
Sample records for multifocal del epitelio

  1. Características in vivo del epitelio corneal versus magnitud del defecto refractivo, posterior a tratamiento con láser de excímeros

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    Eduardo Rojas Álvarez

    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir las características in vivo del epitelio corneal y su relación con la magnitud del defecto refractivo tratado posterior al tratamiento quirúrgico de LASIK. Método: estudio descriptivo, prospectivo-longitudinal con 24 pacientes (48 ojos con astigmatismo miópico intervenidos con el ESIRIS (Schwind-Alemania por la técnica quirúrgica LASIK con microquerátomo pendular. Se analizaron los resultados a partir de técnicas de estadística descriptiva. Se utilizó el microscopio confocal ConfoScan 4 de NIDEK para la obtención y estudio de las imágenes in vivo de tejido corneal. Resultados: el grosor epitelial central medio en el preoperatorio fue 34,7 mm, a los 7 días del posoperatorio hubo un incremento del 36 % en pacientes con defectos refractivos inferiores a 4D y un incremento del 44 % en pacientes con defectos refractivos de 4 D o más. El promedio de densidad de células del epitelio basal a los 7 días fue de 5 098,3±1 654 células/mm², tuvo variaciones mínimas inferiores a la unidad porcentual durante la etapa de estudio. Conclusiones: existió incremento del grosor epitelial posterior a LASIK que fue superior en defectos refractivos mayores de 4 dioptrías. La densidad celular del epitelio basal no tuvo variaciones significativas y fue independiente a la magnitud del defecto refractivo tratado.

  2. Coloración cualitativa y cuantitativa del glicógeno de las células del epitelio vaginal, como test del funcionamiento ovárico

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    Hernando Trujillo Jáuregui


    acuerdo con su edad, ciclo menstrual y en algunos estados patológicos como el hipoovarismo crónico. Como bien se sabe, las células del epitelio vaginal de la mujer con ovarios que funcionan activamente son de carácter preponderantemente escamoso y tienen un elevado contenido en glicógeno, mientras que en la hipoovárica o la menopáusica contienen poco o ningún glicógeno. Cuando se ha administrado una terapia estrogénica adecuada a las enfermas hipoováricas o menopáusicas el contenido en glicógeno de sus células vaginales aumenta notablemente.

  3. Desgarro de epitelio pigmentario retiniano periférico idiopático Tear of the idiopathic peripheral retinal pigmentary epithelium

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    Raúl Reinaldo Leyva Almarales


    Full Text Available Los desgarros del epitelio pigmentario de la retina constituyen entidades asociadas a degeneración macular relacionada con la edad con desprendimiento de epitelio pigmentario retiniano. Aunque puede tener múltiples causas, también puede ser idiopático y su localización más frecuente ocurre a nivel del polo posterior retiniano. Se presenta un caso de desgarro de epitelio pigmentario retiniano periférico en paciente sin patología del polo posterior retiniano, el cual se produjo de manera espontánea y no se encontró causa alguna; se realizaron fotos de fondo de ojo a color, autofluorescencia y angiografía con verde indiocianina, que confirmaron el diagnóstico. Por su carácter infrecuente hemos decidido presentar este caso de desgarro de epitelio pigmentario de retina de localización periférica y de causa idiopática.The tears of the retina pigmentary epithelium are entities associated with a macular degeneration related to age in which occur such tears. Although it may to have multiple causes, also may be idiopathic and its more frequent location is at level of retinal posterior pole. Authors present a case of peripheral retinal pigmentary epithelium tear diagnosed in a patient without pathology or retinal posterior pole, which occurred in a spontaneous way with any cause; the fundus oculi color photos were taken, auto-fluorescence and indocyanine green confirmed diagnosis. Due to its infrequent character authors decide to present this above mentioned case and of idiopathic cause.

  4. Epiteliopatía pigmentaria placoide posterior multifocal aguda unilateral. A propósito de un caso

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    Ana Isabel Díaz Zapién


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 48 años de edad, que inicia su cuadro clínico con disminución súbita de agudeza visual acompañado de la presencia de un escotoma central en ojo derecho unilateral, sin otros síntomas acompañantes, antecedentes personales patológicos negados, 4 semanas después la paciente recupera visión llegando a un 20/20 sin la presencia del escotoma. La epiteliopatía pigmentaria placoide posterior multifocal aguda (EPPPMA es una patología inflamatoria coriorretiniana, que se presenta en adultos jóvenes, sanos, sin predominio por algún género, produciendo alteraciones visuales agudas, con hallazgos fundoscópicos característicos de lesiones placoides blanco-amarillentas a nivel del epitelio pigmentario de la retina. El diagnóstico se basa en los datos clínicos y la evolución complementado con la fluorangiografía, la mayoría de los casos con buen pronóstico visual, con una recuperación de la agudeza visual completa dentro de las primeras 3-6 semanas.

  5. El útero humano en distintas edades y el carcinoma in situ del cuello uterino

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    Herwig Hamperl


    Full Text Available El área alrededor del orificio del canal cervical es probablemente una de las más interesantes de la Patología Uterina. En el siguiente esbozo, voy a intentar dar un breve resumen de los problemas y del progreso que creemos haber realizado en nuestro esfuerzo por resolverlos. Empezamos con la recién nacida: En ella, la parte inferior del cuello uterino, presenta una forma que nunca volverá a mostrar durante el resto de la vida, sobresale en la vagina en forma de cono puntiaguda. El límite de los epitelios de revestimiento del cono varía: a veces el epitelio escamoso de la vagina termina exactamente en el orificio externo del canal cervical, como es usual en la mujer adulta; a veces el epitelio escamoso asciende unos milímetros en el canal cervical. El hecho más interesante es que en aproximadamente un tercio de las niñas, la extensión del epitelio escamoso está tan restringida, que el epitelio cilíndrico puede cubrir la superficie del cono cervical. Al examen macroseópico, está región se distingue  entonces por color rojo y forma, lo que se ha llamado erosión o mejor la pseudoerosión de la recién nacida.

  6. Estudio de los sueros ricos en factores de crecimiento y de su efecto sobre células de epitelio corneal


    del Val Alonso, Marina


    Objetivos: Estudiar cómo afecta a la concentración de determinados factores de crecimiento presentes en los sueros la filtración (utilizado como método de esterilización) y el tratamiento por calor (utilizado para la inactivación del complemento). Además de estudiar el efecto de un bioadhesivo (ácido hialurónico, HaNa), aplicado solo o conjuntamente con el suero rico en factores de crecimiento (s-PRGF), sobre la capacidad de las células de epitelio corneal (HCE) para proliferar y migrar. M...

  7. Alteraciones de la mucosa bucal causadas por la asociación entre el tabaco y los colutorios bucales con una concentración de alcohol del 26,9 %

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    Anna Christina Medeiros Fossati

    Full Text Available Se analizaron el epitelio y la capa de queratina de la mucosa oral de 15 ratas que durante 45 días fueron sometidas a una aplicación tópica de picadura de tabaco y de colutorio bucal con una concentración de alcohol del 26,9 %. Tras ese período, se extrajeron las mucosas y se les realizó un análisis histológico. Se observó una significativa disminución del espesor del epitelio y de la capa de queratina, lo que indica que la picadura asociada con colutorios bucales con alta concentración de alcohol, provoca la reducción del espesor de la capa de queratina y del epitelio de la boca.

  8. Cinética de expresión de inmunoglobulina a en el epitelio intestinal de crías de alpaca (Vicugna pacos)


    Dionisio C, Juan; Manchego S, Alberto; Chiok C, Kim Lam; Sandoval C, Nieves; More B, Juan; Pezo C, Danilo; Rivera G, Hermelinda


    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar y comparar los niveles de expresión relativa de ARN mensajero (ARNm) de IgA en el epitelio intestinal de las crías de alpacas en aparente buen estado de salud (n=35) o enfermas con enteropatía (n=35). En cada grupo se incluyeron cinco animales recién nacidos antes del consumo de calostro y cinco por cada semana de edad hasta la sexta semana. Se tomaron 2 cm de yeyuno por animal y se almacenaron en congelación a -196 °C. Se realizó la extracció...


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    Full Text Available La unidad morfológica y funcional de la glándula tiroides es el folículo, estructura ovoide cerrada, constituida por una capa de células cúbicas (tirocitos que encierran un lumen lleno del coloide secretado por ellas. En cultivo, tanto la estructura como la función del folículo se pierden rápidamente en las primeras 24 horas. Sin embargo, si se cultivan folículos cerrados de tiroides de rata conservan la arquitectura folicular, la morfología del tirocito y la función hasta la síntesis de hormonas tiroides de manera similar a la glándula in vivo. En este trabajo describimos el aislamiento y cultivo de folículos porcinos cerrados y su análisis morfológico. Los folículos se aíslan por digestión enzimática y disociación mecánica del parénquima tiroideo, luego se cultivan sobre agarosa con y sin hormona tirotrópica o tirotropina (1 mU/ml, TSH. El tejido de tiroides porcino obtenido tiene las mismas características de una glándula hipotiroidea in vivo, un epitelio casi plano, retículo endoplásmico rugoso (RER exiguo, complejo de Golgi (CG, y microvellosidades escasas y cortas. Los folículos cultivados sin TSH conservan la forma ovoide y el coloide en su interior, y la misma ultra-estructura del tejido in vivo, RER y CG muy escasos, pero con el tiempo de cultivo aumenta la longitud de la microvellosidades y el espesor del epitelio. En presencia de TSH el epitelio se hipertrofia desde el primer día y las cavidades foliculares se reducen considerablemente. Se demuestra que folículos cerrados de tiroides durante ocho días (d de cultivo conservan su morfología con y sin TSH. Además, estos responden al estímulo de TSH disminuyendo su cavidad folicular y aumentando el espesor del epitelio folicular.

  10. Grado di cheratinizzazione dell'epitelio ruminale e valutazione dello stato corporeo in ovini tenuti su pascoli di Brachypodium rupestre

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    Paola Scocco


    Full Text Available L'articolo valuta e mette in correlazione i cambiamenti del grado di cheratinizzazione della mucosa ruminale con lo stato corporeo di ovini tenuti a pascolare per 20 giorni in un'area ad elevata copertura di paléo rupestre (Brachypodium rupestre. Il pascolo degli ovini in queste aree riduce il rischio di incendi boschivi. Tuttavia, l'assunzione di Brachypodium rupestre protratta per lunghi periodi può compromettere la salute generale degli animali. Lo scopo di questo studio è di determinare il periodo massimo di permanenza degli animali in queste aree. Ovini mantenuti su un pascolo semi-mesofilo sono stati utilizzati come gruppo di controllo. Nei giorni 1, 10 e 20 della sperimentazione, 5 animali di ogni gruppo sono stati sacrificati per la valutazione delle modificazioni del grado di cheratinizzazione dell'epitelio dell'atrio e del sacco ventrale del rumine. La valutazione dello stato corporeo, o body condition score (BCS, e il peso vivo (PV sono stati monitorati su altri 10 soggetti per gruppo. Il gruppo di controllo ha mostrato piccole variazioni del grado di cheratinizzazione del rumine che non hanno inciso negativamente sul BCS o sul PV. Il gruppo sperimentale ha mostrato un significativo incremento del grado di cheratinizzazione, già entro i primi dieci giorni, che ha portato ad un graduale abbassamento del BCS e ad un calo di peso tra il decimo e il ventesimo giorno. I dati ottenuti suggeriscono che al fine della prevenzione degli incendi boschivi gli ovini dovrebbero essere utilizzati a turno con periodi di permanenza nei pascoli ad alta copertura di Brachypodium rupestre non superiori ai 10-12 giorni.

  11. Aspectos fisiopatológicos y diagnóstico diferencial del pterigio


    Rey Rodríguez, Diana Valeria


    El pterigio es una lesión fibrovascular en forma triangular del tejido conjuntival inflamado que crece sobre la córnea. Esta situación se explica por el deterioro y la supresión de las células madre, las cuales participan en la regeneración del epitelio corneal; pero esta proliferación es interrumpida e inhibida por la hiperplasia del tejido conjuntival. Estos hallazgos comparten muchos rasgos con tumores y neoplasias, como la alteración genética, proliferación de fibroblastos, inflamación, v...


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    VJ Atencio


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue la descripción del tubo digestivo de juveniles de Rubio Salminus affinis. Se analizaron cinco juveniles con 23,6±2,6 cm de longitud total y 142,8±62,5 g de peso. Se realizó descripción topográfica y morfológica de los órganos y cortes histológicos con tinción H-E. El esófago es un órgano tubular corto de pared gruesa que representa el 7,8% de la longitud total del tubo digestivo, presenta pliegues internos que ofrecen gran capacidad de distensión permitiendo el paso de presas de gran tamaño. El estómago es una bolsa asimétrica en forma de “Y”, grande y musculosa, amplio en la porción anterior y estrecho hacia el fondo; el número de ciegos pilóricos varió entre 13 y 23 pudiendo ser monotubulares y ramificados. El intestino, con tres asas, se extiende desde el esfínter pilórico hasta el ano. Histológicamente el tubo digestivo está formado por cuatro capas: mucosa, submucosa, muscular y serosa; el epitelio de revestimiento del esófago es estratificado plano no queratinizado con células caliciformes, cambiando a simple cilíndrico mucosecretor llegando al estómago; en el estómago se encuentra epitelio simple cilíndrico mucosecretor y los ciegos pilóricos e intestino son revestidos por epitelio simple cilíndrico con células caliciformes. Tanto el valor promedio del coeficiente intestinal (0,58, como la pared distensible del estómago sugieren que el Rubio tiene un tubo digestivo propio de carnívoro y sus características histológicas presentan similitud con la mayoría de vertebrados superiores.

  13. Comportamiento del quiste branquial en pacientes del Hospital General Docente "Ciro Redondo García", Artemisa, 1993-2009

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available El quiste branquial de origen congénito que aparece en la región lateral del cuello es, con frecuencia, motivo de consulta. Se tuvo como objetivo determinar el comportamiento de los quistes branquiales en el Hospital "Ciro Redondo García", de Artemisa en el periodo de 1993 al 2009. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal de los quistes branquiales diagnosticados en pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial. Se estudiaron la edad, el sexo, el color de la piel, el lado del cuello afectado, el resultado histopatológico y los medios auxiliares empleados. Se encontraron 12 quistes branquiales que afectaron el 50 % de ambos sexos, un 75 % a pacientes entre 15 y 30 años y un 75 % de la piel blanca, un 66,7 % afectó el lado derecho del cuello y en un 100 % de los casos se utilizó la biopsia y el ultrasonido como medios auxiliares para su diagnóstico. Se encontró epitelio escamoso estratificado en un 100 % de los quistes y en un 91,6 % el tejido linfoide. No se encontró predilección por el sexo, la mayoría de los pacientes eran menores de 30 años, de piel blanca y presentaban los quistes en el lado derecho del cuello. En todos los pacientes se empleó la biopsia y el ultrasonido como medios auxiliares de diagnóstico. El epitelio escamoso estratificado y el tejido linfoide fueron los hallazgos histopatológicos más relevantes.

  14. Aspectos estructurales y cuantitativos del ovario de Fulica armillata (Aves: Rallidae

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    Mirian Bulfon


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron los aspectos morfohistológicos y cuantitativos del ovario de Fulica armillata durante la fase de recrudescencia gonadal. Se utilizaron 5 hembras adultas. El análisis morfohistológico reveló la presencia de numerosos folículos en diferentes estadios de desarrollo y regresión. El epitelio simple de células granulosas caracterizó a los ovocitos primordiales y el pseudoestratificado a los folículos previtelogénicos, ambos tipos foliculares exhibieron un notorio cuerpo de Balbiani. En los folículos vitelogénicos blancos y amarillos (> de 1 mm se evidenció una compleja pared folicular formada por la zona radiada, el epitelio folicular estratificado y las envolturas tecales bien delimitadas, mientras que, en los vitelogénicos amarillos (> de 3 mm fue observado un epitelio simple con células cúbicas muy basófilas. Se identificaron dos tipos de atresia folicular: 1 pared folicular intacta o no bursting, la involución se realiza en el interior del folículo, comprende a la atresia lipoidal (Ovocitos primordiales y lipoglandular (folículos previtelogénicos y vitelogénicos pequeños y 2 atresia por ruptura de la pared o bursting con extrusión del contenido ovoplásmico (folículos vitelogénicos > 1 mm. El análisis cuantitativo reveló una diferencia significativa (p <0,05, entre los folículos en desarrollo (< de 2 mm y los folículos mayores e idéntica diferencia entre lo folículos atrésicos pequeños (lipoidales y lipoglandulares y los folículos bursting. Los procesos de crecimiento y diferenciación (foliculogénesis y vitelogénesis y el de atresia folicular se desarrollan normalmente durante la fase de recrudescencia gonadal, contribuyendo a la homeostasis del ovario de esta ave.

  15. Tear of the idiopathic peripheral retinal pigmentary epithelium


    Leyva Almarales, Raúl Reinaldo; González Díaz, Rafael; Molina Martín, Julio César; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Violeta; Ramos Pereira, Yanay; Hernández Pérez, Arianna


    Los desgarros del epitelio pigmentario de la retina constituyen entidades asociadas a degeneración macular relacionada con la edad con desprendimiento de epitelio pigmentario retiniano. Aunque puede tener múltiples causas, también puede ser idiopático y su localización más frecuente ocurre a nivel del polo posterior retiniano. Se presenta un caso de desgarro de epitelio pigmentario retiniano periférico en paciente sin patología del polo posterior retiniano, el cual se produjo de manera espont...

  16. Estudio de prevalencia, incidencia, supervivencia y factores de riesgo asociados al esófago de barrett y adenocarcinoma esofágico. Utilidad de los biomarcadores twist, p504s y cd133 en la valoración de la progresión del esófago de barrett


    Arroyo Martínez, Quetzalihuitl


    Falta palabras clave El esófago de Barrett (EB) es una condición adquirida definida por la presencia de metaplasia intestinal en el esófago distal, habitualmente como resultado de la enfermedad por reflujo gastro-esofágico (ERGE) en donde el epitelio normal de tipo escamoso es remplazado por epitelio de tipo columnar. Si bien se conoce que la prevalencia de los síntomas del reflujo gastro-esofágico (RGE) en la población adulta en general, en países de occidente, es de alrededor del 7% en l...

  17. Detección del antígeno Tn en tumores epiteliales con la lectina de Vicia villosa isolectina B4.

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    Catalina Limpias


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. Los epítopes T, Tn y sTn, se expresan en un alto porcentaje de tumores epiteliales y pueden detectarse con anticuerpos monoclonales y lectinas. Objetivo. Evaluar diferencias de expresión del antígeno Tn en cortes histológicos de epitelios no neoplásicos y tumores epiteliales mediante isolectina B4 de Vicia villosa. Material y métodos. Se evaluaron semicuantitativamente localización, intensidad y porcentaje de expresión del antígeno en carcinomas in-situ e infiltrantes y epitelios no neoplásicos de cérvix, seno y urotelio, mediante isolectina B4. Resultados La expresión de Tn en cérvix predominó en membrana de células no neoplásicas y citoplasma de células tumorales; su intensidad fue mayor en carcinomas in-situ e infiltrantes comparado con epitelio no neoplásico aunque en este el porcentaje de expresión fue mayor. En seno, la expresión de Tn fue predominantemente citoplasmática con intensidad similar, el porcentaje de expresión fué mayor en carcinomas ductales in-situ e infiltrantes. En urotelio no neoplásico y tumoral la expresión de Tn predominó en citoplasma; la intensidad y el porcentaje de expresión fueron mayores en neoplasias no invasivas de bajo y alto grado, mientras que en urotelio no neoplásico fue baja y no hubo tendencia definida en tumores infiltrantes. Conclusiones. La detección del antígeno Tn mediante la lectina VVB4 mostró una mayor extensión de marcación en carcinomas ductales de seno en relación con el epitelio no neoplásico, pero no mostró una tendencia definida entre el tejido normal, ni diferentes etapas del desarrollo de los tumores de cérvix y urotelio. Estos hallazgos pueden atribuirse a la heterogeneidad de los procesos carcinogénicos o a que la especificidad de la lectina VVB4 no está restringida a este antígeno.

  18. Multifocal Congenital Hemangiopericytoma. (United States)

    Robl, Renata; Carvalho, Vânia Oliveira; Abagge, Kerstin Taniguchi; Uber, Marjorie; Lichtvan, Leniza Costa Lima; Werner, Betina; Mehrdad Nadji, Mehrdad


    Congenital hemangiopericytoma (HPC) is a rare mesenchymal tumor with less aggressive behavior and a more favorable prognosis than similar tumors in adults. Multifocal presentation is even less common than isolated HPC and hence its clinical and histologic recognition may be challenging. A newborn infant with multifocal congenital HPC causing severe deformity but with a favorable outcome after chemotherapy and surgical removal is reported. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Iris en sayuela signo clínico nuevo asociado al síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior: a new clinical sign associated to the anterior segment toxic syndrome Iris in underskirt

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    Iván Hernández López


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Presentar un nuevo signo clínico como resultado del desprendimiento gigante del epitelio pigmentado posterior del iris en el curso de un síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior tras una cirugía de catarata. MÉTODOS: Presentamos un paciente intervenido de catarata mediante facoemulsificación con implante de lente intraocular de cámara posterior plegable, sin incidencias ni complicaciones transoperatorias. Se le realizó evaluación biomicroscópica en el posoperatorio inmediato diagnosticándosele un síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior asociado a un desprendimiento gigante del epitelio pigmentado posterior del iris. Se tomaron fotos durante la evolución del paciente para documentar este raro signo clínico. RESULTADOS: Al provocar la dilatación pupilar farmacológica nos encontramos con la retracción de todas las capas anteriores del iris, mostrando por debajo al epitelio pigmentado posterior del iris sinequiado al lente intraocular y tan extensamente desprendido que simulaba un segundo iris. No encontramos este hallazgo clínico reportado en la literatura revisada. Denominamos este signo como iris en sayuela. CONCLUSIONES: El desprendimiento del epitelio pigmentado posterior del iris constituye un hallazgo clínico que puede aparecer raramente asociado al síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior y cuando es muy extenso puede presentarse de forma insólita como el signo del iris en sayuela.OBJECTIVE: To present a new clinical sign as a result of a huge posterior pigmented epithelium detachment of the iris in the course of at toxic anterior segment syndrome after a successful cataract surgery. METHOD: A patient who had undergone a cataract surgery by phacoemulsification with posterior chamber foldable intraocular lens implantation, without any incidence or transoperative complication. He was evaluated through biomicroscopy in the immediate postoperative period where a huge posterior pigmented epithelium detachment of the iris

  20. Estudio de marcadores de transición epitelio-mesénquima en neoplasias renales


    Cadenas González, Nuria


    HIPÓTESIS: La expresión de ciertas proteínas, ligadas a eventos de transición epitelio-mesénquima en el cáncer renal, podrían estar relacionada con la agresividad biológica y comportarse como marcadores pronósticos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: La población de estudio son 156 pacientes con cáncer renal de las cinco variedades histológicas más frecuentes: carcinoma de células claras (con el subtipo sarcomatoide), carcinoma papilar, carcinoma cromófobo y oncocitoma. El periodo mínimo de seguimiento s...

  1. SOME ASPECTS OF EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE THYMUS: EMBRYOLOGICAL BASIS FOR ECTOPIC THYMUS AND THYMOPHARYNGEAL DUCT CYST. Algunas observaciones acerca del temprano desarrollo del timo: bases embriológicas del timo ectópico y del quiste del conducto timofar

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    Ivan Varga


    Full Text Available Introducción. El objetivo principal de nuestro trabajo es el estudio histológico del desarrollo del timo humano entre la 5ª y la 8ª semana de gestación. Describimos varios términos embriológicos poco usados como: timo secundus, descensus thymi (la base embriológica para situar el timo en la garganta, ductus timicus (la base embriológica para el defecto innato llamado conducto timofaríngeo con posibilidad de formar un quiste. Material y método. Nuestras observaciones se basan en la investigación de 18 embriones humanos entre la 6ª y la 8ª semana de gestación. Resultados. La base del timo es común con la base de las glándulas paratiroideas. Es comparable con las bolsas faríngeas (saccus pharyngeus en los embriones largos de 8 a 9 mm. La proliferación endodermal del epitelio en el tercer foco faríngeo (focus faringeus 3 es muy visible. La parte craneal y la parte dorsal son la base de origen de las glándulas paratiroideas inferiores. La parte caudal y la parte ventral son la base para el timo. Hemos observado también la notable proliferación del epitelio en la segunda bolsa faríngea, llamado por algunos autores Timo secundus. En nuestra opinión, en el ser humano no se forma un timo funcional en este lugar y la proliferación del epitelio en la mayoría de los casos, se detiene pronto. Conclusión. En este trabajo ofrecemos una vista general sobre la importancia clínica del desarrollo del timo y la descripción de los defectos innatos más frecuentes del mismo. Introduction. The aim of our morphological study is to describe the development of human thymus from 5th up to 8th week after fertilization in the context of its phylogenesis. We explicate some of the “forgotten” embryological terms with respect to their functions in thymic development, such as “thymus secundus”, “descensus thymi” (an embryological basis for cervical thymus and “ductus thymicus” (an embryologic basis for a congenital anomaly called

  2. Histofisiología del epitelio renal de helix aspersa (mollusca, gastropoda, pulmonata, stylommatophora)


    Sánchez Aguayo, Inmaculada


    La excreción es, por definición, la separación de los productos de desecho de los fluidos tisulares y corporales, y su eliminación del organismo. Además, se considera como el resultado de la filtración del líquido de la sangre, de la reabsorción de ciertos compuestos y de la secreción de sustancias en el interior de túbulos excretores. Los productos de desecho son el resultado del metabolismo celular. Aunque en general son productos finales de procesos catabólicos, también pueden incluir ...

  3. Alteraciones de la mucosa bucal causadas por la asociación entre el tabaco y los colutorios bucales con una concentración de alcohol del 26,9 % Alterations of the oral mucous membrane caused by the association between tobacco and the mouthwashes with an alcohol concentration of 26.9 %

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    Anna Christina Medeiros Fossati


    Full Text Available Se analizaron el epitelio y la capa de queratina de la mucosa oral de 15 ratas que durante 45 días fueron sometidas a una aplicación tópica de picadura de tabaco y de colutorio bucal con una concentración de alcohol del 26,9 %. Tras ese período, se extrajeron las mucosas y se les realizó un análisis histológico. Se observó una significativa disminución del espesor del epitelio y de la capa de queratina, lo que indica que la picadura asociada con colutorios bucales con alta concentración de alcohol, provoca la reducción del espesor de la capa de queratina y del epitelio de la boca.The epithelium and the keratin layer of the oral mucous membrane of 15 rats that were subjected to a topical application of cut tobacco and mouthwashes with an alcohol concentration of 26.9 % during 45 days were analyzed. After that period, the oral mucous membranes were removed and a histological analysis was made. It was observed a significant decrease of the thickness of the epithelium and of the keratin layer, which shows that cut tobbaco associated with collutories with a high concentration of alcohol causes the reduction of the thickness of the keratin layer and of the mouth epithelium.

  4. Lente intra-ocular multifocal difrativa apodizada: resultados Diffractive apodized multifocal intraocular lens: results

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    Virgilio Centurion


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Mostrar os resultados visuais e refracionais com lente intra-ocular multifocal difrativa apodizada. MÉTODOS: Estudo de 100 olhos de 50 pacientes com catarata, submetidos à facoemulsificação com implante bilateral de lente intra-ocular (LIO multifocal difrativa apodizada. Foi avaliada a acuidade visual binocular sem e com correção para longe e perto, a previsibilidade refracional e a freqüência de uso de óculos. RESULTADOS: A acuidade visual sem correção para longe foi de e " 20/30 em 97,56% dos olhos operados e e" J2 em 100%, sendo que 82% dos pacientes nunca usam óculos e 16% usam de forma esporádica. CONCLUSÃO: A LIO multifocal difrativa apodizada mostrou ser uma opção previsível, reproduzível e segura na correção dos vícios de refração para longe e perto durante a cirurgia da catarata, permitindo elevado índice de independência ao uso de óculos.OBJECTIVE: To show visual and refraction results using multifocal diffractive apodized intraocular lens. METHODS: The study of 100 eyes of 50 patients with cataract, submitted to phacoemulsification with bilateral implant of multifocal diffractive apodized intraocular lens (IOL. Binocular visual acuity was evaluated with and without correction for near and distance, and refraction previsibility and frequency of wearing glasses. RESULTS: Visual acuity without correction for distance was e" 20/30 in 97.56% of eyes operated on and e" J2 in 100%, of these 82% of patients never wear glasses and 16% wear glasses sporadically. CONCLUSION: Multifocal diffractive apodized IOL proved to be a foreseeable option, reproducible and safe in the correction of refraction errors for distance and near during cataract surgery, enabling a high rate of independence from the use of glasses.

  5. Onda de calcio intercelular en epitelio pigmentario de la retina humano: mediciones directas de calcio reticular.


    González Zamora, Jorge


    Hasta el más simple órgano de la visión se compone de al menos dos tipos celulares: los fotoreceptores y las células pigmentadas, demostrando la vital importancia de su interacción. En vertebrados, el epitelio pigmentario de la retina (EPR) se localiza entre los segmentos externos de los fotoreceptores y los capilares de la coroides y desde esta posición estratégica realiza una gran variedad de funciones: absorbe luz, actúa de barrera hemato-retiniana, secreta numerosos factores, recicla el f...

  6. Primary multifocal osseous lymphoma in a child

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, Takashi S.P. [University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA (United States); Ferguson, Polly J. [University of Iowa, Department of Pediatrics, Iowa City, IA (United States); Khanna, Geetika [Washington University, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St Louis, MO (United States)


    We report a case of primary multifocal osseous lymphoma in a 6-year-old girl presenting with multifocal osteolytic lesions without systemic symptoms or identifiable non-osseous primary tumor. The differential diagnoses for such a presentation include histiocytosis X, chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, metastatic disease, and primary bone lymphoma. Although non-Hodgkin lymphoma is common in the pediatric population, its presentation as a primary bone tumor, especially with multifocal disease, is extremely rare and is frequently misdiagnosed. We hope that awareness of this entity will help radiologists achieve timely diagnosis and intervention. (orig.)

  7. Estudio Histológico del Tracto Digestivo del Neón Cardenal Paracheirodon axelrodi (Characidae)


    Gómez-Ramírez, E; Obando, M. J; Tovar, M. O; Caldas, M. L; Hurtado, H


    Paracheirodon axelrodi es el pez ornamental que más se exporta en Colombia. Sin embargo, se desconocen varios aspectos de su biología básica. Se estudió la histología del tracto digestivo. Se sacrificaron 15 ejemplares (MS 222, 0,5 g/L), fijados en formaldehído al 4 % y decalcificados con ácido nítrico 7 %. Se siguió el procedimiento para H&E. El tracto digestivo de P. axelrodi presentó cuatro capas constitutivas: mucosa, submucosa, muscular y serosa. La mucosa de la boca presentó un epitelio...

  8. Modulación de la actividad de las células ciliadas del órgano de Corti por el sistema eferente olivococlear


    Ballestero, Jimena A.


    En el órgano de Corti, el epitelio sensorial del sistema auditivo de los mamíferos, las células ciliadas internas (CCIs) transducen los estímulos sonoros a señales eléctricas que son enviadas al sistema nervioso central, mientras que las células ciliadas externas (CCEs) participan del proceso de amplificación y sintonización fina de estos estímulos. La actividad de las CCEs es modulada por una inervación eferente que proviene del tallo cerebral, el sistema olivococlear medial (MOC). Durante e...

  9. Ciclo estral del ratón hembra intacto y ovariectomizado

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    Joel Ramírez Emiliano


    Full Text Available The vaginal epithelial changes document reproductive cycles and provide an index of the functional status of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. However, it is necessary to understand the vaginal cytology relationship. In our work we study the vaginal epithelium of intact and ovariectomized female mice. We analyzed young, middle aged and aged vaginal cytology and compared them with an ovariectomized group. The results show that female young intact mice manifest a four days estrous cycle phases: estrous, metaestrous, diestrous and proestrous. In contrast, female middle aged and aged mice showed the persistence of diestrous phase. Ovariectomized mice showed a similar cytology than the middle aged and aged intact ones. In conclusion, the vaginal cytology evaluates the reproductive axis integrity and reflects the circulating sexual hormones levels action and/or modification, which could produce transient changes in behavior.Los cambios del epitelio vaginal documenta los ciclos reproductivos, el estado funcional del eje hipotálamo-hipófisis-ovario asociados con cambios en la conducta. Sin embargo, es necesario conocer más sobre la relación citológica vaginal. En este trabajo se estudiaron las diferencias del epitelio vaginal de ratones hembra intactas y ovariectomizadas. Se analizó la citología vaginal de ratones hembra jóvenes, maduras y ancianas, y se comparó con un grupo ovariectomizado. Los resultados muestran que los ratones hembra intactas jóvenes presentaron las cuatro etapas del ciclo estral: estro, metaestro, diestro y proestro. En contraste, las hembras maduras y ancianas presentaron la fase de diestro persistente. Los ratones ovariectomizados presentaron una citología similar a la de los ratones intactos maduros y ancianos. En conclusión, la citología vaginal evalúa la integridad del eje reproductivo y refleja la acción y/o modificación de los niveles de las hormonas sexuales circulantes (los cuales pueden afectar la

  10. Multifocal osteogenic sarcoma in Paget's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vuillemin-Bodaghi, V.; Parlier-Cuau, C.; Laredo, J.D.; Cywiner-Golenzer, C.; Quillard, A.; Kaplan, G.


    The most serious complication of Paget's disease is sarcomatous degeneration of pagetic bone. Multifocal sarcomatous degeneration occurs mainly in polyostotic Paget's disease. Multifocal Paget's sarcoma is uncommon and can arise in any site. We report two cases of synchronous multifocal sarcomatous degeneration. The two patients were elderly women (aged 77 and 86 years, respectively) who developed sarcomatous lesions concomitantly, in the first case report in left ilium, left tibia, and first lumbar vertebra and in the second case report in the skull, right ilium, and sacrum. Whether these cases are due to the simultaneous development of several primaries or to metastases from a single primary remains unclear. (orig.)

  11. Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (United States)

    ... SEARCH Definition Treatment Prognosis Clinical Trials Organizations Publications Definition Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a disease of the white matter of the brain, caused by a virus infection ...

  12. Light distribution in diffractive multifocal optics and its optimization. (United States)

    Portney, Valdemar


    To expand a geometrical model of diffraction efficiency and its interpretation to the multifocal optic and to introduce formulas for analysis of far and near light distribution and their application to multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) and to diffraction efficiency optimization. Medical device consulting firm, Newport Coast, California, USA. Experimental study. Application of a geometrical model to the kinoform (single focus diffractive optical element) was expanded to a multifocal optic to produce analytical definitions of light split between far and near images and light loss to other diffraction orders. The geometrical model gave a simple interpretation of light split in a diffractive multifocal IOL. An analytical definition of light split between far, near, and light loss was introduced as curve fitting formulas. Several examples of application to common multifocal diffractive IOLs were developed; for example, to light-split change with wavelength. The analytical definition of diffraction efficiency may assist in optimization of multifocal diffractive optics that minimize light loss. Formulas for analysis of light split between different foci of multifocal diffractive IOLs are useful in interpreting diffraction efficiency dependence on physical characteristics, such as blaze heights of the diffractive grooves and wavelength of light, as well as for optimizing multifocal diffractive optics. Disclosure is found in the footnotes. Copyright © 2011 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Biomarcadores del metabolismo y nutrición de hierro

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    Carmen Gloria Sermini

    Full Text Available RESUMEN La anemia por deficiencia de hierro continúa siendo la deficiencia nutricional más abundante en el mundo, y son los lactantes, preescolares, mujeres en edad fértil y embarazadas los grupos de mayor susceptibilidad. Debido a esto es que se hace necesario el conocer los mecanismos de regulación de captación, transporte y absorción del metal a nivel celular, principalmente a nivel del enterocito y, una vez que el hierro entra a la circulación, conocer cuáles son los biomarcadores que permiten realizar un seguimiento del estatus del hierro corporal. En esta revisión mostramos, en primer lugar, cómo se regula la entrada de hierro a nivel de la célula del epitelio intestinal, mostrando las principales proteínas involucradas (transportadores de entrada y salida de hierro, oxido-reductasas, proteína de almacenamiento y, para finalizar, hacemos un recuento de los principales biomarcadores del metabolismo de hierro una vez que este ha entrado y circula por el organismo.

  14. Drug-induced progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vermeer, N S; Straus, S M J M; Mantel-Teeuwisse, A K


    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) has been identified as a serious adverse drug reaction (ADR) of several immunomodulatory biologicals. In this study, we contrasted the reporting patterns of PML for two biologicals for which the risk was identified at different points in their life......Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) has been identified as a serious adverse drug reaction (ADR) of several immunomodulatory biologicals. In this study, we contrasted the reporting patterns of PML for two biologicals for which the risk was identified at different points...

  15. Comparison of the visual and intraocular optical performance of a refractive multifocal IOL with rotational asymmetry and an apodized diffractive multifocal IOL. (United States)

    Alió, Jorge L; Plaza-Puche, Ana B; Javaloy, Jaime; Ayala, María José


    To compare the visual outcomes and intraocular optical quality observed postoperatively in patients implanted with a rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) and an apodized diffractive multifocal IOL. Seventy-four consecutive eyes of 40 cataract patients (age range: 36 to 79 years) were divided into two groups: zonal refractive group, 39 eyes implanted with a rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOL (Lentis Mplus LS-312 IOL, Oculentis GmbH); and diffractive group, 35 eyes implanted with an apodized diffractive multifocal IOL (ReSTOR SN6AD3, Alcon Laboratories Inc). Distance and near visual acuity outcomes, contrast sensitivity, intraocular optical quality, and defocus curves were evaluated during 3-month follow-up. Calculation of the intraocular aberrations was performed by subtracting corneal aberrations from total ocular aberrations. Uncorrected near visual acuity and distance-corrected near visual acuity were better in the diffractive group than in the zonal refractive group (P=.01), whereas intermediate visual acuity (defocus +1.00 and +1.50 diopters) was better in the zonal refractive group. Photopic contrast sensitivity was significantly better in the zonal refractive group (P=.04). Wavefront aberrations (total, higher order, tilt, primary coma) were significantly higher in the zonal refractive group than in the diffractive group (P=.02). Both multifocal IOLs are able to successfully restore visual function after cataract surgery. The zonal refractive multifocal IOL provides better results in contrast sensitivity and intermediate vision, whereas the diffractive multifocal IOL provides better near vision at a closer distance. Copyright 2012, SLACK Incorporated.

  16. Concepto actual, diagnóstico y tratamiento del tumor odontogénico adenomatoide. Reporte de un caso


    Escalante Fontalvo, Manuel; Rebolledo Cobos, Martha


    El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide (TOA) es una lesión clasificada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dentro de los tumores odontogénicos con participación del ectomesénquima, ya que puede contener, además del epitelio, tejido calcificado en su interior, que muestra una morfología histológica muy peculiar. Es un tumor benigno de baja prevalencia que compromete solo el 0,1% de los tumores y quistes de los maxilares, con una muy baja tendencia a la recidiva; es común en pacientes jóv...

  17. Multi-focal Vision and Gaze Control Improve Navigation Performance

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    Kolja Kuehnlenz


    Full Text Available Multi-focal vision systems comprise cameras with various fields of view and measurement accuracies. This article presents a multi-focal approach to localization and mapping of mobile robots with active vision. An implementation of the novel concept is done considering a humanoid robot navigation scenario where the robot is visually guided through a structured environment with several landmarks. Various embodiments of multi-focal vision systems are investigated and the impact on navigation performance is evaluated in comparison to a conventional mono-focal stereo set-up. The comparative studies clearly show the benefits of multi-focal vision for mobile robot navigation: flexibility to assign the different available sensors optimally in each situation, enhancement of the visible field, higher localization accuracy, and, thus, better task performance, i.e. path following behavior of the mobile robot. It is shown that multi-focal vision may strongly improve navigation performance.

  18. Bilateral implantation of +2.5 D multifocal intraocular lens and contralateral implantation of +2.5 D and +3.0 D multifocal intraocular lenses: Clinical outcomes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nuijts, Rudy M. M. A.; Jonker, Soraya M. R.; Kaufer, Robert A.; Lapid-Gortzak, Ruth; Mendicute, Javier; Martinez, Cristina Peris; Schmickler, Stefanie; Kohnen, Thomas


    To assess the clinical visual outcomes of bilateral implantation of Restor +2.5 diopter (D) multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) and contralateral implantation of a Restor +2.5 D multifocal IOL in the dominant eye and Restor +3.0 D multifocal IOL in the fellow eye. Multicenter study at 8

  19. Three-dimensional vectorial multifocal arrays created by pseudo-period encoding (United States)

    Zeng, Tingting; Chang, Chenliang; Chen, Zhaozhong; Wang, Hui-Tian; Ding, Jianping


    Multifocal arrays have been attracting considerable attention recently owing to their potential applications in parallel optical tweezers, parallel single-molecule orientation determination, parallel recording and multifocal multiphoton microscopy. However, the generation of vectorial multifocal arrays with a tailorable structure and polarization state remains a great challenge, and reports on multifocal arrays have hitherto been restricted either to scalar focal spots without polarization versatility or to regular arrays with fixed spacing. In this work, we propose a specific pseudo-period encoding technique to create three-dimensional (3D) vectorial multifocal arrays with the ability to manipulate the position, polarization state and intensity of each focal spot. We experimentally validated the flexibility of our approach in the generation of 3D vectorial multiple spots with polarization multiplicity and position tunability.

  20. Comparison of outcomes with multifocal intraocular lenses: a meta-analysis

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    Béatrice Cochener


    Full Text Available Béatrice Cochener1, Antoine Lafuma2, Babak Khoshnood2, Laurène Courouve2, Gilles Berdeaux3,41Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Brest, Brest, France; 2Cemka Eval, Bourg la Reine, France; 3Alcon France, Rueil-Malmaison, France; 4Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, FrancePurpose: To compare the clinical outcome of different multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs based on information reported in the international literature.Methods: All comparative clinical trials that involved implanting at least one multifocal IOL in patients with cataract or presbyopia were extracted from the literature. Clinical outcomes included uncorrected near visual acuity, uncorrected distance visual acuity, visual acuity, spectacle independence, and halos. Random effects meta-analyses were conducted to compare outcomes for the different IOL types.Results: Twenty papers were identified describing 11 monofocal IOLs and 35 multifocal IOLs (19 diffractive, including 12 ReSTOR®, 14 refractive, and two accommodative patient cohorts. Multifocal and monofocal uncorrected distance visual acuity was 0.165 (0.090–0.240 and 0.093 (0.088–0.098, respectively. Compared with monofocal IOLs, multifocal IOLs produced better uncorrected near visual acuity (0.470 [0.322–0.618] versus 0.141 [0.131–0.152]; P < 0.0001, resulting in higher spectacle independence (incidence rate ratio [IRR] 3.62 [2.90–4.52]; P < 0.0001. Compared with refractive multifocal IOLs, diffractive multifocal IOLs produced a similar uncorrected distance visual acuity (0.105 [0.098–0.111] versus 0.085 [0.029–0.140]; P ≤ 0.78, not significant and better uncorrected near visual acuity (0.217 [0.118–0.317] versus 0.082 [0.067–0.098]; P < 0.0001 resulting in higher spectacle independence (IRR 1.75 [1.24–2.48]; P < 0.001. Compared with other multifocal IOLs, ReSTOR produced a better uncorrected distance visual acuity (0.067 [0.059–0.076] versus 0.093 [0.088–0.098]; P < 0.0001 and better

  1. Multifocal versus monofocal intraocular lenses after cataract extraction

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    Daniel Calladine

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Good unaided distance visual acuity is now a realistic expectation following cataract surgery and intraocular lens (IOL implantation. Near vision, however, still requires additional refractive power, usually in the form of reading glasses. Multiple optic (multifocal IOLs are available which claim to allow good vision at a range of distances. It is unclear whether this benefit outweighs the optical compromises inherent in multifocal IOLs. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this review was to assess the effects of multifocal IOLs, including effects on visual acuity, subjective visual satisfaction, spectacle dependence, glare and contrast sensitivity, compared to standard monofocal lenses in people undergoing cataract surgery. METHODS: Search methods: We searched CENTRAL (which contains the Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group Trials Register, The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 2, MEDLINE (January 1946 to March 2012, EMBASE (January 1980 to March 2012, the metaRegister of Controlled Trials (mRCT (, ( and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP ( We did not use any date or language restrictions in the electronic searches for trials. The electronic databases were last searched on 6 March 2012. We searched the reference lists of relevant articles and contacted investigators of included studies and manufacturers of multifocal IOLs for information about additional published and unpublished studies. Selection criteria: All randomised controlled trials comparing a multifocal IOL of any type with a monofocal IOL as control were included. Both unilateral and bilateral implantation trials were included. Data collection and analysis: Two authors collected data and assessed trial quality. Where possible, we pooled data from the individual studies using a random-effects model, otherwise we tabulated data. MAIN RESULTS: Sixteen completed trials

  2. Infección por virus del papiloma humano en la cavidad bucal

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    Gladys Aída Estrada Pereira


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 75 parejas sexualmente activas, tratadas en la consulta estomatológica del Policlínico de Especialidades perteneciente al Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero del 2010 hasta igual periodo del 2014, con vistas a determinar la presencia del virus del papiloma humano en la cavidad bucal. Se realizó el examen clínico intrabucal, y como procedimiento diagnóstico corroborativo la colposcopia. Se halló que la totalidad de los integrantes de la serie padecían de esta infección, a pesar de encontrarse asintomáticos en una etapa subclínica donde se observaron pequeñas lesiones exofíticas, aumento de la vascularización y del epitelio blanco. Los resultados citológicos e histológicos obtenidos en la citología exfoliativa y la biopsia confirmaron la presencia de este agente viral dentro de la célula

  3. Virus del Papiloma humano Human Papilloma virus (HPV

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    José G Sanabria Negrín


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de actualizar la información existente sobre el Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de artículos basados en la evidencia de nivel I-II. Fundamentalmente fueron revisados los publicados en la biblioteca Cochrane, Dynamed, Evidence-Based Medicine Updates, New England Journal of Medicine, J Clinical Oncology, Medscape, PubMed, artículos de la Agencia Internacional del Cáncer de Francia, y HPV Today, en inglés, francés, portugués o español, de los últimos 5 años, y se hace referencia a artículos originales de importancia de años anteriores. Se revisaron los siguientes aspectos: Definiciones, epidemiología, etiología: Virus del Papiloma Humano, factores de riesgo, clínica de la infección por el VPH, implicación clínica, pesquisaje de masas, tratamiento, prevención primaria y secundaria; y problemas sociales derivados. La infección por el VPH es sexualmente transmitida, por lo tanto es prevenible, y puede ser curable. Es un virus ADN que necesita de un epitelio para su replicación y completar su ciclo vital. La expresión de sus genes constituyentes varía dentro del epitelio, y de una parte del epitelio a otra, dependiendo del tipo de lesión. Se ha detectado la infección desde la infancia, aún sin relaciones sexuales, para llegar a un clímax alrededor de los 30 años, para luego decrecer. Las alternativas actuales son la prevención primaria mediante el uso de anticonceptivos de barrera, el uso de las vacunas profilácticas, y después que está instaurada la infección las vacunas terapéuticas que se están desarrollando. En todos los aspectos se pueden detectar problemas sociales, desde el diagnóstico con el peso de ansiedad, la carga social que proporciona la infección y las consecuencias que de ella derivan.Aimed at updating the current information on Human Papillomavirus (HPV evidence-based articles and papers about levels I-II were reviewed. The articles and papers

  4. [Incremental cost effectiveness of multifocal cataract surgery]. (United States)

    Pagel, N; Dick, H B; Krummenauer, F


    Supplementation of cataract patients with multifocal intraocular lenses involves an additional financial investment when compared to the corresponding monofocal supplementation, which usually is not funded by German health care insurers. In the context of recent resource allocation discussions, however, the cost effectiveness of multifocal cataract surgery could become an important rationale. Therefore an evidence-based estimation of its cost effectiveness was carried out. Three independent meta-analyses were implemented to estimate the gain in uncorrected near visual acuity and best corrected visual acuity (vision lines) as well as the predictability (fraction of patients without need for reading aids) of multifocal supplementation. Study reports published between 1995 and 2004 (English or German language) were screened for appropriate key words. Meta effects in visual gain and predictability were estimated by means and standard deviations of the reported effect measures. Cost data were estimated by German DRG rates and individual lens costs; the cost effectiveness of multifocal cataract surgery was then computed in terms of its marginal cost effectiveness ratio (MCER) for each clinical benefit endpoint; the incremental costs of multifocal versus monofocal cataract surgery were further estimated by means of their respective incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER). An independent meta-analysis estimated the complication profiles to be expected after monofocal and multifocal cataract surgery in order to evaluate expectable complication-associated additional costs of both procedures; the marginal and incremental cost effectiveness estimates were adjusted accordingly. A sensitivity analysis comprised cost variations of +/- 10 % and utility variations alongside the meta effect estimate's 95 % confidence intervals. Total direct costs from the health care insurer's perspective were estimated 3363 euro, associated with a visual meta benefit in best corrected visual

  5. Expresión de las moléculas del Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad clase II y moléculas co-estimuladoras en carcinomas orales in vitro


    Villarroel, Mariana; Speight, Paul M.; Barrett, A. William


    El descubrimiento de que el epitelio escamoso estratificado que cubre la mucosa oral podia expresar moleculas del Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad clase II en varias condiciones patologicas de tipo inflamatorio abrio la posibilidad de que los queratinocitos orales sean celulas inmunologicamente activas, las cuales pueden funcionar con .celulas presentadoras de antigenos'ñ. Para una efectiva activacion de los linfocitos T, las celulas presentadoras de antigenos requie...

  6. Regeneración de tejido periodontal in vitro con células madre pluripotenciales de la pulpa dental (DPPSC) del tercer molar


    Hategan, Iulia Emilia


    El periodonto está formado por varios tejidos: la encía, el ligamento periodontal, el cemento radicular y el hueso alveolar. El periodonto tiene dos funciones fundamentales: protección e inserción. La función de protección la realizan la encía y el epitelio de unión, mientras que la función de inserción se desempeña a través del ligamento periodontal, el cemento radicular y el hueso alveolar.- El ligamento periodontal es un tejido celular altamente vascularizado que rodea la raíz del dien...

  7. Does multifocal papillary micro-carcinoma require radioiodine ablation?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Punda, A.; Markovic, V.; Eterovic, D.


    Full text of publication follows. Background: the thyroid carcinomas smaller than 1 cm (micro-carcinomas) comprise a significant fraction of papillary carcinomas. Excluding clinical micro-carcinomas, which present as metastatic disease, the micro-carcinomas diagnosed by ultrasound/FNAC or incidentally have very good prognosis. However, whether or not these papillary micro-carcinomas require post-surgical radioiodine ablation remains a matter of debate. Hypothesis: multi-focality is present in majority of clinical papillary micro-carcinomas and this characteristic can be used to identify the subset of non-clinical micro-carcinomas with greater malignant potential. Methods: the data on types of differentiated thyroid carcinomas diagnosed in the period 2008-2011 in the University Hospital Split were collected. Results: there were 359 patients with thyroid carcinoma, 329 (92%) of which had papillary carcinoma. About 61% (202/329) of papillary carcinomas were micro-carcinomas; most of them were diagnosed by ultrasound/FNAC (134/202= 66%), the rest were incidentalomas (48/202=24%) and clinical micro carcinomas (20/202=10%). Sixty percent (12/20) of patients with clinical micro-carcinoma and 23 patients with non-clinical micro-carcinoma (23/182=13%) had multifocal disease. Conclusion: multifocal disease is a frequent characteristic of clinical papillary thyroid micro-carcinomas, suggesting that multi-focality presents an early stage of non-clinical micro-carcinomas with more aggressive behaviour. Thus multifocal, but not uni-focal papillary micro-carcinomas may require radioiodine ablation. (authors)

  8. Lesión de Virus Papiloma Humano a nivel del labio en paciente escolar


    Millán Isea, Ronald E; Ferrer, Maria A; Pérez, Ligia


    RESUMEN El virus Papiloma Humano (VPH), es un virus ADN, que produce proliferación cutánea o mucosa de epitelio escamoso estratificado. Existen más de 80 subtipos de VPH, los cuales pueden ser identificados por diferentes estudios histopatológicos convencionales, a través del cual se pueden determinar los cambios celulares en los queratinocitos e inmunohistoquímicos y más especializados como hibridación in situ y la técnica de reacción en cadena de polimerasa (PCR), donde puede identificarse ...

  9. Bilateral implantation of +2.5 D multifocal intraocular lens and contralateral implantation of +2.5 D and +3.0 D multifocal intraocular lenses: Clinical outcomes. (United States)

    Nuijts, Rudy M M A; Jonker, Soraya M R; Kaufer, Robert A; Lapid-Gortzak, Ruth; Mendicute, Javier; Martinez, Cristina Peris; Schmickler, Stefanie; Kohnen, Thomas


    To assess the clinical visual outcomes of bilateral implantation of Restor +2.5 diopter (D) multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) and contralateral implantation of a Restor +2.5 D multifocal IOL in the dominant eye and Restor +3.0 D multifocal IOL in the fellow eye. Multicenter study at 8 investigative sites. Prospective randomized parallel-group patient-masked 2-arm study. This study comprised adults requiring bilateral cataract extraction followed by multifocal IOL implantation. The primary endpoint was corrected intermediate visual acuity (CIVA) at 60 cm, and the secondary endpoint was corrected near visual acuity (CNVA) at 40 cm. Both endpoints were measured 3 months after implantation with a noninferiority margin of Δ = 0.1 logMAR. In total, 103 patients completed the study (53 bilateral, 50 contralateral). At 3 months, the mean CIVA at 60 cm was 0.13 logMAR and 0.10 logMAR in the bilateral group and contralateral group, respectively (difference 0.04 logMAR), achieving noninferiority. Noninferiority was not attained for CNVA at 40 cm; mean values at 3 months for bilateral and contralateral implantation were 0.26 logMAR and 0.11 logMAR, respectively (difference 0.15 logMAR). Binocular defocus curves suggested similar performance in distance vision between the 2 groups. Treatment-emergent ocular adverse events rates were similar between the groups. Bilateral implantation of the +2.5 D multifocal IOL resulted in similar distance as contralateral implantation of the +2.5 D multifocal IOL and +3.0 D multifocal IOL for intermediate vision (60 cm), while noninferiority was not achieved for near distances (40 cm). Copyright © 2016 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Multifocal Epithelial Hyperplasia. (United States)

    Agnew, Caitlin; Alexander, Sherene; Prabhu, Neeta


    Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia is a rare disease associated with human papilloma virus types 13 and 32. Diagnosis is based on clinical and histopathological findings, and most lesions are asymptomatic and regress spontaneously with time. The purpose of this paper is to describe a five-year-old girl who presented with multiple intraoral lesions on the buccal mucosa and tongue, which regressed spontaneously in 15 months.


    Biancardi, Ana L; Freitas, Dayvison F S; Valviesse, Vitor R G de A; Andrade, Hugo B; de Oliveira, Manoel M E; do Valle, Antonio C F; Zancope-Oliveira, Rosely M; Galhardo, Maria C G; Curi, Andre L L


    In this article, the authors describe multifocal choroiditis related to disseminated sporotrichosis in patients with HIV/AIDS. We conducted a retrospective observational study of three patients infected with HIV who presented with disseminated sporotrichosis characterized by cutaneous lesions, multifocal choroiditis, and other manifestations, including osteomyelitis and involvement of the bone marrow, larynx, pharynx, and nasal and oral mucosa. Five eyes of three patients with HIV/AIDS showed multifocal choroiditis related to disseminated sporotrichosis. The CD4 counts ranged from 25 to 53 mm. All patients were asymptomatic visually. The ocular disease was bilateral in two patients. The lesion size ranged from 1/3 to 2 disc diameters. None of the patients had vitritis. Of the 12 lesions, 9 were localized in the posterior pole (Zone 1) and 3 were localized in the mild periphery (Zone 2). Multifocal choroiditis due to disseminated sporotrichosis can occur in profoundly immunosuppressed patients with HIV/AIDS.

  12. TBC1D24 Mutations in a Sibship with Multifocal Polymyoclonus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adeline Ngoh


    Full Text Available Background: Advances in molecular genetic technologies have improved our understanding of genetic causes of rare neurological disorders with features of myoclonus.Case Report: A family with two affected siblings, presenting with multifocal polymyoclonus and neurodevelopmental delay, was recruited for whole-exome sequencing following unyielding diagnostic neurometabolic investigations. Compound heterozygous mutations in TBC1D24, a gene previously associated with various epilepsy phenotypes and hearing loss, were identified in both siblings. The mutations included a missense change c.457G>A (p.Glu157Lys, and a novel frameshift mutation c.545del (p.Thr182Serfs*6.Discussion: We propose that TBC1D24-related diseases should be in the differential diagnosis for children with polymyoclonus. 

  13. Refractive outcomes after multifocal intraocular lens exchange. (United States)

    Kim, Eric J; Sajjad, Ahmar; Montes de Oca, Ildamaris; Koch, Douglas D; Wang, Li; Weikert, Mitchell P; Al-Mohtaseb, Zaina N


    To evaluate the refractive outcomes after multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) exchange. Cullen Eye Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. Retrospective case series. Patients had multifocal IOL explantation followed by IOL implantation. Outcome measures included type of IOL, surgical indication, corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), and refractive prediction error. The study comprised 29 patients (35 eyes). The types of IOLs implanted after multifocal IOL explantation included in-the-bag IOLs (74%), iris-sutured IOLs (6%), sulcus-fixated IOLs with optic capture (9%), sulcus-fixated IOLs without optic capture (9%), and anterior chamber IOLs (3%). The surgical indication for exchange included blurred vision (60%), photic phenomena (57%), photophobia (9%), loss of contrast sensitivity (3%), and multiple complaints (29%). The CDVA was 20/40 or better in 94% of eyes before the exchange and 100% of eyes after the exchange (P = .12). The mean refractive prediction error significantly decreased from 0.22 ± 0.81 diopter (D) before the exchange to -0.09 ± 0.53 D after the exchange (P exchange to 0.23 D after the exchange (P exchange can be performed safely with good visual outcomes using different types of IOLs. A lower refractive prediction error and a higher likelihood of 20/40 or better vision can be achieved with the implantation of the second IOL compared with the original multifocal IOL, regardless of the final IOL position. Copyright © 2017 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Comparison between OPD-Scan results and visual outcomes of monofocal and multifocal intraocular lenses Comparação dos resultados do OPD-Scan e performance visual das lentes intraoculares monofocal e multifocal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wilson Takashi Hida


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To compare the visual outcome, contrast sensitivity and wavefront analysis of patients that underwent cataract surgery and implantation of AcrySof SN60D3 multifocal intraocular lens with those who received the AcrySof SN60AT monofocal IOL. METHODS: This was a prospective clinical trial of forty eyes that received the multifocal IOL and thirty-two eyes that received the monofocal IOL after phacoemulsification. RESULTS: Values for total and spherical aberrations in the multifocal group were statistically lower than in the monofocal group. In the monofocal group, 75% achieved uncorrected intermediate visual acuities between Jaeger 1 and 6. In the multifocal group, 75% of the eyes achieved more than Jaeger 6. At least 87.5% of the multifocal group and 6.3% of the monofocal group achieved monocular uncorrected near acuity of 20/30 (J2, N5 or better. And 90.0% of the eyes in the multifocal group and 37.5% in the monofocal group achieved an uncorrected near acuity of 20/40 (J3, N6 or better. The mean spherical error was 0.11 D in the multifocal group and -0.18 D in the monofocal group (p=0.0379. The SN60D3 group compared to SN60AT group had low contrast sensitivity (log units with statistically significant differences in 6.0 cpd in photopic conditions (p=0.014 and the SN60D3 group compared to SN60AT group had higher contrast sensitivity (log units under mesopic conditions (p=0.044. CONCLUSION: The multifocal IOLs induced less spherical aberration than monofocal IOLs and predictably good uncorrected distance and uncorrected near acuities. However, contrast sensitivity was lower in the multifocal group.OBJETIVO: Comparar a performance visual, sensibilidade ao contraste e de wavefront com OPD-Scan em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de facoemulsificação com implante de lente intraocular AcrySof SN60D3 multifocal e AcrySof SA60AT monofocal. MÉTODOS: Quarenta olhos com a lente intraocular multifocal e trinta e dois olhos com a lente intraocular

  15. Multifocal choroiditis following simultaneous hepatitis A, typhoid, and yellow fever vaccination

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    Escott S


    Full Text Available Sarah Escott, Ahmad B Tarabishy, Frederick H DavidorfHavener Eye Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USAAbstract: The paper describes the first reported case of multifocal choroiditis following simultaneous hepatitis-A, typhoid, and yellow fever vaccinations. A 33-year-old male developed sudden onset of flashing lights and floaters in his right eye 3 weeks following hepatitis A, typhoid, and yellow fever vaccinations. Fundus examination and angiography confirmed the presence of multiple peripheral chorioretinal lesions. These lesions demonstrated characteristic morphologic changes over a period of 8 weeks which were consistent with a diagnosis of self-resolving multifocal choroiditis. Vaccine-induced intraocular inflammation has been described infrequently. We demonstrate the first case of self-resolving multifocal choroiditis following simultaneous administration of hepatitis A, yellow fever, and typhoid immunizations.Keywords: multifocal choroiditis, vaccination, hepatitis A, typhoid, yellow fever

  16. Recuperación del epitelio germinal masculino de ratones tratados con dosis única de Busulfán

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    Luis Guzmán


    Full Text Available Busulfán es un agente alquilante bifuncional tipo-éster, que interfiere con la replicación del ADN. Dosis elevadas de este compuesto son aplicadas antes de los transplantes de médula ósea y de células germinales, sin embargo no han sido cuantificados el daño ni la recuperación del sistema reproductor. Para cuantificar la recuperación del efecto en la espermatogénesis, se usaron ratones de la cepa Balb C, a los que se les inyectó Busulfán intraperitonealmente, 40 mg/kg de peso corporal, y se evaluó el peso testicular y la concentración espermática en cola de epidídimo, a los 30, 54 y 72 días y se realizaron cortes histológicos de testículo. Los resultados fueron analizados con la prueba U Mann-Whitney p>0.05. A los 30 días el peso testicular, la concentración espermática y el diámetro de los túbulos seminíferos presentaron una drástica reducción del 77,8%, 97,9% y 34,3% respectivamente, comparados con el grupo control. A los 54 días, el peso testicular y el diámetro testicular muestran una recuperación del 70%. A los 72 días, la recuperación es completa en los parámetros evaluados. Por lo tanto, Busulfán aplicado en una sola dosis afecta significativamente la espermatogénesis en el ratón y se logra la recuperación completa en dos ciclos espermáticos.

  17. Autorefraction versus subjective refraction in a radially asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Linden, Jan Willem; Vrijman, Violette; Al-Saady, Rana; El-Saady, Rana; van der Meulen, Ivanka J.; Mourits, Maarten P.; Lapid-Gortzak, Ruth


    To evaluate whether the automated refraction (AR) correlates with subjective manifest (MR) refraction in eyes implanted with radially asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOLs). This retrospective study evaluated 52 eyes (52 patients) implanted with a radially asymmetric multifocal IOL (LS-312

  18. Multifocal hyperfunctioning thyroid carcinoma without metastases. (United States)

    Nishida, Akiko T; Hirano, Shigeru; Asato, Ryo; Tanaka, Shinzo; Kitani, Yoshiharu; Honda, Nobumitsu; Fujiki, Nobuya; Miyata, Kouji; Fukushima, Hideyuki; Ito, Juichi


    Hyperthyroidism due to thyroid carcinoma is rare, and most cases are caused by hyperfunctioning metastatic thyroid carcinoma rather than primary carcinoma. Among primary hyperfunctioning thyroid carcinoma, multifocal thyroid carcinoma is exceedingly rare, with the only one case being reported in the literature. Here, we describe the case of a 62-year-old woman with multifocal functioning thyroid carcinoma. Technetium-99m (99m Tc) scintigraphic imaging showed four hot areas in the thyroid gland. Histopathological examination of all four nodules revealed papillary carcinoma, corresponding to hot areas in the 99m Tc scintigram. DNA sequencing of the thyrotropin receptor (TSH-R) gene from all nodules revealed no mutation, indicating that activation of TSH-R was unlikely in the pathophysiogenesis of hyperfunctioning thyroid carcinoma in the present case.

  19. A rare case of a medullary, multifocal lesion in the distal radius (United States)

    Aktas, Birol; Ozturan, Burak; Kilic, Bulent; Ozkan, Korhan


    In multifocal findings, the possibility of multifocal osteoid osteomas should be considered and this case helps us to be attentive for the unusual radiographical presentation of osteoid osteoma. PMID:28748099

  20. Multifocal osteosarcoma as second tumor after childhood retinoblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Potepan, P.; Laffranchi, A.; Danesini, G.M.; Spagnoli, I.; Luksch, R.; Sozzi, G.; Testi, A.; Parafioriti, A.; Giardini, R.


    We present a case of multifocal osteosarcoma (MFOS) arising 11.5 years after successful treatment of bilateral retinoblastoma. The clinical, imaging and pathological findings at onset, after therapy, and during follow-up are described. Fluorescent in situ hybridization did not reveal a deletion of the RB-1 retinoblastoma gene, although the presence of an inactivating mutation invisible to this method cannot be ruled out. The MFOS may have been a second multifocal tumor associated with the original retinoblastoma or a post-irradiation sarcoma with extensive metastases. (orig.)

  1. Estudio de las propiedades de las colinesterasas en epitelios de las vías aéreas superiores humanas y sus alteraciones en el cáncer


    Castillo González, Ana Cristina


    Objetivos Los objetivos principales de la presente Tesis Doctoral son: 1. Determinar los niveles de actividad Acetilcolinesterasa (AChE) y Butirilcolinesterasa (BChE) en epitelios sanos y tumorales de laringe. 2. Analizar los componentes de formas moleculares de las enzimas en tejidos sanos y patológicos. 3. Identificar y cuantificar los distintos transcritos de AChE y BChE, de la enzima colina-acetil transferasa (ChAT) y de distintas subunidades de los receptores nicotínicos...

  2. Scleral fixation of a single-piece multifocal intraocular lens. (United States)

    Can, Ertugrul; Basaran, M Resat; Gül, Adem


    We describe an ab interno technique for injector implantation of a one-piece multifocal intraocular lens (IOL). Transscleral fixation of multifocal posterior chamber IOL implantation using an injector with ab interno technique was performed in an eye of a 9-year-old girl who had undergone pars plana lensectomy 2 years before for bilateral lens subluxation with unknown etiology. No major complications were encountered during a 3-month follow-up of the patient and excellent centration was observed during the follow-up period. Her preoperative best spectacle-corrected distance visual acuity of 20/32 improved to uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/25. Closed-loop design of IOL served the function of eyelets and position of the IOL was provided using only a 2-point fixation. Intraoperative position adjustment of the IOL provided an excellent centralization of multifocal IOL.

  3. A multifocal collimator with circularly distributed focal points for SPECT imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guillemaud, R.; Grangeat, P.


    The authors propose a new circular multifocal collimator which has multiple axial focal points distributed on a transverse circle. This distribution provides a strong focusing at the center of the detector like a cone-beam collimator, with a good sensitivity, and a weak transverse focusing at the periphery, to ensure acquisition of sufficient data, in order to prevent truncation artifacts. For a circular acquisition trajectory, each projection set of the multifocal geometry is equivalent to a virtual cone-beam projection set with a larger detector. Due to this equivalence, the authors derive a first solution for an analytical multifocal reconstruction algorithm: to rebin the projection set from multifocal to cone-beam geometry, then to use a 3D cone-beam reconstruction algorithm. The authors propose to use the Grangeat algorithm in order to deal with a large cone-beam aperture. Finally, the authors present results on simulated data for heart phantom, for a Defrise phantom and for a MTF study. The conclusion is that, from a multifocal projection set, objects are reconstructed without truncation artifacts, with a good precision at their center and with a loss of resolution at the periphery. In addition, the 3D cone-beam artifacts are reduced with the use of the Grangeat algorithm for the reconstruction step

  4. Manejo del esófago de Barrett: del tamizaje a los nuevos tratamientos

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    V. Thoguluva Chandrasekar


    Full Text Available El esófago de Barrett es un trastorno premaligno del esófago en el cual el epitelio escamoso de la porción distal del esófago es reemplazado por epitelio columnar. Debido a que la incidencia de adenocarcinoma esofágico se encuentra al alza, la mayoría de las sociedades de Gastroenterología han emitido sus propias recomendaciones para el tamizaje y la vigilancia. Factores específicos como la obesidad, la raza blanca, la edad por encima de los 50 años, el inicio del ERGE a edad temprana, el tabaquismo y la hernia hiatal han sido identificados como factores que incrementan el riesgo de esófago de Barrett y adenocarcinoma. El diagnóstico requiere tanto de la identificación endoscópica de mucosa con revestimiento columnar como de la confirmación histológica con biopsia. La mayoría de las sociedades médicas recomiendan tamizar a todas las personas con ERGE, así como aquellos con otros factores de riesgo con endoscopia; sin embargo, otras alternativas que utilizan métodos menos invasivos se encuentran bajo estudio en la actualidad. Las estrategias de vigilancia varían dependiendo de los hallazgos endoscópicos y se recomienda el protocolo de biopsias de Seattle con un muestreo de 4 cuadrantes aleatorizado. Algunos biomarcadores han mostrado resultados prometedores, aunque se requieren de más estudios en el futuro. La endoscopia de luz blanca es el estándar en la práctica, sin embargo, otras modalidades de imagen más avanzadas han mostrado resultados variables y, por lo tanto, se esperan más estudios para obtener validación adicional. Las técnicas de erradicación endoscópica, incluyendo tanto la resección como la ablación, han mostrado buenos resultados, aunque variables, en el tratamiento de lesiones displásicas confinadas a la mucosa. Los procedimientos de resección para remover las lesiones visibles seguida por la ablación de la mucosa displásica han mostrado los mejores resultados, con tasas de erradicación m

  5. An Unusual Case of Unilateral Multifocal Choroiditis in a Young Male

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Multifocal choroiditis is a vision‑threatening disease causing inflammation at the level of retinal pigment epithelium and outer retina. We present a unique case of unilateral multifocal choroiditis in a young nonmyopic male and its subsequent course. The patient developed visual loss due to the sub‑retinal neovascular ...

  6. [Multifocal Electroretinography in Patients with Poppers Maculopathy]. (United States)

    Pahlitzsch, Milena; Salchow, Daniel; Rossel, Mirjam; Bergholz, Richard


    Background Maculopathy is a potential side effect of amyl nitrite or "poppers" abuse. It is characterized by a sudden, painless decrease in visual acuity. While the funduscopic changes are subtle, optical coherence tomography shows alterations of the outer retinal layers in the fovea. However, the extent of retinal dysfunction remains poorly understood. Materials/Methods We compared the multifocal electroretinogram of 6 patients with poppers maculopathy to that of a control group consisting of 6 healthy subjects. Response densities and implicit times of N1 and P1 were analyzed. Results Response densities and implicit times of both N1 and P1 were lower in the patients with poppers maculopathy than in the control group, particularly in ring 1 and rings 4 and 5. The only statistically significant finding, however, was a reduced N1 response density of one hexagon in the patient group. No significant differences were found considering the sum response or the averaged rings 1 to 5. Conclusion Compared to a healthy control group, the multifocal electroretinogram of patients with poppers maculopathy shows no relevant impairment. This contrasts the marked effect of the disease on visual acuity. In clinical practice, poppers maculopathy cannot be diagnosed by multifocal electroretinography. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  7. Multifocal, chronic osteomyelitis of unknown etiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozlowski, K.; Beluffi, G.; Feltham, C.; James, M.; Nespoli, L.; Tamaela, L.; Pavia Univ.; Municipal Hospital, Nelson; Medical School, Jakarta


    Four cases of multifocal osteomyelitis of unknown origin in childhood are reported. The variable clinical and radiographic appearances of the disease are illustrated and the diagnostic difficulties in the early stages of the disease are stressed. (orig.) [de

  8. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in transplant recipients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mateen, Farrah J.; Muralidharan, RajaNandini; Carone, Marco; van de Beek, Diederik; Harrison, Daniel M.; Aksamit, Allen J.; Gould, Mary S.; Clifford, David B.; Nath, Avindra


    Transplant recipients are at risk of developing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a rare demyelinating disorder caused by oligodendrocyte destruction by JC virus. Reports of PML following transplantation were found using PubMed Entrez (1958-July 2010). A multicenter, retrospective

  9. Foot clearance and variability in mono- and multifocal intraocular lens users during stair navigation. (United States)

    Renz, Erik; Hackney, Madeleine; Hall, Courtney


    Intraocular lenses (IOLs) provide distance and near refraction and are becoming the standard for cataract surgery. Multifocal glasses increase variability of toe clearance in older adults navigating stairs and increase fall risk; however, little is known about the biomechanics of stair navigation in individuals with multifocal IOLs. This study compared clearance while ascending and descending stairs in individuals with monofocal versus multifocal IOLs. Eight participants with multifocal IOLs (4 men, 4 women; mean age = 66.5 yr, standard deviation [SD] = 6.26) and fifteen male participants with monofocal IOLs (mean age = 69.9 yr, SD = 6.9) underwent vision and mobility testing. Motion analysis recorded kinematic and custom software-calculated clearances in three-dimensional space. No significant differences were found between groups on minimum clearance or variability. Clearance differed for ascending versus descending stairs: the first step onto the stair had the greatest toe clearance during ascent, whereas the final step to the floor had the greatest heel clearance during descent. This preliminary study indicates that multifocal IOLs have similar biomechanic characteristics to monofocal IOLs. Given that step characteristics are related to fall risk, we can tentatively speculate that multifocal IOLs may carry no additional fall risk.

  10. Application of diffractive aspheric multifocal intraocular lens in the Uighur in phacoemulsification

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    Full Text Available AIM:To research the efficacy and safety of diffractive aspheric multifocal intraocular lens(MIOLin the Uighur in phacoemulsification to provide guidance for the clinical treatment of cataracts patients in Xinjiang region. METHODS:Two hundred and twenty-eight Uygur patients(280 eyesreceived phacoemulsification from April 2012 to March 2013 were randomly divided into multifocal group(106 cases with 146 eyesand monofocal group(122 cases with 134 eyes. Patients were followed up for 3mo. The intraocular pressure(IOP, uncorrected distance visual acuity, uncorrected near vision, best-corrected distance visual acuity and best corrected near vision were measured. The delensed rate, visual quality, and satisfaction for lenses in the form of questionnaires were compared. RESULTS:Multifocal group was better on the uncorrected near vision than monofocal group(PP>0.05. The contrast sensitivity of multifocal group under scotopia at spatial frequency 3c/d was lower than that of monofocal group(PP>0.05. Delensed rate of multifocal group was higher than that of monofocal group(PP>0.05.CONCLUSION:MIOL with phacoemulsification can provide patient good full range vision, especially on good near vision. The patients with MIOL implanted have a higher delensed rate, less postoperative adverse symptoms, quicker recovery and satisfaction.

  11. Power profiles of single vision and multifocal soft contact lenses. (United States)

    Wagner, Sandra; Conrad, Fabian; Bakaraju, Ravi C; Fedtke, Cathleen; Ehrmann, Klaus; Holden, Brien A


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the optical zone power profile of the most commonly prescribed soft contact lenses to assess their potential impact on peripheral refractive error and hence myopia progression. The optical power profiles of six single vision and ten multifocal contact lenses of five manufacturers in the powers -1.00 D, -3.00 D, and -6.00 D were measured using the SHSOphthalmic (Optocraft GmbH, Erlangen, Germany). Instrument repeatability was also investigated. Instrument repeatability was dependent on the distance from the optical centre, manifesting unreliable data for the central 1mm of the optic zone. Single vision contact lens measurements of -6.00 D lenses revealed omafilcon A having the most negative spherical aberration, lotrafilcon A having the least. Somofilcon A had the highest minus power and lotrafilcon A the biggest deviation in positive direction, relative to their respective labelled powers. Negative spherical aberration occurred for almost all of the multifocal contact lenses, including the centre-distance designs etafilcon A bifocal and omafilcon A multifocal. Lotrafilcon B and balafilcon A seem to rely predominantly on the spherical aberration component to provide multifocality. Power profiles of single vision soft contact lenses varied greatly, many having a negative spherical aberration profile that would exacerbate myopia. Some lens types and powers are affected by large intra-batch variability or power offsets of more than 0.25 dioptres. Evaluation of power profiles of multifocal lenses was derived that provides helpful information for prescribing lenses for presbyopes and progressing myopes. Copyright © 2014 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Bioptics in sutureless intrascleral multifocal posterior chamber intraocular lens fixation. (United States)

    Pavlidis, Mitrofanis; de Ortueta, Diego; Scharioth, Gabor B


    To present a technique for sutureless fixation of a three-piece, multifocal, posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) in the ciliary sulcus. A 24-year-old woman presented with bilateral subluxation of the crystalline lens. Two straight sclerotomies were prepared with a 24-gauge cannula 2.0 mm from the limbus 180° apart from each other. The cannula was used to create a 2.0- to 3.0-mm tunnel parallel to the limbus starting from the sclerotomies. The leading haptic of the multifocal IOL was grasped at its tip with end-gripping, 25-gauge forceps and pulled through the sclerotomy. The forceps was used to introduce the IOL haptic into the scleral tunnel parallel to the limbus. Multifocal posterior chamber IOLs were stable and well centered. No postoperative complications occurred in the 16-month follow-up period. Preoperative astigmatism was corrected after IOL implantation with corneal wavefront-guided laser epithelial keratomileusis. Sutureless fixation of multifocal posterior chamber IOL haptics in a scleral tunnel parallel to the limbus can be successful, resulting in long-term centration and three-dimensional axial stability for optimal refractive results. If necessary, postoperative wavefront-guided refractive correction can be performed to optimize final refraction. Copyright 2011, SLACK Incorporated.

  13. Taxonomy of multi-focal nematode image stacks by a CNN based image fusion approach. (United States)

    Liu, Min; Wang, Xueping; Zhang, Hongzhong


    In the biomedical field, digital multi-focal images are very important for documentation and communication of specimen data, because the morphological information for a transparent specimen can be captured in form of a stack of high-quality images. Given biomedical image stacks containing multi-focal images, how to efficiently extract effective features from all layers to classify the image stacks is still an open question. We present to use a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) image fusion based multilinear approach for the taxonomy of multi-focal image stacks. A deep CNN based image fusion technique is used to combine relevant information of multi-focal images within a given image stack into a single image, which is more informative and complete than any single image in the given stack. Besides, multi-focal images within a stack are fused along 3 orthogonal directions, and multiple features extracted from the fused images along different directions are combined by canonical correlation analysis (CCA). Because multi-focal image stacks represent the effect of different factors - texture, shape, different instances within the same class and different classes of objects, we embed the deep CNN based image fusion method within a multilinear framework to propose an image fusion based multilinear classifier. The experimental results on nematode multi-focal image stacks demonstrated that the deep CNN image fusion based multilinear classifier can reach a higher classification rate (95.7%) than that by the previous multilinear based approach (88.7%), even we only use the texture feature instead of the combination of texture and shape features as in the previous work. The proposed deep CNN image fusion based multilinear approach shows great potential in building an automated nematode taxonomy system for nematologists. It is effective to classify multi-focal image stacks. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Heterogeneity of DNA methylation in multifocal prostate cancer. (United States)

    Serenaite, Inga; Daniunaite, Kristina; Jankevicius, Feliksas; Laurinavicius, Arvydas; Petroska, Donatas; Lazutka, Juozas R; Jarmalaite, Sonata


    Most prostate cancer (PCa) cases are multifocal, and separate foci display histological and molecular heterogeneity. DNA hypermethylation is a frequent alteration in PCa, but interfocal heterogeneity of these changes has not been extensively investigated. Ten pairs of foci from multifocal PCa and 15 benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) samples were obtained from prostatectomy specimens, resulting altogether in 35 samples. Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) was used to evaluate methylation status of nine tumor suppressor genes (TSGs), and a set of selected TSGs was quantitatively analyzed for methylation intensity by pyrosequencing. Promoter sequences of the RASSF1 and ESR1 genes were methylated in all paired PCa foci, and frequent (≥75 %) DNA methylation was detected in RARB, GSTP1, and ABCB1 genes. MSP revealed different methylation status of at least one gene in separate foci in 8 out of 10 multifocal tumors. The mean methylation level of ESR1, GSTP1, RASSF1, and RARB differed between the paired foci of all PCa cases. The intensity of DNA methylation in these TSGs was significantly higher in PCa cases than in BPH (p epigenetic profile of recurrent tumors can be inferred from our data.

  15. Whole body MRI in the diagnosis of chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kennedy, M T


    Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) is a diagnosis of exclusion primarily in children and adolescents. As part of the essential criteria for the diagnosis of CRMO, multifocal lesions must be identified. We present the case of an 11-year-old boy with CRMO, whose diagnosis was facilitated by the use of whole body magnetic resonance imaging (WBMR), but not isotope bone scanning.

  16. Multifocal necrotizing fasciitis following Hirshsprung's disease ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Multifocal necrotizing fasciitis following Hirshsprung's disease surgery away from the surgical wound site. Ahmed A. Haseeb, Shadi Okasha and Atef Elbarawi. Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a life-threatening infection with rapidly progressive necrosis. Escherichia coli is rarely reported as causative agent of type 2 NF.

  17. Reevaluación del paciente periodontal: intervalo de tiempo adecuado para reevaluar sus parámetros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Berenice Flores Díaz


    Full Text Available La reevaluación es uno de los pasos del tratamiento periodontal enfocados en determinar los resultados de la terapia inicial y la necesidad de terapias de soporte adicionales. El objetivo del artículo es revisar la información relacionada al intervalo de tiempo para la reevaluación los signos de progresión de la enfermedad periodontal apropiado para medir los efectos de la terapia inicial. Después de este período de tiempo, la estabilidad del periodonto debe ser evaluada en lugar de los efectos de la terapia. Conclusión: En síntesis el establecimiento de la nueva unión dento-epitelial se realiza de manera rutinaria por lo que se sugiere la reevaluación después de 2 semanas. Luego del raspado y alisado radicular hay restablecimiento del epitelio de unión al diente la super cie en 1 a 2 semanas el tejido conjuntivo continúa durante 4 a 8 semanas pero más de 2 meses puede ser demasiado tiempo porque las bacterias patógenas ya han repoblado las bolsas periodontales.

  18. [Multifocal phakic intraocular lens implant to correct presbyopia]. (United States)

    Baikoff, G; Matach, G; Fontaine, A; Ferraz, C; Spera, C


    Presbyopic surgery is considered as the new frontier in refractive surgery. Different solutions are proposed: myopization of one eye, insertion of an accommodative crystalline lens, scleral surgery, the effects of which are still unknown, and finally multifocal phakic implants. We therefore decided to undertake a prospective study under the Huriet law to determine its efficacy and specify the conditions required for an anterior chamber multifocal phakic implant. Fifty-five eyes of 33 patients received an anterior chamber foldable multifocal phakic implant. Twenty-one females and 12 males underwent surgery. Initial refraction was between -5D and +5D. The implant's single addition was +2.50. Recuperating a distant uncorrected visual acuity of 0.6 or better and near uncorrected vision of Parinaud 3 or better can be considered a very good postoperative result. Average follow-up was 42.6+/-18 weeks. Mean postoperative refraction was -0.12+/-0.51 D. Mean postoperative uncorrected visual acuity was 0.78+/-0.20. Postoperative uncorrected visual acuity was Parinaud 2.3+/-0.6. Eighty-four percent of eyes operated on recuperated 0.6 or better without correction and Parinaud 3 or better without correction. Lenses in four eyes were explanted for different reasons, essentially optical, and no severe anatomical complications were observed. Placing an anterior chamber multifocal phakic implant to correct presbyopia is an effective technique with good predictability and has the advantage of being reversible in case of intolerance, optical parasite effects or undesired complications. Considering the particularity of this surgery, it is imperative to respect very strict inclusion criteria: anterior chamber depth equal to or above 3.1 mm, open angle, endothelial cell count equal to or above 2000 cells/mm2, absence of an incipient cataract or the slightest evidence of macular alteration.

  19. Retreatments after multifocal intraocular lens implantation: an analysis

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    Gundersen KG


    Full Text Available Kjell Gunnar Gundersen,1 Sarah Makari,2 Steffen Ostenstad,1 Rick Potvin2 1Ifocus Eye Clinic, Haugesund, Norway; 2Science in Vision, Akron, NY, USA Purpose: To determine the incidence and etiology of required retreatment after multifocal intraocular lens (IOL implantation and to evaluate the methods and clinical outcomes of retreatment.Patients and methods: A retrospective chart review of 416 eyes of 209 patients from one site that underwent uncomplicated cataract surgery with multifocal IOL implantation. Biometry, the IOL, and refractive data were recorded after the original implantation, with the same data recorded after retreatment. Comments related to vision were obtained both before and after retreatment for retreated patients.Results: The multifocal retreatment rate was 10.8% (45/416 eyes. The eyes that required retreatment had significantly higher residual refractive astigmatism compared with those who did not require retreatment (1.21±0.51 D vs 0.51±0.39 D, P<0.01. The retreatment rate for the two most commonly implanted primary IOLs, blended bifocal (10.5%, 16/152 and bilateral trifocal (6.9%, 14/202 IOLs, was not statistically significantly different (P=0.12. In those requiring retreatment, refractive-related complaints were most common. Retreatment with refractive corneal surgery, in 11% of the eyes, and piggyback IOLs, in 89% of the eyes, was similarly successful, improving patient complaints 78% of the time.Conclusion: Complaints related to ametropia were the main reasons for retreatment. Residual astigmatism appears to be an important determinant of retreatment rate after multifocal IOL implantation. Retreatment can improve symptoms for a high percentage of patients; a piggyback IOL is a viable retreatment option. Keywords: piggyback IOL, Sulcoflex, toric, STAAR, symptoms, astigmatism

  20. Contactin-1 and Neurofascin-155/-186 Are Not Targets of Auto-Antibodies in Multifocal Motor Neuropathy.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kathrin Doppler

    Full Text Available Multifocal motor neuropathy is an immune mediated disease presenting with multifocal muscle weakness and conduction block. IgM auto-antibodies against the ganglioside GM1 are detectable in about 50% of the patients. Auto-antibodies against the paranodal proteins contactin-1 and neurofascin-155 and the nodal protein neurofascin-186 have been detected in subgroups of patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Recently, auto-antibodies against neurofascin-186 and gliomedin were described in more than 60% of patients with multifocal motor neuropathy. In the current study, we aimed to validate this finding, using a combination of different assays for auto-antibody detection. In addition we intended to detect further auto-antibodies against paranodal proteins, specifically contactin-1 and neurofascin-155 in multifocal motor neuropathy patients' sera. We analyzed sera of 33 patients with well-characterized multifocal motor neuropathy for IgM or IgG anti-contactin-1, anti-neurofascin-155 or -186 antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, binding assays with transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells and murine teased fibers. We did not detect any IgM or IgG auto-antibodies against contactin-1, neurofascin-155 or -186 in any of our multifocal motor neuropathy patients. We conclude that auto-antibodies against contactin-1, neurofascin-155 and -186 do not play a relevant role in the pathogenesis in this cohort with multifocal motor neuropathy.

  1. Effect of multizone refractive multifocal contact lenses on standard automated perimetry. (United States)

    Madrid-Costa, David; Ruiz-Alcocer, Javier; García-Lázaro, Santiago; Albarrán-Diego, César; Ferrer-Blasco, Teresa


    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the creation of 2 foci (distance and near) provided by multizone refractive multifocal contact lenses (CLs) for presbyopia correction affects the measurements on Humphreys 24-2 Swedish interactive threshold algorithm (SITA) standard automated perimetry (SAP). In this crossover study, 30 subjects were fitted in random order with either a multifocal CL or a monofocal CL. After 1 month, a Humphrey 24-2 SITA standard strategy was performed. The visual field global indices (the mean deviation [MD] and pattern standard deviation [PSD]), reliability indices, test duration, and number of depressed points deviating at P0.5% on pattern deviation probability plots were determined and compared between multifocal and monofocal CLs. Thirty eyes of 30 subjects were included in this study. There were no statistically significant differences in reliability indices or test duration. There was a statistically significant reduction in the MD with the multifocal CL compared with monfocal CL (P=0.001). Differences were not found in PSD nor in the number of depressed points deviating at P0.5% in the pattern deviation probability maps studied. The results of this study suggest that the multizone refractive lens produces a generalized depression in threshold sensitivity as measured by the Humphreys 24-2 SITA SAP.


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    CM Olaya


    Full Text Available El bagre tigrito Pimelodus pictus es un pez ornamental con gran aceptación en el mercado acuarista internacional, sin embargo, se desconocen muchos aspectos de la biología básica de esta especie. Por tal motivo, se realizó un estudio histológico y morfométrico del sistema digestivo a Àn de contribuir al diseño de futuras dietas. Se sacriÀcaron 7 individuos adultos de P. pictus de 10 ± 0,5 cm de longitud total con una sobredosis de MS-222 (0,5 g/l. Los especímenes se Àjaron en formaldehído al 4%, durante cinco días a 4 °C. Luego se siguió el procedimiento para técnica en paraÀna. Se realizaron cortes de 5 μm de espesor y se colo-rearon con H&E. El sistema digestivo presentó cuatro capas: mucosa, submucosa, muscular y serosa. En el esófago la mucosa estaba compuesta por epitelio plano estratiÀcado con gran número de células caliciformes, y una submucosa de tejido conectivo laxo, seguida por músculo estriado esquelético con dos orientaciones (circular y longitudinal. En todos los órganos evaluados la capa serosa fue muy delgada. En el estómago se identiÀcaron dos regiones, la pilórica y la cardíaca, encontrándose glándulas gástricas en esta última, ambas regiones presentaban una mucosa con epitelio cilíndrico simple, una submucosa de tejido conectivo laxo, y una capa de músculo liso con dos orientaciones (circular y longitudinal así mismo, este órgano fue el que exhibió el mayor espesor en la capa mucosa y muscular. La histología de la mucosa, la submucosa y la capa muscular del intestino fue similar a lo presentado por el estómago, aunque morfométricamente esta región fue la que exhibió los menores valores en todas las capas evaluadas. El estómago bien deÀnido y el intestino con pocos ciegos pilóricos hace suponer que P. pictus es de hábitos omnívoros con preferencia de los alimentos de origen animal.

  3. Etiología del colesteatoma ótico

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    Julianis Loraine Quintero Noa


    Full Text Available El colesteatoma es una estructura quística caracterizada por la presencia de epitelio escamoso productor de queratina, que sustituye o recubre la mucosa normal en la hendidura del oído medio y ápex petroso, y puede ser causa de hipoacusia irreversible, destrucción ósea y graves complicaciones por su crecimiento expansivo. Clásicamente se describen los colesteatomas en congénitos y adquiridos. La etiología de su formación es multifactorial y continúa siendo poco claro y controversial. Se reportan diferentes teorías que han tratado de explicar el colesteatoma congénito, la transición de un bolsillo de retracción hasta la aparición del colesteatoma adquirido primario, y otras en la génesis del colesteatoma adquirido secundario. Se describe la presencia de algunas citoquinas dentro del colesteatoma que inducen la hiperproliferación e invasión incoordinada de los queratinocitos de la piel del conducto auditivo externo y la pars fláccida, más agresiva en el colesteatoma adquirido pediátrico, y que desempeñan un papel fundamental en la proliferación y en la apoptosis del queratinocito. En cultivo in vitro de una muestra de tejido colesteatomatoso, se ha identificado recientemente que el TNF-a estimula la producción de la IL-8. Se considera de interés ofrecer esta revisión sobre la etiología del colesteatoma, que aún se mantiene en el campo de la investigación y continúa siendo un reto para los otocirujanos por su alta incidencia de recidivas y posibles complicaciones.

  4. Reading ability with pseudophakic monovision and with refractive multifocal intraocular lenses: comparative study. (United States)

    Ito, Misae; Shimizu, Kimiya


    To the compare the reading ability after bilateral cataract surgery in patients who had pseudophakic monovision achieved by monofocal intraocular lens (IOL) implantation and patients who had refractive multifocal IOL implantation. Department of Ophthalmology, Kitasato University Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan. This study evaluated patients who had bilateral cataract surgery using the monovision method with monofocal IOL implantation to correct presbyopia (monovision group) or who had bilateral cataract surgery with refractive multifocal IOL implantation (multifocal group). In the monovision group, the dominant eye was corrected for distance vision and the nondominant eye for near vision. The maximum reading speed, critical character size, and reading acuity were measured binocularly without refractive correction using MNREAD-J acuity charts. The monovision group comprised 38 patients and the multifocal group, 22 patients. The mean maximum reading speed was 350.5 characters per minute (cpm) +/- 62.3 (SD) in the monovision group and 355.0 +/- 53.3 cpm in the multifocal group; the difference was not statistically significant. The mean critical character size was 0.24 +/- 0.12 logMAR and 0.40 +/- 0.16 logMAR, respectively (P<.05). The mean reading acuity was 0.05 +/- 0.12 logMAR and 0.19 +/- 0.11 logMAR, respectively (P<.01). The monovision group had better critical character size and reading acuity results. The monovision method group had better reading ability; however, careful patient selection is essential.

  5. Patogénesis molecular del carcinoma de esófago

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    A. M. Jiménez


    Full Text Available El carcinoma de esófago existe en dos formas principales: el carcinoma de células escamosas o pavimentoso y el adenocarcinoma. En este artículo se describen las principales alteraciones genéticas halladas en ambos tipos de carcinomas y la implicancia de éstas en la patogénesis de los mismos. La secuencia de estas alteraciones se correlaciona con la histogénesis, lo que permite comprender la progresión tumoral desde el epitelio normal al carcinoma invasor. Se establece también una comparación entre la patogénesis molecular del cáncer de esófago y del desarrollo de estos carcinomas con el modelo de la patogénesis molecular del cáncer colorrectal.Carcinoma of the esophagus is present in two distinct morphological cell types: squamous or pavimentous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. In this article, the main genetic alterations found in both types of carcinomas and their implications are described. The sequence of these alterations is related to histogenesis, making it possible to understand tumor progression from normal epithelium to invasive carcinoma. A comparison is attempted between the molecular development of esophagus carcinomas and that of colorectal carcinoma.

  6. Multifocal tenosynovial giant cell tumors in a child with Noonan syndrome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meyers, Arthur B. [Children' s Hospital of Wisconsin, Department of Radiology, Milwaukee, WI (United States); Nemours Children' s Health System/Nemours Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Orlando, FL (United States); Awomolo, Agboola O. [Children' s Hospital of Wisconsin, Department of Radiology, Milwaukee, WI (United States); Szabo, Sara [Medical College of Wisconsin and Children' s Hospital of Wisconsin, Department of Pathology, Milwaukee, WI (United States); Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Medical Center, Division of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Cincinnati, OH (United States)


    Noonan syndrome is a genetic disorder with variable expression of distinctive facial features, webbed neck, chest deformity, short stature, cryptorchidism and congenital heart disease. The association of Noonan syndrome and giant cell granulomas of the mandible is widely reported. However, Noonan syndrome may also be associated with single or multifocal tenosynovial giant cell tumors, also referred to as pigmented villonodular synovitis. We report a child with Noonan syndrome, giant cell granulomas of the mandible and synovial and tenosynovial giant cell tumors involving multiple joints and tendon sheaths who was initially misdiagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. It is important for radiologists to be aware of the association of Noonan syndrome and multifocal giant cell lesions, which can range from the more commonly described giant cell granulomas of the mandible to isolated or multifocal intra- or extra-articular tenosynovial giant cell tumors or a combination of all of these lesions. (orig.)

  7. Multifocal tenosynovial giant cell tumors in a child with Noonan syndrome. (United States)

    Meyers, Arthur B; Awomolo, Agboola O; Szabo, Sara


    Noonan syndrome is a genetic disorder with variable expression of distinctive facial features, webbed neck, chest deformity, short stature, cryptorchidism and congenital heart disease. The association of Noonan syndrome and giant cell granulomas of the mandible is widely reported. However, Noonan syndrome may also be associated with single or multifocal tenosynovial giant cell tumors, also referred to as pigmented villonodular synovitis. We report a child with Noonan syndrome, giant cell granulomas of the mandible and synovial and tenosynovial giant cell tumors involving multiple joints and tendon sheaths who was initially misdiagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. It is important for radiologists to be aware of the association of Noonan syndrome and multifocal giant cell lesions, which can range from the more commonly described giant cell granulomas of the mandible to isolated or multifocal intra- or extra-articular tenosynovial giant cell tumors or a combination of all of these lesions.

  8. Multifocal tenosynovial giant cell tumors in a child with Noonan syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meyers, Arthur B.; Awomolo, Agboola O.; Szabo, Sara


    Noonan syndrome is a genetic disorder with variable expression of distinctive facial features, webbed neck, chest deformity, short stature, cryptorchidism and congenital heart disease. The association of Noonan syndrome and giant cell granulomas of the mandible is widely reported. However, Noonan syndrome may also be associated with single or multifocal tenosynovial giant cell tumors, also referred to as pigmented villonodular synovitis. We report a child with Noonan syndrome, giant cell granulomas of the mandible and synovial and tenosynovial giant cell tumors involving multiple joints and tendon sheaths who was initially misdiagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. It is important for radiologists to be aware of the association of Noonan syndrome and multifocal giant cell lesions, which can range from the more commonly described giant cell granulomas of the mandible to isolated or multifocal intra- or extra-articular tenosynovial giant cell tumors or a combination of all of these lesions. (orig.)

  9. Multifocal chronic osteomyelitis of unknown etiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozlowski, K.; Masel, J.; Harbison, S.; Yu, J.; Royal Brisbane Children Hospital; Regional Hospital Bowral


    Five cases of chronic, inflammatory, multifocal bone lesions of unknown etiology are reported. Although bone biopsy confirmed osteomyelitis in each case in none of them were organisms found inspite of an extensive work up. Different clinical course of the disease reflects different aetiology in respective cases. These cases present changing aspects of osteomyelitis emerging since introduction of antibiotics. (orig.)

  10. A circular multifocal collimator for 3D SPECT imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guillemaud, R.; Grangeat, P.


    In order to improve sensitivity of 3D Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT) image, a cone-beam collimator can be used. A new circular multifocal collimator is proposed. The multiple focal points are distributed on a transaxial circle which is the trajectory of the focal points during the circular acquisition. This distribution provides a strong focusing at the center of the detector like a cone-beam collimator, with a good sensitivity, and a weak transaxial focusing at the periphery. A solution for an analytical multifocal reconstruction algorithm has been derived. Grangeat algorithm is proposed to use for this purpose in order to reconstruct with a good sensitivity the region of interest. (R.P.) 3 refs

  11. Multifocal epithelioid hemangioendothelioma of the phalanges of the hand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruegel, Melanie; Waldt, Simone; Woertler, Klaus; Rummeny, Ernst J.; Weirich, Gregor


    Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EH) of bone is a rare vascular neoplasm characterized by epithelioid endothelial cells and a variable biologic behaviour. The principal sites of occurrence of this osteolytic tumor are the lower extremity and the axial skeleton. Approximately half of the cases present with multifocal disease. The latter feature can be helpful in suggesting the diagnosis of a vascular tumor; on the other hand, it strengthens the need for a skeletal survey or whole-body MRI/CT. We report on the clinical, histologic and radiologic features - including CT and MRI findings - of EH in a case of multifocal disease of the phalanges of the hand, a very uncommon anatomic site of affliction. (orig.)

  12. Research advances on multifocal electroretinogram in primary open angle glaucoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Feng-Fei Mo


    Full Text Available Primary open angle glaucoma is a chronic and progressive optic neuropathy. It can lead to serious damage of visual impairment, and it is an important eye disease of blindness. Multifocal electroretinogram is a new way to measure visual electrophysiology. It can measure electroretinogram of the whole visual field of many small parts in a relatively short period of time, and it can reflect the function of regional retina. It has an extremely important value for early diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma. The research advances on multifocal electroretinogram in diagnosing primary open angle glaucoma were summarized in this paper.

  13. Multifocal fibrosclerosis: a new case report and review of the literature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oguz, Kader Karli; Oguz, Oguzhan; Cila, Aysenur; Oto, Aytekin [Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara (Turkey); Kiratli, Hayyam [Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara (Turkey); Gokoz, Aytac [Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara (Turkey)


    A case of multifocal fibrosclerosis is presented with MR images. Bilateral sclerosing orbital pseudotumor invading cavernous sinuses were the presenting disorder. Magnetic resonance imaging showed involvement of paranasal sinuses bilaterally and multiple supratentorial dural masses. Retroperitoneal fibrosis was associated with the condition. Multifocal involvement should be considered in patients with sclerosing orbital pseudotumor and an imaging approach should be performed on the appropriate clinical condition to document possible coexistence of other disorders including retroperitoneal fibrosis, mediastinal fibrosis, sclerosing cholangitis, and Riedel's thyroiditis (orig.)

  14. Multifocality as a prognostic factor in breast cancer patients registered in Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative Group (DBCG) 1996-2001

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Joergensen, L.E.; Gunnarsdottir, K.A.; Lanng, C.


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the prognostic influence of multifocality in breast cancer patients. In a cohort of 7196 patients there were 945 patients with multifocality. We found no prognostic influence of multifocality on overall survival when controlling for known prognostic......, Gunnarsdottir KA, Rasmussen BB, Moeller S, Lanng C. The prognostic influence of multifocality in breast cancer patients. Breast 2004;13:188-193]....... factors. We found a small but significant influence on disease-free survival (HR=1.16 [1.03-1.31]) and a strong correlation between multifocality and known prognostic factors. This was in accordance with an earlier study done on a smaller population and in a different period of time [Pedersen L...


    Kasi, Sundeep K; Vora, Robin A; Martin, Taliva; Cunningham, Emmett T


    To describe an unusual presentation of bilateral HIV-associated multifocal retinal infiltrates with phlebitis and optic neuropathy in a pediatric patient from Zimbabwe, Africa. Retrospective case report of a 15-year-old boy from Zimbabwe, Africa. The patient was found to have bilateral vitritis, multifocal retinitis with phlebitis, and optic neuropathy in the setting of previously unrecognized HIV infection. Vision improved and the clinical findings resolved after treatment with intravenous corticosteroids and highly active retroviral therapy (HAART). The authors describe the occurrence and treatment of bilateral, HIV-associated multifocal retinal infiltrates with phlebitis and HIV-associated optic neuropathy in a pediatric patient from Zimbabwe, Africa.

  16. Long-Term Visual Prognosis of Peripheral Multifocal Chorioretinitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ossewaarde-van Norel, J; ten Dam-van Loon, NH; de Boer, JH; Rothova, A.


    Purpose To report on the clinical manifestations, complications, and long-term visual prognosis of patients with peripheral multifocal chorioretinitis and to search for predictors for a lower visual outcome. Design Retrospective consecutive observational case series. Methods setting: Institutional.

  17. A Rare Case of Multifocal Prostatic Blue Nevus

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    Elias J. Farran


    Full Text Available Prostatic blue nevus is a rare benign pathologic diagnosis most commonly diagnosed incidentally on many different types of prostate specimens. Blue nevus is the deposition of stromal melanin characterized by spindle cells within the fibromuscular stroma which stains positive for melanin-specific stains Fontana-Masson and S100 and stains negative for CD68, HMB45, and iron stains. We report the case of a multifocal and bilateral blue nevus in a 52-year-old Hispanic male who presented with an elevated prostate-specific antigen of 4.3 and mild obstructive lower urinary tract symptoms, found by transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate needle biopsy. The biopsy also revealed benign prostatic tissue with postatrophic hyperplasia and chronic inflammation. This is the 35th reported case of prostatic blue nevus and the third to show multifocal blue nevus.

  18. Epidemiología de la infección y detección de tipos oncogenéticos del VPH por tecnología de captura de híbridos en mujeres sin aparentes factores de riesgo


    Fuente Villarreal, David de la


    Introducción: El virus del papiloma humano (VPH) pertenece al grupo de virus con tropismo por los epitelios, infecta predominantemente la piel y las membranas mucosas produciendo proliferaciones epiteliales benignas o papilomas, que bajo ciertas circunstancias (las cuales si bien aún no han sido definidas a satisfacción, se estima que se relacionan con el estado inmunológico de la paciente, su carga genética, la presencia de ciertos receptores, así como la continua infección por diversos tipo...

  19. Distrofia de la membrana basal epitelial

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    Zaadia Pérez Parra

    Full Text Available La distrofia de Cogan es la distrofia corneal anterior más común, frecuente en adultos del sexo femenino, entre 40-70 años de edad. Presentamos un caso de una paciente de 50 años de edad, del sexo femenino, quien refiere visión borrosa, lagrimeo y fotofobia. Al examen de la córnea en lámpara de hendidura se observan imágenes de color grisáceo en forma de huellas dactilares y de mapa. Esta afección es causada por alteraciones de la membrana basal epitelial que provoca la separación parcial o total del epitelio corneal. Generalmente asintomática, es la causa más frecuente de erosión corneal recurrente. Las opciones terapéuticas varían desde lubricantes, soluciones hipertónicas tópicas, lentes de contacto de vendaje, desbridamiento del epitelio central, micropunciones mecánicas o diatermia y fotoqueratectomía con láser excímer.

  20. Efectividad de la quimioterapia adyuvante en carcinoma urotelial infiltrante de vejiga tratado cistectomía radical. Resultados de una política adaptada al riesgo


    Arranz Arija, José Ángel


    El cáncer de vejiga es un importante problema de salud por su incidencia, prevalencia, mortalidad y costes económicos que conlleva. En España el cáncer de vejiga se ubicó como el tumor quinto y séptimo de la incidencia de la mortalidad. La patogénesis del cáncer de vejiga parece estar asociada con el contacto de las sustancias cancerígenas con el epitelio de la vejiga, en particular aminas aromáticas. El epitelio que recubre la pelvis renal, uréteres, vejiga y dos tercios proximales de la ure...

  1. Células madre limbocorneales: actualidades y aplicaciones terapéuticas


    Villarreal Villarreal, Rogelio; Vela Barrera, Iván Daryl; Villarreal Guerra, Pablo; Moreno Treviño, María Guadalupe; Rivera Silva, Gerardo


    Las células madre son aquellas células poco diferenciadas capaces de autorrenovarse y diferenciarse hacia células especializadas en el cuerpo. Se encuentran en todos los tejidos autorrenovables como son los epitelios. En el caso del epitelio corneal se ha encontrado que las células madre están alojadas en la región límbica, y más concentradas en la región superior e inferior. Algunos de los marcadores que se utilizan para identificarlas son: p63, ABCG2, C/EBPd, Bmi1, Notch1, K19, vimentina, e...

  2. Calidad visual en pacientes con lente intraocular multifocal modelo OcuFlex operados de catarata The quality of vision in patients operated on from cataract and implanted with OcuFlex multifocal intraocular lenses

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    Eneida Pérez Candelaria


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir la calidad visual en 8 pacientes operados de catarata bilateral con la técnica de Faco-chop e implante de lente intraocular multifocal modelo OcuFlex, en el ICO "Ramón Pando Ferrer", desde septiembre 2007 a febrero 2008. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo para lo cual se analizaron variables como equivalente esférico, sensibilidad al contraste en el preoperatorio y posoperatorio; fenómenos visuales, centrado y localización del lente intraocular, así como el estado de satisfacción subjetiva de los pacientes. Se utilizó la estadística descriptiva con ayuda del sistema Microsoft Excel y Word 2003, para Windows XP. RESULTADOS: El equivalente esférico medio posoperatorio fue -0,59 tanto para frecuencias bajas como medias, en visión binocular la sensibilidad al contraste media fue de 1,12 unid.log en el preoperatorio y de 1,74 unid.log. en el posoperatorio. Por biomicroscopia con lámpara de hendidura en el 100 % de los casos el lente intraocular estaba centrado y por biomicroscopia ultrasónica el 93,75 % se encontraba en el saco capsular. Ningún paciente refirió la presencia de glare y solamente uno (12,5 % reportó visión de halos nocturnos. La totalidad de los pacientes se manifestaron satisfechos. CONCLUSIONES: Los lentes multifocales disminuyen la dependencia de las gafas después de la cirugía de catarata, razón por la que constituye una buena opción en la recuperación de la función visual óptima.OBJECTIVE: To describe the quality of vision in 8 patients, who were operated on from bilateral cataract using Phaco-chop technique and implanted with Ocuflex multifocal intraocular lens in "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from September 2007 to February 2008. METHODS: A prospective, longitudinal, observational and descriptive study was made in which the variables spheral equivalent, contrast sensitivity in the pre- and post

  3. Evaluation of refractive correction for standard automated perimetry in eyes wearing multifocal contact lenses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kazunori Hirasawa


    Full Text Available AIM: To evaluate the refractive correction for standard automated perimetry (SAP in eyes with refractive multifocal contact lenses (CL in healthy young participants. METHODS: Twenty-nine eyes of 29 participants were included. Accommodation was paralyzed in all participants with 1% cyclopentolate hydrochloride. SAP was performed using the Humphrey SITA-standard 24-2 and 10-2 protocol under three refractive conditions: monofocal CL corrected for near distance (baseline; multifocal CL corrected for distance (mCL-D; and mCL-D corrected for near vision using a spectacle lens (mCL-N. Primary outcome measures were the foveal threshold, mean deviation (MD, and pattern standard deviation (PSD. RESULTS: The foveal threshold of mCL-N with both the 24-2 and 10-2 protocols significantly decreased by 2.2-2.5 dB CONCLUSION: Despite the induced mydriasis and the optical design of the multifocal lens used in this study, our results indicated that, when the dome-shaped visual field test is performed with eyes with large pupils and wearing refractive multifocal CLs, distance correction without additional near correction is to be recommended.

  4. Evaluation of rotation and visual outcomes after implantation of monofocal and multifocal toric intraocular lenses. (United States)

    Garzón, Nuria; Poyales, Francisco; de Zárate, Begoña Ortíz; Ruiz-García, Jose Luis; Quiroga, Juan Antonio


    To evaluate rotational stability and its influence on postoperative visual acuity of different monofocal and multifocal toric intraocular lenses (IOLs). A prospective interventional study was designed. Ninety-one patients with a mean age of 71.65 ± 11.82 years were implanted with toric IOLs after phacoemulsification. Three monofocal toric IOLs (the Lentis LT [Oculentis, Berlin, Germany], enVista [Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY], and AcrySof IQ [Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX]) and one multifocal toric IOL (AcrySof IQ ReSTOR; Alcon Laboratories, Inc.) were implanted. Preoperative and postoperative images were taken to calculate the misalignment due to the marking method. To evaluate rotation in the different follow-up visits, another photograph was taken 1 hour and 1, 7 and 30 days postoperatively. Refraction, uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), and corrected distance visual acuity were measured 30 days postoperatively. Postoperative UDVA was 0.1 logMAR or better in 64.6% of eyes implanted with monofocal IOLs and 46.4% of eyes implanted with multifocal IOLs. The enVista toric IOL showed the best UDVA compared to the other monofocal IOLs, with 81% of eyes with 0.1 logMAR or better. The mean misalignment in the total group studied was 0.07° ± 0.60°; 69.6% of monofocal IOLs and 67.9% of multifocal IOLs showed less than 5° of rotation. A correlation was found between postoperative UDVA and rotation in the monofocal and multifocal IOLs implanted (r = 0.439 [P < .011] and = 0.787 [P = .001], respectively). At 1 month postoperatively, UDVA was slightly more affected by IOL rotation in multifocal than monofocal toric IOLs. The marking method was also effective. Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated.

  5. Validity of automated refraction after segmented refractive multifocal intraocular lens implantation. (United States)

    Albarrán-Diego, César; Muñoz, Gonzalo; Rohrweck, Stephanie; García-Lázaro, Santiago; Albero, José Ricardo


    To evaluate the clinical utility of automated refraction (AR) and keratometry (KR) compared with subjective or manifest refraction (MR) after cataract or refractive lens exchange surgery with implantation of Lentis Mplus X (Oculentis GmbH) refractive multifocal intraocular lens (IOL). Eighty-six eyes implanted with the Lentis Mplus X multifocal IOL were included. MR was performed in all patients followed by three consecutive AR measurements using the Topcon KR-8000 autorefractor. Assessment of repeatability of consecutive AR before and after dilation with phenylephrine 10%, and comparison of the AR and KR with MR using vector analysis were performed at 3mo follow-up. Analysis showed excellent repeatability of the AR measurements. Linear regression of AR versus MR showed good correlation for sphere and spherical equivalent, whereas the correlation for astigmatism was low. The mean difference AR-MR was -1.28±0.29 diopters (D) for sphere. Astigmatism showed better correlation between KR and MR. We suggest AR sphere plus 1.25 D and the KR cylinder as the starting point for MR in eyes with a Lentis Mplus X multifocal IOL. If AR measurements are equal to MR, decentration of the IOL should be suspected.

  6. Multifocal peritoneal splenosis in Tc-99m-labeled heat-denatured red blood cell scintigraphy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, Min Ki; Hwang, Kyung Hoon; Choe, Won Sick [Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Incheon (Korea, Republic of)


    A 44-year-old man with a past medical history of splenectomy came to hospital because of epigastric pain abdominopelvic computed tomography(CT) showed a soft tissue mass and multifocal variable-sized nodules as well as finding suggestive of cholecystitis. Subsequently, he underwent Tc-99m-labeled heat- denatured red blood cell(RBC) scintigraphy to evaluate the mass and nodules. The scintigraphy confirmed multifocal peritoneal splenosis in the abdominopelvic cavity.

  7. The Clinical and Molecular Characteristics of Adenocarcinoma Presented 
by Multi-focal GGO

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yang SONG


    Full Text Available Due to emphasis on early screening for lung cancer, the detection rate of multiple ground glass opacities (GGOs on computed tomography (CT image increases in recent years, and research on multifocal adenocarcinomas presented by GGOs has been thriving. It is more common in women and non-smokers and has excellent prognosis both in patients with natural history and after surgery. These clinical features suggest that it is likely to be a distinct disease entity. From the perspective of molecular genetics, lesions in the same individual are likely to have distinct clonal features. Therefore, genetic heterogeneity is the most prominent feature of multifocal pulmonary adenocarcinomas with GGOs. The genetic heterogeneity is expected to assist the diagnosis of multifocal pulmonary adenocarcinoma and intrapulmonary metastasis, and also suggests that genetic testing of the GGO lesions is of great therapeutic significance. Some GGO lesions may harvest the similar clonal feature, which provide new evidence for the theory of spread through air spaces (STAS.

  8. [The Clinical and Molecular Characteristics of Adenocarcinoma Presented 
by Multi-focal GGO]. (United States)

    Song, Yang; Liang, Naixin; Li, Shanqing


    Due to emphasis on early screening for lung cancer, the detection rate of multiple ground glass opacities (GGOs) on computed tomography (CT) image increases in recent years, and research on multifocal adenocarcinomas presented by GGOs has been thriving. It is more common in women and non-smokers and has excellent prognosis both in patients with natural history and after surgery. These clinical features suggest that it is likely to be a distinct disease entity. From the perspective of molecular genetics, lesions in the same individual are likely to have distinct clonal features. Therefore, genetic heterogeneity is the most prominent feature of multifocal pulmonary adenocarcinomas with GGOs. The genetic heterogeneity is expected to assist the diagnosis of multifocal pulmonary adenocarcinoma and intrapulmonary metastasis, and also suggests that genetic testing of the GGO lesions is of great therapeutic significance. Some GGO lesions may harvest the similar clonal feature, which provide new evidence for the theory of spread through air spaces (STAS).

  9. Determining the origin of synchronous multifocal bladder cancer by exome sequencing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Acar, Ömer; Özkurt, Ezgi; Demir, Gulfem; Saraç, Hilal; Alkan, Can; Esen, Tarık; Somel, Mehmet; Lack, Nathan A.


    Synchronous multifocal tumours are commonly observed in urothelial carcinomas of the bladder. The origin of these physically independent tumours has been proposed to occur by either intraluminal migration (clonal) or spontaneous transformation of multiple cells by carcinogens (field effect). It is unclear which model is correct, with several studies supporting both hypotheses. A potential cause of this uncertainty may be the small number of genetic mutations previously used to quantify the relationship between these tumours. To better understand the genetic lineage of these tumours we conducted exome sequencing of synchronous multifocal pTa urothelial bladder cancers at a high depth, using multiple samples from three patients. Phylogenetic analysis of high confidence single nucleotide variants (SNV) demonstrated that the sequenced multifocal bladder cancers arose from a clonal origin in all three patients (bootstrap value 100 %). Interestingly, in two patients the most common type of tumour-associated SNVs were cytosine mutations of TpC* dinucleotides (Fisher’s exact test p < 10 −41 ), likely caused by APOBEC-mediated deamination. Incorporating these results into our clonal model, we found that TpC* type mutations occurred 2-5× more often among SNVs on the ancestral branches than in the more recent private branches (p < 10 −4 ) suggesting that TpC* mutations largely occurred early in the development of the tumour. These results demonstrate that synchronous multifocal bladder cancers frequently arise from a clonal origin. Our data also suggests that APOBEC-mediated mutations occur early in the development of the tumour and may be a driver of tumourigenesis in non-muscle invasive urothelial bladder cancer. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12885-015-1859-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

  10. Unusually high incidence of multifocal epithelial hyperplasia in children of the Nahuatl population of Mexico. (United States)

    Ledesma-Montes, Constantino; Mendez-Mendoza, Amilcar


    Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia is an uncommon disease of the oral mucosa caused by the human papilloma virus. To study the clinical and pathological findings of multifocal epithelial hyperplasia detected during an oral examination of 343 Mexican Nahuatl children from a single primary school in El Paso de Cupilco, Mexico. A thorough oral examination was performed in all children and clinical data (age, gender, location and number of lesions) were documented and analyzed. Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia was diagnosed in 110 of the 343 children (32.3%). The ages of the children varied from 5 to 15 years, and of these, 56.3% were girls. The lesions were asymptomatic, 0.2 to 3.0 cm in diameter, soft, round to oval, smooth surfaced, sessile papulonodules, similar in colour to that of the surrounding mucosa. The lesions were commonly seen on the buccal mucosa and tongue, and most affected children (85%) had less than 5 lesions. Children in the 7 to 10 years age group were most often affected. Human papillomavirus typing was not done owing to a lack of facilities. There is a high incidence of multifocal epithelial hyperplasia in Nahuatl children with a predilection for females.

  11. Basic characterization of normal multifocal electroretinogram

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandez Cherkasova, Lilia; Rojas Rondon, Irene; Castro Perez, Pedro Daniel; Lopez Felipe, Daniel; Santiesteban Freixas, Rosaralis; Mendoza Santiesteban, Carlos E


    A scientific literature review was made on the novel multifocal electroretinogram technique, the involved cell mechanisms and some of the factors modifying its results together with the form of presentation. The basic characteristics of this electrophysiological record obtained from several regions of the retina of normal subjects is important in order to create at a small scale a comparative database to evaluate pathological eye tracing. All this will greatly help in early less invasive electrodiagnosis of localized retinal lesions. (Author)

  12. Optical implementation of multifocal programmable lens with single and multiple axes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romero, Lenny A; Millan, Maria S; Perez-Cabre, Elisabet, E-mail: [Optics and Optometry Dep. Technical University of Catalonia Violinista Vellsola 37, 08222 Terrassa (Spain)


    In this work we analyse the generation of a diffractive optical element (DOE) consisting of a multifocal Fresnel lens by means of an LCoS (liquid cristal on silicon) spatial light modulator (SLM). The multifocal lens is composed of a set of lenses of different focal length that share a common optical axis (coaxial combination) or have different axes in parallel (multi-axis combination). For both configurations, we present several ways to combine the phase distributions for three lenses with different focal lengths (f1, f2, f3), into a single-phase distribution addressed to the SLM. Numerical simulations were carried out along with the experimental analysis to corroborate the results.

  13. Clinical and patient-reported outcomes of bilateral implantation of a +2.5 diopter multifocal intraocular lens. (United States)

    Maxwell, Andrew; Holland, Edward; Cibik, Lisa; Fakadej, Anna; Foster, Gary; Grosinger, Les; Moyes, Andrew; Nielsen, Stephen; Silverstein, Steven; Toyos, Melissa; Weinstein, Arthur; Hartzell, Scott


    To assess the effectiveness and safety of a multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) with +2.5 diopter (D) additional power compared with a monofocal IOL. Fifteen sites in the United States. Prospective randomized patient- and observer-masked clinical trial. Randomized patients received multifocal or monofocal IOLs bilaterally. Visual acuity (33 cm, 40 cm, 53 cm, 60 cm, 4 m) was measured; safety was assessed through adverse event rates. Patient-reported visual outcomes were evaluated using the Visual Tasks questionnaire. The frequency and severity of visual disturbances were evaluated using the Assessment of Photic Phenomena and Lens EffectS questionnaire. The multifocal IOL (n = 155) provided better corrected distance visual acuity at 53 cm than the monofocal IOL (n = 165) (0.322 versus 0.512 logMAR; between-group difference, -0.190 logMAR; P < .0001) and 40 cm but not at 4 m. Ocular adverse event rates were less than 3.84% in both groups. Serious adverse event rates were comparable between the 2 IOL types. Patients with multifocal IOLs reported less difficulty with near tasks (with and without correction) and intermediate tasks (without correction). Difficulty with extended-intermediate and distance tasks was similar between groups. The most frequently reported self-rated severe phenomena were halos, starbursts, and glare. Most patients (monofocal ≥72%; multifocal ≥73%) reported never experiencing blurred, distorted, or double vision. The +2.5 D multifocal IOL provided better vision at 40 cm and 53 cm and similar vision at 4 m compared with the monofocal IOL. Safety profiles and visual phenomena were comparable between groups. Copyright © 2017 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. A Rare Multifocal Pattern of Type 2 Autoimmune Pancreatitis with Negative IgG4: A Potential Diagnostic Pitfall That May Mimic Multifocal Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

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    Partha Hota


    Full Text Available Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP is an increasingly recognized form of acute pancreatitis characterized by obstructive jaundice with a rapid and dramatic treatment response to steroid therapy. Recently, AIP has been divided into two distinct phenotypes: lymphoplasmocytic sclerosing pancreatitis AIP (type 1 and idiopathic duct-centric pancreatitis AIP (type 2; each of which have their own distinct demographics, diagnostic criteria, and histopathological features. We report, to the best of our knowledge, the first case of a multifocal pattern of type 2 AIP characterized with both CT and MR imaging. This rare imaging pattern of AIP may mimic the appearance of more worrisome malignant etiologies such as multifocal pancreatic adenocarcinoma or lymphoma, with overlapping imaging characteristics potentially complicating or delaying diagnosis. Therefore, recognition of this atypical pattern of AIP and avoidance of this potential diagnostic pitfall is crucial.

  15. Multifocal Langerhans cell sarcoma involving epidermis: a case report and review

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    Wang Changsong


    Full Text Available Abstract Objective To study the clinico-pathological characteristics of Langerhans cell sarcoma (LCS which involving epidermis. Methods A case of primary multifocal LCS was analyzed in histopathology and immunophenotype. Results A 41-year-old man with multifocal cutaneous LCS involving the inguina and waist was reported. Clinical and pathology data were available. Neoplastic cells with markedly malignant cytological features were observed. Tumor cells exhibited irregular shape with abundant and eosinophilic red staining cytoplasm; large, irregular-shaped, showing lobulated or dented nucleus and some cells with a longitudinal nuclear groove and prominent nucleoli. The tumor cells expressed CD1a, Langerin (CD207, S-100 protein, CD68 and vimentin, and did not express pan-T or B cell markers and epithelial markers. The patient died less than 1 year after diagnosis due to local recurrence and metastasis to the lung, despite the administration of local radiation and chemotherapy. Conclusions LCS is a tumor with markedly malignant cytological features that originates from Langerhans cells. Primary multifocal neoplasms involving epidermis is even rare. Accurate diagnosis is based on the histopathological and immunohistochemical of the tumor cells. Virtual slide The virtual slide(s for this article can be found here:

  16. Validity of automated refraction after segmented refractive multifocal intraocular lens implantation

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    César Albarrán-Diego


    Full Text Available AIM: To evaluate the clinical utility of automated refraction (AR and keratometry (KR compared with subjective or manifest refraction (MR after cataract or refractive lens exchange surgery with implantation of Lentis Mplus X (Oculentis GmbH refractive multifocal intraocular lens (IOL. METHODS: Eighty-six eyes implanted with the Lentis Mplus X multifocal IOL were included. MR was performed in all patients followed by three consecutive AR measurements using the Topcon KR-8000 autorefractor. Assessment of repeatability of consecutive AR before and after dilation with phenylephrine 10%, and comparison of the AR and KR with MR using vector analysis were performed at 3mo follow-up. RESULTS: Analysis showed excellent repeatability of the AR measurements. Linear regression of AR versus MR showed good correlation for sphere and spherical equivalent, whereas the correlation for astigmatism was low. The mean difference AR-MR was -1.28±0.29 diopters (D for sphere. Astigmatism showed better correlation between KR and MR. CONCLUSION: We suggest AR sphere plus 1.25 D and the KR cylinder as the starting point for MR in eyes with a Lentis Mplus X multifocal IOL. If AR measurements are equal to MR, decentration of the IOL should be suspected.

  17. Indocyanine Green Angiographic and Multifocal Electroretinographic Features in the Diffuse and Regional Form of Bietti′s Crystalline Retinopathy

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Libin Jiang; Feng Wen; Lezheng Wu; Hong Yan; Shixing Hu


    Prpose: To observe different features of indocyanine green angiography(ICGA) andtifocal electroretinography (ERG) in the diffuse and regional type of Bieti′sc stalline retinopathy (BCR). Thods: ICGA and the multifocal ERG were performed in two cases of the diffuse andregional type of BCR respectively. These data were compared with fluoresceinangiography (FA), standard Ganzfeld ERG, and visual field testing. Results: In the regional case, ICGA revealed reduced perfusion of the choroidalcirculation in the early phase and multiple hypofluorescent spots in the posterior pole in the late phase, due to choriocapillaris filling defect; the extent of choroiocapillaris losswas shown in early phase of ICGA and there were multifocal hyperfluorescent dotssurrounding hypofluorescent spots in late phase in the diffuse case. The multifocal ERGshowed that the central responses were markedly depressed, corresponding to the visualfield defects, while the findings of Ganzfeld ERG were normal in the regional BCR;however, both the multifocal ERG and Ganzfeld ERG were severely subnormal in thediffuse case.Conclusions: The features of ICGA and multifocal ERG are different between the diffuseand regional BCR. In the meantime, the two tools are also useful to differentiate the typeand assess the extentof evolution in BCR.

  18. Predictability of uncontrollable multifocal seizures - towards new treatment options (United States)

    Lehnertz, Klaus; Dickten, Henning; Porz, Stephan; Helmstaedter, Christoph; Elger, Christian E.


    Drug-resistant, multifocal, non-resectable epilepsies are among the most difficult epileptic disorders to manage. An approach to control previously uncontrollable seizures in epilepsy patients would consist of identifying seizure precursors in critical brain areas combined with delivering a counteracting influence to prevent seizure generation. Predictability of seizures with acceptable levels of sensitivity and specificity, even in an ambulatory setting, has been repeatedly shown, however, in patients with a single seizure focus only. We did a study to assess feasibility of state-of-the-art, electroencephalogram-based seizure-prediction techniques in patients with uncontrollable multifocal seizures. We obtained significant predictive information about upcoming seizures in more than two thirds of patients. Unexpectedly, the emergence of seizure precursors was confined to non-affected brain areas. Our findings clearly indicate that epileptic networks, spanning lobes and hemispheres, underlie generation of seizures. Our proof-of-concept study is an important milestone towards new therapeutic strategies based on seizure-prediction techniques for clinical practice.

  19. Imaging manifestations of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shah, R.; Bag, A.K.; Chapman, P.R.; Cure, J.K.


    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a demyelinating disease caused by reactivation of JC virus in immunosuppressed patients. The diagnosis is usually suggested on imaging and confirmed by cerebrospinal fluid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for JC virus DNA. In this article, we review the imaging manifestations of PML on computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), MR spectroscopy, single photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron-emission tomography (PET), and outline the role of imaging in follow-up and prognostication.

  20. [Clinical results after implantation of a new segmental refractive multifocal intraocular lens]. (United States)

    Thomas, B C; Auffarth, G U; Philips, R; Novák, J; Blazek, J; Adamkova, H; Rabsilber, T M


    The aim of the study was a clinical evaluation of an intraocular lens (IOL) with a segmental multifocal optic design and near addition of + 3.0 D as part of a CE approval study. In a multicenter study the LENTIS Mplus LS-312 MF IOL (Oculentis) was implanted in 134 eyes of 79 patients with a mean age of 68 ± 12 years. The multifocality is achieved by implementation of a distance part and a segmented near sector. Three months after surgery, uncorrected and best corrected distance visual acuity (UCDVA and BCDVA, respectively), near visual acuity (UCNVA and BCNVA, respectively), contrast vision and patient satisfaction (questionnaire) were evaluated. The IOLs were implanted uneventfully either unilaterally or bilaterally and 3 months postoperatively (n = 86 eyes) the following mean visual acuities were obtained (logMAR): UCDVA = 0.05, BCDVA = - 0.01, UCNVA = 0.09 and BCNVA = 0.02. Contrast sensitivity (n = 25 eyes) was within normal limits. Of the 66 questioned patients 10.6% spontaneously reported halos and 3% glare. This new innovative multifocal IOL concept showed very good functional results as well as high patient satisfaction.

  1. Chest wall resection for multifocal osseous haemangioma. (United States)

    Weinandt, Marthe; Legras, Antoine; Mordant, Pierre; Le Pimpec Barthes, Françoise


    Intraosseous haemangioma is a rare and benign primary tumour of the bone. We report the case of a 76-year old woman who presented the exceptional condition of multifocal cavernous haemangiomas involving the spine and the ribs, requiring spinal and chest wall resections to confirm the diagnosis and treat the symptoms. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  2. N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids of Marine Origin and Multifocality in Human Breast Cancer.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lobna Ouldamer

    Full Text Available The microenvironment of breast epithelial tissue may contribute to the clinical expression of breast cancer. Breast epithelial tissue, whether healthy or tumoral, is directly in contact with fat cells, which in turn could influence tumor multifocality. In this pilot study we investigated whether the fatty acid composition of breast adipose tissue differed according to breast cancer focality.Twenty-three consecutive women presenting with non-metastatic breast cancer underwent breast-imaging procedures including Magnetic Resonance Imaging prior to treatment. Breast adipose tissue specimens were collected during breast surgery. We established a biochemical profile of adipose tissue fatty acids by gas chromatography. We assessed whether there were differences according to breast cancer focality.We found that decreased levels in breast adipose tissue of docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids, the two main polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids of marine origin, were associated with multifocality.These differences in lipid content may contribute to mechanisms through which peritumoral adipose tissue fuels breast cancer multifocality.

  3. N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids of Marine Origin and Multifocality in Human Breast Cancer. (United States)

    Ouldamer, Lobna; Goupille, Caroline; Vildé, Anne; Arbion, Flavie; Body, Gilles; Chevalier, Stephan; Cottier, Jean Philippe; Bougnoux, Philippe


    The microenvironment of breast epithelial tissue may contribute to the clinical expression of breast cancer. Breast epithelial tissue, whether healthy or tumoral, is directly in contact with fat cells, which in turn could influence tumor multifocality. In this pilot study we investigated whether the fatty acid composition of breast adipose tissue differed according to breast cancer focality. Twenty-three consecutive women presenting with non-metastatic breast cancer underwent breast-imaging procedures including Magnetic Resonance Imaging prior to treatment. Breast adipose tissue specimens were collected during breast surgery. We established a biochemical profile of adipose tissue fatty acids by gas chromatography. We assessed whether there were differences according to breast cancer focality. We found that decreased levels in breast adipose tissue of docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids, the two main polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids of marine origin, were associated with multifocality. These differences in lipid content may contribute to mechanisms through which peritumoral adipose tissue fuels breast cancer multifocality.



    Martinez, Marcelo; Martinez, Francisco E.; Pinheiro, Patrícia F. F.; Almeida, Camila C. D.; Guida, Heraldo Lorena; Watanabe, II-Sei


    Las características morfológicas del epitelio y tejido conjuntivo de las papilas valadas del oposum fueron observadas a través de los microscopios de luz y electrónico de barrido. Fue utilizado el método de maceración de las células con NaOH para visualizar la arquitectura del tejido conjuntivo. El dorso posterior de la lengua del oposum posee dos papilas valadas. Las secciones histológicas mostraron que la cubierta epitelial de estas papilas es del tipo escamoso, estratificado, queratinizado...

  5. Nonsyndromic Synchronous Multifocal Central Giant Cell Granulomas of the Maxillofacial Region: Report of a Case.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anita Munde


    Full Text Available Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG is a benign proliferation of fibroblasts and multinucleated giant cells that almost exclusively occurs in the jaws. It commonly occurs in young adults showing a female predilection in the anterior mandible. Multifocal CGCGs in maxillofacial region are very rare and suggestive of systemic diseases such as hyperparathyroidism, an inherited syndrome such as Noonan-like multiple giant cell lesion syndrome or other disorders. Only 10 cases of multifocal CGCGs in the maxillofacial region without any concomitant systemic disease have been reported in the English literature. Here, we report an unusual case of 36 year-old female presented with non-syndromic synchronous, multifocal CGCGs in the left posterior mandible and left posterior maxilla without any concomitant systemic disease. Relevant literature is reviewed and the incidence, clinical features, radiological features, differential diagnosis and management of CGCGs are discussed.

  6. Multifocal Synchronous Granular Cell Tumors of the Gastrointestinal Tract


    Lipkin-Moore, Zachary; Thomas, Rebecca M.; Rothstein, Robin D.


    Granular cell tumors (GCT) are rare and unusual tumors, which are usually benign and asymptomatic. Only 5?10% of cases involve the gastrointestinal tract, most commonly as singular, non-cancerous lesions in the esophagus. We report a rare case of symptomatic, multifocal, synchronous GCT involving the esophagus, stomach, and cecum.


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    Victoria Martín Gómez


    Full Text Available Introducción. La hiperqueratosis es una lesión epitelial que histológicamente se caracteriza, por presentar un aumento del grosor de la capa epitelial superficial cornificada, con ausencia de núcleos. Entre las causas que favorecen la aparición de hiperqueratosis, se puede resaltar la reacción del epitelio a los estímulos locales, mecánicos, químicos o infecciosos, siendo más relevante en estos casos el virus del papiloma humano. Objetivo: Conocer la relación que existe entre la presencia de hiperqueratosis en los estudios citológicos de cribado y la posible relación con la infección del virus del Papiloma Humano. Material y métodos: Se han estudiado un total de 2372 extendidos citológicos realizados durante un año en el Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecología del Hospital Clínico de Salamanca. La edad de las pacientes estaba comprendida entre los 16 y 65 años. La toma citológica realizada mediante la técnica de triple toma se depositaba en medio líquido. Se descartaron las citologías que presentaban alteraciones citológicas, y se valoraron 1125 estudios citológicos considerados como negativos. De estos, 316 presentaron hiperqueratosis. A las pacientes que presentaban hiperqueratosis se les realizó estudio colposcópico y determinación de VPH por PCR. Resultados: En el 27% de las hiperqueratosis, la PCR de VPH fue negativa, el resto, positiva. Se ha podido determinar un VPP del 72% y un VPN del 39%. La sensibilidad fue del 46% y la Especificidad del 81%.

  8. The multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) in the pig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Voss Kyhn, Maria; Kiilgaard, Jens Folke; Lopez, Ana Garcia


    To establish a method allowing multifocal electroretinography (mfERG) recording with simultaneous fundus monitoring on anaesthetized pigs. In addition we characterize the peaks of the porcine mfERG trace, and compare the visual streak area with the optic nerve head, a known non-response area....... Finally we illustrate the feasibility of the method by performing mfERG after an induced laser burn in the visual streak....

  9. A case of osseous scintigraphy showing focuses of multifocal tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faurous-Vanaud, R.; Faurous, P.; Kalfa, G.; Collet, H.; Couty, H.; Artus, J.C.


    Incidence of tuberculosis in developed countries presents in the last years a spectacular boost. However, the osteo-articular system is afflicted by tuberculosis only in a few percent of cases and the multifocal character represents less than 5% of osseous tuberculosis. It is presented here a case of multifocal osseous tuberculosis only to stress its rarity. A woman 28 years old from Djibouti presents since 8 months an asthenia and dorsal pains long thought as psychalgia. The examination has shown a major vertebral stiffness and limitation of right haunch. The radiographs showed a scoliosis centered on D8 with modifications. The biologic data are VS = 90, CRP = 124 and the hemogram is normal. The intradermal reaction (10 U of tuberculin) is phlyctenular. The TDM indicates lytic vertebral extension on D7 - D8, the osseous scintigraphy with MDP - 99 mTc indicates no anomaly in the vascular arrival time; a few minutes after injection: dorsal and upper and of right femur hyperactivity; 2 h after injection: hyper-fixation of D7 to D9 and of the upper end of right femur. The IRM indicates para-vertebral abscess of D7 to D9 with epidural abscess; abscess in the upper part of the loge of right adductors with osseous affliction of the femur's upper end; a bacillary infectious process was a priori evoked. The patient was then placed under quadruple antibiotic-therapy anti-tuberculous care. In case of anomalous multifocal osseous scintigraphy the tuberculous affliction is part of the differential diagnosis, particularly in the immigrant populations or in HIV+ persons

  10. Multifocal Intraocular Lens Results in Correcting Presbyopia in Eyes After Radial Keratotomy. (United States)

    Kim, Kyeong Hwan; Seok, Kyung-Won; Kim, Wan Soo


    To report results of multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in 2 patients with refractive error and presbyopia after previous radial keratotomy (RK). A refractive multifocal IOL with rotational asymmetry (LS313-MF30; Oculentis, Berlin, Germany) was implanted. The first patient was a 60-year-old man with myopia who underwent unilateral RK 20 years before. His uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) was 20/400, and his distance corrected near vision was J9 in both eyes. Six months after bilateral surgery, his binocular UDVA and uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA) improved to 20/20 and J1, respectively, although he experienced diurnal fluctuation. The second patient was a 55-year-old woman with hyperopia who underwent bilateral RK 18 years before. Uncorrected distance visual acuity was 20/25 in both eyes, but UNVA was between J9 and J10. Three months after unilateral surgery, UDVA and UNVA of the postsurgical eye improved to 20/20 and J1, respectively. Neither patient reported any significant photic phenomena, and both were satisfied with the results of treatment. The desirable clinical outcomes and levels of satisfaction expressed by these patients indicate that surgery using this particular multifocal IOL may benefit presbyopic patients with previous RK.

  11. Chronic multifocal non-bacterial osteomyelitis in hypophosphatasia mimicking malignancy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Warmuth-Metz Monika


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Hypophosphatasia (HP is characterized by a genetic defect in the tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNSALP gene and predominantly an autosomal recessive trait. HP patients suffer from reduced bone mineralization. Biochemically, elevated concentrations of substrates of TNSALP, including pyridoxal-5'-phosphate and inorganic pyrophosphate occur in serum, tissues and urine. The latter has been associated with chronic inflammation and hyperprostaglandinism. Case presentation We report on 2 affected children presenting with multifocal inflammatory bone lesions mimicking malignancy: A 6 years old girl with short stature had been treated with human growth hormone since 6 months. Then she started to complain about a painful swelling of her left cheek. MRI suggested a malignant bone lesion. Bone biopsy, however, revealed chronic inflammation. A bone scan showed a second rib lesion. Since biopsy was sterile, the descriptive diagnosis of chronic non-bacterial osteomyelitis (CNO was established. The diagnostic tests related to growth failure were repeated and subsequent analyses demonstrated a molecular defect in the TNSALP gene. The second girl (10 years old complained about back pain after she had fallen from her bike. X rays of her spine revealed compressions of 2 thoracic vertebrae. At first these were considered trauma related, however a bone scan did show an additional lesion in the right 4th rib. A biopsy of this rib revealed a sterile lympho- plasmocytoid osteomyelitis suggesting multifocal CNO. Further analyses did show a decreased TNSALP in leukocytes and elevated pyridoxal phosphate in plasma, suggesting a heterozygous carrier status of HP. Conclusion Chronic bone oedema in adult HP and chronic hyper-prostaglandinism in childhood HP do suggest that in some HP patients bone inflammation is present in conjunction with the metabolic defect. Sterile multifocal osteomyelitis could be demonstrated. Non-steroidal anti

  12. Outcomes of excimer laser enhancements in pseudophakic patients with multifocal intraocular lens

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    Schallhorn SC


    Full Text Available Steven C Schallhorn,1–3 Jan A Venter,2 David Teenan,2 Julie M Schallhorn,3 Keith A Hettinger,2 Stephen J Hannan,2 Martina Pelouskova2 1Department of Ophthalmology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA; 2Optical Express, Glasgow, UK; 3Department of Ophthalmology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess visual and refractive outcomes of laser vision correction (LVC to correct residual refraction after multifocal intraocular lens (IOL implantation. Patients and methods: In this retrospective study, 782 eyes that underwent LVC to correct unintended ametropia after multifocal IOL implantation were evaluated. Of all multifocal lenses implanted during primary procedure, 98.7% were refractive and 1.3% had a diffractive design. All eyes were treated with VISX STAR S4 IR excimer laser using a convectional ablation profile. Refractive outcomes, visual acuities, patient satisfaction, and quality of life were evaluated at the last available visit. Results: The mean time between enhancement and last visit was 6.3±4.4 months. Manifest spherical equivalent changed from -0.02±0.83 D (-3.38 D to +2.25 D pre-enhancement to 0.00±0.34 D (-1.38 D to +1.25 D post-enhancement. At the last follow-up, the percentage of eyes within 0.50 D and 1.00 D of emmetropia was 90.4% and 99.5%, respectively. Of all eyes, 74.9% achieved monocular uncorrected distance visual acuity 20/20 or better. The mean corrected distance visual acuity remained the same before (-0.04±0.06 logMAR [logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution] and after LVC procedure (-0.04±0.07 logMAR; P=0.70. There was a slight improvement in visual phenomena (starburst, halo, glare, ghosting/double vision following the enhancement. No sight-threatening complications related to LVC occurred in this study. Conclusion: LVC in pseudophakic patients with multifocal IOL was safe, effective, and predictable in a large cohort of

  13. Case report: multifocal subchondral stress fractures of the femoral heads and tibial condyles in a young military recruit. (United States)

    Yoon, Pil Whan; Yoo, Jeong Joon; Yoon, Kang Sup; Kim, Hee Joong


    Subchondral stress fractures of the femoral head may be either of the insufficiency-type with poor quality bone or the fatigue-type with normal quality bone but subject to high repetitive stresses. Unlike osteonecrosis, multiple site involvement rarely has been reported for subchondral stress fractures. We describe a case of multifocal subchondral stress fractures involving femoral heads and medial tibial condyles bilaterally within 2 weeks. A 27-year-old military recruit began having left knee pain after 2 weeks of basic training, without any injury. Subsequently, right knee, right hip, and left hip pain developed sequentially within 2 weeks. The diagnosis of multifocal subchondral stress fracture was confirmed by plain radiographs and MR images. Nonoperative treatment of the subchondral stress fractures of both medial tibial condyles and the left uncollapsed femoral head resulted in resolution of symptoms. The collapsed right femoral head was treated with a fibular strut allograft to restore congruity and healed without further collapse. There has been one case report in which an insufficiency-type subchondral stress fracture of the femoral head and medial femoral condyle occurred within a 2-year interval. Because the incidence of bilateral subchondral stress fractures of the femoral head is low and multifocal involvement has not been reported, multifocal subchondral stress fractures can be confused with multifocal osteonecrosis. Our case shows that subchondral stress fractures can occur in multiple sites almost simultaneously.

  14. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy: new concepts

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    Marco A. Lima


    Full Text Available Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML is a demyelinating disease of the CNS caused by reactivation of JC virus (JCV in a setting of cellular immunosuppression. Originally, PML was observed in patients with advanced HIV infection, lymphoproliferative disorders and transplant recipients. However, the widespread use of HIV antiretroviral drugs and the new selective immunomodulatory and immunosuppressive medications, such as Rituximab and Natalizumab, has recently modified the epidemiology, clinical presentation and prognosis of PML. Herein, we discuss the new concepts on PML, emphasizing the recent modification in the epidemiology; the impact of new immunomodulatory treatments in the disease, PML-IRIS (Immune reconstitution inflammatory síndrome, new treatment strategies and other JCV related CNS diseases.

  15. Fatores técnicos intervenientes na realização do exame de eletrorretinograma multifocal (ERGmf Technical factors that influence multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG recording

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Kiyoko Oyamada


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os principais fatores intervenientes observados durante a aquisição e análise do exame de eletrorretinograma multifocal (ERGmf, que afetam o registro gráfico das ondas obtidas e portanto sua análise. MÉTODOS: Análise dos fatores de erro observados durante a aquisição de 100 exames seqüenciais de eletrorretinograma multifocal, realizados com o Reti System da Roland Consult, no período de maio a julho de 2005. Os exames de eletrorretinograma multifocal foram realizados conforme recomendações internacionais, respeitando-se os parâmetros preestabelecidos do equipamento, com 61 elementos, e ângulo visual de 30º. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação oftalmológica completa, excluindo-se aqueles com transparência inadequada de meios, córneas planas e os incapazes de visualizar as linhas de fixação. RESULTADOS: Os fatores intervenientes, que poderiam causar erros na interpretação dos resultados obtidos, observados e corrigidos durante a realização dos exames foram: fixação excêntrica, movimentação dos olhos, contração do orbicular, contração da musculatura cervical, não-correção adequada, não-transparência adequada do eletrodo corneano, deslocamento do eletrodo em geral para baixo, descentralização do suporte da lente corretora, distância inadequada paciente-monitor em pacientes com alta ametropia, altura inadequada dos olhos em relação ao centro da tela, ruído na freqüência de 60 HZ (rede elétrica e de campo eletromagnético, impedâncias elevadas. No processamento das ondas, a utilização excessiva de filtros para remoção de ruídos dos registros obtidos, pode interferir na análise dos resultados obtidos. CONCLUSÕES: Cuidados simplesmente observacionais durante a aquisição dos sinais são de importância significativa para a obtenção de registros com boa morfologia e baixo nível de ruído. Permitindo, por meio de sua pronta correção, a análise correta e

  16. Unusual multifocal granulomatous disease caused by actinomycetous bacteria in a nestling Derbyan parrot (Psittacula derbiana). (United States)

    Park, F J; Jaensch, S


    A nestling Derbyan parrot (Psittacula derbiana) was presented with unusual subcutaneous swellings of the thigh regions, and poor growth. Histological examination revealed actinomycetous bacteria associated with multifocal systemic granulomas. The clinical and pathological findings of the case are presented, and some relevant aspects of actinomycetous bacterial infections in mammals and birds are discussed. Although granulomatous disease is encountered at times in avian species, the actinomycetous bacteria (Nocardia and Actinomyces spp.) have rarely been reported in association with multifocal granulomatous disease in birds.

  17. The Mathematical Theory of Multifocal Lenses

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    This paper presents the fundamental optical concepts of designing multifocal ophthalmic lenses and the mathematical methods associated with them.In particular,it is shown that the design methodology is heavily based on differential geometric ideas such as Willmore surfaces.A key role is played by Hamilton's eikonal functions.It is shown that these functions capture all the information on the local blur and distortion created by the lenses.Along the way,formulas for computing the eikonal functions are derived.Finally,the author lists a few intriguing mathematical problems and novel concepts in optics as future projects.

  18. Optimizing outcomes with multifocal intraocular lenses

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    Gitansha Shreyas Sachdev


    Full Text Available Modern day cataract surgery is evolving from a visual restorative to a refractive procedure. The advent of multifocal intraocular lenses (MFIOLs allows greater spectacle independence and increased quality of life postoperatively. Since the inception in 1980s, MFIOLs have undergone various technical advancements including trifocal and extended depth of vision implants more recently. A thorough preoperative workup including the patients' visual needs and inherent ocular anatomy allows us to achieve superior outcomes. This review offers a comprehensive overview of the various types of MFIOLs and principles of optimizing outcomes through a comprehensive preoperative screening and management of postoperative complications.

  19. Renal Function Outcomes for Multifocal Renal Neoplasms Managed by Radiofrequency Ablation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gupta, Pushpender, E-mail:; Allen, Brian C., E-mail:; Chen, Michael Y., E-mail:; Childs, David D., E-mail:; Kota, Gopi, E-mail:; Zagoria, Ronald J., E-mail: [Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology (United States)


    Purpose: To evaluate renal function changes related to radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for the treatment of multifocal renal neoplasms. Methods: This is an institutional review board-approved, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act compliant retrospective study of all patients treated with computed tomography guided RFA for multifocal renal neoplasms at one institution. Fifty-seven subjects, mean age 70 (range 37-88) years, underwent RFA of 169 renal neoplasms (average size 2.0 cm). Subjects had between 2 and 8 (mean 2.96) neoplasms ablated. Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was measured before and after RFA. Complications related to RFA were recorded. Results: eGFR decreased on average of 4.4 % per tumor treated and 6.7 % per ablation session (average 1.76 tumors treated per session). For subjects with the largest neoplasm measuring >3 cm, eGFR decreased an average of 14.5 % during the course of their treatment. If the largest neoplasm measured 2-3 cm, eGFR decreased an average of 7.7 %, and if the largest neoplasm measured <2 cm, eGFR decreased an average of 3.8 %. Subjects with reduced baseline renal function were more likely to have a greater decline in eGFR after RFA. There was a minor complication rate of 6.3 % (6 of 96 sessions), none of which required treatment, and a major complication rate of 4.2 % (4 of 96 sessions). Conclusion: RFA for the treatment of multifocal renal neoplasms results in mild decline of renal function.

  20. Autorefraction versus subjective refraction in a radially asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Linden, J.W.M. van der; Vrijman, V.; El-Saady, R.; Meulen, I.J. van der; Mourits, M.P.; Lapid-Gortzak, R.


    PURPOSE: To evaluate whether the automated refraction (AR) correlates with subjective manifest (MR) refraction in eyes implanted with radially asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOLs). METHODS: This retrospective study evaluated 52 eyes (52 patients) implanted with a radially asymmetric

  1. Effect of Unifocal versus Multifocal Lenses on Cervical Spine Posture in Patients with Presbyopia. (United States)

    Abbas, Rami L; Houri, Mohamad T; Rayyan, Mohammad M; Hamada, Hamada Ahmad; Saab, Ibtissam M


    There are many environmental considerations which may or may not lead to the development of faulty cervical mechanics. The design of near vision lenses could contribute to the development of such cervical dysfunction and consequently neck pain. Decision making regarding proper type of lens prescription seems important for presbyopic individuals. To investigate the effect of unifocal and multifocal lenses on cervical posture. Thirty subjects (18 females and 12 males) participated in the study with an age range from 40 to 64 years. Each subject wore consequently both unifocal and multifocal lenses randomly while reading. Then lateral cervical spine X-ray films were taken for each subject during each lens wearing. X-ray films were analyzed with digital software (Autocad software, 2 D) to measure segmental angles of the cervical vertebrae (Occiput/C1, C1/C2, C2/C3, C3/C4, C4/C5, C5/C6, C6/C7, C3/C7, C0/C3, and occiput/C7). Higher significant extension angle in the segments C0/C7, C1/C2, C5/C6, C6/C7, and C3/C7 (p<0.05) during multifocal lenses wearing were observed in contrast with higher flexion angle between C3/C4 and C4/C5 (p<0.05) with unifocal lenses wear. Multifocal lens spectacles produces increased extension in the cervical vertebrae angles when compared with the use of unifocal lenses.

  2. Premature epiphyseal fusion and degenerative arthritis in chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piddo, C.; Reed, M.H.; Black, G.B.


    A 9-year-old boy was diagnosed with chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis affecting multiple sites. During an 8-year follow-up he developed premature closure of a distal radial epiphysis and degenerative changes in the adjacent radiocarpal joint. (orig.)

  3. Multifocal gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) of the stomach in an 11-year-old girl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jin; Rubinas, Tara C.; Fordham, Lynn A.; Phillips, J.D.


    A previously healthy 11-year-old girl presented with an 8-month history of anemia and left upper quadrant abdominal pain. US examination demonstrated a 9-cm cystic mass with a fluid-fluid level in the left upper quadrant with unclear organ of origin. Abdominal MR imaging demonstrated a complex cystic mass, likely arising from the stomach. Additional T2 hyperintense submucosal lesions were identified in the gastric wall. Surgical excision confirmed the diagnosis of multifocal gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). MR imaging was helpful in suggesting a gastric origin of the primary mass and in demonstrating multifocal disease within the stomach. (orig.)

  4. Multifocal fibrosing thyroiditis: report of 55 cases of a poorly recognized entity. (United States)

    Fellegara, Giovanni; Rosai, Juan


    During the course of our consultation activity, we have recognized a peculiar form of thyroiditis in which multiple foci of fibrosis, most of which were associated with reactive atypia of the surrounding follicles, are present. We have referred to this condition, both in our consultation reports and in the third series of A.F.I.P. Fascicle on Tumors of the Thyroid Gland, as "multifocal fibrosing thyroiditis" or (less frequently) "multifocal sclerosing thyroiditis," which are descriptive terms that highlight the benign/inflammatory nature of the process, its multiplicity, and its unknown pathogenesis. The aim of this study is to better define the morphologic features of this process and correlate it with some clinical data. With this purpose, the consultation files of one of the authors (J.R.) were searched for cases coded as multifocal fibrosing thyroiditis or multifocal sclerosing thyroiditis in a 20-year period ranging from January 1989 to December 2009. A total of 55 cases were identified that displayed the above-listed features. There were 51 (93%) female and 4 (7%) male patients (F/M=12.75), with ages ranging between 15 and 71 years (mean age, 47.03 y; median age, 44.5 y). Microscopically, multiple foci of fibrosis were identified in all cases, their number ranging from 2 to 51 per case (mean number, 16), with a mean diameter of 3 mm (range: 0.36 to 15.1 mm). Although heterogenous in shape and size, the individual foci were rather similar to each other in composition, being characterized by a fibrotic poorly cellular center that merged with a cellular peripheral zone. Some of the follicular structures present at the periphery of the scar and-to a lesser extent-those entrapped inside it underwent complex reactive and regenerative (atypical) changes that simulated malignancy. We discuss the differential diagnosis with other benign and malignant thyroid conditions and speculate about its pathogenesis and possible relationship with papillary thyroid microcarcinoma.

  5. Exploring the methods of data analysis in multifocal visual evoked potentials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Malmqvist, Lasse; Santiago de Abreu, Lucimar; Fraser, C.


    Purpose: The multifocal visual evoked potential (mfVEP) provides a topographical assessment of visual function, which has already shown potential for use in patients with glaucoma and multiple sclerosis. However, the variability in mfVEP measurements has limited its broader application. The purpo...



    Cornejo U,Ricardo


    Antecedentes: El proceso biológico de diferenciación celular es la traducción de múltiples procesos nucleares y citoplasmáticos que determinan cambios complejos y fundamentales en la ultraestructura, bioquímica y fsiología celular, los cuales pueden ser cuantifcados mediante técnicas morfométricas. Objetivo: Evidenciar en términos cuantitativos y morfológicos las variaciones experimentadas por los nucleolos pertenecientes a células mamarias de la línea HC11 tanto normales como en mecanismo de...

  7. Upper Extremity Multifocal Neuropathy in a 10-Year-Old Boy Associated With NS6S Disaccharide Antibodies. (United States)

    Edelman, Frederick; Naddaf, Elie; Waclawik, Andrew J


    We present a 10-year-old boy with a predominantly motor multifocal neuropathy with demyelinating and axonal changes with sensory involvement, affecting only one upper extremity. Laboratory studies revealed an elevated titer of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies against the NS6S antigen. He responded to treatment with high dose intravenous immunoglobulins. Focal or multifocal immune-mediated neuropathies are not common in children and may be underdiagnosed. © The Author(s) 2014.

  8. Mecanismos de invasión del esporozoíto de Plasmodium en el mosquito vector Anopheles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lilian M. Spencer


    Full Text Available La Malaria o Paludismo es una de las enfermedades tropicales considerada un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial por la OMS. Plasmodium es un protozoario cuyo vector es la hembra del mosquito Anopheles. En este vector se cumplen dos procesos fundamentales en el ciclo de vida del parásito, como son la reproducción sexual, con la formación de un cigoto móvil llamado ooquineto como producto de la fertilización entre los gametos; y la invasión del epitelio del estómago y formación del ooquiste. El estadio producto de esta esporogonia son los esporozoítos (reproducción asexual que se dirigen a las glándulas salivales; y es el infectivo para el mamífero. El esporozoíto es el responsable de establecer la enfermedad en su hospedador vertebrado y por lo tanto los procesos de invasión de este a las glándulas salivales del mosquito es uno de los puntos fundamentales de estudio. Nosotros presentamos una revisión acerca de los mecanismos de invasión del parásito dentro del vector mosquito y las proteínas más importantes que median este proceso. Uno de los aspectos más estudiados en las investigaciones en malaria ha sido determinar la antigenicidad de dichas proteínas en esta parte del ciclo con el fin de ser usadas en el diseño de vacunas. Entre ellas, algunas de las más estudiadas son: P230, P48/45, P28, P25, CTRP, CS, TRAP, WARP y SOAP las cuales han sido consideradas en las estrategias para inhibir el desarrollo del parásito, mejor conocidas como vacunas de bloqueo de trasmisión por el vector. Por lo tanto, presentamos algunas de las estrategias en el diseño de vacunas, basado en las proteínas implicadas en los estadios desarrollados dentro del vector.

  9. Influence of Near-Segment Positioning in a Rotationally Asymmetric Multifocal Intraocular Lens. (United States)

    Song, In Seok; Yoon, Sam Young; Kim, Jae Yong; Kim, Myoung Joon; Tchah, Hungwon


    To compare visual performance and higher order aberrations (HOAs) based on the position of the near segment in eyes with rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs). Asymmetric multifocal IOLs (Lentis Mplus LS-313; Oculentis Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) were implanted with the near segment positioned either inferiorly, superiorly, or temporally. Uncorrected distance (UDVA), intermediate (UIVA), and near (UNVA) visual acuity, corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), and distance-corrected intermediate (DCIVA) and near (DCNVA) visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, HOAs, and subjective symptom questionnaires were compared at 1 month postoperatively. Forty-five eyes from 45 patients were evaluated (n = 25, 9, and 11 eyes in the inferior, superior, and temporal groups, respectively). No significant differences in UDVA, UIVA, UNVA, CDVA, DCIVA, or DCNVA were found between the three groups (P > .05). The temporal group showed the best results in UDVA, CDVA, and DCNVA, but the inferior group showed the best results in DCIVA and UNVA and the superior group showed the best results in UIVA. Contrast sensitivity and the subjective symptom questionnaire also did not demonstrate any significant differences (P > .05). Total HOA and spherical aberration did not demonstrate any statistically significant differences (P > .05), but vertical coma and horizontal coma demonstrated significant differences based on near segment position (P < .001). The position of the near segment in eyes with rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOLs demonstrates no significant effect on visual performance. Copyright 2016, SLACK Incorporated.

  10. The Effects of Hashimoto Thyroiditis on Lymph Node Metastases in Unifocal and Multifocal Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (United States)

    Zhu, Feng; Shen, Yi Bin; Li, Fu Qiang; Fang, Yun; Hu, Liang; Wu, Yi Jun


    Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors for central and lateral neck lymph node metastases in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and multifocal papillary thyroid carcinoma (MPTC), particularly when associated with Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT). A retrospective analysis of 763 consecutive patients who underwent total thyroidectomy with bilateral central neck dissection in the First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University between October 2011 and October 2014 was conducted. All patients had formal histological diagnoses of HT. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to identify risk factors of neck lymph node metastases. Our study identified 277 PTC patients with HT and showed comparatively low rates of central lymph node metastases (CLNM) compared with the PTC patients without HT (37.2% versus 54.7%, P thyroid peroxidase antibody >140 IU/mL was established as the most sensitive and specific level for the prediction of MPTC based on receiver operating characteristic curve analyses. Thyroid peroxidase antibody, age, tumor size, and multifocality exhibited the ability to predict CLNM in PTC with HT patients with an area under the curve of 81.1% based on a multivariate model. Hashimoto thyroiditis was associated with increased prevalences of multifocality and capsular invasion. In contrast, HT was associated with a reduced risk of CLNM in PTC and MPTC patients, which indicated a potential protective effect. We found that the prognostic prediction model was applicable for predicting multifocality and CLNM in PTC patients with HT. PMID:26871795

  11. Primary multifocal tuberculous osteomyelitis with involvement of the ribs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chang, D.S. [New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York (United States); Rafii, M.; McGuinness, G. [Department of Radiology, NYU Medical Center, New York, NY (United States); Jagirdar, J.S. [Department of Pathology, NYU Medical Center, New York, New York (United States)


    Two cases of primary multifocal tuberculous osteomyelitis with involvement of the rib cage are presented. The lungs were normal and the appearance of the skeletal lesions did not suggest tuberculosis. These lesions were predominantly lytic, with minimal soft tissue involvement. Tuberculosis should be high in the differential diagnosis of multiple destructive bone lesions, especially in patients from regions where tuberculosis is endemic. (orig.) With 5 figs., 21 refs.

  12. Estudio de la dinámica ósea mandibular y de los procesos reabsortivos de la cresta alveolar en ratas diabéticas y controles.


    García, María


    Recibido: Jul. 2008 | Aceptado: Sep. 2008 La enfermedad periodontal es una respuesta inflamatoria del tejido periodontal a las bacterias contenidas en la placa bacteriana con destrucción de fibras colágenas, migración apical del epitelio de unión y pérdida del hueso alveolar. El daño producido puede conducir a la pérdida dental. Con el fin de evaluar el crecimiento mandibular y describir el desarrollo de la enfermedad periodontal “espontánea” de la rata se utilizaron animales con...

  13. Estructura del aparato reproductor masculino de Uca uruguayensis (Decapoda, Ocypodidae Structure of the male reproductive tract of Uca uruguayensis (Decapoda, Ocypodidae

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    Elena Irene Cuartas

    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es describir las estructuras del sistema reproductor de machos de Uca uruguayensis Nobili, 1901 y estudiar los cambios relacionados con la madurez sexual. Se trabajó con observación estereoscópica de material fresco, técnica histológica de rutina y observaciones en Microscopio Electrónico de Barrido. Se incluyó la caracterización de los gonopodos 1 (G1 y 2 (G2. El tracto reproductor del macho se compone de un par de testículos (T, un vaso deferente (VD tubular y sinuoso y una ampolla terminal (AT. El VD tiene tres secciones, la anterior (VDA, la media (VDM y la posterior (VDP. El VDA y VDM están conformadas por un epitelio simple de células cúbicas. El epitelio del VDP es columnar y con núcleos basales y alongados. El diseño tubular se modifica al ocuparse el lumen del VDP con líquido espermático durante el verano y la musculatura circular se hace más evidente. La porción terminal del VDP se ensancha formando una ampolla (AT que comprende cuatro cámaras interconectadas. Todas las estructuras están rodeadas de una capa de tejido conectivo de poco espesor. Se identifican las modificaciones observadas en la histología de T y VD, definiendo como mas relevantes las observadas desde el mes de noviembre hasta marzo. Estas modificaciones sugieren que U. uruguayensis tiene, en la localidad estudiada, una única estación reproductiva durante el verano en esta latitud. La AT, tal como es descripta, es una estructura que hasta el momento no ha sido mencionada para los Brachyura.The structure of the male reproductive tract was described in Uca uruguayensis Nobili, 1901, by using histological methods, scanning electron microscopy techniques, and stereoscopic observations of fresh material. The aim of this work was to establish the functional changes associated with sexual maturation. The morphology of the first (G1 and second (G2 pair of gonopods was described. The male reproductive tract consists of paired

  14. Bilateral implantation of +3.0 D multifocal toric intraocular lenses: results of a US Food and Drug Administration clinical trial. (United States)

    Lehmann, Robert; Modi, Satish; Fisher, Bret; Michna, Magda; Snyder, Michael


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of apodized diffractive +3.0 D multifocal toric intraocular lens (IOL) implantations in subjects with preoperative corneal astigmatism. This was a prospective cohort study conducted at 21 US sites. The study population consisted of 574 subjects, aged ≥21 years, with preoperative astigmatism 0.75-2.82 D, and potential postoperative visual acuity (VA) ≥0.2 logMAR, undergoing bilateral cataract removal by phacoemulsification. The intervention was bilateral implantation of aspheric apodized diffractive +3.0 D multifocal toric or spherical multifocal nontoric IOLs. The main outcome measures were monocular uncorrected near and distance VA and safety at 12 months. A total of 373/386 and 182/188 subjects implanted with multifocal toric and nontoric IOLs, respectively, completed 12-month follow-up after the second implantation. Toric IOLs were nonin-ferior in monocular uncorrected distance (4 m) and near (40 cm) VA but had >1 line better binocular uncorrected intermediate VA (50, 60, and 70 cm) than nontoric IOLs. Toric IOLs reduced cylinder to within 0.50 D and 1.0 D of target in 278 (74.5%) and 351 (94.1%) subjects, respectively. Mean ± standard deviation (SD) differences between intended and achieved axis orientation in the first and second implanted eyes were 5.0°±6.1° and 4.7°±4.0°, respectively. Mean ± SD 12-month IOL rotations in the first and second implanted eyes were 2.7°±5.8° and 2.2°±2.7°, respectively. No subject receiving toric IOLs required secondary surgical intervention due to optical lens properties. Multifocal toric IOLs were noninferior to multifocal nontoric IOLs in uncorrected distance and near VAs in subjects with preexisting corneal astigmatism and effectively corrected astigmatism of 0.75-2.82 D.

  15. The effect of high- to low-altitude adaptation on the multifocal electroretinogram

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kofoed, Peter Kristian; Sander, Birgit; Zubieta-Calleja, Gustavo


    PURPOSE: To examine variations in retinal electrophysiology assessed by multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) during acclimatization of native highlanders to normobaric normoxia at sea level. METHODS: Eight healthy residents of the greater La Paz area in Bolivia (3600 m above sea level) were...

  16. Multifocal oral melanoacanthoma associated with Addison's disease and hyperthyroidism: a case report. (United States)

    Dantas, Thinali Sousa; Nascimento, Isabelly Vidal do; Verde, Maria Elisa Quezado Lima; Alves, Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes; Sousa, Fabrício Bitu; Mota, Mário Rogério Lima


    Oral melanoacanthoma is a mucocutaneous, pigmented, rare, benign, and probably reactive lesion. This paper reports for the first time in the literature a case of multifocal oral melanoacanthoma in a patient diagnosed with Addison's disease and concomitant Graves' disease with hyperthyroidism. The patient presented with oral pigmented lesions, which were hypothesized to be mucosal pigmentation associated with Addison's disease. Due to their unusual clinical pattern, these oral lesions were biopsied and diagnosed as oral melanoacanthoma on histopathology and immunohistochemistry for HMB-45. At the moment of this report, the patient was being treated for her systemic conditions, but the lesions had not regressed. Reactive hyperpigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes may be found in Addison's disease and hyperthyroidism. This case reinforces the hypothesis of a reactive nature for oral melanoacanthoma and highlights the need for investigation of endocrine disorders in patients with multifocal oral melanoacanthoma.


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    Pablo Gómez Martinez


    Full Text Available

    Son muchos los trabajos publicados que explican la resistencia natural del aparato urinario a la infección y las maneras como se defiende. Basta citar unos cuantos para demostrar que ninguno de ellos es plenamente satisfactorio: la naturaleza del epitelio, la evacuación completa del sistema excretor, el factor intrínseco vesical, el lavado hacia el exterior (wash
    out de Hinman, los mucoproteídos, la resistencia del paciente, la virulencia del germen infectante, son mecanismos comúnmente citados como factores en contra del proceso infeccioso.

    Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que la infección no se produce si el organismo es inmune a agentes microbianos, y que si se desarrolla, es porque este mecanismo humoral está disminuido o ausente o alterado, o porque otros, posiblemente existentes, no han sido capaces de vencer el ataque infeccioso al individuo.

    Una vez establecida la infección, los mismos agentes bacterianos obran como antígenos capaces de producir anticuerpos, es decir, de desencadenar el proceso inmunológico que permitirá al paciente salir airoso de la lucha, o modificar la evolución clínica de la

    Ya sea natural o adquirida, generala local, la inmunidad es la que en esencia y básicamente, juega un papel de primera magnitud en la defensa del aparato urinario.

    Mecanismo inmunológico local. Hasta hace poco tiempo, la inmunología se ocupaba principalmente de la respuesta serológica a la infección, tanto en el hombre como en los animales y trataba de producir su inmunidad administrando una gran variedad de antígenos
    cuya respuesta se mide por el título de los anticuerpos producidos en el suero, como prueba de la eficacia del proceso. Nadie puede negar que la vacunación ha sido uno de los grandes triunfos de la humanidad en su lucha contra las epidemias.

    Sin embargo, estudios más recientes han demostrado que, aunque puede existir una relaci

  18. Autorefraction versus subjective refraction in a radially asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens. (United States)

    van der Linden, Jan Willem; Vrijman, Violette; Al-Saady, Rana; El-Saady, Rana; van der Meulen, Ivanka J; Mourits, Maarten P; Lapid-Gortzak, Ruth


    To evaluate whether the automated refraction (AR) correlates with subjective manifest (MR) refraction in eyes implanted with radially asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOLs). This retrospective study evaluated 52 eyes (52 patients) implanted with a radially asymmetric multifocal IOL (LS-312 MF30, Oculentis, Germany). At 3 months postoperatively, the AR and MR values were compared to determine the correlation between the sphere (S), the spherical equivalent (SE) and the astigmatic components J0 and J45. The difference of mean spherical measurement was +0.98D ± 0.62, with the AR measuring more myopic. The difference of the mean spherical equivalent was +1.11D ± 0.57, again with AR being more myopic. Both these differences were statistically significant (p < 0.001). The astigmatic components showed less differences, with the mean difference of the J0 being -0.09D ± 0.43, and the J45 of +0.04D ± 0.47, which were both not statistically significant (p = 0.123 and p = 0.531, respectively). Correlation analysis of the refractive parameters showed r(2) = 0.067, r(2) = 0.078, r(2) = 0.018 and r(2) = 0.015, respectively, all of which point to a low correlation between the AR and the MR. Autorefraction shows poor correlation to manifest subjective refraction with these radially asymmetric multifocal IOLs. The autorefraction systematically underestimates the spherical and spherical equivalent power, while the correlation between the astigmatic components was also low. Autorefraction seems not a valid starting point for manifest subjective refraction with these types of lenses, unless a corrective factor of about +1 dioptre is used. © 2014 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Radioembolization After Portal Vein Embolization in a Patient with Multifocal Hepatocellular Carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burgmans, Mark C.; Irani, Farah G.; Chan, Wan Ying; Teo, Terence K.; Kao, Yung Hsiang; Goh, Anthony S.W.; Chow, Pierce K.; Lo, Richard H.


    Radioembolization is an effective locoregional therapy for patients with intermediate or advanced stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It has been shown that radioembolization is safe in patients with portal vein thrombosis. This case report describes safe radioembolization after portal vein embolization in a patient with multifocal HCC.

  20. Multifocal amelanotic conjunctival melanoma and acquired melanosis sine pigmento. (United States)

    Paridaens, A D; McCartney, A C; Hungerford, J L


    Clinical and histopathological features of four cases of multifocal amelanotic malignant melanoma of the conjunctiva in association with 'acquired melanosis sine pigmento' are reported. The absence of conjunctival pigmentation in this extremely rare combination of lesions prevented early diagnosis and clinical monitoring. As a result orbital exenteration was required in three cases. This multicentric non-pigmented variety of conjunctival malignant melanoma tends to present later than pigmented forms and may require exenteration of the orbit as a primary procedure.

  1. Correction to: Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in rituximab-treated rheumatic diseases: a rare event. (United States)

    Berger, Joseph R; Malik, Vineeta; Lacey, Stuart; Brunetta, Paul; Lehane, Patricia B


    The article "Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in rituximab-treated rheumatic diseases: a rare event," written by Joseph R. Berger, Vineeta Malik, Stuart Lacey, Paul Brunetta, and Patricia B. Lehane 3 , was originally published electronically on the publisher's internet portal (currently SpringerLink).

  2. Multifocal choroiditis as the first sign of systemic sarcoidosis associated with pembrolizumab

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    Qu-Knafo Lise


    Conclusions and importance: Pembrolizumab is an immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy used in the treatment of metastatic melanoma. We report a pembrolizumab-associated sarcoidosis revealed by a panuveitis with multifocal choroiditis. Physicians should be aware of the potential inflammatory and autoimmune disease that may be induced by immunomodulatory therapies.

  3. Optical design of soft multifocal contact lens with uniform optical power in center-distance zone with optimized NURBS. (United States)

    Vu, Lien T; Chen, Chao-Chang A; Yu, Chia-Wei


    This study aims to develop a new optical design method of soft multifocal contact lens (CLs) to obtain uniform optical power in large center-distance zone with optimized Non-Uniform Rational B-spline (NURBS). For the anterior surface profiles of CLs, the NURBS design curves are optimized to match given optical power distributions. Then, the NURBS in the center-distance zones are fitted in the corresponding spherical/aspheric curves for both data points and their centers of curvature to achieve the uniform power. Four cases of soft CLs have been manufactured by casting in shell molds by injection molding and then measured to verify the design specifications. Results of power profiles of these CLs are concord with the given clinical requirements of uniform powers in larger center-distance zone. The developed optical design method has been verified for multifocal CLs design and can be further applied for production of soft multifocal CLs.

  4. Observaciones morfohistológicas del testículo y espermatozoides de Microlophus peruvianus (Lesson, 1826 (Sauria:Tropiduridae

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    Cesar Ramírez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo proporciona información morfohistológica de los testículos y espermatozoides de 5 individuos de la lagartija peruana Microlophus peruvianus (Lesson, 1826, procedentes de Huaral, Lima (11º 26´S; 77º24´W; colectados durante el mes de setiembre de 2005. El trabajo de campo se combinó con el análisis de laboratorio de las gónadas. La longitud promedio hocico-cloaca fue de 91,3mm ± 13,655, encontrándose todos los individuos con gran actividad meiótica en la línea espermatogénica con un grosor del epitelio germinativo de 126,33 mμ ± 0,092, lo que sugiere que el mes de colecta estaría dentro de su ciclo activo de reproducción. La línea espermatogénica presenta los tipos celulares típicos de la espermatogénesis: espermatogonias (3,544 mμ ± 0,4513, espermatocitos primarios (4,864 mμ ± 0,5292, espermátides (2,85 mμ ± 0,4071; no se encontraron espermatocitos secundarios. La morfología y biometría del espermatozoide de M. peruvianus propone su importancia como valor taxonómico.


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    Sandra Ricart Casadevall


    Full Text Available La gestión del regadío es protagonista de un debate multifocal y supra escalar donde parte de la sociedad cuestiona los límites socioeconómicos y ambientales asociados a su práctica, poniendo el énfasis en su capital territorial y su capacidad de adaptación ante los retos venideros. En el ámbito sur-europeo la yuxtaposición de canales tradicionales, modernizados y de nueva creación explica buena parte del dinamismo protagonizado por la matriz rural. Los resultados obtenidos en tres casos de estudio de carácter multifuncional y marco sur-europeo (canal Segarra-Garrigues –Lérida–, canal de la Neste –Hautes-Pyrénées– y canal de la Muzza –Lombardia– enfatizan el debate sobre el futuro del regadío y apuesta por una gestión territorial del mismo.

  6. Diseño de una crema regeneradora con quitina para después del bronceado

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    Patricia Pérez Ramos

    Full Text Available Introducción: después de tomar el sol resulta indispensable reparar la piel agredida por los rayos nocivos. Los cosmecéuticos para después del sol contienen elementos antinflamatorios, calmantes, hidratantes, suavizantes y regeneradores del epitelio, los cuales evitan o mitigan la sensación de dolor, tirantez, ardor y prurito. Objetivo: desarrollar una crema regeneradora con quitina para después del bronceado con la calidad requerida para reparar e hidratar la piel. Métodos: se realizaron dos diseños experimentales 2² (F1 y F2, en los que se utilizaron humectantes diferentes, glicerina y propilenglicol respectivamente. Se midieron como variables respuestas: el pH y la extensibilidad; además se analizaron las propiedades psicofisiológicas, la tensión de cizalla y las pruebas de centrifugación e influencia de la temperatura durante 60 días. Resultados: no existieron diferencias significativas entre el uso del propilenglicol o la glicerina, mientras que si fue notable la incidencia del alcohol cetílico en los valores de extensibilidad y pH. Se obtuvo como la mejor variante la I del diseño F2, en la que el alcohol cetílico se encontraba al 4 % y el propilenglicol al 3 %; el pH resultó 7,05 ± 0,00; la extensibilidad igual a 68,15 ± 1,51 y la tensión de cizalla de 1,93 ± 0,01; las propiedades psicofisiológicas resultaron satisfactorias y no hubo cremado ni coalescencia. Conclusiones: se puede considerar, atendiendo a las mediciones realizadas en el tiempo evaluado, características satisfactorias para las cremas elaboradas siendo la de menor costo, la variante I del diseño F2. La estabilidad física de las formulaciones, sometidas incluso las bases a pruebas de centrifugación e influencia de la temperatura, es indicativo de una buena compatibilidad entre el biopolímero estudiado y los excipientes de la formulación.

  7. Power Profiles of Commercial Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses. (United States)

    Kim, Eon; Bakaraju, Ravi C; Ehrmann, Klaus


    To evaluate the optical power profiles of commercially available soft multifocal contact lenses and compare their optical designs. The power profiles of 38 types of multifocal contact lenses-three lenses each-were measured in powers +6D, +3D, +1D, -1D, -3D, and -6D using NIMO TR1504 (Lambda-X, Belgium). All lenses were measured in phosphate buffered saline across 8 mm optic zone diameter. Refractive index of each lens material was measured using CLR 12-70 (Index Instruments, UK), which was used for converting measured power in the medium to in-air radial power profiles. Three basic types of power profiles were identified: center-near, center-distance, and concentric-zone ring-type designs. For most of the lens types, the relative plus with respect to prescription power was lower than the corresponding spectacle add. For some lens types, the measured power profiles were shifted by up to 1D across the power range relative to their labeled power. Most of the lenses were designed with noticeable amounts of spherical aberration. The sign and magnitude of spherical aberration can either be power dependent or consistent across the power range. Power profiles can vary widely between the different lens types; however, certain similarities were also observed between some of the center-near designs. For the more recently released lens types, there seems to be a trend emerging to reduce the relative plus with respect to prescription power, include negative spherical aberration, and keep the power profiles consistent across the power range.

  8. Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy: Recent Advances and a Neuro-Ophthalmological Review. (United States)

    Sudhakar, Padmaja; Bachman, David M; Mark, Alexander S; Berger, Joseph R; Kedar, Sachin


    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a severe often fatal opportunistic infection of the central nervous system caused by reactivation of a ubiquitous polyoma virus, JC virus. Although typically characterized by multifocal asymmetric subcortical white matter lesions, it may be monofocal and affect the cortical gray matter. Among the broad spectrum of clinical manifestations that occurs with PML, visual complaints are common. Combination of representative personally observed cases of PML and comprehensive review of case series of PML from 1958 through 2014. Neuro-ophthalmic signs and symptoms were reported in approximately 20%-50% of patients with PML and can be the presenting manifestation in half of these. A majority of these presentations occur from damage to cerebral visual pathways resulting in visual field defects, cortical blindness, and other disorders of visual association. Given the decreased frequency of infratentorial and cerebellar involvement, ocular motility disorders are less common. Visual complaints occur in patients with PML and are often the presenting sign. Awareness of this condition is helpful in avoiding unnecessary delays in the diagnosis of PML and management of the underlying condition. Recent guidelines have established criteria for diagnosis of PML in the high-risk patient population and strategies to mitigate the risk in these populations.

  9. Wide-field two-dimensional multifocal optical-resolution photoacoustic computed microscopy (United States)

    Xia, Jun; Li, Guo; Wang, Lidai; Nasiriavanaki, Mohammadreza; Maslov, Konstantin; Engelbach, John A.; Garbow, Joel R.; Wang, Lihong V.


    Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR-PAM) is an emerging technique that directly images optical absorption in tissue at high spatial resolution. To date, the majority of OR-PAM systems are based on single focused optical excitation and ultrasonic detection, limiting the wide-field imaging speed. While one-dimensional multifocal OR-PAM (1D-MFOR-PAM) has been developed, the potential of microlens and transducer arrays has not been fully realized. Here, we present the development of two-dimensional multifocal optical-resolution photoacoustic computed microscopy (2D-MFOR-PACM), using a 2D microlens array and a full-ring ultrasonic transducer array. The 10 × 10 mm2 microlens array generates 1800 optical foci within the focal plane of the 512-element transducer array, and raster scanning the microlens array yields optical-resolution photoacoustic images. The system has improved the in-plane resolution of a full-ring transducer array from ≥100 µm to 29 µm and achieved an imaging time of 36 seconds over a 10 × 10 mm2 field of view. In comparison, the 1D-MFOR-PAM would take more than 4 minutes to image over the same field of view. The imaging capability of the system was demonstrated on phantoms and animals both ex vivo and in vivo. PMID:24322226

  10. Multifocal Visual Evoked Potential in Eyes With Temporal Hemianopia From Chiasmal Compression: Correlation With Standard Automated Perimetry and OCT Findings. (United States)

    Sousa, Rafael M; Oyamada, Maria K; Cunha, Leonardo P; Monteiro, Mário L R


    To verify whether multifocal visual evoked potential (mfVEP) can differentiate eyes with temporal hemianopia due to chiasmal compression from healthy controls. To assess the relationship between mfVEP, standard automated perimetry (SAP), and Fourier domain-optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT) macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness measurements. Twenty-seven eyes with permanent temporal visual field (VF) defects from chiasmal compression on SAP and 43 eyes of healthy controls were submitted to mfVEP and FD-OCT scanning. Multifocal visual evoked potential was elicited using a stimulus pattern of 60 sectors and the responses were averaged for the four quadrants and two hemifields. Optical coherence tomography macular measurements were averaged in quadrants and halves, while peripapillary RNFL thickness was averaged in four sectors around the disc. Visual field loss was estimated in four quadrants and each half of the 24-2 strategy test points. Multifocal visual evoked potential measurements in the two groups were compared using generalized estimated equations, and the correlations between mfVEP, VF, and OCT findings were quantified. Multifocal visual evoked potential-measured temporal P1 and N2 amplitudes were significantly smaller in patients than in controls. No significant difference in amplitude was observed for nasal parameters. A significant correlation was found between mfVEP amplitudes and temporal VF loss, and between mfVEP amplitudes and the corresponding OCT-measured macular and RNFL thickness parameters. Multifocal visual evoked potential amplitude parameters were able to differentiate eyes with temporal hemianopia from controls and were significantly correlated with VF and OCT findings, suggesting mfVEP is a useful tool for the detection of visual abnormalities in patients with chiasmal compression.

  11. Acuidade visual em implantes bilaterais de lentes intra-oculares monofocais e multifocais Visual acuity of bilateral implants of monofocal and multifocal intraocular lenses

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    Leonardo Akaishi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a acuidade visual de longe e perto de pacientes submetidos à facoemulsificação binocular não simultânea com implante de lentes multifocais ou monofocais. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 20 pacientes com lentes multifocais bilaterais e outros 20 pacientes com lentes monofocais também bilaterais, com acuidade visual sem correção melhor ou igual a 0,63 (20/30, medidos separadamente, nos três primeiros meses de pós-operatório. Foi medida a acuidade visual para longe e perto com e sem correção e testes de sensibilidade ao contraste e ofuscamento. RESULTADOS: A acuidade visual sem correção para longe no grupo das monofocais teve média de 0,82 (DP± 0,16 e no grupo das multifocais, 0,94 (DP±0,12, valor de p 0,001. Os dois grupos de lentes tiveram visão com correção para longe igual a 1. No grupo das multifocais, 75% tiveram J1 e 100% tiveram J3 ou melhor sem correção. No grupo das lentes monofocais, 10% tiveram J1 e 70% tiveram J3 ou melhor sem correção. Não houve diferença significante na avaliação com o teste de sensibilidade ao contraste entre os grupos pesquisados. No teste de ofuscamento, os dois grupos tiveram redução da visão, que foi mais acentuada no grupo dos pacientes com lentes multifocais. CONCLUSÃO: A acuidade visual para longe com correção nos pacientes com implante multifocal foi semelhante a dos pacientes com implantes monofocais, embora a acuidade visual para perto no grupo em que foi implantado lente multifocal foi bastante superior ao grupo da lente monofocal. A sensibilidade ao contraste manteve-se semelhante nos dois grupos, já o ofuscamento ("glare test" no grupo multifocal foi maior que no grupo monofocal.PURPOSE: To compare distant and near visual acuity between patients submitted to bilateral nonsimultaneous facoemulsification and implantation of multifocal or monofocal intraocular lenses (IOL. METHODS: Twenty patients with bilateral multifocal IOL and 20 patients with

  12. Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schilling, F.


    Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) is an unusual clinical entity. More than 200 cases are described in the literature and it is presented here with special reference to its radiological aspects. It is an acquired disease of the skeleton which occurs predominantly during childhood and adolescence. About ten per cent of cases begin in early or, rarely, in later adult life. This variant is described here for the first time and is discussed as 'adult CRMO'. The underlying pathology is a bland, predominantly lympho-plasma cellular osteomyelitis which is self-limiting and leads to bone sclerosis (Garre). It probably involves an abnormal immune process which follows an infection but remains clinically latent and remains aseptic and sterile. In a quarter of cases there is an association with pustulosis palmo-plantaris and its relationship with psoriatic arthropathy is discussed. The clinical, histopathological and imaging features (radiological and particularly MRT) and the bone changes are described. (orig./AJ) [de

  13. Primary Disseminated Multifocal Ewing Sarcoma: Results of the Euro-EWING 99 Trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ladenstein, Ruth; Pötschger, Ulrike; Le Deley, Marie Cécile; Whelan, Jeremy; Paulussen, Michael; Oberlin, Odile; van den Berg, Henk; Dirksen, Uta; Hjorth, Lars; Michon, Jean; Lewis, Ian; Craft, Alan; Jürgens, Heribert


    Purpose To improve the poor prognosis of patients with primary disseminated multifocal Ewing sarcomas (PDMES) with a dose-intense treatment concept. Patients and Methods From 1999 to 2005, 281 patients with PDMES were enrolled onto the Euro-EWING 99 R3 study. Median age was 16.2 years (range, 0.4 to

  14. Late hemodynamic failure following percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for long and multifocal femoropopliteal stenoses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, B; Tønnesen, K H; Holstein, P


    separate segments were dilated. Following 98% initial technical success, 3-year patency was 68% for single short stenoses, as opposed to 20% for long and multifocal stenoses (p = 0.05, logrank test). Antiplatelet therapy with acetylsalicyclic acid was not found to influence occurrence of restenosis...

  15. Multifocal dystonia, Clinical feature of Hallervorden-Spatz

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    Ghelichkhani H


    Full Text Available Hallervorden-spatz disease is an inherited metabolic disorder with autosomal recessive trait. Onset is in late childhood or early adolescence. Clinical manifestation is variable but pyramidal and extrapyramidal signs are often prominent. Many of patients show progressive dementia and extrapyramidal symptoms. Ataxia or myoclonus is reported in the course of the disease in individual cases. Focal dystonias including tongue, eyelids (blepharospasm and optic atrophy, retinitis pigmentosa, rarely familial parkinsonism are also reported. Pathologically pigmentary degeneration of globus pallidus, substantia nigra (pars reticular and red nucleus is characteristic. In our case the main clinical feature was multifocal dystonia without obvious pyramidal or other extrapyramidal symptoms, and diagnosis was based on clinical and MRI findings.

  16. Evaluation of refractive correction for standard automated perimetry in eyes wearing multifocal contact lenses. (United States)

    Hirasawa, Kazunori; Ito, Hikaru; Ohori, Yukari; Takano, Yui; Shoji, Nobuyuki


    To evaluate the refractive correction for standard automated perimetry (SAP) in eyes with refractive multifocal contact lenses (CL) in healthy young participants. Twenty-nine eyes of 29 participants were included. Accommodation was paralyzed in all participants with 1% cyclopentolate hydrochloride. SAP was performed using the Humphrey SITA-standard 24-2 and 10-2 protocol under three refractive conditions: monofocal CL corrected for near distance (baseline); multifocal CL corrected for distance (mCL-D); and mCL-D corrected for near vision using a spectacle lens (mCL-N). Primary outcome measures were the foveal threshold, mean deviation (MD), and pattern standard deviation (PSD). The foveal threshold of mCL-N with both the 24-2 and 10-2 protocols significantly decreased by 2.2-2.5 dB ( P correction without additional near correction is to be recommended.

  17. [Follow-up on MEWDS by fundus perimetry and multifocal ERG with the SLO]. (United States)

    Bültmann, S; Martin, M; Rohrschneider, K


    Most conventional techniques for examination such as perimetry or ERG may not be sensitive enough to detect functional alterations due to MEWDS precisely. We report on a follow-up performed by fundus perimetry and the new technique of multifocal ERG using the scanning laser ophthalmoscope. A 24-year-old female patient (VA 0.2/0.8) was followed up for 7 weeks with these techniques as well as Octopus perimetry, fluorescence angiography, Ganzfeld ERG and biomicroscopy. Multifocal ERG stimulation (mfERG, Retiscan) was performed with the SLO. Visual acuity improved from 0.2 to 0.8 and the central relative scotoma disappeared while a relevant increase of P1-wave amplitudes in mfERG could be observed. Combining objective measurements from the fundus controlled SLO-mfERG and results from fundus perimetry enable good correlation of morphology and results, even for minor alterations of the macula only accessible by few established clinical examinations.

  18. Multifocal ERG wavelet packet decomposition applied to glaucoma diagnosis

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    Rodríguez-Ascariz José M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Glaucoma is the second-leading cause of blindness worldwide and early diagnosis is essential to its treatment. Current clinical methods based on multifocal electroretinography (mfERG essentially involve measurement of amplitudes and latencies and assume standard signal morphology. This paper presents a new method based on wavelet packet analysis of global-flash multifocal electroretinogram signals. Methods This study comprised twenty-five patients diagnosed with OAG and twenty-five control subjects. Their mfERG recordings data were used to develop the algorithm method based on wavelet packet analysis. By reconstructing the third wavelet packet contained in the fourth decomposition level (ADAA4 of the mfERG recording, it is possible to obtain a signal from which to extract a marker in the 60-80 ms time interval. Results The marker found comprises oscillatory potentials with a negative-slope basal line in the case of glaucomatous recordings and a positive-slope basal line in the case of normal signals. Application of the optimal threshold calculated in the validation cases showed that the technique proposed achieved a sensitivity of 0.81 and validation specificity of 0.73. Conclusions This new method based on mfERG analysis may be reliable enough to detect functional deficits that are not apparent using current automated perimetry tests. As new stimulation and analysis protocols develop, mfERG has the potential to become a useful tool in early detection of glaucoma-related functional deficits.

  19. Spectacle Independence after Cataract Extraction in Post-Radial Keratotomy Patients Using Hybrid Monovision with ReSTOR® Multifocal and TECNIS® Monofocal Intraocular Lenses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isha Gupta


    Full Text Available Background: We report 2 patients who have undergone radial keratotomy (RK preceding ReSTOR® multifocal intraocular lens (IOL; Alcon, Fort Worth, Tex., USA implantation in their nondominant eyes and TECNIS® monofocal IOL (Abbott Medical Optics, Abbott Park, Ill., USA in their dominant eyes. Methods: Retrospective review of 2 patients who underwent hybrid monovision with ReSTOR® multifocal and TECHNIS® monofocal IOLs at the time of cataract surgery after a remote history of RK. Results: Implantation of the ReSTOR® multifocal and the TECHNIS® monofocal IOLs was successful, with no reported adverse events. The patients were able to achieve spectacle freedom. Conclusion: We report a novel technique for the management of post-RK patients to optimize their chances for spectacle independence.

  20. Osteoblastomatosis of bone. A benign, multifocal osteoblastic lesion, distinct from osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma, radiologically simulating a vascular tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kyriakos, Michael; El-Khoury, Georges Y.; McDonald, Douglas J.; Buckwalter, Joseph A.; Sundaram, Murali; DeYoung, Barry; O'Brien, Michael P.


    Two adult patients are described with multifocal osteolytic lesions radiologically simulating a vascular tumor. One patient had multiple bones involved. Histologically, the individual lesions had the features of the nidus of osteoid osteoma/osteoblastoma. A review of the English language medical literature yielded only one other reported case with similar features. The process is designated as osteoblastomatosis to indicate its bone-forming character, prominent osteoblast proliferation, and multiplicity. The cases are distinguished from multifocal/multicentric osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma, and from benign and malignant vascular tumors. (orig.)

  1. Citoqueratinas 14 y 19 en quistes y tumores de origen odontogénico: Una revisión

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    Sabrina Nieves

    Full Text Available Todas las células de los mamíferos contienen un sistema citoplasmático de fibras esencial para la movilidad celular, el citoesqueleto, el cual se encuentra integrado por tres unidades estructurales principales y proteínas asociadas: microfilamentos, microtúbulos y filamentos intermedios. Las citoqueratinas son filamentos intermedios que forman una red compleja que se extiende desde la superficie del núcleo a la porción periférica de la célula, donde se insertan en desmosomas y hemidesmosomas. Las citoquerarinas 14 y 19 han sido utilizadas como marcadores de diagnóstico y pronóstico en diversas neoplasias de origen epitelial, no sólo permiten identificar a una célula como epitelial, sino que permiten identificar diferentes etapas durante diferenciación del epitelio y caracterizar el tumor. Existen numerosos trabajos en la literatura biomédica que han ejemplificado la utilidad de citoqueratinas 14 y 19 para identificar epitelio odontogénico. Esta revisión analiza la utilidad de su inmunoexpresión en los diferentes quistes y tumores odontogénicos

  2. An adult multifocal medulloblastoma with diffuse acute postoperative cerebellar swelling: immunohistochemical and molecular genetics analysis. (United States)

    Balik, Vladimir; Trojanec, Radek; Holzerova, Milena; Tuckova, Lucie; Sulla, Igor; Megova, Magdalena; Vaverka, Miroslav; Hrabalek, Lumir; Ehrmann, Jiri


    Medulloblastoma (MB), the most common malignant tumor typically affecting children, occurs only exceptionally in adults. Multifocal presentation of this malignancy in adulthood is even much rarer—only four cases with favorable postoperative course have been reported, so far. The study illustrates a very rare rapid postoperative clinical deterioration due to diffuse cerebellar swelling (DCS) in an adult multifocal MB (MMB). To the best of their knowledge, authors for the first time performed genetic analysis of MMB and demonstrated expression patterns of selected markers that put the patient within the sonic hedgehog (SHH) molecular subgroup and at least partially explain her unsatisfactory clinical course. Herein, authors summarized the relevant literature concerning this issue with the aim to determine features that would facilitate diagnosis and therapy of such a scarce clinical entity.

  3. Serology for human papillomavirus Serología para el virus del papiloma humano

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    Pierre Coursaget


    Full Text Available Difficulties with serology for papillomavirus are associated with the large number of human papillomavirus, cross-reactions between papillomavirus, and to the diversity of lesions and target sites for infection. In addition, the expression of the papillomavirus in the superficial layers of the epithelium gives rise to the weak presentation to immunocompetent cells of viral antigens, which in turn gives rise to a weak serological response. Distinct efforts have been made in previous decades to develop more specific and sensitive serological assays. These former studies use fusion proteins and synthetic peptides, although they remain on the whole uninteresting, due to their lack of sensitivity and specificity. Only in the last few years, and principally due to the advent of various virus-like particles (VLP, have more sensitive and specific assays become available.Las limitaciones para la utilización de la serología para el estudio del virus del papiloma humano con fines clínicos están asociadas con la gran variedad de subtipos humanos, con las reacciones cruzadas que existen entre diversos genotipos, la diversidad de lesiones precursoras de cáncer y con los sitios blancos de infección. Asimismo, la expresión del virus del papiloma humano en las capas superficiales del epitelio dan origen a una débil presentación de células inmunocompetentes de antígenos virales, lo cual origina una elevación de la respuesta serológica. Distintos esfuerzos se han realizado en décadas previas para desarrollar ensayos serológicos más específicos y sensibles. En muchas investigaciones se ha utilizado una fusión de proteínas y péptidos sintéticos que tienen como principal limitación su escasa sensibilidad y especificidad. Sólo en los últimos años, y principalmente debido al arribo de partículas parecidas a este virus, tenemos disponibles ensayos más sensibles y específicos, ampliamente descritos en este artículo.

  4. Objective perimetry using a four-channel multifocal VEP system: correlation with conventional perimetry and thickness of the retinal nerve fibre layer. (United States)

    Horn, Folkert K; Kaltwasser, Christoph; Jünemann, Anselm G; Kremers, Jan; Tornow, Ralf P


    There is evidence that multifocal visual evoked potentials (VEPs) can be used as an objective tool to detect visual field loss. The aim of this study was to correlate multifocal VEP amplitudes with standard perimetry data and retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness. Multifocal VEP recordings were performed with a four-channel electrode array using 58 stimulus fields (pattern reversal dartboard). For each field, the recording from the channel with maximal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was retained, resulting in an SNR optimised virtual recording. Correlation with RNFL thickness, measured with spectral domain optical coherence tomography and with standard perimetry, was performed for nerve fibre bundle related areas. The mean amplitudes in nerve fibre related areas were smaller in glaucoma patients than in normal subjects. The differences between both groups were most significant in mid-peripheral areas. Amplitudes in these areas were significantly correlated with corresponding RNFL thickness (Spearman R=0.76) and with standard perimetry (R=0.71). The multifocal VEP amplitude was correlated with perimetric visual field data and the RNFL thickness of the corresponding regions. This method of SNR optimisation is useful for extracting data from recordings and may be appropriate for objective assessment of visual function at different locations. This study has been registered at (NCT00494923).

  5. The multifaceted presentation of chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Girschick, Hermann; Finetti, Martina; Orlando, Francesca


    Objectives: Chronic non-bacterial osteomyelitis (CNO) or chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) is an autoinflammatory disorder characterized by sterile bone osteolytic lesions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the demographic data and clinical, instrumental and therapeutic features...... with glucocorticoids, 61 with bisphosphonates, 58 with MTX, 47 with SSZ, 26 with anti-TNF and 4 with anakinra, with a variable response. Conclusion: This is the largest reported case series of CNO patients, showing that the range of associated clinical manifestations is rather heterogeneous. The study confirms...... that the disease usually presents with an early teenage onset, but it may also occur in adults, even in the absence of mucocutaneous manifestations....

  6. La importancia de la dieta en la degeneración macular asociada a la edad y su relación con el pigmento macular


    Delgado Melendro, Carlos


    La Degeneración macular asociada a la edad (DMAE), se define como una enfermedad degenerativa que cursa con alteraciones del epitelio pigmentario de la retina (EPR), la membrana de Bruch y la coriocapilaris. Las anomalías en el EPR provoca una degeneración del mismo y de los fotoreceptores de la retina central o área macular causando una pérdida de la visión central irreversible (Chen et al., 2010). La etapa inicial de la enfermedad se caracteriza por la presencia de drusas constituidas po...

  7. Peripheral refraction with dominant design multifocal contact lenses in young myopes

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    Daniela Lopes-Ferreira


    Conclusion: It is possible to induce significant changes in the pattern of relative peripheral refraction in the myopic direction with commercially available dominant design multifocal contact lenses. The higher add (+3.00 D induced an significantly higher effect than the +2.00 D add lens, although an increase of 1 D in add power does not correspond to the same amount of increase in RPRE.

  8. Multifocal demyelinating motor neuropathy and hamartoma syndrome associated with a de novo PTEN mutation. (United States)

    Bansagi, Boglarka; Phan, Vietxuan; Baker, Mark R; O'Sullivan, Julia; Jennings, Matthew J; Whittaker, Roger G; Müller, Juliane S; Duff, Jennifer; Griffin, Helen; Miller, James A L; Gorman, Grainne S; Lochmüller, Hanns; Chinnery, Patrick F; Roos, Andreas; Swan, Laura E; Horvath, Rita


    To describe a patient with a multifocal demyelinating motor neuropathy with onset in childhood and a mutation in phosphatase and tensin homolog ( PTEN ), a tumor suppressor gene associated with inherited tumor susceptibility conditions, macrocephaly, autism, ataxia, tremor, and epilepsy. Functional implications of this protein have been investigated in Parkinson and Alzheimer diseases. We performed whole-exome sequencing in the patient's genomic DNA validated by Sanger sequencing. Immunoblotting, in vitro enzymatic assay, and label-free shotgun proteomic profiling were performed in the patient's fibroblasts. The predominant clinical presentation of the patient was a childhood onset, asymmetric progressive multifocal motor neuropathy. In addition, he presented with macrocephaly, autism spectrum disorder, and skin hamartomas, considered as clinical criteria for PTEN-related hamartoma tumor syndrome. Extensive tumor screening did not detect any malignancies. We detected a novel de novo heterozygous c.269T>C, p.(Phe90Ser) PTEN variant, which was absent in both parents. The pathogenicity of the variant is supported by altered expression of several PTEN-associated proteins involved in tumorigenesis. Moreover, fibroblasts showed a defect in catalytic activity of PTEN against the secondary substrate, phosphatidylinositol 3,4-trisphosphate. In support of our findings, focal hypermyelination leading to peripheral neuropathy has been reported in PTEN-deficient mice. We describe a novel phenotype, PTEN-associated multifocal demyelinating motor neuropathy with a skin hamartoma syndrome. A similar mechanism may potentially underlie other forms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with involvement of the phosphatidylinositol pathway. Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Neurology.

  9. El informe histológico del carcinoma basocelular

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    Gerzaín Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En Colombia, ha sido costumbre hacer el informe microscópico del carcinoma basocelular sin referencia a sus patrones histológicos; es común que sólo diga 'carcinoma basocelular', sin descripción de las características microscópicas. El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer recomendaciones sobre la manera de realizar el informe histológico de este tumor, refiriéndose a sus patrones microscópicos más importantes y a otras características como su dispersión y la invasión perinerural porque tienen importancia en el pronóstico y tratamiento del paciente. Entre los múltiples patrones histológicos que adopta el carcinoma basocelular, los más comunes y de importancia pronóstica son: nodular, superficial, micronodular, trabecular, morfeiforme y fibroepitelial. El carcinoma basocelular micronodular, el trabecular y el morfeiforme son los que más extensión subclínica presentan, los más infiltrantes en profundidad, capaces de dar invasión perineural y de ser los que con mayor frecuencia recidivan, si no se resecan con márgenes suficientes o con cirugía micrográfica de Mohs. Tienen un patrón de crecimiento difuso. El carcinoma basoescamoso es ocasional y tiene capacidad de dar metástasis. El informe histológico del carcinoma basocelular debe incluir una descripción que precise el patrón histológico, el crecimiento disperso o circunscrito y la presencia o ausencia de invasión perineural; debe informar su extensión y localización: si está unido al epitelio, a qué nivel de la dermis penetra y si alcanza la grasa subcutánea o el tejido muscular. El conocimiento de estos datos permite al dermatólogo establecer el pronóstico y hacer el tratamiento más adecuado en cada caso.

  10. Application of serum natalizumab levels during plasma exchange in MS patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vennegoor, A.; Rispens, T.; van Oosten, B.W.; Wattjes, M.P.; Wondergem, M.J.; Teunissen, C.E.; van der Kleij, D.; Uitdehaag, B.M.J.; Polman, C.H.; Killestein, J.


    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a severe complication of natalizumab treatment. Restoring immune function by plasmapheresis/immunoadsorption (PLEX/IA) is important for the outcome of PML. We report on four multiple sclerosis (MS) patients whom developed PML during natalizumab

  11. Multifocal fibrosclerosis presenting as Grave's orbitopathy. Bilateral exophthalmos associated with retroperitoneal and sellar fibrosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Pol, R.; Nieuwenhuis, M. G.; Mourits, M. P.


    BACKGROUND: Multifocal fibrosclerosis (MF) is a rare disease that may be misdiagnosed as Graves' orbitopathy. The combination of localisations of MF presented here has not been reported before. CASE REPORT: A 44-year-old man was referred with progressive bilateral exophthalmos. CT of his chest and

  12. Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia in a community in the Mayan area of Mexico. (United States)

    González-Losa, Maria R; Suarez-Allén, Rosa E; Canul-Canche, Jaqueline; Conde-Ferráez, Laura; Eljure-Lopez, Nixma


    Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia is a pathology of the oral mucosa which has been reported in diverse ethnic groups. Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 13 and 32 DNA has been detected in these lesions. The aims of this paper are to describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of an outbreak in a rural community in the Mayan area of Mexico and to identify a possible route of transmission through saliva. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Chemax (Yucatan, Mexico). Clinical and epidemiological data were obtained through direct interviews. Samples of oral cells and saliva were taken. HPV 13 and 32 were identified by polymerase chain reaction using specific primers. A total of 57 patients were studied, of whom 79.1% were aged jugal mucosa, and more frequently, the tongue. HPV 13 was found in all the patients and HPV 32 in none. A total of 42 saliva samples were positive for HPV 13. Human papillomavirus type 13 is involved in multifocal epithelial hyperplasia among the Mexican Mayan population. The presence of HPV 13 in cells from saliva, combined with poor hygiene behaviors, may explain the familial distribution of the pathology. © 2011 The International Society of Dermatology.

  13. Multifocal fibrosclerosis and IgG4-related disease involving the cardiovascular system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishizaka, Nobukazu; Terasaki, Fumio; Sakamoto, Aiko; Imai, Yasushi; Nagai, Ryozo


    The cardiovascular system may be involved as a target organ of multifocal fibrosclerosis, which may manifest as idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis, inflammatory aortic aneurysm, inflammatory periarteritis, and inflammatory pericarditis. These pathological conditions can sometimes occur concomitantly. Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis and inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm are both characterized by the presence of fibro-inflammatory tissue around the abdominal aorta expanding into the surrounding retroperitoneal structures, and together they may be termed 'chronic periaortitis'. Cardiovascular fibrosclerosis has become non-uncommonly encountered condition since imaging modalities have made its diagnosis more feasible. In addition, recent studies have demonstrated that a certain fraction, but not all, of cardiovascular fibrosclerosis may have a link with immunoglobulin-G4 (IgG4)-related sclerosing disease (IgG4-SD). IgG4-SD is histologically characterized by dense fibrosclerosis and infiltration of lymphocytes and IgG4-positive plasma cells, and these histopathologic findings seem to be essentially similar regardless of the organs involved. In this mini review, we summarize what is known so far about multifocal fibrosclerosis of the cardiovascular system and its association with IgG4-SD, and what remains to be clarified in future investigations. (author)

  14. Light-distortion analysis as a possible indicator of visual quality after refractive lens exchange with diffractive multifocal intraocular lenses. (United States)

    Brito, Pedro; Salgado-Borges, José; Neves, Helena; Gonzalez-Meijome, José; Monteiro, Manuel


    To study the perception of light distortion after refractive lens exchange (RLE) with diffractive multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs). Clínica Oftalmológica das Antas, Porto, Portugal. Retrospective comparative study. Refractive lens exchange was performed with implantation of an AT Lisa 839M (trifocal) or 909MP (bifocal toric) IOL, the latter if corneal astigmatism was more than 0.75 diopter (D). The postoperative visual and refractive outcomes were evaluated. A prototype light-distortion analyzer was used to quantify the postoperative light-distortion indices. A control group of eyes in which a Tecnis ZCB00 1-piece monofocal IOL was implanted had the same examinations. A trifocal or bifocal toric IOL was implanted in 66 eyes. The control IOL was implanted in 18 eyes. All 3 groups obtained a significant improvement in uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) (P refractive cylinder was less than 1.00 D in 86.7% of cases with the toric IOL. The mean light-distortion index was significantly higher in the multifocal IOL groups than in the monofocal group (P light-distortion index and CDVA. The multifocal IOLs provided excellent UDVA and functional UNVA despite increased light-distortion indices. The light-distortion analyzer reliably quantified a subjective component of vision distinct from visual acuity; it may become a useful adjunct in the evaluation of visual quality obtained with multifocal IOLs. No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2015 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy limited to the brain stem

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kastrup, O.; Maschke, M.; Diener, H.C. [Neurologische Universitaetsklinik, University of Essen (Germany); Wanke, I. [Department of Neuroradiology, University of Essen (Germany)


    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a subacute demyelinating slow-virus encephalitis caused by the JC polyomavirus in 2-5% of patients with AIDS. MRI typically shows multiple lesions in the cerebral hemispheres. We present a rare case of rapidly evolving and lethal PML with a severe bulbar syndrome and spastic tetraparesis in a patient with AIDS. MRI showed high-signal lesions on T2-weighted images confined to the brain stem, extending from the medulla oblongata to the midbrain. JC virus polymerase chain reaction in cerebrospinal fluid was positive, and neuropathology showed the findings of PML. This case was also notable because of the rapid progression despite improved immune status with antiretroviral therapy. (orig.)

  16. Early Magnetic Resonance Detection of Natalizumab-Related Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

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    Guglielmo Manenti


    Full Text Available Diagnosis of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy is usually based on the clinical presentation, on the demonstration of the brain lesions at the magnetic resonance imaging examination, and on the detection of the JC virus DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid with high sensitive polymerase chain reaction. The role of magnetic resonance imaging specifically in natalizumab-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy is strengthening, and it is gaining importance not only as an irreplaceable diagnostic tool but also as a surveillance and risk stratifying tool in treated patients. While other imaging techniques such as computed tomography lack sensitivity and specificity, magnetic resonance performed with morphological and functional sequences offers clinicians the possibility to early identify the stage of the disease and the emergence of an immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome after natalizumab blood removal plasmapheresis.

  17. The value of local treatment in patients with primary, disseminated, multifocal Ewing sarcoma (PDMES)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haeusler, Julia; Ranft, Andreas; Boelling, Tobias; Gosheger, Georg; Braun-Munzinger, Gabriele; Vieth, Volker; Burdach, Stefan; van den Berg, Henk; Juergens, Heribert; Dirksen, Uta


    The value of local treatment in patients with primary, disseminated, multifocal Ewing sarcoma (PDMES) was investigated. We analyzed 120 patients registered into the European Ewing Tumor Working Initiative of National Groups (EURO-E.W.I.N.G. 99) trial at the trial center of Muenster from 1998 to

  18. Strategy in Regulatory Decision-Making for Management of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Segec, A; Keller-Stanislawski, B; Vermeer, N S


    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) has been observed after the use of several medicines, including monoclonal antibodies. As these drugs play important roles in the therapeutic armamentarium, it is important to address the challenges that this severe adverse reaction poses to the safe...... use of medicines. Considering the need for consistent outcomes of regulatory decisions, the European Medicines Agency Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) used PML as an example to develop a systematic approach to labeling and risk minimization....

  19. The spatial resolution of the porcine multifocal electroretinogram for detection of laser-induced retinal lesions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kyhn, Maria Voss; Kiilgaard, Jens Folke; Scherfig, Erik


    This study aimed to investigate the spatial resolution of a porcine multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) protocol by testing its ability to detect laser-induced retinal lesions. Furthermore, we wanted to describe time-dependent changes in implicit time and amplitude of the different mfERG peaks...

  20. Subjective evaluation of uncorrected vision in patients undergoing cataract surgery with (diffractive multifocal lenses and monovision

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    Stock RA


    Full Text Available Ricardo Alexandre Stock, Thaís Thumé, Luan Gabriel Paese, Elcio Luiz Bonamigo Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina, Rua Getúlio Vargas, Joaçaba, Santa Catarina, Brazil Purpose: To analyze patient satisfaction and difficulties with bilateral multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs implantation and aspheric monofocal IOLs implantation using monovision, after cataract surgery.Materials and methods: A total of 61 participants were included in the study, 29 with monovision and 32 with multifocal lenses. The inclusion criteria were patients undergoing phacoemulsification for bilateral visual impairment due to cataracts and presenting with postoperative visual acuity of 20/30 or better for distance and line J3 or better for near vision.Results: The 2 groups had similar results regarding difficulties with daily activities such as distance vision, near vision, watching television, reading, cooking, using a computer or cellphone, shaving/putting on makeup and shopping. There were differences in responses between the groups regarding difficulty with night vision (P=0.0565 and night driving (P=0.0291. Degree of satisfaction in terms of distance vision without glasses was statistically significantly better in monovision group (P=0.0332, but not for near (P=0.9101.Conclusion: Both techniques yielded satisfactory results regarding visual acuity for different activities without the need to use glasses. Multifocal lenses are a good option for patients with the exception of night driving, and who desire independence from glasses. Keywords: cataract extraction, aphakia, postcataract, patient satisfaction, night vision

  1. Paracoccidioidomicose crônica multifocal tendo como primeira manifestação o envolvimento palpebral: relato de caso Chronical and multifocal paracoccidioidomycosis having the lid involvement as the first sign: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiago Nelson de Oliveira Rassi


    Full Text Available O acometimento ocular da paracoccidioidomicose é raro e quando ocorre é geralmente secundário à disseminação hematogênica. Descrição de um caso de paracococcidioidomicose multifocal em homem de 73 anos com história de trauma contuso no olho direito por pedaço de madeira e que teve como primeira manifestação clínica lesão palpebro-conjuntival. Interroga-se possível infecção primária ocular por contiguidade e alerta-se para a manifestação da doença em idade mais avançada.Ocular involvement of paracoccidioidomycosis is rare and when it occurs it is usually secondary to hematogenic dissemination. A case of multifocal paracoccidioidomycosis in a 73 year-old male after history of blunt trauma in the right eye with a stick of wood that presented as the first clinical sign a lid-conjunctival lesion is described. The possible primary ocular infection spreading by contiguity is argued and the disease manifestation in an advanced age is highlighted.

  2. Multifocal osteolysis following limb-sparing procedures: imaging findings and a review of the literature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaste, S.C.; Rao, B.N.; Lynch, M.H.; Parham, D.M.; Meyer, W.H.


    Limb-sparing procedures utilizing endoprostheses improve both the quality of life and functional level of patients treated for primary bone sarcomas. Herein, we present the imaging findings of an uncommon cause of prosthetic failure, i. e., foreign body reaction, manifested by progressive multifocal osteolysis along the prosthetic femoral shaft. (orig.). With 3 figs

  3. Preventing falls in older multifocal glasses wearers by providing single-lens distance glasses: the protocol for the VISIBLE randomised controlled trial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lee Bonsan B


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recent research has shown that wearing multifocal glasses increases the risk of trips and falls in older people. The aim of this study is to determine whether the provision of single-lens distance glasses to older multifocal glasses wearers, with recommendations for wearing them for walking and outdoor activities, can prevent falls. We will also measure the effect of the intervention on health status, lifestyle activities and fear of falling, as well as the extent of adherence to the program. Methods/Design Approximately 580 older people who are regular wearers of multifocal glasses people will be recruited. Participants will be randomly allocated to either an intervention group (provision of single lens glasses, with counselling and advice about appropriate use or a control group (usual care. The primary outcome measure will be falls (measured with 13 monthly calendars. Secondary measures will be quality of life, falls efficacy, physical activity levels and adverse events. Discussions The study will determine the impact of providing single-lens glasses, with advice about appropriate use, on preventing falls in older regular wearers of multifocal glasses. This pragmatic intervention, if found to be effective, will guide practitioners with regard to recommending appropriate glasses for minimising the risk of falls in older people. Trial Registration The protocol for this study was registered with the Clinical Protocol Registration System on June 7th 2006 (#350855.

  4. The Effects of Hashimoto Thyroiditis on Lymph Node Metastases in Unifocal and Multifocal Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: A Retrospective Chinese Cohort Study. (United States)

    Zhu, Feng; Shen, Yi Bin; Li, Fu Qiang; Fang, Yun; Hu, Liang; Wu, Yi Jun


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors for central and lateral neck lymph node metastases in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and multifocal papillary thyroid carcinoma (MPTC), particularly when associated with Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT).A retrospective analysis of 763 consecutive patients who underwent total thyroidectomy with bilateral central neck dissection in the First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University between October 2011 and October 2014 was conducted. All patients had formal histological diagnoses of HT. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to identify risk factors of neck lymph node metastases.Our study identified 277 PTC patients with HT and showed comparatively low rates of central lymph node metastases (CLNM) compared with the PTC patients without HT (37.2% versus 54.7%, P thyroid peroxidase antibody >140 IU/mL was established as the most sensitive and specific level for the prediction of MPTC based on receiver operating characteristic curve analyses. Thyroid peroxidase antibody, age, tumor size, and multifocality exhibited the ability to predict CLNM in PTC with HT patients with an area under the curve of 81.1% based on a multivariate model.Hashimoto thyroiditis was associated with increased prevalences of multifocality and capsular invasion. In contrast, HT was associated with a reduced risk of CLNM in PTC and MPTC patients, which indicated a potential protective effect. We found that the prognostic prediction model was applicable for predicting multifocality and CLNM in PTC patients with HT.

  5. Comparison of a new refractive multifocal intraocular lens with an inferior segmental near add and a diffractive multifocal intraocular lens. (United States)

    Alio, Jorge L; Plaza-Puche, Ana B; Javaloy, Jaime; Ayala, María José; Moreno, Luis J; Piñero, David P


    To compare the visual acuity outcomes and ocular optical performance of eyes implanted with a multifocal refractive intraocular lens (IOL) with an inferior segmental near add or a diffractive multifocal IOL. Prospective, comparative, nonrandomized, consecutive case series. Eighty-three consecutive eyes of 45 patients (age range, 36-82 years) with cataract were divided into 2 groups: group A, 45 eyes implanted with Lentis Mplus LS-312 (Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany); group B, 38 eyes implanted with diffractive IOL Acri.Lisa 366D (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). All patients underwent phacoemulsification followed by IOL implantation in the capsular bag. Distance corrected, intermediate, and near with the distance correction visual acuity outcomes and contrast sensitivity, intraocular aberrations, and defocus curve were evaluated postoperatively during a 3-month follow-up. Uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA), corrected distance near and intermediate visual acuity (CDNVA), contrast sensitivity, intraocular aberrations, and defocus curve. A significant improvement in UDVA, CDVA, and UNVA was observed in both groups after surgery (P ≤ 0.04). Significantly better values of UNVA (P<0.01) and CDNVA (P<0.04) were found in group B. In the defocus curve, significantly better visual acuities were present in eyes in group A for intermediate vision levels of defocus (P ≤ 0.04). Significantly higher amounts of postoperative intraocular primary coma and spherical aberrations were found in group A (P<0.01). In addition, significantly better values were observed in photopic contrast sensitivity for high spatial frequencies in group A (P ≤ 0.04). The Lentis Mplus LS-312 and Acri.Lisa 366D IOLs are able to successfully restore visual function after cataract surgery. The Lentis Mplus LS-312 provided better intermediate vision and contrast sensitivity outcomes than the Acri.Lisa 366D. However, the

  6. Chimeric immune receptors (CIRs) specific to JC virus for immunotherapy in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    W. Yang; E.L. Beaudoin; L. Lu; R.A. Du Pasquier (Renaud); M.J. Kuroda; R.A. Willemsen (Ralph); I.J. Koralnik; R.P. Junghans


    textabstractProgressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a deadly brain disease caused by the polyomavirus JC (JCV). The aim of this study is to develop 'designer T cells' armed with anti-JCV TCR-based chimeric immune receptors (CIRs) by gene modification for PML immunotherapy. Two T cell

  7. Individualized laparoscopic B-ultrasound-guided microwave ablation for multifocal primary liver cancer. (United States)

    Xu, Zhifeng; Yang, Zhangwei; Pan, Jianghua; Hu, Yiren


    Liver cancer is one of the most common malignancies of the digestive system. Minimally invasive ablation procedures have become one of the major means for treating unresectable multifocal liver cancer and have been extensively applied in primary and metastatic liver cancer treatment. Laparoscopic B-ultrasound-guided microwave ablation is an example of the progress made in this field. To analyze and summarize the results of and experience with laparoscopic B-ultrasound-guided microwave ablation for multifocal primary liver cancer; moreover, the ablation effects were compared between tumors of different sizes. Laparoscope-guided needle ablation was conducted on 84 lesions from 32 patients with primary liver cancer based on tumor size, quantity, and location. Moreover, the perioperative data, ablation effects according to tumor size, and long-term follow-up results were analyzed. Among the 84 nodules treated via microwave ablation, tumors measuring ≤ 3 cm demonstrated complete ablation upon imaging analysis conducted 1 month after surgery. Moreover, 5 of the tumors measuring > 3 cm demonstrated incomplete ablation. In these cases, a second procedure was performed, until imaging studies confirmed that complete ablation was achieved. Laparoscopic microwave ablation allows for precise puncture positioning, an effective ablation range, and safe and feasible surgery, which is especially suitable for liver tumors located in sites difficult to access.

  8. Comparison of T stage, N stage, multifocality, and bilaterality in papillary thyroid carcinoma patients according to the presence of coexisting lymphocytic thyroiditis. (United States)

    Park, Jin Young; Kim, Dong Wook; Park, Ha Kyung; Ha, Tae Kwun; Jung, Soo Jin; Kim, Do Hun; Bae, Sang Kyun


    This study aimed to assess the relationship between coexisting lymphocytic thyroiditis and T-N stages of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) by histopathological analysis. The study included 653 patients who underwent thyroid surgery for PTC at our hospital. Each case was classified as either Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), non-Hashimoto type of lymphocytic thyroiditis (NHLT), or normal according to the histopathology of thyroid parenchyma. Patient age, gender, surgical modality, location, T stage, N stage, multifocality and bilaterality were compared according to the histopathology. The prevalence of coexisting lymphocytic thyroiditis was 25.8% (169/653); HT (7.5%, 49/653) and NHLT (18.3%, 120/653). There were no significant differences in T stage, N stage, multifocality and bilaterality with regard to coexisting lymphocytic thyroiditis, regardless of whether HT and NHLT were considered collectively or discretely. Primary tumor size (p thyroiditis did not differ from those with normal parenchyma in terms of T stage, N stage, multifocality and bilaterality.

  9. Análise da influência do acondicionamento diferenciado de lâminas para colpocitologia no resultado laboratorial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Camila Félix Américo


    Full Text Available En este estudio se evaluó la influencia de los tipos de embalaje de hojas de la citología en los resultados de los informes de laboratorio relativos al epitelio de muestra representativa, los cambios celulares benignos y atipia celular. Es un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, realizado entre abril y junio de 2008. Las participantes fueron 72 mujeres que se sometieron a exámenes preventivos para el cáncer cervical en un Centro de Parto Natural, en la ciudad de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. De cada participante se recogieron dos muestras de frotis cervical vaginal: uno fue puesto al lado del de otras usuarias (caso, y uno solo (control, teniendo en cuenta las normas técnicas. Se realizó el criterio de "cegagem" de la lectura de las hojas. Los resultados de las dos hojas fueron comparados y fue visto incompatibilidades en los diferentes almacenamientos. Un desacuerdo fue de 58,3% en comparación con el epitelio de muestra representativa, y 48,2% en comparación con cambios celulares benignos. Los resultados sugieren nuevos estudios sobre las formas de almacenamiento, control de la intrasubjetividad del técnico responsable de leer y ordenar la recolección de las hojas de casos y control.

  10. Locally aggressive and multifocal phosphaturic mesenchymal tumors: two unusual cases of tumor-induced osteomalacia. (United States)

    Higley, Meghan; Beckett, Brooke; Schmahmann, Sandra; Dacey, Elizabeth; Foss, Erik


    Tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO) has long been recognized as a clinical paraneoplastic syndrome. The identification of a unique histopathologic entity, the phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor (PMT), as a distinct etiology for TIO has been a more recent discovery. The majority of published cases describe a solitary, non-aggressive appearing soft tissue or osseous lesions in patients with osteomalacia; aggressive appearing or multifocal lesions appear to be exceedingly rare. These tumors characteristically secrete fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23). Elevated serum levels of FGF23 result in phosphate wasting and osteomalacia. In the majority of cases, laboratory abnormalities and clinical signs and symptoms of osteomalacia precede identification of the causative lesion by years. Following diagnosis, complete resection with wide margins to prevent local recurrence is most often curative. Imaging characteristics of PMT are diverse and remain incompletely defined, as the majority of previous publications are outside of the radiologic literature. We present multiple imaging modalities in two cases of patients with debilitating osteomalacia and unusual appearing PMTs: one with a locally aggressive lesion leading to pathologic fracture, the second presenting with exceedingly rare multifocal PMT.

  11. Variaciones nucleolares en la transformación celular del epitelio mamario


    Cornejo U,Ricardo


    Antecedentes: En la medida que las células pertenecientes a la línea HC11 son transfectadas con el onco-gén ras, asumen distintas propiedades resultando en tipos celulares transformados, modificando tanto sus componentes como sus funciones celulares, los cuales pueden ser cuantificadas mediante técnicas morfométricas. Objetivo: Evidenciar en términos cuantitativos y morfológicos las variaciones experimentadas por los nucleolos pertenecientes a células mamarias de la línea HC11 con el decorrer...

  12. Actualización del diagnóstico y tratamiento de la neoplasia intraepitelial vulvar.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael E. Pérez Castro


    Full Text Available La Neoplasia Intraepitelial Vulvar (NIV constituye lesiones potencialmente premalignas del epitelio escamoso de la vulva con diversos grados de diferenciación celular y maduración. En el aspecto histológico son hiperplasia de las células basales y parabasales, además tienen características genéticas morfológicas y metabólicas similares a las células cancerosas. Son etapas previas a la enfermedad. Generalmente las NIV se diagnostican como lesiones de alto grado (NIV I, II y III o carcinoma in situ. Alrededor del 5% progresan a la malignidad. Técnicamente puede ser un diagnóstico fácil, pero en la práctica no resulta así, siendo la vulvoscopia la principal arma para su diagnóstico. Estudios realizados en los últimos años señalan que aumenta cada vez más en mujeres más jóvenes, en pacientes con infección por HPV, en pacientes con neoplasia cervical intraepitelial o en cáncer en otras localizaciones del extracto genital inferior. Para tomar una decisión terapéutica hay que tener en cuenta: la edad de la paciente, la localización de las lesiones (áreas pilosas y no pilosas o descartar siempre un cáncer invasor y no invasor. Los tratamientos de lección pueden ser, extirpación local, vulvahectomía cutania parcial o total, destrucción con crioterapia o láser y técnicas combinadas de escisión o ablación. La conducta expectante valorando algunas características es la tendencia actual.

  13. Imaging of chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis of childhood first presenting with isolated primary spinal involvement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, S.E.; Heini, P.; Kalbermatten, D.; Sauvain, M.J.; Stauffer, E.; Geiger, L.; Johnston, J.O.; Roggo, A.; Steinbach, L.S.


    Initial presentation with primary spinal involvement in chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis of childhood (CRMO) is rare. Our objective was to review the imaging appearances of three patients who had CRMO who initially presented with isolated primary spinal involvement.Design and patients The imaging, clinical, laboratory and histology findings of the three patients were retrospectively reviewed. Imaging included seven spinal MR imaging scans, one computed tomography scan, nine bone scans, two tomograms and 16 radiographs. These were reviewed by two musculoskeletal radiologists and a consensus view is reported. All three patients presented with atraumatic spinal pain and had extensive bone spinal pathology. The patients were aged 11, 13 and 12 years. There were two females and one male.Results and conclusions The initial patient had thoracic T6 and T8 vertebra plana. Bone scan showed additional vertebral body involvement. Follow-up was available over a 3 year period. The second patient had partial collapse of T9 and, 2 years later, of C6. Subsequently extensive multifocal disease ensued and follow-up was available over 8 years. The third patient initially had L3 inferior partial collapse and 1 year later T8 involvement with multifocal disease. Follow-up was available over 3 years. The imaging findings of the three patients include partial and complete vertebra plana with a subchondral line adjacent to endplates associated with bone marrow MR signal alterations. Awareness of the imaging appearances may help the radiologist to include this entity in the differential diagnosis in children who present with spinal pathology and no history of trauma. Histopathological examination excludes tumor and infection but with typical imaging findings may not always be necessary. (orig.)

  14. MRI shows thickening and altered diffusion in the median and ulnar nerves in multifocal motor neuropathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haakma, Wieke; Jongbloed, Bas A.; Froeling, Martijn


    Objectives To study disease mechanisms in multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the median and ulnar nerves. Methods We enrolled ten MMN patients, ten patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and ten healthy controls...

  15. Strategy in Regulatory Decision-Making for Management of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy. (United States)

    Segec, A; Keller-Stanislawski, B; Vermeer, N S; Macchiarulo, C; Straus, S M; Hidalgo-Simon, A; De Bruin, M L


    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) has been observed after the use of several medicines, including monoclonal antibodies. As these drugs play important roles in the therapeutic armamentarium, it is important to address the challenges that this severe adverse reaction poses to the safe use of medicines. Considering the need for consistent outcomes of regulatory decisions, the European Medicines Agency Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) used PML as an example to develop a systematic approach to labeling and risk minimization. © 2015 American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

  16. A role for susceptibility weighted imaging in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Yap, SM


    We report a radiologic finding on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain of two cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) of hypointense signal of subcortical U-fibres on susceptibility weighted (SW) sequence. The first case is a 50-year-old man recently treated with chemotherapy including rituximab for non-Hodgkin\\'s lymphoma. The second case is a 64-year-old woman with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Iron deposition is a likely causative factor. We propose that SWI may be especially useful in the assessment of indeterminate cases to reduce the likelihood of a missed diagnosis of PML

  17. Multifocal bilateral metatarsal tuberculosis: a rare presentation. (United States)

    Vijay, Vipul; Sud, Alok; Mehtani, Anil


    Tuberculosis, or phthisis (consumption) as it was popularly known in the Greek era, has been endemic in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa; however, the human immunodeficiency virus epidemic has seen the re-emergence of this disease in the areas in which it was not very commonly reported. With this, the need for understanding and treatment of rare presentations of tuberculosis has become of paramount importance to achieve the World Health Organization millennium goal of a "reversal of incidence by 2015." Foot involvement has been reported in 0.1% to 0.3% of extrapulmonary cases. Multifocal lesions have an incidence of histopathologic owing to the paucibacillary nature of the disease. Early identification and treatment with antitubercular drugs will normally result in a good cosmetic and functional result. Copyright © 2015 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Clinical outcomes of a new diffractive multifocal intraocular lens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Baha Toygar


    Full Text Available AIM: To evaluate clinical outcomes after implantation of a new diffractive aspheric multifocal intraocular lens (IOL with +3.00 addition power. METHODS: This is a retrospective, consecutive case series of cataract patients who underwent bilateral implantation of the Optiflex MO/HF D012 (Moss Vision Inc. Ltd, London, UK multifocal IOL. Patients followed for 6mo were included in the study. Data on distance, intermediate and near visual acuity, refractive error [manifest spherical equivalent (MSE], contrast sensitivity, adverse events, subjective symptoms, spectacle independence and patient satisfaction [visual function questionnaire (VFQ-25 questionnaire] were retrieved from electronic medical records and analyzed. RESULTS: Forty eyes of 20 patients with a mean age of 66.7±8.5y (range: 53-82 were included in the study. Mean uncorrected distance, near and intermediate visual acuity remained stable through postoperative visits and was 0.19±0.19 logMAR, Jaeger 4 and Jaeger 3 respectively at the 6mo visit. At the end of postoperative 6mo, MSE was -0.14±0.42 diopters (D and 98% of the eyes were within 1.00 D of target refraction. Postoperative low contrast (10% visual acuity remained stable (P=0.54 through follow up visits with a mean of 0.35±0.17 logMAR at the 6mo visit. There were no reported adverse events. None of the patients reported subjective symptoms of halo or glare. Spectacle independence rate was 90%. Mean VFQ-25 questionnaire score was 93.5±6.12. CONCLUSION: The Optiflex MO/HF-DO12 IOL was safely implanted and successfully restored distance, intermediate and near visual acuity without impairing contrast sensitivity. High levels of spectacle independence were achieved at all distances including intermediate distance.


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    P. D. Demeshko


    Full Text Available Purpose. To evaluate influence of clinical, biochemical and histological factors to detection rate of local recurrence following radical prostatectomy (RPE using multifocal TRUS-guided vesicourethral anastomosis (VUA biopsy.Material and methods. 59 patients with newly diagnosed biochemical recurrence (BR after RPE were included into prospective study. All of them underwent multifocal TRUS-guided VUA biopsy. Сlinical variables (serum prostate-specifi c antigen [PSA] level and PSA kinetics, time RPE-BR, Gleason grade, stage after RPE and clinical findings were evaluated. Logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic (ROC curve analyses were performed.Results. The detection rate of local prostate recurrence with TRUS-guided VUA biopsy was 45,8 % (95 % CI 33,7–58,3. At multivariate analysis only PSA level at the moment of biopsy (≤ 1,5 ng/ml vs > 1,5 ng/ml and time RPE-BR (≤ 15 months vs > 15 months were significantly associated with positive results of multifocal TRUS-guided VUA biopsy (p < 0,05.Conclusion The detection rate of local prostate recurrence with TRUS-guided VUA biopsy depends on combination of independent predictors (PSA level at the moment of biopsy and time RPE—BR.

  20. [Sentinel node biopsy in patients with multifocal and multicentric breast cancer: A 5-year follow-up]. (United States)

    Blanco Saiz, I; López Carballo, M T; Martínez Fernández, J; Carrión Maldonado, J; Cabrera Pereira, A; Moral Alvarez, S; Santamaría Girón, L; Cantero Cerquella, F; López Secades, A; Díaz González, D; Llaneza Folgueras, A; Aira Delgado, F J


    Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) as a staging procedure in multiple breast cancer is a controversial issue. We have aimed to evaluate the efficacy of sentinel node (SN) detection in patients with multifocal or multicentric breast cancer as well as the safety of its clinical application after a long follow-up. A prospective descriptive study was performed. Eighty-nine patients diagnosed of multiple breast cancer (73 multifocal; 16 multicentric) underwent SLNB. These patients were compared to those with unifocal neoplasia. Periareolar radiocolloid administration was performed in most of the patients. Evaluation was made at an average of 67.2 months of follow-up (32-126 months). Scintigraphic and surgical SN localization in patients with multiple breast cancer were 95.5% and 92.1%, respectively. A higher percentage of extra-axillary nodes was observed than in the unifocal group (11.7% vs 5.4%) as well as a significantly higher number of SN per patient (1.70 vs 1.38). The rate of SN localization in multicentric cancer was slightly lower than in multifocal cancer (87.5% vs 93.1%), and the finding of extra-axillary drainages was higher (20% vs 10%). Number of SN per patient was significantly higher in multicentric breast cancer (2.33 vs 1.57). No axillary relapses have been demonstrated in the follow-up in multiple breast cancer patients group. SLNB performed by periareolar injection is a reliable and accurate staging procedure of patients with multiple breast cancer, including those with multicentric processes. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier España, S.L. and SEMNIM. All rights reserved.

  1. Evaluation of Optical Quality: Ocular Scattering and Aberrations in Eyes Implanted with Diffractive Multifocal or Monofocal Intraocular Lenses. (United States)

    Liao, Xuan; Lin, Jia; Tian, Jing; Wen, BaiWei; Tan, QingQing; Lan, ChangJun


    To compare objective optical quality, ocular scattering and aberrations of eyes implanted with an aspheric monofocal intraocular lens (IOL) or an aspheric apodized diffractive multifocal IOL three months after surgery. Prospective consecutive nonrandomized comparative cohort study. A total of 80 eyes from 57 cataract patients were bilaterally or unilaterally implanted with monofocal (AcrySof IQ SN60WF) or multifocal (AcrySof IQ ReSTOR SN6AD1) IOLs. Respectively, 40 eyes of 27 patients were implanted with monofocal IOLs, and 40 eyes of 30 patients were implanted with multifocal IOLs. Ocular high-order aberration (HOA) values were obtained using Hartmann-Shack aberrometer; objective scatter index (OSI), modulation transfer function (MTF) cutoff, Strehl ratio (SR), and contrast visual acuity OV at 100%, 20%, and 9% were measured using Objective Quality Analysis System II (OQAS II). Ocular aberrations performed similar in both groups (p > 0.05). However, significantly higher values of OSI and lower values of MTF cutoff, SR and OV were found in the SN6AD1 group (p < 0.05). Both ocular scattering and wave-front aberrations play essential role in retinal image quality, which may be overestimated when only aberrations were taken into account. Combining the effect of ocular scattering with HOA will result in a more accurate assessment of the visual and optical quality.

  2. Digitally switchable multi-focal lens using freeform optics. (United States)

    Wang, Xuan; Qin, Yi; Hua, Hong; Lee, Yun-Han; Wu, Shin-Tson


    Optical technologies offering electrically tunable optical power have found a broad range of applications, from head-mounted displays for virtual and augmented reality applications to microscopy. In this paper, we present a novel design and prototype of a digitally switchable multi-focal lens (MFL) that offers the capability of rapidly switching the optical power of the system among multiple foci. It consists of a freeform singlet and a customized programmable optical shutter array (POSA). Time-multiplexed multiple foci can be obtained by electrically controlling the POSA to switch the light path through different segments of the freeform singlet rapidly. While this method can be applied to a broad range of imaging and display systems, we experimentally demonstrate a proof-of-concept prototype for a multi-foci imaging system.

  3. Right ventricular lipomatous mass and biventricular multifocal fat in a young woman: A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Bo Rahm; Park, Jae Hyeong; Ahn, Kye Taek; Kim, Song Soo; Jeong, Jin Ok; Choi, Si Wan; Jin, Seon Ah; Lee, Jae Hwan


    Cardiac lipoma is a rare neoplasm of encapsulated mature adult adipose tissue. It is usually asymptomatic, but it may be related to hemodynamic obstruction depending on its location. We report a typical case of right ventricular lipomatous mass and multifocal fat infiltration of both ventricles, which were detected incidentally in a young woman.

  4. In-the-bag decentration of a hydrophilic radially asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens secondary to capsule contraction.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Linden, J.W.M. van der; Meulen, I.J. van der; Mourits, M.P.; Lapid-Gortzak, R.


    We report a case of in-the-bag decentration and tilt of a hydrophilic rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) of the M Plus type secondary to capsule contraction. After uneventful surgery and follow-up for 3 months, progressive decentering and tilting of the IOL secondary to

  5. Multifocal Spinal Cord Nephroblastoma in a Dog. (United States)

    Henker, L C; Bianchi, R M; Vargas, T P; de Oliveira, E C; Driemeier, D; Pavarini, S P


    A 1-year-old male American pit bull terrier was presented with a history of proprioceptive deficits and mild lameness of the right hindlimb, which progressed after 5 months to paraparesis, culminating in tetraparesis after 2 weeks. Necropsy findings were limited to the spinal cord and consisted of multiple, intradural, extramedullary, slightly red masses which produced segmental areas of medullary swelling located in the cervical intumescence, thoracolumbar column, sacral segment and cauda equina. Histological evaluation revealed a tumour, composed of epithelial, stromal and blastemal cells, with structures resembling tubules, acini and embryonic glomeruli. Immunohistochemical labelling for vimentin, cytokeratin and S100 was positive for the stromal, epithelial and blastemal cells, respectively. A final diagnosis of multifocal spinal cord nephroblastoma was established. This is the first report of such a tumour showing concomitant involvement of the cervicothoracic, thoracolumbar, sacral and cauda equina areas of the spinal cord. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Correction of High Astigmatism after Penetrating Keratoplasty with Toric Multifocal Intraocular Lens Implantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raffaele Nuzzi


    Full Text Available After penetrating keratoplasty (PK, high astigmatism is often induced, being frequently about 4–6 dpt. According to the entity and typology of astigmatism, different methods of correction can be used. Selective suture removal, relaxing incisions, wedge resections, compression sutures, photorefractive keratectomy, and laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis can reduce corneal astigmatism and ametropia, but meanwhile they can cause a reduction in the corneal integrity and cause an over- or undercorrection. In case of moderate-to-high regular astigmatisms, the authors propose a toric multifocal intraocular lens (IOL implantation to preserve the corneal integrity (especially in PK after herpetic corneal leukoma keratitis. We evaluated a 45-year-old patient who at the age of 30 was subjected to PK in his left eye due to corneal leukoma herpetic keratitis, which led to high astigmatism (7.50 dpt cyl. 5°. The patient was subjected to phacoemulsification and customized toric multifocal IOL implantation in his left eye. The correction of PK-induced residual astigmatism with a toric IOL implantation is an excellent choice but has to be evaluated in relation to patient age, corneal integrity, longevity graft, and surgical risk. It seems to be a well-tolerated therapeutic choice and with good results.

  7. Variation of stemness markers expression in tumor nodules from synchronous multi-focal hepatocellular carcinoma - an immunohistochemical study. (United States)

    Lo, Regina Cheuk-Lam; Leung, Carmen Oi-Ning; Chok, Kenneth Siu-Ho; Ng, Irene Oi-Lin


    Advancing knowledge in molecular pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) opens up new horizons in the diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic perspectives. Assessing the expression of molecular targets prior to definitive treatment is gaining importance in clinical practice. In this study, we investigated the variation in expression pattern of stemness markers in synchronous multi-focal HCC. In the first cohort, 21 liver explants with multi-focal HCC were examined for expression of stemness markers EpCAM, Sox9 and CK19 by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Expression data of 50 tumor nodules were analyzed to determine the concordance of expression among nodules in the same livers. In the second cohort, 14 tumor nodules from 6 multi-focal HCC cases proven as intra-hepatic metastasis were examined for Soc9 immunoexpression. In the first cohort, thirty nodules from 16 cases expressed one or more markers, with Sox9 being most frequently expressed. Complete concordance of expression pattern for all 3 markers was observed in 6 cases. Discrepancy of staining degree was noted in 4 cases for EpCAM, 14 cases for Sox9, and 6 cases for CK19. A two-tier or three-tier difference in staining scores was noted in 5 cases for Sox9 and one case for CK19. With Sox9, identical tumor morphology in terms of Edmondson grading and growth pattern did not infer the same degree of immunoexpression; and the largest tumor nodule was not representative of highest IHC score. In the second cohort of intra-hepatic metastasis, complete concordance of Sox9 expression level was observed in 5 out of 6 cases; while the remaining case showed a 1-tier difference of positive staining. Our findings suggested that clonality of tumor nodules is apparently an important factor to infer immunoexpression pattern. When there is limited information to discern multiple primaries versus intra-hepatic metastasis in multi-focal HCC, discordant degree of stemness markers expression among tumor nodules was commonly

  8. Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy associated with cerebral vasculitis. (United States)

    Weinstein, J M; Bresnick, G H; Bell, C L; Roschmann, R A; Brooks, B R; Strother, C M


    Acute multifocal posterior placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE) is an unusual self-limited retinal disorder that has been associated with various systemic complications. To our knowledge, three prior cases associated with cerebral vasculitis have been described. This article describes a patient with APMPPE and angiographically documented cerebral vasculitis who was notable because of (a) the presence of two different cerebral ischemic events, occurring 1 month apart, and (b) the long latency (3 months) between the onset of ocular symptoms and the second cerebral ischemic event. Recognition of the association between APMPPE and cerebral vasculitis may permit early treatment of CNS involvement and prevention of morbidity.

  9. Aggressive and multifocal pulmonary inflammatory myofiberblastic tumor in young woman

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Yang Sean; Chung, Myung Hee; Kim, Hyun Jung; Park, Ki Hoon; Kim, Jeanna; Kwon, Soon Suck; Yoo, Won Jong


    We report a case of pulmonary inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) showing aggressive and unusually rapid progression. A 27-year-old woman was admitted to the emergency room due to dry cough, fever and blood-tinged sputum that lasted one week. Initial chest radiograph and computed tomography scan revealed multifocal pulmonary nodules, which subsequently progressed into large necrotic masses within two months. She underwent a fine needle biopsy of the largest mass in the right middle lung zone which revealed inflammatory myofibroblastic cells consistent with IMT. The masses showed complete regression after six months of corticosteroid therapy. This unusual clinical manifestation could help explain the reactive inflammatory nature associated with IMTs

  10. Aggressive and multifocal pulmonary inflammatory myofiberblastic tumor in young woman

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Yang Sean; Chung, Myung Hee; Kim, Hyun Jung; Park, Ki Hoon; Kim, Jeanna; Kwon, Soon Suck; Yoo, Won Jong [Bucheon St. Mary' s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon (Korea, Republic of)


    We report a case of pulmonary inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) showing aggressive and unusually rapid progression. A 27-year-old woman was admitted to the emergency room due to dry cough, fever and blood-tinged sputum that lasted one week. Initial chest radiograph and computed tomography scan revealed multifocal pulmonary nodules, which subsequently progressed into large necrotic masses within two months. She underwent a fine needle biopsy of the largest mass in the right middle lung zone which revealed inflammatory myofibroblastic cells consistent with IMT. The masses showed complete regression after six months of corticosteroid therapy. This unusual clinical manifestation could help explain the reactive inflammatory nature associated with IMTs.

  11. Quiste dentígero en niños

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    Fernanda Astrogilda de Sousa Feitosa


    Full Text Available Introducción: El quiste dentígero es el segundo tipo de quistes odontogénicos más frecuentes de los maxilares, desarrollándose a partir de alteraciones del epitelio del órgano del esmalte, donde ocurre una acumulación de líquido entre el epitelio y el esmalte. Por lo general está relacionado a la corona de un diente no erupcionado. Objetivos: el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los aspectos de diagnóstico y tratamiento de los quistes dentígero en pacientes pediátricos. Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda de artículos científicos indexados en la base de datos bibliográficos PUBMED® en el período comprendido entre febrero y marzo de 2015, mediante el descriptor "dentigerous cyst". Resultados: Se encontraron 147 artículos publicados en los últimos 10 años. Todos los artículos que trataban sobre quiste dentígero en niños fueron incluidos en este estudio. La literatura revisada destaca puntos importantes sobre la epidemiología, manejo y tratamiento de quiste dentígero en pacientes pediátricos. Conclusión: De los artículos revisados se puede concluir que el quiste dentígero es más frecuente en los niños del género masculino y con una edad media de 10 años. Afecta principalmente a la mandíbula y tanto la enucleación como la marsupialización están indicados para el tratamiento de quistes

  12. Multifocal electroretinogram for functional evaluation of retinal injury following ischemia-reperfusion in pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Morén, Håkan; Gesslein, Bodil; Andreasson, Sten


    Multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) has the power to discriminate between localized functional losses and overall retinal changes when evaluating retinal injury. So far, full-field ERG has been the gold standard for examining retinal ischemia and the effects of different neuroprotectants...... in experimental conditions. The aim of the present study was to establish mfERG, with simultaneous fundus monitoring, for analyzing the localized functional response in the retina after ischemia-reperfusion in the porcine eye....

  13. Recurrent multifocal cutaneous Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma: A rare vascular tumor of infancy and childhood. (United States)

    Atla, Bhagyalakshmi; Sudhakar, P V; Rao, Nagarjun; Prasad, Uma


    Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma (KHE) is a locally aggressive vascular tumor of childhood although cases occurring in adulthood are also described. The features overlap with juvenile capillary hemangioma and Kaposi sarcoma. We report a rare case of recurrent, multifocal (nose and chin) cutaneous KHE initially occurring in a 3-year-old female child, uncomplicated by Kasabach-Merritt syndrome. Recurrences occurred over the next 6 years and resulted in complete distortion of the nose, requiring plastic repair.

  14. HMB-45 negative multifocal malignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumor of the soft tissue responding to sirolimus: First case report from India. (United States)

    Kapoor, Akhil; Beniwal, Surender; Singhal, Mukesh Kumar; Kumar, Narender; Kumar, Vanita; Kumar, Harvindra Singh


    Perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) is a group of sarcomas that exhibit a myomelanocytic phenotype and possess a unique cell type in the perivascular epithelioid cell. Traditionally HMB-45 immunoreactivity is the first criteria required to consider a tumor to be PEComa. We report a case of multifocal PEComa with negative HMB-45 marker. The patient presented with three big ulceroproliferative lesions; two over right thigh and one over the scalp in the right frontal region. The patient was prescribed with oral sirolimus to which good response was seen. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of HMB-45 negative multifocal malignant PEComa from India.

  15. Incidental caseating granuloma of thyroid gland presenting with concomitant Graves′ disease and multifocal papillary microcarcinoma

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    Muneera A Al Shareef


    Full Text Available A 36-year-old Saudi woman presented with symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism and was diagnosed to have Graves′ disease. She was initially treated with antithyroid medications with no response. Subsequently, she underwent a total thyroidectomy. The histopathology of the specimen revealed caseating granulomatous thyroid suggestive of tuberculosis and multifocal papillary thyroid microcarcinoma

  16. Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia: a forgotten condition in the elderly. (United States)

    Shamloo, Nafiseh; Mortazavi, Hamed; Taghavi, Nasim; Baharvand, Maryam


    Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia (MEH), also known as focal epithelial hyperplasia and Heck disease, is a relatively rare condition caused by the human papillomavirus. This case report describes a 92-year-old man who presented with multiple, asymptomatic, circumscribed, soft, flattened papules in different sizes on the retrocommissure of his lower lip. The lesions were of 2 months' duration and had the same coloration as the adjacent normal mucosa. Histopathologic examination showed orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium with acanthosis, some areas of club-shaped rete ridges, and a few superficial epithelial cells with koilocytic changes and a mitosoid-like appearance. A diagnosis of MEH was established. Although MEH tends to occur in the first 2 decades of life, it can be encountered in elderly patients as well.

  17. Can ratio of the biggest tumor diameter to total tumor diameter be a new parameter in the differential diagnosis of agressive and favorable multifocal papillary thyroid microcarcinoma? (United States)

    Tam, Abbas Ali; Özdemir, Didem; Çuhacı, Neslihan; Başer, Hüsniye; Dirikoç, Ahmet; Aydın, Cevdet; Yazgan, Aylin Kılıç; Ersoy, Reyhan; Çakır, Bekir


    In this study, we aimed to evaluate the usefulness of a new parameter -ratio of the biggest tumor diameter to total tumor diameter- for the differentiation of agressive and favorable papillary thyroid microcarcinomas (PTMC). The diameter of the biggest tumor focus was taken as the primary tumor diameter. Total tumor diameter was calculated as the sum of the maximal diameter of each lesion. Ratio of primary tumor diameter to total tumor diameter was defined as tumor diameter ratio (TDR). Positive and negative predictive value, sensitivity and specificity of TDR to predict capsular invasion, extrathyroidal extension (ETE) and lymph node metastasis (LNM) were determined. Mean TDR was significantly lower in multifocal PTMC patients with capsular invasion, ETE, lymphovascular invasion and LNM compared to patients without these features. The sensitivities of TDR for the detection of LNM, ETE and capsular invasion were 100%, 100% and 94.2%, respectively. Specificity of TDR was 86.2% for LNM, 88% for ETE and 94.7% for capsular invasion. Best cut off values of TDR that can predict capsular invasion, ETE and LNM in multifocal PTMC were 0.62, 0.57 and 0.56, respectively. Multifocal papillary thyroid carcinoma patients with capsular invasion, ETE and LNM had significantly lower mean TDR when compared to ones without these features. Decreased TDR was associated with capsular invasion, ETE and LNM in patients with multifocal PTMC and PTC. This new parameter might be particularly helpful for the detection of aggressive behavior in multifocal PTMCs. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Recurrent multifocal cutaneous Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma: A rare vascular tumor of infancy and childhood

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    Bhagyalakshmi Atla


    Full Text Available Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma (KHE is a locally aggressive vascular tumor of childhood although cases occurring in adulthood are also described. The features overlap with juvenile capillary hemangioma and Kaposi sarcoma. We report a rare case of recurrent, multifocal (nose and chin cutaneous KHE initially occurring in a 3-year-old female child, uncomplicated by Kasabach–Merritt syndrome. Recurrences occurred over the next 6 years and resulted in complete distortion of the nose, requiring plastic repair.

  19. Barriers, motivators and enablers for dispensing multifocal contact lenses in Mumbai, India. (United States)

    Thite, Nilesh; Shah, Ukti; Mehta, Jasmin; Jurkus, Janice


    To understand the potential barriers, motivators and enablers in dispensing multifocal contact lenses (MFCL). Two focus group discussions were conducted to design questionnaires regarding the prescribing habits for multifocal contact lenses (MFCL). Questions on potential barriers and motivators were included. The questionnaires were distributed among 133 eye care practitioners across Mumbai, India. Practitioners fitting one or less patient per month with MFCL completed the survey describing potential barriers, while those who prescribed more MFCL's per month completed the survey describing enablers and motivators. Responses from 102 practitioners were received. Most common potential barriers in prescribing MFCL were increased chair time (75%), lack of readily available trials (69%) and limitation in power range (63%). Lack of awareness among patients (90%) was the most common barrier from patients' outlook. Professional satisfaction (88%) and better business proposition (82%) were observed as main motivators while availability of the trials (84%) and correct patient selection (82%) were the major enablers. Graduate Optometrists felt dispensing MFCL did not offer a good business proposition (p=0.02). Experienced practitioners were observed to be least motivated (p=0.01) and believed that their patients found these lenses expensive (p=0.02). To enhance the MFCL practice, barriers like lack of awareness and limitations in power range must be addressed. Trial lens availability may motivate practitioners to prescribe MFCL. Further probing is required to understand lack of motivation among experienced practitioners. Copyright © 2014 Spanish General Council of Optometry. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  20. Multifocal Abrikossoff's granular cell tumor of the oesophagus: Case report

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    Ranđelović Tomislav D.


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION Granular cell tumors, relatively uncommon soft tissue tumors, have been a matter of debate among pathologists regarding histogenesis for a long time. Less common locations are in the aerodigestive tract including the oesophagus. CASE OUTLINE We have recently treated a rare case, a 37-year old male, who was admitted due to dysphagia and a painful swallow with occasional pharyngo-nasal regurgitation followed with a mild loss of weight. Standard clinical examination including X-ray chest, ECG and laboratory tests did not show pathological findings. Barium contrast oesophagography demonstrated multiple ovoid defects in the wall of the oesophagus. CT scan of the chest confirmed luminal narrowing owing to the tumor of the upper oesophagus. Upper endoscopy showed unusual multifocal nodular lesions alongside the oesophageal axis covered by smooth mucosa. A primary biopsy specimen taken from the largest nodules confirmed an unusual pathological finding of the granular cell tumor. Subtotal, transpleural oesophagectomy was performed and reconstruction was derived by long colon segment interposition through the posterior mediastinum. The postoperative course was uneventful. The operative specimen consisted of four ovoid tumors alongside the oesophagus (the greatest diameter 0.5-1.8, average 1.25. All verified tumors histologicaly consisted of a spindle-shaped or polygonal cells containing small and large eosinophilic granules and central nuclei. Most tumor cells showed strongly positive immunohistochemical staining for S-100 protein. These tumor cells were partially positive for p-53 and Ki-67. No lymph node metastases were detected histologically. CONCLUSION Multifocal granular cell tumor of the oesophagus is an unusual finding with low incidence, and rarely caused symptoms. Pathological features and multiplicity of such tumors emphasized malignant predisposition requiring surgical resection of the oesophagus.

  1. Multi-focal lobular carcinoma in situ arising in benign phylodes tumor: A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Taeg Ki; Choi, Chang Hwan; Kim, Youn Jeong; Kim, Mi Young; Lee, Kyung Hee; Cho, Soon Gu


    Coexistent breast malignancy arising in phyllodes tumor is extremely rare, and most of them are incidental reports after surgical excision. Coexistent malignancy in phyllodes tumor can vary from in-situ to invasive carcinoma. Lobular neoplasia is separated into atypical lobular hyperplasia and lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). LCIS is known to have a higher risk of developing invasive cancer. We reported imaging findings of multifocal LCIS arising in benign phyllodes tumor

  2. Multi-focal lobular carcinoma in situ arising in benign phylodes tumor: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Taeg Ki; Choi, Chang Hwan; Kim, Youn Jeong; Kim, Mi Young; Lee, Kyung Hee; Cho, Soon Gu [Inha University Hospital, Incheon (Korea, Republic of)


    Coexistent breast malignancy arising in phyllodes tumor is extremely rare, and most of them are incidental reports after surgical excision. Coexistent malignancy in phyllodes tumor can vary from in-situ to invasive carcinoma. Lobular neoplasia is separated into atypical lobular hyperplasia and lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). LCIS is known to have a higher risk of developing invasive cancer. We reported imaging findings of multifocal LCIS arising in benign phyllodes tumor.

  3. Multifocal bone and bone marrow lesions in children - MRI findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raissaki, Maria; Demetriou, Stelios; Spanakis, Konstantinos; Skiadas, Christos; Karantanas, Apostolos H. [University of Crete, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiology, University Hospital of Heraklion, Heraklion, Crete (Greece); Katzilakis, Nikolaos; Stiakaki, Eftichia [University of Crete, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, University Hospital of Heraklion, Heraklion, Crete (Greece); Velivassakis, Emmanouil G. [University Hospital of Heraklion, Orthopedic Clinic, Heraklion, Crete (Greece)


    Polyostotic bone and bone marrow lesions in children may be due to various disorders. Radiographically, lytic lesions may become apparent after loss of more than 50% of the bone mineral content. Scintigraphy requires osteoblastic activity and is not specific. MRI may significantly contribute to the correct diagnosis and management. Accurate interpretation of MRI examinations requires understanding of the normal conversion pattern of bone marrow in childhood and of the appearances of red marrow rests and hyperplasia. Differential diagnosis is wide: Malignancies include metastases, multifocal primary sarcomas and hematological diseases. Benign entities include benign tumors and tumor-like lesions, histiocytosis, infectious and inflammatory diseases, multiple stress fractures/reactions and bone infarcts/ischemia. (orig.)

  4. Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy [version 1; referees: 2 approved

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    Laura Adang


    Full Text Available Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML is a devastating demyelinating disease with significant morbidity and mortality and no effective, targeted therapies. It is most often observed in association with abnormalities of cell-mediated immunity, in particular human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection, but also occurs in association with lymphoproliferative diseases, certain immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory regimens, and other conditions. The etiologic agent of PML is a small, ubiquitous polyomavirus, the JC virus (JCV, also known as JCPyV, for which at least 50% of the adult general population is seropositive. PML results when JCV replicates within cerebral oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, leading to oligodendrocyte death and demyelination. Unfortunately, no treatments have been convincingly demonstrated to be effective, though some have been employed in desperation; treatment otherwise includes attempts to restore any immune system defect, such as the withdrawal of the causative agent if possible, and general supportive care.

  5. The brain triuno and the ethical intelligence: fundamental counterfoil of the multifocal intelligence

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    C. Seijo


    Full Text Available This study has for aim offer an analysis as for the brain triuno and the ethical intelligence: fundamental Counterfoil of the multifocal intelligence, taking in tells one of the theories that it sustains her like they are the different types of multiple intelligences established by Beauport and Cury (2004. The theoretical sustenance, it is based on the contents of Martin (2005, Belohlavek (2007, Galicians (2002, Beauport and Cury (2004, between others, being realized under a symbolic interpretive approach, across a qualitative methodology, type descriptive and not experimental design, by means of a documentary analysis. In this regard, it is found that the ethical intelligence is a mental mechanism that constructs the structural preconceptos and the rules of game with which an individual approaches the reality, that is to say, it is the capacity of the general formation, predicting the behavior for the achievement of aims organizacionales. As for the final considerations they focused in obtaining the most wide knowledge inside the organizations, allowing to reflect before the weaknesses that they present thinking about the brain triuno applying the multifocal intelligence, fundamental counterfoil of the ethical intelligence and of what way the rationing visualizes the strengths, nevertheless of the weaknesses that they present. 

  6. Evaluation of Different Power of Near Addition in Two Different Multifocal Intraocular Lenses

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    Ugur Unsal


    Full Text Available Purpose. To compare near, intermediate, and distance vision and quality of vision, when refractive rotational multifocal intraocular lenses with 3.0 diopters or diffractive multifocal intraocular lenses with 2.5 diopters near addition are implanted. Methods. 41 eyes of 41 patients in whom rotational +3.0 diopters near addition IOLs were implanted and 30 eyes of 30 patients in whom diffractive +2.5 diopters near addition IOLs were implanted after cataract surgery were reviewed. Uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity, intermediate visual acuity, near visual acuity, and patient satisfaction were evaluated 6 months later. Results. The corrected and uncorrected distance visual acuity were the same between both groups (p=0.50 and p=0.509, resp.. The uncorrected intermediate and corrected intermediate and near vision acuities were better in the +2.5 near vision added intraocular lens implanted group (p=0.049, p=0.005, and p=0.001, resp. and the uncorrected near vision acuity was better in the +3.0 near vision added intraocular lens implanted group (p=0.001. The patient satisfactions of both groups were similar. Conclusion. The +2.5 diopters near addition could be a better choice in younger patients with more distance and intermediate visual requirements (driving, outdoor activities, whereas the + 3.0 diopters should be considered for patients with more near vision correction (reading.

  7. Concepto actual, diagnóstico y tratamiento del tumor odontogénico adenomatoide. Reporte de un caso

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    Manuel Escalante Fontalvo


    Full Text Available El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide (TOA es una lesión clasificada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS dentro de los tumores odontogénicos con participación del ectomesénquima, ya que puede contener, además del epitelio, tejido calcificado en su interior, que muestra una morfología histológica muy peculiar. Es un tumor benigno de baja prevalencia que compromete solo el 0,1% de los tumores y quistes de los maxilares, con una muy baja tendencia a la recidiva; es común en pacientes jóvenes, generalmente mujeres, de mayor presentación en el maxilar superior, asintomático, de crecimiento lento y poco invasivo; el cual se puede semejarse a otras lesiones odontogénicas de mayor agresividad como el quiste dentígero y el ameloblastoma, entre otros benignos como el odontoma complejo y adenomas pleomórficos. A menudo se observa como una lesión radiolúcida de aspecto quístico unilocular, asociada a órganos dentales incluidos, usualmente dientes caninos. Su localización clásica nos orienta al diagnóstico y su patrón histológico ductiforme (apariencia basaloide con estructuras glanduliformes, calcificaciones esferulares y presencia de abundante material amiloide que facilitan su reconocimiento microscópico es muy propio de esta lesión tumoral. Se presenta un caso de un paciente de 12 años de edad, asintomática y asimétrica facial, de sexo femenino, con un diagnóstico definitivo por biopsia de TOA en la región anterior del maxilar superior asociado a un órgano dental 23 incluido; intervenido quirúrgicamente, colocando material de injerto como sustituto óseo, teniendo en cuenta estado general del paciente, diagnósticos diferenciales, características radiográficas, tomográficas y clínicas.

  8. Efficacy and safety of multifocal intraocular lenses following cataract and refractive lens exchange: Metaanalysis of peer-reviewed publications. (United States)

    Rosen, Emanuel; Alió, Jorge L; Dick, H Burkhard; Dell, Steven; Slade, Stephen


    We performed a metaanaysis of peer-reviewed studies involving implantation of a multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) in presbyopic patients with cataract or having refractive lens exchange (RLE). Previous reviews have considered the use of multifocal IOLs after cataract surgery but not after RLE, whereas greater insight might be gained from examining the full range of studies. Selected studies were examined to collate outcomes with monocular and binocular uncorrected distance, intermediate, and near visual acuity; spectacle independence; contrast sensitivity; visual symptoms; adverse events; and patient satisfaction. In 8797 eyes, the mean postoperative monocular uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) was 0.05 logMAR ± 0.006 (SD) (Snellen equivalent 20/20(-3)). In 6334 patients, the mean binocular UDVA was 0.04 ± 0.00 logMAR (Snellen equivalent 20/20(-2)), with a mean spectacle independence of 80.1%. Monocular mean UDVA did not differ significantly between those who had a cataract procedure and those who had an RLE procedure. Neural adaptation to multifocality may vary among patients. Dr. Alió is a clinical research investigator for Hanita Lenses, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Topcon Medical Systems, Inc., Oculentis GmbH, and Akkolens International BV. Dr. Dell is a consultant to Bausch & Lomb and Abbott Medical Optics, Inc. Dr. Slade is a consultant to Alcon Surgical, Inc., Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, and Bausch & Lomb. None of the authors has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2016 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. CT and MRI in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lanfermann, H.; Heindel, W.; Schroeder, R.; Lackner, K.


    Radiological findings and course of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in 14 patients (1 woman, 13 men; 13 HIV seropositive, 1 chronic lymphatic leukaemia) were analysed retrospectively and correlated with clinical symptoms. A total of 21 CT and 16 MRI studies were evaluated. CT scans and MR images of 9 patients, which had been obtained in less than two weeks, could be compared to each other. MRI was superior to CT: 6 lesions with a diameter of 1 cm and below were not detected on CT scans, in 5 patients the extent of lesions was underestimated. Cortical involvement, mass effect or signs of atrophy were missing. Only 1 of 65 lesions showed a tiny enhancement after Gd injection. Due to the pattern and spread of lesions, which showed a close correlation to the neurologic symptoms, three different types of PML are suggested: 1. Initial precentral demyelinisation with contralateral hemiparesis (n=8); 2. lesions in temporo-occipital locations with visual disturbances (n=2); 3. predominantly bilateral lesions of cerebellar white matter with ataxia (n=4). (orig.) [de

  10. Abordaje pediátrico de las infecciones de vías urinarias

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    Esther Lombardo-Aburto


    Full Text Available La infección de vías urinarias (IVUs es la presencia de bacteriuria significativa sintomática o no,1 que se adquiere principalmente por vía ascendente, tras la colonización por gérmenes intestinales del epitelio periuretral, uretral y vesical (cistitis, pudiendo alcanzar desde el uréter hasta el tejido renal (pielonefritis; o bien, vía hematógena o directa dada por procedimientos invasivos en el tracto urinario.

  11. Avaliação da sensibilidade ao contraste e da estereopsia em pacientes com lente intra-ocular multifocal Contrast sensitivity and stereopsis in pseudophakic patients with multifocal intraocular lens

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    Filipe de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a sensibilidade ao contraste e a acuidade estereoscópica em pacientes pseudofácicos, que receberam implante bilateral de lente intra-ocular multifocal. MÉTODOS: Prospectivamente foram realizados testes de sensibilidade ao contraste com o uso da tabela Pelli-Robson e teste de acuidade estereoscópica com emprego do Titmus Stereo Test, em 20 pacientes com implante bilateral de lente intra-ocular multifocal Acrysof Restor®, no pós-operatório de 1 a 2 meses e sem uso de qualquer correção óptica. RESULTADOS:O teste de sensibilidade ao contraste binocular demonstrou que 6 pacientes (30% apresentaram 1,80 unid. log, 13 (65% 1,65 e 1 (5% 1,50. No teste monocular, ocorreram as seguintes respostas: 17 pacientes (85% 1,65 unid. log e 3 (15% 1,50 para o teste do olho direito. O teste do olho esquerdo mostrou que 16 pacientes (80% apresentaram 1,65 unid. log e 4 (20% 1,50. A média e o desvio-padrão da sensibilidade ao contraste testada binocularmente foi 1,69 (±0,08, ao passo que monocularmente foi 1,63 (±0,05 para OD e 1,62 (±0,06 para OE. O teste de acuidade estereoscópica revelou que 12 pacientes (60% obtiveram 40", 6 (30% 50" e 2 (10% 60", com média de 45" e desvio-padrão de ±6,88". CONCLUSÃO: A lente intra-ocular empregada no estudo, proporcionou resultados de sensibilidade ao contraste e acuidade estereoscópica compatíveis e de acordo com critérios de normalidade estabelecidos anteriormente por outros estudos em grupos de pacientes fácicos e pseudofácicos, e portanto, impacto positivo na funcionalidade visual.PURPOSE: To evaluate the contrast sensitivity and stereopsis tests in patients who underwent bilateral implantation of multifocal intraocular lens. METHODS: Tests of contrast sensitivity using the Pelli-Robson chart and stereopsis evaluation with the Titmus Stereo Test were performed in 20 patients 30-60 days after the bilateral implantation of Acrysof Restor® multifocal intraocular lens. RESULTS: The

  12. Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy in a patient with idiopathic CD4+ lymphocytopenia.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Moloney, F


    Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (PML) is an opportunistic, demyelinating neurological disease caused by reactivation of the JC polyomavirus. PML occurs almost exclusively in immunosuppressed individuals, with only isolated case reports of PML occurring in patients without apparent immunosuppression. Idiopathic CD4+ lymohocytopenia (ICL) is a syndrome defined by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention as a CD4+ count <300 cells\\/uL or <20% of total T cell count on >1 occasion, with no evidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, and the absence of other known immunodeficiency or therapy associated with lymphocytopenia. We describe a case of PML occurring in a patient with idiopathic CD4+ lymphocytopenia.

  13. Fixation stability and implication for multifocal electroretinography in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration after anti-VEGF treatment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Karen Bjerg; Sjølie, Anne Katrin; Vestergaard, Anders Højslet


    Purpose: To quantify fixation stability in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) at baseline, 3 and 6 months after anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) treatment and furthermore asses the implications of an unsteady fixation for multifocal...


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    Full Text Available Multifocal multiphoton microscopy (MMM has greatly improved the utilization of excitation light and imaging speed due to parallel multiphoton excitation of the samples and simultaneous detection of the signals, which allows it to perform three-dimensional fast fluorescence imaging. Stochastic scanning can provide continuous, uniform and high-speed excitation of the sample, which makes it a suitable scanning scheme for MMM. In this paper, the graphical programming language — LabVIEW is used to achieve stochastic scanning of the two-dimensional galvo scanners by using white noise signals to control the x and y mirrors independently. Moreover, the stochastic scanning process is simulated by using Monte Carlo method. Our results show that MMM can avoid oversampling or subsampling in the scanning area and meet the requirements of uniform sampling by stochastically scanning the individual units of the N × N foci array. Therefore, continuous and uniform scanning in the whole field of view is implemented.

  15. Carcinoma superficial multifocal do pênis: ênfase ao teste do azul de toluidina

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    Hélio Begliomini

    Full Text Available The author reports a case of penile multifocal superficial carcinoma in a white 66 years old male. The lesions on glans penis and prepuce were asymptomatic. Their appearence were plain reddish ulceration, irregular margins which became evident after circumcision. There was no palpable groin lymph node. The toluidine blue test was useful for guiding biopsies. A partial penectomy was undertaken with free surgical margins of tumor. In a follow-up of two years, penil erectile function is preserve with no tumor recurrence.

  16. Dos casos de quiste de intestino anterior en cavidad oral

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    Celso Chuquisana-Mostacero

    Full Text Available Antecedentes y Objetivo: El quiste de intestino anterior es una entidad congénita poco frecuente. Cuando aparece, su localización más frecuente es el íleon y, aunque pueden aparecer a lo largo de todo el tracto digestivo, es rara su ubicación en la cavidad oral. A menudo se caracteriza por tres hallazgos principales: presencia de una capa de músculo liso bien desarrollada, una capa epitelial típica de alguna porción del tracto alimentario, y la unión íntima a alguna porción del tracto gastrointestinal. Las lesiones quísticas del suelo de boca en la edad infantil más frecuentes son los quistes salivares y las malformaciones linfáticas, ambas englobables en el término ránula. Sin embargo hay otras posibilidades, y la duplicación de intestino anterior, como aparece en los casos que presentamos, es una de ellas. Material y Método: Presentamos 2 pacientes en edad pediátrica con lesión lingual o de suelo de boca, que tras el estudio de imagen adecuado fueron operados por vía intraoral para la extirpación de la tumoración. En uno de los casos se usó abordaje cervical para extirpación de un segundo locus quístico. Resultados: El estudio anatomopatológico mostró en uno de los casos epitelio respiratorio, y en el segundo mucosa gástrica y epitelio respiratorio. Conclusiones: La importancia del diagnóstico y la extirpación completa en este tipo de lesiones viene dada por el riesgo de degeneración maligna en la edad adulta.

  17. Mefloquine improved progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. (United States)

    Beppu, Minako; Kawamoto, Michi; Nukuzuma, Souichi; Kohara, Nobuo


    We describe a case of a 67-year-old man with systemic lupus erythematosus who presented with progressive left hemiplegia. Although the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the JC virus was negative, a brain biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). The tapering of prednisone and the use of cidofovir could not arrest the disease progression. Administration of mefloquine stopped the extension of the lesion, and resulted in obvious clinical improvement. The CSF nested PCR for the JC virus also became negative. This widely used drug should be tried for the treatment of non-HIV PML.

  18. High Resolution Depth-Resolved Imaging From Multi-Focal Images for Medical Ultrasound

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Diamantis, Konstantinos; Dalgarno, Paul A.; Greenaway, Alan H.


    An ultrasound imaging technique providing subdiffraction limit axial resolution for point sources is proposed. It is based on simultaneously acquired multi-focal images of the same object, and on the image metric of sharpness. The sharpness is extracted by image data and presents higher values...... calibration curves combined with the use of a maximum-likelihood algorithm is then able to estimate, with high precision, the depth location of any emitter fron each single image. Estimated values are compared with the ground truth demonstrating that an accuracy of 28.6 µm (0.13λ) is achieved for a 4 mm depth...

  19. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy restricted to the posterior fossa in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goncalves, Fabricio Guimaraes; Lamb, Leslie; Del Carpio-O' Donovan, Raquel, E-mail: [McGill University Health Center Montreal General Hospital (Canada)


    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy is a neurological infectious disease caused by the John Cunningham polyoma virus (JCV), an opportunistic agent with worldwide distribution. This disease is frequently seen in immunosuppressed patients and rarely associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. In the central nervous system PML demyelinating lesions occur in the supratentorial compartment. The authors describe a rare case of PML secondary to SLE treatment with atypical presentation restricted to the posterior fossa (author)

  20. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy restricted to the posterior fossa in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goncalves, Fabricio Guimaraes; Lamb, Leslie; Del Carpio-O'Donovan, Raquel


    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy is a neurological infectious disease caused by the John Cunningham polyoma virus (JCV), an opportunistic agent with worldwide distribution. This disease is frequently seen in immunosuppressed patients and rarely associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. In the central nervous system PML demyelinating lesions occur in the supratentorial compartment. The authors describe a rare case of PML secondary to SLE treatment with atypical presentation restricted to the posterior fossa (author)

  1. Comparison of visual function and patient satisfaction with AcrySof ReSTORSN6AD1 multifocal intraocular compared to monofocal intraocular lenses 5

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    Aisa S Alchinova


    Full Text Available Aim. To compare visual function and satisfaction in patients after implantation of AcrySof ReSTOR SN6AD1 multifocal intraocular lens (IOL, AcrySof SA60AТ spherical monofocal IOL, or Akreos АО aspheric monofocal IOL during cataract surgery. Materials. Overall, 34 patients received SN6AD1 multifocal (group 1, 48 eyes, 19 patients received Akreos АО monofocal aspheric (group 2, 30 eyes, and 13 patients received AcrySof SA60AТ monofocal spherical (group 3, 18 eyes IOL. Patients with multifocal IOL were closely matched for age, sex, and ocular findings with patients who had monofocal IOL implantation. Six months postoperatively, uncorrected/corrected distance visual acuity (UDVA/CDVA, uncorrected intermediate (60 cm and near (35 cm visual acuity (UNVA, defocus curve, contrast sensitivity, and a quality-of-life questionnaire were evaluated. Furthermore, independence from glasses and presence of optical phenomena were assessed. Results. Patients in group 2 had statistically significant increase in UDVA than that in group 1 (p = 0.037. There was no significant difference in the mean uncorrected intermediate and best corrected distance visual acuities between the groups. UNVA was better in group 1 than that in groups 2 and 3 (p < 0.0001. Photopic contrast sensitivity for high spatial frequencies was better in groups 2 and 3. Glare was reported in 5.9% of patients in group 1. Halos occurred in 32.4% of patients in group 1. No one reported undesirable visual symptoms in groups 2 and 3. Conclusion. Multifocal IOLs provided higher spectacle independence and satisfactory functional vision over a broad range of distances but were associated with increased subjective visual symptoms and reduced photopic contrast sensitivity for high spatial frequencies and distance visual quality compared with monofocal IOLs.

  2. Metabolismo de los hidratos de carbono en los enterocitos de sujetos con enfermedad de Crohn y colitis ulcerosa.


    Estada Gimeno, Úrsula


    RESUMEN Introducción: Los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria crónica intestinal (EII), enfermedad de Crohn y colitis ulcerosa presentan lesiones en el epitelio intestinal de carácter inflamatorio. Estas lesiones afectan al intestino grueso en la colitis ulcerosa y a cualquier parte del tracto digestivo en la enfermedad de Crohn. En este tipo de enfermos se ha visto que existe una menor absorción de nutrientes, sobre todo en la enfermedad de Crohn, entre ellos la lactosa (el azúcar de la...


    Gattoussi, Sarra; Ghadiali, Quraish; Dolz-Marco, Rosa; Freund, K Bailey


    We describe with multimodal imaging the presentation and follow-up for a patient with idiopathic multifocal choroiditis and a transient peripapillary white ring. Case report. A 39-year-old Asian woman was initially seen for an evaluation of lattice degeneration in 2015. Her medical history included Graves disease and psoriasis. Best-corrected visual acuity was 20/25 in her right eye and 20/25 in her left eye. Ultra-widefield fundus autofluorescence imaging showed a curvilinear hyperautofluorescent line in her right eye. One year later, the patient returned complaining of floaters in her right eye for 1 month. Her visual acuity was unchanged. Funduscopic examination showed new inflammatory yellowish lesions in the right eye corresponding to hyperreflective sub-retinal pigment epithelium lesions on structural spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Fluorescein angiography showed corresponding late staining of these active lesions. Late-phase indocyanine green angiography showed multiple nummular hypocyanescent dots. Ultra-widefield fundus autofluorescence showed large areas of hyperautofluorescence. The patient was started on a 60-mg oral prednisone taper and demonstrated subsequent regression of the inflammatory lesions. Ten months later, the patient returned emergently with complaints of floaters in both eyes for 2 days and a new temporal scotoma in her left eye. Funduscopic examination demonstrated a white ring around the optic nerve of the left eye corresponding to a hyperautofluorescent lesion. Ultra-widefield fundus autofluorescence showed new areas of hyperautofluorescence in both eyes. Structural spectral domain optical coherence tomography showed new sub-retinal pigment epithelium inflammatory lesions and a disruption of the ellipsoid zone in both eyes. The patient was again treated with a 60-mg oral prednisone taper and demonstrated subsequent restoration of the ellipsoid zone. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a transient annular white


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    Full Text Available El Esófago de Barrett (EB es una patología adquirida producto del reflujo gastroesofágico crónico que provoca la lesión de la mucosa esofágica normal y su reemplazo por mucosa metaplásica. La importancia clínica del EB radica en que constituye un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de adenocarcinoma esofágico. La incidencia del adenocarcinoma esofágico se encuentra en aumento y su diagnóstico se realiza generalmente en etapas avanzadas, teniendo un pronóstico sombrío. Actualmente el objetivo es detectar el cáncer en etapas iniciales y eventualmente tratables, para lo cual se han planteado distintos protocolos de vigilancia y numerosas alternativas de tratamiento del epitelio metaplásico del esófago de Barrett. En el siguiente artículo se revisan los conceptos más recientes de manejo.

  5. Visual outcomes after implantation of a novel refractive toric multifocal intraocular lens

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    Talita Shimoda


    Full Text Available Purpose: To assess the postoperative outcomes of a novel toric multifocal in traocular lens (IOL in patients with cataract and corneal astigmatism. Methods: This prospective nonrandomized study included patients with cataract, corneal astigmatism, and a motivation for spectacle independence. In all patients, a Rayner M-flex® T toric IOL was implanted in the capsular bag. Three months after surgery, the distance, intermediate, and near visual acuities; spherical equivalent; residual refractive astigmatism; defocus curve; and contrast sensitivity were evaluated. A patient satisfaction and visual phenomena questionnaire was administered to all patients. Results: Thirty-four eyes of 18 patients were included in this study. Three months after surgery, the mean corrected distance visual acuity (logMAR was 0.00 ± 0.08 at 6 m, 0.20 ± 0.09 at 70 cm, and 0.08 ± 0.11 at 40 cm. Uncorrected distance vision acuity was 20/40 or better in 100% eyes. The preoperative mean refractive cylinder (RC was -2.19 (SD: ± 0.53. After a 3-month follow-up, the average RC was -0.44 D (SD: ± 0.27; p<0.001. Contrast sensitivity levels were high. At the last follow-up, 87.5% patients were spectacle-independent for near, intermediate, and distance vision, and approximately 44% patients reported halos and glare. Conclusion: Toric multifocal IOL implantation in patients with cataract and corneal astigmatism using the Rayner M-flex® T toric IOL was a simple, safe, and accurate option. This technology provides surgeons with a feasible option for meeting patient expectations of an enhanced lifestyle resulting from decreased spectacle dependence.

  6. Principios para realizar queratectomía fototerapéutica

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    Taimi Cárdenas Díaz

    Full Text Available La queratectomía fototerapéutica se emplea como arma terapéutica en alteraciones corneales desde hace más de diez años. Su evolución ha incorporado el interés primario de retirar tejido corneal alterado, y se ha propuesto otros objetivos más complejos como son los de obtener una superficie ópticamente más regular e incrementar la salud de la superficie ocular externa con el uso de la técnica adecuada de aplicación de la queratectomía fototerapéutica, de modo que pueda ser aprovechada la precisión de la ablación proporcionada por el láser de excímer. Al final del procedimiento se debe conseguir una superficie corneal regular, que no genere una gran reacción cicatricial y que actúe como sustrato adecuado para promover la correcta adherencia del epitelio. De este modo, la córnea gana en calidad como superficie óptica, en transparencia, en ser menos reactiva cicatricialmente y en poseer un epitelio más adherente. De ahí la motivación para realizar una búsqueda de diversos artículos publicados, con el objetivo de describir los principios de la queratectomía fototerapéutica, la técnica y sus indicaciones. Se utilizó la plataforma Infomed, específicamente la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, con todos sus buscadores.

  7. Clinical Evaluation of Reading Performance Using the Salzburg Reading Desk With a Refractive Rotational Asymmetric Multifocal Intraocular Lens. (United States)

    Linz, Katharina; Attia, Mary S A; Khoramnia, Ramin; Tandogan, Tamer; Kretz, Florian T; Auffarth, Gerd Uwe


    To evaluate functional results and reading performance using the Salzburg Reading Desk after implantation of a sector-shaped near-embedded, rotational asymmetrical multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) and a multifocal toric IOL with a +3.00 diopter (D) near addition. In a prospective study, the LentisMplus and Mplus toric IOLs (Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany) were implanted in 34 eyes of 18 patients at the University Eye Hospital of Heidelberg. Uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity (UDVA, CDVA) and uncorrected and corrected near visual acuity (UNVA, CNVA) were evaluated using standardized visual acuity charts (ETDRS). The Salzburg Reading Desk was used to analyze unilateral and bilateral uncorrected and corrected reading acuity, reading distance, reading speed, and the smallest log-scaled print size that could be read effectively at a set (40 cm/80 cm) and subjective chosen near and intermediate distance. Postoperatively, the median UDVA was 0.08 logMAR (20/25 Snellen) and the median CDVA was 0.01 logMAR (20/20 Snellen). The median UNVA was 0.12 logMAR (20/25 Snellen) and the median CNVA was 0.03 logMAR (20/20 Snellen). The median uncorrected reading acuity measured with the Salzburg Reading Desk for near distance at 40 cm was 0.18 logMAR (20/32 Snellen). The subjectively preferred near distance was 39 cm and revealed similar visual acuity results. The best reading acuity for intermediate distance with a median of 0.22 logMAR (20/32 Snellen) was achieved at a median distance of 62 cm. Reading performance of the multifocal IOL corresponded for near standardized and individual distance, whereas reading function was better at the patient's preferred intermediate distance. [J Refract Surg. 2016;32(8):526-532.]. Copyright 2016, SLACK Incorporated.

  8. Multifocal, recurrent malignant chondroid syringoma with visceral metastases: A case report and literature review

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    Ann Meredith Garcia


    Full Text Available We present the unusual case of malignant chondroid syringoma (MCS in a 64-year-old male with recurrent nodular skin lesions and visceral metastases. The patient underwent repeated excisions, with eventual development of widespread nodules and multiple pulmonary and hepatic nodules. Systemic chemotherapy was planned. MCS is a very rare skin adnexal tumor of the sweat glands with only around 50 cases reported worldwide. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first reported case of MCS with a multifocal presentation and mucosal involvement.

  9. Compensating additional optical power in the central zone of a multifocal contact lens forminimization of the shrinkage error of the shell mold in the injection molding process. (United States)

    Vu, Lien T; Chen, Chao-Chang A; Lee, Chia-Cheng; Yu, Chia-Wei


    This study aims to develop a compensating method to minimize the shrinkage error of the shell mold (SM) in the injection molding (IM) process to obtain uniform optical power in the central optical zone of soft axial symmetric multifocal contact lenses (CL). The Z-shrinkage error along the Z axis or axial axis of the anterior SM corresponding to the anterior surface of a dry contact lens in the IM process can be minimized by optimizing IM process parameters and then by compensating for additional (Add) powers in the central zone of the original lens design. First, the shrinkage error is minimized by optimizing three levels of four IM parameters, including mold temperature, injection velocity, packing pressure, and cooling time in 18 IM simulations based on an orthogonal array L 18 (2 1 ×3 4 ). Then, based on the Z-shrinkage error from IM simulation, three new contact lens designs are obtained by increasing the Add power in the central zone of the original multifocal CL design to compensate for the optical power errors. Results obtained from IM process simulations and the optical simulations show that the new CL design with 0.1 D increasing in Add power has the closest shrinkage profile to the original anterior SM profile with percentage of reduction in absolute Z-shrinkage error of 55% and more uniform power in the central zone than in the other two cases. Moreover, actual experiments of IM of SM for casting soft multifocal CLs have been performed. The final product of wet CLs has been completed for the original design and the new design. Results of the optical performance have verified the improvement of the compensated design of CLs. The feasibility of this compensating method has been proven based on the measurement results of the produced soft multifocal CLs of the new design. Results of this study can be further applied to predict or compensate for the total optical power errors of the soft multifocal CLs.

  10. Food and Drug Administration study update. One-year results from 671 patients with the 3M multifocal intraocular lens. (United States)

    Lindstrom, R L


    The clinical evaluation of the Food and Drug Administration study of the 3M diffractive multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) is presented here to demonstrate the results of 1-year postoperative data accumulated for 671 patients, the first of whom received the implant in 1987. Patients were selected for study if they had absence of preoperative pathology, were at least 60 years of age, and had a reasonable postoperative prognosis. Extensive evaluations took place at 4 to 6 months and 12 to 14 months after surgery, including five different visual acuity measurements and contrast sensitivity. All testing was completed on both eyes. Data from the fellow eye served as a control when implanted with a monofocal IOL. Overall uncorrected distance visual acuity at 1 year after surgery shows 57% patients with 20/40 or better acuity. In this same group, 78% achieved J3 or better near vision, which improved to 82% in the best case group. Uncorrected visual acuity of 20/40 or better and J3 or better was achieved by 50% of best case multifocal IOL patients, compared with 26% of the monofocal best case comparison group. Measurements of contrast sensitivity consistently document a small loss, which is considered clinically insignificant. Statistical analysis of satisfaction ratings shows that predictors of satisfaction include uncorrected distance acuity, final near acuity, and fellow eye spherical equivalent. This multifocal lens appears to work very well for most patients, with more than half having functional uncorrected distance and near vision. The study showed several considerations that are important for optimizing clinical performance and patient satisfaction: patient selection, realistic expectations, accurate biometry, and adequate control of surgical procedures.

  11. Multifocal Adenomatous Oncocytic Hyperplasia of the Parotid Gland (United States)

    Kinoshita, Yuichi; Harada, Hiroshi; Kobayashi, Tadao K.; Yoshizawa, Katsuhiko; Yuri, Takashi; Takasu, Kosho; Tsubura, Airo; Shikata, Nobuaki


    Multifocal adenomatous oncocytic hyperplasia (MAOH) is a non-neoplastic lesion that is classified as oncocytosis. MAOH is a rare entity of the parotid gland and accounts for approximately 0.1% of salivary gland lesions. Here, we report a case of MAOH of the parotid gland. The patient was a 71-year-old woman who presented with discomfort at the left side of her neck. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the parotid gland revealed a loose sheet-like cluster of round to polygonal cells with granular cytoplasm against a hemorrhagic background. The cells had round to oval, centrally located nuclei with granular chromatin and without distinct nucleoli. Histologically, the lesion was formed of many variable-sized nodules, comprising oncocyte-like cells with small round nuclei and eosinophilic granular cytoplasm that was positive for mitochondrial antibodies. The diagnosis of MAOH is difficult to make by cytology alone, because the findings overlap with those of other oncocytic lesions. In particular, the cytological findings of MAOH have not been sufficiently reported to date. A correlation of cytology and histology was expected. PMID:25580104

  12. Multifocal Adenomatous Oncocytic Hyperplasia of the Parotid Gland

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    Yuichi Kinoshita


    Full Text Available Multifocal adenomatous oncocytic hyperplasia (MAOH is a non-neoplastic lesion that is classified as oncocytosis. MAOH is a rare entity of the parotid gland and accounts for approximately 0.1% of salivary gland lesions. Here, we report a case of MAOH of the parotid gland. The patient was a 71-year-old woman who presented with discomfort at the left side of her neck. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the parotid gland revealed a loose sheet-like cluster of round to polygonal cells with granular cytoplasm against a hemorrhagic background. The cells had round to oval, centrally located nuclei with granular chromatin and without distinct nucleoli. Histologically, the lesion was formed of many variable-sized nodules, comprising oncocyte-like cells with small round nuclei and eosinophilic granular cytoplasm that was positive for mitochondrial antibodies. The diagnosis of MAOH is difficult to make by cytology alone, because the findings overlap with those of other oncocytic lesions. In particular, the cytological findings of MAOH have not been sufficiently reported to date. A correlation of cytology and histology was expected.

  13. Progressive multifocal leukoence-phalopathy presenting as homonymous hemianopia in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

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    Amit Pandey


    Full Text Available We present a case of a Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV positive patient who was referred for retinal evaluation to rule out ophthalmic manifestations of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS. She complained of some disturbance in vision in both eyes. Fundus examination showed no abnormality. Perimetry, done to rule out optic nerve pathology, showed a left homonymous hemianopia. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI scan showed features of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML. She had no other neurological symptoms or signs.

  14. Prismatic displacement effect of progressive multifocal glasses on reaction time and accuracy in elderly people


    Ellison, Ashton C; Campbell, A John; Robertson, M Clare; Sanderson, Gordon F


    Ashton C Ellison, A John Campbell, M Clare Robertson, Gordon F SandersonDunedin School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Dunedin, New ZealandBackground: Multifocal glasses (bifocals, trifocals, and progressives) increase the risk of falling in elderly people, but how they do so is unclear. To explain why glasses with progressive addition lenses increase the risk of falls and whether this can be attributed to false projection, this study aimed to 1) map the prismatic displacement of a progr...

  15. Progressive multifocal leukoence--phalopathy presenting as homonymous hemianopia in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. (United States)

    Pandey, Amit; Bandivdekar, Karishma; Ramchandani, Suresh; Ramchandani, Sushama


    We present a case of a Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive patient who was referred for retinal evaluation to rule out ophthalmic manifestations of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). She complained of some disturbance in vision in both eyes. Fundus examination showed no abnormality. Perimetry, done to rule out optic nerve pathology, showed a left homonymous hemianopia. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan showed features of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML). She had no other neurological symptoms or signs.

  16. Incidencia, pronóstico y evolución clínica, inmunológica y virológica de las infecciones oportunistas del sistema nervioso central en pacientes con infección por VIH en la era del tratamiento antirretroviral de alta eficacia. Relación con el síndrome inflamatorio de reconstitución inmunológica


    Riveiro Barciela, María del Mar


    Després de la introducció de la teràpia antirretroviral d'alta eficàcia, s'ha objectivat a l'hospital vall d'hebron, una disminució progressiva de la incidencia de les principals infeccions oportunistes del sistema nerviós central (toxoplasmosis, meningitis tuberculosa, meningitis criptococócica i de la leucoencefalopatia multifocal progresiva-LMP). La supervivencia global d'aquestes infeccions va ser de 2 mesos, sent la de pitjor pronòstic la LMP, l'estimació de supervivencia de la qual als ...

  17. Tumores de los conductos biliares

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    Santiago Triana Cortés


    Los tumores benignos de los conductos biliares son relativamente raros. Christopher, que ha revisado recientemente este asunto, sólo pudo encontrar cuarenta y un casos publicados. Los papilomas parecen los más frecuentes, pero se les encuentra con menor frecuencia en los conductos que en la vesícula. Los adenomas son también tumores benignos de los más frecuentes en los conductos; en general, son múltiples y quísticos, y en algunos casos parecen derivar del epitelio de los conductos.

  18. Bilateral Multifocal Hamartoma of the Chest Wall in an Infant (United States)

    Yilmaz, Erdem; Erol, Oguz Bulent; Pekcan, Melih; Gundogdu, Gokcen; Bilgic, Bilge; Gun, Feryal; Yekeler, Ensar


    Summary Background Hamartoma of the thoracic wall is a rare benign tumor that occurs in infancy and can be mistaken for a malignancy due to its clinical and imaging features. Hamartomas are extrapleural soft tissue lesions that cause rib expansion and destruction and appear on imaging as cystic areas with fluid levels and calcification. They can cause scoliosis, pressure on the neighboring lung parenchyma and mediastinal displacement. While conservative treatment is recommended in asymptomatic cases, growing lesions require surgical excision. Case Report In this report, we present the imaging findings in a 3-month-old infant that presented with a firm swelling in the chest wall and was histopathologically confirmed to have a bilateral multifocal hamartoma. Conclusions Radiological imaging methods are important for accurate diagnosis of this very rare condition that can be confused with a malignancy. PMID:26082822

  19. Etiología del colesteatoma ótico Etiology of otic cholesteatoma

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    Julianis Loraine Quintero Noa


    Full Text Available El colesteatoma es una estructura quística caracterizada por la presencia de epitelio escamoso productor de queratina, que sustituye o recubre la mucosa normal en la hendidura del oído medio y ápex petroso, y puede ser causa de hipoacusia irreversible, destrucción ósea y graves complicaciones por su crecimiento expansivo. Clásicamente se describen los colesteatomas en congénitos y adquiridos. La etiología de su formación es multifactorial y continúa siendo poco claro y controversial. Se reportan diferentes teorías que han tratado de explicar el colesteatoma congénito, la transición de un bolsillo de retracción hasta la aparición del colesteatoma adquirido primario, y otras en la génesis del colesteatoma adquirido secundario. Se describe la presencia de algunas citoquinas dentro del colesteatoma que inducen la hiperproliferación e invasión incoordinada de los queratinocitos de la piel del conducto auditivo externo y la pars fláccida, más agresiva en el colesteatoma adquirido pediátrico, y que desempeñan un papel fundamental en la proliferación y en la apoptosis del queratinocito. En cultivo in vitro de una muestra de tejido colesteatomatoso, se ha identificado recientemente que el TNF-a estimula la producción de la IL-8. Se considera de interés ofrecer esta revisión sobre la etiología del colesteatoma, que aún se mantiene en el campo de la investigación y continúa siendo un reto para los otocirujanos por su alta incidencia de recidivas y posibles complicaciones.Cholesteatoma is a cystic structure characterized by presence of squamous epithelium producing keratin substituting or recovering the normal mucosa in the groove of middle ear and petrous apex and may to be caused by irreversible hypoacusia, bone destruction and severe complications due to its expansive growth. Typically the cholesteatomas are described as congenital and acquired. The etiology of its formation is multifactor and still remains a subject not

  20. Multifocal epilepsy: the role of palliative resection - intractable frontal and occipital lobe epilepsy secondary to radiotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. (United States)

    Radhakrishnan, Ashalatha; Sithinamsuwan, Pasiri; Harvey, A Simon; Flanagan, Danny; Fitt, Gregory; Berlangieri, Sam; Jackson, Graeme D; Berkovic, Samuel F; Scheffer, Ingrid E


    Patients with multifocal epilepsy are often considered unsuitable for epilepsy surgery. We report an adolescent with intractable frontal and occipital lobe seizures, secondary to complications of treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia as a young child. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were complicated by bilateral, posterior leukoencephalopathy and later an acquired frontal cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM). Detailed electro-clinical and imaging studies showed multiple, frontal lobe seizures per day with less frequent and non-debilitating, simple, occipital lobe seizures. Focal resection of the frontal CCM abolished the socially-disabling seizures with resultant marked improvement in the patient's quality of life at 12 months. Careful analysis of the type and impact of focal seizures in the setting of multifocal epilepsy may demonstrate that one seizure type is more deleterious to quality of life and may be amenable to surgery. In this situation, the patient may benefit significantly from surgery to resect the more active epileptic focus.

  1. Multifocal multiphoton microscopy with adaptive optical correction (United States)

    Coelho, Simao; Poland, Simon; Krstajic, Nikola; Li, David; Monypenny, James; Walker, Richard; Tyndall, David; Ng, Tony; Henderson, Robert; Ameer-Beg, Simon


    Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) is a well established approach for measuring dynamic signalling events inside living cells, including detection of protein-protein interactions. The improvement in optical penetration of infrared light compared with linear excitation due to Rayleigh scattering and low absorption have provided imaging depths of up to 1mm in brain tissue but significant image degradation occurs as samples distort (aberrate) the infrared excitation beam. Multiphoton time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) FLIM is a method for obtaining functional, high resolution images of biological structures. In order to achieve good statistical accuracy TCSPC typically requires long acquisition times. We report the development of a multifocal multiphoton microscope (MMM), titled MegaFLI. Beam parallelization performed via a 3D Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) algorithm using a Spatial Light Modulator (SLM), increases TCSPC count rate proportional to the number of beamlets produced. A weighted 3D GS algorithm is employed to improve homogeneity. An added benefit is the implementation of flexible and adaptive optical correction. Adaptive optics performed by means of Zernike polynomials are used to correct for system induced aberrations. Here we present results with significant improvement in throughput obtained using a novel complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) 1024 pixel single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array, opening the way to truly high-throughput FLIM.

  2. Inhibición de la acumulación de Rojo Fenol por sulfametoxipiridazina en cortes de tejido renal

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    Jorge Sarmiento M.


    Full Text Available En relación con un trabajo anterior, en el cual se comprobó en el animal intacto la elevación de la concentración plasmática de penicilina cuando se había inyectado media hora antes sulfametoxipiridazina, el presente trabajo demuestra, en cortes de tejido renal adecuadamente conservados, que la capacidad de transporte del epitelio tubular renal para el rojo de fenol se inhibe en proporción a la concentración de sulfametoxipiridazina presente. Como el sistema enzimático responsable de la secreción tubular de la penicilina es idéntico al de la secreción del Rojo Fenol, se concluye que los resultados obtenidos son aplicables al caso de la penicilina.

  3. Una mirada general a las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales y una específica a la fibrosis pulmonar idiopática

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    Pedro J. Marcos


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales difusas (EPID engloban un conjunto heterogéneo de patologías caracterizadas por afectar predominantemente al intersticio pulmonar, que es el espacio anatómico comprendido entre lasmembranas basales del epitelio alveolar y el endotelio capilar. Con frecuencia se observa un retraso en el diagnósticode las EPID. La falta de especificidad de los síntomas y el escaso uso de técnicas diagnósticas como es la espirometría en los primeros niveles asistenciales, hacen que sea bastante frecuente que los clínicos achaquen los síntomasrespiratorios del paciente a entidades más prevalentes comoes la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC

  4. Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis: how to suggest this diagnosis?; L`osteite chronique recurrente multifocale. Un diagnostic qu`il faut savoir evoquer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saint-Martin, Ch. [UCL Cliniques Saint-Luc, Bruxelles (Belgium); Kurelovic, I.; Soler, C.; Geoffray, A. [Fondation Laval, 06 - Nice (France); Durckel, J. [Hopital Hautepierre, 67 - Strasbourg (France)


    Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis is a rare disorder that affects children and teenagers. Clinically, it is characterized by insidious onset of local swelling and pain in several metaphyses. A symmetric, recurrent and multifocal pattern is usual. Spinal involvement is possible. Inconstant association with a cutaneous affection (palmo-plantar pustulosis, acne fulminans, psoriasis), or less frequently with an inflammatory chronic gut disorder is described. Pathogenesis usually recognized is an enthesopathy. Enthesitis may progress to the osseous part of the enthese and produce an aseptic chronic osteomyelitis. Biopsy specimen with culture is certainly necessary to rule out bacterial osteomyelitis and bone tumor. It is particularly true when the bone lesion is isolated. Disease course is benign and self-limited. The clinical course is characterized by recurrences and remissions occurring for 6 to 10 years. Treatment based on non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs is usually effective. (authors). 17 refs.

  5. [Hyperopic Laser-in-situ-Keratomileusis after trifocal intraocular lens implantation : Aberration-free femto-Laser-in-situ-Keratomileusis treatment after implantation of a diffractive, multifocal, toric intraocular lens-case analysis]. (United States)

    Hemkeppler, E; Böhm, M; Kohnen, T


    A 52-year-old highly myopic female patient was implanted with a multifocal, diffractive, toric intraocular lens because of the wish to be independent of eyeglasses. Despite high-quality, extensive preoperative examinations, a hyperopic refractive error remained postoperatively, which led to the patient's dissatisfaction. This error was treated with Laser-in-situ-Keratomileusis (LASIK). After corneal LASIK treatment and implantation of a diffractive toric multifocal intraocular lens the patient showed a good postoperative visual result without optical phenomena.

  6. Test-retest reliability of the multifocal photopic negative response. (United States)

    Van Alstine, Anthony W; Viswanathan, Suresh


    To assess the test-retest reliability of the multifocal photopic negative response (mfPhNR) of normal human subjects. Multifocal electroretinograms were recorded from one eye of 61 healthy adult subjects on two separate days using a Visual Evoked Response Imaging System software version 4.3 (EDI, San Mateo, California). The visual stimulus delivered on a 75-Hz monitor consisted of seven equal-sized hexagons each subtending 12° of visual angle. The m-step exponent was 9, and the m-sequence was slowed to include at least 30 blank frames after each flash. Only the first slice of the first-order kernel was analyzed. The mfPhNR amplitude was measured at a fixed time in the trough from baseline (BT) as well as at the same fixed time in the trough from the preceding b-wave peak (PT). Additionally, we also analyzed BT normalized either to PT (BT/PT) or to the b-wave amplitude (BT/b-wave). The relative reliability of test-retest differences for each test location was estimated by the Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank test and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). Absolute test-retest reliability was estimated by Bland-Altman analysis. The test-retest amplitude differences for neither of the two measurement techniques were statistically significant as determined by Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank test. PT measurements showed greater ICC values than BT amplitude measurements for all test locations. For each measurement technique, the ICC value of the macular response was greater than that of the surrounding locations. The mean test-retest difference was close to zero for both techniques at each of the test locations, and while the coefficient of reliability (COR-1.96 times the standard deviation of the test-retest difference) was comparable for the two techniques at each test location when expressed in nanovolts, the %COR (COR normalized to the mean test and retest amplitudes) was superior for PT than BT measurements. The ICC and COR were comparable for the BT/PT and

  7. The effect of dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera™) on lymphocyte counts: A potential contributor to progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy risk. (United States)

    Khatri, Bhupendra O; Garland, Jeffery; Berger, Joseph; Kramer, John; Sershon, Lisa; Olapo, Tayo; Sesing, Jean; Dukic, Mary; Rehn, Eileen


    Dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera™) is an effective therapy for relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS). Our study suggests that this drug may have immunosuppressive properties evidenced by significant sustained reduction in CD8 lymphocyte counts and, to a lesser extent, CD4 lymphocyte counts. This observation is relevant in light of the recent case of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a patient receiving this drug. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  8. A Cerebellar Tremor in a Patient with Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Associated with Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy

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    Hee-Jin Kim


    Full Text Available Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS caused by JC virus infection in oligodendrocytes, especially in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS. Movement disorders associated with PML are very rare. Here, we report a case of PML in an AIDS patient who presented with a cerebellar tremor, caused by lesions in the cerebellar outflow tract. A cerebellar tremor can be a rare clinical manifestation in patients with PML.

  9. A Cerebellar Tremor in a Patient with Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Associated with Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (United States)

    Kim, Hee-Jin; Lee, Jae-Jung; Lee, Phil Hyu


    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) caused by JC virus infection in oligodendrocytes, especially in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Movement disorders associated with PML are very rare. Here, we report a case of PML in an AIDS patient who presented with a cerebellar tremor, caused by lesions in the cerebellar outflow tract. A cerebellar tremor can be a rare clinical manifestation in patients with PML. PMID:24868366

  10. Fuentes de variabilidad en el diagnóstico de gastritis atrófica multifocal asociada con la infección por Helicobacter pylori1 (United States)

    Bravo, Luis Eduardo; Bravo, Juan Carlos; Realpe, José Luis; Zarama, Guillermo; Piazuelo, MarÍa Blanca; Correa, Pelayo


    biopsias fijadas en alcohol fueron inadecuadas para demostrar H. pylori e interpretar los cambios de displasia. Conclusión El número de fragmentos de mucosa gástrica evaluados, el método de fijación y la región del estómago donde se obtienen las biopsias son factores muy importantes para lograr una correcta clasificación de la gastritis crónica atrófica multifocal. PMID:25267864

  11. Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia: A potentially precancerous disease? (Review) (United States)



    Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia (MEH), also known as Heck’s disease, manifests as a papulonodular lesion in the oral mucosa and has been associated with the human papillomavirus, a virus related to various precancerous diseases in the oral cavity. It has a predisposition for the female gender and for children. Although the majority of reported cases have been among American Indians and Eskimos, it has been described in multiple ethnic groups in various geographical locations. The objective of this review was to report on the clinical characteristics and epidemiology of MEH and its possible correlation with oral cancer. It is based on a search of articles in international journals published prior to April 2011, using the PubMed database and selecting articles related to the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of MEH. The review revealed a higher number of cases in individuals of American Indian origin and a predilection of the disease for the female gender and for patients between the 1st and 2nd decades of life. The most frequent lesion site was the lower lip. The disease has been associated with socio-economic and genetic factors, among others. No cases of malignant transformation have been reported. PMID:22740890

  12. 7-Hexagon Multifocal Electroretinography for an Objective Functional Assessment of the Macula in 14 Seconds. (United States)

    Schönbach, Etienne M; Chaikitmongkol, Voraporn; Annam, Rachel; McDonnell, Emma C; Wolfson, Yulia; Fletcher, Emily; Scholl, Hendrik P N


    We present the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) with a 7-hexagon array as an objective test of macular function that can be recorded in 14 s. We provide normal values and investigate its reproducibility and validity. Healthy participants underwent mfERG testing according to International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV) standards using the Espion Profile/D310 multifocal ERG system (Diagnosys, LLC, Lowell, MA, USA). One standard recording of a 61-hexagon array and 2 repeated recordings of a custom 7-hexagon array were obtained. A total of 13 subjects (mean age 46.9 years) were included. The median response densities were 12.5 nV/deg2 in the center and 5.2 nV/deg2 in the periphery. Intereye correlations were strong in both the center (ρCenter = 0.821; p < 0.0001) and the periphery (ρPeriphery = 0.862; p < 0.0001). Intraeye correlations were even stronger: ρCenter = 0.904 with p < 0.0001 and ρPeriphery = 0.955 with p < 0.0001. Bland-Altman plots demonstrated an acceptable retest mean difference in both the center and periphery, and narrow limits of agreement. We found strong correlations of the center (ρCenter = 0.826; p < 0.0001) and periphery (ρPeriphery = 0.848; p < 0.0001), with recordings obtained by the 61-hexagon method. The 7-hexagon mfERG provides reproducible results in agreement with results obtained according to the ISCEV standard. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  13. Noncontiguous multifocal brucellar spondylitis involving the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine: A case report

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    Rong Wang


    Full Text Available Brucellosis is a zoonosis infectious disease, brucellar spondylitis primarily infects the lumbar, the cervical is uncommon. Multiple-level involvement is extremely rare. This report describes a 46-year-old man with noncontiguous multifocal brucellar spondylitis involving the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. Brucellar spondylitis is difficult to diagnose. Routine laboratory findings for the disease have little diagnostic value. Manifestations and radiological features are usually nonspecific. Radiological features of brucellar spondylitis are similar to tuberculous spondylitis and pyogenic spondylitis. MRI findings have diagnostic value. Suspicious patients with unexplained fever, musculoskeletal complaints at risk of infection should be considered.

  14. Biphasic papillary renal cell carcinoma is a rare morphological variant with frequent multifocality: a study of 28 cases. (United States)

    Trpkov, Kiril; Athanazio, Daniel; Magi-Galluzzi, Cristina; Yilmaz, Helene; Clouston, David; Agaimy, Abbas; Williamson, Sean R; Brimo, Fadi; Lopez, Jose I; Ulamec, Monika; Rioux-Leclercq, Nathalie; Kassem, Maysoun; Gupta, Nilesh; Hartmann, Arndt; Leroy, Xavier; Bashir, Samir Al; Yilmaz, Asli; Hes, Ondřej


    To further characterise biphasic squamoid renal cell carcinoma (RCC), a recently proposed variant of papillary RCC. We identified 28 tumours from multiple institutions. They typically showed two cell populations-larger cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and higher-grade nuclei, surrounded by smaller, amphophilic cells with scanty cytoplasm. The dual morphology was variable (median 72.5% of tumour, range 5-100%); emperipolesis was found in all cases. The male/female ratio was 2:1, and the median age was 55 years (range 39-86 years). The median tumour size was 20 mm (range 9-65 mm). Pathological stage pT1a was found in 21 cases, pT1b in three, and pT3a and pT3b in one each (two not available). Multifocality was found in 32%: multifocal biphasic RCC in one case, biphasic + papillary RCC in two cases, biphasic + clear cell RCC in three cases, biphasic + low-grade urothelial carcinoma of the renal pelvis in one case, and biphasic + Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome in one case. Positive immunostains included: PAX8, cytokeratin (CK) 7, α-methylacyl-CoA racemase, epithelial membrane antigen, and vimentin. Cyclin D1 was expressed only in the larger cells. The Ki67 index was higher in the larger cells (median 5% versus ≤1%). Negative stains included: carbonic anhydrase 9, CD117, GATA-3, WT1, CK5/6, and CK20; CD10 and 34βE12 were variably expressed. Gains of chromosomes 7 and 17 were found in two evaluated cases. Follow-up was available for 23 patients (median 24 months, range 1-244 months): 19 were alive without disease, one was alive with recurrence, and one had died of disease (two had died of other causes). Biphasic papillary RCC is a rare variant of papillary RCC, and is often multifocal. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Multifocal Gastric Ulcers Caused by Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma in a Patient With Significant Weight Loss


    Gromski, Mark A.; Peng, Jennifer L.; Zhou, Jiehao; Masuoka, Howard C.; Suvannasankha, Attaya; Liangpunsakul, Suthat


    Primary gastrointestinal (GI) lymphoma is a heterogeneous disease with varied clinical presentations. The stomach is the most common GI site and accounts for 70% to 75% of GI lymphomas. We present a patient with gastric diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) who presented with significant weight loss, early satiety, and multifocal ulcerated gastric lesions. Esophagoduodenoscopy should be performed in patients presenting with warning symptoms as in our case. Diagnosis is usually made by endosco...

  16. Evaluación de la reacción acrosomal en espermatozoides humanos inducida por oligosacáridos

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    Angela Cadavid


    Full Text Available

    La capacitación es un proceso necesario que debe sufrir el espermatozoide para poder llevar a cabo la fertilización del ocito. Este evento se da durante su paso a través del tracto reproductor femenino, donde ocurre la interacción entre los espermatozoides y las células del epitelio oviductal, la cual es dependiente de carbohidratos. Adicionalmente, el espermatozoide necesita interactuar con una serie de moléculas presentes en la zona pelúcida, que permiten un reconocimiento específico entre el espermatozoide y el oocito. La interacción entre gametos es específica de especie; ésto indica que la zona pelúcida posee ligandos que son reconocidos por los espermatozoides y que éstos poseen receptores que le permiten la unión al oocito (1.



  17. The effects of fundus photography on the multifocal electroretinogram. (United States)

    Suresh, Sandip; Tienor, Brian J; Smith, Scott D; Lee, Michael S


    To determine the effect of flash fundus photography (FFP) on the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG). Ten subjects underwent mfERG testing on three separate dates. Subjects received either mfERG without FFP, mfERG at 5 and 15 min after FFP, or mfERG at 30 and 45 min after FFP on each date. The FFP groups received 10 fundus photographs followed by mfERG testing, first of the right eye then of the left eye 10 min later. Data were averaged and analyzed in six concentric rings at each time point. Average amplitude and implicit times of the N1, P1, and N2 peaks for each concentric ring at each time point after FFP were compared to baseline. Flash fundus photography did not lead to a significant change of amplitude or implicit times of N1, P1, or N2 at 5 min after light exposure. These findings suggest that it is acceptable to perform mfERG testing without delay after performance of FFP.

  18. Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis: Is infectious causation a moot point?

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    Nevio Cimolai


    Full Text Available Summary: Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis (CMO is an uncommon disease entity with descriptions possibly emanating from the medical literature over one century ago, and there are numerous disease entities which have been historically detailed and which are probably synonymous. The illness is one of chronicity with exacerbating and remitting focal bony lesions. The differential diagnosis for a bony lesion which ultimately proves to be CMO is initially quite broad. There is no absolute pathognomonic clinical finding, and the diagnosis is highly dependent on clinical course, histopathology, and an absence of microbial infection. Recent studies have focused on immune dysfunction or dysregulation, and there are now many other diseases which are inflammatory in nature and which have been diagnosed among patients with CMO. Despite the aforementioned, the potential for direct infectious causation or indirect causation by infectious stimulation of immunity cannot be entirely excluded. Infection as a mechanism for pathogenesis must continue to be entertained. Multi-centre studies are key to future research. Key words: Osteomyelitis, Infection, SAPHO, Immunity

  19. Correlation of visual performance with quality of life and intraocular aberrometric profile in patients implanted with rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOLs. (United States)

    Ramón, María L; Piñero, David P; Pérez-Cambrodí, Rafael J


    To examine the visual performance of a rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) by correlating the defocus curve of the IOL-implanted eye with the intraocular aberrometric profile and impact on the quality of life. A prospective, consecutive, case series study including 26 eyes from 13 patients aged between 50 and 83 years (mean: 65.54±7.59 years) was conducted. All patients underwent bilateral cataract surgery with implantation of a rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOL (Lentis Mplus LS-312 MF30, Oculentis GmbH). Distance and near visual acuity outcomes, intraocular aberrations, defocus curve, and quality of life (assessed using the National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire-25) were evaluated postoperatively (mean follow-up: 6.42±2.24 months). A significant improvement in distance visual acuity was found postoperatively (P<.01). Mean postoperative logMAR distance-corrected near visual acuity was 0.19±0.12 (∼20/30). Corrected distance visual acuity and near visual acuity of 20/20 or better were achieved by 30.8% and 7.7% of eyes, respectively. Of all eyes, 96.2% had a postoperative addition between 0 and 1.00 diopter (D). The defocus curve showed two peaks of maximum visual acuity (0 and 3.00 D of defocus), with an acceptable range of intermediate vision. LogMAR visual acuity corresponding to near defocus was directly correlated with some higher order intraocular aberrations (r⩾0.44, P⩽.04). Some difficulties evaluated with the quality of life test correlated directly with near and intermediate visual acuity (r⩾0.50, P⩽.01). The Lentis Mplus multifocal IOL provides good distance, intermediate, and near visual outcomes; however, the induced intraocular aberrometric profile may limit the potential visual benefit. Copyright 2012, SLACK Incorporated.

  20. Sensitivity of imaging for multifocal-multicentric breast carcinoma

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    Viale Giuseppe


    Full Text Available Abstract Background This retrospective study aims to determine: 1 the sensitivity of preoperative mammography (Mx and ultrasound (US, and re-reviewed Mx to detect multifocal multicentric breast carcinoma (MMBC, defined by pathology on surgical specimens, and 2 to analyze the characteristics of both detected and undetected foci on Mx and US. Methods Three experienced breast radiologists re-reviewed, independently, digital mammography of 97 women with MMBC pathologically diagnosed on surgical specimens. The radiologists were informed of all neoplastic foci, and blinded to the original mammograms and US reports. With regards to Mx, they considered the breast density, number of foci, the Mx characteristics of the lesions and their BI-RADS classification. For US, they considered size of the lesions, BI-RADS classification and US pattern and lesion characteristics. According to the histological size, the lesions were classified as: index cancer, 2nd lesion, 3rd lesion, and 4th lesion. Any pathologically identified malignant foci not previously described in the original imaging reports, were defined as undetected or missed lesions. Sensitivity was calculated for Mx, US and re-reviewed Mx for detecting the presence of the index cancer as well as additional satellite lesions. Results Pathological examination revealed 13 multifocal and 84 multicentric cancers with a total of 303 malignant foci (282 invasive and 21 non invasive. Original Mx and US reports had an overall sensitivity of 45.5% and 52.9%, respectively. Mx detected 83/97 index cancers with a sensitivity of 85.6%. The number of lesions undetected by original Mx was 165/303. The Mx pattern of breasts with undetected lesions were: fatty in 3 (1.8%; scattered fibroglandular density in 40 (24.3%, heterogeneously dense in 91 (55.1% and dense in 31 (18.8% cases. In breasts with an almost entirely fatty pattern, Mx sensitivity was 100%, while in fibroglandular or dense pattern it was reduced to 45

  1. Pupil Influence on the Visual Outcomes of a New-Generation Multifocal Toric Intraocular Lens With a Surface-Embedded Near Segment. (United States)

    Wang, Mengmeng; Corpuz, Christine Carole C; Huseynova, Tukezban; Tomita, Minoru


    To evaluate the influences of preoperative pupil parameters on the visual outcomes of a new-generation multifocal toric intraocular lens (IOL) model with a surface-embedded near segment. In this prospective study, patients with cataract had phacoemulsification and implantation of Lentis Mplus toric LU-313 30TY IOLs (Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany). The visual and optical outcomes were measured and compared preoperatively and postoperatively. The correlations between preoperative pupil parameters (diameter and decentration) and 3-month postoperative visual outcomes were evaluated using the Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient (Rs) for the nonparametric data. A total of 27 eyes (16 patients) were enrolled into the current study. Statistically significant improvements in visual and refractive performances were found after the implantation of Lentis Mplus toric LU-313 30TY IOLs (P 0; P .05). Lentis Mplus toric LU-313 30TY IOLs provided excellent visual and optical performances during the 3-month follow-up. The preoperative pupil size is an important parameter when this toric multifocal IOL model is contemplated for surgery. Copyright 2016, SLACK Incorporated.

  2. Risk stratification for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in patients treated with natalizumab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Per Soelberg; Bertolotto, Antonio; Edan, Gilles


    using or considering natalizumab therapy. Recommendations for clinical management of patients with MS and use of natalizumab are provided based on the presence of these three risk factors. The identification of risk factors that increase the likelihood of PML in natalizumab-treated patients can......Natalizumab is a highly effective immunomodulator in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). Treatment with natalizumab has been associated with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), an infection of the central nervous system (CNS) caused by a pathogenic form of the normally benign JC......-treated patients. With the development of a reliable and validated assay for detection of antibodies in patients with MS directed against JCV, it is now possible to identify persons who are carriers of JCV. The availability of this assay provides an additional option for risk stratification of PML in patients...

  3. Chromatic Multifocal Pupillometer for Objective Perimetry and Diagnosis of Patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa. (United States)

    Chibel, Ron; Sher, Ifat; Ben Ner, Daniel; Mhajna, Mohamad O; Achiron, Asaf; Hajyahia, Soad; Skaat, Alon; Berchenko, Yakir; Oberman, Bernice; Kalter-Leibovici, Ofra; Freedman, Laurence; Rotenstreich, Ygal


    To assess visual field (VF) defects and retinal function objectively in healthy participants and patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) using a chromatic multifocal pupillometer. Cross-sectional study. The right eyes of 16 healthy participants and 13 RP patients. Pupil responses to red and blue light (peak, 485 and 625 nm, respectively) presented by 76 light-emitting diodes, 1.8-mm spot size at different locations of a 16.2° VF were recorded. Subjective VFs of RP patients were determined using chromatic dark-adapted Goldmann VFs (CDA-GVFs). Six healthy participants underwent 2 pupillometer examinations to determine test-retest reliability. Three parameters of pupil contraction were determined automatically: percentage of change of pupil size (PPC), maximum contraction velocity (MCV; in pixels per second), and latency of MCV (LMCV; in seconds). The fraction of functional VF was determined by CDA-GVF. In healthy participants, higher PPC and MCV were measured in response to blue compared with red light. The LMCV in response to blue light was relatively constant throughout the VF. Healthy participants demonstrated higher PPC and MCV and shorter LMCV in central compared with peripheral test points in response to red light. Test-retest correlation coefficients were 0.7 for PPC and 0.5 for MCV. In RP patients, test point in which the PPC and MCV were lower than 4 standard errors from the mean of healthy participants correlated with areas that were indicated as nonseeing by CDA-GVF. The mean absolute deviation in LMCV parameter in response to the red light between different test point was significantly higher in RP patients (range, 0.16-0.47) than in healthy participants (range, 0.02-0.16; P chromatic multifocal pupillometer for objective diagnosis of RP and assessment of VF defects. Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Ophthalmology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Clinical, therapeutic, and pathogenic aspects of chronic oral multifocal candidiasis. (United States)

    Holmstrup, P; Bessermann, M


    In 32 patients (11 females, 21 males) the diagnosis of chronic oral multifocal candidiasis was established on the basis of erythematous, plaquelike, or nodular lesions in two or more of the following locations: commissural area, palate, or dorsum of the tongue. Hyphae and/or pseudohyphae of Candida-like organisms were demonstrated in PAS-stained smears from all lesions. Ninety-seven separate lesions were registered. Thirty patients experienced pain, burning, or itching from affected areas. All of the patients were tobacco smokers, and 21 were denture wearers. The patients were treated with antimycotics; the median length of treatment was 46 days for denture wearers and 44 days for nondenture wearers. After antimycotic therapy the change in the lesions followed certain patterns which were determined by the original type of lesion. Palatal lesions in nondenture wearers and nodular lesions of the commissural areas showed the highest recurrence rate after 6 and 12 months. The pathogenic role of tobacco and other factors in the development of candidal infection are discussed.

  5. Multifocal atherosclerosis in patient after acute first degree radiation sickness.

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    Metlyaeva N.A.


    Full Text Available Purpose: assessment the heavy psychosomatic and all-somatic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular pathology of patient, transferred an acute I degree radiation sickness, from the general evenly gamma-beta radiation. Conclusions. The subdepressive and disturbing-depressive syndrome of patient, transferred an acute radiation sickness (ARS of I degree, from the general evenly gamma-beta radiation, was independent risk factor of development of multifocal atherosclerosis; Features of development of all-somatic and psychosomatic pathology of patient are based on a combination of genetic prerequisites, environment influences (the stress caused by accident on the ChNPP and social factors, influencing on him during a course of life, especially during early socialization. Thus at development of psychosomatic frustration the combination of feature of the mental reaction connected with the personal characteristic and special relationship between mental (stress and physiological (somatic by aspects of reaction which led to metabolism violation, to aging, decrease in adaptation opportunities of an organism and development age — dependent pathology took place.

  6. Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis in a 9-year-old Boy

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    Abdolreza Malek


    Full Text Available Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO is a rare aseptic, auto-inflammatory bone disorder. CRMO presents with bone pain with or without fever. The diagnosis of CRMO is a diagnosis of exclusion and should be included in the differential diagnosis of chronic inflammatory bone lesions in children. Cultures of the bone are typically sterile, antibiotic therapy does not result in clinical improvement whereas anti-inflammatory drugs improve the condition. Furthermore, biopsy should be considered in chronic and relapsing bone pain and swelling unresponsive to treatment. Herein, we present a nine-year-old boy complaining of recurrent pain in his upper and lower extremities. On examination he had mild fever and cervical lymphadenopathy. He also had experienced bone pain and weight loss in the recent month. Based on biopsy and bone scan he was finally diagnosed with CRMO. Naproxen and Pamidronate was prescribed and he was getting better and returned to normal life and activity without need to corticosteroids.

  7. Guía para el Manejo Quirúrgico del Cáncer de Páncreas.

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    José Felix Patiño Restrepo


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    El cáncer del páncreas representa un formidable desafío quirúrgico: es difícil de diagnosticar, difícil de tratar y difícil de curar. Su incidencia está en aumento, y en algunos países llega a ser el segundo en frecuencia entre los cánceres del tracto gastrointestinal. Es altamente letal y la tasa de supervivencia a 5 años es apenas de 1 a 2%. Su incidencia es 2 1/2 mayor en fumadores que en no fumadores (1. Varios estudios han señalado una mayor incidencia en pacientes diabéticos, y se reconoce la presencia de intolerancia a la glucosa en más del 30%de los casos, en tanto que 30%son francamente diabéticos (2. El 25% presenta colelitiasis asociada (1.

    El adenocarcinoma es la forma más común y representa 90-95% de los casos; éste se origina en las células ductales, pero el de origen en células acinares también ocurre en forma esporádica. Con frecuencia es multifocal o multicéntrico. Otros neoplasmas del páncreas menos comunes son el cistadenocarcinoma, ellinfoma, el carcinoma escamocelular y los tumores endocrinos de células insulares. Esta guía se refiere al manejo quirúrgico del adenocarcinoma del páncreas exocrino.

    El 60% de los adenocarcinomas de origen ductal se presenta en la cabeza del páncreas, 25%en el cuerpo y 15% en la cola (2. Los cánceres de la cabeza del páncreas exhiben el peor pronóstico entre los carcinomas de la región periampular, pero se han informado tasas de curación hasta de 10%para tumores pequeños. Los otros tipos de cáncer periampular no pancreático exhiben mejores tasas de supervivencia. Los adenocarcinomas del cuerpo y la cola del páncreas tienen pésimo pronóstico y son verdaderamente excepcionales los pacientes que llegan a sobrevivir 5 años con cualquier tipo de tratamiento...

  8. Rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOL implantation with and without capsular tension ring: refractive and visual outcomes and intraocular optical performance. (United States)

    Alió, Jorge L; Plaza-Puche, Ana B; Piñero, David P


    To ascertain whether the refractive, visual, and intraocular optical quality outcomes of a rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) are enhanced by the use of a capsular tension ring. Ninety consecutive eyes from 53 patients (age range: 36 to 82 years) were divided into two groups: the no ring group comprised 43 eyes implanted with the multifocal rotationally asymmetric Lentis Mplus LS-312 (Oculentis GmbH) without a capsular tension ring; and the ring group comprised 47 eyes with the same IOL with a capsular tension ring. Distance and near visual acuity and refractive outcomes were evaluated pre- and postoperatively. Contrast sensitivity, intraocular aberrations, and defocus curve were evaluated postoperatively. Significant postoperative differences between groups were found in sphere, spherical equivalent refraction, and near addition (P<.02). Regarding defocus curve, significantly better visual acuity was present in eyes with the capsular tension ring for intermediate vision conditions (P<.05). Intraocular aberrometry did not differ significantly between groups (P<.09). Refractive predictability and intermediate visual outcomes with the Lentis Mplus LS-312 IOL improved significantly when implanted in combination with a capsular tension ring. Copyright 2012, SLACK Incorporated.

  9. Caracterización Clínico-Oftalmológica y Genética de la Retinosis Pigmentaria en la provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba. 2008 Clinical-ophthalmologic and genetic characterization of Retinitis Pigmentosa in Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba. 2008

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    Felipe Acosta Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción: La Retinosis Pigmentaria es una enfermedad crónica, correspondiente a las distrofias retinianas, de ahí su carácter hereditario, lento y progresivo, donde la función de los fotorreceptores y el epitelio pigmentario están afectados difusa y primariamente, caracterizada fundamentalmente por la pérdida de la visión periférica y nocturna; ocasiona alteraciones del campo visual y electrorretinograma subnormal o extinguido. Objetivo: Conocer los resultados de la caracterización Clínico- Oftalmológica y Genética de la Retinosis Pigmentaria en la provincia de Pinar del Río (Cuba. Método: Se realizó una investigación fundamental, aplicada, descriptiva y transversal que incluyó el universo de los 257 casos de Retinosis Pigmentaria, atendidos en el Hospital "III Congreso" de Pinar del Río, en el periodo comprendido desde diciembre de 1992 hasta diciembre de 2008. Resultados: La Tasa provincial de RP es actualmente de 3.51/ 10000 habitantes para una prevalencia de 1.2845. Predominó la forma Típica (70.1%, el patrón autosómico recesivo (53.4%, debut precoz (51.8% y el estadio I-II (64.2%. La enfermedad fue más frecuente en el sexo masculino (M/F-1.45:1 y el índice de consanguinidad promedio fue de 22.2%.Introduction: Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP is a chronic condition corresponding to the retinal dystrophies having an inherited, slow and progressive character where the function of the photoreceptors and pigmentary epithelium are affected diffuse and primarily, mainly characterized by the peripheral and nocturnal loss of vision; it provokes disorders of the visual field and subnormal extinct electroretinogram. Objective: To know the results of the Clinical-ophthalmologic and genetic characterization of Retinitis Pigmentosa in Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba. Method: A fundamental, applied, descriptive and cross-sectional research including the universe of the 257 cases suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa attended at "Tercer

  10. A case of natalizumab-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with repeated negative CSF JCV testing. (United States)

    Mazda, Monica E; Brosch, Jared R; Wiens, Andrea L; Bonnin, José M; Kamer, Aaron P; Mattson, David H; Snook, Riley J


    The development of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in patients treated with natalizumab is a well-known potential risk. Diagnosis of PML can be confounded in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) if new demyelinating lesions develop, and the sensitivity of existing diagnostic tests is less than ideal. In the case presented here, four samples of cerebrospinal fluid tested negative for John Cunningham virus (JCV) DNA by polymerase chain reaction, yet brain biopsy eventually proved positive by immunohistochemistry. A review of the limitations of existing clinical diagnostic tests is addressed, and we review the most recent literature on the proper management of natalizumab-treated MS patients.

  11. Renal hemodynamics and renin-angiotensin system activity in humans with multifocal renal artery fibromuscular dysplasia. (United States)

    van Twist, Daan J L; Houben, Alphons J H M; de Haan, Michiel W; de Leeuw, Peter W; Kroon, Abraham A


    Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is the second most common cause of renovascular hypertension. Nonetheless, knowledge on the renal microvasculature and renin-angiotensin system (RAS) activity in kidneys with FMD is scarce. Given the fairly good results of revascularization, we hypothesized that the renal microvasculature and RAS are relatively spared in kidneys with FMD. In 58 hypertensive patients with multifocal renal artery FMD (off medication) and 116 matched controls with essential hypertension, we measured renal blood flow (Xenon washout method) per kidney and drew blood samples from the aorta and both renal veins to determine renin secretion and glomerular filtration rate per kidney. We found that renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate in FMD were comparable to those in controls. Although systemic renin levels were somewhat higher in FMD, renal renin secretion was not elevated. Moreover, in patients with unilateral FMD, no differences between the affected and unaffected kidney were observed with regard to renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, or renin secretion. In men, renin levels and renin secretion were higher as compared with women. The renal blood flow response to RAS modulation (by intrarenal infusion of angiotensin II, angiotensin-(1-7), an angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker, or a nitric oxide synthase blocker) was also comparable between FMD and controls. Renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, and the response to vasoactive substances in kidneys with multifocal FMD are comparable to patients with essential hypertension, suggesting that microvascular function is relatively spared. Renin secretion was not increased and the response to RAS modulation was not affected in kidneys with FMD.

  12. Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis Causing an Acute Scoliosis

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    Alexander Armstrong


    Full Text Available Study Design. A Case Report. Objective. We present a 15-year-old girl with an acute atypical scoliosis secondary to chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO. Summary of Background Data. CRMO is a rare nonpyogenic inflammatory bone condition with unclear aetiology. CRMO mainly affects the metaphyses of long bones, the pelvis, shoulder girdle, and less commonly the spine. Methods. Our case presented with a 6-month history of worsening thoracic back pain, asymmetry of her shoulders and abnormal posture. Whole spine radiographs revealed a right atypical thoracic scoliosis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging showed abnormal signal on the short TI inversion recovery (STIR sequences in multiple vertebrae. A bone biopsy demonstrated evidence of fibrosis and chronic inflammatory changes. Interval MRI scans revealed new oedematous lesions and disappearance of old lesions. Symptoms improved. Results. It is important to consider CRMO as an acute cause of atypical scoliosis. Malignancy, pyogenic infections and atypical presentations of juvenile arthritis need excluding. Conclusion. This 24-month follow-up describes a rare cause of an atypical scoliosis and fortifies the small amount of the currently available literature. The case highlights the relapsing and remitting nature of CRMO with new lesions developing and older lesions burning out. We advise close radiological surveillance and symptomatic management.

  13. Descripción histológica del oviducto de Caiman crocodilus fuscus

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    Ramiro Elduardo Bahamón Vanegas


    Full Text Available Se describe la histología del oviducto de 27 hembras de Caiman crocodilus fuscusdurante tresetapas del ciclo reproductivo anual (previtelogénesis, vitelogénesis y gravidez por microscopíaóptica de alta resolución (MOAR y, en algunas regiones, por microscopía electrónica detransmisión (MET. Con ayuda de pruebas histoquímicas (ácido peryódico de Schiff P.A.S. yazul de Alcian A.A., pH 2,4, se aproxima la función de cada una de las regiones. El oviductode C. c. fuscuses un órgano pareado, funcional, en forma de tubo muy contorneado. Desdeel extremo proximal al caudal se reconocen histológicamente las siguientes regiones:infundíbulo anterior, infundíbulo posterior, tubo, transición tubo-útero anterior, úteroanterior, útero posterior y vagina. Tres capas conforman la pared del oviducto: una externade revestimiento (serosa con células cúbicas bajas que no presentan cambios significativosa lo largo del ciclo reproductivo, una capa muscular longitudinal externa y circular internaque cambian según el estado reproductivo y la región, y una capa mucosa más interna. Lamucosa se hipertrofia en vitelogénesis y gravidez y está revestida por cuatro tipos de células:ciliadas, no ciliadas y secretoras PAS y AA positivas las cuales producen mucosubstanciasácidas o neutras que pueden lubricar la superficie de la mucosa y/o tomar parte de huevoen formación. Glándulas tubulares simples se encuentran en la mucosa del tubo y úteroanterior, presentan actividad secretora (PAS y AA negativa durante todo el ciclo y se ramifican en vitelogénesis y gravidez. En el útero posterior hay glándulas tubulares simples sinevidencia de secreción, las células glandulares son similares a las células del útero poste-rior de Alligator mississippiensisy a las células que transportan iones y material el dilución deloviducto de las aves (Gallus domesticus; estas glándulas no se describen en el oviducto de otrosreptiles y al parecer son únicas de

  14. The Benefit of Mirtazapine in the Treatment of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy in a Young HIV-positive Patient (United States)

    Miranda, Jorge; Sandoval, Hugo; Ramos-Duran, Luis; Tonarelli, Silvina B.


    Highly active antiretroviral therapy is well-established in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients. Nonadherence with therapy regimens often leads to the occurrence of opportunistic infections that further complicate treatment and challenge the treating physician. We report a young HIV-positive patient who suffered from progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy caused by the human John Cunningham virus and showed objective clinical improvement after adding mirtazapine to the treatment regimen, an observation that is supported by the emerging literature. PMID:29497578

  15. Near-point string: Simple method to demonstrate anticipated near point for multifocal and accommodating intraocular lenses. (United States)

    George, Monica C; Lazer, Zane P; George, David S


    We present a technique that uses a near-point string to demonstrate the anticipated near point of multifocal and accommodating intraocular lenses (IOLs). Beads are placed on the string at distances corresponding to the near points for diffractive and accommodating IOLs. The string is held up to the patient's eye to demonstrate where each of the IOLs is likely to provide the best near vision. None of the authors has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2016 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. The pathogenesis of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. (United States)

    Berger, Joseph R; Khalili, Kamel


    Interest in pathogenesis of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) followed the observation of the high risk for the disease in HIV infection and the recent observation of an association with a variety of newer therapeutic modalities, e.g., natalizumab, an α4β1 integrin inhibitor, and efalizumab, an anti-CD11a monoclonal antibody. Any hypothesis of PML pathogenesis must account for a number of facts. Firstly, the causative agent JC virus is ubiquitously present, yet only a vanishingly small number of infected persons develop the disease. Secondly, disorders of cell-mediated immunity increase the risk of the disease, particularly HIV infection. Impaired innate immunity is not a risk for PML, and antibodies against JC virus are not protective. Thirdly, a latent period of several months appears necessary following the administration of natalizumab and efalizumab before PML develops. Fourthly, restoration of the immune system can arrest the PML. It is possible that infection with JC virus occurs with a form of the virus shed in the urine of as many as 40% of all adults and present in sewage worldwide. Once acquired, perhaps through an oropharyngeal route, it may replicate and disseminate. A neurotropic form of JC virus that replicates in glial tissues causes PML when immunosurveillance is impaired. There are many unanswered questions with respect to PML pathogenesis. How is virus acquired? What tissues are infected? What is the origin of the neurotropic form? When does virus enter brain? What is the role of central nervous system immunosurveillance? The lack of an animal model has made answering these questions challenging. © Discovery Medicine

  17. Multifocal visual evoked responses to dichoptic stimulation using virtual reality goggles: Multifocal VER to dichoptic stimulation. (United States)

    Arvind, Hemamalini; Klistorner, Alexander; Graham, Stuart L; Grigg, John R


    Multifocal visual evoked potentials (mfVEPs) have demonstrated good diagnostic capabilities in glaucoma and optic neuritis. This study aimed at evaluating the possibility of simultaneously recording mfVEP for both eyes with dichoptic stimulation using virtual reality goggles and also to determine the stimulus characteristics that yield maximum amplitude. ten healthy volunteers were recruited and temporally sparse pattern pulse stimuli were presented dichoptically using virtual reality goggles. Experiment 1 involved recording responses to dichoptically presented checkerboard stimuli and also confirming true topographic representation by switching off specific segments. Experiment 2 involved monocular stimulation and comparison of amplitude with Experiment 1. In Experiment 3, orthogonally oriented gratings were dichoptically presented. Experiment 4 involved dichoptic presentation of checkerboard stimuli at different levels of sparseness (5.0 times/s, 2.5 times/s, 1.66 times/s and 1.25 times/s), where stimulation of corresponding segments of two eyes were separated by 16.7, 66.7,116.7 & 166.7 ms respectively. Experiment 1 demonstrated good traces in all regions and confirmed topographic representation. However, there was suppression of amplitude of responses to dichoptic stimulation by 17.9+/-5.4% compared to monocular stimulation. Experiment 3 demonstrated similar suppression between orthogonal and checkerboard stimuli (p = 0.08). Experiment 4 demonstrated maximum amplitude and least suppression (4.8%) with stimulation at 1.25 times/s with 166.7 ms separation between eyes. It is possible to record mfVEP for both eyes during dichoptic stimulation using virtual reality goggles, which present binocular simultaneous patterns driven by independent sequences. Interocular suppression can be almost eliminated by using a temporally sparse stimulus of 1.25 times/s with a separation of 166.7 ms between stimulation of corresponding segments of the two eyes.

  18. El fenotipo de las mucinas en el esófago de Barrett (United States)

    Torrado, Julio; Piazuelo, María Blanca; Ruiz, Irune; Izarzugaza, María Isabel; Camargo, María Constanza; Delgado, Alberto; Abdirad, Afshin; Correa, Pelayo


    Antecedentes El esófago de Barrett es una reconocida lesión precursora de adenocarcinoma esofágico. Aunque generalmente asociada al reflujo gastroesofágico, los mecanismos patogénicos de la enfermedad no son bien conocidos. El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar la historia natural e identificar marcadores de progreso del proceso precanceroso. Material y métodos Se utilizaron cortes histológicos de 67 especímenes de esófago correspondientes a 14 pacientes con esófago de Barrett, a los que se siguió entre 1 – 9 años. Se clasificaron las lesiones en: esófago de Barrett sin displasia, indefinido para displasia o con displasia. Se evaluó la expresión de diferentes mucinas en las células caliciformes y en las columnares usando técnicas de histoquímica e inmunohistoquímica. Resultados En todos los casos se comprobó la presencia de metaplasia intestinal incompleta. Las células columnares dentro del epitelio metaplásico contenían mucinas neutras. A mayor severidad de la lesión se encontró significativamente menor expresión de sialomucinas en las células columnares (p de tendencia igual a 0,03). En sujetos con lesiones indefinidas para displasia se observó un mayor contenido de sulfomucinas en las células caliciformes (p=0,034) y de MUC2 en las células columnares (p=0,029) que en sujetos con esófago de Barrett sin displasia. Se observó expresión de la mucina intestinal MUC2 y de la mucina gástrica MUC5AC en todas las muestras. MUC6, una mucina de las glándulas profundas gástricas, se presentó ocasionalmente. Conclusión La evaluación de los perfiles de mucinas en el esófago de Barrett sugiere una transición gradual del fenotipo del epitelio metaplásico a medida que la lesión avanza en el tiempo. PMID:21804831

  19. (United States)

    Torrado, Julio; Piazuelo, María Blanca; Ruiz, Irune; Izarzugaza, María Isabel; Camargo, María Constanza; Delgado, Alberto; Abdirad, Afshin; Correa, Pelayo


    ANTECEDENTES: El esófago de Barrett es una reconocida lesión precursora de adenocarcinoma esofágico. Aunque generalmente asociada al reflujo gastroesofágico, los mecanismos patogénicos de la enfermedad no son bien conocidos. El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar la historia natural e identificar marcadores de progreso del proceso precanceroso. MATERIAL Y M#ENTITYSTARTX000E9;TODOS: Se utilizaron cortes histológicos de 67 especímenes de esófago correspondientes a 14 pacientes con esófago de Barrett, a los que se siguió entre 1 - 9 años. Se clasificaron las lesiones en: esófago de Barrett sin displasia, indefinido para displasia o con displasia. Se evaluó la expresión de diferentes mucinas en las células caliciformes y en las columnares usando técnicas de histoquímica e inmunohistoquímica. RESULTADOS: En todos los casos se comprobó la presencia de metaplasia intestinal incompleta. Las células columnares dentro del epitelio metaplásico contenían mucinas neutras. A mayor severidad de la lesión se encontró significativamente menor expresión de sialomucinas en las células columnares (p de tendencia igual a 0,03). En sujetos con lesiones indefinidas para displasia se observó un mayor contenido de sulfomucinas en las células caliciformes (p=0,034) y de MUC2 en las células columnares (p=0,029) que en sujetos con esófago de Barrett sin displasia. Se observó expresión de la mucina intestinal MUC2 y de la mucina gástrica MUC5AC en todas las muestras. MUC6, una mucina de las glándulas profundas gástricas, se presentó ocasionalmente. CONCLUSI#ENTITYSTARTX000F3;N: La evaluación de los perfiles de mucinas en el esófago de Barrett sugiere una transición gradual del fenotipo del epitelio metaplásico a medida que la lesión avanza en el tiempo.

  20. Multifocal Electroretinography after High Dose Chloroquine Therapy for Malaria

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    Aline Correa de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Purpose: To investigate changes in multifocal electroretinography (mfERG parameters associated with high dose chloroquine therapy for treatment of malaria in the Amazonia region of Brazil. Methods: Forty-eight subjects who had received chloroquine treatment for single or multiple malaria infections with a cumulative dose ranging from 1,050 to 27,000mg were included. The control group consisted of 37 healthy aged-matched subjects. Data was collected on amplitude and implicit time of the N1, P1 and N2 waves in the central macular hexagon (R1 and in five concentric rings at different retinal eccentricities (R2-R6. Results: No significant difference was observed in any mfERG parameter between chloroquine treated patients and control subjects. A comparison with previous data obtained from patients with rheumatologic disorders in the same region of Brazil who had received larger cumulative doses of chloroquine and had displayed mfERG changes, indicated that retinal toxicity seems to be dependent on cumulative dose. Conclusion: Lack of mfERG changes in the current study suggests that intensive high dose chloroquine therapy for treatment of malaria is not associated with retinal toxicity.

  1. Extended depth of focus contact lenses vs. two commercial multifocals: Part 1. Optical performance evaluation via computed through-focus retinal image quality metrics. (United States)

    Bakaraju, Ravi C; Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur

    To compare the computed optical performance of prototype lenses designed using deliberate manipulation of higher-order spherical aberrations to extend depth-of-focus (EDOF) with two commercial multifocals. Emmetropic, presbyopic, schematic eyes were coupled with prototype EDOF and commercial multifocal lenses (Acuvue Oasys for presbyopia, AOP, Johnson & Johnson & Air Optix Aqua multifocal, AOMF, Alcon). For each test configuration, the through-focus retinal image quality (TFRIQ) values were computed over 21 vergences, ranging from -0.50 to 2.00D, in 0.125D steps. Analysis was performed considering eyes with three different inherent aberration profiles: five different pupils and five different lens decentration levels. Except the LOW design, the AOP lenses offered 'bifocal' like TFRIQ performance. Lens performance was relatively independent to pupil and aberrations but not centration. Contrastingly, AOMF demonstrated distance centric performance, most dominant in LOW followed by MED and HIGH designs. AOMF lenses were the most sensitive to pupil, aberrations and centration. The prototypes demonstrated a 'lift-off' in the TFRIQ performance, particularly at intermediate and near, without trading performance at distance. When compared with AOP and AOMF, EDOF lenses demonstrated reduced sensitivity to pupil, aberrations and centration. With the through focus retinal image quality as the gauge of optical performance, we demonstrated that the prototype EDOF designs were less susceptible to variations in pupil, inherent ocular aberrations and decentration, compared to the commercial designs. To ascertain whether these incremental improvements translate to a clinically palpable outcome requires investigation through human trials. Copyright © 2017 Spanish General Council of Optometry. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  2. Nerve sonography in multifocal motor neuropathy and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy

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    D. S. Druzhinin


    Full Text Available The quantitative ultrasound characteristics (USC of the median, ulnar nerve at different levels and the spinal nerves in patients with multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN; n=13; 40,4 ± 12,6 years old and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP; n = 7; 47,3 ± 11,2 year old did not reveal statistical difference in cross sectional area (CSA between analyzed groups. Patients with MMN have more pronounced asymmetry of CSA in comparison with CIDP patients which have a symmetrical pattern of diffuse nerve involvement. Quantitative USC has shown to be not informative enough in differentiation of MMN and CIDP. The qualitative analysis (QA according to 3 described types of nerve changes has shown that CIDP is characterized by the prevalence of type 3 pattern (85.8 % while MMN – by type 2 (69.2 %. The sensitivity and specificity of proposed QA patterns in nerve USC need to be analyzed in additional investigations. 

  3. Acumulación de cobre y alteraciones histopatológicas en el ostión Crassostrea angulata

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    Full Text Available Ejemplares de ostión Crassostrea angulata fueron expuestos a concentraciones subletales de cobre (200 y 600 µg L–1 Cu2+ durante un periodo de 2 a 30 días. Se cuantificó la concentración de cobre, así como las alteraciones histopatológicas inducidas en branquias, glándula digestiva y corazón. Las concentraciones más elevadas de cobre correspondieron a las branquias, con valores alrededor de 2 mg g–1 peso seco en los organismos expuestos a la concentración más alta, al final del periodo de exposición (día 30. En la glándula digestiva la concentración alcanzada fue del orden de 1 mg g–1 peso seco. La tasa de bioconcentración (BCr, definida como la diferencia entre la concentración en el tejido a una concentración de exposición a tiempo t y la concentración media del control a lo largo del experimento, dividida por el tiempo de exposición, disminuyó en ambos tejidos. Los valores variaron en el intervalo entre 392 y 57 µg g–1 d–1 en las branquias y entre 133 y 18 µg g–1 día–1 en la glándula digestiva. En branquias de ejemplares tratados con una concentración de 200 µg L–1 Cu2+ se observó una desorganización del tejido conjuntivo, alteraciones en la porción apical de las células ciliadas e hiperplasia y fusión de laminillas, pudiendo llegar incluso a la pérdida de estas laminillas a 600 µg L–1 Cu2+. En la glándula digestiva (hepatopáncreas de ejemplares sometidos a 600 µg L–1 Cu2+ se detectó un adelgazamiento del epitelio y, en algunos casos, oclusión de la luz de los túbulos digestivos y dilatación de los conductos digestivos. En el corazón de los organismos expuestos a concentraciones subletales de cobre se observó un adelgazamiento del epitelio de las aurículas y del ventrículo, un incremento de las células marrones (brown cells en las paredes de las aurículas, así como una distensión de las fibras musculares y destrucción del tejido conectivo de soporte, tanto en las aur

  4. Increasing the diagnosis of multifocal primary breast cancer by the use of bilateral whole-breast ultrasound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilkinson, L.S.; Given-Wilson, R.; Hall, T.; Potts, H.; Sharma, A.K.; Smith, E.


    AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of bilateral whole-breast ultrasound (BBUS) to the diagnosis and management of women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. METHODS: Over a period of 6 months, 102 women presenting with breast cancer underwent BBUS. Data were collected on clinical findings, radiology, histology and surgical outcome. These women were compared with a control group of 124 women presenting over a similar 6-month period 1 year previously, who had undergone targeted breast ultrasound. RESULTS: Multicentric/multifocal tumours were demonstrated in 35 (34%) of the 102 participants and in 18 (15%) of the 124 controls, a statistically significant difference (Fisher's exact test, p=0.001). Multiple tumours were diagnosed preoperatively in 18% of the study population compared with 8% of the controls, and BBUS identified invasive multifocal/multicentric tumours in significantly more women in the study population (11 versus 1 control) (Fisher's exact test, p=0.019). Contralateral cancer was diagnosed in 4 women in the study population and none in the control population (Fisher's exact test, p=0.040). Surgical review showed that the surgical management changed significantly in 8% (95% confidence interval 4 to 14%) of cases in the study population following BBUS. The increase in the number of women undergoing benign biopsies in the study population (10 versus 5 controls) was not statistically significant (Fisher's exact test, p=0.11). CONCLUSION: BBUS increased the preoperative diagnosis of multiple tumours in women presenting with primary breast cancer, resulting in a management change in 8% of cases

  5. Can the accuracy of multifocal intraocular lens power calculation be improved to make patients spectacle free? (United States)

    Ramji, Hasnain; Moore, Johnny; Moore, C B Tara; Shah, Sunil


    To optimise intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation techniques for a segmental multifocal IOL, LENTIS™ MPlus(®) (Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany) and assess outcomes. A retrospective consecutive non-randomised case series of patients receiving the MPlus(®) IOL following cataract surgery or clear lens extraction was performed at a privately owned ophthalmic hospital, Midland Eye, Solihull, UK. Analysis was undertaken of 116 eyes, with uncomplicated lens replacement surgery using the LENTIS™ MPlus(®) lenses. Pre-operative biometry data were stratified into short (<22.00 mm) and long axial lengths (ALs) (≥22.00 mm). IOL power predictions were calculated with SRK/T, Holladay I, Hoffer Q, Holladay II and Haigis formulae and compared to the final manifest refraction. These were compared with the OKULIX ray tracing method and the stratification technique suggested by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth). Using SRK/T for long eyes and Hoffer Q for short eyes, 64% achieved postoperative subjective refractions of ≤±0.25 D, 83%≤±0.50 D and 93%≤±0.75 D, with a maximum predictive error of 1.25D. No specific calculation method performed best across all ALs; however for ALs under 22 mm Hoffer Q and Holliday I methods performed best. Excellent but equivalent overall refractive results were found between all biometry methods used in this multifocal IOL study. For eyes with ALs under 22 mm Hoffer Q and Holliday I performed best. Current techniques mean that patients are still likely to need top up glasses for certain situations. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Evaluation of the True Wavefront Aberrations in Eyes Implanted With a Rotationally Asymmetric Multifocal Intraocular Lens. (United States)

    Akondi, Vyas; Pérez-Merino, Pablo; Martinez-Enriquez, Eduardo; Dorronsoro, Carlos; Alejandre, Nicolás; Jiménez-Alfaro, Ignacio; Marcos, Susana


    Standard evaluation of aberrations from wavefront slope measurements in patients implanted with a rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOL), the Lentis Mplus (Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany), results in large magnitude primary vertical coma, which is attributed to the intrinsic IOL design. The new proposed method analyzes aberrometry data, allowing disentangling the IOL power pupillary distribution from the true higher order aberrations of the eye. The new method of wavefront reconstruction uses retinal spots obtained at both the near and far foci. The method was tested using ray tracing optical simulations in a computer eye model virtually implanted with the Lentis Mplus IOL, with a generic cornea or with anterior segment geometry obtained from custom quantitative spectral-domain optical coherence tomography in a real patient. The method was applied to laser ray tracing aberrometry data at near and far fixation obtained in a patient implanted with the Lentis Mplus IOL. Higher order aberrations evaluated from simulated and real retinal spot diagrams following the new reconstruction approach matched the nominal aberrations (approximately 98%). Previously reported primary vertical coma in patients implanted with this IOL lost significance with the application of the proposed reconstruction. Custom analysis of ray tracing-based retinal spot diagrams allowed decoupling of the true higher order aberrations of the patient's eye from the power pupillary distribution of a rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOL, therefore providing the appropriate phase map to accurately evaluate through-focus optical quality. [J Refract Surg. 2017;33(4):257-265.]. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.

  7. Test-retest variability of multifocal electroretinography in normal volunteers and short-term variability in hydroxychloroquine users

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    Browning DJ


    Full Text Available David J Browning,1 Chong Lee2 1Charlotte Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Associates, 2University of North Carolina – Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA Purpose: To determine measurement variability of N1P1 amplitudes and the R1/R2 ratio in normal subjects and hydroxychloroquine users without retinopathy. Design: Retrospective, observational study. Subjects: Normal subjects (n=21 and 44 patients taking hydroxychloroquine (n=44 without retinopathy. Methods: Multifocal electroretinography (mfERG was performed twice in one session in the 21 normal subjects and twice within 1 year in the hydroxychloroquine users, during which time no clinical change in macular status occurred. Main outcome measures: N1P1 amplitudes of rings R1–R5, the R1/R2 ratio, and coefficients of repeatability (COR for these measurements. Results: Values for N1P1 amplitudes in hydroxychloroquine users were reduced compared with normal subjects by the known effect of age, but R1/R2 was not affected by age. The COR for R1–R5 ranged from 43% to 52% for normal subjects and from 43% to 59% for hydroxychloroquine users; for R1/R2 the COR was 29% in normal subjects and 45% in hydroxychloroquine users. Conclusion: mfERG measurements show high test-retest variability, limiting the ability of a single mfERG test to influence a decision to stop hydroxychloroquine; corroborative evidence with a different ancillary test is recommended in a suspicious case. Keywords: multifocal electroretinography, hydroxychloroquine, test-retest variability 

  8. Manifestaciones mucocutáneas del liquen plano: Revisión bibliográfica

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    Orlando L Rodríguez Calzadilla


    Full Text Available El liquen plano es una enfermedad de la piel y las mucosas que aparece con relativa frecuencia. Las lesiones de las membranas mucosas son de color blanquecino y persisten durante años después que desaparecen las lesiones de la piel. El odontólogo la diagnostica con frecuencia por mostrar sus primeros síntomas y signos en la mucosa bucal. Se caracteriza por la aparición de un infiltrado inflamatorio en banda y degeneración vacuolizante de la capa basal del epitelio, hechos que hacen pensar en una reacción autoinmune celular como base del proceso. Dos fenómenos importantes se describen en la respuesta inmunitaria celular: la expresión de antígenos de histocompatibilidad leucocitaria (HLA-DR y la molécula de adhesión intercelular-1 (ICAM-1. Se han reportado casos de transformación maligna en el liquen plano eritematoso o erosivo. El pronóstico del liquen plano es satisfactorio, cura en un tiempo promedio de 2 a 6 meses, pero existen casos cuya evolución se hace crónica y permanece durante años. Se realizó esta revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de actualizar sobre este tema a estudiantes, estomatólogos y médicos en nuestra provincia.Lichen planus is a skin and mucous disease that is relatively frequent. Mucous membrane lesions are white-coloured and persisted for years after the skin lesions have disappeared. The odontologist often diagnoses it because its first symptoms and signs occurred in the oral mucous membrane. It is characterized by a band inflammatory infiltrate and vacuolizing degeneration of the basal layer of epithelium, events that might indicate an autoimmune cell reaction as a basis of the process. Two important phenomena are described in the immune cell response: the leukocyte histocompatibility antigen expression (HLA-DR and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1. There have been reported cases of malignant transformation in erythematous or erosive lichen planus. The prognosis of lichen planus is

  9. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy after fingolimod treatment. (United States)

    Berger, Joseph R; Cree, Bruce A; Greenberg, Benjamin; Hemmer, Bernhard; Ward, Brian J; Dong, Victor M; Merschhemke, Martin


    We describe the characteristics of the 15 patients with fingolimod-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) identified from the Novartis data safety base and provide risk estimates for the disorder. The Novartis safety database was searched for PML cases with a data lock point of August 31, 2017. PML classification was based on previously published criteria. The risk and incidence were estimated using the 15 patients with confirmed PML and the overall population of patients treated with fingolimod. As of August 31, 2017, 15 fingolimod-treated patients had developed PML in the absence of natalizumab treatment in the preceding 6 months. Eleven (73%) were women and the mean age was 53 years (median: 53 years). Fourteen of the 15 patients were treated with fingolimod for >2 years. Two patients had confounding medical conditions. Two patients had natalizumab treatment. This included one patient whose last dose of natalizumab was 3 years and 9 months before the diagnosis of PML. The second patient was receiving fingolimod for 4 years and 6 months, which was discontinued to start natalizumab and was diagnosed with PML 3 months after starting natalizumab. Absolute lymphocyte counts were available for 14 of the 15 patients and none exhibited a sustained grade 4 lymphopenia (≤200 cells/μL). The risk of PML with fingolimod in the absence of prior natalizumab treatment is low. The estimated risk was 0.069 per 1,000 patients (95% confidence interval: 0.039-0.114), and the estimated incidence rate was 3.12 per 100,000 patient-years (95% confidence interval: 1.75-5.15). Neither clinical manifestations nor radiographic features suggested any unique features of fingolimod-associated PML. © 2018 American Academy of Neurology.

  10. Magnetic resonance imaging may simulate progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia after fludarabine therapy

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    Kalita J


    Full Text Available A 60-year-old male with chronic lymphatic leukemia (CLL after 6 months of fludarabine therapy was admitted with status epilepticus and developed left hemiplegia. His magnetic resonance imaging revealed multiple T2 hyperintense lesions in the right frontal and left parieto-occipital lesion, simulating progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (PML. Cerebrospinal fluid Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR for JC virus was negative. We suggest the possible role of fludarabine in producing PML-like lesions in patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL.

  11. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Larynx Arising in Multifocal Pharyngolaryngeal Oncocytic Papillary Cystadenoma (United States)

    Stenner, Markus; Müller, Klaus-Michael; Koopmann, Mario; Rudack, Claudia


    Abstract We report on a rare case of a laryngeal carcinoma arising in a multifocal pharyngolaryngeal oncocytic papillary cystadenoma (OPC). The disease of a 63-year-old man is well documented by computed and positron emission tomography, histology, and electron microscopy. We could show that an OPC can even develop in the pharynx. The coexistence of both tumors makes this a challenging diagnosis for pathologists. Treated by surgery and radiotherapy, both lesions dissolved. Based on the literature available, we discuss the theory that the laryngeal carcinoma might be the result of a true metaplasia facilitated by chronic irritation and recommend a regular follow-up for OPC too. As in benign oncocytic lesions, we could show that the detection of numerous mitochondria is a diagnostic indicator for malignant variants as well. PMID:25211046

  12. Rol de las claudinas en el manejo renal del calcio

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    Armando Luis Negri


    Full Text Available Los canales paracelulares que se encuentran en las uniones estrechas tienen un papel fundamental en los flujos iónicos transepiteliales. Esta vía está formada por un gran número de proteínas, entre ellas, las claudinas. En el epitelio renal, las claudinas confieren selectividad iónica a la unión estrecha. La rama gruesa ascendente de Henle (RGAH es el segmento tubular renal más importante en la reabsorción tubular de calcio. Sus células forman una barrera impermeable al agua, transportan activamente sodio y cloro por la vía transcelular y proveen una vía paracelular para la reabsorción selectiva de calcio. Varios estudios han llevado a un modelo en el que distintas claudinas forman el canal paracelular, especialmente la claudina 16 y 19. La claudina 16 media la permeabilidad paracelular catiónica en la RGAH mientras que la claudina 19 incrementa la selectividad catiónica de la claudina 16 bloqueando la permeabilidad aniónica. Recientemente se ha encontrado que la actividad promotora de la claudina 14 está localizada exclusivamente en la RAGH. Cuando se coexpresa con la claudina 16, la claudina 14 inhibe la permeabilidad de la claudina 16, reduciendo la permeabilidad paracelular al calcio. El proceso de reabsorción de calcio en la RGAH está estrechamente regulado por el receptor sensor de calcio (CaSR que monitorea los niveles circulantes de Ca ajustando la tasa de excreción renal de forma acorde. Dos micro-ARN, los mir-9 y mir-374, son regulados directamente por el CaSR. Los miR-9 y miR-374 suprimen la traslación del ARNm de la claudina 14 e inducen su decaimiento.

  13. Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis with an atypical presentation in an adult man

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, Cheng William; Hsiao, Edward C.; Horvai, Andrew E.; Link, Thomas M.


    We present the case of a 33-year-old man with no significant medical history who developed right scapular pain, left-sided sacroiliac joint pain, and lower back pain, and was eventually diagnosed with chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO). Imaging demonstrated multiple scattered T2-hyperintense lesions on MRI at the spine and the left SI joint, some of which progressed and one regressed in size on follow-up. Histopathology demonstrated only non-specific chronic inflammation compatible with CRMO. No evidence of infectious organisms or neoplastic processes was found. The pain was relapsing and remitting in nature. Laboratory investigations were notable for no evidence of hematologic malignancy or infection, but only a mild increase in alkaline phosphatase. This case highlights that CRMO, despite being thought of as a childhood-onset disease, can present in adults as well, and also provides illustrative examples of imaging and histological findings. (orig.)

  14. Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis with an atypical presentation in an adult man

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hong, Cheng William [University of California San Francisco, Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, San Francisco, CA (United States); Cleveland Clinic, Lerner College of Medicine, Cleveland, OH (United States); Hsiao, Edward C. [University of California San Francisco, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, and the Institute for Human Genetics, Department of Medicine, San Francisco, CA (United States); Horvai, Andrew E. [University of California San Francisco, Department of Pathology, San Francisco, CA (United States); Link, Thomas M. [University of California San Francisco, Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, San Francisco, CA (United States)


    We present the case of a 33-year-old man with no significant medical history who developed right scapular pain, left-sided sacroiliac joint pain, and lower back pain, and was eventually diagnosed with chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO). Imaging demonstrated multiple scattered T2-hyperintense lesions on MRI at the spine and the left SI joint, some of which progressed and one regressed in size on follow-up. Histopathology demonstrated only non-specific chronic inflammation compatible with CRMO. No evidence of infectious organisms or neoplastic processes was found. The pain was relapsing and remitting in nature. Laboratory investigations were notable for no evidence of hematologic malignancy or infection, but only a mild increase in alkaline phosphatase. This case highlights that CRMO, despite being thought of as a childhood-onset disease, can present in adults as well, and also provides illustrative examples of imaging and histological findings. (orig.)

  15. Poliposis adenomatosa familiar en niños cubanos

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    Tulio Antonio Amaya Sorto

    Full Text Available Introducción: la poliposis adenomatosa familiar es una enfermedad autosómica dominante con evolución al cáncer colorrectal. Objetivo: caracterizar a los niños cubanos con poliposis adenomatosa familiar. Métodos: se realizó un estudio, descriptivo, prospectivo de serie de casos, atendidos en el Instituto de Gastroenterología de Cuba, durante el periodo comprendido entre febrero de 2011 y mayo de 2013. Se incluyeron 15 niños, en los cuales se había establecido el diagnóstico de poliposis por colonoscopia, con confirmación histológica de adenomas. A todos se les realizó endoscopia del tracto digestivo superior, ultrasonografía de abdomen superior, ortopantomografía, survey óseo, tránsito intestinal, consulta de oftalmología y neurología. Resultados: el 60,0 % fue del sexo masculino y el 60,0 % de color de piel blanca. La pesquisa de los pacientes asintomáticos y el sangrado rectal fueron los motivos de consulta más frecuentes (40,0 % respectivamente. Predominó la forma florida de la enfermedad, y la displasia de bajo grado se observó en el 73,3 %. El 26,7 % tuvo pólipos en el estómago, y fue la localización más observada. La manifestación extraintestinal más frecuente fue la hipertrofia congénita del epitelio retiniano (73,3 %, seguida por los dientes supernumerarios y los quistes dentígenos. Al analizarlo por grupos de edades, entre 10 y 18 años, al 40,0 % ya se les había realizado colectomía. Conclusiones: la mayoría de los pacientes estudiados tenían antecedentes familiares de la enfermedad, la pesquisa familiar y el sangrado rectal fueron los principales motivos de estudio. Todos presentaron la forma florida, y en su gran mayoría, displasia de bajo grado en el momento del diagnóstico. Los pólipos extracolónicos se presentaron con mayor frecuencia en el estómago, y la manifestación extraintestinal más frecuente fue la hipertrofia congénita del epitelio retiniano. La mayoría de los pacientes no se hab

  16. Multifocal Choroiditis with Retinal Vasculitis, Optic Neuropathy, and Keratoconus in a Young Saudi Male. (United States)

    Dhafiri, Yousef; Al Rubaie, Khalid; Kirat, Omar; May, William N; Nguyen, Quan D; Kozak, Igor


    The purpose of this study is to describe an association of unilateral multifocal choroiditis (MFC), retinal vasculitis, optic neuropathy, and bilateral keratoconus in a young Saudi male. A 27-year-old male patient with stable bilateral keratoconus presented with a painless vision loss in his left eye. Ophthalmic examinations revealed multiple foci of idiopathic chorioretinitis, retinal vasculitis, and mild optic disc leakage on fluorescein angiography, all of which resolved on systemic therapy with mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone after 3 months. Systemic medication was stopped after 8 months. One year after presentation, patient's visual acuity has improved and remained stable. Systemic immunomodulatory therapy can be effective in managing and leading to resolution of MFC, retinal vasculitis, and optic disc leak in young patients.

  17. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome masquerading as progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in rituximab treated neuromyelitis optica. (United States)

    Berger, Joseph R; Neltner, Janna; Smith, Charles; Cambi, Franca


    Both progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) and posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) have been reported as complications of rituximab therapy. These disorders may appear indistinguishable on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We report on a 42 year old woman with neuromyelitis optica (NMO) of 10 years duration who developed extensive white matter disease affecting chiefly both parietal lobes 6 months after her first and only dose of rituximab. The MRI findings suggested the diagnosis of PML, but her history was more consistent with PRES. Ultimately, a brain biopsy was performed which was consistent with the diagnosis of PRES. PRES and PML may have overlapping symptomatology and be indistinguishable on MRI. An approach to distinguishing between these two disorders is addressed. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  18. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Epidemiology, clinical pictures, diagnosis and therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kishida, Shuji


    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system caused by the reactivation of a ubiquitous polyomavirus JC (JCV). PML was for many years a rare disease occurring only in patients with underlying severe impaired immunity. Over the past three decades, the incidence of PML has significantly increased related to the AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) pandemic and, more recently, to the growing use of immunosuppressive drugs. The clinical presentation of PML is variable with neurological symptoms corresponding to affected cerebral areas. Usually, the clinical outcome of patients with PML is poor with an inexorable progression to death within 6 months of symptom onset. Although PML usually requires a brain biopsy or autopsy for confirmation, radiological imaging and a demonstration of JCV-DNA in the CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) provide supportive evidence for the diagnosis. Although there is no proven effective therapy for PML, patients with HIV (human immunodeficeincy virus)-related PML may benefit significantly from HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy). In this article the author reviews the epidemiology, especially in Japan, current challenges in the diagnosis and the treatment guidelines of patients with PML based on recent advances in the understanding of the JC virus biology. (author)

  19. Piggyback intraocular lens implantation to correct pseudophakic refractive error after segmental multifocal intraocular lens implantation. (United States)

    Venter, Jan A; Oberholster, Andre; Schallhorn, Steven C; Pelouskova, Martina


    To evaluate refractive and visual outcomes of secondary piggyback intraocular lens implantation in patients diagnosed as having residual ametropia following segmental multifocal lens implantation. Data of 80 pseudophakic eyes with ametropia that underwent Sulcoflex aspheric 653L intraocular lens implantation (Rayner Intraocular Lenses Ltd., East Sussex, United Kingdom) to correct residual refractive error were analyzed. All eyes previously had in-the-bag zonal refractive multifocal intraocular lens implantation (Lentis Mplus MF30, models LS-312 and LS-313; Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany) and required residual refractive error correction. Outcome measurements included uncorrected distance visual acuity, corrected distance visual acuity, uncorrected near visual acuity, distance-corrected near visual acuity, manifest refraction, and complications. One-year data are presented in this study. The mean spherical equivalent ranged from -1.75 to +3.25 diopters (D) preoperatively (mean: +0.58 ± 1.15 D) and reduced to -1.25 to +0.50 D (mean: -0.14 ± 0.28 D; P < .01). Postoperatively, 93.8% of eyes were within ±0.50 D and 98.8% were within ±1.00 D of emmetropia. The mean uncorrected distance visual acuity improved significantly from 0.28 ± 0.16 to 0.01 ± 0.10 logMAR and 78.8% of eyes achieved 6/6 (Snellen 20/20) or better postoperatively. The mean uncorrected near visual acuity changed from 0.43 ± 0.28 to 0.19 ± 0.15 logMAR. There was no significant change in corrected distance visual acuity or distance-corrected near visual acuity. No serious intraoperative or postoperative complications requiring secondary intraocular lens removal occurred. Sulcoflex lenses proved to be a predictable and safe option for correcting residual refractive error in patients diagnosed as having pseudophakia. Copyright 2014, SLACK Incorporated.

  20. Idiopathic multifocal choroiditis/punctate inner choroidopathy with acute photoreceptor loss or dysfunction out of proportion to clinically visible lesions (United States)

    Munk, Marion R.; Jung, Jesse J.; Biggee, Kristin; Tucker, William R.; Sen, H. Nida; Schmidt-Erfurth, Ursula; Fawzi, Amani A.; Jampol, Lee M.


    Purpose To report acute/subacute vision loss and paracentral scotomata in patients with idiopathic multifocal choroiditis/punctate inner choroidopathy (MFC/PIC) due to large zones of acute photoreceptor attenuation surrounding the chorioretinal lesions. Methods Multimodal-imaging case-series Results Six females and 2 males were included (mean age 31.5±5.8 years). Vision ranged from 20/20-1 to hand motion (mean 20/364). SD-OCT demonstrated extensive attenuation of the external limiting membrane (ELM), ellipsoid and interdigitation zones, adjacent to the visible MFC/PIC lesions. The corresponding areas were hyperautofluorescent on fundus-autofluorescence (FAF), and were associated with corresponding visual field defects. Full-field ERG (available in 3 cases) showed markedly decreased cone/rod response and multifocal ERG revealed reduced amplitudes and increased implicit times in 2 cases. Three patients received no treatment, the remaining were treated with oral corticosteroids (n=4), oral acyclovir/valacyclovir (n=2), intravitreal/posterior subtenon triamcinolone-acetate (n=3) and anti-VEGF (n=2). Visual recovery occurred in only 3 cases, of whom 2 were treated. Varying morphological recovery was found in 6 cases, associated with decrease in hyperautofluorescence on FAF. Conclusions MFC/PIC can present with transient or permanent central photoreceptor attenuation/loss. This presentation is likely a variant of MFC/PIC with chorioretinal atrophy. Associated changes are best evaluated using multimodal imaging. PMID:25322466

  1. Aplicación del nitrógeno líquido en el tratamiento de pacientes con leucoplasia bucal Application of liquid nitrogen in the treatment of patients with oral leukoplakia

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    Gladys Aída Estrada Pereira


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 200 pacientes con leucoplasia bucal, atendidos en la consulta estomatológica del Policlínico de Especialidades del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, desde septiembre del 2007 hasta igual mes del 2012, a fin de evaluar los efectos terapéuticos del nitrógeno líquido en el tratamiento de esta afección. Este refrigerante se empleó en la remoción quirúrgica de la citada enfermedad y propició una ��ptima regeneración de los tejidos bucales afectados en el menor tiempo posible. Para ello se aplicaron intervenciones repetidas de enfriamientos súbitos, así como deshielos lentos y espontáneos, con excelentes resultados en los integrantes de la casuística. Esta sustancia criogénica fue efectiva en el epitelio mucoso por sus propiedades, tales como: anestésica, antimicrobiana, antiinfecciosa, cicatrizante e inmunológica y permitió una curación rápida, menos dolorosa, sin riesgo ni complicación e inocua a los tejidos bucales, lo cual impidió la formación de cicatrices residuales.A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 200 patients with oral leukoplakia, attended in the stomatology department of the Polyclinic of Specialties in "Saturnino Lora Torres" Provincial Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital of Santiago de Cuba, from September 2007 to the same month of 2012, in order to evaluate the therapeutic effects of liquid nitrogen in treating this condition. This coolant was used in the surgical removal of the lesion and contributed to a good regeneration of affected oral tissues in the shortest time possible. With this purpose repeated interventions of sudden cooling were applied, as well as slow and spontaneous thaws with excellent results in the members of the case material. This cryogenic substance was effective in the mucosal epithelium by its anesthetic, antimicrobial, anti-infective, healing and

  2. Small-Gauge Pars Plana Vitrectomy for the Management of Symptomatic Posterior Vitreous Detachment after Phacoemulsification and Multifocal Intraocular Lens Implantation: A Pilot Study from the Pan-American Collaborative Retina Study Group (United States)

    Navarro, Rodrigo M.; Machado, Leonardo M.; Maia, Ossires; Wu, Lihteh; Farah, Michel E.; Magalhaes, Octaviano; Arevalo, J. Fernando; Maia, Mauricio


    Purpose. To determine the efficacy of 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for symptomatic posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) on visual acuity (VA) and quality after multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs). Methods. In this prospective case series, patients who developed symptomatic PVD and were not satisfied with visual quality due to floaters and halos after multifocal IOL implantation underwent PPV. Examinations included LogMAR uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), intraocular pressure, biomicroscopy, and indirect ophthalmoscopy at baseline and 1, 7, 30, and 180 days postoperatively. Ultrasonography and aberrometry were performed. The Visual Functioning Questionnaire 25 (VFQ-25) was administered preoperatively and at 30 days postoperatively. Both the postoperative UCVA and questionnaire results were compared to preoperative findings using the Wilcoxon test. Results. Sixteen eyes of 8 patients were included. VA significantly improved from 0.17 to 0.09 postoperatively (P = 0.017). All patients reported improvement of halos, glare, and floaters. VFQ-25 scores significantly improved in general vision (P = 0.023), near activities (P = 0.043), distance activities (P = 0.041), mental health (P = 0.011), role difficulties (P = 0.042), and driving (P = 0.016). Conclusion. PPV may increase UCVA and quality of vision in patients with bilateral multifocal IOLs and symptomatic PVD. Larger studies are advised. PMID:26504590

  3. Alteraciones del polo posterior en la miopía degenerativa Alterations of the posterior pole in degenerative myopia patients

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    Suzel Ivón Lapido Polanco


    Full Text Available La miopía degenerativa constituye una de las causas fundamentales de pérdida de la visión. Esto está relacionado con las alteraciones del polo posterior, que afectan la retina neurosensorial, el epitelio pigmentario de la retina y las capas más internas de la coroides. Su curso lento y progresivo demanda una exploración integral, con seguimiento en el tiempo y constituye un reto para el oftalmólogo. Se realizó una revisión de artículos publicados e indexados en la base de datos de PubMed que se refirieran a las características clínicas del fondo de ojo en pacientes con miopía degenerativa, para describir las principales alteraciones del polo posterior del globo ocular en esta entidad. Se encontró entre las lesiones típicas de la alta miopía, al estafiloma posterior como un signo patognomónico de la enfermedad, asociado a la atrofia coriorretiniana en parches o difusa, así como las estrías de laca y las hemorragias maculares secundarias a ellas o provenientes de membranas neovasculares coroideas. La tomografía de coherencia óptica ha permitido un diagnóstico más preciso de otras lesiones maculares como la foveosquisis, el agujero macular y, más recientemente, la mácula en domo. Los cambios degenerativos del polo posterior parecen guardar relación unos con otros pero la patogenia no ha sido bien esclarecida a pesar de los avances tecnológicos.Degenerative myopia is one of the main causes of visual impairment. This is related to disorders in the posterior pole, affecting the neurosensorial retina, the retinal pigmented epithelium and the inner choroidal layers. The slow and progressive course of this condition demands comprehensive assessment and long follow-up, which is a challenging task for ophthalmologists. A review of the articles indexed in PubMed regarding the clinical characteristics of the fundus in patients with degenerative myopia was made to describe the main disorders of the posterior pole of the eyeball

  4. Virus isolation and molecular characterization of canine distemper virus by RT-PCR from a mature dog with multifocal encephalomyelit Isolamento e caracterização molecular do vírus da cinomose canina por RT-PCR a partir de um cão adulto com encefalomielite multifocal

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    Alexandre Mendes Amude


    Full Text Available A case of multifocal distemper encephalomyelitis in a mature dog is described. In the presented case the ante mortem clinical diagnosis of canine distemper virus (CDV infection could not be ideally performed due to the absence of typical signs of distemper, such as myoclonus and systemic signs accompanying the nervous signs. The definitive diagnosis of distemper encephalomyelitis was only carried out at post mortem through virus isolation in cell culture from fresh central nervous system (CNS fragments and CDV nucleoprotein gene detection in the CNS by RT-PCR.Descreve-se um caso de encefalomielite multifocal pela cinomose em um cão adulto. No caso apresentado o diagnóstico clínico da infecção pelo vírus da cinomose canina (CDV não pode ser adequadamente realizado devido à ausência de sinais típicos da enfermidade, tais como mioclonia e sinais sistêmicos. O diagnóstico definitivo somente foi possível post mortem pelo isolamento do CDV em cultivo celular a partir dos fragmentos frescos do sistema nervoso central (SNC e pela detecção do gene da nucleoproteína do CDV em fragmentos do SNC por meio da RT-PCR.

  5. Mitoxantrone Therapy for Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy with Cerebral Vasculitis

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    Hélène Massé


    Full Text Available Purpose. To report favorable outcome of a case of acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE associated with cerebral vasculitis after treatment with immunosuppressive therapy by mitoxantrone. Design. Single case report. Method. A 22-year-old man presented with acute isolated bilateral loss of vision revealing APMPPE. Corticosteroid therapy was initiated and visual acuity gradually improved. Seventeen days later, visual function deteriorated again, associated with flu-like syndrome and severe headaches. A relapse of APMPPE was diagnosed, complicated with lymphocytic meningitis and cerebral ischemia. Intravenous therapy with mitoxantrone was performed in combination with methylprednisolone. Results. Headaches disappeared in a few days whereas visual acuity gradually improved and stabilized at 20/40 in the right eye and 20/32 in the left eye. No adverse event was observed. Clinical improvement was confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging. Conclusion. Cerebral vasculitis is the most severe complication of the extraocular manifestations of APMPEE. This diagnosis should be evoked when severe headaches or behavior disorder are associated with APMPEE.

  6. Multifocal pancreatic serous cystadenoma with atypical cells and focal perineural invasion. (United States)

    Kamei, K; Funabiki, T; Ochiai, M; Amano, H; Kasahara, M; Sakamoto, T


    A case of multifocal pancreatic serous cystadenoma with atypical cells is reported. The patient was a 72-yr-old female who complained of jaundice. The distal common bile duct was obstructed, and the proximal bile duct was remarkably dilated on cholangiography. The main portal vein was obstructed and collateral vessels had developed on portal angiography. Total pancreatectomy was performed. The resected specimen contained one tumor in the head of the pancreas, five in the body, and one in the tail. The tumors of the head and body were morphologically the same. Microscopically, both contained spongelike multilocular cysts on their cut surfaces. These cysts were covered with low cuboid epithelium containing clear cytoplasm and abundant glycogen. Neural invasion was also found. The tumor cells exhibited an increased N/C ratio, variable nuclear size, irregular nuclear margins, and coarse nuclear chromatin. These tumors had aneuploid nuclear DNA with a DNA index of 1.9 and a proliferation index of 0.28. We feel that it is necessary to reconsider the biological concept of serous cystadenoma.


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    E. N. Eskina


    Full Text Available Purpose. To compare the efficacy, safety and predictability of presbyopia correction by the PRK with application of a bi-aspheric multifocal profile on the cornea with PresbyMax software for patients with hyperopia and myopia.Patients and methods: There were 2 patients group of 25 people each (50 eyes. They were operated with PRK method with application of a multifocal biaspheric profile for simultaneous correction of ametropia and presbyopia. Group I — patients with myopia and presbyopia. Group II — patients with hypermetropia and presbyopia.Results. In the group 1 year post operation binocular DUCVA was 0,93±0,19, NUCVA — 0,86±0,14, IUCVA — 0,67±0,11. Only two eyes (4 % lost DBCVA on the 1–2 lines. Target refraction of a dominant eye — emmetropia was 72 % of patients, 28 % observed myopia of –0,75 D. Target refraction of a nondominant eye was –0,75, 68 % had this result, 28 % had deviation –0,50 D of the target refraction, and 4 % — 1,00 D. In group 2 a year post operation binocular DUCVA was 0,96±0,16, NUCVA — 0,77±0,19, IUCVA — 0,64±0,15. Only two eyes (4 % lost DBCVA on the 1–2 lines. Target refraction of a dominant eye — emmetropia was 72 % of patients, 28 % observed myopia of –0,75 D. Target refraction of a nondominant eye was –0,75, 68 % had this result, 32 % had deviation to –0,75 D of the target refraction.Conclusions. PRK with application of a bi-aspheric multifocal profile on the cornea using PresbyMAX software and µ-monovision is effective for correction myopia and hypermetropia. Simultaneous correction of ametropia and presbyopia by the PRK method with the application of the multifocal biospheric profile to the cornea with the formation of a slight anisometropia (the concept of µ-monovision with the PresbyMax software is an effective, safe and predictable method of surgical intervention, both in myopia and hypermetropia.


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    Hamilton Escobar B


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la reparación tisular posterior a la realización de técnicas de palatectomía parcial,como tratamiento de la palatitis en equinos. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron 12 caballos,divididos aleatoriamente en dos grupos, ambos con seis animales, a los del primer grupo se lespracticó palatectomía parcial con suturación y a los del segundo grupo, se les realizó palatectomíaparcial y luego cauterización. Los grupos fueron divididos en tres subgrupos de dos animales cadauno. A los primeros subgrupos, suturados y cauterizados, se les tomó biopsia el día 5; a los segundossubgrupos, el día 15 y a los terceros el día 30 posquirúrgico. Resultados. El día 5 posquirúrgico,en ambos grupos se observó la presencia de infiltrado celular inflamatorio de tipo mononuclear(macrófago, inicio del proceso de epitelización, proliferación fibroblástica y formación de nuevosvasos sanguíneos; notándose severa ulceración del epitelio con abundantes detritos celulares soloen los animales cauterizados. El día 15 posquirúrgico, en los animales suturados, se observó infiltradocelular mononuclear, proliferación epitelial y fibroblástica, y presencia de nuevos vasos sanguíneos.Las muestras de los animales cauterizados, presentaron además, ulceración epitelial, detrituscelulares y formación de tejido de granulación desorganizado. El día 30 posquirúrgico, los animalessuturados, no mostraron inflamación evidente, el epitelio se observó con características normalesaunque más grueso que el adyacente. En los animales cauterizados, no se observó infiltrado celularmononuclear, aunque continuaba la ulceración epitelial, igualmente existía, proliferaciónfibroblástica desorganizada y abundantes fibras colágenas. Conclusión. Es posible concluir que elproceso de reparación tisular se vio favorecido por la técnica de palatectomía parcial con suturación.

  9. Improvement of the classification accuracy in discriminating diabetic retinopathy by multifocal electroretinogram analysis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    The multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) is a newly developed electrophysiological technique. In this paper, a classification method is proposed for early diagnosis of the diabetic retinopathy using mfERG data. MfERG records were obtained from eyes of healthy individuals and patients with diabetes at different stages. For each mfERG record, 103 local responses were extracted. Amplitude value of each point on all the mfERG local responses was looked as one potential feature to classify the experimental subjects. Feature subsets were selected from the feature space by comparing the inter-intra distance. Based on the selected feature subset, Fisher's linear classifiers were trained. And the final classification decision of the record was made by voting all the classifiers' outputs. Applying the method to classify all experimental subjects, very low error rates were achieved. Some crucial properties of the diabetic retinopathy classification method are also discussed.

  10. Riedel's thyroiditis and multifocal fibrosclerosis are part of the IgG4-related systemic disease spectrum. (United States)

    Dahlgren, Mollie; Khosroshahi, Arezou; Nielsen, G Petur; Deshpande, Vikram; Stone, John H


    Riedel's thyroiditis is a chronic fibrosing disorder of unknown etiology often associated with "multifocal fibrosclerosis." IgG4-related systemic disease is characterized by IgG4+ plasma cell infiltration and fibrosis throughout many organs. We hypothesized that Riedel's thyroiditis is part of the IgG4-related systemic disease spectrum. We searched our institution's pathology database using the terms "Riedel's," "struma," "thyroid," and "fibrosis," and identified 3 cases of Riedel's thyroiditis. Riedel's thyroiditis was diagnosed if there was a fibroinflammatory process involving all or a portion of the thyroid gland, with evidence of extension of the process into surrounding tissues. Immunohistochemical stains for IgG4 and IgG were performed. The histopathologic and immunohistochemical features of each involved organ were evaluated. The clinical features of one patient with multiple organ system disease were described. All 3 thyroidectomy samples stained positively for IgG4-bearing plasma cells. One patient had extensive extrathyroidal involvement diagnostic of IgG4-related systemic disease, including cholangitis, pseudotumors of both the lung and lacrimal gland, and a lymph node contiguous to the thyroid that stained intensely for IgG4+ plasma cells. The histologic features of all organs involved were consistent with IgG4-related systemic disease. Patient 3 had 10 IgG4+ plasma cells per high-power field initially, but rebiopsy 2 years later demonstrated no IgG4+ plasma cells. That patient's second biopsy, characterized by fibrosis and minimal residual inflammation, further solidifies the link between IgG4-bearing plasma cells in tissue and the histologic evolution to Riedel's thyroiditis. Riedel's thyroiditis is part of the IgG4-related systemic disease spectrum. In many cases, multifocal fibrosclerosis and IgG4-related systemic disease are probably the same entity.

  11. Assessment of hydroxychloroquine maculopathy after cessation of treatment: an optical coherence tomography and multifocal electroretinography study. (United States)

    Moschos, Marilita M; Nitoda, Eirini; Chatziralli, Irini P; Gatzioufas, Zisis; Koutsandrea, Chryssanthi; Kitsos, George


    This study was conducted to evaluate the macular status of patients treated with hydroxychloroquine before and after cessation of treatment. Forty-two patients with systemic lupus erythematosus underwent ocular examination based on visual acuity evaluation, optical coherence tomography retinal thickness measurements, and multifocal electroretinography (mfERG) records at first visit. The tests were repeated 6 months after treatment withdrawal and compared to the findings at their first visit. Mean visual acuity (measured in log minimum angle of resolution) of both eyes was statistically increased after hydroxychloroquine discontinuation (difference in means: 0.06 [Phydroxychloroquine improves along with the amplitudes of the mfERG responses 6 months after discontinuation of the drug, but no difference in retinal thickness is identified.

  12. A joint Richardson—Lucy deconvolution algorithm for the reconstruction of multifocal structured illumination microscopy data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ströhl, Florian; Kaminski, Clemens F


    We demonstrate the reconstruction of images obtained by multifocal structured illumination microscopy, MSIM, using a joint Richardson–Lucy, jRL-MSIM, deconvolution algorithm, which is based on an underlying widefield image-formation model. The method is efficient in the suppression of out-of-focus light and greatly improves image contrast and resolution. Furthermore, it is particularly well suited for the processing of noise corrupted data. The principle is verified on simulated as well as experimental data and a comparison of the jRL-MSIM approach with the standard reconstruction procedure, which is based on image scanning microscopy, ISM, is made. Our algorithm is efficient and freely available in a user friendly software package. (paper)

  13. Rare lung manifestation of multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia in a teenage girl with tuberous sclerosis complex

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ha, Seung Mi; Yoon, Hye Kyung; Lee, Seung Koo [Kangwon National University Hospital, Chuncheon (Korea, Republic of)


    Multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia (MMPH) is a relatively rare pulmonary disorder that can be associated with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). It has been rarely reported in children or adolescents. MMPH is a hamartomatous process of the lung with multiple small nodules, composed of type II pneumocytes. Plain radiography and chest CT in MMPH may demonstrate numerous small nodules measuring 1-10 mm in diameters, distributed randomly throughout both lungs. If MMPH is an initial presentation of TSC, and unless we are familiar with this lung manifestation of TSC, radiologic findings can mimic miliary tuberculosis or metastatic disease. We report a teenage girl with TSC and histologically confirmed MMPH which mimicked miliary tuberculosis at the initial presentation.

  14. Rare lung manifestation of multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia in a teenage girl with tuberous sclerosis complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ha, Seung Mi; Yoon, Hye Kyung; Lee, Seung Koo


    Multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia (MMPH) is a relatively rare pulmonary disorder that can be associated with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). It has been rarely reported in children or adolescents. MMPH is a hamartomatous process of the lung with multiple small nodules, composed of type II pneumocytes. Plain radiography and chest CT in MMPH may demonstrate numerous small nodules measuring 1-10 mm in diameters, distributed randomly throughout both lungs. If MMPH is an initial presentation of TSC, and unless we are familiar with this lung manifestation of TSC, radiologic findings can mimic miliary tuberculosis or metastatic disease. We report a teenage girl with TSC and histologically confirmed MMPH which mimicked miliary tuberculosis at the initial presentation


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    Luiz Guilherme BRENTEGANI


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    RESUMEN: Se han estudiado las alteraciones causadas por hipervitaminosis A en la parótida del hamster, mediante métodos cariométricos y estereológicos. Los ácinos y ductos de la glándula del animal tratado mostraron núcleos más chicos y picnóticos. Estereologicamente se observó que la parótida del animal tratado presenta densidad de volumen más chica para ácinos y ductos estriados, diámetro y espesor de la pared más chicos para ácinos y densidad volumétrica más grande para el estroma conjuntivo. Se sugiere que el exceso de vitamina A puede actuar sobre la parótida de dos maneras: a Directamente sobre el epitelio glandular, provocando las alteraciones estructurales y funcionales; b indirectamente, alterando los niveles de las hormonas responsables por la manutención estructural y funcional normal de las glándulas salivares. PALABRAS-CLAVE: Hipervitaminosis A; parótida; hamster.

  16. Non-descanned multifocal multiphoton microscopy with a multianode photomultiplier tube

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cha, Jae Won; Yew, Elijah Y. S.; Kim, Daekeun; Subramanian, Jaichandar; Nedivi, Elly; So, Peter T. C.


    Multifocal multiphoton microscopy (MMM) improves imaging speed over a point scanning approach by parallelizing the excitation process. Early versions of MMM relied on imaging detectors to record emission signals from multiple foci simultaneously. For many turbid biological specimens, the scattering of emission photons results in blurred images and degrades the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We have recently demonstrated that a multianode photomultiplier tube (MAPMT) placed in a descanned configuration can effectively collect scattered emission photons from each focus into their corresponding anodes significantly improving image SNR for highly scattering specimens. Unfortunately, a descanned MMM has a longer detection path resulting in substantial emission photon loss. Optical design constraints in a descanned geometry further results in significant optical aberrations especially for large field-of-view (FOV), high NA objectives. Here, we introduce a non-descanned MMM based on MAPMT that substantially overcomes most of these drawbacks. We show that we improve signal efficiency up to fourfold with limited image SNR degradation due to scattered emission photons. The excitation foci can also be spaced wider to cover the full FOV of the objective with minimal aberrations. The performance of this system is demonstrated by imaging interneuron morphological structures deep in the brains of living mice

  17. Non-descanned multifocal multiphoton microscopy with a multianode photomultiplier tube

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cha, Jae Won; Yew, Elijah Y. S. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (United States); Kim, Daekeun [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dankook University (Korea, Republic of); Subramanian, Jaichandar [Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (United States); Nedivi, Elly [Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (United States); Departments of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (United States); So, Peter T. C. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (United States); Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (United States)


    Multifocal multiphoton microscopy (MMM) improves imaging speed over a point scanning approach by parallelizing the excitation process. Early versions of MMM relied on imaging detectors to record emission signals from multiple foci simultaneously. For many turbid biological specimens, the scattering of emission photons results in blurred images and degrades the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We have recently demonstrated that a multianode photomultiplier tube (MAPMT) placed in a descanned configuration can effectively collect scattered emission photons from each focus into their corresponding anodes significantly improving image SNR for highly scattering specimens. Unfortunately, a descanned MMM has a longer detection path resulting in substantial emission photon loss. Optical design constraints in a descanned geometry further results in significant optical aberrations especially for large field-of-view (FOV), high NA objectives. Here, we introduce a non-descanned MMM based on MAPMT that substantially overcomes most of these drawbacks. We show that we improve signal efficiency up to fourfold with limited image SNR degradation due to scattered emission photons. The excitation foci can also be spaced wider to cover the full FOV of the objective with minimal aberrations. The performance of this system is demonstrated by imaging interneuron morphological structures deep in the brains of living mice.

  18. Late relapse of progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy postallogenic transplant in a young patient with CLL. (United States)

    Sanchez-Quintana, Ana; Breña-Atienza, Joaquín; Marrero-Santos, Carmen; Alvarez-Acosta, Luis


    We describe a case of progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (PML) in a 39-year-old patient diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) who underwent two allogenic matched-sibling stem cell transplantations. PML was confirmed just after the first transplantation with cerebral MRI and by PCR in the cerebrospinal fluid. After immunosuppression withdrawal and cidofovir treatment, he achieved a reversal of clinical symptoms, John Cunningham (JC) virus positivity and MRI lesions regression. He remained asymptomatic for 5 years with no signs of infection activity, even though he received three new chemotherapy regimens due to a CLL relapse. However, after the second stem cell transplantation, new neurological symptoms began and a reactivation of the JC virus infection was detected. This time, treatment with mefloquine was started, but he experienced a progressive neurological deterioration and died 1 month after the symptoms began.

  19. Comparative study on optical performance and visual outcomes between two diffractive multifocal lenses: AMO Tecnis ® ZMB00 and AcrySof ® IQ ReSTOR ® Multifocal IOL SN6AD1

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    Mario Augusto Pereira Dias Chaves


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare the optical performance and visual outcomes between two diffractive multifocal lenses: AMO Tecnis® ZMB00 and AcrySof® ReSTOR® SN6AD1. Methods: This prospective, non-randomized comparative study included the assessment of 74 eyes in 37 patients referred for cataract surgery and candidates for multifocal intraocular lens implants. Exclusion criteria included existence of any other eye disease, previous eye surgery, high axial myopia, preoperative corneal astigmatism of >1.00 cylindrical diopter (D, and intraoperative or postoperative complications. Ophthalmological evaluation included the measurement of uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA, corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA, distance-corrected near visual acuity (DCNVA, and distance-corrected intermediate visual acuity (DCIVA, with analysis of contrast sensitivity (CS, wavefront, and visual defocus curve. Results: Postoperative UDVA was 0.09 and 0.08 logMAR in the SN6AD1 and ZMB00 groups, respectively (p=0.868; postoperative CDVA was 0.04 and 0.02 logMAR in the SN6AD1 and ZMB00 groups, respectively (p=0.68; DCIVA was 0.17 and 0.54 logMAR in the SN6AD1 and ZMB00 groups, respectively (p=0.000; and DCNVA was 0.04 and 0.09 logMAR in the SN6AD1 and ZMB00 groups, respectively (p=0.001. In both cases, there was an improvement in the spherical equivalent and UDVA (p<0.05. Under photopic conditions, the SN6AD1 group had better CS at low frequencies without glare (p=0.04; however, the ZMB00 group achieved better sensitivity at high frequencies with glare (p=0.003. The SN6AD1 and ZMB00 lenses exhibited similar behavior for intermediate vision, according to the defocus curve; however, the ZMB00 group showed a shorter reading distance than the SN6AD1 group. There were no significant differences regarding aberrometry between the two groups. Conclusion: Both lenses promoted better quality of vision for both long and short distances and exhibited a similar behavior for

  20. Ameloblastoma en población del noreste de Brasil: un estudio retrospectivo de 60 casos

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    Thiago de Santana Santos


    Full Text Available El ameloblastoma es un tumor de epitelio odontogénico, caracterizado por la invasión local y aumento de la tasa de recidiva. Por esto se realizó este estudio descriptivo para determinar el comportamiento de los ameloblastomas en nuestro medio. Método: estudio retrospectivo de 17 años basado en los datos existentes de los archivos del Departamento Oral de Patología. Se analizaron los archivos de pacientes de enero de 1992 a mayo de 2009, con un diagnóstico definitivo de ameloblastoma. Fué recogida la información respecto al sexo, raza, presencia de síntomas, ubicación anatómica y extensión. Resultados: dentro de los 60 pacientes con ameloblastoma se observó, mayor incidencia en la tercera década de vida (28,3 %. Las mujeres fueron más comprometidas que los hombres, con una proporción 1,22:1. La mayoría de lesiones fueron observadas en la raza blanca (51,7 %. El sitio más habitual por la ocurrencia de tumor fue la mandíbula (85 %. Los pacientes fueron sintomáticos en el 75 %. La mayoría de pacientes presentaron lesiones de 3,5 a 6,0 centímetros de extensión (55 %. Conclusiones: el ameloblastoma es mayormente observado en mujeres, en la tercera década de la vida y en la mandíbula. Las diferencias con otros estudios entre el sexo, la edad, raza, extensión, localización anatómica y los síntomas pueden ser atribuidos a las diferencias geográficas.

  1. Neoplastic Multifocal Skin Lesions: Biology, Etiology, and Targeted Therapies for Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers. (United States)

    Fernandes, Ana R; Santos, Ana C; Sanchez-Lopez, Elena; Kovačević, Andjekla B; Espina, Marta; Calpena, Ana C; Veiga, Francisco J; Garcia, Maria L; Souto, Eliana B


    Neoplastic skin lesions are multifocal, diffuse skin infiltrations of particular relevance in the differential diagnosis of ulcerative, nodular, or crusting skin lesions. Nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSCs), namely, basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and also actinic keratosis (AK), are the most common malignant tumors in humans. BCCs do not proliferate rapidly and most of the times do not metastasize, while SCCs are more infiltrative, metastatic, and destructive. AKs are precursor lesions of cutaneous SCCs. The classical therapy of NMSCs makes use of photodynamic therapy associated with chemotherapeutics. With improved understanding of the pathological mechanisms of tumor initiation, progression, and differentiation, a case is made towards the use of targeted chemotherapy with the intent to reduce the cytotoxicity of classical treatments. The present review aims to describe the current state of the art on the knowledge of NMSC, including its risks factors, oncogenes, and skin carcinogenesis, discussing the classical therapy against new therapeutic options. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  2. Multifocal Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma Derived from the Spine Region: Case Report and Literature Review

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    G. Kerry


    Full Text Available Background: Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE is a rare vascular tumor with malignant biological behavior. It arises from endothelial cells, usually within soft tissues, and can occur in almost all locations. Case Report: We report a unique case of a 25-year-old man who presented with sudden attacks of severe back pain followed by acute non-traumatic paraplegia. Emergency diagnostics revealed a pathologic fracture of the T7 vertebra with tumor tissue invasion of the spinal canal. Furthermore, multifocal metastases were found. Results: To achieve en bloc resection, interdisciplinary surgical approaches were indicated. Despite multimodal therapy concepts, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy as well as endovascular embolization, the patient died within 8 weeks. Conclusion: Prognosis of EHE is unpredictable and mainly determined by its location. The lesions are potentially aggressive; therefore, en bloc resection should be attempted whenever possible. However, as shown in the literature, only 15% of patients are suitable for total resection.

  3. Multifocal ERG reveals long distance effects of a local bleach in the retina. (United States)

    Kretschmann, U; Tornow, R P; Zrenner, E


    To examine the distribution of ERG-activity in the central visual field after local bleaching of the fovea, multifocal electroretinograms were recorded in eight normal volunteers before, during and after recurrent light exposure. During bleaching (90% bleached pigment), the response density (scalar product) of the foveal area (0-2 degrees eccentricity) decreased from 10.7 +/- 3.5 to 4.1 +/- 1.9 nV/degree2 (P < 0.001). The average activity in the extrafoveal macular area was unchanged, while the amplitudes were frequently (in 53 of 54 areas) enhanced at 5-30.5 degrees eccentricity. Here the average response density changed from 3.1 +/- 0.9 to 3.5 +/- 1.0 nV/degree2 (P < 0.001). A fast recovery of foveal responses after cessation of bleaching occurred. Besides a strong decrease of response in the directly bleached area, local bleaching led to enhanced activity mainly 3-27 degrees distant from the bleached area.

  4. [Multiple myeloma with significant multifocal osteolysis in a dog without a detectible gammopathy]. (United States)

    Souchon, F; Koch, A; Sohns, A


    Description of a variant of multiple myeloma in a dog lacking the gammopathy normally associated with this type of neoplasm. A Border Collie mongrel was presented with symptoms of progressive hind-leg weakness, lethargy and tiredness, which had started to appear 6 weeks previously. Radiographic examination showed small osteolytic areas in the spinal column, but also diffuse small areas of increased opacity as well as evidence of decreased bone density in the pelvis and of both femoral necks. Moderate regenerative anaemia, hypogammopathy and hypercalcaemia were diagnosed. Computed tomography scans displayed multifocal osteolysis and bone destruction in the skull, spinal column, scapulae, proximal humeri, pelvis and femoral necks. H&E staining of the biopsies showed bone destruction and monomorphic plasmacyotid cell populations, causing infiltrative bone marrow lesions and osteolysis. In many areas neoplastic plasma cell infiltration of the bone marrow was 70% and in some areas reached 100%. The diagnosis was non-secretory multiple myeloma without apparent secretion of paraproteins into the blood.

  5. Actualización sobre el Síndrome de Dispersión Pigmentaria y el Glaucoma Pigmentario

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    Yaima Mayo González


    Full Text Available El síndrome de dispersión pigmentaria se da por la liberación de pigmento del epitelio pigmentado del iris y depósito de gránulos de este en el iris y en las estructuras del segmento anterior, incluyendo el endotelio corneal y la malla trabecular, con posterior aumento de la presión intraocular y glaucoma. El glaucoma pigmentario (GP es un glaucoma de ángulo abierto, secundario a un síndrome de dispersión pigmentaria, que consiste en el acúmulo de pigmento a nivel de la malla trabecular, aumentando la resistencia a la salida del humor acuoso, ocasionando así un deterioro progresivo e irreversible de las estructuras oculares, llevando a la pérdida visual. El glaucoma pigmentario es el más frecuente de los glaucomas secundarios. Se presenta en pacientes jóvenes durante la tercera o cuarta década de la vida y el diagnóstico se realiza en una etapa de daño glaucomatoso avanzado, por lo que genera un gran impacto social. El propósito de este artículo es revisar la fisiopatología, clínica, tratamiento del GP y proporcionarles recomendaciones según lo estudiado

  6. Synovitis, Acne, Pustulosis, Hyperostosis and Osteitis (SAPHO) and chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO): Role of imaging in diagnosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thakur, Uma; Blacksin, Marcia; Beebe, Kathleen; Neilson, J.C.; Dashefsky, Barry; Tagoylo, Gino


    There is a spectrum of musculoskeletal disorders which can be associated with dermatologic findings, the fundamental component of which is a nonbacterial osteitis. CRMO (Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis) and SAPHO syndrome (Synovitis, Acne, Pustulosis, Hyperostosis and Osteitis) describe paediatric and adult conditions, respectively, of inflammatory osteitis that can be associated with palmoplantar pustulosis and acne. Imaging findings are similar and a key component to the diagnosis in both conditions. This report describes two patients with strikingly similar radiologic presentations of clavicular osteitis in whom the diagnosis was made predominantly on the basis of imaging findings. The typical imaging features and radiographic hallmarks of both conditions will also be discussed.

  7. Comparing the relative peripheral refraction effect of single vision and multifocal contact lenses measured using an autorefractor and an aberrometer: A pilot study

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    Ravi C. Bakaraju


    Conclusion: For most test conditions, distinct differences were observed between the RPR measures obtained with the two modified instruments. The differences varied with CL design and centration. Although the pilot study supports the interchangeable use of the two instruments for on- and off-axis refraction in unaided eyes or eyes corrected with low/no spherical aberration; we advocate the use of the COAS-HD over the SN for special purposes like refracting through multifocal CLs.

  8. Adaptive panoramic tomography with a circular rotational movement for the formation of multifocal image layers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, D. S.; Cho, H. S.; Park, Y. O.; Je, U. K.; Hong, D. K.; Choi, S. I.; Koo, Y. S. [Yonsei University, Wonju (Korea, Republic of)


    Panoramic radiography with which only structures within a certain image layer are in focus and others out of focus on the panoramic image has become a popular imaging technique especially in dentistry. However, the major drawback to the technique is a mismatch between the structures to be focused and the predefined image layer mainly due to the various shapes and sizes of dental arches and/or to malpositioning of the patient. These result in image quality typically inferior to that obtained using intraoral radiographic techniques. In this paper, to overcome these difficulties, we suggest a new panoramic reconstruction algorithm, the so-called adaptive panoramic tomography (APT), capable of reconstructing multifocal image layers with no additional exposure. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we performed systematic simulation studies with a circular rotational movement and investigated the image performance.

  9. Regulación por proteasas del canal de sodio sensible al amiloride (ENaC

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    Luciano Galizia


    Full Text Available El ENaC es un canal que permite el movimiento de Na+ desde el líquido luminal hacia las células en numerosos epitelios reabsortivos y también en otros tejidos como la placenta. ENaC juega un papel crucial en la homeostasis de los electrolitos y volumen de líquido extracelular. Es regulado por numerosas hormonas, incluyendo la aldosterona y bloqueado por el diurético amiloride. El ENaC está formado por tres subunidades homólogas α, β y γ que forman el poro por el cual se mueven los iones Na+. Dos factores regulan la actividad del ENaC. 1 el número de canales insertos en la membrana celular y 2 la probabilidad de apertura o tiempo en que se encuentra abierto el canal. El número de canales es el resultado de un balance entre su síntesis y degradación. La probabilidad de apertura depende de la proteólisis de zonas específicas de las subunidades α y γ por múltiples proteasas dentro de la célula y en el espacio extracelular. Entre las proteasas más estudiadas se encuentran la furina, prostasina, elastasa, plasmina y tripsina. Existen sustancias endógenas que bloquean la actividad de estas proteasas como la aprotinina, la bikunina y la nexina-1 y la expresión de las proteasas y sus inhibidores es regulada a su vez por la aldosterona, la tasa de movimiento de Na y el TFGβ. En este trabajo presentamos algunos ejemplos de esta regulación y su potencial papel en condiciones normales y en ciertas enfermedades como la fibrosis quística, renales e hipertensión.

  10. Desempenho visual após implante de uma lente intraocular asférica multifocal difrativa Visual performance after implantation of an aspheric multifocal diffractive intraocular lens

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    Leonardo Akaishi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a acuidade visual a distancia, intermediária e perto após o implante de uma lente intraocular (LIO asférica multifocal difrativa AcrySof® ReSTOR® SN6AD1. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de 50 pacientes com catarata submetidos à facoemulsificação e implante de LIO AcrySof® ReSTOR®. Foram avaliados acuidade visual sem correção (AVSC, acuidade visual com correção (AVCC para longe, acuidade visual para perto corrigida para longe (AVPC e acuidade visual intermediária corrigida para longe (AVIC. Um questionário de satisfação e fenômenos visuais foi administrado ao final do estudo. RESULTADO: Após três meses de cirurgia, a média das acuidades (logMAR era: AVSC, 0,05 ± 0,07; AVCC, 0,00 ± 0,01; AVPC, 0,00 ± 0,0, e AVIC, 0,15 ± 0,05. A AVCC e AVPC era de 20/25 ou melhor em todos os pacientes, sendo a AVIC J3 ou melhor em 83% dos pacientes. Pacientes relataram excelente desempenho visual nas questões relacionadas a atividades para distância, intermediário, e perto com pouca ou nenhuma dificuldade. Nenhum paciente relatou halos ou 'glare' severos, sendo os mesmos caracterizados entre nenhum a moderado. CONCLUSÃO: A LIO asférica AcrySof® ReSTOR® SN6AD1 mostrou excelentes resultados na visão para longe, perto e intermediário, além de apresentar uma baixa incidência de fenômenos visuais.PURPOSE: To evaluate distance, intermediate, and near vision after aspheric multifocal diffractive AcrySof® ReSTOR® SN6AD1 intraocular lens (IOL implantation. METHODS: Prospective study of 50 patients with cataract that had phacoemulsification and AcrySof® ReSTOR® IOL implantation. Uncorrected distance vision acuity (UDVA, corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA, distance-corrected near visual acuity (DCNVA, and distance-corrected intermediate visual acuity (DCIVA were measured postoperatively. A patient-satisfaction and visual phenomena questionnaire was administered at the end of the study. RESULTS: Three months

  11. Successful treatment of chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis using low-dose radiotherapy. A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dietzel, Christian T.; Vordermark, Dirk; Schaefer, Christoph


    Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) is a rare autoinflammatory disease, which lacks an infectious genesis and predominantly involves the metaphysis of long bones. Common treatments range from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids at first onset of disease, to immunosuppressive drugs and bisphosphonates in cases of insufficient remission. The therapeutic use of low-dose radiotherapy for CRMO constitutes a novelty. A 67-year-old female patient presented with radiologically proven CRMO affecting the right tibia/talus and no response to immunosuppressive therapy. Two treatment series of radiation therapy were applied with an interval of 6 weeks. Each series contained six fractions (three fractions per week) with single doses of 0.5 Gy, thus the total applied dose was 6 Gy. Ten months later, pain and symptoms of osteomyelitis had completely vanished. Radiotherapy seems to be an efficient and feasible complementary treatment option for conventional treatment refractory CRMO in adulthood. The application of low doses per fraction is justified by the inflammatory pathomechanism of disease. (orig.) [de

  12. Principal components′ analysis of multifocal electroretinogram in retinitis pigmentosa

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    Aniruddha Maiti


    Full Text Available Aims : To determine waveforms of multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP contributing significantly to the overall retinal response by using principal components′ analysis. Settings and Design: Prospective, non-randomized, single-visit, observational, case-control study from a single tertiary ophthalmic center. Materials and Methods: Patients with various forms of RP underwent mfERG testing for a period of one year. The first-order kernel responses of RP cases were compared with concurrently recruited healthy controls. Statistical Analysis Used: Parametric data was analyzed using the unpaired t test for differences between the implicit time and amplitudes of cases and controls. Principal components′ analysis was done for each implicit time and amplitude in cases with RP using the Varimax rotation method. Results: From March 2006 to March 2007, 24 cases with typical RP (56%, 47 eyes were included in the final analysis. Their mean age was 33.7 years (19-69 ± 15.5 years. Comparison of latencies and amplitudes among RP cases with log MAR acuity ≤ 0.18 and those > 0.18, revealed significant difference in the implicit time (P1 in Ring 2 only (P=0.028. Two components (predominently from Ring 1 and 2 each contributing 66.8% and 88.8% of the total variance in the data for latencies and amplitudes respectively, were seen. Conclusions : The first two rings of the mfERG contributed to the variance of waveforms in RP, irrespective of the visual acuity and poor visual field results.

  13. Ameloblastic fibroma versus hyperplastic follicular cyst


    Azúa-Romeo, J.; Saura Fillat, E.; Usón Bouthelier, T.; Tovar Lázaro, M.; Azúa Blanco, J.


    Resumen: El fibroma ameloblástico (FA) es un tumor odontogénico mixto, compuesto por tejido mesenquimal y epitelio odontogénico, representando el 2% de los tumores odontogénicos, mientras que el quiste dentígero o folicular (QF), el segundo quiste odontogénico en frecuencia, está compuesto exclusivamente por tejido conjuntivo laxo (mesénquima), si bien, el saco fibroso puede contener restos de epitelio odontogénico incluidos, dando lugar a una imagen histológica muy similar. La importancia de...

  14. Extirpación de lesiones epiteliales benignas en la lengua, durante el periodo de gestación. Reporte de dos casos


    Martínez de Páez, Norma A.; Bermúdez Rodríguez, José Rafael


    Las estructuras anatómicas que rodean la cavidad oral están cubiertas por una membrana formada por epitelio plano estratificado. El epitelio sirve de protección para los tejidos blandos orales y también de barrera para evitar el paso de factores patógenos externos. En la mucosa bucal pueden presentarse varios tipos de lesiones, unas de ellas conocidas en clínica como lesiones verrugosas–papilares, son de crecimiento exofítico benigno, las cuales pueden originarse en cualquier parte de la muco...

  15. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  16. Multifocal visual evoked potentials for quantifying optic nerve dysfunction in patients with optic disc drusen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Malmqvist, Lasse; de Santiago, Luis; Boquete, Luciano


    and 22 control subjects were examined. Mean amplitude, mean inner ring (IR) amplitude (0.87-5.67° of visual field) and mean outer ring amplitude (5.68-24° of visual field) were calculated using signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and peak-to-peak analysis. Monocular latency was calculated using second peak......PURPOSE: To explore the applicability of multifocal visual evoked potentials (mfVEPs) for research and clinical diagnosis in patients with optic disc drusen (ODD). This is the first assessment of mfVEP amplitude in patients with ODD. METHODS: MfVEP amplitude and latency from 33 patients with ODD......, full eye and IR. In the control group, SNR intersubject variability was 17.6% and second peak latency intersubject variability was 2.8%. CONCLUSION: Decreased mfVEP amplitude in patients with ODD suggests a direct mechanical compression of the optic nerve axons. Our results suggest that mfVEP amplitude...

  17. Daño genotóxico en trabajadores de minería artesanal expuestos al mercurio

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    Jaime A. Rosales-Rimache


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar el daño genotóxico en trabajadores de una minería artesanal expuestos a mercurio. Materiales y métodos. Estudio observacional de corte transversal, en el cual se evaluaron trabajadores expuestos a mercurio (n=83, de quienes se colectaron células por hisopado bucal para su posterior tinción, revisión microscópica y recuento de micronúcleos y otras alteraciones nucleares. También se colectó orina de 24 h para la determinación de mercurio inorgánico. Resultados. El 68,7% de las personas estudiadas fueron de sexo masculino, la media de edad fue de 43 ± 12,4 años (rango: 16-76. El tiempo promedio de exposición ocupacional a mercurio fue de 12,1 ± 6,7 años, y el contacto con mercurio fue de 4,1 ± 3,6 kg por persona por día. El 93% de los evaluados no utilizaban equipos de protección personal durante la manipulación del mercurio. Los resultados del monitoreo biológico evidenciaron que el 17% de los evaluados presentaron concentraciones de mercurio en orina mayor a los 2,5 µg/L; siendo este valor el límite de detección de la técnica de medición utilizada. Los resultados de la evaluación genotóxica evidenciaron que el 15% de las personas con exposición laboral a mercurio presentaron micronúcleos en células de epitelio bucal; hallándose otros indicadores de alteración nuclear como los puentes nucleoplásmicos, gemaciones y binucleaciones, que también son considerados como eventos genotóxicos asociados a la exposición por agentes de riesgo físico o químico. Conclusiones. El hallazgo de micronúcleos en células del epitelio bucal reflejan daño genotóxico asociado a la exposición laboral por mercurio utilizado en las actividades de minería artesanal

  18. Distribution of aquaporins in the nasal passage of Octodon degus, a South-American desert rodent and its implications for water conservation Distribución de acuaporinas en los pasajes nasales de Octodon degus, un roedor de ambientes desérticos sudamericanos: implicaciones en la conservación de agua

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    tasa de evaporación pulmocutánea, relacionada con la capacidad de los pasajes nasales para condensar agua contenida en el aire espirado; el agua condensada debe ser absorbida en orden de evitar su acumulación y potencial pérdida por las fosas nasales. Nuestra hipótesis es que el epitelio de los pasajes nasales expresaría acuaporinas (AQPs que podrían servir como una vía rápida de absorción del agua condensada. Se estudió la distribución de AQP-1, AQP-2, AQP-3 y AQP-4 mediante inmunocitoquímica en cortes provenientes de animales controles y sometidos a un periodo de restricción acuosa. Se detectó abundante inmunorreactividad para AQP-1 en la red vascular subepitelial, no se detectó expresión de AQP-1 en el epitelio de los pasajes nasales. No se detectó ni AQP-2 ni AQP-4 en el mismo epitelio. Se detectó inmunorreactividad para AQP-3 en el epitelio no olfatorio que recubre los turbinales en pasajes nasales estrechos y ciegos. No se evidenciaron cambios en la abundancia de inmunorreactividad para AQP-3 entre ambos grupos. La inmunorreactividad para AQP-1 subepitelial y para AQP-3 epitelial coincide a nivel de los turbinales, aunque en diferentes tipos celulares; ello sugiere que estas acuaporinas podrían servir como una vía para la absorción de agua desde la superficie de los pasajes nasales, vía AQP-3 hacia los capilares subepiteliales a través de AQP-1

  19. Rol de las uniones estrechas del epitelio intestinal en la patogenia de la enfermedad de Crohn

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    Dionisio Díaz


    In his review the molecular composition, structure, interactions and function of the tight junctions are briefly described, and recent evidence on the relationship between the dysfunction of the tight junctions and Crohn’s disease is commented. The role of microbiota in the regulation of tight junctions and the participation of tight junctions deregulation in the development of cancer associated to Crohn’s disease are also detailed. Finally, recent findings about the employment of tight junctions as targets for the development of new drugs are described.

  20. Avaliação do desempenho visual da lente intraocular difrativa multifocal - Zeiss AT Lisa 809 MTM

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    Lucas Monferrari Monteiro Vianna


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar a função visual dos pacientes com implante bilateral da LIO multifocal difrativa AT-Lisa 809 MTM por meio dos exames de acuidade visual com e sem correção óptica, curva de sensibilidade ao contraste, curva de desfoco e questionário de qualidade de função visual (VQF39. Métodos: Estudo clínico, prospectivo e de intervenção, que avaliou os resultados de 20 olhos de 10 pacientes, submetidos à facoemulsificação e implante de LIO, entre fevereiro e junho de 2012. Resultados: A ametropia residual média pós-operatória foi de 0,05 ± 0,42 (-0,75 a +1,25 D dioptrias esféricas e -0,30 ± 0,42 (0 a -1,25 D dioptrias cilíndricas. Na curva de desenfoque mono e binocular, a melhor acuidade visual média obtida com 0.00 D de desenfoque (AV de longe. O segundo pico foi obtido com desenfoque de -3,00 D, o que equivale à visão de perto a 33 cm. Entre esses picos, observamos uma perda de desempenho visual, com desenfoque de -2,00 D, que equivale a visão intermediária a 50 cm. A sensibilidade ao contraste foi similar aos relatados na literatura com este tipo de LIO, tanto com quanto sem ofuscamento, e é mostrada em gráficos. O questionário de função visual (VFQ-39 teve valor médio de 91,91 +- 6,82. Conclusão: A LIO multifocal difrativa AT-Lisa 809MTM (Carl Zeiss Meditec Company - Alemanha apresentou resultados condizentes com a literatura quando avaliada pelos exames de acuidade visual com e sem correção óptica, sensibilidade ao contraste, curva de desfoco e questionário de qualidade de função visual (VQF 39.

  1. Combining zonal refractive and diffractive aspheric multifocal intraocular lenses. (United States)

    Muñoz, Gonzalo; Albarrán-Diego, César; Javaloy, Jaime; Sakla, Hani F; Cerviño, Alejandro


    To assess visual performance with the combination of a zonal refractive aspheric multifocal intraocular lens (MIOL) (Lentis Mplus, Oculentis GmbH) and a diffractive aspheric MIOL (Acri.Lisa 366, Acri.Tech GmbH). This prospective interventional cohort study comprised 80 eyes from 40 cataract patients (mean age: 65.5±7.3 years) who underwent implantation of the Lentis Mplus MIOL in one eye and Acri.Lisa 366 MIOL in the fellow eye. The main outcome measures were refraction; monocular and binocular uncorrected and corrected distance, intermediate, and near visual acuities; monocular and binocular defocus curves; binocular photopic contrast sensitivity function compared to a monofocal intraocular lens (IOL) control group (40 age-matched pseudophakic patients implanted with the AR-40e [Abbott Medical Optics]); and quality of vision questionnaire. Binocular uncorrected visual acuities were 0.12 logMAR (0.76 decimal) or better at all distances measured between 6 m and 33 cm. The Lentis Mplus provided statistically significant better vision than the Acri.Lisa at distances between 2 m and 40 cm, and the Acri.Lisa provided statistically significant better vision than the Lentis Mplus at 33 cm. Binocular defocus curve showed little drop-off at intermediate distances. Photopic contrast sensitivity function for distance and near were similar to the monofocal IOL control group except for higher frequencies. Moderate glare (15%), night vision problems (12.5%), and halos (10%) were reported. Complete independence of spectacles was achieved by 92.5% of patients. The combination of zonal refractive aspheric and diffractive aspheric MIOLs resulted in excellent uncorrected binocular distance, intermediate, and near vision, with low incidence of significant photic phenomena and high patient satisfaction. Copyright 2012, SLACK Incorporated.

  2. Steady-state multifocal visual evoked potential (ssmfVEP) using dartboard stimulation as a possible tool for objective visual field assessment. (United States)

    Horn, Folkert K; Selle, Franziska; Hohberger, Bettina; Kremers, Jan


    To investigate whether a conventional, monitor-based multifocal visual evoked potential (mfVEP) system can be used to record steady-state mfVEP (ssmfVEP) in healthy subjects and to study the effects of temporal frequency, electrode configuration and alpha waves. Multifocal pattern reversal VEP measurements were performed at 58 dartboard fields using VEP recording equipment. The responses were measured using m-sequences with four pattern reversals per m-step. Temporal frequencies were varied between 6 and 15 Hz. Recordings were obtained from nine normal subjects with a cross-shaped, four-electrode device (two additional channels were derived). Spectral analyses were performed on the responses at all locations. The signal to noise ratio (SNR) was computed for each response using the signal amplitude at the reversal frequency and the noise at the neighbouring frequencies. Most responses in the ssmfVEP were significantly above noise. The SNR was largest for an 8.6-Hz reversal frequency. The individual alpha electroencephalogram (EEG) did not strongly influence the results. The percentage of the records in which each of the 6 channels had the largest SNR was between 10.0 and 25.2 %. Our results in normal subjects indicate that reliable mfVEP responses can be achieved by steady-state stimulation using a conventional dartboard stimulator and multi-channel electrode device. The ssmfVEP may be useful for objective visual field assessment as spectrum analysis can be used for automated evaluation of responses. The optimal reversal frequency is 8.6 Hz. Alpha waves have only a minor influence on the analysis. Future studies must include comparisons with conventional mfVEP and psychophysical visual field tests.

  3. Image quality comparison of two multifocal IOLs: influence of the pupil. (United States)

    García-Domene, Mari Carmen; Felipe, Adelina; Peris-Martínez, Cristina; Navea, Amparo; Artigas, Jose M; Pons, Álvaro M


    To evaluate the effect of pupil size on image quality of a sectorial multifocal intraocular lens (IOL), the Lentis Mplus (Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany), and the Acri.LISA IOL (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany). The authors measured the MTFs of the Lentis Mplus LS-312 IOL and the Acri.LISA 366D IOL with three different sizes of pupil diameters: 3, 4, and 5 mm. The MTF was calculated from the cross-line spread function recorded with the OPAL Vector System (Image Science Ltd., Oxford, UK) by using fast Fourier-transform techniques. In distance focus, the image quality provided by the Lentis Mplus IOL was better than that of the Acri. LISA IOL with all pupil diameters. In near focus, the MTF of the Acri.LISA IOL was better with a 3-mm pupil, but poor with larger pupils. The aberration effect was equal in both IOLs in distance focus, but in near focus and with a 3-mm pupil, the Acri.LISA IOL was less affected by the aberration than the Lentis Mplus IOL. The Lentis Mplus IOL provides better distance image quality than the Acri.LISA IOL, whereas the near image quality of the Acri.LISA IOL is better with small-pupil diameter. The sectorial design makes this IOL more suitable for patients with a pupil diameter greater than 3 mm. Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated.

  4. Multifocal electroretinogram in normal emmetropic subjects: Correlation with optical coherence tomography

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    Rajvardhan Azad


    Full Text Available Aim of the Study: To establish the normative database for multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG parameters in a normal emmetropic population. To correlate the data so obtained with the central macular thickness obtained using the optical coherence tomography (OCT scan. Materials and Methods: mfERG data were obtained from 222 eyes of 111 emmetropic subjects. The amplitude (nv/deg 2 and implicit times (ms of the first-order kernel mfERG responses (N1, P1, and N2 waves were obtained and grouped into five rings (Ring 1: Central 2°, Ring 2: 2-5°, Ring 3: 5-10°, Ring 4: 10-15°, Ring 5: >15°. The central macular thickness (CMT was obtained using the macular thickness scan protocol of the OCT. Results: The mfERG data obtained were used to create a normative database. The amplitudes of the mfERG waves were maximum in the fovea and progressively decreased with increasing eccentricity (P = 0.0001. The latencies of the P1 and N2 waves were longest in the central ring and progressively shortened with eccentricity (P = 0.0001. No statistically significant correlations were observed between central ring 1 parameters and the CMT. Conclusion: This study establishes normative database for mfERG parameters in an emmetropic population. No statistically significant correlation was noted between CMT and mfERG parameters.

  5. Perspectives of Cosmesis following Breast Conservation for Multifocal and Multicentric Breast Cancers

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    Mona P. Tan


    Full Text Available Background. Contemporary data suggest that breast conservation treatment (BCT for multifocal and multicentric breast cancer (MFMCBC may be appropriate with noninferior local control rates. However, there is a paucity of data to evaluate patient’s satisfaction with cosmetic outcomes after BCT for MFMCBC. This study was performed to bridge this information gap. Methods. All patients treated at the authors’ healthcare facility were included in the study. Patients with MFMCBC who were assessed to be eligible for BCT underwent tumour resection using standard surgical techniques with direct parenchymal closure through a single incision. After at least three years of follow-up, they were invited to participate in a survey regarding their cosmetic outcomes. Results. Of a total of 160 patients, 40 had MFMCBC, of whom 34 (85% underwent successful BCT. Five-year cancer-specific survival and disease-free survival were 95.7%. Twenty of the 34 patients responded to the survey. No patient rated her cosmetic outcome as “poor.” Analysis indicated low agreement between patients’ self-assessment and clinician-directed evaluation of aesthetic results. Conclusion. BCT for MFMCBC is feasible with acceptable survival and cosmetic outcomes. However, there appears to be a disparity between patient and clinician-directed evaluation of cosmetic results which warrant further research.

  6. Multifocal scalp abscess with subcutaneous fat necrosis and scarring alopecia as a complication of scalp mesotherapy. (United States)

    Kadry, Razan; Hamadah, Issam; Al-Issa, Abdullah; Field, Lawrence; Alrabiah, Fahad


    Over the past several years, there has been a growing interest in the treatment method termed mesotherapy. Marketed for nonsurgical fat melting, skin rejuvenation, and hair regrowth, this technique has become increasingly popular and, in the public's view, it is considered to be a relatively benign intervention method. Mesotherapy was introduced over 50 years ago by M. Pistor, a French physician who utilized this technique initially as a novel analgesic therapeutic method for a variety of rheumatologic disorders. Since its introduction, the basic principal of locally injecting subcutaneous doses of varying chemicals has been expanded and is now utilized for the aforementioned cosmetic concerns. With its increased popularity, there has been an increase in the number of reported side effects resulting from mesotherapeutic intervention. We report multifocal scalp abscesses with subcutaneous fat necrosis as a direct result of mesotherapy; therefore, requiring extensive surgical repair.

  7. Patrones de infiltración leucocitaria y de expresión tisular de quimioquinas, factor de crecimiento endotelial vascular y mediadores del metabolismo oxidativo en lesiones inflamatorias y neoplásicas de cervix


    Carrero Castillo, Yenddy Nayghit


    En nuestro trabajo de investigación sobre el patrón de infiltración leucocitaria de epitelio y estroma uterino y de la expresión tisular de quimioquinas, factor de crecimiento endotelial vascular y metabolitos oxidativos en pacientes con displasia epitelial, con cervicitis sin alteración displásica y controles sanos se concluye que: La progresión en el grado de displasia epitelial se asocia a una mayor y selectiva infiltración de linfocitos sin modificaciones en la estirpe monicitaria y la re...

  8. Error induced by the estimation of the corneal power and the effective lens position with a rotationally asymmetric refractive multifocal intraocular lens. (United States)

    Piñero, David P; Camps, Vicente J; Ramón, María L; Mateo, Verónica; Pérez-Cambrodí, Rafael J


    To evaluate the prediction error in intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation for a rotationally asymmetric refractive multifocal IOL and the impact on this error of the optimization of the keratometric estimation of the corneal power and the prediction of the effective lens position (ELP). Retrospective study including a total of 25 eyes of 13 patients (age, 50 to 83y) with previous cataract surgery with implantation of the Lentis Mplus LS-312 IOL (Oculentis GmbH, Germany). In all cases, an adjusted IOL power (PIOLadj) was calculated based on Gaussian optics using a variable keratometric index value (nkadj) for the estimation of the corneal power (Pkadj) and on a new value for ELP (ELPadj) obtained by multiple regression analysis. This PIOLadj was compared with the IOL power implanted (PIOLReal) and the value proposed by three conventional formulas (Haigis, Hoffer Q and Holladay I). PIOLReal was not significantly different than PIOLadj and Holladay IOL power (P>0.05). In the Bland and Altman analysis, PIOLadj showed lower mean difference (-0.07 D) and limits of agreement (of 1.47 and -1.61 D) when compared to PIOLReal than the IOL power value obtained with the Holladay formula. Furthermore, ELPadj was significantly lower than ELP calculated with other conventional formulas (P<0.01) and was found to be dependent on axial length, anterior chamber depth and Pkadj. Refractive outcomes after cataract surgery with implantation of the multifocal IOL Lentis Mplus LS-312 can be optimized by minimizing the keratometric error and by estimating ELP using a mathematical expression dependent on anatomical factors.

  9. La célula de langerhans.

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    Ladys Sarmiento


    Full Text Available La célula de Langerhans es una presentadora de antígenos profesional que juega un papel clave en el inicio y en la regulación de la respuesta inmune. Se localiza en la epidermis y en otros epitelios estratificados desde donde emigra a los órganos linfoides secundarios para presentar a los linfocitos T aquellos antígenos que penetran por la piel e iniciar la respuesta inmune específica. Presentamos una serie de imágenes de microscopía de luz y electrónica de estas células tal y como se encuentran en la epidermis y su morfología después de emigrar al medio de cultivo. Se reseñan algunos factores que inducen su migración, así como los usos terapéuticos potenciales como moduladoras de la respuesta inmune, ya sea para generarla, como en el caso del tratamiento del melanoma; aumentarla, en infecciones causadas por microorganismos intracelulares, o evitarla para el tratamiento de alergias.

  10. Case definition for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy following treatment with monoclonal antibodies. (United States)

    Mentzer, Dirk; Prestel, Jürgen; Adams, Ortwin; Gold, Ralf; Hartung, Hans-Peter; Hengel, Hartmut; Kieseier, Bernd C; Ludwig, Wolf-Dieter; Keller-Stanislawski, Brigitte


    Novel immunosuppressive/modulating therapies with monoclonal antibodies (MABs) have been associated with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a potentially fatal disease of the brain caused by the JC virus. Taking the complex diagnostic testing and heterogeneous clinical presentation of PML into account, an agreed case definition for PML is a prerequisite for a thorough assessment of PML. A working group was established to develop a standardised case definition for PML which permits data comparability across clinical trials, postauthorisation safety studies and passive postmarketing surveillance. The case definition is designed to define levels of diagnostic certainty of reported PML cases following treatment with MABs. It was subsequently used to categorise retrospectively suspected PML cases from Germany reported to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute as the responsible national competent authority. The algorithm of the case definition is based on clinical symptoms, PCR for JC virus DNA in cerebrospinal fluid, brain MRI, and brain biopsy/autopsy. The case definition was applied to 119 suspected cases of PML following treatment with MABs and is considered to be helpful for case ascertainment of suspected PML cases for various MABs covering a broad spectrum of indications. Even if the available information is not yet complete, the case definition provides a level of diagnostic certainty. The proposed case definition permits data comparability among different medicinal products and among active as well as passive surveillance settings. It may form a basis for meaningful risk analysis and communication for regulators and healthcare professionals.

  11. [Influence of different multifocal intraocular lens concepts on retinal stray light parameters]. (United States)

    Ehmer, A; Rabsilber, T M; Mannsfeld, A; Sanchez, M J; Holzer, M P; Auffarth, G U


    Multifocal intraocular lenses (MIOL) are known to induce various photic phenomena depending on the optical principle. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between stray light measurements performed with the C-Quant (Oculus, Germany) and the results of a subjective patient questionnaire. In this study three different MIOLs were compared: AMO ReZoom (refractive design, n=10), AMO ZM900 (diffractive design, n=10) and Oculentis Mplus (near segment design, n=10). Cataract and refractive patients were enrolled in the study. Functional results were evaluated at least 3 months postoperatively followed by stray light measurements and a subjective questionnaire. Surgery was performed for all patients without complications. The three groups were matched for age, IOL power and corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA). Significantly different stray light (median) values log(s) were found (Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.05): 1.12 log (refractive), 1.13 log (segment) and 1.28 log (diffractive). The subjective questionnaire did not show differences in glare perception but refractive MIOL patients noticed more halos surrounding light sources than the diffractive and segment MIOL patients. Stray light and subjective photopic phenomena do not show any basic correlation. Measurements in patients with refractive MIOLs showed less stray light than near segment or diffractive MIOLs. However, refractive MIOLs induced more halos compared to the other groups analyzed.

  12. Multifocal electroretinogram and central visual field testing in central areolar choroidal dystrophy. (United States)

    Gundogan, Fatih Cakir; Dinç, Umut Asli; Erdem, Uzeyir; Ozge, Gokhan; Sobaci, Gungor


    To study multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) and its relation to retinal sensitivity assessed by Humphrey visual field (HVF) analysis in central areolar choroidal dystrophy (CACD). Seven eyes of 4 patients with CACD and 15 normal control subjects were examined. mfERG and central 30/2 HVF were tested for each participant. Ring analysis in mfERG was evaluated. HVF results were evaluated in 5 concentric rings in order to compare the results to concentric ring analysis in mfERG. The differences between control subjects and patients were evaluated by Mann-Whitney U test and the correlations were assessed by Spearman test. Mean Snellen acuity was 0.49+/-0.10 in patients. HVF revealed central scotoma in 6 of 7 eyes (85.7%), whereas a paracentral scotoma extending to fixation point was detected in 1 eye. The retinal sensitivities in 5 concentric rings in HVF were significantly lower (p<0.001 for ring 1 to ring 4, and p=0.017 in ring 5) in CACD patients. Similarly, CACD patients had lower P1/N1 amplitudes (p<0.05) and delayed P1/N1 implicit times (p<0.05). In CACD, in the areas of scotoma detected by HVF, mfERG values were depressed. However, both mfERG and HVF abnormalities were found outside the areas of ophthalmoscopically normal retinal areas.

  13. CT and MRI in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. CT und MRT der progressiven multifokalen Leukenzephalopathie (PML)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lanfermann, H. (Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik, Koeln Univ. (Germany)); Heindel, W. (Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik, Koeln Univ. (Germany)); Schroeder, R. (Neuropathologie des Inst. fuer Pathologie, Koeln Univ. (Germany)); Lackner, K. (Inst. und Poliklinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik, Koeln Univ. (Germany))


    Radiological findings and course of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in 14 patients (1 woman, 13 men; 13 HIV seropositive, 1 chronic lymphatic leukaemia) were analysed retrospectively and correlated with clinical symptoms. A total of 21 CT and 16 MRI studies were evaluated. CT scans and MR images of 9 patients, which had been obtained in less than two weeks, could be compared to each other. MRI was superior to CT: 6 lesions with a diameter of 1 cm and below were not detected on CT scans, in 5 patients the extent of lesions was underestimated. Cortical involvement, mass effect or signs of atrophy were missing. Only 1 of 65 lesions showed a tiny enhancement after Gd injection. Due to the pattern and spread of lesions, which showed a close correlation to the neurologic symptoms, three different types of PML are suggested: 1. Initial precentral demyelinisation with contralateral hemiparesis (n=8); 2. lesions in temporo-occipital locations with visual disturbances (n=2); 3. predominantly bilateral lesions of cerebellar white matter with ataxia (n=4). (orig.)

  14. Frontal and occipital horn ratio is associated with multifocal intraparenchymal hemorrhages in neonatal shunted hydrocephalus. (United States)

    Oushy, Soliman; Parker, Jonathon J; Campbell, Kristen; Palmer, Claire; Wilkinson, Corbett; Stence, Nicholas V; Handler, Michael H; Mirsky, David M


    OBJECTIVE Placement of a cerebrospinal fluid diversion device (i.e., shunt) is a routine pediatric neurosurgical procedure, often performed in the first weeks of life for treatment of congenital hydrocephalus. In the postoperative period, shunt placement may be complicated by subdural, catheter tract, parenchymal, and intraventricular hemorrhages. The authors observed a subset of infants and neonates who developed multifocal intraparenchymal hemorrhages (MIPH) following shunt placement and sought to determine any predisposing perioperative variables. METHODS A retrospective review of the electronic medical record at a tertiary-care children's hospital was performed for the period 1998-2015. Inclusion criteria consisted of shunt placement, age hydrocephalus. Markers of severity of ventriculomegaly (FOR) and ventricular response to CSF diversion (∆FOR) were significantly associated with occurrence of MIPH. Choice of shunt and etiology of hydrocephalus were also significantly associated with MIPH. After adjusting for corrected age, etiology of hydrocephalus, and shunt setting, the authors found that ∆FOR after shunting was still associated with MIPH. A prospective study of MIPH prevention strategies and assessment of possible implications for patient outcomes is needed.

  15. Multifocal Gastric Ulcers Caused by Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma in a Patient With Significant Weight Loss

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    Mark A. Gromski MD


    Full Text Available Primary gastrointestinal (GI lymphoma is a heterogeneous disease with varied clinical presentations. The stomach is the most common GI site and accounts for 70% to 75% of GI lymphomas. We present a patient with gastric diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL who presented with significant weight loss, early satiety, and multifocal ulcerated gastric lesions. Esophagoduodenoscopy should be performed in patients presenting with warning symptoms as in our case. Diagnosis is usually made by endoscopic biopsies. Multiple treatment modalities including surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have been used. Advancements in endoscopic and pathologic technology decrease turnaround time for diagnosis and treatment initiation, thus reducing the need for surgery. Health care providers should maintain a high level of suspicion and consider gastric DLBCL as part of the differential diagnosis, especially in those with warning symptoms such as weight loss and early satiety with abnormal endoscopic findings.

  16. Comparison on the visual quality after different multifocal lens implantation in cataract patients

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    Si-Meng Qu


    Full Text Available AIM: To compare the visual quality after different multifocal lens(MIOLimplantation in cataract patients. METHODS:Totally 78 cases(78 eyesof cataract patients who receiving phacoemulsification and implantation of different MIOL were enrolled from February 2016 to June 2017 in our hospital. According to the different type of implanted MIOL, the 78 cases(78 eyeswere divided Group A, B and C, each group was 26 cases(26 eyes. Patients in the Group A were implanted regional refraction MIOL SBL-3; patients in the Group B implanted step progressive diffraction MIOL SN6AD1; patients in the Group C implanted all-optical plane diffraction MIOL Tecnis ZMB00. The visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, defocus testing, contrast visual acuity and satisfaction of visual quality were compared in 3 groups at postoperative 3mo. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in postoperative adverse reactions between the three groups(P>0.05. There was statistical difference in uncorrected intermediate visual acuity, uncorrected near visual acuity, distance-corrected intermediate visual acuity and distance-corrected near visual acuity in 3 groups(PPPPPPPPPCONCLUSION:The region refraction MIOL SBL-3 not only could provide better distant, intermediate and near visual acuity, but also could provide better contrast sensitivity and contrast visual acuity, thereby greatly increase visual quality satisfaction.

  17. Multifocal fibrosing thyroiditis and its association with papillary thyroid carcinoma using BRAF pyrosequencing. (United States)

    Frank, Renee; Baloch, Zubair W; Gentile, Caren; Watt, Christopher D; LiVolsi, Virginia A


    Multifocal fibrosing thyroiditis (MFT) is characterized by numerous foci of fibrosis in a stellate configuration with fibroelastotic and fibroblastic centers entrapping epithelial structures. MFT has been proposed as a risk factor for papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) development. We attempted to identify whether MFT showed such molecular changes and could possibly be related to PTC. We identified seven cases of PTC with MFT in our institutional pathology database and personal consult service of one of the authors (VAL) for the years 1999 to 2012. Areas of PTC, MFT, and normal tissue were selected for BRAF analysis. Macro-dissection, DNA extraction and PCR amplification, and pyrosequencing were performed to detect BRAF mutations in codon 600. All of the MFT lesions and normal thyroid tissue were negative for BRAF mutations. Of the seven PTCs analyzed, five (71 %) were negative for BRAF mutations, while two cases were positive. In our study, none of the MFT lesions harbored BRAF mutations, whereas 29 % (two of seven) PTCs in the same gland were positive. Hence, in this small study, we found no evidence that the MFT lesion is a direct precursor to PTC. It is likely an incidental bystander in the process and a reflection of the background thyroiditis.

  18. Error induced by the estimation of the corneal power and the effective lens position with a rotationally asymmetric refractive multifocal intraocular lens

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    David P. Piñero


    Full Text Available AIM:To evaluate the prediction error in intraocular lens (IOL power calculation for a rotationally asymmetric refractive multifocal IOL and the impact on this error of the optimization of the keratometric estimation of the corneal power and the prediction of the effective lens position (ELP.METHODS:Retrospective study including a total of 25 eyes of 13 patients (age, 50 to 83y with previous cataract surgery with implantation of the Lentis Mplus LS-312 IOL (Oculentis GmbH, Germany. In all cases, an adjusted IOL power (PIOLadj was calculated based on Gaussian optics using a variable keratometric index value (nkadj for the estimation of the corneal power (Pkadj and on a new value for ELP (ELPadj obtained by multiple regression analysis. This PIOLadj was compared with the IOL power implanted (PIOLReal and the value proposed by three conventional formulas (Haigis, Hoffer Q and Holladay Ⅰ.RESULTS:PIOLReal was not significantly different than PIOLadj and Holladay IOL power (P>0.05. In the Bland and Altman analysis, PIOLadj showed lower mean difference (-0.07 D and limits of agreement (of 1.47 and -1.61 D when compared to PIOLReal than the IOL power value obtained with the Holladay formula. Furthermore, ELPadj was significantly lower than ELP calculated with other conventional formulas (P<0.01 and was found to be dependent on axial length, anterior chamber depth and Pkadj.CONCLUSION:Refractive outcomes after cataract surgery with implantation of the multifocal IOL Lentis Mplus LS-312 can be optimized by minimizing the keratometric error and by estimating ELP using a mathematical expression dependent on anatomical factors.

  19. La superaci??n del modelo del ??ngel del hogar:


    Hurtado Mu??oz, M??nica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superaci??n del modelo del "??ngel del hogar". Recuperaci??n de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un an??lisis sociol??gico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer espa??ola en el cambio de siglo en el ??mbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las caracter??sticas propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye q...

  20. Hipodoncia y hueso navicular accesorio: una interesante asociación sindrómica

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    Mario Cantín


    Full Text Available Los dientes se desarrollan a partir de múltiples interacciones recíprocas entre células del epitelio oral y el ectomesénquima. Una serie de genes participan en el desarrollo del diente, así como de otros órganos y miembros superiores e inferiores. PAX9, miembro de la familia de factores de transcripción, es uno de los principales responsables de este desarrollo, y juega un rol fundamental en la hipodoncia dental y malformaciones en los huesos del miembro inferior. El objetivo de este reporte es presentar un caso de asociación entre hipodoncia y el hueso navicular accesorio. Se trata de una paciente de 18 años de edad, que acude a la consulta dental por dolor agudo en la pieza dentaria 3.6 y dolor de 9 meses de evolución en la cara interna del pie izquierdo. Al examen radiográfico, se observó ausencia de las piezas dentarias 1.7, 2.7, 2.8, 3.8 y 4.8, además en el pie izquierdo se vio la presencia de un hueso navicular accesorio. Es interesante proponer esta rara asociación, de clara herencia autosómica dominante, dado que la agenesia dental y la presencia del hueso navicular accesorio, poseen una prevalencia semejante, lo que hace que pueda existir una nueva asociación sindrómica probablemente relacionada con la ausencia de PAX9.

  1. Successful combination immunotherapy of anti-gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptor antibody-positive encephalitis with extensive multifocal brain lesions. (United States)

    Fukami, Yuki; Okada, Hiroaki; Yoshida, Mari; Yamaguchi, Keiji


    A 78-year old woman who presented with akinetic mutism was admitted to our hospital. Brain MRI showed multifocal increased T 2 /FLAIR signal with extensive cortical-subcortical involvement. We suspected autoimmune encephalitis and the patient received methylprednisolone pulse. Her conscious level gradually recovered, but later relapsed again and presented with refractory status epilepticus. We treated her with intravenous immunoglobulin, plasma exchange and pulsed cyclophosphamide, with satisfactory response. A brain biopsy showed perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates and reactive gliosis. Anti-gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor antibodies test came back to be positive after her recovery, and the diagnosis of anti-GABA A receptor antibody-positive encephalitis was made. This is a very rare case where brain biopsies were performed in a patient with anti-GABA A receptor antibody-positive encephalitis.

  2. [Topographic mapping of retinal function with a scanning laser ophthalmoscope and multifocal electroretinography using short M-sequences]. (United States)

    Rudolph, G; Bechmann, M; Berninger, T; Kutschbach, E; Held, U; Tornow, R P; Kalpadakis, P; Zol'nikova, I V; Shamshinova, A M


    A new method of multifocal electroretinography making use of scanning laser ophthalmoscope with a wavelength of 630 nm (SLO-m-ERG), evoking short spatial visual stimuli on the retina, is proposed. Algorithm of presenting the visual stimuli and analysis of distribution of local electroretinograms on the surface of the retina is based on short m-sequences. Mathematical cross correlation analysis shows a three-dimensional distribution of bioelectrical activity of the retina in the central visual field. In normal subjects the cone bioelectrical activity is the maximum in the macular area (corresponding to the density of cone distribution) and absent in the blind spot. The method detects the slightest pathological changes in the retina under control of the site of stimulation and ophthalmoscopic picture of the fundus oculi. The site of the pathological process correlates with the topography of changes in bioelectrical activity of the examined retinal area in diseases of the macular area and pigmented retinitis detectable by ophthalmoscopy.

  3. Historia deldel = History of Padel

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    Bernardino Javier Sánchez-Alcaraz Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo resume la historia del deporte deldel. Existen dos versiones sobre el origen deldel. La primera versión relaciona los antecedentes deldel con los de otros deportes de raqueta como el tenis o el bádminton, siendo su origen común el jeu de la paume francés. Posteriormente, surgen variantes en Estados Unidos como el Paddle Tennis y el Platform Tennis, siendo versiones reducidas del tenis, pero con elementos muy comunes al pádel actual. La segunda versión, aprobada por la Federación Internacional de Pádel, afirma que este deporte nació en México, en 1969, a través del empresario Enrique Corcuera.--------------------------------------------------------------------This research summarizes the history of paddle sport. There are two versions about the origin of paddle. The first version relates the history of paddle with other racket sports like tennis or badminton, and its common origin of the Jeu de Paume French. Later, in in the United States, appear two sports called Paddle Tennis and Platform Tennis, which are reduced versions of tennis sport, but these have lot of common characteristics with paddle. The second version, approved by the International Padel Federation, said the sport was born in Mexico in 1969, through the businessman Enrique Corcuera.

  4. Refractive lens exchange with a multifocal diffractive aspheric intraocular lens

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    Teresa Ferrer-Blasco


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety, efficacy and predictability after refractive lens exchange with multifocal diffractive aspheric intraocular lens implantation. METHODS: Sixty eyes of 30 patients underwent bilateral implantation with AcrySof® ReSTOR® SN6AD3 intraocular lens with +4.00 D near addition. Patients were divided into myopic and hyperopic groups. Monocular best corrected visual acuity at distance and near and monocular uncorrected visual acuity at distance and near were measured before and 6 months postoperatively. RESULTS: After surgery, uncorrected visual acuity was 0.08 ± 0.15 and 0.11 ± 0.14 logMAR for the myopic and hyperopic groups, respectively (50% and 46.67% of patients had an uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better in the myopic and hyperopic groups, respectively. The safety and efficacy indexes were 1.05 and 0.88 for the myopic and 1.01 and 0.86 for the hyperopic groups at distance vision. Within the myopic group, 20 eyes remained unchanged after the surgery, and 3 gained >2 lines of best corrected visual acuity. For the hyperopic group, 2 eyes lost 2 lines of best corrected visual acuity, 21 did not change, and 3 eyes gained 2 lines. At near vision, the safety and efficacy indexes were 1.23 and 1.17 for the myopic and 1.16 and 1.13 for the hyperopic groups. Best corrected near visual acuity improved after surgery in both groups (from 0.10 logMAR to 0.01 logMAR in the myopic group, and from 0.10 logMAR to 0.04 logMAR in the hyperopic group. CONCLUSIONS: The ReSTOR® SN6AD3 intraocular lens in refractive lens exchange demonstrated good safety, efficacy, and predictability in correcting high ametropia and presbyopia.

  5. Optical performance of multifocal soft contact lenses via a single-pass method. (United States)

    Bakaraju, Ravi C; Ehrmann, Klaus; Falk, Darrin; Ho, Arthur; Papas, Eric


    A physical model eye capable of carrying soft contact lenses (CLs) was used as a platform to evaluate optical performance of several commercial multifocals (MFCLs) with high- and low-add powers and a single-vision control. Optical performance was evaluated at three pupil sizes, six target vergences, and five CL-correcting positions using a spatially filtered monochromatic (632.8 nm) light source. The various target vergences were achieved by using negative trial lenses. A photosensor in the retinal plane recorded the image point-spread that enabled the computation of visual Strehl ratios. The centration of CLs was monitored by an additional integrated en face camera. Hydration of the correcting lens was maintained using a humidity chamber and repeated instillations of rewetting saline drops. All the MFCLs reduced performance for distance but considerably improved performance along the range of distance to near target vergences, relative to the single-vision CL. Performance was dependent on add power, design, pupil, and centration of the correcting CLs. Proclear (D) design produced good performance for intermediate vision, whereas Proclear (N) design performed well at near vision (p 4 mm in diameter. Acuvue Oasys bifocal produced performance comparable with single-vision CL for most vergences. Direct measurement of single-pass images at the retinal plane of a physical model eye used in conjunction with various MFCLs is demonstrated. This method may have utility in evaluating the relative effectiveness of commercial and prototype designs.

  6. Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis concomitant with multifocal subcortical white matter lesions on magnetic resonance imaging: a case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    Wang, Rui-Jin; Chen, Bu-Dong; Qi, Dong


    Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis is a severe autoimmune disorder characterized by severe psychiatric symptoms, seizures, decreased consciousness, autonomic dysregulation, and dyskinesias. Multifocal subcortical white matter lesions on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery and diffuse weighted images have rarely been reported in previous literature, and serial magnetic resonance imaging changes after plasma exchange have not been presented before. A previously healthy 24-year-old Chinese woman presented with acute psychiatric symptoms characterized by fear and agitation followed by decreased consciousness, dyskinesias, and seizures. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed hyperintense lesions on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery and diffuse weighted images in bilateral subcortical white matter. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis revealed a mild pleocytosis with lymphocytic predominance. Protein and glucose levels were normal. Aquaporin-4 antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid were negative. Identification of anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid confirmed the diagnosis of anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis. She was initially treated with combined intravenous immunoglobulin and methylprednisolone without improvement. Plasma exchange was then initiated with good response; the patient made a full recovery after several cycles of plasma exchange. Repeat magnetic resonance imaging performed 1 month after plasma exchange showed partial resolution of the hyperintense lesions in bilateral subcortical white matter, and follow-up magnetic resonance imaging 2 months after plasma exchange showed complete resolution. Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis may be concomitant with multifocal subcortical white matter lesions. Such lesions may resolve after appropriate immunotherapy.

  7. Extended depth of focus contact lenses vs. two commercial multifocals: Part 2. Visual performance after 1 week of lens wear. (United States)

    Bakaraju, Ravi C; Tilia, Daniel; Sha, Jennifer; Diec, Jennie; Chung, Jiyoon; Kho, Danny; Delaney, Shona; Munro, Anna; Thomas, Varghese

    To compare the visual performance of prototype contact lenses designed via deliberate manipulation of higher-order spherical aberrations to extend-depth-of-focus with two commercial multifocals, after 1 week of lens wear. In a prospective, participant-masked, cross-over, randomized, 1-week dispensing clinical-trial, 43 presbyopes [age: 42-63 years] each wore AIROPTIX Aqua multifocal (AOMF), ACUVUE OASYS for presbyopia (AOP) and extended-depth-of-focus prototypes (EDOF) appropriate to their add requirements. Measurements comprised high-contrast-visual-acuity (HCVA) at 6m, 70cm, 50cm and 40cm; low-contrast-visual-acuity (LCVA) and contrast-sensitivity (CS) at 6m and stereopsis at 40cm. A self-administered questionnaire on a numeric-rating-scale (1-10) assessed subjective visual performance comprising clarity-of-vision and lack-of-ghosting at various distances during day/night-viewing conditions and overall-vision-satisfaction. EDOF was significantly better than AOMF and AOP for HCVA averaged across distances (p≤0.038); significantly worse than AOMF for LCVA (p=0.021) and significantly worse than AOMF for CS in medium and high add-groups (p=0.006). None of these differences were clinically significant (≤2 letters). EDOF was significantly better than AOMF and AOP for mean stereoacuity (36 and 13 seconds-of-arc, respectively: p≤0.05). For clarity-of-vision, EDOF was significantly better than AOP at all distances and AOMF at intermediate and near (p≤0.028). For lack-of-ghosting averaged across distances, EDOF was significantly better than AOP (p<0.001) but not AOMF (p=0.186). EDOF was significantly better than AOMF and AOP for overall-vision-satisfaction (p≤0.024). EDOF provides better intermediate and near vision performance than either AOMF or AOP with no difference for distance vision after 1 week of lens wear. Copyright © 2017 Spanish General Council of Optometry. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. Potencial del Agua del suelo

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    Bustamante Heliodoro


    Full Text Available La energía potencial del agua presenta diferencias de un punto del suelo a otro; esas diferencias son las que originan el movimiento del agua de acuerdo a la tendencia universal de la materia en el sentido de moverse de donde la energía potencial es mayor a donde dicha energía es menor. En el suelo el agua en consecuencia se mueve hacia donde su energía decrece hasta lograr su estado de equilibrio. Se desprende entonces que la cantidad de energía potencial absoluta contenida en el agua, no es importante por sí misma, sino por su relación con la energía en diferentes lugares dentro del suelo. El concepto Potencial de agua del suelo es un criterio para esta energía.

  9. Recurrent multifocal chronic osteitis in children; Osteite chronique multifocale recurrente de l`enfant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quelquejay, C.; Hamidou, A.; Benosman, A.; Adamsbaum, C. [Hopital Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, 75 - Paris (France); Job-Deslandre, Ch. [Hopital Cochin, 75 - Paris (France)


    We have studied retrospectively a series of 10 children presenting with chronic multifocal osteomyelitis (8 girls, 2 boys, 7 to 16 years). All patients had plain films, bone scintigraphies and histological studies. Three had CT scan and/or MRI. Compared with literature data, we observed only one case of palmo-plantar pustulosis and only 2 cases of lysis of the medial extremity of the clavicle; in addition, we report one case of lateral extremity of the clavicle and 2 vertebral locations. The radiological pattern was typical: at the beginning of the disease, plain films showed lytic areas which became progressively osteosclerotic with enlargement of the bone. In all the cases, bone scintigraphy revealed high uptake areas which were often infra-clinical. The diagnosis was delayed from 3 months to 3 years. This emphasizes the difficulty of the diagnosis which relies on the association of clinical, biological and radiological elements. Biopsies are required to rule out an infectious bacterial osteomyelitis or a tumoral process. The pathogenesis of OCMR remains unknown, but the relation with the SAPHO (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, Hyperostosis, osteitis) syndrome is general accepted because of the similar features of the osteitis. The long term follow up appears to be uncertain: 6 of our patients are still symptomatic after five years despite anti inflammatory treatment. (authors). 22 refs.

  10. High b-value diffusion-weighted imaging in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in HIV patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godi, Claudia; De Vita, Enrico; Davagnanam, Indran; Tombetti, Enrico; Haddow, Lewis; Jaeger, Hans Rolf


    An ill-defined hyperintense edge and hypointense core on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is typical of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). We aimed to investigate whether a b-value of 3,000 s/mm"2 (b3000) can improve visualisation of PML, or provide different structural information compared to 1,000 s/mm"2 (b1000). We retrospectively identified HIV-positive patients with confirmed PML studied under a clinical protocol including both b1000 and b3000 DWI. The rim and core of each PML lesion and normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) were outlined on trace-weighted DWI. Signal intensities, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values and volumes were measured and compared between b1000 and b3000. Nine lesions from seven patients were analysed. The rim and core were better visualised on b3000, with higher signal of the rim and lower signal of the core compared to NAWM. The hyperintense rim had non-restricted average ADCs, but included foci of low ADC on both b3000 and b1000. Despite similar total lesion volumes, b3000 displayed significantly larger core and smaller rim volumes than b1000. b3000 improves visualisation of this important PML hallmark. Moreover, b3000 partly reclassifies tissue from rim into core, and might provide potentially more accurate biomarkers of PML activity and prognosis. (orig.)

  11. High b-value diffusion-weighted imaging in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in HIV patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Godi, Claudia [San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Neuroradiology Department, Milan (Italy); The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Lysholm Department of Neuroradiology, London (United Kingdom); UCL Institute of Neurology, Neuroradiological Academic Unit, Department of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, London (United Kingdom); De Vita, Enrico; Davagnanam, Indran [The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Lysholm Department of Neuroradiology, London (United Kingdom); UCL Institute of Neurology, Neuroradiological Academic Unit, Department of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, London (United Kingdom); Tombetti, Enrico [Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (Italy); Haddow, Lewis [University College London, Centre for Sexual Health and HIV Research, Research Department of Infection and Population Health, London (United Kingdom); Jaeger, Hans Rolf [The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Lysholm Department of Neuroradiology, London (United Kingdom); UCL Institute of Neurology, Neuroradiological Academic Unit, Department of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, London (United Kingdom); University College Hospital, Centre of Medical Imaging, London (United Kingdom)


    An ill-defined hyperintense edge and hypointense core on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is typical of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). We aimed to investigate whether a b-value of 3,000 s/mm{sup 2} (b3000) can improve visualisation of PML, or provide different structural information compared to 1,000 s/mm{sup 2} (b1000). We retrospectively identified HIV-positive patients with confirmed PML studied under a clinical protocol including both b1000 and b3000 DWI. The rim and core of each PML lesion and normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) were outlined on trace-weighted DWI. Signal intensities, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values and volumes were measured and compared between b1000 and b3000. Nine lesions from seven patients were analysed. The rim and core were better visualised on b3000, with higher signal of the rim and lower signal of the core compared to NAWM. The hyperintense rim had non-restricted average ADCs, but included foci of low ADC on both b3000 and b1000. Despite similar total lesion volumes, b3000 displayed significantly larger core and smaller rim volumes than b1000. b3000 improves visualisation of this important PML hallmark. Moreover, b3000 partly reclassifies tissue from rim into core, and might provide potentially more accurate biomarkers of PML activity and prognosis. (orig.)

  12. Clinical application of multifocal visual evoked potentials in children with epilepsy caused by intracranial disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yukawa, Eiichi; Kim, Yeong-Jin; Kawasaki, Kensuke; Yoshii, Toshiaki; Hara, Yoshiaki


    We investigated whether visual field defects could be objectively evaluated using multifocal visual evoked potential (m-VEP) in two children with epilepsy caused by intracranial disease in whom it was difficult to measure the visual field. To determine normal waves in m-VEP, recording was performed using a visual evoked response imaging system (VERIS) Junior Science program (Mayo, Aichi, Japan) in 20 healthy children (20 eyes) peak latency and amplitude were used for assessment. In the two children with epilepsy, m-VEPs were recorded, and compared with the results of static perimetry or the lesions observed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). In the 20 healthy children, there was no significant difference in the peak latency or amplitude among 4 quadrants by one-way analysis of variance. m-VEP in the children with epilepsy showed abnormal waves, corresponding to the visual field defects in the static perimetry or the lesions observed by MRI. Objective evaluation of visual field defects using m-VEP may be useful in children with epilepsy caused by intracranial disease in whom kinetic/static perimetry as a subjective examination is difficult. (author)

  13. Efecto del silicio y plaguicidas en la fertilidad del suelo y rendimiento del arroz


    Furcal-Beriguete, Parménides; Herrera-Barrantes, Alejandra


    Efecto del silicio y plaguicidas en la fertilidad del suelo y rendimiento del arroz. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, ...

  14. Comparing the relative peripheral refraction effect of single vision and multifocal contact lenses measured using an autorefractor and an aberrometer: A pilot study. (United States)

    Bakaraju, Ravi C; Fedtke, Cathleen; Ehrmann, Klaus; Ho, Arthur


    To compare the contributions of single vision (SVCL) and multifocal contact lenses (MFCL) to the relative peripheral refraction (RPR) profiles obtained via an autorefractor and an aberrometer in a pilot study. Two instruments, Shin-Nippon NVision K5001 (SN) and COAS-HD, were modified to permit open field PR measurements. Two myopic adults (CF, RB) were refracted (cycloplegia) under eight conditions: baseline (no CL); three SVCLs: Focus Dailies(®) (Alcon, USA), PureVision(®) (Bausch & Lomb, USA) and AirOptix(®) (Alcon, USA); and four MFCLs: AirOptix(®) (Alcon, USA), Proclear(®) Distant and Near (Cooper Vision, USA), and PureVision(®) (Bausch & Lomb, USA). CLs had a distance prescription of -2.00D and for MFCLs, a +2.50D Add was selected. Five independent measurements were performed at field angles from -40° to +40° in 10° increments with both instruments. The COAS-HD measures were analyzed at 3mm pupil diameter. Results are reported as a change in the relative PR profile, as refractive power vector components: M, J180, and J45. Overall, at baseline, M, J180 and J45 measures obtained with SN and COAS-HD were considerably different only for field angles ≥±30°, which agreed well with previous studies. With respect to M, this observation held true for most SVCLs with a few exceptions. The J180 measures obtained with COAS-HD were considerably greater in magnitude than those acquired with SN. For SVCLs, the greatest difference was found at -40° for AirOptix SV (ΔCF=3.20D, ΔRB=1.56D) and for MFCLs it was for Proclear Distance at -40° (ΔCF=2.58D, ΔRB=1.39D). The J45 measures obtained with SN were noticeably different to the respective measures with COAS-HD, both in magnitude and sign. The greatest difference was found with AirOptix Multifocal in subject RB at -40°, where the COAS-HD measurement was 1.50D more positive. In some cases, the difference in the RPR profiles observed between subjects appeared to be associated with CL decentration. For most test

  15. Effectiveness of Clinical Diagnosis in Lesions by HPV in Mouth. Useful Clinical Criteria


    Josué Roberto Bermeo Escalona; Blanca Silvia González López; Eva Ramón Gallegos; Hugo Mendieta Zerón


    La infección por virus del papiloma humano (vph) en boca se asocia con lesiones como hiperplasia epitelial multifocal (hem), verruga vulgar (vv) y condiloma acuminado (ca). En este sentido, se evaluó la eficacia del diagnóstico clínico en lesiones por vph en boca y se propusieron criterios útiles para su diagnóstico. Los resultados sugieren que la evaluación clínica no permite diferenciar las lesiones. Las variables clínicas encontradas para el diagnóstico de hem fueron edad y presencia de le...

  16. Determinantes del trabajo infantil y la escolaridad: el caso del Valle del Cauca en Colombia

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    Sebastián Urueña Abadía


    Full Text Available Colombia, al igual que la mayoría de países latinoamericanos, consciente de las repercusiones sociales y económicas negativas del trabajo infantil, se ha comprometido en la lucha por la erradicación de este fenómeno. Prueba de ello es la ratificación por parte del gobierno colombiano en el año 2007, del Convenio 182 de la OIT sobre la Prohibición de las Peores Formas de Trabajo Infantil y la Acción Inmediata para su Eliminación. En el plano regional, como parte del Plan de Desarrollo del Departamento del Valle del Cauca 2008-2011, se está implementando actualmente una estrategia territorial de erradicación del trabajo infantil en sus 42 municipios. Considerando este panorama, este trabajo indaga cuáles son los determinantes del trabajo infantil y la escolaridad en el departamento del Valle a partir de los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida del año 2003. Para el análisis se emplea un modelo econométrico Probit Bivariado, que permite el estudio conjunto e interrelacionado de decisiones diferentes, en este caso la asistencia escolar y el trabajo.

  17. Impact of a manualized multifocal perinatal home-visiting program using psychologists on postnatal depression: the CAPEDP randomized controlled trial.

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    Romain Dugravier

    Full Text Available Postnatal maternal depression (PND is a significant risk factor for infant mental health. Although often targeted alongside other factors in perinatal home-visiting programs with vulnerable families, little impact on PND has been observed.This study evaluates the impact on PND symptomatology of a multifocal perinatal home-visiting intervention using psychologists in a sample of women presenting risk factors associated with infant mental health difficulties.440 primiparous women were recruited at their seventh month of pregnancy. All were future first-time mothers, under 26, with at least one of three additional psychosocial risk factors: low educational level, low income, or planning to raise the child without the father. The intervention consisted of intensive multifocal home visits through to the child's second birthday. The control group received care as usual. PND symptomatology was assessed at baseline and three months after birth using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS.At three months postpartum, mean (SD EPDS scores were 9.4 (5.4 for the control group and 8.6 (5.4 for the intervention group (p = 0.18. The difference between the mean EPDS scores was 0.85 (95% CI: 0.35; 1.34. The intervention group had significantly lower EPDS scores than controls in certain subgroups: women with few depressive symptoms at inclusion (EPDS <8: difference = 1.66 (95%CI: 0.17; 3.15, p = 0.05, adjusted for baseline EPDS score, women who were planning to raise the child with the child's father: difference = 1.45 (95%CI: 0.27; 2.62, p = 0.04 (adjusted; women with a higher educational level: difference = 1.59 (95%CI: 0.50; 2.68 p = 0.05 (adjusted.CAPEDP failed to demonstrate an overall impact on PND. However, post-hoc analysis reveals the intervention was effective in terms of primary prevention and in subgroups of women without certain risk factors. Effective overall reduction of PND symptomatology for young, first-time mothers presenting additional

  18. La superación del modelo del ángel del hogar:


    Hurtado Muñoz, Mónica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superación del modelo del "ángel del hogar". Recuperación de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un análisis sociológico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer española en el cambio de siglo en el ámbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las características propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye que la cr...

  19. [Halos and multifocal intraocular lenses: origin and interpretation]. (United States)

    Alba-Bueno, F; Vega, F; Millán, M S


    To present the theoretical and experimental characterization of the halo in multifocal intraocular lenses (MIOL). The origin of the halo in a MIOL is the overlaying of 2 or more images. Using geometrical optics, it can be demonstrated that the diameter of each halo depends on the addition of the lens (ΔP), the base power (P(d)), and the diameter of the IOL that contributes to the «non-focused» focus. In the image plane that corresponds to the distance focus, the halo diameter (δH(d)) is given by: δH(d)=d(pn) ΔP/P(d), where d(pn) is the diameter of the IOL that contributes to the near focus. Analogously, in the near image plane the halo diameter (δH(n)) is: δH(n)=d(pd) ΔP/P(d), where d(pd) is the diameter of the IOL that contributes to the distance focus. Patients perceive halos when they see bright objects over a relatively dark background. In vitro, the halo can be characterized by analyzing the intensity profile of the image of a pinhole that is focused by each of the foci of a MIOL. A comparison has been made between the halos induced by different MIOL of the same base power (20D) in an optical bench. As predicted by theory, the larger the addition of the MIOL, the larger the halo diameter. For large pupils and with MIOL with similar aspheric designs and addition (SN6AD3 vs ZMA00), the apodized MIOL has a smaller halo diameter than a non-apodized one in distance vision, while in near vision the size is very similar, but the relative intensity is higher in the apodized MIOL. When comparing lenses with the same diffractive design, but with different spherical-aspheric base design (SN60D3 vs SN6AD3), the halo in distance vision of the spherical MIOL is larger, while in near vision the spherical IOL induces a smaller halo, but with higher intensity due to the spherical aberration of the distance focus in the near image. In the case of a trifocal-diffractive IOL (AT LISA 839MP) the most noticeable characteristic is the double-halo formation due to the 2 non

  20. Foliculitis pustulosa eosinofílica: Enfermedad de Ofuji Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis: Ofuji's disease

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    R E Achenbach


    Full Text Available Presentamos un caso de la denominada foliculitis pustulosa eosinofílica o enfermedad de Ofuji, sin eosinofilia periférica ni inmunosupresión asociada. El cuadro respondió inicialmente bien a la dapsona, pero debido a un aumento de enzimas hepáticas y bilirrubina se rotó a terapia tópica con clobetasol y pimecrolimus, con buena respuesta. Efectuamos una revisión del cuadro enfatizando que el mismo constituye una inflamación del epitelio infundibular y no folicular constituyendo un patrón de respuesta a múltiples causas, algunas o la mayoría no bien conocidas.A case of the so called eosinophilic pustular folliculitis or Ofuji´s disease, without blood eosinophilia nor immunosuppression is reported. The patient responded at first well to Dapsone, but an increase of the hepatic enzymes and bilirubin was detected and only topical therapy with clobetazol and pimecrolimus was carried out with a good response. A revision of the disease with emphasis in the concept of infundibulitis rather than folliculitis was made. The eosinophilic pustular folliculitis is a pattern of response to multifactorial, mostly unknown, causes and not a single disease.

  1. Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis: a radiological and clinical investigation of five cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Demharter, J.; Bohndorf, K.; Michl, W.; Vogt, H.


    Objective. To make a detailed evaluation of the clinical and radiological course of five children with chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO). Emphasis was laid on the correlation between clinical data and radiological findings. Design and patients. Clinical data, histology (n=11), bone scintigraphy (n=17), and the plain radiographs (n=198) of these patients were reviewed. The mean time of observation was 6.6 years (range 1-14.5 years). Thirty-two lesions seen at the time of primary diagnosis (n=22) or during the course of the disease (n=10) were evaluated. Twenty-seven foci were located in bone; in five cases the sacroiliac joints were involved. Results. Bone scintigrams showed nearly all foci (31/32) and were especially helpful in clinically asymptomatic lesions (14/32) or foci which were radiographically difficult to detect or not seen at all (8/32). Only 14 of 32 foci were locally symptomatic clinically. In all cases with a short interval (≤3 weeks) between the onset of local symptoms and evaluation by plain radiographs (n=5) osteolysis was shown without a sclerotic margin. All bone lesions with a longer duration of local symptoms (n=7) revealed a variable radiographic pattern: osteolysis with sclerotic rim in three, a mixed lytic-sclerotic lesion in three and pure sclerosis in one. In two cases low back pain could be ascribed to sacroiliitis. Conclusion. Only careful correlation between clinical, scintigraphy and radiographic features permits an accurate assessment of disease activity in CRMO. The bone lesions detected radiographically soon after the onset of symptoms resemble those of acute osteomyelitis. (orig.)

  2. Síndrome de Gardner

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available El síndrome de Gardner, una variante de la poliposis adenomatosa familiar, es una enfermedad hereditaria autosómica dominante caracterizada por la presencia combinada de múltiples pólipos intestinales y manifestaciones extraintestinales que incluyen osteomas múltiples, tumores del tejido conectivo carcinoma de tiroides hipertrofia del epitelio pigmentado de la retina, también son frecuentes la presencia de dientes supernumerarios retenidos y odontomas. Se presenta un caso clínico de un paciente masculino, de 20 años de edad que acude a consulta por presentar aumento de volumen en tres localizaciones de la región facial. Radiográficamente se constataron las imágenes radiopacas características del osteoma y con la rectosigmoidescopia la presencia de pólipos intestinales. La intervención quirúrgica de los osteomas se realizó bajo anestesia general que incluyó condilectomía del lado izquierdo. El diagnóstico histopatológico fue de osteoma ebúrneo. Un año después del procedimiento se observó clínicamente recuperación estética y funcional y radiográficamente buena regeneración ósea en al ángulo mandibular donde se encontraba el osteoma de mayor diámetro. El paciente ha tenido hasta la actualidad una evolución muy satisfactoria, con excelente apertura bucal. El objetivo es describir el manejo que se tuvo con un paciente con síndrome de Gardner en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial de Artemisa.

  3. Comparison between OPD-scan results and contrast sensitivity of three intraocular lenses: spheric AcrySof SN60AT, aspheric AcrySof SN60WF and multifocal AcrySof Restor lens Estudo comparativo da análise de frente de onda e sensibilidade ao contraste entre as lentes intra-oculares multifocal AcrySof Restor SN60D3, monofocal AcrySof SN60WF asférica e a monofocal SN60AT esférica

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    Celso Takashi Nakano


    Full Text Available Purpose: Compare the OPD-scan results and the contrast sensitivity in patients who had implantation of the AcrySof SN60D3 multifocal IOL, the AcrySof SA60AT spheric monofocal IOL and the AcrySof SN60AT aspheric monofocal IOL. Methods: Thirty-two eyes received the multifocal IOL, 32 eyes received the spheric monofocal IOL and 32 eyes received the aspheric monofocal IOL. They were closely paired in age, sex, pre-operative wavefront analysis and contrast sensitivity. All patients was tested with the OPD-scan aberrometer, ETDRS chart at 100% and 9% contrasts and contrast sensitivity. Results: Statistically significant differences were detected more total aberration in SN60AT group (KW = 9.42; p=0.009 when compared to SN60D3 group (p=0.016 and SN60WF group (p=0.0047. The SN60AT group (KW = 16.20; p=0.0003 showed with high spherical aberration values compared to the SN60WF (p=0.00046 and SN60D3 (p=0.0014 group. No significant differences were found between groups in far-distance VA measured using ETDRS at 100% and 9% contrast. The SN60D3 group compared to SN60AT group (p=0.016 had low contrast sensitivity (log units with statistical difference in 6.0 cpd (KW = 7.84; p=0.0199, but no statistical difference between SN60WF and SN60AT group (p=0.91 and SN60WF and SN60D3 group (p=0.051. The SN60D3 group had low contrast sensitivity performed under mesopic conditions (KW = 10.79; p=0,0045 in 6cpd spatial frequency compared to the SN60AT group (p=0.011 and to the SN60WF group (p=0.007 with statistical significant differences. Conclusion: In all analyzed parameters of OPD-scan aberrometry the aspheric and the multifocal IOLs provided less total and spherical aberrations than spheric IOLs. All IOLs provided an excellent high and low contrasts vision, the multifocal IOL was as good as the spheric and aspheric monofocal IOLs.Objetivo: Comparar a sensibilidade ao contraste e análise de "wavefront" com OPD-scan em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de facoemulsifica

  4. Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx arising in multifocal pharyngolaryngeal oncocytic papillary cystadenoma: a case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    Stenner, Markus; Müller, Klaus-Michael; Koopmann, Mario; Rudack, Claudia


    We report on a rare case of a laryngeal carcinoma arising in a multifocal pharyngolaryngeal oncocytic papillary cystadenoma (OPC). The disease of a 63-year-old man is well documented by computed and positron emission tomography, histology, and electron microscopy. We could show that an OPC can even develop in the pharynx. The coexistence of both tumors makes this a challenging diagnosis for pathologists. Treated by surgery and radiotherapy, both lesions dissolved. Based on the literature available, we discuss the theory that the laryngeal carcinoma might be the result of a true metaplasia facilitated by chronic irritation and recommend a regular follow-up for OPC too. As in benign oncocytic lesions, we could show that the detection of numerous mitochondria is a diagnostic indicator for malignant variants as well.

  5. Phase II trial of upfront bevacizumab and temozolomide for unresectable or multifocal glioblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lou, Emil; Peters, Katherine B; Sumrall, Ashley L; Desjardins, Annick; Reardon, David A; Lipp, Eric S; Herndon, James E II; Coan, April; Bailey, Leighann; Turner, Scott; Friedman, Henry S; Vredenburgh, James J


    Patients with unresectable glioblastomas have a poor prognosis, with median survival of 6–10 months. We conducted a phase II trial of upfront 5-day temozolomide (TMZ) and bevacizumab (BV) in patients with newly diagnosed unresectable or multifocal glioblastoma. Patients received up to four cycles of TMZ at 200 mg/m 2 on days 1–5, and BV at 10 mg/kg on days 1 and 15 of a 28-day cycle. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed monthly. Therapy was continued as long as there was no tumor progression, grade 4 nonhematologic toxicity, or recurrent grade 4 hematologic toxicity after dose reduction. The primary end point was best tumor response as measured on MRI. Forty-one patients were accrued over 12 months; 39 had a full set of MRI scans available for evaluation. Assessment for best radiographic responses was as follows: partial responses in 24.4%, stable disease in 68.3%, and progressive disease in 2.4%. Treatment-related toxicities included seven grade 4 toxicities and one grade 5 toxicity (myocardial infarction). From this study, it was concluded that an upfront regimen of TMZ and BV for unresectable glioblastoma was well tolerated and provided a significant level of disease stabilization. Therapeutic toxicities were consistent with those seen in the adjuvant setting using these agents. The upfront approach to treatment of glioblastoma in the unresectable population warrants further investigation in randomized controlled phase III trials

  6. Complete resolution and remodeling of chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis on MRI and radiographs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berkowitz, Y.J.; Greenwood, S.J.; Cassar-Pullicino, V.N. [Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Oswestry, Shropshire (United Kingdom); Cribb, G. [Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Orthopaedic Oncology, Oswestry, Shropshire (United Kingdom); Davies, K. [Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Medicine, Oswestry, Shropshire (United Kingdom)


    Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) is a rare condition thought to be under-diagnosed, with a true prevalence of more than the 1 in 10,000 estimated. It is a condition that is classically described as polyostotic with a relapsing and remitting course, preferentially affecting the metaphyses of tubular bones in the pediatric population. Lesions have characteristic appearances of cortical hyperostosis and mixed lytic/sclerotic medullary appearances radiographically, with active osteitis and periostitis best seen with fluid-sensitive sequences on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). There are reports of lesions resolving on follow-up radiographs and MRI scans, but no supporting images. In particular, although the marrow appearances and degree of osteitis have been shown to improve on MRI, complete resolution and remodeling back to normal has never been demonstrated. We present a case of a lesion that has completely healed and remodeled back to normal appearances on both radiographs and MRI, and consider this the standard for the often loosely used terms ''normalization'' and ''resolution''. We discuss the implications of this for our understanding of the natural history of CRMO, and how this adds weight to the condition being significantly under-diagnosed. It provides a ''gold standard'' to be aimed for when assessing treatments for CRMO, and the optimal outcomes that are possible. It also provides further insight into the potential of pediatric bone to recover and remodel when affected by inflammatory conditions. (orig.)

  7. Multifocal small bowel stromal tumours presenting with peritonitis in an HIV positive patient. (United States)

    Mansoor, Ebrahim


    The most common mesenchymal tumour of the gastrointestinal tract is stromal tumours (GISTs). Symptomatic GISTs can present with complications such as haemorrhage, obstruction and perforation. Complete surgical resection with negative margins is the mainstay of treatment but may be imprudent on emergent occasion. Tyrosine-kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have been revolutionary in the treatment of GISTs and have resulted in improved outcomes. A 41 year old HIV positive male presented with an acute history of abdominal pain and obstructive symptoms. Clinical examination revealed sepsis and peritonitis. One of the several small bowel tumours discovered at exploratory laparotomy was necrotic and perforated. The perforated tumour alone was resected and a small bowel internal hernia reduced. The patient made an uneventful recovery and will be considered for TKI therapy with a view to later re-operation. GISTs very rarely perforate. The pathophysiology of stromal tumour necrosis is poorly understood. Multifocality and small bowel location are poor prognosticators and may occur in the setting of familial GISTs, specific syndromes and sporadic cases. There is no established association between HIV and GISTs. Perforation occurs infrequently in ≤8% of symptomatic cases and poses increased risk of local recurrence. The surgical management of perforation takes precedence in an emergency. The surgeon must however take cognisance of the adherence to ideal oncologic principles where feasible. TKI therapy is invaluable if a re-exploration is to be later considered. Copyright © 2014 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  8. Culturas del Mundo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benwell, Ann Fenger; Costa, Alberto; Waehle, Espen


    ’Culturas del mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca’ with Ann Fenger Benwell in Culturas del Mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca, ed. Silvia Sauquet, Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 2006, pp. 31-39......’Culturas del mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca’ with Ann Fenger Benwell in Culturas del Mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca, ed. Silvia Sauquet, Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 2006, pp. 31-39...

  9. [Clinical findings in members of a Czech family with retinitis pigmentosa caused by the c.2426_2427delAG mutation in RPGR]. (United States)

    Kousal, B; Skalická, P; Diblík, P; Kuthan, P; Langrová, H; Lišková, P


    To describe the phenotype of members of the first Czech retinitis pigmentosa family with an identified molecular genetic cause (c.2426_2427delAG in RPGR), followed for more than 13 years. Medical records were reviewed and a detailed ophthalmic examination including spectral-domain optical coherence tomography and full-field and multifocal electroretinography (ERG) was performed in two affected males, three female carriers and one unaffected female. A 22-year-old male who denied suffering from nyctalopia had a best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 0.63 in both eyes. Moderate myopia and myopic astigmatism were present bilaterally. Color vision and contrast sensitivity were normal. There was an eccentric constriction of the visual fields that spared the central 20 degrees in both eyes. Fundus examination revealed bilateral pigmentary changes in the mid-periphery. Full-field ERG documented a 10% rod and 20% cone response. The phenotype of his cousin, also aged 22 years, was more severe. He complained of nyctalopia since 12 years of age. His BCVA was 0.3 in the right eye and 0.5 in the left eye. Myopia and astigmatism were present bilaterally. Contrast sensitivity and color vision were severely impaired. Full field ERG was extinct, but some activity on multifocal ERG was still detectable. The constriction of the visual fields reached 5 degrees in both eyes. Fundus examination showed the typical retinitis pigmentosa appearance. All carriers denied that they suffered from nyctalopia, but two of them had decreased BCVA in at least one eye. None exhibited typical bone spicules or a tapetal-like reflex. Significant refractive errors were present in all eyes of the carriers. The finding of moderate or high myopia and astigmatism in males with retinitis pigmentosa as well as refractive errors in female relatives indicates possible X-linked inheritance, which may be especially important in pedigrees where the transmission pattern can not be clearly established. Our study

  10. Determinación del requerimiento hídrico del pimentón en el municipio de Candelaria, departamento del Valle del Cauca

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    Estrada Salazar Edgar Iván


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ensayo con el fin de determinar el requerimiento hídrico del pimentón Capsicum annuum variedad Unapal-Serrano, en la zona de Candelaria-Valle del Cauca (Colombia. Se determinó que el pimentón requiere 425mm de agua durante su ciclo vegetativo, obteniendo una eficiencia del uso del agua de 5.32 kg/m3 de fruto fresco y de 0.5 kg/m3 en términos de materia seca. Además, se comprobó la eficiencia del microevaporímetro "MIEVHR" como herramienta para programación del riego y estudios hidrológicos.

  11. Las fluctuaciones del nivel del mar durante el Cuaternario


    Pousa, Jorge Lorenzo; Isla, Federico Ignacio; Schnack, Enrique Jorge


    Los cambios del nivel del mar han ejercido una fuerte influencia en la evolución del planeta y en la historia de la humanidad. En una escala de tiempo geológico, las variaciones de los niveles oceánicos han dejado un registro ampliamente distribuido en la forma de depósitos sedimentarios. El descenso del nivel del mar durante la Ultima Glaciación, que alcanzó unos 120 metros hace 18.000 años, permitió la emergencia del estrecho de Bering y la migración humana desde Eurasia hacia América. Se e...


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    Parm\\u00E9nides Furcal-Beriguete


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, silicio al suelo más plaguicidas (alternativas químicas, silicio foliar, silicio foliar más plaguicidas y testigo comercial. Como fuente se utilizaron si- licio en polvo al 70% de SiO2, aplicado quince días antes de siembra en dosis de 100 kg SiO2/ha, y líquido concentrado 40% SiO2 y 36% MgO, aplicado al follaje en dosis de 4 l/ha a los 17 y 30 días después de la siembra. El suelo del orden inceptisol de formación aluvial, al inicio del experimento tenía pH 4,9, valores de P y Si disponibles de 29 ppm y 44,7 ppm, respectivamente, acidez intercambiable 1,2 cmol(+/l y suma de bases 19,11 cmol(+/l. No hubo diferencia estadística significativa del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades, y en la calidad molinera; sin embargo, la combinación del silicio aplicado al suelo y el uso de plaguicidas incrementaron el contenido de zinc y cobre en el suelo, y del zinc y magnesio en las hojas de arroz, pero este efecto no se tradujo en rendimiento y calidad de granos. La aplicación de plaguicidas influyó positivamente en el peso y rendimiento del arroz en granza (p≤0,05.

  13. Catàleg dels Miridae (Heteroptera) del Massís del Garraf


    Goula Goula, Marta


    Per a la redacció d'aquest catàleg, s'aporten dades d'observació pròpia al llarg dels anys 1980-1984, així com les troballes publicades per CUNI (1889a,1889b,1889c,1891) i per RIBES (1978a,1978b,1980,1984). Totes aquestes observacions s'han fet en localitats del Massis del Garraf, que será objecte d'una curta descripció.

  14. La Orden de Medidas Provisionales del Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar en el caso del buque de guerra ARA Libertad

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    Martin Cabrera Mirassou


    Full Text Available El presente comentario tiene por finalidad describir la reciente orden de medidas provisionales emitida por el Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar en el caso relativo a la detención de la Fragata ARA Libertad. La controversia contiene un complejo trasfondo político, económico y jurídico, en el cual se destaca el alcance de la inmunidad de los buques de guerra, el funcionamiento del sistema de solución de controversias de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre Derecho del Mar y, en particular, la competencia del Tribunal. Con la finalidad de lograr un entendimiento más profundo de su jurisprudencia se abordan los principales aspectos que permitan comprender el valor de la decisión para los actores del régimen de los océanos.

  15. Funciones del estilo personal del terapeuta en profesionales del campo de las adicciones

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    Leandro Casari


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Comparar el estilo personal del terapeuta entre dos grupos de profesionales, uno dedicado a la atención de pacientes drogodependientes (grupo adicciones y otro a la atención clínica en general (grupo clínico. Método. La muestra estuvo formada por 100 psicoterapeutas que trabajan en instituciones públicas y privadas de tres provincias del interior de Argentina, pareados por las variables socioprofesionales (sexo, edad, años de experiencia profesional, enfoque teórico, grupo etario de trabajo, tipo de abordaje predominante, duración del tratamiento y grado de especialización. El instrumento empleado fue el Cuestionario de Estilo Personal del Terapeuta. Resultados. Para el análisis de datos se emplearon pruebas de comparación de medias y se analizó su tamaño del efecto. Se obtuvieron diferencias signifi cativas en la función expresiva: grupo clínico (M = 40.36 y grupo adicciones (M = 29.86; así como también en la función instruccional: grupo clínico (M = 28.01 y grupo adicciones (M = 32.67. Esto indica una mayor distancia emocional y un incremento en la rigidez del encuadre terapéutico en los terapeutas de pacientes adictos. Conclusión. Se discuten estos resultados en función de postulados previos que señalan la complejidad del vínculo terapéutico y el énfasis en las características del encuadre terapéutico, tal como la puesta de límites.

  16. Calidad del servicio de taxis del municipio Maracaibo

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    Joheni A. Urdaneta G.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la calidad del servicio de los taxis en el municipio Maracaibo, ya que los mismos forman parte del sistema de transporte urbano de la ciudad, y es un servicio público fundamental para la convivencia de la sociedad; para lograr este objetivo se realizó una adaptación del modelo SERVPERF, diseñando un instrumento tipo cuestionario, con 32 ítems en 6 dimensiones, adecuado a las características propias del servicio de taxi, con la finalidad de confirmar que los ítems de los instrumentos se correspondían con las dimensiones adaptadas se aplicó la técnica de análisis factorial resultando un nuevo instrumento con 24 ítems en 3 dimensiones. Se utilizó la escala de Likert con tres (3 alternativas de respuesta. La investigación es de tipo descriptiva y aplicada, bajo diseño no experimental de tipo transeccional descriptiva y de campo. La población quedó conformada por los usuarios de las líneas de taxis del municipio Maracaibo. Se aplicó muestreo aleatorio por conglomerado. La confiabilidad del instrumento se midió a través del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach resultando de 0,82 lo cual se considera aceptable. Los resultados revelan que la calidad del servicio de taxis del municipio Maracaibo es mediana por lo tanto este servicio es susceptible a mejoras, las cuales son necesarias para elevar la calidad de vida de los marabinos. Este resultado se obtuvo con el instrumento originalmente adaptado de 32 ítems y con el cuestionario resultante del análisis factorial, de 24 ítems; esto confirma lo apropiado de esta técnica, ya que se redujo el número de ítems y de las dimensiones originalmente adaptadas y no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los resultados con ambos instrumentos; de esta manera se puede medir la calidad del servicio de taxis en el municipio Maracaibo a través de las dimensiones: confiabilidad del servicio, socialización y responsabilidad.

  17. En busca del concepto de gerencia del cuidado

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    Ligia Teresa Mora-Delgado


    Full Text Available Este articulo, presenta los conceptos de gerencia del cuidado de enfermería, desarrollado por las enfermeras profesionales que laboran en le Empresa social del estado Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz de las Ciudad de Cúcuta, desde su desempeño en la asistencia, administración y docencia. Se pretende además precisar los elementos gerenciales, sociales, humanísticos y éticos que deben hacer parte del concepto de gerencia del cuidado.

  18. Ruptura del projecte parental i disposició dels preembrions


    Farnós Amorós, Esther


    La tesi doctoral "Ruptura del projecte parental i disposició dels preembrions" analitza els efectes del consentiment a les tècniques de reproducció assistida prestat en el marc d'un projecte parental. La tesi ofereix una resposta als conflictes que enfronten exesposos o exconvivents en relació al destí dels preembrions sobrants d'un cicle de fecundació "in vitro" iniciat durant la relació. Aquests conflictes constitueixen un grup de casos al voltant del qual no hi ha solucions legislatives qu...

  19. Determinantes del ingreso y del gasto corriente de los hogares


    Muñoz C., Manuel


    Este ensayo de investigación empírica analiza los determinantes del ingreso y del gasto en los hogares colombianos. Utilizando un modelo del ciclo de vida con datos de la encuesta de hogares de 1994 y 1995, muestra que el comportamiento del ingreso está afectado principalmente por las características demográficas del hogar y los rasgos socio ocupacionales de sus miembros. El comportamiento del gasto está determinado ante todo por el ingreso y, en menor medida, por las características sociales...

  20. Gestión del riesgo del cambio (segunda parte)


    Zorrilla Salgador, Juan Pablo


    Segunda parte del artículo acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio. Esta continuación abarca estrategias, definiciones, metodología y explicaciones sobre todo lo relacionado con el Ratio de cobertura de los futuros y la aparición del riesgo base.Segunda parte del artículo acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio. Esta continuación abarca estrategias, definiciones, metodología y explicaciones sobre todo lo relacionado con el Ratio de cobertura de los futuros y la aparición d...

  1. Facilitating the analysis of the multifocal electroretinogram using the free software environment R. (United States)

    Bergholz, Richard; Rossel, Mirjam; Dutescu, Ralf M; Vöge, Klaas P; Salchow, Daniel J


    The large amount of data rendered by the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) can be analyzed and visualized in various ways. The evaluation and comparison of more than one examination is time-consuming and prone to create errors. Using the free software environment R we developed a solution to average the data of multiple examinations and to allow a comparison of different patient groups. Data of single mfERG recordings as exported in .csv format from a RETIport 21 system (version 7/03, Roland Consult) or manually compiled .csv files are the basis for the calculations. The R software extracts response densities and implicit times of N1 and P1 for the sum response, each ring eccentricity, and each single hexagon. Averages can be calculated for as many subjects as needed. The mentioned parameters can then be compared to another group of patients or healthy subjects. Application of the software is illustrated by comparing 11 patients with chloroquine maculopathy to a control group of 7 healthy subjects. The software scripts display response density and implicit time 3D plots of each examination as well as of the group averages. Differences of the group averages are presented as 3D and grayscale 2D plots. Both groups are compared using the t-test with Bonferroni correction. The group comparison is furthermore illustrated by the average waveforms and by boxplots of each eccentricity. This software solution on the basis of the programming language R facilitates the clinical and scientific use of the mfERG and aids in interpretation and analysis.


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    María Constanza Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.


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    María Constanza Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.

  4. Componente Cultura del Agua del PMGRH: plan de trabajo


    Autoridad Nacional del Agua; Proyecto de Modernización de la Gestión de Recursos Hídricos


    Describe el plan de trabajo del Componente Cultura del Agua del Proyecto de Modernización de la Gestión de Recursos Hídricos (PMGRH) en relacion a dos aspectos estructurales del proyecto: 1. Mejora de la capacidad de la Gestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos (GIRH) a nivel nacional y 2. Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de GIRH en las cuencas.

  5. A Punctate Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pattern in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is an Early Sign of Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy: A Clinicopathological Study. (United States)

    Ishii, Junko; Shishido-Hara, Yukiko; Kawamoto, Michi; Fujiwara, Satoru; Imai, Yukihiro; Nakamichi, Kazuo; Kohara, Nobuo


    A 37-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) presented with gait disturbance and cognitive dysfunction. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed small, punctate, T2-/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery-hyperintense and T1-hypointense lesions without gadolinium enhancement, which is atypical for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). On a pathological examination of biopsied brain tissues, JC virus-infected cells were hardly detected via immunohistochemistry but were certainly detected via in situ hybridization, conclusively verifying the PML diagnosis. After tapering off the immunosuppressant and mefloquine administration, the MRI findings revealed gradual improvement, and she has been stable for over 18 months. A punctate MRI pattern is not specific to natalizumab-associated PML but may be a ubiquitous early sign useful for the early diagnosis of PML.

  6. Tratamiento del insulinoma con diazóxido Insulinoma treated with diazoxide

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    M. V. Mateu


    Full Text Available Los insulinomas son tumores pancreáticos de las células beta que segregan insulina en cantidad suficiente como para producir hipoglucemia. Habitualmente benignos se manifiestan como adenomas solitarios, y en menor medida como microadenomas múltiples o carcinomas. Con una incidencia anual de un caso por millón de habitantes, generalmente en adultos de más de 30 años, se localizan con mayor frecuencia en el cuerpo y cola del páncreas. El diagnóstico se realiza sobre la base de los síntomas, la glucemia por debajo de 50mg% y niveles elevados de insulina plasmática y péptido C en ayunas. El mejor método preoperatorio para localizar el tumor es la arteriografía subselectiva del tronco celíaco. La mayoría de los adenomas que no logran evidenciarse por estudios por imágenes se diagnostican durante la cirugía. El tratamiento de elección del insulinoma es la cirugía. Cuando ésta fracasa o se contraindica, se utiliza tratamiento médico con diazóxido. Presentamos un caso de un paciente con un insulinoma que fue tratado médicamente, con excelente respuesta, realizando una actualización de las manifestaciones clínicas, los métodos diagnósticos y las opciones terapéuticas de una enfermedad muy poco frecuente.Insulinomas are islet cell tumors of the pancreas that produce hypoglycemia due to inappropriate insulin secretion. They appear generally as solitary adenomas, and less commonly as multifocal microadenomas or malignant insulinomas. Their incidence is approximately one case per 1 million population per year, and they appear mostly in patients above thirty years old. They are mainly situated in the pancreas tail or body. The diagnosis is based on the symptoms related to hypoglycemia, a blood glucose level under 50mg% and high levels of fast insulin and C-peptide. Selective angiography is the best preoperative procedure to localize the tumor. Occult adenomas, which cannot be represented by preoperative imaging diagnosis, are

  7. Determinantes del ingreso y del gasto corriente de los hogares

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    Muñoz C., Manuel


    Full Text Available Este ensayo de investigación empírica analiza los determinantes del ingreso y del gasto en los hogares colombianos. Utilizando un modelo del ciclo de vida con datos de la encuesta de hogares de 1994 y 1995, muestra que el comportamiento del ingreso está afectado principalmente por las características demográficas del hogar y los rasgos socio ocupacionales de sus miembros. El comportamiento del gasto está determinado ante todo por el ingreso y, en menor medida, por las características sociales del hogar y el gasto de otros hogares con características similares. También examina la influencia de la incertidumbre acerca de los ingresos en el gasto de los hogares para comprobar si estos actúan con motivos de precaución.

  8. Análisis del "Curso sobre la Evolución del Pensamiento Juslaboralista" del Profesor Emérito Héctor-Hugo Barbagelata (El espejo retrovisor del Derecho del Trabajo y los Principios del Dr. H. H. Barbagelata

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    Helios Sarthou


    Full Text Available Los que sabíamos que el profesor Emérito de “Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social" Dr. Hector Hugo Barbagelata, tenía en preparación un libro sobre Evolución del pensamiento Juslaboralista –de algún modo en la senda del Curso que había fundado en nuestra Facultad de Derecho- lo considerábamos de altísima importancia, no sólo en el plano técnico-jurídico, sino también por las implicancias históricas, sociales y políticas que la temática implicaba.- Y esto es así en esta época, en que el pensamiento neoliberal no obstante el camino ya recorrido, continúa buscando incidir en el Derecho del Trabajo, recurriendo a excusas para el retorno al Derecho Civil, o para alcanzar la flexibilidad con mengua del respeto a los principios de tuitividad y justicia social que debe garantizar el Derecho del Trabajo o, en otros casos directamente promoviendo la irrelevancia técnica de la disciplina en beneficio del Derecho Civil o del Derecho Procesal, en su caso.-


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    Celia Torren


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una síntesis del trabajo "Rasgos Geográficos del Valle del Río Agrio Inferior, el cual es un estudio de base para el conocimiento de la geografía de la región: - apoyando el esfuerzo que está realizando la población del área para lograr una identidad propia y una definitiva integración al contexto provincial; - aportando al proyecto "Rescate Arqueológico en Quili Malal, Neuquén" (subsidiado por CONICET y UNESCO, cuya dirección está a cargo de la profesora Susana Rodríguez de la U.N.C., a través de la confección del mapa geomorfológico del área; y - contribuyendo a los estudios que resultan necesarios ante la construcción de una obra hidroeléctrica de la magnitud de "El Chihuido I", emprendimiento que será llevado a cabo por Agua y Energía eléctrica de la Nación. Los límites del área estudiada fueron establecidos teniendo en cuenta el área del valle inferior del Río Agrio que será completamente inundada por el futuro embalse de la represa "El Chihuido I", a emplazarse 5,5 Km aguas abajo de la confluencia de los ríos Agrio y Neuquén. Además de esta área de afectación directa se tomó también una zona de perilago estrechamente vinculada a la anterior. De esta manera los límites este y oeste quedaron establecidos por la confluencia de los ríos antes mencionados y la localidad de Bajada del Agrio, respectivamente.

  10. Memòries del santuari del Mont (final s. XVIII-1953)


    Gifre i Ribas, Pere; Puig Pla, Santi; Tremoleda Trilla, Joaquim


    Transcripció del text inèdit de memòries del santuari del Mont. El text va ser escrit, bàsicament, pels preveres custodis i administradors del santuari. Es recull, primerament, els costums litúrgics de la parròquia de Sous, a la manera de les consuetes. A partir de 1791 s’anoten els fets més importants, a parer del custodi administrador, ocorreguts al santuari: obres de reforma i restauració del santuari i les seves dependències, adquisicions de mobiliari i parament de la casa, donacions al s...

  11. Más allá del telar: el mundo del trabajo femenino en la Asturias del siglo XVIII

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    Patricia Suárez Álvarez


    Full Text Available En el Siglo de la Razón proliferaron los tratados dónde, por primera vez en la historia, se ponía de relieve la necesidad de educar de forma conveniente a las mujeres. Sin embargo, a pesar del reconocimiento que los Ilustrados otorgaron al sexo femenino, siguieron relegando a éstas a las paredes del hogar, exhortándoles a quedarse fuera del mundo del trabajo extra-doméstico, reservado sólo para los hombres de la familia. No obstante, la necesidad obligaba, y cuando los recursos u hombres de una casa escaseaban, la mujer tenía que salir a buscarse el sustento. Este es el caso de cientos de mujeres del Principado de Asturias, dónde, a mediados del siglo XVIII, la realidad femenina difería de lo que lo que se consideraba ideal. Este trabajo arrojará pues luz, en un campo hasta ahora desconocido: el del mundo profesional de las mujeres asturianas del Setecientos, dónde comprobaremos cómo en ocasiones llegaban a adquirir, gracias a su status profesional, papeles relevantes dentro de la sociedad.

  12. Utilidad en la combinación de oligonucleótidos universales para la detección del virus del papiloma humano en cáncer cervicouterino y lesiones premalignas Usefulness of combining universal oligonucleotides in detecting human papillomavirus in cervical cancer and premalignant lesions

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    Adela Carrillo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la frecuencia y distribución del virus del papiloma humano en los diferentes estadios que conforman la historia natural del cáncer cérvico uterino, y optimizar la detección mediante el uso de diferentes oligonucleótidos universales. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio transversal, descriptivo, en el que las muestras fueron colectadas durante enero a diciembre de 1999. El procesamiento de las muestras y el análisis de los datos se realizaron en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología en la Ciudad de México. Se hizo análisis comparativo con t de Student para valores continuos y con ji cuadrada para proporciones, y análisis de concordancia entre biopsia y exudado cervical con la prueba estadística de Kappa. Para la detección del virus se utilizó la técnica de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR con oligonucleótidos universales los cuales reconocen diferentes regiones del gen L1 (MY09/11; GP5/6; L1C1/2, y oligonucleótidos específicos para el VPH 16 y el VPH 18, así como secuenciación directa de los productos de la PCR. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 154 muestras: 65 (42.2% citologías normales, 45 (29.2% lesiones de alto y bajo grado, y 44 (28.6% de cáncer invasor. El VPH fue detectado en 95.5% de los casos de cáncer invasor, en 91.6% de lesiones de alto grado, en 66.7% de lesiones de bajo grado y en 23.1% de citologías normales, por la PCR con al menos uno de los juegos de oligonucleótidos utilizados. La detección fue más eficiente en las muestras obtenidas por biopsia que en los exudados cervicovaginales. El porcentaje total de detección del VPH con un juego de oligonucleótidos universales (37.6% aumentó sustancialmente (60.4% al combinarlo con otros dos juegos de oligonucleótidos universales. CONCLUSIONES: La presencia del VPH de alto riesgo es elevada inclusive en mujeres con epitelios cervicales con diagnóstico citológico normal. La detección del VPH mejora al utilizar distintos

  13. Examen del fenómeno del turismo contemporáneo y la Competitividad en la Frontera del Conocimiento

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    Carlos Mario Amaya Molinar


    Full Text Available A partir del inicio del presente siglo, el estudio de la competitividad turística es un tema que ha llamado la atención tanto de académicos del área como de organizaciones públicas y privadas de diversas categorías, con la expectativa de que su comprensión permita a países y destinos turísticos obtener ventajas en captación de visitantes, ingresos y sostenibilidad de su operación turística, de cara a la intensa contienda internacional por la preferencia del turista. El presente trabajo se deriva de la discusión que tuvo lugar en el Panel Competitividad y Turismo, en el marco de la 5ª Cátedra Patrimonial en Turismo Sergio Molina-Estrategias del Turismo en la Frontera del Conocimiento, organizado por el Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, efectuado en el mes de abril del año 2013. Para este fin, se analizaron un conjunto de trabajos académicos e institucionales, a fin de identificar sus marcos de referencia, definiciones y modelos teóricos, con la perspectiva de obtener una visión panorámica del estado del arte en la materia.

  14. Fractura triple del complejo suspensorio del hombro

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    Eraclio Delgado Rifá


    Full Text Available El complejo suspensorio del hombro es una estructura sumamente importante, compuesta por un anillo de huesos y tejidos blandos. Las lesiones aisladas de este complejo anatómico son frecuentes y no afectan su estabilidad. La interrupción doble conduce a la inestabilidad de esta estructura y usualmente requiere tratamiento quirúrgico. La triple interrupción, por su parte, es sumamente rara y es encontrada en casos de trauma de alta energía a menudo en asociación con otras lesiones. Se presenta una triple lesión del complejo suspensorio del hombro en un paciente de 46 años de edad, con una fractura de la glenoides, del acromion tipo III de Kuhn y de la coracoides tipo II de Ogawa. En este caso, la fractura del acromion fue tratada con fijación percutánea con alambres de Kirschner, por tener asociado lesiones de partes blandas que contraindicaron la reducción abierta. La fractura de la glenoides y de la apófisis coracoides fueron tratadas conservadoramente. Después de 6 meses de evolución, el paciente tuvo un resultado funcional aceptable, con una abducción de 90 grados, los 30 grados de rotación externa y 70 de rotación interna, además asintomático y consolidación de todas las fracturas. A pesar de ser catalogada de una lesión grave del cinturón escapular y estar asociada a otras lesiones se obtuvo un resultado satisfactorio al final del tratamiento.


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    Margarita M. Pérez O.


    Full Text Available Los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, también conocidos como los Objetivos del Milenio, constituyeron las metas finales que aprobaron los dirigentes mundiales, 189 jefes de estado y de gobierno en la Cumbre del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas celebrada en Nueva York en el año 2000, en la cual los Estados miembros de la organización reafirmaron su compromiso de luchar por un mundo en el que el desarrollo sostenible y la eliminación de la pobreza tuvieran máxima prioridad1 . En la cumbre se definió la Declaración del Milenio, la cual detalla los objetivos, principios, valores, metas y acciones para erradicar la pobreza Mundial hacia el año 2015, todos ellos ratificados con alto interés y acción estratégica de carácter global, como marco para la medición de los progresos en materia de desarrollo.

  16. Estrategias del Teatro del Oprimido para la formación permanente del profesorado

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    Tomás Motos-Teruel


    Full Text Available Este artículo relata una experiencia y su valoración de formación permanente del profesorado basada en el aprendizaje vivencial utilizando como estrategia metodológica el Teatro del Oprimido (TO para estimular y favorecer la reflexión sobre la práctica educativa. Sus objetivos básicos fueron dar a conocer la formulación teórica y la metodología del TO y hacer la transferencia de las estrategias metodológicas vivenciadas a la práctica docente. El estudio se ha planteado desde una óptica cualitativa con el estudio de caso único. Y como resultados más destacables hay que reseñar el interés y la percepción de la utilidad personal y profesional del TO como instrumento de reflexión sobre la acción y generador de clima positivo. El Teatro del Oprimido es una formulación teórica y un método estético cuya teoría y praxis están inspiradas en la Pedagogía del Oprimido de Paulo Freire, utiliza las técnicas dramáticas como un instrumento eficaz para la comprensión y la búsqueda de alternativas a problemas sociales, interpersonales e individuales.

  17. DelPhi: a comprehensive suite for DelPhi software and associated resources

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    Li Lin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Accurate modeling of electrostatic potential and corresponding energies becomes increasingly important for understanding properties of biological macromolecules and their complexes. However, this is not an easy task due to the irregular shape of biological entities and the presence of water and mobile ions. Results Here we report a comprehensive suite for the well-known Poisson-Boltzmann solver, DelPhi, enriched with additional features to facilitate DelPhi usage. The suite allows for easy download of both DelPhi executable files and source code along with a makefile for local installations. The users can obtain the DelPhi manual and parameter files required for the corresponding investigation. Non-experienced researchers can download examples containing all necessary data to carry out DelPhi runs on a set of selected examples illustrating various DelPhi features and demonstrating DelPhi’s accuracy against analytical solutions. Conclusions DelPhi suite offers not only the DelPhi executable and sources files, examples and parameter files, but also provides links to third party developed resources either utilizing DelPhi or providing plugins for DelPhi. In addition, the users and developers are offered a forum to share ideas, resolve issues, report bugs and seek help with respect to the DelPhi package. The resource is available free of charge for academic users from URL:

  18. Hacia una conceptualización del legado del traductor

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    Guzmán María Constanza


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.

  19. Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Osseous Biopsy in Children With Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fritz, Jan; Tzaribachev, Nikolay; Thomas, Christoph; Wehrmann, Manfred; Horger, Marius S.; Carrino, John A.; König, Claudius W.; Pereira, Philippe L.


    Purpose: To report the safety and diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance (MRI)—guided core biopsy of osseous lesions in children with chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) that were visible on MRI but were occult on radiography and computed tomography (CT). Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis of MRI-guided osseous biopsy performed in seven children (four girls and three boys; mean age 13 years (range 11 to 14) with CRMO was performed. Indication for using MRI guidance was visibility of lesions by MRI only. MRI-guided procedures were performed with 0.2-Tesla (Magnetom Concerto; Siemens, Erlangen, Germany; n = 5) or 1.5-T (Magnetom Espree; Siemens; n = 2) open MRI systems. Core needle biopsy was obtained using an MRI-compatible 4-mm drill system. Conscious sedation or general anesthesia was used. Parameters evaluated were lesion visibility, technical success, procedure time, complications and microbiology, cytology, and histopathology findings. Results: Seven of seven (100%) targeted lesions were successfully visualized and sampled. All obtained specimens were sufficient for histopathological analysis. Length of time of the procedures was 77 min (range 64 to 107). No complications occurred. Histopathology showed no evidence of malignancy, which was confirmed at mean follow-up of 50 months (range 28 to 78). Chronic nonspecific inflammation characteristic for CRMO was present in four of seven (58%) patients, and edema with no inflammatory cells was found in three of seven (42%) patients. There was no evidence of infection in any patient. Conclusion: MRI-guided osseous biopsy is a safe and accurate technique for the diagnosis of pediatric CRMO lesions that are visible on MRI only.

  20. Análisis histopatológico en Litopenaeus vannamei infectado con Vibrio parahaemolyticus.

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    Nelson Peña-Navarro


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir los principales resultados histopatológicos obtenidos de las diversas respuestas inmunológicas y efectos citopáticos en L. vannamei, después de una infección inducida con V. parahaemolyticus. La inoculación bacterial se realizó en el Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología de la Universidad de Costa Rica, entre junio y agosto del 2011. Para la investigación se utilizaron 40 camarones extraídos de fincas ubicadas en la Península de Nicoya; a cada uno se le inyectó en promedio 2,0x106 UFC de V. parahaemolyticus. Al finalizar el periodo de infección, se realizaron los análisis histopatológicos en branquias, epitelio subcuticular, hepatopáncreas, intestino, órgano linfoide, tejido hematopoyético, músculo estriado, tejido nervioso, corazón, entre otras. Los principales hallazgos a nivel histológico fueron hemocitos melanizados, infiltración hemocítica, melanosis, esferoides tipo A, B y C, mionecrosis coagulativa, fagocitosis, picnosis, entre otras, útiles para determinar el estado sanitario de los camarones y en particular, el efecto citopático de V. parahaemolyticus en infecciones sistémicas.

  1. La equinoterapia en las distintas alteraciones del desarrollo del menor.


    Chamorro González, Mireya


    La equinoterapia consiste en la utilización del caballo como un método terapéutico para rehabilitar a personas con discapacidad. Esta terapia es considerada una gran alternativa para aumentar el autoestima de los que sufren algún tipo de discapacidad, también a través de esta terapia se mejora y fortalece el estado emocional, así del mismo modo ayuda a mejorar la manera de desenvolverse en su entorno social. Esta terapia se realiza a través de la trasmisión del calor corporal del caballo, del...

  2. Relación epitelio-conectivo en la carcinogénesis experimental bucal: variaciones de ploidía epitelial en relación a la expresión del factor de crecimiento fibroblástico-básico y fibrosis


    Raimondi, Ana Rosa


    El modelo de la bolsa de la mejilla del hámster muy aceptado y utilizado, reproduce la cancerización de la boca humana y una fibrosis subepitelial semejante a la fibrosis de la submucosa. En el se han analizado extensamente las características de los tumores que produce, pero se ha prestado menos atención al estudio de las etapas previas a la aparición de tumores. Las neoplasias que se observan en el modelo se dan en forma focal, precedidas por lesiones pre-malignas muitifocales, en una clara...

  3. Gestión del talento humano y competencias laborales del personal del hospital Hermilio Valdizán 2016


    Serpa Reyes, Elisa Soledad


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general, Conocer la relación que existe entre gestión del talento humano y las competencias laborales del personal del hospital Hermilio Valdizán en el año 2016. El tipo de investigación es no experimental, de diseño descriptivo correlacional. La población fue de 709 trabajadores, y la muestra de 217 trabajadores del hospital Hermilio Valdizán, la muestra es probabilística aleatoria simple. Se aplicó el cuestionario de gestión del...

  4. Nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging using thallium-201 with a novel multifocal collimator SPECT/CT: IQ-SPECT versus conventional protocols in normal subjects. (United States)

    Matsuo, Shinro; Nakajima, Kenichi; Onoguchi, Masahisa; Wakabayash, Hiroshi; Okuda, Koichi; Kinuya, Seigo


    A novel multifocal collimator, IQ-SPECT (Siemens) consists of SMARTZOOM, cardio-centric and 3D iterative SPECT reconstruction and makes it possible to perform MPI scans in a short time. The aims are to delineate the normal uptake in thallium-201 ((201)Tl) SPECT in each acquisition method and to compare the distribution between new and conventional protocol, especially in patients with normal imaging. Forty patients (eight women, mean age of 75 years) who underwent myocardial perfusion imaging were included in the study. All patients underwent one-day protocol perfusion scan after an adenosine-stress test and at rest after administering (201)Tl and showed normal results. Acquisition was performed on a Symbia T6 equipped with a conventional dual-headed gamma camera system (Siemens ECAM) and with a multifocal SMARTZOOM collimator. Imaging was performed with a conventional system followed by IQ-SPECT/computed tomography (CT). Reconstruction was performed with or without X-ray CT-derived attenuation correction (AC). Two nuclear physicians blinded to clinical information interpreted all myocardial perfusion images. A semi-quantitative myocardial perfusion was analyzed by a 17-segment model with a 5-point visual scoring. The uptake of each segment was measured and left ventricular functions were analyzed by QPS software. IQ-SPECT provided good or excellent image quality. The quality of IQ-SPECT images without AC was similar to those of conventional LEHR study. Mid-inferior defect score (0.3 ± 0.5) in the conventional LEHR study was increased significantly in IQ-SPECT with AC (0 ± 0). IQ-SPECT with AC improved the mid-inferior decreased perfusion shown in conventional images. The apical tracer count in IQ-SPECT with AC was decreased compared to that in LEHR (0.1 ± 0.3 vs. 0.5 ± 0.7, p IQ-SPECT was significantly higher than that from the LEHR collimator (p = 0.0009). The images of IQ-SPECT acquired in a short time are equivalent to that of conventional LEHR

  5. Seccional del Lago Lleu Lleu extracto del resumen ejecutivo del estudio

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    Manuel Durán


    Full Text Available En el siguiente reportaje se presentan los estudios contratados por el MINVU Planes Seccionales del Lago Lleu Lleu y del Lago Pangue; realizados por las oficinas de Manuel Durán y Lira y Peña Asoc. A continuación entrevistamos al Sr. Tito Rojas, ex Director Regional de SERNATUR y actual Gobernador de la Provincia de Arauco, y a Patricio Aguirre, Director de la Carrera de Turismo del DUOC-UC sede Concepción. Mientras que los instrumentos de planificación desarrollan estrategias específicas para potenciar el turismo aprovechando las potencialidades del recurso lacustre; los entrevistados nos dan su opinión en cuanto a diversos aspectos relacionados con el turismo y los lagos de esta zona: el delicado equilibrio entre turismo y protección de los recursos; las potencialidades de las áreas aledañas a los lagos Pangue y Lleu Lleu; el patrimonio paisajístico y cultural de la provincia de Arauco, entre otros, son los aspectos que se exponen en las próximas páginas.

  6. Comportamiento del servicio Diselin en la Gestión del Conocimiento de la Delegación del CITMA, en el. período 2003- octubre del 2005

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    Matilde Palacios Jiménez


    Full Text Available Se aborda el comportamiento del servicio Diselin durante el período 2003 hasta octubre del 2005, en la Gestión del Conocimiento de la Delegación del CITMA, a partir de los contenidos cuantitativos y cualitativos generados en la base de datos Diselin, correspondientes a la estadística general del servicio, relacionada con los indicadores de desempeño bibliotecario: suministro de documentos y satisfacción del cliente a través del talón de retroacoplamiento, como indicadores de desempeño bibliotecario que permiten hacer una valoración más exhaustiva de la evolución de este servicio tradicional con modalidad electrónica que es lo novedoso, aprovechando las tecnologías de información instaladas. Se presentan tablas y gráficos que demuestran la gestión y el impacto del servicio desde el punto de vista organizacional.

  7. Sobre el significado del descubrimiento del gen FOXP2


    Longa Martínez, Víctor Manuel


    El reciente descubrimiento del gen FOXP2 ha ofrecido la primera evidencia clara de la base genética del lenguaje, mostrando una correlación inequívoca desde la perspectiva genética entre una versión mutada de F0XP2 y los trastornos lingüísticos de diferente tipo sufridos por una familia inglesa, conocida como KE. El objetivo central del presente trabajo es discutir diferentes aspectos relacionados con tal descubrimiento; especialmente, la discusión del significado de FOXP2 con ...

  8. Entrenamiento funcional del core: eje del entrenamiento inteligente

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    Iván Dario Pinzón Ríos


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: La evolución del entrenamiento físico busca la optimización de la salud y el bienestar, como piedra angular de todo programa de ejercicio. El Entrenamiento Funcional (EF es recomendable para optimizar el control postural del core, mejorando el balance y la ejecución de actividades de la vida diaria.  Objetivo: Revisar la definición, elementos constitutivos, características e implicaciones del EF del core en el movimiento corporal humano (MCH y la salud desde la perspectiva del fisioterapeuta. Metodología: Se incluyeron artículos en inglés y español de las bases Pubmed, Scielo y Ebsco; adicionalmente se incluyeron fuentes electrónicas e impresas y libros. Resultados: 56 documentos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. La definición más adoptada de EF fue entrenar con un propósito buscando obtener un efecto positivo en la aptitud física. Las implicaciones del EF en el MCH, se relacionan con la ganancia y mejoría de la estabilidad. La propuesta de EF enfocada a las actividades de la vida diaria incluye fases que permiten adquirir la estabilidad hasta lograr el desarrollo de movimiento que demanden más agilidad. En la planificación del EF se deben estructurar los procesos a ejecutar considerando el criterio de funcionalidad. Para organizar la sesión del EF, el fisioterapeuta cuenta con tres maneras de planificar la sesión: globales, por hemisferios y por grupos musculares. Conclusión: La fundamentación teórica sobre el EF permite al fisioterapeuta comprender y determinar cómo esta modalidad de intervención repercute de manera positiva sobre el desempeño funcional y calidad de vida de los sujetos.

  9. Desarrollo de la Habilidad de Administración del Tiempo en directivas del primer nivel del MITRANS.


    García Remus, Mayelín


    Valoración de cómo administran el tiempo las mujeres directivas del sector del transporte en Ciudad de La Habana. Establece las competencias individuales que pueden influir en el desarrollo de la habilidad de administración del tiempo.

  10. Implantation of a Multifocal Toric Intraocular Lens after Radial Keratotomy and Cross-Linking with Hyperopia and Astigmatism Residues: A Case Report

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    Raffaele Nuzzi


    Full Text Available Radial keratotomy is a refractive surgical technique, widely used in the 80s and early 90s to correct myopia and astigmatism, but now overcome by more recent laser techniques. Important consequences, often in patients with more than 45 years of age, are progressive hyperopic shift and/or an increase in corneal astigmatism, whose main cause seems to be an increase in the curvature radius of the central portion of the cornea. This seems to be due to radial keratotomy incisions – with the consequent need for cross-linking – intraocular pressure, and corneal biomechanical parameters. The authors propose phacoemulsification with a customized multifocal toric intraocular lens implantation to correct the induced shift and hyperopic astigmatism. A decent postoperative visual acuity was observed with good patient satisfaction. A specific protocol must be applied to optimize the correct diagnosis, presurgical evaluation and postsurgical outcomes that are to be maintained over time, without regressions.

  11. Analysis of the genetic phylogeny of multifocal prostate cancer identifies multiple independent clonal expansions in neoplastic and morphologically normal prostate tissue. (United States)

    Cooper, Colin S; Eeles, Rosalind; Wedge, David C; Van Loo, Peter; Gundem, Gunes; Alexandrov, Ludmil B; Kremeyer, Barbara; Butler, Adam; Lynch, Andrew G; Camacho, Niedzica; Massie, Charlie E; Kay, Jonathan; Luxton, Hayley J; Edwards, Sandra; Kote-Jarai, ZSofia; Dennis, Nening; Merson, Sue; Leongamornlert, Daniel; Zamora, Jorge; Corbishley, Cathy; Thomas, Sarah; Nik-Zainal, Serena; O'Meara, Sarah; Matthews, Lucy; Clark, Jeremy; Hurst, Rachel; Mithen, Richard; Bristow, Robert G; Boutros, Paul C; Fraser, Michael; Cooke, Susanna; Raine, Keiran; Jones, David; Menzies, Andrew; Stebbings, Lucy; Hinton, Jon; Teague, Jon; McLaren, Stuart; Mudie, Laura; Hardy, Claire; Anderson, Elizabeth; Joseph, Olivia; Goody, Victoria; Robinson, Ben; Maddison, Mark; Gamble, Stephen; Greenman, Christopher; Berney, Dan; Hazell, Steven; Livni, Naomi; Fisher, Cyril; Ogden, Christopher; Kumar, Pardeep; Thompson, Alan; Woodhouse, Christopher; Nicol, David; Mayer, Erik; Dudderidge, Tim; Shah, Nimish C; Gnanapragasam, Vincent; Voet, Thierry; Campbell, Peter; Futreal, Andrew; Easton, Douglas; Warren, Anne Y; Foster, Christopher S; Stratton, Michael R; Whitaker, Hayley C; McDermott, Ultan; Brewer, Daniel S; Neal, David E


    Genome-wide DNA sequencing was used to decrypt the phylogeny of multiple samples from distinct areas of cancer and morphologically normal tissue taken from the prostates of three men. Mutations were present at high levels in morphologically normal tissue distant from the cancer, reflecting clonal expansions, and the underlying mutational processes at work in morphologically normal tissue were also at work in cancer. Our observations demonstrate the existence of ongoing abnormal mutational processes, consistent with field effects, underlying carcinogenesis. This mechanism gives rise to extensive branching evolution and cancer clone mixing, as exemplified by the coexistence of multiple cancer lineages harboring distinct ERG fusions within a single cancer nodule. Subsets of mutations were shared either by morphologically normal and malignant tissues or between different ERG lineages, indicating earlier or separate clonal cell expansions. Our observations inform on the origin of multifocal disease and have implications for prostate cancer therapy in individual cases.





    El septum lateral (SL), es un núcleo del cerebro anterior, que, procesa la información sensorial afectiva procedente del hipocampo y dirige sus respuestas, importantes para la supervivencia, hacia las zonas del hipotálamo importantes para la motivación, como lo es el núcleo tuberomamilar del hipotálamo (TMN). El TMN contiene las neuronas histaminérgicas en el cerebro, la cual relacionamos con la vigilia y alerta en conductas motivadas y así puede dirigir y reforzar el comportamiento. El TM...

  13. Infección por Polyoma virus en un paciente con transplante renal: A propósito de un caso

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    Reyner Loza Munarriz


    Full Text Available La nefropatia por polyoma virus (NVBK esta siendo reconocida como causa importante de falla del injerto, usualmente confundido con rechazo agudo. A la fecha, no se han reportado casos en el Perú. Se presenta el caso de un niño trasplantado, 17 años de edad, quien presentó elevación persistente de la creatinina sérica en el primer mes postrasplante. Fue tratado como rechazo agudo. Al no presentar mejoría se realizó biopsia renal que mostró marcado daño del epitelio tubular con necrosis parcial y desprendimiento hacia la luz tubular y la presencia de células atípicas con escaso citoplasma e inclusiones intranucleares basofilicas, hallazgos compatibles con infección por virus BK. No se evidenció signos de rechazo. Además, en el papanicolao de orina, se encontró Decoy cells. La carga viral de virus BK fue elevada en sangre y en orina. Se suspendió el tratamiento con mofetil micofenolato, se redujo la dosis de tacrolimus y se inició el tratamiento con leflunomide 40 mg/dia. Seis meses después la función renal del paciente se estabilizó, pero sin mejoría completa quedando con una depuración de creatinina de 30 ml/min/1,73 m² SC. (Rev Med Hered 2008;19:123-127

  14. Novel phenotypes of pyridox(am)ine-5'-phosphate oxidase deficiency and high prevalence of c.445_448del mutation in Chinese patients. (United States)

    Xue, Jiao; Chang, Xingzhi; Zhang, Yuehua; Yang, Zhixian


    To analyze the clinical and genetic characteristics of Chinese patients with pyridox(am)ine-5'-phosphate oxidase (PNPO) deficiency. The clinical presentations and the responses to treatments were analyzed in 4 patients. Blood and urinary metabolic screenings, electroencephalogram (EEG), brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and epilepsy-related genes detection were performed in all patients. Patient 1 and 2 were identical twin brothers, who were born at 35 +5 w gestation with a sign of encephalopathy. Their seizures started within the first day and could not be controlled by pyridoxine or pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP) completely. Patient 3 presented seizures at 5 months, responding well to pyridoxine. Seizures in patient 4 began at 40 days after birth and were controlled by valproic acid and topiramate. EEG showed atypical hypsarrhythmia or multifocal epileptiform discharges in 3 patients, and showed normality in patient 4. MRI showed nonspecific abnormality or normality. Blood metabolic screening showed multiple amino acids level abnormalities in all cases. Urinary metabolic screening showed vanillactic acid prominently elevated in 3 patients. Genetic analysis revealed 5 mutations of PNPO, three of which were novel. The mutation c.445_448del was carried by the twins and patient 3. Assessment of psychomotor development indicated severe delay in 3 patients and borderline to mild delay in patient 3. This is the first time to report patients with PNPO deficiency diagnosed by gene analysis in China. The novel clinical characteristics and novel mutations found here expanded the phenotypes and genotypes of this disease. Further, the frameshift mutation c.445_448del might be high prevalence in PNPO deficiency in Chinese patients.

  15. Implantation of a multifocal toric intraocular lens with a surface-embedded near segment after repeated LASIK treatments. (United States)

    Khoramnia, Ramin; Auffarth, Gerd U; Rabsilber, Tanja M; Holzer, Mike P


    We report a 66-year-old patient who presented with increasing hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia in both eyes 8 years after bilateral laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and LASIK enhancement in the left eye aiming for spectacle independence. Bilateral multifocal toric Lentis Mplus intraocular lenses (IOLs) with an embedded near segment and individually customized cylinder correction were implanted uneventfully following phacoemulsification. The Haigis-L formula after previous hyperopia correction was chosen for IOL power calculation and provided reliable results. Emmetropia was targeted and achieved. Three months postoperatively, the uncorrected distance visual acuity had increased from 0.40 logMAR to 0.10 logMAR in the right eye and from 0.20 logMAR to 0.00 logMAR in the left eye. The patient gained 6 lines of uncorrected near visual acuity: 0.20 logMAR in the right eye and 0.10 logMAR in the left eye. This case shows that customized premium IOL implantation can provide accurate results even in challenging cases. The International Vision Correction Research Centre, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, has received research grants, lecture fees, and travel reimbursement from Oculentis GmbH. Copyright © 2012 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Prismatic displacement effect of progressive multifocal glasses on reaction time and accuracy in elderly people. (United States)

    Ellison, Ashton C; Campbell, A John; Robertson, M Clare; Sanderson, Gordon F


    Multifocal glasses (bifocals, trifocals, and progressives) increase the risk of falling in elderly people, but how they do so is unclear. To explain why glasses with progressive addition lenses increase the risk of falls and whether this can be attributed to false projection, this study aimed to 1) map the prismatic displacement of a progressive lens, and 2) test whether this displacement impaired reaction time and accuracy. The reaction times of healthy ≥75-year-olds (31 participants) were measured when grasping for a bar and touching a black line. Participants performed each test twice, wearing their progressives and new, matched single vision (distance) glasses in random order. The line and bar targets were positioned according to the maximum and minimum prismatic displacement effect through the progressive lens, mapped using a focimeter. Progressive spectacle lenses have large areas of prismatic displacement in the central visual axis and edges. Reaction time was faster for progressives compared with single vision glasses with a centrally-placed horizontal grab bar (mean difference 101 ms, P=0.011 [repeated measures analysis]) and a horizontal black line placed 300 mm below center (mean difference 80 ms, P=0.007). There was no difference in accuracy between the two types of glasses. Older people appear to adapt to the false projection of progressives in the central visual axis. This adaptation means that swapping to new glasses or a large change in prescription may lead to a fall. Frequently updating glasses may be more beneficial.

  17. Caracterización del mercado laboral del sector hotelero del estado Mérida, Venezuela


    Villasmil R., María A.; Andrade, Henry


    Esta investigación trata sobre modelos que permiten caracterizar Mercados Laborales Locales (MLL), ya que en Venezuela el manejo de los mismos es casi inexistente. En este sentido, se plantea como objetivo caracterizar al mercado laboral del sector hotelero del estado Mérida-Venezuela en función del conocimiento de las particularidades económicas, institucionales, políticas, sociales, educativas y culturales de la zona así como las condiciones que se tengan en materia de empleo, oferta de for...


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    Néstor Juan Sanabria


    Full Text Available Este artículo ofrece una síntesis del estado del arte sobre los temas del desarrollo y es parte integrante de la investigación sobre los pymes y el desarrollo económico. Desde los enfoques clásicos hasta los modelos contemporáneos se ha debatido ampliamente la relación entre crecimiento y desarrollo económico. Para muchos autores el desarrollo está vinculado a los problemas de distribución. Para otros el desarrollo es sinónimo de disminución y eliminación de la pobreza o se resuelve a través de aumentar la producción. Otros enfoques se centran en la importancia de minimizar los costos de transacción o en la generación de una mejor calidad de vida. Ahora bien, las teorías del desarrollo predominantes hasta la década de los ochenta, asumen que el proceso del desarrollo no es más que la ruta de homogenización de los mercados duales. Para otros autores el problema se explica por la diferencia de tecnologías, capital social, capital intelectual y humano. Esta síntesis revisa entre otros enfoques los modelos con los que se ha intentado explicar la peculiaridad del desarrollo en los países del tercer mundo, en las economías en proceso de industrialización y la complejidad del caso particular del desarrollo en Latinoamérica y su modelo de sustitución de importaciones.

  19. Los métodos de fijación del salario en el Uruguay y los particularismos del Derecho del Trabajo

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    Álvaro Rodríguez Azcúe


    Full Text Available El salario y la jornada de trabajo han sido en nuestro país, seguramente, los dos temas que forjaron el nacimiento del Derecho del trabajo1. Dentro del primero, el método de fijación del salario predominante, generalmente, refleja algo mucho más amplio que la política salarial de un gobierno. En realidad pone de manifiesto un eje central de la política laboral, o, más aún, una determinada forma de abordar la cuestión social.Por ese motivo nos proponemos analizar el tema a partir de su evolución histórica y de algunos de los particularismos que, en la concepción de Barbagelata, posee el Derecho del trabajo: la subyacencia del conflicto en las relaciones laborales y la significación del tiempo social.En esa perspectiva se confirma, según enseña Ermida Uriarte, el indudable papel protagónico que han desempeñado los Consejos de Salarios en el Derecho del trabajo y el sistema laboral uruguayo.Presentación. Referencia a los particularismos del Derecho del Trabajo. Los métodos teóricos de fijación del salario. Evolución histórica de los métodos a la luz de los particularismos. Algunas reflexiones finales

  20. Ensayo del lisado de amebocitos del Limulus (LAL

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    Rolando Perdomo Morales


    Full Text Available En los últimos años, los principales organismos reguladores de productos farmacéuticos (Farmacopeas exigen cada vez más en sus monografías la aplicación del método del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL para la liberación de pirógenos en productos terminados parenterales. El análisis de pirógenos constituye uno de los principales ensayos en el control de calidad de la fabricación de inyectables por su repercusión en la salud humana, puesto que la presencia y administración de los mismos, es capaz de provocar una serie de respuestas fisiológicas, en su mayoría de carácter perjudicial y en casos extremos, la muerte del paciente. Por las razones anteriores, existe un creciente interés en el conocimiento y dominio de estos métodos. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión bibliográfica del método del LAL, se tratan aspectos como su descubrimiento y estandarización, aparición en la industria farmacéutica y razones para su triunfo, y los basamentos de los principales métodos o variaciones comerciales del LAL (gelificación, turbidimétricos y cromogénicos que se describen en las Farmacopeas.

  1. Ensayo del lisado de amebocitos del Limulus (LAL

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    Rolando Perdomo Morales

    Full Text Available En los últimos años, los principales organismos reguladores de productos farmacéuticos (Farmacopeas exigen cada vez más en sus monografías la aplicación del método del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL para la liberación de pirógenos en productos terminados parenterales. El análisis de pirógenos constituye uno de los principales ensayos en el control de calidad de la fabricación de inyectables por su repercusión en la salud humana, puesto que la presencia y administración de los mismos, es capaz de provocar una serie de respuestas fisiológicas, en su mayoría de carácter perjudicial y en casos extremos, la muerte del paciente. Por las razones anteriores, existe un creciente interés en el conocimiento y dominio de estos métodos. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión bibliográfica del método del LAL, se tratan aspectos como su descubrimiento y estandarización, aparición en la industria farmacéutica y razones para su triunfo, y los basamentos de los principales métodos o variaciones comerciales del LAL (gelificación, turbidimétricos y cromogénicos que se describen en las Farmacopeas.

  2. Indicadores de desempeño del sistema de riego del Rio Dulce, Santiago del Estero, Argentina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prieto, D.; Angella, G.; Angueira, M.C.; Pérez Carrera, A.; Moscuzza, C.


    Mucha atención se ha puesto en el estudio del desempeño de los sistemas de riego a partir de la década de 1990, al tomarse conciencia de los bajos resultados de muchos de ellos, y su impacto ambiental negativo. El Sistema de Riego del Río Dulce en Santiago del Estero (PRD), no es la excepción,

  3. La motivación del veredicto en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo


    Vegas Torres, Jaime


    1. Introducción. 2. Alcance de la exigencia de motivación del veredicto. 2.1. Extensión de la motivación. 2.1.1. Hechos no controvertidos. 2.1.2. Hechos que el jurado encuentra no probados. 2.2. Profundidad de la motivación. 2.2.1. Admisibilidad de la explicación conjunta de todas las respuestas del jurado a las cuestiones del objeto del veredicto. 2.2.2. Contenido de la motivación. 3. Motivación del veredicto y prueba por indicios. 3.1. Motivación del veredicto basado en prueba de indicios. ...

  4. Del Charco del Agua Amarga (Alcañiz

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    Tomás MAIGI


    Full Text Available En agosto de 1947, habiendo llegado a la excelentísima Diputación Provincial de Teruel rumores de recientes deterioros en el friso pintado del abrigo rupestre del "Charco del Agua Amarga", nos fué requerida oficialmente, por dicha Corporación, la presentación de un informe sobre la realidad de los hechos expuestos, así como el planeamiento de las medidas adecuadas para salvaguardar en forma eficaz, en el futuro, las referidas pinturas.

  5. Concentraciones del activador tisular del plasminógeno y del inhibidor del activador del plasminógeno en pacientes con homocistinuria clásica

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    Beatriz Meneses


    Full Text Available El aumento moderado o severo de Homocisteína (Hcy en sangre y las alteraciones en el sistema fibrinolítico, se asocian con enfermedad vascular que afecta venas y arterias de todos los calibres. Los pacientes con homocistinuria clásica padecen con mucha frecuencia eventos tromboembólicos, que son su principal causa de mortalidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las concentraciones de Hcy, Inhibidor del Activador del Plasminógeno tipo 1 (PAI-1 y Activador tisular del Plasminógeno (tPA en pacientes con homocistinuria clásica, en familiares de éstos y en población control sana.

  6. Gestión del riesgo del cambio (primera parte

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    Juan Pablo Zorrilla


    Full Text Available A partir de la desaparición del sistema Bretton-Woods, y la libre flotación del tipo de cambio, el mundo se volvió más susceptible a todo tipo de riesgos. El presente artículo pretende explicar a los gestores financieros o empresarios interesados en el tema de instrumentos financieros derivados, a conocer lo más relevante y necesario acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio, instrumento útil para cubrir riesgos derivados del tipo de cambio para las empresas que se dedican a importar, exportar o para protegerse de un crédito otorgado en moneda extranjera.

  7. IgG4-associated multifocal systemic fibrosis detected by cancer screening with 18F-FDG positron emission tomography/computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soga, Shigeyoshi; Kita, Tamotsu; Hiratsuka, Miyuki; Sakaguchi, Chiharu; Shinmoto, Hiroshi; Kosuda, Shigeru; Sakata, Ikuko; Miura, Soichiro


    Serial fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography ( 18 F-FDG PET/CT) studies were performed with an interval of one year in a 62-year-old man with IgG4-associated multifocal systemic fibrosis (IMSF). He first underwent 18 F-FDG PET/CT cancer screening, which revealed multiple 18 F-FDG-avid uptakes in the pancreas, prostate, and lymph nodes in the upper mediastinum, pulmonary hila, porta hepatis, and the left iliac and inguinal regions. He was not symptomatic at this initial examination. The follow-up 18 F-FDG PET/CT study showed disappearance of 18 F-FDG-avid uptake foci in the pancreas despite no treatment having been administered, but demonstrated new lesions in the abdominal para-aortic region and more intense FDG uptake in the porta hepatis lesion. Serial 18 F-FDG PET/CT studies might be useful in monitoring patients with IMSF, as well as evaluating the state of systemic involvement. Findings of 18 F-FDG PET/CT may provide information useful for determining the optimal initiation of IMSF treatment. (author)

  8. Calculo del valor en riesgo del futuro de energia e internacionalizacion del sector energetico en Colombia


    Esquivel Fonseca, Leidy Gioanna


    El presente trabajo de grado busca definir cuál es el mejor método para determinar el valor en riesgo del contrato de futuro de energía eléctrica que se transa en Colombia, para cumplir con este objetivo se toma como referencia el marco histórico del VaR y de los futuros seguido de las características de la fijación de precios, la estructura del contrato, que políticas y métodos hay para cubrirse del riesgo y como se realiza en otros países, realizando algunos cálculos de los modelos más trad...



    Parm\\u00E9nides Furcal-Beriguete; Alejandra Herrera-Barrantes


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, silicio al suelo más plaguicidas (alternativas químicas), silicio foliar, silicio fol...

  10. Competitividad sectorial internacional. Caso: sector del cuero y del calzado

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    Diana Carolina Villegas Álvarez


    Full Text Available El presente escrito se origina en un trabajo de investigación cuya pretensión fue indagar sobre el nivel de competitividad internacional (C.I, del sector del cuero y del calzado colombiano, mediante la aplicación de indicadores que, a partir de la información estadística de las variables de comercio exterior permiten establecer ciertas relaciones que dan cuenta de la importancia del producto en los mercados de los países de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN, seleccionados para la comparación.

  11. Sobre el fragment dels Catasterismes d'Eratòstenes del manuscrit Parisinus Graecus 1310: el nom dels planetes Saturn i Júpiter


    Pàmias i Massana, Jordi


    El ms. Parisinus Graecus 1310 inclou un breu fragment de l'Epítom dels Catasterismes, obra atribuïda a Eratòstenes. A banda d'alguna variant respecte del textus receptus, presenta un capítol (43) del tot reelaborat, en què l'excepcional irregularitat de l'Epítom dels Catasterismes, pel que fa a les correspondències divines dels dos primers planetes de la nòmina de cinc, ha estat corregida per tal d'adequar els noms dels planetes Faiuou i Faethou a Saturn i a Júpiter respectivament. The man...

  12. Incidence, clinical presentation, and outcome of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in HIV-infected patients during the highly active antiretroviral therapy era: a nationwide cohort study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engsig, Frederik Neess; Hansen, Ann-Brit Eg; Omland, Lars Haukali


    BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection predisposes to progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). Here, we describe the incidence, presentation, and prognosis of PML in HIV-1-infected patients during the period before highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) (1995...... at presentation and follow-up. RESULTS: Among 4,649 patients, we identified 47 patients with PML. The incidence rates were 3.3, 1.8, and 1.3 cases per 1000 person-years at risk in 1995-1996, 1997-1999, and 2000-2006, respectively. The risk of PML was significantly associated with low CD4(+) cell count, and 47......% of cases were diagnosed by means of brain biopsy or polymerase chain reaction analysis for JC virus. The predominant neurological symptoms at presentation were coordination disturbance, cognitive defects, and limb paresis. Thirty-five patients died; the median survival time was 0.4 years (95% confidence...

  13. Factores de riesgo implicados en el comportamiento agresivo del perro y del gato


    Amat Grau, Marta


    El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de algunos aspectos de la agresividad del perro y del gato. El estudio de la agresividad canina y felina es importante por varios motivos. En primer lugar, los problemas de agresividad del perro y del gato son muy frecuentes y, al menos en los centros de referencia, son el principal problema de comportamiento. La agresividad del perro y del gato también es importante, porque constituye una de las principales causas de eutanasia y abandono de perros ...

  14. Utilización de lectinas en la inhibición de la adhesión de Pasteurella multocida

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    Magda Patricia Carrillo Lamus


    Full Text Available El primer paso de la infección es la adhesión de los organismos patógenos a las células blanco. Esta característica les permite no solo penetrar y desplegar las estrategias ofensivas para iniciar la colonización, sino contribuir a la protección y el resguardo de estos a los mecanismos de defensa tanto inmunológicos como mecánicos del hospedero. Este proceso se lleva a cabo en gran medida por la interacción de lectinas, que son proteínas de origen no inmune con la capacidad de reconocer y aglutinar carbohidratos. Este mecanismo ha sido reportado para muchos microorganismos como virus y bacterias. En el caso particular de la Pasteurella multocida, que es una bacteria gramnegativa, patógena oportunista, que inicia la infección en el epitelio respiratorio de muchos animales, se han descrito sobre su superficie sustancias lectinas como la fimbria tipo IV y carbohidratos como el lipopolisacárido o la cápsula que reconocen carbohidratos y lectinas, respectivamente, sobre la superficie de las células epiteliales del tubo respiratorio, circunstancia que le permite adherirse y resguardarse del efecto mucociliar. Debido a que para la gran mayoría de estos microorganismos —incluida P. multocida— es evidente la disminución de la susceptibilidad a los antibacterianos y a la efectividad de las vacunas, se han buscado nuevas tácticas terapéuticas y profilácticas con el fin de interrumpir la infección de los patógenos por medio del bloqueo por competencia de la unión carbohidratos-lectina, donde se ve disminuida la unión del microorganismo al tejido y, por consiguiente, la infección.

  15. Enfermedad del virus del Ébola (Ebola Virus Disease)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Este podcast proporciona información general sobre la enfermedad del virus del Ébola y el brote en África Occidental. El programa contiene declaraciones del director de los CDC, Dr. Tom Frieden, así como una breve descripción de las actividades de respuesta de los CDC.


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    J.C. Alberdi Collantes


    Full Text Available La Ley del suelo del País Vasco del 2007 nace con el objeto de favorecer el acceso a una vivienda digna. Sin embargo, en la medida en que apuesta por frenar la especulación y la sostenibilidad del medio legisla sobre el tratamiento que se le ha de aportar al suelo no urbanizable. En este caso, no altera sustancialmente la regulación del suelo rural pero sí incorpora nuevas obligaciones dirigidas a frenar la intensidad de la urbanización en este suelo. Se regula la construcción de nueva vivienda, el desarrollo urbanístico de núcleos y barrios rurales y se obliga a profundizar en la calificación del suelo no urbanizable. La aplicación de los nuevos contenidos quedan en manos de los municipios e instituciones sectoriales y los primeros resultados parecen denotar un cambio de tendencia en municipios que han observado la pérdida de calidad paisajística del medio rural, la creciente especulación y la desagrarización de este entorno.

  17. Evolución del desarrollo del color en sistema modelo de composición similar al dulce de leche. Influencia del tiempo de calentamiento y del Ph

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    Analía Rodríguez Blanco


    Full Text Available El color es un atributo importante en la elección del producto dulce de leche por parte del consumidor. El mismo se desarrolla en el proceso de elaboración debido principalmente a las reacciones de pardeamiento no enzimático, las cuales se ven influenciadas por varios factores. En este trabajo se evaluó el desarrollo de color, con el tiempo de tratamiento térmico y el pH inicial como variables tecnológicas, en un sistema modelo compuesto de caseinato, lactosa, sacarosa y agua destilada cuya composición fue similar a la del dulce de leche comercial. El estudio del color se realizó utilizando los parámetros de medición de color del sistema CIELAB y el índice de Kubelka Munk (K/S. Con ambos métodos se constató un aumento significativo del dE*ab y del K/S con el tiempo de tratamiento térmico y el pH inicial. Con el sistema CIELAB además se observó una tendencia a disminuir la luminosidad con el tiempo y el aumento del pH inicial, y el aumento de a* con el tiempo.

  18. Acerca del moho (United States)

    El moho forma parte del medio ambiente natural. Afuera del hogar, el moho juega un papel en la naturaleza al desintegrar materias organicas tales como las hojas que se han caido o los arboles muertos. El moho puede crecer adentro del hogar cuando las espor

  19. La teoria del ciclo vitale del risparmio di Modigliani cinquant’anni dopo

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    Mauro Baranzini


    Full Text Available Nei primi anni ’50 Franco Modigliani, insieme a Richard Brumberg e ad Albert Ando, formulò lateoria del ciclo vitale del consumo e del risparmio, che ha riscosso un enorme e indiscussosuccesso per almeno tre decenni. Tuttavia, a partire dai primi anni ’80 la teoria del ciclo vitale èstata criticata in modo sempre più serrato, per almeno quattro ragioni. La prima consistenell’esistenza di una significativa trasmissione intergenerazionale della ricchezza, da ricondurre acause esogene al modello del ciclo vitale. La seconda ragione è rappresentata dalla crescenteevidenza che i ricchi continuano a risparmiare in misura maggiore rispetto ai meno fortunati,come, in effetti, Keynes sosteneva. Il terzo motivo è che vi sono prove sempre più evidenti,almeno nell’Europa occidentale e in Giappone, che le famiglie giovani, durante i venti e i trentaanni di età, risparmiano una quota positiva e crescente del proprio reddito, e ciò si pone indeciso contrasto con la versione originaria della teoria del ciclo vitale. Infine, numerosi lavoriempirici hanno rilevato che i pensionati accantonano una parte elevata del proprio reddito. Ciòimpone un serio ripensamento dell’approccio della teoria del ciclo vitale, che interessa sia l’analisieconomica sia la politica economica.

  20. Max Weber o el enigma emocional del origen del capitalismo




    Se analiza el trabajo clave de Max Weber, La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo, desde la perspectiva de la Sociología de las Emociones. Aunque la inclusión de las emociones de los fenómenos sociales es clave para entender la idea de Weber sobre el dogma de la predestinación, los sociólogos han trivializado el papel de la emoción. Tras detallar la creencia de Weber en que el espíritu del capitalismo parte del conocimiento de que el destino del hombre está predeterminado (la ética...