
Sample records for mineralization untersuchung zum

  1. E-business solutions for utilities, - current state of implementation on the Internet; E-Business-Branchenloesungen - Untersuchung zum Implementierunsstand im Internet. Der Online-Weg zu den Privatkunden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koch, M.; Baier, D. [Brandenburgische Technische Univ. Cottbus (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Marketing und Innovationsmanagement


    In the first part of the contribution the benefit of an e-business system in connection with internet was illustrated by an example. The current state of implementation is the subject of this second part. In an empirical study the websites of 600 utilities were analyzed in detail. The results of this analysis are described in the following. (orig.) [German] In [1] wird der Nutzen eines E-Business-Systems in Verbindung mit dem Internet an einem praktischen Beispiel veranschaulicht. Im Folgenden wird ein Ueberblick zum aktuellen Implementierungsstand in den Enegieversorgungsunternehmen gegeben. In einer empirischen Untersuchung wurden die Webseiten von 600 EVU analysiert, die Ergebnisse der Auswertung werden vorgestellt. (orig.)

  2. Studierbereitschaft und Wahl von ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studienfächern: Eine empirische Untersuchung sächsischer Abiturienten der Abschlussjahrgänge 1996, 1998 und 2000


    Becker, Rolf


    Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden empirischen Untersuchung ist zum einen die Frage, warum nach einem rückläufigen Trend bis 1998 die Studierneigung sächsischer Abiturienten wieder angestiegen ist und zum anderen die Frage, warum sich seit 1996 wieder mehr sächsische Abiturienten für das Ingenieurstudium interessieren. Diese Entwicklung wird anhand der Humankapital- und Werterwartungstheorie zu erklären versucht. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei die Mechanismen, die letztlich zur Entscheidung für oder...

  3. Die Wirkung von Work-Life Balance Initiativen auf das Mitarbeitercommitment: Eine empirische Untersuchung in der Unternehmensberatungsbranche


    Kaiser, Stephan; Ringlstetter, Max; Reindl, Cornelia U.; Stolz, Martin Lothar


    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Wirkung von unternehmerischen Work-Life Balance Initiativen für die emotionale Bindung der Mitarbeiter zum Unternehmen, d. h. das organisationale Commitment von Mitarbeitern im Kontext der Unternehmensberatung. Dazu wurde eine Untersuchung mit insgesamt 275 Unternehmensberaterinnen und -beratern durchgeführt. Die Datenanalyse erfolgte anhand eines PLSStrukturgleichungsmodells (Partial-Least-Squares-Ansatz). Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass auch in ...

  4. Physikochemische Untersuchung der Analyt – HKUST-1 Wechselwirkung unter Verwendung der inversen Gaschromatographie


    Münch, Alexander


    Die vorliegende Arbeit hat neben der Untersuchung der Synthese über den Controlled SBU-Approach von HKUST-1, ein poröses Kupfertrimesat, die Abscheidung dieses Metal-Organic Frameworks in dünnen Quarzglaskapillaren mit einer Länge von 10 bis 30 m und Innendurchmessern zwischen 0,53 und 0,25 mm zum Thema. Diese Säulen werden zur gaschromatographischen Trennung wie auch zur Bestimmung physikochemischer Kenngrößen, die den Adsorptionsvorgang verschiedener Analyten auf der HKUST-1 Oberfläche besc...

  5. Schreiben hat auch eine Stimme. Eine explorative Untersuchung über die Beziehung zwischen lautem Sprechen und Schreiben.


    Lohmeier-Weidner, Yvonne (B. A.)


    Die Aufgabe in dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Beziehung zwischen lautem Sprechen und Schreiben im Schreibprozess. Grundlage ist die Annahme, dass beides zusammengehört und das Verbalisieren von Gedanken zum Schreiben, ob im Dialog oder im Selbstgespräch, selbiges positiv unterstützt. Dazu werden drei Studentinnen der Universität Paderborn, die an einem Abschlussarbeitenworkshop des Kompetenzzentrums Schreiben teilnahmen, durch ein fokussiertes Interview befragt. Diese Interviews werde...

  6. Zur Rekonstruktion einer Typologie jugendlichen Medienhandelns gemäß dem Leitbild der Triangulation

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    Klaus Peter Treumann


    Full Text Available Die im Folgenden dargestellten Ergebnisse sind im Rahmen des von der DFG geförderten Forschungsprojekts „Eine Untersuchung zum Mediennutzungsverhalten 12- bis 20-Jähriger und zur Entwicklung von Medienkompetenz im Jugendalter“ entstanden, das gemeinsam von Klaus Peter Treumann, Uwe Sander und Dorothee Meister geleitet wird. Das Forschungsprojekt untersucht das Medienhandeln Jugendlicher sowohl hinsichtlich Neuer als auch alter Medien. Zum einen fragen wir dabei nach den Ausprägungen von Medienkompetenz in verschiedenen Dimensionen und zum anderen konzentrieren wir uns auf die Entwicklung einer empirisch fundierten Typologie jugendlichen Medienhandelns. Methodologisch ist die Untersuchung an dem Leitbild der Triangulation orientiert und kombiniert qualitative und quantitative Zugänge zum Forschungsfeld in Form von Gruppendiskussionen, leitfadengestützten Einzelinterviews und einer Repräsentativerhebung.

  7. Genetische Veränderungen an primären Prostatakarzinom-Biopsien in Korrelation zum klinischen Verlauf

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    Steiner T


    Full Text Available Die der Entstehung des Prostatakarzinoms zugrundeliegenden bzw. mit einem Progreß vergesellschafteten genetischen Veränderungen sind noch weitgehend unbekannt. Ziel der vorliegenden retrospektiven Untersuchung war die Erfassung genetischer Aberrationen an paraffineigebettetem Material primärer Prostatakarzinom-Biopsien und die Korrelation der Daten zum klinischen Verlauf. In 28 karzinomtragenden primären Prostatabiopsien wurden die Tumorareale gekennzeichnet. Nach Dissektion der Tumorzellen wurden die Proben mittels "comparative genomic hybridization" (CGH analysiert. Daten zum klinischen Verlauf der Patienten wurden erfaßt. Die mittlere Nachbeobachtungszeit betrug 36 Monate, alle Patienten wurden hormonablativ behandelt. 11 Patienten (39 % wiesen unter laufender Therapie einen Tumorprogreß auf. In 25 (88 % der 28 untersuchten Tumorareale konnten genetische Aberrationen detektiert werden, im Mittel fanden wir 4,8 Aberrationen je Tumor. Das Verhältnis Verlust / Zugewinn betrug 1,3 / 1. Folgende chromosomale Veränderungen wurden häufig festgestellt: Verluste von 6q in 40 %; von 8p in 32 %; von 16q in 21 %; von 18q in 21 %; Zugewinne von 8q in 32 %; von 17 in 43 %. In Korrelation zum klinischen Verlauf fand sich ein Zugewinn von 8q signifikant häufiger bei Patienten, welche im Beobachtungszeitraum einen Tumorprogreß entwickelten (64 % vs. 12 %; p = 0,0001. In der primären Tumorbiopsie waren bei progredienten Patienten im Mittel 5,3, bei Patienten ohne Tumorprogreß 3,8 Aberrationen je Tumor nachzuweisen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Veränderungen der Chromosomen 6q, 8, 16q, 17 und 18q regelmäßig beim Prostatakarzinom auftreten. Karzinome mit klinisch ungünstigem Verlauf weisen bereits in der primären Biopsie eine hohe genetische Instabilität auf.

  8. Medienkompetenz - Anmerkungen anlässlich einer Untersuchung der Medienkompetenz von und durch SchülerInnen an Neuen Mittelschulen in Wien.

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    Christian Swertz


    Full Text Available Im Beitrag wird vorgeschlagen, Medienkompetenz auch als Ordnungsbegriff zu verstehen. Dazu wird eine präskriptive, eine empirische und eine selektive Ordnung unterschieden. Mit einer induktiv-empirischen Untersuchung wird demonstriert, dass so ein Beitrag zum Verständnis des Medienkompetenzbegriffs geleistet werden kann, mit dem zugleich eine Kritik deduktiv-empirischer Ordnungen erreicht wird. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass ein Bezug auf aktuelle materielle Zeichenträger zugleich problematisch und notwendig ist. It is suggested to understand media literacy as an ordering term. A prescriptive, an empirical and a selective order are distinguished. In an inductive-empirical study it is shown, that this perspective can contribute to an understanding of media literacy and to a critical reflection of deductive-empirical orders. While doing so it is shown, that relating media literacy to contemporary material sign vehicles is problematic and necessary at the same time.

  9. Handbuch der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf

    CERN Document Server

    Bennewitz, Hedda; Rothland, Martin


    Die große Bedeutung, die dem Lehrerberuf in der Öffentlichkeit, aber auch in den Bildungswissenschaften für die Qualität von Schule und Unterricht zugemessen wird, stand bislang in deutlichem Kontrast zu Umfang und Intensität der Forschung, die auf den Lehrerberuf gerichtet war. Diese immer wieder beklagte Situation hat sich jedoch gewandelt. Seit etwa einem Jahrzehnt ist eine deutliche Intensivierung und allmähliche Verstetigung der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf zu beobachten. Mit dem vorliegenden Handbuch wird erstmalig eine repräsentative Übersicht über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf vermittelt. Unter intensiver Berücksichtigung der internationalen Fachdiskussion informieren die 45 Beiträge des Handbuchs über Forschung zu folgenden Themenfeldern: Geschichte des Lehrerberufs, Charakteristika und Rahmenbedingungen des Lehrerberufs, Konzepte der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf, Berufsbiographien von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, Lehrerbildung, Kognitionen, Emotionen und Kompetenzen von Lehrern...

  10. PAH analysis in Leipzig allotment soils; Untersuchungen zum Gefaehrdungspotential polycyclischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) in Leipziger Kleingartenboeden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bittrich, R.; Butze, B.; Mueller, S.; Prawalsky, R.; Stoye, H. [Umwelt-Consult e.V., Leipzig (Germany)


    Soils in 29 allotments were analyzed systematically with a view to the following aspects: Concentration ratios of the 16 components analyzed. Occurrence and classification of so-called PAH patterns. Interdependences between PAH patterns and soil features. PAH concentrations and soil-immanent buffer characteristics (humus concentration, pH, clay concentration, sesquioxide concentrations, exchange capacity). [German] Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Untersuchung der PAK-Belastung kleingaertnerisch genutzter Boeden. Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse resultieren aus Probjekten von Umwelt-Consult e.V. aus den Jahren 1995 bis 1997 im Auftrag der Stadt Leipzig und dem unter fachlicher Begleitung des Referates Geochemie der Abt. Boden/Geochemie vom LfUG gefoerderten Forschungsvorhaben 'Untersuchungen zum Gefaehrdungspotential polycyclischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) in Boeden der Stadt Leipzig'. Hierbei wurden systematisch Boeden in 29 Kleingartenanlagen untersucht. Folgende Fragestellungen sollten beantwortet werden: Stehen die PAK-Konzentrationen der 16 analysierten Einzelkomponenten in bestimmten Groessenverhaeltnissen zueinander? Sind sogenannte PAK-Muster zu erkennen und lassen sich diese klassifizieren? Welche Beziehungen gibt es zwischen PAK-Mustern und Bodenmerkmalen? Korrespondieren die PAK-Konzentrationen (Gesamt-PAK, Einzelkomponenten) im Boden und deren bodenhorizont-bezogene Abfolge mit der Auspraegung bodenimmanenter Puffermerkmale (Humusgehalt, pH-Wert, Tongehalt, Gehalt an Sesquioxiden, Austauschkapazitaet)? (orig.)

  11. Deutsche Fremdwortlexikografie zwischen 1800 und 2007

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heier, Anke

    daran, dass in ihnen ein Wortschatzbereich erfasst, beschrieben, kommentiert, zum Teil auch diskutiert wird, der in der Öffentlichkeit bis heute besondere Aufmerksamkeit erfährt. Bisher fokussierten wissenschaftliche Analysen jedoch vor allem auf ältere und puristische Werke. Diese Untersuchung nimmt...

  12. Leitung und Kooperation in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken Berlins - eine empirische Untersuchung


    Paul, Gerhard


    Die vorliegende Arbeit greift ein im bibliotheks- und IuK-wissenschaftlichen sowie im fachprofessionellen Diskurs bisher weitgehend vernachlässigtes, aber immer bedeutsameres Thema auf: das vertikale soziale Geschehen in der Arbeitsorganisation ?wissenschaftliche Bibliothek". Die Absicht der Untersuchung lag darin, einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Interaktionsverhalten der Leitungspersonen einerseits und der Mobilisierung von Leistungs- und Innovationspotentialen bei den Mitarbeiterinnen und M...

  13. Ulrich Richentals Chronik des Konstanzer Konzils und ihre Funktionalisierung im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert : Aspekte zur Rekonstruktion der Urschrift und zu den Wirkungsabsichten der überlieferten Handschriften und Drucke


    Wacker, Gisela


    Dok. 1: Textteil Dok. 2: Bildteil (hohe Qualität) Dok. 3: Bildteil (geringe Qualität) ********************************* Die Untersuchung der Handschriften von Richentals Konzilschronik und von Nachrichten über ein verlorenes Manuskript beweisen, daß das verlorene Original eine Aktensammlung zum Konstanzer Konzil mit angehängtem Abbildungsteil war. Die Kontakte des Autors, seine Quellenkenntnis und die Vermarktung seiner Konzilsgeschichte in verschiedenen Versionen ...

  14. Management of auxiliary aggregates - development and testing of methods for improved use of auxiliary aggregates of diesel and spark ignition engines in stationary and unstationary operation. Final report; Nebenaggregate-Management - Entwicklung und Erprobung von Verfahren zum verbesserten Einsatz der Nebenaggregate an Diesel- und Ottomotoren bei stationaerem und instationaerem Betrieb. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmidt, M; Lenzen, B; Groef, S; Isermann, R [Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany). Inst. fuer Regelungstechnik; Hohenberg, G [Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany). Fachgebiet Verbrennungskraftmaschinen


    Aggregate management is aimed at aggregate operation in consideration of demand, consumption and exhaust. Demands on reliability are high. Investigations were made using modelling, simulation, model reduction and identification, with the focus on model reduction. The resulting concepts for consumption reduction vary depending on the vehicle type and application. [German] Das Nebenaggregate-Management hat den bedarfs-, verbrauchs- und abgasorientierten Betrieb der Nebenaggregate im Kraftfahrzeug zum Ziel. Der sehr weit gespannte Einsatzbereich von Kraftfahrzeugen und die hohen Anforderungen an die Betriebszuverlaessigkeit stellen entsprechende Anforderungen an das Management. Zur Untersuchung eines verbesserten Betriebs von Nebenaggregaten wrden Verfahren der Regelungstechnik wie z.B. Modellbildung, Simulation, Modellreduktion und Identifikation eingesetzt, wobei der Modellreduktion in anbetracht des komplexen Gesamtsystems Kraftfahrzeug eine besondere Bedeutung zukommt. Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen sind Konzepte zur Verringerung des Verbrauchsanteils der Nebenaggregate, die je nach Fahrzeugtyp und Einsatzzweck variieren. (orig.)

  15. Zur wirtschaftlichen Situation georgischer Landwirtschaftsbetriebe


    Schulze, Eberhard; Tillack, Peter; Mosashwili, Nodar


    Dieser Forschungsbericht beinhaltet die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung von 200 Familienbetrieben im Osten Georgiens im Distrikt Sighnagi in der Kakheti-Region Ende 2001/Anfang 2002. Sie dienten dem Ziel, Erkenntnisse über die wirtschaftliche Situation georgischer Familienbetriebe sowie zum Teil der sozialen Situation in Bauernfamilien nach zehn Jahren Transformationsprozess in der Landwirtschaft zu gewinnen. Die Untersuchungen schlossen die Befragung der Betriebsleiter nach dem Alter, der Daue...


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    Alfonso Corbacho Sánchez


    Full Text Available Ausgehend von der konzeptuellen Metapher GELD IST WASSER ist das Anliegendieses Beitrages, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der deutschen Phraseologismen und ihrer Entsprechungenim Spanischen aufzuzeigen. Die Gegenüberstellung dieser Redewendungen soll, zum einen, alsHilfsmittel im Fremdsprachenunterricht dienen, zum anderen, zu Übersetzungsaufgaben benutzt werden.Auch für das Erlernen von wirtschaftlichen Begriffen wäre die vorliegende Untersuchung überaus nützlich.This paper focuses on the German and the Spanish metaphoric expressions that stem from theconceptual metaphor MONEY IS WATER. A contrastive analysis of these expressions shows that they areuseful tools not only to understand some key economic notions but also for translators and teachers of Germanor Spanish as a second language.

  17. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung zur Klangfarbenwahmehmung von Vorschulkindern mit einem Klangmemory


    Schellberg, Gabriele


    Im Unterschied zu anderen Bereichen der musikalischen Wahrnehmung gibt es zur Klangfarbenwahmehmung nur wenige Untersuchungen. Ein Grund dafür dürfte in den methodischen Schwierigkeiten liegen, die insbesondere bei der Untersuchung kleiner Kinder auftreten. Ein Klangfarbentest für Vorschulkinder existiert bislang nicht. Daher wurde nach mehreren Voruntersuchungen ein „Klangfarben-Memory“ als Methode entwickelt und bei Vorschulkindern eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse dieser empirischen Studie werden...

  18. Der mediale Habitus in der frühen Kindheit

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    Christian Swertz


    Full Text Available Die empirische Untersuchung der Medienkultur 3- bis 6-jähriger Kindergartenkinder steht im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags. Zum Verständnis der Medienkultur wird der Begriff des medialen Habitus verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Begriff des me-dialen Habitus geeignet ist, um die Medienkultur 3- bis 6-Jähriger zu verstehen, und dass der Ausdruck des medialen Habitus mit einem triangulativen qualitativen Design erfasst werden kann.

  19. Das migrationspolitische Feld der Schweiz: eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse der Vernehmlassung zum Arbenzbericht


    Mahnig, Hans


    Der Bericht, vom Bundesamt für Flüchtlinge (BFF) in Auftrag gegeben, stellt eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse der Vernehmlassung zum Bericht Arbenz vom Mai 1995 dar, welche parallel zur Auswertung durch das BFF selbst unternommen wurde. Er hat zum Ziel, die zentralen Konflikt- und Konsensfelder in der gegenwärtigen migrationspolitischen Auseinandersetzung der Schweiz herauszuarbeiten. Die wichtigsten Resultate der Analyse sind die folgenden: Die Internationale Flüchtlingspolitik und die A...

  20. RANK und RANKL - Vom Knochen zum Mammakarzinom

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    Sigl V


    Full Text Available RANK („Receptor Activator of NF-κB“ und sein Ligand RANKL sind Schlüsselmoleküle im Knochenmetabolismus und spielen eine essenzielle Rolle in der Entstehung von pathologischen Knochenveränderungen. Die Deregulation des RANK/RANKL-Systems ist zum Beispiel ein Hauptgrund für das Auftreten von postmenopausaler Osteoporose bei Frauen. Eine weitere wesentliche Funktion von RANK und RANKL liegt in der Entwicklung von milchsekretierenden Drüsen während der Schwangerschaft. Dabei regulieren Sexualhormone, wie zum Beispiel Progesteron, die Expression von RANKL und induzieren dadurch die Proliferation von epithelialen Zellen der Brust. Seit Längerem war schon bekannt, dass RANK und RANKL in der Metastasenbildung von Brustkrebszellen im Knochengewebe beteiligt sind. Wir konnten nun das RANK/RANKLSystem auch als essenziellen Mechanismus in der Entstehung von hormonellem Brustkrebs identifizieren. In diesem Beitrag werden wir daher den neuesten Erkenntnissen besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenken und diese kritisch in Bezug auf Brustkrebsentwicklung betrachten.

  1. Mythos Qualifikation – Berufungsverfahren unter der gleichstellungspolitischen Lupe

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    Eva Blome


    Full Text Available Auf der Grundlage von qualitativen Interviews und einer Vollerhebung aller Verfahrensregelungen liefert die Studie eine umfassende Analyse der Gestaltung von Berufungsverfahren aus gleichstellungspolitischer Perspektive. Aufgrund der ergänzenden konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen zum gleichstellungsorientierten Verfahrensmanagement verhilft die Untersuchung nicht nur zu einer empirisch fundierten Einsicht in die Diskriminierungsmechanismen an deutschen Hochschulen, sondern stellt zudem einen wichtigen Beitrag für die Integration von Gleichstellung in die aktuellen Reformen von Berufungsverfahren dar.

  2. Einflussfaktoren auf den persönlichen Stress bei Studienanfängern in der Humanmedizin


    Schulze, Johannes; Duderstadt, Monika; Hodjat, Beheshta; Wu, Yue-Ying


    Die derzeitige Regelung der Zulassung zum Medizinstudium berücksichtigt die Abiturnote und Wartezeiten; universitäre Parameter können diese Kriterien modifizieren. Hierzu zählen z.B. die Leistungskurswahl, wie es an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt gehandhabt wird. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung zu Stress und Resilienz bei Medizinstudenten haben wir bei den Studenten des 1. vorklinischen Semesters soziodemographische Daten erhoben, die einen Kohortenvergleich erlauben. Die chronische Stressbelast...

  3. [Anja Wilhelmi. Lebensweltlen von Frauen der deutschen Oberschicht im Baltikum (1800-1939). Eine Untersuchung anhand von Autobiographien] / Alexander Ewig

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ewig, Alexander, 1980-


    Arvustus: Wilhelmi, Anja. Lebenswelten von Frauen der deutschen Oberschicht im Baltikum (1800-1939). Eine Untersuchung anhand von Autobiographien. (Veröffentlichungen des Nordost-Instituts, 10.) (Wiesbaden : HArrassowitz 2008)

  4. Potentiale und Barrieren der Nutzung des Mobile Payment aus Kundensicht: eine empirische Untersuchung


    Haarstick, Felix


    Während sich das Zahlungsverfahren Mobile Payment seit einigen Jahren international mehr und mehr etabliert, fristet es entgegen jährlich wiederkehrender Erfolgsprognosen in Deutschland immer noch ein Nischendasein. Die vorliegende Untersuchung entstand im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit des Studiengangs der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Hochschule Hannover und beschäftigt sich mit den Potentialen und Barrieren der Nutzung des Mobile Payment aus Kundensicht, mit dem Ziel, die wesentlichen Fakto...

  5. Student und Wissenschaft: soziale Faktoren des wissenschaftlichen Engagements der Studenten ; spezieller Bericht "Student 79"


    Lange, Günter


    Die Ausgangsfragestellung, wie soziale Beziehungen im Studienprozeß das wissenschaftliche Engagement der Studenten beeinflussen, wird aufgrund vorliegenden empirischen Materials (der Autor stützt sich primär auf die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung STUDENT 79) auf die Analyse des Verhältnisses der Studenten zu den Lehrkräften eingegrenzt. Der Verfasser äußert sich zur Gültigkeit seiner Aussagen: "Der Bericht trägt den Charakter einer Zusammenfassung vorläufiger Ergebnisse zum Problem und bedarf ti...

  6. „Powergirls“

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    Gabriele Schmölzer


    Full Text Available Dieses Werk präsentiert die Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes „Mädchen und Gewalt: Eine Untersuchung zum jugendgruppentypischen Umgang mit Gewalt“ am Deutschen Jugendinstitut (DJI, das – im Wesentlichen – von den beiden Verfasserinnen in den Jahren 1998 bis 2001 durchgeführt wurde. Ziel des Projektes und des Bandes ist es, eine geschlechterdifferenzierte Gewaltprävention, an der es vielfach mangelt, wissenschaftlich zu fundieren. Dies ist den Autorinnen durch eine ebenso lebensnahe wie praxisbezogene soziologische Forschung gelungen.

  7. Evaluation von E-Learning: Checklisten, Kriterienkataloge oder Evaluationskonzepte? Zum Stand der Bewertungsverfahren für E-Learning-Arrangements

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    Ulf-Daniel Ehlers


    Full Text Available Qualität in Bildungsmaßnahmen - als Legitimation oder aus wissenschaftlichem Interesse - ist ein Thema von hoher Bedeutung, auch - und gerade - im E-Learning. E-Learning, als eine noch relativ junge, nicht völlig etablierte, aber - so stellt sich immer häufiger heraus – kostenintensive Bildungsform, muss sich immer wieder der kritischen Frage nach der Qualität stellen, zumeist assoziiert mit Lernerfolg. Vielfältige Instrumente, um die Qualität zu überprüfen oder zu entwickeln, begleitend oder im Nachhinein, sind bislang konzipiert worden (vgl. Ehlers/Pawlowski/Goertz 2003. Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick zum derzeitigen Stand der Dinge in Bezug auf zwei dieser Verfahrensweisen: zum einen geht es dabei um die Beurteilungen anhand von Kriterienkatalogen bzw. Checklisten und zum anderen um Evaluationsverfahren. Obwohl vielfach bereits umfassendere Managementsysteme zum Einsatz kommen, die die Qualität bei Anbietern kontinuierlich verbessern sollen, haben beide Verfahren eine steigende Bedeutung - da auch Managementverfahren immer wieder auf Kriterien oder Evaluationsverfahren zurückgreifen.

  8. Wie man Elementarteilchen entdeckt vom Zyklotron zum LHC : ein Streifzug durch die Welt der Teilchenbeschleuniger

    CERN Document Server

    Freytag, Carl


    Dieses Buch erklärt die physikalischen Grundlagen und die Technologien der Elementarteilchenforschung und beschreibt allgemeinverständlich Teilchenbeschleuniger und -detektoren sowie ihr Zusammenspiel. An einigen Meilensteinen der Forschung – von der Erzeugung von Transuranen über die Entdeckung exotischer Mesonen bis zum Higgs-Boson – zeigen die Autoren den Weg von der Theorie über das Experiment zum Forschungsergebnis auf. Gravitonen, Higgs-Teilchen, Neutrinos und Quarks – das Interesse an den kleinsten uns bekannten Teilchen ist seit Jahrzehnten ungebrochen und rückt damit auch die Laboratorien in den Blick, die an die Grenzen der Physik vorstoßen: Neben dem größten Experimentierfeld, das wir haben – dem Universum selbst - sind es die gigantischen Maschinen der Elementarteilchenphysik in Großforschungseinrichtungen wie dem CERN und dem DESY. Mit ihnen versuchen Forscher weltweit unter Einsatz extrem hoher Energien Zustände zu simulieren, wie sie zum Beginn unseres Universums kurz nach d...

  9. Zur Konstruktion von ''Männlichkeit'' bei ''Ultras'' : eine empirische Untersuchung zur Fanszene in Bremen


    Guth, Oliver


    ''Männliche'' Herrschaftsstrukturen sind innerhalb der gesamten Gesellschaft stark verbreitet. Dies spiegelt sich dementsprechend auch in Fußballfanszenen wider. Diese Arbeit untersucht daher die Konstruktion von Männlichkeit bei ''Ultras'', da diese mit ihrer starken Präsens und ihren aufwendigen Choreographien in Stadien großen Einfluss vor allem auf Jugendliche haben. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, Mechanismen innerhalb der Fanszene aufzuzeigen um somit pädagogisch zu intervenieren, damit g...

  10. Untersuchungen zum Riechvermögen bei Patienten mit schizophrenen Störungen


    Minovi, A; Dombrowski, T; Brüne, M; Dazert, S; Juckel, G


    Einleitung: Riechstörungen werden bei Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie in vielen Studien beschrieben. Im Rahmen einer prospektiv angelegten Studie untersuchten wir das Riechvermögen von 18 Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie im Vergleich zu einer Kontrollgruppe (n=13). Weiterhin erfolgte eine immunhistochemische Untersuchung der Riechschleimhaut bei 8 Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie.Methoden: Die Riechprüfung erfolgte mit Hilfe der erweiterten Sniffin' Sticks-Testbatterie. Nach Biopsie der...

  11. [Karin Hallas. Das Tallinner Mietshaus. Vom Historismus bis zum Jugendstil] / Paul Kaegbein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaegbein, Paul


    Arvustus: Karin Hallas. Das Tallinner Mietshaus. Vom Historismus bis zum Jugendstil. In: Architektur und bildende Kunst im Baltikum um 1900. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Wien: Lang 1999. S. 173-192.


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    Full Text Available Uéber die bei Sprengungen entstelienden Periodenspektren ist noch
    wenig bekannt, trotzdem in jedem Jahre Tausende von Sprengungen
    registriert werden. Die wenigen Arbeiten, die zu diesem Gegenstand erscliienen
    sind, stellen nur erste Versuche dar, den Aufbau der Spektren
    zu erklaren. Wàhrend etwa George Morris (* vorwiegend die bei
    Sprengungen si eh abspielenden Detonationsvorgànge zum Ausgangspunkt
    der Untersuchung macht, ist es bei IT. Menzel (2 die Interferenz von
    Primàrwelle und reflektierter Welle, deren Einfluss auf die Gestalt
    des Spektrums untersucht wird.

  13. Rare earth elements as a by-catch of sedimentary deposits. Exploration program of rare earth elements; Selten Erd Elemente als Beifang sedimentaerer Lagerstaetten. Erkundungsprogramm Selten Erd Elemente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Linhardt, E.; Gebhardt, A. (comps.)


    The increasing demand for rare earth elements (REE) in the field of ''green technologies'' on the one hand and the shortage of raw materials on the world markets on the other hand confronted also Bavaria as an industrial location with growing supply problems in these ''high tech raw materials''. The aim of exploration was the clarification of the feedstock REE potential of heavy mineral concentrates which are obtained in the industrial extraction and processing of sand and kaolin in existing extraction operations in northern Bavaria as by catch and are potentially winnable or marketable. The in-depth investigation enabled the potential of found rare earth elements and other high-tech metal oxides that can be classified as very likely find it in terms of an economic recovery. [German] Der zunehmende Bedarf an Selten Erd Elementen (SEE) im Bereich der ''Gruenen Technologien'' zum Einen sowie die Rohstoffverknappung auf den Weltmaerkten zum Anderen konfrontiert auch Bayern als Industriestandort mit wachsenden Versorgungsproblemen bei diesen ''high tech-Grundstoffen''. Ziel der Erkundung war die Klaerung des rohstofflichen SEE-Potenzials von Schwermineralkonzentraten, die bei der grosstechnischen Gewinnung und Aufbereitung von Sand und Kaolin in vorhandenen Gewinnungsbetrieben Nordbayerns als Beifang anfallen und potenziell gewinn- bzw. vermarktbar sind. Im Zuge der Untersuchung konnten nutzbare Potenziale von Selten Erd Elementen und anderen high-tech - Metalloxiden gefunden werden, die sehr wahrscheinlich als fuendig im Hinblick auf eine wirtschaftliche Gewinnung eingestuft werden koennen.

  14. Planning, budgeting and performance management at Swiss hospitals – Are Swiss hospitals at a crossroads – Will these medical specialist organisations in future develop into institutions with a business orientation? [Die Krankenhäuser der Schweiz am Wendepunkt von der medizinischen Expertenorganisation hin zu betriebswirtschaftlich geführten Institutionen? – Untersuchung zu deren Performance-Management-System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Walser, Konrad


    die Schweizer Krankenhäuser ein kohärentes und langfristig ausgerichtetes Performance Management aufbauen können. Mit der Einführung von Wettbewerbsmechanismen (DRG-System im neuen Krankenversicherungsgesetz wird die betriebswirtschaftliche Ausrichtung der Krankenhausführung zum Schlüsselfaktor für ein Bestehen am Markt. Die Basis der vorliegenden Untersuchung bildet eine schriftliche Befragung aller Deutschschweizer Krankenhäuser. Diese wurden auf der Grundlage eines Reifegrade-Modells zum Ist- sowie dem Soll-Zustand von deren Performance-Management-Systemen befragt. Das Reifegradmodell wurde für Krankenhäuser angepasst.Die deskriptive Auswertung der Daten zeigt, dass die meisten Krankenhäuser auf dem richtigen Weg sind. Planung und Controlling haben mehrheitlich einen hohen Reifegrad, indes wird die strategische Wichtigkeit eines wirksamen Performance Managements (Reporting, IT-Integration vielerorts noch unterschätzt. So verfügen die meisten Krankenhäuser bereits heute über ausgebaute Planungsmechanismen, beurteilen aber die dazu gehörige Informatikunterstützung als nicht prioritär.Dabei zeigen die bivariaten Auswertungen (Korrelationsmatrizen der Umfrage, dass gerade der IT als Träger oder Plattform des Performance-Managements eine zentrale Rolle zukommt. Gleichzeitig weisen diese weiterführenden Analysen darauf hin, dass die betriebswirtschaftliche Krankenhausplanung der eigentliche Treiber zum Auf- und Ausbau von leistungsfähigen Performance-Management-Systemen ist. Erst eine gut entwickelte und integrierte IT und klare Planwerte, so zeigt sich ausgehend von der Untersuchung, lassen ein umfassendes Performance Management zu.Ein gut funktionierendes Performance Management beinhaltet überdies auch eine organisatorische Komponente. Erst wenn die Aufgaben, Kompetenzen und Verantwortlichkeiten im Hinblick auf die Krankenhaussteuerung bezüglich Betriebswirtschaft, Medizin und Pflege aufeinander abgestimmt sind, können Krankenh

  15. Späte Mutterschaft – (keine biografische Entscheidung

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    Martina Beham


    Full Text Available Der Übergang in die Mutterschaft findet zunehmend später statt. Über die Gründe liegen zahlreiche Vermutungen und einige theoretische Diskussionen, aber kaum empirische Befunde vor. Die Autorinnen möchten mit ihrer Studie einen Beitrag zum Abbau dieses Forschungsdefizits leisten. In ihrer empirisch-biografischen Untersuchung gehen Ingrid Herlyn und Dorothea Krüger der Frage nach, ob späte Erstmutterschaft ein neues biografisches Muster der Familiengründung darstellt oder ob Mutterschaft nach wie vor eine selbstverständlich anerkannte Norm ist, deren Realisierung im Lebenslauf lediglich zeitlich später stattfindet.

  16. Prokofieff: Kantate zum 20. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution, Op.74, Neeme Järvi / Joachim Salau

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salau, Joachim


    Uuest heliplaadist "Prokofieff: Kantate zum 20. Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution, Op.74, Auszüge aus Das Märchen von der steinernen Blume. Gennadij Roshdestwenskij (Sprecher), Philharmonia Chorus, Philharmonia Orchestra, Neeme Järvi. Chandos/Koch CD 9095

  17. Conceito de amor: comparação entre estudantes brasileiros e alemães

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    Ulrike Schröder


    Full Text Available Das Phänomen Liebe nicht - wie im Alltagsgebrauch - als substantielle Entität, sondern als kommunikativ erzeugte Lebenswirklichkeit zu begteifen, ist Ziel der Untersuchung gewesen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine vergleichende Fallstudie zum Liebeskonzept brasilianischer und deutscher Studenten durchgeführt. Theoretische Grundlage der Untersuchung bildete ein im weitesten Sinne konstruktivistisches Verständnis von Kommunikation als wirklichkeitserzeugendem Verhaltensbereich. In einer theoretischen Einführung wurde der Wirklichkeitsbereich Liebe unter Einbeziehung des jeweiligen historisch-kulturellen Hintergrundes fokussiert. Die methodische Vorgehensweise bei der Durchführung der Studie war schließlich überwiegend qualitativ angelegt, um das für den Einzelnen tatsächlich relevante Begriffsinventar ermitteln zu können. In der Auswertung sind dann die Unterschiede im Hinblick auf die Internalisierung eines Liebesideals, die Strukturen der Beziehungswirklichkeit, ihre sprachliche Handhabung, die Verhaltenskoordination, die Funktion von Beziehungen sowie die Folgen für die Kommunikationspraxis herausgestellt worden. Es zeigte sich, dass Liebesbeziehungen unter deutschen Studenten stark vom romantischen Liebesideal geprägt sind, unter brasilianischen Studenten dagegen am ehesten dem passionierten Liebesiedel entsprechen.

  18. Einfluss des Alltagskontextes auf den Prozess einer Ernährungsverhaltensmodifikation : eine qualitative Untersuchung von Personen mit erhöhten Cholesterinwerten


    Hildebrandt, Karen


    Das erkenntnisleitende Forschungsinteresse gilt einer umfassenden Betrachtung ernährungsbezogenen Handelns in den drei Alltagsbereichen „Haushalt/Familie“, „Arbeitsplatz/Kollegen“ und „Freizeit/Freunde“ mit dem Ziel, individuell erlebte Bedingungen und Faktoren einer Ernährungsverhaltensmodifikation herauszuarbeiten. In die Untersuchung sind Personen mit einer Fettstoffwechselstörung eingeschlossen worden, die sich in verschiedenen Stadien einer Gesundheitsverhaltensmodifikation befinden. ...

  19. Untersuchung der Produktion charmhaltiger Mesonen in der Photon-Photon-Streuung mit dem OPAL-Experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Patt, Jochen


    Die Produktion von Charm-Quarks in der Photon-Photon-Streuung wird ueber den Nachweis charmhaltiger Mesonen untersucht. Die Arbeit basiert auf den Daten, die mit dem OPAL-Detektor am Elektron-Positron-Speicherring LEP am CERN in Genf in den Jahren von 1989 bis 1998 aufgenommen worden sind. Anhand des Charmonium-Zustandes Chi(c2) wird die Resonanzproduktion von Charm-Quarks untersucht und die Zwei-Photon-Breite des Chi(c2)-Mesons wird gemessen. Geladene D*-Mesonen werden zur Untersuchung der offenen Produktion von Charm-Quarks benutzt. Der Anteil des direkten und des einfach-aufgeloesten Produktionsmechanismus, differentielle D*-Wirkungsquerschnitte, der totale Charm-Wirkungsquerschnitt sowie die Charm-Strukturfunktion des Photons werden bestimmt.

  20. Kurz zum Klima: Zu viel Salz verdirbt den Boden


    Zimmer, Markus; Lippelt, Jana; Frank, Jonas


    Der zunehmende Einsatz von Anlagen zur Bewässerung sowie mangelnde Erfahrungswerte und Unkenntnis über den richtigen Einsatz der künstlichen Bewässerung haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einer massiven Zunahme der Versalzung des Bodens geführt. Durch diese Bodenversalzung werden weite Flächen für die Landwirtschaft unbrauchbar. Sie sind nur durch hohen Aufwand und Kosten wieder renaturierbar. Der Beitrag in der Reihe »Kurz zum Klima« gibt einen Überblick über die Versalzung in Anbaugebiet...

  1. Spontaneous aliquorrhea syndrome due to cervicothoracic liquor leak; Spontanes Liquorunterdrucksyndrom bei zervikothorakalem Liquorleck

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuhl, V.; Thoemke, F.; Hopf, H.C. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Neurologie, Johannes-Gutenberg-Univ. Mainz (Germany); Andreas, J. [Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin, Johannes-Gutenberg-Univ. Mainz (Germany); Mueller-Forell, W. [Institut fuer Neuroradiologie, Johannes-Gutenberg-Univ. Mainz (Germany)


    The radiological and nuclear medicine methods applied for diagnostic evaluation in the case reported (MRI, myelography, liquor myeloscintigraphy) were the key modalities for diagnosis, explanation of causes, and follow-up and are described in this report. In case of recurrent headaches during therapy, a CCT examination should be performed in order to exclude the presence of subdural hematoma.(orig./CB) [German] Die radiologischen und nuklearmedizinischen Untersuchungsmethoden (MRT, Myelographie, Liquormyeloszintigraphie) nehmen zur Diagnosestellung, Ursachenabklaerung und Verlaufsbeurteilung eine zentrale Schluesselposition ein und wurden anhand unseres Fallbeispieles demonstriert und beschrieben. Bei Wiederauftreten von Kopfschmerzen im Verlauf der Erkrankung sollte zum Ausschluss subduraler Haematome eine CCT-Untersuchung erfolgen. (orig.)

  2. Pädagogik als Kulturwissenschaft. Programmatische Überlegungen zum Status der Allgemeinen Erziehungswissenschaft


    Wimmer, Michael


    Ausgehend von einer schlaglichtartigen Charakterisierung gegenwärtiger Transformationsprozesse, die nicht nur zu grundlegenden Wandlungen in den gesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen und im kulturellen Selbstverständnis geführt haben, sondern auch die Prämissen ihrer begrifflichen Identifizierbarkeit und einer reflexiven Selbstvergewisserung erschüttern, wird die interne Situation der Erziehungswissenschaft skizziert, die sich ebenfalls dilemmatisch darstellt. Denn zum einen haben neuere Theorieen...

  3. Practical experience with biodegradable biomass waste bags in several different German composting plants; Praxiserfahrungen zum Abbau kompostierbarer Bioabfallsaecke auf verschiedenen Kompostierungsanlagen in Deutschland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ziermann, Andreas; Schmidt, Bettina [C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V., Straubing (Germany)


    The study intended to find out how fast biodegradable biomass waste bags are degraded in practical conditions in composting and fermentation plants. The plants differ with regard to the processes employed; further, rotting times may be much shorter in practice than the twelve weeks requested by DIN EN 13432 and DIN EN 14995. For the study, plant types were selected that are practically relevant for biomass waste utilisation in Germany. (orig.) [German] Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, herauszufinden, wie schnell kompostierbare Bioabfallsaecke unter Praxisbedingungen in verschiedenen Kompost- und Vergaerungsanlagentypen abgebaut werden. Zum einen bestehen teilweise grosse verfahrenstechnische Unterschiede zwischen den Anlagentypen, zum anderen sind die Rottezeiten in der Praxis zum Teil wesentlich kuerzer, als die in der DIN EN 13432 und DIN EN 14995 geforderten zwoelf Wochen. Fuer die Studie wurden Anlagentypen ausgewaehlt, die fuer die Verwertung von Bioabfaellen in Deutschland praxisrelevant sind. (orig.)

  4. Success in the protection of the ozone layer is at risk. An interview concerning the German view on CFC- and H-CFC-phaseout all over the world; Bisherige Erfolge zum Schutz der Ozonschicht sind gefaehrdet. Ein Fachgespraech ueber die deutsche Meinung zum FCKW- und H-FCKW-Phaseout ueberall in der Welt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kraus, H.W.; Weissenborn, P.


    This article repeats an interview with the commissioner of international measures for the protection of the ozone layer of the Federal Ministry of the Environment which took place in the run-up to the 7th conference of the signatory states of the Montreal Protocol. (BWI) [Deutsch] Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt ein Interview wieder, das mit dem Beauftragten fuer internationale Massnahmen zum Schutz der Ozonschicht beim Bundesumweltministerium im Vorfeld der 7. Konferenz der Vertragsstaaten zum Montrealer Protokoll gefuehrt wurde. (BWI)

  5. BMBF status seminar: Bodies of landfills. Vol. 1. Conference report; BMBF-Statusseminar: Deponiekoerper. Bd. 1. Tagungsband

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This conference report contains the lectures presented at the BMBF status seminar on the cooperative project ``Bodies of landfills``, which took place at Wuppertal on 25th and 26th April 1995. The cooperative project was started in autumn 1993 and studies the long-term behaviour of wastes deposited at landfills in general. Inorganic and municipal wastes are studied separately. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Der vorliegende Tagungsband enthaelt die Vortraege des BMBF-Statusseminars zum Verbundvorhaben `Deponiekoerper` vom 25. und 26. April 1995 in Wuppertal. Das Verbundvorhaben `Deponiekoerper` wurde im Herbst 1993 begonnen und befasst sich ganz generell mit dem langfristigen Deponieverhalten von Abfaellen. Es ist unterteilt in die Untersuchung von anorganischen Abfaellen und von Siedlungsabfaellen. (orig./SR)

  6. BMBF status seminar: Bodies of landfills. Vol. 1. Conference report; BMBF-Statusseminar: Deponiekoerper. Bd. 1. Tagungsband

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This conference report contains the lectures presented at the BMBF status seminar on the cooperative project ``Bodies of landfills``, which took place at Wuppertal on 25th and 26th April 1995. The cooperative project was started in autumn 1993 and studies the long-term behaviour of wastes deposited at landfills in general. Inorganic and municipal wastes are studied separately. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Der vorliegende Tagungsband enthaelt die Vortraege des BMBF-Statusseminars zum Verbundvorhaben `Deponiekoerper` vom 25. und 26. April 1995 in Wuppertal. Das Verbundvorhaben `Deponiekoerper` wurde im Herbst 1993 begonnen und befasst sich ganz generell mit dem langfristigen Deponieverhalten von Abfaellen. Es ist unterteilt in die Untersuchung von anorganischen Abfaellen und von Siedlungsabfaellen. (orig./SR)

  7. 3 tesla magnetic resonance imaging in children and adults with congenital heart disease; 3-Tesla-Magnetresonanztomographie zur Untersuchung von Kindern und Erwachsenen mit angeborenen Herzfehlern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Voges, I.; Hart, C.; Kramer, H.H.; Rickers, C. [Universitaetsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Klinik fuer angeborene Herzfehler und Kinderkardiologie, Kiel (Germany); Jerosch-Herold, M. [Harvard Medical School, Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women' s Hospital, Boston (United States); Helle, M. [Universitaetsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Institut fuer Neuroradiologie, Kiel (Germany)


    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) has become a routinely used imaging modality for congenital heart disease. A CMR examination allows the assessment of thoracic anatomy, global and regional cardiac function, blood flow in the great vessels and myocardial viability and perfusion. In the clinical routine cardiovascular MRI is mostly performed at field strengths of 1.5 Tesla (T). Recently, magnetic resonance systems operating at a field strengths of 3 T became clinically available and can also be used for cardiovascular MRI. The main advantage of CMR at 3 T is the gain in the signal-to-noise ratio resulting in improved image quality and/or allowing higher acquisition speed. Several further differences compared to MRI systems with lower field strengths have to be considered for practical applications. This article describes the impact of CMR at 3 T in patients with congenital heart disease by meanings of methodical considerations and case studies. (orig.) [German] Die kardiovaskulaere Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) hat sich zu einer etablierten bildgebenden Methode zur Untersuchung von Patienten mit angeborenen Herzfehlern entwickelt. Sie erlaubt in einer einzigen Untersuchung die exakte Beurteilung von Anatomie, globaler und regionaler Funktion, Blutfluessen sowie der myokardialen Perfusion und Vitalitaet. In der klinischen Routine erfolgen die Untersuchungen zumeist bei einer Feldstaerke von 1,5 Tesla (T), mittlerweile gibt es jedoch Geraete und Bildgebungstechniken, die die kardiovaskulaere MRT auch bei 3 T ermoeglichen. Der wesentliche Vorteil der MRT bei 3 T ist das hoehere Signal-zu-Rausch-Verhaeltnis, das sowohl zu einer Verbesserung der Bildqualitaet als auch zu einer Verkuerzung der Untersuchungszeit genutzt werden kann. Darueber hinaus bestehen verschiedene andere Unterschiede gegenueber Systemen mit niedriger Feldstaerke, die im praktischen Einsatz beachtet werden muessen. Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Erfahrungen der 3-T-MRT fuer die

  8. Untersuchung des Funktionsumfangs und der fachlichen Grundlagen des LAMBDA Tools (Examination of the functional scope and the technical basics of the LAMBDA- Tools) (United States)


    Untersuchung des Funktionsumfangs und der fachlichen Grundlagen des LAMBDA -Tools (Examination of the functional scope and the technical basics of the... LAMBDA -Tools) 6. AUTHOR(S) Jan-Malte Lef3mann 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT .NUMBER UNIBW 9...planning, health care and environmental protection. Machine assi sted translation. 14. SUBJECT TERMS UNIBW, German, LAMBDA -Tools, functional scope 17

  9. Procedure guideline for radioiodine test. Version; Verfahrensanweisung zum Radioiodtest. Version 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dietlein, M.; Dressler, J.; Leisner, B.; Reiners, C.; Schicha, H. [Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Nuklearmedizin (DGN) (Germany); Eschner, W.; Lassmann, M. [Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Nuklearmedizin (DGN) (Germany); Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizinische Physik (DGMP) (Germany)


    The version 2 of the procedure guideline for radioiodine test is an update of the guideline published in 1999. The following statements were added or modified: The procedure guideline discusses the pros and cons of a single measurement or of repeated measurements of the iodine-131 uptake and their optimal timing. Different formulas are described when one, two or three values of the radioiodine kinetic are available. The probe with a sodium iodide crystal, alternative or additionally the gamma-camera using the ROI-technique are instrumentations for the measurement of iodine-131 uptake. A possible source of error is an inappropriate measurement (sonography) of the target volume. The patients' preparation includes the withdrawal of antithyroid drugs 2-3 days before radioiodine administration. The patient has to avoid iodine-containing medication and the possibility of additives of iodide in vitamin- or electrolyte-supplementation has to be considered. (orig.) [German] Mit der Version 2 der Verfahrensanweisung zum Radioiodtest wird die in 1999 publizierte Verfahrensanweisung aktualisiert. Ergaenzungen und Modifikationen betreffen die notwendige Anzahl und die Zeitintervalle der Iod-131-Uptake-Messungen. Diskutiert werden die Argumente fuer die ein- oder mehrmalige Uptake-Messung. Berechnungsformeln fuer ein, zwei und drei Messpunkte werden angegeben. Als Messgeraete koennen die Uptake-Messsonde, alternativ oder zusaetzlich die Gammakamera mit ROI-Technik zum Einsatz kommen. Fehler bei der Volumetrie (Sonographie) des Zielvolumens gehen unmittelbar in die Berechnung der Therapieaktivitaet ein. Zur Vorbereitung der Patienten wird ein Absetzen der thyreostatischen Medikation 2 bis 3 Tage vor dem Radioiodtest empfohlen. Moeglich Iod(id) zusaetze in Multivitamin- und Spurenelementkombinationen sollten bedacht werden. (orig.)

  10. Rezension zu: Mary Pepchinski: Feminist Space. Exhibitions and Discourses between Philadelphia and Berlin 1865–1912. Weimar: VDG Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften 2007.

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    Monika Kaiser


    Full Text Available Mary Pepchinski widmet ihre Untersuchung temporären Ausstellungen, die im Zeitraum von 1865 bis 1912 im deutschsprachigen Raum und in den USA entstanden sind und die zum Ziel hatten, in der bürgerlichen Öffentlichkeit Räume für feministische Anliegen und Diskussionen zu schaffen. In diesen um 1900 neu entstehenden Räumen der weiblichen Kultur spiegeln sich die feministischen Diskurse der Epoche und fließen in die von den Akteurinnen des gehobenen Bürgertums geschaffenen, charakteristischen Raumschöpfungen ein. Die Autorin stellt bislang unbekanntes Quellenmaterial vor und eröffnet durch ihren interdisziplinären Blick den Zugang zu einem vernachlässigten, da bislang unbekannten Teil der Kulturgeschichte der Moderne.

  11. Literature and Imagology: a productive interaction: the contribution of comparative literature at the University of Aache

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    Celeste H. M. Ribeiro de Sousa


    Full Text Available The University of Aachen harbored for years the main centre of Studies on Imagology of Germany and perhaps of the world. The Center was founded by Hugo Dyserinck, who, in 1966, with the article "Zum Problem der 'images' und 'mirages' und ihrer Untersuchung im Rahmen der vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft" opened the doors to a new Imagology. He gathered there disciples, who roamed the new horizons with extensive research, which led to the publication of the collection "Aachener Beiträge zur Komparatistik". In Brazil, the influence of Dyserinck was also felt, for example, in the publication of my book Do cá e do lá. Introdução à Imagologia, whose content is in part commented and illustrated.

  12. Zum Erleben von Thrills und anderen starken emotionalen Reaktionen beim Musikhören


    Schönberger, Jörg


    Obwohl unbestritten ist, dass Musik in der Lage ist, starke emotionale Reaktionen auszulösen, hat sich die Musikpsychologie wenig mit den Emotionen beschäftigt, die Menschen beim Musikhören erleben. Zwei mögliche Zugänge zum Erfassen solch starker emotionaler Reaktionen sind die Ansätze von John A. Sloboda und Alf Gabrielsson. Sloboda nutzt für seinen Ansatz das Phänomen der "Thrills" — physiologische Begleiterscheinungen starker emotionaler Reaktionen wie z.B. Gänsehaut, Schauer, die ü...

  13. Zum Entwicklungsstand und zu Entwicklungsproblemen unserer Jugend - 1987 : Forschungsergebnisse - Beobachtungen - Überlegungen in 10 Thesen


    Friedrich, Walter


    Dieser Bericht gibt in zehn Thesen einen Überblick über Forschungsergebnisse, Beobachtungen und Überlegungen zum Entwicklungsstand der DDR-Jugend im Jahre 1987. Diese sei "in ihrer großen Mehrheit durch ein hohes Niveau ihrer sozialistischen Persönlichkeitsentwicklung charakterisiert". Kritisiert wird die Rolle der FDJ, die die Interessenvertretung der Jugend nicht ausreichend wahrnehme. Weiterhin nehme die Rezeption westlicher Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendungen immer mehr zu, jedoch sei es verbo...

  14. Sample-Größe und Sättigung in PhD-Studien, in denen qualitative Interviews zum Einsatz kommen


    Mason, Mark


    Sample-Größen sind in qualitativen Forschungsarbeiten von verschiedenen Einflüssen abhängig. Das Leitprinzip sollte jedoch immer die Sättigung, bezogen auf das jeweilige Forschungsthema sein. Diese Frage, mit der sich viele Autor/innen beschäftigt haben, wird weiter heiß diskutiert und – so einige – kaum hinreichend verstanden. Für eine eigene Untersuchung habe ich ein Sample von PhD-Studien, in denen qualitative Interviews als Erhebungsmethode genutzt wurde, aus gezogen und ...

  15. Kino filmų titrai kaip kalbų mokymosi priemonė. Untertitel als Mittel zum Fremdsprachenerwerb

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    Alina Baravykaitė


    Full Text Available Das in den letzten Jahren spürbare Bestreben der litauischen Gesetzgeber, Untertitelung von Fernsehfilmen zwecks Fremdsprachenerwerb gesetzlich anzuordnen, löste eine Auseinandersetzung in der Öffentlichkeit aus, die sich in der Presse sowie im Internet widerspiegelt und als Anstoß zum vorliegenden Beitrag dient. Diese Arbeit stellt den Versuch dar, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Untertitelung als eines Mittels zum Fremdsprachenerwerb zu untersuchen. Auf Grund der fehlenden wissenschaftlichen Forschungen in diesem Bereich sollen dabei empirische Betrachtungen und die vergleichende Textanalyse von Original und Übersetzung als Hilfe dienen. Auch wenn die Relevanz der Untertitelung für den Fremdsprachenerwerb nicht bestreitbar ist, ist sie aber zugleich nicht zu überschätzen: Durch die lediglich für diese Form der audiovisuellen Übersetzung charakteristischen Merkmale (kurze Einblendezeit, kondensierte Sprache und begrenzte Übertragungsmöglichkeiten von Realia-Begriffen, Phraseologismen, Intertextualismen, dem Wortspiel etc. bleiben dem Zuschauer oft sprachliche Stilmittel vorenthalten und der in allen Übersetzungsbereichen vorkommende unausweichliche Sinn- und Wirkungsverlust des Originals wird erheblich verstärkt. Anbetracht der erwähnten Aspekte und der häufigen fehlerhaften Übersetzungen sollen Untertitel nur als Hilfsmittel beim Fremdsprachenerwerb angewendet werden, wobei herkömmliche Lehr- und Lernstrategien von Fremdsprachen in den Vordergrund treten müssen.

  16. Soft Power und Militär : eine Untersuchung zum Afghanistan-Einsatz der Bundeswehr


    Kersten, Jan


    Soft Power ist zu einem einflussreichen Konzept avanciert – in der Politikwissenschaft, aber auch in der Politik selbst. Dabei bleibt es sowohl theoretisch als auch praktisch umstritten. In der Praxis wird das Konzept instrumentalisiert, um außenpolitisches Handeln von militärischem und wirtschaftlichem Druck positiv abzugrenzen. Unklar ist, wie Soft Power in militärischen Kontexten, in denen Hard Power im Vordergrund steht, funktionieren kann. Anhand des Afghanistan-Einsatzes der Bundeswehr ...

  17. Investigation of the feasibility of the solar-/geothermally-assisted heat supply system Gesotherm S; Untersuchung der Durchfuehrbarkeit des solar-/ geothermisch gestuetzten Waermeversorgungssystems Gesotherm S

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liebisch, H. [EKT Energie und Kommunal-Technologie GmbH, Berlin (Germany)


    The project has been running since 1st March 1998 and is supposed to investigate the technical feasibility and economic efficiency of the Gesotherm S heat supply system in the residential area Berlin-Biesdorf/Habichtshorst (1,000 flats). Main points of investigation are: proof of feasibility and geothermal analysis of the deep pit; analysis of storage possibilities and technical synergies of combined solar-geothermal operation; determination of the regenerative supply ratio; calculation of economic efficiency; estimation of cost-saving potentials. The whole system is simulated for these studies. A new simulation model was developed for the pit. Simulations are based on the SMILE-simulation environment developed by the Technical University of Berlin. First estimates indicate costs of DM 200 per MWh without subsidies. (orig.) [Deutsch] Mit dem seit 1. Maerz 1998 laufenden Vorhaben soll die technische Realisierbarkeit und wirtschaftliche Attraktivitaet des Waermeversorgungssystems Gesotherm S am Beispiel der Nahwaermeversorgung eines Wohngebietes (ca. 1.000 WE) in Berlin-Biesdorf/Habichtshorst umfassend untersucht werden. Schwerpunkte der Untersuchung: - Machbarkeitsnachweis und geothermische Analyse der Tiefensonde - Analyse der Speichermoeglichkeiten und der technischen Synergieeffekte des solar-/geothermischen Kombinationsbetriebes - Ermittlung der regenerativen Deckungsrate - Berechnung der Wirtschaftlichkeit - Abschaetzung der Kostensenkungspotentiale. Fuer die Untersuchung wird das Gesamtsystem simuliert. Speziell fuer die Tiefensonde wird ein neues Simulationsmodell entwickelt. Basis ist die, an der TU-Berlin entwickelte, Simulationsumgebung SMILE. Erste Abschaetzungen ergaben Waermekosten ohne Subventionen von unter 200 DM/MWh. (orig.)

  18. E-Learning als Möglichkeit zur Unterstützung des selbstgesteuerten Lernens an Berufsschulen

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    Silvia Dreer


    Full Text Available Im Mittelpunkt dieses Beitrages steht die Frage, wie durch die Potenziale von ELearning selbstgesteuertes Lernen an berufsbildenden Schulen (Berufsschulen unterstützt werden kann und wie diese neuen Lernangebote im Unterricht effektiv genutzt werden können. Dann werden bereits vorhandene empirische Belege zum selbstgesteuerten Lernen aufgearbeitet und unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten zur Förderung des selbstgesteuerten Lernens betrachtet bzw. welche Lernumgebungen notwendig sind, um selbstgesteuertes Lernen zu ermöglichen. Es wird auf die Besonderheiten von E-Learning eingegangen und eine mediendidaktische Konzeption realisiert. Im Rahmen der empirischen Untersuchung wird untersucht, ob selbstgesteuertes Lernen durch E-Learning unterstützt werden kann. Den Abschluss bildet eine Abschätzung des mediendidaktischen Potenzials von Lernumgebungen die selbstgesteuertes Lernen unterstützen in Hinblick auf den Unterricht in berufsbildenden Schulen.

  19. Thermal solar systems in domestic buildings. Evaluation of the Hessen state funding programme for thermal solar systems; Thermische Solaranlagen in Wohngebaeuden. Auswertung des Solarthermischen Foerderprogrammes des Landes Hessen fuer die Jahre 1992 - 1996

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lackschewitz, U.


    The report presents statistical information on all solar systems that received state funds. Problems concerning the installation of solar systems are gone into. The report focuses on service water heating systems both for single-family buildings and multiple dwellings. Further, four enquiries were carried out among operators and producers of thermal solar systems, and 29 state-funded solar systems were visited and investigated in situ. Based on the analysis of the funding programme so far, further measures are suggested. [German] Nach einer fuenfjaehrigen Laufzeit des Solarthermischen Foerderprogramms fuer Wohngebaeude beauftragte das Hessische Ministerium fuer Umwelt, Energie, Jugend, Familie und Gesundheit die Gesellschaft fuer umweltfreundliche Technologie e.V. in Kassel mit einer Auswertung des Foerderprogrammes fuer die Jahre 1992 bis 1996. Die Auswertung gibtzunaechst einen Ueberblick ueber alle gefoerderten Solaranlagen. Darueber hinaus wurden wichtige Fragestellungen, die bei der Installation thermischer Solaranlagen in Wohngebaeuden auftreten, anhand einer groesseren Zahl gefoerderter Solaranlagen untersucht. Schwerpunkte dieser Untersuchung bilden Solaranlagen zur Brauchwassererwaermung zum einen in Einfamilienhaeusern und zum anderen in groesseren Mehrfamilienhaeusern. Neben der Auswertung der Foerderantraege wurden dazu vier Umfragen bei Betreibern und Anbietern thermischer Solaranlagen durchgefuehrt und 29 gefoerderte Solaranlagen besichtigt. Aufbauend auf der Analyse des bisherigen Foerderprogrammes werden Vorschlaege fuer weitere Massnahmen des Landes zur Foerderung thermischer Solaranlagen unterbreitet. (orig.)

  20. Keim, Karl-Dieter, Das Fenster zum Raum : Traktat über die Erforschung sozialräumlicher Transformation / [rezensiert von] Helmut Klüter


    Klüter, Helmut


    Rezensiertes Werk: Keim, Karl-Dieter: Das Fenster zum Raum : Traktat über die Erforschung sozialräumlicher Transformation / Karl-Dieter Keim. - Opladen : Leske + Budrich, 2003. - 171 S. : graph. Darst. - (Lehrtexte : Sozialwissenschaften) ISBN 3-8100-4050-9

  1. Firewall systems for protection of data communication in power stations; Firewall-Systeme zum Schutz der Datenkommunikation in Kraftwerken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoenfeld, P [Siemens AG KWU (Germany)


    Networking of power plant computer systems is becoming increasingly common. Furthermore, instrumentation and control systems are being connected with general power plant networks to make process information available to administrative personnel. This increases the risk of accidental or intentional access from outside the system (e.g. by hackers). Firewall systems are used to prevent such outside access. A firewall is the sole gateway between two networks which are to be kept separate, and is used to filter and control access to the protected network. Cryptography and personal chip cards are also used to provide additional protection. (orig.) [Deutsch] Rechnersysteme im Kraftwerk werden heute mehr und mehr vernetzt. Auch werden Rechnersysteme zum Messen, Steuern und Regeln (sogenannte Instrumentation and Control Systems) mit allgemeinen Kraftwerksnetzen verbunden, um Prozessinformationen auch in der Verwaltung zugaenglich zu machen. Damit waechst die Gefahr von zufaelligen oder beabsichtigten Eingriffen von aussen (z.B. Hacker). Zum Schutz vor solchen Eingriffen von aussen werden sogenannte Firewall-Systeme eingesetzt. Ein Firewall ist der alleinige Uebergang zwischen zwei zu trennenden Netzen und dient zur Filterung und Kontrolle der Zugriffe auf ein zu schuetzendes Netz. Ergaenzende Schutzmassnahmen sind der Einsatz kryptographischer Verfahren, sowie persoenlicher Chipkarten. (orig.)

  2. Firewall systems for protection of data communication in power stations; Firewall-Systeme zum Schutz der Datenkommunikation in Kraftwerken

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoenfeld, P. [Siemens AG KWU (Germany)


    Networking of power plant computer systems is becoming increasingly common. Furthermore, instrumentation and control systems are being connected with general power plant networks to make process information available to administrative personnel. This increases the risk of accidental or intentional access from outside the system (e.g. by hackers). Firewall systems are used to prevent such outside access. A firewall is the sole gateway between two networks which are to be kept separate, and is used to filter and control access to the protected network. Cryptography and personal chip cards are also used to provide additional protection. (orig.) [Deutsch] Rechnersysteme im Kraftwerk werden heute mehr und mehr vernetzt. Auch werden Rechnersysteme zum Messen, Steuern und Regeln (sogenannte Instrumentation and Control Systems) mit allgemeinen Kraftwerksnetzen verbunden, um Prozessinformationen auch in der Verwaltung zugaenglich zu machen. Damit waechst die Gefahr von zufaelligen oder beabsichtigten Eingriffen von aussen (z.B. Hacker). Zum Schutz vor solchen Eingriffen von aussen werden sogenannte Firewall-Systeme eingesetzt. Ein Firewall ist der alleinige Uebergang zwischen zwei zu trennenden Netzen und dient zur Filterung und Kontrolle der Zugriffe auf ein zu schuetzendes Netz. Ergaenzende Schutzmassnahmen sind der Einsatz kryptographischer Verfahren, sowie persoenlicher Chipkarten. (orig.)

  3. Viel Keller, wenig Leichen Closet space aplenty—where are the skeletons?

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    Jens E. Sennewald


    Full Text Available Die Arbeit stellt „Angst“ als sozialhistorisches Phänomen dar. Sie kann zeigen, dass diese aus einem diskursiven Prozess entsteht, in dem auch ästhetische Produktion eine leitende Funktion übernimmt. Aus dieser Beobachtung heraus wird Schauerliteratur zum Zeugnis für Geschlechterkampf. Deutsche Autorinnen und ihre Schauerromane sowie Ängste erscheinen zum einen als „Produkt“ eines männlich geprägten Herrschaftsdiskurses. Zum anderen unterlaufen die Autorinnen, so das Ergebnis der Untersuchung, mit ihrer ästhetischen Produktion die sie unterdrückenden Strukturen. Leider sind die Textanalysen der Autorin zugunsten einer nacherzählenden Einordnung im zuvor entworfenen (männlichen „Machtdiskurs“ kaum an Quellentexten nachvollziehbar.Skeletons in the Closet portrays fear as a social and historical phenomenon. Literature and aesthetic production have played a leading role in the discursive creation of this phenomenon. According to the author, the German “gothic novel” written by women characterises the gender-struggle of 18th century’s female authors. German women authors of gothic novels appear to be a product of a hierarchical structure of male power. However, this study points out that female authors are not only victims but actually to break the rules of the male discourse through their writings. Unfortunately, the reader is not able to verify this thesis by the author’s original annotations and thus has to rely on her summary. The most problematical aspect of this study is its re-creation of gender oppositions which makes it nearly impossible to understand the genuine aesthetic advantage of German gothic novels by women in the 18th century.

  4. Budke, Alexandra; Kanwischer, Detlef; Pott, Andreas (Hg.), Internetgeographien : Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Internet, Raum und Gesellschaft / [rezensiert von] Helmut Klüter


    Klüter, Helmut


    Rezensiertes Werk: Internetgeographien : Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Internet, Raum und Gesellschaft / hrsg. von Alexandra Budke ... - Stuttgart : Steiner, 2004. - 192 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt. - (Erdkundliches Wissen ; 136) ISBN 3-515-08506-8

  5. KidSmart - Medienkompetent zum Schulübergang

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    Anita Müller


    Full Text Available In Deutschland zeichnet sich bereits vor Schuleintritt im Bereich der literarischen und medialen Sozialisation eine Bildungsbenachteiligung ab. Vor allem Kinder aus bildungsfernen Milieus und mit Migrationshintergrund sind hiervon betroffen (vgl. Becker/Lauterbach 2004; Diefenbach 2007; Rabe-Kleberg 2010. An dieser Einsicht knüpft das Forschungs- und Interventionsprojekt KidSmart – Medienkompetent zum Schulübergang an. Medienpädagogische Arbeit steht hier im Kontext der Vorbereitung auf den Schulübergang. Durch kreative Medienarbeit soll ein Gegengewicht zur eher passiven Mediennutzung geschaffen werden. Ziel ist es Bildungsunterschiede von Kindern bereits vor Schulbeginn auszugleichen.Already before starting school educational disadvantages in the part of reading and media socialization can be identified within Germany. Generally affected are children of less educated families and children with migration background (Becker/Lauterbach 2004; Diefenbach 2007; Rabe-Kleberg 2010. Therefore, an exceptional intervention and research project KidSmart – media competence by entering school was initiated in the area of early childhood education. Within this project media-pedagogical work is corresponding with preparation of entering school. The intention is to create a counterbalance to passive media use by creative media work. The scope of the project is to fight against early educational disadvantages.

  6. Influence of Z-phase on Long-term Creep Stability of Martensitic 9 to 12 % Cr Steels

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danielsen, Hilmar Kjartansson; Hald, John


    Die langfristige Kriechstabilität der neuesten Generation martensitischer 9 bis 12 % kriechfester Stähle basiert auf dem bekannten Grade 91, d. h. auf der Stärkung durch die feinen MNNitride (V und Nb). Langzeit-Hochtemperaturtests zeigen den Ersatz der MN-Nitride durch die thermodynamisch...... stabileren Z-Phasen (Cr(V,Nb)N) mit einem Verlust an Kriechfestigkeit. Cr-Gehalte >10,5 % beschleunigen die Ausscheidung der Z-Phasen. Dies beschränkte Bemühungen, einen martensitischen, kriechfesten Stahl mit hohem Cr-Gehalt zum Schutz vor Oxidation zu entwickeln. 9-%-Cr-Stähle werden offensichtlich nicht...... durch die Z-Phase negativ beeinflusst. Die Untersuchung der Z-Phasen-Ausscheidung hat zur Entwicklung eines 12-%-Cr-martensitischen Versuchsstahls geführt, dessen Kriechfestigkeit durch die Z-Phase gewährleistet wird. Derartige Stähle erlauben die ombination hoher Festigkeit bei gleichzeitig guter...

  7. Schule forscht Ansätze und Methoden zum forschenden Lernen

    CERN Document Server


    Kinderunis, Science Center, Experimentierlabore – der Markt der außerschulischen Wissenschaftsvermittlung für Kinder und Jugendliche boomt. Doch in den Schulen findet forschendes Lernen noch wenig Beachtung. Dabei fördert die Methode wichtige Fähigkeiten der Schüler und bietet Chancen für eine zukunftsweisende Schulentwicklung. Die Jugendlichen erarbeiten in Forschungsprojekten eigenständig wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen, suchen Lösungswege, dokumentieren und präsentieren ihre Erkenntisse: Sie trainieren so wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Eigenverantwortlichkeit, Teamfähigkeit und Zeitmanagement. Lehrer werden zu Lernbegleitern, Schulen öffnen sich für Kooperationen und entwickeln Alternativen zum 45-minütigen Unterrichtstakt. Die Fachbeiträge von Andreas Müller, Ilka Parchmann, Gerhard Roth u. a. untermauern die Praxisberichte aus lern- und entwicklungspsychologischer Sicht. Die Autoren sind sich einig: Wer bereits in der Schule forscht, ist in Studium und Beruf einen großen Schritt voraus....

  8. Landeskundeunterricht zum Nationalsozialismus. Ein Praxisbericht aus der Mongolei

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    Ralf Heimrath


    Full Text Available In einer Umfrage bei den fortgeschrittenen Studierenden an der Deutschen Abteilung der Nationaluniversität der Mo n- golei wurde festgestellt, dass der Name Hitler sehr bekannt und mit e iner positiven Konnotation verbunden ist. Dagegen gab es keine Kenntnisse über die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland. Mehrere weitere Beobachtungen lassen darüber hinaus in der Mongolei und in anderen Ländern eine bestimmte Hitler - Verehrung erken nen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde im Jahr 2012 an der Deutschen Abteilung der Nationaluniversität der Mongolei eine Unterricht s- sequenz zum Thema Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland durchgeführt. Die wichtigsten Themen sind dabei die Persönlichkeit des Dikt ators, der Werdegang der NSDAP während der Weimarer Republik und das Schicksal der jüdischen Bevölkerung in Deutschland vor und insbesondere nach der Machtergreifung Hitlers. Die Sequenz dient der Relativierung des Hitler - Bildes im Bewusstsein der Studiere nden und der Vermittlung von Kenntnissen zur Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts als Grundlage einer Entwicklung, die zu zwei deutschen Staaten und ihrer späteren Vereinigung führte. Die Sequenz ist auf vergleichbare Unterrichtssituationen in anderen Ländern übertragbar.

  9. Die Darstellung Rudolf Virchows in der Vossischen Zeitung im Zeitraum vom 1. Januar 1844 bis zum 31. Dezember 1865


    Feddersen, Lars Harald


    DIE DARSTELLUNG RUDOLF VIRCHOWS IN DER VOSSISCHEN ZEITUNG IM ZEITRAUM VOM 1. JANUAR 1844 BIS ZUM 31. DEZEMBER 1865 Rudolf Virchow erforschte u.a. als Pathologe, Hygieniker, Anthropologe, Ethnologe und Prähistoriker bedeutende Grundlagen der modernen Wissenschaft. Diese vielschichtigen Tätigkeitsbereiche zeichnen ihn als einen der bedeutendsten Wissenschaftler v.a. der Medizingeschichte aus. Als Politiker engagierte sich Virchow in erster Linie im sozial- und gesellschaftspolitischen Bereich. ...

  10. Cost-effectiveness of sustainable measures for water protection; Kosten-Wirksamkeitsanalyse von nachhaltigen Massnahmen im Gewaesserschutz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boehm, E.; Hillenbrand, T.; Liebert, J.; Schleich, J.; Walz, R.


    The study continues the project 'Environmental Action Plan for Sustainable Water Resources Management' (UBA-Texte 25/99). The methodological basis in high-priority fields of water protection is improved and the available knowledge with regard to costs and effectiveness of the measures is evaluated systematically. Especially for the fields urban waste water, agriculture and morphological water structures the cost-effectiveness of different measures could be assessed. The results may be an important item for priority setting among different measures on a national basis. On the other hand these methods and data may be helpful for action plans in river basin management as well. (orig.) [German] Das Vorhaben hatte zum Ziel, anknuepfend an das Projekt 'Massnahmenplan Nachhaltige Wasserwirtschaft' (UBA-Texte 25/99), fuer besonders wichtige Zielbereiche des Gewaesserschutzes die methodische Basis fuer die Abschaetzung kurz- bis mittelfristiger Wirkungen zu verbessern und fuer diese Bereiche die aktuellen Kenntnisse zu den Kosten und Wirkungen systematisch auszuwerten. Insbesondere fuer die Schwerpunkte Siedlungsentwaesserung, Landwirtschaft und Verbesserung der Gewaesserstruktur konnten damit Aussagen zur Kosten-Wirksamkeit unterschiedlicher Massnahmen zum Gewaesserschutz getroffen werden, die ein wesentliches Element der Priorisierung denkbarer Massnahmen sein koennen. Gegenstand der Untersuchung waren Massnahmen auf nationaler Ebene, jedoch koennen die erarbeiteten Methoden und Daten auch als Orientierung fuer das Erstellen von Massnahmenplaenen fuer einzelne Flusseinzugsgebiete dienen. (orig.)

  11. Teilchen, Felder, Quanten von der Quantenmechanik zum Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik

    CERN Document Server

    Ecker, Gerhard


    Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen eine Einführung in den aktuellen Stand unseres Wissens über die Struktur der Materie. Gerhard Ecker beschreibt verständlich die Entwicklung der modernen Physik vom Beginn des Quantenzeital­ters bis zum Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik, der umfassenden Theorie der fundamentalen Wechselwir­kungen des Mikrokosmos. Dabei wird der Schwerpunkt auf die wichtigsten Entdeckungen und Entwicklungen, beispielsweise der Quantenfeldtheorie, der Eichtheorien und die Zukunft der Teilchenphysik, gelegt. Besonders hebt der Autor auch das Wechselspiel zwischen Theorie und Experiment hervor, die uns helfen, die tiefsten Rätsel der Natur zu ergründen. Teilchen, Felder, Quanten ist für alle geschrieben, die Freude an der Physik haben. Es bietet Abitu­rienten und Studierenden der Physik in den ersten Semestern einen Ansporn, die Physik tiefer zu verstehen. Lehrer und andere an der Phy­sik Interessierte werden darin nützliche Einblicke in die Welt der Teilchenphysik finden. Für Studierende in ...

  12. Supervision of radiation protection of miners at small construction sites of old mining; Aufsichtliche Ueberwachung zum Strahlenschutz von Bergleuten bei untertaegigen Bergsicherungsarbeiten im Altbergbau

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dehnert, J. [Saechsisches Landesamt fuer Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie (Germany). Referat Strahlenschutz


    More than 40 underground construction sites of old mining have been supervised by the radiation protection authority in Saxony in recent years. The paper deals with stories of underground supervisions to share the experiences with authorities and miners to improve the underground radiation protection. Supervision usually includes continuous measurements of radon activity concentrations. Some insufficient or failed radiation protection measures were found during the inspections. Instructions were given to improve the underground radiation protection immediately. A new Express- Air Screen-System (EAS) for miners was developed to shut off radon rich parts of galleries in some minutes only. The EAS will help to reduce the radon exposures of miners in the future.

  13. Die drei Vorführungen eines geheimen Dokumentarfilms. Eine kritische Revision von Theresienstadt

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    Natascha Drubek


    Full Text Available Dieser Artikel liefert auf der Grundlage einer gründlichen Lektüre von tschechischen, deutschen und französischen Quellen eine neue Perspektive auf das Filmmaterial, das im Ghetto von Theresienstadt gedreht wurde und unter den Titeln Ghetto Theresienstadt, Theresienstadt 1942 und Theresienstadt. Ein Dokumentarfilm aus dem jüdischen Siedlungsgebiet bzw. auch als Der Führer schenkt den Juden eine Stadt bekannt ist.  In einer Revision des allgemeinen Konsensus der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte argumentiert der Artikel, dass die verschiedenen Filmaufnahmen zwischen 1942 und 1945 ein zusammenhängendes Filmprojekt bilden. Die Autorin schlägt Korrekturen der filmographischen Daten vor, wie etwa die Einbindung des letzten „Jewish Elder“ des Ghettos, Benjamin Murmelstein, als Ko-Autor des Scripts. Eine Rekonstruktion des Datums, des Zeitpunkts und des Orts der ersten offiziellen Vorführung des Films für Delegierte des Komitees des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes wird durch eine komparative Untersuchung von verschiedenen Quellen und auf Textanalyse basierenden Ausschlussverfahren möglich. Bisherige Auffassungen des beabsichtigten Effekts und der Zielgruppe des Films revidierend, lenkt der Artikel die Aufmerksamkeit auf den Fakt, dass der Film vom Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA 1942 initiiert und zum Kriegsende drei sorgfältig ausgewählten Gruppen vorgeführt wurde. Eine Untersuchung des Publikums der Premiere am 6. April 1945 lässt eine Neubewertung der Frage zu, ob der Film als Propagandafilm eingestuft werden kann oder eher als Strategem des deutschen Geheimdienstes.

  14. Thermodynamic analysis of a fuel-cell-system for automotive transportation; Thermodynamische Analyse eines Brennstoffzellensystems zum Antrieb von Kraftfahrzeugen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berger, Oliver


    inclination angle profile of the Grossglockner mountain is followed on the test stand with a speed of 55 km/h without overheating of the cooling system. After optimization of the cooler design and positioning, the new vehicle was able to meet the specifications while the first of the two vehicles only achieved 35 km/h without overheating of the cooling system. Finally, a theoretical investigation identified the measures that should be taken to achieve sufficient cooling in countries with hot climates, e.g. the USA. It was found that it would be sufficient to raise the coolant temperature from 90 C to about 110 C to ensure good performance in these climate zones. (orig.) [German] Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die thermodynamische Analyse und Optimierung eines Brennstoffzellensystems zum Antrieb von Kraftfahrzeugen. Der Fokus ist im Wesentlichen auf die Kuehlung des Brennstoffzellenstapelmoduls gelegt, wobei aufgrund der Vielzahl an Schnittstellen zwischen der Kuehlung und den anderen Teilsystemen (Wasserstoff- und Luftversorgung) auch eine ganzheitlichere Betrachtung erforderlich ist. Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchungen ist ein bestehendes Brennstoffzellenfahrzeug, anhand dessen in einem ersten Schritt experimentelle Untersuchungen auf Systempruefstaenden und im Klimawindkanal durchgefuehrt werden. Die gewonnenen Messdaten dienen zum einen der Darstellung des Ist-Zustands und zur Ermittlung des Grenzbereichs der Waermeabfuhr an die Umgebung ueber das Brennstoffzellen-Kuehlsystem. Zum anderen werden sie zur Validierung eines dynamischen Kuehlsystemsimulationsmodells herangezogen. Mittels dieses Simulationsmodells werden anschliessend im Rahmen von Sensitivitaetsanalysen die wesentlichen Einflussfaktoren zur Steigerung der Waermeabfuhr an die Umgebung ermittelt. Die daraufhin durchgefuehrten Optimierungen betreffen die Verschaltung der Systemkomponenten sowie deren Auslegung und Platzierung im Fahrzeugvorderwagen. Auf Basis dieser und weiterer Erkenntnisse wird ein weiteres

  15. Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen. Zum vergessenen Beitrag der alten deutschen Frauenbewegung zur Wohn- und Siedlungsreform im frühen 20. Jahrhundert

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    Claudia Wucherpfennig


    Full Text Available Der Wohnungs- und Städtebau der Moderne gilt weitgehend als eine „Männerdomäne”. In ihrer Schrift Die Wohnungsfrage ist Frauensache! zeigen Ulla Terlinden und Susanna von Oertzen demgegenüber die vielfältigen und einflussreichen Beiträge der alten deutschen Frauenbewegung zur Wohnungsreform des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts und zum Neuen Bauen auf.

  16. Foucault und das Recht: Besprechung von: Christian Schauer, Aufforderung zum Spiel. Foucault und das Recht, Böhlau (Weimar, Köln, Wien 2006, 383 Seiten.

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    Thomas Biebricher


    Full Text Available Der Autor rekonstruiert Foucaults Werk zwischen den Jahren 1961 und 1975 und integriert hierbei Perspektiven anderer Autoren (Derrida, Luhmann und Nietzsche, welche zu verwandten Themenkreisen arbeiten und/oder Foucaults Herangehensweise geprägt haben. Eigentliches Ziel der Arbeit ist es, Foucaults Beitrag zur Rechtsgeschichte und –soziologie zu beleuchten. Diese Thematik ist im deutschen Sprachraum bis jetzt kaum systematisch untersucht worden, und dementsprechend gebührt Schauers Studie besondere Beachtung. Der Autor betont Foucaults Ausführungen zum Verhältnis zwischen Recht und Psychiatrie. Dessen Diagnose hebt die “Kolonisierung” des Rechts durch forensisch psychiatrische Diskurse hervor, und Schauer gelingt es, die problematische Dimension dieser Tendenz mit Hinweis auf die schweizerische Rechtspraxis plausibel zu machen. Fluchtpunkt dieser Entwicklung wäre ein bis zum Extrem “vorbeugendes” Recht, das Gefahrenprävention und Risikoregulierung durch präemptive Verhaltensregulierung den Vorzug vor dem Legalitätsprinzip gewährt.

  17. Visuell-verbale Beziehungszusammenhänge im Comic. Eine Untersuchung anhand ausgewählter franko-belgischer Comics und der jeweiligen deutschen Übersetzungen.


    Schröder, Katja


    Comics erfreuen sich bei allen Altersgruppen großer Beliebtheit und bereits in der Kindheit beginnen viele mit dem Lesen von Micky Maus-Magazinen oder Asterix-Bänden. Sie werden im Schulunterricht verwendet, es werden Tagungen, Messen und Festivals (Wichtige Veranstaltungen sind in dieser Hinsicht der Comic-Salon in Erlangen, das Comicfestival München, das Sym-posium zur Förderung und Vernetzung der Comicforschung Comics - Intermedial und Interdisziplinär und vor allem das Festival) zum Them...

  18. Feinkartierung von Loss of Heterozygosity-Intervallen auf Chromosom 11p und Untersuchungen zum Expressions- und Methylierungsstatus von FANCF beim Ovarialkarzinom


    Schulze, Kathrin


    Um Tumorsuppressorgene beim Ovarialkarzinom zu identifizieren wurde eine Kartierung von LOH-Intervallen der Region 11p15.5 - 11p11.2 mittels 11 Mikrosatellitenmarkern an 47 Ovarialtumorproben vorgenommen. Im Bereich des ST5- und AFM255/KAI1-Locus konnten potentielle Intervalle abgegrenzt werden. Das Fanconi Anämie Gen FANCF wurde für Untersuchungen zum Expressions- und Methylierungsstatus ausgewählt, da dessen Abschaltung mit einem besseren Ansprechen auf Cisplatin bei Ovarialkarzinompatienti...

  19. Dynamic MR imaging: Follow-up study after femoral head core decompression and rhBMP-2 instillation in patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head; Dynamische Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT): Verlaufsbeobachtung nach Femurkerndekompression und Auffuellung mit rekombinantem, humanem Bone morphogenetic Protein-2 (rhBMP-2) bei avaskulaerer Femurkopfnekrose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schedel, H. [Klinik Prof. Schedel, Kellberg (Germany); Schneller, A. [Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin (Germany). Klinik fuer Allgemein- und Transplantationschirurgie; Vogl, T.; Mueller, H.F.; Maeurer, J.; Felix, R. [Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin (Germany). Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik; Suedkamp, N. [Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin (Germany). Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie; Eisenschenk, A. [Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany). Orthopaedische Klinik und Poliklinik


    Material and Methods: Six patients with avascular necrosis of the femoral head ARCO-stage I- or II-lesions were treated surgically by femoral head core decompression. Three of these patients were additionally treated with rhBMP-2-instillation. The progression or regression could be confirmed by T1- and T2-weighted spinecho-sequences (zero, four, ten, sixteen weeks and 24 months follow up). Results: Corresponding ARCO-classification with partly more sensitive measurement of vitality signs in comparison to the optical X-ray classification. The objective, quantitative measurement of signalintensity post contrast medium reduces the influence of experience and level of education. The dynamic sequences results are reproducable. (orig.) [German] Material und Methoden: Sechs Patienten mit avaskulaerer Nekrose des Femurkopfes des Stadiums I oder II nach ARCO wurden einer Femurkerndekompression unterzogen. Drei dieser Patienten erhielten zusaetzlich eine rhBMP-2-Auffuellung. Zum Zeitpunkt null, vier, zehn, sechszehn Wochen und 24 Monaten post OP erfolgte die kernspintomographische Untersuchung mit T1- und T2-gewichteten Sequenzen unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der dynamischen Untersuchungssequenz nach Gabe von Gd-DTPA (Gadopentetsaeure, Dimegluminsalz; Magnevist {sup trademark}) zur Dokumentation der Signalintensitaetssteigerung pro Zeiteinheit in der Nekroseregion. Ergebnisse: Uebereinstimmende Stadienklassifikation nach ARCO mit zum Teil empfindlicherer Messung von Vitalitaetszeichen im Vergleich zu rein visuellen roentgenologischen Einteilung. Die objektive, quantitative Messung des Signalintensitaetssteigerungsverhaltens nach Kontrastmittelgabe im Bereich der Femurkopfnekrose kann den Einfluss von subjektiven Eigenschaften des Untersuchers (Erfahrung, Ausbildungsstand) reduzieren, wobei die Ergebnisse der Dynamiksequenzen objektiv reproduzierbar sind. (orig.)

  20. Experimental and numerical examination of the unsteady flow in an axial turbine; Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung der instationaeren Stroemung in einer Axialturbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gentner, C.


    The periodic instationary flow in guidevanes and runner of an axial hydraulic turbine is examined experimentally and numerically. The study is carried out at three different points of operation. The experimental study comprises the measurement of the velocity of the flow at midspan using a single channel Laser Doppler Velocimeter and the acquisition of the ozillating pressure at several locations in the casing. The unsteady numerical examination is carried out in a two dimensional plane at midspan of the runnerblades. The interaction between guidevanes and runner is taken into account by exchanging the flow properties at the adjoining edges of the two calculation grids. Further the influence of the tip clearance flow on the characteristics of the turbine is studied numerically by means of a three dimensional steady state calculation. The comparison of the results of measurement and calculation shows the abilities and the limitations of the applied numerical method. Moreover the results are helpful for the optimisation of the turbine with regard to higher efficiency and reduced cavitation. (orig.) [German] Die periodisch instationaere Stroemung in Leit- und Laufrad einer hydraulischen Axialturbine zur Druckentspannung in Rohrleitungssystemen wird fuer drei Betriebspunkte experimentell und rechnerisch untersucht. Die experimentelle Untersuchung umfasst die zeitaufgeloeste Messung der Stroemungsgeschwindigkeiten mit einem Laser-Doppler-Velozimeter im Mittelschnitt und die Erfassung des periodisch schwankenden Drucks an mehreren Punkten an der Gehaeusewand. Die instationaere numerische Untersuchung erfolgt in einem zweidimensionalen Zylinderschnitt im mittleren Durchmesser der Laufschaufeln. Die Wechselwirkung zwischen Leit- und Laufrad wird druch den Austausch der Stroemungsgroessen mittels eines Kopplungsalgorithmus an der Stossflaeche zwischen den zwei gegeneinander bewegten Berechnungsgittern erfasst. Darueber hinaus wird in einer dreidimensionalen stationaeren

  1. Die ILO-Standards zum Schutz von Arbeitnehmerrechten : ein Begründungsversuch mit Hilfe der kantischen Position von Norman E. Bowie


    Bäumlisberger, Damian; Brink, Alexander


    "Der Beitrag ergründet die normativen Grundlagen der Standards zum Schutz der Arbeitnehmerrechte der International Labour Organization. Auf Basis der kantischen Position des US-amerikanischen Wirtschaftsethikers Norman E. Bowie zeigen die Autoren, dass sich Bowies Theorieansatz grundsätzlich dazu eignet, die vier Kernbereiche der ILO-Aktivitäten ethisch zu fundieren. Jedoch stößt Bowies Position bei der Begründung der ILO-Standards auch auf Grenzen, die nur teilweise mittels zusätzlicher, mit...

  2. Color coded duplex sonography. Interdisciplinary vascular ultrasonography; Farbkodierte Duplexsonographie. Interdisziplinaerer vaskulaerer Ultraschall

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kubale, R. [Institut fuer Radiologie, Sonographie und Nuklearmedizin, Pirmasens (Germany); Stiegler, H. [Staedtisches Krankenhaus Schwabing, Muenchen (Germany). 7. Medizinische Abt.


    An interdisciplinary team of experts impart the state of the art in color coded duplex sonography applied for examination of all anatomic areas. Detailed information is given for every vascular area, describing the examination procedure, possible origins of mistakes or faults, and means to avoid them. In addition to the classical applications, eg. for examination of the extra- and intracranial vessels, vessels of the limbs, visceral vessels and the vessels of liver and kidney, there are chapters devoted to: haemodialysis shunts, arteriovenous malformations, duplex sonography of the penis, tumor vascularisation. (orig./CB) [German] Ein interdisziplinaeres Autorenteam vermittelt Ihnen den State of the Art der FKDS fuer alle anatomischen Regionen. Fuer jede der Gefaessregionen werden detaillierte Angaben zum Untersuchungsablauf, zu moeglichen Fehlerquellen und zu deren Vermeidung geboten. Neben den klassischen Anwendungen bei der Untersuchung - der extra- und intrakraniellen Gefaesse, - der Extremitaetengefaesse, - der viszeralen Gefaesse sowie der Gefaesse von Niere und Leber finden Sie Kapitel zu den Themen: Haemodialyseshunt, arteriovenoese Malformationen, Duplexsonographie des Penis und Tumorvaskularisation. (orig./AJ)

  3. Einstellung und Wissen von Lehramtsstudierenden zur Evolution - ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei (United States)

    Graf, Dittmar; Soran, Haluk

    Es wird eine Untersuchung vorgestellt, in der Wissen und Überzeugungen von Lehramtsstudierenden aller Fächer zum Thema Evolution an zwei Universitäten in Deutschland und der Türkei erhoben worden sind. Die Befragung wurde in Dortmund und in Ankara durchgeführt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass ausgeprägte Defizite im Verständnis der Evolutionsmechanismen herrschen. Viele Studierende, insbesondere aus der Türkei, sind nicht von der Faktizität der Evolution überzeugt. Dies gilt sowohl für Studierende mit Fach Biologie als auch für Studierende mit anderen Fächern. Näher untersucht worden sind die Faktoren, die die Überzeugungen zur Evolution beeinflussen können, was ja in Anbetracht der hohen Ablehnungsrate der Evolution von besonderem Interesse ist. Das Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle: Wer der Wissenschaft vertraut, ist auch eher von der Evolution überzeugt, als diejenigen, die skeptisch gegenüber der Wissenschaft sind.

  4. From traditional locomotive engineers to automated train control; Vom triebfahrzeugfuehrergefuehrten Zug zum Fahrautomaten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hohnecker, E. [Karlsruhe Univ. (T.H.) (Germany). Inst. fuer Strassenbau und Eisenbahnwesen


    Profitability and capacity in public guided transport must be increased. One option is automatic, driverless train control. There are many questions surrounding the legal, technical and operational aspects of automated control which need to be answered. These intrinsic aspects of the system will be presented and discussed. The various options leading to automatic train control as well as the necessary technical measures will also be presented. (orig.) [German] Die Wirtschaftlichkeit und die Leistungsfaehigkeit im oeffentlichen spurgefuehrten Verkehr muessen erhoeht werden. Als Loesung bietet sich zukuenftig auch der automatische und fahrerlose Betrieb an. Das Fahren ohne Triebfahrzeugfuehrer wirft jedoch eine Vielzahl von Fragestellungen auf, die sowohl in juristischer, technischer und betrieblicher Hinsicht beantwortet werden muessen. Diese systemimmanenten Aspekte werden dargestellt und diskutiert. Anschliessend werden die Moeglichkeiten auf dem Weg zum Fahrautomaten aufgezeigt und die technischen Massnahmen zur Umsetzung des automatischen Fahrens erlaeutert. (orig.)

  5. [Dennis Hormuth. Livonia est omnis divisa in partes tres : Studien zum mental mapping der livländischen Chronistik in der Frühen Neuzeit (1558-1721)] / Anti Selart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Selart, Anti, 1973-


    Arvustus: Hormuth, Dennis. Livonia est omnis divisa in partes tres : Studien zum mental mapping der livländischen Chronistik in der Frühen Neuzeit (1558-1721) (Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des östlichen Europa, 79). Franz Steiner verlag. Stuttgart 2012

  6. Akupunktur bei Sterilität und zum Schwangerschaftserhalt: Eine Übersicht mit Forschungsidee

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    Ots T


    Full Text Available Die Unterstützung der weiblichen Fertilität und der Schwangerschaft mittels Akupunktur hat während der vergangenen Dekade viele Anhänger gefunden. Dieser Artikel gibt eine Übersicht über die hierzu veröffentlichten wichtigsten Studien. Die Wirkung der Akupunktur wird als effektiv und effizient beschrieben. In einem zweiten Ansatz stellt der Autor eine vereinfachte Form der Akupunktur auf dem Boden der Segment-Anatomie vor. Dieser kuti-viszeralen, segmentalen Reizung der gynäkologischen Organe könnte innerhalb der gynäkologischen Praxis große Bedeutung zukommen, da sie leicht erlernbar (innerhalb eines Tages und einfach durchführbar ist. Die Zielvorstellung ist ein integratives Vorgehen in der Hand der Gynäkologen. Vorbereitend hierzu ist eine multizentrische randomisierte kontrollierte Studie notwendig, die diese beiden Ansätze innerhalb der Akupunktur als Komplement zum gynäkologischen Prozedere der IVF untersucht.

  7. „… höher als die Liebe zur Wissenschaft steht die Treue zum eigenen Vaterland …“: Hallenser Romanisten im Ersten Weltkrieg

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    Annette Schiller


    Full Text Available Die 1914 verbreitete Kriegsbegeisterung nahm auch die Romanisten nicht aus. Briefe und Tagebuchnotizen aus der Zeit zeigen, wie Lehrende und Studenten unseres Faches, deren gemeinsamer Bezug die Zugehörigkeit zum Romanischen Seminar Halle war, vom „Großen Krieg“ betroffen waren und führen uns die Situation und Geisteshaltung der Professoren und Studenten und die Rückwirkungen des Krieges auf das Fach vor Augen.

  8. Long term results of surgery in Perthes disease: Comparison of X-ray and MR-studies; Spaetergebnisse nach operativer Behandlung des Morbus Perthes: Vergleich der roentgenologischen und kernspintomographischen Untersuchung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tosch, U. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Berlin (Germany); Sparmann, M. [Orthopaedische Klinik im Oskar-Helene-Heim, Berlin (Germany); Stelling, E. [Orthopaedische Klinik im Oskar-Helene-Heim, Berlin (Germany); Tomala, D. [Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinikum Rudolf Virchow, Berlin (Germany)


    Twenty patients treated by surgery for Perthes` disease were studied between 4 and 9 years postoperatively. In the clinical investigation eight patients complained of persistent stress-induced pain. In nine patients flexion, extension, ab- and adduction of the hip joint was limited. In the MRI-Study of ten hip joints a reduction of fatty marrow was seen in the femoral head. In 11 hip joints of patients complaining of persistent pain, a deformation of the femoral head (n = 2), a dysplasia of the femoral metaphysis (n = 2), and diaphysis (n = 4) or both (n = 2) were seen. In another five patients an additional dysplasia of the acetabulum was visualized. All these findings were diagnosed by X-ray studies as well. However, only by MRI were the extents of the postoperative defects of femoral spongiosa diagnosed in fifteen hip joints. (orig.) [Deutsch] 20 wegen eines Morbus Perthes operierte Patienten wurden 4-9 Jahre nach einer Umstellungsosteotomie klinisch, radiologisch und kernspintomographisch untersucht. Bei der klinischen Nachuntersuchung gaben 8 Patienten persistierende Beschwerden bei Belastung an. Bei der koerperlichen Untersuchung war die Flexion und Extension bei 9 sowie die Abduktion und Adduktion bei einem Patienten eingeschraenkt. Bei der kernspintomographischen Untersuchung liessen sich bei 10 Hueftgelenken Residuen des M. Perthes im Fettmark des Femurkopfs nachweisen. An 11 Hueftkoepfen wurden pathologische Veraenderungen wie eine Femurkopfentrundung (n = 2), eine Deformierung der Femurmeta- (n = 3) und -diaphyse (n = 4) bis hin zur hirtenstabfoermigen Konfiguration (n = 2) nachgewiesen. Bei 5 Patienten wurde eine Pfannendysplasie gefunden. Diese Befunde waren auch roentgenologisch darzustellen. Als postoperative Defekte waren im Schaftmark des Femurs eine langstreckige Hoehlenbildung mit Zysten oder durch Fettmark aufgefuellte Spongiosadefekte bei 15 Hueftgelenken nur kernspintomographisch nachweisbar. (orig.)

  9. Discussion of the applicability of overdammed fixed-bed reactors in nitrification processes; Beitrag zum Einsatz von ueberstauten Festbettreaktoren zur Nitrifikation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guenter, H.O.


    The investigation aimed at developing a dimensioning method for overdammed fixed bed nitrification reactors with plug flow which takes account of the reactor height. Further, information was to be obtained for assessing sudden loads and for comparing energy consumption with the data of conventional activated sludge plants. (orig./SR) [Deutsch] Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, fuer ueberstaute, pfropfendurchstroemte Festbettreaktoren zur Nitrifikation einen Bemessungsansatz aufzustellen, welcher den Einfluss der Reaktorhoehe mit beruecksichtigt. Ferner sollten Erkenntnisse zur Beurteilung von Stossbelastungen sowie zum Energiebedarf im Vergleich zu herkoemmlichen Belebungsanlagen gewonnen werden. (orig./SR)

  10. Von der Pionierarbeit zum Nachschlagewerk From Pioneering Work to Reference Work

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    Sylvia Mieszkowski


    Full Text Available 1995 erschien der von Hadumod Bußmann und Renate Hof herausgegebene Sammelband Genus. Zur Geschlechterdifferenz in den Kulturwissenschaften. Zum 10jährigen Jubiläum haben sich die beiden Herausgeberinnen noch einmal mit dem Kröner Verlag zusammengetan, haben teils dieselben, teils neue Autorinnen um sich geschart und Genus einen neuen Auftritt verschafft. Der aktuelle Untertitel benennt die Erweiterung, die statt einer bloßen Aktualisierung des ersten Bandes vorgenommen wurde: Geschlechterforschung/Gender Studies in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Ein Handbuch.The collected volume Genus. On Gender Difference in Cultural Studies (Genus. Zur Geschlechterdifferenz in den Kulturwissenschaften, edited by Hadumod Bußmann and Renate Hof, was published in 1995. In honor of ten years of publication both editors came together with the publishing house Kröner Verlag once again, bringing with them some of the same as well as some new authors, in order to provide Genus a renewed appearance on the academic stage. Instead of merely revising the original volume, the editors planned its expansion. The subtitle points to the result: Gender Studies in Culture and Social Studies. A Handbook (Geschlechterforschung/Gender Studies in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Ein Handbuch.

  11. Status seminar on BMBF-funded research projects in ecotoxicology. Proceedings; Statusseminar zum Foerderschwerpunkt `Oekotoxikologie` des BMBF. Proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kirchner, M. [ed.; Bauer, H. [ed.


    Research projects in the field of ecotoxicology are presented, with particular regard to aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology. The report covers pollutant effects on plancton and fish and pollutant monitoring in streams. The effects, distribution and mobility of PAH, PCB and other pollutants in soils and pollutant concentrations in microorganisms are gone into. (SR) [Deutsch] Vorgestellt werden die Forschungsvorhaben zum Thema Oekotoxikologie. Schwerpunkte hierbei sind die aquatische Oekotoxokologie und die terrestrische Oekotoxikologie. Berichtet wird ueber die Wirkung von Fremdstoffen auf Plankton und Fischen, sowie die Bewertung der Belastung von Fliessgewaessern.Ausserdem wird die Wirkung, Verteilung und die Mobilitaet von PAK, PCB und anderen Schadstoffen in Boeden dargestellt, sowie die Belastung von Mikroorganismen mit Schadstoffen. (SR)

  12. Minerals Yearbook, volume I, Metals and Minerals (United States)



    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Minerals Yearbook discusses the performance of the worldwide minerals and materials industries and provides background information to assist in interpreting that performance. Content of the individual Minerals Yearbook volumes follows:Volume I, Metals and Minerals, contains chapters about virtually all metallic and industrial mineral commodities important to the U.S. economy. Chapters on survey methods, summary statistics for domestic nonfuel minerals, and trends in mining and quarrying in the metals and industrial mineral industries in the United States are also included.Volume II, Area Reports: Domestic, contains a chapter on the mineral industry of each of the 50 States and Puerto Rico and the Administered Islands. This volume also has chapters on survey methods and summary statistics of domestic nonfuel minerals.Volume III, Area Reports: International, is published as four separate reports. These regional reports contain the latest available minerals data on more than 180 foreign countries and discuss the importance of minerals to the economies of these nations and the United States. Each report begins with an overview of the region’s mineral industries during the year. It continues with individual country chapters that examine the mining, refining, processing, and use of minerals in each country of the region and how each country’s mineral industry relates to U.S. industry. Most chapters include production tables and industry structure tables, information about Government policies and programs that affect the country’s mineral industry, and an outlook section.The USGS continually strives to improve the value of its publications to users. Constructive comments and suggestions by readers of the Minerals Yearbook are welcomed.

  13. Review: Mäder, Maya (2017: Selbsterfahrung in der Psychotherapie (Self experience in Psychotherapy, Die Bedeutung für den Kompetenzerwerb in der Aus- und Weiterbildung zum transaktionalytischen Psychotherapeuten (The significance for getting competence in training of transactional psychotherapy Münster: Waxmann

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    Günther Mohr


    Full Text Available Review: Mäder, Maya (2017: Selbsterfahrung in der Psychotherapie (Self experience in Psychotherapy, Die Bedeutung für den Kompetenzerwerb in der Aus- und Weiterbildung zum transaktionalytischen Psychotherapeuten (The significance for getting competence in training of transactional psychotherapy Münster: Waxmann   Citation - APA format: Mohr, G. (2017. Review: Mäder, Maya (2017: Selbsterfahrung in der Psychotherapie (Self experience in Psychotherapy, Die Bedeutung für den Kompetenzerwerb in der Aus- und Weiterbildung zum transaktionalytischen Psychotherapeuten (The significance for getting competence in training of transactional psychotherapy Münster: Waxmann. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice, 8(2, 49-50.

  14. Multimedia CD-Rom on hydrogen and fuel cells. 2. rev. ed.; Die Multimedia CD-Rom zum Thema Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This CD-Rom contains well-presented information with informative illustrations, as well as a large download section with publications, reports, and presentations in.pdf form for in-depth studies. There is also a list of links to selected websites, with short explanations. [German] Die CD zum Thema ''Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen'' bietet sowohl gut gegliederte Informationen mit anschaulichen Bildern fuer die Lektuere am Monitor als auch eine grosse Download-Rubrik, in der zahlreiche Publikationen, Fachberichte, Praesentationen als PDF-Dateien abgelegt sind und fuers Studium bereitstehen. Ausserdem gibt es ein Link-Verzeichnis mit Verweisen und Erlaeuterungen zu ausgewaehlten Internet-Seiten.

  15. S2k-Leitlinie zum Gebrauch von Präparationen zur lokalen Anwendung auf der Haut (Topika). (United States)

    Wohlrab, Johannes; Staubach, Petra; Augustin, Matthias; Eisert, Lisa; Hünerbein, Andreas; Nast, Alexander; Reimann, Holger; Strömer, Klaus; Mahler, Vera


    Diese Leitlinie richtet sich an Assistenz- und Fachärzte der Dermatologie sowie an Kostenträger und politische Entscheidungsgremien. Die Leitlinie wurde im formellen Konsensusverfahren (S2k) von Dermatologen unter Einbindung von Apothekern erstellt. Die Leitlinie stellt allgemeine Aspekte der Pharmakokinetik sowie der regulatorischen Begrifflichkeiten dar. Es werden Empfehlungen zur Indikation von Magistralrezepturen sowie deren Qualitätssicherung gegeben. Die Bedeutung der galenischen Grundlagen und die Problematik bei einer Substitution gegeneinander verschiedener Grundlagen werden dargestellt. Die Leitlinie umfasst Kriterien zur Auswahl einer adäquaten Grundlage sowie spezifische Aspekte zur Therapieplanung. Die Leitlinie gibt Empfehlungen zum Management bei Unverträglichkeiten gegenüber Bestandteilen der Grundlagen oder Hilfsstoffe. © 2018 The Authors | Journal compilation © Blackwell Verlag GmbH, Berlin.

  16. 43 CFR 19.8 - Prospecting, mineral locations, mineral patents, and mineral leasing within National Forest... (United States)


    ... patents, and mineral leasing within National Forest Wilderness. 19.8 Section 19.8 Public Lands: Interior... § 19.8 Prospecting, mineral locations, mineral patents, and mineral leasing within National Forest... locations, mineral patents, and mineral leasing within National Forest Wilderness are contained in parts...

  17. Dual vehicle - Development, construction and testing of a dual vehicle for passenger transport on roads and railways. Final report; Zweiwegefahrzeug - Entwicklung, Bau und Erprobung eines Zweiwegefahrzeuges zur Personenbefoerderung Strasse/Schiene. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This feasibility study investigated a prototype dual vehicle for railways and roads. Technical problems, acceptance specifications, legal and economic aspects were gone into. [German] Zielstellung fuer das Vorhaben war die Untersuchung ausgewaehlter technischer Fragestellungen hinsichtlich der Machbarkeit der Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Prototypes fuer ein Zweiwegefahrzeug fuer den Personenverkehr, das fuer den Einsatz auf der Schiene und der Strasse vorgesehen und dafuer entsprechend technisch ausgestattet ist. Damit erbringt das Vorhaben technisch-konstruktive Loesungsansaetze fuer ein vollstaendig neues Fahrzeuggrundkonzept und traegt hinsichtlich eines solchen zukuenftigen Fahrzeugtyps - zur Klaerung technischer Fragen (statische Zusammenbauuntersuchungen, geometrische und massliche Bedingungen sowie Konzipierung, Leistungsanforderungen der Komponenten, Konzept fuer Ein- und Ausspuren sowie fuer Ein- und Ausstieg), - zur Pruefung der technischen Zulassungsfaehigkeit des Fahrzeuges, - zur Klaerung von Rechtsfragen fuer die Sicherung des Betriebes des Fahrzeuges - sowie zum Nachweis des wirtschaftlicheren Betriebes des Fahrzeuges bei. Das Vorhaben unterbreitet unter Beruecksichtigung sicherheitstechnischer, gesetzlicher und wirtschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen Loesungsvorschlaege fuer die konstruktive Konzipierung des Fahrgestells und ein technisches Konzept fuer das Ein- und Ausspuren fuer einen neuen Fahrzeugtyp, der sowohl fuer die Strassenbenutzung als auch fuer den Schienenverkehr zugelassen ist. (orig.)

  18. ‚Fleißige Bienen‘, ‚Vertager‘ und ‚Durchhalter‘. Zur kulturellen Umpolung von Arbeit und Familie ‘Busy Bees,’ ‘Deferrers,’ and ‘Perseverers’ – On the Cultural Re-Poling of Work and Family

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    Cord Arendes


    Full Text Available Wie lässt sich eine für alle Beteiligten zufriedenstellende Balance zwischen Arbeit und Familie in der globalisierten Wirtschaftsgesellschaft erreichen? Arlie Russel Hochschild zeigt in ihrer Untersuchung der Implementierung entsprechender Programme in einem amerikanischen ‚Top-Unternehmen‘, dass im Kontrast zu den postulierten Zielen die Maßnahmen sogar dazu beitragen, einen ‚negativen‘ Wertewandel zu beschleunigen: Für Männer und insbesondere auch Frauen wird die Firma zum Zuhause, während die Familie als „zweite Schicht“ nur noch zusätzliche Arbeit bedeutet.How can we reach a satisfactory balance between work and family for all parties in a global economy? Arlie Russel Hochschild examines the implementation of programs geared toward finding this balance in a top American company. She shows that in contrast to the stated goals of such programs, the measures contribute to the acceleration of a negative change in values: Particularly for women, but also for men, the company becomes home, whereas the family only means additional work as a “second shift.”

  19. Der Einfluss von personeller Einkommensverteilung auf die „Great Depression“ und die „Great Recession“

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefan Trappl


    Full Text Available Der Einfluss gestiegener Einkommensungleichheit auf die „Great Depression“ und die „Great Recession“ wurde mehrfach postuliert (Galbraith 1954/2009; Eccles 1951; Rajan 2010; Stiglitz 2012; Piketty 2014. Konkrete empirische Arbeiten zum Zusammenhang zwischen Einkommensverteilung und dem Entstehen von Wirtschaftskrisen gibt es aber bislang wenige. Kumhof/Ranciere (2010 überprüften die von Rajan (2010 aufgestellte Hypothese, die einen entsprechenden Zusammenhang postuliert, mittels Modellrechnung. Bordo/Meissner (2012 und darauf aufbauend Gu/Huang (2014 verwendeten unterschiedliche Regressionsmodelle in Bezug auf einen entsprechenden Zusammenhang, ohne jedoch eindeutige Ergebnisse zu liefern. Die vorliegende Arbeit schließt an diese Arbeiten an, beschränkt die Untersuchung allerdings auf Staaten, für die Daten für die letzten hundert Jahre verfügbar sind, und untersucht zudem explizit die Zeiträume um die beiden größten Krisen der letzten hundert Jahre, die „Great Depression“ und die „Great Recession“. Die Auswertungen zeigen, dass die personelle Einkommensverteilung ein guter Prädiktor für die Kriseneintrittswahrscheinlichkeit ist.

  20. Minerals (United States)

    Minerals are important for your body to stay healthy. Your body uses minerals for many different jobs, including keeping your bones, muscles, heart, and brain working properly. Minerals are also important for making enzymes and hormones. ...

  1. Minerals from Macedonia: XV. Sivec mineral assemble

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boev, Blazho; Jovanovski, Gligor; Makreski, Petre; Bermanec, Vladimir


    The paper presents investigations carried out on the collected minerals from the Sivec deposit. It is situated in the vicinity of the town of Prilep, representing a rare occurrence of sugary white dolomite marbles. The application of suitable methods of exploitation of decorative-dimension stones makes possible to obtain large amounts of commercial blocks well known in the world. Despite the existence of dolomite marbles, a series of exotic minerals are typical in Sivec mineralization. Among them, the most significant are: calcite, fluorite, rutile, phlogopite, corundum, diaspore, almandine, kosmatite (clintonite or margarite), clinochlore, muscovite, quartz, pyrite, tourmaline and zoisite. An attempt to identify ten collected minerals using the FT IR spectroscopy is performed. The identification of the minerals was based on the comparison of the infrared spectra of our specimens with the corresponding literature data for the mineral species originating all over the world. The coloured pictures of all studied silicate minerals are presented as well. (Author)

  2. Mediastinal fibrosis with pulmonary artery obstruction; diagnosis and investigation with helical CT imaging including 3-dimensional reconstructions; Pulomonalarterienstenose bei aggresiver Mediastinalfibrose; Diagnostik und 3D-Darstellung mittels helikaler CT-Untersuchung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kolbe, M. [Inst. fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Kantonsspital Basel (Switzerland); Helwig, A. [Inst. fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Kantonsspital Basel (Switzerland); Habicht, J.M. [Klinik fuer Herz-Torax-Chirurgie, Universitaetskliniken Basel (Switzerland); Steinbruch, W. [Inst. fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Kantonsspital Basel (Switzerland)


    An aggressive mediastinal fibrosis was found in a 42-year-old female, suffering from dysphagia, stabbing pain in the chest, and an unclear weight loss. In this case, the rare combination of esophageal involvement, bronchial narrowing, and pulmonary artery obstruction could easily be demonstrated with a barium study and a helical CT examination including three-dimensional reconstructions. (orig.) [Deutsch] Wir stellen den Fall einer 42jaehrigen Patientin vor, welche zur Abklaerung einer zunehmenden Dysphagie, stechender Thoraxschmerzen und eines Gewichtsverlustes hospitalisiert wurde. Mittels klinischer und radiologischer Abklaerung konnte eine aggressive Mediastinalfibrose diagnostiziert werden. Die seltene Kombination einer Oesophaguseinengung mit Pulmonalarterienstenosen sowie einer Bronchuskompression konnte nichtinvasiv mittels Oesophagogramm und helikaler CT-Untersuchung zuverlaessig und schnell dargestellt werden. (orig.)

  3. Testing and modification of a simple flow turbine; Messtechnische Untersuchung und Modifikation einer einfachen Durchstroemturbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gentner, C. [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Stroemungsmechanik und Hydraulische Stroemungsmaschinen; Fischer, G. [SKAT, St. Gallen (Switzerland)


    A study conducted at the IHS had the aim to obtain basic information on whether it is possible to build flow turbines following the free jet principle that are on a par with, or superior to, the conventional design, especially in terms of performance and the efficiency curve. Several inflow contours with a ventilated free jet and a conventional flow turbine were studied. The direct comparison of these variants revealed a slightly enhanced peak load efficiency and a very distinct superiority of the free jet contour during partial load. But the efficiency of all variants failed to attain the values claimed by commercial manufacturers. As compared to the initial contour, peak load efficiency was enhanced by 5 per cent. During partial load, the variants studied showed a distinct superiority of the free jet concept over the contour of conventional flow turbines. (orig.) [Deutsch] Am IHS wurde eine Untersuchung mit dem Ziel durchgefuehrt, grundlegende Aussagen zu gewinnen, ob Durchstroemturbinen mit dem Freistrahlprinzip gebaut werden koennen, die dem konventionellen Design, vor allem in bezug auf Leistungsausbeute und Wirkungsgradverlauf, gleichwertig oder ueberlegen sind. Es wurden mehrere Anstroemkonturen mit belueftetem Freistrahl und einer konventionellen Durchstroemturbine untersucht. Der direkte Vergleich der am Institut untersuchten Varianten ergab bei etwas hoeherem Spitzenwirkungsgrad sehr deutliche Vorteile der Freistrahlkontur im Teillastbereich. Das Wirkungsgradniveau aller Varianten lag jedoch unter den Werten, die von kommerziellen Herstellern veroeffentlicht werden. Gegenueber der Ausgangskontur wurde im Spitzenwirkungsgrad eine Verbesserung von 5% erreicht. Im Teillastbereich ergibt sich fuer die hier untersuchten Varianten eine deutliche Ueberlegenheit der Freistrahlkonzeption ueber die Kontur konventioneller Durchstroemturbinen. (orig.)

  4. Evacuation proctography - examination technique and method of evaluation; Evakuationsproktographie. Untersuchungstechnik und Auswertemethodik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Braunschweig, R. [Abt. fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet, Tuebingen (Germany); Schott, U. [Abt. fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet, Tuebingen (Germany); Starlinger, M. [Abt. fuer Allgemeine Chirurgie, Eberhard-Karls-Universtaet, Tuebingen (Germany)


    Evacuation proctography is the most important imaging technique to supplement findings of physical examination, manometry, and endoscopy in patients presenting with pathologies in anorectal morphology and function. Indications for evacuation proctography include obstructed defecation or incomplete evacuation, imaging of ileal pouches following excision of the rectum, and suspected anorectal fistulae. Evacuation proctography with thick barium sulfate is performed under fluoroscopy. Documentation of the study can either be done by single-shot X-rays, video recording, or imaging with a 100-mm spot-film camera. Evacuation proctography shows morphologic changes such as spastic pelvic floor, rectocele, enterocele, intussusception and anal prolapse. Measurements can be performed to obtain the anorectal angle, location and mobility of the pelvic floor, and size as well as importance of a rectocele. Qualitative and quantitative data can only be interpreted along with clinical and manometric data. (orig.) [Deutsch] Neben klinischen, manometrischen und endoskopischen Untersuchungstechniken stellt die Evakuationsproktographie das wesentlichste bildgebende Verfahren zur Erfassung morphologischer und funktioneller Befunde am Anorektum dar. Einsatzgebiet sind zum einen klinische Befunde wie Obstipation und unvollstaendige Entleerung und zum anderen die Roentgenkontrolle eines Duenndarmpouches nach Rectumexstirpation sowie der Nachweis oder Ausschluss von Fisteln. Die Untersuchung wird unter Verwendung von Kontrastmittelsuspensionen durchleuchtungsgezielt durchgefuehrt. Zur Dokumentation stehen die Einzelbildtechnik im seitlichen Strahlengang, die Videotechnik bzw. 100mm-Kamera-Technik zur Verfuegung. Morphologisch koennen Befunde wie Anismus, Rectocele, Enterocele, Intussuszeption bzw. Schleimhautprolaps sowie der Analprolaps erfasst werden. Messtechnisch koennen u.a. der Anorektalwinkel und die Beweglichkeit bzw. Lage des Beckenbodens sowie die Groesse und funktionelle Bedeutung

  5. Der Gewalt ihre Freiheit - Der Horror-Film als jugendliches Wertekonstrukt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gudrun Marci-Boehncke


    Full Text Available Jugendliche Gewaltbereitschaft wird in der medienkritischen Diskussion nicht selten auf mediale Vorbilder zurück geführt. Anhand qualitativer Daten wird zum einen gezeigt, dass das Erkennen medialer Gewalt in Sprache und Handlung bildungsabhängig ist, zum anderen, dass Jugendliche nach eigenen Angaben aus sehr unterschiedlichen Gründen zur Gewalt bereit wären – etwa, um Freunde zu verteidigen. Besonders betrachtet werden dann Jugendliche, die gern Horrorfilme anschauen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass die Fans von Horrorfilmen eine Rezeptionshaltung einnehmen, die zwischen Angst-Lust und Distanz oszilliert. Es interessieren hier keine identifikatorischen Aspekte, sondern Jugendliche haben Spaß an den medialen Inszenierungen des Gruseligen. Jenseits medienmoralischer Warnungen plädiert der Beitrag – unter Verweis auch auf Rezeptionstheorien der Literaturwissenschaft – dafür, distanzierten Horror-Genuss als Spielform nicht zu überbewerten und ihn auch als Ausdruck elaborierter Lese- und Medienkompetenz zu verstehen. Whereas within media-critical discussions violence of teens is sometimes said to be produced by referent power of media, this paper presents empirical data which show that and how teens are able to assume a distance when viewing media violence in horror-films. What they feel is not empathy, but fun. Young people enjoy a kind of delightful horror for themselves and are able to step into distance while talking to peers about their impressions during reception. This way of “delightful horror” is not only a phenomenon of modern media reception but can be found in recent and established horror literature. In so far this article encourages a more relaxed way of judging young people’s media habits.

  6. Der Weg zum Java-Profi Konzepte und Techniken für die professionelle Java-Entwicklung

    CERN Document Server

    Inden, Michael


    Sie haben bereits Einiges an Erfahrung mit Java und möchten Ihre Entwicklungstätigkeit nun professionalisieren? Oder sind Sie schon auf dem Weg zum Profi, benötigen aber ein Nachschlagewerk, das Ihnen die wichtigen Themen aus der Java-Welt kompakt und kompetent vermittelt? Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende Einführung in die professionelle Entwicklung und vermittelt Ihnen das notwendige Wissen, um stabile und erweiterbare Softwaresysteme auf Java-SE-Basis zu bauen. Praxisnahe Beispiele helfen dabei, das Gelernte rasch umzusetzen. Neben der Praxis wird viel Wert auf das Verständnis zugrunde liegender Konzepte gelegt. Dabei kommen dem Autor Michael Inden seine umfangreichen Schulungs- und Entwicklererfahrungen zugute - und Ihnen als Leser damit ebenso. Diese Neuauflage wurde durchgehend überarbeitet, aktualisiert und erweitert. Natürlich darf das aktuelle Java 8 nicht fehlen. Verschiedene Kapitel sind Java 8 und seinen Neuerungen gewidmet. Dort wird ein fundierter Einstieg in die umfangreichen Erweit...

  7. Criteria for assembly of in vivo measuring systems using high-resolution {gamma}-spectroscopy for evaluation of incorporated radionuclides; Kriterien zum Aufbau von In Vivo Messsystemen zur hochaufloesenden {gamma}-Spektrometrie inkorporierter Radionuklide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wahl, W. [GSF Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit, Neuherberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Strahlenschutz


    The paper reviews the available, fundamental measuring methods relying on {gamma}-spectroscopy for their possible application in whole-body and partial-body counters for detection of manifold incorporation of radionuclides. Particular emphasis is placed on the response functions of various detectors, the assembly, the differentiated radioactivity distribution in the body, the various components of background activity and the corresponding suppression mechanisms, and possible ways of using the energy dependence for optimised detection of specific {gamma} energies in a given body region. Criteria and relations as well as their advantages and drawbacks are discussed. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Diese Arbeit prueft die zur Verfuegung stehenden grundlegenden, {gamma}-spektroskopischen Messmethoden auf deren moegliche Anwendung im Spektrum der Ganz- und Teilkoerperzaehler zum Nachweis der mannigfach inkorporierten Radionuklide. Insbesondere wird eingegangen auf die Response Funktionen verschiedener Detektoren, die Anordnung, die differenzierte Aktivitaetsverteilung im Koerper, die verschiedenen Untergrundkomponenten und deren Unterdrueckungsmechanismen sowie die Beeinflussung durch die Energieabhaengigkeit zum optimalen Nachweis spezifischer {gamma}-Energien an einem bestimmten Ort am Koerper. Kriterien und Relationen sowie deren Vor- und Nachteile werden diskutiert. (orig.)

  8. Analysis of the water balance of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells; Untersuchung zum Wasserhaushalt von Polymerelektrolytmembran-Brennstoffzellen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hakenjos, A.


    Within this thesis, instruments for the localised characterisation of fuel cells and fuel cell stacks have been created. The simultaneous multi-channel impedance spectroscopy was implemented and applied to fuel cells for the first time. A measurement device has been developed that can be used to simultaneously apply various localised measurement methods to fuel cells during operation. Within this work, mainly current density and localized impedance measurements were used. Additionally, the temperature distribution of the active fuel cell area was determined and the water condensation was visualised. Several fuel cells have been developed, constructed and assembled to carry out localised characterisation. An algorithm has been developed to evaluate impedance spectra that separate the processes in the fuel cell according to their different time constants. This algorithm is based on a system of physical model equations that provide time- and location-dependent descriptions of the different processes in the cell. This allows the quantitive extraction of physical parameters from the impedance spectroscopy results. To perform localised simulation, a three-dimensional, two-phase, stationary model was adopted cell. A simple one-dimensional fuel cell geometry was used to demonstrate that the three-dimensional model reliably describes the processes under various operation conditions. The model validation was also successfully carried out for various complex fuel cell geometries. With the localised characterisation methods, air flow field geometries of fuel cells were successfully analysed. It could be explained how the microporous coating of the diffusion layer influences the current density distribution. The water balance of a number of different gas flow geometries was successfully characterised. As a result, an optimised flow field design with a double meander has been developed. The water content has been improved so that the efficiency is increased, and the current density distribution is more homogeneous. Multiple meanders are known from other technical applications. The localised characterisation carried out in this thesis demonstrated for the first time the superiority of this geometry. Here, the ratio of channel rib width is important, and the double meander design provides an optimal gas supply due to higher convective transport in the diffusion layer. This geometry was superior to all other evaluated air flow fields with regard to the power density and the homogeneity of the current production in the active area. It could be shown that geometries with parallel channels have considerable disadvantages. Individual channels may be clogged by liquid water. Since no considerable pressure builds up in the clogged channel, the water is not reliably removed. This problem is exacerbated with the interdigitated structure where the dead-end channels are even more easily clogged. Therefore, such flow field designs cannot provide a high fuel cell power density. Furthermore, the simultaneous impedance spectroscopy was used to determine a flooding event of a fuel cell in a stack a few minutes before the flooding event resulted in a reduced power production in this cell. The model-based evaluation of the measured impedance spectra was used to clearly identify the flooding event and quantify the reduction of the open space in the porous electrode of the fuel cell. Due to these findings, a new control concept for fuel cells could be developed that is based on the impedance measurement. It was shown that the impedance spectroscopy can be used to identify malfunctions in advance caused by liquid water. The air flow variation is a suitable instrument to actively intervene in the fuel cell operation and to prevent flooding events. Controlling the fuel cell operation using a combination of the impedance spectroscopy and the air flow variation is an ideal instrument to stabilise the fuel cell operation at a high level. (orig.)

  9. Experimental determination of the electronic properties of application-relevant interfaces of organic semiconductors by means of photoelectron spectroscopy; Experimentelle Bestimmung der elektronischen Eigenschaften anwendungsrelevanter Grenzflaechen organischer Halbleiter mittels Photoelektronenspektroskopie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grobosch, Mandy


    This thesis under the titel Experimental Determination of the Electronic Properties of Application-relevant Interfaces of Organic Semiconductors by means of Photoelectron Spectroscopy was drawn up at the Leibniz Institute for Solid-State and Materials Research (IFW) Dresden at the Institute for Solid-State Research (IFF) under the maintenance of Prof. Dr. B. Buechner. To the scientific study hereby came two types of application-relevant interfaces. On the one hand the influence of the electrode preparation under normal conditions by means of ex-situ purification procedures in comparison to in-situ prepared contacts on the electronic behaviour of the organic semiconductor sexithiophene on interfaces to metallic substrates was studied. As substrate materials hereby the metals silver, palladium, gold, and platinum came to application. In a second study the interfaces of the organic semiconductors sexithiophene and copper(II)-phthalocyanine in contact to thin films of the transition-metal oxide La{sub 0.7}Sr{sub 0.3}MnO{sub 3} were studied. Also here a comparing study for ex-situ and in-situ purificated La{sub 0.7}Sr{sub 0.3}MnO{sub 3} contacts was performed. The films applied for this were fabricated in the IWF Dresden at the Institute for Metallic Materials (IMW). Also in the framework of these studies the influence of oxygen on the electronic and chemical behaviour on the interfaces held the spotlight. [German] Diese Dissertation unter dem Titel Experimentelle Bestimmung der elektronischen Eigenschaften anwendungsrelevanter Grenzflaechen organischer Halbleiter mittels Photoelektronenspektroskopie wurde am Leibniz Institut fuer Festkoerper- und Werkstoffforschung (IFW) Dresden am Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung (IFF) unter der Betreuung von Prof. Dr. B. Buechner angefertigt. Zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung kamen hierbei zwei Typen anwendungsrelevanter Grenzflaechen. Zum einem wurde der Einfluss einer Elektrodenpraeparation unter Normalbedingungen mittels ex

  10. Contributions to the workshop `Residual ponds from open pit brown coal mining`; Beitraege zum Workshop ``Braunkohlebergbaurestseen``

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The contributions to the workshop ``Investigations on flooding in residual ponds from open-pit mining`` deal, inter alia, with the hydrochemical development of flushing waters, the stability of the water quality of residual lakes, especially under the impact of land contamination, the influence of brine receipts by flushed residual lakes, and with the microbiological ecology of residual lakes from mining. Furthermore, geophysical studies for demonstrating paths of flow and for calculating the depth and volume of residual lakes from open-pit mining are discussed. (MSK) [Deutsch] Die Beitraege zu dem Workshop `Untersuchungen zu Flutungen in Tagebaurestseen` befassen sich unter anderem mit der hydrochemischen Entwicklung von Flutungsgewaessern, mit der Qualitaetsstabilitaet von Restseewaessern - insbesonders bei Einwirkung von Altlasten - und mit den Einfluessen von Solezufluessen bei Restseeflutung sowie mit Untersuchungen zur mikrobiologischen Oekologie in Bergbaurestseen. Desweiteren werden geophysikalische Untersuchungen zum Nachweis von Fliesswegen und die Tiefen- und Volumenberechnung eines Tagebaurestlochsees erlaeutert. (MSK)

  11. Contributions to the workshop `Residual ponds from open pit brown coal mining`; Beitraege zum Workshop ``Braunkohlebergbaurestseen``

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The contributions to the workshop ``Investigations on flooding in residual ponds from open-pit mining`` deal, inter alia, with the hydrochemical development of flushing waters, the stability of the water quality of residual lakes, especially under the impact of land contamination, the influence of brine receipts by flushed residual lakes, and with the microbiological ecology of residual lakes from mining. Furthermore, geophysical studies for demonstrating paths of flow and for calculating the depth and volume of residual lakes from open-pit mining are discussed. (MSK) [Deutsch] Die Beitraege zu dem Workshop `Untersuchungen zu Flutungen in Tagebaurestseen` befassen sich unter anderem mit der hydrochemischen Entwicklung von Flutungsgewaessern, mit der Qualitaetsstabilitaet von Restseewaessern - insbesonders bei Einwirkung von Altlasten - und mit den Einfluessen von Solezufluessen bei Restseeflutung sowie mit Untersuchungen zur mikrobiologischen Oekologie in Bergbaurestseen. Desweiteren werden geophysikalische Untersuchungen zum Nachweis von Fliesswegen und die Tiefen- und Volumenberechnung eines Tagebaurestlochsees erlaeutert. (MSK)

  12. Ein statistisches Modell zum Einfluß der thermischen Bewegung auf NMR-Festkörperspektren (United States)

    Ploss, W.; Freude, D.; Pfeifer, H.; Schmiedel, H.

    Es wird ein statistisches Modell zum Einfluß der thermischen Bewegung auf die NMR-Linienform vorgestellt, das die Verschmälerung von Festkörper-Spektren bei wachsender Temperatur beschreibt. Das Modell geht von der Annahme aus, daß nach einer Ortsveränderung eines Kerns infolge thermischer Bewegung jede beliebige Kernresonanzfrequenz mit der durch das Festkörperspektrum vorgegebenen Wahrscheinlichkeit angenommen werden kann. Am Beispiel der Festkörper-Gaußlinie wird der Unterschied zu dem bekannten Modell von ANDERSON und WEISS verdeutlicht.Translated AbstractA Statistical Model for the Influence of Thermal Motion on N. M. R. Spectra in SolidsA theory is proposed which allows to describe the narrowing of n. m. r.-line width in the presence of thermal motions of the spins. The model is based on the assumption, that the local resonance frequency of a given spin immediately after the jump is distributed according to the n. m. r.-line shape of the rigid lattice. The difference to the well-known ANDERSON-WEISS-model of spectral narrowing is demonstrated for a gaussian line shape.

  13. Tc-99m-bicisate (ECD)-brain-SPECT in rapidly progressive dementia; Hirn-SPECT mit Tc-99m-Bicisat (ECD) bei rasch progredientem dementiellen Syndrom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marienhagen, J.; Eilles, C. [Regensburg Univ. (Germany). Abt. fuer Nuklearmedizin; Weingaertner, U.; Blaha, L. [Bezirkskrankenhaus Mainkofen (Germany). Psychiatrische Klinik; Zerr, I.; Poser, S. [Goettingen Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Neurologie


    We present a 61-year-old male patient with progressive dementia. A brain SPECT with Tc-99m-bicisate was performed for confirmation of clinically suspected Alzheimer-dementia. At the time of the SPECT-investigation marked apraxia and aphasia besides severe dementia were present. Electrophysiological as well as anatomical neuroimaging findings showed non-diagnostic alterations. SPECT revealed distinct perfusion defects, which made Alzheimer Dementia unlikely. The further course of the patient was determined by rapidly progressive deterioration with development of akinetic mutism. Thereafter, increased levels of neuron-specific enolase as well as 14-3-3 proteins were found in the cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF). The patient finally died with signs of cerebral decortication. Due to the clinical course and the CSF-findings the patient's final diagnosis was Creutzfeld-Jakob-disease, nevertheless no autopsy was performed. The presented case report underscores the clinical utility of perfusion brain SPECT in the differential diagnosis of dementias. (orig.) [German] Wir berichten ueber einen 61jaehrigen Patienten mit progredientem dementiellen Syndrom, der unter der Verdachtsdiagnose einer Demenz vom Alzheimer-Typ (DAT) zur Hirn-SPECT-Untersuchung mit TC-99m-Bicisat (ECD) vorgestellt wurde. Zum Untersuchungszeitpunkt bestanden neben dem Vollbild einer Demenz eine ausgepraegte Apraxie und Aphasie bei unspezifischen Veraenderungen im EEG sowie der neuroradiologischen Bildgebung. In der Hirn-SPECT-Untersuchung fanden sich fuer eine DAT untypische ausgedehnte, vorwiegend rechtshemisphaerische Perfusionsstoerungen. Im weiteren Verlauf rasche Progredienz des Krankheitsbildes mit Entwicklung eines akinetischen Mutismus sowie Nachweis erhoehter Werte der neuronspezifischen Enolase und des 14-3-3-Proteins im Liquor. Der Patient verstarb schliesslich unter dem Bild einer Decortication. Aufgrund des klinischen Verlaufs sowie der Liquorbefunde wurde, da eine autoptische Befundsicherung

  14. Investigation of a matrix converter for contactless power transmission systems; Untersuchung eines Matrixumrichters fuer kontaktlose Energieuebertragungssysteme

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ecklebe, Andreas


    Arbeit beschaeftigt sich mit einem drei- zu zweiphasigen Matrixumrichter zur Speisung von kontaktlosen Energieuebertragungssystemen. Aufbauend auf einer Darlegung relevanter Untersuchungen zur Thematik werden zunaechst moegliche Resonanzanordnungen fuer kontaktlose Energieuebertragungssysteme untersucht. Die Betrachtung wichtiger elektrischer Parameter zeigt neben den Unterschieden der einzelnen Anordnungen auch, dass fuer eine auf den speisenden Umrichter fokussierte Untersuchung eine einfache Modellierung der drei untersuchten Resonanzanordnungen mit Hilfe eines Reihenschwingkreises moeglich ist. Als Konsequenz ergibt sich die Schlussfolgerung, dass sich die erzielten Ergebnisse auch fuer den Matrixumrichter mit anderen serienresonanten Lasten anwenden lassen. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit ist der Untersuchung des Matrixumrichters gewidmet. Basierend auf einer theoretischen Beschreibung wird die Kombination von hochfrequenten Steuerverfahren - wie z.B. der Blocktaktung - und niederfrequenten Pulsmustern zur Stellung des Oberschwingungsgehalts der Netzstroeme vorgestellt. Die Aehnlichkeit des Umrichters zu einem konventionellen Wechselrichter in H-Brueckenschaltung ermoeglicht anschliessend eine Betrachtung der Kommutierung und die Ableitung notwendiger Schaltzustaende. Diese sind dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass zu jedem Zeitpunkt genau eine bidirektionale Verbindung vom Eingangssystem zu jeder Ausgangsphase besteht. Die Funktionsweise der Kommutierung wie auch des gesamten Umrichters wird in einem ersten Schritt simulativ belegt. Dabei wird auch das dynamische Schaltverhalten der Leistungshalbleiter beruecksichtigt. Anschliessend werden an einem Laboraufbau aufgenommene Messergebnisse vorgestellt und mit den theoretischen Ergebnissen verglichen. Der Laboraufbau besteht aus dem Leistungsteil des Matrixumrichters mit Eingangsfiltern und modularen Gate-Treibern, einem DSP/FPGA-Steuerungssystem und einem kontaktlosen Energieuebertragungssystem mit sekundaerseitigem Gleichrichter

  15. Bιβλιοκρισία του: V. SYROS, Die Rezeption der aristotelischen politischen Philosophie bei Marsilius von Padua. Eine Untersuchung zur ersten Diktion des Defensor pacis [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, ed. by A. C. Gow, v. 134], Leiden, 2007

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    Στυλιανός ΛΑΜΠΑΚΗΣ


    Full Text Available   Βιβλιοκρισία του : V. SYROS, Die Rezeption der aristotelischen politischen Philosophie bei Marsilius von Padua. Eine Untersuchung zur ersten Diktion des Defensor pacis. [Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, edited by Andrew Colin Gow, volume 134], Brill, Leiden-Boston 2007, σελ. X+364, ISSN 1573-4188

  16. The mineral economy of Brazil--Economia mineral do Brasil (United States)

    Gurmendi, Alfredo C.; Barboza, Frederico Lopes; Thorman, Charles H.


    This study depicts the Brazilian government structure, mineral legislation and investment policy, taxation, foreign investment policies, environmental laws and regulations, and conditions in which the mineral industry operates. The report underlines Brazil's large and diversified mineral endowment. A total of 37 mineral commodities, or groups of closely related commodities, is discussed. An overview of the geologic setting of the major mineral deposits is presented. This report is presented in English and Portuguese in pdf format.

  17. Investigation of mass transfer phenomena in biofilm systems; Untersuchung von Stoffuebergangsphaenomenen in Biofilmsystemen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Waesche, S.; Hempel, D.C. [Technische Univ. Braunschweig (Germany). Inst. fuer Bioverfahrenstechnik; Horn, H. [Fachhochschule Magdeburg (Germany). Hydro- und Abfallchemie


    Substance transfer in the boundary layer bulk/biofilm can be only inadequately described by conventional model concepts. In such cases where the surface structure of a biofilm adapts to given hydraulic conditions, the substance transfer phenomena need to be studied in depth. In addition, the entire biofilm structure is much influenced both by substrate conditions and by hydrodynamic conditions during growth. With a view to quantifying these factors, biofilms were cultured under various substrate and hydrodynamic conditions in tube reactors with a diameter of 2.6 cm. For characterizing the cultured biofilms, biofilm density and substrate turnover measured as maximum mass transfer density were determined in each test series. Biofilm density (dry biomass/biofilm volume) was determined by gravimetry. Maximum mass transfer densities in biofilm were established in batch experiments with excess substrate. By means of oxygen microelectrodes, oxygen profiles in the biofilm were measured directly in the reactor. These measurements concerned biofilms of thicknesses ranging from 400 to 2000 {mu}m, where the biofilms did not yet exhibit erosion. (orig.) [German] Der Stoffuebergang in der Grenzschicht Bulk/Biofilm ist mit herkoemmlichen Modellvorstellungen nur ungenuegend beschreibbar. Eine sich an die aktuellen hydraulischen Bedingungen anpassende Oberflaechenstruktur des Biofilms erfordert eine intensive Untersuchung der Stoffuebergangsphaenomene in derartigen Systemen. Darueber hinaus wird die gesamte Biofilmstruktur sowohl von den Substratbedingungen als auch von den hydrodynamischen Bedingungen waehrend des Wachstums stark beeinflusst. Um diese Faktoren quantifizieren zu koennen, wurden Biofilme bei verschiedenen Substrat- und hydrodynamischen Bedingungen in Rohrreaktoren mit einem Durchmesser von 2,6 cm kultiviert. Zur Charakterisierung der kultivierten Biofilme wurde die Biofilmdichte und der Substratumsatz, gemessen als maximale Massestromdichte, bei jeder Versuchsreihe

  18. 27 January 2012 - Mitglieder des Stiftungsrates Academia Engelberg und Gesellschaft zum Bettag Luzern Schweiz welcomed by Head of International Relations F. Pauss; visiting LHC tunnel at Point 5 and CMS experimental cavern; in the LHC superconducting magnet test hall SM18.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    27 January 2012 - Mitglieder des Stiftungsrates Academia Engelberg und Gesellschaft zum Bettag Luzern Schweiz welcomed by Head of International Relations F. Pauss; visiting LHC tunnel at Point 5 and CMS experimental cavern; in the LHC superconducting magnet test hall SM18.

  19. Studies on allergic reactions after exposure to platinum compounds; Untersuchungen ueber allergische Reaktionen bei Exposition gegen Platinverbindungen (VPT 07A)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merget, R; Schultze-Werninghaus, G [Berufsgenossenschaftliche Kliniken, Bergmannsheil - Universitaetsklinik, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Abt. fuer Pneumologie, Allergologie und Schlafmedizin, Bochum (Germany)


    The aim of the present study was to assess the allergic hazard potential of Pt-containing substances emitted from automotive catalytic converters for the population. This was done by determining exposure-effect relationships in subjects occupationally exposed to platinum compounds in a catalytic converter manufacturing company. The company had been deemed suitable because it could be assumed that the extensive technical industrial safety measures implemented there would make for a considerably reduced exposure to platinum compounds compared to, for example, a platinum separating plant. Exposure-effect relationships were determined on the basis of platinum measurements in a catalytic-converter-manufacturing plant and of a record of new sickness cases. [Deutsch] Ziel der Untersuchung war eine Risikoabschaetzung des Allergie-Gefaehrdungspotentials Pt-haltiger Automobilkatalysatoremittate fuer die Bevoelkerung durch Ermittlung der Expositions-Wirkungsbeziehung bei beruflich gegenueber Platinverbindungen Exponierten in einem Katalysatorfertigungsbertrieb. Der gewaehlte Katalysatorbetrieb war deshalb als geeignet betrachtet worden, weil durch weitgehende technische Arbeitsschutzmassnahmen eine wesentlich geringere Exposition gegenueber Platinverbindungen anzunehmen war als zum Beispiel in Platinscheidereien. Die Expositions-Wirkungsbeziehung sollte durch Platinmessungen in einem Katalysator-Betrieb und Erfassung der Haeufigkeit von Neuerkrankungen im Laengsschnitt definiert werden. (orig.)

  20. Looking into the causes of deformation processes: The example of an industrial-scale turbine; Ursachenerforschung bei Deformationsprozessen am Beispiel einer Grossturbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfeufer, A [Hannover Univ. (Germany). Geodaetisches Inst.


    While quasistatic and kinematic methods for analysis and interpretation of deformation processes reached technical maturity long ago, dynamic models are still in the early development phase. Starting from an outline of the current state of knowledge and a proposal on the definition `Dynamic models`, two fundamentally different dynamic model approaches are described and discussed, i.e. input-output models and state models. Input-output models are discussed in some detail, and the results of such a model when applied to investigations of the deformation characteristics of an industria-scale turbine are presented. (orig.) [Deutsch] Waehrend im Bereich der s.g. quasi-statischen und kinematischen Verfahrensentwicklung zur Analyse und Interpretation von Deformationsprozessen nur noch wenige Verfeinerungen zu erwarten sind, steht man bei der Bereitstellung praxisreifer dynamischer Modelle noch weitestgehend am Anfang einer vielversprechenden Entwicklungsphase. Ausgehend von einem kurzen Ueberblick zum aktuellen Entwicklungsstand und einem Vorschlag zur Definition `Dynamischer Modelle` werden zwei grundsaetzlich verschiedene dynamische Modellansaetze - die Ein-Ausgangs-Modelle und Zustandsmodelle - beschrieben und bezueglich ihrer Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Nach einer tiefgruendigeren Behandlung von Ein-Ausgangs-Modellen folgen Ergebnisse der Anwendung eines solchen Modellansatzes zur Untersuchung des Deformationsverhaltens einer Grossturbine. (orig.)

  1. Looking into the causes of deformation processes: The example of an industrial-scale turbine; Ursachenerforschung bei Deformationsprozessen am Beispiel einer Grossturbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfeufer, A. [Hannover Univ. (Germany). Geodaetisches Inst.


    While quasistatic and kinematic methods for analysis and interpretation of deformation processes reached technical maturity long ago, dynamic models are still in the early development phase. Starting from an outline of the current state of knowledge and a proposal on the definition `Dynamic models`, two fundamentally different dynamic model approaches are described and discussed, i.e. input-output models and state models. Input-output models are discussed in some detail, and the results of such a model when applied to investigations of the deformation characteristics of an industria-scale turbine are presented. (orig.) [Deutsch] Waehrend im Bereich der s.g. quasi-statischen und kinematischen Verfahrensentwicklung zur Analyse und Interpretation von Deformationsprozessen nur noch wenige Verfeinerungen zu erwarten sind, steht man bei der Bereitstellung praxisreifer dynamischer Modelle noch weitestgehend am Anfang einer vielversprechenden Entwicklungsphase. Ausgehend von einem kurzen Ueberblick zum aktuellen Entwicklungsstand und einem Vorschlag zur Definition `Dynamischer Modelle` werden zwei grundsaetzlich verschiedene dynamische Modellansaetze - die Ein-Ausgangs-Modelle und Zustandsmodelle - beschrieben und bezueglich ihrer Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Nach einer tiefgruendigeren Behandlung von Ein-Ausgangs-Modellen folgen Ergebnisse der Anwendung eines solchen Modellansatzes zur Untersuchung des Deformationsverhaltens einer Grossturbine. (orig.)

  2. Studies on allergic reactions after exposure to platinum compounds; Untersuchungen ueber allergische Reaktionen bei Exposition gegen Platinverbindungen (VPT 07A)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merget, R.; Schultze-Werninghaus, G. [Berufsgenossenschaftliche Kliniken, Bergmannsheil - Universitaetsklinik, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Abt. fuer Pneumologie, Allergologie und Schlafmedizin, Bochum (Germany)


    The aim of the present study was to assess the allergic hazard potential of Pt-containing substances emitted from automotive catalytic converters for the population. This was done by determining exposure-effect relationships in subjects occupationally exposed to platinum compounds in a catalytic converter manufacturing company. The company had been deemed suitable because it could be assumed that the extensive technical industrial safety measures implemented there would make for a considerably reduced exposure to platinum compounds compared to, for example, a platinum separating plant. Exposure-effect relationships were determined on the basis of platinum measurements in a catalytic-converter-manufacturing plant and of a record of new sickness cases. [Deutsch] Ziel der Untersuchung war eine Risikoabschaetzung des Allergie-Gefaehrdungspotentials Pt-haltiger Automobilkatalysatoremittate fuer die Bevoelkerung durch Ermittlung der Expositions-Wirkungsbeziehung bei beruflich gegenueber Platinverbindungen Exponierten in einem Katalysatorfertigungsbertrieb. Der gewaehlte Katalysatorbetrieb war deshalb als geeignet betrachtet worden, weil durch weitgehende technische Arbeitsschutzmassnahmen eine wesentlich geringere Exposition gegenueber Platinverbindungen anzunehmen war als zum Beispiel in Platinscheidereien. Die Expositions-Wirkungsbeziehung sollte durch Platinmessungen in einem Katalysator-Betrieb und Erfassung der Haeufigkeit von Neuerkrankungen im Laengsschnitt definiert werden. (orig.)

  3. Research tool for the investigation of the driver/brake pedal interface; Forschungswerkzeug zur Untersuchung der Schnittstelle Fahrer/Bremspedal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bill, K.H.; Breuer, B. [Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (Germany). Fachgebiet Fahrzeugtechnik; Leber, M. [DaimlerChrysler AG, Stuttgart (Germany); Becker, H. [Ford-Werke AG, Koeln (Germany)


    The driver/brake pedal interface gains increasing importance when one considers the increasing demands for driver safety and comfort in the vehicle, as well as Brake-by-Wire and braking assistance systems. The decoupling of the brake pedal from the rest of the brake system in the Brake-by-Wire power control braking system makes it necessary to give the brake pedal a specific characteristic. While this can only be slightly influenced in conventional brake systems due to the energetic coupling with the brake hydraulics, in future concepts this interface must be completely re-designed. At the Department of Automotive Engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt (fzd), supported by the automobile producer Ford, Inc., new methods for the investigation of brake pedal feel under actual conditions with a specially designed test vehicle have been the subject of research. (orig.) [Deutsch] Mit der absehbaren Einfuehrung von Brake-by-Wire und Bremsassistenzsystemen gewinnt die Schnittstelle Fahrer / Bremspedal zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die Entkopplung des Bremspedals vom restlichen Bremssystem macht bei Brake-by-Wire-Anlagen eine gezielte Auslegung der Bremspedalcharakteristik notwendig. Waehrend diese bei konventionellen Bremssystemen infolge der energetischen Kopplung mit der Bremsenhydraulik nur in engen Grenzen beeinflusst werden kann, muss bei zukuenftigen Konzepten diese Schnittstelle vollstaendig neu ueberdacht werden. Am Fachgebiet Fahrzeugtechnik der Technischen Universitaet Darmstadt (fzd) wird, unterstuetzt durch die Ford-Werke AG, an neuen Ansaetzen zur Untersuchung des Bremspedalgefuehls unter realen Bedingungen mit einem speziell hierfuer aufgebauten Versuchstraeger geforscht. (orig.)

  4. The mineralization and mechanism of the endogenetic mineral deposit in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Yonghong


    In the process of mineralization, due to the difference in rank, scale and order of structures orebody, mine colomn or rich ore bag are often produced in the specific structural parts. Obviously, it is controlled by favourite structure. The important and direct control of the structure to metal endogenetic mineralization evolution are representative on the affect of pulse action of structure to the multi-stage of mineralization evolution. According to the formation environment of the mineralization, it can be classified as collision orogeny mineralization, release(extension)mineralization, slide draw-division basin mineralization and shear zone extension mineralization. Throng the discuss of endogenetic deposit in the geological evolution, structure and formation machenism, the metallogenic model was preliminary established,and the criteria for delineating favourable metallogenic area was identified. (authors)

  5. From the Social Contract to a Social Contract Law - Vom Contrat Social zum Gesellschaftsvertragsrecht

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreas Abegg


    Full Text Available Taking the viewpoint of the civil law tradition, which has traditionally assumed that the legitimacy of the administration is state-derived, this text recognises the constant decline of state sovereignty in modern times and consequently the increasing diffusion of the state into society. At the level of state theory, this reflects a shift from the great philosophical ‘social contract’ to many small legal contracts as its functional equivalent. Dealing with this phenomenon, administrative law needs to address the fundamental question of how law can sustainably support the unity of a society where the state administration and the various parts of society it has to govern are strange to each other and at the same time depending on mutual ad-hoc cooperation time and again.- Aus einer kontinentalen Sicht, gestützt auf die langen Erfahrungen mit einer staatlich angeleiteten Legitimation der Staatsverwaltung, erkennt diese Untersuchung den beständigen Niedergang staatlicher Souveränität in der Moderne und folglich die zunehmende Diffusion des Staates in die Gesellschaft. Auf der Ebene der Staatstheorie wird dies durch einen Wechsel vom großen philosophischen Sozialvertrag zu vielen einzelnen rechtlichen Verträgen als dessen funktionales Äquivalent gespiegelt. Mit diesem Phänomen erhält das Verwaltungsrecht eine grundsätzlich neue Perspektive: Es stellt sich die Frage, wie mit Recht die Einheit einer Gesellschaft hervorgebracht werden kann, in welcher die Staatsverwaltung und die von ihr zu regulierenden Sozialbereiche sich einerseits fremd geworden sind und doch andererseits auf wechselseitige Ad-hoc-Kooperationen immer wieder von Neuem angewiesen sind.

  6. ‹Portale›, die zum Nachdenken anregen. Einblicke in eine Interfaceanalyse des Augmented Reality Spiels Ingress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franco Rau


    Full Text Available Augmented Reality Spiele wie ‹Ingress› und ‹PokémonGo› stellen aktuell neue mediale Phänomene dar. Eine zentrale Differenz zu klassischen Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs ist die Verzahnung von virtuellen und realen Objekten als konstitutive Spielelemente. In Anknüpfung an die Perspektive, digitale Spiele als Kultur- und Bildungsräume zu verstehen, widmet sich der Beitrag der Frage, inwiefern das Ingress-Spielen die Perspektive von Spieler/innen auf den öffentlichen Raum verändern kann. In erster Annäherung an diese Fragestellung wird auf Basis einer Interfaceanalyse gezeigt, wie ‹Portale› – virtueller Repräsentationen realer Objekte im Spiel – potenziell Irritationen und Differenz­erfahrungen ermöglichen. Diese können zum Ausgangspunkt weiterführender Reflexionen werden. Dafür werden exemplarisch ‹Portale› diskutiert, die (1. weiterführende Informationen zu realen Objekte bieten, die (2. Momentaufnahmen nicht mehr existierender kultureller Objekte darstellen und die (3. reale Objekte in ironischer Weise präsentieren.

  7. Miners' welfare

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buckley, C


    The Miners' Welfare Committee (MWC) was formed in Britain in 1921 and initiated building programmes to provide welfare amenities for miners and families, using architecture to improve the quality of a miner's working and leisure time. The article reviews the MWC's work, and assesses the design and architecture at the Selby Coalfield. (7 refs.)

  8. Recommendations for the use of bioindicators in the frame of Environmetnal Impact Assessment (EIA); Empfehlungen zum Einsatz von Bioindikationsverfahren im Rahmen des Umweltvertraeglichkeitspruefungsgesetzes (UVPG)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zimmermann, R.D. [Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) (Germany). Arbeitskreis Bioindikation]|[Fachhochschule Bingen (Germany). Fachbereich Umweltschutz; Debus, R. [Fachhochschule Wiesbaden (Germany). Fachbereich MND - Umwelttechnik; Franzaring, J. [AB-DLO Wageningen (Netherlands); Hoepker, K.A. [Landesanstalt fuer Umweltschutz, Karlsruhe (Germany); Maier, W. [TUEV Ecoplan Umwelt GmbH, Filderstadt (Germany); Reiml, D. [TUEV Ecoplan Umwelt GmbH, Muenchen (Germany); Finck, M. [Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (RdL), Duesseldorf (Germany)


    The paragraph 2 of the German law on Environmental Impact Assessment (law on EIA) requires to determine, to record and to assess the effects which proposed major projects in the areas of industry, local government and transport have on man, animals, plants, soil, water, air, climate, landspace, assets and cultural heritage including the interactions between different media. For this purpose, bioindication is an effective tool. Up to now, the different methods of bioindication were not applied sufficiently although some of the methods have already been standardised in guidelines (VDI, DIN). Users and authorities might feel insecure which bioindication method should be applied when assessing the impacts of a given project. This paper gives recommendations which bioindication method should be applied for the different major projects listed in the law on EIA. A widespread set of data obtained by the use of bioindicators is necessary to meet the demands of paragraph 2. (orig.) [Deutsch] Das Umweltvertraeglichkeitspruefungsgesetz (UVPG) verlangt in Paragraph 2 die Ermittlung, Beschreibung und Bewertung der Auswirkungen eines Vorhabens auf Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen, Boden, Wasser, Luft, Klima und Landschaft einschliesslich der jeweiligen Wechselwirkungen sowie auf Kultur- und sonstige Sachgueter. Die Bioindikation kann hier wesentliche Dienste leisten. Bislang kamen die verschiedenen, z.T. in Richtlinien (VDI, DIN) vereinheitlichten Verfahren noch zu selten zum Einsatz. Ein Grund hierfuer duerfte in der Unsicherheit der Anwender sowie der Genehmigungsbehoerden liegen, welches Bioindikationsverfahren fuer welches UVPG-Vorhaben eine geeignete Erfassungs- und Bewertungsmethode erlaubt. Zu diesem Zweck werden fuer ausgewaehlte, gemaess UVPG genehmigungsbeduerftige Vorhaben Empfehlungen zum Einsatz von Bioindikationsverfahren erteilt. Erst durch zahlreiche Untersuchungsergebnisse aus diesen Verfahren koennen die Forderungen nach Paragraph 2 UVPG aussagekraeftig erfuellt

  9. Particle Reduction Strategies - PAREST. A meteorology comparision for better understanding of different pollutant concentration simulations with different chemistry transport models. Sub-report; Strategien zur Verminderung der Feinstaubbelastung - PAREST. Ein Meteorologievergleich zum besseren Verstaendnis der unterschiedlichen Schadstoffkonzentrationssimulationen mit verschiedenen Chemie-Transport-Modellen. Teilbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kerschbaumer, Andreas [Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Meteorologie, Troposphaerische Umweltforschung


    In this study, input variables for chemical transport models were compared from different meteorological drivers each with other and with the measured friction velocities in one place. Friction velocities are used as a measure of the mechanical turbulence, but are made available neither by numerical weather models nor routinely available observations: so they must either recalculate or estimated. In this study, friction velocities (u{sup *}), which is measured for years by the DWD in Lindenberg near Berlin, averaged over 30 minutes and have been made available to FU Berlin, compared with modeled values. The considered models are firstly the diagnostic interpolation model TRAMPER, on the other the prognostic models of the DWD COSMO-EU and the EZMWF. The boundary layer relevant parameters from the NWM were recalculated from the involved groups, which has been made for the COSMO-EU the one from the FU Berlin, the other from IfT in Leipzig. The boundary layer variables in the EZMWF model, however, were determined by TNO Netherlands. The measurements have shown that u{sup *} in the forest twice as high as above the meadow. [German] In dieser Studie wurden Eingangsvariablen fuer Chemie-Transport-Modelle aus verschiedenen meteorologischen Treibern miteinander und mit an einem Ort gemessenen Schubspannungsgeschwindigkeiten verglichen. Schubspannungsgeschwindigkeiten werden als Mass fuer die mechanische Turbulenz benutzt, werden aber weder von numerischen Wettermodellen noch routinemaessig von Beobachtungen zur Verfuegung gestellt: sie muessen also entweder nachgerechnet oder abgeschaetzt werden. In dieser Arbeit wurden Schubspannungsgeschwindigkeiten (u{sup *}), die vom DWD in Lindenberg bei Berlin ueber Jahre gemessen, gemittelt ueber 30 Minuten, und der FUBerlin zur Verfuegung gestellt worden sind, mit modellierten Werten verglichen. Die beruecksichtigten Modelle sind zum einen das diagnostische Interpolationsmodell TRAMPER, zum anderen die prognostischen Modelle des DWD

  10. Express-Air Screen-System to protect miners against radon exposures at small underground construction sites in old mining; Express-Wetterblenden-System zum Sofort-Schutz von Bergleuten vor Radonexpositionen bei untertaegigen Bergsicherungsarbeiten im Altbergbau

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dehnert, J. [Saechsisches Landesamt fuer Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie (Germany). Referat Strahlenschutz; Stopp, J. [Aluminiumbau und Verwaltungs GmbH Stopp, Schneeberg (Germany); Schoenherr, B. [Bergsicherung Schneeberg GmbH (Germany)


    A new Express-Air Screen-System (EAS) for miners was developed to reduce the radon exposures of miners at small construction sites of old mining. The EAS is a lightweight, modular and reusable construction kit of interlocking telescopic aluminum tubes, plastic foils and glue foam to shut off radon rich parts of galleries in some minutes only.

  11. U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program—Mineral resource science supporting informed decisionmaking (United States)

    Wilkins, Aleeza M.; Doebrich, Jeff L.


    The USGS Mineral Resources Program (MRP) delivers unbiased science and information to increase understanding of mineral resource potential, production, and consumption, and how mineral resources interact with the environment. The MRP is the Federal Government’s sole source for this mineral resource science and information. Program goals are to (1) increase understanding of mineral resource formation, (2) provide mineral resource inventories and assessments, (3) broaden knowledge of the effects of mineral resources on the environment and society, and (4) provide analysis on the availability and reliability of mineral supplies.

  12. Aggregate and Mineral Resources - Industrial Mineral Mining Operations (United States)

    NSGIC Education | GIS Inventory — An Industrial Mineral Mining Operation is a DEP primary facility type related to the Industrial Mineral Mining Program. The sub-facility types are listed below:Deep...

  13. Study on mineral processing technology for abrasive minerals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hong, Seong Woong; Yang, Jung Il; Hwang, Seon Kook; Choi, Yeon Ho; Cho, Ken Joon; Shin, Hee Young [Korea Inst. of Geology Mining and Materials, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    Buyeo Materials in Buyeogun, Choongnam province is a company producing feldspar concentrate, but does not yet utilize the garnet as abrasive material and other useful heavy minerals wasted out from the process of feldspar ore. The purpose of this study is to develop technology and process for the recovery of garnet concentrate. As results, the garnet is defined as ferro manganese garnet. The optimum process for recovery of garnet concentrate is to primarily concentrate heavy minerals from tailings of feldspar processing. And secondly the heavy minerals concentrated is dried and separated garnet concentrate from other heavy minerals. At this time, the garnet concentrate is yield by 0.176%wt from 0.31%wt of heavy minerals in head ore. The garnet concentrate contains 33.35% SiO{sub 2}, 12.20% Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}, 28.47% Fe{sub 2}O{sub 3}, 11.96% MnO. As for utilization of abrasive materials, a fundamental data was established on technology of grinding and classification. (author). 13 refs., 47 figs., 24 tabs.

  14. South Africa's mineral industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The main aim of the Minerals Bureau in presenting this annual review is to provide an up-to-date reference document on the current state of the mineral industry in South Africa. This includes a brief look at the production, trade, economy, resources and deposits of precious metals and minerals, energy minerals, metallic minerals, and non-metallic minerals. One article discusses the production, trade, export, deposits and economy of uranium

  15. Literature study: State of knowledge on pollutant decomposition and transport in natural soils; Literaturstudie zum Thema: Darstellung und Bewertung des Wissensstandes zum Schadstoffabbau und -transport in natuerlichen Boeden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koch, R. (ed.); Hahn, M.; Koennemann, T.; Mangold, S.; Ouerfelli, I.; Preuss, V.; Schoepke, R.; Sonntag, B.


    The use of natural soils for low-cost removal of precipitated water and slightly polluted waste water has become an issue in legal procedures concerning water management. Although groundwater protection is given high priority, authorities do not have sufficient data on long-term effects and decomposition effects during passage to the soil. The Hydrology Department of Brandenburgische Technische Universitaet Cottbus, on behalf of the Thuringian Environmental Authority, investigated the state of the art of discharge of precipitated water into natural soils. The investigation is the first in a series of which the following effects are expected: Faster results by preliminary assessment of the applicability of the technique envisaged, use of this low-cost technology for waste water treatment in consideration of surface water protection. [German] Die Nutzung natuerlicher Boeden zur kostenguenstigen Beseitigung von Niederschlagswasser aber auch von schwachbelastetem Abwasser ist eine Variante der Abwasserbeseitigung, die zunehmend Antragsgegenstand in wasserrechtlichen Verfahren ist. Der Schutz des Grundwassers ist dabei in besonderem Masse zu beachten. Die Einschaetzung der Eignung dieser Variante ist Behoerden aufgrund unzureichender Aussagen zum Langzeitverhalten und zu Abbaueffekten waehrend der Bodenpassage derzeit nicht moeglich. Durch die THUeRINGER LANDESANSTALT FUeR UMWELT erhielt der Lehrstuhl Wassertechnik der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universitaet Cottbus den Auftrag, im Rahmen einer Literaturstudie, den gegenwaertigen Stand der schadlosen Versickerung von Niederschlagswasser in natuerlichen Boeden aufzuzeigen. Die Literaturrecherche bildet den ersten Schritt einer Untersuchungsreihe, von der folgende Wirkungen erwartet werden: Verfahrensbeschleunigung durch Bewertbarkeit der Eignung der Behandlungsvariante, Nutzung dieser kostenguenstigen Umwelttechnologie zur Behandlung von Abwasser unter Beachtung des Gewaesserschutzes. (orig.)

  16. Proceedings on the seminar on small hydroelectric installations: Practice report and current development; Beitraege zum Seminar Kleinwasserkraft: Praxis und aktuelle Entwicklung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This seminar on small hydroelectric installations informs on aspects of construction and administrative aspects. But above all, questions of machinery are dealt with. The book gives an overview of turbine types, topical recent developments in the sector of small hydroelectric power stations, and modern opportunities for fast and inexpensive design of power station components. Beyond the discussion of technical issues, the seminar wants to further contacts between science, turbine manufacturers, consultants and plant operators. (orig.) [Deutsch] Das Seminar Kleinwasserkraft gibt eine Uebersicht ueber bauliche Gestaltung und behoerdliche Aspekte. Vorallem behandelt es aber maschinenbauliche Problemstellungen. Es zeigt einen Ueberblick ueber Turbinentypen, aktuelle Neuentwicklungen im Kleinwassersektor, sowie moderne Moeglichkeiten zum schnellen und preiswerten Design von Kraftwerkskomponenten. Neben dem technischen Teil dient das Seminar auch der Foerderung des Kontakts zwischen Wissenschaft, Turbinenherstellern, Consultants und Anlagenbetreibern. (orig.)

  17. Influence of oil and mineral characteristics on oil-mineral interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wood, P.A.; Lunel, T.; Daniel, F.; Swannell, R.; Lee, K.; Stoffyn-Egli, P.


    A laboratory study was conducted to simulate the process of oil-mineral interaction in seawater. Thirteen different crudes, emulsions and oil products were used in the study. The objective was to improve the fundamental understanding of the characteristics of oils and minerals that influence the process. The findings of an initial phase of studies based on the swirling flask and marine simulation procedures were also described. Oil content associated with flocs to oil and mineral characteristics were discussed. Emulsions were prepared at 10 degrees C by vigorously mixing the oil with excess artificial seawater in a Kilner jar using a high shear homogenizer. Topped oils were prepared by distillation to 250 degrees C. The biodegraded oil was prepared from the topped crude oil. Biodegradation was achieved over a 28 day period using natural seawater and naturally occurring hydrocarbon degraders. The relationships between oil concentration, oil density and mineral exchange capacity were determined. The study showed that greater oil concentrations in the water column could be expected with (1) the presence of mineral fines, (2) minerals with greater cation exchange rates, (3) minerals with finer sizes, and (4) oils of lower viscosity and density. It was determined that in coastal waters the viscosity of the oil/emulsion will likely be the main factor affecting oil-mineral interactions. The viscosity limit for allowing oil fines interaction is likely to be dependent on the energy in the coastal zone affected by the oil pollution. 18 refs., 5 tabs., 13 figs

  18. Combined functional and morphological imaging of sarcomas. Significance for diagnostics and therapy monitoring; Kombinierte funktionelle und morphologische Bildgebung bei Sarkomen. Stellenwert fuer Diagnostik und Therapiemonitoring

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schramm, N.; Rist, C.; Reiser, M.F.; Berger, F. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Institut fuer Klinische Radiologie, Muenchen (Germany); Schlemmer, M.; Issels, R. [Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Campus Grosshadern, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik III, Muenchen (Germany)


    . Ein Staging von Sarkompatienten einschliesslich der Erfassung von Lungenmetastasen ist damit in einem Untersuchungsgang moeglich. Die PET/CT wird bei Patienten mit primaer ossaeren und Weichteilsarkomen zur Diagnosestellung, zum Staging und Restaging, zum ''metabolischen Tumorgrading'', zur Biopsieplanung, zum Rezidivnachweis sowie zum Therapiemonitoring eingesetzt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der FDG-Uptake des Tumors vor Therapie sowie die Aenderungen im FDG-Uptake nach Therapie signifikant mit der histopathologischen Response und dem Ueberleben der Patienten korrelieren. Damit ermoeglichen PET und PET/CT auch prognostische Aussagen. Neue Perspektiven der Hybridbildgebung mit der PET/CT ergeben sich durch die Etablierung neuer Radiotracer sowie durch die kombinierte Untersuchung von Tumormetabolismus und -perfusion. Die hochaufloesende MRT bleibt fuer die lokale Primaerdiagnostik sowie zur praeoperativen Planung mit Klaerung der exakten anatomischen Situation und moeglicher Infiltration vaskulaerer oder nervaler Strukturen weiter unverzichtbar. Die kontrastverstaerkte MRT ist ein wichtiges und gut verfuegbares Alternativverfahren zur Rezidivdiagnostik, ganz besonders fuer nichthypermetabole Tumoren. Dynamische, kontrastverstaerkte MRT-Sequenzen gewinnen fuer das Therapiemonitoring zunehmend an Bedeutung und sollten in prospektiven Studien mit der FDG-PET/CT korreliert werden. (orig.)

  19. Doing religion im Phowa-Kurs: Praxeologische und reflexionslogische Studien zum "bewussten Sterben" im Diamantweg-Buddhismus

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    Werner Vogd


    Full Text Available Im Sinne einer pragmatistischen Perspektive, wie sie zuerst John DEWEY (1987 [1934] in Anschluss an William JAMES formulierte, ist das Religiöse weniger als eine spezifische Art von experience zu verstehen, denn als ein adjustment hin zu einer epistemischen Perspektive, die alle Erfahrungen in einem veränderten Licht erscheinen lässt. Religiosität zielt damit auf ein besonderes Selbst- und Weltverhältnis, in dem die Beziehung zwischen Selbst und Welt aus einer ganzheitlichen Perspektive betrachtet wird. Wie aber können fremde, auf den ersten Blick in ihrer Genese unwahrscheinliche und unter modernen Verhältnissen zudem anzweifelbare religiöse Haltungen und Sinnsysteme etabliert werden? Am Beispiel der im tibetischen Buddhismus verbreiteten Phowa-Meditation des "bewussten Sterbens" wird untersucht, wie für westliche Adept/innen auf den ersten Blick befremdlich und esoterisch anmutende spirituelle Lehren mit zunehmender Praxis an Evidenz und Sinnhaftigkeit gewinnen können, indem sich Gruppenprozesse, Visualisierungen, körperorientierte Übungen und psychisches Erleben zu einem übergreifenden Arrangement verschränken. Die empirische Datengrundlage für die Untersuchung liefern narrative Interviews mit westlich sozialisierten Schüler/innen und Lehrer/innen des Diamantweg-Buddhismus, der derzeit größten buddhistischen Gemeinschaft des tibetischen Buddhismus in Deutschland. Die Auswertung der Interviews erfolgte angelehnt an die dokumentarische Methode, erweitert durch eine Kontexturanalyse, um den Reflexionsverhältnissen gerecht zu werden, die den religiösen Selbst- und Weltbezug aufspannen. URN:

  20. Mineral Resource Information System for Field Lab in the Osage Mineral Reservation Estate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carroll, H.B.; Johnson, William I.


    The Osage Mineral Reservation Estate is located in Osage County, Oklahoma. Minerals on the Estate are owned by members of the Osage Tribe who are shareholders in the Estate. The Estate is administered by the Osage Agency, Branch of Minerals, operated by the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Oil, natural gas, casinghead gas, and other minerals (sand, gravel, limestone, and dolomite) are exploited by lessors. Operators may obtain from the Branch of Minerals and the Osage Mineral Estate Tribal Council leases to explore and exploit oil, gas, oil and gas, and other minerals on the Estate. Operators pay a royalty on all minerals exploited and sold from the Estate. A mineral Resource Information system was developed for this project to evaluate the remaining hydrocarbon resources located on the Estate. Databases on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets of operators, leases, and production were designed for use in conjunction with an evaluation spreadsheet for estimating the remaining hydrocarbons on the Estate.

  1. Minerals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vaquero, M. P.


    Full Text Available The possible changes in the mineral composition of food during frying could be the consequence of losses by leaching, or changes in concentrations caused by exchanges between the food and culinary fat of other compounds. The net result depends on the type of food, the frying fat used and the frying process. Moreover, the modifications that frying produces in other nutrients could indirectly affect the availability of dietary minerals. The most outstanding ones are those that can take place in the fat or in the protein. With respect to the interactions between frying oils and minerals, we have recent knowledge concerning the effects of consuming vegetable oils used in repeated fryings of potatoes without turnover, on the nutritive utilization of dietary minerals. The experiments have been carried out in pregnant and growing rats, which consumed diets containing, as a sole source of fat, the testing frying oils or unused oils. It seems that the consumption of various frying oils, with a polar compound content lower or close to the maximum limit of 25% accepted for human consumption, does not alter the absorption and metabolism of calcium, phosphorous, iron or copper. Magnesium absorption from diets containing frying oils tends to increase but the urinary excretion of this element increases, resulting imperceptible the variations in the magnesium balance. The urinary excretion of Zn also increased although its balance remained unchanged. Different studies referring to the effects of consuming fried fatty fish on mineral bioavailability will also be presented. On one hand, frying can cause structural changes in fish protein, which are associated with an increase in iron absorption and a decrease in body zinc retention. The nutritive utilization of other elements such as magnesium, calcium and copper seems to be unaffected. On the other hand; it has been described that an excess of fish fatty acids in the diet produces iron depletion, but when fatty

  2. Illicit operation of industrial plant subject to licensing, or of other installations within the purview of the German Federal Emission Control Act (BImSchG), which have been shut down for protection against hazards (section 327, subsection 2, No. 1 Penal Code (StGB)); Das unerlaubte Betreiben von genehmigungsbeduerftigen Anlagen oder sonstigen Anlagen im Sinne des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes, deren Betrieb zum Schutz vor Gefahren untersagt worden ist (Paragraph 327 Abs.2 Nr.1 StGB)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ocker, A.


    The 18th act of 28 March 1980 for amendment of the German Criminal Code (StGB) incorporated the provisions governing the criminal offence of illicit operation of installations subject to licensing into the StGB. These provisions have until then been forming part of the BImSchG (Federal Act on Emission Control). The study in hand presents a discussion of section 327, subsection 2, No. 1 StGB, because this provision represents a fundamental type of an administration accessory criminal offence and thus is suitable to be taken as a basis for an analysis of the scope of problems covered by the StGB, but having an effect on and being interlaced with offences governed by other acts and legal provisions. The study addresses inter alia items such as the object of legal protection defined by this section of the StGB, the provisions defining the licensability of a non-licensed installation in operation, and the consequences of defective decisions under administrative law on the applicability of criminal law provisions. The specific aspects of section 327 StGB, which are of a dominantly administrative nature, are discussed, in particular those referring to the definition of the term ``industrial installation`` as defined by the BImSchG. [Deutsch] Durch das 18. Strafrechtsaenderungsgesetz vom 28.3.1980 wurde der Straftatbestand des unerlaubten Betreibens von Anlagen, die einer Genehmigung nach dem Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz beduerfen, aus dem BImSchG in das Kernstrafrecht ueberfuehrt. Die vorliegende Untersuchung versucht eine eingehendere Auseinandersetzung mit Para. 327 Abs. 2 Nr. 1 StGB, weil diese Vorschrift als ein Grundtypus der verwaltungsakzessorischen Straftatbestaende die Gelegenheiit zur vertieften Diskussion von umfassenderen strafrechtlichen Problemkreisen gibt. Angesprochen sind insoweit vor allem die Frage des geschuetzten Rechtsgutes der Norm, der Behandlung der materiellen Genehmigungsfaehigkeit eines ungenehmigten Anlagenbetriebs sowie der Auswirkungen von

  3. Acute injury of the ankle joint; Akutes Trauma des Sprunggelenks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Breitenseher, M.J. [Univ. Klinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Abt. fuer Osteologie und Besondere Klinische Einrichtung Magnet Resonanz, AKH, Wien (Austria)]|[Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut fuer Radiologisch-Physikalische Tumordiagnostik, Vienna (Austria)


    diagnostisch. Die CT kommt bei komplexen Frakturen zum Einsatz, um das gesamte Frakturausmass darzustellen. Die MRT ist die Methode der Wahl bei verschiedenen Problemfaellen wie okkulter Fraktur oder posttraumatischer Osteonekrose. Bei Sehnenverletzungen ist die MRT wichtig, falls eine Ultraschalluntersuchung nicht zur Diagnose fuehrt. Allgemein entwickelt sich bei der Untersuchung der frischen Sprunggelenksverletzung die MRT zur zweitwichtigsten bildgebenden Methode, falls das konventionelle Roentgen zu keiner ausreichenden Diagnose kommt. (orig.)

  4. Residual stresses in microwave sintered Ni/8Y-ZrO{sub 2} and NiCr8020/8Y-ZrO{sub 2} gradient materials; Eigenspannungen in mikrowellengesinterten Ni/8Y-ZrO{sub 2} und NiCr8020/8Y-ZrO{sub 2} Gradientenwerkstoffen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dantz, D.


    Untersuchung der Eigenspannungsverteilung im Inneren der Sinterkoerper kam ein energiedispersives Verfahren mit sehr hoher Ortsaufloesung unter der Nutzung hochenergetischer Synchrotronstrahlung zum Einsatz, so dass selbst die Eigenspannungsverteilung in einer homogen zusammengesetzten Einzelschicht eines gradierten Verbundsystems ermittelt werden konnte. Begleitend wurden Linienprofilanalysen durchgefuehrt und fuer die Untersuchungen des Gefueges licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Verfahren eingesetzt. (orig.)

  5. Marine Mineral Exploration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    in EEZ areas are fairly unknown; many areas need detailed mapping and mineral exploration, and the majority of coastal or island states with large EEZ areas have little experience in exploration for marine hard minerals. This book describes the systematic steps in marine mineral exploration....... Such exploration requires knowledge of mineral deposits and models of their formation, of geophysical and geochemical exploration methods, and of data evaluation and interpretation methods. These topics are described in detail by an international group of authors. A short description is also given of marine...

  6. Grouping Minerals by Their Formulas (United States)

    Mulvey, Bridget


    Minerals are commonly taught in ways that emphasize mineral identification for its own sake or maybe to help identify rocks. But how do minerals fit in with other science content taught? The author uses mineral formulas to help Earth science students wonder about the connection between elements, compounds, mixtures, minerals, and mineral formulas.…

  7. Methods of mineral potential assessment of uranium deposits: A mineral systems approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaireth, S.


    Mineral potential represents the likelihood (probability) that an economic mineral deposit could have formed in an area. Mineral potential assessment and prospectivity analysis use a probabilistic concepts to mineral deposits, where the probability of an event (formation of a mineral deposit) is conditional on two factors : i) geological processes occurring in the area, and ii) the presence of geological features indicative of those process. For instance, one of the geological processes critical for the formation of sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in an area is transport of uranium in groundwaters. Geological features indicative of this process in an area comprise, i) presence of leachable source rocks of uranium; ii) presence of highly permeable sandstone; and iii) suitable hydrogeological gradient driving flow groundwaters. Mineral deposits can also be conceptualised as mineral systems with more emphasis on mineralising processes. This concept has some clear parallels with the petroleum systems approach which has proven to be a useful in oil and gas exploration. Mineral systems are defined as ‘all geological factors that control the generation and preservation of mineral deposits’. Seven important geological factors are outlined to define the characteristics of a hydrothermal mineral system. These factors include: i) source of the mineralising fluids and transporting legends; ii) source of metals and other ore components; iii) migration pathways which may include inflow as well as outflow zones; iv) thermal gradients; v) source of energy to mobilised fluids; vi) mechanical and structural focusing mechanism at the trap site; and vii) chemical and/or physical cause for precipitation of ore minerals at the trap site. This approach, commonly known as the ‘source’, ‘transport’ and ‘trap’ paradigm has been redefined to introduce five questions as a basis to understand spatial and temporal evolution of a mineral system at all scales (regional to

  8. Fissure minerals, literature review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larsson, S.Aa.


    This paper is a review of methods used for direct and indirect dating of tectonic events. Isotope geochemistry including stable isotopes as well as fission track- dating, fluid inclusion and thermoluminescens techniques have been considered. It has been concluded that an investigation of tectonic (and thermal) events should start with a detailed study of the mineral phases grown in seald fissures as well as minerals from fissure walls. This study should include phase identification, textures as well as mineral chemistry. The information from this study is fundamental for the decision of further investigations. Mineral chemistry including isotopes and fluid inclusion studies will give an essential knowledge about crystallization conditions for fissure minerals concerned. Direct dating using fission tracks as well as radioactive isotopes could be useful for some minerals. Application of thermoluminescens dating on fissure minerals is doubtful. (Auth.)

  9. [Carl Schirren als Gelehrter im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und politischer Publizistik. 13 Beiträge zum 22. Baltischen Seminar 2010 ; Carl Schirren. Vorlesungen über livländische Geschichte. Nachschrift von Johannes Lossius] / Karsten Brügge

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Brüggemann, Karsten, 1965-


    Arvustus: Carl Schirren als Gelehrter im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und politischer Publizistik. 13 Beiträge zum 22. Baltischen Seminar 2010 (Baltische Seminare, 20). Hrsg. von Michael Garleff. Verlag Carl-Schirren-Gesellschaft. Lüneburg 2013; Carl Schirren. Vorlesungen über livländische Geschichte. Nachschrift von Johannes Lossius (Baltische Seminare, 20-1). Hrsg. von Carl Schirren und Wilhelm Lenz. Verlag Carl-Schirren-Gesellschaft. Lüneburg 2013

  10. 25 CFR 215.25 - Other minerals and deep-lying lead and zinc minerals. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Other minerals and deep-lying lead and zinc minerals. 215.25 Section 215.25 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ENERGY AND MINERALS LEAD AND ZINC MINING OPERATIONS AND LEASES, QUAPAW AGENCY § 215.25 Other minerals and deep-lying lead...

  11. Vom Contrat Social zum Gesellschaftsvertragsrecht / From the Social Contract to a Social Contract Law

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreas Abegg


    Full Text Available Formen und Funktion des Verwaltungsvertrags in der fragmentierten Gesellschaft Aus einer kontinentalen Sicht, gestützt auf die langen Erfahrungen mit einer staatlich angeleiteten Legitimation der Staatsverwaltung, erkennt diese Untersuchung den beständigen Niedergang staatlicher Souveränität in der Moderne und folglich die zunehmende Diffusion des Staates in die Gesellschaft. Auf der Ebene der Staatstheorie wird dies durch einen Wechsel vom großen philosophischen Sozialvertrag zu vielen einzelnen rechtlichen Verträgen als dessen funktionales Äquivalent gespiegelt. Mit diesem Phänomen erhält das Verwaltungsrecht eine grundsätzlich neue Perspektive: Es stellt sich die Frage, wie mit Recht die Einheit einer Gesellschaft hervorgebracht werden kann, in welcher die Staatsverwaltung und die von ihr zu regulierenden Sozialbereiche sich einerseits fremd geworden sind und doch andererseits auf wechselseitige Ad-hoc-Kooperationen immer wieder von Neuem angewiesen sind. Forms and Function of Administrative Contracts in a Fragmented Society. Taking the viewpoint of the civil law tradition, which has traditionally assumed that the legitimacy of the administration is state-derived, this text recognises the constant decline of state sovereignty in modern times and consequently the increasing diffusion of the state into society. At the level of state theory, this reflects a shift from the great philosophical ‘social contract’ to many small legal contracts as its functional equivalent. Dealing with this phenomenon, administrative law needs to address the fundamental question of how law can sustainably support the unity of a society where the state administration and the various parts of society it has to govern are strange to each other and at the same time depending on mutual ad-hoc cooperation time and again.

  12. Controlled composting of waste wood contaminated with PAH; Untersuchungen zur gesteuerten Rotte von mit polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen (PAK) kontaminiertem Altholz

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ulbricht, H.


    The author investigated the potential and limits of microbial pollutant degradation in PAH-polluted waste wood by composting. The conditions in which autochthonic micro-organisms are able to decomposite the PAH contained in wood by solid phase fermentation were investigated. The focus was on phenanthrene, anthracene and pyrene, all of which are used as protective materials (disinfestants) for wood. The results were verified on contaminated waste wood, including an analytical investigations of decomposition of PAH of the EPA catalogue. Boundary conditions for achieving high rates of PAH decomposition were investigated. [German] Generelles Ziel der Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen des mikrobiellen Schadstoffabbaus in PAK-belastetem Altholz durch Kompostierung und die Pruefung auf Anwendbarkeit der Erkenntnisse in technischen Verfahren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, unter welchen Bedingungen die autochthonen Mikroorganismen in der Lage sind, an das Holz gebundene PAK durch Feststofffermentation abzubauen. Als Schwerpunkt wurde zunaechst der Abbau der im zum Holzschutz verwendetem Teeroel vorkommenden PAK Phenanthren, Anthracen und Pyren untersucht. Eine Verifizierung der Ergebnisse erfolgte mit real kontaminiertem Altholz, dabei wurde der Abbau der PAK der EPA-Liste analytisch verfolgt. Es sollten geeignete Randbedingungen gefunden werden, um im Festphasensystem hohe Abbauraten der PAK zu erreichen. (orig.)

  13. Game of Thrones – Fernsehserien als Artikulation gesellschaftlich-unbewusster Phantasien

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerald Poscheschnik


    Full Text Available Kulturelle Produkte, wie z.B. Fernsehserien, lassen sich als Artikulationsformen gesellschaftspolitischer Phantasien verstehen, die bewusste und unbewusste Elemente in sich bergen. Game of Thrones, ein furioses Fantasy-Mittelalterspektakel, aufgeladen mit Gewalt und Sex, scheint auf den ersten Blick nur wenig tagesaktuelle Bezüge aufzuweisen. Eine psychoanalytische Untersuchung, die die Serie ihres manifesten Gewands entkleidet, legt wesentliche Elemente und ihre Relationen frei, die frappante Parallelen zu rezenten gesellschaftspolitischen Phantasien offenlegen. Die Verhältnisse am fiktiven Kontinent Westeros bieten sich als Zeitdiagnose einer niedergehenden Kultur an, deren Potentaten völlig von einem Ränkespiel um Macht und Einfluss absorbiert sind und ihre Wahrnehmung all dem verweigern, was nicht ihrem eigenen Machterhalt dient. Der durch eine Mauer abgeschottete Norden des Landes kann als Deponie für die verdrängten Nebenwirkungen des eigenen Treibens, wie z.B. Umweltzerstörung und menschliches Elend, verstanden werden, deren deletäre Wirkung letztlich die eigene Existenz bedroht. Der ferne Kontinent Essos repräsentiert die Hoffnung, es könnte noch eine Wende oder Alternative entstehen. Die Medienpädagogik kann einen bildungstheoretischen Beitrag zum Verständnis moderner Fernsehserien leisten, benötigt dazu aber auch den interdisziplinären Austausch.

  14. Sex after Fascism. Sexualitätsgeschichte als Politikgeschichte? Sex after Fascism—The History of Sexuality as Political History?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pascal Eitler


    Full Text Available Dagmar Herzog bietet mit der vorliegenden Untersuchung einen ersten und in diesem Sinne beachtenswerten, körper- und geschlechtergeschichtlich aber grundsätzlich ergänzungsbedürftigen Überblick zur Geschichte der Sexualität in Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert. Im Zentrum der Studie steht das sich wandelnde Verhältnis zwischen Sexualität und Vergangenheitspolitik in der Bundesrepublik, insbesondere die Politisierung der Sexualität um ‚1968‘. Eher rückblickend geraten die Adenauerära und der Nationalsozialismus in den Blick. Der Titel der amerikanischen Originalausgabe bringt diesen Themenschwerpunkt deutlich zum Ausdruck: Sex after Fascism.Dagmar Herzog’s study offers a first and therefore noteworthy overview of the history of sexuality in twentieth-century Germany from the perspective of the history of the body and gender, a study that, however, is in need of supplementation. The central focus of the study is the changing relationship between sexuality and the politics of confronting the past in the Federal Republic of Germany. The book pays particular attention to the politicization of sexuality around 1968. The Adenauer-Era and National Socialism are, for the most part, attended to merely in retrospective. The title of the American original edition expresses this focus clearly: Sex after Fascism.

  15. MR-Venography Using High Resolution True-FISP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spuentrup, E. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik; Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA (United States). Dept. of Medicine; Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (United States); Buecker, A.; Guenther, R.W. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Klinik fuer Radiologische Diagnostik; Stuber, M. [Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA (United States). Dept. of Medicine; Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (United States); Philips Med. Syst., Best (Netherlands)


    A new fast MR-venography approach using a high resolution True-FISP imaging sequence was investigated in 20 patients suffering from 23 deep vein thromboses. Diagnosis was proven by X-ray venography, CT or ultrasound examination. The presented technique allowed for clear thrombus visualization with a high contrast to the surrounding blood pool even in calf veins. Acquisition time was less than 10 minutes for imaging the pelvis and the legs. No contrast media was needed. The presented high resolution True-FISP MR-veography is a promising non-invasive, fast MR-venography approach for detection of deep venous thrombosis. (orig.) [German] Eine neue schnelle, oertlich hochaufgeloeste MR-Phlebographietechnik mit einer axialen True-FISP Bildgebungssequenz wurde an 20 Patienten mit 23 nach-gewiesenen tiefen Beinvenenthrombosen untersucht. Die Befunde wurden mit einer konventionellen Roentgenphlebographie, einer CT oder einer Sonographie gesichert. Die vorgestellte Technik erlaubte in allen Faellen eine Thrombusdarstellung mit hohem Kontrast zum umgebenden venoesen Blut, wobei aufgrund der hohen Ortsaufloesung auch die Unterschenkelvenen beurteilt werden konnten. Die Datenaufnahmezeit zur Untersuchung des Beckens und der Beine betrug weniger als 10 Minuten. Kontrastmittel wurde nicht benoetigt. Die vorgestellte MR-Phlebographietechnik unter Verwendung einer oertlich hochauf-geloesten True-FISP Sequenz ist eine neue, vielversprechende, nicht-invasive Technik zur Diagnostik der tiefen Bein- und Beckenvenenthrombose. (orig.)

  16. International mineral economics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gocht, W.R.; Eggert, R.G.


    International Mineral Economics provides an integrated overview of the important concepts. The treatment is interdisciplinary, drawing on the fields of economics, geology, business, and mining engineering. Part I examines the technical concepts important for understanding the geology of ore deposits, the methods of exploration and deposit evaluation, and the activities of mining and mineral processing. Part II focuses on the economic and related concepts important for understanding mineral development, the evaluation of exploration and mining projects, and mineral markets and market models. Finally, Part III reviews and traces the historical development of the policies of international organizations, the industrialized countries, and the developing countries. (orig.)

  17. Reagan issues mineral policy (United States)

    The National Materials and Minerals Program plan and report that President Reagan sent to Congress on April 5 aims to ‘decrease America's minerals vulnerability’ while reducing future dependence on potentially unstable foreign sources of minerals. These goals would be accomplished by taking inventory of federal lands to determine mineral potential; by meeting the stockpile goals set by the Strategic and Critical Material Stockpiling Act; and by establishing a business and political climate that would encourage private-sector research and development on minerals.Now that the Administration has issued its plan, the Subcommittee on Mines and Mining of the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs will consider the National Minerals Security Act (NMSA), which was introduced 1 year ago by subcommittee chairman Jim Santini (D-Nev.) [Eos, May 19, 1981, p. 497]. The bill calls for establishing a three-member White-House-level council to coordinate the development of a national minerals policy; amending tax laws to assist the mining industry to make capital investments to locate and produce strategic materials; and creating a revolving fund for the sale and purchase of strategic minerals. In addition, the NMSA bill would allow the secretary of the interior to make previously withdrawn public lands available for mineral development. The subcommittee will hold a hearing on the Administration's plan on May 11. Interior Secretary James Watt has been invited to testify.

  18. Of minerals and men. [Discovery of new mineral species

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Waal, S.W. (Council for Mineral Technology, Randburg (South Africa))


    The rate of discovery of new mineral species appears to be on the increase in Southern Africa and classification and nomenclature, once haphazard, are now subject to international scientific screening and rules. Earlier names entrenched in the literature provide a fascinating background to the minerals scene.

  19. Mineral transformations during the dissolution of uranium ore minerals by dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria (United States)

    Glasauer, S.; Weidler, P.; Fakra, S.; Tyliszczak, T.; Shuh, D.


    Carnotite minerals [X2(UO2)2(VO4)2]; X = K, Ca, Ba, Mn, Na, Cu or Pb] form the major ore of uranium in the Colorado Plateau. These deposits are highly oxidized and contain U(VI) and V(IV). The biotransformation of U(VI) bound in carnotite by bacteria during dissimilatory metal reduction presents a complex puzzle in mineral chemistry. Both U(VI) and V(V) can be respired by metal reducing bacteria, and the mineral structure can change depending on the associated counterion. We incubated anaerobic cultures of S. putrefaciens CN32 with natural carnotite minerals from southeastern Utah in a nutrient-limited defined medium. Strain CN32 is a gram negative bacterium and a terrestrial isolate from New Mexico. The mineral and metal transformations were compared to a system that contained similar concentrations of soluble U(VI) and V(V). Electron (SEM, TEM) microscopies and x-ray spectromicroscopy (STXM) were used in conjunction with XRD to track mineral changes, and bacterial survival was monitored throughout the incubations. Slow rates of metal reduction over 10 months for the treatment with carnotite minerals revealed distinct biotic and abiotic processes, providing insight on mineral transformation and bacteria-metal interactions. The bacteria existed as small flocs or individual cells attached to the mineral phase, but did not adsorb soluble U or V, and accumulated very little of the biominerals. Reduction of mineral V(V) necessarily led to a dismantling of the carnotite structure. Bioreduction of V(V) by CN32 contributed small but profound changes to the mineral system, resulting in new minerals. Abiotic cation exchange within the carnotite group minerals induced the rearrangement of the mineral structures, leading to further mineral transformation. In contrast, bacteria survival was poor for treatments with soluble U(VI) and V(V), although both metals were reduced completely and formed solid UO2 and VO2; we also detected V(III). For these treatments, the bacteria

  20. The risk for cancer and genetic abnormalities after radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism; Zum Krebs- und genetischen Risiko nach Radioiodtherapie der Hyperthyreose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reiners, C. [Wuerzburg Univ. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    According to recent studies, the risk for thyroid cancer is not increased after radioiodine treatment in patients with hyperthyroidism. Only the risk of cancer of the stomach seems to be increased slightly in patents treated with I-131 because of functional autonomy. However, the risk for gastric cancer is not increased after higher activities of I-131 because of thyroid cancer. There is no increased risk for genetic abnormalities after radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism. (orig.) [Deutsch] Aktuelle Studien zum Karzinomrisiko nach Radioiodtherapie wegen Hyperthyreose ergeben keinen Anhalt fuer eine erhoehte Inzidenz des Schilddruesenkarzinoms nach therapeutischer Gabe von I-131. Allenfalls scheint die Inzidenz von Magenkarzinomen bei Patienten nach Radioiodtherapie wegen funktioneller Autonomie geringfuegig erhoeht zu sein, obwohl diese Beobachtung bei Patienten nach hochdosierter Radioiodtherapie wegen eines Schilddruesenkarzinoms nicht gemacht wurde. Hinweise fuer ein erhoehtes genetisches Risiko nach Radioiodtherapie der Hyperthyreose ergeben sich nicht. (orig.)

  1. Recovering byproduct heavy minerals from sand and gravel, placer gold, and industrial mineral operations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomes, J.M.; Martinez, G.M.; Wong, M.M.


    The Bureau of Mines, as part of an effort to maximize minerals and metals recovery from domestic resources, has investigated the feasibility of recovering heavy minerals as byproducts from sand and gravel, placer gold, and industrial mineral operations in northern California. Sand samples from about 50 locations were treated by gravity separation to yield heavy-mineral cocentrates (black sands). Mineral compositions of the concentrates were determined by chemical analysis and mineralogical examination. Individual zircon, ilmenite, magnetite, platinum-group metals, thoria, and silica products were prepared from heavy-mineral concentrates by selective separation using low- and high-intensity magnetic, high-tension, and flotation equipment.

  2. Integrated project: Microbiological and physiological studies on the presence of residual concentrations in mineral-oil-contaminated soils after rehabilitation. Final report. Pt. 2; Mikrobiologische und physiologische Untersuchungen zur Frage der Restkonzentration bei der Sanierung mineraloelkontaminierter Boeden. Abschlussbericht. T. 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miethe, D.; Riis, V.; Stimming, M.


    It has been known for a long time that microorganisms are able to utilise mineral oils. Today various methods are practised which exploit autochthonous microorganisms` ability to utilise mineral oils. The main problem of microbial decomposition of hydrocarbons is that mineral oil residues remain. The aim of the present research project was therefore to determine the limits of the metabolisability of the substrate and find out why residues remain. Mineral oils and residual fractions differ markedly in their decomposability. Intermediate distillates are easily decomposed to a degree of 95-97% by well-adapted consorts. For high-boiling mineral oils (bp>400 C) the degree of decomposition is approx. 60%. Extracts from contaminated sites range from 40 to 60% in their degree of decomposability. The incomplete microbial decomposition of mineral oils is mainly due to their structure. There remain chemically and thermally extremely, inert hydrocarbons (mainly aliphatic and aromatic fused-ring systems) which are either hardly metabolisable or not at all. An important factor in soils or at other contaminated sites is that some of the substrate is not available because it is bound to the matrix thus increasing the proportion of residue. The next task after examining and presenting the causes of incomplete decomposition is to minimise residual mineral oil concentrations remaining after microbial decomposition. Here the use of special surfactants or of auxiliary substrates could point a way. Project applications to this end have already been submitted to the Federal Ministry for Education and Research. (orig.) [Deutsch] Dass Mikroorganismen in der Lage sind, Mineraloele zu verwerten, ist seit langem bekannt. Verfahren, die das Potential autochthoner Mikroorganismen zur Verwertung von Mineraloelen nutzen sind Praxis. Hauptproblem beim mikrobiellen Abbau der Kohlenwasserstoffe ist das Verbleiben von Mineraloelresten. Das Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens war die Ermittlung der Grenzen

  3. Radioactive mineral deposits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This publication was designed as a guide for uranium and thorium prospectors in Australia. Physical properties, such as color, streak, luster, hardness, fracture, and specific gravity of the uranium and thorium-bearing minerals are summarized and the various methods suitable for detecting radioactivity in minerals are described. Two colored plates show samples of pitchblende (uraninite), autunite, carnotite, monazite, and others of the most important minerals sources of uranium and thorium.

  4. Bioleaching of serpentine group mineral by fungus Talaromyces flavus: application for mineral carbonation (United States)

    Li, Z.; Lianwen, L.; Zhao, L.; Teng, H.


    Many studies of serpentine group mineral dissolution for mineral carbonation have been published in recent years. However, most of them focus mainly on either physical and chemical processes or on bacterial function, rather than fungal involvement in the bioleaching of serpentine group mineral. Due to the excessive costs of the magnesium dissolution process, finding a lower energy consumption method will be meaningful. A fungal strain Talaromyces flavus was isolated from serpentinic rock of Donghai (China). No study of its bioleaching ability is currently available. It is thus of great significance to explore the impact of T. flavus on the dissolution of serpentine group mineral. Serpentine rock-inhabiting fungi belonging to Acremonium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Botryotinia, Cladosporium, Clavicipitaceae, Cosmospora, Fusarium, Monascus, Paecilomyces, Penicillium, Talaromyces, Trichoderma were isolated. These strains were chosen on the basis of resistance to magnesium and nickel characterized in terms of minimum inhibiting concentration (MIC). Specifically, the strain Talaromyces flavus has a high tolerance to both magnesium (1 mol/L) and nickel (10 mM/L), and we examine its bioleaching ability on serpentine group mineral. Contact and separation experiments (cut-off 8 000-14 000 Da), as well as three control experiments, were set up for 30 days. At least three repeated tests were performed for each individual experiment. The results of our experiments demonstrate that the bioleaching ability of T. flavus towards serpentine group mineral is evident. 39.39 wt% of magnesium was extracted from lizardite during the bioleaching period in the contact experiment, which showed a dissolution rate at about a constant 0.126 mM/d before reaching equilibrium in 13 days. The amount of solubilized Mg from chrysotile and antigorite were respectively 37.79 wt% and 29.78 wt% in the contact experiment. These results make clear the influence of mineral structure on mineral bioleaching

  5. Effect of soil metal contamination on glyphosate mineralization: role of zinc in the mineralization rates of two copper-spiked mineral soils. (United States)

    Kim, Bojeong; Kim, Young Sik; Kim, Bo Min; Hay, Anthony G; McBride, Murray B


    A systematic investigation into lowered degradation rates of glyphosate in metal-contaminated soils was performed by measuring mineralization of [(14)C]glyphosate to (14)CO(2) in two mineral soils that had been spiked with Cu and/or Zn at various loadings. Cumulative (14)CO(2) release was estimated to be approximately 6% or less of the amount of [(14)C]glyphosate originally added in both soils over an 80-d incubation. For all but the highest Cu treatments (400 mg kg(-1)) in the coarse-textured Arkport soil, mineralization began without a lag phase and declined over time. No inhibition of mineralization was observed for Zn up to 400 mg kg(-1) in either soil, suggesting differential sensitivity of glyphosate mineralization to the types of metal and soil. Interestingly, Zn appeared to alleviate high-Cu inhibition of mineralization in the Arkport soil. The protective role of Zn against Cu toxicity was also observed in the pure culture study with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, suggesting that increased mineralization rates in high Cu soil with Zn additions might have been due to alleviation of cellular toxicity by Zn rather than a mineralization specific mechanism. Extensive use of glyphosate combined with its reduced degradation in Cu-contaminated, coarse-textured soils may increase glyphosate persistence in soil and consequently facilitate Cu and glyphosate mobilization in the soil environment. Copyright © 2010 SETAC.

  6. Paweł Bąk, Die Metapher in der Übersetzung. Studien zum Transfer der Aphorismen von Stanisław Jerzy Lec und der Gedichte von Wisława Szymborska, Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaft en, Frankfurt am Main u. a. 2007 =...


    Zieliński, Lech


    Paweł Bąk, Die Metapher in der Ubersetzung. Studien zum Transfer der Aphorismen von Stanisław Jerzy Lec und der Gedichte von Wisława Szymborska, Peter Lang Europaischer Verlag der Wissenschaft en, Frankfurt am Main u. a. 2007 = Danziger Beitrage zur Germanistik, Bd. 20 wyd. Andrzej Kątny, 332 strony

  7. Laboratory of minerals purification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The laboratory of minerals purification was organized in 1962 where with application of modern physical and chemical methods were investigated the mechanism of flotation reagents interaction with minerals' surface, was elaborated technologies on rising complexity of using of republic's minerals

  8. Mineral Commodity Summaries 2009 (United States)



    Each chapter of the 2009 edition of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral Commodity Summaries (MCS) includes information on events, trends, and issues for each mineral commodity as well as discussions and tabular presentations on domestic industry structure, Government programs, tariffs, 5-year salient statistics, and world production and resources. The MCS is the earliest comprehensive source of 2008 mineral production data for the world. More than 90 individual minerals and materials are covered by two-page synopses. For mineral commodities for which there is a Government stockpile, detailed information concerning the stockpile status is included in the two-page synopsis. Because specific information concerning committed inventory was no longer available from the Defense Logistics Agency, National Defense Stockpile Center, that information, which was included in earlier Mineral Commodity Summaries publications, has been deleted from Mineral Commodity Summaries 2009. National reserves and reserve base information for most mineral commodities found in this report, including those for the United States, are derived from a variety of sources. The ideal source of such information would be comprehensive evaluations that apply the same criteria to deposits in different geographic areas and report the results by country. In the absence of such evaluations, national reserves and reserve base estimates compiled by countries for selected mineral commodities are a primary source of national reserves and reserve base information. Lacking national assessment information by governments, sources such as academic articles, company reports, common business practice, presentations by company representatives, and trade journal articles, or a combination of these, serve as the basis for national reserves and reserve base information reported in the mineral commodity sections of this publication. A national estimate may be assembled from the following: historically reported

  9. Aggregate and Mineral Resources - Minerals (United States)

    NSGIC State | GIS Inventory — This point occurrence data set represents the current mineral and selected energy resources of Utah. The data set coordinates were derived from USGS topographic maps...

  10. Construction Minerals Operations (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — This map layer includes construction minerals operations in the United States. The data represent commodities covered by the Minerals Information Team (MIT) of the...

  11. Agricultural Minerals Operations (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — This map layer includes agricultural minerals operations in the United States. The data represent commodities covered by the Minerals Information Team (MIT) of the...

  12. Mineral commodity summaries 2015 (United States)



    Each chapter of the 2015 edition of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral Commodity Summaries (MCS) includes information on events, trends, and issues for each mineral commodity as well as discussions and tabular presentations on domestic industry structure, Government programs, tariffs, 5-year salient statistics, and world production and resources. The MCS is the earliest comprehensive source of 2014 mineral production data for the world. More than 90 individual minerals and materials are covered by two-page synopses.

  13. Isotope analysis of closely adjacent minerals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, M.P.


    This patent describes a method of determining an indicator of at least one of hydrocarbon formation, migration, and accumulation during mineral development. It comprises: searching for a class of minerals in a mineral specimen comprising more than one class of minerals; identifying in the mineral specimen a target sample of the thus searched for class; directing thermally pyrolyzing laser beam radiation onto surface mineral substance of the target sample in the mineral specimen releasing surface mineral substance pyrolysate gases therefrom; and determining isotope composition essentially of the surface mineral substance from analyzing the pyrolysate gases released from the thus pyrolyzed target sample, the isotope composition including isotope(s) selected from the group consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen isotopes; determining an indicator of at least one of hydrocarbon formation, migration, and accumulation during mineral development of the target mineral from thus determined isotope composition of surface mineral substance pyrolysate

  14. Two types of mineral-related matrix vesicles in the bone mineralization of zebrafish

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, L; Zhang, Y; Cui, F Z


    Two types of mineral-related matrix vesicle, multivesicular body (MVB) and monovesicle, were detected in the skeletal bone of zebrafish. Transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analyses of the vesicular inclusions reveal that both types of vesicles contain calcium and phosphorus, suggesting that these vesicles may be involved in mineral ion delivery for the bone mineralization of zebrafish. However, their size and substructure are quite different. Monovesicles, whose diameter ranges from 100 nm to 550 nm, are similar to the previously reported normal matrix vesicles, while MVBs have a larger size of 700-1000 nm in nominal diameter and possess a substructure that is composed of smaller vesicles with their average size around 100 nm. The presence of mineral-related MVBs, which is first identified in zebrafish bone, indicates that the mineralization-associated transportation process of mineral ions is more complicated than is ordinarily imagined

  15. Fumarolic minerals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balic Zunic, Tonci; Garavelli, Anna; Jakobsson, Sveinn Peter


    The fumarolic mineralogy of the Icelandic active volcanoes, the Tyrrhenian volcanic belt (Italy) and the Aegean active arc (Greece) is investigated, and literature data surveyed in order to define the characteristics of the European fumarolic systems. They show broad diversity of mineral...... associations, with Vesuvius and Vulcano being also among the world localities richest in mineral species. Volcanic systems, which show recession over a longer period, show fumarolic development from the hightemperature alkaline halide/sulphate, calcic sulphate or sulphidic parageneses, synchronous...... with or immediately following the eruptions, through mediumtemperature ammonium minerals, metal chlorides, or fluoride associations to the late low-temperature paragenesis dominated by sulphur, gypsum, alunogen, and other hydrous sulphates. The situation can be different in the systems that are not recessing but show...

  16. Mode of distribution of uranium mineralization and sequence of the formation of minerals in albitites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grechishnikov, N.P.; Kramar, O.A.; Rapovich, F.I.


    On the basis of analysis and generalization of factural material data on the distribution nature of accessory uranium mineralization in albitites permitting to judge of the role and textural-structural peculiarities of enclosing rocks in mineralization localization are given. It is shown that the uranium mineral formation is closely related with the albitite formation and proceeded during two stages. A main mass of primary uranium minerals (brannerites and uraninites) in the form of impregnated mineralization was formed during the first uraninite-brannerite-albitite stage. Uranium oxides, silicates and titanates in the shape of veines formed. During the second coffinite-pitchblende-chloritic stage the formation of uranium oxides, silicates and titanates occured. Uranium mineralization in albitites developes in zones of cataclasm, small jointing, mylonitization localizing in fine-grained aggregates. A main mass of primary uranium minerals in albitites (brannerite, uraninite relates to neogenic during metasomatosis dark-coloured minerals (riebenite, aegirine, chlorite)

  17. Mineral statistics yearbook 1994

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A summary of mineral production in Saskatchewan was compiled and presented as a reference manual. Statistical information on fuel minerals such as crude oil, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas and coal, and of industrial and metallic minerals, such as potash, sodium sulphate, salt and uranium, was provided in all conceivable variety of tables. Production statistics, disposition and value of sales of industrial and metallic minerals were also made available. Statistical data on drilling of oil and gas reservoirs and crown land disposition were also included. figs., tabs

  18. Taxation of unmined minerals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bremberg, B.P.


    This paper reports on the Kentucky Revenue Cabinet which began implementing its controversial unmined minerals tax program. The Revenue Cabinet should complete its first annual assessment under this program in December, 1989. The Revenue Cabinet's initial efforts to collect basic data concerning the Commonwealth's coal bearing lands has yielded data coverage for 5 million of Kentucky's 10 million acres of coal lands. Approximately 1000 detailed information returns have been filed. The returns will be used to help create an undeveloped mineral reserves inventory, determine mineral ownership, and value mineral reserves. This new program is run by the Revenue Cabinet's Mineral Valuation Section, under the Division of Technical Support, Department of Property Taxation. It has been in business since September of 1988

  19. Lassen Veränderungen des Prostata-spezifischen Antigen- (PSA- Spiegels nach Prostatastanzbiopsie Rückschlüsse auf das pathologische Ergebnis zu?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Volkmer BG


    Full Text Available Einleitung: Die diagnostische Biopsie der Prostata führt bekanntermaßen zum Anstieg des Serum-PSA-Spiegels. Diese prospektive Untersuchung sollte die Frage klären, ob die Änderungen des Serum-PSA-Spiegels nach Stanzbiopsie Rückschlüsse auf das histologische Ergebnis zulassen und so als Entscheidungshilfe bei der Frage der Rebiopsie dienen können. Patienten und Methoden: Insgesamt 79 konsekutive Patienten mit klinischem Verdacht auf das Vorliegen eines Prostatakarzinoms (PCA und einem Gesamt-PSA 50 ng/ml wurden in die Studie eingeschlossen. Ausschlußkriterien waren klinische Hinweise für eine Prostatitis und Prostatabiopsie innerhalb der letzten 3 Monate. Die Serum-PSA-Werte wurden mit einem ultrasensitiven Enzymimmunoassay bestimmt. Die Bestimmung des Gesamt-PSA und des freien PSA im Serum erfolgte unmittelbar vor und 60 Minuten nach der Biopsie. Die Spiegel des Gesamt-PSA und freien PSA, sowie die f/t-PSA-Ratio vor und nach Biopsie wurden in Korrelation zum histologischen Ergebnis gesetzt. Ergebnisse: 86 Biopsieserien wurden bei 79 Patienten durchgeführt. 38 Biopsieserien diagnostizierten ein PCA, 48 eine benigne Prostatahyperplasie (BPH. Die abschließende Histologie nach wiederholter Biopsie war PCA und BPH in je 43 Fällen. Insgesamt fand sich ein Anstieg des durchschnittlichen Gesamt-PSA von 18,39 ng/ml auf 107,8 ng/ml, des durchschnittlichen freien PSA von 3,43 ng/ml auf 33,7 ng/ml und der durchschnittlichen f/t PSA-Ratio von 18,1 % auf 52,0 %. Es fand sich keine Korrelation zwischen dem Anstieg dieser Parameter und der Anzahl der Biopsiezylinder (4–51. Bezüglich des histologischen Befundes ergaben sich statistisch signifikante Unterschiede für das Gesamt-PSA vor und die f/t PSA-Ratio vor und nach Stanzbiopsie. Schlußfolgerung: Die Analyse der PSA-Parameter nach Stanzbiopsie bietet keine zusätzliche Information über die konventionellen PSA-Parameter vor der Biopsie hinaus. Sie korrelieren vor allem nicht mit falsch

  20. The effect of organolead and -tin compounds on signal transduction in vitro: Investigations on the cytosolic free calcium concentration; Der Einfluss von organischen Blei- und Zinnverbindungen auf die Signaltransduktion in vitro: Untersuchungen zur Veraenderung der zytosolischen freien Calciumkonzentration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ade, T.


    The cellular effects of organolead and -tin compounds are not yet precisely understood. However, on the basis of their immuno- and neurotoxicity it is most likely that these substances interfere with cellular signal transduction. For this reason the effect on cytosolic free calcium concentration was investigated in this study. The organometals used induce a persistent increase in cytosolic free calcium concentration in human leukaemia HL-60 cells as well as in neuroblastoma NG-108-15 cells. Studies of the mechanism of the organometal effect with EGTA and calcium channel blockers revealed that an influx of calcium from the extracellular space is responsible for the organometal-induced calcium elevation in HL-60 cells. The effect of the investigated lead compounds and tributyltin is due to calcium channel opening in the plasma membrane. The same is true for the NG108-15 cells. Activation of distinct receptor-mediated signal transduction is not the reason for channel opening. The regulation of cytosolic free calcium concentration was affected by inhibition of plasmamembrane Ca{sup 2+}-ATPases as well as by disturbance of other ion gradients. A consequence of the organometal effect on the cytosolic calcium concentration is the activation of a cPLA{sub 2} and perhaps the induction of apoptosis. These results contribute towards the understanding of biochemical mechanisms causing the injury of vells by organometals. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die zellulaeren Wirkungsmechanismen organischer Blei- und Zinnverbindungen sind zum grossen Teil nicht verstanden. Die immuno- und neurotoxischen Effekte dieser Xenobiotika lassen jedoch die Beeinflussung der Signalwege in den Zellen vermuten. Daher lag der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit in der Untersuchung der Signaluebertragungswege und der damit verbundenen Regulation des Calciums. Sowohl in immunkompetenten Zellen (HL-60) wie auch in neuronalen Zellen (NG108-15) induzierten die untersuchten Organometalle eine persistente Erhoehung der

  1. Bromide as a tracer for studying water movement and nitrate displacement in soils: comparison with stable isotope tracers; Bromid als Tracer zur Untersuchung der Wasserbewegung und der Nitratverlagerung in Boeden: Vergleich mit stabilisotopen Tracern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Russow, R.; Knappe, S. [UFZ - Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Bad Lauchstaedt (Germany). Sektion Bodenforschung


    Tracers are an ideal means of studying water movement and associated nitrate displacement. Often bromide is preferred as a tracer because it is considered a representative tracer for water and because, being a conservative tracer (i.e. not involved in chemical and biological soil processes), it can be used for studying anion transport in soils. Moreover, it is less expensive and easier to measure than the stable isotopes deuterium and {sup 15}N. Its great advantage over radioactive tracers (e.g. tritium), which outweighs their extreme sensitivity and ease of measurement and which it has in common with stable isotopes, is that it does not require radiation protection measures. However, there are also constraints on the use of bromide as a tracer in soil/water/plant systems. Our own studies on different soils using D{sub 2}O, bromide and [{sup 15}N]-nitrate in lysimeters suggest that the above assumptions on bromide tracers need not always be valid under conditions as they prevail in biologically active soils. As the present paper shows, these studies permit a good assessment of the possibilities and limits to these tracers. [Deutsch] Fuer die Untersuchung der Wasserbewegung sowie der daran gekoppelten Nitrat-Verlagerung ist der Einsatz von Tracern das Mittel der Wahl. Dabei wird Bromid als Tracer haeufig bevorzugt, da es allgemein als ein repraesentativer Tracer fuer Wasser und als konservativer Tracer (nicht involviert in chemische und biologische Bodenprozesse) zur Untersuchung des Anionentransportes in Boeden angesehen wird und es gegenueber den stabilen Isotopen Deuterium und {sup 15}N billiger und einfacher zu bestimmen ist. Gegenueber den radioaktiven Tracern (z.B. Tritium), die zwar sehr empfindlich und einfach messbar sind, besteht der grosse Vorteil, dass, wie bei den stabilen Isotopen, keine Strahlenschutzmassnahmen ergriffen werden muessen. Es gibt jedoch auch einschraenkende Hinweise fuer die Verwendung von Bromid als Tracer im System Boden

  2. Studienbegleitender und studienvorbereitender Deutschunterricht international (2: Einführung

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sabine Ylönen


    deutsche EUROMOBIL-Programm verwendet und im Kontaktunterricht studentische Referate gehalten wurden. Agnese Dubova & Egita Proveja berichten über ihr von der Europäischen Kommission unterstütztes Projekt „Datengeleitetes Lernen im studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht am Beispiel des KoGloss-Ansatzes“, das korpusbasiertes forschungsorientiertes Lernen mit Konzentration auf Konstruktionsgrammatik fördert. Michael Seyfarth schlägt für heterogene Studierende unterschiedlicher Fächer die Arbeit mit der Fernsehkrimiserie Tatort und damit vernetzten Textsorten, wie Online-Fan-Foren, vor: „Der Tatort im studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht ab B2. Potenziale für heterogene Studierendengruppen im nichtdeutschsprachigen Raum“. Empirische Studien sind die von Joanna Kic-Drgas „Studienbegleitender Deutschunterricht in Polen – Eine Bedarfsanalyse unter Studierenden der Technischen Universität Koszalin“, von Yinan Jiang zum „Mehrwert des Chateinsatzes beim studienvorbereitenden Online-Deutschlernen“ und von Yasmin El-Hariri & Nina Jung zum Thema „Distanzen überwunden? Eine Evaluation von e-Tandem Erfahrungen Deutschlernender in Kolumbien“. In den beiden letzten empirischen Studien geht es um die Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenzen in Auslandsprogrammen: Kacy Peckenpaugh analysiert den „Erwerb interkultureller Kompetenz in Kurzzeitauslandsprogrammen“ und Rosalind Blood & Alexandra Ludewig „Interkulturelles Lernen während eines kurzzeitigen, studienbegleitenden Fremdsprachenprogramms. Erfahrungen australischer Studierender in Deutschland“. Außerhalb des Themenschwerpunkts erscheinen der Artikel von Ana Petravić & Ana Šenjug Golub über „Entwicklung der interkulturellen Kompetenz im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Eine empirische Untersuchung zum interkulturell orientierten Kompetenzprofil der DaF-Lehrkräfte“ sowie zwei Rezensionen aktueller Publikationen. Abschließend möchte ich mich herzlich bei allen BeiträgerInnen f

  3. Mineral supplementation for grazing ruminants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McDowell, L.R.; Conrad, J.H.; Ellis, G.L.


    Grazing ruminants to which concentrate feeds cannot be economically fed must rely on self-feeding of mineral supplements. A number of factors affect mineral consumption of free-choice mixtures. Livestock exhibit little nutritional wisdom and will select palatable mixtures in preference to mixtures designed to meet their requirements. Palatability and appetite stimulators are often used to achieve a more uniform herd-wide consumption. It is best to formulate free-choice mixtures on the basis of analyses or other available data. However, when no information on mineral status is known, a free-choice complete mineral supplement is warranted. A 'complete' mineral mixture usually includes salt, a low fluoride P source, Ca, Co, Cu, I, Mn and Zn. Selenium, Mg, K, S, Fe or additional elements can be incorporated into a mineral supplement as new information suggests a need. The detriment to ruminant production caused by providing Ca, Se and Cu in excess can be greater than any benefit derived by providing a mineral supplement. In regions where high forage Mo predominates, three to five times the Cu content in mineral mixtures is needed to counteract Mo toxicity. Supplemental minerals are most critical during the wet season, when cattle are gaining weight rapidly and energy and protein supplies are adequate. Economic return on mineral supplementation is high. (author)

  4. Physicochemical characterization of mineral (iron/zinc) bound caseinate and their mineral uptake in Caco-2 cells. (United States)

    Shilpashree, B G; Arora, Sumit; Kapila, Suman; Sharma, Vivek


    Milk proteins (especially caseins) are widely accepted as good vehicle for the delivery of various bioactive compounds including minerals. Succinylation is one of the most acceptable chemical modification techniques to enhance the mineral binding ability of caseins. Addition of minerals to succinylated proteins may alter their physicochemical and biochemical properties. Physicochemical characteristics of succinylated sodium caseinate (S.NaCN)-mineral (iron/zinc) complexes were elucidated. Chromatographic behaviour and fluorescence intensity confirmed the structural modification of S.NaCN upon binding with minerals. The bound mineral from protein complexes showed significantly higher (P < 0.05) in vitro bioavailability (mineral uptake) than mineral salts in Caco-2 cells. Also, iron bound S.NaCN showed higher cellular ferritin formation than iron in its free form. These mineral bound protein complexes with improved bioavailability could safely replace inorganic fortificants in various functional food formulations. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Mineral oil; Mineraloel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schult-Bornemann, Karl-Heinz [Magdeburg Univ. (Germany)


    The dominant theme in the world energy market was the fall in oil prices in 2014. From 115 US-$/bbl in June it dropped to below 50 US-$/bbl in January 2015. Thereby the shale oil revolution has had the strong impact on the global energy situation, to this point has been predicted for three years. Although no one could predict the exact height of the fall in oil prices, but with oil as a reserve currency for all other fuels, it has not only had an impact on the gas and coal prices, but other commodities, such as copper, have also yielded. About cause and effect, there is a lot of speculation - not all of which are supported by wisdom. [German] Das beherrschende Thema im Weltenergiemarkt war der Absturz des Rohoelpreises in 2014. Von 115 US-$/bbl im Juni sank er auf unter 50 US-$/bbl im Januar 2015. Damit hat die Schieferoelrevolution den kraeftigen Einfluss auf die Weltenergiesituation gehabt, der an dieser Stelle seit drei Jahren vorhergesagt wurde. Zwar konnte niemand die exakte Hoehe des Rueckgangs des Oelpreises prognostizieren, aber mit Oel als Leitwaehrung fuer alle anderen Energietraeger hat es nicht nur Einfluss auf den Gas- und Kohlepreis gehabt, sondern andere Rohstoffe, wie zum Beispiel Kupfer, haben ebenfalls nachgegeben. Ueber Ursache und Wirkung gibt es viele Spekulationen - nicht alle sind von Weisheit getragen.

  6. Individuelle Migrationsentscheidungen am Beispiel polnischer Migranten in Baden-Württemberg : eine Untersuchung zum individuellen Entscheidungsverhalten bei transnationaler Mobilität


    Seyffer, Silke


    Die vorliegende Studie behandelt die Frage, wie sich Individuen für eine nicht nur kurzzeitige transnationale Migration entscheiden: Geschieht dies nach rationalen Gesichtspunkten, nach objektivierbaren Kriterien mit einer Fülle von Informationen und durchdachtem Plan oder handelt es sich um spontane, subjektive Entscheidungen, bei denen Informationssuche und strukturierte Überlegungen im Vorfeld keine wichtige Rolle spielen? Eingangs werden für die Studie relevante Entscheidungs- und Mig...

  7. Investigation of the influence of airfoil geometry on its wake; Untersuchung zum Einfluss der Geometrie eines Fluegels auf seinen Nachlauf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schell, I.


    Strong turbulent flow along the wings in the wake of starting or landing aircraft are a danger to the aircraft next in line and limit the starting and landing frequency. The degree of turbulence depends mostly on aircraft weight but the aerodynamic design clearly has an effect. The author investigated the influence of airfoil geometry, both experimentally and numerically. [German] Im Nachlauf von startenden und landenden Flugzeugen bilden sich starke Fluegelrandwirbel aus, die ein grosses Gefahrenpotential fuer nachfolgende Flugzeuge darstellen und somit die maximal moeglichen Start- bzw. Landefrequenzen an Flughaefen begrenzen. Die Staerke der Wirbel ist hauptsaechlich vom Gewicht der Flugzeuge abhaengig, jedoch hat auch die aerodynamische Auslegung der Flugzeuge einen deutlichen Einfluss. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Einfluss der Fluegelgeometrie eines Flugzeugs auf seinen Nachlauf experimentell sowie numerisch untersucht. (orig.)

  8. Minerals Policy Statement 2: controlling and mitigating the environmental effects of minerals extraction in England

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Minerals Policy Statement 2 (MPS2) sets out the policies and considerations that the UK Government expects Mineral Planning Authorities to follow when preparing development plans and in considering application for minerals development. This supercedes Minerals Policy Guidance 11 (MPG 11). Annex 1: Dust to MPS2 sets out the policy considerations in relation to dust from mineral workings and associated operations, and how they should be dealt with in local development plans and in considering individual applications. Annex 2: Noise to MPS2 addresses policy in relation to noise from mineral workings. These have been abstracted separately for the Coal Abstracts database. 58 refs., 2 apps.

  9. Modeling CO2-Water-Mineral Wettability and Mineralization for Carbon Geosequestration. (United States)

    Liang, Yunfeng; Tsuji, Shinya; Jia, Jihui; Tsuji, Takeshi; Matsuoka, Toshifumi


    Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) capture and storage (CCS) is an important climate change mitigation option along with improved energy efficiency, renewable energy, and nuclear energy. CO 2 geosequestration, that is, to store CO 2 under the subsurface of Earth, is feasible because the world's sedimentary basins have high capacity and are often located in the same region of the world as emission sources. How CO 2 interacts with the connate water and minerals is the focus of this Account. There are four trapping mechanisms that keep CO 2 in the pores of subsurface rocks: (1) structural trapping, (2) residual trapping, (3) dissolution trapping, and (4) mineral trapping. The first two are dominated by capillary action, where wettability controls CO 2 and water two-phase flow in porous media. We review state-of-the-art studies on CO 2 /water/mineral wettability, which was found to depend on pressure and temperature conditions, salt concentration in aqueous solutions, mineral surface chemistry, and geometry. We then review some recent advances in mineral trapping. First, we show that it is possible to reproduce the CO 2 /water/mineral wettability at a wide range of pressures using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. As the pressure increases, CO 2 gas transforms into a supercritical fluid or liquid at ∼7.4 MPa depending on the environmental temperature. This transition leads to a substantial decrease of the interfacial tension between CO 2 and reservoir brine (or pure water). However, the wettability of CO 2 /water/rock systems depends on the type of rock surface. Recently, we investigated the contact angle of CO 2 /water/silica systems with two different silica surfaces using MD simulations. We found that contact angle increased with pressure for the hydrophobic (siloxane) surface while it was almost constant for the hydrophilic (silanol) surface, in excellent agreement with experimental observations. Furthermore, we found that the CO 2 thin films at the CO 2 -hydrophilic

  10. Minerals industry survey, 1984

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This is the seventh edition of the statistical survey commissioned by the Australian Mining Industry Council. It represents the most comprehensive review of the financial position of the Australian minerals industry and provides timely financial data on the minerals industry. The tables of this survey have been prepared for AMIC by Coopers and Lybrand, Chartered Accountants, based on information supplied to them in confidence by the respondent companies. For the purpose of the survey, the minerals industry has been defined as including exploration for, and extraction and primary processing of, minerals in Australia. The oil and gas industry is not included.

  11. Mineral industry in Australia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parbo, S.A.


    The paper reviews the history and growth of the mineral industry in Australia and its significance to the nation's economic growth and overseas trade, particularly over the last twenty years during which time production of coal, iron ore, manganese and mineral sands has increased greatly and new discoveries of petroleum, bauxite and nickel have given rise to major new industries. Australia ranks fourteenths in the value of world trade and is among the world's largest exporters of alumina, iron ore, mineral sands, coal, lead, zinc and nickel. Some details of production, processing and exports of the major minerals are given. Comment is made on the policies and roles of the six State Governments and the Federal Government in respect of ownership and control of the mining, processing and exporting of both energy and non-energy minerals. (orig.) [de

  12. Mineral facilities of Europe (United States)

    Almanzar, Francisco; Baker, Michael S.; Elias, Nurudeen; Guzman, Eric


    This map displays over 1,700 records of mineral facilities within the countries of Europe and western Eurasia. Each record represents one commodity and one facility type at a single geographic location. Facility types include mines, oil and gas fields, and plants, such as refineries, smelters, and mills. Common commodities of interest include aluminum, cement, coal, copper, gold, iron and steel, lead, nickel, petroleum, salt, silver, and zinc. Records include attributes, such as commodity, country, location, company name, facility type and capacity (if applicable), and latitude and longitude geographical coordinates (in both degrees-minutes-seconds and decimal degrees). The data shown on this map and in table 1 were compiled from multiple sources, including (1) the most recently available data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Minerals Yearbook (Europe and Central Eurasia volume), (2) mineral statistics and information from the USGS Minerals Information Web site (, and (3) data collected by the USGS minerals information country specialists from sources, such as statistical publications of individual countries, annual reports and press releases of operating companies, and trade journals. Data reflect the most recently published table of industry structure for each country at the time of this publication. Additional information is available from the country specialists listed in table 2.

  13. Private is Public?! Der Umgang von 14- bis 18-Jährigen mit Sozialen Medien. - Eine explorativ-empirische Untersuchung im gymnasialen Kontext

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Filk


    Full Text Available Die explorative Studie „Private is Public?!“ fokussiert sich auf das Mediennutzungsverhalten von 14- bis 18-jährigen Schülerinnen und Schülern mit Schwerpunkt soziale Medien. Das Forscherteam führte seine empirische Untersuchung am Mons-Tabor-Gymnasium im ländlich gelegenen Montabaur, Rheinland-Pfalz (Deutschland durch. Gestützt auf Forschungshypothesen erhoben Christian Filk, Hanno Schauer und Amina Ovcina Cajacob mit Hilfe des Instruments der schriftlichen Befragung aktuelle Trends zu Frequenz und Intensität der Nutzung sozialer Medien, zur zweckbezogenen Nutzung sozialer Medien, zu Informationsverhaltensschemata in sozialen Medien sowie zu Erfahrungen mit Cyber-Mobbing. Die gewonnenen Daten werden mittels deskriptiv-statistischer Analysen ausgewertet. Schliesslich diskutieren Verfasser und Verfasserin den innovativen Einsatz privater sozialer Medien für den Unterricht in öffentlichen Schulen. The explorative study “Private is Public?!” focuses on the use of media of 14- to 18-years-old students with a special focus on social media. The research team conducted its empirical investigation at Mons Tabor High School in the rural area of Montabaur, Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany. Based on research hypothesis Christian Filk, Hanno Schauer and Amina Ovcina Cajacob are using written surveys in order to identify current trends in frequency and intensity of performing social media, purpose-oriented use of social media, information-seeking behavior patterns in social media, and last but not least experiences with cyber-bullying. The collected data are evaluated by using descriptive statistical analysis. Finally, the authors discuss the innovative use of private social media for teaching in public schools.

  14. Radioisotopes in plant mineral nutrition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Bhupinder


    Extensive investigations on mineral composition of different plant species growing on various soils, helped in realizing that neither the presence nor the concentration of a mineral element in a plant can be regarded as a criterion for essentially. Plants have a limited capability for selective uptake of those mineral elements which are essential for their growth. They also take up mineral element which are not necessary for growth and may even be toxic. The mineral composition of plants growing in soils cannot, therefore, be used to establish essentially of a mineral element. Once this fact was appreciated, both water and sand culture experiments were carried out in which particular mineral elements were omitted. Von Sach and Knop are credited with reintroduction of the solution culture method using which they demonstrated the absolute requirement of ten macronutrients. As evident, these techniques made possible a more precise characterization of essentially of mineral elements and led to a better understanding of their role in plant metabolism. By the beginning of 20"t"h century importance of micronutrients like B, Mn, Cu, Mo and CI was also established

  15. Outlook 96: Minerals and Energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Papers discussing the future of Australia's minerals and energy are presented under the following headings: Australia in the global minerals and energy markets; minerals exploration; steelmaking raw materials; aluminium and alumina; gold; nickel; base metals; titanium minerals; energy for a sustainable future; electricity; electricity in Asia; crude oil; coal trade; natural gas in Australia and uranium. Relevant papers are individually indexed/abstracted. Tabs., figs., refs

  16. Mineral commodity summaries 2013 (United States)



    Each chapter of the 2013 edition of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral Commodity Summaries (MCS) includes information on events, trends, and issues for each mineral commodity as well as discussions and tabular presentations on domestic industry structure, Government programs, tariffs, 5-year salient statistics, and world production and resources. The MCS is the earliest comprehensive source of 2012 mineral production data for the world. More than 90 individual minerals and materials are covered by two-page synopses. For mineral commodities for which there is a Government stockpile, detailed information concerning the stockpile status is included in the two-page synopsis. Abbreviations and units of measure, and definitions of selected terms used in the report, are in Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively. “Appendix C—Reserves and Resources” includes “Part A—Resource/Reserve Classification for Minerals” and “Part B—Sources of Reserves Data.” A directory of USGS minerals information country specialists and their responsibilities is Appendix D. The USGS continually strives to improve the value of its publications to users. Constructive comments and suggestions by readers of the MCS 2013 are welcomed.

  17. Mineral commodity summaries 2014 (United States)



    Each chapter of the 2014 edition of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral Commodity Summaries (MCS) includes information on events, trends, and issues for each mineral commodity as well as discussions and tabular presentations on domestic industry structure, Government programs, tariffs, 5-year salient statistics, and world production and resources. The MCS is the earliest comprehensive source of 2013 mineral production data for the world. More than 90 individual minerals and materials are covered by two-page synopses. For mineral commodities for which there is a Government stockpile, detailed information concerning the stockpile status is included in the two-page synopsis. Abbreviations and units of measure, and definitions of selected terms used in the report, are in Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively. “Appendix C—Reserves and Resources” includes “Part A—Resource/Reserve Classification for Minerals” and “Part B—Sources of Reserves Data.” A directory of USGS minerals information country specialists and their responsibilities is Appendix D. The USGS continually strives to improve the value of its publications to users. Constructive comments and suggestions by readers of the MCS 2014 are welcomed.

  18. Definitions of Health Terms: Minerals (United States)

    ... gov/definitions/mineralsdefinitions.html Definitions of Health Terms : Minerals To use the sharing features on this page, ... National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements Minerals Minerals are those elements on the earth and ...

  19. Investigation of the warm prestress effect by X-ray and microfractographic measurements; Roentgenografische und mikrofraktografische Untersuchungen zum Warmvorbeanspruchungs (WPS) - Effekt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blumenauer, H.; Eichler, B.; Krempe, M.; Ude, J. [Magdeburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Werkstofftechnik und Werkstoffpruefung


    The work reported was to investigate the changes caused at the crack tip of a specimen with incipient crack and to assess their effects with regard to component fracture. The steels selected for testing are the pressure vessel steels 10MnMoNi5-5 and 17MoV8-4, and the experiments were made with CT-25 specimens. The conclusion drawn from the results obtained is that the WPS effect is due to a stronger energy dissipation in the prestressed area ahead of the crack tip, assisted by intrinsic stress-induced crack closing. (orig./CB) [Deutsch] Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die durch eine Vorbeanspruchung angerissener Proben hervorgerufenen Veraenderungen an der Rissspitze und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Bruchverhalten zu untersuchen. Die Untersuchungen wurden an den Druckbehaelterstaehlen 10MnMoNi5-5 und 17MoV8-4 durchgefuehrt. Die Versuche wurden an CT-25-Proben durchgefuehrt. Die Autoren kommen zum Schluss, dass der WPS-Effekt mit einer staerkeren Energiedissipation in der vorgeschaedigten Prozesszone vor der Rissspitze, unterstuetzt durch eigenspannungsbedingtes Rissschliessen, erklaert werden kann. (orig./MM)

  20. Minerals yearbook: The mineral industry of Brazil. 1988 international review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ensminger, H.R.


    Brazil's gross domestic product (GDP) grew only slightly in 1988 to $277 billion at current prices. The growth rate was the smallest registered since 1983, when the rate was minus 2.8%. The economy's performance was strongly influenced by a 2% to 3% decrease in industrial production and civil construction. The mineral industry, however, countered the downward trend in the industrial sector and grew a modest 1.4%. Topics discussed in the report include the following: Government policies and programs; Production; Trade; Commodity review--Metals (Aluminum, Aluminia, and Bauxite, Columbium, Copper, Gold, Iron and Steel, Manganese, Tin, Titanium); Industrial Minerals (Gem stones, Phosphate rock, Quartz); Mineral fuels (Coal, Natural gas, Petroleum, Nuclear power); Nonmineral energy sources (Alcohol, Hydroelectric)

  1. Carbon dioxide sequestration by aqueous mineral carbonation of magnesium silicate minerals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerdemann, Stephen J.; Dahlin, David C.; O' Connor, William K.; Penner, Larry R.


    The dramatic increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide since the Industrial Revolution has caused concerns about global warming. Fossil-fuel-fired power plants contribute approximately one third of the total human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide. Increased efficiency of these power plants will have a large impact on carbon dioxide emissions, but additional measures will be needed to slow or stop the projected increase in the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. By accelerating the naturally occurring carbonation of magnesium silicate minerals it is possible to sequester carbon dioxide in the geologically stable mineral magnesite (MgCO3). The carbonation of two classes of magnesium silicate minerals, olivine (Mg2SiO4) and serpentine (Mg3Si2O5(OH)4), was investigated in an aqueous process. The slow natural geologic process that converts both of these minerals to magnesite can be accelerated by increasing the surface area, increasing the activity of carbon dioxide in the solution, introducing imperfections into the crystal lattice by high-energy attrition grinding, and in the case of serpentine, by thermally activating the mineral by removing the chemically bound water. The effect of temperature is complex because it affects both the solubility of carbon dioxide and the rate of mineral dissolution in opposing fashions. Thus an optimum temperature for carbonation of olivine is approximately 185 degrees C and 155 degrees C for serpentine. This paper will elucidate the interaction of these variables and use kinetic studies to propose a process for the sequestration of the carbon dioxide.

  2. Arsenic mineral dissolution and possible mobilization in mineral-microbe-groundwater environment. (United States)

    Islam, A B M R; Maity, Jyoti Prakash; Bundschuh, Jochen; Chen, Chien-Yen; Bhowmik, Bejon Kumar; Tazaki, Kazue


    Arsenic (As) is widely distributed in the nature as ores or minerals. It has been attracted much attention for the global public health issue, especially for groundwater As contamination. The aim of this study was to elucidate the characteristics of microbes in groundwater where As-minerals were dissolved. An ex situ experiment was conducted with 7 standard As-minerals in bacteria-free groundwater and stored in experimental vessels for 1 year without supplementary nutrients. The pH (6.7-8.4) and EhS.H.E. (24-548 mV) changed between initial (0 day) and final stages (365 days) of experiment. The dissolution of As was detected higher from arsenolite (4240 ± 8.69 mg/L) and native arsenic (4538 ± 9.02 mg/L), whereas moderately dissolved from orpiment (653 ± 3.56 mg/L) and realgar (319 ± 2.56 mg/L) in compare to arsenopyrite (85 ± 1.25mg/L) and tennantite (3 ± 0.06 mg/L). Optical microscopic, scanning electron microscopic observations and flurometric enumeration revealed the abundance of As-resistant bacillus, coccus and filamentous types of microorganisms on the surface of most of As-mineral. 4'-6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained epifluorescence micrograph confirmed the presence of DNA and carboxyfluorescein diacetate (CFDA) staining method revealed the enzymatically active bacteria on the surface of As-minerals such as in realgar (As4S4). Therefore, the microbes enable to survive and mobilize the As in groundwater by dissolution/bioweathering of As-minerals. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  3. Interplay between black carbon and minerals contributes to long term carbon stabilization and mineral transformation (United States)

    Liang, B.; Weng, Y. T.; Wang, C. C.; Chiang, C. C.; Liu, C. C.; Lehmann, J.


    Black carbon receives increasing global wide research attention due to its role in carbon sequestration, soil fertility enhancement and remediation application. Generally considered chemically stable in bulk, the reactive surface of BC can interplays with minerals and form strong chemical bondage, which renders physical protection of BC and contributes to its long term stabilization. Using historical BC-rich Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE), we probe the in-situ organo-mineral association and transformation of BC and minerals over a millennium scale using various synchrotron-based spectroscopic (XANES, FTIR) and microscopic (TXM) methods. Higher content of SRO minerals was found in BC-rich ADE compare to adjacent tropical soils. The iron signature found in BC-rich ADE was mainly ferrihydrite/lepidocrocite, a more reactive form of Fe compared to goethite, which was dominant in adjacent soil. Abundant nano minerals particles were observed in-situ associated with BC surface, in clusters and layers. The organo-mineral interaction lowers BC bioavailability and enhances its long-term stabilization in environment, while at the same time, transforms associated minerals into more reactive forms under rapid redox/weathering environment. The results suggest that mineral physical protection for BC sequestration may be more important than previous understanding. The scale up application of BC/biochar into agricultural systems and natural environments have long lasting impact on the in-situ transformation of associated minerals.

  4. Diseases of uranium miners and other underground miners exposed to radon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samet, J.M.


    Excess lung cancer has been demonstrated in many groups of underground miners exposed to radon, including uranium miners and those mining other substances in radon-contaminated mines. In the United States, most underground uranium mines had shut down by the late 1980s, but occupational exposure to radon progeny remains a concern for many other types of underground miners and other underground workers. Worldwide, uranium mining continues, with documented production in Canada, South Africa and other African countries, and Australia. Thus, radon in underground mines remains a significant occupational hazard as the end of the twentieth century approaches.39 references

  5. Mineral Composition of Organically Grown Wheat Genotypes: Contribution to Daily Minerals Intake (United States)

    Hussain, Abrar; Larsson, Hans; Kuktaite, Ramune; Johansson, Eva


    In this study, 321 winter and spring wheat genotypes were analysed for twelve nutritionally important minerals (B, Cu, Fe, Se, Mg, Zn, Ca, Mn, Mo, P, S and K). Some of the genotypes used were from multiple locations and years, resulting in a total number of 493 samples. Investigated genotypes were divided into six genotype groups i.e., selections, old landraces, primitive wheat, spelt, old cultivars and cultivars. For some of the investigated minerals higher concentrations were observed in selections, primitive wheat, and old cultivars as compared to more modern wheat material, e.g., cultivars and spelt wheat. Location was found to have a significant effect on mineral concentration for all genotype groups, although for primitive wheat, genotype had a higher impact than location. Spring wheat was observed to have significantly higher values for B, Cu, Fe, Zn, Ca, S and K as compared to winter wheat. Higher levels of several minerals were observed in the present study, as compared to previous studies carried out in inorganic systems, indicating that organic conditions with suitable genotypes may enhance mineral concentration in wheat grain. This study also showed that a very high mineral concentration, close to daily requirements, can be produced by growing specific primitive wheat genotypes in an organic farming system. Thus, by selecting genotypes for further breeding, nutritional value of the wheat flour for human consumption can be improved. PMID:20948934

  6. TUCS/phosphate mineralization of actinides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nash, K.L. [Argonne National Lab., IL (United States)


    This program has as its objective the development of a new technology that combines cation exchange and mineralization to reduce the concentration of heavy metals (in particular actinides) in groundwaters. The treatment regimen must be compatible with the groundwater and soil, potentially using groundwater/soil components to aid in the immobilization process. The delivery system (probably a water-soluble chelating agent) should first concentrate the radionuclides then release the precipitating anion, which forms thermodynamically stable mineral phases, either with the target metal ions alone or in combination with matrix cations. This approach should generate thermodynamically stable mineral phases resistant to weathering. The chelating agent should decompose spontaneously with time, release the mineralizing agent, and leave a residue that does not interfere with mineral formation. For the actinides, the ideal compound probably will release phosphate, as actinide phosphate mineral phases are among the least soluble species for these metals. The most promising means of delivering the precipitant would be to use a water-soluble, hydrolytically unstable complexant that functions in the initial stages as a cation exchanger to concentrate the metal ions. As it decomposes, the chelating agent releases phosphate to foster formation of crystalline mineral phases. Because it involves only the application of inexpensive reagents, the method of phosphate mineralization promises to be an economical alternative for in situ immobilization of radionuclides (actinides in particular). The method relies on the inherent (thermodynamic) stability of actinide mineral phases.

  7. Minerals From the Marine Environment (United States)

    Cruickshank, Michael J.

    The current interest in minerals centering on, among other things, potential shortages, long-term needs, and deep seabed nodules, accentuates the usefulness and timeliness of this little book authored by a former chairman of the British National Environmental Research Council.In less than 100 pages, the author puts into perspective the potential for producing minerals from offshore areas of the world. After introducing the reader to the ocean environment and the extraordinary variety of the nature of the seabed, the author describes in some detail the variety of minerals found there. This is done in seven separate chapters entitled ‘Bulk and Non-Metallic Minerals From the Seas’ ‘Metals From the Shallow Seas’ ‘Metals From the Deep Oceans’ ‘Minerals From Solution’ ‘Oil and Gas from the Shallow Seas’ ‘Oil and Gas From Deep Waters’ and ‘Coal Beneath the Sea.’ The remaining chapters give a brief regional review of marine minerals distribution for eight areas of significant socioeconomic structure, and a short recapitulation of special problems of mineral recovery in the marine environment including such matters as the effect of water motion on mineral processing and of international law on investments. Glossaries of geological periods and technical terms, a short list of references, and an index complete the work.

  8. Spectroscopic characterization of manganese minerals. (United States)

    Lakshmi Reddy, S; Padma Suvarna, K; Udayabhaska Reddy, G; Endo, Tamio; Frost, R L


    Manganese minerals ardenite, alleghanyite and leucopoenicite originated from Madhya Pradesh, India, Nagano prefecture Japan, Sussex Country and Parker Shaft Franklin, Sussex Country, New Jersey respectively are used in the present work. In these minerals manganese is the major constituent and iron if present is in traces only. An EPR study of on all of the above samples confirms the presence of Mn(II) with g around 2.0. Optical absorption spectrum of the mineral alleghanyite indicates that Mn(II) is present in two different octahedral sites and in leucophoenicite Mn(II) is also in octahedral geometry. Ardenite mineral gives only a few Mn(II) bands. NIR results of the minerals ardenite, leucophoenicite and alleghanyite are due to hydroxyl and silicate anions which confirming the formulae of the minerals. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. International availability of energy minerals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    White, N A [Norman White Associates, London (UK)


    Whereas the ultimate world supply of energy minerals - defined as fossil fuels and fissile minerals - is controlled by geological factors, the actual supply at any particular time is controlled by economic feasibility, technological innovations and/or political decisions. This paper identifies and discusses the principal uncertainties surrounding the international availability of energy minerals from now until the end of the century. A brief comparison is also made between energy and non-energy minerals.

  10. Miscellaneous Industrial Mineral Operations (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — This map layer includes miscellaneous industrial minerals operations in the United States. The data represent commodities covered by the Minerals Information Team...

  11. Calderas and mineralization: volcanic geology and mineralization in the Chianti caldera complex, Trans-Pecos Texas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duex, T.W.; Henry, C.D.


    This report describes preliminary results of an ongoing study of the volcanic stratigraphy, caldera activity, and known and potential mineralization of the Chinati Mountains area of Trans-Pecos Texas. Many ore deposits are spatially associated with calderas and other volcanic centers. A genetic relationship between calderas and base and precious metal mineralization has been proposed by some and denied by others. Steven and others have demonstrated that calderas provide an important setting for mineralization in the San Juan volcanic field of Colorado. Mineralization is not found in all calderas but is apparently restricted to calderas that had complex, postsubsidence igneous activity. A comparison of volcanic setting, volcanic history, caldera evolution, and evidence of mineralization in Trans-Pecos to those of the San Juan volcanic field, a major mineral producer, indicates that Trans-Pecos Texas also could be an important mineralized region. The Chianti caldera complex in Trans-Pecos Texas contains at least two calderas that have had considerable postsubsidence activity and that display large areas of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization. Abundant prospects in Trans-Pecos and numerous producing mines immediately south of the Trans-Pecos volcanic field in Mexico are additional evidence that ore-grade deposits could occur in Texas.

  12. Mineral oil industry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brasser, L.J.; Suess, M.J.; Grefen, K.; Reinisch, D.W.


    In this chapter a general picture is presented of the air pollution aspects in the mineral oil industry. The complete field is covered, starting from drilling operations and the well head up to the delivery of the products to the consumer. A large field of activities as is given by the mineral oil

  13. The Impact of Organo-Mineral Complexation on Mineral Weathering in the Soil Zone under Unsaturated Conditions (United States)

    Michael, H. A.; Tan, F.; Yoo, K.; Imhoff, P. T.


    While organo-mineral complexes can protect organic matter (OM) from biodegradation, their impact on soil mineral weathering is not clear. Previous bench-scale experiments that focused on specific OM and minerals showed that the adsorption of OM to mineral surfaces accelerates the dissolution of some minerals. However, the impact of natural organo-mineral complexes on mineral dissolution under unsaturated conditions is not well known. In this study, soil samples prepared from an undisturbed forest site were used to determine mineral weathering rates under differing conditions of OM sorption to minerals. Two types of soil samples were generated: 1) soil with OM (C horizon soil from 84-100cm depth), and 2) soil without OM (the same soil as in 1) but with OM removed by heating to 350°for 24 h). Soil samples were column-packed and subjected to intermittent infiltration and drainage to mimic natural rainfall events. Each soil sample type was run in duplicate. The unsaturated condition was created by applying gas pressure to the column, and the unsaturated chemical weathering rates during each cycle were calculated from the effluent concentrations. During a single cycle, when applying the same gas pressure, soils with OM retained more moisture than OM-removed media, indicating increased water retention capacity under the impact of OM. This is consistent with the water retention data measured by evaporation experiments (HYPROP) and the dew point method (WP4C Potential Meter). Correspondingly, silicon (Si) denudation rates indicated that dissolution of silicate minerals was 2-4 times higher in OM soils, suggesting that organo-mineral complexes accelerate mineral dissolution under unsaturated conditions. When combining data from all cycles, the results showed that Si denudation rates were positively related to soil water content: denundation rate increased with increasing water content. Therefore, natural mineral chemical weathering under unsaturated conditions, while

  14. Mineralization of Carbon Dioxide: Literature Review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romanov, V; Soong, Y; Carney, C; Rush, G; Nielsen, B; O' Connor, W


    CCS research has been focused on CO2 storage in geologic formations, with many potential risks. An alternative to conventional geologic storage is carbon mineralization, where CO2 is reacted with metal cations to form carbonate minerals. Mineralization methods can be broadly divided into two categories: in situ and ex situ. In situ mineralization, or mineral trapping, is a component of underground geologic sequestration, in which a portion of the injected CO2 reacts with alkaline rock present in the target formation to form solid carbonate species. In ex situ mineralization, the carbonation reaction occurs above ground, within a separate reactor or industrial process. This literature review is meant to provide an update on the current status of research on CO2 mineralization. 2

  15. Glycine Polymerization on Oxide Minerals (United States)

    Kitadai, Norio; Oonishi, Hiroyuki; Umemoto, Koichiro; Usui, Tomohiro; Fukushi, Keisuke; Nakashima, Satoru


    It has long been suggested that mineral surfaces played an important role in peptide bond formation on the primitive Earth. However, it remains unclear which mineral species was key to the prebiotic processes. This is because great discrepancies exist among the reported catalytic efficiencies of minerals for amino acid polymerizations, owing to mutually different experimental conditions. This study examined polymerization of glycine (Gly) on nine oxide minerals (amorphous silica, quartz, α-alumina and γ-alumina, anatase, rutile, hematite, magnetite, and forsterite) using identical preparation, heating, and analytical procedures. Results showed that a rutile surface is the most effective site for Gly polymerization in terms of both amounts and lengths of Gly polymers synthesized. The catalytic efficiency decreased as rutile > anatase > γ-alumina > forsterite > α- alumina > magnetite > hematite > quartz > amorphous silica. Based on reported molecular-level information for adsorption of Gly on these minerals, polymerization activation was inferred to have arisen from deprotonation of the NH3 + group of adsorbed Gly to the nucleophilic NH2 group, and from withdrawal of electron density from the carboxyl carbon to the surface metal ions. The orientation of adsorbed Gly on minerals is also a factor influencing the Gly reactivity. The examination of Gly-mineral interactions under identical experimental conditions has enabled the direct comparison of various minerals' catalytic efficiencies and has made discussion of polymerization mechanisms and their relative influences possible Further systematic investigations using the approach reported herein (which are expected to be fruitful) combined with future microscopic surface analyses will elucidate the role of minerals in the process of abiotic peptide bond formation.

  16. Glycine Polymerization on Oxide Minerals. (United States)

    Kitadai, Norio; Oonishi, Hiroyuki; Umemoto, Koichiro; Usui, Tomohiro; Fukushi, Keisuke; Nakashima, Satoru


    It has long been suggested that mineral surfaces played an important role in peptide bond formation on the primitive Earth. However, it remains unclear which mineral species was key to the prebiotic processes. This is because great discrepancies exist among the reported catalytic efficiencies of minerals for amino acid polymerizations, owing to mutually different experimental conditions. This study examined polymerization of glycine (Gly) on nine oxide minerals (amorphous silica, quartz, α-alumina and γ-alumina, anatase, rutile, hematite, magnetite, and forsterite) using identical preparation, heating, and analytical procedures. Results showed that a rutile surface is the most effective site for Gly polymerization in terms of both amounts and lengths of Gly polymers synthesized. The catalytic efficiency decreased as rutile > anatase > γ-alumina > forsterite > α- alumina > magnetite > hematite > quartz > amorphous silica. Based on reported molecular-level information for adsorption of Gly on these minerals, polymerization activation was inferred to have arisen from deprotonation of the NH 3 + group of adsorbed Gly to the nucleophilic NH 2 group, and from withdrawal of electron density from the carboxyl carbon to the surface metal ions. The orientation of adsorbed Gly on minerals is also a factor influencing the Gly reactivity. The examination of Gly-mineral interactions under identical experimental conditions has enabled the direct comparison of various minerals' catalytic efficiencies and has made discussion of polymerization mechanisms and their relative influences possible Further systematic investigations using the approach reported herein (which are expected to be fruitful) combined with future microscopic surface analyses will elucidate the role of minerals in the process of abiotic peptide bond formation.

  17. 30 CFR 281.8 - Rights to minerals. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Rights to minerals. 281.8 Section 281.8 Mineral Resources MINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFSHORE LEASING OF MINERALS OTHER THAN OIL, GAS, AND SULPHUR IN THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF General § 281.8 Rights to minerals. (a) Unless...

  18. Radio nuclides in mineral rocks and beach sand minerals in south east coast, Odisha

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vidya Sagar, D.; Sahoo, S.K.; Essakki, Chinna; Tripathy, S.K.; Ravi, P.M.; Tripathi, R.M.; Mohanty, D.


    The primordial and metamorphic mineral rocks of the Eastern Ghats host minerals such as rutile, ilmenite, Silmenite, zircon, garnet and monazite in quartz matrix. The weathered material is transported down to the sea by run-off through Rivers and deposited back in coastal beach as heavy mineral concentrates. The minerals are mined by M/S Indian Rare Earths Ltd at the Chatrapur plant in Odisha coast to separate the individual minerals. Some of these minerals have low level radioactivity and may pose external and internal radiation hazard. The present paper deals with natural Thorium and Uranium in the source rocks with those observed in the coastal deposits. The study correlates the nuclide activity ratios in environmental samples in an attempt to understand the ecology of the natural radio nuclides of 238 U, 232 Th, 40 K and 226 Ra in environmental context. Further work is in progress to understand the geological process associated with the migration and reconcentration of natural radio-nuclides in the natural high background radiation areas

  19. Remote sensing of geologic mineral occurrences for the Colorado mineral belt using LANDSAT data (United States)

    Carpenter, R. H. (Principal Investigator); Trexler, D. W.


    The author has identified the following significant results. LANDSAT imagery was examined as a practical and productive tool for mineral exploration along the Colorado Mineral Belt. An attempt was made to identify all large, active and/or abandoned mining districts on the imagery which initially were discovered by surface manifestations. A number of strong photolinements, circular features, and color anomalies were identified. Some of these form a part of the structural and igneous volcanic framework in which mineral deposits occur. No specific mineral deposits such as veins or porphyries were identified. Promising linear and concentric features were field checked at several locations. Some proved to be fault zones and calderas; others were strictly topographic features related to stream or glacial entrenchment. The Silverton Caldera region and the Idaho Springs-Central City district were chosen and studied as case histories to evaluate the application of LANDSAT imagery to mineral exploration. Evidence of specific mineralization related to ore deposits in these two areas were observed only on low level photography.

  20. Destructive textures around radioactive minerals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montel, J.M.; Seydoux-Guillaume, A.M.


    In most of the rocks, natural uranium and thorium are concentrated in some minerals which provide favourable crystallographic sites. These minerals are thus submitted to an intense auto-irradiation which may transform them. Using conventional investigation methods (petrographic or scanning electronic microscopy, electronic micro-probe) and less conventional ones (transmission electronic microscopy), the authors studied the interfaces between radioactive minerals and their host minerals. They comment the possible mechanical and structural aspects of this interaction by irradiation, and the influence of geological events

  1. 76 FR 6110 - Conflict Minerals (United States)


    ...-10] RIN 3235-AK84 Conflict Minerals AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission. ACTION: Proposed rule...'') and would require any such issuer for which conflict minerals are necessary to the functionality or... body of its annual report whether its conflict minerals originated in the Democratic Republic of the...

  2. Mineral sands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This paper presents an outlook of the Australian mineral sand industry and covers the major operators. It is shown that conscious of an environmentally minded public, the Australian miners have led the way in the rehabilitation of mined areas. Moreover the advanced ceramic industry is generating exciting new perspectives for zircon producers and there is a noticeable growth in the electronic market for rare earths, but in long term the success may depend as much on environmental management and communication skills as on mining and processing skills

  3. Flotation of sulphide minerals 1990

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Forssberg, K S.E. [ed.; Luleaa University of Technology, Luleaa (Sweden). Division of Mineral Processing


    A total of 27 papers presented at the workshop on flotation of sulphide minerals, reprinted from the International Journal of Mineral Processing, vol. 33, nos. 1-4, are included in this book. They cover various aspects of flotation of such minerals as chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, galena, malachite and pyrite.

  4. 36 CFR 331.17 - Minerals. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Minerals. 331.17 Section 331..., KENTUCKY AND INDIANA § 331.17 Minerals. All activities in connection with prospecting, exploration, development, mining or other removal or the processing of mineral resources and all uses reasonably incident...

  5. Minerals Yearbook, volume II, Area Reports—Domestic (United States)



    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Minerals Yearbook discusses the performance of the worldwide minerals and materials industries and provides background information to assist in interpreting that performance. Content of the individual Minerals Yearbook volumes follows:Volume I, Metals and Minerals, contains chapters about virtually all metallic and industrial mineral commodities important to the U.S. economy. Chapters on survey methods, summary statistics for domestic nonfuel minerals, and trends in mining and quarrying in the metals and industrial mineral industries in the United States are also included.Volume II, Area Reports: Domestic, contains a chapter on the mineral industry of each of the 50 States and Puerto Rico and the Administered Islands. This volume also has chapters on survey methods and summary statistics of domestic nonfuel minerals.Volume III, Area Reports: International, is published as four separate reports. These regional reports contain the latest available minerals data on more than 180 foreign countries and discuss the importance of minerals to the economies of these nations and the United States. Each report begins with an overview of the region’s mineral industries during the year. It continues with individual country chapters that examine the mining, refining, processing, and use of minerals in each country of the region and how each country’s mineral industry relates to U.S. industry. Most chapters include production tables and industry structure tables, information about Government policies and programs that affect the country’s mineral industry, and an outlook section.The USGS continually strives to improve the value of its publications to users. Constructive comments and suggestions by readers of the Minerals Yearbook are welcomed.

  6. Minerals Yearbook, volume III, Area Reports—International (United States)



    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Minerals Yearbook discusses the performance of the worldwide minerals and materials industries and provides background information to assist in interpreting that performance. Content of the individual Minerals Yearbook volumes follows:Volume I, Metals and Minerals, contains chapters about virtually all metallic and industrial mineral commodities important to the U.S. economy. Chapters on survey methods, summary statistics for domestic nonfuel minerals, and trends in mining and quarrying in the metals and industrial mineral industries in the United States are also included.Volume II, Area Reports: Domestic, contains a chapter on the mineral industry of each of the 50 States and Puerto Rico and the Administered Islands. This volume also has chapters on survey methods and summary statistics of domestic nonfuel minerals.Volume III, Area Reports: International, is published as four separate reports. These regional reports contain the latest available minerals data on more than 180 foreign countries and discuss the importance of minerals to the economies of these nations and the United States. Each report begins with an overview of the region’s mineral industries during the year. It continues with individual country chapters that examine the mining, refining, processing, and use of minerals in each country of the region and how each country’s mineral industry relates to U.S. industry. Most chapters include production tables and industry structure tables, information about Government policies and programs that affect the country’s mineral industry, and an outlook section.The USGS continually strives to improve the value of its publications to users. Constructive comments and suggestions by readers of the Minerals Yearbook are welcomed.

  7. Mary Pepchinski: Feminist Space. Exhibitions and Discourses between Philadelphia and Berlin 1865–1912. Weimar: VDG Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften 2007.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monika Kaiser


    Full Text Available Mary Pepchinski widmet ihre Untersuchung temporären Ausstellungen, die im Zeitraum von 1865 bis 1912 im deutschsprachigen Raum und in den USA entstanden sind und die zum Ziel hatten, in der bürgerlichen Öffentlichkeit Räume für feministische Anliegen und Diskussionen zu schaffen. In diesen um 1900 neu entstehenden Räumen der weiblichen Kultur spiegeln sich die feministischen Diskurse der Epoche und fließen in die von den Akteurinnen des gehobenen Bürgertums geschaffenen, charakteristischen Raumschöpfungen ein. Die Autorin stellt bislang unbekanntes Quellenmaterial vor und eröffnet durch ihren interdisziplinären Blick den Zugang zu einem vernachlässigten, da bislang unbekannten Teil der Kulturgeschichte der Moderne.Mary Pepchinski devotes her study to those temporary exhibitions taking place in German-speaking areas and in the USA between 1865 and 1912 that have as their goal the creation of spaces for feminist concerns and discussions in bourgeois public society. In these female cultural spaces emerging around 1900, we can see the reflection of feminist discourse specific to the era as it penetrates the characteristic spaces created by upper middle class women. The authors present little known source material and through their interdisciplinary approach they open up a point of access to an undiscovered aspect of the cultural history of modernism.

  8. Perception and evaluation of risks. Findings of the 'Baden-Wuerttemberg Risk Survey 2001'; Wahrnehmung und Bewertung von Risiken. Ergebnisse des Risikosurvey Baden-Wuerttemberg 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zwick, M.M.; Renn, O. (eds.)


    Since most of the empirical work on risk perception has been conducted in the 1970s and few studies are available that claim to span the full range of psychological, sociological and cultural variables, the Center of Technology Assessment in Stuttgart (Germany) has conducted a representative survey in the German State of Baden-Wuerttemberg on risk perception in the general population. In addition, a qualitative investigation based on a sample of 62 respondents was launched in 2001. The objective of the study was to determine the relative importance of psychometric, stigma-related, social value-related, trust-related and cultural variables in explaining risk perception and acceptance. The following report summarizes the results of these investigations. (orig.) [German] Da ein Grossteil der empirischen Forschung in der Risikowahrnehmung in den siebziger Jahren stattgefunden hat und wenige Studien vorliegen, die den Anspruch erheben, den vollen Umfang psychologischer, soziologischer und kultureller Variablen zu erfassen, hat die Akademie fuer Technikfolgenabschaetzung in Baden-Wuerttemberg im Jahr 2001 eine repraesentative Umfrage zum Thema Risikowahrnehmung in der Bevoelkerung Baden-Wuerttembergs durchgefuehrt. Daran wurde eine qualitative Untersuchung auf der Basis eines Samples mit 62 Befragten angeschlossen. Das Ziel der Studie war die Bestimmung der relativen Wichtigkeit psychometrischer, stigma-bezogener, gesellschaftlich wertbezogener, vertrauensbezogener und kultureller Variablen bei der Erklaerung von Risikowahrnehmung und -akzeptanz. Der folgende Bericht fasst die zentralen Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen zusammen. (orig.)

  9. Mineral formation and organo-mineral controls on the bioavailability of carbon at the terrestrial-aquatic interface (United States)

    Rod, K. A.; Smith, A. P.; Renslow, R.


    Recent evidence highlights the importance of organo-mineral interactions in regulating the source or sink capacity of soil. High surface area soils, such as allophane-rich or clay-rich soils, retain organic matter (OM) via sorption to mineral surfaces which can also contribute physical isolation in interlayer spaces. Despite the direct correlation between mineral surfaces and OM accumulation, the pedogenic processes controlling the abundance of reactive surface areas and their distribution in the mineral matrix remains unclear. As global soil temperatures rise, the dissolution of primary minerals and formation of new secondary minerals may be thermodynamically favored as part of soil weathering process. Newly formed minerals can supply surfaces for organo-metallic bonding and may, therefore, stabilize OM by surface bonding and physical exclusion. This is especially relevant in environments that intersect terrestrial and aquatic systems, such as the capillary fringe zone in riparian ecosystems. To test the mechanisms of mineral surface area protection of OM, we facilitated secondary precipitation of alumino-silicates in the presence of OM held at two different temperatures in natural Nisqually River sediments (Mt Rainier, WA). This was a three month reaction intended to simulate early pedogenesis. To tease out the influence of mineral surface area increase during pedogenesis, we incubated the sediments at two different soil moisture contents to induce biodegradation. We measured OM desorption, biodegradation, and the molecular composition of mineral-associated OM both prior to and following the temperature manipulation. To simulate the saturation of capillary fringe sediment and associated transport and reaction of OM, column experiments were conducted using the reacted sediments. More co-precipitation was observed in the 20°C solution compared to the 4°C reacted solution suggesting that warming trends alter mineral development and may remove more OM from solution

  10. Symposium Ecological construction - from half-timbered- to passive house: living yesterday - today - tomorrow; Symposium Oekologische Bauweisen - vom Umgebinde- zum Passivhaus: Wohnen Gestern - Heute - Morgen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    While the first part of the symposium was dedicated to half-timbered buildings in the traditional style of Lausitz, Bohemia and Silesia, the second part discussed passive buildings. [German] Das Umgebindehaus ist ein weltweit einmaliger Haustyp und zum anderen ist es ein traditionelles Haus unserer Region der Oberlausitz und angrenzender Teile von Boehmen und Schlesien. Das Symposium behandelt das Umgebindehaus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart und will Motivation und Ansaetze geben, dieses wunderschoene Baukulturgut zu erhalten und unter modernen Wohn-, Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen zu nutzen. Der zweite Teil der Tagung ist nicht minder wichtig. Beim Passivhaus geht es im wesentlichen darum, Heizwaermeverluste im Winter so klein zu halten, dass sie von den Gewinnen (Sonnenenergie, inneres Waermeaufkommen u.a.) gedeckt werden koennen. Damit wird der Waermeschutz des Gebaeudes vielleicht bis an die Grenzen getrieben und es entstehen neue Anforderungen an das Energiemanagement und die Qualitaet der technischen Gebaeudeausruestung. (orig.)

  11. Inhibition of Mineralization of Urinary Stone Forming Minerals by Medicinal Plants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. A. Mohamed Farook


    Full Text Available The inhibition of mineralization of urinary stone forming minerals by medicinal plants i.e. Achyranthes aspera Linn, Passiflora leschenaultii DC, Solena amplexicaulis (Lam. Gandhi, Scoparia dulcis Linn and Aerva lanata (Linn. been investigated. The inhibition efficiency was studied. Increased intake of fruits juice and seed extract of our plants would be helpful in urinary stone prophylaxis.

  12. Preliminary Mineral Resource Assessment of Selected Mineral Deposit Types in Afghanistan (United States)

    Ludington, Steve; Orris, Greta J.; Bolm, Karen S.; Peters, Stephen G.; ,


    INTRODUCTION Wise decision-making and management of natural resources depend upon credible and reliable scientific information about the occurrence, distribution, quantity and quality of a country's resource base. Economic development decisions by governments require such information to be part of a Mineral Resource Assessment. Such Mineral Assessments are also useful to private citizens and international investors, consultants, and companies prior to entry and investment in a country. Assessments can also be used to help evaluate the economic risks and impact on the natural environment associated with development of resources. In February 2002, at the request of the Department of State and the then U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan (Robert P. Finn), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) prepared a detailed proposal addressing natural resources issues critical to the reconstruction of Afghanistan. The proposal was refined and updated in December 2003 and was presented as a 5-year work plan to USAID-Kabul in February 2004. USAID-Kabul currently funds this plan and this report presents a part of the preliminary results obligated for fiscal year 2006. A final Preliminary Assessment of the Non Fuel Mineral Resource of Afghanistan will be completed and delivered at the end of fiscal year 2007. Afghanistan has abundant metallic and non-metallic resources, but the potential resources have never been systematically assessed using modern methods. Much of the existing mineral information for Afghanistan was gathered during the 1950s and continued in the late 1980s until the departure of the geologic advisors from the Soviet Union. During this period, there were many mineral-related activities centered on systematic geologic mapping of the country, collection of geochemical and rock samples, implementation of airborne geophysical surveys, and exploration focused on the discovery of large mineral deposits. Many reports, maps, charts, and tables were produced at that time. Some of

  13. Technical and economic aspects of fuel cell applications in space HVAC systems; Technische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte zum Einsatz von Brennstoffzellen in der Gebaeudeversorgung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Handke, J; Handschin, E


    There are two different types of fuel cells for small-scale applications, li.e. polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) and high-termperature fuel cells with ceramic solid electrolytes (SOFC). Both types of fuel cells have different advantages and shortcomings. One of the main problems, however, is the fact that research is still going on and that commercial fuel cell systems for space HVAC applications are still not available. (orig.) [Deutsch] Nach dem heutigen Stand werden zwei unterschiedliche Brennstoffzellen-Typen zum Einsatz in Kleinanlagen entwickelt. Neben der zu Klasse der Niedertemperatur-Brennstoffzellen gehoerenden Polymer-Elektrolyt-Membran-Brennstoffzelle (PEMFC) ist dies die Hochtemperatur-Brennstoffzelle auf der Basis eines keramischen Festelektrolyten (SOFC). Beide Brennstoffzellen-Typen haben unterschiedliche Vor- und Nachteile fuer den Einsatz zur Gebaeudeversorgung. Eines der Hauptprobleme, das allerdings beide Zellentypen gemeinsam haben, besteht in der noch nicht abgeschlossenen Entwicklung und - daraus resultierend - der fehlenden kommerziellen Verfuegbarkeit im Bereich der Gebaeudeversorgung. (orig./MM)

  14. 30 CFR 48.26 - Experienced miner training. (United States)


    ... the physical and health hazards of chemicals in the miner's work area, the protective measures a miner... occurred during the miner's absence and that could adversely affect the miner's health or safety. (1) A... Mineral Resources MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING...

  15. Sorption of pesticides to aquifer minerals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Liselotte; Fabricius, Ida Lykke


    This paper summarizes results from a work were the sorption of five pesticides on seven minerals were studied in order to quantify the adsorption to different mineral surfaces. Investigated mineral phases are: quartz, calcite, kaolinite, a-alumina, and three iron oxides (2-line ferrihydrite......, goethite, lepidocrocite). Selected pesticides are: atrazine, isoproturon, mecoprop, 2,4-D, and bentazone. The results demonstrate that pesticides adsorb to pure mineral surfaces. However, the size of the adsorption depends on the type of pesticide and the type of mineral....

  16. 21 CFR 573.680 - Mineral oil. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Mineral oil. 573.680 Section 573.680 Food and... Listing § 573.680 Mineral oil. Mineral oil may be safely used in animal feed, subject to the provisions of this section. (a) Mineral oil, for the purpose of this section, is that complying with the definition...

  17. Plasmid-mediated mineralization of 4-chlorobiphenyl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shields, M.S.; Hooper, S.W.; Sayler, G.S.


    Strains of Alcaligenes and Acinetobacter spp. were isolated from a mixed culture already proven to be proficient at complete mineralization of monohalogenated biphenyls. These strains were shown to harbor a 35 x 10(6)-dalton plasmid mediating a complete pathway for 4-chlorobiphenyl (4CB) oxidation. Subsequent plasmid curing of these bacteria resulted in the abolishment of the 4CB mineralization phenotype and loss of even early 4CB metabolism by Acinetobacter spp. Reestablishment of the Alcaligenes plasmid, denoted pSS50, in the cured Acinetobacter spp. via filter surface mating resulted in the restoration of 4CB mineralization abilities. 4CB mineralization, however, proved to be an unstable characteristic in some subcultured strains. Such loss was not found to coincide with any detectable alteration in plasmid size. Cultures capable of complete mineralization, as well as those limited to partial metabolism of 4CB, produced 4-chlorobenzoate as a metabolite. Demonstration of mineralization of a purified 14 C-labeled chlorobenzoate showed it to be a true intermediate in 4CB mineralization. Unlike the mineralization capability, the ability to produce a metabolite has proven to be stable on subculture. These results indicate the occurrence of a novel plasmid, or evolved catabolic plasmid, that mediates the complete mineralization of 4CB

  18. Dose management in radiology. Review of the technological status; Dosismanagement in der Radiologie. Ein Ueberblick zum Stand der Technik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Verius, M. [LKH Innsbruck, Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiologie, Innsbruck (Austria)


    The Euratom directive 2013/59 (''EU directive for radiation protection'') has to be implemented into national law by spring 2018 and requires a complete recording of patient dosages and relevant parameters. Additionally, a medical physics expert has to be consulted for each radiological examination above a defined threshold. A complete recording of the dosage administered from all modalities and optimization of the radiological procedures should result in a reduction of the total dosage. This can be achieved by automated systems that incorporate not only the detection of the dose parameters but also the evaluation and analysis of these data. When provided with warning levels such a system should be able to inform or warn the operator when dose thresholds have been exceeded or even better inform the operator about possible excess dosages before an examination. Depending on the information provided by the modality, dose management systems can operate at different levels in the picture archiving and communication system (PACS), radiological and hospital information systems (RIS/HIS) or with the header information of a digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) image and evaluate and analyze this data. A practicable use of such systems is only possible by close cooperation of medical personnel, medical physicists and information technology (IT) administrators. Various systems are available commercially or free but an individual adaptation of these systems is useful and necessary, depending on the requirements of the radiology practice or hospital. (orig.) [German] Die Euratom-Richtlinie 2013/59 (''EU-Richtlinie zum Strahlenschutz'') besagt, dass sie bis zum Fruehjahr 2018 in nationales Recht der Mitgliedstaaten umgesetzt werden muss, d. h. eine lueckenlose Erfassung der Patientendosen zu erfolgen hat. Ausserdem muss zu jeder Modalitaet in einem bestimmten Ausmass ein Medizinphysikexperte hinzugezogen werden. Die

  19. The radioactivity of bottled mineral waters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vrakova, M.; Babarikova, F.; Belanova, A.


    Mineral waters with increased contents of minerals (total mineralization ranging from 1000 to 4000 -3 ) can also contain increased concentrations of natural radionuclides. For this reason it is necessary to monitor radioactivity of mineral and thermal springs. Hundreds of springs which are used for drinking purposes are spread in many regions all over Slovakia. In our laboratory we determined these radionuclides in mineral waters: total alpha, total beta, volume activity 222 Rn, concentration of U nat , volume 226 Ra, 228 Ra and 210 Po. From values of determined volume activities of radionuclides we calculated total effective dose from reception mineral waters. By calculation of effective dose we supposed consumption of mineral water 150 dm 3 .year -1 (0.4 dm 3 .day -1 ) for adults (according to UNSCEAR). Conversion factors are initiated in the regulation of Ministry of Health of Slovak Republic (MZ SR No.12/2001). (authors)

  20. Lung Cancer in uranium miners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Chundi; Fan Jixiong; Wang Liuhu; Huang Yiehan; Nie Guanghua


    This paper analyese the clinical data of 39 uranium miners with lung cancer and of 20 patients with lung cancer who have not been exposed to uranium as control. The age of uranium miners with lung cancer was 36∼61 with an average of 48.8, nine years earlier than that of the control group (57.3). In the uranium miner patients the right lung was more susceptible to cancer than the left, the ratio being 2.5:1. However, in the control group the right lung had an equal incidence of cancer as the left lung. The relative frequency of small cell anaplastic carcinoma in uranium miner was higher than that in the control group. In the miner patients the mean occupation history was 11.1 ± 5.2 years; the exposure dose to radon and its daughters in 50% patients was 0.504J(120 WLM). The etiologic factor of lung cancer in uranium miners is strongly attributed, in addition to smoking, to the exposure to radon and its daughters in uranium mines

  1. Mineral resource of the month: vermiculite (United States)

    Tanner, Arnold O.


    Vermiculite comprises a group of hydrated, laminar magnesium-aluminum-iron silicate minerals resembling mica. They are secondary minerals, typically altered biotite, iron-rich phlogopite or other micas or clay-like minerals that are themselves sometimes alteration products of amphibole, chlorite, olivine and pyroxene. Vermiculite deposits are associated with volcanic ultramafic rocks rich in magnesium silicate minerals, and flakes of the mineral range in color from black to shades of brown and yellow. The crystal structure of vermiculite contains water molecules, a property that is critical to its processing for common uses.

  2. Australian mineral industry annual review for 1984

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This volume of the Australian Mineral Industry Annual Review records development and performance of the Australian mineral industry during the calendar year 1984. It reports production, consumption, treatment, trade, prices, new developments, exploration, and resources for mineral commodities including fuels, and summarises equivalent developments abroad. Part 1. 'general review' after briefly surveying the world mineral industry, summarises developments in the Australian mineral industry as a whole, under the headings: the industry in the national economy, prices, exploration expenditure, investment, income tax, royalties, structural data, wages and salaries, industrial disputes, and government assistance, legislation, and controls. Part 2. 'commodity review' covers individual mineral commodity groups, from abrasives to zirconium. Part 3, 'mining census', tabulates statistics extracted from the mining census, together with some mineral processing statistics from the manufacturing census. Part 4 tabulates quantity and value data on mineral output provided by state departments of mines and their equivalents. Listed in appendices are: principal mineral producers; ore buyers and mineral dealers; government mining services; analytical laboratories; state mines departments and equivalents; industry, professional and development organisations and associations, etc; summary of mineral royalties payable in the states and territories; and summary of income tax provisions and federal government levies.

  3. Minerals (United States)

    ... Aren't minerals something you find in the earth, like iron and quartz? Well, yes, but small ... canned salmon and sardines with bones leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli calcium-fortified foods — from orange ...

  4. Mineral commodity summaries 2018 (United States)

    Ober, Joyce A.


    This report is the earliest Government publication to furnish estimates covering 2017 nonfuel mineral industry data. Data sheets contain information on the domestic industry structure, Government programs, tariffs, and 5-year salient statistics for more than 90 individual minerals and materials.

  5. Perencanaan Strategik SBU Mineral PT Sucofindo (Persero

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    Suprapto Suprapto


    Full Text Available Strategic planning requires an organization in the face of today's business competition and a more complex future. Likewise, Mineral Gas Station also requires this strategic planning as a newly formed business unit of 2015. Therefore, the company analyzed its internal and external factors as well as a future review of the mineral service industry to stay afloat, grow and develop. The objectives of this study were to identify the internal performance and core competencies of Mineral Gas Station, to identify the external macro environment condition and external micro intensity of mineral service industry competition, to map the current position of the company, to recommend appropriate business strategy in facing competition pressure, and to develop the objectives and program of the company. This research used descriptive and quantitative analysis methods with a purposive sampling technique. The results show that the position of Mineral Gas Station on the intensity of mineral service competition is 'moderate' and is in quadrant of 'grow and build'. Therefore, the appropriate strategy is intensive strategy (market penetration, market development and product development. Mineral Gas Station require to conduct customer satisfaction surveys related to customer perspectives which becomes the most important strategic factor with a focus on customer complaint factor. Further research is needed by involving all external parties so that the results will be more independent.Keywords: mineral services, strategic planning, competition, mineral gas station, SucofindoABSTRAKPerencanaan strategik dibutuhkan organisasi dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis saat ini dan masa depan yang semakin komplek. Demikian juga yang dibutuhkan SBU Mineral sebagai unit bisnis yang baru terbentuk 2015, dengan menganalisis faktor internal dan ekternal perusahaan serta tinjauan masa depan industri jasa mineral untuk tetap bertahan, tumbuh dan berkembang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah

  6. Vitamins and Minerals in Kidney Disease (United States)

    ... Donate A to Z Health Guide Vitamins and Minerals in Kidney Disease Tweet Share Print Email Are ... you need to know. What are vitamins and minerals? Vitamins and minerals are substances your body needs ...

  7. Platinum-group elements in southern Africa: mineral inventory and an assessment of undiscovered mineral resources: Chapter Q in Global mineral resource assessment (United States)

    Zientek, Michael L.; Causey, J. Douglas; Parks, Heather L.; Miller, Robert J.


    The platinum-group elements, platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, and osmium, possess unique physical and chemical characteristics that make them indispensable to modern technology and industry. However, mineral deposits that are the main sources of these elements occur only in three countries in the world, raising concerns about potential disruption in mineral supply. Using information in the public domain, mineral resource and reserve information has been compiled for mafic and ultramafic rocks in South Africa and Zimbabwe that host most of the world’s platinum-group element resources.

  8. Concentration of gold, sulphide minerals and uranium oxide minerals by flotation from ores and metallurgical plant products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weston, D.


    A process for the recovery by froth flotation of gold and mineral values selected from the group consisting of gold bearing minerals, platinum group minerals, silver group minerals, and uranium group minerals, from ores and metallurgical plant products containing at least gold and at least one of the other said minerals comprising: subjecting a suitably prepared pulp of the material to mechanical agitation in at least one agitation conditioning stage wherein the pH of the said pulp has been lowered with an acid agent to an optimum pH point within the pH range of about 1.5 to 5.0 and wherein the agitation conditioning is for a sufficient period of time to bring about heavy activation of at least one of the said mineral values in at least one subsequent mechanical agitation conditioning stage wherein the said pulp is further agitation conditioned for a sufficient period of time and at an optimum pH point in the pH range of about 6.0 to 11.0 in the presence of at least one collector selected from the group of sulfhydryl anionic collectors to produce the said heavy activation of at least gold and at least one of the other said mineral values; and subsequently in the presence of a frother subjecting and said agitation conditioned pulp to flotation to produce a concentrate enriched in gold and at least one of the othersaid mineral values, and a tailings product impoverished in at least gold and at least one of the other said mineral values

  9. Characterization of clay minerals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diaz N, C.; Olguin, M.T.; Solache R, M.; Alarcon H, T.; Aguilar E, A.


    The natural clays are the more abundant minerals on the crust. They are used for making diverse industrial products. Due to the adsorption and ion exchange properties of these, a great interest for developing research directed toward the use of natural clays for the waste water treatment has been aroused. As part of such researches it is very important to carry out previously the characterization of the interest materials. In this work the results of the mineral and elemental chemical composition are presented as well as the morphological characteristics of clay minerals from different regions of the Mexican Republic. (Author)

  10. Utilization of mining and mineral wastes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Kyung Ho; Hong, Seung Woong; Choi, Young Yoon; Kim, Byung Gyu; Park, Je Shin [Korea Institute of Geology Mining and Materials, Taejon (Korea)


    Up to now, it is estimated that more than 50 million tons of mineral wastes have been generated mining industries and deposited on the land in Korea. Much of cultivated land and hilly areas have been occupied by this wastes, which cause pollution of the environment. Utilization of the mineral wastes is preferable to stabilization because full use would both eliminate the waste and broaden the mineral resource base. Therefore, the development of utilization techniques of mineral wastes is very important not only for improving the environment but also for resource conservation. In countries with high population and poor natural resources like Korea, the utilization of these wastes is essential to decrease the environmental problem and the secure the resources and the study on this field play a important part. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop the utilization techniques of the mineral wastes. In first year's research, the contents and scope of this study are 1) Present condition and Field Survey on the mineral wastes with respect of their utilization, 2) Reviews of Current effects and research to utilize mineral wastes, 3) Characterization of mineral wastes and environmental test, 4) Evaluation and study on the utilization. (author). 67 refs., 25 tabs., 54 figs.

  11. Utilization of mining and mineral wastes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Kyung Ho; Hong, Seung Woong; Choi, Young Yoon; Kim, Byung Gyu; Park, Je Shin [Korea Institute of Geology Mining and Materials, Taejon (Korea)


    Up to now, it is estimated that more than 50 million tons of mineral wastes have been generated mining industries and deposited on the land in Korea. Much of cultivated land and hilly areas have been occupied by this wastes, which cause pollution of the environment. Utilization of the mineral wastes is preferable to stabilization because full use would both eliminate the waste and broaden the mineral resource base. Therefore, the development of utilization techniques of mineral wastes is very important not only for improving the environment but also for resource conservation. In countries with high population and poor natural resources like Korea, the utilization of these wastes is essential to decrease the environmental problem and the secure the resources and the study on this field play a important part. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop the utilization techniques of the mineral wastes. In first year's research, the contents and scope of this study are 1) Present condition and Field Survey on the mineral wastes with respect of their utilization, 2) Reviews of Current effects and research to utilize mineral wastes, 3) Characterization of mineral wastes and environmental test, 4) Evaluation and study on the utilization. (author). 67 refs., 25 tabs., 54 figs.

  12. Adsorption of dextrin on hydrophobic minerals. (United States)

    Beaussart, Audrey; Mierczynska-Vasilev, Agnieszka; Beattie, David A


    The adsorption of dextrin on talc, molybdenite, and graphite (three naturally hydrophobic minerals) has been compared. Adsorption isotherms and in situ tapping mode atomic force microscope (TMAFM) imaging have enabled polymer adsorbed amount and morphology of the adsorbed layer (area coverage and polymer domain size) to be determined and also the amount of hydration water in the structure of the adsorbed layer. The effect of the polymer on the mineral contact angles, measured by the captive bubble method on cleaved mineral surfaces, indicates clear correlations between the hydrophobicity reduction of the minerals, the adsorbed amount, and the surface coverage of the adsorbed polymer. Predictions of the flotation recovery of the treated mineral phases have been confirmed by performing batch flotation experiments. The influence of the polymer surface coverage on flotation recovery has highlighted the importance of this key parameter in the predictions of depressant efficiency. The roles of the initial hydrophobicity and the surface structure of the mineral basal plane in determining adsorption parameters and flotation response of the polymer-treated minerals are also discussed.

  13. Economic drivers of mineral supply (United States)

    Wagner, Lorie A.; Sullivan, Daniel E.; Sznopek, John L.


    The debate over the adequacy of future supplies of mineral resources continues in light of the growing use of mineral-based materials in the United States. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quantity of new materials utilized each year has dramatically increased from 161 million tons2 in 1900 to 3.2 billion tons in 2000. Of all the materials used during the 20th century in the United States, more than half were used in the last 25 years. With the Earth?s endowment of natural resources remaining constant, and increased demand for resources, economic theory states that as depletion approaches, prices rise. This study shows that many economic drivers (conditions that create an economic incentive for producers to act in a particular way) such as the impact of globalization, technological improvements, productivity increases, and efficient materials usage are at work simultaneously to impact minerals markets and supply. As a result of these economic drivers, the historical price trend of mineral prices3 in constant dollars has declined as demand has risen. When price is measured by the cost in human effort, the price trend also has been almost steadily downward. Although the United States economy continues its increasing mineral consumption trend, the supply of minerals has been able to keep pace. This study shows that in general supply has grown faster than demand, causing a declining trend in mineral prices.

  14. Niger Republic mineral planning : Part four Second volume : Main mineral substances specific study and their geological context

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franconi, Antoine; Joo', Julien; Zibo, Idde


    This volume describes Niger Republic mineral substances capable of rising economic interest. After relating minerals occurrence , indices and deposits types, conclusions and recommendations have been made for mineral prospecting. Mineral substances described are : Copper, lead and zinc, molybdena, iron, manganese, titanium, vanadium, nickel and chrome ( cobalt and platinoid ), lithium, lignite, diamond and diverse substances rare earth, beryllium, silver, bismuth arsenic and antimony, barytine, alunite, talc and asbestos ( graphite and diatomite) [fr


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    Şükrü KOÇ


    Full Text Available Dutluca volcanics, which are known as Hallaçlar Formation in regional scale in the study area (Kurshens- ky, 1976, are composed of hydrothermally altered andesite and basaltic andesite. In these rocks, sulfidic minerals such as pyrite, enargite and chalcosine, and oxide and hydroxide minerals such as magnetite, hematite and goethite were detected as opaque minerals. The presence of enargite in opaque mineral para- genesis, and the changes observed in structures and textures of opaque and silicate minerals indicate that examined volcanics have been altered by highly sulfidic hydrothermal solutions. During the hydrothermal alteration process, which indicates at least in two phases, a diffuse pyritization rich in H S in reducing conditions and enargite mineral, which is known as pathfinder minerals in such processes, formed in the first phase. Later on; the extensive martitization developed in oxidizing conditions.

  16. Investigations into the use of bacteria for enhanced recovery of petroleum; Untersuchungen zum Einsatz von Bakterien zur Erhoehung des Entoelungsgrades in Erdoellagerstaetten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amro, M.


    Strains of bacteria were investigated with a view to their applicability and efficiency in enhanced recovery of petroleum. The mechanisms of enhanced recovery with bacteria were to be clarified as well. The experiments were carried out as static autoclave experiments without bedrock and as dynamic flooding experiments in a model pore space (Bentheim sandstone and carbonate rock) under the conditions of North German petroleum deposits. The static experiments carried out preliminary to the more time-consuming dynamic flooding experiments were to help with an optimized design of the injection experiments. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die vorliegende Arbeit hat zum Ziel, entoelungswirksame Bakterienstaemme zu untersuchen und hinsichtlich der durch sie bewirkten Erhoehung des Entoelungsgrades zu bewerten. Gleichzeitig sollen die Mechanismen aufgeklaert werden, die der Entoelungsverbesserung durch Einsatz von Bakterien zugrunde liegen. Die Experimente wurden als statische Autoklavenversuche ohne Lagerstaettengestein sowie als dynamische Flutversuche im Modellporenraum (Bentheimer Sandstein und karbonatisches Gesteinsmaterial) unter Bedingungen norddeutscher Lagerstaetten durchgefuehrt. Die statischen Versuche, die als Auswahltests den aufwendigeren dynamischen Flutversuchen vorgeschaltet waren, sollten dazu beitragen, die Flutversuche gezielt konzipieren zu koennen. (orig./EF)

  17. Methods of mineral potential assessment of uranium deposits: A mineral systems approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaireth, S.


    Conclusions: • Choice of methods depends on the objective; • Basics: – Know your mineral system (deposit-type): SCIENCE; – Create useful datasets: A MUST; • Mineral system approach can be rewarding. For successful examples visit GA’s website; • Don’t overdo or oversell it (only detailed exploration such as drilling can find a deposit)

  18. Proceedings of XXIV international mineral processing congress

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang Dianzuo; Sun Chuan Yao; Wang Fu Liang; Zhang Li Cheng; Han Long (eds.)


    Topics covered in volume 1 include applied mineralogy, comminution, classification, physical separation, flotation chemistry, sulphide flotation, non-sulphide flotation and reagent in mineral industry. Volume 2 covers processing of complex ores, processing of industrial minerals and coal, solid liquid separation, dispersion and aggregation, process simulation, expert systems and control of mineral processing, biohydrometallurgy, and mineral chemical processing. Volume 3 contains powder technology, mineral materials, treatment and recycling for solid wastes, waste water treatment, secondary resource recovery, soil remediation, concentrator engineering and process design, and application of mineral processing in related industry. It includes a CD-ROM of the proceedings.

  19. Hydrometalurgical processes for mineral complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barskij, L.A.; Danil'chenko, L.M.


    Requirements for the technology of the processing of ores including uranium ores and principal stages of the working out of technological schemes are described in brief. There are reference data on commercial minerals and ores including uranium-thorium ores, their classification with due regard for physical, chemical and superficial properties which form the basis for ore-concentrating processes. There are also presented the classification of minerals including uranium minerals by their flotation ability, flotation regimes of minerals, structural-textural characteristics of ores, genetic types of ore formations and their concentrating ability, algorithmization of the apriori evaluation of the concentration and technological diagnostics of the processing of ores. The classification of ore concentration technique is suggested

  20. Indochina area mineral prospects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Prospects for commercial mining of various minerals are considered for Kampuchea (Cambodia), Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand. Mineral production is much below its geologic potential for economic and political reasons. Resource potential is limited to tin, tungsten, lead and zinc, barytes and gemstones, and coal. 1 fig.

  1. Granite-related hypothermal uranium mineralization in South China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, X.; Wu, J.; Pan, J.; Zhu, M.


    As one of the important geological types, granite-related uranium deposits account for about 29% of the total discovered natural uranium resources in China. Most of the granite-related uranium deposits located in Taoshan - Zhuguang uranium metallogenic belt, South China. In addition to the typical pitchblende vein-type uranium mineralization of epithermal metallogenic system, a new type of granite-related uranium mineralization with characteristics of hypothermal matallogenic system was discovered in South China by current studies. However, hypothermal is contact thermal to epithermal mineralization, and not the conventional intrusive high temperature mineralization. Hypothermal uranium mineralization is presented by disseminated uraninite or pitchblende stockwork in fissures in granites normally with extensive alkaline alteration. The high temperature mineral assemblage of uraninite associate with scheelite and tourmaline was identified in hypothermal uranium mineralization. Fluid inclusion studies on this type mineralization indicated the middle to high temperature (>250℃) mineralization with the mixing evidence of ore forming solution derived from deep level, and the boiling and mixing of ore forming solution are regarded as the dominant mineralization mechanism for the precipitating of uranium. In contrast to the mineralization ages of 67 Ma to 87 Ma for typical pitchblende vein mineralization of epithermal metallogenic system, the mineralization age is older than 100 Ma for hypothermal uranium mineralization in granite. In the Shituling deposit, Xiazhuang uranium ore field, uraninite and pitchblende micro veins with extensive potassic alteration, chloritization and sericitization are hosted in fissures of Indo-Chinese epoch granites with the uranium mineralization age of 130 Ma to 138 Ma with a mineralization temperature of 290℃ to 330℃ indicated. Other examples sharing the similar characters of hypothermal uranium mineralization have been recognized in

  2. Australian mineral industry annual review for 1982

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Australian mineral industry annual review records the activities and development of the Australian mineral industry and reports production, consumption, treatment, trade, prices, new developments, exploration and resources for mineral commodities including fuels, and summarises equivalent developments abroad. The present volume reviews activities and developments in 1982. Part 1 (General Review) - after briefly surveying the world mineral industry, summarises developments in the Australian mineral industry as a whole, under the headings: the industry in the national economy; important recent developments; production; overseas trade; prices; exploration expenditure; investment; income tax; royalties; structural data; wages and salaries; industrial disputes; and government assistance, legislation and controls. Part 2 (Commodity Review) - covers industrial mineral commodities, from abrasives to zirconium. Part 3 (Mining Census) - tabulates statistics extracted from the mining census, together with some mineral processing statistics from the manufacturing census. Part 4 (Miscellaneous) - tabulates quantum and value data on mineral output provided by State departments of mines and their equivalents.

  3. Natural mineral waters: chemical characteristics and health effects (United States)

    Quattrini, Sara; Pampaloni, Barbara; Brandi, Maria Luisa


    Summary Water contributes significantly to health and a daily intake of 1.5 to 2 liters of water should be guaranteed, because a good hydration is essential to maintain the body water equilibrium, although needs may vary among people. However, worldwide population is far from the Recommended Allowance for water intake. Among the waters for human uses, there are ‘waters (treated or not), intended for drinking, used for the food and beverages preparation or for other domestic purposes’ and natural mineral waters, that are ‘originated from an aquifer or underground reservoir, spring from one or more natural or bore sources and have specific hygienic features and, eventually, healthy properties’. According to the European Legislation (2009/54/EC Directive), physical and chemical characterization is used to make a classification of the different mineral waters, basing on the analysis of main parameters. Mineral composition enables to classify natural mineral waters as bicarbonate mineral waters, sulphate mineral waters, chloride mineral waters, calcic mineral waters, magnesiac mineral waters, fluorurate mineral waters, ferrous mineral waters and sodium-rich mineral waters. Although the concerns about bottled mineral waters (due to plasticizers and endocrine disruptors), many are the health effects of natural mineral waters and several studies explored their properties and their role in different physiological and pathological conditions. PMID:28228777

  4. Bismuth-silver mineralization in the Sergozerskoe gold occurrence

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    Kalinin A. A.


    Full Text Available Bismuth-silver mineralization attendant to gold mineralization in the Sergozerskoe gold occurrence has been studied in detail. Bi-Ag mineralization is connected with diorite porphyry dykes, which cut volcanic-sedimentary Lopian complexes of the Strel'ninsky greenstone belt – hornblendite and actinolite-chlorite amphibolites, biotite and bi-micaceous gneisses. Distribution of Bi-Ag mineralization similar to gold mineralization is controlled by 80 m thick zone of silicification. Bi minerals are found in brecciated diorite porphyry. Bismuth-silver mineralization includes native metals (bismuth, electrum, silver, tellurides (hedleyite, hessite, selenides (ikunolite, sulfides and sulfosalts of Bi and Ag (matildite, lillianite, eckerite, jalpaite, prustite, acanthite, a few undiagnosed minerals. All Bi and Ag minerals associate with galena. Composition of mineralization evolved from early to late stages of development, depending on intensity of rock alteration. The earliest Bi-Ag minerals were native bismuth and hedleyite formed dissemination in galena, and electrum with 30-45 mass.% Au. Later native bismuth was partly substituted by silver and bismuth sulfosalts and bismuth sulfides. The latest minerals were low-temperature silver sulfides eckerite, jalpaite, and acanthite, which were noted only in the most intensively altered rocks. As soon as the process of formation of Bi-Ag mineralization is the same as formation of gold, findings of bismuth-silver mineralization can serve as a positive exploration sign for gold in the region.

  5. Studi Komposisi Mineral Tepung Batu Bukit Kamang Sebagai Bahan Baku Pakan Sumber Mineral

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    Full Text Available The study was conducted to determine mineral content of limestone originated from natural deposit of Bukit Kamang for feedstuff. Six samples were prepared and chemically analyzed. The first was limestone in meal form as a product of local milling industry. Another five samples were deposit components with different color of blackish, dark blue, blue, light blue and white. There was 21 kinds of mineral determined which were divided into 3 groups: macros (Ca, P, Mg, Na, K, Cl and S, trace minerals (Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu, Se, Co and Mo and toxic elements (As, F, Hg, Cd, Pb, Ni and Cr. The results showed that Bukit Kamang’s limestone contained considerable high essential minerals of Ca, Se, Fe and Mn. The limestone consisted of 38%-40% Ca, 388 ppm Se, 295 ppm Fe and 205 ppm Mn. There were two toxic elements detected: Pb and Cd, but their concentration was found relatively low: 28 and 7 ppm, respectively.

  6. Minerals industry survey 1987

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This is the eleventh Minerals Industry Survey produced by the Australian Mining Industry Council. It represents an invaluable time series on the minerals industry's financial performance, as well as an up to date description of the industry for the latest financial year. The survey has been conceived as a supplement to and expansion of the various Australian Bureau of Statistics and Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics publications which describe the exploration, mining and smelting and refining industries in Australia. The tables in this survey have been prepared by Coopers and Lybrand, Chartered Accountants, based on information supplied to them in confidence by the respondent companies.

  7. Australian mineral industry annual review for 1986

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This volume of the Australian Mineral Industry Annual Review records the development and performance of the industry during the calendar year 1986. It reports production, consumption, treatment, trade, prices, new developments, exploration, and resources for mineral commodities including fuels, and summarises equivalent developments abroad. Part 1, 'General Review', after briefly surveying the world mineral industry, summarises developments in the Australian mineral industry as a whole. Part 2, 'Commodity Review', covers individual mineral commodities and commodity groups including brown coal, black coal and peat. Part 3, 'Mining Census', tabulates statistics extracted from the Mining Census, together with some mineral processing statistics from the Manufacturing Census. Part 4, tabulates quantity and value data on mineral output provided by the State departments of mines and their equivalents. The commodity review of black coal has been abstracted separately.

  8. 30 CFR 702.16 - Stockpiling of minerals. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Stockpiling of minerals. 702.16 Section 702.16 Mineral Resources OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING RECLAMATION AND ENFORCEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GENERAL EXEMPTION FOR COAL EXTRACTION INCIDENTAL TO THE EXTRACTION OF OTHER MINERALS § 702.16 Stockpiling of...

  9. Potential evaluation of hydrogen peroxide for in-situ bioremediation of contaminated subsoils (chances, limitations, consequences). Final report; Untersuchung des Anwendungspotentials von Wasserstoffperoxid bei der biotechnologischen in-situ-Sanierung von kontaminierten Boeden (Moeglichkeiten, Grenzen, Folgen). Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barenschee, E R; Weppen, P; Mueller, B G; Deckwer, W D; Muennich, K; Collins, H J


    Intention of this investigation was the development of methods for microbiological in situ decontamination of hydrocarbon polluted subsoils as an alternative or completion of pump and treat techniques. The changes and limitations of H{sub 2}O{sub 2} as an oxygensource was investigated on soil filled fixed bed bioreactors. The aerobic biodegradation of mineraloil products is limited by the supply of oxygen up to a conversion of 70-80%. During this state the degradation rate depends strongly on the oxygen intake rate. The degree of oxygen consumption is close to the theoretical value with regard to total mineralization and build up to biomass. At conversions higher than 70-80% the degradation rate decreases sharply due to transition from 0- to C- limitation. First attempts to increase the degradation rate by increasing the bioavailability at this state were successful. The behaviour of H{sub 2}O{sub 2} during transportation in the subsoil depends strongly on biological and physical/chemical parameters. Little remobilization of heavy metals were observed at the transition from reduced to oxidized state. (orig.) With 28 refs., 11 tabs., 34 figs. [Deutsch] Vorhabens Ziel ist die Methodenentwicklung zur mikrobiologisch unterstuetzten in-situ Dekontamination kohlenwasserstoffverunreinigter Boeden als Alternative oder Ergaenzung von hydraulischen Massnahmen. Die Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen von H{sub 2}O{sub 2} als Sauerstofftraeger werden anhand von Laborstudien mit Bodenbioreaktoren dargestellt. Der aerobe Abbau von Mineraloelprodukten ist bis zu Umsaetzen von 70-80% sauerstofflimitiert. Die Geschwindigkeit laesst sich durch die Sauerstoffeintragsrate beeinflussen. Der O{sub 2}-Nutzungsgrad liegt dabei nahe am theoretischen Wert unter Beruecksichtigung weitgehender Mineralisierung und Biomassenbildung. Bei hoeheren Umsaetzen verringert sich die Abbaugeschwindigkeit deutlich aufgrund des Uebergangs von 0- zum C-limitierten Zustand. Erste Ansaetze, die Bioverfuegbarkeit zu

  10. Differential diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system in sports medicine; Differenzialdiagnostische Untersuchung in der Sportmedizin des Bewegungsapparats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nehrer, S. [Donau-Universitaet Krems, Department fuer Klinische Medizin und Biotechnologie, Zentrum fuer Regenerative Medizin, Krems (Austria)


    sowie die Untersuchung unter Einschluss funktioneller Tests stehen wie immer am Anfang der diagnostischen Strategie; wobei der Verletzungsmechanismus und das sportspezifische Belastungsmuster beruecksichtigt werden muessen. Regionale Inspektions-, Palpations- und Testbefunde der verletzten Struktur weisen auf eine Verdachtsdiagnose hin, die durch bildgebende Verfahren bestaetigt oder auch widerlegt werden kann. Durch den effizienten Einsatz bildgebender Methoden kann dann rasch die entsprechende Therapie eingeleitet werden. Die Sonographie gibt hier, aufgrund ihrer raschen Verfuegbarkeit, vor allem im Bereich von Muskeln, Sehnen und Baendern u. U. wertvolle Hinweise. Die nativradiologische Abklaerung im Bereich des Knochens muss oft durch Zielaufnahmen ergaenzt werden. Die MRT stellt im Bereich der Gelenkverletzungen den Goldstandard dar, wobei eine exakte differenzialdiagnostische Fragestellung hilfreich ist, das Untersuchungsprotokoll entsprechend durchzufuehren, um die fraglich pathologischen Strukturen moeglichst klar darzustellen. (orig.)

  11. Mineral Facilities of Latin America and Canada (United States)

    Bernstein, Rachel; Eros, Mike; Quintana-Velazquez, Meliany


    This data set consists of records for over 900 mineral facilities in Latin America and Canada. The mineral facilities include mines, plants, smelters, or refineries of aluminum, cement, coal, copper, diamond, gold, iron and steel, nickel, platinum-group metals, salt, and silver, among others. Records include attributes such as commodity, country, location, company name, facility type and capacity if applicable, and generalized coordinates. The data were compiled from multiple sources, including the 2003 and 2004 USGS Minerals Yearbooks (Latin America and Candada volume), data to be published in the 2005 Minerals Yearbook Latin America and Canada Volume, minerals statistics and information from the USGS minerals information Web site (, and data collected by USGS minerals information country specialists. Data reflect the most recent published table of industry structure for each country. Other sources include statistical publications of individual countries, annual reports and press releases of operating companies,and trade journals. Due to the sensitivity of some energy commodity data, the quality of these data should be evaluated on a country-by-country basis. Additional information and explanation is available from the country specialists.

  12. Mineral resources in Afghanistan. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Despite Afghanistan's wide variety of mineral resources and long history of small-scale mining of gems, gold, copper, and coal, it was not until the 1950's that the country's mineral resources were subject to systematic exploration. The report documents the past and present status of these resources and examines alternative strategies for their exploitation. Chapter 2 provides a brief history of minerals exploration, exploitation, and planning in Afghanistan, including the roles of Great Britain, France, Germany, the Soviet bloc, and the United States in Afghanistan's mineral sector; mineral policy in the five national plans during the years 1962-83; and sector assessments conducted by the World Bank (1978) and the US Department of Energy (1989). Chapter 3 discusses three strategies for developing the country's mineral and hydrocarbon resources. (1) a national orientation focusing on domestic needs; (2) a regional strategy that would consider markets in countries close to Afghanistan; and (3) an international strategy that would place Afghan resources on the international market

  13. Vitamins, Minerals, and Mood (United States)

    Kaplan, Bonnie J.; Crawford, Susan G.; Field, Catherine J.; Simpson, J. Steven A.


    In this article, the authors explore the breadth and depth of published research linking dietary vitamins and minerals (micronutrients) to mood. Since the 1920s, there have been many studies on individual vitamins (especially B vitamins and Vitamins C, D, and E), minerals (calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium), and vitamin-like…

  14. Hydrokinesitherapy in thermal mineral water

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    Rendulić-Slivar Senka


    Full Text Available The treatment of clients in health spa resorts entails various forms of hydrotherapy. Due to specific properties of water, especially thermal mineral waters, hydrokinesitherapy has a positive effect on the locomotor system, aerobic capabilities of organism and overall quality of human life. The effects of use of water in movement therapy are related to the physical and chemical properties of water. The application of hydrotherapy entails precautionary measures, with an individual approach in assessment and prescription. The benefits of treatment in thermal mineral water should be emphasized and protected, as all thermal mineral waters differ in composition. All physical properties of water are more pronounced in thermal mineral waters due to its mineralisation, hence its therapeutical efficiency is greater, as well.

  15. Long-term observations on the influence of groundwater level variations on BTEX concentrations in groundwater; Langzeituntersuchungen zum Einfluss von Grundwasserschwankungen auf die BTEX-Konzentration im Grundwasser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Puettmann, W. [J.W. Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt a. M., Institut fuer Atmosphaere und Umwelt, AG Umweltanalytik, Frankfurt/Main (Germany); Hettwer, K.; Warrelmann, J. [Universitaet Bremen, Zentrum fuer Umweltforschung und Umwelttechnologie, Bremen (Germany); Gaab, S.


    A long-term study on natural attenuation and remediation in soil and groundwater at the former military base Schaeferhof-Sued (Niedersachsen) was performed at a former gasoline filling station. At this locality, a large residual source of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX) and additional petroleum hydrocarbons is present in the soil. BTEX-concentrations in the groundwater and their correlation with groundwater level variations were monitored for three years. Within the monitoring period, a very dry summer was recorded, which caused the groundwater level to drop by 1.7 m and the BTEX concentrations to increase from 240 {mu}g/l to 1300 {mu}g/l at the site of contamination. The microbial degradation of BTEX was documented by data on consumption of electron acceptors (oxygen, nitrate or sulphate) and production of reduced products (Fe(II), methane). The degradation is further supported by the detection of metabolites. Therefore, the increasing BTEX concentrations were not a consequence of limited biological degradation. (orig.) [German] Auf dem frueher militaerisch genutzten Gelaende Schaeferhof-Sued (Niedersachsen) wurden im Bereich einer ehemaligen Abfuellstation fuer Kraftstoffe Langzeituntersuchungen zum natuerlichen Schadstoffabbau und -rueckhalt im Boden und Grundwasser durchgefuehrt. Der Standort weist eine hohe Restkontamination der Verbindungen Benzol, Toluol, Ethylbenzol und Xylole (BTEX), sowie Mineraloelkohlenwasserstoffen (MKW) in der ungesaettigten Bodenzone auf. Ueber einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren wurden die BTEX-Konzentrationen im Grundwasser und deren Abhaengigkeit von einer Aenderung des Grundwasserstandes untersucht und eine negative Korrelation der Schadstoffkonzentrationen mit der Hoehe des Grundwasserstandes festgestellt. Im Beobachtungszeitraum lag das sehr trockene Sommerhalbjahr 2003, was im Vergleich zum vorhergehenden Winterhalbjahr eine Absenkung des Grundwasserspiegels um 1,7 m zur Folge hatte und die BTEX-Konzentrationen am

  16. Coastal placer minerals

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Iyer, S.D.; Gujar, A.R.

    to be processed and purified to extract the metal either by sulphate or chloride route. The economical aspects of placer mining would involve the cost to benefit ratio, which would encompass the money Selective sorting has resulted in two distinct sediments... or mineral at the national and international levels. Interestingly, though gold is the most sought metal and the prices per gram keep rising, there are others that are much more costly such as diamond and rare earth metals. Uses of Heavy Minerals...

  17. 25 CFR 225.33 - Assignment of minerals agreements. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Assignment of minerals agreements. 225.33 Section 225.33 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ENERGY AND MINERALS OIL AND GAS, GEOTHERMAL, AND SOLID MINERALS AGREEMENTS Minerals Agreements § 225.33 Assignment of minerals agreements. An...

  18. Mining and minerals policy: 1976 bicentennial edition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The report is organized into three basic parts. The first part, the Executive Summary, provides a brief description of the major topics and lists the issues and recommendations. The report then is divided into two sections. Section I, Summary, is comprised of three chapters: Increased Energy Security; Metals and Nonmetallic Minerals; and Trends and Events. Section II, Issues in Energy and Minerals Policy, is comprised of seven chapters: Federal Leasing; The Federal Role in Reducing the Fiscal Impacts of Energy Development; Availability of Federal Lands for Mineral Exploration and Development; Environmental Issues and the Mineral Industry; Developments in International Minerals Trade and Investment; Ocean Mining; and The Development of New Tools for Energy and Minerals Policy Analysis. (MCW)

  19. Increasing strategic role for SA's minerals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The strategic importance of South Africa's vast mineral resources has been strongly underlined by the Minister of Defence, Mr P.W. Botha. It was pointed out that South Africa ranked among the world's five biggest suppliers of nonfuel minerals and that she has demonstrated her potential as the West's most important source of minerals and strategic raw materials. South Africa therefore exercise a very important stabilising influence on the supply and prices of critical, strategic minerals and raw materials, regarded as of the greatest importance to the Western economy

  20. Mineral Licks Attract Neotropical Seed-Dispersing Bats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voigt, Ch.C.; Dechmann, D.K.N.; Dechmann, D.K.N.; Kunz, Th.H.; Bender, J.; Rinehart, B.J.; Michener, R.H.


    Unlike most terrestrial mammals, female bats must supply their offspring with all required nutrients until pups achieve virtually adult size, at which time they are able to fly and become independent. Access to nutrients may be especially challenging for reproductively active females in mineral-poor landscapes such as tropical rain forests. We hypothesized that pregnant and lactating females from tropical landscapes acquire essential nutrients from locally-available mineral licks. We captured ten times as many bats at mineral licks than at control sites in a lowland rain forest in eastern Ecuador. Among bats captured at mineral licks, the sex ratio was heavily biased toward females, and a significantly higher portion of females captured at these sites, compared to control sites, were reproductively active (pregnant and lactating). Enrichment of N 15 in relation to N 14 in wing tissue indicated that bats captured at mineral licks were mostly fruit-eating species. Given the high visitation rates of reproductive active females at mineral licks, it is likely that mineral licks are important for fruit-eating female bats as a mineral source during late pregnancy and lactation. By sustaining high population densities of fruit-eating bats that disperse seeds, mineral licks may have an indirect influence on local plant species richness.

  1. Airborne Geophysical/Geological Mineral Inventory CIP Program

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    The Airborne-Geophysical/Geological Mineral Inventory project is a special multi-year investment to expand the knowledge base of Alaska's mineral resources and catalyze private-sector mineral development...

  2. Miners' strike 1984-85

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brown, L; Salter, S [comps.


    References relating to the 1984-85 UK miners strike are listed under the following subject headings: events and analysis - a chronological record; short term effects - coal stocks and supplies, electricity supplies, financial, industrial and economic; the miners and their leadership; social aspects - civil liberties, media coverage, mining communities, picketing, policing, the future; pit closures. 240 references.

  3. [Histochemical stains for minerals by hematoxylin-lake method]. (United States)

    Miyagawa, Makoto


    The present study was undertaken to establish the experimental animal model by histological staining methods for minerals. After intraperitoneal injections of minerals, precipitates deposited on the surface of the liver. Liver tissues were fixed in paraformaldehyde, embedded in paraffin and cut into thin sections which were used as minerals containing standard section. Several reagents for histological stains and spectrophotometry for minerals were applied in both test-tube experiments and stainings of tissue sections to test for minerals. Hematoxylin-lake was found of capable of staining minerals in tissue. A simple technique used was described for light microscopic detection of minerals.

  4. 30 CFR 256.80 - Leases of other minerals. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Leases of other minerals. 256.80 Section 256.80 Mineral Resources MINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFSHORE LEASING OF SULPHUR OR OIL AND GAS IN THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF Section 6 Leases § 256.80 Leases of other minerals. The...

  5. BET measurements: Outgassing of minerals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Liselotte; Fabricius, Ida Lykke


    Outgassing minerals at elevated temperatures prior to BET measurements can lead to phase changes, especially in the case of amorphous and poorly crystalline materials. In order to evaluate the applicability of the BET method when low outgassing temperatures are required, selected aquifer minerals...... were outgassed at different temperatures and for different times. The studied minerals are 2-line ferrihydrite, goethite, lepidocrocite, quartz, calcite, ®-alumina, and kaolinite. The results demonstrate that measured specific surface areas of iron oxides are strongly dependent on outgassing conditions...... because the surface area increased by 170% with increasing temperature. In the poorly crystalline minerals, phase changes caused by heating were observed at temperatures lower than 100±C. Therefore low outgassing temperatures are preferable for minimizing phase changes. As demonstrated in this study...

  6. Mineral exploration with ERTS imagery. [Colorado (United States)

    Nicolais, S. M.


    Ten potential target areas for metallic mineral exploration were selected on the basis of a photo-lineament interpretation of the ERTS image 1172-17141 in central Colorado. An evaluation of bias indicated that prior geologic knowledge of the region had little, if any, effect on target selection. In addition, a contoured plot of the frequency of photo-lineament intersections was made to determine what relationships exist between the photo-lineaments and mineral districts. Comparison of this plot with a plot of the mineral districts indicates that areas with a high frequency of intersections commonly coincide with known mineral districts. The results of this experiment suggest that photo-lineaments are fractures or fracture-controlled features, and their distribution may be a guide to metallic mineral deposits in Colorado, and probably other areas as well.

  7. Scientific and Engineering Progress in CO2 Mineralization Using Industrial Waste and Natural Minerals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heping Xie


    Full Text Available The issues of reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere, sustainably utilizing natural mineral resources, and dealing with industrial waste offer challenging opportunities for sustainable development in energy and the environment. The latest advances in CO2 mineralization technology involving natural minerals and industrial waste are summarized in this paper, with great emphasis on the advancement of fundamental science, economic evaluation, and engineering applications. We discuss several leading large-scale CO2 mineralization methodologies from a technical and engineering-science perspective. For each technology option, we give an overview of the technical parameters, reaction pathway, reactivity, procedural scheme, and laboratorial and pilot devices. Furthermore, we present a discussion of each technology based on experimental results and the literature. Finally, current gaps in knowledge are identified in the conclusion, and an overview of the challenges and opportunities for future research in this field is provided.

  8. Die Entwicklung von Kindern: eine Einführung


    Siegler, Robert; DeLoache, Judy; Eisenberg, Nancy


    Das Kapitel behandelt zunächst die Gründe für die Untersuchung der Kindesentwicklung und ihre historischen Wurzeln. Es werden anschließend Leitfragen der Kindesentwicklung sowie Methoden der Untersuchung kindlicher Entwicklung erläutert. Eine Zusammenfassung stellt schließlich die Kernthesen der einzelnen Abschnitte in einer kompakten Übersicht dar.(DIPF/paul)

  9. Clay minerals in sandstone uranium deposits: radwaste applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brookins, D.G.


    Clay minerals play an important role in the genesis of uranium deposits in sandstones. They incorporate the rate earths (REE), U, Sb, Th, Cs, Rb, Sr, Y, Ba, and even small amounts of chalcophiles. These minerals possess analog elements for many of the radwaste fission products as well as actinides and some actinide daughters. In sandstone uranium deposits, clay minerals are also associated with sulfide minerals, usually pyrite, and organic carbonaceous matter. The primary clay minerals are usually smectites, illites, chlorites and mixed layer varieties. The integrity of these clay minerals is demonstrated by their retention of formational-mineralization ages determined by Rb-Sr geochronologic investigation of the Grants Mineral Belt of the United States. The importance of the clay minerals as analog for parts of the multi-barrier concept in radwaste disposal is their ability to impede water penetration into - and movement of key elements out of uranium rich zones. The clay minerals further sorb and in other ways incorporate into their structures many fission products and actinide analogs from man-made nuclear wastes. 22 refs., 1 fig., 3 tabs

  10. Canadian minerals yearbook : 2004 review and outlook

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The main focus of the CMY publication is the non-fuel mineral industry, together with uranium, although all mineral fuels are normally included when the total value of Canada's mineral production is reported. The Yearbook includes chapters devoted to each major mineral commodity produced in Canada: aluminum, coal, copper, diamonds, gold, iron ore, magnesium, nickel, potash, salt, silica, and uranium. The subject matter spans all stages of mineral industry activity from geoscience and exploration, through mining and processing, to markets and use. Although domestic issues receive the greatest attention in each chapter, international developments may also be reviewed because of the global nature of the mineral industry and the significant impact that such developments could have on the Canadian industry

  11. [Mineral water as a cure]. (United States)

    Nocco, Priska Binz


    The treatment of diseases with mineral spring water belongs to the oldest medical therapies. The "remedy" mineral water is therefore of importance also within the pharmacy. The present pharmacy historical work examines the impact of the use of mineral waters, as well as of their dried components, as therapeutic agents in the 19th and early 20th centuries, i.e. from approx. 1810 to 1930, as well as the contributions given by pharmacists in the development and analysis of mineral water springs. Beside these aspects, the aim here is also to describe the role played by pharmacists in the production of artificial mineral water as well as in the sale and wholesale of natural and artificial mineral water. In the first part of this work the situation in Switzerland and its surrounding countries, such as Germany, France, Italy and Austria, is discussed. The second part contains a case-study of the particular situation in the Canton Tessin. It is known from the scientific literature published at that time that information on mineral water was frequently reported. Starting from the beginning of the 19th century the number of such publications increased tremendously. The major part of them were publications in scientific journals or contributions to medical and pharmaceutical manuals and reference books. In particular the spa-related literature, such as spa-guides, was of growing interest to a broad public. The inclusion of monographs into the Swiss, the Cantonal as well the foreign pharmacopoeias granted a legal frame for the mineral waters and their dried components. These works are of major importance from a pharmacy historical standpoint and represent a unique proof of historical evidence of the old medicinal drug heritage. The most frequently used therapies based on mineral waters were drinking and bath cures. Several diseases, particularly those of a chronic character, were treated with mineral waters. The positive influence of these cures on the recovery of the patients

  12. Indústria mineral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iran F. Machado


    Full Text Available A INDÚSTRIA mineral brasileira é analisada, de modo sucinto, face aos desafios impostos pela globalização contemporânea. As mudanças profundas ocorridas no contexto internacional na última década, abrangendo as esferas política, econômica, social e institucional, exigem uma reflexão aprofundada sobre o papel a ser desempenhado pelo Brasil no comércio internacional de bens minerais. De um lado, as oportunidades de aproveitamento de jazidas de classe internacional, principalmente na Amazônia, são bastante promissoras. Por outro, não se deve ignorar que: a explotação dessas reservas terá de obedecer a critérios de sustentabilidade, seguindo paradigmas já adotados em países desenvolvidos; o Brasil terá de garantir a sua competitividade diante dos seus principais concorrentes (Austrália, CEI, China e Índia. A questão dos minerais estratégicos é também abordada, com ênfase nas preocupações demonstradas pelo Departamento de Estado dos EUA. Finalmente, são alinhados três cenários possíveis para o desempenho futuro da mineração brasileira, instando-se o governo a dedicar maior atenção ao destino do nosso subsolo.THE MINERAL industry of Brazil is briefly analysed vis-à-vis the challenges imposed by the cruenta globalization process. The profound changes that occurred in the international framework during the last decade, encompassing the political, economic, social, and institutional structures, demand a thorough appraisal about the role to be played by Brazil in the international market of mineral commodities. On one hand, the opportunities open for world class deposits, mainly in the Amazon, are very promising. On the other hand, it is mandatory to take into account that: the exploitation of these reserves shall comply with sound sustainability criteria, following guidelines already adopted by some developed countries; Brazil will have to demonstrate its competitiveness among the major competitors (Australia

  13. A world of minerals in your mobile device (United States)

    Jenness, Jane E.; Ober, Joyce A.; Wilkins, Aleeza M.; Gambogi, Joseph


    Mobile phones and other high-technology communications devices could not exist without mineral commodities. More than one-half of all components in a mobile device—including its electronics, display, battery, speakers, and more—are made from mined and semiprocessed materials (mineral commodities). Some mineral commodities can be recovered as byproducts during the production and processing of other commodities. As an example, bauxite is mined for its aluminum content, but gallium is recovered during the aluminum production process. The images show the ore minerals (sources) of some mineral commodities that are used to make components of a mobile device. On the reverse side, the map and table depict the major source countries producing these mineral commodities along with how these commodities are used in mobile devices. For more information on minerals, visit

  14. Minerals in deserts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, G.I.


    Almost any kind of mineral deposit can occur in desert areas, and the lack of vegetation and soil cover makes finding them easier. Some kinds of deposits, though, are more likely to occur in deserts than elsewhere. Some of these result from processes genetically related to the present desert climate that improved lower grade deposits of ore. One such process, termed secondary enrichment, is most effective in areas with deep water tables, and many low-grade copper, silver, and uranium deposits have been converted into mineable ore by the downward migration and redeposition of soluble metals. In a desert terrane, placer processes are effective whenever running water flowing over steep slopes erodes outcropping ore bodies and transports and concentrates the heavier ore minerals at lower levels, thus converting low-grade or hard-to-mine bedrock deposits into economically workable concentrations. Other kinds of deposits are better preserved in deserts because the lower rainfall at the surface, and the lower volume of flow and the greater depths to groundwater, result in less destruction of soluble ores; deposits of salines and phosphates are the most notable ores affected by these factors. Still other ore deposits are created as a consequence of the arid climate, mostly because the high evaporation rates operating on standing bodies of water produce brines that can lead directly to concentrations of salts and indirectly to secondary minerals, such as zeolites, that are produced by reaction of silicate minerals with saline waters

  15. On Mineral Retrosynthesis of a Complex Biogenic Scaffold

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashit Rao


    Full Text Available Synergistic relations between organic molecules and mineral precursors regulate biogenic mineralization. Given the remarkable material properties of the egg shell as a biogenic ceramic, it serves as an important model to elucidate biomineral growth. With established roles of complex anionic biopolymers and a heterogeneous organic scaffold in egg shell mineralization, the present study explores the regulation over mineralization attained by applying synthetic polymeric counterparts (polyethylene glycol, poly(acrylic acid, poly(aspartic acid and poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid-co-maleic acid as additives during remineralization of decalcified eggshell membranes. By applying Mg2+ ions as a co-additive species, mineral retrosynthesis is achieved in a manner that modulates the polymorph and structure of mineral products. Notable features of the mineralization process include distinct local wettability of the biogenic organic scaffold by mineral precursors and mineralization-induced membrane actuation. Overall, the form, structure and polymorph of the mineralization products are synergistically affected by the additive and the content of Mg2+ ions. We also revisit the physicochemical nature of the biomineral scaffold and demonstrate the distinct spatial distribution of anionic biomolecules associated with the scaffold-mineral interface, as well as highlight the hydrogel-like properties of mammillae-associated macromolecules.

  16. An overview of hydrodynamic studies of mineralization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guoxiang Chi


    Full Text Available Fluid flow is an integral part of hydrothermal mineralization, and its analysis and characterization constitute an important part of a mineralization model. The hydrodynamic study of mineralization deals with analyzing the driving forces, fluid pressure regimes, fluid flow rate and direction, and their relationships with localization of mineralization. This paper reviews the principles and methods of hydrodynamic studies of mineralization, and discusses their significance and limitations for ore deposit studies and mineral exploration. The driving forces of fluid flow may be related to fluid overpressure, topographic relief, tectonic deformation, and fluid density change due to heating or salinity variation, depending on specific geologic environments and mineralization processes. The study methods may be classified into three types, megascopic (field observations, microscopic analyses, and numerical modeling. Megascopic features indicative of significantly overpressured (especially lithostatic or supralithostatic fluid systems include horizontal veins, sand injection dikes, and hydraulic breccias. Microscopic studies, especially microthermometry of fluid inclusions and combined stress analysis and microthermometry of fluid inclusion planes (FIPs can provide important information about fluid temperature, pressure, and fluid-structural relationships, thus constraining fluid flow models. Numerical modeling can be carried out to solve partial differential equations governing fluid flow, heat transfer, rock deformation and chemical reactions, in order to simulate the distribution of fluid pressure, temperature, fluid flow rate and direction, and mineral precipitation or dissolution in 2D or 3D space and through time. The results of hydrodynamic studies of mineralization can enhance our understanding of the formation processes of hydrothermal deposits, and can be used directly or indirectly in mineral exploration.

  17. Multifaceted role of clay minerals in pharmaceuticals


    Khurana, Inderpreet Singh; Kaur, Satvinder; Kaur, Harpreet; Khurana, Rajneet Kaur


    The desirable physical and physiochemical properties of clay minerals have led them to play a substantial role in pharmaceutical formulations. Clay minerals like kaolin, smectite and palygorskite-sepiolite are among the world's most valuable industrial minerals and of considerable importance. The elemental features of clay minerals which caused them to be used in pharmaceutical formulations are high specific area, sorption capacity, favorable rheological properties, chemical inertness, swelli...

  18. Chitosan: collagen sponges. In vitro mineralization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martins, Virginia da C.A.; Silva, Gustavo M.; Plepis, Ana Maria G.


    The regeneration of bone tissue is a problem that affects many people and scaffolds for bone tissue growth has been widely studied. The aim of this study was the in vitro mineralization of chitosan, chitosan:native collagen and chitosan:anionic collagen sponges. The sponges were obtained by lyophilization and mineralization was made by soaking the sponges in alternating solutions containing Ca 2+ and PO 4 3- . The mineralization was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy, energy dispersive X-ray and X-ray diffraction observing the formation of phosphate salts, possibly a carbonated hydroxyapatite since Ca/P=1.80. The degree of mineralization was obtained by thermogravimetry calculating the amount of residue at 750 deg C. The chitosan:anionic collagen sponge showed the highest degree of mineralization probably due to the fact that anionic collagen provides additional sites for interaction with the inorganic phase. (author)

  19. Hyperspectral analysis of clay minerals (United States)

    Janaki Rama Suresh, G.; Sreenivas, K.; Sivasamy, R.


    A study was carried out by collecting soil samples from parts of Gwalior and Shivpuri district, Madhya Pradesh in order to assess the dominant clay mineral of these soils using hyperspectral data, as 0.4 to 2.5 μm spectral range provides abundant and unique information about many important earth-surface minerals. Understanding the spectral response along with the soil chemical properties can provide important clues for retrieval of mineralogical soil properties. The soil samples were collected based on stratified random sampling approach and dominant clay minerals were identified through XRD analysis. The absorption feature parameters like depth, width, area and asymmetry of the absorption peaks were derived from spectral profile of soil samples through DISPEC tool. The derived absorption feature parameters were used as inputs for modelling the dominant soil clay mineral present in the unknown samples using Random forest approach which resulted in kappa accuracy of 0.795. Besides, an attempt was made to classify the Hyperion data using Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) algorithm with an overall accuracy of 68.43 %. Results showed that kaolinite was the dominant mineral present in the soils followed by montmorillonite in the study area.

  20. Mineral distributions at the developing tendon enthesis. (United States)

    Schwartz, Andrea G; Pasteris, Jill D; Genin, Guy M; Daulton, Tyrone L; Thomopoulos, Stavros


    Tendon attaches to bone across a functionally graded interface, "the enthesis". A gradient of mineral content is believed to play an important role for dissipation of stress concentrations at mature fibrocartilaginous interfaces. Surgical repair of injured tendon to bone often fails, suggesting that the enthesis does not regenerate in a healing setting. Understanding the development and the micro/nano-meter structure of this unique interface may provide novel insights for the improvement of repair strategies. This study monitored the development of transitional tissue at the murine supraspinatus tendon enthesis, which begins postnatally and is completed by postnatal day 28. The micrometer-scale distribution of mineral across the developing enthesis was studied by X-ray micro-computed tomography and Raman microprobe spectroscopy. Analyzed regions were identified and further studied by histomorphometry. The nanometer-scale distribution of mineral and collagen fibrils at the developing interface was studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A zone (∼20 µm) exhibiting a gradient in mineral relative to collagen was detected at the leading edge of the hard-soft tissue interface as early as postnatal day 7. Nanocharacterization by TEM suggested that this mineral gradient arose from intrinsic surface roughness on the scale of tens of nanometers at the mineralized front. Microcomputed tomography measurements indicated increases in bone mineral density with time. Raman spectroscopy measurements revealed that the mineral-to-collagen ratio on the mineralized side of the interface was constant throughout postnatal development. An increase in the carbonate concentration of the apatite mineral phase over time suggested possible matrix remodeling during postnatal development. Comparison of Raman-based observations of localized mineral content with histomorphological features indicated that development of the graded mineralized interface is linked to endochondral

  1. Role of minerals in animal health disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sinovec Zlatan J.


    Full Text Available All mineral matter, essential or non-essential, can have a significant influence on production results and the health of animals, if large quantities of them are present in a feed ration. A maximally tolerant content depends on the animal specie and category. Many factors, such as physiological status (growth, lactation, etc., nutritive status, content and ratio of nutritive matter in the ration, duration of exposure, and the biological level of utilization of elements, also affect the maximally tolerant content of mineral matter in feed. The content of certain mineral matter in plant feed significantly depends on the soil factor, as well as the content and level of utilization of mineral matter from the soil. Mn, Se and Mo can be present in plant feed in such quantities as to induce toxicosis. Industrial contaminants, Cd, Pb or F, can contaminate plants, in particular their leaves, in quantities which lead to the appearance of clinical signs of conventional toxicosis. Moreover, natural water can contain large quantities of S, F, Na, Mg, or Fe, and certain mineral matter can get into water through industrial waste. In addition to the above, it is possible to cause unwanted effects through the frequent, but primarily unprofessional use of mineral additives, since it is extremely important, besides meeting the mineral requirements of each individual element, to secure a ratio among the mineral matter themselves as well as with other nutritive matter. Mineral matter present in food are in mutual interference, and these relations can be synergistic or antagonistic. The sufficiency of a large number of mineral matter has a negative effect on the utilization of other matter (conditional and/or border deficiency, while certain elements cause the clinical appearance of toxic effects. The accidental intake of large quantities of certain mineral matter is revealed as clinical signs of acute toxicosis, which is very different from chronic effects caused by

  2. Deposit model for heavy-mineral sands in coastal environments: Chapter L in Mineral deposit models for resource assessment (United States)

    Van Gosen, Bradley S.; Fey, David L.; Shah, Anjana K.; Verplanck, Philip L.; Hoefen, Todd M.


    This report provides a descriptive model of heavy-mineral sands, which are sedimentary deposits of dense minerals that accumulate with sand, silt, and clay in coastal environments, locally forming economic concentrations of the heavy minerals. This deposit type is the main source of titanium feedstock for the titanium dioxide (TiO2) pigments industry, through recovery of the minerals ilmenite (Fe2+TiO3), rutile (TiO2), and leucoxene (an alteration product of ilmenite). Heavy-mineral sands are also the principal source of zircon (ZrSiO4) and its zirconium oxide; zircon is often recovered as a coproduct. Other heavy minerals produced as coproducts from some deposits are sillimanite/kyanite, staurolite, monazite, and garnet. Monazite [(Ce,La,Nd,Th)PO4] is a source of rare earth elements as well as thorium, which is used in thorium-based nuclear power under development in India and elsewhere.

  3. Rn daughter exposure to U miners

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cohen, B L


    Radon exposures to U.S. uranium miners under present conditions average about 1.3 WLM per year approximately or equal to 60 WLM per full working lifetime. This is intermediate between the lowest exposures for which there have been excess lung cancers reported among U.S. miners (120-240 WLM) and average environmental radon exposures (16 WLM), so models based on these two situations are used to estimate expected effects on present uranium miners. In Model A, the loss of life expectancy is 45 days, the SMR (standardized mortality ratio) for lung cancer is 1.10, and the SMR for all causes between ages 18 and 65 is 1.013. In Model B these are 10 days, 1.03 and 1.002 respectively. It is shown that the radon exposures to miners are similar to those to millions of Americans from environmental exposure, and that miner health risks are comparable to those of other radiation workers. Their lung cancer risk from radon is 7-50 times less than their job-related accident mortality risk, and represents 0.7-4% of their total risk in mining. Miners suffer from many diseases with SMR very much larger than that for radon-induced lung cancer, and there are many other occupations and industries with far higher SMR for lung cancer than that from radon exposure to miners.

  4. Fe-Impregnated Mineral Colloids for Peroxide Activation: Effects of Mineral Substrate and Fe Precursor. (United States)

    Li, Yue; Machala, Libor; Yan, Weile


    Heterogeneous iron species at the mineral/water interface are important catalysts for the generation of reactive oxygen species at circumneutral pH. One significant pathway leading to the formation of such species arises from deposition of dissolved iron onto mineral colloids due to changes in redox conditions. This study investigates the catalytic properties of Fe impregnated on silica, alumina, and titania nanoparticles (as prototypical mineral colloids). Fe impregnation was carried out by immersing the mineral nanoparticles in dilute Fe(II) or Fe(III) solutions at pH 6 and 3, respectively, in an aerobic environment. The uptake of iron per unit surface area follows the order of nTiO2 > nAl2O3 > nSiO2 for both types of Fe precursors. Impregnation of mineral particles in Fe(II) solutions results in predominantly Fe(III) species due to efficient surface-mediated oxidation. The catalytic activity of the impregnated solids to produce hydroxyl radical (·OH) from H2O2 decomposition was evaluated using benzoic acid as a probe compound under dark conditions. Invariably, the rates of benzoic acid oxidation with different Fe-laden particles increase with the surface density of Fe until a critical density above which the catalytic activity approaches a plateau, suggesting active Fe species are formed predominantly at low surface loadings. The critical surface density of Fe varies with the mineral substrate as well as the aqueous Fe precursor. Fe impregnated on TiO2 exhibits markedly higher activity than its Al2O3 and SiO2 counterparts. The speciation of interfacial Fe is analyzed with diffuse reflectance UV-vis analysis and interpretation of the data in the context of benzoic oxidation rates suggests that the surface activity of the solids for ·OH generation correlates strongly with the isolated (i.e., mononuclear) Fe species. Therefore, iron dispersed on mineral colloids is a significant form of reactive iron surfaces in the aquatic environment.

  5. Transcritical CO{sub 2} process with work output expansion - operating experience and experimental results; Transkritischer CO{sub 2}-Prozess mit arbeitsleistender Entspannung - Betriebserfahrungen und Versuchsergebnisse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heyl, P.; Quack, H. [Technische Univ. Dresden (Germany). Lehrstuhl fuer Kaelte- und Kryotechnik


    Carbon dioxide is an ecologically acceptable and safe refrigerant, but there are energetic disadvantages in certain processes of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumpt technology. The thermodynamic losses of carbon dioxide are caused on the one hand by high end temperatures of the compression stage and on the other hand by relatively high losses of irreversible throttling expansion. The efficiency could be enhanced by work output during expansion, which is utilized for compression in the second stage of a two-stage compressor. In order to keep the machinery simple, both the expansion with work output and the compression take place inside a fully autonomous combined free-piston unit. The practical results achieved so far prove the validity of the theoretical predictions and show that the machine works both independently and also when integrated in a refrigeration system. Further investigations will be required in order to improve and simplify the new expansion-compression machine. [German] Der Einsatz von Kohlendioxid als Kaeltemittel ist oekologisch wuenschenswert und sicherheitstechnisch unproblematisch. Einer breiten Anwendung von Kohlendioxid wirken vor allem energetische Nachteile in bestimmten Prozessen der Kaelte-, Klima- und Waermepumpentechnik entgegen. Im Vergleich zu den heute ueblichen Kaeltemitteln sind die thermodynamischen Verluste des Kohlendioxids zum einen in den hohen Verdichtungsendtemperaturen und zum anderen in den relativ hohen Verlusten der irreversiblen Drosselentspannung begruendet. Eine Moeglichkeit, die Effizienz deutlich zu erhoehen und dadurch mit konkurrierenden Systemen gleichzuziehen, ist der Einsatz einer arbeitsleistenden Entspannung des Kaeltemittels Kohlendioxid einschliesslich der Nutzung fuer die Verdichtung des Kohlendioxids in der zweiten Stufe einer zweistufigen Kompression. Fuer einen moeglichst geringen anlagentechnischen Aufwand wird eine kombinierte Expansions-Kompressions-Maschine verwendet, in der sowohl die

  6. Weltliche Einflüsse in der Notre-Dame-Musik? Überlegungen zu einer Klausel im Codex F

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Büttner, Fred


    Full Text Available The unlimited validity of the rectilinear evolution that, according to Friedrich Ludwig, led from Notre Dame Clausula to Latin and thenceforth to French Motet was most recently questioned by Wolf Frobenius in his article "Zum genetischen Verhältnis zwischen Notre-Dame-Klauseln und ihren Motetten" (1987. Nevertheless, Frobenius does not thoroughly examine the pieces concerned, with hardly more far-reaching conclusions being attached to the priority claimed for many French Motets when comparing their concordances as Clausula and Latin Motet. With a setting of the choral melisma "ne" (Sm8 - already used by Ludwig in order to substantiate his estimation of the historical precedence of the Clausula - as an example, the point of view held by Frobenius is therefore once again subjected to critical scrutiny. Thus several traits can be established in the specifics of the Clausula that point to the field of secular music. Although this corroborates the considerations made by Frobenius, on the other hand such a result will open up new perspectives for further research into the School of Notre Dame.

    [de] Spätestens durch den Aufsatz „Zum genetischen Verhältnis zwischen Notre-Dame-Klauseln und ihren Motetten" von Wolf Frobenius (1987 wurde die uneingeschränkte Gültigkeit des geradlinigen Entwicklungsgangs, den Friedrich Ludwig von der Notre-Dame-Klausel über die lateinische bis zur franzosischen Motette zeichnete, in Frage gestellt. Jedoch bleibt Frobenius eine gründliche Untersuchung der betreffenden Stücke ebenso schuldig, wie auch an die behauptete Priorität vieler französischer Motetten gegenüber ihren Konkordanzen als Klausel und lateinische Motette kaum weiterreichende Schlußfolgerungen geknüpft werden. Anhand des „Ne"-Satzes Sm8, den bereits Ludwig exemplarisch hervorhob, um seine Auffassung von der Klausel als ältestem Stadium zu belegen, wird deshalb die Sichtweise von Frobenius noch einmal auf ihre Stichhaltigkeit

  7. Recovery of asphalt from bituminous minerals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jossinet, J


    A process is disclosed for the recovery of asphalt from bituminous minerals, consisting in that the mineral is extracted with mineral oil, which is recovered by distilling the raw asphalt and distilling the solution to obtain on the one hand the liquid oil contained in the raw asphalt for use in the extraction and on the other hand distilled asphalt.

  8. Conditions and potential evaluation of the uranium mineralization in volcanic basins at the west section of the Yanliao mineral belt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Zhengbang; Zhao Shiqin; Luo Yi; Zhou Dean; Xiao Xiangping


    The West section of the Yanliao Mineral Belt is an important prospective uranium mineralization area in volcanic basins at North China. It has undergone three evolutionary periods and developed into six large volcanic collapse faulted basins with tri-layer structure. This leads to three times of pre-enrichment and multiple mineralization of uranium. Finally, the accumulation of uranium and superimposed reworked actions of uranium mineralization resulted in the formation of uranium deposits. After analyzing conditions of uranium mineralization, a model for uranium mineralization of mixed hydrothermal solution of multiple sources in penetrating volcanic collapse faulted basins and seven exploring criteria are suggested. On this basis the evaluation of prospect in this area is positive, and the main exploring strategy has been decided. Furthermore, five prospective areas of mineralization and three most favorable mineralization zones are selected. For exploring large size or super-large size uranium deposits in the area, the key is to strengthen the study and boring of deep layers. Thus, the mineralization in the deep layers or basement may be found. The prediction of deep blind deposits in known ore districts has been proved effectively

  9. Some physicochemical aspects of water-soluble mineral flotation. (United States)

    Wu, Zhijian; Wang, Xuming; Liu, Haining; Zhang, Huifang; Miller, Jan D


    Some physicochemical aspects of water-soluble mineral flotation including hydration phenomena, associations and interactions between collectors, air bubbles, and water-soluble mineral particles are presented. Flotation carried out in saturated salt solutions, and a wide range of collector concentrations for effective flotation of different salts are two basic aspects of water-soluble mineral flotation. Hydration of salt ions, mineral particle surfaces, collector molecules or ions, and collector aggregates play an important role in water-soluble mineral flotation. The adsorption of collectors onto bubble surfaces is suggested to be the precondition for the association of mineral particles with bubbles. The association of collectors with water-soluble minerals is a complicated process, which may include the adsorption of collector molecules or ions onto such surfaces, and/or the attachment of collector precipitates or crystals onto the mineral surfaces. The interactions between the collectors and the minerals include electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonding, and specific interactions, with electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions being the common mechanisms. For the association of ionic collectors with minerals with an opposite charge, electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions could have a synergistic effect, with the hydrophobic interactions between the hydrophobic groups of the previously associated collectors and the hydrophobic groups of oncoming collectors being an important attractive force. Association between solid particles and air bubbles is the key to froth flotation, which is affected by hydrophobicity of the mineral particle surfaces, surface charges of mineral particles and bubbles, mineral particle size and shape, temperature, bubble size, etc. The use of a collector together with a frother and the use of mixed surfactants as collectors are suggested to improve flotation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Origin and nature of the aluminium phosphate-sulfate minerals (APS) associated with uranium mineralization in triassic red-beds (Iberian Range, Spain)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marfil, R.; Iglesia, A. la; Estupinan, J.


    This study focuses on the mineralogical and chemical study of an Aluminium-phosphate-sulphate (APS) mineralization that occurs in a classic sequence from the Triassic (Buntsandstein) of the Iberian Range. The deposit is constituted by sandstones, mud stones, and conglomerates with arenaceous matrix, which were deposited in fluvial to shallow-marine environments. In addition to APS minerals, the following diagenetic minerals are present in the classic sequence: quartz, K-feldspar, kaolinite group minerals, illite, Fe-oxides-hydroxides, carbonate-sulphate cement-replacements and secondary uraniferous minerals. APS minerals were identified and characterized by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and electron microprobe. Microcrystalline APS crystals occur replacing uraniferous minerals, associated with kaolinite, mica and filling pores, in distal fluvial-to-tidal arkoses-subarkoses. Given their Ca, Sr, and Ba contents, the APS minerals can be defined as a solid solution of crandallite- goyacite-gorceixite (0.53 Ca, 0.46 Sr and 0.01 Ba). The chemical composition, low LREE concentration and Sr > S suggest that the APS mineral were originated during the supergene alteration of the Buntsandstein sandstones due to the presence of the mineralizing fluids which causes the development of Ubearing sandstones in a distal alteration area precipitating from partially dissolved and altered detrital minerals. Besides, the occurrence of dickite associated with APS minerals indicates they were precipitated at diagenetic temperatures (higher than 80 degree centigrade), related to the uplifting occurred during the late Cretaceous post-rift thermal stage.(Author)

  11. Origin and nature of the aluminium phosphate-sulfate minerals (APS) associated with uranium mineralization in triassic red-beds (Iberian Range, Spain)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marfil, R.; Iglesia, A. la; Estupinan, J.


    This study focuses on the mineralogical and chemical study of an Aluminium-phosphate-sulphate (APS) mineralization that occurs in a classic sequence from the Triassic (Buntsandstein) of the Iberian Range. The deposit is constituted by sandstones, mud stones, and conglomerates with arenaceous matrix, which were deposited in fluvial to shallow-marine environments. In addition to APS minerals, the following diagenetic minerals are present in the classic sequence: quartz, K-feldspar, kaolinite group minerals, illite, Fe-oxides-hydroxides, carbonate-sulphate cement-replacements and secondary uraniferous minerals. APS minerals were identified and characterized by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and electron microprobe. Microcrystalline APS crystals occur replacing uraniferous minerals, associated with kaolinite, mica and filling pores, in distal fluvial-to-tidal arkoses-subarkoses. Given their Ca, Sr, and Ba contents, the APS minerals can be defined as a solid solution of crandallite- goyacite-gorceixite (0.53 Ca, 0.46 Sr and 0.01 Ba). The chemical composition, low LREE concentration and Sr > S suggest that the APS mineral were originated during the supergene alteration of the Buntsandstein sandstones due to the presence of the mineralizing fluids which causes the development of Ubearing sandstones in a distal alteration area precipitating from partially dissolved and altered detrital minerals. Besides, the occurrence of dickite associated with APS minerals indicates they were precipitated at diagenetic temperatures (higher than 80 degree centigrade), related to the uplifting occurred during the late Cretaceous post-rift thermal stage.(Author)

  12. Mineral legislations applicable to beach sand industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D'Cruz, Eric


    India has got a wealth of natural resources in different geological environs and shoreline placers form an important constituent of the natural resources. Large reserves of beach sand minerals, viz. imenite, rutile, leucoxene, zircon, sillimanite, garnet and monazite are the economic minerals in the coastal and inland placer sands. In the federal structure of India, the State Governments are the owners of minerals located within their respective boundaries. The State Governments grant the mineral concessions for all the minerals located within the boundary of the State, under the provisions of the Acts and Rules framed for the purpose. Though the mineral wealth is under the control of the State, the power for framing the rules for the grant of mineral concessions vastly rest with the Central Government. Since mineral concessions are often granted for a longer duration of thirty to fifty years or more, a historical perspective of these rules are imperative in understanding the issues involved with BSM mining industry. Under the Govt. of India Act, 1935, Regulation of Mines and Oilfields and Mineral Development was kept under Federal control, declared by Federal Law. The word 'Federal' was substituted by the word 'Dominion' by the India (Provincial Constitution) Order, 1947. No legislation was, however, enacted in pursuance of above power until after Independence. However, the Govt. on India made the Mining Concession (Central) Rules, 1939 for regulating grants of prospecting license

  13. Mineralized Collagen: Rationale, Current Status, and Clinical Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhi-Ye Qiu


    Full Text Available This paper presents a review of the rationale for the in vitro mineralization process, preparation methods, and clinical applications of mineralized collagen. The rationale for natural mineralized collagen and the related mineralization process has been investigated for decades. Based on the understanding of natural mineralized collagen and its formation process, many attempts have been made to prepare biomimetic materials that resemble natural mineralized collagen in both composition and structure. To date, a number of bone substitute materials have been developed based on the principles of mineralized collagen, and some of them have been commercialized and approved by regulatory agencies. The clinical outcomes of mineralized collagen are of significance to advance the evaluation and improvement of related medical device products. Some representative clinical cases have been reported, and there are more clinical applications and long-term follow-ups that currently being performed by many research groups.

  14. One-stop shopping in Africa's minerals supermarket

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spira, J.


    Johannesburg in South Africa is one of the minerals capitals of the world, providing a one-stop shopping supermarket for the most sought-after strategic minerals. Total annual mineral sales grew from R1563 million in 1970 to R6876 million in 1978. For 1979 the figure exceeded R9700 million. Production, trade and marketing of gold, coal, platinum, uranium, diamonds, iron ore, copper, antimony, mineral sands, asbestos and vanadium are shortly discussed

  15. Maxi- and mini-ferritins: minerals and protein nanocages. (United States)

    Bevers, Loes E; Theil, Elizabeth C


    Ferritins synthesize ferric oxide biominerals and are central to all life for concentrating iron and protection against oxidative stress from the ferrous and oxidant chemistry. The ferritin protein nanocages and biomineral synthesis are discussed in terms of wide biological distribution of the maxi-ferritins (24 subunit ± heme) and mini-ferritins (Dps) (12 subunit), conservations of the iron/oxygen catalytic sites in the protein cages, mineral formation (step i. Fe(II) entry and binding, step ii. O(2) or H(2)O(2) binding and formation of transition intermediates, step iii. release of differric oxo mineral precursors from active sites, step iv. nucleation and mineralization) properties of the minerals, and protein control of mineral dissolution and release of Fe(II). Pores in ferritin protein cages control iron entry for mineralization and iron exit after mineral dissolution. The relationship between phosphate or the presence of catalytically inactive subunits (animal L subunits) and ferritin iron mineral disorder is developed based on new information about contributions of ferritin protein cage structure to nucleation in protein cage subunit channels that exit close enough to those of other subunits and exiting mineral nuclei to facilitate bulk mineral formation. How and where protons move in and out of the protein during mineral synthesis and dissolution, how ferritin cage assembly with 12 or 24 subunits is encoded in the widely divergent ferritin amino acid sequences, and what is the role of the protein in synthesis of the bulk mineral are all described as problems requiring new approaches in future investigations of ferritin biominerals.

  16. KeyPathwayMinerWeb

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    List, Markus; Alcaraz, Nicolas; Dissing-Hansen, Martin


    , for instance), KeyPathwayMiner extracts connected sub-networks containing a high number of active or differentially regulated genes (proteins, metabolites) in the molecular profiles. The web interface at ( implements all core functionalities of the KeyPathwayMiner tool set......We present KeyPathwayMinerWeb, the first online platform for de novo pathway enrichment analysis directly in the browser. Given a biological interaction network (e.g. protein-protein interactions) and a series of molecular profiles derived from one or multiple OMICS studies (gene expression...... such as data integration, input of background knowledge, batch runs for parameter optimization and visualization of extracted pathways. In addition to an intuitive web interface, we also implemented a RESTful API that now enables other online developers to integrate network enrichment as a web service...

  17. Microbially mediated mineral carbonation (United States)

    Power, I. M.; Wilson, S. A.; Dipple, G. M.; Southam, G.


    Mineral carbonation involves silicate dissolution and carbonate precipitation, which are both natural processes that microorganisms are able to mediate in near surface environments (Ferris et al., 1994; Eq. 1). (Ca,Mg)SiO3 + 2H2CO3 + H2O → (Ca,Mg)CO3 + H2O + H4SiO4 + O2 (1) Cyanobacteria are photoautotrophs with cell surface characteristics and metabolic processes involving inorganic carbon that can induce carbonate precipitation. This occurs partly by concentrating cations within their net-negative cell envelope and through the alkalinization of their microenvironment (Thompson & Ferris, 1990). Regions with mafic and ultramafic bedrock, such as near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada, represent the best potential sources of feedstocks for mineral carbonation. The hydromagnesite playas near Atlin are a natural biogeochemical model for the carbonation of magnesium silicate minerals (Power et al., 2009). Field-based studies at Atlin and corroborating laboratory experiments demonstrate the ability of a microbial consortium dominated by filamentous cyanobacteria to induce the precipitation of carbonate minerals. Phototrophic microbes, such as cyanobacteria, have been proposed as a means for producing biodiesel and other value added products because of their efficiency as solar collectors and low requirement for valuable, cultivable land in comparison to crops (Dismukes et al., 2008). Carbonate precipitation and biomass production could be facilitated using specifically designed ponds to collect waters rich in dissolved cations (e.g., Mg2+ and Ca2+), which would allow for evapoconcentration and provide an appropriate environment for growth of cyanobacteria. Microbially mediated carbonate precipitation does not require large quantities of energy or chemicals needed for industrial systems that have been proposed for rapid carbon capture and storage via mineral carbonation (e.g., Lackner et al., 1995). Therefore, this biogeochemical approach may represent a readily

  18. Związki między reumatoidalnym zapaleniem stawów a zakażeniami układu moczowego

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ewa Pater


    Full Text Available Ryzyko rozwoju zakażenia układu moczowego (ZUM u chorych nareumatoidalne zapalenie stawów (RZS jest większe niż w podobnejpopulacji osób zdrowych. W pracy na podstawie wybranychdanych z piśmiennictwa przeanalizowano zależności między RZSa ZUM (tab. I. Na wyraźnie częstsze występowanie ZUM u chorychna RZS wpływają zaburzenia immunologiczne wynikające z samejchoroby oraz leczenie modyfikujące przebieg choroby lekami syntetycznymii biologicznymi.Występowanie ZUM w istotny sposób wpływa na zwiększonąumieralność chorych na RZS. W pracy przedstawiono równieżhipotezę łączącą patogenezę RZS z ZUM wywołanym przez Proteusmirabilis. Szybkie rozpoznanie i leczenie ZUM ma u chorychna RZS bardzo istotne znaczenie z uwagi na zwiększone ryzykowpływu przewlekania się procesu chorobowego na rozwój amyloidozyoraz zwiększone ryzyko zgonu z powodu ZUM.

  19. Thermo-mineral waters of Hammam Meskoutine (north-east Algeria: Composition and origin of mineralization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benamara Abdelwaheb


    Full Text Available The extreme north-eastern Algeria, in particular the Guelma city conceals thermal springs, whose waters circulating at great depths allow the rain-waters to warm up (according to the average geothermal gradient of 1°C per 33 m and to acquire a mineralization which depends on the traversed rock. The goal of this research work was to determine mineralization origin of the thermo-mineral waters of Hammam Meskoutine (Algerian N-E. A hydro-chemical study involved analyses of a number of physical and chemical parameters of waters such as: temperature, hydrogen potential, electrolytical conductivity, Cl-, SO4 2-, HCO3 -, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and Na+. The data processing on the diagram revealed two dominating chemical facies: sulphate-magnesium and bicarbonate magnesium. With a high conductivity in excess of 2300 μS·cm-1, the temperature reaches 97°C. Calculation of the saturation index shows that the waters are supersaturated in carbonate minerals (calcite, dolomite and aragonite and less saturated with evaporite minerals (halite, anhydrite, sylvite and gypsum. The reconstitution in dissolved salts reveals a dominant salt rich in calcium bicarbonates, in calcium sulphates and secondarily in magnesium salts. Geological sections used in the study zone affirm that the chemical composition of the spring waters comes from the neritic limestone dissolution and the gypso-saline complex of Hammam Meskoutine.

  20. 76 FR 44892 - Information Collection; Locatable Minerals (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Forest Service Information Collection; Locatable Minerals AGENCY: Forest... on the extension of a currently approved information collection, Locatable Minerals-36 CFR part 228...: Comments concerning this notice should be addressed to: USDA, Forest Service, Minerals and Geology...

  1. Petrography, mineralization and mineral explorations in the Zendan salt dome (Hara, Bandar Lengeh

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Habib Biabangard


    Full Text Available Introduction The Zendan salt dome is located at 80 Km north of Bandar-Lengeh and 110 Km west of Bandar-Khamir cities in the Hormozgan province. Based on the structural geology of Iran, the Zendan salt dome is placed in the southeastern part of the Zagros zone (Stocklin, 1968. Important units in this area are Hormuz, Mishan, Aghajari and Bakhtiari formations with the Precambrian age (Alian and Bazamad, 2014. The Hormuz formation with the four members of H1, H2, H3, and H4 is the oldest formation (Ahmadzadeh Heravi et al., 1991. Basalt and diabase rocks are mostly rocks that are exposed in the Zendan salt dome. Magnetite and hematite iron mineralization happened in all the building rocks of salt dome, and is not a uniform mineralization. Iron mineralization contains hematite, spicularite, magnetite, goethite, and iron hydroxides. Magnetite-hematite-oligist layers (red soil are the most iron mineralization in the Zendan salt dome, which are usually broken and scattered with gypsum layers (mostly anhydrite, respectively. Another form of iron mineralization is a mixture of hematite and magnetite (about 10 to 15% in diabase rocks. Copper mineralization consists of pyrite and chalcopyrite minerals that are mostly in tuff and shale units. The presence of low immobile trace elements in the Zendan salt dome and type of alteration shows that maybe the origin of this iron is deposited from brine fluid. Therefore, this deposit can be classified into VMS deposits. Materials and methods We have taken 60 samples rocks from the Zendan salt dome, and then prepared 20 thin and polished sections. Petrographic studies were done and 9 samples were selected for analysis. These samples were sent to the Zarzma laboratory and the amount of FeO was determined by the wet chemical method and other amounts of oxides were determined by XRF. Six samples were analyzed for determining the major elements with the XRF method in the Binalood laboratory. Nine samples from vines

  2. A novel mineral flotation process using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. (United States)

    Nagaoka, T; Ohmura, N; Saiki, H


    Oxidative leaching of metals by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans has proven useful in mineral processing. Here, we report on a new use for T. ferrooxidans, in which bacterial adhesion is used to remove pyrite from mixtures of sulfide minerals during flotation. Under control conditions, the floatabilities of five sulfide minerals tested (pyrite, chalcocite, molybdenite, millerite, and galena) ranged from 90 to 99%. Upon addition of T. ferrooxidans, the floatability of pyrite was significantly suppressed to less than 20%. In contrast, addition of the bacterium had little effect on the floatabilities of the other minerals, even when they were present in relatively large quantities: their floatabilities remained in the range of 81 to 98%. T. ferrooxidans thus appears to selectively suppress pyrite floatability. As a consequence, 77 to 95% of pyrite was removed from mineral mixtures while 72 to 100% of nonpyrite sulfide minerals was recovered. The suppression of pyrite floatability was caused by bacterial adhesion to pyrite surfaces. When normalized to the mineral surface area, the number of cells adhering to pyrite was significantly larger than the number adhering to other minerals. These results suggest that flotation with T. ferrooxidans may provide a novel approach to mineral processing in which the biological functions involved in cell adhesion play a key role in the separation of minerals.

  3. Plant macro- and micronutrient minerals (United States)

    All plants must obtain a number of inorganic mineral elements from their environment to ensure successful growth and development of both vegetative and reproductive tissues. A total of fourteen mineral nutrients are considered to be essential. Several other elements have been shown to have beneficia...

  4. [Vitamins and Minerals in Oncology]. (United States)

    Holch, Julian Walter; Michl, Marlies; Heinemann, Volker; Erickson, Nicole


    The use of vitamins and minerals to prevent cancer as well as their supportive use in oncological patients is widespread and often occurs without the knowledge of the treating physician. Beyond general recommendations with regard to a balanced and healthy diet, no evidence exists supporting the use of vitamins and minerals in the prevention of cancer. Furthermore, the diet of oncological patients should contain vitamins and minerals of the same quantity as for healthy individuals. In particular, there is currently no rationale for a high-dosage administration of antioxidants. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  5. Mars weathering analogs - Secondary mineralization in Antarctic basalts (United States)

    Berkley, J. L.


    Alkalic basalt samples from Ross Island, Antarctica, are evaluated as terrestrial analogs to weathered surface materials on Mars. Secondary alteration in the rocks is limited to pneumatolytic oxidation of igneous minerals and glass, rare groundmass clay and zeolite mineralization, and hydrothermal minerals coating fractures and vesicle surfaces. Hydrothermal mineral assemblages consist mainly of K-feldspar, zeolites (phillipsite and chabazite), calcite, and anhydrite. Low alteration rates are attributed to cold and dry environmental factors common to both Antarctica and Mars. It is noted that mechanical weathering (aeolian abrasion) of Martian equivalents to present Antarctic basalts would yield minor hydrothermal minerals and local surface fines composed of primary igneous minerals and glass but would produce few hydrous products, such as palagonite, clay or micas. It is thought that leaching of hydrothermal vein minerals by migrating fluids and redeposition in duricrust deposits may represent an alternate process for incorporating secondary minerals of volcanic origin into Martian surface fines.

  6. Destabilization of emulsions by natural minerals. (United States)

    Yuan, Songhu; Tong, Man; Wu, Gaoming


    This study developed a novel method to destabilize emulsions and recycle oils, particularly for emulsified wastewater treatment. Natural minerals were used as demulsifying agents, two kinds of emulsions collected from medical and steel industry were treated. The addition of natural minerals, including artificial zeolite, natural zeolite, diatomite, bentonite and natural soil, could effectively destabilize both emulsions at pH 1 and 60 °C. Over 90% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) can be removed after treatment. Medical emulsion can be even destabilized by artificial zeolite at ambient temperature. The mechanism for emulsion destabilization by minerals was suggested as the decreased electrostatic repulsion at low pH, the enhanced gathering of oil microdroplets at elevated temperature, and the further decreased surface potential by the addition of minerals. Both flocculation and coalescence were enhanced by the addition of minerals at low pH and elevated temperature. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Espresso beverages of pure origin coffee: mineral characterization, contribution for mineral intake and geographical discrimination. (United States)

    Oliveira, Marta; Ramos, Sandra; Delerue-Matos, Cristina; Morais, Simone


    Espresso coffee beverages prepared from pure origin roasted ground coffees from the major world growing regions (Brazil, Ethiopia, Colombia, India, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, Kenya, Cuba, Timor, Mussulo and China) were characterized and compared in terms of their mineral content. Regular consumption of one cup of espresso contributes to a daily mineral intake varying from 0.002% (sodium; Central America) to 8.73% (potassium; Asia). The mineral profiles of the espresso beverages revealed significant inter- and intra-continental differences. South American pure origin coffees are on average richer in the analyzed elements except for calcium, while samples from Central America have generally lower mineral amounts (except for manganese). Manganese displayed significant differences (pworld coffee producers were achieved by applying canonical discriminant analysis. Manganese and calcium were found to be the best chemical descriptors for origin. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Business as usual? Results of Global Continuous Miner and Bolter Miner Census 2008

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bayer, Arne K. [RWTH Aachen (DE). Excavation and Mining Equipment Group (BGMR); E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH, Hannover (Germany); Nienhaus, Karl; Dangela, Manuel [RWTH Aachen (DE). Excavation and Mining Equipment Group (BGMR)


    The Global Continuous Miner and Bolter Miner Census 2008 conducted by the Excavation and Mining Equipment Group (BGMR), RWTH Aachen, identified globally the 1,400 CM production units and about 200 Bolter Miners are mainly employed in coal mining operations. The study identified a number of relevant trends of interest to both mining companies as well as original equipment manufacturers (OEM). E.g. new markets like China, India or Russia are not developing as quickly as expected, the large CM and BM nations like US, South Africa and Australia will remain saturated and the annual replacement rate of new machines will stabilize at some 160 units. Other key findings highlight the growing importance of after sales services and a stronger focus on automation, as well as, aspects of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE). (orig.)

  9. Ways to defuse miners' anger

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The violence and riots which often occur with mining personnel are considered. The emotions and feelings which miners often experience because of their work environment are dealth with. From recognizing the pressures, the article then works to present methods to help defuse the miners' hostility and anger

  10. Mineral facilities of Africa and the Middle East (United States)

    Eros, J.M.; Candelario-Quintana, Luissette


    This map displays over 1,500 mineral facilities in Africa and the Middle East. The mineral facilities include mines, plants, mills, or refineries of aluminum, cement, coal, copper, diamond, gold, iron and steel, nickel, platinum-group metals, salt, and silver, among others. The data used in this poster were compiled from multiple sources, including the 2004 USGS Minerals Yearbook (Africa and Middle East volume), Minerals Statistics and Information from the USGS Web site (, and data collected by USGS minerals information country specialists. Data reflect the most recent published table of industry structure for each country. Other sources include statistical publications of individual countries, annual reports and press releases of operating companies, and trade journals. Due to the sensitivity of some energy commodity data, the quality of these data should be evaluated on a country-by-country basis. Additional information and explanation is available from the country specialists. See Table 1 for general information about each mineral facility site including country, location and facility name, facility type, latitude, longitude, mineral commodity, mining method, main operating company, status, capacity, and units.

  11. Smart market. From smart grid to the intelligent energy market; Smart Market. Vom Smart Grid zum intelligenten Energiemarkt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aichele, Christian [Hochschule Kaiserslautern, Zweibruecken (Germany). Fachbereich Betriebswirtschaft; Doleski, Oliver D. (ed.)


    Dare more market. - The design of this postulate provides an important contribution to the success of the German energy transition. The Bundesnetzagentur has shown with its highly regarded benchmark paper on smart grids and markets leads the way towards more market in the energy sector. The therein required differentiation in a network and market sphere contributes to greater transparency on the consumer side and enables a gid releaving shift in energy consumption. The book focuses on actors and roles in the modified market circumstances as well as components and products of a future Smart Markets. Finally, to the reader concrete business models are offered. Authors from science and practice give in this book answers on how the interaction of Smart Grid and Smart Market works. [German] Mehr Markt wagen. - Die Ausgestaltung dieses Postulats liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Gelingen der deutschen Energiewende. Die Bundesnetzagentur hat mit ihrem vielbeachteten Eckpunktepapier zu intelligenten Netzen und Maerkten diesen Weg in Richtung mehr Markt in der Energiewirtschaft gewiesen. Die darin geforderte Differenzierung in eine Netz- und Marktsphaere traegt zu mehr Transparenz auf der Verbraucherseite bei und ermoeglicht eine netzentlastende Verlagerung des Energieverbrauchs. Das Buch beleuchtet Akteure und Rollen im geaenderten Marktumfeld ebenso wie Komponenten und Produkte eines zukuenftigen Smart Markets. Schliesslich werden dem Leser konkrete Geschaeftsmodelle angeboten. Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis geben in diesem Buch Antworten darauf, wie das Zusammenspiel von Smart Grid und Smart Market funktioniert.

  12. Mineral concentrations in diets, water, and milk and their value in estimating on-farm excretion of manure minerals in lactating dairy cows. (United States)

    Castillo, A R; St-Pierre, N R; Silva del Rio, N; Weiss, W P


    Thirty-nine commercial dairies in Merced County, California were enrolled in the present study to (1) compare lactating cow mineral intakes (via drinking water and total mixed ration) to the National Research Council (NRC) requirements, (2) evaluate the association between dietary concentrations of minerals with and without drinking water and adjusted for mineral concentrations in milk, and (3) compare 4 different methods to estimate excretion of minerals using either assays or estimations of milk mineral outputs and total daily mineral intake per cow with or without minerals coming from drinking water. Dairies were selected to represent a range of herd milk yields and a range of water mineral contents. Samples of total mixed ration, drinking water, and bulk tank milk were taken on 2 different days, 3 to 7d apart in each farm. Across-farm medians and percentile distributions were used to analyze results. The herd median milk yield interquartile ranged (10th to 90th percentile) from less than 25 to more than 39 kg/d and the concentration of total solids in water interquartile ranged from less than 200 to more than 1,490 mg/L. Including drinking water minerals in the diets increased dietary concentrations by minerals except for Na and Cl, which increased by 9.3 and 6.5%, respectively. Concentrations of P and K in milk were essentially the same as the NRC value to estimate lactation requirements. However, NRC milk values of Ca, Cl, and Zn were 10 to 20% greater than dairy farm values; and Na, Cu, Fe, and Mn were no less than 36% below NRC values. Estimated excretion of minerals via manure varied substantially across farms. Farms in the 10th percentile did have 2 to 3 times less estimated mineral excretions than those in the 90th percentile (depending on the mineral). Although including water minerals increased excretion of most minerals, the actual median effect of Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, and Mn was less than 5%, and about 8% for Na and Cl. Replacing assayed concentrations

  13. Non-autoclaved aerated concrete with mineral additives (United States)

    Il'ina, L. V.; Rakov, M. A.


    We investigated the effect of joint grinding of Portland cement clinker, silica and carbonate components and mineral additives to specific surface of 280 - 300 m2/kg on the properties (strength, average density and thermal conductivity) of non-autoclaved aerated concrete, and the porosity of the hardened cement paste produced from Portland cement clinker with mineral additives. The joint grinding of the Portland cement clinker with silica and carbonate components and mineral additives reduces the energy consumption of non-autoclaved aerated concrete production. The efficiency of mineral additives (diopside, wollastonite) is due to the closeness the composition, the type of chemical bonds, physical and chemical characteristics (specific enthalpy of formation, specific entropy) to anhydrous clinker minerals and their hydration products. Considering the influence of these additions on hydration of clinker minerals and formation of hardened cement paste structure, dispersed wollastonite and diopside should be used as mineral additives. The hardness and, consequently, the elastic modulus of diopside are higher than that of hardened cement paste. As a result, there is a redistribution of stresses in the hardened cement paste interporous partitions and hardening, both the partitions and aerated concrete on the whole. The mineral additives introduction allowed to obtain the non-autoclaved aerated concrete with average density 580 kg/m3, compressive strength of 3.3 MPa and thermal conductivity of 0.131 W/(m.°C).


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    Full Text Available Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA is an autoimmune disorder affecting nearly 1% of adult population. First-line therapies include disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, but creno-balneotherapyis often prescribed in rheumatic disorders and RA is no exception. Objectives: To know the efficacy of creno-balneotherapy in RA. Methods: A Medline based search was made using MeSH terms “balneology” and “rheumatoid arthritis”. Articles concerning the use of mineral waters in RA treatment were included. Results: In RA, two traditional ways of employing mineral waters are commonly used: immersion and peliotherapy. Each owns their benefits to non-specific or hydrotherapeutic effects and specific or crenotherapeutic effects. Mineral waters must be regarded as an adjuvant therapy in quiescent, stable or non-progressive RA. Significant benefits have been accomplished with radonenriched and sulphurous waters. Isothermal or hyperthermal waters should be preferred. Conclusions: Although there is a global lack of evidence, mineral waters are a safe and effective therapy to be considered in RA.

  15. Thompson revisited. Ein empirisch fundiertes Modell zur Qualität von „Quality-TV“ aus Nutzersicht

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Harnischmacher


    Full Text Available Was bedeutet das Attribut „Quality-TV“ eigentlich für das Publikum? Nach welchen Kriterien beurteilen Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer, ob eine Serie Qualitätsfernsehen ist oder nicht? Im Bereich der rezipientenorientierten Qualitätsforschung bezüglich Fernsehserien sind bislang fast ausschließlich qualitativ erhobene Modelle bedeutsam, am bekanntesten sicherlich die bereits 1996 von Robert J. Thompson vorgeschlagenen 12 Kriterien. Die vorliegende Untersuchung widmet sich nun der Frage, ob diese Qualitätskriterien tatsächlich die „richtigen“ sind. Sind sie für die Zuschauer/innen von Serien bedeutsam für die Einschätzung, ob ein Programm „Quality-TV“ ist oder nicht? Bislang fehlt eine empirische Fundierung der einzelnen Merkmale. Ebenso ungeklärt ist bislang, ob es eine Rangfolge dieser Merkmale gibt. Welche sind bedeutsamer, welche weniger wichtig für die Wahrnehmung einer Serie als Qualitätsprodukt? Die Studie hat Thompsons Vorschlag (unter Bezugnahme auf weitere Studien zum Thema (z.B. Cardwell 2007; Feuer 2007; Dreher 2010; Blanchett 2011; Kumpf 2011 operationalisiert und in einer standardisierten Befragung der Nutzer von 13 Onlineforen zu Qualitätsserien (n=1382 getestet. Auf Basis dieser Befragung kann statistisch nachgewiesen werden, welche Merkmale von den Zuschauer/innen als besonders wichtig angesehen werden und wie diese zu Qualitätsfaktoren zusammengefasst werden können, die das Phänomen „Quality-TV“ aus Zuschauersicht tatsächlich beschreiben können.

  16. MR imaging of articular cartilage; Gelenkknorpel in der MR-Tomographie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schaefer, F.K.W.; Muhle, C.; Heller, M.; Brossmann, J. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Diagnostische Radiologie


    MR imaging has evolved to the best non-invasive method for the evaluation of articular cartilage. MR imaging helps to understand the structure and physiology of cartilage, and to diagnose cartilage lesions. Numerous studies have shown high accuracy and reliability concerning detection of cartilage lesions and early changes in both structure and biochemistry. High contrast-to-noise ratio and high spatial resolution are essential for analysis of articular cartilage. Fat-suppressed 3D-T{sub 1} weighted gradient echo and T{sub 2}-weighted fast spin echo sequences with or without fat suppression are recommended for clinical routine. In this article the anatomy and pathology of hyaline articular cartilage and the complex imaging characteristics of hyaline cartilage will be discussed. (orig.) [German] Die MR-Tomographie hat sich zur besten nichtinvasiven bildgebenden Methode fuer die Untersuchung von Gelenkknorpel entwickelt. Die MR-Tomographie liefert einen Beitrag zum Verstaendnis der Knorpelstruktur und der Physiologie sowie zur Diagnostik von Knorpelschaeden. Zahlreiche MR-Studien konnten eine hohe Genauigkeit und Zuverlaessigkeit bei der Detektion chondraler Laesionen sowie frueher Veraenderungen struktureller und biochemischer Natur zeigen. Neben einem hohen Kontrast/Rausch-Verhaeltnis ist fuer die Gelenkknorpelanalyse eine hohe raeumliche Aufloesung erforderlich. Im klinischen Routinebetrieb empfehlen sich fuer die Erkennung von Knorpellaesionen besonders fettunterdrueckte 3D-T{sub 1}-gewichtete Gradientenecho- und T{sub 2}-gewichtete Fastspinecho-Sequenzen mit oder ohne Fettunterdrueckung. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht auf die Anatomie und Pathologie des hyalinen Gelenkknorpels ein und diskutiert das komplexe MR-Signalverhalten. (orig.)

  17. Characteristics of minerals in vesicles produced by human osteoblasts hFOB 1.19 and osteosarcoma Saos-2 cells stimulated for mineralization. (United States)

    Strzelecka-Kiliszek, Agnieszka; Bozycki, Lukasz; Mebarek, Saida; Buchet, Rene; Pikula, Slawomir


    Bone cells control initial steps of mineralization by producing extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and releasing vesicles that trigger apatite nucleation. Using transmission electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (TEM-EDX) we compared the quality of minerals in vesicles produced by two distinct human cell lines: fetal osteoblastic hFOB 1.19 and osteosarcoma Saos-2. Both cell lines, subjected to osteogenic medium with ascorbic acid (AA) and β-glycerophosphate (β-GP), undergo the entire osteoblastic differentiation program from proliferation to mineralization, produce the ECM and spontaneously release vesicles. We observed that Saos-2 cells mineralized better than hFOB 1.19, as probed by Alizarin Red-S (AR-S) staining, tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) activity and by analyzing the composition of minerals in vesicles. Vesicles released from Saos-2 cells contained and were surrounded by more minerals than vesicles released from hFOB 1.19. In addition, there were more F and Cl substituted apatites in vesicles from hFOB 1.19 than in those from Saos-2 cells as determined by ion ratios. Saos-2 and h-FOB 1.19 cells revealed distinct mineralization profiles, indicating that the process of mineralization may proceed differently in various types of cells. Our findings suggest that TNAP activity is correlated with the relative proportions of mineral-filled vesicles and mineral-surrounded vesicles. The origin of vesicles and their properties predetermine the onset of mineralization at the cellular level. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Minerals in thalassaemia major patients: An overview. (United States)

    Ozturk, Zeynep; Genc, Gizem Esra; Gumuslu, Saadet


    Thalassaemia major (TM) is a hereditary blood disease characterised by reduced or absent production of beta globin chains. Erythrocyte transfusions are given to raise the haemoglobin level in patients with thalassaemia major. However, transfusions have been related to increased risk of iron overload and tissue damage related to excess iron. Both elevated oxidative stress due to iron overload and increased hemolysis lead to over utilisation of minerals required for antioxidant enzymes activities. Iron chelators have been used to prevent iron overload in thalassaemia major patients, but these chelators have the possibility of removing minerals from the body. Thalassaemia patients are more at risk for mineral deficiency because of increased oxidative stress and iron chelation therapies. Growth and maturational delay, cardiomyopathy, endocrinopathies and osteoporosis are the complications of thalassaemia. Minerals may play a particular role to prevent these complications. In the current review, we provide an overview of minerals including zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), selenium (Se), magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) in thalassaemia major patients. We, also, underline that some complications of thalassaemia can be caused by an increased need for minerals or lack of the minerals. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  19. Pretreatment process for mineral analysis in FFH using INAA-method and evaluation of mineral intakes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Ok Hee; Youn, Kyung Jin; Lee, Ji Bum; Kim, Mi Jin


    This study were aimed to set up the pre-treatment process for FFH and analyse Pretreatment processes for the analysis of food mineral contents by INAA were established according to FFH state using freeze-drying and homogenization. The Se contents showed higher precision with INAA-method than ICP-method. The content of Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, Co in FFH measured using INAA-method showed that the mineral contents in the amount of recommended intakes by manufacturer were not significantly different according to FFH type. The average Ca contents was the highest in Yousanguns > nutritional supplement> glucosamines. The average K content of FFH with one serving size were the highest in glucosamines>aloes> nutritional supplements. I content among FFH was the highest in nutritional supplements. The average Mg contents were highest in Chlorella-Spirurina and Aloes. The average Cu content of FFH was the highest in Yeasts. The contents of Fe, Zn and Se were the highest in nutritional supplements. The mineral contents in recommended intake amounts by manufacturer were over the maximum contents regulated by Korean FDA in some imported FFH products. their mineral contents of FFH using NAA-method and to assess the mineral intakes by FFH

  20. Pretreatment process for mineral analysis in FFH using INAA-method and evaluation of mineral intakes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Ok Hee; Youn, Kyung Jin; Lee, Ji Bum; Kim, Mi Jin [Yongin University, Yongin (Korea, Republic of)


    This study were aimed to set up the pre-treatment process for FFH and analyse Pretreatment processes for the analysis of food mineral contents by INAA were established according to FFH state using freeze-drying and homogenization. The Se contents showed higher precision with INAA-method than ICP-method. The content of Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, Co in FFH measured using INAA-method showed that the mineral contents in the amount of recommended intakes by manufacturer were not significantly different according to FFH type. The average Ca contents was the highest in Yousanguns > nutritional supplement> glucosamines. The average K content of FFH with one serving size were the highest in glucosamines>aloes> nutritional supplements. I content among FFH was the highest in nutritional supplements. The average Mg contents were highest in Chlorella-Spirurina and Aloes. The average Cu content of FFH was the highest in Yeasts. The contents of Fe, Zn and Se were the highest in nutritional supplements. The mineral contents in recommended intake amounts by manufacturer were over the maximum contents regulated by Korean FDA in some imported FFH products. their mineral contents of FFH using NAA-method and to assess the mineral intakes by FFH

  1. Respirable coal dust exposure and respiratory symptoms in South-African coal miners: A comparison of current and ex-miners

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Naidoo, R.N.; Robins, T.G.; Seixas, N.; Lalloo, U.G.; Becklake, M. [University of KwaZuluNatal, Congella (South Africa). Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine


    Dose-response associations between respirable dust exposure and respiratory symptoms and between symptoms and spirometry outcomes among currently employed and formerly employed South-African coal miners were investigated. Work histories, interviews, and spirometry and cumulative exposure were assessed among 684 current and 212 ex-miners. Results: Lower prevalences of symptoms were found among employed compared with ex-miners. Associations with increasing exposure for symptoms of phlegm and past history of tuberculosis were observed, whereas other symptom prevalences were higher in the higher exposure categories. Symptomatic ex-miners exhibited lower lung-function compared to the nonsymptomatic. Compared with published data, symptoms rates were low in current miners but high in ex-miners. Although explanations could include the low prevalence of smoking and/or reporting/selection bias, a 'Survivor' and/or a 'hire' effect is more likely, resulting in an underestimation of the dust-related effect.

  2. Concentration of gold, sulphide minerals, and uranium oxide minerals by flotation from ores and metallurgical plant products

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weston, D.


    A process is described for the concentration by flotation of gold, gold bearing minerals and uranium oxide minerals from ores and metallurgical plant products. A pulp of a ground ore is agitation conditioned in at least two agitation conditioning stages wherein in at least one stage the pH of the pulp is lowered with an acid agent to within the pH range of about 1.5 to 5.0, and wherein in at least one additional agitation conditioning stage the pH of the pulp is raised to within the pH range of about 6.0 to 11.0 and wherein in at least the last stage prior to flotation at least one collector selected from the group of sulfhydryl anionic collectors is present. Subsequently, the at least two stage agitation conditioned pulp is subjected to flotation to produce a flotation concentrate enriched in at least one of the mineral values from the group consisting of gold, gold bearing minerals and uranium minerals

  3. 32 CFR 644.5 - Mineral Acquisition Practices. (United States)


    ... documents, real estate design memoranda, and master plans will fully discuss and consider the extent of... interests, the variety of minerals and the different methods of mineral exploration, recovery and production... subordination agreement and any plan incorporated by reference into such agreement. (d) Off-project mineral...

  4. 77 FR 56273 - Conflict Minerals (United States)


    ... auditor and to certify the audit. In addition, Section 13(p) requires the report to include a description.... Auditor Independence iii. Audit Objective 4. Recycled and Scrap Minerals a. Proposed Rules b. Comments on... Minerals Report must also identify the independent private sector auditor \\23\\ and certify the independent...

  5. Oxalate secretion by ectomycorrhizal Paxillus involutus is mineral-specific and controls calcium weathering from minerals (United States)

    Schmalenberger, A.; Duran, A. L.; Bray, A. W.; Bridge, J.; Bonneville, S.; Benning, L. G.; Romero-Gonzalez, M. E.; Leake, J. R.; Banwart, S. A.


    Trees and their associated rhizosphere organisms play a major role in mineral weathering driving calcium fluxes from the continents to the oceans that ultimately control long-term atmospheric CO2 and climate through the geochemical carbon cycle. Photosynthate allocation to tree roots and their mycorrhizal fungi is hypothesized to fuel the active secretion of protons and organic chelators that enhance calcium dissolution at fungal-mineral interfaces. This was tested using 14CO2 supplied to shoots of Pinus sylvestris ectomycorrhizal with the widespread fungus Paxillus involutus in monoxenic microcosms, revealing preferential allocation by the fungus of plant photoassimilate to weather grains of limestone and silicates each with a combined calcium and magnesium content of over 10 wt.%. Hyphae had acidic surfaces and linear accumulation of weathered calcium with secreted oxalate, increasing significantly in sequence: quartz, granite mineral-specific oxalate exudation in ectomycorrhizal weathering to dissolve calcium bearing minerals, thus contributing to the geochemical carbon cycle. PMID:26197714

  6. 36 CFR 254.34 - Mineral survey fractions. (United States)


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Mineral survey fractions. 254... LANDOWNERSHIP ADJUSTMENTS Conveyance of Small Tracts § 254.34 Mineral survey fractions. (a) Mineral survey fractions subject to conveyance under this subpart are limited to those tracts which: (1) Cannot be...

  7. Surface analytical techniques applied to minerals processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smart, R.St.C.


    An understanding of the chemical and physical forms of the chemically altered layers on the surfaces of base metal sulphides, particularly in the form of hydroxides, oxyhydroxides and oxides, and the changes that occur in them during minerals processing lies at the core of a complete description of flotation chemistry. This paper reviews the application of a variety of surface-sensitive techniques and methodologies applied to the study of surface layers on single minerals, mixed minerals, synthetic ores and real ores. Evidence from combined XPS/SAM/SEM studies have provided images and analyses of three forms of oxide, oxyhydroxide and hydroxide products on the surfaces of single sulphide minerals, mineral mixtures and complex sulphide ores. 4 refs., 2 tabs., 4 figs

  8. Preparation of synthetic standard minerals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herrick, C.C.; Bustamante, S.J.; Charls, R.W.; Cowan, R.E.; Hakkila, E.A.; Hull, D.E.; Olinger, B.W.; Roof, R.B.; Sheinberg, H.; Herrick, G.C.


    A number of techniques for synthetic mineral preparations have been examined. These techniques include hot-pressing in graphite dies at moderate pressures, high-pressure, high-temperature synthesis in a piston and cylinder apparatus, isostatic pressing under helium gas pressures, hydrous mineral preparations using water as the pressure medium, explosion-generated shock waves, and radiofrequency heating. Minerals suitable for equation-of-state studies (three-inch, high-density discs), for thermodynamic property determinations (low-density powders) and for microprobe standards (fusion-cast microbeads) have been prepared. Mechanical stress-strain calculations in the piston-cylinder apparatus have been initiated and their integration with thermal stress calculations is currently under investigation

  9. Phytase-mediated enzymatic mineralization of chitosan-enriched hydrogels

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lišková, Jana; Douglas, Timothy E.L.; Wijnants, Robbe


    Hydrogels mineralized with calcium phosphate (CaP) are increasingly popular bone regeneration biomaterials. Mineralization can be achieved by phosphatase enzyme incorporation and incubation in calcium glycerophosphate (CaGP). Gellan gum (GG) hydrogels containing the enzyme phytase and chitosan...... oligomer were mineralized in CaGP solution and characterized with human osteoblast-like MG63 cells and adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSC). Phytase induced CaP formation. Chitosan concentration determined mineralization extent and hydrogel mechanical reinforcement. Phytase-induced mineralization...... promoted MG63 adhesion and proliferation, especially in the presence of chitosan, and was non-toxic to MG63 cells (with and without chitosan). ADSC adhesion and proliferation were poor without mineralization. Chitosan did not affect ADSC osteogenic differentiation....

  10. Current knowledge of US metal and nonmetal miner health: Current and potential data sources for analysis of miner health status (United States)

    Yeoman, K. M.; Halldin, C. N.; Wood, J.; Storey, E.; Johns, D.; Laney, A. S.


    ABSTRACT Little is known about the current health status of US metal and nonmetal (MNM) miners, in part because no health surveillance systems exist for this population. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is developing a program to characterize burden of disease among MNM miners. This report discusses current knowledge and potential data sources of MNM miner health. Recent national surveys were analyzed, and literature specific to MNM miner health status was reviewed. No robust estimates of disease prevalence were identified, and national surveys did not provide information specific to MNM miners. Because substantial gaps exist in the understanding of MNM miners' current health status, NIOSH plans to develop a health surveillance program for this population to guide intervention efforts to reduce occupational and personal risks for chronic illness. PMID:25658684

  11. Formation of secondary minerals in a lysimeter approach - A mineral-microbe interaction (United States)

    Schäffner, F.; Merten, D.; De Giudici, G.; Beyer, A.; Akob, D. M.; Ricci, P. C.; Küsel, K.; Büchel, G.


    Heavy metal contamination of large areas due to uranium mining operations poses a serious long-term environmental problem. In the Ronneburg district (eastern Thuringia, Germany), leaching of low grade uranium bearing ores (uranium content metals, especially Cd, Ni, Co, Cu and Zn due to a residual contamination even after remediation efforts. To reveal the processes of secondary mineral precipitation in the field a laboratory lysimeter approach was set up under in situ-like conditions. Homogenized soil from the field site and pure quartz sand were used as substrates. In general, in situ measurements of redox potentials in the substrates showed highly oxidizing conditions (200-750 mV). Water was supplied to the lysimeter from below via a mariottés bottle containing contaminated groundwater from the field. Evaporation processes were allowed, providing a continuous flow of water. This led to precipitation of epsomite and probably aplowite on the top layer of substrate, similar to what is observed in field investigations. After 4 weeks, the first iron and manganese bearing secondary minerals became visible. Soil water samples were used to monitor the behaviour of metals within the lysimeter. Saturation indices (SI) for different secondary minerals were calculated with PHREEQC. The SI of goethite showed oversaturation with respect to the soil solution. SEM-EDX analyses and IR spectroscopy confirmed the formation of goethite. Geochemical data revealed that goethite formation was mainly dominated by Eh/pH processes and that heavy metals, e.g. Zn and U, could be enriched in this phase. Although Eh/pH data does not support formation of manganese minerals, Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) could be isolated from field soil samples, supporting the fact that microorganisms may influence this natural attenuation process. Laser ablation ICP-MS data reveal accumulation of manganese in MOB biomass on Mn(II)-containing agar plates. Furthermore, it was possible to show the importance

  12. The mineral matter characteristics of some Chinese coal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, X. [China University of Mining and Technology (China). Dept. of Coal Preparation and Utilization


    The mineral matter has been separated from 18 coal samples with a low temperature ashes and analyzed by means of X-ray diffraction method. Based on the results of chemical analysis of the coal ash, with reference to the standard composition of minerals, the content of various mineral phases in the coal ash has been determined. Furthermore, this paper summarizes the mineral matter characteristics of the coal samples and discusses the relationship between the composition of mineral matter in coal and its depositional environment.

  13. Mineral resources of Slovakia, questions of classification and valuation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Baláž Peter


    Full Text Available According to the Constitution of Slovak Republic, mineral resources of Slovakia are in the ownership of Slovak Republic. In 1997, 721 exclusive mineral deposits of mineral fuels, metals and industrial minerals were registered in Slovakia. The classification for economic and uneconomic reserves/resources requires an annual updating, concerning changes of market mineral prices and mine production costs. In terms of economic valuation of mineral resources, a new United Nations international classification for reserves/resources appears as a perspective alternative. Changes of geological and mining legislation are necessary for real valuation of Slovak mineral resources.

  14. 21 CFR 184.1979b - Reduced minerals whey. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2010-04-01 2009-04-01 true Reduced minerals whey. 184.1979b Section 184.1979b... Listing of Specific Substances Affirmed as GRAS § 184.1979b Reduced minerals whey. (a) Reduced minerals whey is the substance obtained by the removal of a portion of the minerals from whey. The dry product...

  15. ASEAN Mineral Database and Information System (AMDIS) (United States)

    Okubo, Y.; Ohno, T.; Bandibas, J. C.; Wakita, K.; Oki, Y.; Takahashi, Y.


    AMDIS has lunched officially since the Fourth ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Minerals on 28 November 2013. In cooperation with Geological Survey of Japan, the web-based GIS was developed using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. The system is composed of the local databases and the centralized GIS. The local databases created and updated using the centralized GIS are accessible from the portal site. The system introduces distinct advantages over traditional GIS. Those are a global reach, a large number of users, better cross-platform capability, charge free for users, charge free for provider, easy to use, and unified updates. Raising transparency of mineral information to mining companies and to the public, AMDIS shows that mineral resources are abundant throughout the ASEAN region; however, there are many datum vacancies. We understand that such problems occur because of insufficient governance of mineral resources. Mineral governance we refer to is a concept that enforces and maximizes the capacity and systems of government institutions that manages minerals sector. The elements of mineral governance include a) strengthening of information infrastructure facility, b) technological and legal capacities of state-owned mining companies to fully-engage with mining sponsors, c) government-led management of mining projects by supporting the project implementation units, d) government capacity in mineral management such as the control and monitoring of mining operations, and e) facilitation of regional and local development plans and its implementation with the private sector.

  16. Global mineral resource assessment: porphyry copper assessment of Mexico: Chapter A in Global mineral resource assessment (United States)

    Hammarstrom, Jane M.; Robinson, Gilpin R.; Ludington, Steve; Gray, Floyd; Drenth, Benjamin J.; Cendejas-Cruz, Francisco; Espinosa, Enrique; Pérez-Segura, Efrén; Valencia-Moreno, Martín; Rodríguez-Castañeda, José Luis; Vásquez-Mendoza, Rigobert; Zürcher, Lukas


    Mineral resource assessments provide a synthesis of available information about distributions of mineral deposits in the Earth’s crust. A probabilistic mineral resource assessment of undiscovered resources in porphyry copper deposits in Mexico was done as part of a global mineral resource assessment. The purpose of the study was to (1) delineate permissive areas (tracts) for undiscovered porphyry copper deposits within 1 km of the surface at a scale of 1:1,000,000; (2) provide a database of known porphyry copper deposits and significant prospects; (3) estimate numbers of undiscovered deposits within those permissive tracts; and (4) provide probabilistic estimates of amounts of copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), gold (Au), and silver (Ag) that could be contained in undiscovered deposits for each permissive tract. The assessment was conducted using a three-part form of mineral resource assessment based on mineral deposit models (Singer, 1993). Delineation of permissive tracts primarily was based on distributions of mapped igneous rocks related to magmatic arcs that formed in tectonic settings associated with subduction boundary zones. Using a GIS, map units were selected from digital geologic maps based on lithology and age to delineate twelve permissive tracts associated with Jurassic, Laramide (~90 to 34 Ma), and younger Tertiary magmatic arcs. Stream-sediment geochemistry, mapped alteration, regional aeromagnetic data, and exploration history were considered in conjunction with descriptive deposit models and grade and tonnage models to guide estimates.

  17. Characterization of minerals, metals and materials

    CERN Document Server

    Hwang, Jiann-Yang; Bai, Chengguang; Carpenter, John; Cai, Mingdong; Firrao, Donato; Kim, Byoung-Gon


    This state-of-the-art reference contains chapters on all aspects of the characterization of minerals, metals, and materials. The title presents papers from one of the largest yearly gatherings of materials scientists in the world and thoroughly discusses the characterization of minerals, metals, and materials The scope includes current industrial applications and research and developments in the following areas:  Characterization of Ferrous Metals Characterization of Non-Ferrous Materials Characterization of Minerals and Ceramics Character

  18. DNA-Methylierung nach abiotischen und biotischen Einflüssen und Expressionsanalyse pathogeninduzierter Gene in Picea abies (L.) Karst.


    Baumann, Ruediger


    Basierend auf Beobachtungen über phänotypische Änderungen in Vollgeschwisterfamilien der Fichte,Picea abies, aus unterschiedlichen Kreuzungsumwelten wurde nach der geneti-schen Untersuchung mit EST-Markern eine kapillarelektrophoretische Untersuchung der DNA durchgeführt. Dabei wurden signifikante Unterschiede im Methylcytosin(mC)-Gehalt festgestellt. Messungen der mC-Gehalte nach Hitzeschock zeigten, den Einfluss der Um-weltbedingungen auf die Methylierung der DNA. Untersuchungen zur Dynamik...

  19. Aggregate and Mineral Resources - MO 2014 Industrial Mineral Mines (SHP) (United States)

    NSGIC State | GIS Inventory — This data set contains names, locations and additional data for active Industrial Mineral Mines permitted with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division...

  20. Oxygen Extraction from Minerals (United States)

    Muscatello, Tony


    Oxygen, whether used as part of rocket bipropellant or for astronaut life support, is a key consumable for space exploration and commercialization. In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) has been proposed many times as a method for making space exploration more cost effective and sustainable. On planetary and asteroid surfaces the presence of minerals in the regolith that contain oxygen is very common, making them a potential oxygen resource. The majority of research and development for oxygen extraction from minerals has been for lunar regolith although this work would generally be applicable to regolith at other locations in space. This presentation will briefly survey the major methods investigated for oxygen extraction from regolith with a focus on the current status of those methods and possible future development pathways. The major oxygen production methods are (1) extraction from lunar ilmenite (FeTiO3) with either hydrogen or carbon monoxide, (2) carbothermal reduction of iron oxides and silicates with methane, and (3) molten regolith electrolysis (MRE) of silicates. Methods (1) and (2) have also been investigated in a two-step process using CO reduction and carbon deposition followed by carbothermal reduction. All three processes have byproducts that could also be used as resources. Hydrogen or carbon monoxide reduction produce iron metal in small amounts that could potentially be used as construction material. Carbothermal reduction also makes iron metal along with silicon metal and a glass with possible applications. MRE produces iron, silicon, aluminum, titanium, and glass, with higher silicon yields than carbothermal reduction. On Mars and possibly on some moons and asteroids, water is present in the form of mineral hydrates, hydroxyl (-OH) groups on minerals, andor water adsorbed on mineral surfaces. Heating of the minerals can liberate the water which can be electrolyzed to provide a source of oxygen as well. The chemistry of these processes, some key

  1. Study of mortality of Ontario miners, 1955-1977. Pt. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muller, J.; Kusiak, R.A.; Wheeler, W.C.; Suranyi, G.; Gentleman, J.F.


    A mortality study of Ontario Mines covering the period of 1955 to 1977 was carried out. There are 50,201 men in the study for a total of 754,391 person-years and 6,757 deaths were observed in this population over the period of the study. The most serious hazard in this population was death due to violent causes. The population was subdivided into gold miners, nickel-copper miners, iron ore miners, other ore miners, mixed ore miners, and uranium miners. Only in certain types of miners was an increase in deaths from non-neoplastic lung disease detectable. A significant increase was noted in underground gold miners, mixed ore miners and in uranium miners. This increase was largely due to increased death rates from silicosis and chronic interstitial pneumonia. In addition there were 43 deaths due to silicotuberculosis in gold miners and 36 deaths due to the same cause in mixed ore miners. It is estimated that the total difference between observed and expected deaths from silicosis and chronic interstitial pneumonia as well as from silicotuberculosis which was observed gold miners and in mixed ore miners can actually be attributed to gold mining only. Increased cancer risk in non-uranium miners is observed for cancer of the trachea, bronchus and lung in full-time underground gold miners and full-time underground mixed ore miners, and cancer of the stomach in full-time underground gold miners. It is assumed that the increased risk of lung cancer in both these groups of miners is in fact due to underground gold mining only. As to uranium miners, previous studies have already demonstrated an increased lung cancer risk in these men and this finding was confirmed in this study. Men who have also worked for Eldorado Nuclear Limited show a siginificantly increased risk of death from all causes and from all disease causes

  2. Natural mineral bottled waters available on the Polish market as a source of minerals for the consumers. Part 1. Calcium and magnesium. (United States)

    Gątarska, Anna; Tońska, Elżbieta; Ciborska, Joanna


    Natural mineral waters may be an essential source of calcium, magnesium and other minerals. In bottled waters, minerals occur in an ionized form which is very well digestible. However, the concentration of minerals in underground waters (which constitute the material for the production of bottled waters) varies. In view of the above, the type of water consumed is essential. The aim of the study was to estimate the calcium and magnesium contents in products available on the market and to evaluate calcium and magnesium consumption with natural mineral water by different consumer groups with an assumed volume of the consumed product. These represented forty different brands of natural mineral available waters on Polish market. These waters were produced in Poland or other European countries. Among the studied products, about 30% of the waters were imported from Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, France, Italy and Germany. The content of calcium and magnesium in mineral waters was determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry in an acetylene-air flame. Further determinations were carried out using atomic absorption spectrometer--ICE 3000 SERIES-THERMO-England, equipped with a GLITE data station, background correction (a deuterium lamp) as well as other cathode lamps. Over half of the analysed natural mineral waters were medium-mineralized. The natural mineral waters available on the market can be characterized by a varied content of calcium and magnesium and a high degree of product mineralization does not guarantee significant amounts of these components. Among the natural mineral waters available on the market, only a few feature the optimum calcium-magnesium proportion (2:1). Considering the mineralization degree of the studied products, it can be stated that the largest percentage of products with significant calcium and magnesium contents can be found in the high-mineralized water group. For some natural mineral waters, the consumption of 1 litre daily may

  3. Mineral industry statistics 1975

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Production, consumption and marketing statistics are given for solid fuels (coal, peat), liquid fuels and gases (oil, natural gas), iron ore, bauxite and other minerals quarried in France, in 1975. Also accident statistics are included. Production statistics are presented of the Overseas Departments and territories (French Guiana, New Caledonia, New Hebrides). An account of modifications in the mining field in 1975 is given. Concessions, exploitation permits, and permits solely for prospecting for mineral products are discussed. (In French)

  4. [Pneumoconiosis in bauxite miners]. (United States)

    Molinini, R; Pesola, M; Digennaro, M A; Carino, M; Nuzzaco, A; Coviello, F


    The authors examined a group of 40 miners who were being working at an Apulian bauxite mine, presently inactive. Radiographic findings of pulmonary micronodulation without significant reduction of lung functions were showed in 15 miners. Mineralogical analysis of mine dust samples excluded any presence of more than 1% free silica. As a result of this study hypotheses have been formulated about pathogenesis of this moderated and non-invasive pneumoconiosis, showed in long exposed subjects to low silica content dusts.

  5. Contribution of the Minerals Industry towards Sustainable ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    South Africa is a leading producer of a number of mineral commodities, and the minerals industry is a key driver of the South African economy. Ensuring that this mineral wealth is exploited in a manner consistent with the principles of sustainable development requires policies and strategies that are underpinned by a ...

  6. Inclusion of human mineralized exometabolites and fish wastes as a source of higher plant mineral nutrition in BTLSS mass exchange (United States)

    Tikhomirova, Natalia; Tikhomirov, Alexander A.; Ushakova, Sofya; Anischenko, Olesya; Trifonov, Sergey V.

    Human exometabolites inclusion into an intrasystem mass exchange will allow increasing of a closure level of a biological-technical life support system (BTLSS). Previously at the IBP SB RAS it was shown that human mineralized exometabolites could be incorporated in the BTLSS mass exchange as a mineral nutrition source for higher plants. However, it is not known how that combined use of human mineralized exometabolites and fish wastes in the capacity of nutrient medium, being a part of the BTLSS consumer wastes, will affect the plant productivity. Several wheat vegetations were grown in an uneven-aged conveyor on a neutral substrate. A mixture of human mineralized exometabolites and fish wastes was used as a nutrient solution in the experiment treatment and human mineralized exometabolites were used in the control. Consequently, a high wheat yield in the experiment treatment practically equal to the control yield was obtained. Thus, mineralized fish wastes can be an additional source of macro-and micronutrients for plants, and use of such wastes for the plant mineral nutrition allows increasing of BTLSS closure level.

  7. The infrared stage Linkam FTIR 600 for microthermometric studies in dark and opaque minerals associated to uranium mineralization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lima, Tatiana Aparecida Fernandes de; Rios, Francisco Javier; Fuzikawa, Kazuo; Oliveira, Lucilia A. Ramos de; Oliveira, Elizabeth Kerpe; Neves, Jose Marques Correia; Prates, Sonia Pinto


    Fluid composition studies, throughout fluid inclusions (FI), contribute to improve the understanding of mineral deposits. FI correspond to small portions of fluids trapped in minerals by many processes that preserve relevant information related to fluid composition which forms ore deposits. Microscopy and microthermometry techniques applied to fluid inclusions studies of opaque and/or dark minerals use infrared light (IR). A specific stage heating/cooling that allows working in the near infrared (NIR). Thus, the infrared stage model FTIR600 Linkam coupled the IR OLYMPUS BX51, with the automatic controllers LNP 94/2 and TMS 94, and software Linksys 32 - Linkam installed in computer was implemented and tested. An infrared QUICAM fast 1394 QIMAGING TM camera with the program QCAPTURE SUITE was acquisition for images capture and adapted the new system. This infrared stage Linkam FTIR600 reach temperatures between -196 deg C to +600 deg C, with the differential of working in the NIR; it is all automated, obtaining computerized data, graphics in real time of analysis and storage the data. It also controls the speed of the experiment (up to 130 deg C/min); it runs consecutively heating and cooling with a small N 2 (l) consuming; besides greater results repeatability, obtaining accurate and precise temperatures. Actually the Linkam stage FTIR600 is operating in the Metallogenesis and Fluid Inclusions Laboratory (LIFM) at CDTN/CNEN. Uranium ore and/or others mineralization studies which shows dark or opaque mineral have been developed. The uranium mineralization in the Lagoa Real Uraniferous Province, Bahia, Brazil, shows several rock-forming minerals together with the dark and opaque minerals (garnet, magnetite, pyroxene) emphasized in the present work. (author)

  8. Mineral and surface issues in oil and gas operations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasseur, P.F.


    The Farmers' Advocate Office was created in 1972 to help put Alberta mineral owners on an equal footing with the energy sector. Most mineral owners are at a disadvantage when dealing with the disposition of their minerals because they have little or no knowledge of what they own or what their surface rights are. This paper addresses key features of mineral leasing arrangements in Alberta and explains their potential impact. It also brings to the mineral owner's attention some specific problems and concerns including mineral rights, the lease agreement, signing considerations, length of leases, delayed production payment, drilling rental, royalties, and gas cost allowance. Issues regarding oil and gas production including shut-in wells, off-set clauses , drilling depth, taxes and prepayment for minerals are also discussed from the perspective of a mineral owner

  9. Marketing mix of chosen Slovak mineral water

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juhanová Silvia


    Full Text Available Considering its small area, Slovakia abounds in many sources of mineral waters and a considerable amount of them can be used for the commercial utilization. STN 86 8000 divides mineral waters in the natural mineral waters, natural mineral table waters and the natural mineral healing waters. Natural mineral water is, after the present norm, in effect water, which rises from natural trapped sources. This type of water contains more than 1 gram of dissolved substances or 1 gram of dissolved CO 2 in 1 litter. Natural mineral table water is water that, with its chemical composition as well as its physical and sensorial attributes is suitable as a refresher. It contains at least 1 gram of melted CO2 and up to 6 grams of dissolved illiquid substances in 1 litter. The mentioned substances are not characterised by any marked pharmacological effect. Natural mineral healing water is water, which with an eye to its chemical composition and physical properties, have a scientifically demonstrable effects to the human health and it is generally used for healing purposes. In the present contribution, an attention is orientated to the occurrence of listed types of waters in Slovakia, in connection with geological conditions of their circulation and accumulation and especially with possibilities of their use on the Slovak buyer’s market.The marketing mix is a complex of information, which can be regulated. Firms accumulate this information to satisfy a customer. Marketing mix of mineral waters includes information about four variables: product (characteristics of product, quality, packing, design..., prices, advertisement, distribution (the way how to get product to customer. Data listed in the contribution come from the sectional market research, which was performed between December 1st and December 22nd 2000 in twenty groceries in

  10. International availability of energy minerals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    White, N A


    Whereas the ultimate world supply of energy minerals--defined as fossil fuels and fissile materials--is controlled by geological factors, the actual supply at any particular time is controlled by economic feasibility, technological innovations and/or political decisions. This paper identifies and discusses the principal uncertainties surrounding the international availability of energy minerals from now until the end of the century. Genuine shortages of energy minerals are now of a very long-term nature, whereas artificial ones may occur at any time and have a serious effect on the world economy due to the dependence of most OECD countries on imports of energy minerals. This paper argues that events over the last decade will progressively lead to a major, long-lasting transformation of the energy scene worldwide. This transformation will encompass demand, in terms of conservation and efficiency, the supply mix of the various energy minerals, the supply system and the structure of the different energy industries. It is already affecting the role of governments and reaching into the question of national sovereignty, thereby making energy minerals a key area of international relations. In all these respects, this paper concludes that we have entered an era that is quite different from those we have experienced in the past. As well as requiring many new technological innovations, more importantly, attention must be focused on the development of new approaches to meeting the energy industries' capital requirements in the decades ahead--first, because of the changing character of the energy industries and the magnitude of their financial requirements; secondly, because of the nature of the uncertainties with which they are faced; and thirdly, because of the constantly shifting and increasingly complex world capital market conditions.

  11. Experimental investigations of the geomechanical behaviour of plastic sealing sheets for sealing dumps. Final report; Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum geomechanischen Verhalten von Kunststoffdichtungsbahnen in Dichtungssystemen fuer Deponiebasisabdichtungen. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schreyer, J; Wiesbaum, E


    Due to more severe environmental requirements, dumps have to be largely sealed to prevent harmful substances escaping into the environment and according to the state of technology, this is done by the combination of clay and plastic sealing tracks. Building on the knowledge from a completed research project `On the investigation of possibilities related to applications of a process for testing the mechanical behaviour of dump base seals made from sealing sheets`, the test processes described there were developed further and proposals were worked out for standardized execution of experiments. With the aid of a large number of experiments, minimum requirements were determined, which should serve to define the geo-mechanical properties of the plastic sealing sheets and to determine binding limits. (BBR). [Deutsch] Aufgrund schaerferer Umweltschutzauflagen muessen Deponien zur Verhinderung des Schadstoffaustritts in die Umwelt weitgehend abgedichtet werden, dem Stand der Technik entsprechend durch die Kombination von Tonen und Kunststoffdichtungsbahnen. Aufbauend auf den Erkenntnissen eines bereits abgeschlossenen Forschungsvorhabens `Zur Untersuchung der anwendungsbezogenen Moeglichkeiten eines Verfahrens zur Pruefung des mechanischen Verhaltens von Deponiebasisabdichtungen aus Dichtungsbahnen` wurden die dort beschriebenen Pruefverfahren fortentwickelt und Vorschlaege zur standardisierten Versuchsdurchfuehrung ausgearbeitet. Mit Hilfe einer groesseren Anzahl von Versuchen wurden Mindestanforderungen bestimmt, die dazu dienen sollen, geomechanische Eigenschaften der Kunststoffdichtungsbahnen zu definieren und verbindliche Grenzwerte festzulegen. (BBR).

  12. Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Fact Sheets (United States)

    ... website Submit Search NIH Office of Dietary Supplements Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Fact Sheets Search the list ... Supplements: Background Information Botanical Dietary Supplements: Background Information Vitamin and Mineral Fact Sheets Botanical Supplement Fact Sheets ...

  13. Experiments on the identification of radiation processed foods. Untersuchungen zum Nachweis bestrahlter Lebensmittel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delincee, H [Inst. fuer Ernaehrungsphysiologie, Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Ernaehrung, Karlsruhe (Germany)


    The availability of reliable detection methods allowing to show directly in the traded food product whether it has been irradiated or not, will help to assure consumers that the inspection authorities are able to check the compliance with existing regulations effectively. Numerous analytical methods for the identification of radiation processed foods were investigated at the Federal Research Centre for Nutrition in Karlsruhe over the years. This report will mainly consider the measurement of chemi- and thermoluminescence of herbs and spices, since in many countries these products are most frequently irradiated food items. Following radiation processing, herbs and spices mostly increase their luminescence intensities. The luminescence response, however, varies considerably from one spice to another, and even among several batches of the same spice. Since nonirradiated products may also exhibit luminescence, the discrimination irradiated - non-irradiated is not that simple. Isolation of mineral dusts associated with the food and measurement of the thermoluminescence of these mineral fractions improves the identification of irradiated food. International collaboration will help to establish standardized and reliable analytical detection methods in the near future. (orig.)

  14. Biologically controlled minerals as potential indicators of life (United States)

    Schwartz, D. E.; Mancinelli, R. L.; Kaneshiro, E.


    Minerals can be produced and deposited either by abiotic or biologic means. Regardless of their origin, mineral crystals reflect the environment conditions (e.g., temperature, pressure, chemical composition, and redox potential) present during crystal formation. Biologically-produced mineral crystals are grown or reworked under the control of their host organism and reflect an environment different from the abiotic environment. In addition, minerals of either biologic or abiotic origin have great longevities. For these reasons, biologically produced minerals have been proposed as biomarkers. Biomarkers are key morphological, chemical, and isotopic signatures of living systems that can be used to determine if life processes have occurred. Studies of biologically controlled minerals produced by the protist, Paramecium tetraurelia, were initiated since techniques have already been developed to culture them and isolate their crystalline material, and methods are already in place to analyze this material. Two direct crystalline phases were identified. One phase, whose chemical composition is high in Mg, was identified as struvite. The second phase, whose chemical composition is high in Ca, has not been previously found occurring naturally and may be considered a newly discovered material. Analyses are underway to determine the characteristics of these minerals in order to compare them with characteristics of these minerals in order to compare them with characteristics of minerals formed abiotically, but with the same chemical composition.

  15. Proton induced luminescence of minerals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calvo del Castillo, H.; Millan, A.; Calderon, T. [Depto. Geologia y Geoquimica, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Ctra. Colmenar, km. 15, 28049, Madrid (Spain); Beneitez, P. [Departamento Quimica Fisica Aplicada, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Cantoblanco, Madrid (Spain); Ruvalcaba S, J.L. [lFUNAM, Circuito de la lnvestigacion Cientifica s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    This paper presents a summary of Ionoluminescence (IL) for several minerals commonly found in jewellery pieces and/or artefacts of historical interest. Samples including silicates and non-silicates (native elements, halide, oxide, carbonate and phosphate groups) have been excited with a 1.8 MeV proton beam, and IL spectra in the range of 200- 900 nm have been collected for each one using a fiber optic coupled spectrometer. Light emissions have been related to Cr{sup 3+}, Mn{sup 2+} and Pr{sup 3+} ions, as well as intrinsic defects in these minerals. Results show the potential of IL for impurity characterization with high detection limits, local symmetry studies, and the study of the origin of minerals. (Author)

  16. Effects of Fish Bone Meal Flour and Mineral Water «Abalakhskaya» on Bone Mineral Density

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.M. Palshina


    Full Text Available We present the results of the complex application of fish bone meal flour (FBMF and mineral water «Abalakhskaya» (AMW for correction of calcium-phosphorus metabolism disorders in patients with abnormal bone mineral density and biliary tract pathology.

  17. Sustainability in the UK construction minerals industry


    Mitchell, Clive


    Sustainability in the UK construction minerals industry Clive Mitchell, Industrial Minerals Specialist, British Geological Survey, Nottingham, UK Email: Sustainability is not just about environmental protection it also concerns biodiversity, community relations, competence, employment, geodiversity, health and safety, resource efficiency, restoration and stakeholder accountability. The UK construction minerals industry aims to supply essential materials in a sustainabl...

  18. Penggunaan Formula Mineral Lokal dalam Ransum Ayam Petelur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available A mineral formula composed of three locally available materials: limestone originated from Bukit Kamang of West Sumatra, freshwater oyster shell and bone meal and fortified with micro minerals of Cu, Zn and I was investigated as mineral supplement for diet of laying hens. The experimental diets were: P0 (diet contained of 6% commercial mineral, P1 (diet contained of 6% local mineral, P2 (diet contained of 6% Bukit Kamangs’ limestone and P3 (diet contained of 6% fresh water oyster shell meal. The total of four experimental diets was then fed to 120 laying hens. The hens were divided into 3 groups based on body weight: heavy, medium and light. Each group was subdivided into 4 subgroups in accordance with number of treatments, so that each treatment consisted of 3 replicates containing of 10 hens. Parameters measured included: feed intake, hen-day egg production, feed conversion ratio (FCR, eggshell quality, mineral retention and mineral composition of tibia bone. Data were subjected to statistical analysis using variance analysis in a completely block design with 4 treatments and 3 blocks as replicates The results showed that the egg weight and eggshell qualities were found not significantly difference, but different mineral sources gave significant effect on egg production and bone mineralization. The laying performances and tibia bone weight of chickens fed diet mixed with the local mineral formula were found not significantly different with those fed diet mixed with commercial formula, but significantly better (P<0.05 than those of fed diet mixed with only limestone or oyster shell. Hens fed with diet mixed with Bukit Kamangs’ limestone showed better performances and heavier tibia bone than those fed with diet mixed with oyster shell. It was concluded that the local mineral formula could be used as sole mineral source for laying hens. The nutritive value of Bukit Kamangs’ limestone was better than that of fresh water oyster shell.

  19. Inorganic and organic trace mineral supplementation in weanling pig diets

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    Full Text Available A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary inorganic and organic trace minerals in two levels of supplementation regarding performance, diarrhea occurrence, hematological parameters, fecal mineral excretion and mineral retention in metacarpals and liver of weanling pigs. Seventy piglets weaned at 21 days of age with an average initial body weight of 6.70 ± 0.38 kg were allotted in five treatments: control diet (no added trace mineral premix; 50% ITMP (control diet with inorganic trace mineral premix supplying only 50% of trace mineral requirements; 50% OTMP (control diet with organic trace mineral premix supplying only 50% of trace mineral requirements; 100% ITMP (control diet with inorganic trace mineral premix supplying 100% of trace mineral requirements; and 100% OTMP (control diet with organic trace mineral premix supplying 100% of trace mineral requirements. Feed intake and daily weight gain were not affected by treatments, however, piglets supplemented by trace minerals presented better gain:feed ratio. No differences were observed at calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium and sulfur excreted in feces per kilogram of feed intake. Treatments did not affect calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur and iron content in metacarpals. Trace mineral supplementation, regardless of level and source, improved the performance of piglets.

  20. Intrinsic mineral labeling of edible plants: methods and uses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weaver, C.M.


    The fate of minerals can be conveniently studied through intrinsic labeling techniques. The mineral of interest is biologically incorporated into the food in a form that can be distinguished analytically from the natural form of the element. Radiolabels have traditionally been used to study such problems as the uptake of minerals by plants, the gross and subcellular mineral distribution in plant tissues, the form and associations of the deposited mineral, and the bioavailability of minerals to animals and humans. The use of stable (nonradioactive) isotopes as a label offers the potential of safely studying bioavailability of minerals from individual foods in human population groups of all ages using foods processed in normal food handling and processing facilities. 114 references

  1. Investigations on radionuclide release and on the corrosion behaviour of spent fuels from research reactors under disposal conditions. Final report; Untersuchungen zur Radionuklidfreisetzung und zum Korrosionsverhalten von bestrahltem Kernbrennstoff aus Forschungsreaktoren unter Endlagerbeedingungen. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bruecher, H.; Curtius, H.; Fachinger, J.; Kaiser, G.; Mazeina, L.; Nau, K.


    From the present report 'Untersuchungen zur Radionuklidfreisetzung und zum Korrosionsverhalten von bestrahltem Kernbrennstoff aus Forschungsreaktoren unter Endlagerbedingungen' with the code number FKZ 9108 carried out in the time periode 01.06.1998 till 30.11.2001 the following results can be withdrawn: U/Al-RR-fuel elements corroded slowly in granite water (Grimsel-West) at 90 C under anaerobic conditions. For a complete dissolution of the fuel element a time period of 10{sup 3} years is assumed according to present conservative results. In salt brines, especially in magnesium chloride rich brines the corrosion rate is high. Addition of GGG40 (basic material of the fuel element container with iron as main element) had an acceleration effect. A complete dissolution of the fuel is achieved within a couple of months. Under aerobic and under anaerobic conditions the bulk of released radionuclides were fixed by the corrosion products formed (secondary phases). The actinides were mobilised by variation of the ionic strength of the leaching solution. This process can be explained by phase conversion reactions within the secondary phases. Secondary phases formed by corrosion of a non-irradiated U/Al-RR-fuel element, were analysed and hydrotalcites were identified as phase components. This result justifies the assumption, that hydrotalcites are components of the corrosion products from irradiated fuels. To clarify the questions which bindings exist between radionuclides and secondary phases, sorption experiments were performed. The sorption experiments were performed in salt brines and in granite water using repository relevant radionuclides and minerals which are considered to represent thermodynamic final components of the secondary phases. Pu sorbed as cationic species quantitatively and the binding is covalent. In granite water the same behaviour was found for Am. (orig.) [German] Aus dem vorliegenden Bericht 'Untersuchungen zur Radionuklidfreisetzung

  2. Uranyl adsorption at clay mineral surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roesch, N. [Technische Univ. Muenchen (Germany). Fachgebiet Theoretische Chemie


    This first systematic survey of actinide adsorption at complex clay mineral surfaces, which provided new insights at the atomic level, is currently being extended to neptunyl NpO{sub 2}{sup +} and more complex minerals, like iron-substituted phyllosilicates. In this way we examine if the concepts developed so far can be applied more generally to support the interpretation of pertinent experiments. A further facet of these studies is to account also for the dynamic nature of the mineral/water interface by means of exemplary dynamic simulations.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Asda Laining


    Full Text Available Interactive effects between dietary inorganic phosphorus (IP and phytase (P on mineral digestibility and vertebral mineral content were investigated in a 30 days feeding trial followed by three weeks digestibility trial with Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Eight experimental diets were formulated based on two levels of dietary Ca at 0% and 0.2% combined with either 0% or 0.25% of dietary IP and either with 0 and 2,000 fytase unit (FTU/kg of phytase in diet, respectively. Result indicated that digestibility of total phosphorus significantly increased by three dietary compounds where the highest was observed in fish fed diet contained 0.25% IP and 2,000 FTU phytase/kg and dietary Ca also included in diet. Significant interaction was only detected between dietary IP and P on this parameter. Supplementation of IP and Ca not phytase significantly improved Ca digestibility. Ca digestibility was very poor when dietary IP and Ca were not supplemented in diet even with when phytase supplemented in diet. There was significant interaction between dietary IP and Ca on Ca digestibility. Vertebral total phosphorus, Ca, and Mg content as well as Ca:P ratio were significantly enhanced by dietary IP and phytase. Dietary Ca has significant effect only on vertebral total phosphorus. Interaction between dietary IP and Ca was significantly found on vertebral Ca content and Ca:P ratio. No significant second-order interaction was observed among the three dietary mineral on overall parameters. Based on total phosphorus and Ca digestibility as well vertebral phosphorus content found in this study, dietary IP, Ca, and phytase at rate of 0.25%, 0.2%, and 2,000 FTU phytase/kg diet, respectively are needed to supplement in diet for a better mineral absorption and bone mineralization.

  4. Niger Republic mineral planning (part five): recommendations and suggestions for the developement of mineral resources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franconi, A.


    The mineral planning present a comprehensive program of prospecting in order to increase mineral industry sector participation to the economc development of the country. Subjects taken in consideration in this volume are: setting up structural and technical means; projects proposal; summary of projects, financial cost estimation and proposals for activities forward looking calendar [fr

  5. Radioactive mineral occurrences in the Bancroft area

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Satterly, J


    The report summarizes three years of field work conducted in the Bancroft area investigating occurrences of radioactive minerals, and also includes accounts of properties in the area for which drill logs and survey reports have been filed. It begins with a history of exploration and development of radioactive mineral deposits in the area, a review of the area`s general geology (Grenville metasediments, plutonic rocks), and general descriptions of the types of radioactive mineral deposits found in the area (deposits in granitic and syenitic bodies, metasomatic deposits in limy rocks, hydrothermal deposits). It also describes the mineralogy of radioactive minerals found in the area and the Geiger counter technique used in the investigation. The bulk of the report consists of descriptions of radioactive mineral properties and mine workings, containing (where available) information on exploration history, general and economic geology, and production.

  6. Histologic findings in the tracheobronchial tree of uranium miners and non-miners with lung cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Auerbach, O.; Saccomanno, G.; Kuschner, M.; Brown, R.D.; Garfinkel, L.


    The remaining tissue of the tracheobronchial tree from 210 men who died from lung cancer was studied to compare the histologic alterations leading to further sites of primary cancer. These men were uranium miners matched with nonminers for age and smoking habits. In the examination of a total of 28,928 cross-sections carcinoma in situ was found in 96 percent of the miners and in 92 percent of the nonminers. The number of slides from miners showing degree 2 or 3 atypia in areas of carcinoma in situ was about double the number found from the nonminers. Although the difference was not statistically significant, 32 percent of the miners had at least one section showing early primary invasive carcinoma compared with 22 percent of the nonminers. The data indicate that the synergistic effect of the exposure to uranium dust along with cigarette smoking increases the risk of lung cancer and that in addition to a main tumor mass, other sites of tissue alterations leading to tumor development are frequently already present in the lung

  7. Mineral facilities of Northern and Central Eurasia (United States)

    Baker, Michael S.; Elias, Nurudeen; Guzman, Eric; Soto-Viruet, Yadira


    This map displays almost 900 records of mineral facilities within the countries that formerly constituted the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Each record represents one commodity and one facility type at a single geographic location. Facility types include mines, oil and gas fields, and plants, such as refineries, smelters, and mills. Common commodities of interest include aluminum, cement, coal, copper, gold, iron and steel, lead, nickel, petroleum, salt, silver, and zinc. Records include attributes, such as commodity, country, location, company name, facility type and capacity (if applicable), and latitude and longitude geographical coordinates (in both degrees-minutes-seconds and decimal degrees). The data shown on this map and in table 1 were compiled from multiple sources, including (1) the most recently available data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Minerals Yearbook (Europe and Central Eurasia volume), (2) mineral statistics and information from the USGS Minerals Information Web site (, and (3) data collected by the USGS minerals information country specialists from sources, such as statistical publications of individual countries, annual reports and press releases of operating companies, and trade journals. Data reflect the most recent published table of industry structure for each country at the time of this publication. Additional information is available from the country specialists listed in table 2

  8. Mineral facilities of Asia and the Pacific (United States)

    Baker, Michael S.; Elias, Nurudeen; Guzman, Eric; Soto-Viruet, Yadira


    This map displays over 1,500 records of mineral facilities throughout the continent of Asia and the countries of the Pacific Ocean. Each record represents one commodity and one facility type at a single geographic location. Facility types include mines, oil and gas fields, and plants, such as refineries, smelters, and mills. Common commodities of interest include aluminum, cement, coal, copper, gold, iron and steel, lead, nickel, petroleum, salt, silver, and zinc. Records include attributes, such as commodity, country, location, company name, facility type and capacity (if applicable), and latitude and longitude geographical coordinates (in both degrees-minutes-seconds and decimal degrees). The data shown on this map and in table 1 were compiled from multiple sources, including (1) the 2008 U.S. Geological Survey Minerals Yearbook (Asia and the Pacific volume), (2) minerals statistics and information from the U.S. Geological Survey Minerals Information Web site (, and (3) data collected by U.S. Geological Survey minerals information country specialists. Other sources include statistical publications of individual countries, annual reports and press releases of operating companies, and trade journals. Due to the sensitivity of some energy commodity data, the quality of these data should be evaluated on a country-by-country basis. Additional information is available from the country specialists listed in table 2.

  9. Heavy mineral concentration from oil sand tailings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chachula, F.; Erasmus, N. [Titanium Corp. Inc., Regina, SK (Canada)


    This presentation described a unique technique to recover heavy minerals contained in the froth treatment tailings produced by oil sand mining extraction operations in Fort McMurray, Alberta. In an effort to process waste material into valuable products, Titanium Corporation is developing technology to recover heavy minerals, primarily zircon, and a portion of bitumen contained in the final stage of bitumen processing. The process technology is being developed to apply to all mined oil sands operations in the Fort McMurray region. In 2004, Titanium Corporation commissioned a pilot research facility at the Saskatchewan Research Council to test dry oil sands tailings. In 2005, a bulk sampling pilot plant was connected to the fresh oil sands tailings pipeline on-site in Fort McMurray, where washed sands containing heavy minerals were processed at a pilot facility. The mineral content in both deposited tailings and fresh pipeline tailings was assessed. Analysis of fresh tailings on a daily basis identified a constant proportion of zircon and higher levels of associated bitumen compared with the material in the deposited tailings. The process flow sheet design was then modified to remove bitumen from the heavy minerals and concentrate the minerals. A newly modified flotation process was shown to be a viable processing route to recover the heavy minerals from froth treatment tailings. 8 refs., 9 tabs., 12 figs.

  10. Mineral crystal alignment in mineralized fracture callus determined by 3D small-angle X-ray scattering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu Yifei; Manjubala, Inderchand; Fratzl, Peter [Department of Biomaterials, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, 14424 Potsdam (Germany); Roschger, Paul [4th Medical Department, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Osteology at Hanusch Hospital of WGKK and AUVA Trauma Centre Meidling, 1140 Vienna (Austria); Schell, Hanna; Duda, Georg N, E-mail: fratzl@mpikg.mpg.d [Julius Wolff Institut and Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery, Charite- University Medicine Berlin, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin (Germany)


    Callus tissue formed during bone fracture healing is a mixture of different tissue types as revealed by histological analysis. But the structural characteristics of mineral crystals within the healing callus are not well known. Since two-dimensional (2D) scanning small-angle X-ray scattering (sSAXS) patterns showed that the size and orientation of callus crystals vary both spatially and temporally [1] and 2D electron microscopic analysis implies an anisotropic property of the callus morphology, the mineral crystals within the callus are also expected to vary in size and orientation in 3D. Three-dimensional small-angle X-ray scattering (3D SAXS), which combines 2D SAXS patterns collected at different angles of sample tilting, has been previously applied to investigate bone minerals in horse radius [2] and oim/oim mouse femur/tibia [3]. We implement a similar 3D SAXS method but with a different way of data analysis to gather information on the mineral alignment in fracture callus. With the proposed accurate yet fast assessment of 3D SAXS information, it was shown that the plate shaped mineral particles in the healing callus were aligned in groups with their predominant orientations occurring as a fiber texture.

  11. Mineral crystal alignment in mineralized fracture callus determined by 3D small-angle X-ray scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Yifei; Manjubala, Inderchand; Fratzl, Peter; Roschger, Paul; Schell, Hanna; Duda, Georg N


    Callus tissue formed during bone fracture healing is a mixture of different tissue types as revealed by histological analysis. But the structural characteristics of mineral crystals within the healing callus are not well known. Since two-dimensional (2D) scanning small-angle X-ray scattering (sSAXS) patterns showed that the size and orientation of callus crystals vary both spatially and temporally [1] and 2D electron microscopic analysis implies an anisotropic property of the callus morphology, the mineral crystals within the callus are also expected to vary in size and orientation in 3D. Three-dimensional small-angle X-ray scattering (3D SAXS), which combines 2D SAXS patterns collected at different angles of sample tilting, has been previously applied to investigate bone minerals in horse radius [2] and oim/oim mouse femur/tibia [3]. We implement a similar 3D SAXS method but with a different way of data analysis to gather information on the mineral alignment in fracture callus. With the proposed accurate yet fast assessment of 3D SAXS information, it was shown that the plate shaped mineral particles in the healing callus were aligned in groups with their predominant orientations occurring as a fiber texture.

  12. Petroleum and mineral resources of Antarctica (United States)

    Kovar, Karel; Behrendt, John Charles


    No known petroleum or mineral resources occur in Antarctica. The data on these subjects have been collected, mainly since the IGY (International Geophysical Year), 1957-58, as a part of other research carried out by geologists and geophysicists from a number of countries. Specific resource-related studies have not been made. Wright and Williams (1974) summarized what was known of Antarctic mineral resources a decade ago.The U.S. Geological Survey has been actively pursuing various investigations in Antarctica since 194 7. In the course of this work and that of our colleagues elsewhere in the United States and in other countries, much information relevant to petroleum and mineral resources has been obtained. Since 1976, modern state-of-the-art multichannel seismic reflection and aeromagnetic surveys by several countries over the continental margin of Antarctica have indicated thick sedimentary basins. However, no offshore drilling beneath the continental shelf has taken place since the DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project) holes in the Ross Sea in 1973. Geologic field investigations begun at the turn of the twentieth century have been intensified in the past two decades; most rock outcrops have been visited and samples collected. Technology to exploit resources, particularly in the Arctic, has been developing at a rapid rate, and much of it could be applied to Antarctica. As a result of the petroleum price increases of the past decade, the attention of a number of countries has turned to Antarctica, but under the policy of "voluntary restraint" adopted by the Antarctic Treaty nations, no active petroleum or mineral exploration is taking place. The Antarctic treaty countries are in the process of negotiating an Antarctic mineral resources regime that is anticipated to be completed within the next several years. Therefore it seemed timely to us to readdress the question of petroleum and mineral resources. These reports review and summarize the available information. The

  13. Abundance estimation of spectrally similar minerals

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Debba, Pravesh


    Full Text Available This paper evaluates a spectral unmixing method for estimating the partial abundance of spectrally similar minerals in complex mixtures. The method requires formulation of a linear function of individual spectra of individual minerals. The first...

  14. Quantitative determination of mineral composition by powder X-ray diffraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pawloski, G.A.


    A method is described of quantitatively determining the mineral composition in a test sample containing a number (m) of minerals from a group (n) of known minerals, wherein n=13, where mless than or equal ton, by x-ray diffraction, comprising: determining from standard samples of the known minerals a set of (n) standard coefficients K/sub j/=(X/sub j//X/sub l/)(I/sub l//I/sub j/) for each mineral (j=2...n) in the group of known minerals (j=2...n) relative to one mineral (l) in the group selected as a reference mineral, where X is the weight fraction of the mineral in a standard sample, and I is the x-ray integrated intensity peak of each mineral obtained from the standard sample; obtaining an x-ray diffraction pattern of the test sample; identifying each of the (m) minerals in the test sample for the x-ray diffraction pattern; calculating the relative weight fractions X/sub j//X/sub l/ for each mineral (j=2...m) compared to the reference mineral (l) from the ratio of the measured highest integrated intensity peak I/sub j/ of each mineral in the test sample to the measured highest integrated intensity peak I/sub l/ of the reference mineral in the test sample, and from the previously determined standard coefficients, X/sub j//X/sub l/=K/sub j/(I/sub j//I/sub l/

  15. The effect of sedimentation background of depression target stratum containing mineral in Erlian basin, Ulanqab to uranium mineralization type

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang Shihu; Jiao Yangquan; Men Hong; Kuang Wenzhan


    The ore bearing stratum in depression of Ulanqab contains target stratum of lower cretaceous Saihan formation, upper cretaceous Erlian formation, paleogene system etc. The uranium mineralization type which have found by now contains sandstone type, mudstone type and coal petrography. The genetic type of mineral deposit contains paleovalley-type, reformed type after superposition with sedimentation and diagenesis by sedimentation. Uranium mineralization of both the natural type and genetic type have close relationship with its ore bearing stratum. Different geological background forms different sedimentary system combination, and different sedimentary system combination forms different uranium mineralization type. (authors)

  16. Natural radionuclides in some romanian medicinal mineral water

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Botezatu, E.; Iacob, O. [Institute of Public Health, Iasi (Romania)


    Radioactive minerals occur irregularly in the bedrock, similar to other minerals and they dissolve easily in water. Bedrock contains naturally occurring radioactivity including uranium, thorium, radium and potassium. The natural radioactivity results from water passing through deposits of naturally occurring radioactive materials.Many mineral water springs are traditionally used as drinking mineral water sources in the area.During the period from 1997 to 2000, we accomplished a study that had as basic objectives the radioacty control of the drinking mineral waters according to existing standards and evaluation of doses to population by ingestion of mineral water (bottled waters commercially available for human intake and some spring waters).For this reason, we were interested in finding out the extent to which these waters can be a natural radiation source. This survey aimed at assessing the radioactive content of these waters and their contribution to the population exposure.The presented data contribute to a national database concerning the natural radioactive content of Romanian mineral waters. A hypothetical person that undergoes a cure of mineral water by ingestion, inhalation and immersion is receiving an average supplementary dose of 3 {mu}Sv over background radiation of 2,512 {mu}Sv.y{sup -1} due to all natural radiation sources in Romania. The contribution of mineral water used in therapeutic purposes to the natural irradiation of population is very slight, almost insignificant. This supports the conclusion that these spring mineral waters can be used without any restrictions for drinking or bathing / washing for medical therapy of ailing persons even other sources of exposure are also taken into account. (N.C.)

  17. China's mineral resources security under economic globalization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Y. [China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou (China). College of Environment and Spatial Informatics


    The concept and intention of mineral resources security are introduced. From the insurance and leverage that mineral resources has on China's socio-economic development, the strength of support, the opportunity and challenge imposed by globalised economy, the effect of mineral resource development on the safety of the eco-environment, the author analyses the basic situation and existing problem of the mineral resources security in China; summarizes the current research situation of mineral resources security and the main tactics which are used to ensure mineral resources security in the developed countries; presents the essence of mineral resources security, the basic principles of research and the problems focused; and points out the research areas and goals that should be strengthened urgently. 15 refs.

  18. Erklärung der individuellen Existenzgründungsabsicht: Die 'theory of planned behavior' als sozialpsychologisches Modell im Gründungskontext


    Tegtmeier, Silke


    Mittels einer empirischen Untersuchung (n=208) bei Lüneburger Studierenden wird Ajzens 'Theory of Planned Behavior' - eine einschlägige Theorie zur Erklärung spezifischen Verhaltens- auf die Erklärung der individuellen Gründungsabsicht angewendet. Im Anschluss an die Darlegung des Forschungsansatzes werden Ergebnisse der Untersuchung besprochen. Hierarchische Regressionsanalysen zeigen, dass Einstellung, sozialer Druck und wahrgenommene Verhaltenskontrolle maßgeblich zur Schätzung der Gründun...

  19. Platinum-group element mineralization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruenewaldt, G.


    The purpose of this investigation is to determine the geological processes responsible for the abnormal enrichment of the platinum-group elements (PGE) in the mineralized layers of the Bushveld Complex. Questions asked are: what processes caused enrichment of the Bushveld magma in the PGE ; by what processes were these PGE concentrated in the mineralized layers ; was contamination of the Bushveld magma from external sources important in the formation of the PGE enriched layers ; what are the effects of fractional crystallization on the PGE ratios

  20. Granite-related Hypothermal Uranium Mineralization in South China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xiaodong; Wu Jianhua; Pan Jiangyong; Zhu Mingqian


    Moer and more evidence indicates that there are multi-stages uranium mineralization in many granite-related uranium deposits in south China. The early stage mineralization shares the characters of hypothermal U mineralization and had close relations to alkaline alterations.

  1. herbage mineral nutrition indexed as tools for rapid mineral status

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    mineral indices were calculated from chemical analysis with a view to generate relevant fertilisation recommenda- tions. Although the dry .... P, and K established in temperate climate (Blanfort ..... like rotational grazing rhythms or stocking rates.

  2. Preliminary report about minerals raw materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bossi, J.


    The group of experts entrusted to construct the bases to study the mineral matters has established priorities for the development of mineral resources during the next ten years: 1) aerial photography, 2) geological map, 3) mechanisms for the exploitation, 4) budget

  3. Hemorrhagic transformation in ischemic posterior infarction by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); Kernspintomographische Untersuchung der haemmorrhagischen Transformation ischaemischer Posteriorinfarkte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reimann, M.; Niehaus, L.; Lehmann, R. [Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin (Germany). Medizinische Fakultaet Charite


    Purpose: To describe the incidence, time course, and clinical correlates of hemorrhagic transformation (HT) of ischemic stroke in the posterior cerebral artery territory. Methods: Within 42 months 48 patients with 52 occipital lobe infarctions were examined by T{sub 1}- and T{sub 2}-weighted MR imaging. The extent and distribution of secondary hemorrhage were analysed at different intervals after stroke. Volume of ischemic and hemorrhagic infarction was measured planimetrically. Results: HT was observed in 71% of the infarcts between the 5{sup th} day and up to 1 year after stroke. HT was most frequently (88%) observed in the 2{sup nd} and 3{sup rd} month. HT was present in 55% of small infarcts (<10 cm{sup 3}), in 88% of medium size (10-50 cm{sup 3}), and in all large (>50 cm{sup 3}) infarcts. In 92% HT presented with petechial bleedings within the cortex (64%) or less frequently (28%) in subcortical structures. The latter types of HT showed no progression and did not increase the clinical deficits. Space-occupying bleedings occurred in only two large defects. Conclusions: In ischemic posterior infarction, HT can frequently be detected within the first three months after stroke and is predominantly of the petechial type and seems not to be relevant with regard to clinical deficits. (orig.) [German] Ziel: MR-tomographische Untersuchung ischaemischer Posteriorinfarkte zur Erfassung der Haeufigkeit, des zeitlichen Verlaufs und der klinischen Bedeutung einer haemorrhagischen Transformation (HT). Methodik: Ueber einen Zeitraum von 42 Monaten wurden 48 Patienten mit 52 Territorialinfarkten im Versorgungsgebiet der Arteria cerebri posterior im MRT (T{sub 1}/T{sub 2}-gewichtete Spinecho-Sequenzen) untersucht. 77 MRT-Untersuchungen aus 5 verschiedenen Untersuchungszeitraeumen wurden hinsichtlich Lokalisation und Ausdehnung einer sekundaeren HT und etwaiger Veraenderungen im Verlauf analysiert. Die Infarkt- und Haemorrhagievolumina wurden planimetrisch gemessen. Ergebnisse

  4. Workflow improvement and efficiency gain with near digitalization of a Radiology Department; Workflowverbesserung und Effizienzsteigerungsaspekte durch nahezu vollstaendige Digitalisierung einer Roentgenabteilung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Langen, H.L.; Bielmeier, J.; Selbach, R. [Missionsaerztlichen Klinik Wuerzburg (Germany). Radiologische Abteilung; Wittenberg, G. [Univ. Wuerzburg (Germany). Inst. fuer Roentgendiagnostik; Feustel, H. [Missionsaerztlichen Klinik Wuerzburg (Germany). Chirurgische Abteilung


    Zeiterfassung errechnet. Ergebnisse: Die Untersuchungsdauer fuer den Patienten verkuerzte sich im Mittel von 8 min auf 5 min. Aus Sicht der Notaufnahme koennen vom Zeitpunkt der Untersuchung an gerechnet im Mittel inklusive der Vorbilder frueher befundet werden (vorher Median 2 h 37 min, mit PACS 17 min). Mit PACS konnten 85,9% der Untersuchungen am Untersuchungstag befundet werden (ohne PACS 41,2%). Bis zum Folgetag der Untersuchung standen 87,2% der schriftlichen Befunde zur Verfuegung (ohne PACS 64,5%). Die Befundung am Monitor zeigte gegenueber dem Alternator keine zeitlichen Nachteile. Schlussfolgerung: Die vollstaendige Digitalisierung der Roentgenabteilung fuehrte zu einer erheblichen Verkuerzung fast aller Arbeitsablaeufe. Positive Auswirkungen auf die Prozessqualitaet des gesamten Krankenhauses gegenueber den konventionellen Film-Folien-Systemen sind zu erwarten. (orig.)

  5. Diagnostic criteria in MR neurography; Diagnostische Kriterien in der MR-Neurographie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baeumer, P. [Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Allgemeinradiologie, Heidelberg (Germany); Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg, Abteilung fuer Neuroradiologie, Heidelberg (Germany)


    komplexer Faelle. Die wichtigste Pulssequenz in MRN-Protokollen ist die T2-gewichtete, fettgesaettigte Sequenz mit hoher In-plane-Aufloesung, da diese ein erhoehtes T2w-Signal von Nervenfaszikeln als ein sehr sensitives Zeichen fuer Nervenlaesionen detektiert. Weitere etablierte Kriterien sind das Nervenkaliber und, weniger gebraeuchlich, die Kontrastmittelaufnahme. Das raeumliche Verteilungsmuster hilft bei der diagnostischen Einordnung von Neuropathien. Funktionelle Techniken wie ''diffusion tensor imaging'' (DTI) und Nervenperfusion werden hinsichtlich ihres Nutzens noch in wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen getestet. Die MRN kommt als hilfreiches diagnostisches Verfahren klinisch besonders dann zum Einsatz, wenn die konventionellen Verfahren mit klinischer Untersuchung, Elektrophysiologie und auch Nervensonographie zu keiner eindeutigen Diagnose einer peripheren Neuropathie gelangen. Hier zeigt sich der besondere Nutzen der MRN bei komplexen Nervenlaesionen wie traumatischen Plexusverletzungen oder bei partiellen, faszikulaeren Neuropathien, unter vielen anderen moeglichen Indikationen. (orig.)

  6. Depth distribution of 137Cs adsorption property of clay minerals influenced by mineral weathering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakao, Atsushi; Funakawa, Shinya; Kosaki, Takashi


    Radiocesium adsorption potential of mica clay mineral can increase as it is weathered, because K depletion in mica interlayer sites generates new Cs selective sites. However, in soils weathered under field conditions, the increase in 137 Cs adsorption potential associated with mineral weathering has not been observed extensively. We investigated four soil profiles from Japan and Thailand with different soil pH ranges (3.3-4.0, 4.2-4.3, 5.0-5.7, and 5.5-7.3). The solid/liquid distribution coefficients of Cs ( Cs Kd) in clay ( 137 Cs adsorption potential of mica clay minerals. In three soil profiles, Cs Kd value in clay was the largest at a surface horizon and was decreased with depth, whereas in the most acidic of Podzolic soil profile, it was the largest at B horizon. The large Cs Kd value in surface clays relative to deeper horizons were well associated with that of 2.0-1.0 μm clay fraction. We assumed that the 137 Cs adsorption potential increased at surface horizons mainly because coarser clay micas were weathered and generated Cs selective sites. The exceptional result obtained in Podzolic soil profile suggests that too intensive weathering destruct mica structure and may decrease in Cs adsorption potential of mica clay minerals. (author)

  7. Feasibility of classification of clay minerals by using PAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Honda, Y; Yoshida, Y; Akiyama, Y; Nishijima, S


    After the nuclear power plant disaster, the evaluation of radioactive Cs kept in soil, especially in clay minerals and the elucidation of its movement are urgent subjects to promote decontamination. It is known that the extractable level of Cs depends on the sort of clay minerals. We tried to find the characteristics of clay minerals belonging to phillosilicate group using positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) and the relationship between the results of PAS and the amounts of substantially extracted Cs from the clay minerals. The results showed that each clay mineral was found to be distinguishable from other clay minerals by PAS and the extraction rate of Cs was different among those clay minerals, however the direct correlation between the results of PAS and the extraction rates of Cs was not found. (paper)

  8. Mineral evolution and Earth history (United States)

    Bradley, Dwight C.


    The field of mineral evolution—a merger of mineralogy and Earth history—coalesced in 2008 with the first of several global syntheses by Robert Hazen and coworkers in the American Mineralogist. They showed that the cumulative abundance of mineral species has a stepwise trend with first appearances tied to various transitions in Earth history such as the end of planetary accretion at ca. 4.55 Ga and the onset of bio-mediated mineralogy at ca. >2.5 Ga. A global age distribution is best established for zircon. Observed abundance of zircon fluctuates through more than an order of magnitude during successive supercontinent cycles. The pulse of the Earth is also recorded, albeit imperfectly, by the 87Sr/86Sr composition of marine biogenic calcite; the Sr-isotopic ratio of this mineral reflects the balance of inputs of primitive strontium at mid-ocean ridges and evolved strontium that drains off the continents. A global mineral evolution database, currently in the works, will greatly facilitate the compilation and analysis of extant data and the expansion of research in mineralogy outside its traditional bounds and into more interdisciplinary realms.

  9. Accuracy in mineral identification: image spectral and spatial resolutions and mineral spectral properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Pompilio


    Full Text Available Problems related to airborne hyperspectral image data are reviewed and the requirements for data analysis applied to mineralogical (rocks and soils interpretation are discussed. The variability of mineral spectral features, including absorption position, shape and depth is considered and interpreted as due to chemical composition, grain size effects and mineral association. It is also shown how this variability can be related to well defined geologic processes. The influence of sensor noise and diffuse atmospheric radiance in classification accuracy is also analyzed.

  10. Minerals Planning Policies and Supply Practices in Ireland.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ike, P.; van der Molen, S.D.A.

    Table of Contents: 1 Country background. 2 General description of the mineral industry. 3 National system legislation governing ownership resources. 4 National system governing securing supply of minerals. 5 Land use planning. 6 Evaluation of sustainability of mineral supply. 7 Identification of the

  11. Mineral exploration, Australia, March quarter 1983

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This publication contains annual and quarterly statistics of exploration for minerals in Australia. Part 1 sets out statistics of exploration for minerals and oil shale for which data are no longer available for separate publication. Part 2 gives details of petroleum exploration.

  12. Mineral Oils: Untreated and Mildly Treated (United States)

    Learn about mineral oils, which can raise the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer, particularly of the scrotum. Workers in a variety of manufacturing industries are most commonly exposed to mineral oils, as are workers in engine repair, copper mining, and commercial printing.

  13. Dana's Minerals and How to Study Them, Fourth Edition (United States)

    Cribb, Warner

    Anyone who spends time in a geology lab, natural science museum, or rock and mineral shop can see that nature provides us with an incredible variety of minerals. Countless introductory geology students get “turned on” to the science of geology by studying minerals. Despite the development of modern instruments that enable rapid and detailed mineral, chemical, and atomic structural analysis, the study of minerals by hand sample remains one of the most popular and economical pursuits of many professional geologists, students, and amateur mineral enthusiasts.Because individuals with varying backgrounds in physical science collect and study minerals, a considerable need exists for a reference text that can be effectively used by both professionals and amateurs. Edward Salisbury Dana published the first such text, Minerals and How to Study Them, over a century ago. The third and last edition of this book was published in 1948. In the 50 years since, considerable changes have occurred in the understanding of mineral chemistry, crystallography, and microscopy. As a result, Dana's third edition is somewhat out of date, and its presentation of material is somewhat antiquated for modern-day readers.

  14. Preferential Treatment: Interaction Between Amino Acids and Minerals (United States)

    Crapster-Pregont, E. J.; Cleaves, H. J.; Hazen, R. M.


    Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are important for some models of the origin of life. Polymerization of amino acids from dilute solution is unlikely without a scaffold or catalyst. The surfaces of early Earth minerals are the most likely candidates for this role. The surface adsorption behavior of 12 amino acids (L-alanine, L-serine, L-aspartic acid, L-proline, L- phenylalanine, L-valine, L-arginine, d-amino valeric acid, glycine, L-lysine, L-isoleucine, and B-alanine) on 21 minerals (quartz, calcite, enstatite, illite, olivine, pyrrhotite, pyrite, alkali basalt, albite, analcime, chlorite, barite, hydroxyl apatite, hematite, magnetite, aluminum hydroxide, kaolin, silica gel, corundum, rutile, and montmorillonite) was determined via batch adsorption experiments. Absorption was determined for concentrations between 10-4M and 10-6M in the presence of 0.1M NaCl, and between pH values of 3 and 9 at 25 degrees C. The equilibrated solutions were centrifuged, filtered, derivatized using a fluorescent amino group tag (dansyl-chloride) and analyzed by HPLC. Adsorption was standardized using BET surface area measurements for each mineral to give the number of mols of each amino acid adsorbed per square meter for each mineral. The results indicate an enormous difference in the adsorption of amino acids between minerals, along with major differences in the adsorption of individual amino acids on the same mineral surface. There is also a change in the absorbance of amino acids as the pH changes. Many previous studies of amino acid concentration and catalysis by minerals have used clay minerals because of their high surface areas, however, this data suggests that the surfaces of minerals such as calcite, quartz and pyrite have even higher affinities for amino acids. The results suggest mineral surfaces that could be optimal locations for the polymerization of molecules linked to the origin of life.

  15. Acute toxicity of postoperative radiochemotherapy with amifostine vs radiochemotherapy alone in head and neck cancer patients. Preliminary results of a randomized trial; Nebenwirkungen einer postoperativen Radiochemotherapie mit Amifostin versus alleiniger Radiochemotherapie bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren. Vorlaeufige Ergebnisse einer prospektiv randomisierten Untersuchung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vacha, P; Marx, M; Engel, A; Richter, E; Feyerabend, T [Medizinische Univ. Luebeck (Germany). Klinik fuer Strahlentherapie und Nuklearmedizin


    Purpose: Experimental and clinical data suggest a reduction of radiation-induced acute toxicity by amifostine. We investigated this issue in a randomized trial comparing radiochemotherapy (RCT) versus radiochemotherapy and amifostine (RCT+A) in patients with head and neck cancer. Patients and methods: Forty-seven patients with pharyngeal or laryngeal cancer (T{sub 1-2}N{sub 1-2}G{sub 3},T{sub 3-4}N{sub 0-2}G{sub 1-3}) were randomized to receive RCT alone (21 patients) or RCT+A (21 patients). Patients were irradiated up to 60 Gy (R{sub 0}) or 70 Gy (R{sub 1/2}). Chemotherapy consisted of 70 mg/m{sup 2} carboplatin and was administered over 5 days in the 1st and 5th week of the radiotherapy course. 250 mg amifostine were applied daily just before each radiotherapy session. Acute toxicity was evaluated according to the Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC). As for xerostomia no patients with laryngeal cancer were assessed because in these cases only small volumes of the salivary glands were within the treatment volume. To evaluate the overall toxicity a summarized CTC score of all observed side effects was calculated. Results: Forty-two patients were evaluable. Clinical characteristics (age, sex, Karnofsky index, tumor-staging) were well balanced in both treatment groups. Amifostine provided reduction in xerostomia and mucositis. Conclusions: According to our preliminary results amifostine has a radioprotective effect on salivary glands. Mucositis can be reduced during radiochemotherapy. At this point of patient accrual the difference between both groups are statistically not significant. To improve the radioprotective effects of amifostine in clinical practice the application of a higher dose (>250 mg) seems to be necessary. (orig.) [German] Ziel: Diese Untersuchung soll die Frage beantworten, ob bei der postoperativen Radiochemotherapie von Patienten mit HNO-Tumoren eine zusaetzliche Amifostin-Medikation Ausmass und Haeufigkeit akuter Strahlenreaktionen vermindert

  16. Statistical models for optimizing mineral exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wignall, T.K.; DeGeoffroy, J.


    The primary purpose of mineral exploration is to discover ore deposits. The emphasis of this volume is on the mathematical and computational aspects of optimizing mineral exploration. The seven chapters that make up the main body of the book are devoted to the description and application of various types of computerized geomathematical models. These chapters include: (1) the optimal selection of ore deposit types and regions of search, as well as prospecting selected areas, (2) designing airborne and ground field programs for the optimal coverage of prospecting areas, and (3) delineating and evaluating exploration targets within prospecting areas by means of statistical modeling. Many of these statistical programs are innovative and are designed to be useful for mineral exploration modeling. Examples of geomathematical models are applied to exploring for six main types of base and precious metal deposits, as well as other mineral resources (such as bauxite and uranium)

  17. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis of minerals: Carbonates and silicates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McMillan, Nancy J.; Harmon, Russell S.; De Lucia, Frank C.; Miziolek, Andrzej M.


    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) provides an alternative chemical analytical technique that obviates the issues of sample preparation and sample destruction common to most laboratory-based analytical methods. This contribution explores the capability of LIBS analysis to identify carbonate and silicate minerals rapidly and accurately. Fifty-two mineral samples (18 carbonates, 9 pyroxenes and pyroxenoids, 6 amphiboles, 8 phyllosilicates, and 11 feldspars) were analyzed by LIBS. Two composite broadband spectra (averages of 10 shots each) were calculated for each sample to produce two databases each containing the composite LIBS spectra for the same 52 mineral samples. By using correlation coefficients resulting from the regression of the intensities of pairs of LIBS spectra, all 52 minerals were correctly identified in the database. If the LIBS spectra of each sample were compared to a database containing the other 51 minerals, 65% were identified as a mineral of similar composition from the same mineral family. The remaining minerals were misidentified for two reasons: 1) the mineral had high concentrations of an element not present in the database; and 2) the mineral was identified as a mineral with similar elemental composition from a different family. For instance, the Ca-Mg carbonate dolomite was misidentified as the Ca-Mg silicate diopside. This pilot study suggests that LIBS has promise in mineral identification and in situ analysis of minerals that record geological processes

  18. Production of mineral ash-wool

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Micevic, Z.; Djekic, S.


    The project entitled 'Production of Mineral Ash-Wool' presents a new technology of possible use of the fly ash, generated as a waste product from the fossil fueled power plants, as a basic raw material for manufacturing of different products from a new mineral ash-wool. The wide area of mineral ash-wool application (civil engineering, industry, power generation, etc.) and the advantages of this new technology (important raw material obtained free of charge, substitution of expensive silicate stone, use of electric energy for melting instead for coke, vicinity of factory location close to the fossil fueled power plant, lower product price, reduction of environmental pollution, etc.) have resulted in the performance of the bench scale tests. Positive results have been obtained, as a good initial base for the realization of this project. The named study as an detailed analysis has been carried out for the assessment of: supply and sales market, analysis of possible and selection of an optimal location of the factory in the frame of fossil fueled power plant 'Kosovo', selection of the production capacity and alternative preliminary technical designs of the factory for the mineral ash-wool production. For the studied alternatives, specifications and capital investments evaluations for equipment and works (mechanical, civil engineering and electromechanical part) have been made as well as assessments of production costs. Based on the performed economical and financial analyses, as well as the sensitivity analyses one could be concluded that the investments in the factory for the mineral ash-wool production is highly economically acceptable. (author). 1 fig., 1 tab., 3 refs

  19. Mineral matter reactions in cokes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D. French; R. Sakurovs; M. Grigore [CSIRO Energy Technology (Australia)


    Some cokes appear to be particularly susceptible to weakening in the blast furnace. A mechanism which has been postulated to explain this is silica reduction by coke. Thus this project was initiated to ascertain the behaviour of quartz and silicates in coke with an emphasis on the role of the clay minerals. It is now possible to obtain quantitative mineralogical data and, the case of coal, to also obtain quantitative data on mineral grain size, shape and association through the use of automated electron beam image analysis techniques. This new ability can allow relationships between the amount of minerals in a coke and its reactivity to be established for the first time. Samples of five Australian coking coals were selected based upon quartz and clay mineral contents, mineral grain size and association. Samples were also provided by BlueScope Steel of coal, feed coke, and tuyere coke samples from the bosh, deadman and raceway regions of the blast furnace. The analytical work program conducted was as follows: Preparation of cokes by CSIRO; Petrography of starting coals and cokes; QEMSCAN of coals; LTA and XRD of starting coals and cokes; Coke reactivity tests (NSC and small scale); Petrography, LTA and XRD of reacted cokes; Petrographic and XRD examination of heat treated cokes. This study indicates that the NSC reactivity test does not adequately reflect the behaviour of coke in the lower part of the blast furnace. Further investigation of the behaviour of coke in the lower part of the blast furnace is required.

  20. Mineral supply for sustainable development requires resource governance (United States)

    Ali, Saleem H.; Giurco, Damien; Arndt, Nicholas; Nickless, Edmund; Brown, Graham; Demetriades, Alecos; Durrheim, Ray; Enriquez, Maria Amélia; Kinnaird, Judith; Littleboy, Anna; Meinert, Lawrence D.; Oberhänsli, Roland; Salem, Janet; Schodde, Richard; Schneider, Gabi; Vidal, Olivier; Yakovleva, Natalia


    Successful delivery of the United Nations sustainable development goals and implementation of the Paris Agreement requires technologies that utilize a wide range of minerals in vast quantities. Metal recycling and technological change will contribute to sustaining supply, but mining must continue and grow for the foreseeable future to ensure that such minerals remain available to industry. New links are needed between existing institutional frameworks to oversee responsible sourcing of minerals, trajectories for mineral exploration, environmental practices, and consumer awareness of the effects of consumption. Here we present, through analysis of a comprehensive set of data and demand forecasts, an interdisciplinary perspective on how best to ensure ecologically viable continuity of global mineral supply over the coming decades.

  1. Altered tissue mineralization, increased hepatic lipid and inhibited ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mineral homeostasis is often disrupted in intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) infants. Most studies focus on calcium or phosphorus metabolism of IUGR infants via determining serum mineral concentrations instead of tissues. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of IUGR on the mineralization and ...

  2. Radon risk in ore miners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beno, M.


    Underground workers are exposed to various clastogenic agents. One of these agents, radon, attracts attention of recent research as it causes lung cancer in the population occupationally exposed to its various concentrations especially in mine air of uranium mines or ore mines. This paper is a pilot study in which the numbers of chromosomal aberrations (CA) in lymphocytes of ore mines (Nizna Slana-iron ore, Hnusta-talc ore) located in east central Slovakia were followed and related to the lifetime underground radon exposure and to lifetime smoking. Seventy miners volunteering after an informed consent served as donors of venous blood. Twenty healthy pro-bands, age matched with the miners, which never worked underground (mostly clerks) served as donors of control blood samples. The exposure to radon and smoking has been estimated according to working-records and personal anamnesis. The findings unequivocally showed a small but statistically significant clastogenic effect of the exposure to underground environment of the mines concerned. This study has shown also a small but significant influence of smoking, which in the subgroup of miners working underground less than 1500 shifts may have acted synergically with the underground exposure. It was concluded tat: (1) Significantly higher counts of chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes of 70 miners than in an age matched control group of 20 white-collar workers were found; (2) The higher counts of chromosomal aberrations could be ascribed to underground exposure of miners and to smoking; (3) The positive dependence of the number of chromosomal aberrations from the exposure to smoking was loose and it was expressed by significantly higher chromosomal aberrations counts in the group of miners working less than 1500 shifts underground; (4) A dependence of chromosomal aberrations counts from the exposure to radon could not be assessed. At relatively low numbers of pro-bands in subgroups it was not ruled out the confounding

  3. Iodine mineral waters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iluta Alexandru


    Full Text Available Iodine mineral waters are found especially in sub-Carpathian region, also in regions with Salif deposits. Waters are currently used iodine in drinking cure for chaps and Basedow. Are also indicated in balneology. Iodine water containing at least 1 mg L, there is pure iodine is usually given the nature of other types of mineral waters further: sodium chlorinated water (Bazna (50-70 mg iodine / l, Baile Govora (50 - 70 mg / l, Bălţăteşti (4-5 mg / l, salted Monteoru (30 mg / l, mine water mixed alkaline chlorination, sulphate, which are indicated for crenoterapie (hypo or isotonic to the bathrooms Olăneşti or Călimăneşti-Căciulata.

  4. Mineral nutrition of cocoa : a review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vliet, van J.A.; Slingerland, M.A.; Giller, K.E.


    This literature review on mineral nutrition of cocoa was commissioned by the Scientific Committee of the Cocoa Fertiliser Initiative to address the following questions: What knowledge is currently available about mineral nutrition of cocoa? What are the current knowledge gaps? What are the key areas

  5. sequenceMiner algorithm (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Detecting and describing anomalies in large repositories of discrete symbol sequences. sequenceMiner has been open-sourced! Download the file below to try it out....

  6. Hydrogeochemical tracing of mineral water in Jingyu County, Northeast China. (United States)

    Yan, Baizhong; Xiao, Changlai; Liang, Xiujuan; Wu, Shili


    The east Jilin Province in China, Jingyu County has been explored as a potential for enriching mineral water. In order to assess the water quality and quantity, it is of crucial importance to investigate the origin of the mineral water and its flow paths. In this study, eighteen mineral springs were sampled in May and September of 2012, May and September of 2013, and May 2014 and the environment, evolvement, and reaction mechanism of mineral water formation were analysed by hydrochemical data analysis, geochemical modelling and multivariate statistical analysis. The results showed that the investigated mineral water was rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate, chloride, sulphate, fluoride, nitrate, total iron, silicate, and strontium, and mineral water ages ranged from 11.0 to more than 61.0 years. The U-shape contours of the mineral ages indicate a local and discrete recharge. The mineral compositions of the rocks were olivine, potassium feldspar, pyroxene, albite, and anorthite and were under-saturated in the mineral water. The origin of mineral water was from the hydrolysis of basalt minerals under a neutral to slightly alkaline and CO2-rich environment.

  7. Selective flotation of phosphate minerals with hydroxamate collectors (United States)

    Miller, Jan D.; Wang, Xuming; Li, Minhua


    A method is disclosed for separating phosphate minerals from a mineral mixture, particularly from high-dolomite containing phosphate ores. The method involves conditioning the mineral mixture by contacting in an aqueous in environment with a collector in an amount sufficient for promoting flotation of phosphate minerals. The collector is a hydroxamate compound of the formula; ##STR1## wherein R is generally hydrophobic and chosen such that the collector has solubility or dispersion properties it can be distributed in the mineral mixture, typically an alkyl, aryl, or alkylaryl group having 6 to 18 carbon atoms. M is a cation, typically hydrogen, an alkali metal or an alkaline earth metal. Preferably, the collector also comprises an alcohol of the formula, R'--OH wherein R' is generally hydrophobic and chosen such that the collector has solubility or dispersion properties so that it can be distributed in the mineral mixture, typically an alkyl, aryl, or alkylaryl group having 6 to 18 carbon atoms.

  8. Evaluation of Minerals Content of Drinking Water in Malaysia (United States)

    Azlan, Azrina; Khoo, Hock Eng; Idris, Mohd Aizat; Ismail, Amin; Razman, Muhammad Rizal


    The drinking and mineral water samples obtained from different geographical locations had concentrations of the selected minerals lower than the standard limits, except for manganese, arsenic, and fluoride. The concentrations of manganese and arsenic in two mineral water samples were slightly higher than the standard international recommended limits. One mineral water sample had a fluoride concentration higher than the standard limits, whereas manganese was not detected in nine drinking and mineral water samples. Most of the selected minerals found in the tap water samples were below the international standard limits, except for iron and manganese. The concentrations of iron and manganese in the tap water samples were higher than the standard limits, which were obtained from one and three of the studied locations, respectively. The potable water obtained from various manufacturers and locations in Peninsular Malaysia is safe for consumption, as the minerals concentrations were below the standard limits prescribed by the Malaysian Food Regulations of 1985. The data obtained may also provide important information related to daily intake of these minerals from drinking water. PMID:22649292

  9. Evaluation of Minerals Content of Drinking Water in Malaysia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Azrina Azlan


    Full Text Available The drinking and mineral water samples obtained from different geographical locations had concentrations of the selected minerals lower than the standard limits, except for manganese, arsenic, and fluoride. The concentrations of manganese and arsenic in two mineral water samples were slightly higher than the standard international recommended limits. One mineral water sample had a fluoride concentration higher than the standard limits, whereas manganese was not detected in nine drinking and mineral water samples. Most of the selected minerals found in the tap water samples were below the international standard limits, except for iron and manganese. The concentrations of iron and manganese in the tap water samples were higher than the standard limits, which were obtained from one and three of the studied locations, respectively. The potable water obtained from various manufacturers and locations in Peninsular Malaysia is safe for consumption, as the minerals concentrations were below the standard limits prescribed by the Malaysian Food Regulations of 1985. The data obtained may also provide important information related to daily intake of these minerals from drinking water.

  10. Evaluation of minerals content of drinking water in Malaysia. (United States)

    Azlan, Azrina; Khoo, Hock Eng; Idris, Mohd Aizat; Ismail, Amin; Razman, Muhammad Rizal


    The drinking and mineral water samples obtained from different geographical locations had concentrations of the selected minerals lower than the standard limits, except for manganese, arsenic, and fluoride. The concentrations of manganese and arsenic in two mineral water samples were slightly higher than the standard international recommended limits. One mineral water sample had a fluoride concentration higher than the standard limits, whereas manganese was not detected in nine drinking and mineral water samples. Most of the selected minerals found in the tap water samples were below the international standard limits, except for iron and manganese. The concentrations of iron and manganese in the tap water samples were higher than the standard limits, which were obtained from one and three of the studied locations, respectively. The potable water obtained from various manufacturers and locations in Peninsular Malaysia is safe for consumption, as the minerals concentrations were below the standard limits prescribed by the Malaysian Food Regulations of 1985. The data obtained may also provide important information related to daily intake of these minerals from drinking water.

  11. Mineral composition of pastures and mineral deficiencies in cattle of some properties in Middle Paraiba, RJ, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Paula Lopes Marques


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. Marques A.P.L., Botteon R.C.C.M., Amorim E.B., Botteon P.T.L &Zonta E. [Mineral composition of pastures and mineral deficiencies in cattle of some properties in Middle Paraiba, RJ, Brazil.] Composição mineral das pastagens e deficiências minerais dos bovinos em algumas propriedades da região do Médio Paraíba, RJ, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 36(1:71-78, 2014. Departamento de Medicina e Cirurgia Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 Km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23851-900, Brasil. E-mail: We studied levels and nutrient availability in the soil and grazing of cattle in Middle Paraíba, RJ, Brazil in the early dry season (May-June and rainy (November-December in seven cattle herds with a history of clinical deficiencies of Na, Cu, Co and P, identified through visits to farmers. The mineral contents in the samples were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and values obtained were compared with clinical signs found. Low values of P and Na were confirmed and although the lack of Ca and Mg is uncommon, some samples showed low rates. We found high values of Fe with possible interference in the absorption of Cu, the main clinical deficiency identified in the region, and high values of Al, Zn and Mn. The results indicate that most mineral deficiencies diagnosed in those herds is due to antagonistic effects of minerals that are not deficient.

  12. Minerals in the foods eaten by mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emma C Cancelliere

    Full Text Available Minerals are critical to an individual's health and fitness, and yet little is known about mineral nutrition and requirements in free-ranging primates. We estimated the mineral content of foods consumed by mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. Mountain gorillas acquire the majority of their minerals from herbaceous leaves, which constitute the bulk of their diet. However, less commonly eaten foods were sometimes found to be higher in specific minerals, suggesting their potential importance. A principal component analysis demonstrated little correlation among minerals in food items, which further suggests that mountain gorillas might increase dietary diversity to obtain a full complement of minerals in their diet. Future work is needed to examine the bioavailability of minerals to mountain gorillas in order to better understand their intake in relation to estimated needs and the consequences of suboptimal mineral balance in gorilla foods.

  13. Minerals in the foods eaten by mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei). (United States)

    Cancelliere, Emma C; DeAngelis, Nicole; Nkurunungi, John Bosco; Raubenheimer, David; Rothman, Jessica M


    Minerals are critical to an individual's health and fitness, and yet little is known about mineral nutrition and requirements in free-ranging primates. We estimated the mineral content of foods consumed by mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. Mountain gorillas acquire the majority of their minerals from herbaceous leaves, which constitute the bulk of their diet. However, less commonly eaten foods were sometimes found to be higher in specific minerals, suggesting their potential importance. A principal component analysis demonstrated little correlation among minerals in food items, which further suggests that mountain gorillas might increase dietary diversity to obtain a full complement of minerals in their diet. Future work is needed to examine the bioavailability of minerals to mountain gorillas in order to better understand their intake in relation to estimated needs and the consequences of suboptimal mineral balance in gorilla foods.

  14. Refractory, Abrasive and Other Industrial Mineral Operations (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — This map layer includes refractory, abrasive, and other industrial minerals operations in the United States. The data represent commodities covered by the Minerals...

  15. Placer mineral resources of Tamil Nadu

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anil Kumar, V.


    Tamil Nadu, the southernmost state with second longest coast line in India has many placer heavy mineral deposits. These deposits contain economically important light heavy minerals like ilmenite, rutile, leucoxene, monazite, zircon, garnet, sillimanite, kyanite and non-economic minerals like pyroxenes, amphiboles and magnetite along with associated accessory minerals like staurolite, epidote, spinel, biotite and tourmaline. Geologically, granulitic rocks, principally Khondalites (garnet-sillimanite-graphite gneisses), charnockites and granitic gneisses bordered by sedimentary rocks are exposed along the eastern coastal plains of the Tamil Nadu. The principal highland areas, as for example, Shavaroys, Nilgiris, Palni-Kodaikanal Hills and Cardomom hills consists primarily of Charnockites. The margins of highland show a gradation into less metamorphosed rocks generally of amphibolite facies. The khondalites are found south of Kodaikanal massif. Anorthosites and layered mafic complexes occur at Sittampundi, Kadavur areas. Alkaline rocks and carbonatites are prominent at Simalpatti, Sevattur and Sivamalai. Coastal sedimentaries include, Gondwanas, Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary rocks along with lateritic soils and beach sands

  16. Cancer epidemiology in respiratory system among uranium miners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moraes, A.


    A summary of some published papers about cancer in respiratory system among uranium miners is presented. A comparative table relating cancer cases among uranium miners is shown. A table relating cases among miners in Checoslovaquia and cumulative exposure levels due to radon daughter products is also given [pt

  17. Outlook on the culture of leisure time utilization by miners

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wawrzynek, K


    Analyzes Polish miners' leisure time and how it is spent. Many miners (e.g. 7,000 miners with the Moszczenica mine) spend up to 6 hours daily commuting from distances of up to 60 km, which leaves only about 1-3 hours for leisure. The amount of a miner's free time spent on social meetings, theater, cinema, activities at home, watching television, reading books and newspapers is analyzed. The opinion about high alcohol consumption among miners is considered to be exaggerated. According to polls, miners prefer spending their earnings on their family and home. Attention is drawn to the fact that the strenuous work performed and occupational hazards preclude persons weakened by alcohol abuse. The higher suicide rate among miners is explained by stress related to hard work, among other factors. About 75% of polled miners favor showing downpit reality on public television in order to publicize mine working conditions and hazards and to dissuade opinions about easy work and high earnings, and in order to promote better understanding between miners and their families, as miners still consider their work to be undervalued.

  18. Exploring data with RapidMiner

    CERN Document Server

    Chisholm, Andrew


    A step-by-step tutorial style using examples so that users of different levels will benefit from the facilities offered by RapidMiner.If you are a computer scientist or an engineer who has real data from which you want to extract value, this book is ideal for you. You will need to have at least a basic awareness of data mining techniques and some exposure to RapidMiner.

  19. Mineral potential modelling of gold and silver mineralization in the Nevada Great Basin - a GIS-based analysis using weights of evidence (United States)

    Mihalasky, Mark J.


    The distribution of 2,690 gold-silver-bearing occurrences in the Nevada Great Basin was examined in terms of spatial association with various geological phenomena. Analysis of these relationships, using GIS and weights of evidence modelling techniques, has predicted areas of high mineral potential where little or no mining activity exists. Mineral potential maps for sedimentary (?disseminated?) and volcanic (?epithermal?) rock-hosted gold-silver mineralization revealed two distinct patterns that highlight two sets of crustal-scale geologic features that likely control the regional distribution of these deposit types. The weights of evidence method is a probability-based technique for mapping mineral potential using the spatial distribution of known mineral occurrences. Mineral potential maps predicting the distribution of gold-silver-bearing occurrences were generated from structural, geochemical, geomagnetic, gravimetric, lithologic, and lithotectonic-related deposit-indicator factors. The maps successfully predicted nearly 70% of the total number of known occurrences, including ~83% of sedimentary and ~60% of volcanic rock-hosted types. Sedimentary and volcanic rockhosted mineral potential maps showed high spatial correlation (an area cross-tabulation agreement of 85% and 73%, respectively) with expert-delineated mineral permissive tracts. In blind tests, the sedimentary and volcanic rock-hosted mineral potential maps predicted 10 out of 12 and 5 out of 5 occurrences, respectively. The key mineral predictor factors, in order of importance, were determined to be: geology (including lithology, structure, and lithotectonic terrane), geochemistry (indication of alteration), and geophysics. Areas of elevated sedimentary rock-hosted mineral potential are generally confined to central, north-central, and north-eastern Nevada. These areas form a conspicuous ?V?-shape pattern that is coincident with the Battle Mountain-Eureka (Cortez) and Carlin mineral trends and a

  20. Au-As (lead) vein mineralizations of the Cevennes and Chataigneraie regions (French Massif Central). Isotopic characterization (Pb). Mineralizing role of granites in the setting up of these mineralizations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Havard, M.L.


    This work has been carried out in the Frame of the national program 'Geofrance 3D' jointly organized by the French office for geologic and mining researches (BRGM), and the CNRS-INSU/DSPT3. Its aim is the study of the formation of gold-bearing mineralizations of the Variscan chain in the Cevennes and Chataigneraie regions (French Massif Central). In the Cevennes region, the gold-bearing veins are linked with the intrusion of the late-tectonic granodioritic plutons. The aim of this study is to determine the chronology of the mineralizing episodes and to analyze the relationship between the metal concentrates and the setting up of the granites. In the Chataigneraie region, the granites are intrusive in ortho- and para-gneiss series. The hydrothermal activity associated with the contact metamorphism should be responsible for the deposition of gold-bearing wolfram mineralization. The geochemistry of lead isotopes is used to determine the origin of metals in the sulfide mineralizations. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used for the visualization of the microstructure heterogeneities of the minerals and for the quantitative chemical analysis of their successive para-geneses. The comparison between the results obtained in both regions allows to make a difference between their relative degree of erosion and their gold potentialities. (J.S.)

  1. 25 CFR 225.22 - Approval of minerals agreements. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Approval of minerals agreements. 225.22 Section 225.22 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ENERGY AND MINERALS OIL AND GAS, GEOTHERMAL... financial return to the Indian parties thereto; the extent, nature, value or disposition of the mineral...

  2. Recent advances in clay mineral-containing nanocomposite hydrogels. (United States)

    Zhao, Li Zhi; Zhou, Chun Hui; Wang, Jing; Tong, Dong Shen; Yu, Wei Hua; Wang, Hao


    Clay mineral-containing nanocomposite hydrogels have been proven to have exceptional composition, properties, and applications, and consequently have attracted a significant amount of research effort over the past few years. The objective of this paper is to summarize and evaluate scientific advances in clay mineral-containing nanocomposite hydrogels in terms of their specific preparation, formation mechanisms, properties, and applications, and to identify the prevailing challenges and future directions in the field. The state-of-the-art of existing technologies and insights into the exfoliation of layered clay minerals, in particular montmorillonite and LAPONITE®, are discussed first. The formation and structural characteristics of polymer/clay nanocomposite hydrogels made from in situ free radical polymerization, supramolecular assembly, and freezing-thawing cycles are then examined. Studies indicate that additional hydrogen bonding, electrostatic interactions, coordination bonds, hydrophobic interaction, and even covalent bonds could occur between the clay mineral nanoplatelets and polymer chains, thereby leading to the formation of unique three-dimensional networks. Accordingly, the hydrogels exhibit exceptional optical and mechanical properties, swelling-deswelling behavior, and stimuli-responsiveness, reflecting the remarkable effects of clay minerals. With the pivotal roles of clay minerals in clay mineral-containing nanocomposite hydrogels, the nanocomposite hydrogels possess great potential as superabsorbents, drug vehicles, tissue scaffolds, wound dressing, and biosensors. Future studies should lay emphasis on the formation mechanisms with in-depth insights into interfacial interactions, the tactical functionalization of clay minerals and polymers for desired properties, and expanding of their applications.

  3. Examination of imaging detectors for combined radiography procedures in the ACCIS joint project. Automatic cargo container inspection system. Final report; Untersuchung von bildgebenden Detektoren fuer kombinierte Radiographieverfahren im Verbundprojekt ACCIS. Automatisches Cargo-Container Inspektionssystem. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dangendorf, Volker


    erfordert im Verdachtsfalle aufwendige Nachuntersuchungen. Auf der anderen Seite ist auch der Bildkontrast bei schweren Elementen mit Roentgenmethoden nur gering was z.B. die Identifikation durch von nukleares Schmuggelgut (SNM) wie Pu und.U, die ggf auch noch in einem Behaelter aus Blei zur Tarnung und gemischt mit Waren aus anderen schweren Metallen transportiert werden, sehr schwierig macht. Im Rahmen des ACCIS Verbundprojektes wurde ein neuartiges Inspektionssystem fuer Luftfracht auf der Basis von Neutronen- und Gammastrahlung erforscht. Das Teilprojekt der PTB umfasste innerhalb dieses Rahmens folgende Aufgabenbereiche: 1. Erforschung und Aufbau von Labormustern der bildgebenden Strahlungsdetektoren; 2. Aufbau eines Messplatzes zur Evaluation der Durchleuchtungsmethode an der Beschleunigeranlage der PTB, 3. Mitarbeit bei der Entwicklung eines Konzeptes fuer eine gepulste Strahlungsquelle, insbesondere Aufbau- und Untersuchung des strahlerzeugenden Targets, 4. Ermittlung der strahlenschutzrechtlich relevanten physikalischen und dosimetrischen Kenngroessen, 5. Untersuchung der Bedingungen fuer die Anwendung, Anforderung an einsatzfaehige Anlage, Endnutzerkontakte; 6. Koordination der deutschen Partner, insbesondere Organisation der Projektmeetings der deutschen und der israelischen Partner.

  4. Dating oxalate minerals in rock surface deposits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watchman, A.


    Oxalate minerals are found associated with rocks, mineral coatings, micro-organisms, plants and animals. They are important in archaeology because they have been found intimately associated with organic binders in prehistoric paints. Oxalate minerals also accumulate in the coatings on rock shelter walls and fallen ceiling slabs where they form the natural backing supports for painting and opaque laminates covering engravings. Though the relationship between anthropogenic activity in a rock shelter and oxalate formation is often uncertain, the radiocarbon age of the oxalate may provide the only means for determining the antiquity of a rock painting or engraving. This paper examines the history of dating oxalate minerals at archaeological sites and provides insights into achieving reliable age estimates. (author). 37 refs., 1 fig., 2 tabs

  5. Uranium fixation by mineralization at the redox front

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isobe, Hiroshi


    The behavior of actinide elements including uranium in geomedia is controlled by redox conditions. Under the oxidized conditions, uranium forms uranyl ion (UO 2 2+ ) and its complexes, and dissolves in ground water. Under the reduced conditions, U(IV) has much lower solubility than uranyl ion. In the Koongarra uranium deposit, Australia, lead-bearing uraninite, uranyl lead oxide and uranyl silicate minerals occur in the unweathered, primary ore zone, and uranyl phosphate minerals occur in the weathered, secondary ore zone. Between unweathered and weathered zones, the transition zone exists as a redox front. In the transition zone, graphite and sulfide minerals react as reducing agents for species dissolved in ground water. By SEM, spherical grains of uraninite were observed in veins with graphite. Pyrite had coffinite rim with crystals of uraninite. Calculation based on the ground water chemistry and hydrology at Koongarra shows that the uranium in the transition zone may be fixed from the ground water. In the Koongarra transition zone, recent mineralization of uranium by reduction takes place. Mineralization is much stronger fixation mechanism than adsorption on clay minerals. Pyrite in the buffer materials of possible radioactive waste repositories can fix radionuclides in oxidized ground water by mineralization with reducing reactions. (author)

  6. Water mineralization and its importance for health


    N. Babio; C. Ferreira-Pêgo; F. Maraver Eyzaguirre; I. Vitoria Miñana; J. Salas-Salvadó


    Water mineralization and its importance for health La mineralización del agua y su importancia para la salud. Water is essential for life, participating in the metabolism of all the living organisms. In recent years, the consumption of tap water has decreased and the consumption of bottled water has increased worldwide. The mineral quality and composition of natural mineral water is known and constantly over the year, and their potential effects on health must be determined. Only magnes...

  7. Taxation and our future mineral resources. [Canada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brown, R D


    Canada's known reserves of minerals are estimated in general to be adequate to meet domestic requirements and current export demands until the mid-1980's. Beyond that time, an increasing proportion of reserves needed to maintain, let alone increase, present mineral production must come from mineral deposits not yet discovered, delineated or developed. The major question for Canada is whether present tax and regulatory programs will provide sufficient incentives for the industry to spend the large amounts required--perhaps $1.2 billion annually--in the exploration and development of mineral resources. Without such a major capital commitment to the development of new mineral resources, Canada will not be able to maintain the relative importance of its mining sector, or the contribution that the sector has made to our balance of payments, employment, and the opening of new frontiers. However, present levels of exploration and development expenditures are likely to be totally inadequate in maintaining, let alone increasing present production. The article refers to two major new reports that provide new information on Canada's resource industries and their future.

  8. Inhalation hazards to underground miners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beckman, R.T.


    Massive radon-daughter exposures to miners have caused lung cancer for centuries. Exposures in US uranium mines have been regulated for 15 years and, during this time, relatively few miners have been exposed to over 4 WLM year. Present trends are toward lower annual exposures and shorter working lives. The net effect has been to hold cumulative lifetime exposures well below the level at which statistically significant excess risk has been shown

  9. An overview of vertebrate mineralization with emphasis on collagen-mineral interaction (United States)

    Landis, W. J.


    The nucleation, growth, and development of mineral crystals through their interaction principally with collagen in normal bone and calcifying tendon have been elaborated by applying a number of different techniques for analysis of the inorganic and organic constituents of these tissues. The methods have included conventional and high voltage electron microscopy, electron diffraction, microscopic tomography and 3D image reconstruction, and atomic force microscopy. This summary presents results of these studies that have now characterized the size, shape, and aspects of the chemical nature of the crystals as well as their orientation, alignment, location, and distribution with respect to collagen. These data have provided the means for understanding more completely the formation and strength of the collagen-mineral composite present in most vertebrate calcifying tissues and, from that information, a basis for the adaptation of such tissues under mechanical constraints. In the context of the latter point, other data are given showing effects on collagen in bone cell cultures subjected to the unloading parameters of spaceflight. Implications of these results may be particularly relevant to explaining loss of bone by humans and other vertebrate animals during missions in space, during situations of extended fracture healing, long-term bedrest, physical immobilization, and related conditions. In a broader sense, the data speak to the response of bone and mineralized vertebrate tissues to changes in gravitational loading and applied mechanical forces in general.

  10. Mineral Acquisition from Clay by Budongo Forest Chimpanzees.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vernon Reynolds

    Full Text Available Chimpanzees of the Sonso community, Budongo Forest, Uganda were observed eating clay and drinking clay-water from waterholes. We show that clay, clay-rich water, and clay obtained with leaf sponges, provide a range of minerals in different concentrations. The presence of aluminium in the clay consumed indicates that it takes the form of kaolinite. We discuss the contribution of clay geophagy to the mineral intake of the Sonso chimpanzees and show that clay eaten using leaf sponges is particularly rich in minerals. We show that termite mound soil, also regularly consumed, is rich in minerals. We discuss the frequency of clay and termite soil geophagy in the context of the disappearance from Budongo Forest of a formerly rich source of minerals, the decaying pith of Raphia farinifera palms.

  11. Mineral Acquisition from Clay by Budongo Forest Chimpanzees. (United States)

    Reynolds, Vernon; Lloyd, Andrew W; English, Christopher J; Lyons, Peter; Dodd, Howard; Hobaiter, Catherine; Newton-Fisher, Nicholas; Mullins, Caroline; Lamon, Noemie; Schel, Anne Marijke; Fallon, Brittany


    Chimpanzees of the Sonso community, Budongo Forest, Uganda were observed eating clay and drinking clay-water from waterholes. We show that clay, clay-rich water, and clay obtained with leaf sponges, provide a range of minerals in different concentrations. The presence of aluminium in the clay consumed indicates that it takes the form of kaolinite. We discuss the contribution of clay geophagy to the mineral intake of the Sonso chimpanzees and show that clay eaten using leaf sponges is particularly rich in minerals. We show that termite mound soil, also regularly consumed, is rich in minerals. We discuss the frequency of clay and termite soil geophagy in the context of the disappearance from Budongo Forest of a formerly rich source of minerals, the decaying pith of Raphia farinifera palms.

  12. Mineralization dynamics of metakaolin-based alkali-activated cements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gevaudan, Juan Pablo; Campbell, Kate M.; Kane, Tyler J.; Shoemaker, Richard K.; Srubar, Wil V.


    This paper investigates the early-age dynamics of mineral formation in metakaolin-based alkali-activated cements. The effects of silica availability and alkali content on mineral formation were investigated via X-ray diffraction and solid-state 29 Si magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 2, 7, 14, and 28 days. Silica availability was controlled by using either liquid- (immediate) or solid-based (gradual) sodium silicate supplements. Mineral (zeolitic) and amorphous microstructural characteristics were correlated with observed changes in bulk physical properties, namely shrinkage, density, and porosity. Results demonstrate that, while alkali content controls the mineralization in immediately available silica systems, alkali content controls the silica availability in gradually available silica systems. Immediate silica availability generally leads to a more favorable mineral formation as demonstrated by correlated improvements in bulk physical properties.

  13. Mineral CO2 sequestration in alkaline solid residues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huijgen, W.J.J.; Comans, R.N.J.; Witkamp, G.J.


    Mineral carbonation is a promising sequestration route for the permanent and safe storage of carbon dioxide. In addition to calcium- or magnesium-containing primary minerals, suitable alkaline solid residues can be used as feedstock. The use of alkaline residues has several advantages, such as their availability close to CO2 sources and their higher reactivity for carbonation than primary minerals. In addition, the environmental quality of residues can potentially be improved by carbonation. In this study, key factors of the mineral CO2 sequestration process are identified, their influence on the carbonation process is examined, and environmental properties of the reaction products with regard to their possible beneficial utilization are investigated. The use of alkaline solid residues forms a potentially attractive alternative for the first mineral sequestration plants

  14. [Bone Cell Biology Assessed by Microscopic Approach. Bone mineralization by ultrastructural imaging]. (United States)

    Hasegawa, Tomoka


    Bone mineralization can be divided into two phases ; one is primary mineralization associated with osteoblastic bone formation, and the other is secondary mineralization which gradually increases mineral density of bone matrix after the primary mineralization. Primary mineralization is initiated by matrix vesicles synthesized by mature osteoblasts. Crystalline calcium phosphates are nucleated inside these matrix vesicles, and then, get out of them forming spherical mineralized nodule, which can grow more by being supplied with Ca2+ and PO4(3-) (matrix vesicle mineralization). Thereafter, the mineralized nodules make contacts with surrounding collagen fibrils, extending mineralization along with their longitudinal axis from the contact points (collagen mineralization). In this review, the ultrastructural findings on bone mineralization, specially, primary mineralization will be provided.

  15. Outlook on the culture of leisure time utilization by miners

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wawrzynek, K.


    Analyzes Polish miners' leisure time and how it is spent. Many miners (e.g. 7,000 miners with the Moszczenica mine) spend up to 6 hours daily commuting from distances of up to 60 km, which leaves only about 1-3 hours for leisure. The amount of a miner's free time spent on social meetings, theater, cinema, activities at home, watching television, reading books and newspapers is analyzed. The opinion about high alcohol consumption among miners is considered to be exaggerated. According to polls, miners prefer spending their earnings on their family and home. Attention is drawn to the fact that the strenuous work performed and occupational hazards preclude persons weakened by alcohol abuse. The higher suicide rate among miners is explained by stress related to hard work, among other factors. About 75% of polled miners favor showing downpit reality on public television in order to publicize mine working conditions and hazards and to dissuade opinions about easy work and high earnings, and in order to promote better understanding between miners and their families, as miners still consider their work to be undervalued.

  16. Trace mineral interactions during elevated calcium consumption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, K.T.; Luhrsen, K.R.


    Elevated calcium consumption is reported to affect trace mineral bioavailability. The authors examined this phenomenon in both single dose radio-label test meals and an eight week feeding trial in rats. In the single dose studies, human milk, cows milk, and various calcium sources were examined in relation to radio-iron and radio-zinc retention. 59 Fe retention was greater from human milk than cows milk. However, when the calcium content of human milk was adjusted (with CaHPO 4 or CaCO 3 ) to equal the level in cows milk, iron retention was depressed. Similarly, when calcium sources (CaCO 3 , CaHPO 4 , hydroxy-apatite, bone meal) were examined at different calcium:metal molar ratios, the degree of inhibition on metal retention varied. In general, phosphate salts were more inhibiting than carbonates. In the feeding trial, calcium was fed in diets at normal (0.5%) or elevated (1.5%) levels. Serum, liver, kidney, and bone trace mineral profiles were obtained. In general, most trace elements showed decreased levels in the tissues. Zinc and iron were most striking, followed by magnesium with minor changes in copper. A high calcium:high mineral supplemented group was also fed. Mixed mineral supplementation prevented all calcium interactions. These data indicate the importance of calcium mineral interactions in bioavailability considerations in both milk sources and in mineral supplementation

  17. Metamorphic history at Lagoa Real: implications for uranium mineralization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lobato, L.M.


    Metasomatism and attendant mineralization associated with shear zones have beem recently studied in detail by several investigators. It has emerged from these studies that whereas ground preparation by shearing is essential to the percolation of mineralizing solutions, the ultimate Loci of mineralization reflect chemical controls via fluid/rock interactions. Uranium mineralization at Lagoa Real can be conveniently understood through this perspective. (E.G.) [pt

  18. Mineral absorption in relation to nutritional ecology of reindeer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. Staaland


    Full Text Available This paper addresses the way which absorption of minerals relate to nutritional ecology and mineral conservation processes. A latin square designed experiment was used to assess the effects of diet on mineral (Ca, Mg, K, Na absorption processes in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.. Three male calves were fed 3 different diets: concentrate with 25% grass meal (RF-71, lichens, and a mixed diet of lichens and RF-71. Two other male calves were fed the lichen or mixed diet, supplemented with 4 g Ca/day. Ca supplementation significantly increased fecal Ca excretion, reduced the excretion of K and Mg, but had no significant effect on Na excretion. Rates of intake and fecal exretion of Ca, Mg and K were highly correlated (P<0.001, while no correlations were found for Na. Negative digestibilities of Ca, Mg and K, and a positive Na digestibility were noted for the lichen diet. For the other diets, all minerals were in positive digestibility, and Ca supplements increased the digestibility of all minerals. Digesta from different sections of the alimentary tract were collected after termination of the experiment. Alimentary pools of Ca and K were equal for animals fed lichen or RF-71, whereas the Na pool was largest on the lichen diet and the Mg pool largest on the RF-71 diet. Rumen turnover time (rumen mineral pool size/daily mineral intake was consistently less than 3 days for Ca and Mg, but was 22 and 82 days for Na on the RF-71 and lichen diets respectively. Estimates of mineral exchange in various parts of the tract showed that the intestines play and important role in scavanging endogenously secreted minerals. Results are discussed with respect to mineral binding by lichens and the possible role of natural mineral supplements in the nutritional ecology of reindeer.

  19. The three-dimensional distribution of minerals in potato tubers (United States)

    Subramanian, Nithya K.; White, Philip J.; Broadley, Martin R.; Ramsay, Gavin


    Background and Aims The three-dimensional distributions of mineral elements in potato tubers provide insight into their mechanisms of transport and deposition. Many of these minerals are essential to a healthy human diet, and characterizing their distribution within the potato tuber will guide the effective utilization of this staple foodstuff. Methods The variation in mineral composition within the tuber was determined in three dimensions, after determining the orientation of the harvested tuber in the soil. The freeze-dried tuber samples were analysed for minerals using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Minerals measured included those of nutritional significance to the plant and to human consumers, such as iron, zinc, copper, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur. Key Results The concentrations of most minerals were higher in the skin than in the flesh of tubers. The potato skin contained about 17 % of total tuber zinc, 34 % of calcium and 55 % of iron. On a fresh weight basis, most minerals were higher in tuber flesh at the stem end than the bud end of the tuber. Potassium, however, displayed a gradient in the opposite direction. The concentrations of phosphorus, copper and calcium decreased from the periphery towards the centre of the tuber. Conclusions The distribution of minerals varies greatly within the potato tuber. Low concentrations of some minerals relative to those in leaves may be due to their low mobility in phloem, whereas high concentrations in the skin may reflect direct uptake from the soil across the periderm. In tuber flesh, different minerals show distinct patterns of distribution in the tuber, several being consistent with phloem unloading in the tuber and limited onward movement. These findings have implications both for understanding directed transport of minerals in plants to stem-derived storage organs and for the dietary implications of different food preparation methods for potato tubers

  20. Views of coal miners in South Africa on sanctions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Puhe, H.; Schoeppner, K.P.


    Presents the results of a survey conducted during 1987, of the attitudes of a sample of black, male coal miners working in 6 export-orientated mines in Transvaal and 3 in Natal. Both mines and miners were selected at random and nearly 1,000 interviews were conducted. The most significant findings are as follows: South African coal miners are largely satisfied with their conditions of work, above all with social benefits, safety standards and the relations amongst the workers themselves. Regarding improvements in their working conditions miners attach by far the greatest importance to the question of wages. Next on the list are improvements in accomodation and the abolition of apartheid. The issue of 'sanctions' is not debated very widely. More than two-thirds of polled miners had not heard of sanctions previously. Nevertheless, after an explanation of what the term means, a large majority of South African coal miners (70%) rejects sanctions. Only one-fifth (21%) is for sanctions. Three-quarters of miners polled believe that sanctions would hit them hard. Above all they mentioned the risk of losing their jobs (79%), life at home (75%) and a decline in wages (74%). 34% of coal miners would support sanctions if they were ultimately to lead to the fall of the South African Government. 26% if sanctions were to lead to the fall of the South African Government, but also to a loss of their own jobs. Most of the miners polled felt that the trade unions were representing them well. However, South African coal miners are insufficiently informed on supposed positions adopted by the trade unions on separate issues and this applies to trade union policy on sanctions as well. 72% of miners polled seek a government that shares power equally between black and white. Moderate means are proposed to attain such a government. Only a minority, the hard core comprising about 25% of the South African miners, seeks violent confrontation.

  1. Near infrared detection of ammonium minerals. (United States)

    Krohn, M.D.; Altaner, S.P.


    Diagnostic near-infrared spectral features have been identified for minerals with ammonium (NH4+) bound in the crystal structure. Near-infrared detection of NH4-bearing minerals may provide useful information for prospecting for certain ore deposits and may provide a better understanding of the nitrogen cycle within geologic environments.-from Authors

  2. Extracellular electron transfer mechanisms between microorganisms and minerals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shi, Liang; Dong, Hailiang; Reguera, Gemma; Beyenal, Haluk; Lu, Anhuai; Liu, Juan; Yu, Han-Qing; Fredrickson, James K.


    Electrons can be transferred from microorganisms to multivalent metal ions that are associated with minerals and vice versa. As the microbial cell envelope is neither physically permeable to minerals nor electrically conductive, microorganisms have evolved strategies to exchange electrons with extracellular minerals. In this Review, we discuss the molecular mechanisms that underlie the ability of microorganisms to exchange electrons, such as c-type cytochromes and microbial nanowires, with extracellular minerals and with microorganisms of the same or different species. Microorganisms that have extracellular electron transfer capability can be used for biotechnological applications, including bioremediation, biomining and the production of biofuels and nanomaterials.

  3. Development of industrial minerals in Colorado (United States)

    Arbogast, Belinda F.; Knepper, Daniel H.; Langer, William H.; Cappa, James A.; Keller, John W.; Widmann, Beth L.; Ellefsen, Karl J.; Klein, Terry L.; Lucius, Jeffrey E.; Dersch, John S.


    Technology and engineering have helped make mining safer and cleaner for both humans and the environment. Inevitably, mineral development entails costs as well as benefits. Developing a mine is an environmental, engineering, and planning challenge that must conform to many Federal, State, and local regulations. Community collaboration, creative design, and best management practices of sustainability and biodiversity can be positive indicators for the mining industry. A better understanding of aesthetics, culture, economics, geology, climate, vegetation and wildlife, topography, historical significance, and regional land planning is important in resolving land-use issues and managing mineral resources wisely. Ultimately, the consuming public makes choices about product use (including water, food, highways, housing, and thousands of other items) that influence operations of the mineral industry. Land planners, resource managers, earth scientists, designers, and public groups have a responsibility to consider sound scientific information, society's needs, and community appeals in making smart decisions concerning resource use and how complex landscapes should change. An effort to provide comprehensive geosciences data for land management agencies in central Colorado was undertaken in 2003 by scientists of the U.S. Geological Survey and the Colorado Geological Survey. This effort, the Central Colorado Assessment Project, addressed a variety of land-use issues: an understanding of the availability of industrial and metallic rocks and minerals, the geochemical and environmental effects of historic mining activity on surface water and groundwater, and the geologic controls on the availability and quality of groundwater. The USDA Forest Service and other land management agencies have the opportunity to contribute to the sustainable management of natural aggregate and other mineral resources through the identification and selective development of mineral resources and the

  4. Quantitative Measures of Mineral Supply Risk (United States)

    Long, K. R.


    Almost all metals and many non-metallic minerals are traded internationally. An advantage of global mineral markets is that minerals can be obtained from the globally lowest-cost source. For example, one rare-earth element (REE) mine in China, Bayan Obo, is able to supply most of world demand for rare earth elements at a cost significantly less than its main competitors. Concentration of global supplies at a single mine raises significant political risks, illustrated by China’s recent decision to prohibit the export of some REEs and severely limit the export of others. The expected loss of REE supplies will have a significant impact on the cost and production of important national defense technologies and on alternative energy programs. Hybrid vehicles and wind-turbine generators, for example, require REEs for magnets and batteries. Compact fluorescent light bulbs use REE-based phosphors. These recent events raise the general issue of how to measure the degree of supply risk for internationally sourced minerals. Two factors, concentration of supply and political risk, must first be addressed. Concentration of supply can be measured with standard economic tools for measuring industry concentration, using countries rather than firms as the unit of analysis. There are many measures of political risk available. That of the OECD is a measure of a country’s commitment to rule-of-law and enforcement of contracts, as well as political stability. Combining these measures provides a comparative view of mineral supply risk across commodities and identifies several minerals other than REEs that could suddenly become less available. Combined with an assessment of the impact of a reduction in supply, decision makers can use these measures to prioritize risk reduction efforts.

  5. Mineral resource of the month: potash (United States)

    Jasinski, Stephen M.


    The article offers basic information about the mineral resource potash. According to the author, potash is the generic term for a variety of mined and manufactured salts that contain the mineral potassium in a water-soluble form. The author adds that potash is used in fertilizers, soaps and detergents, glass and ceramics, and alkaline batteries.

  6. Short-Range-Order Mineral Physical Protection On Black Carbon Stabilization (United States)

    Liang, B.; Weng, Y. T.; Wang, C. C.; Song, Y. F.; Lehmann, J.; Wang, C. H.


    Soil organic matter is one of the largest reservoirs in global carbon cycle, and black carbon (BC) represents a chemical resistant component. Black C plays an important role in global climate change. Generally considered recalcitrant due to high aromaticity, the reactive surface and functional groups of BC are crucial for carbon sequestration in soils. Mineral sorption and physical protection is an important mechanism for BC long term stabilization and sequestration in environments. Previous studies on mineral protection of BC were limited to analysis techniques in two-dimensions, for example, by SEM, TEM, and NanoSIMS. Little is known about the scope of organo-mineral association, the in-situ distribution and forms of minerals, and the ultimate interplay of BC and minerals. The aim of this study is to investigate the three-dimensional interaction of organic C and minerals in submicron scale using synchrotron-based Transmission X-ray Microcopy (TXM) and Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Abundant poorly-crystallined nano-minerals particles were observed. These short-range-order (SRO) minerals also aggregate into clusters and sheets, and form envelops-like structures on the surface of BC. On top of large surface contact area, the intimate interplay between BC and minerals reinforces the stability of both organic C and minerals, resulting from chemical bonding through cation bridging and ligand exchange. The mineral protection enhances BC stabilization and sequestration and lowers its bioavailability in environment. The results suggest that mineral physical protection for BC sequestration may be more important than previous understanding.

  7. Mineralization dynamics of metakaolin-based alkali-activated cements (United States)

    Gevaudan, Juan Pablo; Campbell, Kate M.; Kane, Tyler; Shoemaker, Richard K.; Srubar, Wil V.


    This paper investigates the early-age dynamics of mineral formation in metakaolin-based alkali-activated cements. The effects of silica availability and alkali content on mineral formation were investigated via X-ray diffraction and solid-state 29Si magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 2, 7, 14, and 28 days. Silica availability was controlled by using either liquid- (immediate) or solid-based (gradual) sodium silicate supplements. Mineral (zeolitic) and amorphous microstructural characteristics were correlated with observed changes in bulk physical properties, namely shrinkage, density, and porosity. Results demonstrate that, while alkali content controls the mineralization in immediately available silica systems, alkali content controls the silica availability in gradually available silica systems. Immediate silica availability generally leads to a more favorable mineral formation as demonstrated by correlated improvements in bulk physical properties.

  8. New french uranium mineral species

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Branche, G.; Chervet, J.; Guillemin, C.


    In this work, the authors study the french new uranium minerals: parsonsite and renardite, hydrated phosphates of lead and uranium; kasolite: silicate hydrated of uranium and lead uranopilite: sulphate of uranium hydrated; bayleyite: carbonate of uranium and of hydrated magnesium; β uranolite: silicate of uranium and of calcium hydrated. For all these minerals, the authors give the crystallographic, optic characters, and the quantitative chemical analyses. On the other hand, the following species, very rare in the french lodgings, didn't permit to do quantitative analyses. These are: the lanthinite: hydrated uranate oxide; the α uranotile: silicate of uranium and of calcium hydrated; the bassetite: uranium phosphate and of hydrated iron; the hosphuranylite: hydrated uranium phosphate; the becquerelite: hydrated uranium oxide; the curite: oxide of uranium and lead hydrated. Finally, the authors present at the end of this survey a primary mineral: the brannerite, complex of uranium titanate. (author) [fr

  9. Radiological hazards to uranium miners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of the present document is to review and assess the occupational hazards to uranium miners in Canada. Amendments to regulations set the maximum permissible dose to uranium miners at 50 mSv per year. Uranium miners are exposed to radon and thoron progeny, external gamma radiation and long-lived alpha-emitting radionuclides in dust. The best estimate for the lifetime risk of inhaled radon progeny is about 3 x 10 -4 lung cancers per WLM for the average miner, with a range of uncertainty from about 1 -6 x 10 -4 per WLM. This central value is nearly twice as high as that recommended by the ICRP in 1981. The probability of serious biological consequences following exposure to external gamma rays is currently under review but is expected to be in the range of 3 - 6 x 10 -2 Sv -1 . Dosimetric calculations indicate that the stochastic risks per WLM of thoron progeny are about one-third of those for radon progeny. The annual limits on intake of inhaled ore dusts recommended by the ICRP are probably too low by at least a factor of two for the type of ore and dust normally encountered in underground uranium mines in Ontario; this is due in part to the fact that the average diameter of these dusts is five times greater than the value used by the ICRP. Radiological exposures of uranium miners in Canada were reviewed. The biological impact of these exposures were compared with those of conventional accidents on the basis of the years of normal life expectancy that are lost or seriously impaired due to occupational hazards. The objectives in considering all occupational risks are to reduce the total risk from all causes and to use funds spent for health protection as effectively as possible

  10. Microprobe to closely examine minerals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The University of South Australia will develop synchrotron-based technology that can determine the structure and chemical composition of mineral samples at microscopic levels. The planned multi-analysis synchrotron X-ray facility Beam-line 11 is for implementing on the Australian Synchrotron. UniSA's Applied Centre for Structural and Synchrotron Studies (ACeSSS) will use Beamline 11 to shed new light on factors that constrain recoveries of copper and gold from typical copper ores. ACeSSS director Professor Andrea Gerson is working with an international team and the Australian Synchrotron on the design of Beamline 11. According to Gerson, there is scope to improve processing and/or increase recoveries in copper, gold and valueless pyrite either through separation, smelting, leaching or electro-processing. Using synchrotron technology, researchers will determine the structure and chemical composition of mineral samples to understand the fundamental behaviour of these materials in order to identify process and : environmental benefits. Three different strategies will be employed: tracing the movement of gold through the mineral processing chain to optimise and increase gold recovery; examining the surface layers formed when copper is leached from the mineral, chalcopyrite, to enhance the understanding of this surface layer formation and ultimately maximise cop-per recovery; and improving environmental remediation by understanding the mineralisation process during acid-rock drainage. ACeSSS will work with the minerals and environmental remediation sectors, building on the I establishment of the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment, and cementing close collaboration with UniSA's Ian Wark Research Institute. Contributions from the SA Premier's Science and Research Fund, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, synchrotron partners Advanced Light Source (USA) and the Canadian Light Source Funding totalling $1.38m are available for

  11. Minerals Yearbook, volume III, Area Reports—International—Europe and Central Eurasia (United States)

    Geological Survey, U.S.


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Minerals Yearbook discusses the performance of the worldwide minerals and materials industries and provides background information to assist in interpreting that performance. Content of the individual Minerals Yearbook volumes follows:Volume I, Metals and Minerals, contains chapters about virtually all metallic and industrial mineral commodities important to the U.S. economy. Chapters on survey methods, summary statistics for domestic nonfuel minerals, and trends in mining and quarrying in the metals and industrial mineral industries in the United States are also included.Volume II, Area Reports: Domestic, contains a chapter on the mineral industry of each of the 50 States and Puerto Rico and the Administered Islands. This volume also has chapters on survey methods and summary statistics of domestic nonfuel minerals.Volume III, Area Reports: International, is published as four separate reports. These regional reports contain the latest available minerals data on more than 180 foreign countries and discuss the importance of minerals to the economies of these nations and the United States. Each report begins with an overview of the region’s mineral industries during the year. It continues with individual country chapters that examine the mining, refining, processing, and use of minerals in each country of the region and how each country’s mineral industry relates to U.S. industry. Most chapters include production tables and industry structure tables, information about Government policies and programs that affect the country’s mineral industry, and an outlook section.The USGS continually strives to improve the value of its publications to users. Constructive comments and suggestions by readers of the Minerals Yearbook are welcomed.

  12. Minerals Yearbook, volume III, Area Reports—International—Asia and the Pacific (United States)

    Geological Survey, U.S.


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Minerals Yearbook discusses the performance of the worldwide minerals and materials industries and provides background information to assist in interpreting that performance. Content of the individual Minerals Yearbook volumes follows:Volume I, Metals and Minerals, contains chapters about virtually all metallic and industrial mineral commodities important to the U.S. economy. Chapters on survey methods, summary statistics for domestic nonfuel minerals, and trends in mining and quarrying in the metals and industrial mineral industries in the United States are also included.Volume II, Area Reports: Domestic, contains a chapter on the mineral industry of each of the 50 States and Puerto Rico and the Administered Islands. This volume also has chapters on survey methods and summary statistics of domestic nonfuel minerals.Volume III, Area Reports: International, is published as four separate reports. These regional reports contain the latest available minerals data on more than 180 foreign countries and discuss the importance of minerals to the economies of these nations and the United States. Each report begins with an overview of the region’s mineral industries during the year. It continues with individual country chapters that examine the mining, refining, processing, and use of minerals in each country of the region and how each country’s mineral industry relates to U.S. industry. Most chapters include production tables and industry structure tables, information about Government policies and programs that affect the country’s mineral industry, and an outlook section.The USGS continually strives to improve the value of its publications to users. Constructive comments and suggestions by readers of the Minerals Yearbook are welcomed.

  13. Minerals Yearbook, volume III, Area Reports—International—Latin America and Canada (United States)



    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Minerals Yearbook discusses the performance of the worldwide minerals and materials industries and provides background information to assist in interpreting that performance. Content of the individual Minerals Yearbook volumes follows:Volume I, Metals and Minerals, contains chapters about virtually all metallic and industrial mineral commodities important to the U.S. economy. Chapters on survey methods, summary statistics for domestic nonfuel minerals, and trends in mining and quarrying in the metals and industrial mineral industries in the United States are also included.Volume II, Area Reports: Domestic, contains a chapter on the mineral industry of each of the 50 States and Puerto Rico and the Administered Islands. This volume also has chapters on survey methods and summary statistics of domestic nonfuel minerals.Volume III, Area Reports: International, is published as four separate reports. These regional reports contain the latest available minerals data on more than 180 foreign countries and discuss the importance of minerals to the economies of these nations and the United States. Each report begins with an overview of the region’s mineral industries during the year. It continues with individual country chapters that examine the mining, refining, processing, and use of minerals in each country of the region and how each country’s mineral industry relates to U.S. industry. Most chapters include production tables and industry structure tables, information about Government policies and programs that affect the country’s mineral industry, and an outlook section.The USGS continually strives to improve the value of its publications to users. Constructive comments and suggestions by readers of the Minerals Yearbook are welcomed.

  14. Does nutrition affect bone porosity and mineral tissue distribution in deer antlers? The relationship between histology, mechanical properties and mineral composition. (United States)

    Landete-Castillejos, T; Currey, J D; Ceacero, F; García, A J; Gallego, L; Gomez, S


    It is well known that porosity has an inverse relationship with the mechanical properties of bones. We examined cortical and trabecular porosity of antlers, and mineral composition, thickness and mechanical properties in the cortical wall. Samples belonged to two deer populations: a captive population of an experimental farm having a high quality diet, and a free-ranging population feeding on plants of lower nutritive quality. As shown for minerals and mechanical properties in previous studies by our group, cortical and trabecular porosity increased from the base distally. Cortical porosity was always caused by the presence of incomplete primary osteons. Porosity increased along the length of the antler much more in deer with lower quality diet. Despite cortical porosity being inversely related to mechanical properties and positively with K, Zn and other minerals indicating physiological effort, it was these minerals and not porosity that statistically better explained variability in mechanical properties. Histochemistry showed that the reason for this is that Zn is located around incomplete osteons and also in complete osteons that were still mineralizing, whereas K is located in non-osteonal bone, which constitutes a greater proportion of bone where osteons are incompletely mineralized. This suggests that, K, Zn and other minerals indicate reduction in mechanical performance even with little porosity. If a similar process occurred in internal bones, K, Zn and other minerals in the bone may be an early indicator of decrease in mechanical properties and future osteoporosis. In conclusion, porosity is related to diet and physiological effort in deer. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Uranium mineralization of migmatite in southern China

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Feng, Mingyue


    The uranium mineralization occurs in migmatite in the form of disseminated uraninite is a new type found in southern China. According to the forms of uraninite existence in orebodies, it can be divided into primary and reworked subtypes. The principal uranium mineral in the deposits of primary subtype is uraninite, but those in reworked subtype are pitchblende and relict uraninite. The formation of uranium mineralization is considered as a result of remobilization, migration and local concentration caused by preferential melting of the uranium-rich strata.

  16. Uranium mineralization of migmatite in southern China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng Mingyue.


    The uranium mineralization occurs in migmatite in the form of disseminated uraninite is a new type found in southern China. According to the forms of uraninite existence in orebodies, it can be divided into primary and reworked subtypes. The principal uranium mineral in the deposits of primary subtype is uraninite, but those in reworked subtype are pitchblende and relict uraninite. The formation of uranium mineralization is considered as a result of remobilization, migration and local concentration caused by preferential melting of the uranium-rich strata

  17. Rock geochemistry related to mineralization processes in geothermal areas (United States)

    Kausar, A. Al; Indarto, S.; Setiawan, I.


    Abundant geothermal systems in Indonesia suggest high heat and mass transfer associated with recent or paleovolcanic arcs. In the active geothermal system, the upflow of mixed fluid between late stage hydrothermal and meteoric water might contain mass of minerals associated with epithermal mineralisation process as exemplified at Lihir gold mine in Papua New Guinea. In Indonesia, there is a lack of study related to the precious metals occurrence within active geothermal area. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate the possibility of mineralization process in active geothermal area of Guci, Central Java by using geochemical analysis. There are a lot of conducted geochemical analysis of water, soil and gas by mapping the temperature, pH, Hg and CO2 distribution, and estimating subsurface temperature based on geothermometry approach. Then we also apply rock geochemistry to find minerals that indicate the presence of mineralization. The result from selected geothermal area shows the presence of pyrite and chalcopyrite minerals on the laharic breccias at Kali Putih, Sudikampir. Mineralization is formed within host rock and the veins are associated with gold polymetallic mineralization.

  18. 25 CFR 225.40 - Government employees cannot acquire minerals agreements. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Government employees cannot acquire minerals agreements. 225.40 Section 225.40 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ENERGY AND MINERALS OIL AND GAS, GEOTHERMAL, AND SOLID MINERALS AGREEMENTS Minerals Agreements § 225.40 Government...

  19. Evaluation of mineral resource potential of the Finnish precambrian

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peltonen, K.


    In the report the undiscovered mineral resource potential of metallogenic regions in Finland is evaluated. The evaluation is based on known deposits. The criteria of the evaluation were: ore and mineral deposit density, regional distribution of valuable metals, and the amount and the nature of prospecting methods used. The information for the study has been collected from the data base for ore minerals maintained by the Geological Survey of Finland. Regions with mineral resource potential conclusively under national average are Presvecokarelidic and Svecokarelidic granitoids and rapakivi Massif. The mineral resource potential of basic rocks in relation to their surface area is multiple compared to non-basic rocks

  20. Zeta potentials in the flotation of oxide and silicate minerals. (United States)

    Fuerstenau, D W; Pradip


    Adsorption of collectors and modifying reagents in the flotation of oxide and silicate minerals is controlled by the electrical double layer at the mineral-water interface. In systems where the collector is physically adsorbed, flotation with anionic or cationic collectors depends on the mineral surface being charged oppositely. Adjusting the pH of the system can enhance or prevent the flotation of a mineral. Thus, the point of zero charge (PZC) of the mineral is the most important property of a mineral in such systems. The length of the hydrocarbon chain of the collector is important because of chain-chain association enhances the adsorption once the surfactant ions aggregate to form hemimicelles at the surface. Strongly chemisorbing collectors are able to induce flotation even when collector and the mineral surface are charged similarly, but raising the pH sufficiently above the PZC can repel chemisorbing collectors from the mineral surface. Zeta potentials can be used to delineate interfacial phenomena in these various systems.

  1. Anisotropic surface chemistry properties and adsorption behavior of silicate mineral crystals. (United States)

    Xu, Longhua; Tian, Jia; Wu, Houqin; Fang, Shuai; Lu, Zhongyuan; Ma, Caifeng; Sun, Wei; Hu, Yuehua


    Anisotropic surface properties of minerals play an important role in a variety of fields. With a focus on the two most intensively investigated silicate minerals (i.e., phyllosilicate minerals and pegmatite aluminosilicate minerals), this review highlights the research on their anisotropic surface properties based on their crystal structures. Four surface features comprise the anisotropic surface chemistry of minerals: broken bonds, energy, wettability, and charge. Analysis of surface broken bond and energy anisotropy helps to explain the cleavage and growth properties of mineral crystals, and understanding surface wettability and charge anisotropy is critical to the analysis of minerals' solution behavior, such as their flotation performance and rheological properties. In a specific reaction, the anisotropic surface properties of minerals are reflected in the adsorption strengths of reagents on different mineral surfaces. Combined with the knowledge of mineral crushing and grinding, a thorough understanding of the anisotropic surface chemistry properties and the anisotropic adsorption behavior of minerals will lead to the development of effective relational models comprising their crystal structure, surface chemistry properties, and targeted reagent adsorption. Overall, such a comprehensive approach is expected to firmly establish the connection between selective cleavage of mineral crystals for desired surfaces and designing novel reagents selectively adsorbed on the mineral surfaces. As tools to characterize the anisotropic surface chemistry properties of minerals, DLVO theory, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are also reviewed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Minerals Industry' 97. Survey report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The aim of this annual survey is to provide timely and accurate financial data such as production, price movements, profitability, distribution of assets by activity, employment and labour cost and taxation on the Australian minerals industry. It aims to facilitate more informed debate on the industry's role and importance in the economy. The report also includes information on the safety and health performance and overseas exploration expenditure of the minerals industry. This twenty-first survey relates to the year ended 30 June 1997. The proportion of activity covered in this year's survey is comparable with the 1996 survey. The mineral industry is defined as including exploration for, extraction and primary processing of minerals in Australia. The oil, gas, iron and steel industries are excluded. As for the uranium industry, increased mine capacity over the medium term saw a switch away from spot market purchases to long term contracts for uranium in 1996. This, coupled with announced releases from the US stockpile, saw downward pressure on spot market prices for uranium during 1996/97. The average spot market price for U 3 O 8 fell by an average of 6 percent during 1996/97 and was approximately 16 percent lower than three years ago. General uncertainty over the future profitability of coal industry is compounded by the likely softness of future coal prices

  3. Absenteeism due to sickness in coal miners

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Szymczykiewicz, K.


    During two consecutive years sickness absence of 8005 miners from two pit coal mines (A and B) of different geological structure and mechanization degree was analysed. It was found that in mine ''A'' 37% had no sick leaves, whereas in mine ''B''--28%. Absence rate was similar in both mines (though the miners' work and living conditions differed), i.e. 5.21% in mine ''A'', and 5.98% in mine ''B''. Thus work and living conditions do not determine general sickness absence rate. The highest absence in both mines was that of miners frequently falling ill for a long time (approx. 5.5% miners). For the group the number of work disablement days was 28.8 and 26.7, respectively. Underground miners' sickness absence was higher than that of surface workers, the rate being 3.8 and 4.0 and 1.1 and 2.1, respectively. The highest absence was that of miners travelling to work on motor cycles (7.1 and 7.3) and bicycles (6.4 and 6.7). Those working regularly in the first shift were more frequently absent from work than those working in different shifts. Miners living in worse conditions had higher absence rate than those living in flats of a higher standard. Also elderly employees and those having children represented a higher absence rate. The highest absence rate was that of workers having four children, the lowest--that of single persons. In addition, specific absence rate of men, especially due to respiratory and circulatory system diseases, was found to be enhanced by smoking. Absence rate of smokers was 2--3 times higher than that of non-smokers.

  4. Emotions and personality traits in former mercury miners

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darja Kobal Grum


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of long-term occupational exposure to elemental mercury vapor (Hg° on the personality traits of ex-mercury miners. The study groups included 53 ex-mercury miners previously exposed to Hg° and 53 age-matched controls. Their previous occupational exposure, as well as some biological indices of actual non-occupational exposure, were evaluated. Miners and controls completed the self-reporting Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ and the Emotional States Questionnaire (ESQ. Group differences were analyzed through the application of ANOVA software. The relationship between the indices of previous occupational exposure and the observed personality traits was evaluated by machine learning methods (regression trees. The mercury miners were intermittently exposed to Hg° in intervals – cycles for a period of 7-31 years at air Hg° concentrations ranging from 0.14 to 0.45 mg/m3. The miners' mean cycle urine mercury (U-Hg level (range 20–120 μg/L and cumulative U-Hg level (range 1286–21390 μg/L were very high. The present non-occupational exposure to mercury was very low in both groups. The low extraversion and lie scores shown by EPQ suggest that miners are more introverted and sincere. The results obtained from ESQ indicate that mercury miners tend to be more depressive, more rigid in expressing their emotions (indifference, and are likely to have more negative self-concepts than the controls. The tendency towards emotional rigidity, negative self-concept, and partly also introversion seems to be associated with some biological indices of occupational Hg° exposure, but not the lower score of lie found in miners. Higher occupational Hg° exposure (cycles U-Hg level > 38.7 mg/L in interaction with moderate alcohol consumption (<26 ml/day seems to have had a decisive influence on the development of miners' depression. Despite the limitations, long-term intermittent, substantial exposure to Hg° in

  5. Studies of mineralization in South African rivers

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Hall, GC


    Full Text Available Several South African rivers are polluted by mineral salts of diffuse source. This pollution can be related to geological phenomena and to irrigation practices. Mineralization is problematic in that it can render surface waters unsuitable...

  6. Economical characteristics of base types of minerals. 1. Metallic minerals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khasanov, A.Kh.


    Metallic minerals is raw materials base of black and colour metallurgy. In this article of book author describes the group of black metals (iron, manganese, chromium), group of tempers (titanium, vanadium, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, tungsten), colour metals (copper, lead, zinc, aluminium, tin, mercury, antimony, bismuth) and etc.

  7. Lung cancer among coal miners, ore miners and quarrymen : smoking-adjusted risk estimates from the synergy pooled analysis of case-control studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Taeger, Dirk; Pesch, Beate; Kendzia, Benjamin; Behrens, Thomas; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Dahmann, Dirk; Siemiatycki, Jack; Kromhout, Hans; Vermeulen, Roel; Peters, Susan; Olsson, Ann; Brüske, Irene; Wichmann, Heinz-Erich; Stücker, Isabelle; Guida, Florence; Tardón, Adonina; Merletti, Franco; Mirabelli, Dario; Richiardi, Lorenzo; Pohlabeln, Hermann; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Landi, Maria Teresa; Caporaso, Neil; Pesatori, Angela Cecilia; Mukeriya, Anush; Szeszenia-Dabrowska, Neonila; Lissowska, Jolanta; Gustavsson, Per; Field, John; Marcus, Michael W; Fabianova, Eleonora; 't Mannetje, Andrea; Pearce, Neil; Rudnai, Peter; Bencko, Vladimir; Janout, Vladimir; Dumitru, Rodica Stanescu; Foretova, Lenka; Forastiere, Francesco; John McLaughlin, John McLaughlin; Paul Demers, Paul Demers; Bas Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas Bueno-de-Mesquita; Joachim Schüz, Joachim Schüz; Kurt Straif, Kurt Straif; Brüning, Thomas


    OBJECTIVES: Working in mines and quarries has been associated with an elevated lung cancer risk but with inconsistent results for coal miners. This study aimed to estimate the smoking-adjusted lung cancer risk among coal miners and compare the risk pattern with lung cancer risks among ore miners and

  8. Auf dem Weg zum Web 3.0: Taxonomien und Ontologien für die medizinische Ausbildung - eine systematische Literaturrecherche [Towards Web 3.0: Taxonomies and ontologies for medical education - a systematic review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blaum, Wolf E.


    Curriculumsentwicklung und –kartierung als auch zur Orientierung innerhalb der seit Jahren zunehmenden Fülle von Lernressourcen in der medizinischen Ausbildung stellt das semantische Web („Web 3.0“ ein niedrigschwelliges, effektives Hilfsmittel dar, das es ermöglicht, inhaltlich verwandte Elemente über Systemgrenzen hinweg zu identifizieren. Voraussetzung dafür ist der Einsatz eines geeigneten strukturierten Vokabulars zur maschinenlesbaren, inhaltlichen Beschreibung von Objekten, um die bisher notwendige manuelle Verknüpfung durch eine automatisch erzeugte, inhaltsbasierte bzw. semantische Verknüpfung zu ersetzen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, existierende Taxonomien und Ontologien zur Annotation medizinischer Lernressourcen und -inhalte zusammenzustellen und anhand ausgewählter Kriterien zu vergleichen sowie auf ihre Eignung zum Einsatz im eingangs beschriebenen Kontext zu überprüfen.Methoden: Anhand einer systematischen Literaturrecherche wurden existierende Taxonomien und Ontologien zur Beschreibung medizinischer Lernressourcen identifiziert. Für jedes so identifizierte strukturierte Vokabular wurden mittels Websuche und/oder Kontakt zu den Herausgebern Thema, Struktur, Sprache, Umfang, Wartung und Technik der Taxonomie/Ontologie ermittelt und deren Eignung für den Einsatz im semantischen Web überprüft.Ergebnisse: In 20 identifizierten Publikationen wurden 14 strukturierte Vokabulare identifiziert, die sich in Sprache, Umfang, Aktualität und Wartung zum Teil sehr stark unterschieden. Keines der identifizierten Vokabulare erfüllte die erforderlichen Kriterien zur inhaltlichen Beschreibung medizinischer Ausbildungsinhalte und Lernressourcen im deutschsprachigen Raum.Diskussion: Auf dem Weg zum Web 3.0 stellen Auswahl und Einsatz eines geeigneten, deutschsprachigen Vokabulars zur maschinenlesbaren, inhaltlichen Beschreibung von Objekten ein relevantes Problem dar. Mögliche Lösungsansätze umfassen die Neuentwicklung, die Übersetzung und/ oder die Kombination

  9. Status of mineral resources evaluation and forecast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma Hanfeng; Li Ziying; Luo Yi; Li Shengxiang; Sun Wenpeng


    The work of resources evaluation and forecast is a focus to the governments of every country in the world, it is related to the establishment of strategic policy on the national mineral resources. In order to quantitatively evaluate the general potential of uranium resources in China and better forecast uranium deposits, this paper briefly introduces the method of evaluating total amount of mineral resources, especially 6 usual prospective methods which are recommended in international geology comparison programs, as well as principle of usual mineral resources quantitative prediction and its steps. The work history of mineral resources evaluation and forecast is reviewed concisely. Advantages and disadvantages of each method, their application field and condition are also explained briefly. At last, the history of uranium resources evaluation and forecast in China and its status are concisely outlined. (authors)

  10. Musculoskeletal Disorders among Iranian Coal Miners at 2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mashallah Aghillinejad


    Full Text Available Some factors such as stooping posture and frequent kneeling in miners can increase prevalence of their musculoskeletal disorders Present study was performed for assessment of MSDs prevalence among Iranian coal miners and finds its relationships with some their characters including age, work experience and body mass index. Participants in the persent cross sectional study, were 505 coal miners which selected among Iranian coal miners by simple random method. Data of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs gathered by Standardized Nordic self-reporting questionnaire. Demographic and work related data were collected into the check list. Findings of persent study showed that 56.1% and 66.5% of study miners claimed one of the MSDs complaints during last week and in the last year respectively. Lumbar, Knee(s and Back had most common MSDs prevalence at last week and year. MSDs prevalence had significant association with age (P≤0.02 and non-significant association with BMI (P≥0.8 of workers. MSDs in Iranian coal miners were happened in high rate. Ergonomic interventions strategies in the workplaces must be focussed for elimination of environmental hazards such as apposition at the time of work, manual handling of heavy loads.

  11. Organisation eines Thesaurus für die Unterstützung der mehrsprachigen Suche in einer bibliographischen Datenbank im Bereich Planen und Bauen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dimitri Busch


    Full Text Available Das Problem der mehrsprachigen Suche gewinnt in der letzten Zeit immer mehr an Bedeutung, da viele nützliche Fachinformationen in der Welt in verschiedenen Sprachen publiziert werden. RSWBPlus ist eine bibliographische Datenbank zum Nachweis der Fachliteratur im Bereich Planen und Bauen, welche  deutsch- und englischsprachige Metadaten-Einträge enthält. Bis vor Kurzem war es problematisch Einträge zu finden, deren Sprache sich von der Anfragesprache unterschied. Zum Beispiel fand man auf deutschsprachige Anfragen nur deutschsprachige Einträge, obwohl die Datenbank auch potenziell nützliche englischsprachige Einträge enthielt. Um das Problem zu lösen, wurde nach einer Untersuchung bestehender Ansätze, die RSWBPlus weiterentwickelt, um eine mehrsprachige (sprachübergreifende Suche zu unterstützen, welche unter Einbeziehung eines zweisprachigen begriffbasierten Thesaurus erfolgt. Der Thesaurus wurde aus bereits bestehenden Thesauri automatisch gebildet. Die Einträge der Quell-Thesauri wurden in SKOS-Format (Simple Knowledge Organisation System umgewandelt, automatisch miteinander vereinigt und schließlich in einen Ziel-Thesaurus eingespielt, der ebenfalls in SKOS geführt wird. Für den Zugriff zum Ziel-Thesaurus werden Apache Jena und MS SQL Server verwendet. Bei der mehrsprachigen Suche werden Terme der Anfrage durch entsprechende Übersetzungen und Synonyme in Deutsch und Englisch erweitert. Die Erweiterung der Suchterme kann sowohl in der Laufzeit, als auch halbautomatisch erfolgen. Das verbesserte Recherchesystem kann insbesondere deutschsprachigen Benutzern helfen, relevante englischsprachige Einträge zu finden. Die Verwendung vom SKOS erhöht die Interoperabilität der Thesauri, vereinfacht das Bilden des Ziel-Thesaurus und den Zugriff zu seinen Einträgen.   In recent times, the problem of multi-lingual search is gaining more and more importance, because a lot of useful specialized information are published in several

  12. Critical mineral resources of the United States—An introduction (United States)

    Schulz, Klaus J.; DeYoung, John H.; Seal, Robert R.; Bradley, Dwight C.; Schulz, Klaus J.; DeYoung,, John H.; Seal, Robert R.; Bradley, Dwight C.


    Many changes have taken place in the mineral resource sector since the publication by the U.S. Geological Survey of Professional Paper 820, “United States Mineral Resources,” which is a review of the long-term United States resource position for 65 mineral commodities or commodity groups. For example, since 1973, the United States has continued to become increasingly dependent on imports to meet its demands for an increasing number of mineral commodities. The global demand for mineral commodities is at an alltime high and is expected to continue to increase, and the development of new technologies and products has led to the use of a greater number of mineral commodities in increasing quantities to the point that, today, essentially all naturally occurring elements have several significant industrial uses. Although most mineral commodities are present in sufficient amounts in the earth to provide adequate supplies for many years to come, their availability can be affected by such factors as social constraints, politics, laws, environmental regulations, land-use restrictions, economics, and infrastructure.This volume presents updated reviews of 23 mineral commodities and commodity groups viewed as critical to a broad range of existing and emerging technologies, renewable energy, and national security. The commodities or commodity groups included are antimony, barite, beryllium, cobalt, fluorine, gallium, germanium, graphite, hafnium, indium, lithium, manganese, niobium, platinum-group elements, rare-earth elements, rhenium, selenium, tantalum, tellurium, tin, titanium, vanadium, and zirconium. All these commodities have been listed as critical and (or) strategic in one or more of the recent studies based on assessed likelihood of supply interruption and the possible cost of such a disruption to the assessor. For some of the minerals, current production is limited to only one or a few countries. For many, the United States currently has no mine production or any


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. M. Ghoneim


    Full Text Available Vein type uranium deposits where uranium minerals fill cavities veins, fractures, fissures, pore spaces, shear zone, breccia and stockworks in igneous, meta-sediments and metamorphic rocks are common source of uranium mineralization all over the wold. In Egypt, El-Erediya, El-Missikat and El Sela uranium mineralization occur in younger granite plutons in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. These plutons are considered as good examples of intra-granitic vein-type uranium mineralization. The goal of this review article is to study the characteristics of granites and Th-U vein mineralization El Sela area. Main tasks are characteristics of vein type uranium mineralization in the world and Egypt, characteristics of ore-bearing intrusive rocks in the El Sela area, mineralogy of Th-U vein-type mineralization in El Sela area and secondary U and Th minerals in granites. Results. The article revealed that El Sela granite is a peraluminous, high-K Calc-Alkaline (HKCA granite. Two-mica leucogranitic pluton is considered the source rock of U-mineralization at El-Sela area, while the altered microgranite and dolerite dikes are good traps for these mineralizations. The reactivated faults system trending ENE-WSW and NNW-SSE make favorable condition to form uranium mineralization associated with polymetallic mineralization that are redeposited in the two mica granite, microgranite and dolerite dikes. The metallic mineral assemblages in the veins mainly consist of pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and fluorite that are associated with primary (uraninite, coffinite and secondary U-mineralization (uranophane and autunite that occur either as disseminated clusters or as microfracture filling and coating joint surface. Five types of thorite-group minerals can be distinguished: thorite, Zr-rich thorite, phosphothorite, uranothorite and Zr-rich uranothorite. ThO2 content of uraninite vary from (1.1 to 3 wt.%, for PbO contents from 1.16 to 2.35 wt.%, P2O5 contents from

  14. 25 CFR 225.28 - Approval of amendments to minerals agreements. (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Approval of amendments to minerals agreements. 225.28 Section 225.28 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ENERGY AND MINERALS OIL AND GAS, GEOTHERMAL, AND SOLID MINERALS AGREEMENTS Minerals Agreements § 225.28 Approval of amendments to...

  15. Minerals Planning Policies and Supply Practices in The Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ike, P.

    Table of Contents: 1 Country background. 2 General description of the mineral industry. 3 National system legislation governing ownership resources. 4 National system governing securing supply of minerals. 5 Land use planning. 6 Evaluation of sustainability of mineral supply. 7 Identification of the

  16. Minerals Planning Policies and Supply Practices in Great Britain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ike, P.; van der Molen, S.D.A.

    Table of Contents: 1 Country background. 2 General description of the mineral industry. 3 National system legislation governing ownership resources. 4 National system governing securing supply of minerals. 5 Land use planning. 6 Evaluation of sustainability of mineral supply. 7 Identification of the

  17. Evaluation of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH in pure mineral hydrocarbon-based cosmetics and cosmetic raw materials using 1H NMR spectroscopy [version 2; referees: 3 approved

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dirk W. Lachenmeier


    Full Text Available Mineral hydrocarbons consist of two fractions, mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH. MOAH is a potential public health hazard because it may include carcinogenic polycyclic compounds. In the present study, 400 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR spectroscopy was introduced, in the context of official controls, to measure MOSH and MOAH in raw materials or pure mineral hydrocarbon final products (cosmetics and medicinal products. Quantitative determination (qNMR has been established using the ERETIC methodology (electronic reference to access in vivo concentrations based on the PULCON principle (pulse length based concentration determination. Various mineral hydrocarbons (e.g., white oils, paraffins or petroleum jelly were dissolved in deuterated chloroform. The ERETIC factor was established using a quantification reference sample containing ethylbenzene and tetrachloronitrobenzene. The following spectral regions were integrated: MOSH δ 3.0 – 0.2 ppm and MOAH δ 9.2 - 6.5, excluding solvent signals. Validation showed a sufficient precision of the method with a coefficient of variation <6% and a limit of detection <0.1 g/100 g. The applicability of the method was proven by analysing 27 authentic samples with MOSH and MOAH contents in the range of 90-109 g/100 g and 0.02-1.10 g/100 g, respectively. It is important to distinguish this new NMR-approach from the hyphenated liquid chromatography-gas chromatography methodology previously used to characterize MOSH/MOAH amounts in cosmetic products. For mineral hydrocarbon raw materials or pure mineral hydrocarbon-based cosmetic products, NMR delivers higher specificity without any sample preparation besides dilution. Our sample survey shows that previous methods may have overestimated the MOAH amount in mineral oil products and opens new paths to characterize this fraction. Therefore, the developed method can be applied for routine monitoring of consumer

  18. Practical applications of trace minerals for dairy cattle. (United States)

    Overton, T R; Yasui, T


    Trace minerals have critical roles in the key interrelated systems of immune function, oxidative metabolism, and energy metabolism in ruminants. To date, the primary trace elements of interest in diets for dairy cattle have included Zn, Cu, Mn, and Se although data also support potentially important roles of Cr, Co, and Fe in diets. Trace minerals such as Zn, Cu, Mn, and Se are essential with classically defined roles as components of key antioxidant enzymes and proteins. Available evidence indicates that these trace minerals can modulate aspects of oxidative metabolism and immune function in dairy cattle, particularly during the transition period and early lactation. Chromium has been shown to influence both immune function and energy metabolism of cattle; dairy cows fed Cr during the transition period and early lactation have evidence of improved immune function, increased milk production, and decreased cytological endometritis. Factors that complicate trace mineral nutrition at the farm level include the existence of a large number of antagonisms affecting bioavailability of individual trace minerals and uncertainty in terms of requirements under all physiological and management conditions; therefore, determining the optimum level and source of trace minerals under each specific situation continues to be a challenge. Typical factorial approaches to determine requirements for dairy cattle do not account for nuances in biological function observed with supplementation with various forms and amounts of trace minerals. Trace mineral nutrition modulates production, health, and reproduction in cattle although both formal meta-analysis and informal survey of the literature reveal substantial heterogeneity of response in these outcome variables. The industry has largely moved away from oxide-based programs toward sulfate-based programs; however, some evidence favors shifting supplementation strategies further toward more bioavailable forms of inorganic and organic trace

  19. Impact-Induced Clay Mineral Formation and Distribution on Mars (United States)

    Rivera-Valentin, E. G.; Craig, P. I.


    Clay minerals have been identified in the central peaks and ejecta blankets of impact craters on Mars. Several studies have suggested these clay minerals formed as a result of impact induced hydrothermalism either during Mars' Noachian era or more recently by the melting of subsurface ice. Examples of post-impact clay formation is found in several locations on Earth such as the Mjolnir and Woodleigh Impact Structures. Additionally, a recent study has suggested the clay minerals observed on Ceres are the result of impact-induced hydrothermal processes. Such processes may have occurred on Mars, possibly during the Noachian. Distinguishing between clay minerals formed preor post-impact can be accomplished by studying their IR spectra. In fact, showed that the IR spectra of clay minerals is greatly affected at longer wavelengths (i.e. mid-IR, 5-25 micron) by impact-induced shock deformation while the near-IR spectra (1.0-2.5 micron) remains relatively unchanged. This explains the discrepancy between NIR and MIR observations of clay minerals in martian impact craters noted. Thus, it allows us to determine whether a clay mineral formed from impact-induced hydrothermalism or were pre-existing and were altered by the impact. Here we study the role of impacts on the formation and distribution of clay minerals on Mars via a fully 3-D Monte Carlo cratering model, including impact- melt production using results from modern hydrocode simulations. We identify regions that are conducive to clay formation and the location of clay minerals post-bombardment.

  20. 3. Workshop on measuring instruments for steady and transient multiphase flow; 3. Workshop: Messtechnik fuer stationaere und transiente Mehrphasenstroemungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Prasser, H.M. [ed.


    The emphasis of the conference was on methods of measurement that show spatial distributions of phase fractions and velocity, particle sizes and bubbles of the disperse phase. Among the methods described were 3D X-ray tomography, grid sensor measurement of velocity profiles, and simultaneous measurement of bubble sizes and gas and liquid flow rates using an optical particle tracking method. Also presented were interesting developments in the field of local probes, e.g. an electrodiffusion probe. Another new development was the attempt to use optical tomography for investigations of two-phase flows. [German] Am 14. Oktober 1999 wurde in Rossendorf die dritte Veranstaltung in einer Serie von Workshops ueber Messtechnik fuer stationaere und transiente Mehrphasenstroemungen durchgefuehrt. Dieses Jahr koennen wir auf 11 interessante Vortraege zurueckblicken. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die beiden Hauptvortraege, die von Herrn Professor Hetsroni aus Haifa und Herrn Dr. Sengpiel aus Karlsruhe gehalten wurden. Ihnen und allen anderen Vortragenden moechten wir herzlich fuer ihren Beitrag zum Gelingen des Workshops danken. Erneut lag ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt auf Messverfahren, die raeumliche Verteilungen von Phasenanteilen und Geschwindigkeiten sowie die Groesse von Partikeln bzw. Blasen der dispersen Phase zugaenglich machen. So wurde ueber einen dreidimensional arbeitenden Roentgentomographen, ein Verfahren zur Messung von Geschwindigkeitsprofilen mit Gittersensoren und eine Methode zur simultanen Messung von Blasengroessen sowie Feldern von Gas- und Fluessigkeitsgeschwindigkeit mit einer optischen Partikelverfolgungstechnik vorgetragen. Daneben wurden interessante Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der lokalen Sonden vorgestellt, wie z.B. eine Elektrodiffusionssonde. Neue messtechnische Ansaetze waren ebenfalls vertreten; hervorzuheben ist der Versuch, die Methode der optischen Tomographie fuer die Untersuchung von Zweiphasenstroemungen nutzbar zu machen. (orig.)