
Sample records for modificada por berliner


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    Erik E. Santos


    Full Text Available Se analizó la capacidad de remoción de As (III en solución acuosa por la biomasa modificada de Aspergillus niger, mediante Espectrometría de Absorción Atómica. La mayor bioadsorción (66% con 1 mg/L del metaloide fue a las 24 horas, a pH de 6.0, 28oC y 1 g de biomasa modificada. Con respecto a la temperatura, la más alta remoción fue a los 28oC, con un 66% de remoción a las 24 horas. A las concentraciones de As (III analizadas, la biomasa mostró una buena capacidad de remoción. Al aumentar la concentración del bioadsorbente, la remoción es más eficiente (91.2% con 5 g de biomasa, además de remover eficientemente el metaloide (67% de remoción en agua natural contaminada con 1 mg/100 mL de As (III a las 24 horas con 5 g de biomasa, por lo que puede ser utilizado para eliminar aguas residuales industriales.

  2. Empaque de alimentos en atmosferas modificadas


    Restrepo Molina, Diego Alonso


    Resumen: Las técnicas usadas para reducir el oxígeno alrededor del alimento son conocidas como Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) e incluyen el empacado en atmosfera controlada y el “verdadero” empacado en atmosfera modificada. Teniendo en cuenta que la refrigeración es considerada, en el ámbito de los alimentos, como uno de los métodos de conservación de mayor impacto, ya que retarda el deterioro de los alimentos almacenados por periodos importantes de tiempo, la combinación de la disminuci...

  3. Tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo en la mujer, por la técnica de Perrin modificada

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    Edilberto Borges Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en 21 mujeres que presentaron incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo, las cuales recibieron tratamiento quirúrgico por la técnica de Perrin modificada, en el Hospital General Docente "Guillermo Domínguez", del municipio Puerto Padre, en los años 1990 y 1991. Estas pacientes se siguieron después de operadas por espacio de 1 año, para evaluar los resultados mediatos obtenidos al aplicar esta técnica. Como principales resultados y conclusiones se expresan: la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo fue más frecuente después de la cuarta década de la vida, estuvo relacionada con la multiparidad y con el tipo de parto transpelviano; se encontró asociada con diversos grados de relajación pelviana, y resultaron los ligeros y medianos esfuerzos los que con mayor frecuencia la provocaron. Las pruebas de esfuerzo presentaron un alto grado de positividad. Técnicas quirúrgicas fallidas por vía vaginal, se recogieron como un antecedente importante. La retención urinaria fue la complicación posoperatoria más frecuente. El 95 % de los resultados mediatos alcanzados se evaluaron de satisfactorios

  4. Armazenamento de abacaxi 'smooth cayenne' minimamente processado sob refrigeração e atmosfera modificada

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    Prado Mônica Elisabeth Torres


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a influência de diferentes atmosferas modificadas durante o armazenamento de abacaxis da cv. Smooth Cayenne minimamente processados, por um período de oito dias, a 5º C e 85% UR. Foram realizadas as análises de acidez total titulável (ATT, sólidos solúveis totais (SST, pH, líquido drenado (LD, pectina total (PT, pectina solúvel (PS, firmeza e determinou-se a atividade das enzimas polifenoloxidase (PFO e poligalacturonase (PG da polpa dos frutos, a cada 2 dias. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: atmosferas modificadas com a injeção de 5% de O2 e 5% de CO2, com 2% de O2 e 10% de CO2 e o Controle (atmosfera modificada passivamente. As atmosferas modificadas ativas apresentaram ação injuriosa sobre os tecidos do abacaxi minimamente processado, estimulando a atividade da PFO. O uso de atmosferas modificadas proporcionou menor atividade da PG e, conseqüentemente, menor solubilização de substâncias pécticas. O abacaxi cv. Smooth Cayenne, minimamente processado, apresentou uma vida útil de 6 dias, pois, embora suas principais características físicas e físico-químicas não tenham sido comprometidas, as alterações químicas e bioquímicas não permitiram que o produto atingisse os 8 dias de armazenamento previstos.

  5. Evaluación de las Propiedades Mecánicas de una Mezcla Densa en Caliente Modificada con un Desecho de PVC

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    Hugo A. Rondón-Quintana


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo evaluó en laboratorio, la resistencia mecánica bajo carga monotónica, el módulo resiliente y la resistencia a la deformación permanente que experimenta una mezcla asfáltica cuando se modifica con un desecho de policloruro de vinilo (PVC por vía húmeda. Adicionalmente, fue evaluada durante 21 meses, la influencia del medio ambiente de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. sobre las propiedades mecánicas de la mezcla modificada. De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que la resistencia mecánica de la mezcla asfáltica modificada es superior en comparación con la convencional. La tendencia general de las mezclas con el tiempo de exposición al medio ambiente de Bogotá D.C. es experimentar un aumento en los valores de rigidez debido principalmente a procesos de endurecimiento por envejecimiento del ligante asfáltico. Sin embargo, para el caso de las mezclas fabricadas con CA 60-70 y modificadas con PVC en los primeros 15 meses de exposición, la rigidez disminuye por efecto de micro-fisuración térmica.

  6. Fas2-ELISA y la técnica de sedimentación rápida modificada por lumbreras en el diagnóstico de la infección por Fasciola hepática

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    Vicente Maco Flores


    Full Text Available La fasciolosis humana es un problema de salud pública debido a la mayor incidencia de casos reportados en los últimos años alrededor del mundo. La necesidad de contar con técnicas o métodos de diagnóstico para Fasciola hepatica de mayor sensibilidad y especificidad es importante tanto para la práctica clínica como para determinar zonas endémicas. Objetivo: Evaluar las técnicas coprológicas y serológicas para el diagnóstico de la infección por Fasciola hepatica en humanos. Material y métodos: La población de estudio comprendió a niños en edad escolar entre 1-16 años de edad, pertenecientes a una zona de alta endemicidad (Junin, Perú. Se obtuvieron un total de 194 muestras de heces y 158 muestras de suero. Se evaluaron tres métodos coproparasitológicos: Método de Concentración éter-formol (MCEF, Técnica de Sedimentación Espontánea (TSE y la Técnica de Sedimentación Rápida (TSR modificada por Lumbreras, y tres métodos serológicos: Arco 2, Western blot para F. hepatica y Fas2-ELISA. Resultados: La TSR modificada por Lumbreras fue la de mayor rendimiento (20.61% en comparación con la TSE (13.40% y MCEF (7.72%. La sensibilidad de Fas2-ELISA fue de 96.77% superior a la del Western blot y Arco 2, con sensibilidades de 71.87% y 35.48%, respectivamente. Conclusiones: La TSR es superior a TSE y MCEF para el diagnóstico de la fasciolosis humana en la fase crónica. Fas2-ELISA, es una prueba de inmunodiagnóstico altamente sensible y que se propone debe ser usada como la prueba de diagnóstico de fasciolosis humana y de tamizaje de la infección en poblaciones humanas que habitan en regiones de alta endemicidad para esta parasitosis.

  7. Evaluación de bolsa atmósfera modificada y concentraciones de anhídrido sulfuroso aplicadas sobre frutos de arándano alto (Vaccinium corymbosum L. cv. Emerald

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    Mario Rodríguez Beraud


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar las técnicas de atmósfera modificada y aplicación de anhídrido sulfuroso sobre parámetros de calidad de postcosecha en frutos de arándanos (Vaccinium corymbosum L. cv. Emerald, se realizó un experimento de seis tratamientos, dados por la combinación de dos factores, atmósfera modificada (con y sin, y diferentes concentraciones de anhídrido sulfuroso (generadas por 0, 1 y 2 g de metabisulfito de sodio durante 7, 14, 21 y 28 días a 0 °C. Con la dosis de 2 g de metabisulfito de sodio en atmósfera modificada no se presentaron pudriciones, a diferencia del tratamiento testigo que presentó un 4,86% luego de 28 días de almacenaje. Los resultados indican que la incidencia de pudrición gris disminuyó significativamente (p ≤ 0,05 con anhídrido sulfuroso en bolsa atmósfera modificada, existiendo un efecto de interacción entre ambos factores, no obstante, el gas causó daños de blanqueamiento de frutos, el que correspondió a un 11,66% con una dosis de 2 g de metabisulfito de sodio, luego de 28 días de almacenaje. El uso de bolsa de atmósfera modificada redujo significativamente (p ≤ 0,05 la pérdida de peso por deshidratación (en promedio un 4% respecto a los tratamientos donde esta tecnología no fue utilizada. La concentración de sólidos solubles no fue influenciada por los tratamientos, manteniéndose entre 13 y 14%.

  8. Caracterização de argamassa modificada por particula vegetal para nivelamento de contrapiso


    Francisca Julia França Ferreira de Melo


    Resumo: O presente trabalho se propõe desenvolver uma argamassa para nivelamento de contra piso modificada com partículas vegetais de Pinus caribaea e avaliar suas características físicas e mecânicas. Os resíduos de Pinus utilizados são provenientes do processo de fabricação de lápis. Os traços tiveram seu fator água/cimento determinado pela trabalhabilidade. As misturas foram elaboradas com Cimento Portland CPII-E 32, areia, adição de partículas vegetais de Pinus e água proporcional ao traço...

  9. Evaluación de bolsa atmósfera modificada y concentraciones de anhídrido sulfuroso aplicadas sobre frutos de arándano alto (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cv. Emerald


    Mario Rodríguez Beraud; Anddy Wyss Valdés; Nelson Hormazábal Vásquez


    Con el objetivo de evaluar las técnicas de atmósfera modificada y aplicación de anhídrido sulfuroso sobre parámetros de calidad de postcosecha en frutos de arándanos (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cv. Emerald, se realizó un experimento de seis tratamientos, dados por la combinación de dos factores, atmósfera modificada (con y sin), y diferentes concentraciones de anhídrido sulfuroso (generadas por 0, 1 y 2 g de metabisulfito de sodio) durante 7, 14, 21 y 28 días a 0 °C. Con la dosis de 2 g de meta...

  10. Nivel del PH salival en niños de 6 meses a 18 meses de edad con ingesta de leche evaporada modificada y leche materna


    Flores Concha, Paulita


    RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar el nivel del pH salival en niños de 6 meses a 18 meses de edad con ingesta de leche evaporada modificada y leche materna, en el Programa Nacional Wawa Wasi del distrito de Villa María del Triunfo, según el tiempo transcurrido. Material y método: La muestra estuvo conformada por 40 niños de 6 meses a 18 meses de edad, distribuidos en dos grupos: 20 que consumieron leche materna y 20 que ingirieron leche evaporada modificada. Se les dio a tomar la leche ...

  11. Retention of chromium by modified Al-Bentonite Retenção de cromo por Al-bentonita modificada

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    C. Volzone


    Full Text Available Retention of chromium (III from a tanning wastewater by modified Al-bentonites was studied. One bentonite from San Juan province, Argentina, was used. Al-bentonite was prepared by contact of bentonite with hydrolyzed OH-Al solutions (0.10 M in Al for 24 hours. The modified Al-bentonites were obtained by: a treatment with 0.5 M sodium chloride; b with 0.5 M sodium chloride adjusted at pH 8; and c treatment with an hexametaphosphate solution after sodium addition. Then, the samples were dried at 100 °C and heated at 500 °C. The chromium (III retention by samples was carried out in batch system putting in contact the material with a 2000 ppm Cr tannery waste at different times. The retained chromium was characterized by analyzing the supernatant using UV-visible spectroscopy. The different chromium retention was correlated with structural characteristics of the solids.Foi estudada a retenção de cromo (III de águas residuais por meio de Al-bentonitas modificadas. Foi usada uma bentonita da província de San Juan, Argentina. As bentonitas-Al forma preparadas colocando-as em contato com soluções (0,10 M Al hydrolizadas de OH-Al durante 24 horas. As bentonitas-Al modidicadas foram obtidas por meio de: a tratamento com cloreto de sódio 0,5 M; b com cloreto de sódio 0,5 M sodium com pH ajustado para 8; e c tratamento com uma solução de hexametafosfato após a adição de sódio. As amostras foram então secas a 100 °C e aquecidas a 500 °C. A retenção do cromo (III pelas amostras foi feita em lotes colocando o material em contato em diferentes tempos com um resíduo contendo 2000 ppm de cromo. O cromo retido foi caracterizado por meio de análise do sobrenadante usando espectroscopia UV-visível. As diferentes retenções de cromo foram correlacionadas com características estruturais dos sólidos.

  12. Evaluación de la técnica modificada de Dennis para el diagnóstico de fasciolosis bovina

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    Stefanya Correa


    Conclusión. La validez y el desempeño de la técnica modificada de Dennis fueron superiores a los de la técnica tradicional, por lo que constituye una buena heramienta de tamización para el diagnóstico de la fasciolosis en estudios poblacionales y de prevalencia, así como en jornadas de salud animal.

  13. Estudio teórico de formas inusuales y modificadas de los ácidos nucleicos


    Faustino Pló, Ignacio


    1) Estudio teórico de nucleobases modificadas. Las modificaciones químicas de ácidos nucleicos tienen una amplia variedad de aplicaciones tanto en clínica, utilizadas como agentes antisentido, así como en el estudio de las estructuras de los propios ácidos nucleicos, las interacciones proteína DNA o en la catálisis de ácidos nucleicos por poner algunos ejemplos. Actualmente se sintetizan cientos de análogos de nucleósidos estándar en laboratorios farmacéuticos, algunos de ellos como, ...

  14. Transformações bioquímicas de abacaxi minimamente processado armazenado sob atmosfera modificada Biochemical modifications of pineapple minimally processed under modified atmosphere

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    Mônica Elisabeth Torres Prado


    Full Text Available Realizou-se estudo sobre a influência da atmosfera modificada com diferentes concentrações de gases durante o armazenamento de abacaxi cv. Smooth cayennne minimamente processado, por oito dias, à temperatura de 5ºC e 85% de UR. Foram realizadas análises de açúcares neutros, celulose, hemicelulose e poliuronídeos totais na parede celular. O abacaxi minimamente processado foi acondicionado sob duas Atmosferas Modificadas Ativas, uma com 5% de O2 e 5% de CO2 (AM1,outra com 2% de O2 e 10% de CO2 (AM2,e uma Atmosfera Modificada Passiva (Controle durante 8 dias de armazenamento. O uso de atmosferas modificadas ativas permitiu que o abacaxi minimamente processado sofresse menor degradação da parede celular com menor solubilização das hemiceluloses. Abacaxis minimamente processados e armazenados sob atmosfera modificada obtiveram uma vida de prateleira média de 6 dias, a 5º C.Pineapples minimally processed were, stored eight days (5ºC and 85% RH under passive and active atmosphere (MA. Neutral sugars, cellulose, hemicellulose, and total polyuronide analysis in cell wall were done. Two different active MA were tested: 5% of O2 + 5% of CO2 (MA1 and 2% of O2 + 10% of CO2 (MA2 and one passive MA (Control; during eight days of storage. Pineapples minimally processed stored under active modified atmosphere showed degradation of cell wall and less solubilization of hemicelluloses, besides being more effective in control of ethanol production and formation of off flavours. Pineapples minimally processed stored under modified atmosphere, showed life average of 6 days under refrigeration at 5ºC.

  15. Diseño de una planta de envasado de patatas en atmósfera modificada


    Roldán Fernández, Rubén


    El proyecto pretende diseñar una planta de envasado de patatas, variedad Monalisa, para su comercialización y posterior distribución de este producto hortofrutícola. En dicha planta se realizarán las operaciones de lavado, pelado, selección, corte, secado y envasado en atmósfera modificada (CO2, O2 y N2). El producto envasado se almacenará en cámaras frigoríficas hasta su comercialización. Los españoles consumimos una media de 60,54 Kg de hortalizas frescas por persona y ...



    Nancy Eggs; Susana Salvarezza; Ricardo Azario; Nicolás Fernández; María del C. García


    El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar los factores cinéticos que afectan la adsorción de cromo (VI) en solución empleando como bioadsorbente la cáscara de arroz modificada químicamente, con hidróxido de potasio 1% m/m o con ácido fosfórico 1M. Se estudió la adsorción de cromo (VI) considerando los siguientes parámetros pH, tiempo de incubación, masa del bioadsorbente y concentración inicial del tóxico. La determinación de cromo hexavalente y total se realizó por el método de la difeni...


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    Hugo Alexander Rondón Quintana


    Full Text Available En el mundo la tecnología de los asfaltos modificados ha sido una técnicaampliamente utilizada para mejorar las características que presentan las mezclasasfálticas convencionales cuando experimentan niveles elevados de tránsito ygradientes de temperatura. Por lo general lo que se busca con este tipo detecnología es mejorar algunas de las propiedades mecánicas y reológicas de losasfaltos y las mezclas asfálticas convencionales tales como la susceptibilidad térmica, la rigidez, y la resistencia al envejecimiento, a las deformaciones plásticas ya la fatiga. El artículo presenta los resultados experimentales de ensayar una mezcla asfáltica densa en caliente modificada con desecho de policloruro de vinilo (el cual se denominará en el presente trabajo PVC. Para la evaluación del comportamiento de las mezclas asfálticas convencionales y modificadas se realizaron ensayos Marshall, módulo dinámico y deformación permanente. Para el cemento asfáltico (CA con y sin aditivo se realizaron ensayos de caracterización de asfaltos como penetración, punto de ablandamiento y viscosidad. La modificación de las mezclas se realizó por vía húmeda y seca. Adicionando desecho de PVC al cemento asfáltico y a las mezclas, se obtiene un material más rígido con mayor resistencia a la penetración y menor susceptibilidad térmica a fluir.

  18. Tratamiento quirúrgico de la pancreatitis aguda con técnica de Puestow modificada

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    Enrique Vázquez Merayo

    Full Text Available La pancreatitis crónica representa uno de los mayores desafíos de la Gastroenterología, y su etiología sigue siendo difícil de establecer en 10-30 % de los pacientes. Se presenta un paciente masculino, de 13 años, con diagnóstico de pancreatitis crónica de tipo inmunológico, con estenosis del conducto pancreático principal. Necesitó tratamiento quirúrgico pancreaticoyeyunostomía longitudinal en Y de Roux, conocido como técnica de Puestow modificada. Se logró mejoría clínica, normalidad de sus enzimas en una semana, no hubo complicaciones, tuvo evolución posoperatoria satisfactoria, y una estadía hospitalaria de 14 días. Actualmente se mantiene con 4 años de evolución satisfactoria. La técnica efectuada en el paciente es considerada por muchos como la ideal, por su baja incidencia de mortalidad (menos del 3 % y por el alivio del dolor en más del 75 % de los pacientes. Por ello, se considera que esta técnica quirúrgica pudiera ser una opción terapéutica eficaz para este tipo de paciente.

  19. Avaliação de diferentes tipos de atmosferas modificadas na vida útil de carambolas minimamente processadas


    Neves,Leandro Camargo; Prill,Marcos André de Souza; Silva,Vanuza Xavier da; Benedette,Ronaldo Moreno; Vieites,Rogério Lopes


    Este trabalho teve por objetivo a avaliação da vida útil potencial de carambolas cv. Golden Star, minimamente processadas, armazenadas em diferentes tipos de embalagens plásticas, para a concepção da atmosfera modificada. Os frutos colhidos fisiologicamente maturos apresentaram coloração verde-amarelada, sólidos solúveis (SS) médios de 6,8 ºBrix e massa média de 185 g. Antes da aplicação dos tratamentos, os frutos foram selecionados, higienizados em solução de hipoclorito de sódio (NaOCl) a 1...

  20. Fenoloxidasa Modificada: Clave para identificar cepas de Cryptococcus neoformans

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    Carlos Canelo D


    Full Text Available Cryptococcus neoformans es la única levadura patógena capaz de sintetizar pigmentos como la melanina mediante la actividad de su enzima llamada fenoloxidasa. El objetivo del presente estudio fue implementar y estandarizar la prueba de la fenoloxidasa, como técnica complementaria en la identificación de cepas de C. neoformans. Se estudiaron 21 cepas, identificadas previamente con métodos convencionales. La prueba de la fenoloxidasa fue modificada debido a que su empleo originaba 9,6% (2/21 de falsa negatividad. Esta prueba modificada se optimizó a 28°C a partir de un medio con baja concentración de glucosa. Ningún aislamiento falso negativo fue encontrado luego de repetir tres veces el ensayo, y el pigmento melanina fue detectado con mayor rapidez.

  1. Walter Benjamins Berlin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Walter Benjamin (1892-1940). Tolkning af alle 33 kapitler i Benjamins bybarndomserindringer fra Berlin i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede.......Walter Benjamin (1892-1940). Tolkning af alle 33 kapitler i Benjamins bybarndomserindringer fra Berlin i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede....

  2. Radiação gama e atmosfera modificada passiva na qualidade de goiabas 'Pedro Sato'

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    André José de Campos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da irradiação gama associada à atmosfera modificada passiva na qualidade pós-colheita de goiabas 'Pedro Sato', verificando suas características físico-químicas. Foram utilizadas goiabas provenientes da região de Vista Alegre do Alto-SP,Brasil. Após a colheita, as goiabas foram imediatamente transportadas ao Laboratório de Frutas e Hortaliças, pertencente ao Departamento de Gestão e Tecnologia Agroindustrial, da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP - Câmpus de Botucatu-SP, onde foram armazenadas a 10ºC e 90-95%UR, em câmara frigorífica, por 28 dias. Os tratamentos foram: controle 1 (sem embalagem e sem irradiação; controle 2 (embalagem de poliestireno (PS + polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD e sem irradiação; tratamento 1 (PS+PEBD e 0,2kGy; tratamento 2 (PS+PEBD e 0,6kGy, e tratamento 3 (PS+PEBD e 1,0kGy. As análises realizadas foram: firmeza, sólidos solúveis (SS, acidez titulável (AT e índice de maturação. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 5 x 5 (tratamento x tempo. Concluiu-se que as altas doses de irradiação promoveram efeito negativo nas características físico-químicas da goiaba 'Pedro Sato', e que apenas a menor dose utilizada (0,2kGy associada à atmosfera modificada conservou frutos com maior qualidade e aceitabilidade, indicado por maiores índice de maturação e teor de sólidos solúveis obtidos.


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    J. A. Zarazúa-Escobar


    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de dos atmósferas modificadas, una generada por polietileno de baja densidad lineal y el uso de Vacum 300, a dos temperaturas de almacenamiento 5 y 20 °C, así como el uso de antioxidantes (B-tocoferol, ácido Lascórbico y butilhidroxi-tolueno en la prolongación de la vida de anaquel de aguacate mínimamente procesado. Se evaluó la pérdida fisiológica de peso, color, firmeza, daños por frío, potencial de obscurecimiento, compuestos fenólicos, actividad de la polifenoloxidasa, incidencia y severidad de enfermedades, y evaluación sensorial. El mejor tratamiento fue el de película para vacío, Vacum 300 con antioxidantes (B-tocoferol, ácido L-ascórbico y butilhidroxi-tolueno almacenado a 5 °C, el cual tuvo la capacidad de mantener un aroma y apariencia aceptables en las rebanadas de aguacate. También redujo de forma considerable la pérdida fisiológica de peso, aminoró los desórdenes causados por el frío y conservó al producto en perfectas condiciones (libre de hongos a lo largo de 13 días.

  4. Berlin: United Again. (United States)

    Cogan, John J.


    Compares East and West Berlin before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989. Offers divergent viewpoints on German reunification from interviews of two professors: one from East Germany, the other from West Germany. Recommends that social studies classes incorporate current events such as German reunification. (CH)

  5. Vida-de-prateleira de goiabas minimamente processadas acondicionadas em embalagens sob atmosfera modificada

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    Pereira Leila Mendes


    Full Text Available Goiabas (Psidium guajava L., variedade vermelha "Paluma", minimamente processadas por desidratação osmótica branda, foram acondicionadas em embalagens rígidas de polietileno tereftalato (PET e estocadas à temperatura de 5masculineC, com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da embalagem sob atmosfera modificada e do processo de desidratação osmótica na vida-de-prateleira do produto. Goiabas sem o tratamento osmótico, acondicionadas nas embalagens de PET e em ar atmosférico, foram utilizadas como controle. Durante a estocagem foram avaliadas a perda de peso, a contaminação microbiológica, as características físico-químicas do produto e as concentrações de O2 e CO2 no interior das embalagens. As goiabas foram submetidas também a uma análise sensorial de aceitação, acompanhada da avaliação da intenção de compra do produto pelo consumidor. Verificou-se que a combinação da temperatura de estocagem, da embalagem sob atmosfera modificada passiva e do processo de desidratação osmótica proporcionou às goiabas minimamente processadas uma vida-de-prateleira de 24 dias, resultando num produto mais estável à contaminação microbiológica e com características sensoriais superiores às amostras controle, apresentando, também, melhor aceitação pelo consumidor.

  6. (Non-Monumental Layers of Berlin

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    Juli Székely


    Full Text Available The two books reviewed in this article, Hsiu-Ling Kuos’s Monumentality and Modernity in Hitler’s Berlin (2013 and Janet Ward’s Post-Wall Berlin (2011, focus on the structural, political, social and aesthetic transformation of Berlin, from the first half of the twentieth century to the ‘post-wall’ era. Since both authors strongly emphasize the former and present status of monumental architecture and monumental memory, this book review pays particular attention to a critical discussion of the (non-monumental layers of Berlin.

  7. Sexing Berlin? (United States)

    Dahlke, Birgit


    Berlin has always been a literary space of extremely diverse political and cultural projections. This essay investigates why after the unification of East and West Berlin the city has been imagined as a play zone of sexual self-fulfilment by authors such as Inka Parei, Tanja Dückers, Kathrin Röggla, Judith Hermann and Julia Franck. Have such erotic adventures replaced political vision in our post-utopian decade? What is the purpose of the laboured allegorisation of the fall of the wall in Durs Grünbein's essays or in the novels of Katja Lange-Müller and Thomas Hettche? The sexification of historical and political processes recalls similar stereotypes in the East German literature of the 1980s: the metropolis as a whore in works by Heiner Müller or Wolf Biermann, but also by younger authors of the independent literary scene in Berlin like Uwe Kolbe or Frank-Wolf Matthies.

  8. La Tuberculosis, Una Enfermedad Modificada*

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    Valentin Malagón Castro


    Full Text Available

    Con ocasión de un estudio de revisión que hemos llevado a cabo recientemente sobre la tuberculosis osteoarticular, *** se ha apreciado un cambio notable en las características y manifestaciones de esta enfermedad.

    Hemos sido testigos del comportamiento de la tuberculosis en los últimos 40 años. Realizamos la tesis profesional en el Hospital de niños de la Misericordia de Bogotá en el año 1950 (86, basada en el análisis de más de 300 enfermos de Mal de Pott tratados con pobres resultados en esa institución en la época prequimioterápica. Efectuamos estudios de control del tratamiento quirúrgico de esa afección en el Hospital Infantil Lorencita Villegas de Santos y publicamos sus resultados en los años 1975,1980 Y1987 (85-87-88. Los pacientes correspondientes a estas nuevas series, ya en la época de la quimioterapia moderna, presentaban un mejor pronóstico vital y funcional. Cuadro 1A.

    En el decenio 1978-1988 asistimos al descenso espectacular de la frecuencia de tuberculosis osteoarticular en las salas de nuestros hospitales. Posteriormente hemos sido igualmente testigos de su lenta y progresiva reaparición.

    El estudio actual nos ha mostrado profundos cambios, como ya se ha dicho, en el comportamiento de la entidad, por lo que estamos de acuerdo en denominarla: La tuberculosis, una enfermedad modificada, diferente a la que hasta hace un década parecía derrotada, vencida por las nuevas drogas y las recientes técnicas quirúrgicas.

    La actual es una enfermedad diferente que ha tomado una fuerza avasalladora que amenaza con volverse resistente al tratamiento específico y dar lugar a una pandemia de incalculables proporciones y de terribles consecuencias para la humanidad.

    El objeto de publicar este estudio es recordar a nuestros colegas, en especial a aquellos de las nuevas promociones que quizás no han tenido la oportunidad de estar en contacto con pacientes de tuberculosis osteoarticular, de

  9. Tratamento da espondilólise sintomática com reparo direto pela técnica de Buck modificada Tratamiento de la espondilolisis sintomática con preparo directo por la técnica de Buck modificada Modified Buck's direct repair to simptomatic spondylolysis treatment

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    Bruno Pinto Coelho Fontes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: justificar a reconstrução da pars interarticularis pela técnica modificada de Buck como método efetivo no tratamento de lombalgia por espondilólise ou espondilolistese tipo 1, refratárias ao tratamento conservador. MÉTODOS: avaliação retrospectiva de oito pacientes com idade entre 11 e 34 anos, operados e acompanhados no período de outubro de 2004 a maio de 2008 com a técnica de Buck utilizando-se parafusos canulados de titânio. Nenhum paciente foi imobilizado no pós-operatório. Os pacientes foram selecionados após serem submetidos a estudos por imagem utilizando radiografias e ressonância magnética. Também foram avaliados no pós-operatório, segundo os critérios de Henderson e quanto à satisfação com o tratamento, assim como o índice de consolidação. RESULTADOS: sete pacientes foram classificados como excelentes, retornando ao nível de prática esportiva e laboral prévia. Dentre eles, um evoluiu com parestesia transitória, com recuperação completa. A oitava paciente apresentou uma pseudartrose bilateral, mas com bom resultado do ponto de vista clínico. Todos os pacientes ficaram satisfeitos com o resultado. CONCLUSÃO: a reconstrução ístmica com parafusos de titânio atingiu excelentes resultados ao aliar biomecânica estável, dissecção mínima da musculatura, com preservação da anatomia e mobilidade do segmento.OBJETIVO: justificar la reconstrucción de la pars interarticularis por la técnica modificada de Buck como método efectivo en el tratamiento de la lumbalgia por espondilosis o espondilolistesis tipo 1, refractarias al tratamiento conservador. MÉTODOS: evaluación retrospectiva de ocho pacientes con edad entre 11 a 34 años, operados y acompañados en el periodo de Octubre de 2004 hasta Mayo de 2008 con la técnica de Buck usando tornillos canulados de titanio. Ningún paciente fue inmovilizado en el postoperatorio. Los pacientes fueron seleccionados después de ser sometidos a

  10. Avaliação da qualidade do abacaxi "Pérola" minimamente processado armazenado sob atmosfera modificada Evaluation of quality in fresh-cut 'Pérola' pineapple stored under modified atmosphere

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    Juliana Costa Bueno Santos


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho verificar o efeito da atmosfera modificada ativa sobre a qualidade do abacaxi minimamente processado. Assim, foram avaliadas as modificações físico-químicas, sensorial e microbiológica do abacaxi 'Pérola' minimamente processado submetido a diferentes atmosferas modificadas passiva e ativamente (controle - atmosfera modificada passiva; 5%O2 + 5%CO2 , 2%O2 + 10%CO2. A atmosfera com 2% O2 + 10% CO2 determinou menor perda de líquido drenado, embora tal perda tenha sido desprezível. A atmosfera modificada ativa preveniu o amaciamento do abacaxi minimamente processado, reduzindo a atividade da poligalacturonase e solubilização péctica. As variáveis pH e vitamina C não foram significativamente afetadas pela atmosfera modificada ativa. Maiores valores de sólidos solúveis totais (SST foram encontrados nos frutos sob atmosfera 5% O2 + 5% CO2 e no caso dos açúcares solúveis o tratamento com 2% O2 + 10% CO2 resultou em maiores teores. De acordo com análise sensorial, os frutos sob atmosfera modificada passiva se sobressaíram com relação ao sabor, aparência e cor. A análise microbiológica detectou valores insignificantes para fungos filamentosos, leveduras e coliformes a 35° e 45°C em todos os tratamentos. Conclui-se que o abacaxi 'Pérola' minimamente processado pode ser armazenado por 8 dias, a 5°C, sob atmosfera modificada passiva.The goal of this work was to verify the effect of active modified atmosphere on the quality of fresh-cut pineapple. Physical-chemical, sensory and microbiological changes of fresh-cut 'Pérola' pineapple treated with passive (control and active (5%O2 + 5%CO2; 2%O2 + 10%CO2 modified atmosphere were studied. The 2%O2 + 10%CO2 combination promoted the lowest loss of drained liquid, although they were negligible. Active modified atmosphere prevented the softening of fresh cut pineapples, reducing the poligalacturonase activity and pectin solubilization. The pH and ascorbic


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    Nancy Eggs


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar los factores cinéticos que afectan la adsorción de cromo (VI en solución empleando como bioadsorbente la cáscara de arroz modificada químicamente, con hidróxido de potasio 1% m/m o con ácido fosfórico 1M. Se estudió la adsorción de cromo (VI considerando los siguientes parámetros pH, tiempo de incubación, masa del bioadsorbente y concentración inicial del tóxico. La determinación de cromo hexavalente y total se realizó por el método de la difenilcarbazida y por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica, respectivamente. El tratamiento químico con hidróxido de potasio o con ácido fosfórico de la cáscara de arroz produjo un aumento en la adsorción del tóxico. El análisis cinético de la adsorción de cromo (VI sugiere que el proceso es favorable cuando se trabaja a pH ácido (inferior a 2, se incrementa con la masa de bioadsorbente y con el tiempo de contacto.

  12. Avaliação do tratamento cirúrgico da doença de Dupuytren pela técnica da palma aberta modificada

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    Thiago Almeida Guilhen


    Full Text Available Objetivo: avaliar o tratamento cirúrgico com o uso da técnica da palma aberta modificada para o tratamento das contraturas graves da doença de Dupuytren. Métodos: em quatro anos, foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico 16 pacientes, que pertenciam aos estágios III e IV da classificação proposta por Tubiana et al. Foram feitas aferições do déficit de extensão das articulações metacarpofalangeanas e inferfalangeana proximal e distal nos períodos pré-operatório, pós-operatório (três meses e pós-operatório tardio (cinco a oito anos. Angulações maiores do que 30° nas articulações metacarpofalangeanas e 15° nas interfalangeanas proximais foram consideradas como recidiva cirúrgica. Resultados: obtivemos uma média de déficit de extensão de 6,3° ao nível da articulação metacarpofalangeana, 13,8° na interfalangeana proximal e 1,9° na interfalangeana distal. Conclusão: a técnica da palma aberta modificada é um método eficaz no tratamento cirúrgico das contraturas graves na doença de Dupuytren.

  13. Risk of the research reactor BER II in Berlin; Risiken des Berliner Experimentierreaktors BER II

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paulitz, Henrik; Hoevener, Barbara; Rosen, Alex


    The research reactor BER II is sited at the periphery of Berlin in the neighborhood of residential areas. The operational license is limited until December 31, 2019. The reactor is funded by the Federal Government (90%) and the city of Berlin (10%). The stress test has shown that the reactor is not secured against an aircraft crash (airliner or fast flying military jet), meltdown with remarkable radiological consequences to the public would be the consequence. Further hazards result from the radioactive waste transport, explosions and fires. The emergency measures cannot be considered to be sufficient. The city of Berlin would not be able to fulfill the required measures in case of a radiation accident.

  14. Célula del SMF modificada genéticamente para sobreexpresar NGAL y su uso como medicamento


    Hotter, Georgina; Jung, Michaela; Solà, Anna M.


    Célula del SMF modificada genéticamente para sobreexpresar NGAL y su uso como medicamento. La presente invención se encuadra dentro del campo de la biomedicina. Específicamente, la presente invención se refiere a una célula del Sistema Mononuclear Fagocítico o SMF, preferiblemente un monocito o un macrófago, modificada genéticamente para sobreexpresar la lipocalina asociada a gelatinasa de neutrófilos (NGAL, en sus siglas en inglés), a un método para su obtención y a s...

  15. Grado de motivación por el aprendizaje en estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad pública.


    Casanova-Rubio, María; Loli-Ponce, Rudi; Sandoval-Vegas, Miguel; Velásquez-Perales, Rosa


    Objetivos: Determinar el grado de Motivación por el Aprendizaje en estudiantes de Enfermería de la UNMSM en el año 2012. Material y Métodos: Investigación descriptiva, cuantitativa, de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 68 estudiantes de Enfermería. El grado de motivación se determinó mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario tipo Likert modificada, sometida a juicio de expertos (p

  16. Impacto intraoperatorio de la ultrafiltración modificada en pacientes pediátricos sometidos a cirugía cardíaca con circulación extracorpórea

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    Pedro José Curi-Curi


    Conclusiones: La ultrafiltración modificada puede beneficiar a los pacientes pediátricos no neonatales con cardiopatía congénita operados con bomba porque es capaz de disminuir la concentración sérica de IL-6, IL-10 y lactato post-CEC. Adicionalmente, puede ayudar a filtrar C4d y a remover el exceso de líquido que promovería una mayor hemoconcentración, por lo que se recomienda su uso rutinario cuando las condiciones hemodinámicas lo permitan.

  17. Escala RIPASA para el diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda: comparación con la escala de Alvarado modificada

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    C.Z. Díaz-Barrientos


    Full Text Available Resumen: Introducción y objetivos: La apendicitis aguda es la primera causa de las urgencias quirúrgicas. Permanece como un diagnóstico difícil de establecer, particularmente entre jóvenes, ancianos y mujeres en edad reproductiva, en los cuales una serie de condiciones inflamatorias pueden presentar síntomas y signos similares a los de la apendicitis aguda. Diversos sistemas de puntuación se han creado con el fin de incrementar la certeza diagnóstica; estos son baratos, no invasivos y fáciles de usar o reproducir. La escala de Alvarado modificada es probablemente la más difundida y de mayor aceptación en los servicios de urgencias del mundo. Por otro lado, la escala RIPASA fue elaborada en 2010 con mejor sensibilidad y especificidad. En México se encuentran pocos estudios que comparen los diversos sistemas de puntuación en apendicitis. El objetivo es comparar la escala de Alvarado modificada y la escala RIPASA para el diagnóstico de pacientes con dolor abdominal y sospecha de apendicitis aguda. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico y prolectivo, de julio de 2012 a febrero 2014 en el Hospital Universitario de Puebla. Las encuestas en proceso de evaluación fueron aplicadas a los pacientes con sospecha clínica de apendicitis. Resultados: Escala de RIPASA: curva ROC/PC 8.5 (área 0.595, sensibilidad (93.3%, especificidad (8.3%, VPP (91.8%, VPN (10.1%. Escala de Alvarado modificada: Curva ROC/PC 6 (área 0.719, sensibilidad (75%, especificidad (41.6%, VPP (93.7%, VPN (12.5%. Conclusiones: La escala de RIPASA contrastada con la escala de Alvarado modificada no mostró ventajas al aplicarse a pacientes con sospecha de apendicitis aguda. Abstract: Introduction and objectives: Acute appendicitis is the first cause of surgical emergencies. It is still a difficult diagnosis to make, especially in young persons, the elderly, and in reproductive-age women, in whom a series of inflammatory conditions can have

  18. Revisão: alimentos frescos minimamente processados embalados em atmosfera modificada Review: fresh, minimally processed foods packaged under modified atmosphere

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    Joana Silva Santos


    Full Text Available Os alimentos frescos, minimamente processados e embalados sob atmosfera modificada atraem os consumidores que procuram produtos frescos e saudáveis, e que, ao mesmo tempo, são fáceis de transportar e preparar. A atmosfera no interior das embalagens consiste numa mistura de gases que está otimizada para cada alimento, de modo a preservar as suas qualidades durante mais tempo. A manutenção da temperatura de refrigeração durante o processamento, o armazenamento, a distribuição e a comercialização é essencial, por causa da natureza perecível dos produtos frescos minimamente processados. Este trabalho discute o estado de arte dos alimentos frescos minimamente processados (frutas, vegetais, carnes e pescados embalados em atmosfera modificada, com uma descrição pormenorizada dos últimos desenvolvimentos nesse campo.Fresh, minimally processed foods packaged under modified atmospheres are attractive to consumers searching for fresh healthy products that are also easy to transport and prepare. The atmosphere inside the package is a blend of gases optimized for each type of food, such that the quality characteristics are preserved for longer. However, due to the perishable nature of minimally processed fresh foods, maintenance at refrigeration temperatures is essential during processing, storage, distribution and commercialization. This paper discusses the state of art of minimally processed fresh foods (fruit and vegetables, meat and fish packaged under modified atmosphere, with a detailed description of the latest developments in this field.

  19. Electropolis Berlin. Power for a big city. Construction programmes and negotiations for electric power supply in the city of Berlin; Elektropolis Berlin. Die Energie der Grossstadt. Bauprogramme und Aushandlungsprozesse zur oeffentlichen Elektrizitaetsversorgung in Berlin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dame, Thorsten


    The author presents a case study from the view of economic and architectural history, i.e. the history and development of the Berlin utility, Berliner Elektrizitaetswerke. It is shown that planning, design and construction were not the result of a dialogue between the architect and the utility but that economic, political and cultural goals of policy and public administration had to be integrated as well. The architecture of the industrial buildings therefore should be viewed as part of the community relations in general, i.e. as an element of the interaction between private, state and civilian society interests.

  20. High-speed train Oslo-Berlin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jespersen, Per Homann

    Indlæggets baggrund og formål I det såkaldte COINCO-projekt, et INTERREG-projekt støttet af regioner og byer mellem Oslo og Berlin, er der udviklet en strategi for et tættere samarbejde i korridoren (Jespersen et al. 2007). Udbygning af infrastrukturen for passagerer og gods er en væsentlig del h...... Oslo - Göteborg". Sluttrapport. Jespersen, P. H., Jensen, A., Stroschein, C., & Lundgren, A. 2007, COINCO - Corridor of Innovation and Cooperation - Strategy 2025. Landex, A. 2006, Railway Capacity Oslo-Berlin, Center for Trafik og Transport, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lyngby.  ...


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    Clara Saux


    Full Text Available Se estudió la oxidación selectiva de estireno para la obtención de benzaldehído sobre zeolitas ZSM-5 modificadas con diferentes metales de transición (cromo, cobalto, hierro, zinc, manganeso y cobre y utilizando peróxido de hidrógeno como oxidante. Dado que los mejores resultados se obtuvieron utilizando Cr-ZSM-5, estos materiales se estudiaron evaluando el efecto del tiempo de reacción, la masa de catalizador, la relación molar estireno/hidroperóxido, la naturaleza del solvente y la temperatura de reacción. Los mejores resultados de las condiciones evaluadas se obtuvieron trabajando con una relación molar sustrato/oxidante de 0,45 y utilizando acetonitrilo como solvente, dado su carácter aprótico y de mayor polaridad de los solventes evaluados (acetonitrilo, acetona, 2-butanol y 2-propanol. El aumento en la temperatura de reacción mostró un incremento en la conversión de estireno, el cual se desaceleró al superar los 60 oC por descomposición térmica del peróxido de hidrógeno.

  2. El sistema de calificación cualitativa para la Prueba Gestáltica de Bender – Modificada. Estudio preliminar de sus propiedades psicométricas

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    César A. Merino Soto


    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe las propiedades psicométricaspreliminares del Sistema de CalificaciónCualitativa para la Prueba Gestáltica de Bender– Modificada, en un grupo de 97 niños que van a ingresar al primer grado de educación elemental en una escuela pública de Lima. Los niveles deconfiabilidad por consistencia interna y test-retestfueron más modestos que los del manual, aunque su rango potencial (por intervalos de confianzallega a niveles altos. La correlación con criterios de conducta orientada a la tarea, inteligencia fluida y el reporte parental de conductas de motricidad fina dan soporte a la validez y utilidad de este nuevo sistema en el contexto de la evaluación de niños de primer grado. Se discute su relevancia para la evaluación psicopedagógica y para la investigación educacional.

  3. Evaluación de las propiedades mecánicas de una mezcla densa en caliente modificada con asfaltita/Mechanical Properties Evaluation of a hot Asphalt Mixture Modified with Asphaltite

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    Hugo Alexander Rondón Quintana


    Full Text Available El trabajo evaluó en laboratorio la resistencia mecánica bajo carga monotónica, el módulo resiliente y la resistencia a la deformación permanente que experimenta una mezcla asfáltica cuando se modifica con una asfaltita. Adicionalmente, fue evaluada durante dos años, la influencia del medio ambiente de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C., sobre las propiedades mecánicas de la mezcla modificada. Se concluye que la resistencia mecánica de la mezcla asfáltica modificada incrementa en comparación con la convencional. La tendencia general de las mezclas con el tiempo de exposición al medio ambiente de Bogotá D.C., es experimentar un aumento en los valores de rigidez debido principalmente a procesos de endurecimiento por envejecimiento del ligante asfáltico. Sin embargo, para el caso de las mezclas modificadas y fabricadas con CA 60-70 en los primeros cinco meses de exposición, la rigidez disminuye.The strength under monotonic load, resilient modulus and rutting were evaluated on a hot-mix asphalt (HMAmodified with a natural sphaltite. Additionally, the influence of the environmental conditions of BogotáD.C., was evaluated during two years on the mechanical properties of a modified asphalt mixture. The results show that the mechanical properties evaluated were better for the HMA mixes modified in compared with those with neat asphalts. The asphaltite produces higher mechanical resistance in HMA. The general tendency of the mixtures is increase the modulus with time due to aging of the asphalt cement. However, modified mixtures with AC 60- 70, decrease in stiffness during the first months.

  4. Dead Center: Berlin, the Postmodern Gothic, and Norman Ohler's Mitte

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    Steffen H. Hantke


    Full Text Available Cultural critics often frame present-day Berlin as a space of historical discontinuities, a nexus of modernity and postmodernity that, in its orientation toward the future, represents post-reunification Germany in all its complexity. However, this framing tends to suppress Gothic imagery, of which traces can be found in the critical discourse on the city. Recuperating such Gothic tropes from critical discourse, and then consciously and strategically re-deploying them, can be a valuable strategy for opening up new venues of thinking about the lingering presence of the past, the high cost of modernization, and the uncanny emotional and affective dimensions of urban space. While this project of recuperation has been taken on in some critical analyses of Berlin, most notably among them Brian Ladd's The Ghosts of Berlin (1997, it is the new German literature on Berlin that proceeds more boldly into the terrain of the Gothic. Among this new "Berlin literature," Norman Ohler's critically acclaimed Gothic novel Mitte (2001 stands out as a cogent analysis of the new Berlin and of the problems of inhabiting a decentralized urban space and reconnecting it to authentic historical experience.

  5. Freizeit beim Feind. US-amerikanische Soldaten in Ost-Berlin

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    Stefanie Eisenhuth


    Full Text Available This article focuses on an almost forgotten type of ›border crosser‹ in the divided city of Berlin: the members of the American military community. To them (as well as to the members of the French and British forces, the Berlin Wall marked the front line of the Cold War. At the same time, though, they were allowed to cross the border and spend their free time in East Berlin. Especially in the 1970s and 1980s, when the dollar was tumbling, American families took advantage of the favourable exchange rate and crossed the border for cheap shopping, dining and entertainment. Due to Berlin’s status, the GDR government had to tolerate this kind of tourism, but nevertheless tried to prevent any personal contact between Americans and East Germans. The regime could also benefit financially from the Western tourists. This demonstrates the ambivalence of the Honecker era, the concurrence of an increased openness and internal erosion. The study is based on documents from the GDR’s Ministry for State Security, the West Berlin Senate Chancellery and the US Berlin Brigade as well as on contemporary newspaper articles. * * * Der Aufsatz widmet sich einer ungewöhnlichen Gruppe von Berliner Grenzgängern: den vor Ort stationierten US-Soldaten. Für sie (wie auch für die Soldaten der britischen und französischen Armee markierte die Mauer einerseits die Front des Kalten Krieges, andererseits durften sie diese ohne große Kontrollen passieren und ihre Freizeit in Ost-Berlin verbringen – was sie besonders in den 1970er- und 1980er-Jahren auch intensiv taten, denn in Zeiten der Dollarkrise versprach die östliche Stadthälfte viel Vergnügen, Restaurantbesuche und Einkaufsmöglichkeiten für wenig Geld. Die DDR-Regierung war genötigt, die Grenzgänge zu tolerieren. Von dieser Form des Tourismus konnte sie finanziell profitieren, versuchte konkrete Kontaktaufnahmen aber zu vermeiden. Der Umgang mit den Grenzgängen amerikanischer Soldaten und ihrer

  6. Touring Berlin


    Farías, Ignacio


    Mittels einer Untersuchung von standardisierten Praktiken (Stadtrundgängen und Stadtrundfahrten) und Dispositiven (Stadtkarten, Reiseführer) fürs „Touren“ von Städten zeigt diese Dissertation, (1) wie die Stadt Berlin in ein virtuelles Objekt, nämlich, einen touristischen Zielort, transformiert wird, ( 2) wie diese Transformation nicht nur durch die Bewegung von Touristen im Raum und das Unterwegssein ermöglicht wird, sondern durch touristische Kommunikation über die Stadt, und (3) wie diese ...

  7. Berlin in Television Drama Series: A Mediated Space

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    Susanne Eichner


    Full Text Available Since the early days of film Berlin and the film studios in its suburbs was an important site of production. Signature films for film historians such as Metropolis and The Blue Angel were shot at the UFA studios in Babelsberg. Throughout its history Berlin was and is a popular place for media productions with the city functioning as a text, full of meaning that turns into branded value. The article will investigate the complex relationship of historical and societal events and Berlin as a production site and an imaginary landscape respectively cityscape. Based on the analysis of national and international drama series we will argue that the increasing importance of Berlin as production site and location goes hand in hand with an increasing mediated imagination of the city as a cinematic respectively televisual space that is able to represent past events such as the Nazi regime and the cold war and actual events such as organised crime, counter terrorist activities, and an intercultural life in a modern metropolis.

  8. Landscape changes in East Berlin after 1989


    Dellenbaugh, Mary Hartshorn


    Die Arbeit behandelt eine Reihe zusammenhängender Veränderungen, die nach dem Fall der Mauer im Ostteil von Berlin stattfanden. In drei Aufsätzen wird die Geschichte des unmittelbaren Wandels der Diskurse über Raumtypologien dargestellt, die symbolische Aneignung beschrieben, die in den Aushandlungsprozessen um die Schaffung einer vereinten Berliner Innenstadt stattfand und die Auswirkungen der Veränderungen in der diskursiven und symbolischen Neuausrichtung am Beispiel der Entwicklung zweie...

  9. Berlin Mitte: Alexanderplatz and Friedrichstaße: Urban and historical images

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    Aranđelović Biljana


    Full Text Available Berlin Mitte is one of the most interesting parts of the city, located in the core of Berlin where every corner and stone can tell a story. Mitte, the cultural center of Berlin is also known as the political and economic hub of Berlin. This paper explores the urban and historical image of two important parts of Berlin Mitte district: Alexanderplatz and Friedrichstaße. Friedrichstraße, as the main shopping and business street in this area, was planned with great attention by Prussian authorities, while the area around Alexanderplatz grew up randomly and its streets did not follow any special urban patterns. All potential international investors wanted to come to Friedrichstraße after the fall of the Wall, while Alexanderplatz was not so attractive to them. Many famous architects took part in numerous competitions regarding urban planning reconstructions of the famous Alex throughout the 20th century. These two areas of the Mitte district, Alexanderplatz and Friedrichstaße, are very important for contemporary Berlin and both areas have different problems.

  10. Esternotomia mediana como via preferencial na anastomose de Blalock-Taussig modificada

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    Rogério ABRAHÃO


    Full Text Available A abordagem usual para a realização da anastomose de Blalock-Taussig modificada (ABTM tem sido a toracotomia lateral. Esta via acarreta necessariamente trauma ao parênquima pulmonar e acesso difícil por ocasião da operação definitiva. A esternotomia mediana (EM apresenta-se como uma alternativa com certas vantagens. Este trabalho visa avaliar a viabilidade técnica e os resultados da realização da ABTM por EM. Dez pacientes foram submetidos a esta técnica, interpondo-se enxertos de PTFE. A mortalidade imediata foi de 30%, e a tardia de 10%. Complicação imediata ocorreu em 10%. O tempo médio de internação foi 7,0 ± 0,5 dias. A variação da saturação da hemoglobina pré e pós-operatória foi 27,5 ± 11,7% (pThe usual approach for systemic-pulmonary shunts has been right or left thoracotomy and interposition of a PTFE vascular graft between the subclavian and pulmonary arteries. This approach, necessarily causes, trauma to the lungs and some difficulty for dissection and ligation later during definitive surgical correction. Median sternotomy has been used occasionally for right subclavian-pulmonary artery anastomosis with certain advantages over thoracotomy. In this series, 10 patients were submitted to systemic-pulmonary modified Blalock-Taussig shunts by median sternotomy as the first choice. There have been no technical difficulties. The grafts were anastomosed to the right subclavian artery or brachiocephalic trunk. The right pulmonary artery was preferred, but when infeasible, this side of the shunt was made to the pulmonary trunk or left pulmonary artery. There have been 3 early and 1 late death, unrelated to the shunt. Arterial saturation improved by 27.5 ± 11.7% (p<0.001 post-operatively. This technique is viable, with advantages over lateral approach due to easier access, avoiding lung trauma, permitting surgical alternatives and canulation if needed and may facilitate dissection for later ligation.

  11. German authors on Estonian minority rights : Selbstbestimmungsrecht und Minderheitenschutz in Estland, by Carmen Thiele. Berlin : Springer, 1999 ; Das Recht der nationalen Minderheiten in Osteuropa, edited by Georg Brunner and Boris Meissner. Berlin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Annus, Taavi, 1977-


    Arvustus: Thiele, Carmen. Selbstbestimmungsrecht und Minderheitenschutz in Estland. Berlin : Springer, 1999 ; Das Recht der nationalen Minderheiten in Osteuropa. Berlin : Berlin Verlag Arno Spitz, 1999

  12. Prevalencia de microsporidios y otros parásitos intestinales en pacientes con infección por VIH, Bogotá, 2001.

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    Astrid Carolina Flórez


    Full Text Available Los parásitos intestinales oportunistas son protozoos que causan diarrea en pacientes infectados con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH. Para determinar la prevalencia de microsporidios y otros parásitos oportunistas intestinales en pacientes infectados con el VIH con síntomas gastrointestinales y sistémicos, se estudiaron 115 pacientes que durante el 2001 consultaron al Hospital Santa Clara (33,0%, Clínica San Pedro-ISS (20,0%, Hospital Simón Bolívar (14,8%, San José (13,9%, Central de la Policía (6,1%, Compensar (5,2%, Liga de Lucha contra el Sida (2,6%, Hospital San Ignacio (2,6% y Hospital Militar (1,7%. La edad promedio fue de 36 años con un rango de 18 a 71 años; 14 eran mujeres y 101 hombres. La metodología empleada fue la recolección por paciente de dos muestras de materia fecal seriadas para montaje directo, concentración, coloración de Zielh Neelsen modificada para diagnóstico de coccidios intestinales y coloraciones de cromotropo modificada, Gramcromotropo y calcoflúor para diagnóstico de microsporidios. La prevalencia de oportunistas fue de 10,4 % para Cryptosporidium sp. En cuanto a microsporidios, se encontró que de 29% de positividad con cromotropo modificada como tamizaje, tan sólo 3,5% de las muestras se confirmaron como positivas con técnicas de calcoflúor y Gram-cromotropo. La prevalencia general de parásitos intestinales fue de 59,1%, de los cuales los principales patógenos fueron Blastocystis hominis con 25,2% y Entamoeba histolytica con 13%. En otros estudios con pacientes inmunosuprimidos por el VIH en Colombia, se han encontrado prevalencias de Cryptosporidium sp. menores que la hallada en esta investigación.

  13. Avaliação clínica de uma resina composta modificada por poliácido, utilizada como selante oclusal, quando aplicada por dentista, THD e graduando Clinical evaluation of a polyacid-modified resin composite, used as an occlusal sealant, when applied by dentist, dental hygienist and undergraduate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Tarkany BASTING


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por finalidade comparar as diferenças de retenção de uma resina composta modificada por poliácido (Variglass V.L.C., utilizada como selante oclusal, quando aplicada por dentista, THD e graduando em Odontologia. Foram seladas as superfícies oclusais de 370 primeiros molares permanentes superiores de crianças entre 6 e 8 anos de idade provenientes de escolas públicas do município de Piracicaba. As avaliações clínicas foram realizadas após seis e oito meses da aplicação do selante. Aos seis meses, verificou-se que 78,42% dos selantes clinicamente aceitáveis permaneceram retidos sobre a superfície oclusal. O índice de perdas totais corresponderam a 10,20% do total de selantes aplicados. O melhor índice de retenção total foi obtido quando aplicado por graduando. Aos 12 meses, houve um aumento do número de selantes perdidos (43,79% e conseqüente decréscimo do número de selantes totalmente retidos (18,96%, não havendo diferenças significativas de retenção do selante quando aplicado por dentista, THD e graduando. Nos casos de perdas totais do selante, não se constatou presença de lesão cariosa.The aim of this work is to evaluate the differences of clinical retention of a polyacid-modified resin composite (Variglass V.L.C., used as an occlusal sealant, when applied by dentist, dental hygienist and undergraduate in Dentistry. The occlusal surfaces of 370 superior first molars of children ageing from 6 to 8 years from public schools in Piracicaba, were sealed. The presented data are related to the final evaluation after 6 and 12 months. It was observed that after 6 months, 78.42% of the sealants clinically acceptable, remained on the occlusal surfaces and that the completely lost sealants reached 10.20%. The best results of the sealants retention were obtained when the sealants were applied by an undergraduate. After 12 months, there was an increase of completely lost sealants (43.79% and a decrease of

  14. Best Practices: Intercultural Integration of Arabic Refugees in Berlin (United States)

    Kyuchukov, Hristo; New, William


    The paper presents the work of a Berlin-based NGO (ANE) in Germany, which works with migrants and Arab refugees. The organisation has a strong record publishing a Parents Newsletter and conducting family counselling for migrants and refugees in Berlin. One of the major activities of the organisation in 2016 was an international conference with…

  15. Risk of the research reactor BER II in Berlin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paulitz, Henrik; Hoevener, Barbara; Rosen, Alex


    The research reactor BER II is sited at the periphery of Berlin in the neighborhood of residential areas. The operational license is limited until December 31, 2019. The reactor is funded by the Federal Government (90%) and the city of Berlin (10%). The stress test has shown that the reactor is not secured against an aircraft crash (airliner or fast flying military jet), meltdown with remarkable radiological consequences to the public would be the consequence. Further hazards result from the radioactive waste transport, explosions and fires. The emergency measures cannot be considered to be sufficient. The city of Berlin would not be able to fulfill the required measures in case of a radiation accident.

  16. Berliner Philarmoniker ATLAS visit

    CERN Multimedia

    ATLAS Collaboration


    The Berliner Philarmoniker in on tour through Europe. They stopped on June 27th in Geneva, for a concert at the Victoria Hall. An ATLAS visit was organised the morning after, lead by the ATLAS spokesperson Karl Jakobs (welcome and overview talk) and two ATLAS guides (AVC visit and 3D movie).

  17. Pärt: Berliner Messe / Rob Cowan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Cowan, Rob


    Uuest heliplaadist "Pärt: Berliner Messe. The Beatitudes. Annum per Annum. Magnificat. Seven Magnificat Antiphons. De profundis. Polyphony / Steven Layton with Andrew Lucas" Hyperion CDA66960 (74 minutes:DDD)

  18. Almacenamiento refrigerado de cerezas : efecto de madurez y atmósfera modificada


    Yommi, Alejandra; Godoy, Carlos; Horvitz, Sandra; López Camelo, Andrés


    Se estudió el efecto de cosechar cerezas en dos estados de madurez: rojo pálido y rojo maduro y la utilización de atmósferas modificadas, empleando PBD de 11 y 40 m, sobre la calidad de fruta almacenada a 0 °C y después de 3 días a temperatura ambiente. La calidad fue evaluada en términos de pérdida de peso (%), color (ángulo hue), firmeza, contenido de sólidos solubles, aspecto de los pedicelos y presen...

  19. Preparação de fibras de polipropileno modificadas com grupos mercaptan e sua utilização em compósitos com resina epoxídica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dutra Rita C. L.


    Full Text Available Fibras de polipropileno modificadas com grupos mercaptan foram desenvolvidas através de processo de extrusão/fiação de misturas contendo PP e EVA modificado com grupos mercaptan (EVASH. A superfície destas fibras foi analisada por espectroscopia foto-eletrônica de raios-X (XPS, espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier, utilizando-se a técnica de refletância difusa (DRIFTS, tensão superficial e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A partir destas técnicas, chegou-se à conclusão que o componente polar (EVASH se situa próximo à superfície da fibra. A utilização destas fibras em compósitos com resina epoxídica resultou em aumento considerável da resistência ao impacto e da temperatura de transição vítrea do material, indicando boa adesão interfacial matriz-fibra. Estas interações foram comprovadas por análise dinâmico-mecânicas.

  20. Built sustainability. The office building of the Federal Ministry for the Environment in Berlin; Gebaute Nachhaltigkeit. Der Berliner Dienstsitz des Bundesumweltministeriums

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mager, Hans; Schulz, Juergen; Weigand, Reinhold (comps.)


    With the move into the office building in the Stresemann Street in Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany), the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety adopts a remarkable new building in the new centre of Berlin. It is the first Federal authority at all which works in a low-energy and passive house. This brochure under consideration reports on the history and architecture of the new office building as well as its sustainable energy management and life cycle assessments.

  1. Armazenamento de melão 'Orange Flesh' minimamente processado sob atmosfera modificada Storage of 'Orange Flesh' mellons minimally processed and packaged under modified atmosphere

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mônica Elisabeth Torres Prado


    Full Text Available O aumento da demanda por produtos minimamente processados traz um grande desafio para a ciência e tecnologia de alimentos, considerando-se a escassez de informações sobre a manutenção da qualidade desses produtos. O armazenamento desses em condições adequadas é um ponto fundamental para o sucesso dessa tecnologia. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da atmosfera modificada ativa na conservação do melão tipo Orange Flesh minimamente processado. Os frutos, após o processamento, foram embalados sob atmosfera modificada (AM Passiva- Controle, AM Ativa com 5% de CO2 e 5% de O2 e AM Ativa com 10% de CO2 e 2% de O2, armazenados em câmara fria (6 ± 1 ºC e UR 85 ± 5% durante 8 dias e as amostras retiradas para análises de pH, sólidos solúveis totais (SST, acidez total titulável (ATT, açúcares solúveis totais (AST, firmeza, pectina total (PT, pectina solúvel (PS, e as enzimas pectinametilesterase (PME e poligalacturonase (PG a cada 2 dias de armazenamento. A atmosfera modificada ativa pouco influenciou no comportamento das variáveis pH, acidez total titulável (ATT, firmeza e pectina total com relação á atmosfera modificada passiva. No entanto, menor solubilização de pectinas foi detectada nas amostras armazenadas sob atmosfera com 10% de CO2 e 2% de O2. Não foram detectadas atividades das enzimas pectinametilesterase e poligalacturonase nos tratamentos analisados.The increase of the demand for products minimally processed brings a great challenge for the food science and technology, considering the shortage of information about the maintenance of the quality of those products. The storage of those products in appropriate conditions is a fundamental point for the success of such technology. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the active modified atmosphere on the quality and conservation of the 'Orange Flesh' melons processed minimally. The fruits, after the processing, were wrapped under

  2. Berlin: Sustainability and Tour Guides in a Partial Dark Tourism Destination


    Asaf Leshem


    When guiding in Berlin about the Holocaust or about the Cold War, tour guides often hear the phrase: “I didn’t come here for that, but I want to see that as well...” Many of Berlin’s 10 Million visitors per year claim to have an attraction towards both the morbid and the lighter side of the city. Following from that popular sentiment it is argued that Berlin can be defined as a Partial Dark Tourism Destination. As such, it is further argued that Berlin is prone to an increase of socio-econom...

  3. Radiotherapy of benign diseases in Berlin (West)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saller, A.


    1. In Berlin (West), X-ray therapy was applied during the year 1973 in 18 hospitals and by 33 practicing physicians. The 3rd quarter of the year 1973 was taken as basis for the frequency of therapeutic X-ray application. From a total of 15912 patients, 9432 were X-rayed on account of malignant diseases, 6480 because of benigne diseases. This number definitely surpasses the number of cases treated in Munich by X-ray therapy. In Berlin, this might be connected to the age structure. 2. Utilizing the quotations and calculations put down in the report about the effect of atomic radiation by the Scientific Committee of the United Nations, and the values quoted for gonadal doses in the literature, a total-GSD-value of 0.82 +- 0.2 mrem/a was calculated for hospitals and practicing physicians in Berlin. In spite of higher frequencies, this value is approximately of the same order of magnitude as the values calculated for Munich for the year 1971 by I. and H.P. Schmelz. 3. The total-GSD-value for the population of the Federal Republic of Germany resulting from artificial radiation exposure during 1976 is reported to be approximately 60 mrem. Thus, the GSD-value for the X-ray therapy of benign diseases lies approximately at 1.3% and should be of minor significance for radiation-hygienic reflections. 4. Of primary concern is still the radiation exposure to individual patients. Because of possible secondary effects, X-ray therapy for keloids and hemangiomas in infancy and youth are of particular significance. For this reason, its proportion to GSD is also in Berlin relatively large. (orig.) [de

  4. Social science studies accompanying the two Berlin research projects for energy-oriented modernisation of domestic buildings; Sozialwissenschaftliche Begleitung der beiden Berliner Forschungsvorhaben zur energiegerechten Sanierung von Wohngebaeuden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerth, H. [Weeber und Partner, Inst. fuer Stadtplanung und Sozialforschung, Berlin/Stuttgart (Germany)


    The initial and environment situations of the two apartment buildings in central Berlin and at Berlin-Marzahn are described including the structure of households. The procedure adopted in this social science project is also dealt with: participation and information of residents. The results of the survey among residents concerning satisfaction with redevelopment, thermal comfort prior to and after redevelopment, heating habits, and experience with automatic heating control are reported. (MSK) [Deutsch] Im Folgenden wird die Ausgangs-und Umgebungssituation der beiden Wohnhaeuser in Berlin-Mitte und Berlin-Marzahn geschildert. Dabei wird Auskunft ueber die Struktur der Haushalte gegeben. Ebenso wird die Vorgehensweise des sozialwissenschaftlichen Projekts beschrieben: Bewohnerbeteiligung und -information. Die Ergebnisse der Bewohnerbefragungen zu Zufriedenheit mit der Sanierung, zum Waermeempfinden vor und nach der Sanierung, zu Gewohnheiten in der Heizperiode, sowie zum Umgang mit der Heizungsregelungstechnik werden dargelegt.

  5. Genetic research at a fivefold children's burial from medieval Berlin. (United States)

    Rothe, Jessica; Melisch, Claudia; Powers, Natasha; Geppert, Maria; Zander, Judith; Purps, Josephine; Spors, Birgit; Nagy, Marion


    Berlin originated from the two twin cities Berlin and Cölln, which both were founded at the beginning of the 13th century. However the real date of their foundation as well as the origin of the first settlers is still unknown. On the Berlin site the historic city center is still visible in the Nikolaiviertel, but the medieval origin of Cölln disappeared almost completely. In 2007 a large scale excavation, which comprised an area of about 1700m(2) of the historical center of the St. Peters church, recovers the remains of Cölln's first citizens and span a period of 500 years of medieval population. Here we present the first genetic analysis of a fivefold children's burial from excavations in Berlin. The genetic data unveiled next to ancestry and eye color data also the kinship and the gender of the five individuals. Together with the archeological context the new gained information help to shed more light on the possible reasons for this burial. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Education through music--the model of the Musikkindergarten Berlin. (United States)

    Uibel, Stefanie


    In 2005, the pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim initiated the Musikkindergarten Berlin as the first kindergarten in which music is not only used as an occasional add-on but as the central education medium for the child every day. The skills of specially trained kindergarten teachers combined with regular visits by professional musicians of the Staatskapelle Berlin (the Berlin State Opera orchestra) form the basis of a new educational concept, in which children experience music in all its different aspects and in its unique capability as a transfer medium into all the other educational areas. In this context, the method, the aim, and the experimental ground is not only education in or with music, but through music. This paper provides information and examples about first-hand experiences over the last six years. © 2012 New York Academy of Sciences.

  7. Fatal accidents due to train surfing in Berlin. (United States)

    Strauch, H; Wirth, I; Geserick, G


    This study was undertaken for the purpose of analysing under the aspect of legal medicine, fatal accidents due to train surfing in the local transport system of Berlin (S-Bahn and underground). The period of investigation was from 1989 through 1995, with 41 train surfing accidents, among them 18 with fatal outcome. Evaluation included those 14 deaths which were forensically autopsied. It was based on autopsy records of Berlin-based university institutes (Humboldt University and Free University) as well as the Brandenburg State Institute of Legal Medicine. Also used were data obtained from the Berlin Transport Police Record. The casualties were aged between 13 and 25 years, most of them between 16 and 20. The male-female gender ratio was 13:1. Accidents occurred above all in the warmer season of the year, most of them between 20:00 h and midnight. More than 50% of all cases were affected by alcohol, but centrally acting medicaments or other addictive drugs were not noticed at all. Most of the fatal accidents occurred to users of the Berlin S-Bahn network. Older train models were the preferred surfing objects due to their structural peculiarities. Collision with close-to-track obstacles and slipping from the train proved to be the major sources of danger. An analysis of injuries revealed polytraumatisation but for one exception, with craniocerebral injuries being the most common and severest events. The longest survival time amounted to 24 h. As the psychosocial causes of high-risk behaviour of adolescents will hardly be controllable, withdrawal of technical, that is structural design possibilities appears to be the most important approach to prevention of accidents in the future. This demand is met by the new series of the Berlin S-Bahn. The model of the old series, suitable for surfing, still accounts for about 10% of the rolling stock and is to be decommissioned in 1998.

  8. The Berlin Wall: A Simulation for the Social Studies Classroom (United States)

    Russell, William B., III


    November 9, 2009, marked the twentieth anniversary of the opening of the Berlin Wall. The Wall, a symbol of the Cold War, separated the German people for 28 years (1961-1989), keeping those on the East side isolated. Although the construction and dismantling of the Berlin Wall is a significant part of history, the topic is little covered in the…

  9. “Modeling and Measuring Competencies” Conference, Berlin, 24-25 February 2011

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gulikers, J.T.M.; Mulder, M.


    In February 2011, I visited Berlin in order to attend a special conference on “Modeling and Measuring Competencies in Higher Education”, organized by the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. It was a special conference as it addressed this topic only over a

  10. Rhythmanalysing Berlin Marathon

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edensor, Tim; Larsen, Jonas


    This paper draws on Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis to investigate the multiple rhythms of the Berlin Marathon, exemplifying and expanding understandings about the rhythms of places and mobilities. First, we discuss how isorhythmic order is imposed on the city and event by race organizers. Secondly, we...... show that a marathon depends upon the preparatory training or ‘dressage’ performed by the thousands who have made themselves ‘race-ready’. Thirdly, we explore the changing individual and collective rhythms that continuously emerge according to contingencies and stages of the race to compose...

  11. Efecto de una película plástica modificada en algunos aspectos bioquímicos de un cultivo de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L. / Effect of a modified plastic film on some biochemical aspects of a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. crop

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ema Laura García-Enciso


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer el efecto de una cubierta para invernadero modificada con nanopartículas y pigmentos fluorescentes, la cual se nombró CIQA, sobre el rendimiento, y algunas variables bioquímicas y la calidad de frutos de tomate. El trabajo se realizó en el Centro de Investigación en Química Aplicada ubicado en Saltillo, Coahuila. Se instalaron dos invernaderos, en uno se usó la cubierta convencional y en el otro la película modificada. Se midió la Radiación Fotosintéticamente Activa (PAR y la temperatura al interior y exterior de los invernaderos. Se estableció un cultivo de tomate en los invernaderos, se determinó el contenido de clorofilas y carotenoides en las plantas y en los frutos se evaluó el contenido de Vitamina C y licopeno. Las lecturas máximas de PAR fueron mayores en el exterior, luego en el invernadero convencional y por último en el invernadero CIQA. En cuanto a temperatura, las lecturas más altas se presentaron en el invernadero de plástico convencional, seguido por el invernadero con la película CIQA y el exterior. Se encontraron diferencias durante algunos muestreos para el contenido de carotenoides, Vitamina C y licopeno. Lo anterior permite concluir que la película plástica CIQA disminuye la radiación y la temperatura al interior del invernadero, sin afectar los estándares de calidad de los frutos y el rendimiento del cultivo.

  12. Acute respiratory distress syndrome: the Berlin Definition. (United States)

    Ranieri, V Marco; Rubenfeld, Gordon D; Thompson, B Taylor; Ferguson, Niall D; Caldwell, Ellen; Fan, Eddy; Camporota, Luigi; Slutsky, Arthur S


    The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was defined in 1994 by the American-European Consensus Conference (AECC); since then, issues regarding the reliability and validity of this definition have emerged. Using a consensus process, a panel of experts convened in 2011 (an initiative of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine endorsed by the American Thoracic Society and the Society of Critical Care Medicine) developed the Berlin Definition, focusing on feasibility, reliability, validity, and objective evaluation of its performance. A draft definition proposed 3 mutually exclusive categories of ARDS based on degree of hypoxemia: mild (200 mm Hg < PaO2/FIO2 ≤ 300 mm Hg), moderate (100 mm Hg < PaO2/FIO2 ≤ 200 mm Hg), and severe (PaO2/FIO2 ≤ 100 mm Hg) and 4 ancillary variables for severe ARDS: radiographic severity, respiratory system compliance (≤40 mL/cm H2O), positive end-expiratory pressure (≥10 cm H2O), and corrected expired volume per minute (≥10 L/min). The draft Berlin Definition was empirically evaluated using patient-level meta-analysis of 4188 patients with ARDS from 4 multicenter clinical data sets and 269 patients with ARDS from 3 single-center data sets containing physiologic information. The 4 ancillary variables did not contribute to the predictive validity of severe ARDS for mortality and were removed from the definition. Using the Berlin Definition, stages of mild, moderate, and severe ARDS were associated with increased mortality (27%; 95% CI, 24%-30%; 32%; 95% CI, 29%-34%; and 45%; 95% CI, 42%-48%, respectively; P < .001) and increased median duration of mechanical ventilation in survivors (5 days; interquartile [IQR], 2-11; 7 days; IQR, 4-14; and 9 days; IQR, 5-17, respectively; P < .001). Compared with the AECC definition, the final Berlin Definition had better predictive validity for mortality, with an area under the receiver operating curve of 0.577 (95% CI, 0.561-0.593) vs 0.536 (95% CI, 0.520-0.553; P

  13. Bridge in Berlin Fragments of a journey between Necropolis and Elysium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pihl, Ole Verner

    ”Bridge in Berlin" af Ole Pihl Bogen ”Bridge in Berlin" er en ”Graphic Novel” og fænomenologisk poetisk rejse i tid og rum, der undersøger broens betydning i byen og i vores bevidsthed, eksemplificeret og fortalt fra en bestemt bro i Berlin, nemlig Friedrichsbrücke på Museums Insel. I fortællingen...... bliver broen fortolket på flere måder både som konkret forbindelse mellem to steder, to tilstande, arkitektur og kultur historie og som poetisk metafor for forandring og transformation. En af hovedpersonerne i bogen er den store tyske neoklassicistiske arkitekt Carl Friedrich Schinkel. Han fortæller...

  14. Climate to measure. Facility management for Universal Music at Berlin; Klima nach Mass. TGA-Planung fuer Universal Music in Berlin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McLead, E.A.


    Designing and constructing the technical facilities for a historical building like the 'Spreespeicher' in Berlin is a difficult but interesting task. The building is owned by Universal Music. Each department has its own office structure, and all offices and structures were integrated in a functional overall concept by the planners of Happold Ingenieure. [German] Klima, Lueftung und Elektroinstallation fuer ein historisches Gebaeude wie den Berliner Spreespeicher zu entwickeln, ist eine schwierige, aber reizvolle Aufgabe. Besonders, wenn der Nutzer Universal Music heisst: Jede Abteilung besitzt ihre eigene Buerostruktur, und alle mussten die TGA-Planer von Happold Ingenieure in ein funktionierendes Gesamtkonzept integrieren. (orig.)

  15. Atmosfera modificada e refrigeração para conservação pós-colheita de camu-camu

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    Jacqueline de Oliveirai


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a conservação pós-colheita de camu-camu, utilizando a refrigeração e a atmosfera modificada propiciada pelos filmes de policloreto de vinila (PVC e polipropileno biaxialmente orientado de 50µm espessura (BOPP50 e assim avaliar a durabilidade em relação ao controle (sem embalagem. Os frutos foram mantidos a 5±1°C e 90±2% de umidade relativa, durante 25 dias e avaliados a cada quatro dias de armazenamento quanto à firmeza, pH, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, ácido ascórbico, antocianinas, perda de massa e concentração de CO2 da atmosfera no interior da embalagem. O filme de BOPP50 mostrou não ser a melhor alternativa para a conservação de camu-camu, pois a sua baixa permeabilidade aos gases ocasionou o acúmulo de CO2 no interior da embalagem, propiciando o processo fermentativo dos frutos após 13 dias de armazenamento. Os atributos pH, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, ácido ascórbico e antocianinas não foram afetados pelos tipos de filmes utilizados, mas sim pelos dias de armazenamento. Os resultados mostraram que a utilização do filme de PVC, juntamente com refrigeração, para conservação pós-colheita de camu-camu, foi eficaz na manutenção da firmeza do fruto e na redução de perda de massa, mantendo os frutos comercialmente viáveis por 21 dias, enquanto o controle e os revestidos por BOPP50 se apresentaram inviáveis após 13 dias de armazenamento.

  16. Pirólise catalítica do PEBD usando como catalisador a vermiculita modificada

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    Franciel Aureliano Bezerra


    Full Text Available Resumo O polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD é um dos polímeros mais usados atualmente, e a grande quantidade desse polímero produzida resulta em toneladas de resíduos, que necessitam ser tratados. Neste trabalho foi realizada a pirólise termocatalítica do PEBD usando como catalisador a argila vermiculita modificada, como alternativa para o tratamento dos resíduos. A argila foi tratada com solução de ácido nítrico a diferentes concentrações e calcinada a 400 °C. Os materiais foram caracterizados por técnicas de difratometria de raios X, termogravimetria, adsorção de nitrogênio e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva. A pirólise térmica e termocatalítica foi realizada em um micro reator acoplado com GC/MS, a 500 °C. O intuito da pirólise de resíduos poliméricos é a obtenção de hidrocarbonetos leves (C<16, que possam ser empregados na indústria química e petroquímica, através de quebras na cadeia polimérica. Os resultados foram satisfatórios, com aumento no rendimento para hidrocarbonetos leves ao empregar os catalisadores chegando a 71,4% de produtos com C<16, enquanto a pirólise térmica resultou apenas de 25,8%.


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    Full Text Available Se estudió la modificación de una arcilla colombiana tipo montmorillonita con un biopolímero policatiónico -quitosano-, y se evaluó el efecto del peso molecular del modificante en la efectividad del tratamiento de modificación. Como material de partida se empleó una arcilla montmorillonítica sódica la cual se sometió a un procedimiento de modificación desarrollado para tal fin, empleando diferentes concentraciones de quitosano de bajo y alto peso molecular. Las muestras de arcilla modificada fueron analizadas mediante Difracción de Rayos X, Espectroscopía de Infrarrojo con Transformada de Fourier (FTIR, y Análisis Termogravimétrico (TGA con el fin de identificar los posibles efectos del tratamiento de modificación sobre la estructura de la arcilla. Los resultados mostraron una relación directa entre el incremento de la distancia interlaminar de la arcilla modifi cada y la concentración de quitosano, encontrándose un incremento máximo de 1,559 nm para la relación 2:1 en peso de quitosano de bajo peso molecular y arcilla. En general, se detectó una mayor separación interlaminar en la arcilla al emplear quitosano de bajo peso molecular como modificador, comparado con el quitosano de alto peso molecular, aunque en los dos casos se observó una integración efectiva del agente modificador a la estructura de la arcilla. El análisis IR de la arcilla modificada evidenció la presencia en la estructura de grupos CH, NH3+, CH y NH , provenientes del quitosano, mientras el análisis TG sugirió un cierto grado de hidrofobicidad asociada a la presencia de quitosano, siendo estos aspectos de gran importancia para la aplicación de estos materiales como refuerzos de películas poliméricas biodegradables.

  18. The acceleration of the masculine in early-twentieth-century Berlin. (United States)

    Prickett, David James


    In early-twentieth-century Berlin, agents of speed and industrialisation, such as the railway, contributed to the seemingly unbridled velocity of urban life. Doctors and cultural critics took an ambivalent stance toward the impact of speed and technology on the human body. Critics argued that these factors, in conjunction with sexual excess and prostitution, accelerated the sexual maturation of young men, thereby endangering ‘healthy’ male sexuality. This comparison of Hans Ostwald's socio-literary study Dunkle Winkel in Berlin (1904) with Georg Buschan's sexual education primer Vom Jüngling zum Mann (1911) queries the extent to which speed shaped the understanding of ‘the masculine’ in pre-World-War-I Germany. The essay thus examines Ostwald's and Buschan's arguments and postulates that speed in the city (Berlin) can be seen as a feminised, sexualised force that determined sex in the city. According to this reading, the homosexual urban dandy resisted the accelerated modernist urban tempo, whereas the heterosexual man and hegemonic, heteronormative masculinity yielded to speed. ‘“Das Verhältnis”’ became a fleeting, momentary alternative to stable marital relationships, which in turn contributed to the general ‘crisis’ of – and in– masculinity in early-twentieth-century Berlin.

  19. Safe water supply without disinfection in a large city case study: Berlin. (United States)

    Grohmann, A; Petersohn, D


    Berlin's water supplies originate exclusively from groundwater. For sustainable water management, river water is treated by flocculation and filtration and used either for artificial groundwater recharge (rivers Spree and Havel) or for bank filtration (Nordgraben and Lake Tegel). Drinking water chlorination was abandoned in Berlin (West) in 1978, and in Berlin (East) in 1992, following German unification. Chlorine consumption for the purpose of weekly performance checks in the chlorination plants of Berlin's 11 waterworks and occasional chlorination within the pipe system following pipe burst events amounts to 2500 kg per year. Based on the annual water demand of 250 million cubic metres, this is equivalent to 0.01 mg of chlorine per litre. Microbiological monitoring at the 11 waterworks and at 383 sampling points within the pipe system shows CFU at less than 10/1 ml-1 and coliforms and E. coli invariably at 0/100 ml-1. In view of the low AOX content, a multiplication of bacteria within the pipe system can be expected to occur not at all or only to a small extent. Resource protection measures, filter backwashing and pipe system maintenance in observance of the relevant technical rules will continue to ensure that the quality of Berlin's drinking water meets stringent hygiene requirements without chlorination.

  20. Qualidade de mandioquinha-salsa minimamente processada e armazenada sob atmosfera modificada Quality of fresh-cut peruvian carrot: use of modified atmosphere

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    Elisângela Elena Nunes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da atmosfera modificada, passiva e ativa, sobre a conservação de mandioquinha-salsa minimamente processada da cultivar 'Amarela de Senador Amaral', adquirida de lavoura comercial do Município de Lavras, Minas Gerais (MG. As raízes foram selecionadas, lavadas com detergente neutro e enxaguadas em água corrente. Em seguida, foram imersas em solução de hipoclorito de sódio 300mg L-1, por 15 minutos, e secas em temperatura ambiente. As raízes foram descascadas e cortadas em fatias de aproximadamente 1cm de espessura, imersas em solução de hipoclorito de sódio 50mg L-1, por 10 minutos, drenadas em peneiras plásticas e embaladas. As bandejas contendo as fatias de mandioquinha-salsa foram armazenadas em câmara fria (5±1°C e 98% UR por 15 dias. As seguintes análises foram realizadas a cada três dias: pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis totais, firmeza, valores L* e b*, amido e avaliação sensorial (aparência e cor. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso (DIC, em esquema fatorial 3 x 6, sendo três tipos de atmosferas (passiva; ativa com injeção inicial das misturas: 2% O2 + 10% CO2 e 5% O2 + 5% CO2 e seis tempos de armazenamento (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15 dias, com três repetições. Os valores médios de pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis e firmeza encontrados neste trabalho foram 6,79, 0,13% de ácido málico, 4,04°Brix e 5,17N, respectivamente. A atmosfera modificada ativa (5% de O2 + 5% CO2 determinou maior valor L* às mandioquinhas-salsa minimamente processadas no sexto e no décimo segundo dia de armazenamento, quando comparada com a atmosfera (2% de O2 e 10% CO2. A atmosfera modificada ativa com 5% O2 + 5% CO2 determinou maiores valor b* e teores de amido às fatias de mandioquinha-salsa em comparação com as outras atmosferas. Conclui-se que a atmosfera modificada passiva, aliada à refrigeração e a boas práticas de fabricação, é suficiente

  1. From Berlin to Brussels


    Chukwuma Charles Soludo


    The paper evaluates the economic partnership agreement (EPA) which the European Union is forging with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and concludes that it is a raw deal for these developing countries. Particularly for Africa, the author likens the EPA to the Berlin conference of 1884–1885 that divided Africa among the European powers. EPA as the second scramble for Africa would merely turn Africa into a dumping ground for European goods and severely undermine its nascent dev...

  2. Influência do armazenamento refrigerado em associação com atmosfera modificada por filmes plásticos na qualidade de mangas 'Tommy Atkins Influence of refrigerated storage associated with plastic film-modified atmosphere in quality of 'Tommy Atkins' mangoes

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    Joaci Pereira de Sousa


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a qualidade de mangas Tommy Atkins, embaladas em filmes plásticos e armazenadas sob condição refrigerada. Utilizaram-se frutos da safra 2000 obtidos na Fazenda Paulicéia Empreendimentos Ltda., situada no Pólo Agrícola Mossoró-Assu. Os frutos foram colhidos no estádio 2 (Brix 7 º e 75% verde e 25% vermelha e selecionados de acordo com o tipo 12 (12 frutos/caixa e tratados com fungicida para evitar podridões. No laboratório, os frutos foram submetidos aos seguintes tratamentos: 1 - frutos não embalados; 2 - frutos embalados individualmente em cloreto de polivinila (PVC; 3 - frutos embalados em sacola de polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD; 4 - frutos embalados em sacola de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD. Os frutos foram armazenados por 42 dias em condição controlada (11 ± 1°C; 85-90% UR. O armazenamento dos frutos sob condição controlada, associada à atmosfera modificada pelos filmes plásticos, reduziu-lhes a perda de matéria fresca e proporcionou-lhes a manutenção dos teores de sólidos solúveis totais, açúcares solúveis totais e acidez total titulável. A atmosfera modificada pelos filmes plásticos manteve mais regular as perdas na firmeza da polpa, possibilitando uma vida útil pós-colheita de 42 dias em ralação à testemunha. Até o final do armazenamento, o uso de PEAD promoveu o desenvolvimento da coloração da casca e da polpa dos frutos, porém o uso de PVC e PEBD reteve a coloração da casca.The quality of mangoes cv Tommy Atkins enclosed in plastic films and stored under refrigerated conditions were evaluated. Mangoes from the 2000 crop harvested at the Fazenda Paulicéia Empreendimentos Ltda., located in the Mossoró-Assu Agropole were used as experimental unity. The fruits were harvested in stage 2 ( 7º brix and 75% green, 25% red and selected for the type 12 (12 fruits/box, then treated with fungicide to prevent rots. The fruits were submited to the following treatments in the

  3. Berlin: Sustainability and Tour Guides in a Partial Dark Tourism Destination

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    Asaf Leshem


    Full Text Available When guiding in Berlin about the Holocaust or about the Cold War, tour guides often hear the phrase: “I didn’t come here for that, but I want to see that as well...” Many of Berlin’s 10 Million visitors per year claim to have an attraction towards both the morbid and the lighter side of the city. Following from that popular sentiment it is argued that Berlin can be defined as a Partial Dark Tourism Destination. As such, it is further argued that Berlin is prone to an increase of socio-economic and socio-cultural negative impacts. The premise of the research is that Berlin’s tour guides function as a link between the residents of the city and the visitors. The thesis, then, is that tour guides play a role and can contribute to development of social, cultural and economic urban tourism sustainability. An analysis of tourism impacts and tourists-residents relations is presented, in which the tour guide plays a role in influencing the visitor’s behaviour. I conclude that tour guides have greater influence on social, cultural and economic behaviour of the tourist than previously considered, and therefore a potential to enhance sustainable tourism development in Berlin. The significance of this research is in the way it points out to the roles Berlin tour guides play in facilitation of sustainable tourism development in the city. Furthermore, the research shows the ways in which tour guides contribute to increasing responsible tourist behaviour.

  4. Was ist so Berlin? Eine kritische Rezension aktueller Linien und Fragestellungen der Stadtforschung in der deutschen Hauptstadt

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    Samuel Merrill


    Full Text Available Ende 2012 hat das Zitty Magazin des Tagesspiegels seine Werbekampagne „Das ist so Berlin“ gestartet. Seither sind kleine rot-weiße Aufkleber mit dieser Aussage überall in der Stadt aufgetaucht, auf Mülleimern, U-Bahn-Schildern und Bushaltestellen. Zum Teil als Reaktion auf diese Kampagne, fragt diese kritische, bilinguale Rezension Was ist so Berlin? um die aktuellen Linien und Fragestellungen der Stadtforschung in Berlin zu diskutieren. Dazu werden die Berlin-Sitzungen zweier internationaler Tagungen des Jahres 2013 rezensiert, die Sitzungen der Jahreskonferenz der Association of American Geographers (Los Angeles 9-13 April und es Jahrestreffen des Research Committee 21 (Berlin 29-31, sowie der Sammelband – The Berlin Reader: A Compendium on Urban Change and Activism (Transcript, 2013, herausgegeben von Matthias Bernt, Britta Grell und Andrej Holm. Im Anschluss betont die Rezension die Notwendigkeit die Vorstellungen zu Berlin und Berlins exceptionalism, die in der Stadtforschung entwickelt werden, fortlaufend so zu beleuchten, dass eine pluralistische Rhetorik, die Position und Verantwortung von Forscher_innen und wissenschaftliche Forschungslücken, berücksichtigt werden.

  5. Novos sensores quimicos preparados com silica gel modificada com o ion piridinio


    Lilian de Lourdes Lorencetti Prado


    Resumo: A sílica gel, com área superficial específica de 500 m.g e diâmetro médio de poros de 6 nm, foi organofuncionalizada com o íon piridínio. Reagiu-se a sílica com 3-cloropropiltrimetoxisilano e piridina, usando como solvente o CCI4. A quantidade de íons cloreto disponíveis para reações de troca iônica foi de 0,36 mmol.g. O espectro na região de infravermelho da sílica modificada (daqui para frente designada como SiPyCI) confirmou a presença dos grupos funcionais na superfície da mesma, ...

  6. 78 FR 41398 - City of Berlin, Berlin Water Works; Notice of Preliminary Permit Application Accepted for Filing... (United States)


    ...) to be located on a water supply conduit at the City of Berlin's municipal water treatment plant (WTP... diameter cement-transite water main leading to the City's WTP; (2) piping, valves, control panels, and.... The WTP will use the power produced by the proposed project to run process equipment, lighting, and...

  7. The role of studies and analysis in the Berlin crisis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schake, K.


    The question posed for this conference was whether military exercises, studies and analysis have made an appreciable difference in the policies associated with tactical nuclear forces (TNF) in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Some of the papers leave the impression that studies, analysis and military exercises have very little impact on the strategy, policy decisions and force posture of NATO tactical nuclear forces. The studies and analyses undertaken during the 1961 Berlin crisis suggest a very different conclusion: that studies and analyses, when specific in scope and carrying some sense of immediacy, can be enormously influential. Whether one considers the changes to be positive or negative, the experience of the 1961 Berlin crisis suggests that studies and analyses had a tangible and direct impact both on contingency planning for the Berlin crisis specifically and on discussions of the role of tactical nuclear forces more broadly. The results of these studies and analyses are discussed

  8. Exemplary design of climate-friendly waste management in the State of Berlin; Vorbildhafte Konzeption einer klimavertraeglichen Abfallentsorgung im Land Berlin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vogt, Regine; Fehrenbach, Horst [ifeu - Institut fuer Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH, Heidelberg (Germany); Wiegel, Ulrich; Ebert, Knud [ICU - Ingenieurconsulting Umwelt und Bau Berlin, Berlin (Germany); Schwilling, Thomas; Mehner, Heidelinde [SenStadtUm - Senatsverwaltung fuer Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, Berlin (Germany). Referat Abfallwirtschaft


    On behalf of the Senate Department for Environment of the State of Berlin IFEU Heidelberg and ICU Berlin analysed a climate friendly waste treatment for the 36 most important waste types. The inventory for 2010 showed that the management of the 6.7 million tonnes of waste in the State of Berlin led to a remarkable prevention of greenhouse gas emissions of about -900,000 tonnes of CO{sub 2}-equivalents. Treatment optimisation for half of the waste types and increased source separation of dry recyclables and organics can lead to an additional mitigation of greenhouse gases of about -248,000 tonnes CO{sub 2}-equivalents. The impact of waste management on the global warming potential was determined using the standardised LCA method modified for waste management. A key element of the study was the intensive and constructive exchange with stakeholders. The results were integrated into an action plan based on the findings of the analysis of potentials and optimisation scenarios. For the relevant waste types of municipal origin property specifications were prepared. The specifications include distinct minimum criteria for an optimised treatment to reach the identified waste specific greenhouse gas reductions. The focus of the study was on climate change. A second study will be extended to further important environmental impacts like resource saving. (orig.)

  9. Caracterização por FT-IR da superfície de borracha EPDM tratada via plasma por micro-ondas

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    Renata P. dos Santos


    Full Text Available A superfície de uma borracha de etileno-propileno-dieno (EPDM vulcanizada foi modificada via plasma por microondas, com gases Ar, Ar/O2, N2/O2 e N2/H2, tendo como objetivo melhorar as propriedades adesivas da superfície. A técnica FT-IR/UATR foi escolhida para caracterizar as superfícies após tratamento, pois apresentou menor interferência dos ingredientes da formulação da EPDM, dentre as técnicas analisadas (ATR/KRS-5 e Ge. Grupos oxigenados foram inseridos na superfície da amostra tratada, mesmo quando não foi utilizado o oxigênio, pois estes grupos foram formados quando a superfície ativada foi exposta à atmosfera. Já em tratamentos contendo N2, grupos oxigenados e possíveis grupos nitrogenados foram identificados por FT-IR. Redução nos valores do ângulo de contato, aumento no trabalho de adesão e aumento no ensaio de resistência ao descascamento (EPDM × Poliuretano foram observados após tratamento com Ar e N2/H2, resultando em melhora nas propriedades adesivas da superfície tratada.

  10. The S-Bahn Challenge in Berlin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Beckenbach, Isabel; Borndörfer, Ralf; Knoben, Loes; Kretz, David; Uetz, Marc Jochen

    Traveling an entire subway or S-Bahn network as fast as possible has become a kind of sport in many major cities, with increasing popularity. The Guinness Book of Records already has several entries in this category, all quite recent. Of course, the S-Bahn network of Berlin had been a blatant gap in

  11. A comparison of municipal solid waste management in Berlin and Singapore

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Dongqing; Keat, Tan Soon; Gersberg, Richard M.


    A comparative analysis of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in Singapore and Berlin was carried out in order to identify its current status, and highlight the prevailing conditions of MSWM. An overview of the various aspects of MSWM in these two cities is provided, with emphasis on comparing the legal, technical, and managerial aspects of MSW. Collection systems and recycling practiced with respect to the involvement of the government and the private sector, are also presented. Over last two decades, the city of Berlin has made impressive progress with respect to its waste management. The amounts of waste have declined significantly, and at the same time the proportion that could be recovered and recycled has increased. In contrast, although Singapore's recycling rate has been increasing over the past few years, rapid economic and population growth as well as change in consumption patterns in this city-state has caused waste generation to continue to increase. Landfilling of MSW plays minor role in both cities, one due to geography (Singapore) and the other due to legislative prohibition (Berlin). Consequently, both in Singapore and Berlin, waste is increasingly being used as a valuable resource and great efforts have been made for the development of incineration technology and energy recovery, as well as climate protection.

  12. Experiencing memory museums in Berlin. The Otto Weidt Workshop for the Blind Museum and the Jewish Museum Berlin

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    Ana Souto


    Full Text Available This article explores memory studies from the audience’s perspective, focusing on the perception of Holocaust narratives in two museums in Berlin. This research builds on and contributes to a number of emerging issues on memory studies, tourism perception and museum design: the debate on experiential authenticity, Dark Tourism, as well as the analysis of memory studies from the perspective of the user. The main data facilitating the analysis is based on responses shared on TripAdvisor; the case studies being the Otto Weidt Workshop for the Blind Museum and the Jewish Museum Berlin. The analysis of these museums, focusing on their narratives, design features and comments from visitors, will highlight a potential shift from the traditional object-focused museum, to a phenomenological subject-focused one. It will be argued, then, that the understanding and consumption of authenticity encompasses a very flexible definition, not only based on the nature of the objects exhibited, but on the production of authentic experiences.

  13. The Berlin tradition in Chicago: Franz Alexander and the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. (United States)

    Schmidt, Erika S


    Freud considered Franz Alexander, the first graduate of the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute and an assistant in the Berlin Polyclinic, to be "one of our strongest hopes for the future." Alexander went on to become the first director of the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis in 1932 and modeled some of the Chicago Institute's mission on his Berlin experiences. He was also a researcher in psychosomatic medicine, a prolific writer about psychoanalysis and prominent in psychoanalytic organizations. As he proposed modifications in psychoanalytic technique, he became a controversial figure, especially in the elaboration of his ideas about brief therapy and the corrective emotional experience. This paper puts Alexander's achievements in historical context, draws connections between the Berlin and Chicago Institutes and suggests that, despite his quarrels with traditional psychoanalysis, Alexander's legacy may be in his attitude towards psychoanalysis, characterized by a commitment to scientific study, a willingness to experiment, and a conviction about the role of psychoanalysis within the larger culture.

  14. ITB Berlin: The world's leading tourism fair

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    Đeri Lukrecija


    Full Text Available MICE is a significant segment of tourism industry. It is of great interest for exhibitors and visitors, as well as for host cities and organizers. ITB Berlin represents the world's leading travel trade show. This paper analyses the key trends of this event in the last five year period (from 2004 until 2008. Analyzed data was annually gathered by Gelzus Messe-Marktforschung GmbH. This research focused on exhibitors', trade visitors and private visitors' origin, age distribution of private visitors, exhibiting companies, exhibiting branches, interest for travel according to type and overall impression and outlook that was gathered through surveys at ITB Berlin. Data was collected in the period 2004-2008 and placed together to make a five year overview. The goal is to present a development of above mentioned values and to discover potential patterns and predict future trends for this tourism fair. .

  15. [Some impressions of child and adolescent psychiatric management in Berlin after the fall of the wall]. (United States)

    Fegert, J M; Geiken, G; Lenz, K


    The fall of the Berlin wall caused a sudden increase in migration from East-Germany to West-Berlin. In our sample we compared 155 Berlin elementary school children to 17 children from East-Germany now living in Berlin and 25 immigrant children most oft them coming from Turkey and Poland. Although many authors expected short-term disorders of adaptation, we found a constancy of psychiatric diagnosis in the migration group. We noticed important differences particularly in the new psychosocial situation of the former East German mothers, with many single-mother-families, where the mothers now were often unemployed.

  16. Dynamics of Sub-urbanisation - The Growing Periphery of the Metropolis. Berlin 1890 - 2000

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    H. Reif (Heinz)


    textabstractWhat controls the secular process of sub-urbanisation of Berlin to garden and satellite cities and what were the effects? Through the massive retreat of its wealthy and academic bourgeoisie from the centre, Berlin became a bipolar city. On this side of the "railway ring", stood the

  17. Tratamiento quirúrgico de la pancreatitis aguda con técnica de Puestow modificada


    Vázquez Merayo, Enrique; Moreno Pissau, Francisco; Labrada Arjona, Eduardo; Vázquez Martínez, Yovany Enrique


    La pancreatitis crónica representa uno de los mayores desafíos de la Gastroenterología, y su etiología sigue siendo difícil de establecer en 10-30 % de los pacientes. Se presenta un paciente masculino, de 13 años, con diagnóstico de pancreatitis crónica de tipo inmunológico, con estenosis del conducto pancreático principal. Necesitó tratamiento quirúrgico pancreaticoyeyunostomía longitudinal en Y de Roux, conocido como técnica de Puestow modificada. Se logró mejoría clínica, normalidad de sus...

  18. Utilização de zeólitas modificadas CaX e MgX como adsorventes de compostos orgânicos

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    Denise Maria Malachini Miotto


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, foi avaliada a capacidade de adsorção de zeólitas modificadas, CaX e MgX, em contato com uma solução do subproduto do processo de extração de esteviosídeo, um adoçante extraído das folhas de Stevia rebaudiana. Os efeitos do processo de adsorção na estrutura zeolítica foram avaliados por meio de diversas técnicas de caracterização. As análises térmicas mostraram que os compostos adsorvidos sofrem pequenas mudanças estruturais sob aquecimento. A partir da espectroscopia ao infravermelho, foi verificado que o processo de adsorção não modifica a estrutura da zeólita. As medidas de área superficial e volume de poros indicaram que a adsorção ocorre preferencialmente na superfície externa e nos mesoporos. Finalmente, os resultados de acidez indicaram que a adsorção dos compostos orgânicos coloridos ocorre principalmente nos cátions de compensação.

  19. Papel de la vía de señalización de la insulina y mTOR en la infección por el virus de la Hepatitis C. Implicación en el desarrollo de carcinoma hepatocelular


    García-Valdecasas Merino, Marta María


    Introducción El virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) promueve resistencia a la insulina (RI) y el desarrollo de esteatosis. Al progresar la enfermedad puede provocar la aparición de fibrosis hepática, cirrosis y carcinoma hepatocelular (HCC). Los mecanismos moleculares por los que el VHC induce la RI no están del todo descritos, por tanto es necesario estudiar como la vía de señalización de la insulina es modificada por la infección. Además, la vía de señalización de la insulina activa la vía de...

  20. Ecological monitoring for Berlin and its back country

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meyer, G.


    In 1991, the city of Berlin started the implementation of the 'monitoring program natural budget'. The aim of this program is the assessment of biological and ecological effects of atmospheric pollution as well as the analysis and evaluation of the functioning of the natural balance in pine forest ecosystems in the city area of Berlin and in the close vicinity. The investigations should make temporal and regional statements possible. Techniques of active and passive monitoring are applied (effect cadastre) as well as extensive investigations in long-term observation areas (at present pine forest systems). The ecosystem itself is in the foreground as a sensitive indicator for an existing atmospheric pollution load. The results should enable forecasts of the development of the related organisms and the ecosystems under the effect of anthropogenic load factors. (orig.) [de

  1. Individuality and modernity in Berlin: self and society from Weimar to the Wall

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Föllmer, M.


    Moritz Föllmer traces the history of individuality in Berlin from the late 1920s to the construction of the Berlin Wall in August 1961. The demand to be recognised as an individual was central to metropolitan society, as were the spectres of risk, isolation and loss of agency. This was true under

  2. A comparison of municipal solid waste management in Berlin and Singapore. (United States)

    Zhang, Dongqing; Keat, Tan Soon; Gersberg, Richard M


    A comparative analysis of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in Singapore and Berlin was carried out in order to identify its current status, and highlight the prevailing conditions of MSWM. An overview of the various aspects of MSWM in these two cities is provided, with emphasis on comparing the legal, technical, and managerial aspects of MSW. Collection systems and recycling practiced with respect to the involvement of the government and the private sector, are also presented. Over last two decades, the city of Berlin has made impressive progress with respect to its waste management. The amounts of waste have declined significantly, and at the same time the proportion that could be recovered and recycled has increased. In contrast, although Singapore's recycling rate has been increasing over the past few years, rapid economic and population growth as well as change in consumption patterns in this city-state has caused waste generation to continue to increase. Landfilling of MSW plays minor role in both cities, one due to geography (Singapore) and the other due to legislative prohibition (Berlin). Consequently, both in Singapore and Berlin, waste is increasingly being used as a valuable resource and great efforts have been made for the development of incineration technology and energy recovery, as well as climate protection. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Preparação de argila modificada com cloreto de cetilpiridíneo e avaliação da interação desta com o PVC Preparation of modified clay with cetylpyridinium chloride and evaluation of their interaction with PVC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel K. Resende


    Full Text Available Foi preparada uma argila modificada com cloreto de cetilpiridíneo a partir da argila sódica por troca de cátions em solução. Foi avaliada a quantidade de agente de modificação em relação à argila sódica e o tempo reacional. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados por difração de raio X (XRD, análise termogravimétrica (TGA e ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN de baixo campo. Após a caracterização foi confirmada a modificação da argila e, também, foi verificado que o produto obtido pode ser empregado na preparação de nanocompósitos de PVC, considerando que o início da degradação do material preparado ocorreu em temperatura superior às comumente utilizadas no processamento do polímero. A adição da argila modificada apresentou uma dispersão adequada no PVC e manteve o início da degradação do material em temperatura compatível com o processamento do polímero, gerando um nanocompósito com parte esfoliada e intercalada.A modified silicate with cetylpyridinium was prepared from sodium clay with cation exchange in solution. The amount of modification agent for clay and the reaction time were evaluated. The materials produced were characterized using X ray diffraction (XRD, termogravimetric analysis (TGA and low field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR. The formation of new organic clay was confirmed, which was introduced in PVC for the formation of nanocomposites. The beginning of degradation of the new clay occurred at temperatures higher than commonly used in the processing of PVC. The nanocomposites were partially exfoliated and partially intercalated.

  4. The incidence of ARDS and associated mortality in severe TBI using the Berlin definition. (United States)

    Aisiku, Imoigele P; Yamal, Jose-Miguel; Doshi, Pratik; Rubin, Maria Laura; Benoit, Julia S; Hannay, Julia; Tilley, Barbara C; Gopinath, Shankar; Robertson, Claudia S


    The incidence of adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is poorly reported. Recently, a new definition for ARDS was proposed, the Berlin definition. The percentage of patients represented by TBI in the Berlin criteria study is limited. This study describes the incidence and associated mortality of ARDS in TBI patients. The study was an analysis of the safety of erythropoietin administration and transfusion threshold on the incidence of ARDS in severe TBI patients. Three reviewers independently assessed all patients enrolled in the study for acute lung injury/ARDS using the Berlin and the American-European Consensus Conference (AECC) definitions. A Cox proportional hazards model was used to assess the relationship between ARDS and mortality and 6-month Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) score. Two hundred patients were enrolled in the study. Of the patients, 21% (41 of 200) and 26% (52 of 200) developed ARDS using the AECC and Berlin definitions, respectively, with a median time of 3 days (interquartile range, 3) after injury. ARDS by either definition was associated with increased mortality (p = 0.04) but not with differences in functional outcome as measured by the GOS score at 6 months. Adjusted analysis using the Berlin criteria showed an increased mortality associated with ADS (p = 0.01). Severe TBI is associated with an incidence of ARDS ranging from 20% to 25%. The incidence is comparable between the Berlin and AECC definitions. ARDS is associated with increased mortality in severe TBI patients, but further studies are needed to validate these findings. Epidemiologic study, level II.

  5. Symbolic Uses of the Berlin Wall, 1961-1989. (United States)

    Bruner, Michael S.


    Examines samples from public discourse during the period 1961-1989, which reveal several different symbolic uses of the Berlin Wall. Suggests these differences reflect the never-completed struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. (KEH)

  6. Zweiwegintegration durch zweisprachige Bildung? Ergebnisse aus der Staatlichen Europa-Schule Berlin (United States)

    Meier, Gabriela


    While there is no simple recipe of how to respond to the multitude of languages present in many European schools, this article presents a promising alternative to monolingual education. The focus is on Staatliche Europa-Schule Berlin (SESB), a two-way immersion (TWI) model that unites children whose mother tongue is German with children whose mother tongue is another locally spoken language in one class and teaches them together in two languages. Thus in this model, offered by 17 primary schools and 13 secondary schools in Berlin, pupils learn in two languages from and with each other. Based on a largely quantitative, quasi-experimental study with 603 students, evidence is provided that there are a number of peace-linguistic benefits that can promote two-way social integration, besides fostering personal and societal multilingualism. This suggests that TWI education as practised in Berlin could serve as an educational model for other multilingual parts of Europe.

  7. [From traditional to modern hospital--from Paris to Berlin]. (United States)

    Murken, Axel Hinrich

    Discussions about the modernisation and reform of the Hôtel Dieu in Paris concerning the catastrophic fire of 1772 there were followed very closely in Prussia and other German countries, though for a long time this had only slight consequences for modernising developments in the hospitals of Berlin or other administrative capitals of Germany. In contrast to this, the Hôpital Lariboisière was praised as a model example in Germany soon after its completion in 1854 after the pre-revolutionary Parisian plans, was imitated in Berlin twenty years later. It must be added that in Prussia great importance was attached to stricter requirements for hygiene and ventilation than in Paris. This was clearly demonstrated barely in the construction of the pavilionhospital in Berlin-Friedrichshain (1868-1874) with an extremely decentralized layout. It was not until two generations later with the completion of the municipal hospital Westend in Charlottenburg (1904-1907), a suburb of Berlin, that a slightly modified "Lariboisière" in the Wilheminian brick Baroque style was built. Similarily the acceptance of high-rise construction was, compared with Paris, considerably delayed on the German hospital scene. Whereas in the USA and France plans had been made for high-rise hospitals from the 1920s on and realized by 1935, as with the Hôpital Beaujon in Paris (1932-1935), there were fundamental reservations about them in Germany. As a result, this conception of the structure, with an effective concentration of inpatient care in towers together with separate low-rise buildings for functions such as treatment and diagnosis, only gradually gained acceptance in Germany at the end of the 1960s. On the other hand, German architects such as Hermann Distel (1875-1946) or Ernst Kopp (1890-1962), had already, indeed before the Second World War, promoted the high-rise type for inpatient care on theoretical grounds. In addition, two hospitals providing medical care within in Berlin, Martin

  8. Recubrimiento comestible basado en goma arábiga y carboximetilcelulosa para conservar frutas en atmósfera modificada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Valle-Guadarrama


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar un recubrimiento comestible a base de goma arábiga (GA, carboximetilcelulosa (CMC y glicerol (GL como plastificante, para valorar su potencial de uso en sistemas de conservación de frutos en atmósfera modificada, mediante la evaluación de sus propiedades mecánicas, de barrera a gases y de transmisión de luz. En una fase de diseño evolutivo se obtuvo una formulación aproximada del recubrimiento; con esta base se definieron rangos de concentraciones de GA (20 y 30 %, CMC (0.25, 0.50 y 0.75 % y GL (5, 10 y 15 % para caracterizar el material. La combinación de GA en proporción de 30 %, CMC en un rango de 0.25 a 0.50 % y GL en un rango de 5 a 10 %, presentó un potencial adecuado para uso en conservación de frutos mediante sistemas de atmósfera modificada. El cambio de las concentraciones en GA, CMC y GL permitió regular las permeabilidadesa O2 y CO2 y la resistencia mecánica, con una transparencia mayor a 80 %.

  9. The Berlin International Consensus Meeting on Concussion in Sport. (United States)

    Davis, Gavin A; Ellenbogen, Richard G; Bailes, Julian; Cantu, Robert C; Johnston, Karen M; Manley, Geoffrey T; Nagahiro, Shinji; Sills, Allen; Tator, Charles H; McCrory, Paul


    The Fifth International Conference on Concussion in Sport was held in Berlin in October 2016. A series of 12 questions and subquestions was developed and the expert panel members were required to perform a systematic review to answer each question. Following presentation at the Berlin meeting of the systematic review, poster abstracts and audience discussion, the summary Consensus Statement was produced. Further, a series of tools for the management of sport-related concussion was developed, including the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool Fifth edition (SCAT5), the Child SCAT5, and the Concussion Recognition Tool Fifth edition. This paper elaborates on this process, the outcomes, and explores the implications for neurosurgeons in the management of sport-related concussion. Copyright © 2017 by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.

  10. Nature reserve Pfaueninsel in Berlin-Wannsee. V. The Lichen Flora

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grummann, V J; Poelt, J


    During the years 1965-1971 about 95 species of lichens were identified within the district of West Berlin. A few of them were growing on trees; corticolous foliaceous species are present in very reduced numbers, and the surviving individuals do not appear healthy. The majority of the species are found on walls and large rocks or on the ground in pine woods. Even these species are showing signs of diminution. Several species seem to have disappeared since the beginning of the observations. Air pollution is singled out as the cause of the decline of the lichens. Berlin today must be considered a lichen desert. 29 references, 2 figures.

  11. Urban and rural mortality rates during heat waves in Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gabriel, Katharina M.A.; Endlicher, Wilfried R.


    In large cities such as Berlin, human mortality rates increase during intense heat waves. Analysis of relevant data from north-eastern Germany revealed that, during the heat waves that occurred between 1990 and 2006, health risks were higher for older people in both rural and urban areas, but that, during the two main heat waves within that 17-year period of time, the highest mortality rates were from the city of Berlin, and in particular from its most densely built-up districts. Adaptation measures will need to be developed, particularly within urban areas, in order to cope with the expected future intensification of heat waves due to global climate change. - Highlights: → Periods of heat stress enhance mortality rates in Berlin and Brandenburg. → Heat-related mortality is an urban as well as a rural problem. → During extreme events highest mortality rates can be found in the city centre. → Mortality rates correlate well with the distribution of sealed surfaces. → Health risks are higher for older than for younger people. - During periods of severe heat stress the pattern of mortality rates in Berlin and Brandenburg was found to correlate well with the distribution of sealed surfaces.

  12. 10. ročník „Berlin 10“ konference v Jihoafrické republice

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Burešová, Iva

    -, č. 4 (2012) E-ISSN 1805-2800. [Berlin10. Stellenbosch, 06.11.2012-08.11.2012] Keywords : conferences * Berlin Open Access Conference * open access

  13. Collapsing (New Buildings: Town Planning, History and Music in Hubertus Siegert's Berlin Babylon (2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew Hurley


    Full Text Available Hubertus Siegert’s impressionistic documentary, Berlin Babylon, illuminates the demolition and urban renewal of Berlin during the mid-late 1990s. This was a critical phase in the city’s history, as it prepared, amidst a flurry of excitement and anticipation, to become the united Germany's seat of power. Siegert's film seeks to give pause for thought, but deliberately eschews a “voice of god” voiceover, opting instead for a poetic audiovisual montage. This includes shots of the cityscape (and its lacunae, archival footage documenting the wartime devastation and subsequent dynamiting of buildings, observational cinema of the city’s busy building sites, and of verbal snippets from various architects, developers and politicians––following the film title’s cue, the agents in a rerun of the construction of the Tower of Babel––as well as epigraphs from the Bible and Walter Benjamin, and a prominent soundscape and musical score. As this article will demonstrate, the film’s (mostly sombre soundtrack plays a critical role here, commenting on the footage, and beyond that on the whole project of the new ‘Berlin Republic’ and its attitude to architectural heritage and twentieth century history. Re-figuring the theme of this volume, Berlin Babylon’s music is a form of writing about (collapsing, old architecture and history. And yet, the soundtrack is not as unambiguous as a voiceover might have been, and thereby allows creative space for the audience’s interpretation, a matter that was very important to the film’s director. This article will focus, in particular, on three elements: the use (and treatment of historical recordings in the film; the use of silence; and finally the way in which tracks from the Berlin band Einstürzende Neubauten use music, noise and text to comment on the project of the new Berlin.

  14. Berlin Reflectance Spectral Library (BRSL) (United States)

    Henckel, D.; Arnold, G.; Kappel, D.; Moroz, L. V.; Markus, K.


    The Berlin Reflectance Spectral Library (BRSL) provides a collection of reflectance spectra between 0.3 and 17 µm. It was originally dedicated to support space missions to small solar system bodies. Meanwhile the library includes selections of biconical reflectance spectra for spectral data analysis of other planetary bodies as well. The library provides reference spectra of well-characterized terrestrial analogue materials and meteorites for interpretation of remote sensing reflectance spectra of planetary surfaces. We introduce the BRSL, summarize the data available, and access to use them for further relevant applications.

  15. Microfilming of the Bach Manuscripts in the Staatsbibliothek Berlin. (United States)

    Penzold, Leonhard


    Describes a microfilming project to preserve music manuscripts of Johann Sebastian Bach at the Staatsbibliothek Berlin (Germany), highlighting project goals, problems and peculiarities encountered filming the collection, color micrography, and black-and-white filming. (PEN)

  16. The research reactor BER II at the Helmholtz-Center Berlin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krohn, Herbert [Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), Berlin (Germany)


    For basic and application-oriented research assignments the Helmholtz-Center Berlin (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin - HZB) runs a research reactor that operates as a source of neutron beams for a wide range of scientific investigations. At the end of the 1980{sup th} the BER II was completed renewed and fitted with new experimental facilities. The BER II is a light water cooled and moderated swimming pool type reactor to be operated at 10 MW thermal power. Six neutron guides deliver cold neutrons from the cold moderator cell to a neutron guide hall adjacent to the experiment hall. With its 24 experimental stations, experimenters at HZB have practically all neutron scattering or neutron radiography techniques at their disposal. (orig.)

  17. Investigations on medical film processing in the city of Berlin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pape, U.


    An investigation on the methods of film processing in diagnostic radialogy departments can for instance be understood as a mere statistical representation of number and type of processing apparatus and film types, chemical methods and processing time, or it can be done as an attempt to objectively compare the film processing methods by means of a densitometric evaluation of equally exposed films of current usage within a given department. Such a comparative evaluation has been suggested by the diagnostics experts of the Berlin association of medical physicists, who presented their proposals within the course of project planning talks for a planned field test with a phantom for X-ray diagnostics, to be carried out in Berlin. (orig.) [de

  18. The research reactor BER II at the Helmholtz-Center Berlin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krohn, Herbert


    For basic and application-oriented research assignments the Helmholtz-Center Berlin (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin - HZB) runs a research reactor that operates as a source of neutron beams for a wide range of scientific investigations. At the end of the 1980 th the BER II was completed renewed and fitted with new experimental facilities. The BER II is a light water cooled and moderated swimming pool type reactor to be operated at 10 MW thermal power. Six neutron guides deliver cold neutrons from the cold moderator cell to a neutron guide hall adjacent to the experiment hall. With its 24 experimental stations, experimenters at HZB have practically all neutron scattering or neutron radiography techniques at their disposal. (orig.)

  19. Evaluación de las propiedades mecánicas de una mezcla densa en caliente modificada con un desecho de polietileno de baja densidad (PEBD Mechanical properties evaluation of a dense hot asphalt mixture modified with a residue of low density polyethylene (LDPE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo Rondón Quintana


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta los resultados experimentales de ensayar una mezcla asfáltica densa en caliente tipo MDC-2 (acorde con las especificaciones del Instituto Nacional de Vías - INVIAS, 2007 modificada con un desecho de polietileno de baja densidad (PEBD. Para la evaluación del comportamiento de las mezclas asfálticas convencionales (sin aditivo y modificadas se realizaron ensayos Marshall, módulo dinámico, deformación permanente y resistencia a fatiga. Las mezclas fueron elaboradas con un cemento asfáltico (CA producido en Colombia tipo CA 80-100. Al CA con y sin aditivo se realizaron ensayos de caracterización de asfaltos como penetración y punto de ablandamiento. La modificación de las mezclas se realizó por vía húmeda. Las mezclas modificadas con desecho de PEBD experimentan mayor rigidez (bajo carga monotónica y cíclica y resistencia a la deformación permanente en comparación con las convencionales. Sin embargo la resistencia a fatiga de las mezclas convencionales disminuye cuando se adiciona PEBD al CA. Adicionalmente el CA modificado presenta mayor resistencia a la penetración, mayor punto de ablandamiento y menor susceptibilidad térmica a fluir que el convencional.Laboratory tests were used to evaluate the effect on the mechanical properties of a hot asphalt mix (MDC-2 as per INVIAS, 2007 specifications due to the addition by wet way of a residue of low density polyethylene (LDPE. The strength under monotonic load, resilient modulus, rutting and fatigue strength were evaluated. Asphalt cement (AC AC 80-100 was used from Colombia. The results show that the monotonic and cyclic mechanical strength evaluated were higher for the mixes modified with LDPE compared with mixtures with asphalts without additives. However, the mixes modified with LDPE undergo less fatigue strength. Additionally, characterization tests were conducted on asphalt cement with and without additive. The LDPE produces higher penetration resistance

  20. Five years of proton therapy of tumours of the eye at Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin; Fuenf Jahre Protonentherapie von Augentumoren am Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heufelder, J.; Cordini, D.; Heese, J.; Homeyer, H.; Kluge, H.; Morgenstern, H. [Hahn-Meitner-Inst. Berlin, Augentumortherapie (Germany); Fuchs, H. [Hahn-Meitner-Inst. Berlin, Augentumortherapie (Germany); Augenklinik, Charite - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin (Germany); Hoecht, S.; Nausner, M.; Hinkelbein, W. [Klinik fuer Radioonkologie und Strahlentherapie, Charite - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin (Germany); Bechrakis, N.E.; Foerster, M.H. [Augenklinik, Charite - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin (Germany)


    Eye tumors (choroidal melanomas, iris melanomas, and choroidal hemangiomas) are being treated with 68 MeV protons since 1998 at the Ion Beam Laboratory of the Hahn-Meitner Institute of Berlin (Germany's first proton therapy center), in cooperation with the Charite University Hospital in Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin. The proton beam, generated via a combination of Van de Graaff accelerator and cyclotron, is prepared by passive shaping for conformal tumor irradiation. A digital X-ray verification of the tumor location with the patient in sitting position limits the position uncertainties to a maximum of 0,3 mm. The treatment planning is performed using the program EYEPLAN. OCTOPUS, a CT-based planning program developed in cooperation with the German Cancer Research Center of Heidelberg, is under pre-clinical testing. Thus far, more than 400 patients have been irradiated. The first results are comparable to those obtained in other proton therapy centers. At the end of 2002, the University Hospital of Essen has also become a cooperation partner of the Hahn-Meitner Institute. (orig.) [German] Seit 1998 werden am Ionenstrahllabor des Hahn-Meitner-Instituts Berlin (Deutschlands erster Einrichtung zur Protonentherapie) im Rahmen eines Kooperationsvertrages mit der Charite - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Augentumoren (Aderhautmelanome, Irismelanome und Aderhauthaemangiome) mit 68-MeV-Protonen bestrahlt. Der mittels einer Kombination aus Van de Graaff-Beschleuniger und Zyklotron erzeugte Protonenstrahl wird passiv fuer eine konformale Bestrahlung des Tumors aufbereitet. Eine digitale Roentgenkontrolle der Lagerung des sitzenden Patienten beschraenkt die Lagerungsunsicherheit auf maximal 0,3 mm. Fuer die Bestrahlungsplanung wird das modellbasierte Planungsprogramm EYEPLAN verwendet. In vorklinischer Erprobung befindet sich das mit dem Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg entwickelte CT-basierte Planungsprogramm OCTOPUS. Bisher wurden

  1. Diagnosing acute respiratory distress syndrome in resource limited settings: the Kigali modification of the Berlin definition. (United States)

    Riviello, Elisabeth D; Buregeya, Egide; Twagirumugabe, Theogene


    The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was re-defined by a panel of experts in Berlin in 2012. Although the Berlin criteria improved upon the validity and reliability of the definition, it did not make diagnosis of ARDS in resource limited settings possible. Mechanical ventilation, arterial blood gas measurements, and chest radiographs are not feasible in many regions of the world. In 2014, we proposed and applied the Kigali modification of the Berlin definition in a hospital in Rwanda. This review synthesizes literature from the last 18 months relevant to the Kigali modification. In the last 18 months, the need for a universally applicable ARDS definition was reinforced by advances in supportive care that can be implemented in resource poor settings. Research demonstrating the variable impact of positive end expiratory pressure on hypoxemia, the validity of using pulse oximetry rather than arterial blood gas to categorize hypoxemia, and the accuracy of lung ultrasound support the use of the Kigali modification of the Berlin definition. Studies directly comparing the Berlin definition to the Kigali modification are needed. Ongoing clinical research on ARDS needs to include low-income countries.

  2. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Burn Patients: A Comparison of the Berlin and American-European Definitions. (United States)

    Sine, Christy R; Belenkiy, Slava M; Buel, Allison R; Waters, J Alan; Lundy, Jonathan B; Henderson, Jonathan L; Stewart, Ian J; Aden, James K; Liu, Nehemiah T; Batchinsky, Andriy; Cannon, Jeremy W; Cancio, Leopoldo C; Chung, Kevin K


    The purpose of this study was to compare the Berlin definition to the American-European Consensus Conference (AECC) definition in determining the prevalence of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and associated mortality in the critically ill burn population. Consecutive patients admitted to our institution with burn injury that required mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hours were included for analysis. Included patients (N = 891) were classified by both definitions. The median age, % TBSA burn, and injury severity score (interquartile ranges) were 35 (24-51), 25 (11-45), and 18 (9-26), respectively. Inhalation injury was present in 35.5%. The prevalence of ARDS was 34% using the Berlin definition and 30.5% using the AECC definition (combined acute lung injury and ARDS), with associated mortality rates of 40.9 and 42.9%, respectively. Under the Berlin definition, mortality rose with increased ARDS severity (14.6% no ARDS; 16.7% mild; 44% moderate; and 59.7% severe, P Berlin definition was not different from patients without ARDS (P = .91). The Berlin definition better stratifies ARDS in terms of severity and correctly excludes those with minimal disease previously captured by the AECC.

  3. Mental constructs and the cognitive reconstruction of the Berlin wall. (United States)

    Tijus, C A; Santolini, A


    In this study of how to change people's conceptions of certain facts (i.e., the position of the Berlin Wall), a surprising psychological phenomenon was discovered. In the trial test, instead of designing a wall to enclose West Berlin, most people described and drew a short and straight wall that divided the city from north to south. Two methods were created, based on two general information-processing components involved in problem solving, to study how people might repair their misconceptions by themselves. The do-it-yourself method consisted of providing people with the task of thinking about how to build the wall and then drawing it, instead of just asking them to draw it. The distance-to-goal evaluation method consisted of asking the participants how the wall they had drawn would actually prevent passage from East Germany to West Berlin. The results showed that both methods had important effects in repairing misconceptions, but improvement in performance with the distance-to-goal method was less significant for those participants who were first provided the task of thinking about how to build the wall. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that awareness of functional properties plays an important role in structuring and restructuring mental constructs.

  4. Evaluation of Traffic Accident Risk in In-City Bus Drivers: The Use of Berlin Questionnaire (United States)

    Ekren, Pervin Korkmaz; Uysal, Funda Elmas; Başoğlu, Özen K.


    OBJECTIVES Traffic accidents associated with high mortality rate may produce serious problems especially in highways. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has been associated with a high risk for traffic accidents due to excessive daytime sleepiness even in in-city drivers. In the present study, it was aimed to evaluate the rate of OSA symptoms and to identify risk factors associated with traffic accidents in in-city bus drivers. MATERIAL AND METHODS A self-administered questionnaire including demographic and anthropometric features, sleep and work schedules, Berlin questionnaire, Epworth sleepiness score (ESS), and history of traffic accidents was used. RESULTS The questionnaire was conducted for 1400 male bus drivers (mean age, 38.0±6.4 y, body mass index, 27.8±3.9 kg/m2). A total of 1058 (75.6%) drivers had one or more accidents while driving bus. According to the Berlin questionnaire, 176 (12.6%) drivers were found to have high OSA risk and the accident rate was 83.0% in high-risk group, whereas 74.5% of low-risk drivers had accidents (p=0.043). The drivers with a history of traffic accident were older (p=0.030), had higher ESS (p=0.019), and were more in the high-risk OSA group according to the Berlin questionnaire (p=0.015). In multivariate linear regression analysis, traffic accident was associated with only Berlin questionnaire (p=0.015). CONCLUSION The present results support that city bus drivers with high OSA risk according to Berlin questionnaire have increased accident rates. Therefore, we suggest using Berlin questionnaire for screening sleep apnea not only in highway drivers but also in in-city bus drivers. PMID:29755810

  5. The impact of public employment on private sector activity: Evidence from Berlin


    Faggio, G.; Schluter, T.; vom Berge, P.


    We use the move of the seat of the German government from Bonn to Berlin in 1999 to test competing views about the impact of public employment on private sector activity in a local labor market. Using employment data from a 50% sample of establishments across 190 Berlin postcodes, we apply a treatment intensity approach which takes the possibility of spillovers into account. Results indicate that the arrival of 100 public sector jobs into an area generates 55 additional jobs in the private se...

  6. Battling Creaticide: An Interview with David C. Berliner (United States)

    Ambrose, Don


    This article presents an interview with David C. Berliner, a Regents' Professor in the College of Education at Arizona State University. His books include "Educational Psychology," "The Manufactured Crisis," and "The Handbook of Educational Psychology." He has served as president of the American Educational Research Association and of the…

  7. Bazaar Pagodas – Transnational Religion, Postsocialist Marketplaces and Vietnamese Migrant Women in Berlin


    Gertrud Huwelmeier


    After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the breakdown of the East German Socialistgovernment, thousands of former contract workers from Vietnam stayedin the then reunified Germany. Due to their resulting precarious economicsituation, a large number of these migrants became engaged in small businessand petty trade. Some of them, women in particular, have become successfulentrepreneurs and wholesalers in recently built bazaars in the eastern parts ofBerlin. Most interestingly, parts of these urba...

  8. [Professor Frantisek Por MD and Professor Robert Klopstock MD, students at Budapest and Prague Faculties of Medicine]. (United States)

    Mydlík, M; Derzsiová, K


    Professor Frantisek Por MD and Professor Robert Klopstock MD were contemporaries, both born in 1899, one in Zvolen, the other in Dombovar, at the time of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Prof. Por attended the Faculty of Medicine in Budapest from 1918 to 1920, and Prof. Klopstock studied at the same place between 1917 and 1919. From 1920 until graduation on 6th February 1926, Prof. Por continued his studies at the German Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague. Prof. Klopstock had to interrupt his studies in Budapest due to pulmonary tuberculosis; he received treatment at Tatranske Matliare where he befriended Franz Kafka. Later, upon Kafka's encouragement, he changed institutions and continued his studies at the German Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, where he graduated the first great go. It is very likely that, during their studies in Budapest and Prague, both professors met repeatedly, even though their life paths later separated. Following his graduation, Prof. Por practiced as an internist in Prague, later in Slovakia, and from 1945 in Kosice. In 1961, he was awarded the title of university professor of internal medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, where he practiced until his death in 1980. Prof. Klopstock continued his studies in Kiel and Berlin. After his graduation in 1933, he practiced in Berlin as a surgeon and in 1938 left for USA. In 1962, he was awarded the title of university professor of pulmonary surgery in NewYork, where he died in 1972.

  9. Emil Fahrenkamp : Bauten und Projekte für Berlin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jacob, B.


    Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die umfassende Aufarbeitung und Dokumentation der Bauten und Projekte Emil Fahrenkamps (*1885, 1966) in Berlin und Potsdam-Babelsberg sowie die kritische Einordnung seiner Arbeiten in den Kontext der Baugeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Den zentralen

  10. Ecology in a walled city: researching urban wildlife in post-war Berlin. (United States)

    Lachmund, Jens


    The division of Berlin in the aftermath of World War II and the erection of the Wall in 1961 were not only of tremendous political, social and cultural significance, but also had implications for the way in which science was undertaken in this city. For ecologists living and working in the enclosed city part of West Berlin, the lack of accessible countryside motivated them to focus their fieldwork increasingly on urban sites and, thereby, to engage themselves in one of the most significant attempts to develop an ecology of the city.

  11. Der Umlauf der spanischen Handschriften aus dem Antiquariat Leo Liepmannssohns in Paris und Berlin

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    Romero Naranjo, Francisco Javier


    Full Text Available One of the antique libraries most representative of the second half of the 19th century was that of Leo Liepmannssohn, with branches in Paris and Berlin. Its importance grew over time due to its auctions of many manuscripts by J. S. Bach, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven and other composers, a fact that explains how the author came across it during his investigation into the referred manuscripts. The object of this investigation is a collection of more than 300 folders that can be consulted in the Music Department in the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin. The folders contain the annual catalogues from the antique library of Liepmannssohn (Berlin comprising the years 1866 to 1923. Each catalogue consists of a list of all the sales from the corresponding year in alphabetical order and contains, besides manuscripts, literature, musical treatises and the portraits of several composers. There are many Spanish manuscripts included in these catalogues whose distribution was so important that in 1900 Liepmannssohn published an exclusive catalogue for Spanish and Portuguese manuscripts, 291 of which the librarian had sold during that year. During the celebration of those auctions many documents, musical treatises and manuscripts, both known and unknown, were brought to light. The investigation earned out contributes to our knowledge about the works of different Spanish composers from the 16th to the 19th centuries and their distribution abroad, especially in Berlin.

    [de] Eines der repräsentativsten Antiquariate der zweiten Hälfte des XIX Jh. und des Anfangs des XX Jh. wurde von Leo Liepmannssohn in den Städten Paris und Berlin verwaltet. Durch die Versteigerung vieler Handschriften von J.S. Bach, Händel, Mozart, Beethoven und anderer Komponisten gewann das Antiquariat zusatzlich an Bedeutung. Deswegen ist es verstandlich, dass der Autor auf das Antiquariat stieß, als er Nachforschungen über den

  12. Estabilidade de emulsões de d-limoneno em quitosana modificada Stability of d-limonene emulsions in modified chitosan

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    Camila Figueiredo Borgognoni


    Full Text Available A quitosana é um biopolímero produzido a partir da quitina, presente na casca de crustáceos. Atualmente, o estudo de suas propriedades se deve às suas diversas utilizações nas áreas farmacêutica e alimentícia. A quitosana utilizada neste estudo foi quimicamente modificada para tornar-se solúvel em água (quitosana succinilada. Estudou-se a estabilidade de emulsões com d-limoneno para que estes dados sejam úteis na sua posterior utilização como agente de encapsulação de d-limoneno por liofilização. Sua estabilidade foi analisada por espectrofotometria, em diferentes temperaturas, e por cromatografia gasosa associada à técnica da análise do espaço livre, à temperatura ambiente. Sua caracterização foi feita por microscopia óptica. Emulsões de maltodextrina com d-limoneno foram utilizadas para comparação já que maltodextrinas são muito usadas como agentes de encapsulação de aromas. Observou-se boa estabilidade de emulsões de quitosana succinilada com d-limoneno ao longo do tempo e características muito distintas em relação às observadas em emulsões de maltodextrina com d-limoneno. Pode-se concluir neste estudo que emulsões de quitosana succinilada com d-limoneno apresentaram características favoráveis à encapsulação de aromas.Chitosan is a biopolymer derived from chitin, a component of the shells of crustaceans. Recently, special attention has been given to the study of chitosan properties as a consequence of their wide application in pharmaceutical and food areas. In this study, the chitosan used was chemically modified in order to become water soluble (succinyl chitosan. The stability of succinyl chitosan emulsion with d-limonene was studied so that these results could be useful in a subsequent use of succinyl chitosan as a d-limonene encapsulating agent by lyophilization. The stability of the emulsion was analyzed using a spectrophotometer in different temperatures and by the headspace

  13. Resistance of genetically modified potatoes to Potato virus Y under field conditions Resistência de plantas de batata geneticamente modificadas ao Potato virus Y em condições de campo

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    André Nepomuceno Dusi


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the resistance of genetically modified clones of potato to Potato virus Y (PVY under field conditions. Genetically modified plants were compared with nontransformed plants of the same cultivar. The plots were flanked with potato plants infected with both PVYº and PVY N strains (spread lines, in order to provide the experimental area with the source of virus, which was naturally spread by the native aphid population. The experiment was weekly monitored by visual inspections and by DAS-Elisa in the plants produced from the harvested tubers, in order to evaluate the resistance of transgenic plants throughout the plant growth cycle. By the end of the third year, no infection symptoms were observed in the 1P clone; clone 63P showed 1% of infection, in contrast to about 90% of nontransformed plants infected. The stable expression of resistance to PVY provided by the coat protein gene was obtained in genetically modified clones of potato plants cultivar Achat under field conditions, during three consecutive years.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência de clones geneticamente modificados de batata ao Potato virus Y (PVY em condições de campo. As plantas geneticamente modificadas foram comparadas com plantas não modificadas da mesma cultivar. As parcelas foram delimitadas com plantas infectadas com as estirpes PVYº e PVY N (linhas disseminadoras, para tornar disponível, na área experimental, a fonte de inóculo de vírus, que foi naturalmente disseminada pela população nativa de afídeos. O experimento foi monitorado semanalmente por inspeção visual e por DAS-Elisa nas plantas produzidas a partir dos tubérculos colhidos, para avaliar a resistência de plantas transgênicas ao longo do ciclo de crescimento. Ao final do terceiro ano, nenhum sintoma de infecção foi observado no clone 1P; o clone 63P apresentou 1% de infecção, em contraste com cerca de 90% de plantas-controle infectadas

  14. Two types of health care systems and their influence on the introduction of perinatal care: an epidemiological twin model in Berlin from 1950 to 1990. (United States)

    Arabin, B; Raum, E; Mohnhaupt, A; Schwartz, F W


    When perinatal medicine emerged as a new medical discipline in the 1960s, Berlin was as one of the world's leading centers. During that time, the city was separated into two parts, each fostering its own health care system. After the destruction of the Berlin Wall, it was possible to speak with the citizens of East Berlin and to access their database systems. This created the singular opportunity to objectively compare the development of perinatal care in both parts of Berlin. Rates of maternal, perinatal, and infant mortality as well as the rate of preterm deliveries were evaluated over time and between East and West Berlin. The timing of introduction of 20 specific perinatal interventions was evaluated across 18 hospitals with more than 500 deliveries (11 in West Berlin and 7 in East Berlin). Interviews were conducted with 100 gynecologists, 100 midwives, and 100 women who had recently delivered their first child from each side of the city regarding their opinions of the importance of these interventions for the quality of perinatal medicine and how they would distribute a budget to improve maternity care. Maternal, perinatal, and infant mortality decreased in both parts of Berlin until 1990 (p Berlin, though the preterm delivery rate was slightly lower in East Berlin compared with West Berlin (p Berlin. In contrast, certain public health measures--such as maternal transport, screening programs for diabetes, and support of breastfeeding--were introduced much earlier in East Berlin. There were significant differences between the beliefs of gynecologists, midwives, and mothers in East and West Berlin. In general, citizens of East Berlin were more enthusiastic about technological medical advances, whereas citizens of West Berlin were more supportive of public health and alternative methods. In addition, there were significant differences between female and male physicians in their beliefs about how to improve health care, regardless of whether they resided in East

  15. Challenging a Home Country: A Preliminary Account of Indonesian Student Activism in Berlin, Germany

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    Syafiq Hasyim


    Full Text Available This article gives an overview on Indonesian student activism in Berlin, Germany. Based on documents (published and unpublished, interviews, and conversations with former and current student activists, the paper scrutinizes the trajectory of activism of Indonesian students in the capital of Germany since the 1960s and asks about the evolution of specific student organizations, the issues and topics they tackled, and their media and networking strategies. The article illustrates the activities of the PPI Berlin as a dominant example of Indonesian students’ political activism abroad and the activities of Indonesian Muslim students as a prominent example of religious-based activism which has gained significance since the fall of Suharto. These examples indicate the diversity of Indonesian student activists in Berlin that are nevertheless united in their aspirations to challenge politics back home.

  16. Reactions to Receiving a Gift-Maternal Scaffolding and Cultural Learning in Berlin and Delhi. (United States)

    Kärtner, Joscha; Crafa, Daina; Chaudhary, Nandita; Keller, Heidi


    This study shows how Berlin (n = 35) and Delhi (n = 28) mothers scaffold a common and highly scripted social situation, namely gift giving, and enable cultural learning in 19-month-olds. Using modeling and prompting to encourage appropriate responses, mothers took culture-specific directions during scaffolding that were in line with the broader cultural model as assessed by maternal socialization goals (SGs). Whereas Berlin mothers prioritized autonomous SGs, Delhi mothers emphasized autonomous and relational SGs to similar degrees. During scaffolding, Berlin mothers focused on maximizing positive affect and acknowledging the gift, whereas Delhi mothers prompted toddlers to acknowledge the giver more often. Furthermore, there were differences in toddlers' behavior in line with these culture-specific scripts guiding gift giving. © 2016 The Authors. Child Development © 2016 Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.

  17. Determinação do volume mínimo efetivo de bupivacaína 0,5% para bloqueio do plexo braquial por via axilar guiado por ultrassom

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    Leonardo Henrique Cunha Ferraro


    Full Text Available Justificativa e objetivo: o uso do ultrassom para acompanhar o correto posicionamento da agulha e a dispersão do anestésico local permitiu a redução do volume de anestésico local necessário para o bloqueio de nervos periféricos. Existem poucos trabalhos sobre o volume mínimo efetivo de anestésico local para o bloqueio do plexo braquial via axilar (BPVA. Este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de determinar o volume mínimo efetivo (VE90 de bupivacaína 0,5% comadrenalina (1:200.000 para o BPVA guiado por ultrassom. Método: o método up-and-down proposto por Massey e Dixon foi usado para o cálculo do volume mínimo efetivo. A dose inicial foi de 5 ml por nervo (radial, mediano, ulnar e musculocutâneo. No caso de falha do bloqueio, o volume era aumentado em 0,5 mL por nervo. O sucesso do bloqueio resultava na diminuição do volume em 0,5 mL por nervo para o paciente subsequente. O sucesso do bloqueio foi definido como bloqueio da função motora ≤ 2 segundo a escala de Bromage modificada, ausência de sensibilidade térmica e de resposta ao pinprick. Foi definido como critério para término do estudo a obtenção de cinco casos de falha seguidos de casos de sucesso. Resultados: foram incluídos 19 pacientes no estudo. O volume mínimo efetivo (VE90 de bupi-vacaína 0,5% com 1:200.000 de adrenalina foi de 1,56 ml (IC 95% 0,99-3,5 por nervo. Conclusão: este trabalho corrobora alguns estudos que mostram que é possível obter anestesia cirúrgica com baixos volumes de anestésico local para bloqueios de nervo periférico guiados por ultrassom.

  18. On quiet wheels through Berlin's underground


    Hohwieler, Eckard


    Many Berliners still have clear memories from last winter of the massive technical problems experienced by the city's S-Bahn - the municipal rail system operated by the German national railroad the Deutsche Bahn. At times only half the trains were running; the rest had to be taken out of service for safety reasons. For operators of railway vehicles in particular, it is important to know the condition of their trains so as to be able to plan their maintenance and repair in advance. In the inno...

  19. Experiencing memory museums in Berlin. The Otto Weidt Workshop for the Blind Museum and the Jewish Museum Berlin


    Ana Souto


    This article explores memory studies from the audience’s perspective, focusing on the perception of Holocaust narratives in two museums in Berlin. This research builds on and contributes to a number of emerging issues on memory studies, tourism perception and museum design: the debate on experiential authenticity, Dark Tourism, as well as the analysis of memory studies from the perspective of the user. The main data facilitating the analysis is based on responses shared on TripAdvisor; the ca...

  20. Zero-Acreage Farming in the City of Berlin: An Aggregated Stakeholder Perspective on Potential Benefits and Challenges

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    Kathrin Specht


    Full Text Available How can buildings be combined with agricultural production and what are the major potential benefits and challenges for the introduction of zero-acreage farming (ZFarming in Berlin from the relevant stakeholders’ perspectives? These questions were explored through a series of interviews and stakeholder workshops held between 2011 and 2013. The aim was to identify the most suitable building-integrated farming model for the Berlin metropolitan area and to develop guidelines for the model’s successful and sustainable implementation through a stakeholder-driven approach. This paper provides an aggregated synthesis of the outcomes derived from the qualitative interviews and stakeholder workshops. As the results reveal, the stakeholders perceive potential benefits and challenges related to the issue of ZFarming in all dimensions (economic, social, environmental and political. They largely agreed on the importance of focusing on local resources, using energy-efficient production—including social and educational aspects—and developing new market structures when introducing ZFarming to the city of Berlin. The stakeholders identified urban rooftop greenhouses (RTG as the most promising farming model for Berlin. In a joint collaboration of all stakeholders, a manual for RTG was developed within the participatory innovation process that addresses the identified problems and challenges associated with future implementation and governance of RTG in Berlin and beyond.

  1. Avaliação do uso da Escala Modificada de Borg na crise asmática Evaluación del uso de la Escala Modificada de Borg en la crisis de asma Evaluation of the use of the Modified Scale of Borg in the asthmatic crisis

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    Tatiane G. de Liz Cavallazzi


    Full Text Available A dispnéia é a maior causa de incapacidade e redução da qualidade de vida para pacientes com doenças respiratórias como é o caso da asma. Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar o grau de dispnéia dos pacientes em crise asmática pela Escala Modificada de Borg e a correlação da melhora do grau de dispnéia com a melhora da função pulmonar verificada pelo Pico de Fluxo Expiratório (PFE. Foram incluídos 40 pacientes asmáticos em crise aguda, atendidos no serviço de Pronto Atendimento em Pneumologia do Hospital São Paulo, no período de setembro à dezembro de 2003. Antes e após o tratamento, os seguintes dados foram coletados: freqüência cardíaca (FC, freqüência respiratória (FR, PFE e saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2. O paciente era questionado sobre sua percepção da dispnéia pela Escala Modificada de Borg. No pré-tratamento ocorreu uma tendência dos valores altos da escala de Borg estarem relacionados aos valores baixos do PFE, invertendo esta relação no pós-tratamento. Esta escala é rápida, barata e de fácil aplicabilidade na avaliação de pacientes asmáticos. Pode ser utilizada por profissionais de saúde para a avaliação inicial dos pacientes em crise, bem como sua resposta ao tratamento.La disnea es probablemente, el factor aislado más importante en la limitación de la capacidad de pacientes con asma para el desempeño de las funciones básicas del dia a dia. En consecuencia da esse sintoma, esos pacientes procuran con frecuencia, los servicios de atención de salud. Considerando la necesidad de uma evaluación acurada de ese síntoma, este estudio tuvo como objetivos: evaluar el grado de dísnea de pacientes en crisis de asma, utilizando la escala modificada de Borg y verificar la correlación entre la majoria del grado de dísnea y la mejoria de la función pulmonar, verificada por el Pico de Flujo Expiratorio (PFE y la saturación de oxígeno (SpO2 . Participaron del estudio 40

  2. The first conference of Signatory States to the UN Global Climate Convention: Results of the Berlin summit conference

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ehrmann, M.


    The article briefly explains the background of the Berlin summit conference as well as some results, as for instance the ''Berlin mandate'', or agreements concerning organisational structures or procedures like those termed ''joint implementation''. (Orig./CB) [de

  3. The 2nd Guards Tank Army in the Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation

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    Vladimir Ottovich Daynes


    Full Text Available One of the greatest battles of the Great Patriotic and also the World War II took place on the outskirts of the capital of Nazi Germany on April 16, 1945. Three magor fronts - 1st Belorussian, 2nd Byelorussian, 1st Ukrainian - and four tank armies were involved. They were not used as highly mobile groups to enter Berlin from the north and north-west, they were sent first to break powerful enemy defenses, and then to wage battles on the streets. The Supreme Command and the commanders of the 1st Byelorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts understood the inevitability of heavy losses in tanks and troops, but deliberately took this step. The aim was not only a speedy capture of the German capital and the end of the war, but also to be ahead of allies on their way to Berlin. The article deals with the planning and preparation for the Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation, the use of 2nd Guards Tank Army, who played along with other tank divisions a magor role in the success of this operation.

  4. A benchmark report on MVA Berlin, the key element of waste management in Berlin; MVA Berlin als Herzstueck der Berliner Entsorgung im Vergleich mit der Wettbewerbs-Benchmark

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kempin, T. [Berliner Stadtreinigungsbetrieb, Berlin (Germany)


    The MVA Ruhleben incinerator has state-of-the-art technology, volume-dependent prime costs of 100-130 EUR/t, an acceptance payment of 63.70 EUR/t, employees covered by collective agreement system, disposal capacities of 500,000 tpa of residues, ecological sustainability, and customer-friendliness. Its importance will increase in the future as more than half of the expected waste volume of 983,000 tpa will be processed from 2005. (orig.) [German] Die MVA Ruhleben gewaehrleistet derzeit den Stand der Technik, mengenabhaengige Selbstkosten zwischen 100 EUR/t und 130 EUR/t, ein Annahmeentgelt von 63,70 EUR/t, soziale tarifgebundene Arbeitsplaetze, Entsorgungssicherheit, derzeit fuer 500.000 Tonnen Abfall pro Jahr, oekologische Nachhaltigkeit, Kundenfreundlichkeit. Die MVA Ruhleben wird zukuenftig fuer die Abfallentsorgung in Berlin eine noch groessere Bedeutung haben. Mit etwa 520.000 t/a Abfallentsorgungskapazitaet wird sie mehr als die Haelfte des erwarteten ueberlassungspflichtigen Restabfallaufkommens von 983.000 t/a ab 2005 verarbeiten. (orig.)

  5. Pre-study on the Berlin-Budapest high-speed rail link; Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr: Vorstudie zur Strecke Berlin-Budapest

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fengler, W.; Stehle, J. [TU Dresden (Germany). Fakultaet Verkehrswissenschaften ' ' Friedrich List' ' ; Schach, R. [TU Dresden (Germany). Fakultaet Bauingenieurwesen; Stephan, A. [Inst. fuer Bahntechnik GmbH, Dresden/Berlin (Germany)


    In a pre-study, the Government of the State of Saxony commissioned a comparison between wheel/rail and maglev technology for high-speed operations on the northern section of the pan-European Corridor IV. From the holistic perspective of the business evaluation and the expected economic impact, it can be concluded that there is a case for establishing a guided high-speed link between Berlin and Budapest and that the plan should be pursued further. Teh pre-study showed that, taking a comprehensive view of investment and operational aspects, the Transrapid technology already stands comparison with wheel/rail technology. (orig.)

  6. Limits—Urban Density and Mobility Networks in West Berlin during the Period of Containment

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    Vanessa Miriam Carlow


    Full Text Available If space may be conceptualized as a natural resource, much like gas, oil, or minerals, then its production and use can also be thought of as something to be properly managed, taken care of, and not wasted. Limiting the expansion of the footprint of built-up land in urban areas forces this particular resource (space to be used more efficiently—in a sense, compelling it to be more creative and productive. These spatial constraints on urban areas generate different kinds of densification processes within the existing city, propagating densification, and with it new patterns and uses in urban development, as well as novel approaches to mitigating the hazards of dense urban environments. This paper examines the case of how spatial containment in West Berlin during the period of the Berlin Wall (1961–1989 produced such outcomes. West Berlin during this period can be considered a unique case of spatial containment, where a relatively large and vibrant modern city had to work around a clear and indelible limit to its physical expansion. This paper will discuss ways in which the containment influenced patterns of development in West Berlin toward densification and connectivity, focusing on the expansion of its infrastructural networks, and discuss the development of a new building culture around transformation and densification, including hybrid architectures and mitigation devices to deal with difficult sites produced by the densification.

  7. Condições de secagem de uma pasta de anchoita modificada enzimaticamente na oxidação lipídica, lisina disponível e atividade antioxidante do produto Drying conditions of an enzymatic modified paste of anchovy in the lipid oxidation, available lisina and antioxidant activity of the product

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    Kelly de Moraes


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar as condições da secagem convectiva de uma pasta de anchoita (Engraulis anchoita modificada enzimaticamente, através da metodologia de superfícies de resposta, sendo as respostas consideradas: a oxidação lipídica (TBA, a redução da lisina disponível e a perda da atividade antioxidante específica. A pasta de anchoita modificada foi obtida por hidrólise enzimática da fração muscular (filés do pescado por Neutrase®. Foram avaliadas na operação de secagem, a temperatura do ar (60, 70 e 80°C e a espessura das amostras (1,5; 2,5 e 3,5mm. A análise estatística da secagem mostrou efeitos significativos da temperatura do ar e da espessura das amostras (PThe aim of the work was to analyze the conditions of the convective drying of an enzymatic modified paste of anchovy (Engraulis anchoita through the response surfaces methodology, and the responses were the lipid oxidation (TBA, reduction of the available lisina and loss of the specific antioxidant activity. The modified paste of anchovy was obtained through enzymatic hydrolysis of the fish muscular fraction (fillets by Neutrase®. In drying operation the air temperature (60, 70 and 80°C and the samples thickness (1.5, 2.5 and 3.5mm were studied. The statistical analysis of the drying showed significant effects of the air temperature and samples thickness (P<0.05. The best drying condition was obtained in the air temperature of 60°C and samples thickness of 2.5mm. In this condition the TBA index was of 0.93mgMDA kg-1, available lisina reduction of 16% and loss of the specific antioxidant activity of 20.2%.

  8. End-of-life care for immigrants in Germany. An epidemiological appraisal of Berlin. (United States)

    Henke, Antje; Thuss-Patience, Peter; Behzadi, Asita; Henke, Oliver


    Since the late 1950's, a steadily increasing immigrant population in Germany is resulting in a subpopulation of aging immigrants. The German health care system needs to adjust its services-linguistically, culturally, and medically-for this subpopulation of patients. Immigrants make up over 20% of the population in Germany, yet the majority receive inadequate medical care. As many of the labor immigrants of the 1960s and 1970s are in need of hospice and palliative care (HPC), little is known about this specialized care for immigrants. This epidemiological study presents utilization of HPC facilities in Berlin with a focus on different immigrant groups. A validated questionnaire was used to collect data from patients at 34 HPC institutions in Berlin over 20 months. All newly admitted patients were recruited. Anonymized data were coded and analyzed by using SPSS and compared with the population statistics of Berlin. 4118 questionnaires were completed and included in the analysis. At 11.4% the proportion of immigrants accessing HPC was significantly (pimmigrants in Berlin population, 17.7% immigrants in HPC population) and 61-70 years (16,9% vs. 13,1%). The largest ethnic groups are Turks, Russians, and Poles, with a different weighting than in the general population: Turkish immigrants were 24% of all Berlin immigrants, but only 13.6% of the study immigrant population (OR: 0.23, 95%CI: 0.18-0.29, pimmigrants account for 5.6% and 9.2% in the population, but 11.5% and 24.8% in the study population respectively (Russian: OR 0.88, 95%CI: 0.66-1.16; Polish: OR 1.17, 95%CI: 0.97-1.42). Palliative care wards (PC) were used most often (16.7% immigrants of all PC patients); outpatient hospice services were used least often by immigrants (11.4%). Median age at first admission to HPC was younger in immigrants than non-immigrants: 61-70 vs. 71-80, p = 0.03. Immigrants are underrepresented in Berlin´s HPC and immigrants on average make use of care at a younger age than non

  9. Review: Holger Stoecker: Afrikawissenschaften in Berlin von 1919 bis 1945. Zur Geschichte und Topographie eines wissenschaftlichen Netzwerkes (2008 Buchbesprechung: Holger Stoecker: Afrikawissenschaften in Berlin von 1919 bis 1945. Zur Geschichte und Topographie eines wissenschaftlichen Netzwerkes

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    Katrin Bromber


    Full Text Available Review of the monograph: Holger Stoecker: Afrikawissenschaften in Berlin von 1919 bis 1945. Zur Geschichte und Topographie eines wissenschaftlichen Netzwerkes, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2008, ISBN 978-3-515-09161-9, 359 pages. Besprechung der Monographie: Holger Stoecker: Afrikawissenschaften in Berlin von 1919 bis 1945. Zur Geschichte und Topographie eines wissenschaftlichen Netzwerkes, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2008, ISBN 978-3-515-09161-9, 359 Seiten.

  10. Distributed medical services within the ATM-based Berlin regional test bed (United States)

    Thiel, Andreas; Bernarding, Johannes; Krauss, Manfred; Schulz, Sandra; Tolxdorff, Thomas


    The ATM-based Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) of Berlin connects two university hospitals (Benjamin Franklin University Hospital and Charite) with the computer resources of the Technical University of Berlin (TUB). Distributed new medical services have been implemented and will be evaluated within the highspeed MAN of Berlin. The network with its data transmission rates of up to 155 Mbit/s renders these medical services externally available to practicing physicians. Resource and application sharing is demonstrated by the use of two software systems. The first software system is an interactive 3D reconstruction tool (3D- Medbild), based on a client-server mechanism. This structure allows the use of high- performance computers at the TUB from the low-level workstations in the hospitals. A second software system, RAMSES, utilizes a tissue database of Magnetic Resonance Images. For the remote control of the software, the developed applications use standards such as DICOM 3.0 and features of the World Wide Web. Data security concepts are being tested and integrated for the needs of the sensitive medical data. The highspeed network is the necessary prerequisite for the clinical evaluation of data in a joint teleconference. The transmission of digitized real-time sequences such as video and ultrasound and the interactive manipulation of data are made possible by Multi Media tools.

  11. Increased incidence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in young women in the Mitte district, Berlin, Germany. (United States)

    Blohmer, J U; Schmalisch, G; Klette, I; Grineisen, Y; Kohls, A; Guski, H; Lichtenegger, W


    To investigate whether the incidence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), in particular of high grade CIN, increased in Berlin during the period 1970-1989 and whether the ages of women with CIN had decreased. In the former German Democratic Republic, which had a highly centralized public health system, all gynecologic operations performed on women living in the Mitte district of Berlin were carried out during the period 1970-1989 (when the Berlin Wall fell) in the gynecologic clinic of the Charité Hospital. The incidence of all CIN increased from year to year over the observation period: 0.04% (1970-1971), 0.10% (1980-1981), 0.39% (1988-1989). There was a particularly high increase in the incidence of high grade intraepithelial neoplasms (CIN 3): 0.016% (1970-1971), 0.056% (1980-1981), 0.25% (1988-1989). With a virtually unchanged age distribution for women in the Mitte district of Berlin, the median age of women with CIN 3 decreased significantly from 1970 to 1989, from 39.5 (1970) to 33 (1989) (P < .001). The increase in the incidence of CIN, especially of high grade CIN, as well as the reduction in age for onset of the disease, makes high participation in screening necessary, above all among young women.

  12. By bus and by train into the past. Berlin and its legacy in Annett Gröschner’s writing

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    Ewa Pytel-Bartnik


    Full Text Available This paper concentrates on the strategies of reconstructing the past as  inscribed into the urban space of Berlin and discussed within the literary field. Developed by the German writer Annett Gröschner, they have been used to reexamine the history of the city – only dimly reflected in the present urban landscape. Her perspective emphasizes the distinctive spatial and architectural organization of the city, particularly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In order to harness her dialec-tical composition of the spacing of-the-past, Gröschner uses the map of various routes on the Berlin public transport network, some inner-city artefacts set along those lines, and also the city map with its constant modifications to create appropriate landmarks through which she [re]constructs Berlin's past-present.

  13. Infección por Enterobius vermicularis en preescolares de comunidades rurales

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    Rodolfo Talledo


    Full Text Available Para validar la influencia que tiene la infección por Enterobius vermicularis en el rendimiento escolar, se tomó una muestra de 123 niños cuyas edades oscilaban de 3 a 6 años y que constituían toda la población escolar de 6 Centros de Educación Inicial, ubicados en las comunidades rurales de Carabayllo y Santa Rosa de Quives, en Lima, Perú. El estudio comprendió, además del examen parasitológico, la determinación del estado nutricional de los niños, utilizando la técnica de Graham modificada y el índice de Kanawati-Mc Laren, respectivamente. Se halló 34,14% de niños parasitados con Enterobius vermicularis y el 18,08% con desnutrición proteico-calórica leve. La correlación de los resultados por medio del análisis de varianza nos permitió concluir, que la infección por Enterobius vermicularis en los preescolares no influye en el rendimiento escolar, aunque no podemos generalizar este resultado, porque no se evaluaron otros enteroparásitos y además el aprestamiento inicial es básicamente motor antes que intelectual. La malnutrición afectaría a los niños de 5 años y no así a los de 3 y 4 años, aunque el método utilizado no fue el mis adecuado.

  14. Berlin: A Model for the Teaching of Contemporary German Culture. (United States)

    Jankowsky, Karen; Remmler, Karyn


    Presents the goals, procedures, visual aids, instructional materials used in a German conversation and culture class taught in English. The courses are intended to realistically portray the way of life and the environment of the people of East and West Berlin. (LMO)

  15. [Acute respiratory distress syndrome: a review of the Berlin definition]. (United States)

    de Luis Cabezón, N; Sánchez Castro, I; Bengoetxea Uriarte, U X; Rodrigo Casanova, M P; García Peña, J M; Aguilera Celorrio, L


    Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is due to many causes. The absence of a universal definition up until now has led to a series of practical problems for a definitive diagnosis. The incidences of ARDS and Acute Lung Injury (ALI) vary widely in the current literature. The American-European Consensus Conference definition has been applied since its publication in 1994 and has helped to improve knowledge about ARDS. However, 18 years later, in 2011, the European Intensive Medicine Society, requested a team of international experts to meet in Berlin to review the ARDS definition. The purpose of the Berlin definition is not to use it as a prognostic tool, but to improve coherence between research and clinical practice. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  16. Armazenamento em atmosfera modificada e controlada de banana 'Prata' com absorção de etileno Modified and controlled atmosphere storage of 'Prata' banana with ethylene scrubbing

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    Auri Brackmann


    Full Text Available Foram conduzidos dois experimentos com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da absorção do etileno e de pressões parciais de O2 e CO2 sobre a qualidade da banana 'Prata'. Os tratamentos no experimento 1 foram: AR (armazenamento refrigerado; AR + AE (absorção de etileno; e AM (atmosfera modificada + AE. No experimento 2 os tratamentos foram: AR; AR + AE; AM + AE; 21,0 kPa O2 + 3,0 kPa CO2 + AE; 21,0 kPa O2 + 4,5 kPa CO2 + AE; 21,0 kPa O2 + 6,0 kPa CO2 + RA; 21,0 kPa O2 + 4,5 kPa CO2; e 2,0 kPa O2 + 4,5 kPa CO2 + AE. As temperaturas de armazenamento foram 25ºC e 12ºC para os experimentos 1 e 2, respectivamente. Para o armazenamento em atmosfera modificada foram utilizados filmes de polietileno de baixa densidade, com espessura de 16gama. No experimento 1, a absorção de etileno proporcionou frutos com maior firmeza de polpa e menor escurecimento da casca. A AM+AE proporcionou frutos com cor da epiderme mais verde. No experimento 2, verificou-se que todos tratamentos em atmosfera controlada com absorção de etileno apresentaram cor da casca mais verde e menor escurecimento da casca. A banana 'Prata' pode ser armazenada em atmosfera modificada durante 14 e 21 dias a 25ºC e 12ºC, respectivamente, e por 28 dias em atmosfera controlada a 12ºC, sempre com absorção do etileno.Two experiments were carried out with the objective to evaluate the effect of storage conditions and ethylene scrubbing on the quality of 'Prata' bananas. The treatments of experiment 1 were: cold storage (CS; CS + ES (ethylene scrubbing and MA (modified atmosphere + ES. In experiment 2 treatments were: CS; CS + ES; MA + ES; 21kPa O2 + 3kPa CO2 + ES; 21kPa O2 + 4.5kPa CO2 + ES; 21kPa O2 + 6kPa CO2 + ES; 21kPa O2 + 4.5kPa CO2; and 2kPa O2 + 4.5kPa CO2 + ES. The storage temperatures were 25ºC and 12ºC for the experiments 1 and 2, respectively. In experiment 1, ethylene scrubbing maintained higher flesh firmness and lower skin browning. MA+ES maintained greener peel color. In

  17. Die Berliner Schule der Ethnologie Ethnografie und Selbst-Ethnografie der Jahre 1978-1986 - The Berlin School of Ethnology. Ethnography and Self-Ethnography between 1978 and 1986

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    Antonio Luigi Palmisano


    Full Text Available Can we speak of a Berlin School of Anthropology? During the XXth century the Institut für Ethnologie of the Freien Universität had an intense research activity and a significant plurality of theoretical approaches. Particularly, at the end of the 70’s a wide group of researchers gathered in Berlin around the IfE. These scholars not only focused their attention on specific geographical areas (above all Northeast Africa and Central Asia but also developed common themes which led to the debate on the methodology and epistemology of Anthropology. Research activities catalysed around charismatic figures of German and European Anthropology and this led to the promotion of the idea of long-term fieldwork and to a particular attention to the critical definition of the qualities of ethnological knowledge. With the development and the application of the notion of imaginäre Ethnografie and with the theorization of the modified states of consciousness, the relationship between der Wissenschaftler und das Irrationale – to recall the title of a book published during those years – could finally be reconsidered in a continuous dialogue with researchers such as Hans Peter Duerr and Paul Feyerabend. This is how what I would like to define as “the Berlin stream of Anthropology” was born; and many scholars who later left the IfE for the wide world may or may not recognize themselves in it.

  18. Potsdamer Platz, Berlin - Autographic Experiences, cultural heritage and branded environments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Allingham, Peter


    One of the main attractions found at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin is Sony Center, a "brandscape" that appeals and communicates to experientially and culturally minded audiences of citizens and tourists. Apart from commercial and cultural venues Sony Center contains apartments, numerous cafés...

  19. Tratamento cirúrgico videolaparoscópico da doença do refluxo gastroesofagiano: técnica de Nissen modificada - resultados clínicos e funcionais Videolaparoscopic surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease: modified Nissen technique - clinical and functional results

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    L. R. LOPES


    Full Text Available A doença do refluxo gastroesofagiano é muito freqüente na população e o tratamento cirúrgico é indicado em um número respeitável de pacientes. A escolha da via de acesso é a laparoscopia. Várias técnicas anti-refluxo podem ser empregadas e preferimos a técnica de Nissen modificada. OBJETIVO: Analisar os parâmetros clínicos e funcionais pré-operatórios comparados com os mesmos parâmetros pós-operatórios com a técnica empregada. MÉTODOS: Um grupo de 59 pacientes foi submetido a tratamento cirúrgico pela técnica de Nissen modificada videolaparoscópica. O diagnóstico pré-operatório foi feito por exame radiográfico contrastado e endoscopia digestiva alta em todos os pacientes. A manometria do esôfago realizada em 35 e a cintilografia em 15. Esofagite complicada ocorreu em 54,2% sendo 21 pacientes (35,6% com epitélio de Barrett. A técnica cirúrgica laparoscópica foi concluída em todos os pacientes. O tempo médio de cirurgia foi de 123,9 minutos. RESULTADOS: Não ocorreram complicações intra-operatórias. A alta se deu em média com 47,6 horas. Sintomas de disfagia, dor, epigastralgia, regurgitação e flatulência até o 30° dia ocorreram em 48,1% dos pacientes. Ocorreu uma reoperação por recurrência da doença e um óbito por necrose do fundo gástrico. O seguimento médio foi de 20,8 meses. Os exames pós-operatórios radiográficos, endoscópicos, manométricos e de cintilografia mostraram melhora significativa, bem como a avaliação clínica, que mostrou excelentes e bom resultados em 93,1% dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: A cirurgia de Nissen modificada videolaparoscópica corrigiu a doença do refluxo gastroesofagiano na maioria dos doentes acompanhados, associada à baixa morbimortalidade.BACKGROUND: Gastroesophageal reflux disease is highly common worldwide and surgical treatment is being indicated more frequently. Currently, laparoscopic is the access of choice and several antireflux techniques may be used

  20. Functional and Morphological Evaluation of Traumatized Eyes With Berlin's Edema Affecting the Macula Using mfERG, Microperimetry, and SD-OCT. (United States)

    Boss, Joseph Daniel; Tosi, Joaquin; Glybina, Inna; Tewari, Asheesh; Abrams, Gary W


    To describe the structural and functional changes that occur in traumatic Berlin's edema involving the macula through assessment with multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG), microperimetry, fundus photography, and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Retrospective case series of five eyes from four patients with macular traumatic Berlin's edema. Patients underwent baseline mfERG (three eyes), MP1 microperimetry (three eyes), fundus photography (five eyes), and SD-OCT (five eyes). All eyes with Berlin's edema showed abnormal findings on baseline SD-OCT, including disruption and fragmentation of the inner segment/ outer segment layer. In two patients with unilateral blunt ocular trauma who underwent mfERG, there was complete loss of the foveal peak in affected eyes. All three eyes that underwent microperimetry showed depressed retinal sensitivity in the area of Berlin's edema. SD-OCT, microperimetry, and mfERG can be used to help diagnose, stratify traumatic severity, and follow structural and functional progression over time in patients with Berlin's edema. [Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina. 2017;48:114-121.]. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.

  1. Bazaar Pagodas – Transnational Religion, Postsocialist Marketplaces and Vietnamese Migrant Women in Berlin

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    Gertrud Huwelmeier


    Full Text Available After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the breakdown of the East German Socialistgovernment, thousands of former contract workers from Vietnam stayedin the then reunified Germany. Due to their resulting precarious economicsituation, a large number of these migrants became engaged in small businessand petty trade. Some of them, women in particular, have become successfulentrepreneurs and wholesalers in recently built bazaars in the eastern parts ofBerlin. Most interestingly, parts of these urban spaces, former industrial areason the periphery of Germany’s capital, have been transformed into religiousplaces. This article explores the formation of female Vietnamese Buddhistnetworks on the grounds of Asian wholesale markets. It argues that transnationalmobilities in a post-socialist setting encourage border-crossing religious activities,linking people and places to various former socialist countries as well as to theSocialist Republic of Vietnam. Further, by considering political tensions betweenVietnamese in the eastern and western part of Berlin, this contribution illustratesthe negotiation of political sensitivities among diasporic Vietnamese in reunitedGermany. Based on ethnographic fieldwork among female lay Buddhists, itfocuses on entrepreneurship and investigates the relationship between business,migration and religious practices.

  2. "We Learned What Democracy Really Meant": The Berlin Student Parliament and Postwar School Reform in the 1950s (United States)

    Puaca, Brian M.


    In this paper, the author highlights the Berlin Student Parliament and assesses educational innovations of the postwar era. The Berlin Student Parliament is but one example of the postwar pedagogical and curricular initiatives that sought to prepare West German pupils for their responsibilities in the new democracy. The organization believe that…

  3. The influence of geopolitical change on the well-being of a population: the Berlin Wall. (United States)

    Héon-Klin, V; Sieber, E; Huebner, J; Fullilove, M T


    Social cohesion is recognized as a fundamental condition for healthy populations, but social cohesion itself arises from political unity. The history of the Berlin Wall provides a unique opportunity to examine the effects of partition on social cohesion and, by inference, on health. This ethnographic study consisted of examination of the territory formerly occupied by the Wall, formal and informal interviews with Berlin residents, and collection of cultural documents related to the Wall. Transcripts, field notes, and documents were examined by means of a keyword-in-context analysis. The separation of Berlin into 2 parts was a traumatic experience for the city's residents. After partition, East and West Germany had divergent social, cultural, and political experiences and gradually grew apart. The demolition of the Wall--the symbol and the instrument of partition--makes possible but does not ensure the reintegration of 2 populations that were separated for 40 years. The evolution of a new common culture might be accelerated by active attempts at cultural and social exchange.

  4. Dynamik, Schadstoffbelastung und Ökotoxizität der Sedimente in der Rummelsburger Bucht – Berliner Spree


    Bölscher, Jens; Dumm, Michaela; Suthfeldt, René; Vogt, Benjamin; Bölscher, Judith; Terytze, Konstantin; Schulte, Achim


    Der vorliegende Bericht behandelt die Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes RUBUS, welches im Zeitraum November 2013 bis November 2015 von der Freien Universität Berlin durchgeführt wurde. Gegenstand des Projektes ist die Untersuchung der aktuellen Belastungssituation und der Dynamik der Sedimente in der Rummelsburger Bucht als Teil der urbanen Spree in Berlin. Das Projekt hat die Klärung der räumlichen Verteilung, Quantifizierung und Bewertung der Schadstoffbelastung in den Sedimenten der Ru...

  5. Desenvolvimento de massas alimenticias instantaneas de arroz, pelo processo de extrusão termoplastica, utilizando farinhas quimicamente modificadas


    Elizabeth Harumi Nabeshima


    Resumo: Esta pesquisa consistiu em apresentar uma alternativa de utilização da farinha de arroz através da modificação química (fosfatação ou acetilação), agregando-lhe valor e possibilitando ampliar sua utilização como ingrediente alimentício, especialmente na produção de massas alimentícias instantâneas sem glúten. Inicialmente a farinha de arroz foi modificada quimicamente, sendo acetilada ou fosfatada, utilizando-se anidrido acético (0,465; 1,500; 4,000; 6,500 e 7,535g/100g farinha) ou ox...

  6. First pediatric transatlantic air ambulance transportation on a Berlin Heart EXCOR left ventricular assist device as a bridge to transplantation. (United States)

    Tissot, Cecile; Buchholz, Holger; Mitchell, Max B; da Cruz, Eduardo; Miyamoto, Shelley D; Pietra, Bill A; Charpentier, Arnaud; Ghez, Olivier


    Mechanical circulatory devices are indicated in patients with refractory cardiac failure as a bridge to recovery or to transplantation. Whenever required, transportation while on mechanical support is a challenge and still limited by technical restrictions or distance. We report the first pediatric case of transatlantic air transportation on a Berlin Heart EXCOR ventricular assist device (Berlin Heart, Berlin, Germany) of a 13-yr-old American female who presented in cardiogenic shock with severe systolic dysfunction while vacationing in France. Rapid hemodynamic deterioration occurred despite maximal medical treatment, and she was supported initially with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation converted to a Berlin Heart EXCOR left ventricular assist device. Long-distance air transportation of the patient was accomplished 3 wks after implantation from Marseille, France, to Denver, Colorado. No adverse hemodynamic effects were encountered during the 13.5-hr flight (8770 km). The patient did not recover sufficient cardiac function and underwent successful orthotopic heart transplantation 3 months after the initial event. Our experience suggests that long-distance air transportation of pediatric patients using the Berlin Heart EXCOR mobile unit as a bridge to recovery or transplantation is feasible and appears safe.

  7. TU Berlin Rover Family for Terrestrial Testing of Complex Planetary Mission Scenarios (United States)

    Kryza, L.; Brieß, K.


    The TU Berlin has developed a family of planetary rovers for educational use and research activities. The paper will introduce these cost-effective systems, which can be used for analogue mission demonstration on Earth.

  8. Tours de Babel et lettres de feu : motifs bibliques dans le Berlin de Vladimir Nabokov


    Manolescu-Oancea, Monica


    When examining the critical responses to Vladimir Nabokov’s representations of Berlin in his Russian fiction, it is quite surprising to notice that two antithetical positions have been formulated, one which stresses the absence of Berlin as a city in Nabokov’s texts, and a more recent position emphasizing, on the contrary, the substantial presence of the city in terms of references, landmarks and recognizable sites. This article adopts a different stance, focusing on two Old Testament motifs ...

  9. Comportamiento de la corrosión de aleaciones de magnesio AZ31-B en ambiente marino, modificadas por el proceso de fricción-agitación Corrosion behavior in marine environment of magnesium alloy AZ31-B welded by friction-agitation process

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    Willian Aperador Chaparro


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se estudia el comportamiento de la corrosión de la aleación de magnesio AZ31-B en ambiente marino simulado, modificada mediante el proceso de fricción-agitación (PFA, con el fin de determinar el efecto de las variables del proceso, velocidad de rotación y velocidad de avance. Se llevaron a cabo análisis mediante espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica y curvas de polarización potencio-dinámicas (Tafel. Adicionalmente, se determinó la microestructura en las zonas del cordón de soldadura a través de metalografía óptica. Finalmente, se analizaron los productos de corrosión formados en la superficie de las muestras por medio del microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM equipado con el analizador químico por EDS. Se observó que una relación de velocidad de avance/velocidad de rotación mayor produce menor velocidad de corrosión y con ello mayor resistencia a la corrosión en medios salinos, al parecer relacionados con el gran tamaño de grano en la zona agitada, que corresponde a más entrada de calor.The corrosion behavior of AZ31B magnesium alloy modified by friction stir processing (FSP was studied in simulated marine environment, in order to determine the effect of process variables rotation speed and travel speed. The corrosion analysis was carried upon by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potentiodynamic polarization curves (Tafel, metallographic analysis of the welded zones was done by optical microscopy and the chemical analysis of the corrosion products were done by using scanning electron microscope (SEM, equipped with EDS analyzer. It was observed that the increase of the rate rotation speed/travel speed of the process produces a decrease in the corrosion rate and the corresponding increase of the corrosion resistance in marine environment, apparently related to the higher grain size found in the stir zone, corresponding to a higher heat input.

  10. Qualidade da alface crespa minimamente processada acondicionada em atmosfera modificada Quality of minimally processed crisp head lettuce packaged under modified atmosphere

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    Rosana Mendes Roversi


    Full Text Available A alface Crespa (Lactuca sativa L.foi minimamente processada, tendo suas folhas destacadas e higienizadas, embalada em sacos plásticos de polietileno com modificação ativa da atmosfera dentro do pacote. Duas atmosferas foram aplicadas, variando-se o nível de CO2 em 10 e 15%, reduzindo nos dois casos o O2 a 5%. Após o acondicionamento, a alface foi imediatamente refrigerada. Comparou-se a qualidade da alface com e sem atmosfera modificada durante o armazenamento refrigerado. Monitoraram-se a variação da concentração de O2 e CO2 no interior das embalagens e a vida-útil da alface pela análise sensorial e microbiológica e a variação de sólidos solúveis. A influência da atmosfera modificada no crescimento de microrganismos e na variação de sólidos solúveis não foi relevante. Entretanto, essa tecnologia reduziu as taxas de respiração e, conseqüentemente, minimizou as perdas de qualidade sensorial da alface durante todo o armazenamento. A vida-útil da alface em atmosfera modificada foi estendida em até cinco dias além daquela alcançada pela alface acondicionada em atmosfera normal.The crisp head lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.was minimally processed, with the leaves being detached and cleaned, packaged in plastic bags made of polyethylene with modified atmosphere inside the bag. Two different atmospheres were applied: 10 and 15% of CO2, with the O2 level being reduced in both cases to 5%. After the packing, the lettuce was immediately refrigerated. The product quality with and without modified atmosphere was compared during the storage time. It was accompanied the changes in O2 and CO2 concentration inside the packaging and the product shelf life, through sensorial and microbiological analysis, and soluble solids variation. The influence of modified atmosphere in microorganisms grown and in soluble solids variation was not relevant. However this technology reduced the lettuce respiration rates and the quality sensorial loss

  11. Influência da embalagem de atmosfera modificada e do tratamento com cálcio na cinética de degradação de ácido ascórbico e perda de massa em goiabas (Psidium guajava L.

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    Full Text Available Goiabas de mesa (var. Pedro Sato no estádio verde maturo foram armazenadas a 8°C (85-95% UR por 49 dias. Uma parte das amostras foi tratada com solução de cloreto de cálcio 2% (p/v e o restante permaneceu sem tratamento. Posteriormente, foram embaladas individualmente em dois tipos de embalagem de atmosfera modificada (CryovacÒ PD-900 e CryovacÒ PD-961. Goiabas sem embalagem e não tratadas com cálcio, mantidas à mesma temperatura de 8°C serviram como controle. Foram realizadas análises de perda de massa, acidez titulável, teores de sólidos solúveis totais e ácido ascórbico. Os frutos embalados apresentaram taxas de perda de massa menores que os sem embalagem (p<0,05. Os frutos tratados com cálcio não apresentaram diferença na taxa de degradação de ácido ascórbico em relação aos não tratados e os frutos embalados com PD-900 apresentaram retenção de ácido ascórbico maior. Após 4 semanas, as goiabas sem embalagem apresentaram-se impróprias para consumo, devido ao murchamento e ataque de fungos, enquanto que as embaladas estavam em bom estado. Após a sexta semana, apenas os frutos embalados com PD-900 sem tratamento com cálcio estavam próprios para consumo. A embalagem de atmosfera modificada reduziu a perda de massa e ácido ascórbico e prolongou a vida-de-prateleira do produto. O emprego de cálcio não afetou as características analisadas.

  12. Qualidade de uva 'Isabel' tratada com cloreto de cálcio em pós-colheita e armazenada sob atmosfera modificada

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    Rosana Sousa da Silva


    Full Text Available Uvas 'Isabel' foram tratadas após a colheita com cloreto de cálcio (CaCl2 e submetidas a atmosfera modificada para avaliação da manutenção de sua qualidade durante o armazenamento, a 12±1 ºC e 85±2% de UR. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 5 x 2 x 5, com 3 repetições, sendo cinco doses de CaCl2 (0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 2,0 e 4,0%, dois tipos de atmosfera [ambiente e modificada (AM] e cinco períodos, durante o armazenamento refrigerado. As avaliações foram acidez titulável (AT, sólidos solúveis (SS, relação SS/AT, pH, ácido ascórbico, incidência de podridão, perda de massa, aparência do engaço e índice de degrana. A AM reduziu a perda de massa, a incidência de podridão e manteve a aparência verde do engaço, ampliando a vida útil de uva 'Isabel' em seis dias. Doses de CaCl2 entre 0,5 e 2,0% reduziram a incidência de podridão. A aplicação de CaCl2 associado à AM reduziu a degrana em uva 'Isabel' durante o armazenamento refrigerado.

  13. Eficiência do Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Berliner, 1915 no controle da traça da cera Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae Efficiency of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Berliner, 1915 for control of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae

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    Deodoro Magno Brighenti


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência do Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Berliner no controle de Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus. Os experimentos foram realizados no Laboratório de Biologia de Insetos do Departamento de Entomologia da Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA, Lavras, MG, a 28±2ºC, UR 70±10% e fotofase de 12 horas. Aplicou-se formulação comercial de B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki por meio de pulverização, imersão dos favos e também foi incorporada à dieta artificial fornecida às lagartas de terceiro ínstar da traça da cera. A aplicação do produto fitossanitário por meio da pulverização dos favos mostrou-se eficiente no controle de lagartas, atingindo níveis iguais ou superiores a 85% de mortalidade quando foram utilizados 5 g/100 mL de água. Na aplicação por imersão dos favos, todas as dosagens testadas foram eficientes atingindo até 100% de mortalidade. Adicionada à dieta artificial, a concentração com maior porcentagem de mortalidade foi de 10g/60g de dieta. Sintomas de infecção pelo B. thuringiensis foram identificados nas lagartas e o isolamento da bactéria, por meio de uma cultura de Bacillus, comprovou a causa da morte desses insetos em todas as dosagens da formulação comercial do B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki utilizadas.This research aim at evaluating the efficiency of Bacillus thruringiensis var. kurstaki (Berliner in the control of Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus.The experiments were conducted in the Insect Biology Laboratory of the Entomology Department of the Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA, Lavras, MG, Brazil, at 28±2ºC, RH 70±10% and 12-hour photophase. Commercial formulation of B. thuringiensis. var. kurstaki was applied through spraying, comb soaking and also incorporated into the artificial diet fed to third instar caterpillars of the greater wax moth. Application of B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki through the spraying of the combs was efficient for control, reaching levels

  14. Conservação pós-colheita de melão Charentais tratado com 1-MCP e armazenado sob refrigeração e atmosfera modificada Postharvest conservation of charentais melons treated with 1-MCP and stored under refrigeration and modified atmosphere

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    Pahlevi A de Souza


    Full Text Available Objetivando avaliar a vida útil pós-colheita de melão tipo Charentais (Cucumis melo L. sob refrigeração, tratados com 1-MCP e associado ou não a atmosfera modificada (AM, foram conduzidos dois experimentos em laboratório da Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, Fortaleza-CE. Os frutos foram provenientes da Agroindústria Nolem Comercial Importadora e Exportadora Ltda, localizada no Agropólo Mossoró Açu-RN. Os frutos foram tratados com 300 e 600 ppb de 1-MCP, em seguida, metade desses frutos foram embalados em filmes plásticos, mantendo-se frutos embalados sem aplicação de 1-MCP nas mesmas condições de armazenamento dos demais. Os melões foram armazenados por 21 dias sendo 14 dias (9±1ºC e 87±5% UR + 7 dias (22±2ºC e 70±5% UR. Em função da aparência externa, a vida útil pós-colheita dos frutos armazenados sob atmosfera modificada, com ou sem tratamento inicial de 1-MCP foi de 21 dias, enquanto que dos frutos tratados inicialmente apenas com 1-MCP foi de 19 dias. A aplicação do 1-MCP proporcionou redução na atividade respiratória e na produção de etileno, e maior retenção da firmeza da polpa, menor perda de massa e melhor aparência externa quando associado a atmosfera modificada. A atmosfera modificada, isoladamente, foi eficiente em reduzir a perda de massa e manter melhor aparência externa.Aiming to evaluate the postharvest shelf life of Charentais melon (Cucumis melo L. stored under refrigeration, the fruits were treated with 1-MCP, associated or not with modified atmosphere (MAP. Two experiments were carried out at the laboratory of Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical in Fortaleza, Brazil, analyzing the chemical and physic quality characteristics. The fruits were obtained at the Agroindústria Nolem Comercial Importadora e Exportadora Ltda, located in Mossoró Açu, Brazil. The fruits were treated with 300 and 600 nL L-1 of 1-MCP, half of those were wrapped in plastic films, which were wrapped without the use of 1

  15. The first international leprosy conference, Berlin, 1897: the politics of segregation. (United States)

    Pandya, S S


    The present paper examines the first attempts to internationalise the problem of leprosy, a subject hitherto overlooked by historians of imperialism and disease. The last decade of the nineteenth century saw many in the civilised countries of the imperialist West gripped by a paranoia about an invasion of leprosy via germ-laden immigrants and returning expatriates who had acquired the infection in leprosy endemic colonial possessions. Such alarmists clamoured for the adoption of vigorous leper segregation policies in such colonies. But the contagiousness of leprosy did not go unquestioned by other westerners. The convocation in Berlin of the first international meeting on leprosy revealed the interplay of differing and sometimes incompatible views about the containment of leprosy by segregation. The roles of officials from several countries, as well as the roles of five protagonists (Albert Ashmead, Jules Goldschmidt, Edvard Ehlers. Armauer Hansen, and Phineas Abraham) in the shaping of the Berlin Conference are here examined.

  16. To Save a City: The Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949 (United States)


    Berliners gainfully employed , the blockade threw some 10 percent out of work. Since the unemployed received a ration card, this factor had little effect...Organization, these units employed large numbers of German laborers. Similarly, the Forward Airfield Supply Organization accomplished all cargo handling in...use as coal sacks. Additionally, EUCOM pro- cured jute bags in England and in Switzerland , although these would last only from three to five trips

  17. Estabilidad en el almacenamiento congelado de rebanadas de lomo de atún rojo (Thunnus sp. empacadas en atmósfera modificada con CO2

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    Myrna Luisa Medina Bracamonte


    Full Text Available La disponibilidad atún rojo fresco, entero y rebanado, como todo producto pesquero fresco está restringida para los consumidores en zonas distantes a los centros de producción por su estabilidad limitada en el almacenamiento. Por ello la industria pesquera en general, en la época de mayor producción, recurre a la congelación para conservar el excedente de producción, y al empacado para protegerlo del ambiente frío y seco del congelador, evitar su deshidratación y “quemaduras por frío”. El surgimiento del Empacado en Atmósfera Modificada como alternativa para incrementar la vida útil de productos alimenticios despertó la inquietud de evaluar la estabilidad de rebanadas de lomo de atún rojo (Thunnus sp. fresco, congeladas y empacadas con 100 % de CO2 durante su almacenamiento a las temperaturas convencionales para su distribución y venta, -10 y -18 ºC, evaluando la estabilidad química, física, microbiológica y sensorial de las rebanadas de lomo de atún rojo durante ≈ 4 meses de almacenamiento congelado. El 50 % de las rebanadas se congeló a -10 ºC (Tratamiento 1 y el 50 % restante a -18 ºC (Tratamiento 2. Las rebanadas congeladas se empacaron individualmente, el 50 % en atmósfera de 100 % de CO2 conservando la proporción 1:2 (rebanada:gas y el 50 % restante en atmósfera de aire. Se almacenaron a la temperatura correspondiente: Tratamiento 1 a -10 ºC y Tratamiento 2 a -18 ºC durante 111 días. Al final del almacenamiento el tratamiento P2 (100 % CO2 ofreció mejor barrera a la pérdida de humedad, favoreció la estabilidad de la fracción de proteínas solubles en solución salina. Las muestras P2 tuvieron mayor aceptación sensorial, fueron las más oscuras y rojas, con menor recuento microbiológico, coincidiendo con el menor contenido en bases volátiles totales. A -10 ºC la atmósfera de 100 % de CO2 no evitó la “quemadura por frío” y los panelistas percibieron el “olor a pescado”.

  18. Enlightening City Childhoods: Walter Benjamin's Berlin and Erich Kästner's Dresden (United States)

    Lathey, Gillian


    Walter Benjamin, cultural critic and philosopher, compiled "Berlin childhood around 1900" (trans. Howard Eiland, 2006) while in exile from Germany in the early 1930s, filtering impressions of a privileged childhood through a politicised adult consciousness. Erich Kästner, journalist, poet, satirist and author of the children's classic…

  19. Comparison of the Berlin definition with the American European consensus definition for acute respiratory distress syndrome in burn patients. (United States)

    Bordes, Julien; Lacroix, Guillaume; Esnault, Pierre; Goutorbe, Philippe; Cotte, Jean; Dantzer, Eric; Meaudre, Eric


    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a leading cause of mortality in burn patients. Smoke inhalation, pneumonia and inflammation process are the major causes of ARDS in burn patients. The American European Consensus Conference (AECC) definition proposed in 1994 has recently been revised by the Berlin definition. Our objective was to describe the epidemiology of ARDS comparing the Berlin definition with the AECC definition in a retrospective cohort of burn patients. We reviewed admitted burn adult patients for a two year period, and investigated patient who received mechanical ventilation for more than 48 h and in whom pneumonia was diagnosed. 40 patients were analyzed. According to the AECC definition, 11 patients met criteria for ALI (27.5%), and 29 patients for ARDS (72.5%). According to the Berlin definition, all patients met criteria for ARDS: 4 (10%) for a severe ARDS, 25 (62.5%) for a moderate ARDS, 11 (27.5%) for a mild ARDS. Inhalation injury was diagnosed in 10 patients (25%). Categorizing patients with the Berlin definition showed statistically significative difference of mortality within the three groups, but not with the AECC definition. The Berlin definition seems to be more accurate than the AECC definition to assess the severity of ARDS in term of outcome in burn patients. This definition may facilitate prompt recognition of ARDS in burn patients, and promote protective ventilation strategy to a larger number of patients. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.

  20. Atmosfera modificada e controle de etileno para bananas 'Prata-Anã' cultivadas na Amazônia Setentrional Brasileira

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    Marcos André de Souza Prill


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da atmosfera modificada (AM pelo uso de embalagem plástica de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD, do vácuo e da adsorção de etileno, visando à manutenção da qualidade das bananas 'Prata-Anã' produzidas em Roraima. As análises foram realizadas em intervalos de 5 dias após a colheita, até 35 dias de armazenamento refrigerado (AR. Verificou-se que os frutos submetidos a embalagem de PEBD apresentaram as menores perdas de massa fresca quando comparados aos demais. Da mesma forma, os frutos embalados na presença do adsorvedor de etileno obtiveram a melhor manutenção na coloração da casca, atraso temporal, do pico climatérico, assim como o retardamento na degradação do amido, os menores incrementos de sólidos solúveis e acidez titulável, as menores concentrações de etileno nos interiores das embalagens e atraso temporal e a diminuição da atividade enzimática. Isso, possivelmente, proporcionou os maiores teores de pectina total e solúvel ao final do período experimental. A combinação do uso da embalagem de PEBD com o sachê de permanganato de potássio (KMnO4 resultou no retardamento do processo de maturação dos frutos de banana 'Prata-Anã', quando armazenada a 12 ºC. Pode-se atribuir esse efeito benéfico à presença do sachê na adsorção de etileno e, consequentemente, na ação do etileno no amadurecimento dos frutos, retardando a senescência das bananas 'Prata-Anã'.

  1. [Contribution of Berlin clinics and especially the Charité to the development of modern anesthesia in Germany]. (United States)

    Wauer, H J; Kühne, H; Kox, W J


    Soon after announcement of the first American ether anesthesias in 1846 one started to anesthetize with ether in Europe. The first ether anesthesia in Germany took place on January 24th, 1947, and was given by Johann Ferdinand Heyfelder in Erlangen. Two weeks later the first ether anesthesia in Berlin was given on February 6th, 1847, by the orthopaedic surgeon Heimann-Wolff Berend. On February 12th, 1847, the surgeon Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach used ether to anesthetize a patient in the Berlin university hospital. Still in 1847 he published his book "The Ether against Pain" which used to be the standard textbook of anesthesia in Germany for many years to come. On February 15th, 1847, Johann Christian Jüngken operated his first patient under ether anesthesia in the surgical department of the Charité hospital assisted by Rudolf Virchow. Since then several famous Berlin surgeons influenced the development of modern anesthesia until the middle of the 20th century. The nitrous oxide bottle was introduced into practice by the Barth company in cooperation with the dentist Carl Sauer and Kurt Schimmelbusch introduced his mask for ether anesthesia. Carl Ludwig Schleich reported at the German congress of surgery in 1894 about his first experience with infiltration anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia developed by August Bier in Kiel was improved during his time in Berlin.

  2. Different conditions and strategies to utilize forensic radiology in the cities of Melbourne, Australia and Berlin, Germany. (United States)

    Bedford, Paul J; Oesterhelweg, Lars


    Forensic radiology has become a common modality in many forensic practices around the world. Here, we report and compare the usage patterns in the cities of Melbourne, Australia, and Berlin, Germany, using 16 multislice scanners in two large forensic facilities with both machines integrated in the mortuary. While in Melbourne all bodies receive a full body computed tomography (CT) scan resulting in nearly 5,000 scans per year, the situation differs in Berlin where approximately 250 state prosecutor sanctioned cases are scanned per year. While in Melbourne the CT scanner is an integral element of the process of determining whether further examinations will follow, in contrast in Berlin all cases proceed to autopsy irrespective of the findings from the CT scan. While pathologists in Berlin receive on site training to use the CT scanner by a highly experienced forensic pathologist who has previously been involved in the Virtopsy(®) program in Switzerland, training of pathologists in Melbourne is multifaceted. A radiologist with extensive experience in the forensic environment is employed part time at the institute in Melbourne and provides radiology lectures including topics such as postmortem artifacts, regional anatomy, and neuroradiology. CT is gaining acceptance as a useful modality for presenting information to the courts and juries, as well as providing an easily accessible platform to review cases and initiated research projects.

  3. When Iron Crumbles: Berlin and the Wall. A Social Studies Unit Recommended for Grades 9-12 and Community College. (United States)

    Chan, Adrian; And Others

    This unit, designed for use with high school and community college students, uses primary materials, literature, and interactive lesson plans to present the city of Berlin (Germany) as a case study of some of the 20th century's most significant events. In lesson 1, students take a pre-test, view a video about the Berlin Wall, and discuss the kinds…

  4. Comparison of Prevalence and Outcomes of Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Using Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference Criteria and Berlin Definition. (United States)

    Gupta, Samriti; Sankar, Jhuma; Lodha, Rakesh; Kabra, Sushil K


    Our objective was to compare the prevalence and outcomes of pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome using the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference (PALICC) criteria and Berlin definitions. We screened case records of all children aged 1 month to 17 years of age admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) over a 3-year period (2015-2017) for presence of any respiratory difficulty at admission or during PICU stay. We applied both PALICC and Berlin criteria to these patients. Data collection included definition and outcome related variables. Data were compared between the "PALICC only group" and the "Berlin with or without PALICC" group using Stata 11. Of a total of 615 admissions, 246 were identified as having respiratory difficulty at admission or during PICU stay. A total of 61 children (prevalence 9.9%; 95% CI: 7.8-12.4) fulfilled the definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with either of the two criteria. While 60 children (98%) fulfilled PALICC criteria, only 26 children (43%) fulfilled Berlin definition. There was moderate agreement between the two definitions (Kappa: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.40-0.62; observed agreement 85%). Greater proportion of patients had severe ARDS in the "Berlin with or without PALICC group" as compared to the "PALICC only" group (50 vs. 19%). There was no difference between the groups with regard to key clinical outcomes such as duration of ventilation (7 vs. 8 days) or mortality [51.4 vs. 57.7%: RR (95% CI): 0.99 (0.64-1.5)]. In comparison to Berlin definition, the PALICC criteria identified more number of patients with ARDS. Proportion with severe ARDS and complications was greater in the "Berlin with or without PALICC" group as compared to the "PALICC only" group. There were no differences in clinical outcomes between the groups.

  5. Enormously varying utilization as a demand. An underfloor heating system for the fashion hotspot 'label Berlin 2'; Stark variierende Auslastung als Herausforderung. Ein Flaechentemperiersystem fuer den Mode-Hotspot ''Labels Berlin 2''

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buchner, Peter [Viega GmbH und Co. KG, Attendorn (Germany). Flaechentemperiersysteme


    Hugo Boss, Esprit, Brax, Puma, Comma or more s.Oliver - 'the labels Berlin 1 and 2 ' became a hotspot of the international world of fashion in Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany) within a few years. However, the concept to combine high-quality brands and their large showrooms under one roof was a challenge not only for architects. Also in the building services and especially in keeping rooms with their strongly varying extent of utilization at a moderate temperature all the stops had to be pulled out.

  6. A operação de Norwood modificada para tratamento da síndrome de hipoplasia do coração esquerdo Modified Norwood procedure for hypoplastic left heart syndrome

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    Fernando A. Fantini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar os resultados do tratamento da síndrome de hipoplasia do coração esquerdo (SHCE com técnica de Norwood modificada, na qual somente são usados tecidos autólogos para a reconstrução do arco aórtico. MÉTODO: De janeiro a dezembro de 2002, cinco recém-nascidos com idade variando de dois a nove dias (média 5,0 dias foram submetidos a operação de Norwood modificada. O diâmetro da aorta ascendente variou de 5 a 8 mm (média 6,2 mm. Foi empregada técnica na qual o arco aórtico e seus ramos foram amplamente dissecados, permitindo a reconstrução de um novo arco aórtico tendo a artéria pulmonar como via de saída, e com a utilização exclusiva de tecidos do próprio paciente. Anastomose sistêmico-pulmonar com politetrafluoretileno expandido de 3,0 mm foi utilizada em três pacientes e de 3,5 mm em dois pacientes. Todos foram operados com parada cardiocirculatória total. RESULTADOS: O tempo de parada cardiocirculatória variou de 41 a 60 minutos (média 52,8 minutos. Todas as crianças sobreviveram ao ato operatório e foram encaminhadas para a unidade de terapia intensiva com o esterno aberto. Ocorreu um óbito no 9: dia de pós-operatório por sepse, o que resultou numa taxa de sobrevivência imediata de 80%. Ocorreu um óbito tardio por pneumonia de aspiração aos dois meses. Uma criança foi submetida ao segundo estágio da operação (cavo pulmonar e encontra-se bem. Duas crianças estão em acompanhamento aguardando o próximo estágio. Em nenhuma delas existem evidências de obstrução do novo arco aórtico. CONCLUSÃO: A técnica de Norwood modificada mostrou-se eficaz e com risco cirúrgico aceitável para o tratamento da SHCE, sem evidências de obstrução do arco aórtico reconstruído.OBJECTIVE: To show current results of a modified Norwood procedure, where only autologous tissues are used in the reconstruction of the new aortic arch. METHOD: Between January and December of 2002, five neonates with

  7. Review of Berliner & Biddle "The Manufactured Crisis"

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    Lawrence C. Stedman


    Full Text Available In a provocative new book, The Manufactured Crisis, David Berliner and Bruce Biddle make four sweeping claims about U.S. achievement: there never was a test score decline, today's students are "out-achieving their parents substantially" (p. 33, U.S. students "stack up very well" in international assessments (p. 63, and the general education crisis is a right-wing fabrication. As a progressive, I'm sympathetic to their concerns, but as a scholar who specializes in this material, I find their analysis deeply flawed and misleading. They mischaracterize the test score decline data, mishandle the international findings, and fail to acknowledge students' continuing low levels of academic achievement.

  8. Epidemiology and outcomes of acute respiratory distress syndrome in children according to the Berlin definition: a multicenter prospective study. (United States)

    Barreira, Eliane R; Munoz, Gabriela O C; Cavalheiro, Priscilla O; Suzuki, Adriana S; Degaspare, Natalia V; Shieh, Huei H; Martines, João A D S; Ferreira, Juliana C; Lane, Christianne; Carvalho, Werther B; Gilio, Alfredo E; Precioso, Alexander R


    In 2012, a new acute respiratory distress syndrome definition was proposed for adult patients. It was later validated for infants and toddlers. Our objective was to evaluate the prevalence, outcomes, and risk factors associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome in children up to 15 years according to the Berlin definition. A prospective, multicenter observational study from March to September 2013. Seventy-seven PICU beds in eight centers: two private hospitals and six public academic hospitals in Brazil. All children aged 1 month to 15 years admitted to the participating PICUs in the study period. None. All children admitted to the PICUs were daily evaluated for the presence of acute respiratory distress syndrome according to the American-European Consensus Conference and Berlin definitions. Of the 562 patients included, acute respiratory distress syndrome developed in 57 patients (10%) and 58 patients (10.3%) according to the Berlin definition and the American-European Consensus Conference definition, respectively. Among patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome according to the Berlin definition, nine patients (16%) were mild, 21 (37%) were moderate, and 27 (47%) were severe. Compared with patients without acute respiratory distress syndrome, patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome had significantly higher severity scores, longer PICU and hospital length of stay, longer duration of mechanical ventilation, and higher mortality (p < 0.001). The presence of two or more comorbidities and admission for medical reasons were associated with development of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Comparisons across the three the Berlin categories showed significant differences in the number of ventilator-free days (21, 20, and 5 d, p = 0.001) and mortality for severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (41%) in comparison with mild (0) and moderate (15%) acute respiratory distress syndrome(p = 0.02). No differences in PICU or hospital stay were

  9. Envasado de Carne de Vacuno con Hueso y Grasa en Atmósfera Modificada con CO2 y CO


    Aspé, Estrella R; Roeckel, Marlene D; Martí, Cristina; Jiménez, Romel


    Se evaluó el efecto de envasado en atmósfera modificada (MAP) con bajo contenido de CO (0.1% y 0.4%) y presencia de CO2 sobre el color rojo y la vida útil de carne de vacuno. Se determinaron características microbiológicas, fisicoquímicas, organolépticas-sensoriales y de color del músculo y se compararon los resultados con el MAP de 70%O2+30%CO2. La vida útil de las muestras con O2 fue de 30 días mientras que para las muestras en MAP la vida útil fue de 40 a 45 días y no dependió de la concen...

  10. Berlin, Maryland - How One Small City is Using Science to Change its World (United States)

    Allen, L.; Silbergeld, E.


    Small cities are uniquely challenged to mitigate environmental issues in their communities because they usually lack the financial resources and technical expertise to address them. The Town of Berlin, population 4,500, recently purchased approximately 60 acres of private property located at 9943 Old Ocean City Boulevard. The property was previously owned by Tyson Chicken, Inc. and contains a chicken processing plant which has not been in use for over 10 years. Historically the plant emitted significant odors which limited the Town's ability to diversify its economic base. The plant closure provided an opportunity to convert the property to another use, but the downturn in the economy delayed that change. The Town intends to establish recreation oriented uses on the property with the following goals in mind: Create a common ground for the people of Berlin that will unite various neighborhoods. Create synergy between ecological sustainability and community resilience Upgrade the ponds on the property to make them the design focal point Through the Thriving Earth Exchange, the Town of Berlin connected with Dr. Ellen Silbergeld to resolve the question of how to remediate the ponds. Dr. Silbergeld is trained as an environmental engineer and public health researcher, with substantial experience in environmental issues in the poultry industry. This case study will show how one small city is working with a volunteer scientist to convert a blighted piece of property into a multi-use public space for the benefit of its residents and guests.

  11. Investigation of vertical and horizontal transport processes and their influence on the concentration of aerosols and ozone over the greater Berlin area (United States)

    Reimer, E.; Kerschbaumer, A.; Beekmann, M.; Neißner, F.


    Urban emissions of particulate matter and precursors of ozone are very important in relation to the EU-council directives and national pollution abatement strategies. Knowledge about the contribution of anthropogenic urban sources and about long range transport of polluted air to local concentrations is needed for any reduction strategy. Thus, within the German Atmospheric Research Program AFO2000 a project has been started to investigate the formation and transport of PM10/PM2.5 in the greater Berlin area by sampling and analysing PM, using LIDAR as well as physico-chemical measurements to determine density, partical size distribution and chemical composition of the aerosol. Participants are: Freie Universität Berlin, Institute for Meteorology BTU Cottbus, Air Chemistry Department Elight Laser Systems GmbH Freie Universität Berlin, Physics Department Environmental Administration, Berlin Government with an additional PM campaign Measurements at central Berlin monitoring stations exceed standard PM10 tresholds. Therefore, it is important to get a better knowledge about PM sources within and outside the city. Long term applications of the chemical transport model with an aerosol-module REM3/Calgrid is used to explain transport, formation and deposition processes. Backward and forward trajectories are used to determine source/receptor relationships between the observations and European wide emission maps for ozone, precursors and PM10 and PM2,5 by correlation between observed primary aerosols in Berlin and possible sources. The measurements obtained within the project are also used to validate REM3/Calgrid with special respect to SO4, NO3, NH4 and ozone precursors.

  12. Hydrodynamic or hydrochemical aspects of anthropogenic and naturally induced bank filtration - examples from Berlin/Brandenburg; Hydrodynamische und hydrochemische Aspekte der anthropogen und natuerlich induzierten Uferfiltration am Beispiel von Berlin/Brandenburg

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Massmann, G.; Pekdeger, A. [Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany). Institut fuer Geologische Wissenschaften, Arbeitsbereich Hydrogeologie; Duennbier, U. [Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Labor, Berlin (Germany); Heberer, T. [Niedersaechsisches Landesamt fuer Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (LAVES), Lebensmittelinstitut Oldenburg (Germany); Richter, D. [DVGW - Technologiezentrum Wasser (TZW), Karlsruhe (Germany); Sueltenfuss, J. [Universitaet Bremen (Germany). Institut fuer Umweltphysik, AG Ozeanographie; Tosaki, Y. [University of Tsukuba (Japan). Sustainable Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences


    Bank filtration is the natural or anthropogenically induced process of surface water infiltration into an aquifer. It is of particular importance as a method to gain or pre-treat water for drinking water production. The hydrodynamic and hydrochemical processes during bank filtration were investigated at one rural site in the Oderbruch and at two urban sites in Berlin (Germany). Results show that these sites differ substantially with regard to the characteristics of the hyporheic zone (permeable versus clogged), travel times (decades versus months to decades) and shape of the redox zones (horizontal versus vertical redox succession). The hyporheic zone is a key parameter determining the site characteristics. Since the surface water in Berlin contains a proportion of treated sewage, a number of wastewater-bound substances (e. g. pharmaceutical residues) have been detected in the surface water. Most of them were, however, fully or partly removed during bank filtration. The redox conditions are an important key parameter with regard to the elimination (or persistence) of a number of organic trace compounds (e. g. phenazone, sulfamethoxazole, clindamycin), whose elimination depends on the prevailing redox environment. (orig.) [German] Uferfiltration ist die natuerlich bedingte oder anthropogen induzierte Infiltration von Oberflaechenwasser in den Grundwasserleiter und ist insbesondere als Methode der Rohwassergewinnung fuer die Trinkwasserproduktion von Bedeutung. Die hydrodynamischen und hydrochemischen Prozesse bei der Uferfiltration wurden an einer Untersuchungstransekte im laendlichen Oderbruch und an zwei Transekten im urbanen Berlin umfangreich untersucht, dabei lag ein Schwerpunkt auf der Anwendung verschiedener Tracermethoden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Standorte sehr stark insbesondere bezueglich der Beschaffenheit der Gewaessersohle (gut bzw. schlecht durchlaessig), der Fliesszeiten (Jahrzehnte bzw. Monate bis Jahrzehnte) und der Ausbildung von

  13. Armazenamento de pitanga sob atmosfera modificada e refrigeração: I-transformações químicas em pós-colheita Storage of Suriname cherry under modified atmosphere and refrigeration: I - postharvest chemical changes

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    Adriana Ferreira dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este experimento teve como objetivo avaliar as transformações pós-colheita em pitangas colhidas nos estádios de maturação vermelho-alaranjado (VA e vermelho predominante (VP e mantidas sob atmosfera modificada (AM por filme de cloreto de polivinila (PVC, a 10 ± 0,5 ºC, 14 ± 0,5ºC e (90 ± 1%UR e a temperatura ambiente (23 ± 2°C e 85 ± 2%UR. O uso de AM associada à refrigeração permitiu manutenção dos sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, dos açúcares solúveis totais e vitamina C, e também resultou em menor taxa de aumento nos carotenóides totais para frutos do estádio de maturação VA mantido a 10 e 14ºC. Em conjunto, pitangas colhidas no estádio vermelho-alaranjado foram as que apresentaram melhor manutenção das características intrínsecas durante oito dias de armazenamento sob atmosfera modificada a 10ºC.The aim of this experiment was to evaluate postharvest changes in Suriname Cherry harvested in the maturity stages red-orangish (RO and predominant red (PR, kept under modified atmosphere (MA by polyvinyl chloride film (PVC, at 10± 0.5 ºC, 14± 0.5 ºC, 90 ± 1% RH and room temperature (23 ± 2°C. The use of MA associated with refrigeration allowed the maintenance of total soluble solids, titratable acidity, soluble sugars, and vitamin C, and also resulted in lower increase rate in total carotenoids for fruits in the RO maturity stages kept at 10 e 14ºC. All together, Suriname Cherries harvested in red-orangish skin color were those that presented better maintenance of the intrinsic characteristics during 8 days storage under modified atmosphere at 10ºC.

  14. Efecto de variedades de algodón genéticamente modificadas sobre larvas de Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae

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    Sandra Jimena Valencia Cataño


    Full Text Available Spodoptera frugiperda es una plaga polífaga de importancia económica en países tropicales y subtropicales. En Colombia ataca el algodonero (Gossypium hirsutum L., cultivo que ha tomado importancia gracias a la adopción de variedades genéticamente modificadas (GM. En el estudio se determinaron los efectos subletales de algunas de estas variedades sobre larvas de este insecto. Para el efecto, en condiciones de laboratorio (27°C, 65 ± 10% HR y 12 h fotoperiodo se evaluaron las variedades NuOPAL RR (proteína Cry1Ac, DP141 B2RF (proteínas Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab y DeltaOPAL RR (no Bt. Los parámetros evaluados fueron: (a peso de larvas, (bpeso de heces, (c peso del alimento ofrecido y (d peso del alimento no consumido. Como índices de consumo y digestibilidad se calcularon la tasa relativa de consumo (TRCo, la tasa relativa de crecimiento (TRCr, la eficiencia de conversión del alimento ingerido (ECI y la digestibilidad aproximada (DA. Los índices mostraron actividad antialimentaria de la variedad DP141 B2RF (Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab que afecta de forma negativa la tasa de crecimiento y la conversión del alimento por parte de las larvas. El peso de las larvas alimentadas en DP141 B2RF (Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab fue 58.6% menor que en la variedad no Bt. Los resultados muestran un efecto adverso de la variedad DP141 B2RF (Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab en el desarrollo larval de S. frugiperda. Se confirman los efectos antibióticos de las variedades GM evaluadas que inciden en un menor desarrollo y en la supervivencia de las larvas.

  15. Self rating of health is associated with stressful life events, social support and residency in East and West Berlin shortly after the fall of the wall. (United States)

    Hillen, T; Schaub, R; Hiestermann, A; Kirschner, W; Robra, B P


    To compare the health status and factors influencing the health of populations that had previously lived under different political systems. Cross sectional health and social survey using postal interviews. The relation between self reported health and psychosocial factors (stressful life events, social support, education, health promoting life style and health endangering behaviour) was investigated. To determine East-West differences a logistic regression model including interaction terms was fitted. East and West Berlin shortly after reunification 1991. Representative sample of 4430 Berlin residents aged 18 years and over (response rate 63%). Of all respondents, 15.4% rated their health as unsatisfactory. Residents of East Berlin rated their health more frequently as unsatisfactory than residents of West Berlin (Or(age adjusted)= 1.29, 95%CI 1.08, 1.52), these differences occurred predominantly in the over 60 years age group. Logistic regression showed significant independent effects of stressful life events, social support, education, and health promoting life style on self rated health. The effects of education and health promoting life style were observed to be more pronounced in the western part of Berlin. Old age and female sex showed a stronger association with unsatisfactory health status in the eastern part of Berlin. For subjects aged over 60 years there was evidence that living in the former East Berlin had an adverse effect on health compared with West Berlin. The impact of education and a health promoting lifestyle on self rated health seemed to be weaker in a former socialist society compared with that of a Western democracy. This study supports an "additive model" rather than a "buffering model" in explaining the effects of psychosocial factors on health.

  16. Comparison of Prevalence and Outcomes of Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Using Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference Criteria and Berlin Definition

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    Samriti Gupta


    Full Text Available ObjectivesOur objective was to compare the prevalence and outcomes of pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome using the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference (PALICC criteria and Berlin definitions.MethodsWe screened case records of all children aged 1 month to 17 years of age admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU over a 3-year period (2015–2017 for presence of any respiratory difficulty at admission or during PICU stay. We applied both PALICC and Berlin criteria to these patients. Data collection included definition and outcome related variables. Data were compared between the “PALICC only group” and the “Berlin with or without PALICC” group using Stata 11.ResultsOf a total of 615 admissions, 246 were identified as having respiratory difficulty at admission or during PICU stay. A total of 61 children (prevalence 9.9%; 95% CI: 7.8–12.4 fulfilled the definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS with either of the two criteria. While 60 children (98% fulfilled PALICC criteria, only 26 children (43% fulfilled Berlin definition. There was moderate agreement between the two definitions (Kappa: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.40–0.62; observed agreement 85%. Greater proportion of patients had severe ARDS in the “Berlin with or without PALICC group” as compared to the “PALICC only” group (50 vs. 19%. There was no difference between the groups with regard to key clinical outcomes such as duration of ventilation (7 vs. 8 days or mortality [51.4 vs. 57.7%: RR (95% CI: 0.99 (0.64–1.5].ConclusionIn comparison to Berlin definition, the PALICC criteria identified more number of patients with ARDS. Proportion with severe ARDS and complications was greater in the “Berlin with or without PALICC” group as compared to the “PALICC only” group. There were no differences in clinical outcomes between the groups.

  17. Fitness as "Social Heritage": A Study of Elementary School Pupils in Berlin (United States)

    Pfister, Gertrud; Reeg, Annemarie


    Health and fitness among children and adolescents is a subject currently receiving public attention. This article focuses on the fitness of German pupils (third and fourth grades) in five schools in Berlin with widely differing social catchment areas as well as children from differing social backgrounds. Besides an orthopaedic examination and…

  18. L. Harrison: Mass (to St. Anthony); A. Pärt: Berliner Messe / Robert Cowan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Cowan, Robert


    Uuest heliplaadist "L. Harrison: Mass (to St. Anthony); A. Pärt: Berliner Messe. Oregon Repertory Singers / Gilbert Seeley. Koch International Classics CD 37 177-2; Pärt - comparative version: Estonian Phil. Chbr. Ch., Tallinn CO / Kaljuste" (11/93)(ECM) 439 162-2

  19. Modificação da rugosidade de fibras de carbono por método químico para aplicação em compósitos poliméricos

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    Burakowski Liliana


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho aborda o tratamento superficial de fibras de carbono por ácidos clorídrico e nítrico, visando o aumento controlado da rugosidade superficial da fibra e assim melhorar a ligação fibra/matriz no processamento de compósitos poliméricos reforçados com fibras longas. Foram utilizadas fibras de carbono com size, da empresa Toray. Essas foram tratadas com os ácidos clorídrico e nítrico, a 103°C, em concentrações de 35,5 % e 97 %, em massa, respectivamente, em tempos de exposição de 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 e 60 minutos. As fibras modificadas quimicamente foram caracterizadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e por ensaios mecânicos de tração e os dados foram tratados pelo método estatístico de Weibull. Os resultados mostram que os tratamentos empregados modificam a superfície da fibra e que períodos de tratamento superiores a 20 minutos as danificam, degradando de maneira significativa as suas propriedades mecânicas.

  20. Contested Namesakes: East Berlin School Names under Communism and in Reunified Germany (United States)

    Plum, Catherine


    In this article, the author discusses how the municipal authorities eliminate the names of all schools in eastern Berlin in 1990 to formalize the spontaneous purge of school identities. She added, that the renaming of primary and secondary schools at this historical juncture provides a unique vantage point for examining what the democratic turning…

  1. Estudo da validade e confiabilidade intra e interobservador da versão modificada do teste de Schöber modificado em indivíduos com lombalgia Study of validity and intra and inter-observer reliability of modified-modified Schöber test in subjects with low-back pain

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    Christiane de Souza Guerino Macedo


    Full Text Available Em pacientes com lombalgia, mensura-se a amplitude de movimento (ADM da coluna lombar por meio da versão modificada do teste de Schöber modificado (MTSM, mas suas propriedades psicométricas não são comprovadas para uso clínico. Este estudo verificou a validade e confiabilidade intra e interobservador do MTSM em indivíduos com lombalgia, comparando as medidas da ADM com as obtidas por meio de radiografia, método considerado padrão-ouro. Participaram 20 voluntários com lombalgia, de ambos os sexos, funcionários de um Hospital Universitário. O MTSM foi aplicado duas vezes por dois avaliadores. As medidas obtidas pelo teste e por radiografia foram comparadas usando o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, obtendo-se r=0,14, ou seja, correlação fraca. O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI dos MTSM intra-observador foi 0,96 (IC 95% 0,91;0,98 e interobservador 0,93 (IC 95% 0,84;0,97, indicando alta confiabilidade; o teste de Bland & Altman mostrou alta concordância intra e interobservador, com valores de -0,21 e -0,28, respectivamente. Embora tenha sido encontrada alta confiabilidade intra e interobservador na aplicação da versão modificada do teste de Schöber modificado, este apresentou baixa validade para medir a ADM da coluna lombar, quando comparado ao padrão-ouro.In patients with low-back pain the lumbar spine range of motion (ROM is often measured by the modified version of the modified Schöber test (MMST, but its psychometric properties have not been ascertained for clinical use. The purpose here was to verify intra and inter-observer validity and reliability of the MMST in subjects with low-back pain, and to compare obtained ROM measures to those obtained by radiography, taken as gold standard. The study involved 20 subjects with chronic low-back pain, of both sexes, employees at a university hospital. The MMST was applied twice by two examiners each. The Pearson correlation coefficient found when comparing

  2. Berlin Electron Storage Ring BESSY: a dedicated XUV synchrotron radiation facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muelhaupt, G.; Bradshaw, A.M.


    In response to national requirements in the fields of basic research, metrology and x-ray lithography it was decided in late 1977 to build a dedicated XUV synchrotron radiation source in Berlin. The history of the BESSY project, the user-oriented factors that determined the design parameters, the construction and commissioning of the facility as well as user operation and funding issues are reviewed

  3. At home, I’m a tourist: Musical migration and affective citizenship in Berlin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garcia, Luis-Manuel


    This article explores the ways in which musical, sonic, and more broadly sensory experiences of Berlin provide the ground for an ambivalent sense of civic belonging for a cadre of migrants affiliated with the city’s local electronic dance music scenes. Drawn from ethnographic fieldwork, the accounts

  4. ‘Communicating Manuscripts’: Third Conference of LIBER's Manuscript Librarians Group, Berlin, 28-30 November 2007

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    Jutta Weber


    Full Text Available LIBER's Manuscript Librarians Group held its third conference, entitled 'Communicating Manuscripts' in Berlin from 28-30 November 2007. More than 70 participants from all over Europe came to discuss their experiences and opinions concerning manuscripts (ranging from medieval codices to modern papers and letter collections — in response to a series of papers delivered by a number of specialists from European research libraries and archival institutions. For the Staatsbibliothek it was a pleasure to welcome them and to make the days in Berlin comfortable and successful.

  5. Piraten und Kapitalisten denken eine globale digitale Bibliothek. Eindrücke von der „Complicity – Berliner Gazette Konferenz 2013“

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    Corinna Haas


    Full Text Available Wie können „Piraten und „Kapitalisten“ zusammenarbeiten? Welche Komplizenschaften können Hacker und Journalisten, Profis und Amateure miteinander eingehen, wenn es darum geht, die Informationsfreiheit im Internet zu verteidigen? Diesen Fragen ging die „Complicity – Berliner Gazette Konferenz 2013“ im Berliner SUPERMARKT nach. Die Autorinnen kommentieren die Konferenz aus ihrer Perspektive als Teilnehmerinnen. Ihr Beitrag reflektiert die Konfrontation von Bibliotheksutopie und Bibliotheksrealität, den „piratischen„ Umgang mit Urheberrechtsproblemen und Open Access sowie die Interessenkonvergenzen von Bibliothekaren und Internetaktivisten How can pirates and capitalists work together? And how is it possible for hackers and journalists, professionals and amateurs to enter into complicity, in order to defend the freedom of information on the web? These were the issues the Complicity – Berliner Gazette Conference 2013“ dealt with at the SUPERMARKT in Berlin. The authors comment on the conference from a participant’s point of view. Their contribution reflects confrontations of utopias and realities of the library, „pirate„ ways to deal with copyright problems and Open Access, as well as the convergence of interests between librarians and internet activists.

  6. Mejoramiento de la técnica ATPM para reducción de interferencia en sistemas de banda ancha por línea de potencia en residencias

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    José Roberto Cárdenas Castiblanco


    Full Text Available La interferencia electromagnética producida por los sistemas de comunicación de banda ancha por línea de potencia (en inglés, Broadband over Power Lines [BPL] en redes residenciales es un aspecto técnico que no está totalmente solucionado. Este artículo presenta una técnica en la cual la longitud y la carga de los ramales de la red, cuya topología es de bus, son modificadas para variar la función de transferencia del canal entre un transmisor y un receptor, con el objeto de disminuir la densidad espectral de potencia (DEP del transmisor. El algoritmo que desarrolla esta técnica hace uso de tres principios teóricos encontrados: la ganancia por distancia, la construcción discreta de la capacidad de canal y direccionalidad de los nodos de transmisión y recepción. Se estudió una red típica y, como resultado, combinando esta técnica con la técnica conocida como Adaptive Transmit Power Management (ATPM se logró una reducción de 26.4 dB en la densidad espectral de potencia.

  7. Software as a Service: Herausforderungen bei der Einführung des Bibliothekssystems Alma in der Freien Universität Berlin

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    Jiri Kende


    Full Text Available Moderne Bibliothekssysteme werden zunehmend als Software as a Service (SaaS angeboten. Die Berliner Bibliotheken der Freien Universität Berlin, der Humboldt Universität, der Technischen Universität und der Universität der Künste haben für 2016 gemeinsam den Umstieg auf das cloudbasierte Bibliothekssystem Alma beschlossen. Der Aufsatz berichtet über die Herausforderungen während der zweijährigen Vertragsverhandlungen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf den Datenschutz.  Modern library management systems are increasingly offered as Software as a Service (SaaS.The libraries of the Free University Berlin, the Humboldt university, the Technical university and the University of Arts decided concertedly to move in 2016 to the cloud based next generation library management system Alma. The article reviews the challenges during the contract negotiations with a special focus on data protection.

  8. Inverting Images of the 40s: The Berlin Wall and Collective Amnesia. (United States)

    Loshitzky, Yosefa


    Examines images of World War II invoked in two live, international music concerts (one rock, one classical) celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall. Argues that Western television's choice of imagery represented the Wall's demise as a marker of the end of the Cold War rather than a vanishing monument of Germany's conflicted struggle with Holocaust…

  9. Measurement of population exposure by radiological screening in private companies in Berlin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dreyer, U.


    In the first quarter of 1975, 21,647 employees (males: 16,336; females: 5,311) of private companies in Berlin were screened. The mean number of exposures per examination was 2.3 (2.3 in males, 2.2 in females). The genetically significant doses (GSD) of this group was calculated to be 1.514 mrem/a. (orig./HP) [de

  10. - Special Report - Fall of the Berlin Wall - 20th Anniversary (United States)

    barrier followed. On Nov. 9, 1989, after East Germany promised greater freedom of travel, protestors . The Iron Curtain that divided Europe for decades finally fell, ushering in a new era of freedom and John F. Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech. June 26, 1963 White House Diary video - Kennedy’s

  11. Aceite de girasol, semillas y plantas con distribución modificada de ácidos grasos en la molécula de triacil-glicerol


    Garcés Mancheño, Rafael; Martínez-Force, Enrique


    El objeto de la presente invención es un aceite de girasol que se obtiene directamente de la semilla de girasol con de 12-40,8% de ácido esteárico calculado en relación al contenido total de ácidos grasos y con una distribución de ácidos grasos modificada entre las posiciones sn-1 y sn-3 de la molécula de triacilglicerol (TAG) comparado con el aceite obtenido del tipo silvestre de semillas de girasol. La invención también se refiere a una planta de girasol y a semillas que contien...

  12. Psychological distress and psychiatric disorders in primary health care patients in East and West Germany 1 year after the fall of the Berlin Wall. (United States)

    Achberger, M; Linden, M; Benkert, O


    The reunification of Germany confronted citizens in East and West Germany with many changes in their lives. These changes may be considered as critical life events. Especially for those in East Germany, life circumstances drastically changed, and individuals were increasingly required to adopt and develop coping capabilities. In addition to new opportunities and freedom, there was threatening uncertainty about the future. Theories of life events and stress postulate that threat events have an impact on human well-being. It was expected that there would be an increased rate of psychiatric morbidity after unification, especially in the eastern part of Germany. An international study by the WHO on psychiatric disorders in general health care was carried out in 1990, 1 year after the opening of the Berlin Wall, in both parts of Berlin and in Mainz, West Germany. This allowed for a comparison of the prevalence rates of psychiatric disorders among general health care patients in the East and West, after the euphoria immediately following unification had subsided. The prevalence rates of current ICD-10 diagnoses and of subthreshold disorders in East Berlin were similar to the rates in West Berlin and Mainz. The recognition rate of psychiatric disorders by physicians did not differ in East Berlin as compared to West Berlin and Mainz. Contrary to the prediction expected from the literature on individual negative life events, major changes in life circumstances and stressful life events on a societal level within 1 year did not have a major impact on psychological function.

  13. Qualidade do abacate 'HASS' frigoarmazenado submetido a atmosferas modificadas ativas

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    Rogério Lopes Vieites


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a conservação do abacate 'Hass'frigoarmazenado submetido a atmosferas modificadas ativas. Os frutos foram acondicionados em embalagem de náilon+polietileno e submetidos à injeção de mistura de gases, constituindo os tratamentos: I - mistura gasosa do ambiente (21,0 kPa de O2+0,03 kPa de CO2; II - 4,0 kPa de O2+5,0kPa de CO2 ; III - 4,0 kPa de O2+6,0 kPa de CO2 ; IV - 4,0 kPa de O2+7,0 kPa de CO2, e V- 4,0 kPa de O2+8,0 kPa de CO2. As embalagens contendo os frutos foram armazenadas em câmara frigorífica, a uma temperatura de 10±1ºC e umidade relativa de 90±5%, durante 25 dias, sendo as análises realizadas a cada 5 dias. As análises realizadas foram perda de massa, atividade respiratória, potencial hidrogeniônico (pH, firmeza, acidez titulável (AT, sólidos solúveis (SS e atividade das enzimas pectinametilesterase (PME e poligalacturonase (PG. O tratamento em que os frutos foram submetidos à pressão parcial de 4,0 kPa de O2+7,0 kPa de CO2 foi o mais efetivo na conservação dos frutos, principalmente pela menor perda de massa e baixa produção de CO2.

  14. Sordera por traumatismo acústico y accidentes auditivos en la Industria

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    Jorge García Gómez


    Full Text Available


    1. La sordera ocupacional debe ser motivo de preocupación en medicina industrial, por cuanto constituye grave problema para los obreros que trabajan en ambiente de intensidades superiores a 90 decibeles. Consideramos de capital importancia iniciar urgente campaña para el estudio preventivo y profilaxis del ruido.

    2. Los efectos que produce el ruído sobre la audición están ampliamente demostrados y, de acuerdo con la experiencia, su incidencia es cada día más frecuente en nuestro medio,
    donde un alto porcentaje del personal obrero trabaja en ambientes sin ninguna protección y con grave peligro para su función auditiva.

    3. La sordera ocupacional presenta características muy definidas, pero sólo un estudio otológico completo y la colaboración entre el otólogo, el ingeniero técnico en acústica y el
    médico industrial permiten definir la conducta por seguir, su profilaxis y su tratamiento.

    4. Las alteraciones orgánicas producidas en el oído por el trauma acústico son permanentes e irreversibles. Las estructuras del órgano de Corti una vez lesionadas no pueden ser

    5. Sugerimos la creación del Comité Nacional de Conservación de la Audición con un programa que incluya:
    a Formación de personal especializado.
    b Estudio, reducción y control del ruído en la industria.
    c Creación de la ficha audiológica obligatoria de ingreso para el personal obrero.
    d Control periódico, protección del personal y adaptación de protectores acústicos.
    el Establecimiento de normas mínimas acústicas en la construcción de las fábricas.

    6. Las tablas de indemnización laboral por sordera deben ser modificadas, adoptando un sistema práctico, conforme con la legislación establecidaen otros países.

  15. A catalogue of measures for the implementation of an examplary climate-friendly waste disposal in the State of Berlin. Final Report; Massnahmenplan zur Umsetzung einer vorbildhaften klimafreundlichen Abfallentsorgung im Land Berlin. Endbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vogt, Regine; Fehrenbach, Horst


    The waste management of the State of Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany) shall be re-aligned and optimized in particular under the aspects of resource protection and climate change in order to achieve a more relevant reduction of harmful greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) up to the year 2020. In order to evaluate these targets and in order to control the waste streams, an annual material balance, carbon footprint and environmental impact shall be created for non-hazardous wastes. Under this aspect, the authors of the contribution under consideration analyze the waste management situation in the State of Berlin with regard to the waste streams and the associated relevant greenhouse gas emissions. From this, optimization potentials are derived and optimized with respect to their reduction effects. A catalogue of measures for a possible implementation of identified measures is created. A user-friendly Excel tool was developed for the annual implementation of identified measures.

  16. Comportamento higroscópico do extrato seco de urucum (Bixa Orellana L Hygroscopic behavior of annatto (Bixa Orellana L dried extract

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    George Carlos dos Santos Anselmo


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, objetivou-se determinar a higroscopicidade do urucum na forma de extrato seco. Neste estudo foram obtidas as atividades de água do extrato seco de urucum para as temperaturas de 10 a 50ºC e teores de água entre 6 e 22% base úmida. A metodologia empregada para as determinações foi o método dinâmico em que se utilizou o equipamento Thermoconstanter Novasina TH-2. Para os resultados experimentais aplicaram-se as equações propostas por Henderson modificada por Thompson e Henderson modificada por Cavalcanti Mata e Peleg. Por meio das análises dos parâmetros encontrados concluiu-se que a equação que melhor se ajusta aos dados experimentais é a equação de Henderson modificada por Cavalcanti Mata e que as isotermas de adsorção de água do extrato de urucum seco se comportaram sigmoidalmente, sendo consideradas do tipo II.The objective of this work was to verify the higroscopicity of annatto seeds in the dry extract form. The isotherms were determined by the dynamic method with the Thermoconstanter Novasina TH-2 equipment. The equilibrium temperatures were 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 ºC to range of moisture content between 6 and 22%, wet basis. The equations proposed by Henderson modified by Thompson and Henderson modified by Cavalcanti Mata and Peleg were applied to the experimental data. Through the gotten parameters found concluded that the best equation to represent the experimental data is the Henderson equations modified by Cavalcanti Mata. It was also concluded that hygroscopic equilibrium isotherms of annatto seeds presented sigmoid forms, considered type II.

  17. Theories of modified gravity and reconstruction schemes of cosmological models


    López Revelles, Antonio Jesús


    [spa] En esta memoria de tesis se expone el trabajo llevado a cabo por el doctorando durante los últimos cuatro años, el cual versa principalmente sobre diversos aspectos de soluciones cosmológicas obtenidas a partir de teorías de gravedad modificada. Para entender el origen y la importancia de las teorías de gravedad modificada es necesario comentar antes algunos hechos acontecidos durante el siglo XX en el marco de la cosmología. La cosmología como ciencia nació gracias a la Teoría de la Re...

  18. Installation of a technological center for highly efficient optical gratings at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loechel, B; Erko, A; Lemke, St; Senf, F; Nelles, B; Schmidt, M


    In 2009 Carl Zeiss stopped the manufacture of precision gratings. All users of their gratings were very concerned about this decision, since they all need precision gratings for their experiments. One of the institutes of the HZB, the Institute for Nanometer Optics and Technology (INT), has extensive experience in micro fabrication (technology group). In spring 2010, HZB decided to take over the old C. Zeiss grating fabrication and build up its own technology center for grating fabrication. In March 2010, the INT applied to the Senate of Berlin for funding for our project from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). In October 2010, HZB received an approval of its application from the Senate of Berlin (contract No 20072013 2/43). Using this governmental support, HZB will install all necessary equipment and processes to fulfill these demands until end of 2013.

  19. Frecuencia de la colonización por Pneumocystis jirovecii en pacientes con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica en Bogotá, Colombia

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    Juan Felipe Burbano-Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: la colonización por Pneumocystis jirovecci (P. jirovecii se ha postulado como causa de deterioro de la función pulmonar en pacientes con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC. Se desconocía la frecuencia de aparición de la colonización por P. jirovencii en esa población en Colombia. Objetivo: documentar la frecuencia de colonización por P. jirovecii en mayores de 40 años con EPOC excluyendo a los pacientes que requirieran manejo inmunosupresor y a las personas infectadas por el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH. Materiales y métodos: se trató de un estudio de corte transversal, que contó con muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia y selección continua de pacientes. Se realizó PCR (reacción en cadena de polimerasa en tiempo real (rt-PCR del esputo inducido con el Kit LighMix de P. jirovecii (Roche®-Suiza amplificándose un fragmento de 244 pares de bases a partir del gen de la glicoproteína de superficie del hongo. Resultados: para una muestra de 52 pacientes en total, se documentó una frecuencia de colonización del 15,4% en todos los participantes mayores de 65 años, quienes además presentaron altos índices de sintomatología según la escala modificada Medical Research Council (MR Cm y el cuestionario de evaluación de la EPOC (CAT. La mayoría de pacientes analizados se clasificó como GOLD D (63% en la clasificación por la Iniciativa Global para la EPOC. Conclusiones: la frecuencia de colonización por P. jirovecii en pacientes con EPOC detectada por rt-PCR en el esputo inducido fue del 15,4%. Este constituye el primer estudio colombiano que evalúa la frecuencia de colonización del hongo.


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    Full Text Available Se implementó un modelo para la evaluación de la susceptibilidad a la erosión en el municipio de Anorí por medio de la utilización de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG que permitieron la evaluación espacial de las diferentes variables de un modelo basado en la Ecuación Universal de Pérdida del Suelo (USLE, y que tiene en cuenta el posible cambio de cobertura vegetal por el desarrollo a futuro de proyectos mineros. El modelo incluye las principales variables como son las hidrológicas (lluvia, escorrentía, la pendiente, la geología y las coberturas vegetales, esta ultima modificada para un escenario futuro con minería. El municipio de Anorí está ubicado en la región norte-nordeste antioqueño y presenta un valioso potencial minero, el cual se ha incrementado por los altos valores del oro en el mundo y por la denominada locomotora de la minería impulsada por el Gobierno Nacional. De acuerdo con los resultados del modelo, el cambio de cobertura vegetal por el desarrollo de los proyectos mineros a cielo abierto incrementa directamente la susceptibilidad a la erosión en el municipio de Anorí. En consecuencia, la gestión ambiental en el modelo de susceptibilidad a la erosión está basada en el manejo del cambio de las coberturas vegetales, mediante la implementación de mecanismos de prevención, mitigación y compensación, para evitar el incremento de la erosión. 

  1. Templehof Aprt, Berlin, Germany. Revised Uniform Summary of Surface Weather Observations (RUSSWO) (United States)



  2. Berliner Geowissenschaftlerinnen an der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität von 1906 bis 1945, eine Fallstudie

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    B. A. R. Mohr


    Full Text Available In dieser Untersuchung werden beispielhaft die Lebenswege und Karrieren von Berliner Geowissenschaftlerinnen im Zeitraum von 1906 bis 1945 nachgezeichnet und analysiert. Ähnlich wie an anderen deutschen bzw. westlichen Universitäten, aber im Gegensatz zu Russland, begann die Tätigkeit von Frauen in den Geowissenschaften spät, und das Fach wurde auch relativ selten gewählt, hauptsächlich wegen der zu geringen Berufschancen. Aber die besondere Situation in Berlin mit mehreren sich ergänzenden Institutionen und dem daraus resultierenden breiten Spektrum an geowissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, sowie ausgezeichneten Professoren, ließ dennoch Raum für eine Ausbildung in diesem Bereich und erlaubte, wenn auch in bescheidenem Maße, eine gewisse Karrieremöglichkeit. Während der hier untersuchten 40 Jahre haben weniger als 20 Frauen in den Geowissenschaften und benachbarten Gebieten promoviert. Mehrere dieser Frauen blieben in dem von ihnen gewählten Fach weiterhin aktiv und wurden erfolgreich. Zwei Frauen gelang eine akademische Karriere — eine als Universitätsprofessorin, die auch Schülerinnen hatte. Andere arbeiteten an staatlichen Institutionen, wie z. B. dem Geologischen Landesamt. Wenige Frauen blieben nach ihrer Verheiratung beruflich aktiv, wenn auch nicht offiziell angestellt, sondern als Ehefrauen. Andere arbeiteten als "Ersatz" für die im Kriege stehenden Männer. Einige waren aus persönlichen und politischen Gründen, insbesondere während der NS-Zeit, gezwungen, die Geowissenschaften zu verlassen, konnten aber teilweise auf anderen Gebieten erfolgreich arbeiten. This paper documents the lives and careers of women geoscientists at the Berlin Friedrich-Wilhelms-University from 1906 through 1945. Traditionally, in Germany, women had difficulties to be accepted in geosciences (except for geography/geology teachers, because of strong links between geology and mining, a field dominated clearly by men. In western European countries

  3. A Doubled Heterotopia: Shifting Spatial and Visual Symbolism in the Jewish Museum Berlin's Development (United States)

    Saindon, Brent Allen


    This essay considers the rhetoric of space in a rapidly transforming culture. Using Michel Foucault's concept of "heterotopias" to understand the rhetorical power of a building's disposition, it is argued that the Jewish Museum Berlin contains two heterotopias, one within the other. The first is Daniel Libeskind's original building…

  4. The polarized neutron small-angle scattering instrument at BENSC Berlin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keller, T.; Krist, T.; Danzig, A.; Keiderling, U.; Mezei, F.; Wiedenmann, A.


    A polarized neutron beam has been installed at the small-angle neutron-scattering instrument V4 at BENSC Berlin. The main component of this new option is a 1.8 m long cavity transmission polarizer. The advantages of this device compared to the conventional bender polarizers are: (i) high transmission (35% of unpolarized beam at λ=6 A); (ii) the polarization is better than 93% in the wavelength band 4 A 3 O 4 particles embedded in a glass matrix) are presented and compared to a measurement with unpolarized neutrons

  5. Comparação de parâmetros periodontais após utilização de contenção convencional 3x3 plana e contenção modificada Comparison of periodontal indexes after the use of conventional 3X3 plain retainer and modified retainer

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    Bianca Keiko Shirasu


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: o presente estudo teve como propósito comparar os parâmetros periodontais após a utilização de dois tipos de contenções ortodônticas fixas: contenção convencional 3x3 plana (fio ortodôntico 0,8mm retilíneo fixado apenas nos caninos contralaterais e a contenção modificada (fio ortodôntico 0,6mm com dobras permitindo o livre acesso do fio dental e fixado em todos os dentes do segmento anterior. METODOLOGIA: quinze voluntários primeiramente utilizaram a contenção convencional por seis meses. Após um intervalo de quinze dias, foi instalada a contenção modificada, utilizada pelo mesmo período de tempo. Antes de cada fase os voluntários passaram por raspagem e alisamento radicular dos dentes e orientação de higiene bucal. Ao final de cada fase os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados: índice de placa dentária, índice gengival e índice de cálculo dentário. Além disso, foi realizada a mensuração do cálculo no fio da contenção e todos os voluntários responderam a um questionário sobre a utilização, aceitação e conforto dos dois tipos de contenções. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: foi observado que o índice de placa e o índice gengival foram maiores para a contenção modificada (pAIM: the purpose of the present study was to compare periodontal indexes after the use of two types of bonded fixed retainers: conventional 3x3 plain retainer (orthodontic wire 0.8mm, bonded to the canine teeth only and the modified retainer (0.6mm multi strand wire, allowing free access to dental floss and bonded to all anterior teeth. METHODS: a test group of fifteen patients used the conventional retainer for 6 months. After a two week interval, the modified retainer was used for another 6 months. Previous to each phase, the patients went through tooth scaling, root planing and oral hygiene orientation. At the end of each phase the dental plaque index, gingival index and dental calculus index were evaluated. Furthermore, the

  6. Für Forschung und Kultur - Öffentlichkeitswirksame Darstellung bibliothekarischer Weltschätze und bibliothekarischer Wissenschaftsservices am Beispiel der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

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    Barbara Schneider-Kempf


    Full Text Available Die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin zielt auf eine wirksame Darstellung ihrer bibliothekarischen Weltschätze und ihrer Serviceangebote für die Wissenschaft ab. Sie ruht auf drei Säulen: kulturelle Breitenbildung für wenig bibliotheksaffine Kreise, allgemeine und breit gefächerte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie Aktionen, die sich an spezielle communities in der Wissenschaft richten. Der Beitrag informiert auch über die erfolgreiche Umsetzung dieser Strategie anhand zahlreicher Beispiele. Er zeigt, wie es der Staatsbibliothek in der Hauptstadt Berlin, in der viele Gedächtnisinstitutionen tätig sind, gelingt, öffentlich präsent zu bleiben und ihr Profil zu vermitteln. The public relations work of the Berlin State Library – Prussian Cultural Heritage aims at effectively presenting its globally significant treasures as well as its services for the scientific world. It is based on three pillars: cultural education for the general public, especially for people who are not naturally close to libraries; a general and wide variety of public relations work; and events which target special communities in science. The paper also presents many examples for the effectual implementation of this strategy. It shows how the State Library, in the capital city of Berlin with its many memory institutions, succeeds in keeping a strong presence and communicating its profile to the public.

  7. A Local Dimension of Integration Policies? A Comparative Study of Berlin, Malmö, and Rotterdam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Dekker (Rianne); H. Emilsson (Henrik); B. Krieger (Bernhard); P.W.A. Scholten (Peter)


    textabstractThis study examines three theses on local integration policies by a qualitative comparative case study of integration policies in three cities in three different countries (Berlin, Malmö, and Rotterdam). We found little evidence of a congruent local dimension of integration policies.

  8. A statistical downscaling approach for roadside NO2 concentrations: Application to a WRF-Chem study for Berlin (United States)

    Kuik, Friderike; Lauer, Axel; von Schneidemesser, Erika; Butler, Tim


    Many European cities continue to struggle with meeting the European air quality limits for NO2. In Berlin, Germany, most of the exceedances in NO2 recorded at monitoring sites near busy roads can be largely attributed to emissions from traffic. In order to assess the impact of changes in traffic emissions on air quality at policy relevant scales, we combine the regional atmosphere-chemistry transport model WRF-Chem at a resolution of 1kmx1km with a statistical downscaling approach. Here, we build on the recently published study evaluating the performance of a WRF-Chem setup in representing observed urban background NO2 concentrations from Kuik et al. (2016) and extend this setup by developing and testing an approach to statistically downscale simulated urban background NO2 concentrations to street level. The approach uses a multilinear regression model to relate roadside NO2 concentrations observed with the municipal monitoring network with observed NO2 concentrations at urban background sites and observed traffic counts. For this, the urban background NO2 concentrations are decomposed into a long term, a synoptic and a diurnal component using the Kolmogorov-Zurbenko filtering method. We estimate the coefficients of the regression model for five different roadside stations in Berlin representing different street types. In a next step we combine the coefficients with simulated urban background concentrations and observed traffic counts, in order to estimate roadside NO2 concentrations based on the results obtained with WRF-Chem at the five selected stations. In a third step, we extrapolate the NO2 concentrations to all major roads in Berlin. The latter is based on available data for Berlin of daily mean traffic counts, diurnal and weekly cycles of traffic as well as simulated urban background NO2 concentrations. We evaluate the NO2 concentrations estimated with this method at street level for Berlin with additional observational data from stationary measurements and

  9. Aplicaciones tecnológicas de las arcillas modificadas


    Zavala Huaytán, Candy Natalie; Zavala Huaytán, Candy Natalie; Zavala Huaytán, Candy Natalie


    Las arcillas de la familia de las esmectitas representan un grupo de minerales constituidos por filosilicatos, cuyas propiedades físico-químicas dependen de su estructura y del tamaño de grano, muy fino (menor a 2 pm). Una propiedad peculiar de estas estructuras es que presentan sustituciones isomórficas que permiten sustituir al átomo de silicio (Si), situado en el centro de los tetraedros, por otro de menor carga, como el aluminio (Al3+); igualmente, se puede reemplazar el aluminio de las c...

  10. Aplicaciones tecnológicas de las arcillas modificadas


    Picasso, Gino; Sun Kou, María del Rosario


    Las arcillas de la familia de las esmectitas representan un grupo de minerales constituidos por filosilicatos, cuyas propiedades físico-químicas dependen de su estructura y del tamaño de grano, muy fino (menor a 2 µm). Una propiedad peculiar de estas estructuras es que presentan sustituciones isomórficas que permiten sustituir al átomo de silicio (Si), situado en el centro de los tetraedros, por otro de menor carga, como el aluminio (A1(3+)); igualmente, se puede reemplazar el aluminio de las...

  11. Revisiter Séville à Berlin, pour mieux la voir.

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    Emmanuelle Tricoire


    Full Text Available Fabrizio Plessi expose au Martin Gropius Bau , à Berlin, à deux pas de la Potsdamer Platz extraite du néant depuis une dizaine d’années, jusqu’au 31 mai 2004. Cela s’appelle «  Traumwelt  », monde de rêve, monde rêvé. Au pop art américain des années soixante répond en écho la Nuova Figurazione italienne à laquelle participe Fabrizio Plessi. L’artiste vénitien expose abondamment depuis les années soixante, dans des musées, dans des châteaux, dans les espaces ...

  12. Open Access für Forschung und Kultur: Die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin unterstützt den offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichem Wissen


    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin


    Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1661 ist die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (SBB) für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. In dieser Tradition sowie im Bewusstsein ihrer besonderen historischen Verantwortung steht die SBB zu ihrer Verpflichtung, wissenschaftliches Wissen der Gesellschaft unbeschränkt und gleichberechtigt zur Verfügung zu stellen. Als Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz hat sie die Berliner Erklärung über den offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichem Wissen unterzeichnet. Deren Zie...

  13. Open Access für Forschung und Kultur: Die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin unterstützt den offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichem Wissen


    Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin


    Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1661 ist die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (SBB) für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. In dieser Tradition sowie im Bewusstsein ihrer besonderen historischen Verantwortung steht die SBB zu ihrer Verpflichtung, wissenschaftliches Wissen der Gesellschaft unbeschränkt und gleichberechtigt zur Verfügung zu stellen. Als Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz hat sie die Berliner Erklärung über den offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichem Wissen unterzeichnet. Deren Zie...

  14. Implementación de la filosofía hooponopónica modificada en el programa terapéutico para pacientes que funcionan a nivel neurótico

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    Roberto Anselmo Ramos Valverde


    Full Text Available Se fundamenta la implementación de la filosofía hooponopónica, modificada en el programa terapéutico de los pacientes que funcionan a nivel neurótico en el Hospital de Día de Las Tunas, lo cual responde a una de las líneas de investigación del proyecto institucional FiloArtMed. La filosofía hooponopónica de fundamento idealista, exotérico y negador de la realidad, de orígenes milenarios en Hawái, fue modificada teniendo en cuenta el significado de sus palabras claves: perdóname, gracias, lo siento, te amo, de acuerdo a los preceptos dialécticos materialistas de la Medicina y la Psicología cubanas, insertándola en el programa terapéutico integral del hospital de día para pacientes neuróticos como técnica cognitiva conductual reguladora del comportamiento, rectorizando las terapias a manera de núcleo terapéutico. Se desecharon sus preceptos acientíficos tradicionales y se incluyó, además, el ejercicio de meditación, derivado de esta filosofía, basado en el principio de la neuroplasticidad cerebral, como técnica de relajación y de limpieza mental, fungiendo como la entrada B de la psicoterapia grupal sistémica de regulación emocional

  15. Estudio comparativo de la estabilidadrotacional y traslacional de dos técnicas quirúrgicas de reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior mediante cirugía guiada por navegador: técnica monotúnel no anatómica vs técnica anteromedial anatómica


    Minguell Monyart, Joan


    Objetivo: Comparar las técnicas de reconstrucción del LCA por portal Anteromedial (AM) y la técnica monotúnel o Transtibial modificada (TT) desde el punto de vista biomecánico, anatómico y clínico a corto plazo, con un seguimiento mínimo de 1 año. Hipótesis del estudio: La técnica AM reproduce mejor la anatomía y biomecánica de la rodilla con el consiguiente mejor resultado clínico. Material y Métodos: Estudio prospectivo y aleatorizado en 106 pacientes afectos de ruptura crónica del LCA (55 ...

  16. IKEA heats and cools with urban wase water. First energy saving furniture centre in Berlin-Lichtenberg; IKEA heizt und kuehlt mit staedtischem Abwasser. Erstes Energiespar-Einrichtungshaus in Berlin-Lichtenberg

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Genath, Bernd


    In May 2010, the district major of Berlin-Lichtenberg (Federal Republic of Germany), Christina Emmrich, and the future boss of the Swedish furniture furniture IKEA, Jutta Iskalla, symbolically laid the foundation for the meanwhile 46th IKEA furniture store in Germany with a unique building engineering: The urban waste water heats and cools the office rooms and salesrooms via heat pump. The furniture centre is to be opened in December 2010.

  17. Desenvolvimento de nanocompósitos à base de amido de batata

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    Luciana Macedo Brito


    Full Text Available Nanocompósitos de amido de batata foram preparados pelo método de intercalação por solução, com a adição de argilas montmorilonita: organicamente modificada (Viscogel B8 e não modificada argila sódica (NT25 e de sílicas: modificada (R972 e não modificada (A200. Os nanocompósitos foram caracterizados pelas técnicas convencionais de difratometria de raios X e análise termogravimétrica. Foram caracterizados também por uma técnica denominada como não convencional, a ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN de baixo campo, que é alternativa e efetiva na caracterização de nanocompósitos. Com ela, pode-se investigar a dispersão das nanocargas pelo grau de intercalação e/ou esfoliação, além de verificar a distribuição e modificações da mobilidade molecular da matriz polimérica. Os materiais nanoestruturados obtidos com as argilas apresentaram boa dispersão e formação de nanomateriais mistos, com diferentes graus de intercalação e esfoliação. Ao adicionar as sílicas na matriz de amido pode-se observar uma diminuição da mobilidade do material, este efeito foi observado para ambas às sílicas utilizadas. Utilizando a técnica de TGA verificou-se um ligeiro aumento na estabilidade térmica do material produzido em relação ao amido.

  18. Literature in focus: A Berlin Romance

    CERN Multimedia


    The CERN staff have many hidden talents. Who knows, maybe a colleague you see every day is actually a virtuoso violinist, an accomplished sportsman or an internationally renowned collector. Mathilde Fontanet, a translator in the CERN Translation and Minutes Service, is a writer in her spare time. Those who read her first essays in the Graviton no doubt spotted her talent. Following the publication of four short stories, her first novel, 'Rabenstrasse 5', was published in Switzerland in May 2005. Its backdrop is the busy Berlin arts faculty in the early 1980s. Lydia, a student, meets a young woman who leads her into some rather unusual activities. In parallel, two friends, both professors of literature, each record their thoughts and emotions in a diary. The paths of Lydia and the two professors are to cross... The novel will be published in France on 14 October. Mathilde Fontanet will present it in the framework of a forthcoming 'Literature in Focus' event in the CERN Library. Mathilde Fontanet'Rabenstras...

  19. [Leaking: Frequency and correlates of announcements and threats of homicidal violence reported by Berlin schools between 1996 and 2007]. (United States)

    Leuschner, Vincenz; Bondü, Rebecca; Allroggen, Marc; Scheithauer, Herbert


    Threats and announcements of homicidal violence at schools may have massive consequences like evacuations, police searches, criminal investigations, or loss of the sense of security by students, teachers, and parents. However, there is a lack of systematic studies about that phenomenon. The present article would like to contribute to closing the research gap. It presents results about the frequency and structure of threats and announcements of homicidal violence in schools in Berlin. The study is based on an official dataset from school administration reports of violent acts in Berlin schools which has been studied within the Berlin Leaking-Projekt. The sample consists of 427 threats and announcements of homicidal violence between 1996 and 2007. The study is an exceptional analysis of the phenomenon: it presents crosscutting results about frequency and characteristics of threats and the threatening students as well as results of a longitudinal analysis about the development of threats and announcements. Results show a rate of 0,3 threats and announcements per 1 000 student and year. During the observation time span a steady increase of threats and announcements – year by year, influenced by imitation effects after school shootings – has been observed.

  20. Avaliação do ganho funcional do cotovelo com a cirurgia de Steindler na lesão do plexo braquial


    Rezende,Marcelo Rosa de; Massa,Bruno Sergio Ferreira; Furlan,Fernando Cesar; Mattar Junior,Rames; Paula,Emygdio Jose Leomil de; Santos,Simone Silva e; Freitas,Maura Cristina


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar ganho de força e amplitude de movimento do cotovelo após cirurgia de Steindler Modificada em pacientes com lesão do tronco superior do plexo braquial. MÉTODO: Foram acompanhados de 1998 a 2007 onze pacientes com lesão traumática fechada do tronco superior do plexo braquial. Todos apresentavam evolução de pelo menos 1 ano da lesão e grau de força de flexão do cotovelo que variou de M1 a M3. Os pacientes foram submetidos à cirurgia de Steindler modificada e seguidos por períod...

  1. Better utilisation of district heating systems. Sub-project: Optimization of heat distribution - the Berlin pilot project. Final report; Bessere Ausnutzung von Fernwaermeanlagen. Teilvorhaben: Optimierung der Waeermeverteilung - Pilotprojekt Berlin. Schlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Szepansky, T.; Ziemann, O.


    The Berlin pilot project comprises three aspects. (1) 'Generator simulation': Modelling of power generation systems in BoFiT was validated by means of existing calculation programs (Bewag) and measurements (HEW, HKW Hafen). (2) 'Optimization of pump use'. (3) 'Centralization of pressure maintenance'. The two latter aspects serve for optimized hydraulic control and supply assurance for validating network simulation in offline and online operation, including network data acquisition. [German] In KWK-Anlagen wird wirtschaftlich Strom und Waerme erzeugt. Der Aufwand fuer den Waermetransport ist vergleichsweise hoch. Automatisch geregelte und gesteuerte Umwaelzpumpen mit grossen Umwaelzwassermassenstroemen und Druckhoehen bieten ein hohes Optimierungspotential fuer die hydraulische Betriebsfuehrung von Fernwaermeversorgungsunternehmen. Der Einsatz von modular aufgebauten EDV-Systemen zur Betriebsoptimierung ist Gegenstand von staendig weiterfuehrenden Untersuchungen. Das Pilotprojekt Berlin 'Optimierung der Waermeverteilung' gliedert sich in drei Arbeitspunkte. Beim Arbeitspunkt 'Erzeugersimulation' wurde ausgehend von existierenden Kreislauf-Rechenprogrammen (Bewag) und Betriebsmessungen (HEW, HKW Hafen) die Modellbildung von Erzeugungsanlagen im Programmsystem BoFiT ueberprueft. Die Arbeitspunkte 'Pumpen-Einsatzoptimierung' und 'Zentralisierung der Druckhaltung' dienten der Optimierung der hydraulischen Betriebsfuehrung unter Einhaltung der Versorgungssicherheit zur Ueberpruefung der Netzsimulation sowohl im Offline- als auch im Online-Betrieb gekoppelt mit der Netzdatenerfassung. (orig.)

  2. Vom Geschäftsgang zum Prozess: Prozessmanagement in Bibliotheken am Beispiel der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

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    Cornelia Vonhof


    Full Text Available Der Beitrag skizziert den Weg der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin bei der Implementierung eines systematischen Prozessmanagements. Basierend auf den Erfahrungen aus einem Pilotprojekt werden Vorgehensweisen und Methoden reflektiert und weiterentwickelt, die sich eignen, in einer großen, arbeitsteiligen Organisation eingesetzt zu werden. Beleuchtet werden Motivationsfaktoren für Prozessmanagement sowie neue Ansätze wie Service Blueprint und Adaptiv Case Management, die das klassische Verständnis von Prozessmanagement erweitern. The article outlines the path of the Berlin State Library working towards the implementation of a systematic process management. Based on the experience of a pilot project procedures and methods are reflected and further developed to be suitable for a large, work-sharing organization. Motivating factors for process management as well as new approaches such as Service Blueprint and Adaptive Case Management, that expand the classical understanding of process management, are covered.

  3. Not what we expected: the Jewish Museum Berlin in practice

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    Peter Chametzky


    Full Text Available An extensive existing literature studies Daniel Libeskind’s deconstructivist design for the Jewish Museum Berlin (JMB. This article focuses instead on the museum’s exhibits from 2001 to today, their evolution in response to visitor criticisms, and their discursive setting, all of which exhibit museum and marketing professionals’ attempts to deal with, and to an extent to overcome, the theory driven and Holocaust-laden architectural programme. The JMB, in practice, while including the Holocaust as one component of visitors’ experiences, instead emphasizes Jews and things Jewish as a positive component of a ‘postnational’ version of the German national narrative.

  4. Isaiah Berlin and the role of education: from Riga to Oxford


    Silva, Elisabete Mendes


    Being the result of a lecture to Latvian students in May 2011, this article aims at introducing Isaiah Berlin, who was born in Riga in 1909. The focus will be on the man and the intellectual, how his life experience (his childhood in Russia and the fact that he was an emigrant in Britain) affected his intellectual route, and how he became a defender of liberalism and value-pluralism. Furthermore, special attention will also be given to Berlin’s opinions on Education, the way...

  5. Die Verfassung der Berliner Republik

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    Julian Krüper


    Full Text Available Contemporary constitutional history faces a methodological dilemma: Historiography traditionally calls for scientific dissociation, both temporal and individual, from its objects of research. Yet, changes in constitutional normativity are typically of an incremental nature and can best be studied through a close approach of the contemporaries. Given such a dilemma, this essay undertakes to analyze key features of constitutional law and science of the »Berlin Republic«. Its main thesis is that contemporary constitutional history in Germany can be seen as a »farewell to the interim«, which the »Bonn Republic« can be construed to have been. Several leitmotifs can be identified: The concept of constitutional identity gains attention and influences the discourses implicitly and explicitly. Among them are debates about the scope of constitutional rights (human dignity, freedom of speech as well as about the structure of the democratic and federal polity. Simultaneously, social change gives rise to fundamental constitutional questions such as religious pluralism or same-sex marriage. At the same time, the science of German public law, both within the dimensions of constitutional and administrative law, undergoes a profound process of self-ascertainment. This process brings about a renaissance of fundamental research in the fields of constitutionalism and theory of state.

  6. Ideologies, Policies and Practices in East Berlin before and after the Fall of the Wall. (United States)

    Calder, Pamela


    Examines changes in practices of two nurseries in East Berlin following reunification of Germany. Notes that after reunification, the extensive nursery school coverage for children under 3, and near universal coverage for children 3-6 was drastically reduced, and the ideological justification for coverage was systematically rejected. Discusses…

  7. Energy-related renovation in the world heritage. Retrofitting 'Glas-Hoffmann' buildings, Berlin; Energetische Sanierung im Weltkulturerbe. Sanierung 'Glas-Hoffmann'-Bauten, Berlin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brensing, Christian


    Between 1955 and 1959, the housing estate at the Schiller park in Berlin-Wedding (Federal Republic in Germany) established in the 1920ies was expanded by four-storey house lines, the so-called Glas-Hoffmann buildings. Since 2008, this ensemble belongs to the Unesco World Heritage. In improving the thermal insulation of the building envelope and the adaptation of the building services to today's standards, therefore the architectural aesthetics of these buildings should not be endangered. The retrofitting was a pilot project of the research project ''Monument and energy - Postwar Modernism''.

  8. Using Machine learning method to estimate Air Temperature from MODIS over Berlin (United States)

    Marzban, F.; Preusker, R.; Sodoudi, S.; Taheri, H.; Allahbakhshi, M.


    Land Surface Temperature (LST) is defined as the temperature of the interface between the Earth's surface and its atmosphere and thus it is a critical variable to understand land-atmosphere interactions and a key parameter in meteorological and hydrological studies, which is involved in energy fluxes. Air temperature (Tair) is one of the most important input variables in different spatially distributed hydrological, ecological models. The estimation of near surface air temperature is useful for a wide range of applications. Some applications from traffic or energy management, require Tair data in high spatial and temporal resolution at two meters height above the ground (T2m), sometimes in near-real-time. Thus, a parameterization based on boundary layer physical principles was developed that determines the air temperature from remote sensing data (MODIS). Tair is commonly obtained from synoptic measurements in weather stations. However, the derivation of near surface air temperature from the LST derived from satellite is far from straight forward. T2m is not driven directly by the sun, but indirectly by LST, thus T2m can be parameterized from the LST and other variables such as Albedo, NDVI, Water vapor and etc. Most of the previous studies have focused on estimating T2m based on simple and advanced statistical approaches, Temperature-Vegetation index and energy-balance approaches but the main objective of this research is to explore the relationships between T2m and LST in Berlin by using Artificial intelligence method with the aim of studying key variables to allow us establishing suitable techniques to obtain Tair from satellite Products and ground data. Secondly, an attempt was explored to identify an individual mix of attributes that reveals a particular pattern to better understanding variation of T2m during day and nighttime over the different area of Berlin. For this reason, a three layer Feedforward neural networks is considered with LMA algorithm

  9. Estrategia de genotipado del gen FMR1: Método de diagnóstico alternativo para el Síndrome X Frágil y otras enfermedades por expansión de trinucleotidos

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    Saúl Lindo-Samanamud


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Diseñar una estrategia alternativa por PCR para el genotipado de secuencias ricas en citosinas, basada en modificación nucleotídica. Material y métodos: Se modificó el gen FMR1 nativo de ocho individuos clínicamente no afectados por el Síndrome X frágil, cambiando las citosinas por uracilos, empleando bisulfito de sodio. El ADN modificado fue purificado y cuantificado por espectrofotometría. Las estructuras alternativas y potenciales islas CpG que adopta el microsatélite inestable fueron simuladas con los programas MFOLD y CpGplot. Se generaron cebadores específicos que hibriden tanto con el microsatélite modificado (Primer T y con una secuencia modificada de las islas CpG (Primer M, utilizando el programa MethPrimer. Finalmente, ambas secuencias fueron amplificadas por PCR y los amplicones fueron separados por electroforesis en gel de poliacrilamida (PAGE por sus siglas en inglés al 6% y visualizados con tinción de nitrato de plata. Resultados: La modificación del ADN fue evidenciada por espectrofotometría al uracilo. Las estructuras observadas en la simulación fueron las horquillas encontrándose dos potenciales islas CpG. La amplificación con los cebadores T, confirmó el diseño in silico desarrollado para abordar la estructura en horquillas. La amplificación con los cebadores M permitió detectar metilación de la primera isla CpG del gen FMR1.Conclusión: Se propone un diseño alternativo para amplificación de secuencias de microsatélite que contengan citosinas metiladas y no metiladas. Se requieren estudios posteriores con muestras de ADN que contengan microsatélites muy expandidos para validar su aplicación para diagnóstico molecular.

  10. Simulación de los shocks estructurales y coyunturales del sector turístico ern un destino canario afectado por estancamiento y declive

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    González Rodríguez, José Manuel


    Full Text Available En este artículo modelizamos la tendencia de la oferta turística en un área de la isla de Tenerife, en las Islas Canarias, cuyo crecimiento en los últimos años ha sido afectada por la conocida como fase de declive según la terminología de Butler. Utilizamos una versión modificada del “Point Matching Method” para resolver el problema deidentificación de parámetros en las ecuaciones logísticas y hemos obtenido una nueva versión de la ecuación de Bass que nos simula la tendencia real de la citada variable. Tal metodología se corresponde con la particular evolución de los diferentes destinos de atracción turística en el Archipiélago, que han completado sus ciclos de vida a despecho de intereses exógenos, asociados con la “particular” vinculación histórica de Canarias con la conocida Expansión Atlántica de ciertos países europeos. En concreto, basándonos en estudios previos podemos afrontar nuestro estudio al modo de la Teoría de la Lucha por Recursos Escasos, tal como fuera formulada por Vito Volterra. Por lo demás, los shocks de etiología coyuntural han sido enfrentados con un tratamiento de carácter estocástico, que nos ha permitido diferenciar la estructura epistemológica inicial de aquellos efectos puntuales, que habremos de asignar a la coyuntura económica de los países emisores de visitantes a nuestras Islas

  11. Extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy of highly charged argon ions at the Berlin EBIT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biedermann, C; Radtke, R; Fussmann, G; Allen, F I


    Extreme ultraviolet radiation from highly charged argon was investigated at the Berlin Electron Beam Ion Trap with a 2 m grazing incidence spectrometer. Lines in the wavelength range 150 to 660 A originating from C-like Ar 12+ to Li-like Ar 15+ ions have been identified and are compared with database information from solar line lists and predictions. Line ratios for the observed resonance, intercombination and forbidden lines offer important diagnostic capabilities for low density, hot plasmas

  12. Meta Isæus-Berlin: De animerade installationerna /The Animated Installations


    Weimarck, Torsten


    Meta Isæus-Berlin: The Animated Installations Torsten Weimarck At about the same time that I saw Meta Isæus-Berlin’s remarkable installation Ett vattenhem (A Water Home) at the Bo01 Housing Fair in Malmö I also happened to see Johannes Stjärne Nilsson and Ola Simonsson’s film Music for one appartment and six drummers which was shown as a supporting film in the cinema. It struck me that these works had interesting things to say about each other; that in spite of their manife...

  13. Pluralism v. relativism : an appraisal of Isaiah Berlin´s defence of pluralism


    Martins, Ana Vasconcelos


    Isaiah Berlin’s conception of pluralism is often confused with relativism. The purpose of this thesis is to assess the solidity of his arguments concerning the distinction between the two theories against the backdrop of two interpretations by two very different thinkers that similarly approximate pluralism to relativism: John Gray, the radical pluralist, and Leo Strauss, the steward of naturalism. Berlin tendered a conception of pluralism whereby the inevitable conflict among ...

  14. Manejo do etileno em ameixas 'Laetitia' armazenadas sob atmosferas controlada e modificada ativa

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    Thais Roseli Corrêa


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de condições de atmosfera controlada (AC e atmosfera modificada (AM ativa (filme PEBD de 40 µm, com duas perfurações de 1,0 mm de diâmetro, associadas ao manejo do etileno, sobre a manutenção da qualidade em ameixas 'Laetitia'. Os tratamentos avaliados consistiram no armazenamento refrigerado (60 dias a 0,5±0,1ºC em: atmosfera refrigerada (AR; 21,0 kPa O2 + <0,03 kPa CO2; AM; AM + baixo etileno (BE; AC; e AC + 1-MCP (1,0 µL L-1. As pressões parciais de O2 + CO2 (kPa foram de 1,0 + 1,0 e 2,5 + <0,1, em AC e AM, respectivamente. Os frutos armazenados em AC, independentemente do tratamento com 1-MCP, apresentaram retardo no amadurecimento, quando comparados aos frutos em AR. Contudo, os melhores resultados para a manutenção da textura da polpa e da acidez titulável foram obtidos em AC + 1-MCP. Os tratamentos não interferiram para a incidência de podridões, rachaduras e degenerescência da fruta. Frutos dos tratamentos AM + BE e AC + 1-MCP apresentaram menor escurecimento da polpa e maior aceitabilidade quanto à cor e ao sabor na análise sensorial em relação àqueles armazenados em AR.

  15. Estudio de libertad de operación para una línea genéticamente modificada de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.

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    Alejandro Chaparro-Giraldo


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Study of freedom to operate for a genetically modified potato (Solanum tuberosum L. line Título corto: Libertad de operación para papa GM Resumen: Durante el desarrollo de los productos biotecnológicos son utilizados materiales y procesos, que pueden estar protegidos por derechos de propiedad intelectual. Para evitar problemas legales en su comercialización, se deben realizar estudios de libertad de operación. Este estudio se realizó sobre una línea genéticamente modificada (GM de papa (Solanum tuberosum L. derivada de la variedad Pastusa Suprema, que expresa el gene Cry1Ac de Bacillus thuringiensis, desarrollada por la Corporación de Ciencias Biológicas y la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín. El punto de partida, fue la deconstrucción del producto, cuyo resultado fue la lista de materiales y procesos usados en el desarrollo del producto. Se buscaron en bases de datos nacionales e internacionales de acceso público, las solicitudes de patentes y patentes relacionadas. En el nivel internacional, se encontraron cuatro solicitudes de patentes y dieciocho patentes relacionadas, la mayoría de las cuales, no han sido solicitadas en Colombia. En el nivel nacional, se encontraron 13 solicitudes de patentes, que han caducado, han sido negadas, abandonadas, desistidas, o están en requerimiento. Se encontró que la variedad tiene registro comercial, pero no título de obtentor. También se examinaron documentos de las instituciones participantes, que contuvieran cláusulas sobre propiedad intelectual, y otros documentos de interés, como los acuerdos de transferencia de materiales (ATM. Se concluye que la libertad de operación puede estar afectada más por problemas detectados en los ATM y en la complejidad de los acuerdos interinstitucionales suscritos, que por los derechos de propiedad intelectual. Palabras clave: Derechos de propiedad intelectual, biotecnología, cultivos transgénicos. Abstract:

  16. [Psychoanalysis in the advanced vocational training of social workers, Berlin 1930-1933 (Verein Jugendheim)]. (United States)

    Schröter, Michael


    The Verein Jugendheim in Berlin-Charlottenburg was a holding organisation of welfare institutions and of training facilities for members of the caring professions. In 1928 it founded a Soziales Institute that offered various courses for advanced vocational training. In those courses depth psychology - mainly represented by the Adlerians, least by the Jungians and increasingly by the Freudians - had a prominent place. The role of the Freudian school was supported by the fact that two staff members of the Jugendheim (Hildegard Buder-Schenck, Ursula Graf [Laessig]) started their analytic training at that time. The main teachers of psychoanalysis at the Institute were Siegfried Bernfeld, Edith Jacobson and Steffi Bornstein; notes take by a student at one of Jacobson's seminars are documented in this paper. In general, in the psychoanalytic courses there seems to have been a shift from academic teaching of theory to case oriented supervision. The presence of psychoanalysis in the training program of the Jugendheim indicates the beginning of an institutional rapprochement between pedagogy or social work and psychoanalysis in Berlin, analogous to earlier developments in Vienna. The rise of the Nazis put a stop to this promising, yet hitherto completely unknown, chapter of history.

  17. Five years of proton therapy of tumours of the eye at Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heufelder, J.; Cordini, D.; Heese, J.; Homeyer, H.; Kluge, H.; Morgenstern, H.; Fuchs, H.; Hoecht, S.; Nausner, M.; Hinkelbein, W.; Bechrakis, N.E.; Foerster, M.H.


    Eye tumors (choroidal melanomas, iris melanomas, and choroidal hemangiomas) are being treated with 68 MeV protons since 1998 at the Ion Beam Laboratory of the Hahn-Meitner Institute of Berlin (Germany's first proton therapy center), in cooperation with the Charite University Hospital in Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin. The proton beam, generated via a combination of Van de Graaff accelerator and cyclotron, is prepared by passive shaping for conformal tumor irradiation. A digital X-ray verification of the tumor location with the patient in sitting position limits the position uncertainties to a maximum of 0,3 mm. The treatment planning is performed using the program EYEPLAN. OCTOPUS, a CT-based planning program developed in cooperation with the German Cancer Research Center of Heidelberg, is under pre-clinical testing. Thus far, more than 400 patients have been irradiated. The first results are comparable to those obtained in other proton therapy centers. At the end of 2002, the University Hospital of Essen has also become a cooperation partner of the Hahn-Meitner Institute. (orig.) [de

  18. Rate of cardiac arrhythmias and silent brain lesions in experienced marathon runners: rationale, design and baseline data of the Berlin Beat of Running study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haeusler Karl


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Regular exercise is beneficial for cardiovascular health but a recent meta-analysis indicated a relationship between extensive endurance sport and a higher risk of atrial fibrillation, an independent risk factor for stroke. However, data on the frequency of cardiac arrhythmias or (clinically silent brain lesions during and after marathon running are missing. Methods/ Design In the prospective observational “Berlin Beat of Running” study experienced endurance athletes underwent clinical examination (CE, 3 Tesla brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, carotid ultrasound imaging (CUI and serial blood sampling (BS within 2-3 days prior (CE, MRI, CUI, BS, directly after (CE, BS and within 2 days after (CE, MRI, BS the 38th BMW BERLIN-MARATHON 2011. All participants wore a portable electrocardiogram (ECG-recorder throughout the 4 to 5 days baseline study period. Participants with pathological MRI findings after the marathon, troponin elevations or detected cardiac arrhythmias will be asked to undergo cardiac MRI to rule out structural abnormalities. A follow-up is scheduled after one year. Results Here we report the baseline data of the enrolled 110 athletes aged 36-61 years. Their mean age was 48.8 ± 6.0 years, 24.5% were female, 8.2% had hypertension and 2.7% had hyperlipidaemia. Participants have attended a mean of 7.5 ± 6.6 marathon races within the last 5 years and a mean of 16 ± 36 marathon races in total. Their weekly running distance prior to the 38th BMW BERLIN-MARATHON was 65 ± 17 km. Finally, 108 (98.2% Berlin Beat-Study participants successfully completed the 38th BMW BERLIN-MARATHON 2011. Discussion Findings from the “Berlin Beats of Running” study will help to balance the benefits and risks of extensive endurance sport. ECG-recording during the marathon might contribute to identify athletes at risk for cardiovascular events. MRI results will give new insights into the link

  19. Computer-aided system for diabetes care in Berlin, G.D.R. (United States)

    Thoelke, H; Meusel, K; Ratzmann, K P


    In the Centre of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders of Berlin, G.D.R., a computer-aided care system has been used since 1974, aiming at relieving physicians and medical staff from routine tasks and rendering possible epidemiological research on an unselected diabetes population of a defined area. The basis of the system is the data bank on diabetics (DB), where at present data from approximately 55,000 patients are stored. DB is used as a diabetes register of Berlin. On the basis of standardised criteria of diagnosis and therapy of diabetes mellitus in our dispensary care system, DB facilitates representative epidemiological analyses of the diabetic population, e.g. prevalence, incidence, duration of diabetes, and modes of treatment. The availability of general data on the population or the selection of specified groups of patients serves the management of the care system. Also, it supports the computer-aided recall of type II diabetics, treated either with diet alone or with diet and oral drugs. In this way, the standardised evaluation of treatment strategies in large populations of diabetics is possible on the basis of uniform metabolic criteria (blood glucose plus urinary glucose). The system consists of a main computer in the data processing unit and of personal computers in the diabetes centre which can be used either individually or as terminals to the main computer. During 14 years of experience, the computer-aided out-patient care of type II diabetics has proved efficient in a big-city area with a large population.

  20. Perfil funcional, sociodemográfico e epidemiológico de idosos hospitalizados por fratura proximal de fêmur

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    Danielle Ferreira Santana


    Full Text Available A fratura proximal de fêmur (FPF está relacionada a altos índices de morbidade e a grande impacto sobre a capacidade funcional do idoso. O objetivo do estudo foi traçar o perfil funcional de pacientes idosos hospitalizados por FPF, analisando os tipos de fraturas, o mecanismo causal, e as características físicas e funcionais prévias ao evento. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo observacional, quantitativo, de corte transversal, cujos participantes eram pacientes hospitalizados por FPF. Foi utilizada uma Ficha de Registro para coletar os dados sociodemográficos. O grau de independência funcional e a capacidade de marcha prévia à FPF foram avaliados respectivamente pelo Índice de Barthel, o Questionário de Pfeffer e a Classificação Funcional da Marcha Modificada. A amostra foi constituída por 32 idosos com média de idade de 79 (± 9,5 anos e uma predominância do sexo feminino (71,8%, de cor parda (43,8% e baixa escolaridade. A maioria não morava sozinho e faziam uso de algum medicamento. Os idosos participantes, previamente à fratura, eram independentes para as atividades básicas da vida diária (ABVD, dependentes para as atividades instrumentais da vida diária (AIVD e não utilizam dispositivos para locomoção. A queda foi a principal causa da FPF, sendo as mais prevalentes a fratura de colo de fêmur (FCF e a fratura transtrocantérica (FTT. As comorbidades, os medicamentos, os fatores sociodemográficos, o deficit de marcha e a dependência funcional, podem estar associados à ocorrência de FPF em idosos.  

  1. Culture and comorbidity in East and West berliners. (United States)

    Fechner, Mary J


    Following the collapse of socialism, fluctuations in cardiac mortality rates in East Germany and a West-to-East cardiac health gradient became topics of interest. Researchers suggested possible causes for these phenomena, including stress from postsocialism. I proposed that a cultural investigation of heart disease comorbid with depression could inform our understanding of the potential health effects of the postsocialist transition. I conducted ethnographic and survey research. In the study described here, I administered a depression scale (CES-D) and an ethnographically derived measure of cultural stress (Good Life Survey) to over 200 East and West Berliners with cardiovascular disease. Comparison of the groups' depression means revealed no difference. However, correlation of the Good Life Survey and the CES-D revealed unique profiles of cultural variables associated with depression in the two groups, suggesting that culture shapes depression and cardiac risk. I discuss the value of cultural studies to comorbidity research.

  2. The Humboldt High Magnetic Field Center at Berlin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hansel, S; Mueller, H-U; Anh, T T; Richter, B; Rossmann, H; Ortenberg, M von


    The Humboldt High Magnetic Field Center is operated by the Chair for Magnetotransport in Solids of the Department of Physics of the Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin. It provides DC-magnetic fields up to 20 T, pulsed nondestructive fields of up to 60 T and megagauss fields of up to 331 T using a single-turn coil generator for experimental application focusing on solid state physics. Magneto-optical investigations are carried out in the MIR, NIR and visible wavelength range as well as transport and magnetization experiments. The facility is open to the scientific community and welcomes users within the European project EuroMagNET. The laboratory will be closed in fall 2006 but its experimental facilities will be further accessible to the community in other labs. The single-turn coil generator will be transferred to LNCMP, Toulouse, France, continuing to provide applicable megagauss fields to the European Community

  3. An attempt to validate the modification of the American-European consensus definition of acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome by the Berlin definition in a university hospital. (United States)

    Hernu, R; Wallet, F; Thiollière, F; Martin, O; Richard, J C; Schmitt, Z; Wallon, G; Delannoy, B; Rimmelé, T; Démaret, C; Magnin, C; Vallin, H; Lepape, A; Baboi, L; Argaud, L; Piriou, V; Allaouchiche, B; Aubrun, F; Bastien, O; Lehot, J J; Ayzac, L; Guérin, C


    The Berlin definition for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a new proposal for changing the American-European consensus definition but has not been assessed prospectively as yet. In the present study, we aimed to determine (1) the prevalence and incidence of ARDS with both definitions, and (2) the initial characteristics of patients with ARDS and 28-day mortality with the Berlin definition. We performed a 6-month prospective observational study in the ten adult ICUs affiliated to the Public University Hospital in Lyon, France, from March to September 2012. Patients under invasive or noninvasive mechanical ventilation, with PaO2/FiO2 Conference and the Berlin definition criteria. The complete data set was measured at the time of inclusion. Patient outcome was measured at day 28 after inclusion. During the study period 3,504 patients were admitted and 278 fulfilled the American-European Consensus Conference criteria. Among them, 18 (6.5 %) did not comply with the Berlin criterion PEEP ≥ 5 cmH2O and 20 (7.2 %) had PaO2/FiO2 ratio ≤200 while on noninvasive ventilation. By using the Berlin definition in the remaining 240 patients (n = 42 mild, n = 123 moderate, n = 75 severe), the overall prevalence was 6.85 % and it was 1.20, 3.51, and 2.14 % for mild, moderate, and severe ARDS, respectively (P > 0.05 between the three groups). The incidence of ARDS amounted to 32 per 100,000 population per year, with values for mild, moderate, and severe ARDS of 5.6, 16.3, and 10 per 100,000 population per year, respectively (P Berlin definition of ARDS. Neither the stratification by severity nor the PaO2/FiO2 at study entry was independently associated with mortality.

  4. Desenvolvimento de eletrodos de pasta de carbono modificada com 2-aminotiazol sílica gel para a determinação de metais em etanol combustível


    Takeuchi, Regina Massako [UNESP


    Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos métodos eletroanalíticos para a determinação de íons metálicos em etanol combustível, empregando-se eletrodos de pasta de carbono modificada com uma sílica organofuncionalizada com grupos 2-aminotiazol (CPE-SiAt). Foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre dois aglutinantes: Nujol® e parafina; sendo observado que este último foi mais apropriado para aplicações em amostras comerciais de etanol combustível. Além da utilização dos CPE-SiAt, empregou-se também um...

  5. Avaliação da adição de emulsificantes do tipo lecitinas modificadas na cristalização de manteiga de cacau e de chocolate amargo


    Eriksen Koji Miyasaki


    Resumo: As lecitinas modificadas de soja estão sendo introduzidas no processamento de chocolates como alternativa à lecitina padrão para melhorar as propriedades reológicas e de cristalização. A influência da adição de 0,2 a 0,8% (m/m) de lecitinas hidrolisada enzimaticamente, hidroxilada, em pó e acetilada na cristalização da manteiga de cacau foi avaliada. No chocolate, foram adicionadas as lecitinas hidrolisada enzimaticamente e hidroxilada nas concentrações de 0,1 a 0,3% (m/m). Os resulta...

  6. Olympics in Berlin in 1936 thougth the eyes of czech and german newspapers


    Nevšímalová, Aneta


    The bachelor thesis aims to introduce the reader to the difference between Czech and German journalism and the manner of informing about sport events during the eleventh Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. These Olympic Games were the first games in their modern history used for the purposes of propaganda. The thesis compares three significant Czech periodicals (Lidové noviny, České slovo and Venkov), with the German ones - Fehrbelliner Zeitung, Schwedter Tageblatt, Prager Tagblatt, and Deutsch-...

  7. The Berlin astronomer - Life and works of Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826) (German Title: Der Berliner Astronom - Leben und Werk von Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826) ) (United States)

    Schwemin, Friedhelm

    Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826), long-time director of Berlin Observatory, earned his merits by editing the “Astronomisches Jahrbuch” for many years, for producing a immaculate star atlas, and for writing a series of popular books. Today, astronomers still know the “Titius-Bode law” of planetary distances, which had been publicized by him. The author traces the life of this Hamburg-born scholar. He analyzes his works and tries to determine his place in the history of astronomy. The volume comprises texts of original documents from Bode's life, a bibliography of his works, as well as numerous historical illustrations, often published here for the first time.

  8. Vineberg Procedure by "Vineberg technique modified by Lobo Filho": morbidity and mortality in the imediate post operative period, angiography results and flow analyze of the left internal thoracic artery implanted Procedimento de Vineberg pela técnica de "Vineberg modificada por Lobo Filho": morbi-mortalidade imediata, resultados angiográficos e análise do fluxo na artéria torácica interna esquerda implantada

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    José Glauco Lobo Filho


    êmica do ventrículo esquerdo. O principal questionamento acerca desse procedimento é a capacidade de fornecimento de fluxo sanguíneo adequado para o miocárdio isquêmico. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os resultados angiográficos do procedimento de Vineberg pela técnica de Vineberg modificada por Lobo Filho e a morbi-mortalidade no pós-operatório imediato (POI, bem como analisar o fluxo na artéria torácica interna esquerda (ATIE implantada, em repouso e estresse. MÉTODO: De setembro de 1999 a abril 2002, em nosso serviço, oito pacientes foram operados pela técnica supracitada, na qual a introdução da artéria torácica interna na intimidade da musculatura do ventrículo esquerdo foi realizada com auxílio de um "kit" destinado à introdução de marcapassos cardíacos endocárdicos definitivos por punção da veia subclávia. Após seis meses, os pacientes foram estudados angiograficamente e submetidos ao ecodoppler da ATIE implantada. Para estudo do fluxo da ATIE pelo ecodoppler, constituímos dois grupos: "Grupo Vineberg", composto pelos oito pacientes citados; e o "Grupo Controle", composto por vinte pacientes, nos quais a ATIE foi utilizada para revascularizar diretamente a artéria interventricular anterior. O estudo angiográfico demonstrou perviabilidade de todos os enxertos em ambos os grupos. No estudo pelo ecodoppler, foram realizadas medidas de débito e velocidade de fluxo no enxerto. A análise dos dados obtidos foi feita pelo teste-T para amostras pareadas e não pareadas. RESULTADOS: Não houve óbitos ou complicações no POI. O estudo angiográfico demonstrou perviabilidade em 100% dos casos. O débito total observado foi cerca de 55% daquele encontrado no Grupo Controle. Em ambos os grupos, o débito total aumentou do repouso para o estresse. CONCLUSÃO: A técnica de Vineberg modificada por Lobo Filho pode ser utilizada com baixas taxas de morbi-mortalidade, alto índice de perviabilidade, oferecendo fluxo sanguíneo significativo em repouso e sob

  9. Deformidade de Sprengel: tratamento cirúrgico pela técnica de green modificada Sprengel's deformity: surgical correction by a modified green procedure

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    Sandro da Silva Reginaldo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Demonstrar os resultados estéticos e funcionais de pacientes submetidos à correção cirúrgica de escápula alta congênita - deformidade de Sprengel - por uma modificação da técnica de Green, bem como avaliar o grau de satisfação dos pacientes e as complicações da técnica utilizada. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados nove pacientes operados pela técnica de Green modificada, no período de setembro de 1993 a abril de 2008. Como modificação da técnica original foram realizados descolamento muscular subperiosteal, ressecção apenas da porção súpero-medial da escápula e, em vez da utilização de tração esquelética, optou-se pela fixação com fio de aço subcutâneo da porção medial da espinha da escápula à crista ilíaca posterior contralateral. A idade média dos pacientes foi de sete anos e três meses. O seguimento pós-operatório médio foi de três anos e sete meses. RESULTADOS: Houve incremento médio na elevação de cerca de 39º (variando de 0º a 80º . Segundo a classificação de Cavendish, obteve-se a melhora estética de dois graus em oito casos e de três graus em um. Todos os pacientes ficaram satisfeitos com o resultado. CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes com deformidade de Sprengel submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico por meio de uma modificação da técnica de Green, com fixação da escápula na crista ilíaca posterior contralateral em vez de se utilizar tração esquelética, apresentaram melhora tanto funcional como estética; todos os pacientes e/ou familiares ficaram satisfeitos e as complicações relacionadas com a técnica cirúrgica não interferiram no resultado final.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cosmetic and functional results of patients submitted to surgical correction of Congenital High Scapula (Sprengel's Deformity using modified Green's Procedure, as well as patients' satisfaction and complications. METHODS: Nine patients submitted to surgical treatment from September 1993 to April 2008 have

  10. Marble Deterioration and Climate: Examples from the Schlossbrücke Berlin (United States)

    Pirskawetz, S.; Siegesmund, S.; Weise, F.; Rieffel, Y.; Plagge, R.


    Protective structures for works of art or antique artefacts have a long architectural tradition and have been known in Germany since the 19th century. The effect of such covers on the microclimate around artworks of natural stone, and hence, their protective capability are insufficiently documented and understood. In 2007, an inter-disciplinary model project and part of a pilot study coordinated by the Berlin State Office for the Protection of Monuments was planned with the aim of developing an innovative winter covering system for marble statuaries located on the Schlossbrücke in Berlin. Such a system would need to fulfil the various requirements for structural stability, aesthetics, climate and practical use. This applied research represents the first complex scientific study of the sustainability of a winter covering system. A climate monitoring system was designed to create a dense database for the numerical prediction of the effect of protective systems, and to compare the given climate conditions to the known factors influencing the marble deterioration. Based on these findings a prototype of an innovative shelter was designed and tested. The project shows, that beside a temporary covering regular inspection and maintenance combined with regular cleaning ensures an effective and sustainable protection of marble sculptures. Such a maintenance program is the precondition for preserving the sculptures of the Schlossbrücke as a historical ensemble. Important scientific results of the project are transferable to similar objects of Carrara marble. The results throw a new light on the conventional protection of such objects and leads to a discussion on the necessity of an all-season protection.

  11. Implementation of the 2017 Berlin Concussion in Sport Group Consensus Statement in contact and collision sports: a joint position statement from 11 national and international sports organisations.


    Patricios, JS; Ardern, CL; Hislop, MD; Aubry, M; Bloomfield, P; Broderick, C; Clifton, P; Echemendia, RJ; Ellenbogen, RG; Falvey, ÉC; Fuller, GW; Grand, J; Hack, D; Harcourt, PR; Hughes, D


    The 2017 Berlin Concussion in Sport Group Consensus Statement provides a global summary of best practice in concussion prevention, diagnosis and management, underpinned by systematic reviews and expert consensus. Due to their different settings and rules, individual sports need to adapt concussion guidelines according to their specific regulatory environment. At the same time, consistent application of the Berlin Consensus Statement's themes across sporting codes is likely to facilitate super...

  12. Estimación de la prevalencia del trastorno por déficit de atención con o sin hiperactividad (TDAH en población escolar de la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias

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    Juan E. Jiménez


    Full Text Available Este estudio ha tenido por finalidad determinar la prevalencia del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con o sin Hiperactividad (TDAH en la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias, en la población de 6 a 12 años. Para ello, el muestreo utilizado fue polietápico estratificado y proporcional por conglomerados. Los estratos fueron el tipo de colegio, la y el nivel educativo, y los conglomerados fueron los colegios. A partir de una muestra de estudio de 118.467 alumnos escolarizados en centros ordinarios, se obtuvo una muestra al azar de 2.395 alumnos. Se utilizaron las escalas Attention-Deficit/Hiperactivity Disorder Rating Scales IV (ADHD RS-IV modificadas para padres y maestros. Se encontró una tasa global de prevalencia del 4.9%, de los cuales el 3.1% fueron del subtipo inatento, el 1.1% hiperactivo, y el 0.7% combinado. Solo se encontraron diferencias significativas en función del sexo, donde la incidencia fue superior en varones. Las implicaciones educativas y socio sanitarias de los hallazgos encontrados nos sugieren la importancia de llevar a cabo una identificación, diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano, lo que ayudará a que los niños identificados con TDAH puedan desarrollar todo su potencial, y con ello una reducción importante del gasto público.

  13. Electromobility in metropolitan regions. The case study MINI E Berlin powered by Vattenfall; Elektromobilitaet in Metropolregionen. Die Feldstudie MINI E Berlin powered by Vattenfall

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krems, Josef F.; Weinmann, Oliver; Weber, Julian; Westermann, Dirk; Albayrak, Sahin (eds.)


    One promising option of the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases and the promotion of the climate protection is the utilization of electric-powered vehicles. The customer acceptance and practical suitability of electric-powered vehicles are essential factors of success which are investigated within the Berlin field test 'MINI E 1.0 powered by Vattenfall' from the perspective of energy industry, vehicle manufacturer and the science. Beside the hurdles up to the establishment in the mass market, it is shown how the users with aspects specific for electric-powered vehicles interact, and how the controlled loading facilitates the optimal integration of wind power. The comprehensive collection of subjective and objective data as well as detailed information on the conception of the case study complete the contribution under consideration.

  14. From Rail-Oriented to Automobile-Oriented Urban Development and Back. 100 Years of Paradigm Change and Transport Policy in Berlin

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    Friedemann Kunst


    Full Text Available Transport and its side effects are major problems in rapidly growing cities. Car traffic dominates these cities and pollutes the environment without being able to sufficiently secure the mobility of the urban population and goods. A paradigm shift in urban and transport policy will be necessary to change this situation. In spite of its different development dynamics, Berlin is an interesting example to discuss development strategies for rapidly growing cities because in the course of more than 100 years, a twofold paradigm shift has occurred in the city both conceptually and practically:  Berlin has shifted from a city dominated by rail traffic  to an automobile-oriented city,  and has then gradually transformed back into a city in which  an intertwined system of public and non-motorized individual means of transport secures the mobility of the urban population. The interdependencies on the conceptual level between urban planning and transport policies as well as on a practical level between urban structures and transport systems can be studied using the example of Berlin. Experiences with the implementation of automobile-oriented planning and the special conditions in the first decade after reunification led to protests, reflection, and a revision of the transport policy. A strategically designed process of integrated planning has brought about a trend reversal, and steered the development of transport in the direction of clearly formulated sustainability-oriented objectives. In this process, the reintegration of transport and spatial planning and a reorganization of institutional structures at the administrative level was of particular importance. Compact, rail-oriented settlement structures like in the metropolitan region of Berlin make it easier to dispense with automobiles than sprawled structures. The residual role that qualitatively improved automobiles will take in the cities of the future will have to be determined by research and

  15. A LA LUZ DE LAS CÚPULAS. RESTAURACIÓN DEL REICHSTAG DE BERLÍN (1992–1999. FOSTER & PARTNERS / In the light of the cupolas: restoration of the Reichstag of Berlin (1992–1999 Foster & Partners

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    Manuel Trillo de Leyva


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Durante el curso académico 2000-2001, los profesores del Aula Taller F realizaron un seminario dedicado a la arquitectura contemporánea de Berlín. Además de las conferencias impartidas se visitaron las obras que habían sido analizadas en el seminario. Este artículo, escrito en marzo de 2001, añade una reflexión final, escrita en marzo del año 2002, consecuencia de esa visita conjunta que, profesores y estudiantes, realizaron al Reigchstag. Con el cambio de milenio, las principales ciudades europeas tratan de actualizarse utilizando la arquitectura de vanguardia y recurriendo a las principales firmas del momento. La forma de reconstruir Berlín entra en debate tras la experiencia de la IBA de los años ochenta. La reconstrucción del Reichstag supone además recuperar parte de la historia reciente de esta ciudad. Convertido en el símbolo de Berlín desde la era Guillermina, se mantuvo en la caída de la República de Weimar, durante el régimen de Hitler y con la división y finalmente reunificación de Alemania. El proyecto de Paul Wallot, la intervención de Paul Baumgarten y la propuesta de Norman Foster dan testimonio de esta historia a la que no son ajenas las diferentes decisiones que los arquitectos tuvieron que tomar en cada momento. El concurso, compuesto por dos fases, planteaba sobre todo el problema de la reconstrucción de la cúpula demolida por Baumgarten. Foster realizó dos proyectos distintos, uno en cada fase, con cambios sustanciales, en el basamento y en la forma de la cubrición del espacio central de la Sala de la Asamblea. Impuesta la reconstrucción de la cúpula, con la solución definitiva propuesta por Foster, se recupera el sentido público de este edifico en la ciudad y se muestra una vez más el camino emprendido por este arquitecto para lograr nuevos ingenios modulares y prefabricados en arquitectura. La tecnología utilizada sobrepasa los límites de la forma para hacer de este edificio una

  16. Muusikamaailm : Berliner Festwochen septembris. "Nibelungide sõrmus" Seattle'is. Festival San Sebastianis. "Arshak II" maailmaesietendus. Ivan Rebroff 70 / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Festivalist Berliner Festwochen. Wagneri tetraloogia "Nibelungide sõrmus" etendustest USA festivalil "Seattle'i suveooper". Hispaanias San Sebastianis toimunud festivalist "Quincena Musical". T. Tshuhhadzhjani ooperi "Arshak II" maailmaesiettekandest San Francisco Ooperis. Lühidalt I. Rebroffist

  17. Occurrence and distribution of psychoactive compounds and their metabolites in the urban water cycle of Berlin (Germany). (United States)

    Hass, Ulrike; Duennbier, Uwe; Massmann, Gudrun


    The occurrence and distribution of six psychoactive compounds (primidone, phenobarbital, oxazepam, diazepam, meprobamate, and pyrithyldione) and a metabolite of primidone (phenylethylmalonamide) were investigated in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents, surface water, groundwater of a bank filtration site, raw and final drinking water, and in groundwater affected by former sewage irrigation. Primidone and its metabolite phenylethylmalonamide were found to be ubiquitous in environmental water samples in Berlin. Maximum concentrations of 0.87 and 0.42 μg/L, respectively, were encountered in WWTP effluents. Both compounds are apparently not removed when passaging through the different compartments of the water cycle and concentrations are only reduced by dilution. Phenobarbital was present at nearly every stage of the Berlin water cycle with the exception of raw and final drinking water. The highest concentrations of phenobarbital (up to 0.96 μg/L) were measured in groundwater influenced by former sewage irrigation. Oxazepam was only present in WWTP effluents and surface waters (up to 0.18 μg/L), while diazepam was not detected in any matrix. Due to their withdrawal from the German market years ago, the pharmaceuticals meprobamate and pyrithyldione were only found in sewage farm groundwater (up to 0.50 and 0.04 μg/L, respectively) and, in case of meprobamate, also in decade old bank filtrate (0.03 μg/L). Our results indicate a high persistence of some of the investigated compounds in the aquatic system. As a consequence, these pollutants may potentially reach drinking water resources via bank filtration if present in WWTP effluents and/or surface waters in partly closed water cycles such as Berlin's. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. El sistema de áreas naturales protegidas y su rol para la conservación del agua : Aproximación al conocimiento de la presencia de diferentes cuerpos de aguas en el Sistema Provincial de Áreas Naturales Protegidas de la provincia de Buenos Aires


    Romero, María Cristina


    El Sistema de Áreas Naturales Protegidas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (SANP) está regulado por la ley 10907 (B.O. 6/6/90) reglamentada por el decreto 218/94 y modificada por la ley 12.459 (B.O. 26/7/2000). El mismo permite la protección de la biodiversidad de los diferentes ecosistemas de la provincia, a través de la conformación de unidades de conservación funcionales (Reservas Naturales), las que nos brindan servicios ambientales para la sociedad, como protección de sectores de cuencas h...

  19. Adição de Zn e absorção, translocação e utilização de Zn e P por cultivares de cafeeiro

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    Reis Jr. Roberto dos Anjos


    Full Text Available A crescente exigência de nutrientes, especialmente micronutrientes, pelos cultivares de café vem exigindo uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica desses nutrientes no sistema solo-planta. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de concentrações de Zn (0,4 ; 1,3 e 2,3 mimol Zn L-1 na solução nutritiva sobre o crescimento, produção de matéria seca, eficiência de absorção, translocação e utilização de Zn e P em dois cultivares de café (Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí e Coffea canephora cv. Conilon, foi realizado um experimento sob delineamento inteiramente casualizado com esquema fatorial 3 × 2 (três doses de Zn e dois cultivares com três repetições. Plantas de café dos dois cultivares estudados foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação, com solução nutritiva completa por 50 dias, após os quais receberam solução nutritiva modificada com três doses de Zn. Aos 114 dias após a transferência para a solução nutritiva modificada, as plantas foram coletadas e separadas em folhas superiores, inferiores, caule e raízes. Foram avaliadas altura do caule, número de ramificações laterais, área foliar, produção de matéria seca e conteúdos de P e Zn nas diversas partes da planta, além das eficiências de absorção, translocação e utilização de P e Zn. A dose 2,3 mimol Zn L-1 proporcionou os maiores valores para as características de crescimento avaliadas, tanto para o cultivar Catuaí, quanto para Conilon. Os maiores conteúdos de Zn observados no Catuaí indicam que este é mais exigente em Zn que o Conilon na fase de mudas. O Conilon apresentou menores eficiências de absorção e translocação e maior eficiência de utilização de Zn, refletindo sua menor demanda por este nutriente. As concentrações de Zn empregadas neste experimento não promoveram interação Zn-P.

  20. The Berlin definition of ARDS: an expanded rationale, justification, and supplementary material. (United States)

    Ferguson, Niall D; Fan, Eddy; Camporota, Luigi; Antonelli, Massimo; Anzueto, Antonio; Beale, Richard; Brochard, Laurent; Brower, Roy; Esteban, Andrés; Gattinoni, Luciano; Rhodes, Andrew; Slutsky, Arthur S; Vincent, Jean-Louis; Rubenfeld, Gordon D; Thompson, B Taylor; Ranieri, V Marco


    Our objective was to revise the definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) using a conceptual model incorporating reliability and validity, and a novel iterative approach with formal evaluation of the definition. The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine identified three chairs with broad expertise in ARDS who selected the participants and created the agenda. After 2 days of consensus discussions a draft definition was developed, which then underwent empiric evaluation followed by consensus revision. The Berlin Definition of ARDS maintains a link to prior definitions with diagnostic criteria of timing, chest imaging, origin of edema, and hypoxemia. Patients may have ARDS if the onset is within 1 week of a known clinical insult or new/worsening respiratory symptoms. For the bilateral opacities on chest radiograph criterion, a reference set of chest radiographs has been developed to enhance inter-observer reliability. The pulmonary artery wedge pressure criterion for hydrostatic edema was removed, and illustrative vignettes were created to guide judgments about the primary cause of respiratory failure. If no risk factor for ARDS is apparent, however, objective evaluation (e.g., echocardiography) is required to help rule out hydrostatic edema. A minimum level of positive end-expiratory pressure and mutually exclusive PaO(2)/FiO(2) thresholds were chosen for the different levels of ARDS severity (mild, moderate, severe) to better categorize patients with different outcomes and potential responses to therapy. This panel addressed some of the limitations of the prior ARDS definition by incorporating current data, physiologic concepts, and clinical trials results to develop the Berlin definition, which should facilitate case recognition and better match treatment options to severity in both research trials and clinical practice.

  1. A Local Dimension of Integration Policies? A Comparative Study of Berlin, Malmö, and Rotterdam


    Dekker, Rianne; Emilsson, Henrik; Krieger, Bernhard; Scholten, Peter


    textabstractThis study examines three theses on local integration policies by a qualitative comparative case study of integration policies in three cities in three different countries (Berlin, Malmö, and Rotterdam). We found little evidence of a congruent local dimension of integration policies. Local policies resemble their national policy frameworks fairly well in terms of policy approaches and domains. Our multi-level perspective shows that this is not the result of top-down hierarchical g...

  2. Análise de Sistemas de Geração de Energia Elétrica com Base na Pegada Ecológica Modificada

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    Bruno Silva de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho determina a Pegada Ecológica modificada e a Capacidade de Carga (Zhao et al., 2004 de três sistemas de geração de energia elétrica com uso de combustíveis renováveis e as compara. Foram estudados os sistemas de Utilização de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos em um Aterro Sanitário na cidade de São Paulo (Frimaio, 2011, Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes na cidade de Uppsala na Suécia (Bjorklund, et al., 2001 e uma Usina Autônoma localizada em São Paulo (Silva, 2006. Os resultados obtidos apontam que o sistema de Aproveitamento de resíduos apresenta melhor performance com relação ao sistema de Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto a Usina Autônoma.

  3. High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on Mars Express - a decade of PR/EO activities at Freie Universität Berlin (United States)

    Balthasar, Heike; Dumke, Alexander; van Gasselt, Stephan; Gross, Christoph; Michael, Gregory; Musiol, Stefanie; Neu, Dominik; Platz, Thomas; Rosenberg, Heike; Schreiner, Björn; Walter, Sebastian


    Since 2003 the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) experiment on the Mars Express mission is in orbit around Mars. First images were sent to Earth on January 14th, 2004. The goal-oriented HRSC data dissemination and the transparent representation of the associated work and results are the main aspects that contributed to the success in the public perception of the experiment. The Planetary Sciences and Remote Sensing Group at Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) offers both, an interactive web based data access, and browse/download options for HRSC press products []. Close collaborations with exhibitors as well as print and digital media representatives allows for regular and directed dissemination of, e.g., conventional imagery, orbital/synthetic surface epipolar images, video footage, and high-resolution displays. On a monthly basis we prepare press releases in close collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) []. A release comprises panchromatic, colour, anaglyph, and perspective views of a scene taken from an HRSC image of the Martian surface. In addition, a context map and descriptive texts in English and German are provided. More sophisticated press releases include elaborate animations and simulated flights over the Martian surface, perspective views of stereo data combined with colour and high resolution, mosaics, and perspective views of data mosaics. Altogether 970 high quality PR products and 15 movies were created at FUB during the last decade and published via FUB/DLR/ESA platforms. We support educational outreach events, as well as permanent and special exhibitions. Examples for that are the yearly "Science Fair", where special programs for kids are offered, and the exhibition "Mars Mission and Vision" which is on tour until 2015 through 20 German towns, showing 3-D movies, surface models, and images of the HRSC

  4. Comments on the art and research project ‘The division of the earth: tableaux on the legal synopses of the Berlin Africa conference’

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    Dierk Schmidt


    Full Text Available Is pictorial language able to convey a juridical abstraction? This co-authored text addresses that question in the context of the geo-political division of Africa after the Berlin Africa Conference (Congo Conference, as a means to conceptualise colonial rule in 1884/85 – and its manifold grave consequences – as a historical by-product of Europe’s political and aesthetic modernity. Is there any value in representing the image of genocide, (while acknowledging the ‘impossibility’ of its representation? With these issues in mind, lawyer Malte Jaguttis and artist Dierk Schmidt offer a commentary based on their project, ‘The division of the earth — Tableaux on the legal synopses of the Berlin Africa Conference’.

  5. Marginal leakage of polyacid-modified composite resin restorations in primary molars: an in vitro study Infiltração marginal em restaurações de resinas compostas modificadas por poliácidos, em molares decíduos: estudo in vitro

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    Cleide Cristina R. Martinhon


    Full Text Available The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the marginal leakage in primary molars restored with 2 polyacid-modified composite resins (Dyract AP - Dentsply and F2000 - 3M and a composite resin (Filtek Z250 - 3M as control. First and second primary molars were used for preparation of cavities on the proximal surfaces, with extension of the gingival margin to the cementoenamel junction. Restorations were accomplished after total etching and application of the respective adhesive system, and were divided into groups according to the restorative system and the number of adhesive layers used. The teeth were stored in distilled water for 7 days, followed by thermocycling with 500 cycles at 5ºC - 55ºC, with one minute in each bath. Thereafter, teeth were prepared for immersion in 0.5% methylene blue solution for four hours. The teeth were sectioned in mesiodistal direction for assessment of dye penetration. According to the results of the Kruskal-Wallis test, the three restorative materials employed did not completely avoid marginal leakage at the gingival margin of primary molars. The marginal leakage of PMCR F2000 (4.06 and 3.95 displayed to be higher than the marginal leakage observed for the materials Dyract AP (2.7 and 2.55 and Filtek Z250 (2.25 and 2.43. The number of adhesive layers did not influence the degree of leakage of the three materials.O estudo in vitro avaliou a infiltração marginal em molares decíduos restaurados com três materiais resinosos: as resinas compostas modificadas por poliácidos (Dyract AP - Dentsply e F2000 - 3M e uma resina composta (Filtek Z 250 como grupo controle. Foram utilizados primeiros e segundos molares decíduos hígidos e as cavidades foram confeccionadas nas faces proximais, estendendo-se até a junção amelo-cementária. As restaurações foram realizadas após o condicionamento ácido total e a aplicação dos sistemas adesivos divididas em grupos de acordo com o sistema restaurador e o n

  6. Urban climate modifies tree growth in Berlin (United States)

    Dahlhausen, Jens; Rötzer, Thomas; Biber, Peter; Uhl, Enno; Pretzsch, Hans


    Climate, e.g., air temperature and precipitation, differs strongly between urban and peripheral areas, which causes diverse life conditions for trees. In order to compare tree growth, we sampled in total 252 small-leaved lime trees ( Tilia cordata Mill) in the city of Berlin along a gradient from the city center to the surroundings. By means of increment cores, we are able to trace back their growth for the last 50 to 100 years. A general growth trend can be shown by comparing recent basal area growth with estimates from extrapolating a growth function that had been fitted with growth data from earlier years. Estimating a linear model, we show that air temperature and precipitation significantly influence tree growth within the last 20 years. Under consideration of housing density, the results reveal that higher air temperature and less precipitation led to higher growth rates in high-dense areas, but not in low-dense areas. In addition, our data reveal a significantly higher variance of the ring width index in areas with medium housing density compared to low housing density, but no temporal trend. Transferring the results to forest stands, climate change is expected to lead to higher tree growth rates.

  7. Urban climate modifies tree growth in Berlin (United States)

    Dahlhausen, Jens; Rötzer, Thomas; Biber, Peter; Uhl, Enno; Pretzsch, Hans


    Climate, e.g., air temperature and precipitation, differs strongly between urban and peripheral areas, which causes diverse life conditions for trees. In order to compare tree growth, we sampled in total 252 small-leaved lime trees (Tilia cordata Mill) in the city of Berlin along a gradient from the city center to the surroundings. By means of increment cores, we are able to trace back their growth for the last 50 to 100 years. A general growth trend can be shown by comparing recent basal area growth with estimates from extrapolating a growth function that had been fitted with growth data from earlier years. Estimating a linear model, we show that air temperature and precipitation significantly influence tree growth within the last 20 years. Under consideration of housing density, the results reveal that higher air temperature and less precipitation led to higher growth rates in high-dense areas, but not in low-dense areas. In addition, our data reveal a significantly higher variance of the ring width index in areas with medium housing density compared to low housing density, but no temporal trend. Transferring the results to forest stands, climate change is expected to lead to higher tree growth rates.

  8. Performance of natural and modified smectite: kinetic and thermodynamics involving arsenic (V adsorption Desempenho de esmectita natural e modificada: cinética e termodinâmica envolvendo adsorção de arsênio (V

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    D. L Guerra


    Full Text Available A natural smectite sample has been modified by organofunctionalization process using synthetic route involved the reaction of 2-mercaptopyrimidine with 3-chloropropyltriethoxysilane. The resulting material (S MPY was characterized by SEM, FTIR, textural analysis and 29Si MAS-NMR. The ability of this material to removed As (V from aqueous solution was followed by series of adsorption isotherms adjusted to the Langmuir equation at room temperature and pH 2.0. The kinetic parameters analyzed by Lagergren and Elovich models gave a good fit for a pseudo-second order reaction with k2 in the 4.9 to 14.0 mmol-1 min-1 range for S MPY. The adsorption process was exothermic (ΔintH = -4.09 to -5.79 kJ.mol-1 accompanied by increase in entropy (ΔintS = 41.29 to 61.80 JK-1.mol-1 and Gibbs energy (ΔintG = -22.34 to -24.19 kJmol-1. The energetic effect caused by arsenic cation adsorption was determined through calorimetric titration at the solid-liquid interface and gave a net thermal effect that enabled the calculation of the exothermic values and the equilibrium constant.Uma amostra de esmectita natural foi modificada por processo de organofuncionalização usando rota sintética, envolvendo a reação de 2-mercaptopirimidina com 3-cloropropiltrietoxisilano. O material resultante (S MPY foi caracterizado por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier, análise textural e 29Si MAS-NMR. A habilidade deste material para remover As (V a partir de solução aquosa foi investigada por series de isotermas ajustadas pela equação de Langmuir em temperatura ambiente e pH 2,0. Os parâmetros cinéticos foram analisados por modelos de Lagergren e Elovich, em que um bom ajuste foi obtido para o modelo de reação de pseudo-segunda ordem com k2 em 4,9 para 14,0 mmol-1 min-1 para S MPY. O processo de adsorção foi exotérmico (ΔintH = -4,09 to -5,79 kJmol-1 acompanhado por aumento de entropia (ΔintS = 41,29 to 61

  9. Chancen und Grenzen der Subjektorientierung - Einblicke in die Bildungsarbeit des Archiv der Jugendkulturen e.V. Berlin


    Rohmann, Gabriele


    Ende der 1980er Jahre entwickelte sich in Deutschland die Jugendkulturarbeit. Seither sind eine Reihe von Angeboten in der außerschulischen Bildung entstanden, die die Interessen junger Menschen in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Arbeit stellen. Das Berliner Archiv der Jugendkulturen verbindet als eine der wenigen Einrichtungen Subjektorientierung, jugendkulturelle Themen und politische Bildung im Kontext der Gewalt- und Rechtsextremismusprävention und von Diskriminierungen. Anhand von Einblicken in di...

  10. Alchemy: The Great Art, exhibition at Kulturforum, Berlin, Germany 06.04.2017 – 23.07.2017

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    Lisa Gordon


    Full Text Available This temporary exhibition at Kulturforum, part of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, presented a selection of around 200 objects from its collection, alongside loans from prominent cultural institutions, including the Getty Research Institute in California with whom they have collaborated. In 2016, the Institute itself ran an exhibition entitled The Art of Alchemy which appears to have laid out the curatorial objectives for this recent show.

  11. Great Blunders?: The Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall, and the Proposed United States/Mexico Border Fence (United States)

    Langerbein, Helmut


    This article presents an analysis of the Great Wall of China and the Berlin Wall which reveals that both grew from unique political, historical, geographical, cultural, and economic circumstances. The purpose of this article is to provide new arguments for a debate that all too often has been waged with emotions, polemics, and misinformation. The…

  12. How many years of life did the fall of the Berlin Wall add? A projection of East German life expectancy. (United States)

    Vogt, Tobias C


    In the two decades since reunification, East Germans have experienced a large increase in life expectancy and a convergence with the West German mortality level. This gain in life expectancy appears even more impressive if we assume a different scenario in which the Berlin Wall did not fall, and the old East Germany still existed. This analysis takes into account that East German mortality would not have remained static without reunification. Thus, it shows how many years of life expectancy were actually added by the fall of the Berlin Wall. The analysis shows the improvements for single age groups by projecting life expectancy based on mortality levels during the 1970s and 1980s using the Lee-Carter method. I use national-level data for both sexes for East Germany before reunification. I find that, without reunification, current life expectancy at birth among East Germans would be 4.0 years lower for females and 5.7 years lower for males. I also show that older East Germans were the main demographic beneficiaries of reunification. Female and male mortality improvements in the age groups above 60 contributed up to 80% to the actual gains in life expectancy. Had the Berlin Wall not fallen, East German mortality would not have remained static but improved at a far slower rate. Thus, this counterfactual approach shows for the first time how many years of life were actually gained by reunification and how much of these gains were attributable to mortality improvements among the elderly. Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  13. Estegomiias em conserva e micróbios de vinha-d'alhos: o Brasil triunfa em Berlim Preserved Stegomyia and vinegared microbes: Brazil's triumph in Berlin

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    Henrique Luiz Cukierman


    Full Text Available O artigo investiga as circunstâncias que levaram o Brasil a alcançar o primeiro prêmio na XIV Exposição de Higiene e Demografia, em Berlim, em 1907. A partir da inédita correspondência trocada entre Henrique da Rocha Lima e Oswaldo Cruz às vésperas da exposição, é possível observar as agruras do empreendimento à brasileira, onde aquilo que se parecia a uma cuidadosa estratégia revela-se como um turbilhão de acontecimentos, no qual a sorte da participação brasileira dependeu de situações pouco ou nada delineadas por planejamento meticuloso e previdente. A correspondência revela ainda que, se assumidas as narrativas glorificadoras de méritos pessoais, a vitória em Berlim foi muito mais de Rocha Lima que de Oswaldo Cruz. À luz de Raízes do Brasil, de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, outra questão abordada diz respeito ao embate entre os mundos ibérico e anglo-saxônico na construção e no reconhecimento da vitória brasileira.This article investigates the circumstances leading to Brazil being awarded the first prize at the XIV International Conference on Demography and Hygiene, held in Berlin in 1907. An examination of the unpublished correspondence between Henrique da Rocha Lima and Oswaldo Cruz prior to the conference/exhibition reveals the peculiarities of a Brazilian-style event, where the outcome seems to be determined by haphazard incidents rather than by meticulously planned strategies. Their letters can also be read as a narrative celebrating individual qualities, as they attribute the victory in Berlin much more to Rocha Lima's than Oswaldo Cruz's personal merits. In the light of Raízes do Brasil, a classic by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, this article also addresses the issue regarding the dispute between the Iberian and Anglo-Saxon worlds over the Brazilian victory.

  14. Análisis de un sistema de selección de plantas transgénicas basado en la técnica de PCR

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    Yomara Ivonne Rozo Peña


    propuesta viable en cuanto a implementación práctica, versatilidad y confiabilidad de la planta transgénica. El sistema de selección por PCR contribuye a la inserción competitiva de los cultivos transgénicos dentro del marco socio-económico con respecto a las variedades modificadas genéticamente producidas en la actualidad.

  15. High-technology metals as emerging contaminants: Strong increase of anthropogenic gadolinium levels in tap water of Berlin, Germany, from 2009 to 2012

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tepe, N.; Romero, M.; Bau, M.


    Highlights: • Monitoring study Berlin-2012 confirms tap water contamination with gadolinium. • Contamination confined to western districts of Berlin. • Strong increase of anthropogenic gadolinium from 2009 to 2012. • Anthropogenic gadolinium is tracer for wastewater-derived substances. - Abstract: The distribution of rare earth elements (REE) in tap water sampled in December 2012 in Berlin, Germany, is characterized by anomalously high levels of gadolinium (Gd). While the western districts of the city show strong anthropogenic positive Gd anomalies in REE distribution patterns, the eastern districts are (almost) unaffected. This contamination with anthropogenic Gd results from Gd-based contrast agents used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, that enter rivers, groundwater and eventually tap water via the clear water effluent from wastewater treatment plants. While the spatial distribution of anthropogenic Gd in 2012 confirms results of an earlier study in 2009 (Kulaksiz and Bau, 2011a), anthropogenic Gd concentrations have increased between 1.5- and 11.5-fold in just three years. This confirms predictions based upon the increase of anthropogenic Gd concentrations in the Havel River over the past two decades and the time it takes the water to migrate from the Havel River to the groundwater production wells. Anomalously high levels of anthropogenic Gd in tap water, which are not confined to Berlin but have also been observed in London, U.K., and in German cities in the Ruhr area and along the Rhine River, reveal that high-technology metals have become emerging contaminants. While non-toxic at the observed concentrations, the anthropogenic Gd is a microcontaminant that may be used as a conservative pseudo-natural tracer for wastewater-derived xenobiotics such as pharmaceuticals, food additives and personal care products. Our results suggest that monitoring the concentrations of such substances in Berlin’s drinking water can be restricted to a few central and

  16. The future of nuclear power: An IAEA perspective. Address at the German atomic forum, Berlin, 27 January 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    ElBaradei, M.


    In his address at the German Atomic Forum (Berlin, 27 January 2000), the Director General of the IAEA presented a survey of the prospects for nuclear power as seen from the perspective of the IAEA. The speech focussed on the following aspects: nuclear power and world energy requirements, nuclear and radiation safety, competitiveness of nuclear power, and public support

  17. Mothers of the Kiez: Values and cultural change in immigrant communities in Neukölln, Berlin


    Toukolehto, Saara


    The thesis takes up the current anthropological topics of policy, values and morality, combining them with more classic theoretical discussions on cultural continuity, change and interaction between cultures. The aim of the research is to conceptualize how values and morality structure the lives of immigrant women living in Neulkölln, Berlin, and their work in a 'Neighborhood mothers' social integration project. The underlying hypothesis takes values and morality to be significant in understa...

  18. Effects of a chemical plant on surface water, illustrated by the example of the chemical plant at Berlin-Adlershof/Gruenau. Vol.3 in the series: Site profiles of persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons - cause-oriented monitoring in aquatic media; Auswirkungen eines Chemiestandortes auf umliegende Gewaesser dargestellt am Beispiel der chemischen Fabrik in Berlin-Adlershof/Gruenau. Bd. 3 der Reihe: Standortprofile persistenter chlorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe - ursachenorientiertes Monitoring in aquatischen Medien

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heinisch, E.; Kettrup, A.; Bergheim, W.; Wenzel, S.


    Primary data which were obtained on the basis of official surveys by the Senatsverwaltung fuer Stadtentwicklung/Fischereiamt des Landes Berlin for sDDT ({sigma} DDT, DDE, DDD, DDMU), sHCH ({sigma}{alpha}-, {beta}-, {gamma}-, {delta}-, {epsilon}-HCH), sPCB ({sigma} Cong. 28, 52, 101, 138, 153, 180) and HCB in surface water, surface sediment, suspended matter, breams (Abramis brama) and eels (Anguilla anguilla) a cause-oriented monitoring was elaborated concerning the load of waters of Berlin for the period 1983-2000. The structuring of the data consolidated statistically was made according to longitudinal profiles (Teltowkanal from the entrance to the Griebnitzsee, Spree-Oder-System from Seddinsee via Ober-, Stadt- and Unterspree to the mouth into the Havel in Spandau, the Havel from Niederneuendorfer See till Suedliche Unterhavel, the lakes in Grunewald till the city area in Charlottenburg, the lakes in the north of Berlin) as well as time series. The chemical enterprise in Adlershof/Gruenau which produced DDT containing preparations till 1985 and lindane containing preparations till 1989 was identified as the outstanding source of sDDT and sHCH loads. (orig.) [German] Auf der Basis amtlicher Erhebungen durch die Senatsverwaltung fuer Stadtentwicklung/Fischereiamt des Landes Berlin gewonnene Primaerdaten von sDDT ({sigma} DDT, DDE, DDD, DDMU), sHCH ({sigma}{alpha}-, {beta}-, {gamma}-, {delta}-, {epsilon}-HCH), sPCB ({sigma} Kong. 28, 52, 101, 138, 153, 180) und HCB in Oberflaechenwasser, Oberflaechensediment, Schwebstoffen, Brassen/Bleien (Abramis brama) und Aalen (Anguilla anguilla) wurde ein ursachenorientiertes Monitoring ueber die Belastung Berliner Gewaesser erarbeitet, das den Zeitraum von 1983-2000 umfasst. Die Strukturierung der statistisch aufgearbeiteten Werte erfolgte einmal nach Laengsprofilen (Teltowkanal von der Einfahrt bis zum Griebnitzsee, Spree-Oder-System vom Seddinsee ueber die Ober-, Stadt- und Unterspree bis zur Muendung in die Havel in

  19. Fractura y mecanismos de deformación de un polipropileno reforzado con cenizas y modificado con un copolímero de bloque


    García Pardo, Santiago


    [Resumo] Nesta memoria, preséntase os resultados do estudio da fractura e deformación de compostos de polipropileno (PP), un copolímero olefínico en bloque (OBC) e cinzas, procedentes da queima de biomasa forestal, modificadas cun axente de acoplamento silano e procesadas por técnicas de extrusión. Caracterizáronse as propiedades mecánicas dos novos materiais mediante a súa resistencia á tracción, ó impacto e a morfoloxía asociada obtida por microscopia electrónica de varrido (SEM). As ...

  20. Antonio Garcia Moya, um arquiteto da Semana de 22


    Ficher, Sylvia


    Como se percebe, o subtítulo deste artigo pretende-se uma provocação. Provocação ao sentido corrente de qual seja a “arquitetura do movimento moderno”. Igualmente provocação ao sentido corrente de qual seja a “arquitetura moderna brasileira” ou, como prefere Lucio Costa (1902-1998), a “arquitetura contemporânea brasileira”, esta sutil porém intencionalmente modificada por Yves Bruand para “arquitetura contemporânea no Brasil. Aqui e agora, gostaria de falar de um arquiteto pouco lembrado, me...

  1. The use of the Berlin definition for acute respiratory distress syndrome during infancy and early childhood : multicenter evaluation and expert consensus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Luca, Daniele; Piastra, Marco; Chidini, Giovanna; Tissieres, Pierre; Calderini, Edoardo; Essouri, Sandrine; Medina Villanueva, Alberto; Vivanco Allende, Ana; Pons-Odena, Marti; Perez-Baena, Luis; Hermon, Michael; Tridente, Ascanio; Conti, Giorgio; Antonelli, Massimo; Kneyber, Martin


    A new acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) definition has been recently issued: the so-called Berlin definition (BD) has some characteristics that could make it suitable for pediatrics. The European Society for Pediatric Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) Respiratory Section started a project to

  2. An annotated catalogue of Recent Pectinoidea (Mollusca, Pectinidae and Propeamussiidae) type material in the Museum of Natural History, Humboldt University, Berlin

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, H.H.; Köhler, F.


    This paper lists 22 pectinoid types (21 primary and one secondary) and three potential syntypes in the Museum of Natural History (ZMB) in Berlin. Eight lectotypes are designated herein for the stabilization of taxonomic names: Pecten aequatorialis, Pecten australis, Pecten clathratus, Camptonectes

  3. development and creation of a professional discipline under special consideration of the Summer Olympics in 1936 in Berlin


    Ristau, Jörn-Arne


    The present paper shows in three chapters the creation of the sport and the development of the sports medicine in Germany of the years from 1933 to 1945, lights up their value and meaning under the influence of the national-socialist dictatorship. To indicate the relation of medicine and sport in that period, the Summer Olympics of 1936 in Berlin are especially considered .

  4. Application of Berlin's theorem to bond-length changes in isolated molecules and red- and blue-shifting H-bonded clusters

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Wang, Weizhou; Hobza, Pavel


    Roč. 73, 6/7 (2008), s. 862-872 ISSN 0010-0765 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LC512; GA AV ČR IAA400550510 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40550506 Keywords : Berlin's theorem * H-bonding * Blue -shifting H-bonding Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 0.784, year: 2008

  5. Diseño y construcción de bobinas de Rogowski modificadas de bajo costo y alto desempeño

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    Diego Seuret Jiménez


    Full Text Available Las bobinas Rogowski son dispositivos sencillos, confiables y versátiles para hacer mediciones de corriente en una amplia gama de aplicaciones que van, desde dispositivos microelectrónicos hasta sistemas de alta potencia en instalaciones industriales. Se construyó una bobina de Rogowski y el circuito de acondicionamiento de la señal para poder hacer mediciones de su respuesta ante estímulos eléctricos y llevar a cabo un análisis cualitativo. Adicionalmente, a partir del modelo matemático de la bobina, se hizo una modificación en la estructura interna de la misma para obtener voltajes de mayor magnitud y facilitar la lectura en instrumentos de medición eléctrica. Estos resultados se compararon con una bobina comercial estándar y las mediciones del voltaje de salida de la bobina Rogowski modificada muestran una señal con menos ruido y de mayor magnitud. Al haber aumentado la relación señal ruido en el sistema, el circuito de integración y amplificación arrojan resultados esperados.

  6. Toxicidad biológica de cepas nativas de Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner en larvas de Tecia solanivora Povolny

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    Paola Martínez


    Full Text Available La biodiversidad microbiológica de los suelos del departamento de Boyacá aún no ha sido explorada en toda su magnitud y existen microorganismos, como en el caso de Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt, que pueden emplearse para el desarrollo de estrategias biológicas de control de plagas en el futuro. Por lo anterior, el presente trabajo evaluó la actividad biológica, expresada como  toxicidad, de cepas nativas de B. thuringiensis en la Polilla Guatemalteca  de  la  papa  Tecia  solanivora Povolny, una de  las plagas más  limitantes en el cultivo de papa en la región andina colombiana. Esta  evaluación  se  realizó con  aislados de  Bt obtenidos y conservados por el Grupo de Manejo Biológico de Cultivos (GMBC en el Laboratorio de Control Biológico de la UPTC, colectados de muestras de  suelo en  la Provincia Centro de Boyacá y  previamente  caracterizados  macro  y microscópicamente.  La   toxicidad  se  evaluó mediante bioensayos con larvas de primer instar de  T.  solanivora,  utilizando  el método  decontaminación superficial de cubos de papa. Se evaluó  la mortalidad  ocho  días  después  de montado  el  bioensayo  y  se  determinó, igualmente,  la Concentración letal media (Cl 50 de las cepas que presentaron  la mayor actividad  tóxica en  los  bioensayos  iniciales.  Los  aislamientosGMBC-B054, GMBC-B071, GMBC-B076, GMBC- B098, GMBC-B111 y GMBC-B117 fueron  los más activos, con Cl 50 de 1.08x106, 4.24x106, 5.12x106, 4.36x103, 3.56x103  y  1.19x104  esporas  · mL-1,respectivamente.

  7. Pegamento e crescimento inicial de enxertos do pessegueiro 'Aurora-1' em clones de umezeiro (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc. e 'Okinawa' [Prunus persica (L. Batsch] propagados por estacas herbáceas Tissue union and initial growth of 'Aurora-1' peach buds on mume clones (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc. and 'Okinawa' [Prunus persica (L. Batsch] propagated by herbaceous cuttings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Newton Alex Mayer


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o pegamento e o crescimento inicial de enxertos do pessegueiro 'Aurora-1' em clones de umezeiro (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc. e 'Okinawa' [Prunus persica (L. Batsch] propagados por estacas herbáceas. Realizaram-se dois experimentos, adotando-se a enxertia de borbulhia por escudo (março e borbulhia por escudo modificada (julho. Com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que é viável a realização da enxertia do 'Aurora-1' nos Clones 05; 10 e 15 de umezeiro e no 'Okinawa', tanto em março quanto em julho, com as metodologias utilizadas. O 'Okinawa' induz crescimento mais rápido ao enxerto, de forma que o ponto máximo do comprimento é atingido em tempo menor.This study aimed to evaluate the tissue union and initial growth of 'Aurora-1' peach buds on mume clones (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc. and 'Okinawa' [Prunus persica (L. Batsch] propagated by herbaceous cuttings. Two experiments were carried out, being adopted the chip budding (March and chip budding modified (July. The results showed that accomplishment of 'Aurora-1' peach bud on mume Clones 05, 10 and 15 and 'Okinawa' is viable, in both periods, with the methodologies used. The 'Okinawa' induces faster growth to the bud and the maximum length point is reached in a short time.

  8. Avaliação da utilização de embalagem em atmosfera modificada sobre a conservação de sardinhas (Sardinella brasiliensis Evaluation of the use of modied atmosphere packaging in sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis preservation

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    Anderson Junger Teodoro


    Full Text Available A vida útil dos alimentos perecíveis conservados em atmosfera normal é limitada principalmente pelo efeito do oxigênio atmosférico e o crescimento de microorganismos aeróbios produtores de alterações, que promovem mudanças de odor, sabor, cor e textura, conduzindo à perda da qualidade. A modificação da atmosfera prolonga significativamente a vida útil dos alimentos, quando comparados à refrigeração, podendo chegar a um aumento de três a quatro vezes. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da embalagem de sardinhas (Sardinella brasiliensis em atmosfera modificada. As amostras foram divididas em 8 lotes, embaladas com aproximadamente 1,5 L de ar (100%, CO2 (100%, 50/50 CO2/O2 e vácuo e termo-seladas, sendo armazenadas por um período de 22 dias. A cada 2 dias as amostras foram avaliadas quanto ao pH, bases voláteis totais (BVT e contagens totais de microrganismos heterotróficos aeróbios mesófilos. Os valores de pH aumentaram durante o tempo de estocagem, com exceção das amostras armazenadas em 100 e 50% CO2. A evolução de BVT foi compatível com outros parâmetros, como pH e contagem de bactérias totais, sendo sua evolução mais lenta nas amostras em que ocorreu o uso de atmosfera modificada. Os microrganismos mesófilos, nas atmosferas enriquecidas com CO2, apresentaram fases de latência e tempos de duplicação maiores, quando comparados com os das amostras em que não foi aplicado o método. Sob o ponto de vista microbiológico, as embalagens enriquecidas com CO2 demonstraram ser o melhor método de conservação, como também os resultados de BVT se encontraram dentro dos limites de 30 mg.100 g -1 de acordo com o estabelecido pela RIISPOA8. Recomenda-se o uso da atmosfera de 100% de CO2 como forma de conservação da sardinha por apresentar melhores parâmetros de vida útil.The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of sardines (Sardinella brasiliensis packaged in a modified atmosphere. The

  9. Produção de três espécies de cogumelos Pleurotus e avaliação da qualidade em atmosfera modificada Production of three species of Pleurotus mushrooms and quality evaluation in modified atmosphere

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    Cristina Ramos


    Full Text Available A utilização de substratos vegetais à base de palha tem vindo a assumir uma importância crescente na cultura de cogumelos sapróbios, principalmente do género Pleurotus. Estes cogumelos são considerados muito interessantes do ponto de vista comercial, não só pelas suas características organolépticas e nutricionais, mas também pela sua fácil adaptação e manutenção, crescimento rápido e relativo baixo custo de cultura. No entanto, por se tratar de alimentos perecíveis, devido sobretudo à sua composição e elevada taxa respiratória, podem apresentar reduzido valor comercial, caso a conservação não seja efectuada nas melhores condições. No sentido de minimizar estas alterações, os cogumelos frescos devem ser submetidos a um processamento mínimo com utilização combinada de embalagem em atmosfera modificada, de forma a manter a qualidade e estabilidade no período de conservação. Neste trabalho foram efectuados ensaios de produção de três espécies do género Pleurotus, cultivadas em palha de trigo, com a finalidade de determinar a espécie mais produtiva e avaliar a qualidade dos mesmos durante a conservação quando processados e embalados em atmosfera modificada. Os resultados permitem concluir que a espécie mais produtiva foi a P. ostreatus, seguida da P. sajor-caju e P. eryngii, tendo sido a P. eryngii a que mostrou maior resistência à degradação no período de conservação estabelecido.The use of substrates straw has been increasing importance in mushroom saprophytic species grown, especially of Pleurotus genus. They are considered very interesting from the commercial point of view, not only for its nutritional and organoleptic characteristics, but also for its easy adaptation, rapid growth and relatively low culture cost. Mushrooms have a short shelf life when compared to most vegetables at ambient temperatures mainly due to its composition and high respiration rate. After yield and to reduce losses and

  10. Specialist nectar-yeasts decline with urbanization in Berlin (United States)

    Wehner, Jeannine; Mittelbach, Moritz; Rillig, Matthias C.; Verbruggen, Erik


    Nectar yeasts are common inhabitants of insect-pollinated flowers but factors determining their distribution are not well understood. We studied the influence of host identity, environmental factors related to pollution/urbanization, and the distance to a target beehive on local distribution of nectar yeasts within Robinia pseudoacacia L. and Tilia tomentosa Moench in Berlin, Germany. Nectar samples of six individuals per species were collected at seven sites in a 2 km radius from each target beehive and plated on YM-Agar to visualise the different morphotypes, which were then identified by sequencing a section of the 26S rDNA gene. Multivariate linear models were used to analyze the effects of all investigated factors on yeast occurrence per tree. Yeast distribution was mainly driven by host identity. The influence of the environmental factors (NO2, height of construction, soil sealing) strongly depended on the radius around the tree, similar to the distance of the sampled beehive. Incidence of specialist nectar-borne yeast species decreased with increasing pollution/urbanization index. Given that specialist yeast species gave way to generalist yeasts that have a reduced dependency on pollinators for between-flower dispersal, our results indicate that increased urbanization may restrict the movement of nectar-specialized yeasts, via limitations of pollinator foraging behavior.

  11. Is there a difference between the STOP-BANG and the Berlin Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome questionnaires for determining respiratory complications during the perioperative period? (United States)

    Gokay, Pervin; Tastan, Sevinc; Orhan, Mehmet Emin


    This study aimed to compare the efficiency of the STOP-BANG and Berlin Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome questionnaires for evaluating potential respiratory complications during the perioperative period. Questionnaires that are used to determine obstructive sleep apnoea risk are not widely used for surgical patients. Among the questionnaires that are commonly used for obstructive sleep apnoea screening, it remains unclear whether the STOP-BANG or Berlin Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome questionnaire is more effective in terms of ease of use, usage period and diagnosis of surgical patients with obstructive sleep apnoea risk. This study was designed as a descriptive and prospective study. The study included 126 patients over 18 years of age who were American Society of Anesthesiologists classification class I-II and underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. To determine the potential obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome risk, the STOP-BANG and Berlin questionnaires were administered. Respiratory complications were then observed during the perioperative period. During intubation and extubation, we observed statistically significant differences in difficult intubation, difficult facemask ventilation and desaturation frequency between the high- and low-risk groups for obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, as determined by the STOP-BANG questionnaire. During extubation, statistically significant differences in coughing, breath-holding and desaturation frequency were observed between the high-risk and low-risk groups, according to the Berlin questionnaire. In the post-anaesthesia care unit, both questionnaires found statistically significant differences between the low- and high-risk groups. Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome screening questionnaires administered during the preoperative period are useful for predicting perioperative respiratory complications. It may be most useful to administer the STOP-BANG questionnaire as the initial evaluation. Questionnaires may be used to

  12. Obstetric care quality indicators and outcomes based on the degree of acculturation of immigrants-results from a cross-sectional study in Berlin. (United States)

    David, Matthias; Borde, Theda; Brenne, Silke; Ramsauer, Babett; Hinkson, Larry; Henrich, Wolfgang; Razum, Oliver; Breckenkamp, Jürgen


    Acculturation is a complex, multidimensional process involving the integration of the traditional norms, values, and lifestyles of a new cultural environment. It is, however, unclear what impact the degree of acculturation has on obstetric outcomes. Data collection was performed in 2011 and 2012 at three obstetric tertiary centers in Berlin, Germany. Standardized interviews (20-30 min.) were performed with support of evaluated questionnaires. The primary collected data were then linked to the perinatal data recorded at the individual clinics provided from the obstetric centers which correspond with the routinely centralized data collected for quality assurance throughout Germany. The questionnaire included questions on sociodemographic, health care, and migrant-related aspects. Migrant women and women with a migration background were assessed using the Frankfurt Acculturation Scale, a one-dimensional measurement tool to assess the degree of acculturation (15 items on language and media usage as well as integration into social networks). In summary, 7100 women were available for the survey (response rate of 89.6%) of which 3765 (53%) had a migration background. The probability of low acculturation is significantly (p relationships between the degree of acculturation and obstetric parameters show no significant differences for prematurity, 5 min.-Apgar values > 7, arterial umbilical cord pH values > 7.00 and admissions to the neonatal unit. In Berlin, among migrant women a low degree of acculturation may have an unfavorable effect on the utilization of pregnancy care provision. However, there were no relevant differences in obstetric outcome parameters in relation to the degree of acculturation within the migrant population of Berlin.

  13. Church-state relations in South Africa, Zambia and Malawi in light of the fall of the Berlin Wall (October 1989

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    Paul Gundani


    Full Text Available The fall of the Berlin Wall in October 1989 bears a striking resonance with the biblical fracturing of the curtain in the Jerusalem temple. It presaged the death of the post-war dispensation of Church-state relations characterised by a Church that was, in the main, subservient, acquiescent and complicit to the apartheid regime in South Africa, as well as the oppressive one-party state regimes north of the Limpopo. As the Berlin Wall collapsed, the dispensation characterised by either neutrality or docility and co-option of the Church to the Apartheid and Independent states gave way to the birth of a ‘prophetic’ Church, which would not only gain a new lease on life, but would become a robust interlocutor of the post-Cold War state. The latter is exemplified by historical signposts such as the Rustenburg Declaration (1990, the Pastoral letter of the Zambia Catholic Bishops Conference (1990 and the Pastoral letter by the Catholic Bishops of Malawi (1992, among others. This paper is an analytical desktop study, which will be based on the published literature.

  14. Efeito da modificação química na solubilidade e intumescimento de microesferas à base de goma do cajueiro carboximetilada e quitosana

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    Aliny Abreu de Sousa Monteiro


    Full Text Available Resumo Esferas de goma do cajueiro carboximetilada e quitosana foram produzidas via complexação polieletrolítica. As esferas foram modificadas quimicamente de modo a obter-se sistemas estáveis em meio ácido e que apresentassem uma resposta de intumescimento diferenciado frente à variação de pH. As esferas foram modificadas por reacetilação da quitosana e por reticulação com epicloridrina, glutaraldeído e genipina. As esferas reticuladas foram caracterizadas por meio de técnicas como: espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho, análise termogravimétrica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e quanto à solubilidade em pH 1,2 e ao intumescimento. As esferas de goma do cajueiro carboximetilada e quitosana reacetilada, e as esferas reticuladas com epicloridrina apresentaram baixa resistência à dissolução em pH 1,2. Entretanto, as esferas reticuladas com glutaraldeído e genipina apresentaram resistência à dissolução e baixo coeficiente de difusão. As esferas reticuladas com genipina apresentaram um grau de intumescimento maior do que as esferas reticuladas com glutaraldeído nas concentrações de 3% e 5% (massa/volume. As esferas reticuladas com genipina apresentaram intumescimento responsivo à variação de pH e estabilidade em pH 1,2, indicando que esses sistemas possuem potencial para uso em sistemas de liberação controlada de fármacos por via oral.

  15. Berlin: Emergency shelters and contemporary border struggles

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    Žiga Podgornik-Jakil


    Full Text Available Researching the developments of present political economy must necessarily include investigating the tools of contemporary border regime. These are used for surveillance and control of populations in order to create new divisions of labour and enable extraction of rent by using peoples’ bodies. The article focuses on emergency shelters in Berlin, that is, on their function and ways in which the asylum seekers accommodated there spontaneously struggle against them. The research was done as a militant and cooperative work of the network Lager Mobilisation Network in Berlin’s district Wedding, which builds connections with people housed in the sports halls in the mentioned district. The author underlines that exhausting the aslyum seekers psychically is one of the strategies for filtering the ‘unwanted’ from the ‘wanted’, that is the ones that are interesting for the labour market. At the same time, the restriction of movement and limited access to civil rights confine asylum seekers in emergency shelters run by private companies, which seek profits on their account. Far from claiming that non-profit companies have a ‘better’ shelter administration, since the boundaries between them and profit-oriented companies are often blurred, the author rather speaks of new forms of anticolonial struggles by the people living inside. He understands these struggles as the struggles against the contemporary border regime in Germany and the EU and as a potential for building an inclusive society.

  16. The origins of the Olympic Village: Los Angeles 1932 and Berlin 1936.

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    Massimo Bortolotti


    Full Text Available Regarding the transformations produced by the housing projects for the Olympic Games, the construction and following reuse of the Olympic Villages is an interesting studying matter. During the hundred-year-old history of the modern Olympics the realization of the Olympic Village, which finds reference in the de Coubertin’s writings, and the town planning transformations, to this correlated, have revealed in different ways. The essay mainly concerns the origins of the Olympic Village and the first settlements which characterized the Games in the thirties: Los Angeles 1932 and Berlin 1936. In these two cities, even though with different motivations, politico-economical stimulus and different images, the prototypes of the modern Olympic sport facilities, which find in the village an in the stadium the symbol of the event, were born.

  17. [Homicides in East Berlin from 1980 to 1989. Part II: results of investigations and legal consequences]. (United States)

    Wirth, Ingo; Strauch, Hansjürg


    The second part of the study on homicides in East Berlin from 1980 to 1989 describes the solving of crimes, the usual features of offenders and the legal assessment according to East German law. Of the 139 homicides 126 crimes (= 90.6%) could be solved. Most of the offenders had a low social background and often belonged to the victim's circle of friends or family. Situational homicides and elimination crimes were the most common crimes. In the legal assessment sentences for murder were predominant.

  18. Den 11. olympiade - Berlin 1936. De danske avisers syn på sport og politik i 1930erne


    Jensen, Rasmus Camillo


    This masters-thesis will examine how the six big Danish newspapers Arbejderbladet, Berlingske Tidende, Fyns Tidende, Jyllands-Posten, Politiken and Social-Demokraten wrote about the 1936 Olympics. The 1936 Olympics was held in Berlin, Germany, in a time where the Nazis, with Adolf Hitler as its leader, had the power. The purpose of this masters-thesis is to examine whether the six chosen newspapers referred to Nazis legislation in their coverage of the Olympics, because this legislation had i...

  19. [The Great European Georg Friedrich Nicolai: physician and pacifist. Berlin, Germany, 1874 - Santiago, Chile, 1964]. (United States)

    Cabello C, Felipe


    Georg Friedrich Nicolai (1874-1964) was a German physician and physiologist whose pacifism during the First World War led him in 1914 to cosign with W. J. Foerster, A. Einstein and O. Bueck a "Manifesto to the Europeans" against the entry of Germany into the war and the invasion of Belgium. As a result of this appeal and his strong pacifism, Nicolai lost his positions as cardiologist to the German royal family, professor at the University of Berlin and chief of laboratory at the Charite hospital also in Berlin, and was sent as a garrison physician in Graundenz, in today's Poland. There he began to write his book, The Biology of War. It managed to avoid censorship and was published in Leipzig in 1916. He was court-martialed in Danzig in 1916 but escaped to Denmark. Nicolai was reinstated to his faculty positions by the Weimar Republic after the war but was subsequently forced to emigrate from Germany to South America by the pressure of right wing student groups who accused him of being a deserter and a traitor. From 1922 to 1932 Nicolai lived in Argentina, and from 1932 until his death in 1964, in Chile. In this later country Nicolai was professor in the University of Chile and interacted with members of the Chilean intelligentsia, including the poets Vicente Huidobro, Gonzalo Rojas and Pablo Neruda. Through his friendship with Chilean psychiatrist Agustin Tellez, Nicolai influenced the development of phenomenological psychiatric school in Chile. The Chilean novelist Fernando Alegria compared him favorably with Robert J. Oppenheimer and Linus Pauling.

  20. Exchange networks and free shops in Berlin: gifts and commodities in ‘alternative’ consumption experiences Redes de intercâmbio e lojas gratuitas em Berlim: dádiva e mercadoria em experiências “alternativas” de consumo

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    Irene Sabaté Muriel


    Full Text Available This paper is based on an ethnography of ‘alternative’ consumption practices in the inner city of the former East Berlin. Non-monetary exchange networks (Tauschringe and ‘free shops’ (Umsonstläden have been examined. In Umsonstläden, the contemporary ideology of the ‘pure’ gift (Parry 1986; Carrier 1995 is at play: objects are freely given and totally alienated from their owners. In turn, Tauschringe sometimes induce gift-giving practices entailing mutual obligation, as a result of frequent exchanges which bring participants socially closer. The ethnographic material I present challenges the suitability of a conceptual gift/commodity divide to examine these experiences, provided that different modalities of gift-giving are articulated with commoditisation trends. Considering this complexity, I propose a re-examination of the role of the gift in ‘alternative’ consumption practices promoted by social movements in Berlin.O artigo baseia-se numa etnografia de práticas de consumo “alternativas” nos bairros centrais da antiga Berlim-Leste. São aqui analisadas as redes de intercâmbio não monetário (Tauschringe e as “lojas gratuitas” (Umsonstläden. As Umsonstläden são enquadradas pela ideologia contemporânea da dádiva “pura” (Parry 1986; Carrier 1995: os objectos são dados gratuitamente e totalmente alienados dos seus possuidores. Já as Tauschringe, por seu lado, induzem por vezes práticas de oferta que implicam obrigações mútuas, como consequência de trocas frequentes que aproximam socialmente os participantes. O material etnográfico apresentado põe em causa a adequação do binómio dádiva/mercadoria à análise dessas experiências, na medida em que diferentes modalidades de oferta se conjugam com tendências para a mercadorização. Face a essa complexidade, o artigo propõe uma revisão da análise do papel da dádiva em práticas de consumo “alternativas” promovidas pelos movimentos sociais em

  1. Identificação de fatores de risco pré-operatórios para disfagia pós-operatória persistente após cirurgia laparoscópica para doença do refluxo gastroesofágico


    Ribeiro,Maxwel Capsy Boga; Tercioti-Júnior,Valdir; Souza-Neto,João Coelho de; Lopes,Luiz Roberto; Morais,Drausio Jefferson; Andreollo,Nelson Adami


    RACIONAL: Disfagia no pós-operatório é comum após a operação anti-refluxo. No entanto, uma parte dos pacientes relatam disfagia persistente, e técnica cirúrgica inadequada é uma causa bem documentada deste resultado. OBJETIVO: Este estudo retrospectivo avaliou os fatores de risco no pré-operatório para a disfagia persistente após operação anti-refluxo por via laparoscópica. MÉTODOS: Pacientes submetidos à operação anti-refluxo por via laparoscópica pela técnica de Nissen modificada foram aval...

  2. Realidad Virtual, Estado del arte y análisis crítico.


    Mejía Luna, Jacqueline Narcisa


    Las alteraciones de la realidad están estrechamente vinculadas a las modificaciones de la percepción, la realidad ha sido modificada por teóricos de los nuevos medios de comunicación, artistas, filósofos, periodistas, médicos, tecnólogos, otros; y se la bifurca en realidad virtual, realidad aumentada, realidad mixta, realidad simulada, realidad artificial, realidad en capas y realidad mejorada.

  3. The impact of regulatory approaches targeting collaborative economy in the tourism accommodation sector::Barcelona, Berlin, Amsterdam and Paris


    Dredge, Dianne; Gyimóthy, Szilvia; Birkbak, Andreas; Jensen, Torben Elgaard; Madsen, Anders Koed


    This paper has been commissioned by the European Commission’s DG GROWTH to examine the impact of regulatory approaches targeting collaborative economy in the tourism accommodation sector in the cities of Barcelona, Berlin, Amsterdam and Paris. In relation to tourism, the growth of the collaborative economy peer-to-peer accommodation sector has significant impacts for traditional tourism industry structures and relationships. The growth of the collaborative economy peer-to-peer accommodation m...

  4. Music Export from Helsinki to Berlin and vice versa. Case study: Face of God and Ill Kommodity


    Kuhn, Jennifer


    This is a product - oriented thesis. The aim is to conclude a guidebook about music export for young bands that are interested in playing a show abroad. The project: Music export from Helsinki to Berlin and vice versa. Case study: Face of God and Ill Kommodity, was used to learn from the praxis. The thesis describes the responsibilities of the project manager and brings project management and event planning together. The music export history of Finland and Germany is taken in considerat...

  5. Sweden-Norway at the Berlin Conference 1884-85 : History, national identity-making and Sweden's relations with Africa


    Nilsson, David


    The international image of Sweden is one of a small, democratic and peace-loving country without the moral burden of a colonial past. This image has been reproduced in Swedish government policy as well as in most historical accounts. However, in this Current African Issues publication, the notion that “Sweden lacks a colonial past in Africa” is brought into question. The Berlin Conference 1884-85 is perhaps the most infamous political event in the history of European domination of Africa. At ...

  6. Evolución genómica por diseño molecular de levaduras industriales




    En esta Tesis Doctoral se propone una alternativa a la coyuntura actual de rechazo social frente al uso de OMGs en la industria agroalimentaria, mediante la demostración y el desarrollo de un nuevo concepto sobre el uso de las técnicas de biología molecular en la obtención de levaduras modificadas genéticamente, el concepto de Evolución Genómica mediante Diseño Molecular. La idea básica de este nuevo concepto es simple y se basa en imitar a la propia naturaleza en su const...

  7. History of Education and the Struggle for Intellectual Liberation in Post-Soviet Baltic Space after the Fall of the Berlin Wall (United States)

    Kestere, Iveta


    This study on a "new" history of education is written from the perspective of a participant in the process of discarding Soviet intellectual and physical boundaries. The fall of the Berlin Wall has, over the past two decades, become a continuous process in post-Soviet societies, when the now liberated historians of education were faced…

  8. Fitness as 'social heritage': a study of elementary school pupils in Berlin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pfister, Gertrud; Reeg, Annemarie


    information on attitudes towards the issue of sport and health as well as on sporting activities. In this contribution, we concentrate on the influence of parents and schools on the fitness and motor competencies of the children. The results of the test and the survey clearly showed correlations between...... the fitness level of the pupils and the education level of the parents. According to our results, fitness and physical skills are, at least to a certain extent, socially inherited. The fitness differences found in the different schools can be explained partly by the different social back ground......Health and fitness among children and adolescents is a subject currently receiving public attention. This article focuses on the fitness of German pupils (third and fourth grades) in five schools in Berlin with widely differing social catchment areas as well as children from differing social...

  9. Detecting Mental States by Machine Learning Techniques: The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface (United States)

    Blankertz, Benjamin; Tangermann, Michael; Vidaurre, Carmen; Dickhaus, Thorsten; Sannelli, Claudia; Popescu, Florin; Fazli, Siamac; Danóczy, Márton; Curio, Gabriel; Müller, Klaus-Robert

    The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface Brain-Computer Interface (BBCI) uses a machine learning approach to extract user-specific patterns from high-dimensional EEG-features optimized for revealing the user's mental state. Classical BCI applications are brain actuated tools for patients such as prostheses (see Section 4.1) or mental text entry systems ([1] and see [2-5] for an overview on BCI). In these applications, the BBCI uses natural motor skills of the users and specifically tailored pattern recognition algorithms for detecting the user's intent. But beyond rehabilitation, there is a wide range of possible applications in which BCI technology is used to monitor other mental states, often even covert ones (see also [6] in the fMRI realm). While this field is still largely unexplored, two examples from our studies are exemplified in Sections 4.3 and 4.4.

  10. Caracterização por FT-IR da superfície de borracha EPDM tratada via plasma por micro-ondas FT-IR characterization of EPDM rubber surface treated by microwave plasma

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    Renata P. dos Santos


    Full Text Available A superfície de uma borracha de etileno-propileno-dieno (EPDM vulcanizada foi modificada via plasma por microondas, com gases Ar, Ar/O2, N2/O2 e N2/H2, tendo como objetivo melhorar as propriedades adesivas da superfície. A técnica FT-IR/UATR foi escolhida para caracterizar as superfícies após tratamento, pois apresentou menor interferência dos ingredientes da formulação da EPDM, dentre as técnicas analisadas (ATR/KRS-5 e Ge. Grupos oxigenados foram inseridos na superfície da amostra tratada, mesmo quando não foi utilizado o oxigênio, pois estes grupos foram formados quando a superfície ativada foi exposta à atmosfera. Já em tratamentos contendo N2, grupos oxigenados e possíveis grupos nitrogenados foram identificados por FT-IR. Redução nos valores do ângulo de contato, aumento no trabalho de adesão e aumento no ensaio de resistência ao descascamento (EPDM × Poliuretano foram observados após tratamento com Ar e N2/H2, resultando em melhora nas propriedades adesivas da superfície tratada.The surface of a vulcanized ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM rubber was modified by microwave plasma in Ar, Ar/O2, N2/O2 and N2/H2 in order to improve the adhesion properties. Surface modification was characterized by FT-IR/UATR, because this technique showed smaller interference of ingredients of EPDM formulation in comparison with other techniques used (ATR KRS-5 and Ge. Oxygenated groups were introduced in the EPDM surface after treatment, even in treatments without oxygen. Theses groups were formed when the activated surface was exposed to the atmosphere. In treatments with nitrogen, oxygenated and possible nitrogenated groups were identified by FT-IR. Reduction in the contact angle, increase in the work of adhesion and increase in the peel strength (EPDM × Polyurethane were observed after treatment with Ar and N2/H2, resulting in improved adhesion properties of the modified surface.

  11. After the fall of the Berlin wall: Perceptions and consequences of stability and change among middle aged and older East- and West-Germans

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Westerhof, G.J.; Keyes, C.L.M.


    Objectives. This study empirically tested the self-systems theory of subjective change in light of the rapid change after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The theory predicts that individuals have a tendency to perceive stability and that perceived stability exerts a strong positive effect on subjective

  12. Diferencias por género en el consumo de alcohol en la Ciudad de México

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    Caraveo-Anduaga Jorge Javier


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. En este estudio se buscó, por una parte, corroborar el incremento en el consumo de alcohol en la población femenina, de acuerdo con los resultados de las Encuestas Nacionales de Adicciones (ENA de 1988 y 1993, y determinar los grupos de edad afectados; por otra parte, obtener información básica acerca de la edad de inicio, la cantidad de alcohol consumida por ocasión y la frecuencia de embriaguez en la población adulta de la Ciudad de México, como indicadores para orientar programas preventivos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Con una encuesta de hogares y mediante un diseño polietápico y estratificado, se llevaron a cabo 1 932 entrevistas completas con individuos de entre 18 y 65 años de edad, con una tasa de respuesta de 60.4%. Se utilizó una versión modificada de la Entrevista Psiquiátrica Internacional Compuesta (CIDI, por sus siglas en inglés, que es un instrumento altamente estructurado; lo puede utilizar personal no especializado, aunque sí con capacitación. En la sección que trata acerca del consumo de alcohol se preguntó la edad en que se tomó la primera copa, la frecuencia y la cantidad del consumo por ocasión, y la frecuencia de embriaguez en el último año, entre otras variables. Para este estudio se obtuvieron las medianas y los porcentajes por grupos de edad y sexo. RESULTADOS. Se observó que 96.5% de la población masculina y 81.1% de la población femenina han consumido al menos una copa de alcohol en su vida. En promedio, la edad de inicio en el consumo fueron los 16 años para los varones y los 18 años para las mujeres. Por grupos de edad, se apreció una clara tendencia a beber la primera copa a edades más tempranas, sobre todo entre las mujeres. Se corroboró la tendencia que indican las ENA acerca del aumento en el consumo de alcohol entre la población femenina y en los grupos de edad más jóvenes. Los resultados indicaron que, en promedio, cinco años después del inicio del contacto con el alcohol

  13. Desafiando as Fronteiras do Jornalismo Por Meio de Objetos Comunicativos

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Raetzsch, Christoph; Brynskov, Martin


    . The article builds on the case study of a citizen’s initiative for a bike-friendly city in Berlin (Germany) to outline methodological inroads and theoretical implications of the communicative object. The aim is to problematize rather than resolve tensions between everyday usage of media technologies...

  14. 75 years ago. The discovery of nuclear fission during the neutron irradiation of uranium on 17 December 1938 in Berlin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuczera, Bernhard


    A ground-breaking, scientific discovery made in the Berlin experiments of the year 1938 on neutron irradiation of uranium, was that atom nuclei can be fissured and, during the fission energy, so-called nuclear energy, is released. If further U-235 atoms are in the immediate vicinity, the released neutrons can trigger a chain reaction of the nuclear fission. The story of this ground-breaking discovery that led to the worldwide civil utilisation of nuclear energy is outlined here. The discovery of neutrons and their implementation in radiation experiments occurred in the 1930s. The research work followed the model of the Stockholm citizen Niels Bohr on the configuration of an atom. In 1930, Walther Bothe reported on the occurrence of a high-energy radiation when beryllium was irradiated with alpha-particles. James Chadwick could prove experimentally in 1932 that this is a current of high-energy, electrically neutral particles. He called these particles neutrons. In Berlin, the radio-chemist Otto Hahn is the Director at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute for Chemistry and head of the chemical-radioactive department. In the years 1935 to 1938, the radiation experiments of uranium with neutrons were at the centre of the research in Berlin. In October 1938, Hahn and Strassmann responded with their own experiments to the scientific challenge of Irene Curie and Paul Savitch of 3.5-hours of activity when uranium was radiated with neutrons. The decisive discovery for the neutron radiation of uranium was made by Hahn and Strassmann on 17 December 1938. From the results of different experiments, they conclude: 'Our radium isotopes have the properties of barium.' On 19 December, Hahn informs Lise Meitner and speaking on the issue of 'Where does the barium come from?' addresses a possible 'bursting' of the uranium nucleus. That is Hahn's 'Heureka.' moment: He recognises that the neutron radiation does not only effect radiochemical transformations, but can also cause the uranium

  15. WLPGA: the World LP Gas Association in Berlin; the WLPGA 2004 Action Plan; change of direction; WLPGA: la WLPGA a Berlin; le Plan d'Actions 2004 de la WLPGA; reorientation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    After Bangkok in 2002 and Santiago de Chile in 2003, the World Forum of the World LP Gas Association (WLPGA) is returning to Europe for two and a half days of exhibition and two days of conferences from 29 September to 1 October at the Hotel lnterContinental in Berlin. As a Europe of 25 is now a reality, the Forum will obviously focus on this situation and the prospects for LP Gas in the new group without, however, neglecting the global issues which are why it exists. The WLPGA has a new Managing Director, James Rockall, since 2 August. He previously held the post of Director of Market Development for the Association from july 2003. The 2004 action plan of the World LP Gas Association forms part of the strategic decisions taken at the end of 2001 for the period 2002-2006. Its structure remains identical to that of the previous plan but with the continuous rise in 'the good industrial practices', there is one programme more than in 2003. There is particular emphasis on the programme for developing LP Gas markets in rural areas, at the core of which is the LP Gas Rural Energy Challenge launched 2 years ago in the framework of a partnership with the UNPD. Moreover, the WLPGA contribution to the preparation of the World Energy Outlook of the LEA is testimony to the reinforcement of relations with this agency, and the Association also took part in the World Energy Congress in Sydney. The other programmes are also progressing: GAIN, GLOTEC, without forgetting the preparation of the annual forum and the services provided directly to WLPGA members. Having decided on a change of direction in his career, Emmanuel Chantelot left the WLPGA and the LP Gas industry on 31 July 2004. He should be attending the Members' Dinner at the Berlin Forum. Emmanuel Chantelot has led the World Association for just over 7 years as Managing Director. (authors)

  16. Hidro conversión de heptano sobre una bentonita colombiana y una saponita española pilarizadas con aluminio y activadas con ácido

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    Manuel Fredy Molina C.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo estudia una arcilla tipo esmectita, una bentonita colombiana, la cual fue sometida a modificación por pilarización con especies de aluminio, y a modificación por tratamiento con ácido clorhídrico de diferentes concentraciones. Igualmente, se empleó una saponita española modificada por pilarización con Al y tratada con ácido clorhídrico de diferentes concentraciones, con el objetode establecer un paralelo entre los dos tipos de arcillas en su comportamiento frente a las modificaciones estudiadas.Los sólidos fueron caracterizados por técnicas convencionales, tales como análisis químico, capacidad de intercambio catiónico, difracción de rayos X, acidez total y análisis de textura. Los resultados indican que los dos tipos dearcilla fueron igualmente pilarizados con Al, independientemente del origen de la esmectita de partida.Los resultados catalíticos en la hidroconversión de heptano, obtenidos sobre catalizadores bifuncionales (arcilla modificada impregnada con Pt revelan que la AlP-saponita es más eficiente en la isomerización que la AIP-bentonita. Esta mayor eficiencia es atribuida a la presencia de sitios ácidos fuertes tipo Si-OH ... Al, los cuales están presentes únicamente en las esmectitas, donde las sustituciones isomórficas están localizadas en las láminas tetraédricas. En montmorillonitas (bentonita, estas sustituciones se encuentran presentes en las láminas octaédricas, de manera que este tipo de sitios ácidos son reducidos o simplemente están ausentes.

  17. Managing Cultural Diversity in Federal Germany: Bavaria and Berlin as Classic Antagonists

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    Caroline Schultz


    Full Text Available Due to the type of federalism applied in Germany the level of analysis best suited for studying integration is that of the 16 Länder. For comparing the approaches of two of these - Bavaria and Berlin - in managing migration-related diversity, the paper uses a double differentiation as analytical starting point. The first refers to the bulk of literature of different national models of integration and proposes two ideal types of integration/diversity policy. The second differentiation seizes the suggestion that integration in some areas of life is socially much more consequential than in others with the consequence that state intervention in these areas is much easier to justify from a normative point of view. From the descriptive comparison it becomes clear that both Länder, though coming from rather diverging starting points, by now employ hybrid strategies to accommodate or manage different aspects of cultural diversity.

  18. Armazenamento de pitangas sob atmosfera modificada e refrigeração: II - qualidade e conservação pós-colheita Storage of Suriname cherry under modified atmosphere and refrigeration: quality and postharvest conservation

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    Adriana Ferreira dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de atmosfera modificada (AM na conservação pós-colheita de pitangas colhidas nos estádios de maturação e início da pigmentação (IP, vermelho-alaranjado (VA e vermelho predominante (VP e armazenadas a 10 e a 14 ºC (90 ± 1%UR e condições ambientes (23± 2 ºC e 85 ± 2%UR. O uso de AM associada à refrigeração resultou em menores perdas de massa, incidência de fungo e enrugamento. A AM também permitiu um aumento de quatro dias na vida útil pós-colheita, mantendo a qualidade acima do limite de aceitação durante oito dias, para pitangas do estádio VA mantidas sob refrigeração. Em conjunto, pitangas colhidas no estádio de maturação vermelho-alaranjado apresentaram melhor potencial de armazenamento, quando mantidas sob atmosfera modificada a 10 ºC.The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of modified atmosphere (MA on postharvest conservation of Suriname cherry harvested in the maturity stages: pigment initiation (PI, red-orangish (RO and predominant red (PR, and stored at 10, 14 ºC (90 ± 1% RH, and room temperature (23± 2 ºC and 85 ± 2% RH. The use of MA associated with refrigeration resulted in lower mass loss, fungi incidence, and fruit shrinkage. The MA also allowed a four-day increase in postharvest life, maintaining the general quality above acceptance limit during eight days, for Suriname cherries of RO maturity stage, kept under refrigeration. Collectively, Suriname cherries harvested at the maturity stage red-orangish presented the best storage potential, when kept under modified atmosphere at 10 ºC.

  19. Frecuencia fenotípica y génica de los antígenos HLA en una muestra de la población cubana


    Morera Barrios, Luz M; R, Catalino; García, Ustáriz; García García, María A.; Díaz Báez, Nelioska; Lam Díaz, Rosa M; Guerreiro Hernández, Ana M; Hernández Ramírez, Porfirio; Ballester Santovenia, José M


    Se realizó un estudio de la frecuencia fenotípica y génica de los antígenos del sistema principal de histocompatibilidad HLA en personas no relacionadas, supuestamente sanas, tomadas como muestra de la población cubana. Se analizó la distribución de 87 antígenos HLA clase I ( loci A, B y C) y 25 clase II ( loci DR y DQ). Se emplearon las técnicas de microlinfocitotoxicidad (serológica) descrita por Terasaki y modificada por el NIH para los antígenos de clase I, y las técnicas de biología mole...

  20. The Berlin Mission Society and German linguistic roots of volkekunde: The background, training and Hamburg writings of Werner Eiselen, 1899-1924

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    Andrew Bank

    Full Text Available This article presents a case for the centrality of race and racism in the training and early ethnographic writings of Werner Eiselen (1899-1977. Together with further discussion in two other articles, it demonstrates that Eiselen was not the consolidator of the British functionalist anthropological tradition in South Africa nor a strong affiliate of the liberal school of African studies in South Africa as other scholars have proposed. On the contrary, he was the founder of a radically different ethnographic tradition: an anti-humanist and deeply racialised tradition of cultural study with its roots in Berlin Mission Society ideology and German Africanist linguistics. I track the origins of Eiselens volkekunde to his missionary background in a former Boer Republic, his Afrikaner nationalist schooling and university career, and especially to his training in African linguistics in Hamburg (and Berlin between 1921 and 1924 under the leading international figure in the field, the German linguist and ethnologist Carl Meinhof (1857-1944, whose racially informed theories and politics profoundly shaped Eiselen and the school of volkekunde that he would father during his decade-long tenure at Stellenbosch University.

  1. Lethal pedestrian--passenger car collisions in Berlin. Changed injury patterns in two different time intervals. (United States)

    Ehrlich, Edwin; Tischer, Anja; Maxeiner, H


    To expand the passive safety of automobiles protecting traffic participants technological innovations were done in the last decades. Objective of our retrospective analysis was to examine if these technical modifications led to a clearly changed pattern of injuries of pedestrians whose death was caused by the accidents. Another reduction concerns the exclusion of injured car passengers--only pedestrians walking or standing at the moment of collision were included. We selected time intervals 1975-1985 and 1991-2004 (=years of construction of the involved passenger cars). The cars were classified depending on their frontal construction in types as presented by Schindler et al. [Schindler V, Kühn M, Weber S, Siegler H, Heinrich T. Verletzungsmechanismen und Wirkabschätzungen der Fahrzegfrontgestaltung bei Pkw-Fussgänger-Kollisionen. Abschlussbericht im Auftrag der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. TU-Berlin Fachgebiet Kraftfahrzeuge (GDV) 2004:36-40]. In both periods more than 90% of all cars were from the usual types small/medium/large class. Hundred and thirty-four autopsy records of such cases from Department of Forensic Medicine (Charité Berlin) data were analysed. The data included technical information of the accidents and vehicles and the external and internal injuries of the victims. The comparison of the two periods showed a decrease of serious head injuries and femoral fractures but an increase of chest-, abdominal and pelvic injuries. This situation could be explained by an increased occurrence of soft-face-constructions and changed front design of modern passenger cars, resulting in a favourable effects concerning head impact to the car during accident. Otherwise the same kinetic energy was transferred to the (complete) victim - but because of a displacement of main focus of impact the pattern of injuries modified (went distally).

  2. Evidence for an unorthodox firing sequence employed by the Berlin Painter : deciphering ancient ceramic firing conditions through high-resolution material characterization and replication

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cianchetta, I.; Trentelman, K.; Maish, J.; Saunders, D.; Foran, B.; Walton, M.; Sciau, Ph.; Wang, T.; Pouyet, E.; Cotte, M.; Meirer, F.; Liu, Y.; Pianetta, P.; Mehta, A.


    XANES spectroscopy was used to complement the results previously obtained with Raman spectroscopy by the same group to determine the firing conditions used in the production of a single vessel painted by the Berlin Painter in the 5th century B.C. The vessel, part of the collection of the J. Paul

  3. Entwurf eines Soll-Prozessmodells für die Verwaltung von Herbarbelegen im Botanischen Garten/Botanischen Museum in Berlin-Dahlem


    Krause, Manfred


    Das Forschungspapier entwirft ein Soll-Prozessmuster für die Verwaltung von Herbarbelegen im Botanischen Garten/ Botanischen Museum in Berlin-Dahlem im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens "Herbar Digital". Ausgangspunkt für die Erstellung des Soll- Modells sind die bereits dokumentierten Geschäftsprozesse. Die bestehenden Prozesse werden an die Ausbaustufe 1 von Herbar Digital angepasst, um die Kosten für die Digitalisierung eines Herbarbeleges zu senken. Als Grundlage für die Optimierung der Gesc...

  4. Tourisme et espaces publics : de l'attractivité à la qualité d'accueil ? Paris au regard de Berlin


    Fleury, Antoine


    Observing that metropolitan tourism takes place mostly in public spaces, the present article aims to shed light on the complex and dynamic relationship between tourism and public space policies. It analyzes how urban governments reconcile the diversity of issues and usages characterizing public spaces in city centres with the economic need of tourism development. Confronting Paris and Berlin it shows how cities have given priority to prestige developments and great events in the context of ur...

  5. Qualidade de mangas 'Tommy Atkins' armazenadas sob atmosfera modificada Quality of 'Tommy Atkins' mangoes stored under modified atmosphere

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elisangela Marques Jeronimo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a qualidade pós-colheita de mangas 'Tommy Atkins', durante o armazenamento refrigerado, utilizando diferentes tipos de embalagens. Os tratamentos foram: frutos acondicionados individualmente em bandejas de acetato transparente, revestidas com filme plástico de cloreto de polivinila (PVC esticável de 14 µm, sem e com sachê de permanganato de potássio, preparado utilizando-se vermiculita como substrato, impregnada com KmnO4 (10 g / 500 g de fruto; frutos acondicionados individualmente em sacos plásticos de polietileno de baixa densidade 25 µm de parede simples (PE confeccionado ou não com permanganato de potássio e frutos acondicionados, em grupos de 5, em caixas de papelão com tampa, revestidas internamente ou não, com filme plástico confeccionado com permanganato de potássio. Os frutos foram armazenados a 13 ± 1°C, 85-90% UR por 20 dias e então transferidos para as condições de ambiente de 24,4 °C, 70% UR. Foram avaliadas a perda de massa fresca, aparência, firmeza da polpa, teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável e ácido ascórbico. Verificou-se que o melhor tratamento de atmosfera modificada foi o de acondicionamento individual dos frutos de manga em bandejas de acetato transparentes, recoberta com o filme de PVC esticável. O permanganato de potássio na forma utilizada neste estudo (sachê e impregnado em filme plástico não interferiu nos resultados obtidos para a conservação dos frutos.The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the post harvest quality of 'Tommy Atkins' mangoes during refrigerated storage, using different types of packing. The modified atmosphere corresponded to the following treatments: fruits conditioned individually in plastic trays, covered with plastic film of polivinil chloride (PVC of 14 µm, without and with sachet of potassium permanganate (10 g; fruits conditioned individually in low density simple wall polyethylene bag of 25 µm made

  6. Positive and negative flashbulb memories of the fall of the Berlin Wall among East- and West Germans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bohn, Annette; Berntsen, Dorthe


    , rehearsal and the centrality of the memory to the person's identity and life story correlated positively with memory qualities. The results suggest that positive versus negative emotions have different effects on the processing and long-term retention of flashbulb memories.......Flashbulb memories for the fall of the Berlin Wall were examined among 103 East and West Germans who considered the event as either highly positive or highly negative. Participants in the positive group rated their memories higher on measures of reliving and sensory imagery, whereas memory...

  7. 'O{sub 2} World' in Berlin. A multifunctional arena of the fifth generation. Air conditioning for all types of events; 'O{sub 2} World' in Berlin. Eine Multifunktionsarena der 5. Generation. Die Klimaanlage wird zum Stimmungsmacher

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krischausky, Lutz [Wolf GmbH, Mainburg (Germany)


    The Anschutz Entertainment Group invested about 165 million Euros in their new multifunctional arena 'O{sub 2} World' in Berlin. The arena has 17,000 seats and is Germany's most state-of-the-art arena building. It can be converted over night into an ice arena, a basketball stadium, a concert hall, or an opera house as desired. The technical facilities are equipped with so-called set-ups that ensure that air conditioning systems follow a specific scenario for each type of event. (orig.)

  8. Reduced size liver transplantation from a donor supported by a Berlin Heart. (United States)

    Misra, M V; Smithers, C J; Krawczuk, L E; Jenkins, R L; Linden, B C; Weldon, C B; Kim, H B


    Patients on cardiac assist devices are often considered to be high-risk solid organ donors. We report the first case of a reduced size liver transplant performed using the left lateral segment of a pediatric donor whose cardiac function was supported by a Berlin Heart. The recipient was a 22-day-old boy with neonatal hemochromatosis who developed fulminant liver failure shortly after birth. The transplant was complicated by mild delayed graft function, which required delayed biliary reconstruction and abdominal wall closure, as well as a bile leak. However, the graft function improved quickly over the first week and the patient was discharged home with normal liver function 8 weeks after transplant. The presence of a cardiac assist device should not be considered an absolute contraindication for abdominal organ donation. Normal organ procurement procedures may require alteration due to the unusual technical obstacles that are encountered when the donor has a cardiac assist device.

  9. The Cuban Scenario 25 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall

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    Onesimo Julian Moreira Seijos


    Full Text Available This paper examines the situation in Cuba after 25 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Cuban political system has prevailed despite predictions foresaw its imminent end since the soviet-like socialism crumbled in East Europe and then in the USSR itself. Although the end of the cold war led to profound adjustments in the international system, the Cuban model remained almost unchanged; however, a Cuban repaired communism emerged in the nineties. Dollarization of the economy and permission for foreign investment affected the ideological purity as the main basis of the system persisted untouched. Nevertheless, since Raul Castro took over power from his brother Fidel in 2006 expectations for reform have increased. In fact, in 2011 the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party was held and some reforms have been implemented ever since. The paper focuses on the scope of those reforms as there are still many open questions about the future of the Cuban society.

  10. 1981 research programme and budget of Hahn-Meitner-Institut fuer Kernforschung Berlin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Hahn-Meitner-Institut fuer Kernforschung Berlin (HMI) is one of the twelve large research centers of the Federal Republic of Germany; like the other centers, it has to present a combined research programme and budget (programme budget) every year. In these programme budgets, as in the medium-term financial planning in the federal budget, planning for the current year is combined with a medium-term plan for the three next years. For the year 1981, the budget of HMI includes a total expenditure of about DM 85 million, DM 71.2 million of which are direct R + D expenditures. This R + D programme is carried by 396 of the total staff of 705. Research is done in the following fields (approximate figures): Heavy ion physics DM 23.0 million. Radiation- and photochemistry DM 11.4 million. Solid state research DM 20.9 million. Nuclear chemistry DM 8.9 million. Data processing/electronics DM 7.0 million. (orig./UA) [de

  11. ISN Nexus 2016 Symposia: Translational Immunology in Kidney Disease—The Berlin Roadmap

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans-Joachim Anders


    Full Text Available To date, the treatment of immune-mediated kidney diseases has only marginally benefited from highly specific biological drugs that have demonstrated remarkable effects in many other diseases. What accounts for this disparity? In April 2016, the International Society of Nephrology held a Nexus meeting on Translational Immunology in Nephrology in Berlin, Germany, to identify and discuss hurdles that block the translational flow of target identification, and preclinical and clinical target validation in the domain of immune-mediated kidney disease. A broad panel of experts including basic scientists, translational researchers, clinical trialists, pharmaceutical industry drug developers, and representatives of the American and European regulatory authorities made recommendations on how to overcome such hurdles at all levels of the translational research process. The results of these discussions are presented here, which may serve as a roadmap for how to optimize the process of developing more innovative and effective drugs for patients with immune-mediated kidney diseases.

  12. Principales causas de la morosidad en la jurisdicción laboral


    Rafael Ospina Morales


    El proyecto desarrollado es de gran magnitud e importancia, toda vez que surgen cascadas de leyes que al poco tiempo de su vigencia, están siendo modificadas, adicionadas o derogadas, por quienes solucionan todos los problemas de Estado con sus administrados, expidiendo leyes, SINAVERIGUARLAS CAUSAS que han generado la patología social en determinado momento. La Ley debe tener en cuenta el fenómeno social, pero no a la ligera, sino profundizando sobre el origen y ...

  13. Medicación antigotosa para agresión refractaria en pacientes autistas


    Ortiz Tobón, Juan Felipe


    Las conductas hetero y autoagresivas en pacientes con autismo pueden ser refractarias a los medicamentos comúnmente empleados; sin embargo, la adenosina, purina neuromoduladora, ha demostrado ser una sustancia con propiedades antiagresivas dentro de modelos animales. Las vías de purinas se encuentran modificadas en ciertas patologías que presentan automutilaciones. El alopurinol aumentaría de forma indirecta las concentraciones de adenosina, por lo cual sería efectiva en el manejo de la agres...

  14. Aspirin: 120 years of innovation. A report from the 2017 Scientific Conference of the International Aspirin Foundation, 14 September 2017, Charité, Berlin. (United States)

    Walker, Jaqui; Hutchison, Pippa; Ge, Junbo; Zhao, Dong; Wang, Yongjun; Rothwell, Peter M; Gaziano, J Michael; Chan, Andrew; Burn, John; Chia, John; Langley, Ruth; O'Donnell, Valerie; Rocca, Bianca; Hawkey, Chris


    Acetylsalicylic acid was first synthesised by Dr FeIix Hoffman on 10th August 1897 and Aspirin was born. It quickly became the best-known pain killer in the world and in the 120 years since this event, aspirin has continued to attract interest, innovation and excitement. Set within the walls of the preserved ruins of Rudolf Virchow's lecture hall at Charité, within Berlin's Museum of Medical History, the International Aspirin Foundation's 28th Scientific Conference served to facilitate international, multi-disease, multidisciplinary discussion about the current understanding of aspirin's mechanisms of action and its utility in modern medicine as well as ideas for future research into its multifaceted applications to enhance global health. In addition to the delegates in Berlin, 300 medical doctors at the 19th Annual Scientific Congress of the Chinese Society of Cardiology were able to join the cardiology sessions from Taiyuan, Shangxi province via a live streaming link to and from China. This led to useful discussion and allowed a truly international perspective to the meeting.

  15. Alles muss man selber machen. Multi-Layer-Organizing für eine soziale Wohnraumversorgung in Berlin

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    Kotti & Co


    Full Text Available Kotti & Co protestieren seit 2011 gegen Mieterhöhungen im sozialen Wohnungsbau am Kottbusser Tor, Berlin Kreuzberg. Seitdem haben sie mit einem Gecekondu ihren eigenen Vorplatz besetzt, zahlreiche Lärmdemonstrationen veranstaltet, Expertise organisiert und selbst erworben, lokale und stadtweite Kampagnen initiiert, sich stadtweit und international vernetzt und gemeinsam mit anderen ein eigenes Gesetz zur Umstrukturierung der sozialen Wohnraumversorgung geschrieben. All diese Aktivitäten basieren auf dem Zusammenkommen als Mieter_innen, die wollen, dass ihre Miete sinkt, dass Familien, Freund_innen und Nachbar_innen am Kotti wohnen bleiben können und dass die rassistische Ausgrenzung vieler der Nachbar_innen endlich aufhört.

  16. Envasado de Carne de Vacuno con Hueso y Grasa en Atmósfera Modificada con CO2 y CO Packaging of Bone and Fat Containing Beef Meat under a Modified Atmosphere Containing CO2 and CO


    Estrella R Aspé; Marlene D Roeckel; Cristina Martí; Romel Jiménez


    Se evaluó el efecto de envasado en atmósfera modificada (MAP) con bajo contenido de CO (0.1% y 0.4%) y presencia de CO2 sobre el color rojo y la vida útil de carne de vacuno. Se determinaron características microbiológicas, fisicoquímicas, organolépticas-sensoriales y de color del músculo y se compararon los resultados con el MAP de 70%O2+30%CO2. La vida útil de las muestras con O2 fue de 30 días mientras que para las muestras en MAP la vida útil fue de 40 a 45 días y no dependió de la concen...

  17. Climatology of the northern hemisphere stratosphere derived from Berlin analyses. Pt. 1. Monthly means

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pawson, S.; Labitzke, K.; Lenschow, R.; Naujokat, B.; Rajewski, B.; Wiesner, M.; Wohlfart, R.C.


    This work presents a climatology of the northern hemisphere lower and middle stratosphere derived from daily radiosonde observations subjectively analysed in the Stratospheric Research Group of the 'Meteorologisches Institut der Freien Universitaet Berlin'. Previous climatologies from these data were presented by Labitzke (1972), van Loon et al. (1972), and by Labitzke and Goretzki (1982). Although some more recent climatological fields have been presented in several works by members of the group, no complete atlas has been compiled for some time. The work is intended to serve as a reference for people interested in the stratosphere and, particularly, the climate analysis and modelling communities, which require contemporary analyses of the available data in order to interpret their products. In this first part of the climatological atlas, monthly mean data are presented. (orig./KW)

  18. Climatology of the northern hemisphere stratosphere derived from Berlin analyses. Pt. 1. Monthly means

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pawson, S; Labitzke, K; Lenschow, R; Naujokat, B; Rajewski, B; Wiesner, M; Wohlfart, R C


    This work presents a climatology of the northern hemisphere lower and middle stratosphere derived from daily radiosonde observations subjectively analysed in the Stratospheric Research Group of the 'Meteorologisches Institut der Freien Universitaet Berlin'. Previous climatologies from these data were presented by Labitzke (1972), van Loon et al. (1972), and by Labitzke and Goretzki (1982). Although some more recent climatological fields have been presented in several works by members of the group, no complete atlas has been compiled for some time. The work is intended to serve as a reference for people interested in the stratosphere and, particularly, the climate analysis and modelling communities, which require contemporary analyses of the available data in order to interpret their products. In this first part of the climatological atlas, monthly mean data are presented. (orig./KW)

  19. Aumento da vida útil e microbiologia da carne suína embalada em atmosfera modificada Shelf life extension and microbiology of pork meat packaged in modified atmosphere

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sérgio Borges Mano


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da embalagem de carne suína em atmosfera modificada, obteve-se assepticamente amostras de lombo (Longissimus dorsi de suíno de aproximadamente 3x3cm que depois de lavadas em solução salina (0,35% estéril, foram introduzidas em bolsas de plástico (Cryovac BB4L de baixa permeabilidade. Dividiram-se em 4 lotes e se embalaram com aproximadamente 1,0l de ar (100%, nitrogênio (100%, 20/80 e 40/60 CO2/O2 e se termo-selaram. Finalmente, cada lote se subdividiu em 2, armazenando-se a 1 e 7ºC. Durante o armazenamento tomaram-se amostras determinando-se a composição da atmosfera, o pH e a composição da microbiota (microbiota total, bactérias lácticas, Enterobacteriaceae, Brochothrix thermosphacta e contagens em ágar pseudomonas. Os parâmetros de crescimento (fase de latência e tempo de duplicação dos microrganismos foram determinados mediante a equação de Gompertz. Os resultados demonstraram que a vida útil da carne suína é prolongada quando se armazena em atmosferas modificadas. As atmosferas enriquecidas com CO2 e a 1ºC mostraram uma maior eficácia. As atmosferas com CO2, mantiveram o pH das amostras constante durante todo o período de armazenamento. A 1 e 7ºC, as fases de latência e os tempos de duplicação da microbiota total foram progressivamente maiores na seguinte ordem: atmosfera de ar (100%, N2 (100%, 20/80 e 40/60 CO2/O2. Pode-se concluir que, tanto a 1 como a 7ºC, a utilização das atmosferas modificadas retardou o crescimento das bactérias alterantes da carne suína, favorecendo o prolongamento da vida útil, principalmente nas atmosferas com CO2.The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of modified atmospheres on refrigerated pork meat (Longissimus dorsi. Pork meat was cut into ca. 1cm thick slices of 9cm², introduced in Cryovac type BB4L bags, characterized by its low gas permeability, and divided into four batches. The bags of each batch were filled

  20. Portable exhausters POR-004 SKID B, POR-005 SKID C, POR-006 SKID D storage plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, O.D.; Keller, G.M.


    This document provides a storage plan for portable exhausters POR-004 SKID B, POR-005 SKID C, AND POR-006 SKID D. The exhausters will be stored until they are needed by the TWRS (Tank Waste Remediation Systems) Saltwell Pumping Program. The storage plan provides criteria for portable exhauster storage, periodic inspections during storage, and retrieval from storage

  1. Eliciting views on antibiotic prescribing and resistance among hospital and outpatient care physicians in Berlin, Germany: results of a qualitative study. (United States)

    Velasco, Edward; Ziegelmann, Antina; Eckmanns, Tim; Krause, Gérard


    To better understand physicians' views on factors of influence for the prescribing of antibiotics and on antibiotic resistance in the Berlin region, Germany. Qualitative study with focus groups. Outpatient care and hospital care practice in the Berlin region, Germany. 7 General practitioners, two urologists, one paediatrician from outpatient care and eight internists, two paediatricians, two ear, nose and throat specialists and two urologists from hospital care. Physicians showed differential interest in topics related to antibiotic prescribing and antibiotic resistance. Outpatient care physicians were interested in topics around their own prescribing, such as being able to diagnose and prescribe precisely, and topics about patient demand and non-compliance. Hospital care physicians were interested in hygiene challenges, limited consult time and multi-resistant pathogens. Physicians considered the development of resistance to be more in the domain of clinical treatment than that of the patient. Major challenges related to antibiotic resistance for this group of physicians are access to and clarity of treatment recommendations, implementation of hygienic measures, as well as increased outsourcing of laboratory services. Results raise questions about whether meeting physicians' expectations should be a focus when developing intervention that aims to influence antibiotic resistance in this and other areas of Germany.

  2. The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in mechanically ventilated burn patients: An analysis of risk factors, clinical features, and outcomes using the Berlin ARDS definition. (United States)

    Cartotto, Robert; Li, Zeyu; Hanna, Steven; Spano, Stefania; Wood, Donna; Chung, Karen; Camacho, Fernando


    The Berlin definition of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) has been applied to military burns resulting from combat-related trauma, but has not been widely studied among civilian burns. This study's purpose was to use the Berlin definition to determine the incidence of ARDS, and its associated respiratory morbidity, and mortality among civilian burn patients. Retrospective study of burn patients mechanically ventilated for ≥48h at an American Burn Association-verified burn center. The Berlin criteria identified patients with mild, moderate, and severe ARDS. Logistic regression was used to identify variables predictive of moderate to severe ARDS, and mortality. The outcome measures of interest were duration of mechanical ventilation and in-hospital mortality. Values are shown as the median (Q1-Q3). We included 162 subjects [24% female, age 48 (35-60), % total body surface area (TBSA) burn 28 (19-40), % body surface area (BSA) full thickness (FT) burn 13 (0-30), and 62% with inhalation injury]. The incidence of ARDS was 43%. Patients with ARDS had larger %TBSA burns [30.5 (23.1-47.0) vs. 24.8 (17.1-35), p=0.007], larger FT burns [20.5(5.4-35.5) vs. 7 (0-22.1), p=0.001], but had no significant difference in the incidence of inhalation injury (p=0.216), compared to those without ARDS. The % FT burn predicted the development of moderate to severe ARDS [OR 1.034, 95%CI (1.013-1.055), p=0.001]. ARDS developed in the 1st week after burn in 86% of cases. Worsening severity of ARDS was associated with increased days of mechanical ventilation in survivors (p=0.001), a reduction in ventilator-free days/1st 30 days in all subjects (p=0.004), and a strong indication of increased mortality (0% in mild ARDS vs. 50% in severe ARDS, unadjusted p=0.02). Neither moderate ARDS nor severe ARDS were significant predictors of death. ARDS is common among mechanically ventilated civilian burn patients, and develops early after burn. The extent of full thickness burn predicted

  3. Orchards for edible cities: cadmium and lead content in nuts, berries, pome and stone fruits harvested within the inner city neighbourhoods in Berlin, Germany. (United States)

    von Hoffen, Laura Pauline; Säumel, Ina


    Today's urban gardening focuses mainly on vegetable production and rarely includes fruit trees. Health effects of consuming urban crops are questioned due to high local pollution loads. Here, we determined cadmium and lead content in the edible parts of nuts, berries, pome, and stone fruits harvested from fruit trees and shrubs within inner city neighbourhoods of Berlin, Germany. We analysed how local settings at sampling sites shaped the trace metal content. We revealed significant differences in trace metal content depending on species, fruit type, local traffic, and parameters related to barriers between the sampling site and neighbouring roads. Higher overall traffic burden and proximity to roads increased whereas buildings or vegetation as barriers reduced trace metal content in the edible biomass. We demonstrate, that the consumption of non-vegetable fruits growing in inner city sites in Berlin does not pose a risk on human health as long as the fruits are thoroughly washed and it is provided that site pollutions and impacts are considered in garden concepts and guidelines. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Inc.

  4. Dokumentation der Diskussionsbeiträge auf dem Workshop des DIW Berlin zum Thema "Riester-Rente - Grundlegende Reform dringend geboten!?": [Online-Artikel


    Kornelia Hagen


    Dokumentiert wird der Austausch über das Riester-Sparen, der auf dem Workshop des DIW Berlin stattfand. Teilnehmer dieser Veranstaltung waren Wissenschaftler sowie Vertreter aus Wirtschaft und Politik. Die Gespräche fanden entlang von Vorträgen statt. Kontrovers diskutiert wurde über die Förderung, über Auswirkungen der Freiwilligkeit und eines Obligatoriums der privaten Altersvorsorge, über die Akzeptanz des Riester-Sparens unter Geringverdienern, die Transparenz, Kalkulation und Rendite der...

  5. Chemical and physical reservoir parameters at initial conditions in Berlin geothermal field, El Salvador: a first assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D`Amore, F. [CNR, Pisa (Italy). International Institute for Geothermal Research ; Mejia, J.T. [Comision Ejuctiva Hidroelectrica del Rio Lempa, El Salvador (El Salvador)


    A study has been made to obtain the main chemical and physical reservoir conditions of the Berlin field (El Salvador), before the commencement of large-scale exploitation of the geothermal resource. The upflow zone and the main flow path within the geothermal system have been determined from the area distribution of chemical parameters such as Cl concentrations, ratios such as Na/K, K/Mg, K/Ca, and temperatures computed from silica concentrations and cation ratios. Gas compositions have been used to calculate reservoir parameters such as temperature, steam fraction and P{sub CO{sub 2}}. The computer code WATCH (new edition 1994) has been used to evaluate the temperature of equilibrium between the aqueous species and selected alteration minerals in the reservoir. The fluid in Berlin flows to the exploited reservoir from the south, entering it in the vicinity of well TR-5. Along its flow-path (south-north direction), the fluid is cooled by boiling and conductive cooling. The chloride-enthalpy diagram indicates the existence of a parent water, with a chemical composition similar to well TR-5, that boils and the residual brine produces the fluid of well TR-3, which is very concentrated in salts. The fluid of TR-5 is probably produced from this parent water, generating the fluids of wells TR-2 and TR-9 by boiling, and the fluids of wells TR-1 and TR-4 by conductive cooling. The computed values for the deep steam fraction clearly indicate that this is a liquid-dominated system, with computed temperature values decreasing from 310{sup o}C (upflow zone) to about 230{sup o}C, from south to north. (author)

  6. Implementation of the 2017 Berlin Concussion in Sport Group Consensus Statement in contact and collision sports: a joint position statement from 11 national and international sports organisations (United States)

    Patricios, Jon S; Hislop, Michael David; Aubry, Mark; Bloomfield, Paul; Broderick, Carolyn; Clifton, Patrick; Ellenbogen, Richard G; Falvey, Éanna Cian; Grand, Julie; Hack, Dallas; Harcourt, Peter Rex; Hughes, David; McGuirk, Nathan; Meeuwisse, Willem; Miller, Jeffrey; Parsons, John T; Richiger, Simona; Sills, Allen; Moran, Kevin B; Shute, Jenny; Raftery, Martin


    The 2017 Berlin Concussion in Sport Group Consensus Statement provides a global summary of best practice in concussion prevention, diagnosis and management, underpinned by systematic reviews and expert consensus. Due to their different settings and rules, individual sports need to adapt concussion guidelines according to their specific regulatory environment. At the same time, consistent application of the Berlin Consensus Statement’s themes across sporting codes is likely to facilitate superior and uniform diagnosis and management, improve concussion education and highlight collaborative research opportunities. This document summarises the approaches discussed by medical representatives from the governing bodies of 10 different contact and collision sports in Dublin, Ireland in July 2017. Those sports are: American football, Australian football, basketball, cricket, equestrian sports, football/soccer, ice hockey, rugby league, rugby union and skiing. This document had been endorsed by 11 sport governing bodies/national federations at the time of being published. PMID:29500252

  7. Osteotomia em Chevron modificada: análise preliminar do comportamento baropodométrico Modified Chevron osteotomy: preliminary analysis of baropodometric behavior

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    Juliana Motta Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características clínicas e baropodométricas da marcha de indivíduos com Hálux Valgo após a osteotomia em Chevron modificada, isolada ou em associação com a osteotomia de Weil. MÉTODOS: FORAM avaliados, antes e três meses após a cirurgia, 27 pés com deformidade leve e moderada. A avaliação clínica incluiu a pontuação da AOFAS e medidas radiográficas. A avaliação baropodométrica foi realizada através da Plataforma Emed-at. As variáveis Pico de Pressão, Integral Pressão-Tempo e Carga Relativa foram calculadas em 10 regiões: calcanhar, mediopé, 1-5º metatársicos, hálux, 2º, 3-5º dedos. RESULTADOS: Após a cirurgia houve aumento na pontuação da AOFAS e redução dos parâmetros radiográficos. A avaliação baropodométrica, após osteotomia em Chevron isolada, demonstrou redução da pressão e da força sob o 1º metatársico e hálux, assim como, aumento dessas variáveis nos metatársicos centrais e laterais. Após a osteotomia em Chevron/Weil ocorreram alterações significativas apenas na região do hálux e dos dedos. CONCLUSÃO: Em curto prazo, a técnica em Chevron modificada promoveu melhora das condições clínicas e dos parâmetros radiográficos. Em relação a avaliação baropodométrica constatou-se uma transferência de cargas da região medial para lateral do antepé, possivelmente pelo curto período de pós-operatório.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical and baropodometric characteristics of the gaits of individuals with a hallux valgus deformity after modified Chevron osteotomy, in isolation or in association with the Weil osteotomy. METHODS: Foot evaluation happened before and three months after surgery analyzing 27 mildly and moderately deformed feet. The clinical evaluation included the AOFAS score and radiographic measurements. The baropodometric evaluation was done with the Emed-at platform. Peak of Pressure, Pressure-Time Integral and Relative Load were calculated in

  8. The influence of green areas and roof albedos on air temperatures during extreme heat events in Berlin, Germany

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schubert, Sebastian; Grossmann-Clarke, Susanne [Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam (Germany)


    The mesoscale atmospheric model COSMO-CLM (CCLM) with the Double Canyon Effect Parametrization Scheme (DCEP) is applied to investigate possible adaption measures to extreme heat events (EHEs) for the city of Berlin, Germany. The emphasis is on the effects of a modified urban vegetation cover and roof albedo on near-surface air temperatures. Five EHEs with a duration of 5 days or more are identified for the period 2000 to 2009. A reference simulation is carried out for each EHE with current vegetation cover, roof albedo and urban canopy parameters (UCPs), and is evaluated with temperature observations from weather stations in Berlin and its surroundings. The derivation of the UCPs from an impervious surface map and a 3-D building data set is detailed. Characteristics of the simulated urban heat island for each EHE are analysed in terms of these UCPs. In addition, six sensitivity runs are examined with a modified vegetation cover of each urban grid cell by -25%, 5% and 15%, with a roof albedo increased to 0.40 and 0.65, and with a combination of the largest vegetation cover and roof albedo, respectively. At the weather stations' grid cells, the results show a maximum of the average diurnal change in air temperature during each EHE of 0.82 K and -0.48 K for the -25% and 15% vegetation covers, -0.50 K for the roof albedos of 0.65, and -0.63 K for the combined vegetation and albedo case. The largest effects on the air temperature are detected during midday. (orig.)

  9. Rearticulating the Experience of War in Anonyma: Eine Frau in Berlin

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    Holger Pötzsch


    Full Text Available Situating itself in the field of cultural memory studies, this article traces the slow emergence in German historical discourse of the narrative of an anonymous German woman who survived the Soviet occupation of Berlin in 1945. I will, firstly, conceptualize the historical condition of the Anonyma as a precarious liminal sphere of transition between competing sovereignties that dislodged her political status as citizen and reconstituted her as bare life in the sense of Agamben. Secondly, I direct focus to the relationship between the personal story of the Anonyma and a historical Master narrative pertaining to the period. The article argues for a close connection between the woman’s form of resistance that aimed at replacing unchecked rape with a form of coerced prostitution to reassert limited control over the borders of her body, and the negative reception her diary received after a first publication in Germany in 1959. Her story implicitly challenges a hegemonic discourse of war that treats mass rape as mainly an assault on the nation’s male defenders and that silences the victims’ traumatic experiences with reference to collective guilt and individual shame or treason.

  10. Estudo retrospectivo de 11 casos de aerofagia em equinos operados pela técnica de miectomia de Forssell modificada Modified Forssell's myectomy operation in windsucking horses: a retrospective study of 11 cases

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    José Luiz de Mello Nicoletti


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho foi feita unta revisão do resultado pós-operatório com a técnica de miectomia de Forssell modificada aplicada em 11 equinos portadores de aerofagia, atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da FMVZ-UNESP, Botucatu, no período entre julho de 1992 e abril de 1995. A técnica consiste basicamente na ressecção dos músculos omohioídeo, esternohioídeo e esternotirohioídeo associado à neurectomia do ramo ventral do nervo acessório, que inerva o músculo esternomandibular. As informações sobre a evolução pós-operatória. que variou entre 4 e 36 meses, foram obtidas por contacto telefônico ou carta questionário. As raças acometidas foram: Quarto de Milha (5 animais. Apaloosa (4 animais, Mangalarga (1 animal e Brasileira de Hipismo (1 animal, sendo 7 fêmeas e 4 machos, e as idades variaram entre 1,5 e 11 anos. O resultado pós-operatório mostrou que 7 animais (63.3% estavam totalmente recuperados; 2 animais (18.1% recuperaram-se parcialmente pois o problema recidivou embora em menor intensidade entre 30 e 90 dias após a cirurgia e 2 animais (18,1% não tiveram nenhuma melhora.The objective of this study was to observe the long-term results of the modifica Forssell's operation to correct windsucking in 11 horses. The post-operative results was obtained by telephone and written reports, 4 to 36 months after operation. Seven animals (63.3% became free of the vice. while two horses (18.1% were recorded as having partial improvement. The other two horses (18.1%, retumed to windsucking as the same as before surgery. Cosmetic results were considered excellent in the owners opinion.

  11. Production of Short-Lived Radionuclides at the Hahn-Meitner Institute in West Berlin; Production de Radionuclides a Courte Periode a l'Institut Hahn-Meitner de Berlin-Ouest; ПРОИЗВОДСТВО КОРОТКОЖИВУЩИХ РАДИОИЗОТОПОВ В ИНСТИТУТЕ ХАНА-МАЙТНЕРА В ЗАПАДНОМ БЕРЛИНЕ; Produccion de Radionuclidos de Periodo Corto en el Instituto Hahn-Meitner de Berlin Occidental

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Felix, F. W.; Pirrwitz, D.; Szabo de Bucs, E. [Hahn - Meitner-Institut fuer Kern Forschung, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany)


    echange d'ions a donne de meilleurs resultats que ceux qui sont habituellement mentionnes dans les publications specialisees. Pour la production de {sup 64}Cu et de {sup 69m}Zn, les auteurs ont mis au point des methodes electrolytiques speciales qui permettent d'extraire les radionucleides produits par une reaction Szilard-Chalmers sur les phtalocyanines. Les deux nucleides ont pu etre utilises pour le diagnostic medical. Le memoire donne des renseignements detailles sur les installations et les procedes d'irradiation, les methodes et appareils de production, l'analyse et l'etalonnage des radionucleides produits et la capacite de production. (author) [Spanish] En 1960, el Instituto Hahn-Meitner de investigaciones nucleares, situado en Berlin occidental, empezo a producir radionuclidos de periodo corto para fines medicos y cientificos. La produccion actual comprende nuclidos utilizados con frecuencia en medicina tales como el {sup 25}Na, {sup 42}K, {sup 198}Au, asi como el {sup 64}Cu, {sup 69m}Z y {sup 18}F. El {sup 24}Na y el {sup 42}K se obtienen por irradiacion neutronica de los cloruros y, una vez calibrados, se suministran en forma de solidos. El {sup 198}Au se obtiene por irradiacion del metal y puede emplearse directamente para implantaciones en el tratamiento del cancer. El {sup 18}F se obtiene por la reaccion {sup 16}0 (t, n) y por irradiacion del LiNO{sub 3}. La separacion del {sup 18}F por intercambio ionico dio resultados mas favorables que los que se citan generalmente en la bibliografia. En la produccion de {sup 64}Cu y {sup 69m}Zn, se han perfeccionado metodos electroliticos especiales para extraer los radionuclidos obtenidos por una reaccion de Szilard-Chalmers aplicada a ftalocianinas. Ambos nuclidos han encontrado aplicaciones en el diagnostico medico. La memoria da detalles sobre las instalaciones de irradiacion y las tecnicas empleadas, los metodos de produccion y los aparatos, el analisis y la calibracion de los radionuclidos obtenidos, asi como sobre

  12. After the fall of the Berlin Wall: perceptions and consequences of stability and change among middle-aged and older East and West Germans. (United States)

    Westerhof, Gerben J; Keyes, Corey L M


    This study empirically tested the self-systems theory of subjective change in light of the rapid change after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The theory predicts that individuals have a tendency to perceive stability and that perceived stability exerts a strong positive effect on subjective well-being. We would expect perceptions of decline and, to a lesser extent, perceptions of improvement to be related to lower levels of subjective well-being. Data were from respondents aged 40-85 years who participated in the German Aging Survey. We used measures of well-being and temporal comparisons during the past 10 years (1986-1996). West Germans reported more stability than East Germans, in particular in the public domain and in older age groups. Compared with perceptions of stability, perceptions of decline were related to less life satisfaction and more negative affect, and perceptions of growth to more negative affect. Temporal comparisons were unrelated to positive affect. Our findings both confirm and reject the self-systems theory of subjective change as it relates to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Studying temporal comparisons is important in understanding the effects of historical events and their timing within an individual life course.

  13. Berlin and nuclear power. Courage to assume responsibility?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knorr, Juergen


    On October 28, 2009, the Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V. (KTG) awarded to Professor Dr. Juergen Knorr its 32 nd honorary membership in recognition of his untiring commitment and his decades of work for the peaceful uses of, and research into, nuclear power in Germany. Between 1992 and 2006 the scientist, now retired, held the Nuclear Power Technology chair at the Technical University of Dresden and, temporarily, also headed the university's Institute for Power Technology at the same time. From 1990, Professor Knorr was a member of the Executive Board of the Kerntechnische Gesellschaft; he was KTG Chairman between 1993 and 2000. At the same time and beyond, until 2005, Professor Knorr was a member also of the Board of the Deutsches Atomforum. At the awarding ceremony in Berlin on October 28, KTG Chairman Dr. Helmut Blaesig welcomed the fact that, on the basis of the coalition agreement of CDU, CSU and FDP, the new federal government 'had clearly recognized the advantages of nuclear power.' It appreciated the safety of German plants and, in addition to the non-polluting characteristics due to CO 2 emissions saved and the security of supply, also the economic benefit of electricity generation from nuclear power. This supported the German economy in a situation which continued to be difficult. In his vote of thanks for the 32 nd honorary membership of KTG, Professor Knorr emphasized what he considered a key expectation of the re-evaluation of nuclear power by the new federal government: Creating framework conditions for a societal consensus that fair competition among conventional, renewable and nuclear power technologies will give rise to an optimum mix enabling sustainable development to be achieved. (orig.)

  14. Unification of Theoretical Models of Academic Self-Concept/Achievement Relations: Reunification of East and West German School Systems after the Fall of the Berlin Wall (United States)

    Marsh, Herbert W.; Koller, Olaf


    Longitudinal data (five waves) from large cohorts of 7th grade students in East Germany ("n"=2,119) and West Germany ("n"=1,928) were collected from the start of the reunification of the school systems following the fall of the Berlin Wall. Here we integrate the two major theoretical models of relations between academic…

  15. The urban land use in the COSMO-CLM model: a comparison of three parameterizations for Berlin

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    Kristina Trusilova


    Full Text Available The regional non-hydrostatic climate model COSMO-CLM is increasingly being used on fine spatial scales of 1–5 km. Such applications require a detailed differentiation between the parameterization for natural and urban land uses. Since 2010, three parameterizations for urban land use have been incorporated into COSMO-CLM. These parameterizations vary in their complexity, required city parameters and their computational cost. We perform model simulations with the COSMO-CLM coupled to these three parameterizations for urban land in the same model domain of Berlin on a 1-km grid and compare results with available temperature observations. While all models capture the urban heat island, they differ in spatial detail, magnitude and the diurnal variation.

  16. Measures of social segregation in the context of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris metropolitan areas

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    Grzegorczyk Anna


    Full Text Available Social segregation is a subject common in contemporary studies of metropolitan areas. Until recently, studies of segregation focused on the distribution of ethnic groups, immigrants, and the poor. Today, they also cover additional indicators such as demographic properties, education, and affiliation with social and professional categories, which can also serve to determine the causes of the segregation (including the self-segregation of the rich. This article aims to point out the measures of segregation that present the segregation levels in the most complete manner, along with their application in the context of three European metropolitan areas: Warsaw, Berlin, and Paris. The first part of the article is a review of the existing approaches to segregation measures, followed by the selection of research method, presentation of the analysis’ results, and evaluation of the applied methods; presenting the opportunities and limitations in research of the social segregation phenomenon.

  17. Método rápido para la observación de Cryptosporidium en heces Rapid method for detection of cryptosporidium in stools

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    Graciela Barona


    Full Text Available Entre agosto de 1990 y diciembre de 1991 se examinaron 120 muestras de materia fecal de niños o adultos que consultaron por diarrea, sugestiva de ser causada por Cryptosporidium spp. En todos los casos se realizó la coloración con Lugol-Nigroslna, que proponemos, y se hizo la confirmación con la de Ziehl Neelsen modificada, pese a su limitación de teñir con el mismo patrón de coloración el Cryptosporldium y estructuras diferentes a él. En 20 (16.6% muestras (12 de niños y 8 de adultos se identificaron ooquistes de Cryptosporldlum spp y todas se confirmaron como positivas por la coloración de Ziehl Neelsen modificada. Dado que no siempre es fácil la observación de parásitos de poca prevalencia sugerimos esta coloración como ensayo de rutina porque ayuda a distinguir los ooquistes de Cryptosporidium y mejora la observación de todos los protozoarios.

    We examined 120 stool specimens from patients with diarrheal disease, suspected of being infected with Cryptosporidium. Preliminary observation was made with a Lugol-Nigrosine stain and confirmation with modified Ziehl-Neelsen. Twenty specimens (12 from children and 8 from adults (16.6% were positive for Cryptosporidium oocysts andevery one of them was confirmed with ZN stain. Since It may be difficult to detect low-prevalence parasites we suggest routine use of Lugol-Nigrosine which is useful for the detection of Cryptosporidium as well as of other protozoa.

  18. Oral vaccines against diarrhea associated with enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains based on genetically modified Bacillus subtilis strains


    Wilson Barros Luiz


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi a construção de linhagens geneticamente modificadas de B. subtilis capazes de expressar porções de intimina, principal componente envolvido na capacidade de colonização de linhagens enteropatogênicas de Escherichia coli (EPEC), como estratégia vacinal de administração oral contra diarréias infecciosas. As vacinas desenvolvidas empregaram cinco regiões da intimina de EPEC e linhagens de B. subtilis capazes de expressar e acumular proteínas recombinantes no citopla...

  19. Retenção e degradação de 14C-glifosato e remobilização dos seus resíduos ligados em diferentes classes de solos


    Sayonara Andrade do Couto Moreno Arantes


    O glifosato é um dos herbicidas mais consumidos no Brasil e com perspectivas de aumento deste consumo, diante da expansão do plantio direto e do plantio de culturas geneticamente modificadas com resistência a esse herbicida. Porém, pesquisas com esta molécula são ainda incipientes em solos de clima tropical. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa objetivou gerar dados para uma melhor compreensão do comportamento ambiental desta molécula. Com este intuito, foram realizados ensaios laboratoriais com um ...

  20. Mobbing: assédio moral em contexto de enfermagem


    Carvalho, Guilhermina


    Este estudo pretende avaliar o impacto do mobbing (assédio moral ou assédio psicológico) em contexto de enfermagem relativamente à sua frequência, intensidade e efeito. Com isto, pretendeu-se dar visibilidade ao tema, melhor documentá-lo e por conseguinte, melhor compreendê-lo. Um dos objectivos deste trabalho consistiu em traduzir, adaptar e validar uma escala: a LIPT 60 (Leymann Inventory of Psychological Terrorization - versão modificada) a uma população portuguesa de enfermeiros em contex...

  1. Celulitis por citomegalovirus

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    A. Ruiz Lascano


    Full Text Available Las lesiones cutáneas por citomegalovirus (CMV son infrecuentes y a menudo una manifestación tardía de una enfermedad sistémica, que generalmente anuncia un curso fatal. Comunicamos un caso de celulitis por CMV: una mujer de 70 años con trasplante renal efectuado 1 mes antes de la consulta, terapia inmunosupresora con ciclosporina A y metilprednisona. La paciente ingresó por fiebre, dolor e impotencia funcional en pierna derecha. Comprobamos la existencia de una placa de 8 por 4 cm eritematoedematosa. La tratamos con antibióticos sin mejoría, por lo que realizamos un estudio histopatológico de piel que mostró cambios citopáticos compatibles con infección por CMV. Los cultivos bacteriológicos y micológicos fueron negativos. La inmunohistoquímica específica para CMV y el estudio de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR de la biopsia de piel fueron positivas, al igual que la antigenemia. El tratamiento con ganciclovir produjo la mejoría del cuadro clínico. En la literatura revisada no hemos encontrado la celulitis como manifestación de enfermedad cutánea por CMV.

  2. Contribution of overweight and obesity to adverse pregnancy outcomes among immigrant and non-immigrant women in Berlin, Germany. (United States)

    Reiss, Katharina; Breckenkamp, Jürgen; Borde, Theda; Brenne, Silke; David, Matthias; Razum, Oliver


    Maternal excessive weight and smoking are associated with an increased risk of pregnancy complications and adverse pregnancy outcomes. In Germany, immigrant women have a higher prevalence of pre-pregnancy overweight/obesity compared with autochthonous women. We compared the contribution of pre-pregnancy overweight/obesity to adverse pregnancy outcomes among immigrant and autochthonous women in Berlin/Germany. Data from 2586 immigrant women (from Turkey, Lebanon, other countries of origin) and 2676 autochthonous women delivering in three maternity hospitals of Berlin within 12 months (2011/2012) was used. Cox regression models were applied to estimate the association between overweight/obesity and smoking with the outcomes large-for-gestational-age (LGA), small-for-gestational-age (SGA), preterm birth (PTB) and extreme preterm-birth (E-PTB). Population attributive fractions (PAF) were calculated to quantify the proportion of the outcomes attributable to overweight/obesity and smoking, respectively. Prevalence of overweight and obesity was 33.4% among autochthonous and 53.6% among Turkish women. Prevalence risk ratios of excessive weight were highest for LGA infants among immigrant and autochthonous women. The PAFs were -11.8% (SGA), +16.3% (LGA), +3.6% (PTB) and +16.5% (E-PTB) for the total study population. Overweight/obesity is strongly associated with an increased risk of delivering an LGA infant among both immigrant and autochthonous women. Compared with autochthonous women, the contribution of excessive weight to LGA is even higher among immigrant women, in whom PAFs of overweight/obesity even exceed those of smoking for some outcomes. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association. All rights reserved.


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    Full Text Available This paper is intended to introduce Nana Rademacher, one of the contemporary female science fiction writers in Germany, and to study her work Wir Waren Hier (We Were Here, 2016 which has been seen as an anti-utopian fiction by different critics. In this study, the focus is on anti-utopia which has become a popular literary genre as a result of social, economic and political disappointment experienced in the 20th and 21st centuries. The protagonist, fifteen-year-old Anna, lives in a devastated Berlin which lies in ruins following several years of inter-state conflict which has now been under the hegemony of civil war and military rule. Self-preservation and lawlessness has become the order of the day. Anna’s perspective on her broken world is passionate, strange, harsh and desperate, but also full of hope. This is the story of a girl searching for a way forward in spite of all the obstacles, and who is fighting for life, love and freedom. The struggle for existence/survival in an authoritarian-totalitarian system, as an important characteristic of an anti-utopian society, is one of the basic topics which is fictionalized by Rademacher and narrated by Anna within the work. Extremities, hopelessness, violence, war and the end of the mankind as a result of technology take place in this work. This study aims to determine whether and to what extent the work of Rademacher occurs as an anti-utopian book and how it makes Berlin a part of anti-utopian world.

  4. Determinação de mercúrio em águas por CVAAS empregando sílica modificada por 2-aminotiazol


    Silva, F. A. [UNESP; Alcântara, I. L. de [UNESP; Roldan, P. S. [UNESP; Padilha, C. C. F. [UNESP; Araújo, A. B. de [UNESP; Valente, J. P. S. [UNESP; Florentino, A. O. [UNESP; Padilha, P. M. [UNESP


    This paper discusses a rapid and sensitive method developed to determine trace levels of mercury in natural water samples by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry using a preconcentration system composed by mini-column packed with 100 mg of 2-aminothiazol modified silica gel (SiAT) coupled on-line with the spectrometer's cold vapor generator system. The optimum preconcentration conditions are also described here. The preconcentrated Hg(II) ions were eluted directly from the column to the ...

  5. Armazenamento refrigerado sob atmosfera modificada de pedúnculos de cajueiro-anão-precoce dos clones CCP-76, end-157, end-183 e end-189 Storage of cashew apples from dwarf clones CCP-76, end-157, end-183 and end-189 under refrigeration and modified atmosphere

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    Auricélia de Souza Morais


    Full Text Available Pedúnculos de clones de cajueiro-anão-precoce, dos clones CCP-76, END-157, END-183 e END-189, foram armazenados durante 25 dias, sob refrigeração associada a atmosfera modificada, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito das condições atualmente utilizadas (5ºC e 85-90% de UR para conservação, transporte e comercialização de cajus in natura. Os pedúnculos foram avaliados a cada 5 dias quanto às seguintes características: perda de peso, firmeza, cor (antocianinas, sólidos e açúcares solúveis, acidez, pH, vitamina C e compostos fenólicos. O uso da refrigeração (5ºC e 85% U.R, associada a atmosfera modificada, proporcionou uma vida útil pós-colheita de 10 dias para o clone END 189, de até 15 dias para o clone END 157 e de até 25 dias para os clones CCP 76 e END 183. A temperatura de 5ºC não se mostrou adequada para armazenamento de pedúnculos de coloração mais intensa (END 157 e END 189 que a testemunha (CCP 76, provocando perda de cor (antocianinas a partir do 10º dia de armazenamento. A atmosfera modificada reduziu significativamente a perda de peso, favorecendo a aparência do produto para comercialização, independentemente do clone estudado.Apples or false fruits from early dwarf cashew clones CCP-76, END-157, END-183 and END-189 were stored for 25 days under refrigeration associated to modified atmosphere with the aim of evaluating the effect of the conditions presently adopted (5ºC and 85-90% RH for conservation, storage and commercialization of fresh cashew apples. The cashew apples were evaluated every 5 days for the following characteristics: weight loss, pulp firmness, color (anthocyannins, acidity, pH, soluble solids, vitamin C and phenolic contents. With the use of refrigeration and modified atmosphere it was possible to attain postharvest storage life of 10 days for clone END 189, 15 days for clone END 157 and up to 25 days for clones CCP 76 and END 183. It was found that 5ºC was not an adequate

  6. Intellectual functioning in old and very old age: cross-sectional results from the Berlin Aging Study. (United States)

    Lindenberger, U; Baltes, P B


    This study documents age trends, interrelations, and correlates of intellectual abilities in old and very old age (70-103 years) from the Berlin Aging Study (N = 516). Fourteen tests were used to assess 5 abilities: reasoning, memory, and perceptual speed from the mechanic (broad fluid) domain and knowledge and fluency from the pragmatic (broad crystallized) domain. Intellectual abilities had negative linear age relations, with more pronounced age reductions in mechanic than in pragmatic abilities. Interrelations among intellectual abilities were highly positive and did not follow the mechanic-pragmatic distinction. Sociobiographical indicators were less closely linked to intellectual functioning than sensory-sensorimotor variables, which predicted 59% of the total reliable variance in general intelligence. Results suggest that aging-induced biological factors are a prominent source of individual differences in intelligence in old and very old age.

  7. Portable exhauster POR-007/Skid E and POR-008/Skid F storage plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, O.D.


    This document provides storage requirements for 1,000 CFM portable exhausters POR-O07/Skid E and POR-008/Skid F. These requirements are presented in three parts: preparation for storage, storage maintenance and testing, and retrieval from storage. The exhauster component identification numbers listed in this document contain the prefix POR-007 or POR-008 depending on which exhauster is being used

  8. ASAS modification of the Berlin algorithm for diagnosing axial spondyloarthritis: results from the SPondyloArthritis Caught Early (SPACE)-cohort and from the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS)-cohort

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Berg, Rosaline; de Hooge, Manouk; Rudwaleit, Martin; Sieper, Joachim; van Gaalen, Floris; Reijnierse, Monique; Landewé, Robert; Huizinga, Tom; van der Heijde, Désirée


    Objective To compare the original Berlin algorithm for diagnosing axial Spondyloarthritis (axSpA) with two modifications in the SPondyloArthritis Caught Early (SPACE)-cohort and the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS) axSpA criteria validation (ASAS)-cohort. Methods Patients

  9. Influencia del tratamiento ortodóncico en la percepción de la estética dental


    Bolás Colvée, Belén


    Se trata de un estudio transversal, en el que se le tomo una fotografía frontal intraoral a una paciente, esta fotografía fue modificada con adobe phothosop para crear una boca lo más perfecta posible. A partir de esta boca se crearon distintas alteraciones en distintos grados. Debajo de cada imagen se puso una escala visual analógica, del 0 al 10. Los participantes del estudio deben marcar en dicha escala cuanto les gusta cada fotografía. Este estudio esta compuesto por tres grupos; un grupo...





    La degeneración nigroestriatal que caracteriza a la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es estudiada en modelos experimentales en roedores por inyección de 6-hidroxidopamina (6-OHDA). El presente estudio presenta una versión modificada del test de la barra transversal (TBT) que permite la cuantificación del déficit motor a través de: tiempo que demora la rata en alcanzar una de las plataformas (latencia de escape, LE); tiempo que demora en caer de la barra (latencia de caída, LC); número total de er...

  11. Rigidez mínima de arriostramiento en sistemas de multi-columnas: teoría /Minimum bracing stiffness for multi-column systems: theory


    Aristizábal Ochoa, José Darío


    Se propone un método que determina la rigidez mínima de arrostramiento requeridos por un sistema elástico de varias columnas para lograr condiciones de pandeo sin deriva entre pisos. Las ecuaciones que evalúan la rigidez mínima requerida de los arrostramientos laterales y de torsión y la carga crítica de pandeo “arriostrada” correspondiente para cada columna del nivel de piso se obtienen utilizando las funciones de estabilidad modificadas. Se incluyen los siguientes efectos: 1) tipos de conex...

  12. Efeito de diferentes tipos de argilas e modificadores orgânicos na morfologia e propriedades térmicas dos nanocompósitos de PET Effect of different types of clays and organic modifiers on the morphology and thermal properties of PET nanocomposites


    Itamara Farias Leite; Oscar Loureiro Malta; Claudia M. O. Raposo; Luís Eduardo Canedo; Laura H. de Carvalho; Suédina M. de L. Silva


    Argilas bentoníticas natural e purificada (AN e AP) e montmorilonita (MMT), modificadas organicamente com os sais alquil amônio (A), alquil fosfônio (F) e com uma mistura de ambos (A e F), foram incorporadas, em teor de 1% em massa, ao PET pelo processo de fusão. Os híbridos obtidos foram caracterizados por difratometria de raios X (DRX), termogravimetria (TG), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET). Nanocompósitos com morfologia intercalada ...

  13. Los entornos virtuales de enseñanza y la formación docente


    Mónico, Argentina


    Estamos insertos en lo que se denomina la era digital, fruto de una sociedad globalizada que permite quebrar con las barreras de tiempo y de espacio, donde las relaciones humanas se han visto modificadas por la incorporación de los nuevos medios de comunicación, siendo Internet la gran vía que permite estrechar vínculos entre diferentes puntos del mundo. Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (Tics) han producido tal impacto en la sociedad actual, que es casi imposible prescin...

  14. Implementation of the 2017 Berlin Concussion in Sport Group Consensus Statement in contact and collision sports: a joint position statement from 11 national and international sports organisations. (United States)

    Patricios, Jon S; Ardern, Clare L; Hislop, Michael David; Aubry, Mark; Bloomfield, Paul; Broderick, Carolyn; Clifton, Patrick; Echemendia, Ruben J; Ellenbogen, Richard G; Falvey, Éanna Cian; Fuller, Gordon Ward; Grand, Julie; Hack, Dallas; Harcourt, Peter Rex; Hughes, David; McGuirk, Nathan; Meeuwisse, Willem; Miller, Jeffrey; Parsons, John T; Richiger, Simona; Sills, Allen; Moran, Kevin B; Shute, Jenny; Raftery, Martin


    The 2017 Berlin Concussion in Sport Group Consensus Statement provides a global summary of best practice in concussion prevention, diagnosis and management, underpinned by systematic reviews and expert consensus. Due to their different settings and rules, individual sports need to adapt concussion guidelines according to their specific regulatory environment. At the same time, consistent application of the Berlin Consensus Statement's themes across sporting codes is likely to facilitate superior and uniform diagnosis and management, improve concussion education and highlight collaborative research opportunities. This document summarises the approaches discussed by medical representatives from the governing bodies of 10 different contact and collision sports in Dublin, Ireland in July 2017. Those sports are: American football, Australian football, basketball, cricket, equestrian sports, football/soccer, ice hockey, rugby league, rugby union and skiing. This document had been endorsed by 11 sport governing bodies/national federations at the time of being published. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  15. Extraction of highly charged ions from the Berlin Electron Beam Ion Trap for interactions with a gas target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, F.I.; Biedermann, C.; Radtke, R.; Fussmann, G.


    Highly charged ions are extracted from the Berlin Electron Beam Ion Trap for investigations of charge exchange with a gas target. The classical over-the-barrier model for slow highly charged ions describes this process, whereby one or more electrons are captured from the target into Rydberg states of the ion. The excited state relaxes via a radiative cascade of the electron to ground energy. The cascade spectra are characteristic of the capture state. We investigate x-ray photons emitted as a result of interactions between Ar 17+ ions at energies ≤5q keV with Ar atoms. Of particular interest is the velocity dependence of the angular momentum capture state l c

  16. Prueba de tolerancia oral a la glucosa modificada en puérperas como diagnóstico retrospectivo de diabetes gestacional

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    Joel Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la prueba de tolerancia oral a la glucosa (PTOG en puérperas con macrosomia fetal y plantearla como método de diagnóstico retrospectivo para diabetes gestacional. Diseño de estudio: Estudio clínico, de corte transversal, analítico, casos y controles. Material y Métodos: Estudio de 142 puérperas, 71 con recién nacidos macrosómicos y 71 con recién nacidos con pesos en percentiles de la normalidad. Se realizó una PTOG modificada de dos horas (basal, 1h y 2 h, con 100 g de glucosa, entre las primeras 8 y 48 horas posparto (positivo si [glicemia 2h - basal] + [glicemia 1h - basal] 110 mg/dL. Se utilizó el SPSS 10,0 para crear la base de datos y realizar el análisis estadístico: análisis univariado, bivariado para evaluar la hipótesis, y finalmente un análisis multivariado. Resultados: La PTOG anormal resultó un factor de riesgo para macrosomia fetal, con un odds ratio ajustado de 5,9; IC95% 2,6-13,4. Se encontró asociación entre antecedente de macrosomia fetal, odds ratio 15,7; IC95% 1,9-123,6 y control prenatal odds ratio 5,7; IC95% 1,2-26,8. Conclusión: Existe relación entre la PTOG en puérperas y macrosomia fetal, que puede ser usada como prueba diagnóstica retrospectiva de diabetes gestacional.

  17. "Eurotrain for Training." Proceedings of a European Congress on Continuing Education and Training (4th, Berlin, Germany; Warsaw, Poland; Prague, Czechoslovakia; Budapest, Hungary; Vienna, Austria, October 5-9, 1992). (United States)

    Wisser, Ulrike, Ed.; Grootings, Peter, Ed.


    A "travelling" congress was conducted in five European cities (Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Budapest, and Vienna) to promote a mutual exchange of views between east and west. The participants stressed the growing European Community interest in current examples of cooperation with neighbors in central and eastern Europe. In addition to…

  18. For largest space flexibility and largest energy efficiency. Modern room automation enables an open-space solution in the arched structures of the central railway station; Fuer groesste Raumflexibilitaet und hoechste Energieeffizienz. Moderne Raumautomation ermoeglicht Open-Space Loesung in den Buegelbauten des Berliner Hauptbahnhofs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ottilinger, Werner [Sauter Deutschland, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)


    A feature of the central railway station in Berlin are the 46 meters high arched structures that span the railway station and accommodate more than 1,500 employees of the Deutsche Bahn AG (Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany). A total of 42,000 square meters of office space and a large business and conference center spread on twelve floors. Within the commissioning of this central railway station, this vast area should be designed technically variable in order to hold the time and cost as low as possible for the reconstruction or change of tenants.

  19. Zur Geschichte der Geowissenschaften im Museum für Naturkunde zu Berlin. Teil 6: Geschichte des Geologisch-Paläontologischen Instituts und Museums der Universität Berlin 1910–2004

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    W. Gross


    Full Text Available Die Entwicklung des Geologisch-Paläontologischen Instituts und Museums der Universität Berlin von einer Institution, die Geologie zusammen mit Paläontologie als eine Einheit vertrat, über eine Institution, die eine geotektonische Ausrichtung hatte, zu einer auf Paläontologie konzentrierten Institution wird nachvollzogen. Die beiden Institutsdirektoren am Anfang des 20sten Jahrhunderts waren Vertreter der allumfassenden Geologie des 19ten Jahrhunderts, während die beiden folgenden Direktoren eine Geologie ohne Paläontologie vertraten. Das führte zu einer Trennung der beiden Richtungen, und nach der III. Hochschulreform der DDR 1968 verblieb allein die sammlungsbezogene Paläontologie am Museum. Nach der Wiedervereinigung wurde ein Institut für Paläontologie mit biologischer Ausrichtung mit zwei Professuren, einer für Paläozoologie und einer für Paläobotanik, eingerichtet. The development of the Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut und Museum of the Museum für Naturkunde at the Humboldt University (formerly Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität in Berlin from a geology-paleontology institution to a pure paleontology institution is described. The first two directors of the department in the beginning of the 20th century, Prof, von Branca and Prof. Pompeckj, represented a 19th century concept of a geology, which included paleontology, even vertebrate paleontology as the crown jewel of geology. They fought sometimes vigorously against a separation of paleontology from geology. The next two directors. Prof. Stille and Prof, von Bubnoff, were the leading geologists in Germany; to be a student of Stille was a special trade mark in geology of Germany. They represented a geology centered on tectonics. The separation of paleontology as separate section was prepared. The destructions of the Second World War, the following restaurations and the division of Germany into two States influenced strongly their directorships. The education of geologists


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    Maribel Castillo Caicedo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aporta una perspectiva del fenómeno de la sobreeducación, entendida como un desajuste por exceso, entre el nivel educativo alcanzado por el individuo y el exigido por el puesto de trabajo en el cual se desempeña; esto se debe a que existe una demanda laboral estrecha de puestos de trabajo para personas calificadas en Colombia. Se analizan las contribuciones empíricas existentes y el debate sobre las mismas; se examinan las teorías que permiten explicar la existencia de un desajuste educativo y se realiza una revisión de la literatura internacional y nacional sobre el tema. Adicionalmente, se plantean una serie de hipótesis para desarrollar un esquema que permita determinar el comportamiento del individuo en el fenómeno de la sobreeducación.

  1. Present treatment of acute myocardial infarction in patients over 75 years--data from the Berlin Myocardial Infarction Registry (BHIR). (United States)

    Schuler, Jochen; Maier, Birga; Behrens, Steffen; Thimme, Walter


    Guidelines issued by European and German cardiology societies clearly define procedures for treatment of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). These guidelines, however, are based on clinical studies in which older patients are underrepresented. Older patients, on the other hand, represent a large and growing portion of the infarction population. It was our goal in the present paper to analyse the present treatment of AMI patients over 75 years of age in the city of Berlin, Germany, with data gained from the Berlin Myocardial Infarction Registry (BHIR). We prospectively collected data from 5079 patients (3311 men and 1768 women, mean age 65.6) with acute myocardial infarction who were treated in 25 hospitals in Berlin during the period 1999-2003. 1319 patients (25.9%) were older than 75 (mean age 82.5 years). Overall hospital mortality rate was 11.6%. In patients over 75, this rate was 23.9%; among the younger infarction population, it was 7.3%. In contrast to the younger AMI patients, the majority of those over 75 were female (62.5 vs 25.1% for the younger) and demonstrated a significantly higher frequency of all prognostically meaningful comorbidities (heart failure 14.4% vs. 3.5%; renal failure 11.5 vs 3.9%; diabetes 37.3 vs 24.3%). Clinical signs of severe infarction, moreover, were more common among the aged patients (pulmonary congestion 45.4 vs 19.7%; left bundle branch block 12.7 vs 3.6%). Pre-hospital time was prolonged (2.8 vs 2 h) and guideline-recommended therapy was applied significantly less frequently to AMI patients over 75 (reperfusion therapy 39.8 vs 71.7%, beta-blockers 62.8 vs 78.3%, statins 26.5 vs 45.5%). Multivariate analysis revealed the following factors to be independent predictors of hospital mortality in patients over 75: age (OR 1.05 per year), acute heart failure (OR 2.39), pre-hospital resuscitation (OR 10.6), cardiogenic shock (OR 2.73), pre-hospital delay >12 h (OR 1.68), and ST elevation in the first ECG (OR 2.09). Independent

  2. Operação de Blalock-Taussig modificada para o tratamento paliativo de cardiopatias congênitas com hipofluxo pulmonar Blalock-Taussig operation for palliative treatment of congenital heart disease with low pulmonary flow

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    Miguel A Maluf


    Full Text Available De janeiro de 1990 a novembro de 1994, 72 pacientes portadores de cardiopatias congênitas com hipofluxo pulmonar foram submetidos à operação de Blalock-Taussig. A idade variou entre 2 dias e 11 anos (M:9,0 meses; 44 (61,1% eram do sexo masculino e 28 (38,8% do feminino; 38 (52,8% casos portadores de tétrade de Fallot; 7 (9,7% atresia pulmonar com septo interventricular íntegro (AP c/ SIVI; 6 (8,4% transposição das grandes artérias (TGA + estenose pulmonar (EP; 6 (8,4% atresia tricúspide (AT + EP; 6 (8,4% dupla via de entrada (DVE do ventrículo direito (VD ou ventrículo esquerdo (VE + (EP; 3 (4,2% transposição corrigida das grandes artérias (TCGA + comunicação interventricular (CIV + EP; 2 (2,7% dupla via de saída (DVS de VD ou VE + EP; 2 (2,7% defeito septal atrioventricular (DSAV + EP; 2 (2,7% isomerismo direito (D ou (E + EP. Os critérios de indicação foram: a neonatos com cardiopatias "dueto dependente"; b lactentes com piora de cianose ou crise de hipoxia; c crianças durante a infância com cardiopatias sem chance de uma correção biventricular. A técnica empregada foi a operação de Blalock-Taussig modificada, interpondo prótese entre artéria subclávia e artéria pulmonar. A prótese de Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE foi usada em 69 (94,5% casos, veia umbilical em 3 (4,1% casos e artéria mamária bovina em 1 (1,4% caso. Durante o ato operatório foi administrada dose única de heparina (1mg x kg peso, não sendo neutralizada no pós-operatório (PO e no seguimento tardio, dispensado o uso de anticoagulantes ou antiagregantes plaquetários. Houve 8 (11,1% óbitos no PO imediato: 5 (6,9% casos por obstrução da prótese (3 foram reoperados, 2 (2,7% casos por morte súbita (AP c/ SIVI e 1 (1,3% devido a processo infeccioso pulmonar. A obstrução da prótese como principal causa de óbito esteve diretamente relacionada à anatomia dos vasos (calibre da artéria subclávia e pulmonar e ou problemas de técnica cir

  3. Comments on the art and research project ‘The division of the earth: tableaux on the legal synopses of the Berlin Africa conference’


    Dierk Schmidt; Malte Jaguttis


    Is pictorial language able to convey a juridical abstraction? This co-authored text addresses that question in the context of the geo-political division of Africa after the Berlin Africa Conference (Congo Conference), as a means to conceptualise colonial rule in 1884/85 – and its manifold grave consequences – as a historical by-product of Europe’s political and aesthetic modernity. Is there any value in representing the image of genocide, (while acknowledging the ‘impossibility’ of its repres...

  4. 'Green Isle' on the 'Red Isle'. The gasometer in Berlin becomes a centre of the 'European Energy Forum'; 'Gruene Insel' auf der 'Roten Insel'. Der Berliner Gasometer wird zum Zentrum des 'Europaeischen Energie Forums'

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meyer, Ulf


    If the ARD political talk show with Guenther Jauch starts on Sunday night after the crime thriller, only few viewers know that they are tele-guests on the former gasometer site in Berlin-Schoeneberg. Currently, this site is being transformed into an environmentally friendly campus called the 'European Energy Forum' (EUREF). According to the will of the owner and architect Reinhard Mueller, the campus will become the largest CO{sub 2} neutral office and business location in Europe. Totally 600 million Euro will be invested. All new buildings should be ecological 'green buildings' and received the LEED Gold certification.

  5. Manejo de soja transgênica com glifosato e imazetapir: efeito sobre a mesofauna e microbiota do solo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danilo Dufech Castilhos


    Full Text Available A estabilidade de diferentes organismos da mesofauna, como ácaros e colêmbolos, e a atividade microbiana do solo são indicadores de qualidade físico-química e biológica do solo. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito de métodos de controle de plantas concorrentes sobre a qualidade do solo cultivado com soja transgênica. Neste contexto, foram cultivados dois genótipos de soja, geneticamente modificada (GMRR BRS 244 RR e não modificada (NM BRS 154, no Centro Agropecuário da Palma da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (CAP, nas safras de 2005/2006 e 2006/2007. Para o controle de plantas daninhas, testaram-se, tratamentos com glifosato, imazetapir e capina. Avaliaram-se populações de ácaros e colêmbolos, o carbono da biomassa microbiana, a respiração basal e o quociente metabólico do solo. Verificou-se que a aplicação dos herbicidas, principalmente de glifosato, em soja BRS 244 RR cultivada em Planossolo resultou em desestabilidade da mesofauna e maior atividade da biomassa microbiana.

  6. Desajuste educativo por regiones en Colombia: ¿competencia por salarios o por puestos de trabajo?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Castillo Caicedo Maribel


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aporta una perspectiva del fenómeno de la sobreeducación,
    entendida como un desajuste por exceso, entre el nivel educativo alcanzado
    por el individuo y el exigido por el puesto de trabajo en el cual se
    desempeña; esto se debe a que existe una demanda laboral estrecha de
    puestos de trabajo para personas calificadas en Colombia. Se analizan las
    contribuciones empíricas existentes y el debate sobre las mismas; se
    examinan las teorías que permiten explicar la existencia de un desajuste
    educativo y se realiza una revisión de la literatura internacional y
    nacional sobre el tema. Adicionalmente, se plantean una serie de hipótesis
    para desarrollar un esquema que permita determinar el comportamiento
    del individuo en el fenómeno de la sobreeducación.

  7. [Child or career? Desire for a child in East and West Berlin]. (United States)

    Rauchfuss, M; Sperfeld, A


    In the Federal Republic of Germany the rate of the childless women rises. While the topic of unwanted childlessness among gynecologists receives broad attention among gynecologists, the question of (temporaryly?) intended renouncement of pregnancy and birth is of little interest. For the former GDR a low age with the firstborn and a high mother rate were typically. After the "turn" serious modifications of the birth rate in East Germany happened. The available study examined 1996 motives for and against a child with 554 up-to-date wanted childless women in East- and West-Berlin (population-referred sample). In the questionnaire, besides sociodemographic data, information was raised to own childhood, partnership, occupation, satisfaction with life and for child desire motivation. Apart from the school and vocational termination conceptions on the age with the firstborn, disadvantages for a life with child and value hierarchies for partnership and family were important for the description of the dilemma of compatibility of occupation and family. Eastsocialized women consider a compatibility rather possible. Targets for vocational development and responsible parenthood for young women come into conflict. Temporal delaying of the child desire leads to an increase of intended and unwanted childlessness with various (psychosomatic) effects on obstetrics and gynecology.

  8. Monitoring system for assessment of prestressed railway bridges in the new Lehrter Bahnhof in Berlin (United States)

    Habel, Wolfgang R.; Kohlhoff, H.; Knapp, J.; Helmerich, R.


    A new central railway station - Lehrter Bahnhof - is being built in Berlin. Because of construction activities in immediate vicinity and because of difficult soil conditions, vertical displacements will be expected. In order to avoid damage to the bridges and to a widely spanned glass roof which will be supported by two concrete bridges these two bridges have to be monitored right from the beginning of construction until commissioning as well as later on for several years. For this purpose, a long-term monitoring concept has been developed. Sensors with excellent long-term stabilty have been chosen to carry out the concept. This paper describes the measuring concept as well as components of the system. Especially techniques to monitor settlements and heaves and to measure strain and inclination of the prestressed concrete bridges are described. All measures are redundantly monitored. Measurements on-site are referenced by measurements on two large-scale beam models well-defined loaded under laboratory and field conditions.

  9. Participation et conflits : l’enjeu des espaces intermédiaires. Conflits socio-spatiaux à Berlin et Saint-Denis

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    Élise Roche


    Full Text Available La participation institutionnelle est souvent présentée comme un espace de débat à une échelle très localisée ; on lui reproche souvent le manque d’enjeux et d’impact qu’elle peut comporter pour les projets urbains. En postulant que ces dispositifs naissent de conflits micro-locaux, nous essaierons d’interroger en quoi ce processus reflète au contraire des enjeux sociaux importants qui se jouent à l’échelle de quartiers. Ce questionnement s’appuiera notamment sur l’hypothèse que l’objet territorial de la participation masque bien souvent des tensions sociales, et donc des conflits d’ordre socio-spatiaux. En analysant deux conflits locaux de gestion urbaine, à Berlin et à Saint-Denis, nous analyserons l’articulation entre ceux-ci et les processus de participation locaux. Les quartiers en marge en constituent un bon cadre d’étude par les processus de ségrégation qui s’y exercent.Die Bürgerbeteiligung wird oft als ein Aktionsfeld ohne politische Wirkunskraft gesehen, in welchem nur lokale Themen behandelt werden; die Bürgerbeteiligung sei nicht fähig die Stadtplanung zu ändern. Das politische Engagement der Bürgerinnen und Bürger erweist sich hingegen als sehr wichtig, wenn man Konflikte der institutionellen Bürgerbeteiligung betrachtet, die sich auf einer mikro-geographischen Ebene abspielen. Die territoriale Verankerung der Bürgerbeteiligung tendiert allerdings dazu, die soziale Komponente der Konflikte zu verdecken. Der vorliegende Artikel untersucht, wie lokale Konflikte über Stadtplanung und -organisation in Berlin und Saint-Denis mit lokalen partizipativen Prozessen angegangen werden könnten. Stadtteile mit besonderem Entwicklungsbedarf wie Stadtrandgebiete, die von Stadterneuerung, Gentrifizierungs- sowie Segregationsprozessen betroffen sind, gelten hierfür als geeignete Untersuchungsgegenstände.

  10. Fate of para-toluenesulfonamide (p-TSA) in groundwater under anoxic conditions: modelling results from a field site in Berlin (Germany). (United States)

    Meffe, Raffaella; Kohfahl, Claus; Hamann, Enrico; Greskowiak, Janek; Massmann, Gudrun; Dünnbier, Uwe; Pekdeger, Asaf


    This article reports on a field modelling study to investigate the processes controlling the plume evolution of para-toluenesulfonamide (p-TSA) in anoxic groundwater in Berlin, Germany. The organic contaminant p-TSA originates from the industrial production process of plasticisers, pesticides, antiseptics and drugs and is of general environmental concern for urban water management. Previous laboratory studies revealed that p-TSA is degradable under oxic conditions, whereas it appears to behave conservatively in the absence of oxygen (O2). p-TSA is ubiquitous in the aquatic environment of Berlin and present in high concentrations (up to 38 μg L(-1)) in an anoxic aquifer downgradient of a former sewage farm, where groundwater is partly used for drinking water production. To obtain refined knowledge of p-TSA transport and degradation in an aquifer at field scale, measurements of p-TSA were carried out at 11 locations (at different depths) between 2005 and 2010. Comparison of chloride (Cl(-)) and p-TSA field data showed that p-TSA has been retarded in the same manner as Cl(-). To verify the transport behaviour under field conditions, a two-dimensional transport model was setup, applying the dual-domain mass transfer approach in the model sector corresponding to an area of high aquifer heterogeneity. The distribution of Cl(-) and p-TSA concentrations from the site was reproduced well, confirming that both compounds behave conservatively and are subjected to retardation due to back diffusion from water stagnant zones. Predictive simulations showed that without any remediation measures, the groundwater quality near the drinking water well galleries will be affected by high p-TSA loads for about a hundred years.

  11. Structural Insights into the PorK and PorN Components of the Porphyromonas gingivalis Type IX Secretion System.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dhana G Gorasia


    Full Text Available The type IX secretion system (T9SS has been recently discovered and is specific to Bacteroidetes species. Porphyromonas gingivalis, a keystone pathogen for periodontitis, utilizes the T9SS to transport many proteins including the gingipain virulence factors across the outer membrane and attach them to the cell surface via a sortase-like mechanism. At least 11 proteins have been identified as components of the T9SS including PorK, PorL, PorM, PorN and PorP, however the precise roles of most of these proteins have not been elucidated and the structural organization of these components is unknown. In this study, we purified PorK and PorN complexes from P. gingivalis and using electron microscopy we have shown that PorN and the PorK lipoprotein interact to form a 50 nm diameter ring-shaped structure containing approximately 32-36 subunits of each protein. The formation of these rings was dependent on both PorK and PorN, but was independent of PorL, PorM and PorP. PorL and PorM were found to form a separate stable complex. PorK and PorN were protected from proteinase K cleavage when present in undisrupted cells, but were rapidly degraded when the cells were lysed, which together with bioinformatic analyses suggests that these proteins are exposed in the periplasm and anchored to the outer membrane via the PorK lipid. Chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry analyses confirmed the interaction between PorK and PorN and further revealed that they interact with the PG0189 outer membrane protein. Furthermore, we established that PorN was required for the stable expression of PorK, PorL and PorM. Collectively, these results suggest that the ring-shaped PorK/N complex may form part of the secretion channel of the T9SS. This is the first report showing the structural organization of any T9SS component.

  12. Structural Insights into the PorK and PorN Components of the Porphyromonas gingivalis Type IX Secretion System. (United States)

    Gorasia, Dhana G; Veith, Paul D; Hanssen, Eric G; Glew, Michelle D; Sato, Keiko; Yukitake, Hideharu; Nakayama, Koji; Reynolds, Eric C


    The type IX secretion system (T9SS) has been recently discovered and is specific to Bacteroidetes species. Porphyromonas gingivalis, a keystone pathogen for periodontitis, utilizes the T9SS to transport many proteins including the gingipain virulence factors across the outer membrane and attach them to the cell surface via a sortase-like mechanism. At least 11 proteins have been identified as components of the T9SS including PorK, PorL, PorM, PorN and PorP, however the precise roles of most of these proteins have not been elucidated and the structural organization of these components is unknown. In this study, we purified PorK and PorN complexes from P. gingivalis and using electron microscopy we have shown that PorN and the PorK lipoprotein interact to form a 50 nm diameter ring-shaped structure containing approximately 32-36 subunits of each protein. The formation of these rings was dependent on both PorK and PorN, but was independent of PorL, PorM and PorP. PorL and PorM were found to form a separate stable complex. PorK and PorN were protected from proteinase K cleavage when present in undisrupted cells, but were rapidly degraded when the cells were lysed, which together with bioinformatic analyses suggests that these proteins are exposed in the periplasm and anchored to the outer membrane via the PorK lipid. Chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry analyses confirmed the interaction between PorK and PorN and further revealed that they interact with the PG0189 outer membrane protein. Furthermore, we established that PorN was required for the stable expression of PorK, PorL and PorM. Collectively, these results suggest that the ring-shaped PorK/N complex may form part of the secretion channel of the T9SS. This is the first report showing the structural organization of any T9SS component.

  13. Border cases between autonomy and relevance: Economic sciences in Berlin--A natural experiment. (United States)

    Düppe, Till


    The faculty of economics at today's Humboldt University in Berlin, as no other institution of economics, has witnessed three radical ruptures in its history: in 1933, National Socialism replaced the pluralism prevailing in the Weimar Republic by imposing a "German economics"; after WWII, GDR authorities replaced this NS regime by imposing a Marxist imperative, which after the fall of the wall was replaced by the Western standards of neoclassical economics. In reconstructing these three reforms, institutional history can serve as a context in which questions about the political nature of economic knowledge can be answered that remain speculative in a conceptual context. I thus present a natural experiment in the political epistemology of economics: How do economists respond to, resist, and stabilize, changing political regimes? How do economists renegotiate the autonomy of economic knowledge given changing demands as of its social task? Among others, I show that contrary to Robert Merton's old, but still widely held thesis in political epistemology-that the values of science are compatible only with democratic regimes-the totalitarian and authoritarian regimes created better conditions for methodological pluralism in economics than democratic society. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. The Berlin Inventory of Gambling behavior - Screening (BIG-S): Validation using a clinical sample. (United States)

    Wejbera, Martin; Müller, Kai W; Becker, Jan; Beutel, Manfred E


    Published diagnostic questionnaires for gambling disorder in German are either based on DSM-III criteria or focus on aspects other than life time prevalence. This study was designed to assess the usability of the DSM-IV criteria based Berlin Inventory of Gambling Behavior Screening tool in a clinical sample and adapt it to DSM-5 criteria. In a sample of 432 patients presenting for behavioral addiction assessment at the University Medical Center Mainz, we checked the screening tool's results against clinical diagnosis and compared a subsample of n=300 clinically diagnosed gambling disorder patients with a comparison group of n=132. The BIG-S produced a sensitivity of 99.7% and a specificity of 96.2%. The instrument's unidimensionality and the diagnostic improvements of DSM-5 criteria were verified by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis as well as receiver operating characteristic analysis. The BIG-S is a reliable and valid screening tool for gambling disorder and demonstrated its concise and comprehensible operationalization of current DSM-5 criteria in a clinical setting.

  15. Floculação de leveduras por Lactobacillus fermentum em processos industriais de fermentação alcoólica avaliada por técnica fotométrica Fotometric method to determine yeast flocculation caused by Lactobacillus fermentum in alcoholic fermentation process

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    Marco Antonio de Castro e Souza


    Full Text Available Na produção de álcool por fermentação com leveduras, a floculação manifesta-se como um mecanismo natural de agregação de células. Essa condição pode ser induzida por vários fatores, entre eles, a interação entre bactérias floculentas como Lactobacillus fermentum e as leveduras. Esse fato torna-se prejudicial para o processo, pois tanto nas unidades que se utilizam do sistema de recuperação de células por centrifugação, como nas que não o utilizam, ocorrem perdas excessivas de fermento, em conseqüência dos problemas operacionais decorrentes da floculação, comprometendo seriamente o desempenho industrial. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se a floculação em vinho proveniente de fermentação experimental, sob duas condições de pH de fermento tratado utilizadas como inóculo e temperaturas de fermentação, não se observando diferenças significativas entre elas. Com este estudo, pôde-se ainda avaliar a capacidade de dispersão dos flocos em três condições de pH no tratamento do fermento em fase industrial, mostrando diferenças altamente significativas entre elas. A maior capacidade de dispersão no tratamento do fermento é desejável para o controle da floculação industrial, permitindo a sua centrifugação, com conseqüente separação das bactérias contaminantes do fermento. Essas constatações tornaram-se possíveis pelo emprego da técnica usual de determinação da floculação por espectrofotometria, modificada pela desfloculação prévia das amostras de vinho e fermento, o que conferiu maior estabilidade nas leituras.In the production of alcohol by yeast fermentation, flocculation is a natural mechanism of cell aggregation. This mechanism can be induced by several factors, as the interaction with flocculent bacteria like Lactobacillus fermentum which strongly interacts with yeasts. Flocculation means loss to the process because both the mills that recover cells by centrifugation systems and the mills

  16. The PorX response regulator of the Porphyromonas gingivalis PorXY two-component system does not directly regulate the Type IX secretion genes but binds the PorL subunit.

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    Maxence S Vincent


    Full Text Available The Type IX secretion system (T9SS is a versatile multi-protein complex restricted to bacteria of the Bacteriodetes phylum and responsible for the secretion of surface attachment of diverse proteins that participate to S-layer formation, gliding motility or pathogenesis. The T9SS is poorly characterized but a number of proteins involved in the assembly of the secretion apparatus in the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis have been identified based on genome substractive analyses. Among these proteins, PorY and PorX encode typical two-component system (TCS sensor and CheY-like response regulator respectively. Although the porX and porY genes do not localize at the same genetic locus, it has been proposed that PorXY form a bona fide TCS. Deletion of the porX in P. gingivalis causes a slight decrease of the expression of a number of other T9SS genes, including sov, porT, porP, porK, porL, porM, porN and porY. Here, we show that PorX and the soluble cytoplasmic domain of PorY interact. Using electrophoretic mobility shift, DNA-protein co-purification and heterologous host expression assays, we showed that PorX does not bind and does not directly regulate expression of the T9SS genes. Finally, we show that PorX interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of PorL, a component of the T9SS membrane core complex and propose that the CheY-like PorX protein might be involved in the dynamics of the T9SS.

  17. Aspects of decision support in water management--example Berlin and Potsdam (Germany) I--spatially differentiated evaluation. (United States)

    Simon, Ute; Brüggemann, Rainer; Pudenz, Stefan


    Decisions about sustainable development demand spatially differentiated evaluations. As an example, we demonstrate the evaluation of water management strategies in the cities of Berlin and Potsdam (Germany) with respect to their ecological effects in 14 sections of the surface water system. Two decision support systems were compared, namely PROMETHEE, which is designed to obtain a clear decision (linear ranking), and Hasse Diagram Technique (HDT), normally providing more than one favourable solution (partial order). By PROMETHEE, the spatial differentiation had unwanted effects on the result, negating the stakeholders determined weighting of indicators. Therefore, the stakeholder can barely benefit from the convenience of obtaining a clear decision (linear ranking). In contrast, the result obtained by HDT was not influenced by spatial differentiation. Furthermore, HDT provided helpful tools to analyse the evaluation result, such as the concept of antagonistic indicators to discover conflicts in the evaluation process.

  18. Interferência de plantas concorrentes em arroz irrigado modificada por métodos culturais Interference of concurrent plants in flooded rice modified by cultural methods

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    N.G. Fleck


    Full Text Available A otimização de um programa de controle de plantas daninhas depende da previsão precoce e confiável do impacto destas sobre o rendimento da cultura. Este trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar os efeitos de cultivares e de arranjos de plantas na perda de rendimento de grãos em arroz irrigado e identificar a variável explicativa que proporcione melhor ajuste ao modelo testado. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos em campo, na estação estival de crescimento 2000/01. Os tratamentos constaram de três cultivares de arroz (BRS-38 Ligeirinho, IRGA 417 e BR-IRGA 409, dois espaçamentos entre linhas (15 e 25 cm e populações (dez e seis níveis para o primeiro e segundo experimentos, respectivamente do cultivar de arroz EEA 406, simulando infestação de arroz-vermelho. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se o modelo de regressão não-linear da hipérbole retangular, ajustado de modo independente para os três fatores estudados. Os resultados do primeiro experimento foram utilizados para avaliar o ajuste dos dados ao modelo e os do segundo para validar o modelo obtido no primeiro experimento. O cultivar IRGA 417 apresentou maior habilidade competitiva com o cultivar simulador de arroz-vermelho do que os outros dois. A redução no espaçamento entre linhas aumentou a habilidade competitiva dos cultivares de arroz em relação ao cultivar concorrente. O modelo da hipérbole retangular foi apropriado para estimar perdas de rendimento de grãos de arroz irrigado por interferência de plantas concorrentes. A variável explicativa área foliar do cultivar EEA 406, em geral, apresentou equivalência à população de plantas como variável independente no modelo matemático testado.The optimization of a weed control program depends on early and reliable prediction of the impact of weeds on crop yield. This research aimed to evaluate the effects of rice cultivars and plant arrangements on flooded rice grain yield loss and to identify the explicative


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    Lissette Vizcaíno Mendoza


    Full Text Available Debido a su movilidad en los ecosistemas y a su toxicidad para las formas superiores de vida,los metales pesados Cd, Pb y Zn son priorizados como unos de los contaminantes inorgánicosmás importantes debido al alto riesgo que representan para el medio ambiente. Con el objeto dedisminuir su concentración se diseñó un sistema para evaluar su remoción empleando biomasade algas rojas, cáscaras de naranja (Citrus sp. y tuna guajira (Opuntia sp.. Se estudió la influenciadel pretratamiento y el empaquetamiento mediante ensayos tipo batch, en los que se emplearonsoluciones de sodio y calcio. Se obtuvo como resultado una mayor capacidad de sorción de lasalgas modificadas con NaOH 0.1 N y de la naranja y la tuna con modificación sucesiva con NaOH yCaCl20.2 M, y una afección poco significativa (≤1% del proceso de sorción al empacar la biomasael placas planas de tul poliéster. La eficiencia de remoción se determinó mediante un reactor deflujo continuo de columna fija con un volumen líquido de 400 mL, 75 g de biomasa y tiemposde retención promedio de 1 y 2 h. Los resultados mostraron una eficiencia similar de las tresbiomasas para remover Cd y Pb, con promedios superiores al 95%, mientras que el Zn se removiócon mejor eficiencia (62% al emplear tuna modificada como sorbente. Finalmente, el materialse calcinó a 700 °C con lo que se obtuvo una ceniza estable frente a soluciones ácidas, lo cualgarantiza la captura de los metales removidos.

  20. The PorX Response Regulator of the Porphyromonas gingivalis PorXY Two-Component System Does Not Directly Regulate the Type IX Secretion Genes but Binds the PorL Subunit (United States)

    Vincent, Maxence S.; Durand, Eric; Cascales, Eric


    The Type IX secretion system (T9SS) is a versatile multi-protein complex restricted to bacteria of the Bacteriodetes phylum and responsible for the secretion or cell surface exposition of diverse proteins that participate to S-layer formation, gliding motility or pathogenesis. The T9SS is poorly characterized but a number of proteins involved in the assembly of the secretion apparatus in the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis have been identified based on genome substractive analyses. Among these proteins, PorY, and PorX encode typical two-component system (TCS) sensor and CheY-like response regulator respectively. Although the porX and porY genes do not localize at the same genetic locus, it has been proposed that PorXY form a bona fide TCS. Deletion of porX in P. gingivalis causes a slight decrease of the expression of a number of other T9SS genes, including sov, porT, porP, porK, porL, porM, porN, and porY. Here, we show that PorX and the soluble cytoplasmic domain of PorY interact. Using electrophoretic mobility shift, DNA-protein co-purification and heterologous host expression assays, we demonstrate that PorX does not bind T9SS gene promoters and does not directly regulate expression of the T9SS genes. Finally, we show that PorX interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of PorL, a component of the T9SS membrane core complex and propose that the CheY-like PorX protein might be involved in the dynamics of the T9SS. PMID:27630829

  1. Management of single-ventricle patients with Berlin Heart EXCOR Ventricular Assist Device: single-center experience. (United States)

    Mackling, Tracey; Shah, Tejas; Dimas, Vivian; Guleserian, Kristine; Sharma, Mahesh; Forbess, Joseph; Ardura, Monica; Gross-Toalson, Jami; Lee, Ying; Journeycake, Janna; Barnes, Aliessa


    There are minimal data regarding chronic management of single-ventricle ventricular assist device (VAD) patients. This study aims to describe our center's multidisciplinary team management of single-ventricle patients supported long term with the Berlin Heart EXCOR Pediatric VAD. Patient #1 was a 4-year-old with double-outlet right ventricle with aortic atresia, L-looped ventricles, and heart block who developed heart failure 1 year after Fontan. She initially required extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support and was transitioned to Berlin Heart systemic VAD. She was supported for 363 days (cardiac intensive care unit [CICU] 335 days, floor 28 days). The postoperative course was complicated by intermittent infection including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, intermittent hepatic and renal insufficiencies, and transient antithrombin, protein C, and protein S deficiencies resulting in multiple thrombi. She had a total of five pump changes over 10 months. Long-term medical management included anticoagulation with enoxaparin, platelet inhibition with aspirin and dipyridamole, and antibiotic prophylaxis using trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. She developed sepsis of unknown etiology and subsequently died from multiorgan failure. Patient #2 was a 4-year-old with hypoplastic left heart syndrome who developed heart failure 2 years after bidirectional Glenn shunt. At systemic VAD implantation, he was intubated with renal insufficiency. Post-VAD implantation, his renal insufficiency resolved, and he was successfully extubated to daytime nasal cannula and biphasic positive airway pressure at night. He was supported for 270 days (CICU 143 days, floor 127 days). The pump was upsized to a 50-mL pump in May 2011 for increased central venous pressures (29 mm Hg). Long-term medical management included anticoagulation with warfarin and single-agent platelet inhibition using dipyridamole due to aspirin resistance. He developed increased work of breathing requiring

  2. From Warfare to Welfare. Postwar Homelessness, Dislocation, and the Birth of the Welfare State in Europe: The Case of Berlin 1945–1949

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    Clara M. Oberle


    Full Text Available This article examines the origins of what for years has been characterized as a European welfare consensus. It asks whether, indeed, there was a convergence of ideas, and if so, what led to it. Based on public health records from governmental, municipal, and international agencies in immediate postwar Europe, but also on sources reflecting public opinion, Allied military government discourses and policies, urban planners, medical professionals, and others, it argues that indeed there was a period in European history which generated something of a postwar convergence of ideas regarding public health and welfare. The postwar period witnessed a remarkable consensus about the importance of public planning, spending, and state involvement in the health and welfare sector. By examining the case of Berlin as one immediate postwar city and situating it in the larger European context of the time, one can point to common motivations and even actors involved. The root of this consensus was not any optimistic humanitarian ideology, nor even only a concern about public health or the spread of epidemics, though the latter was prominent. Equally important, it grew out of a shared setting marked by physical destruction and political instability. As a result, concerns about governability, social order, and political legitimacy came to the forefront, even of health and housing debates. In the case of Berlin, the public health debate was driven furthermore by a fear of the return of National Socialism.

  3. Romanian Parliamentary Debate on the Decisions of the Congress of Berlin in the Years around 1878-1879

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    Iulia Maria Onac


    Full Text Available The Romanian Parliamentary debate around the Congress of Berlin (1878-1879 offers a bird’s eye view of the evolution of antisemitic speech in Romania. Naturalization of the Jews - an issue raised by the Great European Powers during this Congress - came into conflict with the wishes of the Romania political class, which presently exploded into a violent antisemitic campaign in the political debates and public speeches. The “Jewish danger” presented by many intellectuals and politicians will be accompanied by the accusation that the Jews constitute a state within the state, a nation within the nation, both devoted to world conspiracy. Amidst this welter of accusations, antisemitic discourse grew heavy with racial arguments. But by far the main characteristic of the Romanian variant of antisemitic discourse was the rapidity of its adoption in the parliamentary debates.

  4. WISC-III e WAIS-III na avaliação da inteligência de cegos WISC-III/WAIS-III en ciegos WISC-III and WAIS-III in intellectual assessment of blind people

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    Elizabeth do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Diante da escassez de pesquisas nacionais e de testes psicológicos destinados a avaliar pessoas cegas, desenvolveu-se um estudo psicométrico com as escalas verbais dos testes WISC-III e WAIS-III. Após as adaptações de alguns estímulos e das instruções, os testes foram aplicados em crianças (N = 120 e adultos (N = 52 residentes em Belo Horizonte. Os resultados indicaram que as escalas verbais modificadas apresentam uma boa consistência interna (alfa> 0,80. Além disso, a investigação da validade fatorial identifica a presença clara de apenas um componente. Este componente explica 81% e 64% para o WISC-III e WAIS-III, respectivamente. Conclui-se que as adaptações a que se procedeu não afetaram a estrutura fatorial das escalas. Deste modo, os profissionais poderão utilizar as escalas modificadas para avaliar a inteligência de pessoas cegas.Frente a la escasez de investigaciones nacionales asi como la ausencia de tests psicológicos que evaluen personas ciegas, se ha desarrollado un estudio psicometrico com la escalas verbales del WISC-III y WAIS-III. Posteriormente a las adaptaciones de algunos estímulos y de las instrucciones, las escalas fueron aplicadas a una muestra de niños (n=120 y de adultos (n=52 residentes en la ciudad de Belo Horizonte-Brasil. Los resultados indican que las escalas verbales modificadas presentan una alta fiabilidad (alpha >0,80 asi como la presencia clara de un unico componente responsable por 81% y 64% de la variancia del WIC-III e WAIS-III respectivamente. Se ha concluido que las modificaciones efectuadas no han comprometido la estructura factorial de las escalas verbales. Por tanto, los profesionales psicólogos pueden utilizar las escalas modificadas para la evaluación de la inteligencia de personas portadoras de ceguera.Owing to the almost lack of a national research on psychological testing for the evaluation of blind people, a psychometric study has been developed with the WISC-III and WAIS

  5. Itinerário de um jogo adolescente: uma pesquisa winnicottiana a partir dos desenhos japoneses


    Caneschi, Liciana Aparecida Cabral


    Dentro da Psicologia, o tema da adolescência vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço nos últimos tempos e, consequentemente, a clínica tem sido modificada para compreender as demandas trazidas por esse grupo social. A adolescência vem deixando de ser entendida apenas como um momento de reedição dos conflitos da infância e passando a ser vista também com suas questões particulares e inéditas. Além disso, a própria variedade de expressões juvenis faz com que a clínica e as instituiç...

  6. Respostas de observação na tarefa de pareamento ao modelo: analisando topografias de controle de estímulos e seus efeitos sobre a formação de equivalência


    Eliana Isabel de Moraes Hamasaki


    Entendendo que o estudo das topografias de controle de estímulo (TCEs) pode ser beneficiado em um procedimento de discriminação condicional para a investigação de controle complexo de estímulos, em especial na formação de classes de estímulos equivalentes, o presente estudo busca investigar essa questão diretamente, por meio de um software que executa o matching-to-sample (MTS) de uma maneira modificada. Tal modificação na tarefa de MTS consiste basicamente da introdução de respostas de obser...

  7. Experiencia de la aplicación y criterios para la interpretación de dos versiones del Inventario HOME para infantes de 0 a 3 años de vida


    Rivera González, Rolando; Figueroa Olea, Miriam; Soler Limón, Karla María; Sánchez, Carmen; Ávila Rosas, Héctor


    El instrumento más utilizado en la evaluación del potencial del ambiente familiar para brindar estimulación y apoyo necesario al desarrollo del niño, es el Inventario HOME (Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment). La versión más conocida internacionalmente, para niños de cero a tres años, contiene 45 reactivos (HOME-45). En México la mayoría de reportes se refiere a una versión modificada por Cravioto con 62 reactivos (HOME-62), con poca información sobre los criterios para s...

  8. “Ginasticando”: parcerias e possibilidades da Ginástica na comunidade

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    Full Text Available O Projeto de Extensão “Ginasticando” tem como meta disseminar a Ginástica em Diamantina, MG. Tendo início em 2011, teve seus objetivos e metodologias modificadas de acordo com as demandas da região, diagnosticadas por meio de estudos e pesquisas na área da Educação Física escolar. Os principais resultados alcançados até o momento apontam para a necessidade de continuidade do projeto no sentido de contribuir para a ampliação do repertório de práticas corporais vivenciadas no ambiente escolar.

  9. Chemical effects in 11-year solar cycle simulations with the Freie Universität Berlin Climate Middle Atmosphere Model with online chemistry (FUB-CMAM-CHEM)


    U. Langematz; J. Grenfell; K. Matthes; P. Mieth; M. Kunze; B. Steil; C. Brühl;  


    The impact of 11-year solar cycle variations on stratospheric ozone (O3) is studied with the Freie Universität Berlin Climate Middle Atmosphere Model with interactive chemistry (FUB-CMAM-CHEM). To consider the effect of variations in charged particle precipitation we included an idealized NO x source in the upper mesosphere representing relativistic electron precipitation (REP). Our results suggest that the NO x source by particles and its transport from the mesosphere to the stratosphe...

  10. [Prevalence of symptoms and risk of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome assessed by the Berlin Questionnaire among professionals of a health facility]. (United States)

    Cadelis, G; Fayad Y Monteagudo, O E


    Few data exist on the prevalence of symptoms and risk of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) among professionals of a health facility, or they often work in shift schedule and night. Under these conditions, an undetected OSAS may affect alertness and attention in professional acts. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors of OSAS among professionals of a health facility. It is a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted among 773 participants working at the university hospital of Pointe-à-Pitre and volunteers to answer the Berlin questionnaire. We also collected among respondents, abdominal and neck circumference and medical history. Women accounted for 67% (n=520) of the sample and men 32.7% (n=253). The mean age was 42±11.1 years. We noted a high prevalence of OSAS symptoms (snoring at 69% to 26% daytime sleepiness) and SAS risk factors (hypertension reported to 18%, BMI>30kg/m 2 to 13%). The prevalence of subjects at high OSAS risk was 23.5% (20.6-26.6%) in the overall study population; it was 22.4% in nursing staff, and 21.4% (17-26%) among in the shift schedule workers. The factors significantly associated with a high risk of OSAS in this population were: age>51 years (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 8.1, P41cm (aOR: 2.9, Phealth workers who have risk factors for sleep apnea syndrome identified in this study, OSAS screening by the Berlin Questionnaire. This could be implemented for example as part of occupational medicine. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. The genesis of Jan Steens painting 'As the old ones sing, so the young ones pipe' from the Gemaeldegalerie Berlin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Denker, A.; Kleinert, K.; Laurenze-Landsberg, C.; Reimelt, M.; Schroeder-Smeibidl, B.


    In collaboration with the research reactor of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fuer Materialien und Energie, the Gemaeldegalerie Berlin is the only institute worldwide, which systematically employs the method of Neutron-Activation-Autoradiography to analyze paintings and painting techniques. To date more than 70 paintings were investigated with this effective, non-destructive, and exceptional method. It allows the visualization of structures and layers beneath the top surface and, in addition, enables the identification of elements contained in the pigments. The instrument B8 at the research reactor BER II is dedicated to this research. Jan Steen is one of the prolific artists from the 17th century. Like other artists from that time he produced several versions of one specific topic during life-time. The topic 'As the old ones sing, so the young ones pipe' was painted by Jan Steen in 13 versions. The painting from the Gemaeldegalerie is an exception in this series as it differs in style and content from the other oeuvres. The question arises: why did the artist deviate from his usual scheme? The possible answer is provided by X-ray images and neutron autoradiographs made of the painting, allowing insight into hidden paint layers and, therefore, in the genesis of the painting. Jan Steen did not simply change the composition of the room and the figures. He originally intended an altogether different topic. Assumedly it was supposed to be a so-called merry company, located in a generous, stately room. Many pieces of this sophisticated ambiance have been eliminated from the version visible today; others were modified and integrated into the composition of the new painting. Thus, Jan Steen commenced the topic 'As the old ones sing, so the young ones pipe' from a different context.

  12. Learning at a Distance. Report on the DSE Conference (West Berlin, Germany, June 2-7, 1982) in Connection with the World Conference of ICCE (12th, Vancouver, Canada, June 8-17, 1982). (United States)

    German Foundation for International Development, Bonn (West Germany).

    Two international meetings on distance education are summarized in this report. The first, a preparatory seminar on "Staff Development for Distance Education," was held in Berlin to give African participants an opportunity to meet prior to attending the 12th World Conference of the International Council for Correspondence Education…

  13. Conference report "Stoffwechsel. Histories of metabolism", workshop organized by Mathias Grote at Technische Universität Berlin, November 28-29th, 2014. (United States)

    Grote, Mathias; Keuck, Lara


    Historical analyses of what metabolism has been conceived of, how concepts of metabolism were related to disciplines such as nineteenth-century nutritional physiology or twentieth-century biochemistry, and how their genealogies relate to the current developments may be helpful to understand the various, at times polemic, ways in which the boundaries between metabolism and heredity have been re-drawn. Against this background, a small number of scholars gathered in Berlin for a workshop that equally aimed at bringing new stories to the fore, and at considering seemingly known ones in a new light. Some aspects of the discussions are summarized in this paper.

  14. Encefalopatía por priones

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    Carlos Colegial


    Full Text Available Las encefalopatías espongiformes por priones son enfermedades neurodegenerativas que pueden ser esporádicas o transmisibles, ya sea por mecanismos infecciosos o hereditarios. Su investigación ha planteado enormes retos y en el recorrido histórico en busca de su causa dos médicos han recibido el premio Nobel de Medicina: Carleton Gajdusek, por sus trabajos en Nueva Guinea donde describió la transmisión infecciosa por ritos canibalísticos, que llevó a estudios de transmisión experimental en chimpancés y a su teoría de los "virus lentos" (por el largo período de incubación de la enfermedad.

  15. Modified technique to increase nostril cross-sectional area after using rib and septal cartilage graft over alar nasal cartilages Técnica modificada para aumentar a área seccional externa da narina após o uso de enxerto cartilaginoso de costela e septo sob as cartilagens alares nasais

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    Marcelo Wulkan


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Describe a modified technique to increase nostril cross-sectional area using rib and septal cartilage graft over alar nasal cartilages. METHODS: A modified surgical technique was used to obtain, carve and insert cartilage grafts over alar nasal cartilages. This study used standardized pictures and measured 90 cadaveric nostril cross-sectional area using Autocad®; 30 were taken before any procedure and 60 were taken after grafts over lateral crura (30 using costal cartilage and 30 using septal cartilage. Statistical analysis were assessed using a model for repeated measures and ANOVA (Analysis of Variance for the variable "area". RESULTS: There's statistical evidence that rib cartilage graft is more effective than septal cartilage graft. The mean area after the insertion of septal cartilage graft is smaller than the mean area under rib graft treatment (no confidence interval for mean difference contains the zero value and all P-values are below the significance level of 5%. CONCLUSIONS: The technique presented is applicable to increase nostril cross section area in cadavers. This modified technique revealed to enhance more nostril cross section area with costal cartilage graft over lateral crura rather than by septal graft.OBJETIVO: Descrever uma técnica modificada para se aumentar a área seccional externa da narina com cartilagem septal e costal acima das cartilagens alares nasais. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se uma técnica cirúrgica modificada para obter, esculpir e inserir enxertos de cartilagem sobre as cartilagens alares. Realizou-se fotos padronizadas e mensuração de 90 áreas seccionais externas de narina em cadáveres com Autocad®; 30 antes sem procedimento; 60 após a inclusão de enxertos sob a cruz lateral (30 usando cartilagem costal e 30 usando cartilagem septal. A análise estatística foi feita com um modelo de medidas repetidas e ANOVA para a variável "área" RESULTADOS: Existe evidência estatística de que o enxerto de

  16. [Hedonism and revolution. The reception of psychoanalysis in the Berlin student movement in the 1960s]. (United States)

    Gerhardt, Uta


    The article takes hedonism and revolution as a vantage point to discuss the Kommune 2, an experiment in collective living, the anti-authoritarian kindergardens for the under-fives, and, last but not least, a speech in 1968 that spurred the women's movement in Western Germany. The author's interest is on the materials documenting how the Berlin student movement saw psychoanalysis: One point was that the pleasure principle should replace the reality principle for the sake of humankind, another that the authoritarian character structure has its roots in the denial of sexuality. Kindergarden children supposedly need "de-individualized identification" to develop ego-strength, when boys and girls differ in their superego organization. An important accomplishment was a group analysis conducted without an analyst, an experiment that worked amazingly well in the Kommune 2. In all, these various experiments in emancipation, with psychoanalysis a guide to interpersonal understanding, may be deemed spectacular when their aftereffects on everyday life in Germany have been tremendous.

  17. The Einstein dossiers science and politics - Einstein's Berlin period with an appendix on Einstein's FBI file

    CERN Document Server

    Grundmann, Siegfried


    In 1919 the Prussian Ministry of Science, Arts and Culture opened a dossier on "Einstein's Theory of Relativity." It was rediscovered by the author in 1961 and is used in conjunction with numerous other subsequently identified 'Einstein' files as the basis of this fascinating book. In particular, the author carefully scrutinizes Einstein's FBI file from 1950-55 against mostly unpublished material from European including Soviet sources and presents hitherto unknown documentation on Einstein's alleged contacts with the German Communist Party and the Comintern. Siegfried Grundmann's thorough study of Einstein's participation on a committee of the League of Nations, based on archival research in Geneva, is also new. This book outlines Einstein's image in politics and German science policy. It covers the period from his appointment as a researcher in Berlin to his fight abroad against the "boycott of German science" after World War I and his struggle at home against attacks on "Jewish physics" of which he was made...

  18. F87. My home - my car - my petrol station; F87. Mein Haus - mein Auto - meine Tanksstelle. Das Effizienzhaus Plus mit Elektromobilitaet in Berlin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Michaely, Petra [Werner Sobek Stuttgart GmbH und Co.KG, Stuttgart (Germany); Schroth, Juergen; Schuster, Heide; Thuemmler, Thomas [WSGreen Technologies GmbH, Stuttgart (Germany); Sobek, Werner [Werner Sobek Stuttgart GmbH und Co.KG, Stuttgart (Germany); Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Leichtbau Entwerfen und Konstruieren


    In the presence of Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel, the efficient house Plus was inaugurated in December 2011 in Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany). This building is a temporary dwelling with a floor space of approximately 130 square meters. This building generates all the necessary energy for the operation and comfort by itself. The generated energy also is sufficient for the annual energy demand of two electric cars and an electric bicycle. The building also serves as a showcase to inform the general public.

  19. Contaminación por enteroparásitos en tres hortalizas frescas expendidas en el Mercado Municipal de Los Bloques de Maturín, Monagas, Venezuela

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    Genette Belloso


    Full Text Available Con la finalidad de determinar la contaminación por enteroparásitos en hortalizas que se consumen frescas, expendidas en el Mercado Municipal de Los Bloques de la ciudad de Maturín, Estado Monagas, Venezuela, se evaluaron 115 muestras de lechuga (40, perejil (40 y berro (35, procedentes de cinco puestos del mercado escogidos al azar. Las muestras se trasladaron en bolsas plásticas transparentes y estériles al Laboratorio de Microbiología ubicado en el Campus Los Guaritos de la Universidad de Oriente, Núcleo Monagas, se procesaron según la técnica de sedimentación - flotación de Faust modificada para este trabajo y se hicieron las observaciones microscópicas. El 53,04 % de las muestras presentaron contaminación, siendo el perejil la hortaliza más prevalente con 72,50 %. Los parásitos intestinales identificados con mayor frecuencia fueron Balantidium coli (62,50 % en el perejil; 71,42 % en el berro y 12,50 % en la lechuga y Necator americanus (12,50 % en el perejil. Se demostró la presencia de enteroparásitos en las muestras de lechuga, perejil y berro; y se concluye que la elevada frecuencia de contaminación encontrada en las hortalizas evaluadas representa un riesgo potencial para la salud de los consumidores. Se recomienda implementar buenas prácticas de manejo en toda la cadena de producción, distribución y preparación para garantizar un producto de calidad a los consumidores.

  20. Contaminación por enteroparásitos en tres hortalizas frescas expendidas en el Mercado Municipal de Los Bloques de Maturín, Monagas, Venezuela

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    Magalys Rivas


    Full Text Available Con la finalidad de determinar la contaminación por enteroparásitos en hortalizas que se consumen frescas, expendidas en el Mercado Municipal de Los Bloques de la ciudad de Maturín, Estado Monagas, Venezuela, se evaluaron 115 muestras de lechuga (40, perejil (40 y berro (35, procedentes de cinco puestos del mercado escogidos al azar. Las muestras se trasladaron en bolsas plásticas transparentes y estériles al Laboratorio de Microbiología ubicado en el Campus Los Guaritos de la Universidad de Oriente, Núcleo Monagas, se procesaron según la técnica de sedimentación - flotación de Faust modificada para este trabajo y se hicieron las observaciones microscópicas. El 53,04 % de las muestras presentaron contaminación, siendo el perejil la hortaliza más prevalente con 72,50 %. Los parásitos intestinales identificados con mayor frecuencia fueron Balantidium coli (62,50 % en el perejil; 71,42 % en el berro y 12,50 % en la lechuga y Necator americanus (12,50 % en el perejil. Se demostró la presencia de enteroparásitos en las muestras de lechuga, perejil y berro; y se concluye que la elevada frecuencia de contaminación encontrada en las hortalizas evaluadas representa un riesgo potencial para la salud de los consumidores. Se recomienda implementar buenas prácticas de manejo en toda la cadena de producción, distribución y preparación para garantizar un producto de calidad a los consumidores.

  1. Heat storage in the Hettangian aquifer in Berlin - results from a column experiment (United States)

    Milkus, Chri(Sch)augott


    Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) is a sustainable alternative for storage and seasonal availability of thermal energy. However, its impact on the subsurface flow regime is not well known. In Berlin (Germany), the Jurassic (Hettangian) sandstone aquifer with highly mineralized groundwater (TDS 27 g/L) is currently used for heat storage. The aim of this study was to examine the hydrogeochemical changes that are caused by the induced temperature shift and its effects on the hydraulic permeability of the aquifer. Column experiments were conducted, in which stainless steel columns were filled with sediment from the aquifer and flushed with native groundwater for several weeks. The initial temperature of the experiment was 20°C, comparable to the in-situ conditions within the aquifer. After reaching equilibrium between sediment and water, the temperature was increased to simulate heating of the aquifer. During the experiment, physical and chemical parameters (pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen and dissolved carbon dioxide) were measured at the outflow of the column and the effluent water was sampled. Using a Scanning Electron Microscope, the deposition of precipitated minerals and biofilm on sediment grains was analyzed. Changes in hydraulic properties of the sediment were studied by the use of tracer tests with Uranin.

  2. Identification and return of a skull from Tasmania in the Berlin anatomical collection. (United States)

    Winkelmann, Andreas; Teßmann, Barbara


    Following a request by the Australian government, human remains of Australian origin were identified in the anatomical collection of Charité, the medical faculty of Berlin. We initiated an interdisciplinary provenance research on such remains to ensure their identity, elucidate their history, and prepare for a possible return to Australia. Here, we present results regarding a skull in the collection labeled as stemming from Tasmania. The non-invasive anthropological investigation revealed the skull to stem from a girl of about 15 years of age who most likely died of a massive otitis/petrositis with subsequent meningitis. These results match the historical findings, which started from an inscription on the frontal bone giving a first name ("Nanny"), an ancestry ("native of Kangaroo Island"), a collector ("Schayer"), and a location ("van Diemensland", i.e. Tasmania). The collector, Adolph Schayer, was a German sheep breeder and botanical/zoological collector living in north-western Tasmania from 1831 to 1843. In archival sources, a girl named Nanny Allan could be identified, who was a native of Kangaroo Island and died in Launceston/Tasmania in 1836 at the age of about 14 years. As there were no doubts that these remains stem from a Tasmanian individual, they were handed over to representatives of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre in July 2014.

  3. 9th Transgenic Technology Meeting (TT2010) in Berlin, Germany: a meeting report. (United States)

    Saunders, Thomas L; Sobieszczuk, Peter


    The first Transgenic Technology (TT) Meeting was organized in 1999 by Johannes Wilbertz, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden as a regional meeting. The TT Meetings continued in this way, constantly gathering additional practitioners of transgenic methodologies until the breakthrough in 2005 when the 6th TT Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, hosted by Lluis Montoliu (Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, Madrid, Spain), generated the momentum to establish the International Society for Transgenic Technologies (ISTT). Since 2006, the ISTT has continued to promote the TT Meetings and provide its membership with a forum to discuss best practices and new methods in the field. The TT2010 Meeting was held at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (Berlin, Germany). Participation at the TT2010 Meeting exceeded the registration capacity and set a new attendance record. Session topics included methods for the generation of rat and mouse models of human disease, fundamental and advanced topics in rodent embryonic stem cells, and the newest transgenic technologies. Short presentations from selected abstracts were of especial interest. Roundtable discussions on transgenic facility establishment and cryoarchiving of mouse lines were favorably received. Students, technical staff, and professors participated in numerous discussions and came away with practical methods and new ideas for research.

  4. [Death caused by projectile guns--a retrospective analysis of 34 cases in Berlin and Hamburg]. (United States)

    Lignitz, E; Koops, E; Püschel, K


    The autopsy material of the institutes for forensic medicine in Berlin/GDR and Hamburg was analyzed retrospectively (period from 1961 till 1987; 70,000 autopsies) for fatalities caused by "humane killers" (n = 22) and stud guns (n = 12).-Epidemiological, criminological and morphological findings: The decreased were all men aged between 18 and 75 years (mean 48 years) except one 61 year-old paraplegic women who was killed by her husband with a humane killer. The great majority of cases consisted of suicides; two accidents at work were caused by stud guns. These unusual weapons are normally used by skilled people (i.e. butchers or constructional workers respectively). The fatal wounds were situated at the head, especially the forehead, seldom at the nape of the neck or in the mouth, or sometimes in the chest when using stud guns. Combined suicides (especially together with hanging) are not unusual. Survival periods (with or without acting capacity) can range between minutes or even months (after neurosurgical intervention).-The frequency of such unusual and overall rare cases did not raise during the investigation period.

  5. Development Of An Android Based Interactive Guide For The Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum Der Charité

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    Iris Klempert


    The “BMM Guide” is available for all visitors of the museum on lendable devices or for students (professional audience using their personal devices and installing the application manually via the web-access eduroam. The guide is connected to the internet. It is designed to easily expand, update or transfer the content catalogue data. At the moment there is a connection between the exhibit and text-, image-, video- or virtual microscope content via QR-Code. The offline mode is limited to the connection between text content and the exhibit. We also implemented a multi-language support for English and German. The application has information like room plans, opening times and latest news of the museum. The museum guide is an easy handable, selfexplaining blended learning tool that can be embedded in the general education. .This guide for the exhibitions of the Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum opens a new branch for self-study of students. Nevertheless he still has a potential to be integrated in curricular lectures in the future.

  6. Comparação de parâmetros periodontais após utilização de contenção ortodôntica com fio trançado e contenção modificada Comparison of periodontal parameters after the use of orthodontic multi-stranded wire retainers and modified retainers

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    Marlice Azoia Lukiantchuki


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: o presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar dois tipos de contenções ortodônticas fixas, em relação a parâmetros periodontais estabelecidos. A contenção com fio trançado é a mais comumente utilizada e a contenção modificada apresenta dobras que têm a finalidade de permitir o livre acesso do fio dental às áreas interproximais. MÉTODOS: para esse estudo cruzado, foram selecionados 12 voluntários que utilizaram, por 6 meses, A Contenção com fio trançado e B Contenção modificada - sendo essas fixadas em todos os dentes do segmento anterior. Após esse período experimental, foram feitas as seguintes avaliações: Índice de Placa Dentária, Índice Gengival, Índice de Cálculo Dentário e Índice de Cálculo ao longo do fio de contenção. Os voluntários também responderam a um questionário com relação à utilização, conforto e higienização das contenções. RESULTADOS: foi observado que o índice de placa e o índice gengival foram maiores nas faces linguais (pOBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to compare two types of fixed orthodontic retainers (a multi-stranded wire retainer and a modified retainer in relation to established periodontal parameters. The multi-stranded wire retainer is commonly used, and the modified retainer has bends to enable free access of dental floss to interproximal areas. METHODS: For this crossover study, 12 volunteers were selected and used the following retainers for six months: (A a multi-stranded wire retainer and (B a modified retainer. Both retainers were fixed to all anterior lower teeth.After this experimental period, the following evaluations were made: Dental Plaque Index, Gingival Index, Dental Calculus Index and Retainer Wire Calculus Index. The volunteers also responded to a questionnaire about the use, comfort and hygiene of the retainers. RESULTS: It was observed that the plaque index and the gingival index were higher on the lingual surface (p<0

  7. The evaluation of rainfall influence on combined sewer overflows characteristics: the Berlin case study. (United States)

    Sandoval, S; Torres, A; Pawlowsky-Reusing, E; Riechel, M; Caradot, N


    The present study aims to explore the relationship between rainfall variables and water quality/quantity characteristics of combined sewer overflows (CSOs), by the use of multivariate statistical methods and online measurements at a principal CSO outlet in Berlin (Germany). Canonical correlation results showed that the maximum and average rainfall intensities are the most influential variables to describe CSO water quantity and pollutant loads whereas the duration of the rainfall event and the rain depth seem to be the most influential variables to describe CSO pollutant concentrations. The analysis of partial least squares (PLS) regression models confirms the findings of the canonical correlation and highlights three main influences of rainfall on CSO characteristics: (i) CSO water quantity characteristics are mainly influenced by the maximal rainfall intensities, (ii) CSO pollutant concentrations were found to be mostly associated with duration of the rainfall and (iii) pollutant loads seemed to be principally influenced by dry weather duration before the rainfall event. The prediction quality of PLS models is rather low (R² < 0.6) but results can be useful to explore qualitatively the influence of rainfall on CSO characteristics.

  8. Casipoemas por Navidad : (1969-2010)


    Sena Medina, Guillermo


    PRESENTACIÓN AL AIRE DE LA POESÍA RELIGIOSA Y NAVIDEÑA DE GUILLERMO SENA MEDINA Constituye un gran honor hacer la presentación de Guillermo Sena Medina por un doble motivo; por la larga y sincera amistad que nos une desde hace muchos años al socaire de nuestra común afición por la Historia, como cronistas oficiales de nuestros municipios; y, sobre todo y particularmente, por su rica y profunda personalidad como hombre de letras, nacida de su aún más rica y profunda personalidad humana. A...

  9. Representaciones Sociales de la Historia Universal: Posicionamientos Diferenciales en Función de la Ideología Política, Religiosidad y Nacionalismo en una Muestra Argentina

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    Fernanda Mariel Sosa


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de analizar las representaciones sociales de la historia a través de los sentimientos que despiertan 24 personajes de la historia universal, se administró una versión modificada del cuestionario construido por Liu et al. (2005 a una muestra intencional ( n =369 de Argentina (55.7% mujeres, m edad =36.20, de edad =11.16. El análisis de con - glomerados no jerárquico arrojó 4 grupos en función de la religiosidad, el nacionalismo y el posicionamiento ideológico de los participantes. Por su parte, del análisis de clúster jerárquico, en función de los sentimientos hacia los personajes, se desprendieron 2 conglomerados denominados héroes y villanos . Los personajes religiosos y políticos son los que mayor disenso suscitan.

  10. Representaciones Sociales de la Historia Universal: Posicionamientos Diferenciales en Función de la Ideología Política, Religiosidad y Nacionalismo en una Muestra Argentina/RepresentationsSocial Representations of Universal History: Differential Positioning at the Service of Political Ideology, Religiosity and Nationalism in the Argentinian Context/Representações Sociais da História Universal: Posicionamentos Diferenciados em função da Ideologia Política, da Religiosidade e do Nacionalismo numa Amostra Argentina

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    Fernanda Mariel Sosa


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de analizar las representaciones sociales de la historia a través de los sentimientos que despiertan 24 personajes de la historia universal, se administró una versión modificada del cuestionario construido por Liu et al. (2005 a una muestra intencional (n=369 de Argentina (55.7% mujeres, medad=36.20, deedad=11.16. El análisis de conglomerados no jerárquico arrojó 4 grupos en función de la religiosidad, el nacionalismo y el posicionamiento ideológico de los participantes. Por su parte, del análisis de clúster jerárquico, en función de los sentimientos hacia los personajes, se desprendieron 2 conglomerados denominados héroes y villanos. Los personajes religiosos y políticos son los que mayor disenso suscitan.

  11. Árvores geneticamente modificadas: técnicas, aplicações, riscos e os potenciais impactos associados a sua utilização Genetically modified trees: techniques, applications, risk and potential impacts associated with their use

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    Erlon Barbosa Valdetaro


    Full Text Available

    As espécies florestais possuem grande importância, oferecendo diversos produtos madeireiros e não madeireiros fundamentais para a sociedade. Neste contexto, a busca de novas tecnologias capazes de promover incremento na produtividade das florestas comerciais tem merecido grande atenção, sendo que a biotecnologia tem contribuído substancialmente para isso. Este ramo da ciência pode promover a modificação direta do genoma de um organismo alvo, por meio da análise e manipulação do DNA ou pela inserção de fragmentos do mesmo com função conhecida e, deste modo, alcançar características previamente desejadas, tais como resistência a doenças e ataques de pragas, redução do teor de lignina na madeira e geração de plantas tolerantes a diferentes tipos de estresse. Esta revisão objetiva relatar técnicas para a geração de árvores geneticamente modificadas, aplicações da transformação genética em essências florestais, riscos do uso desta tecnologia e seus potenciais impactos ambientais.

    doi: 10.4336/2011.pfb.31.65.51

    Forest species have great economic and social importance, offering various products as wood and non-timber fundamental to society. In this context, the search for new technologies that promote increase in productivity of commercial forests has received special attention and biotechnology has contributed substantially to this. This branch of science can promote direct modification of the genome of a target organism, through the analysis and manipulation of DNA genome or by insertion of fragments of the same with known function and thus to achieve desired characteristics, such as resistance to diseases and pests, lignin reduction in wood and generation of plants tolerant to different kinds of stresses. This review aims at reporting techniques for the generation of genetically modified trees, applications of genetic transformation in forest species, risks of using this technology and its potential

  12. Heimwerken als Protest. Instandbesetzer und Wohnungsbaupolitik in West-Berlin während der 1980er-Jahre

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    Reinhild Kreis


    Full Text Available In the early 1980s, hundreds of men and women in many West German and West European cities resorted to a rather unusual form of protest. In order to express their dissatisfaction with the local housing situation and policies, they occupied empty apartment buildings and, under the eyes of an astonished public, began renovating them themselves. Focusing on West Berlin as the most prominent case, this article interprets the performance of DIY home improvement tasks in occupied buildings (Instandbesetzer, as they called themselves as a form of protest, thus drawing attention to the manual work done by squatters and its impact on the housing policies of the 1980s. The DIY measures undertaken publicly by the squatters drew attention to serious political and social shortcomings while at the same time demonstrating possible solutions. The visible (or at least announced transformation of the built environment forced politicians, the public, and experts alike to discuss both housing policy in general and the idea of self-help as suggested by the squatters. Squatters thus accelerated the readjustment of a housing policy which now incorporated manual self-help by tenants into West Berlin’s city planning, but by the same token also undermined the potential for protest and provocation of such practices. * * * Zu Beginn der 1980er-Jahre griffen Hunderte von Männern und Frauen in vielen westdeutschen und westeuropäischen Städten zu einem ungewöhnlichen Mittel, um gegen ihre Wohnsituation und die Wohnungspolitik zu protestieren: Sie begannen, leerstehende Häuser eigenhändig und öffentlichkeitswirksam zu renovieren, die sie vorher besetzt hatten. Am besonders markanten West-Berliner Fall untersucht der Beitrag diese »Instandbesetzer« (so schon die zeitgenössische Selbstbezeichnung als »Heimwerker aus Protest« und fragt nach der Funktion der handwerklichen Praxis im Häuserkampf der 1980er-Jahre. Die Selbsthilfe der Instandbesetzer machte auf Missst

  13. The impact of traffic emissions on air quality in the Berlin-Brandenburg region - a case study on cycling scenarios (United States)

    Kuik, F.; Lauer, A.; von Schneidemesser, E.; Butler, T. M.


    Many European cities continue to struggle with exceedances of NO2 limit values at measurement sites near roads, of which a large contribution is attributed to emissions from traffic. In this study, we explore how urban air quality can be improved with different traffic measures using the example of the Berlin-Brandenburg region. In order to simulate urban background air quality we use the Weather Research and Forecasting model with chemistry (WRF-Chem) at a horizontal resolution of 1km. We use emission input data at a horizontal resolution of 1km obtained by downscaling TNO-MACC III emissions based on local proxy data including population and traffic densities. In addition we use a statistical approach combining the simulated urban background concentrations with information on traffic densities to estimate NO2 at street level. This helps assessing whether the emission scenarios studied here can lead to significant reductions in NO2 concentrations at street level. The emission scenarios in this study represent a range of scenarios in which car traffic is replaced with bicycle traffic. Part of this study was an initial discussion phase with stakeholders, including policy makers and NGOs. The discussions have shown that the different stakeholders are interested in a scientific assessment of the impact of replacing car traffic with bicycle traffic in the Berlin-Brandenburg urban area. Local policy makers responsible for city planning and implementing traffic measures can make best use of scientific modeling results if input data and scenarios are as realistic as possible. For these reasons, the scenarios cover very idealized optimistic ("all passenger cars are replaced by bicycles") and pessimistic ("all cyclists are replaced by cars") scenarios to explore the sensitivity of simulated urban background air quality to these changes, as well as additional scenarios based on city-specific data to analyze more realistic situations. Of particular interest is how these impact

  14. Alte und neue Problemaspekte der Figur. Zu einem medienübergreifenden Versuch einer Begriffsbestimmung der Figur [Jens Eder / Fotis Jannidis / Ralf Schneider (Hg.: Characters in Fic­tional Worlds. Understanding Imaginary Beings in Literature, Film, and Other Media. Berlin 2010

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    Carmen Lăcan


    Full Text Available Rezension zu / Review of:Jens Eder / Fotis Jannidis / Ralf Schneider (Hg.: Characters in Fic­tional Worlds. Understanding Imaginary Beings in Literature, Film, and Other Media. Berlin 2010

  15. Conservação de pinha com uso de atmosfera modificada e refrigeração

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    Gisele Polete Mizobutsi


    Full Text Available Os frutos da pinheira possuem limitações para sua distribuição a mercados distantes, por causa do rápido amadurecimento, que os torna muito macios, de difícil manuseio sem a ocorrência de danos e de conservação extremamente reduzida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do filme de policloreto de vinila (PVC, associado às temperaturas de refrigeração, na conservação pós-colheita da pinha. Os frutos foram selecionados, lavados, sanitizados e acondicionados em bandejas de isopor, com, ou sem, envolvimento de película de policloreto de vinila, e conservados a 12 e 25 ºC. Foram avaliados: cor da casca, firmeza, perda de matéria fresca, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, açúcares totais e amido. Os frutos conservados a 12 ºC, com policloreto de vinila, mantiveram a coloração verde da casca até o 18º dia, apresentaram menor perda de massa de matéria fresca e firmeza da casca e menor teor de sólidos solúveis e acidez titulável, em relação aos frutos armazenados a 25 ºC. A utilização da embalagem, associada à temperatura de 12 ºC, permite um período seguro de 18 dias de conservação, com adequada manutenção dos atributos físicos e químicos. Os frutos armazenados a 25 ºC conservaram-se por seis dias. A película de PVC, associada ao armazenamento de 12 ºC, pode ser utilizada para atrasar o amadurecimento dos frutos por 18 dias, mantendo sua qualidade. Os frutos que permaneceram armazenados, por seis dias, a 25 ºC com, ou sem, PVC, não apresentaram características físicas e químicas desejáveis.

  16. Evolution of NADPH-cytochrome P450 oxidoreductases (POR) in Apiales - POR 1 is missing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Trine Bundgaard; Hansen, Niels Bjørn; Laursen, Tomas


    The NADPH-dependent cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) is the obligate electron donor to eukaryotic microsomal cytochromes P450 enzymes. The number of PORs within plant species is limited to one to four isoforms, with the most common being two PORs per plant. These enzymes provide electrons to ...... (available from the SRA at NCBI). All three genes were shown to be functional upon reconstitution into nanodiscs, confirming that none of the isoforms are pseudogenes....

  17. The late Pleistocene horned crocodile Voay robustus (Grandidier & Vaillant, 1872 from Madagascar in the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

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    C. Bickelmann


    Full Text Available Crocodylian material from late Pleistocene localities around Antsirabe, Madagascar, stored in the collection of the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, was surveyed. Several skeletal elements, including skull bones, vertebrae, ribs, osteoderms, and limb bones from at least three large individuals could be unambiguously assigned to the genus Voay Brochu, 2007. Furthermore, the simultaneous occurrence of Voay robustus Grandidier & Vaillant, 1872 and Crocodylus niloticus Laurenti, 1768 in Madagascar is discussed. Voay robustus and Crocodylus niloticus are systematically separate but similar in stature and size, which would make them direct rivals for ecological resources. Our hypothesis on the extinction of the species Voay, which was endemic to Madagascar, suggests that C. niloticus invaded Madagascar only after V. robustus became extinct. doi:10.1002/mmng.200800007

  18. Enquêter sur la « diversité » à Berlin. Le cas de l’inspecteur Bobkowski

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    Barbara Thériault


    Full Text Available Comment traiter de diversité dans une organisation qui est réputée y être hostile ? Se réglant sur une démarche wébérienne, je présente dans cet article un cas, celui du commissaire Klaus Bobkowski, un enseignant responsable de la section « éducation politique » à l’Académie de police de Berlin et historien amateur. En considérant ce cas, ainsi que d’autres efforts pour composer avec la différence sous la République de Weimar (1918-1933 que j’ai enregistrés durant mon travail de terrain, je tente de faire saillir les motifs qui sous-tendent l’action des commissaires ayant contribué à la reconnaissance et à la promotion de la différence au sein des services policiers en Allemagne depuis les années 1990. En enquêtant sur ces motifs d’action, je suis en mesure de construire un idéaltype d’un « porteur de la diversité », qu’on peut lier, comme je le soutiens, à un programme libéral d’égalité civique.Investigate the “diversity” in Berlin. The case of the Inspector BobkowskiHow can one consider diversity in an organisation having a reputation for being against it? Following a weberian perspective, I present in this article such a case, that of Inspector Bobkowski, a teacher in charge of the “political education” section of the “Police Academy” of Berlin and amateur historian. In considering this case, along with other efforts to take differences into account during the Weimar Republic (1918-1933 that I recorded during my field work, I attempt to bring out the motifs which underline those actions of the police inspectors that contributed to the recognition and to the promotion of difference within the police services in Germany since the 1990s. By investigating these motifs of action, I am able to construct an ideal type of a “diversity messenger” that one can link, as I argue, to a liberal program of civic equality.Hacer encuestas en Berlín sobre la «diversidad». El caso del

  19. Interactive short-term effects of equivalent temperature and air pollution on human mortality in Berlin and Lisbon. (United States)

    Burkart, Katrin; Canário, Paulo; Breitner, Susanne; Schneider, Alexandra; Scherber, Katharina; Andrade, Henrique; Alcoforado, Maria João; Endlicher, Wilfried


    There is substantial evidence that both temperature and air pollution are predictors of mortality. Thus far, few studies have focused on the potential interactive effects between the thermal environment and different measures of air pollution. Such interactions, however, are biologically plausible, as (extreme) temperature or increased air pollution might make individuals more susceptible to the effects of each respective predictor. This study investigated the interactive effects between equivalent temperature and air pollution (ozone and particulate matter) in Berlin (Germany) and Lisbon (Portugal) using different types of Poisson regression models. The findings suggest that interactive effects exist between air pollutants and equivalent temperature. Bivariate response surface models and generalised additive models (GAMs) including interaction terms showed an increased risk of mortality during periods of elevated equivalent temperatures and air pollution. Cold effects were mostly unaffected by air pollution. The study underscores the importance of air pollution control in mitigating heat effects. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Efeito da modificação de superfície de fibras nas propriedades mecânicas de compósitos a base de poli (tereftalato de butileno reforçado por fibras naturais inorgânicas

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    Felipe Darabas Rzatki


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho visa investigar a viabilidade de utilização de fibras naturais de sílica amorfa (FNSA como agente de reforço em polímeros de engenharia, assim como avaliar o seu potencial como alternativa às fibras de vidro curtas em aplicações industriais. Diferentes modificações na química de superfície dessas fibras foram avaliadas buscando melhorar a adesão na interface entre fibras e matriz, e consequentemente, melhorar as propriedades mecânicas do compósito. As modificações superficiais das FNSA foram realizadas através de agentes de acoplamento do tipo silano, providos com funções orgânicas distintas. O PBT foi selecionado como matriz devido a sua conhecida facilidade de processamento, mesmo após a incorporação de grandes quantidades de aditivos. A modificação das FNSA foi avaliada a partir da análise termogravimétrica acoplada à espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier. A resistência mecânica e fratura dos compósitos foi investigada por ensaios de tração e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Finalmente, obtiveram-se compósitos com fibras modificadas com resistência à tração 40% superior ao material base puro.

  1. Osteomalacia inducida por tumor: hemangiopericitoma rinosinusal

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    Enriqueta M. Serafini


    Full Text Available La osteomalacia inducida por tumor es una rara enfermedad del metabolismo óseo caracterizada por el aumento en la excreción de fosfato a nivel renal seguido de hipofosfatemia. Es causada por agentes fosfatúricos producidos por determinados tumores. La resección total del tumor resulta en la completa reversión de las anormalidades bioquímicas, la desaparición de las manifestaciones clínicas y los hallazgos en los estudios por imágenes. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 61 años con cuadro clínico y laboratorio compatibles con osteomalacia oncogénica inducida por tumor mesenquimático de localización rinosinusal. En nuestro caso el diagnóstico histológico correspondió a una neoplasia de tipo vascular: hemangiopericitoma.

  2. Ampliación de las posibilidades de análisis estadístico de las escalas ordinales ipsativas

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    Luis Miguel Escurra M.


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se refiere a la validación en nuestro medio de la fórmula de Hayes para obtener puntuaciones de intervalo a partir de puntuaciones ordinales ipsativas. Para ello se utilizó la Escala de Valores de Rokeach modificada por Tueros. Se aplicó el instrumento en formatos normativos e ispsativos a una muestra de 80 estudiantes universitarios de ambos sexos, que cursaban estudios de Psicología. Los resultados encontrados permiten afirmar que la fórmula es válida y puede ser usada para la investigación Psicológica en nuestro medio.

  3. Rotulagem de alimentos que contém Organismos Geneticamente Modificados: políticas internacionais e Legislação no Brasil Labeling of food containing Genetically Modified Organisms: international policies and Brazilian legislation


    Thadeu Estevam Moreira Maramaldo Costa; Victor Augustus Marin


    O crescimento da área de superfície plantada com as culturas geneticamente modificadas, com a consequente liberação dessas lavouras para o ambiente e para a comercialização, levantou questionamentos sobre a segurança destes produtos. A entrada em vigor do Protocolo de Cartagena sobre Biossegurança , fez com que houvesse a necessidade de aquisição de informações e capacitação nesta área para a implementação de políticas de biossegurança e para tomadas de decisões por partes dos governos em nív...

  4. Diseño de una Propuesta Comunicativa para la Fundación ALTRÓPICO


    Yacovazzo Borja, Roberto Andrés


    La comunicación es la más básica y vital necesidad de los seres humanos, después de la supervivencia. Se sabe que la comunicación es condición sine qua non de la existencia humana. Así mismo, la organización es un ser vivo, tiene un cuerpo, una historia, evoluciona y cambia, vive en un entorno determinado con el cual se relaciona, siendo así modificada por la acción del entorno. En la actualidad la información que fluye en las organizaciones es tan vital como la sangre en el cuerpo humano....

  5. Lung recruitability is better estimated according to the Berlin definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome at standard 5 cm H2O rather than higher positive end-expiratory pressure: a retrospective cohort study. (United States)

    Caironi, Pietro; Carlesso, Eleonora; Cressoni, Massimo; Chiumello, Davide; Moerer, Onner; Chiurazzi, Chiara; Brioni, Matteo; Bottino, Nicola; Lazzerini, Marco; Bugedo, Guillermo; Quintel, Michael; Ranieri, V Marco; Gattinoni, Luciano


    The Berlin definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome has introduced three classes of severity according to PaO2/FIO2 thresholds. The level of positive end-expiratory pressure applied may greatly affect PaO2/FIO2, thereby masking acute respiratory distress syndrome severity, which should reflect the underlying lung injury (lung edema and recruitability). We hypothesized that the assessment of acute respiratory distress syndrome severity at standardized low positive end-expiratory pressure may improve the association between the underlying lung injury, as detected by CT, and PaO2/FIO2-derived severity. Retrospective analysis. Four university hospitals (Italy, Germany, and Chile). One hundred forty-eight patients with acute lung injury or acute respiratory distress syndrome according to the American-European Consensus Conference criteria. Patients underwent a three-step ventilator protocol (at clinical, 5 cm H2O, or 15 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure). Whole-lung CT scans were obtained at 5 and 45 cm H2O airway pressure. Nine patients did not fulfill acute respiratory distress syndrome criteria of the novel Berlin definition. Patients were then classified according to PaO2/FIO2 assessed at clinical, 5 cm H2O, or 15 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure. At clinical positive end-expiratory pressure (11±3 cm H2O), patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome had a greater lung tissue weight and recruitability than patients with mild or moderate acute respiratory distress syndrome (pBerlin definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome assessed at 5 cm H2O allows a better evaluation of lung recruitability and edema than at higher positive end-expiratory pressure clinically set.


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    Júlio Cezar Durigan


    convencionais, exigem, além do controle químico, a adoção de outras estratégias de manejo de plantas daninhas. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o controle químico de plantas daninhas, em soja geneticamente modificada (transgênica tolerante ao herbicida glyphosate associado a coberturas vegetais, na entressafra. O experimento foi instalado em área experimental da FCAV/Unesp, Jaboticabal (SP. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, foram avaliadas as coberturas vegetais de Brachiaria brizantha (braquiarão cv. Marandu, Pennisetum americanum (milheto forrageiro cv. BN2 e vegetação espontânea, e, nas subparcelas, os herbicidas glyphosate, chlorimuron - ethyl + lactofen em mistura e fluazifop-p-butyl em aplicação sequencial, além de duas testemunhas sem aplicação. A cobertura com braquiarão contribuiu para o controle químico, exercendo supressão das plantas daninhas. A aplicação única de 720 g e.a. ha-1 de glyphosate, independentemente da cobertura vegetal utilizada na entressafra, foi suficiente para o controle adequado de Acanthospermum hispidum, Alternanthera tenella, Amaranthus sp., Bidens pilosa, Xanthium strumarium, Cenchrus echinatus, Digitaria sp. e Eleusine indica, com resultados similares ao tratamento (chlorimuron-ethyl + lactofen + fluazifop-p-buthyl. Comparados à testemunha capinada, os herbicidas testados não afetaram a altura das plantas, massa seca da parte aérea, massa de 100 grãos e a produtividade de grãos. As plantas de soja crescidas sobre os resíduos vegetais de braquiarão e milheto forrageiro apresentaram maior altura, porém, nenhuma outra característica avaliada na cultura foi influenciada pelas coberturas.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Brachiaria brizantha; Pennisetum americanum; plantio direto

  7. Comparación de seis métodos coproscópicos para el diagnóstico del cromista Blastocystis spp | Comparison of six coproscopics methods for the diagnosis of the chromista Blastocystis spp

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    Milagros Figueroa Lara,


    Full Text Available Blastocystis spp. es uno de los parásitos intestinales zoonóticos de mayor prevalencia y distribución mundial. Está caracterizado por una gran variabilidad genética, lo que dificulta su estudio, generando controversias en cuanto a características morfológicas, ciclo vital, criterios diagnósticos y rol patógeno. Se evaluaron seis técnicas de laboratorio para la identificación de Blastocystis spp. en 391 muestras fecales de pacientes de ambos sexos y diferentes edades que asistieron al Laboratorio Clínico Universitario (LCU y a los laboratorios de emergencia y general del Servicio Autónomo del Hospital Universitario Antonio Patricio de Alcalá (SAHUAPA, Cumaná, estado Sucre, Venezuela, durante mayo-junio de 2013. Se consideró el examen directo como estándar de oro para la detección del cromista, y como pruebas de comparación los métodos de concentración: sedimentación espontánea en tubo (SET y Ritchie modificado, y las coloraciones: tinta china modificada, safranina-azul de metileno y May-Grünwald-Giemsa. Se obtuvo una prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal de 32,74% con el examen directo, con mayor frecuencia de Blastocystis spp. (17,39%. Al comparar los métodos de concentración y coloración, se pudo evidenciar que las técnicas que ofrecieron mejores porcentajes de sensibilidad fueron la tinción de May-Grünwald-Giemsa (94,12%, seguido de la tinta china modificada (92,65%; por último, la utilización de safranina-azul de metileno (76,47%, en cuanto a los porcentajes de especificidad superaron el (99,00% con índices Kappa excelentes (> 0,75. Los métodos de concentración resultaron con porcentajes de sensibilidad relativamente bajos, mientras que la especificidad se mantuvo por encima de (99,00%, razón por la cual los métodos de tinción tinta china y May-Grünwald-Giemsa pueden ser incluidos como técnicas complementarias para la detección y estudio morfológico de Blastocystis spp.

  8. Preservação dos atributos físicos de frutos de atemoia cv. Gefner com o uso de 1-MCP e atmosfera modificad

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    Gláucia Michelle Cosme Silva


    Full Text Available O interesse comercial pela atemoia vem aumentando cada vez mais no Brasil. O aumento da atividade respiratória, acompanhado por modificações rápidas na composição física dos frutos podem inviabilizar sua distribuição a mercados distantes. Neste contexto, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar os atributos físicos em frutos de atemoia tratados com 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP e atmosfera modificada associados à refrigeração. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4x5, sendo quatro concentrações de 1-MCP (0; 200; 400 e 600 ŋL L-¹ e cinco períodos de avaliação após a colheita, em intervalo de cinco dias, com quatro repetições e quatro frutos por unidade experimental. As atemoias foram colhidas em pomar comercial, no município de Matias Cardoso-MG, no estádio de maturação fisiológica, lavadas, sanitizadas e secas ao ar, depois tratadas com as concentrações de 1-MCP por oito horas, em temperatura ambiente. Logo após, quatro frutos foram dispostos em bandejas de poliestireno expandido. Alguns permaneceram sem membrana, enquanto outros foram embalados com membrana plástica de PEBD 16µm. As variáveis avaliadas nos frutos foram: perda de biomassa fresca, firmeza, concentração de CO2, etileno e coloração da casca. O uso da atmosfera modificada e do 1-MCP, associados ou não, foi eficiente no atraso do amadurecimento dos frutos, permitindo a conservação de sua qualidade física. Frutos tratados com 1-MCP apresentaram-se mais firmes, além da preservação da coloração, verificada através da luminosidade, cromaticidade e ângulo Hueº, que se mostraram superiores quando comparados aos frutos não tratados.

  9. Purificação do extrato aquoso de Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni através dos processos com zeólitas e membranas - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v26i1.1546

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    Suzana Lemansky Rezende


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho utilizaram-se os seguintes processos de purificação do extrato aquoso de stevia a 10%: adsorção com zeólita CaX modificada por troca iônica, separação por ultrafiltração tangencial com membranas cerâmicas e o processo acoplado, zeólitas e membrana. Os melhores resultados de clarificação foram obtidos com o processo acoplado, empregando-se adsorção em leitos de zeólita CaX por 12 horas seguido da ultrafiltração em membrana cerâmica de tamanho médio dos poros 0,05 µm e pressão transmembrana de 4 bar. A clarificação final, após 2,5 horas de filtragem chegou a 99,56%. Esses resultados mostram que o processo acoplado, zeólitas e membrana, é promissor na purificação do extrato bruto de stevia. Porém o rendimento dos adoçantes (esteviosídeo e rebaudosídeo foi superior quando se trabalhou com o processo isolado com membranas

  10. Differentiations with regard to space and time of the herbaceous layer of pine and oak forests in Berlin (West) suffering from acidified soil. Raeumliche und zeitliche Differenzierungen der Krautschicht bodensaurer Kiefern-Traubeneichenwaelder in Berlin (West)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seidling, W.


    Within the framework of the multidisciplinary research project 'Forest ecosystems near agglomerations' carried out at the Technical University of Berlin, modifications of the herbaceous layer were investigated with regard to different spaces and times. Available results on factors of light, water, and nutrients, and regarding biotic, climatic, and logging-dependent disturbances of investigated stands were complemented by phytosociological, stand-sociological, population-biological and light-climatic investigations in experimental sites covering 400 m{sup 2} each. Here the direct relationship between relative light consumption and the closedness of the herbaceous layer could be confirmed. Cluster analyses of floristic similarity showed good agreement with floral-statistics and ecological parameters and correlations to the growth of trees and to the pH value of the upper soil. The expected zoning of vegetation near the stems of trees was confirmed. The stability of populations in relation to time seems to be a function of weather-dependent variations of nitrogen mineralization rates. The repetition of vegetation surveys from the fifties shows a stronger growth of more shadow-tolerant vegetation because of a now denser tree canopy and shrubbery. (JH).

  11. Escala Razões para Fumar Modificada: tradução e adaptação cultural para o português para uso no Brasil e avaliação da confiabilidade teste-reteste Modified Reasons for Smoking Scale: translation to Portuguese, cross-cultural adaptation for use in Brazil and evaluation of test-retest reliability

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    Elisa Sebba Tosta de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Traduzir, fazer a adaptação cultural e testar a confiabilidade teste-reteste de uma versão em língua portuguesa da Escala Razões Para Fumar Modificada (ERPFM para uso no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Uma versão em língua inglesa da ERPFM foi traduzida por médicos brasileiros com profundo conhecimento sobre a língua inglesa. Uma versão de consenso foi obtida por grupo multidisciplinar composto por dois pneumologistas, um psiquiatra e um psicólogo. Essa versão foi traduzida de volta ao inglês por um tradutor americano. A avaliação da adaptação cultural da versão final foi efetuada em uma amostra de 20 fumantes saudáveis. A avaliação da confiabilidade teste-reteste foi feita pela aplicação da versão traduzida da escala em 54 fumantes saudáveis em duas ocasiões separadas por 15 dias. RESULTADOS: Essa versão traduzida da ERPFM exibiu excelente identidade cultural, sendo bem compreendida por 95% dos fumantes. Os graus de concordância das respostas em duas ocasiões distintas foram quase perfeito para duas questões, substancial para dez questões, moderado para oito questões e discreto para uma questão. Os valores dos coeficientes de correlação intraclasse dos fatores motivacionais em duas ocasiões, empregando-se modelos teóricos previamente publicados, foram superiores a 0,7 em seis dos sete domínios. CONCLUSÕES: A presente versão da ERPFM exibe identidade cultural e confiabilidade teste-reteste satisfatórias, podendo ser de utilidade no tratamento e na avaliação de tabagistas em nosso meio.OBJECTIVE: To translate the Modified Reasons for Smoking Scale (MRSS to Portuguese, to submit it to cross-cultural adaptation for use in Brazil and to evaluate the test-retest reliability of the translated version. METHODS: An English-language version of the MRSS was translated to Portuguese by Brazilian doctors who have thorough knowledge of the English language. A consensus version was produced by a multidisciplinary group

  12. Collection and utilization of Japanese scientific and technological information in Europe and U.S.A. - Report on the Berlin Conference 1989 - (United States)

    Miyakawa, Takayasu; Miwa, Makiko; Obara, Michio

    The 2nd International Conference on Japanese Information in Science Technology and Commerce was held on October 23-25, 1989 at Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany. During two years since previous Conference at Warwick, England, in 1987, much progresses were made in collecting, using and evaluating Japanese scientific, technological and industrial information in Western countries. On the other hands, overseas supply of Japanese databases and information by Japanese governmental and private organizations have been improved in many aspects. There occurred presentation of papers and valuable exchange of opinions and experiences. The Conference consisted of II Sessions which covered trends and policies, various information sources, analysis and distributions, Japanese language and Kanji processings and direct connection with Japan.

  13. La atención sanitaria relacionada con el consumo de drogas en un contexto de crisis económica

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    Marta Vilardell Balasch


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es describir cómo la crisis económica influye sobre diversos aspectos relacionados con el consumo de drogas. La actual crisis ha producido un cambio en la tendencia del consumo. Igualmente se constata un incremento en la incidencia de trastornos mentales. Se ha demostrado que las actitudes, percepciones y conocimientos de las enfermeras influyen en la calidad de la atención a estos drogodependientes. Estas actitudes pueden verse modificadas o influenciadas por factores personales, ambientales. La mayoría de autores consideran que la formación y los conocimientos adquiridos pre o postgrado o por experiencia son un aspecto importante para modificar las actitudes del personal sanitario. Los recortes también repercuten en la formación e investigación de los profesionales sanitarios, influyendo a su vez en la calidad asistencial prestada.

  14. 1989, un caso de historia inmediata 20 años después. Hacia una reconstrucción del cuádruple efecto perverso producido por Jaruzelski, Gorbachov, Kohl y Obama

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    Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri


    Full Text Available Se analizan cuatro interpretaciones actuales de la caída del muro de Berlín en 1989, en las que se reflexiona sobre el doble uso que Francis Fukuyama y Erik J. Hobsbawm hicieron de esta fecha de corte, según la concibieran como el fin de la historia en sentido liberal o el término de un siglo corto donde tuvo lugar la autodisolución del comunismo. Pero simultáneamente también se reconstruye el cuádruple efecto perverso que incluso hoy día siguen teniendo las distintas estrategias seguidas entonces por Jaruzelski, Gorbachov, Kohl y Obama para tratar de encauzar el conflicto generado por los sucesos de 1989.Palabras clave: fin de la historia, siglo corto, efecto perverso, comunismo, liberalismo.___________________________Abstract: They analyse four current interpretations of the fall of the wall of Berlin in 1989, in which it considers the double use that Francis Fukuyama and Erik J. Hobsbawm did of this date of cut, as they conceived it like the end of the history in liberal sense or the term of a short century where took place the dissolution of the communism. But simultaneously also it reconstructs the four perverse effect that even today day follow having the distinct strategies entered then by Jaruzelski, Gorbachov, Kohl and Obama to treat to pipe the conflict generated by the events of 1989.Keywords: end of history, short century, perverse effect, communism, liberalism.

  15. Porøse materialer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place


    Dette undervisningsnotat er en samling af noter, der refererer til den indledende del af kurset Materialmekanik og Porøse materailer på Insitut for Bærende Konstruktiner og Materialer (BKM).......Dette undervisningsnotat er en samling af noter, der refererer til den indledende del af kurset Materialmekanik og Porøse materailer på Insitut for Bærende Konstruktiner og Materialer (BKM)....


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    Clara Saux


    Full Text Available Se sintetizaron zeolitas ZSM-5 con relación molar Si/Al 17 por el método hidrotérmico, las que fueron modificadas con cobalto y cromo por la técnica de impregnación por vía húmeda en un 3 % p/p del metal. Los resultados obtenidos por DRX, indican que la incorporación de ambos metales de transición no altera la estructura, ni la cristalinidad de la matriz original. Se detecta la presencia de especies Co3O4 para Co-ZSM-5 y Cr2O3 para el caso de Cr-ZSM-5. De las medidas de magnetización a temperatura ambiente se observa el efecto de los metales de transición sobre el comportamiento netamente diamagnético de la matriz zeolítica con la aparición de ciclos de histéresis que no saturan por presentar una componente paramagnética. Ambos materiales fueron probados como catalizadores para la reacción de oxidación selectiva de estireno con peróxido de hidrógeno, presentando buenos resultados en actividad con una elevada selectividad (superior al 70 % hacia benzaldehído.

  17. Enfermagem médico-cirúrgica: uma nova abordagem de ensino e sua avaliação pelo aluno Enfermería médico-quirúrgica: una nueva abordaje de enseñanza y su avaliación por el alumno Medical-surgical nursing: a new approach to teaching and evaluation by the student

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    Maria do Carmo Lourenço Haddad


    Full Text Available Este trabalho versa sobre a metodologia de ensino adotada pela disciplina Enfermagem Médico-Cirúgica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, modificada no sentido de torná-la centrada no aluno, com maior ênfase nas relações interpessoais e estruturada na resolução de problemas. Teve como objetivo verificar a percepção dos alunos do último período do curso em relação ao desenvolvimento de habilidades cognitivas, afetivas e psicomotoras pela disciplina em questão, quando comparada as demais disciplinas do curso. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário aplicado aos formandos dos anos de 1985 a 1990, em sessões específicas. Verificou-se que este método de ensino proporcionou ao aluno uma maior integração entre teoria e prática, maior desenvolvimento de habilidade de pesquisa em biblioteca, participação mais ativa no seu processo de aprendizagem e maior habilidade para exposição oral.Este trabajo trata de la metodologia de enseñanza utilizada por la disciplina de Enfermería Médico-Quirúrgica de la Universidade Estadual de Londrina, modificada con el propósito de hacerla centrada en el alumno, con énfasis mayor en las relaciones interpersonales y estruturada en la resolución de los problemas. Tuvo como objetivo verificar la percepción de los alumnos del último semestre del curso con relación al desarrollo de habilidades cognoscitivas, afectivas y psicomotoras por la disciplina sobredicha, cuando comparada a las otras disciplinas del curso. Los datos fueron obtenidos entre 1985 y 1990 bajo la aplicación de un cuestionario, aplicativo, a los alumnos que recibirían el Grado (de bachiller a fin de año, en sesiones específicas. Se ha verificado que este método de enseñanza ha proporcionado al alumno una integración mayor entre teoría y práctica, mayor desarrollo en competencia de investigación en biblioteca, participación más activa en su proceso de aprendizaje y mayor capacidad como expositor

  18. Los Tratados de Libre Comercio impulsados por EUA como una respuesta al fracaso de DOHA. El caso Andino

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    Rubén Flores


    Full Text Available La vigencia de la división del trabajo imperante entre el norte y el sur, bajo el actual escenario de globalización económica, esta siendo modificada, por la a nueva tendencia en la que cualquier producto, (sea materia prima, manufacturado o servicio puede ser producido en muchos países y regiones gracias en primer lugar al descenso en los costos de transporte, de telecomunicaciones, laborales, ambientales, que configuran unas ventajas de localización; pero además, a que luego del fracaso de la OMC desde la Ronda del Milenio hasta la de Doha y el fallido intento de la construcción de la Zona de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA, la estrategia comercial de los EUA se ha centrado en impulsar acuerdos bilaterales de nueva generación TLC cuyo objetivo es lograr avanzar en una marco normativo que le garantice trato nacional y no discriminatorio al capital productivo extranjero (inversión extranjera, la estandarización de las normas técnicas, fitosanitarias, la defensa de los derechos de propiedad, entre otras.____________________ABSTRACT:The work division that exists between North and South, in this stage of economic globalization, it’s being modified by the new world tendency in which any product (raw materials, manufactured products or services can be produced in many countries and regions, thanks to: in first place, the lowering of transportation , telecommunications, working and environmental costs, that create localization advantages; in second place, the breakdown of the WTO since the Millennium Round to Doha Round and the failure FTTA has made that the USA commercial strategy focus on Bilateral Agreements of the new generation such as the FTA, which proposes to advance in legal issues that guaranties not to discriminate the foreign investment, the standardization of technique and sanitary and phytosanitary measures and the intellectual property rights defence, among others.

  19. Ensayo de arcillas modificadas con materia orgánica soluble para la eliminación de Cu y Zn


    Durán, Esperanza; Gámiz, B.; Cox, L.; Hermosín, M.C.


    La contaminación por metales pesados es un tema de gran preocupación. Entre las diversas actividades que contribuyen a aumentar la presencia de metales pesados en el medio ambiente, se encuentra la agricultura. Por ejemplo, el uso de fertilizantes de tipo fosforados y algunos fungicidas incrementan la aparición Cu y Zn en aguas de zonas agrícolas e incluso residuales de la industria agroalimentaria. La eliminación de metales pesados mediante el uso de minerales de la arcilla tipo montmorillon...

  20. Verdad por definición


    Garrido Garrido, Julián


    Not available.La verdad por definición es un tipo peculiar de verdad científica, distinguible de las verdades lógicas, matemáticas y empíricas. La definición, por su parte, designa diversos procedimientos de asignación de significado, cuyas diferencias exigen una adjetivación cuidadosa: definiciones ostensivas y operacionales, definiciones de diccionario y definiciones teóricas. Pero sólo las del último tipo son verdaderas por definición. En el presente artículo se precisa el concepto formal ...

  1. Electrocardiografo por computadora


    Tinoco Hernandez, Rosanna; Paredes Bejarano, Margarita; Romero Chaglia, Norman; Yapur Auad, Miguel Eduardo


    El presente trabajo trata sobrees el diseño y la implementación de un graficador de señales cardiacas por computadora, para lo cual diseñamos un circuito electrónico capaz de recibir la senal analógica proveniente de la actividad electrica del corazón , amplificarla, y luego convertirla en una señal digital para ser procesada por software y finalmente ser graficada, siendo posible así observar la señal cardiaca en el monitor de un computador como un tren de pulsos. Cabe destacar que par...

  2. [A spatially explicit analysis of traffic accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists in Berlin]. (United States)

    Lakes, Tobia


    In many German cities and counties, sustainable mobility concepts that strengthen pedestrian and cyclist traffic are promoted. From the perspectives of urban development, traffic planning and public healthcare, a spatially differentiated analysis of traffic accident data is decisive. 1) The identification of spatial and temporal patterns of the distribution of accidents involving cyclists and pedestrians, 2) the identification of hotspots and exploration of possible underlying causes and 3) the critical discussion of benefits and challenges of the results and the derivation of conclusions. Spatio-temporal distributions of data from accident statistics in Berlin involving pedestrians and cyclists from 2011 to 2015 were analysed with geographic information systems (GIS). While the total number of accidents remains relatively stable for pedestrian and cyclist accidents, the spatial distribution analysis shows, however, that there are significant spatial clusters (hotspots) of traffic accidents with a strong concentration in the inner city area. In a critical discussion, the benefits of geographic concepts are identified, such as spatially explicit health data (in this case traffic accident data), the importance of the integration of other data sources for the evaluation of the health impact of areas (traffic accident statistics of the police), and the possibilities and limitations of spatial-temporal data analysis (spatial point-density analyses) for the derivation of decision-supported recommendations and for the evaluation of policy measures of health prevention and of health-relevant urban development.

  3. Publications by doctoral candidates at Charité University Hospital, Berlin, from 1998-2008. (United States)

    Ziemann, Esther; Oestmann, Jörg-Wilhelm


    One quality parameter of medical theses is the number of articles published by the doctoral candidates. Over the course of the past decade the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin has taken steps to improve the quality of the theses completed by its doctoral students in medicine and increase their publication activity. This study was designed to verify the efficacy of these measures and to detect general trends. Medical theses completed in 1998, 2004 and 2008 (sample size >250 for each year) were retrospectively analyzed with regard to associated publications within a 7-year period (from 5 years before completion to 2 years thereafter). Quality and quantity were recorded. Publications found in the PubMed database were evaluated; the impact factor of the publishing journal was used as quality parameter. The sample sizes were 264 for 1998, 316 for 2004, and 316 for 2008. The number of publications per doctoral student increased from 0.78 to 1.39 over the course of the study period, and the average impact factor rose from 2.42 to 3.62. Analysis using the current impact factors of the publishing journals showed an increase from 3.13 to 3.85. The proportion of case reports fell from 12.7% to 8%. The proportion of first authorships remained about the same. The past decade has seen an increase in the number of publications by doctoral students at the Charité and a rise in the average impact factor of the journals concerned.

  4. Architectural practice and theory: the case of Bruno Taut's house in Berlin-Dahlewitz

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    Paola Ardizzola


    Full Text Available In 1926 Bruno Taut built his own house in Berlin-Dahlewitz. The German architect had already declared his ideas of housing in the book Die neue Whonung (1924 exemplifying the new concept of modern living-style, according to Neues Bauen. In other theoretical writings he defines the Neues Bauen in relation with new needs, tendencies and aesthetics of architecture, referring to important issues as climate, topography and tradition. The book Ein Whonhaus (1927 stigmatizes the coeval construction process of his house: the thirteen chapters are a detailed analysis which give evidence to every technological and morphological choice. Taut focuses on the relationship between architecture and landscape, type of furniture, functional plan layout, use of glass; especially he enlightens the reader as to the use of colour as a construction material. The house has an unconventional shape, it is a quarter of a circle; in his writings the architect painstakingly explains the impressive plan. With the book Ein Whonhaus Taut delivers to memory his home design, transforming process and ideas related to the modern house. He breaks through conventions and changes the notions of what Modernism could produce. The paper highlights the theoretical production related to the architect’s own house as praxis for doing architecture, emphasizing Taut’s contribution to a dialectic mutual relationship between theoretical and architectural practice, in order to achieve a more conscious and effective design process.

  5. Results from studies of precipitation by-products in Berlin-Dahlem in the period of September 1961 to December 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pelz, J.


    Special precipitation measurements performed since September 1961 by the aerosol-laboratory of the (Berlin Free University) Meteorological Institut have been listed and are now present in tabular form. Artifical beta-radioactivity and solid residue have been registered since the beginning of these observations, measurements of the pH-value and of electrical conductivity have been carried out continuously since September 1983 and November 1988, respectively. Some statistical investigations, as trendchecks, are presented; it proved, however, that the registration periods of both, pH-values and conductivity-measurements were not sufficient (too short) for this purpose. The individual paragraphs are supposed to give a general view, special investigations will follow. Within the observation period from September 1961 to December 1990 a total of 17036 l precipitation has been collectet on 4824 days, containing about 776 g solid substances and 98385 Becquerel radioactiv deposits per square meter. (orig.) [de

  6. Sources of oxygen flux in groundwater during induced bank filtration at a site in Berlin, Germany (United States)

    Kohfahl, Claus; Massmann, Gudrun; Pekdeger, Asaf


    The microbial degradation of pharmaceuticals found in surface water used for artificial recharge is strongly dependent on redox conditions of the subsurface. Furthermore the durability of production wells may decrease considerably with the presence of oxygen and ferrous iron due to the precipitation of trivalent iron oxides and subsequent clogging. Field measurements are presented for oxygen at a bank filtration site in Berlin, Germany, along with simplified calculations of different oxygen pathways into the groundwater. For a two-dimensional vertical cross-section, oxygen input has been calculated for six scenarios related to different water management strategies. Calculations were carried out in order to assess the amount of oxygen input due to (1) the infiltration of oxic lake water, (2) air entrapment as a result of water table oscillations, (3) diffusive oxygen flux from soil air and (4) infiltrating rainwater. The results show that air entrapment and infiltrating lake water during winter constitute by far the most important mechanism of oxygen input. Oxygen input by percolating rainwater and by diffusive delivery of oxygen in the gas phase is negligible. The results exemplify the importance of well management as a determining factor for water oscillations and redox conditions during artificial recharge.

  7. Public participation in post-Fordist urban green space governance: the case of community gardens in Berlin. (United States)

    Rosol, Marit


    This article examines citizen participation in the governance of contemporary urban green space. Rather than exploring normative questions of ideal forms of participatory democracy, it focuses on changing roles and relationships between local state and non-state actors in order to identify and explain the changing nature of participation. I argue that neoliberal urban restructuring has changed the conditions for participation and thus participation itself in fundamental ways and that we need an account of changes in statehood and governance in order to capture this conceptually. Based on the case of community gardens in Berlin, the article discusses the extent to which this changed relationship is expressed by current citizen participation as well as the potential and problems that result from it. My empirical results show the emergence of a new political acceptance of autonomously organized projects and active citizen participation in urban green space governance. The central argument of this article is that this new acceptance can be conceptualized as an expression of the neoliberalization of cities. Nevertheless, this neoliberal strategy at the same time leads to complex and contradictory outcomes and the resulting benefits are also acknowledged.

  8. Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin. (United States)

    Breure, Abraham S H


    The type status is described of 96 taxa classified within the superfamily Orthalicoidea and present in the Mollusca collection of the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Lectotypes are designated for the following taxa: Orthalicus elegans Rolle, 1895; Bulimus maranhonensis Albers, 1854; Orthalicus nobilis Rolle, 1895; Orthalichus tricinctus Martens, 1893. Orthalicus sphinx tresmariae is introduced as new name for Zebra sphinx turrita Strebel, 1909, not Zebra quagga turrita Strebel, 1909. The following synonyms are established: Zebra crosseifischeri Strebel, 1909 = Orthalicus princeps fischeri Martens, 1893; Orthalicus isabellinus Martens, 1873 = Orthalicus bensoni (Reeve, 1849); Zebra zoniferus naesiotes Strebel, 1909 = Orthalicus undatus (Bruguière, 1789); Porphyrobaphe (Myiorthalicus) dennisoni pallida Strebel, 1909 = Hemibulimus dennisoni (Reeve, 1848); Zebra delphinus pumilio Strebel, 1909 = Orthalicus delphinus (Strebel, 1909); Orthalicus (Laeorthalicus) reginaeformis Strebel, 1909 = Corona perversa (Swainson, 1821); Bulimus (Eurytus) corticosus Sowerby III, 1895 = Plekocheilus (Eurytus) stuebeli Martens, 1885. The taxon Bulimus (Eudioptus) psidii Martens, 1877 is now placed within the family Sagdidae, tentatively in the genus Platysuccinea. Appendices are included with an index to all the types of Orthalicoidea extant (including those listed by Köhler 2007) and a partial list of letters present in the correspondence archives.

  9. Struggle over energy transition in Berlin: How do grassroots initiatives affect local energy policy-making?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanchet, Thomas


    This paper examines the growing role of grassroots initiatives in the governance of urban energy systems. In recent years, research has increasingly underlined the potential for sustainable innovation of community-led bottom-up actions but has at the same time underestimated their potential impact on the governance of energy systems. Based on a strategic action field framework (SAF), this paper analyses the conflicts over the remunicipalisation of Berlin's electricity grid and investigates the creation and strategic development of two grassroots initiatives as well as their interaction with the local government and the established grid operator. We argue that grassroots initiatives have an important impact on the local energy system, not just through their influence on the implementation of local energy policy but above all by their framing of a specific vision of a local energy transition. The paper discusses the scope and limits of such initiatives in an urban context. - Highlights: • Grassroots initiatives as actors with countervailing power in local energy policy. • They increase citizens' awareness and impact the action of the local government. • Grids as objects of struggle between competing visions of energy transition. • Urban context is both a resource and a constraint for grassroots initiatives action

  10. Celulitis por citomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus cellulitis

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    A. Ruiz Lascano


    Full Text Available Las lesiones cutáneas por citomegalovirus (CMV son infrecuentes y a menudo una manifestación tardía de una enfermedad sistémica, que generalmente anuncia un curso fatal. Comunicamos un caso de celulitis por CMV: una mujer de 70 años con trasplante renal efectuado 1 mes antes de la consulta, terapia inmunosupresora con ciclosporina A y metilprednisona. La paciente ingresó por fiebre, dolor e impotencia funcional en pierna derecha. Comprobamos la existencia de una placa de 8 por 4 cm eritematoedematosa. La tratamos con antibióticos sin mejoría, por lo que realizamos un estudio histopatológico de piel que mostró cambios citopáticos compatibles con infección por CMV. Los cultivos bacteriológicos y micológicos fueron negativos. La inmunohistoquímica específica para CMV y el estudio de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR de la biopsia de piel fueron positivas, al igual que la antigenemia. El tratamiento con ganciclovir produjo la mejoría del cuadro clínico. En la literatura revisada no hemos encontrado la celulitis como manifestación de enfermedad cutánea por CMV.Cutaneous lesions in CMV infection are rare, often a late manifestation of systemic infection, and usually herald a fatal course. A 70 year-old woman received a kidney transplantation one month before consulting and immunosuppressive therapy that included cyclosporine A and methylprednisone. She complained of fever, local pain in her right leg, and an erythematous and swelling plaque. She was treated with intravenous antibiotics without improvement. A skin biopsy was performed and the tissue obtained was sent for bacterial and fungal cultures as well as for histological examination. Cultures were negative. The biopsy showed CMV cytopathic changes. Immunoperoxidase staining was positive for CMV and polymerase chain reaction (PCR testing revealed CMV DNA. She was treated with ganciclovir with resolution of the lesion. CMV cellulitis is a rare cutaneous manifestation

  11. Método da árvore temporal modificada aplicado à análise de impactos ambientais: um estudo de caso


    Moscardi, Jean Prost [UNESP


    O Relatório de Impacto Ambiental (RIMA), por muitas vezes sub-estimados em seu valor, apresenta-se apenas como um capítulo no Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) sem o devido reconhecimento e grau de relevância. O objetivo do presente estudo foi à proposição de um novo método de avaliação de impactos ambientais, no qual, a caracterização e formatação apresentaram-se direcionadas ao público leigo e distinto dos profissionais que realizam os trabalhos ambientais, porém, de grande relevância em pr...

  12. Tendencia de la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile según diferencias por nivel educacional, 2000-2010

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    Cristian A. Herrera Riquelme


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Caracterizar la tendencia de la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile según diferencias por nivel educacional en el período 2000-2010 en la población mayor de 20 años. Métodos. Cálculo de las tasas de mortalidad específica por cáncer ajustadas por edad para diferentes niveles educacionales (NE, para el período 2000-2010. Las tasas obtenidas se analizaron con un modelo de regresión de Poisson, calculando el índice de desigualdad relativa (IDR y el índice de desigualdad de la pendiente (IDP para cada año. Resultados. Se registraron 232 541 muertes por cáncer en el período 2000-2010. Los tipos de cáncer más frecuentes fueron de mama, estómago y vesícula biliar en mujeres; y estómago, próstata y pulmón en hombres. Las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer estandarizadas por edad fueron mayores en los NE más bajos, excepto para el de mama en mujer y el de pulmón en hombres. Las mayores diferencias se encontraron en el de vesícula biliar en mujeres y el de estómago en hombres, con mayores tasas de mortalidad específica de hasta 49 y 63 veces respectivamente, para NE bajo respecto al NE alto. Entre 2000 y 2010, las diferencias en mortalidad por NE se redujeron para todos los cánceres combinados en ambos géneros, mama en mujeres, y pulmón y estómago en hombres. Conclusiones. Durante el período estudiado, la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile estuvo fuertemente asociada al NE de la población. Esta información debe ser considerada al definir estrategias nacionales para reducir la mortalidad específica por cáncer en los grupos más desprotegidos.

  13. Berlin Brandenburg International (BER: planning and implementation of a concrete supply chain for the airport construction site

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    Guido Riedel


    Full Text Available Background: With the decision to extend the airport Berlin-Schönefeld to the new airport Berlin Brandenburg International (BER in 2006, a construction of superlatives has emerged. One of the biggest challenges was the supply of around 2.5 million cubic meters of high quality concrete that had to be produced for the construction of the airport. Due to the scale of this enterprise as well as its environment, the logistic solution of raw material supply has to be found.       Method: The planning of the concrete supply chain for the airport construction site BER had to be carried out with two major goals: the stability of the supply chain to assure that the demands of the construction site are met and delays are prevented, as well as assurance of the high quality standards of the concrete production and to avoid an alkali silica reaction and the resulting unavoidable disaggregation of the concrete. External effects, such as the carbon dioxide emission and the effect of the supply chain on adjoining residents were key factors that had to be integrated in a holistic supply chain concept.  The principle underlying method is an analysis of limiting conditions for two approaches: a centralized supply chain with on-site concrete factory and upstream transport of raw materials versus a decentralized supply chain with off-site factories and downstream transport of ready-mixed concrete. Results: The analysis of constraints and the effects on key requirements of the concrete supply chain for the BER airport construction site lead to the installation of the most modern concrete plant in Europe. The benefits of a centralized supply chain are significant. On one hand, the high quality standards can be met with the on-site mixture of the concrete and centralized quality assurance, on the other hand, the majority of the supply traffic for the construction site was moved from the road to train-bound logistics, meeting the emission requirements of the


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    Dr. Arnaldo Marín


    Por lo tanto, la elección del tratamiento es compleja, considerando la primaria, el número de metástasis y los sitios afectados. La radioterapia ha sido durante mucho tiempo la elección de los pacientes que no son candidatos a la cirugía, y se espera que los avances reduzcan especialmente la toxicidad cognitiva. El conocimiento genómico de las metástasis cerebrales y la presencia de terapias dirigidas e inmunoterapias modificadas que penetran la barrera hematoencefálica han sido clave, se espera que en el futuro se realicen más estudios de combinaciones de tratamientos de radioterapia con terapias de inmunoterapia y dirigidas.

  15. Plantas transgênicas resistentes a insetos e organismos não-alvo: predadores, parasitóides e polinizadores - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v4i1.23

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    Marina Regina Frizzas


    Full Text Available Plantas geneticamente modificadas resistentes aos insetos oferecem benefícios à agricultura moderna. No entanto, esta tecnologia pode afetar o controle biológico natural e a biodiversidade por meio de efeitos diretos e indiretos das plantas transgênicas sobre o valor adaptativo e comportamental de predadores, parasitóides, polinizadores e outros artrópodes não-alvo. Neste artigo, são discutidos os impactos ou os efeitos potenciais de plantas transgênicas resistentes a insetos sobre organismos não-alvo, com ênfase em artrópodes predadores, parasitóides e polinizadores, e os principais estudos com plantas transgênicas resistentes a insetos, publicados nos últimos dez anos.

  16. Falos interdictos: cuerpo, masculinidad y ley

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    Rodrigo Parrini


    Full Text Available En este artículo se reflexiona sobre la relación entre ciertas leyes y masculinidad. Se exploran los modos en que diferentes leyes vinculadas con las relaciones de género y la sexualidad, promulgadas o modificadas en México durante las últimas dos décadas, construyen una representación de la corporalidad masculina, sea reduciéndola al falo como significante de la masculinidad o estableciéndola como modelo corporal de la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres. Finalmente, a partir del orden producido en la ley, el artículo opta por no justificar ni desconocer el papel hegemónico de la diferencia sexual.


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    Rodrigo Parrini


    Full Text Available En este artículo se reflexiona sobre la relación entre ciertas leyes y masculinidad. Se exploran los modos en que diferentes leyes vinculadas con las relaciones de género y la sexualidad, promulgadas o modificadas en México durante las últimas dos décadas, construyen una representación de la corporalidad masculina, sea reduciéndola al falo como significante de la masculinidad o estableciéndola como modelo corporal de la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres. Finalmente, a partir del orden producido en la ley, el artículo opta por no justificar ni desconocer el papel hegemónico de la diferencia sexual.

  18. Muerte materna por malaria grave por Plasmodium vivax

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    Nancy Arróspide

    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 19 años con 29 semanas de gestación, procedente de Llumpe (Ancash con antecedentes de viajes a las localidades de Chanchamayo (Junín y Rinconada (Ancash. Ingresó al Hospital de Chacas (Ancash por presentar mal estado general, deshidratación, dificultad respiratoria, ictericia, sensación de alza térmica y dolor abdominal, tuvo reporte de: hemoparásitos 60% en frotis sanguíneo. Fue transferida al Hospital Ramos Guardia (Huaraz donde presentó mayor dificultad respiratoria, coluria, hematuria, disminución del débito urinario y reporte de Plasmodium (+, luego fue transferida al Hospital Cayetano Heredia (Lima donde ingresó a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI, con evolución a falla multiorgánica, óbito fetal y muerte materna. Se confirmó infección por Plasmodium vivax. Destacamos la importancia de mejorar nuestras capacidades de diagnóstico y manejo para brindar un tratamiento adecuado y oportuno.

  19. Nencki Affective Word List (NAWL): the cultural adaptation of the Berlin Affective Word List-Reloaded (BAWL-R) for Polish. (United States)

    Riegel, Monika; Wierzba, Małgorzata; Wypych, Marek; Żurawski, Łukasz; Jednoróg, Katarzyna; Grabowska, Anna; Marchewka, Artur


    In the present article, we introduce the Nencki Affective Word List (NAWL), created in order to provide researchers with a database of 2,902 Polish words, including nouns, verbs, and adjectives, with ratings of emotional valence, arousal, and imageability. Measures of several objective psycholinguistic features of the words (frequency, grammatical class, and number of letters) are also controlled. The database is a Polish adaptation of the Berlin Affective Word List-Reloaded (BAWL-R; Võ et al., Behavior Research Methods 41:534-538, 2009), commonly used to investigate the affective properties of German words. Affective normative ratings were collected from 266 Polish participants (136 women and 130 men). The emotional ratings and psycholinguistic indexes provided by NAWL can be used by researchers to better control the verbal materials they apply and to adjust them to specific experimental questions or issues of interest. The NAWL is freely accessible to the scientific community for noncommercial use as supplementary material to this article.

  20. Conhecimento sobre hipotermia dos profissionais de Enfermagem do Centro Cirúrgico

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    Isabel Yovana Quispe Mendoza


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se identificar a diferença no conhecimento sobre hipotermia do auxiliar de enfermagem após a intervenção educativa. A base conceitual de educação fundamenta-se na perspectiva da aprendizagem significativa, aliada à construção de mapa conceitual e à realização de estudo de caso. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário validado por especialistas. A média do conhecimento após a intervenção educativa teve aumento de 3,49 pontos. Não se verificou diferença significativa do conhecimento quando foi relacionado às variáveis sociais e de formação estudadas. Conclui-se que a intervenção educativa foi satisfatória na medida em que as informações sobre hipotermia foram ancoradas e modificadas na estrutura cognitiva dos auxiliares de enfermagem.