This

  20. Students discussing their mathematical ideas: Group-tests and mind-maps

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pijls, M.; de Kramer, D.; Maj, B.; Pytlak, M.; Swoboda, E.


    In an explorative research project, teachers experimented with new ideas to make their students discuss (i.e. show, explain, justify and reconstruct their work) their mathematical ideas with each other. Two kind of special tasks were developed: group tests and mind maps. Also, the role of the

  1. Towards a New Framework of Idea Management as Actor Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anna Rose Vagn


    Management of innovation idea development in front-end innovation of R&D organizations has shown to be a challenging task. This paper presents the preliminary results of a PhD project concerning idea management in front-end innovation of R&D organizations. Through theoretical and empirical invest...

  2. Educating Global Citizens: A Good "Idea" or an Organisational Practice? (United States)

    Lilley, Kathleen; Barker, Michelle; Harris, Neil


    Higher education emphasises training and skills for employment, yet while the "idea" of educating global citizens appears in university discourse, there is limited evidence demonstrating how the "idea" of the global citizen translates into practice. Recent research emphasises a desire for graduates to be local and global…

  3. Powering Ideas through Expertise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seabrooke, Leonard; Wigan, Duncan


    policy. Corporate reporting for tax purposes is an area where the European Union, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United Nations, large global accountancy firms and non-governmental organizations have been active. The point of contention here is what form of financial...... reporting multinational corporations should provide to ensure they pay their fair share of tax. Ideas powered by expertise contain shared causal beliefs, as well as principled beliefs about value systems. We demonstrate that professionals can contest the established order when demonstrations of expertise...

  4. Desarrollo de un método para la determinación del entorno específico como punto de partida para el análisis estratégico y el acercamiento al conocimiento de la competencia: presentación y aplicaciones

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    Emilio García Vega


    Full Text Available La determinación del entorno específico es importante para la formulación de estrategias empresariales eficientes, sobre la base de un análisis estratégico debidamente focalizado. Este trabajo trata de plantear un método para ayudar a su acotación e identificación. Con su aplicación, se pretende ofrecer una herramienta simple y de fácil uso que permita tener un acercamiento más certero a la identificación de la industria que será analizada; así como, una clarificación de la especificación de la competencia directa y la sustituta.Además, con el uso de esta herramienta, los administradores o gestores de una idea de negocios, de una organización en marcha o nueva; tendrán una aproximación a los temas mencionados, que son de importancia estratégica en todo tipo de gestión. Asimismo, se presentan dos aplicaciones del método planteado: la primera, orientada a una idea de negocios y la segunda, enfocada a los supermercados con alta carga de servicios en la ciudad de Lima, Perú.


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    Rosa M. Rodríguez-Izquierdo


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados más relevantes de una investigación en la que se analizan las opiniones del profesorado sobre el potencial de las TIC en la construcción de la competencia intercultural. Se basa en un estudio de carácter mixto, usando para la recogida de datos un cuestionario y grupos de discusión. En la investigación han participado 281 docentes de primaria y de secundaria de la provincia de Sevilla. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto un acuerdo bastante generalizado del profesorado sobre el potencial pedagógico de las TIC en la construcción de la competencia intercultural. Sin embargo, un número importante de docentes no consideran la competencia intercultural tan importante como la competencia informacional. En términos generales, las conclusiones vienen a corroborar que existe una brecha formativa en relación a la interculturalidad. El profesorado cree que ésta sólo es necesaria cuando tienen alumnos de otras culturas en el aula. Finalmente, se proponen ideas y medidas para la mejora de la aplicación práctica de las TIC para el desarrollo de la competencia interculturalidad en formación del profesorado.

  6. Antecedents and Consequences of Reflexivity in New Product Idea Screening

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hammedi, W.; van Riel, A.C.R.; Sasovova, Z.


    Pre-development activities, such as new product idea screening, are considered to play an important role in innovation success. At the screening stage, a management team evaluates new product and service ideas and makes a first go/no-go decision under high levels of uncertainty and ambiguity. Paying

  7. Fourth Graders Make Inventions Using SCAMPER and Animal Adaptation Ideas (United States)

    Hussain, Mahjabeen; Carignan, Anastasia


    This study explores to what extent the SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Rearrange) technique combined with animal adaptation ideas learned through form and function analogy activities can help fourth graders generate creative ideas while augmenting their inventiveness. The sample consisted of 24…

  8. Antecedents and Consequences of Reflexivity in New Product Idea Screening

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hammedi, W.; Riel, A.C.R. van; Sasovova, Z.


    Pre-development activities, such as new product idea screening, are considered to play an important role in innovation success. At the screening stage, a management team evaluates new product and service ideas and makes a first go/no-go decision under high levels of uncertainty and ambiguity. The

  9. Validación de un instrumento para medir la responsabilidad social empresarial en consumidores de México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se propuso evaluar la sustentabilidad empírica de un instrumento de medición de la responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE en consumidores de México. Para ello, se seleccionó una muestra no probabilística de 436 estudiantes de una universidad pública, la cual fue dividida en dos submuestras (n = 218. Mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio y un análisis factorial confirmatorio, los resultados obtenidos demostraron la validez empírica del modelo. Se propone que al utilizar dicho instrumento se obtenga información empírica suficiente que sirva para la toma de decisiones estratégicas, así como para enriquecer y sustentar las ideas y teorías existentes sobre la RSE, muchas de las cuales no han sido validadas dentro del contexto latinoamericano. Es importante señalar que, debido a la naturaleza del tema y el tipo de escala, existe la posibilidad de cierta deseabilidad social en las respuestas del instrumento. Se concluye que el instrumento puede ser utilizado por otros investigadores para valorar de manera sustentable la RSE.

  10. Developing knowledge intensive ideas in engineering education: the application of camp methodology (United States)

    Heidemann Lassen, Astrid; Løwe Nielsen, Suna


    Background: Globalization, technological advancement, environmental problems, etc. challenge organizations not just to consider cost-effectiveness, but also to develop new ideas in order to build competitive advantages. Hence, methods to deliberately enhance creativity and facilitate its processes of development must also play a central role in engineering education. However, so far the engineering education literature provides little attention to the important discussion of how to develop knowledge intensive ideas based on creativity methods and concepts. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to investigate how to design creative camps from which knowledge intensive ideas can unfold. Design/method/sample: A framework on integration of creativity and knowledge intensity is first developed, and then tested through the planning, execution and evaluation of a specialized creativity camp with focus on supply chain management. Detailed documentation of the learning processes of the participating 49 engineering and business students is developed through repeated interviews during the process as well as a survey. Results: The research illustrates the process of development of ideas, and how the participants through interdisciplinary collaboration, cognitive flexibility and joint ownership develop highly innovative and knowledge-intensive ideas, with direct relevance for the four companies whose problems they address. Conclusions: The article demonstrates how the creativity camp methodology holds the potential of combining advanced academic knowledge and creativity, to produce knowledge intensive ideas, when the design is based on ideas of experiential learning as well as creativity principles. This makes the method a highly relevant learning approach for engineering students in the search for skills to both develop and implement innovative ideas.

  11. Terapia psicológica para la esquizofrenia: Una realidad

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    Jennifer Del Toro Granados


    Full Text Available Resumen La esquizofrenia es entendida como un cuadro psiquiátrico, crónico y altamente discapacitante; en la cual, a pesar de las variaciones de la evolución en cada paciente, se observan los siguientes síntomas: ideas delirantes, alucinaciones, comportamiento desorganizado (síntomas positivos y aplanamiento afectivo (síntomas negativos. A finales de los años 70 se produce un cambio en la concepción etiológica de los trastornos psicóticos que comienzan a explicarse desde una perspectiva multicausal, es decir, como predeterminados e influidos por condiciones biopsicosociales. Uno de los más completos paquetes de intervención es la Terapia Psicológica Integral para la esquizofrenia (IPT. Los autores de este protocolo terapéutico parten del supuesto que los pacientes que reúnen criterios para esquizofrenia muestran déficits en varios niveles funcionales de organización de la conducta (nivel atencional-perceptivo, nivel cognitivo, nivel micro-social y nivel macro-social. En el presente análisis, se describen los hallazgos en términos de eficacia de la terapia psicológica integral para la esquizofrenia combinada con farmacoterapia; los distintos estudios reseñados indican que la IPT muestra superioridad terapéutica frente a otro tipo de intervenciones. (DUAZARY 2011, 93 - 98 AbstractSchizophrenia is defined as a table psychiatric, chronic and highly disabling, in the which, despite changes in the evolution of each patient, observe the following symptoms: ideas delusions, hallucinations, disorganized behavior (positive symptoms and blunted affect (symptoms negative. In the late 70’s is a change in the etiological concept of psychotic disorders starting to explain from a causes, ie as default and influenced by biopsychosocial conditions. One of the most complete packages of intervention is the therapy Comprehensive psychological schizophrenia (IPT. The authors of this therapeutic format asume Patients who meet criteria for

  12. Idea Hubs as Nexus of Collective Creativity in Digital Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ciriello, Raffaele; Richter, Alexander


    Digital innovation radically transforms the nature of corporate innovation practices, implying a growing need for deeper understanding its origins and outcomes. In this paper, we conceptualize the focal points of social networking in digital innovation as idea hubs. We focus our analysis...... on instances of idea hubs in two multinational European software companies, where we conducted a case study over a two-year period, and collected data in form of interviews, digital documents, and participant observations. In doing so, we identify a set of social networking practices in which idea hubs serve...... of digital artifacts individuals can choose from, offline interaction still plays a major role in facilitating digital innovation....

  13. Vinculação aos pais, competências sociais e ideação suicida em adolescentes

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    Filipa Nunes


    Full Text Available Este estudio, de naturaleza cuantitativa, tuvo como principal objetivo analizar el papel de la vinculación a los padres y de las habilidades sociales en el desarrollo de ideación suicida en los adolescentes. La muestra se constituyó con 604 individuos, con edades comprendidas entre 15 y 18 años de edad. Para la recolección de los datos, se utilizó el Questionário de Vinculação ao Pai e à Mãe (QVPM, el Social Skills Questionnaire (SSQ y el Questionário de Ideação Suicida (QIS . Los resultados apuntan a una pre - dicción negativa de la calidad del vínculo emocional con su padre y la asertividad en relación a la ideación suicida, así como para la predicción positiva de la inhibición de la exploración de la individualidad de la madre en la ideación suicida. Los resultados fueron discutidos a luz de la teoría de la vinculación, asumiendo la relevancia de los cuidadores en la forma cómo los jóvenes desarrollan habilidades sociales y están más capaces de superar las dificultades, evitando el progreso de las ideaciones suicidas.

  14. Development of IDEA product for GOES-R aerosol data (United States)

    Zhang, Hai; Hoff, Raymond M.; Kondragunta, Shobha


    The NOAA GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) will have nearly the same capabilities as NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to generate multi-wavelength retrievals of aerosol optical depth (AOD) with high temporal and spatial resolution, which can be used as a surrogate of surface particulate measurements such as PM2.5 (particulate matter with diameter less than 2.5 μm). To prepare for the launch of GOES-R and its application in the air quality forecasting, we have transferred and enhanced the Infusing satellite Data into Environmental Applications (IDEA) product from University of Wisconsin to NOAA NESDIS. IDEA was created through a NASA/EPA/NOAA cooperative effort. The enhanced IDEA product provides near-real-time imagery of AOD derived from multiple satellite sensors including MODIS Terra, MODIS Aqua, GOES EAST and GOES WEST imager. Air quality forecast guidance is produced through a trajectory model initiated at locations with high AOD retrievals and/or high aerosol index (AI) from OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument). The product is currently running at The IDEA system will be tested using the GOES-R ABI proxy dataset, and will be ready to operate with GOES-R aerosol data when GOES-R is launched.

  15. Wrestling with Equity: Reauthorization of IDEA. (United States)

    Mead, Julie Fisher


    Explores six proposed changes and the controversies that have stalled Congress's reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Although IDEA's fundamental characteristics will remain unchanged, there is likely to be an increased focus on outcomes, an augmented appeals process, and provisions addressing discipline problems.…

  16. Lo relativo y lo universal en la defensa de las humanidades para la democracia

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    Liliana Galindo


    Full Text Available Cuando se pone en duda la importancia del estudio de las humanidades aparecen varios argumentos en su defensa. En este ensayo se analiza uno de ellos: la democracia las necesita. A partir del modelo educativo para la democracia que Martha Nussbaum propone en Sin fines de lucro: por qué la democracia necesita de las humanidades se explora la noción de educación liberal, la necesidad de la democracia y la idea de humanidad que aparecen en este argumento, con el fin de preguntarnos sobre la importancia que se le da al estudio especializado de las humanidades en la educación superior, lo que se entiende por ellas, su autonomía frente a su función para la democracia, y la manera en que educan la forma en que vemos a los otros y nos relacionamos con ellos. 

  17. How the group affects the mind : A cognitive model of idea generation in groups

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijstad, Bernard A.; Stroebe, Wolfgang


    A model called search for ideas in associative memory (SIAM) is proposed to account for various research findings in the area of group idea generation. The model assumes that idea generation is a repeated search for ideas in associative memory, which proceeds in 2 stages (knowledge activation and

  18. Ideas in Public Management Reform for the 2010s

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Greve, Carsten


    management to what has been the dominant paradigm in recent years, the New Public Management (NPM). “Self-styled” means that they explicitly present themselves as alternatives to NPM and address the shortcomings in NPM to promote alternative conceptualizations. They include Digital-Era Governance, Public......The purpose of this paper is to discuss the three key ideas for an agenda for the public sector that are emerging as dominant ideas in the 2010’s in the literature on public organizations. The paper examines a select number of self-styled conceptual alternatives from the literature on public...... Value Management (PVM), Collaborative Governance, also known to some as the New Public Governance (NPG). The paper takes each of these as broad categories, and proposes that each shelters sub-categories of ideas. DEG: transparency, social media and shared service centers. PVM: strategy...

  19. Idea management in support of pharmaceutical front end innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Annabeth


    The pharmaceutical industry faces continuing pressures from rising R&D costs and depreciating value of patents, as patent lives is eroded by testing procedures and pressures from public authorities to cut health care costs. These challenges have increased the focus on shortening development times......, which again put pressure on the efficiency of front end innovation (FEI). In the attempt to overcome these various challenges pharmaceutical companies are looking for new models to support FEI. This paper explores in what way idea management can be applied as a tool in facilitation of front end...... innovation in practice. First I show through a literature study, how idea management and front end innovation are related and may support each other. Hereafter I apply an exploratory case study of front end innovation in eight medium to large pharmaceutical companies in examination of how idea management...

  20. Cohesión social: clave de los entornos innovadores ciudadanos para el desarrollo local evolucionado


    Del Giorgio Solfa, Federico


    Este trabajo asume la pretensión de mostrar una perspectiva evolucionada del desarrollo local, donde -la cohesión social- se manifiesta como la clave para la construcción natural de los entornos innovadores en las poblaciones. Desarrollaremos algunos conceptos e ideas que integran Proyecto Nacional, Proyecto Local y los entornos innovadores. Determinaremos una base conceptual mínima, que estará definida a partir de algunos pilares que conformarán el marco lógico que estructurará todos los pro...

  1. Metodología para la planificación de proyectos pedagógicos de aula en la educación inicial

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    García Chacón, Gustavo


    Full Text Available Resumen: Luego de una exhaustiva revisión de la literatura con respecto a la naturaleza de los Proyectos Pedagógicos de Aula y las metodologías disponibles para su planificación y ejecución, en este trabajo se ofrece una metodología particular, que se sustenta en las mejores prácticas para la gerencia de proyectos ofrecida por el Instituto de Gerencia de Proyectos (PMI, por sus siglas en inglés. La herramienta se ofrece junto con su aplicación a un caso, lo cual puede ser una referencia valiosa para quien decida aplicarla. La idea es que con metodologías como esta las instituciones educativas puedan desarrollar proyectos de mayor calidad, que realmente cumplan con su objetivo, asociado a un aprendizaje realmente significativo.Abstract: After an exhaustive revision of literature with respect to the nature of the Project-based learning and the methodologies available for its planning and execution, in this work a particular methodology is offered, one that is based on the best practices for project management offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI. The tool is showed through its application to a case study, which can be a valuable reference for anyone who decides to apply it. The idea is that with methodologies like this the educational institutions can develop projects of greater quality, that really fulfill their objectives and bring with it truly significant learning.

  2. A socio-technical analysis of work with ideas in NPD: an industrial case study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gish, Liv; Hansen, Claus Thorp


    on piecing together a number of ideas that were developed and disseminated in a large industrial company. We do this through an in-depth case study of the development of the energy-labeled circulation pump Alpha Pro, developed by one of the world’s leading pump manufacturers, Grundfos. Using a socio-technical...... approach, we focus especially on the actors involved and the contextual factors, and less on the detailed development of technical ideas. In our study, we observe that (1) ideas are pieced together from previous ideas and results; (2) ideas are implemented through continuous mobilization of support...... and development of legitimate arguments; and (3) idea work is also a socio-technical process, because contextual factors matter. We observe that idea work is an ongoing process undertaken across different projects, actors, departments, strategies, and visions within Grundfos, while also involving external actors...

  3. Guía de hábitos alimentarios para el tratamiento de fertilidad


    Carretero Lozano, Naiara


    La alimentación es una de las necesidades humanas más necesaria e importante para poder llevar una vida plena. Asi como la respiración o la circulación sanguinea se producen sin la voluntariedad de cada persona, la alimentación si que parte de este fundamento, pero además, regula, influye y condiciona los demás aspectos. Y con esta idea diversas teorias analizan como influye la alimentación a la hora de la procreación. A lo largo de este trabajo se analizan los diferentes componentes relativo...

  4. The ethos of caring within midwifery: A history of ideas study. (United States)

    Larsson, Åsa; Hilli, Yvonne


    The midwifery profession in Sweden has a history since the early 1700s when government training for midwives began. Midwifery is historically well described, but the idea of caring within midwifery is not described. The aim was to describe the patterns of ideas of caring as they appeared in midwifery during the first half of the 20th century. This study has a hermeneutic approach and the method is history of ideas. Sources of material are taken from the journal Jordemodern (Midwifery), textbooks for midwives, and midwifery regulations. The study has a caring science perspective according to Eriksson. This study is conducted in accordance with the ethical guidelines for good scientific practice issued by The Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity. The special demands on approach to the analyzed text in history of ideas have been met. Three themes were identified: Serving as a way of life, Acting in a redemptive spirit, and Having independence with heavy responsibility. The various themes are not refined, but current ideas are woven into the weave that were characteristic of midwifery during the first half of the 20th century. History of ideas is a fruitful method for understanding and re-finding valuable cultural goods. We can once more stress the manner of being within the midwife's profession where inner values, ethos, shape the manner of conduct in the care of women in childbirth. © The Author(s) 2016.

  5. Uso de medicações por via subaracnóidea no tratamento da dor crônica

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    Rocha Anita Perpétua Carvalho


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dor crônica é um desafio para a Medicina atual. Novos métodos e medicamentos têm sido propostos com o intuito de controlar os sintomas álgicos. A via de administração subaracnóidea tem se mostrado como uma alternativa viável e segura, embora necessite continuamente ser objeto de estudo de muitos pesquisadores. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão dos medicamentos disponíveis no arsenal terapêutico já consagrados pelo uso e os que se mostram promissores na atualidade para a prática clínica diária. CONTEÚDO: Nesta revisão são avaliados vários fármacos que apresentam ação analgésica quando utilizada via neuroeixo. Opióides, anestésicos locais, agonistas alfa2-adrenérgicos, antagonistas dos aminoácidos excitatórios e inibitórios, acetilcolina, inibidores da acetilcolinesterase, bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio, adenosina, serotonina, antidepressivos tricíclicos e inibidores da síntese de prostaglandinas são analisados no que concerne aos seus efeitos farmacológicos, incluindo os indesejáveis. CONCLUSÕES: Muitos avanços foram registrados no controle dos sintomas álgicos após a utilização das substâncias citadas por via raquidiana, onde certamente algumas serão aproveitadas e enriquecerão o arsenal terapêutico e outras relegadas temporária ou definitivamente. Entretanto, ainda serão necessários muitos estudos clínicos e experimentais para que estes conhecimentos possam ser incorporados e utilizados com segurança pelos profissionais que lidam com o tratamento da dor crônica.

  6. El Tribunal de la Inquisición de Valladolid y el control de las ideas en la España del siglo XVIII

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    Ángel de PRADO MOURA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El tribunal inquisitorial de Valladolid, al igual que el resto de los tribunales que formaban el Santo Oficio español, mostró durante el siglo XVIII una especial preocupación por el control de las ideas, particularmente aquellas que quedaban reflejadas en obras manuscritas e impresas. Los inquisidores vallisoletanos se esforzaron para evitar que en su distrito penetraran las obras que tanto éxito estaban teniendo fuera de nuestras fronteras, pero la existencia de una fuerte demanda, probablemente por ubicarse en él las universidades de Valladolid y Salamanca, hizo que la censura no fuera tan eficaz como ellos hubieran querido. Tal como queda reflejado en este artículo, no se impidió, pero sí se dificultó la difusión de libros total o parcialmente prohibidos.ABSTRACT: The Tribunal of the Inquisition of Valladolid —similarly to the rest of the tribunals of the Spanish Holy Office— showed a special concern for the control of ideas, mostly those ideas expressed in manuscript and printed works. The Inquisitors of Valladolid took pains to avoid the entrance of texts that were succesful abroad, but the existence of an important demand —probably due to the foundation of the Universities of Valladolid and Salamanca— decreased the efficiency of the censorship they wanted to impose. This paper intends to show that the reading and commerce of completely or partially forbidden books was not prevented, but it was certainly hindered.

  7. Uncovering Student Ideas in Astronomy 45 Formative Assessment Probes

    CERN Document Server

    Keeley, Page


    What do your students know-or think they know-about what causes night and day, why days are shorter in winter, and how to tell a planet from a star? Find out with this book on astronomy, the latest in NSTA's popular Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series. The 45 astronomy probes provide situations that will pique your students' interest while helping you understand how your students think about key ideas related to the universe and how it operates.

  8. Students' Ideas on Cooperative Learning Method (United States)

    Yoruk, Abdulkadir


    Aim of this study is to investigate students' ideas on cooperative learning method. For that purpose students who are studying at elementary science education program are distributed into two groups through an experimental design. Factors threaten the internal validity are either eliminated or reduced to minimum value. Data analysis is done…

  9. Does leader-affective presence influence communication of creative ideas within work teams? (United States)

    Madrid, Hector P; Totterdell, Peter; Niven, Karen


    Affective presence is a novel, emotion-related personality trait, supported in experimental studies, concerning the extent to which a person makes his or her interaction partners feel the same way (Eisenkraft & Elfenbein, 2010). Applying this concept to an applied teamwork context, we proposed that team-leader-affective presence would influence team members' communication of creative ideas. Multilevel modeling analysis of data from a survey study conducted with teams from a consultancy firm confirmed that team-leader-affective presence interacted with team-member creative idea generation to predict inhibition of voicing their ideas. Specifically, withholding of ideas was less likely when team members generated creative ideas and their team leader had higher positive affective presence or lower negative affective presence. These findings contribute to emotion research by showing affective presence as a trait with interpersonal meaning, which can shape how cognition is translated into social behavior in applied performance contexts, such as teamwork in organizations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  10. Music Education for Every Child – Idea or Reality?

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    Blaženka Bačlija Susić


    Full Text Available Contemporary pedagogical, psychological and sociological research highlight the need for music education available to every child. Starting from the fundamental point of view according to which music affects the development of the child's whole personality, this idea stands out in history since the 17th century. Various educators in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century emphasized the importance of music education for every child. With historical and theoretical overview of this idea, this paper tries to examine the possibility of its realization in contemporary educational practice. The Venezuelan music education program El Sistema, that promotes humanistic idea of changing society through classical music education stands out as a unique example of a good practice. As a form of music education which particularly promotes the idea of availability of music to every child, the conception of Functional Music Pedagogy by the Croatian music pedagogue Elly Bašić (1908-1998 was shown as well. Considering the status of music in American educational policy, it is indicated as a significant change, in which the music is recognized as an educational priority for the first time in the history of education and it became the basic academic subject in the American federal education policy plan, as well as unprecedentedly incorporated in the federal law.

  11. Impact of Lemaitre's ideas on modern cosmology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peebles, P.J.E.


    The author recalls some of the history of the discovery of the expansion of the universe. Then he presents an assessment of the present status of some of Lemaitre's main ideas in physical cosmology. (Auth.)

  12. IDEA and Family Involvement

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    Mehmet Emin Öztürk


    Full Text Available Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA gives many rights to parents with special needs in terms of involvement and participation. Given the importance of family involvement in the special education process, and federal legislation that increasingly mandated and supported such involvement over time, considerable research has focused on the multiple ways that relationships between schools and families in the special education decision making process have played out. Educational professionals should create a positive climate for CLD families so that they feel more comfortable and therefore are able to participate more authentically and meaningfully.

  13. El método Chungopoint: aprovechando al maximo el esfuerzo de los estudiantes para hablar el lenguaje extranjero en la clase

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    Rubio Alcalá, Fernando


    Full Text Available Abstract: Making students speak a foreign language (FL in the classroom is considered to be a difficult task for teachers all around the world. In a typical classroom, students tend to avoid speaking a FL for several reasons.This prompts teachers to look for new ideas to motivate their students towards an oral practice. A wide range of activities which work just for a single situation are available, but few general methods for encouraging verbal production of FL can be found. This article proposes a possible alternative: the Chungopoint (Rubio y Petidier 2002, a method devised to use at anytime with oral activities no matter the structures or points involved. By using this method, students find themselves interacting in the FL in a playful way. When language students get used to it, oral activities become a natural, desired, and meaningful part of the class.Resumen:En la mayoría de los contextos donde se aprende una lengua extranjera, es de sobra conocida la dificultad que encuentran muchos profesores para lograr que el alumnado utilice la lengua destino de forma oral.Son diversas las razones por las que las oportunidades de usar la lengua destino se minimizan, y a pesar de que el profesorado busca nuevas ideas para motivar a su alumnado para la práctica oral, sólo se encuentran actividades que son válidas para situaciones muy concretas, y el problema continúa en las siguientes sesiones.En este artículo se propone una posible alternativa: el Método Chungopoint (Rubio y Petidier 2002. Este método está diseñado para utilizarlo siempre que se practique la lengua oral, ya sean las estructuras o funciones dadas.Al usar este método, los estudiantes se encuentran interactuando comunicativamente en la lengua destino de forma lúdica, y cuando se acostumbran a las pautas y reglas del método, las actividades orales se convierten en una parte de la clase natural, deseada y significativa.

  14. Un marco teórico para la investigación jurídica

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    Silvina Pezzetta


    Full Text Available Resumen El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la utilización de algunos parámetros epistemológicos para distinguir los tipos de trabajos que producen los estudiosos y estudiosas del derecho. Parto de la idea de que un trabajo que pretenda ser considerado como parte de las ciencias sociales no puede carecer de un marco teórico completo, es decir, con tres niveles de abstracción: paradigma, teoría general y teoría sustantiva. Para conseguir los objetivos propuestos describo algunas características propias del campo de producción jurídica y las dificultades que existen para articular teoría, metodología y objetivos.   Abstract The goal of this article is to apply some epistemological concepts in order to classify the papers produced by law researchers. To do that I assume that every social research needs a complete theoretical framework. Law research can avoid this requirement if the intention is to be considered as a social research work. With the intention of complete the objectives; I describe the particular features of the field of juridical production and the difficulties to articulate theory, methodology and specific objectives.

  15. Propuesta de una cosechadora-desmenuzadora de Agave tequilana Weber para la producción de bioetanol y revisión de los procedimientos existentes

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    Salvador García Barrón


    Full Text Available Agave crop (Agave tequilana Weber is an option to produce bioethanol as biofuel. By-hand-harvesting of agave is 75 % of crop production costs, resulting in a higher production cost of bioethanol than for other crops. This paper presents a proposal of agave shredder-harvester, for which are considered: existing proposals, the methodology of current crop harvest, agricultural machines and mechanisms of interest, requirements of the raw material for bioethanol production. Agave harvester proposed considers shredding of leaves and pineapple retaking ideas of gridding mechanisms such as milling of agave, shredding crop residues machines. The mechanization of the harvest of agave for production of bioethanol presents feasibility that will require a research to design, the crushing mechanism, its blades, geometry and dimensions, and the power required to measure different elements of the combine harvester in the crushing operation, as well as other variables.El Agave tequilana Weber es una opción para la producción de bioetanol combustible. La cosecha manual del agave representa el 75 % de los costos de producción del cultivo, lo que ocasiona un mayor costo de producción del bioetanol que para otros cultivos. En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de cosechadora-desmenuzadora de agave, para lo cual se consideran: propuestas existentes, la metodología de cosecha actual, máquinas agrícolas con mecanismos de interés y los requerimientos de la materia prima para producir bioetanol. La cosechadora propuesta considera el desmenuzado de hojas y piña en campo, retomando ideas de mecanismos empleados en molinos de piña de agave y desmenuzadoras agrícolas. La cosecha mecanizada de agave para producción de bioetanol presenta viabilidad técnica que requerirá una investigación para diseñar el mecanismo desmenuzador, su disposición geométrica y dimensiones, así como la potencia requerida en el desmenuzado, con el fin de dimensionar distintos

  16. Core Ideas of Engineering and Technology (United States)

    Sneider, Cary


    Last month, Rodger Bybee's article, "Scientific and Engineering Practices in K-12 Classrooms," provided an overview of Chapter 3 in "A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas" (NRC 2011). Chapter 3 describes the practices of science and engineering that students are expected to develop during 13 years…

  17. Reworking The Antonsen-Bormann Idea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamath, S G


    The Antonsen – Bormann idea was originally proposed by these authors for the computation of the heat kernel in curved space; it was also used by the author recently with the same objective but for the Lagrangian density for a real massive scalar field in 2 + 1 dimensional curved space. It is now reworked here with a different purpose – namely, to determine the zeta function for the said model using the Schwinger operator expansion.

  18. Derecho para la ciudad en una sociedad democrática. Respuesta a Jean-Pierre Garnier.


    Capel, Horacio


    Como respuesta a las críticas efectuadas por Jean-Pierre Garnier en su artículo “Treinta objeciones a Horacio Capel”, el autor se reafirma en las ideas que expuso en la conferencia “Urbanización Generalizada, derecho a la ciudad y derecho para la ciudad”. Su tesis fundamental es que se debe y se puede convencer a los ciudadanos de la necesidad de realizar profundas reformas, y que el marco legal democrático permite elaborar y aprobar leyes verdaderamente innovadoras e incluso revolucionarias....

  19. Technological tendencies for the improvement of the performance of combined cycle power stations; Tendencias tecnologicas para el mejoramiento del desempeno de centrales de cilco combinado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez P, Marino; Garduno R, Raul; Chavez T, Rafael [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    In this article are dealt some the aspects that have turned the combined cycle generating power stations (CCGPS) into the dominant way for the electrical generation in the world. In the first part it is presented the plan of expansion of the national electrical generation and similar information that the U.S.A. has for the CCGPS, which will give an idea of the importance and the impact that has this technology at the moment. The basic characteristics that are necessary to specify in order to satisfy the environmental and operation requirements, and the available technologies to increase the global efficiency of the CCGPS are also exposed. Finally it describes the evolution of the technology of control for CCGPS developed in the Gerencia de Control e Instrumentacion (GCI), as well as the capacities available to support the electrical sector in this technological discipline. [Spanish] En este articulo se tratan algunos de los aspectos que han convertido a las centrales de generacion de ciclo combinado (CGCC) en el modo dominante para la generacion electrica en el mundo. En la primera parte se presenta el plan de expansion de la generacion electrica nacional e informacion similar que los EE.UU. tienen para las CGCC, lo que dara una idea de la importancia y del impacto que tiene actualmente esta tecnologia. Se exponen tambien las caracteristicas principales que es necesario especificar a fin de satisfacer los requerimientos ambientales y de operacion, y las tecnologias disponibles para incrementar la eficiencia global de las CGCC. Finalmente se describe la evolucion de la tecnologia de control para CGCC desarrollada en la Gerencia de Control e Instrumentacion (GCI), asi como las capacidades disponibles para apoyar al sector electrico en esta disciplina tecnologica.

  20. Plan de negocios de la comercializadora INSPORTS insumos para la confección de ropa deportiva



    INSPORTS será una empresa privada del sector secundario de la economía colombiana en la industria textil-confecciones. La empresa importará y comercializará cremalleras inversas separables de 70 cm, cremalleras inversas fijas de 55 cm y rollos de papel para sublimación digital de 111.8 cm con adhesivo y 91.4 cm sin adhesivo. Mediante el estudio de mercados realizado en esta idea de negocio se identificó las empresas que confeccionan ropa deportiva de ciclismo y patinaje como mercado obj...

  1. Propuesta de intervención para el desarrollo de las fortalezas personales en un aula multicultural


    Muriel-Pericacho, Julio Roberto


    La Psicología Positiva se presenta en los últimos años, como una corriente de la psicología general, a la que no viene a sustituir sino a complementar. Aporta una idea positiva del hombre y novedosas herramientas para enfrentarse a las circunstancias difíciles de la vida. Proponen la felicidad y el bienestar como objetivo y convierten estos conceptos en objetos de estudio científico. La escuela no puede quedar al margen de estas novedades. Distintos grupos de maestros han id...

  2. ''Nature is unknowable''. The idea of uncertainty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crozon, M.


    This paper deals with one of the great idea of the twentieth century, the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg. With a philosophical approach the author explains this principle and presents its cultural impacts on mind. (A.L.B.)

  3. Navigating systems ideas for health practice: Towards a common learning device. (United States)

    Reynolds, Martin; Sarriot, Eric; Swanson, Robert Chad; Rusoja, Evan


    Systems thinking and reference to complexity science have gained currency in health sector practice and research. The extent to which such ideas might represent a mere passing fad or might more usefully be mobilized to tackle wicked problems in health systems is a concern underpinning this paper. Developing the usefulness of the systems idea requires appreciating how systems ideas are used essentially as constructs conceptually bounded by practitioners. Systems are used for purposes of understanding and engaging the reality of health issues, with the intent of transforming the reality into one that is more manageable, equitable, and sustainable. We examine some manifestations of the systems idea in health practice and the traditions of systems practice that variously make use of them. This provides a platform for proposing a systems thinking in (health) practice heuristic: a learning device supporting how different tools and methods can address "wicked problems" in health praxis. The device is built on the use of "conversation" as a metaphor to help practitioners use systems ideas in tandem with existing disciplinary and professional skills and methods. We consider how the application of the heuristic requires, and helps to develop, human characteristics of humility, empathy, and recognition of fallibility. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  4. Curso de precálculo apoyado en el uso de geogebra para el desarrollo del pensamiento varacional

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    Jorge Enrique Fiallo Leal


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados iniciales del diseño, experimentación y evaluación de un curso de precálculo, planteado como una alternativa preventiva para afrontar la problemática actual de deserción y repitencia en los curso de Cálculo Diferencial en la Universidad Industrial de Santander. El propósito principal de dicho curso es aportar herramientas para desarrollar en estudiantes de primer nivel universitario su “pensamiento variacional”, con el fin de favorecer en ellos un nivel matemático pertinente a las exigencias del curso de Cálculo Diferencial. El trabajo en el aula está orientado al trabajo activo de los estudiantes en un proceso de resolución de problemas, en el que se involucre el razonamiento, la comunicación, la representación, las conexiones y la tecnología como claves para la producción de aprendizajes significativos, alrededor de las dos ideas centrales del Cálculo Diferencial: la variación y la acumulación.

  5. Modeling and predicting abstract concept or idea introduction and propagation through geopolitical groups (United States)

    Jaenisch, Holger M.; Handley, James W.; Hicklen, Michael L.


    This paper describes a novel capability for modeling known idea propagation transformations and predicting responses to new ideas from geopolitical groups. Ideas are captured using semantic words that are text based and bear cognitive definitions. We demonstrate a unique algorithm for converting these into analytical predictive equations. Using the illustrative idea of "proposing a gasoline price increase of 1 per gallon from 2" and its changing perceived impact throughout 5 demographic groups, we identify 13 cost of living Diplomatic, Information, Military, and Economic (DIME) features common across all 5 demographic groups. This enables the modeling and monitoring of Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, and Infrastructure (PMESII) effects of each group to this idea and how their "perception" of this proposal changes. Our algorithm and results are summarized in this paper.

  6. Sistemas Correctores de Campo Para EL Telescopio Cassegrain IAC80 (United States)

    Galan, M. J.; Cobos, F. J.


    El proyecto de instrumentación de mayor importancia que ha tenido el Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias en los últimos afios ha sido el diseflo y construcción del te1escopio IAC8O. Este requería del esfuerzo con junto en mec´nica, óptica y electrónica, lo que facilitó la estructuración y el crecimiento de los respectivos grupos de trabajo, que posteriormente se integraron en departamentos En su origen (1977), el telescopio IAC80 fue concebido como un sistema clásico tipo Cassegrain, con una razón focal F/i 1.3 para el sistema Casse grain y una razón focal F/20 para el sistema Coudé. Posteriormente, aunque se mantuvo la filosofia de que el sistema básico fuera el F/11.3, se consideró conveniente el diseño de secundarios para razones focales F/16 y F/32, y se eliminó el de F/20. Sin embargo, dada la importancia relativa que un foco estrictamente fotográfico tiene en un telescopio moderno, diseñado básicamente para fotometría fotoeléctrica y con un campo util mínimamente de 40 minutos de arco, se decídió Ilevar a cabo el diseño de un secundario F/8 con un sistema corrector de campo, pero que estuviera formado únicamente por lentes con superficies esféricas para que asl su construcción fuera posible en España ó en México. La creciente utilización de detectores bidimensionales para fines de investigación astron6mica y la viabilidad de que en un futuro cercano éstos tengan un área sensible cada vez mayor, hicieron atractiva la idea de tener diseñado un sistema corrector de campo para el foco primario (F/3), con un campo útil mínimo de un grado, y también con la limitante de que sus componentes tuvieron sólamente supérficies esféricas. Ambos diseños de los sis-temas correctores de campo se llevaron a cabo, en gran medida, como parte de un proyecto de colaboración e intercambio en el área de diseño y evaluación de sistemas ópticos.

  7. Nuclear physics and ideas of quantum chaos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zelevinsky, V.G.


    The field nowadays called 'many-body quantum chaos' was started in 1939 with the article by I.I. Gurevich studying the regularities of nuclear spectra. The field has been extensively developed recently, both mathematically and in application to mesoscopic systems and quantum fields. We argue that nuclear physics and the theory of quantum chaos are mutually beneficial. Many ideas of quantum chaos grew up from the factual material of nuclear physics; this enrichment still continues to take place. On the other hand, many phenomena in nuclear structure and reactions, as well as the general problem of statistical physics of finite strongly interacting systems, can be understood much deeper with the help of ideas and methods borrowed from the field of quantum chaos. A brief review of the selected topics related to the recent development is presented

  8. 'Swab racks are an old fashioned idea'. (United States)

    Mumford, M


    Mary Mumford, theatre sister at the Princes of Wales Hospital, Bridgend, was asked to speak in a short debate at an NATN branch meeting, supporting the motion that 'swab racks are an old fashioned idea'. Although she did not like swab racks she had not attempted thus far to do anything about them. In the event, she actually lost the debate--not in principle but because she could offer no effective alternative method of checking swabs. Having been given the incentive, a trial is now being conducted in her hospital similar to that described by Paul Wicker. This is the case presented by Mary Mumford supporting the following motion ... 'that swab racks are an old fashioned idea, which cause more potential problems due to exposure of blood than is proven to be safe in today's theatre environment'.

  9. Cultura popular e nacionalismo musical: uma discussão das ideias folcloristas sobre a música popular no Brasil * Popular culture and musical nationalism: a discussion of folklorists ideas about popular music in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Resumo: Neste trabalho discutimos como a noção de cultura popular torna-se elemento central para os debates em torno do nacionalismo nas esferas cultural e artística. Exploraremos, mais especificamente, as ideias de Mário de Andrade sobre o nacionalismo musical, tendo em vista a importância dessas ideias e suas possíveis ressonâncias nas discussões acerca da música popular no Brasil durante o século XX. A busca por uma “essência do povo” que constituiria a base de uma nação é ponto de referência para esse debate. Essas ideias, surgidas na Europa, ainda no século XIX, ligadas ao movimento romântico e a atuação dos folcloristas, ganham força no Brasil principalmente a partir do século XX e irão permear inúmeros debates em momentos distintos da história republicana do país.Palavras-chave: Nacionalismo Musical – Mário de Andrade – Música Popular. Abstract: In this paper, we discuss how the idea of popular culture becomes central to debates about nationalism in culture and art. We will explore more specifically the ideas of Mário de Andrade on musical nationalism, regarding the importance of these ideas and their possible resonances in discussions of popular music in Brazil during the twentieth century. The search for a "people's essence" that form the basis of a nation is in the core of this debate. These ideas emerged in Europe in the nineteenth century and are connected to the Romantic movement and actions of folklorists and will bulk in Brazil mostly from the twentieth century, when they will be part of numerous debates in distinguished moments in the country’s history.Keywords: Musical Nationalism – Mário de Andrade – Popular Music.

  10. Mapping the heavens the radical scientific ideas that reveal the cosmos

    CERN Document Server

    Natarajan, Priyamvada


    This book provides a tour of the greatest hits of cosmological discoveries the ideas that reshaped our universe over the past century. The cosmos, once understood as a stagnant place, filled with the ordinary, is now a universe that is expanding at an accelerating pace, propelled by dark energy and structured by dark matter. Priyamvada Natarajan, our guide to these ideas, is someone at the forefront of the research an astrophysicist who literally creates maps of invisible matter in the universe. She not only explains for a wide audience the science behind these essential ideas but also provides an understanding of how radical scientific theories gain acceptance. The formation and growth of black holes, dark matter halos, the accelerating expansion of the universe, the echo of the big bang, the discovery of exoplanets, and the possibility of other universes these are some of the puzzling cosmological topics of the early twenty-first century. Natarajan discusses why the acceptance of new ideas about the univer...

  11. Relational capital, new knowledge and innovative ideas

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    T.J.M. Mom (Tom)


    markdownabstractOrganisational learning occurs when people engage in exploration activities – activities aimed at acquiring and using new knowledge, ideas and insights. Exploration, explains Tom Mom, associate professor of strategic entrepreneurship at RSM, ‘is about people and organisations

  12. SpinX: incredible idea, incredible luck

    CERN Multimedia


    "True innovation may be defined as a knock-out idea that is so beautifully simple everyone wonders why he didn't think of it. Sometimes, it takes a determined outsider with expertise in a totally different field to put the pieces together. The Geneva-based start-up SpinX Technologies is a case study..." (2 pages)

  13. Edificio para la Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Company

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    Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Arquitectos


    Full Text Available This is a 15 storey building, located in Toledo, Ohio, and will house the general offices of the Libbey-Owens-Ford Company. There is a basement, which contains air conditioning equipment, stores, service rooms, and similar facilities. The ground floor occupies a smaller area than the floors above, and the difference in area provides a covered arcade round the building. The main hall and lift shafts take up most of the ground floor space. All the remaining storeys are devoted to offices. This is a good example of contemporary functional architecture and also an exciting manifestation of the use of glass in this type of buildings.Este edificio, de 15 plantas de altura, construido en Toledo, Ohio, para oficinas generales de la Libbey-Owens- Ford Glass Company, consta de: un sótano destinado a albergar los equipos mecánicos para el acondicionamiento de aire, etc., almacén, departamentos de servicio, etc. El cuerpo de edificación de la planta baja, que aparece retranqueado de los soportes perimetrales creando una zona porticada, aloja el vestíbulo principal, núcleo de comunicaciones verticales, etcétera. Las restantes plantas están ocupadas por oficinas. No solamente este edificio es un destacado ejemplo de arquitectura moderna, sino que también es una suscitante manifestación de las ideas arquitectónicas en cristal.

  14. A ideia de democracia digital na obra de Heidegger The idea of digital democracy in the work of Heidegger

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    Jonatas Ferreira


    Full Text Available O tema da inclusão digital tem mobilizado a atenção dos que percebem na ciência e na tecnologia um espaço privilegiado para a discussão da democracia nas sociedades contemporâneas. Os vínculos teóricos fortemente consolidados que unem a ideia de inclusão social ao que se convencionou chamar justiça distributiva impedem-nos de pensar a democratização das tecnologias num terreno suficientemente profundo. O que é a tecnologia da informação e comunicação para que a sua apropriação social se tenha tornado um imperativo cultural nas últimas décadas? Ao reflectir acerca da essência da técnica e da cibernética, os textos heideggerianos da década de 60 ajudam-nos a enfrentar essa indagação. O presente ensaio é uma contribuição para esta discussão.The issue of digital inclusion has been mobilizing the attention of those who perceive in science and technology a favored space for discussing democracy in contemporary societies. However, the theoretical and highly consolidated ties that connect the idea of social inclusion to what has been named distributive justice bar the possibility of conceiving of the democratization of technologies sufficiently. What are information and communication technologies that their social appropriation has become a cultural imperative in recent decades? Reflecting upon the essence of technique and cybernetics, the heideggerian texts of the 1960s help us to engage this question. The following essay is a contribution to such a discussion.

  15. Ideas and institutions in global governance - the case of microcredit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Peter

    There is a growing demand for effective strategic problem solving in relation to a wide array of global policy problems such as AIDS, poverty, global warming, etc. This makes the introduction of new policy ideas for institutional change increasingly important in global governance. But researchers...... need a new approach in order to better grasp the complexity in global problem solving. We need to know more about how ideas emerge, spread and transform in a complex, networked global environment. New literature on institutional dynamics can inform the literature on global governance networks......, especially when it comes to the meta-governance of global networks. Based on a case study of microcredit and its emergence as a policy idea in development policy, the paper will illustrate the use of institutional dynamic conceptualisation in global governance....

  16. The physics of particle acceleration and the search for new ideas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lawson, J.D.


    In recent years there has been an intensive search for 'new ideas' to enable the energy range of accelerators to be increased beyond that attainable with existing techniques. Some comment is made on these ideas, but before this is done, a general discussion of accelerating mechanisms is presented. (author)

  17. The Choice Is Yours: The Role of Cognitive Processes for IT-Supported Idea Selection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seeber, Isabella; Weber, Barbara; Maier, Ronald


    of selection direction and selection type. A laboratory experiment using eye-tracking will investigate variations in selection type and selection direction. Moreover, the experiment will test the effects on the decision-making process and the number and quality of ideas in a filtered set. Findings will provide......The selection of good ideas out of hundreds or even thousands has proven to be the next big challenge for organizations that conduct open idea contests for innovation. Cognitive load and attention loss hinder crowds to effectively run their idea selection process. Facilitation techniques...... for the reduction and clarification of ideas could help with such problems, but have not yet been researched in crowd settings that are prevalent in idea contests. This research-in-progress paper aims to contribute to this research gap by investigating IT-supported selection techniques that differ in terms...

  18. Empleo del aprendizaje basado en problemas (abp. Una propuesta para acercarse a la química verde

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    Marina Lucía Morales Galicia


    Full Text Available Los profesores han reflexionado acerca de que la educación ambiental deberá ser formativa, por lo que es importante participar para cambiar esta situación dentro del contexto en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales como parte de incrementar el conocimiento acerca del deterioro del medio ambiente. Este trabajo tiene el propósito de presentar la estrategia Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP. Para demostrar esta metodología, se presentan los resultados que con esta se obtuvieron gracias a la colaboración tanto de un grupo de alumnos mexicanos del nivel bachillerato, así como de profesores participantes chilenos del nivel secundaria (estudios equivalentes en México. El empleo de esta herramienta didáctica proporcionó un aprendizaje significativo en alumnos y profesores, quienes emplearon sus conocimientos previos para abordar un nuevo aprendizaje, quedando realmente impresionados al enterarse de que el problema propuesto sucedía en su país y de toda la secuela ambiental que generaría el que se siguiera sucediendo o se llevara a cabo. Se consiguió que los participantes aportaran ideas novedosas durante el desarrollo de su trabajo y que aceptaran con gusto la responsabilidad para hacer suyos problemas reales que son parte de su cotidianidad.

  19. Taking an idea to a research protocol

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Nov 13, 2013 ... Review Article: Taking an idea to a research protocol ... step is to identify the knowledge gap within the intended field of research by examining the background ... be found by writing a critical narrative review of the literature.

  20. Nudging Students into Writing Creatively (Teaching Ideas). (United States)

    Perreault, George; And Others


    Describes ideas for writing prompts and assignments proposed by three different teachers: (1) writing poems inspired by smells of herbs and spices; (2) writing about past perceptions and feelings after looking at a photograph; and (3) writing a "self-portrait." (TB)

  1. Instituto para la Promocion de la Cultura Civica, A.C.: Mission; Philosophy; Goals and Objectives; Challenge and Commitment; Activities; Publications and Essays; Presence in the Mass Media. (United States)

    Instituto para la Promocion de la Cultura Civica. Mexico City (Mexico).

    The report discusses the activities of the Instituto para la Promocion de la Culture Civica (ICC), a non-partisan, not-for-profit Mexican nongovernmental organization (NGO) that has as its mission: to promote the advancement of a civic culture understood as a system of values, ideas, traits of character, dispositions, inclinations, attitudes,…

  2. Reuniones, dispersiones. Notas sobre ideas literarias de Tomás Segovia

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    Juan Pascual Gay


    Full Text Available Este artículo quiere dar cuenta de diferentes ideas expuestas por Tomás Segovia a lo largo de su oficio de escritor en ensayos, cuadernos de notas y entrevistas. Segovia no desarrolló un pensamiento unitario y sistemático, sino que, más bien, desarrolla esas ideas en diferentes contextos, textos y pretextos, pero esas ideas acaban por volver siem - pre a un ideario que otorga una cohesión insospechada en su obra. Además, muchas veces, sin decirlo, deja entrever la tradición literaria y cultural a la que se adscribe y que permea su obra entera.


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    Darlenis Herrera-Vallejera


    Full Text Available La Bibliometría es una herramienta para realizar estudios de tendencias, estos últimos son considerados uno de los servicios de la Inteligencia Empresarial. En la actualidad la Bibliometría constituye un área instrumental válida para la evaluación de la actividad científica; usada para determinar el comportamiento del desempeño científico individual e institucional de la comunidad científica y académica, liderazgo científico y áreas emergentes del conocimiento, aspectos que se consideran por los programas internacionales para financiar proyectos de investigación e innovación; así como por las políticas institucionales para otorgar mejores plazas y validar doctorados. La dimensión evaluativa de la Bibliometría se enmarca en tres variables: producción científica, colaboración científica e impacto científico. En este orden de ideas, la presente investigación se basó en la Bibliometría, como herramienta de la inteligencia empresarial, a través de un estudio de caso aplicado a una Universidad cubana. Se aplicó la metodología bibliométrica para la evaluación de la actividad científica, desarrollada por el Instituto de Información Científica y Tecnológica de Cuba. Se compiló la producción científica de la universidad en la base de datos bibliográfica SCOPUS durante el período 2005-2012 y se empleó el Bibexcel y Ucinet 6.1 para el procesamiento matricial y la visualización de los datos. Como resultado, se obtuvo que los profesores más productivos son los doctores en ciencias, predominando el género masculino. Se concluye que la aplicación de la Bibliometría como método para realizar análisis de tendencias fue de gran utilidad para la toma de decisiones, por la dirección de ciencia y tecnología de la Universidad cubana.

  4. Estudio comparativo sobre el uso de la traducción en el aula de inglés de 3º de ESO para el aprendizaje de los verbos modales.


    Ventura-Asturgó, Marta


    En este trabajo se considera la traducción como herramienta para el aprendizaje de la gramática inglesa, con la finalidad de establecer pautas y criterios de uso, así como de frecuencia de empleo, proporcionando además técnicas alternativas para evitar un abuso de dicho recurso. En primer lugar, se introduce un marco conceptual teórico en el que se estudian las ideas y temas más relevantes, como son el aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras a través de la lengua materna, el ...

  5. Investigating undergraduate students’ ideas about the curvature of the Universe

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    Kim Coble


    Full Text Available [This paper is part of the Focused Collection on Astronomy Education Research.] As part of a larger project studying undergraduate students’ understanding of cosmology, we explored students’ ideas about the curvature of the Universe. We investigated preinstruction ideas held by introductory astronomy (ASTRO 101 students at three participating universities and postinstruction ideas at one. Through thematic analysis of responses to questions on three survey forms and preinstruction interviews, we found that prior to instruction a significant fraction of students said the Universe is round. Students’ reasoning for this included that the Universe contains round objects, therefore it must also be round, or an incorrect idea that the big bang theory describes an explosion from a central point. We also found that a majority of students think that astronomers use the term curvature to describe properties, such as dimensions, angles, or size, of the Universe or objects in the Universe, or that astronomers use the term curvature to describe the bending of space due to gravity. Students are skeptical that the curvature of the Universe can be measured, to a greater or lesser degree depending on question framing. Postinstruction responses to a multiple-choice exam question and interviews at one university indicate that students are more likely to correctly respond that the Universe as a whole is not curved postinstruction, though the idea that the Universe is round still persists for some students. While we see no evidence that priming with an elliptical or rectangular map of the cosmic microwave background on a postinstruction exam affects responses, students do cite visualizations such as diagrams among the reasons for their responses in preinstruction surveys.

  6. Understanding IDEA 1997 and the 1999 Regulations with Barbara Bateman. [Videotape]. (United States)

    Council for Exceptional Children, Reston, VA. Div. for Learning Disabilities.

    The United States Congress amended the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1997 to reflect changes in the special education field over the previous twenty years. In this 2-hour videotape recording designed for teachers, administrators, parents, and others, Dr. Barbara Bateman presents her insights about changes in IDEA law and…

  7. L.I. Novikova's Research School: Main Ideas and Prospects for Development (United States)

    Selivanova, Natalia Leonidovna; Stepanov, Pavel Valentinovich; Shakurova, Marina Viktorovna


    This article presents the main ideas of L.I. Novikova's research school "Systems Approach to Character Education (Russian Vospitaniye-Editor) and Socialization in Children and Young Adults," which is the leading research school in the sphere of education. It also shows how these ideas were developed in the activities of five generations…

  8. Métodos de avaliação do olfato em pacientes vítimas de hemorragia subaracnóidea: revisão sistemática


    Lima,Sandro Júnior Henrique; Azevedo Filho,Hildo Rocha Cirne de; Silva,Hilton Justino da


    RESUMO Objetivos: Revisar de forma sistemática os métodos para avaliação do olfato em vítimas de hemorragia subaracnóidea aneurismática, e identificar as alterações encontradas com a utilização desses métodos. Estratégia de pesquisa: A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada na plataforma de busca PubMed e nas bases de dados Web of Science, Scopus, PsycINFO, CINAHL e ScienceDirect, tendo a busca de dados ocorrida em agosto e setembro de 2014. Critérios de seleção: Artigos originais publicad...

  9. Social responsibility and social security: The foundation of caja de pensiones para la vejez y de ahorros


    Argandoña, Antonio; Moreno, Carlos M.; Sola, Joan M.


    The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not new. Over the course of time, many entrepreneurs have created and developed companies, with a strong sense of ethical and social responsibility. This paper presents an example of how CSR was conceived and put into practice when Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros was created in Barcelona in 1905, following the life and ideas of its founder, Francesc Moragas, a lawyer with a deep commitment to social action and a successful c...

  10. The very idea of organization: Towards a Hegelian exposition

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    Krijnen Christian


    Full Text Available The contemporary debate on the social ontological foundations of organization does not, for methodological reasons, sufficiently get a grip on the phenomenon of organization. The original determinacy of organization remains presupposed. To render this implicit meaning of organization explicit, another, more embracing and in-depth methodology is needed. German idealist types of philosophy provide an extremely powerful methodology. In the philosophy of German idealism from Kant to Hegel, along with neo-Kantianism and up to contemporary transcendental philosophy, however, the idea of organization is not addressed. Indeed, it is a challenge to construct the idea of organization from the perspective of German idealism: the perspective of reason, and with that, of freedom. It results in a new framework for dealing with organization in theory and practice. The article constructs the idea of organization (and claims that it still makes sense to do so within the framework of G.W.F. Hegel. It shows where the issue of organization should be addressed topologically in Hegel’s system of philosophy and what, then, organization shows to be here speculatively.

  11. Exploring Persona-Scenarios - Using Storytelling to Create Design Ideas (United States)

    Madsen, Sabine; Nielsen, Lene

    This paper explores the persona-scenario method by investigating how the method can support project participants in generating shared understandings and design ideas. As persona-scenarios are stories we draw on narrative theory to define what a persona-scenario is and which narrative elements it should consist of. Based on an empirical study a key finding is that despite our inherent human ability to construct, tell, and interpret stories it is not easy to write and present a good, coherent, and design-oriented story without methodical support. The paper therefore contributes with guidelines that delineate a) what a design-oriented persona-scenario should consist of (product) and b) how to write it (procedure) in order to generate and validate as many, new, and shared understandings and design ideas as possible (purpose). The purpose of the guidelines is to facilitate the construction of persona-scenarios as good, coherent stories, which make sense to the storytellers and to the audience - and which therefore generate many, new, and shared understandings and design ideas.

  12. Emigración global, diversidad y educación para la ciudadanía

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    James A. Banks


    Full Text Available La emigración dentro de un estado-nación y entre estados-nación es un fenómeno mundial. El movimiento de pueblos más allá de los límites nacionales es tan viejo como el concepto mismo de estado-nación. Sin embargo, nunca antes en la historia del mundo el movimiento de grupos tan diversos a nivel de raza, cultura, etnia, religión y lengua en y entre estados-nación ha sido tan numeroso y rápido, ni han surgido cuestiones tan complejas y difíciles sobre la ciudadanía, los derechos humanos, la democracia, y la educación. Muchas tendencias y desarrollos a nivel global plantean un reto a la idea de educar estudiantes para que se desenvuelvan en un estado-nación. Dichas tendencias incluyen la forma en la que los individuos se movilizan de un lado a otro de las fronteras nacionales, el derecho a trasladarse permitido por la Unión Europea, y los derechos contenidos en la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos. Este artículo describe cómo la emigración global está planteando un reto para las nociones institucionalizadas de la educación para la ciudadanía, la manera en la que los estados-nación están gestionando dichos retos, y cómo se puede reformar la educación para la ciudadanía para tratar con eficacia la diversidad provocada por la emigración.

  13. Ideas of Physical Forces and Differential Calculus in Ancient India


    Girish, T. E.; Nair, C. Radhakrishnan


    We have studied the context and development of the ideas of physical forces and differential calculus in ancient India by studying relevant literature related to both astrology and astronomy since pre-Greek periods. The concept of Naisargika Bala (natural force) discussed in Hora texts from India is defined to be proportional to planetary size and inversely related to planetary distance. This idea developed several centuries prior to Isaac Newton resembles fundamental physical forces in natur...

  14. Diagramming Scientific Papers - A New Idea for Understanding/Teaching/Sharing Science (United States)

    Saltus, R. W.; Fedi, M.


    How do we best communicate scientific results? As the number of scientists and scientific papers steadily increases, one of the greatest challenges is effective and efficient sharing of science. The official repository of scientific knowledge is the peer-reviewed journal archive. However, this primary knowledge can be difficult to access and understand by anyone but a relevant specialist. We propose some new ideas for diagramming the content and significance of scientific papers using a simple and intuitive graphical approach. We propose a visual mapping that highlights four fundamental aspects of most scientific papers: Data, Methods/Models, Results/Ideas, and Implications/Importance. Each of these aspects is illustrated within boxed fields which contain one or more labeled elements positioned to reflect novelty (aka originality) and impact relative to the vertical and horizontal axes. The relative position of the boxed fields themselves indicates the relative significance of data, methods, ideas, or implications to the paper. Optional lines between boxed elements indicate the flow and dependence of data/methods/ideas within the paper. As with any graphical depiction, you need to see it to best appreciate it -- this written abstract is only meant as an introduction to the idea.We anticipate that diagramming may prove useful in both communication of scientific ideas among scientists as well as in education and outreach. For example, professors could assign diagramming of papers as a way to help students organize their thoughts about the structure and impact of scientific articles. Students could compare and defend their diagrams as a way to facilitate discussion/debate. Authors could diagram their own work as a way to efficiently summarize the importance and significance of their work. We also imagine that (in the future) automatic diagramming might be used to help summarize or facilitate the discovery of archived work.

  15. Ten Ideas Worth Stealing from New Zealand. (United States)

    Jarchow, Elaine


    New Zealand educators have some ideas worth stealing, including morning tea-time, the lie-flat manifold duplicate book for recording classroom observation comments, school uniforms, collegial planning and grading of college assignments, good meeting etiquette, a whole-child orientation, portable primary architecture, group employment interviews…

  16. The Idea Factory: An Interactive Intergroup Exercise (United States)

    Rosh, Lisa; Leach, Evan


    This article outlines the Idea Factory exercise, an interactive exercise designed to help participants examine group, individual, and organizational factors that affect intergroup conflict. Specific emphasis is placed on exploring the relationship between intra- and intergroup dynamics and identifying managerial practices that foster effective…

  17. An Exploratory Study of the Idea of an Auxiliary Universal Language (United States)

    Majidi, Mojdeh


    We live in an increasingly interconnected world where the growing movements of ideas, goods, information, money and people across national boundaries and technological advancements have led to the urgent need to have a common secondary language to partake in the global community. This study intends to extend the literature on the idea of an…

  18. Investigating Undergraduate Students' Ideas about the Fate of the Universe (United States)

    Conlon, Mallory; Coble, Kim; Bailey, Janelle M.; Cominsky, Lynn R.


    As astronomers further develop an understanding of the fate of the Universe, it is essential to study students' ideas on the fate of the Universe so that instructors can communicate the field's current status more effectively. In this study, we examine undergraduate students' preinstruction ideas of the fate of the Universe in ten semester-long…

  19. Uncovering Hegelian Connections: A New Look at Dewey's Early Educational Ideas (United States)

    Waddington, David I.


    This paper is dedicated to the investigation of an important, but not particularly well known, connection between the work of Hegel and Dewey's early educational ideas. A brief exposition of Hegel's position in the "Philosophy of Right" is offered, with a particular focus on Hegel's idea of absolute freedom. This exposition is followed by an…

  20. Posibles argumentos para un debate sobre el multiculturalismo y los derechos especiales de grupo

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    José Antonio García Pereáñez


    Full Text Available ResumenEs necesario el fortalecimiento de unos derechos especiales de grupo para las culturas minoritarias,argumentando la idea del individuo libre e igual, en una sociedad justa, donde se respeten las libertadespolíticas, la justa igualdad de oportunidades y el principio por la diferencia; con la aceptación de unapluralidad de conceptos de bien, que reconozcan al “otro”, en los valores de tolerancia y de cooperación,ejerciendo la libertad civil desde una concepción pública de justicia y equidad.Abstractt is necessary the invigoration of some special rights of group for the minority cultures, arguing the freeindividual’s idea and equally, in a fair society, where the political freedoms, the fair one are respectedequality of opportunities and the principle for the difference; with the acceptance of a plurality of conceptsof well that recognize to the “other” one, in the values of tolerance and of cooperation, exercising the civilfreedom from a public conception of justice and justness.Palabras ClavesMulticulturalismo, Derechos, Microcultura, Democracia, Equidad, Justicia.

  1. US Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark Matter 2017 : Community Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feng, J. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Fox, P. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Dawson, W. A. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Ammons, M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Axelrod, T. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Chapline, G. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Drlica-Wagner, A. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Golovich, N. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Schneider, M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    This white paper summarizes the workshop “U.S. Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark Matter” held at University of Maryland from March 23-25. The flagships of the US Dark Matter search program are the G2 experiments ADMX, LZ, and SuperCDMS, which will cover well-motivated axion and WIMP dark matter over a range of masses. The workshop assumes that a complete exploration of this parameter space remains the highest priority of the dark matter community, and focuses instead on the science case for additional new small-scale projects in dark matter science that complement the G2 program (and other ongoing projects worldwide). It therefore concentrates on exploring distinct, well-motivated parameter space that will not be covered by the existing program; on surveying ideas for such projects (i.e. projects costing ~$10M or less); and on placing these ideas in a global context. The workshop included over 100 presentations of new ideas, proposals and recent science and R&D results from the US and international scientific community.

  2. Agenda para el desarrollo en la OMPI (segunda parte

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    María Paula Sandoval Avella


    Full Text Available Esta es la segunda parte de la monografía sobre las propuestas en torno a una Agenda para el Desarrollo de la OMPI. El debate en las cumbres gira en torno a cómo la ompi puede contribuir al desarrollo, si es realmente por medio de una mayor protección para generar incentivos o si se debe asegurar que el interés público prevalezca y todos los países puedan acceder a la obra o invento. Si la respuesta son los dos, la ompi debe plantear cómo resolver esta dicotomía dado que el conocimiento no se puede excluir a unos pocos, pero tampoco se puede desconocer que se necesitan incentivos para que los autores e inventores los generen y expongan. Ahora, luego de haber revisado todo el proceso teniendo claros los conceptos que involucra el tema, las competencias y limitaciones de la ompi y conociendo al detalle las propuestas de los países miembros, es posible realizar el análisis de las propuestas adoptadas y determinar su aporte al desarrollo. Como el desarrollo involucra varios ámbitos se distribuyeron las propuestas por categorías para determinar a qué ámbito de desarrollo contribuyen las medidas finalmente adoptadas de la siguiente manera, de acuerdo con el mandato de Naciones Unidas: 1. desarrollo económico; 2. formación de capacidades humanas; 3. generación de oportunidades iguales y 4. contribución a los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio. La idea es analizar prospectivamente las consecuencias que se derivarían de la aplicación de las medidas adoptadas en el funcionamiento de la ompi en materia de desarrollo. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones que se orientan a determinar si después de tan largo proceso las medidas realmente contribuyen al desarrollo o pueden caer en una simple declaración de principios.

  3. The impact of parent advocacy groups, the Internet, and social networking on rare diseases: the IDEA League and IDEA League United Kingdom example. (United States)

    Black, Angela P; Baker, Marie


    The development of the Internet and subsequent evolution of social networking has significantly changed the effectiveness of patient advocacy groups for rare diseases. The greatest degree of change has occurred at the patient level, with an increased ability of affected individuals to share experiences and support, and to raise public awareness. Other changes have occurred, not only in the way rare diseases are diagnosed, studied, and treated, but also in how they are addressed at the level of legislation and public policy. The International Dravet syndrome Epilepsy Action League (IDEA League) is the leading patient advocacy organization for Dravet syndrome and related genetic ion-channel epilepsy disorders (hereafter referred to as Dravet syndrome or severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy, SMEI). The IDEA League's mission encompasses international support and outreach for patients and families, as well as collaboration with physicians, medical education, health care coordination, and research. The IDEA League is an excellent example of the impact of patient advocacy groups, the Internet, and social networking on the landscape of rare diseases. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2011 International League Against Epilepsy.

  4. Serie: Madera para construcción Acabados para madera


    Sáenz-Muñoz, Marta; Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica


    Durante mucho tiempo, la madera ha sido utilizada como material de construcción para resolver principalmente objetivos estructurales; sin embargo, actualmente, el uso de la madera ha tomado mucho auge en la estética de las construcciones, para brindar apariencia y calidez. En la actualidad, el mercado ofrece una amplia gama productos para dar diversos “acabados” a la madera, los cuales sirven para resaltar la belleza de algunas de ellas, realzar características como el color y la veta, o bien...

  5. Ideas about the Human Body among Secondary Students in South Africa (United States)

    Granklint Enochson, Pernilla; Redfors, Andreas; Dempster, Edith R.; Tibell, Lena A. E.


    In this paper we focus on how South African students' ideas about the human body are constituted in their descriptions of three different scenarios involving the pathway of a sandwich, a painkiller and a glass of water through the body. In particular, we have studied the way in which the students transferred ideas between the sandwich and the…

  6. Explaining the Expansion of Feminist Ideas: Cultural Diffusion or Political Struggle? (United States)

    Stromquist, Nelly P.


    This article explores the expansion of feminist ideas as both a conceptual and a political issue. It focuses on two major theories of social change, world culture theory (WCT) and world system analysis (WSA), comparing and contrasting how they frame gender as a factor shaping society, how they account for the diffusion of feminist ideas and how…

  7. Seguridad humana para las mujeres en las ciudades: reflexiones para políticas públicas urbanas con enfoque de género

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    Ana Milena Montoya Ruiz


    Full Text Available La siguiente reflexión sobre el disfrute del derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres y de todos sus derechos humanos en los contextos urbanos se realiza a partir de las dimensiones propuestas por el enfoque de seguridad humana, en las cuales se establecen los mínimos que requieren las mujeres para gozar de una vida urbana renovada y superar las limitaciones existentes en la ciudad como espacio no neutral, que produce y reproduce inequidades entre hombres y mujeres, donde se feminiza la pobreza y se exterioriza la violencia basada en género.En este sentido, este artículo de reflexión, en el cual se presentan los resultados de lainvestigación “El derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres: una mirada a su goce y reconocimiento en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias”, retoma algunas ideas propuestas por el movimiento feminista y plasmadas en las Cartas del Derecho a la Ciudad, las cuales son leídas desde la definición hecha sobre derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres y las dimensiones de la seguridad humana, resaltando en ambas su carácter integrador, indivisible y necesario, para dejar a un lado las estructuras androcéntricas y patriarcales sobre la seguridad, la democracia y la ciudadanía.

  8. Seguridad humana para las mujeres en las ciudades: reflexiones para políticas públicas urbanas con enfoque de género

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    Ana Milena Montoya Ruiz


    Full Text Available La siguiente reflexión sobre el disfrute del derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres y de todos sus derechos humanos en los contextos urbanos se realiza a partir de las dimensiones propuestas por el enfoque de seguridad humana, en las cuales se establecen los mínimos que requieren las mujeres para gozar de una vida urbana renovada y superar las limitaciones existentes en la ciudad como espacio no neutral, que produce y reproduce inequidades entre hombres y mujeres, donde se feminiza la pobreza y se exterioriza la violencia basada en género. En este sentido, este artículo de reflexión, en el cual se presentan los resultados de la investigación “El derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres: una mirada a su goce y reconocimiento en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias”, retoma algunas ideas propuestas por el movimiento feminista y plasmadas en las Cartas del Derecho a la Ciudad, las cuales son leídas desde la definición hecha sobre derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres y las dimensiones de la seguridad humana, resaltando en ambas su carácter integrador, indivisible y necesario, para dejar a un lado las estructuras androcéntricas y patriarcales sobre la seguridad, la democracia y la ciudadanía.


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    Adriana María Molina


    Full Text Available La malaria es una enfermedad prevenible que persiste como uno de los mayores problemas de salud pública en Colombia. Una asignación eficaz de los recursos para su control requiere la identificación de zonas endémicas y una caracterización sistemática de éstas en varios aspectos de manera simultánea. Se utilizó aquí la tecnología de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG para integrar datos de diversas fuentes para un período reciente y hacer distintos análisis espaciales en las cinco zonas endémicas identificadas. La información generada se organizó en fichas que sintetizan el panorama en cada zona endémica y permiten hacerse una idea de la vulnerabilidad de la población en riesgo, la incidencia por tipo de infección, las especies del vector que se han reportado y las condiciones climáticas predominantes. Si bien, los resultados presentados ofrecen una mirada estática de un período específico, la base de datos espacial desarrollada permite el ingreso periódico de datos para el seguimiento de la enfermedad que permitan evaluar oportunamente la efectividad de las estrategias adoptadas para la disminución de la incidencia.Malaria is a preventable disease that persists as one of Colombia´s major public health problems. An efficient allocation of resources for malaria control requires the identification of endemic zones and their simultaneous and systematic characterization in several aspects. Geographic Information Systems (GIS technology was used to bring together data from different sources for a recent period and develop various spatial analyses in the five endemic zones identified. Information was organized in synthesis cards that allow general view of each endemic zone, making it easier to have a general idea about the conditions of vulnerability of population at risk, incidence for each infection type, reported vector species and predominant climatic characteristics. Although results presented constitute a fixed


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Annabeth


    to overcome these various challenges companies are looking for new models to support FEI. This theoretical paper explores in what way idea management may be applied as a tool in facilitation of front end innovation and how this facilitation may be captured in a conceptual model. First, I show through...... a literature study, how idea management and front end innovation are related and how they may support each other. Secondly, I present a theoretical model of how idea management may be applied in support of the open source front end of new product innovations. Thirdly, I present different venues of further...... exploration of active facilitation of open source front end innovation through idea management....

  11. Futuristic stories older than might appear: origin of ideas of science fiction screenplays

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    Carlos Alberto Machado


    Full Text Available The paper discusses the origin of the ideas of most movie scripts modern science fiction, and literaty concepts such as soft and hard, also present in the film. Pointed out the origin of these scripts mostly in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, they considered fertile periods in foreign science fiction literature. Also discusses about the casual predictions of the authors of this genre that end up bringing their ideas to contemporary unreasonably, but exciting, leading the media to call them visionary means. Some authors like Carrière, Xavier, Bez, Koff and Comparato assist in corroborating these ideas. Thus, the reader is led to reflect on the historical origin of these ideas.

  12. Development of Euler's ideas at the Moscow State Regional University (United States)

    Vysikaylo, P. I.; Belyaev, V. V.


    In honor of the 250th anniversary of Euler's discovery of three libration points in Russia in 1767 in the area of two rotating gravitational attractors in 2017 an International Interdisciplinary Conference “Euler Readings MRSU 2017” was held in Moscow Region State University (MRSU). The Conference demonstrated that the Euler's ideas continue to remain relevant at the present time. This paper summarizes the main achievements on the basis of Leonard Euler's ideas presented at the Conference.

  13. Introducing an Image Processing Base Idea for Outdoor Children Caring


    Hooman Jafarabadi


    In this paper application of artificial intelligence for baby and children caring is studied. Then a new idea for injury prevention and safety announcement is presented by using digital image processing. The paper presents the structure of the proposed system. The system determines the possibility of the dangers for children and babies in yards, gardens and swimming pools or etc. In the presented idea, multi camera System is used and receiver videos are processed to find ...

  14. Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa de asesoría y capacitación en gestión de ventas para las empresas comercializadoras de tecnología en la ciudad de Quito


    Orbe Aguirre, Tania Alexandra


    La idea de la creación de una empresa de capacitación en gestión en ventas enfocado a las empresas comercializadoras de tecnología en el Norte de Quito, nace de la importancia y del derecho que toda persona tiene para tener una formación y desarrollo cognoscitivo y profesional dentro del mercado laboral. Actualmente el mundo ha cambiado su forma de hacer negocios, por lo que las empresas comerciales deberían orientar y concentrar sus esfuerzos en dar solución a las necesidades y problema...

  15. Canada-Africa grants spur novel ideas, networks | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Jun 22, 2016 ... Canada-Africa grants spur novel ideas, networks ... networks involving African and Canadian academic researchers. ... Remarkable new research into HIV prevention among the "choice disabled" — vulnerable groups less ...

  16. Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una Empresa de capacitación en marketing con énfasis en imagen e impulsación personal en la ciudad de Quito.


    Villacrés Vargas, Pablo Santiago


    Por medio del presente proyecto de factibilidad promovemos un nuevo modelo de desarrollo a través del apoyo a la actividad de capacitación en marketing de imagen e impulsación para administradores y personas afines a los negocios, además se busca eliminar barreras que impiden la creación y el desarrollo de nuevas ideas, empresas, venta de proyectos, y la búsqueda de mejores oportunidades para promover a los distintos clientes y emprendedores que podemos tener. Seleccionamos emprend...

  17. People-Things and Data-Ideas: Bipolar Dimensions? (United States)

    Tay, Louis; Su, Rong; Rounds, James


    We examined a longstanding assumption in vocational psychology that people-things and data-ideas are bipolar dimensions. Two minimal criteria for bipolarity were proposed and examined across 3 studies: (a) The correlation between opposite interest types should be negative; (b) after correcting for systematic responding, the correlation should be…

  18. The development of ideas in twistor theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huggett, S.A.


    This paper presents a review of the main concepts of twistor theory. The emphasis is on the evolution of the subject from the original motivating ideas to the more recent work. In particular the physical and philosophical reasoning behind the use of the various mathematical structure is discussed. (author)

  19. Schmitt e o problema da democracia: nostalgia da transcendência ou a representação como questão para a democracia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cássio Corrêa Benjamin


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a questão da democracia em Carl Schmitt. Para tanto, retoma seu conceito de forma política que inclui identidade e representação. Após apresentar uma distinção fundamental para a noção de democracia, deriva algumas conseqüências do contraste com as idéias de Schmitt. A representação e a identidade como formas políticas constituiriam, então, uma impossibilidade para a democracia.This article analyses the question of democracy in Schmitt's work. For this purpose, it reviews his concept of political form which includes identity and representation. After presenting a fundamental distinction to the notion of democracy, some consequences are derived from contrast to Schmitt's ideas. The representation and the identity as political form would constitute, consequently, an impossibility for democracy.

  20. Information Foraging Theory: A Framework for Intelligence Analysis (United States)


    oceanographic information, human intelligence (HUMINT), open-source intelligence ( OSINT ), and information provided by other governmental departments [1][5...Human Intelligence IFT Information Foraging Theory LSA Latent Semantic Similarity MVT Marginal Value Theorem OFT Optimal Foraging Theory OSINT

  1. Globalización y competitividad: contexto desafiante para la formación de enfermería Globalização e competitividade: contexto desafiante para a formação da enfermeira Globalization and competitivity: challenging context to nurses' professional education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vilma de Carvalho


    Full Text Available En esto texto se trata de contextualizar la globalización y competitividad en cuanto a la formación de enfermería. Son discutidos los aspectos de nuestro tiempo con sus crisis, cambios veloces, desequilibrios por las transformaciones sociales y avances científicos y tecnológicos. La utopía de una esencial unión mundial non asegura los derechos civiles para todos, y aún menos la idea de ciudadanía, en todas las partes, principalmente en relación a los profesionales de enfermería y los clientes o usuarios del sistema de salud. Se discute a propósito los asuntos de la enfermería y la formación de recursos humanos como parte de la crisis. El abordaje es de análisis-discursiva con destaque para la globalización qui non es ecuánime para todos en el mondo y para la competitividad un desafío permanente los trabajadores en el campo de la salud. La autora non presenta resultados investigativos, pero asume su posición en relación a la formación de enfermería, para la cual presenta un modelo curricular adoptado en el Brasil. Un modelo de formación coherente con la función de enfermeros para emprender los cambios en la práctica asistencial, para la formación del espirito científico y para la investigación consistente con la producción de resultados y construcción del conocimiento para el área de enfermería.Neste texto, trata-se de contextualizar globalização e competitividade em relação à formação profissional na enfermagem. São discutidos os aspectos de nosso tempo com suas crises, mudanças velozes, desequilíbrios em vista das transformações sociais e dos avanços científicos e tecnológicos. A utopia de uma essencial união mundial não assegura os direitos civis para todos, e menos ainda a ideia de cidadania, em todas as partes do mundo, principalmente em relação aos profissionais de enfermagem e clientes ou usuários do sistema de saúde. A propósito, são discutidos os assuntos de enfermagem e a forma

  2. Similarities and Differences In Ideas Generated by Physics Learners: US College Students Vs. Tibetan Buddhist Monks (United States)

    Johnson, Andy


    We have used PER-based course materials to teach various physics topics to Tibetan Buddhist monks over the last four years. While listening to the monks' ideas through interpreters, we found some striking similarities with ideas that we hear in our own classrooms in the US. However, the degree of similarity of monks' ideas with those of US students varied with the topic. For example, ideas that emerged in the topic of magnetism were often consistent with western ideas while ideas about color addition were sometimes strikingly different from ideas that American students use. The monks' ways of talking lead us to believe that cultural background partially determines how they think initially about particular physics topics. This poster will give examples of similarities and of differences, and attempt to identify reasons for both.

  3. Tabletas digitales para la docencia del dibujo, diseño y artes plásticas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis SAORÍN PÉREZ


    Full Text Available El uso de dispositivos móviles en la enseñanza está aumentando cada día y las tabletas digitales, de reciente aparición, se perfilan como uno de los instrumentos más flexibles para el ámbito de la educación denominando a la enseñanza sobre este dispositivo como Tablet-Learning. Las posibilidades gráficas de estos dispositivos permiten utilizarlas adecuadamente para la enseñanza de aquellas asignaturas donde la expresión gráfica de las ideas es importante (representación de formas, dibujos artísticos, visualización de modelos tridimensionales, aplicaciones geoespaciales…. En este artículo pretendemos establecer la situación actual de estas tabletas digitales en el mundo educativo y hacer una valoración de las posibilidades de estos dispositivos como herramienta para la docencia del dibujo, diseño y artes plásticas. Analizamos aquellas aplicaciones disponibles para estos dispositivos y que se pueden utilizar en la docencia de estas disciplinas. Dichas aplicaciones se categorizarán de acuerdo a las características de los formatos de trabajo. Dentro de cada una de estas categorías se tratará de encontrar aquellas características que las definen. Se pretende con dicha recopilación que los profesores de estas asignaturas conozcan estas aplicaciones y puedan organizar talleres utilizando estos nuevos dispositivos.



    Yee Mei Heong


    Idea is a thought or collection of thoughts that are important to decision making and problem solving.  The purpose of this research was to analysis the factors contributing to difficulty in generating ideas among technical students.  A total of 375 technical students from four technical universities in Malaysia were randomly selected as samples.  A set of questionnaires was developed and used as research instrument.  The findings indicated that a total of 319 (85.1%) technical students faced...

  5. Apropiación social del conocimiento: una aproximación teórica y perspectivas para Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Pabón Correa


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El estudio tiene como  propósito elaborar  un marco teórico para la conformación de una escuela de comunicación científica orientada a la formación para la apropiación social del conocimiento. Método: Para su elaboración se ha utilizado una metodología de revisión bibliográfica descriptiva. Se  hace un repaso de las raíces teóricas del concepto y sus implicaciones en el fortalecimiento de la innovación y la ciencia como factores indispensable para el desarrollo de los países;  de igual forma, busca describir el contexto de aplicación de políticas públicas en Colombia para su consolidación. Resultados: Se ha determinado la relación interdisciplinaria entre psicopedagogía y sociología en la conformación de la idea de apropiación social, además de señalar la inconsistencia de las políticas gubernamentales en el fomento de estrategias de comunicación científica horizontal, aunque se resalta la importancia del cambio de postura en los últimos años. Conclusiones: Para comprender la relación de Colombia y Latinoamérica con la ciencia, la innovación y la tecnología, es necesario tomar a consideración gran cantidad de factores ya sea históricos, culturales, sociales e incluso geográficos. Aunque esta labor pueda resultar titánica, el primer paso para empezar a solventar el problema es señalar la clara realidad de que, en la actualidad, la región presenta aún importantes atrasos en esta materia.

  6. Potencialidades del pensamiento estético martiano para el desarrollo de la educación estético-literaria

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    José Reinaldo Marrero-Zaldívar


    Full Text Available El artículo aborda las potencialidades axiológicas de la obra martiana para el desarrollo de la educación estética. Presenta un estudio sistematizado de los principales acercamientos estéticos y el análisis de la singularidad de su proyección para el cumplimiento de dicho objetivo. El autor, a partir del estudio de la obra martiana y las direcciones del abordaje de su crítica literaria y artística, sintetizó ideas que se integran como núcleos conceptuales del pensamiento estético martiano, las cuales constituyen pilares esenciales para el desarrollo de la educación estética. En correspondencia con el análisis realizado se elaboró una metodología la cual ha sido aplicada en centros del la educación preuniversitaria de la provincia y en el Programa de Introducción a la Didáctica en el Curso de Formación Básica de la Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas "José de la Luz y Caballero".

  7. Internal consistency & validity of Indian Disability Evaluation and Assessment Scale (IDEAS in patients with schizophrenia

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    Sandeep Grover


    Full Text Available Background & objectives: The Indian Disability Evaluation and Assessment Scale (IDEAS has been recommended for assessment and certification of disability by the Government of India (GOI. However, the psychometric properties of IDEAS as adopted by GOI remain understudied. Our aim, thus, was to study the internal consistency and validity of IDEAS in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: A total of 103 consenting patients with residual schizophrenia were assessed for disability, quality of life (QOL and psychopathology using the IDEAS, WHO QOL-100 and Positive and Negative symptom scale (PANSS respectively. Internal consistency was calculated using Cronbach′s alpha. For construct validity, relations between IDEAS, and psychopathology and QOL were studied. Results: The inter-item correlations for IDEAS were significant with a Cronbach′s alpha of 0.721. All item scores other than score on communication and understanding; total and global IDEAS scores correlated significantly with the positive, negative and general sub-scales, and total PANSS scores. Communication and understanding was significantly related to negative sub-scale score only. Total and global disability scores correlated negatively with all the domains of WHOQOL-100 (ρ<0.01. The individual IDEAS item scores correlated negatively with various WHOQOL-100 domains (ρ0< 0.01. Interpretation & conclusions: This study findings showed that the GOI-modified IDEAS had good internal consistency and construct validity as tested in patients with residual schizophrenia. Similar studies need to be done with other groups of patients.

  8. The idea of animal welfare - developments and tensions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandøe, Peter; Jensen, Karsten Klint


    This paper focuses on developments and tensions within the idea of animal welfare. There is divergence among those who believe in the idea of animal welfare. First, we discuss what it takes for farm animal welfare to be good enough. How far should society go beyond the starting point...... of the Brambell Committee, which was to prevent avoidable suffering? Secondly, we turn to the tricky question of how welfare should be distributed between animals. Here, a tension within the concept of animal welfare, between a focus on the indivudual animal and on the herd, flock or shoal, is pointed out....... Finally, the role of economic considerations is considered, given that animal production takes place in a global market with free trade between countries with various standards of animal welfare....

  9. Grade 1 to 6 Thai students' existing ideas about light: Across-age study (United States)

    Horasirt, Yupaporn; Yuenyong, Chokchai


    This paper aimed to investigate Grade 1 to 6 Thai (6 - 12 years old) students' existing ideas about light, sight, vision, source of light. The participants included 36 Grade 1 to 6 students (6 students in each Grade) who studying at a primary school in Khon Kaen. The method of this study is a descriptive qualitative research design. The tools included the two-tiered test about light and open-ended question. Students' responses were categorized the students' existing ideas about light. Findings indicated that young students held various existing ideas about light that could be categorized into 6 different groups relating to sight, vision, and source of light. The paper discussed these students' existing ideas for developing constructivist learning about light in Thailand context.

  10. Los atributos definitorios de una marca de lujo para los consumidores

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    Sheila Liberal Ormaechea


    Full Text Available Objeto: El propósito de esta investigación es ahondar en el consumo del lujo desde el paradigma del consumo simbólico a través de una visión holística y multidimensional que nos permita contemplar su complejidad y conocer las percepciones de los consumidores universitarios.Diseño/metodología/enfoque: En el marco teórico se lleva a cabo una revisión bibliográfica del constructo de marca de lujo para, posteriormente, realizar un estudio empírico de naturaleza descriptiva y cuantitativa basado en la realización de un cuestionario a alumnos universitarios. El objetivo es conocer su percepción acerca de los atributos que sitúan a una marca en el segmento del lujo.Aportaciones y resultados: Los resultados de esta investigación contribuyen a la literatura existente sobre el lujo proporcionando una comprensión más completa y profunda del concepto. El estudio empírico realizado con alumnos universitarios facilita una idea de cuáles son sus percepciones acerca de la naturaleza de una marca de lujo.Limitaciones: El contexto socio-cultural y las características demográficas de la muestra limitan los resultados de la investigación a la categoría del lujo accesible o nuevo lujo no siendo generalizables al sector en su conjunto ni a otros segmentos de consumidores.Implicaciones prácticas: El conocimiento de la percepción del lujo por parte de los consumidores es fundamental para optimizar la gestión estratégica de este tipo de marcas. Los resultados obtenidos ofrecen una guía para el diseño de estrategias de comunicación y marketing dirigidas al público universitario aportando las dimensiones o características más relevantes del lujo para este segmento de consumidores.Implicaciones sociales: El diseño de la estrategia de marketing y comunicación para una marca supone el conocimiento exhaustivo de sus consumidores. Conocer las percepciones de los grupos sociales que configuran diferentes segmentos de mercado, supone el primer

  11. Technology Development: From Idea to Implementation - 12131

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spires, Renee H. [Savannah River Remediation (United States)


    There are good ideas and new technologies proposed every day to solve problems within the DOE complex. A process to transition a new technology from inception to the decision to launch a project with baselines is described. Examples from active technology development projects within Savannah River Remediation (SRR) will be used to illustrate the points. The process includes decision points at key junctures leading to preliminary design. At that point, normal project management tools can be employed. The technology development steps include proof-of-principle testing, scaled testing and analysis, and conceptual design. Tools are used that define the scope necessary for each step of technology development. The tools include use of the DOE technology readiness guide, Consolidated Hazards Analysis (CHA) and internal checklists developed by Savannah River Remediation. Integration with operating or planned facilities is also included. The result is a roadmap and spreadsheet that identifies each open question and how it may be answered. Performance criteria are developed that enable simple decisions to be made after the completion of each step. Conceptual design tasks should begin as the technology development continues. The most important conceptual design tasks at this point in the process include process flow diagrams (PFDs), high level Process and Instrumentation Drawings (P and IDs), and general layout drawings. These should influence the design of the scaled simulant testing. Mechanical and electrical drawings that support cost and schedule development should also be developed. An early safety control strategy developed from the CHA will also influence the cost. The combination of test results, calculations and early design output with rough order of magnitude cost and schedule information provide input into the decisions to proceed with a project and data to establish the baseline. This process can be used to mature any new technology, especially those that must be

  12. Organisational change: a methodology to uncover the business idea. (United States)

    Barker, J; Anderson, P


    A study was undertaken to identify the "Business Idea", as defined by van der Heijden (1996), in The Family Planning Association of WA Inc (FPWA) which is a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) in Perth, Western Australia. This organisation was chosen as, along with many other NGOs, it was undergoing major changes in its funding, role and required outcomes. A qualitative interpretivist single case study methodology employing grounded theory research principles and methods was used to study the Business Idea framework in this setting. Thirty-four members of FPWA's staff were interviewed and data was managed using NUD*IST4 and Decision Explorer data storage, data retrieval and graphical reproduction facilities. Results indicated that images of the Business Idea model within FPWA were largely consistent across all staff levels excepting members of the Board of Management. Changes within the organisation were impacting heavily on staff, who needed to be assisted over the transitional phase. Strong leadership and corporate direction were identified as essential if the FPWA was to balance the strongly held sense of social justice amongst its staff with a need for greater productivity efficiency and accountability across the organisation.

  13. Ideas y Visualizaciones Matemáticas

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    Antonio Díaz-Cano Ocaña


    Full Text Available Durante el curso académico 2010-2011 la Cátedra Miguel de Guzmán de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid organizó el Seminario de Ideas y Visualizaciones Matemáticas. El material utilizado en este seminario, incluidas las grabaciones de las dieciséis conferencias impartidas, se recopiló en un DVD cuya estructura y contenido se describen en este artículo.

  14. How Do You Learn Multidisciplinary Idea?


    Shigehiro Hashimoto


    The way how to learn multidisciplinary ideas has been discussed. Biomedical engineering is exemplified for a multidisciplinary field. "Biomedical Engineering" makes a multidisciplinary research area, which includes biology, medicine, engineering and others. The cross-cultural student seminars on biomedical engineering have been exemplified as the case studies. In the group fieldwork, students were divided into small groups. Each group visited the university hospital to find research topics re...

  15. Ideas about the study of dust

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andriesse, C.D.


    Agreement seems to exist about the general idea that a dust particle is a tiny piece of solid material, with some atomic lattice and bonding electrons. But questions like: how large are dust particles, what is their chemical composition, how do they scatter and absorb light, are answered differently when different spectral features are discussed. However, observations do give a number of keys for a reasonable particle model. (G.T.H.)

  16. The Idea of Order at Geometry Class. (United States)

    Rishel, Thomas

    The idea of order in geometry is explored using the experience of assignments given to undergraduates in a college geometry course "From Space to Geometry." Discussed are the definition of geometry, and earth measurement using architecture, art, and common experience. This discussion concludes with a consideration of the question of whether…

  17. Role of ideas and ideologies in evidence-based health policy. (United States)

    Prinja, S


    Policy making in health is largely thought to be driven by three 'I's namely ideas, interests and institutions. Recent years have seen a shift in approach with increasing reliance being placed on role of evidence for policy making. The present article ascertains the role of ideas and ideologies in shaping evidence which is used to aid in policy decisions. The article discusses different theories of research-policy interface and the relative freedom of research-based evidence from the influence of ideas. Examples from developed and developed countries are cited to illustrate the contentions made. The article highlights the complexity of the process of evidence-based policy making, in a world driven by existing political, social and cultural ideologies. Consideration of this knowledge is paramount where more efforts are being made to bridge the gap between the 'two worlds' of researchers and policy makers to make evidence-based policy as also for policy analysts.

  18. Digital Earth – Young generation's comprehension and ideas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bandrova, T; Konecny, M


    The authors are experienced in working with children and students in the field of early warning and crises management and cartography. All these topics are closely connected to Digital Earth (DE) ideas. On the basis of a questionnaire, the young generation's comprehension of DE concept is clarified. Students from different age groups (from 19 to 36) from different countries and with different social, cultural, economical and political backgrounds are asked to provide definition of DE and describe their basic ideas about meaning, methodology and applications of the concept. The questions aim to discover the young generation's comprehension of DE ideas. They partially cover the newest trends of DE development like social, cultural and environmental issues as well as the styles of new communications (Google Earth, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). In order to assure the future development of the DE science, it is important to take into account the young generation's expectations. Some aspects of DE development are considered in the Conclusions

  19. Primary school mathematics teachers' ideas, beliefs, and practices ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences Vol. 12, 2016. 45 ... The study explored Ghanaian primary school mathematics teachers' ideas, beliefs and ...... Journal of science and technology, 24(2), 106 -115. Palmer ...

  20. Comparison of manual tracing versus a semiautomatic radial measurement method in temporal lobe MRI volumetry for pharmacoresistant epilepsy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mueller, Christian-Andreas; Scorzin, Jasmin; Schramm, Johannes [University of Bonn, Department of Neurosurgery, Bonn (Germany); Koenig, Roy; Urbach, Horst [University of Bonn, Department of Radiology Neuroradiology, Bonn (Germany); Fimmers, Rolf [University of Bonn, Institute of Medical Biometry, Informatics and Epidemiology, Bonn (Germany); Zentner, Josef [University of Freiburg, Department of Neurosurgery, Freiburg (Germany); Lehmann, Thomas-Nicolas [Charite-University Medicine Berlin, Department of Neurosurgery, Berlin (Germany)


    The aim of this study was to test a modified radial semiautomated volumetry technique (radial divider technique, RDT) versus the manual volumetry technique (MVT) for proportionality of temporal subvolumes in 30 patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy. Included in the study were 30 patients (15 female, 15 male; mean age 39.6 years) with pharmacoresistant epilepsy (mean duration 26.6 years). MRI studies were performed preoperatively on a 1.5-T scanner. All image processing steps and volume measurements were performed using ANALYZE software. The volumes of six subregions were measured bilaterally; these included the superior temporal gyrus (STG), middle + inferior temporal gyrus (MITG), fusiform gyrus (FG), parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), amygdala (AM), and hippocampus (HP). Linear regression was used to investigate the relationship between the comparable subvolumes obtained with MVT and RDT. Very high correlations (R {sup 2} >0.95) between RDT and MVT were observed for the STG + MITG and the STG + MITG + FG, but low correlations for the PHG subvolumes and the combined PHG + HP + AM subvolumes. These observations were independent of the side of the pathology and of hemisphere. The two measurement techniques provided highly reliable proportional results. This series in a homogeneous group of TLE patients suggests that the much quicker RDT is suitable for determining the volume of temporolateral and laterobasal temporal lobe compartments, of both the affected and the non-affected side and the right and left hemisphere. (orig.)