
Sample records for meningitis tras anestesia

  1. Meningitis tras anestesia espinal Meningitis after a spinal anesthesia


    A. L. Vázquez-Martínez; F. Castro; G. Illodo; E. Freiré; M. A. Camba


    La meningitis post-punción es una importante complicación de la anestesia espinal. Describimos el caso de un varón de cuarenta y seis años que ingresó para tratamiento quirúrgico de una hernia umbilical, la cirugía se realizó bajo anestesia intradural. Tras la intervención el paciente comenzó con un cuadro clínico compatible con meningitis, que se confirmó tras examen del líquido cefalorraquídeo. Se trató con antibióticos a pesar de la no identificación de gérmenes, siendo la evolución favora...

  2. Anestesia em gestante com hipertensão intracraniana por meningite tuberculosa: relato de caso Anestesia en gestante con hipertensión intracraneal por meningitis tísica: relato de caso Anesthesia in pregnant patient with intracranial hypertension due to tuberculous meningitis: case report

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    Vanessa Breitenbach


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Está bem estabelecido que a técnica anestésica de escolha para cesariana eletiva é a anestesia regional. Porém, em gestantes com hipertensão intracraniana e infecção do sistema nervoso central esta técnica deve ser evitada. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar o manejo anestésico de uma gestante, com hipertensão intracraniana secundária à meningite tuberculosa, que foi submetida à cesariana eletiva. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente branca, 32 anos, 60 kg, 1,62 m de estatura, na 36ªsemana de idade gestacional, agendada para interrupção cirúrgica da gestação por apresentar-se tetraparética, com hidrocefalia decorrente de meningite tuberculosa. Escolheu-se a anestesia geral para a cesariana com indução em seqüência rápida e manobra de Sellick para a intubação traqueal. As drogas utilizadas foram tiopental (250 mg, rocurônio (50 mg, fentanil (100 µg e lidocaína (60 mg por via venosa. A indução anestésica foi suave e mantida com isoflurano até o início do fechamento da pele da paciente, com mínimas alterações de seus sinais vitais e do recém-nascido, que recebeu índice de Apgar 8 e 9, no 1º e 5º minutos, respectivamente. A paciente despertou precocemente, sem deficits neurológicos adicionais. CONCLUSÕES: A anestesia geral ainda é a técnica anestésica preferida para cesariana em gestantes com hipertensão intracraniana, utilizando-se drogas de meia-vida curta e que tenham mínima interferência na pressão intracraniana e no recém-nascido.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Está bien establecido que la técnica anestésica de elección para cesárea electiva es la anestesia regional. Sin embargo, en gestantes con hipertensión intracraneal e infección del sistema nervioso central esta técnica debe ser evitada. El objetivo de este artículo es relatar el manejo anestésico de una gestante, con hipertensión intracraneal secundaria a la meningitis tísica, que fue sometida a la ces

  3. Caso: Infección cutánea en el punto de punción de anestesia subaracnoidea


    López Pérez, Jesús; Castañer Ramón-Llín, Carla; Furones Tormo, Beatriz; Fernández Fernández, María Adoración; García Ferreira, Joaquín; Fayos de la Asunción, Miguel E


    Mujer de 76 años de edad, con antecedentes de asma bronquial en tratamiento con bromuro de ipatropio e hipertiroidismo tratado con carbimazol. Artrosis generalizada y gonartrosis bilateral. Propuesta para cirugía traumatológica de protesis total de rodilla derecha. Se realiza técnica locorregional mediante anestesia subaracnoidea resultando exitosa tras 4 intentos fallidos de punción, confirmando salida de LCR transparente. Se administra bupivacaina isobárica 14 mg. más 20 mcg de fentanilo...

  4. Anestesia Diploica em Endodontia


    Macedo, Ricardo Ribeiro Veiga de


    Trabalho final do 5º ano com vista à atribuição do grau de mestre no âmbito do ciclo de estudos de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Dentária apresentado à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra. Objetivos Comparar a eficácia das técnicas de anestesia convencionais, a anestesia infiltrativa periapical, com a anestesia diploica. Metodologia Foram selecionados 32 voluntários, saudáveis, aos quais foram administradas ambas as técnicas anestésicas no dente 1.4. Numa primeira fase os...

  5. Videolaringoscopios en Anestesia Obstétrica


    Acosta Martínez, Jesús


    En cualquier escenario, la Vía Aérea Difícil (VAD) es la mayor causa de morbilidad y mortalidad relacionada con la intubación. En el contexto de la anestesia general de la paciente obstétrica, el manejo de la vía aérea toma especial relevancia dada la alta prevalencia de intubaciones dificultosas y/o fallidas, a pesar de los múltiples avances recientes en la materia. Las complicaciones de la anestesia general persisten como causa de mortalidad asociada a la anestesia en las mujeres embaraz...

  6. Estudo comparativo entre anestesia peridural torácica e anestesia geral em mastectomia oncológica Estudio comparativo entre la anestesia epidural torácica y la anestesia general en mastectomia oncológica Comparative study between thoracic epidural block and general anesthesia for oncologic mastectomy

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    Sérgio D. Belzarena


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A anestesia peridural torácica é utilizada com freqüência para procedimentos estéticos da mama e há poucos relatos de seu emprego para mastectomias com exploração axilar. O presente estudo comparou a técnica com anestesia geral em operações oncológicas da mama. MÉTODO: Quarenta pacientes foram divididas em dois grupos. No grupo peridural (n = 20 foi realizada peridural torácica com bupivacaína e fentanil associada à sedação com midazolam. O outro grupo (n = 20 recebeu anestesia geral convencional com propofol, atracúrio e fentanil e manutenção com O2 e isoflurano. Registraram-se no intra-operatório duração da operação, necessidade de complementação da anestesia ou da sedação e variáveis hemodinâmicas. No pós-operatório, foram registrados o tempo para alta da sala de recuperação pós-anestésica e hospitalar, a intensidade da dor e o consumo de analgésicos, os efeitos adversos e a satisfação com a técnica anestésica. RESULTADOS: Os grupos foram semelhantes e não houve diferença na duração da operação. Foi necessário complementar a sedação em 100% das pacientes que receberam anestesia peridural e em 15% foi complementada a analgesia com infiltração de anestésico local na axila. Houve maior incidência de hipertensão arterial no grupo da anestesia geral e de hipotensão entre as que receberam peridural. Ocorreu prurido em 55% das pacientes com anestesia peridural. Náusea (30% e vômito (45% foram mais freqüentes entre as que receberam anestesia geral. A analgesia pós-operatória teve melhor qualidade e o consumo de analgésicos foi menor no grupo da anestesia peridural. O período de internação também foi menor. CONCLUSÕES: A técnica peridural tem algumas vantagens com relação à anestesia geral e pode ser considerada uma opção para anestesia em mastectomias oncológicas com esvaziamento axilar.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La anestesia epidural torácica se

  7. Complicações e seqüelas neurológicas da anestesia regional realizada em crianças sob anestesia geral: um problema real ou casos esporádicos? Complicaciones y secuelas neurológicas de la anestesia regional realizada en niños bajo anestesia general: ¿ Un problema real o casos esporádicos? Neurological complications and damage of regional block in children under general anesthesia: a real problem or sporadic cases?

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    Verônica Vieira da Costa


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Tem sido discutido se a técnica de anestesia regional em crianças, que na maioria das vezes é realizada após a anestesia geral, é realmente segura. Há o risco potencial de uma lesão neurológica permanente ou temporária quando o paciente não pode informar eventual parestesia ou dor, durante a realização da anestesia regional, o que gera insegurança por parte dos anestesiologistas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de complicações e seqüelas neurológicas da anestesia regional em crianças sob anestesia geral. MÉTODO: Numa análise prospectiva foram estudadas crianças submetidas a intervenções cirúrgicas ortopédica e plástica reparadora sob anestesia regional associada à anestesia geral. A indução e a manutenção da anestesia foram por vias venosa ou inalatória. Após anestesia geral era realizada anestesia regional e avaliada a existência de complicações imediatas, o número de punções realizadas, complicações de médio prazo e presença de seqüelas neurológicas. RESULTADOS: Num período de 13 meses foram estudadas 499 crianças de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 6,7 anos. A maioria dos pacientes foi submetida à anestesia geral associada à peridural lombar ou caudal. A prevalência de complicação imediata foi 3,6%, sendo a mais freqüente o sangramento no momento da punção. A prevalência de complicações em médio prazo foi 1,1%, sendo a mais freqüente a hipoestesia e não houve seqüela neurológica de longo prazo. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados do presente estudo são concordantes com os de outros autores com relação à baixa prevalência de complicações da anestesia regional em crianças sob anestesia geral, sem deixar seqüelas neurológicas. Isso pode ser atribuído ao uso de material adequado e a experiência da equipe de anestesia.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Han sobrevenido discusiones sobre si la técnica de anestesia regional en niños, que en la

  8. Meningitis (United States)

    Meningitis - bacterial; Meningitis - viral; Meningitis - fungal; Meningitis - vaccine ... treatment, meningitis may result in the following: Brain damage Buildup ... that leads to brain swelling ( hydrocephalus ) Seizures Death

  9. Anestesia para cesárea en paciente con acondroplasia


    Osorio Rudas, Walter; Socha García, Nury Isabel; Upegui, Alejandro; Ríos Medina, Ángela; Moran, Adrian; Aguirre Ospina, Oscar; Rivera, Carlos


    Introducción: En gestantes acondroplásicas se recomienda el parto por cesárea con anestesia general; sin embargo, recientemente se ha reportado el uso de técnicas conductivas con resultados adecuados. Objetivo:Describir el manejo anestésico de una paciente con acondroplasia programada para cesárea utilizando anestesia combinada espinal-epidural. Métodos y resultados:Mostramos el caso de una primigestante acondroplásica con 110 cm de estatura y embarazo de 37 semanas, en quien se realizó cesár...

  10. Rabdomiolisis tras sesión de spinning


    Fernández Gabarda, Rafael; Sangüesa, M. J.; Cabanes, F.


    La rabdomiolisis post-ejercicio se ha descrtio con relativa frecuencia tras actividades físicas extenuantes. No obstante, también puede ocurrir tras ejercicios poco violentos incluso en personas bien entrenadas, y debe ser reconocida pues su control y tratamiento inicial son críticos para el pronóstico del paciente. Presentamos el caso clínico de una mujer joven y entrenada tras una clase inicial de spinning, y a propósito del mismo revisamos las claves para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de es...

  11. Anestesia raquídea versus anestesia intrarticular en cirugía artroscópica de rodilla. [Spinal anesthesia versus intra-articular anesthesia in arthroscopic surgery of the knee.

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    Lucas Daniel Marangoni


      Discusión Conclusión: Las  ventajas encontradas a favor de la anestesia intraarticular fueron: Estadías hospitalarias acortadas, se evitaron efectos indeseables de la anestesia raquídea: bloqueo motor, nauseas, vómitos, hipotensión, pérdida transitoria de esfínter urinario y retención urinaria (globo vesical. Disminución de los costos y mayor aceptación de los pacientes.

  12. Meningitis (United States)

    ... around. Even more protection is given by the meninges (say: muh-NIN-jeez), which are the membranes ... disease involving inflammation (swelling), or irritation, of the meninges. There are different kinds of meningitis, but most ...

  13. Book review. Anestesia e analgesia locoregionale del cane e del gatto. Francesco Staffieri

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    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Il volume di anestesia e analgesia locoregionale del cane e del gatto è pensato per essere un testo "da sala operatoria" – come afferma l'autore – perché consente un rapido, ma allo stesso tempo dettagliato, consulto per il libero professionista che si trova a gestire un'anestesia. Si tratta di un piccolo libro, tascabile, che può essere considerato un punto di partenza per gli studenti e per tutti quei medici veterinari che intendono avvicinarsi in maniera specialistica all'arte dell'anestesiologia veterinaria. L'anestesia locoregionale costituisce, infatti, uno strumento insostituibile per la gestione del dolore perioperatorio in medicina veterinaria. Nel volume si forniscono le nozioni di base per praticare i principali blocchi nervosi centrali e periferici. Per ogni blocco sono riportate le tecniche alla cieca (mediante l'ausilio dei punti di repere anatomici e quelle con l'impiego dello stimolatore nervoso periferico. Il volume, corredato da immagini foto e grafici, per un totale di 65 figure, si apre con i capitoli relativi ai farmaci, agli strumenti e alle complicanze dell'anestesia locoregionale. Prosegue con i blocchi nervosi centrali (anestesia epidurale e spinale e si conclude con i blocchi periferici (testa, arto anteriore, torace, arto posteriore. L'autore, Francesco Staffieri, è un medico veterinario che svolge il dottorato di ricerca nel Dipartimento delle Emergenze e dei Trapianti di Organi, Sezioni di Cliniche Veterinarie e Produzioni Animali dell'Università degli Studi Aldo Moro di Bari.

  14. Anestesia volátil e monitorização anestésica.


    Alexandre, Nuno; Costa, Margarida; Mascarenhas, Ramiro


    Os autores apresentam um texto de apoio à disciplina de anestesiologia do curso de Medicina Veterinária .Neste texto são abordadas diversas temáticas da anestesia volátil tais como: equipamentos utilizados em anestesia volátil, farmacologia dos anestésicos voláteis. A monitorização dos pacientes é abordada na vertente mecânica ou intrumental e na componente básica.

  15. Anestesia no paciente usuário de cocaína Anestesia en el paciente usuario de cocaína Anesthesia in cocaine users

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    Ana Luft


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A cocaína é a droga ilícita mais freqüentemente associada a óbitos, e suas implicações perioperatórias nos pacientes agudamente intoxicados ou com história de uso crônico precisam ser bem conhecidas pelos anestesiologistas. O conhecimento da neurofisiologia, da farmacologia e das conseqüências fisiopatológicas decorrentes do uso da cocaína poderá facilitar o cuidado desses pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi revisar as informações sobre a cocaína e suas interações com a anestesia. CONTEÚDO: O artigo discute a farmacologia da cocaína, as conseqüências fisiopatológicas decorrentes do seu uso e as interações com a anestesia. CONCLUSÕES: A compreensão e o reconhecimento precoce das complicações associadas ao uso de cocaína são essenciais para o manuseio adequado de pacientes usuários desta droga. O anestesiologista deve estar preparado, pois tanto as anestesias regionais quanto a geral apresentam riscos significativos nesses pacientes.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La cocaína es la droga ilícita más frecuentemente asociada a decesos, y sus implicaciones perioperatorias en los pacientes agudamente intoxicados o con historial de uso crónico necesitan ser muy bien conocidas por los anestesiólogos. El conocimiento de la neurofisiología, de la farmacología y de las consecuencias fisiopatológicas provenientes del uso de la cocaína podrá facilitar el cuidado de esos pacientes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue revisar las informaciones sobre la cocaína y sus interacciones con la anestesia. CONTENIDO: El artículo discute la farmacología de la cocaína, las consecuencias fisiopatológicas provenientes de su uso y las interacciones con la anestesia. CONCLUSIONES: La comprensión y el reconocimiento precoz de las complicaciones asociadas al uso de la cocaína son esenciales para el manejo adecuado de pacientes usuarios de esa droga. El anestesiólogo debe estar preparado, pues tanto las

  16. Total antioxidant/oxidant status in meningism and meningitis. (United States)

    Aycicek, Ali; Iscan, Akin; Erel, Ozcan; Akcali, Mustafa; Selek, Sahbettin


    The objective of this study was to investigate the antioxidant/oxidant status of serum and cerebrospinal fluid in children with meningismus and acute bacterial meningitis. Twenty-three children (age range, 0.75 to 9 years) with fever and meningeal signs that required analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid, but no cytologic or biochemical evidence of meningitis in their serum and cerebrospinal fluid, constituted the meningismus group. Thirty-one children (age range, 0.5 to 10 years) with acute bacterial meningitis constituted the meningitis group. Twenty-nine healthy children (age range, 0.5 to 11 years) were recruited as control subjects. Antioxidant status (ascorbic acid, albumin, thiol, uric acid, total bilirubin, total antioxidant capacity, catalase and ceruloplasmin concentrations) and oxidant status (lipid hydroperoxide and total oxidant status) were measured. The serum antioxidant status was lower, and oxidant status levels higher in both meningitis and meningismus subjects than in the control children (P antioxidant status was lower, and serum oxidant status was higher in children in the meningismus and meningitis groups, whereas cerebrospinal fluid oxidant status was higher in the meningismus group than in the meningitis group.

  17. Meningitis (For Parents) (United States)

    ... Is Meningitis? Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the membranes that cover the brain and spinal ... of bacterial meningitis, the bacteria spread to the meninges from a severe head trauma or a severe ...

  18. Meningitis - pneumococcal (United States)

    Pneumococcal meningitis; Pneumococcus - meningitis ... Pneumococcal meningitis is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria (also called pneumococcus, or S pneumoniae ). This type of bacteria is the ...

  19. Recurrent Meningitis. (United States)

    Rosenberg, Jon; Galen, Benjamin T


    Recurrent meningitis is a rare clinical scenario that can be self-limiting or life threatening depending on the underlying etiology. This review describes the causes, risk factors, treatment, and prognosis for recurrent meningitis. As a general overview of a broad topic, the aim of this review is to provide clinicians with a comprehensive differential diagnosis to aide in the evaluation and management of a patient with recurrent meningitis. New developments related to understanding the pathophysiology of recurrent meningitis are as scarce as studies evaluating the treatment and prevention of this rare disorder. A trial evaluating oral valacyclovir suppression after HSV-2 meningitis did not demonstrate a benefit in preventing recurrences. The data on prophylactic antibiotics after basilar skull fractures do not support their use. Intrathecal trastuzumab has shown promise in treating leptomeningeal carcinomatosis from HER-2 positive breast cancer. Monoclonal antibodies used to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases are new potential causes of drug-induced aseptic meningitis. Despite their potential for causing recurrent meningitis, the clinical entities reviewed herein are not frequently discussed together given that they are a heterogeneous collection of unrelated, rare diseases. Epidemiologic data on recurrent meningitis are lacking. The syndrome of recurrent benign lymphocytic meningitis described by Mollaret in 1944 was later found to be closely related to HSV-2 reactivation, but HSV-2 is by no means the only etiology of recurrent aseptic meningitis. While the mainstay of treatment for recurrent meningitis is supportive care, it is paramount to ensure that reversible and treatable causes have been addressed for further prevention.

  20. Prótesis fija con anestesia acupuntural Fixed prosthesis with acupuncture anesthesia

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    Marcia Hortensia Corona Carpio


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de una paciente femenina de 72 años de edad con antecedentes alérgicos a la anestesia dental y preocupación de rehabilitar su estética con prótesis fija. Se decidió aplicar anestesia acupuntural en la preparación de los pilares para recibir el puente fijo. Se exponen las técnicas y los resultados obtenidos. No se manifestaron reacciones adversas. La paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente con el tratamiento alternativo realizado.

  1. Meningitis - H. influenzae (United States)

    H. influenzae meningitis; H. flu meningitis; Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis ... H. influenzae meningitis is caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b bacteria. This illness is not the same ...

  2. Meningitis and Encephalitis (United States)

    ... Publications Definition Meningitis is an infection of the meninges, the membranes that surround the brain and spinal ... immediately. × Definition Meningitis is an infection of the meninges, the membranes that surround the brain and spinal ...

  3. Anestesia e artrite reumatoide

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    Eneida Maria Vieira


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A artrite reumatoide (AR é uma doença inflamatória crônica e de etiologia desconhecida. Os pacientes com AR são reconhecidos como pessoas com redução na expectativa de vida, em comparação com a população em geral. As doenças reumáticas são numerosas e ocorrem com alta variabilidade; algumas são desenvolvidas rapidamente; outras, cronicamente, provocando incapacidades durante toda a vida. Os riscos anestésicos, em desordens osteoarticulares, envolvem, além das deformidades mecânicas causadas pela doença, os sistemas cardiovascular, respiratório, renal e digestivo. CONTEÚDO: A proposta da presente revisão foi levantar a importância das fases da doença em processo, que podem influenciar no controle da anestesia antes, durante e após a cirurgia, destacando a experiência dos autores em uma avaliação retrospectiva dos casos de pacientes portadores de artrite reumatoide juvenil (ARJ submetidos a próteses ortopédicas, com ênfase para as técnicas de intubação. CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes com artrite reumatoide podem apresentar um bom número de problemas complexos para o anestesiologista. Isso requer uma cuidadosa avaliação pré-operatória; a anestesia requer experiência com a técnica e o cuidado pós-operatório deve ser criteriosamente escolhido para atender à necessidade específica do paciente. O procedimento demanda efetiva comunicação entre cirurgião, reumatologista e anestesiologista, para que cada membro do grupo multidisciplinar contribua com sua experiência, visando a um melhor benefício ao paciente.

  4. Syphilitic aseptic meningitis (United States)

    Meningitis - syphilitic; Neurosyphilis - syphilitic meningitis ... Syphilitic meningitis is a form of neurosyphilis . This condition is a life-threatening complication of syphilis infection. Syphilis is ...

  5. Avaliação da memória sob anestesia venosa total

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    Gulistan Aktas


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Neste estudo, objetivamos avaliar a memória implícita e explícita em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia abdominal sob anestesia venosa total (AVT com propofol e remifentanil, na qual o nível de anestesia foi controlado pelo monitoramento do índice bispectral (BIS. MÉTODO: Anestesia venosa total foi administrada a 60 pacientes adultos para obter níveis de BIS de 40-60. Os pacientes foram randomicamente divididos em três grupos, de acordo com as gravações que ouviram. Os pacientes do grupo categoria (CT ouviram uma fita gravada contendo cinco nomes de animais. Os pacientes do grupo recordar palavras (RP ouviram uma fita gravada contendo cinco palavras de frequência média na língua turca, depois de adaptadas. Os pacientes do grupo controle (GC ouviram os sons do mar até o fim da cirurgia. Duas horas após a cirurgia, os testes foram administrados a cada paciente na sala de recuperação para avaliar a memória. RESULTADOS: Houve uma diferença entre os escores dos grupos CT e GC no Miniexame do Estado Mental (MMSE; todos os escores foram > 20. Os resultados dos testes de categoria e recordar palavras, aplicados para avaliar a memória implícita, não foram estatisticamente diferentes entre os grupos. Não houve evidência de memória implícita em nenhum dos pacientes. Um paciente lembrou-se de ouvir "o som de água" como uma prova de memória explícita. Onze pacientes declararam não ter sonhado. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar de não termos encontrado nenhuma evidência de memória implícita sob anestesia adequada com AVT, um paciente apresentou memória explícita. Embora a profundidade adequada da anestesia fornecida pelo monitoramento do BIS corrobore nossos resultados para a memória implícita, ela não explica os resultados para a memória explícita.

  6. The clinical features and meningeal histochemistry of meningeal malignant melanosis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    LIU Xue-wu; CHI Zhao-fu; ZHAO Xiu-he; WU Wei


    @@ Meningeal malignant melanosis is a meninges tumor that can produce melanin.Primary intracranial neurocutaneous melanosis is rare.It grows fast with a high degree of malignancy and is associated with earlier intracranial hypertension and meningeal irritation.

  7. Medicininduceret aseptisk meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Farr, Katherina Podlekareva; Backer Mogensen, Christian


    Drug-induced aseptic meningitis is a rare adverse effect of some drugs. We report a patient with four episodes of meningitis caused by ibuprofen. In all episodes the patient had taken ibuprofen for pain, and subsequently developed fever and cerebrovascular symptoms. Drug-induced meningitis cannot...... be distinguished from meningitis caused by other agents. Diagnosis is therefore based on close association between drug administration and onset of symptoms, as well as negative microbiology tests results, especially if previous episodes of drug-induced meningitis have occurred....

  8. Localized basal meningeal enhancement in tuberculous meningitis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Theron, Salomine; Andronikou, Savvas; Grobbelaar, Marie; Steyn, Freda; Mapukata, Ayanda; Plessis, Jaco du [University of Stellenbosch, Department of Radiology, Tygerberg Hospital, P.O. BOX 19063, Tygerberg (South Africa)


    Focal basal meningeal enhancement may produce a confusing CT picture in children with suspected tuberculous meningitis (TBM). To demonstrate the incidence, distribution and appearance of localized basal meningeal enhancement in children with TBM. CT scans of patients with definite (culture proven) and probable (CSF suggestive) TBM were retrospectively evaluated by two observers. Localized basal enhancement was documented as involving: unilateral cistern of the lateral fossa (CLF), unilateral sylvian fissure, unilateral CLF and sylvian fissure in combination, unilateral CLF and sylvian fissure with ipsi- or contralateral ambient cistern and isolated quadrigeminal plate cistern. The study included 130 patients with TBM (aged 2 months to 13 years 9 months). Focal basal enhancement was seen in 11 patients (8.5%). The sylvian fissure was involved most commonly, followed by the lateral fossa cistern. The ambient cistern was involved in three patients and the quadrigeminal plate cistern in one. Focal areas of enhancement corresponded to the areas of infarction in every patient. Focal basal meningeal enhancement is common (8.5%) in paediatric TBM. This must be kept in mind when evaluating CT scans in children presenting with focal neurological findings, seizures or meningism in communities where TBM is endemic. (orig.)

  9. Localized basal meningeal enhancement in tuberculous meningitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Theron, Salomine; Andronikou, Savvas; Grobbelaar, Marie; Steyn, Freda; Mapukata, Ayanda; Plessis, Jaco du


    Focal basal meningeal enhancement may produce a confusing CT picture in children with suspected tuberculous meningitis (TBM). To demonstrate the incidence, distribution and appearance of localized basal meningeal enhancement in children with TBM. CT scans of patients with definite (culture proven) and probable (CSF suggestive) TBM were retrospectively evaluated by two observers. Localized basal enhancement was documented as involving: unilateral cistern of the lateral fossa (CLF), unilateral sylvian fissure, unilateral CLF and sylvian fissure in combination, unilateral CLF and sylvian fissure with ipsi- or contralateral ambient cistern and isolated quadrigeminal plate cistern. The study included 130 patients with TBM (aged 2 months to 13 years 9 months). Focal basal enhancement was seen in 11 patients (8.5%). The sylvian fissure was involved most commonly, followed by the lateral fossa cistern. The ambient cistern was involved in three patients and the quadrigeminal plate cistern in one. Focal areas of enhancement corresponded to the areas of infarction in every patient. Focal basal meningeal enhancement is common (8.5%) in paediatric TBM. This must be kept in mind when evaluating CT scans in children presenting with focal neurological findings, seizures or meningism in communities where TBM is endemic. (orig.)


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    Anjampakuthikal Aboobekar Haris


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Meningitis is an infection within the subarachnoid space characterised by a CNS inflammatory reaction. It is a serious condition requiring immediate diagnosis and appropriate treatment to be started at the earliest to prevent mortality as well as irreversible neurological deficits. CSF lactate has been found useful in differentiating bacterial meningitis from viral meningitis in many studies in the western population, but studies in Indian population are limited. The aim of the study is to study whether CSF lactate can be used to distinguish bacterial from viral meningitis and to study the levels of CSF lactate in tuberculosis meningitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was a descriptive study conducted in a tertiary care hospital. In this study, 78 cases of meningitis were selected. Cases are patients with bacterial, viral or tuberculosis meningitis admitted to the hospital under the Department of Medicine and Neurology. Cases are grouped into bacterial, viral and tuberculosis meningitis based on clinical picture, CSF analysis and imaging characteristics. CSF lactate estimation was done by dry chemistry method. Using appropriate statistical methods and SPSS software, CSF lactate levels were compared among these groups and analysed for any association with the final outcome. RESULTS The levels of CSF lactate in bacterial meningitis were higher than viral meningitis with a statistical significance of p 35 mg/dL for bacterial meningitis in this study was 95% and 100% respectively and the positive predictive value was 100% and the negative predictive value was 96%. The mean CSF lactate values in bacterial, viral and tuberculosis meningitis were 124.40 ± 35.85 mg/dL, 24.34 ± 6.05 mg/dL and 50.13 ± 9.89 mg/dL, respectively. CONCLUSION CSF lactate level was significantly elevated in bacterial meningitis than tuberculosis or viral meningitis and can be used as a marker for differentiating bacterial from viral meningitis.

  11. Anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças Anestesia subaracnóidea en niños Spinal anesthesia in children

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    Norma Sueli Pinheiro Módolo


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Tem aumentado muito o emprego da anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças, principalmente neonatos com risco de desenvolver apnéia neonatal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi rever as diferenças anatômicas, fisiológicas e farmacológicas desta técnica em crianças. CONTEÚDO: A anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças, apesar de ter sido técnica empregada desde o início do século XX, teve sua popularidade diminuída com o advento dos anestésicos inalatórios e bloqueadores neuromusculares, para ser novamente resgatada em 1979. As características favoráveis desta técnica em pediatria são relativas à estabilidade cardiovascular, em crianças de até 8 anos de idade, à analgesia satisfatória e ao relaxamento muscular. Os anestésicos mais utilizados em crianças são a tetracaína e a bupivacaína, cujas doses são ajustadas tomando-se por base o peso corporal. Esta técnica é limitada pela duração relativamente curta, devendo ser utilizada para procedimentos cirúrgicos que não ultrapassem 90 minutos e também pela analgesia não abranger o pós-operatório. As complicações são as mesmas encontradas no paciente adulto, incluindo cefaléia por punção dural e irritação radicular transitória. As indicações são várias: cirurgias de abdômen inferior, genitália, membros inferiores, região perineal e, em alguns casos, até em cirurgias torácicas. Seu emprego tem particular interesse nos recém-nascidos prematuros, pelo risco de apresentarem a apnéia da prematuridade. CONCLUSÕES: A anestesia subaracnóidea em crianças é técnica relativamente segura, com poucas complicações e pode ser considerada como opção para anestesia geral, principalmente nos recém-nascidos prematuros com risco de apresentarem complicações respiratórias no pós-operatório.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Ha aumentado mucho el empleo de la anestesia subaracnóidea en niños, principalmente neonatos con riesgo de desarrollar


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    Alberto Vanegas-Saavedra


    Full Text Available El sistema de suministro de la anestesia total intravenosa en lazo cerrado es una técnica reciente que ofrece ventajas sobre las técnicas actuales como la estabilidad intraoperatoria y la menor y más segura dosificación. OBJETIVO: El objetivo general de este artículo es el de resumir los hallazgos sobre un nuevo método computarizado sencillo, en lazo cerrado, para suministrar la anestesia total intravenosa de forma automatizada y segura bajo la supervisión permanente del Anestesiólogo. Este sistema se ha desarrollado para la administración de anestesia intravenosa implementando varios subsistemas. Un modelo multicompartimental de distribución de fármacos en el paciente, un algoritmo para determinar la curva de velocidades del hipnótico (propofol a infundir, un protocolo de comunicación para establecer las velocidades de infusión y un lazo de realimentación para controlar la profundidad hipnótica mediante el índice biespectral. RESULTADO: El resultado final ha sido el desarrollo de un instrumento de fácil uso, con una interfaz interactiva, que facilita la operación anestésica por parte del anestesiólogo valiéndose de un computador convencional y un monitor de profundidad hipnótica. CONCLUSIÓN: Se ha implementado una herramienta informática dotada de un modelo farmacocinético multicompartimental de gran interés académico y clínico, que tal y como se ha demostrado de forma cuantitativa, proporciona idénticos resultados a los ofrecidos por equipos comerciales; con importantes ventajas adicionales como una interfaz de usuario interactiva y la posibilidad de administrar anestesia total intravenosa.

  13. Meningitis - meningococcal (United States)

    Meningococcal meningitis; Gram negative - meningococcus ... Meningococcal meningitis is caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis (also known as meningococcus). Meningococcus is the most common cause ...

  14. Does antimicrobial usage before meningitis lead to a higher risk of adult postsurgical Acinetobacter baumannii meningitis than that of Enterobacteriaceae meningitis? (United States)

    Demiraslan, Hayati; Ulutabanca, Halil; Ercal, Baris Derya; Metan, Gokhan; Alp, Emine


    Acinetobacter baumannii and Enterobacteriaceae are two pathogens responsible for postneurosurgical meningitis. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the factors that influenced the outcomes in patients with postneurosurgical meningitis caused by A. baumannii and Enterobacteriaceae. Patients with post-surgical meningitis were identified from infection control committee charts between 2007 and 2015. Subjects over 16 years old who had positive cerebral spinal fluid cultures for A. baumannii or Enterobacteriaceae were enrolled in the study. Clinical and laboratory data for 30 patients with A. baumannii meningitis were compared with those of 12 patients with Enterobacteriaceae meningitis. The mean age of patients was 51.9 years and 57.1% were male. Eleven patients had comorbidities, the most common being diabetes mellitus. Most patients were due to intracranial haemorrhage (78.6%). The rate of the patients who received an appropriate antimicrobial therapy was 35.7%, and the crude mortality rate was 64.3%. In univariate analysis, previous antibiotic use, an infection before meningitis and mechanical ventilation had an increased risk of A. baumannii meningitis. Moreover, intrathecal antimicrobial use, inappropriate empirical antimicrobial use, antimicrobial resistance and alanine aminotransferase elevation were significantly higher in patients with A. baumannii meningitis than in those with Enterobacteriaceae meningitis. Antimicrobial use before meningitis (8.84 times) and mechanical ventilation (7.28 times) resulted in an increased risk of A. baumannii meningitis. None of the results affected 30-day mortality. Avoidance of unnecessarily prolonged antimicrobial usage may help to prevent a selection of A. baumannii.

  15. Medicininduceret aseptisk meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Farr, Katherina Podlekareva; Backer Mogensen, Christian


    Drug-induced aseptic meningitis is a rare adverse effect of some drugs. We report a patient with four episodes of meningitis caused by ibuprofen. In all episodes the patient had taken ibuprofen for pain, and subsequently developed fever and cerebrovascular symptoms. Drug-induced meningitis cannot...

  16. Estrategias de Control en la Práctica de Anestesia

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    Juan Albino Méndez Pérez


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este artículo se centra en el modelado y control de la hipnosis durante la anestesia de pacientes sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas. Por un lado en este trabajo se aborda el problema del modelado del proceso presentando resultados validados con pacientes reales. Asimismo, se propone un controlador avanzado para regular el estado hipnótico. El algoritmo empleado se basa en combinar una acción nominal obtenida a partir de la dinámica inversa juntamente con una acción correctora que se obtiene a partir de un controlador predictivo. El trabajo persigue desarrollar una técnica que permita la regulación del estado del paciente y que tenga características de adaptabilidad a los diferentes individuos. Se muestran resultados preliminares de la estrategia propuesta para demostrar la eficiencia del sistema. Palabras clave: Anestesia, BIS, Propofol, Control, Control PID, Control Predictivo, Control Adaptativo

  17. Fungal Meningitis (United States)

    ... Schedules Preteen & Teen Vaccines Meningococcal Disease Sepsis Fungal Meningitis Language: English Spanish Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share ... the brain or spinal cord. Investigation of Fungal Meningitis, 2012 In September 2012, the Centers for Disease ...

  18. Laboratorial diagnosis of lymphocytic meningitis

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    Sérgio Monteiro de Almeida

    Full Text Available Meningitis is the main infectious central nervous system (CNS syndrome. Viruses or bacteria can cause acute meningitis of infectious etiology. The term "Aseptic Meningitis" denotes a clinical syndrome with a predominance of lymphocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF, with no common bacterial agents identified in the CSF. Viral meningitis is considered the main cause of lymphocyte meningitis. There are other etiologies of an infectious nature. CSF examination is essential to establish the diagnosis and to identify the etiological agent of lymphocytic meningitis. We examined CSF characteristics and the differential diagnosis of the main types of meningitis.

  19. Complicações respiratórias em pacientes com paralisia cerebral submetidos à anestesia geral


    Mello, Sérgio Silva de; Marques, Ronaldo Soares; Saraiva, Renato Ângelo


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Anestesia em pacientes com paralisia cerebral (PC) pode representar um desafio para o anestesiologista. Este estudo prospectivo teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência e o risco de complicações respiratórias em crianças com PC submetidas à anestesia geral inalatória (AGI) para tomografia computadorizada (TC). MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo pacientes com idades entre 1 e 17 anos, estado físico ASA I a III, submetidos a AGI com sevoflurano e máscara laríngea para ...

  20. Bacterial meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roos, Karen L.; van de Beek, Diederik


    Bacterial meningitis is a neurological emergency. Empiric antimicrobial and adjunctive therapy should be initiated as soon as a single set of blood cultures has been obtained. Clinical signs suggestive of bacterial meningitis include fever, headache, meningismus, vomiting, photophobia, and an


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    Ricardo Bustamante, Dr.


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La anestesiología es la rama de la medicina dedicada al alivio del dolor y al total cuidado del paciente antes, durante y después de un acto quirúrgico. Es una de las especialidades de la medicina que más ha avanzado en los últimos 40 años. Es así que hoy se operan pacientes que nunca se hubiera pensado que podrán operarse, llegando a cifras de mortalidad por causa anestésica bajísimas.Los anestesiólogos administran diferentes tipos de anestesia: desde la vigilancia del paciente despierto o con diversos grados de sedación, sin anestesia o con anestesia local, hasta la realización de variados tipos de bloqueos periféricos, bloqueos neuroaxiales o diferentes tipos de anestesia general (inhalatoria, endovenosa total o una mezcla de ambas.La actividad del anestesiólogo se ha extendido a muchas actividades fuera del pabellón quirúrgico, especialmente a procedimientos radiológicos, hemodinámicos, oncológicos, endoscópicos y dentales.Con el tiempo, se han desarrollado algunas subespecialidades en la anestesiología: cuidados intensivos, dolor crónico, anestesia pediátrica, anestesia cardiovascular, anestesia obstétrica, cuidados paliativos anestesia regional. Algunas actividades de la medicina los anestesiólogos las comparten con otros especialistas. Las más comunes son la medicina intensiva, el manejo del dolor crónico y los cuidados paliativos.Otra especialidad multidisciplina, que está surgiendo e instalándose en la medicina moderna es la medicina perioperatoria. La mayoría de los anestesiólogos practican en cierto grado la medicina perioperatoria y constituye probablemente el futuro de la anestesia, si es que nuestra especialidad desea prosperar. SUMMARY: Anesthesiology is the branch of medicine dedicated to relieve pain and total patient care before, during and after a surgical procedure. It is one of the medical specialties that has advanced

  2. Anestesia extra-dural en el parto

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    Alberto Cárdenas Escobar


    Full Text Available Desde que A. J. Corning practicó en 1885 la primera inyección de una solución de cocaína en el espacio epidural, diversos métodos anestésicos que utilizan este espacio han sido ensayados, tanto en cirugía como en obstetricia. Sicard y Cathelin, en 1901, usaron el hiatus sacro para anestesia epidural en operaciones urológicas. Stoeckel y Schlimpert en 1911 fueron los primeros en emplear este método en obstetricia. Reemplazaron la cocaína por novocaína. recientemente preparada, y lograron analgesia bastante satisfactoria durante 30 minutos a 1 hora, en casos seleccionados

  3. Correlation between the neonatal EEG and the neurological examination in the first year of life in infants with bacterial meningitis Correlación entre el EEG neonatal y el examen neurológico en el primer año de vida en recién nacidos con meningitis bacteriana

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    Adrián Poblano


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To assess the contribution of neonatal electroencephalogram (EEG and its correlation with the neurological examination at age of 9 months in newborns with bacterial neonatal meningitis. METHOD: Twenty seven infants were studied with positive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF culture for bacteria. We used the worse EEG result during acute phase of meningitis, and performed neurologic follow-up after discharge from hospital. Background cerebral activity was classified as normal or mildly, moderately, or markedly abnormal. Neurologic examination outcomes was classified normal, mild abnormalities, moderate abnormalities and severe abnormalities. RESULTS: EEG performed in the neonatal period during acute bacterial meningitis predicts adverse outcome early at age of 9 months, and had a significant correlation with cephalic perimeter and active tone alterations. CONCLUSION: Neonatal EEG is useful for predicting abnormal outcomes, especially cephalic perimeter and active tone abnormalities at 9 months of age in infants with bacterial neonatal meningitis.OBJETIVO: Medir la contribución del electroencefalograma (EEG neonatal y su correlación con el examen neurológico a la edad de 9 meses en recién nacidos con meningitis neonatal bacteriana. MÉTODO: Se estudió a 27 neonatos con cultivos positivos de líquido cefalorraquídeo a bacterias. Se uso el peor resultado del EEG obtenido durante el periodo agudo de la meningitis. El seguimiento neurológico se efectuó tras el egreso hospitalario. La actividad de fondo del EEG se clasificó en normal y anormal leve, moderada y severa. El examen neurológico se clasificó en normal, y anormal leve moderado y severo. RESULTADOS: El EEG realizado durante el periodo neonatal durante la fase aguda de la meningitis bacteriana predice bien un resultado adverso a la edad de 9 meses, con correlaciones significativas con el perímetro cefálico y con las alteraciones del tono activo. CONCLUSION: El EEG neonatal es

  4. Meninges in cancer imaging. (United States)

    Mahendru, G; Chong, V


    Primary malignant tumours arising from the meninges are distinctly uncommon, and when they occur, they are usually sarcomas. In contrast, metastatic meningeal involvement is increasingly seen as advances in cancer therapy have changed the natural history of malignant disease and prolonged the life span of cancer patients. The meninges can either be infiltrated by contiguous extension of primary tumours of the central nervous system, paranasal sinuses and skull base origin or can be diffusely infiltrated from haematogenous dissemination from distant primary malignancies. Imaging in these patients provides crucial information in planning management. This article reviews the pertinent anatomy that underlies imaging findings, discusses the mechanism of meningeal metastasis and highlights different imaging patterns of meningeal carcinomatosis and the pitfalls.

  5. Community-acquired bacterial meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Beek, Diederik; Brouwer, Matthijs; Hasbun, Rodrigo; Koedel, Uwe; Whitney, Cynthia G.; Wijdicks, Eelco


    Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges and subarachnoid space that can also involve the brain cortex and parenchyma. It can be acquired spontaneously in the community - community-acquired bacterial meningitis - or in the hospital as a complication of invasive procedures or head trauma

  6. [Meningitis carcinomatosa (author's transl)]. (United States)

    Steinhäusl, H


    On the basis of a case report the clinical picture of meningitis carcinomatosa is discussed. The cerebrospinal fluid is the most important criterion for the diagnosis. All other examinations (EEG, brain-scan, X-ray) yield only imperfect information. The clinical picture of meningitis carcinomatosa is similar above all to meningitis tuberculosa. If cerebrospinal fluid shows inflammatory signs and there is a breakdown of cerebral nerves (blindness, deafness) meningitis carcinomatosa always should be considered, even if thorough examination does not succeed in proving a primary tumour.

  7. Differential diagnosis of scrub typhus meningitis from tuberculous meningitis using clinical and laboratory features. (United States)

    Valappil, Ashraf V; Thiruvoth, Sohanlal; Peedikayil, Jabir M; Raghunath, Praveenkumar; Thekkedath, Manojan


    The involvement of the central nervous system in the form of meningitis or meningoencephalitis is common in scrub typhus and is an important differential diagnosis of other lymphocytic meningitis like tuberculous meningitis (TBM). The aim of this study was to identify the clinical and laboratory parameters that may be helpful in differentiating scrub typhus meningitis from TBM. We compared of the clinical and laboratory features of 57 patients admitted with scrub typhus meningitis or TBM during a 3-year period. Patients who had abnormal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and positive scrub typhus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay serology (n=28) were included in the scrub typhus meningitis group, while the TBM group included those who satisfied the consensus diagnostic criteria of TBM (n=29). Compared with the TBM group, the mean duration of symptoms was less in patients with scrub typhus meningitis, who also had a lower magnitude of neurological deficits, such as altered mental status and cranial nerve and motor deficits. Patients with scrub typhus meningitis had a lower CSF white blood-cell count (WBC) than the TBM group (130.8±213 195±175 cells/mm 3 , P=0.002), lower CSF protein elevation (125±120 vs. 195.2±108.2mg/dl, P=0.002), and higher CSF sugar (70.1±32.4 vs. 48.7±23.4mg/dl, P=0.006). Features predictive of the diagnosis of scrub typhus meningitis included the absence of neurological impairment at presentation, blood serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase>40 international units (IU)/L, serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase>60 IU/L, total blood leukocyte count>10,000/mm 3 , CSF protein50mg/dl, CSF WBC<100 cells/mm 3 . All patients with scrub typhus meningitis recovered completely following doxycycline therapy CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that, clinical features, including duration of fever, neurological deficits at presentation and laboratory parameters such as CSF pleocytosis,CSF protein elevation, CSF sugar levels and liver enzyme values are helpful in

  8. Anestesia general para cesárea. Papel del sugammadex en la calidad y la seguridad del acto anestésico. Reporte de caso


    Tafur B, Luis Alberto; Lema Flórez, Eduardo


    La cesárea es una de las intervenciones quirúrgicas más realizadas en el planeta. En el 5% de los casos se practica bajo anestesia general (7,5 millones de anestesias generales para cesárea cada año). Debido a sus requerimientos particulares (paciente con estómago lleno, necesidad de relajación neuromuscular, bienestar del binomio madre-hijo, expectativas de pronta atención del recién nacido por parte de la madre y relativa corta duración del procedimiento) la anestesia general representa un ...

  9. Avaliação da memória sob anestesia venosa total Evaluación de la memoria bajo anestesia venosa total The assessment of memory under total intravenous anesthesia

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    Gulistan Aktas


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Neste estudo, objetivamos avaliar a memória implícita e explícita em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia abdominal sob anestesia venosa total (AVT com propofol e remifentanil, na qual o nível de anestesia foi controlado pelo monitoramento do índice bispectral (BIS. MÉTODO: Anestesia venosa total foi administrada a 60 pacientes adultos para obter níveis de BIS de 40-60. Os pacientes foram randomicamente divididos em três grupos, de acordo com as gravações que ouviram. Os pacientes do grupo categoria (CT ouviram uma fita gravada contendo cinco nomes de animais. Os pacientes do grupo recordar palavras (RP ouviram uma fita gravada contendo cinco palavras de frequência média na língua turca, depois de adaptadas. Os pacientes do grupo controle (GC ouviram os sons do mar até o fim da cirurgia. Duas horas após a cirurgia, os testes foram administrados a cada paciente na sala de recuperação para avaliar a memória. RESULTADOS: Houve uma diferença entre os escores dos grupos CT e GC no Miniexame do Estado Mental (MMSE; todos os escores foram > 20. Os resultados dos testes de categoria e recordar palavras, aplicados para avaliar a memória implícita, não foram estatisticamente diferentes entre os grupos. Não houve evidência de memória implícita em nenhum dos pacientes. Um paciente lembrou-se de ouvir "o som de água" como uma prova de memória explícita. Onze pacientes declararam não ter sonhado. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar de não termos encontrado nenhuma evidência de memória implícita sob anestesia adequada com AVT, um paciente apresentou memória explícita. Embora a profundidade adequada da anestesia fornecida pelo monitoramento do BIS corrobore nossos resultados para a memória implícita, ela não explica os resultados para a memória explícita.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: En este estudio evaluamos la memoria implícita y explícita en pacientes sometidos a la cirugía abdominal bajo anestesia venosa total


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    Antonello Penna S., Dr., MD, PhD


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Uno de los focos principales de la neurociencia es entender las funciones cerebrales superiores y cómo estas son inhibidas de manera reversible por los anestésicos generales. Por ello, la comprensión del mecanismo de acción de estos fármacos, que rutinariamente se utilizan en la práctica clínica, ha permitido avanzar enormemente en entender cómo se integra la información a nivel cerebral para establecer las nuevas memorias, la capacidad de reaccionar al medio externo y las bases de la consciencia. Desde la primera demostración pública exitosa del efecto de los anestésicos generales hasta nuestros días se ha determinado que los anestésicos actúan en bolsillos hidrofóbicos de receptores proteicos localizados en la membrana plasmática de las neuronas corticales y subcorticales, generando una disminución de la excitabilidad de las redes neuronales. Este efecto puede ser evidenciado por registros electroencefalográficos que han permitido registrar en línea el efecto de cada uno de los anestésicos. De este modo, se ha podido establecer que la anestesia es diferente al sueño, más bien corresponde a un coma farmacológico reversible. Sin embargo, pese a todos los avances, aún quedan muchas preguntas por responder, lo cual es el objetivo de las futuras investigaciones. SUMMARY: One of the main focus of neuroscience is to understand the higher brain functions, which are reversibly inhibited by general anesthetics. Therefore, understanding the mechanism of action of these drugs, which are routinely used in clinical practice, has allowed a great advance in how information is integrated in the brain to establish new memories, the ability to react to external environment and the consciousness. Since the first successful public demonstration of the effect of general anesthetics to the present day, it has been determined that anesthetics act on hydrophobic pockets of protein receptors in cortical and subcortical neurons

  11. Influence of the blood bacterial load on the meningeal inflammatory response in Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, C; O´Reilly, T; Brandt, C


    BACKGROUND: Despite bacteraemia is present in the majority of patients with pneumococcal, little is known about the influence of the systemic infection on the meningeal inflammatory response. METHODS: To explore the role of systemic infection on the meningeal inflammation, experimental meningitis...... levels in 153 pneumococcal meningitis patients with and without presence of bacteraemia. RESULTS: As designed, blood bacterial concentrations were significantly different among three experimental groups during the 16 hours study period (Kruskal Wallis test, P ... to the two other groups between 12-16 hours from time of infection (P meningitis, no significant difference in CSF WBC was observed between patients with or without bacteraemia at admission (n = 103, 1740...

  12. Bacterial meningitis in immunocompromised patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Veen, K.E.B.


    Bacterial meningitis is an acute infection of the meninges, in The Netherlands most commonly caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitides. Risk factors for acquiring bacterial meningitis include a decreased function of the immune system. The aim of this thesis was to study

  13. Anestesia e síndrome do QT longo Anestesia e síndrome del QT largo Anesthesia and the long QT syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michelle Nacur Lorentz


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As disritmias cardíacas são fatores importantes de morbimortalidade no período perioperatório. Dentre as causas de disritmias, a síndrome do QT longo, tanto em sua forma genética como adquirida deve ser lembrada, já que muitos fármacos usados em anestesia, bem como ocorrências no período perioperatório podem prolongar o intervalo QT e precipitar disritmias cardíacas potencialmente malignas. CONTEÚDO: Revisão da síndrome do QT longo (LQTS, abordando suas causas e sua definição, assim como os mecanismos da doença. Além de citar vários fármacos implicados no prolongamento do intervalo QT, as abordagens anestésicas mais adequadas para os pacientes afetados são sugeridas. CONCLUSÃO: A síndrome do QT longo, possível causa de morbimortalidade intra e pós-operatória, pode estar relacionada com fármacos utilizados durante anestesia. Essa condição demanda conhecimento do anestesiologista a fim de evitar desfecho desfavorável do ato operatório.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Las arritmias cardíacas son factores importantes de morbi mortalidad en el período perioperatorio. Entre las causas de arritmias, el síndrome del QT largo, tanto en su forma genética como adquirida debe ser recordado ya que muchos fármacos usados en anestesia, e incidencias en el período perioperatorio pueden prolongar el intervalo QT y precipitar arritmias potencialmente malignas. CONTENIDO: Revisión del Síndrome del QT largo (LQTS, abordando sus causas y definición, y los mecanismos de la enfermedad. Además de citar varios fármacos implicados en el prolongamiento del intervalo QT, los abordajes anestésicos más adecuadas para los pacientes afectados son sugeridas. CONCLUSIÓN: El síndrome del QT largo, posible causa de morbimortalidad intra y postoperatoria, puede estar relacionada a fármacos utilizados durante anestesia. Esa condición demanda conocimiento del anestesiólogo para evitar un desenlace no deseado de

  14. Pediatric bacterial meningitis in French Guiana. (United States)

    Elenga, N; Sicard, S; Cuadro-Alvarez, E; Long, L; Njuieyon, F; Martin, E; Kom-Tchameni, R; Balcaen, J; Moreau, B; Boukhari, R


    Controlling vaccine-preventable infectious diseases is a public health priority in French Guiana but there is currently no epidemiological data on pediatric bacterial meningitis in this overseas department. Our aim was to describe data related to pediatric bacterial meningitis in French Guiana and compare it with that of metropolitan France. We conducted a multicenter retrospective study from 2000 to 2010 to describe the clinical picture, biological data, epidemiology, and outcome of pediatric bacterial meningitis case patients in French Guiana. The median age of bacterial meningitis patients was 6months [0-15] and the sex ratio 1.06. We observed a total of 60 bacterial meningitis case patients. Most presented with pneumococcal meningitis (24 patients; 40%); 11 with Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis (23%), five with group B streptococcal meningitis (8.5%), and five others (8.5%) with staphylococcal meningitis (three patients presented with coagulase-negative staphylococci and two with Staphylococcus aureus). Only one patient presented with group B meningococcal meningitis, an 18-month-old infant. We recorded 14 deaths (overall case fatality: 23%); eight were due to Streptococcus pneumoniae (case fatality: 33%). The overall sequelae rate was 28%. It was 32% for patients presenting with pneumococcal meningitis. We observed that 38% of children who had never been vaccinated were infected by a vaccine-preventable bacterium. We observed many differences in the distribution of the bacteria and in the patients' prognosis when comparing the French Guiana data with that of metropolitan France. Improving vaccination coverage would decrease the incidence of H. influenzae meningitis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  15. From Epidemic Meningitis Vaccines for Africa to the Meningitis Vaccine Project. (United States)

    Aguado, M Teresa; Jodar, Luis; Granoff, Dan; Rabinovich, Regina; Ceccarini, Costante; Perkin, Gordon W


    Polysaccharide vaccines had been used to control African meningitis epidemics for >30 years but with little or modest success, largely because of logistical problems in the implementation of reactive vaccination campaigns that are begun after epidemics are under way. After the major group A meningococcal meningitis epidemics in 1996-1997 (250,000 cases and 25,000 deaths), African ministers of health declared the prevention of meningitis a high priority and asked the World Health Organization (WHO) for help in developing better immunization strategies to eliminate meningitis epidemics in Africa. WHO accepted the challenge and created a project called Epidemic Meningitis Vaccines for Africa (EVA) that served as an organizational framework for external consultants, PATH, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Consultations were initiated with major vaccine manufacturers. EVA commissioned a costing study/business plan for the development of new group A or A/C conjugate vaccines and explored the feasibility of developing these products as a public-private partnership. Representatives from African countries were consulted. They confirmed that the development of conjugate vaccines was a priority and provided information on preferred product characteristics. In parallel, a strategy for successful introduction was also anticipated and discussed. The expert consultations recommended that a group A meningococcal conjugate vaccine be developed and introduced into the African meningitis belt. The results of the costing study indicated that the "cost of goods" to develop a group A - containing conjugate vaccine in the United States would be in the range of US$0.35-$1.35 per dose, depending on composition (A vs A/C), number of doses/vials, and presentation. Following an invitation from BMGF, a proposal was submitted in the spring of 2001. In June 2001, BMGF awarded a grant of US$70 million to create the Meningitis

  16. An evaluation of new circle system of anesthesia. Quantitative anesthesia with isoflurane in new zealand rabbits Avaliação de um novo sistema circular de anestesia: anestesia quantitativa com isuflorane em coelhos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neuber M. Fonseca


    Full Text Available A small circuit system of anesthesia was developed by Fonseca and Goldenberg in 1993. The authors used in this study New Zealand White (NZW rabbits under closed system anesthetic regiment by insoflurane. Twenty male adult New Zealand rabbits were distributed in two groups of ten animals. No premedicant drugs were given. Endotraqueal intubation was made after intravenous administration of propofol (10mg/kg. Insoflurane was used to anesthesia management, administred by lowflow closed system technique with cooper kettle vaporizer, fixed by pre-calculated vaporizing flow in double times intervals. The group II underwent surgical periostal scratching in the medial tibial surface at the proximal shaft. Rabbits breathed spontaneously. Hypotensio, hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis were characteristic of the cardiopulmonary effects of the anesthesia. The corneal reflex and pinch reflex was useful as reliable indicators of anesthesic depth. Manual or mechanical ventilation should be considered as a way of improving alveolar ventilation and normalize blood-gas values. The system developed by Fonseca and Goldenberg was considered suitable for anesthesic management in rabbits.Um sistema circular de anestesia para animais de pequeno porte foi desenvolvido por FONSECA e GOLDENBERG, em 1993. No presente estudo foram utilizados 20 coelhos brancos linhagem Nova Zelândia, submetidos ao sistema com isoflurane, distribuidos em dois grupos de 10 animais. O grupo I, controle, que foi apenas anestesiado e o grupo II foi submetido a raspagem periostal da parte proximal e medial da tíbia. Não foi administrada droga pré-anestésica. Após administração do propofol intravenoso (10mg/kg procedeu-se a intubação endotraqueal. O isuflorane foi administrado lentamente no sistema circular de anestesia. Os animais respiravam espontaneamente. Houve efeitos cardiorespiratórios conseqüentes da anestesia, tais como, hipotensão, hipercapnia e acidose respiratória. O

  17. Efedrina y Fenilefrina: Efectos hemodinámicos en cesáreas electivas


    Romero Palomino, Patricia


    El objetivo de este estudio es comparar el efecto de bolos de efedrina y fenilefrina sobre el gasto cardíaco en la hipotensión que se produce tras la realización de anestesia espinal en cesáreas programadas. La anestesia espinal es la técnica de elección para cesáreas y conlleva disminución de las resistencias vasculares periféricas, del retorno venoso y un aumento compensador del gasto cardíaco que asociados a las peculiaridades del embarazo a término hacen que se convierta en un periodo ...

  18. Anestesia em paciente com síndrome de Gilbert: relato de caso Anestesia en paciente con síndrome de Gilbert: relato de caso Anesthesia in a patient with Gilbert's syndrome: case report

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    Fabiano Timbó Barbosa


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A síndrome de Gilbert é uma doença crônica benigna, a qual leva à icterícia recorrente com grande aumento da bilirrubina não conjugada, que pode levar à toxicidade após o uso de medicações utilizadas na prática diária. O objetivo deste relato é descrever a conduta anestésica em uma paciente com síndrome de Gilbert, submetida à cirurgia videolaparoscópica. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, com 22 anos, portadora da síndrome de Gilbert, submetida à cirurgia videolaparoscópica sob anestesia geral com propofol, alfentanil, succinilcolina, atracúrio e isoflurano. Não houve sinais de toxicidade durante a anestesia. A paciente apresentou recuperação pós-operatória sem intercorrências e recebeu alta hospitalar após três dias. CONCLUSÕES: O paciente portador da síndrome de Gilbert pode ser submetido à anestesia geral de forma segura sem o aparecimento de toxicidade desde que sejam evitados os fatores que possam levar à diminuição da atividade da glicuroniltransferase.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La síndrome de Gilbert es una enfermedad crónica benigna la cual lleva a la ictericia recurrente con grande aumento de la bilirrubina no conjugada, que puede llevar a la toxicidad después del uso de medicamentos utilizadas en la práctica diaria. El objetivo de este relato es describir la conducta anestésica en una paciente con síndrome de Gilbert, sometida a cirugía videolaparoscópica. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente del sexo femenino, con 22 años, portadora de la síndrome de Gilbert fue sometida a cirugía videolaparoscópica bajo anestesia general con propofol, alfentanil, succinilcolina, atracúrio e isoflurano. No hubo señales de toxicidad durante la anestesia. La paciente presentó recuperación pós-operatoria sin intercurrencias y recibió alta hospitalar después de tres días. CONCLUSIONES: El paciente portador del síndrome de Gilbert puede ser sometido a la anestesia general de

  19. Mondini dysplasia with recurrent meningitis. (United States)

    Lu, M Y; Lee, P I; Lee, C Y; Hsu, C J


    Mondini dysplasia is a congenital malformation of the inner ear, commonly associated with hearing impairment, cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea/rhinorrhea and recurrent meningitis. Two such cases are described, with hearing impairment, cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, and several episodes of meningitis. Diagnosis was confirmed by high-resolution computed tomography. After surgical correction of the malformation, there was no recurrent episode of meningitis at subsequent follow-up. To avoid the suffering and the sequelae of recurrent meningitis, an early diagnosis and prompt surgical intervention are crucial for such patients.

  20. Aplicação do monitor Narcotrend® para avaliar a profundidade da anestesia em crianças submetidas à cirurgia cardíaca: estudo prospectivo e controlado

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    Yiyan Jiang


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Investigar a eficácia clínica, segurança e viabilidade do monitor Narcotrend® para avaliar a profundidade da anestesia em crianças com doença cardíaca congênita (DCC submetidas à cirurgia cardíaca. MÉTODOS: Foram randomicamente selecionadas 80 crianças submetidas à anestesia geral em cirurgia seletiva. As crianças foram divididas em dois grupos de forma aleatória (n = 40 por grupo. No grupo Narcotrend, a profundidade da anestesia foi monitorada com o Narcotrend. No grupo padrão, a profundidade da anestesia foi controlada de acordo com a experiência clínica. A pressão arterial média (PAM e a frequência cardíaca (FC foram determinadas e a dose de fentanil e relaxante muscular e os tempos de recuperação e de extubação foram registrados. RESULTADOS: Em ambos os grupos, os sinais vitais apresentaram-se estáveis durante a cirurgia. No grupo Narcotrend, a PAM e a FC foram mais estáveis, a dose total de fentanil e relaxante muscular significativamente menor e os tempos de recuperação e extubação acentuadamente mais reduzidos em comparação com o grupo padrão. CONCLUSÃO: A aplicação do monitor Narcotrend para medir a profundidade da anestesia foi útil para controlar a profundidade da anestesia em crianças com DCC que receberam anestesia intravenosa total, na qual uma pequena quantidade de narcóticos pode obter a anestesia ideal. Além disso, os tempos de recuperação e extubação foram menores e os efeitos secundários, como sensibilização intraoperatória, puderam ser evitados.

  1. Perbedaan Intensitas Penyengatan Meningeal Hasil MRI antara Sekuens T2 FLAIR Post Contrast dan T1WI Post Contrast Gadolinium-DTPA dalam Mendeteksi Penyangatan Meningeal pada Kasus Meningitis Tuberkulosis

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    Arie Hendarin


    Full Text Available Diagnosis meningitis TB terutama pada kasus possible dan probable sulit ditegakkan. Pemeriksaan MRI kepala dengan kontras Gadolinium-DTPA adalah modalitas radiologi yang paling sensitif untuk membantu mendiagnosis penyakit ini. Penyangatan meningeal di daerah basal merupakan gambaran MRI yang paling banyak ditemukan pada meningitis TB. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan intensitas sinyal meningen sekuens T2-FLAIR dengan T1WI pada pasien meningitis tuberkulosis menggunakan pemeriksaan MRI kepala dengan kontras Gadolinium-DTPA di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung pada bulan Januari 2015–Juni 2016. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 21 orang dengan meningitis TB dilakukan pemeriksaan MRI kepala dengan kontras Gadolinium-DTPA. Analisis statistik komparatif dilakukan untuk menguji perbedaan peningkatan intensitas sinyal meningen sekuens T2-FLAIR post contrast dengan T1WI post contrast. Hasil penelitian menujukkan rerata peningkatan intensitas sinyal meningen sekuen T2-FLAIR (∆T2-FLAIR sebesar 360,59±182,19 aμ sedangkan T1WI (∆T1WI sebesar 126,47±72,57 aμ. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji T pada derajat kepercayaan 95% menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna ∆T2-FLAIR dengan ∆T1WI pada nilai p=0,000. Sebagai simpulan didapatkan peningkatan intensitas sinyal meningen sekuens T2-FLAIR post contrast lebih besar daripada T1WI post contrast pada kasus meningitis TB.  [MKB. 2017;49(3:172–78] Kata kunci: Meningitis tuberkulosis, MRI sekuens T1WI dan T2-FLAIR, penyangatan meningeal Difference between Gadolinium-DTPA Enhanced T2 FLAIR Sequence and T1WI Sequence MRI in Detecting Meningeal Enhancement in Tuberculous Meningitis The diagnosis of TB meningitis, especially in possible and probable cases, is difficult. Contrast-enhanced MRI of the head with Gadolinium-DTPA is the most sensitive imaging modality that supports diagnosis of this disease. The most common presentation of TB meningitis in MRI is basal meningeal enhancement

  2. Endocarditis in adults with bacterial meningitis. (United States)

    Lucas, Marjolein J; Brouwer, Matthijs C; van der Ende, Arie; van de Beek, Diederik


    Endocarditis may precede or complicate bacterial meningitis, but the incidence and impact of endocarditis in bacterial meningitis are unknown. We assessed the incidence and clinical characteristics of patients with meningitis and endocarditis from a nationwide cohort study of adults with community-acquired bacterial meningitis in the Netherlands from 2006 to 2012. Endocarditis was identified in 24 of 1025 episodes (2%) of bacterial meningitis. Cultures yielded Streptococcus pneumoniae in 13 patients, Staphylococcus aureus in 8 patients, and Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Streptococcus salivarius in 1 patient each. Clues leading to the diagnosis of endocarditis were cardiac murmurs, persistent or recurrent fever, a history of heart valve disease, and S aureus as the causative pathogen of bacterial meningitis. Treatment consisted of prolonged antibiotic therapy in all patients and surgical valve replacement in 10 patients (42%). Two patients were treated with oral anticoagulants, and both developed life-threatening intracerebral hemorrhage. Systemic (70%) and neurological (54%) complications occurred frequently, leading to a high proportion of patients with unfavorable outcome (63%). Seven of 24 patients (29%) with meningitis and endocarditis died. Endocarditis is an uncommon coexisting condition in bacterial meningitis but is associated with a high rate of unfavorable outcome.

  3. Meningitis Myths and Facts (United States)

    ... Diseases Infographic Prevention and Control of Meningococcal Disease Meningitis Myths and Facts Myth: Meningococcal disease is easy ... infected person, such as shaking hands. Fact: Meningococcal meningitis is spread through air droplets and direct contact ...

  4. Dynamic CT of tuberculous meningeal reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jinkins, J.R.


    The technique of intravenous dynamic cranial computed tomography has been applied to the patient population at this location in Saudi Arabia with meningeal tuberculosis. The various manifestations and sequelae including meningitis, arteritis, infarct, and true meningeal tuberculomata all have characteristic if not specific appearances. The dynamic study enhances an otherwise static examination and reveals a great deal about the pathophysiology of tuberculosis involving the cerebral meningeal surfaces. (orig.)

  5. Anestesia venosa total para laringectomia parcial em paciente na 28ª semana de gestação: relato de caso


    Costa, José; Mendes, Dalva Maria Carvalho; Lobo, José Eduardo de Oliveira; Furuguem, Adriana Barrozo Ribeiro; Santos, Gabriel Gilberto


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Uma anestesia para paciente gestante constitui um desafio ao anestesiologista em virtude dos riscos para a mãe e para o feto. São muitas as complicações descritas pela literatura como malformações fetais, parto prematuro, instabilidade hemodinâmica materna e até morte fetal. O objetivo deste caso é mostrar uma paciente gestante de 28 semanas, submetida a laringectomia parcial sob anestesia geral venosa total com propofol, remifentanil e cisatracúrio. RELATO DO CASO:...

  6. Meningeal cysts in the sacral canal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salatkova, A.; Matejka, J.


    Meningeal cysts develop from the meningeal cover, contain liquor, are localised in the spinal canal. Clinical demonstration are different, often with no clinical manifestation, or with manifestation from compression surrounding structures. Meningeal cysts is possible diagnostic imaging with perimyelography, CT and MRI. In the paper it was discussed different feature in the diagnosis meningeal cysts with perimyelography and CT of the spine, position and time of the examination.(authors). 7 figs., 11 refs

  7. Endocarditis in adults with bacterial meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lucas, Marjolein J.; Brouwer, Matthijs C.; van der Ende, Arie; van de Beek, Diederik


    Endocarditis may precede or complicate bacterial meningitis, but the incidence and impact of endocarditis in bacterial meningitis are unknown. We assessed the incidence and clinical characteristics of patients with meningitis and endocarditis from a nationwide cohort study of adults with

  8. C-reactive protein and bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gerdes, Lars Ulrik; Jørgensen, P E; Nexø, E


    The aim of the study was to review published articles on the diagnostic accuracy of C-reactive protein (CRP) tests with cerebrospinal fluid and serum in diagnosing bacterial meningitis. The literature from 1980 and onwards was searched using the electronic databases of MEDLINE, and we used summary...... measured in serum, and 4 in which it had been measured in both cerebrospinal fluid and serum. The odds ratio for bacterial meningitis versus aseptic meningitis for a positive CRP test with cerebrospinal fluid was estimated at 241 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 59-980), and the central tendencies.......06-0.08, respectively, the post-test probability of not having bacterial meningitis given a negative test is very high (> or = 97%), in the range of a pre-test probability (prevalence of bacterial meningitis) from 10 to 30%, whereas the post-test probability of bacterial meningitis given a positive test is considerably...

  9. Campylobacter Fetus Meningitis in Adults (United States)

    van Samkar, Anusha; Brouwer, Matthijs C.; van der Ende, Arie; van de Beek, Diederik


    Abstract The zoonotic pathogen Campylobacter fetus is a rare cause of bacterial meningitis. Little is known about the clinical characteristics, predisposing factors and outcome of C fetus meningitis in adults. We report cases of C fetus meningitis in a nationwide cohort study of adult bacterial meningitis patients in the Netherlands and performed a review of the literature. Two patients with C fetus meningitis were identified from January 2006 through May 2015. The calculated annual incidence was 0.02 per million adults. Combined with the literature, we identified 22 patients with a median age of 48 years. An immunocompromised state was present in 16 patients (73%), mostly due to alcoholism (41%) and diabetes mellitus (27%). The source of infection was identified in 13 out of 19 patients (68%), consisting of regular contact with domestic animals in 5 and working on a farm in 4. Recurrent fever and illness was reported in 4 patients (18%), requiring prolonged antibiotic treatment. Two patients died (9%) and 3 survivors (15%) had neurological sequelae. C fetus is a rare cause of bacterial meningitis and is associated with an immunocompromised state. Based on the apparent slow clinical response seen in this limited number of cases, the authors of this study recommend a prolonged course of antimicrobial therapy when C fetus is identified as a causative agent of bacterial meningitis. Cases appeared to do best with carbapenem therapy. PMID:26937916

  10. Meninges-derived cues control axon guidance. (United States)

    Suter, Tracey A C S; DeLoughery, Zachary J; Jaworski, Alexander


    The axons of developing neurons travel long distances along stereotyped pathways under the direction of extracellular cues sensed by the axonal growth cone. Guidance cues are either secreted proteins that diffuse freely or bind the extracellular matrix, or membrane-anchored proteins. Different populations of axons express distinct sets of receptors for guidance cues, which results in differential responses to specific ligands. The full repertoire of axon guidance cues and receptors and the identity of the tissues producing these cues remain to be elucidated. The meninges are connective tissue layers enveloping the vertebrate brain and spinal cord that serve to protect the central nervous system (CNS). The meninges also instruct nervous system development by regulating the generation and migration of neural progenitors, but it has not been determined whether they help guide axons to their targets. Here, we investigate a possible role for the meninges in neuronal wiring. Using mouse neural tissue explants, we show that developing spinal cord meninges produce secreted attractive and repulsive cues that can guide multiple types of axons in vitro. We find that motor and sensory neurons, which project axons across the CNS-peripheral nervous system (PNS) boundary, are attracted by meninges. Conversely, axons of both ipsi- and contralaterally projecting dorsal spinal cord interneurons are repelled by meninges. The responses of these axonal populations to the meninges are consistent with their trajectories relative to meninges in vivo, suggesting that meningeal guidance factors contribute to nervous system wiring and control which axons are able to traverse the CNS-PNS boundary. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. MRI enhancing patterns of non-meningioma meningeal lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tao Xiaofeng; Ding Juan; Xiao Xiangsheng; Shi Zengru; Yu Hong; Gu Qian


    Objective: To analyze the MRI appearances of meningeal diseases and to study MRI diagnostic value of enhancing patterns in different meningeal processes. Methods: Sixty-one patients with integrated clinical data, including 27 infectious meningitis, 4 inflammatory meningitis (2 eosinophilic granuloma, 1 Wegener granuloma, and 1 unknown etiological factor), 12 meningeal metastasis, 2 meningeal lymphoma, 8 cerebrovascular disease, and 8 postoperative changes, were reviewed retrospectively. All patients were examined on MRI before and after contrast administration. Results: (1) MR plain scan: positive findings of plain scan were revealed in only 3 cases, including 1 linear meningeal thickening pattern and 2 nodular pattern. (2) MR enhancement: All cases showed 3 kinds of enhancing patterns: 19 dural-arachnoid pattern, 32 pia-arachnoid pattern, and 10 total meninges pattern, respectively. Conclusion: Different meningeal diseases have different MR imaging manifestations. Creating the enhancement patterns of various diseases can have great clinical significance. (authors)


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    O. V. Usacheva


    Full Text Available Among numerous viral meningitises from 80% to 90% of cases are accounted for meningitis of enteroviral etiology according to the international data. Despite the favorable disease course, there are forms which are characterized by severe damage of CNS. In order to improve diagnostics of enteroviral meningitis in this article we have made a comparative analysis of clinical and laboratory parameters in 23 patients with enteroviral meningitis and 18 patients with serous meningitis of non-enteroviral etiology. Anamnesis data and the major clinical manifestations of the disease dynamics were analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the comparison of diagnoses, by which patients were sent to infectious hospital, the symptoms that occurred during patients’ admission into hospitals and their severity. The presence and severity of meningeal symptoms and the indices of cerebrospinal fluid in the patients of the comparison group were analyzed in detail. It is shown that enteroviruses are the important factor in the development of meningitis in the children of younger age. The clinical picture of enteroviral meningitis often develops gradually for 2-3 days and includes the typical syndromes: intoxication and meningeal ones. Every third patient with enterovirus infection has diarrhea and catarrhal symptoms, that’s why it is difficult to diagnose meningitis in its early stages, but it allows to assume enteroviral etiology of the disease. The meningitis of enteroviral etiology is characterized by multiple meningeal signs, while the non-enteroviral meningitis is characterized by dissociation with the prevalence of the of Kernig’s and Brudzinski’s symptoms. The analysis of the laboratory data showed that the enteroviral meningitis is characterized by low (over 50-100 cells "mixed" pleocytosis (the ratio of lymphocytes and neutrophils is about 1:1. These data can be used for differential diagnosis between enteroviral meningitis and serous meningitis of

  13. Bacteriële meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouwer, M. C.; van de Beek, D.


    Bacterial meningitis is a severe disease which affects 35.000 Europeans each year and has a mortality rate of about 20%. During the past 25 years the epidemiology of bacterial meningitis has changed significantly due to the implementation of vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria

  14. Pneumococcal meningitis post-cochlear implantation: preventative measures. (United States)

    Wei, Benjamin P C; Shepherd, Robert K; Robins-Browne, Roy M; Clark, Graeme M; O'Leary, Stephen J


    Both clinical data and laboratory studies demonstrated the risk of pneumococcal meningitis post-cochlear implantation. This review examines strategies to prevent post-implant meningitis. Medline/PubMed database; English articles after 1980. Search terms: cochlear implants, pneumococcus meningitis, streptococcus pneumonia, immunization, prevention. Narrative review. All articles relating to post-implant meningitis without any restriction in study designs were assessed and information extracted. The presence of inner ear trauma as a result of surgical technique or cochlear implant electrode array design was associated with a higher risk of post-implant meningitis. Laboratory data demonstrated the effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in preventing meningitis induced via the hematogenous route of infection. Fibrous sealing around the electrode array at the cochleostomy site, and the use of antibiotic-coated electrode array reduced the risk of meningitis induced via an otogenic route. The recent scientific data support the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommendation of pneumococcal vaccination for the prevention of meningitis in implant recipients. Nontraumatic cochlear implant design, surgical technique, and an adequate fibrous seal around the cochleostomy site further reduce the risk of meningitis. Copyright © 2010 American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Meninges: from protective membrane to stem cell niche. (United States)

    Decimo, Ilaria; Fumagalli, Guido; Berton, Valeria; Krampera, Mauro; Bifari, Francesco


    Meninges are a three tissue membrane primarily known as coverings of the brain. More in depth studies on meningeal function and ultrastructure have recently changed the view of meninges as a merely protective membrane. Accurate evaluation of the anatomical distribution in the CNS reveals that meninges largely penetrate inside the neural tissue. Meninges enter the CNS by projecting between structures, in the stroma of choroid plexus and form the perivascular space (Virchow-Robin) of every parenchymal vessel. Thus, meninges may modulate most of the physiological and pathological events of the CNS throughout the life. Meninges are present since the very early embryonic stages of cortical development and appear to be necessary for normal corticogenesis and brain structures formation. In adulthood meninges contribute to neural tissue homeostasis by secreting several trophic factors including FGF2 and SDF-1. Recently, for the first time, we have identified the presence of a stem cell population with neural differentiation potential in meninges. In addition, we and other groups have further described the presence in meninges of injury responsive neural precursors. In this review we will give a comprehensive view of meninges and their multiple roles in the context of a functional network with the neural tissue. We will highlight the current literature on the developmental feature of meninges and their role in cortical development. Moreover, we will elucidate the anatomical distribution of the meninges and their trophic properties in adult CNS. Finally, we will emphasize recent evidences suggesting the potential role of meninges as stem cell niche harbouring endogenous precursors that can be activated by injury and are able to contribute to CNS parenchymal reaction.

  16. Computed tomography of tuberculous meningitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Noriko; Sato, Hiromi; Kawaguchi, Tetsuro; Fujita, Katsuzo; Tanaka, Makoto


    Recently, tuberculous meningitis has become rather rare except in areas where tuberculosis is still endemic. Six adolescents and young adults with tuberculous meningitis were evaluated by means of serial computerized tomography (CT), and the results were correlated with the findings of surgical specimens or autopsies. All cases showed meningeal irritation and fever at onset. CSF cultures revealed the presence of tuberculous bacilli. Four cases advanced rapidly to the clinical stage III and expired in a short period-between two weeks to one month from onset. On initial CT scanning, the disappearance of the basal cistern was a characteristic finding in all these cases. With the progression, an enhancement of the basal cistern on contrast injection, a localized hypodensity in adjacent parenchyma, and symmetrical ventricular dilatation appeared. Two autopsied cases showed tuberculous granulomas with purulent materials, thickened meninges, and caseous necrosis in the parenchyma around the basal cistern. The other two cases progressed rather slowly. CT findings at Stage II showed multiple enhanced spots in the basal subcortical area following contrast injection. Tuberculous granulomas were identified in these parts by means of explorative craniotomy. The authors point out the pathognomonic CT findings of tuberculous meningitis and emphasize the necessity of serial CT for the early detection and management of tuberculous meningitis. (author)

  17. The bacterial meningitis score to distinguish bacterial from aseptic meningitis in children from Sao Paulo, Brazil. (United States)

    Mekitarian Filho, Eduardo; Horita, Sérgio Massaru; Gilio, Alfredo Elias; Alves, Anna Cláudia Dominguez; Nigrovic, Lise E


    In a retrospective cohort of 494 children with meningitis in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Bacterial Meningitis Score identified all the children with bacterial meningitis (sensitivity 100%, 95% confidence interval: 92-100% and negative predictive value 100%, 95% confidence interval: 98-100%). Addition of cerebrospinal fluid lactate to the score did not improve clinical prediction rule performance.

  18. Incidência de tremor em anestesia peridural com ou sem fentanil: estudo comparativo

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    Abreu Múcio Paranhos de


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A maioria dos trabalhos encontrados na literatura, relacionando a influência dos opióides administrados por via peridural com o tremor intra e pós-operatório, foram realizados com grupos de pacientes obstétricas, nas quais a resposta do centro termorregulador pode ser diferente das pacientes não grávidas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o bloqueio peridural com e sem fentanil, quanto à incidência de tremores e outras complicações no intra e pós-operatório em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de varizes sob anestesia peridural com bupivacaína a 0,5% com adrenalina a 1:200.000. MÉTODO: Trinta e quatro pacientes, estado físico ASA I e II, submetidos à cirurgia para tratamento de varizes de membros inferiores, foram divididos aleatoriamente em 2 grupos (n = 17, e receberam midazolam (0,05, por via venosa seguido de anestesia peridural lombar, utilizando-se no grupo S, 20 ml bupivacaína a 0,5% (com vasoconstritor associado a 2 ml de solução fisiológica a 0,9% e no grupo F, 20 ml de bupivacaína a 0,5% (com vasoconstritor associada ao fentanil (100 µg. Foram estudados: incidência de tremor, temperatura dos pacientes, necessidade do uso de meperidina, e a incidência de náuseas e vômitos nos seguintes momentos: M1 - admissão do paciente na sala de operação; M2 - imediatamente antes da anestesia; M3 - 30 minutos após o término da injeção do anestésico local; M4 - 60 minutos após o término da injeção do anestésico local; M5 - 90 minutos após o término da injeção do anestésico local; M6 - final da anestesia; M7 - antecedendo a alta da sala de recuperação pós-anestésica. RESULTADOS: Quanto aos dados antropométricos, estado físico, tempo médio de duração da anestesia e cirurgia, temperatura dos pacientes e da sala de operação e incidência de náuseas e vômitos não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos. Houve diferença estatística aos 60 minutos (M4 e

  19. Efeitos fetais e maternos do propofol, etomidato, tiopental e anestesia epidural, em cesariana eletivas de cadelas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lavor Mário Sérgio Lima de


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar os efeitos entre os fármacos indutores de anestesia como propofol, etomidato e tiopental, e a anestesia epidural com lidocaína seguida de indução, em cadelas submetidas à cesariana, e seus neonatos. Para tanto, foram utilizadas 20 cadelas e 129 filhotes distribuídos em quatro grupos. No grupo 1 (5 cadelas e 39 neonatos, a indução anestésica foi feita com propofol; no grupo 2 (5 cadelas e 25 neonatos, com etomidato; no grupo 3 (5 cadelas e 26 neonatos com tiopental e no grupo 4, (5 cadelas e 39 neonatos utilizou-se anestesia epidural e indução com halotano através de máscara. Em todos os casos, a medicação pré-anestésica foi feita com midazolam na dose de 0,22mg kg-1 via IM, e a manutenção anestésica com halotano em circuito semifechado e concentração inicial de 3V%. As variáveis avaliadas nas cadelas foram: temperatura retal, freqüência cardíaca, freqüência respiratória, saturação da oxi-hemoglobina (SpO2, pressão arterial média. Para a avaliação dos recém-nascidos, foram mensurados: freqüência cardíaca, esforço respiratório, movimentos musculares, coloração das mucosas e irritabilidade reflexa interpretados através do escore de Apgar modificado, bem como a SpO2 do neonato. Os resultados mostraram que todos os protocolos foram adequados para as mães com mínimos efeitos sistêmicos. Para o neonato, a utilização de anestesia epidural na mãe, seguida de indução e manutenção com halotano foi superior aos protocolos que usaram agentes injetáveis na indução anestésica.

  20. Anestesia venosa total para timectomia em paciente com Miastenia Gravis: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rezer Gabrielle


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Pacientes com doenças neuromusculares, como Miastenia Gravis, respondem de maneira anormal aos anestésicos, conforme a técnica e as drogas administradas. O objetivo deste relato é mostrar um caso de paciente portadora de Miastenia Gravis, submetida a timectomia sob anestesia venosa total com propofol e remifentanil. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente feminina, 52 anos, 72 kg, com história de Miastenia Gravis submetida a timectomia transesternal, sob anestesia venosa total, com o uso de propofol em infusão alvo controlada (3 e remifentanil contínuo (0,3 µ Para a intubação traqueal foi utilizada succinilcolina (50 mg, sendo realizada sem dificuldade. Com a finalidade de realizar a analgesia pós-operatória, foram utilizados tramadol (50 mg, cetoprofeno (100 mg e dipirona (1 g, no per-operatório. Após a cirurgia, a infusão de propofol e remifentanil foi encerrada e, 15 minutos depois, a paciente foi extubada. A paciente apresentava-se eupnéica, acordada, sem dor, movimentando membros, com freqüência respiratória de 14 mpm e mantendo saturação de oxigênio de 97%. Permaneceu com cateter nasal de O2 a 2 L.min-1 na UTI intermediária, durante 36 horas, e recebeu alta hospitalar no 4º dia do pós-operatório. CONCLUSÕES: A anestesia venosa total, com agentes anestésicos de curta duração e sem metabólitos ativos, favoreceu a recuperação e a extubação precoce da paciente

  1. Meningeal hemangiopericytoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guang-zhi YANG


    Full Text Available Objective To investigate the clinical, neuroimaging and pathological features of meningeal hemangiopericytoma.  Methods One case of meningeal hemangiopericytoma was reported, and the relevant literatures were also reviewed.  Results A 40-year-old male had caught a headache for about 3 months with muscle weakness in the left limb, and became progressively serious for 2 weeks. Brain MRI displayed a space-occupying lesion in the right temporal lobe with equal signals in T1WI, mixed signals in T2WI and obvious enhancements. In surgery, the tumor was found to be located in the cranial fossa, and was completely removed. The tumor was large, with rich blood supply, and had no capsule. In histology, the neoplasm was composed of dense spindle cells with mild atypia. The boundary of the tumor cells was unclear. The nuclei were circular, oval or spindle with obvious mitoses (4/10 HPF. There were plenty of thick-wall blood vessels and blood sinuses with characteristic "staghorn" shape. In immunohistochemistry, CD34 and vimentin (Vim were positive, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA was focally positive and Ki-67 labeling index was 17%-20%. Postoperative radiotherapy was adopted and no relapse was found during the 20-month follow-up period. Conclusions The meningeal hemangiopericytoma is easy to be misdiagnosed as meningioma, however, the prognosis of meningeal hemangiopericytoma is quite worse, thus the differential diagnosis is very important. A clear diagnosis often depends on pathological examination. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6731.2015.03.011

  2. Meninges of the brain (image) (United States)

    ... covered by connective tissue layers collectively called the meninges. Consisting of the pia mater (closest to the ... the dura mater (farthest from the CNS), the meninges also support blood vessels and contain cerebrospinal fluid. ...

  3. Meninges of the spine (image) (United States)

    ... by 3 connective tissue layers collectively called the meninges. Consisting of the pia mater (closest to the ... the dura mater (farthest from the CNS), the meninges also support blood vessels and contain cerebrospinal fluid. ...

  4. Outbreak of Enterovirus - 71 Meningitis in Calicut

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    CK Sasidharan


    Full Text Available Objective: Enterovirus 71(EV 71 causes wide spectrum of infections ranging from asymptomatic conditions to clinical syndromes like diarrhea, rash, hand-foot-and mouth disease (HFMD, herpangina, aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, myocarditis, acute flaccid paralysis, bulbar and brainstem encephalitis Guillain Barre syndrome, pulmonary haemorrhage. This study deals with an outbreak of aseptic meningitis in children caused by EV 71 virus. Methods: The authors report an outbreak of aseptic meningitis in children in and around Calicut in June 2008. Clinical and laboratory study was done in collaboration with National Centre for Disease Control, New Delhi. 149 children with aseptic meningitis were studied and followed up from June 2008 to May 2009. Result: All children had clinical features suggestive of aseptic meningitis and serology showed the rising antibody titre against EV 71 virus infection. CSF analysis also showed four fold rise in antibodies in one and ≥ 1:2 neutralising antibodies titer against EV- 71 in four samples indicating meningitis due to EV-71. Conclusion: EV 71 was identified as the causative agent of the outbreak of aseptic meningitis in the study and the fact that the EV 71 infection has evolved from minor illness like HFMD to major illness like aseptic meningitis from the same locality is truly alarming.

  5. CT scan of bacterial and aseptic meningitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takemoto, Kazumasa; Saiwai, Shigeo; Tamaoka, Koichi


    CT scans of the patients with aseptic and bacterial meningitis were reviewed and compared to previous reports. In aseptic meningitis, no abnormal CT findings were observed. In bacterial meningitis, CT findings were ventricular dilatation, subdural fluid collection, parenchymal low density, intracerebral hematoma and meningeal enhancement after contrast injection. Three patients among 48 suffered from status epileptics during the course of the illness. All of 3 patients developed parenchymal inhomogeneous low density and progressive ventricular dilatation which did not improve after ventricular peritoneal shunt surgery. We believe that these changes are most likely due to hypoxic hypoxemia during epileptic seizure and meningitis itself seems to play a little role. (author)

  6. Bacteremia causes hippocampal apoptosis in experimental pneumococcal meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Christian Østergaard; Leib, S.L.; Rowland, Ian J


    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Bacteremia and systemic complications both play important roles in brain pathophysiological alterations and the outcome of pneumococcal meningitis. Their individual contributions to the development of brain damage, however, still remain to be defined. METHODS: Using an adult...... rat pneumococcal meningitis model, the impact of bacteremia accompanying meningitis on the development of hippocampal injury was studied. The study comprised of the three groups: I. Meningitis (n=11), II. meningitis with attenuated bacteremia resulting from iv injection of serotype......-specific pneumococcal antibodies (n=14), and III. uninfected controls (n=6). RESULTS: Pneumococcal meningitis resulted in a significantly higher apoptosis score 0.22 (0.18-0.35) compared to uninfected controls (0.02 (0.00-0.02), Mann Whitney test, P=0.0003). Also, meningitis with an attenuation of bacteremia...

  7. Meningococcal Disease (Bacterial Meningitis) Vaccine and Pregnancy (United States)

    Meningococcal Disease (Bacterial Meningitis) Vaccine In every pregnancy, a woman starts out with a 3-5% chance of having a baby with a ... advice from your health care provider. What is meningitis? Meningitis is an infection of the lining around ...

  8. Meninges: from protective membrane to stem cell niche


    Decimo, Ilaria; Fumagalli, Guido; Berton, Valeria; Krampera, Mauro; Bifari, Francesco


    Meninges are a three tissue membrane primarily known as coverings of the brain. More in depth studies on meningeal function and ultrastructure have recently changed the view of meninges as a merely protective membrane. Accurate evaluation of the anatomical distribution in the CNS reveals that meninges largely penetrate inside the neural tissue. Meninges enter the CNS by projecting between structures, in the stroma of choroid plexus and form the perivascular space (Virchow-Robin) of every pare...

  9. Primary Meningeal Rhabdomyosarcoma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manisha Palta


    Full Text Available Primary meningeal rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare primary brain malignancy, with scant case reports. While most reports of primary intracranial rhabdomyosarcoma occur in pediatric patients, a handful of cases in adult patients have been reported in the medical literature. We report the case of a 44-year-old male who developed primary meningeal rhabdomyosarcoma. After developing episodes of right lower extremity weakness, word finding difficulty, and headaches, a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI demonstrated a vertex lesion with radiographic appearance of a meningeal-derived tumor. Subtotal surgical resection was performed due to sagittal sinus invasion and initial pathology was interpreted as an anaplastic meningioma. Re-review of pathology demonstrated rhabdomyosarcoma negative for alveolar translocation t(2;13. Staging studies revealed no evidence of disseminated disease. He was treated with stereotactic radiotherapy with concurrent temozolamide to be followed by vincristine, actinomycin-D, and cyclophosphamide (VAC systemic therapy.

  10. Primary meningeal rhabdomyosarcoma. (United States)

    Palta, Manisha; Riedel, Richard F; Vredenburgh, James J; Cummings, Thomas J; Green, Scott; Chang, Zheng; Kirkpatrick, John P


    Primary meningeal rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare primary brain malignancy, with scant case reports. While most reports of primary intracranial rhabdomyosarcoma occur in pediatric patients, a handful of cases in adult patients have been reported in the medical literature. We report the case of a 44-year-old male who developed primary meningeal rhabdomyosarcoma. After developing episodes of right lower extremity weakness, word finding difficulty, and headaches, a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated a vertex lesion with radiographic appearance of a meningeal-derived tumor. Subtotal surgical resection was performed due to sagittal sinus invasion and initial pathology was interpreted as an anaplastic meningioma. Re-review of pathology demonstrated rhabdomyosarcoma negative for alveolar translocation t(2;13). Staging studies revealed no evidence of disseminated disease. He was treated with stereotactic radiotherapy with concurrent temozolamide to be followed by vincristine, actinomycin-D, and cyclophosphamide (VAC) systemic therapy.

  11. Primary Meningeal Rhabdomyosarcoma (United States)

    Palta, Manisha; Riedel, Richard F.; Vredenburgh, James J.; Cummings, Thomas J.; Green, Scott; Chang, Zheng; Kirkpatrick, John P.


    Primary meningeal rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare primary brain malignancy, with scant case reports. While most reports of primary intracranial rhabdomyosarcoma occur in pediatric patients, a handful of cases in adult patients have been reported in the medical literature. We report the case of a 44-year-old male who developed primary meningeal rhabdomyosarcoma. After developing episodes of right lower extremity weakness, word finding difficulty, and headaches, a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated a vertex lesion with radiographic appearance of a meningeal-derived tumor. Subtotal surgical resection was performed due to sagittal sinus invasion and initial pathology was interpreted as an anaplastic meningioma. Re-review of pathology demonstrated rhabdomyosarcoma negative for alveolar translocation t(2;13). Staging studies revealed no evidence of disseminated disease. He was treated with stereotactic radiotherapy with concurrent temozolamide to be followed by vincristine, actinomycin-D, and cyclophosphamide (VAC) systemic therapy. PMID:21772793

  12. Bacterial meningitis in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marji, S.


    To demonstrate the epidemiology, clinical manifestations and bacteriological profile of bacterial meningitis in children beyond the neonatal period in our hospital. This was a retrospective descriptive study conducted at Prince Rashid Hospital in Irbid, Jordan. The medical records of 50 children with the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis during 4 years period, were reviewed. The main cause of infection was streptococcus pneumoniae, followed by Haemophilus influenza and Niesseria meningitides. Mortality was higher in infants and meningococcal infection, while complications were more encountered in cases of streptococcus pneumoniae. Cerebrospinal fluid culture was positive in 11 cases and Latex agglutination test in 39. There is a significant reduction of the numbers of bacterial meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenza type B species. (author)

  13. Espondilodiscitis secundaria a anestesia peridural Spondilodiscitis secondary to peridural anesthesia


    Yvei González Orlandi; Luis Elizondo Barriel; Reinel Junco Martín; Jorge Rojas Manresa; Victor Duboy Limonta; Federico Córdova Armengol


    Se presenta el caso de un paciente con espondilodiscitis secundaria al uso de anestesia peridural lumbar para la resección transuretral de una hiperplasia fibroadenomatosa de la próstata. El cuadro clínico estuvo determinado por lumbalgia aguda con incremento progresivo que llevó al confinamiento en cama del paciente. En el examen físico del sistema osteomioarticular predominó la contractura paravertebral lumbar, así como en la palpación de esta región. En el examen neurológico no se encontra...

  14. Meningitis registry of hospitalized cases in children: epidemiological patterns of acute bacterial meningitis throughout a 32-year period

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syriopoulou Vassiliki P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Bacterial meningitis remains a source of substantial morbidity and mortality in childhood. During the last decades gradual changes have been observed in the epidemiology of bacterial meningitis, related to the introduction of new polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines. The study presents an overview of the epidemiological patterns of acute bacterial meningitis in a tertiary children 's hospital during a 32-year period, using information from a disease registry. Moreover, it discusses the contribution of communicable disease registries in the study of acute infectious diseases. Methods In the early 1970s a Meningitis Registry (MR was created for patients admitted with meningitis in Aghia Sofia Children's Hospital in Athens. The MR includes demographic, clinical and laboratory data as well as treatment, complications and outcome of the patients. In 2000 a database was created and the collected data were entered, analyzed and presented in three chronological periods: A (1974–1984, B (1985–1994 and C (1995–2005. Results Of the 2,477 cases of bacterial meningitis registered in total, 1,146 cases (46.3% were classified as "probable" and 1,331 (53.7% as "confirmed" bacterial meningitis. The estimated mean annual Incidence Rate (IR was 16.9/100,000 for bacterial meningitis, 8.9/100,000 for Neisseria meningitidis, 1.3/100,000 for Streptococcus pneumoniae, 2.5/100,000 for Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib before vaccination and 0.4/100,000 for Hib after vaccination. Neisseria meningitis constituted the leading cause of childhood bacterial meningitis for all periods and in all age groups. Hib was the second most common cause of bacterial meningitis before the introduction of Hib conjugate vaccine, in periods A and B. The incidence of bacterial meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae was stable. The long-term epidemiological pattern of Neisseria meningitidis appears in cycles of approximately 10 years, confirmed by a significant

  15. Anatomy of the Spinal Meninges. (United States)

    Sakka, Laurent; Gabrillargues, Jean; Coll, Guillaume


    The spinal meninges have received less attention than the cranial meninges in the literature, although several points remain debatable and poorly understood, like their phylogenesis, their development, and their interactions with the spinal cord. Their constancy among the chordates shows their crucial importance in central nervous system homeostasis and suggests a role far beyond mechanical protection of the neuraxis. This work provides an extensive study of the spinal meninges, from an overview of their phylogenesis and embryology to a descriptive and topographic anatomy with clinical implications. It examines their involvement in spinal cord development, functioning, and repair. This work is a review of the literature using PubMed as a search engine on Medline. The stages followed by the meninges along the phylogenesis could not be easily compared with their development in vertebrates for methodological aspects and convergence processes throughout evolution. The distinction between arachnoid and pia mater appeared controversial. Several points of descriptive anatomy remain debatable: the functional organization of the arterial network, and the venous and lymphatic drainages, considered differently by classical anatomic and neuroradiological approaches. Spinal meninges are involved in neurodevelopment and neurorepair producing neural stem cells and morphogens, in cerebrospinal fluid dynamics and neuraxis functioning by the synthesis of active molecules, and the elimination of waste products of central nervous system metabolism. The spinal meninges should be considered as dynamic functional formations evolving over a lifetime, with ultrastructural features and functional interactions with the neuraxis remaining not fully understood.

  16. Neurological sequelae of bacterial meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lucas, Marjolein J.; Brouwer, Matthijs C.; van de Beek, Diederik


    We reported on occurrence and impact of neurological sequelae after bacterial meningitis. We reviewed occurrence of neurological sequelae in children and adults after pneumococcal and meningococcal meningitis. Most frequently reported sequelae are focal neurological deficits, hearing loss, cognitive


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Introduction. Central nervous system infections are among the most serious conditions in of medical practice. C-reactive Protein has recently been evaluated in terms of its ability to diffeccentiate bacterial from nonbacterial central nervous system inflammations.
    Methods. We studied the frequency of positive CRP in 61 patients who had signs of meningitis. All the specimens referred to one laboratory and were examined by Slide method.
    Results. Positive CRP was found in 97.6 percent of those who were finally diagnosed as bacterial meningitis. The frequency of CRP for other types of meningitis was 16.6 percent (P < 0.05.
    Discussion. In the absence of infection, CSF is free of CRP. Positive CRP may help to the differentiate the different types of meningitis.

  18. Meningitis

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast gives a general overview of meningitis, including what it is, the five types, and the causes.  Created: 10/24/2012 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 10/24/2012.

  19. MR imaging of the meningeal diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schoerner, W.; Henkes, H.; Felix, R.


    The value of MR imaging in the diagnosis of meningeal diseases was studied in 22 patients with various meningeal alterations (tumor, inflammation, trauma, radiation). MR studies (0.5 T) included T2-weighted (spin echo [SE] 1,600/70 [repetition time msec/echo time msec]) images in 20 of 22 patients and T1-weighted images (SE 400/30) in all patients, before and after Gd-DTPA enhancement. As compared with a control group (20 cases), 16 of 20 T2-weighted studies of the patient group showed pathologically increased signal intensity of the subarchnoidal space. Whereas only normal findings were seen on T1-weighted images in the patient group, 21 of 22 patients had pathologically increased contrast accumulation of the meninges. In conclusion, pathologic changes of the meninges could be demonstrated on plain T2-weighted and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images. In selected cases, detection of meningeal disease could be achieved only with Gd-DTPA-enhanced studies

  20. Gallium-67 uptake in meningeal sarcoidosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ayres, J.G.; Hicks, B.H.; Maisey, M.N.


    A case of sarcoidosis limited to the central nervous system is described in which the diagnosis was suggested by high Ga-67 uptake in the cranial and spinal meninges. The diagnosis was confirmed by meningeal biopsy. Treatment with oral corticosteroids resulted in clinical improvement and marked reduction in Ga-67 uptake in the meninges. This is the first reported case of the central nervous system sarcoid diagnosed by Ga-67 imaging

  1. Adult bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, C N; Samuelsson, I S; Galle, M


    Episodes of adult bacterial meningitis (ABM) at a Danish hospital in 1991-2000 were identified from the databases of the Department of Clinical Microbiology, and compared with data from the Danish National Patient Register and the Danish National Notification System. Reduced penicillin susceptibi......Episodes of adult bacterial meningitis (ABM) at a Danish hospital in 1991-2000 were identified from the databases of the Department of Clinical Microbiology, and compared with data from the Danish National Patient Register and the Danish National Notification System. Reduced penicillin...

  2. Recurrent meningitis--a review of current literature. (United States)

    Janocha-Litwin, Justyna; Simon, Krzysztof


    The paper discusses epidemiology, aetiology and the most important predisposing factors associated with recurrent meningitis, as well as the possibilities to prevent this particularly challenging clinical problem. The frequency of recurrent meningitis is estimated to be 2-9%. However, the case fatality is lower compared to a single episode of meningitis. The main causes of recurrent meningitis are considered to be: head injury, congenital or acquired (post-traumatic or post-surgical) cranial or spinal defects, chronic intracranial inflammation, complement system dysfunction, as well as congenital and acquired humoral or cellular immunodeficiency.

  3. The epidemiology of bacterial meningitis in Kosovo. (United States)

    Namani, Sadie A; Koci, Remzie A; Qehaja-Buçaj, Emine; Ajazaj-Berisha, Lindita; Mehmeti, Murat


    The purpose of this study was to present the epidemiologic features of bacterial meningitis in the developing country of Kosovo. Data were collected from active surveillance of bacterial meningitis cases treated at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo in the years 2000 (first post-war year) and 2010. Meningitis cases in 2000 compared with 2010 showed a 35.5% decline in incidence (from 4.8 to 3.1 cases per 100,000 population) and a decrease in the case fatality rate from 10% to 5%. In children, there was a lower mortality rate (5% versus 2%) and a lower incidence of neurological complications (13% versus 16%) as compared to adults (32% versus 10% and 16% versus 35%, respectively). Neisseria meningitidis was the most common pathogen of bacterial meningitis in both study periods. Bacterial meningitis was most prevalent in the pediatric population, and showed an increase in the median age, from three years in 2000 to seven years in 2010. A steady number of bacterial meningitis cases in adults throughout last decade (around 20 cases per year) was recorded. During the last decade, gradual changes have been observed in the epidemiology of bacterial meningitis that are unrelated to the introduction of new vaccines, but are partly due to the improvement of living conditions.

  4. Anestesia ambulatorial para radioterapia em paciente portador de miastenia gravis: relato de caso Anestesia ambulatorial para radioterapia en paciente portador de miastenia gravis: relato de caso Outpatient anesthesia for radiotherapy in a patient with myasthenia gravis: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raquel Marcondes Bussolotti


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A miastenia gravis (MG é doença auto-imune rara, caracterizada pela redução de receptores nicotínicos na junção neuromuscular, com incidência de 14/100.000. O objetivo deste relato foi descrever o caso de paciente portador de miastenia gravis submetido à anestesia geral balanceada, para tratamento radioterápico de carcinoma espinocelular de parótida, em regime ambulatorial. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 87 anos, 87 kg, estado físico ASA III, com história de miastenia gravis; acidente vascular encefálico prévio (AVE; marca-passo por bloqueio atrioventricular total; hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS. Foram programadas sete sessões de radioterapia de 20 minutos para tratamento de tumor de parótida, sob anestesia geral. Na sala de radioterapia foi monitorizado com cardioscópio, monitor de pressão arterial não-invasiva, oxímetro de pulso, e submetido à anestesia geral com propofol e sevoflurano. Após a indução, foi mantido em ventilação espontânea com cânula de Guedel e cateter nasofaríngeo com O2 /sevoflurano, para acomodação da máscara imobilizadora. Na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica, não apresentou complicações. CONCLUSÕES: A escolha dos anestésicos e o acompanhamento clínico criterioso permitiram a boa evolução do paciente, com AVE prévio, cardiopata e idoso, submetido à anestesia geral balanceada para procedimento de aplicação de radioterapia, em regime ambulatorial.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La Miastenia Gravis (MG es una enfermedad auto inmune rara, caracterizada por la reducción de receptores nicotínicos en la junción neuromuscular, con incidencia de 14/100.000. El objetivo de este relato fue el de describir el caso del paciente portador de miastenia gravis sometido a la anestesia general balanceada, para tratamiento radioterápico de carcinoma espinocelular de parótida en régimen ambulatorial. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente del sexo masculino

  5. Risk factors for community-acquired bacterial meningitis in adults

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Adriani, K.S.


    Bacterial meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges and occurs when bacteria invade the subarachnoid space. The meninges are the protective membranes that surround the brain and the spinal cord. Bacterial meningitis is a life-threatening disease because the proximity of the infection to the

  6. [The meninges, an anatomical point of view]. (United States)

    Sakka, L; Chazal, J


    The meninges correspond to an anatomical concept. For the morphologist, the microscopic organization, the hypothetical presence of a subdural space, the nature of the interface between the deep meningeal layer and the nervous parenchyma in the perivascular spaces are the central issues. For the clinician, dynamic aspects of cerebrospinal fluid flow, secretion, and resorption are essential factors with practical consequences in terms of disease and patient management. Comparative anatomy, embryology, and organogenesis provide an interesting perspective for the descriptive and functional anatomy of the meninges. Usually considered as protective membranes, the meninges play a prominent role in the development and maintenance of the central nervous system. The meninges are in constant evolution, from their formation to senescence. The meninges present three layers in children and adults: the dura mater, the arachnoid and the pia mater. The cerebrospinal fluid is secreted by the choroid plexuses, flows through the ventricles and the subarachnoid space, and is absorbed by arachnoid granulations. Other sites of secretion and resorption are suggested by comparative anatomy and human embryology and organogenesis.

  7. Pituitary apoplexy masquerading as meningitis

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    meningeal irritation is not considered a classic feature of pituitary apoplexy.2,3 The pathophysiology behind this symptom complex involves leakage of blood into the subarachnoid space, which, in conjunction with the necrotic tissue in the pituitary itself, induces a cytokine response, resulting in meningeal irritation and the.

  8. Anestesia venosa total para laringectomia parcial em paciente na 28ª semana de gestação: relato de caso Anestesia venosa total para laringectomía parcial en paciente en la 28ª semana de embarazo: relato de caso Total intravenous anesthesia for partial laryngectomy in 28 weeks pregnant patient: case report


    José Costa; Dalva Maria Carvalho Mendes; José Eduardo de Oliveira Lobo; Adriana Barrozo Ribeiro Furuguem; Gabriel Gilberto Santos


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Uma anestesia para paciente gestante constitui um desafio ao anestesiologista em virtude dos riscos para a mãe e para o feto. São muitas as complicações descritas pela literatura como malformações fetais, parto prematuro, instabilidade hemodinâmica materna e até morte fetal. O objetivo deste caso é mostrar uma paciente gestante de 28 semanas, submetida a laringectomia parcial sob anestesia geral venosa total com propofol, remifentanil e cisatracúrio. RELATO DO CASO:...

  9. Extramedullary spinal teratoma presenting with recurrent aseptic meningitis. (United States)

    Mpayo, Lucy L; Liu, Xiao-Hong; Xu, Man; Wang, Kai; Wang, Jiao; Yang, Li


    Spinal teratomas are extremely rare; they constitute meningitis. A 7-year-old boy presented with paroxysmal abdominal pain and a history of recurrent aseptic meningitis. Kernig and Brudzinski signs were present. Lumber puncture revealed pleocytosis with no evidence of bacteria growth. Imaging of the spine revealed a cystic lesion in spinal cord at thoracic level 9-11. Endoscopic excision of the cyst was successfully performed. Surgical and histopathological findings confirmed extramedullary matured teratoma. As the symptomatic attacks of spontaneous rupture of spinal teratoma resemble presentations of Mollaret meningitis, spinal teratoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of Mollaret meningitis. We describe a rare example of spinal teratoma causing recurrent meningitis. Spine imaging should be considered in individuals with recurrent aseptic meningitis as this promotes earlier diagnosis, more appropriate treatment, and improved neurological outcome. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Sub-meninges implantation reduces immune response to neural implants. (United States)

    Markwardt, Neil T; Stokol, Jodi; Rennaker, Robert L


    Glial scar formation around neural interfaces inhibits their ability to acquire usable signals from the surrounding neurons. To improve neural recording performance, the inflammatory response and glial scarring must be minimized. Previous work has indicated that meningeally derived cells participate in the immune response, and it is possible that the meninges may grow down around the shank of a neural implant, contributing to the formation of the glial scar. This study examines whether the glial scar can be reduced by placing a neural probe completely below the meninges. Rats were implanted with sets of loose microwire implants placed either completely below the meninges or implanted conventionally with the upper end penetrating the meninges, but not attached to the skull. Histological analysis was performed 4 weeks following surgical implantation to evaluate the glial scar. Our results found that sub-meninges implants showed an average reduction in reactive astrocyte activity of 63% compared to trans-meninges implants. Microglial activity was also reduced for sub-meninges implants. These results suggest that techniques that isolate implants from the meninges offer the potential to reduce the encapsulation response which should improve chronic recording quality and stability. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  11. Chemical meningitis in metrizamide myelography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sand, T.; Hesselberg, J.P.; Anda, S.; Dale, L.; Hellum, K.


    Seven patients with acute chemcial meningitis after metrizamide myelography are described. Five of the cases occurred within a time span of two months. Clinical and cerebrospinal fluid findings in the acute stage of the illness were similar to findings in acute bacterial meningitis. Possible causes of this complication are discussed. (orig.)

  12. Human Meningitis-Associated Escherichia coli (United States)



    E. coli is the most common Gram-negative bacillary organism causing meningitis and E. coli meningitis continues to be an important cause of mortality and morbidity throughout the world. Our incomplete knowledge of its pathogenesis contributes to such mortality and morbidity. Recent reports of E. coli strains producing CTX-M-type or TEM-type extended-spectrum β-lactamases create a challenge. Studies using in vitro and in vivo models of the blood-brain barrier have shown that E. coli meningitis follows a high-degree of bacteremia and invasion of the blood-brain barrier. E. coli invasion of the blood-brain barrier, the essentials step in the development of E. coli meningitis, requires specific microbial and host factors as well as microbe- and host-specific signaling molecules. Blockade of such microbial and host factors contributing to E. coli invasion of the blood-brain barrier is shown to be efficient in preventing E. coli penetration into the brain. The basis for requiring a high-degree of bacteremia for E. coli penetration of the blood-brain barrier, however, remains unclear. Continued investigation on the microbial and host factors contributing to a high-degree of bacteremia and E. coli invasion of the blood-brain barrier is likely to identify new targets for prevention and therapy of E. coli meningitis. PMID:27223820

  13. Endolymphatic sac involvement in bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Martin Nue; Brandt, Christian; Østergaard, Christian


    The commonest sequelae of bacterial meningitis are related to the inner ear. Little is known about the inner ear immune defense. Evidence suggests that the endolymphatic sac provides some protection against infection. A potential involvement of the endolymphatic sac in bacterial meningitis...... is largely unaccounted for, and thus the object of the present study. A well-established adult rat model of Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis was employed. Thirty adult rats were inoculated intrathecally with Streptococcus pneumoniae and received no additional treatment. Six rats were sham...... days. Bacteria invaded the inner ear through the cochlear aquaduct. On days 5-6, the bacteria invaded the endolymphatic sac through the endolymphatic duct subsequent to invasion of the vestibular endolymphatic compartment. No evidence of direct bacterial invasion of the sac through the meninges...

  14. Cetuximab induced aseptic meningitis


    Ulrich, A; Weiler, S; Weller, M; Rordorf, T; Tarnutzer, A A


    We report a 67-year-old man with recurrent advanced oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma who developed aseptic meningitis, with first symptoms arising approximately 9hours after the first administration of cetuximab, and review the literature to identify key signs and symptoms of this condition. Cetuximab is a monoclonal antibody targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor which has been rarely associated with aseptic meningitis. Besides the case description, a MEDLINE search was performe...

  15. Efeitos do óxido nitroso em hipotensão controlada durante anestesia com baixo fluxo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Semiha Barçın


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Investigamos o efeito do óxido nitroso (N2O em hipotensão controlada durante anestesia com baixo fluxo (isoflurano-dexmedetomidina em termos de hemodinâmica, consumo de anestésico e custos. MÉTODOS: Quarenta pacientes foram randomicamente alocados em dois grupos. Infusão de dexmedetomidina (0,1 µ foi mantida por 10 minutos. Subsequentemente, essa infusão foi mantida até os últimos 30 minutos de operação a uma dose de 0,7 µ Tiopental (4-6 e brometo de vecurônio (0,08 0,12 foram administrados na indução de ambos os grupos. Isoflurano (2% foi administrado para manutenção da anestesia. O Grupo N recebeu uma mistura de 50% de O2-N2O e o Grupo A recebeu uma mistura de 50% de O2-ar como gás de transporte. Anestesia com baixo fluxo (1 L.min-1 foi iniciada após um período de 10 minutos de alto fluxo inicial (4,4 L.min-1. Os valores de pressão arterial, frequência cardíaca, saturação periférica de O2, isoflurano inspiratório e expiratório, O2 inspiratório e expiratório, N2O inspiratório e expiratório, CO2 inspiratório, concentração de CO2 após expiração e concentração alveolar mínima foram registrados. Além disso, as taxas de consumo total de fentanil, dexmedetomidina e isoflurano, bem como de hemorragia, foram determinadas. RESULTADOS: A frequência cardíaca diminuiu em ambos os grupos após a carga de dexmedetomidina. Após a intubação, os valores do Grupo A foram maiores nos minutos um, três, cinco, 10 e 15. Após a intubação, os valores de hipotensão desejados foram alcançados em 5 minutos no Grupo N e em 20 minutos no grupo A. Os valores da CAM foram mais altos no Grupo N nos minutos um, três, cinco, 10 e 15 (p < 0,05. Os valores da FiO2 foram mais altos entre 5 e 60 minutos no Grupo A, enquanto foram mais altos no Grupo N aos 90 minutos (p < 0,05. Os valores de Fi Iso (isoflurano inspiratório foram menores no Grupo N nos minutos

  16. Meningitis and encephalitis in Poland in 2014 (United States)

    Paradowska-Stankiewicz, Iwona; Piotrowska, Anna

    The aim of this study was to assess the epidemiology of meningitis and/or encephalitis in Poland in 2014. In the last three years in Poland, about 3000 cases of meningitis and/or encephalitis of viral or bacterial etiology were recorded annually. Assessment of the epidemiological situation of meningitis and/or encephalitis in Poland in 2014, was based on the results of the analysis of epidemiological reports sent to the NIZP-PZH by the Regional Sanitary-Epidemiological Stations published in the annual bulletin “Infectious diseases and poisonings in Poland in 2014” and “Preventive immunizations in Poland in 2014”. In 2014 in Poland 3488 cases of bacterial meningitis and/or encephalitis were recorded. Almost 61.3% of these were viral infections. In 2014, in comparison to 2013, a 1.1% increase in the number of cases of meningitis and/or encephalitis was observed and 91% with viral etiology.

  17. Gd-DTPA-enhanced MR imaging in meningitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, M.H.; Chang, K.H.; Roh, J.K.; Kim, I.O.; Han, M.C.; Kim, C.W.


    Gd-DPTA-enhanced MR imaging was performed in 16 patients with meningitis (seven tuberculous, four bacterial, three fungal, and two viral) on a 2.0-T unit. Hemorrhagic infarcts of basal ganglia and localized enhancement of thickened dura adjacent were demonstrated on T1-weighted images in three patients with tuberculous meningitis and four with bacterial meningitis, respectively, that were not seen on CT. Enhanced T1-weighted images readily differentiated leptomeningeal enhancement from vessels in two cases with CT of equivocal meningeal enhancement. Nonenhanced T2-weighted images were most sensitive for demonstrating ischemia/infarct and edema. Otherwise, MR images generally matched CT scans

  18. Radiation in the treatment of meningeal leukemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jenkin, R.D.


    At the present time, a successful regimen for the eradication of occult meningeal leukemia is the combination of cranial radiotherapy in a dose of 1800 rads in 10 fractions in 12 to 14 days with six doses of intrathecal methotrexate. This regimen, when given with prednisone and vincristine can be expected to give a relapse rate for isolated meningeal leukemia of approximately 5% during the first 2 years of follow-up. A modification of this regimen utilizing craniospinal radiation with prior and concurrent intrathecal methotrexate is given for the treatment of overt meningeal leukemia at diagnosis or for an isolated first relapse with meningeal leukemia. Radiation technique and morbidity are discussed

  19. Spinal cord involvement in tuberculous meningitis. (United States)

    Garg, R K; Malhotra, H S; Gupta, R


    To summarize the incidence and spectrum of spinal cord-related complications in patients of tuberculous meningitis. Reports from multiple countries were included. An extensive review of the literature, published in English, was carried out using Scopus, PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Tuberculous meningitis frequently affects the spinal cord and nerve roots. Initial evidence of spinal cord involvement came from post-mortem examination. Subsequent advancement in neuroimaging like conventional lumbar myelography, computed tomographic myelography and gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance-myelography have contributed immensely. Spinal involvement manifests in several forms, like tuberculous radiculomyelitis, spinal tuberculoma, myelitis, syringomyelia, vertebral tuberculosis and very rarely spinal tuberculous abscess. Frequently, tuberculous spinal arachnoiditis develops paradoxically. Infrequently, spinal cord involvement may even be asymptomatic. Spinal cord and spinal nerve involvement is demonstrated by diffuse enhancement of cord parenchyma, nerve roots and meninges on contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. High cerebrospinal fluid protein content is often a risk factor for arachnoiditis. The most important differential diagnosis of tuberculous arachnoiditis is meningeal carcinomatosis. Anti-tuberculosis therapy is the main stay of treatment for tuberculous meningitis. Higher doses of corticosteroids have been found effective. Surgery should be considered only when pathological confirmation is needed or there is significant spinal cord compression. The outcome in these patients has been unpredictable. Some reports observed excellent recovery and some reported unfavorable outcomes after surgical decompression and debridement. Tuberculous meningitis is frequently associated with disabling spinal cord and radicular complications. Available treatment options are far from satisfactory.

  20. Monitoring of Intracranial Pressure in Meningitis. (United States)

    Depreitere, Bart; Bruyninckx, Dominike; Güiza, Fabian


    The literature on intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring in meningitis is limited to case reports and a handful of descriptive series. The aim of this study is to investigate relationships among ICP, cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), and outcome in meningitis and to identify whether ICP affected clinical decisions. Between 1999 and 2011, a total of 17 patients with meningitis underwent ICP monitoring at the University Hospitals Leuven. Charts were reviewed for clinical history, ICP/CPP data, imaging findings, and Glasgow Outcome Scale score. Univariate correlations were computed for outcome and ICP/CPP variables, computed tomography characteristics, and Corticosteroid Randomization After Significant Head Injury outcome model variables. Treatment decisions were assessed regarding whether or not they were based on ICP. At drain placement, Glasgow Coma Scale scores showed a median of 8 (range 3-12). Six of 17 patients had either one or two nonreactive pupils. Significant correlations with outcome were found for the highest documented ICP value (r = -0.70), the number of episodes when CPP meningitis high ICP and low CPP represent secondary insults. The poor condition of the patients illustrates that the level of suspicion for increased ICP in meningitis may not be high enough.

  1. Factores moduladores de la respuesta agresiva tras la exposición a videojuegos violentos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro de la Torre-Luque


    Full Text Available En ciertas situaciones se ha asociado la influencia de los video-juegos violentos con las conductas agresivas y/o delictivas. El presente estudio pretende destacar un efecto de la exposición a un videojuego violento de coches sobre la elicitación a corto plazo, en las respuestas de agresión e ira tras la exposición. Para ello, 47 adolescentes fueron expuestos al video-juego violento y a uno no violento durante 30 minutos. Se midieron ansiedad e ira autoinformadas pre-postest, así como la ejecución en una tarea indirecta de agresión. Se halló un efecto principal de la edad y de interacción de ésta con el tipo de videojuego y el sexo. Asimismo, se halló un efecto pre-postest en ira estado tras la exposición al videojuego violento. Por otro lado, se encontró un modelo predictor para la ejecución de la respuesta agresiva tras la presentación del videojuego violento con la edad e ira pre-exposición como factores. En conclusión, se destaca un efecto de priming de la ira a corto plazo y la edad tras la exposición al videojuego violento, en la respuesta agresiva. La presencia de moduladores de los efectos de contenidos violentos puede esclarecer su naturaleza y ayudar a predecir conductas delictivas.

  2. Concurrent tubercular and staphylococcus meningitis in a child

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Amit Agrawal


    Spontaneous,non-surgical haematogenous Staphylococcus aureus meningitis is rare and associated with high mortality.Mixed infection causing meningitis (pyogenic and tubercular)is further rarer,poses a difficult diag-nostic and management challenge,which warrants early diagnosis and aggressive therapy.We present a case of concurrent pyogenic and tubercular meningitis in a child managed successfully.It seems that in present case initial pyogenic infection resulted in the immunocompromised state for the child that would had lead to the acti-vation of tubercular foci resulting in tubercular meningitis.

  3. Viral Meningitis (United States)

    ... better from treatment such as an antiviral medicine. Antibiotics do not help viral infections, so they are not useful in the treatment of viral meningitis. However, antibiotics do fight bacteria, so they are very important ...

  4. Enhancing pathogen identification in patients with meningitis and a negative Gram stain using the BioFire FilmArray(®) Meningitis/Encephalitis panel. (United States)

    Wootton, Susan H; Aguilera, Elizabeth; Salazar, Lucrecia; Hemmert, Andrew C; Hasbun, Rodrigo


    Meningitis with a negative cerebrospinal (CSF) Gram stain represents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the performance of the BioFire FilmArray(®) Meningitis/Encephalitis (FA ME) panel in patients presenting with community-acquired meningitis with a negative Gram stain. CSF from 48 patients with community-acquired meningitis with a negative Gram stain admitted to four hospitals in Houston, TX underwent additional testing by the FA ME. FA ME results were compared to results obtained as part of routine evaluation. The panel detected pathogens not previously identified in 11 (22.9 %) of 48, but did not detect pathogens identified by standard technique (West Nile virus, Histoplasma) in 5 (15.2 %) patients. Rapid testing for the most common pathogens causing meningitis will aid in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with meningitis.

  5. Spinal meningeal cyst: analysis with low-field MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Hongzhou; Chen Yejia; Chen Ronghua; Chen Yanping


    Objective: To analyze the characteristics of spinal meningeal cyst in low-field MRI and to discuss its classification, subtype, clinical presentation, and differential diagnosis. Methods: Forty-two patients (20 male, 22 female) were examined with sagittal T 1 -and T 2 -, axial T 2 -weighted MR imaging. Twelve patients were also examined with contrast-enhanced MRI. Results: The cysts were classified using Nakors' classification as type Ia extradural meningeal cysts (4 patients), type Ib sacral meningeal cysts (32), type II extradural meningeal cysts with spinal nerve root fibers (4), and type III spinal intradural meningeal cysts (2). All 42 spinal meningeal cysts had well-defined boundaries with low T 1 and high T 2 signal intensities similar to cerebral spinal fluid. In type Ia, the lesions were often on the dorsum of mid-lower thoracic spinal cord compressing the spinal cord and displacing the extradural fat. In type Ib, the lesions were in the sacral canal with fat plane between the cyst and dural sac. In type II, the lesions contained nerve roots and were lateral to the dural sac. In type III, the lesions were often on the dorsum of spinal cord compressing and displacing the spinal cord anteriorly. Conclusion: Low-field MRI can clearly display the spinal meningeal cyst. Types Ia and Ib spinal meningeal cysts had typical features and can be easily diagnosed. Types II and III should be differentiated from cystic schwannomas and enterogenous cysts, respectively. (authors)

  6. Historia de la Anestesia en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Efraím Otero-Ruiz


    Full Text Available

    Con el patrocinio de la Sociedad Colombiana de Anestesiología y Reanimación (SCARE y pulcramente editado por Gente Nueva Editorial, en Julio de 1999 ha publicado el Académico Jaime Herrera Pontón su volumen “Historia de la Anestesia en Colombia“, aparecido justamente con motivo de los 50 años de fundación de dicha Sociedad.

    El volumen, de pasta dura y de 300 páginas, con prólogo de Luis Duque Gómez, Presidente de la Academia Colombiana de Historia e ilustrado con numerosas fotografías, está dividido en 14 capítulos y 3 apéndices, precedidos de una introducción a cargo del autor.

    Los 4 primeros capítulos, desde la conquista y la colonia hasta los primeros decenios de nuestra república, describen las primeras plantas sedantes y analgésicas nativas lo mismo que los primeros venenos paralizantes empleados por nuestros aborígenes, el opio empleado como profundo analgésico en nuestras guerras emancipadoras y la creación de los primeros programas de estudios médicos en Colombia. De ahí arrancan dos extensos capítulos, pivotales en el desarrollo de esta historia: el 50., titulado “El siglo XIX desde la primera demostración del éter” y el 60. “El siglo XX hasta la creación de la Sociedad Colombiana de Anestesia”. En ellos se describen de manera más o menos suscinta los primeros esfuerzos para diferenciar las técnicas anestésicas de las quirúrgicas propiamente dichas y el lento pero prodigioso esfuerzo por hacer de la anestesiología una especialidad médica, fenómeno que no sucede hasta bien entradas la 4a. y 5a. décadas del pasado siglo. Esos primeros cien años, como sucede en el resto del mundo occidental, estarán dominados por el éter y el cloroformo en método abierto ya que otros agentes, como el etileno y el ciclopropano, apenas comienzan a llegar en vísperas de la lIa. Guerra Mundial, lo mismo que los primeros aparatos de circuito cerrado, la inducción por barbitúricos intravenosos y

  7. Streptococcus suis meningitis in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Beek, Diederik; Spanjaard, Lodewijk; de Gans, Jan


    We present four patients with Streptococcus suis meningitis identified during a 3.5-year prospective surveillance study in the Netherlands. All cases were associated with exposure to pigs. Patients presented with classic symptoms and signs of bacterial meningitis. Outcome was characterized by severe

  8. Neonatal Bacterial Meningitis And Dexamethasone Adjunctive ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Methodology: Babies admitted from1992 to 1995 in the Special Care Baby Unit of the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Maduguri, Nigeria, with bacterial meningitis were studied prospectively. Neonatal bacterial meningitis was confirmed if the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) microbiological, chemical, immunological and ...

  9. Bacterial Meningitis (United States)

    ... certain places, such as: The meningitis belt in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly during the dry season Mecca during the ... a serious Hib infection Your doctor or local health department will tell you if you or someone ...

  10. MR demonstration of the meninges: Normal and pathological findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schoerner, W.; Henkes, H.; Sander, B.; Felix, R.


    The MR appearance of normal and pathological meninges was studied in 23 patients. Amongst twelve normals, T 1 -weighted images demonstrated the meninges as slightly hyperintense density structures (compared with CSF) which increased in signal intensity somewhat after the administration of gadolinium-DTPA. On T 2 -weighted images, the subarachnoid space and meninges were isointense. In eleven patients with inflammatory disease or tumourous infiltration of the meninges, abnormal findings were evident in the unenhanced images as well as after administration of gadolinium-DTPA. Compared with CT, MR proved greatly superior in the diagnosis of meningeal abnormalities. (orig.) [de

  11. Anestesia para cirurgia ortopédica em criança com susceptibilidade à hipertermia maligna: relato de caso Anestesia para cirugía ortopédica en niño con susceptibilidad a la hipertermia maligna: relato de caso Anesthesia for orthopedic surgery in a child susceptible to malignant hyperthermia: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renato Santiago Gomez


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Hipertermia maligna é uma miopatia autossômica dominante desencadeada por anestésicos inalatórios e bloqueadores neuromusculares, como halotano e succinilcolina, causando aumento da temperatura que pode ser fatal sem o tratamento imediato. O objetivo deste relato é descrever a conduta anestésica em uma criança susceptível à hipertermia maligna que foi submetida a procedimento cirúrgico ortopédico. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, com 3 anos, portadora de luxação congênita do quadril e susceptibilidade à hipertermia maligna, conforme história de anestesia anterior, foi submetida à correção cirúrgica ortopédica sob anestesia geral, com propofol e fentanil, associada à anestesia peridural lombar. A temperatura da paciente foi monitorizada continuamente durante a cirurgia e no período pós-operatório. A paciente apresentou recuperação pós-operatória sem intercorrências e recebeu alta hospitalar após cinco dias. CONCLUSÕES: A combinação de anestesia regional e venosa para o procedimento cirúrgico proposto em paciente com susceptibilidade à hipertermia maligna permitiu a condução anestésica com segurança.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Hipertermia maligna es una miopatia autosómica dominante desencadenada por anestésicos inhalatorios y bloqueadores neuromusculares, como halotano y succinilcolina, causando aumento de la temperatura que puede ser fatal sin el tratamiento inmediato. El objetivo de este relato es describir la conducta anestésica en un niño susceptible a la hipertermia maligna que fue sometida a procedimiento quirúrgico ortopédico. RELATO DEL CASO: Niño, del sexo femenino, con 3 años, portadora de luxación congénita del cuadril (anca y susceptibilidad a la hipertermia maligna, conforme historia de anestesia anterior, fue sometida a la corrección quirúrgica ortopédica bajo anestesia general, con propofol y fentanil, asociada a anestesia peridural lumbar. La

  12. Screening the cytokines for diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Objective To select cytokines for diagnosis of tuber-culous meningitis.Methods One hundred and twenty kinds of cytokines were detected with protein chips among two tuberculous meningitis cases,two viral meningitis cases and two noninfectious neurologic disease cases.The results were compared among different disease groups to select the differential cytokines,which were

  13. Management of neoplastic meningitis. (United States)

    Roth, Patrick; Weller, Michael


    Leptomeningeal dissemination of tumor cells, also referred to as neoplastic meningitis, is most frequently seen in patients with late-stage cancer and mostly associated with a poor prognosis. Basically, neoplastic meningitis may affect all patients with a malignant tumor but is most common in patients affected by lung cancer, breast carcinoma, melanoma or hematologic neoplasms such as lymphoma and leukemia. Controlled clinical trials are largely lacking which results in various non-standardized treatment regimens. The presence of solid tumor manifestations in the CNS as well as the extracranial tumor load defines the most appropriate treatment approach. Radiation therapy, systemic chemotherapy and intrathecal treatment must be considered. For each patient, the individual situation needs to be carefully evaluated to determine the potential benefit as well as putative side effects associated with any therapy. A moderate survival benefit and particularly relief from pain and neurological deficits are the main treatment goals. Here, we summarize the management of patients with neoplastic meningitis and review the available treatment options.

  14. Anestesia em paciente com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tonelli Deoclécio


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A distrofia muscular de Duchenne é uma afecção recessiva ligada ao cromossomo X, geralmente diagnosticada na infância, acentuando-se progressivamente até agravar a função respiratória. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de um paciente com distrofia muscular de Duchenne diagnosticada há 2 anos, submetido à postectomia, sob anestesia geral com cetamina S. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente com 9 anos de idade com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne diagnosticada há 2 anos, submetido à anestesia geral com levo-cetamina (1,5, por via venosa, sob ventilação espontânea assistida manualmente por sistema de Baraka (Mapleson A e bloqueio peniano com bupivacaína a 0,5% (25 mg. Foram usados monitores de pressão arterial não invasiva, oximetria de pulso, cardioscopia e temperatura esofagiana. No decorrer da cirurgia, o caso evoluiu sem intercorrências, sendo que no período pós-operatório o paciente apresentou alguns episódios de vômitos sem outras alterações significativas. Permaneceu internado por 24 horas, tendo alta hospitalar assintomático. CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação pré-anestésica cuidadosa, o uso de monitorização adequada e medicações que não predisponham o aparecimento de complicações tornam seguro o procedimento em pacientes portadores de Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne e seu pós-operatório.

  15. Chronic Meningitis: Simplifying a Diagnostic Challenge. (United States)

    Baldwin, Kelly; Whiting, Chris


    Chronic meningitis can be a diagnostic dilemma for even the most experienced clinician. Many times, the differential diagnosis is broad and encompasses autoimmune, neoplastic, and infectious etiologies. This review will focus on a general approach to chronic meningitis to simplify the diagnostic challenges many clinicians face. The article will also review the most common etiologies of chronic meningitis in some detail including clinical presentation, diagnostic testing, treatment, and outcomes. By using a case-based approach, we will focus on the key elements of clinical presentation and laboratory analysis that will yield the most rapid and accurate diagnosis in these complicated cases.

  16. Leukemic meningitis involving the cauda equina: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Dong Hyun; Kim, Ho Kyun; Lee, Young Hwan


    The CNS involvement by leukemia may either be meningeal or parenchymal, although meningeal infiltration of leukemic cells, known as leukemic meningitis is more common. We report a case of leukemic meningitis involving the cauda equina in a patient with an acute lymphoblastic crisis which transformed from the chronic phase of chronic myeloid leukemia. An MR image revealed diffuse enlargement and peripheral ring enhancement of the nerve roots of the cauda equina

  17. Leukemic meningitis involving the cauda equina: a case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Dong Hyun; Kim, Ho Kyun; Lee, Young Hwan [School of Medicine, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu (Korea, Republic of)


    The CNS involvement by leukemia may either be meningeal or parenchymal, although meningeal infiltration of leukemic cells, known as leukemic meningitis is more common. We report a case of leukemic meningitis involving the cauda equina in a patient with an acute lymphoblastic crisis which transformed from the chronic phase of chronic myeloid leukemia. An MR image revealed diffuse enlargement and peripheral ring enhancement of the nerve roots of the cauda equina.

  18. Alterações transitórias do exame neurológico durante o despertar da anestesia com enflurano, isoflurano ou sevoflurano Alteraciones transitorias del examen neurológico durante el despertar de la anestesia con enflurano, isoflurano o sevoflurano Transient neurological changes during emergence from enflurane, isoflurane or sevoflurane anesthesia

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    Luiz Fernando Soares


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Anormalidades transitórias do exame neurológico ocorrem durante o despertar da anestesia com halotano, enflurano e isoflurano. Pouco se conhece sobre a ocorrência de anormalidades do exame neurológico durante a recuperação da anestesia com sevoflurano. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a prevalência de tais achados durante a recuperação da anestesia com enflurano (Grupo E, isoflurano (Grupo I e sevoflurano (Grupo S. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 44 pacientes que receberam anestesia com enflurano, isoflurano ou sevoflurano em N2O a 50%. Foram anotados antes da indução, imediatamente após a cessação da administração do anestésico e 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 e 40 minutos após: temperatura timpânica, nível de consciência, tônus muscular, reflexos pupilar, ciliar, bicipital, patelar e cutâneo-plantar, bem como a ocorrência de calafrios. RESULTADOS: As respostas dos reflexos pupilar, ciliar, patelar e cutâneo-plantar correlacionaram-se com o nível de consciência. Os grupos não diferiram quanto à prevalência de hipertonia muscular, hiperreflexia bicipital, clônus plantar e resposta extensora cutâneo-plantar. Hiperreflexia patelar foi mais freqüente no grupo do enflurano do que no grupo do isoflurano. Calafrios foram mais freqüentes nos grupos E e I do que no grupo do sevoflurano. A temperatura timpânica não diferiu entre os pacientes que apresentaram ou não calafrios. CONCLUSÕES: Alterações reversíveis do exame neurológico podem estar presentes por até 40 minutos durante a recuperação da anestesia com enflurano, isoflurano ou sevoflurano.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Anormalidades transitorias del examen neurológico ocurren durante el despertar de la anestesia con halotano, enflurano e isoflurano. Poco se conoce sobre la ocurrencia de anormalidades del examen neurológico durante la recuperación de la anestesia con sevoflurano. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar la prevalencia de tal

  19. Computed tomography in meningeal carcinomatosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koizumi, H; Ono, N; Horikoshi, S; Uki, J; Takeda, F [Saitama Cancer Center (Japan)


    CT findings of meningeal carcinomatosis were studied in 17 patients (seven with lung cancer, two with breast cancer, one with gastric cancer, one with malignant melanoma, five with leukemia, and one with malignant lymphoma). The diagnosis was confirmed by a cytological survey of the cerebrospinal fluid and/or autopsy. Signs and symptoms caused by meningeal carcinomatosis at the CT examination varied from individual to individual. Those most frequently observed were signs of increased intracranial pressure, often accompanied by cranial nerve palsies, paresthesia, motor weakness, cerebellar signs, and nuchal stiffness, CT scan revealed evidence of meningeal carcinomatosis in ten cases out of the seventeen. CT evidences were obtained in 16.7% of the cases with hematologic malignancy and in 81.8% of those with non-hematologic malignancies. The CT findings of meningeal carcinomatosis may be summarized as follows: I. 1) Obliteration and narrowing of the cisterns and sulci, with contrast enhancement along them. 2) Enhanced spots/areas beneath the brain surface, with contrast enhancement. 3) Diffuse, slightly high density of the brain surface, with contrast enhancement. 4) Enhancement of the ventricular wall. 5) Hydrocephalus. II. 1) No CT abnormalities.

  20. Computed tomography in meningeal carcinomatosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koizumi, Hidehito; Ono, Nobuo; Horikoshi, Satoru; Uki, Jiro; Takeda, Fumikazu


    CT findings of meningeal carcinomatosis were studied in 17 patients (seven with lung cancer, two with breast cancer, one with gastric cancer, one with malignant melanoma, five with leukemia, and one with malignant lymphoma). The diagnosis was confirmed by a cytological survey of the cerebrospinal fluid and/or autopsy. Signs and symptoms caused by meningeal carcinomatosis at the CT examination varied from individual to individual. Those most frequently observed were signs of increased intracranial pressure, often accompanied by cranial nerve palsies, paresthesia, motor weakness, cerebellar signs, and nuchal stiffness, CT scan revealed evidence of meningeal carcinomatosis in ten cases out of the seventeen. CT evidences were obtained in 16.7% of the cases with hematologic malignancy and in 81.8% of those with non-hematologic malignancies. The CT findings of meningeal carcinomatosis may be summarized as follows: I. 1) Obliteration and narrowing of the cisterns and sulci, with contrast enhancement along them. 2) Enhanced spots/areas beneath the brain surface, with contrast enhancement. 3) Diffuse, slightly high density of the brain surface, with contrast enhancement. 4) Enhancement of the ventricular wall. 5) Hydrocephalus. II. 1) No CT abnormalities. (author)

  1. Multiple Cranial Nerve Involvement In Cryptococcal Meningitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mahadevan A


    Full Text Available Cryptococcal meningitis is an uncommon cause of multiple cranial nerve palsies. This case report illustrates one such case of cryptococcal meningitis clinically manifesting with extensive cranial nerve involvement in an HIV seronegative individual. Histology revealed infiltration of the cranial nerves by cryptococci causing axonal disruption with secondary demyelination in the absence of any evidence of inflammation or vasculitis. We believe that axonal damage underlies the pathogenesis of cranial nerve involvement in cryptococcal meningitis.

  2. Anestesia peridural torácica para cirurgia plástica de mama em paciente portadora de miastenia gravis: relato de caso Anestesia peridural torácica para cirugía plástica de mama en paciente portadora de miastenia gravis: relato de caso Thoracic epidural anesthesia for mammaplasty in myasthenia gravis patient: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiano Timbó Barbosa


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A miastenia gravis é uma doença crônica, auto-imune, caracterizada pela fraqueza da musculatura esquelética em decorrência da diminuição dos receptores de acetilcolina na junção neuromuscular. O objetivo deste relato é mostrar um caso de paciente com miastenia gravis submetida a anestesia peridural torácica para cirurgia plástica de mama. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente com 51 anos, portadora de miastenia gravis foi submetida a anestesia peridural torácica com bupivacaína e fentanil. Não houve sinais de depressão respiratória. A paciente recebeu alta hospitalar após 36 horas. CONCLUSÕES: O presente caso sugere como conduta anestésica para o paciente portador de miastenia gravis a anestesia peridural como técnica única, sem a obrigatoriedade de intubação orotraqueal.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La miastenia gravis es una enfermedad crónica, auto-inmune, caracterizada por la debilidad de la musculatura esquelética resultante de la disminución de los receptores de acetilcolina en la unión neuromuscular. El objetivo de este relato es mostrar el caso de una paciente con miastenia gravis sometida a anestesia peridural torácica para una cirugía plástica de mama. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente del sexo femenino, 51 años, portadora de miastenia gravis fue sometida a anestesia peridural torácica con bupivacaína y fentanil. No hubo señales de depresión respiratoria. La paciente recibió alta hospitalaria después de 36 horas. CONCLUSIONES: Este actual caso sugiere como conducta anestésica para el paciente portador de miastenia gravis la anestesia peridural como única técnica, sin la obligatoriedad de intubación orotraqueal.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Myasthenia gravis is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by skeletal muscles weakness promoted by decreased acetylcholine receptors in the neuromuscular junction. This report aimed at describing a case of myasthenia gravis patient submitted to thoracic

  3. The meningeal sign: a new appraisal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hutzelmann, A.; Palmie, S.; Zimmer, C.; Benz, T.; Leweke, F.; Freund, M.


    To evaluate the occurrence of the meningeal sign in meningiomas and metastases. We studied 20 patients with meningiomas and 17 patients with cerebral metastases adjacent to the dura. MRI studies (Siemens, Magnetom 1,5) included axial T 1 -weighted and T 2 -weighted unenhanced as well as gadolinium-DTPA enhanced T 1 -weighted (axial, coronal, sagittal) SE imaging. In all patients the tumours were resected with the attached dura mater. Histopathological examinations were done, which corresponded to the area of marked enhancement by gadolinium-DTPA. There was no correlation between the occurrence of the meningeal sign and the histopathological examinations. In 20 patients with meningiomas adjacent to the dura we found the meningeal sign in 11 cases. Histologically we observed an increase of collagen fibres and fibrocytes. In 5 to 17 cases with superficial cerebral as dura infiltrations and microbleedings. The meningeal sign is not specific for meningiomas and can be observed in a wide variety of pathological entities. (orig.) [de

  4. Development and plasticity of meningeal lymphatic vessels. (United States)

    Antila, Salli; Karaman, Sinem; Nurmi, Harri; Airavaara, Mikko; Voutilainen, Merja H; Mathivet, Thomas; Chilov, Dmitri; Li, Zhilin; Koppinen, Tapani; Park, Jun-Hee; Fang, Shentong; Aspelund, Aleksanteri; Saarma, Mart; Eichmann, Anne; Thomas, Jean-Léon; Alitalo, Kari


    The recent discovery of meningeal lymphatic vessels (LVs) has raised interest in their possible involvement in neuropathological processes, yet little is known about their development or maintenance. We show here that meningeal LVs develop postnatally, appearing first around the foramina in the basal parts of the skull and spinal canal, sprouting along the blood vessels and cranial and spinal nerves to various parts of the meninges surrounding the central nervous system (CNS). VEGF-C, expressed mainly in vascular smooth muscle cells, and VEGFR3 in lymphatic endothelial cells were essential for their development, whereas VEGF-D deletion had no effect. Surprisingly, in adult mice, the LVs showed regression after VEGF-C or VEGFR3 deletion, administration of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib, or expression of VEGF-C/D trap, which also compromised the lymphatic drainage function. Conversely, an excess of VEGF-C induced meningeal lymphangiogenesis. The plasticity and regenerative potential of meningeal LVs should allow manipulation of cerebrospinal fluid drainage and neuropathological processes in the CNS. © 2017 Antila et al.

  5. Anestesia em paciente com insensibilidade congênita a dor e anidrose Anestesia en paciente con insensibilidad congénita al dolor y anhidrosis Anesthesia in a patient with congenital insensitivity to pain and anhidrosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Rogério Degrandi Oliveira


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A insensibilidade congênita a dor e anidrose (ICDA ou neuropatia hereditária sensorial e autonômica tipo IV (NHSA tipo IV é neuropatia autossômica recessiva rara do grupo das neuropatias hereditárias sensoriais e autonômicas (NHSA, caracterizada por insensibilidade ao estímulo doloroso, anidrose e retardo mental. Existem poucos relatos sobre a conduta anestésica em pacientes com ICDA devido sua extrema raridade. O objetivo deste relato foi apresentar a conduta anestésica em paciente com ICDA submetida à artrodese de tornozelo esquerdo com colocação de haste e discutir as características de interesse para a anestesia nestes pacientes. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente com história de ICDA foi admitida para artrodese de tornozelo esquerdo devido à artropatia de Charcot. Na sala de operação foi monitorizada com eletrocardiógrafo, índice bispectral, SEF 95%, pressão arterial não invasiva e saturação periférica da hemoglobina, medicada com midazolam como pré-anestésico e submetida à anestesia venosa com propofol e cisatracúrio. Não houve a necessidade de administração de analgésicos. Após intubação traqueal, foi acrescentada monitorização da pressão expiratória final do gás carbônico e da temperatura esofágica. Não apresentou complicações no período perioperatório. Teve alta hospitalar no segundo dia de pós-operatório. CONCLUSÕES: Embora apresentem insensibilidade à dor, alguns pacientes apresentam hiperestesia tátil, o que poderia causar sensações desagradáveis durante a manipulação cirúrgica. Apesar de relatos na literatura de pacientes submetidos a bloqueios no neuroeixo e até mesmo a procedimentos sem anestesia, neste caso utilizou-se a anestesia venosa que proporcionou condições adequadas para o procedimento anestésico-cirúrgico.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La falta de sensibilidad congénita al dolor y la anhidrosis (ICDA o neuropatía hereditaria sensorial y auton

  6. Meningitis following spinal anaesthesia in an obstetric patient. (United States)

    Celik, Mine; Kizilkaya, Mehmet; Dostbil, Aysenur; Dogan, Nazim; Parlak, Mehmet; Can, Fatma Kesmez; Bayar, Meral


    Meningitis following lumbar puncture and spinal anaesthesia is a rare but serious complication. A 19-year-old woman was administered spinal anaesthesia at another centre prior to a Caesarean section. The following day she experienced headaches. On the fourth day, she started vomiting and having convulsions, and became agitated. Meningitis was diagnosed based on a clinical examination and analysis of a lumbar puncture sample. After 21 days of treatment, she was discharged. Meningitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a patient presenting with headaches following spinal anaesthesia. The causes of meningitis following spinal anaesthesia are debated, and it is difficult to distinguish between aseptic and bacterial meningitis. It should be compulsory to wear a face mask while performing a dural puncture. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions:

  7. Bacterial meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heckenberg, Sebastiaan G. B.; Brouwer, Matthijs C.; van de Beek, Diederik


    Bacterial meningitis is a neurologic emergency. Vaccination against common pathogens has decreased the burden of disease. Early diagnosis and rapid initiation of empiric antimicrobial and adjunctive therapy are vital. Therapy should be initiated as soon as blood cultures have been obtained,

  8. Treating Meningitis (United States)

    ... Beek D. Dexamethasone and long-term survival in bacterial meningitis. Neurology 2012; 79:2177 – 2179. e190 © 2012 American Academy of Neurology ª 2012 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. PATIENT PAGE Section ...

  9. Hipertensão arterial sistêmica e anestesia Hipertensión arterial sistémica y anestesia Systemic hypertension and anesthesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michelle Nacur Lorentz


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Devido à grande prevalência da hipertensão arterial sistêmica na população e a falta de consenso sobre que níveis pressóricos o anestesiologista deve aceitar para induzir uma anestesia para cirurgia eletiva, realizou-se uma revisão na literatura que trata da associação hipertensão arterial e anestesia. Considerando que a suspensão de uma cirurgia implica em gastos, o que torna a Medicina cada vez mais cara, e que, por outro lado, o ato anestésico deve ser realizado com a maior segurança possível, o objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar as evidências da literatura que possam nortear a prática clínica. CONTEÚDO: O artigo apresenta incidência e classificação da hipertensão arterial sistêmica além de relatar e comentar trabalhos relevantes que abordam a hipertensão arterial no paciente cirúrgico. CONCLUSÕES: Ainda não estão estabelecidos quais níveis máximos de pressão são compatíveis com uma cirurgia eletiva, sendo que, atualmente, os critérios para a suspensão da cirurgia no paciente hipertenso mal controlado são muito mais baseados em dados empíricos que em evidências. Existe uma tendência em postergar a cirurgia quando a PA é superior a 180/110 mmHg, mas cada caso deve ser analisado isoladamente, valorizando mais lesões em órgãos alvo que a pressão arterial propriamente dita.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Debido a la grande superioridad de la hipertensión arterial sistémica en la población y la falta de acuerdo sobre que niveles presóricos el anestesiologista debe aceptar para inducir una anestesia para cirugía electiva, se realizó una revisión en la literatura que trata de la asociación hipertensión arterial y anestesia. Considerando que la suspensión de una cirugía implica en gastos, lo que hace la Medicina cada vez más cara, y que, por otro lado, el acto anestésico debe ser realizado con la mayor seguridad posible, la finalidad de ese trabajo fue analizar las

  10. Meningitis and Climate: From Science to Practice (United States)

    Perez Garcia-Pando, Carlos; Thomson, Madeleine C.; Stanton, Michelle C.; Diggle, Peter J.; Hopson, Thomas; Pandya, Rajul; Miller, Ron L.; Hugonnet, Stephane


    Meningococcal meningitis is a climate sensitive infectious disease. The regional extent of the Meningitis Belt in Africa, where the majority of epidemics occur, was originally defined by Lapeysonnie in the 1960s. A combination of climatic and environmental conditions and biological and social factors have been associated to the spatial and temporal patterns of epidemics observed since the disease first emerged in West Africa over a century ago. However, there is still a lack of knowledge and data that would allow disentangling the relative effects of the diverse risk factors upon epidemics. The Meningitis Environmental Risk Information Technologies Initiative (MERIT), a collaborative research-to-practice consortium, seeks to inform national and regional prevention and control strategies across the African Meningitis Belt through the provision of new data and tools that better determine risk factors. In particular MERIT seeks to consolidate a body of knowledge that provides evidence of the contribution of climatic and environmental factors to seasonal and year-to-year variations in meningococcal meningitis incidence at both district and national scales. Here we review recent research and practice seeking to provide useful information for the epidemic response strategy of National Ministries of Health in the Meningitis Belt of Africa. In particular the research and derived tools described in this paper have focused at "getting science into policy and practice" by engaging with practitioner communities under the umbrella of MERIT to ensure the relevance of their work to operational decision-making. We limit our focus to that of reactive vaccination for meningococcal meningitis. Important but external to our discussion is the development and implementation of the new conjugate vaccine, which specifically targets meningococcus A

  11. The contribution of MRI to the diagnosis of diffuse meningeal lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kreuzberg, B.; Kastner, J.; Ferda, J.


    We analysed MRI findings in patients in whom a diffuse abnormality of the meninges was revealed by MRI. We looked at T1 and T2-weighted spin-echo or fast spin-echo images and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images. There were 15 patients with abnormalities on MRI, clinically suspected in ten. Four had meningoencephalitis, one meningeal and subcortical sarcoidosis nodules, four meningeal malignancies - one disseminated oligodendroglioma, one with meningeal infiltration around an adenocarcinoma, three meningeal infiltration by a haematological malignancy, and one a chronic subdural haematoma without a history of injury. We excluded patients with primary meningeal tumours and typical injury-related meningeal bleeding. The relatively small number of patients is due to both the infrequency of diffuse meningeal disease and to the low frequency of suspected meningeal pathology as an indication for MRI. The latter's diagnostic contribution is greatest in infectious disease and neoplastic infiltration, and less obvious in haematological malignancies. Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images are most useful. (orig.)

  12. Usos do sulfato de magnésio em obstetrícia e em anestesia Usos del sulfato de magnesio en obstetricia y en anestesia Applications of Magnesium Sulfate in Obstetrics and Anesthesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiano Timbó Barbosa


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O magnésio é um íon predominantemente intracelular. Seu efeito bloqueador do receptor NMDA lhe confere características analgésicas e sedativas. O objetivo desse artigo foi revisar a fisiologia, a farmacologia e a diminuição da concentração plasmática do magnésio, assim como algumas das suas aplicações em obstetrícia e em anestesia. CONTEÚDO: O magnésio é um cátion intracelular que possui múltiplas funções: é cofator de enzimas do metabolismo glicídico e de enzimas da degradação dos ácidos nucleicos, proteínas e ácidos graxos; regula a passagem de íons transmembrana e intervém na atividade de várias enzimas. O paciente em estado crítico apresenta tendência à hipomagnesemia e o tratamento consiste em corrigir a causa quando possível acompanhada da reposição do magnésio. Já foi demonstrada a redução da concentração alveolar m��nima (CAM dos agentes inalatórios em animais e do uso de opioides em humanos sob anestesia. CONCLUSÕES: O sulfato de magnésio vem sendo utilizado em obstetrícia com boa efetividade para inibição do trabalho de parto prematuro e para o tratamento das crises convulsivas associadas ao quadro de eclâmpsia. É um fármaco com potencial analgésico e sedativo que pode ser utilizado como coadjuvante durante a anestesia geral atenuando a resposta pressórica à intubação traqueal e diminuindo a necessidade de anestésicos.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El magnesio es un ión predominantemente intracelular. Su efecto bloqueador del receptor NMDA le confiere características analgésicas y sedativas. El objetivo de este artículo, fue revisar la fisiología, la farmacología y la disminución de la concentración plasmática del magnesio, como también de algunas de sus aplicaciones en obstetricia y en anestesia. CONTENIDO: El magnesio es un catión intracelular que posee múltiples funciones: es cofactor de enzimas del metabolismo glicídico y de enzimas de

  13. Primary cellular meningeal defects cause neocortical dysplasia and dyslamination (United States)

    Hecht, Jonathan H.; Siegenthaler, Julie A.; Patterson, Katelin P.; Pleasure, Samuel J.


    Objective Cortical malformations are important causes of neurological morbidity, but in many cases their etiology is poorly understood. Mice with Foxc1 mutations have cellular defects in meningeal development. We use hypomorphic and null alleles of Foxc1 to study the effect of meningeal defects on neocortical organization. Methods Embryos with loss of Foxc1 activity were generated using the hypomorphic Foxc1hith allele and the null Foxc1lacZ allele. Immunohistologic analysis was used to assess cerebral basement membrane integrity, marginal zone heterotopia formation, neuronal overmigration, meningeal defects, and changes in basement membrane composition. Dysplasia severity was quantified using two measures. Results Cortical dysplasia resembling cobblestone cortex, with basement membrane breakdown and lamination defects, is seen in Foxc1 mutants. As Foxc1 activity was reduced, abnormalities in basement membrane integrity, heterotopia formation, neuronal overmigration, and meningeal development appeared earlier in gestation and were more severe. Surprisingly, the basement membrane appeared intact at early stages of development in the face of severe deficits in meningeal development. Prominent defects in basement membrane integrity appeared as development proceeded. Molecular analysis of basement membrane laminin subunits demonstrated that loss of the meninges led to changes in basement membrane composition. Interpretation Cortical dysplasia can be caused by cellular defects in the meninges. The meninges are not required for basement membrane establishment but are needed for remodeling as the brain expands. Specific changes in basement membrane composition may contribute to subsequent breakdown. Our study raises the possibility that primary meningeal defects may cortical dysplasia in some cases. PMID:20976766

  14. Experimental bacterial meningitis in rabbit; evaluation with CT and MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seo, Jeong Jin; Kang, Heoung Keun; Chu, Sung Nam; Kim, Yun Hyeon; Jeong, Yong Yeon; Chung, Hyon De [Chonnam Univ. Medical School, Kwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of computed tomography(CT) and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) in experimental bacterial meningitis. CT and MR images of experimental bacterial meningitis were obtained after inoculation of 1ml suspension of 10-6/ml Staphylococcus aureus directly into the supratentorial arachnoid space of 18 New Zealand white rabbits. Each animal was studied with both pre-enhanced and post-enhanced CT and MRI at 12, 24, 48 hours and 1 week. Cerebrospinal fluid of all of 18 rabbits were sampled and cultured for bacterial growth. All of 18 rabbits had the clinical symptoms such as neck stiffness and anorexia within 24 hours after the inoculation. Cerebrospinal fluid cultures were positive for Staphylococcus aureus growth. Gd-enhanced MRI exhibited diffuse enhancement along the thickened supratentorial meninges earlier than CT. In Gd-enhanced MRI, the mean contrast enhancement along the thickened supratentorial meninges earlier than CT. In Gd-enhanced MRI, the mean contrast enhancement ratio(CER) at supratentorial meninges increased to 1.93 at 12 hours and 2.99 at 24 hours from 1.06 at 0 hour. Histologic evaluation demonstrated inflammatory cell infiltration into the meninges. MRI also identified the complications of meningitis such as ependymitis and hydrocephalus more effectively than CT. These results indicated that Fd-enhanced MRI detectred earlier the abnormal findingfs of bacterial meningitis and evaluated more effectively the complications of meningitis compared with CT. MRI was more useful than CT in evaluation of the bacterial meningitis.

  15. Experimental bacterial meningitis in rabbit; evaluation with CT and MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seo, Jeong Jin; Kang, Heoung Keun; Chu, Sung Nam; Kim, Yun Hyeon; Jeong, Yong Yeon; Chung, Hyon De


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of computed tomography(CT) and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) in experimental bacterial meningitis. CT and MR images of experimental bacterial meningitis were obtained after inoculation of 1ml suspension of 10-6/ml Staphylococcus aureus directly into the supratentorial arachnoid space of 18 New Zealand white rabbits. Each animal was studied with both pre-enhanced and post-enhanced CT and MRI at 12, 24, 48 hours and 1 week. Cerebrospinal fluid of all of 18 rabbits were sampled and cultured for bacterial growth. All of 18 rabbits had the clinical symptoms such as neck stiffness and anorexia within 24 hours after the inoculation. Cerebrospinal fluid cultures were positive for Staphylococcus aureus growth. Gd-enhanced MRI exhibited diffuse enhancement along the thickened supratentorial meninges earlier than CT. In Gd-enhanced MRI, the mean contrast enhancement along the thickened supratentorial meninges earlier than CT. In Gd-enhanced MRI, the mean contrast enhancement ratio(CER) at supratentorial meninges increased to 1.93 at 12 hours and 2.99 at 24 hours from 1.06 at 0 hour. Histologic evaluation demonstrated inflammatory cell infiltration into the meninges. MRI also identified the complications of meningitis such as ependymitis and hydrocephalus more effectively than CT. These results indicated that Fd-enhanced MRI detectred earlier the abnormal findingfs of bacterial meningitis and evaluated more effectively the complications of meningitis compared with CT. MRI was more useful than CT in evaluation of the bacterial meningitis

  16. Increased anisotropy in neonatal meningitis: an indicator of meningeal inflammation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trivedi, Richa; Gupta, Rakesh K.; Nath, Kavindra; Malik, Gyanendra K.; Gupta, Amit; Prasad, Kashi N.; Purwar, Ankur; Rathore, Divya; Rathore, Ram K.S.; Narayana, Ponnada A.


    Increased anisotropy in brain abscesses has been shown to be due to adhesion of inflammatory cells and is suggestive of an active inflammatory process. The objective of this study was to determine if similar changes occur in the pia-arachnoid on the surface of the cerebral cortex in patients with pyogenic meningitis, and if these changes regress following antibiotic therapy. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was performed on 14 term neonates (mean age 13 days) with bacterial meningitis and 10 healthy age- and sex-matched controls. Regions of interest (ROIs) were placed on areas including the leptomeninges, the cerebral cortex and adjoining subcortical white matter for quantitation of mean fractional anisotropy (FA) and diffusivity (MD) values. Follow-up MRI was performed in five of the neonates in the patient group after 2 weeks of antibiotic treatment. FA and MD values were compared in patients before and after antibiotic treatment as well as with those in the healthy controls. Significantly higher FA values but no difference in MD values were observed in the patient group as compared to the healthy controls at both time points (before and after antibiotic treatment). Significantly decreased FA values in the frontal, occipital and temporal cortical regions were observed in patients following antibiotic treatment. DTI-derived FA may be of value in the noninvasive assessment of meningeal inflammatory activity and treatment response in neonates. (orig.)

  17. Increased anisotropy in neonatal meningitis: an indicator of meningeal inflammation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trivedi, Richa; Gupta, Rakesh K.; Nath, Kavindra [Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Lucknow, UP (India); Malik, Gyanendra K.; Gupta, Amit [King George' s Medical University, Department of Pediatrics, Lucknow (India); Prasad, Kashi N. [Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Department of Microbiology, Lucknow (India); Purwar, Ankur; Rathore, Divya; Rathore, Ram K.S. [Indian Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics, Kanpur (India); Narayana, Ponnada A. [University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, Houston, TX (United States)


    Increased anisotropy in brain abscesses has been shown to be due to adhesion of inflammatory cells and is suggestive of an active inflammatory process. The objective of this study was to determine if similar changes occur in the pia-arachnoid on the surface of the cerebral cortex in patients with pyogenic meningitis, and if these changes regress following antibiotic therapy. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was performed on 14 term neonates (mean age 13 days) with bacterial meningitis and 10 healthy age- and sex-matched controls. Regions of interest (ROIs) were placed on areas including the leptomeninges, the cerebral cortex and adjoining subcortical white matter for quantitation of mean fractional anisotropy (FA) and diffusivity (MD) values. Follow-up MRI was performed in five of the neonates in the patient group after 2 weeks of antibiotic treatment. FA and MD values were compared in patients before and after antibiotic treatment as well as with those in the healthy controls. Significantly higher FA values but no difference in MD values were observed in the patient group as compared to the healthy controls at both time points (before and after antibiotic treatment). Significantly decreased FA values in the frontal, occipital and temporal cortical regions were observed in patients following antibiotic treatment. DTI-derived FA may be of value in the noninvasive assessment of meningeal inflammatory activity and treatment response in neonates. (orig.)

  18. Meningeal enhancement on MRI after craniotomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nomura, Motohiro; Hasegawa, Mitsuhiro; Yamashima, Tetsumori; Yamashita, Junkoh; Suzuki, Masayuki


    Gd-DPTA-enhanced MR images in 94 patients who had undergone craniotomy were studied, with particular attention paid to the meningeal enhancement. Such enhancement was noted in 26 of the 94 (27.6%) in the portion surrounding the craniotomy site. Meningeal enhancement, presumably of the subdural neomembrane, was apparent as a third line of a high signal intensity on T 1 -weighted MR images. The outer two high-intensity lines were derived from fat in the subcutaneous tissues of the scalp and fat in the bone marrow of the calvaria. We designated this characteristic enhancement as a 'triple white line'. Of the 26 patients with meningeal enhancement, 22 cases (23.4%) showed such a 'triple white line', 11 cases (11.7%) showed falx enhancement, and 12 cases (12.8%) showed tentorial enhancement. The intervals between surgery and the appearance of the meningeal enhancement ranged from 4 days to 88 weeks. A small amount of bleeding into the dura-arachnoid interface induced by surgery might result in the subdural neomembrane, as has previously been reported. This neomembrane might be enhanced by the leakage of Gd-DTPA through the proliferating capillaries. As meningeal enhancement occurs in approximately a third of the cases following craniotomy, much care should be taken in the differential diagnosis of the infection, inflammation, and metastasis or dissemination of malignant brain tumors. (author)

  19. Malignant melanomas of the meninges (MR and CT)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuknecht, B.; Nadjmi, M.; Mueller, J.


    Malignant melanoma of the meninges is a rare neoplasm derived from melanocytes of the cranial or spinal meninges. Histologically classified as grade IV tumours, malignant melanoma may present either as a diffuse meningeal neoplasm, first described by Virchow in 1859, or as a circumscribed tumour attached to the meninges. Although diagnosis is rarely established prior to surgery or autopsy, MR and CT may provide indispensable information probably leading to earlier diagnosis. In 4 patients, diagnosis of a primary meningeal melanoma was based on MR and CT findings and histology. Histology was obtained in 3 cases by surgery, in one patient by autopsy and showed a melanotic and an amelanotic malignant melanoma in 2 patients each. Autopsy was carried out in 3 cases after survival of 4, 5, and 18 months; in a single case, the follow-up period is almost 3 years. (orig.) [de

  20. Voriconazole in an infant with cryptococcal meningitis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    @@ Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans) is the most common cause of fungal meningitis worldwide.1 Cryptococcal meningitis is an opportunistic infection commonly found in immunocompromised hosts,especially HIV-infected adults. It also occurs in apparently immunocompetent individuals.

  1. [Carcinomatous meningitis]. (United States)

    Cserni, Gábor; Vágó, Tibor; Török, Norbert; Gaál, Zoltán; Velkei, Tamás; Serényi, Péter; Göczo, Katalin; Tusa, Magdolna; Kovács, Katalin; Szucs, Miklós


    Carcinomatous meningitis is a serious complication of advanced stage solid tumours, which may become more common with improved survival. A 53-year-old woman with a recent history of breast cancer (pT2pN2M0) had been treated by mastectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She presented with weakness, diplopia and vertigo raising the possibility of vertebrobasilar ischaemia or an intracranial mass. In another patient, a 62-year-old man with hypertension, a stenotic common bile duct had been diagnosed when examined for abdominal complaints. When he presented with a high blood pressure value accompanied by intensive headache, vomiting and bilateral hearing loss, he was thought to have a hypertensive crisis. The rapidly progressive neurological symptoms and the history of breast cancer and findings suggesting pancreatic head tumour, respectively, led to the clinical diagnosis of carcinomatous meningitis in both cases, despite any evidence on CT scans or a negative MR scan, though of limited value, in the first case. This diagnosis was confirmed by the laboratory and cytological findings of the cerebrospinal fluid, and also by the post mortem examination, since both patients died within a month after the onset of the symptoms. The primary tumour in the second patient proved to be a widely metastasizing diffuse type gastric cancer. Carcinomatous meningitis has a varying but characteristic presentation which generally makes it easy to diagnose, but it can sometimes present differential diagnostic problems. What we can learn from these two cases may help in recognizing this complication.

  2. Anestesia peridural contínua com ropivacaína a 0,2% associada a anestesia geral para cirurgia do abdômen superior em crianças Anestesia peridural contínua con ropivacaína a 0,2% asociada a anestesia general para cirugía del abdomen superior en niños Continuous epidural anesthesia with 0.2% ropivacaine associated to general anesthesia for upper abdominal surgery in children

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    Jyrson Guilherme Klamt


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Técnicas anestésicas têm sido empregadas em pacientes pediátricos para vários tipos de cirurgias, apresentando entre outras vantagens, a analgesia pós-operatória. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o ritmo de infusão de propofol e a recuperação pós-anestésica de crianças submetidas à cirurgia abdominal alta sob anestesia peridural torácica com ropivacaína a 0,2%, associada à anestesia geral com propofol ou propofol mais sufentanil. MÉTODO: Vinte e seis crianças ASA I, II e III, com idades entre 0 e 4 anos, submetidas à cirurgia abdominal alta foram selecionadas para anestesia peridural torácica (T7-T8 com ropivacaína a 0,2% (1,5 Foram divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Propofol (infusão de propofol e Sufentanil (infusão de propofol mais sufentanil 1 µ Os ritmos de infusões de propofol foram de 20 e 10 nos grupos Propofol e Sufentanil, respectivamente, ajustadas de modo a manter a pressão arterial cerca de 20% dos valores pré-indução e interrompidas 10 a 15 minutos antes do final estimado da cirurgia. A recuperação pós-anestésica foi avaliada através de uma escala modificada de Aldrete-Kroulik e a sedação avaliada através de uma escala de 5 pontos. RESULTADOS: Duas crianças de cada grupo foram excluídas por problemas técnicos. O ritmo de infusão foi significativamente menor no grupo Sufentanil em relação ao grupo Propofol durante 100 minutos após o início da cirurgia. Os tempos para extubação e transferência para a sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (SRPA foram significativamente menores no grupo Propofol, porém a intensidade e a duração da sedação foram maiores nesse grupo em relação ao grupo Sufentanil. Os escores de recuperação foram similares nos dois grupos. Após 3 horas na SRPA, todos pacientes haviam atingido os critérios para transferência para as enfermarias. Hipotensão arterial transitória foi observada em 2

  3. [Recurrent aseptic meningitis secondary to taking ibuprofen and ketorolac]. (United States)

    Cano Vargas-Machuca, E; Mondéjar-Marín, B; Navarro-Muñoz, S; Pérez-Molina, I; Garrido-Robres, J A; Alvarez-Tejerina, A

    Aseptic meningitis is a process that is characterised by an inflammatory reaction of the meninges that is not due to any infectious agent. Its aetiology is varied and is most frequently caused by rheumatologic and/or autoimmune processes, chemical or medication-induced meningitis, the most notable drugs involved being antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAI). We report the case of a 70-year-old male, with no relevant history, who was admitted to hospital five times over a period of 16 months because of acute meningitis with polymorphonuclear pleocytosis, high protein levels in cerebrospinal fluid and normal glucose in cerebrospinal fluid. No evidence of an infectious causation, chemical meningitis, carcinomatosis or autoimmune disease was found and the patient was diagnosed with recurrent aseptic meningitis. It was found that the patient had taken ibuprofen or ketorolac on several occasions, a few hours before the appearance of symptoms. These episodes were quickly resolved after withdrawal of this medication. A number of NSAI have been reported as inducers of aseptic meningitis, one of the most notable being ibuprofen. We report the case of a patient who, as a consequence of taking ibuprofen and ketorolac, presented episodes of recurrent aseptic meningitis. To our knowledge this side effect of ketorolac has not been reported before. Its clinical features are impossible to differentiate from those of infectious meningitis. Diagnosis is reached by exclusion and a careful pharmacological study, including over-the-counter drugs like some of the NSAI, must be performed in patients with this condition, since it is a problem that can easily be solved by withdrawing the drug that causes it.

  4. Meningeal infiltration in recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chong, V.F.H.; Fan, Y.-F.


    Permeative infiltration of the meninges appears to be a distinct form of recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). The present report of eight patients with recurrent NPC illustrates meningeal infiltration following basal foramina extension. Seven of the eight patients (88%) showed jugular foramen involvement. Three patients had concomitant infiltration of the foramen magnum. There was one patient showing spread through the foramen lacerum. Only four (50%) of these patients had clinically detectable tumour in the nasopharynx, while the other half showed deep submucosal recurrence with endoscopically unremarkable findings. Permeative meningeal infiltration appears to be a distinct form of NPC recurrence. It is important to recognize this phenomenon so as to optimize the treatment options. The imaging studies were reviewed and the following features were recorded: local nasopharyngeal recurrence, the manner of intracranial spread and site of meningeal infiltration. Four patients had only MRI, two had only CT and two patients had both CT and MRI. The presence or absence of intracranial tumour before treatment was also recorded. Two observers reviewed the images and results were arrived at by consensus. Copyright (1999) Blackwell Science Pty Ltd

  5. Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology of Pneumococcal Meningitis (United States)

    Mook-Kanamori, Barry B.; Geldhoff, Madelijn; van der Poll, Tom; van de Beek, Diederik


    Summary: Pneumococcal meningitis continues to be associated with high rates of mortality and long-term neurological sequelae. The most common route of infection starts by nasopharyngeal colonization by Streptococcus pneumoniae, which must avoid mucosal entrapment and evade the host immune system after local activation. During invasive disease, pneumococcal epithelial adhesion is followed by bloodstream invasion and activation of the complement and coagulation systems. The release of inflammatory mediators facilitates pneumococcal crossing of the blood-brain barrier into the brain, where the bacteria multiply freely and trigger activation of circulating antigen-presenting cells and resident microglial cells. The resulting massive inflammation leads to further neutrophil recruitment and inflammation, resulting in the well-known features of bacterial meningitis, including cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis, cochlear damage, cerebral edema, hydrocephalus, and cerebrovascular complications. Experimental animal models continue to further our understanding of the pathophysiology of pneumococcal meningitis and provide the platform for the development of new adjuvant treatments and antimicrobial therapy. This review discusses the most recent views on the pathophysiology of pneumococcal meningitis, as well as potential targets for (adjunctive) therapy. PMID:21734248

  6. Anestesia em criança com síndrome de Pallister-Killian: relato de caso Anestesia en niño con síndrome de Pallister-Killian: relato de caso Anesthesia in child with Pallister-Killian syndrome: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Roquennedy Souza Cruz


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A síndrome de Pallister-Killian (SPK é uma doença genética rara causada por uma anomalia, em mosaico, no cromossomo 12. Há pouca informação sobre esta síndrome na literatura anestésica. O objetivo deste relato foi divulgar e discutir as características que podem ser de interesse para a anestesia. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 5 anos de idade, foi submetido a anestesia geral para a realização de ressonância magnética do crânio. Apresentava as características típicas da SPK: dismorfismo facial, alopecia temporal, micrognatismo, macroglossia, retardo mental, convulsões e alterações pigmentares cutâneas. A anestesia foi induzida e mantida com sevoflurano sob máscara facial e cânula orofaríngea, com ventilação assistida manual durante a indução. Não houve intercorrências e o exame foi feito em regime ambulatorial. CONCLUSÕES: A importância da avaliação pré-anestésica é enfatizada, devido às malformações, inclusive cardíacas, associadas a esta síndrome. É recomendada a preparação para possível dificuldade de intubação traqueal ou de manutenção das vias aéreas.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La síndrome de Pallister-Killian (SPK es una rara enfermedad genética causada por una anomalía, en mosaico, en el cromosoma 12. Hay poca información sobre esta síndrome en la literatura anestésica. El objetivo de este relato fue divulgar y discutir las características que pueden ser de interés para la anestesia. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente del sexo masculino, 5 años de edad, fue sometido a anestesia general para la realización de resonancia magnética del cráneo. Presentaba las características típicas de la SPK: dismorfismo facial, alopecia temporal, micrognatismo, macroglosia, retardo mental, convulsiones y alteraciones pigmentares cutáneas. La anestesia fue inducida y mantenida con sevoflurano sobre máscara facial y cánula orofaríngea, con ventilación manual

  7. Effect of vaccines on bacterial meningitis worldwide

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    McIntyre, Peter B.; O'Brien, Katherine L.; Greenwood, Brian; van de Beek, Diederik


    Three bacteria-Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Neisseria meningitidis-account for most acute bacterial meningitis. Measurement of the effect of protein-polysaccharide conjugate vaccines is most reliable for H influenzae meningitis because one serotype and one age group account

  8. [Congenital skull base defect causing recurrent bacterial meningitis]. (United States)

    Berliner, Elihay; Bar Meir, Maskit; Megged, Orli


    Bacterial meningitis is a life threatening disease. Most patients will experience only one episode throughout life. Children who experience bacterial meningitis more than once, require further immunologic or anatomic evaluation. We report a 9 year old child with five episodes of bacterial meningitis due to a congenital defect of the skull base. A two and a half year old boy first presented to our medical center with pneumococcal meningitis. He was treated with antibiotics and fully recovered. Two months later he presented again with a similar clinical picture. Streptococcus pneumoniae grew in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture. CT scan and later MRI of the brain revealed a defect in the anterior middle fossa floor, with protrusion of brain tissue into the sphenoidal sinus. Corrective surgery was recommended but the parents refused. Three months later, a third episode of pneumococcal meningitis occurred. The child again recovered with antibiotics and this time corrective surgery was performed. Five years later, the boy presented once again with clinical signs and symptoms consistent with bacterial meningitis. CSF culture was positive, but the final identification of the bacteria was conducted by broad spectrum 16S ribosomal RNA PCR (16S rRNA PCR) which revealed a sequence of Neisseria lactamica. CT and MRI showed recurrence of the skull base defect with encephalocele in the sphenoid sinus. The parents again refused neurosurgical intervention. A year later the patient presented with bacterial meningitis. CSF culture obtained after initiation of antibiotics was negative, but actinobacillus was identified in the CSF by 16S rRNA PCR. The patient is scheduled for neurosurgical intervention. In patients with recurrent bacterial meningitis caused by organisms colonizing the oropharynx or nasopharynx, an anatomical defect should be carefully sought and surgically repaired.

  9. Adjunctive Corticosteroids in Adults with Bacterial Meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Beek, Diederik; de Gans, Jan


    Bacterial meningitis is a complex disorder in which neurologic injury is caused, in part, by the causative organism and, in part, by the host's own inflammatory response. In studies of experimental bacterial meningitis, adjuvant treatment with corticosteroids, specifically dexamethasone, has

  10. Pneumococcal meningitis: Clinical-pathological correlations (meningene-path)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Engelen-Lee, Joo-Yeon; Brouwer, Matthijs C.; Aronica, Eleonora; van de Beek, Diederik


    Pneumococcal meningitis is associated with substantial mortality and morbidity. We systematically assessed brain histopathology of 31 patients who died of pneumococcal meningitis from a nationwide study (median age 67 years; 21 (67 %) were male) using a pathology score including inflammation and

  11. Emprego do propofol, isofluorano e morfina para a anestesia geral de longa duração em bezerros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alves G.E.S.


    Full Text Available Foram estudadas características da bioquímica do sangue, da pressão arterial e da freqüência de pulso de 12 bezerros mantidos sob anestesia por 13 horas, utilizando-se propofol para a indução e isofluorano para manutenção, associados à administração de morfina intra-tecal. Os valores de freqüência de pulso, pressão arterial e glicemia apresentaram pequenas variações e se mantiveram próximos dos valores de referência para bezerros anestesiados. Ao longo do período de anestesia houve aumento significativo, mas discreto, do hematócrito, hemoglobina, pCO2, CO2 total, bicarbonato e potássio. O pH do sangue, pO2, Na+ e Ca++ apresentaram reduções significativas. Este protocolo anestésico foi seguro para a manutenção de bezerros anestesiados por período prolongado.

  12. Mycobacterium bovis meningitis in young Nigerian-born male

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faurholt-Jepsen, Daniel; Lillebæk, Troels; Nielsen, Ming-Yuan


    In Denmark, tuberculous meningitis is rare. Central nervous system (CNS) involvement with Mycobacterium bovis is even rarer and has only been seen three times since 1992. We present a case of M. bovis meningitis in a previously healthy young Nigerian-born male, who had been exposed to unpasteurized...... dairy products in Nigeria but had no known contact with larger mammals. Before the development of meningitis, the patient had several contacts with the health system due to fever and non-specific symptoms. Finally, upon hospital admission, the patient was diagnosed with M. tuberculosis complex...... meningitis and treated empirically. After 13 days he was discharged without neurological sequelae. Later, the culture revealed M. bovis and treatment was adjusted accordingly....

  13. Cryptococcal Meningitis

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mar 16, 1974 ... Cryptococcal meningitis occurred in an elderly Coloured woman in the Northern Cape. She presented with symp- toms and signs suggestive of encephalitis 4 weeks after a cholecystectomy. After the administration of cortisone, cryptococcal organisms were isolated in her cerebrospinal fluid. She was first ...

  14. Epidemiology of meningitis in an HIV-infected Ugandan cohort. (United States)

    Rajasingham, Radha; Rhein, Joshua; Klammer, Kate; Musubire, Abdu; Nabeta, Henry; Akampurira, Andrew; Mossel, Eric C; Williams, Darlisha A; Boxrud, Dave J; Crabtree, Mary B; Miller, Barry R; Rolfes, Melissa A; Tengsupakul, Supatida; Andama, Alfred O; Meya, David B; Boulware, David R


    There is limited understanding of the epidemiology of meningitis among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected populations in sub-Saharan Africa. We conducted a prospective cohort study of HIV-infected adults with suspected meningitis in Uganda, to comprehensively evaluate the etiologies of meningitis. Intensive cerebrospiral fluid (CSF) testing was performed to evaluate for bacterial, viral, fungal, and mycobacterial etiologies, including neurosyphilis,16s ribosomal DNA (rDNA) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for bacteria, Plex-ID broad viral assay, quantitative-PCR for HSV-1/2, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and Toxoplasma gondii; reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) for Enteroviruses and arboviruses, and Xpert MTB/RIF assay. Cryptococcal meningitis accounted for 60% (188 of 314) of all causes of meningitis. Of 117 samples sent for viral PCR, 36% were EBV positive. Among cryptococcal antigen negative patients, the yield of Xpert MTB/RIF assay was 22% (8 of 36). After exclusion of cryptococcosis and bacterial meningitis, 61% (43 of 71) with an abnormal CSF profile had no definitive diagnosis. Exploration of new TB diagnostics and diagnostic algorithms for evaluation of meningitis in resource-limited settings remains needed, and implementation of cryptococcal diagnostics is critical. © The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  15. Risk factors for meningitis after transsphenoidal surgery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Aken, M. O.; de Marie, S.; van der Lely, A. J.; Singh, R.; van den Berge, J. H.; Poublon, R. M.; Fokkens, W. J.; Lamberts, S. W.; de Herder, W. W.


    To evaluate possible risk factors for meningitis, we retrospectively reviewed 228 transsphenoidal operations (in which a standard regimen of amoxicillin prophylaxis was used) for sellar pathology. The incidence of meningitis was 3.1% (seven of 228 cases). Cultures of preoperative specimens from the

  16. O primeiro a utilizar anestesia em cirurgia não foi um dentista. Foi o m édico Crawford Williamson Long El primero en utilizar la anestesia en cirugía no fue un dentista, fue el médico Crawford Williamson Long The first to use surgical anesthesia was not a dentist, but the physician Crawford Williamson Long

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Almiro dos Reis Júnior


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A história da descoberta da anestesia continua incompletamente esclarecida em vários de seus aspectos. Mas é fácil definir que Crawford Williamson Long foi o primeiro a utilizar o éter sulfúrico para operar vários pacientes, sem dor, e realizar analgesias obstétricas. A história é uma ponte que liga o passado ao presente e deve ser estudada e entendida desde os seus primeiros pilares. Assim, justifica-se lembrar ou dar a conhecer quem foi Long, um nome certamente pouco conhecido entre nós, e qual a participação dele na descoberta da anestesia. CONTEÚDO: São discorridos porque e como Crawford Williamson Long foi levado a se tornar o primeiro médico a operar sem dor, quatro anos e meio antes de Morton, e o papel que desempenhou numa das maiores descobertas da Medicina. A biografia de Long é narrada, ressaltando-se o seu caráter, a competência, a dedicação, a modéstia, o desprendimento e um certo desapego com relação à conquista da glória. Descrevem-se as circunstâncias que o levaram a não divulgar de imediato sua descoberta. É analisado o envolvimento de Long na discussão pela primazia da descoberta da anestesia e relatado o seu falecimento. As numerosas homenagens recebidas por Long nos EUA e em outros países são citadas. CONCLUSÕES: W. T. G. Morton costuma ser considerado como o autor da descoberta da anestesia geral, sobretudo por ter sido o primeiro a fazer demonstração pública bem-sucedida, em importante hospital de Boston (EUA. Contudo, provou-se que Long foi o primeiro a utilizar a anestesia cirúrgica e é reconhecido em várias regiões de seu país como o pai da anestesia cirúrgica e "o seu descobridor". É necessário, ainda, reverter o fato de ser Long pouco conhecido entre nós e inseri-lo no lugar a que tem direito na história da anestesia geral.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La historia del descubrimiento de la anestesia continúa sin ser completamente aclarada en varios

  17. Meningeal carcinomatosis: a retrospective analysis of seventy-seven cases

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Feng-Na Chu; Yue Lang; Xiao-Min Sun; Li Cui


    Aim:Meningeal carcinomatosis is a special type of malignant tumor characterized by short survival and poor prognosis.In the present study,the authors aim to analyze the clinical,laboratory data and prognosis of meningeal carcinomatosis patients.Methods:The authors enrolled 77 cases of meningeal carcinomatosis from 2003 to 2013 in the First Hospital of Jilin University.The clinical data including age,gender,symptoms at onset,clinical manifestations,primary tumors and the laboratory data including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF),tumor markers as well as the imaging data were analyzed.The interval between the onset of primary tumor and the onset of central nervous symptoms,treatments and survival time were also analyzed.Results:The onset of meningeal carcinomatosis was usually acute (46.2%) or subacute (39.0%).The most frequent symptom at onset was intracranial hypertension (70.1%).Symptoms such as headache,vomit and high lumbar puncture intracranial pressure was observed in 56% of cases during the course of the disease.CSF abnormalities such as higher protein concentration (73.4%),more CSF pleocitosis (57.1%) and lower glucose levels (48.4%) were found in 95.3% of meningeal carcinomatosis patients.Non-contrast enhanced cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that 13.2% patients had abnormal meningeal changes while in the enhancement scan 35.3% patients showed changes.The serum tumor markers increased in 84% of the patients.There were no differences regarding the mean survival between patients who received intrathecal chemotherapy and those who received brain radiotherapy or supportive treatment.Conclusion:The most common clinical manifestation of meningeal carcinomatosis is intracranial hypertension.The most common primary tumor is lung cancer,followed by gastric cancer and breast cancer.The linear enhancement of meningeal on the MRI scan is of great importance for the diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    马林; 于生元; 蔡幼铨; 梁丽; 郭行高


    Objective.To investigate the magnetic resonance(MR)features of meningeal carcinomatosis,and to improve the ability in understanding and diagnosing meningeal carcinomatosis by MR findings. Methods. Eleven cases with proven meningeal carcinomatosis were studied by conventional and Gd-DTPA enhanced MR imaging. The enhancement patterns and features,as well as the types of meningeal involvement,were retrospectively analyzed. Results. Conventional MR imaging showed no evident meningeal abnormalities. After the administration of Gd-DTPA,abnormal pia mater enhancement was detected in 9 cases,demonstrating as the continuous,thin,and lineal high signal intensity on the brain surface that could descend into the sulci. The abnormal pial enhancement occurred on the cortical surfaces of cerebellum,brainstem,and cerebrum. No abnormal enhancement in the subarach-noid space was found. Abnormal dura-arachnoid enhancement was seen in 3 cases,showing as the continuous,thick,and curvilineal high signal intensity over the convexities or in the tentorium without extension into the cortical sulci. Cerebral dura-arachnoid involvement was found in all 3 cases and one of them also showed abnormal enhancement in cerebellar dura-arachnoid and tentorium. Of the 11 cases,9 with pial involvement had abnormal cerebrospinal fluid(CSF)results,2 involving only the dura-arachnoid had normal CSF results. Conclusion. Meningeal carcinomatosis could be well demonstrated by Gd-DTPA enhanced MR imaging,and its type could be differentiated by the enhancement features. Combined with the clinical information,Gd-enhanced MR imaging may lead to the diagnosis and guide the therapy of meningeal carcinomatosis.

  19. Diagnostic value of serum creatine kinase-BB for acute meningitis in adults

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seyed Mohammad Alavi


    Full Text Available Objective: To find out an easy and feasible test instead of cerebrospinal fluid analysis for the diagnosis of acute meningitis. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2013 in Ahvaz, a city located in the Southwest Iran including 75 patients with clinical diagnosis of fever, headache, vomiting and neck stiffness suspected to have acute meningitis based on cerebrospinal fluid analysis. In the beginning, the patients were divided into two categories as acute meningitis, and non-acute meningitis. Then, 5 L of blood was taken from each patient to determine serum creatine kinase isoenzyme-BB by using ELISA method. After that, the related data including demographics, clinical and laboratory results were analyzed by SPSS software version 16 using Chi-square test for qualitative variables and student’s t-test for quantitative variables. Results: Among the total 75 patients, 37 (49.3% were males and 38 (50.7% were females including 45 patients (60% with acute meningitis and 30 patients (40% without acute meningitis. On the other hand, CK-BB serum levels in acute meningitis and non-acute meningitis patients were 18.23 ± 7.56 and 2.67 ± 1.62, respectively, so significant difference was found between acute meningitis group and non-acute meningitis group (P < 0.000 1. Conclusions: Serum creatine kinase isoenzyme-BB test is a useful test to differentiate acute meningitis from non-acute meningitis among suspected cases of meningitis disease, so measuring the CK-BB serum level in Iran's health system with an expanded health setting especially in remote areas will be useful and helpful in prompt diagnosis and treatment of the acute meningitis.

  20. Community-acquired bacterial meningitis in alcoholic patients.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martijn Weisfelt


    Full Text Available Alcoholism is associated with susceptibility to infectious disease, particularly bacterial pneumonia. In the present study we described characteristics in alcoholic patients with bacterial meningitis and delineate the differences with findings in non-alcoholic adults with bacterial meningitis.This was a prospective nationwide observational cohort study including patients aged >16 years who had bacterial meningitis confirmed by culture of cerebrospinal fluid (696 episodes of bacterial meningitis occurring in 671 patients. Alcoholism was present in 27 of 686 recorded episodes of bacterial meningitis (4% and alcoholics were more often male than non-alcoholics (82% vs 48%, P = 0.001. A higher proportion of alcoholics had underlying pneumonia (41% vs 11% P<0.001. Alcoholics were more likely to have meningitis due to infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae (70% vs 50%, P = 0.01 and Listeria monocytogenes (19% vs 4%, P = 0.005, whereas Neisseria meningitidis was more common in non-alcoholic patients (39% vs 4%, P = 0.01. A large proportion of alcoholics developed complications during clinical course (82% vs 62%, as compared with non-alcoholics; P = 0.04, often cardiorespiratory failure (52% vs 28%, as compared with non-alcoholics; P = 0.01. Alcoholic patients were at risk for unfavourable outcome (67% vs 33%, as compared with non-alcoholics; P<0.001.Alcoholic patients are at high risk for complications resulting in high morbidity and mortality. They are especially at risk for cardiorespiratory failure due to underlying pneumonia, and therefore, aggressive supportive care may be crucial in the treatment of these patients.

  1. We have got you 'covered': how the meninges control brain development. (United States)

    Siegenthaler, Julie A; Pleasure, Samuel J


    The meninges have traditionally been viewed as specialized membranes surrounding and protecting the adult brain from injury. However, there is increasing evidence that the fetal meninges play important roles during brain development. Through the release of diffusible factors, the meninges influence the proliferative and migratory behaviors of neural progenitors and neurons in the forebrain and hindbrain. Meningeal cells also secrete and organize the pial basement membrane (BM), a critical anchor point for the radially oriented fibers of neuroepithelial stem cells. With its emerging role in brain development, the potential that defects in meningeal development may underlie certain congenital brain abnormalities in humans should be considered. In this review, we will discuss what is known about assembly of the fetal meninges and review the role of meningeal-derived proteins in mouse and human brain development. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. neonatal bacterial meningitis in Cape Town children

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    neonatal bacterial meningitis in Cape Town children. Bacterial meningitis is a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in South Africa. However, comprehensive regional or national epidemiological data, essential for rational public health interventions, are lacking. The purpose of this 1-year prospective study, from.

  3. Efeito da anestesia geral na cognição e na memória do idoso Efecto de la anestesia general en la cognición y memoria del paciente de edad avanzada Effects of general anesthesia in elderly patients’ memory and cognition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Régis Borges Aquino


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A anestesia geral e a função mental têm sido alvo de estudos e considerações, especialmente pelo sentimento de que ela, particularmente em idosos, poderia induzir alterações na cognição e na memória. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito da anestesia geral na cognição e na memória do idoso correlacionando-a ao sexo, à idade e ao tempo de anestesia. MÉTODO: Estudo de coorte controlado realizado em pacientes categorizados em dois grupos de observação: a- anestésico; b- clínicos (controle. As variáveis de desfecho consideradas foram os escores dos testes MiniMental, de Fluência Verbal e de Lembrança Numérica. Anestesia geral com halotano, isoflurano, sevoflurano, tiopental, propofol, etomidato, fentanil alfentanil, succinilcolina atracúrio, pancurônio. Intra-operatório com PaCO2 entre 30 e 45 mmHg e saturação de hemoglobina acima de 90% e tolerância de PA com diminuição até 20% do valor basal. Foram excluídos os pacientes que apresentaram algum evento adverso no intra e pós-operatório. Dados categóricos analisados pelo teste do Qui-quadrado. A comparação inicial entre os grupos no momento basal (pré-anestésico foi realizada pelo t de Student para amostras independentes. Para avaliação do efeito do processo anestésico ao longo do tempo, foi utilizada a Análise de Variância (ANOVA para medidas repetidas. RESULTADOS: No teste do MiniMental os grupos apresentaram comportamento semelhante sendo notado aumento de escores ao longo do tempo. No teste de Fluência Verbal, em ambos os grupos os escores mantiveram-se praticamente inalterados. No teste de Lembrança Numérica o comportamento dos grupos foi muito semelhante ao longo do seguimento sendo que os escores aumentaram em ambos os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Não foi detectado declínio de cognição ou de memória no pós-operatório de idosos de 60 a 80 anos de ambos os sexos, submetidos à anestesia geral com duração de 3 a

  4. Enhanced attenuation of meningeal inflammation and brain edema by concomitant administration of anti-CD18 monoclonal antibodies and dexamethasone in experimental Haemophilus meningitis. (United States)

    Sáez-Llorens, X; Jafari, H S; Severien, C; Parras, F; Olsen, K D; Hansen, E J; Singer, I I; McCracken, G H


    Antiinflammatory therapy has been shown to reduce the adverse pathophysiological consequences that occur in bacterial meningitis and to improve outcome from disease. In the present study, modulation of two principal steps of the meningeal inflammatory cascade was accomplished by concomitant administration of dexamethasone to diminish overproduction of cytokines in response to a bacterial stimulus and of a monoclonal antibody directed against adhesion-promoting receptors on leukocytes to inhibit recruitment of white blood cells into the subarachnoid space. Dexamethasone and antibody therapy produced a marked attenuation of all indices of meningeal inflammation and reduction of brain water accumulation after H. influenzae-induced meningitis in rabbits compared with results of each agent given alone and of untreated animals. In addition, the enhanced host's meningeal inflammatory reaction that follows antibiotic-induced bacterial lysis was profoundly ameliorated when dual therapy was administered without affecting clearance rates of bacteria from cerebrospinal fluid and vascular compartments. The combination of both therapeutic approaches may offer a promising mode of treatment to improve further the outcome from bacterial meningitis.

  5. Necrosis de la cabeza femoral tras fractura del cuello femoral tratada mediante osteosíntesis


    Martínez Martín, Angel Antonio; Panisello Sebastiá, Juan José; Lallana Duplá, J.; Herrera Rodríguez, Antonio


    Se presenta un análisis retrospectivo de las necrosis aparecidas en 233 pacientes con fractura de cuello femoral fijada con tornillos de esponjosa. La edad media fue de 80,6 años. Setenta y un pacientes (26%) tuvieron una fractura no desplazada (Garden I o II) y 172 (74%) una fractura desplazada (Garden III o IV). Seis meses tras la cirugía 170 pacientes sobrevivían (72,9%). Treinta y cuatro de ellos (20%) habían desarrollado necrosis y 10 (5,9%) colapso. Tras un seguimiento de 12 meses 114 p...

  6. Prediction of bacterial meningitis based on cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sofia Águeda

    Full Text Available Children with cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis are frequently treated with parenteral antibiotics, but only a few have bacterial meningitis. Although some clinical prediction rules, such as bacterial meningitis score, are of well-known value, the cerebrospinal fluid white blood cells count can be the initial available information. Our aim was to establish a cutoff point of cerebrospinal fluid white blood cell count that could distinguish bacterial from viral and aseptic meningitis. A retrospective study of children aged 29 days to 17 years who were admitted between January 1st and December 31th, 2009, with cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis (white blood cell > 7 µL-1 was conducted. The cases of traumatic lumbar puncture and of antibiotic treatment before lumbar puncture were excluded. There were 295 patients with cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis, 60.3% females, medium age 5.0 ± 4.3 years distributed as: 12.2% 1-3 months; 10.5% 3-12 months; 29.8% 12 months to 5 years; 47.5% >5 years. Thirty one children (10.5% were diagnosed with bacterial meningitis, 156 (52.9% viral meningitis and 108 (36.6% aseptic meningitis. Bacterial meningitis was caused by Neisseria meningi tidis (48.4%, Streptococcus pneumoniae (32.3%, other Streptococcus species (9.7%, and other agents (9.7%. cerebrospinal fluid white blood cell count was significantly higher in patients with bacterial meningitis (mean, 4839 cells/µL compared to patients with aseptic meningitis (mean, 159 cells/µL, p < 0.001, with those with aseptic meningitis (mean, 577 cells/µL, p < 0.001 and with all non-bacterial meningitis cases together (p < 0.001. A cutoff value of 321 white blood cell/µL showed the best combination of sensitivity (80.6% and specificity (81.4% for the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis (area under receiver operating characteristic curve 0.837. Therefore, the value of cerebrospinal fluid white blood cell count was found to be a useful and rapid diagnostic test to distinguish

  7. Tuberculous meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wilkinson, R.J.; Rohlwink, U.; Misra, U.K.; Crevel, R. van; Mai, N.T.H.; Dooley, K.E.; Caws, M.; Figaji, A.; Savic, R.; Solomons, R.; Thwaites, G.E.


    Tuberculosis remains a global health problem, with an estimated 10.4 million cases and 1.8 million deaths resulting from the disease in 2015. The most lethal and disabling form of tuberculosis is tuberculous meningitis (TBM), for which more than 100,000 new cases are estimated to occur per year. In

  8. Antibiotikavalg ved purulent meningitis uden bakteriologisk diagnose

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krarup, H B


    A case of meningitis in a 16 month old boy caused by Hemophilus influenzae resistant to ampicillin is presented. The question is raised whether a third generation cephalosporin such as cefotaxime should be the drug of choice in the treatment of bacterial meningitis with unknown etiology...

  9. Aplicação do monitor Narcotrend® para avaliar a profundidade da anestesia em crianças submetidas à cirurgia cardíaca: estudo prospectivo e controlado Aplicación del monitor Narcotrend® para evaluar la profundidad de la anestesia en niños sometidos a la cirugía cardíaca: estudio prospectivo y controlado Application of Narcotrend® monitor for evaluation of depth of anesthesia in infants undergoing cardiac surgery: a prospective control study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yiyan Jiang


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Investigar a eficácia clínica, segurança e viabilidade do monitor Narcotrend® para avaliar a profundidade da anestesia em crianças com doença cardíaca congênita (DCC submetidas à cirurgia cardíaca. MÉTODOS: Foram randomicamente selecionadas 80 crianças submetidas à anestesia geral em cirurgia seletiva. As crianças foram divididas em dois grupos de forma aleatória (n = 40 por grupo. No grupo Narcotrend, a profundidade da anestesia foi monitorada com o Narcotrend. No grupo padrão, a profundidade da anestesia foi controlada de acordo com a experiência clínica. A pressão arterial média (PAM e a frequência cardíaca (FC foram determinadas e a dose de fentanil e relaxante muscular e os tempos de recuperação e de extubação foram registrados. RESULTADOS: Em ambos os grupos, os sinais vitais apresentaram-se estáveis durante a cirurgia. No grupo Narcotrend, a PAM e a FC foram mais estáveis, a dose total de fentanil e relaxante muscular significativamente menor e os tempos de recuperação e extubação acentuadamente mais reduzidos em comparação com o grupo padrão. CONCLUSÃO: A aplicação do monitor Narcotrend para medir a profundidade da anestesia foi útil para controlar a profundidade da anestesia em crianças com DCC que receberam anestesia intravenosa total, na qual uma pequena quantidade de narcóticos pode obter a anestesia ideal. Além disso, os tempos de recuperação e extubação foram menores e os efeitos secundários, como sensibilização intraoperatória, puderam ser evitados.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Investigar la eficacia clínica, la seguridad y la viabilidad del monitor Narcotrend® para evaluar la profundidad de la anestesia en niños con enfermedad cardíaca congénita (ECC sometidos a la cirugía cardíaca. MÉTODOS: Un total de 80 niños sometidos a la anestesia general en cirugía selectiva fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente. Los niños fueron divididos en dos grupos de

  10. Recurrent meningitis in a child with IgG3 subclass deficiency. (United States)

    Vehapoglu, Aysel; Ozgurhan, Gamze; Demir, Aysegul Dogan; Uzuner, Selcuk; Nursoy, Mustafa Atilla; Turkmen, Serdar


    Recurrent meningitis is an uncommon life-threatening condition. Here, the case of a 6-year-old boy is reported who had two episodes of meningitis with an IgG3 subclass deficiency. The boy had aseptic meningitis at the age of 3 years, followed by bacterial meningitis at the age of 4 years. Primary immunoglobulin deficiencies are a group of disorders associated with an increased incidence and/or severity of infection. Recurrent infections, sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia are the most frequently observed illnesses in patients with IgG subclass deficiencies, of which an IgG3 subclass deficiency is the most common, especially in adults. Although cases of recurrent viral or bacterial meningitis have been reported, herein a patient is presented with recurrence of aseptic and bacterial meningitis 1 year after the initial episode. Some researchers recommend that all children with episodes of recurrent meningitis should be screened for primary immunoglobulin or complement deficiencies.

  11. MRI of intracranial meningeal malignant fibrous histiocytoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogino, A.; Ochi, M.; Hayashi, K.; Hirata, K.; Hayashi, T.; Yasunaga, A.; Shibata, S.


    We describe the CT and MRI findings in a patient with primary intracranial meningeal malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH). CT delineated the anatomical relations and MRI aided in tissue characterisation. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing the MRI findings in primary intracranial meningeal MFH. (orig.). With 1 fig

  12. Paresia transitória unilateral combinada do nervo hipoglosso e do nervo lingual após intubação para anestesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hulya Ulusoy


    Full Text Available Lesões de nervos podem ocorrer na região faringolaríngea durante a anestesia geral. Os nervos mais comumente lesionados são o hipoglosso, lingual e laríngeo recorrente. As lesões podem surgir em decorrência de vários fatores, como, por exemplo, durante a laringoscopia, intubação endotraqueal e inserção de tubo e por pressão do balão, ventilação com máscara, manobra aérea tripla, via aérea orofaríngea, modo de inserção do tubo, posição da cabeça e do pescoço e aspiração. As lesões nervosas nessa região podem acometer um único nervo isolado ou causar a paralisia de dois nervos em conjunto, como a do nervo laríngeo recorrente e hipoglosso (síndrome de Tapia. No entanto, a lesão combinada dos nervos lingual e hipoglosso após intubação para anestesia é uma condição muito mais rara. O risco dessa lesão pode ser reduzido por meio de medidas preventivas. Descrevemos um caso de paresia unilateral combinada dos nervos hipoglosso e lingual após intubação para anestesia.

  13. Meningitis in HIV-positive patients in sub-Saharan Africa: a review. (United States)

    Veltman, Jennifer A; Bristow, Claire C; Klausner, Jeffrey D


    Meningitis is one of the leading causes of death among patients living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. There is no widespread tracking of the incidence rates of causative agents among patients living with HIV, yet the aetiologies of meningitis are different than those of the general population. We reviewed the scientific literature published in PubMed to determine the incidence rates of meningitis among hospitalized people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa and report our findings from seven studies across sub-Saharan Africa. We found high rates of cryptococcal meningitis (19-68%). Tuberculous meningitis was lower (1-36%), although some centres included possible cases as "other" meningitis; therefore, this may not be a true representation of the total cases. Pyogenic meningitis ranged from 6 to 30% and "other" meningitis ranged from 7 to 28% of all reported cases of meningitis. Mortality rates ranged from 25 to 68%. This review describes the most common aetiologies and provides practical diagnostic, treatment and prevention considerations as they apply to the individual living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. Diagnosis is often limited, and wider availability of accurate and low-cost laboratory diagnostics is desperately needed for prompt diagnosis and initiation of appropriate treatment. Wider acceptance and adoption of available preventative modalities can decrease the incidence of potentially fatal central nervous system infections in African patients living with HIV.

  14. [A case of Mondini dysplasia with bacterial meningitis]. (United States)

    Kajimoto, Madoka; Ichiyama, Takashi; Matsufuji, Hironori; Isumi, Hiroshi; Furukawa, Susumu


    A boy with bilateral hearing impairment developed pneumococcal meningitis at 14-month-old. Further examination revealed cerebrospinal fluid leakage due to bilateral Mondini dysplasia. He was cured by treatment with panipenem/betamiprone and dexamethasone, and then, he was performed an operation to fill the inner ear on day 30. He did not have bacterial meningitis 19 months after the operation. Children with congenital hearing impairment should be examined for malformation of the inner ear because the inner ear malformation has cerebrospinal fluid leakage and bacterial meningitis frequently.

  15. Interleukin-6 in cerebrospinal fluid as a biomarker of acute meningitis. (United States)

    García-Hernández, Pablo; Prieto, Belén; Martínez-Morillo, Eduardo; Rodríguez, Verónica; Álvarez, Francisco V


    Microbiological culture of cerebrospinal fluid is the gold standard to differentiate between aseptic and bacterial meningitis, but this method has low sensitivity. A fast and reliable new marker would be of interest in clinical practice. Interleukin-6, secreted by T cells in response to meningeal pathogens and quickly delivered into cerebrospinal fluid, was evaluated as a marker of acute meningitis. A total of 150 cerebrospinal fluid samples were analysed by an electrochemiluminescence method, selected according to patient diagnosis: (a) bacterial meningitis confirmed by positive culture (n = 26); (b) bacterial meningitis with negative culture or not performed (n = 15); (c) viral meningitis confirmed by polymerase chain reaction or immunoglobulin G determination (n = 23); (d) viral meningitis with polymerase chain reaction negative or not performed (n = 42); and (e) controls (n = 44). Cerebrospinal fluid interleukin-6 concentration showed significant differences between all pathologic groups and the control group (P meningitis, interleukin-6 showed an area under the curve of 0.937 (95% confidence intervals: 0.895-0.978), significantly higher than those of classical biomarkers. An interleukin-6 cutoff of 1418 pg/mL showed 95.5% sensitivity and 77.5% specificity, whereas a value of 15,060 pg/mL showed 63.6% sensitivity and 96.7% specificity, for diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. Interleukin-6 measured by electrochemiluminescence method is a promising marker for early differentiation between aseptic and bacterial meningitis. More studies are needed to validate clinical implications for future practice in an emergency laboratory. © The Author(s) 2015.

  16. Postoperative meningeal enhancement on MRI in children with brain neoplasms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Min Hee; Han, Bokyung Kim; Yoon, Hye Kyung; Shin, Hyung Jin


    The meninges composed of the dura, the arachnoid and the pia are significant sites of blood-brain barrier. Physical disruption of the integrity of the meninges from a variety of causes including surgery results in various patterns of meningeal enhancement on contrast enhanced MR images. It is important to distinguish normal reactive or benign postoperative enhancement from more serious leptomeningeal metastasis or infection, particularly in children with intracranial neoplasms. We present various patterns of meningeal enhancement on MRI in children following surgery for brain neoplasms. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarwo Handayani


    Full Text Available Research and routine survey of meningococcal meningitis on Indonesian hajj pilgrims have been conducted since 1993 until now. This paper consists of several research and routine survey of meningococcal meningitis during 1993 and 2003. The objectives of the test were determining the meningococcal meningitis carrier on hajj pilgrims, determining the serogroup of N. meningitidis and knowing sensitivity of bacteria to several antibiotics. The result showed increasing of meningococcal meningitis carrier in 1993 up to 1996, that was 1.3% - 9,4% respectively. This proportion of meningococcal meningitis carrier in the case groups decreased after given of rifampicin in 1994 and cyprofloxacin in 1997 as a chemoprophilactic. The result of the study in 1997 indiciated that the carrier rate of groups with cyprofloxacin (1.4% was lower than rifampicin group (1.4%. Most of the isolated bacteria of N. meningitidis in 1996 and 1997 were resistant to rifampicin (sensitivity test was 0-33%. Serogroup B of N. meningitidis were found dominantly between 1993 and 1999, it changed to be serogroup W135 from 2000 to 2003. The changes related  with the majority cases of meningococcal meningitis in another countries that caused by serogroup W135. Because  of  that  since 2002, immunization program has given a tetravalen (serogroup ACYW135 meningococcal vaccine to all of Indonesian hajj pilgrims. The carrier of meningococcal meningitis is still found in hajj pilgrims and their contact. More attention must be given, caused of meningococcal meningitis serogroup B vaccine is not available. The further researches are needed especially for subtype of N. meningitidis, effectivity of the drug choice and development of meningococcal meningitis vaccine serogroup B.

  18. Environmental enrichment restores cognitive deficits induced by experimental childhood meningitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatiana Barichello


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the influence of environmental enrichment (EE on memory, cytokines, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF in the brain of adult rats subjected to experimental pneumococcal meningitis during infancy. Methods: On postnatal day 11, the animals received either artificial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF or Streptococcus pneumoniae suspension intracisternally at 1 × 106 CFU/mL and remained with their mothers until age 21 days. Animals were divided into the following groups: control, control + EE, meningitis, and meningitis + EE. EE began at 21 days and continued until 60 days of age (adulthood. EE consisted of a large cage with three floors, ramps, running wheels, and objects of different shapes and textures. At 60 days, animals were randomized and subjected to habituation to the open-field task and the step-down inhibitory avoidance task. After the tasks, the hippocampus and CSF were isolated for analysis. Results: The meningitis group showed no difference in performance between training and test sessions of the open-field task, suggesting habituation memory impairment; in the meningitis + EE group, performance was significantly different, showing preservation of habituation memory. In the step-down inhibitory avoidance task, there were no differences in behavior between training and test sessions in the meningitis group, showing aversive memory impairment; conversely, differences were observed in the meningitis + EE group, demonstrating aversive memory preservation. In the two meningitis groups, IL-4, IL-10, and BDNF levels were increased in the hippocampus, and BDNF levels in the CSF. Conclusions: The data presented suggest that EE, a non-invasive therapy, enables recovery from memory deficits caused by neonatal meningitis.

  19. Anestesia em paciente com síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi: relato de caso Anestesia en paciente con síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi: relato de caso Anesthesia in patient with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Rogério Degrandi Oliveira


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi (SRT é uma doença genética causada por uma mutação ou apagamento do cromossomo 16, caracterizada por retardo físico e mental, anormalidades craniofaciais e hálux e polegares largos. Há pouca informação sobre esta síndrome na literatura anestésica. O objetivo deste relato foi apresentar a conduta anestésica em paciente submetido à cirurgia odontológica e discutir as características de interesse para a anestesia nesses pacientes. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 9 anos, 28 kg, submetido à anestesia geral para extrações de dentes anormalmente posicionados. Apresentava as características típicas da SRT, retardo físico e mental, anormalidades craniofaciais e hálux e polegares largos. A anestesia foi induzida e mantida com sevoflurano, inicialmente sob máscara facial e após intubação nasotraqueal em ventilação assistida manual com sistema de Bain. Não houve intercorrências e a cirurgia foi realizada em regime ambulatorial. CONCLUSÕES: A importância da avaliação pré-anestésica é enfatizada, devido às malformações, inclusive cardíacas, associadas a esta síndrome. Este paciente, em particular, não apresentava comprometimento cardíaco, presente em um terço dos casos. É recomendável preparação para possível dificuldade de manutenção das vias aéreas.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi (SRT es una enfermedad genética causada por una mutación o apagamiento del cromosoma 16, caracterizada por retardo físico y mental, anormalidades craneofaciales y hálux y pulgares anchos. Hay poca información sobre este síndrome en la literatura anestésica. El objetivo de este relato ha sido en presentar la conducta anestésica en paciente sometido a cirugía odontológica y discutir las características de interés para la anestesia en estos pacientes. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente del sexo masculino, 9 años, 28 kg, sometido a

  20. Efeitos de concentrações crescentes de lidocaína hiperbárica, administradas no espaço subaracnóideo, sobre a medula espinhal e as meninges: estudo experimental em cães Efectos de concentraciones crecientes de lidocaína hiperbara, administradas en el espacio subaracnoideo, sobre la médula espinal y las meninges: estudio experimental en perros Effects of increasing spinal hyperbaric lidocaine concentrations on spinal cord and meninges: experimental study in dogs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvânia R.O. Pires


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Ainda não está bem estabelecida a concentração de lidocaína que é potencialmente capaz de determinar lesão no tecido nervoso. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar os efeitos sobre a medula espinhal e as meninges, de concentrações crescentes de lidocaína administrada por via subaracnóidea, em injeção única através de agulha de Quincke. MÉTODO: Após a aprovação da Comissão de Ética em Experimentação Animal, 40 cães adultos foram anestesiados com fentanil e etomidato e submetidos a punção subaracnóidea com agulha de Quincke 22G 21/2 para introdução de 1 mL, em 10 segundos, de solução glicosada a 7,5% - Grupo 1; lidocaína a 5% em solução glicosada a 7,5% - Grupo 2; lidocaína a 7,5% em solução glicosada a 7,5% - Grupo 3; lidocaína a 10% em solução glicosada a 7,5% - Grupo 4. Após a recuperação da anestesia venosa, foram observados, no período em que os animais estavam em vigência do bloqueio subaracnóideo, a presença de bloqueio motor, o tônus do esfíncter anal (normal ou relaxado e o nível de bloqueio sensitivo nos diferentes dermátomos das regiões cervical, torácica, lombar e sacral. Os animais permaneceram em cativeiro por 72 horas. Foram avaliados o tônus do esfíncter anal, a motricidade das patas posteriores, a sensibilidade dolorosa nas patas anteriores e posteriores e nos dermátomos sacrais, lombares e torácicos. Após serem sacrificados por eletrocussão sob anestesia, foram retiradas porções lombar e sacral da medula espinhal e das meninges para exame histológico por microscopia óptica. RESULTADOS: Nenhum animal dos Grupos 1 e 2 apresentou lesões clínicas ou histológicas. Três animais do Grupo 3 apresentaram alterações motoras nas patas posteriores e relaxamento do esfíncter anal. Nestes, foram observados focos de necrose na região posterior (dois cães e necrose em faixa em toda a superfície medular (um cão. Em um outro animal deste grupo, no

  1. [Risk factors of postoperative meningitis in patients with chiasm-sellar tumors]. (United States)

    Popugaev, K A; Savin, I A; Ershova, O N; Kurdyumova, N V; Tabasaransky, T F; Oshorov, A V; Kadashev, B A; Kalinin, P L; Kutin, M A


    Postoperative intracranial infectious complications are one of the most topical problems of neurosurgical intensive care due to theirs significant capability to impair outcomes of the main disease. To define the risk factors of postoperative meningitis in patients with chiasm-sellar tumors. 1. to define the effect of somatic and intracranial risk factors on occurrence of postoperative meningitis in patients after transsphenoidal and transcranial approaches to the tumor. 2. To define the effect of postoperative meningitis on outcomes of treatment in patients after transsphenoidal and transcranial approaches to the tumor. Somatic and intracranial risk factors of occurrence of postoperative meningitis (pneumonia, urinary tract infection, sepsis, intra-abdominal hypertension, the presence of external ventricular and lumbar drainage, monitoring of intracranial pressure, cerebrospinal fluid, and reoperation) were fixed every day. The study was conducted in the ICU of the Burdenko from October, 2010 to July, 2012. The 34 patients (19 males, 15 females) were included in the study (average age 47.5 years). The patients were divided into two groups; 17 patients each group. The group-1 included patients after transcranial approach to the tumor and the group-2 included patients after transsphenoidal approach. In the group-1 a meningitis occurred in 3 patients (17.6% +/- 9.2%, DI [-0.4 - 35.6]). In the group-2 a meningitis occurred in 7 patients (41.2% +/- 11.9) DI 95% [17.8 - 64.4]. Accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid under the skin flap authentically increased a risk of a meningitis occurrence in patients after transcranial approach to the tumor (p = 0.031). There was no defined statistical significance of other risk factors. But there was defined a trend of the increasing of meningitis occurrence in patients after transsphenoidal approach in case of lumbar drainage or reoperation. Duration of mechanical ventilation and ICU stay in patients with meningitis was authentically

  2. MRI of primary meningeal sarcomas in two children: differential diagnostic considerations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pfluger, T.; Weil, S.; Weis, S.


    Meningeal sarcomas are very rare, highly aggressive tumours affecting children more frequently than adults. The clinical course and MRI of meningeal sarcomas in two cases are discussed with special regard to possible misinterpretation. In one case MRI demonstrated a circumscribed mass in contact with the meninges, with central areas of haemorrhage. In the other, a case of primary leptomeningeal sarcomatosis, several MRI examinations over the course of almost a year were unhelpful, despite severe neurological complaints. Then MRI revealed meningeal contrast enhancement all over the brain and spinal canal, together with cerebral infarcts. MRI of meningeal sarcomas has not been discussed in the literature. MRI did not permit specific diagnosis, but enabled visualisation of the extent of the tumour and/or meningeal involvement. Early histological diagnosis is indispensable for adequate treatment. (orig.)

  3. FDG PET in the diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guan, Y. H.; Zuo, C.T.; Zhao, J.; Hua, F.C.; Lin, X.T.


    Objective: Meningeal involvement is frequent in metastatic lymphoma, leukemia, and other metastatic tumor. Functional signs may be misleading and the neurological examination may be normal or non-specific. Certain diagnosis requires identification of tumor cells in the cerebrospinal fluid. CSF cytology is however sometimes negative and MRI maybe help in providing the diagnosis. The aim of our retrospective study was to assess the role of FDG PET in the diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis. Patients and Methods: The diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis was made in 5 patients between 1999 and 2001. Two of the patients were suffer from lymphoma, two were lung cancer patients, and another was a breast cancer patient. Cytology examination of the cerebrospinal fluid provided the diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis in these 5 patients. All the patients had signs of neurological function impairment, but the neurological examination cannot demonstrate the site of lesions. Therefore, All the patients had MRI examination, but only 1 case was diagnosis correctly (the MRI showing meningeal enhancement). 3 patients' MRI results show normal .Another MRI was suspicious of ischemic change. Results: A brain FDG PET using an ECAT HR + PET examined all the 5 patients. All the FDG PET results show the hypermetabolic foci respectively. The foci were diffused on the brain meninges. Their size is bigger than the foci detected by MRI . 3 of the patients repeated the FDG PET scan after treatment (chemotherapy and radiotherapy). The therapeutic effect can be reflecting by FDG PET (the foci dismissed as the neurological symptoms disappeared), although the simultaneity MRI shows no change before and after treatment. Conclusion: 5 patients proven meningeal carcinomatosis FDG PET has better sensitivity than brain MRI scans and other anatomic modality. The patients who suffer from metastatic lymphoma, leukemia, and other metastatic tumor with nonspecific neurological signs should be explored

  4. Cholinesterase modulations in patients with acute bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berg, Ronan M G; Ofek, Keren; Qvist, Tavs


    The circulating cholinesterases acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase may be suppressed and subsequently released from the brain in acute bacterial meningitis.......The circulating cholinesterases acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase may be suppressed and subsequently released from the brain in acute bacterial meningitis....

  5. MRI features of meningeal metastasis from lung cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo Xuemao; Long Wansheng; Jin Zhifa; Hu Maoqing; Mai Xuyu


    Objective: To investigate the pathway and MRI findings of meningeal metastasis original from lung cancer. Methods: 44 cases with cerebro-spinal meningeal metastasis original from lung cancer proven by clinical and pathology were retrospectively reviewed. All cases undergone plain MRI scan and Gd-DTPA enhanced MRI scan on brain and/or spine. Results: MRI plain scan indicated 28 cases with brain metastases, 3 cases with meningeal nodosity or irregularly patchy abnormal signal, 1 case with nodule in left cavernous sinus, 10 cases with abnormal signal in spine, 2 cases with abnormal signal in spinal dura mater. 34 cases with cerebro meningeal metastases were found in MRI enhancement scan. Among them, 11 cases displayed cerebral dura mater-arachnoid enhancement, 17 cases revealed cerebral pia mater-arachnoid enhancement and 6 cases with mixed typed enhancement. Osteoclasia in skull was found in 4 cases, spinal metastasis was revealed in 17 cases, and patchy abnormal enhancement in spinal dura mater was showed in 12 cases. Conclusion: Hematogenous metastasis is a main route of meningeal metastasis caused by lung cancer and enhanced MRI scan is of important diagnostic value. (authors)

  6. Retinoic acid from the meninges regulates cortical neuron generation. (United States)

    Siegenthaler, Julie A; Ashique, Amir M; Zarbalis, Konstantinos; Patterson, Katelin P; Hecht, Jonathan H; Kane, Maureen A; Folias, Alexandra E; Choe, Youngshik; May, Scott R; Kume, Tsutomu; Napoli, Joseph L; Peterson, Andrew S; Pleasure, Samuel J


    Extrinsic signals controlling generation of neocortical neurons during embryonic life have been difficult to identify. In this study we demonstrate that the dorsal forebrain meninges communicate with the adjacent radial glial endfeet and influence cortical development. We took advantage of Foxc1 mutant mice with defects in forebrain meningeal formation. Foxc1 dosage and loss of meninges correlated with a dramatic reduction in both neuron and intermediate progenitor production and elongation of the neuroepithelium. Several types of experiments demonstrate that retinoic acid (RA) is the key component of this secreted activity. In addition, Rdh10- and Raldh2-expressing cells in the dorsal meninges were either reduced or absent in the Foxc1 mutants, and Rdh10 mutants had a cortical phenotype similar to the Foxc1 null mutants. Lastly, in utero RA treatment rescued the cortical phenotype in Foxc1 mutants. These results establish RA as a potent, meningeal-derived cue required for successful corticogenesis.

  7. Unrecognised ventriculitis/meningitis presenting as hydrocephalus in infancy. (United States)

    Udani, Vrajesh; Udani, Soonu; Merani, Rohan; Bavdekar, Manisha


    Infantile hydrocephalus due to unrecognized neonatal-onset meningitis/ventriculitis, was studied retrospectively using 1991-1998 chart review. Seventy two patients with hydrocephalus were reviewed. Thirteen infants had hydrocephalus associated with active meningitis/ventriculitis which had remained unrecognized. Active meningitis/ventriculitis was confirmed by the finding of an abnormal lumbar and ventricular CSF with or without positive culture. All had perinatal risk factors and 10/13 had been given antibiotics in the postnatal period. 6/13 infants appeared to be well. The most common presentation was increasing head size. All lumbar and ventricular CSFs were abnormal and 10/13 had positive cultures as well. Imaging revealed hydrocephalus in all. The infants were treated with antibiotics for a mean of 32.8 days before VP shunting. 7/11 were severely disabled. Unrecognized active meningitis/ventriculitis is an important cause of infantile hydrocephalus.

  8. Distribution of 82Br between serum and CSF in patients with meningitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jensen, J.I.; Juel Christensen, N.; Marqversen, J.; Esmann, V.


    The ratio between concentrations of 82 Br in serum and spinal fluid was determined in patients with meningitis. The ratio was found to be low in three patients strongly suspect for tuberculous meningitis and in eight of nine patients with purulent meningitis, but normal in 13 patients with non-tuberculous, serous meningitis. These results confirm previous investigations and determination of the 82 Br ratio is a simple, reliable aid in the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis. (author)

  9. Cerebral tryptophan metabolism and outcome of tuberculous meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laarhoven, van Arjan; Dian, Sofiati; Aguirre-Gamboa, Raúl; Avila-Pacheco, Julian; Ricaño-Ponce, Isis; Ruesen, Carolien; Annisa, Jessi; Koeken, Valerie A.C.M.; Chaidir, Lidya; Li, Yang; Achmad, Tri Hanggono; Joosten, Leo A.B.; Notebaart, Richard A.; Ruslami, Rovina; Netea, Mihai G.; Verbeek, Marcel M.; Alisjahbana, Bachti; Kumar, Vinod; Clish, Clary B.; Ganiem, A.R.; Crevel, van Reinout


    Background: Immunopathology contributes to the high mortality of tuberculous meningitis, but the biological pathways involved are mostly unknown. We aimed to compare cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum metabolomes of patients with tuberculous meningitis with that of controls without tuberculous

  10. Clinical and MRI evaluation of tuberculous meningitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Chunjing; Shu Jiner; Chen Jian; Sheng Sanlan; Lu Jinhua; Cai Xiaoxiao; Li Huimin


    Objective: To evaluate the relationship of clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in patients with tuberculous meningitis (TBM), and to improve the understanding of TBM. Methods: The clinical and MRI findings in 42 patients with confirmed TBM were analyzed retrospectively. MRI examination was performed using a 1 Tesla system, including SE T 1 WI and T 2 WI. Intravenous contrast was injected in 29 patients, and follow-up scans were performed on 17 patients. Results: Of 24 patients with early TBM, MRI was abnormal in 5(21%) with slight Tl-hypointense meningeal (4) or ependymal thickening (1). MRI on 33/35 (94%) patients with late stage TBM was abnormal with T 1 hypointensity and T 2 hyperintensity including meningeal thickening (19), mild surrounding brain edema (10), nodules (11), tuberculoma (5) and abscess (2). There was significant plaque-like, nodular or rim enhancement with surrounding brain edema. Conclusion: Tuberculous meningitis has minimal clinical and MRI findings in the early phase and significant clinical and MRI findings in the late phase. The enhanced scan may help to detect the abnormality. (authors)

  11. outbreak of cerebrospinal meningitis in kebbi state, nigeria

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    INTRODUCTION. Cerebrospinal meningitis, also called epidemic meningococcal meningitis, is a major public health problem still affecting tropical countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. It is highly contagious and mortality from the disease remains high, despite major achievements in the treatment modalities.

  12. Pneumococcal meningitis: clinical-pathological correlations (MeninGene-Path)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Engelen-Lee, J.Y.; Brouwer, M.C.; Aronica, E.; van de Beek, D.


    Pneumococcal meningitis is associated with substantial mortality and morbidity. We systematically assessed brain histopathology of 31 patients who died of pneumococcal meningitis from a nationwide study (median age 67 years; 21 (67 %) were male) using a pathology score including inflammation and

  13. CNS fungal meningitis to the "Top of the basilar"

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Logan CS; Kirschner RC; Simonds GR


    Central nervous system(CNS) infections are a rare complication of epidural steroid injections and without strong clinical suspicion, fungal organisms may be overlooked among the long differential of causes of meningitis.Rare sequela of fungal meningitis is the development of stroke.To our knowledge, we present the first case of post epidural steroid injection(ESI) fungal meningitis leading toa basilar artery stroke, otherwise known as“top of the basilar” syndrome.We present a49-year-old female with a history ofESIs who presented to the emergency department with headache, neck stiffness, and abdominal pain.She was discharged after her labs and symptoms were deemed inconsistent with meningitis.She was eventually admitted and twelve days after her originalED visit, she was diagnosed with meningitis and started on anti-fungal treatment.She was discharged88 days later but was readmitted due to left sided weakness and mental status changes.She quickly lost motor and bulbar functions.AnMRA showed diminished distal flow through the basilar artery, suggesting near complete occlusion.Although appropriate long term anti-fungal treatment was started, the patient still succumbed to a rare vascular event.Physicians who are treating patients forESI meningitis should be aware of the potential for vasculitic and encephalitic complications.

  14. Emergence and control of epidemic meningococcal meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa. (United States)

    Mohammed, Idris; Iliyasu, Garba; Habib, Abdulrazaq Garba


    For more than a century, meningitis epidemics have regularly recurred across sub-Saharan Africa, involving 19 contiguous countries that constitute a 'meningitis belt' where historically the causative agent has been serogroup A meningococcus. Attempts to control epidemic meningococcal meningitis in Africa by vaccination with meningococcal polysaccharide (PS) vaccines have not been successful. This is largely because PS vaccines are poorly immunogenic in young children, do not induce immunological memory, and have little or no effect on the pharyngeal carriage. Meningococcal PS-protein conjugate vaccines overcome these deficiencies. Conjugate meningococcal vaccine against serotype A (MenAfriVac) was developed between 2001 and 2009 and deployed in 2010. So far, 262 million individuals have been immunized across the meningitis belt. The public health benefits of MenAfriVac have already been demonstrated by a sharp decline in reported cases of meningococcal disease in the countries where it has been introduced. However, serogroup replacement following mass meningitis vaccination has been noted, and in 2015 an epidemic with a novel strain of serogroup C was recorded in Niger and Nigeria for the first time since 1975. This has posed a serious challenge toward elimination of meningococcal meningitis epidemics in the African. For an effective control of meningococcal meningitis in the African meningitis belt, there is a need for an effective surveillance system, provision of rapid antigen detection kits as well as affordable vaccine that provides protection against the main serogroups causing meningitis in the sub-region.

  15. Evaluation of meningeal enhancement with Gd-DTPA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phillips, M.; Ryals, T.J.; Yuh, W.T.C.; Kambho, S.


    Forty-three consecutive patients (16 with tumor, 11 with inflammation, 16 postoperative) with abnormal meningeal enhancement were studied. Positive pathology was obtained in 75% of tumors and 100% of inflammatory conditions. Pial enhancement was demonstrated in seven of 11 patients with inflammation, four of 16 with tumor, and two of 16 postoperative patients. Diffuse meningeal enhancement was most commonly present with neoplastic and inflammatory etiologies. Localized enhancement predominated in the postoperative population, unless complicated by a subdural hematoma. A nodular appearance was present in two patients with tumor. In conclusion, Gd-DTPA MR imaging is sensitive to but not specific of meningeal pathology. MR imaging is better in inflammatory than in neoplastic conditions

  16. [A case of colchicine-responsive Mollaret's meningitis with MEFV gene mutation]. (United States)

    Kinohshita, Tomomi; Matsushima, Akira; Satoh, Shunichi; Hoshi, Kenichi; Kishida, Dai; Yahikozawa, Hiroyuki


    A 66-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with recurrent meningitis. She presented with 10 episodes of meningitis in 10 months. Examination of cerebrospinal fluid demonstrated pleocytosis, with neutrophils dominant at the early stage, and lymphocytes dominant at the late stage. Mollaret cells were found and the level of IL-6 was increased in cerebrospinal fluid. Several antibiotics and antiviral agents failed to prevent relapse. However, colchicine therapy successfully prevented the recurrence of meningitis. Genetic testing for familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) showed a mutation in the MEFV gene. It is difficult to diagnose the cause of Mollaret's meningitis in some patients. FMF, neuro-Behçet's disease, and neuro-Sweet disease should be included in the differential diagnosis of recurrent meningitis. In addition, colchicine therapy can prevent the relapse of meningitis in such cases.

  17. Spontaneous methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) meningitis. (United States)

    Longhurst, William D; Sheele, Johnathan M


    Spontaneous methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) meningitis is extremely rare and has a high mortality rate. We report a case of MRSA meningitis in an otherwise healthy young adult female with no recent trauma or neurosurgical interventions. Despite antibiotics she suffered a vasculitis-induced cerebral vascular ischemic event. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. [Clinical, epidemiological, and etiological studies of adult aseptic meningitis: a report of 12 cases of herpes simplex meningitis, and a comparison with cases of herpes simplex encephalitis]. (United States)

    Himeno, Takahiro; Shiga, Yuji; Takeshima, Shinichi; Tachiyama, Keisuke; Kamimura, Teppei; Kono, Ryuhei; Takemaru, Makoto; Takeshita, Jun; Shimoe, Yutaka; Kuriyama, Masaru


    We treated 437 cases of adult aseptic meningitis and 12 cases (including 2 recurrent patients; age, 31.8 ± 8.9 years; 7 females) of herpes simplex meningitis from 2004 to 2016. The incidence rate of adult herpes simplex meningitis in the cases with aseptic meningitis was 2.7%. One patient was admitted during treatment of genital herpes, but no association was observed between genital herpes and herpes simplex meningitis in the other cases. The diagnoses were confirmed in all cases as the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was positive for herpes simplex virus (HSV)-DNA. For diagnosis confirmation, the DNA test was useful after 2-7 days following initial disease onset. Among other types of aseptic meningitis, the patients with herpes simplex meningitis showed relatively high white blood cell counts and relatively high CSF protein and high CSF cell counts. CSF cells showed mononuclear cell dominance from the initial stage of the disease. During same period, we also experienced 12 cases of herpes simplex encephalitis and 21 cases of non-hepatic acute limbic encephalitis. Notably, the patients with herpes simplex meningitis were younger and their CSF protein and cells counts were higher than those of the patients with herpes simplex encephalitis.

  19. Comparison of enterovirus detection in cerebrospinal fluid with Bacterial Meningitis Score in children (United States)

    Pires, Frederico Ribeiro; Franco, Andréia Christine Bonotto Farias; Gilio, Alfredo Elias; Troster, Eduardo Juan


    ABSTRACT Objective To measure the role of enterovirus detection in cerebrospinal fluid compared with the Bacterial Meningitis Score in children with meningitis. Methods A retrospective cohort based on analysis of medical records of pediatric patients diagnosed as meningitis, seen at a private and tertiary hospital in São Paulo, Brazil, between 2011 and 2014. Excluded were patients with critical illness, purpura, ventricular shunt or recent neurosurgery, immunosuppression, concomitant bacterial infection requiring parenteral antibiotic therapy, and those who received antibiotics 72 hours before lumbar puncture. Results The study included 503 patients. Sixty-four patients were excluded and 94 were not submitted to all tests for analysis. Of the remaining 345 patients, 7 were in the Bacterial Meningitis Group and 338 in the Aseptic Meningitis Group. There was no statistical difference between the groups. In the Bacterial Meningitis Score analysis, of the 338 patients with possible aseptic meningitis (negative cultures), 121 of them had one or more points in the Bacterial Meningitis Score, with sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 64.2%, and negative predictive value of 100%. Of the 121 patients with positive Bacterial Meningitis Score, 71% (86 patients) had a positive enterovirus detection in cerebrospinal fluid. Conclusion Enterovirus detection in cerebrospinal fluid was effective to differentiate bacterial from viral meningitis. When the test was analyzed together with the Bacterial Meningitis Score, specificity was higher when compared to Bacterial Meningitis Score alone. PMID:28767914

  20. Anestesia em paciente portadora de síndrome de Mckusick-Kaufman: relato de caso Anestesia en paciente portadora de síndrome de Mckusick-Kaufman: relato de caso Anesthesia in Mckusick-Kaufman syndrome patient: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriano Bechara de Souza Hobaika


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A síndrome de Mckusick-Kaufman é uma doença rara, caracterizada tipicamente por hidrometrocolpos, polidactilia e defeitos cardíacos congênitos. Pacientes portadores desta doença podem ser submetidos a diversos procedimentos cirúrgicos durante a sua vida e o anestesiologista deve estar preparado para possíveis alterações. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar a conduta anestésica adotada em uma paciente portadora desta síndrome. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino de 11 anos, 37 kg, portadora da síndrome de Mckusick-Kaufman, insuficiência renal crônica, encefalopatia hipertensiva e asma grave submetida à retirada de cateter peritoneal infectado e confecção de fístula arteriovenosa. História pregressa de intubação prolongada. A anestesia foi induzida com alfentanil (1 mg, propofol (50 mg e atracúrio (25 mg e mantida com sevoflurano (2% a 4% e doses fracionadas de alfentanil. A traquéia foi intubada sem complicações e a extubação foi realizada na sala de cirurgia após o retorno satisfatório da função neuromuscular. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar de a síndrome de Mckusick-Kaufman tratar-se de uma associação variável de defeitos congênitos, alguns cuidados anestésicos comuns podem ser definidos. Este caso apresentou fatores complicadores da anestesia e a indução com propofol e alfentanil e a manutenção com sevoflurano proporcionaram à paciente uma anestesia com mínimas repercussões ventilatórias e hemodinâmicas.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La síndrome de Mckusick-kaufman es una dolencia rara, caracterizada típicamente por hidrometrocolpos, polidactilia y defectos cardiacos congénitos. Pacientes portadores de esta enfermedad pueden ser sometidos a varios procedimientos cirúrgicos durante su vida y el anestesiologista debe estar preparado para posibles alteraciones. El objetivo de este artículo es relatar la conducta anestésica adoptada en una paciente portadora de este s

  1. [Validation of a clinical prediction rule to distinguish bacterial from aseptic meningitis]. (United States)

    Agüero, Gonzalo; Davenport, María C; Del Valle, María de la P; Gallegos, Paulina; Kannemann, Ana L; Bokser, Vivian; Ferrero, Fernando


    Despite most meningitis are not bacterial, antibiotics are usually administered on admission because bacterial meningitis is difficult to be rule-out. Distinguishing bacterial from aseptic meningitis on admission could avoid inappropriate antibiotic use and hospitalization. We aimed to validate a clinical prediction rule to distinguish bacterial from aseptic meningitis in children, on arriving to the emergency room. This prospective study included patients aged or = 1000 cells/mm(3), CSF protein > or = 80 mg/dl, peripheral blood absolute neutrophil count > or = 10.000/mm(3), seizure = 1 point each. Sensitivity (S), specificity (E), positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV), positive and negative likelihood ratios (PLR and NLR) of the BMS to predict bacterial meningitis were calculated. Seventy patients with meningitis were included (14 bacterial meningitis). When BMS was calculated, 25 patients showed a BMS= 0 points, 11 BMS= 1 point, and 34 BMS > or = 2 points. A BMS = 0 showed S: 100%, E: 44%, VPP: 31%, VPN: 100%, RVP: 1,81 RVN: 0. A BMS > or = 2 predicted bacterial meningitis with S: 100%, E: 64%, VPP: 41%, VPN: 100%, PLR: 2.8, NLR:0. Using BMS was simple, and allowed identifying children with very low risk of bacterial meningitis. It could be a useful tool to assist clinical decision making.

  2. Herniorrafia inguinal em crianças: valor da anestesia local associada Inguinal hernia repair in children: importance of local anesthesia association

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Guilherme Minossi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever uma técnica de anestesia local no tratamento de hérnias inguinais em crianças. MÉTODO: Foram operadas 48 crianças com hérnias inguinais sob anestesia local na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Cerqueira César, SP, sendo 34 do sexo masculino e 14 do sexo feminino, com idades entre 3 meses e 12 anos. Apenas quatro crianças tinham hérnia bilateral. A anestesia local foi realizada com lidocaína a 1% na dose de 5 mg/kg de peso através do bloqueio dos nervos abdominogenitais próximos à espinha ilíaca ântero-superior, à altura do anel inguinal externo e na pele ao redor da incisão. A sedação foi feita com cetamina na dose de 1 a 2 mg/kg e diazepam 0,2 a 0,4 mg/kg de peso. RESULTADOS: Todas as cirurgias puderam ser realizadas com tranqüilidade com este método, com exceção de uma criança em que o bloqueio não foi efetivo e a anestesia complementada com inalação de halogenado, sob máscara. Como complicações pós-operatórias, ocorreram três hematomas, sendo um de parede e dois em bolsa escrotal, todos com boa evolução. CONCLUSÕES: O uso da anestesia local associada à sedação é procedimento simples e seguro para realizar herniorrafias inguinais em crianças.AIM: To describe an anesthetic technique, as well as the results of surgical treatment of the inguinal hernia in children. PATIENTS/METHODS: Forty-eight patients were submitted to inguinal hernia repair under local anesthesia at "Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Cerqueira César", State of São Paulo, Brazil. There were 34 male and 14 female patients, range from 3 months to 12 years old. Local anesthesia was performed with a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight of 1% lidocaine through iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerve blocks, medially to the anterior superior iliac spine, and at level of the pubic tubercle. Sedation was done with an association of ketamine (1 to 2 mg/kg and diazepam (0,2 to 0,4 mg/kg. RESULTS: In all patients except one the procedure was

  3. Cochlear implant after bacterial meningitis. (United States)

    Bille, Jesper; Ovesen, Therese


    The aim of this retrospective case study at a tertiary referral center was to investigate the outcome of cochlear implantation (CI) in children with sensorineural hearing loss due to meningitis compared to CI in children with deafness due to other reasons. This post-meningial group (PMG) consisted of 22 children undergoing CI due to deafness induced by meningitis, between December 1996 and January 2012. Five children had bilateral simultaneous implantation. None was excluded and the children were followed for at least 3 years. Operations were carried out by one of two surgeons using similar techniques in all cases. Each patient from the PMG was matched 2:1 with children having implantation for other reasons according to age and follow up (control group). Overall, the median category of auditory performance (CAP) and speech intelligibility rating (SIR) score were not statistically significantly different between the two groups. The presence of additional central nervous system (CNS) disorders (post-meningeal sequelae), however, correlated significantly with poorer outcome CI was a safe procedure without surgical complications in the present study. It is possible to restore auditory capacity and speech performance to a degree comparable to children undergoing implantation for other reasons. A statistically important variable is secondary CNS involvement. The rehabilitation program after CI should be adjusted according to these additional handicaps. It is recommended to screen meningitis patients as fast as possible to identify those with hearing loss and initiate treatment with hearing aids or CI. © 2013 The Authors. Pediatrics International © 2013 Japan Pediatric Society.

  4. Incidental finding of cutaneous meningeal heterotopia in aplasia cutis congenita. (United States)

    Kenyon, Katharine; Zedek, Daniel; Sayed, Christopher


    Aplasia cutis congenita and cutaneous meningeal heterotopia are both rare congenital conditions that most commonly occur on the scalp and may appear clinically and histologically similar. A subtype of aplasia cutis congenita, membranous aplasia cutis congenita, and cutaneous meningeal heterotopia are both proposed to result from neural tube closure errors. However, neither non-membranous nor membranous aplasia cutis congenita are known to occur together with cutaneous meningeal heterotopia in the same lesion. We report the incidental finding of cutaneous meningeal heterotopia within a lesion of aplasia cutis congenita. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Aseptic meningitis in children: analysis of 506 cases.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Athanasios G Michos

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Non-polio human enteroviruses are the leading cause of aseptic meningitis in children. The role of enterovirus PCR for diagnosis and management of aseptic meningitis has not been fully explored. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A retrospective study was conducted to determine the epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory characteristics of aseptic meningitis and to evaluate the role of enterovirus PCR for the diagnosis and management of this clinical entity. The medical records of children who had as discharge diagnosis aseptic or viral meningitis were reviewed. A total of 506 children, median age 5 years, were identified. The annual incidence rate was estimated to be 17/100,000 children less than 14 years of age. Most of the cases occurred during summer (38% and autumn (24%. The dominant clinical symptoms were fever (98%, headache (94% and vomiting (67%. Neck stiffness was noted in 60%, and irritation in 46% of the patients. The median number of CSF cell count was 201/mm(3 with polymorphonuclear predominance (>50% in 58.3% of the cases. Enterovirus RNA was detected in CSF in 47 of 96 (48.9% children tested. Children with positive enterovirus PCR had shorter hospitalization stay as compared to children who had negative PCR or to children who were not tested (P = 0.01. There were no serious complications or deaths. CONCLUSIONS: Enteroviruses accounted for approximately one half of cases of aseptic meningitis. PCR may reduce the length of hospitalization and plays important role in the diagnosis and management of children with aseptic meningitis.

  6. Community-acquired purulent meningitis of unknown etiology. A continuing problem. (United States)

    Geiseler, P J; Nelson, K E; Levin, S


    The clinical features and hospital course of 132 patients with purulent meningitis of unknown etiology (PMU) were compared with those of 1,032 patients with proven bacterial meningitis; all patients were admitted to a major referral center for meningitis treatment between 1954 and 1976. Most patients had no major underlying illnesses. Patients with PMU were more frequently older, "pretreated" with antibiotics, had longer duration of symptoms, evidenced less marked alterations of mental status, and died later in the hospitalization; however, the mortality and frequency of neurologic complications were similar to those in patients with bacterial meningitis. Patients with PMU who also had hemorrhagic rashes had fewer neurologic complications and none died; these patients comprised a distinct group in terms of better prognosis. New methods for rapid diagnosis of bacterial meningitis have only partially resolved the diagnostic dilemma of PMU.

  7. Anestesia em paciente com síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi: relato de caso


    Oliveira, Carlos Rogério Degrandi; Elias, Luciana


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi (SRT) é uma doença genética causada por uma mutação ou apagamento do cromossomo 16, caracterizada por retardo físico e mental, anormalidades craniofaciais e hálux e polegares largos. Há pouca informação sobre esta síndrome na literatura anestésica. O objetivo deste relato foi apresentar a conduta anestésica em paciente submetido à cirurgia odontológica e discutir as características de interesse para a anestesia nesses pacientes. RELATO...

  8. Streptococcus suis Meningitis: First Case Reported in Quebec

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sophie Michaud


    Full Text Available Very few Streptococcus suis infections in humans have been reported in Canada, although the condition is frequent in pigs. Meningitis, often accompanied by severe hearing loss, is the most common clinical manifestation. The disease is an occupational illness affecting persons in contact with pigs and may be underdiagnosed because of misidentification of the responsible bacterium. Since Quebec is the leading province for swine production in Canada, physicians and microbiologists should be aware of this infection, especially when a streptococcal meningitis is diagnosed in swine workers. The first case of S suis type 2 meningitis reported in Quebec is described.

  9. Meningitis and Ventriculitis due to Nocardia araoensis Infection. (United States)

    Yamamoto, Fumio; Yamashita, Satoshi; Kawano, Hiroyuki; Tanigawa, Tomio; Mihara, Yosuke; Gonoi, Toru; Ando, Yukio


    A 73-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with disturbance of consciousness, fever and headache. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis revealed pleocytosis with neutrophil predominance, increased protein and low glucose. CSF and blood cultures yielded negative results. Antibiotics and antituberculous drugs were started for meningitis. An antimycotic was also added. The patient died from transtentorial hernia 99 days after admission. Autopsy revealed meningitis, ventriculitis and brain abscess, and Nocardia araoensis was detected in pus from the left lateral ventricle. This appears to represent the first report of N. araoensis meningitis complicated by ventriculitis and brain abscess.

  10. Insuficiência respiratória aguda durante anestesia pediátrica: atelectasia e pneumotórax hipertensivo: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joel Massari Rezende


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A tarefa primordial do anestesiologista é garantir a adequada oxigenação do paciente. O objetivo deste relato é des crever o diagnóstico e conduta em um caso de insuficiência respiratória aguda durante anestesia, com finalidade didática. RELATO DO CASO: Criança de três anos submetida à anestesia para cirurgia urológica apresentou insuficiência respiratória por obstruções de brônquios por secreção, evoluindo com atelectasia e pneumotórax hipertensivo. Apresentamos o desenrolar do caso, e os meios de tratamento aplicado, com destaque para a urgência e técnica da drenagem no pneumotórax hipertensivo. CONCLUSÕES: A atenção do anestesiologista para o diagnóstico precoce de complicações respiratórias e o conhecimento das medidas prioritárias em cada momento pode evitar efeitos adversos graves

  11. Use of radiologic modalities in coccidioidal meningitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stadalnik, R.C.; Goldstein, E.; Hoeprich, P.D.; McGahan, J.P.


    The diagnostic utility of pentetate indium trisodium CSF studies, technetium Tc 99m brain scans, and computerized tomographic (CT) scans was evaluated in eight patients in whom coccidioidal meningitis developed following a dust storm in the Central Valley of California. The 111In flow studies and the CT scans demonstrated hydrocephalus in five patients with clinical findings suggesting this complication. Ventriculitis has not previously been diagnosed before death in patients with coccidioidal meningitis; however, it was demonstrated in two patients by the technetium Tc 99m brain scan. The finding that communicating hydrocephalus occurs early in meningitis and interferes with CSF flow into infected basilar regions has important therapeutic implications in that antifungal agents injected into the lumbar subarachnoid space may not reach these regions

  12. Meningitis after cochlear implantation in Mondini malformation. (United States)

    Page, E L; Eby, T L


    Although the potential for CSF leakage and subsequent meningitis after cochlear implantation in the malformed cochlea has been recognized, this complication has not been previously reported. We report a case of CSF otorhinorrhea and meningitis after minor head trauma developing 2 years after cochlear implantation in a child with Mondini malformation. Leakage of CSF was identified from the cochleostomy around the electrode of the implant, and this leak was sealed with a temporalis fascia and muscle plug. Although this complication appears to be rare, care must be taken to seal the cochleostomy in children with inner ear malformations at the initial surgery, and any episode of meningitis after surgery must be thoroughly investigated to rule out CSF leakage from the labyrinth.

  13. Meninges harbor cells expressing neural precursor markers during development and adulthood. (United States)

    Bifari, Francesco; Berton, Valeria; Pino, Annachiara; Kusalo, Marijana; Malpeli, Giorgio; Di Chio, Marzia; Bersan, Emanuela; Amato, Eliana; Scarpa, Aldo; Krampera, Mauro; Fumagalli, Guido; Decimo, Ilaria


    Brain and skull developments are tightly synchronized, allowing the cranial bones to dynamically adapt to the brain shape. At the brain-skull interface, meninges produce the trophic signals necessary for normal corticogenesis and bone development. Meninges harbor different cell populations, including cells forming the endosteum of the cranial vault. Recently, we and other groups have described the presence in meninges of a cell population endowed with neural differentiation potential in vitro and, after transplantation, in vivo. However, whether meninges may be a niche for neural progenitor cells during embryonic development and in adulthood remains to be determined. In this work we provide the first description of the distribution of neural precursor markers in rat meninges during development up to adulthood. We conclude that meninges share common properties with the classical neural stem cell niche, as they: (i) are a highly proliferating tissue; (ii) host cells expressing neural precursor markers such as nestin, vimentin, Sox2 and doublecortin; and (iii) are enriched in extracellular matrix components (e.g., fractones) known to bind and concentrate growth factors. This study underlines the importance of meninges as a potential niche for endogenous precursor cells during development and in adulthood.

  14. Symptomatic relapse of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives. Cryptococcal meningitis is the most common cause of adult meningitis in southern Africa. Much of this disease burden is thought to be due to symptomatic relapse of previously treated infection. We studied the contribution of inadequate secondary fluconazole prophylaxis to symptomatic relapses of cryptococcal ...

  15. Impacto de la vacuna conjugada en la incidencia de meningitis por Haemophilus influenzae en el Distrito Federal de Brasil: resultados de tres años de seguimiento Impact of anti-Hib conjugate vaccine on the incidence of Haemophilus influenzae meningitis in Brazil's Federal District: results of a three-year follow-up

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helen Selma de Abreu Freitas


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: Haemophilus influenzae del serotipo b (Hib es todavía un importante agente causal de procesos infecciosos. Su variante encapsulada es la causa de formas invasoras de enfermedad. En algunas poblaciones aborígenes, la incidencia de enfermedades causadas por Hib es mayor de 400 por 100 000 niños menores de 5 años. En los decenios de 1970 y 1980, tras la identificación de anticuerpos protectores contra la cápsula de Hib, se desarrollaron vacunas contra este microorganismo. OBJETIVO: Estimar el impacto que ha tenido desde su introducción, en marzo de 1998, la vacunación contra Hib en el Distrito Federal de Brasil. MÉTODO: Con los datos de base poblacional del Sistema de Vigilancia de la Secretaría de Salud del Distrito Federal de Brasil, se compararon las tasas de incidencia de meningitis correspondientes a los tres años anteriores y posteriores a la introducción de la vacuna. Se compararon también los cambios en su tendencia. RESULTADOS: Al comparar los dos períodos se advierte una reducción de aproximadamente 90% en la incidencia de meningitis por Hib, cambio que no ocurre en el caso de las meningitis ocasionadas por otros agentes bacterianos. Se registró un aumento proporcional de los casos entre los niños de 6 meses de edad y menores, debido a la reducción de la incidencia entre los mayores de esa edad. CONCLUSIÓN: La introducción de la vacuna conjugada en el Distrito Federal de Brasil redujo de 168 por 100 000 (1995-1997 a 15 por 100 000 (1999-2001 la incidencia de meningitis por Hib entre niños de 7 a 35 meses. Esto representa una reducción de 91,1%.INTRODUCTION: Type b Haemophilus influenzae (Hib continues to be an important causative agent of various infectious processes, and its encapsulated strains cause invasive disease. In some aboriginal populations, the incidence of Hib infections in children under five is greater than 400 per 100 000. In the seventies and eighties, vaccines against Hib were

  16. Serratia marcescens meningitis: epidemiology, prognostic factors and treatment outcomes. (United States)

    Wu, Yen-Mu; Hsu, Po-Chang; Yang, Chien-Chang; Chang, Hong-Jyun; Ye, Jung-Jr; Huang, Ching-Tai; Lee, Ming-Hsun


    Serratia marcescens is a rare pathogen of central nervous system infections. This study was to investigate the epidemiology, prognostic factors, and treatment outcomes of S. marcescens meningitis. This retrospective analysis included 33 patients with culture-proven S. marcescens meningitis hospitalized between January 2000 and June 2011. Of the 33 patients enrolled, only one did not receive neurosurgery before the onset of S. marcescens meningitis. Patients with S. marcescens meningitis had higher ratios of brain solid tumors (54.5%) and neurosurgery (97.0%) with a mortality rate of 15.2%. The mean interval between the first neurosurgical procedure and the diagnosis of meningitis was 17.1 days (range, 4-51 days). Only one third-generation cephalosporin-resistant S. marcescens isolate was recovered from the patients' cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens. Compared with the favorable outcome group (n = 20), the unfavorable outcome group (n = 13) had a higher percentage of brain solid tumors, more intensive care unit stays, and higher Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score, CSF lactate and serum C-reactive protein concentrations at diagnosis of meningitis. Under the multiple regression analysis, CSF lactate concentration ≥2-fold the upper limit of normal (ULN) was independently associated with unfavorable outcomes (odds ratio, 7.20; 95% confidence interval, 1.08-47.96; p = 0.041). S. marcescens meningitis is highly associated with neurosurgical procedures for brain solid tumors. CSF lactate concentration ≥2x ULN may predict an unfavorable outcome. Its mortality is not high and empiric treatment with parenteral third-generation cephalosporins may have a satisfactory clinical response. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  17. Spinal meningeal uptake of technetium-99m methylene diphosphonate in meningeal seeding by malignant lymphoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siegal, T.; Or, R.; Matzner, Y.; Samuels, L.D.


    Definite diagnosis of meningeal seeding by systemic cancer relies on the presence of malignant cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In the absence of such cells in the CSF, only two other tests strongly suggest the diagnosis - a CT scan and a myelogram. This paper reports a case in which the diagnosis was strongly suggested by an unusual uptake of Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate by the leptomeninges during a skeletal scan and later established by the presence of malignant cells in the CSF. The radionuclide scan may be an additional diagnostic test in some cases with meningeal seeding by systemic cancer

  18. Epidemiology of infectious meningitis in the State of Amazonas, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria das Graças Gomes Saraiva


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: In the State of Amazonas, particularly in the capital Manaus, meningitis has affected populations of different cultures and social strata over the years. Bacterial meningitis is caused by several different species and represents a major issue of public health importance. The present study reports the meningitis case numbers with different etiologies in Amazonas from January 1976 to December 2012. METHODS: Since the 1970s, the (currently named Tropical Medicine Foundation of Doutor Heitor Vieira Dourado [Fundação de Medicina Tropical Doutor Heitor Vieira Dourado (FMT-HVD] has remained a reference center in Amazonas for the treatment of meningitis through the diagnosis and notification of cases and the confirmation of such cases using specific laboratory tests. RESULTS: The foundation has achieved coverage of over 90% of the state medical records for many years. Between 1990 and 2012, meningitis cases caused by Haemophilus influenzae decreased with the introduction of the H. influenzae vaccine. Meningococcal disease previously had a higher frequency of serogroup B disease, but starting in 2008, the detection of serogroup C increased gradually and has outpaced the detection of serogroup B. Recently, surveillance has improved the etiological definition of viral meningitis at FMT-HVD, with enteroviruses, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV and varicella zoster virus (VZV prevailing in this group of pathogens. With the advent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS, cryptococcal meningitis has become an important disease in Amazonas. Additionally, infectious meningitis is an important burden in the State of Amazonas. CONCLUSIONS: Changes in the epidemiological profile for the different etiology-defined cases are the result of continuous epidemiological surveillance and laboratory capacity improvements and control measures, such as Haemophilus influenzae vaccination.

  19. Transethmoidal intranasal meningoencephalocele in an adult with recurrent meningitis. (United States)

    Hasegawa, Takafumi; Sugeno, Naoto; Shiga, Yusei; Takeda, Atsushi; Karibe, Hiroshi; Tominaga, Teiji; Itoyama, Yasuto


    Intranasal meningoencephalocele is a rarely encountered congenital malformation. We report a case of transethmoidal intranasal meningoencephalocele in a 52-year old man with recurrent purulent meningitis. After treatment of the acute meningitis, frontal craniotomy followed by the removal of the stalk of the meningoencephalocele and repair of the bony defect was successfully performed. He has had no further meningitis or CSF rhinorrhea post-operatively. Detailed neuroradiological examination and appropriate surgical treatment are important to prevent fatal neurological complications of intranasal meningoencephalocele.

  20. Doença de Moyamoya e anestesia com sevoflurano fora do centro cirúrgico: relato de caso Enfermedad de Moyamoya y anestesia con sevoflurano fuera del centro quirúrgico: relato de caso Moyamoya disease and sevoflurane anesthesia outside the surgery center: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sheila Braga Machado


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A doença de Moyamoya é uma desordem cerebrovascular progressiva que representa um desafio anestésico em virtude da precária circulação cerebral destes pacientes, constituindo-se numa importante causa de acidente vascular cerebral em indivíduos jovens. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar o caso de um paciente com doença de Moyamoya que foi submetido à anestesia geral com sevoflurano para procedimento diagnóstico fora do centro cirúrgico. RELATO DO CASO: Criança com 13 anos, estado físico ASA IV, portadora de doença de Moyamoya com seqüela neurológica após três acidentes vasculares cerebrais, insuficiência renal crônica e hipertensão arterial sistêmica, submetida à endoscopia digestiva alta. Em decúbito dorsal e após monitorização, realizou-se indução inalatória pela cânula de traqueostomia com sevoflurano (aumento gradual da concentração inspiratória até 6% e mistura de oxigênio/óxido nitroso a 50%. Um cateter venoso foi inserido para infusão de solução glicosada a 5%. Foi realizada ventilação controlada manual, sendo a manutenção da anestesia feita com sevoflurano a 4% e mistura de oxigênio/óxido nitroso a 50%. Ao final do procedimento os agentes anestésicos foram descontinuados simultaneamente e foi administrado oxigênio a 100%. A anestesia foi satisfatória, com boa estabilidade hemodinâmica, sem ocorrência de complicações durante o procedimento e com despertar precoce. CONCLUSÕES: O sevoflurano pode oferecer novas perspectivas para a anestesia inalatória em pacientes com doença neurológica que realizam procedimento ambulatorial, já que permite boa estabilidade hemodinâmica e despertar precoce, preservando a fisiologia cerebral.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La enfermedad de Moyamoya es un desorden cerebrovascular progresivo que representa un desafío anestésico en virtud de la precaria circulación cerebral de estos pacientes, constituyéndose una importante

  1. Enhancement of intracranial meningeal lesions with Gd-DTPA MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, E.; De La Paz, R.


    Pathologic intracranial meningeal enhancement on Gd-DTPA MR images (T1-weighted spin-echo sequence, 800/20 [repetition time msec/echo time msec] 1.5 T) was evaluated in 23 patients. Diagnoses included metastatic neoplasm (13 cases), benign neoplasm (four), infection (one), subarachnoid hemorrhage (three), and subdural hematoma (two). Eleven patients had undergone previous surgery. Diffuse enhancement occurred in 11 patients: eight with malignant infiltration, two with postoperative inflammation, and one with meningitis. Focal enhancement occurred in 12 patients, equally divided between those with malignant and benign processes: six cases were adjacent to intra- or extra-axial malignancy; three were at sites of recent (1--3 weeks) subarachnoid hemorrhage; and three were postoperative, adjacent to a craniotomy or subdural hematoma. Meningeal lesions were rarely diagnosed on the precontrast images, and Gd-DTPA enhancement was needed to distinguish between thickened meninges and thin fluid collections. Precontrast T1- and T2-weighted images were needed to discriminate high-signal meningeal enhancement from subacute subdural or subarachnoid hemorrhage, diploic marrow, normal vascular structures, and benign dural plaques. Meningeal enhancement was not pathology specific, and precontrast images are recommended to avoid misdiagnosis of subacute hemorrhage and misinterpretation of normal anatomy

  2. Citocinas e anestesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Batista Santos Garcia


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Vários trabalhos têm abordado as citocinas que podem ser estimuladas e liberadas por lesão cirúrgica, trauma, infecção, inflamação e câncer. Níveis elevados circulantes das citocinas parece ter implicações no aparecimento de complicações e retardo da recuperação pós-operatória de pacientes. O objetivo da presente revisão é resumir as informações hoje disponíveis sobre citocinas. CONTEÚDO: As citocinas são moléculas polipeptídicas produzidas por uma grande variedade de células e parecem não ter função na homeostase, sob condições normais. Esses mediadores são responsáveis por respostas locais ou sistêmicas, gerando alterações imunológicas, metabólicas, hemodinâmicas, endócrinas e neurais. Podem ativar respostas biológicas benéficas, como estimulação da função antimicrobiana, cicatrização de feridas, mieloestimulação e mobilização de substratos. No entanto, a secreção abundante de citocinas está associada a efeitos deletérios como hipotensão arterial, falência de órgãos e morte. CONCLUSÕES: Ao concluir esta revisão, fica evidente que as citocinas desempenham um papel de fundamental importância como mediadores de respostas metabólicas, hormonais, imunológicas e hematológicas, que há potencial terapêutico com o bloqueio de sua expressão e que a anestesia pode interferir de alguma forma na sua ativação. No entanto, muitas perguntas não estão ainda respondidas e estudos devem ser realizados nos próximos anos buscando esclarecer as ações das citocinas não só para a experimentação mas também para a prática clínica.

  3. CSF ADA Determination in Early Diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis in HIV-Infected Patients. (United States)

    Ghosh, Gopal Chandra; Sharma, Brijesh; Gupta, B B


    Tuberculous and Cryptococcal meningitis are common in HIV patients. A highly specific and sensitive rapid test for diagnosis of Tuberculous meningitis especially in setting of HIV is not available in developing countries where the burden of disease is high. We measured ADA (adenosine deaminase) levels using spectrophotometric method in the CSF of HIV patients with meningitis to differentiate Tuberculous meningitis from meningitis due to other causes. Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare ADA values between tuberculous meningitis (TBM) and nontuberculous (non-TB) meningitis patients and a receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis curve was drawn from these values. Levels of ADA in the CSF of patients with TBM were significantly higher than those in patients with meningitis due to other causes. CSF ADA level determination with a cut-off value of 6 IU/L was found to be highly specific and fairly sensitive test for the diagnosis of TBM in HIV positive patients.

  4. The interaction between the meningeal lymphatics and blood-brain barrier (United States)

    Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, O.; Abdurashitov, A.; Dubrovsky, A.; Pavlov, A.; Shushunova, N.; Maslyakova, G.; Navolokin, N.; Bucharskaya, A.; Tuchin, V.; Kurths, J.


    Here we show the interaction between the meningeal lymphatic system and the blood-brain barrier (BBB) function. In normal state, the meningeal lymphatic vessels are invisible on optical coherent tomography (OCT), while during the opening of the BBB, meningeal lymphatic vessels are clearly visualized by OCT in the area of cerebral venous sinuses. These results give a significant impulse in the new application of OCT for the study of physiology of meningeal lymphatic system as well as sheds light on novel strategies in the prognosis of the opening of the BBB related with many central nervous system diseases, such as stroke, brain trauma, Alzheimers disease, etc.

  5. Multiple Cranial Nerve Involvement In Cryptococcal Meningitis


    Mahadevan A; Kumar A; Santosh V; Satishchandra P; Shankar S.K


    Cryptococcal meningitis is an uncommon cause of multiple cranial nerve palsies. This case report illustrates one such case of cryptococcal meningitis clinically manifesting with extensive cranial nerve involvement in an HIV seronegative individual. Histology revealed infiltration of the cranial nerves by cryptococci causing axonal disruption with secondary demyelination in the absence of any evidence of inflammation or vasculitis. We believe that axonal damage underlies the pathogenesis of...

  6. Cerebrospinal fluid lactate level as a diagnostic biomarker for bacterial meningitis in children. (United States)

    Mekitarian Filho, Eduardo; Horita, Sérgio Massaru; Gilio, Alfredo Elias; Nigrovic, Lise E


    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactate is a potential biomarker for bacterial meningitis in children. To this end, we performed a single-center retrospective cohort study of children from Sao Paulo, Brazil, with CSF pleocytosis to evaluate the ability of CSF lactate to distinguish between children with bacterial and aseptic meningitis. We determined the optimum cutoff point for CSF lactate using receiver-operator curve (ROC) analysis. We identified 451 children of whom 40 (9%) had bacterial meningitis. Children with bacterial meningitis had a higher median CSF lactate level [9.6 mmol/l, interquartile range (IQR) 3.2-38.5 mmol/l bacterial meningitis vs. 2.0 mmol/l, IQR 1.2-2.8 mmol/l aseptic meningitis]. A CSF lactate cutoff point of 3.0 mmol/l had a sensitivity of 95% [95% confidence interval (CI) 83-99%), specificity of 94% (95% CI 90-96%) and negative predictive value of 99.3% (95% CI 97.7-99.9%) for bacterial meningitis. In combination with a validated meningitis clinical prediction rule, the CSF lactate level can be used to distinguish between bacterial and aseptic meningitis in children with CSF pleocytosis.

  7. Distribution of /sup 82/Br between serum and CSF in patients with meningitis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jensen, J I; Juel Christensen, N; Marqversen, J; Esmann, V [Marselisborg hospital, Aarhus, Denmark


    The ratio between concentrations of /sup 82/Br in serum and spinal fluid was determined in patients with meningitis. The ratio was found to be low in three patients strongly suspect for tuberculous meningitis and in eight of nine patients with purulent meningitis, but normal in 13 patients with non-tuberculous, serous meningitis. These results confirm previous investigations and determination of the /sup 82/Br ratio is a simple, reliable aid in the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis.

  8. La violencia por motivos de género tras las elecciones en Kenia


    Some, Jane


    Una evaluación realizada por tres agencias ha constatado que el riesgo de violación o abusos sexuales sigue siendo alto para miles de jóvenes y mujeres desplazadas, tras la crisis desatada en enero y febrero por las elecciones en Kenia.

  9. Identifying and Assessing Life-Cycle-Related Critical Technology Elements (CTEs) for Technology Readiness Assessments (TRAs)

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Mandelbaum, Jay


    .... Because these technologies are not emphasized in the current Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) process this document is intended to improve the focus on life-cycle-related technologies in TRAs...

  10. Chronic meningitis in systemic lupus erythematosus: An unusual etiology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anu Gupta


    Full Text Available Chronic aseptic meningitis is a rare manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE. Apart from immunological causes and drugs, the aseptic meningitis group can include some unidentified viral infections that cannot be detected by routine microbiological testing. It is imperative to do complete cerebrospinal fluid (CSF workup before implicating the symptoms to disease activity or drugs, as untreated infections cause significant mortality in SLE. We present a case of young female with SLE who presented with chronic meningitis of an uncommon etiology.

  11. Purulent Bacterial Meningitis at Birth

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    Babak Karimi


    Full Text Available Meningitis is an acute inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, which are known as the meninges. This infection may be caused by Streptococcus pneumonia bacteria. In this study, we presented the case of a female newborn with meningitis secondary to Streptococcus pneumonia. Her birth weight and height were normal. After 24 hours of birth, the neonate was diagnosed with tachypnea, without presenting any signs of fever or respiratory distress. The newborn was referred to Sheikh Children's Hospital, where chest X-ray showed clear lungs with no evidence of abnormality. Furthermore, the cardiothoracic ratio was normal. A complete blood count demonstrated white blood cell (WBC count of 5400/uL. In Blood/Culcture ratio (B/C test, Streptococcus pneumonia was reported, and the results of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF analysis confirmed this result. Following 14 days of receiving antibiotic therapy, the results of CSF analysis were within the normal range. Her visual and hearing examinations were normal, and demonstrated improved situation. The infant was discharged with exclusive breastfeeding.

  12. Counterimmunoelectrophoresis in the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Colding, H; Lind, I


    The aim of the present study was to investigate whether counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) would facilitate the rapid, etiological diagnosis of bacterial meningitis when used in parallel with other routine methods in a medical bacteriological laboratory. Of 3,674 consecutive specimens of cerebros......The aim of the present study was to investigate whether counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) would facilitate the rapid, etiological diagnosis of bacterial meningitis when used in parallel with other routine methods in a medical bacteriological laboratory. Of 3,674 consecutive specimens....../139) of the culture-negative specimens. CSF specimens from 21 patients with bacterial meningitis caused by other species were all negative in CIE, except four, three of which contained Escherichia coli antigen reacting with antiserum to N. meningitidis group B and one E. coli antigen reacting with antiserum to H...

  13. Meningeal involvement in Behcet's disease: MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guma, A.; Aguilera, C.; Pons, L.; Acebes, J.; Arruga, J.


    Behcet's disease is a multisystem disease that involves the central nervous system up to half of cases. Presentation with neurologic symptoms occurs in 5 % of cases and cerebral venous thrombosis is one of its major manifestations. A feature not previously reported is progressive meningeal thickening with involvement of both optic nerves. We report a patient with cerebral venous thrombosis, meningeal thickening and contrast enhancement on MRI. This patient had two other unusual features: positive antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and later development of central diabetes insipidus. (orig.)

  14. Scrub Typhus: A Clinico-Laboratory Differentiation of Children with and without Meningitis. (United States)

    Bhat, Nowneet Kumar; Pandita, Neerul; Saini, Manju; Dhar, Minakshi; Ahmed, Sohaib; Shirazi, Nadia; Wasim, Sanober; Shirke, Rupali; Chandar, Vipan


    Neurological involvement in the form of meningitis or meningoencephalitis, although well documented in scrub typhus, has not been extensively studied in the pediatric population. We report the clinical and laboratory profile of 96 children with scrub typhus and compared those with and without meningitis. Twenty seven (28%) children had clinical and laboratory evidence of meningitis. The most frequent presenting features were fever (100%), meningeal signs (66.6%), nausea and vomiting (56.3%), seizures (55.5%) and altered sensorium (51.8%). The children with meningitis presented early and had significantly lower respiratory and renal impairments when compared with the non-meningitis group. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis revealed elevated total leukocyte count (86.73 ± 94.50 cells/mm(3)), mononuclear pleocytosis (lymphocyte percentage of 76.85 ± 15.86), elevated proteins (108.33 ± 52.63 mg%) and normal CSF glucose (64.18 ± 15.92 mg%). We conclude that meningitis is a common and early complication of childhood scrub typhus. The CSF reveals a lymphocytic pleocytosis, raised proteins and a normal glucose level. These children respond promptly to appropriate antibiotics as do children without meningitis. © The Author [2016]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  15. Bacterial Meningitis in Adults After Splenectomy and Hyposplenic States

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Adriani, Kirsten S.; Brouwer, Matthijs C.; van der Ende, Arie; van de Beek, Diederik


    Objective: To examine the occurrence, disease course, prognosis, and vaccination status of patients with community-acquired bacterial meningitis with a history of splenectomy or functional hyposplenia. Patients and Methods: Patients with bacterial meningitis proven by cerebrospinal fluid culture

  16. Listeria monocytogenes meningitis in the Netherlands, 1985-2014: A nationwide surveillance study. (United States)

    Koopmans, Merel M; Bijlsma, Merijn W; Brouwer, Matthijs C; van de Beek, Diederik; van der Ende, Arie


    Listeria monocytogenes can cause sepsis and meningitis. We report national surveillance data on L. monocytogenes meningitis in the Netherlands, describing incidence changes, genetic epidemiology and fatality rate. We analyzed data from the Netherlands Reference Laboratory of Bacterial Meningitis for cases of L. monocytogenes meningitis. Strains were assessed by serotyping and bacterial population structure by multi-locus sequence typing. A total of 375 cases of Listeria meningitis were identified between 1985 and 2014. Peak incidence rates were observed in neonates (0.61 per 100,000 live births) and older adults (peak at 87 year; 0.53 cases per 100,000 population of the same age). Neonatal listerial meningitis decreased 17-fold from 1.95 per 100,000 live births between 1985 and 1989, to 0.11 per 100,000 live births between 2010 and 2014. Overall case fatality rate was 31%, in a multivariate analysis older age and concomitant bacteremia were associated with mortality (both p listeria meningitis has remained high. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  17. Impact of bacteremia on the pathogenesis of experimental pneumococcal meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Christian T; Holm, David; Liptrot, Matthew


    BACKGROUND: Bacteremia plays a major role in the outcome of pneumococcal meningitis. This experimental study investigated how bacteremia influences the pathophysiologic profile of the brain. METHODS: Rats with Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis were randomized to 1 of 3 groups of infected study...... rats: (1) rats with attenuated bacteremia resulting from intravenous injection of serotype-specific pneumococcal antibody, (2) rats with early-onset bacteremia resulting from concomitant intravenous infection, or (3) a meningitis control group. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown, ventricle size......, brain water distribution, and brain pathologic findings were analyzed using magnetic resonance morphological and functional imaging. Laboratory data and clinical disease scores were obtained. RESULTS: Attenuation of the bacteremic component of pneumococcal meningitis improved clinical disease symptoms...

  18. Cerebral blood flow autoregulation in patients with acute bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Kirsten


    Ph.d. afhandlingen omhandler sammenhængen mellem hjernens blodtilførsel (CBF) og middelarterietrykket (MAP) hos patienter med akut bakteriel meningitis. Hos raske er CBF uafhængig af MAP, hvilket kaldes CBF autoregulation. Svækket autoregulation antages at øge risikoen for cerebral hypoperfusion og...... iskæmi under episoder med lavt MAP, og for cerebral hyperperfusion og vasogent ødem ved højt MAP. CBF autoregulationen undersøgtes hos tyve voksne patienter med akut bakteriel meningitis i den tidlige sygdomsfase (... meningitis, men retableres ved klinisk restitution. Autoregulationen kan endvidere delvis retableres ved akut hyperventilation. Fundene har potentiel betydning for valg af supportiv terapi hos patienter med meningitis....

  19. Infectious meningitis and encephalitis in adults in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bodilsen, Jacob; Storgaard, Merete; Larsen, Lykke


    -haemolytic streptococci (n=14). Meningococcal meningitis was rare (n=11). In encephalitis, Herpes simplex virus-1 was most common (n=37) followed by Varicella zoster virus (n=20), while Varicella zoster virus (n=61) was most common in viral meningitis followed by enterovirus (n=50) and Herpes simplex virus-2 (n=46). Case...

  20. An unusual case of neonatal meningococcal meningitis complicated ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Neisseria meningitidis is a leading cause of pyogenic meningitis worldwide, as well as causing large epidemics in parts of Africa. With the dramatic decline in cases of Haemophilus inuenzae B, N. meningitidis has emerged as one of the most common causes of acute bacterial meningitis in children and adults in South ...

  1. Meningitis in a College Student in Connecticut, 2007 (United States)

    Sosa, Lynn E.; Gupta, Shaili; Juthani-Mehta, Manisha; Hadler, James L.


    The authors describe a case of aseptic meningitis in a college student that was ultimately attributed to infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). The authors also provide a review of LCMV infection, epidemiology, and public health implications. Providers should be aware of LCMV as a cause of meningitis in college students,…

  2. Unusual Presentation of Meningitis following Stab Neck | Motsitsi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: A case report of stab neck presenting at Kalafong Hospital, Pretoria, South Africa with atypical meningitis. The objective was to illustrate the challenge of diagnosing this unusual and late presentation of meningitis. Case Report: A 48 year-old male patient presented to us two days after a stab neck. He was ...

  3. [Alarm symptoms of meningitis in children with fever].

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D.H.F. Geurts (Dorien); H.A. Moll (Henriëtte)


    textabstractA 15-year-old girl presented with fever and pain in her legs. A viral infection was suspected, but within 24 hours she became confused and developed meningeal signs, based on which she was diagnosed as having meningitis. Within a few hours a 6-month-old boy developed fever, a grey

  4. Diagnosis and treatment of bacterial meningitis in the newborn

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Prof Ezechukwu


    May 29, 2012 ... Wales has not changed remarkably from the known 0.2. – 0.4 cases/1000 live ... ing world, mortality associated with neonatal meningitis also varies between ... tively, the classic signs of meningeal irritation in the older children ...

  5. Is it possible to differentiate tuberculous and cryptococcal meningitis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background. Tuberculous and cryptococcal meningitis (TBM and CM) are the most common causes of opportunistic meningitis in HIVinfected patients from resource-limited settings, and the differential diagnosis is challenging. Objective. To compare clinical and basic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) characteristics between TBM ...

  6. Purulent meningitis with unusual diffusion-weighted MRI findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abe, M.; Takayama, Y.; Yamashita, H.; Noguchi, M.; Sagoh, T.


    We describe unusual findings obtained by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a patient with acute purulent meningitis caused by penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. Along cerebral convexities and the Sylvian fissure, multiple small intense lesions showed high signal intensity in these sequences. This may be the first report of diffusion-weighted in purulent meningitis

  7. Severe aseptic meningitis with hydrocephalus following iotrolan myelography: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jae Hyoung; Ha, Choong Kun; Ahn, In Oak [Gyeongsang National University College of Medicine, Jinju (Korea, Republic of)


    A case of severe aseptic meningitis with communicating hydrocephalus following iotrolan myelography is presented. The patient's condition improved very quickly after corticosteroid therapy. Rapid improvement and absence of pathogenic organisms in the CSF culture strongly favor an aseptic meningitis. This is the first reported case of aseptic meningitis with the secondary development of hydrocephalus caused by iotrolan myelography.

  8. Severe aseptic meningitis with hydrocephalus following iotrolan myelography: A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jae Hyoung; Ha, Choong Kun; Ahn, In Oak


    A case of severe aseptic meningitis with communicating hydrocephalus following iotrolan myelography is presented. The patient's condition improved very quickly after corticosteroid therapy. Rapid improvement and absence of pathogenic organisms in the CSF culture strongly favor an aseptic meningitis. This is the first reported case of aseptic meningitis with the secondary development of hydrocephalus caused by iotrolan myelography

  9. [Alarm symptoms of meningitis in children with fever]. (United States)

    Geurts, Dorien H F; Moll, Henriette A


    A 15-year-old girl presented with fever and pain in her legs. A viral infection was suspected, but within 24 hours she became confused and developed meningeal signs, based on which she was diagnosed as having meningitis. Within a few hours a 6-month-old boy developed fever, a grey colour, bulging fontanel, cold hands and feet, and was groaning. He too appeared to have meningitis. It is important to recognize this serious infection in children with fever, since delay of diagnosis and treatment may result in serious complications. Recognition is difficult because of non-specific symptoms on presentation and a lack of alarm symptoms early in the course of the disease. Alarm symptoms of serious infection in children are cyanosis, rapid breathing, decreased capillary refill, petechial rash, meningeal signs, leg pain and decreased consciousness. If serious infection is uncertain in a child with fever, parents should be advised on the potential course of the disease, the alarm symptoms and the need to seek medical help in time.

  10. Tuberculous and brucellosis meningitis differential diagnosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Erdem, Hakan; Senbayrak, Seniha; Gencer, Serap


    BACKGROUND: The Thwaites and Lancet scoring systems have been used in the rapid diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis (TBM). However, brucellar meningoencephalitis (BME) has similar characteristics with TBM. The ultimate aim of this study is to infer data to see if BME should be included in the dif......BACKGROUND: The Thwaites and Lancet scoring systems have been used in the rapid diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis (TBM). However, brucellar meningoencephalitis (BME) has similar characteristics with TBM. The ultimate aim of this study is to infer data to see if BME should be included...

  11. A Rare Case of Salmonella typhi Meningitis in an Eleven Month Old ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Non-typhoidal Salmonella are infrequent causes of childhood meningitis. Most reports of Salmonella typhi meningeal infections are confined to neonates. A rare instance of S. typhi in an otherwise healthy eleven month old infant is being reported. Keywords: Salmonella typhi, meningitis, infant.

  12. Giant Leaking Colloid Cyst Presenting with Aseptic Meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bakhtevari, Mehrdad Hosseinzadeh; Sharifi, Guive; Jabbari, Reza


    BACKGROUND: Colloid cysts are benign third ventricle lesions that need to be diagnosed correctly because of their association with sudden death. Chemical or aseptic meningitis is a rare presentation of a colloid cyst. METHODS: We present a case of a 69-year-old man with fever, alteration of mental...... status, and meningismus. Microbiological examination of the cerebrospinal fluid revealed aseptic meningitis. Brain imaging revealed a third ventricular colloid cyst with hydrocephalus. RESULTS: The tumor was resected via endoscopic intervention. There were no persistent operative complications related...... to the endoscopic procedure. CONCLUSIONS: Chemical or aseptic meningitis is an unusual clinical manifestation of a colloid cyst, complicating the differential diagnosis, especially in the elderly....

  13. Diagnosis and treatment of bacterial meningitis in the newborn ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Bacterial meningitis in the newborn is globally renowned for high mortality. The associated morbidities also include audiologic, motor, visual and mental deficits. Objective: To highlight the peculiarities in the current diagnostic and management strategies in newborn meningitis. Methods: Relevant literature on ...

  14. 结核性脑膜炎与其他脑膜炎的鉴别诊断%Differential diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis and other meningitis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    任泽泽; 戴伊宁; 杨丹红; 黄海军; 童永喜; 潘红英


    目的 了解结核性脑膜炎(结脑)的临床特征及其与病毒性脑膜炎(病脑)、隐球菌性脑膜炎(隐脑)和化脓性脑膜炎(化脑)鉴别诊断要点,提高治愈率.方法 收集2013年1月至2015年12月间在浙江省人民医院住院的结脑患者45例,病脑患者20例、隐脑患者15例和化脑患者15例的临床资料,并比较其临床特征.结果 结脑患者常合并肺结核或肺外结核疾病(29例,64.4%);基础疾病以艾滋病、糖尿病和高血压多见;起病形式多样,但以亚急性和慢性起病为主(分别为26例,57.8%和11例,24.4%);结脑早期临床表现主要以发热(45例,100%)、头痛(29例,64.4%)和恶心呕吐(27例,60.0%)为主,进而可出现颅神经和脑实质损害征象;脑脊液符合特征性的改变,并见腺苷脱氨酶含量升高达(6.67±5.32) U/L.影像学上表现以脑实质改变多见(16例,35.6%).结论 结脑的早期诊断需综合临床表现、脑脊液检查、影像学检查,其中脑脊液检查和及时的头颅CT或磁共振检查对诊断尤为重要.%Objective To understand the clinical characteristics of tuberculosis meningitis,and the differential diagnosis features with other types of meningitis such as viral meningitis,cryptococcal meningitis,purulent meningitis,so as to improve the recovery rate of this disease.Methods There were 45 patients with tuberculosis meningitis,20 patients with viral meningitis,15 patients with cryptococcal meningitis and 15 patients with purulent meningitis in Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital from January 2013 to December 2015 collected in the study.The clinical features of tuberculosis meningitis were compared with those of other three types of meningitis.Results Tuberculosis meningitis patients were commonly complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis and other tuberculosis (29 cases,64.4%);the main underlying diseases were AIDS,diabetes and hypertension;the onset of tuberculosis meningitis was diverse,but usually with

  15. A rare cause of neonatal meningitis: Group A streptecocci

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Annagür


    Full Text Available Group A Streptococci are rare cause of neonatal meningitis.In this case report, we discussed a case of newbornmeningitis caused by Group A beta hemolytic streptococcusunder the light of related literature. Twenty four daysold male baby who was reported to be completely healthybefore was referred to our clinic with symptoms of fever,not sucking and left localized convulsion which were presentfor one day. Lumbar puncture was consistent with purulentmeningitis. Group A beta hemolytic streptococcusgrowth both in blood and Cerebrospinal liquid. Patientwas treated with Penicillin G. In clinical follow-up, tetraventricular hydrocephaly was detected but there was noneed for shunt. Later follow-up revealed hearing loss.Meningitis caused by Group A beta hemolytic streptococcusalthough is quite rare must be kept in mind in casesof newborn meningitis. Group A Streptococcus can alsocause serious neurological sequel as in other newbornmeningitis causes.Key words: Group A streptococci, neonatal meningitis,Streptococcus pyogenes, hydrocephaly

  16. Mondini Dysplasia Presenting as Otorrhea without Meningitis


    Chien-Yu Lin; Hung-Ching Lin; Chun-Chih Peng; Kuo-Sheng Lee; Nan-Chang Chiu


    Mondini dysplasia is a rare inner ear malformation that is usually only diagnosed after recurrent meningitis. Surgical intervention is mandatory. This report highlights the case of a patient with Mondini dysplasia who presented with hearing impairment and otorrhea and was diagnosed and treated before the occurrence of meningitis, thus preventing morbidity and neurologic sequelae. Hearing impairment may be the only manifestation of Mondini dysplasia, and the benefit of hearing screening is emp...

  17. Early symptomatic and late seizures in Kosovar children with bacterial meningitis. (United States)

    Namani, Sadie A; Kuchar, Ernest; Koci, Remzie; Mehmeti, Murat; Dedushi, Kreshnike


    Despite the dramatic decrease of mortality rate among children with bacterial meningitis in recent decades, some patients are left with neurologic sequelae. The purpose of this study was to analyze the occurrence of seizures as predictors for meningitis-related deaths or neurological sequelae including late seizures. This study uses a retrospective chart review of 277 children (aged 0-16 years, median 2 years, 162 boys) treated for bacterial meningitis in University Clinical Centre in Prishtina (Kosovo). Of the 277 children treated for bacterial meningitis, 60 children (22%) manifested seizures prior to admission, 57 children (21%) had seizures after admission, and late seizures were diagnosed in 24 children (9%). The risk for adverse outcome was significantly higher in patients who had seizures prior to admission (52/60) and in patients who manifested seizures later than 24 h (41/41; RR 8.17 and 6.78 respectively, p < 0.0001). All children who manifested late seizures were diagnosed with meningitis-related acute neurologic complications: subdural effusion (18), hydrocephalus (6), intracranial bleeding (1), and subdural empyema (2). Of the 60 children who presented seizures prior to admission, only 11 manifested late seizures. Seizures prior to admission were predictors of high risk of adverse outcome in bacterial meningitis in children. The risk of secondary epilepsy (9%) occurred only in children with evident structural neurologic complications during the acute phase of bacterial meningitis.

  18. Pleocytosis is not fully responsible for low CSF glucose in meningitis. (United States)

    Baud, Maxime O; Vitt, Jeffrey R; Robbins, Nathaniel M; Wabl, Rafael; Wilson, Michael R; Chow, Felicia C; Gelfand, Jeffrey M; Josephson, S Andrew; Miller, Steve


    The mechanism of hypoglycorrhachia-low CSF glucose-in meningitis remains unknown. We sought to evaluate the relative contribution of CSF inflammation vs microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) in lowering CSF glucose levels. We retrospectively categorized CSF profiles into microbial and aseptic meningitis and analyzed CSF leukocyte count, glucose, and protein concentrations. We assessed the relationship between these markers using multivariate and stratified linear regression analysis for initial and repeated CSF sampling. We also calculated the receiver operating characteristics of CSF glucose and CSF-to-serum glucose ratios to presumptively diagnose microbial meningitis. We found that increasing levels of CSF inflammation were associated with decreased CSF glucose levels in the microbial but not aseptic category. Moreover, elevated CSF protein levels correlated more strongly than the leukocyte count with low CSF glucose levels on initial ( R 2 = 36%, p CSF sampling ( R 2 = 46%, p CSF glucose and CSF-to-serum glucose ratios had similar low sensitivity and moderate-to-high specificity in diagnosing microbial meningitis at thresholds commonly used. The main driver of hypoglycorrhachia appears to be a combination of microbial meningitis with moderate to high degrees of CSF inflammation and proteins, suggesting that the presence of microorganisms capable of catabolizing glucose is a determinant of hypoglycorrhachia in meningitis. A major notable exception is neurosarcoidosis. Low CSF glucose and CSF-to-serum glucose ratios are useful markers for the diagnosis of microbial meningitis.

  19. High Yield of Adult Oligodendrocyte Lineage Cells Obtained from Meningeal Biopsy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sissi Dolci


    Full Text Available Oligodendrocyte loss can lead to cognitive and motor deficits. Current remyelinating therapeutic strategies imply either modulation of endogenous oligodendrocyte precursors or transplantation of in vitro expanded oligodendrocytes. Cell therapy, however, still lacks identification of an adequate source of oligodendrocyte present in adulthood and able to efficiently produce transplantable cells. Recently, a neural stem cell-like population has been identified in meninges. We developed a protocol to obtain high yield of oligodendrocyte lineage cells from one single biopsy of adult rat meningeal tissue. From 1 cm2 of adult rat spinal cord meninges, we efficiently expanded a homogenous culture of 10 millions of meningeal-derived oligodendrocyte lineage cells in a short period of time (approximately 4 weeks. Meningeal-derived oligodendrocyte lineage cells show typical mature oligodendrocyte morphology and express specific oligodendrocyte markers, such as galactosylceramidase and myelin basic protein. Moreover, when transplanted in a chemically demyelinated spinal cord model, meningeal-derived oligodendrocyte lineage cells display in vivo-remyelinating potential. This oligodendrocyte lineage cell population derives from an accessible and adult source, being therefore a promising candidate for autologous cell therapy of demyelinating diseases. In addition, the described method to differentiate meningeal-derived neural stem cells into oligodendrocyte lineage cells may represent a valid in vitro model to dissect oligodendrocyte differentiation and to screen for drugs capable to promote oligodendrocyte regeneration.

  20. Anestesia para separação de gêmeos isquiópagos no período neonatal: relato de caso Anestesia para separación de gemelos isquiópagos en el período neonatal Anesthetic management for neonatal conjoined twins separation: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norma Sueli Pinheiro Módolo


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A separação de gêmeos unidos causa grande interesse devido à complexidade da anestesia e cirurgia, à raridade da patologia e às poucas chances de sobrevida. O objetivo desta descrição é o de contribuir para a literatura existente, relatando os desafios encontrados por nossa equipe no atendimento à cirurgia-anestesia de separação de gêmeos isquiópagos. RELATO DO CASO: Pacientes gêmeos, nascidos a termo, de parto cesariano, pesando juntos 5.100 g, classificados como isquiópagus tetrapus. Duas equipes anestésico-cirúrgicas estavam presentes, sendo o procedimento anestésico esquematizado com aparelho de anestesia, cardioscópio, capnógrafo, oxímetro de pulso, termômetro elétrico, estetoscópio esofágico, todos em dobro. Realizou-se indução anestésica com halotano e fentanil, com os gêmeos em posição lateral e com rotação da cabeça em 45º para facilitar a intubação traqueal. Os recém-nascidos foram mantidos em ventilação controlada manualmente, utilizando o sistema de Rees-Baraka. A anestesia foi mantida com halotano, oxigênio e fentanil. Durante o per-operatório, foram encontrados órgãos abdominais duplos, com exceção do cólon, que era único. As bexigas e os ísquios estavam ligados. Ao final da cirurgia as duas crianças apresentavam-se com sinais vitais estáveis. Os gêmeos permaneceram na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI Neonatal por quatro semanas e receberam alta em bom estado geral. CONCLUSÕES: Ressalta-se a importância do entrosamento da equipe, do estudo retrospectivo multidisciplinar, da monitorização adequada e acurada observação clínica; todos esses fatores contribuíram para a boa evolução e alta dos gêmeos.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La separación de gemelos unidos causa gran interés debido a la complexidad de la anestesia y cirugía, a la raridad de la patología y a las pocas chances de sobrevida. El objetivo de esta descripción es el de contribuir

  1. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939 e Karl Köller (1857-1944 e a descoberta da anestesia local Sigmund Freud (1856-1939 y Karl Köller (1857-1944 y el Descubrimiento de la anestesia local Sigmund Freud (1856-1939 and Karl Köller (1857-1944 and the Discovery of local anesthesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Almiro dos Reis Jr


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATVA E OBJETIVOS: O entendimento por vezes admitido de que Sigmund Freud teve a intuição de utilizar a cocaína como anestésico local para intervenções cirúrgicas, ou mesmo de que ele tenha tido algum papel na descoberta da anestesia local não é verídico. Os objetivos das pesquisas de Freud eram outros e o verdadeiro realizador da descoberta foi Karl Köller, sobre o que há argumentos irrefutáveis. Diante desses fatos, tem importância histórica o conhecimento correto da questão. CONTEÚDO: O texto refere-se às propriedades há muito conhecidas da cocaína. Recorda dados pessoais, atividades profissionais e científicas de Sigmund Freud e de Karl Köller. Apresenta as pesquisas de Freud sobre efeitos fisiopatológicos observados com a cocaína. Expõe as razões das duras críticas recebidas por Freud diante de conceitos por ele emitidos. Descreve a súbita, porém consciente e justificada idéia de Karl Köller de estudar cientificamente a cocaína como anestésico local em animais e seres humanos. Indica como foram realizadas as pesquisas pioneiras que culminaram com a descoberta da anestesia local por Köller e as duas exposições sobre esta, feitas em Viena. Relata a primeira intervenção cirúrgica oftalmológica sob anestesia local. Comprova a imediata difusão pelo mundo da descoberta que marcou o início da anestesia locorregional. Comenta numerosos documentos comprobatórios da prioridade de Köller na descoberta. Finalmente, menciona as numerosas homenagens recebidas por Köller em várias partes do mundo. CONCLUSÕES: A anestesia locorregional foi iniciada por Karl Köller em 1884, quando ele provou a possibilidade de praticar intervenções cirúrgicas oftalmológicas sem dor utilizando a cocaína como anestésico local. Sigmund Freud realizou muitas pesquisas sobre a cocaína, mas não participou diretamente do importantíssimo feito.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Los que a veces se cree de que Sigmund Freud tuvo

  2. Fibrosarcoma of the meninges

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ishwar Chand Premsagar


    Full Text Available Meningeal fibrosarcomas are rare tumors. Only 41 cases have been reported in the literature to date. Primary central nervous system fibrosarcomas are very aggressive neoplasms and have a poor prognosis. Hence they need to be correctly diagnosed. This is a case of a 13-year old boy with intracranial space occupying lesion. The mass was completely removed and histological examination was characteristic of meningeal fibrosarcoma. The pathological diagnosis is usually made on routine light microscopic examination; however, occasionally these may be difficult to distinguish from other malignant neoplasms such as gliomas, meningiomas and metastases. The diagnosis of fibrosarcoma is based on the identification of a predominant herringbone architectural pattern, the overall uniformity of the spindle cell population, the prominent vimentin positivity, and the presence of pericellular reticulin fibre network. IHC helps to exclude other diagnoses.

  3. Streptococcus suis Meningitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (United States)

    van Samkar, Anusha; Brouwer, Matthijs C.; Schultsz, Constance; van der Ende, Arie; van de Beek, Diederik


    Background Streptococcus suis is the most common cause of meningitis in pork consuming and pig rearing countries in South-East Asia. We performed a systematic review of studies on S. suis meningitis to define the clinical characteristics, predisposing factors and outcome. Methodology Studies published between January 1, 1980 and August 1, 2015 were identified from main literature databases and reference lists. Studies were included if they were written in West-European languages and described at least 5 adult patients with S. suis meningitis in whom at least one clinical characteristic was described. Findings We identified 913 patients with S. suis meningitis included in 24 studies between 1980 and 2015. The mean age was 49 years and 581 of 711 patients were male (82%). Exposure to pigs or pork was present in 395 of 648 patients (61%) while other predisposing factors were less common. 514 of 528 patients presented with fever (97%), 429 of 451 with headache (95%), 462 of 496 with neck stiffness (93%) and 78 of 384 patients (20%) had a skin injury in the presence of pig/pork contact. The case fatality rate was 2.9% and hearing loss was a common sequel occurring in 259 of 489 patients (53%). Treatment included dexamethasone in 157 of 300 (52%) of patients and was associated with reduced hearing loss in S. suis meningitis patients included in a randomized controlled trial. Conclusion S. suis meningitis has a clear association with pig and pork contact. Mortality is low, but hearing loss occurs frequently. Dexamethasone was shown to reduce hearing loss. PMID:26505485

  4. Atitudes atuais de anestesiologistas e médicos em especialização com relação à anestesia venosa total Actitudes actuales de anestesiólogos y médicos en especialización con relación a la anestesia venosa total Current attitude of anesthesiologists and anesthesiology residents regarding total intravenous anesthesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Squeff Nora


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: No passado, tempo, custos, informações, treinamento e avaliação da profundidade da anestesia limitavam a aceitação da anestesia venosa total (TIVA. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar atitudes de anestesiologistas e médicos em especialização com relação à anestesia venosa total. MÉTODO: Um questionário foi enviado a 150 anestesiologistas e 102 residentes. A concordância (C e discordância (D em cada item foram comparadas por testes z (consenso, se p JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Antiguamente, tiempo, costes, informaciones, capacitación y evaluación de la profundidad de la anestesia limitaban la aceptación de la anestesia venosa total (TIVA. El objetivo de este estudio fue el de determinar las actitudes de anestesiólogos y médicos en especialización con relación a la anestesia venosa total. MÉTODO: Un cuestionario fue enviado a 150 anestesiólogos y 102 residentes. La concordancia (C y discordancia (D en cada ítem se compararon por pruebas z (consenso, si p BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In the past, time, cost, information, training, and the evaluation of the plane of anesthesia limited the acceptance of total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA. The objective of this study was to determine the attitude of anesthesiologists and other anesthesiology residents regarding total intravenous anesthesia. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to 150 anesthesiologists and 102 residents. The concordance (C and disaccord (D of each item were compared by z tests (consensus if p < 0.05. RESULTS: There were 98 responses. The data represent the number of answers for each category. The majority of the participants agreed that the quality of the awakening stimulates the use of the TIVA (C/D = 86/8; p < 0.05; that the future depends on the development of drugs with a fast onset of action and immediate recovery (C/D = 88/5; p < 0.05; that they would like to use TIVA more often (C/D = 72/21; p < 0.05; and to have more information

  5. The meninges: new therapeutic targets for multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Russi, Abigail E; Brown, Melissa A


    The central nervous system (CNS) largely comprises nonregenerating cells, including neurons and myelin-producing oligodendrocytes, which are particularly vulnerable to immune cell-mediated damage. To protect the CNS, mechanisms exist that normally restrict the transit of peripheral immune cells into the brain and spinal cord, conferring an "immune-specialized" status. Thus, there has been a long-standing debate as to how these restrictions are overcome in several inflammatory diseases of the CNS, including multiple sclerosis (MS). In this review, we highlight the role of the meninges, tissues that surround and protect the CNS and enclose the cerebral spinal fluid, in promoting chronic inflammation that leads to neuronal damage. Although the meninges have traditionally been considered structures that provide physical protection for the brain and spinal cord, new data have established these tissues as sites of active immunity. It has been hypothesized that the meninges are important players in normal immunosurveillance of the CNS but also serve as initial sites of anti-myelin immune responses. The resulting robust meningeal inflammation elicits loss of localized blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity and facilitates a large-scale influx of immune cells into the CNS parenchyma. We propose that targeting the cells and molecules mediating these inflammatory responses within the meninges offers promising therapies for MS that are free from the constraints imposed by the BBB. Importantly, such therapies may avoid the systemic immunosuppression often associated with the existing treatments. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Contrast medium-enhanced MRI findings and changes over time in stage I tuberculous meningitis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oztoprak, I. [Department of Radiology Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine, 58140 Sivas (Turkey)], E-mail:; Guemues, C.; Oztoprak, B. [Department of Radiology Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine, 58140 Sivas (Turkey); Engin, A. [Department of Infectious Diseases, Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine, Sivas (Turkey)


    Aim: To demonstrate the detailed imaging characteristics of early tuberculous meningitis (TBM) and changes over time on standard gadolinium-enhanced, T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. Materials and methods: Contrast-enhanced, T1-weighted, spin-echo MRI images of 26 patients with early TBM were evaluated retrospectively. Meningeal enhancement characteristics were categorized according to distribution and pattern as diffuse, focal, linear, nodular, and mixed. Results: We found that 35% of patients had diffuse meningeal enhancement and 65% of cases had focal meningeal enhancement. There was a predilection for focal meningeal enhancement in basal pial areas, the interpeduncular fossa being the most common. In six patients with diffuse meningeal enhancement admitted to hospital relatively early after the onset of symptoms, the type of meningeal enhancement later changed to the focal form. Conclusion: Reactive diffuse meningeal enhancement occurs in the early period of TBM on contrast medium-enhanced T1-weighted MR images, but later becomes limited to basal areas.

  7. Contrast medium-enhanced MRI findings and changes over time in stage I tuberculous meningitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oztoprak, I.; Guemues, C.; Oztoprak, B.; Engin, A.


    Aim: To demonstrate the detailed imaging characteristics of early tuberculous meningitis (TBM) and changes over time on standard gadolinium-enhanced, T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. Materials and methods: Contrast-enhanced, T1-weighted, spin-echo MRI images of 26 patients with early TBM were evaluated retrospectively. Meningeal enhancement characteristics were categorized according to distribution and pattern as diffuse, focal, linear, nodular, and mixed. Results: We found that 35% of patients had diffuse meningeal enhancement and 65% of cases had focal meningeal enhancement. There was a predilection for focal meningeal enhancement in basal pial areas, the interpeduncular fossa being the most common. In six patients with diffuse meningeal enhancement admitted to hospital relatively early after the onset of symptoms, the type of meningeal enhancement later changed to the focal form. Conclusion: Reactive diffuse meningeal enhancement occurs in the early period of TBM on contrast medium-enhanced T1-weighted MR images, but later becomes limited to basal areas

  8. Meningeal mast cell-T cell crosstalk regulates T cell encephalitogenicity. (United States)

    Russi, Abigail E; Walker-Caulfield, Margaret E; Guo, Yong; Lucchinetti, Claudia F; Brown, Melissa A


    GM-CSF is a cytokine produced by T helper (Th) cells that plays an essential role in orchestrating neuroinflammation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, a rodent model of multiple sclerosis. Yet where and how Th cells acquire GM-CSF expression is unknown. In this study we identify mast cells in the meninges, tripartite tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord, as important contributors to antigen-specific Th cell accumulation and GM-CSF expression. In the absence of mast cells, Th cells do not accumulate in the meninges nor produce GM-CSF. Mast cell-T cell co-culture experiments and selective mast cell reconstitution of the meninges of mast cell-deficient mice reveal that resident meningeal mast cells are an early source of caspase-1-dependent IL-1β that licenses Th cells to produce GM-CSF and become encephalitogenic. We also provide evidence of mast cell-T cell co-localization in the meninges and CNS of recently diagnosed acute MS patients indicating similar interactions may occur in human demyelinating disease. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. High-dose gadolinium-enhanced MRI for diagnosis of meningeal metastases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kallmes, D.F.; Gray, L.; Glass, J.P.


    We compared high-dose (0.3 mmol/kg) and standard-dose (0.1 mmol/kg) gadolinium-enhanced MRI for diagnosis of meningeal metastases in 12 patients with suspected meningeal metastases. They were imaged with both standard-dose and high-dose gadolinium. All patients with abnormal meningeal enhancement underwent at least one lumbar puncture for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytology, while patients with normal meningeal enhancement were followed clinically. All patients with negative CSF cytology also were followed clinically. A single observer reviewed all the images, with specific attention to the enhancement pattern of the meninges. Abnormal leptomeningeal enhancement was present in three cases, and abnormal pachymeningeal enhancement in three other patients. All of these patients had abnormal CSF analyses. In two of the three cases of abnormal leptomeningeal enhancement the disease was more evident on high-dose than on standard-dose imaging; in one case the abnormal enhancement was visible only on high-dose imaging. In one of the three cases with abnormal pachymeningeal enhancement, the disease was evident prospectively only with high-dose imaging. (orig.)

  10. Empiric Treatment of Acute Meningitis Syndrome in a Resource ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Nov 1, 2017 ... ABSTRACT. BACKGROUND: Bacterial meningitis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the developing world. However, limited research has focused on the diagnosis and management of meningitis in resource-limited settings. METHODS: We designed a prospective case series of children.

  11. Pathophysiology of pneumococcal meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geldhoff, M.


    Bacterial meningitis is a serious infectious disease, involving the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, and the subarachnoid space. In the Netherlands most common causative agents are Streptococcus pneumoniae (72%) and Neisseria meningitidis (11%). The incidence of pneumococcal

  12. Bacterial meningitis in diabetes patients: a population-based prospective study (United States)

    van Veen, Kiril E. B.; Brouwer, Matthijs C.; van der Ende, Arie; van de Beek, Diederik


    Diabetes mellitus is associated with increased infection rates. We studied clinical features and outcome of community-acquired bacterial meningitis in diabetes patients. Patients were selected from a nationwide, prospective cohort on community-acquired bacterial meningitis performed from March 2006 to October 2014. Data on patient history, symptoms and signs on admission, treatment, and outcome were prospectively collected. A total of 183 of 1447 episodes (13%) occurred in diabetes patients. The incidence of bacterial meningitis in diabetes patients was 3.15 per 100,000 patients per year and the risk of acquiring bacterial meningitis was 2.2-fold higher for diabetes patients. S. pneumoniae was the causative organism in 139 of 183 episodes (76%) and L. monocytogenes in 11 of 183 episodes (6%). Outcome was unfavourable in 82 of 183 episodes (45%) and in 43 of 183 episodes (23%) the patient died. Diabetes was associated with death with an odds ratio of 1.63 (95% CI 1.12–2.37, P = 0.011), which remained after adjusting for known predictors of death in a multivariable analysis (OR 1.98 [95% CI 1.13–3.48], P = 0.017). In conclusion, diabetes is associated with a 2-fold higher risk of acquiring bacterial meningitis. Diabetes is a strong independent risk factor for death in community-acquired adult bacterial meningitis. PMID:27845429

  13. Acute versus subacute community-acquired meningitis: Analysis of 611 patients. (United States)

    Sulaiman, Tarek; Salazar, Lucrecia; Hasbun, Rodrigo


    Community-acquired meningitis can be classified into acute and subacute presentations by the duration of illness of ≤ or >5 days, respectively. There are currently no studies comparing the clinical features, management decisions, etiologies, and outcomes between acute and subacute presentations.It is a retrospective study of adults with community-acquired meningitis hospitalized in Houston, TX between January 2005 and January 2010. An adverse clinical outcome was defined as a Glasgow Outcome Scale score of ≤4.A total of 611 patients were identified, of which 458 (75%) were acute and 153 subacute (25%). The most common etiologies were unknown in 418 (68.4%), viral in 94 (15.4%), bacterial in 47 (7.7%), fungal in 42 patients (6.9%), and other noninfectious etiologies in 6 (1%). Patients with subacute meningitis were more likely to be immunosuppressed or have comorbidities, had fungal etiologies, and had higher rates of hypoglycorrachia and abnormal neurological findings (P 65 years and abnormal neurological findings were predictive of an adverse clinical outcome in both acute and subacute meningitis, whereas fever was also a significant prognostic factor in acute meningitis. (P meningitis differ in regards to clinical presentations, etiologies, laboratory findings, and management decisions, but did not differ in rates of adverse clinical outcomes. Future studies including thoroughly investigated patients with new diagnostic molecular methods may show different results and outcomes.

  14. Review of meningitis surveillance data, upper West Region, Ghana 2009-2013. (United States)

    Nuoh, Robert Domo; Nyarko, Kofi Mensah; Nortey, Priscilla; Sackey, Samuel Oko; Lwanga, Noora Charles; Ameme, Donne Kofi; Nuolabong, Culbert; Abdulai, Marijanatu; Wurapa, Fredrick; Afari, Edwin


    The Upper West region of Ghana is within the meningitis belt. Analysis of long term surveillance data is necessary for understanding changes in the disease occurrence. We analyzed five years of surveillance data to describe by person, place and time and to determine trends in meningitis. Meningitis surveillance data from Ghana Health Service in the Upper West Region, from 2009 to 2013 were reviewed. Data was obtained from District-Health Information Management System and line list from the Disease Control Unit. Population figures (denominators) and rainfall data were also analyzed. Within the period 980 cases of meningitis were reported in the region, 507(52%) females and 473(48%) males. The mean age of cases was 20.1years and standard deviation 18.8 years with, 77.6 %( 761/980) cases occurring in persons aged under 30 years. Children under five years were 19.3% (190/980). Attack rates ranged from 6.1/100,000 population in the Daffiama-bussei-Issa-district to 47.5/100,000 in Jirapa. Overall case fatality rate of meningitis was 12.2% with 14deaths/100,000 population. Bacterial agents were isolated from 35% (245/702) of CSF. Majority were Streptococcus pneumonia 48.2 % ( 122/258), and N. meningitides Y/W 135 40.3% (102/258). Meningitis was found to be seasonal with peaks in the dry season. Meningitis in the region is seasonal, and showed a decreasing trend. Jirapa, Lawra, Nadowli and Wa West districts had the highest burden. Control effort of the disease should focus on vaccination against streptococcus pneumonia and N. meningitis W135 especially within crowded settlements such as boarding schools.

  15. Epidemiology of bacterial meningitis among children in Brazil, 1997-1998

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Débora PL Weiss


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To document the incidence and the descriptive epidemiology of bacterial meningitis among individuals under age 20 in a geographically defined region in Brazil during the two-year period immediately preceding the introduction of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib vaccines into the national immunization program of Brazil. METHODS: Population-based epidemiological study of all cases of bacterial meningitis reported among residents of Campinas, Brazil, under age 20 (n=316,570 during the period of 1997-98, using comprehensive surveillance records compiled by the Campinas Health Department from cases reported among hospital inpatients, outpatients, emergency room visits, death certificates, and autopsy reports. RESULTS: The incidence of bacterial meningitis (n=274 was 334.9, 115 and 43.5 cases/10(5 person-years (pys for residents of Campinas under age 1, 5 and 20, respectively. All cases were hospitalized, with an average length of stay of 12 days. Documented prior antibiotic use was 4.0%. The case-fatality rate of bacterial meningitis in individuals under age 20 was 9% (24/274 with 75% of deaths occurring in children under the age of five. The incidence of Hib meningitis (n=26 was 62.8 and 17 cases/10(5 pys in children age <1 and <5, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of Hib meningitis in children under the age of 5 in Campinas during 1997-98 was similar to that reported in the US, Western Europe, and Israel prior to widespread Hib vaccine use in those regions. This study provides a baseline for later studies to evaluate changes in the etiology and incidence of bacterial meningitis in children after introduction of routine Hib vaccination in Brazil.

  16. Isolated Meningeal Recurrence of Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catherine Butchart


    Full Text Available Meningeal carcinomatosis occurs in 1–18% of patients with solid tumours, most commonly carcinomas of the breast and lung or melanomas. There are relatively few reports of meningeal carcinomatosis in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Isolated meningeal recurrence is particularly uncommon, and we present an unusual case of this in a 58-year-old man. The case was further complicated by the somewhat atypical presentation with a confirmed ischaemic stroke. The patient died one month after presentation.

  17. Cerebral oxygenation and energy metabolism in bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Lykke

    Introduction: In a recent retrospective study of patients with severe bacterial meningitis we demonstrated that cerebral oxidative metabolism was affected in approximately 50% of the cases. An increase of lactate/pyruvate (LP) ratio above the upper normal limit, defined according to according...... bacterial meningitis; secondly to examine whether it is correct to separate the diagnosis of cerebral ischemia from mitochondrial dysfunction based exclusively on the biochemical pattern obtained during intracerebral microdialysis. Method: A prospective clinical study including patients with severe...... community acquired bacterial meningitis admitted to the Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital, during the period January 2014 to June 2016. We relate data from measurements of brain tissue oxygen tension (PbtO2) to simultaneously recorded data reflecting cerebral cytoplasmic redox...

  18. Spinal meningeal melanocytoma with benign histology showing leptomeningeal spread: Case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ok Hwa; Kim, Seon Jeong; Choo, Hye Jung; Lee, Sun Joo; Kim, Ji Yeon; Kim, Hoon; Lee, In Sook


    Meningeal melanocytoma is a rare benign tumor with relatively good prognosis. However, local aggressive behavior of meningeal melanocytoma has been reported, especially in cases of incomplete surgical resection. Malignant transformation was raised as possible cause by prior reports to explain this phenomenon. We present an unusual case of meningeal melanocytoma associated with histologically benign leptomeningeal spread and its subsequent aggressive clinical course, and describe its radiological findings.

  19. Spinal meningeal melanocytoma with benign histology showing leptomeningeal spread: Case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Ok Hwa; Kim, Seon Jeong; Choo, Hye Jung; Lee, Sun Joo; Kim, Ji Yeon; Kim, Hoon [Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Lee, In Sook [Dept. of Radiology, Busan National University Hospital, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    Meningeal melanocytoma is a rare benign tumor with relatively good prognosis. However, local aggressive behavior of meningeal melanocytoma has been reported, especially in cases of incomplete surgical resection. Malignant transformation was raised as possible cause by prior reports to explain this phenomenon. We present an unusual case of meningeal melanocytoma associated with histologically benign leptomeningeal spread and its subsequent aggressive clinical course, and describe its radiological findings.

  20. Characterization of a pneumococcal meningitis mouse model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mook-Kanamori Barry


    Full Text Available Abstract Background S. pneumoniae is the most common causative agent of meningitis, and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. We aimed to develop an integrated and representative pneumococcal meningitis mouse model resembling the human situation. Methods Adult mice (C57BL/6 were inoculated in the cisterna magna with increasing doses of S. pneumoniae serotype 3 colony forming units (CFU; n = 24, 104, 105, 106 and 107 CFU and survival studies were performed. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF, brain, blood, spleen, and lungs were collected. Subsequently, mice were inoculated with 104 CFU S. pneumoniae serotype 3 and sacrificed at 6 (n = 6 and 30 hours (n = 6. Outcome parameters were bacterial outgrowth, clinical score, and cytokine and chemokine levels (using Luminex® in CSF, blood and brain. Meningeal inflammation, neutrophil infiltration, parenchymal and subarachnoidal hemorrhages, microglial activation and hippocampal apoptosis were assessed in histopathological studies. Results Lower doses of bacteria delayed onset of illness and time of death (median survival CFU 104, 56 hrs; 105, 38 hrs, 106, 28 hrs. 107, 24 hrs. Bacterial titers in brain and CSF were similar in all mice at the end-stage of disease independent of inoculation dose, though bacterial outgrowth in the systemic compartment was less at lower inoculation doses. At 30 hours after inoculation with 104 CFU of S. pneumoniae, blood levels of KC, IL6, MIP-2 and IFN- γ were elevated, as were brain homogenate levels of KC, MIP-2, IL-6, IL-1β and RANTES. Brain histology uniformly showed meningeal inflammation at 6 hours, and, neutrophil infiltration, microglial activation, and hippocampal apoptosis at 30 hours. Parenchymal and subarachnoidal and cortical hemorrhages were seen in 5 of 6 and 3 of 6 mice at 6 and 30 hours, respectively. Conclusion We have developed and validated a murine model of pneumococcal meningitis.

  1. Impact of meningitis on intelligence and development: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Christie, Deborah; Rashid, Harunor; El-Bashir, Haitham; Sweeney, Faye; Shore, Tim; Booy, Robert; Viner, Russell M


    We undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis to address the question "what is the impact of meningitis on IQ and development." Search: conducted using standardized search terms across Medline, PsychInfo and EMBASE to 06/2014. Eligibility: human studies of any infectious aetiology of meningitis reporting IQ or infant developmental age or stage outcomes. Quality: Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, Oxford, quality tools. Analysis: random effects meta-analysis by organism. 39 studies were included in the review, 34 providing data on IQ (2015 subjects) and 12 on developmental delay (382 subjects). Across all bacterial organisms, meningitis survivors had a mean IQ 5.50 (95% CI: -7.19, -3.80; I2 = 47%, p = 0.02) points lower than controls. IQ was significantly lower than controls for Neisseria meningitides (NM: 5 points) and Haemophilus influenzae b (Hib: 6 points) but not in viral meningitis, with only single studies included for Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) and group B streptococcus (GBS). The pooled relative risk (RR) for low IQ (IQ<70) in survivors of bacterial meningitis compared with controls was 4.99 (95% CI: 3.17, 7.86) with no significant heterogeneity (I2 = 49%, p = 0.07). Developmental delay of approximately 0.5SD was reported in studies of bacterial meningitis but no delay in the only study of viral meningitis. We found moderate evidence that surviving bacterial meningitis has a deleterious impact on IQ and development but no evidence that viral meningitis had meaningful cognitive impacts. Survivors of bacterial meningitis should be routinely offered screening for cognitive deficits and developmental delay in addition to hearing loss.

  2. Nucleotide homeostasis and purinergic nociceptive signaling in rat meninges in migraine-like conditions. (United States)

    Yegutkin, Gennady G; Guerrero-Toro, Cindy; Kilinc, Erkan; Koroleva, Kseniya; Ishchenko, Yevheniia; Abushik, Polina; Giniatullina, Raisa; Fayuk, Dmitriy; Giniatullin, Rashid


    Extracellular ATP is suspected to contribute to migraine pain but regulatory mechanisms controlling pro-nociceptive purinergic mechanisms in the meninges remain unknown. We studied the peculiarities of metabolic and signaling pathways of ATP and its downstream metabolites in rat meninges and in cultured trigeminal cells exposed to the migraine mediator calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Under resting conditions, meningeal ATP and ADP remained at low nanomolar levels, whereas extracellular AMP and adenosine concentrations were one-two orders higher. CGRP increased ATP and ADP levels in meninges and trigeminal cultures and reduced adenosine concentration in trigeminal cells. Degradation rates for exogenous nucleotides remained similar in control and CGRP-treated meninges, indicating that CGRP triggers nucleotide release without affecting nucleotide-inactivating pathways. Lead nitrate-based enzyme histochemistry of whole mount meninges revealed the presence of high ATPase, ADPase, and AMPase activities, primarily localized in the medial meningeal artery. ATP and ADP induced large intracellular Ca(2+) transients both in neurons and in glial cells whereas AMP and adenosine were ineffective. In trigeminal glia, ATP partially operated via P2X7 receptors. ATP, but not other nucleotides, activated nociceptive spikes in meningeal trigeminal nerve fibers providing a rationale for high degradation rate of pro-nociceptive ATP. Pro-nociceptive effect of ATP in meningeal nerves was reproduced by α,β-meATP operating via P2X3 receptors. Collectively, extracellular ATP, which level is controlled by CGRP, can persistently activate trigeminal nerves in meninges which considered as the origin site of migraine headache. These data are consistent with the purinergic hypothesis of migraine pain and suggest new targets against trigeminal pain.

  3. Bilateral optic neuropathy in acute cryptococcal meningitis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Qi Zhe Ngoo; Li Min Evelyn Tai; Wan Hazabbah Wan Hitam; John Tharakan


    We reported a case of cryptococcal meningitis presenting with bilateral optic neuropathy in an immunocompetent patient. A 64-year-old Malay gentleman with no medical comorbidities presented with acute bilateral blurring of vision for a week, which was associated with generalised throbbing headache and low grade fever. He also had som-nolence and altered consciousness. Visual acuity in both eyes was no perception of light with poor pupillary reflexes. Extraocular muscle movements were normal. Anterior segments were unremarkable bilaterally. Fundoscopy revealed bilateral optic disc swelling. CT scan of the brain showed multifocal infarct, but no meningeal enhancement or mass. Cerebrospinal fluid opening pressure was normal, while its culture grew Cryptococcus neoformans. A diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis with bilateral optic neuropathy was made. Patient was treated with a six-week course of intravenous flu-conazole and started concomitantly on a fortnight's course of intravenous amphotericin B. After that, his general condition improved, but there was still no improvement in his visual acuity. On reviewing at two months post-initiation of treatment, fundi showed bilateral optic atrophy. Bilateral optic neuropathy secondary to cryptococcal meningitis was rare. The prognosis was guarded due to the sequelae of optic atrophy. Anti-fungal medication alone may not be sufficient to manage this condition. However, evidence for other treatment modalities is still lacking and further clinical studies are required.

  4. Levels of alarm thresholds of meningitis outbreaks in Hamadan Province, west of Iran. (United States)

    Faryadres, Mohammad; Karami, Manoochehr; Moghimbeigi, Abbas; Esmailnasab, Nader; Pazhouhi, Khabat


    Few studies have focused on syndromic data to determine levels of alarm thresholds to detection of meningitis outbreaks. The purpose of this study was to determine threshold levels of meningitis outbreak in Hamadan Province, west of Iran. Data on both confirmed and suspected cases of meningitis (fever and neurological symptom) form 21 March 2010 to 20 March 2012 were used in Hamadan Province, Iran. Alarm threshold levels of meningitis outbreak were determined using four different methods including absolute values or standard method, relative increase, statistical cutoff points and upper control limit of exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) algorithm. Among 723 reported cases, 41 were diagnosed to have meningitis. Standard level of alarm thresholds for meningitis outbreak was determined as incidence of 5/100000 persons. Increasing 1.5 to two times in reported cases of suspected meningitis per week was known as the threshold levels according to relative increase method. An occurrence four cases of suspected meningitis per week that equals to 90th percentile was chosen as alarm thresholds by statistical cut off point method. The corresponding value according to EWMA algorithm was 2.57 i.e. three cases. Policy makers and staff of syndromic surveillance systems are highly recommended to apply the above different methods to determine the levels of alarm threshold.

  5. Penetration of aztreonam into cerebrospinal fluid of patients with and without inflamed meninges. (United States)

    Duma, R J; Berry, A J; Smith, S M; Baggett, J W; Swabb, E A; Platt, T B


    Aztreonam was administered as a single, 2-g intravenous dose to 25 patients with noninflamed meninges and to 9 patients with inflamed meninges. It was well tolerated and was detected in the cerebrospinal fluid at the initial sampling period at 1 h after the end of infusion. Aztreonam levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with inflamed meninges were four times higher than those recorded for the same time period in patients with noninflamed meninges. Aztreonam concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid in the presence of normal and inflamed meninges exceeded the inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations for most gram-negative bacteria. Thus, a multiple-dose treatment regimen with 2-g intravenous doses every 6 h appears to be appropriate for clinical trials of aztreonam for the treatment of gram-negative bacillary meningitis which is caused by susceptible organisms. PMID:6542765

  6. Paediatric Investigators Collaborative Network on Infections in Canada (PICNIC study of aseptic meningitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robinson Joan L


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The seasonality, clinical and radiographic features and outcome of aseptic meningitis have been described for regional outbreaks but data from a wider geographic area is necessary to delineate the epidemiology of this condition. Methods A retrospective chart review was completed of children presenting with aseptic meningitis to eight Canadian pediatric hospitals over a two-year period. Results There were 233 cases of proven enteroviral (EV meningitis, 495 cases of clinical aseptic meningitis and 74 cases of possible aseptic meningitis with most cases occurring July to October. Headache, vomiting, meningismus and photophobia were more common in children ≥ 5 years of age, while rash, diarrhea and cough were more common in children Conclusion The clinical presentation of aseptic meningitis varies with the age of the child. Absence of CSF pleocytosis is common in infants

  7. Epidemiology of Meningitis and Encephalitis in the United States, 2011-2014. (United States)

    Hasbun, Rodrigo; Rosenthal, Ning; Balada-Llasat, J M; Chung, Jessica; Duff, Steve; Bozzette, Samuel; Zimmer, Louise; Ginocchio, Christine C


    Large epidemiological studies evaluating the etiologies, management decisions, and outcomes of adults with meningitis or encephalitis in the United States (US) are lacking. Adult patients (≥18 years) with meningitis or encephalitis by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision codes available in the Premier Healthcare Database during 2011-2014 were analyzed. A total of 26429 patients with meningitis or encephalitis were identified. The median age was 43 years; 53% were female. The most common etiology was enterovirus (13463 [51.6%]), followed by unknown (4944 [21.4%]), bacterial meningitis (3692 [14.1%]), herpes simplex virus (2184 [8.3%]), noninfectious (921 [3.5%]), fungal (720 [2.7%]), arboviruses (291 [1.1%]), and other viruses (214 [0.8%]). Empiric antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals were administered in 85.8%, 53.4%, and 7.8%, respectively, and varied by etiologies. Adjunctive steroids were utilized in 15.9% of all patients and in 39.3% of patients with pneumococcal meningitis, with an associated decrease in mortality (6.67% vs 12.5%, P = .0245). The median length of stay was 4 days, with the longest duration in those with fungal (13), arboviral (10), and bacterial meningitis (7). Overall inpatient mortality was 2.9% and was higher in those with bacterial (8.2%), fungal (8.2%), or arboviral (8.9%) disease. Overall readmission rate at 30 days was 3.2%; patients with arboviral (12.7%), bacterial (6.7%), and fungal (5.4%) etiologies had higher rates. Viruses are the most common cause of meningitis and encephalitis in the United States and are treated with antibiotic therapy in the majority of cases. Adjunctive steroid treatment is underutilized in pneumococcal meningitis, where it has shown to decrease mortality. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail:

  8. [Acute meningitis in Córdoba, Colombia (2002-2004)]. (United States)

    Tique, Vaneza; Alvis, Nelson; Parodi, Renata; Bustos, Alvaro; Mattar, Salim


    Establishing characteristic epidemiologic and microbiologic features of acute meningitis in the Córdoba department. A descriptive epidemiological study was carried out between June 2002 and June 2004 at the Hospital San Jerónimo in Montería. All suspicious cases of meningitis were included; laboratory tests included cytological smear, biochemistry, latex, Gram stain and culture. 57 (11.3%) and 85 (16.8%) of the 503 samples of cerebrum spinal fluid (CSF) were confirmed by culture as being probable cases. There were 6 cases of polymicrobial infection, making a total of 63 isolates: 17 non-fermenting Gram-negative bacilli (26.9%), 16 Streptococcus pneumoniae (25.4%), 7 Enterobacteriaceae (11%), 5 Criptococcus neoformans (8%) 4 Neisseria meningitidis serotype B (6.3%), 3 S. viridans (4.8%), 2 Streptococcus group B (3.2%), 2 Haemophilus influenzae type B (3.2%), 2 Staphylococcus negative coagulase (3.2%), 2 S. aureus (3.2%), 2 Enterococcus (3.2%) and 1 Candida albicans (1.6%). The S. Pneumoniae serotypes found were: 5 (n=4), 23F (n=3), 14 (n=2), 18C (n=2), 18A (n=l1, 17F (n=l1, 1 (n=1). The study led to determining epidemiological and microbiological aspects of acute meningitis in the Códoba department which had been unknown up to now. Streptococcus pneumoniae (25.4% was the main aetiological agent of meningitis; the epidemiologic aspects so established confirmed the need for strengthening and implementing measures for controlling meningitis in C6ódoba and its surveillance there.

  9. Increase of Meningitis Risk in Stroke Patients in Taiwan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chie-Hong Wang


    Full Text Available Background and purposeThe blood–brain barrier (BBB not only provides a physical obstruction but also recruits and activates neutrophils in cases of infection. Hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke reportedly induces the disruption of the BBB. However, few studies have reported a correlation between the incidence of meningitis in patients with a history of stroke. This study tested the hypothesis that patients with a history of stroke may be more vulnerable to meningitis.MethodsStroke and age-matched comparison (n = 29,436 and 87,951, respectively cohorts were recruited from the Taiwan National Health Insurance database (2000–2011. Correlations between the two cohorts were evaluated by Cox proportional hazard regression model, Kaplan–Meier curve, and log-rank tests.ResultsThe incidence of meningitis was higher in the stroke cohort compared to that in the comparison cohort [hazard ratio (HR, 2.89; 95% confidence interval (CI, 2.23–3.74, p < 0.001]. After adjusting for age, sex, and comorbidities, the estimated HR in the stroke cohort was 2.55-fold higher than that in the comparison cohort (CI, 1.94–3.37; p < 0.001. Notably, patients who had experienced hemorrhagic stroke had a higher incidence rate of meningitis than those with a history of ischemic stroke, except for patients older than 75 years (incidence rates in hemorrhagic/ischemic stroke patients, 3.14/1.48 in patients younger than 45 years, 1.52/0.41 in 45- to 64-year group, 1.15/0.90 in 65- to 74-year group, 0.74/0.93 in patients older than 75 years. Moreover, stroke patients who had undergone head surgery had the highest meningitis risk (adjusted HR, 8.66; 95% CI, 5.55–13.5; p < 0.001 followed by stroke patients who had not undergone head surgery (adjusted HR, 2.11; 95% CI, 1.57–2.82; p < 0.001.ConclusionOur results indicated that stroke patients have higher risks of meningitis. Compromised BBB integrity in stroke patients may lead to increased

  10. Innervation of the human middle meningeal artery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edvinsson, L; Gulbenkian, S; Barroso, C P


    The majority of nerve fibers in the middle meningeal artery and branching arterioles are sympathetic, storing norepinephrine and neuropeptide Y (NPY). A sparse supply of fibers contain acetylcholinesterase activity and immunoreactivity toward vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), peptidine histidine...... methionine (PHM), and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Only few substance P and neuropeptide K immunoreactive fibers are noted. Electronmicroscopy shows axons and terminals at the adventitial medial border of the human middle meningeal artery, with a fairly large distance to the smooth muscle cells...

  11. Anatomy and imaging of the normal meninges. (United States)

    Patel, Neel; Kirmi, Olga


    The meninges are an important connective tissue envelope investing the brain. Their function is to provide a protective coating to the brain and also participate in the formation of blood-brain barrier. Understanding their anatomy is fundamental to understanding the location and spread of pathologies in relation to the layers. It also provides an insight into the characteristics of such pathologies when imaging them. This review aims to describe the anatomy of the meninges, and to demonstrate the imaging findings of specific features.

  12. Threshold shift: effects of cochlear implantation on the risk of pneumococcal meningitis. (United States)

    Wei, Benjamin P C; Shepherd, Robert K; Robins-Browne, Roy M; Clark, Graeme M; O'Leary, Stephen J


    The study goals were to examine whether cochlear implantation increases the risk of meningitis in the absence of other risk factors and to understand the pathogenesis of pneumococcal meningitis post cochlear implantation. Four weeks following surgery, 54 rats (18 of which received a cochleostomy alone, 18 of which received a cochleostomy and acute cochlear implantation using standard surgical techniques, and 18 of which received a cochlear implant) were infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae via three different routes of bacterial inoculation (middle ear, inner ear, and intraperitoneal) to represent all potential routes of bacterial infection from the upper respiratory tract to the meninges. The presence of a cochlear implant reduced the threshold of bacteria required to cause pneumococcal meningitis from all routes of infection in healthy animals. The presence of a cochlear implant increases the risk of pneumococcal meningitis regardless of the route of bacterial infection. Early detection and treatment of pneumococcal infection such as otitis media may be required, as cochlear implantation may lead to a reduction of infectious threshold for meningitis.

  13. Contrast-enhanced FLAIR in the early diagnosis of infectious meningitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Splendiani, Alesssandra; Puglielli, Edoardo; Amicis, Rosanna De; Masciocchi, Carlo; Gallucci, Massimo; Necozione, Stefano


    We investigated the accuracy of MRI in the early diagnosis of infectious meningitis with emphasis on the value of gadolinium-enhanced fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence. Twenty-seven patients with clinical suspicion of infectious meningitis were included. MRI was performed within 3 h of clinical evaluation. For all patients, T1-weighted spin-echo, dual-echo T2-weighted fast-spin-echo and FLAIR sequences were performed, followed by gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted spin-echo and FLAIR sequences. Final diagnosis was based on the clinical findings and the analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, obtained by lumbar puncture after the MRI. Infectious meningitis was confirmed in 12 patients. In all of these patients of the plain studies, FLAIR was positive in only four patients. MRI gadolinium-enhanced FLAIR showed abnormal meningeal enhancement in all 12 patients, while gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted spin-echo was positive only in six cases. There were no false-positive or false-negative results. It is concluded that MRI could have an important role in the early screening for infectious meningitis, provided a gadolinium-enhanced FLAIR sequence is used. (orig.)

  14. Contrast-enhanced FLAIR in the early diagnosis of infectious meningitis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Splendiani, Alesssandra; Puglielli, Edoardo; Amicis, Rosanna De; Masciocchi, Carlo; Gallucci, Massimo [University of L' Aquila, Department of Radiology, L' Aquila (Italy); Necozione, Stefano [University of L' Aquila, Department of Statistic, L' Aquila (Italy)


    We investigated the accuracy of MRI in the early diagnosis of infectious meningitis with emphasis on the value of gadolinium-enhanced fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence. Twenty-seven patients with clinical suspicion of infectious meningitis were included. MRI was performed within 3 h of clinical evaluation. For all patients, T1-weighted spin-echo, dual-echo T2-weighted fast-spin-echo and FLAIR sequences were performed, followed by gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted spin-echo and FLAIR sequences. Final diagnosis was based on the clinical findings and the analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, obtained by lumbar puncture after the MRI. Infectious meningitis was confirmed in 12 patients. In all of these patients of the plain studies, FLAIR was positive in only four patients. MRI gadolinium-enhanced FLAIR showed abnormal meningeal enhancement in all 12 patients, while gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted spin-echo was positive only in six cases. There were no false-positive or false-negative results. It is concluded that MRI could have an important role in the early screening for infectious meningitis, provided a gadolinium-enhanced FLAIR sequence is used. (orig.)

  15. Función Motriz y espasticidad tras la lesión medular incompleta. Nuevas herramientas de cuantificación.


    Bravo Esteban-Herreros, Elisabeth


    Tras la lesión medular (LM) incompleta ciertas funciones motoras, sensitivas y autonómicas pueden recuperarse de manera espontánea tras el daño, si bien esta mejoría aparece de forma limitada. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral se centra en cuantificar la presencia de cada uno de los signos asociados a la espasticidad y su interferencia específica sobre las actividades de la vida diaria, función motriz y marcha; así como evaluar el potencial diagnóstico de la coherencia intramuscular del TA p...

  16. Isolated Torticollis May Present as an Atypical Presentation of Meningitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roger Chirurgi


    Full Text Available Background. Bacterial meningitis is a life-threatening medical emergency that requires urgent diagnosis and treatment. Diagnosis is infrequently missed if the patient presents with the classic symptoms of fever, headache, rash, nuchal rigidity, or Kernig or Brudzinski sign. However, it may be less obvious in neonates, elderly, or immunocompromised patients. Meningitis which presents as isolated torticollis, without any other signs or symptoms, is exceedingly rare. Objective. To identify an abnormal presentation of meningitis in an adult immunocompromised patient. Case Report. We present a case of an adult diabetic male who presented multiple times to the ED with complaint of isolated torticollis, who ultimately was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis. Conclusion. We propose that in the absence of sufficient explanation for acute painful torticollis in an immunocompromised adult patient, further evaluation, possibly including a lumbar puncture may be warranted.

  17. Myeloid-Related Protein 14 Promotes Inflammation and Injury in Meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wache, Christina; Klein, Matthias; Andersen, Christian Østergaard


    BACKGROUND:  Neutrophilic inflammation often persists for days despite effective antibiotic treatment and contributes to brain damage in bacterial meningitis. We propose here that myeloid-related protein 14 (MRP14), an abundant cytosolic protein in myeloid cells, acts as an endogenous danger signal......, driving inflammation and aggravating tissue injury. METHODS:  The release pattern of MRP14 was analyzed in human and murine cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), as well as in isolated neutrophils. Its functional role was assessed in a mouse meningitis model, using MRP14-deficient mice. RESULTS:  We detected large...... quantities of MRP14 in CSF specimens from patients and mice with pneumococcal meningitis. Immunohistochemical analyses and a cell-depletion approach indicated neutrophils as the major source of MRP14. In a meningitis model, MRP14-deficient mice showed a better resolution of inflammation during antibiotic...

  18. Stroke? Localized, otogenic meningitis!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingolfsdottir, Harpa Maria; Thomasen, Per Caye


    We report the case of a patient admitted with aphasia, treated for a stroke. Subsequently, it was revealed that the symptoms were caused by complicated otitis media with localized meningitis. This case draws attention to the possible intracranial spread of infection when neurological symptoms occur...

  19. Meningeal carcinomatosis as first manifestation of gastric carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Romero R, Alfredo E; Mantilla H, Julio C; Melo U, Mario A; Barajas S, Paula A; Chinchilla O Sandra


    Meningeal carcinomatosis is defined as the malignant and widespread infiltration of the meninges due to the planting and growth of cancer cells within the leptomeningeal space. It occurs more frequently in patients with disseminated neoplastic disease, but it may occur after a disease free interval and may even be the first manifestation of cancer. The most common primary tumors in adults are breast (30-50%), lung (15-25%), melanoma (11%) and gastric cancer (0.16-0.69%); in marked contrast with pediatric cases in which lymphocytic leukemia is the most common. The following article describes an autopsy case of a patient with psychiatric symptoms, with no antecedents of importance, with progressive and fatal neurological impairment, whose pathological studies show meningeal carcinomatosis attributable to advanced gastric adenocarcinoma discovered de novo post mortem.

  20. A case of Mondini dysplasia with recurrent Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis. (United States)

    Yilmaz Ciftdoğan, Dilek; Bayram, Nuri; Ozdemir, Yasemin; Bayraktaroğlu, Selen; Vardar, Fadil


    Mondini's dysplasia is a developmental anomaly of the middle ear characterized by cochlear malformation with dilation of the vestibular aquaduct, vestibule, and ampullar ends of the semicircular canals. These deformities may result in a connection between subarachnoid space and the middle ear resulting in recurrent episodes of meningitis. Additionally, it is commonly associated with hearing impairment. We describe here a boy with recurrent meningitis and unilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Mondini dysplasia was demonstrated with computed tomographic scans of the temporal bones in the search for pathogenesis of recurrent meningitis.

  1. Analgesia de parto: estudo comparativo entre anestesia combinada raquiperidural versus anestesia peridural contínua Analgesia de parto: estudio comparativo entre anestesia combinada raqui-peridural versus anestesia peridural continua Labor analgesia: a comparative study between combined spinal-epidural anesthesia versus continuous epidural anesthesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Alberto de Figueiredo Côrtes


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O alívio da dor no trabalho de parto tem recebido atenção constante visando ao bem-estar materno, diminuindo o estresse causado pela dor e reduzindo as conseqüências deste sobre o concepto. Inúmeras técnicas podem ser utilizadas para analgesia de parto. Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar a técnica peridural contínua com a combinada, ambas com o uso de bupivacaína a 0,25% em excesso enantiomérico 50% e fentanil como agentes. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 40 parturientes em trabalho de parto com dilatação cervical entre 4 e 5 cm que foram distribuídas em dois grupos iguais de forma aleatória. O Grupo I recebeu anestesia peridural contínua. O Grupo II recebeu anestesia combinada. Foram avaliados: medidas antropométricas, idade gestacional, dilatação cervical, tempo entre o bloqueio e a ausência de dor por meio da escala analógica visual, possibilidade de deambulação, tempo entre o início da analgesia e a dilatação cervical completa, duração do período expulsivo, parâmetros hemodinâmicos maternos e vitalidade do recém-nascido. Possíveis complicações, como depressão respiratória, hipotensão arterial materna, prurido, náuseas e vômitos, também foram observadas. Para a comparação das médias utilizou-se o teste t de Student e para a paridade e tipo de parto utilizou-se o teste do Qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os dois grupos em relação ao tempo entre o início da analgesia e a dilatação cervical completa, bem como em relação ao tempo da duração do período expulsivo, incidência de cesariana relacionada com a analgesia, parâmetros hemodinâmicos maternos e vitalidade do recém-nascido. CONCLUSÕES: Ambas as técnicas se mostraram eficazes e seguras para a analgesia do trabalho de parto, embora a técnica combinada tenha proporcionado um rápido e imediato alívio da dor. Estudos clínicos com maior número de casos s

  2. Dynamics of germs responsible for acute bacterial meningitis in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this study was to analyze ten (10) years of epidemiological surveillance data of meningitis in Burkina Faso for high risk germs patterns identification in order to contribute to the strengthening of prevention strategies. A retrospective study of the past decade (2005- 2014) of cases of acute bacterial meningitis ...

  3. Efeitos cardiovasculares da anestesia local com vasoconstritor durante exodontia em coronariopatas Cardiovascular effects of local anesthesia with vasoconstrictor during dental extraction in coronary patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valeria C. L. S. Conrado


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ocorrência de variáveis detectoras de isquemia miocárdica, durante ou após o tratamento odontológico, sob anestesia com vasoconstritor (adrenalina. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 54 pacientes coronariopatas submetidos a exodontia sob anestesia local com ou sem vasoconstritor, divididos em dois grupos (sorteio por envelope: grupo I, composto por 27 que receberam anestésico com vasoconstritor; e grupo II, composto por 27 que receberam anestésico sem vasoconstritor. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a monitoração eletrocardiográfica com Holter por 24 horas, a Doppler-ecocardiografia realizada antes e após intervenção odontológica, e a dosagem dos marcadores bioquímicos antes e 24 horas após a exodontia (creatina cinase fração MB [CK-MB] massa, CK-MB atividade e troponina T. A freqüência cardíaca e a pressão arterial nas fases pré-anestesia, pós-anestesia e pós-exodontia também foram aferidas. A Doppler-ecocardiografia teve como objetivo avaliar a contratilidade segmentar do ventrículo esquerdo e a eventual ocorrência de insuficiência mitral. Em todos os casos foi mantido o protocolo farmacológico habitual prescrito pelo cardiologista. RESULTADOS: Três pacientes do grupo I apresentaram depressão do segmento ST (1,0 mm durante a aplicação da anestesia, dois outros pacientes do mesmo grupo tiveram elevação da CK-MB massa, e em nenhum caso foi verificada presença de isquemia avaliada pelos demais métodos. Não houve registro, neste estudo, de precordialgia, arritmias e ocorrência ou agravamento de hipocontratilidade segmentar do ventrículo esquerdo ou insuficiência mitral. CONCLUSÃO: A exodontia praticada sob uso de anestesia com adrenalina 1:100.000 não implica riscos isquêmicos adicionais quando realizada com boa técnica anestésica e manutenção do tratamento farmacológico prescrito pelo cardiologista.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the occurrence of variables detecting myocardial ischemia

  4. Prompt meningeal reconstruction mediated by oxygen-sensitive AKAP12 scaffolding protein after central nervous system injury (United States)

    Cha, Jong-Ho; Wee, Hee-Jun; Seo, Ji Hae; Ahn, Bum Ju; Park, Ji-Hyeon; Yang, Jun-Mo; Lee, Sae-Won; Lee, Ok-Hee; Lee, Hyo-Jong; Gelman, Irwin H.; Arai, Ken; Lo, Eng H.; Kim, Kyu-Won


    The meninges forms a critical epithelial barrier, which protects the central nervous system (CNS), and therefore its prompt reconstruction after CNS injury is essential for reducing neuronal damage. Meningeal cells migrate into the lesion site after undergoing an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and repair the impaired meninges. However, the molecular mechanisms of meningeal EMT remain largely undefined. Here we show that TGF-β1 and retinoic acid (RA) released from the meninges, together with oxygen tension, could constitute the mechanism for rapid meningeal reconstruction. AKAP12 is an effector of this mechanism, and its expression in meningeal cells is regulated by integrated upstream signals composed of TGF-β1, RA and oxygen tension. Functionally, AKAP12 modulates meningeal EMT by regulating the TGF-β1-non-Smad-SNAI1 signalling pathway. Collectively, TGF-β1, RA and oxygen tension can modulate the dynamic change in AKAP12 expression, causing prompt meningeal reconstruction after CNS injury by regulating the transition between the epithelial and mesenchymal states of meningeal cells. PMID:25229625

  5. 脑膜癌病%Meningeal carcinomatosis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    目的探讨脑膜癌病的临床表现、 EEG、 CT、 MRI及脑脊液细胞学检查与诊断之间的关系。进一步提高对脑膜癌病的认识。方法对 4例脑膜癌病的临床资料及 EEG、 CT、 MRI、脑脊液检查进行综合分析。结果脑膜癌病主要病变累及软脑膜、颅神经及脊神经根。临床表现复杂,主要出现脑症状,颅神经症状和脊神经症状。脑脊液检查,多数患者蛋白与细胞数轻-中度增高,葡萄糖及氯化物减少。结论 EEG、 CT、 MRI检查对诊断脑膜癌病有重要参考价值。诊断时需注意与结核性脑膜炎,新型隐球菌性脑膜炎及脑囊虫病相鉴别。脑脊液发现癌细胞是诊断本病的可靠依据。%Objective To improve the knowledge about meningeal carcinomatosis by exploring the relationship between the clinical characteristics、 EEG、 CT、 MRI、 cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) and diagnosis. Methods The clinical materials of 4 patients with meningeal carcinomatosis and EEG、 CT、 MRI、 Cytomorphology in CFS were analysed. Results Meningeal carcinomatosis mainly involve some tissues such as cranial nerves、 pia mater、 spinal nervous roots and appear some symptoms associated with these diseased tissues. In CSF of most patients with this disease there is a slight- middle increase in protein and amount of cells, decrease in glucose and chloride. Conclusion EEG、 CT and MRI play an important role in the diagnosis of meningeal carcinomatosis. There is a necessity to differentiate it from cerebral tuberculosis, cytoccous meningitis and cerebral cysticercosis. It is reliable evidence to find cancer cell in CSF.

  6. Experimental pneumococcal meningitis in mice: a model of intranasal infection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zwijnenburg, P. J.; van der Poll, T.; Florquin, S.; van Deventer, S. J.; Roord, J. J.; van Furth, A. M.


    Effective laboratory animal models of bacterial meningitis are needed to unravel the pathophysiology of this disease. Previous models have failed to simulate human meningitis by using a directly intracerebral route of infection. Hyaluronidase is a virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae. In

  7. Bacterial meningitis in adults at the University of Calabar Teaching ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The common complications associated with adult bacterial meningitis were septicemia, aspiration pneumonia and cranial nerve palsies. Bacterial meningitis still remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality in this environment. Adequate therapeutic coverage, health education, and immunization where available, ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yesid Pallares Villarreal


    Full Text Available Presentamos una paciente femenina geriatrica con antecedentes de hipertensiòn arterial y trastornos psiquiatricos intervenida quirurgicamente de urgencia por un cuadro doloroso abdominal, con una interaccion farmacodinamica por sinergismo del doxepin y captopril potenciada por los efectos de la anestesia general. La hipotensiòn arterial fue la forma clínica de presentación. La paciente se recibió hipotensa por la administración preoperatoria de doxepin tratamiento de base y de captopril tratamiento impuesto por crisis hipertensiva antes de su llegada al hospital. Después de la inducción de la anestesia general desarrolla hipotensión arterial que sólo responde a la administración de noradrenalina. En un inicio se interpreta como un shock séptico en fase hipodinámica por el cuadro doloroso abdominal y la vasoplejia pero descartadas otras causas se concluye como hipotensión arterial de origen farmacológico con relación a la ingestión de antidepresivos triciclicos e inhibidores de la enzima convertora de angiotensina I en angiotensina II por su acción sobre el sistema nervioso simpático por potenciada por los agentes anestésicos. La paciente fue dada de alta del hospital satisfactoriamente a los 7 dias de operada.

  9. Toracoscopia diagnóstica com anestesia local: metodologia e aplicações

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís Rocha


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A toracoscopia assume cada vez mais um papel importante no diagnóstico e terapêutica de muitos doentes com derrames pleurais recidivantes. É um método simples e bern tolerado, com elevado valor diagnóstico, permitindo uma intervenção mais precoce. Além do diagnóstico permite controlar derrames pleurais recidivantes e malignos, o que poderá complementarmente ter importância de ordem clínica no tratamento e melboria da qualidade de vida do doente. Apesar do número de complicações reduzido e da sua pequena importância, pensamos que se trata de uma técnica a indicar em base individual, tendo em conta o risco/beneficio. Os autores abordam a técnica e metodologia utilizada na toracoscopia, suas contra-indicações, complicações e indicações, fazendo uma revisão teórica dos resultados descritos na literatura e realçando a modalidade anestésica que utilizam: a anestesia local com ajuda de pré-medicação. SUMMARY: Diagnostic thoracoscopy and sometimes therapeutic, assumes an important role in the etiology and symptoms relief of many patients with recurrent pleural effusions. It's a simple and well tolerable method, with high diagnostic yield, that contributes to an earlier intervention. It can control malignant and recurrent pleural effusions, which will have an important role in the treatment and quality of the patient's life. In spite of the number of complications being small and of lack of importance, we think that the use of thoracoscopy is to be decided in an Individual basis, weighting risks and benefits. The authors summarise the technique and methodology, their contraindications, complications and indications, reviewing some published results, emphasising the anaesthesia method and some information supporting local anaesthesia with pré-medication. Key-Words: Thoracoscopy, Local anaesthesia, Pleural effusion, Pleurodesis, Talc poudrage, Palavras-chave: Toracoscopia, Anestesia local, Derrame pleural, Pleurodese

  10. Persistent Neutrophilic Meningitis in an Immunocompetent Patient after Basilar Skull Fracture: Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uslan Daniel Z


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Persistent neutrophilic meningitis is an unusual form of chronic meningitis that is defined as clinical meningitis with a neutrophilic pleocytosis that persists for greater than 7 days despite empiric antimicrobial therapy. Although numerous disease processes can cause this syndrome, the majority of cases are due to opportunistic pathogens infecting immunocompromised hosts. Case Presentation A 47 year-old female presented after basilar skull fracture with persistent neutrophilic meningitis unresponsive to empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics. After more than weeks of intensive therapy, 4 hospitalizations and 3 relapses, Nocardia cyriacigeorgica was identified from cerebral spinal fluid. Induction therapy was begun with Ceftriaxone and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX for 6 weeks followed by therapy with TMP-SMX and doxycycline for one year. The patient made a complete recovery without sequelae. Conclusions Due to the difficulty in obtaining a microbiologic diagnosis, appropriate treatment in cases of persistent neutrophilic meningitis is often delayed leading to morbidity, This case highlights a number of the unique features of Nocardia meningitis and the importance of considering Nocardia infection as a cause of persistent neutrophilic meningitis even in immunocompetent patients.

  11. Cerebrospinal fluid lactate: a differential biomarker for bacterial and viral meningitis in children. (United States)

    Nazir, Mudasir; Wani, Wasim Ahmad; Malik, Muzaffar Ahmad; Mir, Mohd Rafiq; Ashraf, Younis; Kawoosa, Khalid; Ali, Syed Wajid

    To assess the performance of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactate as a biomarker to differentiate bacterial meningitis from viral meningitis in children, and to define an optimal CSF lactate concentration that can be called significant for the differentiation. Children with clinical findings compatible with meningitis were studied. CSF lactate and other conventional CSF parameters were recorded. At a cut-off value of 3mmol/L, CSF lactate had a sensitivity of 0.90, specificity of 1.0, positive predictive value of 1.0, and negative predictive value of 0.963, with an accuracy of 0.972. The positive and negative likelihood ratios were 23.6 and 0.1, respectively. When comparing between bacterial and viral meningitis, the area under the curve for CSF lactate was 0.979. The authors concluded that CSF lactate has high sensitivity and specificity in differentiating bacterial from viral meningitis. While at a cut-off value of 3mmol/L, CSF lactate has high diagnostic accuracy for bacterial meningitis, mean levels in viral meningitis remain essentially below 2mmol/L. Copyright © 2017 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  12. Streptococcus suis meningitis can require a prolonged treatment course

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    Jean Dejace


    Full Text Available We report a case of recrudescent Streptococcus suis meningitis requiring a prolonged treatment course. A few similar cases can be found in the burgeoning literature on what remains a relatively uncommon disease in humans, and these patients should be monitored carefully upon completion of therapy. Keywords: Meningitis, Relapse, Duration, Streptococcus suis

  13. The microbiological diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Erdem, H; Ozturk-Engin, D; Elaldi, N


    We aimed to provide data on the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis (TBM) in this largest case series ever reported. The Haydarpasa-1 study involved patients with microbiologically confirmed TBM in Albania, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, France, Hungary, Iraq, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia......, Syria and Turkey between 2000 and 2012. A positive culture, PCR or Ehrlich-Ziehl-Neelsen staining (EZNs) from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was mandatory for inclusion of meningitis patients. A total of 506 TBM patients were included. The sensitivities of the tests were as follows: interferon-γ release.......05). Combination of L-J and ACS was superior to using these tests alone (p

  14. Methods of rapid diagnosis for the etiology of meningitis in adults (United States)

    Bahr, Nathan C; Boulware, David R


    Infectious meningitis may be due to bacterial, mycobacterial, fungal or viral agents. Diagnosis of meningitis must take into account numerous items of patient history and symptomatology along with regional epidemiology and basic cerebrospinal fluid testing (protein, etc.) to allow the clinician to stratify the likelihood of etiology possibilities and rationally select additional diagnostic tests. Culture is the mainstay for diagnosis in many cases, but technology is evolving to provide more rapid, reliable diagnosis. The cryptococcal antigen lateral flow assay (Immuno-Mycologics) has revolutionized diagnosis of cryptococcosis and automated nucleic acid amplification assays hold promise for improving diagnosis of bacterial and mycobacterial meningitis. This review will focus on a holistic approach to diagnosis of meningitis as well as recent technological advances. PMID:25402579

  15. [Analysis of pathogenic bacteria and drug resistance in neonatal purulent meningitis]. (United States)

    Zhu, Minli; Hu, Qianhong; Mai, Jingyun; Lin, Zhenlang


    To study the clinical characteristics, pathogenic bacteria, and antibiotics resistance of neonatal purulent meningitis in order to provide the guide for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. A retrospective review was performed and a total of 112 cases of neonatal purulent meningitis (male 64, female 58) were identified in the neonatal intensive care unit of Yuying Children's Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University seen from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2013. The clinical information including pathogenic bacterial distribution, drug sensitivity, head imageology and therapeutic outcome were analyzed. Numeration data were shown in ratio and chi square test was applied for group comparison. Among 112 cases, 46 were admitted from 2004 to 2008 and 66 from 2009 to 2013, 23 patients were preterm and 89 were term, 20 were early onset (occurring within 3 days of life) and 92 were late onset meningitis (occurring after 3 days of life). In 62 (55.4%) cases the pathogens were Gram-positive bacteria and in 50 (44.6%) were Gram-negative bacteria. The five most frequently isolated pathogens were Escherichia coli (32 cases, 28.6%), coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CNS, 20 cases, 17.9%), Streptococcus (18 cases, 16.1%, Streptococcus agalactiae 15 cases), Enterococci (13 cases, 11.6%), Staphylococcus aureus (9 cases, 8.0%). Comparison of pathogenic bacterial distribution between 2004-2008 and 2009-2013 showed that Gram-positive bacteria accounted for more than 50% in both period. Escherichia coli was the most common bacterium, followed by Streptococcus in last five years which was higher than the first five years (22.7% (15/66) vs. 6.5% (3/46), χ(2) = 5.278, P bacteria in early onset meningitis and higher than those in late onset meningitis (35.0% (7/20) vs. 12.0% (11/92), χ(2) = 4.872, P pathogens responsible for neonatal purulent meningitis over the past ten years. There were increasing numbers of cases with Streptococcus meningitis which are more common in early onset

  16. Outcomes of tuberculous meningitis in children: a case review study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yazid Dimyati


    Conclusions Tuberculous meningitis starts with nonspecific symptoms and is often only diagnosed when brain damage has already occurred. Outcome is directly associated with age and the stage of tuberculous meningitis. Earlier diagnosis may significantly improve outcomes. [Paediatr Indones. 2011;51:288-93].

  17. CSF lactate level: a useful diagnostic tool to differentiate acute bacterial and viral meningitis. (United States)

    Abro, Ali Hassan; Abdou, Ahmed Saheh; Ustadi, Abdulla M; Saleh, Ahmed Alhaj; Younis, Nadeem Javeed; Doleh, Wafa F


    To evaluate the potential role of CSF lactate level in the diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis and in the differentiation between viral and bacterial meningitis. This was a hospital based observational study, conducted at Infectious Diseases Unit, Rashid Hospital Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from July 2004 to June 2007. The patients with clinical diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis and who had CSF Gram stain/culture positive, CSF analysis suggestive of bacterial meningitis with negative Gram stain and culture but blood culture positive for bacteria and patients with clinical diagnosis suggestive of viral meningitis supported by CSF chemical analysis with negative Gram stain and culture as well as negative blood culture for bacteria were included in the study. CT scan brain was done for all patients before lumber puncture and CSF and blood samples were collected immediately after admission. CSF chemical analysis including lactate level was done on first spinal tap. The CSF lactate level was tested by Enzymatic Colorimetric method. A total 95 adult patients of acute meningitis (53 bacterial and 42 viral) fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Among 53 bacterial meningitis patients, Neisseria meningitides were isolated in 29 (54.7%), Strept. Pneumoniae in 18 (33.96%), Staph. Aureus in 2 (3.77%), Klebsiell Pneumoniae in 2 (3.77%), Strept. Agalactiae in 1 (1.8%) and E. Coli in 1 (1.8%). All the patients with bacterial meningitis had CSF lactate > 3.8 mmol/l except one, whereas none of the patients with viral meningitis had lactate level > 3.8 mmol/l. The mean CSF lactate level in bacterial meningitis cases amounted to 16.51 +/- 6.14 mmol/l, whereas it was significantly lower in viral group 2.36 +/- 0.6 mmol/l, p < .0001. CSF lactate level was significantly high in bacterial than viral meningitis and it can provide pertinent, rapid and reliable diagnostic information. Furthermore, CSF lactate level can also differentiate bacterial meningitis from viral one in a quick

  18. Meningitis and Pneumocephalus. A rare complication of external dacryocystorhinostomy. (United States)

    Usul, Haydar; Kuzeyli, Kayhan; Cakir, Ertugrul; Caylan, Refik; Imamoglu, H Ibrahim; Yazar, Ugur; Arslan, Erhan; Sayin, O Caglar; Arslan, Selcuk


    Meningitis due to fracture of the fovea ethmoidalis during external dacryocystorhinostomy is a rare complication. We report a case of pneumocephalus and meningitis in a 51-year-old female who underwent an external dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). Although extracranial complications during or after external DCR have been well-described, only one case of meningitis has been reported in the literature. Physical examination, computerised tomography, lumbar puncture, and bacteriologic cultures were used to make the diagnosis. The patient responded well to antibiotic therapy. Her symptoms resolved immediately and she was discharged on the 21st post-operative day. This complication emphasises the importance of careful surgical technique and a thorough knowledge of regional anatomy, during DCR and similar procedures.

  19. Efeitos hemodinâmicos da anestesia em plano profundo com infusão intravenosa contínua de propofol ou propofol associado à lidocaína em cães

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Mannarino


    Full Text Available Os efeitos hemodinâmicos da anestesia total intravenosa com propofol ou propofol associado à lidocaína foram estudados em 12 cães. No grupo P (n=6, os animais receberam bolus de 6mg kg-1 de propofol e infusão contínua de 1,25mg kg-1 min-1. No grupo PL (n=6, os animais receberam bolus de 6mg kg-1 de propofol e 1,5mg kg-1 de lidocaína, seguido de infusão de 1,0mg kg-1 min-1 e 0,25mg kg-1 min-1, dos mesmos fármacos, respectivamente. Os animais foram instrumentados para mensuração das variáveis hemodinâmicas e do índice bispectral (BIS, aos 75, 90, 105 e 120 minutos de anestesia. Foram observados valores menores de índice cardíaco, índice sistólico, pressões arteriais sistólica, diastólica e média no grupo P do que no grupo PL (P<0,05. Não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos na frequência cardíaca, índice de resistência vascular sistêmica e BIS. As concentrações plasmáticas de propofol foram menores no grupo PL do que no grupo P (medianas de 5,7 a 6,1µg mL-1 no grupo P versus 3,1 a 3,7µg mL-1 no grupo PL. As concentrações plasmáticas de lidocaína (medianas de 2,27 a 2,51µg mL-1 mensuradas encontram-se na faixa que resulta em analgesia e abaixo de valores que resultam em toxicidade em cães. Os valores de BIS obtidos nos dois grupos foram compatíveis com plano profundo de anestesia (médias de 43 a 46 e 45 a 49 nos grupos P e PL, respectivamente. A manutenção da anestesia em plano profundo com lidocaína-propofol causa menor depressão cardiovascular do que a anestesia com dose equipotente de propofol isoladamente.

  20. Assessments for the impact of mineral dust on the meningitis incidence in West Africa (United States)

    Martiny, Nadège; Chiapello, Isabelle


    Recently, mineral dust has been suspected to be one of the important environmental risk factor for meningitis epidemics in West Africa. The current study is one of the first which relies on long-term robust aerosol measurements in the Sahel region to investigate the possible impact of mineral dust on meningitis cases (incidence). Sunphotometer measurements, which allow to derive aerosol and humidity parameters, i.e., aerosol optical thickness, Angström coefficient, and precipitable water, are combined with quantitative epidemiological data in Niger and Mali over the 2004-2009 AMMA (African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis) program period. We analyse how the extremely high aerosol loads in this region may influence both the calendar (onset, peaks, end) and the intensity of meningitis. We highlight three distinct periods: (i) from November to December, beginning of the dry season, humidity is weak, there is no dust and no meningitis cases; (ii) from January to April, humidity is still weak, but high dust loads occur in the atmosphere and this is the meningitis season; (iii) from May to October, humidity is high and there is no meningitis anymore, in presence of dust or not, which flow anyway in higher altitudes. More specifically, the onset of the meningitis season is tightly related to mineral dust flowing close to the surface at the very beginning of the year. During the dry, and the most dusty season period, from February to April, each meningitis peak is preceded by a dust peak, with a 0-2 week lead-time. The importance (duration, intensity) of these meningitis peaks seems to be related to that of dust, suggesting that a cumulative effect in dust events may be important for the meningitis incidence. This is not the case for humidity, confirming the special contribution of dust at this period of the year. The end of the meningitis season, in May, coincides with a change in humidity conditions related to the West African Monsoon. These results, which are

  1. Cryptococcal meningitis: epidemiology, immunology, diagnosis and therapy. (United States)

    Williamson, Peter R; Jarvis, Joseph N; Panackal, Anil A; Fisher, Matthew C; Molloy, Síle F; Loyse, Angela; Harrison, Thomas S


    HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis is by far the most common cause of adult meningitis in many areas of the world that have high HIV seroprevalence. In most areas in Sub-Saharan Africa, the incidence of cryptococcal meningitis is not decreasing despite availability of antiretroviral therapy, because of issues of adherence and retention in HIV care. In addition, cryptococcal meningitis in HIV-seronegative individuals is a substantial problem: the risk of cryptococcal infection is increased in transplant recipients and other individuals with defects in cell-mediated immunity, and cryptococcosis is also reported in the apparently immunocompetent. Despite therapy, mortality rates in these groups are high. Over the past 5 years, advances have been made in rapid point-of-care diagnosis and early detection of cryptococcal antigen in the blood. These advances have enabled development of screening and pre-emptive treatment strategies aimed at preventing the development of clinical infection in patients with late-stage HIV infection. Progress in optimizing antifungal combinations has been aided by evaluation of the clearance rate of infection by using serial quantitative cultures of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Measurement and management of raised CSF pressure, a common complication, is a vital component of care. In addition, we now better understand protective immune responses in HIV-associated cases, immunogenetic predisposition to infection, and the role of immune-mediated pathology in patients with non-HIV associated infection and in the context of HIV-associated immune reconstitution reactions.

  2. Bilateral acute retinal necrosis after herpetic meningitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katsura T


    Full Text Available Keisho Hirota1,2, Masayuki Akimoto1,3, Toshiaki Katsura21Department of Ophthalmology, Kyoto Medical Center, National Hospital Organization, 2Internal Medicine, Kyoto Medical Center, 3Clinical Research Center, Kyoto Medical Center, Kyoto, JapanPurpose: The report of a case of bilateral acute retinal necrosis after herpetic meningitis.Case report: A 47-year-old man was admitted with the chief complaint of persistent high fever and transient loss of consciousness. Although his general condition improved after intravenous acyclovir administration, the patient presented with visual loss in both eyes 4 days after admission. Visual acuity in his right eye was 20/200 and his left eye had light perception alone. Both eyes showed panretinal arteritis diagnosed as acute retinal necrosis. Panretinal photocoagulation was performed for both eyes. Progression of retinal detachment was prevented in both eyes; however, visual acuity of the left eye was totally lost because of neovascular glaucoma. Visual acuity of the right eye recovered to 20/20.Conclusion: Although cases of bilateral acute retinal necrosis have been reported after herpetic encephalitis, this condition is rare after herpetic meningitis. Prophylactic acyclovir therapy and early panretinal photocoagulation may prevent retinal detachment and improve the prognosis. Neurologists and ophthalmologists should be aware that not only herpetic encephalitis but also herpetic meningitis can lead to acute retinal necrosis within a very short interval.Keywords: acute retinal necrosis, herpetic meningitis, herpes simplex, varicella zoster virus

  3. Meningococcal meningitis C in Tamil Nadu, public health perspectives. (United States)

    David, Kirubah Vasandhi; Pricilla, Ruby Angeline; Thomas, Beeson


    Meningococcal meningitis has rarely been reported in Tamil Nadu. We report here two children diagnosed with meningococcal meningitis in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, on May 2014. The causative strain was Neisseria meningitidis serotype C. The role of the primary care physician in early diagnosis, appropriate referral, and preventive measures of this disease to the immediate family and community is stressed.

  4. Using Relative Humidity Forecasts to Manage Meningitis in the Sahel (United States)

    Pandya, R. E.; Adams-Forgor, A.; Akweogno, P.; Awine, T.; Dalaba, M.; Dukic, V.; Dumont, A.; Hayden, M.; Hodgson, A.; Hopson, T. M.; Hugonnet, S.; Yoksas, T. C.


    Meningitis epidemics in the Sahel occur quasi-regularly and with devastating impact. In 2008, for example, eighty-eight thousand people contracted meningitis and over five thousand died. Until very recently, the protection provided by the only available vaccine was so limited and short-lived that the only practical strategy for vaccination was reactive: waiting until an epidemic occurred in the region and then vaccinating in that region to prevent the epidemic's further growth. Even with that strategy, there were still times when demand outpaced available vaccine. While a new vaccine has recently been developed that is effective and inexpensive enough to be used more broadly and proactively, it is only effective against the strain of bacteria that causes the most common kind of bacterial meningitis. As a result, there will likely be continued need for reactive vaccination strategies. It is widely known that meningitis epidemics in the Sahel occur only in the dry season. Our project investigated this relationship, and several independent lines of evidence demonstrate a robust relationship between the onset of the rainy season, as marked by weekly average relative humidity above 40%, and the end of meningitis epidemics. These lines of evidence include statistical analysis of two years of weekly meningitis and weather data across the Sahel, cross-correlation of ten years of meningitis and weather data in the Upper East region of northern Ghana, and high-resolution weather simulations of past meningitis seasons to interpolate available weather data. We also adapted two techniques that have been successfully used in public health studies: generalized additive models, which have been used to relate air quality and health, and a linearized version of the compartmental epidemics model that has been used to understand MRSA. Based on these multiple lines of evidence, average weekly relative humidity forecast two weeks in advance appears consistently and strongly related to

  5. Luxación traumática anterior de prótesis total de rodilla


    Hernández Hermoso, José Antonio; Corral Munar, A.; Jimeno Urban, F.


    Se presenta un caso de luxación anterior de una prótesis total de rodilla no constreñida que conserva el ligamento cruzado posterior. Su etiopatogenia es diferente a la de las subluxaciones o luxaciones posteriores de prótesis totales de rodilla semiconstreñidas que no conservan el ligamento cruzado posterior. La reducción de la misma se consiguió sin dificultad bajo anestesia general. A pesar de la laxitud residual existente tras el tratamiento conservador, el resultado funcional después de ...

  6. Drug induced aseptic meningitis

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 29, 2013 ... Abstract. Drug-induced aseptic meningitis (DIAM) is a rare but important and often challenging diagnosis for the physician. Intake of antimicrobials, steroids, anal- gesics amongst others has been implicated. Signs and symptoms generally develop within 24-48 hours of drug ingestion. The pa- tient often ...

  7. Adult tuberculous meningitis in Qatar: a descriptive retrospective study from its referral center. (United States)

    Imam, Yahia Z B; Ahmedullah, Hasan S; Akhtar, Naveed; Chacko, Kadavil C; Kamran, Saadat; Al Alousi, Faraj; Alsuwaidi, Zubaida; Almaslmani, Muna; Al Khal, A Latif; Deleu, Dirk


    Tuberculous meningitis is the severest and commonest form of central nervous system tuberculosis causing high mortality and morbidity. We aim to study the clinical, biochemical, and radiological characteristics of tuberculous meningitis in adult patients in Qatar and to calculate the incidence. A descriptive retrospective 7-year study was conducted at the Hamad General Hospital (the only tertiary referral center and sole health care provider for tuberculosis in Qatar) between the 1st of January 2006 and the 31st of December 2012, to describe the clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, outcome, and the incidence of adult tuberculous meningitis in Qatar. Tuberculous meningitis was diagnosed in 80 patients (65 male, 15 female), with a mean age of 30.3 ± 8.9. The majority of patients (76.3%) were from the Indian subcontinent. The commonest clinical features were fever (79%), headache (71%), and meningism (56%). Cerebrospinal fluid tuberculosis culture was positive in 44% of patients. Almost 39% of patients were in Stage I, 46% in Stage II and 15% in Stage III of the disease. The commonest neuroimaging features were leptomeningeal enhancement (34%) and hydrocephalus (33%). Cranial nerve palsy, limb weakness, and an elevated C-reactive protein were associated with a poorer outcome. Sixty eight percent had complete recovery, 10% had residual neurological sequelae without disability, 17% had disability, and 5% died. The average incidence of tuberculous meningitis over 7 years was 0.9 per 100,000 adult population. The characteristics of tuberculous meningitis were described in our population. Our data indicate that the incidence of tuberculosis meningitis in Qatar has increased. Tuberculous meningitis in Qatar is mainly an imported disease.

  8. Mondini Dysplasia Presenting as Otorrhea without Meningitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chien-Yu Lin


    Full Text Available Mondini dysplasia is a rare inner ear malformation that is usually only diagnosed after recurrent meningitis. Surgical intervention is mandatory. This report highlights the case of a patient with Mondini dysplasia who presented with hearing impairment and otorrhea and was diagnosed and treated before the occurrence of meningitis, thus preventing morbidity and neurologic sequelae. Hearing impairment may be the only manifestation of Mondini dysplasia, and the benefit of hearing screening is emphasized. Temporal bone computed tomography should be considered in children with unilateral sensorineural or mixed-type hearing impairment.

  9. Tuberculosis meningitis presenting as isolated interhemispheric exudates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bharath, R.D.; Vasudev, M.K.; Sinha, S.; Ravishankar, S.; Chandrashekar, N.


    Full text: The total number of tuberculosis cases in the world is increasing, and less common forms of tuberculous meningitis (TBM) with varying imaging manifestations are being encountered more often. We describe anterior interhemispheric variety of TBM, which has not been previously described to the best of our knowledge in the literature. Common imaging findings in these five patients include predominant involvement of the meninges in the anterior interhemispheric fissure with relatively little enhancement of the basal cisterns. Knowledge of uncommon radiological findings is vital in early diagnosis and treatment of this common disease.

  10. Surgical treatment of neurologic complications of bacterial meningitis in children in Kosovo. (United States)

    Namani, Sadie A; Koci, Remzie A; Kuchar, Ernest; Dedushi, Kreshnike H


    Neurologic complications of bacterial meningitis can occur any time during the course of the disease and some of them need neurosurgical aproach. to determine the incidence of neurologic complications of bacterial meningitis in children requring neurosurgical treatment. a total of 277 children were followed and treated for bacterial meningitis at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases in Prishtina. The authors have analyzed cases who developed acute neurologic complications and treatment procedures. of the 277 children treated for bacterial meningitis, due to the suspicion for neurologic complications, 109 children underwent a head computerized tomography scan. About 47 cases (43%) had evident structural abnormalities while only 15/277 cases (5%) required neurosurgical treatment; 9/38 cases with subdural collections, 5 cases with hydrocephalus and 1 case of spinal abscess. Neurosurgical intervention were not common in pediatric bacterial meningitis cases (5%) but were highly significant in cases complicated with acute neurologic complications (32%).

  11. Cerebro-meningeal infections in HIV-infected patients: a study of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Cerebro-meningeal pathology is common in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and the aetiology is often difficult to ascertain with certainty. Objective: To describe the major suspected and identified causes of meningeal or encephalitic syndromes in HIV infection in Libreville, Gabon. Methods: A ...

  12. Diagnosis and antimicrobial therapy of Mycoplasma hominis meningitis in adults

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lee, Elisabeth H. L.; Winter, Heinrich L. J.; van Dijl, Jan Maarten; Metzemaekers, Joannes D. M.; Arends, Jan P.


    Meningitis in adults due to infection with Mycoplasma hominis is rarely reported. Here, we document the third case of M. hominis meningitis in an adult individual, developed upon neurosurgery following a subarachnoid haemorrhage. Our findings are noteworthy, because the presence of M. hominis in

  13. Crystals in brain and meninges in primary hyperoxaluria and oxalosis. (United States)

    Haqqani, M T


    A case of primary hyperoxaluria and oxalosis with chronic renal failure, crystalline myocarditis, and disseminated calcium oxalate crystal deposition in various tissues including the brain and meninges is described. Deposition of crystals in brain and meninges is exceptionally rare in primary oxalosis. Images PMID:838867

  14. Meningitis por Streptococcus suis en un paciente inmunocompetente Streptococcus suis meningitis in an immunocompetent patient

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Nagel


    Full Text Available Se describe un caso de meningitis por Streptococcus suis en un paciente inmunocompetente. Presentaba astenia, debilidad generalizada, fiebre (39 °C, vómitos, deterioro del sensorio y desorientación témporo-espacial. Los cultivos de sangre (2/2 y de líquido cefalorraquídeo fueron positivos. La identificación preliminar se realizó utilizando las pruebas bioquímicas convencionales y fue completada en el Servicio Bacteriología Especial del INEI-ANLIS "Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán". Se comenzó el tratamiento con ampicilina y ceftriaxona. El microorganismo aislado demostró sensibilidad a ampicilina, cefotaxima y vancomicina. El paciente evolucionó favorablemente, pero se comprobó leve hipoacusia. Reingresó a los 4 meses con marcha atáxica, anacusia en oído izquierdo e hipoacusia en oído derecho. Continúa con seguimiento neurológico y audiométrico. Retrospectivamente se constató el contacto del paciente con cerdos. Se destaca la importancia de la anamnesis para alertar la sospecha de este agente etiológico en meningitis y bacteriemias.A case of Streptococcus suis meningitis is described in an immunocompetent patient presenting asthenia, general weakness, fever, vomiting, sensory deterioration and temporospatial disorder. The cerebrospinal fluid and two blood cultures (2/2 bottles were positive. The isolate was preliminary identified by conventional biochemical tests, and the identification was completed at the Special Bacteriology Service of INEI-ANLIS "Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán". Ampicillin and ceftriaxone treatment was initiated. The isolate was susceptible to ampicillin, cefotaxime and vancomycin. The patient experienced a good outcome but suffered hearing loss. However, after four months he returned with walking ataxia, deafness in his left ear, and hearing loss in the right ear. The patient’s retrospective exposure to pigs had been verified. It is important to evaluate predisposing and epidemiologic factors in order to alert about

  15. Use of intracranial pressure monitoring in bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Lykke; Rom Poulsen, Frantz; Nielsen, Troels H


    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of patients with severe bacterial meningitis where intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring has been performed. METHODS: A retrospective observational study including patients admitted 1st(.) January 2005 to 31st(.) December 2014...... CT scans with signs of elevated ICP. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with severe meningitis should be admitted to intensive care units and evaluated for ICP monitoring regardless of head CT findings....

  16. Otitic meningitis, superior semicircular canal dehiscence, and encephalocele: a case series. (United States)

    Lim, Zixiang Michael; Friedland, Peter Leon; Boeddinghaus, Rudolf; Thompson, Andrew; Rodrigues, Stephen John; Atlas, Marcus


    Otitic meningitis in the postantibiotic era is still a serious condition, requiring intensive treatment and prolonged rehabilitation. In view of the significant morbidity and mortality rate, conditions that may increase the likelihood of otitic meningitis developing should be treated promptly. The incidence of meningitis after asymptomatic encephaloceles of the middle cranial fossa varies greatly, and the management differs between elective surgical repair and expectant careful observation. Superior semicircular canal dehiscences (SSCDs) are postulated to have a congenital origin and are associated with a thin or dehiscent tegmen. Several cases of simultaneous SCCD and tegmen defects have been reported, but the findings of otitic meningitis, SCCD, and encephaloceles has, to the best of our knowledge, not been previously explored in the literature. We reviewed a series of 4 patients who all presented with a combination of otitic meningitis, encephaloceles, and SSCD. All the 4 patients we reviewed had meningitis secondary to otitis media with computed tomographic scans confirming the presence of SCCD with ipsilateral tegmen tympani defects and associated cephaloceles. All patients were treated with intravenous antibiotics and underwent surgery that ranged from myringotomy and ventilation tube insertions, mastoidectomy, and burr hole drainage for temporal lobe abscess. They were all associated with intensive care unit admission, significant morbidity, and prolonged hospital stays. There were no mortalities. We propose that in all SSCD patients, a careful computed tomographic examination of the cranial base should be undertaken to exclude other associated tegmen tympani defects. In cases of SSCD requiring surgery, we support the view that elective surgical repair be recommended where asymptomatic ipsilateral encephaloceles are found, to reduce the risk of otitic meningitis.

  17. 结核性脑膜炎与新型隐球菌脑膜炎的鉴别分析%Differential Diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis and Cryptoeoecus Neoformans Meningitis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    陈劲松; 郑建明; 黄天文; 林贵喜; 姚键


    Objective:To analyze the clinical characters and prognosis of tuberculous meningitis(TBM) and cryptococcus neoformans meningitis(CNM).Method:We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 115 patients with tuberculous meningitis and 24 patients with cryptococcus neoformans meningitis.The relevant medical literature was reviewed.Result:Compared with cryptococcus neoformans meningitis,the average body temperature from onset to hospitalized,the quantity of cells and the level of protein and glucose in CSF of tuberculous meningitis were higher(P0.05).Conclusion:The available indicators in CSF of cryptococcus neoformans meningitis are lower than that of tuberculous meningitis,except the levels of chloride in CSF.%目的:分析新型隐球菌脑膜炎和结核性脑膜炎的不同临床特点。方法:对115例结核性脑膜炎和24例新型隐球菌脑膜炎患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:结核性脑膜炎患者入院时平均体温、脑脊液白细胞数量、脑脊液蛋白浓度、脑脊液葡萄糖浓度均明显高于新型隐球菌脑膜炎组患者(P<0.05)。结论:除氯化物外,新型隐球菌脑膜炎患者脑脊液各项指标均低于结核性脑膜炎。

  18. Desarrollo cognitivo tras un traumatismo craneoencefálico en la infancia


    Capilla, Almudena; González Marqués, Javier; Carboni Román, Alejandra; Maestú, Fernando; Paúl Lapedriza, Nuria


    Un traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE) ocurrido durante la infancia puede incidir notablemente en el proceso de desarrollo cerebral del niño y, como consecuencia, en su desarrollo cognitivo y conductual. Sin embargo, la evolución de las capacidades cognitivas y conductuales tras un TCE en la infancia no es siempre igual, sino que depende de una serie de factores. Diversos estudios han revelado dos grupos principales de factores que interaccionan fuertemente entre sí, factores mórbidos...

  19. Anestesia congênita de córnea associada à anestesia de ramo do trigêmio: relato de caso Congenital corneal anesthesia related to trigeminal anesthesia: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel José Calix Netto


    Full Text Available A anestesia corneana por ser uma condição rara, freqüentemente é confundida ou não diagnosticada durante o exame de rotina do segmento anterior. Relato de caso de um paciente de 18 anos encaminhado ao ambulatório de córnea e doenças externas com quadro clinico de síndrome de olho seco e com diagnóstico provável de síndrome de Sjögren. Era amblíope de olho direito devido à opacidade corneana no eixo visual secundária a trauma com unha na infância. Foi pesquisada sensibilidade corneana que era ausente em ambos os olhos; olho seco grave e com BUT (tempo de quebra do filme lacrimal menor que 4 segundos. Foi feito diagnóstico de anestesia corneana congênita associada a hipoestesia do nervo trigêmio pela avaliação neurológica da sensibilidade facial e movimentos bruscos do queixo que evidenciavam alterações sensoriais do nervo. O oftalmologista geral e principalmente o especialista em segmento anterior devem ter como rotina a pesquisa da sensibilidade corneana no exame do segmento anterior.Corneal anesthesia is a rare condition, therefore its diagnosis is frequently impaired or it is not noticed during the anterior segment examination. Case report of a 18-year-old patient referred to our Corneal and External Disease Department who complained of dry eye symptoms and with a suspicion of Sjögren's syndrome. She had amblyopia of the right eye, consequence of corneal leucoma over the visual axis secondary to a fingernail traumatism inflicted by herself in childhood. On the ophthalmologic examination corneal sensitivity was absent in both eyes. Severe dry eye and breakup time less than four seconds. Diagnosis of congenital corneal anesthesia was established, secondary to trigeminal anesthesia found on neurological evaluation of facial sensitivity. She also showed sudden movements of the chin which evidenced sensorial pathology of the trigeminal nerve. The general ophthalmologist and specially anterior segment specialists must

  20. Bacterial meningitis in newborn and infant: correlation between organism, CT findings and clinical outcome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Hye Young; Park, Young Seo; Yoo, Shi Joon; Suh, Dae Chul; Chung, Young Kyo


    Acute bacterial meningitis often results in significant neurologic complications regardless of the antibiotics treatment Computed tomographic (CT) finding of tuberculous meningitis is fairly well known but not the findings of bacterial meningitis. This study was performed to determine the incidence of causative organisms and to correlate between the organisms and computed tomographic (CT) findings with clinical outcome of bacterial meningitis in newborns and infants. We analyzed the brain CT and clinical records of 15 infants who had been diagnosed as bacterial meningitis by CSF culture. We found that the most common organisms were Group B streptococcus in neonates without no neurologic complications in all but one and Hemophilus influenza in infants whose clinical outcomes were poor in all except one. CT findings related with poor prognosis in this study were cerebral edema, basal cisternal obliteration and enhancement, and cerebral infarction on initial CT and ventriculomegaly on follow-up CT. We concluded that CT diagnosed intracranial complications of bacterial meningitis well and could contributed to better treatment of bacterial meningitis

  1. Haemophilus influenzae type f meningitis in a previously healthy boy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ronit, Andreas; Berg, Ronan M G; Bruunsgaard, Helle


    Non-serotype b strains of Haemophilus influenzae are extremely rare causes of acute bacterial meningitis in immunocompetent individuals. We report a case of acute bacterial meningitis in a 14-year-old boy, who was previously healthy and had been immunised against H influenzae serotype b (Hib...

  2. Empiric treatment of acute meningitis syndrome in a resource-limited ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Bacterial meningitis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the developing world. However, limited research has focused on the diagnosis and management of meningitis in resource-limited settings. Methods: We designed a prospective case series of children admitted to a large, academic referral ...

  3. Regulation of radial glial survival by signals from the meninges. (United States)

    Radakovits, Randor; Barros, Claudia S; Belvindrah, Richard; Patton, Bruce; Müller, Ulrich


    Radial glial cells (RGCs) in the developing cerebral cortex are progenitors for neurons and glia, and their processes serve as guideposts for migrating neurons. So far, it has remained unclear whether RGC processes also control the function of RGCs more directly. Here, we show that RGC numbers and cortical size are reduced in mice lacking beta1 integrins in RGCs. TUNEL stainings and time-lapse video recordings demonstrate that beta1-deficient RGCs processes detach from the meningeal basement membrane (BM) followed by apoptotic death of RGCs. Apoptosis is also induced by surgical removal of the meninges. Finally, mice lacking the BM components laminin alpha2 and alpha4 show defects in the attachment of RGC processes at the meninges, a reduction in cortical size, and enhanced apoptosis of RGC cells. Our findings demonstrate that attachment of RGC processes at the meninges is important for RGC survival and the control of cortical size.

  4. Carcinomatose das meninges: dados clínico-patológicos de 3 casos Carcinomatosis of the meninges: a report of three cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aristides Cheto de Queiroz


    Full Text Available Foram estudados 3 casos de carcinomatose das meninges, autopsiados no serviço de Anatomia Patológica do Hospital Prof. Edgard Santos. O quadro neurológico apresentado era proeminente e representado por sinto- matologia decorrente do envolvimento meníngeo e encefálico, razão pela qual foram considerados como portadores de meningite tuberculosa e encefalomielite. O aspecto de maior interesse neste estudo foi a discrepância entre o quadro clínico e os dados anátomo-patológicos do exame do encéfalo. A sintomatologia clínica foi proeminente, enquanto as lesões anatômicas foram apenas discretas ou moderadas e representadas por espessamento e granulosidade das meninges, com infiltração difusa do espaço subaracnoideano pela neoplasia. Nos casos 1 e 3 a neoplasia estava representada por adenocarcinoma, cujos focos primitivos foram localizados no pulmão e vesícula biliar, respectivamente. O caso 2 era um carcinoma indiferenciado do estômago, com envolvimento difuso do espaço subaracnoideano e subdural, havendo neste último extensa hemorragia recente. Os critérios diagnósticos e a maneira de disseminação desta condição são discutidos.A diffuse involvement of the meninges by carcinoma is described in three cases characterizing the so called "meningeal carcinomatosis". The neurologic symptoms were those of the chronic meningitis or encephalomyelitis, with changes in the spinal fluid. The morphologic features were identical in the three cases and represented by slight to moderate thickening of the meninges by diffuse infiltration of tumor cells and few foci of inflamatory reaction. The cases 1 and 3 were represented by well differentiated adenocarcinoma with primary site in the lung and gallbladder, respectively. In case 2 the tumor was a poorly differentiated carcinoma of stomach with diffuse involvement of the arachnoid and dura mater associated with recent hemorrhage. An interesting point was the lack of correlation between

  5. The middle meningeal artery: from clinics to fossils. (United States)

    Bruner, Emiliano; Sherkat, Shahram


    Although research today ranges from molecular to universe scale, many issues regarding gross anatomy remain totally neglected. Within the framework of the endocranial morphogenesis and evolution, understanding the role and variation of the middle meningeal artery relies upon the very limited, scattered, and descriptive information available. The meninges are supplied by branches originating from both the internal and external carotid arteries, often converging in the same networks and hence raising questions on the homology and embryogenesis of these vessels. The middle meningeal artery is often ligated during craniotomies, with no apparent impairment of the cerebral functional processes. The exact physiological role of this extended vascular system, together with the adaptations and selective pressure associated with its evolutionary characterization, have generally been ignored. Anthropologists have made many attempts to quantify and qualify the differences and variation between and within human and nonhuman primates, with scarce results due to the blurry morphology of the vascular networks. Living apes and humans probably have meningeal vessels originating from different embryogenetic processes, further hampering easy phylogenetic comparisons. Generally, monkeys and apes display a larger component derived from the internal carotid artery and its ophthalmic branch. The fossil endocasts partially show the traces of the middle meningeal vessels, allowing some hypotheses on the evolution of these structures. In contrast with modern humans, some extinct groups show a dominance of the posterior branch over the anterior one. The most interesting features are associated with the variation of the middle branch, which supplies the parietal areas. In any case, the most striking difference between the modern and non-modern humans regard the definite increase in the number and complexity of the anastomoses and reticulation in the former. This may be either the simple result

  6. Zoonotic bacterial meningitis in adults: clinical characteristics, etiology, treatment and outcome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Samkar, A.


    In this thesis, we describe the clinical characteristics, etiology, treatment and outcome of zoonotic bacterial meningitis. Each chapter describes meningitis patients infected by a specific zoonotic pathogen, such as Streptococcus equi, Streptococcuis suis, Capnocytophaga canimorsus, Campylobacter

  7. Post spinal meningitis and asepsis. (United States)

    Videira, Rogerio L R; Ruiz-Neto, P P; Brandao Neto, M


    Post spinal meningitis (PSM) is a complication still currently being reported. After two PSM cases in our hospital an epidemiological study was initiated, which included a survey of techniques for asepsis that are applied in our department. Cases defined as PSM comprised meningitis within a week after spinal anesthesia. Anesthesia records, anesthesia complication files and the records of the Hospital Commission for Infection Control from 1997 to 2000 were reviewed. Asepsis techniques applied were surveyed by a questionnaire answered by all our department's anesthesiologists. The equipment and procedures for spinal anesthesia were listed. Current anesthesia textbooks were reviewed for recommendations regarding asepsis techniques in conjunction with spinal anesthesia. Three cases of PSM were identified following 38,128 spinal anesthesias whereas none was observed in 12,822 patients subjected to other types of regional or general anesthesia (P>0.05). Culture of cerebrospinal fluid yielded Streptococcus in two patients and was negative in the other patient. The asepsis technique applied by the anesthesiologists varied considerably. The literature review showed that aspects on asepsis for spinal anesthesia are poorly covered. The incidence of meningitis was similar in patients subjected to spinal anesthesia and in those subjected to other anesthetic techniques. Asepsis techniques were found to differ considerably among our staff members, reflecting the lack of well-defined published standards for this procedure. We recommend that asepsis for spinal anesthesia should not be less rigorous than for surgical asepsis.

  8. [Streptococcus suis meningitis in a meat factory employee]. (United States)

    de Ceuster, Laura M E; van Dillen, Jeroen J; Wever, Peter C; Rozemeijer, Wouter; Louwerse, Elisabeth S


    In the Netherlands, Streptococcus suis is a rare cause of meningitis. Over the past few years, the number of reported cases worldwide has increased. The bacterium is mainly isolated in pigs, but humans can also become infected. At the Emergency Department, a 60-year-old man presented with headache, confusion, fever and nuchal rigidity. He worked at a meat factory. Laboratory testing showed abnormalities linked to bacterial meningitis. S. suis was cultured from blood and cerebrospinal fluid. The patient was treated with dexamethasone, ceftriaxone and later benzylpenicillin intravenously. He recovered well, but had bilateral perceptive hearing loss as a sequela. Particularly people who are in close contact with pigs have an increased risk of S. suis infection. S. suis meningitis can be very severe and lead to serious complications and even death. Rapid diagnosis and adequate treatment are critical. Permanent hearing loss is the most frequent sequela.

  9. A cascade of morphogenic signaling initiated by the meninges controls corpus callosum formation. (United States)

    Choe, Youngshik; Siegenthaler, Julie A; Pleasure, Samuel J


    The corpus callosum is the most prominent commissural connection between the cortical hemispheres, and numerous neurodevelopmental disorders are associated with callosal agenesis. By using mice either with meningeal overgrowth or selective loss of meninges, we have identified a cascade of morphogenic signals initiated by the meninges that regulates corpus callosum development. The meninges produce BMP7, an inhibitor of callosal axon outgrowth. This activity is overcome by the induction of expression of Wnt3 by the callosal pathfinding neurons, which antagonize the inhibitory effects of BMP7. Wnt3 expression in the cingulate callosal pathfinding axons is developmentally regulated by another BMP family member, GDF5, which is produced by the adjacent Cajal-Retzius neurons and turns on before outgrowth of the callosal axons. The effects of GDF5 are in turn under the control of a soluble GDF5 inhibitor, Dan, made by the meninges. Thus, the meninges and medial neocortex use a cascade of signals to regulate corpus callosum development. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Etiologies and Management of Aseptic Meningitis in Patients Admitted to an Internal Medicine Department. (United States)

    Jarrin, Irène; Sellier, Pierre; Lopes, Amanda; Morgand, Marjolaine; Makovec, Tamara; Delcey, Veronique; Champion, Karine; Simoneau, Guy; Green, Andrew; Mouly, Stéphane; Bergmann, Jean-François; Lloret-Linares, Célia


    Several studies have focused on the clinical and biological characteristics of meningitis in order to distinguish between bacterial and viral meningitis in the emergency setting. However, little is known about the etiologies and outcomes of aseptic meningitis in patients admitted to Internal Medicine.The aim of the study is to describe the etiologies, characteristics, and outcomes of aseptic meningitis with or without encephalitis in adults admitted to an Internal Medicine Department.A retrospective cohort study was conducted in the Internal Medicine Department of the Lariboisière Hospital in Paris, France, from January 2009 to December 2011. Clinical and biological characteristics of aseptic meningitis were recorded. These included cerebrospinal fluid analysis, results of polymerase chain reaction testing, final diagnoses, and therapeutic management.The cohort included 180 patients fulfilling the criteria for aseptic meningitis with (n = 56) or without (n = 124) encephalitis. A definitive etiological diagnosis was established in 83 of the 180 cases. Of the cases with a definitive diagnosis, 73 were due to infectious agents, mainly enteroviruses, Herpes Simplex Virus 2, and Varicella Zoster Virus (43.4%, 16.8%, and 14.5% respectively). Inflammatory diseases were diagnosed in 7 cases. Among the 97 cases without definitive diagnoses, 26 (26.8%) remained free of treatment throughout their management whereas antiviral or antibiotic therapy was initiated in the emergency department for the remaining 71 patients. The treatment was discontinued in only 10 patients deemed to have viral meningitis upon admission to Internal Medicine.The prevalence of inflammatory diseases among patients admitted to internal medicine for aseptic meningitis is not rare (4% of overall aseptic meningitis). The PCR upon admission to the emergency department is obviously of major importance for the prompt optimization of therapy and management. However, meningitis due to viral agents or

  11. Predictors of Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Children from a Malaria-Endemic Area of Papua New Guinea (United States)

    Laman, Moses; Manning, Laurens; Greenhill, Andrew R.; Mare, Trevor; Michael, Audrey; Shem, Silas; Vince, John; Lagani, William; Hwaiwhanje, Ilomo; Siba, Peter M.; Mueller, Ivo; Davis, Timothy M. E.


    Predictors of acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) were assessed in 554 children in Papua New Guinea 0.2–10 years of age who were hospitalized with culture-proven meningitis, probable meningitis, or non-meningitic illness investigated by lumbar puncture. Forty-seven (8.5%) had proven meningitis and 36 (6.5%) had probable meningitis. Neck stiffness, Kernig’s and Brudzinski’s signs and, in children Papua New Guinea but malaria microscopy augments diagnostic precision. PMID:22302856

  12. Clinical Case of Listeria Meningitis

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    V.O. Kuzmina


    Full Text Available This article describes a case of listeria meningitis in a 41-year-old man. At the time of admission to hospital, the patient complained of fever, headache, vomiting, general weakness. An objective examination revealed cervical lymphadenopathy, meningeal signs (positive Kernig’s sign and doubtful rigidity of occipitals, with no focal symptoms. On the right hand it was revealed an abscess in the stage of healing. In the liquor we have detected: pleocytosis — 222 cells with a predominance of neutrophils — 73 %, рrotein — 0.49 g/l, the sugar level in the liquor is slightly reduced. During the bacteriological study of liquor we have isolated Listeria monocytogenes. Serological survey of blood serum using passive hemagglutination test and indirect hemagglutination test revealed levels of antibodies to Listeria monocytogenes — 1 : 800 and 3 (+, respectively.

  13. Diffusion-weighted imaging in acute bacterial meningitis in infancy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jan, W.; Zimmerman, R.A.; Bilaniuk, L.T.; Hunter, J.V.; Simon, E.M.; Haselgrove, J. [Department of Radiology, Children' s Hospital of Philadelphia, 34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard, PA 19104, Philadelphia (United States)


    Bacterial meningitis is frequently fatal or leads to severe neurological impairment. Complications such as vasculitis, resulting in infarcts, should be anticipated and dealt with promptly. Our aim was to demonstrate the complications of meningitis by diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) in patients who deteriorated despite therapy. We studied 13 infants between the ages of 1 day and 32 months who presented with symptoms ranging from fever and vomiting to seizures, encephalopathy and coma due to bacterial meningitis, performing MRI, including DWI, 2-5 days after presentation. Multiple infarcts were found on DWI in 12 of the 13, most commonly in the frontal lobes (in 10). Global involvement was seen in four children, three of whom died; the fourth had a very poor outcome. In one case abnormalities on DWI were due to subdural empyemas. We diagnosed vasculitis in three of five patients studied with MRA. We think DWI an important part of an MRI study in infants with meningitis. Small cortical or deep white-matter infarcts due to septic vasculitis can lead to tissue damage not easily recognized on routine imaging and DWI can be used to confirm that extra-axial collections represent empyemas. (orig.)

  14. Diffusion-weighted imaging in acute bacterial meningitis in infancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jan, W.; Zimmerman, R.A.; Bilaniuk, L.T.; Hunter, J.V.; Simon, E.M.; Haselgrove, J.


    Bacterial meningitis is frequently fatal or leads to severe neurological impairment. Complications such as vasculitis, resulting in infarcts, should be anticipated and dealt with promptly. Our aim was to demonstrate the complications of meningitis by diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) in patients who deteriorated despite therapy. We studied 13 infants between the ages of 1 day and 32 months who presented with symptoms ranging from fever and vomiting to seizures, encephalopathy and coma due to bacterial meningitis, performing MRI, including DWI, 2-5 days after presentation. Multiple infarcts were found on DWI in 12 of the 13, most commonly in the frontal lobes (in 10). Global involvement was seen in four children, three of whom died; the fourth had a very poor outcome. In one case abnormalities on DWI were due to subdural empyemas. We diagnosed vasculitis in three of five patients studied with MRA. We think DWI an important part of an MRI study in infants with meningitis. Small cortical or deep white-matter infarcts due to septic vasculitis can lead to tissue damage not easily recognized on routine imaging and DWI can be used to confirm that extra-axial collections represent empyemas. (orig.)

  15. Oxidant and antioxidant parameters in the treatment of meningitis. (United States)

    Aycicek, Ali; Iscan, Akin; Erel, Ozcan; Akcali, Mustafa; Ocak, Ali Riza


    The aim of this study was to assess the effects of meningitis treatment on the serum and cerebrospinal-fluid oxidant and antioxidant status in children with bacterial meningitis. Forty children with bacterial meningitis, at ages ranging from 4 months to 12 years (mean age, 4 years), were enrolled in the study. Within 8 hours after admission (before treatment) and 10 days after clinical and laboratory indications of recovery (after treatment), cerebrospinal fluid and venous blood were collected. Thirty-seven healthy children (mean age, 4 years) were enrolled as control subjects, and only venous blood was collected. Serum total oxidant status, lipid hydroperoxide, oxidative stress index, uric acid, albumin, and ceruloplasmin levels were lower in the patient group after treatment (Ptotal antioxidant capacity levels, vitamin C, total bilirubin, and catalase concentrations were not significantly altered by treatment (P>0.05). However, cerebrospinal fluid total oxidant status, lipid hydroperoxide, and oxidative stress index levels were higher, and cerebrospinal fluid total antioxidant capacity levels were lower after treatment than before treatment (P<0.05). In conclusion, we demonstrated that serum oxidative stress was lower, and cerebrospinal fluid oxidative stress was higher, after rather than before treatment in children with bacterial meningitis.

  16. Oxigênio suplementar e incidência de náuseas e vômitos perioperatórios no parto cesariano sob anestesia subaracnoidea Oxígeno suplementario e incidencia de náuseas y vómitos perioperatorios en el parto cesariano bajo anestesia subaracnoidea Supplemental oxygen and the incidence of perioperative nausea and vomiting in cesarean sections under subarachnoid block

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Salomão Turazzi Pécora


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Oxigênio suplementar pode reduzir a incidência de náuseas e vômitos pós-operatórios em pacientes submetidos à anestesia geral. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a eficácia do oxigênio suplementar durante a cesariana eletiva sob anestesia subaracnoidea em diminuir a incidência de náuseas e vômitos perioperatórios. MÉTODO: Após indução de anestesia subaracnoidea padronizada, noventa e quatro parturientes submetidas ao parto operatório foram distribuídas de forma aleatória para receberem, através de cateter nasal tipo óculos, 4 L.min-1 de oxigênio (Grupo O ou ar comprimido (Grupo S até o final do procedimento. As pacientes foram inquiridas acerca da ocorrência de náuseas e vômitos durante a operação e nas primeiras seis e 24 horas de pós-parto. RESULTADOS: Os dois grupos mostraram-se comparáveis quanto às variáveis demográficas, perioperatórias e quanto aos dados do recém-nascido. No Grupo O, a incidência de náusea durante a operação nas primeiras 6 horas de pós-operatório e entre 6 e 24 horas de pós-operatório foi de 35%, 20% e 13%, respectivamente, enquanto no Grupo S foi de 35%, 30% e 19%, respectivamente. A incidência de vômito no Grupo O foi de 9%, 11% e 6% nos períodos correspondentes e no Grupo S 21%, 7% e 7%, respectivamente. Essas diferenças não foram significativas. CONCLUSÕES: Na população estudada, a oxigenoterapia suplementar desde a indução da anestesia até o término da operação não reduziu a incidência de náuseas ou vômitos intraoperatórios e pós-operatórios em mulheres submetidas ao parto cesariano sob anestesia subaracnoidea.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El oxígeno suplementario puede reducir la incidencia de náuseas y vómitos postoperatorios en pacientes sometidos a la anestesia general. El objetivo de este estudio, fue comprobar la eficacia del oxígeno suplementario durante la cesárea electiva bajo anestesia subaracnoidea, para reducir

  17. Evidence that Meningeal Mast Cells Can Worsen Stroke Pathology in Mice (United States)

    Arac, Ahmet; Grimbaldeston, Michele A.; Nepomuceno, Andrew R.B.; Olayiwola, Oluwatobi; Pereira, Marta P.; Nishiyama, Yasuhiro; Tsykin, Anna; Goodall, Gregory J.; Schlecht, Ulrich; Vogel, Hannes; Tsai, Mindy; Galli, Stephen J.; Bliss, Tonya M.; Steinberg, Gary K.


    Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability and the fourth most common cause of death in the United States. Inflammation is thought to play an important role in stroke pathology, but the factors that promote inflammation in this setting remain to be fully defined. An understudied but important factor is the role of meningeal-located immune cells in modulating brain pathology. Although different immune cells traffic through meningeal vessels en route to the brain, mature mast cells do not circulate but are resident in the meninges. With the use of genetic and cell transfer approaches in mice, we identified evidence that meningeal mast cells can importantly contribute to the key features of stroke pathology, including infiltration of granulocytes and activated macrophages, brain swelling, and infarct size. We also obtained evidence that two mast cell-derived products, interleukin-6 and, to a lesser extent, chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 7, can contribute to stroke pathology. These findings indicate a novel role for mast cells in the meninges, the membranes that envelop the brain, as potential gatekeepers for modulating brain inflammation and pathology after stroke. PMID:25134760

  18. Medical audit of the management of cryptococcal meningitis in HIV ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) has become the most common type of community-acquired meningitis. CM has a poor outcome if the initial in-hospital treatment does not adhere to standard guidelines. The aim of this audit was to improve the quality of the care of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive ...

  19. Bilateral optic neuropathy in acute cr yptococcal meningitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qi Zhe Ngoo


    Full Text Available We reported a case of cryptococcal meningitis presenting with bilateral optic neuropathy in an immunocompetent patient. A 64-year-old Malay gentleman with no medical comorbidities presented with acute bilateral blurring of vision for a week, which was associated with generalised throbbing headache and low grade fever. He also had somnolence and altered consciousness. Visual acuity in both eyes was no perception of light with poor pupillary reflexes. Extraocular muscle movements were normal. Anterior segments were unremarkable bilaterally. Fundoscopy revealed bilateral optic disc swelling. CT scan of the brain showed multifocal infarct, but no meningeal enhancement or mass. Cerebrospinal fluid opening pressure was normal, while its culture grew Cryptococcus neoformans. A diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis with bilateral optic neuropathy was made. Patient was treated with a six-week course of intravenous fluconazole and started concomitantly on a fortnight's course of intravenous amphotericin B. After that, his general condition improved, but there was still no improvement in his visual acuity. On reviewing at two months post-initiation of treatment, fundi showed bilateral optic atrophy. Bilateral optic neuropathy secondary to cryptococcal meningitis was rare. The prognosis was guarded due to the sequelae of optic atrophy. Anti-fungal medication alone may not be sufficient to manage this condition. However, evidence for other treatment modalities is still lacking and further clinical studies are required.

  20. Interleukin-18 gene-deficient mice show enhanced defense and reduced inflammation during pneumococcal meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zwijnenburg, Petra J. G.; van der Poll, Tom; Florquin, Sandrine; Akira, Shizuo; Takeda, Kiyoshi; Roord, John J.; van Furth, A. Marceline


    To determine the role of endogenous interleukin-18 (IL-18) in pneumococcal meningitis, meningitis was induced in IL-18 gene-deficient (IL-18(-/-)) and wild-type (WT) mice by intranasal inoculation of Streptococcus pneumoniae with hyaluronidase. Induction of meningitis resulted in an upregulation of

  1. Interleukin-18 gene-deficient mice show enhanced defense and reduced inflammation during pneumococcal meningitis.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zwijnenburg, P.J.G.; Poll, van der T.; Florquin, S; Akira, S; Takeda, K; Roord, J.J.; Furth, van A.M.


    To determine the role of endogenous interleukin-18 (IL-18) in pneumococcal meningitis, meningitis was induced in IL-18 gene-deficient (IL-18(-/-)) and wild-type (WT) mice by intranasal inoculation of Streptococcus pneumoniae with hyaluronidase. Induction of meningitis resulted in an upregulation of

  2. [Etiologic diagnosis in meningitis and encephalitis molecular biology techniques]. (United States)

    Conca, Natalia; Santolaya, María Elena; Farfan, Mauricio J; Cofré, Fernanda; Vergara, Alejandra; Salazar, Liliana; Torres, Juan Pablo


    The aetiological study of infections of the central nervous system has traditionally been performed using bacterial cultures and, more recently, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for herpes simplex virus (HSV). Bacterial cultures may not have good performance, especially in the context of patients who have received antibiotics prior to sampling, and a request for HSV only by PCR reduces the information to only one aetiological agent. The aim of this study is to determine the infectious causes of meningitis and encephalitis, using traditional microbiology and molecular biology to improve the aetiological diagnosis of these diseases. A prospective study was conducted on 19 patients with suspected meningitis, admitted to the Luis Calvo Mackenna Hospital in Santiago, Chile, from March 1, 2011 to March 30, 2012. After obtaining informed consent, the CSF samples underwent cytochemical study, conventional culture, multiplex PCR for the major producing bacterial meningitis (N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae), real-time single PCR for HSV-1 and 2, VZV, EBV, CMV, HHV-6 and enterovirus. Clinical and epidemiological data were also collected from the clinical records. Of the 19 patients analysed, 2 were diagnosed by conventional methods and 7 by adding molecular biology (increase to 37%). Three patients had meningitis due to S. pneumoniae, one due to Enterobacter cloacae, 2 patients meningoencephalitis HSV-1, and one VZV meningitis. The addition of PCR to conventional diagnostic methods in CNS infections increases the probability of finding the causal agent. This allows a more adequate, timely and rational management of the disease. Copyright © 2014. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U.

  3. Anthrax Meningitis - Report Of An Autopsied Case

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mahadevan A


    Full Text Available Anthrax is a rare cause of hemorrhagic meningitis in man. This report illustrates the characteristic hemorrhagic manifestations in the brain of a patient dying of anthrax meningitis secondary to overwhelming bacteremia. Gross examination of the brain revealed a thick dense subarachnoid hemorrhage with numerous petechial hemorrhages in the cortex. Histologically, meningoencephalitis with vascular necrosis, edema, perivascular cortical hemorrhages and clumps of Gram positive bacilli in the vascular lumen and invading vessel wall were the salient features. The anthrax bacillus was isolated from CSF and brain tissue and further its pathogenecity was confirmed by animal inoculation.

  4. Mondini dysplasia presenting as otorrhea without meningitis. (United States)

    Lin, Chien-Yu; Lin, Hung-Ching; Peng, Chun-Chih; Lee, Kuo-Sheng; Chiu, Nan-Chang


    Mondini dysplasia is a rare inner ear malformation that is usually only diagnosed after recurrent meningitis. Surgical intervention is mandatory. This report highlights the case of a patient with Mondini dysplasia who presented with hearing impairment and otorrhea and was diagnosed and treated before the occurrence of meningitis, thus preventing morbidity and neurologic sequelae. Hearing impairment may be the only manifestation of Mondini dysplasia, and the benefit of hearing screening is emphasized. Temporal bone computed tomography should be considered in children with unilateral sensorineural or mixed-type hearing impairment. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  5. Human parasitic meningitis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis infection in Taiwan. (United States)

    Tsai, Hung-Chin; Chen, Yao-Shen; Yen, Chuan-Min


    The major cause of eosinophilic meningitis in Taiwan is Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Humans are infected by ingesting terrestrial and freshwater snails and slugs. In 1998 and 1999, two outbreaks of eosinophilic meningitis caused by A. cantonensis infection were reported among 17 adult male immigrant Thai laborers who had eaten raw golden apple snails (Pomacea canaliculata). Another outbreak associated with consuming a health drink consisting of raw vegetable juice was reported in 2001. These adult cases differed from reports in the 1970s and 1980s, in which most of the cases were in children. With improvements in public health and education of foreign laborers, there have since been only sporadic cases in Taiwan. Review of clinical research indicates inconsistent association of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) results with clinical features of eosinophilic meningitis. MRI features were nonspecific but there was an association between the presence of high brain MRI signal intensities and severity of peripheral and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) eosinophilia. Inflammatory markers have been identified in the CSF of patients with eosinophilic meningitis caused by A. cantonensis infection, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and the matrix metalloproteinase system may be associated with blood-brain barrier disruption. Eosinophilic meningitis caused by A. cantonensis infection is not a reportable disease in Taiwan. It is important that a public advisory and education program be developed to reduce future accidental infection.

  6. Experiences of diagnosis and treatment of 102 cases with cryptococcal meningitis and/or cryptococcal meningoencephalitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yan-yu CHANG


    Full Text Available Objective To summarize the clinical manifestations and diagnostic and therapeutic strategies of 102 cases with cryptococcal meningitis and/or cryptococcal meningoencephalitis, and to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cryptococcal meningitis.  Methods The clinical manifestations, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and outcomes of 102 cases with cryptococcal meningitis and/or cryptococcal meningoencephalitis were analyzed retrospectively.  Results The incidence of cryptococcal meningitis and/or cryptococcal meningoencephalitis raised in recent years. The signs of high intracranial pressure, meningeal irritation and cranial nerves impairment are the main clinical manifestations of cryptococcal meningitis, while seizures, hemiplegia, mental disorders and ataxia can occur when the brain parenchyma is involved. Cryptococcal meningitis and/or cryptococcal meningoencephalitis is easy to be misdiagnosed, especially misdiagnosed as tuberculous meningitis. Repeated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF smear and latex agglutination test can ensure the diagnostic accuracy. Amphotericin B, flucytosine and fluconazole combined therapy is the most widely used therapeutic strategy at present, which has been proved to be effective; surgery operations (such as ventriculo-peritoneal shunt are effective in the treatment of cryptococcal meningitis complicating hydrocephalus.  Conclusions The diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis and/or cryptococcal meningoencephalitis is difficult for its lack of specific clinical manifestations. Suspected patients should receive repeated CSF smear, latex agglutination test as well as imageological examination to make an accurate diagnosis. Combined, long-term antifungal therapy should be used immediately in confirmed cases, and surgery operations can be used in necessity to improve outcomes. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6731.2014.08.008

  7. The Meningitis Vaccine Project. (United States)

    LaForce, F Marc; Konde, Kader; Viviani, Simonetta; Préziosi, Marie-Pierre


    Epidemic meningococcal meningitis is an important public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa. Current control measures rely on reactive immunizations with polysaccharide (PS) vaccines that do not induce herd immunity and are of limited effectiveness in those under 2 years of age. Conversely, polysaccharide conjugate vaccines are effective in infants and have consistently shown an important effect on decreasing carriage, two characteristics that facilitate disease control. In 2001 the Meningitis Vaccine Project (MVP) was created as a partnership between PATH and the World Health Organization (WHO) with the goal of eliminating meningococcal epidemics in Africa through the development, licensure, introduction, and widespread use of conjugate meningococcal vaccines. Since group A Neisseria meningitidis (N. meningitidis) is the dominant pathogen causing epidemic meningitis in Africa MVP is developing an affordable (US$ 0.40 per dose) meningococcal A (Men A) conjugate vaccine through an innovative international partnership that saw transfer of a conjugation and fermentation technology to a developing country vaccine manufacturer. A Phase 1 study of the vaccine in India has shown that the product is safe and immunogenic. Phase 2 studies have begun in Africa, and a large demonstration study of the conjugate vaccine is envisioned for 2008-2009. After extensive consultations with African public health officials a vaccine introduction plan has been developed that includes introduction of the Men A conjugate vaccine into standard Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) schedules but also emphasizes mass vaccination of 1-29 years old to induce herd immunity, a strategy that has been shown to be highly effective when the meningococcal C (Men C) conjugate vaccine was introduced in several European countries. The MVP model is a clear example of the usefulness of a "push mechanism" to finance the development of a needed vaccine for the developing world.

  8. Haemophilus influenzae Type a Meningitis in Immunocompetent Child, Oman, 2015. (United States)

    Sawardekar, Kiran P


    Meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) was eliminated in Oman after the introduction of Hib vaccine in 2001. However, a case of H. influenzae type a meningitis was diagnosed in a child from Oman in 2015, which highlights the need to monitor the incidence of invasive non-Hib H. influenzae disease.

  9. The changing epidemiology of pediatric aseptic meningitis in Daejeon, Korea from 1987 to 2003

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    Lee Mi-Hee


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Aseptic meningitis is a relatively frequent childhood disease and virologic data suggest that enteroviruses are the commonest etiologic agents. We evaluated the epidemiologic characteristics of aseptic meningitis in Daejeon, South Korea from 1987 to 2003. Methods 2201 medical records of children with aseptic meningitis admitted to The Catholic University of Korea, Daejeon St Mary's Hospital were retrospectively analyzed. Results Outbreaks of aseptic meningitis were observed in 1990, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2001 and 2002. The age distribution of cases was relatively uniform, with a higher incidence in those aged P = 0.001. Neurologic sequelae were observed in 0.7% of the patients. Conclusion Aseptic meningitis, rare before the 1980s in Korea, has since become a common clinical entity. Since 1990, outbreaks of aseptic meningitis have occurred every 1 to 3 years in Daejeon in keeping with Korea-wide epidemics. The frequency of disease affecting children less than one year of age may reflect herd immunity to the epidemic strain.

  10. Meningitis associated with Vancomycin resistant Enterococcus casseliflavus: First report

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    Nilay Sefa Uçar


    Full Text Available Enterococci are present in the gastrointestinal system as normal floral components. In the past two decades membersof the genus Enterococcus have emerged as important nosocomial pathogens worldwide. Enterococci may cause arange of different disorders such as urinary tract, intraabdominal, and wound infections, as well as endocarditis, meningitisand bacteraemia. Nosocomial enterococcal meningitis is most commonly observed following ventriculoperitonealshunt operations. Vancomycin resistant enterococcus (VRE represents 30% of all enterococci infections.This report presents a vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus casseliflavus meningitis case in a 66-year-old patient withventriculoperitoneal shunt, which has not been reported in the literature before. Successful outcomes were obtainedwith daptomycin plus linezolid combined treatment in VRE meningitis. Treatment recommendations in VRE meningitisare also discussed in this article. J Microbiol Infect Dis 2011;1 (3:138-140

  11. Role of surgery in the management of otogenic meningitis. (United States)

    Slovik, Y; Kraus, M; Leiberman, A; Kaplan, D M


    Meningitis is a life-threatening complication of otitis media. The appropriate management and the role of surgical intervention are still controversial, and there are no evidence-based guidelines in this regard. We report three cases of otogenic meningitis, initially treated with parenteral antibiotics and myringotomy, followed by surgery. Two patients had an emergency mastoidectomy and one patient underwent surgery one month post-recovery due to the suspicion of bone erosion on a computed tomography scan. In two cases, a canal wall up procedure was performed, and one patient underwent revision of a radical mastoidectomy. In all cases, no pus or granulations were seen in the mastoid. Two patients fully recovered and one patient died. We review the literature and critically discuss the role, timing and preferred type of surgery for otogenic meningitis.

  12. Computed tomography of granulomatous basal meningitis caused by pneumococcus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sonobe, Makoto; Takahashi, Shinichiro (Mito National Hospital, Ibaraki (Japan)); Ohara, Kazuo


    A case of 3-month-old female with ''granulomatous basal meningitis'' caused by pneumococcus was described. She suffered from high fever, vomiting, convulsion and loss of consciousness on January 28th, 1982. On admission the protein content of the spinal fluid was 280 mg/100 ml, the glucose 4 mg/100 ml and the cell count was 1206/3(L : 845, N : 361). Her symptoms and signs were deteriorated in spite of antibiotics and anticonvulsants. CT scan on the 10th day showed the enhanced basal cistern. She died on the 11th day but autopsy was not carried out. In this case, pneumococcus was cultured in CSF. This seemed to be the first case of ''granulomatous basal meningitis'' due to purulent meningitis in Japan.

  13. Early versus late diagnosis in community-acquired bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bodilsen, J; Brandt, C T; Sharew, A


    OBJECTIVES: To examine clinical characteristics and outcome of patients with late diagnosis of community-acquired bacterial meningitis (CABM). METHODS: We conducted a chart review of all adults with proven CABM in three centres in Denmark from 1998 through to 2014. Patients were categorized...... as early diagnosis of CABM immediately on admission, or late diagnosis if CABM was not listed in referral or admission records and neither lumbar puncture nor antibiotic therapy for meningitis was considered immediately on admission. We used modified Poisson regression analysis to compute adjusted relative...... differences (p 65 years (56/113, 50% versus 67/245, 27%), neck stiffness (35/97, 36% versus 183/234, 78%), concomitant pneumonia (26/113, 23% versus 26/245, 11%), and meningococcal meningitis (6/113, 5% versus 52/245, 21%). These variables...


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    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION Acute infections of nervous system are among the most important problems in medicine because early recognition, efficient decision making and rapid institution of therapy can be lifesaving. Making a clinical diagnosis of acute meningitis depends on the cornerstone of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF examination. We present a case with the above-mentioned difficulty and the approach involved in establishing the exact diagnosis and institution of appropriate treatment. CONCLUSION About findings in viral meningitis one should be careful while evaluating a CSF report so as to not make a mistaken diagnosis and delay treatment. The most important analysis in patients whose symptoms are consistent with herpes simplex meningitis is the detection of Herpes simplex Virus deoxy-ribo-nucleic acid (HSV-DNA in CSF with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR.

  15. Vaccine preventable meningitis in Malaysia: epidemiology and management. (United States)

    McNeil, Hannah C; Jefferies, Johanna M C; Clarke, Stuart C


    Worldwide bacterial meningitis accounts for more than one million cases and 135,000 deaths annually. Profound, lasting neurological complications occur in 9-25% of cases. This review confirms the greatest risk from bacterial meningitis is in early life in Malaysia. Much of the disease burden can be avoided by immunization, particularly against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Despite inclusion of the Hib vaccine in the National Immunisation Programme and the licensure of pneumococcal vaccines, these two species are the main contributors to bacterial meningitis in Malaysia, with Neisseria meningitidis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, causing a smaller proportion of disease. The high Hib prevalence may partly be due to dated, small-scale studies limiting the understanding of the current epidemiological situation. This highlights the need for larger, better quality surveillance from Malaysia to evaluate the success of Hib immunization and to help guide immunization policy for vaccines against S. pneumoniae and N. meningitidis.

  16. Understanding the functions and relationships of the glymphatic system and meningeal lymphatics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Louveau, Antoine; Plog, Benjamin A.; Antila, Salli


    Recent discoveries of the glymphatic system and of meningeal lymphatic vessels have generated a lot of excitement, along with some degree of skepticism. Here, we summarize the state of the field and point out the gaps of knowledge that should be filled through further research. We discuss...... the glymphatic system as a system that allows CNS perfusion by the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and interstitial fluid (ISF). We also describe the recently characterized meningeal lymphatic vessels and their role in drainage of the brain ISF, CSF, CNS-derived molecules, and immune cells from the CNS and meninges...... and CNS drainage. Future studies should explore the communications between the glymphatic system and meningeal lymphatics in CNS disorders and develop new therapeutic modalities targeting these systems....

  17. Pathology of wild-type and toxin-independent Bacillus anthracis meningitis in rabbits.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Assa Sittner

    Full Text Available Hemorrhagic meningitis is considered a complication of anthrax and was reported in about 50% of deadly cases in humans and non-human primates (NHP. Recently we demonstrated in Guinea pigs and rabbits that 100% of the B. anthracis-infected animals presented histopathology of meningitis at the time of death, some without any sign of hemorrhage. A similar pathology was observed in animals that succumbed following infection with the toxin deficient mutant, thus indicating that anthrax meningitis is a toxin-independent phenomenon. In this manuscript we describe a histopathological study of the B. anthracis infection of the central nervous system (CNS. Though we could find sporadic growth of the bacteria around blood vessels in the cortex, we report that the main infiltration route is the choroid plexus. We found massive destruction of entire sections of the choroid plexus coupled with massive aggregation of bacilli in the ventricles, in close proximity to the parenchyma. The choroid plexus also contained significant amounts of intravascular bacterial aggregates, often enclosed in what appear to be fibrin-like clots. The high concentration of these aggregates in areas of significant tissue destruction combined with the fact that capsular B. anthracis bacteria have a low tendency to adhere to endothelial cells, might suggest that these clots are used as an adherence mechanism by the bacteria. The major histopathological finding is meningitis. We find massive bacterial growth in the meninges without evidence of encephalitis, even when the bacteria emerge from a parenchymal blood vessel. Erythrocytes were present within the meningeal space but no clear vasculitis could be detected. Histology of the brain stem indicates meningitis, edema and hemorrhages that might explain death from suffocation due to direct damage to the respiratory center. All of these processes are toxin-independent, since they were observed following infection with either the wild

  18. Falhas na anestesia subaracnóidea Fallos en la anestesia subaracnoide Failure of subarachnoid blocks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hugo Praxedes


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Desde Bier, é descrita falha de anestesia subaracnóidea que causa desconforto ao paciente e que ocorre, eventualmente, mesmo diante de profissionais hábeis que a tenham conduzido de forma tecnicamente correta. Há variação, no entanto, de conceito de falha e, principalmente, de identificação precisa de causas. O objetivo do trabalho é identificar melhor as causas deste desconforto por meio de revisão sistemática de publicações com casuística significativa. CONTEÚDO: Dividiu-se a análise em três tópicos: anatomia e suas variações; o agente anestésico, que trata da seleção do agente, suas soluções e adições, de forma a atingir o resultado mais apropriado à intervenção cirúrgica proposta; e a dose, discutindo-se concentração, volume ou dose gravimétrica, no sentido de obter resultado mais adequado tanto no que diz respeito à intensidade do bloqueio quanto à sua duração. CONCLUSÕES: As falhas são mais afeitas a fatores técnicos: avaliação anatômica adequada, escolha criteriosa da agulha e do local da punção, cuidados no armazenamento dos agentes, adequação de dose, baricidade, além de posicionamento correto do paciente durante e após punção, tudo adequado ao objetivo cirúrgico.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Bier ya describía los fallos en la anestesia subaracnoidea que causa la incomodidad al paciente, y que se da, eventualmente, incluso con la presencia de profesionales hábiles que la hayan conducido de forma técnicamente correcta. Existe una variación, sin embargo, del concepto de fallo y principalmente, de la identificación precisa de las causas. El objetivo del trabajo es identificar mejor las causas de esa incomodidad a través de la revisión sistemática de publicaciones con casuística significativa. CONTENIDO: El análisis se dividió en tres tópicos: la anatomía y sus variaciones; el agente anestésico, que trata sobre la selección del agente, sus soluciones

  19. Anestesia venosa total (AVT) em lactente com doença de Werdnig-Hoffmann: relato de caso


    Resende, Marco Antonio Cardoso de; Silva, Elizabeth Vaz da; Nascimento, Osvaldo José Moreira; Gemal, Alberto Esteves; Quintanilha, Giseli; Vasconcelos, Eliana Maria


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A doença de Werdnig-Hoffmann é a causa mais comum de hipotonia no lactente e quando presente logo após o nascimento tem pior prognóstico. Fraqueza muscular simétrica, arreflexia e fasciculações da língua são característicos. A maioria dos lactentes morre antes dos dois anos por insuficiência respiratória. O presente relato apresenta um caso com técnica venosa total durante anestesia. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente feminina, branca, um ano, 10 kg, estado físico ASA III, co...

  20. Doença de Moyamoya e anestesia com sevoflurano fora do centro cirúrgico: relato de caso


    Machado, Sheila Braga; Mendes, Florentino Fernandes; Angelini, Adriana de Campos


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A doença de Moyamoya é uma desordem cerebrovascular progressiva que representa um desafio anestésico em virtude da precária circulação cerebral destes pacientes, constituindo-se numa importante causa de acidente vascular cerebral em indivíduos jovens. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar o caso de um paciente com doença de Moyamoya que foi submetido à anestesia geral com sevoflurano para procedimento diagnóstico fora do centro cirúrgico. RELATO DO CASO: Criança com ...

  1. Hydrocephalus is a rare outcome in community-acquired bacterial meningitis in adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bodilsen, Jacob; Schønheyder, Henrik Carl; Nielsen, Henrik I


    BACKGROUND: Community-acquired bacterial meningitis (CABM) continues to have a high mortality rate and often results in severe sequelae among survivors. Lately, an increased effort has been focused on describing the neurological complications of meningitis including hydrocephalus. To aid in this ......BACKGROUND: Community-acquired bacterial meningitis (CABM) continues to have a high mortality rate and often results in severe sequelae among survivors. Lately, an increased effort has been focused on describing the neurological complications of meningitis including hydrocephalus. To aid...... in this field of research we set out to ascertain the risk and outcome of hydrocephalus in patients with community-acquired bacterial meningitis (CABM) in North Denmark Region. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective population-based cohort study of CABM cases above 14 years of age. Cases diagnosed during a 13......-year period, 1998 through 2010, were identified in a laboratory register and data were acquired through patient records. Cases not confirmed by culture met other strict inclusion criteria. The diagnosis of hydrocephalus relied upon the radiologists' reports on cranial imaging. Outcome was graded...

  2. Candida parapsilosis meningitis associated with Gliadel (BCNU) wafer implants.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Brien, Deirdre


    A 58-year old male presented with meningitis associated with subgaleal and subdural collections 6 weeks following a temporal craniotomy for resection of recurrent glioblastoma multiforme and Gliadel wafer implantation. Candida parapsilosis was cultured from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and Gliadel wafers removed during surgical debridement. He was successfully treated with liposomal amphotericin B. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of Candida parapsilosis meningitis secondary to Gliadel wafer placement.

  3. Chemical meningitis from a leaking craniopharyngioma: a case report. (United States)

    Hakizimana, David; Poulsgaard, Lars; Fugleholm, Kåre


    Recurrent chemical meningitis from cyclic leakage of cyst content from a craniopharyngioma is a rare phenomenon. Here, we report a case of leaking cystic craniopharyngioma presenting with recurrent episodes of sterile meningitis, depression, and paranoia. The diagnosis after an initial craniotomy and exploration was hypophysitis. Signs and symptoms were not alleviated by puncture and biopsy of the tumour but they disappeared after complete resection with a final histological diagnosis of craniopharyngioma.

  4. Candida parapsilosis meningitis associated with Gliadel (BCNU) wafer implants.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'brien, Deirdre


    A 58-year old male presented with meningitis associated with subgaleal and subdural collections 6 weeks following a temporal craniotomy for resection of recurrent glioblastoma multiforme and Gliadel wafer implantation. Candida parapsilosis was cultured from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and Gliadel wafers removed during surgical debridement. He was successfully treated with liposomal amphotericin B. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of Candida parapsilosis meningitis secondary to Gliadel wafer placement.

  5. Complement component 5 contributes to poor disease outcome in humans and mice with pneumococcal meningitis (United States)

    Woehrl, Bianca; Brouwer, Matthijs C.; Murr, Carmen; Heckenberg, Sebastiaan G.B.; Baas, Frank; Pfister, Hans W.; Zwinderman, Aeilko H.; Morgan, B. Paul; Barnum, Scott R.; van der Ende, Arie; Koedel, Uwe; van de Beek, Diederik


    Pneumococcal meningitis is the most common and severe form of bacterial meningitis. Fatality rates are substantial, and long-term sequelae develop in about half of survivors. Disease outcome has been related to the severity of the proinflammatory response in the subarachnoid space. The complement system, which mediates key inflammatory processes, has been implicated as a modulator of pneumococcal meningitis disease severity in animal studies. Additionally, SNPs in genes encoding complement pathway proteins have been linked to susceptibility to pneumococcal infection, although no associations with disease severity or outcome have been established. Here, we have performed a robust prospective nationwide genetic association study in patients with bacterial meningitis and found that a common nonsynonymous complement component 5 (C5) SNP (rs17611) is associated with unfavorable disease outcome. C5 fragment levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with bacterial meningitis correlated with several clinical indicators of poor prognosis. Consistent with these human data, C5a receptor–deficient mice with pneumococcal meningitis had lower CSF wbc counts and decreased brain damage compared with WT mice. Adjuvant treatment with C5-specific monoclonal antibodies prevented death in all mice with pneumococcal meningitis. Thus, our results suggest C5-specific monoclonal antibodies could be a promising new antiinflammatory adjuvant therapy for pneumococcal meningitis. PMID:21926466

  6. Mortality from bacterial meningitis in children in Kosovo. (United States)

    Namani, Sadie; Milenkovic, Zvonko; Kuchar, Ernest; Koci, Remzie; Mehmeti, Murat


    Bacterial meningitis is a severe infection responsible for high mortality. This prospective study of 277 pediatric bacterial meningitis cases was done to identify factors predicting death in children 24 hours after admission (RR = 11.5), age <1 month (RR = 19.3), the use of inotropic agents (RR = 11.5), and admission after 5 days' duration of illness (P < .001). The mortality rate in children in Kosovo is similar to those reported from developing countries, and this is most likely due to the unfavorable living conditions.

  7. Clinical Presentation, Aetiology, and Outcomes of Meningitis in a Setting of High HIV and TB Prevalence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keneuoe Hycianth Thinyane


    Full Text Available Meningitis causes significant morbidity and mortality globally. The aim of this study was to study the clinical presentation, aetiology, and outcomes of meningitis among adult patients admitted to Queen Mamohato Memorial Hospital in Maseru, Lesotho, with a diagnosis of meningitis. A cross-sectional study was conducted between February and April 2014; data collected included presenting signs and symptoms, laboratory results, and clinical outcomes. Descriptive statistics were used to summarise data; association between variables was analysed using Fisher’s exact test. 56 patients were enrolled; the HIV coinfection rate was 79%. The most common presenting symptoms were altered mental status, neck stiffness, headache, and fever. TB meningitis was the most frequent diagnosis (39%, followed by bacterial (27%, viral (18%, and cryptococcal meningitis (16%. In-hospital mortality was 43% with case fatalities of 23%, 40%, 44%, and 90% for TB, bacterial, cryptococcal, and viral meningitis, respectively. Severe renal impairment was significantly associated with mortality. In conclusion, the causes of meningitis in this study reflect the high prevalence of HIV and TB in our setting. Strategies to reduce morbidity and mortality due to meningitis should include improving diagnostic services to facilitate early detection and treatment of meningitis and timely initiation of antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients.

  8. Ultrastructure of canine meninges after repeated epidural injection of S(+)-ketamine. (United States)

    Acosta, Alinne; Gomar, Carmen; Bombí, Josep A; Graça, Dominguita L; Garrido, Marta; Krauspenhar, Cristina


    The safety of ketamine when administered by the spinal route must be confirmed in various animal species before it is approved for use in humans. This study evaluates the ultrastructure of canine meninges after repeated doses of epidural S(+)-ketamine. Five dogs received S(+)-ketamine 5%, 1 mg/kg, twice a day for 10 days through an epidural catheter with its tip located at the L5 level. One dog received the same volume of normal saline at the same times. The spinal cord and meninges were processed for histopathological and ultrastructural studies. Clinical effects were assessed after each injection. Motor and sensory block appeared after each injection of S(+)-ketamine, but not in the dog receiving saline. No signs of clinical or neurologic alterations were observed. Using light microscopy, no meningeal layer showed alterations except focal infiltration at the catheter tip level by macrophages, lymphocytes, and a few mast cells. The cells of different layers were studied by electron microscopy and interpreted according to data from human and other animal species because no ultrastructural description of the canine meninges is currently available. There were no cellular signs of inflammation, phagocytosis, or degeneration in meningeal layers and no signs of atrophy, compression, or demyelinization in the areas of dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord around the arachnoid. These findings were common for dogs receiving S(+)-ketamine and the dog receiving saline. Repeated doses of epidural S(+)-ketamine 5%, 1 mg/kg, twice a day for 10 days was not associated to cellular alterations in canine meninges.

  9. Anestesia em paciente portador de distrofia muscular de Duchenne: relato de casos Anestesia en un paciente portador de distrofia muscular de Duchenne: relato de casos Anesthesia for Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients: case reports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Machado Saldanha


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Este estudo objetiva relatar dois casos de anestesia em pacientes portadores de Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD, uma doença rara, progressiva e incapacitante, e discutir sobre a conduta anestésica. O comprometimento das funções pulmonar e cardíaca, a possibilidade de ocorrência de hipertermia maligna, a maior sensibilidade aos bloqueadores neuromusculares e o aumento da morbidade pós-operatória são alguns dos desafios enfrentados pelo anestesiologista. RELATO DOS CASOS: O primeiro caso foi o de um paciente pediátrico com diagnóstico de DMD e rabdomiossarcoma, agendado para exérese da lesão e esvaziamento cervical ampliado. Na avaliação pré-anestésica (anamnese, exame clínico e exames complementares não foram detectadas alterações, exceto pela tumoração cervical. Optou-se pela técnica venosa total, com remifentanil em infusão contínua e propofol em infusão alvo-controlada, sem a utilização de bloqueadores neuromusculares. O procedimento cirúrgico teve duração de 180 minutos, sem intercorrências. O segundo caso foi de um paciente do sexo masculino, 24 anos, com diagnóstico de DMD e colelitíase com indicação cirúrgica, cuja avaliação pré-operatória revelou pneumopatia restritiva grave, com diminuições da capacidade e da reserva respiratórias, sendo necessário o uso de BIPAP nasal noturno. Neste paciente, optou-se pela intubação traqueal com sedação mínima e anestesia tópica, seguida pela técnica venosa total com remifentanil em infusão contínua e propofol em infusão alvo-controlada, sem a utilização de bloqueadores neuromusculares. Ao término, o paciente foi extubado ainda na sala de operações e imediatamente colocado no BIPAP nasal. Encaminhado à UTI, com alta no 2º PO e alta hospitalar no 3º PO. CONCLUSÕES: A anestesia venosa total com infusão contínua de propofol e remifentanil sem bloqueadores neuromusculares constitui-se em opção segura e

  10. Epidemiologic and microbiologic characteristics of recurrent bacterial and fungal meningitis in the Netherlands, 1988-2005

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Driel, Joris J.; Bekker, Vincent; Spanjaard, Lodewijk; van der Ende, Arie; Kuijpers, Taco W.


    Background. Patients may experience multiple episodes of bacterial meningitis. Information from large studies of recurrent meningitis is limited. We evaluated the incidence of recurrent bacterial meningitis and the distribution of causative organisms in The Netherlands. Methods. Data for patients

  11. An autopsied case of tuberculous meningitis showing interesting CT findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abiko, Takashi; Higuchi, Hiroshi; Imada, Ryuichi; Nagai, Kenichi


    A 61-year-old female patient died of a neurological disorder of unknown origin one month after the first visit and was found to have had tuberculous meningitis at autopsy. CT revealed a low density area showing an enlargement of the cerebral ventricle but did not reveal contrast enhancement in the basal cistern peculiar to tuberculous meningitis. (Namekawa, K.)

  12. Vaccine-Induced Waning of Haemophilus influenzae Empyema and Meningitis, Angola (United States)

    Peltola, Heikki; Bernardino, Luis; Monteiro, Lurdes; Silvestre, Silvia da Conceição; Anjos, Elizabete; Cruzeiro, Manuel Leite; Pitkäranta, Anne; Roine, Irmeli


    In Angola during 2003–2012, we detected Haemophilus influenzae in 18% of 2,634 and 26% of 2,996 bacteriologically positive pleural or cerebrospinal fluid samples, respectively, from children. After vaccination launch in 2006, H. influenzae empyema declined by 83% and meningitis by 86%. Severe H. influenzae pneumonia and meningitis are preventable by vaccination. PMID:25340259

  13. Personlighedsforandring og hydrocefalus forårsaget af tuberkuløs meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    von Huth, Sebastian; Pedersen, Court; Johansen, Isik Somuncu


    Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) denotes infection of the meninges with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. In Denmark, TBM is rare, but requires correct handling and rapid treatment. We describe a case of TBM in a previously healthy 19-year-old man from Somalia, whose primary symptoms were fever...

  14. Revisión sistemática sobre la efectividad del tratamiento de fisioterapia tras la reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior


    Aguado Llorente, Mariola


    La rotura del LCA es una lesión frecuente a nivel deportivo. Se caracteriza por dolor, hinchazón e inestabilidad. tras su lesión es imposible seguir un protocolo de rehabilitación con fisioterapia para recuperar la funcionalidad de la rodilla. con este trabajo pretendo comprobar la eficacia del tratamiento de fisioterapia tras la cirugía del LCA utilizando las bases de datos Medline, Pedro, Cochrane, Gopubmed y Science direct, utilizando las palabras "anterior crucial ligament", "post surgery...

  15. A Fuzzy Expert System for Distinguishing between Bacterial and Aseptic Meningitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mostafa Langarizadeh


    Full Text Available Introduction Bacterial meningitis is a known infectious disease which occurs at early ages and should be promptly diagnosed and treated. Bacterial and aseptic meningitis are hard to be distinguished. Therefore, physicians should be highly informed and experienced in this area. The main aim of this study was to suggest a system for distinguishing between bacterial and aseptic meningitis, using fuzzy logic.    Materials and Methods In the first step, proper attributes were selected using Weka 3.6.7 software. Six attributes were selected using Attribute Evaluator, InfoGainAttributeEval, and Ranker search method items. Then, a fuzzy inference engine was designed using MATLAB software, based on Mamdani’s fuzzy logic method with max-min composition, prod-probor, and centroid defuzzification. The rule base consisted of eight rules, based on the experience of three specialists and information extracted from textbooks. Results Data were extracted from 106 records of patients with meningitis (42 cases with bacterial meningitis in order to evaluate the proposed system. The system accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity were 89%, 92 %, and 97%, respectively. The area under the ROC curve was 0.93, and Kappa test revealed a good level of agreement (k=0.84, P

  16. The characteristics of post-neurosurgical bacterial meningitis in elective neurosurgery in 2012: A single institute study. (United States)

    Tian, Runfa; Hao, Shuyu; Hou, Zonggang; Gao, Zhixian; Liu, Baiyun


    Most post-neurosurgical meningitis research has been focused on large cohorts with numerous cases followed over several years. However, the characteristics of post-neurosurgical meningitis in an entire single year are still unclear, and knowledge of these characteristics might influence the selection of appropriate antibiotics and therapeutic strategies for the successful management of this disease. Our aim is to obtain a better understanding of post-neurosurgical meningitis over a single entire year. Patients with positive meningitis cultures after neurosurgical operations in our hospital during the entire year of 2012 were included in the analysis. We report demographic characteristics, morbidity during different seasons, clinical and bacteriological profiles, sensitivity to antibiotics and causes of the post-neurosurgical meningitis infections in our cohort. Of the 6407 patients who underwent neurosurgical procedures during the study period, 146 developed post-neurosurgical meningitis and the overall incidence of meningitis was 2.28%. The incidence of meningitis was significantly higher in patients who underwent surgery in the autumn and winter than spring or summer (p=0.000). The most common organisms causing meningitis were Gram-positive bacteria, followed by the Klebsiella and Baumannii species. Compound sulfamethoxazole (52.6%) and vancomycin (10.5%) were the most active antibiotics against Gram-positive bacteria strains, whereas meropenem (43.8%) and polymyxin (18.8%) were active against Gram-negative bacillus strains. Post-neurosurgical meningitis usually occurs in the autumn and winter of the year in our hospital. Gram-positive organisms, which are sensitive to compound sulfamethoxazole and vancomycin, are the most common causative pathogens of post-neurosurgical meningitis in the northern mainland of China. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Intermediate filament protein nestin is expressed in developing meninges. (United States)

    Yay, A; Ozdamar, S; Canoz, O; Baran, M; Tucer, B; Sonmez, M F


    Nestin is a type VI intermediate filament protein known as a marker for progenitor cells that can be mostly found in tissues during the embryonic and fetal periods. In our study, we aimed to determine the expression of nestin in meninges covering the brain tissue at different developmental stages and in the new born. In this study 10 human fetuses in different development stages between developmental weeks 9-34 and a newborn brain tissue were used. Fetuses in paraffin section were stained with H+E and nestin immunohistochemical staining protocol was performed. In this study, in the human meninges intense nestin expression was detected as early as in the 9th week of development. Intensity of this expression gradually decreased in later stages of development and nestin expression still persisted in a small population of newborn meningeal cells. In the present study, nestin positive cells gradually diminished in the developing and maturing meninges during the fetal period. This probably depends on initiation of a decrease in nestin expression and replacement with other tissue-specific intermediate filaments while the differentiation process continues. These differences can make significant contributions to the investigation and diagnosis of various pathological disorders (Tab. 1, Fig. 3, Ref. 36).

  18. Long-Term Effects from Bacterial Meningitis in Childhood and Adolescence on Postural Control (United States)

    Petersen, Hannes; Patel, Mitesh; Ingason, Einar F.; Einarsson, Einar J.; Haraldsson, Ásgeir; Fransson, Per-Anders


    Bacterial meningitis in childhood is associated with cognitive deficiencies, sensorimotor impairments and motor dysfunction later in life. However, the long-term effects on postural control is largely unknown, e.g., whether meningitis subjects as adults fully can utilize visual information and adaptation to enhance stability. Thirty-six subjects (20 women, mean age 19.3 years) treated in childhood or adolescence for bacterial meningitis, and 25 controls (13 women, mean age 25.1 years) performed posturography with eyes open and closed under unperturbed and perturbed standing. The meningitis subjects were screened for subjective vertigo symptoms using a questionnaire, clinically tested with headshake and head thrust test, as well as their hearing was evaluated. Meningitis subjects were significantly more unstable than controls during unperturbed (p≤0.014) and perturbed standing, though while perturbed only with eyes open in anteroposterior direction (p = 0.034) whereas in lateral direction both with eyes open and closed (pMeningitis subjects had poorer adaption ability to balance perturbations especially with eyes open, and they frequently reported symptoms of unsteadiness (88% of the subjects) and dizziness (81%), which was found significantly correlated to objectively decreased stability. Out of the 36 subjects only 3 had unilateral hearing impairment. Hence, survivors of childhood bacterial meningitis may suffer long-term disorders affecting postural control, and would greatly benefit if these common late effects became generally known so treatments can be developed and applied. PMID:25405756

  19. Dexamethasone Therapy for Bacterial Meningitis: Better Never Than Late?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susan M King


    Full Text Available A multicentre randomized controlled trial was conducted in children with bacterial meningitis using dexamethasone or placebo for four days within 24 h of starting antibiotics. Primary outcomes were hearing loss and neurological abnormalities at 12 months after meningitis. The dexamethasone (n=50 and placebo (n=51 groups were similar in age, severity of illness and etiological agent. Hearing loss occurred in 10% and 11% of the dexamethasone and placebo groups and neurological deficits occurred in 20% and 18% of patients, respectively. Duodenal perforation occurred in one dexamethasone-treated child. In conclusion, there was no significant benefit in those receiving dexamethasone. The lack of benefit may have been due to the delay in administration of dexamethasone (median delay of 11 h after antibiotics. Therefore, if dexamethasone is used for meningitis it should be given immediately with the antibiotic.

  20. Trend of bacterial meningitis in Bahrain from 1990 to 2013 and effect of introduction of new vaccines. (United States)

    Saeed, N; AlAnsari, H; AlKhawaja, S; Jawad, J S; Nasser, K; AlYousef, E


    Meningitis is among the 10 commonest infectious causes of death worldwide. This retrospective analysis of reported cases of meningitis in Bahrain aimed to assess the trend in the incidence of bacterial meningitis from 1990 to 2013, before and after the introduction of new vaccines. Of 1455 reported cases of meningitis during the study period 73.1% were viral and 26.9% were bacterial etiology (tuberculous meningitis 8.3%; Streptococcus pneumoniae 4.9%, Haemophilus influenzae 3.6% and Neisseria meningitidis 1.7%). There was a peak of meningitis cases in 1995-1996. The incidence of meningitis due to H. influenzae and N. meningitidis showed a marked reduction after the introduction of the corresponding vaccines in 1998 and 2001 respectively, and S. pneumoniae became the predominant organism after Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The changing trend in the etiology of bacterial meningitis points to the need to study vaccination programme modifications, such as pneumococcal vaccine for the adult population, especially high-risk groups.

  1. Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype-2 childhood meningitis in Bangladesh: a newly recognized pneumococcal infection threat.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samir K Saha

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of meningitis in countries where pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV targeting commonly occurring serotypes are not routinely used. However, effectiveness of PCV would be jeopardized by emergence of invasive pneumococcal diseases (IPD caused by serotypes which are not included in PCV. Systematic hospital based surveillance in Bangladesh was established and progressively improved to determine the pathogens causing childhood sepsis and meningitis. This also provided the foundation for determining the spectrum of serotypes causing IPD. This article reports an unprecedented upsurge of serotype 2, an uncommon pneumococcal serotype, without any known intervention. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Cases with suspected IPD had blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF collected from the beginning of 2001 till 2009. Pneumococcal serotypes were determined by capsular swelling of isolates or PCR of culture-negative CSF specimens. Multicenter national surveillance, expanded from 2004, identified 45,437 patients with suspected bacteremia who were blood cultured and 10,618 suspected meningitis cases who had a lumber puncture. Pneumococcus accounted for 230 culture positive cases of meningitis in children <5 years. Serotype-2 was the leading cause of pneumococcal meningitis, accounting for 20.4% (45/221; 95% CI 15%-26% of cases. Ninety eight percent (45/46 of these serotype-2 strains were isolated from meningitis cases, yielding the highest serotype-specific odds ratio for meningitis (29.6; 95% CI 3.4-256.3. The serotype-2 strains had three closely related pulsed field gel electrophoresis types. CONCLUSIONS: S. pneumoniae serotype-2 was found to possess an unusually high potential for causing meningitis and was the leading serotype-specific cause of childhood meningitis in Bangladesh over the past decade. Persisting disease occurrence or progressive spread would represent a major potential infection threat since serotype-2

  2. Cholinergic Nociceptive Mechanisms in Rat Meninges and Trigeminal Ganglia: Potential Implications for Migraine Pain. (United States)

    Shelukhina, Irina; Mikhailov, Nikita; Abushik, Polina; Nurullin, Leniz; Nikolsky, Evgeny E; Giniatullin, Rashid


    Parasympathetic innervation of meninges and ability of carbachol, acetylcholine (ACh) receptor (AChR) agonist, to induce headaches suggests contribution of cholinergic mechanisms to primary headaches. However, neurochemical mechanisms of cholinergic regulation of peripheral nociception in meninges, origin place for headache, are almost unknown. Using electrophysiology, calcium imaging, immunohistochemistry, and staining of meningeal mast cells, we studied effects of cholinergic agents on peripheral nociception in rat hemiskulls and isolated trigeminal neurons. Both ACh and carbachol significantly increased nociceptive firing in peripheral terminals of meningeal trigeminal nerves recorded by local suction electrode. Strong nociceptive firing was also induced by nicotine, implying essential role of nicotinic AChRs in control of excitability of trigeminal nerve endings. Nociceptive firing induced by carbachol was reduced by muscarinic antagonist atropine, whereas the action of nicotine was prevented by the nicotinic blocker d-tubocurarine but was insensitive to the TRPA1 antagonist HC-300033. Carbachol but not nicotine induced massive degranulation of meningeal mast cells known to release multiple pro-nociceptive mediators. Enzymes terminating ACh action, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase, were revealed in perivascular meningeal nerves. The inhibitor of AChE neostigmine did not change the firing per se but induced nociceptive activity, sensitive to d-tubocurarine, after pretreatment of meninges with the migraine mediator CGRP. This observation suggested the pro-nociceptive action of endogenous ACh in meninges. Both nicotine and carbachol induced intracellular Ca 2+ transients in trigeminal neurons partially overlapping with expression of capsaicin-sensitive TRPV1 receptors. Trigeminal nerve terminals in meninges, as well as dural mast cells and trigeminal ganglion neurons express a repertoire of pro-nociceptive nicotinic and muscarinic AChRs, which

  3. Recurrent Bacterial Meningitis in a Child with Mondini Dysplasia


    Kepenekli-Kadayifci, Eda; Karaaslan, Ayşe; Atıcı, Serkan; Binnetoğlu, Adem; Sarı, Murat; Soysal, Ahmet; Altınkanat, Gülşen; Bakır, Mustafa


    Mondini dysplasia, also known as Mondini malformation, is a developmental abnormality of the inner and middle ears that can cause hearing loss, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage, and recurrent bacterial meningitis (RBM), which is defined as two or more episodes of meningitis separated by a period of convalescence and the complete resolution of all signs and symptoms. An accurate diagnosis of the underlying pathology is crucial to prevent further episodes from occurring. Herein, we present a...

  4. Concomitant Bacterial Meningitis in Infants With Urinary Tract Infection. (United States)

    Thomson, Joanna; Cruz, Andrea T; Nigrovic, Lise E; Freedman, Stephen B; Garro, Aris C; Ishimine, Paul T; Kulik, Dina M; Uspal, Neil G; Grether-Jones, Kendra L; Miller, Aaron S; Schnadower, David; Shah, Samir S; Aronson, Paul L; Balamuth, Fran


    To determine age-stratified prevalence of concomitant bacterial meningitis in infants ≤60 days with a urinary tract infection, we performed a 23-center, retrospective study of 1737 infants with urinary tract infection. Concomitant bacterial meningitis was rare, but more common in infants 0-28 days of age [0.9%; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.4%-1.9%) compared with infants 29-60 days of age (0.2%; 95% CI: 0%-0.8%).

  5. Detection of single bacteria - causative agents of meningitis using raman microscopy (United States)

    Baikova, T. V.; Minaeva, S. A.; Sundukov, A. V.; Svistunova, T. S.; Bagratashvili, V. N.; Alushin, M. V.; Gonchukov, S. A.


    Early diagnostics of meningitis is a very topical problem as it is a fulminant disease with a high level of mortality. The progress of this disease is, as a rule, accompanied by the appearance of bacteria in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) composition. The examination of the CSF is well known to be the only reliable approach to the identification of meningitis. However, the traditional biochemical analyses are time consuming and not always reliable, simple, and inexpensive, whereas the optical methods are poorly developed. This work is devoted to the study of Raman spectra of several bacterial cultures which are mainly present during meningitis. Raman microscopy is a prompt and noninvasive technique capable of providing reliable information about molecular-level alterations of biological objects at their minimal quantity and size. It was shown that there are characteristic lines in Raman spectra which can be the reliable markers for determination of bacterial form of meningitis at a level of a single bacterium.

  6. The meninges contribute to the conditioned taste avoidance induced by neural cooling in male rats. (United States)

    Wang, Yuan; Chambers, Kathleen C


    After consumption of a novel sucrose solution, temporary cooling of neural areas that mediate conditioned taste avoidance can itself induce conditioned avoidance to the sucrose. It has been suggested that this effect is either a result of inactivation of neurons in these areas or of cooling the meninges. In a series of studies, we demonstrated that cooling the outer layer of the meninges, the dura mater, does not contribute to the conditioned taste avoidance induced by cooling any of these areas. The present experiments were designed to determine whether the inner layers of the meninges are involved. If they are involved, then one would expect that cooling locations in the brain that do not mediate conditioned taste avoidance, such as the caudate putamen (CP), would induce conditioned taste avoidance as long as the meninges were cooled as well. One also would expect that cooling neural tissue without cooling the meninges would reduce the strength of the conditioned taste avoidance. Experiment 1 established that the temperature of the neural tissue and meninges around the cold probes implanted in the CP were cooled to temperatures that have been shown to block synaptic transmission. Experiment 2 demonstrated that cooling the caudate putamen and overlying cortex and meninges induced conditioned taste avoidance. In experiment 3, a circle of meninges was cut away so that the caudate putamen and overlying cortex could be cooled without cooling the meninges. The strength of the conditioned taste avoidance was substantially reduced, but it was not entirely eliminated. These data support the hypothesis that cooling the meninges contributes to the conditioned taste avoidance induced by neural cooling. They also allow the possibility that neural inactivation produces physiological changes that can induce conditioned taste avoidance. Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.

  7. Listeria monocytogenes meningitis in the elderly: epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic findings. (United States)

    Pagliano, Pasquale; Ascione, Tiziana; Boccia, Giovanni; De Caro, Francesco; Esposito, Silvano


    Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive bacillus and facultative intracellular bacterium whose transmission occurs mainly through the consumption of contaminated food, L. monocytogenes invades the host cells using various protein and can escape to the human T-cell immune system by cell-to-cell spreading. If the infection is not controlled at the stage in which the bacterium is in the liver, for instance, due to a severe immunodepression, a secondary bacteraemia can be developed and L. monocytogenes reaches the preferred sites transgressing the blood-brain barrier or the placental barrier. Individuals with T-cell dysfunction, such as pregnant women, the elderly, and those receiving immunosuppressive therapy are at the highest risk of contracting the disease. Average life expectancy throughout developed countries has rapidly increased during the latter half of the 20th century and geriatric infectious diseases have become an increasingly important issue. L. monocytogenes meningitis in young previously healthy adults has been reported only in anecdotal observations. Differently, L. monocytogenes is the third most common cause of bacterial meningitis in the elderly population, after Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitidis. Patients with L. monocytogenes meningitis presented with signs and symptoms that were similar to those of the general population with community-acquired bacterial meningitis, but reported a longer prodromal phase. According to literature data, the prevalence of the classic triad of fever, neck stiffness, and altered mental status is 43%, and almost all patients present with at least 2 of the 4 classic symptoms of headache, fever, neck stiffness, and altered mental status. On the basis of our published data, in patients aged over 50 years, diagnosing L. monocytogenes meningitis was more challenging than pneumococcal meningitis, as demonstrated by the lower percentage of cases receiving a correct diagnosis within 48 hours from the onset

  8. Anestesia epidural com associação medetomidina e lidocaína, em gatos pré-medicados com acepromazina e midazolam

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    D.A.S.D. Lima


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos anestésicos promovidos pela associação medetomidina e lidocaína por via epidural, em gatos pré-tratados com acepromazina e midazolam. Foram utilizados 10 gatos adultos, machos e fêmeas, hígidos e com média de peso de 2,5±0,6kg, distribuídos em dois grupos (GM e GL de igual número (n=5. Administraram-se, como medicação pré-anestésica, acepromazina, 0,2mg/kg, e midazolam, 0,5mg/kg, via intramuscular, e 20 minutos depois, nos animais do GM, por via epidural, lidocaína, 4,4mg/kg, associada à medetomidina, 0,02mg/kg. Os gatos do GL receberam lidocaína, 4,4mg/kg, associada à solução de NaCl a 0,9%. As avaliações ocorreram antes da pré-anestesia (MPA, 20 minutos após a MPA e antes da anestesia epidural, e aos 10, 20, 30 e 40 minutos após a anestesia epidural, respectivamente, T-20, T0, T10, T20, T30 e T40. Foram avaliados: frequência cardíaca (FC e respiratória (FR, temperatura do corpo, saturação de oxiemoglobina, analgesia, miorrelaxamento e período de recuperação. No GM, a FC diminuiu em T20, T30 e T40 em relação ao T-20 e T10 e foi mais baixa que a FC do GL em T20, T30 e T40, respectivamente, 86, 91 e 88 bat/min e 194, 205 e 177 bat/min. A FR variou entre o T-20 e os outros momentos de avaliação nos animais do GL. Nas variáveis eletrocardiográficas, houve diferenças entre T20, T30 e T40 e T-20 e T0, valores de 235, 238 e 240ms e 156 e 161ms, respectivamente, somente no GM. Este grupo diferiu do GL nas avaliações em T20, T30 e T40, valores de 147, 132 e 150ms para os gatos do GL. Oitenta por cento dos gatos tiveram analgesia intensa, e em todos os animais ocorreu relaxamento da mandíbula e da língua. O tempo de recuperação foi de 40 e 15min no GM e no GL, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que a associação lidocaína com medetomidina promoveu plano anestésico estável com grau de anestesia e recuperação anestésica de boa qualidade.

  9. Use of Intrathecal Fluorescein in Recurrent Meningitis after Cochlear Implantation-A Case Report

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    Swati Tandon


    Full Text Available Introduction: Congenital anomalies of the cochlea and labyrinth can be associated with meningitis and varying degrees of hearing loss or deafness. Despite antibiotics, meningitis remains a life threatening complication.   Case Report: We report a case of recurrent meningitis following episodes of otitis media in a cochlear implantee child with bilateral vestibulocochlear malformation, due to fistula in the stapes footplate. Intrathecal fluorescin was used to identify the leak site.   Conclusion:  Recurrent meningitis can indicate for possible immunological or anatomical abnormalities as well for chronic parameningeal infections. Intraoperative use of intrathecal fluorescin is an ideal investigative tool to demonstrate cerebrospinal fluid (CSF leak site in patients in whom other investigations fail to do so.

  10. Higher level of NT-proCNP in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with meningitis. (United States)

    Tomasiuk, Ryszard; Lipowski, Dariusz; Szlufik, Stanislaw; Peplinska, Krystyna; Mikaszewska-Sokolewicz, Malgorzata


    Aminoterminal pro-C type natriuretic peptide (NT-proCNP) as an active form of CNP, has been recently proven to be a potential marker of sepsis and to be linked to inflammatory diseases. So far, there are no studies describing the level of NT-proCNP in meningitis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of NT-proCNP in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in patients with meningitis and to compare it with the serum level of CRP and procalcitonin (PCT) in this group of patients. The results were compared to serum levels of CRP, PCT and CSF levels of cytosis, protein and lactate. NT-proCNP levels were statistically significant between the control group and the meningitis groups (p=0.02; R=0.3). We also noted a correlation between the level of NT-proCNP in the CSF of all of the study groups (controls and meningitis patients) and the CSF levels of cytosis (p0.05; R=0.11). These results suggest that NT-proCNP could be a potential marker of meningitis, but it cannot be used to distinguish between the types of meningitis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Abundant extracellular myelin in the meninges of patients with multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Kooi, E-J; van Horssen, J; Witte, M E; Amor, S; Bø, L; Dijkstra, C D; van der Valk, P; Geurts, J J G


    In multiple sclerosis (MS) myelin debris has been observed within MS lesions, in cerebrospinal fluid and cervical lymph nodes, but the route of myelin transport out of the brain is unknown. Drainage of interstitial fluid from the brain parenchyma involves the perivascular spaces and leptomeninges, but the presence of myelin debris in these compartments has not been described. To determine whether myelin products are present in the meninges and perivascular spaces of MS patients. Formalin-fixed brain tissue containing meninges from 29 MS patients, 9 non-neurological controls, 6 Alzheimer's disease, 5 stroke, 5 meningitis and 7 leucodystrophy patients was investigated, and immunohistochemically stained for several myelin proteins [proteolipid protein (PLP), myelin basic protein (MBP), myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase)]. On brain material from MS patients and (non)neurological controls, PLP immunostaining was used to systematically investigate the presence of myelin debris in the meninges, using a semiquantitative scale. Extensive extracellular presence of myelin particles, positive for PLP, MBP, MOG and CNPase in the leptomeninges of MS patients, was observed. Myelin particles were also observed in perivascular spaces of MS patients. Immunohistochemical double-labelling for macrophage and dendritic cell markers and PLP confirmed that the vast majority of myelin particles were located extracellularly. Extracellular myelin particles were virtually absent in meningeal tissue of non-neurological controls, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, meningitis and leucodystrophy cases. In MS leptomeninges and perivascular spaces, abundant extracellular myelin can be found, whereas this is not the case for controls and other neurological disease. This may be relevant for understanding sustained immunogenicity or, alternatively, tolerogenicity in MS.

  12. Pitfalls Associated With the Use of Molecular Diagnostic Panels in the Diagnosis of Cryptococcal Meningitis. (United States)

    O'Halloran, Jane A; Franklin, Alexander; Lainhart, William; Burnham, Carey-Ann; Powderly, William; Dubberke, Erik


    We report the case of a kidney transplantation patient on chronic immunosuppressive therapy presenting with subacute meningitis. The final diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis was delayed due to 2 false-negative cryptococcal results on a molecular diagnostic panel. Caution with such platforms in suspected cryptococcal meningitis is needed.

  13. Proton NMR metabolic profiling of CSF reveals distinct differentiation of meningitis from negative controls. (United States)

    Chatterji, Tanushri; Singh, Suruchi; Sen, Manodeep; Singh, Ajai Kumar; Agarwal, Gaurav Raj; Singh, Deepak Kumar; Srivastava, Janmejai Kumar; Singh, Alka; Srivastava, Rajeshwar Nath; Roy, Raja


    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is an essential bio-fluid of the central nervous system (CNS), playing a vital role in the protection of CNS and performing neuronal function regulation. The chemical composition of CSF varies during onset of meningitis, neurodegenerative disorders (positive controls) and in traumatic cases (negative controls). The study design was broadly categorized into meningitis cases, negative controls and positive controls. Further differentiation among the three groups was carried out using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) followed by supervised Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA). The statistical analysis of meningitis vs. negative controls using PLS-DA model resulted in R 2 of 0.97 and Q 2 of 0.85. There was elevation in the levels of ketone bodies, total free amino acids, glutamine, creatine, citrate and choline containing compounds (choline and GPC) in meningitis cases. Similarly, meningitis vs. positive controls resulted in R 2 of 0.80 and Q 2 of 0.60 and showed elevation in the levels of total free amino acids, glutamine, creatine/creatinine and citrate in the meningitis group. Four cases of HIV were identified by PLS-DA model as well as by clinical investigations. On the basis of metabolic profile it was found that negative control CSF samples are more appropriate for differentiation of meningitis than positive control CSF samples. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Systemic steroid reduces long-term hearing loss in experimental pneumococcal meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Worsøe, Lise Lotte; Brandt, C.T.; Lund, S.P.


    Sensorineural hearing loss is a common complication of pneumococcal meningitis. Treatment with corticosteroids reduces inflammatory response and may thereby reduce hearing loss. However, both experimental studies and clinical trials investigating the effect of corticosteroids on hearing loss have...... generated conflicting results. The objective of the present study was to determine whether systemic steroid treatment had an effect on hearing loss and cochlear damage in a rat model of pneumococcal meningitis.......Sensorineural hearing loss is a common complication of pneumococcal meningitis. Treatment with corticosteroids reduces inflammatory response and may thereby reduce hearing loss. However, both experimental studies and clinical trials investigating the effect of corticosteroids on hearing loss have...

  15. Meningitis, a whirlpool of death: literary reflections and Russian cultural beliefs. (United States)

    Zagvazdin, Yuri


    Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the membranes that cover the central nervous system. The most frequent causes of the disease are viruses and bacteria. In the past, the disease was commonly referred to as "brain fever" or "brain inflammation," and extreme temperatures, sun, rain, mental distress, and other factors were believed to be its potent triggers. By the beginning of the twentieth century, these beliefs faded away in the United States and most western European countries. In contrast, some of these archaic notions persist in Russia, where cold air, draft, wet hair, and failure to cover one's head with a hat during winter are perceived as serious risks for contracting meningitis. These sentiments are reflected in the prose of Solzhenitsyn and other contemporary Russian authors. However, in the fictional literature of the nineteenth century, emotional or intellectual disturbances rather than the wrath of winter were portrayed worldwide as the most frequent cause of brain inflammation. Both physicians and laity blamed nervous breakdown or mental distress for the development of meningitis and the tragic deaths of the eminent Russian writer Gogol, talented poet Nadson, and heir to the Imperial throne Grand Duke Nicholas Romanov. Even in the twentieth century, esteemed Russian artists, including Pasternak, Paustovsky, and Roerich, highlighted this belief. Following the discovery of the infectious nature of meningitis, fictional depictions of the illness changed. While literary accounts of brain inflammation by the realists (e.g., Dostoevsky and Flaubert) were rather imprecise, the descriptions of the course and symptoms of meningitis by the modernists (e.g., Balmont, Hesse, and Huxley) became detailed and recognizable. Typically, the victim of the disease is a boy, and his imminent agony is preceded by immense suffering that devastates his parents. The dreadful experience of seeing children in the merciless clutches of meningitis had a profound

  16. The use of technetium-99m-DTPA in the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Von Wenzel, K.S.


    As 82 Br is not available locally in South West Africa on a daily basis a technetium preparation, 99m Tc-DTPA, was used in the diagnosis of patients with tuberculous meningitis. The 99m Tc-DTPA partition test was compared with the 82 Br partition test on 22 trial subjects. The trial subjects varied in age (0,8-57 years), sex and race. There were 7 patients diagnosed by the clinicians as having tuberculous meningitis. All patients were placed on anti-tuberculous meningitis treatment and all, except 2, one of whom regressed and 1 who died 7 days later, improved slowly. The 9 patients with viral meningitis received no antibiotics and recovered rapidly on symptomatic treatment only. With all 5 the septic meningitis cases, the organism was identified and there was thus no diagnostic uncertainty. One normal control subject was also examined. It would appear from the results that both 82 Br, as well as 99m Tc-DTPA, cross the blood-brain barrier to a greater extent in the case of tuberculous meningitis, compared to viral meningitis. Although the accuracy of the 82 Br test, if a critical ratio value of 1,3 was chosen, is 90,6% compared to 86,9% of the 99m Tc-DTPA partition test if a critical ratio value of 3 was chosen, there are still advantages to the use of the technetium preparation. These include the availability, cost and lower radiation dose per MBq as well as the possibility of brain imaging. 10 figs., 58 refs., 9 tabs

  17. Procoagulant and fibrinolytic activity in cerebrospinal fluid from adults with bacterial meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weisfelt, Martijn; Determann, Rogier M.; de Gans, Jan; van der Ende, Arie; Levi, Marcel; van de Beek, Diederik; Schultz, Marcus J.


    OBJECTIVES: This study investigated levels of coagulation and fibrinolysis factors in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from adults with bacterial meningitis in relation to development of brain infarction. METHODS: CSF was collected from 92 adults with community-acquired bacterial meningitis, who

  18. Procedimentos cirúrgicos em pacientes proctológicos selecionados, sob anestesia local: estudo de 150 casos

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    HENRIQUES Alexandre Cruz


    Full Text Available Experiência no tratamento de 150 pacientes portadores de afecções anorretais e da região sacrococcígea operados sob anestesia local no Hospital de Ensino da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, São Bernardo do Campo, SP, no período de março de 1995 a março de 1998. Descrevem a técnica anestésica empregada, operações realizadas e a tolerância ao procedimento. A morbidade intra-operatória foi de 10,6% (16 pacientes e a pós-operatória de 6% (9 pacientes. A idade dos pacientes variou entre 15 e 92 anos de idade, com média de 42 anos; 58% eram do sexo masculino e 42% feminino. O tempo médio de cirurgia foi de 45 minutos e o de permanência hospitalar foi de 8 horas. Todos os pacientes foram orientados sobre a técnica anestésica, suas vantagens e desvantagens, e somente após sua aprovação, a cirurgia era programada. Internação hospitalar foi necessária em cinco pacientes (3,3%. Em nenhum caso foi necessário modificar a técnica anestésica. Interrogados, 96,7% dos pacientes afirmaram não sentir dor durante a operação e que repetiriam o procedimento. Conclui-se que o tratamento cirúrgico das afecções orificiais e da região sacrococcígea com anestesia local além de viável e seguro, é bem aceito pelos pacientes.

  19. Feocromocitoma y anestesia: Revisión del tema a propósito de un caso

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    Yolanda Sotolongo Molina


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de un paciente al cual se le realizó resección de un feocromocitoma en el Instituto de Nefrología. Se describen sus antecedentes, anestesia general orotraqueal, control hemodinámico con lidocaína y nitropusiato de sodio y monitoreo transoperatorio empleado. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica a través del Medline, a la luz de los conocimientos actuales de la atención perioperatoria, métodos anestésicos, terapéutica con vasodilatadores, bloqueadores alfa y beta adrenérgicos, sulfato de magnesio y bloqueadores de los canales de calcio utilizados en el paciente con feocromocitoma

  20. Gadolinium enhancement of the cerebrospinal fluid in a patient with meningeal fibrosis and cryptococcal infection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakamoto, S.; Kitagaki, H.; Ishii, K.; Yamaji, S.; Ikejiri, Y.; Mori, E.


    We describe the case of a 52-year-old man, with cryptococcal meningitis and meningeal fibrosis who had undergone ventricular shunting. Gd-DTPA-enhanced T1-weighted MRI revealed diffuse meningeal enhancement. Remarkably, there was enhancement of the pia mater and posterior fossa subarachnoid space. (orig.). With 3 figs

  1. Eosinophilic Meningitis Caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis in an Adolescent With Mental Retardation and Pica Disorder

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    Chang-Wei Hsueh


    Full Text Available Eosinophilic meningitis or encephalitis is a rare disorder and is most commonly caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Humans are accidentally infected when they ingest raw snails or vegetables contaminated with the parasite larvae. Because of the improvement in sanitary food handling practices, the occurrence of A. cantonensis eosinophilic meningitis has been decreasing in Taiwan in recent decades. The common symptoms and signs of eosinophilic meningitis are severe headache, neck stiffness, paresthesia, vomiting, nausea, and fever. Acute urinary retention is a rare presentation. We report a case of A. cantonensis eosinophilic meningitis in an intellectually disabled patient who presented with acute urinary retention without any other meningeal signs. The patient received supportive treatment with corticosteroid therapy and was discharged and received urinary rehabilitation at home.

  2. Anestesia venosa total (AVT em lactente com doença de Werdnig-Hoffmann: relato de caso Anestesia venosa total (AVT en lactante con enfermedad de Werdnig-Hoffmann: relato de caso Total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA in an infant with Werdnig-Hoffmann disease: case report

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    Luis Otavio Esteves


    Full Text Available Foi com grande interesse que li o artigo "Anestesia Venosa Total (AVT em Lactente com Doença de Werdnig-Hoffmann. Relato de Caso", de Resende e col. ¹, publicado nesta revista. Gostaria, em primeiro lugar, de parabenizar os autores pela iniciativa. Entretanto, dois pontos me chamaram a atenção. O primeiro refere-se à definição de lactente, a qual compreende o período de 1 a 12 meses de idade. A partir de 12 meses, define-se como pré-escolar ou apenas criança. No artigo, o autor coloca a idade do paciente como 1 ano, mas não especifica meses ou dias. Provavelmente, esse paciente tem mais de 12 meses, sendo, dessa forma, a definição de lactente inadequada. O segundo e mais importante ponto diz respeito à técnica usada e ao título do artigo. No título, utilizou-se a expressão "anestesia venosa total", mas no relato foi dito que, além de propofol e remifentanil, a anestesia foi mantida com oxigênio e N2O. Se foi usado um gás com propriedades anestésicas (N2O, não seria correto classificar essa técnica como venosa total. Além disso, ele cita o artigo de Crawford e col. ², que definiu doses de remifentanil para intubação em crianças. Esse estudo foi realizado utilizando-se oxigenação na concentração de 100%, pois os autores provavelmente entendem que a adição de gases com propriedades anestésicas interferiria nos resultados obtidosFue con un gran interés que leí el artículo "Anestesia Venosa Total (AVT en Lactante con Enfermedad de Werdnig-Hoffmann. Relato de Caso", de Resende y col. ¹, publicado en esta revista. Y de hecho quiero, en primer lugar, felicitar a los autores por la iniciativa. Sin embargo, dos puntos me llamaron la atención. El primero, se refiere a la definición de lactante, la cual abarca el período de 1 a 12 meses de edad. A partir de los 12 meses, se define como preescolar o apenas como niño. En el artículo, el autor coloca la edad del paciente como de 1 año, pero no especifica meses o d

  3. Educational achievement and economic self-sufficiency in adults after childhood bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roed-Petersen, Casper; Omland, Lars Haukali; Skinhoj, Peter


    To our knowledge, no previous study has examined functioning in adult life among persons who had bacterial meningitis in childhood.......To our knowledge, no previous study has examined functioning in adult life among persons who had bacterial meningitis in childhood....

  4. Appearance of the canine meninges in subtraction magnetic resonance images. (United States)

    Lamb, Christopher R; Lam, Richard; Keenihan, Erin K; Frean, Stephen


    The canine meninges are not visible as discrete structures in noncontrast magnetic resonance (MR) images, and are incompletely visualized in T1-weighted, postgadolinium images, reportedly appearing as short, thin curvilinear segments with minimal enhancement. Subtraction imaging facilitates detection of enhancement of tissues, hence may increase the conspicuity of meninges. The aim of the present study was to describe qualitatively the appearance of canine meninges in subtraction MR images obtained using a dynamic technique. Images were reviewed of 10 consecutive dogs that had dynamic pre- and postgadolinium T1W imaging of the brain that was interpreted as normal, and had normal cerebrospinal fluid. Image-anatomic correlation was facilitated by dissection and histologic examination of two canine cadavers. Meningeal enhancement was relatively inconspicuous in postgadolinium T1-weighted images, but was clearly visible in subtraction images of all dogs. Enhancement was visible as faint, small-rounded foci compatible with vessels seen end on within the sulci, a series of larger rounded foci compatible with vessels of variable caliber on the dorsal aspect of the cerebral cortex, and a continuous thin zone of moderate enhancement around the brain. Superimposition of color-encoded subtraction images on pregadolinium T1- and T2-weighted images facilitated localization of the origin of enhancement, which appeared to be predominantly dural, with relatively few leptomeningeal structures visible. Dynamic subtraction MR imaging should be considered for inclusion in clinical brain MR protocols because of the possibility that its use may increase sensitivity for lesions affecting the meninges. © 2014 American College of Veterinary Radiology.

  5. Efectos de la posición corporal y la sedación en la calidad de la voz


    Oishi Konari, Miriam Natsuki


    En el ámbito de la Otorrinolaringología, existe una situación en donde la voz juega un papel importante para tomar una decisión intraoperatoria: durante la cirugía de tiroplastia de medialización de la cuerda vocal. Tras la realización de numerosas tiroplastias de medialización con anestesia local y sedación en nuestro Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, sospechamos que el test de voz intraoperatorio no era fiable ya que la voz obtenida durante el mismo no era la misma que la obtenida por el...

  6. Síndrome de Horner y bloqueo del plexo braquial ipsilateral en un caso de analgesia epidural para el trabajo del parto Horner´s sydrome and ipsilateral brachial plexus block during an epidural analgesia labour procedure


    J. Avellanosa; J. Vera; P. Morillas; E. Gredilla; F. Gilsanz


    El Síndrome de Horner es una complicación de la anestesia epidural que aparece más frecuentemente en pacientes obstétricas debido a los cambios fisiológicos y anatómicos propios del embarazo; sin embargo, su incidencia es baja, y sólo se han descrito dos casos previos asociando un bloqueo del plexo braquial. Presentamos el caso de una gestante de 23 años que precisó analgesia epidural para el trabajo de parto. Tras comprobar la correcta colocación del catéter se administró una dosis inicial e...

  7. Streptococcus sanguinis meningitis following endoscopic ligation for oesophageal variceal haemorrhage. (United States)

    Liu, Yu-Ting; Lin, Chin-Fu; Lee, Ya-Ling


    We report a case of acute purulent meningitis caused by Streptococcus sanguinis after endoscopic ligation for oesophageal variceal haemorrhage in a cirrhotic patient without preceding symptoms of meningitis. Initial treatment with flomoxef failed. The patient was cured after 20 days of intravenous penicillin G. This uncommon infection due to S. sanguinis adds to the long list of infectious complications among patients with oesophageal variceal haemorrhage.

  8. Nasopharyngeal glial heterotopia with delayed postoperative meningitis. (United States)

    Maeda, Kenichi; Furuno, Kenji; Chong, Pin Fee; Morioka, Takato


    A male infant, who underwent radical resection of a large glial heterotopia at the nasopharynx at 8 days, developed delayed postoperative bacterial meningitis at 9 months. Neuroradiological examination clearly demonstrated that meningitis had occurred because of the intracranial and extracranial connections, which were scarcely seen in the perioperative period. A transsphenoidal extension of hypothalamic hamartoma is possible because the connection started from the right optic nerve, running through the transsphenoidal canal in the sphenoid bone and terminating at the recurrent mass in the nasopharyngeal region. © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  9. Impacto psicológico tras cirugía bariátrica


    Taberna Blázquez, Claudia


    Se trata de ver si la hipótesis de que algunas variables psicológicas en personas que sufren de obesidad se ven alteradas tras una operación bariátrica para perder peso, si los altos índices de masa corporal influyen en la salud mental además de la salud física. Para ello, se ha contado con una muestra de 12 pacientes a los cuales se les somete a dos pruebas psicológicas, una para medir el nivel de depresión y otra para medir el nivel de ansiedad.

  10. The diagnostic value of c-reactive protein estimation in differentiating bacterial from viral meningitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheikh, A.


    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of serum and CSF C-reactive protein (C-rp) in differentiating bacterial from viral meningitis. Design: An observational, respective hospital-based study. Place and duration of study: It was conducted at the Department of Medicine and Department of Pediatrics, Shaikh Zayed Postgraduate Medical Institute Lahore, Over a Period of one year between march, 1999 and March, 2000. Subject and Methods: A randomized group of thirty patients, who presented with clinical features, suggestive of meningitis, were included in the study. C-reactive protein determinations were performed by latex agglutination method on the serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of these patients. Results: In the present study, c-reactive protein was found to be a more sensitive test for differentiating bacterial from non-bacterial meningitis on initial examination than the usual conventional methods used to diagnose bacterial meningitis. CSF C-reactive protein had a greater sensitivity (92% as compared to serum C-reactive protein (71%). Conclusion: C-reactive protein determination in CSF was found to be a useful indicator of bacterial meningitis that can be used to distinguish it from viral meningitis. (author)

  11. Listeria monocytogenes Meningitis in an Immunosuppressed Patient with Autoimmune Hepatitis and IgG4 Subclass Deficiency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shahin Gaini


    Full Text Available A 51-year-old Caucasian woman with Listeria monocytogenes meningitis was treated and discharged after an uncomplicated course. Her medical history included immunosuppressive treatment with prednisolone and azathioprine for autoimmune hepatitis. A diagnostic work-up after the meningitis episode revealed that she had low levels of the IgG4 subclass. To our knowledge, this is the first case report describing a possible association between autoimmune hepatitis and the occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes meningitis, describing a possible association between Listeria monocytogenes meningitis and deficiency of the IgG4 subclass and finally describing a possible association between Listeria monocytogenes meningitis and immunosuppressive therapy with prednisolone and azathioprine.

  12. Listeria monocytogenes Meningitis in an Immunosuppressed Patient with Autoimmune Hepatitis and IgG4 Subclass Deficiency

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gaini, Shahin


    A 51-year-old Caucasian woman with Listeria monocytogenes meningitis was treated and discharged after an uncomplicated course. Her medical history included immunosuppressive treatment with prednisolone and azathioprine for autoimmune hepatitis. A diagnostic work-up after the meningitis episode...... revealed that she had low levels of the IgG4 subclass. To our knowledge, this is the first case report describing a possible association between autoimmune hepatitis and the occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes meningitis, describing a possible association between Listeria monocytogenes meningitis...... and deficiency of the IgG4 subclass and finally describing a possible association between Listeria monocytogenes meningitis and immunosuppressive therapy with prednisolone and azathioprine....

  13. The Epidemiology of Meningitis among Adults in a South African Province with a High HIV Prevalence, 2009-2012 (United States)

    Britz, Erika; Perovic, Olga; von Mollendorf, Claire; von Gottberg, Anne; Iyaloo, Samantha; Quan, Vanessa; Chetty, Verushka; Sriruttan, Charlotte; Ismail, Nazir A.; Nanoo, Ananta; Musekiwa, Alfred; Reddy, Carl; Viljoen, Karien; Cohen, Cheryl; Govender, Nelesh P.


    Introduction Meningitis is a major cause of mortality in southern Africa. We aimed to describe the aetiologies and frequencies of laboratory-confirmed fungal and bacterial meningitis among adults in a South African province with an 11% HIV prevalence, over 4 years. Methods We conducted a retrospective, observational study of secondary laboratory data, extracted on all cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens submitted to public-sector laboratories in Gauteng province from 2009 through 2012. We calculated cause-specific incidence rates in the general and HIV-infected populations and used Poisson regression to determine if trends were significant. Results We identified 11,891 (10.7%) incident cases of meningitis from 110,885 CSF specimens. Cryptococcal meningitis, tuberculous meningitis and pneumococcal meningitis accounted for 62.3% (n = 7,406), 24.6% (n = 2,928) and 10.1% (n = 1,197) of cases over the four-year period. The overall incidence (cases per 100,000 persons) of cryptococcal meningitis declined by 23% from 24.4 in 2009 to 18.7 in 2012 (p meningitis decreased by 40% from 11.3 in 2009 to 6.8 in 2012 (p meningitis decreased by 41% from 4.2 in 2009 to 2.5 in 2012 (p meningitis (248/11,891, 2.1%), Neisseria meningitidis (n = 93), Escherichia coli (n = 72) and Haemophilus influenzae (n = 20) were the most common organisms identified. Conclusions In this high HIV-prevalence province, cryptococcal meningitis was the leading cause of laboratory-confirmed meningitis among adults. Over a 4-year period, there was a significant decrease in incidence of cryptococcal, tuberculous and pneumococcal meningitis. This coincided with expansion of the national antiretroviral treatment programme, enhanced tuberculosis control programme and routine childhood immunisation with pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. PMID:27669564

  14. MR features in patients with residual paralysis following aseptic meningitis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suh, Dae Chul; Park, Young Seo [College of Medicine, Asan Meidcal Center, University of Ulsan, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    MR studies were performed in three patients with paralysis in the lower extremities. Poliomyelitis-like paralysis can be caused by neurovirulent strains of nonpolioenteroviruses. Entervirus 71 (EV 71) is documented as one of the potentially neurovirulent strains and a causative agent of some epidemics (1-7). The clinical manifestations associated with the EV 71 infection include aseptic meningitis, hand-food-mouth disease (HFMD), acute respiratory illness and gastrointestinal disease(6). Although rarely fatal, flaccidparalysis can be followed by EV 71 induced aseptic meningitis. Anterior horn cell necrosis was suggested on MR in two patients with residual paralysis (7). MR features, however, have not yet been described in detail. In this report we present three cases of patients with clinical evidence of EV 71 induced aseptic meningitis whose MR studies showed residual changes in spinal cord.

  15. MR features in patients with residual paralysis following aseptic meningitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suh, Dae Chul; Park, Young Seo


    MR studies were performed in three patients with paralysis in the lower extremities. Poliomyelitis-like paralysis can be caused by neurovirulent strains of nonpolioenteroviruses. Entervirus 71 (EV 71) is documented as one of the potentially neurovirulent strains and a causative agent of some epidemics (1-7). The clinical manifestations associated with the EV 71 infection include aseptic meningitis, hand-food-mouth disease (HFMD), acute respiratory illness and gastrointestinal disease(6). Although rarely fatal, flaccidparalysis can be followed by EV 71 induced aseptic meningitis. Anterior horn cell necrosis was suggested on MR in two patients with residual paralysis (7). MR features, however, have not yet been described in detail. In this report we present three cases of patients with clinical evidence of EV 71 induced aseptic meningitis whose MR studies showed residual changes in spinal cord

  16. Estimating costs of care for meningitis infections in low- and middle-income countries. (United States)

    Portnoy, Allison; Jit, Mark; Lauer, Jeremy; Blommaert, Adriaan; Ozawa, Sachiko; Stack, Meghan; Murray, Jillian; Hutubessy, Raymond


    Meningitis infections are often associated with high mortality and risk of sequelae. The costs of treatment and care for meningitis are a great burden on health care systems, particularly in resource-limited settings. The objective of this study is to review data on the costs of care for meningitis in low- and middle-income countries, as well as to show how results could be extrapolated to countries without sound data. We conducted a systematic review of the literature from six databases to identify studies examining the cost of care in low- and middle-income countries for all age groups with suspected, probable, or confirmed meningitis. We extracted data on treatment costs and sequelae by infectious agent and/or pathogen, where possible. Using multiple regression analysis, a relationship between hospital costs and associated determinants was investigated in order to predict costs in countries with missing data. This relationship was used to predict treatment costs for all 144 low- and middle-income countries. The methodology of conducting a systematic review, extrapolating, and setting up a standard database can be used as a tool to inform cost-effectiveness analyses in situations where cost of care data are poor. Both acute and long-term costs of meningitis could be extrapolated to countries without reliable data. Although only bacterial causes of meningitis can be vaccine-preventable, a better understanding of the treatment costs for meningitis is crucial for low- and middle-income countries to assess the cost-effectiveness of proposed interventions in their country. This cost information will be important as inputs in future cost-effectiveness studies, particularly for vaccines. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Progress towards meningitis prevention in the conjugate vaccines era

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Aparecida Borges Laval

    Full Text Available Acute bacterial meningitis is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among children less than five years old. Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitidis are the most important agents of bacterial meningitis in developing countries. The development of the conjugate vaccines in the beginning of the 90's, especially type b H. influenzae (Hib, and more recently the heptavalent pneumococcal and the serogroup C meningococcal vaccines, have contributed directly to changes in the epidemiological profile of these invasive diseases (direct effect and of their carriage status (indirect effect. We review the impact of the Hib conjugate vaccine in Latin American countries, where this vaccine has been implemented, and the potential of pneumococcal and meningococcal conjugate vaccines for the reduction of meningitis worldwide. We also address constraints for the development and delivery of these vaccines and review new candidate state-of-the-art vaccines. The greatest challenge, undoubtedly, is to implement these vaccines worldwide, especially in the developing regions.

  18. Cat scratch disease complicated with aseptic meningitis and neuroretinitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vitor Laerte Pinto Jr.

    Full Text Available Cat scratch disease (CSD is a self limited condition characterized by fever, lymph node enlargement and less often eye involvement. Central nervous system involvement by Bartonella henselae infection is possibly an important cause of morbidity; its role as an agent of aseptic meningitis is unknown. We report a case of a 40 years-old man with CSD accompanied by aseptic meningitis and neuroretinitis. Serum indirect immmunofluorescence (IFI assays for B. henselae were positive and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF analysis showed mononuclear pleocytosis and increased level of protein. Serological tests for other etiologies were negative. The patient responded well to antibiotic therapy with oral doxycicline plus rifampin and in the 12th day of hospitalization evolved to total regression of the headache and partial regression of the visual loss. Clinicians should consider CSD as a differential diagnosis when assessing previously healthy patients with aseptic meningitis associated with regional lymphadenopathy and epidemiological history of feline contact.

  19. Atypical clinical presentation of meningococcal meningitis: a case report. (United States)

    Izzo, Ilaria; Pileri, Paola; Merello, Maria; Gnesin, Paolo; Cogi, Enrico; Aggiusti, Carlo; Giacomelli, Laura; Ettori, Stefano; Colombini, Paolo; Collidá, Andrea


    A young woman was examined in the Emergency Department for fever, pharyngitis and widespread petechial rash. Physical examination, including neurological evaluation, did not show any other abnormalities. Chest X-ray was negative. Blood exams showed leukocytosis and CPR 20 mg/dL (nvpetechial rash evidence, lumbar puncture was performed. CSF was opalescent; physico-chemical examination showed: total proteins 2.8 (nv 0.15-0.45), glucose 5 (nv 59-80), WBC 7600/μL (nv 0-4/ μL). In the hypothesis of meningococcal meningitis, antimicrobial therapy was started. Blood and cerebrospinal fluid cultures were positive for N. meningitidis. During the first hours the patient experienced hallucinations and mild psychomotor agitation, making a spontaneous recovery. A brain MRI showed minimal extra-axial inflammatory exudates. She was discharged after 10 days in good condition. We underline the need to consider meningococcal meningitis diagnosis when any suggestive symptom or sign is present, even in the absence of the classic meningitis triad, to obtain earlier diagnosis and an improved prognosis.

  20. Characteristics of pediatric patients with enterovirus meningitis and no cerebral fluid pleocytosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Crom, Stephanie C. M.; van Furth, Marceline A. M.; Peeters, Marcel F.; Rossen, John W. A.; Obihara, Charles C.

    UNLABELLED: Human non-polio enterovirus (EV) is the most important cause of aseptic meningitis in children. Only a few studies report the lack of cerobrospinal fluid (CSF) pleocytosis in children with confirmed EV meningitis; however, the characteristics of these children have not been well defined.

  1. Levels of soluble delta-like ligand 1 in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid of tuberculous meningitis patients

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Jinghong Li; Jinyi Li; Yanjie Jia


    In this study, the levels of soluble delta-like ligand 1 in cerebrospinal fluid and serum of 50 patients with tuberculous meningitis, 30 patients with viral meningitis, 20 patients with purulent meningitis and 40 subjects without central nervous system disease were determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The mean levels of soluble delta-like ligand 1 in both cerebrospinal fluid and serum from patients with tuberculous meningitis were significantly higher compared with those from patients with viral meningitis or purulent meningitis or from subjects without central nervous system disease. Meanwhile, the level of soluble delta-like ligand 1 gradually decreased as tuberculous meningitis patients recovered. If patients deteriorated after treatment, the level of soluble delta-like ligand 1 in cerebrospinal fluid gradually increased. There was no correlation between the level of soluble delta-like ligand 1 and the protein level/cell number in cerebrospinal fluid. Our findings in-dicate that the levels of soluble delta-like ligand 1 in cerebrospinal fluid and serum are reliable markers for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis and for monitoring treatment progress. At the same time, this index is not influenced by protein levels or cell numbers in cerebrospinal fluid.

  2. Anestesia para cesariana em gestante com hipoplasia de aorta distal: relato de caso Anestesia para cesárea en embarazada con hipoplasia de aorta distal: relato de caso Anesthesia for cesarean section on a pregnant woman with hypoplasia of the distal aorta: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo de Andrade Reis


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Anomalias vasculares maternas, potencialmente graves para o feto, podem colocar em risco a perfusão uterina, suscitando cuidados ainda maiores por parte da equipe anestésica. O objetivo deste relato foi mostrar a conduta anestésica para operação cesariana em uma gestante com hipoplasia de aorta distal, logo abaixo da emergência das artérias renais, com estenose da artéria renal e ausência de artérias ilíacas. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente de 30 anos, 54 kg, na segunda gestação com uma cesariana anterior sem intercorrências. Durante a realização de ecografia gestacional na 12ª semana observou-se interrupção da aorta logo abaixo da saída das artérias renais. A paciente foi encaminhada para a realização de cineangiocoronariografia que mostrou hipoplasia da aorta distal abaixo das artérias renais, com ausência das artérias ilíacas. Durante a investigação clínica a paciente mostrou-se assintomática, com exceção de hipertensão arterial e claudicação aos grandes esforços. A paciente foi submetida à anestesia peridural contínua, com titulação da dose anestésica necessária à realização da cesariana. Inicialmente foram injetados 50 mg de bupivacaína a 0,5% sem vasoconstritor e 10 µg de sufentanil. Quinze minutos após, a anestesia foi complementada com mais 25 mg de bupivacaína a 0,5%, o que foi suficiente para atingir adequado nível de bloqueio. A cesariana transcorreu sem intercorrências e a criança nasceu em boas condições clínicas. CONCLUSÕES: O uso de anestesia peridural contínua com doses fracionadas demonstrou ser uma técnica anestésica segura para a realização desse procedimento por reduzir os riscos de hipotensão arterial materna inerente ao bloqueio espinal e também por minimizar a transferência placentária de fármacos, que ocorrem quando do emprego da anestesia geral. A titulação de fármacos através do cateter peridural possibilitou atingir nível anest

  3. Osmotic therapies added to antibiotics for acute bacterial meningitis (United States)

    Wall, Emma Cb; Ajdukiewicz, Katherine Mb; Bergman, Hanna; Heyderman, Robert S; Garner, Paul


    Background Every day children and adults die from acute community-acquired bacterial meningitis, particularly in low-income countries, and survivors risk deafness, epilepsy and neurological disabilities. Osmotic therapies may attract extra-vascular fluid and reduce cerebral oedema, and thus reduce death and improve neurological outcomes. This is an update of a Cochrane Review first published in 2013. Objectives To evaluate the effects of osmotic therapies added to antibiotics for acute bacterial meningitis in children and adults on mortality, deafness and neurological disability. Search methods We searched CENTRAL (2017, Issue 1), MEDLINE (1950 to 17 February 2017), Embase (1974 to 17 February 2017), CINAHL (1981 to 17 February 2017), LILACS (1982 to 17 February 2017) and registers of ongoing clinical trials (, WHO ICTRP) (21 February 2017). We also searched conference abstracts and contacted researchers in the field (up to 12 December 2015). Selection criteria Randomised controlled trials testing any osmotic therapy in adults or children with acute bacterial meningitis. Data collection and analysis Two review authors independently screened the search results and selected trials for inclusion. Results are presented using risk ratios (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) and grouped according to whether the participants received steroids or not. We used the GRADE approach to assess the certainty of the evidence. Main results We included five trials with 1451 participants. Four trials evaluated glycerol against placebo, and one evaluated glycerol against 50% dextrose; in addition three trials evaluated dexamethasone and one trial evaluated acetaminophen (paracetamol) in a factorial design. Stratified analysis shows no effect modification with steroids; we present aggregate effect estimates. Compared to placebo, glycerol probably has little or no effect on death in people with bacterial meningitis (RR 1.08, 95% CI 0.90 to 1.30; 5 studies, 1272

  4. Tigecycline use in two cases with multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii meningitis. (United States)

    Tutuncu, E Ediz; Kuscu, Ferit; Gurbuz, Yunus; Ozturk, Baris; Haykir, Asli; Sencan, Irfan


    The treatment of post-surgical meningitis due to multidrug-resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumannii is a therapeutic dilemma. The cases of two patients with MDR A. baumannii meningitis secondary to surgical site infections, successfully treated with combination regimens including tigecycline, are presented. Copyright © 2009 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. A Fuzzy Expert System for Distinguishing between Bacterial and Aseptic Meningitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mostafa Langarizadeh


    Data were extracted from 106 records of patients with meningitis (42 cases with bacterial meningitis in order to evaluate the proposed system. The system accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity were 89%, 92 %, and 97%, respectively. The area under the ROC curve was 0.93, and Kappa test revealed a good level of agreement (k=0.84, P

  6. Eosinophilic meningitis caused by infection of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in a traveler

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    GUAN Hongzhi; HOI Chupeng; CUI Liying; CHEN Lin


    A 55 - year - old female traveler returning from South China with acute onset of meningitis, presenting with eosinophilic pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid was reported. The etiological diagnosis of angiostrongyliasis was confirmed by detection of specific serum antibody against Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Angiostrongyliasis should be considered as a major differential diagnosis for eosinophilic meningitis in the travelers to endemic regions.

  7. Regional cerebral blood flow during mechanical hyperventilation in patients with acute bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Kirsten; Høgh, Peter; Larsen, Fin Stolze


    Mechanical hyperventilation is often instituted in patients with acute bacterial meningitis when increased intracranial pressure is suspected. However, the effect on regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) is unknown. In this study, we measured regional CBF (rCBF) in patients with acute bacterial...... meningitis before and during short-term hyperventilation. In 17 patients with acute bacterial meningitis, absolute rCBF (in ml/100 g min-1) was measured during baseline ventilation and hyperventilation by single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) using intravenous 133Xe bolus injection. Intravenous...... in the frontal and parietal cortex as well as in the basal ganglia. Focal perfusion abnormalities were present in 10 of 12 patients. Regional cerebral blood flow abnormalities are frequent in patients with acute bacterial meningitis. Short-term hyperventilation does not enhance these abnormalities....

  8. Soil Dust Aerosols and Wind as Predictors of Seasonal Meningitis Incidence in Niger (United States)

    Perez Garcia Pando, Carlos; Stanton, Michelle C.; Diggle, Peter J.; Trzaska, Sylwia; Miller, Ron L.; Perlwitz, Jan P.; Baldasano, Jose M.; Cuevas, Emilio; Ceccato, Pietro; Yaka, Pascal; hide


    Background: Epidemics of meningococcal meningitis are concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa during the dry season, a period when the region is affected by the Harmattan, a dry and dusty northeasterly trade wind blowing from the Sahara into the Gulf of Guinea.Objectives: We examined the potential of climate-based statistical forecasting models to predict seasonal incidence of meningitis in Niger at both the national and district levels.Data and methods: We used time series of meningitis incidence from 1986 through 2006 for 38 districts in Niger. We tested models based on data that would be readily available in an operational framework, such as climate and dust, population, and the incidence of early cases before the onset of the meningitis season in January-May. Incidence was used as a proxy for immunological state.

  9. Outcome of meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae type b in children in The Gambia. (United States)

    Goetghebuer, T; West, T E; Wermenbol, V; Cadbury, A L; Milligan, P; Lloyd-Evans, N; Adegbola, R A; Mulholland, E K; Greenwood, B M; Weber, M W


    In developing countries, endemic childhood meningitis is a severe disease caused most commonly by Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib). Although many studies have shown that fatality rates associated with meningitis caused by these organisms are high in developing countries, little is known about the long-term outcome of survivors. The purpose of this study was to assess the importance of disabilities following pneumococcal and Hib meningitis in The Gambia. 257 children aged 0-12 years hospitalized between 1990 and 1995 with culture-proven S. pneumoniae (n = 134) or Hib (n = 123) meningitis were included retrospectively in the study. 48% of children with pneumococcal meningitis and 27% of children with Hib meningitis died whilst in hospital. Of the 160 survivors, 89 (55%) were followed up between September 1996 and October 1997. Of the children with pneumococcal meningitis that were traced, 58% had clinical sequelae; half of them had major disabilities preventing normal adaptation to social life. 38% of survivors of Hib meningitis had clinical sequelae, a quarter of whom had major disabilities. Major handicaps found were hearing loss, mental retardation, motor abnormalities and seizures. These data show that despite treatment with effective antibiotics, pneumococcal and Hib meningitis kill many Gambian children and leave many survivors with severe sequelae. Hib vaccination is now given routinely in The Gambia; an effective pneumococcal vaccine is needed.

  10. Dexamethasone Treatment Reverses Cognitive Impairment but Increases Brain Oxidative Stress in Rats Submitted to Pneumococcal Meningitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatiana Barichello


    Full Text Available Pneumococcal meningitis is associated with a significant mortality rate and neurologic sequelae. The animals received either 10 μL of saline or a S. pneumoniae suspension and were randomized into different groups: sham: placebo with dexamethasone 0.7 mg/kg/1 day; placebo with dexamethasone 0.2 mg/kg/7 days; meningitis groups: dexamethasone 0.7 mg/kg/1 day and dexamethasone 0.2 mg/kg/7 days. Ten days after induction we evaluated memory and oxidative stress parameters in hippocampus and cortex. In the step-down inhibitory avoidance task, we observed memory impairment in the meningitis group with dexamethasone 0.2 mg/kg/7 days. The lipid peroxidation was increased in hippocampus in the meningitis groups with dexamethasone and in cortex only in the meningitis group with dexamethasone 0.2 mg/kg/7 days. The protein carbonyl was increased in hippocampus in the meningitis groups with dexamethasone and in cortex in the meningitis groups with and without dexamethasone. There was a decrease in the proteins integrity in hippocampus in all groups receiving treatment with dexamethasone and in cortex in all groups with dexamethasone (0.7 mg/kg/1 day. The mitochondrial superoxide was increased in the hippocampus and cortex in the meningitis group with dexamethasone 0.2 mg/kg/7 days. Our findings demonstrate that dexamethasone reverted cognitive impairment but increased brain oxidative stress in hippocampus and cortex in Wistar rats ten days after pneumococcal meningitis induction.

  11. Comparison of enterovirus detection in cerebrospinal fluid with Bacterial Meningitis Score in children. (United States)

    Pires, Frederico Ribeiro; Franco, Andréia Christine Bonotto Farias; Gilio, Alfredo Elias; Troster, Eduardo Juan


    To measure the role of enterovirus detection in cerebrospinal fluid compared with the Bacterial Meningitis Score in children with meningitis. A retrospective cohort based on analysis of medical records of pediatric patients diagnosed as meningitis, seen at a private and tertiary hospital in São Paulo, Brazil, between 2011 and 2014. Excluded were patients with critical illness, purpura, ventricular shunt or recent neurosurgery, immunosuppression, concomitant bacterial infection requiring parenteral antibiotic therapy, and those who received antibiotics 72 hours before lumbar puncture. The study included 503 patients. Sixty-four patients were excluded and 94 were not submitted to all tests for analysis. Of the remaining 345 patients, 7 were in the Bacterial Meningitis Group and 338 in the Aseptic Meningitis Group. There was no statistical difference between the groups. In the Bacterial Meningitis Score analysis, of the 338 patients with possible aseptic meningitis (negative cultures), 121 of them had one or more points in the Bacterial Meningitis Score, with sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 64.2%, and negative predictive value of 100%. Of the 121 patients with positive Bacterial Meningitis Score, 71% (86 patients) had a positive enterovirus detection in cerebrospinal fluid. Enterovirus detection in cerebrospinal fluid was effective to differentiate bacterial from viral meningitis. When the test was analyzed together with the Bacterial Meningitis Score, specificity was higher when compared to Bacterial Meningitis Score alone. Avaliar o papel da pesquisa de enterovírus no líquido cefalorraquidiano em comparação com o Escore de Meningite Bacteriana em crianças com meningite. Coorte retrospectiva, realizada pela análise de prontuários, incluindo pacientes pediátricos, com diagnóstico de meningite e atendidos em um hospital privado e terciário, localizado em São Paulo, entre 2011 e 2014. Foram excluídos os pacientes com doença crítica, púrpura, deriva

  12. Herpes simplex virus type 2-associated recurrent aseptic (Mollaret's meningitis in genitourinary medicine clinic: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abou-Foul AK


    Full Text Available Ahmad K Abou-Foul, Thajunisha M Buhary, Sedki L Gayed Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Royal Blackburn Hospital, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, Blackburn, UK Introduction: Cases of idiopathic recurrent benign aseptic meningitis were first described by Mollaret. Today, herpes simplex virus (HSV is considered the cause of most cases of Mollaret's meningitis. Case report: A 40-year-old male was referred to our genitourinary medicine clinic with recurrent genital herpetic lesions. He had HSV-2-positive genital ulcers 8 years earlier. One year after the first infection, he developed severe recurrent attacks of headache associated with meningitis symptoms. The results of all radiological and biochemical tests were normal, but the patient reported a correlation between his attacks and genital herpes flare-ups. We diagnosed the patient with Mollaret's meningitis and started him on continuous suppressive acyclovir therapy, which resulted in marked clinical improvement. Discussion: Mollaret's meningitis is a rare form of idiopathic recurrent aseptic meningitis that has a sudden onset, short duration, and spontaneous remission with unpredictable recurrence. We believe that the presence of concurrent or recurrent mucocutaneous herpetic lesions can aid its diagnosis, prior to which, affected patients usually have many unnecessary investigations and treatments. Therefore, detailed sexual history should be sought in all patients with aseptic meningitis, and clinicians should also ask about history of recurrent headaches in all patients with recurrent herpetic anogenital lesions. Continuous suppressive acyclovir therapy may reduce the frequency and severity of attacks and can dramatically improve lifestyle. Keywords: HSV-2 virus, acyclovir, Mollaret's meningitis, recurrent aseptic meningitis, HSV-2 virus, viral meningitis, acyclovir

  13. Efficacy of Closed Continuous Lumbar Drainage on the Treatment of Postcraniotomy Meningitis: A Retrospective Analysis of 1062 Cases. (United States)

    Ren, Yanming; Liu, Xuesong; You, Chao; Zhang, Yuekang; Du, Liang; Hui, Xuhui; Liu, Wenke; Ma, Lu; Liu, Jiagang


    Postcraniotomy meningitis is a severe complication in neurosurgery, and can result in high morbidity and mortality. Closed continuous lumbar drainage (CCLD) as an adjuvant method for treating postcraniotomy meningitis in adults is rarely assessed. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of CCLD in the treatment of postcraniotomy meningitis. A total of 1062 patients older than 16 years with postcraniotomy meningitis were included, between January 2000 and December 2015. Of these, 474 received intravenous antibiotic therapy, steroid administration and adjuvant CCLD (experimental Group). The remaining 588 patients only received intravenous antibiotic and steroid therapies (control Group). Data were extracted from medical records. In the experimental group, meningitis-related mortality was 2.7%, and 77.4% individuals achieved a Glasgow Outcome Scale of 4-5. In the control group, meningitis-related mortality reached 11.6%, with only 61.1% of patients achieving a GOS of 4-5. The time to negative cerebrospinal fluid laboratory test and the duration of meningitis-related symptoms were significantly shorter in the experimental group compared with controls (P meningitis after craniotomy. Laboratory results negative for cerebrospinal fluid leak and meningitis-related symptom relief occurred faster in the experimental group. Intravenous antibiotic and steroid therapies combined with CCLD appear to be an effective and safe treatment for postcraniotomy meningitis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Intracranial neurenteric cyst: A rare cause of chemical meningitis

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    Naseer A Choh


    Full Text Available Intracranial neurenteric cysts are exceedingly rare congenital intracranial lesions that result from disorder of gastrulation. Still, more rarely, the cyst contents may leak into the CSF and give rise to recurrent episodes of chemical meningitis. We present a case of chemical meningitis due to a leaking posterior fossa neurenteric cyst in a young female, with emphasis on its imaging features. The final diagnosis was achieved by sufficiently characteristic imaging features; histopathologic documentation could not be achieved as the patient denied surgery.

  15. Understanding the functions and relationships of the glymphatic system and meningeal lymphatics. (United States)

    Louveau, Antoine; Plog, Benjamin A; Antila, Salli; Alitalo, Kari; Nedergaard, Maiken; Kipnis, Jonathan


    Recent discoveries of the glymphatic system and of meningeal lymphatic vessels have generated a lot of excitement, along with some degree of skepticism. Here, we summarize the state of the field and point out the gaps of knowledge that should be filled through further research. We discuss the glymphatic system as a system that allows CNS perfusion by the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and interstitial fluid (ISF). We also describe the recently characterized meningeal lymphatic vessels and their role in drainage of the brain ISF, CSF, CNS-derived molecules, and immune cells from the CNS and meninges to the peripheral (CNS-draining) lymph nodes. We speculate on the relationship between the two systems and their malfunction that may underlie some neurological diseases. Although much remains to be investigated, these new discoveries have changed our understanding of mechanisms underlying CNS immune privilege and CNS drainage. Future studies should explore the communications between the glymphatic system and meningeal lymphatics in CNS disorders and develop new therapeutic modalities targeting these systems.

  16. Detection of single bacteria – causative agents of meningitis using Raman microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baikova, T V; Alushin, M V; Gonchukov, S A; Minaeva, S A; Bagratashvili, V N; Sundukov, A V; Svistunova, T S


    Early diagnostics of meningitis is a very topical problem as it is a fulminant disease with a high level of mortality. The progress of this disease is, as a rule, accompanied by the appearance of bacteria in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) composition. The examination of the CSF is well known to be the only reliable approach to the identification of meningitis. However, the traditional biochemical analyses are time consuming and not always reliable, simple, and inexpensive, whereas the optical methods are poorly developed. This work is devoted to the study of Raman spectra of several bacterial cultures which are mainly present during meningitis. Raman microscopy is a prompt and noninvasive technique capable of providing reliable information about molecular-level alterations of biological objects at their minimal quantity and size. It was shown that there are characteristic lines in Raman spectra which can be the reliable markers for determination of bacterial form of meningitis at a level of a single bacterium

  17. Meningitis tuberculosa: Clinical findings and results of cranial computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trautmann, M.; Loddenkemper, R.; Hoffmann, H.G.


    Guided by 9 own observations between 1977 and 1981, new diagnostic facilities in tuberculous meningitis are discussed. For differentiation from viral meningitis, measurement of CSF lactic acid concentration in addition to that of CSF glucose has proved to be of value in recent years. In accordance with the literature, two cases of this series which were examined for CSF lactic acid concentration showed markedly elevated levels of 8,4 rsp. 10,4 mmol/l. In contrast to this, in viral meningitis usually values of less than 3.5 mmol/l are found. Additionally, the presence of hypochlor- and hyponatremia, which could be demonstrated in 6 of our 9 patients, may raise the suspicion of tuberculous etiology. In the series presented, cranial computed tomography was of greatest diagnostic value, enabling the diagnosis of hydrocephalus internus in 5, and basal arachnoiditis in 2 cases.

  18. Early blindness and coma during intrathecal chemotherapy for meningeal carcinomatosis. (United States)

    Boogerd, W; Moffie, D; Smets, L A


    A 35-year-old woman was treated with intraventricular methotrexate (MTX) with a total dose of 70 mg followed by cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) with a total dose of 80 mg for meningeal metastasis of breast carcinoma. Radiation therapy was not given. Despite a response of the meningeal tumor the patient developed in the third week of MTX treatment a progressive visual loss and loss of consciousness which worsened during subsequent Ara-C treatment and led to death within 3 weeks. Postmortem examination revealed only minimal neoplastic infiltration of the meninges. Multiple foci of axonal degeneration and demyelination were found in the optic nerves and chiasm, the superficial layers of the brainstem, and spinal cord and to some extent in other cranial nerves and spinal nerve roots. The possible causes of this previously unreported early complication are discussed.

  19. Recurrent meningitis in the adult: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge Meningitis recurrente en el adulto: un reto diagnóstico y terapéutico

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    Mónica Zuluaga Quintero


    Full Text Available

    Recurrent meningitis is an uncommon condition with the capability of causing important midand long-term sequelae. Its clinical presentation depends on the etiologic agent, although most patients exhibit at least one of the classical symptoms of acute meningitis (intense headache, fever and neck stiffness. Due to the clinical variability of the disease, a high level of suspicion and an adequate use of laboratory tests are required in order to establish a timely diagnosis. This article contains a literature review regarding epidemiology, etiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of recurrent meningitis.

    La meningitis recurrente no es una entidad común pero tiene el potencial de generar secuelas importantes a mediano y largo plazo. Su cuadro clínico depende del agente causal aunque en la mayoría de los pacientes se conserva al menos uno de los síntomas clásicos de la meningitis aguda (cefalea intensa, fiebre y rigidez de nuca. Debido a su variabilidad clínica se requieren un alto nivel de sospecha y usar bien las pruebas de laboratorio para llegar oportunamente al diagnóstico. El presente artículo contiene una revisión de la literatura sobre la epidemiología, la etiología, el cuadro clínico, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de esta enfermedad.

  20. Anestesia regional e trombocitopenia não pré-eclâmptica; hora de repensar o nível seguro de plaquetas Anestesia regional y trombocitopenia no preclámptica; es hora de pensar de nuevo sobre el nivel seguro de plaquetas Regional anesthesia and non-preeclamptic thrombocytopenia: time to re-think the safe platelet count

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    Motoshi Tanaka


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Apesar de a anestesia regional ser amplamente utilizada no controle da dor em obstetrícia, seu uso pode não ser apropriado nas pacientes com trombocitopenia por causa do risco de hematoma no neuroeixo. Não existem fortes evidências sugerindo número mínimo de plaquetas necessário para garantir a segurança na realização da anestesia regional. O objetivo deste estudo foi rever a segurança da anestesia regional em pacientes com trombocitopenia não pré-eclâmptica na instituição durante período de cinco anos. MÉTODO: Foi realizada revisão retrospectiva dos prontuários médicos de todas as pacientes obstétricas não pré-eclâmpticas cujo parto foi realizado na instituição entre abril de 2001 e março de 2006 e que apresentaram contagem de plaquetas JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: A pesar de que la anestesia regional esté siendo muy utilizada en el control del dolor en obstetricia, su uso puede no ser muy apropiado en las pacientes con trombocitopenia, debido al riesgo de hematoma en el neuro eje. No existen fuertes evidencias que sugieran un número mínimo de plaquetas necesario para garantizar la seguridad en la realización de la anestesia regional. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la seguridad de la anestesia regional en pacientes con trombocitopenia no preeclámptica en la institución durante un período de cinco años. MÉTODO: Fue realizada revisión retrospectiva de las historias clínicas médicas de todas las pacientes obstétricas no preeclámpticas cuyo parto fue realizado en la institución entre abril de 2001 y marzo de 2006 y que presentaron BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Although regional anesthesia is widely used for pain control in obstetrics, it may not be appropriate for patients with thrombocytopenia due to the risk of neuraxial hematoma. There is no strong evidence to suggest the minimum platelet count that is necessary to ensure the safe practice of regional anesthesia. The

  1. Doença de Moyamoya e anestesia com sevoflurano fora do centro cirúrgico: relato de caso Enfermedad de Moyamoya y anestesia con sevoflurano fuera del centro quirúrgico: relato de caso Moyamoya disease and sevoflurane anesthesia outside the surgery center: case report


    Sheila Braga Machado; Florentino Fernandes Mendes; Adriana de Campos Angelini


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A doença de Moyamoya é uma desordem cerebrovascular progressiva que representa um desafio anestésico em virtude da precária circulação cerebral destes pacientes, constituindo-se numa importante causa de acidente vascular cerebral em indivíduos jovens. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar o caso de um paciente com doença de Moyamoya que foi submetido à anestesia geral com sevoflurano para procedimento diagnóstico fora do centro cirúrgico. RELATO DO CASO: Criança com ...

  2. In Brief: Forecasting meningitis threats (United States)

    Showstack, Randy


    The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), in conjunction with a team of health and weather organizations, has launched a project to provide weather forecasts to medical officials in Africa to help reduce outbreaks of meningitis. The forecasts will enable local health care providers to target vaccination programs more effectively. In 2009, meteorologists with the National Center for Atmospheric Research, which is managed by UCAR, will begin issuing 14-day forecasts of atmospheric conditions in Ghana. Later, UCAR plans to work closely with health experts from several African countries to design and test a decision support system to provide health officials with useful meteorological information. ``By targeting forecasts in regions where meningitis is a threat, we may be able to help vulnerable populations. Ultimately, we hope to build on this project and provide information to public health programs battling weather-related diseases in other parts of the world,'' said Rajul Pandya, director of UCAR's Community Building Program. Funding for the project comes from a $900,000 grant from, the philanthropic arm of the Internet search company.

  3. Role of spinal ultrasound in diagnosis of meningitis in infants younger than 6 months

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nepal, Pankaj; Sodhi, Kushaljit Singh; Saxena, Akshay Kumar; Bhatia, Anmol; Singhi, Sunit; Khandelwal, Niranjan


    Highlights: •This was a prospective study to evaluate role of spinal ultrasound (US) in 60 infants (<6 months of age) with clinically suspected meningitis. •On ultrasound examination, we evaluated echogenicity and /or trabeculations in the posterior subarachnoid space and spinal cord pulsations. •Results of spinal US were evaluated in correlation with cerebrospinal fluid analysis. •Results of our study show presence of echogenicity/trabeculations in posterior subarachnoid space or abnormal pulsations of spinal cord and nerve roots are significantly associated with meningitis with a high specificity and positive predictive value in its diagnosis. •Spinal ultrasound can be used as a radiation free imaging modality to detect meningitis. -- Abstract: Background: Spinal ultrasound (US) can detect changes in CSF echogenicity and decreased cord pulsations which reflect the inflammatory changes in meningitis. Till date, there is no published data about the prospective accuracy of spinal US in meningitis. Objective: To assess accuracy of spinal US in diagnosis of meningitis in infants younger than 6 months. Methods: This was an institute ethics committee approved prospective study carried out in infants less than 6 months of age with clinical suspicion of meningitis who presented to pediatric emergency unit. 60 infants each in study and control group were enrolled. US of thoraco-lumbar spine were performed prior to lumbar puncture in all cases. We looked for the presence of echogenicity or trabeculations in posterior subarachnoid space and for presence or absence of spinal cord and nerve root pulsations on real time ultrasound. The results of spinal US were evaluated in correlation with cerebrospinal fluid analysis. Follow up ultrasounds were done in infants who showed abnormal findings after the initiation of treatment and findings compared with initial results. Results: The study group comprised of 40 boys and 20 girls with mean age of 47.85 days. The control

  4. Role of spinal ultrasound in diagnosis of meningitis in infants younger than 6 months

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nepal, Pankaj, E-mail: [Department of Radiodiagnosis and Imaging, Sector-12, Chandigarh 160012 (India); Sodhi, Kushaljit Singh, E-mail: [Department of Radiodiagnosis and Imaging, Sector-12, Chandigarh 160012 (India); Saxena, Akshay Kumar, E-mail: [Department of Radiodiagnosis and Imaging, Sector-12, Chandigarh 160012 (India); Bhatia, Anmol, E-mail: [Department of Radiodiagnosis and Imaging, Sector-12, Chandigarh 160012 (India); Singhi, Sunit, E-mail: [Department of Pediatrics, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Sector-12, Chandigarh 160012 (India); Khandelwal, Niranjan, E-mail: [Department of Radiodiagnosis and Imaging, Sector-12, Chandigarh 160012 (India)


    Highlights: •This was a prospective study to evaluate role of spinal ultrasound (US) in 60 infants (<6 months of age) with clinically suspected meningitis. •On ultrasound examination, we evaluated echogenicity and /or trabeculations in the posterior subarachnoid space and spinal cord pulsations. •Results of spinal US were evaluated in correlation with cerebrospinal fluid analysis. •Results of our study show presence of echogenicity/trabeculations in posterior subarachnoid space or abnormal pulsations of spinal cord and nerve roots are significantly associated with meningitis with a high specificity and positive predictive value in its diagnosis. •Spinal ultrasound can be used as a radiation free imaging modality to detect meningitis. -- Abstract: Background: Spinal ultrasound (US) can detect changes in CSF echogenicity and decreased cord pulsations which reflect the inflammatory changes in meningitis. Till date, there is no published data about the prospective accuracy of spinal US in meningitis. Objective: To assess accuracy of spinal US in diagnosis of meningitis in infants younger than 6 months. Methods: This was an institute ethics committee approved prospective study carried out in infants less than 6 months of age with clinical suspicion of meningitis who presented to pediatric emergency unit. 60 infants each in study and control group were enrolled. US of thoraco-lumbar spine were performed prior to lumbar puncture in all cases. We looked for the presence of echogenicity or trabeculations in posterior subarachnoid space and for presence or absence of spinal cord and nerve root pulsations on real time ultrasound. The results of spinal US were evaluated in correlation with cerebrospinal fluid analysis. Follow up ultrasounds were done in infants who showed abnormal findings after the initiation of treatment and findings compared with initial results. Results: The study group comprised of 40 boys and 20 girls with mean age of 47.85 days. The control

  5. Computed tomography in cases of coccidioidal meningitis, with clinical correlation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shetter, A.G.; Fischer, D.W.; Flom, R.A.


    Cranial computed tomographic (CT) scans of 22 patients with coccidioidal meningitis were reviewed and their clinical course was analyzed. Abnormalities of the ventricular system or the basilar cisterns or both were present in 16 instances. Although it is not a definitive diagnostic tool, the CT scan is helpful in suggesting a diagnosis of coccidioidal meningitis and in predicting the prognosis of patients affected by the disease. 19 references, 4 figures, 2 tables

  6. Advances in treatment of bacterial meningitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Beek, Diederik; Brouwer, Matthijs C.; Thwaites, Guy E.; Tunkel, Allan R.


    Bacterial meningitis kills or maims about a fifth of people with the disease. Early antibiotic treatment improves outcomes, but the effectiveness of widely available antibiotics is threatened by global emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria. New antibiotics, such as fluoroquinolones, could have a

  7. Spontaneous pneumorrhachis and transverse myelitis complicating purulent meningitis

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    Bouchra Amara


    Full Text Available Pneumorrhachis is the presence of air in the spinal canal; mostly, it has an iatrogenic origin. The association of this entity with spontaneous pneumomediastinum without any pneumothorax is rarely reported in the literature. The spontaneous resorption is the usual evolution. The association to acute transverse myelitis is discussed by the authors. The patient is a 21-year-old male with pneumorrhachis associated to a spontaneous pneumomediastinum was admitted at the emergency department for bacterial meningitis. The antibiotherapy has marked the clinical profile by disappearance of the meningeal signs in the 48 h after admission. In contrast, the neurological symptoms were of marked aggravation by appearance of a tetraparesis with a respiratory distress syndrome having required artificial ventilation. The computed tomography (CT scan showed a typical hypodensity corresponding to paramedullary air extending to several thoracic segments. The spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI showed a high cervical medullary edema without signs of compression. The patient died within 15 days with a profile of vasoparalysis resistant to vasoactive drugs. Pneumomediastinum associated to pneumorrhachis and transverse myelitis complicating purulent meningitis is a rare entity. Although the usual evolution is favorable, the occurrence of serious complications is possible.

  8. Impact of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine on bacterial meningitis in the Dominican Republic Impacto de la vacuna conjugada contra Haemophilus influenzae tipo b sobre la meningitis bacteriana en la República Dominicana

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    Ellen H. Lee


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: Widespread use of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib vaccines has dramatically reduced the burden of Hib disease throughout the Americas. Few studies have evaluated the impact of Hib vaccination on non-culture-confirmed disease. This study analyzed trends in probable bacterial meningitis before and after the introduction of Hib vaccine in the Dominican Republic and estimated vaccine effectiveness against Hib meningitis. METHODS: Meningitis cases among children OBJETIVOS: El uso generalizado de la vacuna contra Haemophilus influenzae tipo b (Hib ha permitido reducir radicalmente la carga de enfermedad por Hib en las Américas. Pocos estudios han evaluado el impacto de la vacunación contra Hib sobre los casos no confirmados mediante cultivo. En este estudio se analizaron las tendencias en el número de casos probables de meningitis bacteriana antes y después de la introducción de la vacuna contra Hib en la República Dominicana y se estimó la eficacia de la vacuna contra la meningitis. MÉTODOS: Se identificaron los casos de meningitis en niños menores de 5 años a partir de los registros de ingreso del principal hospital pediátrico de Santo Domingo entre 1998 y 2004. Los casos de meningitis con probable etiología bacteriana se clasificaron según criterios de laboratorio; los casos confirmados contaban con cultivo bacteriano positivo o detección de antígenos específicos en el líquido cefalorraquídeo. Se calcularon las tasas de incidencia acumulada de casos confirmados y probables de meningitis en los niños que vivían en el Distrito Nacional. Los casos confirmados de meningitis por Hib se incorporaron a un estudio de casos y controles -pareados según la edad y el barrio de residencia- para calcular la eficacia de la vacuna. RESULTADOS: Antes de la introducción de la vacuna, la tasa anual de meningitis de posible etiología bacteriana era de 49 casos por 100 000 niños menores de 5 años; de los casos confirmados de

  9. The profile of meningitis in a tertiary paediatric hospital in South Africa

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background. Meningitis in children is a major health problem worldwide, leading to high rates of mortality and morbidity. Objectives. To describe the profile of patients treated for meningitis at a leading tertiary paediatric hospital (Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital) in South Africa. Methods. This study describes all ...

  10. Streptococcus pyogenes meningitis in children: report of two cases and literature review

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    Mariana V. Arnoni

    Full Text Available Streptococcus pyogenes meningitis (SPM occurs sporadically, even with the increase of invasive streptococcal disease observed in the past years. We reported two cases of SPM in infants to alert pediatricians for the possibility of this agent as a cause of meningitis in previously healthy children.

  11. Influência da anestesia venosa total, entropia e laparoscopia sobre o estresse oxidativo

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    Rogean Rodrigues Nunes


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Estudos recentes correlacionam mortalidade pós-operatória e anestésica, especialmente a profundidade anestésica e pressão arterial sistólica (PAS. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da profundidade da anestesia venosa total (AVT realizada com remifentanil e propofol com monitoração da entropia de resposta (RE sobre as concentrações sanguíneas dos marcadores do estresse oxidativo: TBARS e glutationa, durante operações pelo acesso vídeolaparoscópico. MÉTODO: Vinte pacientes adultas, ASA I, IMC 20-26 kg.m-2, idades entre 20 e 40 anos, foram aleatoriamente distribuidas em dois grupos iguais: Grupo I - submetidas a procedimento anestésico-cirúrgico com RE mantida entre 45 e 59 e Grupo II - submetidas a procedimento anestésico-cirúrgico com RE entre 30 e 44. Em ambos os grupos, a infusão de remifentanil e propofol foi controlada pelo sitio efetor (Se, ajustados para manter RE nos valores desejados (Grupos I e II e avaliando-se sempre a taxa de supressão (TS. As pacientes foram avaliadas em seis momentos: M1(imediatamente antes da indução anestésica, M2 (antes da intubação traqueal [IT], M3 (5 minutos após IT, M4 (imediatamente antes do pneumoperitônio-PPT, M5 (1 minuto após o PPT e M6 (uma hora após a operação. Em todos os momentos foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: PAS, PAD, FC, RE, TS, TBARS e glutationa. RESULTADOS: Observaram-se aumentos no TBARS e glutationa em M5, tanto no Grupo I como no Grupo II (p GI em M5 - p < 0,05% sugerem interferência de mais um fator (anestesia profunda, como responsável pelo aumento no MA, provavelmente como resultados de maior depressão do sistema nervoso autônomo e menor autorregulação esplâncnica.

  12. Spontaneous Escherichia coli Meningitis Associated with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis

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    Kuo-Hsuan Chang


    Full Text Available Spontaneous Escherichia coli meningitis has not been previously reported in association with hemophago-cytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH. A previously healthy 72-year-old woman was admitted due to fever, nuchal rigidity, disturbed consciousness and splenomegaly. Anemia, thrombocytopenia and hyperfer-ritinemia developed on the 8th day of hospitalization. Cultures of cerebrospinal fluid and blood grew E. coli. Abundant macrophages overwhelmed erythrocytes in the bone marrow aspirate, confirming the presence of hemophagocytosis. E. coli meningitis was managed with a 40-day course of antibiotic treatment. However, the severity of anemia and thrombocytopenia progressed despite intensive transfusion therapy. The patient died of HLH on the 60th day of hospitalization.


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    E. M. Mazayeva


    Full Text Available The article presents features of clinical course and composition of cerebrospinal liquid in cases of purulent and serous meningitis depending on the age of the patients and the disease etiology. 40 children with bacterial purulent meningitis of meningococcal, hemophilic and unknown aetiology and 40 children with serous meningitis predominantly of enteroviral etiology were examined. The differences in duration and intensity of clinical symptoms, total protein concentration, and liquor cytosis were detected. The highest liquor indicators were revealed in the case of hemophilic meningitis in children of early age and in the case of meningococcal meningitis in children over seven years old. This fact can be explained by various pathogenic features of the causative agent and different compensatory reactions in children of different age. 

  14. Anestesia regional para cirugía cardiovascular pediátrica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lincoln de la Parte Pérez


    Full Text Available Durante los últimos años se han publicado numerosos artículos sobre el uso de anestesia espinal y peridural asociada a la anestesia general, en niños sometidos a operaciones cardiovasculares. El uso de esta técnica produce una disminución significativa de la respuesta de estrés que se observa durante y después de las operaciones cardiovasculares y que es particularmente intensa en recién nacidos y lactantes. Adicionalmente produce una mejor función pulmonar, mayor estabilidad hemodinámica, posibilidad de extubación precoz, excelente analgesia posoperatoria y una menor estadía en la sala de recuperación anestésica. Las complicaciones más importantes asociadas a su uso son la hipotensión arterial, la depresión respiratoria y el hematoma epidural. Las contraindicaciones más importantes para la realización de estas técnicas incluyen la presencia de cianosis, policitemia, coagulopatía preexistente y en los lactantes menores de 6 meses. Existe además un dilema ético importante relacionado con su uso. Por una parte es cierto que pueden obtenerse un grupo de ventajas, que también podrían lograrse con la aplicación de otras técnicas encaminadas a la extubación precoz (Fast track cardiac anesthesia y por la otra, existe siempre el peligro latente de sangramiento y de formación de un hematoma epidural. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre las diferentes técnicas utilizadas.Several articles have been published on the use of spinal and epidural anesthesia associated with general anesthesia in children undergoing cardiovascular surgery. The use of this technique causes a significant decrease of the stress response observed during and after cardiovascular surgery and that is particularly intense in newborns and infants. Besides, it produces a better pulmonary function, a longer hemodynamic stability, the possibility of fast track cardiac anesthesia, an excellent postoperative analgesia and a shorter stay in the

  15. Bedside Evaluation of Cerebral Energy Metabolism in Severe Community-Acquired Bacterial Meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rom Poulsen, Frantz; Schulz, Mette; Jacobsen, Anne


    BACKGROUND: Mortality and morbidity have remained high in bacterial meningitis. Impairment of cerebral energy metabolism probably contributes to unfavorable outcome. Intracerebral microdialysis is routinely used to monitor cerebral energy metabolism, and recent experimental studies indicate...... that this technique may separate ischemia and non-ischemic mitochondrial dysfunction. The present study is a retrospective interpretation of biochemical data obtained in a series of patients with severe community-acquired meningitis. METHODS: Cerebral energy metabolism was monitored in 15 patients with severe...... community-acquired meningitis utilizing intracerebral microdialysis and bedside biochemical analysis. According to previous studies, cerebral ischemia was defined as lactate/pyruvate (LP) ratio >30 with intracerebral pyruvate level

  16. An outbreak of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole-resistant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia meningitis associated with neuroendoscopy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ching-Hsun Wang


    Full Text Available Stereotactic aspiration by neuroendoscopy for treatment of deep-seated intracranial hematomas is widely accepted because this procedure is minimally invasive and thereby reduces the probability of iatrogenic brain damage. Herein, we describe an outbreak of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SXT-resistant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia meningitis, possibly from a contaminated neuroendoscopy, and review the previous use of antimicrobial therapies for this condition without TMP/SXT. This is the first reported outbreak of TMP/SXT-resistant S. maltophilia meningitis. The discussion emphasizes the importance of adequate disinfection processes before and after endoscopic neurosurgery and the use of therapeutic options other than TMP/SXT when encountering S. maltophilia meningitis.

  17. Meningitis caused by Rhodotorula rubra in an human immunodeficiency virus infected patient

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thakur K


    Full Text Available Rhodotorula spp . are common saprophytes but may be responsible for systemic infections in immunocompromised patients. Meningitis caused by Rhodotorula spp. in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infected patients has been reported only rarely. We present a case of meningitis caused by Rhodotorula rubra in HIV infected patient. The presumptive diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis was made on the basis of India ink preparation, Gram staining and latex agglutination test (LAT for cryptococcal antigen. The final diagnosis was confirmed by isolation of Rhodotorula rubra from cerebrospinal fluid on culture. LAT was considered false positive. Amphotericin B and 5-fluorocytosine were administered but the patient succumbed to his illness.

  18. Supporting meningitis diagnosis amongst infants and children through the use of fuzzy cognitive mapping (United States)


    Background Meningitis is characterized by an inflammation of the meninges, or the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Early diagnosis and treatment is crucial for a positive outcome, yet identifying meningitis is a complex process involving an array of signs and symptoms and multiple causal factors which require novel solutions to support clinical decision-making. In this work, we explore the potential of fuzzy cognitive map to assist in the modeling of meningitis, as a support tool for physicians in the accurate diagnosis and treatment of the condition. Methods Fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM) is a method for analysing and depicting human perception of a given system. FCM facilitates the development of a conceptual model which is not limited by exact values and measurements and thus is well suited to representing relatively unstructured knowledge and associations expressed in imprecise terms. A team of doctors (physicians), comprising four paediatricians, was formed to define the multifarious signs and symptoms associated with meningitis and to identify risk factors integral to its causality, as indicators used by clinicians to identify the presence or absence of meningitis in patients. The FCM model, consisting of 20 concept nodes, has been designed by the team of paediatricians in collaborative dialogue with the research team. Results The paediatricians were supplied with a form containing various input parameters to be completed at the time of diagnosing meningitis among infants and children. The paediatricians provided information on a total of 56 patient cases amongst children whose age ranged from 2 months to 7 years. The physicians’ decision to diagnose meningitis was available for each individual case which was used as the outcome measure for evaluating the model. The FCM was trained using 40 cases with an accuracy of 95%, and later 16 test cases were used to analyze the accuracy and reliability of the model. The system produced the results

  19. [Clinical analysis and follow-up of neonatal purulent meningitis caused by group B streptococcus]. (United States)

    Zhu, Minli; Zhu, Jianghu; Li, Haijing; Liu, Peining; Lin, Zhenlang


    To study the clinical characteristics, antibiotics sensitivity and outcome of group B streptococcus (GBS) meningitis in neonates in order to provide the guide for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. A retrospective review was performed and a total of 13 cases of neonatal purulent meningitis caused by GBS were identified in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Yuying Children's Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University from January 1, 2005 to May 31, 2013. The clinical characteristics, antibiotics sensitivity test results and outcome were analyzed. Fever, poor feeding, seizure and lethargy were common clinical signs of neonatal purulent meningitis caused by GBS. Three cases of early onset GBS meningitis received prepartum antibiotics. All 13 cases had abnormal C-reactive protein (CRP) level, and 11 cases had increased CRP within hours after admission. Of the 13 patients, 7 were cured, 4 discharged with improvement, 2 patients died during hospitalization after being given up because of serious complication. The average length of stay for recovered patients was (47 ± 21)d. Acute complications mainly included hyponatremia (5 cases), intracranial hemorrhage (3 cases) , ventriculomegaly (3 cases) , subdural collection (2 cases) , hydrocephalus (2 cases), septic shock (2 cases), cerebral hernia (1 case), encephalomalacia (1 case). One preterm patient with early onset GBS meningitis died 1 month after hospital discharge. Among 7 survivors with 10-24 months follow-up, 3 were early onset GBS meningitis, 2 with normal results of neurologic examination, 1 with delayed motor development, 4 were late onset GBS meningitis, 1 with normal results of neurologic examination, 3 were neurologically impaired with manifestations including delayed motor development (2 cases) and seizures (1 case). All the GBS strains were sensitive to penicillin and linezolid (13/13, 10/10), the susceptibility to levofloxacin, ampicillin and vancomycin were 11/12, 9/10, 8/13 respectively. The clinical

  20. Brain ventricular dimensions and relationship to outcome in adult patients with bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sporrborn, Janni L; Knudsen, Gertrud B; Sølling, Mette


    BACKGROUND: Experimental studies suggest that changes in brain ventricle size are key events in bacterial meningitis. This study investigated the relationship between ventricle size, clinical condition and risk of poor outcome in patients with bacterial meningitis. METHODS: Adult patients diagnos...